Bulletin Daily Paper 07-19-15

Page 1

Serving Central Oregon since 1903$2

SUNDAY July19,2015

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bendbulletin.corn TODAY' S READERBOARD


a wasn'

e rans o i on

CO-Werkillg —More spots in Bend are opening upfor workers to share a space. E1

• New detailsemerge,showing battles behindcloseddoors to repeallow-carbonfuel standardto salvageroadfunding

Plus: TinyhousesWhenthey run afoul of the law what to do?E1

By Taylor W.Anderson

Sunday reader —Therav›


'El Chape' —Howthefugi› tive Mexican drug lord became a folk hero.AS

derailment, like why Oregon Depart›

The Gang Of 8 —Fromleft, Sens. Betsy Johnson (D-Scappoose), LeeBeyer (D-Springfield), Doug Whitsett (R-KlamathFalls), Jeff Kruse(R-Roseburg); and Reps.Caddy McKeown(D-Coos down after a failed high-wire attempt public hearing on a proposed deal that Bay), JessicaVegaPederson (D-Portland), John Davis (R-Wilsonville), Cliff Bentz (R-ontario). In June, theysigned adraft framework on away forward, though eventhat is in dispute. SnnAe t o repeal an environmental law t o the math the lawmakers relied upon make way for a gas tax hike and road was wrong all along, an admission funding, new details are emerging that that led a leading Republican to ask for give a fuller picture of an attempt at started the effort, and decisions along outline the clandestine work group Garrett’s resignation. compromise that hardly ever stood a the way that made the closely watched that undertook the session’s most am› But other details and interviews chance at passing, given political real› yet elusive work fall through in the bitious and politically divisive issue. with lawmakers on the so-called Gang ities in the statehouse, how late it was end. Some questions still linger over the of Eight no longer sworn to secrecy in the session when Gov. Kate Brown SeeSalem/A6 The Bulletin

ages of mental illness: A man who was a classmate of the U.S. chief justice at Harvard Law School isnow homeless. Schizophrenia is to blame.F1


ment of Transportation Director Mat› l a w makers calm thew Garrett admitted deep in the first

And aWedexclusiveInheritance without a wil: States face challenge ofheirs’ proper› ty, a legacy ofReconstruction. bundbuuutin.curn/uxtrns

2015 season so far:

so ew

rea s’?


Social media, the IS and free speech

The Associated Press

Five years after to move swiftly to permanently plug unused oil and gas wells in the Gulf of

Oregonwildfire prevalence

When a lone terrorist

slaughtered 38 tourists at a Tunisian resort on June 26, the Islamic State turned to

one of America’s leading social-media companies to claim credit and warn of more attacks on the world’ s

NUMBER OFLARGE FIRES IN ACRES BURNED BEFORE OREGON BEFOREJULY15 JU LY15 BY LARGE FIRES W Human caused W Human caused W lightning caused W lightning caused 20fires ----›

"It was a painful strike

and a message stained with blood," the Islamic

Mexico, even more Submitted photo

A The Corner Creek Fire burns earlier this month on the

eastern edge of the OchocoNational Forest. At nearly 30,000 acres, it's been Oregon's biggest fire of the season — but recent seasons haveseen moreacres burned.

. 800,000acres burne---------›

7 f~reS

dA 2 percent increaseover 2012

nonbelievers. 15--›

17,870 acres

By Dylan J. Darling eThe Bulletin

A 364 percent increase over2012

500,000--› 10--›

tination for Europeans on the Mediterranean. "Let


them wait for the glad tidings of what will harm them in the coming days, Allah permitting."


Three days before the


assault, the Islamic State relied on another popular

0 2012

U.S. social-media platform,

Google’s YouTube, to pro› mote a grisly propaganda




espite ongoing drought around Oregon, the acres blackened by large wildfires are the least

many incompletely sealed wells may have leaked they generally are not

in the past few years at this point of the fire

monitored as care›

season. Between the start of the year and July 15, Or› egon saw 17 large wildfires that burned a combined 77,829 acres, according to data from the Northwest Interagency Coordination Center in Portland. The center organizes wildland firefighting around the Northwest. In contrast, during the same time frame, 2012 had 11 large fires had burned 757,817 acres, 2013 had 14 large


2012 ’13

Source: Northwest Interagency Coordination Center


fires that burned 85,556 acres and 2014 had 26 large fires


Pete Smith/The Bulletin

shafts are lingering for longer periods with only temporary sealing, an investiga› tion by The Associat› ed Press shows. It is not clear how

70 0 ,000---›


State announced on Tttvit›

ter following the massacre in Sousse, a popular des›

that burned 165,311 acres. The coordination center defines fires burning more than 100 acres of timberland or more than 300 acresofgrassland as"large."

video of three separate

fully as active wells but they contain fewer barriers to

pent-up petroleum and rupture more

easily. The threat to the environment increas› es with time. See Oil /A5

SeeFire /A5

executions. Men accused of cooperating with U.S.-co› ordinated airstrikes in

Fire seasonhasofferee fewthreats to Orelon clues

Iraq and Syria are seen being incinerated in a car, drowned in a cage that is lowered into a swimming pool and decapitated by explosive necklaceslooped around their necks.


Mninr fire perimeter

Ten Mlle CanyonFire

• Minor fire location

Little Basin+

Sugarleaf Fire


• Junctipn

T eDalles

TODAY'S WEATHER +< Sunny ~ High 88, Low56 i<>>i Page B6

The Associated Press C~

~ Dennis Creek


robotic creation of

• Madras Dayville

g Tumalo



John Day


Harper West For



Sheep ~ R o ck

Ontario •

Candy Kid

Shevlin fire

Business Ef-6 Milestones C2 Calendar 82 Obituaries B4 Classified Gf-6 Opinion F1-6 Comm. Life C1-8 Puzzles C 6 Crossword C6,G2 Sports D1-6 Local/State Bf-6 TV/Niovies C7

BOSTON With its thumb raised

skyward and a grin on its digital face, the

Ceremottiaf Geneva 15

Robot is hitching acrossLI.S. By Collin Binkley

Jones c oolI Canyon Hou e 03I12 RN Gulch

SeeMedia /A4

two researchers in Canada embarked on a hitchhiking jour› ney across the U.S. last week. The humanoid ro› bot named hitchBOT

has already caught

, Burns

CornerCreel Fire

Leslie Gulch

Bunker IIII Fire

rides across Canada

and in Europe, rely› ing on the kindness and curiosity of strangers. But this is its first U.S. tour, set› ting out from Massa›

The Bulletin

chusetts with dreams

Peavine Creek

An Independent Newspaper

Voi.113, No. 200,

46 pages, 7 sections

of San Francisco


Q I/I/e userecycled newsprint

8 8 2 6 7 0 2 33 0

Sealson oil wells not made to last the Obama admin› istration promised

The Washington Post




By Scott Higham and Ellen Naknshima

II Ill I


Reserve’ir Medferd

ahead. Along the way, it hopes to see some quintessential Amer›

ican sites, including Times Square, Mount

X amath Falls

Rushmore and the Sources: Northwest InteragenotrCoordination Center, Mntrat Oregon Interagency Dispatch, Inciweb Incident Information System


Pete Smith/The Bunetin

Grand Canyon. See Robot/A6



The Bulletin



541-385-5800 Phonehours:5:30a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-F ri.,6:30a.m .-noonSat.-eun.


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The death toll rises to 5as

gunman'sfami apologizes The Associated Press


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Si sil.Ave

Dtsouies rr

this, now is the time to reflect T e n n . on the victims and their fam› As the families of four Ma› ilies, and we feel it would be rines and a sailor shot to death inappropriate to say anything in Chattanooga grieved their more other than that we are C HATTANOOGA,

losses Saturday, the family of the man authorities say pulled

truly sorry for their loss."

ple still look at them." Valencia Brewer, the wife of a Baptist minister, knows how she’ ll try to see Muslims as the

That statement came Satur› days after the horrific shoot› ing turn to weeks. "I think the way you have to look at it is this was an individ› ual person. You can’t point at

the trigger offered sympathy, day hours after the deadly toll condolences and prayers. from Thursday’s attacks rose "There are no words to de› to five when a sailor died of his scribe our shock, horror, and wounds. In Chattanooga, a city that grief," said the statement, pro› vided to The Associated Press prides itself on strong ties by a lawyer representing the between people of different family of Muhammad Youssef faiths, some Muslims feared Abdulazeez, who was killed the community’s perception by police. "The person who of them had changed after the committed this horrible crime shooting rampage Thursday. was not the son we knew and Mohsin Ali, a member of loved. For many years, our the Islamic Society of Greater son suffered from depression. Chattanooga, said he hoped It grieves us beyond belief to the local community didn’ t know that his pain found its dissolve into turmoil the way expression in this heinous act

psychiatrist. "Now they are wondering if that is how peo›

others have in the region over

of violence." the building of mosques and The family added that they other matters. Peaceful coex› a re cooperating w i t h t h e istence has largely prevailed investigation. here. "We understand there are "We, our kids, feel 100 per› many legitimate questions cent American an d C h a t› that need to be answered," the tanoogan," said the Paki› statement said. "Having said stani-born Ali, who is a child

all Muslims because of this," she said. Ali and Brewer were among more than 1,000 people who attended a memorial ser› vice Friday night at a Baptist church for the victims. Ali, one

of the speakers, railed against alleged shooter Abdulazeez, 24, as a "murderer" who com› mitted a "cowardly and cruel" act.

"He shot our Marines and our police officers, shattered the peace of our city, fright› ened our children," Ali said. "He destroyed the lives of his

whole family. He did his best to spread hatred and division. Disgraceful. And we will not let that endure."

ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Eliz abethC.McCool ..........541-383-0374 Publisher John Costa........................ ManagingEditor Denise Costa.....................541-363-0356


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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org and individual lottery websites

Karim Kadim / The Associated Presss

A civilian inspects the site of adeadly Friday night suicide car bombing at abusy market in KhanBeni Saad, about 20 miles northeast of Baghdad onSat› urday. The death toll from a bombing at acrowded mar› ketplace in eastern Iraq climbed to asmany as130 on Saturday, Iraqi officials said, marking the Islamic State’s worst single bombing attack on acivilian tar› get in the country.

By Jonathan Martin and Alan Rappeport


Os Oa rO as 04sQ ss

The estimated jackpot is now $80 million.


The numbers drawnSaturday night are:

41 Q3 Q6Q2 5gasQ 37Q The estimated jackpot is now $4.4 million.

Taking Oii haCkerS —Digital SWATteams havebeen racing to plug the most glaring security holes in government computer networks and prevent another embarrassing theft of personal in› formation, financial data and national security secrets. The White House will announce shortly that teams of federal employees and volunteer hackers havemadeprogress. At some agencies, 100 per› cent of users are logging in with two-factor authentication, a basic security feature. Security holes are being patched. And thousands of low-level employees andcontractors with access to the nation’s most sensitive secrets have beencut off. But officials and experts acknowledge that the computer networks of many federal agencies remain highly vulnerable to sophisticated cybercriminals.

California wildfire —Afast-moving wildfire that swept across a packed California interstate, sending people running for their lives, was burning more calmly Saturday as rain fell and temperatures dropped. The fire had burned over Interstate 15 on Friday in Cajon Pass, a mountainous area 55 miles northeast of Los Angeles. It destroyed 20 vehicles on the freeway linking Southern California and Las Vegasbefore burning three homesand 44 morevehicles in the nearby community of Baldy Mesa. Thesize of the fire remained steady Saturday at 5.5 square miles and it was 5 percent contained.

Imad Muthanna, aspokesman for the Diyala pro› vincial council, said that in addition to those killed, 20 more people weremissing after a suicide bomber drove a truck packedwith explosives into a market in Khan Bani Saad onFriday night. A Diyala health offi› cial, who spoke oncondition of anonymity because he was not authorized to give out information, said 126 people hadbeenkilled, but expected the number to continue to climb.

mation League, AbeFoxman emerged as aforceful torchbearer for American Jews. Hecounseled presidents and diplomats, CEOsand celebrities. He took on prominent figures over anti-Semitic remarks or representations actor Mel Gibson among them and ac› cepted any ensuing apologies on behalf of an entire community. No other U.S. Jewish leader has wielded as much influence with policy› makers, faith leaders and U.S.Jews. OnMonday, Foxmanretires as national director, a major moment of transition in American Jewish life that raises questions about the future of the organization known as the ADL. — From wire reports

New York Times News Service

AMES, Iowa





demnation from h i s r i v a ls commander-in-chief. a nd senior officials i n t h e Yet, for all th e outrage

party at a scale far greater

among party elites, some at›

D o n a ld than the response to his state›

tendees at the Christian con›

Trump has made his name in politics with provocative

ments about immigration. After weeks when many of statements, but it was not un› them treaded lightly around til Saturday, after the flam› Trump who once again boyant businessman turned Saturday refused to rule out

servative conference where Trump made his comments

were not nearly as offended, a reminder of the chasm be› tween the Republican power

structure and its grass roots. tled Sen. John McCain’s war of Trump’s Republican oppo› Speakingtoreporters after record, that many Republi› nents immediately denounced his turn on stage, Trump tried cans concluded that silence or his comments, and one said to soften the remarks, saying equivocation about Trump’s the remarks disqualified him that any U.S. veteran who i ncendiary r h etoric w a s from the presidency. was a prisoner of war w as "Donald Trump owes ev› heroic. inadequate. Trump upended a Republi› ery American veteran and He also shifted his com› can presidential forum here, in particular John McCain ments to assuage veterans, and the race more broadly, an apology," said Rick Per› saying that McCain had failed by saying of McCain, a for› ry, the former Texas gover› to address their needs. "I’m with the veterans all mer prisoner of war: "He’s not nor, upon taking the stage. a war hero. He’s a war hero Perry argued Trump’s com› the time," he said. "I consider because he was captured. ment made him unfit to be them heroes." I like people who weren’ t presidential candidate belit›

a third-party run


captured." w as shot down during t h e

The numbers drawnSaturday night are:

ISIamlC S'ta'te arreStS —The security forces in Saudi Arabia have carried out a nationwide dragnet that resulted in the arrest of more than 400 people believed to be connected to the Islamic State jihadi group, the Saudi Interior Ministry said Saturday. The people who were arrested were linked to recent attacks inside the kingdom; they planned attacks or monitored potential targets, or used social media to spread extremist ideology and entice new recruits. The high number of arrests highlights the profound fears inside the oil› rich kingdom that the jihadis who control territory in nearby Iraq and Syria will sow further trouble inside Saudi Arabia.

Find It All Trump’s attack onMcCainstirs outrage Online evenamong once-quietRepublicans bendbulletin.corn

McCain, a naval aviator,


supreme leader of Iran, voiced support on Saturday for his coun› try’s nuclear deal while emphasizing that the agreement did not sig› nal an end to Iran’s hostility toward the United States and its allies, especially Israel. Khamenei portrayed the nuclear agreement as a victory, not least because it does not require the country to stop en› riching uranium. The speechappeared to remove a main obstacle to approval of the agreement in Iran. Though analysts said his positive portrayal would quiet hard-line critics in Iran, it also seemed likely to become fodder for critics in the United States.

ADI. leader retiring —Over28years asheadof the Anti-Defa›

CORRECTIONS The Bulletin’s primaryconcern isthat all stories areaccurate. If you knowof an error in a story, call us at541-383-0356.

Plus: Ayatollah dacks deal —Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, the

Death penalty —The Nebraska Legislature voted resoundingly in May to repeal capital punishment in the state, but proponents of the death penalty are collecting signatures to try to block the new law and to force a statewide vote on whether the penalty should be reinstated. If they collect about 58,000 signatures, or 5 percent of Nebraska’s registered voters, by the end of August, they will force a statewide referendum in November 2016. Advocates of repeal who had expressed relief in May that they had won a long fight to end the death penalty said they were bracing for another stage in the debate.

Advertising Jay Brandt..... 541-383-0370 Circulation AdamSears ... 541-385-5805

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Iran inVeStment —The nuclear deal is done. Now it’s time to talk business. While it will likely be months before sanctions on Iran ease, business and political leaders are wasting no time in trying to tap into a large andwhat they hope will be a lucrative Iranian market. Germany is dispatching a large trade delegation to Tehran today. Spain has asimilar trip planned, and France’s top diplomat is eyeing a visit too. Ads for European cars and luxury goods are start› ing to reappear in Tehran. Airlines in Dubai are fast adding new Iran routes to meet growing demand. American firms, though, have to be much more cautious. Deal or no deal, U.S. sanctions not related to the nuclear program will still be in place andbar most American companies from doing business with Iran.

Vietnam War and held pris› onerformore than fiveyears in Hanoi, refusing early re› lease even after being repeat› edly beaten. Trump and McCain have been engaged in a war of words over the last week, since McCain, R-Ariz., said

Trump was riling up "crazies" in the party with his inflam› matory remarks about Mexi›

can immigrants. Trump’s comments Satur› day drew widespread con›

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• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news

the things you needto know to start out your day

It’s Sunday, July19, the 200th

day of 2015. Thereare165 days left in the year.

Fat kids don't know


Clen I IC e LICB IOn

Ii'8tl —Germany is dispatch› ing a large trade delegation to Tehran nowthat a nuclear agreement has beenreached. However, it will likely be months before sanctions ease.

the refatanymor The kids are not all right. or obese teens believe that they A team ofresearchers at most 30percent,"Zhang said. Georgia Southern Univer› Adolescents, for instance, sity found an alarming rise are 29 percent less likely to in the lack of self-aware› correctly perceive themselves ness among children and as being overweight than they teenagers in t h e U n i ted were almost 20 years ago, ac› States. Specifically, far cording to the study’s findings. more overweight adoles› And the drop-off is the most cents are oblivious today pronounced among younger to the fact that they ought children overweight 12-year› to lose weight than were in olds are almost 40 percent less decades past and it’s a big likely to understand that they problem. are overweight today. "The trend is very dan› Even after adjusting for fac› gerous," said Jian Zhang, tors like race, sex and socio› who describes the phenom› economic status, the change is enon as a vicious cycle. still stark. In fact, it’s rich white It’s also very compli› kids who have developed the cated. Teenagers suffer poorest understanding. Zhang through a lot of things, in› points out that that’s partly due cluding an acute pressure to the reality that teens from of appearance. As a result, minority groups began with a this is a worry that stems higher proportion of misper›

HISTORY Highlight:In 1985, Christa McAuliffe of NewHampshire was chosen to be the first schoolteacher to ride aboard the space shuttle. (McAuliffe and six other crew members died when theChallenger exploded shortly after liftoff in January 1986.) In1553, King Henry Vill’s daughter Mary was proclaimed Queen of Englandafter pre› tender Lady JaneGrey was deposed. In1848,a pioneer women’s rights convention convened in Seneca Falls, NewYork. In1903, the first Tour de France waswon by Maurice Garin. In1944, the Democratic na› tional convention convened in Chicago with the renomination of President Franklin D. Roos› evelt considered acertainty. In1965, the first president of South Korea, SyngmanRhee, died in Honolulu. In1975,the Apollo and Soyuz space capsules that were linked in orbit for two days separated. In1979,the Nicaraguan capital of Managua fell to Sandinista guerrillas, two days after Pres› ident Anastasio Somozafled the country. In1980,the Moscow Summer Olympics began,minusdozens of nations that were boycotting thegames becauseofthe Soviet military intervention in Afghanistan. In1984, U.S. Rep.Geraldine Ferraro of NewYork won the Democratic nomination for vice president by acclamation at the party’s convention in San Francisco. In1990, President George H.W. Bush joined former presidents Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford andRichard Nixon at ceremonies dedicating the Nixon Library and Birthplace (since redesignated the Rich› ard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum) in Yorba Linda, California. Ten years ago:President George W.Bushannounced his choice of federal appeals court judge JohnRoberts to replace retiring SupremeCourt Justice Sandra DayO’Connor. (Roberts ended upsucceeding Chief Justice William Rehn› quist, who died in September 2005; Samuel Alito followed O’ Connor.) Five years ago: TheAgricul› ture Department pressured Shirley Sherrod, anadministra› tor in Georgia, to resign after a conservative website posted video it claimed showedher making racist remarks. (After reviewing the entire video, theWhiteHouseendedup apologizing to Sherrod.) A train slammed into another at a station north of Calcutta, India, killing at least 63 people. One year ago:A NewYork City police officer involved in the arrest of Eric Garner, who died in custody two daysearlier af› ter being placed in anapparent chokehold, was stripped of his gun and badgeand placed on desk duty.

BIRTHDAYS Actress HelenGallagher is 89. Country singer SueThomp› son is 89. Singer Vikki Carr is 75. Country singer-musician Commander Cody is 71.Actor George Dzundza is70. Tennis player llie Nastase is 69. Rock musician Brian May is 68. RockmusicianBernieLeadon is 68. Actress Beverly Archer is 67. Actor Peter Barton is 59. Movie director Atom Egoyan is 55. Actor Campbell Scott is 54. Actor Anthony Edwards is 53. Classical singer Urs Buhler (II Divo) is 44. Actor Andrew Kavovit is 44. Rock musician Jason McGerr (DeathCabfor Cutie) is 41. Actor Benedict Cumberbatch is 39. TVchef Marcela Valladolid is 37. — From wire reports


lj;" A’


) ! ’ .


Brendan Hoffman / New York Times News Service

Aleksandr Kryukov, left, watches as Pavel Pavlov uses a microwave to generate sparks in Luhansk,

Ukraine. Notorious onYouTubefor their risky, homegrown experiments and wartime hacks, Pavlov and Kryukov have also become quirky but candid guides to life in an unfamiliar, rebellious war zone.

By Andrew Roth New York Times News Service

pliance repairman and utilities Soviet Union but that existed in worker. They have since been secrecy for years before then.

LUHANSK, Ukraine The microwave was a loaner, left for

invited to Internet expos in both Kiev and Moscow, destinations

Pavlov’s father, Ivan, convert›

ed after a chance encounter the eccentric pair reach almost at a Luhansk train station in exclusively by h i t chhiking the early 1990s. He was later through a still-smoldering war thrown out of the church but zone. not before his wife and son also it had been weaponized, shoot› For Kryukov, inspiration converted. Pavlov’s father left ing microwave rays capable of came last summer during the home. The family remained Je› blowing up a boombox. blackout, when the magnetron hovah’s Witnesses. Or, say, fry two eggs on a video gained 1 million views The two met after church plate in a backyard experiment. in a single day. "I realized that four years ago, drawn together That was what Kreosan, the it was time to cut back on TV by Kryukov’s interest in elec› repairs by a family that fled last year’s shelling and never came back. With a few tweaks and the judicious use of a soup can,

do-it-yourself science duo with

repair and spend more time on YodItrbe," he said in an inter›

tricity and Pavlov’s interest in

from health concerns, but

ception. But it also reflects how

requires a difficult balance in educating young people without causing or further› ing anxiety about body image. The researchers used

widespread the change is. The immediate danger re› sultingfrom poor self-awareness among overweight chil›

ination Survey, an in-depth compounds when you don’t› study of th e nutritional and you’ re still a child. But that status of adults and chil› lack of self-awareness among dren in the United States, kids is made worse by the fact which tracked, among other that mothers and fathers are things, the health of nearly becoming more oblivious too. 2,000 teenagers between the A study published last year by ages of 12 and 16in the early Zhang found that parents are 1990s and over 2,500 teen› significantly less likely to real› agers in the same age range ize that their child is obese than between 2007 and 2012. they were 20 years ago. As part of the study, par›

"The society as a whole is

ticipants’ body mass index which is a fairly reliable measure ofobesity among children, though less so among adults was collect› ed, along with the response to this rather straightfor› ward question: "Do you

stuck with a vicious cyde," Zhang told Healthday last year.

bikes. Together, they decided to make an electric bike. Then came exploding pots, quests for ball lightning, Wi-Fi antennas

up the magnetron, Pavel Pav› 900,000 views, and at first they lov, 21, urged a reporter to step thought there must be some back. mistake. "Whatever this does to the After all, this is low-tech

and homemade generators. "I have a lot of ideas, but I’m

eggs, it can do to your eyes," he country science. Their digital said and turned the dial of the cameraisequipped with homedisemboweled microwave to made Styrofoam air bags.

sha is more proactive.He'spas-


sionate. He takes initiative." For now, the pair have mod›

olescent said in response to the question, and what

the max.

est goals:to transform their Internet celebrity into a steady income and, perhaps along the way, buy a new digital camera and scrape together enough money for their next

their corresponding BMI

Instead of a selfie stick, they

summer in the war between the

the fence. His wife shooed him

not good at acting on them," Kryukov said. "I saw that Sa›

When the two were jux›

which went on to rack up 2.5

most important thing is not to

perimentation, where a match›

one plan. So is a ride in a hot-air

balloon, a pipe dream so long as anti-aircraft guns jealous› ly guard the skies of eastern Ukraine. "We have so many ideas," Pavlov said. "When you lay down to sleep, something inter› esting pops into your head. The

million views online, the au› box chest of drawers holds forget them before morning." dience’s initial reaction was to transistors and other bits. "I just want to keep doing our treat it as proof of life. "The guys from the You› experiments," Pavlov said in an Tube channel Kreosan are still interview there. "Before, they alive!" read the announcement

were dreams. Now, if we get

on the Russian-language sci› going, they will become plans." ence website d3.ru. Like all good buddy shows, As

L u h ansk’s p r ospects there is a shtick: The video ed›

looked ever bleaker, Pavlov and Kryukov emerged as quirky but candid guides to an unfamiliar war zone, an Internet voice for locals who

iting is choppy, Kryukov dress›

said about their weight›

Zhang’s team noticed a pret› ty dear trend: Far fewer kids believe that they are over›

weight today, even though many more of them should.

the future. A scientific expe›

dition to Chernobyl, the site of the 1986 nuclear meltdown, is


54g 647 2956

no one is indifferent, the two

say they are neutral. Rather, the conflict is part of a landscape

pensions been paid yet? How like the distant reports of artil› can you charge your telephone lery fire at the end of one video. from ordinaryrailroad tracks?

That neutrality is not a calcu›

And what happens when a lated stance to avoid offending lightning bolt hits a television viewers. It is one of faith. set?

"The lord Jesus Christ does

The conflict has cost Kryu› not take sides, and we must kov and Pavlov dearly: Their strive to act in his image," friends have fled, and they have Kryukov said. "We study the had to scrounge for cash and Bible, and our members, we call search for medicine for ailing them brothers and sisters, live relatives. Their video archives

in Russia and Ukraine. If we

from the last year are filled with the buzzing of fighter jets and the glow of house fires from nighttime shelling.

pickedaside,w ewouldbecome an enemy to someone. And we

But their Internet profile has soared, allowing them to quit

The two men are Jehovah’s Witnesses, a faith that grew

don’t want to be enemies with

our brothers and sisters."

their traditional jobs as an ap› quickly here after the fall of the

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sleepy, rust-belt backwater. Perhaps most unusual about M illions i n U k r a ine a nd the pair is that in a war that has

that emerges in rare moments,


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were stunned by the sudden made public, the two inspect an outbreak of violence in their unexploded shell.)

other burning questions: Have

their kids will become even less healthy."


a devil-may-care approach to safety. (In one video wisely not

deeply divided Ukraine, where

less likely to take action, and so it increases the likelihood that

Call Today

es in button-down shirts with loud patterns, and both exhibit

Russia clicked to watch the two men film a grab-bag of home› made science experiments, wartime life hacks and answer

their kids are healthy, they are

what each ad›

But there are more ideas for

Ukrainian army and the reb› inside. An evening interview el Luhansk People’s Republic. at Kryukov’s grandmother’s Then came months of blackout house had to be discreet. "Qui› and economic blockade and et," Pavlov said, welcoming now a bleak future as a pariah his guest. "Sasha’s got a mean state, cut off from Ukraine but grandmother." not a part of Russia. The situa› The two men, graduates of tion was bad enough that last technical schools in Luhansk, July, when Kryukov and Pav› plot their next moves in Kryu› lov published the first video of kov’s bedroom, a shrine to his the magnetron experiment, hobby of electromagnetic ex›

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data from t h e N a tional you know that you should. You Health and Nutrition Exam› can imagine how the difficulty

a cult following on Yodltrbe, planned to do one chilly morn› view in his childhood bedroom ing this spring. When the time at his grandmother’s house. came to flip the switch to power P avlov cut i n it was

Pavlov and his partner, Alex› use atreebranch. Many ofthe ander Kryukov, 32, are natives experiments are held in Kryu› of Luhansk, a sprawling, indus› kov’s grandmother’s backyard. trial city of Soviet-era apart› During one experiment, their ment blocks and coal-heated only audience was a deaf man cottages that was seized by in an adjacent lot who stopped separatists and shelled last planting potatoes to peer over

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the First Amendment. The so›

Continued from A1

with its own culture, mission

cial-media companies

g8%3-%LlV1» • n • vw s o u


ror-related posts and would explicitly prohibiting posts that continue to do so; YouTube praiseor celebrate terroristor- usersfl ag about 100,000 posts ganizations and their leaders. eachday that are suspected of Bickert, Facebook’s policy being in violation of the com› chief, said posts flagged by pany'sterms ofservice. users are examined by "opera› Google officials also noted ed its community standards,

and philosophy have been on YouTube, even as company governing how and when to executives proclaimed during blockor remove terror-related Versions of it would remain

an international advertising festival that week in Cannes,


France, that Google would

The revelations of former National Security A gency


contractor Edward Snowden

not provide a

channel for this horrible, but very newsworthy, terrorist propaganda." As the Islamic State, also known as ISIS and ISIL, con› tinues to hold large parts of

tions teams" of content review› ers stationed in four offices around the world. "We want t o m ak e sure

about U.S. government surveil› lance has also made the tech companies wary of cooperat› ing with Washington. Facebook has been the most

Iraq and Syria and inspire

aggressive of the large so› cial-media companies when

terrorist attacks in more and more countries, it has come

it comes to taking down ter› ror-related content. The com›

The Washington Post

Screen grabs from a sample of online propaganda videos by the

to rely upon U.S. social-media pany has adopted a zero-toler› Islamic State show the number of views each has received. companies to summon fresh ance policy and, unlike other recruits to its cause, spread social-media companies, pro› its propaganda and call for at› actively removes posts related launch of Facebook in 2004 edged that 7witter has hosted tacks, according to counterter› rorism analysts.

to terrorist organizations. Face› and 7witter in 2006.

"The wide-scale spread of book also relies on its users to "We also have to acknowl› alert the company to posts that jihadist ideology, especially on edge that ISIL has been par› promote or celebrate terrorism the Internet, and the tremen› ticularly effective at reaching and hires screeners to review dous number of young people out to and recruiting vulner› content that might violate its who frequent the Jihadist web› ablepeoplearound the world, standards. sites (are) a major achievement "We don’t allow praise or for jihad," bin Laden wrote in a including here in the United States," President Obama said support of terror groups or May 2010 letter that was later July 6 at the Pentagon. "So the terror acts, anything t hat’ s found by U.S. Special Opera› United States will continue to done by these groups and their tions forces inside his Pakistan do our part, by working with members," said Monika Bick› compound. Al-Shabab, a militant group partners to counter ISIL’s hate› ert,a former federalprosecutor ful propaganda, especially who heads global policy man› in Somalia allied with al-Qae› online." agement for Facebook. da, became one of the first Of all the large social-media terrorist organizations to use Free-speech principles companies, 7witter has been Twitter for both propaganda The social-media savvy of the most outspoken about pro› and command and control the militant group is raising tecting freedom of speech on during an attack, according to difficult questions for many its platform. Still, the company terrorism analysts. The group U.S. firms: how to preserve recently updated its abuse pol› set up 7witter accounts under global platforms that offer icy, stating that users may not al-Shabab’s media wing, called forums for expression while threaten or promote terrorism. HMS Press. "7witter continues to strong› preventing groups such as the I n S eptember 2 013, a l › Islamic State from exploit› ly support freedom of expres› Shabab attracted worldwide ing those free-speech princi- sion and diverse perspectives," attention when it live-tweeted ples to advance their terrorist according to a statement by a a terror attack it carried out at campBlgn. 7witter official, who spoke on the upscale Westgate shopping "ISIS has been confronting the condition of anonymity be› mall in Nairobi. "What Kenyans are witness› us with these really inhumane cause ofrecent death threats and atrocious images, and against employees by Islamic ing at „Westgate is retributive there are some people who be› State supporters. "But it also justice for crimes committed lieve if you type ’jihad’ or ’ISIS’ has clear rules governing what by their military, albeit minus› on YouTube, you should get no is permissible.... The use of cule in nature," HMS Press results," Victoria Grand, Goo›

Twitter by v i olent extremist gle’s director of policy strategy, groups to threaten horrific acts told The Washington Post in of depravity and violence is of a recent interview. "We don’ t grave concern and against our

believe that should be the case. policies, period." Actually, a lot of the results Another challenge for the you see on YodIbbe are educa› companies: It is often diffi› tional about the origins of the cult to d i stinguish between group, educating people about communiques from terrorist the dangersand violence.But groups and posts by news or› the goal here is how do you ganizations and l egitimate strike a balance between en› users.Internet freedom advoabling people to discuss and cates also note that much of access information about what groups like the Islamic ISIS, but also not become the Stateare posting can be seen distribution channel for their as part of the historical record — even though many of the propaganda?" Some lawmakers and gov› photographs and videos are ernment officials say the horrific. companies are not going far They point to the iconic 1968 enough. Associated Press photograph "They are being exploited by of South Vietnam’s national terrorists," Assistant Attorney police commander shooting General for National Security a suspected Viet Cong fighter John Carlin said in a recent in the head on a Saigon street. interview. "I think there is rec› They wonder how that Pulitzer Prize-winning image, which ognition now that there is a problem, and so we’ re starting came to symbolize the chaos to see people at the companies and brutality of the Vietnam address additional resourc- War, would be handled in the

tweeted. A short time letter, the group posted another tweet:

"Since our last contact, the Mujahideen inside the mall confirmed to HMS Press that

they killed over 100 Kenyan kuffar 8z battle is ongoing."

Kuffar isa derogatory term for non-Muslims. In the end, more than 60 peo›

ple were killed and an addition› al 175 wounded. Twitter took down those accounts that day,

marking one of the first times the company removed materi› al posted by a terrorist organi› zation. But al-Shabab quickly created new Twitter accounts under different names illus› trating both the utility of the

platform and the difficulty of policing it. The attack and how it played out in real time inspired terror› ists around the world.

"We must make every ef›

fort to reach out to Muslims

both through new media like Facebook and Twitter," Adam Gadahn, an


in other words, doc›

umentary evidence of what is they’ re hearing it from gov› actually happening," said An› ernments and customers from drew McLaughlin, a former throughout the world." Google executive and chief A field analysis in May by U.S. technology officer who the Department of Homeland now is a partner in the tech and Security warns that the Islam› media startup firm Betaworks ic State’s use of social media in New York. "And an ISIS vid› is broadening th e t e rrorist eo of hostages being beheaded group’s reach. is both an act of propaganda "ISIL leverages social me› and is itself a fact. And so if dia to propagate its message you’ re a platform, you don’ t and benefits from thousands want to suppress the facts. On of organized supporters glob› the other hand, you don’t want ally online, primarily on 7wit› to participate in advancing ter, who seek to legitimize its propaganda. And there is the actions while burnishing an conundrum." image of strength and pow› er," according to the analysis. A new era of communication "The infl uence is underscored Before the rise of social me› by thelarge number ofreports dia, many of the three dozen stemming from social media video and audio messages postings." Osama bin Laden issued be› In Europe, some govern› forehisdeath wererecorded in ments are requiring social-me› remote locations, smuggled out dia companies to block or re› by couriers, and aired on what move terror-related posts. was then a largely unknown Earlier this month, the Sen› television station based in Qa› ate Intelligence Committee ap› tar called Al Jazeera. Weeks proved a bill that would require could pass between the time social-media companies to when bin Laden spoke and when he was heard.

i nside the company. In t h e

us at 7witter is to recognize our

T he I s lamic

S t at e a n d

role as the provider of this open al-Qaeda had turned the Paris platform for free expression ... attack that left 12 dead into a to recognize that that speech is propaganda coup. The groups not our own." boasted about the killings on It is "precisely because it’ s social media, transmitting im› not our own content that we ages that included the execu› feel we have a duty to respect tion of a police officer as he lay and to defend those voices on wounded on a sidewalk, rais› the platform," Crowell said. ing his arm in surrender. "The platform of any debate is While in Washington, the neutral. The platform doesn’ t French official, Bernard Ca› take sides." zeneuve, had lunch with then› U.S. Attorney General Eric

Stateuploaded avideo on You- Holder. Cazeneuve told Holder Tube and other sites showing that he was planning to meet the beheading of American with executives of social-me› journalist James Foley. dia companies in Silicon Val› A succession of other vid› ley the following day, hoping to eotaped beheadings of Amer› persuade them tostop terroricans and Britons followed› ists from using their sites for Steven Sotloff, Peter Kassig, propaganda, recruitment and David Haines, Alan Henning operational planning. as well as the immolation According to a French offi› of the Jordanian pilot Muath cial, Cazeneuve asked Holder al-Kaseasbeh and the mass whether he had any advice be› executions of Syrians, Kurds fore he left for California. "Good luck," the attorney and Coptic Christians, among others. general said. Each execution became a Cazeneuve arrived in Cal› carefully orchestr ated and ifornia on Feb. 20, where he slickly produced event. met with executives of several "Pure evil," President Obama social-media companies, in› called Kassig’s beheading. cluding Facebook, Twitter and For Facebook, the execu› YouTube. "We needed to have the tions marked a turning point. The company made it easier help of the companies," said a for its 1.4 billion users the French official who spoke on largest in the world to re› the condition of anonymity be› port contentfrom suspected cause he was not authorized to terrorist groups, and it began discuss the trip on the record. to aggressively remove their "How could we work (together) posts. The company also de› much faster and quicker?" ployed teams of people around The official said the meet› the world to review content ing with Facebook went well. that had been flagged as terror› The company's vice president ist-related to determine wheth› vowed that Facebook would er theposts were in fact from continue to take down ter› terrorist groups in violation of ror-related content from the Facebook’s terms of service. site. Facebook has banned ter› At Google, the French of› ror-related content from its ficials met with public policy pagesformore than fiveyears. and legal executives, who said In March,the company updat- they had been removing ter›

"It was our most difficult meeting," the French official said. "The minister showed

pictures of the Paris attack that were sent out on 7witter, including the execution of the

police officer," he recalled. "He was very graphic in his expla› nation. They had a lengthy ex› planation that it was not easy. We argued that child pornog› raphy is being taken down. They said their algorithms were not as easy to set up to

find jihadi information. You need a bunch of people to re› view the material."

The meeting ended "with no specific commitments" from 7witter, the official said. The 7witter o f ficial said

the firm does not comment on private meetings with gov› ernment officials. "We have a strong working relationship with French law enforcement

that predates the Charlie Heb› do attack," he said. In April, an Islamic State

supporter in Somalia called for a Charlie Hebdo-style attack in the United States. The post in›

spired two men to try to attack a Garland, Texas, event where cartoonists were drawing the

prophetMuhammad, according to Rita Katz, executive di› rector of the SITE Intelligence

Group, which tracks terrorists’ online communications.

The men were gunned down by security teams before they could open fire, but Katz said the attack could have ended

very differently. "Once you start using 7wit› ter you start to u nderstand

how powerful it is, and that is why ISIS is taking advan› tage of it," Katz said. "Twitter

must understand that they have to be responsible for the kind of information that they


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’A loudspeaker for ISIS’ The Islamic State has gone on to make 7witter one of its

most important tools. FBI Director James Com›


ey testified to Congress this month about how the Islamic State is reaching out through 7witter to about 21,000 En›

glish-language followers. The group’s message, he said, is, "Come to the so-called caliph› ate and live the life of some sort of glory or something; and if you can’t come, kill somebody where you are; kill somebody in uniform; kill anybody; if you can cut their head off, great; videotape it; do it, do it, do it."



He described it as "a devil on

their shoulder all day long, say› ing: Kill, kill, kill, kill."

Comey also said that 7witter

has become "particularly ag› gressive at shutting down and

Know Your Options

trying to stop ISIL-related sites. I think it led ISIL to threaten to

If you have cataracts, be sure you do your research. The choices you make could dramatically acct your outcome.

kill their CEO, which helped them understand the problem in a better way." Others are not convinced.

"7witter is providing a com› AI-Qaeda operati ves com- munication device, a loud› municated through p ass› speaker forISIS," said Mark The bill is designed to provide w ord-protected forums a n d Wallace, a former U.S. am› law enforcement agencies with message boards on the In› bassador who now runs the information about potential ternet. Access was tightly Counter Extremism Project, terror plots. It would not re› controlled. a nonprofit group that tracks "It was a different time," said terrorists and attempts to dis› quire firms to monitor any us› ers or their communications. Steven Stalinsky, executive di› rupt their online activities. "If Putting more pressure on rector of the Middle East Me› you are promoting violence the social-media companies, a dia Research Institute, which and a call to violence, you are U.N. panel last month called on tracks online communications providing material support. the firms to respond to accusa› of t e r rorist o r g anizations. 7witter should be part of the tions that their sites are being "The jihadi groups decided solution. If not, they are part of exploited by the Islamic State what could be posted and re› the problem." and other groups. leased. 7witter became the way At a Co n stitution P r oj› In the United States, gov› around the forums. It became ect dinner in April honoring ernment regulation of speech, the wild west of jihad." Twitter for its leadership on regardlessof how offensive Before his death, bin Lad› First Amendment issues, Col› or hateful, is generally held en hadcome to recognize the in Crowell, the firm’s head of to be unconstitutional under revolution that followed the global public policy, acknowl› alert federal authorities when they become aware of terror› ist-related content on their sites.

7 terror attack on the Paris

But, he said, "it is also a place offices of the satirical mag› where people can find ... in› azine Charlie Hebdo when formation, conversation and he attended a White House where empathy can be shared." counterterrorism summit in The "key thing," he said, "for February.

es. But more needs to be done age of social media and mod› al-Qaeda propagandist, pro› because we’ re still seeing the ern digital warfare. claimed in a 2013 interview. gn "You want to live in a world January, he was killed in a U.S. threat, and the threat is in› creasing, not decreasing. where people have access to strike.) "It’s not a problem just here in the United States. I think

France’s interior m i nister

reflecting "terrorism, govern› was still reeling from the Jan.

In August 2014, the Islamic

Hebdo video on YouTube was the subject of intense debate

we’ re keeping our community end, company officials decid› safe, and we’ re not a tool for ed to leave the video up, on propaganda," Bickert said. "On the grounds that it was news› the otherhand, we can see that worthy and had become part people are ... talking about of the historical record. The ISIS and are concerned about video has sincebeen deleted ISIS, in part, because they’ ve from YouTube’s channel in seen this imagery and it makes France at the request of French it very real to people. So none officials. of these issues are easy." The French minister’s meet› ing with Twitter did not go ’Good luck’ well.

"painful content" and content ment repression" on its site.

that the airing of the Charlie

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"The weather in the

Fire Continued from A1 While the acreage numbers are encouraging, it does not mean that firefighters around Oregon and Washington have not been busy. So far this year the two states have had 41 large fires and more than 1,700 smaller fires, which fire›

fighters kept from growing larger. "Our crews have been do› ing a good job stopping these fires before they get to large fire status," said Carol Connol› ly, spokeswoman for the co›

past couple of weeks has been a happy surprise ... And it has bought us some time."

couple of weeks has been a happy surprise," he said. And it has bought us some "





Although 100-degree heat is not in the near forecast, more typical summertime weather

George Ponte, is returning to Central Ore› gon, said Mary Wister, a fire

district forester for the state Department of Forestry in Prineville

weather forecaster for the National Weather Service in

Pendleton. man for the Central Oregon Interagency Dispatch Center in Prineville.

"With temperatures in the mid-80s to 90s it doesn’t take

much for things to dry up," she said. The forecast for

"A lot of these fires have Thursday in Bend includes been in grass and brush and a slightchance of scattered ordination center. The crews juniper-type country so far," thunderstorms. include state and f ederal Lair said. The ongoing drought and firefi ghters. Quick response by firefight› predictions of an active wild› Wildfire season in Central ers around the state has kept fire season before it began Oregon got off to an early start most wildfires in check so far had firefighters on guard and with a sweltering June, which this fire season. The Oregon they remain ready for more followed a winter with drasti› Department of Forestry has fires as dry conditions return. cally low snowfall in the Cas› stationed a pair of single-en› On the Warm Springs Indian



Patrick S eman sky /The Associated Press

Vessels assist in the drilling of the Deepwater Horizon relief well on the Gulf of Mexico near the coast of Louisiana in 2010. The leak, the worst in offshore U.S. waters, occurred at a well that the

company was in the process of temporarily closing.

cades, Ochocos and other Cen› gine air tankers in Prineville Reservation, an extra five fire tral Oregon mountains. Thun› and the petite planes are help› engines from Arizona and

ing with the fast response. New Mexico have joined the started some of the biggest The planes arrived on June six engines normally there wildfires so far this year, in› 26 and flew missions on their to respond to wildfires, said cluding the Corner Creek Fire first day, according to the state William Wilson, assistant fire near Dayville. At nearly 30,000 Department of Forestry. Since management officer of logis› acres, the fire, which burned then they have flown more tics with t h e C o nfederated partly in the Ochoco National than 60 missions and dumped Tribes of Warm Springs Fire Forest, was the largest so far in more than 60,000 gallons of Management. Oregon. retardant. The reservation has h ad A side f r o m t h e hu› A change in weather has only one large fire this fire sea› m an-caused Shevlin F i r e , also helped firefighters. Cool› son, the 2,620-acre Ceremoni› which burned about 7 t/2 acres er temperatures, higher hu› al Pit Fire on June 10, he said. on June 11 in and near Shevlin midity and some rain in recent The fire started at the reser› P ark, wildfire activity t h i s weeks slowed what started vation’s landfill and the cause summer has been away from as a busy fire season, said remains under investigation. "We feel fortunate," Wilson Bend unlike 2014 when the George Ponte, district forest›

Such wells are subject to

derstorms late in the month

human-caused Two Bulls Fire


er for the state Department of

burned 6,908 acres close to the Forestry in Prineville. "The weather in the past city, said Patrick Lair, spokes›

said."Justthe one so far." — Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarling@bendbulletin.corn


den visits Central Oregon

to check season’s progress By Kailey Fisicaro

B ut as b o t h people, especially children, Johnson and Al› purchase drones. The infor› U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden met len pointed out, mation could explain why it’ s with federal and state offi› with an average dangerous to fly drones in cials Saturday to check in season so far, areas at certain times, such on Central Oregon’s fire sea› Wyden the Fo r est Ser› as when wildfires are being son, which has been at aver› v ice, BLM a n d fought. age levels, despite hot, dry stateforestry have been able Wyden said he is working conditions. to collaborate in fighting fires. on a comprehensive drone bill The Bulletin

At Des chu tes National Johnson said that at a fire, no

with Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev.,

Forest headquarters, Wyden matter which jurisdiction the that addressesthese kinds of said he thought the "terrible land falls in, "You never know issues. "That’s one of the things trifecta" of drought, high tem› what color truck is going to peratures and fuel buildup on show up." That’s because local that’s the heart of the policy the forest floor would lead to fire departments, along with is to try to spell out where the more fires, but officials told the two federal agencies and acceptable areas of drone use the senator that the number state agency, help each other are," Wyden said. "For exam› of fires has actually been to get wildfires under control ple, it’s pretty obvious they’ ll about average for this time of quickly before they become play a key role in ag, they’ re year. unmanageable. going to play a key role in "We do our best to blur the mountain top rescue, they’ re Wyden said he knows the fire prevention work the For› boundaries here in Central going to do all kinds of useful est Service, Bureau of Land Oregon," Allen said. things in health care and the Management and Oregon Wyden asked w h ether like, but we don’t want drones Department of Forestry do any of the agencies have had getting in the way of fighting plays a huge role in keeping a drones cause trouble while a fire." fire season tame. When there they are out fighting fires. Toward the end of the meet› aren’t enough funds for pre› So far this year, officials ing, Wyden also addressed vention, large fires, which he agreed, they haven’t had any timber payments, the feder› called"infernos,"are more problems with d r ones, but al funds allocated to Oregon likely to occur, he added. last year, Johnson said, there counties that used to thrive on Often times, fire prevention was a drone out when the Two the timber industry. He said money is depleted because it’ s Bulls Fire was burning in June he realizes it’s not just those used for fighting fires, Wyden near Bend. Although it didn’ t supplemental funds that are explained. This means pre› cause an issue at the time, of› necessary. "I feel very strongly that vention work can’t be done, ficials later saw a video of the and it becomes a vicious cycle. fire that was taken while fire› we are going to need both the Wyden brought up the for› fighting planes were in the air. safety net and the increase in estry legislation he authored This obviously could be a con› sustainable harvest," Wyden with Sen. Mike Crapo, R-Ida› cern, Johnson said. said. "You are never going to h o, that would aim t o e n d Jean Nelson-Dean, spokes› get the harvest up to such a this cycle of money moving woman for the Deschutes „ high level that you won’t need among fire funds,called "fire tional Forest, said she thinks it the safety net, and the coun› borrowing." would be helpful if some kind ties need that money for Doug Johnson, deputy fire of simple information could be schools, and law enforcement staff for Central Oregon Fire included in packaging when and roads."

corrosion and intense pres›

Continued from A1 In July 2010, during the BP oil spill, the Gulf was lit› tered with more than 27,000

But federalreports have for years warned that such releas›

sure at depths down to almost es are harmful to the environ› 2 miles below the water’s sur› ment. And state and federal face.Shafts penetrate as faras regulators have acknowledged 6 miles into the seabed. that even drained wells can "The older it is, probably re-pressurize, and some sealed the more attention needs to be wells eventually leak. given to monitoring and main› The BP leak, the worst in taining it," said John Rogers offshore U.S. waters, occurred

unused wells, including 14 percent left with just tempo› rary seals. A new analysis of federal data shows that the neglect Smith, a retired professor at of long-idle wells has inten› Louisiana State University sified since 2010, despite the who also used to do engineer› federal push after the BP ing work for offshore wells in accident: the oil industry. "Are ... peo› • Tw e nty-five p e rcent ple really paying attention to more wells have now stayed something that’s sitting there temporarily sealed for more doing nothing for five-plus than a year, jumping from years?"

at a well that the company was

in the process of temporarily dosing. The accident killed 11 workers and spilled up to 172 million gallons of oil. Feder› al officials defend their well safety efforts since then, and

there have more permanent closures. There were 25,928 2,855 to 3,576. Permanent sealing installs permanently sealed wells in • Wells sealed tempo› multiple plugs, including one mid-May, up 10 percent from rarily for more than a year very near the mouth of the 23,468 at the end of the BP make up 86 percent of all well. Permanent closing also spill, according to the analysis temporarily sealed shafts, cuts off all hardware 15 feet of federal data. up from 78 percent. below the seafloor, blocking Michael Saucier, who over› • The number of wells any ready oil pathway to the sees federal eff orts to close equipped with temporary water. But these jobs cost more idle wells, said in a statement barriers for more than five

and take more time than tem›

years has risen from 1,631 porary sealing, which also en› to 1,895 a 16 percent tails multiple seals but allows increase. a smaller uppermost plug to "I think there are signs of be set 1,000 feet down from the progress, but, my God, we mouth of the welL Temporary got a long way to go," said sealing keeps piping in place Bob Bea, an emeritus en› that can channel a leak up to gineering professor at the theseabed.

that he i ntends that "wells

with no future use be properly abandoned." "From the data available," he said, "it is evident that we are

accomplishing this goal." Saucier’s agency, the U.S. Bureau of Safety and Environ›

mental Enforcement, released data to the AP saying that as Berkeley, when told of the temporarily to allow time to of February, only 1,120 wells findings. Bea, who advised work up plans to fix a drilling remained targets of its Idle the government on safe› problem or damage from a Iron program to permanently ty after the BP spill, said storm. Some owners, though, plug wells. There were 3,233 he’d give "a poor grade" to temporarily close wells for in October 2010 a two-thirds efforts to seal wells since economic reasons:to wait for decrease. The number of oil then. higher oil prices or better drill› platforms considered idle has In the aftermath of the ing technology. dropped from 617 to 266. BP spill, federal officials Roger Anderson, an oil geo› However, wells on a ctive rolled out a program to physicist at Columbia Univer› leases can remain temporar› push companies to per› sity, said some reasons tokeep ilysealed for decades under manently seal wells "in a a well temporarily sealed are this program, as long there are timely manner." That effort, legitimate. But at a minimum, plans for reuse. University o f

C a l ifornia,

known as the "Idle Iron"

program, is beset by loop› holes that essentially allow companies to delay perma› nent dosure indefinitely. The government allows wells to remain temporari›

Companies often seal wells

he said wells in this tempo› rary condition since the 1950s

shouldbe permanently sealed, since they were drilled before many improvements in well design.

In mid-May, according to a ly sealed when companies federal well database, there say they intend to reuse were three Gulf wells on U.S. them. However, the rules let leases kept in temporary seal› oil companies dodge either ing since the 1950s and anoth› temporary or permanent er 17 since the 1960s. sealing on active leases Leaks in such wells are like› simply by filing plans to ly to occur in small volumes make use of the well even› that could easily go unnoticed. tually. Such wells are not considered idle. Other wells without an y

c o nceivable

use must be plugged after five years, but temporary sealing is then acceptable until the lease expires. Some leases have lasted for



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The analysis in M ay shows that 1,065 wells have been left with temporary

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a rise of 6 percent.

i )

Management Service, said

that so far, of the 208 fires in this fire season in Central Or› egon, only seven have been considered large. "That’s actually pretty av› erage for us," Johnson said. "Last year was kind of exor›

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b itant around here. At t h i s time we had five instant man›

agement teams assigned last year in Central Oregon." This


year there have been only two

s i, I

teams, which managed the Corner Creek Fire, Johnson

added. He said that Central Oregon is a couple of months ahead in

levels of drought and dryness. "We got a little bit of a re› spite with this last rain that

:: s ll’ I

we had come through,but I expectAugust and September and October to still be active,"

Johnson said. John Allen of the Deschutes National Forest agreed.

"Because of the low snow› pack and (forest) fuels drying out faster, I think what we’ ll

see this fire season is a longer fire season, definitely at the higher elevations and we’ re going to see some big fires in the higher elevations over the Cascades this summer, and

it’ ll go into October."



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Salem Continued from A1 Democrats teed up w h at

would become the session’s largest post-John Kitzhaber drama on the opening day of the session, when they an› nounced they would use their power in numbers to approve a low-carbon fuel standard that seeks to curb emissions from transportation in Ore›

gon. It was strongly opposed by Republicans. While a bipartisan group had started the tedious work of refining a bar› Reltlted rage oftranspor• How tation needs into Gov. Kate the first roads Brown pa c kage since has done 2009, Democrats s o far, E1 approved t h e


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ln C s~

While the estimated greenhousegasreductions would eventually be tweaked, the "Gang ofEight n lawmakers signed aJune 9 draft framework outlin› ing the long-shot deal to repeal the low-carbon fuel standard and replace it with newcarbon-cutting measures. But it doesn’t end there. While Rap.Jessica Vega Pederson signed theagreement, shewrote on June 19 two daysafter19 House Democrats sent a letter to Gov.KateBrown saying they opposed a low-carbon standard repeal that shebelieved no such deal was in place:

'S ~l

"AsChair of the House Energy and Environment Committee, I had the opportunity to participate in bipartisan transportation negotiations over the past few weeks. Media coverage today claimed a deal on a transportation package had been reached, but I want to clarify that from my perspective the framework was contingent on elements that were never resolved. Mostimportantly, critical work was not done with environmental stakeholders to ensure that the path we were on as viable. Going forward, l'm ready to help lead the effort to fix our crumbling infrastructure and uphold Oregon's commitment to environmental leadership and the Clean Fuels Program."


+~ r ~ G-Go to Hre


low-carbon fuel

standard a month into the ses›

StephanSavoia/The Associated Press

Strempel and Eric Vogel in the back seat of a vehicle as they and their companions prepare to leave Marblehead, Massachu› setts, after picking up hitchBot for its first ride Friday.


cake-saver." Designed to be a talking

Continued from A1 To start the journey, its

travel companion, the robot

their work, the Senate brought ed that he’s asked Brown to together a special committee request Garrett’s resignation, to unveil what the Gang of Senate Republican caucus ad› Eight had worked on. ministrator Paul Rainey said. said ’We have unfinished busi› House breakdown On the committee were four ness,’ and they rammed that Interviews with al l m em› lawmakers who opposed the Ballot measure through and they rammed all bers of the work group except low-carbon fuel standard and Most lawmakers aren’t pre› this other stuff through and the House Democrats who two Sens. Chris Edwards, tending there’s a logical path then they turn around and say said they were unable to talk D-Eugene, and E l i zabeth to remedying the issue before ’OK, let’s work together now,’" pointto a progressive House Steiner Hayward, D-Beaver› 2017, and all eyes are turn› said House Republican Leader Democratic caucus a llied ton who supported it. ing to a likely ballot measure Mike McLane, of Powell Butte. strongly with the environ› Two hours into the hear› proposing a repeal in 2016 of Midway through the session, mental groups pushing the ing, after supporters spoke in the low-carbon standard as a Brown and legislative leaders low-carbon fuel standard as a resounding opposition to the potential final battle over the secretly pulled together the key factor in the breakdown, framework, ODOT D i rector law. "The idea here that (Repub› Gang of Eight lawmakers and along with the rushed nature Garrett dropped what Whit› tasked them with f inding a of the effort in the final six sett called "a bombshell." licans are) just going to make way past the blockage. In the weeks of session. Instead of 8 .82-9.82 mil› this their Affordable Care Act end, the effort went down. The work group included lion tons reduced through the and (they’ re) going to repeal it No longer bound by a pact top Brown advisers, as well subsidies, new blending and or else, well, that’s just bad ac› of secrecy, lawmakers are as the eight lawmakers: Dem› transit, the framework might tors right there," Moore said, now speaking for the first time ocrats Sen. Betsy Johnson of reduce 7.23-8.23 million tons referring to national Repub› publicly about th e a ttempt, Scappoose; Sen. Lee Beyer over a decade. licans’ countless unsuccess› "I’m not sure where the mis› ful efforts to repeal President and new details highlight just of Eugene; Rep. Jessica Vega how far lawmakers always Pederson of Portland; Rep. take took place, but I can as› Barack Obama’s landmark were from success. Caddy McKeown of Coos sure you thatthe confidence health care law. "You’ re going Bay; and Republicans Sen. level both for the (other num› to put yourself where you’ re Oil industry involvement Jeff Kruse of Roseburg; Sen. bers) now are very high," Gar› an eternal minority. Or a gen› While the Gang of Eight Doug Whitsett of K l a math rett said. erational minority." worked in private and almost Falls; Rep. John Davis of Wil› Given the amount of carbon Oil companies are already exclusively with Brown poli› sonville; and Rep. Cliff Bentz Oregon drivers will emit in sounding the alarm over the cy advisers, lobbyists for the of Ontario. the coming decade, the mis› low-carbon f u e l s t a ndard, oil industry who oppose the They met more than a doz› take was actually minuscule which by most accounts will low-carbon fuel s t andard en times, and all eight mem› and would have shaved only eventually lead to higher fuel were kept up-to-date and even bers signed a June 9 outline a small fraction of pollution prices after it’s fully in place, outlined part of the new pack› of the package detailing the from drivers over the coming though experts say the pro› age that would have repealed replacement of the low-car› decade. But it was a public gram’s impact on fuel prices is and replaced the standard. bon fuel standard "contingent hiccup in an unveiling that difficult to predict. Because the standard aims upon getting a transportation onlookers said needed to go If the petitions filed May 20 for a 7.7-million ton reduction package." smoothly to even have a shot make the ballot, the debate of greenhouse gas pollution in After signing the pact, they at passing the Senate. will likely be cast as it played 10 years, lawmakers agreed released details outside the Hours after Garrett aired out throughout the session that was the minimum target room, to caucus members the mistake, Brown called with a focus on the potential they’d need to reach to try to anxious to hear about the deal Senate President Peter Court› cost of gas for the clean air swap the program for new car› and to the interest groups and ney and told him she would program. "We’ re basically looking at bon cuts and road funding. lobbyists representing envi› pull the plug on the effort the Internal documents from ronmental groups and the oil next day. a scenario where, all right we the group show a large piece industry. The low-carbon fuel stan› don’t have a gas tax increase, of the proposed carbon-cut› That, Bentz a n d o t h ers dard would remain the law in price of fuel is going to go up ting scheme was associated said, is when the effort began Oregon, and the state would (and) companies could have to with three prominent oil and to quickly crumble in pub› likely go at least two more make a determination," said industry lobbyists: Paul Ro› lic view. The Gang of Eight years before addressing a Romain, the oil lobbyist. "If main, Bob Russell and Brian stopped meeting after all law› major backlog of road mainte› it’s going to go up 50 cents or Doherty. makers were briefed on the nance needs. a buck or whatever it is, is it The so-called "Doherty/ package, and the framework L awmakers are now c i r › worth fighting it?" RusselVRomain concept" began to slide to its eventual cling around the surprise er› — Reporter: 406-589-4347, came largely from the frame› demise within about a week. ror to either defend as an hon› tanderson@bendbulletin.corn "One would have to ask why est mistake or question wheth› work of two proposed ballot measures to water down or did the wheels begin to fall er it was intentional. "People have asked me repeal the standard filed on off? The answer would be that

tape wrapped around its cy› cheeky, its makers said. lindrical head that read "San So far, there are no signs Francisco or bust." Not long of anything nefarious done to after, a group of German the robot, but there’s also no t ourists picked it u p a n d proof. Its creators intentional› strapped it into their SUV ly cast their gaze aside. "We want to be very care› with plans to take it to Bos› ton or New York. ful to avoid surveillance The child-sized robot is technologies with this; that’ s immobile on its own, so it not what we’ re trying to do gets from place to place by here," Smith said. being schlepped around by A GPS in the robot can strangers. Travelers can track its location, and a cam› pass it off t o o t hers they era randomly snaps photos meet, or leave it at a gas sta› about every 20 minutes to tion or shop. They just leave document its travels. But the it seated on its k i ckstand team behind the robot seeks with its thumb raised. permission from people in Ideally, the creators hope, the photos before posting drivers won’t leave the bot them to social media, where along busy roads and will hitchBOT has built a devot› charge the battery when it ed fan base. runs low. Otherwise, there

are no rules. nology when we leave it up to them," said Frauke Zeller,

I I '

Voters, sums up why t hose

remains disputed by environ› who support the ambitious mental groups that question low-carbon fuel law opposed the mathand by some Repub- the new framework: "They weren’t creating a licans who say it could have been higher. new program. They were fig› While environmental uring out how they could pla› groups were kept from the se› cate the oil industry to get a cret meetings, it wasn’t hard deal on the back of clean air," for them to guess what the Moore said. Gang of Eight six of whom The Senate pushed on for voted against the low-carbon another week, but it became fuel standard in February and abundantly clear that even if March would do to the stan› leaders could muster 18 votes dard while working behind in the Senate from the law’ s closed doors. allies and conservatives wary "I think you really saw the of voting to raise the gas tax, length to which the oil indus› the House was unlikely to go try would go here in this pro› along. cess," said Doug Moore, exec› utive director of the Oregon ODOT mistake



Garrett wasn’t available for an interview last week. ODOT Assistant Director )


information led to the wrong estimate that lawmakers un›

veiled in the hearing. ODOT workers discovered the mis›

take while double-checking the math the morning of the public hearing, he said. Brouwer told Th e

B u lle›

tin the day after the hearing ODOT knew about the mis› take "hours before the hear› ing,n which would have been enough time to alert the com›

mittee and essentially soften the impact of the changing numbers.

Senate Minority Leader Ted ers. "They were literally stop› three weeks left before law› Ferrioli was so upset at the ping at nothing to take away makers were required to finish way the mistake was present› League of Conservation Vot›

s '

did," Kruse said.

Travis Brouwer said outdated

On June 24, with just over



searchers are culling data from social media to study

one of the creators and an how people interact with a assistant professor in pro› robot that needs their help, fessional communication at unlike traditional robots de› Toronto’s Ryerson Universi› signed to help them. ty. "It’s an art project in the Among the chief ques› wild it invites people to tions researchers are asking, participate." Zeller said, is whether ro› On the outside, hitchBOT bots can trust humans. looks like it’s built for play During past travels, the rather than performance. It robot has attended a com› has a bucket for a body and ic convention and a wed› bendy foam limbs capped by ding, and it had its portrait yellow gardening gloves and painted in the Netherlands. matching rubber boots. The It once spent a week with a whimsical attire is intention› heavy metal band. al, its makers said, to make T he cross-country t o ur it approachable and to deter of Canada took 26 days, potential thieves. spanning more than 6,000 H It has a really low-tech miles. As for the U.S. trip, look to it, something we researchers don’t know how dubbed the ’yard-sale aes› long it will take or what will thetic,’" said David Harris happen along the way. "We wantto create someSmith, th e o t her c r eator and an assistant professor thing that has a bit of narra› in communication studies tive to it, a sense of adven› at McMaster University in ture," Smith said. "We don’ t Hamilton, O n tario. "The really know what’s going to head is actually an acrylic happen."

by the environmental inter› group was moving. "Different ests,n Bentz said. people were asking for mod› blueprint that would cut car› Nineteen House Democrats eling runs based on different bon emissions through blend› sent a letter to Brown on June input, based on different as› ing biofuel "as long as the fuel 17 saying they wouldn’t sup› sumptions across agencies, is commercially available, port the effort. Two days lat› across branches of govern› technologically feasible, and er, Vega Pederson added her ment. Common sense would cost effective." name to the list of Democrats suggest that there was room "Look, if ( b iofuels are) who wouldn’t support the for error." available and practical and effort, saying in a Facebook Others from both parties in not priced out of this world, post the agreement "was con› the Gang of Eight have defend› then we’ ll use it, it’s fine. But tingent on elements that were ed Garrett and ODOT, but ten› you have to keep those param› never resolved." sion has remained primarily "I think that without oppo› among Senate Republicans. eters," Romain said, adding the common belief that the sition on the House side we Kruse said, minutes af› low-carbon fuel standard may probably could’ve gotten 18 ter Courtney announced the lead to higher gas prices. (votes) in the Senate," Beyer effort was dead, he thought Along with cleaner fuel said, referring to the number the mistake was intentional blends, the state would have of votesneeded to raise Ore- because the deal would have funded ambitious transit proj› gon’s gas tax 4 cents. required ODOT to find $300 ects, partially subsidized an An aide for Vega Pederson million of savings that could electric vehicle market and said the lawmaker couldn’ t be used for road maintenance infrastructure, an d f u n d ed talk for the story. McKeown over six years. "I think there was quite hon› other programs that togeth› declined through her chief of er sought to reduce 8.82-9.82 staff to requests for comment. estly a design by the low-car› million tons of carbon emis› But Moore, with the Ore› bon fuel standard folks to sions over a decade, a number gon League of Conservation blow the thing up, and they

More than 30,000 people follow the robot on Tt)vit›

"We want to see what peo› ter, and dozens have posted ple do with this kind of tech› their own selfies with it. Re›

May 20, a week after The Bul› letin first reported Brown had

The work group used the ballot measure largely as a

can toss out factoids and

creators set it alongside a carry limited conversation. road in M a r blehead with It can be charming and

support for the higher taxes this great law that protects and fees needed to pay for our clean air to benefit their roads. own bottom line." "(Democrats) came off and

that was later lowered and

HH ca,

HitchBOT, a hitchhiking robot, sits with German tourists Sarah

sion, and Republicans left the table, promising to withhold

there were many House Dem› whether or not I believe that ocrats that had no enthusiasm t his was m a licious, and I pulled leaders together to try with going forward with a think it w a s n ot," Johnson to salvage a bipartisan trans› repeal of the low-carbon fuel said in an interview, citing the portation deal. standard if it wasn’t supported rapid pace at which the work


lsd Flllllenl o







o i sc oo i orna,no ro em orsomecoe es By Michael Vasquez It’s a term that sounds like a street crime: "Snatch and

grab." At Miami’s FastTrain Col›

lege, that’s how some employ› ees described the recruiting of students. Prosecutors say FastTrain’s recruiters would drive

around poor neighborhoods trying to cajole the men on


street corners or at bus stops

into jumping into a car for a trip to the school. "It’s

c alled snatch


MiamiHerald/Tribune News Service

FaetTrain College had many of ite campuses shut downafter an

grab, man, snatch and grab, FBI raid in 2012. The school wae accused of profiting from federal baby," Anthony Mincey, a loans to students who didn't have a high school diploma or ite former admissions director, equivalent. said in a phone conversation secretlyrecorded by federal investigators. said Kelley, a licensed nurse is that FastTrain has about 700 Minceyand threeotherem- who taught medical assistant students," Gonzalez said to ployees at the for-profit col› classes. "What we were told Mincey, the admissions direc› lege, including former chief is we needed to read the ques› tor. "I would say 400 don’t even executive Alejandro Amor, are tions to them, and read the have a diploma, bro." charged with conspiracy and answers." Responded Mincey: "Mm› theft of government money. Kelley said she resigned in hmm, that’s a fact." Regardless of the outcome, the November. Southern Techni› In statements to investiga› federal trial scheduled to be› cal denied the allegations and tors, ex-employees said Amor gin in two months promises called Kelley a "disgruntled" built FastTrain’s enrollments to be a primer on how to fraud› former employee with a "bi› by hiring ex-strippers as re› ulently obtain federal educa› ased agenda." cruiters, some of whom wore "STC does not knowing› "short skirts and stiletto heels" tion grants and loans. The alleged fraud at the ly enroll students who do not to work. heart of the FastTrain case› have the mental capacity to Gonzalez said Amor told improperly enrolling students attend college," wrote school him: "Hire some hot mommas" who lack a high school diplo› president and chief executive and "hire the sluttiest girls he ma or its equivalent has Pedro De Guzman. could find." "Gonzalez remarked that been an issue at other Florida A senior vice president at for-profit colleges. Billions of Southern Technical, Ilia Ma› he was a Christian man and dollars in government-funded tos, is a board member for did not know how to hire those financial aid are at stake. Florida’s Commission for Inde› kinds of women," federal in› At some for-profit colleges, pendent Education the state vestigators wrote in their sum› students are allowed to enroll watchdog agency supervising mary report. simply by stating they com› for-profit colleges. During an Thayris Bonilla said she pleted high school, without October 2013 inspection of worked at Miami’s King of Di› providing any sort of proof. Southern Technical’s Tampa amonds strip club just before The student just signs an "at› campus, the CIE noted "the joining FastTrain as an admis› testation" form that they have college is accepting attesta› sions rep, though she told the a diploma. tions in lieu of high school di› Herald in an interview that she "Anyone can walk in there ploma or general equivalency was a waitress, not a dancer. and say, ’I graduated from diploma." Bonilla said her FastTrain Orlando High School in 1987’ Because of this, the CIE bossestold her"Ineeded to be or whatever, and that’s good wrote, "verification of educa› more flirty with people." enough," said Pat Elston, a tion (high school or GED) was Bonilla lasted only a few former recruiterfor Southern not available in most of the stu› months at the job, and she said Technical College. dent files reviewed." she hated it because the school For-profit colleges say their The same was true for targeted "vulnerable" people. goal is noble: to provide col› Southern Technical’s Fort My› Bonilla said she’d drive lege access for working adults ers and Port Charlotte cam› through the poorest neigh› and m i n o rities. S o uthern puses. Florida Department borhoods in Fort Lauderdale, Technical said it "does not of Education spokeswoman looking for men or women knowingly enroll students Cheryl Etters said "this is not a who could be convinced to en› who lack a high school diplo› violation" because attestations roll. Bonilla said the first step ma or GED equivalent, nor is

are allowed by Southern Tech› was to ask the person "are you

such a process authorized or nical’s accreditor. encouraged." Students giving false "attes› Community colleges say tations" is one area of potential they, too, aim to provide open fraud; high school diploma access, but MDC requires an mills are another. official high school transcript. A former directorof admis"There has to be some struc› sions at FastTrain, Luis Ar› ture to the process," said Juan

royo, told federal investigators Mendieta, a spokesman for Mi› that employees were admon›

ami Dade College.

ished in a conference call not

looking for a job?" Once they said yes, the r ecruiter would s w itch t h e conversation t o F a stTrain’s

programs, Bonilla said, and how they could lead to a job in only six or seven months. The next step: convincing the per› son to get in the car and trav› el 20 minutes to the FastTrain

Former FastTrain student to question the validity of any campus. Peter Cardenas said he told high school diploma. Bonilla usually worked with "I forbid you to ask ques› another admissions rep, but the admissions representative at the Miami campus that he tions," Amor said, according to she said she still felt unease never finished high school› Arroyo. "If a student said they about her safety when invit› and the college told him not graduated, that’s it, we are not ing men off the street into her to worry about it. Cardenas the FBI." car. One day, her admissions later dropped out because he Amor could not be reached partner was a very aggressive was unhappy with the quality for comment, and his attorney saleswoman who convinced of teaching. Seven years lat› did not return calls. four men to hop in the car. er, he’s still haunted by more A former regional campus The recruiter was hugging than $30,000 in student loans, directorfor FastTrain, Jose the men, while being "extra, which are in default. Gonzalez, wore a wire as part like, super-friendly" to them, "I wish I could make it go of his cooperation with inves› Bonilla said. away," he said. "It was very uncomfortable," tigators. He then walked into FastTrain’s seven campuses FastTrain’s Jacksonville cam› Bonilla said of her FastTrain were closed after a 2012 FBI pus at around lunchtime on experience. "I always had pep› raid, but not before they raked Jan. 19, 2012. per spray and I had a Taser in in more than $35 million in gov› "Let’s just say my estimation my car." ernment Pell grants and loans. At another school, Florida

Career College, undercover agents found employees pro› ducing fake high school diplo› mas and telling prospective students to lie about their high

Divisionoversame-sex marriage

By David Crary and Emily Swanson The Associated Press

The school which has eight campuses in South Flor› ida is still operating. Federal prosecutors closed the case in 2012 without filing criminal charges. Florida Career College’s former chief executive, David Knobel, said the improper re› cruiting was done by rogue employees.

Americans remain split over the SupremeCourt’s ruling in June legalizing gay marriage across the U.S., with most saying religious liberties should take priority over gay rights. II: Do you approve or disapprove of the SupremeCourt ruling that same-sex marriage must be legal nationwide?

month legalizing same-sex marriage nationwide has left Americans sharply Approve Disapprove Neither divided, according to an Associated Press-GfK poll that suggests support for gay unions may be down Refused slightly from earlier this year. II: ln cases where there is a conflict, which doyou think is more The poll also found a important for the government to do? near-even split over wheth› Protect religious liberties Refused er local officials with reli› gious objections should be 39 required to issue marriage licenses to same-sex cou› Protect the rights ofgaysandlesbians ples, with 47 percent saying NOTE: Results based on survey of 1,004 U.S. adults conducted July that should be the case and 9-13. Margin of error is+3.4 percentage points. 49 percent say they should be exempt. Source: GfK Public Affairs &Corporate Communications The Associated Press Overall, if there’s a con› flict, a majority of t hose

questioned think religious l iberties should wi n


dent voter who has gradually become supportive of letting same-sex couples marry.

Andrew Chan, 41, a moder› ate independent from Seattle, said he has tried to remain neu›

"I don’t see what the big over gay rights, according to the poll. While 39 per› hoopla is," she said. "If they’ re cent said it’s more import› happy, why not?" ant for the government to Girouard said local officials protect gay rights, 56 per› shouldbe required to perform cent said protection of reli› same-sex marriages, but does gious liberties should take not think that wedding-related precedence. businessesshould be forced to The poll was conducted serve same-sex couples. "If the official doesn’t like July 9 to July 13, less than three weeks after the Su› what he’s being asked to do, preme Court ruled states then quit," she said. "But busi› cannot ba n s a me-sexnesses are kind of indepen› marriage. dent, so if they have a strong According to the poll, 42 belief against it, there are percent support same-sex enough other businesses out marriage and 40 percent there for someone to use." oppose it. The percentage The poll found pronounced saying they favor legal differences in viewpoints de› same-sex marriage in their pending on political affiliation. state was down slightly For example,65 percent of from the 48percent who Democrats, but only 22 per› said so in an April poll. In cent of Republicans favored January, 44 percent were in allowing same-sex couples to favor. legally marry in their state. Asked specifically about And 72percentofRepublicans the Supreme Court ruling, but just 31 percent of Demo› 39 percent said they ap› crats said local officials with prove and 41 percent said religious objections should be they disapprove. exempt from issuing marriage "What th e S u preme licenses. Court did is j eopardize By a 64-32 margin, most our religious freedoms," Democrats said it’s more im› said Michael Boehm, 61, portant to protect gay rights an industrial controls en› than religious liberties when gineer from

tral on same-sex marriage. "For me, it’s always been

about tolerating," said Chan, who works for a nonprofit or› ganization. "I’ ve got friends on both sides." Chan said he was happy for gays and lesbians who have found someone they want to marry, and he expressed some wariness toward politicians

who might try to roll back the Supreme Court ruling. "That just creates more divi›

sion," he said. "Are we looking to move the country forward or move it backward?"

Note:TheAP-GfK Poll of 1,004 adults was conducted online July 9 to July 13,

usinga sample drawn from GfK'sprobability-based KnowledgePanel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. populatiorL The

margin of samplingerror for all respondents is plus or minus 3.4 percentage points. Some questionswere ask of

half samplesofrespondents and have smaller margins of error. Respondents were

first selectedrandomly using phone or mail survey methods, and later interviewed

t h e D e troit the two are in conflict. Repub›

area who describes himself

licans said the opposite, by

online. People selectedfor

as a conservative-leaning independent.

82-17. Clarence Wells, 60, a con›

KnowledgePanel who didn’ t otherwisehave access to the Internetwere provided access at no cost to them.

"You’ re going to see a

conflict between civil law

and people who want to live their lives according to their faiths," Boehm said.

Boehm was among 59 percent of the poll respon› dents who said wedding-re› lated businesses with reli› gious objections should be allowed to refuse service

servative from Rockwood, Tennessee, said he strongly disapproved of the Supreme Court’s ruling. He anticipates friction as gay couples try to


exercise their newfound rights

and people with religious ob› jections to same-sex marriage balk at accepting them.

"I don’t believe it’s going to go over smoothly," Wells said.

to gay and lesbian couples. "I think a lot of them will be That compares with 52 per› shunned in church.... I think cent in ApriL

there will be businesses that are

Also, 46 percent said businesses more generally

going toclose,because some people are stubborn enough to

should be allowed to refuse

not want to deal with it."

service to same-sex couples, while 51 percent said that should not be allowed.

Claudette Girouard, 69, a retiree from Chesterfield

Township, Michigan, said she is a moderate indepen› •

e • •


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ther a high school of GED di› ploma to attend, she said. "You tell them if they want

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the other way. "I’ ve actually had students that couldn’t read or write,"




Greece: anunlike spot for startup culture


By Anemone Hartocollis New York Times News Service

ATHENS, Greece


ing the problems their coun› try’s recent history has be› queathed them, a few Greek

entrepreneurs are manag› ing to thrive here, providing a glimmer of hope for the economy and their gener› ation even as Greece girds for more budget austerity

Brett Gundlock/ New York Times News Service

Visitors light a candle at a shrine to Jesus Malverde, the Robin

and wrenching regulatory changes. Young entrepreneurs here say they have little stake in the political and ideological

Hood-esque bandit venerated by many,particularly in the narcot-

debate, but are willing to em›

ics trade, in Culiacan, Mexico. The recently escaped cartel boss

brace the realities that come with the policies being im› posed by Greece’s creditors, including an end to a hodge› podge of regulations, protec›

Joaquin GuzmanLoera is a source of mirth, grudging respect or even outright reverence, particularly here in El Chapo's hometown.

Pu ic enemy? Escap e E C apo is olkhero No. 1 I


By William Neuman and Azam Ahmed

While Sinaloa is Mexico’s tomato-growing capital, the

New York Times News Service

area a r oun d

CULIACAN, M e x i co When Jose Antonio Sevil› la and h i s t h r e e b r others learned that t h e n o torious

has the distinction of being the cradle of the Mexican drug trade. Besides Guzman, several other major traffick› ers were born here or in the nearby hills. Many here say the streets were paved using money from traffickers. While buying a shaved ice in the Badiraguato plaza, Amairany Avilez, 20, called Guzman "my hero." She said that the econo› my in the region depended on Guzman, and thatpeople might now get work on land he owns or could grow

drug trafficker known as "El Chapo" had escaped from prison, they jumped out of their chairs and shouted with glee. "’El Chapo got out! He’s the greatest of them all,’" said Se› villa, 19, a self-professed fan of the drug kingpin, whose full name is Joaquin Guzman Loera. "He was famous be›

fore, but now he’s even more famous." Sevilla, an auto mechan›

. US. Cellular.

B a d i raguato

more marijuana to sell to his

ic, was so excited that he at› organization. tended a march through the streets of Culiacan, the cap›

tionism, tax breaks and spe› the old school and the new," founded Openfund, which cial-interest provisions that said Jeremy Downward, the invests in high-tech compa› havelong impeded the coun- chief investment officer for nies that originate in Greece try’s competitiveness. Alpheus Advisors, an invest› but are aimed at internation› With a youth unemploy› ment firm. He was also a al markets. Among its recent ment rate around 50 p er› foundingpartner in Greece's investments are Taxib eat, cent, Greece presents its first investment bank, Alpha an Uber-like ride-hailing young people with a stark Finance, from 1989 to 2001. application that has become "Of coursea lot of these popular i n G r eece, and choice: emigrate and join a brain drain to Western Eu› ideas will fall by the way› Workable,an employee rerope and beyond, or stay in side," Downward said. "But I cruitment tool now used by their homeland and struggle really believe that there will more than 2,000 small and against long odds to find a be a handful of i nnovative medium-sized companies in livelihood. ones that do well. There is no 39 countries. "We’ ve demonstrated that The c o untry’s r e ces› shortage of really smart kids, sion-battered traditional in› driven kids, with a lot of zeal, some pretty good and inter› dustries have little to offer, a lot of drive, a lot of hunger estingcompanies can come so for many young people, and a pretty good business out of, let’s say, an exotic the coveted prize has be› plan." startup location like Greece," come a governmentjob, obGeorgeTziralis,33,an en- Tziralis said. "We get the tained through the sponsor› gineer, got into the seed-cap› best part of what exists here, ship of a political party. i tal b u siness f i v e y e a r s without worrying about the "There’s a divide between ago when he and a partner worst part."


"When they arrested him,

people around here had to go ital of Guzman’s home state, back to growing corn," Avilez last week t o

c elebrate. He said. "Now the corn will turn

carried a sign a woman gave into marijuana." him, which read, "El Chapo is Experts say drug produc› more of a president than Pena Nieto," a reference to Mexi›

tion does not depend much on

and even throughout other

g overnment’s m e asure

parts of Mexico, the drug trafficker’s stunning escape through a hidden tunnel un› der what was supposed to be the country’s most secure

intentional homicides p er capita, at a level more than

whether a single trafficker, co’s president, Enrique Pena no matter how influential, is Nieto. in or out of jail. Here i n Si n a lo a s t a te, Beyond that, Sinaloa last where Guzman was born, year ranked second in the of

2/2 times the national aver›

age. Yet many people here

prison has enhanced his sta›

said their state was relative› ly calm thanks to Guzman’s

tus as an outlaw folk hero. There are few i l lusions

influence. Scarlett Lopez, 22, who

about the damage Guzman

works at a finance company

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has done. U.S. officials ac› in Culiacan, said that while cuse him of contributing to she disapproved of G uz› "the death and destruction man’s drug trafficking, she of millions of lives across the was glad he was out of prison globe through drug addiction, because it meant that even violence and corruption." worse drug gangs the Ze› Yet for many Mexicans, he tas, for instance, known for is an unusual combination of cutting off people’s heads Robin Hood and billionaire, and committing other acts of a source of mirth, grudging graphic violence would be respect and e ven o u t right reverence because of his re›

less likely to try to encroach on the state.

And Mexico, just like Ameri›

ment, which has such low

ca, loves an outlaw. "Why do people admire

credibility among Mexicans that many refuse to believe

him’?" said Adrian Cabrera, a

the official story about how

blogger in Culiacan wearing a black T-shirt with a picture

El Chapo got away. Many as› sume that he could not have

of El Chapo. "Because he’s a

escaped without help f r om within the prison, and others

"I feel better because we’ re peated ability to outfox the country’s deeply unpopular protected," she said. "There government. are people who are a lot He fought the law, and he worse." w on. He b eat w hat m a n y Driving the private enjoy› Mexicans see as a corrupt ment of his escape is a deep and feckless governing class. cynicism about the govern›

living legend. He’s like Al Ca› pone. He’s like Lucky Lucia› no. Like Tony Soprano. Like Scarface. He’s like a charac› ter on a television show, ex›

question whether the tunnel was not simply an elaborate

ruse to hide corruption that extends to the highest levels. cept that he’s alive, he’s real." Conspiracy theories are In the cultural center in Ba› rife. The fact that the break› diraguato, the main town in out occurred asthe president the municipality where Guz› was starting a trip to France man grew up, there is a list of is seen as indicative of high› the "notable people" born in er-level collusion. The f act the area, including a general that a picture released by the in the Mexican Revolution, authorities shows Guz man a journalist, a lawyer and a with a shaved head, while congressman. video of his escape shows There is no mention of its that he had a full head of hair, most famous son, Guzman, is also cause for suspicion. but the center’s director of The escape and the hu› events argues that El Chapo miliation it has heaped on deserves to be on the list, too.

"He has never had any problems with people here," said the events director, Gua›

the government have set off a kind of national catharsis. And the fact that Pena Nieto did not cut short his lengthy

dalupe Olivas. "He was poor, visit to France, where he has and now he has lots of money gone to Napoleon’s tomb and and lots of power." received medals, only con› Many here said that Guz› firmed to many how out of man helped local residents, touch the government is. "The government is Cha› often in small ways. A fami› ly with a sick member might p o’s," said Genero Reyes receive a visitor delivering Martinez, 30, in Mexico City. money for t r eatment, they "I bet he walked straight out

said, although none could point to a specific example.

s s e Galaxy S6

of the main gate. That tunnel was an illusion."

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Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B4 Weather, B6

' www.bendbulletin.corn/local


Brown rin svervetoo ice, a s file-folder whacks way.

room on a recent afternoon in the state Capitol when Gov.

"What are you working on, Shane’?" Brown asked loudly. "I’ ve got an amendment going on in there," Jackson replied after jumping to his feet as she approached."Hopefullynotto one of my bills," Brown said with a laugh and a whack of

Kate Brown barreled down

the file folder on his arm. And

Kitzhaber, who resigned in the

the hallway with a file folder in hand, headed for a meeting.

off she went, with several other midst of an ethics investigation conversational pit stops and only a few months after being

By Kirk Johnson New York Times News Service


Shane Jackson, a

lobbyist for the Autism Society of Oregon, was minding his business outside a conference


along the

This is not behavior that Or›

egon’s capital is used to.

Brown, a Democrat, was the secretary of state in Ore›

gon when she took over five months ago for Gov. John

electedtoan unprecedented fourth term. His imprint on

Oregon was deep, if only by force of his 12 years in office; Brown’s stamp is new and

has so far been at least partly defined by simply being not› Kitzhaber. But that goes a long

way, people in both parties said.


Reported for Central and Eastern Oregon.For more information, visit

gacc.nifc.go v/nwcc/ information/largefire map.aspx 1. Corner Creek • Acres: 29,407 • Containment: 90% • Cause: Lightning

BRIEFING Fire burningnear Marion Lake Afire near Marion Lake in the Willamette National Forest had charred 12 acres bySat› urday evening. Burning in trees and brush, the fire was slow› ing, according to Judith McHugh, spokeswoman for the national forest. McHugh said there were three helicopters, a 20-person forest crew and six rappellers at the fire.

Schrader(D) ............... NY I/I/alden (R) ..................

• Scio:Toddler recovering from skull surgery,B3 • Boardman: Undersheriff wins Megabucks but keeps his job,BS

Have a story idea or submission? Contact us!

Pandora moths gather around a light at the ARGO gas station on S. Highway 97 in Bend on Fridayevening.

The Bulletin

By Dylan J. Darling

tomologist for the Deschutes

The Bulletin

National Forest, has been

Pandora moths are again fluttering around Central Or› egon pine forests and show› ing up in Bend. Recently, Andy Eglitis, en›

taking calls from people who have encountered the moths

Deschutes.............541-617-7820 Crook.....................541-617-7831 Jefferson...............541-617-7831 Salem .................. 406-589-4347 Business............... 541-617-7815 Education..............541-617-7831 Health ...................541-383-0304 Public lands.......... 541-617-7812 Public safety.........541-383-0376

Joe Kiine/The Bulletin

in the woods and in the city.

"I’m guessing there is a resurgence in their popu›

lation," he said Friday, al› though he did not have any estimates.

crowded on buildings around Bend. Eglitis said they piled onto the backstop at Vince

The moths remain a part of Genna Stadium and would Central Oregon lore for a no› take flight when a foul ball table outbreak in the 1990s. smacked the netting. Then moths by the hundreds


The two-yeai life cycle ofthe pandoramoth

" '

Submissions • Letters andopinions: Email: letters@bendbuiietin.corn Mail:My Nickel’s Worth or In MyView P.O. Box6020 Bend, DR97708 Details onthe Editorials page inside. Contact: 541-633-2117

• Civic Calendarnotices: Email eventinformation to news@bendbulletin.corn, with "Civic Calendar" inthesubject, and include acontact name

and phone number. Contact: 541-383-0367

• School newsandnotes: Email newsitemsand notices ofgeneral interest to news@bendbuiietin.corn. Email announcements ofteens’ academic achievements to youth@bendbulletin.corn. Email collegenotes, military graduationsandreunion info to bulletinObendbulletin.corn. Contact: 541-633-2117

• Obituaries, DeathNotices: Details onthe Obituaries page inside. Contact: 541-617-7825, obits@bendbulletin.corn

• Community events: Visit bendbulletin.corn/events and click "AddEvent" at ieast10 days beforepublication. Details on the calendarpageinside Local andGD!Magazine. Contact: 541-383-0351, communitylffe@bendbuiietin.corn

• Engagements,weddings, anniversaries, birthdays: The Milestonespagepublishes Sunday inCommunity Life. Forms areavailable online at bendbulletin.comlmilestones. Contact: 541-633-2117, miiestones@bendbuiietin.corn

WASHINGTONThe U.S. Housefound support from most Republicans andDem› ocrats although not Oregon Democratic Reps. Earl Blumenauer and Kurt Schrader to pass a five-month, $8 billion highway funding bill that will keep trans› portation projects run› ning nationwide through mid-December. The bill passed Wednesday 312-119 over opposition from some Democrats who said they favored long-term solutions to highway funding, which has becomea nationwide issue asgas taxes become aless reliant source of fund› ing because of more fuel-efficient cars. The Highway Trust Fund is on pace to dry up by the end of July, pending action in Congress. Senate Republicans are trying to put together a longer-term highway funding bill, The Associ› ated Press reported.

Blumenauer (D)........... Bonamici (D)................ NY DeFazio (D) ..................


Bend ......................541-633-2160 Redmond.............. 541-617-7829 Sisters....................541-617-7831 La Pine ...................541-617-7831 Sunriver .................541-617-7831



Nore briefing, B3

Call a reporter


The Housealso on Wednesday passeda bill that sought to send more water to California farmers as that state and the West en› ters its fourth year of drought. The bill sought to get water to farmers in the SanJoaquin Valley by limiting the amount used protecting endangered fish, the Los Angeles Times reported. In a 245-176vote, the bill passed alongparty lines, with all but oneRe› publican voting in favor. Oregon Democrats op› posed the measure,with Peter DeFaziospeaking out amongCalifornia Democrats against the proposal that nowheads to the Senate,whereit would needDemocratic support to pass. "With my own home state of Oregon suffering from severe drought I appreciate the need to relieve thedebil› itating situation in Cali› fornia," DeFaziosaid in a statement. "However, the solution that Repub› licans haveconcocted will devastate fisheries and recreation indus› tries along the entire Pacific Northwest coast, and will provide only a short-term solution for California’s drought." U.S. HOUSEVOTE



The adult moths lay their eggs in The young caterpillars start out July and August on foliage, bark at about a quarter of an inch and the sides of buildings. Only long, but will grow to more than the eggs laid in trees will an inch after a year of eating pine needles. They overwinter by produce offspring that survive, though. The eggs hatch in late hibernating in clusters at the August and September. base of needles.



The caterpillars climb down the pine trees and burrow into the soil in late June andearly July after their first year of life. They form a pupa in the ground, where they remain for the next 12 months without feeding.

The moths emerge from the pupa chamber in late June or early July of their second year. Theyrushto mateandlayeggs as they will die within a month. They are often attracted to buildings with outdoor lighting.

Sources: Oregon State University forestry professor Stephen Fitzgerald; U.S. Forest Service

Blumenauer (D).................N Bonamici (D)......................N DeFazio (D) ........................N Schrader (D)......................N Walden (R)......................... Y — Taylor Iiil Anderson, The Bulletin

Pete Smith l The Bulletin


New hospital opensin Bendto treat injuredmill workers in ’l9’l5 Compiled by Don Hoiness

from archived copiesofThe Bulletin at Des Chutes County Historical Society.

the residence formerlyoccupied by W.E. Guerin is remod›

for sunshine and serve as a rest

eled, the institution will have a

Overlooking the river with the mountains as a vista, the hospital is ideally situated and the broad porch facing the west will offer pleasant views for

capacity of 30 patients. The interior of the structure has been reconstructed and

For the week ending July 18, 1915

Bendhospital to openAug.1 The new Bend hospital, under the direction of Doctors

U.C. Coe and B. Ferrell, will be opened about Aug. 1 and when

will be modern and up-to-date in every particular in order to give the best possible service to

patrons. It will have 12 rooms, of which six will be private rooms, two wards, stock

rooms, operating room, dining room, kitchen and spacious sun room which will provide

room for convalescents.

those able to enjoy outdoor air. Within the next few months

the building will be heated with hot and cold water and Doctors Coe and Ferrell now

contemplate the erection of a heating plant to supply this comfort.

In order to care for injured employees of The Shevlin› Hixon Company, a contract has been signed by this com›

carried on efficiently under

pany under the terms of which

The operating room will be modern in every detail to af›

all injuries to men in its employ demanding hospital attention will be accommodated in the

instructions to facilitate opera›

tions and care upon the arrival of injured ones at the hospital. ford patrons the best attention through scientific means. It

new institution. Speedy means of transporting men from the mill and camps where injuries occur to the hospital will be taken to insure immediate

will be finished in white enam›

treatment. First aid methods

operations. SeeYesteryear/B5

in the various camps will be

eled wood work and the floor will be cemented with every

measure taken to insure sani› tation and cleanliness during





To submit an event, visit bendbulletin.corn/events and click 'Add Event" at least 10 days before publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Questions: communitylife@bendbulletin.corn,541-383-0351.

The Environmental Center, 16 NW Kansas Ave., Bend;541-385-6908. "ALL WORK ALLPLAY: THE TURNER CLASSICMOVIES: PURSUITOF ESPORTS GLORY "DOUBLEIDEMNITY": Featuring LIVE":A documentary about the a showing of the timeless film Intel Extreme Masters (IEM), a noir classic; 2 and 7 p.m.; $12.50; pro-gaming tour that for teams Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 and and players all around the world to IMAX,680 SW Powerhouse Drive, compete for the championship title in Bend;www.fathomevents.corn or their respective eSports; 5:30 p.m.; 844-462-7342. $15; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 and DAVIDHELFAND AND VIOLIST IMAX, 680 SWPowerhouse Drive, JUSTIN LADER: Featuring Celtic Bend; 844-462-7342. harpist David Helfand and violist TWILIGHTTUNES SUMMER MUSIC Justin Lader; 2 p.m.; Downtown SERIES: THEROCKHOUNDS: Bend Public Library, 601 NWWall Featuring music, food, vendors St., Bend; 541-312-1032. and live music by local rock band CHIRINGA:The Latin dance band The Rock Hounds; 5:30 p.m.; performs, as part of the 2015 Bend Compass Park, 2500 NWCrossing Memorial Clinic Free Summer Drive, Bend; www.facebook.corn/ Sunday Concert Series; 2:30 p.m., Submitted photo twilighttunesBend; 541-848-8598. gates openat1 p.m.; free; Les Melissa Etheridge will perform at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Schwab Amphitheater, 344 SW PHISH:The classic jam band Athletic Club of Bend. Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; www. performs; 6 p.m.SOLD OUT; Les bendconcerts.corn or 541-312-8510. Schwab Amphitheater, 322 SW MELISSA ETHERIDGE: The BENEFIT:Featuring live music, Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; www. 2015 BENDGARDENPARTY FOR BBQ, awards, a 50/50 drawing and bendconcerts.corn or 541-312-8510. AcademyAwardandGrammy BASIC RIGHTSOREGON:Join winning artist performs, as part more, to benefit the Alzheimer’ s hosts Mike and SueHollern, Basic VALE OFPNATH: The deathm etal Association; 11 a.m.; The Summit Rights Oregon staff, to celebrate band from Pittsburgh, PA performs, of the 2015 PeakSummer Nights Assisted Living, 127 SEWilson Ave., concert series; 7:30 p.m., doors the historic marriage equality with Existential Depression; 8 p.m.; Bend; 541-905-9064. open at5:30 p.m.; $45, $90 for victory and discuss what’s next for $3; Third Street Pub, 314 SEThird dinner tickets; Athletic Club of Bend, MUNCH & MUSIC:HIGH AND LGBTQ equality in Oregon; 4 p.m.; St., Bend; 541-306-3017. 61615 Athletic Club Drive, Bend; MIGHTY BRASSBAND:The New $25 suggested donation; Hollern GARCIA BIRTHDAYBAND:The www.newportavemarket.corn/ Home, 511 NWDrake Road, Bend; Orleans funk band performs, with Grateful Dead tribute band from concerts or 541-385-3062. 503-222-6151. Fresh Track; 5:30 p.m.; free; Drake Portland performs; 10 p.m.; $10 Park, 777 NW Riverside Blvd., MUSIC ON THE GREEN: Fe at ur i ng RADOSLAV LORKOVICHWITH in advance plus fees; Silver Moon Off The Record, a classic rock cover Bend; www.c3events.corn or GIDEON FREUDMANN HOUSE Brewing, 24 NWGreenwood Ave., 541-389-0995. band; 6 p.m.; Sam Johnson Park, CONCERT:Featuring Radoslav Bend; 541-388-8331. SW15th Street and SW Evergreen PREVIEW EVENTFOR "VIA Lorkovich on vocals, piano and WORLDS FINEST: The funk band Avenue, Redmond or 541-923-5191. LACTEA:AN OPERA IN TWO accordion, and GideonFreudmann performs as part of a Phish after› ACTS":Featuring a preview of on cello, playing classical folk PHISH:The classic jam band party; 10 p.m.; $5; TheAstro OperaBend’s 2016 season; 5:30 and jazz; potluck starts at 6 p.m.; performs; 6 p. m . SOLD OUT; Les Lounge, 939 NWBond St., Bend; 7 p.m.; $20suggested donation; p.m.; free; The Oxford Hotel, Schwab Amphitheater, 322 SW www.astroloungebend.corn or 10 NW Minnesota Ave., Bend; House Concerts in the Glen, 1019 Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; www. 541-388-0116. NW Stannium Road, Bend; www. bendconcerts.corn or 541-312-8510. 541-480-3933. THE POLYRHYTHMICS:The houseconcertsintheglen.corn or JOHN BELAND ANDCHRIS THE METROPOLITANOPERA: funk band from Seattle performs; 541-480-8830. BELANDHOUSECONCERT: "THE MERRY WIDOW": Featuring 10:30p.m.;advanceticketsSOLD SCOTT HUCKABAY: The world› a showing of Lehar’s operetta about Featuring John Beland, a guitarist, OUT; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 and his son, Chris Beland, a singer› fusion artist performs, with Michael a woman who captivates Paris; 7 SW Century Drive, Bend; www. Shay Band; 8 p.m.; $5; Volcanic p.m.; $12.50; Regal Old Mill Stadium songwriter; 7 p.m., potluck starts at volcanictheatrepub.cornor 6 p.m.;$15-$20 suggested donation; Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Drive, 16 and IMAX, 680 SWPowerhouse 541-323-1881. House Concerts in the Glen, 1019 Bend; www.volcanictheatrepub.corn Drive, Bend; www.fathomevents. BLUE LOTUS:The rock ’n’ roll jam NW Stannium Road, Bend; www. or 541-323-1881. corn or 844-462-7342. band performs, with DJ Byrne; houseconcertsintheglen.corn or GARCIA BIRTHDAY BAND:The 541-480-8830. 11:30 p.m.; $18 plus fees in advance, MONDAY Grateful Dead tribute band from $20 at the door, 21 and older only; "MAC ON THE MOVE": Featuring Portland performs; 10 p.m.; $10 Tower Theatre, 835 NWWall St., TURNER CLASSICMOVIES: a performanceof Shakespeare’s in advance plus fees; Silver Moon Bend; www.towertheatre.org or "DOUBLEIDEMNITY": Featuring classic "Macbeth," bring low› Brewing, 24 NWGreenwood Ave., 541-317-0700. a showing of the timeless film back chairs; 7:30 p.m.; $10 plus Bend; 541-388-8331. noir classic; 2 and 7 p.m.; $12.50; fees in advance, $15 at the door; YAK ATTACK:The electro-dance Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 and Deschutes Memorial Gardens and WEDNESDAY fusion band from Portland performs; Chapel, 63875 N. U.S. Highway IMAX, 680 SWPowerhouse Drive, 10:30 p.m.; $15; Volcanic Theatre KNIT-IN FORCLICKFORBABIES: Bend;www.fathomevents.corn or 97, Bend; www.bendticket.corn or 844-462-7342. Pub, 70 SWCentury Drive, Bend; Featuring a Knit-In for the CLICK 541-382-5592. www.volcanictheatrepub.corn or for Babies campaign, to educate 541-323-1881. parents on the period of purple TUESDAY FRIDAY crying, with live music by Mark THE RODDEGEORGETRIO: The Kershner, to benefit the CLICK for REDMOND FARMERS MARKET: rock trio performs as part of the BALLOONSOVER BEND:Featuring Featuring food, drinks and more; Babies Campaign; 10 a.m.; $10 Phish after-party;11 p.m.; $5 plus balloon launches at 6 a.m., live music, suggested donation;Stone Lodge 3 p.m.; Centennial Park, corner of a children’s festival, and more; Friday fees in advance, $7 at the door; Retirement, 1460 NE27th St., Bend; SW Seventh Street and Evergreen Domino Room, 51 NWGreenwood at dusk: Nightglow; 6 a.m.; Riverbend Avenue, Redmond or 541-550-0066. 541-233-9914. Park, 799 SWColumbia St., Bend; Ave., Bend; 541-388-8111. 541-323-0964. BEND FARMERS MARKET: HAPPY HOURINTHE GARDEN: Volunteer in The Learning Garden, Featuring food, drinks and more; 3 ST. THOMASANNUALALTAR THURSDAY with local beer, cider or lemonade p.m.; Brooks Alley, NW Brooks St., SOCIETYRUMMAGE SALE: while you volunteer, garden tasks will Bend; www.bendfarmersmarket. 2ND ANNUALSUMMIT Featuring garden items, crafts, vary weekly, family friendly; 4 p.m.; corn or 541-408-4998. SUMMERTIMECARSHOW books and more to benefit Altar



Society projects; 9 a.m.; St. Thomas Catholic Church, 1720 NW19th St., Redmond; 541-923-3390. NEWBERRY EVENT:Three-day outdoor music festival with over 25 bands of all genres, to benefit the Oregon Chapter National Multiple Sclerosis Society; noon; $60-$75 free for children 12 andyounger; DiamondStone Guest Lodges, 16693 Sprague Loop, La Pine; www. bendticket.corn or 541-536-6263. BEND FARMERSMARKET: Featuring food, drinks and more; 2 p.m.; Mountain View High School, 2755 NE27th St., Bend; www.bendfarmersmarket.corn or 541-408-4998. SISTERSFARMERSMARKET: Featuring fresh vegetables, fruits, locall y madegoods and more;2 p.m.; Barclay Park, Hood Street, between Ash and Elm, Sisters; 541-719-8030. MILL QUARTERBLOCK PARTY: Featuring music, drinks, food, an arcade and more; 6:30 p.m.; ATLAS Cider-Old Mill Marketplace, 550 SW Industrial Way, Bend; 541-390-8096. JAZZ AT JOE'S,VOL.54:Featuring theDan FaehnleTrio;7 p.m.SOLD OUT; CascadesTheatre, 148 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend; www. jazzatjoes.corn/Purchase Tickets. html. "MAC ONTHEMOVE": Featuring

THE HAND:Explore birding areas along the Deschutes River and visit the Museum’s MAPS(Monitoring Avian Productivity and Survivorship) station atRyan RanchMe adow;8 a.m.; $10 for members, $15 for non› members; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97,Bend; www.highdesertmuseum.org/field› trip or 541-382-4754. ST. THOMASANNUALALTAR SOCIETYRUMMAGE SALE: Featuring garden items, crafts, books and more to benefit Altar Society projects; 9 a.m.; St. Thomas Catholic Church, 1720 NW19th St., Redmond; 541-923-3390. MADRASSATURDAYMARKET: Featuring food, drinks, live music and more; 9a.m.; Sahalee Park,241 SE Seventh St., Madras; 541-546-6778. SISTERSARTS &CRAFTS FESTIVAL:Featuring arts, crafts, food, a kid zone, live entertainment and more, to benefit the Make-A› Wish Foundation of Oregon; 10 a.m.; Creekside Park, Highway 20 and Jefferson Street, Sisters;

a performanceofShakespeare’s

nwxfarmersmarket.corn or

classic "Macbeth," bring low-back

www.centraloregonshows.cornor 541-420-0279. NWX SATURDAYFARMER'S MARKET:Featuring local organic artisans in produce, meats, baked

goods, skincareandmore; 10 a.m.; NorthWest Crossing, NW Crossing Drive, Bend; www.

541-350-4217. chairs; 7:30p.m.; $10plus fees NEWBERRYEVENT:Three-day in advance; Deschutes Memorial outdoor music festival with over 25 Gardens and Chapel, 63875 N. U.S. bands of all genres, to benefit the Highway 97, Bend; www.bendticket. Oregon Chapter National Multiple corn or 541-382-5592. Sclerosis Society; 10 a.m.; $60-$75 "BRILLIANTTRACES":Featuring a free for children 12 andyounger; play by Cindy Lou Johnson about a DiamondStone Guest Lodges, woman who wakes up in the wilds 16693 Sprague Loop, La Pine; www. of Alaska with no idea how she bendticket.corn or 541-536-6263. got there; 7:30 p.m.; $10; Volcanic CRAZY MAMACRAFTFAIRE Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Drive, "SUMMER EVENT": Featuring Bend; www.volcanictheatrepub.corn local artists, crafts, music and or 541-323-1881. more; 10 a.m.; BendFactory APRIL RICHARDSON: Featuring Stores, 61334 S. U.S. Highway a comedian who hasappeared on 97, Bend; www.crazymamacfwix. Chelsea Lately, the SFSketchfest and corn/crazymamacraftfaire: or the Bridgetown Comedy Festival; 541-848-0334. 8 p.m.; $10 plus fees in advance; HEART OFOREGON CORPS The Summit Saloon & Stage,125 SECONDANNUALCORNHOLE NW Oregon Ave., Bend; www. TOURNAMENT:Featuring a cornhole bendcomedy.corn or 541-419-0111. tournament, to benefit Heart of Oregon Corps’ job skills training SATURDAY and education programs for local youth; 1 p.m.; $50 per two-person BALLOONS OVERBEND:Featuring team, registration required; GoodLife balloon launches at 6 a.m., live Brewing Co., 70 SWCentury music, a children’s festival, and more; Drive, Bend; www.heartoforegon. 6 a.m.; Riverbend Park, 799 SW org/cornhole register.htm or Columbia St.,Bend;541-323-0964. 541-633-7834. CROOK COUNTYRODDERS FLY-IN: 204TH ARMY BANDCOMMUNITY Featuring a pancake breakfast, cars CONCERT: A communityconcert on display, planedemonstrations, presented by the 204th Army Band adoptable pets and more; 8 out of Vancouver, Washington, a.m.; Prineville-Crook County featuring the Concert Band and Airport, 4585 SWAirport Road, various small performing ensembles; Prineville; www.flyprineville.corn or 2 p.m.; Ridgeview High School, 541-416-0805. 4555 SW Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541-543-5383. OFF-SITE FIELDTRIP: ABIRD IN

PUBLIc OFFIGIALs CITY OF BEND 710 NWWall St. Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-388-5505 Web: www.ci.bend.or.us


CITY OF REDMOND 716 SWEvergreen Ave. Redmond, OR 97756 Phone: 541-923-7710

CITY OF PRINEVILLE 387 NEThird St., Prineville, OR 97754 Phone: 541-447-5627 Email: cityhall'cityofprineville.corn Web: www.cityofprineville.corn CITY OF MADRAS 71 SEDStreet, Madras,OR97741 Phone: 541-475-2344

CITY OF SISTERS 520 E. CascadeAvenue, P.O.Box39 Sisters, OR97759 Phone: 541-549-6022

CITY OF CULVER 200 W. First St., Culver, OR 97734 Phone: 541-546-6494 Fax: 541-546-3624

CITY OF LA PINE P.O. Box3055, 16345 Sixth St. La Pine, OR97739 Phone: 541-536-1432

CITY OF METOLIUS 636 JeffersonAve., Metolius, OR 97741 Phone: 541-546-5533

Photos by Jarod Opperman / The Bulletin

SallyDonovanand Bruce Howard, of Hood River, demonstrate how to fix the base of a grave marker during a workshopon marker cleaning and repair at Tumalo Pioneer Cemetery in Tumalo.Donovanand Howard used a lifter to hoist the marble headstone, which weighed, they estimate, about 200 pounds. After hoisting the marble headstone, they used lime mortar to reattach the marker to its granite base.



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oc er'so ousevau s ownino es o i By Janet Eastman

ByStander SaVeS Wumall —Firefighters are crediting a by› stander with saving awoman’s life when hebroke out a window and pulled her from a burning vehicle at aBeaverton gas station. Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescuesaid the vehicle and agas pump werefully en› gulfed in flames whenfirefighters arrived Saturday. Thewomanwas taken to a hospital to treat nonlife-threatening injuries from smoke inhalation. The bystander wastreated at the scenefor minor cuts. Battalion Chief Leonard Damianthe bystander’s actions "were noth› ing short of heroic." Strip Club ShOOting —Police are looking into a shooting at a strip club in Salemthat left one person deadandthree others injured. Salem Police said officers werecalled to Stars Cabaret shortly before 1a.m. Saturday. Authorities saytheshooting appears to havestemmedfrom an altercation involving one ofthe injured victims. The three wounded victims are expected tosurvive. Noarrests have beenmade.

The Oregonian



Tiny W il›

liams has long been a place to get lost. When gold miners left in the 1860s, homesteaders

quietly rolled in. They started cattle ranches and dairy farms on this speck of land pressed up against the Siskiyou Moun› tains in what is now the Apple› gate Valley wine country. A century later, hippies and countercul ture seekers set up

MiSSing guu fOund —A missing service weapon belonging to a Marion County sheriff’s deputy has been located. The.45-caliber Glock pistol was turned inWednesdayafternoon at the OregonState Police office in Albany, two daysafter it went missing. Sgt. Jeff Stut› rud said that it was found by aconstruction worker in Salem. The weapon doesnot have asafety. It was fully loaded with a round in the chamber at the time it was lost. All the ammunition wasaccounted for. Sgt. DonParise said the deputy was unsure whether thegun was lost or stolen. Thedeputy said he mayhave put it on top of his car and drove away.Thefirearm was found with scrape marks anddamage.

communes and lived off the

land and home-based business› es. Today, residents in the un› incorporated community say they are still surrounded by art› ists, musicians and alternative

Salmanella inveStigatian —Public healthofficials areinves›

thinkers who came to escape

the pace of city life. Janet Eastman/The Oregon via The Associated Press Surprisingly, the most fa› A modern-style Southern Oregon house once owned by Steve Miller of the Steve Miller Band, is mous place in this old gold min› viewed in Williams in July. The house has been added to the National Register of Historic Places. ing town is a Midcentury Mod› ern house owned by blues-rock musician Steve Miller f r om sel Adams and modern dancer The William J. & S a r ah of the land. He built houses and 1976-1986. His ranch, which he and choreographer Martha Wagner Lippincott House is planned for a golf course that retreatedto during a decade of Graham, would visit and col› considered one of the finest never materialized. prolific writing and perform› lectors would buy rugs made by examples of post-World War The remaining 420 acres ing, has suddenly vaulted isolat› Navajo weavers. II Contemporary or Modern of the original property were ed Williams into the spotlight. Sallie Wagner Lippincott, an style architectural design in bought in 1976 by Miller, whose On May 18, the wood-and› artist herself, is credited with Southern Oregon and a rare Steve Miller Band has sold glass, two-story house, hidden helping the weavers develop example in Josephine County, more than 40 million records off Water Gap Road from High› new, natural vegetal dyes. according to National Register over 40 years, and is still on way 238 between Grants Pass She lived 70 of her 93 years documents. tour (Aug. 4 at McMenamins and Medford, was placed on in the Southwest before dy› The house and the surround› Edgefield in Troutdale). the National Register of Histor› ing in Sante Fe in 2006. In her ing 3 acres that includes the As for the future of the ic Places. 1997 memoir, "Wide Ruins: smaller guest house is the first property, in 1999, a donation Earning the title required Memories from a Navajo Trad› property to earn the National allowed nonprofit foundation that the house be a significant ing Post," she said she and her Register designation in Wil› Pacifica: A Garden in the Siski› piece in American history, husband found temporary se› liams, "a side valley off of no yous to purchase the land and architect ure, archaeology or renityon their800-acre Oregon where," says Lou Ann Allen, a buildings, including the Lippin› engineering. ranch. former Williams resident and cott house. T hat means M i ller, w h o The couple asked architect volunteer who spent a year In 2012, Forestfarm Nursery, owned the property when he Winfield Scott Wellington of working to get the house on a large mail-order business for released mega 1970s hits like Berkeley, California, to design the National Register, which hardy plants, was donated to "Fly Like an Eagle" and who a split-level house with dear is maintained by the National Pacifica as a basis for botani› built a recording studio and a Douglas fir interior paneling, Park Service. cal and nature gardens, which massivebarn to park his tour beamed ceilings and floors The Lippincott House is one are still to be developed. For› bus and entertain pals like Boz made from treesfelled from the of 59 individual historic proper› estfarm at Pacifica offers over Scaggs, really had nothing to property. ties on the list from Josephine 5,000 kinds of plants to gar› do with earning the coveted The Lippincotts brought in County and the only modern deners across the country and designation. Arizona sandstone to be used residence. In 2013, it was al› sales benefit Pacifica. Having the National Regis› He wasn’t the first to seekpri› for fireplaces in the living room most destroyed by the Pacific vacy and solitude in Williams. and kitchen. Fire that scorched 500 acres ter designation, says Ray Prag, Art collectors and archae› The main level of the house and came within 10 feet of the who founded Forestfarm Nurs› ologists Sarah ("Sallie") and is on the second floor t capture wooden house. ery with his wife, Peg, "was just Bill Lippincott discovered the the best views of the man-made The Lippincotts lived only a a sigh of satisfaction that we remote region in the southern pond and the mountains. The few years here before return› had taken another step toward part of the state decades before. first floor has a partial daylight ing to the Southwest. In the preserving the property and its The wealthy couple bought the basement used as an entry hall early 1950s, they put the former buildings." former homestead in 1948 after and guest rooms. Messingerhomestead up for Today, the property at 14615 bringing national attention to Enter through the modest sale. Water Gap Road is a commu› Navajo art. front door and take switch› In 1954, the property was nity center with art shows and The Lippincotts had owned back stairs to reach the dou› purchased by Edwin N. and nature center with h abitats a trading post, called Wide ble-height living room where Bonnie Lippert, who raised cat› supporting different types of Ruins, on the Navajo Reserva› folding French glass doors once tle and added huge reservoirs. plants and birds. A three-tiered tion in Arizona. Their famous opened to a 60-foot-long deck. In 1967, a California develop› amphitheater, called Madrone friends, like photographer An› Now there are glass panels. er bought and subdivided some Grove, can seat 200 people.

tigating a Salmonella outbreak linked to asummer conference in Portland. TheMultnomah County Health Department on Friday said at least 53 people became ill, including nine laboratory-confirmed cases. Theagency said the cluster of Salmonella infections was linked to the OpenSource Bridge Conference atthe Eliot Center in Portland. It took place from June 23 toJune26. TheHealth Department is working to identify the source of theSalmonella. About 100 different food dishes prepared through multiple catering sources wereserved over a four-day period to about 500 people. Officials said the outbreak appears to be an isolated event that has not spread beyondconference participants.

COrmarant killingS — TheU.S. ArmyCorps of Engineers has resumed killing double-crested cormorants aspart of a program to re› duce the size ofNorth America’s biggest cormorant nesting colony so the birds eatfewerjuvenile salmon migrating downthe Columbia River. The agencysays158birds have beenkilled thus far, including 33 in July as of Friday.And morethan 5,089 nests have beenoiled, destroying the eggs inside them.Planscall for reducing the number of cormorants on East SandIsland at the mouth of the ColumbiabetweenOregon and Washington from 14,000pairs to 5,600 pairs by2018. — From wire reports

police officer attempted to stop a 2003 Chevrolet pickup for run› Continued from Bf ning a stop sign atSixth and Elm "They’ remaking really good streets in Prineville. ChazEvans, progress right now," McHugh 23, of Prineville, drove thepickup said. Crewswould likely work into away, trying to flee,OSPsaid. Evans thencollided with a2002 the night andpossibly into this morning, shesaid. Thefire was Subaru Legacytraveling west on NE Third Street at the intersection spreading into anolder burned area, which slows it down.Camp› of Juniper Street. Evans lost control of his ers at Marion Lakeandthose pickup asitheadedsouthbound hiking the nearby trails were asked to leavethe area, according on Juniper Street. It hit several parked cars and he wasejected. to McHugh. He was transported to St. Charles Bend, where helater died. The Prineville driver dies of the SubaruLegacy, Tim› after striking vehicles driver othy Faulkner, 31, ofPrineville, A Prineville mandied Saturday was transported to St.Charles several hours after fleeing a Prineville with nonlife-threatening traffic stop andcolliding with a injuries, according to OSP. moving vehicle aswell asseveral NE Third Street wasclosed parked vehicles, according to for about four hours for OSP’s Oregon State Police. investigation. — Bulletin staff reports At about 2:30 a.m., aPrineville


Scio toddler recoversfrom skull surgeryafter problemwent undiagnosed By Saerom Yoo

an infant’s skull sutures close

(Salem) Statesman Journal

prematurely. The skull is made of several


Olivia ~ s c ott, 1,

had a head shaped like a boat, piecesofbone and the sutures protruding in the front and the between them typically stay back A ridge ran through the open for most of humans’ lives. center of her skull, like a dino› The malleable suture lines al› saur, her parents joked. Her low babies to squeeze through temples pinched in toward her the birth canal and accommo› face. date brain growth. Then at 7 to 8 months, Olivia Sometimes, the sutures fuse began banging her head on too early, deforming the skull the floor, the couch, the wall. and causing other issues if it’ s For 15 months, Olivia’s pedia› not caught early. The condition trician told her parents, Cherlyn is often caught because of the and Oliver Prescott, not to wor› odd shape of the head, but if ry about her misshapen head or it’s not diagnosed and treated the head-banging. soon, it can lead to headaches, They were told it could be developmental delays and due to Olivia’s positioning in the blindness. uterus or birth trauma or be› cause Cherlyn’s body, standing Raisingawareness at 5-foot-1 and 112 pounds, did The type of craniosynostosis not provide the baby enough Olivia has, sagittal synostosis, room to grow in. is the most common type and And some kids just bang occurs in one out of 2,000 live their heads. She’ ll grow out of births. There is no known sin› it and her misshapen head, the gle cause. doctor said. The earliest sign of the con› Then the family switched pe› dition is a misshapen head that diatri cians because ofachange does not go away in the first in their health insurance cov› two months after birth, said

erage. By that time, the couple Dr. Anna Kuang, director of had stopped worrying about Doernbecher Children’s Hos› Olivia’s head. They went to pital’s Craniofacial Disorders their first visit with a host of Program. other questions. But the specialists rely on But the doctor immediate› primary care doctors being ly focused on Olivia’s head, familiar enough with the con› Cherlyn Prescott said. dition to recognize it and refer "His son had it 10 years ago," them to additional help, Kuang she said. satd. Cherlyn Prescott, who works

That’s why t h e

P r escotts

for Oregon State Police in Sa› have taken it upon themselves lem, is referring to craniosyn› to raise awareness about cra› ostosis, which occurs when

niosynostosis. If their second

"kitty," jumping off various Olivia was quickly given a objects, and her older siblings. diagnosis of sagittal synostosis, Her language development has and after a series of tests, in› skyrocketed since the surgery, duding an exam to make sure which Kuang says is often the her eyesight wasn’t in jeopardy, case with craniosynostosis pa› she went in for eight hours of tients who had experienced de› surgery. lays before the surgery. Cherlyn Prescott struggled She dons the words "cranio with the image described to her. princess" on her purple shirt, "Knowing she was going to which she pairs with a purple brain."

be in this room and I wasn’ t

Danietle Peterson I Statesman-Journal via The Associated Press

going to be there for her and she wasgoing to be stretched out unconscious while all these doctors were opening her skull," she said. "She’s lying there helpless, and we couldn’ t


Olivia will continue to get checkups at Doernbecher to

make sure her skull isn’t fusing too quickly again and check for other symptoms.

"You want your kids to be

Oliver Prescott holds his 1-year-old daughter, Olivia, who had

be with her, and it was just

surgery for craniosynostosis (a birth defect that affects the baby' s

hard." Kuang performed the sur› kid and the other kids," Kuang gery with the assistance of a said. "That’s our main goal." neurosurgeon May 26. Someday, when Olivia is old› She took existing pieces of er, the Prescotts plan to show

skull), at their home in Scio.

pediatrician hadn’t had per› months old. sonal experience with the con› dition, they’ re not sure when

'Crimped brain'

Olivia’s skull and created more

in a school room and you can’ t tell the difference between your

their daughter all the photos

room for her brain, similar to from her journey. They’d celebrate the girl’ s Olivia’s condition would have Kuang said a person’s head how pieces of wood planks are been diagnosed. grows fastest during the first bent to make a wine barrel. The resilience. Cherlyn posted updates and year of life, tripling in volume. top of her skull looks like the And they’d say, "Look what photos about Olivia on her That’s why it’s best to do the top of a pie or a lattice fence, you made it through." Facebook an d p a r t icipated surgery before 12 months, be› with small gaps all around. in online forums. She has re› fore the child starts suffering Those gaps will be filled even› More about ceived emails from strangers symptoms beyond the physical tually by bone growth, Kuang era niosynostosis who appreciated the informa› deformity, she said. said. There are two types of cra› tion at a time when their future Olivia’s head-banging was Olivia came out, cords niosynostosis: syndromic and was full of unknowns after probably due to headaches sticking out of her body, eyes non syndromic. receiving a diagnosis of their causedby thepressurebuilding swollen shut and a zigzag scar Non syndromic craniosyn› own. in her brain. Her speech and across her head. The zigzag su› ostosis, which is what Oliva While most patients get a language comprehension were ture is to allow the hair to grow Prescott has, is the most com› diagnosis about 3 months old, also delayed, Prescott said. out in all directions, hiding the mon. There is no known cause "Imagine it was your foot scar. many are not detected for a for this type. year or two, Kuang said. In ad› and it’s tripling in size and Syndromiccraniosynostosis dition, some children are not as you keep the same shoe on it," 'Cranio princess' is rarer and is associated with visually obvious. Kuang said. "You’d get crimped More than a m onth after a group ofgenetic disorders. When Olivia p r esented toes. But if you did that with the surgery, Olivia is a spunky Learn more on Doernbecher at Doernbecher, she was 17 your brain, you get crimped child who enjoys the family Children’s Hospital’s website.



BITUARIES DEATH NOTIcEs Dr. Robert F. 'Rip' Corrigan, of Bend Sept. 22, 1932 - July 15, 2015 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, 541-382-2471 www.niswonger-reynolds.


Services: A visitation time will be held on Tues., July 21, 2015, from 3:00 p.m.- 6:00 p.m., at Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home. A Celebration of Life will be Wed., at 10:00 a.m., in the Niswonger-Reynolds Chapel. Followed by a reception gathering at Hollinshead Barn. Interment will be held at 2:00 p.m., at Pilot Butte Cemetery.

Obituae policy Death Notices are freeand will be run for oneday, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. Theymay besubmittedby phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.

Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second dayafter sub› mission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication, and by 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; pleasecall for details.

Phone: 541-617-7825

Mail: Obituaries

praised the "people person" approach of Brown, who replaced the reserved John Kitzhaber, a fellow Democrat, after he resigned near the start of his fourth term in the midst of an ethics investigation. P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

Email: obits@bendbulletin.corn Fax: 541-322-7254


Modena Evelyn Johnson Sept. 4, 1922- May18, 2015


Ric Francis I The Associated Press file photo

Claudia Alexander, right, project manager for Galileo, waits in

Modena Evelyn Johnson, of S o u t h Bea c h , OR, p assed away o n M a y 1 8 , 2015, at the age of 92, af› ter a four year battle with c ancer a t h er d au g h t er Kathy’s home surrounded

by family.

S he was daughter of t h e

late R.D. (Doc) and Ada Stowell of Bend, OR. M odena w a s b o r n i n Bend, OR, on September 4, 1922, an d ra i sed o n a homestead off Gosney Rd., in Bend, OR. Attended lo› cal Bend schools. From 1949-1959, Modena waitressed a t Pas c a l e’s Cafe on S. 3rd Street in Bend, ( n o w k no w n as S argent’s C a fe) f o r Do n and Edith Agee, and North Pacific P r o ducts (Balsa Wood A i r p l an e F a c t ory) f or C h a r le s a n d W al l y Cleveland. M odena m a r r i e d G e n e Casler Johnson on May 5, 1953. They w er e m a r r i ed 4 6 years. T h e y l i v e d i n B end u n t i l 197 4 , t h e n m oved t o t he Or eg o n coast, settling in a t S o uth Beach, OR. M odena i s s u r v i ved b y h er daughter, K a th y M y › ers of P o rtland, OR; son, Mikel (Tonya) Johnson of T oledo, O R ; tw o st e p ›

the mission control room in Pasadena, California, along with engineer Nagin Cox, center, and others for the spacecraft to take its final plunge into Jupiter in 2003. Alexander died July 11 after a long battle with breast cancer. She was 56.

NASA scientist helped lead mission toJupiter By John Rogers The Associated Press

LOS ANGELES Claudia Alexander, a brilliant, pio› neering scientist who helped

tional Rosetta Project, which marked the first time a space› craft rendezvoused with a

comet. Born in Canada and raised

direct NASA’s Galileo mis› in Northern California’s Sil› sion to Jupiter and the inter› icon Valley, she joined JPL national Rosetta space-ex› soon after completing gradu› ploration project, has died at ate school. age 56. She had originally planned The Jet Propulsion Labora› on becoming a journalist, but tory in Pasadena, where Al› her parents steered her in an› exander worked as the U.S. other direction, insisting she leader on the Rosetta Project, pursue something that would announced her death Thurs› better serve society. "My parents blackmailed day. JPL officials said she died July 11 after a long battle me," she once said. "I really with breast cancer. wanted to goto the University As word of her passing of California at Berkeley, but spread through the science my parents would only agree community, tributes poured to pay for it if I majored in something useful, like engi› "Claudia brought a rare neering. I hated engineering." combination of skills to her After she won an engi› work as a space explorer," neering internship to NASA’s said Charles Elachi, JPL’s Ames Research I n stitute, daughters, I n gr e ( R i ck) director. "Of course, with a and her boss there discov› Myers of Bend, OR, Meg doctorate in plasma phys› ered she was spending most ( Gordy) Stewart o f M a u r , ics, her technical credentials of her time sneaking over to HI; nine grandchildren; 10 r eat-grandchildren, an d were solid. But she also had a the space building, he sent our gr ea t - g reat-grand› special understanding of how her there. A career as a re› c hildren (one o f t h e m o n scientific discovery affects nowned space scientist had the way). us all, and how our greatest been born. Preceded in death by her achievements are the result of Still, the friendly, outgoing h usband, Ge n e Cas l e r teamwork." scientist wanted it k n own Johnson. A lexander was a n a c › she was not strictly a science At her request, there will daimed scientist who con› nerd. be no services. "I’m ducted landmark research not a br il l i ant on the evolution and interior white-coated Jimmy Neutron physics of comets, Jupiter and trapped in a lab," she once told

Mary Elizabeth Varco

its moons, solar wind and other subjects. She authored

June 5, 1931 — July14, 2015 Mary was born in Grants, N ew M e x i co, t o W i l l i a m Frank L o w e and L ul a Minnie Roberts. S he m ar r i e d Ro be r t B ishop V arco o n M a y 7 , 1 955, i n R e n o , N e v a d a . They ha d t h r e e c h i l dren, Cynthia, Leslie and Lloyd. M ary w a s p r e c eded i n death by her parents, hus› b and, brothers, Evan a n d Dee; a n d h al f - b r others, W orth, M a n uel a n d V a r › nie. She is survived by her children and h e r b r o t her, James. There will b e a c e l ebra› t ion of he r l i f e a t a l a t e r date. P lease v i si t t h e o n l i n e r egistry fo r t h e f a m il y a t www.niswonger-reynolds. corn

or co-authored more than a dozen scientific papers. The University of Michi›

gan, where she earned her doctorate, named her its Woman of the Year in 1993.

She was the last project manager for the National Aeronautics and Space Ad›

Thomas Patterson /The New York Times

Oregon Gov. Kate Brown enjoys a light moment in Salem on June 11. Members of both parties have

her alma mater’s Michigan Engineer magazine, making reference to the kid-scientist

cartoon character. She loved horseback riding, she said, as well as camping, hanging out in coffeehouses and writing science fiction. "When I was in gradu› ate school, I went horseback riding every Sunday in the


can save one kid’s life, for me "I’m hoping Gov. Brown will it’s absolutely worth it," she be that, but I haven’t seen it." Continued from B1 sard. Asserting i n d ependence Where Kitzhaber was cere› However the chemistry of a from Portland carries its own bral, private and unflappably Brown administration works, risks. During tough negotia› cool perhaps a carry-over it seems to be winning over tions over a package for state› from his days as an emergen› Oregonians, people in both wide road and bridge work cy room physician Brown parties said. near the end of the legislative "Everyone likes her she’ s session last month, Brown has been vocally engaged if not loud, testifying in hear› very personable," said the mi› said she would be amenable ings, meeting with lawmak› nority leader in the House, to repealinga measure she ers from both partiesand Rep. Mike McLane, a Republi› signed just three months ear› speaking around the state. can. "There’s no question she’ s lier: a clean fuels carbon-re› Where he left office under popular." duction law. The law, which a cloud of whispers and se› Brown also inherited politi› the oil industry and some Re› crets, she has pledged a more cal and economic momentum publicans abhor, is aimed at open government and ethics that many other governors cutting climate-change gases reform. only dream about. Last fall, by requiring a gradual reduc› As for tooling through the when voters across the nation tion of carbon in fuels. Brown Capitol striking up conversa› dumped Democrats in favor of said that if there was another tions, you were more likely to Republicans, Oregon was the way to achieve the same end, a see a ghost than a governor one state where Democrats political compromise could be through the Kitzhaber era. gained seats in both legislative worth it. "I never saw him walking chambers,adding to pre-elecPortland-based e n v i r on› the hall," said Jackson, who tion majorities. mental groups that had backed has worked in the capital for And only oil-rich North Da› the fuels law howled their dis› 17 years. "When she calls me kota had a greater percentage approval. Ultimately, the talks out in the hallway like that," increase in personal income collapsed with no transporta› he added, referring to Brown, in the first quarter of this year tion package and the carbon "it’s very unique. It catches compared with last year, ac› standard still in place, but the people off guard." cording to federal figures. Tax wounds from that battle may Part of the new direction revenues allowed generous take time to heal. "There may be some raw was calculated. Oregon is not spending by the Legislature, accustomed to political scan› including an expansion of full› feelings, "said Jessica Moskodaltheway some statesare,so day kindergarten and an af› vitz, a spokeswoman for the there were shock waves when fordable-housing package. Oregon Environmental Coun› Kitzhaber’s career imploded In a poll of 625 state vot› cil, a nonprofit group that had amid media reports that his fi› ers by Mason-Dixon Polling championed the law. "But I ancee, Cylvia Hayes, had used and Researchin late May, 55 think there will be plenty of access in the governor’s office percent said they approved opportunities, as we look for› to further her career as an en› of the job Brown was doing, ward to the fall of 2016, for ergy consultant. A federal in› including about 40 percent of the governor to show strong self-identified R epublicans. action on climate, and to show quiry is in progress. "There was a grieving pro› The poll had a margin of sam› her true colors in that way." cess happening, a healing pro› pling error of plus or minus 4 M oskovitz ad d e d , "It cess, so we felt like we need› percentage points. doesn’t pay to hold a grudge "She stepped right up and when you’ re trying to do the ed to sort of hold the hands through that," said Brown, 55, was ready to take over," said right thing for the people of who grew up in Minnesota RobertHiebert,55,a construc- Oregon." and came toOregon for law tion worker who was on a job Other people said they school, practicing family and in Salem, the capital. "That’ s thought Portland liberals were likely to see more distancing juvenile law before entering what I’ ve caught so far." politics. But there is a p otentially in the months ahead not After the grieving, she said, tricky road ahead, especially less. "She’s not the mouthpiece her personality asserted itself. if Brown runs for a full term "My skills are different," in 2016, which she is widely for the Portland crowd," said Brown said in an i nterview expected to do, though she has Joe Esmonde, the political in her office. "I’m a people declined to commit so far. director for Local 48 of the person." In a state where leftward International Bro t h erhood As the nation’s first openly leanings and population are of Electrical Workers there. bisexual governor, she said concentrated in the Portland "She’s too smart for that, and she had also wrestled with area, and much of the rest of she’s running for election, how much, or how little, that the state is rural and more probably." label might define her. When conservative, Brown is an ur› Her stance on the fuels stan› she took office in February, ban liberal. She represented dard "was a signal she was she said, many news reports Portland in the Legislature for open to solutions for every› focused on it. "Instead of being 17 yearsbefore being elected body," Esmonde said. "I think Kate Brown, Democrat, I’m secretary of state in 2008. she gained respect." Brown said her position on Kate Brown, bisexual, right?" That Kitzhaber occasional› she said. ly stood up to the more liberal the fuels law was not political Brown said she felt differ› wing of his party is prompting but simply aimed at getting ent about that sort of attention a bit of nostalgia about him something done. If carbon emissionscould bereduced by since getting a letter from a from Republicans. "Gov. Kitzhaber was a mod› some other path, she said, she teenager in the Midwest who told her that he had been sui› erating influence, quietly be› felt an obligation to listen. "I’m really pragmatic," she cidal, but had found new hope hind the scenes," said McLane, after reading about her. "If I the House minority leader. said. "That’s my reality."

An old-fashionedaffordable CountyFair with somethingFIINfor everyone! '

The Bulletin

ministration’s Galileo mis› winter, and I got so I lived for sion, in which twin space› that," she recalled. craft launched in 1989 made

Still, she added that her fa›

an unprecedented trip to Ju› vorite college memory was piter, using the Earth’s and "staying up all night with the planet Venus’ gravity friends arguing about which to propel themselves there. one of us was going to do the Along the way, they provided most for mankind with the re› unprecedented observations search we were doing." of the solar system. JPL officials said two me› At the time of her death, morialservices are planned, Alexander was project man› one in Los Angeles on July 25 ager for the United States’ and another in San Jose on involvement in the interna› Aug.8.

Once yau’yejlaill far generalIllmieliOI, CO meenjaygamee, CO nteete, Sh O WS,anil mOre! Ailll it'SIll FRH!

Petting Zoo O' Pony Rides r eturn this year -~.,; ,—, from DD Ranch in Terrebonne.

DEATHs ELsEwHERE Deathsof note from around

teacher, coach and promoter day at his home in Addison, and achieving the fame of a Michigan, guru within New York City’ s Helen F. Holt, 101: Led the roller-skating su b culture. federal government’s effort earliest days in the AFL. Died Died Thursday at his home in to establish and standardize Friday. He place of death was Manhattan. m odern long-term care f a› not reported. Duane Barnes, 55: Michi› cilities for the elderly in the Lezly Ziering, 82: Profes› gan International Speedway pre-Medicareera. Died July sional dancer who in midlife employee who survived a 11 at her home in Boca Raton, set his art on wheels, rein› 2012 explosion and fire at Florida, from heart failure. venting himself as a skater, the Daytona 500. Died Tues› — From wire reports the world: Van Miller, 87: Voice of the Buffalo Bills from the team’s


p res e n t s t l a a

ROli D e s c h u

t e s C o u u tp

DD •


August 8


Oregon manwins big, continues asundersheriff By George Pleven East Oregonian

Myren admits the lottery was his own " stupid little

Moths Continued from B1 While not reaching outbreak levels, the number of moths

this year has become notable. People who called Eglitis have reportedseeing about50moths each.The reportsrangefrom in

B OARDMAN St e v e thing," but he did set a few Myren thought he was hav› rules for himself: He would ingaheartattack. only play Oregon Lottery The Morrow County un› games, and only when the dersheriff had never won pot was $5 million or more. more than $60 playing the Even then, Mim said she Oregon Lottery. Now here he got a little annoyed with was checking his old Mega› her husband. The odds just bucks tickets in Heppner, seemed too long to realistical› pale white upon realizing he ly cash in on a big winner. had the $5.5 million winner That didn’t stop Myren in hand. He watched the con› from buying a pair of $1 Ore› venience store clerk jump up gon’s Game Megabucks tick›

the Deschutes National Forest near the Lava Cast Forest to

and down in excitement.

on a bank building along U.S. Highway 20. The Bulletin building in southwest Bend has also had many moths gather this month

on a well-lit outside wall. Pandora moths are easy to recognizebecause oftheirsize and appearance. "It’s one of the largest moths we have," Eglitis said.

Myren, 52, and his wife,

ets in Boardman on June 7, with the odds of winning the

At rest the moths form about a It/2-inchtriangle, he said. In

Mim, talked about their good

top prize at one in 6.1 million.

fortune and plans for the future this week as lottery

A drawing was held the next

flight, they have a wingspan of about 3 inches. Those gray wings have jagged black lines A Pandora moth clings to the wall at Vince Genna Stadium in Bend onFriday.

officials presented the Board› man Chevron station with a

hefty bonus check for selling the winning ticket.

The family-owned store received a 1 percent commis› sion of the total winnings›

day. Myren elected to take the money in annual payouts over 25 years as opposed to one lump sum. After taxes, that’s approximately $130,000 per year. For now, Myren said the plan is to continue working

$55,000. Store owner Doug Devin, of the locally based with th e M o rrow C ounty Devin Oil Co., said the mon› Sheriff’s Office until his re› ey has already gone toward tirement in two years. How› new products and employee ever, he added he doesn’ t training. Devin said it is the first time the store has sold a m ulti-million d o l la r l o t t o ticket.

know what the future will

hold. "This is just going to make retirement more comfort› able," Myren said.

Yesteryear Continued from B1

Miss Skjersaa, IW.A can› graduates of the Bellevue Hos› didate, was the winner of the

pital in New York, and recently queen contest, with 932,000 of Iowa, will arrive soon to as› votes. Miss Joyce, Twenty-Thir›

sist Doctors Coe and Ferrell as ty candidate, was runner-up. trained nurses, having served She had 873,500 votes. Marjo› in the profession for several


rie Morris was in third place, with 570,000.

"From time to time as con› ditions warrant, we expect to

Third-term secret make additions and such re› to be told tonight

on top and pink on the bot› other invasive insects, Eglitis said.

have thin yellow antennae. The

Even during the 1990s out› about a decade and moved break the moths did not dent through different parts of Cen› Central Oregon’s woods. "It tral Oregon, is unknown, said was really hard to find any Stephen Fitzgerald, a forestry trees that were killed by these professor at Oregon State Uni› things," he said. versity in Corvallis. But what In their life cycle the moths brought the number of moths emerge from the ground and back in check to end the out› fly in odd years, this time of break around Bend is known. year, and the caterpillars are He said a virus killed off many out heavily eating pine needles of them. in spring and summer of even People have asked Eglitis years. and Fitzgerald for tips on how

males have feathery antennae of the same hue. "They look

like ferns," Eglitis said. Native to Central Oregon,

the pandora moth has a two› year life cycle dependent on pine trees, munching the trees’

needles like mad while they are caterpillars. A defoliator, strip› ping the pines of their needles, the moths do not cause deadly damage like gypsy moths and

fice here, Dr. Vandevert, while

still an intern, was called on to make a night gallop from the

to maintain that men in public

nate President Roosevelt for a third term tonight.

said. — Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarling@bendbulletin.corn

Baker’s injuries were numer›

dispatcher relate the details of

car wrecks made her feel anx›

medical technician’s course as

well. When she gets a call to go out with the ambulance now, she

doesn’t think about her own ac› cident, although sometimes she relives parts of it later.

"Just knowing that I can help ...," she said. "Even if it is a fa›

tality, I can know that I tried to

ious and womed. ed from a correctionsofficer Finally, in answer to the nag› trainingprogram, and there'sa

ging feeling that haunted her, possibility she may move to the she went down to the Jefferson

Willamette Valley for a job. But

County ambulance station and even if she moves, Baker won’ t asked how she could become a give up her volunteer work. volunteer. That was last fall.

"Sometimes it still seems like

Since then, Baker has taken the wreck was just yesterday," first-aid and cardiopulmonary she said. "I’d like to volunteer resuscitation courses, and she wherever I go."

"Old Homestead" to the Albert

Reese ranch on Paulina Creek. Jubilant new dealers junked There he delivered his first the scheduled program of the baby, Albert Reese, Jr. democratic national conven› Memories? Dr. Vandev crt tion today in order to renomi› has many of them. Once, he The "ayes" appear to have it.

of the opinion that, generally President’s Roosevelt’s close› speaking, the man in public life held secret is out. He does not comes nearer earning what he want to be renominated nor to gets than the ordinary run of be president again. salary receiving individuals. Everyone here believes he Especially so when one con› will accede to a third term siders that sooner or later the draft, possibly within 24 hours. office holder is turned out; he is not advancing as is the man who works well for a corpora›


tion, nor is he accumulating For the week ending or building up property, as do July 18, 1965 those who work for themselves.

Especially is the Oregon of› Dr. Vandevert marks 50 ficial meagerly paid. Through› years as practicing Bend out, the salaries given the high› physician, byPhil F.Brogan er stateoff icers are not comThis is a day of old memories mensurate with their responsi› for a Bend resident, John Clin› bilities. Certainly they average ton Vandevert. less than men doing similarly It marks the completion of important work in the business his 50th year as a practicing world. physician in Bend. The day will be celebrated on Thursday with a reunion of friends, relatives 75 YEARSAGO

recalls, Father Mike Sheehan

of the local Catholic Church called on him to make a run in

a Model "T" Ford to the High Desert, where it was feared smallpox had broken out. At the ranch, Dr. Vandevert found a ma n s tricken with spotted fever.He improvised

a remedy, in that era when se› rums were just being tested. The man got well. Dr. Vandevert’s service as a doctor does not go back to the horse and buggy days. He bought a Model "T" Ford from the late J.L. Van Huffel in 1915, and withthat carcovered much

of the Deschutes country. In 1916, just prior to the out› break of the "black flu" in Bend,

Dr. Vandevert established here the Bend Surgical Hospital, about two years before the St.

Charles Hospital was founded. Three times he tried to enlist for service in World War I, but

and patients at his home, at 930

with the influenza raging in the

Broadway. An open house will be held through the afternoon.

area, he was placed on the de› ferred list.

Early arrivals for the anni›

Li htning sets forests versary and reunion were two 25 YEARSAGO arne — parachutists used brothers who are also physi› to stop small fires cians Dr. George V. Vande› For the week ending Hundreds of forest fires, vert, Oakland, California, and July 18, 1990 most of them started by dry Dr. Arthur Vandevert, Sellers› Crash survivor helps lightning, dotted the Pacific burg, Indiana. coast and western states today Many old timers will be pres› others at wrecks from Alaska to the Mexican ent, and there will be exchang› The newspaper dippings border in the most severe out› es of recollections of pre-mill telling of Kathy Baker’s nearly break of the 1940 season. days after two great railroad fatalaccident four years ago The U.S. forest service sent systems built lines up the De› are wrinkled and yellowed its new "smoke jumper" units schutes gorge to tap Bend in with age, but she hasn’t forgot› 1911.

Your investment plan should be created just for you; however, developing and maintaining a comprehensive financial plan can be a bit of a balancing act. I can deliver the guidance needed to develop a well-balanced investment plan.

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ten the efforts that were made

small spot fires.

born Jan. 13, 1888, Dr. Van›

Queen andprincess

devert came to Prineville as a and working to help others boy in 1891, with his parents, survive traumatic events as she Mr. and Mrs. W.P. Vandevert,

Scott Roots Director of Investments & Insurance Division sroots@oregoncommunityCU.org 109 NW Greenwood Ave., Suite 102, Bend, OR 541.382.1 778

700 fires were started by light› But Dr. J.C. Vandevert’s that day to save her life. ning. Specially trained and memories go far beyond those Today, Baker volunteers as equipped parachutists were pioneer days. A native of Hol› part of the Jefferson County dropped from airplanes to kill brook, Arizona, where he was Emergency MedicalServices

to see world fair

Fitzgerald said the moths

may be attracted by outdoor lights near pines close to homes. He suggested people make their tree less inviting so the moths do not come there to mate and lay eggs. "Shut your light off," he

help, that I did what I could." Baker recently g raduat›

nent questions as to whether or not he will seek re-election.

into action where an estimated

caterpillars. Eglitis recom› mends watering the tree.

uation from the University of

statement should answer perti›

For the week ending July 18, 1940

needles from pandora moth

plans to take an emergency

Every now and then, and especially when legislative ses› sions approach and "economy" is a desirable password, we hear a great deal of too many salaries and too high salaries being paid Oregon officials. It is, in fact, quite the usual thing As a matterof fact,we are

to help their trees as they lose

effects sometimes." While the recovery was ar› duous and physical therapy In 1900, Dr. Vandevert’s fa› slid into the southbound lane painful, Baker says that all ther, Bill Vandevert, was on and struck the side of an on› along she felt something else "kind of eating at me." hand to greet the founder of coming car. Bend, A.M. Drake, whose cov› When the ambulance ar› The daughter of a police of› ered wagon was parked on the rived the car was on its side. "I ficer, Baker had grown up lis› east bank of the Deschutes. was pinned underneath," Bak› tening to reports of accidents Dr. Vandevert came to Bend er said. "They assumed I was on a police scanner. After the to practice following his grad› dead just from looking at me." accident, though, hearing the


office do not earn their pay.

What triggered the 1990s outbreak, which lasted for

moths is male or female look at their heads. The females

Oregon Medical School in 1914. ous and severe: Her head was He opened hisoffi cein Bendon battered; partofherback and modeling as will render our President Roosevelt an› July 15, 1915, after completing eights of her ribs were broken; work most effective," said Doc› nounced todaythatSenate Mahis intern work at St. Vincent’ s her lungs were punctured and tor Coe. "In order to give the jority Leader Alben W. Barkley in Portland. collapsed; her spleen was rup› bestpossible service and offer will make a statement in his There were two other physi› turedandherlivercut. "They thought I would be every convenience and com› behalf on the third term issue cians, Dr. U.C. Coe, first mayor fort to patients, the interior will to the democratic national con› of Bend, and Dr. Barney Fer› blind and paralyzed from the soon becompleted and much vention tonight. rell, in the local field when Dr. waist down," Baker said. "It of the furniture has already ar› Without revealing the exact Vandevert opened his office in took me agood three years to rived for installation." scope of the pronouncement, the old Sather building. recuperate, and I still feel the Roosevelt said that Barkley’s Even before opening his of›

F.R. wants no third term

Joe Kline/The Bulletin

tom. To tell whether one of the

enney, who served as chaperon camped at Bend’s present Pi› was falling. for the royal court during the oneer Park, en route to Lane As they headed toward the Fourth of July celebration. County. bottom of Juniper Butte her car

Mr. and Mrs. J.B. Donavan,


team, rushing out to accidents did.

Miss Marjorie Skjersaa, then moved up the Deschutes It was on New Year’s Eve, Bend girl who ruled over in 1892 to establish the "Old the close of 1985, that Baker’ s Bend’s 1940 stampede-pageant Homestead." There, a brother accident happened. Baker and as queen, and her princess roy› of the physician, Claude Vande› a couple of friends had been to al, Miss Jimmie Joyce, are to vert still lives. Bend to shop and to see a movie leave for San Francisco tomor› Actually Dr. V andevert’s at the mall. row to attend the world’s fair as family story goes far beyond The details of what hap› guests of the Bend Stampede the 1891-92 date. His grand› pened after the group left Bend and Water Pageant association. mother, Grace Clark Vande› to head back to Madras are Accompanying the queen and v ert, was a survivor of t h e blurry for Baker, but she re› princess will be Mrs M.B. McK› Clark massacre of 1851, who members that a freezing rain


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W EAT H E R Forecasts andgraphics provided byAccuWeather,Inc. '2015











+r Yi+

Pleasant this morning; otherwise, sunny

I f' I













~r yq~




+r Tq+

Sunshine, a t-storm possible in the p.m.



Pleasant with plenty Of sunshine


Shown is today’s weather.Temperatures are today’s highs andtonight’s lowe. umatiaa Hood


EAST:Mostly sunny with temperatures slightly abovenormal. Conditions tonight will be clear.





Bend Municipal Airport through 5 p.m.yest.



Pleasant with plenty Of sunshine

Nice with plenty of sun



Yesterday Today Monday Hi/Lo/Proc. HiRo/W Hi/Lo/W

101/69 wu ermiston lington 100/68 Mane am 6/ 1 90/5'6'Enten rise • W co1 Tm dleon t 87/4 • ha Daa 9 8 Tigamo • • 98/ CENTRAL:Plenty of andy • 100/70 71/55 Mc innviff 3/59 • • H a p pner Grande • Josep h sunshine andwarm Gove nt • upi Condon 5/61 Cam n 96 90 53 temperatures today. Lincoln union 85/ Clear across the Sale 67/57 • pray Granite u region tonight. 96/5 • 7/65 'Baker C Newpo 84/49 ' /55 65/56 • Natcii 8 88/48 Cam PSh man R6d I \ WEST:Mostly sunny 9 1 / 5 4 p 7 9 R8I Yach BO/55 • John au across the region 93/56 • Prineville Day 8/50 tario today with average 66/55 92/57 • Pa lina 90/56 9 58 temperat ures.Tonight Floran a • Eugene ' Re d Brothers Vates will have clear skies. 69/56 Su iueru 88/56 92/60 Nyssa u 86/ 1 • i.a pine Ham ton C a J untura 92/ 5 6 Grove Oakridga • Burns 92/56 OREGON EXTREMES 93/54 /53 • Fort Rock Riley 88/49 YESTERDAY Greece t • 87/52 87/49 85/51

Yesterday Today Monday

City City Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W HiRo/W Abilene orns/o.oo or no/s 98/74/s Juneau 67/56/0.19 62/50/pc 71/55/sh High 84 83 98’ in 1 9 14 Akron 91 n3/0.00 89/66/1 84/68/c Kansas City oons/o’.76 85f/3/t 86/69/1 45’ 48’ 28’ in 1962 Low Albany 87no/Tr 90/69/1 85/64/pc Lansing 85/69/0.13 85/61/t 82/62/pc Albuquerque 90/67/0.00 87/66/pc 88/67/c Las Vsgas 93/83/Tr 91 n4/t 92n6/t PRECIPITATION Anchorage 69/57/0.19 69/55/s 71/57/s Lexington 91/68/1.33 eon 4/t 87/72/t Atlanta 92n6/0.06 osmn 94no/s Lincoln 90/70/0.03 86fto/pc 87/62/1 24 hours through 5 p.m. yesterday 0.00" Atlantic City 81 n1 /0.00 88/76/s 89/75/pc Litus Rock 96no/o’.oo 99n8/s 99n9/pc Record 0.85" in 1987 Austin osn4/o’ . oo orn2/s 96/71/s Lus Angeles 87/65/0.25 86n1/t 81/69/t Month to date (normal) 0.4 2" (0.34") Baltimore 89/73/0.08 95/76/pc 92/72/t Louisville 93/69/1.87 94ngn oon4n Year to date(normal) 6.53 " (6.06") Billings 75/54/Tr 88/59/pc 87/60/pc Madison, Wl 88/69/1.12 82/63/pc 83/61/pc Barometric pressure at 4 p.m. 30 . 0 5" Birmingham 98n6/0.02 grm/s 98/tris Memphis ornwo.oo 98/80/s 98/81/pc Bismarck 78/53/0.00 88/59/pc 80/56/s Miami oonr/0.07 91 n7/t eonrn SUN ANDMOON Boise 86/56/0.00 91/62/s 94/64/s Milwaukee 83/69/0.11 82/64/c 82/62/pc Boston 78/64/0.14 87/73/pc 87/69/1 Minneapolis 88/68/0.76 84/69/pc 85/61/pc Today Mon. Bridgeport, CT 82n1 /0.05 87/74/pc 89/Tl/t Nashville 94ns/o’.oo 95n6/pc 96n8/pc Sunrise 5:39 a.m. 5: 4 0 a.m. Buffalo 79/67/pc New Orleans grng/o.oo 95/80/pc 95/80/s 82n1/Tr 86/65/1 Sunset 8:43 p.m. 8: 4 2 p.m. Burlington, YT 85/66/0.39 86/67/t 84/65/pc New YorkCity 85/71/0.32 92/78/pc 91/74/t Moonrise 9 :26 a.m. 10:24a.m. Caribou, ME 66/59/0.44 68/58/pc 78/57/1 Newark, NJ 89/72/0.13 94na/pc 94nsn Charleston, SC 92n5/0.00 94/76/pc gonr/s Norfolk, YA 92/71/3.07 92n8/t 93n8/pc Moonset 1 0:32 p.m. 10:59p.m. Charlotte 96n4/0.62 orn4n 98n4/s Oklahoma Ci t y 96no/o.oo orn4/s orn4/s First Fu l l Last New Chattanooga osn err'r 94ns/s 96/76/pc Omaha 90/71/0.02 88/70/pc 86/63/t n' Cheyenne 82/54/0.00 77/53/1 78/55/s Orlando 92/74/Tr 89f/4/t 90n5/t Chicago 89n3/0.54 86/65/c 82/64/pc Palm Springs 93/75/0. 25 95n9/t 97nrrt High: 102' don Ro s eburg • C h ristmas alley Cincinnati 91/68/0.06 90/71/t 85/69/1 Psoria 91/78/0.00 87nott 83/67/t Jordan V Hey Jul 23 Jul 31 A u g e A u g 14 at Roseburg 65/55 Beaver Silver 87/53 Franchglen 96/61 Cleveland 89/72/0.00 89/66/t 83/67/pc Philadelphia 89/71/Tr 9Sna/pc 94mn Low: 38' 86/51 Marsh Lake 90/51 ColoradoSprings 86/60/Tr 79/58/t 79/57/1 Phoenix 100/82/0.16 99/83/1 101/85/pc Tonight' eehy:Low abovethewestern 85/50 at Sunriver Po 0 87/52 Gra • Burns Jun tion Columbia, MO 89n6/Tr 88/75/pc 89/70/t Pittsburgh 88ns/o.oo 89n2/t 85/69/pc • Paisley horizon, moonvery nearVenus (34from Sun, a Columbia, SC 100n5/0.05 98/76/t 101/77/s Portland, ME 70/63/0.10 81/65/1 86/62/t • 90/54 Chiloquin Columbus,GA eon errr gsnsn 96ns/s Providence 80/67/0.00 89/73/pc 90/67/t evening sky) at 1hUT.Mag.-4.5. Spectacular! Gold ach 95 66 Medfe d '86/53 Rome 0’ Columbus,OH 91 no/0.00 88/69/t 83/69/1 Raleigh 93/74/0.02 94nS/s 96n5/pc n® 4 91/54 Klamath Concord, NH 79/63/0.35 87/66/1 89/61/1 Rapid City 78/56/0.00 84/58/pc 81/59/s Source: JimTodd,OMSI Fields • • Ashl nd Falls • Lakeviaw McDermi Corpus Christi 96/80/0.00 9Sns/s 9Sns/s Rsno 88/65/0.00 86/62/pc 87/64/t Rro ings 97/6 88/51 70/57 86/50 88/52 Dallas oono/o’.oo99/80/s 100/79/s Richmond 92/74/0.00 9Sns/s 9Snr/pc Dayton 91/68/0.01 89/70/t 86/69/1 Rochester, NY 86/71/1.51 91/66/t 83/67/pc Denver 90/60/0.33 83/57/1 85/57/s Sacramento 93/61/0.00 95n1/pc 93/66/pc 10 a.m. Noon 2 p.m. 4 p.m. Yesterday Today Monday Yesterday Today Monday Yesterday Today Monday Dss Moines St. Louis 94/84/0.00 93n8/t 90n2/t oons/o’.oo86/70/pc 83/65/1 5 I~ B ~ B I 5 city H i/Lo/Proc. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W C i ty Hi/Lo/P roc. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W city Hi/Lo/Proc. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Detroit 91/71/Tr 90/63/t 83/66/pc Salt Lake City 83/65/0.00 85/66/1 87/68/c The highertheAccuW salhar.txrmtiy Index number, Asturia Portland 97/6 0/0.00 96/61/s 86/60/s Duluth 89/53/0.00 72/60/s 70/60/pc La Grands 88/45/0.00 90/53/s 91/50/s 85/66/0.02 82/65/pc 78/57/s San Antonio osng/o’.oo 97ft6/s 96n6/s the greatertheneedfor sysandskin protsdiun. 0-2 Low, Baker City 84/44/0.00 88/48/s 88/48/s La Pine 83/38/0.00 85/52/s 83/48/s Prinevigs 86/ 4 1/0.00 92/57/s 83/55/s El Paso 97n3/0.00 96/75/pc 97/75/pc San Diego 78/64/1.03 83n3/t 80n2/t 3-5Moderate;6-7 High;8-10 VeryHigh; 11+ Exlrsms. Brookings 65/55/0.00 70/57/c 73/56/pc M s d tord 1 00/5 7/0.00 98/64/s 98/63/s Redmond 87/ 42/0.00 92/52/s 90/47/s Fairbanks 58/52/0.16 57/51/ah 65/51/pc San Francisco 76/59/0.00 79/65/pc 77/60/pc Gums 85/45/0.00 88/49/s 89/49/s Ne wport 82/5 2 /0.00 65/56/s 65/54/pc Rossburg 102 / 58/0.00 96/61/s 94/60/s Fargo 78/65/0.64 86/61/pc 78/55/s San Jose 79/58/0.00 84/66/pc 82/63/c Eugene 100/53/0.00 94/56/s 90/54/s No r th Bend 81 / 54/0.00 67/57/s 68/57/pc Salem 98/62/0.00 96/58/s 89/58/s Flagstaff 76/51/0.01 70/49/1 74/48/t Santa ra 89/57/0.00 83/58/pc 86/58/t Klamath Fags 86/51/0.00 88/51/s 89/51/s O n tario 90/57/0.00 92/58/s 95/62/s Sisters 84/39/0.00 90/55/s 88/50/s Grand Rapids 86/67/0.09 82/61/t 81/62/pc Savannah 93/76/0.00 95n6/pc 94n6/s G rasses T r ee s Wee ds Laksvisw 82/45/0.00 86/50/s 86/50/s Pe ndleton 90/ 5 5/0.00 98/69/s 95/63/s The Dagos 9 9 / 59/0.00 100/70/s 92/64/s Green Bay 87/67/0.30 84/63/pc 86/59/c Seattle 92/64/0.00 91/60/s 76/59/s s-sunny, pc-partly cl o udy, c-cl o udy, sh-showars, t-thundsrstorms, r-rain, st-snow fl u rries, sn-snow l-ics, Tr-trees, Yest e rday data as ot 5 p.m. yesterday Greensboro osn4/o’ . oo gsnsn 9SnS/pc Sioux Fal l s 86/66/Tr 86/66/pc 83/56/pc Weathar(W): High g Lo~w A bs ent Harrisburg 89n3/Tr gsnsn 88/72/pc Spokane 87/62/0.00 94/67/s 91/62/s Source: OregonAesrgyAssociatss 541-683-1577 Harffurd, CT 83/67/0.05 92/72/pc 91/64/1 Springfield, MO 93/75/0.00 94/75/s 94n4/t Helena 79/54/0.01 87/58/1 88/58/t Tampa 88/80/0.09 88n7/t 88n8/t Honolulu 89/77/0.09 88nS/pc 87/75/ah Tucson 93/76/Tr 92/75/t gsnsn ~ cs ~ 1 0 8 ~ 20 8 ~s ee ~4 06 ~ 508 ~B ee ~7 06 ~ 806 ~ 908 ~ 100 8 ~ 1 1 0a Houston ~ 108 ~ 0 8 97/80/0.00 orna/s ornws Tulsa gm2/D.oo 99ft9/s 99n8/t As ut 7 a.m.yesterday Huntsville 97n6/Tr gsns/s 97/75/pc Washington, DC 88m/o.o4 98/81/s 95n9/t Indianapolis 91/69/Tr 88/70/t 84/67/1 Wichita 100/77/0.04 99n7/pc 95n3/t Reservoir Ac r e feet Ca pacity NATIONAL 5 ~ Hsl 5 I hl nse Ttfqnder aay Jackson, MS gsnr/0.00 98m/s 98/77/s Yakima 95/54/Tr 100/64/s 98/59/s • C rane Prairie 309 8 8 91/SO 56% EXTREMES 78 5 TS Jacksonville 93n4/0.00 93/74/t 88/74/t Yuma 98/84/0.15 98/80/t 101/80/1 (for the y Quebec Wickiup 84641 42% YESTERDAY Bismarck v 74/e1 i I e 48 contiguous states) Crescent Lake 6 7 7 93 78% ss/59 94/41 orttsnd • Billings Minn 0 Ochoco Reservoir 20812 47 Yo National high: 105 Amsterdam 70/61 /0.00 67/55/pc 72/62/pc Mecca 108/83/0.00 109/85/pc 108/69/s 61/se cols ee/59 p 84/ Athens 91 n7/0.00 gin4/s 93/74/s Mexico City 74/57/0.19 72/55/pc 72/55/t Prineville 80487 54vo at Wink, TX s Boston • 91/62 Mil e 84/5 uffsto /73 Auckland 57/45/0.36 54/47/ah 56/44/pc Montreal 77/64/0.16 84/65/t 81/65/s Sa/44 6 ' River flow St a tion Cu. ft.teec. National Iow: 32 Baghdad 111/84/0.00 115/86/s 114/86/s Moscow 68/54/0.00 69/56/c 63/52/r sw York Deschutes R.below CranePrairie 233 at West Yellowstone, s ol Bangkok 91 /79/0.02 92/80/t 90/80/r Nairobi 79/54/0.02 73/57/c 74/53/c 92/Te Cheyenne ceno /6 Deschutes R.below Wickiup 1220 MT Bsijing 82no/0.40 80/69/1 Stntn Nassau gona/o’.oo 90/76/pc 9Onwpc eadetphis /53 • Cot 143 Precipitation: 3.07" Beirut 84nrto.oo 86/76/s SSno/s New Delhi 90/82/0.01 90n8/t 89/79/t Deschutes R.below Bend an snasco sns 6 69 • Den es/ss Berlin 80/67/0.40 74/57/t 72/60/pc Osaka 86/70/0.03 86/76/c 88/77/ah 79/65 Deschutes R. atBenhamFalls 1760 at Norfolk, VA Wa neton 83/5 us ue Lss V Bogota 65/50/0.21 67/47/1 67/48n Oslo 63/52/0.27 64/53/sh 63/52/ah Little Deschutes near LaPine 145 96 94/79 $1 st. u Budapest 97/66/0.25 98/71/t 89/66/t Ottawa 82/61/0.09 85/60/t 82/61/s C rescent Ck. below Crescent Lake 1 4 6 93 Buenos Ai r es 63/52/0.00 63/45/pc 55/34/pc Paris 86/64/0.49 80/65/pc 83/67/pc • ashvil Chsrto Crooked R.above Prineville Res. 1 Rio de Janeiro rrno/o.oo 80/68/s 81/69/s Cabo San Loess 88/79/0.00 94m/pc 9Sng/pc 95/7 4 L' Crooked R.below Prineville Res. 229 Cairo orns/0’.00 96/73/s 98nS/s Rome 90/66/0.00 92/71/s 91/72/s Anchorage i Atbuque ue klahoma Ci • At Calgary 82/50/0.00 73/55/s 72/54/s Santiago 59/36/0.00 52/30/sh 59/32/s Crooked R. near Terrebonne 176 9 6 49/5 Sr/SS esn Cancun oono/o.oo gonsn 9On4/s Sau Paul o 73/61/0.00 77/59/s 77/59/pc eir ineha Ochoco Ck.below OchocoRos. 8 • usga al pa Dublin 66/50/0.25 65/49/pc 66/53/sh Sap poro 80/68/0.85 78/67/r 79/67/c 97 J so/6 en Edinburgh 63/52/0.51 62/46/r 62/54/sh Seoul 79/73/0.25 82/74/r 88/75/t h d d 'rta/5 Geneva 84/68/0.08 86/64/1 88/66/s Shanghai 84/73/0.07 85/75/c 85/75/pc • itsndu Harare 79/42/0.00 77/48/s 75/49/pc Singapore 90/82/0.07 88/80/1 88/79/t w Orleans 7/re 6 4 Bend/Sunriver High Hong Kong 91/81/0.46 93/82/r 91/81/1 Stockholm 68/52/0.06 68/55/pc 67/53/sh Chihuahua eo o ~.t Istanbul 86/72/0.00 86/71/s 85/71/s Sydney 53/46/0.11 62/46/sh 63/46/pc Redmond/Madras ~ Ve ry 92/44 Miami eighh Jerusalem 87/68/0.00 87/65/s 87/67/s Taipei 92/79/0.00 91/80/1 87/79/r Monte 91~ 97/70 Johannesburg 63/35/0.00 68/44/s 69/46/s Tel Aviv 88/73/0.00 88n5/s 88/74/s Sisters ~M o d~erato ~ 4 Lima 68/62/0.02 70/62/c 70/62/pc Tokyo 81/79/0.16 89/78/s 88/78/c Prinevige ~V e ry~high ~ Lisbon 82/66/0.00 81/66/s 83/66/s Toronto 88/68/0.00 89/62/1 83/63/s Shown are today’s noonpositions of weather systemsand precipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. London 73/54/0.00 74/54/pc 75/60/pc Vancouver 77/63/0.00 79/62/s 72/59/s La Pine/Gilchrist High T-storms Rain S h owers S now F l urries Ice Warm Front Sta t ionary Front Madrid Cold Front 93n2/0.06 97/69/s 99/71/s Vienna 93/72/0.01 osnon 87/67/pc Manila 90/73/0.00 90/78/c 91/77/pc Warsaw 97/61/0.03 84/62/pc 74/53/pc Source: USDA Forest Service

Yesterday Normal Record


River portland 97/es












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• Where to stay between tastings in theWilamette Valley

By John Gottberg AndersoneFor the Bulletin

CARLTON› Oregon’s Willamette Valley wine country is a grand place for a weekend getaway, a lush area of vineyard-covered hills where visitors may relax with a glass of vintage pinot noir on a winery’s open patio and enjoy a distant view of the lofty Cascade Range. Most of the valley’s estimated 400 wineries are within a three-hour drive of Central Oregon. But after a day of sipping wines, perhaps followed by dinner at one of the region’s outstanding


restaurants, the last thing a couple want to do is race back over the mountains as the veil of night is falling. Barb Gonzalez / For The Bulletin

On the other hand, hours of luxuriating

don’t often translate to a desire to overnight in a Super 8 or a TraveLodge, no slight intended. You don’t want a no-frills business motel. You want to extend the pampering into the next day. You want to stay in one-of-a-kind lodg› ing, somewhere that’s truly unique. Fortunately, the Oregon wine country has many unusual options, even beyond the extravagance of Newberg’s 6-year-old Alli› son Inn & Spa. Outside Carlton, The Abbey

Farm features a trio of grain silos that have been converted into a bed-and-breakfast inn. In Dayton, a set of retro travel trailers,

Oregon's Willamette Valley is planted in more than 3.6 million acres of vineyards, supporting some 400 wineries between greater Portland and Eugene. Most, but not all, are in the foothills of the Coast Range, as is evident in this southerly view from Willamette Valley Vineyards.

known as The Vintages, offers a taste of yesteryearwithin a popularRV park. Several wineries, all the way south to Eugene,

feature guest suites and houses within their vineyards, and numerous B&Bs offer posh rooms with gourmet breakfasts close to the

center of the action. SeeWine country/C4






Next week: Port Townsend and Sequim, Washington


John Gottberg / For The Bulletin

Red Ridge Farms' Stoneycrest Cottage offers a discreet

vacation hideaway in acorner of the 120-acre estate, on a hillside above Dayton. The two-bedroom, two-bath home has a wraparound porch and all the amenities of

home, right down to a private laundry. Thinketock

John Gottberg / For The Bulletin

John Gottberg / For The Bulletin

Bales of hay roll in front of the Hanson Country Inn, a1928 Dutch Colonial-style farmhouse on the west side of Corvallis. The focus of a5acre country estate, the manor has four guest

Airstream, Flyte Camp and other retro-styled

rooms, a separate two-bedroomcottage, and plenty of antiquesand museum-quality art.

gathered in their owncommunity on the north

trailers have been refitted to host a newgeneration of overnight guests at The Vintages Trailer Resort in Dayton. In all, 15 trailers are side of the Willamette Wine Country RV Park.


Visit Ben 's newest eer aren T< < By Mac McLean The Bulletin

Megan Marie has wanted to work in someone’s garden since she moved from Cor›

vallis to Bend about a year ago. Being uncomfortable about

boldly asking a stranger if she could dig in their dirt, a series of posters advertising a weekly "Happy Hour in the Garden" at The Environmental Center have been a pleas›

ing discovery. "I' vebeen meaning to come for the past couple weeks,"

said Marie, 29, who didn’t let last Tuesday’s rain showers keep her from spraying the center’s plants with soapy water while enjoying a nice cold beer. "I kept telling my› self ’I should go,’ ’I should go,’ and so I finally came." An extra perk for her work,


If yougo What:HappyHourintheGarden When:4to6p.m.onTuesdaysthroughtheendofsummer Where:The Environmental Center, 16 NWKansas Ave. in Bend Cost:Free Contact:Visit http: //envirocenter.org/ or call 541-385-6908


Your Thighs ’"uye r

So far, anywhere from four to 12 people have stopped by in downtown Bend started the center’s Tuesday evening hosting the events on June 23. happy hours that typically (See If you go.) last from 4 to 6 p.m. "We’ ve had people who Garden manager Denise didn’t even live here come by Rowcroft likes the weekly events because they give her to help," said Rowcroft, who a chance to catch up on some spent one afternoon pouring garden maintenance work coffee grounds on some of the she couldn’t finish during the center’s plants with a family day. It also gives the center’s of tourists who were staying volunteers a chance to help in a nearby vacation rental around the garden without and decided to stop by. sacrificing a weekend. SeeBeer garden/C6

in as little as 90 minutes!

a free beer. The communitygarden


Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin

Jim Santospago works on pruning tomato plants while participating in the happy hour event at The Environmental

Center garden.

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Formsforengogementw,eddinga, nniversary or birthday announcements are available at bendbuiietin convmiiestones F.orms and photos must b e submitted within one month of the celebration. Questions: milestones®bendbulletin.corn, 541-633-2117.

A itcra e to et us an souto t e o By Diane Mastrull The Philadel phia Inquirer

UPPER DUBLIN, Pa. The mission statement of KrazyVibes LLC sets three ›

goals: Create a better life ex› perience; inspire love and caring for all t hings; and make a positive difference in everyone’s life. I introduce you to its first

product: Survivin’ the Dog› house, a kit to help spouses

survive that inevitable indig› nity of coupledom being banished to the couch.

how to be more respectful to their women, to bring chival› ry back." The kit , a v ailable f or

Noel Wilkins: uI used to leave the toilet seat up. My wife fell

said. "I credit her for that." Wilkins and McCall incor›

porated KrazyVibes in 2014, envisioning a parent compa› ny that would offer a range of products. The marketing of

$34.95 at www.Survivinthe›

d oghouse.corn and w w w . KrazyVibes.corn, i n cludes 14 items. Among them: knee pads (" When men are on their knees begging for for› giveness, it helps keep your knees intact"); edible wax lips (" That’s to sweeten your kisses if you try to kiss your way out of the doghouse"); and a stress-reliever ball ("To maintain a smiling and grin› ning composure during those cold-shoulder moments.") There’s also a 61-page sur›

It should come as no sur› prise that the company, based in this Philadelphia suburb, is owned by two formerly mar› ried men inspired, well, by vival guide that outlines 30 life experience. doghouse scenarios McCall Landing Earl McCall in the and Wilkins compiled. They doghouse was coming home hired Colorado freelance from social e ngagements w riter L eora W a mbach t o smelling of perfume. (He’ s providethe female perspeca platonic hugger, he insists tive. Rather than i ncluding and now divorced.) As for only comedic answers, Wam›

the company’s first product,

Survivin’ the Doghouse, was slowed because of Elizabeth Wilkins’ death from lung cancer in July 2013. The items in th e surviv› a l ki t c o m e f r o m C h i n a, with kits assembled at and

• •

• NUpxl lil Hi


shipped from Wilkins’ home/ company headquarters. KrazyVibes i s p r o ject› ing first-year sales of nearly 5,000 kits (200 so far), and 18,000 books (60 to date), on sale for $9.98 (in addition to being included in the kits) at Amazon and Barnes & No› ble. Total first-year projected revenue is $210,000; $420,000, the second year; and $1.14

0 O( I-10US =




million the third, with profit margins of 60 percent to 64


bach, 29 and m a r ried less

percent. Wilkins and McCall’s goal

than two years, convinced

in a couple of times at night." McCall and Wilkins that the Now, t h ese l e ss-than›b ook should also o ffer " a P rince Charmings want t o real way for you to get out of help others get through those trouble." "Everybody m i scommu› nights when the master bed› room is off-limits. nicates all the time," Wam› "I’ ve always been one to be› bach said in an interview. "It’ s lieve in good relationships," what we do." said McCall, 48. "Survivin’ Forgetting an i mportant the Doghouse is not just about occasion is among the situ› poking fun, it’s literally about ations covered in the book. bringing a good relationship "Get a calendar," it advises. to the surface. Teaching guys "You don’t even have to pay


is to get the ki t Ben Mikeeell / Philadelphia Inquirer

Earl McCall, left, and business partner Earl Wilkins have made a toolkit and accompanying book titled "Surviving the Doghouse Relationship Survival Kit for Men."

i n T a rget

and Walmart, as well as gift shops, and eventually offer variations on

t h e o r i g inal

theme. After all, a person can be in the doghouse at work, or with a friend or parent.

got an idea for "a husband’ s Call said. But Wilkins’ wife, A board game is expected freecalendars online." couch-survival kit" when a E lizabeth, scoffed at t h e by year’s end, followed by an B y d ay, M c Call a n d colleague announced he was reference. advice magazine. "She said, ’You knuckle› "We want to own the con› Wilkins, 59, work i n i n f or› getting married. Internet re› mation technology for Quest search turned up nothing head, couch survival means cept doghouse," McCall said. D iagnostics, where t h ey similar on the market, Mc› in the doghouse.’" Wilkins Just not be in it. for it.There are dozens of

nine atin a vice ormen romawoman By Erika Ettin

to post that many. Three to six

Tribune News Service

pictures is plenty. Put your best

After reading an article once about men’s interpretations of

pictures out there, as long as

they are accurate. Two great women’s online dating profiles, photos will win against four or it became clear to me that it’ s more mediocre photos any day. just as important to discuss People will look for the one bad some advice for men when it shot and decide not to email comes to online dating. Trust you because of it. Don’t let this me I k now what women happen to you. want. I’ ll break it into three cat› 2. What to put in the pictures:

egories: pictures, profiles and you and only you! emails. (Note: This article is I see so many pictures of geared toward men searching men with their buddies. You’ re for women, but the advice ap› going to be compared anyway plies to men searching for men, to all of the other profiles, so as well.) why let someone compare you in your own profile? Have you Pictures ever looked at a girl’s profile 1. The number of pictures: and thought to yourself, "Well, she’s cute, but her friend to her

Less is more.

Getting in front of someone wearing both a tux and jeans. Too-short profiles don’t say after you’ ve posted inaccurate And going out and staying in. enough and too-long profiles even getread.Give your pictures won’t win her over; it You get the point. But I don’ t don't will drive her away and make know a lot of people who have profile a read andthinktoyour› her wonder what else you lived in nine countries, en› self, "Does this tell enough?" or might be lying about. joy taking stand-up comedy "Would I click to the next pro› 4. The "interesting" picture: classes and took three months file simply because this one is One of the three to six rec› off once to see if he found his too daunting to read?" If the an› ommended pictures should be calling in tap dancing. (The an› swer is yes, adjust accordingly. your "interesting" picture. This swer was no.) is my secret. We need some› 2. Have a catchy intro that Emails thing to help us start a con› makes us want to read the rest: Make your correspondence versation. Posting a picture of Below are actual intros from short and light, and end it with you bungee jumping, volunteer online dating profiles. Would a question, and be sure to refer firefighting, posing with your you keep reading? to something in her profile so dog: These are what make you • I work a lot. (It’s OK that she knows you read (or at least unique and give us something you work a lot, but don’t lead skimmed) it. Online dating is to ask about if we write to you. with it.) a numbers game, so the more "What a cute pup! What’s his • It’s true. I’m single! (I sure emails you send, the more re› name?" hope so!) sponses you’ ll receive. • I just figured I’d meet some› So get online, and have fun! Profile one at work or through friends. 1. Set yourself apart: I’m (We all did.)

Some online dating sites left is cuter." Women do that, allow for more than 20 pho› too. Or this might happen: • I’m s t i ll o n t h e f e n ce tos, and some can even link to "Which one is he again?" So sure we’ ve all seen the "I love your Instagram account! Just start cropping! to laugh" profiles. I don’t know about online dating. (Cynical, because they allow for that 3. Accuracy: Be accurate; about you, but most people anyone?) many doesn’t mean you need enough said. I know enjoy laughing. And 3. The "Just Right" length:

Free pipeinstallation estimates

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Thank Vow

Ms. Ogestyet

Segaor America

Ms. Oregon Senior A merica would l ik e t o express our thanks and gratitude to Aspen Ridge Retirement Center and their wonderful stafF and residents fo r hos t i ng our 2015 M s O r egon Senior America Pageant. W e are a n o n -profit Organization that f ully depends on t h e g enerosity of Do n o rs vc - e and Sponsors for our funds. If you would like to help, please notify Loretta Del Rio Oregon State Director at: l ed1942@gmail.corn. Proceeds will go toward funding Suzanne Stoker 2015 Ms Oregon Senior America as she represents our Beautiful State of Oregon at the National Pageant. 2018



Don Johnson

Johnson Don Johnson, of Bend,

celebrates his 100th birth› day today. Mr. Johnson was born July 19, 1915, in La Grande.

in ' tt

The Bulletin MI LESTONES


He married Pauline Gail

Christensen. She died in 2010. He has two children, Randi Gail Anderson and A nn C h r i stine C o u r t ›

Bill and Donna (Degen) McGourin


grandchildren. Retired Lt. Col. McGourin

Bill and Donna (Degen) Mc› was a fighter pilot for the U.S. Gourin, of Bend, celebrated their 50th wedding anniver›

ney, both of Bend; two g randchildren; and s i x great-grandchildren. Mr. Johnson served in

Air Force and retired in 1999

the military from 1942 to

sary June 27 with a backyard

after serving 22 years. He worked in aerospace after his

1945 and was stationed in the Philippines. He was sta›

barbecue hosted by their fami›

military retirement. He enjoys

tioned in Okinawa when the

ly and friends. The couple were married

skiing, traveling, gardening and flying.

atomic bombs were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasald.

Mrs. McGourin was a loan

He owned a farm and raised

officer and retired in 1999. She enjoys gardening, traveling and skiing. They have lived in Bend for 16 years.

mink for 35 years, and was also a high school teacher in La Grande for nine years. He has lived in Oregon all of his life.

June 26, 1965, i n

E n c ino,

California. They have two children, Dan (and Martina) of Flagstaff, Arizona, Jenni› fer Bales (and Mark) of Ar› vada, Colorado; and three

If you would like to receive forms to announce your engagement, wedding, or anniversary, plus helpful information to plan the perfect Central Oregon wedding, pick up your Book of Love at The Bulletin (1777 SW Chandler Ave., Bend) or from any of these valued advertisers: AAA Travel Awbrey Glen Golf Club Bad Boys Barbecue Bend Park 6z Recreation District Bend Wedding S. Formal Cordially Invited Bridal Deschutes County Fair S. Expo Center Faith HOPe 6b Charity Vineyard Illuminate Your Night

Meadow Lakes Nicole Michelle Northwest Medi Spa phoenix picture Framing professional Airbmsb Tanning Revive Skin Services Salon Je’ Danae SHARC Aquatic S. Recreation Center The Bend Trolley The Bridal Suite S. Special Occasion The Dress The Soap Box Widgi Creek Golf Club



nn r orwort avisit,eveni ou’renotonacoe etour By Patti Nickell Lexington Herald-Leader

ANN A R BOR, M i ch.

Travelers can be a f i ckle bunch, always looking for the glamor destination Costa Rica or Croatia, London or Las Vegas


the travel equiv›

alent of a Christmas package all gussied up in glitzy wrap› ping. By contrast, Ann Ar› bor, an exurb of Detroit and a blend of Midwest urban and

Benjamin Weatherston Photography via Tribune News Service

This mural at the Kelsey Museum of Archaeology is a reproduction from one at the Villa of Mysteries in Pompeii, Italy.

rural, may not have the most

eye-catching wrapping. But inside is a jewel of a present.

17 different brands of tequila

and mescaL

All I knew about Ann Ar›

bor when I made my first visit

Beyond the table

last month was that it is home to the state’s flagship univer›

textiles, but the highlight has to bethe largescalereproduction watercolor mural depict› ing a secret ceremony at the

sity. The city’s population of

Of course, you can’t spend your whole visit eating. Ann

Villa of Mysteries in Pompeii. If you love gardens, Ann Ar›

100,000 swells to 145,000 when

Arbor provides food for the

bor has the Matthaei Botanical

University of Michigan stu› dents are on campus. But after only four days, I left knowing

a housemade donut topped with brown sugar, Zinger› man’s Creamery vanilla ge› lato, caramel-bourbon sauce and fresh whipped cream. A s impressive as A n n Arbor’s dining scene is, it’ s

Gardens and the Nichols Ar› place no visitor should miss boretum. The former has trails is the University of Michigan connecting individual garden Museum of Art. With 18,000 areas, including a wildflow› works of art representing 150 er garden, rock garden, knot years of collecting, this is like garden and children’s garden, no university art museum in as well as a conservatory de› the country. signed by a student of Frank Its emphasis is on Chinese Lloyd Wright to house three paintings and Japanese and major biomes tropical, tem› Chinese ceramics, but it also perate and arid. has works from the masters, The l atter, a ffectionately Monet and Picasso, as well as known as "the Arb," may be the moderns, Tracy Emin and the most spectacular site in

matched by its craft cocktail

Barbara Hepworth. I f o und Ann Arbor, at least from Me›

soul as well as the body. One


Courtesy Visit Ann Arbor via Tribune News Service

this: If the dictionary had a

The largest collection of antique and heirloom peonies in North America can be found at the Nichols

definition of "cool American

Arboretumin Ann Arbor.

town," it would be Ann Arbor. Consider the following cool›

ness factors: Ann Arbor has

for if only it was as socially acceptable in Michigan as it is ing one run by UM students; in Japan, slurping would have 23 used book stores; the larg› been the order of the day. est collection of antique and Chef Takashi Yagahashi h eirloom peonies in N o r t h has combined the culinary America; a h ardware store influences of his native coun›

by the Bakehouse, Cream› ery, Coffee Company, Can› dy Company and the Road› house, where I enjoyed a tast› ing lunch courtesy of James Beard Award-winning chef Alex Young. by day that transforms into try and his favorite country, Young may be working his a beer garden by night, and a France, to the delight of those magic in Michigan, but he has local deli, Zingerman’s, that who appreciate the cuisine a Southern sensibility when it holds an annual fundraiser, of both. His Duck Fat Fried comes to food. Just try his sig› Camp Bacon, where events Chicken may sound like the nature buttermilk fried chick› range from the Potlikker Film artery-clogging special of the en (Amishfree-range chicken Festival to the Bacon BalL day, but the portion is on the dipped in black pepper spiced It has a university art mu› small side so you can enjoy it buttermilk batter and fried) or seum, which inspires as much guilt-free. hisBBQ platewhere thespare civic pride as the university Still, if you are looking for ribs and pit-smoked chicken football stadium, known as something healthier, try the are served with grits and ba› the "Big House." The stadium Hamachi Tacos a tartare of con-braised greens. five farmers markets, includ›

is the country’s largest, seat› yellowtail tuna with truffle soy.

ing nearly 110,000. It has a musical paean from raspy-voiced hometown boy Bob Seger, who was refer› ring to Ann Arbor when he crooned about "feeling lonely and beat, drifting back in time and finding my feet ... Down on Mainstreet."

Surprisingly, it also has a culinary and c r aft c ocktail

scene that is staggering in a town of its modest size. I was here to experience that scene firsthand.

Eating in AnnArbor

Don’t expect spartan fare at

most Ann Arbor restaurants.

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INFAMY B L AZER U N DULY The twins’ stock market investments made it possible for them to›


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and Red Velvet waffles with charred eggplant puree, roast› vanilla bean cream and maple

8 1 9 3 5 7 6 4 2

been summoned to assist with a visitor who had fallen and twisted her ankle. After effi› ciently taking care of the situ›

• Birdhouses a Wind Chimes • Hen's Resin a Ceramic Decor


• Lamps 5 lampshades

lemon rosemary m a rinade,


are in bloom.


Categories listed


paella) accompanied by Spanarriving at M e zzevino and ish wines. meeting Chef Brent Courson, A ventura’s o w ner, S a v a I immediately thought, "Is this Lelcaj, also owns Sava’s where guy old enough to have a driv› the breakfast should come er’s license, let alone oversee a with a warning label if you restaurant kitchen?" eat even a portion of the boun› But after tasting dishes such tiful platters, you will be set for as his’Ihscan Kale Ribbon Sal› the day. With such delectable ad (marinated kale, walnuts, dishes as brioche bread pud› toasted breadcrumbs, raisins ding topped with maple apple and pickled onions), followed chicken sausage, fried egg by swordfish drizzled with a and housemade date ketchup

for its Reuben, has been joined

collection in North America,



fortfood (be sure to order the

good taste. The deli, famous

How spectacular are they? On my visit, local police had


(specializing in small plates and wood-fired pizza) and Aventura, where the emphasis is on traditional Spanish com›

aptly named Slurping Turtle

UMMA is the equally fasci› nating Kelsey Museum of Ar› chaeology, featuring 100,000 objects from the ancient cul› tures of Egypt, Greece, Rome

• Ceramic Decor Sale

was another winner. So were tasting menus at Mani

came at a tasting lunch at the

el speakeasy that has 62 dif› ferent bourbons, including 15-, 20- and 23-year-old Pappy Van Winkle. Be sure to ask for the Friends List, which showcases

• Decorative Spheres

olatecinnamon glazedpeaches, Chantilly cream and mint

as a traditional Jewish deli

Just down the street from

when masses of scarlet, pink and white peonies, the largest

• Decorative

with caramelized white choc›

lower it a fraction. Another of more than three decades ago those high-bar experiences is now an empire dedicated to

Last Word, a below-street-lev›

Vinyl Wall Art

On my first night in town,

in the days to follow did not

morial Day through mid-June

And even those who nor› the club’s rarer whiskeys. and the Middle East. Exhib› ation, several of the officers› mally skip dessert will be If you prefer tequila, opt for its range from an Egyptian cameras at the ready were tempted by his donut sundae a tasting at Isalita, which has mummy to medieval Islamic spotted clicking away.

My brunch at Vinology a breakfast charcuterie of salm› on mousse, scotch egg, black pudding and artisan cheese, as well as a Belgian Waffle

ed pepperand fetarelish,Ide- syrup, the difficulty will be in cided that baby-faced or not, eating just a portion. Courson didn’t just have a li› cense, he was ready for the cu› 'Zinger' of a foodempire linary equivalent of a Big Rig. The name Zingerman’s is Mezzevino set the bar high, s ynonymous with A n n A r › but d i n in g e s t ablishments bor’s food scene. What began

scene. Your cocktail crawl the most fascinating exhibi› might start at Raven’s Club, tion to be the display of archi› where an entirely new cock› tectural glass by Louis Com› tail menu is introduced every fort Tiffany commissioned for three months, and end at The one Manhattan mansion.

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H O 8 B Y LO B B Y . C O M



OregonWineCountry loaginls Q Le Puy A Wine Valley Inn, Newberg +TheAllison lnn & Spa, Newberg

. evtber ndee

Da) on



Q Franziska Haus, Dundee


O Abbey Road Farm, Carlton

ale /


Q Black Walnut Inn 8 Vineyard, Dundee

tayton /


0 Wine Country Farm B&B, Dayton

Ibany, / /


Q Red Ridge Farms, Dayton

John Gottherg / For The Bulletin

The Farmhouse at Sweet Cheeks is a four-bedroom, three-bath home with a full kitchen, sun room and hot tub, a mile north of the Sweet Cheeks Winery southwest of Eugene. A studio loft may be rent-

ed separately from the main house.




@The VintagesTrailer Resort, Dayton

weet Home

Q Willamette Valley Vineyards, Turner Q) The HansonCountry Inn, Corvallis u ne

I Donovan Place, Corvallis


© The Farmhouseat

Sweet Cheeks, Eugene u

Greg Cross / The Bulletin

modations are at the Willa›

sides, a perfect place to enjoy

metallic finish of these open› mette Valley Vineyards, just

the selection of pastries deliv›

road seductresses has capti›

ered for enjoyment with fresh cups of Keurig coffee. Rates

Airstream trailer. The shiny

vated me for years. At The Vintages Trailer Re› sort, which opened last year

«'t/j' < ',!,’iI,’iI g, r’


in Dayton, I nearly found out. Several Airstreams stood on


site, relics of the ’40s, ’50s and I" '




~u / I.’///

et /


'/r'I ,

"’ rn

’ "


~ g ,/ II

John Gottherg / For The Bulletin

The apartment loft at Red Ridge Farmsoccupies the upper story of a nursery shop and overlooks a lavender field that is in fragrant bloom in mid-summer. Also on the property is the Oregon Olive Mill, which produces extra-virgin oils from its own 17-acre grove.

side, previously used to hold grain, were all it took to spirit John’s imagination. Not many people would see large cylin› drical containers and think

Continued from C1

The silos Perhaps the q uirkiest of

"guest rooms," but that’s what

the bunch is the Abbey Road happened here. Each of the Farm, whose owners bought trio was split into upstairs and an 82-acre horse ranch and turned it into a luxury inn and

downstairs, with private baths

nearby event center.

came five individual rooms, with a shared parlor in the

John and Judi Stuart, who

and steepstaircases;they be-

have six grandchildren be› center of the ground floor. tween them, came from Las

Vegas in 2003 with a back› ground in i n surance and hospitality, and with a lot of additional skills to apply to their new life in the Oregon countryside. Three silos standing side by

These r o om s

h ave n o

squared corners, of course. Queen-size beds and fur› nishings seem to float beside windows cut i n t h e a l umi›

num walls. But the sheets are Egyptian cotton and some of the rooms feature whirlpool

only negative is that there are aren’t cheap, but they include a mere two suites available for a $150 credit for wine purchas› rent. es that is subtracted from the But what luxurious suites

these are! Each has a king-size master bedroom, a soaking tub in the spacious bathroom and a living area with a queen› size sleeper sofa, in case you’ re sharing your stay with in-laws

’60s; alas, I was booked into a slightly larger 1965 Avion. But any disappointment I may ini› tially have felt was short-lived. My trailer home was won› derful. From the red racing or another couple. There’s sat› stripe on its white exterior, ellite TV, of course, and Wi› to the plush sofa facing a tiny Fi access. The butler kitchen

bill after the first night’s stay.

And here’s an added bonus for Bend wine lovers: During the annual Bend Brewfest in

August, Willamette Valley Vineyards will hold a draw› ing to award a complimentary one-night stay for two in its suites, along with a winery tour and tasting. It’s rare proof

that beer and wine go well keep your white wine chilled, together.

television set, it felt like some› has a fullsize refrigerator to

thing from an "I Love Lucy" set. But the twin beds were comfortable and well lit, ter›

Wine country

south of Salem with a sunset view across Interstate 5. The

and an outdoor patio where

you can relax in the evening In the vineyards baths. There’s nothing bucolic rycloth robes hung in a closet, beside a fireplace with a pan› Three more winery stay about these lodgings, which the fully stocked central kitch› oramic outlook on hundreds options all of which I’ ve have been luring curious visi› en was sufficiently spacious of acres of vineyards. personally checked out are tors for 10 years. and the morning coffee, so es› The only diffe rence be- in the Dundee Hills and in the Breakfast is served a short sential, was provided by a lo› tween the two suites is that the rolling hill country southwest w alk away on theground floor cal gourmet roaster, Caravan upper unit has a dining exten› of Eugene. of the original farm house, Coffee. sion with windows on three Continued next page moving into a screened patio There are 1 0 r e modeled during warmer weather. The vintage trailers and five new eggs and herbs come from Airstreams and Flyte Camps Abbey Road Farm itself this for rent here, gathered in their is, after all, a working farm. own community on the north Chances are, you’ ll see John side of the 14-acre Willamette tending the organic garden; Wine Country RV Park. Out› guests are invited to assist side each are a pair of old› with weeding, harvesting or time cruiser bikes with front rqan c osme LS pruning the trees in a cherry baskets just large enough to J BEND, OREGON TM orchard. They may also con› carry two bottles of pinot noir tribute to the care of animals, from area wineries you might including goats, chickens, easily ride to places like sheep, llamas and alpacas. Sokol Blosser or the Stoller Mucking stalls is always a Family Estate. And you’ ll want good way to start. to pick up a couple of steaks At the top end of the proper› to complement that wine, as ty, the AgriVino Event Center each patio features a couple o . Qo[ggi@ features five-course Friday of retro deck chairs flanking a dinners prepared in a com› propane grill for cooking that mercial kitchen by Italian chef beef. Dario Pisoni, accompanied by The RV park also has wines highlighting the 20 viti› a swimming pool and hot cultural areas of Italy. Reser› tub, with adjacent changing

er a

PicturePer/ecf birr Care For Face & Body

vations are essentiaL

rooms, for vintage guests to


The trailers

I’ ve sometimes wondered Winery suites what life might be like in an My favorite winery accom›

.,45 N Ollll


Barb Gonzalez/For The Bulletin

A guest sips a glass of wine on the private deck of a guest suite at the Willamette Valley Vineyards. During the annual Bend Brewfest in

August, the winerywill hold a drawing toaward a complimentary onenight stay for two in its suites, along with a winery tour and tasting.


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Photos by John Gottberg / For The Bulletin

A broad patio at the Wine Country Farm B&B affords eastward views across the Dundee Hills viticultural region, on clear days extending to Mount Hood. On the estate's 13-acre grounds is an 1870 horse

Three grain silos at Abbey Road Farm have been converted into a bed-and-breakfast inn with five individual rooms and a shared central parlor. Morning meals, served in the original farm house, include

barn, built 100 years before Armonea's first pinot vines were planted.

eggs and herbs that comefromthe working farm itself.

If yougo INFORMATION Willamette Valley Visitors Asso› ciation. www.oregonwlnecoun› try.org, 866-548-5018. LODGING Abbey RoadFarm. 10501NE Abbey Road,Carlton; www. abbeyroadfarm.corn, 503› 852-6278. Rates from $225 (summer season), $175 (low season). The Allison Inn 8 Spa. 2525 Allison Lane, Newberg; www. theall ison.corn,503-554-2525. Rates from $380. Black Walnut Inn 8 Vineyard. 900 NE WordenHill Road, Dundee; www.blackwalnut-inn. corn, 503-538-8663, 866-429› 4114. Rates from $279 (summer From previous page

season), $199 (low season). Donovan Place. 5720 SWDono› van Place, Corvallis; www.don› ovanplace.corn, 541-758-6237. Rates from $165. The Farmhouse atSweet Cheeks. 27007 Briggs Hill Road, Eugene; www.sweetcheekswin› ery.corn, 541-349-9463 or 541› 607-1991. Rates from $175. Franziska Haus. 10305 NEFox Farm Road, Dundee;www.fran› zlskahaus.corn, 503-887-0879. Rates from $210. The HansonCountry Inn. 795 SW Hanson St., Corvallis; www. hcinn.corn, 541-752-2919. Rates from $145. Le Puy A W ineValleyInn.20300 NE Hwy. 40, Newberg; www. lepuy-inn.corn, 503-554-9528. Rates from $235.

Red Ridge Farms. 5510NE Breyman Orchards Road,Day› ton; www.redridgefarms.corn, 503-864-8502. Rates from $275. The Vintages Trailer Resort. 16205 SEKreder Road,Day› ton; www.the-vintages.corn, 971-267-2130. Rates from $92 (summer season), $76 (low season). Willamette Valley Vineyards. 8800 EnchantedWaySE,Turn› er; www.wvv.corn, 503-588› 9463, 800-344-9463. Rates from $445 (summer season); $395 (low season). Wine Country Farm B8B. 855 NE BreymanOrchards Road, Dayton; www.winecountryfarm. corn, 503-864-3446, 800-261› 3446. Rates from $150.

x I

The Franziska Haus, a modern log lodge with a grandcontinental flavor, was named byowner Brigitte Hoss to honor her late grandmother, a refugee from Communist Eastern Europe. Cast-iron skillet breakfast entrees highlight traditional German cuisine.

extra-virgin oils from more than 10,000 trees planted in a 17-acre grove. Cold-hardy

A newly constructed log A new townhouse commu› antiques and museum-quality lodge with a grand conti› nity currently under construc› art. nental flavor, the Franziska

tion along its entry road has

Six of them are in a restored

Spanish, Greek and Italian va›

century-oldfarmhouse; the re-

rietals arepressed and offered

comprised the view from the Hanson Country Inn, but the

mainder sit atop the Armonea Winery tasting room. Among the best lodging deals in the area (mostrooms are priced $150 to $200, regardless of season), the farmhouse rooms share a living room with li› brary shelves and a glassed-in

for tastings, and private tours

Haus pays homage to the grandmother of owner Bri› gitte Hoss, a refugee from German-speaking Europe. A 29-foot-high stone fireplace dominates the great room, while cast-iron skillet break› fast entrees highlight tradi› tional German cuisine. Two

There are nine guest rooms at the Wine Country Farm.

of the facility are available by appointment which is sort of a no-brainerfor guests at

Red Ridge Farms. The Eugene area might be overlooked as a wine week› end destination, were it not

handsome 5-acre country es› tate maintains its dignity. Built

in 1928 and restored in the late ’80s, the Dutch Colonial-style

farmhouse has four guest rooms, a separate two-bed› room cottage and plenty of

rooms in the main house, and one in a detached guest house,

wo~~ yAI UF 30"Range

— Reporter: j anderson@ bendbulletin.corn

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porch that opens to a brick pa› for its sprawling King Estate Winery. Several other winer› have luxurious beds and bath› toward Mount Hood. ies are in the region, however, rooms along with views of From a gazebo in the heart including the Sweet Cheeks vineyards, filbert orchards of the 13-acre grounds, you Winery, a 65-acre estate vine› and grazing sheep. can easily see the estate’s yard located in the Lorane Among several other won› 1870 horse barn, constructed Valley 14 miles southwest of derful Dundee Hills B8 Bs are 100 years before its first pinot downtown Eugene. A pop› the Black Walnut Inn & Vine›

tio with sweeping views east

vines were planted. Guided

ular special-events venue, the winery produces a dozen ervation. There are no televi› different vintages, including sions in the farmhouse units, award-winning Rieslings and but the spacious luxury suites roses. welcome those who can’t live The Farmhouse at Sweet without their nightly broad› Cheeks is about a mile north cast fix. of the winery itself, set on a Just downhill at th e 120› hillside surrounded by vines. acre Red Ridge Farms, whose Besides the four-bedroom, properties include the Durant three-bath farmhouse (with a Vineyards, two very different full kitchen, sun room and hot lodging choices are available. tub), a studio loft may be rent› Above the beautiful nursery ed separately from the main shop is a guest suite, a fully house. It’s especially popular furnished apartment loft with among wedding parties and views across a lavender field. reuniongroups.

yard and the Le Puy A Wine

trailrides are offered by res-

Valley Inn. The Black Walnut,

And half a mile distant, on the other side of the Oregon Olive

acre Christmas tree farm with two guest houses, a four-bed›

B&B inns

Mill, the discreet Stoneycrest And then there are the ded› Cottage is a two-bedroom, icated bed-and-breakfast inns, two-bath home with a wrap› of which the Oregon wine around porch and all the ame› country ha s a su b stantial nities of home. number. One of my favorites, The olive mill is unique both for location and for luxu› in the Oregon wine coun› ry, is the Franziska Haus, be› try. Built in 2008, it produces tween Newberg and Dundee.

owned and operated by the


Utz family, has nine rooms set in a 42-acre Red Hills vine›

yard. Le Puy is an eight-room, French-inspired inn with spa amenities and on-site mas› sages, surrounded by afield of

Brought to you by Patio World and Choice One Builders



M idway b e tween t h e Dundee Hills and Eugene are


two B&Bs, both in Corvallis,

that are worth considering for their comfortable vibe and central l o cation.

D o novan

Place sits on a working 11› room 1880s farmhouse and a two-bedroom contemporary


apartment; owner Dale Don›

ovan,a ceramic artistforfour

VALUED AT $2,500

decades, can offer private les›

sons in the making of glazed stoneware an d p o r celain pottery.

An oltI-fishioletI «ffortIable County fair with somethingFUNfor everyone!

The Bulletin rtl



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The Bulletin




co mpletegri the d so

that every row, column and3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

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TH A T SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by David L Hoyt and Jeff ttnurak tt wautft be

to form six ordinary words.


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Our atvtaenae carat

THIREM aegta Trbune Cnntenl Agency,LLC Alt nigtm neeened.

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Now arrange the circled letters

to form the surprise answer, as

suggested by the above cartoon. PRINT YOUR ANSWER INTHE CIRCLES BELOW






Sunday, July 19, 2015 n»

Vanderbilt in NOLA

Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Jim Santospago, left, and Megan Marie tend to plants while participating in the happy hour event at


The Environmental Center garden.

Tribune Content Agency C)

An iron-man fomsome playing under the banner of " LAVAZZA" won the prestigious Vanderbilt Teams at the ACBL’s Spring Championships i n Ne w O r l eans. I n t h e f i n a l , Norberto Bocchi, Giorgio Duboin, Agustin Madala and Zia Mahmood spotted John DIAMOND (Platnick, Greco-Hampson, Jacobus-Wold) a 40-IMP lead the equivalent of two touchdowns plus a field goal and still trailed by 31 at the half. But the second half was all LAVAZZA: The final score was 145 to 110. As usual, almost all the top teams were sponsored, and many foreign p rofessionals competed. I n th e quarterfinals, more than half t he players were from overseas. DIAMOND still led after two› t hirds o f t h e m a t ch, b u t t h e n LAVAZZA went to the whip. They bid a goodslam and a lucky game, and a DIAMOND pair let through a

defenders’ last t rick. I n stead of gaining six IMPs, DIAMOND lost six more. East’s failure to shift to a club at Trick Three was inexplicable. Surely West had something good in clubs for his double. Blame it on the pressure and fatigue that afflicts players in the late stage of a major event. South dealer Neither side vulnerable





Other volunteers have

might attract bugs and spray down healthy plants with soapy water s o

and maintenance, she said, u n w anted adding they also get a share

pests skitter away. of the food it produces. "It’s a pretty relaxed envi› Since it is a happy hour, ronment,n Rowcroft said, ex› Rowcroft makes sure she has plaining a lot of people like at least two or three growlers doing routine maintenance of beeror cider from localfawork because it gives them a


WEST 46 9873 O AK9 6

EAST 443 9 AQ J106 0753

tie K J 7 5 4


SOUTH 4s A10752 QK4

CD C59

CD Ctg C3

vorites like Boneyard Brew›

chance to do something out› ing, McMenamins Old St. doors in an environment that is not at all stressful.

new crowd of volunteers that

we wouldn’t normally attract." Marie, however, insists that

simply having a chance to work with "the plants and na› ture" was enough to convince

her to show up at Tuesday’s garden happy hour and that she would have come without the free beer. It was a nice bo›

Francis School or Far Afield

Cider. She said lemonade and nus, though, she admitted. "It’s a win-win," Marie said People might also want to other non-alcoholic drinks work in the garden because will also be available because while enjoying a glass of beer. its beds are part of an edu› these special garden work — Reporter: 541-617-7616, cational program that works hours are still designed to be mmclean@bendbulletin.corn with th e B en d M o ntessori a family event.




4 Q 10 South 1 4b

We s t Dbl

North 2 NT

East 3 wI

3 4I

4 9( l)

4 4b

AII Pa s s

Opening lead

Amity Elementary School on

clear out any dead plants that CC9



"It’s encouraging," said Shar Hughes, who has an NW Wall Street, a Sunday internship with the garden school class at the Bend Unit› while taking classes for a ed Methodist Church and the bachelor’s degree in envi› Boys & Girls Club of Central ronmental studies at Central Oregon. All four groups play Oregon Community College. a role in the garden’s planting u(Having beer) brings in a School on NW Bond Street,

helped Rowcroft pull weeds out of the garden’s beds,


4b KQ J98 Q 95 2 0 108

Beer garden Continued from C1



hopeless game. Then, in today’s deal, North-South for DIAMOND stopped at three spades, maldng four. At the other table, Zia and Duboin for LAVAZZA reached four spades after East-West competed boldly. (North’s 2NT was a conventional limit raise.") West led the king of diamonds and shifted to a high heart. When East took his ace, he needed to lead a club to beat the game. But East returned a diamond, and West’s ace won the




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cd by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis uOH, I GET IT!" By FRANK VIRZI

89 Kwik-E-Mart 128 "Hands off!n owner on "The 129 67,for

13 Beef recall 46 Test episodes 92 Heat shield cause 48 nlf You Knew site ...": Quatre 94 Nice view Simpsons" Beethoven’s 14 "Throw it ACROSS 91 Feminine suffix Fifth indoors" toy album 96 Sunglasses 1 ’80s IBM flop 93 Overflow (with) 130 Zoom 15 Architect of 53 avis feature Egypt’s Step 55 Donald, to Huey 97 Lab attendants nicknamed 95 Old Canadian 131 USCG rank "Peanut" skit show 132 Highlands Pyramid of 57 Small cells 98 Aim 5 nDo I need to 98 Skits at legend Dloser 59 Fruit Used in a 99 Football’s draw you ? n teatime? nickname 16 Quake numbers game? nBoomer" 9 Give some 104 Step on it, old› 133 Oyertakes, in a conseqoence 60 Theater section 100 Watchers of 17 Strong 61 Work (out) slack style way boxers I 5 "Lord, is ? n: 105 Start of a 134 Prefix with -itis 20 It’s for the dogs 62 Certain NCOs 101 Formally fitness buff’ s 23 "The full› 63 Twinkie relative approves, Matthew 64 "Glee" specialty 18 Shivering fit motto DOWN moon with formerly 1 Dog offering Unchanged 66 Bullets 102 Show some 19 Fish-filled fare, 106 Entre 2 "Frozen" FX ray": Thoreau 68 Miss, frequently 107 Steve Martin inmuch spine won its 2015 3 Alaskan 24 Like some of S.A. 103 Ben, in Hebrew 20 High-speed n 71 Goeeta contest Life butcher’s tool? punch names Achievement 4 Household 29 Tittered Watchman" 109 Ignoring 21 AOL rival 22 Glass insulation Award: Abbr. pest 30 Proper author Harper 111 Lunar valley companion? 73 Soup in "That’s 113 "What’s Hecuba consideration? 108 Porcupine, e.g. 5 Chem class 110 Salon workers, abbr. 31 Only Amore" to him, to 25 Shanty at times 6 P icchu 33 Minn. college 75 Brand at Petco Hecuba": 26 Ground 112 Recent delivery 7 "Jiminy!" in 34 Surrey town 78 Last Olds Hamlet 27 It may be Germany where demo model 114 Enjoy covered bya 115 "Phooey!" 116 Storage closets 8 Plants with their versions of 80 "Already been thoroughly Wig own national manynWhite to that movie" 117 Sylvia of jazz 28 Interval between118 Actress Penelope day every Album" songs 83 Lao-tzu follower 120 Eponymoussea mi and fa December 12 were recorded 85 Just for kicks discoverer 30 Just-in-case 119 Cacophonous 121 Sugar suffix 9 Lacking zip 37 Put in stitches 87 room 123 20% of MMDX strategy 10 "... boy girl?" 40 "Be quiet," in 90 Book that 122 Where clay 124 Place for 32 Destroyer letters are 11 Theater ticket scores begins,nAII sweaters attacked in mailed? abbr. 44 Latin children, except 125 See 76-Across Aden in Oct., n 127 Scale note 12 Perched on 45 Cable guy, e.g. One, grOWUp 126 Afore 2000 35 One knownfor I 2 s 4 5 6 7 s 9 to t l I2 tS 14 ts IS t7 high living? 36 Beats on streets ts tg 20 2t 38 Buttonless top 39 This, in Tijuana 22 24 25 41 Polite interruptions 42 Firm finish? 27 28 29 43 Dessert served to waiting so st 32 ss commotera? 47 Flo’s workplace ss 37 ss 39 40 4t 49 Go limp 50 Minuscule time 42 45 fraction: Abbr. 51 Martinique, par 47 4s 49 50 51 exemple 52 Where Lux. is 54 Caesar, slain 52 ss 57 s a 59 6 0 S l heir of Emperor Augustus s2 ss s4 65 SS S7 ss sg 56 Like some pr019erttr 70 72 73 74 75 58 Ground rule hits: Abbr. 7S 79 sg st 62 Gomer Pyle’s 7S ’Well, I’ ll be!" 65 Classic orange s2 ss s4 ss ss s7 ss soda 67 Kit Carson sg go gt 92 93 94 gs 9S 97 House site 69 Slip in a pot 101 t02 103 t 04 70 Spread quickly gs gg 1 00 online 105 107 tos 109 72 Rapscallion 74 Musical section 76 With 126-Down, tie t t2 tl s t t4 i ts fictional tall-hat wearer tie t t7 tta t tg t 2 0 77 In a muddle 79 Spanish souls 121 122 t23 124 125 I26 81 Puts on 82 Kind tgs I29 tso 84 Prefix with pad I27 86 Short-straw tst I32 tss t34 drawer 88 Latin 101 verb 7/19/15 '2015 Tribune Content Agency,LLC. xwordeditor@aol.corn


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tecting children from sexual abuse, and Rape, Abuse & In›

ting the focus on this issue, cest National Network, which too," she said. describes itself as the nation’s While it’s hardly typical for largest a n ti-sexual-violence any network to drop its biggest organization. show, this is not the first time r "We anticipate this will be Kaplan has pulled the plug on a long-term partnership with a successfulseries suddenly them," Kaplan said. caught up in scandal. "The goal is to take what has Last October, TLC yanked been a difficult and painful ex› its reality series about child perience, and focus thatatten- beauty-pageant con t estant tion on the really critical issue Honey Boo Boo and her Geor› of child protection and child gia family after the completion sexual abuse," she said, add› of filming an upcoming season of "Here Comes Honey Boo Beth Hall I rhe Associated Press ing that several filmmakers TLC is officially canceling "19 Kids and Counting." The show had are under consideration for the Boo." While the network didn’ t been in limbo since May after revelations that 27-year-old Josh planned documentary. identify a reason for the cancel› Duggar molested five children, including four of his sisters. Kaplan admitted to having lation, it came after published been "completely unaware" reports that the family matri› of thepervasiveness of child arch, June Shannon, was dat› chronicled the family life of Jill and JessaDuggar,wh osaid abuse. ing a convicted child molester. "I have learned a lot about "TLC is faithfully committed Arkansas couple Jim Bob and they weren’t aware the fon› Michelle Dug gar and their dling had happened until Josh this issue since," she said, cit› to the children’s ongoing com› children, now numbering 19. confessedyears laterand their ing incidence figures as high fort and well-being," TLC said It was pulled from the network parents told them about it. as one among every 10 young in a statement. in May when reports surfaced The show had ended its people. TLC is in the midst of repo› "This is a fundamental prob› sitioning itself as "a brand with that 27-year-old Josh Duggar, 10th season when the scandal the oldest child, had fondled broke; Hulu quickly pulled it lem in this country, so we’ ve purpose," said Kaplan, since four of his sisters and a baby from its offerings. become quite passionate (at 1997 an executive with parent "We took it as an opportu› TLC) about making sure that Discovery Communications sittera dozen years earlier, when he was a teenager. He nity to step further than just we educate people," she said. who took over TLC a year ago. ’How do we protect ourselves?’ "We feel like we have a real has never been arrested or One example: "I Am Jazz," charged in connection with the and step into ’How do we pro› obligation and an opportuni› a sensitive, illuminating un› molestations. tect our audience and protect ty to create a moment here for scripted series about transgen› Josh Duggar apologized for children?’" Kaplan said. "Our peopleto be educated and for der teen Jazz Jennings and her unspecifie d actions on a Face- hope is to do more of that, in a victims to find ways to come close-knit family. It premiered book post and resigned from way that’s thoughtful and re› forward." this week. "It’s no secret that ’19 Kids the Family Research Council, a spectful of the victims of child When asked the Duggars’ conservative Christian group, abuse in the Duggar family response to h aving t heir and Counting’ was a really, re› long-running show axed, Ka› ally hit show," said Kaplan, ac› where he had worked as a and across America." lobbyist. TLC is p artnering with plan pointed to the expected knowledging the scale of that Two weeks later, the Duggar Darkness to Light, whose mis› participation in the documen› loss. "But we have some other parents were interviewed on sion is providing interested tary by two of the family’s af› great shows, both on the air Fox News Channel, as were parties with techniques for pro› fected daughters. and in the pipeline." a

ByFrazier Moore The Associated Press


After weeks

in limbo stemming from rev› elations of sexual misconduct

by one of its stars, the TLC re› ality show "19 Kids and Count› ing" is officially dead. TLC is not moving forward with an 11th season of "19

Kids" featuring the Duggars, whose show "will no longer appear on the air," the network told The Associated Press.

"We spent the past month and a half in thoughtful consid› eration about what is the best

way forward here," said Marjo› rieKaplan,group president of TLC, Animal Planet and Veloc›

ity networks. In a move to redirect the at› tention and public outcry, TLC

alsoannounced ithasteamed with two prominent child-pro› tection organizations for an

ongoing campaign to raise awareness about child sexual

abuse. The multi-platform initiative

will begin with a one-hour, commercialfree documentary likely airing in late August, the network said. It will include the

participation of Jill and Jessa Duggar, two of the sisters Josh Duggar touched inappropriate› ly, as well as other survivors and families affected by such abuse.

Since 2008, the series› TLC’s most watched, averag›

ing 3.2 million viewers


"They’ re interested in put›


enter esitatesto re oIton vioence ear nextroomover If you do, the daughter may get the like passing judgment. "I don’t know what to say" works ing a room in the house of the moth› help she so obviously needs, and er of a friend of mine. The house her victim will have a chance to get for divorce, breakups or any cata› is also shared with some help through strophic event. It has worked for me my friend’s young› domestic v i olence countless times. I have said nothing er sister, who is in a counseling. offensive, but left the door open for DFP,R relationship with an› Dear Abby:I have the friend or relative to engage in other woman. Their seen letters in your some much-neededventing. Ihope relationship is pretty column about insen› my experience helps someone. — Diplomatic Out West violent. Th e o t h er sitive, t h oughtless night I was in my room, which is lo› remarks made by others about loss Dear Diplomatic:Well said. You cated next to the sister’s room, and and grief. It has been my experi› are indeed a diplomat. could hear her beating up on her ence, though, that no one can ever Dear Abby:I’m a middle school girlfriend. say just the right thing. There are boy andIenjoy the company ofa The mother is aware of the sit› several stages of grief, and one nev› certain girl very much. I expressed uation and has threatened to call er knows for sure which level the my feelings to her a couple of times, the police if she doesn’t stop, but bereaved has reached. Therefore, and at one point we almost kissed. she never does. I’m afraid if I say or ANY comment will most likely be The problem is she has a boyfriend. What’s your advice on getting her do something, I’ ll be asked to leave the wrong one. since it isn’t my house, even though My advice is if you don’t know to be with me? I pay rent. What should I do? what to say, state the obvious› —Middle School Boy — Renter in Laredo, Texas "Gee, I don’t know what to say." Dear Middle School Boy:If she Dear Renter:If you have a writ› Hold the person’s hand briefly. almost kissed you, it means she’ s Dear Abby: I am currently rent›


ten leasefor the room you' re rent-

Don’t hug unless initiated. Take

attracted to you, too. So be patient,

ing, you cannot be evicted without cause. Talk to the mother and tell

MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may be an additional fee for 3-0 and /MAX movies • Movie times are subject to change after press time. I



Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 &IMAX, 680 SWPowerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • AMY(R) 11:40 a.m., 2:05 • ANT-MAN(PG-13) noon, 2:15, 3, 7, 7:45, 10 • ANT-MAN3-D (PG-13) 11:15a.m., 5, 10:35 • ANT-MAN IMAX3-D(PG-13) 11:30a.m., 2:30, 7:15, 10:15 • DOUBLEINDEMNITY (PG)2, 7 • THE GALLOWS (R) 11:35 a.m., 2:10, 4:45, 7:40, 10:20 • INSIDE OUT(PG)11:25 a.m., 2:45, 6:15, 9:15 • INSIDE OUT 3-D (PG) 12:15, 3:15 • JURASSICWORLD (PG-13)12:20,3:20,6:45,9:40 • JURASSICWORLD 3-D (PG-13)3:40,7:35,10:40 • MAGICMIKEXXL(R)l2:55,4:I5,8,10:45 • MINIONS(PG) 11:25 a.m., 11:45 a.m., 2:20, 3:30, 4:50, 6:30, 7:25, 9:45, 10:05 • MINIONS 3-D(PG)11a.m., 2,4:30, 7:10, 9:55 • SELF/LESS(PG-13) 11:10a.m., 6:05, 9:10 • SPY(R) 11:05 a.m., 9:05 • TED 2(R) 6:55, 10:10 • TERMINATOR GEffISYS (PG-13) 12:25, 3:55, 7:20, 10:25 • TRAINWRECK CR ) 12:30, 3:45, 7:30, 10:30 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. •


Tin Pan Theater, 869 NWTin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • THE CONNECTION(R) 7 • SLOW WEST (R) 2:30 • WHEN MARNIEWAS THERE (PG)4:30

wish to travel distant lands. Your desire to learn more emerge, as you recognize that there is a lot you don’t know. Some of you even might decide to go back to school. If you are single, you could become involved with someone from a totally dif› ferent culture. If this person enters your life after August, Btsfs showthe klnff it will have great significance. If you of tlay you' llhave ** * * * D ynamic are attached, hope› ** * * p ositive fully this yearning

YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar

the outcome. Maintain a sense of humor. You might feel the support of someone in

a way youhavenot experiencedbefore. Tonight: Say "yes" to an invitation.

CANCER (June21-July 22)

** * * You might feel pulled in several different directions. Interference seems to keep happening in the form of calls and from others. You either will have *** Average to know and un› requests to ignore the calls and do whatever you ** So-so derstand more will want or take off. Tonight: A close loved be shared by your * Difficult one wants to call the shots. sweetie. Learn to better understand LEO (July23-Aug.22) *** You usually arevery generous; each other’s values and thought pro› cesses. VIRGO can be very critical when however, you might feel as if a friend or a dealing with you. loved one might be somewhat deceptive or perhaps completely unrealistic. Sched› ARIES (March21-April 19) ule some time to have a discussion with ** * * Recognize what needs to be done, and then just do it. Free yourself up this person. Tonight: You choose. as soon as you can and get into a favorite VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) outdoor happening. Maximize the sum› ** * * A conflict could occur between mer days. Make plans to meet up with you anda close loved one.You might an older friend or relative later in the day. have put this person on a pedestal. Don’ t Tonight: Don’t be alone for dinner. be surprised when he or she falls off. Remember that it was you who put him or TAURUS (April 20-May20) ** * * * L ooking at you, one might her there. Infuse the situation with some think that you are on cloud nine, but that caring. Tonight: Do what you love. probably isn’t the case. Others simply are LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) noticing your tendency to smile a lot. Your ** * As much as you love to go out natural love of life emerges. Live it up. and about, you also need some time with Romance could be just around the corner. a loved one or by yourself. Make plans Tonight: Make the most of the moment. aroundtheseneeds,and youfeelmore GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ready to handle life’s ups and downs. ** * * A friendship could take an unex› A changeathome could make life even pected twist. How you deal with a change› more enjoyable. Tonight: Get some extra able matter will make a big difference in zzz s.

** * * * You will become more in tune with a certain situation. Let go of any pre› conceived notions of what you think will happen. Clear your mind, and walk in with

an open mindandsomecompassion.You might have amajor surprise greetyou. Tonight: Out on the town.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21) ** * * Share more of yourself when you are out with friends or at a meeting. You have many wonderful ideas; you just don’t get feedback often enough. Pursue a favorite pastime and invite a friend along. Tonight: A get-together might be sponta› neous, but it’s worth staying up for.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.19) ** * * * M aintain a sense of humor, even as a conversation or an interaction becomes very confusing. Sorting it out might only increase the chaos. Let it go for now you will gain clarity in a while. Relax at the beach or take a walk with a friend. Tonight: Easy works.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fsb.18) ** * * You will be at the beck and call of a loved one, but you’ll enjoy every mo› ment. Your financial well-being might not be as clear as it needs to be. You could be working with a false premise on some



• ANT-MAN(PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2, 4:30, 7, 9:30 • JURASSICWORLD(PG-13) I, 3:45, 6:30,9:15 • MINIONS(PG) 11:45 a.m., 2, 4:15, 6:30, 8:45 • TRAINWRECK (R) 1:15, 4, 6:45, 9:30

his son and, asthe season unfolds, forges a friendship with Gloucester captain Dave Marciano from the F/V Hard Merchandise. 9 p.m. on BRAVO, "Married to Medicine" —In the new epi› sode"Queen Bee Returns to the Hive," Lisa Nicole, still reeling from her visit to the strip club, confronts her husband and demands some answers. Jackie and Simone demonstrate safe› sex techniques that embarrass some of the women but pique the interest of the others. Toya tries to get involved in her hus› band’s new business venture to show that she’s supportive, while Mariah and Quad try to mend their friendship but real› ize the relationship probably will take a while to heal completely. 9 p.m.on LIFE, Movie: "Love You to Death" —Lovelorn Sylvia Potter (Lindsey Shaw), the projectionist at a small-town revival theater, falls for Lucas Green (Jamie Johnston), a handsome new transfer student

at a local prep school, despite warnings from all her friends to be wary of this charming stranger. They might have a point, as Sylvia discovers when

Lucas becomes aperson of interest in the recent disap› pearance of another local girl who had been the same age as Sylvia. Jean-Luc Bilodeau (" Baby Daddy" ) also stars in the U.S. TV premiere of this 2012 thriller. O Zap2lt

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Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • ANT-MANCP G- l3) 3, 5:30, 8 • TRAINWRECK CR)2:45, 5:15, 7:45 • IifSIDEOU T(PG) 2:15,4: I5, 6:I5 • ME ANDEARLANDTHEDYING GIRL (PG-l3) 8:15 • MINIONS (PG)2:30, 4:45, 7 Madras Cinema 5,1101SWU.S. Highway 97, 541-475-3505 • ANT-MANCP G-13) 1:20, 7 • ANT-MAN3-D (PG-13)4:10, 9:40 • THEGALLOWS (R) I:25,3:25,5:25,7:25,9:20 • MINIONS(PG) I2:30, 2:45, 5, 7:10, 9: I5 • TERMINATOR GEifISYS (PG-l3) 1:10, 4, 6:50, 9:35 • TRAINWRECK (R) I: I5, 4, 6:45, 9:30 Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • MAGIC MIKE XXL(Upstairs R) 1, 4, 7 • MINIONS(PG) 12:30, 3, 7:30 • The upstairsscreening room has limited accessibility.

' King Features Syndicate

tains battle it out to make the first catch of a new bluefin tuna seasonalong theOuterBanks. There’s a new face in the bunch: Captain Charlie "Griff" Griffin, new to the show but a legend in these parts. He fishes alongside

Redmond Cinemas,1535 SWOdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777

Tonight: Be part of the team. ** * * A strange conversation could occur with a loved one or dear friend. What becomes clear is that you are not on the same page. Be asrealistic as possible. A call from a dynamic friend encourages more spontaneity. Go for what you want. Tonight: Keep plans as they are.

opens as therespective cap›


level. Yourperspective needsrevision. PISCES (Feb. 19-March20)

6 p.m.on NGC, "Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks" —A new season of the show begins with the new episode "First Strike," which


• MAX(PG) 11a.m. • AVENGERS: AGE OFULTRON (PG-13)2,6 • MAD MAX:FURYROADCR)9:15 • Younger than 2t may attend a/i screeningsif accompanied byalegalguardian.

JULY 19, 2015:This yearyou often wil


McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 NWBond St., 541-330-8562

your cue from the person grieving. be cool and bide your time. If you But remarking, "He’s in a better do, pretty soon your time will come, her that if she doesn’t call the police place," "It’s probably for the best," she’ ll tire of her boyfriend and you when her daughter starts beating or "He was in so much pain" is will avoid a black eye. up on her girlfriend, you will. And wrong. The bereaved can say these — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.corn if it happens again, follow through. things, but for you to do so seems or P.o. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA90069

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21)

11 a.m. on FOOD, "Giada in Italy" —This new series finds glamorous Food Network celeb› rity Giada de Laurentiis enjoy› ing an extended holiday at her birthplace, where she revisits family, friends and the vibrant flavors that have inspired her work. In the series premiere, "Cucina Italiana," Giada hits the markets in Sorrento, then returns home to prepare grilled treviso with citrus bagna cauda; a pan-seared branzino with tomato and capers and fresh citrus with gelato and almond

Rbbt/ is o 6-t/Bar-old Cardigan Welsh Corgi mix who arrived at the shelter bemuse her previous owner is moving. She is here now looking for h er forever home. She i s h ousebroken and used t o being primarilt/ indoors ctnd is looking For o home where she mn remain that wat/. HUMANE SOCIGY OF C(NTRRL OREGON/SPCR til 170 S.E. fr7th St. BEND


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The Bulletin

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Scoreboard, D2 S occer, D4 MLB, D3 Cycling, D5 Sports in brief, D4 Motor sports, D6

' www.bendbulletin.corn/sports


MULTISPORTS Deschutes Dash underway inBend Bend resident Jonah Belk was the overall winner of the featured event Saturday in the Deschutes Dash, winning the Olympic Distance Triathlon in 2 hours, 36.9 seconds. Four races wereheld on the first day of the Deschutes DashMultis› ports Weekend. Events were staged in and around the OldMill Dis› trict and the Deschutes Riverin Bend. The women’s winner of the triathlon, with

a1,300-yard swim, 25-mile bike, and10-ki› lometer run, wasClairen Stone, of Bend, in 2:27:37.3. Participants in the triathlon included 110 menand 84women, the largest field of the day’s four events. Saturday’s race line› up included the Olympic Distance Aquabike (1,300-yard swim, 25› mile bike), the Olympic Distance Duathlon (10K run, 25-mile bike, 10K run), and aseparate 10K run. Today’s events include three Sprint Dis› tance events, the Youth Triathlon and aseparate 5K run. Splash NDash races for kids ages 3to 10 start at noon at Riv› erbend Park.


Former m ian s owS reSi ien in win By Emily Offer


For The Bulletin

If there is one word to de›

scribe Saturday evening’ s Oregon High Desert Clas› sics grand prix winner, Lisa Carlsen, it would be resilient. Carlsen began the $25,000 Mercedes Benz of Bend Grand

Prix riding her 8-year-old Brandenburger mare, Parette. The ride was going well for the pair until Carlsen’s saddle girth broke, sending her to the grou rid.

$10,000 USHJAInterna› tional Hunter Derby, 8a.m. in the Grand Prix Ring, the Classics will host a Derby Hat competition. USHJA International Hunter Derby Breakfast, 8 a.m. andcost is $15; $2,500 Mini Grand Prix, approximately 3:30 p.m. in the GrandPrix Ring.

"It was (Parette’s) first grand prix," Carlsen said as a large crowd began to disperse and the sun began to set at

"So I felt really bad for her because you just never know

Bend’s J Bar J Boys Ranch.

been a clean ride."

what shakes them up. If that

didn’t happen it would have

Inside • Results from Saturday’ s competitions at the OregonHigh Desert Classics. Scoreboard,D2 For some riders, a fall could

derail an entire evening. But

15 • •



for Carlsen, who competed in the 1988 Seoul Olym›

Eg .

pics, it spurred her to ride a clean round aboard World’ s

Judgement to qualify for the jump-off. "(World’s Judgement) is my go-to backup," Carlsen said. "Over the years she has really matured, so after the girth broke I knew I could count on


See Classics /D4

Joe Kline/The Bulletin

Lisa Carlsen and horse, World's Judgement, jump anobstacle during the first round of the Oregon High Desert Classic grand prix on Saturdayevening atJ BarJ Boys Ranch in Bend.



Thanks to l(oepka, who saved the Open

— Bulletin staff report



• Results in scoreboard,




ST. ANDREWS, Scotland›

rooks Koepka may not win the British

Sweets take series over Elks

Open, though a lot of people in golf believe he has the kind of talent to


Wash. Bend scored two runs in the top of the ninth inning but couldn’ t overtake WallaWalla in a 6-2 West Coast League loss on Saturday night. The Sweets, whowon the series 2-1,scattered runs throughout the game andheld a6-0 lead heading to the ninth. DerekChapman singled to drive home Cadyn Grenier andTyler Davis doubled to score Chapman but theElks (28-8 WCL)couldn’ t overtake theSweets (18› 18). Chistian Cavaness added a triple for Bend. Starter JakeForrester was chased in thethird inning and took the loss for Bend. RelieverTravis Ulvestad earnedthewin for Walla Walla. The Elks will be off for the All-Star break before returning to the road and facing YakimaVal› ley starting Tuesday. — Bulletin staff report


FRANCE SATURDAY Stephen Cummings sped past two French› men in the last kilometer to win the hilly111-mile stage, the first ever stage win for his South African MTN-Qhubeka team in its race debut› and on the birthday of Nelson Mandela.

win a major championship in the not so distant future.

On Saturday, though, he may have saved this Open. Someone had to do it,

and it wasn’t going to be the bumbling officials from ’ Golf the Royal & roundup, Ancient. The DD people who run golf on this side of the pond some›

.p. I ’ ’tck r’

how couldn’t figure out

that it’s a game that can’ t be played if there’s no way to put a ball on a green and stop it from being blown away in the howling wind. They were so deter› mined to finish the rain-de› layed second round Satur› Jarod Opp erman/The Bulletin

First and second place finishers in the High Cascades 100, Barry Wicks and Josh Tostado, congratulate each other after finishing the race in Bend on Saturday afternoon.

• The name of the gameisendurance, but the sprint to the finish is pretty furious, too By Victoria Jacobsen The Bulletin

Even after 100 miles of

biking, nearly eight hours of racing and 8,900 vertical feet of climbing, all that separated Barry Wicks and Josh Tosta› do as they reached the end of the High Cascades 100 early Saturday afternoon were 6 measly seconds. W icks, a33-year-old resident of Pacifica, California, crossed the finish line at the

Inside • Results for the top finishers of the High Cascades100. Scoreboard,D2 See additional photos on The Bulletin’s website: bendbulletin.cern/sports Athletic Club of Bend at 7 hours, 50 minutes and 50.37

seconds for his second High Cascades 100 mountain bike

race win, while Tostado, 39 and of Breckenridge, Colora› do, trailed him by a few bike lengths.

back up to me and I was like,

Wicks, who recently moved to California from Bend, said

volved, just like racing tactics,

he broke away from the pack during a climb at mile 40 and largely rode alone for the next 45 miles or so. "I was riding ahead of him all day and then at one point I lost focus and was daydream› ing for a while, and he caught

’Oh, I better refocus and ride

day that players who were still on the Old Course late the night before had to get up at 4:30a.m. to getready to do it again, even when forecasts warned of severe wind.

Lack of sleep for the players wasn’t the issue.

Lack of judgment by the officials was. SeeBritish /D6

harder,’" Wicks recounted. "There are some tactics in› but in a race like this it comes down to whoever has got the most energy at the end, and I

knew I could get him." Despite losing on the final sprint, Tostado said he was

not bummed to finish in sec› ond place. See Biking /D5

JERSEYS Yellow:Chris Froome. The 2013 champion extended his lead by18 seconds to 3 minutes, 10 seconds overColom› bian Nairo Quintana. Polka det:Joaquim Rodriguez Green:Peter Sagan White:Quintana TODAY The 15th stage is anoth›

er hilly affair, but mostly downhill over 114miles from Mende toValence on the RhoneRiver. For more,DS


Alaatair Grant/The Associated Press

Earnhardt: More can bedonefor safe By Jim Utter The Charlotte (NC ) Observer

LOUDON, N.H. NA› SCAR driver Dale Earnhardt Jr. says he did not think much

about safety early in his ca› reer. He basically got in the car and drove.

That changed after the death of his father, seven-time NASCAR champion Dale

Inside • Testing may determine how cars are set up for Chase.Motor sports roundup,D6

ly about safety and his sport and why improvements did not come fast enough before his father’s death. "A lot of it was ignorance."

Earnhardt, in a last-lap wreck during the 2001 Daytona 500. In a nearly 25-minute, one›

All of that changed after

that fateful day at Daytona. "You’d love to have had it to start off in 1950 with the

safest thing you have," he said,

he said. "We had open-face

"but I think it was trial and

helmets and no head re› straints and no headrests, and

error for a long time."

on-one interview Friday at how we routed our (seat) belts New Hampshire Motor Speed› through the seats were proba› way, Earnhardt spoke candid› bly improper."

For Earnhardt and the

sanctioning body, that has changed. SeeSafety /D6

Brooks Koepka told British Open officials he did not want to play in Saturday's windy conditions. Soon after, offi-

cials postponedthe round.

i.eadeltiOard After two rounds

Dustin Johnson Danny Willett Paul Lawrie 6 tied at Jordan Spieth


9 -8 -7 -5



COREBOARD Olympic Duathlon Men

EQUESTRIAN Oregon High Desert Classics Hunter/Jumper Competition At J Bar JBoysRanch,Bend Classification Winners(horse, owner, rider) Saturday’sResults $25000MercedezGrandPrix 1, World’sJudgement, WJ.Partners, LisaCarlsen. 2, Atlantis,NewVentureInvestments, Megan Jordan. 3, Djakarta,AndreaStrain, AndreaStrain. 4, Brisbane, BarbaraPhilips, JohnFrench.5, UltimaV,Wild Tur› keyFarm LLC,ChelseaJones.6,TopShelf,Margie Gass,MeganJordan. 7, Wulfric, NicolaMacMahon, Maja Lindemann.8,Osophia,MaplewoodInc,Kevin Winkel. 9,Lariccello,AlisonHeafey,MorganCaplane. 10, I’m In,WindyHil Equestrians,MajaLindemann. 11, HH Campino,Holly Hil Farm,AmandaMoore. 12, LastCall, ClodomirFarm,Krista Vangstad.

Jumpers 1.15 VFPatriot, RobinTomb, Megan Garcia. 1.20 Zquisite, BrookMcCleod.1.25 VFValky› rie, ValorFarm,Inc, MeganGarcia. 1.10 Talisker, Tori Heckart,Tori Heckart.AdultAmateur, 1.10› SpeedyGonzalas LaHaciendaZ, Horsesfor Sport InternationalLLC, , ChristopherHolder. Children’s, 15-17,1.10 — Quincy Z,Madison Humphrey, Madiso nHumphrey.Children's,14tbUnder,1.10 Diplomat,KyaraSemrau, KyaraSemrau. Modi› fied Amateur/Junior, 1.15 QuincyZ, Madison Humphrey ,MadisonHumphrey.0.90— AmyKristan Garrett,KristanGarrett. Special, 0.90 Small Town Girl, KimberlCurry. y Adult Amateur,1.00 Catch 22, NancyShurtleff, NancyShurtleff. Children’s, 0.90— The Gipper,Bridget Lockrem,Bridget Lockrem. 1rgg— High Desert, KateShurtleff, Kate Shurtleff. Limit, 1.00 Alchemy,Hannah Simson, BriannaMcKinney. Adult Amateur, 1.00 Alche› my,HannahSimson,Hannah Simson.Children's, 1.00 —Quickie8, NicoleBakar, Nicole Bakar. 1.05 TopsLaHacienda, HorsesForSport International LLC.Hopeful, Fences,2’ CalavitaZ,AnnSofie Andrews, AnnSofie Andrews.WisMul, Fences2’› CassiusClay,Jennifer Gaspard, Alia Burkholder.0.70 — Hopsc otch,IsaacPaulson,IsaacPaulson.Justa Jumper, 0.70 HelloDolly,AlisonDimick, Alison Dimick.0.75 PeppySan Crystal, RomyBennett, RomyBennett.Beginning,0.75— PeppySanCrystal, RomyBennett, Rom y Bennett. 0.80 Calavita Z,AnnSofieAndrews,WendyBrownleerLow,B.BB TheSituation,KayBoissicat, KayBoissicat. 0.85 Pearly Gates,Mafia Lockrem,Malia Lockrem. Schooling,0.85 —JasmineAladdin, QuinnHoff› man, QuinnHoffman.USHJAJumpingSeatMedal MckenzieMils. Hunters

Adult Amateur, 1MO —GorgeousGeorge, KelseyKing,KelseyKing. Adult Amateur,1840› Columbs, TaylorThibault, KristinHiler. Adult Amateur,315 Over Ferdinand,SonyaMaxwell, Sonya Maxwell. Adult Amateur,31 5 Over— Ultimate, Lily Swift, Lily Swift.Ariat NationalAdultMedal HaleyWebster. Adult Amateur, 18-30, U/8› Andeluca, NicoleTidwell, NicoleTidwell. Adult Amateur, 31 5 Over, U/3—Glisten, ViewPoint Farms, Constance Murray. Modified Junior/Amateur Owner —Valentine,BaileyCamp bell, BaileyCamp bell. Modified Junior/Amateur— Capitol Hil, Nicolette Hirt. Junior, 3’3" Nevero,Natalie Medved,Natalie Medved. Junior, 3’3", Handy Capitol Hill, Nico› lette Hirt, Nicolette Hirt. Junior,3'3", UiS —Guest List, Katerina Baney,KaterinaBaney.AmateurOwner, 3'3" —Castle Hil, StephanieRay,Stephanie Ray. AmateurOwner,3’3", Handy Valentine, Bailey Campbell,BaileyCampbel. AmateurOwner Mai› lisko, BaileyCam pbell, BaileyCampbell. Amateur Owner,Hang —Mailsko, BaileyCam pbell, Bailey Campbell.Amateur Owner,3’3", U/3 Castle Hill. AmateurOwner,U)S Cadison, OrchardHil Farm,ContanceKilmartin. Junior, 16-17 Veritas, AlexaPeterkin, AlexaPeterkin. Junior, 16-17,Handy Hemingay, w CeliaTonkin, CeliaTonkin.Junior, Large, 15 5 Under Citation, Cam ile Leblond, CamilleLeblond.Junior, Large,15 5 Under,Handy Rockford,Lolly Mclelan,LollyMclelan.Passen/ USEF National HunterSeal Medal LogyMclel› lan. Junior,16-17 UiS—Pikasso,Alison Stromberg, Sari Stromberg. Junior 15 5 Under U)S Dutch Treat,EloisFarnsworth, EloisFarnsworth. Smal/Medium Pony Hunters Model BlueAngel, Copper

LaneFarm,LaurenPleasance.Small/Medium Pony Hunters Conformation PopStar, JuneMann, JuneMann.Small/Medium Pony Hunters Handy — Blue Angel,CopperLaneFarm,LaurenPleasance. SmattfMedtumPonyHunters U/8 PopStar, June Mann,JuneMann. Children’s Pony Little Blue Boy,Rebecca McDonnell, SabrinaMcDonnell. Chil dren's Pony— Fandango,Kaela Lee,Kaela Lee. Children’sPony,U/8 Clover,ZoeDupzyk, ZoeDup zyk. Low,Fencesr9" HeCharmed Me, DinaSchnitzer,PhilippaMelski. LowAdult Wilow, Jill Brooks,MollieButler. LowAdult — Konigsberg, Kimber lyLane,KimberleeLane.Low,Fencesr9" Winnetou,MichelleGaubert, JessicaAllan. Low Children’s VanGogh,Ali Cornish, AllisonJepsen. Low Children’s ForgetMeNot, HannahHeskin, HannahHeskin. Children’s, 15-17 BleekerSt., Heidi Kane,Emily Hutson. Children’s, 15-17› Spellbound, Taylor Vadset, Taylor Vadset. Children’s, 14 5Under— LeReve,SamanthaLanzone,Maria Boyle.Children’s, 145 Under Bugati, Mattison Johnson,Payton Poter. Children’s, 15-17, U/3› Spellbound, Taylor Vadset, Taylor Vadset. Children’s, 14 &Under— VeryBest,SamanthaFinnegan,Samantha Finnegan.Low,Fences18"— UpTillDawn, TammyBlanchette, KarsenKadien. Short Stirrup, Ponies TopThis, CopperLaneFarm, Madeline Luddy.ShortStirrup, Ponies Can’tTouchThis, SarahWelch,KateHagerly. Short Slinup, Ponies U/3 —UpTil Dawn,Tammy Blanchette, KarsenKa› dien. Fences,2'3"— Wrapsody,BayleeWashburn, Baylee Washburn. Short Stinup, Horses—Archive, SarinaSingh,SarinaSingh.Short Sfirmp, Horses› Archive,SarinaSingh,SarinaSingh. ShortStimrp, HorsesU/3 Archive, SarinaSingh, Sarina Singh. Low, Fences r3" Maximigian, MarieHanslick› Papp,MarieHanslick-Papp. LongSlinup, UiS› CassieopiaCarol , ynBahrman,Carolyn Bahrman. Pre Adult Sophisticated,Kristi Courtney,Kristi Court› ney. PreAdult— RomanCandleRK,PamelaZicker, PamelZi acker.PreAdult, U/3 Sophisticated, Kristi Courtney, Kristi Courtney.Low, Fences2'6" —Ro› manCandleRK,Pamela Zicker, PamelaZicker. Low Fences, r6" Gratis, KaitlynCharlton, Isabelle Hass.PreChildren’s Empire, ArchwayEquestri› an Sports,ChloeSperling. Pre Children’s Flint, Amanda Rosch, AmandaRosch. PreChildren’ s, U/S — Fli nt,AmandaRosch,AmandaRosch.


1, Toni Decker, 3:17:55.0. 2, Sarah Shoop, 3:23:32.6.3,AmyBerger,3;29;30.9. 10K Men 1, TylerJones,35:39.3. 2, AlexMangan,35:53.6. 3, Kat Kingstad,36:12.3. 4, Chris Peale, 36:44.1. 5, Tyler Griffin, 37:02.0. 6, CamRegan, 37:43.7. 7, Adrian Clifford, 38:00.9. 8, ChristopherRoth, 38:20.2. 9,Humberto Zelaya, 39:51.4. 10, Art Okelly, 41:25.2.

Women 1, JulieBrekke,41:40.0.2, ClaraPrentiss, 48;19.2. 3, ChristianneSam aras, 48:31.4. 4, Amy Singer, 50:40 .4.5,AmyLaird,50:53.0.6,HeatherSpain, 51:50.0. 7,SaraSchiriac, 52:10.8. 8, AudreyKeren Barden,52:10.8.9, Cecilia Preston,52:55.3. 10,Da› radeeMurray,53:37.8.


Pct GB 778 528 9

15 21 7 29

Kelowna Yakima Valey WallaWalla Wenatchee Bellingham Victoria Cowlitz Kitsap

417 13 194 21

East Division W L

Pct GB 667 556 4 500 6

24 12 20 16 18 18 15 21

417 9

West Division W L 24 12

Pct GB 667 472 7 444 8 361 11

17 19 16 20 13 23

Saturday’sGames Bellingham 6, Victoria 2 Kelowna1,Wenatchee0 Medford4, Kitsap1 WallaWalla6, Bend2 Yakima Valley 4, Corvallis 3 KlamathFags9, Cowlilz 2 Today’sGames No game sscheduled Monday’sGames No game sscheduled Tuesday’sGames Medfordat Klamath Falls, 6:35p.m. Cowlilz atCorvagis,6:35p.m. Wenatchee at Kitsap,6:35p.m. KelownaatWalla Walla, 7:05p.m. Victoria atBellingham,7:05 p.m. BendatYakimaValley, 7:05p.m. Saturday’sSummary

Sweets 6, Elks 2 Bend 000 000 002 — 2 7 0 Walla Walla 0 0 1 01211X — 6 131 Forrester,Gomez(3), Gaul (7), Junk(8), Reddick (9) and Hum mel. Zig, Ulvestad(3), Haseltine(6), Richman(7), Gamez (9) andMaclver. W Ulves› tad. L Forrester.28 Bend: Davis; Walla Wala; Halamanda ris, Dozier,Hechtner, Mucha.38 Bend: Cavaness.

Little League 12U StateChampionship Saturday inKlamathFaffs BendSouth12, Medford 4

SOCCER CONCACAF Gold Cup All TimesPDT (x-advancedto quarterfinals) QUARTER FINALS Saturday’sGames UnitedStates6,Cuba0 Jamaica1,Haiti 0 Today’sGames Trin idadandTobagovs.Panama,1:30p.m. Mexic ovs.CostaRica,4:30p.m.



W L T P t s GF GA D.C. United 1 0 7 5 35 24 20 NewYork 8 6 5 29 29 23 TorontoFC 8 7 3 27 28 28 Columbus 7 7 6 27 28 29 NewEngland 7 9 6 27 27 33 OrlandoCit y 6 8 6 24 23 26 Philadelphia 6 11 4 22 26 34 Montreal 6 8 3 21 24 27 NewYorkCity FC 5 9 6 21 24 28 Chicago 5 10 3 1 8 19 25

WesternConference P l s GF GA 35 28 24 34 36 25 33 24 21 3 3 28 18

W L T FC Dallas 10 5 5 Los Angele s 9 6 7 Vancouver 1 0 8 3 S porting KansasCity 9 3 6 Seattle 10 9 2 Portland 9 7 5 RealSaltLake 6 7 8 SanJose 7 8 4 Houston 6 8 6 Colorado 5 6 9

32 32 26 25 24 24

25 20 23 24 21 26 21 24 24 26 18 19

Saturday’sGames Toronto FC2, Philadelphia 1 NewEngland1, NewYorkCity FC0 NewYork2, OrlandoCity 0 SportingKansasCity 2, Montreal1 FC Dallas2, D.C.United1 RealSaltLake2, Houston 0 Colorado1,Seattle 0 Portland1,Vancouver1, tie Equitation Today’sGame CloverleafMedal SamanthaFinnegan.PCHA HorsemanshipCtassAftctor HugoVidal Fran› Chicag oatColumbus,2p.m. ziskaWendker. Foxlield Medal Danae EyrigenIs Friday, July 24 OHJA JuniorMedal—Kendall Carlson.Limit Equi- SportingKansasCity atReal Salt Lake,8p.m. Saturday, July 25 talion — FranziskaWendker. OpportunityWalk Trot Equitation — Carolyn Bahrman. Opportunity Walk Toront oFCatColumbus,4:30p.m. Trot Equitation CarolynBahrman. Opportunity Seattleat Montreal, 5p.m. Walk TrotObstacle Course Calypso PE,Corie NewEnglandatChicago,5:30p.m. Allen,CorieAllen. Opportunity WalkTrot Obstacle Portlandat FCDallas, 6p.m. Course Cassieopia,CarolynBahrman, Carolyn LosAngelesatHouston,6p.m. Bahrman.Opportunity Crossrail Emm aEschen› Sunday,July 26 bach. Opportunity Crossrail PatBennett. Low OrlandoCityat NewYorkCity FC,1130am. Children’s Franziska Wendker. PhiladelphiaatD.C.United, 2 p.m. SanJoseat Vancouver, 4p.m.

MULTISPORT Deschutes Dash Saturday, in Bend Olympic Triathlon Men 1, Jonah Belk, 2:00:36.9. 2, Devin Vanscoy, 2:03;06.0. 3, NickHetro,2;05;52.9. 4, BrentMatti› son,2:07:04.0.5,PaulArmstrong,2:07:43.0.6,Neat Richards,2:09:37.1.7, MichaelWolber, 2:09:58.3. 8, TylerWilingham,2:16:03.2. 9, GregVanAmerongen, 2:1741.6.10,DrewMoore,2:18060. Women 1, Clairen Stone, 2:27:37.3. 2, Kat Smith, 2:28:53.5. 3, ColleenSullivan, 2:32:35.3. 4, Stone Marika, 2:33;45.8. 5,CorinneYoung, 2:33.49.6. 6, Julia Frey, 2:34:04.6. 7, DeborahBattaglia, 2:37:41.7. 8, LauraImperia, 2:38:46.5. 9,SuzanneMiddleton, 2:42:49.9.10,KatieLaMarre, 2:42:49.9.



Chicago Connecticut Washington Indiana Atlanta

EasternConference W L Pct GB 10 9 7 7 8 7

5 6 6 6 7 9


W L Minnesota 11 3 Tulsa 10 6 Olympic Aquabike Phoenix 9 6 Men Seattle 5 12 1, Scott Taylor, 1:38:48.3. 2, Matt Henderson, SanAntonio 4 11 1;46;05.4. 3, ArashPanah, 1;55;12.4. 4, Enrique Los Angeles 2 12 Carbajal,1:57:01.2.5,Kevin Baumbach, 1:58:06.2. 6, KermitYensen,2:01:04.3. 7, FellySmith, 2:04:28.3. Saturday’sGames 8, Craig Shanklin, 2:08:25.5. 9, Francis A.Reily, Indiana atConnecticut, Postponed 2:13r04.2.10,RickyDufrene, 2:14:11.8. Seattle86,Atlanta73 Women NewYork75, Phoenix 73 Today’sGames 1, JoanneEastwood, 1:35:56.0. 2, Heather Clark, 1:36:35.9. 3,TraceySuton, 1:40:40.0. 4, AmyNor› MinnesotaatTulsa, 1:30p.m. trom, 1:48:59.5.5, AnnThomas, 1;49:56.4. 6, Susan SanAntonioat Chicago, 3p.m. Bird, 1:52:17.2. 7,AmySatrom, 1:53:32.9. 8, Diane ConnecticutatWashington, 4p.m. Shanklin, 2:08:25.6.9, ChristinaCharvat, 2:09:56.0. 10, AlisonBookman-Skidmore, 2:15:09.7.

74-74 148 MarkYoung James Hahn 75-73 148 TadahiroTakayama 75-73 148 High Cascades 100 Quarterfinals Morgan Hoff mann 73-76 149 Winners to semi f inals, Sept. 18-20 Hiroshilwata 79-70 149 Saturday Britain 2, France 1 Bill Haas 75-74 149 In Bend London K oumei Od a 73-76 149 100 miles Surface: Grass-Outdoor Edoardo Mol i n ari 74-75 149 1. Barry Wicks,Pacifica, Calif., 7:50:50.37. 2, Singles DanielBerger 73-76 149 Josh Tostado,Breckenridge, Colo., 7:50:56.12. 3, Giges Si m on, France, def. James W a rd, Bri t ai n , TaichiTeshima 76-73 149 JoshOppenheimer,Boise, Idaho, 7:55:55.27.4, 6-4, 6-4,6-1. Thomas B j o rn 70-79 149 Brent Pontius, Ogden,Utah, 8:10:54.72. 5, Mike Andy Murray, Bri t ain, def. Jo-Wi l f ried Tsonga, Ben Curti s 74-75 149 Castaldo, Chico,Calif., 8:17:06.26. 6, Christopher France,7-5,7-6(10), 6-2. DanielBrooks 76-73 149 Jones,Bend,8;17:11.23. 7, BenShaklee, Belling› Doubles AdamBland 75-74 149 ham,Wash.,8:18:21.13. 8,MattWoodruff, Meridi› Andy and J am i e M u rray, B ri t ai n , def. Ni c ol a s M ah ut Liang W e n-chong 80-70 150 an, Idaho,8:19:50.65.9, JoshuaJohnston, Tuscon, and Jo-WilfriedTsonga,France, 4-6, 6-3, 7-6(5),6-1. a -Gunn Y an g 73-77 150 Ariz., 8:25:45.24. 10, Glint Muhlfeld, Whitefish, ReverseSingles Justin Leonard 78-72 150 Mont., 8:30:08.46.11,MortenDluviken, Oslo, Nor› Andy Murray, Bri t ain, vs. Gi l es Si m on, Fr a nc e Tom Gilis 76-74 150 way, 8:32:07.72.12,SerenaBishop Gordon, Bend, James Ward, Bri t ain, vs. Jo-Wi l f ried Tsonga, 77-73 150 ScottStrange 8:32:42.99.13,Justin DeMalie, Portland,8:33:12.14. France a -Alister Bal c om be 74-76 150 14, JaceIves,Ashland,8:34:18.94.15,DougKrum› Argentina 3,Serbia 0 RobertDinwiddie 73-77 150 pelman,Hayden,8:35:22.77. BuenosAires, Argentina Charl ye Hoff man 72-78 150 Singles 78-72 150 KevinStreelman LeonardoMayer,Argentina, def. Filip Krajinovic, ToddHamilton 74-77 151 Tour de France Serbia,6-4,6-2, 6-1. 73-78 151 Matt Every Saturday FedericoDelbonis,Argentina,def.ViktorTroicki, TigerWoods 76-75 151 At Mande,France Serbia,2-6,2-6, 6-4,6-4, 6-2. 77-75 152 RodPampling 14th Stage Doubles 74-78 152 Jonathan Mo ore A110rB-mile ride fromRodezto Mande, with Carlos BerlocqandLeonardo Mayer, Argentina, Nick Faldo 83-71 154 a pair of Category 4andapair of Category def. ViktorTroicki andNenadZimonjic, Serbia,6-2, MarkCalcavecchia 80-75 155 2 climbs 6-4, 6-1. a-Ben Ta y l o r 82-73 155 1. Stephen Cummings, SouthAfrica, MTN-Qhubeka,4 ReverseSingles 76-80 156 T om W a ts on hours, 23 minutes,43seconds. LeonardoMayer,Argentina, vs. Viktor Troicki, GaryBoyd 77-80 157 2.ThibautPinot,France,FDJ,2secondsbehind. Serbia 3. Romain Bardet,France,AG2RLaMondiale,:03. FedericoDelbonis, Argentina,vs. Filip Krajinovic, PGA 4. Rigoberto Uran,Colombia, Etixx-OuickStep,:20. Serbia BarbasolChampionship 5.PeterSagan,Slovakia,Tinkoff -Saxo,:29. Kazakhstan 2,Australia 1 Saturday 6. CyrilGautier,France,Europcar,:32. Darwin, Australia At Robert TrentJunes GolfTrail, Grand 7. Ruben Plaza,Spain, Lampre-Merida, sametime. Singles National, La ke Course 8.BobJungels,Luxembourg,TrekFactory Racing, Mikhail Kukushkin,Kazakhstan, def. Thanasi Kok› Opelika,Ala. same time. kinakis,Australia,6-4, 6-3,6-3. Purse: 33.5 million 9. Jonathan Castroviejo, Spain,Movistar,sametime. Aleks andrNedovyesov,Kazakhstan,def.NickKyrYardage:7,302; Par. 71 10. Simon Yates, Britain, OricaGreenEdge,:33. gios,Australia,7-6(5), 6-7(2), 7-6(5), 6-4. Third R ound 11. Jan Bakelants,Belgium,AG2RLa Mondiale, Doubles 1:07. SamGrothandLleyton Hewitt, Australia, def.An› Scott Piercy a-denotesamateur 69-66-65 200 12. Jarlinson Pantano,Colombia, IAM Cycling, drey GolubevandAleksandrNedovyesov,Kazakhstan RickyBarnes 67-68-65 200 1:10. 6-4, 7-6(4),6-2. JasonGore 65-73-63 201 13. Pierre-LucPerichon,France,Bretagne-SecheEn› Belgium 3,Canada0 Will Wilcox 66-70-65 201 vironnement,2:00. Middelkerke, Belgium 68-66-67 201 14. Kristijan Koren,Slovenia,Cannondale-Garmin, Singles 67-66-68 201 2:12. SteveDarcis, Belgium,def. FrankDancevic, Cana› 69-64-68 201 15. KoendeKort, Netherlands,Giant-Alpecin,same da, 3-6r6-1,7-5, 6-3. 71-69-63 203 time. DavidGoffin, Belgium,def. Filip Peliwo,Canada 68-69-66 203 16. GregVan Avermaet, Belgium, BMCRacing,same 6-4, 6-4, 6-2. 69-68-66 203 time. Doubles 64-70-69 203 17. AndriyGrivko,Ukraine,Astana,2:43. RubenBemelmans and Kimmer Coppejans, Bel› 69-70-65 204 18. MichalGolas,Poland,Etixx-QuickStep,3:25. gium, def. Da n i e l Ne s tor and Adi t S h am as di n , C an ada 70-67-67 204 19. Jeremy Roy,France, FDJ, sametime. 7-5, 3-6,6-4,6-3. 69-67-68 204 20. ChrisFroome,Britain, Sky,4:15. 67-69-68 204 Also 69-66-69 204 21. NairoQuintana,Colombia, Movistar, 4:16. GOLF 71-64-69 204 22. Alejandro Valverde, Spain, Movistar, 4:19. 69-72-64 205 23. Alberto Contador, Spain, Tinkoff-Saxo,4:34. Professional 68-68-69 205 25. TejayVanGarderen, UnitedStates, BMCRacing, 69-66-70 205 British Open 4:55. 72-63-70 205 Saturday 30. GerainTh t omas, Britain, Sky,5:06. 69-72-65 206 At St. Andrews(OldCourse) 37. Andrew Talansky, United States, Cannon› 72-68-66 206 St Andrews Scotland dale-Garmin6:26. , 70-69-67 206 Purse: $9.28million 159. Tyler Farrar, United States, MTN-Ohub eka, 69-69-68 206 Yardage: 7,297;Par: 72 19:09. 68-70-68 206 SecondRound Overall Standings 71-66-69 206 (a-amateur) (After 14stages) 68-69-69 206 DustinJohnson 65-69 134 1. ChrisFroome,Britain, Sky,56:02:19. 68-69-69 206 Wilett 66-69 135 2. Nairo Quintana,Colombia, Movistar, 3:10 be› Danny 66-69-71 206 PaulLawrie 66-70 136 hind. 68-67-71 206 M are W arr en 68-69 13 7 3. TejayVanGarderen, United States, BMCRacing, 76-65-66 207 ZachJohnson 66-71 137 3:32. 71-69-67 207 AdamScot 70-67 137 4. AlejandroValverde,Spain, Movistar,4:02. 69-71-67 207 RobertStreb 66-71 137 5. Alberto Contador, Spain,Tinkoff-Saxo,4:23. 69-70-68 207 J ason Da y 66-71 1 3 7 6. GerainTho t mas, Britain, Sky,4:54. 72-66-69 207 67-70 137 7. Robert Gesink, Netherlands, Lotto NL-Jumbo, LouisOosthuizen 68-69-70 207 a-PaulDunne 69-69 138 6:23. 69-66-72 207 RetiefGoosen 66-72 138 8. Vincenzo Nibali, Italy,Astana,8:17. 72-69-67 208 Luke Don al d 68-70 13 8 9. Tony Galopin, France,Loto-Soudal, 8:23. 71-69-68 208 a 72-66 138 10. Bauke Mollema, Netherlands, TrekFactory Racing, HidekiMatsuyam 69-71-68 208 Steven Bowditch 70-69 139 8:53. 66-74-68 208 AnirbanLahiri 69-70 139 11. Warren Barguil, France,Giant-Alpecin, 11:03. 68-71-69 208 71-68 13 9 12. RomainBardet, France,AG2RLa Mondiale, GeoffOgilvy 72-67-69 208 JustinRose 71-68 139 13:10. 69-70-69 208 67-72 139 13. Mathias Frank, Switzerland, IAM Cycling, ChartSchwartzel 67-70-71 208 70-69 139 SergioGarcia 13:26. 70-64-74 208 67-72 13 9 JordanSpieth 14. Sam uelSanchez,Spain,BMCRacing, 14:21. 69-72-68 209 74-66 140 RussellHenley 15. Pierre Rolland, France,Europcar, 14:58. 73-68-68 209 72-68 140 Walker 16. Andrew Talansky, United States, Cannon› Jimmy 70-70-69 209 a-Jordan Niebrugge 67-73 140 dale-Garmin22: , 18. 70-70-69 209 70-70 1 40 WebbSimpson 17. ThibautPinot, France,FDJ,30:57. 68-70-71 209 72-69 141 PadraigHarrington 18. Jakob Fuglsang, Denmark, Astana,31:05. 69-68-72 209 71-70 141 MartinKaym er 19. Joachim Rodriguez, Spain, Katusha,31:45. 71-70-69 210 70-71 141 y 20. AlexisVuilermoz,France,AG2RLa Mondiale, PaulCase 71-70-69 210 69-72 1 41 Branden Grace 33:18. 69-72-69 210 68-73 141 GregOwen Also 70-71-69 210 69-72 141 149. Tyler Farrar, United States, MTN-Qhu beka, DavidLingmerth 70-71-69 210 68-73 141 Matt Jones 2:18:39. 67-73-70 210 70-71 1 41 AnthonyWall 70-70-70 210 a-Romain Langasque 69-72 141 Stages 72-68-70 210 71-70 141 July 4 —First Stage:Utrecht, Netherlands,in› BrooksKoepka 70-68-72 210 70-71 141 dividual timetrial (13.8km-8.6miles) (Stage:Rohan StewartCink 69-69-72 210 DavidHowel 68-73 141 Dennis,Australia;YellowJersey: Dennis) 70-71 141 69-68-73 210 July 5 SecondStage:Utrecht toZeeland, Neth› GregChalmers 69-67-74 210 72-69 141 erlands,flat (166-103.1)(AndreGreipel, Germ any; RyanFox 71-70-70 211 DavidLipsky 73-69 142 FabianCancellara, Switzerland) 70-69-72 211 Tringale 71-71 142 July 6 ThirdStage:Antwerp to Huy,Belgium, Cameron 72-68-72 212 Gary Woo dl a nd 72-70 1 42 hilly (159.5-99)(JoaquimRodriguez, Spain; Chris 71-68-73 212 Phil Mickelson 70-72 142 Froome, Britain) 72-67-73 212 Morrison 71-71 142 July 7 FourthStage:Seraing, Belgiumto Cam› James 66-71-75 212 71-71 142 brai, France, flat/cobblestone(223.5-138.8) (Tony BrettRumford 69-72-72 213 Kevin Na 67-75 1 42 Martin,Germany; Martin) 73-68-72 213 70-72 142 July 8 — Fifth Stage:ArrasCommunauteUrbaine a-OliverSchniederjans 70-70-73 213 72-70 142 to AmiensMetropole, flat (189.5-117.7)(Greipel; PatrickReed 72-68-73 213 RyanPalmer 71-71 142 Martin) 68-72-74 214 Eddie Pep p erel l 72-70 1 42 July 9 —Sixth Stage:Abbevigeto LeHavre, 70-71-74 215 ichieRamsay 72-71 143 hilly (191.5-118.9)(ZdenekStybar, Czech Republic; R 71-70-78 219 Thongchai Jaidee 72-71 143 Martin) 71-70-80 221 Molinari 72-71 143 July 10 —SeventhStage: Livarot to Foug› Francesco 66-75-82 223 Jamie Donal d son 72-71 1 43 eres, flat (190.5-118.3) (MarkCavendish, Britain; HenrikStenson 73-70 143 Froome) er 72-71 143 July 11 Eighth Stage:Rennesto Mur-de› RickieFowl LPGA English 71-72 143 Bretagne, hilly (181.5-112.7) (Alexis Vuillermoz, Harris a-Ashley Ch es t e rs 71-72 143 MarathonClassic France;Froome) Sullivan 72-71 143 Saturday July 12 —Ninth Stage:Vannesto Plumelec, Andy areLeishman 70-73 143 At HighlandMeadowsGolf Club teamtimetrial (28-17.4)(BMCRacing, UnitedStates; M MarcusFraser 74-69 143 Sylvania, Ohio Froome) Thomas Aiken 75-69 144 Purse: 31.5millien July 13 — Rest Day, Pau Ben Marti n 74-70 1 44 Yardage: 6,506;Par:71 July 14 —10th Stage:Tarbesto LaPierre› afaelCabrera-Bego 71-73 144 Third Round Saint-Martin, highmountain(167-103.7) (Froome; R JasonDufner 73-71 144 Ha NaJang Froome) 72-72 144 QBack erndWiesberger July15 —11thStage: Pauto Cauterets-Valleede B M ark O’ M e a r a 72-72 1 44 ChellaChoi Saint-Savinhi, ghmountain(188-116.7) (Rafal Majka, 74-70 144 BernhardLanger AustinErnst Poland;Froome) 71-73 144 LydiaKo July 15 —12th Stage:Lannemezanto Plateaude Matt Kuchar 73-71 1 44 InbeePark Beige, highmountain (195-121.1) (JoaquimRodri› Jim Furyk 71-73 1 44 G raham D eL ae t Shanshan Feng guez,Spain; Froome) 72-72 1 44 H unter Ma han BrittanyLang July 17 —13thStage:Muret to Rodez, medium 73-71 144 Alena Sharp mountain (198.5-123.3)(GregVanAvermaet, Bel› Billy Horschel 71-73 144 RossFisher DewiClaireSchreefel gium;Froome) 72-72 1 44 G raeme M c D o w ell Angela Stanford July 18 14thStage: Rodezto Mende,medium 71-73 144 HyoJooKim mountain(178.5-110.8)(StephenCummings, South ErnieEls 71-73 144 Brendon Todd MoriyaJutanugarn Africa;Froom e) 71-73 144 Lee-Anne Pace July 19 —15thStage:Mende to Valence, hily LeeWestwood 72-72 1 44 John Sen de n SarahKemp (183-113.6) 72-72 144 JennyShin July 20 16th Stage:Bourg-de-Peageto Gap, DavidDuval 71-73 144 Scott Arnold Xi YuLin medium mountain(201-124.8) Missedcut HaruNom ura July 21 — Rest Day, Gap 70-75 1 45 Marcel Si e m MiHyangLee July 22 —17thStage:Digne-les-Bainsto Pra P ablo Larraza ba l 76-69 1 45 J aye Mari e Green Loup,highmountain (161-100) 71-74 145 Daly Sei Young Kim July 23 —18th Stage:Gapto Saint-Jean-de› John TommyFleetwood 69-76 145 YaniTseng Maurienne, highmountain(186.5-115.8) Karlberg 70-75 145 So Yeon Ryu July 24 19thStage:Saint-Jean-de-Maurienne Rikard Brian Ha r m an 73-72 1 45 CandieKung to La Toussuire-LesSybelles, high mountain(138› AlexanderLevy 70-75 145 StacyLewis 85.7) haneLowry 73-72 145 NatalieGulbis July 25 20thStage;Modane Valfrejus to Alpe S Carl Pettersson 72-73 1 45 Azahara Munoz d’Huez, highmountain (110.5-68.6) Victor Dubui s son 74-71 1 45 KarineIcher July 26 21stStage:Sevres-GrandParis Seine KevinKisner 71-74 145 DanielleKang QuesttoParis Champs-Elysees,flat (109.5-68) Mikkogonen 75-70 145 MikaMiyazato Total: 3,350.3km-2,085.7 miles JonasBlixt 75-71 146 Birdie Kim HiroyukiFujita 71-75 146 PaulaCreamer TENNIS Stephen Gallacher 73-73 146 CristieKerr PelleEdberg 72-74 146 MinjeeLee Russel Knox l 72-74 1 46 Mo Martin ATP Joost Luiten 74-72 146 Lexi Thom pson Hall ofFameChampionships Byeong-Hun An 74-72 146 Kim Kaufm an Saturday at Newport, R.l. BrandtSnedeker 73-73 146 BrittanyLincicome Semifinals Darren Clarke 73-73 146 Wei-LingHsu Rajeev Ram,United States, def. John-Patrick MatteoManassero 73-73 146 GerinaPiler Smith,Australia,6-4, 7-6(4). RaphaelJacquelrn 76-70 146 CarolineMasson Ivo Karlovic(2), Croatia,def.JackSock(4), United a-PaulKinnear 70-76 146 Mirim Lee States,7-6(3), 6-4. TyrrellHatton 70-76 146 AmeliaLewis ScottHend 74-72 146 SakuraYokomine DannyLee 73-74 147 Chic Arimura WTA 74-73 147 GeorgeCoetzee JennySuh SwedishOpen 74-73 1 47 RyanMoore CarlotaCiganda Saturday atBaslad, Sweden 75-72 147 KeeganBradley Ashleigh Simon Semifinals 71-76 147 SandyLyte JenniferSong MonaBarthel (4), Germany,def. LaraArruabarrena, J.B. Holmse 73-74 147 AlisonLee Spain,6-3, 6-2. 73-74 147 Shinji Tomimura Marina Alex JohannaLarsson(7), Sweden, def.Yulia Putintse› BubbaWatson 71-76 147 Jee Young Lee va, Kazakhstan,6-4,6-2. 73-74 147 lan Poulter Min Lee 74-73 147 DavidHearn Eun-Hee Ji BucharestOpen 79-69 148 JacoVanZyl AmyAnderson Saturday atBucharest, Romania 75-73 148 SorenKjeldsen ElizabethNagel Semifinals 75-73 148 MiguelAngelJimenez Ai Miyazato Sara Errani(1), Italy, def. MonicaNiculescu(3), TomLehman 75-73 148 BrookePancake 74-74 14 8 Romania5-7, , 6-1, 6-2. Yuta Ikeda KatyHarris AnnaKarolinaSchmiedlova(7), Slovakia,def. Po› KiradechAphibarnrat 73-75 148 NontayaSrisawang lonaHercog,Slovenia, 6-4,6-3. RomainWattel 75-73 148 VictoriaElizabeth


1, DavidEngstrom,2:49:21.2. 2, MarkKoopman, 3:14:30.8. 3,Justin Ripley,3:21:12.2. 4, Levi Nichols, 3:25:42.7. 5,Bil Delacy,3:37:15.3.

. 6 67 .6 0 0 1 .5 3 8 2 .5 3 8 2 .5 3 3 2 .4 3 8 3’/r

Pct GB . 7 86 . 625 2 600 2 r /r . 294 Tr/r . 267 Zr/r . 143 9

Davis Cup








WASHINGTON Clayton Kershaw struck out a season-high 14 ineight shutout innings andthe LosAnge› les Dodgers defeatedWashington to earn a split of the twogames decided. Hoursearlier, pinch-hitter kees catcher Matt den Dekker lined a two-run Brian McCann homer in theeighth inning that lift› watch a ball ed the Nationals over theDodgers hit by Cano in the completion of agamesus› for a two-run pended adayearlier. home run Seattle's Robinson Cano, right, and New York Yan-


East Division


Tampa Bay Baltimore Toronto Boston Kansas City Minnesota Detroit

Cle veland Chicago

Los Angeles Houston Texas Seattle Oakland

W L 49 41 47 46 45 45 46 47 42 49

Central Division W L 54 35 50 41 45 45 43 47 42 47

West Division W L 50 40 50 43 43 47 42 49 42 51

Pct GB


.505 3’/t

.500 4

495 41/2 462 7t/t

Pct GB .607 .549 5 .500 9’/2 .478 11’/t .472 12


Pct GB



.538 1’/t

.478 7 .462 8’/t .452 9’/z

Today'sGam es Seattle(F.Hernandez11-5) at N.Y.Yankees(Sabathia 4-8), 10:05 a.m. TampaBay(Archer 9-6) at Toronto(Estrada6-5), 10:07a.m. Baltimore (Mi.Gonzalez7-6)at Detroit (Verlander0-2), 10;08a.m. Cleveland (Carrasco10-7) at Cincinnati (Cueto6-6), 10:10a.m. KansasCity(D.Duffy3-4) atChicagoWhite Sox(Sale 8-4),11:10a.m. Texas(Gaffardo 7-8)atHouston(Keuchel11-4),11:10 a.m. Minnesota(Milone5-1) at Oakland(Chavez 4-9), 1:05 p.m. Boston(E.Rodriguez5-2) at L.A.Angels(Santiago 6-4), 5:05 p.m. Monday'sGames Tampa Bayat Philadelphia, 4:05p.m. Seattle at Detroit, 4:08p.m. PittsburghatKansasCity,5:10 p.m. Texasat Colorado,5:40p.m. Bostonat LA. Angels, 7:05p.m.

Washington NewYork Atlanta Miami Philadelphia St. Louis Pittsburgh

Chicago Cincinnati Milwaukee Los Angeles SanFrancisco Arizona SanDiego Colorado

49 47 43 38 31

40 44 48 53 62

CentralDivision W L 58 33 53 37 48 41 40 48

Pct GB

.551 .516 3 .473 7 .418 12 .333 20

Pct GB .637 589 4’/2

.539 9 .455 16r/t

40 52

,435 18’/z

W L 52 40 48 43 42 47 43 49 39 51

Pct GB .565

West Division

.527 3r/t .472 Br/t

.467 9 .433 12

Saturday'sGames Washington5, LA.Dodgers3,comp.ofsusp. game LA. Dodgers 4,Washington 2 Philadelphi3, a Miami1 Chicago Cubs4, Atlanta0 Cleveland 9,Cincinnati 4 Milwaukee 8,Pittsburgh5 St. Louis12,N.Y.Mets2 SanFrancisco8, Arizona4 SanDiego5, Colorado4 Today'sGam es Cleveland (Carrasco10-7) at Cincinnati (Cueto6-6), 10:10a.m. LA. Dodgers (Greinke8-2) at Washington(Scherzer 10-7), 10:35a.m. Miami (Haren7-5) at Philadelphia (Hamels 5-7), 10:35a.m. Pittsburgh (Locke5-5) atMilwaukee(Jungmann4-1), 11:10a.m. N.Y.Mets(Niese5-8) atSt.Louis (Cooney0-0),11:15 a.m. Colorado(K.Kendrick 3-10)at SanDiego(Cashner 3-10),1:10p.m. San Francisco(Bumgarner9-5) atArizona(Corbin 1-1),1:10p.m. ChicagoDubs(Arri eta10-5) at Atlanta(S.Miffer 5-5), 2:05 p.m. Monday'sGames N.Y.MetsatWashington, 4:05p.m. Tampa Bayat Philadelphia, 4:05p.m. Chicago CubsatCincinnati, 4:10p.m. LA. DodgersatAtlanta, 4:10p.m. PittsburghatKansasCity,5:10 p.m. Texasat Colorado, 5:40p.m. Miami atArizona,6:40p.m. SanFranciscoatSanDiego,7:10p.m.

during the sixth inning

of Saturday' s game in New York. Cano had two two-run home


Seattle 4, N.Y.Yankees3 Tampa Bay3,Toronto2 Kansas City7, ChicagoWhite Sox6,13 innings Baltimore 3, Detroit 0 Cleveland 9,Cincinnati 4 Texas 7, Houston 6 LA. Angel3, s Boston 0 Oakland 3, Minnesota2, 10innings


Dodgers 4,Nationals2



runs in a 4-3 victory. Frank Franklin ii I The Associated Press

American Lea ue

Mariners 4,Yankees3 NEW YORK Robinson Cano snapped aseason-long slump with a pair of two-run homers against his former team, Hisashi Iwakuma pitched into the sixth and Seattle held on to beat the New York Yankees.

Angels 3, RedSox0

Orioles 3, Tigers0

Garrett Richards pitched atwo-hitter for his second career shutout, Kole Calhoun hit two homers andthe LosAngelesAngelsbeatBoston for their 13th victory in 16 games. Richards (10-6) allowed just three baserunners and retired Boston’s final 15 hitters in order to wrap up the second straight shutout victo› ry for the Angels.

DETROIT Chris Tillman gave up a leadoff single andnot much else as Baltimore pitched acom› bined one-hitter, beating Detroit. lan Kinsler cleanly singled to right-center field to openthe bot› tom of the first. Victor Martinez walked later that inning, but Detroit didn’t manage asingle baserunner


Cnbs 4, Braves 0 ATLANTA Jon Lester lost his bid for a no-hitter in theeighth inning but endedthe longest winless streak of his career. Chicago

Atlanta ab r hbi ab r hbi Fowlercf 2 1 0 0 JPetrsn2b 4 0 0 0 Bryant 3b 5 2 1 0 Maybin cf 4 0 0 0 Rizzo1b 4 0 2 2 Markksrf 4 0 0 0 Solerrf 5 0 1 0 JGomslf 3 0 0 0 Denorfilf 3 1 2 0 CJhnsn 1b 4 0 0 0 Scastross 4 0 1 1 Przynsc 2 0 1 0 D.Ross c 4 0 0 0 Uribe3b 2 0 0 0 Lester p 3 0 0 0 ASmns ss 3 0 1 0 LosAngeles Washington HRndnp 0 0 0 0 Banulsp 1 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Schwrrph 1 0 0 0 Frasorp 0 0 0 0 Pedrsncf 3 1 1 0 MTaylrcf 4 0 0 0 Motte p 0 0 0 0 Ciriacoph 1 0 0 0 HKndrc2b 5 1 2 0 Espinos2b 3 0 1 0 A Russff2b 4 0 1 0 Ardsmp 0 0 0 0 JuTrnr3b 5 1 3 1 Burriss2b 1 1 1 0 EPerezph 0 0 0 0 A Gnzlz1b 4 1 3 0 Harperrf 4 1 1 2 KJhnsn ph 1 0 0 0 Ethierlf 4 0 1 1 YEscor3b 4 0 0 0 R.Kellyp 0 0 0 0 Puigrf 4 0 2 2 CRonsnlf-1b 4 0 1 0 Detwilrp 0 0 0 0 Effi sc 5 0 1 0 Dsmndss 3 0 0 0 Totals 35 4 8 3 Totals 2 90 2 0 JRoffnsss 3 0 0 0 Loatonc 3 0 0 0 Chicago 001 100 802 — 4 Kershwp 4 0 0 0 TMoore1b 2 0 0 0 Atlanta 0 00 000 800 — 0 Jansenp 0 0 0 0 Jordan p 0 0 0 0 E Bryant(12}, Uribe(7),Banuelos(1). DP Chi› Ugglaph 1 0 0 0 cago1.LOB Chicago9,Atlanta5.28 D enorfia (7). S olisp 0 0 0 0 CS Pierzynski (2). Fister p 1 0 1 0 IP H R E R BBSO dnDkkrlf 2 0 0 0 Chicago Totals 37 4 134 Totals 3 2 2 5 2 LesterW,5-8 7 1-3 2 0 0 1 7 Los Angeles 01 8 038 000 — 4 H.RondonH,6 2 - 3 0 0 0 0 1 Washington Ogg Ogg 002 — 2 Motte 1 0 0 0 1 1 E Ju.Turner(7), C.Robinson(2). DP Washing› Atlanta ton 1. LOBLosAngeles 12,Washington 3. 28 A. BanuelosL,1-1 4 2 - 3 6 2 1 3 4 Gonzale(24). z HR Harper (27). CS Pederson(6). Frasor 11-3 0 0 0 0 2 SF Ethier. Aardsma 2 0 0 0 1 4 IP H R E R BBSO R.Keffy 2-3 1 2 1 1 0 LosAngeles Detwiler 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 Kershaw W,7-6 8 3 0 0 0 14 HBP byLester(Pierzynski). Jansen 1 2 2 2 0 3 T 3:06. A 45,758(49,586). Washington Fister L,3-5 5 9 4 4 2 1 Phillies 3, Marlins1 Jordan 3 2 0 0 2 3 Solis 1 2 0 0 0 2 HBP byFister (Pederson). PHILADELPHIA ChadBilingsley T 2:43.A 41,426 (41,341). had his best outing in nearly three

Nationals 5, Dodgers 3 (Snsp.)

years and Philadelphia beatMiami.

Miami Philadelphia LosAngeles Washington ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi ISuzukirf 4 1 1 0 Reverecf-8 4111 Pedrsncf 5 0 1 0 YEscor3b 5 2 3 2 Prado2b 4 0 3 1 CHrndz2b 3000 Seattle NewYork after that. HKndrc2b 4 0 0 0 Espinos2b 4 0 1 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi J uTrnr3b 3 1 0 0 Harperrf 1 0 0 1 Yelichff 4 0 1 0 Franco3b 3 1 1 0 4 0 0 0 Howard1b 4 0 1 1 BMifferss 4 0 1 0 Effsurycf 4 0 1 0 AGnzl z1b 3 2 2 3 CRonsnlf 2 0 0 0 Bour1b Baltimore Detroit H chvrrss 4 0 1 0 Ruizc 4000 Seager3b 4 2 1 0 Gardnrlf 4 0 1 0 Grandlc 4 0 0 0 Storenp 0 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Boston Los Angeles D ietrch3b 4 0 2 0 DBrwnrf 3 0 1 1 Cano2b 4 2 3 4 ARdrgzdh 4 0 0 0 Puigrf 3 0 2 0 WRamsc 4 0 0 0 MMchd3b 4 1 2 1 Kinsler2b 4 0 1 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi mtc 4 0 1 0 Galvisss 3 0 0 0 N.cruzrf 2 0 1 0 Teixeir1b 4 2 2 0 Ethierlf 4 0 1 0 Dsmndss 4 0 0 0 Real Pearce 1b 5 0 1 0 Cespds 8 4 0 0 0 Bettscf 4 0 0 0 Giavtff2b 4 0 0 0 G iffespicf 3 0 1 0 Ascheff 3 1 0 0 S.Smithlf 4 0 0 0 BMccnc 4 1 1 2 JRoffnsss 4 0 0 0 TMoore1b 4 0 1 0 A.Jonescf 4 0 2 0 VMrtnzdh 2 0 0 0 Pedroi a 2b 4 0 0 0 Calhonrf 3 2 3 2 K oehl erp 2 0 0 0 Gilesp 0 0 0 0 AJcksncf 3 0 0 0 Headly3b 4 0 1 0 Bolsngrp 1 0 0 0 MTaylrcf 4 1 0 0 B ogartsss 4 0 0 0 Troutcf 4 0 0 0 Wietersdh 4 0 0 0 JMrtnzrf 3 0 0 0 McGehph 1 0 0 0 Papelnp 0 0 0 0 Trumodh 4 0 1 0 CYoungpr 0 0 0 0 KHrndzph 1 0 0 0 Zmrmnp 1 0 0 0 C.Davi s rf 4 0 1 0 Cstffns3b 3 0 0 0 Ortizdh 3 0 0 0 Puiols1b 4 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Blngslyp 1 0 0 0 CTaylrpr-dh 0 0 0 0 GJonesrf 4 0 0 1 T saop 0 0 0 0 Roarkp 1 1 1 0 Cishekp J Hardyss 4 1 1 0 Avila1b 3 0 0 0 HRmrzlf 3 0 0 0 Aybarss 3 0 0 0 SDysonp 0 0 0 0 Diekmnp 0 0 0 0 Morrsn1b 4 0 0 0 Gregrsss 4 0 1 0 Guerrrph 1 0 0 0 Barrettp 0 0 0 0 Schoop2b 4 1 2 0 JMccnc 3 0 0 0 Sandovl3b 3 0 2 0 Freese3b 3 1 0 0 Morseph 1 0 0 0 JGomzp 0 0 0 0 Zuninoc 4 0 0 0 Rfsnyd2b 3 0 0 0 JoPerltp 0 0 0 0 Ugglaph 1 0 0 0 Reimldlf 3 0 0 0 Jlglesisss 3 0 0 0 DeAzarf 2 0 0 0 Fthrstn3b 0 0 0 0 OHerrr ph-cf 1 0 1 0 Totals 33 4 7 4 Totals 3 5 3 7 3 Howeffp 0 0 0 0 Janssnp 0 0 0 0 Paredsph 1 0 0 0 Gosecf 2 0 0 0 B .Holt1b 3 0 0 0 Crondh 3 0 1 0 Seattle 2 00 002 800 — 4 Baezp 0 0 0 0 dnDkkrph-If 1 1 1 2 Totals 3 5 1 101 Totals 2 9 3 5 3 Loughlf 0 0 0 0 RDavisph 1 0 0 0 Miami 000 001 800 — 1 N ew York 000 2 0 0 801 — 3 H anignc 3 0 0 0 Joycelf 2 0 0 0 Joseph c 4 0 1 2 Caffasp ph 1 0 0 0 DnRrts 8 0 0 0 0 Philadelphia 21 0 000 ggx— 3 LOB Seattle 5, NewYork5. 28 Teixeira (17), Gre› Totals 34 3 6 3 Totals 3 2 5 7 5 Totals 3 7 3 103 Totals 2 8 0 1 0 C.Perez c 3 0 0 0 E Ko ehl e r (2), Bour (4). DP Miami1, Philadel› gorius(13).HR Cano2(8),B.M cCann (15).SB C. Angeles Ogg 281 000 — 3 B B 1Bgg 082 — 3 Los Totals 2 9 0 2 0 Totals 2 93 5 2 Baltimore phia 2. LOBMiami 8, Philadelphia 5. 2B Prado Taylor(3). CSA.Jackson(8). Washington 08 1 028 02x — 6 Detroit ggg ggg Ogg — 8 800 800 ggg — 0 muto(13), O.Herrera (19). IP H R E R BBSO Boston E Bolsinger (1), Desmond(21). LOB LosAnge› 2 (13), Dietrich(6), Real E Casteffanos (6). LOB Baltimore 8, Detroit Los Angeles 811 810 ggx— 3 (22). S Biffingsley. Seattle les 7,Washington8. 28 YEscobar2 (14), Roark(2). SB I.Suzuki (8), Revere 2. 28 M .M ac ha do (19), A Jone s (16), Sch oop (3). E S a n d o v a l(11). DP B o sto n 1. LO B B o s to n IP H R E R BBSO Iwakuma W,2-1 52-3 5 2 2 0 5 HR A.Gonzalez2(20), YEscobar(5), denDekker(2). Miami Angeles6. 2B Sandoval(13), Cron (8). HR› HR— M.Machado(20).CS— M.Machado(4). BeimelH,2 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 3, Los IP H R E R BBSO IP H R E R BBSO 2(12). KoehlerL,7-6 6 3 3 2 2 3 LoweH,11 1 1 0 0 0 1 Calhoun LosAngeles IP H R E R BBSO Baltimore 1 1 0 0 0 1 NunoH,3 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 Bolsinger 4 2 1 1 2 2 Cishek T illman W, 7 -7 8 1 0 0 1 8 Boston S.Dyson 1 1 0 0 0 1 Rodney H,3 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Tsao 2 2 2 0 1 2 0 0 0 0 2 4 3 2 3 5 BrittonS,24-25 1 Philadelphia Ca.SmithS,7-8 1 1 1 1 0 2 PorceffoL,5-10 5 JoPeral t a 23 1 0 0 1 0 Detroit Masterson 3 1 0 0 0 4 BiffingsleyW2-3 5 4 0 0 1 2 NewYork Howell 0 0 0 0 1 0 Price L,9-3 7 6 1 1 1 12 H,5 2-3 2 1 1 0 1 PinedaL,9-6 6 6 4 4 2 2 LosAngeles 11-3 2 2 2 0 1 Diekman Baez L,2-2 A.Wilson 1 0 0 0 0 0 R ichards W ,1 0-6 9 2 0 0 1 6 J.Gomez H ,2 11-3 1 0 0 0 3 Shreve 12-3 0 0 0 0 1 Washington 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Krol BP byMasterson(Freese). WP Porceffo. Giles H,12 1 2 0 0 0 1 Warren 11-3 1 0 0 1 2 H Z immerm ann 4 3 2 2 1 3 2-3 4 2 2 0 1 B.Rondon T 2:37.A 43,631(45,957). Papelbon S,15-15 1 1 0 0 0 1 WP Ca.Smith. Roark 2 2 1 1 0 3 WP S.Dyson. WP Tilman. T 3:12. A 46,119(49,638). Barrett 1 0 0 0 0 1 T 2:39. A 23,655(43,651). T 2:57. A 40,033(41,574). Royals 7, White Sox 5(13 inn.j Janssen W,1-2 1 0 0 0 0 2 StorenS,28-30 1 1 0 0 1 1 Rangers 7,Astros6 Late Friday National League Howelpi l tchedto 1batterin the7th. CHICAGO— LorenzoCainhomered HBP byZimmermann(Ju.Turner). HOUSTON Rougned Odor in the 13th inningandKansas City T 2:51.A 40,709 (41,341). Giants 0,Diamondbacks4 Giants 6, D'backs5 (12 inn.)

homered early, then got into a tes› ty exchange at homeplate in the ninth inning that escalated into a shouting match betweenthe man› agers as Texasbeat Houston. Texas


ab r hbi ab r hbi DShldscf-If 4 1 2 0 Altuve2b 5 1 2 1 Odor2b 5 2 3 2 Tuckerff 3 1 0 0 Fielder dh 5 0 1 0 Correass 4 1 2 2 Beltre3b 5 1 1 1 Gattisdh 4 0 0 0 Morlnd1b 5 0 0 0 Valuen3b 3 0 0 0 JHmltnlf-rf 5 2 3 2 Hoesph-rf 1 0 0 0 Andrusss 4 0 1 0 CIRsmsrf-cf 4 1 1 0 Choorf 2 0 2 1 Congerc 4 1 1 2 LMartncf 0 0 0 0 Singltn1b 4 0 2 0 Chirinsc 3 1 1 1 Mrsnckcf 2 0 0 0 MGnzlzph-3b 2 1 0 0 Totals 3 8 7 147 Totals 3 6 6 8 5 Texas 002 002 812 — 7 Houston 0 00 000 132 — 6 E Andrus (16), Valbuena(5). DP Houston 1. LOB Texas 9, Houston 4. 2B DeShields (12),

outlasted theChicagoWhite Sox in a game that tooknearly five hours.

KansasCity Chicago ab r h bi ab r hbi AEscorss 6 1 3 0 Eatoncf 6 1 2 1 Mostks3b 6 1 1 2 Saladin 3b 7 0 2 0 L.caincf 5 2 3 1 Mecarrff 7 1 2 1 Hosmer1b 7 0 2 1 Abreu1b 5 0 1 0 KMorlsdh 5 0 2 1 LaRochdh 5 0 1 0 S.Perezc 6 0 1 1 GBckhpr-dh 1 1 0 0 Infante2b 7 0 1 0 AIRmrzss 4 2 2 2 R iosrf 4 1 2 0 Shuckrf 5 1 2 2 JDysonpr-If 1 1 0 0 Flowrsc 4 0 0 0 Orlandlf-rf 5 1 2 1 AvGarcph 1 0 0 0 Sotoc 1010 CSnchz 2b 5 0 1 0 Totals 5 2 7 177 Totals 5 1 6 146 Kansas City 300 881 820 000 1 — 7 Chicago 00 1 118 102 000 8 — 6 E Ries (3), Da.Jennings (2). DP KansasCity1, Chicago 3. LOB KansasCity 15, Chicago12. 28› Moustakas (17), Lcain (21),S.Perez(13), Rios(6), Orlando (4), Shuck2 (5), Soto(6). HR L.cain (9), AI.Ramirez(3). SB J.Dyson (12). SF Moustakas, AI.Ramirez.

PHOENIX— JakePeavygothis first win of theseason, Buster Posey drove in four runs,andSanFrancis› co beat Arizonafor its fifth straight victory. San Francisco A r izona ab r hbi ab r hbi P agancf 4 1 2 1 Inciartrf 5 0 3 1 Panik2b 3 2 2 0Poff ockcf 4 0 1 0 MDuff y3b 5 2 3 0 Gldsch1b 4 0 0 0 P osey1b-c 4 1 3 4 DPerltff 4 2 2 1

Cardinals12, Nets 2

San Francisco A r izona ab r hbi ab r hbi Pagancf 6 0 1 0Poff ockcf 6 2 2 0

ST. LOUIS Jason Heyward P anik2b 6 2 3 0 DPerltlf 6 1 3 1 MDuff y3b 7 1 3 0 Gldsch1b 3 0 2 2 matched a career best with five 4 0 1 1 Tomasrf 6 0 0 0 hits, Randal Grichuk hadtwo hom› Poseyc Pence rf 6 2 3 2 JaLam 3b 5 0 1 0 6 1 3 1 Wcastffc 6 1 2 0 ers and six RBls, andJohn Lackey Bcrwfrss Belt1b 6 0 1 0 Owings2b 5 1 2 1 worked sevenstrong innings as Maxwfflf 2 0 0 0 Ahmedss 5 0 1 0 St. Louis beat the NewYork Mets. GBlancp h-If 2 0 0 0 Delgadp 0 0 0 0 New York St. Louis ab r hbi ab r hbi Grndrsrf 5 0 1 0 Wong2b 4 0 0 0 DnMrp3b 4 0 1 0 Mcrpnt3b 5 1 0 0 Meliap 0 0 0 0 Hoffidylf 3 1 1 0 ATorrsp 0 0 0 0 Bourioscf 2 0 0 0 Campffph 0 0 0 0 JhPerltss 3 2 2 1 Cuddyrff 5 1 3 1 Kozmaph-ss 1 1 1 0 Duda1b 5 0 1 0 Heywrdrf 5 2 5 2 WFlors2b 4 0 0 0 DJhnsnpr-1b 0 1 0 0 N iwnhscf 4 1 2 0 Molinac 4 0 1 1 Teiada ss 4 0 2 1 Soclvch p 0 0 0 0 Moneffc 3 0 00 Choatep 0 0 0 0 B.colon p 2 0 1 0 Phamph-If 1 1 0 0 CTorrsp 0 0 0 0 Rynlds1b 4 1 1 1 Munoph-3b1 0 1 0 Tuivaiff p 0000 Grichkcf-If-rl 3 2 3 6 Lackey p 3 0 1 0 T.cruz ph-c 2 0 0 0 Totals 3 7 2 12 2 Totals 4 0 12 1511 N ew York O g g0 8 1 010 — 2 St. Louis 488 0 4 8 0 4x— 12

M .cainp 2 0 0 0 Rayp 2000 A riasph 1 0 0 0 Chafinp 0 0 0 0 Machi p 0 0 0 0 A.Hiff ph 1 0 1 1 Kontos p 0 0 0 0 Burgos p 0 0 0 0 Osich p 0 0 0 0 OPerez p 0 0 0 0 Strckln p 0 0 0 0 DHdsn p 0 0 0 0 Adrianz ph 1 0 0 0 Inciart ph 1 0 0 0 Rorno p 0 0 0 0 Ziegler p 0 0 0 0 Lopez p 0 0 0 0 Pnngtn ss 1 0 0 0 Totals 51 6 16 4 Totals 4 7 5 14 5 San Francisco 818 018 380 881 — 6 Arizona 1 8 2101 ggg Bgg — 6 E Pennington (5). DP San Francisco1. LOB› San Francisco15, Arizona11. 28 Pagan (13), M.Duffy(14), Pence(6), B.crawford2 (19), Pollock2 (20),W.castillo(9),Ahmed(9), A.Hiff (8). 38 D.Per› alta 2 (6). HRPence(4), Owings (3). SB Owings (12). S Panik. SF Posey, Goldschmidt 2.

Pence rf 2 0 1 1 Owings2b 3 0 1 1 Bcrwfrss 5 0 1 2 JaLam3b 4 0 1 0 Beltff -1b 5 0 0 0 Ahmedss 4 0 0 0 Susacc 2 1 1 0 OHrndzc 3 1 1 0 GBlanclf 3 0 0 0 Wcastffph 1 0 0 0 Peavyp 4 1 1 0 ChAndrp 1 0 0 0 Strcklnp 0 0 0 0 DHrndzp 0 0 0 0 Osichp 0 0 0 0 A. Hiff ph 1 0 0 0 Romop 1 0 0 0 Cffmntrp 0 0 0 0 Leaders Pnngtnph 1 1 1 1 Burgosp 0 0 0 0 AMERICANLEAGUE J.Hamilton 2 (6), Altuve(18),Col. Rasmus(16).3B› OPerezp 0 0 0 0 BATTING —Micabrera,Detroit, .350;Fielder, Tex› Odor(4).HR Odor(5), J.Hamilton (3), Chirinos(9), IP H R E R BBSO Tomasph 1 0 0 0 as, .338;Kipnis,Cleveland,.324; Lcain, Kansas City, Correa(8), Conger(6). SB DeShields (15), Andrus KansasCity .322;Jlglesias,Detroit, .310;Trout, LosAngeles,.307; (10), Choo Guthrie 5 9 3 3 1 3 Totals 38 8 148 Totals 3 6 4 104 (1), Altuve(26). S Andrus, Choo.SF› Francisco 884 3gg 018 — 8 Ncruz,Seatle, .305. FMoralesH,5 1 0 0 0 1 0 San IP H R E R BBSO 818 811 1BB — 4 RUNS —Dozier, Minnesota,70; Trout, LosAnge› Choo. 1 1 1 1 0 Arizona IP H R E R BBSO K.HerreraBS,3-3 1 San Francisco E Inciarte (5). DP San Francisco 1, Arizona les, 69;Donaldson,Toronto,66;Gardner,NewYork, Texas W.DavisH,14 1 0 0 0 0 2 2. LOB M.cain 5 8 4 4 0 5 SanFrancisco10, Arizona7. 2B Inciarte 63; Kipnis, Cleveland,61; Bautista, Toronto, 58; LewisW,9-4 2 2 2 2-3 2 1 1 0 0 Machi 71- 3 4 2 2 0 7 G.HoffandBS,3-23 1 (12), O.Hernan dez (1). 38 S usa c (2), D.Peral t a MMachado, Baltimore, 58;JMartinez, Detroit, 58. Hochevar 1 0 0 0 0 3 2-3 1 0 0 1 0 1-3 2 2 1 1 0 Kontos (7). HR D .P e ral t a (9), Penni n gton (1). SF P a› RBI — Donaldson, Toronto, 62;KMorales, Kansas Scheppers F innegan W ,3-0 2 1 0 0 0 2 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Osich S.Freeman H,B 1- 3 0 0 0 0 0 E B.colon (3), Teiada(4). DP St. Louis 2. gan. City, 62;Teixeira,NewYork, 62;Bautista, Toronto, 61; Sh.ToffesonS,14-15 1 2 1 0 0 0 1 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 0 1 MadsonS,1-3 1 LOB NewYork11,St.Louis9.28 Telada(14), Hol› Strickland IP H R E R BBSO JMartinez,Detroit, 60;BMccann, NewYork, 58; Vogt, Chicago 11-3 0 0 0 0 2 Houston liday (11),Jh.Peralta (21), Heyward(18), Molina (17). Rorno San Francisco Oakland, 57. Quintana 5 1-3 10 4 4 1 4 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Lopez eldmanL,4-5 5 2 - 3 9 4 4 2 2 PeavyW,1-4 6 1 - 3 8 4 4 1 4 HR Cuddyer(8), Grichuk2 (9). SB Heyward(13). HITS — Fielder, Texas,117; Kipnis, Cleveland, F Putnam 1 2-3 2 0 0 0 2 1-3 1 0 0 0 1 11-3 0 0 0 0 1 Y.Peti t Sipp IP H R E R BBSO 0 0 0 0 2 115; Donaldson, Toronto,105; MMachado, Baltimore, Thatcher Petricka 0 2 2 2 1 0 StricklandH,Q 1 1-3 2 1 1 0 0 Casiffa 1 0 0 0 1 1 New York Osich 13 1 0 0 1 0 104; Cesped es, Detroit, 103; Ncruz, Seattle, 102; Quaffs 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 Duke 1 0 0 0 2 1 2 0 0 1 2 B.colonL,9-8 4 1 - 3 87 7 3 5 VogelsongW,7-6 2 1 1-3 1 0 0 0 2 S,1-1 Trout,LosAngeles, 102. 11-3 0 0 0 2 0 Rorno J.Fields 1 3 2 2 0 2 D.Webb 12-3 4 1 1 0 0 Arizona C.Torres DOUBLES —Cespedes, Detroit, 27;Dozier, Min› T 3;28. A 41,941(41,574). Da.JenningsL,1-3 3 2-3 3 1 1 0 1 Arizona Ray 5 8 2 2 0 8 1 1 0 0 0 0 Ch.Anderson L,4-4 32-3 10 7 7 1 3 Melia nesota,27;Kipnis, Cleveland,27; Brantley,Cleveland, Petrickapitchedto 3batters inthe 8th. 1 0 0 0 1 2 A.Torres 1 2 4 0 1 1 ChafinH,6 D .Hernandez 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 2 26; Cano,Seatle, 23; KMorales, Kansas City, 23;Bet› HBP byGuthrie (Abreu), byPutnam(K.Morales), by BurgosBS,2-4 2 - 3 3 3 3 0 1 St. Louis Coffmenter 2 0 0 0 3 1 ts, Boston,22;Donaldson, Toronto, 22; Gardner, New 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 (S.Perez). WP Da.Jennings.PB Flowers. Burgos 10 1 1 1 3 O.Perez 1-3 3 1 1 1 0 LackeyW,8-5 7 Athletics 3,Twins2 (10 innings) TQuintana York, 22;Plouff e,Minnesota,22. 4:56.A 33,559 (40,615). D.Hudson 1 0 0 0 1 2 2-3 2 1 1 1 0 Socol o vi c h O.Perez 1 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 TRIPLES —Kiermaier, Tampa Bay,9; RD avis, De› 2 1 0 0 0 1 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Ziegler HBP by Ch.Ande rson (Panik). WP Burgos. Choate troit, 7; Eaton,Chicago,7; Betts, Boston,6; DeAza, OAKLAND, 3 1 0 2 2 Calif. StephenVogt Tuivailala 1 0 0 0 1 0 DelgadoL,4-3 2 Rays 3, BlueJays2 Balk Peavy. Boston,6; Kipnis,Cleveland,6;5tied at5. O.Perez pitched to 1batter in the8th. HBP byB.colon (Grichuk). WP C.Torres. single inthe10th T 3:38. A 37,609(48,519). HOMERUNS—Trout, LosAngeles, 27; JMarti› hit a game-ending WP — Os i c h , R a y . P B — W, ca s t i ff o. T 3:01.A 45,852 (45,399). nez,Detroit, 26;Puiols, LosAngeles, 26; Donaldson, inning andOaklandrallied to beat TORONTO Curt Casali hit a Toronto,22;Teixeira, NewYork, 22;Ncruz, Seatle, Padres 5, Rockies4 tiebreaking homerun in the eighth Interleague 21; Dozier,Minnesota,20; MMachado, Baltimore, Minnesota. After theteamswere Brewers B,Pirates 5 20. held to one total run in the first inningandTampa BaybeatToron- SAN DIEGO Glint Barmeshit a STOLENBA SES—Altuve, Houston, 26; Burns, to. Facing RyanTepera (0-1), Casali tiebreaking, two-run homer in the MILWAUKEE — JonathanLucroy, Indians 9,Reds4 Oakland,19;Lcain, KansasCity,17; DeShields,Texas, eight innings behindsharp pitching led off with a drive into the left-field Aramis Ramirez Khris Davis 15; Gardner,NewYork, 15;RDavis, Detroit, 14;Effs› from Oakland’sScott Kazmir and CINCINNATI Cleveland ended seventh and rookie catcher Austin homered asMilwand bury,NewYork,14; Gose,Detroit,14; Reyes,Toronto, Minnesota’ s Phil Hughes, the game bullpen, his second of the season aukee beat Pitts› its losing streak in Cincinnati. 14; Springer, Houston,14. Hedges homeredandthrew outa

opened uplate.

and first since June17.

runner for SanDiego.


Cleveland Cincinnati Minnesota TampaBay Toronto Oakland Pittsburgh Milwaukee ab r hbi ab r hbi Colorado San Diego ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi ab r hbi Kipni s2b 4 2 2 0 Phiff ips2b 4 2 3 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi D ozier2b 4 1 2 0 Burnscf 5 1 2 0 Jasodh 4 0 2 1 Reyesss 4 0 2 0 G Polncrl 5 2 2 0 GParralf 4 1 1 0 Lindorss 5 2 3 0 Votto1b 3 1 3 0 Blckmncf 3 0 0 0 Solarte3b 3 1 1 0 TrHntrrf 3 0 1 0 Vogtc-1b 5 0 1 1 JButlerlf 4 0 1 0 Dnldsn3b 4 0 0 0 NWalkr2b 5 1 1 0 Lucroy1b 4 1 1 2 Brantlylf 5 1 1 3 Frazier3b 4 0 0 0 SRonsnpr-8 0 1 0 0 Zobrist2b 3 0 0 0 L ongori3b 4 0 0 0 Bautistrf 3 1 1 1 LeMahi2b 4 1 1 0 Alonso1b 3 1 0 0 Mcctchcf 2 2 1 0 HPerez1b 1 0 1 0 C Santn1b 3 2 2 1 Brucerf 3 1 2 4 T lwlzkss 3 1 2 1 Kemprf 4 0 1 2 Mauer 1b 3 0 2 1 Reddck rf 4 0 0 0 Loney 1b 4 0 0 0 Encrnc dh 3 0 1 0 S Martelf 4 0 2 1 Braunrf 3 2 1 0 YGomsc 5 1 1 3Byrdff 4 0 0 0 C Gnzl z rf 4 0 0 1 Uptonlf 3 0 0 0 Sanodh 3 0 0 1 BButlerdh 4 1 2 1 Forsyth 2b 4 0 2 0 Valenci pr-dh 0 0 0 0 Kang3b 2 0 1 0 CGomzcf 4 0 0 0 Moss rf 4 1 1 2 B.Pena c 4 0 0 0 Arenad3b 4 0 0 0 Gyorko2b 4 0 0 0 Plouffe3b 4 0 0 0 I.Davis1b 2 0 2 0 Guyer rf 3 1 1 1 Smoak 1b 4 0 0 0 DGuerrp 0 0 0 0 ArRmr3b 3 2 3 2 Urshel3b a 4 0 0 0 Suarezss 4 0 0 0 Paulsn1b 4 1 1 0 Venalecf 2 0 0 0 ERosarlf-rf 4 0 0 0 Pheglyph-c 1 0 0 0 Kiermr cf 4 0 0 0 RuMrtn c 4 0 0 0 Ishikawph-1b1 0 0 1 Gennett2b 5 1 3 1 Bourn cf 4 0 1 0 DeScffn p 1 0 0 0 Hundlyc 4 0 0 0 UptnJrph-cf 0 1 0 0 PAlvrz1b 3 0 0 0 Segurass 4 0 1 0 53. Hickscf 4 0 1 0 Lawrie3b 4 1 1 0 T Bckh ss 2 1 1 0 Piffar cf 4 1 1 0 Kluber p 4 0 0 0 Bourgs ph 1 0 0 0 RBI — Goldschmidtr Arizona,72;Arenado, Colora› KSuzuk c 4 0 0 0 Canha 8 3 0 1 0 C asalic 3 1 1 1 Carrerlf 3 0 0 0 BBarnslf 4 1 3 1 Barmesss 3 1 1 2 Bastrdp 0 0 0 0 Maldndc 4 0 0 0 Affen p 0 0 0 0 Adcock p 0 0 0 0 Bettis p 2 0 0 0 Hedges c 3 1 1 1 do, 70;Stanton,Miami,67;Harper,Washington, 64; E dEscr ss 3 0 0 0 Fuld lf 0000 Colaeff ph 1 0 0 0 Cerveffic 4 0 1 0 Nelsonp 3 0 1 2 McAlstp 0 0 0 0 Badnhpp 0 0 0 0 WRosr ph 1 0 1 1 TRoss p 2 0 0 0 Posey ,SanFrancisco,63;AGonzalez,LosAngeles,58; Smlnsk ph-If 1 0 1 1 Travis2b 3 0 1 1 Mercerss 4 0 0 0 Jeffrssp 0 0 0 0 Schmkrph 1 0 0 0 Braun,Milwaukee,57;Frazier, Cincinnati, 57. Semienss 3 0 0 0 Totals 3 2 3 8 3 Totals 3 32 6 2 Fridrch p 0 0 0 0 Maurer p 0 0 0 0 Worleyp 2 0 0 0 KDavisph 1 1 1 1 Ju.Diazp 0 0 0 0 HITS — DGordon, Miami, 122;Goldschmidt, Ari› Totals 32 2 6 2 Totals 3 5 3 10 3 Tampa Kahnle p 0 0 0 0 Waffac ph 1 0 1 0 Bay 8 0 1 8 0 0 118 — 3 SRdrgz3b 2 0 0 0 Broxtnp 0 0 0 0 Viffarrlp 0 0 0 0 H wknsp 0 0 0 0 Benoitp 0 0 0 0 zona,109;Panik, SanFrancisco, 106;JhPeralta, St. M innesota 000 800 882 0 — 2 Toronto 800 811 Bgg — 2 FrRdrgp 0 0 0 0 DJssJr ph 0 0 0 0 E Longoria (6), Reyes(11). DP Tampa Bay 1, K imrelp 0 0 0 0 Louis, 103;Pollock, Arizona,103; LeMahieu, Colora› O akland 0 0 0 8 0 0 181 1 — 3 Totals 3 4 5 8 2 Totals 3 68 138 BHmltncf 4 0 0 0 do, 101;Blackmon, Colorado, 100;YEscobar, Wash› No outswhenwinning runscored. Toront o1.LOB— TampaBay4,Toronto6.28— Jaso Totals 33 4 8 4 Totals 2 8 5 5 5 PiNsburgh 3 B B Ogg 200 — 5 Totals 3 8 9 119 Totals 3 3 4 8 4 E La w ri e (17). DP M inne sota 2, Oakl a nd 3. Colorado g g g 1 g g 218 — 4 — 8 ington,100;Revere, Philadelphia, 100. (3), Forsythe(17), Tseckham(2), Encarnacion (15), Milwaukee 0 2 1 2 1 1 1 0x C leveland 303 0 0 0 300 — 9 E Cervelli (3),Mercer(7), C.Gomez(5), Segura C incinnati DOUBLES —Frazier, Cincinnati, 26; Belt, San LOB Minnesota 3, Oakland8. 28 Dozier (27), Pillar (19),Travis(16). HR Guyer (4), Casali (2), San Diego B B 1 BB2 2gx— 6 100 0 0 0 830 — 4 DP Colorado1. LOB Colorado4,SanDiego3. (14). DP Pittsburgh 2, Milwaukee1. LOB Pitts› DP Cleveland1. LOB Cleveland7, Cincinnati Francisco, 24; AGon zalezr LosAngeles, 24; Mc› Mauer(17), Burns(11). HR B.Butler(8). SB Burns Bautista(18).CS Forsythe(3). S Guyer. Cutchen,Pittsburgh,24;Rizzo,Chicago, 24; GP arra, (19), Sem IP H R E R BBSO 28 W.Rosario (11), Kemp(20). 38 B.Barnes (1). burgh 7,Milwaukee10.28 G.Polanco(16), S.Marte 5. 28 Lindor (4), C.Santana2 (16), Votto (16). ien(8). SF Sano. HR Tulowitzki (11), Barmes(3), Hedges(2). CS B. (17), H.Perez Milwaukee,23; Arenado,Colorado,22; Duda,New IP H R E R BBSO TampaBay (7). HR Lucroy (3), ArRamirez (11), HR Brantley (6), YGomes (4), Moss(15), Bruce 4 2-3 4 1 1 0 4 Barnes (2). York, 22. Minnesota E.Ramirez K.Davis(7).SB Braun(14). (14). SBKipnis (11), C.Santana(6). SF Bruce. IP H R E R BBSO TRIPLES —DPeraltar Arizona,7; Grichuk,St. Lou› P.Hughes 7 6 1 1 1 2 Geltz 1131 1 1 0 0 IP H R E R BBSO IP H R E R BBSO 1-3 0 0 0 1 1 Jepsen is, 6; Revere,Philadelphia, 6; Blackmon, Colorado, 5; Buyer W,2-5 1 0 0 0 0 0 Colorado Pittsburgh Cleveland O’ Rourke Btiedat4. 2-3 0 0 0 1 1 BoxbergerH,2 1 1 0 0 1 0 Bettis 6 3 3 3 3 5 WorleyL,3-5 4 7 5 4 1 4 KluberW,5-10 7 2 - 3 73 3 1 5 1-3 1 1 1 0 0 HOME RUNS—Harper,Washington,27; Stanton, PerkinsBS,1-29 1 2 1 1 0 1 McGee S,4-5 1 0 0 0 0 0 FriedrichL,0-2 0 0 1 1 1 0 D.Guerra 2 4 2 2 2 2 Allen Miami,27;Frazier,Cincinnati, 25;Arenado, Colorado, Fien L,2-4 0 2 1 1 0 0 Toronto Kahnle 1 2 1 1 0 1 Bastardo 2 2 1 1 2 0 McAffister 1 0 0 0 1 1 24; Goldschmidt,Arizona,21;AGonzalez,LosAnge› Oakland Dickey 6 4 1 1 1 4 Hawkins 1 0 0 0 0 1 Milwaukee Cincinnati les, 20;Pederson, LosAngeles,20. Kazmir 81-3 5 1 1 1 5 LoupBS,4-4 2 3- 1 1 1 0 San Diego NelsonW7-9 6 1 - 3 74 4 3 8 DeSclafaniL,5-7 5 8 6 6 0 4 11-3 2 1 1 0 0 TRoss 62-3 6 3 3 2 6 Jeffress 2-3 1 1 1 1 1 Adcock 12-3 1 3 3 3 0 STOLENBASES —BHamilton, Cincinnati, 45; ClippardBS,3-20 2-3 1 1 1 0 1 TeperaL,0-1 DGordon,Miami,33; Blackmon, Colorado, 24;Re› PomeranzW,4-3 1 0 0 0 0 1 Cecil 1 1 0 0 0 1 MaurerW,6-2BS,1-1 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 BroxtonH,11 1 0 0 0 0 1 Badenhop 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 HBP by Boxberger (Bautista). Balk Boxberger, BenoitH,13 vere, Philadelphia22; , Pollock, Arizona,19;SMarte, Fien pitched to 2 batters inthe10th. 1 1 1 1 0 2 Fr Rodriguez S,21-21 1 0 0 0 0 0 Ju.Diaz 1 2 0 0 0 1 Pittsburgh,17;GPolanco, Pittsburgh, 17;Upton, San HBP byClippard(TorHunter). WP Perkins. Dickey. KimbrelS,25-26 1 0 0 0 0 3 HBP byW orley (Ar.Ramirez), byNelson(PAlvarez). Viffarreal 1 0 0 0 1 1 Diego,17. T 3:00. A 30,778(35,067). T 2:38.A 41,583 (49,282). Friedrichpitchedto1batter inthe7th. WP —Nelson.PB— Cerveff i. HBP byAdcock(Urshela). T 2:39. A 32,245(41,164). T 3:24.A 33,104 (41,900). T 3:04. A 39,588(42,319). NATIONALLEAGUE BATTING —Goldschmidt, Arizona,.339; DGor› don, Miami,.338;Harper,Washington, .337;YEsco› bar, Washington,.322;Posey,SanFrancisco,.318; Tulowitzki, Colorado, .318;Aoki, San Francisco, .317. RUNS —Goldschmidt, Arizona, 60; Harper, Washington, 60; Pollock,Arizona,60; Fowler, Chica› go, 56;Frazier,Cincinnati,54; Blackmon,Colorado, 53; Braun,Milwaukee,53; AGonzalez, LosAngeles,






British Open

Time TV/Radio 3 a.m. E S PN


Tour de France, Stage15

5 a.m. N BCSN


MLB, Seattle at NewYork Yankees MLB,LosAngelesDodgersatWashington MLB,BostonatLosAngelesAngels

a Cascadia Cup rivalry match Saturday night. Diego Valeri scored in the

The Sounders currently sit atop the Cascadia table with

10:30a.m. NBCSN

first half

caps and the Timbers each

10:30a.m. ESPN2

4 p.m.


11 a.m. Tennis 1 1 a.m. noon 1 p.m.

Go l f NBC Gol f

t h e V a ncouver

Whitecaps even in a 1-1 draw with the Portland Timbers in

six points, while the White›

f o r t h e T i m bers

(9-7-5), who had won six of their previous eight games. Portland, coming off a 3-0 loss at Philadelphia last week› end, was jockeying with the

have five. Johnson’s blast from o ut

Whitecaps for position in the

minute later on the other end, goalkeeper Adam Kwarasey come off his line to stop Ke› kuta Manneh’s hard shot. Nat

front of the penalty box for the Timbers went just inch› es wide in the 15th minute. A

With a

w i n , V a n couver

(10-8-3) could have pulled even with FC Dallas atop the Don Ryan/The AssociatedPress standings, despite dropping Portland's Darlington Nagbe, top, leaps over Vancouver's Gerits previous two matches.

1 :30 p.m. F S 1 2 p.m. E SPN2 4 :30 p.m. F S 1

MONDAY SOCCER International Champions Cup,Australia, Roma vs Manchester City

Laba scored in the 58th min›

Western Conference.


LPGA Tour, Marathon Classic American Century Championship PGA Tour, Barbasol Championship SOCCER CONCACAF Gold Cup,quarterfinal, Trinidad andTobagovs. Panama MLS,ChicagoatColumbus CONCACAF Gold Cup,quarterfinal, Mexico vs. Costa Rica

Portland at FC Dallas When:6 p.m. July 25TV:Root


10:30 a.m. NBC


ATP, Hall of FameChampionships, final

ute to p ul l


Pan American Games Pan American Games

The Associated Press

1 0 a.m. R o ot 10:30 a.m. TBS 5 p.m. E S PN


NASCAR,Sprint Cup, NewHampshire 301

Next up

By Anne M. Peterson PORTLAND


AVP, NewYork City Open

W iteca s, Tim ers a to1-a iaw

3 a.m.

The match ended on a contentious n ote.

shon Koffie as he chases the ball during the first half Saturday in Portland.

V a ncou›

ver defender Jordan Harvey was sent off with a red card ficials, resulting in a yellow in stoppage time after a slide card and then a red.

Borchers slid to deflect an› other Manneh attempt in the

23rd. Portland went up 1-0 in the 34th minute when Fanendo Adi fed Valeri, who slotted it

The Whitecaps are the de› past Vancouver goalkeeper fending winners of the Casca› David Ousted. tackle from behind on Valeri. It was the third meeting be› dia Cup, a supporter-created It was Valeri’s second goal There a shoving match be› tween the two teams this sea› trophy given to the winner of in nine games this season af› t ween the teams at th e f i › son. The Whitecaps won the the three-way season series ter rehabbing from offseason nal whistle, and Portland’s opener 2-1 in Vancouver and between Pacific N o rthwest knee surgery. He almost had a Will Johnson appeared to the last also ended in a draw rivals Portland, Seattle and second in the 49th minute but exchange words with the of› in Portland. Vancouver. his effort went just wide.



Tour de France, Stage16

5 a.m. N BCSN


MLB, NewYork Mets atWashington MLB, Seattle at Detroit

4 p.m. 4 p.m.

E S PN Roo t

4 p.m.




Pan American Games

Listings are themost accurate available. TheBulletin is not responsible for late changesmadeby TYor radio stations.


22 playerS piCked fOr MLS All-Star rOSter — Reigning

The Associated Press

Major LeagueSoccer MVPRobbie Keaneand the current goals leader Kei Kamara areamong the 22 players on the roster for the All-Star Game against TottenhamHotspur. Six are currently playing for the United States in theGold Cup:Glint Dempsey, Michael Bradley, Da› MarcusBeasley,OmarGonzalez,Graham ZusiandNickRimando. Keane andDempsey haveboth played for Tottenham Hotspur. All› Star coach Pablo Mastroeni took into consideration fan andplayer voting in selecting 20 of the players announcedSaturday. Therewere also two commissioner’s picks, adding the star power of StevenGer› rard and FrankLampard. Other players on the roster include Sebas› tian Giovinco, Kakaand DavidVilla. The game isJuly 29 in Commerce City, Colorado.

BALTIMORE › Clint Dempsey walked away with the game ball for one of the

Pele haS daCkSurgery — Pelehassuccessfully undergone

verted a penalty kick in the

back surgery for nerve root decompression and his postoperative recovery is satisfactory, the Albert Einstein Hospital in SaoPaulo said on Saturday. Thehospital said in a statement Pelewas hospitalized on Monday, andthe "previously scheduled" surgery was performed on Tuesday. Thestatementdidnotsaywhen74-year-oldPelewas expected to bedischarged, but the UOLand G1newsportals said he would leave the hospital next week.

64th and added the final goal

TENNIS Belgium, Argentina reach semis, Brits lead FranceBelgiumandArgentina set up a Davis Cup semifinal in September, while Britain took the leadagainst France, and Australia stayed alive in the quarterfinals on Saturday. Belgium reached its first semis since1999 when Ruben Bemelmans and Kimmer Coppejanswonthe doubles for an unbeatable 3-0 lead overCanada onclay in Ostend. Argentina will travel to Belgium in three months after putting away Serbia 3-0 thanks to first-time Davis Cuppair Carlos Berlocq and Leonardo Mayer sweeping aside NenadZimonjic and Viktor Troicki 6-2, 6-4, 6-1. Onthe grass at Queen’s Club in London, brothers Andy and Jamie Murray defeated Jo-Wilfried Tsongaand Nicolas Mahut 4-6, 6-3, 7-6 (5), 6-1 for Britain to lead France2-1. Australia avoided defeat in Darwin against Kazakhstan when Lleyton Hewitt and Sam Groth beat Andrey GolubevandAleksandr Nedovyesov 6-4, 7-6 (4), 6-2. But the odds remain in Kazakhstan’s favor. Australia has come back from 2-0 down only once, in the 1939 final against the United States.

few times in his career. With h is f i rst i n t ernational h a t trick, he boosted the United

States to a 6-0 rout over Cuba Saturday and into its eighth

straight CONCACAF Gold Cup semifinal. Dempsey put the A mericans ahead with a fourth-minute header, con› in the 78th.

In Wednesday’s semifinal at Atlanta, the A m ericans

will play Jamaica, which beat Haiti 1-0 on Saturday night.

"Habits carry over: scor› ing goals, getting a clean sheet, people getting assists," Dempsey said. "That confi› Nick Wass /The Associated Press dence, definitely it grows in United States forward Glint Dempsey, right, kicks the ball while being defended by Cuba's Adrian Diz the team. And as the tourna›

Pe during the first half Saturday in Baltimore. Dempsey scored his first career international hat trick in

ment goes on, people are get› a 6-0 win in the CONCACAF Gold Cup quarterfinals. ting stronger as a group." Dempsey has scored a tournament-high six times, Now 32, Dempsey has and his 57 international goals United States played up top in recent years are 10 behind Landon Dono› vs. Jamaica under Klinsmann after be› van’s American record. ing used as a withdrawn for› "I didn’t know that it was Whee:3 or 6 p.m. ward and a wide midfielder WednesdayTV:FS1 his first hat trick. It took him by Bruce Arena and Bob a long time," quipped U.S. Bradley. "He’s always been a strik› coach Jurgen Klinsmann, Omar Gonzalez (45th) also who never had a three-goal scored as the Americans built er mentality," m i dfielder game in his celebrated inter› a 4-0 halftime lead against a Michael Bradley said. "He’ s national career for Germany. Cuban team depleted by five a guy who is hungry and de› Gyasi Zardes (15th minute), absent players who may have termined to make big plays, Aron Johannsson (32nd) and defected. hungry and determined to

Next up

score goals. And t h at’s al› ways been him. It doesn’t re›

ally matter whether he’s lined up as an out-and-out striker, as a second striker, a little bit

underneath somebody else, even at times under my dad

when he and Landon played tilted wide."

"He’s hungry for goal," Klinsmann said of Dempsey. "So he has two more meals ahead of him."

Maureeme induCted intO TenniSHall Of Fame —Amelle Mauresmo is slated to experience two very memorable moments in just a few short weeks. Shewas inducted into the International Tennis Hall of FameonSaturday but unable to travel to the ceremony because she’s expecting her first child in early August. Joining the 36-year-old FrenchwomanwereDavid Hall of Australia, a six-time Paralympic medalist, and NancyJeffett, elected in the contributor category.

BASKETBALL WNBA game pOStpOned due tOairpOrt delayS — The Indiana Feverhad to postpone their WNBAgameat the Connecticut Sun on Saturday night because of airport delays. Indiana played in Washington on Friday night andwas set to travel to Connecticut on Saturday morning. TheFeversaysthe team’s commercial flight was held on the tarmac for nearly two hours because ofweather and me› chanical problems before finally returning to the gate. Therewas no option to catch a later flight or drive to Connecticut in anattempt to make the 4 p.m.PDTstart. The teams areworking with the league on a makeup date.

OLYMPICS IOC chief confident adoutnewstadium inTokyo—The head of the International Olympic Committee remains confident that Tokyo will complete its newnational stadium in time for the 2020 Summer Games,eventhough the original design has beenscrapped because of soaring costs. IOCPresident Thomas Bachresponded bluntly when askedSaturday if there’s any concern that Japanese organizers mayhave tocome up with an alternative stadium to host athletics as well as theopening andclosing ceremonies. Japanese officials announced Friday they will reopen bidding for a newplan after the estimated cost for the ZahaHadid-designed project climbed to $2 billion, which would havemadeit the most expensive stadium ever built. — From wire reports


onds, almost a full second un› der Jordan’s time. "With this mare, by nature

Continued from 01

she’s really fast," Carlsen said. "So I didn’t really watch any›

Carlsen attributes her resil›

ience to her decades of com› peting. The Canada native not only represented her home nation in the 1988 Olympics, she has also competed in

one before I went. I had my

plan, and it either works or it doesn’ t. I don’t let other riders put pressure on me because I

two World Cups and was a

gold medalist in the 1987 Pan American Games. "It’s probably because I’m 50




years old and have a lot of ex› perience," Carlsen said. "But I

would probably hurt myself if I watched and pushed my horse to go faster." Lise Gregory, of Walnut Creek, California, and riding Djakarta, finished third with

just zoned in after the fall and

a timeof39.384seconds.John

focused. I visualize and push Joe Kline i The Bulletin everything else out." John French and horse, Brisbane, jump an obstacle during the first It had been two years since round of the Oregon HighDesert Classics grand prix on Saturday Carlsen competed at the Ore› eveningatJ BarJ Boys Ranch in Bend. French and Brisbane gon High Desert Classics. In finished in third place in the event.

French, of Salinas, California,

2013, she lost after knocking

down a rail in the jump-off. At this year’s Classics grand prix, Carlsen had a redeeming opportunity as she was the last of five riders to qualify for the jump-off round. Going into the jump-off, former Oregon High Desert Classics grand prixchampion Megan Jordan, of Oregon City, set a blazing clip of 37.082 seconds, on top

and his horse Brisbane were fourth with a time of 40.522. And W i l sonville’s C helsea J ones and U ltima V w e r e

fourth with a fault during the jump-off. of 12-year-old Czech Warm› ready or not." Both Carlsen and Jordan blood gelding Atlantis. It looked as though the will be returning for the sec› "I was the first to go," Jor› 43-year-old Jordan would be ond week of the Oregon High dan said following the final crowned champion after the Desert Classics, which will round. "And when you go next three riders completed beginWednesday and contin› first you have to lay it down. the course seconds off her ue through next Sunday. The At one point I felt like a rag time. But Carlsen, who has first week of the Classics con› doll. He’s a really big horse competed at the Classics on cludes today with the $10,000 and he’s fast. So when we roll and off for 14 years, jumped USH JA International Hunter back, he goes, whether I’m a clean round in 36.083 sec› Derby starting at 8 a.m.



A Lambeau return for Brett Favre


By Genaro C. Armas The Associated Press

GREEN BAY, Wis. Brett Favre headed up the ›

Lambeau Field tunnel, a path that he had walked

dozensoftim es. He turned left at the end,

and then walked through a set of double doors. The Green Bay Packers’ locker room was just down the hall

on the right. And that’s when it final›

ly hit him. He was back at his f ootball home. The three› time MV P quarterback F a vre

had his No. 4 jersey retired by the Pack› ers on Saturday night be› fore being inducted into the franchise’s Hall of Fame in a

ceremony insideLambeau Field. It was the first time in the team’s storied history

that a player received both honors at the same time.

Photos by JarodOpperman/The Bulletin

"It was like I never left. It

ABOVE: Twenty miles into the High Cascades 100, a lone rider makes his way down Forest Road 4614 on his way to the first aid station. BELOW: Riders head up Century Drive on their way to Tumalo Ridge and Mount Bachelor.


was a great feeling. It was kind of weird because I had been here for a couple of hours and just walked off of Lambeau," Favre said

a nce Series, of w h ich t h e

High Cascades is a part. Next up, they will travel to Big Bear

Continued from D1 "Maybe ityou'd asked me seven or eight years ago, I would’ve answered different› ly, but now I’ ve been racing for 12 years, and I just love do› ing it," Tostado said. "Losing a

before the ceremony. "It’ s

70-mile course.

kind of funny how things are triggered. And then it was kind of a sigh of relief almost."

Dixon said the High Cas› cades course compares favor›

It was a m oment that some Packers fans thought

sprint finish is just part of rac›

ably to many of the other 100›

ing. I had a great race, so I’m happy about it."

mile races she has entered since taking up mountain bik› ing four years ago. "I like this one a lot. It’s a

would never come, not af› ter the "will he-or-won’t he

Lake, California, for the Griz› zly 100 a race with 10,000

feet of climbing on a nearly

Many riders start the High

Cascades 100 this year, 378 took off from the starting line at the Athletic Club of Bend at

5:30 Saturday morning and most (an average of 85 per› cent) finish the race. Some of the slower cyclists are pulled off the course because they

retire" drama that marked

the end of his 16-year tenure

lot more of what I’m used to,

in Titletown. He was trad› ed to the New York Jets in

where we go up for a while and down for a while. It was

2008,then playedtwo more seasons with division rival

n ice to h ave t hat k i n d o f race," Dixon said. "Just as

Minnesota starting in 2009

before calling it quits for good.

long as you don’t mind a little pain."

fail to meet the cutoff times,

Now a reconciliation that

has been years in the mak› ing is finally complete.

— Reporter: 541-383-0305, vj acobsen@bendbulletin.corn

while others succumb to ex› haustion or injury. (Wicks, for example, said he returned

to defend his 2012 High Cas› cades title but crashed and

broke his collarbone early in the 2013 race.) The last fin› ishers typically need 14 to 15 hours to complete the race, which takes participants out to Tumalo Ridge, around Mount Bachelor and down to

Lava Lake before returning to Bend.

"You just have to stay positive and look at the race as a whole. If you look at it as a big day it's totally overwhelming." — HighCascades100 women's winner Serena Bishop Gordon "It’s funny

b e cause this Ketchum, Idaho, who has won the Leadville 100 moun› tain bike race in C olorado four times.

But not everyone needed week I told my coach I wanted from sunup to sundown to to go under nine hours, and he complete the trek. Bend resi› said, ’Well, two years ago you dent Serena Bishop Gordon, went 8:55,’" Bishop Gordon 36, left her female competi› explained after the race. "And tors in the dust, winning the

I was like, rOh, so I want to go

women’s race in 8:32:42.99, a full 49 minutes ahead of the runner-up. Bishop Gordon who finished in 12th place overall and expressed a little

8:30 then.’ So 8:30 was kind of my goal, but in a race like this you never know what’s going to happen." Bishop Gordon said she disappointment at just miss› kept herself motivated by ing the top 10 cut about half trying to reach each aid sta› an hour off her winning time tion ahead of Rebecca Rus› from 2013. ch, a 47-year-old cyclist from

"The climb out of E di› son (Butte Sno-park) on Dinah-Moe-Humm

Tr ail

was hard. You feel like you’ re going slow, because you are," Bishop Gordon ex› plained. "You just have to

old from Breckenridge, Col› orado, said she came into the race more focused on staying strong and keeping a steady pace than meeting a goal


time. "I tended to die at the end of

some of my previous 100-mil› self well and feel really strong and good for this race," said

MENDE, France


of the Tour de France, it was for the worse. About 30 to 40 miles into the race, a man threw urine at the overall leader, Britain’ s Chris Froome, and shouted

"dope" or doped, Froome said. Richie Porte, Froome’s team› mate, said he received a "full-on

punch"from a spectatorearlier in the week. Froome said the attacks were

"unacceptable on so many dif› ferentlevels." As for the cause,

he said he blamed journalists who had been "extremely irre› sponsible in the way they’ ve re› ported on the race." Froome was referring to w idespread reporting o n claims that his strong perfor› mance, and those of others

I was working with this one

guy on the road, but the end of the course, the last 15 miles is awesome. A lot of downhill,

and super fun." race as a whole. If you look Dixon said she and Tost› at it as a big day, it’s totally ado, her boyfriend, plan to overwhelming." compete in at least four events Marlee Dixon, a 33-year› in the National Ultra Endur›

Widgi Creek,

stay positive and look at the


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counterattacks on the formi›

dably steep if comparatively short climb to the finish, van

Garderen was unable to follow Froome and the Colombian dimber Nairo Quintana. That knocked van Garderen down


Spectators Welcome!

to third overall, 3 minutes, 32

being careful not tobe too smug seconds behind Froome. Quin› about his team’s performance at tana assumed second place, the Tour. 3:10 behind. The stage was While the two other Ameri› won by Steve Cummings of the can teams at the race, Cannon› MTN-Qhubeka team. "I tend to struggle on really dale-Garmin and Trek, have found little success, BMC had short, steep climbs like that," much to brag about: It has won van Garderen said. "It’s not threestages,had one rider in entirely an unsuccessful day, the yellow race leader’s jersey I just knew it was one I had to and, on Saturday morning, Te› get through. Now the Alps, they jay van Garderen was in second present more opportunities." place overall. Given that Saturday’s race Ochowicz, nevertheless, was


"For the last couple of miles

The stage, however, brought he was unaware if extra securi› a slight reversal for BMC. In a ty had been added around him confused seriesof attacks and

Jim Ochowicz, a co-owner of the American BMC team, was


Dixon, who came across the line with three other racers.

crease hislead Saturday, said

more than any other profession› or his team. "I’m not scared about this," he al sport, cyding allows fans vir› tually unrestricted and close up said. "I just hope it doesn’t inter› access to its athletes, for better fere with racing." BIld worse. All was normal before the On Saturday in the 14th stage stage began Saturday morning.


ers, so I wanted to pace my›

Froomeattacked byfan, increaseslead New York Times News Service



By lan Austen

finished with a climb, followed

cautious with his words. by a flat sprint on an airport "We don’t have bragging runway, Cummings, an English rights to a spot on the podium rider whose previous employers in Paris until it happens," he include Team Sky, was an im› said in an area set aside for the probable winner. "I’m not really a sprinter, I’m on his Team Sky, is related to team buses and cars in Rodez, doping, an allegation they have where the 111-mile stage began. not really a climber," he said af› "But we’ re moving in the right ter the stage. "You just have to firmly denied. Froome, who managed toin- direction." wait for the right day."


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Goodyear: Notalks in Chasechanges

Continued from D1 ity you might encounter on "It was always going to the coast of Scotland and be a difficult day, we knew more. "It’s going to sound stu› that," R&A r u les d irector David Rickman said. "But pid, but it felt like a tropical we were keen to give it a go." storm growing up in Flori›

The Associated Press

date of the decision to produce

In Saturday’s races: Hamlin holds off Dillon in fiery Xfinity finish: LOUD›

kind of tires needed to match

T he

the appropriate tires needed the aero package. It hardly most intriguing wrinkle for for each race. The Chase for mattered to the drivers who the Chase may not be which the Sprint Cup championship raved about the product. "We didn’t have the full tire championship contenders are begins Sept. 20 at Chicago› in or out after each elimina› land Speedway. that we wanted, we didn’t have "We haven’t had that serious the full package and it was tion round. It could be if NASCAR de› conversation yet because that better," Daytona 500 champi› cides to use a rules package re› really hasn’t been proposed to on Joey Logano said. sponsiblefor a racethatdrew us," Stucker said Saturday at NASCAR again will use the nothing but rave reviews from New Hampshire Motor Speed› lower-downforce package on way. "So we’d have to kind of Sept. 6 at Darlington Raceway. the drivers. Goodyear has not been in› sit down and see what our op› and Goodyearhas asoftertire formed that the race package tions might be." set for the race. that was such a hit last week N ASCAR us e d l ow e r But Goodyear knew that at Kentucky Speedway will downforce › w hich w a s change was coming months be used for the 10 races that specifically r e commended ago. If changes are ahead for determine the Sprint Cup by the drivers last week the Chase, Goodyear will need champion. at Kentucky and it produced to know soon. "I think everyone under› Greg Stucker, Goodyear’s perhaps the best racing of director of racing, said the the season. There were 2,665 stands by the nature of how tire manufacturer would need green-flag passes throughout much product we have to pro› to know in about a week if the field, compared with 1,147 duce, and the time it takes to NASCAR would proceed with last year at Kentucky. There produce them, we’ re not as a request for soft tires that are were also a record 22 green› flexible as everyone else is," typically paired with a low› flag passes for the lead, up Stucker said. "I think every› er-downforce aerodynamic from the record of 19 set in body recognizesthat.We're package 2011. trying to move things around Stucker said Goodyear typi› Goodyear,though, did not and be as flexible as we can. callyneeded 90 days from the have enough time to make the So, we’ ll react as we need to." LOUDON, N .H.

ON, N.H. Denny Hamlin nudged Austin Dillon out of

the lead and raced to his sec› ond NASCAR Xfinity Series victory of the season. Hamlin

led 145 of the 200 laps at New Hampshire Motor Speedway and clearly had the car to beat.

But when Dillon briefly took the lead, Hamlin put his No. 20 into the left side of Dillon’s

car and knocked him out of the way. Hunter-Reay wins lndyCar race in lowe: NEWTON, Iowa Ryan Hunter-Reay raced to his third IndyCar victory

at Iowa Speedway in the past four years. Hunter-Reay held off the field on a late restart to give Andretti Autosport its

sixth consecutive win on Io› wa’s 0.894-mile oval and its

seventh in nine series races at the track. The American

hadn’t finished higher than fifth all season.

Safety Continued from D1 "Fifteen years ago you’ re trying to be tough," he said. "Now we see the consequenc› es for being bullheaded or ig› norant are pretty severe. "Yeah, it makes you more proactive instantly."

That needs to continue, he said, particularly on fan safe› eo e.+ R ~Ql(v’C


A little too keen, as it turned out. Suddenly, the

da, like the winds like that,"

greenson thevenerable Old Course looked as if they belonged on a m iniature golf course, with only the clown’s mouth missing.

a hurricane, because I think that’s a bit extreme, but it re›

Louis Oosthuizen had a putt on the 13th hole when

sembled a tropical storm." That it got so out of hand isn’t totally the fault of the R &A. It controls a lo t o f things, but no one controls

the weather in these parts. Still, the rush to finish could even address it. When created an uneven playing he tried again, it r olled field, especially for those on away again,making what the course who played up had been a 2-foot putt an to three holes in conditions 8-footer. that were at best unfair. Back on the 11th green, The decision to play when which was most exposed to the forecast said otherwise the wind, Koepka was hav› meant little sleep and lon› ing similar problems. He ger days for 42 players while had marked his ball in dark› others including early ness the night before, re› clubhouse leader Danny turning to a 6-footer for par. Willett essentially got the When he put his ball entire day off. down Saturday morning, Give some credit to Koep› it moved a few inches, and ka, though for making sure Koepka told a rules offi› it didn’t turn i nto a c om› c ial he didn’t think it w as plete farce. He stood his playable. ground, even if it might have "He basically told me I cost him a spot in a major had to hit it," Koepka said. championship. "I don’t know," he said, Koepka did, running it 4 feet past. He marked it, when asked what might and the ball moved again. have happened if his deci› Marked it again, and the sion to stop was challenged. "I wasn’t going to play. I re› ball moved once more. Finally, he took a stand. ally wasn’ t." "I just said I don’t want to The 25-year-old, who play anymore," Koepka said. had a breakthrough win A nother o f f i cial c a m e this year in Phoenix, would over and they huddled. Soon return when play finally word came on the radio resumed at6 p.m. to make about Oosthuizen’s debacle his putt on the 11th hole for on the 13th. bogey. He played the rest of Reason finally prevailed, the way in 1 under, finish› a foot to his right before he

it began. It would be more than 10 hours before the


Koepka said. "I wouldn’t say

play resumed that moved

the silliness 32 minutes after


"That can’t be the trend," he

ing with a 70 that put him 3-under par and seven shots

off the lead held by Dustin Johnson.

now suddenly cautious R&A

said. "No way." Excerpts from Friday’s dis›

Almost as good, he got some thanks for being the ing the Open into a Monday player who called their bluff. "Yeah, the guys behind us finish for the first time in 27 years. did (say thanks)," Koepka A second round that be› said. "Because they didn’ t gan early Friday ended up have to hit a shot." allowed it to resume, forc›

cussion, edited for brevity and



• With serious accidents

• you’ ve experienced, and with your dad’s accident, how RN ’~ have those shaped your view on safety’? Rob Sweeten/The Associated Press • I think as a driver you Austin Dillon, 3, goes airborne as he was involved in a multi-car crash on the final lap of the NASCAR • think about the specif› Sprint Cup race at Daytona onJuly 6. Much hasbeen done to improve driver and fan safety since Dale ics. Why did I get a concus› Earnhardt Sr. was killed on the final lap of the 2001 Daytona 500, but Dale Earnhardt Jr. says the quest sion’? How can what’s in the for improved driver and fan safety never ends. As a credit to improved safety, Dillon, driving the same car help me i n t h e f uture? No. 3 car as Earnhardt Sr., was not seriously injured in the crash.

A lot of things came out of dad'saccident as far as 'soft' was back then. But I k n ow that mimic what they see (in straints. We changed the way there’s more guys today who NA SCAR). They e mulate we do our seat belts, a lot. And would rather go slower to be whatever they see in (our) NASCAR has added more saferthan there probably were garages. When they look at seat belts. The roll cages have back then. We used to never a (Sprint) Cup car, they see changed quite a bit to protect say a word about slowing the how seriously we take safety walls, and head and neck re›

pened in the past. I feel like

I’m in a better position today to

has put a lot Q •• NASCAR of effort into safety, but

survive things like that.

at smaller venues across the country they don’t have the


• Have your views on • safety evolved o ver

same safety advances, for var› ious reasons. As someone who time? works with up-and-coming • My views? Yeah.Abso- drivers, do you see awareness • lutely. I look at pictures on their part of the safety op› of my old late-model car that I

tions available’ ?

used to race that didn’t have a headrest in there. You thought that you were a sissy if you had a headrest. The headrest was only thought of to hold a guy that had a weak neck; if you had a headrest, you were a baby. I didn’t put any effort or any thought into making things better or how does stuff work and what would happen

p robably in diA•• They v idually d o n’t h a v e the self-awareness that you

might have in this garage just because they don’t have the same resources as are avail›

stretching over 38 hours, 46 minutes. It i n cluded rain,

flooding, heavy wind, sun›


not OK, and they obviously don’t want that to become the norm.

The Associated Press

this situation again? I’m sure they’ re trying to come up with some better plans because it’ s

self, confidence, concentra› tion and play," Jang said. Na Jang parred the last five South Korea’s Q Back was SYLVANIA, Ohio


see that we take it pretty se› • Is there any reasonracriously, and they’ re watching • ing at Daytona and Tal› TV when these accidents are ladega shouldn’t remain a part happening. of NASCAR racing’? • Absolutely none. They Daytona has seen inju› • will always be a part of • riesto race fans three it even if they have to make times since February 2012. Is some major changes to the that acceptable? speed of the cars or whatever • No, absolutely not. It’ s they’ ve got to do, we’ re always • not OK, and I hope the going to be racing there. The response isn’t just put the facilities are too ingrained in fence back up. I hope that the sport and the series. It’ s somebody is trying to come up just too attached, both from a with an idea of a barrier that’ s history standpoint (and) from better than what we’ ve got. If a a financial standpoint. I don’ t car that heavy and going that see how you can just cut that rate of speed gets into whatev› out of it altogether. NASCAR er they put there, it’s going to would changeoralterthe racdestroy it. Is there an option ing significantly before they that puts the fans in a better ever quit racing there. If that’ s situation? Is it more than one the length they have to go,



able to us here. One good thing I guess is you do see is some of the late-model guys layer? Is there a fence and who are building these cars then another fence? What is it

Tim Dahlbergis a national sports columnist for The Associated Press.

Jang leads inLPGA’s rain-soakedMarathon

that can sort of help us avoid

cars down, because fans don’ t considering what the cockpit want to hear that we’ re slow› was like 10 years ago. They

thingsgive me a sense ofsafety and give me a confidence in ing the cars down. It was con› my car and the confidence to sidered not being macho or a kind of go out there and shake tough driver, not being fierce. off all the things that hap›


other meteorological activ›

and the horn sounded to end

ty. He called injuries to fans at recent N A SCAR events

us in rollovers. So, all of those

shine and just about every


holes Saturday for a 2-un›

second. She birdied the final

der 69, leaving her a stroke hole for a 68. "Overall I missed a lot of ahead with one round left in the LPGA Tour’s rain› putts today," Back said. "But plagued Marathon Classic. I was just happy with the The South Korean player way I played." had an 11-under 202 total at Also on Saturday: Highland Meadows. Fight› Tie at the top for BarbaPlay› ing back pain, she opened sol: OPELIKA, Ala. with rounds of 66 and 67 and ing partners Ricky Barnes has only two bogeys over the and Scott Piercy each shot first 54 holes. 6-under 65 to share the Play was delayed for 1 third-round lead in the PGA hour, 59 minutes in the after› Tour’s inaugural Barbasol noon. Delays Friday forced Championship. Barnes and 54 players to complete the

Piercy reached 13-under 200

second round S aturday morning. Seeking her first LPGA Tour victory, Jang said her

on Grand National’s Lake Course, and will be paired together again while jockey› ing for the lead today. Piercy birdied four of the first five

that’s what they’ ll do for sure

target is to finish at 15 under. " I don’t w ant t o t h i n k

before they ever just quit.

about any players. Just my› the PGA Tour.

holes. He has won twice on

in this situation. Then we have

these accidents where guys are injured or even killed, and we learn from those accidents.

You see what happened and you realize why it happened and how easily it could have been prevented, and that’ s when you start taking things a lot more seriously. When I

drove the (Busch series) car in 1998, I just got in and buckled up. Now when I look at my car, I certainly am more knowl›

edgeable about what'ssafer.

Likethese huge headrests in •

the car now. We went from nothing to this huge monstros›

ity thing. You’ ve got 4 inches of padding on one side and I look at that headrest and I think, ’Is the density of the

foam where we need to be?’ You’ re thinking, ’If this isn’ t the best, how can this be bet›

I ••

I /






• •

• I'




' •

ter?’ We came a long way, but

we haven’t solved all of our is›

sues, so what’s next’? 0


• On some of the safety • things today, your dad would not have been a fan. Do you think the outlook of the drivers has changed’?

A• actly what the balance • I don’t really know ex-

• •

'I •

• SU

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Market Recap, E4-5 Sunday Driver, E6

' www.bendbulletin.corn/business


Former city dwellers


flavor are goal for energybars

turn to

rural farming




By Doug Moore St. Louis Post-Dispatch


By Rick Barrett Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Jarod Opp erman/The Bulletin

CLINTONVILLE, Wis. While he’s milk›

Construction continues on The Wilds, a co-working space for

ing cows or harvesting crops, dairy farmer Andy

will be completed by the end of summer.

creative professionals in Bend. Co-owner Kelly Thiel hopes it

Joe Kiine/The Bulletin file photo

Companies can utilize a conference room such as this one at the 1001 Tech Center, a co-working space in southwest Bend.


gy bars were Luis Rivero’s go-tomeals when hecame to the U.S. in 2003 for grad› uate school. With no time to

cook, he quiddy got caught up in the eat-on-the-run cul›

Herro doesn’t have time to

ture that was not as familiar

daydream about his pre› vious career as a dancer performing in dozens of countries. Still, the former dance

in Venezuela. The bars, he noticed,

captain with the modern

tired of the flavors.

dance company Pilobolus has found similarities be› tweenfarming and dancing, including the magic

He continued eating the bars when he came to St.

of motion

were not particularly tasty,

especially those high in pro› tein. And he began to grow

Louis two years later to work for DuPont. He and

childhood friend Luis Men›

whether it’ s

• Artists, outdoor rec companies and tech havededicated spaces

people on a stage, ma› chines in a field or cows in a milking parlor. All those examples

require synchronized efforts. Dancers, Herro said,

strive to be predictable in their movements on

successful careers in the U.S., Mendoza an attorney in New York and Rivero

in marketing for DuPont, where he learned the soy protein business and how it

was used in foods. In their

and the willingness to put


By StephenHamway e The Bulletin

they would talk about going into business together. But

matter if it’s a weekend or

a holiday," Herro said. "Many people can dance, but one really has to work at being an artist

and a performer," he once wrote. Getting into agriculture

wasn’t necessarily part of their life plan, but plenty of people have made the transition from other

what’? And when’?

rtists Kelly Thiel, Karen

They kept going back to food and the family gath› erings they missed. The men were now related by marriage Rivero wed

Ruane and Wallis Levin all moved to Bend in the last

Mendoza’s sister. How

15 months, and had never met before

about taking energy bars and rebranding them? No more would they be a grab› and-go food, but one that represents a moment to slow down life. W hat happened next is the kind of immigrant suc›

working in a shared studio. Though they work in different

careers. Herro graduated from Marquette University in

mediums, the three women hit it off,

Milwaukee in 2003 with a degree in theater arts. Not

and decided they enjoyed working

long afterward, he land› ed a job with Pilobolus,

with each other so much that they

cess story that civic leaders

are itching to nurture across

where the dancers are

known for extraordinary

Wanted tO Open a CO-WOrking SpaCe C

flexibility and athleticism. Herro danced, toured

for artists and other creative types.

and taught with Pilobolus for six years, serving as dance captain for three years. He appeared with the company on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" and "The Ellen Degeneres Show" as well as the Acad›

the country. In their entrepreneurial

zeal, Rivero and Mendoza created energy bars named Huga to reflect foods they and their wives enjoyed in Venezuela, based on family recipes and vacations to Europe. For example, one of the three flavors, hazelnut

The Wilds, their new

His wife, Julia, was an actress. The couple en›

Century Center on SW Century Drive, in Bend. The

joyed living in New York,

trio will be offering a mix of

but with Andy on tour six months of the year, and

desks and art studios that

artists, writers, photogra› phers and others can rent for a monthly fee. "We wanted to bring in people who didn’t neces› sarily need studio space but

careers and move to north›

needed a creative place to

east Wisconsin where Ju› lia’s parents owned a dairy

work," Ruane said. "And it


o- o wner Kelly Thiel describes the design of The Wilds.

Thiel said.

emy Awards.


Jarod Opp erman/The Bulletin

"One thing that we all really enjoyed was the synergy and the enthusiasm for other projects,"

space, is slated to open by the end of August in the

having little time to spend with his toddler son, it was hard on their family life. So the Herros made the difficult decision to switch

to the U.S., often talked about foods they enjoyed back home, and how they missed the large family gatherings every weekend. Long, lazy afternoons to set aside the hectic life of Caracas. Both men were building

stage so they don’t collide with each other. That’ s also true for operating big harvesting machines that have trucks circling them in a field. And farming, like danc› ing, requires discipline in long days. "It doesn’ t

doza, who had also moved

just grew from there." Nationally, co-working› the general term for work›

ing in an office environment shared by multiple compa› nies has done nothing but grow. According to data from the U.S. Census Bu›

es in the United States has

incorporate a co-working

jumped from one in 2005, to 781 by 2013, according to a study by the National Association for Industrial

space onits second floor.

reau, more than 23 million businesses in 2013 were

and Office Parks, a nation›

subject to federal income tax. The development of the

al commercial real estate association. While co-working spac› es have become staples in larger metropolitan areas,

Internet has made it easier

their rise has been slower in

for self-employed individu› als, nonemployers and other


nonemployers, businesses with no employees that are

small firms to move out of traditional workspaces. In

However, several promi› nent spaces have opened in Bend since the start of 2015,

part because of that, the including the High Desert number of co-working spac› Maker Mill, which will

The Bridge, a 15,300-square› foot co-working space for

and chocolate, would be inspired by torta di nocciole, a three-layer cake made by the grandmother of Mendo›

outdoor recreation com›

za’s wife, Luisa.

panies at 48 SE Bridgeford Blvd., started adding com› panies earlier this year, ac› cording to Mark Beech, who owns the building.

Two months ago, sales began. The Huga bar name

The Cube, a shared in›

door space outfitted with shipping containers, where

was taken from the Danish

word "hygge," which Rivero says roughly translates into English as "cozy moments." "This is what we cherish

a collection of home decor

in life and what we’ ve at› tempted to capture in our

and archit ecture companies work, has been open since

bars," the men say on their website. Rivero said the bars


represent "unhurried time."


See Energy bars /E5

'Tin ouse'movement navi ates t rou ci ru es By Sam Hardiman

rain hit the tin roof just inches

diminutive dwelling in their

a pipe that would reach out

The Charlotte(N.C.)O bserver

above. The couple aren’t eccentrics. They’ re part of a growing "tiny house"

side yard. They’ re seeking

from below.

a sustainable, debt-free life›

Hooking up that pipe to city utilities could be a problem.

CHARLOTTE, N.C. Ma› rie and Alan Boucher have two houses. One fits into their


style, with less space and less

suburban Charlotte neighbor› movement taking root across

stuff. Alan Boucher is 34 and

hood. The other could nearly fit into that house’s sun room.

the U.S. that has inspired

wants to be financially inde› pendent by age 40. The nearly

At 130 square feet, their house is not much bigger than a couple of parking spaces. Duck inside the 6-by-2-foot doorway on a 97-degree day, and you’ ll find that a single

reality shows. And here, as elsewhere, the movement

window air conditioner

keeps it quite cool. Climb up a painter’s ladder, and you’ ll see a cramped loft bedroom with a roof so low that Marie

and Alan can only sit up one at a time, in the middle of the bed, while they listen to the

websites, blogs and multiple

built tiny house in his side

yard would help him do that.

is outpacing public policy, Trailer and all, it’ ll cost about growing through the cracks $27,000 once finished. of zoning codes. Marie, a park ranger before Before the Bouchers started she started doing contract building their house, they work for Bank of America, knocked on neighbors’ doors is drawn by the possibility of toting "The Small House a scaled-down footprint in a Book," by Jay Shafer and a city that knows a thing or two 22-ounce bottle of craft beer. about sprawl. She imagines The book was a way to one day using an incinerating explain to neighbors the ra› toilet and using plants to filter tionale behind building the shower and sink water along

In fact, the whole house could

be. That’s why they brought the beer.

Clouded byuncertainty The beer was to dissuade

any neighbors who might be tempted to call city inspec› tors. The Bouchers operate

under the assumption that one phone call from an irri› tated neighbor could be their

undoing. The main issue: The house is on wheels. That means it

doesn’t neatly fit into Char› lotte’s zoning categories. SeeTiny houses/E2

Dillon Deaton / Charlotte (N.C J Observer

A tiny house sits outside the home of Marie and Alan Boucher on the Charlotte Pineville border. The Bouchers hope that the city will change its current zoning laws that restrict them from living in their

new tiny house.



BUSINESS TUESDAY Real Estate Broker License Course: This course prepares you to qualify for the OregonRealEstate Broker’s License Exam injust 10 weeksand meets the 150-hour requirement of the OregonRealEstate Agency (OREA); 6 p.m.; $600; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 NW College Way, Bend; 541-383-7270.

WEDNESDAY Business After Hours Oregon High Desert Classics: Come experience the eleganceand excitement of an international horse show! Derby-style hats for the ladies are encouraged for this fun Business After Hours under thePatrons Tent at the J Bar JRanch;5p.m. Freeto members; J Bar JRanch, 62895 Hamby Road,Bend;541382-3221. Business Startup in Spanish:


Empezando SuProprio Negocio: /,Quieres iniciar tu propio negocio? Acude aesta clase. /Te has preguntado el corno iniciar tu propio negocio, cuales serian los requisitos, permisos, prestamos economicos y corno obtenerlos?; 6 p.m.; $29; COCCChandler Lab, 1027 NWTrenton Ave., Bend; www.cocc.edu/sbdc or 541-383-7290.

To submit an event, visit bendbulletin.corn/events and click "Add Event" at least 10 days before publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Questions: businessibendbulletin.corn, 541-383-0323.

License Exam injust10 weeks and meets the 150-hour requirement of the OregonRealEstate Agency (OREA); 6 p.m.; $600; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 NW College Way, Bend; 541-383-7270.

July 29

Expanding Your Market to Federal, State & Local Government with GCAP: This free workshop will introduce business owners to the THURSDAY basic tools for growing their business Lunch and Learn Monthly Market by selling to the government; 10 Overviews: Jacob Fain, financial a.m.; Chandler Lab, 1027NW advisor, for monthly market overviews Trenton Ave., Bend;www.gcap.org or 541-736-1088. at the Morgan Stanley office, will speak; noon; MorganStanley, 705 July 30 SW Bonnett Way,No.1200,Bend; 541-61 7-6013. Expanding Your Illlarket to Federal, State & Local Government with July 28 GCAP: This free workshop will Real Estate Broker License Course: introduce business owners to the This course prepares you toqualify basic tools for growing their business for the OregonRealEstate Broker’ s by selling to the government; 10

a.m.; RedmondCOCCCampus› Technology Education Center,2324 SE College Loop, Redmond;www.gcap. org or 541-736-1088. Green Drinks: A casual networking event to discuss BCorporations business practices with local certified teams, Moementumand Pacific Superfood Snacks; 5 p.m.; Pacific Superfood Snacks, 222 SE Reed Market Road,No.500, Bend; envirocenter.org/event/july-green› drinks-b-corps/ or 541-385-6908. Home Energy Workshop: Explore how homeowneractionscan make significant impacts on energy usage in a homeand learn how to create an energy-saving action plan in this free workshop; 6 p.m.; McMenaminsOld St.FrancisSchool,700 NW Bond St., Bend; www.pacificpower.net/ bewattsmart or 503-813-7291.

Aug. 4 Buying Or Selling A Business: A

practical guide for entrepreneurs interested in investing in, buying or selling a business; 6 p.m.; $69; Central OregonCommunity College, 2600 NWCollegeW ay,Bend; 541-383-7270. Real Estate Broker License Course: This course prepares you to qualify for the OregonReal Estate Broker’s License Exam injust 10 weeks andmeets the 150 hour requirement of the OregonReal Estate Agency; 6 p.m.;$600;CentralOregon Community College, 2600 NW College Way, Bend; 541-383-7270.


Aug. 5 Business Startup: Do you havea great idea that you think could be a successful business, but just don’ t know how to get started? Cover the basics and decide if running a business is for you;11 a.m.; $29 registration required; COCO Chandler Lab, 1027 NW Trenton Ave., Bend; www.cocc.edu/sbdc or

Growing Your Business with QuickBooks: Two-classes on the fundamentals of business accounting and QuickBooks operation, with up to three hours of personalized one› on-one daytime advising; 6 p.m.; $199 registration required; COCC Redmond Campus Technology Education Center, 2324 NE College Loop, Redmond; www.cocc.edu/sbdc or 541-383-7290.

to James M.Jones, Valleyview, Lot 52, $265,000 • Gary and Catherine Craven to lan G. andAlison J. Livett Awbrey Glen Homesites, Phase 6, Lot100, $1,100,000 • Gorilla Capital OR 201 LLCto Christopher H.Bartley, DeschutesRiver Recreation Homesites Unit 2, Lot11, Block17, $210,000 • David M. Sandoval to Jeffrey D. Edwards, Township 16,Range12, Section 15, $300,000 • Harvey andVictoria Childress to Robert andSusanF.Clark, Stonehaven, Phase 1,Lot10, $219,000 • John P. Pringle, Chapter 7 trustee for the Bankruptcy Estate of Linda D. Chase toNicholas Wilhite, Larch Addition, Lot 4, Block 1,$196,000 • JKC LLC to Ralph and HelenSantana, ChaseVillage,Lot20,$288,000 •PacwestIILLC,now knownasSGS Development LLC, toTimothy C. Garza andMaria-Isabel Rivera, Eagle’s Landing, Lot 66, $279,947 • PNC Bank N.A. to Jennifer L Gertz, TerrebonneEstates, Phase1B,Lot 35, $170,000 • Hayden HomesLLCto ShaneR.and Jennifer M. McBride, VillagePointe, Phases 4-7,Lot190, $240,000 • Pahlisch HomesInc. to Mathew L. and Gloria K.Clifford, Lava Ridges, Phase 4, Lot143, $329,000 • Carolyn Rouse, trustee of the Carolyn Rouse RevocableLiving Trust, and Michael W.Rouse,trustee of the Michael W.RouseRevocable Living Trust, to Gregory L.andSusanE.Slater, Fairway Crest Village, Phase 4, Lot13, Block17, $225,000 Crook County • Dieter and RoseFranck to Gary K. Templeton, trustee of theGary K.

Templeton RevocableLiving Trust, and Janice Nims, trustee of theJanice Nims RevocableLiving Trust, Lost Lake Estates Subdivision, Phase1,Lot 4, $320,000 • Michael G. ElmoreandTeresa E. Hisaw-Elmore toCorey D.and Bethany I. Amodeo,DeerRidge, Phase3, Lot 51, $160,300 • John L. Rhoden to Larry P. Oliveira, Township 14,Range18, portions of Sections 13, 23and24, $1,200,000 • David E. andPeggyA. Franketo Angela Dodson,Township 15, Range 14, portions of Section 1,$672,500 • Russell and JacqueThiessto Hart K.andAmanda L.McDonald,First Fairways Subdivision, Lot 4, $214,000 • Ronald F.Wilson, trustee of the Edward E.Wilson Trust, to Pamela L. and Charles A.Noyes, Township 15, Range16, portions of Section 2, $355,000 • Jeremiah W.and DaleenaM.Greento Travis A. Hallman,Township14, Range 16, Section 29, $235,500 • Jim Hensley to FederalNational Mortgage Association, Second Fairview Subdivision, Lot1, Block1, $267,570.75 • Kelly G. Adovnik to Katherine Y. Clay, Ochoco RidgeSubdivision, Lot 27, $160,000 • Glenn R. andSelmaL. Brownto Jack L. and DianneA. Pioch, High Desert Estates Subdivision, Phase 3,Lot 73, $250,000 • James A. andEsther L. Smith to Gale L. and Karen M.Corwin, KnobHill, Lot 13, $262,500 •MaxR.JacobstoBelfastRanchLLC, Township 15,Range14, Section 12, $565,000 • Irene L Hall to John Hall, Township 14, Range15, Section 36,$153,000

Aug. 11 Real Estate Broker License Course: This course prepares you to qualify for the OregonReal Estate Broker’s License Exam injust10 weeks and meets the 150-hour requirement of the OregonRealEstate Agency; 6 p.m.;$600;CentralOregon Community College, 2600 NWCollege Way, Bend; 541-383-7270.

Aug. 13

DEEDS Deschutes County • NW BendRealEstate Holdings Timber AvenueLLCto K&W Legacy LP., RedmondBusiness Park, Lots 3-4, $1,720,000 • Kerrel D. Bell to Tiana L VanLanduyt and David E.Tubbs, Township 15, Range11, Section 31,$425,000 • Pahlisch Homes Inc. to Scott M. Horton, McCall Landing, Phase1, Lot 23, $239,950 • Benjamin A. andLauren N.Edwards to Alan B.andRhondaEriksen, Second Addition ToBendPark, Lot 3,Block 151, $251,000 •MackM.andSharon L Boyntonto William andCarol Bergmark, trustees of the BergmarkFamily Trust, Awbrey Butte Homesites, Lot11, Block13, $649,000 • Ryan Wopschall to Travis and Jennifer Lyman, Township17,Range13,Section 19, $420,000 • Stephen L. Apicelli, trustee of the Marion L. Apicelli RevocableTrust, to William T.Heath and Margaret K. Carter-Heath, Hollow PineEstates, Phase 2, Lot23, $382,000 • William G. Goethto Mack M.and Sharon L Boynton, Harris Estates, Phase 2, Lot 4,Block1, $550,000 • Craig E. and Linda J. Iverson to James H.SeeleyJr., trustee of the James H.SeeleyJr. RevocableLiving Trust, and Deborah A. Seeley, trustee of the Deborah A.Seeley Revocable Living Trust, GlazeMeadow Homesite Section, $421,200 •EugeneM .andMariaC.Langworthy, trustees of theEugeneand Maria Langworthy Trust, to William Goeth and TessAyers, Ridge At Eagle Crest 33, Lot 3, $535,000 • Laura White to Greg and Monica L Service, SunsetViewEstates, Phase

3B, Lot 67,$230,000 • Michael Croxford to Jessica R.and Todd Bevan,Highland Addition, Lot 2, Block 34, WestBendVilage, Phase 1, Lot 13, $401,377 • David M. Silver andElaineS. Valeto Steven W.and LyndaS. Jasperson, trustees of theStevenand Lynda Jasperson Living Trust, Golf Course Estatea stAspenLakes,Phase4,Lot 99, $165,000 •James 0.and SusanJ.W hiteto Lance A. and Linda L.Neibauer,trustees of the LanceandLinda Neibauer Joint Trust, Ridge AtEagleCrest 41, Lot 27, $225,000 • Samantha S.and Daniel M. McCleery, trustees of theSamantha S.McCleery Revocabl eTrust,toSusan M.and Rodney K.Rowland,Township 18, Range 12,Section 25, $225,000 • John Picarazzi andLaurel Hubbard to Michelle andTaylor T. Mahony, NorthWest Crossing, Phases9-10, Lot 477, $850,000 • Sally C. Groth, trustee of the Henshaw Trust, to John H.Marsden III andSusan K. Anderson, BendGolf ClubAddition, Lot 6, $237,750 • T-N-R Properties LLC andRoxanne L. Farra to James Preston Enterprises LLC, Plat of Bend,Lot 6, Block26, $353,000 • Sandra Larsen, Keith Christensen, Mary A. Feller, StacyLarsenand Sean Connolly to David L.James,trustee of the David L.James RevocableLiving Trust, Fourth Sister Condominium, Unit 5A, $197,500 • Jim St. John Construction LLC to Margaret A. Bernensand Richard A. Stafford, trustees ofthe Bernens› Stafford Trust, HiddenHills, Phase 1, Lot 1, $325,000 • Kurt C. Clark to Scott T. O’ Connor, Gardenside P.U.D.,Lot 35, $269,500

• Flowering Crabapple LLC to Justin C. and Katelyn H.Ashby, North Mountain View Estates, Lot 36,$369,000 • Jennifer L. Miller and Marcia J. and Alan C. Lindberg toSteven S.and Marilyn M. Carroll, Foxborough, Lot 286, $266,000 • Jerry Dublin to KaraE.Cronin and Matthew P. Berryman, Selken Subdivision, Lot 5, Block1, $368,000 • Mare Christman to JosephR. Mortensen, Monticello Estates, Phase 1, Lot 29, $323,000 • Tim K. and AmandaK. Porter to Brandon J.andNoele J. Lee,Cascade West, Lot 10, $250,100 •FannieMae,also knownasFederal National MortgageAssociation, to Nikki Wafford, Tall PinesFifth Addition, Lot 3, Block 25, $157000 • Hilloah Z. Rohrto Craig C.Chenoweth, Overturf Butte, Lot 3, Block 7,$366,000 • Brenda Dormaier to Justin W. and Kalene S.Peterson, Credenda Subdivision, Lot 13,$252,000 • Robert B. andCatherine S. McDonald to Peter B.Jahrling, Awbrey Butte Homesites, Phase3, Lot17, Block 4, $580,000 • Gloria K. andMathew L. Clifford to John D.and Karen M.Barnhart, Riverstone, Lot 8, $325,000 •AnneMacTavishtoLindaA.and Gerald M. Simmons,Village atCold Springs, Phase 2,Lot 78, $251,600 •RaymondL.andHeatherM.Bassto Joshua Orlando,Windrow Acres, Lot 5, Block A, $229,900 • Sonja R. Raglandto Jerell S. Carper, South Village, Lot 5,$225,000 • Brian R. Bailey to Shannon L Derry, Whispering PinesEstates First Addition, Lot 21,Block 3,$299,000 • Sara M. Galvanto Curt M. and Jennifer A. Plants, SouthDeerfield


elusive to small companies. Kollective Technology Inc., a cloud computing firm pre-

Tiny bouses

Continued from E1 Perhaps the most visible viously based in Sutmyvale, space has been the 1001Tech California, formally moved Center, located at 1001 SW

into 1001 Emkay at the begin-

Emkay Drive. James Gentes, ning of July. CEO DanVetras BendTECH organizer and cited the new building as one one of the visionaries behind of thereasons forthe move. the tech center, said Bend’s Despite having been in the tech community had pr evi- tech center for a short time, ously clustered at a couple Vetras said Kollective has aldifferent co-working spaces, ready collaborated with other including TechSpace Bend, larger tenants, including the located on NW Greenwood creative agency Pneuma33 Avenue.However, the commu› and the Web design firm Five nity lacked a building with the Talent Software. "I love the entrepreneurial style and amenities that could befound in Portland or Seattle feeling here;you can just feel until the tech center formally the vibe when you’ re in Stackopened inMay. house," Vetras said. "Theidea was already there The founders of The Wilds to have a co-working space, are trying to incorporate this but (the founders) took it up a collaborative feeling as well. notchby really investing in the Thiel said the company's mix overall aesthetic and ar chi-

tecture tomake it a spacethat

of ll desks and six dedicated studios sets it apart from oth-

er creative spaces,which typeven if they came from San ically emphasizeone or the Francisco or Seattle," Gentes other. Ruane added that this sard. mix would allow members to people would want to work at,


26,0 0 0 -square-foot collaborate with artists work-

building features room for ing in very different mediums larger technology companies, from their own. "I shared conference roomsand think, in gen e ral, Stackhouse Coffee, a coffee co-working attracts like-mindshop that’s open to the pub- ed people,"Ruane said. lic. It also has 7,000square Thiel added that having feet dedicated to co-working other people aroundcan stim› for smaller technology start- ulate productivity as we ll, ups,with 21 offices organized and having a separate space, around a cluster of 32 stand- rather than a home office, alone desks, an area that Gen- frees people from day-to-day tes calls"the bullpen." distractions. "We found that this type of "I think this will be a huge layout fosters more interaction step in people's productivity," between companiesthat work Thiel said. here," Gentes said. Going forward,O’DeaBookThis interaction is one of the er said Bend,which has a high major draws of the tech center percentage of in d ependent and other co-working spaces. workerswho are drawn to the Tierney O’Dea Booker, a writcity for its quality of life with› er for BendTECH’sblog and out a full-time job, is a natural an adviser on the layout of the fit for co-working.As compatech center, said one of the ap-

pealsof co-working is the camaraderie and possibility for

nies continue to shift a way from traditional offices, she

said she expects to see more collaboration that comes with industry-specific co-working bringing people with similar spaces inthe near future. "This town could support passions together. "There's this serendipity 12 co-working spaces, easily," when you meet each other," O’DeaBooker said. O’Dea Booker said.

This serendipity is not ex›

— Reporter:541-617-7818, shamway@bendbuifeti n.corn

Continued from E1 "I don't k now how w e would treat them," said city zoning administrator Shad

Spencer about tiny houses. "At this time, we don’t

know how they are classified.If they are classified as a mobile home, they would need to be in oneof the mobile home zoning districts.

Park, Lot 43, $280,000 • Roanoke Hils LLC to Michael A. and Kathryn J.Worlein, Monterra Condominiums atAwbrey Butte, Unit 18, $160,000 • Timothy T. Vezieto Sherrie C. Williamson, SummerCreek, Phase2, Lot 39, $172,000 • Scott P. Roesch and Pondra S. Perkins to JohnGogolandHilary Barnes, BantaAcres, Lot1, Block1, $193,000 • Pahlisch HomesInc. to Brian E. Bell and Karen M.Shepard, trustees of the ShepardBell RevocableTrust, River’s EdgeVillage, Phase15, Lot 33, $483,000 • Gabriel J. Chladekand RimaGivot to Nancy D.Corwin, Indian FordRanch Homes Plat No.1, Lot@,Block 2, $266,800 • David L and Kimberly L. Gilchrist to Carol C. Myhre, NorthwestTownsite Co.’s SecondAddition to Bend, portions of Lots 1-2, Block28, $420,000 • William L Ereth to Michael Dinsmore and StefanieGott-Dinsmore, Keystone Terrace, Lot 5, Block 9,$269,950 • Ted J. Sanford to Stephanie A. Strakbein, WeckerleHeights, Lot 4, $171,500 •HaydenHomesLLCtoSamueland Christina Christensen, Marketplace Subdivision, Lot 6, $292,650 • LuAnne andRobert Georgeto Kimber L. Finney,EdgeO’ThePines Addition, Lot 3, Block4, $246,500 • Ronald and KarenMiler to Amber L.W. andJeffery B. Downie, Deschutes River Recreation Homesites, Lot12, Block13, $249,900 • Delmar Griebel to Castillo N. and Jazlyn Lepez,FairAcres Addition, Lot 10, Block 2, $164,000 • Theodore J. and Jeannie C.Denton

What is atiny house? By a widely accepted industry definition, a tiny house is500 square feet or less.That’s about the size of two parking spaces. Usually they’ reoneroom, with a sliding-door bathroom in a corner, andperhaps aloft bedroom. Veryoften they’ reon wheels, but someare onfoun›

make a tiny homelegal —put

dations. Somehouses area bit bigger say800squarefeet and thosearetechnically called "small houses." Where can I buyone? For a list, go to tinyhousecom› rnuity.comrb/iudire.Stm. Where can I park it? Go to tinyhousecommunity. corn/plac e.htm

it on a foundation.

The permanence of a foundation, however, isn't for ev-

erybody. Rionda said people preferthe homes on trailers becausethey want to be able to move around. That’s w hat

house on wheels. It gives them

options.They can park it on a pieceof land and staythere. Or

If they are classified as an

RV, they would not be allowedas a dwelling unit on a parcel." So far, three years after the Charlotte couple start-

dro v e t he

Bouchers to build their tiny

they can park it in a "transi-

mind always,"Rionda said.

tional neighborhood" in Charnials and downsizing baby lotte and live in it while they too, and it's his job to sell peo- boomers — two generations fix up adilapidated house. ple onthe freedom he expe- interested in living with just Mounted o n i t s tra i l er, erations to market to: millen-

Rionda works at the Village

rienced himself. That’s what

WW. Gilman brought him complaints. The Bouchers there to do. aren't yet living in their Gilman bought the village house full time because it when it was just an RV park isn't finished, so they’re three yearsago with an eyeon probably safe from zoning the future. Thegoal is to grow officials, but the regulato- the village to 180 tiny homes, ry uncertainty looms over and hethinks he has two gened work, they’ ve heard no

what they need.

their house is 13 feet and 1

Permanent residents occu- inch off the ground. That’s py threeof the 20 houses.Two small enough to be towed by others are models, and other owners rent out the rest.

just about any truck, free to

Some optforfoundations Besides putting it o n a n RV lot, there's another way to

go anywhere. The Bouchers dream of hauling it down the highway to their next home site, without any worry — exceptmaybe a low bridge.

their future plans.

Betting big on tiny houses Regulatorsmay not have caught up withtiny houses, but businesspeoplehave caught on.

An old-fashioned’ affordable County Fair with something FUN for everyone!

The Bulletin

Off Interstate 26 sits the


Village of Wildflowers. It’s not a garden, but a clus-


ter of 20 tiny houses, each

about400 squarefeet,com posing a miniature neighborhood carved out of the mountainside about 1 0 0

miles west of Charlotte. Internet searches show it' s

OnCe eau’Vejlail far generalIllmieeigll, cameenjay gamee, CO nteete, ShO WS,Ilil mare!Anilit’SIll fRH!

Mutton Sustin"-,

one of about four in the state. One house, the color of

an orange-cream pie, has a Disney Princesses table and chairs on th e fr o nt

porch. It’s also home to Bryant Rionda, h is w i f e

and young daughter. It’s 11 stepsfrom front door to

Wednesday .................1 • 5 • 7 p.m. Thursday.................. 12 • 3 • 7 p.m. Friday.................... .....1 • 3 • 6 p.m. Saturday .................. 12 • 3 • 6 p.m. Sunday - Finals..............12 • 2 p.m.

bedroom, but five months

after the move from Charlotte, Riondaand his family feel liberated.

"There's a type of free-


th a t co m e s w i t h

downsizing, becausewhen you live in a big home and have all these things,you have it in the back of your

Hang on for a wild and woolly ride!


8 016 D e s e h u t e s e o u n t l r

Dv •

gb I

i fuly 3 9 TKROUGIi

August 8



aiorin retirement anstotom anieswit ewwor ers By Stacy Cowley

and complexity. Only 14 per› cent of businesses with 100 or Will Hurley, a serial en› fewer employees sponsor a re› trepreneur in Austin, Texas, tirement plan, according to an

keep their fund fees to 0.20 percent or less. Thanks to the

wants to upend Wall Street.

estimate by the Government

saved on fees translates into

Accountability Office, and em›

significantly higher savings

ployees at the smallest com›

over time. "We want this to be radical›

The New York Times

He’s starting with a decidedly unsexy part of the financial landscape: small-business re›


"When I started the com›

power of compound inter› pany 15 years ago, I felt like a est, every fraction of a dollar voice in the wilderness trying

panies, those with 50 workers or fewer, pay administrative

tirement planning. Honest Dollar, Hurley’s new fees that are twice as high on venture, plans to begin selling average as those paid by par› individual retirement account ticipants in larger plans. benefits to companies this That market gap is luring month for a fixed monthly fee new players into the field. of $8 per employee. Intended ForUsA11, a startup in San for even the tiniest business› Francisco,recentl y began ofes with only a handful of em› fering 401(k) plans tailored for ployees, which rarely offer small companies. Like Honest retirement benefits for their Dollar, it sells its service for a workers, the site aims to bring fixed monthly fee with no set› simplicity and transparency to up costs and focuses on sim› a market that’s often a mine› plicity, building its portfolios field of hidden fees. around low-cost, institutional An unlikely convert to the stock and bond index funds. financial industry, Hurley, a Both companies let employ› longtime software developer, ers choose whether they want talks with a missionary zeal to match t h eir e m ployees’ about lowering the carrying contributions. "We challenged ourselves to costs of retirement accounts. "When people are paying 2 imagine what an ideal 401(k) percent in fees that’s crim› looks like for a small business inal," he said. "Between you if we rebuilt it from the ground and your retirement, there’ s up," said Shin Inoue, ForUs› All’s chief executive. lots of exit r outes for your money." ForUsA11 charges compa› Small companies greatly nies $94 for up to 10 employees lag bigger ones when it comes and $5 per additional employ› to retirement benefits. When ee. (After 40 employees, the companies are young, entre› monthly cost drops to $3.) For preneurs have more press› tiny companies with just a few ing priorities like making workers, that’s significantly enough money to stay in busi› cheaper than the thousands of ness and as they grow, new dollars it typically costs to es› obstacles emerge, like cost tablish and manage a plan.

seek out.

to draw attention to it," Parks said. "Nobody u nderstood.

Now, there' s increased media attention, there’s new disclo›

ly simple for employees," In› sure regulations and the mil› lennials are in the workforce. oue said. Hurley says the low-fee They have a whole different crusadewas a catalystforhis set of expectations." company’s creation. He sees N ick C u l bertson, t h e retirement accounts as a start› co-founder ofProteus, recent-

ing point for what he hopes will eventually be a larger financial services company Sarah Rice/The New York Times handling things like health Shin Inoue, left, and David Ramirez co-founded ForUsAII, which savings accounts and 529 helps smaller companies set up 401(k) plans. Only 14 percent of college savings plans any› businesses with 100 or fewer employees sponsor a retirement plan, thing that grows over time and a market gapthat is luring new players like For UsAII into the field. would benefit from having fees much lower than big providers have traditionally charged. "We’ re going to be very crit› Large providers have the serve small customers by best selection o f l o w - cost working through independent ical of the financial products funds, but small plans with companies that buy shares in we bring," he said. "We try not just a handful of participants their funds but handle the ad› expose our customers to any› aren’t profitable enough for ministrative work themselves. thing with fees higher than 10 them to bother selling directly. That’s the approach ForUsA11 basis points." Fidelity says its 401(k) plans and Honest Dollar have tak› A few other providers have tend to be too costly for com› en. Both exclusively use Van› been preaching that gospel panies with less than $10 mil› guard funds, and both offer for years. Ubiquity, known lion in plan assets. At Charles participants few choices about as The Online 401(k) be› Schwab, the floor starts at $20 how their money will be in› fore it changed its name last million. (Both companies offer vested by design. year, was a pioneer in the more affordable IRA plans for The average mutual fund small-business ret i r ement small businesses.) Vanguard’s last year charged 1.19 percent market and is one of the larg› small-group plan, managed in management fees, accord› est players, with 7,500 clients. by Ascensus, an independent ing to Morningstar. By offer› Low fund expense fees, once a administrator, carries admin› ing only index funds, which selling point that Chad Parks, istrativ e fees of $3,475 a year carry significantly lower fees the company’s chief executive, for up to 15 participants. than actively managed funds, labored to explain, are a fea› The big vendors prefer to Honest Dollar and ForUsA11 ture that customers actively

ly went shopping for a retire› ment plan for his 10-person company, a health care tech› nology startup in Baltimore.

Working with a local bene› fits consultant, RCM&D, he

picked ForUsA11, largely be› cause it was the most afford› able option. Culbertson’s e m ployees include physicists, data scien› tists and software engineers, some of whom were reluctant

to leave jobs with big com› panies until Proteus had a

competitive benefits package in place. Setting up with For› UsA11 was easy, he said, and Proteus’ employees especially liked "Dave," a virtual adviser created to answer questions

and make the enrollment pro› cess easy. And the investment choices

on offer? "To be frank, a lot of us didn’t look into it that close› ly," he said. "We’ re pretty fo› cused on building our product, so it was like ’OK, check the retirement box and move on.’"

Question: I have a trust and other estate planning documents that were prepared in California. I have moved to Central Oregon. Do I need to update

my estate plan now that I am an Oregon resident? Answer: There are several differences between California and Oregon you Attorney ar Law should be aware of. First, Oregon is not a community property state like California. In Oregon you and your spouse can own separate property. This may or may not affect your estate plan depending on how the

Question: My father was just diagnosed with dementia. He has been confused lately about his finances and recently went to the bank in an attempt to withdraw a verylargesum of money. He has bounced checks and forgets to pick up his mail and has bills that are past due. I know his house is in a trust of which he is trustee and think some of his investment accounts are in the trust as well. His checking account is in his name only. Is there anything I can do to take over bill paying for him and protection of his assets?

reasons, and others, I usually recommend updating your estate planning documents for Oregon.

Answer:You should discuss with an attorney becoming your father’s conservator. A conservator is a person appointed by the court to manage a person’s financial affairs when that person is deemed by a judge to be financially incapacitated. With regard to the trust, you will want to review the trust provisions relating to the proof needed and process to replace an incapacitated trustee. Most trusts have language that requires proof of incapacity in writing by a licensed physician or declaration by a court. You should also put your father’ s bank on notice of his unusual behavior and your fear his assets will be wasted or misappropriated to see what protections the bank can provide.



property you own in Oregon is titled. Second, Oregon has a state estate tax that may be assessed upon your death. California currently does not have a similar tax. Therefore, your estate planning documents may not be drafted properly to minimize this state estate tax. Finally, many documents from California reference various California

laws that apply to interpreting and administering your estate. This may require the administrator of your estate to consult with a California lawyer after your death, even

if your estate is being administered in Oregon. For those

Question: I hired a contractor to remodel my house. Last week I received a "Notice of R i ght to a Lien" from a c o mpany that

provided the building materials Craig Edwards

to my contractor. What is this notice, and why did I receive it?

Attorney at Lau

Answer: This notice informs you that the material supplier has the right to place a lien against your house if it isn’t paid. If a lien is recorded and the supplier remains unpaid, the supplier may foreclose its lien, and you could

lose your house. To avoid this possibility, ask the material supplier for a copy of its invoice, and ask your contractor for assurance that the

supplier will be paid before a lien is recorded. If you ar e concerned that th e supplier may not be paid, consider issuing your check in the amount of t h e supplier’s invoice, payable to your contractor and the material supplier.


Attorneys at Law 591 SW Mill View Way, Bend

Attorneys at Law 716 NW Harriman St. Bend

Attorney at Law 225 NW Franklin Ave., Suite 2, Bend

541 -382-4331




ph’I’ H. G


Question: I was in a se rious accident when I fell off a ladder at work. Now my doctor wants to do back surgery to repair a ruptured disc. He says any more delay may leave me with permanent damage. The insurance companyrefuses to approve surgerybecause their doctor says I have "pre-existing conditions." M y d o c tor disagrees. Is there anything I can do?

Answer: Yes, there is. If the insurance company denies any part of your claim or refusesto pay for treatment, you can appeal that decision, usually to a workers’ compensation judge. There is often a strict deadline to take action, so getting help quickly is in your best interests. If your doctor believes surgery is necessary, and sooner rather than later, you should be able to have your health insurance pay while you appeal the workers’ compensation denial. If you don’t have health insurance, you may be able to receive help from the Oregon Health Plan or the Seniors and Disabled Services Division of the State of Oregon. Since the insurer will be represented by an attorney, you should get legal advice as welL State law requiresworkers' compensation insurers to pay attorney fees for injured workers. Get a free consultation from an experienced lawyer who can advise you about the best options for your situation.


Attorney at Law

Practice Limited to Workers’ Compensation Cases and Social Security Disability/SSI Claims

127 SW Allen Road, Bend 541 -382-3736

' I


Question: When should I file for Medicaid? Answer: Determining the right time to file a Medicaid application is extremely important. When you file the application with the Aging & People with Disabilities (APD), the date you file becomes the "Date of Request." If you are approved after filing your application, then usually the APD o5ce will pay benefits back Will Dennis to the Date of Request. You must qualify for needed care and your income and assets must meet the eligibility requirements. Only then is it appropriate to file the Medicaid application. It is very important to understand and know whether or not you meet the eligibility requirements before filing the application. Filing before eligibility will result in ineligibility and you may lose valuable time having to start over. On the other hand, waiting too long to file the Medicaid application will result in your having to pay for long-term carecosts that Medicaid would otherwise have paid for. The Medicaid eligibility process is tedious and complicated. My clients are always surprised at the level of evaluation and planning it takes to get the timing right. I take the guesswork out of the eligibility process and determine the right time to file the Medicaid application. I ofer a no-char e initial consultation to discuss your long-term care costs and how I can help. Address your Medicaid long-term care questions today by giving me acall. You will find peace of mind.


Long-Term Care & Estate Planning Attorney 438 Irving Avenue, Bend 541-388-3877 ® wdOwilldennislaw.corn

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Send your questions to: Ask a Legal Professional • Pat Lynch By email: plynch@bendbulletin.corn or mail:P.o. Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708 We are looking for attorneys in legal fields that are not currently represented. Please contact Pat Lynch for more information.



C oach 1. 3 5 (131.85 -1.53 -15.2 FMC Tech 36.41 -1.04 -22.3 iSCorSP5004.23e 213.78 +4.99 +3.3 CobaltlEn 8.16 -.90 -8.2 Facebook u94.97 +7.02 +21.7 iShEMkts .84e 38.76 +.32 -1.3 CocaCola 1.32 41.25 +.86 -2.3 FairchldS 15.24 -1.64 -9.7 iShiBoxlG 3.96 d115.46 +.41 -3.3 Coeur 4.49 -.40 -12.1 Fastenal 1.12 41.86 -.47 -12.0 iSh20 yrT 3.10 118.72 +2.67 -5.7 CognizTch 60.59 +.88 +15.1 FiatChry n 15.48 +1.01 +33.7 iS Eafe 1.70e 65.31 +1.01 +7.3 NYSEand Nasdaq ColgPalm 1.52 67.50 +.86 -2.4 FifthThird .52 21.13 +.24 +3.7 iShiBxHYB 4.74 88.69 -.11 -1.0 ColuPpln n .50 29.23 -.57 -7.4 Fire Eye 48.07 -1.62 +52.2 iSR1KGr 1.32e u102.85 +3.15 +7.6 For the weekendulg Comcast 1.00 u64.27 +1.08 e1 0.8 FstSolar 43.95 -.08 -1.4 iShR2K 1.66e 125.76 e1.63 e5.1 Friday, July 17,2015 Come spcl 1.00 u63.95 +1.00 e1 1.1 FT DWF5 .03e u25.51 +.96 +15.8 iShUSPfd 2.33e 39.50 e.43 e.2 Comerica .84f 47.28 -2.30 +.9 FirstEngy 1.44 34.40 +.74 -11.8 iShREst 2.76e 74.39 +.62 -3.2 WK YTD ConAgra 1.00 44.44 -.39 +22.5 u47.17 +5.07 +58.9 iShHmCnst .09e 27.60 -.38 e6.6 NAME DIV LAST CHG %CHG ConocoPhil 2.96f d57.20 -1.93 -1 7.2 Fitbit n u19.39 +4.95+217.9 Flextrn 10.79 -.30 -3.5 ImunoGn ConsolEngy .25 (I17.21 -2.43 -49.1 FordM .60 14.69 +.21 -5.2 Infosys s .71 e 15.84 +.36 49.7 ContlRes s 36.83 -.53 -4.0 IngerRd 1.16 67.63 +1.22 +6.7 -9.3 FrptMcM -.70 -32.0 ACE Ltd 2.62e 104.14 +.30 .20a d15.88 20.65 +.83 +5.4 AES Corp .40 13.21 +.11 -4.1 C orning . 4 8 19.08 -.20 -16.8 Freescale 37.78 -.01 +49.7 IntgDv -1.21 Intel .96 29.47 +.30 18.8 -.12 Coty .20 27.48 +33.0 AFLAC 1.56 61.59 +.8 FrontierCm . 42 5 . 14 +.24 -22.9 InterCloud 5.25 -.74 -34.7 2.38 -.13 18.5 AK Steel d2.90 -.12 -51.2 CSVlnvNG CSVLgNGs 2.23 +.23 -44.0 I BM 5.20 f 172.51 +5.56 +7.5 ASML Hid .81e 100.55 -2.15 -6.8 1.79 e.16 e1 8.5 I ntPap 1. 6 0 47.64 +.70 11.1 ATILT Inc 1.88 35.01 e.36 e4,2 CSVLggrde 1.97 -.25 -59.7 GalenaBio AbbottLab .96 49.90 +.21 +1 0.8 AbbVie 2.04 69.99 +1.27 +7.0 AberFitc .80 21.74 -.08 -24.1 Accenture 2.04e u100.48 +1.70 +1 2.5 Achillion 9.43 +.75 -23.0 I u ActivsBliz .23f u25.81 e.45 e28.1 AdobeSy 82.10 +1.51 +12.9 AMD d1.79 -.17 -33.0 AEtern g h d.22 -.02 -63.5 Aetna 1.16f 112.92 -1.43 +27.1 Agilent .40 39.95 e.55 -2.2 Agnico g .32 25.16 -2.80 +1.1 AlcatelLuc 3.57 +.6 Alcoa .12 df 0.49 -.14 -33.6 Alexion ... u204.30 +11.77 +1 0.4 Alibaba n 83.36 +3.06 -1 9.8 AllegTch .72 d25.57 -2.55 -26.5 AHscriptH 14.68 +1.63 +16.5 Allstate 1.20 67.59 e1.40 -3.8 AllyFincl 22.42 +.24 -5.1 AlpAlerMLP1.16e 15.47 -.24 -11.7 AlteraCp If .72 50.34 e.59 e36.3 Altria 2.08 53.22 +1.91 +8.0 Amazon ... u483.01 +39.50 +55.6 Ambarella 111.12+11.51 +119.1 Ambev . 24e 6 . 16 -.2 AMoyilL .35e 20.34 -.15 -8.3 AmAirlines .40 41.40 +.19 -22.8 ACapAgy 2.40 19.04 +.24 -12.8 AEagleOut .50 u18.03 +.16 e29.9 AEP 2.12 55.72 +.16 -8.2 'n AmExp 1.16f 79.22 +1.91 -14.9 AmlntlGrp .50 u64.05 e1.43 e1 4.4 ARltCapPr 8.68 +.27 -4.1 Amgen 3.16 163.27 +9.17 +2.5 Amicus Th u16.51 +2.03 +98.4 AnacorPh ... u145.46 +60.65 <51.0 Anadarko 1.08 73.88 -1.83 -1 0.4 AnglogldA 7.49 -.61 -1 3.9 Annaly 1 .20 9 . 7 8 +.27 -9.5 AnteroRes .68 d30.43 +.24 -25.0 to places, events and activities taking place Apache 1.00 d50.64 -2.30 -1 9.2 Apple Inc 2.08f 129.62 +6.34 +17.4 throughout Central Oregon during the year. ApldMatl .40 dt 7.77 -1.00 -28.7 ArcelorMit . 20 8 . 8 7 -.29 -19.6 I• ArchCoal 6.26 -.01 -85.1 ArchDan 1.12 48.02 +.81 -7.7 ArenaPhm 4.50 +.21 +29.7 AriadP 8.65 e.73 e25.9 Arris 30.66 -.19 +1.6 13.51 -2.86 +7.6 AscenaRtl AssuredG .48 25.09 -.07 -3.5 Atmel . 16 9 . 0 5 -.47 +7.8 AtwoodOcn1.00 d22.39 -1.91 -20.4 Autodesk 52.19 -.32 -1 3.1 v AvagoTch 1.601 133.66 +3.82 +32.9 I• AvisBudg 44.20 e1.80 -33.4 O. Avon .24 d5.69 -.21 -39.4 82gold g d1.28 -.26 -21.0 888T Cp 1.08f u40.85 e.15 +5.0 BHP BigLt 2.48e 39.56 +.09 -1 6.4 BP PLC 2.40 39.12 -.78 +2.6 Baidu 198.44 +1 0.69 -1 3.0 BakrHu .68 58.32 -1.39 +4.0 CSVeHVST 47.56 +7.65 +52.7 GameStop 1.44 u46.67 -.29 e38.1 Interpublic .48 2 0.12 +.47 -3.1 BcoBrad s .39e 8 . 96 -.01 -1 9.6 CSVixShrs (I6.05 -2.96 -78.1 Gannett n .64 13.92 +.55 -2.3 Intrexon . . . u 55.92+9.36 +110.7 BcoSantSA .61e 7 . 24 +.02 -1 3.1 CyberArk n .92 37.64 +.06 -1 0.6 Invesco 1.08f 3 8.49 +1.56 -2.6 56.86 -1.69 +43.4 Gap BkofAm .20 18.10 +1.40 +1.2 C ypSemi . 4 4 11.67 -.06 -1 8.3 G armin 2 . 04 d42.89 -1.28 -1 8.8 InvestBncp .20 1 2.39 +.06 +1 0.4 BkNYMel .68 42.82 e1.19 e5.5 G enElec . 9 2 27.24 +.97 +7.8 iSh UK . 7 0 e 1 8 .78 +.36 e4.2 I BarcGSOil 10.11 -.44 -1 9.4 -.1 GenGrPrp .68 26.47 +.26 -5.9 iShCorEM 1.09e 46.98 +.42 Barclay .41e u17.52 +.87 +1 6.7 DDR Corp .69 16.26 e.41 -1 1.4 GenMigs 1.76 56.94 -.33 e6.8 Isis ... 57.23 +3.73 -7.3 B iPVixST (I16.40 -3.46 -48.0 DR Horton .25 27.14 -1.05 +7.3 GenMotors 1.44f 30.65 -.75 -1 2.2 ItauunibH .41 e 9 . 74 -.16 -17.6 BarrickG .20 (I8.79 -1.32 -18.2 DanaHldg .24f 19.68 +.05 -9.5 GenesisEn 2.50f 44.50 -.80 +4.9 88.72 +2.07 +3.5 Genworth BasicEnSv 6.07 -.22 -13.4 D anaher . 5 4 7.79 +.30 -8.4 d13.56 -.36 -25.3 G erdau . 0 9e d1.97 -.17 -44.5 JD.corn 35.32 +2.92 +52.6 Baxalta n d32.69 e1.84 -2.4 Darlinglng Baxter s 37.36 -.25 -5.0 DeanFoods .28 17.59 +.80 -9.2 GileadSci 1.72 118.26 +4.52 +25.5 JPMorgCh 1.76f u69.21 +2.16 e1 1.3 +1.80 +9.6 JPMAlerian 2.25 d38.83 -1.19 -1 5.5 2. 4 0 96.97 BerkH 8 143.88 e4.15 -4.2 D eere GlaxoSKln 2.54e 42.96 +.51 e.5 u54.77 +2.46 +1 4.4 BestBuy .92a 32.88 -1.05 -1 5.6 DelphiAuto 1.00 77.94 -1.26 +7.2 GbXGreece .13e 10.34 -.92 -22.8 Jarden s -8.6 JetBlue u22.94 +1.22 +44.6 .3 6 44.94 +2.48 BBarrett 7.09 -.30 -37.8 D eltaAir Globalslar 2.36 +.32 -14.2 3.00f 100.08 +.55 -4.3 BlackBerry 7.77 +.08 -29.2 DenburyR .25 d4.57 -.73 -43.8 GolLinhas 2.06 +.15 -64.2 JohnJn JohnsnCtl 1.04 47.60 -1.43 -1.5 Blackstone2.63e 41.60 +1.99 +23.0 DBXEafeEq 1.78e 29.97 +.80 +11.0 GoldFLtd .04e 3.08 +.01 -32.0 26.39 +.24 e1 8.2 43.46 e.21 e1 6.8 Goldcrp g .60 ll14.69 -1.70 -20.7 JnprNtwk .40 BlockHR .80 31.80 +.62 -5.6 DBXHvChiA KB Home .10 16.16 -.66 -2.4 Boeing 3.64 146.84 e2.36 +1 3.0 D evonE . 9 6 53.64 -2.21 -12.4 GoldmanS 2.60 212.46 +5.27 +9.6 KR 1.9 3 e 24.15 +.98 +4.0 BonanzaCE ll11.99 -1.77 -50.0 Diam0ffsh .50 d23.15 -1.17 -36.9 GoodrPet (I1.20 -.37 -73.0 K KC Southn 1.32 98.60 +4.09 -19.2 BorgWarn .52 52.22 -1.41 -5.0 DigitalRlt 3.40 67.73 -1.40 +2.2 Goodyear .24 30.50 +1.51 +6.8 KateSpade 21.33 -1.33 -33.4 93.46 +1.06 e7.8 Google A BostonSci 17.94 +.34 +35.4 DirecTV u699.62+143.51 +31.8 KeyEngy 1.38 +.01 -17.4 d12.16 -2.20 -50.0 Gangle C Brandyw .60 13.79 +.09 -12.9 DrGMnBII rs u672.93+142.80 +27.6 K eycorp . 3 0 14.94 +.02 +7.5 -1.28 -16.7 -.83 -52.1 DirSPBear d17.16 BreitburnE .50 (I3.35 GoPro 56.64 e4.13 -1 0.4 Kimco 24.45 +.57 -2.7 .96 ll5.21 -1.54 -53.3 GraphPkg .20 14.72 e.38 e8.1 BrMySq 1.48 u69.29 +.02 +17.4 DxGldBua -12.8 d10.33 -.85 -18.5 Groupon Broadcom .56 53.60 +1.54 +23.7 DrxFnBear 5.12 +.28 -38.0 KindMorg 1.96f 36.89 -1.20 (I1.90 -.21 -32.6 9.29 -.39 -22.6 Guess BrcdeCm .18f 10.72 -.60 -9.5 DrxSCBear .90 22.78 +2.34 +8.1 Kinross g -1.69 K ohls 1.8 0 62.26 +2.0 -9 9 DirGMBear .95e 12.25 +1.62 -22.0 Brookdale 33.03 -.83 HCA Hldg u93.24 e.27 e27.0 u34.89 e2.49 e9.8 HCP Inc 2.26 37.50 -.29 -1 4.8 KraftHnz n 2.20 u79.63 +2.32 +9.1 C&J Engy 10.91 -.75 -17.4 DxFnBulls Kroger s .42f 38.72 +.55 +20.6 DirDGldBr 26.74 +5.54 +8.4 CBS 8 .60 54.70 -.15 -1.2 HD Supply u36.12 +1.31 +22.5 LamResrch 1.20f 77.26 -1.27 -2.6 CF Indss 1.20 u66.92 +7.21 +26.4 DrxSCBull .48e 92.00 e3.25 e1 3.7 HMS Hldgs 15.96 -1.14 -24.5 LaredoPet 10.79 -.40 e4.3 CMS Eng 1.16 33.65 -.07 -3.2 Discover 1.12 59.15 +1.77 -9.7 HalconRes 1.04 -.08 -41.6 CSX .72 32.18 +.05 -11.2 DiscCmAs 33.31 -.07 -3.3 H allibrtn . 7 2 39.99 -1.34 +1.7 LVSands 2.60 54.27 -.57 -6.7 LendingC n 14.95 +.90 -40.9 -1.76 -8.0 67.05 CVS Health 1.40 u110.14 +2.70 +14.4 DishNetw h Hanesbds s .40 33.95 +.26 e21.7 ennarA . 1 6 u52.44 -.86 +17.0 CblvsnNY .60 u27.15 e.48 e31.5 Disney 1 .32f u118.86 +2.42 +26.2 HarleyD 1.24 54.96 -.72 -1 6.6 L LibtyGlobA 52.73 +1.87 +5.0 CabotO&G .08 29.01 -.29 -2.0 DollarGen .88 u80.44 e.97 e1 3.8 H arffdFn . 7 2 u46.84 +3.06 +12.4 LibtyGlobC 49.00 +1.22 e1.4 Cadence 19.54 -.04 +3.0 DomRescs 2.59 69.65 +.69 -9.4 HltCrREIT 3.30 67.30 -1.45 -11.1 LibQVC A 29.04 +.97 -1.3 1. 6 0 66.37 +1.09 -7.5 HeclaM . 0 1e CalifRes n . 04 5 . 0 7 -.19 -8.0 D over 2.31 -.10 -1 7.2 incNat . 8 0 58.40 -.03 +1.3 Calpine 17.30 -.07 -21.8 DowChm 1.68 51.17 -.24 +12.2 HelmPayne 2.75 60.53 -3.58 -10.2 L LinearTch 1.20 43.57 +.53 -4.5 .68 +.14 -36.3 Hertz Cameco g .40 dt 2.99 -.42 -20.8 DryShips h .76 19.01 +2.14 -23.8 1.25 (I6.96 -1.35 -31.3 59.67 +1.42 -15.1 R ess Cameron 49.19 -1.67 -1.5 DuPont 1.0 0 d61.42 -2.92 -1 6.8 LinnEngy Linngo 1.25 -1.60 -29.6 CdnNR gs 1.25 59.87 +2.42 -13.1 DukeEngy 3.30f 73.57 -.80 -1 1.9 HewlettP .70f 30.36 -.29 -24.3 Lowes 1 . 12f (I7.30 67.53 -.32 -1.8 CdnNRs gs .92 d25.23 -.80 -1 8.3 D ukeRlty . 6 8 19.53 +.32 -3.3 Hilton 28.27 e.38 e8.4 Lpath h .29 +.01 -89.8 CapOne 1.60f u90.99 +3.32 +1 0.2 E-CDang 6.71 +.14 -27.8 HogyFront 1.32f 46.43 +1.17 +23.9 LyonBas A 3.12 97.50 -.88 +22.8 30.18 +1.14 +24.4 Hologic CardnlHlth 1.55f 86.76 +1.28 +7.5 E-Trade u38.01 -.70 +42.1 I u66.29 +3.92 +18.1 HomeDp 2.36 114.47 e1.37 e9.1 Carnival 1.20f u52.10 e1.52 e1 4.9 eBay 28.00 +.33 +12.0 Honwlllntl 2.07 105.54 +3.13 +5.6 MBIA Catamaran u61.44 +.16 +18.7 eBaylnc wi -36.2 6.09 Caterpillar 3.08f 83.16 +1.78 -9.1 E MC Cp . 4 6 d25.26 -.53 -1 5.1 HorizPhm u37.08 +1.14 +1 87.7 MFA Fncl .80 7.63 -.07 -4.5 Celgene ... u134.52 +1 5.68 +20.3 EOGRescs .67 d80.50 -3.87 -1 2.6 HostHotls .80a 21.20 e.55 -1 0.8 MGIC Inv u11.21 -.22 +20.3 Cemex . 40t 9 . 0 1 -8.0 EP Energy 9.43 -.87 -9.7 HovnanE d2.29 -.21 -44.6 MGM Rats 18.45 +.30 -1 3.7 Cemig pf 1.17e d3.31 -.24 -33.4 E aton 2.2 0 65.11 -.66 -4.2 H udsCity . 1 6 10.38 +.48 +2.6 MPLX LP 1.641 55.60 -13.45 -24.3 CenterPnt .99 19.00 -.12 -1 8.9 EldorGld g .02e d3.40 -.45 -44.1 HuntBncsh .24 11.54 e.33 e9,7 Macys 1 . 44f u72.31 +5.83 +10.0 CntryLink 2.16 30.94 +1.18 -21.8 ElectArts u73.47 +1.40 +56.3 Huntsmn . 50 20.54 -.60 -9.8 Magna g s .88 54.09 -1 .23 -.5 ChambStPr . 51 7 . 6 7 e.38 -4.8 E liLilly 2.0 0 u87.37 -.92 +26.6 IAMGld g 1.55 -.28 -42.6 Nag HRes 1.19 -.28 -62.1 ChkPoint 78.00 -2.90 -.7 EmersonEI 1.88 d52.59 -1.24 -1 4.8 ICICI Bk s .16e 10.46 -.01 -9.4 MannKd 5.66 +.28 +8.5 (I13.04 +1.38 -37.5 EnCana g .28 d9.24 -.41 -33.4 ING Chemours n .14e 17.19 +.21 +32.5 MarathnO .84 d23.57 -.89 -16.7 CheniereEn 66.01 e.37 -6.2 EngyTrEq 1.96f 62.42 -2.98 e8.8 iShGold d10.95 -.29 -4.3 MarathPt s 1.00 u58.58 +4.09 +29.8 ChesEng .35 10.94 -.43 -44.1 EngyTsfr 4.06f 52.68 +.04 -19.0 iShBrazil 1.03e 31.52 -.54 -1 3.8 MVJrGold 21.10 -1.18 -1 1.8 Chevron 4.28 693.1 5 -1.26 -1 7.0 E ngyXXI . 0 4 (I1.84 -.38 -43.6 iShCanada .60e 25.90 -.14 -1 0.3 MktVGold .12e d15.42 -1.33 -1 6.1 ChicB&l .28 48.49 +2.04 +15.5 E NSCO . 6 0 d19.03 -1.36 -36.5 iSh EMU .95e 38.95 +.21 +7.2 MV OilSvc .86e 31.85 -1.12 -1 1.3 Chicos .31 15.76 -.45 -2.8 EnteroMed d.40 +.05 -72.0 iShGerm .51e 28.86 -.03 e5,3 MV Semi .63e 53.46 +.56 -2.1 Chubb 2.28 122.06 e.56 +1 8.0 EntPrdPt s 1.52f 29.15 -1.38 -19.3 i Sh HK . 4 9e 22.67 +.65 +1 0.4 MktVRus .64e 18.03 +.26 +23.2 CienaCorp 25.59 +1.79 +31.8 Ericsson .39e 10.80 +.32 -10.7 iShJapan .13e 12.98 +.32 +15.5 MarkWest 3.641 68.30 +8.55 +1.7 Cisco .84 28.18 +.90 +2.0 Etsy n 21.98 +5.45 -26.7 iSh SKor .66e 52.95 -.63 -4.2 M arvellT . 2 4 12.85 e.34 -1 1.4 Citigroup .20 u58.75 e4.19 +8.6 Exelixis 3.91 +.23 +171.5 iShSpain 1.62e 34.81 +.27 e.5 Masco 22.86 -.62 +2.7 CitizFin n .40 27.91 +.61 +1 2.3 E xelon 1 . 2 4 33.49 e.74 -9.7 i STaiwn . 2 9e 15.51 +.23 +2.6 MasterCrd .64 96.08 +1.46 +11.5 CliffsNRs 91.24 +1.49 +7.8 iShSilver 14.23 -.65 -5.5 M attel 1.5 2 24.31 -1.07 -21.4 d3.04 -.26 -57.4 ExpScripts CloudPeak d3.58 -.37 -61.0 ExxonMbl 2.92f 82.61 +.39 -1 0.6 iShChinaLC .76e 42.84 +.08 +2.9 Maximlntg 1.12 31.54 -.73 -1.0

McDrmlnt 4.84 -.23 McDnlds 3.40 97.50 -.15 MeadJohn 1.65 d87.79 -.66 Medtrnic 1.52f 76.91 +2.54 MelcoCrwn .23e 20.77 -.20 M arek 1 . 8 0 58.82 +.87 M etLife 1 . 5 0 57.49 +1.53 MKors d40.52 -1.97 Microchp 1.43f 44.34 -.51 Micron T 20.12 +2.55 Microsoft 1.24 46.62 e2.01 MiMedx u12.97 +1.36 Mobileye n u61.07 +3.72 Mondelez .60 u41.89 +.48 Monsanto 1.78 107.08 -1.73 MorgStan .60f 40.20 +1.56 Mosaic 1 .10f 45.26 +.22 Mylan NV 68.47 -2.75 NCR Corp 30.26 +.99

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ProctGam 2.65 82.24 +1.29 -9.7 ProgsvCp .69e u31.28 +1.89 +1 5.9 Pro UShSP dt 9.74 -.97 -10.5 pushtaaa d31.14 -3.59 -21.1 ProUShL20 48.33 -2.26 +4.2 pshtaaa 620.66 -3.71 -30.8 PUSIltspx d31.91 -2.42 -16.1 Prudentl 2.32 88.76 +1.40 -1.9 PSEG 1.56 41.41 e . 15 PulteGrp .32 20.09 -.60 -6.4 QEP Res .08 d15.03 -1.15 -25.7 Qualcom 1.92 64.34 +1.61 -13.4 antmDSS 1.29 -.31 -26.7 Rackspace 36.82 +1.05 -21.3 RadianGrp .01 18.72 + . 31 +1 2.0 RangeRs .16 d43.12 -2.15 -19.3 Rapidy n ... ud25.28 Receptos ... u229.50 +35.52 +87.3 RegionsFn .24 10.12 -.02 -4.2

+66.3 +4.1 -12.7 +6.5 -18.2 +3.6 +6.3

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Available at Central Oregon resorts, Chambers of Commerce, hotels and other key points of interests, including tourist kiosks across the state. It is also offered to Deschutes County Expo Center visitors all year-round and at The BuIletin.



112 WAYS






EmMktVall 25.25 +.02 -1 3.1 +1.3 EmMtSmCpl 20.81 +.31 -3.0 +7.2 IntCorEql 12.44 +.18 -3.0 +1 3.4 For the weekending IntSmCapl 20.31 e.28 -1.7 e1 8.0 Friday, July 17, 2015 IntlSCol 18.49 e.29 -2.6 e1 4.7 18.59 e.22 -3.9 e1 3.0 WK %RETURN Intlyalul 32.04 +.30 e8.3 e9.3 NAV CHG 1YR 3YR RelEstScl FUND TAUSCrE21 14.69 e.19 +8.0 e1 9.5 AMG USCorEq11 18.54 e,29 +9.0 e1 9.3 YacktmanSvc d 24.34 +.32 +2.9 +1 2.9 USCorEq21 17.98 e,22 e7.5 e1 9.4 YkmFcsSvc d 24.92 +.30 +1.5 +1 2.0 USLgCo 16.79 e,39 e1 0.7 e1 8.3 AOR USLgvall 34.48 +.45 +4.1 +21.0 M aFtStrl 10. 6 7 +.20 +16.0 +6.7 USMicrol 20.10 +.09 +10.1 +19.0 AmericanBeacon USSmVall 35.35 -.03 +4.4 +18.7 L gCpVlls 29 . 9 6+.50 +5.4 +1 8.5 USSmalll 32.41 +.13 +10.4 +19.2 AmericanCentury USTgtVallnst 22.72 +3.7 +19.3 I nvGrlnv 30. 8 1 +.77 +13.6 +17.0 Davis U ltralnv 38. 5 3+1.43 +18.2 +20.7 NYVentA m 35.30 +1.18 +9.0 e1 7.2 American Funds Delaware Inv est18.32 +.18 AMCAPA m 28.83 +.61 +10.9 +20.4 Valuel +5.2 +17.8 AmBalA m 25.08 +.37 +6.3 +1 2.8 Dodge 6 Cox BondA m 1 2 . 68+.03 +1.1 +1.6 Bal 103.55 +1.68 +5.2 +16.2 CaplncBuA m 59.81 +.60 +2.3 +9.3 GlbStock 12.27 +.26 +1.6 +19.1 CapWldBdA m 19.16 -.06 -6.8 -0.7 Income 13.61 +.02 +1.0 +2.9 CpWldGrlA m 48.05 +.96 +4.4 +1 5.1 IntlStk 44.16 +.70 -2.3 +1 6.3 EurPacGrA m 51.35 +.88 +3.9 +1 3.4 Stock 184.93 +4.21 +6.9 +21.6 FnlnvA m 5 4 . 08 +1.15 +9.5 +18.2 DoubleLine GrthAmA m 46.07 +1.31 +12.2 +20.3 TotRetBdN b 10.89 +.04 +3.3 +3.6 H ilncA m 1 0 . 61+.01 -1.8 +5.2 EatonVance IncAmerA m 21.52 +.22 +2.8 +11.0 Fltg Rtl 8.94 +.01 e1.6 e3.8 IntBdAmA m 13.52 +0.8 +0.7 FMI InvCoAmA m 37.76 +.82 +7.6 +17.7 LgCap 22.11 +.31 +8.1 +17.2 MutualA m 37.08 +.46 +7.3 +1 5.0 FPA NewEconA m 41.21+1.26 +14.4 +23.0 Crea d 34.06 +.46 +2.7 +11.9 NewPerspA m 39.39 +.83 +9.1 +1 6.7 Newlnc d 10.09 +1.0 +1.3 NwWrldA m 55.27 +.85 -4.7 +7.4 Fairholme Fu llds 35.86 +.93 SmCpWldA m 51.10 +.92 +13.3 +17.7 Fairhome d -8.4 e1 3.9 TaxEBdAmA m 12.92 +.02 +3.5 +3.2 Federated WAMutlnvA m 41.29 +.63 +6.2 +1 5.9 StrVall 6.02 +.06 +3.5 +1 1.9 Artisan ToRetls 10.89 +.03 +1.3 +2.3 Intl d 31.57 +.53 +2.7 +1 4.2 Fidelity I ntg d 31.8 0 +.53 +2.9 +1 4.5 AstMgr50 17.47 +.20 +4.4 +9.2 I ntlVal d 36. 3 8 +.67 +1.0 +17.3 Bal 23.57 +.44 +9.1 +13.3 MdCpVal 2 4 . 53-.04 -2.3 +1 4.6 Bal K 23.56 +.43 +9.2 +1 3.4 BBH BIChGrow 75.83 +3.21 +20.4 +24.0 CoreSelN d 23.30 +.63 +6.3 +14.7 BIChGrowK 75.94 +3.22 +20.5 +24.2 Baird CapApr 39.17 +1.13 +1 8.0 +20.0 A ggrlnst 10. 7 0 +.04 +2.0 +2.8 Caplnc d 9.85 +.05 +4.1 +9.3 CrPIBlnst 1 1 . 03+.05 +1.9 +2.7 Contra 106.59 e3.95 e1 6.5 e1 9.1 BlackRock ContraK 106.56 e3.94 e1 6.6 e1 9.3 EqDivA m 2 5 . 11+.38 +6.2 +12.9 DivGrow 34.97 e.89 +1 0.3 e1 8.9 EqDivl 25.16 +.36 +6.4 +13.2 Divrlntl d 38.71 e.93 +6.7 e1 5.6 GlobAlcA m 20.45 +.16 +2.5 +8.7 DivrlntlK d 38.67 e.93 +6.9 e1 5.8 GlobAlcC m 18.78 +.20 +1.7 e7,9 Eqlnc 58.38 +.80 +4.3 +15.3 G lobAlcl 20. 5 5 +.13 +2.7 +9.0 FF2015 12.83 +.17 +5.0 +8.5 H iYldBdls 7.8 6 +.02 +0.8 e7,7 FF2035 13.77 +.29 +7.7 +13.1 StlnclnvA m 10.11 +.03 +1.2 e4,1 FF2040 9.68 +.20 +7.7 +13.2 S trlnclns 10 . 11+.03 +1.5 e4,3 FltRtHiln d 9.69 +.02 +1.1 +3.4 Causeway FrdmK201 5 13.84 +.20 +5.1 +8.6 IntlVllns d 1 5 . 80+.21 -0.1 +1 3.2 FrdmK2020 14.58 +.22 +5.6 +9.4 Columbia FrdmK2025 15.28 +.26 +6.3 +11.1 AcornlntZ 4 3 . 51e.70 -4.1 e11,3 FrdmK2030 15.70 +.30 +7.2 +1 2.0 A cornZ 32. 5 1 e.37 e9,5 e1 5.4 FrdmK2035 16.23 +.34 +7.8 +1 3.2 LgCpGrowZ 39.55 e1.46 e23,8 +22.0 FrdmK2040 16.27 +.34 +7.8 +1 3.4 Credit Suisse FrdmK2045 16.72 +.35 +7.8 +13.7 C omStrlnstl 5 . 5 8 10 -25.1 -11.9 Free2020 15.69 +.24 +5.5 +9.3 DFA Free2025 13.49 e.23 e6.2 e1 1.0 1 YrFixlnl 10 . 3 2 +0.4 +0.4 Free2030 16.66 e.32 e7.2 e1 1.9 2 YrGlbFII 9.9 4 +0.6 +0.5 GNMA 11.59 +.04 e2.3 e1.6 5 YrGlbFII 1 0 . 97 e1,8 +1.6 GrowCo 146.27 +5.86 e22.8 +22.8 EmMkCrEql 18.91 e.15 -8.2 +3.6 Growlnc 31.37 e.84 e8.4 e1 8.4


GrthCmpK 146.16+5.86 +22.9 I ntlDisc d 4 2 . 50+.98 +5.4 I nvGrdBd 7.8 0 +.02 +1.3 LowPrStkK d 52.82 +.63 +8.5 LowPriStk d 52.84 +.63 +8.4 Magellan 9 6 . 83 +3.13 +16.8 MidCap d 3 7 .15 +.06 +7.1 Munilnc d 1 3 .30+.02 +3.6 OTC 88.19 +4.84 +24.2 P uritan 22.1 9 e.44 e9.6

Puritan K 2 2.18 +.44 +9.7

+23.0 +15.0 e1,8 +1 8.8 +1 8.7 e21,2 e1 8.0 +3.2 +26.8 e1 3.5 +1 3.6 +19.2 e4,9 +1.7 +18.6 e4,7 e1.6 +1.0 +19.7 e3.5 +2.3

+.71 +11.4 +17.5 +.73 +11.7 +17.7 +21.38 +83.8 +46.1 +6.66 +38.4 e37,2

+1 8.4 +1 8.4 +1 8.4 +1 8.3 e1 9.5 +1 3.3 +1 8.6

+ .53 +22.8 N A +.47

-0.7 +9.4

+.02 +3.7 +2.9 +.02 +4.8 +1.54 +14.3 +.01 -4.8 -4.4 -4.7 +.48 +6.7 +.60 e.59 +.40 +.40 +.03 +.03 +.02 +.40

+4.9 e4,6 +4.6 +4.3

+3.8 e1 8.7 +7.5 +8.0

e8.1 +14.8 +14.2 e13,9 +15.4 +15.1

-1.3 +3.6 -0.9 +4.0 -0.7 +4.3 -2.9 +15.3

+1.48 +9.7 +19.8 +.21

-5.4 +13.0

+.20 +5.7 +18.5 +2.69 +22.5 +22.4 e.81 -0.3 e11.1

The Bulletin www.bendbulletin.corn:

S ASEqF 14. 5 3 +.37 +11.7 SEMF 16.83 e.13 -9.0 SlnvGrBdF 11.30 +.03 +1.6 STMldxF d 62.54 +1.32 +10.9 SersEmgMkts 16.78 e.13 -9.1 SeslnmGrdBd 11.29 +.03 +1.4 S hTmBond 8 . 5 +0.8 +.07 +9.0 +.01 -0.4 +.03 +1.6 +.04 +1.9 +1.4 +.04 +1.7 e1,3 +.84 +7.4 +21.2

e1.77 e10,8 +1.78 +10.8 +1.78 +10.8 +1.78 +10.7 e.64 e11.1 +.75 -0.6 +1.33 +10.9


NRG Egy .58 d22.24 +.48 -1 7.5 NXP Semi 91.28 1.45 +19.5 Nabors .24 12.45 -.91 -4.1 NBGreece .00 -.22 -44.4 NOilVarco 1.84 d43.01 1.98 -34.4 Navient .64 d16.86 1.51 -22.0 N etApp . 7 2 f 31.14 e.54 -24.9 Netllix s u114.77+1 7.54 +1 35.2 NtScout 39.87 +3.61 +9.1 NwGold g 2.48 -.12 -42.3 NY CmtyB 1.00 18.38 e.13 e1 4.9 NewfldExp 34.14 1.33 +25.9 N ewmtM . 1 0 20.69 1.83 +9.5 NewsCpA .20 14.81 e.56 5.6 NiSource s .62 16.90 -.01 +4.1 N ike B 1 . 1 2u112.80 +2.28 e1 7.3 NobleCorp 1.50 13.36 93 19.4 NobleEngy .72 d38.34 -.72 -1 9.2 NokiaCp .16e 6.79 +.09 -13.6 NordicAm 1.14e u16.56 +1.62 +64.4 NorflkSo 2.36 85.94 -.41 -21.6 NStarRlt 1.60 15.75 -.18 -1 0.4 Novavax u12.09 +.11 +1 03.8 N vidia .39 f 20.07 + .32 + . 1 OasisPet 11.71 80 29.2 OcciPet 3 . 00 71.92 1.39 10.8 OfficeDpt 8.30 -.49 -3.2 DhrPharm 3.68 +1.41 55.9 Ollies n ud20.04 -5.2 Omnicom 2.00 73.80 +1.11 -4.7 OnSm end 10.87 47 e7,3 ONEOK 2.42 40.39 +.85 18.9 OpkoHlth 16.59 +.04 +66.1 Oracle .60 40.40 +.04 10.2 Orbitz 11.25 15 +36.7 I

P DL Bio . 6 0 6.41 +.11 -1 6.9 PNC 2.04 u98.81 +3.02 +8.3 P PG s 1 . 4 4111.80 -3.10 -3.3 PPL Corp 1.49b 31.10 +.07 -7.7 Pandora dt3.96 -1.09 -21.7 PattUTI .40 16.66 -1.05 +.4 Paychex 1.68f 47.45 -.33 +2.8 PayPal wi u36.39 +3.70 +4.6 PeabdyE .01 (I1.29 -.31 83.3 Pennga d2.61 -.64 60.9 PennWst g .04 1.36 -.10 -34.6 Penney 8.78 -.17 +35.5 PeopUtdF .67 16.18 +.03 e6,6 PepsiCo 2.81 96.78 +1.23 +2.3 PetrbrsA 7.18 -.28 -5.3 Petrob res 7.95 -.43 +8.9 P fizer 1.1 2 35.07 +.71 +12.6 PhilipMor 4.00 85.83 e3.67 +5.4 Phillips66 2.24 83.24 +1.75 +16.1 P otash 1 . 5 2 29.22 e.43 -1 7.3 PS SrLoan .91e 23.92 +.02 -.5 PwShs QQQ1.50eu113.59 e5.94 +1 0.0 P recDrig . 2 8 5.34 -.45 -11.9 PrimaBio 1.43 +.14 +113.4 ProLogis 1.44 39.50 +.93 -8.2 ProShtS&P d20.66 -.49 -5.1 ProUltSP s .34e 68.58 e3.15 e6.9 PrUIIPaaa .04eu125.99+18.36 +29.3 PUltSP500 s .15e 72.64 +4.90 +9.6 PUVixSTrs ll27.52 -13.79 -76.1 PrUCrude rs 32.84 -2.76 -36.7

+.42 +4.4 +1 8.2 +.16 +5.7 +1 3.9

50.83 +1.47 +11.0 20.46 +.40 +8.8 18.07 +.34 +7.9 17.94 +.34 +8.0 m 49.44 +.11 +6.6 m 41.51 +.09 +5.8

+1 7.9 +15.5 +1 4.5 e1 4.6 +20.0 e1 9.1


-0.5 +9.2

11.50 +.03 +1.7


+.48 +.45 +.48

-2.5 +1 0.8 -3.2 +10.0 -2.3 +11.1

+.06 -5.8 +.02 -8.7 -.08 -26.7 -.06 -10.2 -.02 -16.5 +.08 +4.6 +.03 +2.2 +.05 +3.9 +.05 +3.6 +.05 +2.8 +.05 +3.7 +.05 +4.0 +.01 +0.8 +.04 -3.1 +.01 +1.3 +.06 +1.6 +.06 +1.8 +.06 +2.0 +.06 +1.7 +.04 +1.8

+3.2 -0.2 -12.7 -1.7 -5.1 +5.4 +6.2 +8.8 +8.5 +7.8 +8.6 e8.9 e1.4 -1.2 e1.5 e1.9 +2.0 +2.3 +2.0 +1.6

+.99 +9.5 +22.1 e1.36 e9.5 +20.6

+.04 +2.1 +.04 +1.9 +.54 +11.8 +.01 +0.6 +1.59 +22.7 +.26 +11.3 +0.8 e.75 e11.3

+1.8 +1.6 +20.4 +6.3 +1 9.5 +1 9.2 +0.7 +21.3

+.19 +11.5 e.32 e7.5 +.20 +3.1 e.27 e4.4

+21.7 e1 8.6 +1 0.5 e1 3.4

e.10 -14.7 e1.7 1.13+3.41+7.0 +22.1 6+3.72 +7.3 +22.5 +.09 +2.6 +3.2

11.47 8.94 4.17 9.07 7.73 10.62 9.13 12.42 12.42 12.42 12.42 12.42 10.03 10.89 9.83 10.64 10.64 10.64 10.64 ns 11.22


35.99 e.97 e21.7 e26.6 28.13 e.91 e1 7.9 +22.0

-4.3 +1 3.3

40.98 +.98 +7.8 +1 8.6

04 -5.0 +5.0 05 -5.2 +4.7

13.69 +.48 +17.2 +20.7


+.17 +5.9 +1.1 +0.5 -.01 +1.2

+17.2 +2.6 +1.9 +2.6

+.64 +.32 +.57 +.58

+5.7 +3.7 +9.7 +9.9

+15.4 +13.5 +1 8.5 +1 8.8

+.04 +1.9 +.04 +1.6 +.04 +1.9

+3.8 +3.6 +3.8

03 -4.6 +2.9 +.61 +10.7 e1 8.3 +.02 +6.7 +6.6 +.22 +3.2 +.32 -0.1 e1.58 e5.3 e1.37 e4.6

+1 2.1 +1 8.3 e1 9.7 e21.9

+.09 +4.3 +9.2 +.20 +5.2 e1 4.5 +.29 +6.7 e1 5.5 +.47 -10.5 +.46 -10.3 +2.50 +11.8 +.52 +0.4

+5.0 e5.3 +20.0 +1 4.0

54.87 e1.22 e10.6 e1 8.3 33.56 +.79 +10.7 e1 8.3 264.57+4.32 +23.2 +21.2 75.68 +3.23 +20.1 27.62 +.32 +11.2 33.11 +.48 -3.8 57.30 +1.35 +10.5 32.28 +.27 +1.2 58.70 +2.47 +21.1 84.65 +2.30 +52.7 6.80 +.01 +0.3 30.88 +1.32 +19.9 14.92 e.18 -1.8 17.11 +.31 +4.0 73.00 +2.99 +14.1 29.55 -.06 +6.2 82.48 +.82 +19.2 48.23 +.86 +19.8 9.47 +.03 +1.4 10.23 +.15 +0.6 14.93 +.16 +3.4 16.43 +.24 +5.4 17.60 +.31 +6.7 21.53 e.28 e4.5 24.21 +.40 +6.1 25.36 e.48 e7.2 16.96 e.32 e7.2 40.12e1.43 e14,9 4.75 +0.5 45.90 +.24 +11.3 47.05 +.17 +1.9 12.51 +.02 -0.9

+22.7 +15.8 +4.4 +18.1

+1 4.3 +21.9 +37.0 +7.2 +23.8 +12.5 +12.2 +21.0 +18.1 +22.1

+22.1 +1.8 +1 2.9 +1 0.1 +1 3.0 e1 5.1 e11.6 e1 4.2 e1 5.6 e1 5.6 e23,8 +0.8 e1 7.7 +13.3 e3.8

Remylntl .441 u29.43 +6.90 +40.7 RexEnergy 3.40 -.31 -33.4 ReynAmer 2.68 u79.20 +2.33 +23.2 RioTinto 2.94e 40.35 +1.21 -12.4 RiteAid 8.91 +.20 e1 8.5 RossStrs s 52.27 +1.41 +10.9 Rovi Corp (I13.63 -2.98 -39.7 Rowan .40 17.26 -2.13 -25.9 RoyDShllA 3.76 57.02 e . 18 -14.8 SLM Cp 9.98 +.09 SpdrDJIA 3.68e 180.54 +3.13 SpdrGold d108.65 -2.84 SpdrEuro501.20e 38.92 +.29 S & P500ETF4.03e 212.48 +5.00 SpdrHome .17e 36.66 -.11 SpdrS&PBk .52e 36.57 e.41 SpdrLehHY 2.26 38.20 -.06 SpdrS&P RB.72e 44.45 e.28 SpdrOGEx .71 e 41.78 -1.78 SpdrMetM .56e d21.52 -1.02 Salesforce 72.81 +1.67 SanchezEn 7.90 -.10 SanDisk 1.20 d55.39 +1.86 SandRdge 6.62 -.10 SantCUSA 24.85 +.87 Schlmbrg 2.00 83.71 -.25 S chwab . 2 4 u34.79 e1.96 ScorpioBlk 1.70 +.13 ScorpioTk .50f u11.29 +.92 SeadrillLtd 9.04 -.34 SeagateT 2.16 d48.15 +2.20 SealAir .52 u52.70 +.93 SenHous 1.56 17.48 -.46 Sherwin 2.68 266.01 -12.20 SiderurNac .14e d1.36 -.05 SilvWhtn g .22e d13.69 -1.43 Sine 42.91 -2.88 SiriusXM 3.86 e.14 SkywksSol 1.04f 102.91 +2.71 SolarWinds 635.54 -11.26 SonyCp 28.12 -.28 SouFun 1.20e 7.53 +.02 SouthnCo 2.17f 43.51 +.15 S wstAirl . 3 0 f 34.76 +.93 SwstnEngy 21.06 +.14 SpectraEn 1.48 d30.41 -.87 SpiritAir 60.16 -3.12 S piritRltC . 68 10.23 +.09 Sprint d3.84 +.06 SP Matls .96e 47.66 -.04 SP HlthC .94e u76.97 +1.69 SP CnSt 1.24e 50.07 +.89 SP Consum1.03e u79.15 e1.48 SP Engy 1.99e 72.44 -1.05 SPDR Fncl .43e u25.39 +.75 SP Inde 1.10e 54.92 +.75 SP Tech .77e 43.44 +2.00 SP Util 1 . 53e 43.35 +.38 StdPac u9.01 -.05 S taples .4 8 14.70 -.69 Starbucks s .64 u55.69 +1.12 StarwdHtl 1.50 85.62 +3.86 Statoil ASA .88e 17.04 -.19 StlDynam .55 19.17 -.45 Suncor g 1.12 26.64 -.16 SunEdison 31.56 +1.15 35.63 +.61 +7.8 10.26 +.03 +2.3

10.79 +.04 +2.0 16.25 +.35 +11.0 19.05 +.35 -0.3 21.49 +.27 -2.1 21.66 +.28 +2.2 31.60 +.65 +13.1


27.10 e.43 e1.4 196.36 +4.64 +10.8 196.35 +4.64 +10.7 30.22 +.43 +7.2 30.22 +.42 +7.2 10.72 +.03 +1.7 11.67 +.02 +2.9 56.25 +1.55 +18.1 129.91 +3.59 +18.2 m 13.03 +.21 -0.7 stl 13.05 +.21 -0.6 23.18 +.35 +1 0.4 33.35 +.40 -5.9 93.44 -1.45 -28.4 31.46 +.47 +5.9 65.94 +.99 +6.0 92.41 e.99 e13.2 70.53 +.78 +11.0 70.54 +.79 +11.0 174.07 +1.93 +11.0 10.67 +.04 +2.6 10.67 +.04 +2.7 57.30 e1.77 e15.1 57.30 e1.77 e15.1 5.92 +.01 +2.4 102.76 +2.06 +33.7 243.57+4.89 +33.6 11.35 +.02 +2.0 9.72 +.01 +1.6 25.83 +.05 -2.4 10.52 +.02 -2.3 194.44 +4.60 +1 0.8 194.45 +4.60 +1 0.8 48.42 +1.03 +10.9 23.26 +.38 +0.4 74.00 +1.23 +0.5 m 27.27 +.39 -3.1 109.06 +1.55 -3.0 109.08 +1 .56 -3.0 36.36 +.53 -3.7 10.00 +.14 +0.8 18.62 +.19 +4.0 29.68 +.47 +5.6 24.58 +.33 +4.9 173.97 +1.66 +11.7 159.66 +1.52 +11.6 35.27 +.34 +11.6 86.44 +2.59 +18.2 11.10 +.03 +4.4 14.07 +.02 +2.6 11.54 +.03 +4.1 11.00 +.01 +1.0 15.81 +.01 +0.5 107.07 +2.93 +13.3 110.97 +3.05 +13.4 22.18 +.50 +12.3 111.25 +1.07 +7.7

-2.1 e1.5 -4.3 +5.6 +3.4 +7.4

+9.0 -1.1 e9.2 -12.7 -30.3 +22.8 -1 5.0 -43.5 -66.0 +26.7 -2.0 e1 5.2 -13.7 e29.9 -24.3 -27.6 +24.2 -20.9 +1.1 -34.6 -32.7 +14.7

e1 0.3 +41.5 -28.7 +37.4 +1.9 -1 1.4 -17.9 -22.8 -1 6.2 -20.4 -1 4.0 -7.5 -1.9 +1 2.6 +3.3 e9.7 -8.5 e2.7 -2.9 e5.1 -8.2 +23.6 -1 8.9 +35.7 e5.6 -3.2 -2.9 -16.2 e61.8

S un Trst . 9 6 f

u44.75 +.88 + 6 .8 18.76 -.97 -6.9 7.87 -.11 -1 8.9 II.77 -.65 -81.1 23.47 +.15 -8.5 9.01 -.12 +195.4 u3.31 +.27 +1 26.7 36.35 +.30 -8.4 38.04 -.99 e41.2 38.50 e1.76 e7.6 62.20 -.21 -1.7 TECO .90 21.28 +2.84 +3.9 TJX .84 6 8.74 +.61 +. 2 TaiwSemi .73e 23.03 +.46 + 2.9 TakeTwo u31.14 +2.88 +11.1 Target 2 . 2 4f 84.69 e.78 e11.6 TeckResg .30m d8.68 -.21 -36.4 TeekayTnk .12 7.55 +.80 +49.2 Tegna .56 32.19 +.82 +26.1 T enaris . 9 0 e 25.31 -.50 -16.2 TenetHlth 58.73 -.70 +15.9 TeslaMet 274.66 e1 5.51 e23.5 T esoro 1 . 7 0u102.14 +3.74 +37.4 TevaPhrm 1.35e 63.56 +2.18 +10.5 T exlnst 1 . 3 6 49.36 +.35 -7.7 ThermoFis .60 135.75 +5.12 +8.3 3D Sys d15.79 -1.03 -52.0 3 M Co 4 . 1 0 156.69 +1.74 -4.6 TW Cable 3.00 u189.01 +5.51 +24.3 TimeWarn 1.40 u89.69 +1.06 +5.0 TiVo inc 10.28 -.03 -13.2 Transocn .60m 13.48 -1.14 -26.5 TurqHigRs 3.54 ... + 1 4.2 21stCFoxA .30 33.99 +.89 -11.5 21stCFoxB .30f 33.20 +.66 -1 0.0 Twitter 35.67 +.76 -.6 T ycolntl .8 2 38.40 +.68 -1 2.4 -.04 +7.1 Tyson .40 42.94 UltraPt g d9.72 -.72 -26.1 UnderArmr u87.22 +.98 +28.5 UnilevNV 1.39e 44.71 +.84 +14.5 UnionPac 2.20 97.42 -.40 -1 8.2 UtdContl 55.39 -.12 -1 7.2 U PS B 2 . 9 2 97.60 +.64 -1 2.2 Utd Rentals 81.26 -.13 -20.3 US Bancrp 1.02f u45.85 +2.41 +2.0 US NGas 13.86 +.56 -6.2 US OilFd 16.99 -.68 -1 6.6 U SSteel . 2 0 dt 7.80 -1.13 -33.4 UtdTech 2.56 110.74 +.56 -3.7 UtdhlthGp 2.00f u123.85 +1.70 +22.5

SupEnrgy .32 Supvalu SwNEng Symantec .60 SynrgyPh SynthBiol S ysco 1. 2 0 T-MobileUS TD Ameritr .60 TE Connect 1.32f




Energy bars

Continued from E1

Continued from E1 The company is based in


"As with most things that

have happened in my life, I kind of go with it," Andy said, adding that he k new noth›

suburban St. Louis, where Rivero lives with his wife, Maria, and their five chil›

ing about farming until they moved to Clintonville, about

dren. He left his job at Du› Pont last year, after more

35 miles west of Green Bay.

than nine years with the

Forsakingthe city

company, and serves as CEO of Huga. Mendoza con›

In Walworth, about 50 miles southwest of Milwaukee and

tinues to run his small law

firm in New York, working to build a market for Huga

near the Illinois border, Terry Woods milks a dozen cows

on his small farm where he’ s settingup a creamery and cheese-makingoperation. It’s quite a contrast from his previous life in Los Angeles and Chicago, where he owned and later managed comput› er technology businesses and traveled constantly.

"I spent most of my time fly› ing back and forth across the country," Woods said.

His foray into farming came from wanting some land and a place to live outside Chicago, where he and his wife could raise a few animals and some

crops. They found a 120-acre farm that’s now their home and livelihood. Woods sold his computer business in less than a week and has never looked back.

"You just leave one commu› nity and go to another one," he said about the transition to

Mark Hoffman/Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

Before becoming a dairy farmer, Andy Herro was a dancer with Pilobolus Dance Theater in New York.

shift at a hospital, and farming N ow they h ave a f a r m part time, to becoming a full› named City Slickers, where time farmer with a few hun› they specialize in raising calves dred hens and a business that from the implanted embryos of sells fresh eggs, poultry and purebred dairy cattle. pork to restaurants and gro› The farm started as a small cery stores. operation but has grown to "It was hard, and it was very birthing hundreds of calves a expensive. If you don’t love year. Some of the calves, highly farming, don’t even attempt valued for their genetics, have this because it’s a huge commit› sold for more than $10,000. ment and a day-and-night job," Still, as with other types of Lein said. farming, many things are out Her farm also has a cafe that of thefarmer's control. "In my old life, I could al› hosts special events. Now, Lein said, she would ways negotiate a transaction, never go back to working for but with farming, you are up someone else. against Mother Nature, and she "Everything we have today doesn’t negotiate," Hellenbrand we started from the bottom up," said. she said. Like Herro, Hellenbrand is busy enough running a farm

farming, adding that he doesn’ t Uves reconsidered miss the city and purposely When he was on Wall Street, runs his farm with as little tech› Mike Hellenbrand'sprevious nology as possible. job as senior managing director W oods, originally f r om at Bear Stearns 8 Co. induded Cleveland, hadn’t been to Wis› handling billions of dollars in consin until he bought the farm mortgage securitization deals. and found a new way of life. He and his wife, Linda, lived "I like small towns ... I can

on the 17th floor of a Manhat› go to the grocery store and see tan high-rise and were at the

people I know. It’s a totally dif› pinnacle of their careers when ferent environment than every

that he doesn’t have time to re›

in that part of the country.

Rivero, 41, said there was Courtesy Huga Bars via Tribune News Service talk of basing the compa› Huga bars reflect foods that founders Luis Rivero and Luis Mendony in New York or Miami, za and their wives enjoyed in Venezuela. where his parents live. But after talking with his wife, they decided to stay in St. to appear in select Schnucks crazy society where people are Louis. stores within the next month or not taking time to eat meals and "People in St. Louis love so. Schnuck Markets spokes› looking for ways to grab on the to support local. They go man Paul Simon said demand run," Diekman said. And, she crazy when you talk local," for nutrition and energy bars said, there often is a perception Rivero said. continues to increase. that there is something special "We’ re dedicating more shelf about nutrition bars that can’ t Huga bars are currently for sale online and at a few space and more variety to these be achieved through foods. "They are not magic," she retail spots including the Al› bars," Simon said. pine Shop, a camping and The continued growth of the sard. hiking gear store with four industry is no surprise to Con› Maybe not. But Huga’s goal locations in Missouri and Illinois.

is to "make the world more

nie Diekman, director of uni› versity nutrition at Washington

flavorful and nutritious," its founders say. One bar at a time.

’’We always like to sup› University.

"They are a function of our

port local since we are lo›

cal," said Angela Roam, the company’s camping buyer. "And they are gluten-free and GMO-free, and we look for that kind of thing."


The bars, which sell for

$2.75 each, are expected

live his past life in the city. "Sometimes I will see a par›

ticular place on television, and I remember having lunch or a meeting there, but that’s about

as close as I get to it now," he sa1d. His friends from the city don’t visit the farm, either. "It’s not something they can understand because they

Struggling to hear? Call for your

the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist at› day getting on an airplane," he tacks changed their worlds and think milk comes from the said. prompted them to reconsider grocery store," Hellenbrand Some former city dwellers, their lives. quipped.

such as Lynn Lein, always longed to live on a farm. Lein grew up in Milwaukee and worked many years in the medical field before she began farming. Now she owns Yuppie Hill Poultry, a chicken and hog


See us for retractable awnings, exterior solar screens, shadestructures. Sun whenyou wantit. shade whenyou needit.

business. Lein started with a dozen

hens and a desire to provide eggs for her family and friends. Her neighbors called the hens "yuppies" because they lived in


such a nice hen house, and the



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6 7 2.93 142.80






11 4 .77










68. 3 0





1 3 4 .52



14. 8



19.0 1





13 6 .55



I1 1







23 9 . 76





13 4 .17





4 8 3 .01



11. 1







69. 7 9





18.1 0





-0.2 Ohr Pharmaceutical O HRP 1.9 Remy Intl REMY 82.4 Partner Commun PTNR -43.4 Sorrento Therapeut S RNE -2.9 Affimed NV AFMD 56.6 Cellcom Israel Ltd CEL -41.8 Ocular Therapeutix O CUL 148.1 Asterias Biothera AST 30.3 Lipocine Inc L PC N 34.9 Epirus Biopharm EPRS 38.3 Internet Gold-Golden IGLD 33.6 Star Bulk Carriers SBLK 29.8 Calithera Bioscience GAL A 52.9 Dryships Inc DRYS 17.0 Neothetics lnc NEOT


3.68 29. 4 3

3.69 23. 7 2 21. 9 3 5.00 27. 4 2 5.49 1 1 .0 2 7.76 6.21 3.29 8.66 0.68 12. 3 6



1.41 8.90 1.08 6.63 6.04 1.28 6.60 1.25 2.51 1.76 1.36 0.72 1.89 0.14 2.45





32. 7


4 1.4

67. 0





























10 WORST LARGE-CAP STOCKS Barrlck Gold Goldcorp Inc Mewmont Mining KLA-Tencor Corp Enbrldge Energy Ptrs Applied Matls Sunoco Logistics Coach Inc Michael Kors Hldgs Energy Transfer Eqty









































-1 1.3










-50.0 60 Global Tech - 40.6 Code Rebel Corp -14.8 Atlas Res Ptrs LP -4.1 Llfeway Foods -1.8 Travelzoo Inc -20.0 Breltburn Energy -15.0 Penn VA Corp -0.4 Emerge EnergySvcs -49.1 Peabody EnergyCorp 14.1 Quantum DSS

s&P 500 Frankfurt DAX London FTSE100 Hong Kong HangSeng Paris CAC-40 Tokyo Mikkei 225

LAST FRI. CHG 21 26.64 +2.35 11673.42 -43.34 6775.08 -21.37 25415.27 +25z49 51 24.39 +asg 20650.92 +50.80

FRI. CHG WK MO QTR YTD +0.11% L L +3.29% -0.37% L L >19.05% -0.31% +3.18% +7.67% +1 00% +0.06% t19.93% +0.25% +18.34%


-60.58 -56.9 Buenos Aires Merval 1 2 377.74 -19.52 Mexico City Bolsa 45325.38 0.0 Sao paolo Bovespa 52363.47 620.47 0.0 Toronto s&p/Tsx 14642.84 -88.24 67.1 /AFRICA -29.6 EUROPE

-0.49% X X -0.04% L X

4 4

+ 44.28 % +5.05%

1.1 7% T -0.60% L


+4.71% + 0.07%

-35.1 Amsterdam -74.7 Brussels Madrid 0.0 Zurich -79.2 Milan 0.0 Johannesburg Stockholm

-0.12% L -0 06’I L -0.25% L -O.t 4% -0.07% -0.24% -0.04%


500.43 -0.58 -2.12 3834.35 1165.04 -2.97 9446.17 -12.79 -17.73 23765.41 52723.72 -125.40 -0.65 1635.47

V v

+17 90’/



t11.76% +5.1 5% +25.00%

+5.93% +11.67%

























-1 3.6

Seoul Composite Singapore Straits Times -68.3 Sydney All Ordinaries 15.7 Taipei Talex -46.7 Shanghai Composite




































2076.79 -11.10 3353.45 +1 4.59


+0.44% 5652.54 + 2 . 75 +0.05% 9045.98 + 3 . 77 +0.04% 4 3957.35 +134.17 +3.51%


+8.42% -0.35% +4 90% -2.81% +22.34%

Quotable "I don’t think I’ ve coordinated a (traditional) funeral in a long time because they’ re depressing things." Funeral home operatorMatt Linn,one of many in the industry to hold weddings and other events to improve revenue

Note: Stocks classified by market capitalization, the product of the current stock price and total shares outstanding. Ranges are$100 million to $1 billion (small); $1 billion to $8 billion (mid); greater than $8billion (large).



Sparkling Ice drinks seem to have become popular out of nowhere. The drinks are packaged in skinny plastic bottles, come in fruity flavors and are made with the artificial sweetener sucralose. Parent company Talking Rain has branched out into ice teas and lemonade, and all of its beverages have zero calories. Although the brand was created in 1992, it didn’t make a big national push until 201 0. And now, Talking Rain says it Is pulling in more than $500 million in annual sales. Here's what CEO KevinKlockhad to say about the beverage industry: Many competitors have come out with similar products, including Coca-Cola with Fruitwater. Yet you say you' re still growing. Why Is that?

Kevin Klock CEO of Talking Rain

I’m not sure I know the answer. But If you look at the history of beverages in the last 15 years 5-Hour Energy, Vitaminwater, Muscle Milk the first-to-market dominates, for whatever reason. The No. 2 player is usually a long way behind. It seems that first-to-market advantage Is important.

The big traditional diet sodas have been seeing declining sales. What do you think Is the problem? The word "diet" Is horrible. We added the word diet on our package in 2009, and that lasted about three months. Sales were plummeting. We don’t advertise anything about health. We’ re about fLtn and refreshment. We act like an indulgent brand, we just happen to be zero calories.

What kind of marketing do you Invest in? Two years ago, we had a national advertising campaign to establish ourselves. Last year, because we knew this Several food makers have said they' re competition was coming, there was a lot of removing artificial ingredients. Is that building the brand in the streets. Display something you' re looking at? ads, those kind of things. On the sweetener side,nobody's been able This year, we’ ve got an online campaign. to make a zero-calorie, natural sweetener Major cities are seeing outdoor advertising. taste good. And we hired a chief marketing officer in If you look at brands that have taken that February. route, there’s no indication that in the

beverage space that there’s demand for this. Why do you think that is? When people look at fruits and vegetables, they can understand "natural" a little better. But when it’s served to you in a can or In a bottle, or they know it had to be manufac› tured somewhere, it’s a much harder sell.

Have you beenapproached byCoca~la, PepsICo or DrPepper about an acquisition? Those guys don’t approach guys at our size. It’s not something we’ re focused on. We’ re really pleased with where we’ re at. The financial results are there. We’ re profitable, we’ re growing rapidly. Interviewed by Candice Choi. Answers edited for clarity and length. AP

Index closing andweekly net changesfor the week ending Friday, July 17, 2015




NASDaa ~ 21 2 44 5,210.14


S&P500 2,126.64

RUSSELL2000 I,267.09


15 07









Why does acomputer control my windows?

e Cci SS ee By Barry Spyker Tribune News Service

So, the fastest, most power›

By Brad Bergholdt

wires. By sharing sensor infor› mation perhaps only one infor› mation sensor is needed as op›

Tribune News Service

ful sedan in the world we’ re talking 707 horses is deliv›

• I’m loving my new • car but wonder why posed to five. Instead of a pas› it uses a computer to roll the senger side window receiving windows up and down and power via a lengthy and con› turn on the lights. That’ s voluted path from the driver’ s what I’ ve been told, any› side switch, the driver’s control way. Why would an auto› switch now sends a low cur› maker choose this setup? rent (highly reliable) request

ered to my driveway, and the driver hands me two key fobs.

The black one, he says, tames the monster a tad, limiting its horses to 500. The red one

opens up the gates of hell, or in this case, Hellcat. "So tell me again," I ask with

What happens when some› to the network, and the control

a smile, "why you brought that black one?" Though I know

thing breaks’?

R EVIEW many of

troller area network. It’s a

and direct path. The window

would be asking

management system that

the same question, stay with me

automakers overthe past

m otorreceives a stronger and more reliable power flow and

here. The black fob to this 2015 Webb Bland i Courtesy Dodge via Tribune News Service Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat The 2015 Dodge Charger Hellcat has atop speed rated at ajaw-dropping 204 mph. could be the key to convincing yourself (or your spouse) that this bad boy can be taught to be› Bilstein shocks absorb the stability and traction control. havewellenough tobeadopted. bumps and lumps on the road, Front-seat side-impact air bags, In fact, the Charger Hellcat, and on corners, body lean is driver knee bags and side-cur› as opposed to its even more within a reasonable range. tain bags are also all standard. devilish Challenger Hellcat The suspension, by the way, Though the Hellcat is king of Base price: $62,295 cousin,offers arguments that can be adjusted via the vehi› the mountain, three other racy Astested: $68,375 cle’s UConnect infotainment trims are new to the Charger it is not just a racer but a com› Type:four-door, rear-wheel fortable full-size sedan. The system screen. Other settings lineup this year. The R/T has a drive full-sized sedan 5.7-liter V-8 with sport exhausts Charger comes only with an can be messed with there too. Engine:6.2-liter super› automatic transmission, while Steering i s not BMW › and suspension, upgraded charged 16-valve V-8en› boasting asofter suspension sharp but is adequate for a brakes, rear spoiler and 20-inch and smoother ride. It also is qui› gine; 707 horsepower 4,575-pound rear-wheel ve› wheels. eter, Dodge says, due to added hide. Stopping the brute is a The R/T Scat Pack gets a Mileage:13mpg city, 22 insulation under the hood and tough set of Brembo brakes 485-horsepower 6.4-liter V-8, mpg highway exhaust-noise reducers. There’ s w ith 1 5.4-inch r otors a n d air-intake hood, firmer suspen› six-piston calipers up front. more room in the back seat for sion and Brembo brakes. Inside the little ones too. Hellcat gets its own 20-inch are aluminum-trimmed pedals But make no mistake, the can produce 650 pound-feet of forged-alloy wheels that come and three-way power steer› Charger Hellcat is an insanely torque at 4,800 rpm. in a variety of finishes and ing selection. Then comes the fast, road-eating beast. From Feeding it all the air it can boast Hellcat badges, which SRT 392, which getsthebigger the moment you hear that first snort is done through a broad should have been made bigger Brembo brakes, upgraded sus› growl to the neck- and gut-tight› mesh grille and air intakes and badder. I had to kneel and pension, adjustable shocks and ening rush of an 11-second atop the aluminum hood. Feed give them a good look to see leather/suede upholstery. quarter-mile, the Hellcat is ev› it premium fuel, too, or it likely what they were. But only the popular Hellcat Dodge is said to be scram› erything it is cracked up to be. will bite your head off. It gets 13 Dodge offers a number of It can charge to 60 mph in 3.7 miles per gallon around town electronic assists when it comes bling to keep up with orders takes the power to the limit, seconds, which is two-tenths of and 22 on the highway, accord› to safety. Among them: rear a second behind the Challeng› ing to Environmental Protec› parking sensors, blind-spot pushing the speed and force er, for the record. But its top tion Agency figures. warning with rear cross-traffic and might to an absolutely Its 8-speed transmission has alert. A new frontal collision stunning 707 horsepower. speed is rated at a jaw-dropping 204 mph, which is 5 mph higher little choice but to run through and mitigation system will initi› If that sounds intimidating, than Challenger. the gears swiftly, but it does so ate braking if the driver doesn’ t rest easy. Dodge throws in a called In the belly of the beast is a smoothly and with precision. in order to avoid an imminent one-day instructional 6.2-liter supercharged 16-valve You might enjoy taking over crash. the SRT Driving Experience V-8 engine which builds 707 with the paddle shifters, but to teach you how to ride the All Chargers get an anti-lock horsepower at 6,000 rpm and you won’t do any better. braking system as well as beast to its fullest.

two decades have inte› grated in order to provide smarter, light-weight and reliable control of body systems. With as many as

m odule responsibleforpassenger-side functions orders up • short for body con› window operation via a short


• Welcome to B-CAN,


2015 Dodge ChargerSRT Hellcat




the driver’s switch lasts almost

forever. A software reflash m ay also be employed to enhance operationor allow new

features. Should a fault occur, B-CAN

50 control units sharing in›

formation, some very cool functions can be made pos› sible. For example, a driver approaches the car and presses the unlock button on his fob (or perhaps ap› proaches with fob in pock› et). The door unlocks, in› terior illumination springs to life, the seat and mirrors move to his preferred posi-

can likely execute a fail-safe

mode, identify the general cause and store a diagnostic trouble code. A

t e c hnician

can use a scan tool to validate switch commands and other shared data, and execute com›

mands to check for proper con› trol module and component operation. There’s still a need

to check certain things the hard way, but the possibility of unnecessary disassembly or component replacement is reduced. Diagnosis/repair will

tion and the favorite radio station is selected. With the

driver driving, the doors lock automatically as 8 mph is reached. The climate need to beperformed by the control system uses GPS dealer or a heads-up indepen› position, direction of travel, dentshop. ambient temperature and While highly reliable, the ex› time of day (sun position) to plosive growth in modules and fine tune each zone of the

features does up the odds of an

system in compensation occasional fault or the possible for sun-load. This is just a need for a software reflash to glimpse of how multiple correct buggy operation. Own› modules cooperating can ers should be aware that a dead produce great results! batterymay require a profesAnother B-CAN benefit sionally performed relearn is a significant reduction procedure to get all modules to in vehicle wiring and in› be happy, and a jump starting creased reliability. One data error could bring devastating wire can carry dozens of results. B-CAN is somewhat messages from one mod› similar to your home’s commu› ule on the car to all others, nication/data network. When’ s eliminating perhaps 50 the last time it broke?

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AND A new Mcl(enziePassRoadRacewil test the country’s top cyclists in the36th annual CCC By Mark Morlcal • The Bulletin

ace director Chad Sperry claims it might be the longest, toughest stage ever in the 36-year history of Central Oregon’s signature cycling event. The Cascade Cycling Classic presented by Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon will start Wednesday with the revamped McKenzie Pass Road Race. The new stage, a mix of several past stages of the race, will present a daunting 125 miles for the pro men and 81 miles for the pro women. Starting in Madras, the stage will kick off five days of professional road cycling throughout Central Oregon. Each year, Sperry says, riders in the CCC say they would like to see harder stages. Sperry tried to provide that last year with the Warm Springs Road Race, but that stage

the first of the race

was replaced with another when wildfires moved within a few miles of the planned route just two days before the race.

Continued back page



• Astage› by-stage breakdown of the CCC • Previews of the men’s and women’s fields What: The36thannualCascadeCyclingClassicpresented by Regence BlueCrossBlueShield of Oregon is afive-stage professional road race with a timetrial, a criterium, two road races and acircuit race. When: Wednesdaythrough Sunday Where: Central Oregon,with starts in Madras, Prineville and Bend;andfinishes on McKenzie Pass, in Prineville, at Mount Bachelor, and inBend 2014champions: Serghei Tvetcov (men} and LaurenStephens (women}



e •



Bend’s Horner back in his home race iven his druthers, Chris Horner would probably But the 43-year-old cyclist

from Bend is instead racing in the Cascade Cycling

race that year. Airgas-Safeway

Classic, with a legitimate

team director is Bart Bow›

chance to win his home› town race.

en, also of Bend and a for› Ho r ner

Espana champion, signed with Airgas-Safeway, a sec›

David Zimbalman 1986:Alan McCormick 1987:Brian Walton


1988:Todd Gorski

1989:Michael Carter 1990: MikeEngleman 1991:Greg Orazetz 1992:Cezary Zemana 1993:Bart Bowen 1994:Mike Engleman 1995: MikeEngleman 1996:Marty Jemison

mer Tour de France rider was not invited to May’s

has posted solid results in other races. He finished fifth in the U.S. professional road race champion› ship in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in May, and he was seventh overall

riders on the team.

Horner has raced in the Tour de France six times, placing as high as ninth overall in 2010. Before racing for years in Europe, he en› joyed considerable success on the U.S. domestic circuit. Now he is back in his old stomping grounds.


at the Redlands Bicycle Classic in

California in April.

Jonathan Vaughters

Battling Horner will be Fran› cisco Mancebo of Spain, a two›


Lance Armstrong 1999:Scott Moninger 2000:Scott Moninger 2001:Scott Moninger 2002:Chris Wherry 2003:Tom Danielson 2004:Mike Creed 2005:Scott Moninger 2006:Chris Wherry

time Cascade champion (2011› 12) who now rides for Canyon Bicycles-Shimano.

While Horner has raced a few

Stage 2:CrookedRiver TimeTrial


gest race in the U.S. But Horner

he told velonews.corn that he was hoping to be a mentor to younger

• The 36th annualCascadeCycling Classicstarts Wednesdayand concludes July 26

1984:Dale Stetina

Tour of California, the big›

ond-year UCI Continental team, in December of last year. At the time,

1983:Dale Stetina

won it. He was part of a two-man Astana team that competed in the 2008 CCC. Horner’s teammate Levi Leipheimer won the

rather be racing in France

MEN 1980:Ron Hayman 1981:Mark Cahn 1982:Alexi Grewal

times in the Cascade, he has never

right now.

Horner, the 2013 Vuelta a


— Mark Moricaf


The Bulletin file photo

Cleudia Hausler of Germanywon the women's McKenzie Pass Road Race the last time it wos staged, in 2013. The stage returns this year, but with o revamped route that is longer than before.

::.Stage1: ,McKenziePass ::RoadRace

Madras STiglP. JeffersonCounty Middle School

n 2012, Kristin Armstrong 1ed

Cycling Classic tshetheleftCascade Central Oregon ear› after three stages

2008:Levi Leipheimer 2009:Oscar Sevilla



California, also in May. Racing for Tvventyl6, Armstrong, from Boise, Idaho, will be aiming for

ly to get to London for the

Summer Olympics. There, she won her sec› ond gold medal in the time

her third overall title at the

trial. Then she decided to

Armstrong Cascade. She won the race retire from professional in 2005 and 2008, and she cycling. likely would have won in 2012 if Aiming for her third gold medal she had not left early for London. in the 2016 Olympics in Rio, ArmArms t rong is the only U.S. strong has come out of retirem ent

w o m e n’s cyclist with multiple

this season and plans to race n i the CCC once again.

Olym pic gold medals, and if she qualifies for the Rio Olympics,

1988:Phyllis Hines 1989:Cathy Hart 1990:Sally Zack

Armstrong, 41, won the U.S.

she could try to become the first

Time Trial Championship in Chattanooga, Tennessee, in May. She finished eighth in the U.S.

female cyclist to win three golds in t h e same event.


Kimberly Bruckner 2003:Lyne Bessette 2004:

Christine Thorburn



Kids race set for July 26 The Cascade Cycling Classic kids race is scheduled for Sunday,

do not have one.

July 26, at 1:30 p.m. at the Cen›

yard sprint and ages 5 to 7 will complete one lap around the park› ing lot. Ages 8 to 10 will do three laps, and ages 11 to 13 will race five laps.

From front page This year, he thinks he has found the right mix of Central Oregon roads to make for the t oughest start ever t o


America’s longest-running road cycling stage race. "We started thinking outside

the box," Sperry says. "The city of Madras came forward and

said they’d really love to be in› volved in the race. So the piec› es fell into place to do a huge sweep starting from Madras. We’ ll come down the east side of Madras through some really cool neighborhoods with beau› tiful views of the Cascades.

remain unchanged for the most part. Thursday’s second stage will be th e 16-mile Crooked River Time Trial, an out-and› back course f rom P r i neville


While most of the country’ s

rnaround Crooked River

Prinevi lie Reservoir

Joe Kline i The Bulletin file photo

Joanne Kiesonowski won the Downtown Criterium last year.

one. The nonstop action of cyclists speeding around four corners in downtown Bendmakesthis a must-see stage. Pretty much anyplace along the route makes for good viewing. Thefinish line is usually packed with spectators.




Stage 5:AwdreyButte Circuit Race

TumaloReservoir Rd.

Pro monstage1 elevation


Stage 3:Cascadelakes RoadRace

5,000 ft.

STitnT:Sand Summit High School

CascadeLakesHwy. 6

4,000 ft.

Tumalo Reeivoir Rd. MILES 0

3,000 ft.



Sunrise Lodge, Mt. Bachelorski area

2,500 ft.

0 10 mi. 20 30

4 0 50








Slate Park

Century Drive

1 0 0t 10 123 mi.

Pro womenstage 1 olevalion 5,000 ft. 4,000 ft.

2013:Kristin McGrath

2014:Lauren Stephens

3,000 ft.

rane Prairie Reservoi g ag

2,500 ft.


to mi.







GregCross/The Bulletin

Pro Men Extansfon Men ridetwo counterclockwiselaps

ntplr /Iy




81.4 mi

WEDNESDAY When:Pro men, 10a.m. start, 125 miles; pro women, 11 a.m. start, 81 miles. Breaking down thestage:Wednesday'sstage1oftheCCC includes a new twist on the McKenziePassRoadRace.The stage will start at Jefferson County Middle School in Madrasandtake riders southeast ing the classic climb from Bend fazed by not being on the NRC." through Prineville and thenbacknorth and west through Redmond. From Bend’s Chris H orner, now to Mount Bachelor. Saturday is Redmond, cyclists ride west andpass through Sisters, then maketheir the spectator-friendly D own› racing for Airgas-Safeway, will way up the finishing climb to the top of McKenziePassalong state High› t own Tw ilight C r iterium, a t look for his first-ever win in his way 242. Thepro men’s race, 125 miles, is one of the longest stages in which fans can eat, drink, and hometown race. The 43-year› the history of the CCC. watch some of th e country’ s old Horner, the 2013 Vuelta a place to watch:Arrive early at the DeeWright Observatory at the top cyclists speed around the Espana champion, is racing for Best top of McKenziePass towatch the finish. streets of downtown Bend on a a domesticteam after years of four-corner circuit. racing in Europe and the Tour The Cascade concludes Sun› de France. day with the Awbrey Butte Cir› Challenging Horner will be cuit Race, a challenging course Francisco Mancebo of Spain, a throughwest Bend and Tumalo two-time Cascade winner (201 1› and along the east edge of Aw› 12) who now rides for Canyon brey Butte. The stage starts and Bicycles-Shimano. finishes near Central Oregon On the women’s side, two› Community College. time Olympic time trial gold

top races are part of USA Cy› for the men. The women will cling’s National Racing Calen› cut off early and head to Red› dar (NRC), the CCC is not on mond. We’ ve mixed old with the NRC this season. Because new, and we’ ve pieced several the race was between sponsors stages together to create what I when applications for the NRC call a ’super stage.’" were due last year, organizers The stage will finish with a decided not to apply for NRC climb from Sisters to the top of status, according to Sperry. McKenzie Pass. (Regence is now the main spon› "The thing that will really set sor after Bend Memorial Clinic this apart as far as the fatigue ended its sponsorship last year.) "We decided to go ahead and factor is going to be the heat, the crosswinds, and then the length just go on our own, but still of the race," Sperry says. "It’ ll have the same prize money, the be interesting to see how that same operations and still be plays out in the dynamics of a big-time race," Sperry says. that particular stage." Other stages in the CCC will

2011:Janel Holcomb 2012:Alison Powers

— Bulletin stall report

We’ ll head down to Prineville

Crooked River Highway

2010:Mara Abbott

Kids ages 2 to 4 will race a 50›

tral Oregon Community College parking lot behind the library off Northwest College Way in Bend. Registration runs from 12:30 to 1:15 p.m. Helmetsare required. The race is open to kids ages 2 For more information, call to 13 free of charge, and every par› Molly Cogswell-Kelley at 541-388› ticipant receives an award. Bikes 0002 or email molly@mbsef.org. will be available for children who

Kristin Armstrong 2006:Kristen LaSasso 2007:No race 2008:Kristin Armstrong 2009:Evelyn Stevens


RBISH: Delf Wright Observatory, McKenziePass

WOMEN 1986:Robin Sewell 1987:Alison Sydor

1991-1998:No race 1999:Stacey Peters 2000:Jessica Phillips 2001:Amber Neben

— Mark Morical

Sis s



l I

Stage 3:CascadeLakesRoadRace

Francisco Mancebo Francisco Mancebo 2013:Serg heiTvetcov 2014:Serghei Tvetcov

ver Par


SATURDAY When:Pro women, 5:45 p.m. start, 50 minutes; pro men, 7p.m. start, 75 minutes. , :::Breakingdownthe stage: Always : ::a spectator favorite, this stage .::’brings the cycling action into the ,:::heartof downtown Bend.The ::’start/finish line is located onWall . :Street, close to the intersection ,::’with Franklin Avenue.Eachlap in› ::’cludes four 90-degree turns as the ,::fields make their wayaround and ,::’around a counterclockwise circuit : :’made up ofWall Street, Idaho :::Avenue, BondStreet and Oregon ,::Avenue. Expect high speeds onthe : :’straightaways andplenty of action , ::along the way asriders fight for ,::’sprint points at intermediate stag› es of the race. : :'Best place towatch: If you can .::’watch only one stage, make it this

SUNDAY, JULY26 : ::When:Pro men, 1 p.m. start, five laps, 82 miles; pro women, 1:05 p.m. start, three laps, 49 miles. . ::'Breaking down the stage: Both races will start off Northwest College . :Way in west Bend, nearCentral Oregon Community College, and finish FRIDAY .:with a steep climb up Northwest Summit Drive, also near COCC.The When:Pro men, 8:30a.m. start,111miles; pro women, 9:50a.m. start, .::’hilly, looping final stage of theCascadeCycling Classic passes by both 73 miles. .::’Shevlin Park andTumalo State Park and includes astiff climb up Archie Breaking down the stage: Both races start at Bend’s Summit High : :’Briggs Road where the strongest climbers often maketheir moves› School and finish at Mt. Bachelor ski area’s Sunrise Lodge. Both fields . ::’toward the end ofeachcircuit. will head west along Century Drive past Mount Bachelor, then south on . :Best place to watch:Theclimb up Archie Briggs Road is THEplace to the Cascades LakesHighway. Themenwill circle Crane Prairie Reservoir .:::watch some of the best U.S.cyclists earn their livings. The pro menwill twice before heading back onForest Service roads 40 and 45toward :::ride it a lung- and leg-busting five times. Thefinishing climb could make Sunrise Lodge at Mt. Bachelor and the finish. : for a dramatic conclusion on the final stage. Best place to watch:Thefinish at Sunrise Lodge should feature an ex› citing sprint among the cyclists in the leadgroup.

Rory Sutherland

the time trial at the Tour of


women' s reels


R o ad Race Championship, also in hattanooga inMay. And shewon

STA Croo

anPro man.'s....:

2007:Phil Zajicek

2-time Olympic gold medalist returns to CCC

THURSDAY When:Pro men,10a.m. start,16 miles; pro women, start time TBA after men, 16 miles. Breaking down the stage: The .::’time-trial stage is basedout of . ::’Crooked River Park in Prineville. ::’Cyclists will race on anout-and› .:::back route on theCrooked River :::Highway, which follows the path ,:::of the Crooked River south of .::’Prineville. The route is relatively .::’flat but gently rises on theway out ::and descends onthe way back. .::’Participants will ride out about : :’halfway to Prineville Reservoir ::’before turning around and heading back to Prineville. . ::'Best place towatch:Timetrials ::’are not themost exciting racesfor :::spectators, but theaerodynamic .::’gear the riders use isfairly interest› : ::ing. Themostaccessibleplaceto ::’watch is thestart/finish area near Crooked RiverPark.

Stage 4:Downtown TwilightCriterium


Sawyer Park


Wickiup Reservoir



La Pine

Stage 3 elevation



6,500 a 6,000 a 5,500tt. 5,000tt. 4,500tt. 4,000tt.

Stage 5olovaUon 3,800 fL

0 1 0 mi. 2 0








t 00 1 10 mi

Greg Cross / The Bulletin

3,600 n 3,400 ft. 3,200 fL

0 tmi. z




e 7


9 10 tt 12 ts 1 4 1 5 1emi. Greg Cross/The Bulletin

medalist K r i stin A r m s trong has come out of retirement and

plans to race in Central Oregon with her team, Twenty16. Arm› strong, 41, is a two-time winner

of the CCC. Being staged a week later


than usual this year, the Cas›

SI Sy Rege 11CC

cade will provide good prepa› ration for the Tour of Utah, a


prestigious stage race set for Aug. 3-9. "Being a week later on the


calendar, it makes for a very

Vpesen g ©rtettotttttf /Orthopedics

good swing into the Tour of Utah," Sperry says. "In the past



there was two weeks between

Cascade and Utah. With only one week, a lot of the pro teams cool to see is our fields are just and the riders will hang around as good this year if not better Bend for another couple of days. than the past. It’s been great to They’ ll do some recovery rides see that no matter what, the rid› beforeheading to Ogden,Utah." ers and teams have such a pas› The Cascade Cycling Classic sion for this event and for Bend. is produced by and a benefit for


"The thing that’s been really

along the meandering Crooked Not that we won’t be involved the Mt. Bachelor Sports Educa› River. with the NRC going forward. tion Foundation. Friday’s stage 3 is the Cas› But the level of competition and — Reporter: 541-383-0318, cade Lakes Road Race, featur› the quality of the fields were un› mmorical®bendbulletin.corn



Produced byand a benefit for Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation www. mbsef. org • 541 . 388. 0002

INSIDE BOOKS W Editorials, F2 Commentary, F3


O www.bendbulletin.corn/opinion







Obama’s deal with Iran is folly r



hen you write a column, as did I two weeks ago, head›


lined "The worst agreement

in U.S. diplomatic history," you don’ t expect to revisit the issue. We had


hit bottom. Or so I thought. Then on

Tuesday the final terms of the Ira› nian nuclear deal were published. I was wrong. Who would have imagined we would be giving up the conventional arms and ballistic missile embargoes on Iran’? In nuclear negotiations’? When asked at his Wednesday news conference why there is noth›

ing in the deal about the four Amer› ican hostages being held by Iran,





President Barack Obama explained

j ]

this is a separate issue, not part of nuclear talks. Are conventional weapons not

a separate issue? After all, conven›


tional, by definition, means non-nu›

clear. Why are we giving up the embargoes? Because Iran, joined by Russia our "reset" partner sprung the demand at the last-minute, calcu› lating that Obama and Secretary of

State John Kerry were so desperate for a deal they would cave. They did.


Terrence McCoy / The Washington Post

Alfred Postell, a homeless man, was being arraigned before a D.C. Superior Court judge when it came out that they were both 1979 Harvard law graduates, along with U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts.

And have convinced themselves they

scored a victory by delaying the lift› ing by five to eight years. (Ostensibly. The language is murky. The interval could be considerably shorter.) The most serious issue is not Irani› an exports but Iranian imports



sophisticated Russian and Chinese weapons. These are untouchable. We are not going to attack Russian and

Chinese transports. The net effect of this capitulation will be not only to endanger our Middle East allies now under threat

from Iran and its proxies, but also to endanger our own naval forces in the

Persian Gulf. The other major shock in the final deal is what happened to our

insistence on "anytime, anywhere" inspections. Underthe final agree›


ment, Iran has the right to deny in›

ternational inspectors access to any undeclared nuclear site. The denial

is then adjudicated by a committee on which Iran sits. It then goes through several other bodies Iran sits on all of them. Even if the inspec›

tors’ request prevails, the approval process can take 24 days.

• Alfred Postell was a distinguished lawyerwith three degreesbefore schizophrenia hit

And what do you think will be left

to be found, left unscrubbed, after 24 days? The whole process is farcical. The action now shifts to Congress. The debate is being hailed as mo›

Terrence McCoye The Washington Post


University, was admitted to Constitution Hall. I swore

mentous. It is not. It’s irrelevant.

he judge settled his gaze on the homeless man the Oath of Office as an attorney at Constitution Hall

Congress won’t get to vote on the deal until September. But Obama

accused of sleeping beside an office building in i n 1979; graduated from Harvard Law School in 1979."

is taking the agreement to the U.N.

Security Council for approval within days. Approvaltherewillcancel all previous U.N. resolutions outlaw›

ing and sanctioning Iran’s nuclear activities.

Meaning: Whatever Congress ultimately does, it won’t matter be›

cause the legal underpinning for the entire international sanctions regime

against Iran will have been disman› tled at the Security Council. Ten years of painstakingly constructed international sanctions will vanish overnight, irretrievably. Should Congress then give up? No. Congress needs to act to rob this deal of, at least, its domestic legitimacy. Rejection will make little difference

on the ground. But it will make it easierfora successor president to

legitimately reconsider an executive agreement (Obama dare not call it a treaty

it would be instantly rejected

by theSenate)thatgarneredsuchpathetically little backing in either house of Congress. It’s a future hope, but amid dire

circumstances. By then, Iran will be flush with cash, legitimized as a nor› mal international actor in good stand› ing, recognized (as Obama once said) as "a very successful regional power." Stopping Iran from going nuclear at that point will be infinitely more diffi› cult and risky. Which is Obama’s triumph. He has locked in his folly. He has laid down his legacy and we will have to live withtheconsequencesfordecades. — Charles Krauthammer is a columnist for The Washington Post.

downtown Washington.

That got Motley’s attention. He’ d

It was a Saturday afternoon in early

also graduated from Harvard Law .-" *:

A pril atD.C. Superior Court, and Alfred Postell, a diagnosed schizophrenic,


School in 1979. II t

stood before Judge Thomas Motley.

"Mr. Postell, so did I," Motley said. "I remember you."

Postell’s hair was medium length

This homeless man

who totes

and graying. His belly spilled over his

his belongings in white plastic bags,

pants. A tangled beard hung from his

haunts a downtown intersection and

jowls. "You have the right to remain silent,"

sometimes sleeps at a church

law alongside U.S. Chief Justice John

a deputy clerk told Postell, according

Roberts. and former Wisconsin Sen.

to a transcript of the arraignment. "Anything yOu Say, Other than tO yOur

attOrney, Can be uSed againSt yOu." "I’m a lawyer," Postell replied. Motley i gnored


Russ Feingold. All of them graduated The Washington Post

Alfred Postell, a graduate ofthe

University of Maryland and Harvard Law, at his Harvard graduation. He is currently homeless and living in the

Washington area.

t h e s e emingly

frOm HarVard in 1979. M Otl e y,


d eCl i n ed



interviewed for this story, paused for a moment before concluding, "But I have

bizarre assertion, mulling over whether Postell, n o choiceinthematter." charged with unlawful entry, posed a flight risk. "I have to return," Postell protested, offering a convoluted explanation: "I passed the Bar at Catholic

He ordered his former classmate back to the D.C. jail until the charges against him could be resolved. See Homeless /F5



EDj To

The Bulletin


en s ou a or oo ama e




odd Robles, Scott Jenerich, Marney Smith and others got up before the Bend City Council Wednesday and made the simplest and most convincing of arguments. The city of Bend damaged their homes on June 10 when a water main broke on NE Eighth Street. The city should pay. The city says its insurance agent determined the city is not at fault and therefore the city will pay only forwater removal and drying — no loss of property. How does that make sense? Robles said he had $250,000 in damage and losses. ’We’ re sup› posed to take care of that?" he asked. "We’ re supposed to cover that ourselves? That doesn’t seem right. It wasn’t our water." Jenerichhad damage tohisyard, his driveway, his patio and his utili› ty room. His home’s crawlspace was completely flooded. It was a city wa› terline on city property. Why should he have to pay? Smith hadher house fl ooded as well. She tried over many days to find out what the city was going to do. Her family had to go ahead with repairs to prevent further damage not knowing who was going to pay. Some of those repairs might not

have beenmade ifthey had known the city wasn’t going to step up and take responsibility. She reminded councilors that the city did pay for real property dam› age to a home in 2011 after a water main broke on the west side in 2010. ’’Why are you taking responsibility then and not now?" she asked. The city’s response has been in› adequate. It made excuses about its insurance. It said it would advocate for changes in what insurance cov› ered in the future. So the message was effectively: The next flood vic› tim may be fine, but you people are stuck. City Councilor Doug Knight called for an executive session to discuss the matter Wednesday night. The council meeting went past midnight and no executive ses› sion was held. City staff told us the council will discuss the issue at a fu› ture executive session. For now, the city of Bend has failed to take responsibility for damages it caused. It has failed its residents.


M nickel’s Worth Thanks to former Sheriff Larry Blanton

farm homes on agricultural land, and in 1993 told the agency to fix the problem. It did so in part by set› ting the $80,000 floor on the value of cropsgrown on the best farmland in the state. Then along came Measure 91, which not only legalized the sale and use of marijuana but also legal› ized its growth. It promises to be a valuable legal crop, and as such it could open the door to an unknown number of homes on Oregon’s agri› cultural lands. Lawmakers decided they would have none of it. When seeking to build on your farmland, it won’ t matter how much money your mar› ijuana crop generates. The financial test won’t apply. That hardly seems fair. If you’ re smart enough or lucky enough to uncovera valuable,legalnew crop, you should expect the same treat› ment under land use rules as the fellow down the road who’s busy growing grass seed or sugar beets. That throws the idea of equal treatment for a legal crop out the

word "mercy" at the top center. I wanted the students in the far back

of the room to be able to see it.

Teachers strive to influence their

students. Sometimes, students in›

Naturally, when

Bicycleetiquette sorely

I was cruising east on Newport, I

couldn’t help but notice in my rear view mirror flashing blue and red lights. I pulled over with the patrol car pulling in behind me. The deputy sheriff was Larry. He politely called me "Mr. Sabo," and asked me about the stop sign. I

in areas where dogs are allowed off leash or in parks where running free is not permitted. It’s especially im›

portant in off-leash areas for bikers

t h e s t udents to announce their upcoming arrival, if for no other reason than their own

came into the classroom they saw pened to me with Sheriff Larry the word. All throughout the day Blanton. Larry and I were at Ken› I was asked about it. "A very nice wood School in the 1960s; I as a man taught me a lesson last night teacher, he as a student. After Ken› about mercy and I want to be re› wood, our paths diverged until late minded constantly of his consider› one evening in the early 1990s. ation so that I may pass it on to you I was teaching at Cascade Middle folks." That word was never erased School and taking an evening class from that chalkboard for the dura› at COCC that didn’t let out until 10. tion of the school year. Larry was a deputy sheriff and on Yes, Larry Blanton, unbeknownst duty that particular night. I drove to him, influenced my life. down the hill on College Way and, John Sabo apparently, blew right through the Bend stop sign at Newport Avenue. As fluence the teacher’s life. This hap›

Legal cropsshouldn't be discriminated against regonians hoping to build homes on a m arijuana farm are in for a big disap› pointment. The 2015 Legislature decided that income from a legal m arijuanacrop cannot be used to meet the test for new dwellings on high-value farmland in this state. The prohibition is part of the enormous it runs to 110 pages and 182 sections bill governing recreational marijuana adopted by the Legislature in the last days of the session. Current Oregon Department of Land Conservation and Develop› ment rules say that to qualify for a new dwelling, high-value farmland must produce at least $80,0000 in gross income annually for several years.The rule was adopted after the tax court and supreme court made the dear distinction between genuine farmland dwellings and what the tax court called " the pro› fessional man’s fine residence in the filbert orchard." Later, the Legislature decided that DLCD’s rules had not suffi› ciently slowed the building of non›

and in all capital letters wrote the

missing in Bend

safety. I’ ve seen a collision between a dog and cyclist as the guy barreled down a hill with no regard for who or what else might be on the trail. So you folks who pedal your way around Central Oregon, how about brushing up on your politeness skills? Can’t you at least give a shout out, "On your left." Come on. It can’t be

that hard. It’s just common courtesy. Kathy Oxborrow Bend

Freedom of speech still exists

Thank you for printing the letter It happened to me again today. A from Kristina Brandt regarding an cyclist came up quickly behind me advertisement you printed that she with no notice as I walked my dog. did not like. I guess she wants you to Aren’t there some rules of the road

publish only those ads that have her

for bicyclists who share their paths prior approval. There is something with pedestrians? Isn’t there some wrong here. I wonder what she would accepted bicycle etiquette when on have done if you had not published the trails with nonbikers? If there is her letter simply because you did not some code of conduct for how cyclists approve of what she had written?

didn’t offer the excuse that I might have been thinking about tomor›

row’s classes or the class from

which I had just come. I was will›

ing toaccept my penance because I can exist harmoniously with those knew Larry was right. of us whose feet touch the ground as We had a very cordial conversa› we move, then Bend bikers need to tion. He didn’t scold me as, maybe, I embrace it. When my dog and I are used to scold him. He treated me as out getting our daily exercise, there

As a Christian I see things in the

paper that I do not agree with, but I recognize the right of the writer to have his or her say, whether it is an advertisement, a letter to the editor,

or an editoriaL Last time I checked, ter on my driving. He let me go with› by a bicycle rider hot on our heels freedom ofspeech and freedom of out ticketing me. having given no indication that he is the press are still in the Constitu› When I arrived atCascade the fast approaching and yes, that’ s tion. Enough said. next morning, without taking off the proper pronoun. It happens to me Marv Scherpf my jacket I went to the chalkboard on paved and dirt lanes, whether it’ s La Pine an adult and asked me to focus bet› is rarely a time that I am not startled

Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcomeyour letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250words and include the writer’s signature, phonenumber and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhereandthose appro› priate for other sections of TheBulle› tin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

In My View submissions should be between 550and 650 words, signed and include the writer’s phone number and address for verification. Weedit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating with national colum› nists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

Please address your submission to either My Nickel’s Worth or In My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Email submissions are preferred. Email: letters'bendbulletin.corn Write: My Nickel’s Worth / In MyView P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804


The Army’s anthropology experiment ends in defeat By Tobin Harshaw Bloomberg View


t was probably doomed from the start: the battlefield marriage of a

left-wing academic discipline and the hidebound U.S. Army. The mili› tary has now confirmed that the Hu›

man Terrain System program, which sent anthropologists into the Afghan combat zone, has been terminated.

Montgomery McFate, was a Yale- and survey found that 89 percent of com› Berkeley-trained Ph.D. anthropolo› manders and their staffs considered gist the American Anthropological the program’s Human Terrain Teams Association called it "an unacceptable helpful in making decisions and that application of anthropological exper› 92 percent of the information they tise." Given that the Venn diagram of supplied was "actionable." anthropologists and Bernie Sanders For example, one team member supporters is probably a perfect cir› persuaded U.S. forces to stop ham› cle, this should have been expected. pering a group of irrigation workers The botched rollout put the military he studied whose work was vital to on the defensive, and the program es in the combat zone. A 2013 Army

Yet with no shortage of asymmetric conflicts and foreign insurgencies in local residents. During the effort to America’s future, it’s worth examin› clear insurgents from the Shabak ing why the Pentagon’s foray into the Valley in eastern Afghanistan in social sciences failed to see how it can 2007, a social scientist pointed out do better. that the area had a high preponder› HTS, which cost taxpayers more ance of widows whose sons, duty than $700 million over seven years, bound to care for them, were easy had an intriguing premise: The socio› recruiting targets for the Taliban, cultural insights of academics embed› which paid them to fight. This led team members to look for ways to

units in Afghanistan could give com› manders on the ground an edge in fighting the Taliban and encouraging cooperation from local citizens. Most importantly, a better understanding

get the women involved in the local

of local culture and mores could lead And to some extent, it worked.

Officers surveyed for a study by the National Defense University said the

program was effective in training soldiers on the "dos and don’ts" of Af›

ghan culture and that census work by the academic experts was helpful in compiling detailed profiles of villag›

up to something nefarious. The biggest mistakes, however, oc› curred in training and recruitment. Ryan Evans, a civilian who spent two

yearsin the program and now edits the military blog War on the Rocks, writes that his job interview consist› ed of just two 10-minute phone con›

versations and that he received little or no language training or guidance textile trade, freeing the sons to trav› on firearms and surviving in combat. el to areas with better employment (Evans says he spent his own money opportunities. for private weapons training from But for the most part, poor plan› an ex-Marine.) Many of the social ning and execution fatally hindered scientists had no real knowledge of the project. The military made two Afghanistan, and because they were major public-relations blunders: first often given little notice about where by framing it as an anthropological they would be posted, they had no effort, and then by insisting it wasn’ t chance to do adequate research be› an intelligence operation when it was fore deploying. exactly that. (The Orwellian-sound› In the end, the death blow came ing name didn’t help, either.) After the because of corruption and severe Pentagon announced the program mismanagement. Army documents in 2007 noting that one founder, obtained by USA Today in 2013 con›

ded into special operations and other

to less pointless bloodshed.

never shed the implication that it was

in four-person teams made up of a sexual harassment and racism, po› captain and three noncommissioned tential fraud in filing time sheets officers have most often been in› and indifference to the reports team volved in soothing relations with lo› members had produced." An Army cal officials and in projects such as "climatesurvey" discovered grounds digging wells and building schools, for at least 14 Equal Employment Op› but they have rarely been used to portunity complaints. The Army’s in› their full potential. Given adequate ternal investigation found that super› training in the basics of social sci› visors abetted contractors in claim› ence, or even sent back to college for ing maximum overtime and comp master’s degrees, they would bring a time, resulting in some being paid military rigor to the task of winning more than $280,000 a year and given hearts and minds. months of paid leave after returning For the military, which under› stateside. This led to the program standably likes to pick only the fights being pared down, from 41 teams it knows it can win, dabbling in an› in 2011 to 20 in 2013, and eventually thropology will always be awkward. deep-sixed last September. The social sciences are relatively im› Giving up on the idea of battlefield mature compared to the hard scienc› social scientists would be a mistake. es. Moreover, when applied to effect (The military does have some similar, change,they arein theend dependent smaller programs, but HTS was the on the uncertainties of the human highest-profile and most significant.) mind. Yet the idea that they have a The key to success is reducing the beneficial role in warfare is hardly Army’s total reliance on contractors new: General William Yarborough, which was also a problem with the known as the father of the modern CIA’s enlisting of psychologists for Green Berets, often brought in top its severe interrogations of suspected anthropologists, psychologists, histo› terrorists. rians and other academics to lecture The good news, according to Ev› at the Army’s Special Warfare School ans, is that the military already has in the 1960s. He knew that in counter› a uniformed cadre of profession› insurgency, you have to get into the als ready to step into the breach: heads of both the enemy and the peo› the Army’s civil affairs officers. In ple you are trying to help. Afghanistan and elsewhere, these — Tobin Harshaw writes editorials "warrior diplomats" often working for BIoomberg. firmed "substantiated instances of



uman nature can’ t ec an e H

uman nature is unchanging, predictable and can be dangerous if ignored.

F ive-time d eportee

an d s e v›

en-time felon Juan Francisco Lo› pez-Sanchez,an unauthorized im-

The Greeks spent what they could

her first two years at a junior college? lent. Now, Greece is broke and cannot Could they have cut back on their va›



paybackwhat it owes.

But do not suggest to the Greeks that their own endemic tax avoidance,


migrant, recently was arrested in

San Franciscoforthe murder ofan innocent passerby, Kate Steinle. The alleged killer told a local TV

in the police. They seemed to blame Baltimore’s police culture for Gray’s

death even before the indictments station that he came to San Francis› and trials of the arresting officers co because it was a sanctuary city. involved. San Francisco has long boasted that Amid the rioting, Rawlings-Blake it would not turn over unauthorized

immigrants to federal immigration

infamously ~ Baltim ore that "we also gave those who wished to de›

stroy space to do that as well." Can it be that announcing such ex› The murder rate in Baltimore has emptions actually draws in foreign nearly doubled since the May riots. citizens who have arrived in the U.S. Nonfatal shootings in Baltimore have illegally and committed crimes’? also surgei. authorities.

What is true compassion


University rather than have her spend

not earn faster even than it could be

Is it possible that when offenders be›

cations and other expenditures to pay down more on the loans?

Why should taxpayers the over› featherbedding and corruption caused whelming majority of whom make their financial collapse. It is so much less than the O’Malleys and do not easier for humans to blame "them". in choose to send their children to tony this case, German creditors who either schools like Georgetown lament the loaned Greekstoo much money, or family’s staggering debt? m ade too much money on theloans,or In all these cases, progressivism who had Nazi grandparents who once assured us that human nature › self-centered and predictable could occupied Greece 75years ago. Former Maryland Gov. and current be improved. Enlightened new theo› presidential candidate Martin O’Mal› ries and policies promised to change ley deplores staggering student-loan behavior by no longer ensurirg hurt› debt. He himself has borrowed almost ful punishments or consequences for $340,000 to put his two daughters bad behavior and unwise choices. through college. O’ Malley wants a In truth, if humans do not face bri› new taxpayer-supported plan of sub› dles on their often dangerous appetites sidizing college students to ensure that and reddessness, they are embold› they graduate debt-free and avoid the ened to do a great deal of damage, not sort of mess he is in. just to themselves but also to others. O’ Malley and his wife, a district Those who borrow sums that they court judge, have together made more cannot pay back usually blame those than $300,000 some years. How did who lent them the money not their

ing a repeat felon like Lopez-Sanchez came convincedthey would notnecback to his home country, or turning essary be arrested or even questioned and would be given space to burn, him loose on potential victims such as Kate Steinle’? while police were blamed for being too Baltimore just fired its police com› proactive these offenders became missioner, Anthony Batts, for his sup› more visible, and police less visible’ ? posed inability to stop an epidemic of Given human nature, people also they managetoborrow so much monviolent crime. like to blame their self-created dilem› ey? And why, well after their two chil› But not long ago, after the riots mas on cosmic forces not of their own dren’s graduations, have they not paid that followed suspect Freddie Gray’s m aking. Take Greece.The Greek gov- these staggering sums back? death while in police custody, Batts ernment cooked its books to finagle Agan, it is someone else’s fault. But and Baltimore M ayor S tephanie streams of borrowed Northern Euro› did the O’Malley’s have to send one Rawlings-Blake had promised to rein pean cash. childto $67,000-per-year Georgetown

own appetites. And elites never seem

to pay firsthand for the consequences of their own naive and selfish› theories about human nature. — Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Obama’s silence on Steinle By Mare Thlessen Special to The Washington Post


fter Trayvon Martin was killed, President Obama spoke emo› tionally about his death, de›

claring "this could have been my son." After Michael Brown was killed,

Obama promised to ensure that "jus› tice is done" and declared: "We lost a young man, Michael Brown, in heart› breaking and tragic cir~ an c es. He was 18 years old. His family will never hold Michael in their arms

again." After Freddie Gray was killed, Obama walked out to the Rose Gar›

den and dedared: ’We have some soul-searching to do. This has been go› ing on for a long time. This is not new, and we shouldn’ t pretend that it’s new." But after Kathryn Steinle was killed

July 1, allegedly by an illegal immi› grant with seven felony convictions, Obama said... nothing. No promises of "justice." No calls

for "soul-searching." His silence has been deafening. Why has Obama been so reticent to speak out? Perhaps it is because any soul-searching in this case would require him to confront the fact that

Free college? It doesn’t fix everything

his administration has been releasing tens of thousands of dangerous illegal immigrants with criminal convictions

into our communities including many who havegone on to commit murder.

By Richard V. Reeves Los Ange(es Times


ere is one solution to the ris›

ing cost of college: Make it free. That’s what a group of

anonymous donors in Kalamazoo,

Michigan,accomplished a decade ago for local students. Almost every high school graduate in the town is eligible for a scholarship covering from two-thirds up to the entire cost of in-state college tuition.

President Barack Obama is just one of many who praised the so› called Kalamazoo Promise, flying to the city five years ago to speak at the Kalamazoo High School gradu›

Sharp differences in trajectory,

It got little notice, but on May 28,

which become most apparent in col›

Sarah Saldana, director of U.S. Im›

lege,of course develop over many years.Gaps by race and class in the U.S. education system open up very early, long before kindergarten, and continue all the way through to the post-graduate level. Even in Kalam› azoo, black, Latino and poor youths are less likely to graduate high school, enroll in a four-year college or gain a post-secondary qualifica› tion, especially a bachelor’s degree.

migration and Customs Enforcement, admitted in a letter to Sens. Jeff Flake,

The lesson of t h e K a lamazoo Promise is that even dramatic reduc›

tions in the cost of college have mod› est results in terms of leveling the


2014, the Obama administration had released "121 unique criminal aliens

who had an active deportation case at the time of release and were subse› quently charged with homicide-relat› ed offenses." Think about that: 121 times over the past four years, the administration has

released an illegal immigrant with pri› or criminal convictions who went on to be charged with murder. That is one

every 12 days. In one case, an illegal immigrant

utable to the fact that black and white

playing field. Our biggest obstacle is not getting students into college, it is helping them stay there, and come

students attended different types

out with a certificate. Getting into

no allegedly gunned down a 21-year›

ation. More than 35 cities have since

adopted their own versions of the Promise. These schemes vary. Some seniors are enrolling in college, have minimum GPA requirements, compared toaround 70 percent for or target only low-income students. the state. Most encouraging of all, But they share the goal of bringing low-income and black high school college within financial reach for alL graduates are almost as likely to en› For good or ill, a college educa› roll in college as their affluent and tion is steadily becoming an entry white peers. In fact, the black/white requirement for the America middle gap in college enrollment rates has class. But not everyone has the same completely disappeared in Kalam› chance of securing a bachelor’s de› azoo, according to research from gree. Most high schoolersfrom affl u- Timothy Ready at Western Michigan ent backgrounds will finish college; University. few from poor backgrounds will join Now for the bad news: Gaps by them. Right now, the U.S. college race and income reemerge when it system serves to reinforce inequality comes to actually gaining a post-sec› overthe generations, rather than re- ondary qualification. The Promise duce it. has lifted college completion rates, Can the Promise programs help but quite modestly, and far from create a more level playing field? The equally. Kalamazoo program is now mature Take the Kalamazoo high school enough to provide some useful data. class of 2006: White students were As always, there is good news and twice as likely as black students to bad news. earn at least 24 credits, and twice as First the good: High school gradu› likely to end up with a four-year de› ation rates have shot up, and almost gree (54 percent versus 26 percent). 90 percent of Kalamazoo high school This completion gap attrib›

R-Ariz., and Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa,

that between fiscal years 2010 and

college is one thing: Being ready to 56 percent of black high schoolers learnand progressisquiteanother. graduating in 2012 enrolled in a local The weaknesses in the U.S. higher community college, just 28 percent of education system run much deeper their white classmates did. Inversely, than financial affordability. There 59 percent of whites enrolled in four› is too much focus on the four-year yearcolleges compared to 32percent degree, rather than high-quality vo› of black students. cational learning. Quality control Community colleges can, theo› in terms of learning, especially in retically, offer an important service. the for-profit sector, is almost non› But reflecting the national pattern, existent. The number of students Michigan’s community colleges do dropping out is an annual waterfall a poor job retaining students. These of wasted time, talent and money. schools are a brief educational de› Promise schemes, like those in Ka› tour for most; a minority leave with a lamazoo, will help some. But the qualification. truth is that the entire sector bloat› To encourage mass enrollment, the ed, self-serving and costly needs Kalamazoo scheme sets minimal ac› a radical overhaul. This is one prob› ademic requirements: graduate high lem that cannot be solved by simply school and maintain a college GPA of throwing more money at it. 2.0. Opening the door this wide, how› — Richard V. Reeves ever, means that many of the young is a senior fellow in economic studies adults turning up at college are far at the Broohings Institution. from ready for college-level learning. He wrote this for Los Angeles Times. of educational institutions. While

and felon named Apolinar Altamira› old Arizona convenience store derk,

GrantRonnebeck,overa pack ofcigarettes. Altamirano had been convict› ed of felony burglary and was in the middle of deportation proceedings. But ICE released him after he posted a $10,000 bond which allowed him to allegedly go kill an innocent young Last month, a Boston Globe inves› tigation found that between 2008 and

2012,ICE released 424 sex offenders into communities across the country

including "convicted rapists, child molesters and kidnappers" and that "immigration officials have re›

leased them without making sure they register with local authorities as sex offenders." In 2013, the Obama administration

released 36,007 illegal immigrants with criminal convictions

1,000 of

whom were subsequently convicted of other crimes after their release. Last year they released 30,558 such immi›

grants.According to the House Judiciary Committee, only 8 percent of

Don’t underestimate the power of a first line

thosewere due to the Supreme Court's

decision in Zadvydas v. Davis, which requires that illegal immigrants be released after 180 days if their home

countries won’t take them back. The Stephen Carter Bloomberg View


arper Lee won’t need a great first line to sell a gazillion copies of "Go Set a Watch› man," her old-new novel released last week. But she’s written one any›

way: "Since Atlanta, she had looked out the dining-car window with a delight almost physicaL" Note what the author already accomplished, even for those of us not primed by our love for "To Kill a Mockingbird" to discover the further adventures of Jean Louise "Scout" Finch. With a single smooth

sentence, Lee has set her readers in motion, on a train, rocking our way across Georgia in the company of the protagonist. She has us eager to read on, if only to discover what ex›

actly the heroine is so happy about and to await the inevitable dash› ing of her hopes. gn fiction hopes are always dashed, sometimes as Scout knows permanently) I’m glad the book starts so well.

"Go Seta Watchman" comes along at an auspicious moment for fiction. The market for serious novels is a

mess. Young adult fiction continues to boom, but reports of rising book sales in 2014 masked a 2 percent dedine in sales of adult fiction, the

traditional hallmark of serious pub› lishing. Even the famous August

peak, when people buy books they plan to read on vacation, continues to shrink. A great first line used to be a cru› cial tool for selling fiction. The read› er would happen upon an unknown book, and the opening would draw her in. In today’s fiction marketplace, dominated by Amazon and e-read-

ers, it’s tough to sell a book on the quality of the writing. Big names matter. Genre matters. Browsing in

first lines should: It makes us want to ger about to turn to flame. Picking know what happens next. up these books in a store or library, That’s the key. The only purpose of teased by the author’s prose, it would the first sentence is to get us to read take an effort not to keep reading, the second sentence. If the opening just to discover what brought about line works, we’ re likely to give the the challenges already inherent in author a chance to impress us. Con› the cleverly crafted first line. If you’ re browsing, first lines still sider these three sparkling first lines from three very different novels: matter. You can’t stumble upon the • "The truth is, if old Major Do› opening sentence of Andy Weir’s ver hadn’t dropped dead at Taunton surprise best-seller "The Martian" racesJim neverwould have come to without being sucked in. (I daren’ t Thursgood’s at all." quote it here, as the language is not • "Straightening the ruffles on the entirely polite.) Only four words, but curtains, she could not forget it." devilishly effective. • "Two former lovers of Molly Lane And some are very long, as this stood waiting outside the cremato› memorable beginning from John Ir› rium chapel with their backs to the ving: "Iam doomed to remember a February chill." boy with a wrecked voice not be› Each invites the reader immedi› cause of his voice, or because he was ately into a small, private and very the smallest person I ever knew, or

stores is a smaller piece of the mar› ket. But readers can still admire the craft that goes into a great begin› ning. The very best first lines will work in any medium. (I mean that literally. I read the opening chap› ter of "Go Set a Watchman" when it was posted online Friday morning at 12:01. The first line still worked.) What do I mean by the very best? realistic world, hinting that some› Well, forget "Call me Ishmael," which thing amazing has just happened or routinely finishes near the top of lists is about to. Already we are worried of brilliant first lines, but is only the about what will become of Jim at best-known not the best. (Imag› whatever the mysterious Thursine if "To Kill a Mockingbird" had good’s might turn out to be. We share opened with "Call me Scout" instead the pain or maybe panic of the un› of "When he was nearly thirteen, my known "she" who is unable to forget brother Jem got his arm badly bro› the unspoken "it" as she sets about ken at the elbow.") Consider instead trying to force regularity upon her "Out of the air, the ax." How can a day. And whatever may have befall› reader not love a first line like that? en poor MollyLane, we are more That’s the opening of Joyce Carol than a little concerned about those Oates’s splendid new thriller, "Jack of two former lovers, around whom Spades," and it does exactly the work we can sense the heat of jealous an›

even because he was the instrument

of my mother’s death, but because he is the reason I believe in God; I am a

Christian because of Owen Meany." In modern fiction, I’m not sure this

one has been topped. Long or short, whether a book is found on a shelf or on a screen, a great first line can still draw us swift› ly into the author’s world. That’s how

Lee’s new novel hooked me from the start. I won’t be the only one she reels in. — Stephen Carteris a columnist for Bloomberg and a law professor at Yale.

other 92 percent were released be›

cause of Obama’s policies. Obama doesn’t want to talk about that. He also doesn’t want to talk about

San Francisco’s "sanctuary city" pol› icy. Steinle’s alleged killer, Juan Fran› cisco Lopez-Sanchez, said he came to San Francisco because he knew the city would not turn him over to federal

immigration authorities. He was right. ICE officials asked San Francisco po› lice to notify them when Lopez-San›

chez was released so that they could take him into custody, but San Fran› cisco refused.

Why didn’t Obama come out and condemn the San Francisco police’s refusal to cooperate with his own ad›

ministration’s request? Perhaps it’s be› cause Obama opposes cracking down on "sanctuary city" policies such as the one that got Kathryn Steinle killed. After Trayvon M artin, M i chael

Brown and Freddie Gray were killed, Obama had liberal public policy points he wantedto make — about gun control, "stand your ground" laws, racial profiling and police bias. In the Steinle case,thereare no issues Obama wants

to highlight because his adminis› tration supports the policies that led to her death.

No wonder Obama is silent. — Narc Thiessenwritesacolumn for The Washington Post.

' www.bendbulletin.corn/books


BEST-SELLERS Publishers Weekly ranks the best-sellers for the weekthat ended July12. HARDCOVER FICTION 1. "The Girl on theTrain" by Paula Hawkins (Riverhead) 2. "Code of Conduct" by Brad Thor (Atria/Emily Bestler) 3. "The English Spy" by Daniel Silva (Harper) 4. "Nemesis" by Catherine Coulter (Putnam) 5. "Truth or Die" by James Patterson and Howard Roughan (Little, Brown) 6. "Finders Keepers" by Ste› phen King (Scribner) 7."The MelodyLingersOn" by Mary Higgins Clark (Simon & Schuster) 8. "Country" by Danielle Steel (Delacorte) 9. "Wicked Charms" by Jan› et Evanovich and PhoefSutton (Bantam) 10. "Tom Clancy: Under Fire" by Grant Blackwood (Putnam) HARDCOVER NONFICTION 1. "The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up" by Marie Kondo (Ten Speed) 2. "The Wright Brothers" by David McCullough (Simon & Schuster) 3. "A Full Life" by Jimmy Carter (Simon & Schuster) 4. "Modern Romance" by Aziz Ansari (Penguin Press) 5. "Down the Rabbit Hole" by Holly Madison Street (Mor› row/Dey) 6. "Adios, America" by Ann Coulter (Regnery) 7."ATime for Truth" by Ted Cruz (HarperCollins/Broad› side) 8."TheWhole30"by Melissa Hartwig and Dallas Hartwig (HMH) 9. "Dead Wake" byErik Lar› son (Crown) 10. "Legends andLies" by Bill O’Reilly and David Fisher (Holt) — Tiibune NewsService

• Harper Lee’surpri s se follow-up to ’To I(ill a Mockingbird’ revealschangedcharacters "Go Set a Watchman: A Novel" by Harper Lee

(Harper,278 pgs., $27.99) By David L. Ulin

The pace can be, at times, "Go Set a Watchman" shows t h e f o c us where she began. It is a stark› appears to sharpen with her er book than "To Kill a Mock› discovery, among her father's ingbird," more reactive to its reading materials, of a racist moment; a common theme tract called "The Black Plague." involves what its characters "The one human being she had regard as the overreach of the ever fully and wholehearted› U.S. Supreme Court, which at ly trusted had failed her," Lee the time Lee was writing had writes, "the only man she had recently ruled on school deseg› ever known to whom she could regation in Brown vs. Board of point and say with expert Education of Topeka. knowledge, ’He is a gentleman, Most interesting, however, in his heart he is a gentlemen,’ is the glimpse it offers of Jean had betrayed her, publicly, Louise as an adult, her desire grossly, and shamelessly." to stake out a territory of her meandering, but

ingbird," even with no evi› dence against him, whereas in "Go Set a Watchman," Atticus

"accomplished what was nev› er before or afterwards done

Los Angeles Times

in Maycomb County: He won acquittal for a colored boy on a Harper Lee’s "Go Set a Watch› rape charge." man" as a sequel to her 1960 That’s just one of many P ulitzer P r ize-winning " T o points of divergence or overlap Kill a Mockingbird." between the novels, which are Yes, it takes place a gener› related in a complicated way. ation after the earlier book, According to numerous ac› involving a visit from Scout counts, "Go Set a Watchman" Finch now 26 and using her is the earliest version of the given name, Jean Louise to manuscript that became "To her hometown of Maycomb, Kill a Mockingbird," acquired A labama, from Ne w Y o r k , by Lippincott in 1957 and sub› where she has gone to live. jected, under the guidance Yes, Maycomb has changed: of editor Tay Hohoff, to what Scout’s older brother, Jem, we Smithsonian Magazine once learn in the opening chapter, called "a title-on-down revi› is dead, victim of a congeni› sion." What does this mean for tally disordered heart, and her us as readers? That we can’ t father, Atticus, has not only help but engage with "Go Set a grown old but also darker and Watchman" through a filter of more compromised. comparison. Therearereferencesto atriLee introduces us to May› al from the past, during which comb, its history and incon› Atticus defended a black man sistencies, as if we have never against charges of raping a been here before. We learn, in white woman: "Consent was a passage virtually identical to easier to prove," Lee writes, one in "To Kill a Mockingbird," "than under normal conditions of the town’s origin as coun› the defendant had only one ty seat, after a tavern keeper arm. named Sinkfield "made the Such a description recalls surveyors drunk one evening, Tom Robinson, whose trial for induced them to bring forward a similar offense is at the cen› their maps and charts, lop off a ter of "To Kill a Mockingbird." little here, add a bit there, and "His left arm was fully twelve adjust the center of the county inches shorter than his right," to meet his requirements." the author explains in that We e n c ounter At t i cus’ novel, "and hung dead at his even-handedness: his insis› side. It ended in a small shriv› tence on "always (trying) to put eled hand." himself in his client’s shoes." In "Go Set a Watchman," howev› And yet, those two trials come to very different out› er, this is not a marker of his comes; Tom was memorably moral dependability but rather convicted in "To Kill a Mock› of his moral corruption. It would be a mistake to read

That’s a vivid setup, and it

Corruption? Yes for this is not the Atticus of "To Kill

a Mockingbird." In "Go Set a Watchman," he has turned a

treacherous corner, aligning with the citizen’s council and the Ku Klux Klan. "Now t hink a b out t h i s," he tells his daughter. "What

would happen if all the Ne› groes in the South were sud› denly given full civil rights? I’ ll tell you, there’d be another Re›

construction. Would you want your state governments run by people who don’t know how to run ’em’? ... We’ re outnum›

bered, you know." This is the conflict of the

novel, Jean Louise’s struggle to come to some accommodation with a father who is not who

she believed he was.

A literary artifact Throughout the first part

of the book, Lee builds the tension, drawing us in slowly, revealing the Maycomb her protagonist thought she knew. We visit Finch’s Landing, ex› perience flashbacks to her childhood with Jem and Dill (although not Boo Radley) and m eet heron-again, off-again boyfriend, Henry Clinton.


indicates the promise Hohoff It is difficult, knowing the recognized in this draft nearly history of both this novel and 60 years ago. Promise, howev› its author, not to read those er, remains the operative word, longings as belonging to Lee for "Go Set a Watchman" is an herself, the reasons for her own apprentice effort, and it falls long New York exile, her si› apart in the second half. lence in the wake of "To Kill a D espite its p o tential f o r Mockingbird." That too raises drama, Lee develops her sto› questions we can never answer ry through long dialogue se› about why "Go Set a Watchquences that read less like man" is being published now. conversation than compet› Certainly, it changes as it ing arguments. There is little must our sense of Atticus, sense of urgency, and key as› although that is complicated pects of the narrative Jean by this being not a follow-up Louise’s na’ivete, for one thing, but instead an early version her inability to see Maycomb of the book. At what point did for what it is are left largely Lee soften her portrayal? And unresolved. what does it mean to read this If I’m hesitant to level such version of him now? a criticism, it’s because, al› In the end, it suggests a vivid though "GoSeta Watchman" set of contradictions, as much comes marketed as an autono› between the author and the mous novel, it is most interest› character as between the char› ing as a literary artifact. acter and himself. "Hell is eternal apartness," How did Lee take the frame of this fiction and collapse it Lee writes. "What had she to create "To Kill a Mocking› done that she must spend the bird," finding a narrative flu› rest of her years reaching ency only hinted at within this out with yearning for them, draft? How did she refine her making secret trips to long language, her scene construc› ago, making no journey to tion, discover a way to enlarge the present’? I am their blood what are here little more than and bones, I have dug in this political and social common› ground, this is my home. But I places,to expose a universal am not their blood, the ground human core? doesn’t care who digs it, I am a Regardless of the answers, stranger at a cocktail party."

scientology DOn’t let ’WatChman’Changethe WayyOLithink abOut AttiCLiSFinCh leader’s dad said to sign book deal By David L. Ulin

Los Angeles Times

Let me play devil’s advocate for a moment: Why should the

revelations in "Go Set a Watch›

By Thomas C. Tobin Tampa Bay Times

The father of Church of Scientology leader David Miscavige has reportedly signed a deal to write a book about his son’s life. But the working title, "If He

man" most notably, its por› trait of Atticus Finch as a seg› regationist change the way we think about Harper Lee’ s "To Kill a Mockingbird"’? "Go Set a Watchman," after

all, is not a sequel to the origi› nal novel, which won the 1961 Pulitzer Prize for fiction and

Dies, He Dies," suggests the

has been a staple of junior high and high school reading lists

story may not be a flatter›

for more than half a century.

likely closer to the way such a Even more, I think, is a con› man wouldactually have been. fusion over what a book or au› Something similar is true of thor owes us, which has been Scout, called in the new book especially prevalent in regard by her given name Jean Lou› to "To Kill a Mockingbird." ise, who is critical of the deci› The novel has been called sion in Brown vs. the Board of an American classic, a work Education of Topeka, believ› that helped catalyze a nation’s ing the Supreme Court has thinking about segregation overreached. and race. That may be true, but That she can make such a it was, first, the expression of a judgment, while still support› single writer’s vision, and it is ing racial equality against her er returned to it."

abuzz with mourning over At›

In separate interviews with police in West Allis,

Wisconsin, the Powells s aid they worked at t h e

behest of David Miscavige and once saw his father, in his late 70s, grasp his chest and slump over while load› ing his car. Fearing it was a heart attack, the Powells

called an intermediary for instructions and got a re› turn call, they said, from

David Miscavige. They said he told them to stay back. Daniel Powell

q u oted

for, that in a fallen world, some›

process of her storytelling.

times we can only persevere. That’s accurate enough, I

literary standard, because lik›

Kill a Mockingbird." This may

ability has nothing to do with

help explain the character’s

who and what we are. The point of fiction

betray anything, least of all his principles; instead, this char› acter became increasingly en› lightened over time. So why the uproar? In part,


The church’s media re› lations office said in an email that David Miscav›

ige "has always taken care of his father and continues to do so," and it " knows

nothingbeyond media reports about any purported book."

a supporter of segregati on

and state’s rights but that in the transition from "Go Set a views we find reprehensible? Watchman" to "To Kill a Mock› What is the conversation it ingbird," his worldview (as er real or fictional, espouses

provokes’? The answer, I’d suggest, is

well, perhaps, as that of his cre› ator)became irrevocably,and unexpectedly, enlarged.

that it offers us an opportuni›


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• •


of, • •

• •


suppose, but what of Atticus’

"Go Set a Watchman" into "To

intervene." Details about Ron Mis›

Publishers Marketplace, which m o nitors s u ch

Atticus was inspired by the au› frustrations, his inconsisten› thor’s father, Amasa Coleman cies? What about his biases, his Lee, who changed his views contradictions, the inclinations on segregation around the time he can’t reconcile’? This is why his daughter was reworking I have no use for likability as a

Either way, Atticus did not

sense, what seems remarkable is not that Atticus was once


and what this means for the


faced in a n ewsletter by

"To Kill a Mockingbird" be› "Simply because we were come a racist? when in fact licked a hundred years before it’s the other way around. w e started is no reason for us "Go Set a Watchman" came not to try to win," Atticus ex› first, remember; it is the place plains after Tom, a black man, where Atticus begins. In that is convicted by an all-white sense, the question we ought to jury of a rape he didn’t commit. be asking is how the character The implication is that moral evolved in Lee’s imagination, victory all we can hope

David Miscavige as saying, "If he dies, he dies. Don’ t cavige’s book deal sur›



mistreated Tom Robinson on ticus. These laments wonder: the one side and the Ewells on How did the moral center of the other.

A July 11 article in the Wall Street Journal reminds us that

which is also what it

The Atticus of "To Kill a

lice in 2013 they were hired

to conduct close surveil› lance of Miscavige’s father, Ron Miscavige Sr. The elder Miscavige had left the Scientology staff in 2012 and was living in Wisconsin.

offers to the character. In that

has responsibility.

count given by another fa› ther and son, Dwayne and Daniel Powell, who told po›

The words refer to an ac›


what I look for in a character: a state of complex and contrary humanity. What does it mean when a person we admire, wheth›

that and only that to which Lee

Mockingbird" was an icon, It is a first draft, a glimpse at an archetype, a figure out of a work in progress, a signpost myth. This is the appeal of the along the road from there to book, which owes its success to here. a stark delineation of good and Already social media are evil, Atticus and the woefully

ing one.

father’s tired and offensive ra› ty: to decide, to take responsi›

tionalizations, is the mark of



I' s s ' ssss


• •






I •


I I*


''O' ' I



it has to do with the book’s pub›

decade afterReconstruction lisher, HarperCollins. Since to a family of Southern gentry, "Go Set a Watchman" was would havehad a complicated announced in February, it has and tortuous history with race. presented the book as an au› That this doesn’t emerge in "To tonomous work. "After ’To Kill Kill a Mockingbird," then, may a Mockingbird’ was published be one of that book’s failings, by J.B. Lippincott in 1960," the

a tendency to sugarcoat, to

publisherdeclared in a news


release, "Harper Lee set aside 'Go Seta Watchman' and nev-

The Atticus in "Go Set a Watchman," in other words, is





I' •


e g



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I :

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not moral edification. It is not to portray the world as we wish it were, but rather as it is. And the hard truth is that a man such as Atticus, born barely a

• '•



' s


or nat›

uralistic fiction, anyway





' •



w onew oo s ac e "Mozos" by Bill Hillmann (Curbside Splendor, 200pgs., $15.95) "Bulls Before Breakfast" by Peter N. Milligan (St. Mar-

tin's,298 pgs., $27.99)

into this paradigm. Escorting a squad of heavily muscled, razor-horned beasts from their riverside paddock to the

ring where matadors await is a centuries-old tradition, but in recent decades it

has become a mag› By John Keilman Chicago Tribune

These are hard times for

the manly man. His physical strength, raw cunning and boldness in the face of danger grow less relevant by the day in a world ruled by algorithms and emotional intelligence.

The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’ occupational out› look table reveals a bleak fu›

ture for traditionally mascu› line jobs: Fishing, logging and ranching are all in decline, along with many other mus› cle-powered trades. There’ s still a demand for truckers, but

some experts believe self-driv› ing vehicles will endanger that careerwithin a decade or two.

Yet as old models of man› hood disappear, plenty of guys still pine for them, even in the

form of ritualized simulations. That explains the enduring lure of f ootball, which has

grown even more popular as its brain-pulping hazards have become more evident,and the huge following of mixed martial arts, a sport for those

who find boxing insufficiently violent.

Running with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain, fits right

Homeless ContInued from F1

An educated man

net for adventurers f rom all o ver t h e

globe, the vast ma› jority of them male. Most of the credit

probably belongs to Ernest Hemingway, the granddaddy of old-school machis›

arose thousands of f ever as an art form in itself, with dreams, turning Pamplona’s the highest esteem reserved annual fiesta de San Fermin for those who sprint right in into a thrill-seeker’s mecca. front of the animal’s horns. (On the first day of this year’ s Hillmann details the elab› fiesta alone, three men were orate code of honor by which gored, two of them serious runners abide and in› A merican.) T w o fuses the spectacle with spir› new books by au› itual meaning. He compares thors who have fall› a suelto, a bull that has been en under the bulls’ separated from the herd, with spell seek to explain Jesus Christ making his lonely this phenomenon, way to Calvary: and why it continues to thrive in our less

of John Nash of ’A Beautiful

wrote McLindon, who died in 2012, "serves as a true exam›

Mind.’" But the speed can leave

vision or lounging in a nearby park, watching people pass. It’s a strange thing, how families grasping for answers. quickly 30 years can go by. "He had all of these fancy The only mark Postell made things, a nice boat that he used on the public record in that to sail all over the place," says time was in the form of crim› one relative, LaTonya Sellers inal charges. He picked up a Postell. "He was living the theft charge in 1989 in Ocean rich life. Then he just all of City (Maryland) D i strict a sudden, he bugged out. No Court. He also got hit w ith one knows exactly why it hap› some misdemeanor charges in pened.... He lost all of his ma› D.C. in the 1990s. But beyond

The day Motley arraigned Postell, the homeless man didn’t recognize him. Too many years had gone by. But Postell would later say he re› membered Motley from class. (He does not, however, recall Chief Justice Roberts.) In June, Postell was acquit› ted of one charge of unlawful entry. An additional charge of unlawful entry and failure to appear were dismissed. And

terial things. It’s been crazy.

so, most days he’s back at the

pleto our young people today

Harvard Law

S chool year›

"Before They Were Famous."

ing, one in economics, and one There’s moppy-haired John in law. Roberts. There’s grinning On a summer evening,he Ray Anderson, who went on sits inside a McDonald’s, a to become the NFL’s execu› white towel wrapped around tive vice president of football

The Washington Post

Alfred Postell, a dIagnosed

operations. There’s 24-year› schizophrenic, has degrees Listening to him talk about old Thomas Motley, active in from Strayer College and the his life is like dive-bombing the Black Law Student Asso› UnIverIsty of Maryland, as well into a dream. Everything at ciation, in a suit and tie. And as Harvard Law. first sounds normal. But things there’s Alfred Postell. He’s 31, older than most quickly fall into disorder. The chronologyhiccups.Incongru› of the others, wears a neatly at the time, he was the firm’s ous thoughts collide. trimmed mustache and has only black lawyer. Bolstered "Charleston," he s ays, "I a receding hairline. He bears by his background in account› owned property there, in the the look of a man who has al› ing, he was put on the tax city proper. The cotton fields ready had success in life. And team andsoon came to know were past the city limits. The expects much more to follow. a young lawyer named Fred› cotton fields: They were past Classmate Marvin B ag› erick Klein. the city limits. I picked cotton well, several years Postell’s The two of them were hired once in my life. But the cotton junior, remembers him arriv› within a year of each other. fields were past the city limits. ing to class in a coat and bow Both made $35,000. Klein was I lived within the city. We had tie while others stumbled in, struck by how well Postell property there. We inherited sleepy-eyed. dressed. "He was very ur› "There was a very quiet dig› bane," says Klein, now with the property. Shortly there› after, I drove to San Diego, nity about him," said Bagwell, DLA Piper Global Law Firm. California. I was in love with now a vice president at a large He was cultured, thoughtful a girl." insurance company. "He was and soft-spoken. But these pronouncements brilliant and could ask intro› Postell was so soft-spoken, always arc back to a single spective questions that got to in fact, that several lawyers phrenia. Postell, he tells him›

self and others, is an educated man. He worked hard. He did right. Postell, born in 1948, was the

only child of a mother who was a seamstress and a father who

installed and fixed awnings. He grew up knowing what it meant to live without. He was

a normal boy, says his moth› er, Ruth Priest, but always fo› cused and motivated. He wanted more than what

the core of the matter."

University of Maryland for a degree in economics. Then, even before he’d graduated, he clacked off an application to Harvard Law and was accepted.

"You get into a firm, it’ s Even his mother, now 85, prestigious," Postell said. "And can’t explain what happened. when you lose that position, A darkness one day fell over it’s like suicide. It’s all over. her son, Priest says. He kept It’s atrophy. Or as accountants talking about getting arrest› say, it’s to be obsolete. You ed. He thought the police know what that means? Obso› were after him. Then he had lescence. Beyond your useful a bad breakup with a woman life. I was beyond my useful he loved. Shortly afterward, life." Postell had hi s p sychotic Postell drifted. He began

who worked at Shaw Pittman


haunting the same storefronts

"I was afraid," his mother every day. One was Avondale said. "... He ran downstairs, Coffee Shop here until the and I said, ’What is wrong? owner barred him from the What is wrong’?’ And I tried premises, leading to his ar› to slap him a little bit to bring rest in April 2014. Postell also him back. And he started cry› found his way to the Brawn› ing.... And from there, it went er Building downtown. Po› down, down, down, down."

Obsolescence When Postell’s m other didn’t think she could care for him anymore, she turned to

a local pastor, Marie Carter, who took him into her home in the mid-1980s.

H er daughter, now 6 0, thought Postell would be there

Echoes of that sentiment

thrust Postell back into the or›

If there are clues to what

reached," wrote E. Burns Mc› before tried but failed to re› Lindon, a prominent Bethes› cruit future Supreme Court da, Maryland, accountant who Justice Sonia Sotomayor. In instructed Postell at Strayer, in those years, the firm was ex› a letter Postell framed. Stray› panding at rapid clip. When er had just given Postell its Postell arrived, according to Outstanding Alumni Achieve› two people who worked there

methods. For example, while Milligan counts 15 men who have died on the run since

1924, Himalayan mountain› eering has claimed more than 900 lives since 1950. BASE

jumping, big wave surfing, avalanche skiing all of those are far deadlier than bull

running. Then again, today’s manly man could simply learn to love the thrill of birdwatching and the ecstasyof Jazzercise. The

world has changed. Perhaps it’s time they did, too.

Brawner Building near Farra› gut Square. Rhett Rayos, the building’s manager, says he hopes Postell can "get the sup› port and services he needs." And there is hope for Postell.

The mental health team at Green Door has begun work› ing with him, as has Pathways to Housing, another organiza› tion that helps the homeless. His mother has tried to scrape

together some money to get him off the street. But none of that seems to interest Postell on a r e cent

Postell then loses himself in


• 0

its personnel files, if they even •

exist for matters this old." That few remember what

happened to Postell perhaps betrays the illness that seized

him. Schizophreniacreeps. Some people, especially those



as accomplished as Postell,

can hide their symptoms for months. As the victim with› draws from social and work

life, plunging into isolation, relatives, friends and co-work› ers may not notice anything amiss. Then there’s a snap. Psy› chologists refer to this mo›

ment as a "psychotic break" or a "first break." It’s when a buried in the years after he victim’s slackening grip on re› graduated and returned to the ality finally ruptures, cleaving

aware of anew achievement Potts& Trowbridge, a respecto r plateau that y o u h a v e ed law firm that had the year

think of much more effective

could be considered a cave

Attend one of our t'ree informational Medicare meetings: Redmond Thursday, Ju/y 23, 2:30 p.m. Black Bear Diner, 429 NW Cedar Avenue, Suite 107

into schizophrenia, t h ey’ re

"It seems like every cou› He took a job at what was ple of years I would become then known as Shaw Pittman

bulls is to awaken the mascu› line spirit through peril, I can

years and do not have access to

precipitated Postell’s descent

District of Columbia.

the point of running with the

memories. "I lived in an apart› ment building in Presidential Towers. I could be considered a cave dweller. I had a balco› inent D.C. law firm. He then ny. Abalcony on thetop fl oor. became afederalprosecutor, An apartment on the top floor before being appointed to of the Presidential Towers. I

A retreat, then a snap

The books render a colorful portrait of Pamplona, but if

bit of Thomas Motley. A fter g r aduating f r o m Harvard, Motley worked at Steptoe & Johnson, a prom›

couldn’t recall anything about for a few weeks or months. him. Klein and two others who Instead he stayed decades, the bench by President Bill five classmates. "He worked did remember him couldn’t or losing whole days to the tele› Clinton. extremely hard and was ex› wouldn’t say why the firm let tremely disciplined," says him go a few years after he classmate Piper Kent-Mar› was hired. "I am no t shall, a longtime senior coun› c o m f ortable sel with Wells Fargo. talking to y o u a bout t his," And he was immaculate› Martin Krall, once a partner ly dressed and groomed. "I at Shaw Pittman, writes in an wouldn’t have been surprised email. "It happened too long if someone told me he mani› ago, I have not been a partner cured his nails," another class› in the firm for more than 20 mate says.

family Christmas letter.

morning outside the Brawning Building. He sits alone. News› papersare scattered about his lice have arrested him twice feet. He picks up one. "The newspaper used the there, charging him with two counts of unlawful entry al› term ’troglodyte,’" he said. legations that, after 30 years, "Troglodyte: Cave dweller."

emerged in i nterviews with

That’s why the Harvard his parents had. So after grad› grads were so surprised to uating from Coolidge High learn what had become of School here, he juggled a day Postell. How could this man› job while working his way so articulate, so elegant end through an associate’s degree up eking out an all-but invisi› at Strayer College. Achieve› ble existence on the fringes of ment fed achievement. He the nation’s capital? "It is an incredibly tragic passed the CPA exam and took a job as the audit manag› and sad story," Kent-Marshall er at an accounting firm, Lu› said, "because in law school, cas and Tucker, where he said he was one of the top students he pulled in an annual salary and a very, very, very bright of morethan $50,000 — big and charming man." money back then. But Postell wasn’t done. He went to the

that, he’s been a ghost.

Absolutely crazy."

his head like a turban.

turbulent waters of his schizo›

at Pebble Beach: You’ ve got

ment Award. "Your example,"

mother’s apartment, buried book online is an exercise not artifacts of a lost life. He holds unlike watching a segment of

idea. It anchors Postell in the

in the street? Where else are

to be really into the subject to hang in there for long. Hill› mann is also prone to boastful digressions about his literary exploits, while Milligan has a weakness for corny jokes that would be better saved for the

of homeless people, Postell tion to succeed." may be Washington’s most academically distinguished. ’Bright and charming’ Diplomas, awards and cer› Scrolling through the 1979

three degrees: one in account›

"I realized that if these bulls

with ham and sheep’s milk that the end of bullfighting cheese. Yet Milligan, a Phil› would mean the extinction of adelphia-area attorney, also a majestic breed. It makes you projects a sense of grandeur wonder what we’d think of Mi› onto the event, describing it as chaelVick had Papa Hemingan escape from the smother› way celebrated the elegance and nobility of the backwoods ing safety of modern life: "Where else does one get dogfighting pit. Hillmann an d M i l l igan to be bold daring purposeful steady proud mighty righ› describe multiple runs in ex› teous triumphant spirited? t reme detail, which is a b i t Where else can anyone mus› like a golfer offering a shot-by› ter the fortitude and stand tall shot account of his weekend

were to represent Christ then there consequences? Where than virile age. we as runners were there to can you face the anxious First up is " M o› easethe suffering of the sac- horn’? Where can you meet mo, who chronicled zos: A Dec a de rificial beast," he writes. "We the World?" t he event in " T h e Running With the were there to lead him to the Your enjoyment of these Sun Also Rises": Bulls of Spain," by arena, the place where he books likely will depend on "Suddenly a Chicago author and would die. These sueltos, who your tolerance for such tes› crowd came down occasional Tribune were lost, sacred beasts, be› tosterone-soaked hyperbole, the street. They contributor Bill Hill› came even more precious to along with your attitude to› were all running, mann. He gained a me, and I could feel my destiny ward the fate of the bulls. It’ s hard to watch YouTube videos packed close to› measure of notori› melding with theirs." gether. They passed ety last year when, Peter N. Milligan takes of the dash through Pamplona along and up the shortly after con› a less mystical approach to and conclude that the animals s treet toward t h e tributing to a guide P amplona, treating it m o r e are having fun; they look more bullring and behind on how to survive like a spring break destination panic-stricken t ha n b l o od› t hem came m o r e the run, he was than hallowed ground. "Bulls thirsty as they charge through men running faster, gored through the BeforeBreakfast"is a travel- the teeming streets, enduring and then some stragglers who thigh by a 1,300-pound bull ogue covering the entire San runners who pull their tails were really running. Behind (he recovered and vowed to Fermin experience, from the and smack them with rolled› them was a little bare space, return to the cobblestones). weather to the music to the up newspapers. and then the bulls, galloping, The book is crammed with strategies that might allow a But neither author has pa› tossing their heads up and two-fisted tales of boozing, runner to escape the streets tience for the notion that the down. It all went out of sight brawling and the pursuit of unscathed ("stay down if you running of the bulls and their around the corner. One man literature, as Hillmann tries fall down" appears to be the dispatch in the ring consti› fell, rolled to the gutter, and to get a Hemingway-inspired cardinal rule). tute animal cruelty. Milligan His fiesta is not Hillmann’s dismisses the bulls’ agony as lay quiet. But the bulls went writing career off the ground. right on and did not notice He travels to Pamplona in existential struggle, but a insignificant compared to the him. They were all running homage to theauthor, and massive street party w here horrors offactory farming; together." soon falls in with a crew who tourists get wasted on Span› Hillmann echoes author Ma› From such clinical prose regard running with the bulls ish wine and stuff themselves rio Vargas Llosa’s contention

to gather up within themselves In a city w it h t h ousands the determination and ambi›

tificates clutter a closet at his

e r unnin o e u s

their lives into two clear cate›

gories: beforeand after. "This kind of rapid decline is sadly not uncommon," said Richard Bebout, director of

Green Door, a mental-illness c enter that works w ith t h e homeless. "I know people

who have gone to medical school, graduated college in the top of their class, then get

struck down. It’s like the story

' I I


Engaging, clever con

A pleasant abduction and what cameafter

at ’Cinder 8ottom

"Pretty ls" by Maggie Mitchell (Henry Holtand Co.,306pgs.,$26) By Sarah Lyall New York Times News Service

People looking for tips

on how to mount a success› come a low-in-the-alphabet

"A Hanging at Cinder Bottom: A Novel" by GlennTaylor (TinHouse, 400 pgs.; $15.95)

ful kidnapping-and-torture operation could easily find help from the large body of literature on the subject. In Thomas Harris’ "Silence of

By Carolyn Kellogg Los Angeles Times

Imagine if Bonnie and Clyde had lived in West Virginia and hadn’t needed to be so dog› gone famous. Abe B aach

a n d G o l d ie

Toothman give the notorious outlaws a run for their (stolen) money in "A Hanging at Cinder Bottom." In the novel, the pair

come of age at the turn of the last century. Coal was making West Virginia the Appalachian equivalent of the Wild West: There was outrageous wealth

to be had, particularly if you were a politician, the law, cor›

New YorkTimes NewsService file photo

Douglas Preston, an author in Pemaquid, Maine, has emerged as an influential Amazon detractor with his group Authors United. Groups representing thousands of authors, agents and indepen›

dent booksellers are calling for the Department of Justice to examine Amazon.

Aut ors, 00 se ers ca or mazonin ui By David Streiffeld

Abe is the son of an immigrant

New York Times News Service

barkeeper; Goldie grows up in a brothel. She’s a captivat› ing performer and he’s a blos› soming magician-slash-card shark. They are young and

This is a triumphant mo› ment for Amazon.

beautiful and a little reckless

a perfect couple. Except, when the book be› gins in 1910, they are headed to the gallows. What follows is the story of how they got there, a tense tale of love, grift and an

elaborate con. This is the third novel from Glenn Taylor, a West Virginia native best known for 2009’s "The Ballad of Trenchmouth Tag gart," a National Book Critics Circle Award finalist.

The prose is polished and ar› chaic, unique unto itself. C inder Bottom i s a r e a l

place, the once-flourishing red-light district of the town of

Keystone in McDowell Coun› ty. Located in West Virginia’s southernmost curve, McDow›

ell County is a place of chronic poverty. "McDowell County is a place that is often misrepresented," Taylor writes, calling it "any› thing but ordinary." The pic› ture he draws fiction with a grain of truth

is Deadwood

among the mountains. Har› ry Trent is sometime-mayor and a leading businessman, a jovial manipulator who al› ways seems to end up on top. His cohort includes the Bea›

vers brothers, who’ve accrued wealth and power both, and Sheriff Rutherford Rutherford,

a small and vile man who car› ries a superciliously long gun. Their paths intersect with

Abe’s when Trent opens the Alhambra, an ambitious ho› tel. On the surface, its modern amenities attract wealthy men

in the coal business, but to a select few it’s the high-stakes

poker game that’s meant to do so. Abe is the Keystone Kid, the genius young card player on retainer to keep them enter› tained and properly fleeced. With Goldie serving drinks and secret codes like "this hangnail’s a cocklebur," the money starts rolling in for both Trent and Abe. But eventually, greed and jealousy collide and Abe has to flee town, leaving

Goldie behind. The departure puts his family in Trent’s sights; his mother’s boarding house and

Into t hi s

f e stive a t mo› The conflict left both sides

sphere comes a large chunk of the literary establishment, which is calling Amazon a bully and a monopolist.

bloodied but produced no clear winner. Amazon, based in Seattle, now sells more than a third

of new print books, a level no single bookseller has ever investigate leading publish› reachedbefore,and itclosely ers a case that ended up controls the dominant e-book Five years afterAmazon secretly asked regulators to

reinforcing the e-commerce

to examine Amazon for anti› trust violations.

Perhaps stealing a page from Amazon, which often

promotes policies that would benefit it by talking about

Douglas Preston, a Hachette

w riter who emerged lastyear as an i n fluential A mazon detractor with his group Au› thors United.

"Disruption is healthy, an what customers want, the inevitable byproduct of a groups said their concerns world that changes," Preston were more about freedom of said. "But there isn’t a single expression and a healthy cul› example in American histo› ture than about themselves. ry where the concentration T he Authors Guild, t h e of power in one company American Booksellers As› has in the long run benefited sociation, the Association of consumers." Authors'Representatives and Among the destructive Authors United said in letters

who count o n t h e s t ores to display their new t i tles

and create interest in them. Among the current officers

of the guild are the novel› ists Judy Blume, Richard Russo and Roxana Robin›

son. Members of its council, which serves as a board of directors, include Sherman

Alexie, Jennifer Egan, James Gleick, Nicholas Lemann,

practices cited by the critics

"Our point of view seemed

to have been ignored," said Oren Teicher, chief execu› tive of the booksellers asso› ciation. "But the climate has

changed. There are efforts in the European Union


Germany and a few other countries to take a closer look at Amazon’s practices.

That has ramifications on what happens here." Last month, the European

Union formally announced an antitrust investigation into whether Amazon was sti›

fling competition in e-books by using restrictive contracts

and statements being sent

was Amazon’s appearing with publishers. this week to the Justice De› last year to engage in content One indication of the tough partment that "Amazon has control, "selling some books road Amazon’s critics have is used its dominance in ways but not others based on the that the Justice Department that we believe harm the in› author’s prominence or the official in charge of the an› terestsof America's readers, book’s political leanings"; titrust division, William J. impoverish the book indus› selling some books below Baer, last month celebrated try as a whole, damage the cost as loss leaders to drive Amazon’s "disruptive busi› careers of (and generate fear less well-capitalized retailers ness model" in e-books, say› like Borders out of busi› ing it "has continued to stoke among) many authors, and impede thefree flow of ideas ness; and blocking and cur› competition." in our society." tailing the sale of "millions Peter Meyers, author of The Justice Department of books by thousands of au› "Breaking the Page," a new and two Amazon spokesmen thors" to pressure publishers book about the shift from did not respond to requests for better deals. print to screen, disagreed, for comment Monday. In the The full case is made by saying "Amazon’s success past, Amazon has asserted Preston and Barry C. Lynn, has quashed competition" in that books were where the a senior fellow at the New e-books. "Sure, there are the sub› company began and that it America Foundationand austill cared deeply about them, thor of "Cornered: The New scription services Oyster and but that the way to build "a Monopoly Capitalism and the Scribd, but those businesses healthy reading c ulture" Economics of Destruction," aren’t really robust yet," Mey› was to keep prices as low as in a 24-page position paper. ers said. "More meaningful is possible. The American Booksellers the cratering of Barnes & No› The motions for an investi› Association and the Authors ble as a competitor."

destiny, that doesn’t make it

Partners In Care helped us cope.

any less engaging. Taylor’s plotting is clever, and he keeps his cards close: The reader knows there’s a reason forthe octogenarian

They were with us the entire time, helping us deal with grief in a healthy way. In fact, they’ re still here for us, continuing to

ly how they’ ll fit into the pic›

care for our family every step of the way.

ture isn’t revealed too soon.

This ingeniously structured novel is a lot of fun if you like card tricks and whiskey and the story of people with nothing who are trying to pull off a big one.

Central Oregon’s choice for hospice care. (541) 382-5882

presents her with a

(For one thing, her

truly terrible essay on Samuel Rich›

kidnapper does not seem ro have read


any of those earlier works. As a sadist, he is a to› tal failure.) Instead of follow› ing convention by lavishing attention on intricate descrip› tions of new and disgusting forms of cruelty, Mitchell has instead focused on explor› ing possible answers to an intriguing question: What are the psychological reper›

ardsoo’s "PameIa." "I don’t have a pen,"

he replies.) But his presence is unnerving he has a ne› farious ulterior motive and she reverts to her anxiety-al› leviating habit of compulsive› ly reciting lists of old spelling bee words to herself. But it seems that Lois has

deliberately invited the past into the present by writing

cussions for victims whose

a novel about the abduction.

experiences were, in t he scheme of things, not really

(She used a pseudonym, but still.) Titled "Deep in the

that bad?

Woods," this

It all makes for a much more satisfying book. The

account is now being made

crime in question took place

f i c tionalized

into a movie that threatens to blow the lid off the women’ s

cut. The girls, it turns out, found the experience oddly

a plethora of odd›

and his pet monkey, but exact›

that kind of thriller.

fore, withoutsuccess.

balls, really and some astute planning can be enough to

novel and if it can’t keep Goldie and Trent from their

your thesis," she tells him, when he

is cast as a police officer in›

and a lineup of eclectic, un› usual friends. He’s hoping his

found in an Elmore Leonard

don’ t you underline

held for six summer weeks in a remote cabin in Connecti›

Both groups said they had

man, with a new set of skills

"Hanging" creates a con as complex (and frail) as one

P I . ' e ffg IS

i n t erest

tried to interest the Justice Department in Amazon be›

ers run barely scrape by. As they stave off poverty, Trent and his friends solidify their money and status. It’s years before Abe returns, a wanted

fight the Trent tide.

in her fiction. He’ s als o not the smart› est person she has ever taught. ("Why

past. By some neat thrill›

the bar his father and broth›


keen an

for her to fall in love with him. (She doesn’ t.)

17 years before "Pretty Is" begins, when two 12-year› old girls were picked up by a stranger in a car and then

Annette Gordon-Reed and Preston.

platform. It has an estimated

company’s power groups two-thirds of e-book sales; representing thousands of some publishers say their lev› authors, agents and indepen› el is much higher. dent booksellers are calling The call for government for the Justice Department action was organized by

bunker and waits

But "Pretty Is,"

gation arose out of last year’ s Guild have rarely united in bruising b attle b e tween such a fashion, but they said Amazon and the publisher they increasingly realized Hachette. As part of an un› that their fates were joined. usually bitter contract dis› The booksellers have about pute, Amazon made it more 2,200 stores. The guild has d ifficult to buy Hachette 9 ,000 members, most o f books, w h ic h an g ered whom are published through Hachette authors and others. the traditional publishers

Its stock hit another record high Monday, jumping $12. Its 20th-anniversary sale this week is generating a flood of mediacoverage other retailers would kill for. Hardly The retailer and its sup› anyone seems to care any› porters said the critics were more that Amazon routinely trying to preserve their priv› loses buckets of money. It ileges against a much-needed owns the future. wave of digital disruption.

Hollywood actress playing characters that get killed off quickly ("I’m a good corpse") and trying to reanimate her career. the Lambs," for example, the Lois, once a school spell› villain stashes his victims in ing bee champion, is now a fetid pit before killing them teaching English literature and using their skin for his to thick college students in freaky sewing project. The upstate New York. A stu› protagonist of John Fowles’ dent who knows more than creepfest "The Collector" he should starts skulking imprisons a woman in a around, asking i ntrusive custom-built underground questions and displaying too

Maggie Mitchell’s stunning, multilay› ered debut, is not

rupt, or all of the above.

Abe and Goldie are none.

dry, self-aware senses ofhumo r that make the book that much morefun to read. They are now 29 and not doing so well. Chloe, who as a child was a beauty queen named Carly May, has be›

p a r t n ersbend.org

Hospice I Home Health I Hospice House I Transitions I Palliative Care

positive, and not

er-land coincidence that I didn’t quite f ollow, Chloe

auditions for the film and vestigating the kidnapping. Soon she and Lois will meet

in real life for the first time in b ecause nearly two decades, co-con›

they were brainwashed or spirators in an episode that developed Stockholm syn› outsiders still see as puzzling drome. Unhappy in different and vaguely shameful. ways at home, they at least What really happened according to on e a ccount during those six weeks? spent their time playing That’s what everyone wants cards, eating Kraft maca› to know. roni and cheese, fashioning As readers, we have some costumes out of interesting clues to the goings-on in the old outfits they found in a cabin: Lois and Chloe’s af› per s pectives, storage room, going swim› ter-the-fact ming and chatting on the which come alive as each porch at night. Zed, as their narrates the book in turn; a enigmatic kidnapper called crucial chapter from "Deep himself, taught them good in the Woods" that Mitchell vocabularywords("syzygy") has cunningly slipped into and dispensedusefuladvice. the middle of the real novel. Except to stroke their hair

Make of it what you will. It’ s

chastely once in a while, he not clear how true even that neverlaid a hand on them. version is. By her own ac› Having set up an intrigu› count, Lois selectively sifted ing back story, Mitchell, who through the available mate› lives in Georgia and has pub› rial. She is a storyteller, after lished short fiction in various all. "I invented one version literary magazines, proceeds of the story when I w r ote to unpack it and spin it for› the book, obviously," she ward with a great deal of in› explains. telligent, beautifully written The biggest problem with panache. Along the way she enticingly plotted t h r illers merrily sends up Hollywood, is that if you don’t watch academia, the child beauty yourself, they rush by too pageant circuit in the U.S. fast. You’ re awake and still heartland and the public’s readingat 4 a.m.,desperate prurient interest in the sexu›

al prodivities of kidnappers. Like Gillian Flynn’s spiky, damaged heroines I’m thinking particularly of Ca› mille in "Sharp Objects" and Libby in "Dark Places"


to find out w hat happens and too tired and impatient

to read carefully, so you gal› lop through and miss the nuance. At these times, you

should force yourself to step away from the book. "Pretty

girls, Lois and Chloe, have Is" is best savored slowly.


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The Bulletin

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on the first day it runs to make sure it is cor›


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Only driven 400 miles. $300 OBO. Call 541-312-2278 263


Milling Machine Clausing 3/4HP, 3 phase, speeds 180 to 3250,n3" spindle travel, 6 x24" bed, has approx. dimen› sions 36nx40". $2500 503-866-8858

Yamaha C o nsole piano, pristine con› Hunter Douglas blinds, with six chairs, dark rect. nSpellcheckn and new, replaced due to dition, recently tuned. wood, 4 years old, error in size, color or human errors do oc› Piano includes bench 'r r and in perfect con› cur. If this happens to & s h eet m u sic. control. Duetts, wo› dition, includes Pygmy Osprey Double ven w oods, r o l ler your ad, please con› wood kayak. Feather $2500 OBO, not incl. protective pads. shades, 40+. tact us ASAP so that ship. Price $ 1500 mortar, con› Craft r udder. B u ilt under $810. 541-312-4182 app r aisal. $1.50-$3 per sq. ft. MIXER corrections and any etc. 12 cu. ft., 2009. Weighs only 541-31 8-7279 days Dinette beige b r o› crete, adjustments can be w / 1 3 HP 6 0lbs. I n cludes 2 by 7 p.m. cade, 4 6 . 58x70.25, towable, made to your ad. Dryer Maytag Perfor› Honda gas, hydrau› custom fit Red Fish $75. 71x70.25, $108. lic 541 -385-5809 mance nat. gas, gd dump, used once, cockpit covers; Math stick white for cond., 541-389-4985 The Bulletin Classified seats; 260 ike n e w . IME R rollers and saddles for slider, gro m met, lHenchman 208 208 $ ’ I 500. Misc. Items G ENERATE S O M ELa Jolla Knife clubs, crossbars. 87x76, $84 . D u e tt new $5000,4HSM-4, se ll Pets & Supplies • P ets & Supplies EXCITEMENT in your 3-5-7 woods, $30 set. 541-504-5224 honey beige, 31.5x70 Buying Diamonds neighborhood! Plan a 541-647-2685 & 34x70, $27 each. $3950. 0 248 Miniature Poodle-Grey, garage sale and don’ t /Gold for Cash D uett T DB U C - 5 1 503-781-8812 female, 9 m o n ths, forget to advertise in Saxon’s Fine Jewelers off-white, 45 7/Bx58, 2 Health & smith Rock f ixed. A r ound 1 2 classified! 541-389-6655 a t $4 0 e a ch . 6 9 Shop Smith Mark V Beauty Items Golf course headstock, very good pounds. Very cute but 541-385-5809. 7/8x40 1/4, $42. 69 my elderly mother can in Redmond BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS 7/Bx46, $48. 70x40, condition. Shop Smith Got Knee Pain? Back La-Z-Boy chair, taupe, not take care of this $40. 69.875x58, $64. band saw retrofit kit, Pain? Shoulder Pain? Search the area’s most l ike n e w , $16 5 . 9 Hole Par 3 $9 5 . Call 5 4 1 -382-1569, b rand n ew , comprehensive listing of AKC/AF Po i nter young dog anymore. 541-385-5689 Get a pain-relieving 8 Full Length 541-382-6010 202 Rehoming fee: $200. classified advertising... Cleopatra Puppies b orn brace -little or NO cost Driving Range 541-815-9463 Want to Buy or Rent NEED TO CANCEL 6/14/15 ready 8/9/15 to you. Medicare Pa› real estate to automotive, Infrared Sauna, 220-V 265 YOUR AD? Repeat b r eeding, Miniature Schnauzer tients Call Health Hot› merchandise to sporting 541-91 2-3gf26 no building, Building Materials goods. Bulletin Classifieds hook-up, Wanted: $Cash paid for first litter produced a The Bulletin Smith RockGolf line Now! 1› value asking puppies, 2 females, appear every day in the $3000 vintage costume jewelry. AKC FC/AFC be› Classifieds has an 800-285-4609 Course.corn $500. 541-536-7790 Bend Habitat $500; 2 males, $450. "After Hours" Line print or on line. Top dollar paid for fore the age of two. (PNDC) Born April 2, UTD RESTORE Gold/Silver. I buy by the Call 541-383-2371 Keurig coffee brewer Building D ouble line b r e d shots, wormed, potty Call 541-385-5809 Supply Resale Estate, Honest Artist Crow’s Little Joe on 24 hrs. to cancel 246 249 www.bendbulletin.corn like new w/book $25. trained. Leave mes› 541-312-6709 Elizabeth,541-633-7006 Sire’s side & Elhew 541-771-7290 after 5 your ad! NE Thurston Ave. sage. 541-548-7456 Guns, Hunting Art, Jewelry The Bulletin Moss green & g r ay 224Open of Dam’s to the public. WANTEDWood Dress› Snakefoot cerningrennet Oregonvincerein Q ueen s i ze d so l i d & Fishing & Furs side. G r eat f ield ers; and Dead Wash› dogs/family dogs wooden frame, $200 queen bed set, $30. 266 BUYING ers. 541-420-5640 541-647-2685 Desperately Seeking Lionel/American raised in the house P eople g iving p e t s obo. 541-923-6303 Flyer Heating & Stoves Missing 1940s dia› with o u r fa m i ly! cleaner Kirby trains, accessories. Reduce Your Past Tax 203 away are advised to Vacuum m ond ring sold a t $1000 available to Classic includes full 541-408-2191. Bill by as much as 75 NOTICE TO be selective about the Bend Pawn approx. Holiday Bazaar great homes only! Percent. Stop Levies, accessories package ADVERTISER new owners. For the Sept.13-17, 2014 has BUYING & SE L LING & Craft Shows 541-936-4765 protection of the ani› $85. 541-382-4582. central diamond and 2 All gold jewelry, silver Liens and Wage Gar› Since September 29, 1991, advertising for mal, a personal visit to 50 BM G A r malite little side stones, one and gold coins, bars, nishments. Call The Central Oregon Tax DR Now to see if used woodstoves has the home is recom› The Bulletin rifle, single shot bolt is missing. Sz. 7.5. rounds, wedding sets, Saturday Market Qualify been limited to mod› mended. recommends extra ’ gun, exc. cond., low 541-213-1221 Please class rings, sterling sil› you July 18th - Hokule’a els which have been l caution when pur› md. count. Very accu› keep trying! Will pay ver, coin collect, vin› 1-800-791-2099. Ohana Central Oregon The Bulletin (PNDC) certified by the O r› chasing products or > rate, great m uzzle any reasonable price. tage watches, dental servingCentral igregcrnvince rggg Hula Dancers will per› egon Department of break, light recoil, 20 services from out of I go1d. Bill F l e ming, Sell your s t ructured form this Saturday, Environmental Qual› 253 P omeranian p u p s, gauge maybe, HD 541-382-9419. f the area. Sending f settlement or annuity don’t miss this show! Black Stan d ard ity (DEQ) and the fed› bi-pod 8 H D c a rry TV, Stereo & Video bred, sables, ’ cash, checks, o r ’ payments for CASH Next week, the 25th we Poodle Puppies, tails pure Chateau LaTour 1949, NOW. You don’t have eral E n v ironmental markings, l credit i n f ormation bag. 60 loaded rnds. will be c/osed, enjoy d ocked, claws r e › tri-colored 4 bottles, always Eu› to wait for your future Protection A g e ncy included. C omplete DIRECTV Starting at g r e at may be subjected to the Downtown moved, de-wormed, dewormed, cella red. payments any longer! (EPA) as having met ready l FRAUD. For more loading set up avail. $19.99/mo. FREE In› rocave Criterion. 1st shots 8 check up, dispositions, emission stan› comp o nents. s tallation. FREE 3 $28,000. Taking deep. information about an c w/ Call 1-800-914-0942 smoke smart, beautiful, ath› 7/24. Call (541) 420-9015 or 541-593-31 65 dards. A cer t ified a f te r 4pm advertiser, you may I $2,950. 503-781-8812 months o f HBO (PNDC) visit us on Facebook letic, l o yal, g r e at Call w oodstove may b e 541-383-8195 / call t h e Or e gon / S HOWTIME CIN › hunting nose, strong YOU KNOW that Singer zig-zag /sewing identified by its certifi› Atto r ney ’ Bend local dealer pays EMAX, STARZ. FREE DID 208 blood lines. 6 Boys, 3 POODLE pups,toy or ’ State not only does news› CASH!!for firearms & cation label, which is table, $60. l General’s O f f i ce HD/DVR U p g rade! Girls. $1,000, Phone paper media reach a Pets & Supplies mini, Chi-poos also 541-923-7624 permanently attached Consumer Protec- • ammo. 541-526-0617 2015 NFL S u nday 503-390-0629 or text HUGE Audience, they 541-475-3889 to the stove. The Bul› t ion ho t l in e at I Ticket Included (Se› also reach an E N› SOCIAL 503-930-7356, ask for CASH!! S E C URITY letin will not know› lect Packages) New GAGED AUDIENCE. D ISABILITY The Bulletin recom› Debra For Guns, Ammo & BEN › ingly accept advertis› Pug, male, 2 1/2 yrs i 1-877-877-9392. C ustomers Onl y . Discover the Power of E FITS. Unable t o mends extra caution Reloading Supplies. o ld, f a wn , $ 2 0 0 .I The Bulletin I for the sale of CALL 1-800-410-2572 Newspaper Advertis› work? Denied ben› ing when purc has› Cans 8 bottles wanted! 541-610-5133 541-408-6900. serving Central Oregon sinceiggg uncertified ing products or ser› They make a big dif› (PNDC) ing in six states - AK, efitsg We Can Helpl woodstoves. ference in the lives of QueenslandHeelers vices from out of the MT, OR & WA. For WIN or Pay Nothing! ION'NIIS I&Ill abandoned animals. Standard & Mini, $150 212 Dish Network - G et aID, area. Sending cash, 267 free rate brochure Contact Bill Gordon 8 M ORE fo r LE S S ! call checks, or credit in› Local nonprofit uses Antiques & & up. 541-280-1537 916-288-6011 or Associates at Fuel & Wood for spay/neuter costs. Starting $19.99/month f ormation may be email Collectibles 1-800-879-3312 to www.craftcats.org or www.rig htwayranch.wor DO YOU HAVE (for 12 months.) PLUS cecelia@cnpa.corn subjected to fraud. start your application d press.corn SOMETHING TO Bundle 8 SAVE (Fast (PNDC) For more i nforma› call 541-389-8420 for Antiques Wanted: tools, today! (PNDC) WHEN BUYING SELL Internet f o r $15 tion about an adver› pickup or to learn lo› Sheep-A-Doodle pups, furniture, John Deere FIREWOOD... FOR $500 OR cations of trailers. more/month.) CALL Dishes - 8 place set of The Bulletin Offers tiser, you may call ready to go, lovely toys, beer cans, fish› LESS? Now 1-800-308-1563 Sango Nova Brown, Free Private Party Ads coats, non-shed, To avoid fraud, the O regon State Deposit c a ns/bottles ing/sports gear, Non-commercial (PNDC) • 3 lines - 3 days Attorney General’ s entle di s position.Pre-’40s B/W photog› $75. 541-408-0846 The Bulletin needed for local all advertisers may 1200. 509-305-9085 • Private Party Only recommends payOffice C o n sumer volunteer, non-profit raphy. 541-389-1578 place an ad • Total of items adver› ment for Firewood Protection hotline at cat rescue. Donate at Shih Tzu AKC adorable with our 1-877-877-9392. The Bulletin reserves tised must equal $200 only upon delivery Jake’s Diner, Hwy 20 "QUICK CASH female pu p $ 3 7 5. the right to publish all or Less and inspection. E , Bend; Petco i n SPECIAL" 541-788-0234 or ads from The Bulletin FOR DETAILS or to • A cord is 128 cu. ft. The Bulletin Redmond; S m ith Serving Central Oregon since rggg 1 week 3 lines 12 4’ x 4’ x 8’ 541-548-0403 PLACE AN AD, newspaper onto The Sign, 1515 NE 2nd, ol' ’eceeretgne,gnggggenn Call 541-385-5809 • Receipts should Bend; CRAFT in Tu› Toy Poodle, F puppy, Bulletin Internet web› ee eke erg ~ Adopt a great cat or site. Fax 541-385-5802 include name, malo. Can pick up Ig. BovvTech, Elite, Hoyl, Matthews, PSE Ad must two! Altered, vacci› amounts. 389-8420. red, companion home, phone, price and include price of Vintage bomber jacket, $650. 541-788-0090 nated, ID chip, tested, www.craftcats.org The Bulletin kind of wood Serving Cencrel Oregon sincergia in ie item ei gene n~ • High Quality Bows 8 Accessories like new, black, men’ s purchased. more! CRAFT, 65480 Toy poodle, red adult F, or less, or multiple Ig. $50. 541-593-5118 • Bow Tuning and Service German She herd • Firewood ads 78th, Bend, Sat/Sun, 215 looking for compan› items whosetotal 1-5p.m. 541-389-8420 Puppies;4- ales, • 30 Yard Indoor Range MUST include Wantedpaying cash ho m e . Cal l Coins & Stamps does not exceed 1-Female; AKC. More ion www.craftcats.org species & cost per • Lessons for Beginners and Adults for Hi-fi audio & stu› 541-788-0090 for info. $500. Info Visit www.fordan› cord to better serve • Archery Leagues dio equip. Mclntosh, Private collector buying dporscha.corn our customers. Find exactly what JBL, Marantz, D y › Yorkie AKC pups 2M, postagestamp albums 8 Call Classifieds at 2F, adorable, UDT collections, world-wide 541-385-5809 naco, Heathkit, San› you are looking for in the Maremma guard dog 1671 South 1st Street, Redmond Bulletin sui, Carver, NAD, etc. The pup, purebred, $350 shots, health guar., pics and U.S. 573-286-4343 www.bendbulletin.corn 541-316-1784 Serving genrrel Oregensince rggg CLASSIFIEDS 541-546-6171 Call 541-261-1808 $500/up. 541-777-7743 (local, cell phone).

Dining room table




l l

































53 "I’ ll obey your I Hamlet medical advice!"? 5 Possible cause of red 57 Bath bathroom eyes 58 Prey for a dingo 10Collared one 5$ Coat of arms element 14 Poker in a western 60 1969 Nabokov novel 18 College sports’ 61 Don Everly’s singing Valley Conference brother 1$Disease spread by 63 Reaction to a slug bats 66 Guarantee 21 Nef arious 68 Harry’s 1948 22 "Casablanca" role Dixiecrat opponent 23 Bird involved in 70 Horror film featuring French government Ghostface affairs? 74 Collared one 25 Fulminate 75 Miss Woodhouse of 26 Come together Hartfield 27 Leading the pack 76 Stand-up comic’s 28 Glittering ballet need costume? 79 Echo tester’s word 31 Brings up 80 Car-care brand 34 Was nosy 83 Paul Newman title 35 "Prince role (" Aladdin" song) 85 Lionel trains? 36 Flipper? SS Mesabi Range 3$ Raced with runners excavation 41 "You can stop $1 Oscar winner Garson explaining" 92 Big butcher purchase 44 Tree with samaras 93 Group planning a 45 "La Boheme" song hostile takeover of in which Rodolfo Swiss Miss? regrets saying too 98 "Here’s an idea ..." much to his lover? $9 Facebook profile 49 Except for feature 51 Site of Italy’s Blue 100Plywood sheet Grotto 101Nail-removing tool 52 Barclays Center 103Driveway sealant player 104Become tainted Online subscripnons: 106Former SAG Today’s puzzle and more president Ed than 4,000 past puzzles, nytimes.corn/crosswords 107"That’s my last trip ($39.95 a year). to the store, ever!"? ACROSS

112Indicates, as a gauge 116 Letup 117Reserve 118One who’ s pretentious as hell? 121Study too much, say 122No-show in Hubbard’s cupboard 123Fictional resort in a 1988 „I hit

124Washed up, careerwise 125Stands abuse? 126 Flexible Flyer, e.g. 127Climber’s spike 128Wet blanket?

29 Utah Valley University city 30 Soft rock? 32 Dennis the Menace’s mom 33 Holiday Inn rival


14Buck, in old slang 15More-than-adequate supply 16 Like Goodwill wares 17 "Dagnabbit!" 20 Half-witted 24 Classical performance hall



36 Oil source for Asian cooking 37 Exploit 38 Lobbying org. formed





28 31 37








45 49





52 55





in 1944 59

3$ "Yeah, I bet," e.g.

56 Chi› (Christian symbol) 62 Sinful 64 Diez menos dos 65 Neck lines? 67 Law-school course 69 Network owned by Showtime 71 Children’s heroine with the dog Weenie 72 Runner-up in every 1978 Triple Crown race
























91 94












104 105



1 07 1 0 8


11 Skirt 12 Having no flex 13 Entreaty



40 Intertwined 41 Digsin the Arctic 42 List entry 43 "Whatever Gets You the Night" DOWN (Lennon song) I Floridacity,for short 46 Device once sold in a 2 "Ain’t gonna happen" U2 Special Edition 3 "Dirty" dish 47 Unwelcome bit of mail 4 Track vehicle 48 Prefix with metric 5 Back again 6 Youth 50 Consume 7 Provides a hideaway 54 The olden days for, maybe 55 Actress in "Selma," 8 Undisturbed, after famil iarly

9 Qualifying race 10 Breach of trust



1 10 1 1 1









82 Westerncity named after a Shoshone chief 75 Source of four great rivers, in the Bible 84 Card game from Mattel 77 "Law & Order: SVU" 86 Grimm figure actor 87 Hatch in the Senate 78 Ruler entombed in the Great Pyramid 8$ Important people 80 Sets (on) 90 Tabloid show beginning in 1991 81 Dressage gait

11 5

119 120 124 128


73 Perambulates, western-style

1 13 11 4

$4 Given a start 95 Not working as a volunteer $6 Favored by fortune $7 Radio-era dummy 102 Religious doctrines 104 Cylindrical holder 105 Lying flat 106 Berkshire racecourse site 107 Indistinct shape

108 1980s auto 109Dies down 110 Blender setting 111Polynesian idol -by-the-Sea,N.J. 113 114 Rat Pack nickname 115 Multitude 11$Coverage provider, for short 120Particlein seawater


541-3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 AD PLACEINENT DEADLINES


Monday.. . . . . . . . . . ... 5:00 pm Fri. Tuesday... . . . . . . . ... . Noon Mon. Wednesday.. . . . . . . ... Noon Tues. Thursday.. . . . . . . . . ... Noon Wed. Friday.. . . . . . . . . . . Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate .. ... 11:00am Fri. Saturday.. . . . . . . . . ... 3:00 pm Fri. Sunday.. . . . . . . . . . ... 5:00 pm Fri.

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o r g o t o w w w . b e n d b u l l e t i n . cor n

Place 8photo in your private party ad for only$1 5.00 perweek.

OVER '500 in total merchandise 7 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 0 .00 4 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 8 .50 14 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 6.00 7 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2 4 .00 *Must state prices in ad 14 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3 3 .50 28 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6 1 .50

Garage Sale Special

4 lines for 4 days .. . . . . . . . . . $ 2 0.00 (call for commercial line ad rates)

A Payment Drop Box i s CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: available at Bend City Hall. MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS BELOW MARKED WITH AN*() REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any oui-of-area ads. The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon since 1903 reserves the right io reject any ad is located at: at any time. 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave., Bend, Oregon 97702

The Bulletin

PLEASE NOTE: Checkyour ad for accuracythefirst day it appears. Pleasecall us immediately if a correction is needed. Wewill gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reservesthe right io accept or reject any adat anytime, classify and index anyadvertising basedon the policies of these newspapers. Thepublisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for anyreason. Private Party Classified adarunning 7 or moredayswill publish in the Central OregonMarketplace eachTuesday. 267


Fuel & Wood

Auction Sales



Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

5Xil All Year Dependable ESTATE ANTIQUE Firewood: dry AUCTION Lodgepole,split, del, CAUTION: 7605 Spring Valley Ads published in 1 /$1 95; 2/$3 6 5 . Road N.W., "Employment OpMulti-cord discounts! Salem, OR cash, check, Visa, MC portunities" include July258 26 541-420-3484, Bend employee and inde› 10:00 a.m. pendent positions. 421 308 Ponderosa pine fire› SAMPLE: Wagons and Ads for p ositions wood split, $160 or Buggys; B lacksmith Schools & Training Farm Equipment that require a fee or trade. 541 -419-1 871 forges and large bel› & Machinery upfront investment lows; Lots of old tools HTR Truck School must be stated. With 269 a nd w o o d blo c k J ohn D e e r e 194 6 REDMOND CAlvlPUS any independent job Gardening Supplies planes; Oregon Grads Get Jobs! T ractor Model B , Our opportunity, please 1-88~38-2235 cense plates 1911 to project. Needs io be & Equipment i nvestigate tho r › WWW.HTR.EDU 1 955; Daisy s e e d assembled.Make ofoughly. Use extra packer; Crank tele› fer. 541-385-4924 caution when ap› 476 BarkTurfSoil.corn phones; Gribben 8 plying for jobs on› S exton Co . w ood Employment 325 line and never pro› cookstove; Glass in› PROMPT DELIVERY vide personal infor› Opportunities sulators; K e r osene• Hay, Grain & Feed 542-389-9663 mation to any source lamps; Medi c ine Add your web address you may not have bottles Pocket A+ Premium Central and to your ad and read› r esearched watches; 1897 South Ore. Orchard Grass/Hay For newspaper deemed to be repu› mix. 25 bales per ton, ers on The Bulletin's American relief map; delivery, call the web site, www.bend› table. Use extreme $f 95/ton. Quantity Household small. One Discount, Circulation Dept. at c aution when r e › 541-977-3fsf bulletin.corn, will be Man'8 Collection 541-385-5800 s ponding to A N Y able to click through To place an ad, call www.dennisturmon.corn online employment CO Orchard grass automatically to your or 541-480-0795 541 -385-5809 ad from out-of-state. weed free, 70 lb. websiie. Dennis Turmon or email We suggest you call bales, $1 90/ton. No olaeeified@bendbulletin.oom Enterprises LLC the State of Oregon delivery. Need to get an Consumer H otline 54f -390-0022 The Bulletin Check out the ad in ASAP? Serving Central Oraeen sinceSana at f -503-378-4320 classifieds online For Equal Opporiu› You can place it First cutting orchard www.bendbulletin.corn g rass m ix , nity Laws contact sm a l l online at: I SPECIALS 1 Updated daily bales, $165/ton, slight www.bendbulletin.corn Oregon Bureau of + Raised Bed Soil Labor 8 I n dustry, rain. 5 4 1 -420-9736 + Peat Mixes Civil Rights Division, 286 Madras, Oregon + Juniper Ties 971-673- 0764. 541-385-5809 Sales Northeast Bend + Paver Discounts Call The Bulletin At + Sand + Gravel Caregivers n e eded, The Bulletin 541-385-5809 + Bark long time established ** FREE ** 54f -385-5809 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail instantlsndscsping.corn I in - home Garage Sale Kit AI: www.bendbulleiin.corn Christian care agency. Must be Place an ad in The available weekdays Bulletin for your ga› Wheat Straw for Sale. 270 and weekends. Must Call a Pro rage sale and reAlso, weaner pigs. have following qualifi› Whether you need a Lost & Found ceive a Garage Sale 541 -546-6171 cations: Kit FREE! fence fixed, hedges • 1 8 yrs or older Found: pudgy manx • Must be high school or trimmed or a house cat, female, gray KIT INCLUDES: Looking for your equivalent. w/ white face and • 4 Garage Sale Signs built, you’ ll find next employee? • Pass criminal back› bib, doesn’t meow, • $2.00 Off Coupon To Place a Bulletin professional help in ground check Use Toward Your at 5th 8 Portland. help wanted ad •Drivers license with The Bulletin’8 "Call a Next Ad Call 541 -408-6768 today and • 10 Tips For "Garage endorsement for in› Service Professional" reach over FOUND Swiss watch Sale Success!" surance Directory 7/6 at J.C/s Bar 8 60,000 readers •Neat in appearance Grill downtown Bend. each week. 541-385-5809 Call Kim Mon.-Fri. 9-3. PICK UP YOUR Call t o des c ribe. Your classified ad at 54f -923-4041 GARAGE SALE KIT at 541-610-7694 will also 1777 SW Chandler appear on Gray cat, Hazel, lost Maintenance Ave., Bend, OR 97702 bendbulletin.corn since 7/4 west Aw› which currently brey Butte, no collar. The Bulletin Serrtng Central Oregon sere s903 receives over Help!!!!! 541 -408-4733 1.5 million page LOST: 1 SV tools on views every Parking Lot Sale! Butler Mkt. Rd., near month at no 8 Sun., 9-4, 926A airport, afternoon of Sat. extra cost. Diesel Mechanic 7 /1 4. REWA R D ! NE Greenwood Ave., Bulletin across from Pilot 54f -480-1 508 Butte Drive-ln. Classifieds Les Schwab is looking for a Diesel Mechanic to Mini-long hair Doxies 1 0 Horse Tack and More! Get Results! join our Maintenance team! Responsibilities weeks, UTD, shots, Call 541-305-5809 include preventative maintenance and repairs not a p u ppy m ill, or place your ad on tractors, trailers, dollies, corporate vehicles Sell an Item 54 I -383-892 1 on-line at and forklifts. Also responsible for major bendbulletin.corn component overhaul and diagnosis. Other duties include repair orders and cleaning and maintaining the shop area. Requirements REMEMBER: If you 345 include a high school diploma or equivalent, have lost an animal, Livestock & Equipment valid Class A CDL or the ability to acquire one don’t forget to check If it’s under$500 within 3 months of hire (must meet DOT 3.96 The Humane Society regulations). you can place ii in Bend 3A Livestock 54’I-382-3537 The Bulletin Les Schwab has a reputation of excellent ~ev li e s Redmond Panels, gates and customer service, with over 450 stores and Classifieds for: 541-923-0882 shelter Headquar› 7,000 employees in the western United States. Madras ters! Odd sizes Pleasego to www.lesschwab.corn io apply.No 54’I -475-6889 610 • 3 lines, 7 days available, to 20’. Call phone calls please. Prineville today for pricing! 616 • 3 lines, 14 days 541 -447-71 78 541 -475-1 255 Les Schwab is proud to be an or Craft Cats 800-71 6-4320 equal opportunity employer. (Private Party ads only) 54’I -389-8420 a o



L ’ "" " J

II II559III15$


Can be found on these pages:

D ID Y O U KNO W Newspaper-gener› a ted content is s o EMPLOYMENT valuable it’s taken and 410 - Private Instruction repeated, condensed, 421 - Schools and Training broadcast, t weeted, 454- Looking Ior Employment discussed, p o sted, 470- Domestic 8 In-Home Positions copied, edited, and 476 - Employment Opportunities

e mailed countless

times throughout the day by others? Dis› cover the Power of Newspaper Advertis› ing in FIVE STATES with just one phone call. For free Pacific Northwest Newspa› per Association Net› work brochures call 91 6-288-601 1 or email cecelia@cnpa.corn


Where can youfind a helping hand? From contractors to yard care, it’s all here in The Bulletin’s "Call A Service

Professional" Directory

486 - Independent Positions 476



Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulleiin.corn which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month ai no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulleiin.corn


Immediate need for Wildland Firefighters to fight forest fires. Must be 18 years old and Drug Free! Apply 9am-3pm Mon-Thurs. Bring two forms of ID fill out Federal l-9 form. No ID = No Application

PatRick Corp. 1199 NE Hemlock,



FINANCEAND BUSINESS 507- Real Estate Contracts 514 - Insurance 528 - Loans and Mortgages 543- Stocks and Bonds 558 - Business Investments 573 - Business Opportunities

541-923-0703 EOE

General Assistant to the City Recorder'sOffice I Part-Time Central Services Non-Exempt, Non-Represented Hourly Rate: $1 7.74

Performs a variety of routine and complex ad› ministrative, technical and professional work in support of the City Recorder’s office.

Mandator Re uirements: High school diploma, or GED equivalent, supplemented by an Associate’8 Degree or technical certificate in secretarial sciences and two (2) years of applicable and verifiable ad› ministrative work experience; or any equiva› lent combination of applicable and verifiable work experience and training which demon› strates the knowledge, skills and ability to perform the above described duties.

Home Delivery Advisor The Bulletin Circulation Department is seeking a Home Delivery Advisor. This is a full-time position and consists of managing an adult carrier force to ensure our customers receive superior service. Must be able to create and perform strategic plans to meet department objectives such as increasing market share and penetration. Ideal candidate will be a self-starter who can work both in the office and in their assigned territory with minimal supervision. Early a.m. hours are necessary with company vehicle provided. Strong customer service skills and management skills

are necessary. Computer experience is required. You must pass a drug screening and be able io be insured by company io drive

vehicles. This is an entry-level position, but we b elieve in p r omoting from w i thin, s o advancement within company is available to the right person. If you enjoy dealing with people from diverse backgrounds and you are energetic, have great organizational skills and interpersonal communication skills, please send your resume to:

The Bulletin

c/o Kurt Muller PO Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708-6020 or e-mail resume to: kmuller© bendbulletin.corn No phone calls, please. The Bulletin isa drug-free workplace. EOE Pre-employment drug screen required. I••I

Facilities Assistant (part-time) Would you like to be an integral member of the library’s team that ensures that facilities

are well maintained? This opportunity provides varied ways to demonstrate technical and

interpersonal skills. Check us out! Deadline:2:00 pm on July 29. Check http: //www.deschuteslibrary.org/ about/employment for more details, appli› cation, and supplemental questionnaire. Or call 541-312-1024 for assistance. EOE


Request application packetfrom DeAnne Wakefield, City of Redmond Human Re› sources Department, via email only› deanne.wakefield'ci.redmond. or.us. Com› plete application packets must be submit› ted by5pm, Monday, August 10, 2015.




TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities


Mid Oregori

Bend Park di Recreation

Credit Union Contact Center Member Service Representative Part-time, 25 hours per week position requires prompt, accurate, and courteous over-the› telephone service to members while process› ing routine financial transactions, researching issues and answering questions. The Contact Center MSR cross-sells Mid Oregon Credit Union products and services and makes refer› rals as needed. Qualified candidates will pos› sess excellent customer service and commu› nication skills. Must be able to work in a team environment and be PC-proficient. Competi› tive salary based on experience. See our web site at www.midoregon.corn for an application. Please send resume, cover letter and application to: Mid Oregon FCV Attn: Human Resources P.O. Box 6749, Bend, OR 97708




Is Accepting Applications For: •Night Custodian •Lifeguard •Youth Rec. Leader •Youth Rec. Assistant •Youth Rec. Supervisor The D i strict o ff e rs medical, dental, vi› sion, retirement, va› cation/ sick leave, and o ther b enefits f o r t hose w o rking 6 0 hours or more. For complete job announcements

or to apply go to bendparksandrec.org Equal Opportunity Employer


For MoreAds The Bulletin

Mid Oregon Credit Union is a drug-free workplace

In this position you will play a vital role on our Sports Staff!



r •


• Proven interpersonal skills • Professional-level writing ability and sports background a must • Working knowledge of traditional high school sports • Proven computer and proofreading skills • Comfortable in a fast-paced, deadline› oriented environment • Must be able to successfully pass a pre-employment drug screen

If you are a sports minded journalist and have a positive "Can Do" attitude WE WANT TO TALK TO YOU!


Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

• •

Please send your cover letter, resume, and a work sample attention: sportsassistant@bendbulletin.corn •

No agencies or telephonecal/s please.

The Bulletin

The BUIjetin

Serving Central Oregon since 1903

The Bulletin is an equal opportunity employer




* ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * I I

This position is full-time 4 days per week, 10 hours per day, from 3:30 p.m. to approximately 2:00 am on a rotating schedule that will allow for every other weekend being 3 days off.


/ * Great Supplemental Income!! * /

I The Bulletin Mailroom is hiring for our Satur- I 9 day night shift and other shifts as needed. We• • currently have openings all nights of the week.• / Everyone must work Saturday night. Shifts start between 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. and / end between 2:00 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. Allpo• sitions we are hiring for, work Saturday nights.• I Starting pay is $9.25 per hour, and we pay aI 0 minimum of 3 hours per shift, as some shifts0 are short (11:30 - 1:30). The work consists of / loading inserting machines or stitcher, stack› ing product onto pallets, bundling, cleanup and / other tasks.

/ /

Tolauat 1 • 1-2 years web press experience

• Move and lift 50 Ibs or more on a continuing basis • Reaching, sitting, pushing, pulling, stooping, kneeling, walking and climbing stairs. • Ability to learn and execute appropriate safety practices • Successfully pass a drug screen


• •

If you are a self-motivated, team› oriented individual and have a positive "Can Do" attitude WE WANT TO TALK TO YOU!

IFor qualifying employees we offer benefitsl / including life insurance, short-term & long-term/ disability, 401(k), paid vacation and sick time.

I~ Please submit a completed application . I


No phone calls please.

Western Communications, inc. and their affiliated companies, is proud to be an equal opportunity employer, supporting a drug-free workplace

I •

No agencies or telephone ca//s p/ease.


attention Kevin Eldred. Applications are available at The Bulletin front desk (1777 S.W. Chandler Blvd.), or an electronic application may be obtained upon request by contacting Kevin Eldred via email (keldred O bendbulletin.corn).

Send yourresume toanelson@bendbulletin.corn Applications are also available at The Bulletin, 1777 Chandler Ave. Bend, OR 97702



* No resumes will be accepted *



Drug test is required prior to employment. EOE. .

The Bulletin


serving central oregonsince rrls



The successful candidate will work full-time 4 days per week, 10 hours per day, from 3730 p.m. to approximately 2:00 a.m. on a rotating schedule that will allow for 3 days off every other weekend.


• .


~TQ USIA • Move and lift 50 Ibs or more on a continuing basis • Reaching, sitting, pushing, pulling, stooping, kneeling, walking and climbing stairs. • Ability to learn and execute safety practices • Successfully pass a drug screen

If you are a self-motivated, team› oriented individual and have a positive "Can Do" attitude WE WANT TO TALK TO YOU! Send your resume to anelson'bendbulletin.corn Applications are also available at The Bulletin, 1777 Chandler Ave. Bend, OR 97702 No agencies or telephone calls p/ease.






PPpp Open Houses Open 11-1 61284 Dayspring Dr. Great Room Plan Community Pool Melody Lesser, Broker 541-610-4960

Theearner croup.corn



Apt./Multiplex NE Bend •

Wan t To Rent

Only a few left! Looking to rent cottage Two tk Three Bdrms with Washer/Dryer or detached l iving area. Very good ref› and Patio or Deck. Bdrms also avail.) 528 erences. Non-smok› (One ing single woman, no Mountain Glen Apts Loans & Mortgages 541.383.9313 pets. Can do errands Professionally for elderly, or l ight WARNING managed by yard work. R o bin, Norris The Bulletin recom› 8 Stevens, Inc. mends you use cau› 206-360-1949 tion when you pro› vide personal information to compa› nies offering loans or credit, especially those asking for ad› vance loan fees or companies from out of state. If you have concerns or ques› tions, we suggest you consult your attorney or call CONSUMER HOTLINE,

Open 1-4 21685 Stud Ct.

Large Home, Shop On Nearly An Acre Alison Garner-Meta, Broker 541-280-6250




LOCAL MONEyrWebuy secured trust deeds & has o penings l i sted b e low. G o to note, some hard money https://jobs.cocc.edu to view details 8 apply loans. Call Pat Kellev online. Human Resources, Newberry Hall, 541-382-3099 ext.13. 2600 NW College Way, Bend OR 97701; (541)363 7216. For hearing/speech impaired, 573 Oregon Relay Services number is 7-1-1. Business Opportunities COCC is an AA/EO employer. WARNING The Bulletin Community Learning Program Manager, recommends that you Redmond Campus i nvestigate eve r y Responsible for researching and developing a of investment profitable component of the Continuing Educa› phase opportunities, espe› tion department by providing training and en› c ially t h ose f r o m r ichment c lasses. $ 3 7,613-$45,015 f o r out-of-state or offered 10-month contract. Closes July 22. by a p erson doing business out of a lo› Support Specialist cal motel or hotel. In› instructional Dean’s Office vestment o ff erings Serve as support for Instructional Dean(s) and must be r e gistered Instructional Administration. Prepare, monitor with the Oregon De› and track org budgets, grants and funding sources. Prepare and distribute meeting agen› partment of Finance. das and documents. $2,740-$3,261/mo. We suggest you con› sult your attorney or Closes July 19. call CON S UMER HOTLINE, Part Time Latino College Prep 1-503-378-4320, Program Coordinator Serve as primary coordinator for students pre› 8:30-noon, Mon.-Fri. paring for post-secondary education. Estab› lish goals and objectives of the program. Get your $19.32 - $23.00/hr. 30hr/wk. 11months per business year. Extended to open until filled.

Part-Time instructor Positions NEW- College Level Writing, Developmental Writing, Veterinary Librarian, Geology and Chemistry Looking for talented individuals to t each part-time in a variety of disciplines. Check our employment Web site at https://jobs.cocc.edu. Positions pay $543 per load unit (1 LU = 1 class credit), with additional perks.


fi l3a4jCIW

will loan on real es› tate equity. Credit, no problem, good equity is all you need. Call Oregon Land Mort› gage 541-368-4200.



Oregon Department of Human Services DHS is seeking a CPS A ssessment Worker to provide on the first day it runs child welfare ser› to make sure it is cor› vices in M a dras. • Roommate Wanted rect. "Spellcheck" and $41,400 human errors do oc› $60,336.00 annual cur. If this happens to Room for rent in house salary. R e q uires ad, please con› in Eagle Crest, Red› your Bachelor’s or higher tact us ASAP so that mond. Elderly lady level degree in So› corrections and any cial W o rk/Human preferred. Rent: $400. adjustments can be Call 541-280-0892. Services o r a made to your ad. closely related field. 541-385-5809 F or m o r e in f o , The Bulletin Classified Just too many visit oregonjobs.org collectibles? and search DHS15-0251C. Need help fixing stuff? EOE Sell them in Call A Service Professional The Bulletin Classifieds f ind the help you need. www.bendbulletin.corn

TURNED YOU L +**** * * * * * * * * * * A y BANK DOWN? Private party

The BLTIjetm

This is an entry-level position with the opportunity to learn a new trade. Position pays $10.00 hour depending on experience


. 00

Please email your resume to: jbrandt'bendbulletin.corn No phone calls please.



O H I O R A B I E S E V I L I L S A Mechanics General R OUSH i s hir i n g ! C U C K O O D E T A T R A G E M E E T Seeking Diesel Tech› Jefferson Coun Job 0 o r t u nities nicians/Mechanics to A H E A D T U T U O F D I A M O N D S support a small fleet Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault R E A R S P R I E D A L I of prot o type/test Prosecutor -D.D.A. - I trucks. Formal me› S P A T U L A S K I E D I G E T I T $48,003.88 to $50,434.08 Year - DOQ chanical training and First Review Date July 24th, 2015 M I M I A N D M Y B I G M O U T H minimum 2 y e ars’ E L M general S A V E C A P R I I S L A N D E R For complete job description and application automotive/diesel ex› form go to www.co/efferson.or.us click on Hu› perience r e q uired. A Y E A Y E D O C T O R L O O E M U man Resources, then Job Opportunities; or This position is l o› call 541-325-5002. Mail completed Jefferson A D A P H I L O O F cated in Madras, OR. M O T T O County Application forms to Jefferson County Apply online: E N S U R E S T R O M S C R E A M Human Resources, 66 SE D Street, Suite E, http: //careers.roush.co Madras, OR 97741. P ET E M M A M I C H E L L O m or email resume to careers@roush.corn. S T P H U D C H O O C H O O T O Y S JeffersonCounty is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer Medical Reception/ I RO N M I N E G R E E R S I D E Medical Records C O C O A C O N S P I R A T O R S S A Y Bend Urology Associ› ates, LLC is seeking General S T A T U S P A N E L P I N C E R S positive, s e l f-moti› vated front office per› T A R S P O I L A S N E R Jefferson Coun Job 0 o r t u nities son for phone, recep› R E A D S tion a n d me d ical B Y E B Y E P R O D U C T S Juvenile Community Justice Department records. Candidates L U L L B O O K C H I C H I D E V I L Department Director $5,896.03 to $7,366.53 must exhibit excellent Per Month DOQ O G L E B O N E K O K O M O D O N E communication skills, Open until Filled Review Date: have electronic medi› B O O S August 11th, 2015 S L E D P I T O N S N OW cal record experience, be able to multi-task For complete job description and application PUZZLE IS ON PAGE G2 multiple phone form go to www.co/efferson.or.us click on Hu› with l ines and h av e a man Resources, then Job Opportunities; or knowledge of medical call 541-325-5002. Mail completed Jefferson terminology. I s s County Application forms to Jefferson County This is a full time posi› Human Resources, 66 SE D Street, Suite E, tion in a fast paced Madras, OR 97741. environment with mul› tiple providers. Cus› JeffersonCounty is an tomer service is high RENTALS 682 - Farms, RanchesandAcreage Equal Employment Opportunity Employer priority. This position 603 - Rental Alternatives 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease offers a full benefit 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent 604 Storage Rentals p ackage. Ple a s e REAL ESTATE send your resume and 605 - RoommateWanted Digital Advertising Sales cover le t t e r to 616 - Want ToRent 705 - Real Estate Services Coordinator/Trafficker jennielIbendurology. 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 713 - Real Estate Wanted corn. The Bulletin is seeking an individual experi› 630- Rooms for Rent 719 - Real Estate Trades enced in the role of digital advertising sched› 631 - Condos 6 Townhomesfor Rent 726- Timeshares for Sale uler, utilizing inventory systems (AdJuggler, 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 730- New Listings OAS, or DFP) to deliver ad exposures for the 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 732- Commercial Properties for Sale Bulletin’s online commercial accounts. This Relief Delivery Driver position will: 738 - Multiplexes for Sale for 2 newspaper routes 636 - Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 740 - Condos 6 Townhomesfor Sale $60-$70/day+bon s e u s, • Prepare scheduling, creative requests, and $555-$575/wk (3 day 640 - Apt./Multiplex SWBend 744- Open Houses review billing for each order. to 3 wk time periods). 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 745- Homes for Sale • Employ the ad inventory system (DFP) to in› Call Jason or Laurie, 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 746- Northwest BendHomes dividually and collectively ensure that all on› 541-410-7586. line ad impression requirements are met in 648- Houses for RentGeneral 747- Southwest BendHomes the allotted time frames. SANDBLASTER 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend 748- Northeast BendHomes • Review contracts for completeness, correct› $14.00 TO START. 652Houses for Rent NW Bend 749 - Southeast BendHomes ness, and deliverability. Experienced p r e› 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 750- RedmondHomes • Assist Digital Sales Manager in responding ferred but will train 656- Houses for Rent SW Bend 753 - Sisters Homes to RFP’s. right person. Need • Work closely with both in-house salespeople to be able to lift 50 658- Houses for Rent Redmond 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes and outside clients to gather information and to 75 Ibs depending 659- Houses for Rent Sunriver 756- Jefferson CountyHomes assets necessary for campaign fulfillment. on job. 4 0 h ours 660- Houses for Rent LaPine 757 - CrookCounty Homes • Deliver accurate tracking and reporting of plus a week. Start› 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 762 - Homeswith Acreage online ad performance to our advertising cli› ing pay is $’I 4.00 763- Recreational Homesand Property ents. can go u p f r om 662- Houses for Rent Sisters there. Please apply 663- Houses for Rent Madras 764- Farms andRanches Qualifications include experience with online in person, 20554 664 - Houses for Rent Furnished 771 - Lots ad inventory and placement systems, cam› Builders St., Bend, 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 773 - Acreages paign performance reporting, and Google OR 97701. 675 - RVParking 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes Analytics. The successful candidate must be NO PHONE CALLS 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homeswith Land committed to exceptional customer service OR EMAILS! and quality, and be able to balance multiple 632 projects with equal priorities. High degree of SOCIAL SERVICE accuracy, foresight, and follow-through re› Apt./llllultiplex General [Qgg SPECIALIST1› quired. The Bulletin is a drug free workplace Bilingual and pre-employment drug testing is required. CHECK YOURAD English/Spanish •

The successful candidate will work weeknight and Saturday shifts. Job begins on or about Sept. 1


I •



e ROW I N G with an ad in The Bulletin’s "Call A Service Professional" Directory




SUNDAY 1-3 Small working ranch, perfect setup f or a n i › mals. Two large outbuildings with

attached studio 1322 SW Bent Loop

Fully fenced with second Bent Loop, r'ghr r oom fo r R v , approx. t mile, bouse a hook-up includ› on the rear ed tt much more! $294,900

Live in amazing Awbrey Glen! Come see all this wonderful 2213 sq. ft. 3 bedroom, 3 bath, one level home has to offer. Covered back patio overlooking a wooded common area. Great HOA with much to offer and low fees! Golfer or not, this Is a desirable place to live and play! 3225 NV’t Melville Dr., Bend OR 97701 8609,900

Chris McPheetersr nw /Broker

Chris McPheeters,~~ t r~kw

541-38S-2111 AsststASeiI. IBI

541-3SS-2111 AsststASeii, g

Beautiful 2230 sq, ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath custom built one level with 3-car garage. Hand-scraped maple floors throughout tk travertine tile in the baths. Come see all of the extras this home has to offer. No CCkRs or HOAs for the .24 acre lot located in the gorgeous Three Pines subdivision! 62701 Mt. Thielsen Dr., Bend, OR 97701 $639,900

Live and play in the heart of the Old Mill district in this beautiful 3 bedroom, 4.5 bath townhome! This gorgeous location boasts river and mountain views, a shop with a full bath, gorgeous custom kitchen and 3 suites each with their own bathroom. The master suite comes complete with a walk-in closet and private balcony. The extra long 2-car garage is ideal for storing all of your toys! 867 SW Crestline Dr., Bend, OR 97702 S640,000

Chris McPheetersr ~fir~a 541-3SS-2111 Asstst ASeiI. I

Chris McPheetersr ~s ~kw 541 38S 2111 AssjstASeii. g

apt. Walk-in meat

cooler, meat

Powell Butte

Directions: Hruy. t26

powed ause. Lef( on c utting r o o m , to Rey Rd, ao 2 5 mlles,

loafing s h ed, left on SW Tirtn lakes and greenhouse. Rd., goapprox. 1 mile ro

r •






I •

RENTALS 603 - Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605- RoommateWanted 616- Want ToRent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomesfor Rent 632 - Apt./MultiplexGeneral 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SE Bend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SWBend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for RentGeneral 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend 652- Houses for Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656- Houses for Rent SW Bend 658- Houses for Rent Redmond 659 - Houses for RentSunriver 660 - Houses for Rent LaPine 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663- Houses for Rent Madras 664 - Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RVParking 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space



Open Houses

Redmond Homes

Open3-6 1295 SINOgden Ave. Fantastic Location On Near West Side Melody Lessar, Broker

Looking for your next emp/oyee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on ben dbulletin.corn which currently re› ceives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.corn


g ~

i~ i

OpenHouse July 19th • Sun. 10-2 22055 White Peaks Dr., Bend OR 97702 Chris Sperry, Broker CascadeSotheby's InternationalRealty 541-550-4922



Farms & Ranches





Boats & Accessories



Travel Trailers

Travel Trailers

Fifth Wheels

B ounder, 1999, 3 4 ’ , one slide, low mile› age, very clean, lots of storage, $28,500. 54’I -639-9411


I OIg gll5 iH Tu HI 2006 Smokercraft Sunchaser 820 model pontoon boat, 75HP Mercury and electric trolling mo› tor, full canvas and

many extras. Stored inside $19,900



Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fish› ing, drift, canoe, • house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please go to Class 875. 541-385-5809 •


Forest River Wild› 2 0 02, $1 0,590. 2 Slides, walk around queen size bed, a/c, mi› crowave, fri d ge/ freezer, awning and m uch more! H a s been garaged. must see to appreciate. Please call, 541-312-8367 wood 28ft.

I I~


sults! Call 385-5809

or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.corn

Bayliner 185 2006 open bow. 2nd owner low engine hrs. fuel injected V6 Radio 8 Tower. Great family boat Priced to sell. $11,590. 541-548-0345.

Freightliner 1994 Custom Motorhome

Will haul small SUV or toys, and pull a trailer! Powered by 8.3 Cummins with 6 speed Allison auto trans, 2nd owner. Very nice! $53,000. 541-350-4077

300 Cummins Turbo diesel, Allison 5 spd, 80k miles. D r iver s ide s l ide, g a s stove, oven, 2 flat screen TVs, refer, generator, inverter, King Dome, tow bar. Non-smoker, no pets, no c hildren. C lean, an d w e l l maintained, $47,500 541-390-1472.

Motorcycles & Accessories NEW Creek Company BIG COUNTRY RV 541-330-2495 ODC1624 3 man in› Bend:Redmond: flatable pontoon boat. 541-548-5254 N ever used, w a s $ 3000, selling f o r $2000 firm. 541-981-0230 875


on the first day it runs to make sure it is cor› rect. "Spellcheck" and human errors do oc› cur. If this happens to

We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins!

your ad, please con› tact us ASAP so that


Winnebago Minnie 2005 26' ClassC, 29k miles, queen bed, slide dinette, A/C, generator, aw› ning, Class 5 hitch, new Michelins, exc. shape. Stored in› doors, no smoke. $39,000. 541-312-8402

ds published in "Wa› Monaco Monarch 31 ' tercraft" include: Kay› 2006, F ord V 10, aks, rafts and motor› 28,900 miles, Ized personal auto-level, 2 slides, watercrafts. For queen b ed & "boats" please see hide-a-bed sofa, 4k Class 870. gen, convection mi› 541-385-5809 crowave, 2 TVs, tow


Good classified ads tell RVision C r ossover the essential facts in an interesting Manner.Write 2013, 19ft, exc. Well equipped, $ 1 1,500. from the readers view - not 541-604-5387 the seller’ s.Convert the facts into benefits. Show the reader how the item will help them insomeway. This



Your future is just s page away. Whetheryou’re looking for a hat or aplace to hangit, The Bulletin Classified is your best source. Every daythousandsof buyers andsellers of goods and services dobusiness in these pages.Theyknow you can’t beat TheBulletin Classified Sectionfor selection andconvenience -every item isjust a phone call away. The Classified Section is easy to use.Everyitem is categorizedandevery car!egory is indexedonthe section’s frontpage. Whether youare lookingfor s home orneeds service, your future is inthepagesof The Bulletin Classified.

You Keep the Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495



corrections and any 885 adjustments can be made to your ad. Canopies & Campers 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified Lance Squire 4 0 00, 1996, 9’ 6" extended Husky 16K EZ Roller cab, bathroom w/ toi› 5th wheel hitch; and let, queen bed, out› 5th wheel tailgate fits side shower. $5,700. ’03 dodge or newer, Call 541-382-4572 $500 for both or will sell separately!


• ~


9, self contained, 1/2 ton towable $13,900 OBO (541) 410-9017

BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond:

RV ~

Look at: Bendhomes.corn for Complete Listings of Area Real Estate for Sale

J a F l i h t 26 4 B H 2011. like new, sleeps


.I lt

Laredo 31'2006, 5th wheel, fully S/C one slide-out. Awning. Like new, hardly used. Must sell $20,000 or refinance. Call 541-410-5649



2001 36’ 2nd owner,


Keystone Everest 5th Wheel 2004, Model 323P - 3 slides, rear island-kitchen, fireplace, 2 TV’s, CD/DVR/VCR/Tuner w/surround sound, A/C, custom bed, ceiling fan, W/D ready, many extras. New awning & tires. Exc. cond. Tow vehicle also avail. $16,500 obo. Morep/cs. 541-923-6408

Fifth Wheels

Winnebago Journey

CONSIGNMENTS WANTED Creek Company We Do The Work ... 4-place enclosed Inter› ODC1220 2 man in› You Keep The Cash! state snowmobile trailer flatable pontoon boat, On-site credit w/ RockyMountain pkg, s eldom used, w as approval team, $ 2000, selling f o r web $7500. 541-379-3530 site presence. firm. We Take $1000 Trade-Ins! 860 541-981-0230

H arley Road K i ng Classic 2003, 100th Anniversary Edition, 16,360 mi. $ 12,499 Bruce 541-647-7078 Honda 50 CRF, rode v ery l i t tle, $6 5 0 . 541-389-2593 or

, • is--~ j='-'vv-~

Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.corn which currently re› ceives over 1.5 mil› lion page views ev› ery month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Re›

23'10" S R 2 3 0 0, Fun Finder 2008 21’ '95, own with pride, Fleetwood D i scovery sleeps 6, walk- around queen, extras, must always compliments, 40’ 2003, diesel, w/all no salt, head never see. $9,500 o b o. options - 3 slide outs, 541-233-9424 used, due for 5 year satellite, 2 TV’s, W/D, The Bulletin cooling mai n t ., etc., 34,000 m iles. Bighorn 2012 fifth To Subscribe call wheel, 35’, lots of $9500 firm. Extras. Wintered in h eated extras. $57,000. W eekend only . shop. $78,995 obo. 541-385-5800 or go to 541-388-4905 541-678-3249 541-447-8664 www.ben dbulletin.corn

Sere ng Central Oregon smce 1903


Coronado 27’ motor› h ome 1992, e x c . cond. interior, minor decal cracking exte› rior. Strong running gasoline en g ine. Just had tune-up. 35,000 miles. Call 5 41-815-3827 f o r more details and pictures $8,995.

S outhwind F o r d Fleetwood motorhome, 19 9 4, 32’, gasoline, 82K miles, Good con d ition, $7,000 obo. 503-807-5490

Winnebago 22' 2002 - $28,000 Chevy 360, heavy duty chassis, cab 8 roof A/C, tow hitch w/brake, 22k mi., more! 541-280-3251

The Bulletin

Recreational Homes & Property off Old Bend Redmond Hwy. Set up for horses & all your toys! Cabin in the woods on 1.39 acres fenced 520 trout stream, private, sq. ft. shop, 3 bdrms, off the grid, 80 mi. from Bend. 638 ac. 2 bath, 1539 sq. ft. mfd. only $224,900. $849K. Fo r d r o ne video li n k , cal l Sonnie Grossman 8 541-480-721 5. Assoc. 541-388-2159

Homes for Sale



SUNDAY 12-3 65350 KIOWA DRIVE, Bend.


682- Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687- Commercial for Rent/Lease 693- Office/Retail Space for Rent REALESTATE 705 - Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 -Real Estate Trades 726- Timeshares for Sale 730 - NewListings 732- Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - MultiplexesforSale 740- Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744- Open Houses 745- Homes for Sale 746-Northwest Bend Homes 747 - Southwest BendHomes 748-Northeast Bend Homes 749- Southeast BendHomes 750- RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756- Jefferson County Homes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762- Homes with Acreage 763- Recreational HomesandProperty 764- Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homeswith Land


541 610-4960


advertising tip brought toyouby

Unique R-Pod 2013 trailer-tent combo, f ully l oaded, e x › tended service con› tract and bike rack. $17,000.

The Bulletin ServingCentral Oregonsince I9t8


Northlander 1993 17' camper,Polar 990, good shape, new fridge, A/C, queen bed, bath› room, indoor/out› door shower, lots of storage, custom› ized to fit newer pickups $4500 obo. 541-419-9859.

5 peaceful acres in 541-81 5-1 384 541-595-3972 or Bend. Lovely 3 bdrm, 503-780-4487 2.5 bath single story home. Large shop with loft, 24x36 horse package. barn, 24x36 equip. PRICE REDUCTION! Sere ng Central Oregon smce 1903 541-279-8783 The Bulletin is your bldg. 2 loafing sheds. $59,000. Irrigated 8 divided 541-815-6319 Employment 880 • y NOTICE y t pastures. Garden & Honda Express 50cc. All real estate adver› Motorhomes Marketplace greenhouse. Gated Classic 1980. 81 orig. tised here in is sub› entry. $619,000. miles. Mint condition. singles right now! ject to th e F ederal 61667 Somerset Dr. Call EVERY BUSINESS has Meet Runs creat. $ 6 00. No paid operators, Safari 1998 motor› Fair Housing A c t, By appt. a story to tell! Get Call 541-410-5699. home 30’, low mile› real people like which makes it illegal 541-389-3769, or your message out just 5 41 -385 - 5 8 0 9 you. Browse greet› age, 300 HP Mag› to advertise any pref› 541-213-8179. Honda Magna 750cc with California’s PR› exchange mes› erence, limitation or num Cat motor with motorcycle. 1 2 ,000 Media Release - the ings, to advertise. sages and connect turbo, always inside, discrimination based miles, $3250 . Winnebago Outlook 771 only Press Release white leather inte› on race, color, reli› 541-548-3379 Service operated by live. Try it free. Call Lots 2007 Class"C"31’, rior, like new, has gion, sex, handicap, www.bendbulletin.corn the press to get press! now: 8 7 7-955-5505. clean, nonsmoking m any extr a s . familial status or na› For more info contact (PNDC) exc. cond. Must See! $50,000. S e r ious tional origin, or inten› 3 City Lots, views and Look at: Cecelia @ Lots of extra’s, a very callers only. tion to make any such unique, $150,000/ea. Bendhomes.corn 916-288-6011 or good buy.$47,900 541-548-8415 preferences, l imita› Please send email to: The Bulletin ServingCentral O~ s i n ce 1%8 Saving Central Oregon since19tB http: //prmediarelease. for Complete Listings of For more info call tions or discrimination. Parvalueproperties@ corn/california (PNDC) Area Real Estate for Sale 54’I -447-9268 We will not knowingly gmail.corn to receive accept any advertis› information. Moto Guzzi B reva 1 100 2 0 07 , onl y ing for real estate ONLINE Real which is in violation of 11,600 miles. $5,950. Estate Auction 206-679-4745 this law. All persons Nominal Opening are hereby informed Bid: $1,000 that all dwellings ad› 66225 Pronghorn vertised are available Call 54I-385-5809 to promote your service• Advertise for 28 doys starting at 'IZ (This speciapack l ageisnotavailabl onourwebsite) 2008 Beaver C ontEstate, Bend, OR on an equal opportu› essa 40’ four slide Land, .52 Acre lot nity basis. The Bulle› diesel pusher. Bidding starts July 31 tin Classified Loaded, great condi› williamsauction.corn Yamaha TW200 tion. Warranty. Pic› Building/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care Landscaping/Yard Care LandscapingNard Care Painting/Wall Covering 800.982.0425 746 Two Twin stock with tures/info at Buyer’s Premium NOTICE: Oregon Land› Northwest Bend Homes fatty tires www.fourstarbend.corn NOTICE: Oregon state may apply. law requires anyone scape Contractors Law 2007 with 1155 miles, 541-647-1236 OR Broker: who con t racts for (ORS 671) requires all OPEN HOUSE 2007 with 1069 miles. Philip R. Heiliger Zac+4 construction work to businesses that ad› Q Sunday 12-2 $3400 Each Re Lic 201211071 vertise t o p e r form be licensed with the Zcrrrirdcp8 /yn. 541-588-0068 cell, 2506 NW Crossing Dr. Serving Central Construction Contrac› Landscape Construc› • Interior and Exterior Premier end unit 541-549-4834 hm Full Service 773 tors Board (CCB). An Oregon Since tion which includes: Earth Advantage Landscape • Family-Owned active license l anting, deck s , Acreages 2003 870 townhome in sought means the contractor Management Residental/ ences, arbors, • Residential R after NW Commons. Boats & Accessories is bonded 8 insured. water-features, and in› Commercial Commercial Approx 2000 sq.ft., 3 10 PRINEVILLE Acres ALLEGRO 27' 2002 Verify the contractor’s stallation, repair of ir› RMV = $15,700 Fire Protection 12’ Valco alum. on • 40 yean experience bed, 2’/2 bath, 2 priv. 58k mi., 1 slide, vaca› CCB l i c ense at rigation systems to be and Fuels Reduction $6,700 FIRM Maintenance courtyards, 3 large trailer 9.9 J o hnson tion use only, Mich› www.hirealicensed› • Senior Discounts licensed w i t h the ~Tall Grass 805-286-1283 • Sprinkler Repair walk-in closets with 0/B, plus amenities, elin all weather tires contractor.corn Landscape Contrac› • 5-year Warranties • Low Limbs • Summer Clean additional storage, exc. shape. $1250. w/5000 mi., no acci› or call 503-378-4621. tors Board. This 4-digit 775 •Brush and Debris 2-car garage. By Ask about our 541-549-8126 Up dents, non-smokers, The Bulletin recom› number is to be in› owner $475,000 Manufactured/ • Fuels Reduction/ Workhorse e n gine mends checking with Protect your home with cluded in all adver› SUMMER SPBCMLr 541-389-5470 261-A, Allison Trans., the CCB prior to con› Brush Mowing tisements which indi› Call 541.420-7846 Mobile Homes Take care of defensible space ~Weekly Mowing backup camera, new tracting with anyone. cate the business has CCI$204918 your investments 748 refrig. unit, h eated Some other t rades 8 Edging a bond, insurance and List Your Home Landscape also req u ire addi› workers compensa› with the help from mirrors, exc. cond., • Bark, Rock, Etc. Northeast Bend Homes JandMHomes.corn Mainfenance well cared for. Sacri- tional licenses and tion for their employ› We Have Buyers The Bulletin’s Full or Partial Service certi fication s. ees. For your protec› W OW!! 4 b d r m 2 . 5 Get Top Dollar fice! $32,000. obol Landsca in • Mowing yEdging ~ "Call A Service tion call 503-378-5909 541-549-8737 Iv. msg. b ath, 1683 sq . f t . , Financing Available. • Landscape • Pruning ~Weeding or use our website: 541-548-5511 $ 259,900 Rand y Professional" Directory Handyman Sprinkler Adjustments Construction www.lcb.state. or.us to S choning, John L . ~Water Feature check license status Scott, 541-480-3393 Get your 18’ Bayliner 175 Capri, Fertilizer included with Installation/M aint. before contracting with European like new, 135hp I/O, I DO THAT! monthly program • Pavers the business. Persons 750 business low time, Bimini top, • Renovations doing land scape Professional Redmond Homes maintenance do not many extras, Kara› Clean-Ups • Irrigation Installa› Painter van trailer with swing Allegro 32' 2007, like Its not to late to have a tion r equire an L C B Beautiful Landscape cense. neck, current registra› new, only 12,600 miles. •Synthetic Turf EAGLE CREST. Repaint tions. $8000. Chev 8.1L with Allison 60 Gated. 3 bdrms.,2.5 transmission, dual ex› 541-350-2336 Weed Free Bark Specialist! Senior Discounts baths, 1850 sq. ft., haust. Loaded! Auto-lev› Handyman/Remodeli 8 Flower Beds ng Bonded & Insured USE THECLASSIFIEDSl Great Room, den/of› With an ad in eling system, 5kw gen, Oregon License Residential/Com m ercial 541-815-4458 fice, gas fireplace, power mirrors w/defrost, ¹ 1 861 47 LLC Lawn Restoration LCB„8759 air, 2-car garage, The Bulletin’s Door-to-door selling with 2 slide-outs with aw› Small Jobs to mountain view. nings, rear c a mera, BtIaye Room Remodels Experienced fast results! It’s the easiest 541-815-2888 "Call A Service trailer hitch, driver door $365,000. Garage OrgaIIlzatiorI Commercial Just bought a new boat? w/power window, cruise, Home ImsPectiorI RePairs way in the world to sell. Possible owner carry & Residential People Lookfor Information with large down. Professional" 19’ Bayliner 1998, I/O, exhaust brake, central Sell your old one in the Free Estimates Quality, Honest Work About Products and possible lease/op› great shape, call for vac, satellite sys. Reclassifieds! Ask about our The Bulletin Classified Senior Discounts tion. 541-280-4599, info. $6H500. In Bend duced price: $64,950. Dennis541.317 9788 Services EveryDaythrough Directory Super Seller rates! 541-390-1466 CCSyiSIS~S aondedllIISNmd 541-385-5809 503-781-8812 661-644-0384. The BvlletinClassineds Same Day Response 541-385-5809 FSBO Turn Key Ready With everything 3 bdrm, 2 bath 1400 sf $195K Not Firm

The Bulleti


The Bulletin





s' I S S







Popular Pahlisch Homes community featuring resort-like amenities: pools, clubhouse, gym, hot tub, sports center & 2 miles of walking trails. Tour a variety of single level and 2 story plans.

Recently finished Pahllsch Homes Model in NE Bend. Homes feature quartz counters, laminate flooring, gas cooking, stainless steel 20802 NE Sierra Drive appliances and all the Directions:North on Boyd Acres, quality Pahltsch Homes is rrghton Sierra OR norrh on 18th known for. Now selling from Empire, le/fonSierra. Lookfor Phase Two stop by for SfgtK more information. Homes fjrom the

Hosted 6 Listed by

TEAM DELAY Principal Broker


61056 Manhae Loop, Bend

Homes Starting Mid-$200s Q

HOSted & LiSted byr


541-420-2cy50 PahltschHomes • • • • • o • s


SAT./SUN. 11 AM-4 PM


Directions: East on Reed /!far/ret /fd., first exII at roundabout onto 15th, at Road Detour Sign turn le ft on Ferguson. Right atSageCreek OrirIC le ft Iu /Itanhae Lane, righI Iu GoldenGate.


Bend’s finest new resort and golf course community, offering both single-level and two-story single family homes. Miles of walking paths and mountain biking trails right out your back Meeks Trail in Tetherow door. Mt. Bachelor, Cascade Direct ion South on Century Dr,r/gh/ Lakes, and downtown Bend just minutes away. Tetherow on Skyline Ranch Rd right on /Iieeks social membership Incl. with Trail; in 1/4 mile7beRim8ony~r /8 /f, CIIrcadelfountarnsideoftueeks Tod/. purchase.

Hosted & Listed by: LISA COLE Principal Broker


From$690,000 to $1,250,000



NorthwestReal Estate Q

TO PLACE AN AD CALLCLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 908 916 Aircraft, Parts Trucks &

& Service


Heavy Equipment




Antique & Classic Autos



00 •g F35 Bonanza. Aircraft

908 Aircraft, Parts

GMC Truck, 1991, is in exc. cond., w/ 90,000 miles, 3116 good paint & newer C at Eng., 10 s p . interior. Full IFR. Auto Fuller Eaton trans› pilot, yaw d amper, m ission, 20’ b e d , engine monitor. new deck, new rear 6485TT, 1815SMOH, radials, hd hoist & 692STOH. H ange red frame, in Bend. $29,500 or radio/cassette, aAC, real $13,000 for ~/~ share. nice truck.$12,500 Call Bob Carroll Call 541-480-4375 541-550-7382 arcarrollg@gmail.corn

& Service

1/3 interest in



Financing available.

HANGAR FOR SALE. 30x40 end unit T


Automotive Wanted

Chevy Che y enne 1 996, 2 50 0 e x › tended cab, 4WD, ps, pb, a/c, cruise, recent u p grades. E xcellent tru c k , $4850 OBO - Cash!

DODGE STEALTH 1992 RT twin turbo, 5spd, 49,247 miles new era Classic muscle car! one owner, $9,500. 541-647-8483

What are you looking for? You’ ll find it in The Bulletin Classifieds




ChevyPickup 1976, long bed, 4x4, frame up restoration. 500 Cadillac eng i ne, fresh R4 transmis› sion w/overdrive, low mi., no rust, custom interior and carpet, n ew wheels a n d tires, You must see it! $25,000 invested. $12,000 OBO.

¹)~ •

Ford F350 2004, 4 dr crew cab, dually, only 62,300 miles, diesel, VS 6.0, carfax avail› able, great condition inside and out, stain› less steel tool box, original owne r s, obo. $17,900 714-606-2391 local.

Need to get an ad in ASAP?

BOATS 8 RVs 805 - Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882- Fifth Wheels 885 - Canopies and Campers 890 - RVs for Rent


AUTOS& TRANSPORTATION 908- Aircraft, Parts and Service 916- Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935- Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles




Sport Utility Vehicles

Sport Utility Vehicles

Sport Utility Vehicles

Fax it to 541-322-7253 hanger in Prineville. DONATE YOUR CAR, 541-288-3333 541-536-3889 or The Bulletin Classifieds Dry walled, insulated, TRUCK OR BOAT TO 541-385-5809 541-420-6215. and painted. $23,500. HERITAGE FOR THE Tom, 541.788.5546 BLIND. Free 3 Day FIND IT! t Ql V acation, Tax D e › E IIT I T I Chevy Silverado 2500, ductible, Free Towing, Jeep Grand Chero› BMW X3 35i 2010 ChevyTracker 2003, SELL IT! Want to impress the 2013 13k mi., loaded, All Paperwork Taken kee Overland 2012, Exc cond., 65K 2.5L V-6 cyl $29,000. 2013 Fox The Bulletin Classifieds relatives? Remodel Care O f. CALL 4x4 V-6, all options, miles w/100K mile VIN „914067. $7,998. Mountain 30 ’ 5th 1-800-401-4106 your home with the running boards, front transferable war› (exp. 7/22/1 5) DLR „366 wheel 1 2 0 0 mi. Ford F-350 XLT 2006, (PNDC) help of a professional guard, nav., air and ranty. Very clean; Ford Mustang $33,000. See craigs Crewcab, 150K mi., heated leather, cus› loaded - cold from The Bulletin’s Got an older car, boat Hard top 1965, list 541-923-6644 bed liner, good tires, tom wheels and new weather pkg, pre› "Call A Service or RV? Do the hu› 6-cylinder, auto trans, exc. shape. $16,500. tires, only 41K miles, mium pkg & tech› Professional" Directory mane thing. Donate it power brakes, power Please call, nology $31,995 pkg. Keyless Oe steering, garaged, to the Humane Soci› 541-350-8856 or 1/5 share in very 541-408-7908 access, sunroof, well maintained, ety. Call 1› 541-410-3292 541-548-1448 nice 150 HP Cessna engine runs strong. navigation, satellite 800-205-0599 smolichmotors.corn 150; 1973 C e s sna 74K mi., great condi› radio, extra snow Find It in (PNDC) 150 with L ycoming tion. $12,500. tires. (Car top car› The Bulletin ClassiBedsl 0-320 150 hp engine Must see! rier not included.) 932 541-385-5809 Ford F150 Lariat, conversion, 400 0 541-598-7940 $22,500. Antique & hours. TT airframe. 2013, 4x4, Ext. Cab, 541-915-9170 Classic Autos Approx. 400 hours on Save money. Learn 29,000 miles, war› 0-timed 0-320. Han› ranty good thru Dec. Toyota Tacoma2006, fly or build hours 2015. Equip. group gared in nice (electric to 4.0L V-6 cyl 4 with your own air› The Bulletin’s Ford Escape2014, 501A, ruby red me› VIN „214381. $14,998. door) city-owned han› c raft. 1968 A e r o 2.0L 1-4 cyl "Call A Service S tallic, A /T , L a r iat (exp.7/22/1 5) DLR „366 gar at the Bend Air› Commander, 4 seat, IN „A46674. $23,988. Chrome Package, port. One of very few 150 HP, low time, Professional" Directory V(exp. Jeep Willys, ’46, metal 7/22/1 5) DLR „366 running boards, step C-150’s t h a t has is all about meeting top, big tires, ps, new panel. $21,000 never been a trainer. full down tailgate, etc. RARE 1973 El Camino! your needs. paint, tow bar, new $4500 wi ll consider obo. Contact Paul at manual trans. 4 spd, $32,000 cash only. auges, etcH. reduced CHEI/ELLE Call 541-480-4375 trades for whatever. 541-447-5184. Exc. Cond. $7500. Call on one of the 4,000. 541-233-7272 N!ALIBU 1971 Call Ji m Fr a zee, 541-389-1086 professionals today! 57K original miles, 541-548-1448 541-410-6007 350 c.i., auto, smolichmotors.corn 541-548-1448 stock, all original, Garage Sales smolichmotors.corn I 935 I Hi-Fi stereo Sport Utility Vehicles $15,000

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materials, and or American Preference, specifications. email Foreign Trade The City o f B u rns equipment rocurement. "info ' questcdn.corn" R estriction, Dav i s does not discriminate he pre-bid confer› for assistance in the Bacon, A ff i rmative o n t h e b a s i s o f e nce i s her e b y free membership reg› Action, Government handicapped status in established at 11:00 istration, downloading, wide Debarment and t he a d mission o r Infiniti G35 2 0 04, and working with this Suspension, access to, or treat› a.m., July 21 th, 2015, 65k, 3.5 V6, Auto, the Coun c i l digital project infor› G overnment wi d e ment, or employment i n Leather, Moon Roof, Chambers at Burns mation. Requirements for in, its programs or CD/Cassette, City Hall, 242 South No Bid for this con› Drug-free Workplace, activities. $8,295. Bu r n s, struction contract shall as contained in the D BE Requirement. Broadway, 541-598-5111 be received or con› bid documents. The City of Burns has Oregon. A tour of the T he CITY O F R E D› sidered by the City of Title V l S o l icitation established an overall work site at the Burns MOND req u ests Burns unless: Notice. The City of DBE goal for the year. Municipal Airport will conducted Statement of Qualifi› must be accompa› A. The Bidder is on Burns, in accordance Under this contract, be cations from qualified nied by lawful monies t he o ff i cial Pl a n with the provisions of the Airport Authority is following the pre-bid of the United States or Holder’s list by down› Title Vl of th e Civil consultants to p r o› adopting a conference. vide AIRLINE CON› a Cashier’s Check, a loading the p roject Rights Act of 1964 (78 race-neutral means of Signed: Certified Check, Bid documents from the SULTING SERVICES CHECKYOUR AD Stat. 252, 42 U.S.C. facilitating D BE /s/Dauna Wensenk at the Redmond Mu› Bond, Bank Money website. City Manager i’ll’1 2000d to 2000d-4) participation. The on the first day of pub› Lexus ES350 2010, Order or Bank Draft, B. The Bidder is reg› and the Regulations, bidder nicipal Airport - Rob› lication. If a n e r ror Excellent Condition s h al l not drawn and issued by istered with the Con› h ereby notifies a l l Publish: d iscriminate on t h e may occur in your ad, 32,000 miles, $20,000 erts Field (RDM) in a National Banking struction Contractors’ b idders that i t w i l l basis of race, color, Burns Times Herald: 214-549-3627 (in Redmond, Oregon. p lease contact u s Association located in First Publication: Board as required by affirmatively ensure national origin, or sex and we will be happy Bend) the State of Oregon, ORS 701.035 through that any contract en› in the performance of 7/8/20’I 5 You may downloadthis to fix it as soon as we Request for S t ate› or by any Banking 701.055. can. Deadlines are: tered into pursuant to t his contract. T h e Second Publication: 7/1 5/2015 ment of Qualifications Corporation incorpo› C. The Bidder certi› this Weekdays 12:00 noon a d v ertisement, bidder shall carry out rated under the Laws fies that it will comply disadvantaged (SOQ) and r elated all applicable for next day, S at. of the State of Or› with the provisions of business enterprises r equirements of 4 9 Bend Bulletin: standard con t ract 11:00 a.m. for Sun› from the City of Red› egon, in an amount the Davis Bacon Act will be afforded full CFR Part 26 in the First Publication: day; Sat. 12:00 for 7/1 2/2015 mond website. Go to equal to not less than (40 U.S.C. 276a) and and fair opportunity to award Monday. and www.ci.redmond. or.us ten (10) percent of the Oregon Mercedes 380SL P r e vailing s ubmit bi d s in administration of DOT Second Publication: 541-385-5809 total bid, payable to Wage Rates (ORS r esponse t o 7/1 9/2015 1982 Roadster, , click on the Busi› The Bulletin Classified thi s assisted contracts black on black, soft ness Tab, then the the order of the City of 279.805) invitation and will not A s required by 4 9 RFP’s & RFQ’s tab. Burns as l iquidated D . Daily Journal of 8 hard top, exc. The Bidd e r be disc r iminated C FR Part 2 6 , t h e cond., always ga› damages in the event provides r e sidency against Commerce: on the Airport Authority is said successful bid› information First Publication: raged. 155K miles, The S t a tement o f as grounds of race, color, required to create a Qualifications must be der shall fail or refuse r equired b y 7/6/2015 $9,500. OR S or national origin in bidders list, consisting 541-549-6407 received by the City of to execute the con› 279C.365. consideration for an of information about Second Publication: Redmond City R e› tract in a c cordance E . 7/1 3/2015 The Bidd e r award. all DBE and non-DBE Chevy Malibu2012, LEGAL NOTICE with the terms of his provides Third Publication: corder at 716 SW Ev› the Wage R ates. The firms that bid or quote (exp. 7/22/1 5) ergreen Ave n ue, SECTION 1.1 bid. After a contract is Disclosure of F i r st C ontractor will b e on 7/20/2015 DOT - assisted Tick, Tock Vin „299392 Redmond, OR 97756, INVITATION TO BID awarded, the s u c› Tier Cont r actors required to c o mply contracts. The PUBLIC NOTICE Stock „44256A on or before 2:00 P.M. AIRPORT cessful bidder will be within the time stated with the wage and purpose o f this required to furnish a in the bid documents, labor r e q uirements requirement i s $15,979 or $189/mo., Tick, Tock... PST on August 18, IMPROVEMENTS to The Bend Park & Rec› $2500 down, 84 mo., 2015. If yo u h a ve TAXIWAY separate Perf o r› as is required by ORS and to pay minimum allow us e o f the reation District Board ...don’t let time get 4 .49% APR o n a p › questions about ob› REHABILITATION mance and Payment 279C.365. wages in accordance bidders list approach of Directors will meet away. Hire a proved credit. License t aining th e S OQ, PROJECT B ond, each i n t h e F. Pursuant to ORS with the schedule of to calculating future in a work session at and title included in amount of one hun› 279C.505(2), professional out please contact Jef› 2016 CONSTRUCTION all D avis-Bacon w a g e overall DBE goals. As 5:30 pm, T uesday, payment, plus dealer in› frey, Airport Director, BURNS MUNICIPAL dred percent (100%) contractors and rates established by per the requirements July 21, 2015 at the of The Bulletin’s stalled options. of the contract. at (541) 504-3084 or AIRPORT subcontractors the U n ited S t ates of t h e Pro posal office, 799 SW "Call A Service e-mail at BURNS, OREGON CONTRACT DOCU› working on S USA R U . p u blic Department of Labor s ection, al l Pr i m e district Columbia, Bend, Or› MENTS. T h e Con› improvement jeffrey.tripp@flyrdm.c Professional" and Oregon Prevailing Bidders s u b mitting egon. Agenda topics 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. om Notice is hereby given tract Documents con› contracts shall Wage R ates as bids on this project include an overview of Directory today! 877-266-3821 that sealed bids will sisting of half size demonstrate that an referenced i n the must submit, with his planning process, Dlr „0354 PUBLISHED: be received and pub› Drawings and Project employee drug testing Contract. o r her b id , a l i s t the 2016-20 Capital Im› be program is in place. Non-Segregated The Bulletin licly opened at 2:00 Manual m a y including the name, provement Plan July 19, 2015 .m. local time on viewed o nl i ne a t Certificate of Bidder Facilities. The Bidder address, and project process over› s Daily Journal of ul 29 2015 vy the http: //www.m-m.net/pr J~ Employee Drug is required to comply DBE/non-DBE status • and the Annual Commerce City of Burns at the oject-bidding/. Com› Testin Polic shall be with the Certification of all subcontractors view Action Plan. July 20, 2015 City Manager’s Office, plete electronic submitted with the bid. of N o n -segregated and suppliers that bid Strategic A regular business American Association of 242 South Broadway, Project Plans, Project G. E v i dence of Facilities. or quote fo r w o rk Mercedes Benz CL meeting will convene Airport Executives Burns, Oregon 97720, Manual, and "Bid Competency and Equal E m ployment under this contract. at 7:00 pm for t he PT Cruiser 2007, 5spd, 2001, (AAAE) July 20, 2015 for the construction of Proposal Packet"are Financial Opportunity and Failure to provide this Board to hear an up› 32 mpg hwy, 80K miles, (exp. 7/22/2015) "Airport I m prove- available at the Morri› Responsibility as per Affirmative Action Re› information, Northwest Chapter as new tires, $5,250. Vin „016584 on Mirror Pond AAAE (NWAAAE) Inc. FAA General Condi› quirement. The pro› outlined ments" to include the son-Maierle, in the date 541-433-2026 Stock „83285 and to a p point a July 20, 2015 following: website tions, Section 20, or p osed contract i s Proposal section, will $8,979 or $169/mo., member to the "www.m-m.net ", by on the forms provided under subject to 41 TAXIWAY m ake t h e bi d d er Board FIND YOUR FUTURE $1800 down, 48 mo., Mirror Pond Ad Hoc ISSUE DATE: clicking on the in the proposal. non-responsive and Committee. REHABILITATION C FR tJ 60-1.4 and 4 .49% APR o n a p › HOME Itt THE BULLETIN proved credit. License July 20, 2015 "Projects Bidding" link Bidders PROJECT pr e sently E xecutive Orde r not eligible for award and title i ncluded in c onstruction to t hen t h e "Browse debarred, suspended, 11246 of September of the contract. Your future is just apage will con› payment, plus dealer in› LEGAL NOTICE start spring of 2016 Projects" link and se› proposed for 24, 1965, and to the Funding and Award. The board away. Whetheryou’re looking an ex e cutive stalled options. PUBLIC N O T ICE • 16,000 Squ a r e lecting this p r oject debarment, declared Equal E m ployment This contract will be duct for a hat or aplace tohangit, session following the OF DISSOLUTION. Yards Asphalt Mill- from the project list. ineligible, or Opportunity (EEO) funded in part by a business The Bulletin Classified is me e t ing ® s u a A Ru Documents can only Tumalo Properties, in@Removal voluntarily excluded and Federal Labor grant from the Federal your best source. pursuant t o OR S Provisions. A Aviation 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. LLC, a n O r egon • 6,600 Cubic Yards b e viewed on t h e from participation in 192.660(2)(e) for the Every daythousandsof Morrison-Maierle, Inc. this transaction by any Contractor having 50 Administration. 877-266-3821 limited liability com› of Earthwork purpose of discussing buyers andsellers ofgoods • 4,100 Cubic Yard website, and cannot Federal department or or more employees Therefore, award of Dlr „0354 pany (the "Com› real property transac› and services dobusinessin p any"), was d i s› A ggregate Ba s e b e downloaded o r agency a r e not and his the Contract by the tions. these pages.Theyknow solved on June 24, Course printed without pur› eligible for award. subcontractors having Sponsor will be made Get your you can’t beatThe Bulletin 2 015. T h e C o m› • 13,600 Squ a r e c hasing. To pu r › The Owner reserves 50 or more employees subject to he a g enda a n d Classified Section for Yards of P ortland chase and download the right to reject any and who may be concurrence of FAA. T pany filed articles of s upplementary r e › business selection andconvenience dissolution with the Cement C o ncrete the p roject d o cu› o r all bids and t o awarded a B idders ma y no t ports are posted on - every item isjust a phone Oregon Secretary of Pavement ments in pdf format waive irregularities. subcontract of withdraw P roposals district’s website, call away. State on June 29, • 250 Tons Asphalt and be placed on the T he B i dder m u s t $50,000 or more will for a period of ninety the www.bendparksan› 2015. This notice is Pavement planholder’s list, click supply a l the be r e q uired to (90) days after the bid The Classified Section is drec.org. For more P r o ject information required maintain being published in gTaxiway S t riping, "Download an opening date. easy to use.Everyitem call a ccordance w i t h Electrical, and Storm PDF" and sign on to by the bid documents a ffirmative act i o n Notice to P r oceed. information is categorizedandevery 541-389-7275. ORS 63.644. The Drain Improvements. Q uestCDN.corn o r and specifications. program, the Notice to p roceed With an ad in cartegory is indexed on the T his work is t o i n › follow the link to cre› F unding fo r Th i s standards for which for construction of Company requests section’s front page. Say "goodbuy" that persons with clude all tools, equip› ate a username and Contract is Federally are contained in the the project will be The Bulletin’s Whether youarelookingfor claims against the ment, materials and password. Plan Assisted. Contractors specifications. To be i ssued spring o f to that unused a home orneeda service, Company present labor to complete this documents and "Bid at every tier m ust e ligible fo r aw a r d 2016. A lim i t ed item by placing it in "Call A Service your future is inthe pagesof them in accordance project. with each bidder m u st notice to p roceed Proposal P a cket" comply The Bulletin Classified. with this notice. A Bids must be sealed can be downloaded applicable fe d e ral comply with the affir› may be issued in the The Bulletin Classifieds Professional" claim must include and delivered to the for a fee of $20.00. requirements mative action f all o f 20 1 5 fo r the following infor› City Manager's Of- Please contact i ncluding but n o t requirements w hich preliminary The Bulletin Directory ServingCvvvsl rrregsv s>meiSSS mation: (a)the fice at or before 2:00 QuestCDN at limited to: the B uy are contained in these materials t e s ting, 5 41 -385-580 9 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE AND REQUEST FOR STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR AIRLINE CONSULTING SERVICES FOR THE CITY OF REDMOND SOLICITATION NO. 2015-52



name, mailing ad› dress, an d t e l e› phone number of the claimant; (b)the name or title of the individual whom the Company may contact about the claim and, if differ› ent from the tele› phone number of the claimant, the telephone number of such individual; (c)the facts s up› porting the claim; and (d)any o t h er information that may assist the Company in evaluating the claim. The c l a im may be sent to: Tu› malo P r o perties, LLC, 3 1 0 5 NW Craftsman D r i ve, Bend, OR 9 7701, Attn: F l a vio De› Castilhos. A claim against the C om› pany will be barred unless a proceed› ing to enforce the claim is com› menced within five years after the pub› lication of this no› tice. DATED AND PUBLISHED this 19 day of July, 2015.

.m. local time on ~Jul 2 9 2 0 ss, a d marked "Bid for Airport Improvements at the Burns Municipal A i rport". Th e bidder’s name, ad› d ress a n d sta t e Contractor’s Registra› tion Number shall ap› pear in the lower left h and corner of t he envelope. BID BOND. All bids


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