Serving Central Oregon since1903 $1.50
SUNDAY November18,2012
er ec recor isruine
Mobile app developer: tough way
me ia ion an izzes
to make
a living
• Legislators hope to involve banks in revamping law innext session
By David Streitfeld New Yorh Times News Service
ROSEDALE, Md. — Shawn and Stephanie Grimes spent much of the past two years pursuing their dream of doing researchand development for Apple, the world's most successfulcorporation. But they did not actually have jobs at Apple. It was freelance work that came with nothing in the way of a regular income, health insurance or retirement plan. Instead, the Grimeses tried to prepare
By Lauren Dake The Bulletin
throwing overboard just about everything they could. They sold one oftheircars, gave some possessions to relatives and sold others in a yard sale, rented out their six-bedroom house and stayed with family for a while. They even cashed in Shawn Grimes'
Mideast troubles
test Obamatactic By David E. Sanger New Yorlz Times News Service
Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
Residents Isaac, clockwise from bottom, Jesse and Bobby work together to make a
TOP NEWS MIDEAST:Israeli bombs hit Hamas targets,A3
smoothie in Cascade Youth 8 Family Center's kitchen on Tuesday. LOFT (Living Options for Teens), which is part of the center, is the only shelter for teens east of the Cascades.
• Problem with grantmeansfunding could runout in months
lifestyles scrutinized, A5 TODAY'S WEATHER Chance of rain High 50, Low 39
Page B6
INDEX Business G1-6 Milestones C6 B ooks F 4 - 6 O bituaries B 4 C lassified E1-6 Opinion F 1 -3 Community C1-8 Oregon News B3 C rosswords C7, E2 Sports D 1-6 D ear Abby C3 S tocks G4 - 5 Horoscope C3 Sttdoku C7 Local News B1-6 TV8 Movies C2
The Bulletin An Independent Newspaper Vol. 109, No. 323, 46 pages, 7sections
a .e We userecycled newsprint
88267 02330
SALEM — The idea was simple enough: Put a homeowner and lender in the same room and discuss possible ways to avoid foreclosure. l More than 1,000 people a month were expected to qualify for the newly created state mediation program. To prepare, mediatorswere trained and housing counselors hired. "We all scrambled," said Keith DubanIN evich, who at the time was the chief of SALFM staff at the Oregon Department of Justice and spearheading the effort. The program went into effect four months ago. Thousands were eligible. But how many have had their cases mediated'? One. This upcoming legislative session, lawmakers said they will take another whack at Senate Bill 1552, which passed on the last day of this year's abbreviated February session. The bill created the mediation program and made it illegal for lenders to simultaneously foreclose on those who are in the midst of loanmodification negotiations. How big a battle is waged in the upcoming session likely depends on whether the two sides — bankers and homeowner advocates — can nail down the problem. SeeMediation/A5 •
by willingly, even eagerly,
"We didn't lose any sleep over it," said Shawn Grimes, 32. "I'll retire when I die.n The couple's chosen field is so new it did not even exist a few years ago: writing software applications for mobile devices like the iPhone or iPad. Even as unemployment remained stubbornly high and the economy struggled to emerge from the recession's shadow, the ranks of computersoftware engineers, including app writers, increased nearly 8 percent in 2010 to more than I million, according to the latest available government data for that category. These software engineers now outnumber farmers and have almost caught up with lawyers. Much as the Web set off the dot-com boom 15 years ago, apps have inspired a new class of entrepreneurs. SeeApps/A7
Bulletin staffreport A problem somewhere in a grant application means a shelter for homeless teens in Bend has only months left unless it finds a financial bridge to 2014, according to the shelter manager. Pat Gundy of LOFT, Living Options for Teens,said funding forthe $200,000-a-year transitional living program will run out in February or March 20D unlessthe community steps up or foundation grants can be secured. Even if a replacement grant is found, times at the shelter on Century Drive will be tight while the application makes its way through the system. "This money's running out sooner or later,"Gundy said recently. He enlisted help from U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley, Oregon Democrats, and U.S. Rep. Greg Walden, R-Hood River, to find out where an application to a runaway and homeless youth grant program at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services went awry. All three endorsed the program when Gundy submitted the application to the website in
July. Merkley spokeswoman Courtney Warner Crowell said his office inquired about the LOFT application. "We're in the process
ComingMonday More than1,000 Central Oregon students
were homeless in2011. Wehavethe details.
of still finding out. We've heard one side and we're checking with the other side." Walden spokesman Andrew Malcolm said the congressman'soffice "contacted Health and Human Services right away" after learning of the problem with the LOFT application. "We've not gotten a satisfactory response yet," he said. "We will continue to work with the senators to get to the bottom of the situation." Unlike previous applications on behalf of LOFT, this year Gundy and his associate Deidre Kasberger filed the application online, he said. Seventy percent of LOFT funding comes from the Health and Human Services grant, a million dollars applied for every five years, Gundy said. LOFT is affiliated with J Bar J Youth Services Administration of Bend. Payroll accounts for most program costs; LOFT employs 12 people to staff the facility round the clock, Gundy said. SeeShelter/A8
The eruptions in the Middle East have posed perhaps the severest, most direct test yet of the limits of President Barack Obama's signature foreign policy innovation during his first term, what the White House hails as the "light footprint" strategy. Sensitive to public sentiment that a decade of war had debilitated America, and eager to focus on economic problems athome, Obama quickly embraced a mix of remote-control technology and ata-distance diplomacy to contain the most explosive problems in the Middle East, South Asia and Africa. Strikesby unmanned drone aircraft increased sixfold, secret cyberweapons were aimed at Iran, and special forces killed the world's most-wanted terrorist and made night raids the currency of U.S. force. For a while it worked. As Obama's newly fallen director of central intelligence, David Petraeus, asked so succinctly a year ago, nWho wouldn't want a light-footprint strategy?" See Mideast/A4
TWinkie Sbecome a
hot commodityonline By Michael Liedtke The Assoctated Press
SAN FRANCISCO — Twinkies are being sold on the Internet like exquisite delicacies. Hours after Twinkie maker Hostess announced its plans to close its doors forever, people flocked to stores to fill their shopping baskets with boxes of the cream-filled sponge cakes and their sibling snacks — Ding Dongs, Ho Hos and Zingers. Late Friday and Saturday, the opportunists took to eBay and Craigslist. They began marketing their hoard to whimsical collectors and junk-food lovers for hundreds — and in some cases thousands — of dollars. That's a fat profit margin, when you consider the retail price for a box of 10 Twinkies is roughly
$5. SeeTwinkies/A6
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at
POWERBALL The numbers drawn Saturday night are:
15Q 27Q 58 Q59 I D3Q The estimated jackpot is now $250 million.
MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Saturday night are:
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It's Sunday, Nov.18, the 323rd day of 2012. There are 43 days left in the year.
conse uencescou it ave? By Jackie Calmes New York Times News Service
Many Americans must be w ondering: What is all t h is about a " fiscal cliff"? A n d why did it receive so little attention during the presidential campaign? Well, it's complicated — the s o-called cliff, that is. A n d most solutions are politically painful. In a rare show of bipartisanship, or mutual protection, both parties ducked the debate until after the election. What follows is an attempt to demystify the issue that President Barack Obama and the lame-duck Congress now are struggling over, and perhaps will occupy them right through the holidays. • What is the fiscal cliff?
pimppop App.
Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you need to know to start your day.
• The term refers to more • than $500 billion in tax increases an d ac r o ss-theboard spending cuts scheduled to take effect after Jan. 1 — for fiscal year 2013 alone — unless Obama and Republicansreach an alternative deficit-reduction deal. Ben Bernanke, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, coined the metaphor "fiscal cliff" last winter to warn of the dangerous yet avoidable dropoff ahead in the nation's fiscal path. It stuck.
The tax puestion Spending cuts arejust part of the equation. What taxes
changes are instore for 2013, if Congress fails to act on the "fiscal cliff"?
Provisionsset to expire Revenueworth, in billions
B h 'w
t ~
Employeeportion ~ of payroll tax ~ $O S Debt ceiling act• se5 Alternative minimum tax• @ Emergency• jobless benefits ~ @ Affordable Care• Act taxesI $1e Medicare
payment rates I @~
Baseline • In crease due to fiscal cliff Top earners
Fourth $108,266
• 4 2"
Middle $64,484
Second $39,790 Lowest • $20,133 1 0% 20 %
Sources: Congressional Budget Office, Tax Policy Center
© 2012 Mcolatchy-Tribune News Service
• I f w e go ove r thi s • s o-called c l i f f, wha t
• T axes would r i s e f o r • nearly e very t a x payer and many businesses. Financing for most federal programs, military and domestic, would be cut. Many economists say that while annual budget deficits are too high, these new taxes and spending cuts would be too much deficit reduction, too suddenly, for a weak economy. More t ha n $ 5 0 0 b i l l ion equals roughly 3 to 4 percent of grossdomesticproduct. The Congressional Budget Office has said the result would be a short recession, though some analysts say the measures could be managed so they do less damage. "Slope," they argue, is a better metaphor than cliff. what tax increasa •• Exactly es are in store?
• When a tax cut expires, • the practical effect is a tax increase. And a slew of tax cuts — $400 billion for 2013 — expires on Dec. 31: All of the Bush-era rate reductions; smaller tax cuts that periodically expire for businesses and individuals; and the 2-percentage-point cut in payroll taxes that Obama pushed in 2010, increasing an average worker's take-home pay by about $1,000
ayear. Also, 28 million taxpayersabout one in five, all middle- to upper-income — would have to pay the alternative minimum tax in 2012, raising their taxes more. That is because Congress has failed to pass an inflation adjustment, as it usually does, to restrict the number of taxpayers subject to the AMT largely to the affluent.
between Obama and Congress that ended their standoff over raising the nation's debt limit. In that deal, they agreed to re-
duce spending by $1 trillion over 10 years and to identify another $1.2 trillion in savings by January 2013. If they failed to agree on the second installment — as isthe case so far — the automatic cuts would kickin. did the parties creQ•• Why ate such a fiscal and economic threat'?
Highlight:In1883, the U.S.andCanadaadopted Standard Timezones. Ten years ago:U.N.inspectors returned to Iraq after four years. Fiveyearsago:A methane blast killed101 coal miners in Ukraine. One year ago:Campus police at the University of California, Davis, used pepper-spray on nonviolent Occupy protesters.
BIRTHDAYS Author Margaret Atwood is 73. Actor Delroy Lindo is 60. Comedian
Kevin Nealon is59. Pro Football Hall of Famequarterback WarrenMoon is 56. Actor Owen Wilson is 44. Actor Mike Epps is 42. Actress Chloe
Sevigny is 38.RapperMike Jones is32. Actor DamonWayansJr. is 30. — From wi rereports
• Can't Democrats and Re-
• publicans agree on anything here? • They actually agree on • a lot. Neither side favors the sequester, an expanded AMT or Medicare cuts for physicians; the issue in preventing those outcomes is where to find offsetting savings to avoid adding to annual deficits. And both parties want to extend all of theBush tax cuts for 98 percent of taxpayers — on income below $250,000 for couples and on income below $200,000for individuals. Their main disagreement is a familiar one: the Bush rates on income above that, for the top 2 percent of t axpayers. Obama campaigned against the rates in 2008 and in 2012. In December 2010, when the Bush tax cuts originally were to expire, Obama reluctantly agreed to extend all of them for two years in exchange for Republicans' support for the temporary payroll tax cut and extended jobless aid. This time, he swears, is different.
Thanksgiving Buffet Turkey r47i th all the trimmings
at Broken Top Club
now? Might they Q•• What reallyreach an im passe?
Three Seati ng sr
l lam, lp m & 3 p m
It was part intentional, one knows. Despite A •• part A •• No coincidental. market jitters about that The intentional: Since Ronald Reagan's administration, with mixed results, presidents and Congresses have occasionally mandated a self-imposed future crisisto force themselves to agree on unpopular tax-and-spending actions. In that spirit, the idea behind the August 2011 deal was that Republicans would so fear the military cuts and Democrats
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outcome, Democrats suggest that they are w i lling to l et Jan. 1 come and go without resolution unless Republicans relent on the top rate. That
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bravado, to make Republicans blink. A Washington Post-Pew Research Center poll this week found that a majority of Americans would blame Republicans for failure.
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spending would be Q•• What cut? • Anemergencyunemploy• ment compensation program is expiring, which would save $26 billion but end payments to millions of Americans who remain jobless and have exhausted state benefits. Medicare payments to physicians would be reduced 27percent, or $11 billion, because Congress this year has not passed the usual so-called doc fix to block the cuts, which otherwise are required by a 1990s cost-control law. The biggest cut would be $65 billion, enacted across the board for m ost f ederal programs over the last nine months of fiscal year 2013, from January through September. This cut, known as the sequester, was mandated by an August 2011 budget deal
the domestic spending cuts that they would negotiate a deficit-reduction alternative by the Jan. 1 deadline. The coincidental: The measures from the 2011 deal are set to take effect at the same time as the changes to jobless benefits, the AMT adjustment and the Medicare "doc fix" — a confluence that the two parties did not fully expect back in August 2011. The nation will also reach its debt ceiling in January, creating additional uncertainty. Accounting maneuvers by the Treasury Department could push that deadline to March, but Obama wants a debt-limit increase as part of any deal, adding another item to the agenda.
Higher taxes Average hikeper household: 5 percent. Dollar amounts belowrepresent the top earnings ineachdivision.
• President Barack Obama arrives in Southeast Asia. A3
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Qbama headsto Asia in foreign policy 'pivot'
IN BRIEF Egyptianbus crash kills 51 children A SSIUT, Egypt — A speeding train that crashed
into a bus carrying Egyptian children to their kindergarten o n Sa t u rday killed 51 and prompted a wave of anger against a government under mounting pressure to rectify the former regime'slegacy of neglect. The crash, which killed children between 4 and 6 years old and three adults, led to local protests and accusations from o u traged Egyptians that President Mohammed Morsi is failing to deliver on the demands of last year's upris-
ing for basic rights, dignity and social justice. The accident left behind a mangled shell of a bus t wisted u n derneath t h e blood-splattered train outside the city of Assiut, some 200 miles south of Cairo. Children's body parts, their books, schoolbags and tiny socks were strewn along the tracks.
Irish protesters push for legal abortion DUBLIN About 10,000 people m a r ched t hrough Dublin and o b served a minute's silence in memory of the Indian dentist who died of blood poisoning in an Irish hospital after being denied an abortion. S aturday's prote s t stopped outside the office of Prime M i nister Enda K enny, where m any l i t candles and held pictures of Savita Halappanavar. T he 3 1-year-old d i e d Oct. 28one week after being hospitalized with severe pain at the start of a miscarriage. She was 17 weeks pregnant with her first child. Doctors refused her requeststo remove the fetus until i t s h e artbeat stopped four days after her h ospitalization. Her w i d ower and activists say she might have survived had the fetus been removed sooner.
Hatem Moussa/The AssociatedPress
Smoke rises during an explosionfrom an Israeli strike Saturday in Gaza City. Israel bombarded the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip with nearly 200 airstrikes early Saturday.
Israel poundsGazafrom air By Abigail Hauslohner
pling the Hamas government The Washington Post that rules the coastal strip. JERUSALEM — Is r a el's Just b e f or e sun d own, 4-day-old air offensive in the Hamas said it had shot an IraGaza Strip expanded nian-made Fajr-5rocket to target Hamas govat Tel Aviv, and air raid ernment buildings on sirens sounded in that Saturday, and Palestin- • More o n ci t y for the third day in a Mideas ian militants continued row. The Israeli military firing a torrent of rockco r iflic said its newly deployed A4 ets at civilian areas in missile defense battery southern Israel, as both intercepted the r ocket sides stepped up diplobefore it landed in the matic efforts to win support. populous coastal city. Israeli airstrikes over Gaza Even as airstrikes pounded accelerated to nearly 200 early Saturday morning, the foreign in the day, including one hit that minister of Tunisia's Islamistreduced the offices of Hamas led government, Rafik AbdesPrime Minister Ismail Haniyeh salem, arrived in Gaza with to asmoldering concrete heap. a d elegation, u nderscoring That strike, along with others Hamas' newfound credibilon a police headquarters and ity in a region dramatically alsmuggling tunnels along the tered by the Arab Spring. Abstrip's southern border with dessalem expressed outrage Egypt, raised questions about at what he called Israeli "agwhether Israel had broadened gression" and pledged to unite its mission to including top- with other Arab countries to
end the conflict. In Cairo, Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi, whose prime minister visited Gaza on Friday, held meetings with Turkey's prime minister, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and the emir of Qatar, both Hamas supporters, to discuss what Morsi and other regional leaders have promised would be a more robustresponse to Israel's actions than during past conflicts. By Saturday night, rumors of M o r si, E rdogan and Hamas chairman Khaled Meshaal hashing out a ceasefire plan were swirling but unconfirmed. A lso in C a iro, the A r ab
New York Times News Service W ASHINGTON — O n the stump this fall, President Barack Obama boasted that he had "brought more trade cases against China" than his predecessor had. In an ad, he asserted that his challenger "never stood up to China." During a debate, Obama said he expanded trade with other Asian nations "so that China starts feeling more pressure"to play by the rules. T he contest with M i t t Romney is over, but the contest with China is only gathering steam. After a political campaign spent talking about how tough he was with Beijing, the newly r e - elected p r esident departed for Asia on Saturday for his first postelection overseas trip, a whirlwind swing through C hina's backyard that i s fraught with g eopolitical implications. With the election over, the White House has softe ned it s l a n guage a n d presents the trip not as an explicit attempt to contain China but as the next stage of its so-called pivot to Asia,
reorienting U.S. foreign policy aftera decade of wars in Iraq and Afghanistan toward the economic and political future of the Pacific. On the cusp of a second term, Obama sees such a shift as a mission for the next four years and a possible
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League held an emergency meeting to discuss an Arab response to the conflict. It was unclear if the usually toothless league would deliver decisive action by the end of its summit.
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Talibanprisonersreleased in pushfor peacetalks By Rod Nordland
spokesman, Zabiullah Mujahid, reached by telephone, said KABUL, A fgha n i stan there were "important" prison— Many of at least a dozen ers among thosebeing freed, Afghan Taliban prisoners be- and that the insurgents had ing released by Pakistan are confirmed that some had alsignificant figures, according ready reached home. to officials on all sides, and Richard Hoagland, a deputy Afghan peace representati ves United States ambassador to were exultant Saturday as they Pakistan, praised the move as announced thatmore releases well, and said the U.S. would might follow. help Afghanistan and Pakistan The releases are expected to provide safe passage home for help bolster the efforts of the the freed prisoners. "We have said from the beHigh Peace Council, the Afghan government's negotiat- ginning that it is very imporing body, to start talks with the tant for Afghanistan to lead insurgents. Prisoner releases and to own the reconciliation have been a core demand of the process," Hoagland said. "And council, and Pakistan's move there is going to be a role for was seen as a good-faith effort very important players like to advancethe moribund peace Pakistan, too, so it's a very good process. step and we are pleased." Previously, the council had Nine men have been rebeen rejected as insignificant leased so far, the head of the by the Taliban and dismissed High Peace Council, Salahudas impotent by Western diplo- din Rabbani, said Saturday at mats. Pakistan agreed to the a news conference, adding that prisoner releases, the most the release of additional prisonsignificant it has yet made, on ers is expected. Thursday after a visit by the The prisoners, Rabbani said, council to Islamabad. were being given their freeThe insurgents were quick to dom either in Afghanistan or praise the releases. A Taliban Pakistan. New York Times News Service
Pakistan developing armed drones KARACHI, PakistanPakistan is secretly racing to develop its own armed d rones, f r ustrated w i t h U.S. refusals to provide the aircraft, but is struggling in its initial tests with a lack of precision munitions and advanced t argeting
technology. One of Islamabad's closest allies and Washington's biggest rivals, China, has offered to help by selling Pakistan armed drones it developed. But i n d ustry experts say there is still uncertainty about the capabilities of th e C hinese aircraft. The development ofunmanned combat aircraft is especially sensitive in P akistan because of t h e widespread un p o pularity of the hundreds of U.S. drone strikes against Taliban and al-Qaida militants in the c ountry's r ugged tribal r e g ion b o r dering Afghanistan.
Probe: Float crossed tracks after signal MIDLAND, Texas — A p arade float f i l led w i t h w ounded v eterans t h a t was struck by a f r e ight train ha d c r ossed onto the railroad tracks after warning signals were going off, investigators said Saturday. Four veterans of Iraq and Afghanistan were k i l led and 16 more people were i njured when t h e t r a i n crashed into th e f l atbed truck in West Texas. It was the second of two floats carrying veterans in Thursday's parade in Midland. The first was exiting the tracks when the warning bells and signals were activated, 20 seconds beforethe accident,according to the National Transportation Safety Board. — From wire reports
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DEC. 16, 2012
Coast Guard ends search for rig workers The Associated Press N EW ORLEANS — T h e Coast Guard on Saturday evening called off its search for two workers missing after an explosion and fire on an oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico a day earlier. Four others workers were badly burned in the blaze, which evoked memories of the deadly 2010 Gulf oil
in a news release Saturday night. A spokesman had no a dditional comment on t h e decision. The blaze erupted Friday morning while workers were using a torch to cut an oil line on a platform owned by Houston-based Black Elk Energy about 20 miles southeast of Grand Isle, La. spill. Four workers were severely Helicopters and a fixed-wing b urned, though B lack E l k aircrafthad been searching a Energy spokeswoman Leslie 1,400-square-mile area around Hoffman said their burns were the platform by air, while cut- not as extensive as initially ters and boat crews searched feared. The four, being treated the sea, over a 32-hour period. in a burn unit, are from the "The search is suspended Philippines. It's unclear whethpending f u r t he r de v elop- er the missing men worked for ments," the Coast Guard said a contractor.
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Israeis avee esont es asroc ets enetrate ee er Missile warfare in the Middle East
By Sheera Frenkel McClatchy tVewspapers
TEL AVIV, Israel — Restaurants and bars across Tel A viv w ere h a lf-empty t h i s weekend, as many residents of Israel's commercial center stayed indoors for fear of rocket attacks. On Saturday evening a siren sounded across the city and its surrounding suburbs, sending beachgoers diving into the sand and pedestrians ducking behind cars. It was the third day in a row that rockets fired by militants in Gaza managed to reach Israel's center. "Tel Aviv was always a city that was too cool to care," said Boaz Himmel, a waiter at a trendy cafe. "There was war in Lebanon, war in Gaza, war in Syria and we would just sit
here sipping cappuccinos." On Saturday, however, he said that few customers lingered over their coffee. "People are definitely going about their daily lives, but you know, they are keeping one ear out for the siren and one eye up at the sky," he said. Those who were looking toward the south Saturday evening could see the Iron Dome missile i n terceptor s y stem exploding a rocket which was aimed at southern Tel Aviv. The system, which was deployed in Tel Aviv earlier this weekend, has been one of the great successes of Israel's military arsenaL As of Friday, police officials said that more than 600 rockets had been fired into Israel by militants in Gaza. Of those, more than half fell in open areas away from civilian infrastructure,and more than 240 were intercepted by the Iron Dome. "Some people think t h ey don't need to run for cover. They think that Iron Dome is a fail-safe, but it's not," said Ron Huldai, the mayor of Tel Aviv. "We are still urging all Israeli citizens to take cover in sheltersor in reinforced areas when they hear the warning sirens." Hamas militants took responsibility for the rocket fire into central Israel, confirming Israeli claims that they were
Israel launched its operation against Gaza miiitants on Wednesday in what it said was an effort to end months of rocket fire out of the Hamas-ruied territory. it began the offensive with an unexpected airstrike that killed Hamas' military chief and since then has relentlessly targeted suspected rocket launchers and storage sites. 5 miles
The lsraeli military says it has destroyed many Gaza launch sites for the Iranian-supplied Fajr-5 missile.
Mediterranean ga z a City
Nuseirat o
Fajr-5 l a unch site
he(Yo nis
However, Hamas spokesmen say the two missiles launched toward Israeli cities Friday were of a new type built in Gaza, called the M-75; no specifications for this weapon are available.
20 miles
Range: 50 miles
, ISRA i. I
Length: 21 feet
:, West '; Bank JORDAN
Tel Aviv
Warhead: 198 pounds
,aza Strip
Fajr-5 missileThoughtto be longest-range weaponin
Gazan missile lands near Gush Etzion, 35 miles from Gaza border
Hamas' arsenal
Sources: BBC, Israeli Defense Forces, AP, Global Security © 2012 McClatchy-Tribune News Service
firing I r a nian-made Fajr-5 missiles. Israel,meanwhile,bombarded the Gaza Strip with more than 300 air strikes, widening its attacks to include Hamas administrative buildings. An I sraeli a i rstrike also destroyed the Hamas prime m inister's headquarters, a police compound and a police training area. Witnesses in the southern Gaza Strip said that Israeli air strikes were also hitting the hundreds of smuggling tunnels linking Gaza to
Egypt Israel's Channel Two News reported that tanks along the Gaza border also opened fire into Gaza on Saturday, the first time Israel has used artillery since it launched Op-
eration Pillar of Defense four
days ago. T he use of a r t i llery f i r e furthered speculation that a ground operation into Gaza was imminent. Speaking to reporters on a military base near Gaza, Maj. Gen. Tal Russo, head of the military's southern command, said that Israel was "absolutely" ready to send in ground troops. The recent exchanges between Israel and militants in Gaza came as Egypt attempted tobroker a ceasefire amid the various Palestinian factions in Gaza. So far, 42 Palestinians, including 13 civilians, have been killed, while three Israeli civilians have died.
Donilon, recalled last week, came back quickly: "We were Continued from A1 overweightedin some regions, But implicit in Petraeus' such as our military commitarch question was the rec- ments in th e M i ddle East," ognition that the strategy and underweighted in regions has limited utility. And now where America's future prosObama is under more pres- perity lay, notably elsewhere in sure than ever to become Asia. engaged in the Middle East T hat helps explain w h y in a way that he avoided Obama is moving ahead this during t h e pr e sidential weekend with a trip to Thaicampaign. In his own party, land, Myanmar and Cambodia there are rumblings that he rather than burying himself should intervene more diin the Situation Room in a rectly to halt the slaughter running conference call with in Syria — by placing Pa- Prime Minister Benjamin ¹ triot missiles around the re- tanyahu of Israel and President gion to take down President Mohammed Morsi of Egypt, Bashar Assad's air power whom Obama is leaning on to — and to renew efforts in contain the militant Palestinthe Israeli-Palestinian peace ian party Hamas and stop the process as soon as the cur- predictable escalation of misrentmissile barrages can be sile attacks. "We never considered scrapcontained. Overarching al l t h o se ping the trip," one of Obama's problems is the question of top aides said Friday. "It's the Iran, which has fueled the difference between keeping Syrian conflict in part to focused on what's important show that it will not sit idly in the long term and the urgent while sanctions eat away crisis du jour, which will alat its oil revenue. Obama ways be there." has declared that he wants To Obama's critics, the root to start direct negotiations of theseeming absence of U.S. with Iran — but it is a last- leverage in the Middle East toditch effort, his own aides day is a light footprint that was a cknowledge, to avert a simply too light. "I think the way to undermilitary confrontation that they fear could come by the stand Obama's approach — I middle of 2013. wouldn't call it a strategy — is O bama had hoped not to that he has a uniform preferbe preoccupied with these ence tokeep most problems at crises in the last weeks of a distance," said Eliot Cohen, a his first term. The hope four professor at the Johns Hopkins years ago was that by now School of Advanced Internahe would be reaping the tional Studies who worked for peace dividends of extract- Mitt R o mney's p residential ing America from Iraq and campaign and helpeddevelop withdrawing from Afghan- Romney's critique of Obama's istan, even if the mission approach. "That is what the w as farfrom complete,so light footprint has been all he couldturn to what during about. And it's run out of gas." the campaign he frequently Syria has already become characterized as "some na- the next argument over the tion-building at home." utility of the light footprint. Since 2009, Obama has Obama long resisted getting tried to avoid getting sucked into the vortex of Middle Eastern conflict and dysfunction that drained so many of his predecessors. It was a deliberate choice from the start, his aides say. Fresh to the presidency, he asked his national security staff to reassess where America was overinvested and underinvested around the world. The answer, his national security adviser, Thomas •
already happening anyway." There seems to be no chance of a U.S. ground intervention; even McCain, th e S enate's strongest hawk, stops short of advocating that. But Obama's own aides acknowledge that his hope that he could hold back and let those with more direct interests take the lead has been dashed.
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sive crater left by an Israeli Los Angeles Times strike on the city's sports staJ ABALIYA, G a z a S t r i p dium and insisted that Gazans — Stepping over his daughter's should press forward with the mangled teddy bear and pink conflict. "We can't stop now," he said. bedroom curtains, math teacher Hossam Dadah salvaged "If Israel wants a long-term what he could from the wreck- truce, this time there must be age of his home and said he's conditions that improve our had enough. lives, such as lifting the blockTwo of his children were ade on the borders and the hospitalized after Israeli air- sea." strikes destroyed the three-stoThe conflicting views of orry house next door, which was dinary Palestinians summed owned by a Hamas official. up the calculation now facing "This has to end," said Da- Hamas, the I slamist group dah, his black hair covered that has been struggling for with concrete dust from the five years to find a balance beexplosion. Hamas should quit tween its roots as a resistance while it's ahead, he said. army and its responsibility for Not far away in Gaza City, governing the Gaza Strip. p oliceman M o hamed A b u One Israeli strike injured Islam peered into the mas- Ibrahim Salah, a n I n t erior
Some Palestinians weary of fight By Edmund Sanders
involved in that conflict even from the air, as he did in Libya. The international community was too disorganized; there was no NATO or Arab League effort; and the Russians and the Chinese blocked effective action at the United Nations. Also, with the election looming, Obama had no interest in immersing America in a new war just as he was exiting two others. "We're not going to do a damn thing until the election is over," one of his senior diplomats fumed in the summer. But with about 40,000 dead as a result of the conflict in Syria, the pressure on Obama is building, even from some Democrats. Sen. John McCain of Arizona, who ran against Obama in 2008 and has been among the most vocal advocates of greater intervention, argues that "every bad thing that we predicted would happen if we intervened — instability in Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey — is
Ministry official, who suffered a fractured skull. He and his wife were hurt when a missile destroyed their Jabaliya home, family members said. "There were five children in the house," said Salah's daughter, Fatma, 20, who was on the top floor of the building with her children when it collapsed on her parents. "We received no warning. We've never been targeted before. It's a miracle no one was killed." Her still-frightened 2-yearold daughter, Lina, lay in a hospital bed next to her with bandages around her head. Her 3-year-old son, Mohamed, seemed oblivious of the cuts on his face and more interested in the crush of well-wishers and journalists.
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-s ar i es e un erscru in By Greg jaffe The Washington Post
WASHINGTON — Former defensesecretary Robert Gates
stopped bagging his leaves when he moved into a small Washington military enclave in 2007. His next-door neighbor was Mike Mullen, then the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who had a chef,a personal valet and — not lost on Gates — troops to tend his property. Gates may have been the civilian leader of the world's largest military, but his position did not come with household staff. So, he often joked, he disposed of his leaves by blowing them onto the chairman's lawn. "I was often jealous because he had four enlisted people helping him all the time," Gates said in response to a question after a speech Thursday. He wryly complained to his wife that "Mullen's got guys over there who are fixing meals for him, and I'm shoving something into the microwave. And I'm his boss." Of the many facts that have come to light in the scandal involving former CIA d i rector David Petraeus, among the most curious was that during his days as a four-star general, he was once escorted by 28 police motorcycles as he traveled from his Central Command headquarters in Tampa, Fla. to socialite Jill Kelley's mansion. Although most of his trips did not involve a presidentialsize convoy, the scandal has prompted new scrutiny of the imperial trappings that come with a senior general's lifestyle. The commanders who lead the nation's military services and those who oversee troops around the world enjoy an array of perquisites befitting a billionaire, including executive jets, palatial homes, drivers, se-
Pablo MartinezMonsivais/Associated Press file photo
Gen. DavId Petraeus testifies before the Senate Armed Services Committee in June 2010 on Capitol Hill in Washington. His resignation as head of the CIA following a scandal has cast a spotlight on the lifestyle of four-star generals. curityguards and aides to carry their bags, press their uniforms and track their schedules in 10minute increments. Their food is prepared by gourmet chefs. If they want music with their dinner parties, their staff can summon a string quartet or a choir. The elite regional commanders who preside over large swaths of the planet don't have to settle for Gulfstream V jets. They each have a C-40, the military equivalent of a Boeing 737, some of which are configured with beds. Since Petraeus' fall, many have strained to understand how such a celebrated general could have behaved so badly. Some have speculated that an exhausting decade of war impaired his judgment. Others wondered if Petraeus was never the Boy Scout he appeared to be. But Gates, who still possesses a modest Kansan's bemusement at Washington excess, has floated another theory. "There is something about a sense of entitlement and of
We've asked DOJ and others to have it defined and that wasn't Continued from A1 included. It's a big issue." Sen. Lee Beyer, D-SpringAnother concern with the field, was one of the bill's chief law, he said, is some of the res ponsors, along w i t h S e n . quirements toserve a person Brian Boquist, R-The Dalles. papers are cumbersome. "There are certain notices The two are drafting legislation they think will ensure the that have to b e p e rsonally intent of the original legislation served," he said. "You have a is intact. person who has vacated the Since 1959, the bulk of fore- premises and can'tbe located closure proceedings were done and that would affect the abiloutside of courtrooms, known ity to move forward with a as nonjudicial f o reclosures. foreclosure." There wasn't a need to go beKen Sherman, with the Orfore a judge, and no lawyers egon Bankers A s sociation, were necessary. The Senate said the idea of legislatively bill passed last session applies expanding the mediation law only to nonjudicial foreclosure to include judicial foreclosures proceedings. Suddenly, for the won't sit well with bankers. "There area number of imfirst time in decades, banks overwhelmingly opted to go the purities an d i m p erfections judicial route, which is likely to in the 2012 legislation, which further strain cash-strapped need to be addressed," Shercourts. man said. "It's like if you're Beyer said the bill is ineffec- building a house and you distive because the large lenders cover the elements of the house and banks aren't participating. aren't holding up and some "What's not working," he pieces are shorter and everysaid, "is that (the banks) aren't thing is crooked. You don't say working with it." the best thing is to expand the Beyer and Boquist are work- house." ing with the state's top judge to Sherman, who sits on the place thesame requirements state's foreclosure avoidance on judicial foreclosures. So, mediation advisory board, or no matter the route, mediation FAMP, created by the DOJ, would be required. said one of the problems is "en"We're having it drafted, and tirely too much bureaucracy, I suspect the banks will op- too many forms, too many pose that and we'll see how it things have to be filed here and plays out," Beyer said. "It's cu- recordedthere." rious because the current bill Overall, he said, the bill has for nonjudicial foreclosures, a "dozen little problems." "Individually they are irriwhich they could do today, has no standards other than they tants; put them all together and notify the homeowner and sit it bogs it down," Sherman said. down with the mediator and Kelly Harpster, a Lake Ostalk." wego attorney who represents But Kevin Christiansen, the homeowners and also sits on government affairs director the FAMP advisory board, said with the Oregon Bankers As- she believesbanks are trying sociation, said that's a conve- to tie the mediation law to the nient narrative. ruling on the Mortgage Elec"I think there's a perception tronic Registration Systems, placed out there that somehow or MERS, which is the system the banks have thumbed their that the lenders have used to nose or taken their toys and recordmortgage transfers.The have gone home, and that's not state's Supreme Court is exthe case," he said. pectedto hear oral arguments In addition to the new me- on the Court of Appeals decidiation law, the Oregon Court sionthisJanuary. Harpster beof Appeals ruled, shortly after lieves banks would like to see a the bill went into effect, that legislative fix, letting them off lenders can't foreclose un- the hook for not being able to lessthey show recordings of a track each step of homeowner mortgage's ownership step-by- mortgages. "Consumer advocates want step in county offices. It all adds up to too much the mediation program to work uncertainty for lenders, Chris- and so (banks) are trying to tie tiansen said, and makes it the two together for leverage, make more sense to take the which is smart," Harpster said. "They want to go back to judicial route. C hristiansen said b a n k s nonjudicial fore c l osures," also have real concerns about Harpster said of lenders, notthe mediation law. ing that the process is quicker First, it is meant to help "at- and more affordable. "But they risk" homeowners. want the MERS bill they have "What is 'at risk'?" he said. been asking for and has been "It's not defined in the statute. rejected."
having great power that skews people's judgment," Gates said last week. Among the Army's general officer corps, there is little support for Gates' hypothesis. "I love the man. I am his biggest supporter. But I strongly disagree,"said retired Gen. Peter Chiarelli, who served as Gates' senior military assistant. "I find it concerning that he and others are not focusing on the effect on our guys of fighting wars for 11 years. No one was at it longer than Petraeus." But other veteran commanders concurred with Gates. David Barno, a retired three-star general who commanded U.S. troops in Afghanistan, warned in an interview that the environment in which the top brass lives has the potential "to become corrosiveover time upon how they live their life." "You canbecome completely d isconnected from th e w a y people live in the regular world — and even from the modest lifestyle of others in the mili-
tary," Barno said. "When that happens, it's not necessarily healthy either for the military or the country." Although American generals have long enjoyed many perks — in World War II and in Vietnam, some dined on china set atop linen tablecloths — the amenities afforded to today's military leaders are more lavish than anyone else in government enjoys,save for the president. The benefits have not generated much attention among a public that has long revered its generals as protectors of the nation and moral beacons. And no general has been revered more than Petraeus, a fact that Mullen remarked upon at his retirementceremony. He joked thata woman approachedhim ata dinner party, eyed his medals and asked him if he was somebody important. "I'm the president's top military adviser," he replied. "Oh my goodness, General Petraeus," the woman said to Mullen. "I'm so sorry. I just didn't recognize you." Petraeus cultivated his fame
by grasping, before most of his comrades, how the narrative of modern warfare is shaped not just on the battlefield but among the chattering class back home.He invited book authors to accompany him, granted frequent interviews to journalists, fostered close relationships with Washington think tanks and embraced political leaders on both sides of the aisle. When President George W. Bush needed a savior for the foundering war i n I r aq, he turned to Petraeus, making him the frontman for the troop surge in Baghdad. In the first six months of 2007, Bush mentionedPetraeus'name 150 times in speeches.
Also inside
their potential. • Bend sees Uptick in new hom e If anything, she said, she construction,G1 would like to see more teeth added to the bill, possibly mandating banks to sit down with Rep. Tina Kotek, D-Portland, homeowners and mediate. who was nominated by her parLocal representatives are ty to be the next speaker of the interested in tackling the issue House, said she's not inclined this session as well. to let the Legislature tackle the Rep. GeneWhisnant, R-SunMERS issue, but instead let the river, who was involved in the courts decide. original legislation, said lawAnd although she's sur- makers should figure out how prised that the Senate bill, to "(incentivize) the program which she worked on, isn't go- in some way to make it worthing as planned, she still feels while for the bankers to go to homeowners are being pro- mediation." tected more than they were The nominated Republican previously. House Leader Mike McLane, "If the goal is to make sure R-Powell Butte, said something the homeowner has a fair con- has to be done. "It's a poor choice for lenders versation with t h eir l ender, that's happening," she said, in Oregon to ignore the mesadding it's just in the courts. sage of Senate Bill 1552," he She said she's also pleased said. "We need to participate in the infrastructure is in place a genuine discussion." — Reporter: 541-554-1162, and noted sometimes these p rograms take time t o h i t
Furorover Benghazi By Mark Landler New York Times News Service
WASHINGTON — Susan Rice was playing stand-in on the morning of Sept. 16 when she appeared on five Sunday
news programs, a few days after the deadly attack in Benghazi, Libya, that killed four Americans. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would have been the White House's logical choice to discuss the chaotic events in the Middle East. But administration officials said she was drained after a harrowing week consoling the families of those who died, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. So instead, Rice, the ambassador tothe U.N., delivered her now-infamous account of the episode. Reciting talking points supplied by intelligence agencies, she said the Benghazi siege appeared to have been a spontaneous protest later hijacked by extremists, not a premeditated terrorist attack. Within days, Republicans in Congress were calling for her head. In her sure-footedascent of the foreign-policy ladder, Rice has rarely shrunk from a fight. But now that she appears poised to claim the top rung — White House aides say she is President Barack
Obama's favored candidate for secretaryof state — this sharp-tongued,self-confident diplomat finds herself in the middle of a bitter feud. Yet th e f i r estorm over Benghazi raises more basic questions: Is Rice the best candidate to succeed Clinton as the nation's chief diplomat? Does she have the diplomatic finesse to handle thornyproblems in the Middle East? And even if she is confirmed, has the episode so tainted her that it would be hard for her to thrive in the job? Rice's supporters say she has compiled a solid record at the U.N., winning the passage of resolutions that impose strict sanctions on Iran and North Korea. While some in the State Department are wary of her, Rice has a core of support among Obama's aides. They insist that Benghazi will not derail her chances. Some analysts said Obama's defense of her ata news conference last weekwas so impassionedthat he had left himself little room to put forward an alternative. Still, other longtime Washington observers question if Obama would risk a battle over his secretary of state when he needs to cut a deal with Republicans on the budget and taxes.
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Twinkies Continued from A1 Greg Edmonds, of Sherman, Texas, is among those w ho believe Twinkies a r e worth more now that Hostess Brands Inc.has closed its bakeries. He lost his job as a sales representative eight months ago, so he is hoping to make some money feeding the appetites of Twinkie fans and connoisseurs. After spending a c o uple hours drivingaroundto stores Friday, Edmonds wound up with 16 boxes of Twinkies and Ding Dongs. He started s elling t hem S a turday o n eBay, advertisingthree boxes for ahefty price of$300. "I could really use the extra money since I'm unemployed," Edmonds, 50, said. "I figure I better sell them pretty quickly because I am not sure how long this novelty is going to last." Contrary to popular belief, Twinkies don't last forever. Most bought in stores Friday carry an expiration date of early December. If buyers don't bite, Edmonds isn't sure what he will do with his supply. He doesn't even like Twinkies. "I do like to have a Ding Dong every once in a while, though," he saId. John Stansel, of T ampa, Fla., blanches at the thought of eating a Twinkie. He's a self-described health nut. Yet he, t o o , r u m m aged shelves late Friday at a neigh-
) ' 7 ') -.ono eweraarar "
Brennan Linsley I The Associated Press
A cashierrings up boxes of Hostess Twinkies and Cup Cakes at the Hostess Brands' bakery in Denver. Boxes of Hostess products are selling far above retail on online auction sites. borhood Walgreens and then again early Saturday at Target and a grocery store. He spent about $100 for 20 boxes of Twinkies and Ding Dongs. His goal: sell them for about $1,000 and put the money to good Use. "Maybe I will h ire a personal trainer for myself or go do some shopping at Whole Foods or donate the money to a charity to fight diabetes," Stansel, 40, said. "No matter what, I figure I a m getting sugar offthe streets." Although Hostess is shutting down, it's still possible that Twinkies, Ding Dongs and Ho Hos could make a comeback. Th at's b e cause Hostess is planning to sell its brands and other assets at an auction to be overseen
by a U.S. bankruptcy judge
in New York. Several potential buyers could emerge for T winkies, particularly w i t h t he r ecent o u t pouring o f affection. A hearing on Hostess's liquidation request is scheduled for Monday morning. Not all online sellers are demanding top dollar. Some boxes are being listed at $5 to $20. Others are willing to barter. "I am willing to trade a box for some good microbrew. A real quality six pack," offered a thirsty New York seller on Craigslist. D espite hi s d i s dain f o r junk food,Stansel confesses he won't sell a few of his individually wrapped Twinkies. He plans to give them to his n ostalgic friends and f a mily as stocking stuffers for Christmas.
cl, SALES DATES NOVEMBER 18 — 22, 2012
— otr$
Moonshinersset up in Georgia city hall The Associated Press D AWSONVILLE, G a . Moonshine distillers are making their first batches of legal liquor in t h i s t in y G eorgia town's city hall, not far from the mountains and the ma-
roon, orange and gold canopy of trees that once hid bootleggers from the law. A handful of moonshine distilleries are scattered around the South, but observers say this is the first they've ever seen right in a city hall. The distilleries come amid an in-
creased interest in the U.S. for locally made specialty spirits and beer brewed in homes and micro-breweries. The D awsonville m o onshine makers and city officials say the operation helps preserve a way of life. It also carries on traditions of an era when moonshine meant extra income forfarmers, medicine for their children and helped fuel the beginnings of NASCAR racing. "Dawson County was, sure enough, the moonshine capi-
tal of the world at one time," distiller Dwight Bearden said, as he checked on th e still where the third batch of Dawsonville Moonshine was being prepared. "It was just a way of life back then." The clanking of the still and the smell of corn and alcohol fill the room several yards and a few interior walls away from the offices of the city clerk, the mayor and other officials running the town about 60 miles north of Atlanta. The city leases the space to the distillery.
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Continued from A1 T hese i n n ovators h a v e turned cellphones and tablets into tools for discovering, organizing and controlling the world, spawning a multibilliondollar industry virtually overnight. The iPhone and iPad have about 700,000 apps, from Instagram to Angry Birds. Yet with the U.S. economy
"Can someone drop everything and start writing apps? Sure. Can they start writing good apps? Not often, no ... competition is fierce
The struggling entrepreneur nowadays, and decent isn't good enough."
yielding few good opportunities in recent years, there is debate about how real, and lasting, the rise in app employment might be. D espite th e r u m or s o f hordes of hip p rogrammers starting mi llion-dollar businesses from t h ei r k i t chen tables, only a small minority of developers actually make a living by creating their own apps, according to surveys and experts. The Grimeses began their venture with high hopes, but their apps, most of them for toddlers, did not come quickly enough or sell fast enough. And programming is not a skill that just anyone can learn. While people already employed in tech jobs have added app writing to their resumes, the professionoffers few options to most unemployed, underemployed and discouraged workers. One success story is Ethan Nicholas, who earned more than $1 million in 2009 after writing a game for the iPhone. But he says the app writing world has experienced tectonic shifts since then. "Can someone drop everything and start writing apps? Sure," said Nicholas, 34, who quit his job to write apps after iShoot, an artillery game, became a s e nsation. "Can they start writing good apps? Not often, no. I got lucky with iShoot, because back then a decent app could still be succ essful. But c o mpetition i s fierce nowadays, and decent
Daniel Rosenbaum /New York Times News Serwce file photo
Shawn and Stephanle Grimes' "Henry's Smart Headlamp" app, is a learning game for preschooiers. The Grimes' efforts to make apps cost $200,000 in lost income and savings, but their apps have earned less than $5,000 in 2012. valuable U.S. companiesApple, Google, Microsoft and IBM — are rooted in technology. And it was Apple, more than any other company, that set off the app revolution with the iPhone and iPad. Since Apple unleashed the world's freelance codersto build applications four years ago, it has paid them more than $6.5 billion in royalties. Last year, federal statisticians changed the title and the exact composition of a j obs subcategory to reflect the new prominence of apps. And the tech industry has begun making claims about how apps are contributing to t h e b r oader economy. A study commissioned by the tech advocacy group TechNet found that the "app economy" — including Apple, Facebook, Google's Android and other app platforms — was responsible, directly and indirectly, for 466,000 jobs. The study used a methodology that searched online help-wanted ads. Using the same methodology, Apple said this month that its app business had generated 291,250 jobs for the U.S. economy, as varied as developers and UPS drivers. That number rose 39 percent in less than a year. During that time, the number of U.S. developers paying the $99 annual fee to register with Apple rose 10 percent to 275,000.Some ofthese registered developers have full-time
ago "mobile app" wasn't even in people's vocabulary. "Now there's this enormous, entirely new job segment that didn't exist before," he said. "Apple has become a jobs platform." Michael Mandel, the economist who conducted the TechNet study, said it was problematic to slice the jobs data as Apple had done. "The guy who writes an Apple app one day will write an Android app the next day," he said. "You can't add up all the numbers from every study to get the total number of jobs." For many of the developers not working at traditional companies, moreover, "job" is a misnomer. Streaming Color Studios, a game developer, did a survey of game makers late last year. The 252 respondents, while not a scientifically valid sample and restricted to one segment of the app market, indicated what many people had suspected: The app world is an ecology weighted heavily toward a few winners. A quarter of th e r espondents said they had made less than $200 in lifetime revenue from Apple. A q uarter had made more than $30,000, and 4 percent had made more than $1 million. A few apps have made it
Like many computer experts, Shawn Grimes started experimenting with apps almost as soon as Apple opened its doors for the iPhone. He wrote an Internet security program as well as a tool for studio photographers to manage portraitsessions. Those amateur apps pulled in more than $5,000 from Apple. L ate l as t y e ar , S h a w n Grimes was laid off as a computer security specialist by Legg Mason, the Baltimore financial firm. The dismissal shook his confidence. "I worked really hard," he said. "I did my best. But ultimately my career was not in my hands." The layoff, a result of Legg Mason's decision t o e l i m inate the jobs of 300 tech support workers, had been in the works for more than a year, which gave the Grimeses plenty of time to contemplate their future. They have strong family roots in the Baltimore area but would have relocated for a position with a Silicon Valley giant. Google, which receives 2 million applications a year, interviewed Shawn Grimes, but he did not make it past the preliminary stages. With direct employment out of reach, he decided to work in-
— Ethan Nicholas, app developer
the severance from his job at
the need for a full-time job. Shawn Grimes now works O ne t h in g t h e y n e v e r as an app developer for ELC scrimped on was technology, T echnologies, a n Or e g o n especially Apple technology. company that a llowed him At one point they owned a 24- to stay in Baltimore. Stephainch iMac, a Mac Mini, a 24- nie Grimes is still working on inch cinema display screen, Campfire Apps. two 13-inch MacBook Airs, While Shawn Grimes was a 15-inch MacBook Pro, two angry at Legg Mason for layiPad 2s, two Apple TVs, two ing him off, Apple delivered iPhone 4s and an iPhone 3GS. little — but it also made no " We justify b u ying n e w promises. "People used to exmodels by saying we need pect companies to take care of them to test out the apps," them," he said. "Now you're in Shawn Grimes said. charge of your own destiny, for Soon, though, it got to the better or worse." point where Shawn Grimes The Grimeses' quest cost needed to take on freelance them more than $200,000 in work, which brought in cru- lost income and savings. So far cial income but took time away this year, their eight apps have from Campfire Apps. By the earned $4,964. When the newbeginning of summer, troubled est iPhone came out at the end by several persistent health of September, the couple imcare issues, he surrendered to mediately bought two.
Legg Mason.
dependently by writing apps.
He had no illusion that he was likely to become rich. Mostly, he hoped to find satisfying work that paid enough to provide a middle-class living and some shelter from a shifting economy. But with hundreds of new apps introduced every day in Apple's store, the field is overc rowded — s omething t h e Grimeses learned quickly and painfully. Stephanie Grimes, 32, quit isn't good enough." her job teaching kindergartThe boom in apps comes ners to join the couple's new as economists are debating venture, Campfire Apps. They the changing nature of work, downsized to a two-bedroom which technology is reshapextremely big, including Ins- apartment."We either succeed ing at an accelerating speed. tagram, the photo-sharing app and it's awesome, or we fail The upheaval, in some ways that was bought by Facebook and it was awesome while it reminiscent of the mechanizain April for $1 billion. When lasted," she said. tion of agriculture a century app developers dream, they They worked steadily on ago, began its latest turbulent dream of triumphs like that. apps that r evolved around phase with the migration of jobs doing something else and Most developers, however, children. Henry's Smart Headtech manufacturing to places write apps in their spare time. make their money when some- lamp was a learning game for like China. Now service and Apple has become increas- one buys or upgrades their app preschoolers, a hunt for hideven white-collar jobs, like ing assertive i n p r omoting from Apple's online store, the den objects that the Grimeses file clerks and data entry spe- the economic benefits of apps only place consumers can buy hoped iPhone-wielding parcialists or office support staff as its own wealth and promian iPhone or iPad app. ents would think was worth and mechanicaldrafters,are nence have grown and its emApple keeps 30 percent of $2 for a moment of distraction. disappearing. ployment and other business each app sale. While its job A free versioncalled Henry's "Technology is always de- practices have come under creation report trumpets the Spooky Headlamp got 5,409 stroying jobs and always cre- scrutiny. The company issued $6.5 billion the company has downloads during Halloween ating jobs, but in recent years a statement for this article say- paid out in royalties, it does 2011. the destruction has been hap- ing it was "incredibly proud not note that as much as half of The couple aimed for one pening faster than the cre- of the opportunities the App that money goes to developers new app a month, but progress ation," said Erik Brynjolfsson, Store gives developers of all outside the United States. The was slow and sales were slowan economist and d i rector sizes," but declined to answer pie, while growing rapidly, is er. In March, with the apps of the MIT Center for Digital questions. smaller than it seems. bringing in only about $20 a "My guess is that very few day, they cashed in Shawn Business. At the company's annual Still, the digital transition is meeting this spring, the chief developers make a living off Grimes' 401(k), which yielded creating enormous wealth and e xecutive, T i m othy C o o k , their ow n a p ps," said Jeff $30,000aftertaxes and penalopportunity. Four of the most noted that just a few years Scott, who runs the Apple app ties. They had already spent
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New Yorkcommuters still feel painfrom Sandy
"We've been doing the best O'LOaag Q we can under difficult circumAQU ATE'LV~ NEW YORK — Eric Gsell- stances," said Port Authority meier's shortest commutehome spokesman Ron Marsico. this week began in downtown PATH, the train system run Manhattan at 4:30p.m. and by the Port Authority, used to ended two hours and 20 min- carry 260,000 commuters on utes later in his three-bedroom an averageday,many of them Colonial home in Westwood, through the World Trade CenN.J., 27 miles to the north. ter and Hoboken hubs. But It included a rattling subway both hubs areout of service, ride, a 30-minute wait in an un- and commutersare instead removing line in the Port Author- directed to buses, overloading ity Bus Terminal and a halting, them. hourlong bus ride in the dark, The buses depart from the where commuters squeezed Port Authority terminal, which up and down the aisles, some has seen lines stretching out standing with hands pressed the doors since Sandy. Officials + LLT FEES, VIN¹ CR269164 against overhead c ompart- have installed barricades and ' "'5."' MSRP PRICE $23,355 ments for stability. caution tape and enlisted dozRAMC/VISTHESMARTCHDICEFORSMALLBUSINESS. FACTORY REBATE-$1,250 And that was an easy day. ens of police to keep lines or2012 FORO TRAHSIT "The lines are insane; it's derly. Ask the frustrated com- I 2012 ll AM ClV CONHEC TVAN The 2012 Ram C/V is destined to become the favorite disorganized — they just don't muters waiting in these lines •MORECARGO CAPACITY 144.4 cu ft 129.6 cu ft of small businesses everywhere. Designed to deliver on have the capacity for all these what their longest commute is, •MOREPAYLOAD CAPACITY 1,800 Ibs 1,600 Ibs every key business measure, Ram C/V's capability, power people," said Gsellmeier, 29, and many will say two to three • M ORE GV W R 6,050 Ibs 5,005 Ibs who works i n i n f o rmation hours one way. and affordability leave Transit Connect sitting at the curb. •MORE TOWINGCAPACITY4 Towingnotrecommended "This is miserable. I've never ,3,600 Ibs technology consulting. • MOREPOWER 283 hp I 6,400 rpm 136 hp@6,300 rpm Gsellmeier is one of the tens seen lines like this," said De260 Ib-ft torque 128Ib-fttorque of thousands of workers whose nise Duran, 38, who moved to • M ORE RA N G E ' 5 00 hwy mi l e s / 416 hwymiles/15.4-gallon normal commutes are still dis- New Jersey in October, only to 20-gallon fuel tank fueltank ruptedtwo weeks afterSuper- see her 45-minute commute to POWERTR AIN LIMITEDWARRANNe 5-Year/100,000-Mile 5-Year/60,000-Mile hl LOWhNCE i 3 6 N )NTHS i GRAPHICS ALLOWANCE~ storm Sandy flooded tunnels, Rutherford turned into a misCheck out the RamC/Vtoday. There's just no shorted out power stations and erable hours-long trek. destroyed signaling equipment New Jersey Transit, which comparison. Andthat's the bottom line. in New York and New Jersey, carries 136,000 people into OhRIE upending the mass transit sys- Manhattan o n a n a v e rage I tem. While some subways are day, has reduced service too. ~llNE 1865 North East Highway 20• Bend back in service, transit officials S pokeswoman Nancy S n yThefastIanefer smalIbusiness. R JLM are workingto restore some of der said the train system was Greg Thiessen Fleet Manager • (541) 749-2791 the most popular and heavily coping with washouts, broken • 877-2THELINK trafficked train lines, but say wire-supporting poles, damit could still be weeks before aged drawbridges and power 'see your dealer forcomplete details andacopy ofthe5Year/100 000Mile Limitedwarranty ©2012chaseFinancial Allrightsreserved Ra mis aregistered trademarkof chrysler Groupac ©2012 chrysler Groupac All rights reserved Exoires 11/30/12 travel is back to normal. outages. By Alana Semuels Los Angeles Times
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Medicare experimentswith 'bundled' payments By Laurie Skrivan and jim Doyle
called "bundled payments" to see if it can spur hospiST. LOUIS — To improve talsto lower treatment costs the quality of h ealth care while delivering high-qualand cut medical costs, the ity care. federal government is focusIf the pilot program is sucing increasingly on a sim- cessful, it could be rolled out ple, though powerful tool: nationally to al l M e dicare changing hospitals' financial patients. Here's how the program incentives. Already, the federal Cen- will work: tersfor Medicare and Med• Medicare will reimburse icaid Services is penalizing hospitals at a fixed rate for hospitals that provide inef- all care related to an indifective medical t r eatment. vidual's primary diagnosis, Those hospitals with a high such as a patient's need for percentage of patients who knee replacement surgery. are readmitted for the same • A hospital that delivers condition within 30 days of a high quality care at a lower hospital stay will receive low- cost will make money on a er federal reimbursements. treated patient. But a hospiNow, the agency is prepar- tal whose treatment of the ing to test a billing method patient results in complicaSt. Louis Post-Dispatch
Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
Program manager Pat Gundy and office manager Maggie Wells log the amount of community service hours each resident acheived for the afternoon Tuesday at the Cascade Youth & Family Center in Bend.
Drive, last year provided a home for 27 tenants younger Continued from A1 than 18. They stayed an aver"This is the only teen shel- age of nine months, during ter east of the Cascades in the whichtimetheywent to school, state of Oregon," he said. worked part time, volunteered Gundy said he hit send on at local nonprofits and worked the grant application on a Fri- on skills like resume writing day in July, two days before and interviewing, Gundy said. the Monday deadline.When There is a waiting list, and the contractor that processes the house has rules — like a the applications curfew, limits on c ellphone accessed the LOFT applica- use, and drug an d a lcohol tion — 55 pages in 11-point screening. "If they had a better option, Arial font — it came up short several pages, Gundy said. they (would) already be opThat took points off the ap- tioning it," he said. plication, which dropped its Isaac, 17, of Prineville and ranking and caused LOFT to one of 12 living at LOFT (none eventually lose out, he said. of the teenagers interviewed for "My reaction to that was, this report provided their last 'That can't be right; there has names) on Thursday arrived to be an appeal process,'" Gun- there fresh off a 32-day stint in dy said. "No, there's not." Deschutes County juvenile deEven if the glitch is resolved, tention for minor in possession available funds for this period of alcohol. He'd already been are allocated and LOFT will kicked out of his home, he said, probably not receive the grant over "family troubles." in 2013. It can apply again for Gundy talked to Isaac in dethe period starting in 2014, he tention, not something Gundy sard. does frequently. "The house he Ken Wolfe, a spokesman grew up in was probably not f or th e A d m inistration f or the safest, and if he was not Children and Families at the going to get in trouble again, Department of Health and Hu- his best bet would be in here," man Services, contacted Tues- Gundy said. "So far he's makday, said he would check the ing the most of it." status of the LOFT grant apLOFT provides the stable plication but had not provided environment Isaac didn't find information as of Friday. at home; he gets help finding Gundy said th e p r oblem a job, advancing his educalies with th e w ebsite. He's tion, staying clean and sober, reviewed the LOFT applica- he said. He said he expects to tion filed online and found no obtain his GED and someday missing pages, he said. enroll at the culinary program "I can open onto our account at Central Oregon Community on,n Gundy said. College. "The things they're telling me House rules "don't bother we're missing on their end me," he said. "It all pans out to I can see on my end." help you. It's better than living LOFT, at 19 S.W. Century where I was."
Military cuts put burden on Guard'scitizensoldiers By Mark Brunswick (Minneapolis) Star Tribune
M INNEAPOLIS — Wa r weary after 11 years of combat, the U.S. military is retooling, rebalancing and retraining, drawing down its forces and facing massive budget cuts for the first time in years. As the active duty reduces its numbers, the country's reserveforce willbe asked to do more, and do it with less. The Pentagon has been ordered to slash its budget by $487 billion over the next decade, cuts that will change the face ofthe modern American military. In Minnesota, the 13,000member M i nnesota G uard will be most visibly affected
by the changes. The Guard's weekend warriors essentially will be put on permanent alert status — a future that could include serving more frequently or for longer periods of time. " You j u s t n e v e r kn o w what's going to happen in the future," said Minnesota National Guard Sgt. Major John S chwartz, w hose t eam i n south central Minnesota was the state's top recruiters this year. "There are wars going on and we're here to fight them."
is that there are more Minnesotans who want to serve than we have force structure for," said Lt. Col. Stephen Burggraff, commander of the Minnesota Guard's recruitment and retention battalion. Particularly in M i nnesota, where the Guard dominates: Nearly half of those who enlist in the military in the state sign up with the Minnesota Guard. "We are the military people affiliate with and watch," said Col. Jon Jensen, chief of staff for Minnesota's top general. Still, the Guard must constantly replenish its ranks at one end ofits force to address retirements at the other.
courage doctors, hospitals and other health care providers to work together to better coordinate care for patients both when they are in the hospital and after they are discharged." If successful, the pilot program could be rolled out nationwide, CMS' Sandoe said. A bundled payment system is very different from the CMS' current "encounter-based" system. U n der the current system, there are few economic incentives for hospitals to reduce the risks of complications or readmission. Instead, hospitals are rewarded financially when they increase the number of treatments or procedures a patient undergoes.
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T he M i n n esota G u a r d spends $4 million a year on recruiting a n d ma r k eting, much of it as sophisticated and subliminal as any corporate branding campaign. They still make time-tested trips — gear and all — to high schools around the state, setting up climbing walls and obstacle courses. But they also bring the traveling Army Adventure Van, with its computer-simulatedbattlefield scenes, to a generation brought up on
p~ =r r~~rt iD urtlD,ur
video games.
They've spent more than $1.4 million over the past three Preparing for this new real- y ears to advertise with t he ity includes a renewed focus Minnesota Vikings and the by the Guard on recruiting Minnesota Wild. new soldiers and caring for Besides massive billboards its members who have come hanging outside Mall of Amerhome damaged. ica Field, the Guard sponsors a As the active duty Army is day in which football players reduced, the National Guard and coaches from across the is expected to remain at about state are brought in for oneits current 358,000 soldiers or on mentoring with V i k ings face only slight r eductions. personnel.They discuss tying The Minnesota Guard is ex- physical fitness and nutrition pected to reduce its mission to good citizenship and lifestrength by only 55 soldiers style skills that just might innext year. clude joining the military. The Guard often had a waitThe Guard has also focused ing list last year and said it can on improving the diversity in afford to be selective. "The its ranks, particularly among situation in Minnesota today Hispanics.
tions, hospital readmission and other problems will bear the cost of that additional care. T his pilot program i s a creative way fo r h o spitals and physicians to work together and take better care of patients at l o wer c ost, said Walter Kopp, a hospital consultant based in San Anselmo, Calif. "The health care industry is entrenched in fee-for-service medicine, and it has to break out," Kopp said. "This is an attempt to get at that." CMS soon will select the hospitals for the p rogram, which begins in January. E mma Sandoe, a C M S s pokeswoman, s a i d th a t bundled payments will "en-
New recruits
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Oregon news, B3, B5 Northwest news, B6 Obituaries, B4 Weather, B6 THE BULLETIN • SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012
as ea a ine avern a c ose ca
3 hospitalized after U.S. 97 crash A Klamath Falls man
was in fair condition Saturday evening at St. Charles Bend fol-
lowing a two-vehicle crash on U.S.Highway 97 between Bend and
Redmond late Friday. The crash at about 11 p.m. Friday injured
three people, according to Oregon State Police. A southbound 2004
Bulletin staff report A downtown Bend restaurateurexpressed reliefand gratitude Saturday morning, the day after a water-heater glitch apparently filled the place with explosive levels of natural gas and sent her patrons hastily into the street. A party of eight had just been seatedin the Garden Room at Pine Tavern Restaurant, 967 N.W. Brooks St.,
when a server asked the patrons to pick up their jackets and evacuate. "There's a gas leak," said restaurant owner Justine Bennett. She said the staff behaved superbly in identifying the
the firefighters, the electric company, the police," Bennett said. "The word from the (fire department) captain was that, all in all, it was a great experience that could have gone
gas leak and calmly getting
Forty-nine people were evacuated from the building, which includessecond-story apartments, according to the Bend FireDepartment on Friday. Nearby streets were
very badly."
customers out of harm's way. "I was so thrilled at how well everyone acted under pressure, everyone from my
people up to the gas company,
closed and neighboring businesses also evacuated. A Pine Tavern employee, around 5:40 p.m., smelled natural gas at the top of stairs leading to the basement — so much gasthe employee became nauseated, said Bend Fire Department Capt. Andy Hood. Natural gas is naturally odorless; a chemical called mercaptan that produces a smell like rotting cabbage is
added to get people's attention in the event of leaks.
"The biggest message for
folks" who suddenly smell natural gas is "call 911," not the gas company, Hood said. He said the Pine Tavern employees did the right thing: called 911, calmly evacuated the building and shut off any open flame and electric appliances on the way out. See Leak/B2
Toyota 4Runner driven by Eric Schneider, 46, of Bend, was hit from be-
hind near milepost 125
Idaho team recovers victim from
by a 2009 Pontiac driven by Pedro Sanchez Cari-
ero, 23, of KlamathFalls, police reported. After the impact, the
Toyota ran off the highway and rolled, coming to a rest on its side, and
the Pontiac stopped in the center turn lane on the highway, police said.
Lake Bily
Sanchez Cariero was
taken by air ambulance to St. Charles, where
he was listed in fair
condition at 7:30 p.m. Saturday.
Schneider declined
• Man drowned in Septemberwith son
medical treatment, and
two passengers from his vehicle also were
hospitalized, police said.
By Ben Botkin
Their nameswere unavailable.
The Bulletin
Police didn't have information about wheth-
er anyone involved in the accident was wearing seat belts.
OSP wasassisted by the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office and fire departments from Bend and Redmond. — Staff report
Photos bytoe Kline / The Bulletin
Amber Wark, of Bend, right, watches as Megan Wark, 6, and Seth Wark, 8, look through wooden kaleidoscopes for sale at the Holiday Craft and Gift Show on Saturday at the Bend Senior Center.
The House of Representatives voted Friday to boost the trade status of
Russia and Moldova by granting them perma-
nent normal trade relations. The Russia and Moldova Jackson-Vanik
Repeal Act of 2012also included a provision that requires Russia to
cooperate with the U.S. in imposing sanctions
on those responsible for the 2009 murder of Sergei Magnitsky, a lawyer who was investigating
allegations of corruption when he was killed. See Week/B2
The Bulletin
olls, birdhouses, jewelry and other assorted handcrafted goods filled the Bend Senior Center on Saturday. More than 60 vendors brought their wares to the Holiday Craft and Gift Show Organized by the Bend Park 8t Recreation District, the ninth annual event has steadily grown over the years, said Sue Boettner, manager ofthe senior center at 1600 Reed Market Road. "It runs the gamut from dog leashes to jewelry," she said. The event offers a start to
the holiday shopping season while also giving people the chance to buy handcrafted products that support local sellers, said Boettner.
, Fc
) h aag
Jan Swander, of Bend, smells a variety of soapsduring the Holiday Craft and Gift Show on Saturday. "We just feel like this is a kickoff to the holiday season," she said. George Waugh and his wife, Kathy Waugh, a couple from Bend, did some shop-
ping for neighbors and co-workers. Among their finds: oven mitts, one with a University
of Oregon Ducks logo and another with the Oregon
State University Beavers. "We don't have enough money to buy all the things we want," he said, adding that they appreciate the opportunity to buy local wares. Birdhouses were up for sale at Jack Remington's table. The rural Bend man makes them from a variety of supplies, such as cattail stems and turkey feathers. "I like to use different materials," he said. "It makes them unique." One table over, Leigh Reilly, of La Pine, had her wares up: dolls made from pillowcases and handkerchiefs. The handkerchiefdollswere known for placating fidgety youngsters. "In church, they would fold the handkerchiefs to keep the kids quiet," she said. SeeCrafts /B2
A team from Idaho has recovered the body of Eugene Harris from Lake Billy Chinook with a remotely operated vehicle that retrieved his remains from a depth of 115 feet, the Jefferson County Sheriff's Office said. The recovery at 3 p.m. Friday ends search effortsthat began more than two months
ago. On Sept. 6, Harris, 73, of Madras, had drowned in an accident after jumping into the water to help his son, Mark Harris, 37, who was injured water skiing. The son's body was recovered shortly after the accident, but initial attempts to locate the father's remains were unsuccessful. "They had heard about it and wanted to come over and try to do something to see if they could locate the victim," Jefferson County Sheriff Jim Adkins said. The Harris family was relievedto have the recovery effort concluded, Adkins said. For Gene Ralston and his wife, Sandy, making the trip from their home in Kuna, Idaho, to Central Oregon was a shorter drive than others they've made on similar quests. They have traveled extensively, including Alaska, Kentucky and Canada, on recovery efforts. They had trained the team from Klamath Falls that was unable to locate the body shortly after the accident. See Body/B5
A story headlined
"Redmond schools get $900K settlement from contractor in lawsuit
over leaky roof," which appeared Thursday, Nov. 15, on Page C1, in-
correctly characterized the nature of the dispute between Redmond School District and Robinson Construction of Hillsboro. The settlement resulted from mediation. In addi-
tion, roofing contractor Cascade Heating 8 Specialties and five other
subcontractors paid shares of the settlement totheRedmond School District.
A story headlined "Hargrave gets life in
son's murder," which appeared Saturday, Nov. 17, on Page C1, incorrectly identified the
judge who sentenced James Hargrave. Deschutes County Circuit
Judge Wells Ashby sentenced Hargrave. The Bulletin regrets
the errors.
Bend womenfirst in Oregon to exercise the right to vote Compiled byDon Hoiness from archived copies of The Bulletin at the DesChutes Historical Museum.
YESTERDAY ly by their sisters — suffragists and antis — throughout Ore-
gon, and especially as regards
100 YEARS AGO For the week ending Nov. 17, 1912
Bend women first at polls Women may vote in the local city election on December 3. To Bend women willfallthe distinction of first exercising in Oregon the rights of their recently acquired suffrage, for the election here will be the first in the state under the provisions of the new law. Bend, then, will have a hand in Oregon history on the 3rd, and the example set by Bend women will be watched close-
the interest they take in their ballot-casting right and duty. Official confirmation of the fact that Bend women will have the vote here is contained in the following letter, received by Mayor Putnam from Attorney General A.M. Crawford: Replying to yours of the 12th, asking whether women of your city have the right to vote at your city election which occurs on December 3rd, and alsoasking forthe procedure relative to the final granting of suffrage to women of the state, I beg to say that according to the decision of Judge Bean of the Federal Court, about a
year ago, an initiative measure takes effect and is in full force and effect from the moment the polls are closed on election day. The proclamation of the Governor is simply the means of preserving the evidence that the measure passed. Therefore, women have just as much right to vote as men in any city, state or county election, and have such right since the 5th day of November. Under theamendment a woman will be able to serve on a jury, and will be eligible for any state, county or city office. Hereafter it will probably be necessary for a woman, as well as her husband, to take out naturalization papers before voting, if she be a naturalized foreigner. SeeYesterday /B2
Are you looking for an exquisite Thanksgiving meal without
any of the work? Our T h anksgiving brunch will feature holiday favorites including local turkey and juicy prime rib as well as our chef's wonderful pu m p ki n cheesecake.
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on the return run over the barren salt beds of Bonneville Continued from B1 flats in Utah. The Thunderbolt The only requirements weighs seven and one-half are those governing m a le tons and its specifications are voters, namely, that she has closely guarded secrets. Capbeen a resident of the state tain Eyston broke the record six months and in the district of 301 miles an hour set by a thirty days. fellow countryman, Sir MalRegarding t h e se v e r al colm Campbell. "ages" of the newly enfranchised woman, the following 50 YEARS AGO data is applicable: At the age of 18 years a For the week ending woman is a ble, legally, to Nov. 17, 1962 draw up her will, or marry Brooks-Scanlon names of her own f ree choice. At Devereauxoffice m anager the age of 15 she may marry with her parent's permission, A newly-elected member of and after that, i f m a r r ied, the Bend City Commission, she is exempt from any mis- Leon E. Devereaux, Jr., now demeanor underthe juvenile finds himself wit h a n other act. Now, with the right to important job: He has been vote, she is not legally of age named Brooks-Scanlon, Inc., to mark a ballot until she has o ffice manager, to f i l l t h e passed 21 summers. vacancy created by the resignation of Will E. Storey to accept a position in Lewiston, 75 YEARS AGO Idaho. For the week ending D evereaux, a n a t iv e o f Nov. 17, 1937 Bend, is a longtime member of the Brooks-Scanlon staff Invitations and regrets and the son of a former Shev(Editorial) lin-Hixon staff member, Leon When Bend's Lava Bears Devereaux, Sr. The younger hung up a state champion- Devereaux attended g r ade ship football record this sea- and high school in Bend, and son, there was little thought was attending Oregon State t hat an y d i f f i culty w o u l d College in 1941 when he enbe encountered in bringing listed in the U.S. Navy air in a worthy opponent for a service. A fighter pilot aboard Thanksgiving Day g a me. the big carrier Shangrila in Ordinarily when a champion the Pacific, he was in action puts up his championship as in many strikes against the the prize, the i nvitation to Japanese. contest for it is accepted with He is a former exalted ruler alarming promptness. of the BPOE lodge in Bend. There has been, however, He was one of the five men no such alacrity in accepting named to the Bend City ComBend's invitation. There has mission at the general election been, rather, a manifest dis- last week. position to find reasons for Giant Saturn super rocket not accepting. Salem, first choice byreason of its record roars 104 miles into space of no defeats and no ties in America's mighty Saturn Oregon (although beaten by super rocket, the key to the Camas, Washington, at the nation's plan for conquering start of the season), took ref- the moon, roared 104 miles uge in the worn excuse of "al- into space today and scored its titude." Jefferson High School third straight success. of Portland, second choice as T he Saturn r o cket a l so high ranking team of that city, spewed 95-tons of water into intimated that there would be space as a bonus experiment eligibility complications. to punctuate th e d r amatic It is to be regretted that nei- performance. ther of the two teams in the The 162-foot rocket vaulted state which rate sufficiently from a launching pad and behigh to be given post-season came the largest and heaviest considerationcares to come object ever to fly into space. to Bend, and it is to be hoped There is no indication the that neither, in its refusal, is Soviet Union has built a rocket actuated by too wholesome of this size. respectfor the general prowAt the end of the flight, the ess of the Lava Bear squad Saturn was deliberately blown and the able quarterbacking up to release 95 tons of water it of its signal caller, Dave An- carried as ballast in its upper drews. Fans, however, can- stages. not be too severely criticized The water formed a massive if they arrive at some such white ice cloud that could be conclusion. seen from the ground. The Saturn is scheduled as Hurling thunderbolt the keystone of America's amat world's speed mark bitious plans to land men on Piloting his 3,250 horse- the moon before the end of the p ower Thunderbolt a t t h e decade. rate of 311.42 miles an hour, Captain George E.T. Eyston, Cubans announce they will 40-year-old B r i tish s p orts- fire on U.S. planes man, today set a new world Cuba told the United States speed recordfor automobiles. today that "from today on" Eyston hit 319 miles an hour American surveillance flights
over Fidel Castro's island will encounter anti-aircraft fire.
25 YEARS AGO For the week ending Nov. 17, 1987
Tycoons learn interest Fifth-graders at St. Francis school brought a cigar box stuffed with cash to the Mid Oregon Federal Credit Union on Thursday, saying their decision to deposit the money there was pure economics. "We called six other places, but this is the place where they pay the highest interest," said Ted Jeans, 11, of Bend, the students' unofficial spokesman. The 28 students in K aty O'Rourke's class had $218 in profit left over from a combined car wash and hot dog sale they held on Nov. 7. The children, who called themselves the "Dirt Busters" and proudly claim, "We ain't afraid of no cars," teamed up to wash 56 cars in one day. The 11-year-olds said they plan to spend the money on a field trip to the coast later in the year, but the entrepreneurial youngsters wanted to earn interest while they decided what to buy. According to O'Rourke the students' business v enture was meant to show them that they could make money and to teach them new vocabulary words. "They learned words like 'gross, net profit, negotiate and interest,'" O'Rourke said. "Now they a r e l e arning what 'publicity' means," she sa>d.
Drought turns Mirror Pond into mud flat pond Mirror Pond in Bend is at low tide. Well, that's no t l i t erally true, but m a n-made dams that control water levels in the Deschutes River as the earth and moon control ocean tides have made the Mirror Pond look like a coastal mud flat. D eschutes C ounty W a ter Master Bob M ai n s a id the river flow is so low that t he Pacific Power & L i g h t Company, which has several leaks, is letting more water spill through it than it's hold-
ing back. On top of that, Main said, local irrigation districts are siphoning off water to allow users to fill stock ponds. This has furtherreduced the water in the river. Main said enough water usually is flowing down the river for the PP&L dam to make it back up. But that's not happening t his year, M ai n s a id. B e c ause of th e s ummer a n d fall drought, Wickiup, Crane Prairieand other reservoirs have very low water levels. So the water master's office is releasing as l i ttle w ater out of them into the river as possible.
a bill introduced by Sen. John Tester, D-Mont., and designed to
Continued from B1
give greater access to federal land
were less successful. The bill
for recreational use, particularly hunting and fishing. The measure
would establish a framework for companies that operate critical components of the nation's infrastructure to share information about cyber threats with the gov-
Russia wasrecently admitted to the World Trade Organization, and the bill's supporters hope it will in-
also includes conservation mea-
crease U.S.exports to Russia in the near future. Themeasurepassed
by the sale of stamps (such as duck stamps required as licenses
by a 365-43 vote, with 227 Repub-
to hunt migratory birds) to funds
sures that direct funds generated
licans and138 Democrats voting in for protecting rhinos, elephants its favor while 37 Democrats and six Republicans voted against it.
and tigers, among others. It also
contains a controversial provision that would allow hunters storing
U.S. HOUSEVOTE • Russia and Moldova JacksonVanik Repeal Act of 2012
Walden(R)................... Y Blumenauer (D)........... Y Bonamici (D)................Y OeFazio (D)................... N Schrader (D) ................Y The Senate voted Thursday
to advance theSportsmen's Act,
polar bear carcasses inCanadato bring them into the U.S. Needing
60 votes, the measureadvanced,
for the day; the nearby Bend Brewing Company remained
Continued from B1 F irefighters arrived t o find the gas level at the basement entrance so high it gave them pause. "Our policy is when we find a reading that's 10 percent of the lower explosive limit, we don't make entry," Hood said. "In this case, what our guys detected was levels near 40 percent of lower explosive limit." Explosive levels of natural gas are between 4 and 15 percent of the air volume measured — less than 4 percent is too sparse to ignite, above 15 percent it's too rich, Hood said. Firefighters backed out, cut power to the building to extinguish ignition sources, closed the surrounding streets and waited for Cascade Natural Gas Corp. to respond, Hood s a id. An area about a block in each direction was evacuated, although most businesses had already closed
open. Neighboring properties
to advance, the measure failed by
vote on passagebefore the Senate
a 51-47 tally.
U.S. SENATEVOTE • Sportsmen's Act Merkley (D) ..................Y Wyden (D)....................Y
• Cybersecurity bill Merkley (D) ...,.............. N Nlyden (D).................... N — Andrew Cievenger, The Bulletin
Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.: 107 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C.20510 Phone: 202-224-3753 Web:
Bend office: 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite 208
Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. 223 Dirksen SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-5244 W eb:
Bend office: 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite107 Bend, OR 97701 Phone: 541-330-9142
(541) 388-441 8
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For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit www.bendbulletin.comlofficials. Bend, OR 97701 Phone: 541-318-1298
Also see usfor
+ C aPt
left for the Thanksgiving break as
some leaders hadhoped.
a~a g~S S Ip
— Reporter: 541-977-7185; bbotlzi n@bendbulleti
maintain that it gives the Department of Homeland Security too much authority and doesn't sufficiently address privacy
84-12, although it did not receive a
"The shutoff valve was m a different location than what they were used to seeing on a regular basis," said Cascade spokesman Tony Spilde. "It's not super complicated; it just looked different." Spilde said a technician arrived within minutes of the call and had the gas shut off by 6:30 p.m. The building was vented, and gas and power were restored to the vicinity by 8:15 p.m. after a plumbing contractor inspected the building, according to a fire department report. The gas leak started with a leaky water pipe above a hotwater heater, "to be precise, a highly computerized water heater," Bennett said. The pipe leaked water onto the water-
Continued from B1 Reilly, who has a son in the Army, also makes a military bear, with imagery on the cloth representing all five branches of the armed forces. Freya Tripp, of B e nd, sold cloth bags intended for use in place of Christmas wrapping paper. It's an environmentally friendly alternative, she said. Bill Dilworth, a retired Bend logger, now carves wood products with f i sh themes, such as cribbage boards and boxes to store personal items. "It's a really neat holiday atmosphere," he said.
ernment. The legislation's critics
information on individuals without a warrant. Needing 60 votes
gas company.
Efforts to move the Cybersecurity bill on Wednesday
concerns if the government can use internet providers to collect
also were left without electric power. Hood said firefighters tried to turn off the Pine Tavern gas supply but due to the valve location decided to wait for the
heater control panel. When the automatic dishw asher demanded hot w a ter, gas began flowing to the hot-water heater, but the pilot light had extinguished, the burners were out and the gas just spewed into the basement, Bennett said. Hot-water systems typically come equipped with a feature that shuts off the gas when the pilot light extinguishes. "We bought these water heaters because they were reallysafe,"she said. "We have to find out what happened to the automatic shutoff valve."
I(igS ('f2 qng Ungei-) FI-ee
U.S. House of Representatives
Rep. GregWalden, R-Hood River 2182 Rayburn HouseOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone:202-225-6730 Web: http:I/ Bend office: 1051 N.W. BondSt., Suite 400 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452
Sen i ors(4
Grain handlers announce last offer to longshoremen
Elida S. PerezI isalem) Statesman Journal
Robert Darling assembles a robotfrom one of his Siotto sets in his home workshop in January 2010.
Salem manturns toyland into profit "They agreed to fund my company and told me to 'lay SALEM — Robert Darling low,'" Darling said. was known a r ound Salem He s t opped a d v ertising three years ago for standing and selling the product and on the corner of Trade and remained without a regular Liberty streets dressed in a income. Houndstooth sport coat, white He took a loan from a friend dress shirt, a tie, black slacks to get by hoping a deal would and black penny loafers. be made. But the company The well-dressed man was was unsuccessful reproducnot waiting for a ride. He was ing the product with plastic, taking his fruitless job search and no deal came. during the economic downHe t r i e d a diffe r ent turn to the streets. He stood approach. there day in and day out holdDarling said he contacted ing a sign that read: "I need a a radio personality for help. job!" Reaching out led to a 48-hour Nothing solid came of his Internet sale, which ultimately u nconventional j o b hu n t - led to another company's ining, so he decided to direct terest in mass producing and his energy into making a toy selling Slotto. instead. The result of his laIn the meantime, he went bor, Slotto, is a construction through a seriesof large orset made of medium density ders which required him to fiberboard. periodically hire t emporary He finalized the prototype help because making the conlast year and started selling it struction set requires precise locally and online. Sales trick- cuts in the materials for the led in, but again, a stable in- sets of 260 pieces. come from the venture didn't He rented a w o r k space, materialize. then had to downsize. The inHe persisted. come he gotfrom those orders Then he said he caught a would go back into producing. break with a phone call last He still had no profits. January from the CEO of a Then he struck a deal. major corporation interested Darling said he was able in mass producing the sets to sign a l i c ensing agreewith plastic instead of fiber- ment w i t h Mer c h Source, board, and then selling them and the sets are now being to major store chains. mass produced overseas by a By Elida S. Perez
(Salem) Statesman Journal
branch of the company called TreeHaus. The c ompany p r o duced 150,000 sets that will be on the shelves in time for the holiday season. They currently are being sold at the Keizer Station Bed Bath & Beyond. Darling said he was so excited when they arrived on th e shelves, he went and purchased two of the sets himself. He said they will be sold in other stores. Through the year of struggling to get backing for Slotto, D arling went through a d i vorce and remained financially unstable. B ut for th e f i rst t ime i n about three years, he sees light at the end of the tunnel after signing the agreement with MerchSource. For at least five years, Darling will have a source of income. At that point they will re-evaluate the agreement, he said. Until then, he said he will create more Slotto products. Although his patent is still pending, he was able to get a registeredtrademark from the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. He also said he and his former wifeare in the process of reconciling. I t's a long way f rom t h e streets of downtown Salem.
The Associated Press P ORTLAND — C o m panies that operate Pacific Northwest grain terminals have presented the longshore union with what they say is their "last, best and final" contract offer. "Despite the work of the federal mediators, discussions on key issues have failed to produce an agreement," Pa t M c C ormick, spokesman for the Pacific Northwest Grain Handlers Association, said in an email late Friday. McCormick did not disclose specifics of the final proposaL The Pacific Northwest has nine grain terminals, seven along the Columbia River and two o n P uget Sound. More than a quarter of all U.S. grain exports and nearly half of U.S. wheat exports move through these facilities. Six of the nine terminals operate under a single collective bargaining agreement with the International Longshore and Warehouse Union. T h at deal expired Sept. 30. Leal Sundet, a coast committeeman for the union, declined to comment on the offer, saying negotiators must first show it to union members. The Grain Handlers Association has said it wants a contract similar to what longshoremen at the Exp ort Grain T erminal i n Longview, Wash., accepted earlier this year. "The core disagreements are not over salaries and benefits, but rather uncompetitive workplace r u les that are significantly different from those agreed to between the ILWU and two competing grain terminals
on the Columbia River," McCormick wrote. Some union members have sharply criticized aspects of the Longview contract. A June 21 note signed by 10 current and retired longshoremen blasted provisions that allow management to fire workers without cause and hire workers directly instead of going through the union hiring hall. A disruption in the shipment of wheat, corn and soybeans to Asia would add another headache for the Port of Portland, which is contending with a separate labor dispute. Longshore security officers have announced plans to go on strike a week from today. Though the threatened strike involves only 25 security officers,the impact could be severe because fellow ILWU members
won't cross their picket lines. Blaise Lamphier, Port labor relations manager, told The Oregonian newspaper that negotiators for the Port and the securityofficers agreed Friday on 41 of 44 outstanding contract issues. But they remain divided on the toughest issue: a job guarantee sought by members of Local 28.
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Man pleadsguilty to murder, arson The Associated Press MEDFORD — A C e ntral Point man has pleaded guilty to murdering his former girlfriend and attempting to set her apartment on fire. Jeffrey Wheeler,37, also pleaded no contest Friday to
in her apartment Sept. 4, 2011, after a man called to report a possibly deceased person. She had been stabbed multiple times. The kitchen stove gas had been left on, and a piece of paper attached to a bookcase near the front door was set on charges of abuse of a corpse fire. and criminal m i streatment Wheeler was arrested in for events that occurred af- Medford hours after the dister he killed Jessica Bethany. covery. He has been in the Prosecutors said he left his county jail since then. 10-month-old daughter with Bethany's friend and relaa neighbor after the killing tives did not attend the plea with the intent to abandon hearing. her. Friends said shortly after " Everybody a g reed t h i s her death that the 32-year-old will be a good resolution to Bethany had ended her relathe case," Jackson County tionship with W h eeler and prosecutor David Orr told the went on a date with another Mail Tribune. He said Wheeler man. won't be eligible for parole for Veronica Reid, Bethany's at least 25 years. f riend and co-worker at a Bethany's body was found Medford bar, told the news-
paper she wa s p l eased to hear the news of Wheeler's plea and hopes to attend the sentencing. Reid said she ha d b een working at the bar about three months before Bethany started. Reid trained her, and the two became friends.She said Bethany's demeanor always helped to put co-workers in a good mood. "She just had a beautiful, happy spirit," Reid said. Central Point police Chief Kristine Allison said investigators were satisfied with Wheeler's plea. "We were prepared to go to trial, and the District Attorney's Office would have prevailed," Allison said. "To see people not take that road, we have satisfaction for that, too."
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Women settle claims in sexual abusecase EUGENE — Four women sexually abused by a former federal probation officer based in Eugene have been awarded financial settlements totaling more than $150,000. The Register-Guard newspaper reports that the settlements resolve their negligence claims against the U.S. government for failing to protect them from Mark John Walker.
A federal judge has dismissed similar claims by five other p r obationers, saying they were filed too late. Under federal law, civil claims must be filed within two years of the alleged act. Walker pleaded guilty last year to sexually abusing pro-
bationers between April 2005 and June 2009. He is serving a 10-year term.
Neighbor accused of shooting dog MEDFORD — An Oregon man has been charged with felony animal abuse after police say he shot a dog that may have defecated on his property. Jackson County s h eriff's spokeswoman Andrea Carlson says 56-year-old Danny Lee Tryon, of Trail, told deputies that several dogs were using his yard as a bathroom and he was tired of it. The shepherd-mix named Sasha was shot with a .22caliber gun on Nov. 10. The Mail Tribune newspaper reports that the dog underwent
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Springfield man accused of child abuse SPRINGFIELD — Police arrested a Springfield man who they say broke the arm of his girlfriend's 20-month-old son and neglected to take him to a doctor. Shawn Richard C annon, 24, was arraigned Friday on charges of assault and criminal mistreatment and is lodged in Lane County jail. Police said the child's arm was broken Nov. 10 and it wasn't until f ive days later that a relative learned of the injury and took the boy to the hospital. — From wire reports
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DEATH NOTIcEs Barry L. Rosenow May 5, 1948-Nov. 12,2012
Barry Lawrence Rosenow, of Bend May 5, 1948- Nov. 12,2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend (541) 318-0842 Services: A memorial service will be held at a later date. Contributions may be made to:
B arry L a w r e nc e R o s e now, the self p r o claimed" L ast C u r i ou s S o ul " s u c cumbed to c a n cer p e acefully at home with his wife by his side on Nov.12. B arry wa s b o r n M a y 5 , 1948, in Litchfield, Minnesota, to Phyllis e (Piepen-
Family to Family Benefit Inc., P.O. Box 7794, Springfield, Oregon 97475.
~/7'I Darrell C. Gavette, of La Pine May 15, 1930 - Nov. 14, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 Services: A Celebration of Life will be held at on Saturday, December 1, 2012, at 10:00 a.m. at the American Legion, Post 45, located at 52532 Drafter Road in La Pine. Contributions may be made to:
Newberry Hospice, P.O. Box 1888, La Pine, OR 97739; (541) 536-7399.
John W. Moe, of Bend May 6, 1920- Nov. 10,2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 Services: No Services will be held at this time.
Mary Maynard Pierson, of Bend June 17, 1929 - Nov. 11, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend (541) 318-0842 Services: A private family memorial service will be held. Contributions may be made to:
Partners In Care, 2075 NE Wyatt Court, Bend, OR 97701.
Ronald John Smith, of Bend Feb. 22, 1941 - Nov. 10, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 Services: Services will be held at a later date.
Rosenow and Lawrence Rosenow. Barry
s p e nt h i s
childhood BarrY Rosenow in Li f ield. G r a d u atin g fr o m L itchfield H ig h a n d m o v ing to Minneapolis, he became a proud "Gopher" at t he Un iversity o f M i n n e sota. He was a member of t he U n i v ersity M a r c h i n g Band and t h e S y m p h ony w hile o b t aining a n E l e c tronic Engineering degree. Barry w o r ked f o r s e veral companies including Hone ywell, Adm iral an d T e k t ronics. O n e of Ba r r y ' s m ost meaningful an d e n j oyable jobs was w o r k i n g a t Pearl B u c k C e n ter i n E ugene, Oregon, with t h e handicapped. It was where h e met M a rji , th e l ov e of his life, in 1981. Barry and Marji married in 1995. B arry enjoyed hiking hi s f avorite m o u n t ai n t r a i l s , city league volleyball and softball, t r i v ia, c r ossword puzzles, ' friendly" g a m es o f poker o r o t h e r s o r t s , v isiting w i th n ei g h b o r s and friends and a n y t hing to do with electronics and problem solving. Barry especially enjoyed spending time w i t h t h e n u m e r ous n ieces and n e phews t h a t were a constant part of his world. B arry is survived by h i s w ife, M a r j i Si e b er s of Bend; his m o t her, Phyllis R osenow; b r o t h er , G r e g R osenow an d w i f e , S u e ; a nd h i s si s t er , S a n d r a Rosenow, all of Minnesota; son, Andrew Rosenow and d aughter, Jil l B a r n aby o f Eugene, Or e g o n ; f ou r r andchildren ; sever a l rothers a n d sis t e r s-inlaw, and those nieces and nephews that so e n r iched h is l i fe . B a r r y w a s p r e c eded in death b y h i s f a ther, L a w r ence Rosenow. In lieu of flowers, contributions m a y b e m a d e to Family T o F a m ily B e nefit Inc., PO Box 7794, Springfield, Oregon 97475. Celebration of life will be held at a later date.
john W. Moe Yvonne Jeannette Lark, of Redmond Sept. 11, 1942 - Nov. 11, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) Services: Memorial: 1:00pm, Sun. Nov. 25, 2012 at the Redmond Christian Church, 536 SW 10th St., Redmond.
Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeralhomes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all
correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Mondaythrough Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits© Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail: Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708
May 6, 1920- Nov. 10, 2012 J ohn W. Moe went to be w ith hi s L o r d a n d f a m i l y on November 10, 2012. J ohn w a s p r e c eded i n death by his loving wife of 5 9 years. T hey h a d f o u r c hildren: J o h n M . M oe , w ife, Charlene; K a ren L . G reeff, husband Otto; Ju dith G. Hull, partner, Brad W atson, K e vi n H . M oe . Five grandchildren, James, K ari, M i k e , S h a w n a n d Ryan; great-grandchildren, Todd an d F o r est G i l d ersleeve, Olivia Rose Keene, a nd H a y de n a n d Ch l o e Hull; very special nephew, Larry Schoening and wife, Debra; niece, Kathy Baer, husband, Bruno Baer. He was preceded in death by hi s l o v in g s o n -in-law, Chane Hull.
ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around theworld: Thomas Wolfe, 93: As a Treasury Department official during the Kennedy, Johnson and Nixon administrations, managed the United States' move off the gold standard and its economic consequences. Died Nov. 5 in Fairfax, Virginia. Cornel Lucas, 92: B ritish p ortrait p h otographer w h o created defining images of Brigitte Bardot, Katharine Hepburn, Gregory Peck and a host of other celebrities during the 1950s and '60s. Died Nov. 8 in London. William Turnbull, 90: British sculptor who d rew i n spiration from primitive forms. His works werefrequently simple
shapes, suggesting masks or totem poles. He was exhibited at the Hayward, Serpentine and Tate galleries in London and the Berggruen Gallery in San Francisco. Died Thursday inLondon. — From wire reports
By Russell Coutreras
down," said Mark C havez, 50, who has faced two weeks
hawk Firearms and waved signs denouncing the event as ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. of angry phone calls and pro- cruel and "bloodthirsty." The terms of the competition tests — and even a threat to People are upset over the are simple: Hunters in New his life. "This is my right to idea of making a contest out Mexico have two days this hunt and we're not breaking of killing an animal that usuweekend to shoot and kill as any laws." ally lives peacefully alongside many coyotes as they can, Under the rules of the con- residents, said Susan Weiss, and the w inners get their test, the winning team will 74, who leads the Coexist choice ofa free shotgun or a get its choice of a Browning with Coyotes group in Corpair of semi-automatic rifles. Maxus 12-gauge shotgun or rales, N.M. "There's a t re m endous But the two-day coyote- two AR-15 semi-automatic rihunting contest has sparked fles from the Los Lunas shop, amount of arrogance in conan online petition that has and a hired taxidermist will ducting thi s h u nt," W eiss generated tens of thousands salvage any pelts and hides said. "(Chavez) is damaging of signatures worldwide. The from the dead coyotes for the reputation of ranchers. He FBI is investigating a death clothing. is damaging the reputation of "I'll even give the furs to threat to the gun shop owner legitimate hunters." who is sponsoring the hunt. the homeless if they need it," But some Ne w M e x i co And one protester has even Chavez said. ranchers have complained vowed to dress like a coyote The competition — which about the large population to trick hunters into acciden- opponents are calling a "coy- of coyotes, estimated to be tally killing a human. ote killing contest" — has around 300,000 in the state. But none of these episodes sparked thousands of angry Coyotes are blamed for thouwill likely stop the owner of emails, social media postings sands of death to calves anGunhawk Firearms from car- and a petition signed by ac- nually, and aren't protected rying out the two-day coyote- tivists from as far as Europe under federal or state laws, hunting race, despite the in- who have demanded thatthe ranchers say. "People are trying to porternational attention the idea hunt be called off. Last week, has garnered. a small group of protesters tray these animals as some"I'm n ot going t o b a ck held a rally outside of Gun- thing they're not. Coyotes The Associated Press
are predators. They survive in the wild by killing what they can, including livestock and pets," said Rex Wilson, president of the New Mexico Cattle Growers Association. "The people protesting this contest have obviously never seen a calf chewed up by a coyote,or watched a mama sheep try to revive a dead lamb." The controversy began last month when the Albuquerque-based Calibers Shooters Sports Center a n nounced plans for a similar contest. Calibers canceled the event after pressure from W eiss and other activists and attention from national media outlets. Chavez said he was inundated with complaints and support just as soon as news broke that Gunhawk would organize the hunt. P articipants in t h e c o y ote-hunting contest won't be allowed to shoot coyotes on federal or state land.
Thackeray,86, right-wing Indian party leader By Vikas Bajaj
wealth. He also argued that outsidersshould be forced out and others should be barred from coming. Supporters say Thackeray gave voice to Marathi speakers who had been taken for granted by n a t ional p oliticians, often from northern India. Much of Mumbai's corporate and cultural elite is made up of Indians from other parts of thecountry who are more
New Vorlz Times News Service
MUMBAI, I n dia — Bal Thackeray, a newspaper cartoonist who became a powerful influence in this city by championing and stoking the grievances of the native population and Hindus against outsiders and Muslims, died Saturday at his home in Mumbai. He was 86. The cause of death was a heart attack, Thackeray's doctor, Jalil Parkar, said. T hackeray, who ha d d e scribed himself as an admirer of Hitler, was a f ormidable f orce in M u mbai fo r m o r e than four decades even as he grew increasingly frail. Many shops, restaurants and other businesses shut down after his death was announced, as his followers prepared to mourn him and others anticipated violence by members of his right-wing and often-militant political party, the Shiv Sena. Streets out of downtown Mumbai wereclogged Saturday afternoon asoffice workers and others rushed to get home to avoid getting caught up in any possiblescuffles. Throngs of police officers were standing by and guiding traffic through busy intersections. In New Delhi, Prime MinisterManmohan Singh appealed for "calm and sobriety during this period of loss and mourning" and canceled a dinner with opposition lawmakers to discuss a contentious session of parliament that is scheduled to start Thursday. In a statement, Singh lauded Thackeray's "strong leadership and extraordinary organizational skills." Bal Keshav Thackeray was born Jan. 23, 1926, in the city of Pune, about 100 miles east of Mumbai, andcame of age during India's struggle for f reedom from B r i tain. H i s father, Keshav Sitaram Thackeray, a journalist and activist, was said to have taken the surname because he admired the English novelist William Makepeace Thackeray. The elder Thackeray became a leader of a movement to establish the state of Maharashtra for speakers of the Marathi language, a group that would become a core constituency. Mumbai, then known as Bombay and to this day the financial hub of India, became the
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comfortable speaking Eng-
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The Associated Pressfile photo
Hindu nationalist party chief Bal Thackeraysits on a silver throne in 2002, presented to him at the party convention in Shirdi, India. Thackeray, the extremist leader linked to waves of mob violence against Muslims and migrant workers in India, died Saturday. He was 86. capital of the new state. The y ounger T h ackeray gained fame as a cartoonist first at the daily Free Press Journal and later at his own weekly publication, Marmik. He used his cartoons to inveigh a g ainst c o mmunists and champion the cause of the Marathi manoos, or the average Marathi citizen, who he argued was losing out to south Indians, Muslims and other outsiders. In 1966, he established the Shiv Sena, or the Army of Shiva; its mascot is a snarling tiger. In the early years of the Shiv Sena,Thackeray battled communists and their labor unions, especially in the city's large textile industry. He was
supported, scholars say, by textile mill owners and the governing Congress Party because he was taking on their opponents. But his success came in his ability to win over Marathi-
speaking working- and middle-class Hindus. Thackeray did so by arguing that Muslims and people from other parts of India had unfairly cornered the city's jobs, resources and
lish. Thackeray's party also won the support of Mumbai residents by setting up branch offices in most neighborhoods that, analysts say, were efficient at resolving conflicts and complaints about municipal services. While Thackeray never held elected office, his political party and its allies governed the state from 1995 to 1999 and have been incharge of Mumbai's city government for more than 16 years. While his party held power at the state level, Bombay was renamed Mumbai after a fishing village that predated the Portuguese colonization of the seven islands that would become the city. People who met him said he came across as charming
and funny, and was engaged in the arts and movies. Thackeray's death could create a struggle for power in Mumbai and Maharashtra, India's richest and most industrialized state. His son Uddhav, his designatedheir,has been hospitalized twice this year for a heart condition and is considered less charismatic and influential.
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201 2 THANKSGIYING DEADLINES For Thursday, Thanksgiving, November 22, 2012 and Friday, November 23, 2012 PAID OBITUARIES
Thursday 11/22......... Wednesday 11/21 10 a.m. Friday 11/23.............. Wednesday 11/21 10 a.m. DEATH NOTICES
Thursday 11/22.. Friday 11/23.......
..Wednesday 11/21 noon ..Wednesday 11/21 noon
The Bulletin
~.~.~ g~.. cM~Z Deschutes Memorial now displays obituaries on our website. Please go to to leave condolence messages for the family and to learn about funeral/ memorial services.
FUNERALsi BURIALs i CREMATIQN LOCALLY FAMILY OWNED6LOPERATED Wehonor all pre-arranged plans including NeptuneSociety.
Market crashdrives problems with Oregon public pensions
By Jonathan J. Cooper
costs, a hike of 45 percent, to for atime by members of the help get the pension fund on a system. In some cases, workSALEM Pension 20-year path toward full fund- ershave earned more inretireboard meetings are rarely ing. Experts estimated at the ment than they did on the job. the place of tears. end of 2011 that Oregon's penMany of the questionable But last September, the sion fund had enough assets to decisions were outlined in a financial experts who typipay 73 percent of the estimated 2011 report by the City Club of cally listen to numbers and costs for all current and future Portland: forecasts an d a c t u arial retirees, a shortfall of $16.3 bil• Wo r kers h i r ed b e f ore assumptions heard f r om lion.Those figures are based 1996 get a guaranteed annual Cathy Miller, a school board on an assumption that invest- return on their account of 8 member who traveled from ments will grow on average by percent,regardless of the acRedmond to deliver some 8 percentper year,which crit- tual performance of financial stark news. For the second ics say is far too optimistic. markets. As a result, workers year in a row, she said, a How did we get here? shared in the fruits of economsharp spike in retirement The immediate cause was ic booms without losing out costs would force her dis- the economic collapse in 2008, during busts. trict to cut school days or which wiped out 27 percent • Some retiring w o rkers teachers or both. — $17 billion — of the pension can choose an option known "We are clearly at risk," fund's value. A year earlier, it as the "money match," in she told the board, warning was nearly fully funded. which the pension fund douof "substandard" classroom "Fundamentally, it's really bles the money in a retiree's time or teaching quality. easy to figure out why those account and converts it to an Already shouldering a rates have gone up, and it's annuity. largershare ofgovernment because of the incredibly bad • Depending on their date of pension costs, taxpayers investment year i n 2 0 0 8," hire,some workers who reject will be contributing even s aid Gregory H a r tman, a the money match option get more next July as the Pub- lawyer who represents PERS creditfor unused sick leave lic Employees Retirement beneficiaries. and vacation time. System tries to dig out from But PERS critics say the • Public employees are rea $16 billion unfunded lia- problem is far deeper than quired to contribute 6 percent bility. The Great Recession the investment losses alone of their salary to their pencan be blamed for the depth and extends to the system's sions. In the past, many govof the hole, but the road to a structure as d esigned and ernment agencies have agreed massive pension liability tweaked over decades by the to pick up the 6 percent contriis also strewn with gener- Legislature and the pension bution for their workers in lieu ous promises, questionable board, which was dominated of pay increases. decisions and thwarted attempts to fix them. Public employee benefits have been a political hot potato in several states since the recession began straining government budgets, but Oregon has largeo appear in the Classifieds through December~~ ly escaped the acrimony. That could change next Only $35.00 per week*! year as callsfor reforms *Your ad will publish 7 consecutive days growlouder. Gov. John Kitzand is limited to one inch haber signaled his support (I0 lines of text or (ewer lines with text alId graphics) in a speech to school board members last w e ekend, Cotor may be added for $I.OOlday extra! laying out a blunt choice Call today to list your event in Classifieds! between public pensions e 4'e; Monday thr ough Friday, 5:00 p.m. and classroom resources. a Altogether, th e s t a t e, 541-385-5809 er 541-382- I8I I school districts and local governments wil l s p end $900 million more over the next two years on pension The Associated Press
. Pl; "3;
Ashley Beck/The (Coos Bay) World
World War II veteran Ross Turkle stands in front of the forty-and-eight boxcar outside the Coos Historical and Maritime Museum on Nov. 8 in North Bend. France gave the boxcar to Oregon as a sign of gratitude for help in the war. The boxcar is the same kind that Turkle and 38 other men rode in on the way back from their service in Germany.
Historic boxcar brings back memories for Oregon vet By Tim Novotay The (Coos Bay) World
N ORTH BEND — R o s s Turkle turned 88 this month, b ut a t r a i n r i d e h e t o o k through part of Germany almost seven decades ago is still a ripe memory for the World War II veteran. "Ain't no way I'll forget that until I stop breathing," Turkle sa>d. That particular train r i de was notable for two reasons. First, Turkle was on his way home from the war, and second, he spent three or four days making his way to western France on a boxcar with Spartan accommodations. The Kansas man, who now resides in Coos Bay, served in the 104th Infantry — the "Timberwolf" division. He is not a self-promoter and is not so quick to talk about his Bronze Star for meritorious service in a combat zone. His job was to lay, and repair, phone line cable from the front. There came a day when about a dozen telephone lines running near a bridge on the Rhine River at Remagen,
Germany, were destroyed by a German shell. About 6-10 feet
disappeared. "We were asked to go repair our lines," said Turkle. Shells continued to rain down on a nearby ravine as they worked. "There would be a whistle and a bang, but by the time the noise came up to us, it had exploded. They kept whistling over, but not a nother shell landed on the bridge," he said. The best part of that Bronze Star was that it helped get him out of the Army six weeks early. "I got home for Christmas, 1945," Turkle said. But first he had to get back to the U.S. He started his travel home in a French rail boxcar, similar to the one on display at the Coos Historical and Maritime Museum in North Bend, known as a "forty-and-eight." True to the name, the boxcar held 40 men or eight horses. The boxcars were utilized for hauling military cargo during both world wars. They were not built for comfort. The car is about 8 feet wide and 20 feet long, with no padding or even straw on the
floor, no electricity, no heat and the bathroom was the open door. The men, Turkle says, slept spoon-style. "It was crowded. We had our packs, our own barracks bags of possessions and clothes, our own canteen and that's it. We didn't have any weapons; we left our weapons overseas," Turkle said. And so they went, 39 men and four dogs. Yes, they "liberated" a dachshund and three pups who were repatriated in America. How they did it will remain classified for now. After the war i n 1949, in gratitude for American aid, the citizens of France presented 49 "merci boxcars" — one to each state capital at the time and a shared car between Hawaii and Washington D.C. The only boxcar in the state of Oregon spent almost two decades in Salem, and then many years at Fort Stevens Historical Park in Hammond. In 2006, it was restored and officially dedicated at its current site by the local American Legion's Forty & E i ght Society.
Speeial Iloliday Bazaar Listijnls
as's'i ie s
Body Continued from B1 Ralston said search conditions underwater were particularly challenging. The remote-
ly operated vehicle, equipped with sonar and cameras, faced obstacles in underwater trees and cables, he said.
"We kept getting hung up,"
he said. The search started Thursday and continued Friday. A search grid was set up u sing information from a n eyewitness who saw the vic-
tim struggling on the water's surface. The video cameras attached to the vehicle, which moved powered by four propellers, relayed images in real time to the team. The submerged terrain presented a challenge and lay next to asteep underwater slope,he said, adding that visibility was about one or two feet. There once was an orchard at the site of the man-made lake, leaving trees and boulders on the bottom for recovery searchersto contend with,
Adkins said. "They tell me there's rocks bigger than h o uses d own there," he said. The team didn't charge the Sheriff'sOffice any fees,and the agency covered only fuel and lodging expenses, Adkins sa>d. The team was assisted by two friends: John Zeman of Vancouver, Wash.; and Chuck Atwood, a f i r e d epartment captain f r o m S a c ramento, Calif.
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F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.
I I 4
Today: Afternoon
Tonight: High winds.
Morning showers.
d d d d d d d d xx x x x x x x
WEST Expect windy conditions with rain developing today.
. Astorla 4 d d d d d d 4 4 d d 4 4 ( i i i i i i 4 4 *2/484 ' d d d 4 4 3 4 4 d d » » x y Umat i l l a Seasideo4 4 G 4 ' 6 4 4 4 4 4fppttd 4 4 4 qii ii i 5
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Granit e •
Day • Paul i na 43/36
City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.
Yesterday Sunday Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W
Yesterday's state extremes
• 57o
• 30'
• Lakeview
M cDermia' ii x x
40/3 3
o www m 30s 4 1/30
(in the 48 contiguous states):
39/ 2 8
Thunder Bay 42/35 .
Quebe« 37/28
4OB '
H I 1•
• 83' Punta Gorda, Fla •9
52/37 oz
i' i i i i i ; m « xi i ,'Salt'Layce
Alamosa, Colo.
P ""
Columbus ~
58 / 43 Chlca 0
ilade l phia
• 2.54 w , ~~' M x • Vegas Los Angelesx 66/48
w Honolululou, 83/69
Paradise, Calif.
Little RockBirmingham . h 62/4 4 ' 62 /44 • Dagas 64/4qx 6 3/ 4 3
Tijuana 63/50
New Orleans
Houston 73/53 o
+ +++ +
Chihuahua ++
~-0 10s
Anchorage 21/10 8
La Paz 82/68
M a zatlan •
82/67 63/60o
8 2/72
Os • iami
+ x x x x+ + +
-tos Os
I • Louis'vige ox c Bt/37 St.Loulsh ' 61/45 ' +~ Charlottex • • 57/43 Nashville-
Kansas City 61/45
59/3 3
Uranus.....2:19 p.m......2:37 a.m.
Barometricpressureat 4 p.m29.60 Record24 hours ...0.81 in1981 *Melted liquid equivalent
M onday Bend,westofHwy97.....Low H i /Lo/WBend,eastof Hwy.97......Low
Sisters..............................Low La Pine...............................Low Redmond/Madras........Low Prinevige..........................Low Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme
The following was compiled by the Central Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as a service to irrigators and sportsmen.
Reservoir Acre feet C a pacity Crane Prairie...... . . . . . . 37,939...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 142,239..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 73,107...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... , , , 16,573 , , , 4 7,000 The higher the UV Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 81,648..... 153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 163 solar at noon. Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . 245 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 22 LOW MEDIUM HIGH gggg Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 148 0 2 4 6 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 662 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . . 838 Crooked RiverAbove Prineville Res..... . . . . . 39 Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 76.7 Updated daily. Source: Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 4.10 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 148 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 MEDIUM LOW I or go to
To report a wildfire, call 911
4 „~„ l e
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 52/36 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........66m1932 Monthtodate.......... 0.27" Recordlow........ -12in1955 Average monthtodate... 067" Average high.............. 46 Year to date............ 7.30" Average low .............. 28 Average year to date..... 8.44"
Legend Wweather,Pcpprecipitation, s sun,pcpartial clouds,c clouds,h haze, shshowers,r rain,t thunderstorms,sf snowflurries,snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....6:41 a.m...... 4:23 p.m. Venus......4:23 a.m...... 3:21 p.m.
Mars.......9:58 a.m...... 6:36 p.m. Jupiter......5:21 p m...... 8 30 a.m. Satum......5:05 a.m...... 3;42 p.m.
Astoria ........ 55/44/0.75..... 52/48/r...... 54/49/r Baker City......47/40/0.04.....48/31/c.....45/35/sh Brookings...... 53/45/1.09....53/49/sh...... 56/52/r Burns..........48/34/0.46.... 44/26/rs.....49/32/sh Eugene........ 55/42/0.42....54/48/sh...... 56/49/r Klamath Falls .. 49/40/0 14 ... 43/32/rs ...48/33/sh Lakeview...... 46/37/0.01 .... 40/33/rs..... 46/34/rs La Pine........48/33/0.00....47/35/sn.....44/32/sh Medford.......53/38/0.16....49/44/sh.....53/44/sh Newport....... 55/43/0.49..... 52/50/r...... 55/51/r North Bend..... 55/48/1.07..... 52/49/r...... 55/52/r Ontario........48/36/0.14....50/34/sh.....49/39/sh Pendleton......50/36/0.01 .....56/42/c.....55/40/sh Portland ....... 50/45/0.71 ..... 53/48/r...... 56/49/r Prineville....... 53/37/0.01 ....47/40/sh.....51/39/sh Redmond...... 55/33/trace.....49/38/c.....58/44/sh Roseburg.......57/46/0.39....51/46/sh.....54/48/sh Salem ....... 53/41/0 66 .. 52/48/r ... 55/49/r Sisters.........52/37/0.00....48/38/sh.....48/36/sh The Dages......45/42/0.15.....51/39/c.....53/42/sh
• x x i»
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x x
48 35
a chance of showers, mainly late.
4 4 4 4'
,W x x
53 38
CENTRAL Mostly cloudy with
4 48 ~ dc • ' 4 4 La Pln + 42/35 45 D6 BQY sam • 4 4 d d d d d r d Crescent Riley 4 d d d 4 4 dt~akqJ4 4 Cres centxiX • For tR ock 48GT ,4,4,4 43/29 45/34x 4 4 4 4 40/29 4 "> ~ » Christmasvalley 4 Hushb4rff' 4 e ~ 453/48J 4 4 4 3 4"4 Cxhefhule 4 0 4c xs/23;ii
o o 0 0
Sunsettoday...... 4 36 p.m First Full L a st Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:06 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 4:35 p.m Moonrise today...11:32 a.m Moonsettoday ... 10:05 p.m Nov. 20 Nov. 28 Dec. 6
Mostly cloudy with a spotty shower or two.
• Jolili
'4 d d
• Mitcheg 49/41
Baker City
56 42
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 7:05 a.m Moon phases
52/49 ~ 54/ 4 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 p unrlveI • (jend • ' o 0 46/36/ o 50/39xi .' •• Brothers47/35 dd40 8 d < G 4 4 4 Cottage 4 Oakridgtl 4 4 2 Cx Ham ton
4 Porforfol' .4 4 d 4 4 4
En t erprise„' • 4 2/32 x i, x
4<orvaltfsd 4 4 dcampshermano d d 451/42 4 4, 4 Eu ent4r d44d4d4 d4 dd 4d 48/38 4 ~, ' . 24Pa, Florenced Ugen
4 Madras
• Meacham
aafe YJ d d d szmaod d d 4 d d 4 d d y fJRFIw Albany~ dWa r m Sprinos ~ x~ NeVV ptdt4 52/5Q
• Pendleton
4 d Higlsborcdportland 4 4"4 " 4' Gst!33,' 6 'lxxoWasco 53/48
Tillamookd,,t 5x o
• Hermiston53/42
Chance of showers.
Chance of showers.
txJ' 4i'bFxybi4i
I 4
Rain showers.
showers. CHANNE
.+++v .++++'
* *
* * * * *
vo o h oh
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow
Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene,TX ......67/44/0.00...66/52/t. 71/50/pc Grand Rapids....54/27/0.00...53/35/s. 53/40/pc RapidCity.......61/33/0.00..61/35/pc.56/34/pc Savannah.......60/42/0.00 ..62/51/sh.. 64/49/c Akron ...........54/1/000...54/32/s.. 54/37/s GreenBay.......52/26/000..53/38/pc. 52/40/sh Reno...........54/42/0.15..52/32/sh..54/34/c Seattle..........54/44/0.33... 50/45/r...52/47/r Alhany..........45/23/0.00...46/25/s.. 48/29/s Greenshoro......55/34/0 00...54/41/c.. 53/40/c Richmond.......55/33/0.00... 54/44/c. 55/45/pc SiouxFalls.......58/40/0.00 .. 57/40/pc. 54/31/pc Albuquerque.....58/36/000..62/36/pc. 59/36/pc Harusburg.......55/28/000...52/33/s.. 50/36/s Rochester, NY....55/27/0.00... 50/31/s .. 52/37/s Spokane ........50/34/0.04..45/38/sh...42/40/r Anchorage ......19/15/0 00..21/10/pc.. 18/10/c Hartford,CT.....50/27/0 00...49/30/s.. 48/33/s Sacramento......62/55/070 ..61/49/sh.. 65/49/c Springfield, MO ..61/36/0.00...62/44/s.. 59/46/c Atlanta .........60/41/000..62/44/pc. 62/47/pc Helena..........41/21/0.00...44/26/c.48/33/pc St. Louis.........57/31 /000...61/45/s . 59/46/pc Tampa..........78/59/0.00..78/57/pc.77/59/pc Atlantic City.....52/28/000..55/43/pc.. 54/47/s Honolulu........79/68/001..83/69/sh. 82/71/pc Salt Lake City....58/42/0 00... 54/36/c.53/37/pc Tucson..........77/52/0.00..75/45/pc.. 73/45/s Austin..........69/31/0.00..69/54/pc. 72/56/pc Houston ........71/38/0.00..73/53/pc. 74/59/pcSan Antonio.....68/42/000 ..68/58/pc. 72/58/pc Tulsa ...........62/32/0.00..65/47/pc.67/48/pc Baltimore .......53/29/000 ..51/37/pc.. 53/40/s Huntsville.......65/32/000... 63/39/s. 63/45/pc SanDiego.......71/60/000..67/55/pc. 67/54/pc Washington, 0C..55/36/0.00..51/40/pc. 54/43/pc Billings.........58/34/000..55/33/pc.52/34/pc lndianapolis.....55/28/000...58/35/s. 59/43/pc SanFrancisco....64/59/0.29.. 63/53/sh.65/52/pc Wichita .........62/35/0 00..63/46/pc. 64/43/pc Birmingham .. 65/35/000...63/43/s. 65/46/pc Jackson, MS.... 66/33/0.00. 67/42/s 68/44/pc SaoJose........66/59/0.13 62/48/sh 64/47/pc Yakima ........ 44/41/0.13...50/35/c. 51/37/sh Bismarck....... 44/28/000..44/27/pc. 41/26/pc Jacksonvile......62/53/0.00..,65/51/c. 68/53/pc SantaFe........55/25/0.00.. 55/33/pc.. 53/31/s Yuma...........82/59/0.00..76/53/pc.. 76/55/s Boise...........59/44/0.00.. 50/34/sh.. 55/41/c Juneau......... 29/23/trace.. 24/19/sn . 25/17/pc INTERNATIONAL Boston..........47/36/000...48/34/5 .. 49/36/s Kansas City......61/36/0 00 ..61/45/pc. 61/42/pc Bodgeport,CT....53/32/0.00... 50/35/5.. 51/38/s Lansing.........53/26/0.00... 53/34/s. 53/38/pc Amsterdam......46/36/000 .. 51/32/c47/43/pc Mecca..........97/77/000.92/74/sh 89/74/pc Buffalo.........50/30/000... 52/33/s .. 53/38/s LasVegas.......71/50/0 00..66/48/pc .. 65/48/s Athens..........62/59/0 00 .. 68/60/pc. 66/61/sh Mexico City .....70/48/000... 73/4is .. 73/41/5 Burlington,VT....43/28/000...43/26/s.. 47/31/s Lexington.......58/30/000...58/36/s. 61/43/pc Auckland........64/55/0.00 ..62/53/pc.. 66/57/c Montreal........37/27/0 00... 37/26/s. 42/29/pc Caribou,ME.....33/21/0.00...33/22/s .. 34/24/s Lincoln..........64/33/0.00..61/41/pc. 61/38/pc Baghdad........77/51/0.00... 77/65/c. 69/56/sh Moscow........39/37/0.00... 32/28/c. 35/31/sh Charleston, SC...57/42/000..61/51/sh.. 64/50/c Little Rock.......63/35/000...64/44/s. 62/48/pc Bangkok........93/79/0.02... 91/77/t...92/78/t Nairobi.........75/63/0.00... 74/59/t .. 79/60/s Charlotte........58/34/000...57/43/c..57/43/c LosAngeles......69/60/009..65/55/pc. 65/55/pc Beiling..........50/28/0 00 .. 50/34/pc. 45/31/pc Nassau.........79/72/0.00... 80/71/t. 79/71/pc Chattanooga.....63/32/000...64/39/s.65/44/pc Louisville........61/31/000...61/37/s. 63/44/pc Beirut..........84/72/0 00.. 77/64/sh.74/64/pc New Delh/.......79/55/0.00...82/59/s.. 80/57/s Cheyenne.......57/34/000 ..57/31/pc.. 52/31/s MadisonWl.....53/30/000..56/38/pc. 54/40/pc Berlin...........36/30/0.00...47/35/c. 46/33/pc Osaka..........55/50/0.07 ..56/44/pc.. 58/45/s Chicago.........55/26/000...59/43/s. 61/46/pc Memphis....... 65/37/000 65/42/s 64/51/pc Bogota .........66/52/0.02 63/52/sh. .. 62/53/sh Oslo............43/36/0.00 ..40/30/pc.. 35/32/c Cincinnati.......60/23/000...57/35/s. 58/40/pc Miami..........80/67/000..82/67/pc. 80/6wpc Budapest........46/36/0.00 ..48/36/pc.. 50/40/c Ottawa.........39/23/0.00 ..38/21/pc. 42/28/pc Cleveland.......55/27/0.00...53/36/s. 53/42/pc Milwaukee......53/27/0.00...53/41/s. 53/43/pc Buenos Aires.....82/59/0.00 ..83/63/pc...83/63/t Paris............50/41/0 00 .. 51/39/sh. 46/44/pc Colorado Spnngs.65/33/000..60/34/pc. 54/32/pc Minneapolis.....54/32/0.00..55/40/pc. 50/36/pc CaboSanLucas ..86/63/0.00 ..86/65/pc. 84/64/pc Rio deJaneiro....79/68/0 00.. 76/65/pc. 80/67/pc Columhia,MO...61/34/000...61/43/s. 58/46/sh Nashville........62/30/000... 63/39/s. 66/46/pc Cairo...........79/64/0.00 .. 78/63/s .. 78/66/c Rome...........64/46/0.00 ..63/55/pc. 66/50/sh Columhia,SC....59/39/000...60/47/c .. 57/46/c New Orleans.....66/47/000... 66/53/s. 70/56/pc Calgary.........45/25/0.00..41/30/pc.. 36/34/c Santiago........79/50/0.00... 84/60/s .. 85/58/s Columbus, GA....63/42/0.00... 64/43/s. 66/47/pc New York.......51/39/0.00... 52/41/s .. 50/43/s Cancun.........82/61/000 ..81/71/sh.81/73/sh SaoPaulo.......72/57/0.00 .. 74/59/pc...79/64/t Columbus, OH....58/28/0.00... 55/33/s .. 56/39/s Newark, NJ......53/33/0.00... 52/38/s. 50/42/pc Dublin..........46/37/0 02.. 45/41/sh. 54/47/sh Sapporo ........45/45/0.1143/32/sh .. ..38/29/rs Concord,NH.....48/20/000...45/21/s .. 49/27/s Norfolk VA......52/45/0 00..57/50/sh .. 5I48/c Edinburgh.......45/34/0 00.. 44/39/pc. 50/45/sh Seoul...........46/32/0.00 50/34/sh .. .. 48/31/s Corpus Christi....74/48/000 ..71/63/pc. 77/65/pc Oklahoma City...62/33/0.00 ..63/49/sh.. 68/48/c Geneva.........43/39/000... 46/36/c. 53/39/pc Shangha/........57/46/0.00... 65/48/s. 61/55/pc DallasFtWorth...65/38/000..64/51/pc.68/55/pc Omaha.........62/39/000..60/43/pc.59/38/pc Harare..........82/63/0.00... 85/60/t. 87/60/pc Singapore.......90/77/0.00... 88/78/t...86/78/t Dayton .........56/25/000...56/34/s.. 57/41/s Orlando.........80/60/000..77/55/pc. 76/59/pc Hong Kong......73/64/019... 79/72/c .. 81/72/c Stockholm.......46/41/0.00... 41/37/c .. 42/40/c Denver..........64/37/000 ..59/33/pc. 56/32/pc PalmSprings.... 78/57/000. 76/52/pc.. 78/52/s Istanbul.........61/55/0.00 ..67/55/pc.. 66/57/c Sydney..........68/59/0 00 .. 75/55/sh. 74/61/pc DesMoines......62/35/000..58/43/pc.56/39/pc Peoria..........55/29/000...57/39/s. 55/44/sh lerusalem.......68/52/0.00 ..69/55/sh.70/56/pc Taipei...........73/63/0.00..75/65/pc.73/70/pc Detroit..........52/29/000...52/37/s. 53/41/pc Philadelphia.....55/35/000..54/39/pc.. 54/41/s Johannesburg....84/57/0.35...77/62/t.. 82/62/s TelAviv.........82/68/0.00..7I62/sh. 76/63/pc Duluth..........53/30/000 ..49/38/pc. 48/35/sh Phoenix.........76/56/0.00 ..76/54pc .. 77/54/s Lima ...........73/64/0.00..73/63/pc.73/63/pc Tokyo...........64/52/0.00..58/41/pc.49/40/sh El Paso..........67/44/000 ..73/47/pc. 72/41/pc Pittsburgh.......55/27/000... 53/34/s .. 55/37/s Lisbon..........64/57/0 00..62/51/pc 60/56/c Toronto.........48/34/0 00 45/32/pc.. 48/41/c Fairbanks........ 0/27/000 ..-12/26/s-10/25/pc Portland,ME.....48/30/000...45/27/s .. 48/29/s London .........54/43/0.00...46/36/s.50/47/sh Vancouver.......54/45/0.04...47/42/r. 49/44/sh Fargo...........51/34/000 ..48/35/pc. 47/29/pc Providence......51/35/0.00...50/34/s ..49/3Is Madrid .........55/52/0.00..63/41Ipc..60/44/c Vienna..........48/41/0.00..47/43/pc.48/43/sh Flagstaff........54/26/000 ..50/25/pc .. 52/26/s Raleigh.........56/34/0 00 ..56/43/sh .. 54/42/c Manila..........91/77/0 00..89/77/pc...90/78/t Warsaw.........34/32/0.00...44/37/c. 43/36/pc
eoourin in ea e: UI ana ven ure wi By Craig Hill The (Tacomcz) News Tribune
SEATTLE — As precious minutes ticked away, it looked like we were stumped. O ur GPS receiver led us to a busy Seattle intersection to find the answer to a simple question: "What year was this famous Seattle artist born?" The problem was, a search of all four street corners turned up no signs of art or artists. My dad and p arents-in-law scoured a bus stop for clues. In a final desperate attempt, I dashed across the street and shoved open the doors of Benaroya Hall. There it was. An enormous glass chandelier crafted into the shape of an elegant golden booger. It could be the work of only one man. I stepped back on the sidewalk and shouted over the street noise. uDad, when was Dale Chi-
huly born?"
A lmost as q uick a s m y mother-in-law could proclaim "Hey, he's from Tacoma, not Seattle," my dad had found the answer andwe were offin search of the next clue. The four of Us were one of three teams participating in Seattle's weekly Geotouring contest. Geotouring is a high-tech scavenger hunt that usually shows off a city's interesting and sometimes odd features. While Seattle has an event almost every weekend, cities such as Gig Harbor hold annual events. John Lok/The Seattle Times Participants are given a list Lorena Dlaz makes her contributionto the Gum Wall below Pike of GPS coordinates and corre- Place Market in Seattle in March 2011. Located on Post Alley sponding questions to answer between Pike and Union streets, the wall is a well-known touror pictures to take at each lo- ist attraction targeted by high-tech scavenger hunters. cation. Participants a mass pointsforeach correct answer but risk losing points if they return by 3:19 p.m. we'd be end Geotours. The game has don't arrive at the finish line docked half our points. helped him f in d something on time. John Chen is the founder more important than a r tist We had two hours to solve and chief executive officer of birthdates. He's found himself. 2 6 questions around P i k e PlayTime Inc., the company His officialtitle: Big Kid with Place Market, bttt if we didn't that stages Seattle's week- the Old SouL When Jeannette
Davidson was hired as director of sales earlier this year, she declaredherself Queen of Making It Happen. uWe are only the most fun company in the world to work for," Chen said. "It's not about how much money you have you when you die. It's about how much fun you have between here and there." Teamwork is w hat C h en says makes Geotottring speciaL He believes fusing adventure and technology into a competitive atmosphere is an exciting and fun way to strengthen a team and build morale. A fter a n h o u r w e ' d a n swered nine questions, visited the original Starbucks and the Gum Wall, and walked on the waterfront. We were still visiting places that were new to us during the second hour, but our productivity h a d dr o p p ed
We came up short on two questions, then decided to use the last 12 minutes to get back to Pike Place Market. All t h ree t eams a r r ived on time and turned in their answers. I knew our secondhour struggles would probably cost us, but we'd still found 1 2 c a ches, covered more than three miles and scored more than 7 million points, so I thought we might still have chance. I was wrong: The secondplace team found 15 caches (10.5 million points) and the winning team found 19 (12.9
million). We were last. "Hey, we f i nished third," said somebody in our group. We all laughed. To borrow Chen's philosophy, Geotouring isn't really about how many points you score. It's about how much fttn you have between here and there.
L I V R k N I R A L S WRKW K X 1%C» A D A P T A T ZO N S
N OVE M B E R 1 7-21 8c 23 - 2 4
l lA M
AND l:3 O P M
M EM B E R S $ 4 , N ON - M E M B E R S $ 6 T HE M U S E U M I S C L O S E D O N TH A N K S G I V ING D A Y
0 • •
5 980 0 S H W Y 9 7 •
5 41-3 8 2 -4 7 5 4
TV8t Movies, C2
Calendar, C3 Horoscope, C3 Milestones, C6 Puzzles, C7 THE BULLETIN • SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 2012
'Sleepwalk With Me' playing at the Tower Theatre
A new
Top Big Brothers Big Sisters pairs Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon recently announced the big and little brothers and sisters of the year. The Big Brother and Little Brother of the
By David Jasper The Bulletin
year are Big Brother Matt Erlenbusch matched with Little
Brother Bryce Stevens, who have been matched for two and a half years. They enjoy riding bikes and go-
ing climbing together. Other favorite activities include fishing, going to the library and working
on art projects. The Big Sister and Little Sister of the year are Kim Evered and Shayla Maffit, who
have been matched for three years. The pair enjoy snowboarding,
'I h~
riding bikes and sharing meals together. Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon is a local mentoring program that pairs adults with youth. Contact: www., 541-3126047.
s. ',I
dh ~ J i
Donate your coats, blankets Windermere Real Estate in Central
Oregon is hosting a "Share the Warmth" coat and blanket drive for community members in need through Dec. 19.
The agency is gathering new or gently used and laundered coats and blankets.
Donations can be made at any of the three Central Oregon Windermere offices, as well as Ray's Food Place in Bend and Redmond and PT Mercantile in Prineville. Donated items will be distributed to those in need by Bend's Community Center, Redmond Family Access Network and the
Crook County Commission on Children &
Families. Contact: www.tinyurl
.com/sharethewarmth 2012 or 503-220-1145.
WinterFest needs poster art entries WinterFest is coming and the14th annual
event needs poster art. Entries for the 2012 WinterFest poster art
contest are being accepted through Dec.
3. The contest is open to ninth- through 12th-grade students in
Crook, Deschutes and Jefferson counties. Ten finalists will get their art displayed in OnPoint Community Credit Union's downtown Bend branch between Dec. 10 and 15. During that time, visitors are invited to vote
Photo by john Gottberg Andersoni For The Bulletin
Visitors wander the main showroom floorat the LeMay America's Car Museum. Years in development, the $65 million museum has 165,000 square feet of display space on a nine-acre campus, with changing exhibits in seven galleries on four levels.
•Tacoma'snew LeMayAmeri ca'sCarMuseum takesafreshapproach, placing an emphasis onstorytelling and regularly changing exhibits By John Gottberg Anderson
meeting of Pierce Arrow collectors well over 2,000 cars, trucks, buses, in New York. motorcycles, tractors and other TACOMAThey drove all the way: 9,600 motorized vehicles. (The Guinness bout 50 years ago, a car m i l e s coast-to-coast, round trip, Book of World Records verified collector in then-rural Is- f r o m the Seattle area. And in each the number at 2,200 in 1997, but it saquah, Wash., was driv- s t ate they passed through, they latergrew to about 3,300, according through the orchard b o u ght a window decal to paste on ing to museum officials, before it country of eastern Washington t h e w i ndshield,28oftheminall. was trimmed back.) when he spotted a rather unusual To lo o k at that car today, one Harold E. LeMay (1919-2000), a apple truck. must wonder how Tacoma businessman, owned a reBert Lobberegt NOR T H WEST TRAVEL L ob beregt w a s fuse company and atowing-andinstantly r e cogable to see the road salvage business.He became far nized the antique In t w ow eeks: Christmas o ver the sti c k - better known for his cars — vinvehicle. He knew shopping in Portland e rs. H e w as either tage and specialty vehicles from that it had been quite tall or he had the late 19th century to the early adapted for a purpose very difa c o uple of booster cushions on the 21st. ferent from its original use, when d r i v er's seat. On the LeMay estate, a former it was built around the turn of the But t h ere it stands, in the LeMay Catholic boys' military school in last century. So he contacted the A m e r ica's Car Museum, for all southeast Tacoma's Marymount owner ofthe apple orchard, made to see. In fact,more than 100,000 neighborhood, the LeMay family a reasonable offer, and soon was p e ople have at least glanced at continues to display the bulk of the the owner of a 1907 Pierce Great t h e classic Pierce since the world's collection. Here is everything from Arrow. largest private automobile muModel Ts to circa-1970 muscle cars To say the vehicle was in need s eum opened next to the Tacoma to the pace car from the 2001 Dayof repair would be a gross un- D o m e s ix monthsago. tona 500 race that took the life of derstatement. But with the assisA nd l i k e each one of the 349 oth- driver Dale Earnhardt. tance of Nevada casino owner Bill e r vehicles on display here, it has a But Marymount is a bit off the Harrah, a fellow car collector, he s t o r y t otell. beaten track, and the new America's Car Museum is a quick stop was able to completely restore the pierce. And in 1965, he took his The LeMay COlleCtiOn off the Interstate 5 freeway. car and his family to the national The L e M ay collection includes See LeMay/C4 For the Bulletin
for a winner whose art will be featured on the 2012 WinterFest
poster. Details and contest rules are available at winterfest. WinterFest, held Feb. 15 through17 in the Old Mill District, includes live music,
ABOVE:The 1991 Ferrari F-40 was the first road-legal production car to break the 200 mph speed barrier. Produced in Maranello, Italy, the car incorporates cutting-edge technology with old-world craftsmanship and Ferrari's trademark crimson hue.
ski and snowboard competitions, art and an artisan food marketplace and activities for children. — From staff reports
s-c S
s -(7
LEFT:A 1903 Oldsmobile Runabout is one of the earliest models on exhibit. It is a mainstay of the collection of Harold E. LeMay (1919-2000), a Tacoma businessman who in his lifetime amassed more than 3,000 vintage and specialty vehicles.
"Sleepwalk With Me," anindependentfilm making a five-day run at the Tower Theatre, marks something of a return to the past for Bend's grand old theater. When the Wall Street venue opened in 1940, it served primarily as a cinema, with a stage large enough to host Vaudeville fare and other live entertainment, including variety and fashion shows, according to the Tower's history page. With increasing pressure from competition, the aging theater closed in 1993. Since its restoration and 2004 reopening, the 466-seat venue has servedprimarilyas a live music and performance space. However, depending upon how "Sleepwalk With Me" performs, and as availability allows, more movies could be in the offing. "We would love to have more movies run like this, on multiple days. It will really depend on the turnout for this one," said Ray Solley, executive director of the Tower, which will also host a "Sound of Music" singalong on Friday. "We're not going to be inthe ... Regal 16business. We can't go after first-run movies from major studios, but when it comes to independent films and other kinds of specialty films like this, I think we could pick up three, four, five days." However, Solley added, "It will also depend on the title, if it's something that has a national publicity hook. Clearly, this does ... Mike Birbiglia is in the David Sedaris category." Birbiglia stars in "Sleepwalk With Me," which opened Saturday and runs through Wednesday and has earned strong reviews, including an 86 percent score on review aggregator Birbiglia was a standup comedian who'd appeared on late-night TV and in three Comedy Central specials when he began to explore longer-form storytelling around 2008. "Sleepwalk With Me" began in that manner, as a story Birbiglia told — on stage in a one-man show as well as on radio storytelling programs "The Moth" and "This American Life" — about his misadventures with REM sleep behavior disorder, or RBD. The disorder once caused a dreaming Birbiglia to walk through a second-story hotel room window in Walla Walla, Wash. SeeSleepwalk/C7
If yougo What:"Sleepwalk With Me" When:7 p.m. today through Wednesday Where:Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St. Bend
Cost:$9, plus fees Contact:www. or 541-317-0700
'Dust Bowl' is latest
offering byI(en Burns By Chuck Barney Contra Costa Times
(Zooey Deschanel). They're invited to Thanksgiving dinner, only to learn that it's a "Parent Trap"-like scheme.
"Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade"
9a.m. Thursday, NBC The "Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade" is a holiday tradition that ranks right up there with football and antacid tablets. As always, the "It's Christmas, Carol!" big stars are those gigantic 8 p.m. Sunday, Hallmarh balloons and that bearded Wonder w h a t C h a r les guy in the red suit. Dickens would think of "It's "Bad 25" Christmas, Carol!" This latest twist on his classic tale 9:30 p.m. Thursday, ABC "Bad 25" is director Spike features Emmanulle Vaugier M ic h ael as a ruthless CEO who is vis- Lee's salute t o ited by the ghost of her for- Jackson's landmark album «Bad.o Included: interviews mer boss (Carrie Fisher). with Jackson's collaborators uOprah's Favorite Things and plentyofgreatrehearsal 2012" footage. 8 p.m. Sunday, OWN "It's a SpongeBob Brace yourself: Oprah's handing out s t uff a g a in. Christmas!" "Oprah's Favorite T h i ngs 9:30 p.m. Friday, CBS "It's a SpongeBob Christ2012" has our b enevolent host highlighting the holiday mas!" is a special that finds season's must-have items and the citizens of Bikini Bottom presiding over a big giveaway turning into jerks, thanks to for some military spouses. a devious plan by Plankton.
McMenamins Old St. Francis School
700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562
Regal Pilot Butte 6
"Hawaii Five-0" 10 p.m.Monday, CBS
"The Dust BowI" Messy family drama again 8 p.m. Sunday, PBS col li de s with the crime-fightAfter all these years, Ken i n g o n " H awaii Five-0" as Burns continues to serve C h r i stine Lahti returns in as America's most famous h e r g uest stint. Seems that history t eacher. McGarrett (Alex This time his les- Ty SpoTLlgHT O 'Loughlin) i s son plan focuses trying to set up a on the environreunion between mental catastrophe that de- h i s mom and reluctant sister stroyed the farmlands of the (Taryn Manning). Great Plains and triggered "New Girl" deadly dust storms during the 1930s. Dramatic photo9 p.m. Tuesday, Fox graphs illustrate the devastaJamie Lee Curtis and Rob tion, and heartbreaking ac- Reiner make for wacky guest counts from survivors help stars on "New Girl," playing to put a face on it. the divorcedparents of Jess "The 40th Anniversary American Music Awards" 8 p.m. Sunday, ABC Carrie Underwood, Pink, Usher, Linkin Park, Taylor Swift and Nicki Minaj are among the scheduled perf ormers at "The 40th A n niversary American Music Awards," where the winners are picked by fans.
2717 N.E. U.S.Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347
ARGO (R) 12:15, 3:15, 6:15 THE PERKSOFBEINGA WALLFLOWER(PG-13) 12:45, 6:45 SAMSARA (PG-13) 1, 4, 7 THE SESSIONS(R) 1:15, 4:15, 7:15 SEVENPSYCHOPATHS(R) 3:45 SKYFALL (PG-13) Noon, 3, 6 THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:30
Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & 1MAX 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347
ARGO (R) 10:45 a.m., 1:35, 4:25, 7:20, 10:10 CLOUDATLAS (R) 12:20, 4:05, 7:50 FLIGHT (R) 12:05, 3:15, 6:45, 9:55 HERECOMESTHEBOOM(PG) 1:15, 6:15 LINCOLN (PG-13) 10:50 a.m., 12:55, 3:05, 4:15, 6:25, 7:40, 9:50 PITCH PERFECT(PG-13) 10:40 a.m., 1:55, 6:05, 9:15 SKYFALL (PG-13) 10:35 a.m., 12:15, 1:45, 3:25, 4:55, 6:35, 8:05, 9:45 SKYFALL IMAX (PG-13) 12:45, 4, 7:10, 10:20 TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 3:50, 9:05 THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 10:30 a.m., 11 a.m., noon, 12:30, 1:30, 2, 3, 3:30, 4:30, 5, 6, 6:30, 7:30, 8, 9, 9:30, 10:30 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 12:35, 1:05, 3:45, 6:55, 7:25, 9:35 WRECK-IT RALPH3-D (PG) 4:45, 10:05
(PG) Noon,3 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG13) 6 After7p.m., shoyvsare21and older only.Youngerthan21may attend screenings before 7 p.m. if accompaniedby a legalguardian.
Tin Pan Theater 869 N W Tin PanAlley Bend, 541-241-2271
28 HOTELROOMS(no MPAArating) 3:30 p.m. TAI CHI ZERO(PG-13) 8:30
at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 tI /MAX. • There may be an additional fee for 3-Oand IMAX films. • Movie times are subject to change after press time.
MADRAS Madras Cinema 5 1101 S.W.U.S.Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505
PARANORMALACTIVITY 4 (R) 1:25, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30 SILENT HILL: REVELATION(R) 1, 3, 5:05, 7:10 SKYFALL (PG-13) 12:50, 3:40, 6:30 THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 2:10, 4:35, 7 WRECK-IT RALPH3-D (PG) 2, 4:30, 6:50
DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 1, 4, 7 WRECK-IT RALPH(UPSTAIRS — PG) 1:10, 4:15, 7:15 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.
Find It All
Pine Theater
Redmond Cinemas 1535 S.W. DdemMedo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777
214 N. Main St., Prineville,541-416-1014
HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG) 12:15, 2:30, 4:45 SILENT HILL: REVELATION(R) 7, 9 SKYFALL (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2:30, 5:45, 9 THETWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 10:30 a.m., 1:15, 4, 6:45, 9:30 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 11:15 a.m., 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15
pN SAl< NOWl
A Ballet for Everyone
720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800
ARGO (R) 12:45, 3:30, 6:15 SKYFALL (PG-13) Noon, 3, 6 THETWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING
.--,, 0
Sisters Movie House
e u etin
Accessibility devices are
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EDITOR'S NOTES: available for somemovies
DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 1, 3:30, 6:l5 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 1:45, 4, 6:15
Music: Peterh Tchathovahy Choreography: Zygmuut a Sarah Sawiel
Sahuday, December 1, 201Q at S PBL 4 7 P3L R mday, December S,201Q atS PBL Bend Senior High School Auditorium Adults: S17 • ch i l d ren (ls and Under): S6 At the Door - Adults 820 • Children it2 and Under): 87
BOX OFFICE: 541-362-6004 • o
*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Slsters/BlackButte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-LaPine
1RK~RRRX~RKHK~RKR2RRRK~RRK~RREK~RKR2RREI~~RRKREEK~XKEH~EHK~RDiRH~ KATU News World News K A TU News at 6n(N) America's Funniest HomeVideos The 40th Anniversary American Music Awards (N) n '14' ct KATU News (11:35) Castle tc
Dateline NBC n « News Love-Raymond I KTVZ 0 0 0 0 Football Night (5:20) NFLFootball Baltimore Ravensat Pittsburgh Steelers (N) n (Live) « (8:40) Extra 'PG' Castle Ghosts n 'PG' « Explore NW Evening News Burn Notice BrokenRules'PG' 6 0 Minutes (N) n cc The Amazing Race(N) 'PG' ct T h e Good Wife (N) n '14' ct The Mentalist (N) n '14' tc News Cold Case'14' KBNZ 0 K EZI 9 News KEZI 9 News America's Funniest Home Videos The 40th Anniversary American Music Awards (N) n '14' « KEZI 9 News Paid Program KOHD Q Q Q G KEZI 9 News World News r BonesTheFeetontheBeach'14' Bob'sBurgers Cleveland Show TheSimpsons Bob'e Burgers FamilyGuy'14' AmericanDad News Two/Half Men Big Bang Pai d Program KFXO iDi IEI IEIIEI (4:00) "Bridge toTerabithia Ore g on Art Beat Ore. Field Guide NOVA Inside the Megastorm'G ' F o otsteps of St. Paul The Dust Bowl Thedust stormsof the 1930s.(N) 'PG' «(DVS) The Dust Bowl 'PG' «(DVS) Koae O B Q B Moyers 8 Company n 'G' « Football Night (5:20) NFL Sports Sundaytc Cindy Crawford Private Practice WorldsApart '14' Newschannel 8 Chris Matthews KGW 0 Football Baltimore Ravensat Pittsburgh Steelers (N) n (Live) tc We There Yet? We There Yet? King of Queens King of Queens Engagement Engagement S einfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG' ** "XXX" (2002)Vin Diesel. KTVZDT2IEI 0 B IH (4:00) *** "Piecesoi April" Cook's Country Test Kitchen Doc Martin On theEdge'PG' Fiv e Rivers Five Voices 'G' tc Ou t door Idaho n 'G' cc Moyers & Company n 'G'tc Half the Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women OPBPL 175 173 *AaE 130 28 18 32 Storage-Texas Storage-Texas Storage-Texas Storage-Texas Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars *** "Terminator 2:JudgmentDey" (1991,Science Fiction) ArnoldSchwarzenegger,Linda Hamilton, EdwardFur- The Walking DeadRickstruggles The Walking Dead HoundedMi(10:01) TheWalking DeadMichonne Talking Dead(N) Comic Book Men I *AMC 102 40 39 '14' « long. Cyborgsbattle over ayouth whoholds the keyto the future. « after another loss. '14' « chonnemakesa decision. (N) '14' makes a decision. '14' (N) 'PG' *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Rattlesnake Republic 'PG' cc t r Ra t t lesnake Republic '14' Rattlesnake Republic '14'tc Rattlesnake Republic (N)n 'PG' Fi nding Bigfoot n 'PG'cc Finding Bigfoot (N) n 'PG' Finding Bigfoot n 'PG' tc BRAVO1 37 4 4 Real Housewives/Beverly The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta ** "Rocky iy" (1985)Sylvester Stallone. n tc CMT 190 32 42 53 (4:30) ** "Starsky8 Hutch" (2004)BenStiler. Big Texas Heat Big Texas Heat (7:45) *** "Rocky II" (1979,Drama)Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, BurgessMeredith. n tc CNBC 54 36 40 52 How I, Millions How I, Millions Apocalypse 2012 American Greed 60 Minutes on CNBC Apocalypse 2012 American Greed TRIA Paid Program CNN 55 38 35 48 CNN Presents 'PG' tr Piers MorganTonight CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Presents 'PG' cc Piers MorganTonight CNN Newsroom CNN Presents 'PG' cc coM 135 53 135 47Naiionai-Van * * "A ccepted" (2006, Comedy)Justin Long, Jonah Hil. « (7:31) **"Dumb& Dumber"(1994, Comedy)Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels. « (10:02) Tosh.0 Brickleberry K e y 8 Peele * H alf Baked COTV 11 (4:30) City Club of Central Oregon Talk of the Town Local issues. D e sert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Adv Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW The Yoga Show The YogaShow Talk of the TownLocal issues. I CBPAN 61 20 12 11 Q & A Prime Minister Road to the White House Q&A Prime Minister Road to the White House W ashington ThisWeek *DIS 87 43 14 39 (5:10) *** "ToyStory 3" (2010)Voicesof TomHanks. n ct "SOfiathe FirSt: OnCeupen" DOg With a BIOg Auetin8 Ally n Shake It Up! n Jeeeie 'G' ct A . N .T. Farm 'G' GOOd.oharlie Je eeie 'G' cc S h ake It Up! 'G' *DISC 156 21 16 37 Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' Most Secret: Structures MythBusters n 'PG' cr Mythsusters (N) n 'PG' cc Megastorm (N) n rc Breaking Magic Breaking Magic MythBusters n 'PG' « *E! 1 36 2 5 Ice Loves Coco ** "He's JustNotThatInto you" (2009)BenAffleck, Jennifer Aniston. Dateline on E! Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Nicki Minai: My Chelsea Lately The Soup '14' ESPN 21 23 22 23 Sportsoenter BCS Countdown MLS Soccer:WesternConference, Final Leg2 —Galaxyat Sounders Sportsoenter (N)(Uve)« Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Basketball Co l lege Basketball Charleston Classic, Final: TeamsTBA(N) (Live) NAS CAR Now Sportscenter Soccer (9:45) E:60 NASCAR Racin gSprintCup:FordEcoBoost400 "Fastest" (2011,Documentary) Narrated byEwanMcGregor. "Fastest" (2011,Documentary) Narrated byEwanMcGregor. ** "OnAny Sunday"(1971) ESPNC 23 25 123 25 "Fastest" (2011,Documentary) Narrated byEwanMcGregor. H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H.L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESP NFC Press Pass ESPNN 24 63 124203SportsNation Sportscenter Sportsoenter (N)(Live) tc Sportsoenter (N)(Live) cc "Santa Baby2: ChristmasMaybe" (2009) JennyMcCarthy. 'PG' *** "Holidayin Handcuffs" (2007)Melissa JoanHart. 'PG' "12 DatesofChristmas" (2011,Comedy-Drama)AmySmart. 'PG' FAM 67 29 19 41 (4:00) "SantaBaby"(2006)'PG' FNC 57 61 36 50 Huckabee(N) Fox NewsSunday Geraldo at Large (N)'PG' rt Huc k abee Stossel Geraldo at Large n 'PG' tc Fox NewsSunday *FOOD 177 62 98 44 The Next Iron Chef: Redemption Thanksgiving Live CupcakeWars(N) The Next Iron Chef: Redemption All-Star Family Cook-off (N) Res t aurant Stakeout ** "The TwilightSaga:NewMoon" (2009, Romance)Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson. ** "Twilight"(2008, Romance) FX 131 (3:30) Predators ** "Twilight" (2008,Romance)Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Billy Burke. I HGTY 176 49 33 43 Living Abroad Living Abroad House Hunters Hunters Int'I M i l lion Dollar Rooms 'G' « Extreme Homes'G' « Property Brothers 'G' « House Hunters Renovation (N) 'G' House Hunters Renovation 'G' *HIST 155 42 41 36 Caligula: 1400Daysof Terror P a wn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Superstorm P awn Stars 'PG' Swampsgiving 'PG' ct (11:02) OutbackHunters (N)'14' "undertheMistletoe" (2006, Drama)JaimeRayNewman. 'PG' « "Holiday Spin" (2012,Drama)Ralph Macchio. Premiere. 'PG' « LIFE 138 39 20 31 "Ho/iday HighSchool Reunion" (2012) RachelBoston. « (11:01) "under theMistletoe" MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Caught on CameraWatchOut! Maximum Drama (N) To Catch a PredatorGeorgia1 L o ckup: Raw KiAmong lers Us Lockup: Raw Ganging Up Lockup: RawTime to Kil Meet the Press 'Gt'c MTV 192 22 38 57 True Life Digital habits. n Catfish: The TVShow n Teen Mom 2:Catch Up Special 2 Teen Mom 2 Walkthe Line'PG' J e rsey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore n '14' « Catfish: The TVShow n NICK 82 46 24 40 ioarly iDate aBadBoy'G' tc Spo ngesob Sp ongesob SquarePants n 'Y7' cc See Dad Run ** "Aquamarine" (2006) Sara Parton, Joanna"JoJo" Levesque. n tc Friends n '14' (11:33) Friends OWN 161103 31 103Oprah: WhereAre They Now? n Oprah: Where AreTheyNow'? n Oprah: Where AreTheyNow? n Oprah's Favorite Things: 2012(N) n 'PG' Married to the Army: Alaska '14' Oprah's Favorite Things: 2012n ROOT 20 45 28* 26 College Football College Football Washingtonat Colorado College Basketball SouthDakota at Gonzaga College Hockey *** "IndependenceDay" (1996) Wil Smith. Earthlingsvs. evil aliens in 15-mile-wideships. *** "IndependenceDay" n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Bar Rescue n * * " The Fastandthe Furious: TokyoDrift" (2006, Action) LucasBlack. n * "ResidentEvil: Afterlife" (2010, Horror) Mila Jovovich, Ali Larter. "ZombieApocalypse" (2011)Ving Rhames,Taryn Manning. '14' cc "Riseoithe Zombies"(2012)'14' SYFY 133 35 133 45* "ResidentEvil" (2002) Mila Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez. cc TBN 05 60 130 (4:00) Fall Praise-A-Thon Fall Praise-A-Thon *TBS 16 27 11 28 Father-PartII * * "1 7Again" (2009, Comedy) ZacEfron, Leslie Mann. rc T he Grinch * ** * "T he Wizard oi Oz" (1939)Judy Garland. rr !DVS) The Grinch (10:45) *** "Madagascar" (2005,Comedy)cr ***"Plymouth Adventure" (1952)Spencer Tracy, GeneTierney. ThePil- *"Captain John SmithandPocahontas"(1953, Historical My Country'Tis *** "Masteroithe House"(1925, Comedy-Drama)JohannesMeyer, Astrid ***"Anna Christie"(1930)Greta TCM 101 44 101 29 Drama)AnthonyDexter,JodyLawrence. of Thee Holm. Silent. Abully gets his comeuppance. Garbo, CharlesBickford. grims endure ahazardousvoyageto theNewWorld. « *TLC 178 34 32 34 Sister Wives rt Sister Wives n Sister Wives rt Sister Wives rt Sister Wives rt Sister Wives rt Sister Wives rt Sister Wives rt Sister Wives (N) rt '14' « Breaking Amish: TheShunning Sister Wives rr '14' « ***"TheBourneSupremacy"(2004)MattDamon.« *** "TheBourneUltimatum"(2007, Action) Matt Damon,Julia Stiles. «(DVS) *** "TheBourneUltimatum" (2007) «(DVS) *TNT 17 26 15 27 (3:30)"TheBourneIdentity" « 'TOON 84 Adventure Time ** "National Treasure" (2004,Adventure) NicolasCage, HunterGomez. Looney Tunes Dragons: Riders The Oblongs n King of the Hill King of the Hill Cleveland Show Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 The Layover with Bourdain The Layover with Bourdain Extreme Pools 'G'tt Luxury Yachts 'G'rr Extreme Yachts (N) 'Gat ' ExtremeYachts (N) 'G' « Extreme Yachts (N) 'G' rt M*A*S*H 'PG' M*A*S'H 'PG' M'A'S*H 'PG' M*A'S*H 'PG' M*A*S*H 'PG' M*A*S*H 'PG' M*A*S*H 'PG' Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H 'PG' ** "It's Complicated"(2009) Law & Order: SVU Law 8 Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law 8 Order: SVU USA 15 30 23 30 Law & Order: SVU 40 Funniest Fails 2 '14' Rehab With Dr. Drew rt '14' Reh a b With Dr. Drew (N) rt '14' B e hind the Music Pink 'PG' « Cou ples Therapy rt '14' Rehab With Dr. Drew n '14' VH1 191 48 37 54 40 Funniest Fails 2 '14' •
*** "FriendsWithBenefits" 2011 Justin Timberlake. rt 'R' « ENCR 106401 306401(4:35) Stranded'PG' « (6:15) * "i KnowWhatyouDid Last Summer"1997 n 'R' « (9:50) ** "BatmanForever"1995 Val Kilmer. rt 'PG-13' « ** "Next"2007, ScienceFiction NicolasCage. 'PG-13' « *** "TheDeparted" 2006LeonardoDiCaprio. Anundercovercopanda criminal lead doublelives. 'R' FMC 104204104120** "Next"2007, ScienceFiction Nicolas Cage. 'PG-13' « The Ultimate Fighter n '14' The Ultimate Fighter n '14' UFC 154:St-Pierre vs. Condit - Prelims UFC Tonight UFC Insider T h e Ultimate Fighter n '14' FUEL 34 (3:00) UFC:Franklin vs. Le Big Break Greenbrier Chasing Patr iot Cup Highlights 2012 Gol f Central B i g Break Greenbrier Chasing Cha s in g Patr i ot Cup Highlights 2012 I GOLF 28 301 27 301LPGA Tour Golf "It'sChristmas,Carol!"(2012) Carrie Fisher. Premiere. 'G' « "TheMost Wonderful Timeoithe year" (2008) HenryWinkler. 'PG' * nsve's Christmas" (2004)Elisa Donovan, CherylLadd. 'G' « HALL 66 33175 33 "Kinkade'sChristmasCottage" "Crossfire Hurricane" 2012,DocumentaryThe wilder side of rock'n' roll leg- ** "Safe House" 2012,Action DenzelWashington. Arookie anda renegade Boardwalk Empire Nucky tries to Treme Janette is attacked by crawfish Boardwalk Empire Nucky tries to HBO 25501 425501 ends the Rolling Stones. n 'NR'tr operative try toevadeassassins. n 'R' tc keep JessSmithquiet. (N)'MA' ravioli. (N)n 'MA' cc keep JessSmithquiet. 'MA' cr *** "OpenWater"2003BlanchardRyan.'R' I FC 105 1 0 5 ** "TheBeach" 2000,DramaLeonardo Dioaprio, Tilda Swinton.'R' (9:15) ** "StarTrekGenerations"1994, ScienceFiction Patrick Stewart. 'PG' Open Water'R' (445) * "Firestorm"1998,Action (615) *** "Rise oithePlanet oithe Apes"2011 JamesFranco. A medical ** "Contraband" 2012,Action MarkWahlberg, Kate Beckinsale. Aformer *** "Bridesmaids" 2011, ComedyKristen Wiig, MayaRudolph. Amaid of • M AX 00508 5 0 8Howie Long. rr 'R' « experiment results in a superintelligent chimp. 'PG-13' « smuggler finds hehasto getback in the game,rr 'R' « honor's life unravels as the big day approaches. rr 'NR' « Border Wars Traffic '14' Drugs, Inc. (N)'14' Alaska State Troopers (N) '14' B o r der Wars Traffic '14' Alaska State Troopers '14' Superstorm 2012'14' N GC 157 1 5 7 Drugs, Inc. '14' S p ongeBob L e gend-Korra Legend-Korra Dragon Ball 2 Iron Man: Armor I NTOON 89115189115Monsuno 'Y7' Odd Parents Wild Grinders Wild Grinders Planet Sheen Planet Sheen Robot, Monster Odd Parents SpongeBob Hu n t Adventure Realtree Road Live 2 Hunt W i l dgame Ntn Ult. Adventures The Season OUTD 37 307 43 307Hunt Adventure Wildgame Ntn Realtree Road Truth Hunting Bushman Show Bone Collector Craig Morgan Red Arrow t Homeland I'll FlyAway(N) n 'MA' tt Dexter Argentina n 'MA'tc S HO 00 5 0 0 (4:15) ** "Faster" 2010,Action U ntold History of the United States Dexter Chemistry DexterandHannah Homeland TheClearingCarrie tries to Dexter Argentina(N) n 'MA' c DwayneJohnson. n 'R' « World WarTwo '14' « grow closer. n 'MA' « regain control. 'MA' « SPEED 35 303125303SPEEDCenter (N)(Live) Wind Tunnel With DaveDespain My Classic Car Car Crazy 'G' Formula One Racing U.S. Grand Prix Fromthe Circuit of the Americas in Austin, Texas. Monterey Win d Tunnel With Dave Despain ** "Just GoIVith it" 2011 AdamSandler. n 'PG-13' « STARZ 00408 00408(4:50) ** "John Carter" 2012Taylor Kitsch. n 'PG-13' « (7dg)*** "TheMuppets"2011JasonSegel.n 'PG'« ** TheButterflyEffect 2004 (440) ** "TheHeavy"2010 GaryStretch. The rivalry (625) ** "AngelsCrest"2011Thomas Dekker. A child's *** "Source Code"2011 Jake Gyllenhaal. A pilot experp (935) * "Brake" 2012Stephen Dorff. A federal agent is (1115) "Elephant White"2011, Action TMC 2 5 25 betweentwo brothers comesto a head. rt 'R' death throws atown into turmoil. n 'R' cc ences the lastfew minutes of aman's life. taken captive by terrorists. rr 'R' « Kevin Bacon.n 'R' « Sports lllustrated 'PG' Game On! C P L Football DivisionTeams Final: TBA(N) Poker After Dark 'PG'a« NBCSN 27 58 30 209CPL Football *WE 143 41 174118Bridezillas WhereAre Th. Bridezillas Erica &Krystal '14' Bri dezillas KrystalGabri & elle '14' Bridezillas Where AreTh. Bridezillas Erica &Krystal '14' Bri dezillas Krystal 8 Gabrielle '14' Plat. Weddings Plat. Weddings
Daughter can nolonger watch family'ssaddrama Dear Abby: My parents are in their 80s. I have two brothers. "Pete," the oldest, is in his 50s and lives with them. "Dave" lives next door. My parents support them both financially. Neither one works or even tries to find a job. Both of them are addicted to meth, and one is hooked on prescription pills as well. My parents know it but enable them by
paying their bills. Pete and Dave steal and blame each other or any innocent family member who comes to visit. My parents are in total denial. There is major
drug use going on every day, as well as potential violence. Pete and Dave threaten to shoot people all the time. Part of me understands it's none of my business, and I have no desire to be around such dysfunction. The other part of me is furious and wants to put a stop to them using my parents. If I offer suggestions to my parents — such as cutting off Pete and Dave — they get mad at ME! I'm ready to sever all ties because there's no stopping this train wreck. I think my parents actually enjoy paying for my two 50-something brothers so they can stay high, never grow up and always be dependent. Any advice? — No Name in the Southwest Dear No Name: I agree there is nothing you can do to "save" your parents — or your brothers, for t hat m a tter. Their patterns are too well established. You can, however, save yourself. If seeing them is too painful, you have my permission to distance yourself from what appears to be their unhealthy symbiotic situation. Dear Abby:I live in a generally quiet neighborhood, but my next-door neighbors yell at each other and their children a lot. The shouting sounds like it is escalating. This morning, the father yelled at his young son, tell-
Pleaseemail event information to or click on "Submit an Event" at Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
TODAY DEAR ABBY ing him to name the letters of the alphabet he was pointing to. His "lesson" was filled with a n ger a n d p r o f anity when the boy made mistakes. It was finally interrupted by the mother, shouting for him to stop. He then screamed, " Shut y ou r m o u t h! " a n d she responded, "Don't you TOUCH me!n I don't know what to do. At what point should I call the police, or is this none of my business? — Worried Neighbor in California Dear Worried Neighbor: The turmoil in that household isn't healthy for the children. The next time the f ather starts shouting, call the police to report a "domestic disturbance." The verbal abuse could very well escalate to physical violence (if it hasn't already). Dear Abby: My brother-inlaw, a doctor, had an affair a few years ago with his nurse. It destroyed his more than 20-
year marriage to my former sister-in-law. He married the nurse. I want nothing to do with him or his new wife now. He stayed with us for a while and lied about the affair. I have no respect for either of them. I usually ignore them at family gatherings because I don't like to associate with people who do not share my values. Abby, do you think I should accept his new wife'? — Principled in Dayton
Dear Principled: Good manners dictate that when you see them you be civil to them. It doesn't have to extend beyond, "Hello. How are you?" and moving on to talk with other relatives — and it doesn't indicate "acceptance." — Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Sunday,Nov. 18, 2012 Togetherness works. By jacqueline Bigar This year you often makestatements VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) that you later stress out about. Try ** * * Y our creativity surges to to break this habit in order to reduce new levels. Youenjoy having an active your anxiety. You areunusually libido, probably more thananyone creative and sensitive, so besure else around you. Howyou use this to express those facets of your energy is your call. You could have personality in your day-to-day a profound impact on anailing or routine. You often are very hard on touchy relationship. It might not even yourself. If you are single, refuse to be your own! Tonight: Squeeze the take that attitude out the door with last moments out of the weekend. you. You will meet a different type LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) of person than you might want to ** * * Your ability to read between become involved with if you carry the lines helps you understand negativity around with you. If you are what is going on within your family attached, let go of your insecurities, and/or domestic life. You might be and you will see adifference in how withholding more than you realize. you relate to your partner. Be aware of the liability here. Tonight: The Stars Showthe Kind of DayYou'll Keep it easy and relaxed. Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Average; 2-So-so;1-Bifficult ** * * You might want to rethink a ARIES (March 21-April19) decision more carefully andbe direct ** * * T ake a stand, and honoryourwith others. Listen to news with priorities. You havestrong values care. Others seeyou as withdrawn, and a keensense of direction. Your butyou actuallyare deep in thought. intuition helps you understand more, If you can, explain this when it is and it also softens your message. A appropriate. Tonight: Take awalk, visit loved one or dear friend tends to have with a neighbor... just relax. a strong reaction. Tonight: Dinner out. SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Oec. 21) TAURUS(April 20-May 20) ** * Be aware that by agreeing ** * * * K eep striving to get more to a proposition that makes family out of your life. Listen to ideas more members happy, you could be openly, especially if they come from costing yourself a lot of money. Stop a trusted friend. You might feel as if before committing, and askyourself you cannot get past an immediate if this idea makesyou happy. Tonight: problem with a partner. Pull back, Your treat. and let this person go through his or CAPRICORN(Oec. 22-Jan.19) her feelings. Tonight: Reach out to ** * * You could be more in touch someoneatadistance. with your feelings than you havebeen GEMINI (May 21-June20) in a while. Afriend might become ** * * Deal with a key person more and more detached. Perhaps directly who might be asource of you want to do nothing and wait for irritation. You need toaddress this this person to comeforward on his or issue only with this person. Touch her own. Meanwhile, enjoy yourself base with an older friend or relative. with those who are clear-headed. You cannot imagine the difference it Tonight: Live it up. could make. Tonight: With a favorite AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb.18) person. ** * * You might need to pull back CANCER(June21-July 22) and see what is going on. You'll want ** * Defer to others; they needto to say less for now. Someinformation feel dominant in order to feel valued. that comes forward is unusually You'll want to boost their sense ofwell- vague. Knowwhat it is thatyou want being, as it will make it easier for you to and expect from a friend. Tonight: relate to them.Youareserious about a Make it early. child or a creative enterprise. Tonight: PISCES(Fed.19-March 20) Enjoythe twilight of the weekend. ** * * Try to sort through ideas and LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) reality. In some manner, you might ** * * You could be pushing have created a fog around yourself, yourself beyond your capabilities. as you cannot seesome situations Listen to someone's idea or clearly. It likely wasn't unintentional. suggestion, but if you don't feel Youcannotjudgesomeone'smotives comfortable, do not sign upto at this point. Tonight: Where there is follow this course. Your sixth music. sense is excellent. Trust it. Tonight: © 2012 by King Features Syndicate
THANKSGIVINGBREAKFAST: A meal of pancakes, biscuits and gravy, eggs, sausage and more; free; 8-11 a.m.; Bend's Community Center, 1036 N.E. Fifth St.; 541-312-2069 or www. THANKSGIVING DINNER:Ameal ofturkey, ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, vegetables and more; free; noon-4 p.m.; Bend's Community Center, 1036 N.E. Fifth St.; 541-312-2069 or www. "IT'SONLY MONEY": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the musical comedy about m ixing loveand money;$24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 2 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. "ASSASSINS": Thoroughly Modern Productions presents adarkmusicalcomedy portraying history's most famous presidential assassins; $21, $18 students and seniors; 3 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, or "SLEEPWALK WITH ME": A screening of the unrated comedy by Mike Birbiglia about an aspiring stand-up comedian's experience with sleepwalking; $9 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. WHITE FORT: The Russian jam band peforms; free; 7 p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop 8 Ale Cafe, 1740 N.W. Pence Lane, Suite 1, Bend; 541-728-0703.
Visitors admire one of the dozens of gingerbread houseson display in the Sunriver Lodge in 2010. The Gingerbread Junction display will be open daily beginning Thursday at Sunriver Resort and will run through Dec. 29.
r „I;%
Ryan Brennecke The Bulletin file
opens; runs through Dec. 29; free; WINERYBARRELTASTING: Taste proceeds benefit Wonderland Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center wines and eat local food; with Express'annualevent;free Drive; 541-593-4609 or www. m usic byJohnny Corona;donations admission; 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sunriver Neighborlmpact; $5 with Resort Great Hall, 17728 Abbott junction-sunriver.php. four cans of nonperishable food Drive; 541-593-4405 or www. required, $10 without; 3-8 p.m.; BEND TURKEY TROT: 5Kand 10K Maragas Winery, 15523 S.W. U.S. races through Northwest Bend; RAKU POTTERY SALE:The Raku Highway 97, Culver; 541-546-5464 registration required; proceeds Artists of Central Oregon host a or benefit the La Pine Community sale of handcrafted pottery; free Kitchen; with a canned food drive; GRANOILLUMINATION: With a admission; 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.; The MONDAY $7-$25, see website for price details; magic show, a parade, arts and Environmental Center, 16 N.W. 9 a.m.; N.W. Bonneville Loop; www. crafts, live music, food and more; Kansas Ave., Bend; 541-610-5684. "FIXING THE FUTURE": free admission; 4 p.m.; Sunriver SISTERS TURKEYTROT: 5K and A screening of the 2010 Resort, 17600 Center Drive; 800BGCCO TURKEYTROT: 5Kand 10K 10K road races; free, registration documentary about new 486-8591 or www.sunriver-resort. racesthrough the Old Mill District required; with a canned food drive opportunities that have com/traditions. and along the Deschutes River; for Sisters Kiwanis Club Food Bank; emerged in the wake of the WINTER ART WALK: Featuring a non-perishable food donations 2008 financial meltdown; $6; 6 registration required; proceeds showcase of local art and music accepted; 11 a.m.; downtown p.m.; Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W. benefit Girls on the Run; $9-$25, see website for price details; 9 a.m.; at various downtown stores; free; Sisters; Tin Pan Alley, Bend; 541-410LesSchwab Amphitheater,344 S.W . 4-8 p.m.; downtown Redmond; 9944 or WINERYBARRELTASTING: Taste Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; www. 541-923-5191. wines and eat local food; with music "SLEEPWALK WITH ME": A "THE SOUND OFMUSIC" by Jim Lee and Susan Benson; screening of the unrated comedy I LIKE PIEFUNRUN: Run or walk SINGALONG: Watch the 1965 Gdonations benefit Neighborlmpact; by Mike Birbiglia about an 2K, 5K, 10K or10 miles and eat pie; rated film and sing along with the $5 with four cans of nonperishable aspiring stand-up comedian's with a baking contest; registration characters; $20 plus fees; 6:30 food required, $10 without; 11 a.m.experience with sleepwalking; required; donations benefit p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall 6 p.m.; Maragas Winery, 15523 S.W. $9 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Neighborlmpact; $5 and five cans St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. U.S. Highway 97, Culver; 541-546Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., offood;9 a.m.;FootZone,845 5464 or Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-749-0540, "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern CIVILWAR FOOTBALL GAME: or www. Productions presents a dark musical View the civil war clash between comedy portraying history's most the Ducks and the Beavers on Pine FAMIYKITCHEN THANKSGIVING famous presidential assassins; Theater's big screen; party food TUESDAY DINNER:Share a traditional, home$21, $18 students and seniors; 7:30 included; $10;1 p.m., doors open at "PLACESYOU'VE NOT LOOKED cooked meal with the community; p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. noon; Pine Theater,214 N. Main St., free; 11 a.m.-3 p.m.; St. Helens Hall, Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, Prineville; 541-416-1014. FOR YOUR RELATIVES": Bend 231 N.W. Idaho Ave., Bend; 541-610- or Genealogical Society presents "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly 6511 or a program by Philip Wittboldt; Modern Productions presents a free; 10 a.m.; First Presbyterian "FLOW STATE":A screening of THANKSGIVINGDINNER FOR dark musical comedy portraying Church, 230 N.E.Ninth St., Bend; SENIORS:Share a home-cooked the Warren Miller film about skiing history's mostfamous presidential 541-317-9553 or www.orgenweb meal with senior members of the and snowboarding; $10; 7:30 p.m.; assassins; $21, $18 students .org/deschutes/bend-gs. community; $7.50;noon-5 p.m.; Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center and seniors; 2 p.m.; 2nd Street Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Drive; 800-486-8591 or www. Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette THE LIBRARY BOOKCLUB: Read Market Road; 541-382-0118. Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, and discuss "The Immortal Life or of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca JAZZATTHEOXFORO:Featuring a Skloot; free; noon; East Bend performance by trumpeter Jeremy Public Library, 62080 DeanSwift FRIDAY Pelt; $49 plus fees in advance; 8 CIVIL WARFUNDRAISER:Watch Road; 541-330-3764 or www. p.m.; The Oxford Hotel,10 N.W. Oregon State University and the RAKU POTTERY SALE:The Raku Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382University of Oregon football Artists of Central Oregon host a "BRINGOUT YOUR DEAD!" 8436 or teams play; event also features sale of handcrafted pottery; free LECTURESERIES:Featuring THE STEADIES: Thereggae-rock band food and a silent auction; proceeds admission; 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.; The benefit Chimps Inc.; registration a presentation on "Create performs, with TheBoomBooms; Environmental Center, 16 N.W. requested; $55; 3 p.m.; Hooker Your Own Zombie: Bringing $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing Kansas Ave., Bend;541-610-5684. Creek Ranch, 65525 Gerking the Resilient Undead to Life"; & Taproom, 24 N.W.Greenwood Market Road, Bend; 541-389-5853 free; 5-6 p.m.; Central Oregon WONDERLAND EXPRESSAUCTION: Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www. or Community College, Hitchcock A silent auction of unique creations; Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College proceeds benefit Wonderland JAZZ AT THE OXFORD:Featuring a Way, Bend; 541-383-7786. Express' annual event; free performance by trumpeter Jeremy admission; 11:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; "SLEEPWALK WITH ME": A Pelt; $49 plus fees in advance; 5 SATURDAY p.m.; The Oxford Hotel,10 N.W. screening of the unrated comedy Sunriver Resort Great Hall, 17728 Abbott Drive; 541-593-4405 or by Mike Birbiglia about an WONDERLAND EXPRESSAUCTION: Minnesota Ave., Bend; aspiring stand-up comedian's A silent auction of unique creations; 8436 or experience with sleepwalking; $9 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. You areInvited to the 1 0th Annual
Teddy 5ear" Tea
WEDNESDAY SHANE SIMONSEN:The Washington-based singersongwriter performs, with Selfless Riot; 6 p.m.; Green Plow Coffee Roasters, 436 S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; 541-516-1128. "SLEEPWALK WITHME":A screening of the unrated comedy by Mike Birbiglia about an aspiring stand-up comedian's experience with sleepwalking; $9 plus fees; 7 p.m.; TowerTheatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-3170700 or "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern Productions presents adarkmusicalcomedy portraying history's most famous presidential assassins; $21, $18 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, or
Enjoytea and Holiday goodies. Meet Santa! Each child will receive a special stufFed Teddy 5ear ae a gift.
Saturday, December 8th 1 st Seating Bt 10 A .M. & 2nd Seating at Noon
Coyote Ranch Restaurant 1 368 5. Highway 97 in Redmond $1 2.50 per Child & $8.50 per Adult Tickets must bepurchased in advance.
For more information and your tickets,
c aii 541.54 8 . 7 4 8 5 To benefitthe griefcamp for children
THURSDAY GINGERBREADJUNCTION:A display of gingerbread houses
A specialthanks to
Presented by
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r rf Cottote rrancrr Dpsp
R al e e n rce for hostingthis event.
It' '")ml )
l Isc„' d,
., 500
M IL E r
The 1931 Cummins Diesel Special No. 8is on loan from the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Museum. Built upon a Duesenberg chassis to hold a four-cylinder diesel truck engine, it ran the entire Indy 500 without a single pit stop, averaging 86 mph. The 1964 Hurst Floor Shift Special was built with ,2 Photos by John Gettberg Anderson /For The Bulletin
A 1913 Reo, left, stands beside a 1907 Pierce Great Arrow that was restored after service as a Washington apple truck. The Pierce's windshield still displays souvenir window decals collected on a 9,600-mile, coast-to-coast drive in the mid 1960s.
"You're the top! You're a Ritz hot toddy. .nf>', tt' .c
You're the top! You're a Brewster body." — Cole Porter
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motor-sports event i n the world, the Indianapolis 500 has a unique place in the world of auto racing. Originally built as a testing ground, according to interpretive text at the museum, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway hosted its first race in 1911, then as now requiring 200 laps on a 2'/~-mile track. Over the years, the track was improved from gravel to brick to asphalt, and a score of safety i nnovations were introduced. But its treacherous Turn One has remained the same. With each revolution, drivers are subjected to a force nearly three times that of gravity on the curve of nearly
Offenhauser engine
out and hit the outer retaining wall, just before taking the green flag. The damage could not be repaired for another attempt and the carnever ran again.
Buicks. "Europeans don't u n derstand American cars," Bulgari said in text that accompanies this exhibit. "The collectors say they are mass produced, but that's the point. The (EuBulgari collection ropean) Alfa Romeos, DelaA f amed I t alian j eweler hayes, Delages, Hispano-Sui(BVLGARI) of Greek descent, zas, aren't truly reality. They Nicola Bulgari is also one of are easycars to do, with few the world's leading collectors restrictions. of American cars, especially Continued next page
90 degrees. This exhibit features six pre1970 Indy cars on loan from the Indianapolis Motor SpeedIn the 1920s and '30s, when songwriter Cole Porterwas at the peak of his talents, "Body by way Museum, as well as the Brewster" was the ultimate in custom coach building. Here, a visitor to the LeMay America's Car car that won the race in 1959. Museum reflects on Porter's words during a rest stop. I found two, in particular, to be of interest. The 1931 Cummins Diesel in this collection are loaned by Packard and Rolls-Royce. Special No. 8 was built upon a private individuals and corpoIn an era when the average Duesenberg chassis customContinued from C1 rations," he explained. cost of a new car was $640, and made to hold a 360-cubic-inch, Years in development, the Presently, 45 cars from the the average annual salary for a four-cylinder diesel truck ensleek $65 million museum has original collection of Harold skilled worker about $1,500, a gine. It took a special conces165,000 square feet of show LeMay and his wife, Nancy, are Duesenberg Model J could cost sion to allow the 3,389-pound space on a nine-acre campus. displayed in the Grand Gallery the buyer $20,000, from chas- car to be in the 40-car Indy It opened on June 2 with seven on the museum's main floor. sis to full body and interior. In field. But driver Dave Evans galleries on four levels near These include a 1903 Oldsmo- today's dollars, that translates completed the entire 500 miles downtown Tacoma. bile Runabout, a 1930 Due- to hundreds of thousands. of the race without a single pit Any pre-conceived notion of senberg J and a 1986 Owosso In ordering a c o ach-built stop, averaging 86.1 mph to finwhat an automobile museum Pulse three-wheeler, helping to car, buyers would first select a ish in 13th place. The car used is, or is not, should be tossed represent the diversity of vehi- chassis, including frame, sus- only 31 gallons of diesel at a toaway by visitors to the LeMay cles within the heavily Ameri- pension, steering, drive train tal cost (then) of $2.55. extravaganza. can collection. These will be and radiator. Next, they would The 1964 Hurst Floor Shift "The traditional automobile changed out on a regular basis. consider the design, based upon Special was built with a fourmuseum is a flawed model," Other c u r r en t ex h i bits suggestion details published in cylinder 255-cubic-inch Offensaid Scot Keller, chief market- — scheduled to run into 2013 a catalog. Every detail could be hauser engine. After turning ing and communications offi- — feature custom coachwork customized, fromintricatewood practice laps at more than 150 cer for the museum. "We knew of the 1920s and '30s, Indy 500 and metal inlays to exotic uphol- mph, NASCAR driver Bobby from the start that if we were racing cars, the Nicola Bulgari stery. The best coach builders Johns was taking qualification going to be successful, we had collection of American luxury might even tailor the car to their runs on what would have been to reinvent the idea of what a cars,the 60 years ofthe Ferrari customer's height and weight, or his first Indy 500 when he spun car museum is.n brand in the United States, the to that of their chauffeur. As fewer than 10 percent of post-Second World War "invaThe best-known coach buildmuseum visitors might be con- sion" of British cars, and ex- er was Brewster 8 Company, sidered car experts or enthu- periments with alternative fuel which transitioned from a censiasts, Keller said, a static core sources. tury of manufacturing horse Here's where the "storytell- carriages to making automocollection that is always on display won't attract a lot of repeat ing" comes in. biles in 1910. The company visits. reserved unique paintcolors "Here, our cars are storytell- Custom coachwork for elite families such as the ers," he said. "We start with a Prior to the development of Rockefellers, Vanderbilts and story, and go out and find ve- assembly-line technology, as Astors. It sold to Rolls-Royce in hicles to fit that story. We've descriptive text in this exhibit 1924. Brewster was forced out changed the role of cars so that explains, automobiles were of business by the Depression they are an integral part of tell- built one at a time, by hand. in 1937, but the legacy of coaching a story. Even if you're not a Henry Ford's efficient probuilt cars lives on in the design car expert, you can come and duction techniques put cars departments of modern auto visit often and get something within the economic reach of makers. new each time. Change is what the middle class, but until the The 1 9 3 0 Lin c ol n L it's all about." Great Depression, wealthy cli- Brougham is one of many outAlready, Keller said, Ameri- ents oftenpreferredunique, lux- standing examples on display ca'sCar Museum is searching urious vehicles that were cus- here. for vehicles that will be pre- tom-built upon "rolling chassis" sented as part of next year's from such manufacturers as Indy 500 cars exhibits. "About half of the cars Duesenberg, Mercedes-Benz, As the l argest single-day
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The 2005 Momentum SolarCar was designed by a team of more than 200 University of Michigan students. The 8-horsepower car won the North American Solar Challenge, the longest solar-car race in history, from Austin, Texas, to Calgary, Alberta.
$439 ppdo. Beautiful Enzian Inn, 2 hot buffet breal<fasts/ 2 dinners L sleigh ride!
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$99 ppdo. Receive $20 free slot play and $12 in food coupons, plus the New Year's special includes a FREE Prime Rib Dinner!
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and one deluxe continental breal<fast!
LODGING • Hotel Murano. 1320 Broadway Plaza; 253238-8000, 877-986-8083,
www.hotelmuranotacoma. com. Rates from $169. Bite
Restaurant open for three meals daily; moderate to expensive • King Oscar Tacoma. Rates from $75 • Red Lion Hotel Tacoma. 8402 S. Hosmer St.; 253548-1212, 800-RED-LION,
Rates from $93 DINING • Grassi's Garden Cafe. 1702 Pacific Ave.; 253-572-
1744, www.grassisflorist. com. Breakfast and lunch. Budget to moderate
• Harmon Brewery & Eatery. 1938 Pacific Ave.; 253-383-2739, www.
harmonbrewingco. com. Lunch anddinner. Moderate • The Swiss Pub.1904 Jefferson Ave.; 253-5722821, www.theswisspub.
com. Lunch anddinner. Budget to moderate
ATTRACTIONS • LeMay America's Car Museum. 2702 E. "D" St., Tacoma, Wash.; 253-7798490, 877-902-8490, • LeMay Family Collection at Marymount Event Center. 325152nd St. E., Tacoma; 253-272-2336, www.lemaymarymounht.
org. Two-hour tours begin on the hour,10a.m. to 3 p.m. Tuesday to Saturday, noon to 3 p.m. Sunday.
8820 S. Hosmer St.; 253539-1153, 888-254-5464,
Slot-car enthusiasts may test their skillsin LeMay America's Car Museum on the miniature road-racing track, which has no shortage of corporate sponsors. Nearby, video simulators entice game enthusiasts to try holding a turn at 150 mph. and handling of a technical race car to city streets and country highways. Designed and built without consideration of expensethe factory in Maranello, Italy, produces more than 6,000 cars a year, and each one is spoken for — Ferraris couple distinctive style with c utting-edge technology a n d ol d - world craftsmanship. This exhibit features cars from each decade of export to America, from th e 1949 166MM Barchetta to the 2013 4 58 Italia Challenge. I w as impressed by the 1991 Ferrari F40, the first road-legal production car to break the 200mile-per-hourbarrier. Naturally, its color is Rosso Corsa — the international motor-racing color of Italy. "If you can afford a Ferrari, you can have it painted any color you like," explains an interpretive sign in the museum. "But if you want it to look like a Ferrari, red is the only logical choice."
British Invasion
To those who grew up in the 1960s, when The Beatles sang "Baby, you can drive my car," and Mick Jagger said, "Anything worth doing is worth From previous page overdoing," the "British Inva"But a m a s s-produced sion" refers to music, movies American car? Now that's a and fashion. But it also carried difficult assignment. And look into cars, as this exhibit deat the result. These incred- picts clearly. ible styling studios produced It doesn't take Agent 007's dream cars that weren't fan- sleek Aston-Martin - nor "the world's grooviest car," tasies; the cars ofyour dreams have become a reality. An ex- Austin Powers' 1970 E-Type traordinary achievement." Jaguar, painted with a Union H alf of h i s c o llection i s Jack — to make a statement h oused in R o me, th e b a l - about English-made automoance in A l lentown, Pa. For biles. The cars in this exhibit the exhibit in America's Car include the quirky Mini, the Museum, he loaned 10 of his most popular British car of all personal cars, including Ca- time, as well as the Jaguar, the dillacs and a 1909 Hupmobile MG, the Austin-Healey and Model 20 roadster. the Lotus, which sparked the But it's the Buicks of the rear-engine revolution at the 1920s, '30s and '40s that most Indy 500. capture his fancy. "For me, American soldiers stationed Buicks are the most elegant in the United Kingdom during cars," Bulgari said. "They are World War II were enamored luxurious without being osten- with th e f u n , f u el-efficient tatious and offer the quality British cars. Their subsequent normally associated with far demand led Britain to become more expensive import cars." the world's top car exporter by 1950. Plagued by persistent Ferrari in America quality problems and premaIntroduced to th e U n ited ture rust, the English cars States after World War II, Fer- nonetheless remained in the rari automobiles have become top three until the 1970s, when known for bringing the power they were surpassed by Japa-
$1,329 ppdo 4days/3 nights/3 breakfasts air, transfers, San Antonio City tour, Riverboat dinner cruise
.:gigtrw i-
nese and German models. Today, many famous labels are owned by Asian carmakers. India's Tata Motors, which has Jaguar and Rover, continues to assemble them in Britain. China's Nanjing Automobile Group released the first new MG model in many years, the MG6, in 2011; it also owns Austin and Morris, but not a single new model has been issued since the 1980s. Mini has been owned since 1994 by G ermany's BMW, which has achieved success with its "next generation" British-assembled Mini since 2001. BMW also owns T r iumph, which has not been produced since 1981 — although rumors persist of a new Triumph in production. The only British car still owned and operated in the mother country i s M o rgan, w hich has remained in t h e same family since 1910. With annual production in the mere hundreds, these h and-built cars leave aficionados waiting one to two years for the latest model.
Alternative propulsion Ever since the first gas-powered automobiles appeared
on America's highways, engineers have been searching for more efficient means to power the vehicles. From steam and electricity to solar power, alternativeenergies have been tested and explored in great depth. According to this exhibit, m otor vehicles emit m o r e than 900 million metric tons of carbon dioxide each year, contributing to global warming "and other nasty stuff." In the United States, however, low taxes and existing infrastructure make gas the least expensive way to power cars. This country uses more than 350 million gallons of gasoline every day, more than 40 percent of the world's total. In the long run, this exhibit
offerings by such major manufacturers as GM, Toyota and Nissan. Also on display is the 2005 M omentum Solar C ar, d e s igned by a t eam o f m o r e than 200 University of Michigan students. Powered by an eight-horsepower in-hub motor, the solar-powered car won the North A m erican Solar Challenge, the longest solarcar race in history, extending from Austin, Texas, to Calgary, Alberta.
SA N AN T ONIO, TX+ M ARCH IP 2 0 1 3 a
WAR HORSE SUNDAY, MARCH 3, 2013 $189 pp w/dinner included.
Volunteer mechanic Charles Dumont makes an adjustment to the engine of a 1926 Ford Model T. NAPA Auto Parts sponsors an area in America's Car Museum where the public may watch as skilled mechanics work on classiccar restorations.
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$179 pp w/dinner included. Keller Auditorium in Portland
PALM SPRINGS, CA APRIL 8-13, 2013 6 days/5 nights Hyatt Regency onPalm Canyon Dr., Celebrity Home tour, Windmill tour, Aerial tram ride, Villagefest, Palm Springs Follies featuring Lesley Gore, College of the Desert and more!
$1,099 ppdo
might have imagined when the 1907 Pierce Grand Arrow was a new car.
— Reporter: janderson@
t» •
' IN . : . .. TEIIS I IQIi I D A Y
Other facilities Located on t h e v a r i ous floors of the showrooms are several o t h e r at t r actions. NAPA Auto Parts sponsors an area where classic-car restorations are performed by skilled mechanics as the public looks on. A slot-car track replicates the road-racing experience in miniature; video simulators allow visitors to try holding a turn at 150 mph. The museum cafe, Classics by Pacific Grill, has a variety of lunch items priced between $4 and $10. There's a gift shop near the entrance to the museum, as well as a private collectors' club room and meeting rooms onlower levels. All in all, it's far more than even the k eenest collector
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suggests, petroleum might get more expensiveas itgets harder to extract. If we can get our cars to run on renewable energy, we could keep our cars and trucks moving for less. More energy-efficient cars mean big savings and less pollution. Within this exhibit are some of the earliest electric and hybrid cars, including current
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A visitor gazes at the downtown Tacoma skylinefrom the windows of the LeMay America's Car Museum. Beside her is a 1930 Duesenberg J, an elite custom-built car that had a price tag of around $20,000 when it was built over eight decades ago.
• •
• • ' ~
Milestones guidelines and forms are available at The Bulletin, or send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to: Milestones, The Bulletin, PO. Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708. To ensure timely publication, The Bulletin requests that notice forms and photos be submitted within one month of the celebration.
i E..
v ~i.ii' P.
Matthew Graham andTuesday Johnson.
Emory "Jim" and DeVee (Zobrist) Meadows.
Tess Weaver and Greg Strokes.
Johnson —Graham
Weaver — Strokes
health educator for Oregon Health Authority in Portland. Tuesday Johnson and MatThe future groom is the son thew Graham, both of Tuala- of Michael and R osemarie tin, plan to marry in 2013. Graham, of Beaverton. He is T he future b r ide i s t h e a 2002 graduate of Southridge daughter of John and Kathy High School in Beaverton and Johnson, of Bend. She is a a 2007 graduate of Portland 2000 graduate of Bend High Community College, where School and a 2 0 05 g radu- he studied emergency mediate of Oregon State Univer- cal services. He is a firefighter sity, where she studied public and paramedic for the Salem health. She works as a public Fire Department.
'30 Rock' heroineLizLemon will give Lipthe single life
nati,andDebbie,of Redmond; four grandchildren; and two E mory " Jim" a n d D e - great-grandchildren. Vee (Zobrist) Meadows, of Mr. Meadows retired from Redmond, w i l l ce l ebrate M are Island Shipyard i n their 70th wedding anniver- Vallejo, Calif., in 1971. He sary Saturday, Nov. 24, with served in the U.S. Navy duran open house hosted by ing World War II and the Kotheir children and the Ruth's rean War. Mrs. Meadows is a Circle prayer group from Ihomemaker. The couple are 3:30 p.m. atZion Lutheran members of Zion Lutheran Church, 1113 S.W. Black Church and Mrs. Meadows Butte Blvd., Redmond. is a member of Ruth's Circle. The couple were married They deliver food for meals Nov. 23, 1942, in Reno, Nev. on wheels. They have tw o c h i l dren, They have lived in Central Bruce (and Joan), of Cincin- Oregon for 41 years.
magazines. The groom is the son of Tess Weaver and G r eg Paul Strokes, of Fairfax, Va., Strokes, both o f A s p e n, and the late Joan Strokes. Colo.,were married Sept. 8 He is a 1991 graduate of on her parents' property in Fairfax High School and a Bend. 1994 graduate of Colorado The bride is the daughter Mountain College, where he of Jim and Judy Weaver, of studied outdoor education. Bend. She is a 2001 gradu- He works as the marketing ate of Mountain View High director for Oakley InternaSchool and a 2005 gradu- tional Ski 8 Sports in Footate of University of Oregon, hill Ranch, Calif. where she studied journalThe couple honeymooned ism. She is a freelance writ- in t h e s o u thern U n i t ed er and senior contributor States. to Freeskiier and Powder They will settle in Aspen.
Delivered at St. Gharles Bend
Delivered at St. Gharles Redmond
Russell and Tonimarie Scott, a boy,ChalenJames Scott,7 pounds, 3 ounces, Nov. 4. Brandon ReedandSelina Marable,a boy, Cameron James Leon Reed, 7 pounds,13 ounces, Nov. 2. Scotty and Gourtney Taylor, a boy, Finn Robert Taylor, 7 pounds, 13 ounces, Nov. 2. Brent and Virginia Earwicker, a boy, Aidan Isaac Earwicker, 8 pounds, 10 ounces, Nov. 1. Michael and Angela MillsPrice,a girl, McKenzie Kate Mills-Price, 6 pounds, 13 ounces, Nov. 2. Jeremy andBelinda DeBoard, a girl, Brooklyn Marie DeBoard, 6 pounds, 7 ounces, Nov. 2. Dan and Linde Moses,a girl, Madelyn Monroe Moses, 7 pounds, 8 ounces, Nov. 9. Justin Henkemeyer and Heather Meeks,a boy, Colton William Henkemeyer, 7 pounds, 6 ounces, Nov.11. Joseph andJennifer Carlson, a girl, Madison Destiny Ann Carlson, 9 pounds, 3 ounces, Nov. 5.
Robert Martin and Heather Fournier,a girl, Autumn Rain Martin, 6 pounds, 2 ounces, Oct. 24. Kristopher and Jessica Voakes, a boy,David M ilesVoakes,7 pounds,15 ounces,7 pounds,15 ounces,Oct.24. Kendra Rae Sword,a boy, Renton William Sword Landen, 8 pounds, 14 ounces, Nov. 5. Luke and DeAnneSeverson, a girl, Emma Mae Severson, 7 pounds, 14 ounces, Nov. 9.
By Frazier Moore
fies that guests (i.e., you viewThe Associated Press ers) should plan to "bring your NEW YORK — Liz Lemon own snacks." is getting married and you're No preview ofthe episode invited. has been made available. Fans of "30 Rock" might T he series, w h ic h a i r s have r easonably a s sumed Thursdays at 8 p.m., will conthat Lemon, the harried TV clude early next year. "30 Rock" is the saga of producer played by Tina Fey, would ride out the series' sev- Lemon, t h e ov e r extended enth and final season as a pe- producer of a fictitious comrennial bachelorette unlucky edy show loosely inspired by in love. But Fey, who is also the "Saturday Night Live" (where creator and producer of the Fey toiled for nine seasons as NBC comedy, clearly thought cast member and writer). Liz otherwise. is surrounded by kookie comIn the "30 Rock" episode air- rades like company boss Jack ing Nov. 29, Lemon will wed. Donaghy (Alec Baldwin) and Who's the lucky guy? He's Tracy Jordan (Tracy Morgan), Liz's latest fella, Criss Chross her b o isterously u n h inged (played by guest star James star. Marsden), a P eter P an-ish A recurring theme of "30 Rock" ha s b e e n L e m on's would-be entrepreneur who hatches ventures such as an c omicaly f l awed l ov e l i f e . organic g o u rmet ho t - dog Short-lived boyfriends have truck. i ncluded quirky a i r l ine p i On Thursday, NBC made lot Carol B u r nett ( p l ayed the g r a n d an n o uncement by Matt Damon), immature that Ms. Elizabeth Miervaldis businessman Dennis Duffy Lemon, 42, would be present- (Dean Winters) and dimwiting herself to be married to t ed pediatrician Dr . D r e w Mr. Crisstopher Rick Chross Baird (Jon Hamm). "But not in a creepy way Is this a m atch made in that perpetuates the idea that heaven? The wedding invitabrides are virgins and women tion says, "Whatever. It's no are property." big whoop." But the episode is The invitation also speci- sure to be a very big whoop. -
' Inn"
e IrbilllAtt
Sonny and Carol (Parsons) Hoffman.
Hoffman Sonny and C arol (Par-
sons) Hoffman, of Redmond, w ill c elebrate their 6 0 t h wedding anniversary with friends and family. The couple were married Nov. 20, 1952, in Iowa City, Iowa. They "ran away" to have a low cost wedding: $2 for the license and $5 for the preacher. They have four children, Mike, of Albany, Larry (and Andrea), of D a llas, T exas, K evin (and Marie), of Bend, and
Julie, of Th e D a lles; seven grandchildren; and 10 great-grandchildren. Mr. Hoffman retired in 1994 from his position as captain of the Eugene Fire Department. Mrs. Hoffman worked at Lane Community College and as a freelance writer for The Bulletin and The Redmond Spokesman. She retired in 2007. They
both enjoy reading, camping, fishing, hunting a nd riding off-road motorcycles. They have lived in Central Oregon for 18 years.
Rent the party: fromsoupspoonsto nut dishes By Lisa Boone Los Angeles Times
LOS ANGELES — Need to cook twoturkeys for35 people but have only one oven? Perhaps you can rent a second. Worried that not all of your guests will fit in your too-small home? Maybe create an inviting room for guests outside with some rented modular so-
fas, comfy canopy chairs, colorful end tables and a modern Kindle space heater. Design snobs in your midst? No problem. Sculptural Verner Panton dining chairs can be yours for just a few days. Consumers' options in party rentals keep expanding, and even the most seasoned holiday host might be surprised by the variety of designs and gear available. And when it comes to basics such as tables, chairs, plates and glasses, renting just might be easier than borrowing and less expensive than
buying. Things you need to know: 1. Don't presume your party is too small. Many rental companies — even at the high end — have no minimum order requirement, and if they do, it might be less than you might guess — as low as $65 at one popular rental spot. 2. Get it delivered. Having your order dropped off at home saves time and sanity. Delivery fees generally include setup of
equipment andpickup and can range from $65 to about $100, depending upon how m uch your order costs. 3. Get it delivered. For those of you who didn't pay attention to No. 2, remember: You cannot show up at the rental warehouse expecting to fit an 8foot-long banquet table in your Prius. Dishes and glasses are packed in wide boxes and large plastic crates. Some of the nicer dining chairs cannot be picked up because of concerns about scratches. Plan accordingly. 4. Order early. By Nov. I, rental companies already had logged orders for Thanksgiving. Most companies take orders only by phone or in person, during business hours. Peruse offerings online first. Some have prices on their website. Even if you don't have an exact guest count, place a preliminary orderand make adjustments later. 5. Count tables carefully. An 8-foot-long table can seat 10, but it likely won't be wide enough to set down serving dishes. When the cost is about $9 per table, why not just order an extra to use as a buffet'? The other issue: room planning. Figure out if you need to rearrange a room, and note that most delivery people are not allowed to move furniture. 6. Move the party outside. If you realizerooms are indeed
moving. You could buy or borrow one, but the point here is linger, drink or dine by adding to reduce the amount of work patio furniture or establishing for yourself. A ladle and boat an extra room with a canopy set rents for $10 or so. on a patio or deck. A 10-by-109. Mix a n d m a tch. M i sfoot canopy from L.A. Party matched place settings are a Rents in Va n N u ys, Calif., trend, so consider renting mulstarts at $85. tiple styles of dishes and bowls 7. Rent extra glasses — three and incorporating the china glasses per person — because you have on hand. guests tend to drink different 10. Rent, don't buy, linens. wines or lose track of their Some of your biggest savings glass. The breakage fee for can come from renting tablea wine glass is usually about cloths and napkins. They're $2.50. The rent-extras rule usually available in d ozens also applies to place settings. of colors with prices starting 8. Claim your gravy boat. If around $1 for napkins and you know you'll need one, get $8.50 for tablecloths.
Hello mV nomeis Sheena. I om a 7 Venr oldBorder Collie mix looking for o second chnnce. I wos surrendered to the shelter becouse sadlq mq romiN hod Lo move to o plnce where theq could not hnve dogs. I will needo secure qordos I tend to dig. I would love to Findo walking portner L'o work ofi some oi those peskV exen poundsbefore we geL' too fnr into the holieovsenson. If qour fnmiN is looking For n motvre dog then I could be the one For qou! Come down to theshslter to toke her Foro wnlk!
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too small, move outdoors. Create a space where people can
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A trend that's getting around By Caroline Tell
co-host, Alexa Chung. A video
New York Times News Service
of Lagerfeld explaining the bag
When Karl Lagerfeld introduced his ridiculously oversize hula-hoop beach bag at a Chanel runway show last month, he inadvertently struck a popcultural chord. Among the m ost t a lkedabout accessoriesto emerge from this season's shows, the beach bag seemed to have tapped into a newfound affection for the hula hoop, as a fashion statement and an exercise device. Anderson Cooper, on his recently canceled talk show, "Anderson Live," presented a mock version of the bag — a quilted white case with handles made of actual hula hoops — to his
by DavidL.Hoyt and Jeff n Kurek
co mpletegrithe d
Unscramble these six Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form six ordinary words.
so that every row, column and3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.
lsthis supposed to be oul?
Miss, why woo't my window open?
(nlt's for the beach. You can put it into the sand and hang
02012?obuoe MeCtsSer ces. Ioc
All nt hts nesewed
things on it.") has been popping up on fashion sites like Fashionista and Styleite. And last week, Chanel announced that it would be selling smaller versions in stores. Veteran hula-hoopers have long stood by its aerobic virtues. nA lot of people are interested in hooping for its health benefits, which might get them hooked, but it's also such a fun way to do cardio, n said Bex Burton, a hula hoop instructor who founded Sense of Motion, a Brooklyn-based company that teaches hula-hooping, Pilates and yoga.
New York Times News Service
Karl Lagerfeld's oversize hulahoop beach bag is introduced at a Chanel runway show last month in Paris.
Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.
* *
Three-trump raises
Continued from C1 "What I have is not technically c a lled s l eepwalking," Birbiglia told Th e B u lletin. "People basically have a dopamine deficiency, and they act out their dreams on occasion, sometimes in dangerous ways." In the 90-minute comedy, which "This American Life" host Ira Glass produced, Birbiglia portrays Matt Pandamiglia, a comedian whose sleep condition worsens as the pressuresofcareer and a long-term relationship begin to mount. "When you make afilm you have to take certain liberties with things, just for the convenience of the chronology, but the stuff that you wouldn't believe is true is true," Birbiglia said. "I've had an email correspondence with the son of the manager of the La Quinta Inn in Walla Walla, and apparent-
ly some people show up and want to seethe room where I jumped out the w i ndow," Birbiglia said. uA very unlikely tourist attraction." When the film opened, "We
went from being originally booked in about 30 (theaters), w hich is pretty par for t h e course for a movie as small as ours, in terms of the budget size," Birbiglia said. "Then we
Tribune MediaServices
Unlucky Louie's team had lost a big match, and as usual, he blamed
response with three-card support and a suitable hand. One benefit is that auctions are easier when a trump suit
his bad luck.
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Submitted photo
"Sleepwalk With Me" is a semiautobiographical story of Mike Birbiglia, whose real-life bout with a rare sleep behavior disorder once caused him to walk through a hotel room window. The film is showing now at Bend's Tower Theatre. called on people over Twitter and Facebook and the radio, just (asked them) to tweet, call or email their local arthouse theaters, and we ended up being booked in at this point, about 350 theaters all-told.n It came to show at the Tower in a similar manner. In this case, it was Tower business manager Angela Miller who said something, said Solley. uShe heard about it through some social media postings, that 'This American Life' had a movie and that Mike Birbiglia was out promoting it, but more importantly, they were looking
for theaters around the country to step up and be a part of their distribution," Solley said. uWe were able to jump in and offer a five-night run.n Such efforts, said Birbiglia, have made abig difference for the low-budget indie film. "It's been seen so m uch more widely than I'd have ever imagined," he said. "It's been really thrilling. Th e f u n ny thing is, I don't think movie theaters are used to people calling them, other than for show times." — Reporter:541-383-0349,
"Our opponents played better than
is set early. Today's deal shows a
we did," Louie sighed. "Nothing is
further benefit: Auctions that give the defenders less information often lead to winning contracts. Do you think L ouie's team was unlucky in this deal? North dealer Both sides vulnerable
unluckier than that." "To win," I advised, "you mustn't let them play well." Louie and his partner had reached f our spades i n t h r e e r o u nds o f bidding, and West led a trump. On the bidding,he expected dummy to have heart shortness. Louie won, took the ace of diamonds and led a heart. When East won, he returned his last trump, and West took the ace and led a third trump, leaving dummy w ith none. Louie tried unsuccessfully to set up dummy's fifth diamond and fourth club and ended with only nine tricks: four trumps, a heart, two diamonds and two clubs. "Good opening lead," Louie
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At the o ther table, the auction
began one diamond-one spade again, but North raised to two spades and South bid four spades. Since West had little idea of dummy's pattern, he
led a club.
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South took the ace and led the queen of hearts. East won and led a trump, and West took his ace and led another trump, but South still got one heart ruff i n d u mmy fo r h i s 1 0th Opening lead — Choose it trick. I believe in raising a major-suit (C) 2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
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ies e re uce rave annin osur an cic By StephanieRosenbloem New York Times News Service
When it comes to happiness, social scientists say it's not glossy, tangible objects that give us lasting joy — it's experiences, be it wine tasting in Tuscany or snowshoeing in Vermont. A new crop of travel websites is making it easier to book those kinds of experiences — and even give them to someone else. After all, nothing says "I love you" like a gift certificate to swim with sharks. Want to attend a b r eadm aking w o rkshop i n S a n Francisco? Or spend a long weekend in Atlanta watching the Final Four and the Masters practice round? Whatever your p l easure, t hese slick sites allow you to create bespoke vacations by clicking on destination and activity boxes that call to mind the virtual storefronts of sites like Giltand Rue La La. Some experiencesare the centerpiece of travel packages that include hotel rooms, meals and airport transfers (usually not flights). Other experiences are sold separately. Most activities have some sort of exclusive element or are limited to small groups. The sites, while prettier than their predecessors, are still in their infancy so the inventory is not as vast as that of an established tripplanning site like And some experiences, like visiting th e N e w E n g land Aquarium, can be arranged
Apps tohelpyou plan your travels • Kayak:You may know
juggling appointments, dinner reservations, confirmations-
especially if they need to share information with co-workers or
Kayak as awebsite where you
family. The idea behind Tripit is
can find flights from a lot of different travel sites, but the app for the site is actually a much more useful travel tool. While it,
forward it onto Tripit and the
of course, lets yousearch sites for good deals, theapp also comes with neat features such
pretty simple: Any time you receive a confirmation email, you
are just part of the lineup; Tripit will also remind you when to
pick up rental cars, check in or
list and information about airline fees, all of which make it a great travel companion. It even has an airline directory that lets you
The scheduleyoumakewil sync with your calendarapps
out of hotels and provide you with maps.
look up customer-service lines
and is easy to forward to others.
and maps of airports around the world. Of course, those looking for fares and hotel rooms
for those planning multiple trips or those who have a multi-step
can still search usingKayak's results, including a price tracker that may indicate the best time
to buy. Onceyou book, users with Kayakaccountscanalso send their confirmations to the
service for acomprehensive itinerary. Free, for iOS, Android and Windows devices. • Tripit:Tripit is useful for
headings.) When users hover
Mr. Arlo
their mouse over a trip box, they see the starting price and some basic details. Clicking on the box brings up more information and prices, which are based on w hether you buy a single (the most expensive rate per person), double, triple or quad room (the least expensive rate per person). The prices include taxes and gratuities. On the home page I clicked on the "food and wine" tab a nd spotted " Cooking U p Trouble With 'Top Chef' Tre Wilcox." The trip beginning May 17 includes a cooking
Best for: T r avelers wh o like to design their itineraries. People who can't decide where to go. What you'll find: "Hey, I'm Mr. Arlo," reads the text on the site's home page. "Where would you like to go?" Type in the name of a city to browse. If it's your first time on the site, you will be asked some questions about yourself: your interests, what sort of food you like, if you're a big spender. will then suggest hotels and experiences that can be booked right then and there (flights and car rentals
The rest showcased activities, like a day trip to Jerusalem and the Dead Sea for $125, and places to stay, like the Rothschild hotel for $264 a night. Mr. Arlo also allows users to see TripAdvisor hotel reviews and make restaurant reservations through Open Table without leaving the site. Bottom line: This is one of the more a la carte sites: Users choose the tripcomponents they want, then click an "add to trip" button. Easy. But there are more hotelrooms than experiences right now, which makes browsing less interesting.
trip planned.Forreally serious travelers, there is a$49per-year pro service that will integrate with frequent-traveler cardsand giveyou rebooking options in casesomething goes awry. Free,for iOS,Android, Windows and BlackBerry de-
vices; $3.99 for anad-free app. — Hayley Tsukayama, The Washington Post
frequent flyers who arealways
d emonstration b y Wi l c o x (from Bravo's "Top Chef"), two nights at the Magnolia Hotel Dallas, a f our-course dinner in a p r i v ate dining area at Village Marquee Grill, and airport and event transfers,starting at$775 a person. When I selected the "sporting events" tab, I found a trip to New Orleans on Feb. I that inon your own (although you cluded an upper-level ticket to might miss out on perks like the Super Bowl, three nights skipping to the head of the at the Bourbon Orleans Hotel line). That said, most of the in theFrench Quarter,a cocktrips on the sites appear to be tail-and-autograph event with priced fairly and are ideal for current and former National travelers who want to anchor Football L e a gu e p l a y ers, their vacation with activities. breakfast each day and a gift Even if you don't use the web- bag. The price: from $5,030 a sites to book a trip, you can person. (Goviva's president browse them like magazines and co-founder, Robert Tuchto help you decide where to go man is the founder and former and what to do when you're president of TSE Sports 8. Enthere. Below is a guide to the t ertainment, so y o u'll f i n d newcomers. a number of sports-themed itineraries.) Goviva Under the "active lifestyle" Best for: Fans of l u x u ry tab, a trip to Oahu, Hawaii, vacation p ackages. Sports included four days of surfing buffs. with Jamie Sterling, a profesWhat you'll sional surfer; four nights in bills itself as a "marketplace Kuilima Estates West, adjaof once-in-a-lifetime experi- cent to Turtle Bay Resort; a ences," all of which are hand- rental van; and a traditional picked by its staff. Visitors to Hawaiian dinner, starting at the site can browse a few doz- $2,305 a person. All packages en packages — many of which include accessto a personal include accommodations and concierge who can a nswer other perks l i k e b r eakfast questions and arrange addiand a gift bag — in eight cat- tional activities. egories: sporting events, acBottom line:Vacation packtive lifestyle, arts and fashion, ages mean i t ' s p r actically celebrity, entertainment, film, one-stop shopping, although food and wine, and music. it also means you are locked (Some trips appear in mul- in to certain trip details. And tiple categories; for instance, many Goviva trips are expena trip to Arizona to work with sive. But if you want to go to the Olympic gymnast Kerri the Super Bowl, here's your Strug appears in both the "ac- chance to do it in style. tive lifestyle" and "celebrity"
city (by bus, taxi or bicycle).
The app isprobably most useful
will be offered in the future). The site remembers your answers going forward if y ou continue to use the same computer or if you sign in through Facebook. Not sure where you want to go? Instead of typing the name of a city, click the "dream" tab on the upper left of the page. Then choose what it is you're dreaming about: "sand, sun
1 3 2 6 5 8 4 7 9
8 79 6 45 496 2 18 7 53 3 27 961 5 84
3 2 5 7 8 9 4 1
4 1 79 13 96 24 85 37 62
2 8 7 3 6 1 5 9
Best for: Fans of California and Hawaii. Creative gift givers. Travelers trolling for ideas. What you'll find: "Book amazing things to do," declares's home page. And you can do just that in
3QML3EX Answer:
;' . ; -: l :.-
The flight attendant was starting to feel the-
5 6 13 28 45 9 1 64 82 37
0 N T H B S A I R R E M P F I L A T O N S A Y
tours ($499).
Yet you need not book a trip on Peek to make a visit to the site worth your while. A California ( San F r a ncisco, tab on each destination page San Diego, wine country) and says "Perfect Day." Here you Hawaii (Maui, Oahu, Kauai, can copy the itineraries of Big Island). Site visitors click travelers like Tory Burch, the on the yellow "choose your fashion designer (her favorite destination" bar to pick a lo- place to eat in Oahu is Morimcation. I selected Maui and oto Waikiki); Piers Morgan, up came a page with activity the television host (his favoroptions that I could narrow ite place to eat in the San Didown by clicking on trip tabs ego areaisMarket Restaurant that said " f amily f r i endly," and Bar in Del Mar, Calif.); "sights" and " adventurous." and Jack Dorsey, a founder Each trip on the site, be it a of Twitter and a n i n vestor volcano helicopter tour, whale in Peek (his favorite place to watching or exploring Alca- eat in San Francisco is Zuni traz, is presented as a click- Cafe ). And no, his perfect able photograph. The prices day is not summarized in 140 are not only reasonable, you characters. can also buy an experience Bottom line:Peek's "Perfect for someone else by click- Day" itineraries and gift-giving the blue "gift it" button at ing capabilities make it a site check out (a lifesaver for pro- you want to visit again and crastinators). Experiences on again, that is, until you want the site vary in length, scope to venture beyond California and price, from activities like and Hawaii — although there snorkeling in Maui ($36) that are plans to add more localast just a few hours to a five- tions in the United States and, day Napa Valley Film Festival eventually, globally.
and surf," "winter wonderlands," "wide open spaces" or "bright lights, big cities." I chose cities, which pulled up more than a dozen, including Rio de Janeiro, Tel Aviv and Seattle. I clicked on Tel Aviv and several boxes appeared. One gave a little background about how to get around the
app will organize it into a single agenda for the trip. Flight times
as a currencyconverter, packing
vacation that includes access to all regular film screenings and several wine tastings and
Most of the trips on the sites appear to be priced fairly and are ideal for travelers who want to anchor their vacation with activities.
.' ,
. >'ii
• •
• •
Women smear mud on their skinat the Dead Sea, where people from all over the world come to visit, in Jerusalem. Several new websites are offering an easy way for people to book such once-in-a-lifetime travel experiences.
NW Nat ur a l '
CASCADE NATURAL GAs fn thc Community to Serve'
Portland General Elecbic
Find It All Online TI B 11I:i
EnergyTrust of Oregon
I Mo E M A N
I S S 0
Scoreboard, D2 Motor sports, D2
Golf, D3 Prep sports, D4
College basketball, D3
College football, D5-D6
Pac-12 17 UCLA 21 USC
38 28
ArizonaState WashingtonState
46 7
Washington Colorado
38 3
Arizona Utah
34 24
Top 25 Baylor 2KansasState
52 24
3NotreDame WakeForest
38 0
4Alabama WesternCarolina
49 0
5Georgia GeorgiaSouthern
45 14
6OhioState Wisconsin
21 14
7Florida Jacksonville State
23 0
8LSU Ole Miss
41 35
9TexasA8M S am Houston State
47 28
10 FloridaState Maryland
41 14
ucs'i e o e si e over wi oss o an or and even a BCS Bowl berth of any kind is now in jeopardy
for Oregon (No. 1 AP, No. 2 BCS).
EUGENEtanford came ready to dig in its heels for a defensive battle. So did the Ducks. Facing easily its toughest challenge of the season on a cold Saturday night at Autzen Stadium, Oregon needed to eke out a victory on the back of its turnover-forcing defense. The Ducks' normally unstoppableoffense betrayed them, and unfortunately for Oregon,itcame down to a field goal in overtime. It was Stanford 17, Oregon 14, on Saturday night at Autzen Stadium. Most likely gone are the national title hopes,
To win a national championship you usually have to win close games. And to win close games you usually must have a reliable field-goal kicker. Alejandro Maldonado's 41-yard field goal attempt bounced off the left upright in the first possession of overtime, and Stanford then won the game on a 37-yard field goal by Jordan Williamson. "I was confident," Maldonado said of his overtime miss. "I was kicking well during warmup. It felt good." M aldonado had only attempted one field goal this season before Saturday's game, and he missed a 42-yarder in the third quarter. SeeDucks /D5
11 Clemson 62 N orth Carolina State 4 8 12 SouthCarolina Wofford
13Oklahoma West Virginia
50 49
16 Nebraska Minnesota
38 14
Utah State 19 LouisianaTech
48 41
22 Rutgers Cincinnati
10 3
23 Michigan lowa
42 17
Oklahoma State 23 TexasTech
59 21
25 KentState BowlingGreen
31 24
Mannion leads Oregon State past California V
tyon Ryan /The Associated Press
Stanford running back Stepfan Taylor,left, breaks away from Oregon defenders during the first half of Saturday night's game in Eugene. The Ducks lost 17-14 in overtime.
Cou ars' ra y a sjust s orta ainst un eaten Bu os
No. 2 KansasState falls to Baylor Notre Dame has the
The Associated Press CORVALLIS — Sean Mannion passed for 325 yards and four touchdowns, and No. 15 Oregon State routed California 62-14 on Saturday night in what could be Jeff Tedford's final game as the Golden Bears' coach. Markus Wheaton had seven catches for 99 yards for the Beavers (8-2, 6-2 Pac-12), who improved to 5-0 at Reser Stadium and will face Oregon in the Civil War next weekend. Terron Ward ran for 128 yards and two touchdowns, helping the Beavers rack up 559 yards of offense. Isi Sofele had 104 yards rushing for the Bears (3-9, 2-7), who were hampered all season long by turnovers, penalties, missed assignments and sloppy tackling. Allan Bridgford was 18of 31passing for 132 yards. Tedford, two-time conference coach of the year, has been at California since 2002, but the program has been in decline. The Bears are 14-23 in the past three seasons. The high point of the year was back-toback wins over UCLA and Washington State in October. SeeBeavers/D5
By Beau Eastes
inside track onthe BCS
The Bufletin
title game after losses by the Wildcats and Oregon;
HILLSBORO — Mountain View pushed Woodburn to the brink Saturday, but the Bulldogs held on to win their third consecutive state crown, topping the Cougars 2-1 in the Class 5A boys soccer championship at Hillsboro Stadium.
Top 25 roundup,06 Pac-12 roundup,05 College scoreboard,06
"We had two or three really good (scoring)
Baylor runningback Glasco Martin (8) scores a touchdown against KansasState on
Matthew Aimonetti / For The Bulletin
Summit's Christina Edwards reactsto scoring the opening goal for the Storm in the first half of Saturday's Class 5A championship match against Sherwood in Hillsboro. Christina scored unassisted in the 21st minute.
Saturday night.
GIRLS: SUMMIT 3, SHERWOOD 0 Summit'stitle run, dy thenumders
Redmond set for semifinal on Friday
A lookatsomenumbers and statistics for Summit's girls soccer team this
Redmond will play in its second state football semifinal in school history on Friday. On Saturday, The Oregon School Activities
season: Number of losses for Summit this season; the Storm had15 wins and two ties,
Association released times and locations for next week's Class 5A semifinals. Redmond
(11-0) will meet Midwestern League champion Marist (101) on Fridayat5 p.m. at Salem's Willamette University. Redmond defeated Crescent Valley14-6 on Friday night in a home
quarterfinal game. The other 5A semifinal will take place before Redmond's game, with
Sherwood (11-0) taking on Silverton (11-0). Tickets for the semifinals are $8 for adults, and $5 for students. — Bulletin staffreport
opportunities in the second half," Mountain View coach Chris Rogers said. nI just wish we had five more minutes." Trailing 2-0 late in the game, Hudson Newell converted a Zach Emerson pass and scored on a header for Mountain View in the 77th minute to put the Cougars within a goal, 2-1. Less than two minutes later Emerson came within inches of tying the game, just missing a cross that Woodburn goalkeeper Kevin Courtney-Vera snatched out of the air before Emerson could put a head on the ball. "Going down 2-0, it's tough," Newell said. "But at halftime we got fired up and changed some things." The Bulldogs (15-0-2), who ended the season on a 35-game unbeaten streak that dates back to last season, scored both their goals in the first half en route to a 2-0 halftime lead. See Mountain View/D4
one of them against Sherwood early in the season. Number of goals given up bySummit
• Summit takes its second state title in three yearsby defeating the defendingchampion Bowmenin a rout
this season. Summit didn't surrender a
goal in the entire month of October.
By Beau Eastes
2011 state champ Sherwood at Hillsboro The Bulletin Stadium, giving Summit its second Class H ILLSBORO — After losing l l s e - 5A state title in three years. niors from last year's team that went 11Junior forward Hadlie Plummer con3-2, Summit coach Jamie Brock was ful- nected on two penalty kicks and freshly prepared for the possibility of a down man m i dfielder C h ristina E d wards season in 2012. scored on a Bowman defensive miscue That was not the case. as the lntermountain Conference chamThe Storm girlssoccer team capped pions cruised to their 13th consecutive its first undefeated season in school his- victory of the season. tory Saturday with a 3-0 dismantling of SeeSummit/D4
Number of goals Summit outscored its
opponents by in the state
playoffs. The Storm gave up just two goals
and recorded a pair of shutouts.
Matthew Aimonetti / For The Bulletin
Mountain View's Zel Rey headsthe ball during Saturday's Class 5A state final against Woodburn in Hillsboro.
Ba.m.:European Tour, South African Open, final round, Golf Channel. 10:30 a.m.:LPGA Tour, Titleholders, final round, Golf
Channel. FOOTBALL 10 a.m.:NFL, Cleveland Browns at Dallas Cowboys, CBS.
10a.m.:NFL, GreenBay Packers at Detroit Lions, Fox.
1:30 p.m.:NFL,San Diego Chargers at Denver Broncos, CBS. 3:30 p.m.:Canadian Football
6 p.m.:Men's college, Belmont at Stanford, Pac-12 Network. 6 p.m.:NBA, Chicago Bulls at
Portland Trail Blazers, Comcast SportsNet Northwest. SOCCER Eastern Conference final, Houston Dynamo at D.C. United,
NBC Sports Network. 6p.m.:Major League Soccer, Western Conference final, Los Angeles Galaxyat Seattle Sounders, ESPN. B:30 p.m.:Indoor Futsal World
Cup, final (same-day tape), ESPN2.
12:30 p.m.:Men's college, Maui Invitational, quarterfinal, Butler vs. Marquette, ESPN2.
3 p.m.:Men's college, Maui
Invitational, quarterfinal,
Irvine at UCLA, Pac-12 Network. HOCKEY
Carolina, ESPN2.
10:30 a.m.:College, Colorado College at Denver (taped), Root
5p.m.: Men'scollege,Legends Classic, semifinal, Georgetown
10:30a.m.:FormulaOne,U.S. Grand Prix, Speed network. Noon:NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Ford EcoBoost 400, ESPN. FIGURE SKATING 11 a.m.:ISU Grand Prix, Trophee Eric Bompard Cachemire
11:30a.m.: Women's college, Connecticut at Texas AB M, ESPN2.
Noon:Men's college, Florida AB M at Arizona State, Pac-12 Network.
1p.m.:Men'scollege,South Dakota at Gonzaga,Root Sports. 1:30 p.m.:Men's college, Hall of FameTip-Off Classic, Washington vs. Ohio State, ESPN2.
3:30 p.m.:Men's college, Puerto Rico Tip-Off, final, Oklahoma State vs. North Carolina State, ESPN2.
5:30 p.m.:Men's college, Charleston Classic, final,
Mississippi State vs. North
vs. UCLA, ESPN2.
6 p.m.: Men'scollege,Long Beach State at Arizona, Pac-12 Network. 7 p.m.: Men's college, Hall of
Fame Classic, semifinal, Kansas vs. Washington State, ESPN2.
B p.m.: Men'scollege,Jackson State at Oregon, Pac-12 Network.
9 p.m.:Men's college, Maui Invitational, quarterfinal, lllinois vs. USC, ESPN2. SOCCER
2p.m.:English Premier League, Norwich vs. Manchester United
(taped), Root Sports. FOOTBALL 5:30p.m.: NFL, Chicago Bears at San Francisco 49ers, ESPN.
RADIO Today BASKETBALL 6 p.m.:NBA, Chicago Bulls at Portland Trail Blazers, KBND-AM 1110, KRCO-AM 690.
Colorado vs. Murray State, Listingsare the mostaccurate available. TheSulletinis not responsible for late ChangeSmade fzy 7V or radiOStatianS.
Cross country • Oregonwomenwintitle; Oregon's womenwonthe NCAA cross country title on Saturday in Louisville, Ky. No.2-ranked Oregon won its first women's title since1987. Jordan Hasay and Alexi Pappas finished 2-3 in scoring while placing third
and eighth overall. Iowa State's
has a long tradition with the ACC
and is one of sevenoriginal conference members. A report at said that if Maryland were to join the Big Ten, the Big East's Rutgers is likely to follow suit.
Motor sports • Vettei winspole position
Betsy Saina was first in19:27.9. Hasay was third in 19:28.6. On the men's side, Oklahoma State won the title, while Oregon finished in 20th.
at U.S. Grand Prix:Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel secured the pole position for the U.S. Grand Prix in Austin, Texas, putting him in
Mixed martial arts
Driving in the new $400 million Circuit of the Americas, Vettel
• St. Pierre winswelterweight title:Canadian Georges St. Pierre unified the welterweight title in his return to the
octagon, unanimously outpointing Carlos Condit in a bloody
week since the last set of failed negotiations, the NHL and the
• Maryland in talks to join Big Ten:TheUniversity System of Maryland's Board of Regents has been told that Maryland is in serious discussions to join
locked-out players' association will return to the bargaining
theBigTen,and board members
Daly andNHLPA specialcounsel Steve Fehr producedenough
of early Saturday night. Not all
of the regents favor leaving the
Today's Games Cleveland at Dalas, 10a m. N.Y.JetsatSt.Louis,10a.m. JacksonvilleatHouston,10 a.m. CincinnatiatKansasCity,10a.m. PhiladelphiaatWashington, 10a.m. GreenBayatDetroit, 10 a.m. Arizona atAtlanta,I0 a.m. Tampa Bayat Carolina,I0 a.m. NewOrleansat Oakland,1:05p.m. SanDiegoat Denver,1:25p.m. IndianapolisatNewEngland,1 25p.m BaltimoreatPittsburgh, 5:20p.m. Open:Minnesota,N.Y.Giants, Seattle, Tennessee Monday'sGame
Chicag oatSanFrancisco,5.30p.m.
Betting line NFL (Hometeamsin Caps) Favorite Open Current Underdog Today REDSKINS 3 .5 3 . 5 Eagles LIONS Packers 3 3 FALCON S 10 10 Cardinals Buccaneers 2 15 PANTHE RS Browns COWBO YS 7 .5 7 . 5 RAMS 3 3 Jets PATRIO TS 9 .5 9 . 5 Colts TEXANS 16 1 5.5 Jaguars Bengals 3 .5 3 . 5 CHIEFS Saints 5.5 5 RAIDERS BRONC OS 7 8 Chargers STEELE RS 3 .5 3 . 5 Ravens Monday 49ERS 5.5 6 Bears
BASKETBALL Men's college Saturday'sGames EAST
Albany(NY)62, UMKC59 Brown70,Maine68 Bryant76,NewHampshire 64 Buckneff 62,NewMexico St.49 Canisius72,St. Bonaventure 69
Drexel61 Penn 59 George Washington72,BostonU.59 Hofstra74,Dist. ot Columbia59 Loyola(Md.)65,Norfolk St.49 Marist 67,Columbia62
OhioSt. 69,RhodeIsland58
William 8Mary83,HighPoint 61 MIDWEST Bradley79,IUPUI72 ClevelandSt.67, OldDominion 55 DePaul98,AustinPeay67 Detroit 85,Drake79 E. Illinois63,Texas-PanAmerican50 E. Michigan60,IPFW47 Evansville49,W.0inois 44 IndianaSt.70,TrumanSt. 57 lowa65,Gardner-Webb56 Milwau kee73,Davidson68 N. DakotaSt.73,Mayviffe St.40 N. Iowa72,North Dakota47 San Diego St.60, Missouri St.44 WichitaSt.69, Howard50 Xavier61, Robert Morris 59 SOUTHWES T Houston87,Grambling St 47 HoustonBaptist 82, DallasChristian 73 SMU78,TexasSt. 75 UTSA67,SC-Upstate59 FAR WEST CS Fufferton112,SouthemUtah69 CS Northridge92,Tulsa 76 LoyolaMarymount 76,CSBakersfield 73 Montana66,Idaho63 Nevada71,GreenBay69 UC Riverside89,Whitman76
UC Santa Barbara80,Master's60 UNLV77,Jacksonville St.58 UtahSt.77,TexasA8M-CC68
UtahValley96,Southwestern (Ariz.) 70 TOURNAMEN T
Coachesvs. CancerClassic Championship FloridaSt.73,SaintJoseph's 66 Third Place NotreDam e78, BYU68 USVI ParadiseJam Semifinals Rl.-chicago62, Mercer36 lona 94,WakeForest 68
Women's college Saturday'sGames
EAST Buckneff 59,Canisius50 Drexel56, LaSalle 53 Loyola(Md.) 68,UMBC55 Marist 56,Princeton45 Navy64, St.Peter's 53 NewHampshire 68,Holy Cross65 RhodeIsland47,Siena39 Saint Joseph's50,Maryland49 St. John's73,Hofstra 47 Temple63,Northeastem59 Vermont66,Brown56 WestVirginia75, SC-Upstate45 Yale84,Houston82 SOUTH Alabama 79, Ark.-PineBluff 60 Charlotte79, FloridaGulf Coast60 Chattanooga 81,ETSU48 CoastalCarolina56, W.Carolina 42 Coll. ofCharleston72, East Carolina 62 Duke84,Presbyterian45 E. Kentucky67,UNCAshevile 47 Kentucky 80, HighPoint46 Liberty68,SacredHeart 63 Marshall70,BaI St. 45 McNeese St. 59,TexasSouthern 42 Md -EasternShore66, Elizabeth CitySt. 62 Mercer63,Jacksonville St.51 MoreheadSt.50,KennesawSt. 49 MurraySt.76 l.ongwood68 N. Illinois64,Davidson61 Old Dominion74,VCU51 Tennessee Tech78, Rice65 UAB70, MVSU47 UNC-Greensboro 55, Gardner-Webb49 WKentucky65,N Kentucky 53 MIDWEST DePaul68, Howard51 Evansville74,SanJoseSt. 65 Fairfield54, Butler45 Green Bay75,Cent.Michigan48 IUPUI75, Valparaiso 69 Loyola ofChicago82,S.Illinois 73 N. Iowa66,N. DakotaSt. 50 Ohio St.78,Winthrop 53 Purdue66,SIU-Edwardsviffe 51 SOUTHWES T Baylor82,UT-Martin 67 SamHoustonSt.73, Grambling St.55 Texas-Pan American100, TexasABM-Kingsviffe63 Wiley71,StephenF. Austin 68 FAR WEST Arizona53,CSNorthridge 46
Ford EcoBoost400 Lineup After Fridayqualifying; racetoday At Homestead-Miami Speedway Homestead, Fla. Lap length: 1.5 miles (Car numberin parentheses) 1. (20)JoeyLogano,Toyota,176056. 2. (9)MarcosAmbrose, Ford,175.342. 3. (2) BradKeselowski, Dodge,175.092. 4. (99)CarlEdwards, Ford,175.001. 5. (43)AricAlmirola, Ford,174.887. 6. (15)Clint Bowyer,Toyota,174 752. 7. (56)MartinTruexJr., Toyota,174.644 8. (18)KyleBusch,Toyota,174.565. 9. (55)MarkMartin, Toyota,174.452. 10. (48)JimmieJohnson, Chevrolet,174.081. 11. (17)MattKenseth, Ford,173.98 12. (5)KaseyKahne, Chevrolet,173 969. 13. (16)GregBiffle, Ford,173.93. 14. (1)JamieMcMurray,Chevrolet,173.807. 15. (24)JeffGordon, Chevrolet,173.74. 16. (88)DaleEarnhardt Jr., Chevrolet,173.472. 17. (22)SamHornish Jr., Dodge,173.11. 18. (27)PaulMenard, Chevrolet,173.077. 19. (39)RyanNewman, Chevrolet,172.988 20. (21)TrevorBayne,Ford,172.662. 21. (42)JuanPablo Montoya, Chevrolet 172.64. 22. (30)DavidStremme,Toyota,172.563. 23. (29)KevinHarvick, Chevrolet,172546. 24. (51)ReganSmith, Chevrolet,172.507. 25. (98)MichaelMcDowel, Ford,172474. 26. (78)KurtBusch,Chevrolet,172.265. 27. (6)RickyStenhouseJr., Ford,172.106. 28. (13)CaseyMears,Ford,172.057. 29. (19)MikeBliss, Toyota,171.881. 30. (83)LandonCassiff, Toyota,171.756 31. (36)DaveBlaney, Chevrolet,171.745 32. (47)BobbyLabonte, Toyota, 171.679. 33. (31)JetfBurton, Chevrolet,171.63. 34. (34)DavidRagan, Ford,171.581. 35. (14)TonyStewart, Chevrolet,171.483. 36. (26)JoshWise, Ford,171.445. 37. (10)DavidReutimann, Chevrolet,171.222. 38. (93)Travis Kvapil, Toyota,170.832. 39. (37)J.J.Yeley,Chevrolet,170.762. 40. (38)DavidGililand, Ford 170.665
41. (11)DennyHamlin, Toyota, Owner Points. 42. (32)KenSchrader, Ford, Owner Points 43. (23)ScottRiggs,Chevrolet,170.692.
Mika Miyazato
ffheeLee HeeKyungSeo Lexi Thompson PaulaCreamer JenniferJohnson JenniferSong CandieKung VickyHurst MinaHarigae CatrionaMaffhew JennyShin MariajoUribe CheffaChoi HeeYoungPark GerinaPiler NatalieGulbis
SydneeMichaels Haeji Kang NicoleCastrale DewiClaireSchreefel Mo Martin Jodi Ewart
JennieLee MorganPressel AlisonWalshe JaneRah SarahJaneSmith Eun-Hee Ji BelenMozo JessicaKorda Mi JungHur MariaHjorth Micheffe Wie VeronicaFelibert KristyMcPherson Hee-Won Han TanyaDerga
68-72-70 210 70-68-72—210 72-72-67—211 72-70-69—211 66-71-74—211 67-74-71—212 68-73-71 212 70-70-72—212 70-69-73—212 68-71-73—212 69-72-72—213 70-70-73—213 73-72-69 214 69-75-70—214 70-72-72—214 71-73-71—215 71-72-72—215 67-74-74—215 70-74-72 216 72-70-74—216 70-72-74—216 74-75-68—217 75-73-69—217 72-75-70—217 71-75-71 217 72-72-73—217 71-73-73—217 71-73-73—217 72-71-74—217 70-71-76—217 72-77 69 218 74-74-70—218 72-74-72—218 72-71-75—218 72-77-70—219 74-74-71—219 76-72-71 219 71-76-72—219 76-68-75—219 76-74-70—220 79-70-71—220 74-75-71—220 72-72-77 221 74-74-74—222
73-75-74—222 73-73-76—222 74-72-77—223 71-74-78—223 73-79-72 224 78-73-73—224 74-74-76—224 73-77-75—225 74-75-76—225 71-77-77—225 76-71 78 225 75-78-73—226 80-74-73 —227 81-77-71—229 79-73-77—229 71-81-77—229 72-79 78 229 74-81-75—230
Formula One
Professional United StatesGrandPrix Lineup Davis Cup After Saturdayqualifying; race today WORLD GROUP At Circuit of theAmericas Final Austin, Texas At 02 Arena Lap length: 3.427 miles Prague Third Session Surface: Hard-Indoor 1 SebastianVettel, Germany, RedBull, 1 minute, Czech Republic 2, Spain1 35.657seconds. Singles 2. LewisHamilton, England,McLaren,1:35.766. David Ferrer,Spain,def. RadekStepanek, Cze ch 3. MarkWebber, Australia, RedBull,1:36.174. Republic,6-3, 6-4,6-4. 4. RomaiGrosj n ean, France, Lotus,1.36.587. Tomas Berdych, Czech R e publ i c , def. Ni c olas Al 5. KimiRaikkonen,Finland, Lotus,1:36.708. Spain,6-3,3-6,6-3,6-7(5),6-3. 6. Michael Schumacher, Germany, Mercedes, magro, Doubles 1;36.794. TomasBerdychandRadekStepanek,CzechRepub7. FelipeMassa, Brazil, Ferrari,1:36.937. l i c, def. Marcel G r a no l e rs andMarcLopez, Spain,3-6, 8. NicoHulkenberg,Germany,ForceIndia,1:37.141. 7-5,7-5,6-3. 9. Fernando Alonso, Spain, Ferrari,1:37.300. 10. PastorMaldonado,Venezuela, Wiliams,1:37.842. Eliminatedafter secondsession SOCCER 11. BrunoSenna,Brazil, Wiliams,1:37604. 12. Jenson Buton, England,McLaren,1:37.616. 13. Pauldi Resta Scotland,ForceIndia,1:37665. MLS 14. Jean-EricVergne,France, Toro Rosso,1:37.879. MAJOR LEAGUESOCCER 15. SergioPerez,Mexico, Sauber,1:38.206. All Times PST 16 KamuiKobayashi, Japan,Sauber,1:38437 17. NicoRosberg, Germany,Mercedes,1:38.501. EASTERNCONFERENCE Eliminated after first session Championship 18. DanieRi l cciardo,Australia, ToroRosso,1:39.114. Sunday,Nov11: Houston 3, DC. United1 19. Timo Glock, Germany, Marussia,1.40.056. Today, Nov .18: D.C. Unitedvs. Houston,1 p.m. 20. CharlePi sc, France,Marussia,1:40.664. WESTERNCONFERENCE 21. VitalyPetrov,Russia, Caterham,1:40809. Championship 22. HeikkiKovalainen,Finland, Caterham,1:41.166. Sunday,Nov.11. LosAngeles3, Seattle 0 23. Pedro delaRosa, Spain, HRT,1:42.011. Today, Nov.18:Seattlevs.LosAngeles,6p.m. 24. NarainKarthikeyan,India,HRT,1:42.740.
Transactions BASEBALL
CMEGroupTitlehofders AmericanLeague Saturday MINNES DTA TWINS—Agreed to termswith 28 At TwinEaglesGolf Club(TheEagle Course) JamesBeresford onaminor leaguecontract. Naples, Fla. FOOTBALL Purse: $1.5 million National Football League Yardage:6,699; Par:72 KANSASCITY CHIEFS— PlacedTEJakeO'Connell Third Round on injuredreserve.SignedOLRich Ranglin fromthe 67-68-69—204 Na YeonChoi p ractice squad 70-64-71—205 Ai Miyazato NEW ENGLANDPATRIOTS— Released WR Deion 66-72-68—206 So Yeon Ryu BranchandDBMalcolmWiliams. ReleasedWRJarred KarineIcher 67-70-70 207 Faysonfromthepractice squad.SignedWRGregSalas 68-69-70—207 from thepracticesquad.Activated CBAqib Talib. BrittanyLincicome 70-69-69—208 ShanshanFeng SAN FRANCI SCO 49ERS Rel eased DE Matthew 69-70-69—208 Masifilo fromthepractice squad. AnnaNordqvist 72-69-68—209 BeatrizRecari COLLEGE BrittanyLang 71-69-69—209 WESTERN MICHIGAN—Fired football coach Bil KarrieWebb 69 69-71 209 Cubit. 66-71-72—209 Suzann Pettersen
Penskematerial: I(eselowski hasCaptain neartitle
35.657 seconds. Ferrari's Fer-
• NHLIador talks set to resumeMonday:Somuchfor a two-week break. Just over a
ceived a written presentation as
W. Michigan68,Md.-Eastern Shore51
JulietaGranada SandraGal AzaharaMunoz I.K. Kim SunYoungYoo CristieKerr Jiyai Shin InbeePark CarolineHedwag LizetteSalas CindyLaCrosse AmyYang Karin Sjodin DanieffeKang StacyLewis MeenaLee Giulia Sergas LindseyWright AngelaStanford JacquiConcolino Katherine Hul Pornanong Phatlum YaniTseng PernigaLindberg
Saturday with a blistering round of qualifying. Vettel claimed the spot with a time of1 minute,
knowledge of the talks. The regents were told about the talks this weekend but had not re-
AMERICAN CONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA NewEngland 6 3 0 .667 299 201 Buffalo 4 6 0 400 230 299 Miami 4 6 0 400 187 205 N.Y.Jets 3 6 0 .333 175 228 South W L T Pct PF PA Houston 8 1 0 .889 250 143 Indianapolis 6 3 0 .667 186 201 Tennessee 4 6 0 .400 219 311 Jacksonville I 8 0 .111 127 246 North W L T Pct PF PA 7 2 0 .778 254 196 Baltimore Pittsburgh 6 3 0 .667 207 177 Cincinnati 4 5 0 444 220 231 Cleveland 2 7 0 .222 169 211 West W L T Pct PF PA Denver 6 3 0 667 271 189 San Digo e 4 5 0 .444 209 191 Oakland 3 6 0 .333 191 284 KansasCity I 8 0 111 146 256 NATIONALCONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA N.Y.Giants 6 4 0 .600 267 216 Dallas 4 5 0 444 188 204 Philadelphia 3 6 0 .333 156 221 Washington 3 6 0 .333 226 248 South W L T Pct PF PA Atlanta 8 1 0 .889 247 174 TampaBay 5 4 0 556 260 209 NewOrleans 4 5 0 .444 249 256 Carolina 2 7 0 .222 163 216 North W L T Pct PF PA 7 2 0 .778 242 133 Chicago GreenBay 6 3 0 .667 239 187 Minnesota 6 4 0 600 238 221 Detroit 4 5 0 444 216 222 West W L T Pct PF PA San Francisco 6 2 1 .722 213 127 Seattle 6 4 0 600 198 161 Arizona 4 5 0 444 144 173 St. Louis 3 5 1 .389 161 210
Washington 84, Seton Hall 73,DT Yale 63,Buff alo59 SOUTH Charlotte70, Lamar49 E. Kentucky71,Towson69,DT Elon 81,Colgate72 FAU64,CoppinSt.61 Memphis 65,Samford54 Northwestem St. 92, Hannibal-LaGrange43 Radtord67, KennesawSt. 58 SouthFlorida68,Loyolaof Chicago50 StephenF.Austin 69, FIU60 Tennessee Tech65, ETSU62 The Citadel92,Union(Ky.)50 VCU90,Winthrop54 Virginia83, Seattle 43 W. Kentucky 92,W.Carolina 81
Cal Poly69, SanDiego50 Cal St.-Fufferton 60,SanFrancisco55 Colorado St.58, Seattle 55 IdahoSt.83, Air Force51 LoyolaMarymount98,UtahSt. 81 Nevada 72,UCIrvine 49 SantaClara80, UtahValey 67 Stanford 69, Hawaii 42
nando Alonso will start eighth today after running 1.643 secit almost a shutout for St. Pierre onds slower than Vettel. Alonso at 49-46, 50-45, 50-45. The 31- trails Vettel by10 points in the year-old St. Pierre consolidated drivers' championship. If Vettel his lead with takedowns as the wins today, Alonso must finish fight wore on, showing his wres- no worse than fourth to force the tling skills and ability to resist championship into the final race Condit's submission attempts of the seasonnext week inBrazil. on the ground. St. Pierre (23-2) Today's race with be Formula One's first in the U.S. since racing fought for the first time since April 2011 following reconstruc- at Indianapolis in 2007.
plantomeetassoonasMonday todiscusstheproposed move, according to two sources with
Rider 65Monmouth (NJ)62 S. Dakota St. 78,Marshall 77 Siena56,N.Kentucky 52 Temple77,Rice63 Vermont66,Northeastern 55
dominated three practice sessions before securing the pole
at UFC154. Thejudges scored
injury. Condit won the interim title during the Canadian's absence, beating Nick Diaz in
Pittsburgh72,Oakland62, DT
the perfect spot to chasehis third consecutive world championship.
fight Saturday night in Montreal
tive knee surgery after a training
Friday, Nov.23 Football: Class 5Astatesemifinal, Redmond vs. Marist, Wiffame tte University in Salem,5pm.
1 p.m.:Major LeagueSoccer,
League, Western Conference final, Calgary Stampeders at B.C. Lions (same-day tape), NBC Sports Network. 5:20 p.m.:NFL, Baltimore Ravens at Pittsburgh Steelers, NBC. WATER POLO
table Monday. Conversations that restarted Friday between NHL deputy commissioner Bill
positive movement Saturday
to set up another face-to-face meeting that the sides hope will
lead to anagreement to savethe hockey season. NHLCommissioner Gary Bettman suggested to union executive director Donald Fehr this week that the sides
Atlantic Coast Conference, and there is expected to be a lively debate, said one official who
take two weeksoff from negotia-
decli nedtobenamed because the matter is ongoing. Maryland
bargaining is back on.
tions. The union maintained its desire to keep talking, and now — From wire reports
By jenna Fryer The Associated Press
HOMESTEAD, Fla. — It h ad been a h u m bling 2 4 hours of championship racing for Roger Penske when he settled in for the plane ride back to Detroit. His heart had been broken i n C a l i fornia, w h ere Will Power coughed away the IndyCar title by crashing out of the season finale. The d isappointed t ea m o w n e r then made his way to Chicago for the opening race of NASCAR's 10-race championship series, where Penske driver Brad Keselowski stole a surprise win over five-time champion Jimmie Johnson. It was a tremendous emotional swing for Penske, who said to no one in particular on that flight home, "Well, we raced with the big boys today. And we won." " That really s t ruck m e when he said that, because Fontana was the lowest of the lows, a tough night," said Walt Czarnecki, a P enske executivefor more than 40 years. "To come back the next day and win Chicago with Brad, it was such a turning point for Roger. He was energized to race with the big boys, and to beat them. And
napolis 500s, and his passion and his focus are usually directedon the open wheel part Ricky Stenhouse Jr. became the sixth driver to win consecutive of the motorspot ts program. championships in NASCAR's Nationwide Series. Stenhouse Although his NASCAR orgafinished sixth Saturday in the season finale at Homesteadnization had 61 wins before Miami Speedway, edging Elliott Sadler for the title. Regan Smith Keselowski arrived, it only won the 400-milerace.KyleBuschwassecond.Stenhouse contended for a championbecame the first since Martin TruexJr. in 2005 to win back-toship once — in 1993 when back titles in the second-tier series. Rusty Wallace won 10 races — The Associated Press and still finished second to Dale Earnhardt. It's a baffling hole in the to do it after losing Fontana third position to the front row resume of one of the most with Will. It helped." for today's race. successful businessmen in Penske, the most successA Sprint Cup title would America. "Roger Penske is an unbeful team o w ner i n o p e n- have been Penske's first ever wheel history, has little to NASCAR championship if lievable owner and person, show 40 yearsafter entering Keselowski hadn't won him and what's surprising is he NASCAR. Keselowski, the a second-tier Nationwide title hasn't won more champion28-year-old blue collar anties- in 2010 — his first season with ships, multiple c h ampiontablishment Michigan native, Penske Racing. These are the ships," NASCAR chairman could change that for "The trophies Keselowski vowed Brian France said Saturday. Captain" — just as he prom- to deliver when he reached Rick Hendrick, winner of ised in a passionate speech to out to Penske in 2008. 10 Cup titles and owner of Penske four years ago. He was driving for JR Mo- Johnson's car, echoed the K eselowski takes a 2 0 - torsports in the Nationwide sentiment and almost soundpoint l ead o v e r J o h nson Series and locked into a de- ed as if he's rooting for Peninto today's season finale at velopmental deal with Hen- ske to finally win a title. "I'll be the first one in VicHomestead-Miami S p e e d- drick Motorsports, but didn't way, where a finish of 15th see a Cup ride opening any- tory Lane t o c o ngratulate or better will give Penske his time soon. So he asked Pen- him if I can't win it," Henfirst Sprint Cup title. Kesel- ske what he had available, drick said. "He's one of my owski got some help on the even though Penske Racing best friends. I respect him. "And I don't know why he last day of practice as pole wasn't exactly th e d r e am sitter Joey Logano was ind estination f o r NA S C A R hasn't won yet, but I do know I don't run over in IndyCar, volved in an accident. Loga- talent. no switched to a backup car Penske has won 23 national but if I did, I'd be spanked by and Keselowski moved from championships and 15 India- him."
Stenhouse Jr.takesNationwidetitle
ConferenceGlance All Times PST EASTE RN CONFER ENCE W L Pct GB d-New York 6 I 857 d-Milwaukee 6 2 750 I/2 d-Miami 8 3 727 Brooklyn 5 2 714 I Boston 6 4 600 1'/z Chicago 5 4 556 2 Philadelphia 5 4 556 2 Charlotte 4 4 500 2'/z Atlanta 4 4 500 2'/z Indiana 4 6 400 3'/z Orlando 3 5 375 3'/z Cleveland 2 7 222 5 Toronto 2 7 222 5 Detroit 1 9 100 6t/z Washington 0 8 000 6'/z WEST ERN CONFE RENCE W L Pct GB d-Memphis 8 I 889 SanAntonio 8 2 800 '/z d-L.A. Clippers 7 2 778 1 d-Dklahoma City 7 3 700 I'/z GoldenState 5 4 556 3 Minnesota 5 4 556 3 Dallas 6 5 545 3 Utah 5 6 455 4 Portand 4 5 444 4 L.A. Lakers 4 5 444 4 Houston 4 5 444 4 Denver 4 6 400 4 1/2 NewOrleans 3 5 375 4 1/2 Phoenix 4 7 364 5 Sacramento 2 7 222 6 d-divisionleader
Saturday's Games Boston107,Toronto89 Utah 83,Washington76 Dallas103,Cleveland95 Memphis94,Charlotte 87 SanAntonio126,Denver100 Milwaukee117,NewOrleans113 L.A. Clippers101,Chicago80 Miami97,Phoenix88 Today's Games Indianaat NewYork, 9a.m. Or andoatToronto, 10a.m BrooklynatSacramento, 3p.m. ClevelandatPhiladelphia, 3p.m. GoldenStateatOklahomaCity, 4p.m. Bostonat Detroit, 4.30p.m. Chicagoat Portland,6p.m. Houston at LA. Lakers, 6:30p.m.
Celtics107, Raptors 89 TORONTO (89) McGuire1-40-02, Bargnani5-14 4-515, Valanciunas1-41-1 3,Calderon3-72-310, DeRozan5-10 0-010, Johnson 0-11-21, Ross4-60-1 10,Kleiza394-710, Lucas5-112-215 Davis2-33-67 Acy1-1 4-4 6,Gray0-00-00. Totals 30-7021-3189. BOSTON (107) Pierce6-156-619,Bass3-70-06,Garnett6-73-4 15, Rondo 3-40-06, Terry7-102-220, Wilcox4-80I 8, Suginger5-82-212, Lee2-5 0-04, Barbosa3-6 1-28, Green 4-61-29. Totals 43-7815-19107. Toronto 17 26 22 25 — 89 Boston 30 17 32 28 — 107
Jazz 83, Wizards 76 UTAH(83) Favors3-10 3-49, Milsap2-132-4 6, Jefferson 10-191-221, MWilliams 5-111112, Foye1-50-0 2, MaWigiams2-53-67,Hayward4-106-615 Kanter 2-30-04, Tinsley0-10-00, Carroll2-53-47. Totals 31-82 19-27 83. WASHINGTON (76) Ariza 7-151-316 I/esely2-61-2 5, Dkafor 4-10 0-08, Price3-50-08,Crawford7-185-520, Booker 0-20-00, Seraphin3-110-06, Martin1-80-03, Beal 3-6 0-0 6,Livingston1-3 2-24, Singleton 0-10-00. Totals 31-85 9-12 76. Utah 15 23 27 18 — 83 Washington 17 23 23 13 — 78
Bucks117, Hornets113 NEWORLEANS(113) Aminu 4-70-0 9, Davis10-148-9 28, Lopez4-4 0 0 8, I/asrtuez 5-161-1 13,Rivers0 26 66, Roberts 3-5 2-2 8,Mason4-8 0-010,Anderson8-150-0 20, Smith 2-4 4-48, Miler 1-20-03. Totals 41-77 2122 113. MILWAUKEE (117) Harris 4-90-010,Rya sova5-100-010, Dalembert 6-103 315,Jennings8-162-322, Ellis8-166 622, Dunleavy5-123-417, Sanders1-5 2-6 4, Udrih2-6 2-28, Udoh1-40-02, Daniels2-30-05, Henson1-2 0-0 2. Totals 43-9318-24117. NewOrleans 27 3 1 33 22 — 113 Milwaukee 25 35 31 26 — 117
Spurs126, Nuggets100 DENVER (100)
Faried 5 84-614, Gaginari 7-131-1 15,Koutos 1-3 0-0 2,Lawson5-13 3-513, Iguodala3-83-4 9, McGee6-100-012 AMiller1-22-24,8rewer4-93413, Mozgov 2-2 0-04, Hamilton1-51-2 4,Fournier 4-51-210. Totals 39-7818-26100. SAN ANTONIO (126) Jackson 4-11 0-0 9, Duncan4-8 5-614, Blair 710 5-6 19,Parker 7-130-0 14, Green6-100-0 15, Ginobili 7-101-220,Diaw3-42-2 9, Splitter 2-51-2 5, Mills 4-100-010, DeColo 1-32-25, Bonner2-4 0-0 6. Totals 47-88 18-20 128. Denver 16 26 28 32 — 100 SanAntonio 33 2 7 3 0 36 — 126
Grizzlies 94, Bobcats 87 MEMPHIS(94)
Gay7-161-1 16, Randolph 7-154-518 Gasol3-/ 6-612, Conley7-125 620, Allen3-106 712, Pondexter1-30-02, Speights1-77-89, Bayless2-51-1 5,Egington0-50-00.Totals31-8030-3494. CHARLOTTE (87) Kidd-Gilchrist 3-4 6-1012, Mullens 7-212-3 18, Haywood 2-41-1 5, Walker 6-175-617, Taylor1-2224,Gordon4 100 010,Thomas0 60 00,Biyombo 2-6 0-0 4,Sessions6-110-012, Wiliams0-20-00, Warrick1-2 3-6 5.Totals 32-8519-28 87. Memphis 26 22 28 19 — 94 Charlotte 19 19 22 27 — 87
Mavericks103, Cavaliers 95 DALLAS(103) Brand0-2 0-00, Marion4-7 2-210, Kaman6-12 3-415, Co lison5-84-514, Mayo5-96-619, Carter 5-101-2 14, Murphy3-6 0-0 9, DoJones5-11 0-0 10,James2-50-04, Crowder010-00, Wright2-2115, Da.Jones1-1 0-03. Totals 38-7417-20103. CLEVELAND (95) Gee6-163-515, Thompson5-120-010, I/arejao 2-11 0-04, Irving11-212-326 Waiters4-167-816, Gibson5-112-216 Zeger1-41-23,Pargo0-10-00, Casspi2-40 05. Totals 36-9616-2096. Dallas 24 27 24 28 — 103 Cleveland 24 28 21 22 — 95
Heat 97, Suns88 MIAMI (97) James 8-204-7 21,Battier 4-80-012, Bosh9-11 6-9 24,Chalmers5-70-011, Miller 4-8 0-09, Lewis 2-30-05, Haslem 1-30-02,Allen3-43-39 Cole2-7 0-04, Anthony0-00-00. Totals38-7113-1997.
PHOENIX (88) Beasley 7 17 0 014, Scola1-51-2 3, Gortat 25 0-0 4, Dragic5-12 2-4 12, Dudley1-51-2 4, Morris 6-92-216, O'Neal4-42-210, Brown6-142-3 14, Telfair2-73-49, Tucker0-1 2-22 Totals 34-79 15-21 88. Miami Phoenix
Clippers 101, Bulls 80 CHICAGO (80)
Deng 5-164-6 14, Boozer10-19 2-2 22, Noah 0-6 4-4 4, Hinrich0-51-2 1, Hamilton6-11 2-214, Gibson 1-60-0 2, Robinson4-11 2-2 11, Belinegi 1-6 0-0 3, Mohammed 0-1 2-2 2, J.Butler 2-5 1-2
5,Radmanovic1-30-02,Teague0-00-00.Totals 30-89 18-2280. L.A. CLIPPERS (101)
C.Butler 2-5 1-1 5,Griffin 11-184-5 26, Jordan 2-5 1-4 5,Paul4-9 0-2 8, Green2-60-0 4, Barnes 5-9 2-313, Hollins0-15-6 5,Crawford 6-107-722, Bledsoe4-62-210, Ddom1-60-03, Turiaf0-00-0 0. Totals37-75 22-30101. Chicago 15 25 21 19 — 80 L.A. Clippers 18 3 6 26 23 — 101
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No. 4 Ohio State holds offRhode Island,69-58 The Associated Press UNCASVILLE, Conn. — Deshaun Thomas scored 25 points and grabbed 10 rebounds and No. 4 Ohio State beat Rhode Island 69-58 in the Hall of Fame Tip-Off tournament in C onnecticut on Saturday. Lenzelle Smith Jr. added 15 points, and Aaron Craft had 13 points and four assists for the
Buckeyes (2-0), who struggled wsi/'i '
(g - I|t Ya, I//
"'z P. p qr' ''
x-'j. Matt York/The Associated Press
Miami Heat forward LeBron James (6) shoots and scores over Phoenix Suns guard Jared Dudley in the first quarter of Saturday night's game in Phoenix.
iin ames, ea e ea uns, The Associated Press LeBron James under the weather is better than no LeBron James at all. That was James' thinking when he decided to play despite flu-like symptoms, and he scored 21 points to help the depleted Miami Heat close out a sixgame road trip with a 97-88 victory over the Phoenix Suns on Saturday night. "Me at 50 percent or 60 percent is better than me not playing at all," he said. The Heat, playing without Dwyane Wade forthe second game in a row because of a left foot injury, led by as many as 15 in the third quarter and were up by nine with 5'/a minutes to play. The Suns cut it to two before Miami scored the game's final seven points. Chris Bosh scored 24 points on nineof-11 shooting for the Heat. James, who m i ssed th e m o r ning s hootaround, made only eight of 2 0 shots but still reached 20 points for the 11th time in 11 games this season. In the first quarter, he went to the locker room, where he said he got sick, then received some fluids that helped. "I can't remember the last time he missed practice or a shootaround so when he missed today, obviously that makes you wonder and you know that it's pretty serious," coach Erik Spoelstra said. "We knew yesterday that he hadn't had any food and he went the whole day and in the late afternoon he was able to down some Gatorade, but that was about it." Markieff Morris scored 14 of his 16 points in the second half for Phoenix, which was coming off a loss to the Lakers in Los A ngeles on Friday night. Shannon Brown and Michael Beasley had 14 points apiece. James may havebeen sick,but he had enough energy to lead the final surge that lifted Miami to its fifth straight win in Phoenix. "I set my shooters up as much as possible," he said, "but if the game is close down the stretch I feel like I can make plays individually, to help us win." Morris' tip-in with 8:39 to go tied it at 79, but Ray Allen banked in an 8-footer, Brown was called for an offensive foul, and Mario Chalmers stole the ball from Sebastian Telfair, leading to J ames' fast-break layup. The Heat were off on a 9-0 run, capped by James' reverse dunk with 5'/a minutes to go. Phoenix then rallied again, closing to 90-88 with 2:11 remaining before the Heat held the Suns off down the stretch. Also on Saturday: G rizzlies... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 4 B obcats ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7 CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Mike Conley scored 20points and Memphis beat Charlotte for its eighth consecutive victory. Zach Randolph added 18 points and 12 rebounds for the Grizzlies.
Clippers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 B ulls ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 0 LOS ANGELES — B l ak e G r i f fin scored 12 of his 26 points in the final six minutes and grabbed 10 rebounds, helping the Clippers earn their fifth straight victory. Reserve Jamal Crawford scored 17 of his 22 points in the second quarter for L.A., which leads the Pacific Division with a 7-2 mark.
Spurs....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 Nuggets.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 SAN ANTONIO — M anu Ginobili had 20 points and the Spurs set a season high for points. DeJuan Blair added 19 points and Danny Green had 15 for San
Antonio (8-2).
with the Rams (0-3) well into the second half. Xavier Munford had 16 points to lead Rhode I sland, which trailed by just four at halftime. The Rams were down just six when Craft hit a 3-point shot that bounced around the rim and in with 6:45 left and then stole the ball on the other end of the court. That led to a technical foul on Rhode Island coach Dan Hurley. Thomas hit both free throws and the five-point swing gave Ohio State a 55-44 edge, its first double-digit lead of the game, and the Buckeyesheld on from there. Also on Saturday: No.17 Memphis..... . . . . . . . . . . 65 Samford..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Adonis Thomas scored 16 points and An-
tonio Barton added 14 as Mem-
phis (2-0) escaped with a victory in an opening game of the Battle 4 Atlantis Tournament. No.18UNLV ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Jacksonville State..... . . . . . . . . 58 LAS VEGAS — Mike Moser scored 19points with 10 rebounds, and Justin Hawkins added 16 points to lead UNLV past Jacksonville State at the Global Sports Classic. No.20NotreDame ..... . . . . . . . 78 BYU...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 NEW YORK — Jack Cooley had 19 points and 13 rebounds to lead Notre Dame (3-1) to a victory in the third-place game of the Coaches vs. Cancer Classic. No. 23 San Diego State........ . 60 Missouri State...... . . . . . . . . . . . 44 SPRINGFIELD, Mo.— Jamaal Franklin scored 15 of his 22 points in the first half to put San Diego State (2-1) up early, and James Rahon hit a key three-pointer late. Washington...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 Seton Hall ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 UNCASVILLE, Conn. — Abdul Gaddy scored 16 points to lead five Washington players in double figures, and the Huskies won in overtime in the Hall of Fame TipOff tournament.
Analysts sayLakers can adjust to D'Antoni's system LOS ANGELES — FromPhil Jackson'9triangle to Mike Brown Part I to Brown's Princeton offense to the unveiling of Mike O'Antoni's high-octane offense, it's not just Lakers fans getting lightheaded with the swift changes. D'Antoni, the new Lakers coach, hopes to bring "Showtime" back to Los
Angeles. Son of Showtime? Patience, of course, is advised. But
nearly everyone knows in awin-now, well mode, that well-
meaning advice is not often taken around here. "It has been basically four offenses that everybody has been trying to get adjusted to, along with multiple moving parts," said NBA TV analyst Steve Smith. "It's going to take some time. I think Laker fans should give them 20 to 25
games. "But, Unfortunately, the city you guys live in, 20 to 25 games is not going to be acceptable to Laker Nation."
On one hand,theregimechange may have comeoff clumsy and practically Un-Lakerlike. But the early firing of Brown — just five games into the season — means that O'Antoni won't
have to spend asmuch time rewiring the brains of his players. TNT analyst Kenny Smith said he thought it was an advantage for O'Antoni to come in this early in the
season. TheLakers have played nine games, the last four under interim head coach Bernie Bickerstaff. "Nothing has been set in stone," Smith told the Los Angeles Times. "You don'thave to change anything.You don't have to come in and re-create and redraw stuff. It's like, OK, 'Remember that stuff you did last week? Well, you're rtot doing it.' " — Los Angeles Times
Bucks.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 Hornets.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 MILWAUKEE — Monta Ellis scored six of his 22 points in the final two minutes to help Milwaukee hold off New Orleans. Brandon Jennings also had 22 points, and Mike Dunleavy added 17 for Milwaukee, which improved to 6-2 in its best start since 2001-02. Top overall draft pick Anthony Davis had a seasonhigh 28 points and tied his season high with 11 rebounds for New Orleans. Celtics... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 07 Raptors... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 BOSTON — Rajon Rondo tied his season high with20 assists,and Jason Terry scored 20 points to help Boston get the victory. Rondo appeared at full strength after sitting out a loss at Brooklyn on Thursday night because of a sprained right ankle. Mavericks... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 03 C avaliers.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5 CLEVELAND — O.J. Mayo scored 19 points and Dallas used a pair of 9-0 runs in the fourth quarter to secure the road win. J azz... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3 W izards.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6 WASHINGTON — A l Je f f erson scored 21 points, Gordon H ayward added 15 inhis first game as a reserve this season, and Utah kept Washington winless.
Corey Parrine / Naples Daily News via The Associated Press
Brittany Lincicome blasts out of a bunker on the 10th hole during the LPGA Titleholders golf tournament on Saturday in Naples, Fla. Lincicome is three shots behind leader Na Yeon Choi.
Choi takesleadat Titleholders The Associated Press NAPLES, Fla. — So Yeon Ryu was rarely so nervous, with so many great players all around her. She was in high heels, not golf shoes. She was giving a speech as the LPGA rookie of the year, not competing at the Titleholders. Compared wit h s t anding before a room full of stars under
rivalsfor each other. Even during the tournament, if she has birdie, I feel I can have birdie, too. I think it motivates each other, so it should be fun tomorrow." Choi was at 12-under 204. There were plenty of mistakes early — Miyazato giving up her 36-hole lead with a double bogey on No. 2, Choi three-putting on No. 3, Brittany Lincicome missbright lights, playing golf Satur- ing a 3-foot par putt and then hitday while trying to stay close to ting a fat chip that rolled back to Na Yeon Choi and Ai Miyazato her feet for another bogey. seemed easy. Karrie Webb made her mistake "I was pretty nervous to pre- later, but it was costly, and it inpare the speech," Ryu said about cluded so many drops around the the Friday night awards dinner. green that it's a wonder she didn't "After speech, I was so much re- run out of tees. lieved, and I slept so well because The Australian star p u l led I don't have to worry about speech her approach on the 18th to the thing. So maybe that's why I'm left, and the ball bounced down playing great." a walkway and under a table. She wasn't alone in that regard. She had to stick four tees in the Choi overcame a c a r eless ground to get relief twice, from three-putt on the third hole and a picket fence and the corner was steady the rest of the blustery of a grandstand. Her chip went day at The TwinEagles Club. She through the green and next to the drilled a hybrid 5-wood to 15 feet grandstand, leading to another for one last birdie on the par-3 freedrop.Her next chip came out 17th for a 3-under 69 that gave her heavy and rolled back against a one-shot lead over Miyazato. the grandstand, and a third drop. Miyazato took two chips to get Webb had to hole a 15-foot putt onto thegreen and made double for double bogey, dropped her bogey on the par-5 second, and back to a 71, five shots behind. then laid up into a bunker on the Lincicome overcame her conpar-5 fifth to make bogey and fall secutive bogeys for a 70 and was behind. She rallied with four bird- at 9-under 207 with Karine Icher, ies on the back nine to salvage a who also had a 70. 71, and stay in the game. Also on Saturday: Right behind was Ryu, so reJiminez leads in Hong Kong lieved from the Friday night stress H ONG K ON G — Sp a i n 's that she ran off four straight bird- Miguel Angel Jimenez shot a 2ies on the front nine before she under 68 for a share of the Hong slowed on the back. Maybe there Kong Open lead with New Zeawas a reason for that, too. The 22- land's Michael Campbell. Campyear-old South Korean says her bell had a 69 to match the 48lower back tightened at the turn, year-oldJimenez, the 2005 and which she said might have been 2008 winner, at 10 under. caused by wearing high heels to Poulter tops field in Australia the dinner. MELBOURNE, Australia "I'm not really big high-heel Defending champion Ian Poulter fan," she said. "Yesterday was a shot an 8-under 64 to take a onespecial day, so that's why I took stroke lead over Adam Scott after a high heel. I think it looks pretty the third round of the Australian great." Masters. What feels just as good is being Stenson holds lead in South Africa in the final group with Miyazato, J OHANNESBURG — S w e den's Henrik Stenson closed in on one of the friendliest players in golf, and Choi, whom Ryu regards his first European Tour victory in somewhat of a bi g sister. The three years, shooting a 3-under South Koreans are good friends, 69 to take a three-stroke lead into and they happen to be the past two the final round of the South AfriU.S. Women's Open champions. can Open. "We know each other very Streb in front at Pebble well, so I can talk about non-golf, PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. just like 'What are you doing in Robert Streb shot a 3-under 69 in the winter?' or something like rainy conditions at Del Monte to that," Choi said. "So I think that's take a one-stroke lead over Billy going to be a help for focusing on Horschel after the third round in the game. I think it's good to be the Pebble Beach Invitational.
Player safe notjust a
current issue By Tim Dahlberg The Associated Press
Photos by MatthewAimonetti I For The Bulletin
The Summit girls soccer team celebrates with the Class 5A state trophy after defeating Sherwood on Saturday in Hillsboro.
Summit Continued from 01 "This was potentially a rebuilding year," Storm coach Jamie Brock said. "Seven of those seniorsfrom lastyear were 80-minute-a-game players. We didn't know what this year was going to be like. But this team just kept getting better and better." Summit (15-0-2) took control of the game in the 2lst minute when Edwards snatched the ball behind Sherwood's back line and finished a one-on-one opportunity against Bowman goalkeeper Kyeli Hendryx to give the Storm an early 1-0 lead. Plummer put Sherwood in an even bigger hole 16 minutes later, converting a penalty kick in the 37th minute after the Bowmen were called for a handball inside the penalty box, putting Summit ahead 2-0 at the half. The Storm's top playmaker all season, Plummer all but sealed the win 13 minutes after halftime, scoring on another penalty kick after she was taken down in the box. With Plummer providing constant pressure on offense, junior goalkeeper Rachel Estopare handed Sherwood its first shutout of the season, recording three saves on 10 Bowman shots. "At the beginning of the year, when people asked about the season we weren't sure about what to say," Plummer said. "We didn't know
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how far we'd go (in the playoffs).... But we just
kept getting more confidence. There wasn't one game in particular when it clicked, but by about halfway through the season we knew we
were going to be pretty good." Plummer was instrumental in the Storm's development this season, taking over primary play-making duties from Kristen Parr, Summit's three-time all-state forward who graduated in May and led the University of Oregon in scoring this fall. "She was put under Kristen's shadow a little bit the last two years," Brock said about Plummer. "But Hadlie stepped up this season and said 'I'm the player to do the job.' She's got the talent, the speed. She's the whole package."
Summit's Hadlie Plummer scores ona penalty kick past Sherwood's goalkeeper, giving the Storm in a 3-0 lead in Saturday's state final. The Storm have the look of a mini-dynasty as all but two players — seniors Presley Quon and Sydney Parchman — expect to return next season.
"Oh my goodness," Estopare said about Summit's potential next year. "It's going to be fun." — Reporter: 541-383-0305; beastes@bendbulletirLcom
Mountain View Continued from 01 Junior forward Michael Hobson knocked in a rebound to put Woodburn up 1-0 in the 18th minute after Mountain View keeper Levi Schlapfer stopped a bullet from Cesar Ramos. The champions of the Mid-Willamette League went ahead 2-0 in the 32nd minute when Luis Rangel split two defenders and beat Schlapfer one-one-one with a highlight-quality score. "First goal, Levi makes a great save, but with a wet ball it's tough to grab," Rogers said about the rebound goal. "Then the ball went to their best player and he did what forwards are
supposed to do." With a t w o-goal lead, Woodburn stayed back, controlled the ball, and ran as much time off the clock as possible while the Cougars attacked in waves. Courtney-Vera made several strong saves in the second half, but none bigger than the pass he intercepted in the 78th minute with Emerson flying toward him. "We've all been playing together for so long," the Bulldogs' junior keeper said. "This means so much. I was the kid sitting in the stands. I've always wanted to be a Woodburn
Matthew Aimonetti / For The Bulletin
Mountain View's Zach Emerson advancesthe ball against Woodburn's defense during Saturday's Class 5A state final in Hillsboro.
Despite the loss, Mountain View's run to the state final — the program's second title appearance in four years — ended a highly successful season for the Cougars. After losing three of their first four games, Mountain View
went on to finish the season 11-5-2. "I'm super proud of my guys," Rogers said. "The way theyfought back ...The momentum
was on our side. If we just could have got one of those goals late." — Reporter: 541-383-0305;beastes@bendbulletirLcom
PREP SCOREBOARD Soccer OSAAState Finals Saturday BOYS CLASS6A Jesuit 3,Lincoln0 CLASS5A Woodburn 2, MountainView1 CLASS4A Philomath vs. LaSalle
CLASS 3A/2A/1A Riverdal2, e OregonEpiscopal 1 GIRLS CLASS6A Thurston2,Clackamas0
CLASS5A Summit 3,Sherwood0 CLASS4A Gladstone1, Mazama0
CLASS 3A/2A/1A Oregon Episcopal 2,Valley Catholic1
Football OSAAState Playoffs CLASS 6A Round 2 Friday's Games CentralCatholic35, Sunset21 Jesuit 63,Thurston7 LakeOswego41, SouthMedford14 Sheldon 52, Roseburg 6 Southridge 41, Century 8
Sprague10, Tualatin 0 Tigard42,Canby14 WestSalem59,Aloha46 Quarterfinals Friday, Nov. 23 Jesuit atSprague,7 p.m. SheldonatSouthridge, TBD LakeOswegoat WestSalem, 7p.m. Tigard atCentral Catholic at Hitlsboro Stadium, 7 p.m. CLASS5A
Quarterfinals Friday's Games Marist28, MountainView16 Redmond14, CrescentValley 6 Sherwood 42, Springfield 30 Silverton35,West Albany6 Semifinals Friday, Nov. 23 At willameaeUniversity, Salem
Silverton vs Sherwood2pm Maristvs Redmo nd 5 pm CLASS4A
Quarterfinals Friday's Games Cascade 35,Philomath28
North Bend)OregonCoastTechnology 10, Gladstone 7 Saturday'sGames Baker22, Scappoose0 Ontario 23,LaSallePrep21 Semifinals Saturday, Nov.24 At Hillsboro Stadium NorthBend/OregonCoast Technology vs.Ontario,2:15p.m. Cascade vs. Baker, 5:30p.m. CLASS 3A Quarterfinals
oger Goodell's timing seemed odd, with his Harvard School of Public Health speech on player safety coming after a week in which three starting NFL quarterbacks were knocked out ofgames with concussions. No matter, because the NFL commissioner is nothing if not a spin doctor extraordinaire. He cited the fact the quarterbacks were all removed from games as evidence of the progress the NFL has made in identifying head injuries and trying to limit their impact. "The simple truth is that any physical activity comes with risk and reward," Goodell said. "Head injuries occur in sports." They do, though the NFL sure took a long time to admit it. For years the league insisted there was no link between what happened on Sundays on the field and what happened to the brains of players afterward. The culture has changed, and Goodell wastes no chance to remind us of that. His speech Thursday night touched on everything from player safety in the days before the NFL even existed (18 college players died in 1904 alone) to what the league might be doing in the near future (different helmets for each position, weight limits on kickoff teams) to help prevent devastating head injuries. The NFL is helping fund studies on concussions, giving $30 million to the National Institutes of Health and teaming with players for another $100 million in similar research over the next decade. There are 100 former NFL players taking part in research led by Boston University to find a diagnosis for thedegenerative brain disease, chronic traumatic encephalopathy, more commonly known as CTE. New kickoff rules are working to reduce concussions, and others are under consideration. Violent collisions will always be the attraction of the game just as knockouts are in boxing, but it's Goodell's contention that big hits can be managed more safely without changing the game so much that fans won't watch. Meanwhile, not a game goes by without someone in the announcer's booth talking about the dangers of helmet-to-helmet hits. "Players and coaches have adjusted. They always do," Goodell said. "We now see fewer dangerous hits to the head and noticeable changes in the way the game is being
Saturday's Games
Dayton54,Wilamina20 SantiamChristian 47, HorizonChris-
tian Tualaln14 t
Scio 30,Rainier21
Saturday's Game Cascade Christian 52,PleasantHil13 Semifinals Saturday, Nov.24 At Willamette University, Salem Daytonvs.SantiamChristian, 7 p.m. At Cottage GroveHigh, Eugene Scio vs.CascadeChristian, 7p.m. CLASS2A
Quarterfinals Friday's Game Oaklan d 48,GoldBeach22 Saturday'sGames CentralLinn6, Kennedy0 Portland Christian 21,Heppner6
Lost River26,Grant Union20, OT Semifinals Saturday, Nov.24 At CottageGroveHigh, Eugene
cenrai Linn vs Oakiand,11 a.m. Lost Rivervs. PortlandChristian, 3 p.m. CLASS1A
Quarlerfinals Saturday's Games St Paul 66,Triad18 Lowell 44,Dufur8 CamasValley48, Sherman6 Imber34,Perrydale14 Semifinals Saturday, Nov.24 At Hillsboro Stadium
camasvalleyvs. Imbler,u a.m. At Willamette University, Salem Loweil vs.St.Paul, 2p.m.
The good news for today's players is that there have been some real changes and they'll have a better chance of having a decent life after football than players did before them. That's especially true when it comes to the condition of their brains, though the risk of long term injury remains very real. Football is still a hurt business, and always will be. Nothing will make it completely safe,especially in an era when players seem to getbigger and fasterevery year. But there might come a day when there's enough research and information available so a parent can make a decision on whether their child plays football or not. There might be a time when players themselves can assess their future health risks and decide whether to continue their careers. That will be good for the game itself, and certainly good for the NFL, which rode the wave of big hits to become by far the most popular sport in the country. No one can guarantee player safety, but it's hard to argue with the league itself making it a priority. Left unsaid in Goodell's speech, though, was what to do with the players of the past. Not the college players of 1904, but the NFL players of recent decades. Goodell didn't mention them, and with good reason. Thousands of them are suing the NFL over brain-related injuries, and the NFL is fighting them with all the lawyers it can musterat every turn. These aren't justpractice squad members or fringe players trying to cash in on short careers. There are some big names among the 3,500 plaintiffs, including Tony Dorsett and at least 26 members of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. One of the plaintiffs, former Atlanta Falcons safety Ray Easterling, committed suicide in April at age 62, and an autopsy found he had CTE. His widow and the other plaintiffs claim the NFL not only exposed players to risk they shouldn't have taken, but deceived them and club doctors by insisting repeatedly that head trauma carried little long-term risk. "On the NFL's watch, football has become the site of perhaps the gravest health crisis in the history of sports," lawyers for the former players argued in motions last month asking a judge to reject the NFL's efforts to dismiss their suits. The suits have the potential of costing the NFL money, and lots of it. That's why the league has fought them so hard, no matter how at odds the stance is with the current push toward safer play. One of Goodell's mantras in his speech at Harvard was that the game is evolving, and for the better. Change, he said, can only improve the sport and the league along with it. He's right about that. But there's something else the NFL can change, too. Doing something to improve the lives of the guys who helped get the league where it is today would be a good place to start. — Tim Dahlberg is a national sports columnist for The Associated Press. Write to him at or http:/ltwitter. comltimdahlberg
No. 14 Stanford hands No.1 UO first loss ofseason
UCLA tops USC to
clinch title in South
to play.
"It's a great moment, and I'm excited," said Mora, the winningest first-year coach in UCLA history. "I can't wait to hug my mom, shake my dad's hand and kiss my kids. I don't want to minimize it at all." J ohnathan Fran k l i n rushed for 171 yards and two touchdowns for UCLA, including a clutch 29-yard scoring run w ith 4:02 to play after USC trimmed its deficit to three points. S haquelle Evans h a d eight catches for 114 yards for UCLA, which clinched a spot in the Pac-12 title game in two weeks with its fifth consecutive win. Also on Saturday: Washington..... . . . . . . . . 38
Colorado.......... . . . ... 3 BOULDER, C o l o. Keith Price threw a careerbest five touchdown passes and Washington overcame a slow start for its fourth straight win. Bishop Sankey ran for 139 yards for the Huskies (7-4, 5-3 Pac-12). Arizona State ...... . . . . . 46 Washington State.... . . . . 7 TEMPE, Ariz. — Quarterbacks Taylor Kelly and MichaelEubank accounted for six t ouchdowns, and Arizona State (6-5, 4-4 Pac-
12), became bowl eligible by ending its four-game losing streak. Arizona..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Utah...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 SALT L A K E CITY — Ka'Deem Carey rushed for 204 yards and Arizona scored 1 7 una n swered points in the fourth quarter as the Wildcats defeated Utah and guaranteed the Utes their first losing season since 2002. Utah (4-7, 2-6 Pac-12) took a 24-17 late in the third quarter, but the Wildcats answered w i th touchdowns three minutes apart early in the fourth.
the guys in the locker room
AP Sports Writer
have done a good job of helping me keep my head up,"
game-winning field goal
Oregon quarterback Marcus Mariota said. "It's not an easy one to swallow but there's another game on the horizon." Redshirt freshman Kevin pionship game, the speedy Hogan threw for 211 yards Ducks slipped up. and a g ame-tying fourthA 17-14 loss in overtime to quarter touchdown for StanNo. 14 Stanford denied top- ford, while Stepfan Taylor ranked Oregon a chance to rushed for 161 yards on 33 clinch the Pac-12 North's carries. spot in the conference chamDown 14-7, Stanford went pionship game. And it put a for it on fourth-and-1 on the bid for a national champion- Oregon 12 with 2:17 left in ship nearly out of reach. regulation, and Ryan Hewitt "I told those guys that it's ran two yards for the first tough, things aren't always down. Hogan hit Ertz with going to go your way. That's a 10-yard scoring pass to tie life. That's football," coach it at 14 with I:35 to go. Ertz C hip Kelly said after t h e fought to gain control of the game. "I don't fault them for ball with a defender as he fell their effort. It hurts so bad to the turf on top of a Ducks because they i nvested so player. The play was initially much as a group. " ruled incomplete, but a video Stanford players rushed review overturned it for the the field after Jordan Wil- game-tyingtouchdown. "I knew I caught it, I just liamson's 37-yard field goal wasn't sure if I was inbounds in overtime to win it. If both Stanford and Or- or not. The ball bounced my egon win in their final games way. It was a great play call n ext weekend, both w i l l by the coaches," Ertz said. finish with one conference Despite a pass interference loss, which means Stanford call that gave them a crucial will wi n t h e h ead-to-head first down, the Ducks were matchup and go to the Pac-12 forced to punt on the ensuchampionship for a chance ing series and Stanford took to play in the Rose Bowl. over with 36 seconds to go A fter w i nning i t s f i f t h and the game went tooverstraight, Stanford (9-2, 7-1) time. Alejandro Maldonado will play its finale next week- missed a 41-yard field goal end at No. 17 UCLA, which for the Ducks to open the defeated No. 21 USC 38-28 extra period before Williamearlier in the day to claim the son's game winner. Pac-12 South. Oregon (10-1, The Cardinal had the na7-1) will play Oregon State in tion'sbest run defense going the annual Civil War rivalry into the game, allowing an game in Corvallis. average of just 54.8 yards a "As I told our guys, we game. Oregon, meanwhile, don't get a trophy for this had the country's third-best game," Stanford coach David rushing offense, averaging Shaw said. "All we did was 325 yards a game. put ourselves in a good poStanford held Ducks runsition and know we have to ning back Kenjon Barner, go play a really good UCLA w ho wa s a v eraging D 6 team next week." yards rushing a game, to just If Stanford beats UCLA, 66 yards. Overall, the Ducks the Cardinal and Bruins will managed 198 yards on the play a week later in North- ground. ern California for the Pac-12 Oregon's top rusher was title. If UCLA wins and Or- M ariota, who ra n f o r 8 9 egon beats Oregon State, the yards. The redshirt freshDucks will host UCLA on man who had been getting Nov. 30. Heisman buzz,threw for207 The loss snapped a 13- yards and a touchdown. g ame winning streak f o r S tanford s t u ffed w h a t the Ducks, which was the appeared to be a sure firstlongest in the nation coming quarter Oregon touchdown into Saturday. drive when Mariota took off Oregon was the only Pac- on a 77-yard keeper to the 12 team that Stanford hadn't Stanford 15. But the Ducks defeated over the past two couldn't get much closer, and seasons. Stanford got the stop when Last year, Stanford was Oregon went for it on fourthranked No. 3 and looking and-2 on the Cardinal 7. toward it s o w n n a t i onal Stanford scored first on championship bid with quar- H ogan's 1-yard plow i n t o terback Andrew Luck when t he end zone early in t h e then-No. 6 Oregon visited second quarter, but Oregon Palo Alto and emerged with answered w it h Ma r i ota's a 53-30 victory. 28-yard touchdown pass to "They beat us last year Keanon Lowe to tie it at 7-all. when we were knocking on Oregon extended its lead the door. So it feels kind of to 14-7 on De'Anthony Thomgood to get that feelingback," as' 6-yard scoring run in the Stanford tight end Zach Ertz third quarter, but missed a sard. chance when Maldonado's In both seasons, Oregon 42-yard field goal attempt went on to win the confer- went wide right. ence titles. The Ducks have Williamson missed a 43won three straight Pac-12 yard field goal attempt for championships. Stanford early in the fourth "It hurts, it really does, but quarter. tumbled through the goal posts, Oregon running back K enjon Barner fell t o h i s knees in dejection. With a clear path to the BCS cham-
Greg Wahl-Stephens I The Associated Press
Oregon State's Jordan Poyer (14) and Reuben Robinson (13) tackle California's C.J. Anderson (9) during the first half of Saturday night's game in Corvallis.
: 'Beavers Continued from 01 But the Bears lost their final five games. They fell short of the postseasonforthe second time in three years. Oregon State got off to a 6-0 start for the first time in school history, but had dropped two of three before the easy victory over the Bears. The Beavers lost 27-23 at Stanford last week. Mannion finished 24 of 34 passing in just over three quar-
ters of work. A sophomore who took over as starting quarterback lastseason as a redshirt freshman, heled the Beavers to 4-0 start before he was sidelined by a k nee injury that required surgery and caused him to miss two games. He returned against Washington and threw four interceptions in a 20-17 loss. He was on the bench by the end of that game and backup Cody Vaz started against Arizona State. But Vaz was hurt in the final seconds of the loss to
Stanford. M annion returned to t h e starting role this week and, other than an interception on the first drive of the game, he looked healthy and confident against the Bears. He had all four touchdown passes in the first half, tying a school record and helping the Beavers to a 35-7 lead at the break. California's to u c hdowns c ame on a 9 - yard ru n b y Sofele in the first quarter and a I-yard run for Bridgford in the third.
ping a five-game losing streak in their crosstown showdown. Eric Kendricks blocked a punt and made a fourthquarter interception for the Bruins (9-2, 6-2 Pac-12), who overcame intermittent second-half rain and USC's star-studded lineup with a steadyeffort. "When the s e a son started, obviously nobody thought we were going to do what we're doing now," said Hundley, who went 22 for 30 and didn't throw an interception. " But we a l l knew deep down inside that we could do it, that we had the talent. We can do everything we set our mind to, as long as we work hard." A year after USC obliterated the Bruins 50-0 in a game that led to a coaching change in Westwood, UCLA punctuated its oneyear revitalization under Mora with its first win over the Trojans (7-4, 5-4) since 2006 — just their second in 14 years. The Bruins celebrated in the corner of the Rose Bowl and again with an impromptu dance-off in the locker room, even while Mora reminded them they've still got three games
By Anne M. Peterson EUGENE — As Stanford's
dIvision The Associated Press P ASADENA, Cal if . — When A n thony B arr roared through the line and hit Matt Barkley squarely in the No. 7 on his back, the roar rising out of the Rose Bowl was loud enough for a whole city to hear. After so many years underneath Southern C alifornia, UCLA is on top of Los Angeles and the Pac-12 South, thanks to a first-year head coach and a freshman quarterback who don't realize they've done something that's not usual. "Well, it is for me," Jim Mora said. BrettHundley passed for 234 yards and a touchdown and rushed for two more scores as No. 17 UCLA beat No. 21 USC 38-28 Saturday, clinching the Pac-12 South title and emphatically snap-
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Don Ryan / The Associated Press
Oregon running back De'Anthony Thomas, right, breaks into the open field ahead of Stanford defenders, from left, Shayne Skov, A. J. Tarpley and Chase Thomas during the first half of Saturday night's game in Eugene.
Ducks Continued from 01 Maldonado replaced Rob Beard (four of eight this season) last week against Cal. "We always have a competition going, and we made a switch after the USC game (on Nov. 3)," Oregon head coach Chip Kelly said. Oregon does not want to relyon field goals and defense to win. It would rather score 50 or more points on flashy touchdown drives that take just a few plays. Against Stanford (No. 14 AP, No. 13 BCS), Oregon was not the same team we have seen this season — not even close.The offense looked confused, and f reshman quarterback Marcus Mariota was downright befuddled at times against the Cardinal — which came into the game leading the nation in r ush defense, sacks and tackles for a loss. Running back Kenjon Barner, a legitimate Heisman candidate a week ago, was held to just 66 rushing yards. "They were loading the box and then dropping out of it," Mariota said of the Stanford defense. "That doesn't leave a lot of holes. There's a lot of disappointment, but it's one game. The season's not over. We have a lot to play for. We try not to think about those things (the lost national title hopes), but it still hurts. The defense did an awesome job tonight. They really kept us in the game." The Oregon defensive line had all of it s starters back from injury, and the Ducks forcedthree turnovers. Itcame down to inches near the end of regulation, though, when tight end Zach Ertz hauled in a 10yard touchdown pass to tie the game 14-14. The play was originally called incomplete, but after a lengthy review it was reversed and called a touchdown. Ertz's back appeared to land in bounds just after he gained control of the football. "I don't know if he had control or not, but they said he did, so he did," said Oregon defensive coordinator N i ck
Aliotti. If Stanford defeats UCLA next Saturday, it will host the Pac-12 Championship game, against the Bruins. If the Cardinal lose to UCLA and Oregon beats Oregon State, the Ducks would host UCLA in the Pac-12 title game. So a Rose Bowl berth is still a possibility. "It seems like we just lost the national c h ampionship game, but that's not the situation we're in," said defensive end Dion Jordan. "It doesn't stop here. We've just got to come back tough and be better than we were today." Oregon State will no doubt be picking apart the film from the Stanford game. Even when the Oregon offense was successful on Saturday, it did not have its way. A 6-yard touchdown run by De'Anthony Thomas capped a 15-play, 95-yard drive that took 3:20 and gave Oregon a 14-7 lead in the third quarter. The drive was methodical, deliberate, dare I say ... slow? That is just not the Oregon way. But part of Chip Kelly's genius is taking what the defense gives him, and realizing that they needed to play that way to win. Only, in the end, it was not enough. The Stanford defense was too smart, too disciplined. Thomas was e ven c a ught from behind by tacklers on a few occasions. That just does not happen. "I told the guys it's tough, and things aren't always going to go your w ay," Kelly said. "It hurts so bad because they're invested so much. We'll see how they handle this situation. I'm confident they'll come back from this. I think everybody will run this game, forwards and backwards, forwards and backwards." Perhaps the first indication that Stanford's defense was not going to back down to the vaunted Oregon offensecame m idway t h rough t h e f i r s t quarter when the C ardinal punted — from the Oregon 35-
77 yards. He could have easily scored on that play if Thomas would have turned to block Mariota's tackler. Instead, Oregon was stopped on fourthand-2 from the Stanford 7-
yard line. " We j u s t di d n ' t ma k e enough plays," Aliotti said. "If De'Anthony turns and blocks a guy, that's a touchdown." And the Stanford offense alsoseemed to have the recipe for beating the Ducks — play keepaway. The Cardinal dominatedtime ofpossession, 37:05 to 22:55. "It's not an easy one to swallow," Mariota said, "but there's another game on the horizon." Perhaps the Ducks can take out their frustration against the Beavers, and then see where the chips fall. O regon,however, be tter not let the Civil War come down to a field goal. — Reporter: 541-383-0318,
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yard line. Duck quarterback Marcus Mariota then promptly ran for
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The Associated Press WACO, Texas — Collin Klein a n d se c o nd-ranked Kansas State can still get to a BCS game. Getting to the BCS championship game is all but lost. "Anger, frustration, obviously disappointment," Wildcats tight end Travis Tannahill said as he described his feelings after a 52-24 loss at Baylor on Saturday night. "Confused. We just don't know what went wrong. We had a good week of practice. We feltprepared, everything we've done the last
Portland State loses toEastern Washington,41-34 PORTLAND, Ore.— Kyle
Padron's game-winning 1-yard touchdown run with
1:25 remaining cappedan eight-play, 94-yard drive,
giving Eastern Washington
10 games." Except win. "It's a hard one," Klein said. Glasco Martin ran for three touchdowns, Lache Seastrunk had 185 yards rushing with an 80-yard score and the Bears again upset the BCS picture with a late-season victory. A week after the Wildcats (10-1, 7-1 Big 12) took over the No. 1 spot in the BCS stand-
ings following defending national champion A l abama's loss, it now looks like it's going to somebody else's turn at the top. Maybe Notre Dame, which could get it s c hampionship shot after Kansas State and No. 1 Oregon both lost. And the Crimson Tide suddenly is back in the title picture, along with a couple of other SEC teams. Also, K-State quarterback Klein may be a Heisman Trop hy f ront-runner n o m o r e after throwing three interceptions and getting sacked twice while being pressured and harassed all night. He threw for 286 yards and two touchdowns, but had only 39 yards on 17 carries with a score. On first-and-goal from the 6 in the fourth quarter, Klein had four straight carries and couldn't score — twice trying from the 1. " I don't know i f I w o u l d call it g e tting smacked in the mouth, but they took it to us," coach Bill Snyder said. "I really thought we p repared well, but as we found out, we didn't. I don't think we han-
a share of the Big Sky title in a 41-34 victory over Portland State. Portland State (3-8, 2-6) took a 26-14 lead with 6:23 to go in the third quarter when D.J. Adams scored
on a 4-yard touchdown
run, his third of the night, but the Eagles answered with three straight scoring drives.
Culver graduate Nevin Lewis caught five passes C
LM Otero/The Associated Press
for 90 yards for Portland State. — The Associated Press
ci Of , N o. 7 Florida.... . . . . . . . . . . . 23 J acksonville State.... . . . . . . . 0 G AINESVILLE, F l a . Florida used a strong defensiveeffortto overcome a slug-
touchdown p asses, i n cluding a 5-yarder to Kenny Stills with 24 seconds left, to lift Oklahoma (8-2, 6-1 Big 12) to a wild win. Jones finished with gish offensive performance. 554 passing yards to break his The Gators (10-1) scored a own school record. touchdown on their first pos- N o. 16 Nebraska..... . . . . . . . 38 session when Mike Gillislee M innesota.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 plowed into the end zone from LINCOLN, Neb. — Taylor 7 yards out. But that was the Martinezthrew for 308 yards only offensive touchdown all and two touchdowns to Kenny day from Florida. Bell while becoming NebrasNo. 8 LSU...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 ka's career passing leader. The
Mississippi ......... . . . . . ..35
Cornhuskers (9-2, 6-1 Big Ten)
BATON ROUGE, La. — Jeremy Hill scored his thirdtouchdown with 15 seconds left to lift LSU (9-2, 5-2 Southeastern Conference) to a victory. N o.9Texas A&M ..... . . . . . . 47 Sam Houston State..... . . . . 28 COLLEGE STATION, Texas — Johnny Manziel threw for 267 yards and three touchdowns, and ran for 100 yards and two more scores in a bit more than a half for Texas
scored on four of their first six possessions. U tah State.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 No.19 Louisiana Tech.......41 RUSTON, La. — Kerwynn Williams scored on a 4-yard touchdown run to give Utah State a lead in overtime and
A%M (9-2).
Baylor quarterback Nick Florence (11) scores a touchdown in front of Kansas State linebacker Arthur Brown (4) during the first quarter of Saturday night's game in Waco, Texas.
Standings All TimesPST North
Stanford Oregon OregonState Washington California Washington State
7-1 71 6-2 5-3 2-7 0-8
9-2 10-1 8-2 7-4 3-9 2-9
6-2 5-4 4-4 4-4 2-6
Arizona ArizonaState Utah Colorado
Saturday'sGames Washington 38, Colorado3 ArizonaState46,WashingtonState7
9-2 7-4 7-4 6-5 4-7 1-10
Stanford17,Oregon14(OT) Arizona34, Utah24
oregonstate62, california14 Friday, Nov. 23 utah atcolorado,noon washington atwashingtonstate, 1z30p.m. ArizonaStateatArizona, 7p.m. Saturday, Nov.24 Oregonat OregonState, TBD stanford at ucLA,TBD x-Notr eDameatUsc,5p.m. x-nonconference Saturday's summary
No. 14 Stanford 17,
No. 1 Oregon14 (OT) Stanford Oregon
0 7 0 0 7 7
7 3 — 17 0 0 — 14
SecondQuarter Stan —Hogan1run (Wiliamsonkick),12.39. Ore Lowe 28 pass fromMariota (Maldonado kick), 3:26. Third Quarter Ore —D.Thomas6 run (Maldonadokick), 6:35. Fourth Quarter stan — Ertz10passfromHogan(wiliamsonkick), 1:35.
Overtime Stan—FGWil iamson 37. A—58,79z
First downs Rushes-yards Passing comp-Att-Int ReturnYards Punts-Avg. Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
S tan
No 5 Georgia(10-0 beatGeorgiasouthern45-14. Next:vs.Ge orgiaTech, Saturday. No. 6 ohio state(0-0) beat wisconsin21-14, OT . Next: vs.No.23Michigan, Saturday. No. 7 Florida (10-1) beatJacksonville State 23-0. Next: atNo.10FloridaState, Saturday. No 8 LSU(9-2) beatMississippi 41-35.Next:at Arkansas,Friday. No. 9 Texas A&M(9-2) beatSamHouston State 4728. Next:vs.Missouri,Saturday. No.10 FloridaState(10-1)beatMaryland41-14 Next: vs. No. 7Florida, Saturday. No 11 clemson (10-1) beatNcstate 62-48. Nextvs. No. 12SouthCarolina, Saturday No. 12SouthCarolina(9-2) beatWofford 24-7. Next: at No. 0 clemson,saturday. No. 13 Oklahoma(8-2i beat WestVirginia 50-49. Next:vs.Oklahom aState, Saturday. No 14 Stanford(9-2) beatN0.1 Oregon17-14,OT . Next: atNo.17UCLA, saturday. No. 15OregonState(7-2) beatCalifornia 62-14. Next: vs. N0.10regon,Saturday. No. 16 Nebraska(9-2) beatMinnesota 38-14. Next: at lojNa,Friday. No 17 UCLA (9-2) beatNo. 21Southern cal 38 28. Next vs.No.14Stanford,Saturday No. 18Texas(8-2) didnotplay. Next: vs.Tcu, ThursdBr No.19 LouisianaTech(9-2) lost to UtahState48-41, OT.Next:at SanJoseState, Saturday. No 20 Louisville(9-1)did notplay. Next: vs.Uconn, Saturday. No. 21Southerncal (7-4) lostto No.17UCLA38-28. Next: vs.No.3Notre Dame, Saturday. No. 22 Rutgers(9-1) beat Cincinnati 10-3. Next: at Pittsburgh,Saturday. No 23 Michigan(8-3) beatlowa42-17. Next at No.6 Ohio State,Saturday No. 23TexasTech(7-4) lost to OklahomaState59-21. Next: vs.Baylor,Saturday. No. 25KentState(10-1) beatBowling Green31-24. Next: vs.Ohio,Friday.
ucLA38,usc 28
Arizona34, Utah24 ArizonaSt 46, Washington St. 7 Boise St42,CoioradoSt14 cal poly42,N.Arizona34 E. Washington41, PortlandSt.34 Montana St.16, Montana7 N. Colorado28, North Dakota27 Nevada31,NewMexico 24
oregonstate62, califomia14 San JoseSt.20, BYU14 SouthernOregon45, St.Ambrose28 Stanford17,Oregon14, OT uc Davi34, s sacramento st. 27 UCLA38,Southemcal 28 O r e UTSA 34, Idaho27 20 Washington38,Colorado3
21 46-200 40-198 2 11 20 7 25-36-1 21-37-1 20 32 6-45.7 8-45 8 3-2 0-0 5 -64 5 - 54 37:05 22:55
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Stanford: Taylor 33-161, Hogan 8 37 Hewitt 2-5,Wright 1 0,Team2-(minus 3). Oregon: Mariota12-89,Barner21-66,D.Thomas7-43.
pAsslNG —stanford: Hogan25-36-1-20. oregon: Mariota21-37-1-207.
RECEIVING —Stanford:Ertz 11-106, Toilolo 317, Montgomery 3-9,Young2-36, Terrell 2-24, Hewitt 2-14, Taylor1-4, Patterson1-1.0regon: Lowe5-51, Lyerl I4-54,Huff4-50,D.Thomas3-3,Murphy2-20, Hawkins2-16,Barner1-13.
Top 25 No 1 oregon (10-0 lostto N0.14stanford17-14,OT Next: atNo.15OregonState, Saturday. No. 2 Kansas State (10-1i lost to Baylor 52-24.Next: vs. N0.18Texas, Saturday, Dec.1. No. 3NotreDame(11-ol beatwakeForest 38-0. Next. at No.21southemcal, saturday. No. 4 Aabama (10-1) beat Westem Carolina 49-0 Next:vs.Auburn,Saturday.
Louisiana Tech on four plays to win and clinch at least a share of the Western Athletic Conference championship. N o. 22 Rutgers.... . . . . . . . . . 10 C incinnati..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CINCINNATI — Savon Huggins ran for a career-high 179 yards, and Rutgers' defense had another shut-down showing as the Scarlet Knights (9-1, 5-0 Big East) stayed in control of the conference race. N o. 23 Michigan.... . . . . . . . . 42 l owa..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 ANN A R BOR, M i ch. Devin Gardner accounted for six touchdowns to help Michi-
N o.10Florida State..... . . . . 41 M aryland ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — EdCOLLEGE PARK, Md. die Lacy r ushed for t h r ee Devonta Freeman ran for 148 first-half touchdowns and AJ yards and two touchdowns as dled the situation as well as we If the Wildcats beat Texas, McCarron set Alabama's sin- Florida State earned a spot in should have been able to." they will b e g u aranteed at gle-season record for passing the Atlantic Coast Conference Nick F l o rence, B a ylor's least a share of the Big 12 title TDs. The Crimson Tide (10-1) championship game. Florida successor to Heisman winand get the league's automatic rebounded from a loss to No. 9 State (10-1, 7-1) led 27-0 at halfner Robert Griffin III, comBCS spot. Texas A&M by building a 42-0 time and cruised to its fifth pleted 20of 32 passes for 238 That may be the only sol- halftime lead. straight victory. yards, and ran nine times for ace after such a crushing loss N o. 5 Georgia ..... . . . . . . . . . 4 5 N o.11 Clemson ..... . . . . . . . 62 47 yards. Both of his passing against Baylor, which s t ill Georgia Southern ..........14 North Carolina State..... . . . 48 touchdowns came in the first needs to win another game to ATHENS, Ga. — Aaron CLEMSON, S.C. — Tajh gan (8-3, 6-1 Big Ten) rout half when the Bears (5-5, 2-5) be bowl eligible. Murray threw four touchdown Boyd threw for f iv e touch- Iowa. jumped out to a 28-7 lead. The Bears hadn't beaten an passes for the Bulldogs (10-1) downs and ran for three more O klahoma State..... . . . . . . . 59 "All week we believed we opponent ranked so high since and Todd Gurleybecame only scores to lead Clemson to a N o. 23Texas Tech ...... . . . . 21 were going to beat them and if a 13-7 win over No. 2 Tennes- the second true freshman in record-shattering win. The TiSTILLWATER, Okla. — Isawe did we weren't going to be see in the Sugar Bowl on New Georgia history to rush for gers (10-1, 7-1 Atlantic Coast) iah Anderson had a careersurprised when it happened," Year's Day 1957. They tied 1,000 yards. gained 754 yards, two off the best 174 yards receiving and Florence said. No. 1 Texas during the 1941 No. 6 Ohio State..... . . . . . . . 21 school record. caught three long touchdown It was on the same weekend season. Wisconsin......... . . . . . . . .14 No. 12 South Carolina..... . .24 passes from Clint Chelf in his last November, on a nother Also on Saturday: MADISON, Wis. — Carlos W offord .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 final home game for OklahoSaturday night in Waco, when No. 3 Notre Dame...... . . . . . 38 Hyde scored on a 2-yard run COLUMBIA, S.C. — Kenny ma State (7-3, 5-2 Big 12). Griffin and Baylor upset then W ake Forest ..... . . . . . . . . . . . 0 in overtime and the Buckeyes Miles rushed for 127 yards N o. 25 Kent State..... . . . . . . 3 1 fifth-ranked Oklahoma after SOUTH BEND, Ind. — Ev- stayed perfect. The Buckeyes and a touchdown and South B owling Green.... . . . . . . . . . 24 two teams ahead of the Soon- erett Golson threw touchdown (11-0, 7-0) clinched the Lead- Carolina pulled out a closerBOWLING GREEN, Ohio — Dri Archer had two long ers had already lost that day. passes of 50, 34 and 2 yards, ers Division title outright with t han-expected win over a n Kansas State has plenty of Cierre Wood scored on a 68- the win. But they are ineligible FCS opponent. touchdown runs and finished time for this loss to simmer. yard run an d N otre Dame for the postseason as part of N o. 13 Oklahoma..... . . . . . . 50 with 241 yards rushing, leadThe Wildcats have Thanks- (11-0) finished the season un- their punishment for NCAA W est Virginia..... . . . . . . . . . . 49 ing Kent State (10-1, 7-0 MAC) giving week off before play- defeated at home for the first violations under former coach M ORGA N T O W N , W Va. to its first Mid-American Con— Landry Jones threw six ing their regular season finale time since 1998. Jim Tressel. ference title game. Dec. 1 at home against No. 18 N o. 4 Alabama...... . . . . . . . . Texas. W estern Carolina..... . . . . . . • • • • 0 • 0 • e • o • • • • • Ol +00 0 • • • 0 • • Ol o • • 0 0 • 0 • • • 0 • e ol i -
the Aggies (9-2, 5-0) stopped
WeberSt. 40, IdahoSt. 14 Wyoming28,UNLV23 SOUTHWEST
Ark.-pineBluff4z prairie view 41 Baylor52,KansasSt. 24 Cent.Arkansas48, E.Illinois 30
SOUTH Alabama 49,W. Carolina 0 Arkansas St.41,Troy 34 Auburn51, AlabamaA8M7 Austin Peay 38,TennesseeTech31 Bethune-cookman 21, FloridaAB,M16 Chattanooga 24,Elon17
clemson 62,Ncstate48 CoastalCarolina41,Charleston Southern 20 Drake32,Jacksonville 29 EastCarolina28,Tulane23 Florida23,Jacksonville St 0 FloridaSt.41, Maryland14 Gardner-Webb 21, Presbyterian 15 Georgia45, Georgia Southern 14 GeorgiaTech42, Duke24 Hampton 27, MorganSt.17 Howard41, DelawareSt 34 Jackson St 37, AlcornSt.11 Kentucky 34, Samford 3 Lsu 41,Mississippi 35 Liberty33, VMI14 Louisiana-Lafayette31,W.Kentucky27 Louisiana-Monroe 42,North Texas16 Marist 28,Campbell 7 Marshall44,Houston41 McNeese St.35, Lamar0
• • I
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Miami 40,SouthFlorida 9
Middl eTennessee20,SouthAlabama12 Mississippi St45,Arkansas14 Morehead St. 76,Valparaiso24 MurraySt.42, SEMissouri 35 Nc ABT 22, Nccenval16, OT Old Dominion38,JamesMadison28 Richmond 21,william 8 Mary14
sc state27,savannahst 13
San Dieg017,Davidson10 SouthCarolina24,Wotford 7 The Citadel42, Furman20 UT-Martin35,Tennesseest. 26 UTEp34,southernMiss. 33 UtahSt. 48,LouisianaTech41, OT Vanderbilt 41,Tennessee 18 EAST
Albany (NY)63,ccsu 34
Brown22, Columbia6 Bucknel24, l Bryant21 Buffalo29,UMass19 Colgate41, Fordham39 Dartmouth 35, Princeton21 Harvard34,Yale24 Holy Cross 24,Georgetown0 Lehigh38,Lafayette21 Maine 55,RhodeIsland6 Monmouth (NJ)26, Robert Morris21 Navy21,TexasSt. 10 Oklahoma 50, West Virginia 49 penn35,corneil 28 PennSt. 45,Indiana22 St. Francis(Pa.)44,SacredHeart 24 Temple63,Army32 Towson 64 NewHampshire35 villanova41,Delaware10 VirginiaTech30,Boston College23, OT Wagner 23, Duquesne17
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ITEMS FORSALE 201 - NewToday 202- Want to buy or rent 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 204- Santa's Gift Basket 205- Free ltems 208- Pets and Supplies 210- Furniture & Appliances 211 - Children's Items 212 - Antiques & Collectibles 215- Coins & Stamps 240- Crafts and Hobbies 241 - Bicycles and Accessories 242 - Exercise Equipment 243 - Ski Equipment 244 - Snowboards 245 - Golf Equipment 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. 248- Health and Beauty Items 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs 251 - Hot TubsandSpas 253- TV, Stereo andVideo 255 - Computers 256- Photography 257- Musical Instruments 258 - Travel/Tickets 259- Memberships 260- Misc. Items 261 - MedicalEquipment 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. 263- Tools
264-Snow RemovalEquipment 265 - Building Materials 266- Heating and Stoves 267- Fuel and Wood 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment 270 - Lost and Found GARAGESALES 275 - Auction Sales 280 - Estate Sales 281 - Fundraiser Sales 282- Sales Northwest Bend 284- Sales Southwest Bend 286- Sales Northeast Bend 288- Sales Southeast Bend 290- Sales RedmondArea 292- Sales Other Areas FARM MARKET 308- Farm Equipment and Machinery 316 - Irrigation Equipment 325- Hay, Grain and Feed 333- Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies 341 - Horses and Equipment 345-Livestockand Equipment 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers 358- Farmer's Column 375- Meat and Animal Processing 383 - Produce andFood 203
Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 0
Three Sisters Lions Club Holiday Faire! Open Nov. 17-Dec. 16, Mon-Fri 10-2 & Sat-Sun, 10-5-445 W. Hwy 20,3
Wind Shopping Plaza (by Bimart) in Sisters. Unique handmade items by local artisans. Ca/lHelen for [ Want to Buy or Rent info, 541-595-6967 Resort Wanted: $Cash paid for 11thSunriver Annual Traditions vintage costume jew- Holiday Marketplace elry. Top dollar paid for 11/23, 11:30-5:30 Gold/Silver.l buy by the Fri., Sat.,11/24, 9-4:30 Estate, Honest Artist Elizabeth,541-633-7006 Homestead/Heritage Free Admission
The Bulletin recommends extra caution when purc h a sing products or services from out of the area. Sending cash, checks, or credit inf ormation may b e subjected to fraud. For more i nformation about an advertiser, you may call the O r egon State Attorney General's Office Co n s umer Protection hotline at 1-877-877-9392.
The Bulletin Need help fixing stuff? serv<ngcent al 0 eeon since r90r Double or singleCall A Service Professional edged, straight find the help you need. razors, shaving Adult companion cats brushes, mugs & FREE to seniors, disscuttles, strops, 205 abled & veterans! Tame, shaving accessories altered, shots, ID chip, Items for Free & memorabilia. more. Will always take Fair prices paid. back if circumstances FREE wooden pallets, change. Call 541-390-7029 389-8420. Visit great fo r f i rewood. between 10 am-3 pm. Pickup at 63120 Nels Sat/ Sun 1-5. Photos, info: Anderson Rd, Bend. BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OIJR HELP! Aussie-Shepherd puppies The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are 1st shots/dewormed, still over 2,000 folks in our community without $150. 541-977-4686 permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift camps, getting by as best they can. The following items are badly needed to aj help them get through the winter: Aussies, Mini 8 Toy s CAMPING GEAR of any sort: 8 colors, 9 New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. sizes, all $250 cash. 4 WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. weeks 541-678-7599 PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER cats FREE, 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. Barn/shop some tame, some not. For Special pick up please call We deliver! Fixed, shots. Ken © 541-389-3296 541-389-8420 WANTED: RAZORS,
S . W .
C h a n d l e r
A v e .
• B en
O r e g o n
9 7 7 0 2
Pets & Supplies
Pets & Supplies
Pets & Supplies
Furniture & Appliances
Furniture & Appliances
Antiques 8 Collectibles
Border Collie/New Zealand Huntaways, 2 male pups, wonderful dogs, working parents, $300 each. 541-546-6171
Pet safe wireless Pet Containment System. $125. 541-388-4038 POODLE pups, AKC toy POM-A-POO pups, toy.
Vacuums Gen. 3 Kirby, $60. Dirt Devil dual cy- Antique adult r o cker clonic $20.541-639-6656 c irca 1 8 00 s go l d damask, exc. cond. $500. 541-317-1207 C The Bulletin I Frenchton pups, ready So cute! 541-475-3889 recommends extra Antique Mills putter with now! Registered par- POODLE TOY PUPPIES Bissell vacuum, fairly p -I wood s haft, $ 1 50. new, $20. chasing products or, ents on site. Puppy 541-318-5732 Parents on site, 541-639-6656 package incl. $650. services from out of I $300 ea. 541-520-7259 Antique weather vane 541-548-0747 - 279-3588 y the area. Sending I China oak cabinet glass • c ash, c h ecks, o r ' w ith trees & d e e r, Pix at oendbulletin.c i Queensland Heelers Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, BtoOBMore doors/shelves, $135. standard & mini,$150 8 $150. 541-318-5732 l credit i n f o rmation 1st shots, very social German Shepherd Pup541-389-8204 up. 541-280-1537 or may be subjected to Croquet set, perfect for $700. 541-325-3376 pies - World-class import, http://rightwayranch. Dining room set, dark l FRAUD. For morel summer, vintage $50. Bull Terrier-mix, 6 mos, show/working, f a m i ly oak round table, claw- information about an ~ 541-318-5732 shots current, free to lov- raised, sweet temperafoot design, matching advertiser, you may I ing home. 541-610-3304 ments. Deliver 11/16/12. chairs, with c u stom-/ call t h e Or e gon /Pacemaker lawn edger, made protection pad. All ' State $10. Bunny, free to g o od Attor ney ' vintage. Call 541-956-1924 or excellent condition. $350 l General's O f f i c e 541-318-5732 home. 208-939-2921 530-451-6139 (SE Bend) Consumer P rotec- • Pez Star Wars dispens;:. Ap obo. 541-322-9833 German Shepherd pups, ho t l in e at I ers, 3 D ouble m a ttress 8 t ion Cat carrier 22"Lx13"W Ready Thanksgiving! for $10 . Schnauzer AKC minia- springs, clean, exc cond, l 1-877-877-9392. x12"H exc. cond, $25 541-318-5732. $400. 541-620-0946 ture pups, black 8 silver, $100. 541-383-3343 ($40 new) 541-330-6033 Pogo Stick by Rocket, German Shorthair AKC 4 M's, 3 F's, ready 12/4. Entertainment c e nter, vintage good cond., Pups, bred to hunt! $550. $350. 541-977-4369 solid Oak, w/free 25" TV, $50. 541-318-5732 each. 541-598-6988 $100. 541-383-3343 GSP puppies AKC 1st Ethan Allen dining set, shots and worming. Children's Items maple, table + 8 chairs, 541-318-5732. parents on site. Males $175. 541-383-3343 $400, female $ 450 CORGI pupsl Baby boy bouncy seat, The Bulletin reserves AKC 1 female left! $800. Ready 11/24. See fa- Shih-Tzu puppy 10 wks $5. Stroller, $5. Call the right to publish all & Obed lines, 541-639-6656 ads from The Bulletin old, shots, wormed, pies.3 541-306-6766 Dam tracable 33 gen., AKC parents. $400. newspaper onto The Dealtzn ready Nov 12. Vax/ Kittens/cats avail. thru Baby boy clothes, 0-12 541-280-8069 Bulletin Internet webVisit our HUGE Micro/Vet check. rescue group. Tame, mos, 200 pcs, 75C ea. site. 541-604-4858 home decor 541-639-6656 shots, altered, ID chip, Shih Tzu-Toy Australian consignment store. Dog carrier 30"Ix19"wx more. Sat/Sun 1-5, call Shepherd mix (1/2 each) The Bulletin New items serving central oregon since ete 24"h seldom used $45 re: other days. 65480 designer puppies! 1st vet Baby changing table arrive daily! check 8 ready to go Bend. ($75 new) 541-330-6033 78th, with drawers, $ 10. Vintage 1950 v a rsity 930 SE Textron, 541-389-8420 or now. $425. Call Kelly at 541-639-6656 football letter (C), $20. 541-604-0716 or Bend 541-318-1501 541-598-5488; I nfo at DO YOU HAVE 541-318-5732 541-489-3237 SOMETHING TO SELL Lab Pups AKC, black GENERATE SOME exFOR $500 OR & yellow, Mas t e r c itement i n y our LESS? Hunter sired, perforneighborhood! Plan a mance pedigree, OFA Non-commercial garage sale and don't advertisers may cert hips & e lbows, 0 forget to advertise in Call 541-771-2330 place an ad with classified! Springer Spaniel pupoui 541-385-5809. pies, AKC, ready 12/6! "QUICK CASH Labradoodles - Mini & 1st shots, dewormed, & Micro oven, Emerson, In The Bulletin's print and SPECIAL" med size, several colors dewclaws removed. $15. GE 3-in-1 crockpot, 1 week 3 lines 1 2 541-504-2662 $500 ea. 541-771-8221 $20. 541-548-9619 online Classifieds. o ~2 e e k s 2 0 ! Ad must include Oo ~ Mixer 8 b owls, older Labradors: beautiful pupprice of single item pies, born 9/11, ready for MorePixal Sunbeam brand, $25. of $500 or less, or loving families. Shots People Look for Information 541-548-9619 multiple items current, vet checked. 1 whose total does NEED TO CANCEL About Products and black female, 1 brown not exceed $500. YOUR AD? male, 5 black males, Services Every Day through The Bulletin $300. 541-610-2270 t \ The Bulletin Classifieds Call Classifieds at Classifieds has an O 541-385-5809 Large Pet Porter, $60. Yorkie AKC male pup, "After Hours" Line Large fully insulated dog small parents, health Call 541-383-2371 house, $50. Avery boatuar., 8-wks, adorable! 24 hrs. to cancel ers hunting dog parka, 950. 541-316-0005 your ad! FORD F150 XL 2005. This truck $20. 2 Avery dog traincan haul it all! Extra Cab, 4x4, and ing bumpers, $10. Avery a tough VB engine will get the job dry storage dog food bag, $10. 541-504-7745 done on the ranch! A1 Washers&Dryers
$150 ea. Full warranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's 541-280-7355
LThe Bulletr'ng
RB BzIoc
Show Your Stuff. Sell Your Stuff.
5,615+ Acres (14Tracts) Harney County, OR
LhasaApso/ShihTzu Pup gorgeous! $275. English Bulldog Simply Pups ready for Christ- 503-888-0800 (Madras)
Pick your parcel size from 160+ up to the entire 5,61 5+ acres This amazing property includes the one ond only Beotys Butte well as several springs. Abundant wildlife includes antelope, mas! 2 females, 1 male, Maremma Guard Dog osmule deer, ond wild horses. Located near the Hart Mountain incredible b l o odlines. pups, purebred, great Antelope Refuge ond in the volley between the mountain Being raised with lots of dogs, $35 0 e a c h, ranges that enable elk io migrate through, I! you are looking love 8 attention. Taking 541-546-6171. for your own piece ol nature, this is o property for you! depositsnow; come pick
out your favorite! Willing to work with you on pay0 I ment option. Call Denise, P eople g i ving p ets 541-740-3515 . s . r s I away are advised to be selective about the The Bulletin Photos, terms, and more details available at new owners. For the To Subscribe call protection of the ani541-385-5800 or go to mal, a personal visit to We inviteyourquestionsat 5 09e4 1 6e6060 the home is recomThis auction to be conducted by Hansen & Young Auctioneers FREE: 2 pa r a keets, mended. in cooperation with Musser Brothers Auctions And Real Estate m ale 8 f e m ale + and broker Tim Stuart ofStuart Realty Group, Inc. cage. 541-306-3828 Ser mg Central Oregan s nce l903
The Bulletin
l ' ll
NOON — 4PM ieaturcn main level i>vm u!
Please call today for
final floor plans, finishes and pricing.
1800 NW Element Directions: Neuport Ave, /o College tPay,left on Rockwood.
LiSted byr
Hosted t" Listed by
To place your ad, visit or call 385-5809
New model opening soon. Over 22 sold!
means plenty of room for aii You'ii love the big backyard 20852 Tamar Lane, Bend overlooking open space end Directions: From the Parktcay, the canal. l3eeutiful finishes, easton Reed Market,south on /5th q ualit y c r a f t s m a nshi p . Don't forget our amenities; Street, iocommuni/y on lef/ (east). clubhouse, sports complex,
Principal Broker
('Special private partyratesapply to merchandise andautomotive categories,)
Pahlisch Homes Newport Landing. New construction in the heart of Bend.
Brand-new petni~ch home
gym, pool, playground and more! Seeing is believing!
For an additional s15 per week * s40 for 4 weeks *
3ioz sq. ft. model home with 3 hdrm, 25 bath, office/den, huge bonus room, plus a loft
Full Color Photos
Broker, CSP, CDPE R E A
L T 0 R s
Itamgmg pee hH
T HE N E W Y O R K T I M E S C R O S S W O R D BOTTOMS UP! By Elizabeth C. Gorski / Edited by Will Shortz
48 Tusked animal
84 "Really?"
4 Angry sl i g h t ?
4 9 Periodic f u n c t i o n
86 Wrangle
5 Assortm e n t
5 0 Vil l a i n ous " S t a r W ars" t i t l e
87 Some Chi-tow n
6 Sidewalk square, e.g.
4 Must
9 Three-stripers: Abbr .
5 2 " Q uo
88 Sizable garden
7 The fox in D i s ney ' s " The Fox and t h e
13 Cut line 17 Big score, maybe
53 Bargain basement markings
89 Silas of the Continental
8 Suggested resume
1 9 Leisure suit f a b r i c
54 Casino machine
20 Carved Polynesian talisman
5 5 Narrowly, after " by "
9 0 Be a r i s h
5 6 Sonneteer's M u s e
9 2 Like draft e-mai l s
9 Battle of N o r m a n d y site
21 Shoe brand
57 Tiny amount
9 4 Stock market f i g s .
10 Great Danes, e.g.?
22 "I t
58 Subject explo red in "The Crying Game"
9 5 Announcer of y o r e
11 Sta, purchase
96 Doubled over,
1 2 Times out i n
ri gh t "
23 Pipe-fi t t i n g and others
27 Not hoof it , m a y be
61 Draft r a i s ers
29 "Too Late the
P halarope" novel i st
63 Jamboree attendee
31 He wrote " W o r d s are
loaded pistols"
l ark
32 Subject to double
jeopardy, say 33 Animal i n un a casa
Y ou" (¹ I Rolling Stones album)
36 Verdi opera 38 Informal greeting 39 H.S. support groups 4 0 '70s TV p r o d ucti o n co.
47 Actress Garr
For any three answers, call from a touch-tone hone: 1-900-285-5656, 1.49 each minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800814-5554.
el ectorate
111 Southern pronoun 112 Battle of , 1796 N apoleon vi c t o r y
56 60
88 92
28 Canaries locale: Abbr.
B allet" ( " A Chorus Line" song)
100 105
1 01 1 0 2
5 9 B a I I c o v e r i n g s?
60 Catherine's demand o f Heathclif f i n
41 Shopworn
" Wutheri n g H e i g h t s "?
I Defense against a siege
4 2 Sushi bar b o w l f u l s 45 Pinata part
61 Glacier site, maybe
2 Pacific capital
4 6 Ancient si ege sit e
63 Sleek and graceful
47 Gypsy's aid
64 Head cases?
3 Cash for trash?
5 8 Throw f o r
38 Kind of c l a ss Down
52 Concert hall, e.g.
37 Irish lul l aby opener
115 "Gee!"
51 United Nations chief from Ghana
36 Revoluti onary path
dorm, perhaps
30 Cracker Jack box
35 "
114 Name on a college
26 "Curses!"
33 Hand
113 Guacamole and salsa
83 Spouse's sleeping p lace after a f i g h t , maybe
110 Title gunf i g hter of a 1964 ¹ I h i t
8 2 part of A A R p : A b b r .
109 Writer Wiesel
81 Cartridges, e.g.
1 6 Like a f o u r - l e af
7 3 One of D u m a s ' s Musketeers
46 Asian holidays
24 Demon's weekend
80 Neutrogena competitor
15 Part of AA RP: Abbr.
103 Place that sells
1 08 Split bi t
44 Candy man Russell
107 Bingo call
79 Abrasive
70 Some execs
78 Burns black
1 4 One-of-a-ki nd Dutch cheese?
1 8 Super Bowl X L I I I champs
77 Auditioner's hope
43 "Di rt y Jobs" host
100 Kahlua and cream over ice
t he U.S .
76 San (Italian seaport)
68 Target for many a political ad
13 Politico Agnew
105 Like about 7% of
74 2010 and 2011 L.P.G.A. Tour Player of the Year
s h e I I s?
98 "Capeesh?"
65 Bored employee's
32 36
60 Lit tl e g a r d en
25 Lie-abed
34 "
I C o I I . s t u d ent's declaration
65 Mosaic material 66 Lucy's TV pal 6 7 "How' s i t g o i n g , fish'?"? 6 8 Vital f l u i d s
96 Right-leaning type: Abbr.
77 Random wi t ness
83 Odoriferous
97 Peacekeeping grp.
85 Drawn
9 9 Fruity d r i n k s
88 Caveat to a bu y er
69 Haunted house sounds 7 0 Dracula's bar bi l l ? 71 Hired spi n m ei ster 72 Stash 74 Briar part 7 5 Celebratory s w i g after a football t w o - p o i n t e r?
1 00
89 Ward, to B eaver
F ei n ( I r i s h
group) 101 Move, in Realtor lingo
91 Josh 93 One of the Judds
102 Just
9 5 Michael Cri c h t o n
104 "Lawrence of
novel about
A rabia" r o l e
106 Spanish uncle
5 41-3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES
Monday.. . . . . . . . . . Tuesday .. . . . . . . . . Wednesday.. . . . . . . Thursday.. . . . . . . . . Friday.. . . . . . . . . . . Saturday Real Estate .. Saturday.. . . . . . . . . Sunday.. . . . . . . . . .
Starting at 3 lines "UNDER'500in total merchandise
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The Bulletin
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Antiques & Collectibles
Antiques & Collectibles
Exercise Equipment
Inversion bed hang from
Guns, Hunting & Fishing
Hot Tubs & Spas
Costco Hot tub, 6-per-
son, like new, $2500 Vintage 1 9 6 0 s ice Wizard of Oz doll set (6) ankles to stretch back OREGON'S LARGEST obo. 541-389-9268 bucket black 8 gold 1988 50th anniv., $99. $85 541-330-9070 GUN & KNIFE SHOW 541-318-5732 $35 541-318-5732. Nov.17 & 18 Nordic Track, excellent 253 Sat. 9-6 • Sun. 9-4 condition, free! Vintage climber's ice ADM: $9 TV, Stereo 8 Video 541-389-8782 axe, good condition, Wood & brass vintage Portland Expo Center 1-5 Exit 306B 60" Phillips-Magnavox, $75. 541-318-5732 carpenter's level, $10. ProForm cross w a lk treadmill w/i n cline For Info: 503-363-9564 541-318-5732 $400. CASH ONLY. $195. 541-706-1051 Vintage Doilies, many www.wesknodelgun541-548-9686 styles, 20 © $10 each Total Gym XL + attachfor 541-318-5732 241 ments, g r e a t c o nd, Pre-1964 Win mdl 12 DIRECTV fo r 24 $200. Call 541-923-6303 20 ga., nice clean gun $29.99/mo Bicycles Ik Wards vintage tube ram onths. Ove r 1 40 $500 541-548-3408. Accessories dio/phono, ¹62-2720, channels. FREE Remington 700 .22-250, HD-DVR U p g rade! $99. 541-31 8-5732 Gary Fisher Marlin 17.5 stainless fluted syn, more. FREE NFL S unday Wilson vintage wooden mountain bike, $150. Full set D u nlop golf $750. 541-419-1578 Ticket w/ CH O ICE tennis racket w/press, 541-330-1972 Taurus Millennium Pro P ackage! Call T O clubs with bag, $30. $75. 541-318-5732 f or deta i l s 541-923-7264 1 40, $2 9 5 firm . D AY 1-888-721-7801. 541-350-1554.
The Bulletin reaches 0 Of all 96SChlltaSCeunty adultS * each week.
Guns, Hunting & Fishing
17 Rem. center fire, 700 bdl, 3x9 Nikon var-
Slimline, Stainless, 9mm, 2 clips, box/papers, like new, $400, 541-604-5115
mint scope, $700 obo. 541 -408-0053.
Estate Sales
Look What I Found! You'll find a little bit of everything in The Bulletin's daily
garage and yard sale section. From clothes to collectibles, from housewares to hardware, classified is always the first stop for cost-conscious consumers. And if you're planning your own garage or yard sale, look to the classifieds to bring in the buyers. You won't find a better place for bargains! Call Classifieds: 541-385-5809 or email
Sales Southwest Bend
Dell Microsoft Office XP 700 Rem 7mm magnum Find exactly what 286 rifle w/scope bolt ac- you are looking for in the Small Business, 2 disks. Sales Northeast Bend tion $400 541-504-3242 $50. 541-330-1 972 CLASSIFIEDS ARf5, .223 DPMS, 16" HP color printer, works barrel with compensator, reat, needs c ord, ** FREE ** $750. 541-550-7189 40. 541-639-6656 Garage Sale Kit Belgian-made Browning Place an ad in The HP computer & KDS SA 22LR with N i kon Bulletin for your gam onitor, $ 45 . C a l l Prostaff rimfire scope, Coleman 20' canoe 2 rage sale and relike new, $950 firm. paddles, green, $200. 541-639-6656 ceive a Garage Sale all 541-593-7483 541-389-8204 Kit FREE! T HE B U L LETIN r e Bersa Model 83, .380 Squash Racket Black quires computer adKIT INCLUDES: acp, nickel, double ac- Knight, XLR4700, $25. vertisers with multiple • 4 Garage Sale Signs tion, $200. 541 -419-1578 541-318-5732.. ad schedules or those • $2.00 Off Coupon To Use Toward Your Buy/Sell/Trade all fire- Squash racquets, Prince selling multiple syssoftware, to disNext Ad arms. Bend local pays Ext., Oversize II, $40, tems/ close the name of the • 10 Tips For "Garage cash! 54t -526-0617 541-31 8-5732. business or the term Sale Success!" CASH!! "dealer" in their ads. For Guns, Ammo & Private party advertisHealth & Reloading Supplies. PICK UP YOUR ers are d efined as 541-408-6900. Beauty Items GARAGE SALE KIT at those who sell one 1777 SW Chandler computer. G erman Wireh a i r Over 30 Million Women Ave., Bend, OR 97702 Pointer baseball cap. S uffer F r o m Ha i r 256 New vintage, brown Loss! Do you? If So and tan. CASH! $25 Photography We Have a Solution! firm. 541-593-2597 CALL K E RANIQUE Manfrotto Digi t r i pod 288 M1 Garand, mnf'd 1956, TO FIND OUT MORE 724B w/case, l i ghtly Sales Southeast Bend finished 95%, extra bbl, 877-475-2521. used, $50. 541-330-1972 $1995 obo 541-480-5203 (PNDC) * ESTATE SALE* SUNDAY, 9-4 Full ga0 8 • •
975 •
USE THE CLASSIFIEDSI Sales Redmond Area Door-to-door selling with MOVING SALE. craftfast results! It's the easiest m atic b e d , fur n . , h unting 8 fish i ng way in the world to sell.
equip., auto. cartop boat, misc. All must be sold! Sat-Sun. 8-4 2152 SW Newberry,
on your General Merchandise
ReaChOIII tnday.
classified ad. Place an ad in the Bulletin Classifiecjs ancI
for only $2.00 more
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Calltoday and speak with our c~lassified team tn
New Today Classification
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To place y o u r a d , v i s it w ww . b e n d b u l l e t in .co m o r call 54 1-3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9
•I• •
Range Rover, 2006, low miles, excellent condition, 6 disc CD, A/C, leather interior, great SUV for winter driving.
The Bulletin
Christmas Display/Lights 8 Garaqe Sale! Romaine Viilage, 60940 rage 8 house packed! Ridge Dr. Bend 97702 Nov. 17 8 18, 9-5 both 60864 Brosterhous Rd off Knott Rd . A t t ic days. 541-948-2278 Estates 8 Appraisals 286 541-350-6822 Sales Northeast Bend ESTATE SALE Entire contents of g a rage, A-Xmas Outdoor deco tools galore, r ugs, rations sale! Trees shelving, work bench, Santas, snowmen, new solid hardwood sleighs, stars, lights, flooring, 364 Sena Ct, train, more! Sat.-Sun. off Pettigrew, Fri-Sat 9-2, 1658 NE Matson 8:30-12, Sun. 9:30-12 Rd. off Bear Creek. yg price day!
The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809
Sylvania 19" TV & JVC DVD player, asking $25 for both. 541-923-7264
Gardening Supplies & Equipment
Employment Opportunities
SUPER TOP SOIL www.hershe Screened, soil & compost mi x ed , no rocks/clods. High humus level, exc. for 421 flower beds, lawns, gardens, straight Schools 8 Training s creened to p s o i l. Bark. Clean fill. De- A IRLINES ARE H I Rliver/you haul. ING - Train for hands 541-548-3949. on Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA approved p r ogram. Lost & Found • Financial aid if qualified - Housing availFOUND: a very small able. Call Aviation Ingreen bag with 9 sen- stitute of timental items inside, Maintenance. at NE Red Carpet car 1-877-804-5293.
J J<g,/F~> JIP) Ji,jj Jl) IJjjJ~ Can be found on these pages:
Dental Office ManagerWill do e v erything from Reception to Billing. Must have previous exp. Submit resume for consideration to: david.stinson@
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FINANCEAND BUSINESS 507 - Real Estate Contracts 514 -Insurance 528 - Loans and Mortgages 543 - StocksandBonds 558 - Business Investments 573 - BusinessOpportunities
Chef/Line Cook Employment Business Opportunities XIHE!MQ needed in Crescent Opportunities m ust h a v e ex p . 8 M8zem WARNING The Bulletin Submit resume for recommends that you N E W V P S consideration to: Livestock Truck Driver i nvestigate ever y Must have CDL,2yrs exp, corie.pelcher@ A T H T P A R T phase of investment progressive co., 401k, opportunities, e s pe$50,000/yr, insurance C H A H A M M O c ially t h os e fr o m NW only. 541-475-6681 wash. 541-390-0720 Director of Training (PNDC) out-of-state or offered R E T O S P A R See www.ex- Optometry office needs Found Bunny, black & by a p e rson doing 526 p f o r dispensing o p tician E L S R S I N E Call a Pro white, in S E B e nd. business out of a lodetails. F o r c onfiLoans & Mortgages exp. helpful but not Call to iden t ify: cal motel or hotel. InWhether you need a U N E R dential con s iderrequired. Reply to 208-939-2921 (Bend). vestment o f f e rings fence fixed,hedges ation, please submit WARNING B ox 20236077 c / o I NP A R E R O F OUND chainsaw o n must be r e gistered resume to The Bulletin recomtrimmed or a house The Bulletin, PO Box with the Oregon DeT A C A B T E N Bear Creek Rd. Call karen.turner@ mends you use cau6020, B e n d , OR partment of Finance. built, you'll find to ID 541-410-6814. tion when you pro97708. We suggest you conA T O L Y A L L professional help in vide personal man's w edyour attorney or Remember.... Purchasing/Buyer information to compa- sult L O D I B O Y FOUND The Bulletin's "Call a call CON S UMER ding band at Lake A dd your we b a d - nies offering loans or Seeking an experiBilly Chinook Call to Service Professional" HOTLINE, dress to your ad and enced Buyer w ith credit, especially PUZZLE IS ON PAGE EZ ID. 541-948-6029. 1-503-378-4320, readers on The Directory m anufacturing i n those asking for ad8:30-noon, Mon.-Fri. dustry e x perience Bulletin' s web site vance loan fees or Found set of keys, in 541-385-5809 257 260 will be able to click for temporary companies from out of A Classified ad is an D rake P a r k ne a r i Musical Instruments Misc. Items through automatically state. If you have pond, 11/10. Call to ATTEND C O L LEGE project. For confiEASY W A Y TO to your site. con s iderconcerns or quesidentify, 541-382-1135 ONLINE from Home. dential REACH over 3 million AcroSonic spinet piano Leather jacket Wilson REDMOND Habitat ation, please submit tions, we suggest you *Medical, *Business, Sales Pacific NorthwesternFOUND: tire on road 57-3/8"wx25i/a"tx36"d, XXL, $125. Ask for RESTORE res um e to: 25-year-old c o mpany consult your attorney *Criminal Jus t i ce, a ers. $52 5 /25-word $200. 541-420-0366 Larry, 541-706-1051. Building Supply Resale coming down off Tu- *Hospitality. karen.turneriN or call CONSUMER Job looking for an EXPEc lassified ad i n 3 0 m alo Butte. Call t o Quality at HOTLINE, Monarch upright Piano, Oneida dishes, placement assistance. RIENCED sales perdaily newspapers for claim 541-382-0781 LOW PRICES 1-877-877-9392. 34-piece set, $20. good cond., $300. Computer available. son to represent our 3-days. Call the Pa1242 S. Hwy 97 541-548-9619 R EMEMBER: If you Jenni 714-495-0597 Financial Aid if qualinew vacation p r ocific Northwest Daily 541-548-1406 BANK TURNED YOU have lost an animal, fied. SCHEV authogram. You will need to (916) Pleated Lamp shade by Open to the public. DOWN? Private party Connection don't forget to check rized. Call have 1st Call / ClosStiffel, exc. cond $10. will loan on real es- 2 88-6019 o r e m a il The Humane Society 866-688-7078 ing experience and 541-318-5732. equity. Credit, no in Bend 541-382-3537 www.CenturaOnline.c verifiable references. tate problem, good equity for more info (PNDC) Raccon pelt vest new 13 • Heating & Stoves • Redmond, om (PNDC) M ust be w i lling t o is all you need. Call tails! Irg. $175 cash 541-923-0882 work in an office envi- now. Oregon Land Advertise V A CATION NOTICE TO Oregon Medical Trainfirm 541-593-2597 Prineville, SPECIALS to 3 m i lronment, be detail ori- Mortgage 388-4200. ADVERTISER ing PCS Ph lebotomy Piano, Steinway Model 541-447-7178; lion P acific N o rthented, articulate, work classes begin Jan. 7, Since September 29, 0 Baby Grand tgtt, Need to get an OR Craft Cats, westerners! 30 daily w/ limited supervision 2013. Registration now 1991, advertising for Good classified ads tell gorgeous, artist qual541-389-8420. Central Oregon but at the same time newspapers, six ad in ASAP? used woodstoves has P the essential facts in an ity instrument w/great states. 25-word clasmedicaltrainin .com Community College f ollow d i rection & interesting Manner. Write been limited to modYou can place it action & S teinway's sified $525 for a 3-day 541-343-3100 has openings listed be- have experience els which have been warm, rich sound. Will online at: low. Go to working w/ databases. from the readers view - not a d. Cal l (916) adorn any living room, c ertified by th e O r TRUCK SCHOOL the seller's. Convert the 2 88-6019 o r vis i t Must have a egon Department of church or music stuwww. facts into benefits. Show to view details 8 ap"CAN-DO" attitude. Environmental Qualdio perfectly. New reRedmond Campus ising pndc.cfm for the ply online. H uman Please fax your cover the reader how the item will ity (DEQ) and the fedtail $ 6 9,000. Sacri541-385-5809 Student Loans/Job Pacific Nor t hwest Resources, Metolius l etter, resume a n d help them in someway. eral E n v ironmental fice at $26,000 OBO, Waiting Toll Free This Hall, 2600 NW Colreferences to Daily Con n ection. A g e ncy Telescope 6" reflective Protection call 541-383-3150. 1-888-387-9252 lege Way, Bend OR 541-317-2924. advertising tip (PNDC) new cond. HD stand, (EPA) as having met 97701; brought to youby 260 (541)383 SALES $35 obo. 541-389-4092 smoke emission stanJust too many 7216. For dards. A cer t i fied TURN THE PAGE Misc. Items dealership seekThe Bulletin Offers The Bulletin collectibles? h earing/speech i m - Growing oodstove may b e ing salespeople looking For More Ads Free Private Party Ads w paired, Oregon Relay for a performance-based Farm Equipment identified by its certifi45 rpm records, over • 3 lines - 3 days Services number is pay p l an , The Bulletin Sell them in E ver Consider a R e cation label, which is po t ential 1900 to choose from, • Private Party Only 8 Machinery COCC is an commissions of up to verse Mortgage? At w/sleeves, good cond. • Total of items adver- permanently attached The Bulletin Classifieds 7-1-1. AA/EO employer. 35% equaling $100,000 least 62 years old? A high quality used item 1950s-80s. $3 ea, cash tised must equal $200 to the stove. The Bul- W anted Use d F a r m plus, Retirement Plan, Stay in your home & store. Buy the business only. 541-316-1265 letin will no t k n ow- Equipment & Machinor Less Financial Aid 541-385-5809 Paid Vacation, and a increase cash f low! or the merchandise. ingly accept advertisery. Looking to buy, or t 1adg e o th Air conditioner, GoldSpecialist competitive med i cal Safe & Effective! Call Make offer. Prineville, i ng for the s ale o f consign of good used • 3-ad limit for s a m e star, works great! $60. Serve as a resource for benefit package. Look- Now for your FREE 476 503-470-0585 uncertified quality equipment. item advertised within Call 541-639-6656 financial i nformation ing for a team player DVD! C a l l Now woodstoves. Deschutes Valley Employment 3 months to students, faculty with a positive attitude, 888-785-5938. Extreme Value AdverAudio books: Coastliners Call 541-385-5809 Equipment Opportunities Where can you find a and s t a ff . Ve r ify, to operate with energy (PNDC) tising! 30 Daily news$8;Bonesetters daugh541-548-8385 Fax 541-385-5802 and to be customer serdocument, and anapapers $525/25-word helping hand? ter, $5. 541- 318-5732 BusinessManager l yze F i nancial A i d vice oriented. Will pro- LOCAL MONEY:We buy classified, 3-d a ys. Thermos one-cup cofFrom contractors to Central Oregon Veter- awards. Bissell Rug C leaning fee press for camping. A c t as vide training. secured trust deeds 8 Reach 3 million PaHay, Grain 8 Feedi ans Outreach (COI/O) is Send resume' to: Machine, good cond, $5. 541-318-5732 yard care, it's all here note,some hard money cific Northwesterners. backup to loan speseeking a pa r t -time cialist. Assoc. degree bcrvhireigr loans. Call Pat Kelley $45. 541-382-4289 For more information in The Bulletin's Blue Grass Hay 541-382-3099 ext.13. Business Manager (20 r eq. + Wanted- paying cash 1y r . ex p . call (916) 288-6019 or "Call A Service Buying Diamonds 3 x 4 bales, hrs/week). The follow- $2,440-$2,905/mo. Sales for Hi-fi audio & stuemail: /Gofd for Cash Leading M a n ufac- Call The Bulletin At dio equip. Mclntosh, Professional" Directory 1300-Ib avg, $80/bale. ing are requirements of Closes Nov. 21. Saxon's Fine Jewelers J BL, Marantz, D y the job: Proficient in 541-419-2713 turer of Fishing 8 541-385-5809 for the Pacific NorthQuickBooks, familiarity 541-389-6655 267 H unting Wad e r s Place Your Ad Or E-Mail naco, Heathkit, SanAdult Basic Skills west Daily ConnecGood horse hay, barn with invoicing and relooking for an Eastsui, Carver, NAD, etc. Fuel & Wood Instructor At: tion. (PNDC) BUYING stored, no rain, $225 cordkeeping for federal ern Regional Sales Call 541-261-1808 Ridge C o rrecLionel/American Flyer ton, and $8.25 bale. grants and contracts, Deer tional Facility Provide Manager. Must have trains, accessories. Wine tote for 2 bottle 20 ton gas wood split- Delivery orEs o ava i lable. and understanding of e x periov' o 541-408-2191. basic skills instruction Significant 541-410-4495. accounting related to transport, $20. ter, runs great, first ence i n Sp o rting $500/cash. Call to adults in reading, 541-318-5732. rental properties (in' DESCHUTES COUNTY Goods, Sales and BUYING & SE L LING 541-633-0909 o r Wanted: Irrigated farm come and expenses, writing, co m puting Management fields. All gold jewelry, silver Women's clothing size 541-318-7555 ground, under pivot ir- rental agreements). Be (through elementary open, but and gold coins, bars, 16-18, 100 pcs 0 50C CAREER OPPORTUNITIES rigation, i n C e n tral a team player and able algebra), l i s tening, Location m ust b e a b l e t o rounds, wedding sets, ea. 541-639-6656 All Year Dependable OR. 541-419-2713 to work in cooperation and speaking for pertravel when needed. class rings, sterling silFirewood: Split, Del. and career deADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY(2012-00068) ver, coin collect, vin- Women's shoes, sizes Bend. Lod g epole,Wheat Straw: Certified& with other employees, sonal package with velopment. Bachelor's Salary tage watches, dental 9-10, 20 p a irs © Pine: 1 for $180 or 2 Bedding Straw 8 Garden board members and Benefits. Behavioral Health, Developmental Disabilities accountant. To req. + 2yr. exp. Start Mail Resumes to SMI gold. Bill Fl e ming, $2/pair. 541-639-6656 for $350. Cash, check Straw;Compost.546-6171 outside please send a Winter Term. Closes PO Box 1410, La Program. Full-time position $2,765 - $3,790 541-382-9419. o r credit card O K . Wheat Straw in shed, apply cover letter and resume Dec. 5. 541-420-3484. Pine, OR 97739 per month for 8172.67 hour work month. C appuccino cups & Medical Equipment $2 bale or $400 all. t o COVO, 12 3 N W DRY JUNIPER $190/ saucers, lovely set of C all after 6 p.m . Franklin Ave., Bend, OR Part-Time lnstructors Deadline: SUNDAY, 11/25/12. Security 9. $25. 541-318-5732. ATTENTION DIABET- split, or $170 rounds 541-546-9821 Culver. 97701 or email: COCC is always look- See our website for our cord. Delivered. ing for talented indi- available Security po- BEHAVIORALHEALTHNURSE I or II (Public ICS with M edicare. per COWGIRL CASH Call 541-977-2940 or BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS This position closes on v iduals to teac h sitions, along with the Health Nurse I or II)(2012-00061) Adult We buy Jewelry, Boots, Get a FREE talking 541-977-4500. Nov. 23, 201 2 at 5 pm. Search the area's most part-time in a variety 42 reasons to join our meter and d i abetic Vintage Dresses & Treatment Team, Behavioral Health Division. comprehensive listing of of disciplines. Check team! testing supplies at NO Dry Lodgepole Rounds More. 924 Brooks St. classified advertising... Get your our website On-call positions $20.05 - $24.68 per hour. C OST, plus F R E E End of season special541-678-5162 real estate to automotive, $185/cord. home delivery! Best business rrrasesor Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLED. merchandise to sporting Free local delivery! All positions pay $500 of all, this meter elimigoods. Bulletin Classifieds Espresso cups & sau- nates painful finger 541-389-0322 per load unit (1 LU = 1 BEHAVIORAL HEALTHSPECIALIST I or appear every day in the a ROWI N G cers, set of 8, cute. pricking! class credit), with adCall Check out the print or on line. $20 541-318-5732. 888-739-7199. ditional perks. BEHAVIORAL HEALTHNURSE I (2012-00070) classifieds online
0 II
Qre s
Plan a garage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified! 541-385-5809.
Cut payments by up to half. Stop creditors from calling. 866-775-9621.
Gardening Suppliesi Call 541-385-5809 (PNDC) with an ad in • & E q uipment • Crutches pair adjust for The Bulletin's 5'10" to 6'6" patient Have Gravel, will Travel! The Bulletin "Call A Service Srr eg CearraiOngor sece r903 $10. 541-318-5732. Cinders, topsoil, fill mateProfessional" rial, etc. Excavation & Medical Alert for Seseptic systems. Abbas Directory niors - 24/7 monitorFarmers Column CCB¹7SSdc ing. FREE Equipment. Construction Caln541-546-6612 CHILDCARE - Daycare FREE Shipping. NaWanted: Irrigated farm Assistant needed. Must tionwide Serv i ce. ground, under pivot ir- love children! Some exFor newspaper $ 29.95/Month C A L L rigation, i n C e n tralperience required. Call delivery, call the Medical Guardian ToOR. 541-419-2713 541-322-2880 day 88 8 - 842-0760. Circulation Dept. at 541-385-5800 (PNDC) To place an ad, call Accounting 541-385-5809
(PNDC) Commercial/Office Handbag, Black Watch wool plaid, wool $40. Equipment & Fixtures 541-318-5732.
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b end b r o a d b a n d
Serving CentralOregon swrr rsar
Printer table with shelf, Highspeed Internet EV- 4 -ft. hi g h , $15. Lawnmower, Briggs 8 ERYWHERE By Sat541-923-7264 Stratton, works good, ellite! Speeds up to 263 $40. 541-639-6656 12mbps! (200x faster than dial-up.) Starting Tools Prompt Delivery at $49.95/mo. CALL Rock, Sand & Gravel NOW 8 G O F A ST! Craftsman dual motion Multiple Colors, Sizes 1-888-718-21 62. dustless sander, $25. Instant Landscaping Co. (PNDC) 541-318-5732 541-389-9663 LaTour Eiffel handbag Jet Pro series table saw Sears 22" mower, 6hp, & wallet, new in bag, with dust collector, $500. self-prop, exc cond. $125. 541-318-5732 Call Allen, 541-536-9120 $95. 541-312-2137
Independent Contractor
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during business hours
apply via email at online©
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w e'rethe l o r a l d o g w e b e t t e r b e g o o d
Come join usat BendBroadband, a Local Company since 1955. We are in search of people who are forward thinking, open to change, excited by challenge, and committed to making things happen. In every position of our organization we take time to listen to our customers, understand their specific needs, propose realistic solutions, and over-achieve their expectations. Accounts Pa able S ecialist: (Temporary) The ideal candidate for this highly productive role is someone who loves numbers and detail, is a stickler for accuracy, creates positive relationships and promotes collaborative outcomes. Prior AP experience is a must. This is a 4 month-long temporary opportunity, starting January 1st and working through April, 2013. For more information and to apply online, go to As an equal opportunity employer, we encourage minorities, women, and people with disabilities to apply. BendBroadbandis a drug free workplace. ~
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kW'Habitat for Humanity'
Newberry Habitat for Humanity is seeking applicants for the position of Executive Director, with offices in Sunriver, Oregon. The successful candidate must offer strong leadership qualities, excellent communications and public relations skills, and a demonstrated ability to interface effectively with priv ate d o n ors a n d rep r esentatives o f grant-awarding organizations. Oversight of ongoing operations, financial management, staff development, and interaction with the Board of Directors of the Newberry Habitat are core responsibilities of the Executive Director. An understanding of and experience with the operation of n o n-profit organizations is h i ghly desirable. Compensation will be commensurate with the experience of the successful applicant. Interested applicants should E-mail resume to Updated daily
Instructor, part-time/Computer Science Oregon State University-Cascades, in Bend, is recruiting for part-time Instructors to teach next year in the new Computer Science program. We are recruiting now for the 2013/2014 academic year. These are fixed-term appointments w/renewal at the discretion of the Dean. We are seeking instructors for foundational, lower division computer science courses that may include such topics as: introduction to CS, data structures, algorithms, object oriented programming in C/C++, assembly language, database, discrete math, operating systems, c omputer architectures, hardware architectures and/or relational database design using PHP and MySQL. Salary is commensurate with education and experience. Required qualification: MS, MA, Ph.D. or Terminal degree in Computer Science (or closely related field). Preferred qualifications include teaching experience at the college or university level and a demonstrable commitment to promoting and enhancing diversity. For full consideration to teach CS next acad emic year, please apply o nline b y 12/31/12 (applications will continue to be accepted and the pool will remain open through June 2013). To apply to the pool to be considered for these positions, go to w ebsite: a n d review posting number 0009504. OSU is an AA/EOE. General
Adult Treatment Program, Behavioral Health Division. Full-time position $3,416 - $4,675 per month for a172.67 hour work month. Deadline: SUNDAY, 12/09/12. DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY(2012-00067) District Attorney's Office. Full-time position $6,568 - $8,823 per month for 8 172.67 hour work month. Deadline:SUNDAY,11/25/12. INVESTIGATOR (201 2-00065) — District
Attorney's Office. Half-time position $2,314 —$3,108 per month for an 86.34 hour work month.DEADLINE: SUNDAY, 11/18/12. PEER SUPPORTSPECIALIST/WIC BREASTFEEDINGPEER COUNSELOR (201200064) — Public Health Division. On-call position $11.20 — $15.31 per hour. Bilingual Spanish/English required. DEADLINE: SUNDAY, 11/18/12. PSYCHIATRIC NURSE PRACTITIONER(201200024) — Behavioral Health Division. Fulltime position $6,303- $8,626 per month for a172.67 hour work month. Deadline:OPEN UNTIL FILLED. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSEII (2012-00066) — Public Health Division. On-call position $24.68- $33.77 per hour. Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLED. TRIAL ASSISTANT II(201 2-00069) — District
Attorney's Office. Full-time position $2,879 —$3,945 per month for a172.67 hour work month.Deadline: SUNDAY, 12/09/12.
RDO Equipment Co. is looking for talented and ambitious people who thrive on working in a team-oriented culture. Openings in our new state of the art facility in Dickinson, ND.
UTILIZATIONREVIEWSPECIALIST (201200049) — Health Services. Full-time position $4,627 - $6,216 per month for a 172.67 hour Ask us a bout our e mployment incentives work month. DEADLINE DATE EXTENDED, including; c o mpetitive w a g es , h o u sing OPEN UNTIL FILLED. allowance and a sign on bonus for: •Diesel Technicians • Resident Field Service Technician • Service Technicians • Parts Specialist • Customer ServiceAdvisor
RDO Equipment Co. is a proud dealer of John Deere construction equipment. Our company has over 60 locations in the U.S. We are dedicated to being a great place to work; energizing the creativity, talents 8 entrepreneurial spirits of our people. We provide training to develop our employees. To learn more about opportunities 8 to apply, go to: EOE
www.deschute s.or/obs DeschutesCounty Personnel Dept., 1300 NW Wall Street, Suite 201, Bend, OR 97701 (541) 388-6553.
Deschutes County provides reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. This material will be furnished in alternative format if needed. For hearing impaired, please call TTY/TDD 711. EQUAL OPPORTUNITYEMPLOYER
I •
I •
RENTALS 603 - Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want ToRent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./MultiplexGeneral 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SWBend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648 - Houses for RentGeneral 650 -Houses for Rent NEBend 652- Housesfor RentNWBend 654- Housesfor RentSEBend 656- Housesfor Rent SWBend 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 660 - Houses for Rent LaPine 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 664 -Houses for RentFurnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 Mobile/Mfd.Space
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NOTICE: Oregon state law req u ires anyone who co n t racts c 0 rr r r R u r r I 0 rr for construction work CCB¹ 198284 to be licensed with the C onstruction Con EXPERIENCE IN tractors Board (CCB). An active lic e n se CENTRAL OREGON means the contractor • Quality custom home i s bonded an d i n - improvement specialists s ured. Ver if y t h e • Expert carpentry, installs, demos contractor's CCB • No iob too big or small c ense through t h e • Vet & Senior Discounts CCB Cons u mer • Licensed-Bonded-Insured Website www.hirealicensedcontractor. com
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Commercial for Rent/Lease
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sage. Over 3000 sq feet. Lottery r oom, wired & running 4 machines now. 20-ft bar, 10 tap handles. 4-pan hot well, Ansell hood, automatic dishwasher. Terry, 541-415-1777
5'Orj0rj 744
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Open 12-3 19777 Chicory Ave. River Canyon
hours to c~a cel o ad .
Estates Big 8 Beautiful Suzanne Iselin, Broker 541-350-8617
Houses for Rent NE Bend
Rooms for Rent
Newer Home, 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, loft/TV area, near Forum shops & lifestyle preferred; ga- medical centers, No raqe. $500 includes most smoking. $1095/mo. utilities. 541-905-9247 Call 541-550-0333. 658
Houses for Rent Redmond
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...don't let time get away. Hire a professional out of The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory today!
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Redmond Homes
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VILLAGE PROPERTIES Sunriver, Three Rivers, La Pine. Great
Tick, Tock Tick, Tock...
CHECK YOUR AD Please check your ad carrying rack for 2" on the first day it runs receiver, ideal for use to make sure it is corw/motorhome, $995, rect. Sometimes in541-546-6920 s tructions over t h e 850 phone are misunderstood and a n e r ror Snowmobiles Softail Deluxe can occur in your ad. 2010, 805 miles, If this happens to your Black Chameleon. ad, please contact us the first day your ad $17,000 appears and we will Arctic Cat (2) 2005 F7 Call Don @ be happy to fix it as Firecats: EFI Snow541-410-3823 s oon as w e c a n . pro & EFI EXT, exlnt Deadlines are: Weekcond, $3700 ea; days 11:00 noon for $7000 both. next day, Sat. 11:00 541-410-2186 Boats & Accessories a.m. for Sunday and Monday. 13' Smokercraff '85, 541-385-5809 good cond., 15l-IP Thank you! gas Evinrude + The Bulletin Classified Snowmobile trailer Mtnnkota 44 elec. 2002, 25-ft Intermotor, fish finder, 2 state 8 3 sleds, Take care of extra seats, trailer, $10,900. extra equip. $3200. your investments 541-480-8009 541-388-9270 ONLINE with the help from Real Estate 14' boat 8 trailer, $275 The Bulletin's 860 Auction best offer. No moMotorcycles & Accessories or "Call A Service tor 541 389 1324 Nominal Opening Professional" Directory Bid: $500 CRAMPED FOR 17' 1984 Chris Craft 7394 SE Walther CASH? - Scorpion, 140 HP 775 Loop, Prineville Use classified to sell inboard/outboard, 2 3BR 2BA 1,056sf+/those items you no Manufactured/ depth finders, trollmobile/mfd home. longer need. Mobile Homes ing motor, full cover, Bidding starts Call 541-385-5809 • EZ - Lo ad t r ailer, November 23rd FACTORY SPECIAL $3500 OBO. New Home, 3 bdrm, tenrng Central Oregon since r903 541-382-3728. $46,900 finished 800.801.8003 on you site,541.548.5511 Harley Davidson SoftWilliams& Williams Tail Deluxe 2 0 07, OR Broker: white/cobalt, w / pasJUDSON GLEN NEW HOME BUILT senger kit, Vance 8 VANNOY, $87,450! Hines muffler system Williams& Williams Includes, garage, foun- & kit, 1045 mi., exc. dation, a p p liances, cond, WorldwideReal $19, 9 9 9, 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 central heating, heat Estate, LLC. 541-389-9188. pump ready. call toVolvo Penta, 270HP, Lic.¹ 200507303. low hrs., must see, day to schedule your Harley Heritage personal appointment. $15,000, 541-330-3939 Softail, 2003 541-548-5511, $5,000+ in extras, r FOR SALE 541-350-1782 $2000 paint job, 30K mi. 1 owner, When buying a home, For more information 20.5' 2004 Bayliner 83% of Central please call Say "goodbuy" 205 Run About, 220 541-385-8090 Oregonians turn to HP, V8, open bow, or 209-605-5537 to that unused The Bulletin exc. cond., very fast Serring Central Oregon srnrr 1903 item by placing it in w/very low hours, HD FAT BOY lots of extras incl. Call 541-385-5809 to The Bulletin Classifieds 1996 tower, Bimini 8 place your Completely rebuilt/ custom trailer, Real Estate ad. 5 41 -385-580 9 customized, low $19,500. miles. Accepting of541-389-1413 Have an item to fers. 541-548-4807 Rent /Own 3 bdrm, 2 bath homes sell quick? $2500 down, $750 mo. HD Screaming Eagle If it's under OAC. 541-548-5511, Electra Glide 2005, 541-350-1782 '500 you can place it in 103" motor, two tone 20.5' Seaswirl candy teal, new tires, The Bulletin der 1989 H.O. 302, 23K miles, CD player Advertise your car! 285 hrs., exc. cond., Classifieds for: hydraulic clutch, exAdd A Ptcfure! stored indoors for cellent condition. Reach thousands of readers! life $11,900 OBO. '10 - 3 lines, 7 days Highest offer takes it. Catt 541-385-5809 541-379-3530 541-480-8080. '16 - 3 lines, 14 days The Bulletin Classiffeds (Prlvate Party ads only) All real estate advertised here in is subject to t h e F e deral F air H o using A c t , which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, l i mitations or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for r eal e state which is in violation of this law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. The Bulletin Classified
Q ©Q ©Q ©
4 bdrm 2t/a bath, 3-car
garaqe, fresh paint, 2640 NE 9th. $1250/mo.; 634 $1500 security dep.; no Apt./Multiplex NE Bend pets. Call 503-804-5045 * Newer 2326 sq.ft. deluxe $299 1st mo. rent!! home, 3/3, gas fireGET THEM BEFORE place, 7500' lot, fenced THEY ARE GONE! yard, 1655 SW Sara2 bdrm, 1 bath soda Ct. $ 1195/mo. $530 8 $540 Carports & A/C included! 541-350-2206 Fox HollowApts. 659 (541) 383-3152 Houses for Rent Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co
emp/oyee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line
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Homes for Sale 10 HOUSES in BurnsAll rented,$231,000 for all 10. Any offers considered — must liquidate now. 541-413-1322
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Honda Elite 80 2001, 1400 mi. a b solutely like new., comes w/
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Studios 8 Kitchenettes Furnished room, TV w/ cable, micro & fridge. Utils 8 l i nens. New owners. $145-$165/wk 541-382-1885
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541-383-2371 24
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Some other t rades also req u ire addi-N OTICE: O R E G O N 55+ Senior Housin~ tional licenses a nd Landscape Contrac- 2bdrm,2bath ©$8 5 certifications. tors Law (ORS 671) 541-388- 1239. r equires a l l bu s i - www.cascadiaproperDebris Removal nesses that advertise to p e r form L a n dscape C o n struction Call for Specials! which incl u des: Limited numbers avail. p lanting, deck s , 1,28 3bdrms fences, arbors, w/d hookups, w ater-features, a n d patios or decks. installation, repair of Mountain Glen Will Haul Away irrigation systems to 541-383-9313 FREE be licensed with the Professionally managed by Landscape ContracNorris & Stevens, Inc. t For Salvage t ors B o a rd . Th i s Any Location 4-digit number is to be 636 41Removal included in all adver- Apt./Multiplex NW Bend tisements which indialso Cleanups g ' cate the business has 2 Bdrm, frplc, micro, DW, L8t Cteanouts' ~ a bond, insurance and W&D incl. W/S/G & cable workers c ompensa- pd. Completely remod. tion for their employ- $700/mo, $700 dep. no ees. For your protec- smkg. 541-383-2430 tion call 503-378-5909 or use our website: Quiet 2 bedroom, oak Handyman to cabinets, DW, W/S/G & check license status cable paid, laundry facilibefore co n t ractingties. $650, $500 dep. No ERIC REEVE with th e b u s iness.smkg. 541-617-1101 doing land)I HANDY Ip Persons scape maintenance SERVICES do not require a LCB license. Au Home & Commercial Repairs Carpentry-Painting Honey Do's. Small or large jobs, no problem. Senior Discount Au work guaranteed.
P U BLI SHER'S Restaurant Pu b for NOTICE lease. SW corner of All real estate adver- 3rd and Greenwood. tising in this newspa- Formerly Cheerleadper is subject to the ers, now Taylors Sau-
Sharecozy mobile home Gambling Too Much? in Terrebonne, $275+ t/a Free, confidential help utils. 503-679-7496 is available statewide.
Meet singles right now! No paid o p erators, just real people like you. Browse greet-
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682- Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687- Commercial for Rent/Lease 693- Office/Retail Space for Rent REALESTATE 705 - Real Estate Services 713 - Real EstateWanted 719- Real EstateTrades 726 -Timeshares for Sale 730- New Listings 732- Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - MultiplexesforSale 740- Condos&Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746- NorthwestBendHomes 747 -Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749- Southeast BendHomes 750- RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756- Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762- Homes with Acreage 763- Recreational HomesandProperty 764- Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780- Mfd. /Mobile Homeswith Land
Where can you find a Need to get an ad helping hand? in ASAP? From contractors to yard care, it's all here Fax it to 541-322-7253 in The Bulletin's The Bulletin Classifieds "Call A Service Professional" Directory •
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TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 IBoats & Accessories
Motor h omes
Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please see Country Coach lntrigue 2002, 40' Tag axle. Class 875. 541-385-5809 400hp Cummins Diesel. two slide-outs. 41,000 miles, new tires & batteries. Most options.$95,000 OBO 541-678-5712
The Bulletin
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Fifth Wheels
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a photo or up to 10
I lines with no photo. *Free online ad at I *Free pick up into I The Central Oregon I Nickel ads.
Beaver Coach Marquis 40' 1987. New cover, new paint (2004), new inverter (2007). Onan 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, parked covered $35,000 obo. 541-419-9859 or
Springdale 29' 2 0 07, Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 by Carriage, 4 slideslide,Bunkhouse style, outs, inverter, satelsleeps 7-8, excellent condition, $ 1 6 ,900, lite sys, fireplace, 2 flat screen TVs. 541-390-2504 $60,000.
MONTANA 3585 2008,
exc. cond., 3 slides, king bed, Irg LR, Arctic insulation, all options $37,500.
NuWa 297LK H i tchHiker 2007, 3 slides, 32' touring coach, left
I Rates start at $46. I Call for details! 541-385-5809
gThe Bulleting
kitchen, rear lounge, many extras, beautiful cond. inside & o u t, $32,900 OBO, Pnneville. 541-447-5502 days 8 541-447-1641 eves.
Executive Hangar at Bend Airport
60' wide x 50' deep, 1/3 interest in Colum- w/55' wide x 17' high bi-fold door. Natural bia 400, located at Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. gas heat, office, bathroom. Parking for 6 Call 541-647-3718
Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 29', weatherized, like Please check your ad n ew, f u rnished & to go, incl Wine- on the first day it runs Monaco Dynasty2004, ready ard S a tellite dish, to make sure it is corPeople Look for Information ~loaded, 3 slides, dierect. Sometimes in- USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 26,995. 541-420-9964 About Products and Econoiine RV 19 8 9, ~sel, Reduced - now structions over the Services Every Daythrough fully loaded, exc. cond, $119,000, 5 4 1-923phone are misDoor-to-door selling with 35K m i. , R e duced 8572 or 541-749-0037 understood and an error fast results! It's the easiest The Bulletin CfnssiBeds $17,950. 541-546-6133 can occur in your ad. If this happens to your way in the world to sell. ad, please contact us I Find It in The Bulletin Classified the first day your ad Weekend Warrior Toy The Bulletin Glassifieds! 541-385-5809 Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, appears and we will L 541-385-5809 be happy to fix it fuel station, exc cond. Southwind 35.5' Triton, as soon as we can. sleeps 8, black/gray 2008,V10, 2slides, DuIf we can assist you, i nterior, u se d 3X , CAN'T BEAT THIS! pont UV coat, 7500 mi. please call us: $24,999. Look before you Bought new at 541-385-5809 541-389-9188 buy, below market $132,913; • I II I • • • The Bulletin Classified value! Size & mileasking $93,500. Just bought a new boat? aqe DOES matter! Call 541-419-4212 Deluxe Poly-Pro III 5th Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th Sell your old one in the Crass A 32' Hurriwheel, 1 s lide, AC, classifieds! Ask about our wheel cover. 29-33' cane by Four Winds, $75 obo 541-382-7234 TV,full awning, excelSuper Seller rates! 2007. 12,500 mi, all 541-385-5809 lent shape, $23,900. amenities, Ford V10, 541-350-8629 Ithr, cherry, slides, like new! New low Looking for your price, $54,900. Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' next employee? 541-548-5216 2004, only 34K, loaded, too much to list, ext'd Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and Fleetwood Wilderness warr. thru 2014, $54,900 Guifstream Sc e nic Dennis, 541-589-3243 reach over 60,000 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, readers each week. rear bdrm, fireplace, Pilgrim Cummins 330 hp dieYour classified ad t e rnational AC, W/D hkup beau- 2005, 36' In sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 will also appear on 5th Wheel, tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. • T r a vel Trailers • in. kitchen slide out, Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 541-815-2380 new tires,under cover, which currently reFall price $ 2 1,865. 541-312-4466 hwy. miles only,4 door ceives over 1.5 milCOACHMAN 1979 f ridge/freezer ice lion page views ev23' trailer I" Il-f, maker, W/D combo, ery month at no 885 Fully equipped. Interbath t ub 8 extra cost. Bulletin 9• $2000. Canopies & Campers shower, 50 amp proClassifieds Get Revq VI 541-312-8879 pane gen & m o re! sults! Call 385-5809 K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 or 541-350-4622. Elkhorn 8.5' 2003, self $55,000. or place your ad slide, AC, TV, awning. contained, oven, ste541-948-2310 on-line at NEW: tires, converter, batteries. Hardly used. r eo, v e r y cle a n . $8500. 541-389-7234 The Bulletin $15,500. 541-923-2595 To Subscribe call eg ' 541-385-5800 or go to I ll I 'I l l Pioneer Spirit 18CK, l I i ' I i l I I t 2007, used only 4x, AC, electric tongue j ack, Hunter's Delight! Pack- $8995. 541-389-7669 age deal! 1988 Win- ROUA Digorgio 1971 nebago Super Chief, 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t fridge, heater, propane elec. lights, awning, shape; 1988 Bronco II & stand out and 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K 2 spares, extra insulation for late season mostly towed miles, hunting/cold Iet Ipeatep Chhuah Cadinac CTS nice rig! $15,000 both. camping, wellweather uahua/Lhasa maint, 2gk, a Apso 541-382-3964, Ieave very roomy, sleeps 5, dan, 20o, ' pigpp gsil .an, Puppiesi conmsg. R eady for the H reat f o r hu n t ing, !oade . 3200, 541-410-6561 days! fjrsf dtion
GENERATE SOME excitement in your neigborhood. Plan a garage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified! 385-5809.
The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon stnte 1903
Want to impress the relatives? Remodel your home with the help of a professional from The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory
Used out-drive parts - Mercury OMC rebuilt marine motors: 151 $1595; 3.0 $1895; 4.3 (1993), $1995. 541-389-0435
$10,000 541-719-8444 Ads published in nWatercraft" include: Kayaks, rafts and motorIzed personal watercrafts. For
Need to get an ad in ASAP? You can place it c ars. A djacent t o online at: Frontage Rd; g reat visibility for a viation
bus. 1jetjock© 541-948-2126
2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras.
your ow n C e s sna 172/180 HP for only $ 10,000! Based a t BDN. Call Gabe at Professional Air! 541-388-0019
ONLY 1 OWNERSHip SHARE LEFT! Economical flying in
Make yourad
dth 900
"boats" please see Jayco Seneca 2 007, Class 870. 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy Springdale 2005 27', 4' 541-385-5809 5500 d i e sel, to y slide in dining/living area, hauler $130 , 000. sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000
The Bulletin
1 /3 interest i n w e llequipped IFR Beech Bonanza A36, new 10-550/ prop, located KBDN. $65,000. 541-419-9510
Aircraft, Parts & Service
Aircraft, Parts & Service
Pi xatBendboleti n. com I rates for selling your I More I boat or watercraft!
Aircraft, Parts & Service
spec i a l
obo. 541-408-3811
Call TheBulletin ClaSSifielI DeParlmeII at 541-385-5809or 541-382-1811for rates todaV!
o ar o nr n i m em"
a s"-
and yOur adaPPearSin PRINTand ON-LINEat d8nddull8tin.COm
g M
ALL 541-385-5809 F R Y URFREE LA IFIED AD *Excludes all service, hay, wood, pets/animals, plants, tickets, weapons, rentals and employment advertising, and all commercial accounts. Must be an individual item under $200.00 and price of individual item must be included in the ad.
The Bulletin
Ask your Bulletin Sales Representative about special pricing, longer run schedules and additional features. Limit1 ad per item per 30 days.
e e
I l '
• s
Sp o rt Utility Vehicles
Au t o mobiles
Automobiles •
Automo b iles
Chrysler P T C r u iser ChevyAstro Toyota Camnyy: 2 006, auto, pw, p l , Vehicle? Cargo Van 2001, speed, with car alarm, 3rd seat, leather, grill crus, tilt, tinted win1984, $1200 obo; Call The Bulletin CD player, extra tires guard, lots of extras. pw, pdl, great cond., dows, Vin ¹ 2 24778. 7985 SOLD; BOATS &RVs AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION an ad tobusiness car, well on rims. Runs good. V in ¹ 1 13566. W a s W as $ 7,999. N o w and place 1986 parts car, dayl 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 805 - Misc. Items maint'd, regular oil Clean. 92,000 miles $20,999. Now $5,999. $500. Ask about our changes, $4500. 916- Trucks and Heavy Equipment 850 - Snowmobiles o n m o t or . $2 6 0 0 $16,988. "Wheel Deal"! Call for details, Please call OBO. 541-771-6511. 4@)SUBARU. 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 925 - Utility Trailers Iqj S UBA R U . for private party 541-548-6592 541-633-5149 927 - Automotive Trades 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 865 - ATVs advertisers 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 929 Automotive Wanted 877-266-3821 870 - Boats & Accessories 1994 Chev full size van, 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354 Toyota Corolla 2004, 931 - Automotive Parts, Service seats 7, sleeps 2. Su875 - Watercraft Dlr ¹0354 auto., loaded, 204k I nternational Fla t and Accessories per condition, 128K, 880 - Motorhomes miles. orig. owner, non Bed Pickup 1963, 1 J eep L i berty 2 0 0 7 , famous 35 0 m o tor, 932- Antique and Classic Autos smoker, exc. c ond. t on dually, 4 s p d. 881 - Travel Trailers runs & looks like a milNav., 4x4, l e ather, 933 - Pickups $6500 Prin e ville trans., great MPG, 882 - Fifth Wheels lion! Ready for fun & loaded. Moonroof. 935- Sport Utility Vehicles Call a Pro 503-358-8241 could be exc. wood travel. Limit 1! $4000. 885 - Canopies and Campers Vin ¹646827. 940 - Vans hauler, runs great, Whether you need a Bob, 541-318-9999 Was $16,999. ..c.~; ui.4 890- RVsfor Rent Toyotas: 1999 Avalon new brakes, $1950. 975 - Automobiles fence fixed, hedges Now $13,488. Chrysler Sebring 2006 541-41 9-5480. 254k; 1996 Camry, Just too many Fully loaded, exc.cond, trimmed or a house 932 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of ~©S U B ARU. collectibles? very low miles (38k), miles left in these built, you'll find Antique & always garaged, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend cars. Price? You tell Classic Autos transferable warranty professional help in 877-266-3821 Sell them in me! I d guess incl. $8600 Dlr ¹0354 The Bulletin's "Call a $2000-$4000. The Bulletin Classifieds 541-330-4087 Your servant, Bob at Service Professional" Jeep Wrangler X 2008, 541-318-9999, no Directory unlimited, 4 dr., run541-385-5809 charge for looking. Mercury Mo n t erreyRAM 2500 2003, 5.7L ning boards, premium Ford Crown Vic. 541-385-5809 1965, Exc. All original, hemiV8, hd, auto, cruise, wheels, hard top, very 4 door, 127k, Lumina 1 9 95 1997 VW Beetle, 2002 .':I 4-dr. sedan, in stor- am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. clean. Vin ¹ 572535. Chevy d rives, runs a n d 7 -pass. v a n wit h S-spd, silver-gray, black Diamond Reo Dump Chevy C-20 Pickup age last 15 yrs., 390 541-420-3634 /390-1285 Was $25,999. Now looks great, extra p ower c h a i r lif t , leather moonroof CD Truck 1 974, 12-141969, all orig. Turbo 44; High C o m pressionToyota Tundra 2004 $22,999. set of winter tires on $1500; 1989 Dodge loaded, 115K miles, yard box, runs good, auto 4-spd, 396, model engine, new tires & li- 4WD, dbl. cab SR5 rims, only $3000. Turbo Van 7 - pass. 541-771-6500. well-maintained CST /all options, orig. c ense, reduced t o 123k mi., $ 1 5,000. $6900, 541-548-6812 S UBA R U . has new motor and (have records) owner, $22,000, $2850, 541-410-3425. Exc. 541-593-9710 t rans., $1500. I f i n extremely clean, 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 541-923-6049 G K E AT terested c a l l Ja y $4850 obo. 877-266-3821 Nissan Sentra, 2012935 DON'TMI SSTHIS 503-269-1057. 541-546-6920 12,610 mi, full warranty, Dlr ¹0354 Sport Utility Vehicles PS, PB, AC, & more! Chrysler Town & Country Hyster H25E, runs Ford Crown V i ctoria $16,000. 541-788-0427 WHEN YOU SEE THIS LX, 2000,66Kmi, 1owner, Kia Sportage 4x4 well, 2982 Hours, araged, very good cond, 1995, LX sedan, 4 dr., 1996, full power, air, $3500,call ~OO 6500. Call 541-923-3971 V8, o r ig . ow n e r, 1 50K, hitch, S t o 541-749-0724 Plymouth B a r racuda 70,300 mi., studs on, master tow bar, lights Chevy Wagon 1957, 1966, original car! 300 975 reat condi t ion. for towing, studded On a classified ad 4-dr., complete, hp, 360 V8, center3000. 541-549-0058. Paint rough, but Automobiles go to $7,000 OBO, trades lines, (Original 273 Buick Enclave 2008 CXL tires. runs great! $3200 please call eng & wheels incl.) AWD, V-6, black, clean, obo. 541-280-0514 Buick Lucerne CXL to view additional 541-389-6998 541-593-2597 Garage Sales Porsche 911 1974, low 2009, $12,500, low mechanicall y sound, 82k mi., complete motor/ photos of the item. low miles; 2000 Buick $21,995. trans. rebuild, tuned Chrysler 30 0 C o u pePROJECT CARS: Chevy miles. Century $2900. You'll Garage Sales Call 541-815-1216 Peterbilt 35 9 p o table 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, 2-dr FB 1949 & Chevy suspension, int. & ext. not find nicer Buicks water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, auto. trans, ps, air, Coupe 1950 - rolling Chevy Suburban LTZ Garage Sales refurb., oi l c o o ling, Get your One look's worth a 3200 gal. tank, 5hp chassis's $1750 ea., shows new in & out, frame on rebuild, re2007, 4x4, l e ather, business thousand words. Call p ump, 4 - 3 9 hoses, Chevy 4-dr 1949, comFind them p erf. m ech. c o n d. original blue, moonroof, ba c k up camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. painted Bob, 541-318-9999. piete car, $1949; CaMuch more! original blue interior, in 541-820-3724 for an appt. and take a Series 61 1950, 2 sensors, 3rd row seat, $28,000 541-420-2715 a ROW I N G original hub caps, exc. dillac Navigator 2005 drive in a 30 mpg. car hard top, complete running boards, low Lincoln The Bulletin chrome, asking $9000 dr. mi., Vin ¹ 22 8 9 19 great cond., 124k mi., w/spare front c l ip., PORSCHE 914 1974, or make offer. 3 rows seats, DVD Cadillac Seville STS Was $30,999. Now Classifieds Utility Trailers with an ad in $3950, 541-382-7391 Roller (no engine), 541-385-9350 player, $11,500 cash $28,788. 2003 - just finished lowered, full roll cage, The Bulletin's only. 541-475-3274 541-385-5809 DON'T IISS IIIIS ~©~SUBARU. $4900 engine work 5-pt harnesses, rac"Call A Service by Certified GM meing seats, 911 dash & ~ Oo 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Professional" chanic. Has everyHonda Civic LX 2006 instruments, d e cent VW Karman Ghia M ore P ixa l B e n d b u lle ti n .c o m Big Tex Landscap877-266-3821 thing but navigation. 4-dr sedan, exc. cond, shape, v e r y c o ol! Chrysler SD 4-Door 1970, good cond., Directory ing/ ATV Trailer, Dlr ¹0354 N issan Armada S E 31K miles, AC, p.s, dr Too many bells and $1699. 541-678-3249 1930, CD S R oyal new upholstery and dual axle flatbed, locks & windows, pre2 007, 4 W D , a u t o , w histles t o l i s t . convertible top. Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 Standard, S-cylinder, 7'x16', 7000 lb. mium wheels, new studl eather, DVD, C D . bought a new one. body is good, needs $10,000. 4x4. 120K mi, Power GVW, all steel, ded tires, chains, AM/FM Vin¹700432. Was $4900 some r e s toration, 541-389-2636 seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd $1400. -CD, all records from 99 9 . Now 541-420-1283 runs, taking bids, row seating, e xtra $16, 541-382-4115, or 2009, 24-40 mpg, must 541-383-3888, tires, CD, pnvacy tint- $14,788. Call The Bulletin At 541-280-7024. sell! $12,500/ofr. Local: 541-815-3318 ing, upgraded rims. S UBA R U . 541-385-5809 503-806-9564 Fantastic cond. $7995 CHECK YOUR AD Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Contact Tim m at 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend Please check your ad Hyundai Sonata 2012, At: 541-408-2393 for info 877-266-3821 on the first day it runs Sedan, 4 d r., auto, or to view vehicle. Dlr ¹0354 to make sure it is cor- CD, bluetooth, pw, pl, rect. Sometimes in- crus, tilt, low mi. Must 1000 s tructions over t h e See! Vi n ¹ 3 2 2715. Ford Explorer 4x4, (4) 175/70SR-13s, lots of Legal Notices • Legal Notices phone are misunder1991 - 154K miles, Was $19,999. Now tread, some studs left, stood and an e rror $17,988. FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, rare 5-speed tranny $60 all. 541-923-6538 LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE can occurin your ad. door panels w/flowers & manual hubs, ADOPT-Abundance IN THE C I RCUIT (4) 185/70R-14s, lots of If this happens to your S UB A R U . 8 hummingbirds, VW Thing 1974, good clean, straight, evof love to offer a C OURT O F T H E tread, some studs left, white soft top & hard cond. Extremely Rare! eryday driver. Bring Porsche Cayenne 2004, ad, please contact us 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend child in stable, seSTATE O F OR$50 all. 541-923-6538 the first day your ad top. Just reduced to Only built in 1973 8 2200 dollar bills! 86k, immac, dealer appears and we will cure & nu r turing E GON FOR T H E 877-266-3821 1 974. $8,000 . Bob, 541-318-9999 $3,750. 541-317-9319 maint'd, loaded, now (4) Snow tires, 3 mo. home. Contact Jen COUNTY OF DESDlr ¹0354 541-389-2636 or 541-647-8483 old, P195 - 65R15, $17000. 503-459-1580 be happy to fix it as CHUTES. I n th e (800) 571-4136. s oon as w e c a n . $270. 541-410-0206 Matter of the Estate GMC Yukon Denali Mitsubishi 3 00 0 GT Check out the Deadlines are: WeekLook at: o f G A RE N EU 1 999, a u to., p e a r l What are you 2003, leather, moon4 studded tires on rims • days 12:00 noon for classifieds online Pickups GENE B A LLARD, roof, premium wheels, for Toyota Camry, used looking for? next day, Sat. 11:00 w hite, very low m i . D eceased. Ca s e for Complete Listings of $9500. 541-788-8218. 3rd row. Very nice. 1 year, $ 350. C a ll a.m. for Sunday; Sat. You'ii find it in gggf No. 12 - P B-0093. Updated daily Vin ¹128449. 541-593-2134 Area Real Estate for Sale 12:00 for Monday. If NOTICE T O INWas $15,999. we can assist you, BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS The Bulletin Ciassifieds T ERESTED P A RNow $13,799. 940 Search the area's most Find exactly what please call us: T IES. NOTICE I S comprehensive listing of Vans 541-385-5809 541-385-5809 you are looking for in the gj@SUBARU. H EREBY GIV E N BUBBRUOSBBNU COM classified advertising... The Bulletin Classified that Gerald J o hn CLASSIFIEDS ,'I Dodge 2500, 1996, V10, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend real estate to automotive, LEGAL NOTICE B allard has b e e n WITH 1979 Conestoga 877-266-3821 merchandise to sporting Chevrolet Lumina City of Bend appointed personal 4 Studless winter traccamper, great cond, Dlr ¹0354 goods. Bulletin Classifieds Ford Galaxie 500 1963, 1997 4-door, representative of the tion tires on 5-lug 4.5 $5500. 541-420-2323 appear every day in the 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, One owner, low milewheels, 225/60R-16, GMC Yukon XL 1500 CDBG Program a bove-entitled e s print or on line. 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & age, clean interior. tate. Al l p e r sons $350. 541-410-0886 2007, l e a t her, 4 radio (orig),541-419-4989 Tires, body, paint in Call 541-385-5809 h aving claim s bucket seats, 3rd row Chevrolet G20 SportsNotice of Funding 4 used Hankook studded good condition. against the estate seat, moonroof. man, 1993, exlnt cond, Availability Ford Mustang Coupe snow tires, 205/65R15's $3050. a re r e quired t o Vin ¹305958. $4750. 541-362-5559 or mounted on custom 1966, original owner, 541-350-3109 present them, with Was $29,999. 541-663-6046 59r 99 CSOSSI099999 9 OCS 99iR The City of Bend is black modern wheels, V8, automatic, great Now $26,888. now accepting pro- vouchers attached, shape, $9000 OBO. Ford 250 XLT 1990, $475. 541-382-6773 posals fo r f u n ding to the undersigned 530-515-81 99 S UB A R U . 6 yd. dump bed, 950R-16.5 LT tire through th e Ci t y 's personal represen139k, Auto, $5500. on 8-lug rim, $45. 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Community D evel- tative at 60865 Emi541-410-9997 Call 541-388-5488 Ford Ranchero 877-266-3821 opment Block Grant grant Drive, Bend, 9770 2 , Dlr ¹0354 1979 (CDBG) P r ogram. O regon Chrome Wheels (4) off within four months Ford F250 2002 with 351 Cleveland Through this program, 1999 Acura TL, $80. after the date of first Supercab 7.3 diesel, modified engine. approximately 541-788-7643 p ublication of t h is 130,000 miles, great Body is in $350,000 w i l l be shape with accessoLes Schwab studded SST excellent condition, available t o fun d notice, or the claims ries. $14,900. 2 45/70R-16's, used 2 $2500 obo. housing and commu- may be barred. All whose 541-923-0231 day or seasons, over 80% tread 541-420-4677 nity deve l opment persons r ights may be a f left, $200. 541-312-4032 541-923-2582 eves. G MC Yukon XL S L T projects in the City of fected by the proBend. 2004, loaded w/facceedings may obThe Bulletin's Ford T-Bird 1966 tory DVD, 3rd seat, additional "Call A Service The Request for Pro- tain 390 engine, power $6950.. 541-280-6947 information from the posals will be availProfessional" Directory everything, new Ford F250 XLT 4x4 able beginning NO- records of the court, paint, 54K original is all about meeting TURN THE PAGE the personal repreL ariat, 1990, r e d , VEMBER 14, 2012. miles, runs great, yourneeds. or the atFor More Ads 80K original miles, Proposals for funding sentative, excellent cond. in & 4" lift with 39's, well will be due by 5:oopm torney for the perout. Asking $8,500. The Bulletin Call on one of the sonal maintained, $4000 541-480-31 79 at the City Adminis- representative, professionals today! obo. 541-419-5495 tration Office in City Jonathan Honda CRV 2005, G. Hall on Wednesday, 4WD, moonroof, alloy NEED HOLIDAY $$$? -t — L-~ B asham, 300 S W I RETAIL, CLASSIFIED 8 LEGAL NOTICE ADVERTISING JANUARY 16, 2013. Ford F350 2010 Super wheels, very clean. We pay CASH for Columbia S t r eet, duty 4x4 crew cab Vin ¹027942. Junk Cars & Trucks! 101, B e nd, c Funds will be avail- Suite long bed. $36,995 Was $12,799. Iso buying batteries & 97702. DATED ¹B27661 Now $10,988 able no earlier than OR catalytic converters. and first published DAY DEADLINE July 1, 2013. Serving all of C.O.! this 11th day of NoS UB A R U . GMC V~ton 1971, Only Call 541-408-1 090 Thursday 11-22 ............ ...... Monday 11-19 Noon vember, 2012. GerOregon Federal r e g ulations $19,700! Original low AuloSource 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend ald John B a llard, GO! Magazine 11-23 .... ...... Monday 11-19 5 pm Winter Tires 4 Bridge- mile, exceptional, 3rd require that P ersonal Re p r e541-598-3750 877-266-3821 s tone 2 2 5/55 R 1 6 owner. 951-699-7171 CDBG-funded Friday 11-23.................. ...... Tuesday 11-20 Noon Dlr ¹0354 60 8 6 5 95W on alloy rims, prolects be "eligible sEentative, Dri v e , like new, tire pres- ,9 • S~ Saturday 11-24 ............. ...... Tuesday 11-20 Noon activities" under B migrant • . Mt + B , A end, Oreg o n sure monitors incl. C DBG Prog r a m 97702. Sunday 11-25 ............... ...... Tuesday 11-20 4 pm (Retail©$1900) $650. regulations, and that o In Bend 619-889-5422 Monday 11-26............... Wednesday 11-21 Noon they b e c o n sistent PUBLIC NOTICE with the housing and The Bend Park & RecAt Home Tuesday 11-27 Wednesday 11-21 Noon Take care of community develop- reation District Board ment goals outlined in of Directors will meet your investments O the City of Bend Con- in a work session only Oo' with the help from CLASSIFIED PRIVATE s olidated Plan. F o r at 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, O more information on November 20, 2012, The Bulletin's P ARTY DEAD L I N E S eligible acti v ities, at the District Office, "Call A Service please contact Jim 799 SW C o lumbia, ThurSday, NOV. 22nd and Friday, NOV. 23rd Long at 541-312-4915 Bend, Oregon. The Professional" Directory OI' board will receive and Deadline iSNOOn WedneSday, NOV. 21St B jlong r eview the d raft o f Classifieds • 541-385-5809 Chapters 6 & 7 of the Antique & To obtain a Request comprehensive plan for Proposals, please amendment. The Classic Autos Call theBulletinClassified Dept. The Bulletin Circulation Telephone Service at contact Jim Long or board will not meet in call the City Adminisa business session. 541-385-5809or 541-382-1811 541-385-5800willde openThanksgiving Dayfrom 6:30 am tration Of f ic e at The November 20, to 10:30 am to help with your holiday morning delivery. 541-388-5505. 2 012, agenda a n d forratestoday! m eeting r e port i s 1921 Model T Paramasinformacion posted on the district's Delivery Truck website: www.bendporfavorcomuniRestored & Runs quese co n O f e lia For $9000. Santos al n u mero more information call 541-389-8963 541-389-7275. 541-388-5515. •
FORD RANGER XLT Hummer H2 2003, auto, 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 4X4, premium wheels,
j The Bulletin j
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We will be closed Thursday, November 22nd
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COAllng ou should know we are working on very interesting enhancements to The Bulletin, most of which should be in place by the end of the year. We believe they will make for a much-improved newspaper, even as we square the expense and revenue sides of the ledger in an economy that can be charitably described as weak. As we reported earlier, the local news depth and breadth of The Bulletin will not be altered. That's our stock-in-trade. But hereare a couple ofthe changes we are developing. The Bulletin produces an enormous amount of published material each week about outdoors recreation, as it should. It is a critical subject area, tied inseparably to quality of life, which may be the main reason many of us live here. A drawback of our coverage, however, is that it is scattered over multiple sections. Whether it is hunting or
gil;S -%I r
John Van Beekum /The New York Times
fneos, a European oil and chemical company,has spent $130 million on its new plant in Vero Beach, Fla. The plant is expected to produce 8 million gallons of ethanol per year, about 1 percent of Florida's ethanol demand.
fishing, skiing or hiking, cycling or boating, it can appear in Sports, Community Life, Local or the A section. Suffice it to say, that is just how it developed as we added elements to the coverage over the years. Our plan is to consolidate much of this coverage into a single weekly Outdoors section, to be published on Wednesdays. Itis a far m ore efficient and effective presentation for legions of readers who enjoy this information. Another area of refocused coverage centers on the aging boomer generation. It's no secret to anyone that since W orld WarII,there has been a demographic bulge called the baby boomer generation working its way through our society. The U.S. Census Bureau places the births of its members between 1946 and 1964. That means the leading edge of this group is now in its mid-60s, bringing its own sets of interests and concerns by the bushel load. There is no reason to believe that this group, which has altered our social landscape profoundly over the last six-plus decades, won't continue to do so as it confronts retirement or work, health care, housing, recreation and a variety of other activities. Before the end of the year, we will start publishing a section that focuses on this group and its interests. We are also aiming at an updated approach to national and foreign news. On the assumption that avid consumers of these stories have already seen the reports on television or elsewhere,we have played them as smaller stories inside the A section and displayed other stories on Al. Given the world of news today, it has been both a rational and successful approach. Fundamentally, we are sticking with it. But we are developing a page that is a one-stop briefing of the news of the day, which consolidates all the intermediate length stories we run now and allows us to focus our remaining pages on analysis, perspective and graphics on the most important developments. We have otherenhancements on the development table, which we'll describe soon. Don't get me wrong. This is a tough timeand we have to make reductions to accommodate it, but we want to make sure that we still evolve with the needs of our readership. Finally, for all the folks who have written about the reduction to our Saturday TV magazine:Please bear with us. We are working on ways to add the features most of you have written about — Best Bets, TV Insider, the cover story — to our daily newspaper. We greatly appreciate your passion and concern for The Bulletin, and we wish all of our readers a
• Companies poised to begin large-scale,commercial production of ethanol from biomass waste By Matthew L. Wald New York Times News Service
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Officials at two companies that have built multimillion-dollar factories say they are very close to
beginninglarge-scale,commercial production of these so-called cellulosic biofuels, and others are predicting success in the months to come. In Columbus, Miss., KiOR has spent more than $200 million on a plant that is supposed to mix shredded wood waste with a patented catalyst, powdered to talcumlike consistency. Its process does in a few seconds what takes nature millions of years: removes
the oxygen from the biomass and converts the other main ingredients, hydrogen and carbon, into molecules that can then be processed into gasoline and diesel fuel. KiOR aims to turn out D million gallons of fuel a year and has already lined up three companies to buy its output, including FedEx and a joint venture of Weyerhauser and Chevron. KiOR said Thursday that it had begun producing what it called "renewable crude" and intended to refine that into gasoline and diesel that it would begin ship-
ping by the end of the month. And Ineos, a European oil and chemical company, is putting the final touches on a plant in Vero Beach,Fla.,thatwould cook wood and woody garbage until they broke down into tiny molecules of hydrogen and carbon monoxide. Those molecules would be pumped into a giant steel tank, where bacteria would eat them and excrete ethanol. The company has spent $130 million on the plant, which is supposed to make 8 million gallons a year, about I percent of Florida's ethanol demand. The plant is next
to a county landfill, and executives covet the incoming garbage. Both plants are far smaller than typical oil refineries, but commercial production at either one — or at any of several of the plants that are a step behind them — would be a major milestone in renewable
energy. At such plants, the goal is sometimes to make ethanol and sometimes gasoline or diesel fuel or their ingredients. See Biofuel /F6
happy and safe Thanksgiving. — John Costais editor-in-chief of The Bulletin. Contact: 541-383-0337, jcostaC<
full of rollicking fun, F4
HISTORY:Two tales of Thomas Jefferson, F4
'THE GENERALS'. A look attopU.s.commanders,F4
MEYEROWITZ: Compiling a life of photographs, F5
The Bulletin
a erra e an anim rovemen end city councilors will discuss water rates again Monday, this time to look at a new proposal by the city's Infrastructure Advisory Committee. It's all part
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of the city's attempt to both get the cash it needs to operate and improve the system and make fees fair to all who use it. The advisory committee's proposal is basically this: Charge every water user a flat per-gallon fee that accurately reflects the user's consumption; meanwhile, charge a fixed fee that would cover each user's cost of fixed services that everyone in the city shares. That's similar to what the city has now, but the proposal would increase the percentage of revenue that the city gets from the fixed fee to 62 percent from 56 percent now. There would be a c orresponding decrease in the percentage of revenue comingfrom the volume chargefrom 44 percent now to 38 percent. The advisory committee says it better allows the city to recover costs beyond usage. Even without specifics, several things about the proposal are clear. It is, for one thing, far simpler and fairer than an earlier suggestion that would have created tiers of charges, with those using more water paying more per gallon than those using less. A increase in the fixed fee for fixed services would give the city a way to recover its costs from homeowners who use verylittlewater,amongthemhomeowners who leave the area for part of each year.
Meanwhile, councilors and the city's administration can do a couple of things that should make for both good decisions and general acceptance of them. City staff should take the advice of one of its new councilors, Victor Chudowsky, who told The Bulletin a couple of months ago that he'd like to see that councilors are given an array of options on such things as new rate structures, construction projects and the like. Water rate changes would be the perfect place to start. Rather than give councilors a single proposal to consider, staff should give them two or three, let them weigh the advantages of each and choose one. Finally, while councilors can adopt a new plan at any time, we'd suggest holding off on anything that would increase current bills until July, a year from when rates last went up. That would give residents time to adjust budgets to accommodate increases, surely a good thing. Changes that make water bills easy to understand, fair to all and that cover the cost of running the city's water system make sense. Approached carefully, the city can accomplish all three.
Walden's riseserves Oregonians well .S. Rep. Greg Walden, RHood River, will begin his 15th year in Congress come January with a new title. Oregon's 2nd District congressman will serve as chair of th e National Republican Congressional Committee, the campaign arm of the House of Representatives. At the same time, Walden becomes the fifth-ranking member of his party in the House. The chairmanship, which is filled by election among House Republicans, is a testament to Walden's political savvy and his ability to play nicely with others. No one ran against him in the election, which was held Wednesday behind closed doors. Nor was the position awarded based on Walden's seniority. Just starting his eighth term, he has been in Washington far less time than some other Republicans. But Walden grew up in a household where political talk was part of life — his father served in the Oregon Legislature from 1971 to 1977 — and he followed in Paul Walden's footsteps, serving first in the state House and then the Sen-
ate for a total of 12 years. He's learned his political lessons well. He is willing to cross the aisle when need be, as he has done with Oregon's Earl Blumenauer, D-Portland; Peter DeFazio, D-Eugene; and Kurt Schrader, D-Canby, on a variety of issues that are important to Oregonians across the state. He's known as a thoughtful, hard worker. All that helps explain Walden's rise in Republican ranks. In 2010 he was named chairman of the House GOP Leadership, and he oversaw the transition from Democrat Nancy Pelosi's speakership there to John Boehner's. Walden's new position may not mean new bridges and highways for his district, which covers all of eastern and some of southern Oregon, but it's important to the region, nonetheless. It is, after all, a recognition of his reputation among his fellow House Republicans, who had 240 or so other Republicans to choose from for the job. That, combined with his ability to work with congressional Democrats should serve Oregonians well.
M IVickel's Worth Time to cooperate Now that the election is over and the devious plan to make sure that President Obama was only a "one term" president has backfired, I as an independent voter wish to address Congress and the House of Representatives: The people, who elected you and for whom you are supposed to be working, have shown you that President Obama is our choice again. I suggest you pay close attention to the will of the people. Now is the time for every Democrat and Republican to get off your partisan high horses and get deeply into a bipartisan mode. We, the people, expect you to roll up your sleeves and diligently work w i th President Obama to get us out of this reprehensible economic quagmire we are in today. Tell the greedy corporations, lobbyists and self-interest people that you work for us, the people of this country, and not for them. Tell them you wish to do the job you were elected to do. Tell them to help become a part of the solution and stop being part of the problem. We, the people, have shown you our power and are watching you closely. If you all fail to cooperate with each other, all of you may very well be voted out of your job at the next election. As my mother taught me, "A word to the wise is sufficient."
sonal GPS tracking, or monthly and annual odometer checks. That's just way too personally invasive, and equally bad, it would require an entirely new government bureaucracy for administering and collecting our money. And we all know how efficient any government bureaucracy is. And oddly, all the worry our bureaucrats have concerning reduced gas tax revenue due to less driving and more efficient vehicles, is not justified. The Portland Mercury fact checked and showed that, thanks to the 25 percent hike in gas tax last year,from $.24 to $.30 pe rgallon,tax revenues have actually increased. They showed that from 2010 to 2011, gas tax revenue increased 14 percent, and it's increased every year since 2009. So where is the decreased revenue'? I guess they just want more, or as the politicians like to disguise it, the increases are not enough. But if they must have more of our money, just raise the tax per gallon by a couple more cents, the collection system is all in place. But that probably wouldn't grow government enough for them. Also worth noting, Oregon already imposes the 17th highest gas tax in the nation. Invading our privacy by imposing GPS tracking on everyone is an insult. And it would also be a very expensive and very messy program. I suggest the concept should be used to line the bottom of their wastebaskets.
stead of demanding that the governor fund OSU-Cascades, you should have been talking about the need for bipartisan leadership from the local Republican delegation. You should be reminding local legislators that they need to speak up for all of their constituents. Deschutes County's last election results showed only 40 percent were Republican.Repeat-
ing empty praise for local Republican state legislators does little to reassure local voters. They will be watching to see if the representat ives can w or k e ff ectively w i t h Democrats andthe governor to address Central Oregon concerns.
Lois Jeffrey Bend
Memorial wasn't mentioned
Thanks for your article "Remembering our Veterans" that appeared in the Community Life section of The Bulletin Nov. 11, Veterans Day. Although this article nicely chronicled many of the various Veterans Memorials in Oregon, there was one glaring omission — the Bend Veterans and First Responder Memorial on Newport Avenue,near the west end of the Randy Lee Newman Walkway and the Veterans Memorial Bridge. This memorial, which was fostered by MO H R ecipient Robert D. Maxwell and Dick and Eric Tobiason, with huge communiLance Neibauer ty support, was dedicated approxiBeverly Scaiise Bend mately three years ago. It is a fitting Bend and lasting tribute to Bend veterans Urge bipartisan leadership of all wars and all branches of the Alternative to gas tax service, plus all levels of Bend's first The editorial on Nov. 11 "Assets responders. It boggles my mind this is a badidea mitigate our minority status in the was omitted from your otherwise The state of Oregon is going down Legislature," reads like a panicky fine article. the wrong road when it comes to pep talk for Republicans who lost Robert Tyler ideas of taxing drivers based on per- ground in the recent election. InBend
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Flat tax on purchases best way to overhaul tax code By Patrick Burkett a m i n t o t a l a g r eement w i t h Floyd Dominick's In My V i ew piece regarding subsidies, the income tax code, and the demise of socialist and D emocratic governments. His suggestions for the tax code changes are noteworthy, and if that is the best we can do, I support those changes. However, the ultimate overhaul would be eliminating income taxes completely. Think that is just a pipe dream? The Fair Tax Act of 2011, in the form of H.R.25 and S.13 has already been written with the help of knowledgeable economists and currently awaits hearings in the House and Senate. It would establish a flat-tax type of tax on consumption rather than on income. Seventy representativesand eight senators have signed on as cosponsors of this legislation.
The Fair Tax Act has been studied and critiqued extensively. Simply put, the average American taxpayer spends about 30 percent of income on taxes, including income taxes, payroll taxes, capital gains tax, Medicare medical insurance withholding, and corporation taxes
fits: jobs return to America because the corporation tax is eliminated; t he price of goods should fall i n With The Fair Tax there is no proportion to the absent corporawithholding f ro m o n e's i n come, tion tax; $300 billion per year will and best of all, no f i l ing income be passed on to consumers when tax forms on April 15. The Fair Tax businesses are freed from hiring incorporates relief for low income accountants and lawyers to p r e(via the price of goods). All of those families in a f a ir, nondiscrimina- pare business tax returns (and/or are eliminated by The Fair Tax and tory way by returning taxes on ne- to develop tax avoidance schemes); replaced by a 23 percent tax on pur- cessities to everyone (in advance everyone pays because merchants chases ofnew items and services. in the form of a " p r ebate"). Dis- collect the tax at the time of sales, Therefore, even if all of one's insenters have said it favors the rich, and the rateis the same for everycome were spent on new items, the but economists disagree. The Fair one (a flat tax). tax rate would still be seven percent Tax is revenue neutral by design There are certain to be unintendless than now. And one can elimicompared to our present system ed consequences of this legislation, nate taxes altogether by just buyand replaces the missing 7 percent but how could they possibly exceed ing a used item or keeping what is by expanding the tax base. For ex- the unintended consequences ofthe already owned and not replacing it. ample, it taxes foreign visitors, the current 73,000page tax code with Our consumer-driven, throw-away underground economy and others all of the exemptions, exclusions, society needs to consider this con- who utilize tax avoidance and tax deductions an d s p ecial i n t erest servation-oriented, sustainability- evasion schemes. To mention a few group favoritism contained therein. driven change. (thereare many more) other beneA lmost everyone can think o f
a scenario wherein The Fair Tax will cost them more in the short term. However, almost everyone will gain in the long term when the economic stimulation of returning jobs andreduced taxes takes effect. For the overall good of the country, we must be willing to give up a few short term benefits in order to reap the rewards of a much better and fairer system of f u nding government. The selfishness of special interest groups, some politicians in positions of power and persons who presently benefit from the present complicated tax code will do their best toprevent tax reform. We need to take a united stand against them and take control of our own financial lives with The Fair Tax. See online and click "Enter Site." — Patrick Burkett lives in Bend.
ereec ion, news ric he second-termcurse goes like this: A president (e.g., Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, etc.) wins re-election, but then his presidency implodes over the next four yearsmired inscandals or disasters such as Watergate, Iran-Contra, Monica Lewinsky, the Iraqi insurgency and Hurricane Katrina. Apparently, lik e t r a gic G r eek heroes, administrations grow ar rogant after their re-election wins. They believe that they are invincible and that their public approval is permanent rather than fickle. The result is that Nemesis zeroes in on their fatal conceit and with a boom corrects their hubris. Or is the problem in some instances simply that embarrassments and scandals, hushed up in fear that they might cost an administration an election, explode with a fury in the second term? C oincidentally, right a f ter t h e election we heard that Iran had attacked a U.S. drone in international waters. Coincidentally, we just learned that new food stamp numbers were "delayed" and that millions more became new recipients in the months before the election. Coincidentally, we now g ather that the federal relief effort following Hurricane Sandy was not so smooth, even as New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie and Barack Obama high-fived it. Instead, in Katrina-like fashion, tens of thousands are still
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON without power or shelter two weeks afterthe storm. Coincidentally, we now learn that Obama's plan of letting tax rates increase for the "fat cat" 2 percent who make over $250,000 a year would not even add enough new revenue to cover 10 percent of the annual deficit. How he would get the other 90 percent in cuts, we are never told. Coincidentally, we now learn that the vaunted Dream Act would at most cover only about 10 percent to 20 percent of illegal immigrants. As part of the bargain, does Obama have a post-election Un-Dream Act to deport the other 80 percent who do not qualify since either they just recently arrived in America, are not working, are not in school or the military, are on public assistance, or have a criminal record'? C oincidentally, no w t h a t th e election is over, the scandal over the killings of Americans in Libya seems warranted due to the abject failure to heed pleas for more security before the attack and assistance during it. And the scandal is about more than just the cover-up of fabricating an absurd myth of protestors mad over a 2-month-old video — just happening to show up on the anniversary of 9/11 with machine guns and rockets.
The real postelection mystery is reaction? why we ever had a secondary conCoincidentally, if it is true that Pesulate in Benghazi in the first place, traeus can no longer testify as CIA when most nations had long ago director to the House and Senate pulled their embassies out of warintelligence committees about the torn Libya altogether. ignored requests of CIA personnel Why, about a mile from the con- on the ground in Benghazi for more sulate, did we have a large CIAhelp, can he as a private citizen tesstaffed "annex" that seems to have tify more freely, without the burdens been busy with all sorts of things of CIA directorship and pre-election other than providing adequate secu- politics? rity for our nearby diplomats'? It has been less than two weeks Before the election, the media since the e lection, an d O b ama was not interested in figuring out seems no exception to the old rule what Ambassador Christopher Ste- that for administrations that manvens actually was doing in Beng- age to survive their second terms, hazi, what so many CIA people and almost none seem to enjoy them. military contractors were up to, and The sudden release of allsorts of what was the relationship of our suppressed news and "new" facts large presence in Libya to Turkey, right after the election creates pubinsurgents in Syria and the scat- lic cynicism. tered Gadhafi arms depots. The hushed-up, fragmentary acBut the strangest "coincidentally" count of the now-unfolding facts of of all is the bizarre resignation of the Libyan disaster contributes to American hero Gen. David Petraeus further disbelief. from the CIA just three days after The sudden implosion of Petraeus the election — apparently due to a — whose seemingly unimpeachlong-investigated extramarital afable character appears so at odds fair with a sort of court biographer with reports of sexual indiscretion, and her spat with a woman she per- a lack of candor and White House ceived as a romantic rival. backstage election intrigue — adds If the affair w a s h aphazardly genuine public furor. hushed up for about a year, how The resulting mix is toxic, and it exactlydid Petraeus become con- may tax even the formidable Chifirmed as CIA director, a position cago-style survival skills of Obama that allows no secrets, much less an and the fealty of a, so far, dutiful entire secret life'? media. How and why did the FBI investi— Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist gate the Petraeus matter? To whom and historian at the Hoover Institution, and when did it report its findings? Stanford University, and the author of And what was the administration the just-released "The End of Sparta."
Petraeus was an in ISPensB le man By Max Boot
ern Iraq. He did not limit himself to purely military concerns because he he graveyards arefullof understood that generating electricindispensable men," it's of- ity and electing mayors would be ten said, meaning that few as important as firing bullets and are genuinely indispensable. Da- missiles, if not more so. More-hidevid H. Petraeus was one of the few, bound officers looked askance at a which is why his loss for the U.S. dynamic young division commandgovernment,after his admission of er who seemed to be getting out of his "lane." But Petraeus' understandadultery, is so tragic. This is not to imply that there are ing of what it took to prevail would not other capable generals or intel- be amply vindicated when he was ligence leaders. But Petraeus was called upon to rescue a failing war highly unusual, perhaps unique, for effort as the top commander in Iraq the grasp he displayed of modern in 2007. warfare in all of its bewildering comHis success in reducing violence plexity. This was a task for which he more than 90 percent was made poshad been preparing since his days sible by the extra 30,000 U.S. troops as a West Point cadet in the 1970s, dispatched by President George W. when he showed an early fascina- Bush, but as Petraeus often pointed tion with the Vietnam War, which out, if those troops had been used was just then ending. He avidly read as before, the surge would have the classic works of Bernard Fall, failed. Petraeus adopted a new conJean Larteguy, David Halberstam cept of operations, one that focused and other experts on the subject. He on pushing troops to live in small wrote his Ph.D. dissertation on the combat outposts in the middle of war, a decidedly unfashionable focus population centers where they could in the 1980s, when the U.S. military provide 24/7 security from insurwas eager to get out of the counterin- gent intimidation. At the same time surgency businessaltogether. he orchestrated many other lines of Petraeus knew, h owever, that operation, including encouraging warfarehad changed: Conventional the Sunni Awakening movement, inengagements against mirror-image creasing electricity production and adversaries would not be the post- pressuring Prime Minister Nouri Vietnam norm. He got the chance to al-Maliki to crack down on corrupt show that he could put his academic officials. understanding into practice when Petraeus was particularly adept he entered Iraq as the commander at information operations. He did of the 101st Airborne Division in not engage in crude propaganda. the spring of 2003, his first combat I served as an informal adviser to experience. him in Iraq and Afghanistan, and He did fine on the "march up" I not only interviewed him but also to Baghdad, but he truly excelled watched as others interviewed him. when called upon to garrison north- He was frank, but he avoided inLos Angeles Times
discretion. Amazingly, despite the countless interviews he gave, he never got into hot water over unauthorized leaks, yet he still won the trust and admiration of journalists. This is no small skill to master for a generalserving a democratic republic, and it is one that few, if any, of his peers can match. The U.S. Army, like all armies, is suspicious of outsiders, especially intellectuals and journalists. Petraeus, once a graduate student at Princeton, had a comfort level with scholars and reporters that enabled him to draw them into his efforts, whether to help write a field manual on counterinsurgency or to help provide independent feedback on the success or failure of his campaigns in Iraq and Afghanistan. Critics claimed that he created Potemkin village tours for outsiders, but this was far from the truth. In 2007-08, he sent me and others not only to counterinsurgency success stories such as Ramadi but also to still-dangerous areas such as Mosul where al-Qaida remained strong. Petraeus was confident that presenting a warts-andall picture would ultimately aid his
efforts by increasing public understanding, and he was right. Petraeus also urged young officers to get outside their intellectual comfort zone by going to civilian graduate schools and reading widely. Quite a few of his proteges followed his advice — including, it must be said, Paula Broadwell — but few of them could hope to match his success, in no small part because the Army, sadly, still regards excessive intellectualism as a debilitating defect. Perhaps Petraeus could have remade the military if he had been appointed chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff — a posthe had earned — but President Barack Obama preferred to shunt him off to the CIA where he would play a less public role. Now he is gone from the CIA too, and it is doubtful that the military will see his like for a long time to come. — Max Boot is a senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations, a contributing editor to Opinion, and author of "Invisible Armies: An Epic History of Guerrilla Warfare from Ancient Times to the Present." He wrote this for the Los Angeles Times.
Lessons from the Romneys — George and Mitt By Charles Lane
The audience responded with catcalls. epublicans pondering the lesAnd on Election Day, Democrat sons of Nov. 6 should consider Barack Obama, the first black presitwo events, almost exactly 49 dent in U.S. history, won re-election years apart, involving the Romney with the support of approximately family and the National Associa- 80 percent of nonwhite voters. tion for the Advancement of Colored Romney got six out of 10 white People. votes, but given the country's changOn June 29, 1963, Gov. George ing demography, it was a paltry conRomney of Michigan joined hunsolation prize. dreds of marchersthrough Grosse The NAACP didn't boo Mitt RomPointe, a white suburb of Detroit, ney because he is especially hostile demanding an end to housing seg- toward civil rights, much less a racregation. At Romney's side strode ist — or even because the NAACP's E dward Turner, president of t h e delegates thought of him that way. NAACP's Detroit chapter. In 1966, It happened because the delegates Romney was re-electedwith 30 per- could not easily forget the intervencent of Michigan's black vote. ing political history, in which the On July 10,2012, George Romney's GOP had evolved from the party of son Mitt stood before the NAACP's George Romney into the party of annual convention as the soon-to-be white backlash. Republican nominee for an office his How different history might have father had coveted in vain: president. been if George Romney had prevailed "If you want a president who will in the intra-party debates of his day. make things better in the African The 1960s were atime of robust American community," he declared, competition for black votes between "you are looking at him." He invoked Republicans and Democrats. Richhis father's legacy. ard Nixon won about a third of AfThe Washington Post
rican American votes in both 1960 and 1968. This is one reason the period was so fruitful, legislatively, for civil rights. R omney was a l e ader o f t h e GOP's then-sizable liberal-to-moderate wing. He was pro-business, chilly toward labor unions — and believed civil rights was both good policy and, for Republicans, good politics. He fiercely resisted Barry Goldwater's right-wing takeover of the party in 1964 and, after his own 1968 campaign for president fizzled, joined Nixon's administration a s h o using secretary. In that role, Romney launched the "Open Communities" initiative, which made federal grants for local infrastructure conditional on fair housing. When white suburbs in Romney's home state complained to the White House in 1970, Nixon ordered Romney to stop. Romney hung on until the end of Nixon's first term, but his power was gone and so, it turned out, was his political career. Nixon, of course, was eyeing a
1972 re-election campaign and beginning to see the advantages of pursuing white votes over black ones. That would more or less be the strategy of every GOP presidential candidate — and many other Republicans lower down on the ballot — for the next four decades. Republicans all but forfeited African American votes to the Democrats from 1972 on. In 2012, Mitt Romney did not commit his father's mistakes. He made peace with the Republican base. Alas for him, he conquered the party just as demographic and attitudinal changes were undermining its whites-mostly electoral strategy. The party does not need to win a majority of blacks, Latinos and women, merely a significant share of them. But that probably won't happen unless the GOP practices more inclusiveness, in word and
deed — as George Romney did a half-century ago. The son lost. The father, though, could still win. — Charles Laneis a member of The Washington Post's editorial board.
Obama's nightmare he sex scandal engulfing two of our top military and intelligence officers could not be coming at a worse time: The Middle East has never been more unstable and closer to multiple, interconnected explosions. Virtually every American president since Dwight Eisenhower has had a Middle Eastern country that brought him grief. For Ike, it was Lebanon's civil war and Israel's Sinai invasion. For Lyndon Johnson, it was the 1967 Six-Day War. For Nixon, it was the 1973 war. For Carter, it was the Iranian Revolution. For Ronald Reagan, it was Lebanon. For George H.W. Bush, it was Iraq. For Bill Clinton, it was alQaida and Afghanistan. For George W. Bush, it was Iraq and Afghanistan. For Barack Obama's first term, it was Iran and Afghanistan, again. And for Obama's second term, I fear that it could be the full nightmare — all of them at once. The whole Middle East erupts in one giant sound and light show of civil wars, states collapsing and refugee dislocations, as the keystone of the entire region — Syria — gets pulled asunder and the disorder spill s across the neighborhood. And you were worried about the "fiscal cliff." Ever since the start of the Syrian uprising/civil war, I've cautioned that while Libya, Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain and Tunisia implode, Syria would explode if a political resolution was not found quickly. That is exactly what's
happening. The reason Syria explodes is because its borders are particularly artificial, and all its internal communities — Sunnis, Shiites, Alawites, Kurds, Druze and Christians — are linked to brethren in nearby countries and are trying to draw them in for help. Also, Sunni-led Saudi Arabia is fighting a proxy war against Shiite-led Iran in Syria and in Bahrain, which is the base of the U.S. Navy's Fifth Fleet. Meanwhile, someone in Syria has decided to start lobbing mortars at Israel. And, Tuesday night, violent anti-government protests broke out across Jordan over gas-price increases. What to do? I continue to believe that the best way to understand the real options — and they are grim — is by studying Iraq, which, like Syria, is made up largely of Sunnis, Shiites, Christians and Kurds. Why didn't Iraq explode outward like Syria after Saddam was removed'? The answer: America. For better and for worse, the United States in Iraq performed the geopolitical equivalent of falling on a grenade — that we triggered ourselves. That is, we pulled the pin; we pulled out Saddam; we set off a huge explosion in the form of a Shiite-Sunni contest for power. Thousands of Iraqis were killed along with more than 4,700 American troops,but the presence of those U.S. troops in and along Iraq's borders preventedthe violence from spreading. The lesson is that if you're trying to topple one of these iron-fisted, multisectarian regimes, it really helps to have an outside power that can contain the explosions and mediate a new order. Syria's civil war, though, was triggered by predominantly Sunni rebels trying to oust President Bashar Assad and his minority Alawite-Shiite regime. There is no outside power willing to fall on the Syrian grenade. So the fire there rages uncontrolled; refugees are now spilling out. But Iraq teaches another lesson: Shiites and Sunnis are not fated to m urder each other 24/7/365.Yes, their civil war dates to the 7th century. Yet, once order was restored, Iraqi Shiites and Sunnis, many of whom have intermarried, were willing to work together and even run together in multisectarian parties in the 2009-10 elections. I know U.S. officials are tantalized by the idea of flipping Syria from the Iranian to the Western camp by toppling Assad. That would make my day, too, but I'm skeptical it would end the conflict. I fear that toppling Assad, without a neutral third party inside Syria to referee a transition, could lead not only to permanent civil war in Syria but one that spreads around the region. It's a real long shot, but we should keep trying to work with Russia — Syria's lawyer — to see if together we can broker a power-sharing deal inside Syria and a United Nations-led multinational force to oversee it. Otherwise, this fire will rage on and spread, as the acid from the Shiite-Sunni conflict eats away at the bonds holding the Middle East together and standing between this region and chaos. — Thomas Friedmanis a columnist for The New York Times.
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2 books offer views of Thomas Jefferson
o ewa oes es an ex 'ROD The Autobiography'
"Thomas Jefferson" by Jon Meacham (Random
by Rod Stewart (Crown/ Archetype, $27)
House,$35) "Master of the Mountain" by Henry Wiencek (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, $28). By Joe Mysak Bloomberg News.
Thetitleof Jon Meacham's new book may be "Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power," but make no mistake: This is a full biographical treatment of perhaps the most charming and unknowable of the founders. Impeccably researched and footnoted, it's a model of clarity and explanation. Unlike its subj e ct, "Thomas Jefferson" is not stylish. Meacham distills, and explains, and explains, and explains. And yet this kind of approach — methodical, one m ight s ay leisurely — may be ideal, because so much about Jefferson is necessarily speculative. Meacham again and again couches his sentences with constructions such as "The likely truth is that" and "It is also possible." The darker side of life at Monticello is the subject of Henry Wiencek's new "Master of the Mountain: Thomas Jefferson and His S laves." Meacham c a n didly admits that Jefferson "was to embody the slaveowning interest" in all his major postings and into his old age, then moves on. For Wiencek, Thomas Jefferson is all about slavery, its economics, its brutality, its tragedy. Which leads us to the biographyreader's inevitable dilemma: What was the subject really like? Meacham can imagine sitting down and enjoying a glass of claret with the brilliant Renaissance man familiar to us all. Wiencek finds Jefferson a much sadder case, a man seduced and corrupted by the dollarsand cents of slavery. To understand the third president in context, stick with Meacham.
BEST-SELLERS Publishers Weekly ranks the bestsellersfor week ending Nov.10. Hardcover fiction
1. "The Racketeer" by John Grisham (Doubleday) 2. "Poseidon's Arrow" by Clive Cussler (Putnamj 3."Flight Behavior" by Barbara Kingsolver (Harper) 4. "The Sins of the Mother" by Danielle Steel (Delacorte) 5."The CasualVacancy" by J.K. Rowling (Little, Brown) 6. "The Panther" by Nelson DEMille (Grand Central) 7. "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn (Crown) 8."The BoneBed" by Patricia Cornwell (Putnam) 9. "Winter of the World" by Ken Follett (Dutton) 10. "NYPD Red" by Patterson/ Karp (Little, Brown) Hardcover nonfiction
1. "Barefoot Contessa Foolproof" by lna Garten (Clarkson Potter) 2. "Killing Kennedy" by Bill O'Reilly (Henry Holt) 3. "No EasyDay" by Mark Owen (Dutton) 4. "I Declare" by Joel Osteen (FaithWords) 5. "Guinness World Records" by GuinnessWorld Records (Guinness World Records) 6. "The Smitten Kitchen Cookbook" by DebPerelman (Knopf) 7. "The Signal andthe Noise" by Nate Silver (Penguin) 8. "The Last Lion" by William Manchester (Little, Brown) 9."The Digest Diet" by Liz Vaccariello (Reader's Digest Association) 10. "Cooking Italian with the Cake Boss" by BuddyValastro (Free Press) — McClatchy-TribuneNewsService
'The Generals' is asharp analysis ofperformance
By Janet Maslin New Yorh Times News Service
Rod Stewart has spent four decades being a r ock s tar, three being a p a r ent, and enough time at both to have a book's worth of rollicking stories to tell. In a season full of books by or about aging rockers, his memoir turns out to be the most fun. Perhaps that's hard to believe. Stewart, 67, used to be the kind of guy wh o never met a hotel room he couldn't savage, whose idea of a plane flight was not complete without mustard on the walls of the first-class cabin and whose favorite stories are about models, be they the four-wheeled or the Sports Illustrated swimsuit-wearing kind. In these pages he asks, and answers, some uncommonly character-revealing questions, including, "What would it be like if I wrapped myself entirely in cling film?" The answer: "You will look like a packet of uncooked chicken breast, but it will feel quite cozy."
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"It's often said that a band is like a family, and that may well be
true, depending on how often your family is tired and drunk." — Rod Stewart
volved use of a hair dryer. Though he went through a brief phase as a leftist reader of The Daily Worker, Stewart quickly evolved into a roosterheaded dandy. "Oi! Get off me bouff" was a common CockEarning a reputation ney cry about protecting that S tewart's an t i c s hav e bouffant do, and it didn't take earned him arichly deserved long for him to start workJack the Lad reputation. But ing as a singer. "It's often said that doesn't mean they're rich that a band is like a family," e nough to support a g o o d he writes, "and that may well book. It's his storytelling style, be true, depending on how which mixes wild boastfulness often your family is tired and with barely credible self-dep- drunk." When he worked for recation, that proves so wina sour-sounding Jeff Beck in ning, if only because he is so the latter's eponymous group, willing to embarrass himself. Beck rebutted the suggestion In unquotably colorful lan- that he was too good a guitarguage he promised the press ist to play with such a campy he had met his ultimate match singer, telling an interviewer: "He's not camp. Campish, in Rachel Hunter, the model he had first seen in an ad for maybe." "body-sculpting" when she was, he says, 20 years old to Fashion sense his 45. Wrong again. Hunter Turns out that was a bit of was not the last tall, doe-eyed an understatement. Stewart blond model he would marry. developed a taste for spandex, Stewart seems to have done earned the nickname Phyllis some collaborating with Giles (to Elton John's Sharon, and Smith, the British journalist this book tells highly amusing whose credits include a book tales about their friendship) called "Midnight in the Garand learned to wear so much den of Evel Knievel." Whatev- makeup that "I looked a comer: The connection has worked plete tart." As for the performwell, and th e b ook's voice ing style that grew out of this sounds entirely like Stewart's. flash, Stewart says, "Carrying His familiar sense of humor 200 pounds of velvet and satin kicks in immediately, as he de- around a stage for 90 minutes scribes early experiences like — that's man's work, let me tell working for a wallpaper com- you." As for the music itself, pany and (this explains a lot) which "Rod" often reminds its living above a candy store. readers to repurchase and re"You learn a lot about your- visit: "Set lists were for wimps. self doing physical work," Wimps and professionals." he says about th e f o rmer. Stewart's sales figures "And what I l e arned about and the cars, real estate and m yself wa s t h a t I di d n ' t beautiful women that came like doing p hysical w ork." with them — do not go unHis most demanding labor mentioned here. For instance f rom that point on has i n he hasbecome an artcollector,
"The Generals: American Military Command From World War II to Today" by Thomas E. Richs (Penguin Press, $32.95)
specializing in " P re-Raphs," and counts his paintings when he wants to fall asleep. Yet there is sadness too: "You can be with one of the most beautiful women in the world and still be unhappy," he says about Britt Ekland, while being sure to mention that she was a Bond girl. Of another painful moment he says: "At this point I w a s technically two-timing a Playboy model with another Playboy model." Boo hoo? Stewart laments his"terrible problem with finality" — that is, his propensity for getting caught by tabloids two-timing his last conquest with his next. He seems to have watched more than his share of women pack up and leave, since this is his preferred method of separation. He is now, he says, living happily ever after in his fairy-tale marriage to the model and photographer Penny Lancaster. And in a book where every picture indeed tellsa story he can be seen surrounded by theuncommonly g ood-looking c h ildren a n d grandchildren that his roving eye has brought him. He has a son old enough to tell him that a pale blue Lamborghini is "so 'Miami Vice.'"
The music "Rod" isn't often about music, but it includes occasional revealing remarks about his most famous records. The inspiration for the song "Maggie
May" ("the loss of my virginity in a blink-and-you'll-missit encounter with a n o l der woman" in 1961) is duly noted. So is his echo of Jeff Beck's words when he writes about "Da Ya Think I'm Sexy" as "a pink toilet seat hung around my neck for the rest of my life." So is the way he takes pride of the echoes of his Scottish heritage in "Rhythm of My Heart," and so is the fact that another anthemic song, "Sailing," had to be recorded when its singer was uncharacteristically sober. Debauchery notwithstanding, he h a s b een s k i ttish around any substance that might hurt his voice. And his brush with t h y roid c ancer in 2000, which could have changed the voice and cost him his hairdo, was a doub ly frightening brush w i t h mortality. Stewart concludes by saying that he lost his ability to write songs; that he had recently regained it; and that you really ought to buy his new album when it comes out next year. Given the caliber of the pitchmanship on display throughout this book, maybe you will.
Franks, "that most graceless sort of leader, both dull and arrogant," for blowing a chance to kill or capture Osama bin Laden when he was cornered in the Tora By Tony Perry Bora mountains in late 2001: Los Angeles Times "Franks seemed inattentive, Deep in hi s i m pressive, almost as if the battle were d isturbing study o f U . S . someone else' sproblem." Army leadership, "The GenIn Iraq, Sanchez appeared erals: A m erican M i l i tary not to understand the insurC ommand F r o m Wor l d gency or have a strategy to War II to Today," Thomas E. fight it. "Sanchez compoundRicks offers his explanation edthe problemthrough smallof why the Iraq war ness of mind and inflexseemed to spiral out ibility of approach. He of control even afdid not seem willing to ter Saddam Hussein learn and adapt." was toppled and his Strategyortactics army defeated. The fault was not The problem, as with the U.S. Army's Ricks sees it, starts rank and f i le, Ricks con- with a dispute among the cludes. "It was a well-trained, Army leadership in the postprofessional, comp e tent Vietnam era about whether force," he writes. "But the to emphasize tactics or strasoldiers were often better at tegic thinking. their tasks than the generals The tacticians won, and who were leading them were the concept that wars are at theirs. In Iraq, the U.S. fought to achieve political Army would illustrate the aims took a backseat among danger of viewing war too c areer-minded Army o f f i narrowly." cers, Ricks says. "The Generals" provides plentiful detail Leadership about how nonconformists A former m i litary b eat found their careers stunted. reporter at the Washington Adding to th e t endency Post and Wall Street Jour- of the Army to be musclenal, Ricks is swinging for bound was the loss of a conthe fences in "The Generals," cept that was used extensiveanalyzing the performance ly in World War II: officers, of generals and the civilian including generals, being leaders who oversee them r elieved of c o mmand f o r from Pearl Harbor to Iraq failing to accomplish their and Afghanistan. assignments. His conclusions are stark, Instead of a c u l ture of fact-based and strongly ar- a ccountability, t h e A r m y gued: The U.S. Army is often became bureaucratic, with led by generals who are mas- generals considered too imterful at combat tactics, at portant to be relieved before converging battalions on an their normal rotation times, agreed-upon enemy target, Ricks says. Relieving generbut woefully inept at recog- als, he says, became somenizing changes in the battle- thing that the civilian leaderfield, like the emergence of ship at the Pentagon or White an insurgency in Iraq or the House would do occasionally reemergence ofthe Taliban but that the Army hierarchy in Afghanistan. was loath to consider. In Panama in 1989, Iraq in Much of "The Generals" 1991 and 2003 and Afghani- delves into World War II and stan in 2001, "Army gener- the partnership of Dwight als would lead swift attacks Eisenhower a n d Ge o r ge against enemy forces yet do Marshall, the Korean War so without a notion of what where Douglas MacArthur to do the day after their ini- went from national hero to blo w h ard," tial triumph, and in fact be- "troublesome lieving that it was not their and Vietnam and William job to consider the question." Westmoreland's failures. Ricks is not reluctant to The modern Army's lack of name names, among them strategic thinking — what to Gen. Tommy Franks, who do the day after the battle has led U.S. forces in Afghani- been won — worries Ricks. s tan and t hen I r aq, a n d If there is a bright spot in Franks' successor in Iraq, Lt. Ricks' analysis, it is the rise of Gen. Ricardo Sanchez. strategic thinkers, general of"Most generals, at worst, ficers with combat leadership get the opportunity to lose but also the ability to adapt one w ar," R i ck s w r i t es. and see the "bigger picture" of "Franks bungled two in just geopolitics and civilian-milithree years." Ricks blames tary relations.
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'Hell or HighWater' about rebuilding a city and alife in NewOrleans
her bosses how capable she and are still living in N ew can be. Although her editors Orleans. "Hell or High Water" know she has talent, Nola Set in 2008, "Hell or High by Joy Castro (Thomas has alienated her bosses and Water" vividly i l lustrates a Dunne Books, $25.99) her co-workers with her atti- New Orleans still i n c h aos The laborious act of physi- tude. She also is such a novice from Katrina as it looks at cal rebuilding and personal that she doesn't recognize a recovery efforts from its resirecovery becomes a scintilstory that could make a ca- dents and from outsiders. lating theme for Joy Castro's reer when it is handed to her For Castro and Nola, "Hell compelling m ystery f i c tion — a look at the more than 800 or High Water" is just the bedebut. The physical rebuild- sex offenders who have gone ginning of what should be a ing in "Hell or High Water" is "off the grid" since Katrina long-running series. the continued renewal of New Orleans. But equally as important to this engrossing story is the personal growth and rebounding of Nola Cespedes, a young reporter whose chance to prove herself takes her through myriad New Orleans Y OUCAN iJ j ' g ~ • N • neighborhoods and forces her to take a hard look at her own l CarpetCleaning l We move furniture!
t •. I
By Oline H.Cogdill Snn Sentinel
life. Nola desperately wants to write news at the Times-Picayune, but this young reporter h as no idea about how t o compromise or how to show
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oto ra er's restess i etime 0 a in attention "TakingMy Time" by Joel Meyerowitz (Phaidon Press, Inc., two-volume limited edition $700) By Randy Kennedy New York Times News Service
nl call it the Zen bell," the photographer Joel Meyerowitz was saying recently, sitting in the sunshine in his Upper West Side apartment and stu-
k I r
dio, describing a nagging compulsion to begin a long-term p roject about banks i n t h e wake of the Great Recession. "I'm not getting any ding from anywhere else right now, and I
keep hearing it ringing. So I'm going to pay attention." During a career that turns 50 this year Meyerowitz has heeded the oracular signal so many different ways, in so many places, that his work has oftenseemed tobe theproduct of more than one person: Fifth Avenue in Manhattan, where he made himself into a wellknown street photographer in the early 1960s; Cape Cod, where hispictures of sky and artificial light helped crash the use of color into the black-andwhite art photography world; Europe, where his cinematically complex urban scenes influenced a younger generation of photographers; ground zero after the Sept. 11 attacks, where he almost single-handedly created a pictorial archive of the recovery and cleanup. The publication this month of "Taking MyTime," a heavyduty two-volume retrospective book from Phaidon, puts these bodies of work in one place for the first time. And in weaving them together with scores of picturesnever before published, it is likely to go a long way toward r edefining the career of a g r oundbreaking artist who has had a tendency to fade into the background among his contemporaries.
Fred R. Conrad/The New YorkTimes
Art photographer Joel Meyerowitz, at his home in New York, has his work compiled in "Taking My Times," a retrospective that will be released this month.
Howard Greenberg Gallery/ Phaidon via The New York Times
Art photographer Joel Meyerowitz's "New York City." ol always have a camera," Meyerowitz says.
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right away, that didn't give itself up. But that's always risky, for appointments because you work with this call fear that in trying to get too much, maybe you'renot getHOME INTERIORS ting anything." 70 SW Century Dr. Surte145 Bend, OR 97702 t'541 322 7337 The philosophy, which lends a remarkably contemporary feel to many of his 1970s and 1980s pictures, laid the groundwork for the pictures that he took with a wooden view camera over nine months in 2001 and 2002 at ground zero, which ! I became the basis for "Aftermath," an archive of recovery pictures, published in 2006. nI wasn't interested in making a great picture or a good picture," he said. nl only wanted to get as much of what was happening there as I could, because it was my responsibility to history. Our expert instructors will develop a learning plan It was my one chance to unthat is tailor-made for your child and guarantees derstand something about the Street photography making of history." real academic progress. In as little as 36 hours of For those who r ecognize Working for two years on instruction, your child will improve one grade level his name mostly because of t he retrospective book, h e equivalent - guaranteed.* "Cape Light," the 1979 book Howard Greenberg Gallery /Phaidon via The New York Times said, was his first attempt to o that pioneered the use of color In an undated photo,art photographer Joel Meyerowitz's St. understand his own history. nI • Develops independent work habits but whose scenes of summer Louis" piece. wanted it to be like an autobi• Improves attitudes cottagesand ice cream shops ography, with not only the sucare usually read through a cesses but also the dead ends," • Motivates learning haze of nostalgia, the retro- thought, 'My God, everything the matter was that it just pro- he said, "the things I don't • Provides feedback for parents and teachers spective book and a related is so filled with anima.'" vided more information, and I know if I've understood yet.n • Builds confidence t wo-part exhibition a t t h e He quit his job not l ong wanted more information." He has never stopped shootnI always have Howard GreenbergGallery on after. Piecing hi s f i n ancial By the mid-1970s he also be- ingonthe street. GUARANTEED RESULTS! East 57th Street in Manhattan life together by working as gan to grow restless with his a camera," he said. "If I'm out, will undoubtedly come as a a b u ilding s u perintendent, own ideas about what good I'm out. n But for the last several in 36 hours of instruction, your child will improve surprise. he took a Pentax lent by his pictures meant. He s t arted years he has been at work on one grade level equivalent! In many of his early street former boss ( nHe said to me: taking what he called field a much more esoterickind of *One grade level equivalent demonstrated vio the results of the pre ond post p ictures, taken a f ter M e y - 'You want to be a photogra- photographs, shots in which project: making pictures to ilSylvan Skills AssessmenP'. Guarantee applies to the Academic Reading ond erowitz walked away f r om pher? It's a craft.'") and began he tried to look beyond an lustrate the classical elements Moth Essentials programs only. a good job at an advertising teaching himself to be a street obvious hook, a single locus of earth, fire, water and air. nAnd let me tell you, a picagency and b e gan p r owl- photographer. of action — Cartier-Bresson's Sylvan of Bend "decisive moment" — and in- ture of d ir t c a n b e p r etty ing Manhattan — often with He me t W i n o grand 2150 NE Studio Rd., Suite 10, Bend, OR 97701 nI ask Garry Winogrand, a f ellow whose style had a decided ef- stead shoot from much further damned dull," he said. 5 41-389-92 5 2 twenty-something also about fect on his own, though the in- back to encompass more com- myself: 'Is this insane? Is this to make a name for himself fluence ran both ways — when plex scenes. He said: nI wanted another dead end or a way in?' — America presents itself as a they were both on the subway a picture that didn't say itself I'm still trying to find out.n deceptively vertiginous place, on the way to visit their mothteetering on the edge of late- ers in the Bronx. (Winogrand '60s convulsion. died in 1984.) "There's nobody who was M eyerowitz studied w i t h doing quite as dramatically as Alexey Brodovitch and RichMeyerowitz that kind of guer- ard Avedon. In 1963, while rilla style of street photogra- shooting people watching the phy that he carried from the St. Patrick's Day parade, he '60s into the color work of the noticed an elegantly dressed '70s and '80s,n said Brian Wal- man working the crowd too lis, the chief curator of the In- and realized it w a s H e nri ternational Center of Photog- Cartier-Bresson. nHe was raphy. nI've never understood weaving and d o dging," he why he's never quite gotten his said. nHe looked like Jacques PAT LYNCHcioThe Bull etin,P.O.Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 due. Tati." He nervously asked him I B ' B B B B B r B or e-mail:plynch© Meyerowitz, 74, who h as to coffee and the great photogbeen around photography rapher accepted. "The one thing I knew at long enough to u nderstand its inherent fictions as well as that time was that I needed anyone, said he has never seen to be on the street," said MeyOnce my wife is receiving Medicaid to pay How often should I update my Will and other himself a s a n y thing o t her erowitz, who, slim, tall and estate planning documents? for her nursing home care, who pays for her than a member, still staunchly now strikingly bald, looks like medications and supplemental Medicare I recommend that you review your estate planning observant, of the "honor-what- a Tibetan monk and exudes a insurance? Will the State of Oregon take care of documentaevery few years to make sure that you you-see, the frame-is-the- complementary air of almost those expenses? are satisfied that the people you have named as your frame generation." Buddhist contentedness. (His agent under a power of attorney, personal representative of Once your wife qualifies for Medicaid, "The thought for us was al- large apartment and studio, your estate, uustee of your trust, guardian for your minor chilthe State becomes her primary health dren, or health care repreaentative are atill the beat ones to carways: 'How much could we decorated with photographs care insurer which includes prescription Lisa Bertalan ry out those duties. If your children are now adults, you may Melissa P. Lande absorb and embrace of a mo- — including one of him by d rug coverage, then M edicare and t hen h er want to appoint one or more of them to act in some of those Arrorney ar Law Attorney ar Law supplemental. Do not cancel her supplemental ment of existence that would Avedon — is a model of orgarather than other family members. There are specific Hendrtx, Brinch BRYANT, LOVLIENpositions as Medicaid longevity is not a s u re thing. I f events under which you ahould revisit your estate plan, auch disappear in an instant?'" he nized efficiency) rstBertalart, L.L.P. & JARVIS, P.C. as: a change in your financial situation, a change in the estate there were cuts to M e dicaid and your w ife's "And, 'Could we really "When I look back at who ATTORNEYS rit LAiN said. ATTORNEYS ATLAW tax laws, the purchase of a large life insurance policy, the death benefits were discontinued, she would need her make it live as art?' There was that kid was in the early 1960s, 591 SMt MillviewWay of a family member or the birth of a child. Also, you should be 716 NW Harriman Sl. supplemental care coverage. The premium for her Bend, Oregon 97702 an almost moral dimension." I was still painting, a k i nd aware that your Will may be partially revoked upon divorce, ao Bend, OR 97701 supplemental insurance is an allowed deduction 541-382-4331 541-382-4980 you should prepare a new Will in the event of divorce. from herincome. of h a r d-edge a b straction," Working-class beginnings nBut I was really he added. The story of his formative hooked on an Ashcan-Schoolyears reads now like a t r ip like view of real life, of the through the pantheon. Mey- messiness and the complexity erowitz, who was raised in a Of it.n w orking-class family i n t h e My bookkeeper works out of an office in her What is the status of Congressional efforts husband's firm. I can pay her as an "independent. Bronx, was working as an art The color question to extend the law that exempts homeowners contractor," right'? from paying tax on the portion of their director at an advertising firm The question of whether to mortgage that ia forgiven in a foreclosure, short sale M aybe. One ofthe many fac tors considered in when he was assigned to ac- shoot in color, a divisive one or principal reduction? determining whether an individual is an "independent company Robert Frank on a for art photographers at the contractor" (not subject to typical employment taxes) • The Senate Finance Committee has voted to mundane commercial assign- time, many of whom saw color is whether the individual maintains a business location that is extend the homeowner exemption through ment. Frank had only recently as hopelessly c o mmercial, separate from where theservices areperformed. But the Oregon 2013, and the full Senate is expected to Court of Appeals recently interpreted that factor narrowly. It published "The Americans," was never much of a question Kurt Barker Craig Edwards consider the measure later this month. Four separate Attorney or Laur held that an individual who performs services for a business which would goon to become for him. He was carrying two bills to extend the exemption have been introduced Attorney or Low at a location other than the business's workplace must literally Karnopp in the House, 2 by Democrats and 2 by Republicans. one of th e m ost i mportant cameras — one with black"maintain" a separate location including, for example, paying EDWARDS LAW Substantial bipartisan support for a n e xtension, Petersen LLP books in the history of pho- and-white film and one with 1201 N.W.Wall Street rent, paying for equipment, and doing other things ordinarily OFFICES PC coupled with pressure from lobbyists working for necessary to maintain a businesslocation. Many other legal tests tography. Meyerowitz knew color — as early as 1965, and Suite 200 225 N.W. Franklin Ave. the National Association of Realtors and the National Bend, Oregon 97701 apply, and government enforcement in this area is increasingnothing about him but remem- as soon as he was ableto afford Suite 2 Association of Home Builders, make it likely that the check with your employment attorney before paying someone 541-382-3011 Bend, Oregon 97701 tax relief will continue, but nothing is certain in a b ers being stunned by t h e color darkroom equipment, he as an independent contractor (vs, employee). 541-318-0061 lameduck session. I'll update this again next month. way he moved and used the was shooting in color. "There camera, andwhat the camera were more elements at play," got from so little. He said, nI he said. "The simple fact of
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Iogen, an established Canadian producer of enzymes,
Continued from F1 The pathways to make the biofuels are varied. But the feedstocks have s omething in common: They are derived from plants and trees, but not from foodcrops like corn kernels, which are the basis of most of the biofuel currently made in the United States. Often, the raw ingredients for the cellulosic biofuels are the wastes of farms, paper mills or households, with a value that is low or even nega-
began producing ethanol from wheat straw in 2004, and said in the fall of 2005 that it hoped to announce plans for a commercial plant by t h e end of that year. Eventually, it announced plans for a plant in southern Manitoba, but in April 2012 it dropped that idea and laid off some workers at its Ottawa headquarters. But new chemistry tech-
nology, like hope, springs
."Jik@gj'j|i~j Q
Isi' n
eternal. POET, a m ajor p r oducer of ethanol by c o nventional means, is building a plant in E mmetsburg, Iowa, that i s supposed to digest 700 tons of corn cobs a day and feed the resulting sugars into a conventional ethanol plant next door. The goal of the project, which is supposed to be ready by late 2013, is to produce 20 million gallons of cellulosic ethanol a year.
tive, meaning people will pay the fuelproducers to dispose of them. And the companies developing the new fuels say that their products produce far fewer carbon emissions than petroleum-based gasoline and diesel.
Carbon footprint KiOR says that its fuel will release one-sixth the amount of carbon dioxide as an equivalent amount o f p e troleum fuel. That is mostly because every tree or woody plant fed into its process will eventually be replaced by a new tree or plant, which will suck carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. And a byproduct of its factory is surplus electricity, which will be exported to the grid, d isplacing e l ectricity t h a t would otherwise be generated from natural gas or coal. Ineos goes a step further, saying its production process actually r educes the o v erall amount of carbon in the atmosphere. "We could make theargument thatwe're carbon-negative," said Peter Williams, the chief executive. The reason, he said, is that electricity produced from its plant averts emissions that w ould h ave come from other electricity sources. Just becoming the first company to produce commercial volumes of these alternative biofuels is no g uarantee of commercialsuccess. That depends on further optimizing production processes to get more gallons of fuel per ton of raw materials at lower operating costs. Industry officials say that profits also depend on con-
Abengoa, a Spanish firm, has been running a pilot plant in Salamanca, Spain, and in June 2011, broke ground on w a $350 million commercial John Van Beeknm / The New York Times plant in Hugoton, Kan., that The new lneos plant in Vero Beach, Fla., will convert wood and woody garbage into ethanol. Ineos and another company say they is now 50 percent complete, are very close to beginning large-scale, commercial production of cellulosic biofuels, and others are predicting success in the accordingto Manuel Sanchez months tocome. Ortega, the chief executive. It is slated to open in the third quarter of next year and is tinued high prices for oil, the the Environmental Protection To grant the waiver, it would nol from sugar cane wastes; supposed to make 25 million commoditythat biofuels would Agency cut the requirement to have to find severe harm to the department said it would gallons of ethanol a year from replace, and a continuation of 6 million gallons for 2012 be- the economy. Energy experts reach commercial produc- a gricultural w a s te , w o o d a federal government mandate cause of the lack of commer- say that eventually r enewtion within a few years. At waste and nonfood crops. that requires fuel blenders to cial production. able motor fuel could have a the time the plant was owned And a variety of smaller mix a certain percentage of Six governors, oil refiners much bigger impact on the by a government-subsidized companies are a step behind. biofuels into the gasoline sold and companies hurt by high U.S. economy than renewable firm called BC International, The holy grail is to find a at service stations. corn prices have asked the electricity from wind farms or which was laterreorganized way to profitably make re"Sustainability r equ i r es agency to waive its require- solar cells. Renewable electric- and renamed Celunol. Then it newable fuels from otherwise good economics," Williams ments for ethanol and other ity saves coal and natural gas, was taken over by Verenium, wasted biomass, as opposed satd. renewable fuels.Some single which are cheap and domes- which, with backing from BP, to valuable food crops. "If we can do it with bioout the corn ethanol mandate, tically plentiful. Renewable tried another method. BP anProduction capacity but others want the quota for motor fuel displaces oil, which nounced Oct. 25 that it was mass, then there is no more Many companies have pro- cellulosic fuels waived, too, is much more expensive and dropping plans for a commer- discussion of food versus fuel; duced biofuel successfully, but partly because there is no ac- often imported, which poses cial plant based on technology it's over," Ortega said. only in quantities characteris- tual production. a host of national security and piloted at Jennings, although tic of a factory that makes fine The cellulosic biofuel intrade issues. it still does research there. whiskey or perhaps perfume. dustry has asked the EPA to Mascoma, based in CamThe trick is to get reliability up keep all the rules intact. Waiv- Past promises bridge, Mass., and b acked and costs down to a level that ing the rule for corn ethanol If either Ineos or KiOR be- by General Motors and Khoallows operation on a l arge would discourage investment gan commercial production, slaVentures,among others,is scale. in advanced biofuels as well, it would break a long string trying to make ethanol from Government policy has an- said Brent Erickson, a spokes- of overly optimistic promises wood waste. Samir Kaul, a ticipated far more technical man for BIO, a trade organiza- made by the industry and the board member representing progress than the industry has tion. nYou can't de-link them," government. Khosla, confidently predicted made. Congress set a goal of he said. In October 1998, for exin 2006 that it would be in y 250 million gallons of cellulosThe agency was expected ample, the Energy Departc ommercial p r oduction b y ic biofuel for 2011 and 500 mil- to rule Tuesday but instead ment showed off a plant in 2008, but that goal remains lion gallons for this year, but said it would rule "shortly." Jennings, La., that made etha- elusive. 4
Novel about racial injustice wins National Book Award By Leslie Kaufmaa
of 14 novels including "Love Medicine," which was published in 1984. T he competition fo r t h e fiction prize was considered particularly tight t hi s y ear. Unlike recent years, when many l i t tle-known a u thors were nominated, the judges produced a high-profile slate of finalists, including Pulitzer Prize winner Junot Diaz, who was nominated for "This Is How You Lose Her," and Dave Eggers, nominated for "A Hologram for the King." The n o nfiction c a tegory was every bit as competitive and featured established authors like biographer Robert Caro and th e l ate Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Anthony Shadid, who wrote for The Washington Post and The New York Times. It was won by Katherine Boo
New York Times News Service
Beating out an u nusually competitive field, Louise Erdrich won the National Book Award for fiction Wednesday night for "The Round House," a novel about a teenage boy's effort to i n vestigate an a t tack on his mother on a North Dakota reservation, and his struggle to come to terms with the violence in their culture. Erdrich accepted the award in part in her Native American language. She said she wanted to acknowledge "the grace and endurance of native women." She added: "This is a book about a huge case of injustice ongoing on reservations. Thank you for giving it a wider audience." The book was published by Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins. Erdrich is the author
1000's Of Ads Every Day
for "Behind the Beautiful Forevers: Life, Death, and Hope in a Mumbai Undercity." In her book, Boo tells of the heartr ending struggles o f s l u m dwellers living in the shadow of luxury hotels in India. "If this prize means anything," she said in her acceptance speech, "it is that small stories in s o -called hidden places matter because they implicate and complicate what we consider to be the larger story, which is the story of people who do have political and economic powers." Celebrating its 63rd year, the National Book Awards packed some 670 attendees into the elegant Cipriani on Wall Street. To be eligible for an award, a book must have been written by a United States citizen. Winners received $10,000 and a bronze statue.
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en 's ome- ui in
lSaS et 00 usi ness • A collection of industries thriveonwoes like hurricanes,post-Apocalyptic visions By Andrew Martin New Yorh Times News Service
WAUKESHA, Wis. — Folks here don't wish disaster on their fellow Americans. They didn't pray for Hurricane Sandy to come grinding up the East Coast, tearing lives
lrt I'
apart and plunging millions into darkness. But the fact is, disasters are good business in Waukesha. And, lately, there have been a lot of disasters. This Milwaukee suburb, once known for its curative spring waters and, more recently, for being a Republican stronghold in a state that President Barack Obama won on Election Day, happens to be the home of one of the largest makers of residential generators in the country. So when the lights go out in New York — or on the storm-savaged
I11I a1I III
JerseyShore or in tornado-hit Missourior wherever — the orders come pouring in like a tidal surge. It's all part of what you might call the Mad Max Economy, a multibillion-dollar-a-year collection of industries that thrive when things get really, really bad. Weather radios, kerosene heaters, D batteries, candles, industrial
fans for drying soggy homes — all are scarce and coveted in the gloomy aftermath of Hurricane Sandy and her ilk. It didn't start with the last few hurricanes, either.Modern Mad Max capitalism has been around a while, decades even, growing out of something like old-fashioned self-reliance, political beliefs and post-Apocalyptic visions. But economic fears,as wel lasw orries about climate change and an unreliable electronic grid have all fed it. See Disaster /G3
Andy Tnllis/The Bulletin
Jim Miller, an employee of Pinnacle Construction and Development,works Thursday on the front deck of a new house being built on Northeast Bennington Lane in Bend.
• Residential building at 5-year high; commercial market still weak
By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin
decline in the number of homes for sale and low interest rates are driving n ew home b uilding i n Bend at a pace not seen in about five years. However, commercial construction remains mired in a years-long slump. The city of Bend issued 383 permits for single-family homes between January and October, a review of Community D e velopment D epartment records shows. That's up 67 percent from the same time frame last year, and 174 percent from the bottom of the market in 2009.
The pace of sales at Hayden Homes tripled between the fourth quarter of 2011 and the first quarter of 2012, said Michelle Gregg, a broker with Hayden's real estate branch. It's not a pre-recession pace, to be sure. The city issued 706 new home permits in the first 10 months of 2007. But the 67 permits issued to Hayden Homes this year is up from 33 for the company betweenJanuary and October of last year, 12 in 2010 and nine in 2009. Gregg points to a shrinking housing inventory in Bend driving the uptick. Measured in months, inventory represents the amount of time, theoretically, it would take to sell all
the remaining homes on the market in an area. Single-family home inventory in Bend stood at two months in October, down from threeor 3.5 months earlier this year, according to an analysis by Bratton Appraisal Group. Inventory was at 12 months in early 2009. Real estate officials prefer a threemonth inventory at the very minimum, said Jaynee Beck, principal broker at Duke Warner Real Estate, and preferably a bit h i gher. Realtors like to sell homes within about 90 days, she said, so an inventory of three months or more helps maintain that pace. See Contractors /G2
Buildingactivity in Bend Home building in Bend has increased in the first 10 months of the year, to slightly more than half of the 2007 level for the same time period.
tiy .ln Jeffrey Phelps / New York Times News Service
Employees move productat the production plant of Generac Power Systems, a generator manufacturer in Whitewater, Wis.
Suicidepoints0t wave of insider trading in health-care industry By David Voreacos
company where he was manager of clinical programming.
Bloomberg News
Bend building permit activity • Ne w homes • Home remodels • New commercial/industrial• Commercial/industrial remodels 800
706 600
M 113
229 ~4 0 114 6
Note. All data Jan. t through Oct. 31 Source Bend Community Development Department
Deschutes County construction employment 7,712 (10.8'o oftot l countyworkorce)
Number of Deschutes County construction businesses 1,soo 1,433
8 58
*2012 figures for first quarter Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, Oregon Employment Department
(4.8%) 2,47
Average weekly wage in Deschutes County construction industry
*2012 figures for first quarter Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
'11 '12*
740 720 700
NEWARK, N.J. — On April 14, 2011, James Fan stood on a parking garage landing at Newark Liberty International Airport, a cheer-you-upletter from his young son in his pants pocket, the prospect of a four-story leap facing him. Fan, 39, had been charged a day earlier with insider trading based on his knowledge of Seattle Genetics Inc., a health-care
Also charged: his younger brother, Zishen, who was scheduled to take the oath of U.S. citizenship a month later. The total take, a judge later determined, was about $200,000. James Fan was trying to help his brother, who had found himself deep under water after the California real estate market collapsed in 2008, prosecutors said later. See Trading /G5
Rivera Wealth Management Group
$762 $743 $731
$704 '07
*2012 figures for first quarter Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics
Greg Cross/The Bulletin
Holiday shopping essential: BlackFriday apps
"To me, it's obvious that the minner has to be very selective. It's been obvious to me since
very early in life. I don't knom why it's not obvious to very many other people. " — Charlie Munger
By Hayley Tsukayama The Washington Post
Retailers expecting a tepid
holiday shopping season are pulling out all the stops to attract customers to their stores this year — including embrac-
ing the enemy. Big-box stores have come to terms with "showrooming" — when shoppers come into stores armed with smartphone apps designed to identify cheaper deals online
— and devised new plans to offset its impact. Target is also offering reviews from the technology news site CNET alongside its products on store shelves, reported. That
should alleviate the need for shoppers to pull out their smartphones at all. Target and Best Buy will offer pricematching for online deals this holiday season.
See Apps /G2
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If you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323,email or click on "Submit an Event" at Please allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication.
MARI<ETPLACE NEWS OF RECORD 18, Range12, Section 26, $840,000 Pahlisch HomesInc. to Michael Deschutes County S. Shipluy andZola A. MiHnring, Federal HomeLoan Mortgage Badger Forest, Phase 2, Lot 30, Corporation to Joseph E.and $174,900 Anne L. Grenley,River Canyon Estates No. 4, Lot 247, $296,900 Haydnn HomesLLCto Craig R. Dumont,Aspen Rim No. 2, Lot Daniel P. and Caroln R. Kingto 190, $201,091 Matthew S. Novak and Ilaria Turrio,Ironwood Court, Lot5, Katherine L. Diunur to GregoryR. $199,900 and Wundi S.Babst,Tow nship15, Range 10, Section 18, $420,000 Kimberly Ruckur to Jeffrey D. and Dawn M. Slavin,Partition Tyue Development Inc. to Plat 2001-44, Parcel 3, $189,900 Gregory J. andLynnReeves, Pacwnst H LLC to William C. and NorthWest Crossing, Phase16, Eileen F. Heber,Partition Plat Lot 739, $345,000 2007-33, Parcel 2, $249,947 Timothy M. and Mnlissa J. Edward Y. andJudith D. Brown, Conlny to Marci Muschamp, trustee for Edward Yorke Brown Juniper Hill, Phase 2, Lot 53, and Judith Darlene Brown Trust, $165,000 to Michael D.andSusan L.Frank, Prumjuut S. and Janet S. Chopra River Village III, Lot 6, Block16, to Elizabeth W. Schimpff, $459,000 NorthWest Crossing, Phases 7 Lnster E. and Dona M. Cornly to and11, Lot 358, $345,000 John W. andSally L Peterson, Chuckanut Estates,Phase 2,Lot4, John F. and Margaret D. Cronin to Kara E. Cronin andMatthew P. Block 4, $192,000 Burryman,Boulevard Addition to Eric H. and Kelly Wunnurth to Bend, Lot4, Block16, $217,000 Glenn R andAnne S. Penny, Partition Plat 2008-54, Parcel 2, Molly C. Carter to Gary L $320,000 Huyndnrickx,Township 22, Range10, Section 8, $207,000 Caldera Springs Real Estate LLC to Helen L Knius,trustee Harl T. Hawkins to SammyB. for Helen Louise Knies Revocable Mancuso,Fairhaven, Phase 3, Lot Trust, Caldera Springs, Phase 2, 16, $159,000 Lot 277, $150,000 Garrick M. and Molly S. Wells to Dobra A. Channy toVictor Kristinn Buchanan,Lava Ridges, A. Zgorzulski and Pamula A. Phase1, Lot 2, $230,000 Mathnws,Old Mill Estates, Lot1, Pacwust HLLCto Iris M. $182,000 Bardong,Gardenside P.U.D., Peter D. and Susan A.Fordto Phase 2, Lot 67 and 68, $230,700 Mark T. and Lauriu F. Paffutt, Northwest Trustee Services Inc. Awbrey Butte Homesites, Phase to Federal HomeLoan Mortgage 31, Lot 4, $180,000 Corporation,Foxborough, Phase RDMN Enterprises LLCto 2, Lot120, $ l65,000 Christopher D. Rosch,Quail Pine Estates, Phase 7, Lot 4, $239,000 Eric B. and Jnri L. Weber to Robert L. Baker and Patricia K. Bank of NewYork Mellon fka Lahn,Coyote Springs, Phase 3A, BankofNew Yorkto JasonW. Lot 46, $445,000 and Kerry A. Blomgren,Township 17, Range13, Section 33, Julio L. Fisher to Michael A. $165,000 and Daisy D. MonticeHi,Fairway Pacwnst H LLC to John B.and Point Village II, Lot7, Block12, Marlnnn A. Parks,Westbrook $550,000 Village, Phase 3, Lot13, $217,513 State of Oregon through its Nuils K. andAmber J. Elbuk to Department of State Lands to Nicoln and Michael Mnrritt, George Stronmpln,Township 15, First Addition to Whispering Range 10, Section 20, $505,000 Pines Estates, Lot17, Block12, SuzanneDachtlnrto Amy E.and $209,000 Scott P. Dawson,Timber Creek II, Dennis Killulna to Wyn D.Stone, Phase 3, Lot14, $165,000 Boulevard Addition to Bend, Lot Kenneth G. Tuttln to DnborahL. 13, Block 23, $225,000 and Jochun L.Buttag, trustees Donna T. andDaniel M. for Deborah Bettag Living Trust, Eytchison,trustees for the Donna River Wild at Mount Bachelor T. Eytchison Trust and the Daniel Village P U.D., Phase1, Lots1 and E. Eytchison Trust, to Ryan Davies, 2, $378,000 Northwest Townsite COSSecond Addition to Bend, Lots 3 and 4, Haydnn HomesLLCto Frank J. Block 35, $249,000 and Marianna E. Burcar,Aspen Rim No. 2, Lot181, $200,000 Peter and WendyArdoljan to Kevin D. andJnssica B. Morgan, Jay C. Pnarson,affiant and Monta Vista, Phase1, Lot 6, claiming successorforthe $532,041.40 estate of Terrence J. McManus, Steven J. and Sandra J. Schanfnr to Marilyn C., Thomas D., Mark toJames J.andJuanV.Knatluy, A., Daniel A. and Kenneth D. Points West, Lot15, $527,500 McManus, Terrence J. McManus Charles E. andLynnCross Jr. and Jay C. Pearson, Plateau to Kelly and AmberShultz, Estates, Lot 6, Block 4, $150,000 Brightenwood Estates, Phase 2, Solairn HomesInc. to ThomasA. Lot17, Block 6, $298,000 and Patricia D. Lodnr,trustees for John A. andKaren F. Macy to Patricia D. Loder Revocable Trust, SloanG.Holloway, Redmond Heights, Lot1, Block11, $315,000 NorthWest Crossing, Phase16, Lot 737, $503,500 Eric S. and Mnlissa S. Davis to Nancy K. Cary to Wells Fargo William W. Bailey,Suntree, Lot3, Bank N.A.,Ridgewater II P.U.D., Block 3, $256,000 Lot 25, $285,881 Joseph C. andTeresa M. Smurdon to Loralon E. Campbell, Crook County Ridge at Eagle Crest 53, Lot 23, Douglas J. Pnrrono toDavid $163,000 W. and S. KathlnnnWaldram, Robnrt J. and Jane L.Rossnttnr Partition Plat1997-14, Parcel 3, to Charlns A. Griswold,Township $575,000
Apps Continued from G1 In a call with investors, Best Buy's new chief executive, Hubert Joly, said the company is focused on converting in-store browsersinto buyers by offering better information from employees. "Once customers are in our stores, they're ours to lose," he said. According to an International Data Corp. survey released this week, showrooming may influence up to $1.7 billion of holiday retail sales. For the 41 percent surveyed who say they'll continue to rely on smartphone research to make purchasing decisions, here are a few apps to help on the way:
• Nextag Shopping:Nextag is a deal comparison-shopping site that does a lot of the legwork for shoppers doing research or buying online. Users can just scan barcodes, take
a picture or type in a product name to find its price on other places on the Web. For those thinking ahead, the app also allows users to put things on their "radar" for alerts on price drops. • TGI Black Friday: Powered by TGIblackfriday and DealCatcher, this app lets users search for products, notifies shoppers when new ads are posted and lets users save their favorite deals for later. It also gives users a breakdown of how many deals are at a particular store, so you can
a good feelforwhat' s outthere on Black Friday. • Black Friday by B radsDeals: A n o t h er pop u l a r shopping s ite, B r adsdeals. com, also has a Black Friday app that lets users compare prices and look at copies of the flyers retailers have sent out to show off Black Friday d eals. Shoppers ca n a l s o use this app to plan out their shopping trips and set t h e date, time and location of any planned excursions. • SnapTell: For d e d icated s howroomers, SnapTell i s better plan your shopping one ofthe fastest ways to see trips. if a product in stores can be • Black Friday App: This found at a lower price online. aptly named program from Run by A m azon, SnapTell DealNews ha s c a t alogued has users take a quick photo the Black Friday ads fr om of the item of their choice and j ust about every major r ethen runs it through an image tailer from Ace Hardware to recognition database to see Walmart. Users can search where its advertised online. and save ads, see deals by cat- The photos work best with egory and even look at a feed books, DVDs, CDs and video of recently posted deals to get games. Users can also scan
But for Clouston and hundreds ofother small developContinued from G1 ers across Central Oregon, The Federal Reserve start- the difference between eight ed slashing interest rates on homes and four is huge. He 15- and 30-year mortgages in expects to close two additional an effort to spur new home buy- sales by the end of the year, ing after the national real estate potentially bringing his 2012 market collapsed in 2008. building total up to 10. "More building means more Fifteen-year mortgage rates were at 2 .87 percent work for subcontractors,for l ast week, down from 6 t o sure," he said. "It's a plus for 6.5 percent throughout 2007. the whole market." T hirty-year r ates w er e a t Commercial woes continue 3.54 percent,down from the 6.3 to 7 percent range in 2007. The same can't be said of Those rates are bringing Bend's commercial and indusnew buyers to th e m arket, trial markets. said Chet Antonsen, owner While ne w h o m e a c tivof Group PacWest Homes in i ty sparks o p timism f r o m Bend. "That has created a lot residential builders, construcof opportunities for people to tion of new office buildings, buy," Antonsen said. stores, warehouses and indusGregg said she has seen a trial facilities has been largely return ofbuyers from out of nonexistent. town and those looking for The city of Bend has issued second homes. two permits for new commer"A lot of these buyers I saw cial and industrial buildings five years ago looking for this year: one for the Oregon homes on the high end" of the Department of Transportation price range, Gregg said. When building on North U.S. Highthe market eroded, "they dis- way 97, and one for the nearly appeared. But now some of completed Worthy B rewing them are back." facility in east Bend. That's a contrast from the Lower i n ventory m e a ns more sales for Monte Clous- 68 new commercial and induston, who runs Pinnacle Con- trial permits issued in 2007, struction and Development in when massive projects were Bend. going up, like the Clear Choice Clouston i s dev e loping Health Plans, now P acificBrookland Park, a 22-lot sub- Source, building on N o rthdivision in northeast Bend he east Connors Avenue and The bought out of foreclosure in Point at Shevlin Corporate late 2010. Park office building on SouthClouston has taken out per- west Simpson Avenue. mits for eight new homes at That y ear, 1 8 c o m merBrookland Park this year, up cial projects each valued at from four last year. Six of them $1 million or more were built have been issued since June. in Bend. "In the m onth o f A uJustnine such projects have gust, I sold a house a week," g otten the go-ahead in t h e Clouston said. "The pace is nearly four years since the skyrocketing." start of 2009. One sale a week may not For a lot of businesses lookbe much for big builders like ing for office space, building Hayden Homes or P ahlisch new doesn't make sense with Homes. Pahlisch has taken out such a wide range of vacant 77 permits through Oct. 31, up space to choose from, said from 28 last year and 13 in 2010. Brian Fratzke, principal bro-
ker with Fratzke Commercial Real Estate in Bend. More than 21 percent of Bend'soffice space was vacant in the third quarter, according to a recent market analysis by Compass Commercial Real Estate Services. But s everal c o m mercial contractorssaid they are making up part of the losses from a series of school and medical building projects. They have also seen an uptick in commercial an d i n d ustrial remodeling. Some, like Kirby Nagelhout Construction Co., have looked o utside Central O regon t o make up for the loss of highdollar projects here. Two of the company's biggest projects this year have been a park and office area in The Dalles, and an elementary school in Eagle Point, said Mike Taylor, the company's president. A handful of projects won't match the frenetic growth that seemingly transformed whole areas of Bend in the early and mid-2000s and provided jobs forthousands. Kirby Nagelhout employed about 200 construction workers in 2005, but it's down to about 60 today. Despite the downturn, Taylor has secured work on 21 smaller remodel or addition jobs on B en d c o mmercial buildings this year — proje cts like a r e model of t h e deli at Newport Avenue Market, and i m provements on a conference room at Bend Research. T he remodel work i s u p
barcodes for information.
•SnipSnap:To m ake things a little more manageable on Black Friday, try S nipSnap for coupon management. Users can take pictures of coupons they want to use to cut down on paper clutter. Shoppers can also search coupons other people have snapped to add to their own digital wallet. The app also ranks stores by the success rate users have had with scanned coupons — which could save even more hassle. • BuyVia: N ot t h a t in t o Black Friday, but love Cyber Monday'? Consider BuyVia, a new service that provides price comparisons for consumer technology, including product descriptions written in plain English. Users can manage their BuyVia shopping lists on t heir phones, tablets and computers and scan barcodes of items they want to track.
from 11 such permits through the first 10 months of 2011, and 12 in 2010. "The large prolects bring a lot of revenue. They kind of anchor a c ompany," Taylor said. "But the smaller projects also get you out to more sites, having more contact with businesspeople around the area." T hat a ctivity s t ands t o benefit companies like K i rby Nagelhout and SunWest Builders, as the market inches toward a recovery here and across the country. A decline inbigprojects ledto a reduction of SunWest's workforce, company founder and president Steve Buettner said. SunWest went from 60 construction workers at the height of the market to 30 earlier this year. And, "from a revenue
standpoint, (2012) was probably one of the slower years we've had," Buettner said. But he also started seeing an uptick in the spring. He's landed 10 commercial remodeling contracts this year, and got the Worthy Brewing job in
April. He's cautiously upped his workforce to about 40 on the strength of those jobs, and feels better about the company at the end of this year than he did at the end of 2011. "We have more work going into 2013 than we did going into 2012," Buettner said. "In the construction industry, you're always looking at your backlog for the next year ... So we're feeling fortunate with the workload we have." — Reporter: 541-617-7820,
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<z>g~giving D EA D L I N E S
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We will be closed Thursday, November 22nd
. .except75%of seniors.
Current Oregon law requires public notices to be printed in a newspaper whose readers are affected by the notice. Federal, state, and local government agencies erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their web sites instead of in the local newspaper. But who would haveaccessto those online notices?62% of u.s. seniors (65 and older) have no internet access, and a third of those whoDO have access are still limited to dialup.' Besides, you'd have to know in advancewhere,when,and how to look,and what
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"If we are talking in the neighborhood of $6,000, it is worth every dollar. If I could get it right now, I'd write a check. The wives in this area don't want jewelry for Christmas. They
Disaster Continued from G1 Driven of late by freakish storms, this industry is growing fast, well beyond the fringe groups that first embraced it. And by some measures, it's
want generators." — Laura Giangeruso, of Glenridge, N.J., recalls not having power for six days during "Snowtober"
bigger than ever. Businesses lik e G e nerac Power Systems, one of three companies in Wisconsin turning out generators, are just the start. The market fo r g a soline cans, for example, was flat for years. No longer. "Demand for gas cans is phenomenal, to the point where we can't keep up with demand," said Phil Monckton, vice president for sales and marketing at Scepter, a manufacturer based in Scarborough, Ontario. "There was inventory built up, but it is
power and millions of others harboring grim memories, a chimpanzee could sell generators by the truckload. Like Generac, Briggs & S t ratton and Kohler say they, too, are swamped by demand. "People are really starting to understand the impact of what a power outage means to them, and it is changing their behavior," said M elanie Tydrich, a senior manager at Kohler, which sells kitchen and bath
long gone." Even now, nearly two weeks after the superstorm made landfall in New Jersey, batteries are a hot commodity in the New York area. Win Sakdinan, a spokesman for Duracell, says that when the company gave away D batteries in the Rockaways, a particularly hard-hit area, people "held them in their hands like they were gold." Sales of Eton emergency radios and f l ashlights rose 15 percent in the week before Hurricane Sandy — and 220 percent the week of the storm, says Kiersten Moffatt, a company spokeswoman. "It's important to note that we not only see lifts in the specific regions affected, we see a lift nationwide," she wrote in an email. "We've seen that mindfulness motivates consumers all over the country to be prepared in the case of a similar event." Garo Arabian, director of operations at B-Air, a manufacturerbased in Azusa, Cal if., says he has sold thousands of industrial fans since the storm. "Our marketing and graphic
appliances and standby gener-
So now she is leading an electrical contractor through h er home's cold and d a rk b asement, pointing out t h e electric box and meter, all so she can get an estimate on a standby generator of her own. A neighbor, Chris Nehrbauer, tags along, partly to be neighborly but partly because he is getting an estimate next. Jack Lamb, th e c ontractor, who works for Bloomfield Cooling, Heating and Electric, says he has been working nonstop since the storm, providing estimates. When he shows up for anestimate, often four or five neighbors are waiting, he says, adding that he is booked through Jan. 8. Giangeruso, who notes that last year, after the " Snowtober storm" on H alloween, her house was powerless for six days. "If we are talking in the neighborhood of $6,000, it is worth every dollar. If I could get it right now, I'd write a check," she said. "The wives in this area don't want jewelry for Christmas. They want generators."
ators, among other things. "It's just not something they want Jack Lamb, left, of Bloomfield Cooling, Heating and Electric, surveys Laura Giangeruso's home to live through again." for a permanent standby generator in the wake of Hurricane Sandy in Glen Ridge, N.J. L aura G i a ngeruso, t h e mother of two girls, 4 weeks p' I] .~ x i/ > old and 7 years old, certainly computers to a broader marfits that description. ket if it could bring down the In the wake of the storm, Giangeruso, who is 42 and price, he says. He now envisions a d ay lives in Glen Ridge, N.J., spent when s t andby g e nerators, nine of 10 nights living with which start around $4,500, relatives because her house fully installed, are as common had no power. With a newas central air-conditioning, a born, she says, she had little goal that is a long way off but choice but to leave. But she one helped immeasurably by says the solution became obviHurricane Sandy. S tandby ous during a visit with her sisgenerators are in roughly 2.5 ter, who lives nearby. "It was like a miracle," she percent of stand-alone singlefamily homes, he said. said. "The power went out, "No one knows about it," and then in like 30 seconds, I Jeffrey Phelps /New York Times News Service Jagdfeld said, but h e adds, heard this hum." She lifts her "It i s t h e n e x t m u st-have hands from her hips upward, Employees build generatorsat a Generac Power Systems, Inc., OFFICE SYSTEMS production plant in Whitewater, Wis. appliance." along her sides. "And then the He later tempers his enthusi- power came on." asm. "We don't want to appear Color and B&W size of the generator market make generators so they were we are profit-mongering," he Scan, Print, Copy &Fax in the United States, including more affordable for home use. said. "This is a horrible situresidential, commercial and The time was 1959, during the ation. It's really, really tough, industrial models, is roughly Cold War, when Waukesha the marketing around that." $3 billion. Trying to nail down had its own missile silo, on the For now, at least, with tens AUTHORIZEDDEALER a figure for survival supplies east side of town. of thousands still w i t hout designer is from Syria, and is amuch more dicey exercise, People scarcely seem to reLow Monthly he said: 'I don't understand. In given the fuzzy parameters of member all of that — and the Payments Syria, we open the windows.'" the market. missile silo is now a park. But I I I gg g I I But Arabian says contracJonathan Dick, director of that period may have been Local Since tors and many insurers know sales and marketing for the the beginning of a survivalist 1989 that mold spores won't grow Ready Store, whose slogan is economy, the early shoots of if carpeting or drywall can be "where America goes to get Mad Max capitalism. Warehouse Prices TV.APPLIANCE dried out within 72 hours. "The ready," estimates that the marIt has grown ever since, industry has grown," he said, ket for disaster supplies like through recessions and wars, "because there is more aware- freeze-dried food, flashlights Y2K and 9/11, tornadoes and ness about this kind of thing." and radios was $500 million hurricanes. Retailers t h a t ma n aged for consumers, but several bilSo has Generac, with a 15 to stay open benefited, too. lion dollars when sales to busi- percent compound a n nual Steve Rinker, who oversees nesses and government agen- growth rate since 2000. In 11 Lowe's home i m prove- cies are folded in. 2012, with a big boost from "The industry is very event- Sandy, the company expects ment stores in New York and New Jersey, says his stores driven," he said. "When there shipments of residential prodwere sometimes among the is a hurricane like this, or the ucts, which account for60 perfew open in a sea of retail stock market crashes, we'll see cent of its business, to increase businesses. crazy increases in demand." nearly 40 percent. Predictably, emergency supA'must-have appliance' plies like flashlights, lanterns, 'Who is crazy now?' batteries and sump p umps Dick says th e c ore cusAt the company's plant in sold out quickly, even when tomer for his company, which Whitewater, Wis., about 30 they were replenished. The is based in Draper, Utah, and miles southwest of Waukesha, one sought-after item that sur- i ncludes retail a n d o n l i ne employees have worked three prised him the most? Holiday sales,remains "conservative, shifts, six days a week, since candles. "If anyone is look- gun-toting Republicans." But Hurricane Sandy i ncreased ing for holiday candles, they he says the industry is steadily demand. The plant makes are sold out," he said. "People attracting a broader audience. r esidential g enerators a n d bought every holidaycandle And major retailers have tak- power washers. Inside, wires we have during the storm." en note. and cranes dangle above a If the hurricane was a windBoth Walmart and Costco bustling factory floor where fall for Lowe's, its customers now sell a year's supply of workers, many in Green Bay didn't seem to mind. Rather, food, much of it freeze-dried. Packers garb, assemble the most appeared exceedingly Costco's offering is 120 gallon- parts. Air hoses hiss, drills grateful when Rinker, work- sizecans of food for $1,499.99. drone and cartsbeep to alert ;illi/~/f ing at a store in Paterson, N.J., Sears offers emergency/sur- unhurried visitors and keep pointed them toward a space vival rations for dogs. And the them from being run over. At ,a j 'j<r.'' heater, or a gasoline can, that National Geographic Chana 200,000-square foot distri/' could lessen the misery of an- nel has a reality series called bution warehouse across a "Doomsday Preppers," which other day without power. parkinglot,oversize boxes of While sales of emergency "explores the lives of othergenerators are stacked high, supplies spike during storms, wise ordinary Americans who awaiting shipment. "Everything in this building, several retailers and manu- are preparing for the end of facturers— including Generac the world as we know it." except for the power washers, — say their baseline of sales David Lyle, the chief execu- is sold and then some," said has grown in recent years, too, tive of the National Geograph- Russ Minick, Generac's execuperhaps driven by economic ic Channel, said the program tive vice president for residenuncertainty and the frequency was a breakout hit in its first tial products. "The metrics on of wild weather and power season. this storm have been nothing Each timeyou use your SELCO VISA Card between November12 and "You start b y th i n k ing, like we have ever seen. Comfailures in an overtaxed elec'Wow, these people are odd.' pared to Hurricane Isaac, this trical grid. December 31, you'll receive one entry for a chance to win a 51,000 "Anytime you see as much Then there is this creeping re- is five times bigger." travel voucher! Every purchase brings you closer to paradisedevastation as what happened alization: Who is crazy now?" At th e c ompany's newly in Tuscaloosa, Ala., and in said Lyle, who notes that other rehabilitated headquarters in whether it's a warm Hawaiian beach, some fresh snow in Colorado, Joplin, Mo., it brings it to ev- shows like"The Walking Dead" Waukesha, Aaron P. Jagdfeld, or even a family cruise. erybody's minds," said Mike a nd "Revolution" deal w i t h the youthful and enthusiastic Vaughn, president of the Na- similar themes, like living off chief executive, says major Plus take advantage of rates as low as 7.25% APR* and great benefits tional Storm Shelter Associa- the grid (albeit with zombies). storms typically c reate an tion, referring to devastating "How interesting that some of immediate demand for porlike no introductory rates, no annual fees, and no balance transfer Or tornadoes that swept through them believe that the oil supply table generators — and the cash advancefees.Use your card or open one today — stop by,give us both cities last year. He added, will run out and that will result d emand fro m S a ndy w a s "$5,000 isn't much to save your in civil unrest. And now with unprecedented. a call, or visit us to apply. family's life," a reference to the Sandy, you see people having But w h il e h i s c o m pany approximate cost of a storm brawls in gas lines." has sold tens of thousands of Bend Redmond shelter. Ifthere were a headquarters portable generators in recent 501 NE Bellevue Drive / 541-312-1800 825 SW17'" Street / 541-312-1859 It's hard to define the overall for the emergency prepared- weeks, Jagdfeld gets more 88 SW Scalehouse Loop / 541-312-1842 Inside Walmart / 541-312-1881 market for disaster supplies. ness market, one candidate excited talking about the lonFor one thing, many products would be Wisconsin, the cen- ger-term possibilities: the sale that are useful in emergencies ter of r e sidential generator of more permanent, and more — flashlights, batteries, duct manufacturing. Generac's two expensive, "standby" generatape and extension cords, to biggest competitors, Briggs & tors that can be hooked into name a few — are also handy Stratton and Kohler, are also a house's natural gas line and COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION f or everyday c hores. A n d in the Badger State. that turn on immediately when other products, like "bugout That may beno coincidence. the power goes off. bags," packs holding enough The German immigrants who He explains that standby ~ i ' gear to survive a disaster for flocked to the state were par- generators for h omes were a few days, continue to be ticularly skilled in manufac- once considered appropriate ' ' ' marketed to a small, but ap- turing engines, in addition to for only the largest estates. But I ' i I ' 'I ' 'I I' I I ' I li I ' I l i 'I i I I I I I 'I i il I I is l i I z z s e "s s ul parently growing, niche of beer and bratwurst. the worries of Y2K — the idea ' ' I I I ' I I I survivalists. The founder of G enerac, that computers would stop I I> But there's little question however, was an Iowa trans- functioning in the new millenthat the market is in the mul- plant and an engineer, Rob- nium — made thecompany retiple billions of dollars. The ert Kern, who found a way to alize that it could sell standby Karsten Moran /New York Times News Service
C aeoe
Trading Continued from G1 "The Fan case is such a cautionary tale," Jenny Durkan, the U.S. attorney in Seattle, said in an i n terview. "Both brotherswere promising." The markets are awash in insider trading, and the healthcare industry has been particularly hard-hit. Health-care businesses offer illegal traders more opportunities to profit than the finance and technology sectors that have traditionally been prime victims of insiders who leaked confidential data about earnings or deals. Health companies can live or die on the results of drug trials, which stretch for years before regulators make decisions that can trigger hundreds of millions of dollars in profits or losses. And the industry has undergone significant consolidation, leading to several multibillion-dollar mergers. The l i neup o f ac c u sed health-industry insider traders illustrates how widespread the illegal practice has become: chief executive officers, hedge fund traders, bankers, lawyers, d o ctors, a c countants, a retired Delta Air Lines pilot, a film producer and a member of M a j o r L e ague Baseball's Hall of Fame have been charged or sued by regulators. It has touched the Food and Drug Administration and large health-care companies such as Bristol-Myers Squibb and Abbott Laboratories. "Health care is particularly attractive to criminals because so much turns on the government regulatory approval," said Rod Rosenstein, the U.S. attorney for Maryland, whose office helped prosecute the FDA case.
"If you have a pending applica-
tion for a new drug, the difference between yes and no on approvals can be tens or hundreds of millions of dollars." The Fans are among at least 75 people sued by the SEC or charged since 2008 with passingorreceivinginsider-trading tips involving pharmaceutical, biotechnology or other healthcare stocks. While the number of insider-trading cases in the technology industry has been roughly the same during that time, many of those were intertwined with the case of Raj Rajaratnam, th e b i l l ionaire hedge-fund manager serving an 11-year prison sentence.
Notalone W hat's no t a bl e ab o u t health-care corruption is its breadth. It's a part of w h at could be termed the democratization of insider trading. While once it seemed to be the domain of big players like arbitrager Ivan Boesky and personifiedby the character Gordon Gekko in the movie "Wall Street," insider trading now is often conducted by everyday, otherwise law-abiding people looking to make thousands, not millions, of dollars. Among the cases: husbands s tealing i n f ormation f r o m wives, fraternity brothers conspiring and a 62-year-old attorney, Dean Goetz, making trades on information he overheard from his daughter. She was a lawyer visiting home for the holidays while she worked on the Abbott acquisition of Advanced Medical Optics Inc. Goetz, who was sued by the SEC, settled without admit-
ting or denying wrongdoing.
Ramps slt empty at the parkIng garage from which James Fan, a manager of clinical
programming at Seattle Genetics Inc., leapt to his death at Newark Liberty International Airport. Emile Wamsteker
Bloomberg News
" The biotech industry i s particularly vulnerable to insidertrading schemes because a successful or unsuccessful clinical trial can cause such sharp market m o vements," Durkan, the top federal prosecutor in Seattle, said in an interview. And there is also this: "The health-care sector of the hedge fund industry is a very small world where people work closely on ideas." That's what one health-care inside trader turned confidential informant told the FBI in an agent's interview summary obtained by Bloomberg News. The same informant, in another interview, said he was once on a golf course with three doctors whose beepers all went off at the same moment with the same inside tip. Among the cases: • An FDA chemist, Cheng Yi Liang, had access to the agency's internal tracking system for new drug applications, and could tell which would succeed or fail. He pleaded guiltytotrading on more than 25 companies over almost five years, admitting he made profit or avoided losses of $3.78 million. He is serving five years in prison. • Eddie Murray, the Hall of Famer, was sued by the Securities and Exchange Commission, which a lleged his former B a l t imore O r i o les teammate, Doug D eCinces, tipped him about the acquisition of Advanced Medical Optics in 2009. The agency said DeCinces heard from former CEO James V. Mazzo, a close friend and neighbor, that Abbott Park, Ill.-based Abbott would buythe company. Murray, DeCinces and two other men paid $33 million to settle without a d mitting l i ability. Mazzo and anotherdefendant denied any wrongdoing. Their case is pending. • Business consultant Brett Cohen and his uncle, David Myers, were charged with insider trading in 2009 on two biotechnology companies. Cohen receivedand sent emails, including some to a fraternity brother, using coded words that referred to t h e m o vie "Wall Street," such as "blue horseshoe." Cohen and Myers pleaded guilty and received three years' probation. • Former hedge fund manager Stephen Goldfield settled an SEC lawsuit claiming he made $14 million by trading on inside information before the 2007 takeover of MedImmune Inc. by A s traZeneca. The SEC claimed a former Merck 8 Co. executive, James Self Jr., tipped Goldfield after learning on his job that MedImmune was for sale. Self also
ORSA, which monitors trading for th e C hicago Board Options Exchange and other exchanges, also flagged the account and alerted the SEC on Dec. 13. O RSA found that o n 1 1 days, Fan's buys ranged from 40 to 92 percent of all such contracts. SEC lawyers in San Francisco, who also cover Seattle, took up the case. They called the Fan brothers within minutes of each other on Jan. 13, 2011. SEC attorney Jennifer Lee told Zishen Fan that she was taping the call. s "How did you become familiar with Seattle Genetics?" Lee asked. "Web search," Fan said. "I'm settled. Neither man admitted one clinical t r ial i n volving interested in, you know, mediwrongdoing. 102 patients for whom prior cal biotech pharmaceuticals." "OK," Lee said. "And do you • Robert Ramnarine was a therapy didn't work and anBristol-Myers executive who other with 58 patients. The know anyone who has worked performed due diligence on trials would be a success, the at Seattle Genetics?" "No," Fan said. three companiestargeted for company said, if 20 percent acquisition. U.S. prosecutors of patients showed complete Minutes later, James Fan in New Jersey charged him or partial remission of their interrupted his own call with with making $311,361 by buy- disease. James Fan learned the SEC lawyers and said he ing stock options in the com- in July 2010 that the raw data would call right back. Over panies. His lawyer is negoti- showed progress for a large the next two hours, the brothating a plea agreement, court majority of the patients. ers talked four times by phone. papers show. Because of the trials, Seattle When James Fan spoke again The Fan story i l lustrates Genetics began a b l ackout to the SEC, he denied knowing how h e a lth-care i n s iders period on employees trading or being related to Zishen Fan. abuse privileged information company securities starting He refusedtogivethe names of for profit, while the aftermath June 22. A day earlier, James his parents. When asked about of investigations can destroy Fan cashed $50,800 in cerSGN-35, heended the call. people and careers. It also tificates of deposit and put it in Later t ha t d a y , Z i s hen shows how r egulators and his personal bank account, ac- transferred$50,000 from his p rosecutors — and, i n t h i s cording to an FBI complaint. father'sbrokerage account to case, an online brokerageOn June 30, he wired $50,000 a bank account in his father's acted on red flags. from his online brokerage ac- name. The next day, Zishen count to his bank account. tried to wire $500,000 from Cashing in a lifeline Nine days later, James Fan the brokerage account to an James Fan (born Zizhong wired $100,000 to an account account in China, telling TD Fan) and his wife trained as in China in the name of his Ameritrade it was for "purphysicians in China, where mother, according to the FBI chasing retirement property." the pay was low, said James complaint. Fan moved that TD Ameritrade refused the Fan's attorney in Los Angeles, money to an online TD Ameri- request "due to a lack of signed Adam Braun, a former federal trade Holding Corp. account in authorization for purposes of prosecutor. He never practiced the name of his father in China. foreign transfers,"according medicine and moved to the James Fan intended that mon- to the FBI complaint. U.S. in 1999, a year after his ey as a loan for Zishen, who On Jan. 19, the SEC sued, brother. also moved money into the ac- filing a complaint that laid out "When he came to the U.S., count, according to Braun. the insider trading scheme. he wasn't able to practice medOn Aug. 24, Zishen Fan The agency said they made icine, so he went into medical began buying options to pur- profits of $803,000 and sought research," Braun said. chase sharesof Seattle Genet- to freezethe Fans' assets.The James Fan worked for sev- ics at $12.50 per share by Oct. agency cited the Fans' lies to eral years at MedImmune in 16. Those options purchases, the SEC and attempts to move Maryland. He moved toSeat- in the account in his father's money to China. It included tle to improve the respiratory name, continued until Sept. 24, hundreds of pages of docuhealth of his two young sons, when he added 12,650 shares. ments,such as trading records who both have severe asthma, Over a month, the brothers from TD Ameritrade. Braun said. spent $514,314 on stock and A federal judge in Seattle In July 2008, James Fan be- options purchases of Seattle froze the account that day. gan work at Seattle Genetics Genetics. in Bothell, Wash., as a senior On Monday, Sept. 27, Se- The case again them statistical programmer. His job attle Genetics announced that As a legal permanent resiwas to convert raw data from SGN-35 cut tumor size by at dent witha green card, James clinical trials into statistics least half for 75 percent of Fan was concerned a criminal measuring testing on drugs. the 102-patient group. Shares investigation and conviction By 2010, he made about closed at $14.30, a rise of alwould lead to his deportation, $ 110,000 a year and le d a most 18 percent. Zishen Fan Braun said. Fan said he feared group of programmers who began exercising the options separation from his two young analyzed the data from a pair and selling shares. sons, both U.S. citizens, the of clinical trials on the comlawyer said. They were ages 3 pany's flagship drug, SGN-35. Redflags and 7 at the time. The results would underpin The activity aroused suspiBraun said he and Zishen the company's FDA a p pli- cions at Omaha, Neb.-based Fan's lawyer A l len Ressler cation for its first marketed TD Ameritrade, which filed a met on Feb. 16 with a federal product. Seattle Genetics de- complaint about possible insid- prosecutor, an FBI agent and veloped the drug with Takeda er trading on Oct. 27 with the an SEC attorney to try to perPharmaceutical Co. of Osaka, SEC and the Financial Crimes suade them to punish the Fans Japan. Seattle Genetics would Enforcement Network, a U.S. through the regulatory lawhandle marketing in the U.S. Treasury Department bureau suit and not by criminal prosand Canada while Takeda had that fights money laundering. ecution.The defense lawyers "TD Ameritrade utilizes a the other worldwide rights. offered explanations for the The drug, also known as variety of r i sk-management evidence. "We laid out some facts brentuximab vedotin, uses an tools and surveillance methodantibody to bind with a pro- ologies to identify potentially that would tend to suggest the tein on the surface of lympho- problematic activity," Kristin case was not as clean as they ma cells, then blasts them with Petrick, a company spokes- thought," Braun said. a cancer-killing chemical. It woman, said in an email. "We Braun said that i n t h e ir avoidsthe side effects of che- do so to help protect our climotherapy by unleashing the ents and comply with relevant cell-killing agent only when laws and regulations. It is our Providing unparalled it reaches the tumor, avoiding policy to not comment on the service across a variety of release in the bloodstream or specifics of these methods." industries since 1983. to healthy tissue. The O ptions R egulatory In 2010, the company ran S urveillance A u thority, o r 541-389-1505
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L a s tChg %ChgName
Diary 2,290 Advanced 798 Declined 68 Unchanged 3156 Total issues 15 New Highs 157 New Lows
cidal and at a parking garage. When police arrived, they found Fan's body beside the garage. They determined he jumped from a f o urth-floor landing, said Port A u t hority spokesman Al Della Fave. They also found his r ental car in th e garage. He was pronounced dead at a l ocal hospital. "Until the very last minute, he was p r obably d eciding whether to fly," Braun said. "In the end, he had a letter from one of his boys in his pocket and a picture of his wife. They had sent him a letter when he was in New Jersey to kind of perk him up." Durkan, the U.S. attorney in Seattle, said the government acted correctly in filing charges and seeking to arrest Fan rather than let him surrender. "There is always uncertainty in litigation, but this was a very strong case," Durkan said. "We have no doubt the jury would have reached the right conclusion." 5
IM l
WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066 Adjustable
G allery- B e n d 541-330-5084
Diary 272 Advanced 165 Declined 27 Unchanged 464 Totalissues 12 New Highs 22 New Lows
52-Week High Low
t,437 990 117 2,544 14 169
Net YTD 52-wk Last Chg % Chg %Chg % C hg
N ame
13,661.72 11,231.56 Dow Jones Industrials 5,390.0 4,53t79 DowJonesTransportation
499.82 42zgo DowJonesUtilities
8,515.60 6,898.12 NYSE Composite 2,509.57 2,loz29 AmexIndex
3196.93 z44t48 Nasdaq Composite 1,474.51 1,158.66 S&P 500 15,43z54 12,158.90 Wilshire5000 868.50 666.16 Russell2000
Here is how key internationalstock markets performed yesterday. Market Close % Change
Brussels Paris London Frankfurt HongKong Mexico Milan NewZealand Tokyo Seoul Singapore Sydney Zurich
319.84 2,300.68 3,341.52 5,605.59 6,950.53 21,159.01 40,827.31 14,855.79 3,983.99 9,024.16 1,860.83 2,945.63 4,360.14 5,990.69
12,588.31 4,891.27 443.08 7,931.55 2,3I5.34 2,853.13 1,359.88
World markets
L a s tChg %Chg Amsterdam
GCSaba 3 .35 -4.85 -59.1 ImpacMtg 1Z32 -1.24 -9.1 SycamNel s z8t -.77 -21.5 lP LXR1K 75.00 -1 9.99 -21.0 Ballanty 3.17 -.30 -8.6 ChlAutt rs 4.45 -1.21 -21.4 CSVlnvBrnt 38.04 -6.3l -14.2 WarwVlyT 11.30 -.87 -7.'I SearsHldgs 47.49 -10.99 -18.8 CSGlobWm 731 -1.14 -135 Acqsity n 6 62 -.43 -61 Viasyst 1048 -1 97 -158 BiPGCrb 10.40 -1.50 -lz6 PernixTh 6.96 -.44 -5.9 Sina 45.07 -8.03 -15.l
Advanced Declined Unchanged Totalissues NewHighs NewLows
phone calls, the brothers may have discussed what was already in the public domain about Seattle Genetics, suggesting they didn't act on inside information. Zishen Fan could have made educated purchases based on the mix of information in the public. He also had previously traded in pharmaceutical stocks, Braun said. The lies to the SEC attorneys at the start of the probe w ere p r o blematic, B r a u n conceded. "They were nervous and they lied," Braun said. "We obviously had to try to explain that away. They were in a precarious immigration situation and they were scared. We took the position that James didn't know that his brother was trading." On April 13, prosecutors filed a criminal complaint in federal court in Seattle. The Fans' charges constituted the first criminal insider-trading case for federal prosecutors in western Washington. T he next m o r ning, F B I agents went to arrest Fan at his rental home in Mill Creek, Wash. They didn't know Fan was working in New Jersey. Fan's distraught wife called Braun, who phoned a prosecutor about 7 a.m. to complain. Braun said agents should have let Fan surrender rather than arrest him. Braun promised to bring his client to court the next day for his initial appearance and bail hearing. Braun spoke with Fan at his job. "He was scared," Braun sa>d. Braun talked to Fan several times that day, discussing trial strategy, the hiring of experts and the court hearing. Fan told Braun he would reserve a flight out of Newark. Fan went to the airport without making a flight reservation for that day. He spoke that a fternoon with a high school friend from China who lived in New Jersey. The friend grew alarmed and went to the airport to find Fan, Braun said. The friend then contacted police from the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, which runs the airport, and said Fan was sui-
Most Actlve (St er more) Most Actfve (St er more) Most Actfve (St er more)
Precious metals Metal
Market reeap
YTD Div PE Last Chg%Chg
Div PE
Keycorp Kroger
l ase r
Northwest stocks
400 SW Bluff Dr Ste 200 Bend, OR 97702
-.46 +5.03 +1.1 5 +34.67 + .44 + 15.25 + . 6 6 +1 6.19 + .5 7 +6.55 + . 4 8 +87.51 + .62 +6.80 + . 8 8
+ 1.04
e t65
+.2 4
+ 6.08 +t62 + 9 .52 + 8 .13 + 7.76 + 4 .77
+ 8 .91 +3. 32 + t 0.91 + 0 . 86 + 11 J 7 +7 . 90
Currencies Key currency exchangerates Friday compared with late Thursday irl NewYork.
-1.51 l -1.01 -1.21 l -1.27 l -1.32 l +.24 s +.63 s
AustraliaDollar BritainPound CanadaDollar ChilePeso ChinaYuan EuroEuro HongKongDollar
Japan Yen MexicoPeso RussiaRuble
+1.79 s +3.68 s -.53 l -.01 -.24 l -.95
+ . 3 7 + 3 .0 3 +6 . 72
So. KoreaWorl SwedenKrona Switzerllld Franc TaiwanDollar
E x changeRate Pvsoay 1.0335 1.5883 .9984 .002063 .1603 1.2727 .1290 .012312 .076061 .0316 .000917 J471 1.0566 .0343
1.0328 1.5850 .9983 .002067 .1603 1.2773 .1290 .012314 .075540 .0316 .000919 J 477
1.0611 .0343
merican answer o e By Warren Brown
Extendedwarranties: What's their worth?
Speciai to The Washington Post
The J a p anese-sponsored Honda CR-V, a compact crossover-utility v e hicle f a mous for its impeccable build quality, cute design and excellent road performance, finally has a genuinely worthy American challenger. Welcome the 20D Ford Escape, of which a front-wheeldrive sample of th e t op-ofthe-line Titanium model was driven for this column. . mW The term "American" i s Il used advisedly. When it was introduced in 2000 as a 2001 model, the Escape was a joint development product of Ford Japan's R Egi EI/ a n d Mazda M o t or. cf' The 2013 Escape, assembled in Louisville, Ky., is all-new but is yet another work of global development and engineering. It is sold in Europe and Asia as the Ford Kuga. Unless you are a dyed-inthe-wool trade protectionist, it shouldn't matter. If the new Ford Motor Co. Escape is an example, global The 2013 Ford Escape is a genulnely competitive entryin the class for compact crossover-utility minds workingtogether trump vehicles. a single nation's mind working apart. The new Escape beats If the new Escapeis an example, global minds the vaunted Honda CR-V in almost every way. It is more working together trump a single nation's mind Base price:$22,470 visually exciting inside and (base S model) working apart. The new Escape beats the out. In comparison, the Honda As tested:$32,985 vaunted Honda CR-V in almost every way. Itis looks staid, old-school. The new Escape offers a Type:Front-engine, more visually exciting inside and out. more attractive compromise compact wagon/crossoverutility vehicle sold with b etween p ower a n d fu e l economy than does the CR-V. front-wheel or all-wheel premium. The Honda CR-V, by comdrive. Based on a modified For example, the comparable The thing about the E s- parison, starts a t $ 2 2 ,695 Ford Focus platform and CR-V EX-L with front-wheel cape Titanium that wows me f or the base CR-V LX w i th drive uses a 2.4-liter in-line is available in four trim over the Honda CR-V is the front-wheel drive and rises to levels — base S and SE, f our-cylinder g a soline e n Escape's interior — premium $28,145 for a front-wheel-drive gine to develop a maximum popularly equipped SEL, materials, exceptionally com- CR-V EX-L. Options onthe CR185 horsepower and 183 footand upscale Titanium. fortable seats front and back, V can also boost its purchase pounds of torque. According air vents angled the way com- price into the $30,000 range. Engine:Turbocharged to Environmental Protection mon sense intended them to But starting from a generally 2-liter, 16-valve, doubleAgency numbers, it gets 23 be angled (to efficiently circu- smallersticker means you can overhead-cam, 16-valve, mpg in the city and 31 on the late air without blasting front- save more money. in-line four-cylinder, highway. seat occupants), and, finally, The automotive retail busigasoline engine with The Escape Titanium runs a MyFord Touch i n f orma- ness is a game of dollars and variable valve timing with a turbocharged (forcedtion/entertainment/commucents.A more favorable price (231 horsepower, 270 air) 2-liter in-line four-cylinnications system that works on a quality vehicle can be a foot-pounds of torque). der engine that produces a flawlessly. winner. The engine is linked to maximum 23 1 h o rsepower Almost forgot: Ford's opa six-speed automatic and 270 foot-pounds of torque. tional new foot-release sys- The bottom line transmission that can also Yet it delivers a currently retem for openingthe Escape's The 2013 Ford Escape gets a be shifted manually. spectable 22 mpg in the city rear hatch is quite literally a strong "buy" rating here. Mileage: I averaged 31 and 30 on the highway. For a kick. If you have the vehicle's Ride, handling, acceleration: mpg, premium gasoline, penalty of one mile per gallon electronickey fob somewhere It gets excellent marks in all with a load (two large floor less, I'll gladly take the Escape on or near your person, wave three. But it is a wagon/crossheaters) in mostly highway Titanium's offering of more your foot under the vehicle's over utility. You can't take dnving. power. rear end and — bingo! The this one to the races, real or The difference is in the aprear hatch pops up. imaginary. Head-turning quotient: Suplication of t echnology, too a six-speed automatic transMy current understanding extensive for both the new Es- m ission, compared w it h a is that the system can be de- per-slick. I'd argue that it is the cape andthe CR-Vto go into in five-speed automatic gearbox activated so that no one can most attractive vehicle in its detail here. But here are two in the CR-V. More gears gen- deliberately or unintentionally class. easily understood examples: erally means less work in the foot-open the rear hatch while Capacities: Seats five people. The conservatively styled CR- transmission of power to drive you are sitting inside. I did not Cargo capacity is 34.3 cubic V retains a boxy shape that wheels. Less work generally test that, but I'll take Ford's feet with the rear seats up and offers more wind resistance. means lower fuel consump- word for it. 68.1 cubic feet with those seats Resisting the wind is work. A tion in cars and trucks, and I love this new Escape. But down. The fuel tank holds 15.1 body doing more work con- more miles per gallon. another possible d ownside gallons of gasoline. Regular sumes more energy. But the downside for the Es- for me and other consumers grade can be used, but premiThe new Ford Escape has cape Titanium is that its turis that price might be a nega- um is recommended for best a super-sleek exterior sculp- bocharged engine runs best tive factor. The Escape starts performance. ture that moves more easily with more expensive premiat $22,470forthe base S model Safety: Standard e q u ipthrough the wind. It is a body um gasoline. "Runs best" here with front-wheel drive and ment includes four-wheel disc happily at odds with tradition- means more smoothly, which risesto 830,370 for the front- brakes (ventilated front, solid al notions of crossover-utility rendersa feeling of more pow- wheel-drive Titanium. Adding rear); f o ur-wheel a n t i-lock and sport-utility vehicle de- er. It does not mean that the options — all-wheel drive, on- brake protection; electronic sign. It moves through the air Escape Titanium cannot run board navigation, leather sur- brake-force distribution; elecso easily, it is sometimes easy quite well on less-expensive facesand others — could raise tronic stability and t raction to forget you are driving any- regular gasoline. I tried both the Escape's purchase price c ontrol; side and h ead a i r thing related to a wagon, CUV during my week in the Escape a bit above 836,000, which is bags; and xenon high-intensior SUV. Titanium and found only a pricey territory for a compact ty-discharge headlamps with The new Escape also uses marginal advantage to using crossover-utility vehicle. a cornering feature.
2013 FordEscape
By Paul Brand (Minneapolis) Star Tribune
• I would like to com• ment on y our r ecent take on whether it is worthwhile to buy an extended warranty for a car. Extended warranties are provided by companies that need to earn a profit. In order to do this, they have to collect more money from their customers than they pay out. It is possible for a car owner to benefit from buying an extended warranty, but most people pay out more than they get back. Otherwise, the company providingthe warrantywon't stay in business. When I buy a car, computer or home appliance, I always decline the extended warranty. If something breaks after the warranty period, I pay for the repair with money I've saved by not buying any extended warranties, and I come out ahead. With regard t o d e ductibles, I used to pay for low deductibles on car and house insurance. After a while I realized this was not the best option, and I s w i tched to higher deductibles. If I have to make an insurance claim, I will pay the higher deductible with money I save on insurance premiums, and I come out ahead. The same principle applies to the deductible on an extended warranty, which is another form ofinsurance. • I r e ceived a n u mber • of letters and emails commenting on my column
regarding my change in position on extended warranties and service contracts. It described how now, after nearly 30 years as a "car guy," I believe in the value of purchasing an extended warranty or service contract on a new or late-model vehicle that you're
going to keep for long beyond the original manufacturer's warranty expires. I agree with the above car owner in terms of extended warranties and service contracts on appliances, home electronics and other relatively low-cost purchases. But with modern vehicles costing hundreds, even thousands of dollars to repair, I disagree. I certainly respect the position but want to point out that while l i ability coverage, andin some statespersonal injury protection, is mandated by law, insurance for your own vehicle is not. Thus, choosing collision and comprehensive coverage is very much akin to purchasing an extended warranty or service contract. I choose to carry collision and comprehensive coverage on my newer vehicles. With repairand replacement costs potentially in the tens of thousands of dollars, I can't see operating them with no coveragefor a lossfrom a crash, fire, theft or vandalism. Ditto health insurance. It's
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After nearly 30 years
as a "car guy,"l believe in the value
of purchasing an extended warranty or service contract on a new or late-model vehicle that you're
going to keep for long beyond the original manufacturer's warranty expires. difficult to imagine the consequences of having no coverage for a significant health issue. I feel the same way about p otential mechanical a n d electronic f a ilures. L abor and replacement parts for m ajor repairs can easily run into the hundreds or thousands of dollars. Most of us worry about engine or transmission failures as a major expense, but systems such as climate control, electronic steering, anti-lock braking system and traction control, and other sophisticated systems can cost just as much to repair or replace. The question of deductibles is valid. I, too, carry high deductibles for collision and comprehensive coverage (and health insurance) for the basic reason that I don't expect to make claims very often. But I recognize that repairs from mechanical and electronic failures, and wear and tear over the 10-plus years keep I my vehicles,are virtually inevitable. Thus, I want to continue protection for the time/mileage frame beyond the original carmaker's warranty. I prefer zero or very low deductibles forextended warranties and service contracts because unlike collision or comprehensiveclaims,which tend to deal with a single large-loss event, mechanical and electronic breakages, failures or problems can occur a number of times, particularly later in a vehicle's service life — precisely the time and mileage framework covered by these warranties and contracts. I'd rather not have to pay $50 or $100 every time I take the vehicle in for even a minor problem. As always, life is a matter of choices. In this case, you pay your money or you take your chances. There's no right or wrong answer. It's what you're comfortable with. — Paul Brand, author of "How to Repair Your Car,"is an automotive troubleshooter, driving instructor and former race-car driver. Readers may write to him at: Star Tribune, 425 Portland Ave.S., Minneapolis, Minn., 55488 or via emailat Please explain the problem in detail and include a daytime phone number.