Bulletin Daily Paper 10-19-13

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SATURDAY October 19,2013

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Commendation —A Madras police officer had

with silver'? It's divisive

creative methods in nabbing a slaying suspect.B1

By Tara Bannow The Bulletin

By Lauren Dake

package. The measure prohibitscounties from regulating or banning modi-

The Bulletin

Yeti DNA? —A British scientist claims the 'Abominable

Snowman' is real — andhe's actually a bear.A3

Deforestation —In Peru, corruption contributes to illegal logging.AS

Plus: Tree census — The number of trees in the Amazon

rainforest is about the sameas stars in our galaxy.A3 A free man —After17 years in prison, a lot has changed.A7

Natural smiles —Picture this face on things all around you (without the wink). Then look

at our photo page onB2


After federal lands close, states push for turnover By Narij Chokshi The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — The shutdown may have ended, but not before refueling anold demand among some Western states: It's time for the federal government toturn over some land. Just more than half of the area covered by the nation's 13 Western states is owned by the federal government. And during the 16-day government shutdown, some of that land was inaccessible, frustrating officials in states such as Utah where local economies rely on those spaces and buttressing their arguments that they should have more say over how that land is administered. See Land/A4

TODAY'S WEATHER Sunny High 69, Low 35

Page B6

INDEX Business C7-8 Dear Abby D5 Calendar B3 Horoscope D5 Classified Ft-6 Local/State B1-6 Comics F3-4 Obituaries B5 Com. Life Dt-6 Sports C 1-6 Crosswords F4 TV/Movies D5 The Bulletin An lndependent Newspaper

Vol. 110, No. 292, 34 pages, 5 sections

8 .4 We use recycled newsprint


88267 02329

The last150 years

PORTLAND — Oregon's dental professionals are unified on one point: Tooth

SALEM — Every year, millions of dollarsworth of seeds — carrot,onion, parsley — are grown in Central Oregon and exported throughout the world. About $20 million worth of seeds are grown every yearin Jefferson County alone and shipped to Europe, where buyers expect them to be free of any genetically modified organisms. If they aren't pure, Europe could slam its doors, buy elsewhere and put the brakes on one of the region's main economic drivers. And right now, the state Department of Agriculture cannot say definitively where geneticall y engineered crops are

fied crops.

decay — especially among

At one point, its introduction threatened to derail the entire bargain. In a letter to the governor, a group of environmental and food safety advocates said they "strongly opposed" the measure. "It strips away the rights of local communities to make locally appropriate decisions about food and agriculture and is a direct affront to Oregon's respected organic and natural food trade, which is a significant economic contributor in this state," the letter states. But proponents argue local counties don'thave the expertise or resources to

being grown.

develop a policy regarding engineered

The state is about to launch an effort to map where thosecrops are located. Gov. John Kitzhaber said by 2015, legislation tackling how to regulate GMOs will be drafted. "This is all new ground we're treading," said Bruce Pokarney, spokesman for the state Agriculture Department. The issue of genetically engineered agriculture has become contentious in the state. In a special legislative session called to discuss public pensions and taxes, Senate Bill 863, dealing with genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, was introduced in an effort to bring more Republican support to the overall

crops. Handling it at th e state level, many noted, would avoid a patchwork of different policies statewide. Geneticallyengineered crops do pose a risk to the regions high-value crops, said Mike Weber, a managing partner of Central Oregon Seeds Inc., in Madras. Weber understands the viewpoint of both farmers who want to grow modified crops and those who want to ensure conventional or organic crops do not become contaminated. On both sides of the issue, livelihoods are at stake. "We have to be careful and diligent," Weber said. SeeGMOs/A5

kids — is out of control. More than half of children ages 6 to 9, or about 66,000 children, have had a cavity, according to a 2012 statewide survey. Children from low-income households saw twice the rate of untreated decay. The question dividing the dental community, however, is how to solve the problem. The state Board of Dentistry, which regulates all providers, has come down against one treatment method that many dentists say

1865 Gregor Mendel's pea-breeding experiments demonstrate heredity.

1977 University of Washington scientists show that Agrobacterium injects DNA into plant cells.

1985 Pigs with human growth hormone are the first genetically engineered farm animal.


TheABCs ofGMOs GMOs, or genetically modified organisms, are foods that are genetically engineered. All breeding leads to genetic changes, but genetic engineering is the targeted manipulation of a plant's or

animal's DNAto modify specific traits. It can involve tweaking aspecies' own genes or adding genes from another species.

Flavr Savr tomato is the first genetically engineered crop on the market.

Where are the genetically engineered ingredients? Most processed foods in the U.S. contain some genetically engineered ingredients, from

high-fructose corn syrup to soy protein, corn starch, soy flour, lecithin, beet sugar,canola oil and cottonseed oil. Theseingredients arefound in common foods including cereals, cheeses,

2000 Golden rice, engineered to produce beta-carotene, is developed.

soft drinks and more. However, products labeled "organic" cannot contain any deliberately added genetically engineered ingredients.

Plant dreeding: the conventional way

1953 James Watson and Francis Crick describe the double helix structure of DNA.

holds promise in stopping

1983 Antibioticresistant tobacco is thefirst engineered plant.

1990 An enzyme used in cheesemaking is the first approved genetically engineered food product.


Herbicideresistant soybeans andinsectresistant cotton and corn are widely planted.

their wild ancestors. Most changes came through the slow process of conventional breeding: Growers rely on nature to produce mutants with desirable qualities, such as bigger fruit or fewer

toxins; modern plant breeders usemolecular biology to speedthe process.

Species selection

Genetic modification

The Northwest connection

The old and new, but generally not controversial,

These are the most common ways to

ways to develop themost desirable crop:

genetically engineer organisms. Most engineered crops onthe market were

Testing new modified crops involves

Simple selection:The oldest method, by which most modern

crops were developed; farmers select seed from superior plants; today, molecular analysis allows quick identification of desirable traits. Cross-dreeding:Themainstay of modern plant breedingcombines desirable traits within and between

species; rutabagasare a cross between turnips andcabbage; triticale is a cross betweenwheat and rye. Mutation dreeding:Plants or seeds are exposed to chemicals or radiation to speedthe mutation rate; thousands of crops, including

red grapefruit and someorganically grown rice, weredeveloped this way.

designed to either be resistant to herbicides, insect pests or both.

inserted in cotton, corn

growing them in controlled environments. But testing went awry at least twice in the Northwest:

• In the past decade,field trials of a

Pest resistance:A gene from the microbe Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is

genetically modifiedbentgrassin lg

and other crops, allowing the plants to produce an insecticide that kills caterpillar pests; Bt in spray form is

widely used in organic farming. Herbicide resistance: Corn, soy, canola, cotton and other crops havebeen engineered with a bacterial gene to be immune to the

weed-killer glyphosate, sold asRoundup; when fields are sprayedwith Roundup, weeds are killed but the crops survive.

Nouvola tops venture conference By Rachael Rees The Bulletin

2012 Monsanto introduces genetically engineered sweet corn.

Food modification is hardly new.Humanshavebeenmodifying plant genes for10,000 years to develop foods that aretasty and productive; today's commercial crops bear little resemblanceto

the spread of tooth decay: the use of silver nitrate. Silver nitrate is U.S. Food and Drug Administrationapproved as an antimicrobial agent and is commonly used in things like wart removal and water purification. But many dentists have been using it on an off-label basis instead of the traditional drilling and filling in of cavities. See Silver/A5

Jeffe rsonCountyand Idahoended with samples of the engineeredcrop having beendiscovered creeping into unauthorizedareas of EasternOregon. • This year, modifiedwheatwas discovered in anEastern Oregon field. It was a legally tested — but

never approved —herbicide-resistant Monsanto crop. Unlike corn or

soybeans, wheatisusuallyconsumed directly, not used asfeed, so farmers are particularly squeamishabout modifying this crop. In August,

researchers found nomoresign of the modified wheat.

Sources: The Seattle Times, "Safety of Genetically Engineered Foods: Approaches to Assessing Unintended Health Effects," National Research Council, Food & water watch, center for sciencern the public Interest, Thought for Food blog, Grist magazine, University of washmgton, Bulletin archives The Seattle Times/The Bulletin

When Nouvola cofounder and CEO Paola Moretto took the stage Friday at the Bend Venture Conference, it wasn't the first time she Moretto pitch e d her company to investors, nor her first investment competition. But it was the first time Morettoand her cofounder, Paola Rossaro, walked away winners, earning a $250,000 investment for their startup company. "It's all about commitment and having the right level of perseverance to get to your objective," she said, noting she previously competed in two conferences. The Portland-based company, which started in June 2012, helps small- to medium-sizedcompanies scale their applications, such as social networks, websites,

gaming platforms, e-commerce sites and other software, for higher traffic in the cloud. SeeVenture/A7

European Union anew frontier for corporate lobby By Eric Lipton and Danny Hakim New Yorh Times News Service

BRUSSELS — It was a show of force in keeping with the ambitions of U.S. law firms that increasingly see the European Union's vast apparatus as a vital lobbying opportunity for themselves and their multinational corporate clients.

Gathered at the Brussels office of Covington & Burling, a prominent Washington-based firm, were some of its lawyers and lobbyists, along with executives from some of the world's largest oil companies, including Chevron and Statoil. Their aim was to help shape the European Union's poli-

cies on the gas and oil drilling technology known as hydraulic fracturing, or fracking. They were meeting with Kurt Vandenberghe, then a top environmental official for Europe and a prime player in the debate over fracking, which is even more contentious in Europe than in the

United States. The host that day in June was Jean De Ruyt, a former Belgian diplomat whose careerstretched from central Africa to the inner sanctum of the European Union and who is now an adviser at Covington. He and others on the recently expanded

lobbying team there have delivered at least four senior European Union policymakers to the firm's doorstep in recent months, including a top energy official, who arrived in September with a copy of a draft fracking plan that has yet to be made public. SeeLobby/A4


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au iAra iaturns own U.N. securi counci seat

ImmigratiOn refarm —As the fiscal crisis subsided and the government went back to work this week, President BarackObamaand

By Robert F. Worth

NSA realltherlZatlell —The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court released anewlegal opinion Friday that reauthorized the oncesecret National Security Agency program that keeps records of every American's phonecalls. Theopinion also sought to plug a hole in a similar ruling madepublic last month. In the six-page opinion, which was signed Oct.11, JudgeMary McLaughlin said shewas person-

President Barack Obama decided against airstrikes on WASHINGTON — S a udi Syria's military in September Arabia stunned the United ¹ in favor of a Russian-proposed tions and even some of its own agreement to secure Syria's diplomats Friday by rejecting a chemical weapons. highly coveted seat on the SeAnd Saudi officials made no curity Council, a decision that secret of their fear that a nucleunderscored the depth of Saudi ar deal between Iran and the anger over what the monarchy West — the subject of multilatsees asweak and concili atory eral talks this week in Geneva Western stancestoward Syria with another round scheduled and Iran, Saudi Arabia's refor earlyNovember — could gional rival. come at their expense, leaving The Saudi decision — which them more exposed to their could have been made only greatest regional rival. with King Abdullah's approval The Saudi decision may also — came a day after it had won reflect a broader debate within a Security Council seat for the the Saudi ruling elite about how first time, and appeared to be to wield influence: The Saudis unprecedented. have long resisted taking a seat The Saudi Foreign Ministry on the Security Council, bereleased a statement rejecting lieving it would hamper their the seat just hours after the discreet diplomatic style. kingdom's diplomats — both at Still, the sudden about-face the U.N. and in Riyadh — were came across as aslap to the celebrating their new seat, the United Nations and the United product of two years of work States, one of Saudi Arabia's to assemble a crack diplomatic strongest Western allies. On team in New York. Some ana- Thursday evening, the U.S. amlysts said the sudden turnabout bassador to the United Nations, gave the impression of a self- Samantha Power, had issued a destructive temper tantrum. statement congratulating the But one Saudi diplomat said five new nonpermanent memthe decision had come after bers — Chad, Chile, Lithuania, weeks of h i gh-level debate Nigeria and Saudi Arabia. Ofabout the usefulness of a seat ficials at the U.S. Mission to the on the Security Council, where United Nations had no immediRussia and China have repeat- ate comment. edly drawn Saudi anger by Many experts had assumed blocking all attempts to pres- that Saudi Arabia's pursuit of a sure Syria's president, Bashar Security Council seat signaled Assad. Abdullah has voiced a new desire to be more pubr ising f rustration w it h t h e lic and assertive in its stances continuing violence in Syria, a toward the Syrian civil war fellow Muslim-majority nation and the Arab-Israeli conflict. where one of his wives was The Saudi ambassador to the born. He is said to have been United Nations, Abdallah ald eeply d i sappointed w h en Mouallimi, was clearly elated New Yorlz Times News Service

after the General Assembly vote Thursday. "We take this election very seriously as a r esponsibility to be able to contribute to this very important forum to peace and security of the world," he told reporters. "Our election today is a reflection of a longstanding policy in support of moderation and in support of resolving disputes by peaceful means." The statement Friday struck a far different tone, calling for changes to enhance the Security Council's contribution to peace. It did not say what those should entail. "Allowing the ruling regime in Syriato kill and burn its people by the chemical weapons, while the world stands idly, without a pplying d e terrent sanctions against the Damascus regime, is also irrefutable evidence and proof of the inability of the Security Council to carry out its duties and responsibilities," the statement satd. The statement accused the Security Council of failing to find a "just and lasting solution" to t h e I s rael-Palestine conflict, and of failing to free the Middle East of "all weapons of mass destruction," an apparent reference to Israel's presumed nuclear arsenal. "This is very bad for the image of the country," said one Saudi political insider, who requested anonymity because the decisionwas assumed to be by the king, whose judgment is rarely questioned in public. "It's as if someone woke up in the night and made this decision."

other leading Democrats were quick to say that an immigration over-

haulshould bebackontheagendainCongress.Obama raisedthe issue in his first comments after lawmakers reached adeal to reopen the government, and on the night the shutdown ended, the three top Senate Democrats said they hoped to extend the bipartisan moment

that produced the compromise bytaking up immigration.

ally approving for the first time the extension of the call log metadata

program. COllege appliCatiOn deadlineS —Several of the nation's top colleges and universities havepostponed their early application deadlines over the past few days, prompted by continued reports that students and high schools are stumbling over technical problems with

the CommonApplication. At colleges that haveannounced delays, officials said they hoped it would not only give some practical relief to people struggling with the application but also calm them down.

Syrian CiVil War —Oneof the Syrian government's most prominent intelligence officers, Maj. Gen. Jamea Jamea, was killed during

fighting in the eastern provincial capital of Deir al-Zour, Syrian rebels and the state media said Friday as government warplanes bombed the city after several days of fierce clashes. Jamea, killed Thursday,

was respected in Syria's powerful inner circles of intelligence and military leaders after a long career as a Syrian strongman in Lebanon.

TranSit Strike —Commuters in San Francisco spent much of Friday scrambling for buses, ferries and car pools after workers for the Bay Area Rapid Transit System walked off the job for the second time

in three months. Traffic jams clogged theBay Bridge on Friday evening, and long lines of weary homeward-bound passengers waited at San Francisco's TransBay Terminal. The transit system, known as

BART, is the area's main commuter railroad, carrying 400,000 passengers daily between the East Bay and San Francisco.

AIIClelli rOCk fermatlOII —Authorities are mulling whether to presschargesagainsta BoyScoutsleaderwho purposel y knocked over an ancient Utah desert rock formation and against the two men

who cheered him onafter they posted video of the incident online. Two of the men,whowere leading a group of teenage Boy Scouts on a trip, said the top of the rock formation was loose and they feared

it was dangerous. Therock formation at Goblin Valley State Park is about170 million years old, Utah State Parks spokesman Eugene Swalberg said. The central Utah park is dotted with thousands of the

eerie, mushroom-shaped sandstone formations. Cheney heart deViCe —Former Vice President Dick Cheney says he oncefeared that terrorists could use the electrical device that had been implanted near his heart to kill him and had his doctor disable its wireless function. Cheney has a history of heart trouble,

suffering the first of five heart attacks at age37. Heunderwent a heart transplant last year at age 71. In an interview with CBS' "60 Minutes," Cheney says doctors replaced an implanted defibrillator near his

heart in 2007. Thedevice can detect irregular heartbeats and control


them with electrical jolts. — From wire reports

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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn Friday night are:

44IQ4S QS©OC ®Q© The estimated jackpot is now $55 million.


e $i 'Wi"

OCTOBER 20TH 5:00-8:00 PM Anja Niedringhaos/The Associated Press

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Afghan police secure acivilian personnel compoundin Kabul.

tors, European diplomats and U.N.employees, as the vehicles were passing by.After the initial assault,

$1S per person (plusgratuity

In the first major attack in the city since July, insurgents struck at an international convoy Friday as

insurgents attacked the compound, though officials said they were unable to breach its security.

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it passed a heavily fortified residential compound,

It was the secondeffort to target coalition forces

killing at least two Afghans who were in the area and wounding at least four others, officials said.

Friday. Earlier, a suicide bomber riding a motorcycle blew himself up near a convoy of coalition vehicles

Suicide attackers detonated acar bomb around 5

in another province, anattack that failed to inflict any

p.m. near the entrance to Green Village, a compound in eastern Kabul that houses U.S. military contrac-

damage, officials said. The insurgent group Hezb-iIslami claimed responsibility for that attack.

Same-sexmarriagesin N.J. set to begin nextweek New York Times News Service Same-sex couplescan start g etting m a r r ie d Mo n d ay across New Jersey, after the state'sSupreme Court denied Gov. Chris Christie's attempt to block the weddings and suggested that he will have a difficult time winning an appeal of a lower-court ruling that allowed them. A s t ate S uperior C o urt judge ruled last month that the state had to allow sames ex m a r r iage t o co m p l y with two decisions: the U.S. S upreme Court r u l i n g i n June that same-sex married couples have the same rights to federal benefits as heterosexual married couples, and a 2006 ruling by the New Jersey Supreme Court that same-sex couples were entitled to all of the rights and benefits of


Christie's office appealed the decision, and the state's Supreme Court has agreed to hear the appeal, with oral arguments scheduled for early January. But Friday, the court unanimously denied the Christie administration's request for a stay on marriages until the appeal was settled. While the court's ruling Friday applied only to the request for a stay, it also indicated that the justices did not think the appeal had a "reasonable" likelihood of success. "The state has advanced a number of arguments, but none of them overcome this reality: S a me-sex c o uples who cannot marry ar e not treated equally under the law today," Chief Justice Stuart Rabner wrote in his opinion. "The harm to them is real, not abstract or speculative."


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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day

It's Saturday, Oct. 19, the 292nd day of 2013. There are 73 days left in the year.



in sm sterioLis eti


Footdall —UO faces off against Washington State as OSU plays California.C1

to an ancient o ar ear

HISTORY Highlight:In1987, the stock

market crashed asthe Dow

The "Abominable Snowman" may not only be real — but this scientist

Jones lndustrial Average plunged 508 points, or 22.6

believes he's out there to be found.

percent in value, to close at 1,738.74. In1765, the Stamp Act Congress, meeting in New York, drew up a declaration of rights and liberties. In1781, British troops under Gen. Lord Cornwallis surrendered at Yorktown, Va., as the

By Jill Lawless The Associated Press University of Rochester Medical Center via The Associated Press

Dr. Maiken Nedergaard points out images of brain scans of mice to her colleague Lulu Xie, of the University of Rochester Medical Center. The team's findings on sleep could lead to new ways to treat Alzheimer's and other brain disorders.

American Revolution neared its end. In1812, French forces under

Napoleon Bonaparte began their retreat from Moscow. In1864, Confederate Gen.

Jubal Early attacked Union forces at Cedar Creek, Va.; the

Union troops wereable to rally and defeat the Confederates. In1936, H.R. Ekins of the New York World-Telegram beat out Dorothy Kilgallen of the New

York Journal and LeoKieran of The New York Times in a

round-the-world race oncommercial flights that lasted18/t

days. In1944,the play"I Remember Mama," by John van Druten, openedatthe M usic Box The-

ater on Broadway. In1951, President Harry S.

Truman signed an act formally ending the state of war with

Germany. In1960, the United States be-

gan a limited embargo against Cuba covering all commodities

except medical supplies and certain food products. In1967, the U.S. space probe Mariner 5 flew past Venus.

In1977,the supersonic Concorde made its first landing in New York City. In1982, automaker John De-

Lorean wasarrested by federal agents in Los Angeles, accused of conspiring to sell $24 million of cocaine to salvage his business. CDeLoreanwas acquitted at trial on grounds of

entrapment.) In1994, 22 people were killed

as a terrorist bomb shattered a bus in the heart of Tel Aviv's shopping district. Entertainer

Martha Rayedied in Los Angeles at age 78.

Ten years ago:PopeJohn Paul II beatified Mother Te-

resa during a ceremony in St. Peter's Square. NewYork magician David Blaine emerged from 44 days of isolation in a

clear plastic box suspended over London. Five years age:Retired Gen.

Goo ni t's see ceans rain un ' By Alicia Chang The Associated Press

LOS ANGELES — When we sleep, our brains get rid of gunk that builds up while we're awake, suggests a study that may provide new clues to treat Alzheimer's disease and other disorders. This cleaning was detected in the brains of sleeping mice, but scientists said t h ere's reason to think it happens in

people too. If so, the finding may mean that for people with dementia and other mind disorders, "sleep would perhaps be even more important i n s l owing the progression of f u r t her damage," Dr. Clete Kushida, medical director of the Stanford Sleep Medicine Center, said in an email. Kushida did n o t p a r t icipate in the study, which appears this week in the journal Science. P eople w h o do n ' t ge t enough shut-eye have trouble

learning and making decisions,and are slower to react. B ut despite decades of r esearch, scientists can't agree on thebasic purpose of sleep. Reasons range from process-

ing memory and saving energy to regulating the body. T he latest work, le d b y scientists at th e U n iversity of Rochester Medical Center,adds fresh evidence to a long-standing view: When we close our eyes, our brains go on a cleaning spree. The team previously found a plumbing network in mouse brains that flushes out cellular waste. For the new study,

t he scientists i njected t h e brains of m i c e w it h b e t aamyloid, a s u bstance that builds up in Alzheimer's disease, and followed its movement. They determined that it was removed faster from the brains of sleeping mice than awake mice. The team also noticed that brain cells tend to shrink during sleep, which widens the space between the cells. This allows waste to pass through that space more easily. Though the work involved mouse brains, lead researcher Dr. Maiken Nedergaard said this plumbing system also exists in dogs and baboons, and it's logical to think that the human brain also clears away toxic substances. Nedergaard said the next step is to look for the process in human brains. In an accompanying editorial, neuroscientist Suzana Herculano-Houzel o f th e Federal University of Rio de Janeiro said scientists have recently taken a heightened interest in t h e s p aces between brain cells, where junk is flushed out. It's becoming clearer that "sleep is likely to be a brain state in which several important housekeeping functions t ake place," she said in an email. T he study w a s f u n d ed by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. In a statement, program director Ji m K o enig said the finding could lead to new approaches for treating a range of brain diseases.

who was President George endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president, calling him a "transformational fig-

ure" during an appearanceon NBC's "Meet the Press." The Tampa Bay Rays held off the

defending champion Boston Red Sox 3-1 to win the Ameri-

can Leaguechampionship series in Game7. Mr. Blackwell, the acerbic designer famous for his annual worst-dressed

list of celebrities, died in Los Angeles at age86. One yearage:The DowJones industrial average had its worst

day in four months, falling 205 points, or1.5 percent, to 13,344. The Standard & Poor's 500 lost 24, or1.7 percent, to 1,433. And the Nasdaq com-

posite index dropped 67points to 3,006. TheSanFrancisco Giants cut the Cardinals' lead in the National League Championship Series to 3-2 with a 5-0 victory over St. Louis.

BIRTHDAYS Former U.S.ambassador to Russia Robert Strauss is 95.

Author John le Carre is 82. Actor John Lithgow is 68. Boxer Evander Holyfield is

51. Actor Jon Favreau is47. "South Park" co-creator Trey Parker is 44. Writer-director

Jason Reitman is 36. Actress Gillian Jacobs is 31. — From wire reports

Channel 4 via The Associated Press

Oxford University genetics professor Bryan Sykes displays a prepared DNA sample taken from the hair of a Himalayan animal. Sykes sayshe may have solved the mystery of the Abominable Snowman — the elusive ape-like creature of the Himalayas also known as the Yeti. He thinks it's a bear, based on two samples sharing a genetic fingerprint with a polar bear jawbone found in the Norwegian Arctic that is at least 40,000 years old. aged to get samples from the only two 'snow bears' in the Himalayas," he said. Finding a l i v ing creature could explain whether differences in appearance and behavior to other bears account for descriptions of the Yeti as a hairy hominid. "The polar bear ingredient in their genomes may have changed their behavior so they act different, look different, maybe walk on two feet more often," he said. Sykes' research has not been published, but he says he has submitted it for peer review. His findings will be broadcast Sunday in a television program on Britain's Channel 4. Tom Gilbert, professor of paleogenomics at the Natural History Museum of Denmark, said Sykes' research provided a "reasonable explanation" for Yeti sightings. "It's a lot easier to believe that than if he had found something else," said Gilbert, who was not involved in the study. "If he had said it's some kind of new primate, I'd want to see all the data."

years ago. The other was a single hair found a decade ago in Bhutan, 800 miles to the east. Sykes said the fact the hair samples were found so far apart, and so recently, suggests the members of the species are still alive. "I can't imagine we man-

Counting the trees in the rainforest By Steve Johnson Chicago Tribune

CHICAGO — There are almost 400 billion trees in the Amazon River basin, "close to the number of stars in the

Milky Way galaxy," says Nigel Pitman, a scientist who is second author of a new study that provides the best answer yet to this difficult-to-quantify question. The study, published Thursday in the journal Science, calculates that there are roughly 16,000 tree species in the vast and varied region, roughly the size of the 48 contiguous U.S. states, but that just 227 of those species, including Brazil nut,chocolate,rubber and acai berry trees,comprise about half of all the trees. Before this, the A m azon was "a system that we couldn't answer even r eally s i mple questions about," said Pitman, the Robert O. Bass Visiting Scientist at the Field Museum in Chicago. "We knew there were lots of species down there. We couldn't tell you how many, which were common and which were rare across the basin, where they were common, where they w ere rare."

Such knowledge is important to better understanding the region that plays such a key role in the global climate and will help make the study of tree life less daunting, said Pitman, who will help the museum get a temporary exhibit explaining the study ready for Monday. Confronting 16,000 species as a scientist "is enough to cause an existential crisis that sort of makes you throw up your hands," said Pitman. "But going down to the same forest

and finding out it's (mainly) 200 species, or in some regions 70, that has the opposite effect. That really allows you to focus and say, 'We can do a whole lot.'" To build their estimate, Pitman, lead author Hans ter Steege of the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in the Netherlands and their colleagues combined data from almost 1,200 tree population surveys taken in small areas, typically 100 square meters, over the last decade by scores of individuals and institutions. These surveys include some of the work done by the museum's "rapid inventory" conservation team.

The Yeti or Abominmable Snowman is one of a number of legendary ape-like beasts — along with Sasquatch and B igfoot — r e puted t o l i v e in heavily forested areas or snowy mountains. Scientists are skeptical, but decades of eyewitness reports, b l u rry photos and stories have kept the legend alive. "I do not think the study gives any comfort to Yeti-believers," David Frayer, a professor of biological anthropology at the University of Kansas, said in an email. But "no amount of scientific data will ever shake their belief." "If (Sykes') motivation for doing the analyses is to refute the Yeti nonsense, then good luck," he said. Sykes said he was simply trying "to inject some science into a rather murky field." "The Yeti, the Bigfoot, is surrounded in myth and hoaxes," he said. "But you can't invent a DNA sequence from a hair."

Sykes' findings are unlikely

to lay the myth of the Yeti to rest.

Find It All


Colin Powell, a Republican W. Bush's first secretary of state, broke with the party and

LONDON — A B r i tish scientist says he may have solved the mystery of the A bominable Sno w m an — the elusive ape-like creature of the Himalayas. He thinks it's a bear. DNA analysis conducted by Oxford University genetics professor Bryan Sykes suggests the creature, also known as the Yeti, is the descendant of an ancient polar bear. Sykes compared DNA from hair samples taken from two Himalayan animals — identified by local people as Yetis — to a database of animal genomes. He found they shared a genetic fingerprint with a polar bear jawbone found in the Norwegian Arctic that is at least 40,000 years old. Sykes said t h e t e s ts showed the creatures were not related to modern Himalayan bears but w ere direct descendants of the prehistoric animal. He said, "it may be a new species, it may be a hybrid" between polar bears and brown bears. "The next thing is, go there and find one." Sykes put out a call last year for museums, scientists and Yeti aficionados to share hair samples thought to be from the creature. One of the samples he analyzed came from an alleged Yeti mummy in the Indian region of Ladakh, at the Western edge of the Himalayas, and was taken by a French mountaineer who was shown the corpse 40

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A 10K bachelor's degree, with caveats By Tamar Lewin

efficiencies; so far, many of the programs are unchanged. FORT LA U D E RDALE, In Florida, the two dozen Fla. — With tuition, student former community colleges loan debt and default rates all that offer associate and bacspiraling higher, what's not to calaureate degrees all v ollove about a $10,000 bache- unteered to meet the $10,000 lor's degree? c hallenge, but several ar e In the last two years, two not yet underway. The state Republican governors — Rick u niversities are not i n t h e Perry in Texas and Rick Scott program. in Florida — have challenged Florida's Broward College, their states' public colleges to which has 67,000 students, develop bachelor's degrees is offering the low-cost baccosting no more than $10,000, calaureate in its four smallest less than a third of the aver- bachelor's programs — midage sticker price for tuition dle-school math and science and fees at a four-year public education, information techcollege. Perry said he hoped nology, and global trade and 10 percent of the state's de- logistics — and seeking a total grees would meet that goal. of 80 students. Even that may Scott sought low-cost degrees be a stretch. in high-demand fields. To qualify, students must Democrats were critical of have a grade-point average of both announcements, calling at least 3.0 and be Florida resithe idea a gimmick that would dents, in college for the first lead to a watered down "Wal- time and committed to conMartization" of higher educa- tinuous enrollment. But most tion. Meanwhile, in Califor- Broward students drop out nia, a Republican legislator before completing a two-year has called for a pilot program degree. And a mong t hose there. who earn an associate's deNow the $10,000 degrees gree, many transfer for their are available in Florida and final two years or have no inTexas — but not for many terest in the targeted majors. "This isn't going to be for students, not for many majors and not on the flagship cam- the masses,"said J. David puses. The original goal was Armstrong, Broward's presithat the degrees would use dent. "We can't afford lownew teaching techniques and cost degrees for the masses technologies to find greater unless we get a lot more fundNew Yorh Times News Service

ing from the state." Broward designed its programs to confront the dropout problem that plagues community colleges nationwide. Posters on campus exhort students to "Finish What You Start," and to that end, the savings in the affordable degree programs will come in the form ofa free lastsemester. Randy Hanna, chancellor of the Florida College System, said that whatever the numbers, the program represented an important effort to promote college access at a time when college costs are a national concern. In fact, the Florida system is among the cheapest in the nation, with tuition and fees averaging $13,264 for a fouryear degree. Nationally, tuition and fees at a public university cost instate students about $9,000 a year, or $36,000 for a four-year degree. Private universities' average tuition is $30,000 a year, or $120,000 for a degree. In Texas, 13 institutions offer $10,000 degrees. So far, t hough, most of t hem a r e based on students' amassing college credits while they are still in high school, or at a community college, whose tuition may not be included in the total. Books are generally not included, either.

"There's been an e volution," said Dominic Chavez, a spokesman for the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, a cknowledging that the first round of programs did not exactly reach

the $10,000 goal. But that is changing, he said. In partnership with faculty at South Texas College and Texas A&M UniversityCommerce, the state is building from scratch a degree in organizational leadership that uses online resources and a competency-based approach, in which students get credit for demonstrating what they know rather than how many coursestheytake. "It will cost $6,000-$13,000, and be a model to show other institutions that you can create an affordable pathway at your institution," Chavez sa>d. But many academic leaders, including Hunter Rawlings, president of the Association of American Universities, still have qualms about the political quest for cheaper degrees. "It's at the lower end of the scale, treating higher ed as a commodity, and I think that's a bad thing, because education is so different from making widgets," Rawlings said. "It does sound a bit like Wal-Mart."


secretly, and what they do is go to the law firms." Continued from A1 Isabelle Durant, a vice presi"It's key to us to be ahead dent of the European Parliaof when the political debate ment from Belgium who served starts," De Ruyt said in an in- on the committee that three terview later. "Because by then, years ago helped create the we can't have an impact." voluntary disclosure program, As the European Union has also expressed concern. "I am not against lobbying, emerged as a regulatory superpower affecting 28 coun- but I am against lobbying opactries that collectively form the ity," she said. "We have to know world's largest economy, its who works for whom and how policies have become ever more much money they are being important to corporations oper- pald. ating across borders. In turn, the influence business in Brus- Seeking to'harmonize' sels has become ever larger Hidden in the leafy confines and more competitive, rivaled of Parc Leopold, which once only by Washington's. was home to a zoo and an No group is proving more amusement park in the center aggressive in claiming a share of what is modern-day Brusof that business — and pro- sels, is the Solvay Library, built voking more criticism — than a century ago by a Belgian Covington and a dozen other industrialist. major international law firms, On a brisk night in Septemsome of which have imported ber, with U.S. lawyers as hosts, U.S. practices to Brussels, the the library's reading r oom seat of European Union power, was packed with dozens of while also operating with fewer executives from corporations constraints than in the United including Boeing, Intel and States. Samsung, along with senior The rules here differ in sig- staff members of the European nificant ways — for starters, the Commission. European system is not greased T he guest of h onor w a s by corporatecampaign contri- James Baker, the former secrebutions, which are banned or tary of state and treasury and strictly limited in many mem- chief of staff to two presidents. ber countries. But the law firms He was looking so fit, at 83, that have managed to win results for a lawyer asked him for nutriclients, which include chemical tion tips. Baker had come to and energy companies, drug- celebrate the first anniversary makers, Silicon Valley firms, of the Brussels office of BakWall Street businesses and er Botts, the Houston-based military contractors. law firm co-founded by his The firms are taking advan- great-grandfather. tage of weak ethics rules in As attendees nibbled on Brussels, including one that al- foie gras lollipops, dipped in lows some former government a chocolate fondant, they disofficials to b egin exploiting cussed the potential business their connections the day they bonanza from trans-Atlantic leave office. trade negotiations that recently A tradition in Washington, began between Europe and the hiring insiders was relatively United States. The goal of the rare at Brussels law firms until negotiations is to "harmonize" the U.S. firms stepped up the the regulatory systems of the recruiting of European politi- United States and Europe, so cians — including top officials that companies can meet a at the European Commission, single standard — worth hunParliament and Council, the dreds of millions of dollars, if three bodies that make up not billions, in savings for busit he government — w ith f at nesses, particularly if they can paychecks. persuade negotiators to accept The firms are undercutting less strict rules in the process. efforts to bring more transparThe deal-making could also ency to lobbying in Brussels, mean a huge wave of lucraciting lawyer-client confiden- tive lobbying and legal work in tiality to evade a government- Brussels and in Washington for backed but voluntary disclo- firms, which charge as much as sure effort. C ovington, for $1,000 an hour. "It ain't going to be easy — it's example, refuses to identify its clients or whom it is lobbying, going to be tough," Baker told which it would have to do back the assembled crowd. "But it's home. It can keep secret the really important to get it done." sessions with clients and reguThose kinds of opportunities lators at its offices, which most help explain why U.S. firms are U.S. officials would have been attracted to Brussels, where prohibited from attending or at many locate near the Rue Belleast required to disclose in the liard, a European version of K United States. Street, the lobbying corridor Critics, including rival lobby- in Washington. Several British ing firms and some European firms have beefed up lobbying officials, accuse the law firms practices, too. But there is tough of operating in the shadows. competition. Akin G ump, a "They hide behind confi- prominent U.S. law firm, closed dentiality," said Robert Mack, its Brussels office several years an American who is a top ex- ago, with the top executive at ecutive at the Brussels office the time calling the outpost a of Burson-Marsteller, a global "drain on resources." lobbying and public relations Others, tho u gh , are firm. "It's unfair; it's anti-com- committed. petitive," he added. "There are As Brussels "moves up the people who want to do things scale of importance to these

for American Progress. But as Utah's own legisContinued from A1 lative analysts wrote at the "The closure and re-opening time, Supreme Court precof Utah's national parks offer a edent and th e C onstitution dramatic demonstration of the suggest that the law would be need tohave greater state and unenforceable. local control over programs "(T)hat requirement, and and services," Utah Attorney any attempt by Utah in t he General John Swallow and As- future to enforce the requiresistant Attorney General An- ment, have a high probability thony Rampton wrote in a Salt of being declared unconstituLake Tribune op-ed this week. tional," the state Office of Leg"(I)n these days of federal aus- islative Research and General terity, we assume substantial Counsel noted in its review. Utah's law was first introrisk by r elying too heavily upon the federal government." duced by state Rep. Kevin Nearly two-thirds of Utah Ivory, who is also a member — 66.5 percent — is federally of the American Legislative owned, making it second only Exchange Council, a conserto Nevada's 81 percent, ac- vative bogeyman to l i beral cording to federal agency data groups that oppose it for its compiledfor a 2010 report by role in influencing and craftthe nonpartisan Congressio- ing state and local policy. nal Research Service. The Center for A merican Swallow an d R a m pton's Progress called such efforts complaint is hardly new. Last a "losing battle that amounts year, Utah passed a law de- to little more than political manding that the federal gov- grandstanding," and U t ah's ernment hand over about 20 own legislative analysts armillion of the 35 million acres gued that the law's demand init owns in that state by the end terferes "with Congress's powof next year. er to dispose of public lands." And it's also not unique to But even if such policies can't be enforced, the federal Utah. "In the past year, legisla- government shutdown offered tures in seven western states lawmakers another opportu— Utah, Arizona, Wyoming, nity to make their case. "The last few weeks show New Mexico, Colorado, Nevada an d I d a ho — have Utah can and should have an p assed, introduced, or e x - enhanced role in its citizens' plored legislation demanding affairs and in the uses of its that the federal government land. The l ong-term public turn over millions of acres health, safety and economic of federal public lands to the welfare of Utahns depend on states," according to a March it," Swallow an d R a mpton report from the liberal Center wrote in their op-ed.

of the legislative favors the law firms had delivered to their clients. "There is no realistic way to track what they are doing if you don't even know who their clients are," he said. "The kind of results they are achieving, outside of public scrutiny, it is undemocratic. But for the companies involved it can be highly profitable."

Andrew Testa I New York Times News Service

Hugo Paemen, right, the former European union ambassador to the U.S., attends a partner meeting of Iobbyists at the Hogan Loveiis iaw firm office in Brussels last month. Nearly a dozen major international iaw firms have imported American practices to Brussels, the seat of European union power. companies, it becomes of increasing importance to any law firm like ours," said Raymond Calamaro, a p a rtner at Hogan Lovells, a firm that splits its headquarters between London and Washington, who oversees its lobbying practice

globally. When lawyers at H o gan L ovells are stymied by t h e Brussels bureaucracy, they routinely turn to Hugo Paemen, a soft-spoken, impeccably dressed man who was named a baron by the Belgian king and worked as the European Union ambassador to t h e U n i t ed States. "I'm n ot looking for v i sibility," Paemen said. "The important work happens on the telephone, or a lunch or coffee get-together." At Covington, Wim van Velzen, once vice president of the European Parliament's largest political group, the European People's Party, serves as the goto person for assignments that require legislative action. De Ruyt focuses on the European Council, where he once was a top official. "It's easier for someone who has been there, who understands how things go," he said. Covington a l s o r e c ently hired Paul Adamson, a former staff member at the European Parliament and a l o n gtime Brussels lobbyist. "I'm a gu n f o r h i re," he

quipped. More conservative firms in Brussels aretroubled by thenotion of bringing in advisers like him and the former politicians, who are not lawyers, Adamson added. "But Covington has never beenembarrassed about it." The results are tangible, the firms say, providing documents to back up some of their claims. Last y ear, H o gan L o v ells helped an U.S. semiconductor company securean exemption in European environmental law that allowed it to continue using a p o tentially hazardous substancein the computer chips it makes. The firm also helped a group of U.S. chemical companies avoid having to retest products to meet a new chemical safety law, striking an alliance with animal rights groups that did not want animals used for the retesting.

The value of secrecy Claude Turmes, a member of the European Parliament from Luxembourg, refuses to meet lobbyists who have not registered in a voluntary disclosure database created in 2011 that includes names of nearly 6,000 businesses, organizations or lobbying firms that seek to influence the European government. Hundreds more are believed to have opted out, with some lobbying firms inspired by the example of the U.S. law firms. A ponytailed member of the Green Party, Turmes took part in failed efforts to make the registry mandatory. "Lobbying is a bit like prostitution — it will always exist, and if you try to forbid it, then you would get a black market," he said. "I'm interested in all actors' views, but we have to do this in a transparent way." Some of the opponents of the mandatory registry included members of Parliament who work at law firms, including Klaus-Heiner Lehne, a Christian Democrat from Germany who is a partner at Britishbased law firm Taylor Wessing and advises clients on European regulations, while serving as chairman for Parliament's committee on legal affairs. In Brussels, the law firms argue that Belgian bar rules prohibit them from violating the confidentiality of their clients. In a public filing to the European Commission l ast year, the Council of Bars and Law Societies of Europe outlined a number of objections to expanding disclosurerequirements for lawyer-lobbyists and called "professionalsecrecy" one of the "core values of the legal profession." Many clientsview secrecy as an asset. "Even if the matter is public, the client doesn't want our involvement to be known," said Lourdes Catrain, a partner at Hogan Lovells. "A law firm providesvery strong guarantees of confidentiality." Olivier Hoedeman, the research coordinator at Corporate Europe Observatory, a Brussels nonprofit that studies the influence of lobbying on the European Union, said he did not even know about some

sador, headed out — he was appearing at an event alongside a leading member of Parliament and a top European trade official. A similar session took place at Covington's Brussels offices, where four lobbyists discussed plans with a partner to try to influence debates on trade negotiations, data privacy and pharmaceuticals. They mentioned fracking, too — the Moving toward openness firm is organizing an industry Still, scandals i n r e cent group tooffer government ofyears — none involving U.S. ficials suggestions in drafting firms — have spurred a move- the rules. There have already ment toward c h ange t h at been preliminary moves by the many see as inevitable. Last Parliament suggesting it will fall, the European Union's top demand strict oversight of the health official departed amid a industry, an effort the lobbyists corruption investigation, and will try to derail. a sting in 2011 by The Sunday Van Velzen told colleagues Times of B r i tain e nsnared about planned meetings with three members ofthe Europe- members of t h e E u r opean an Parliament in a pay-to-play Parliament and the European episode. Commission, while De Ruyt At Hogan Lovells' Brussels shared with the team the close outpost, 28 lawyers and lobby- ties he has with the new U.S. ists from around Europe met ambassador to the European recently to discuss their work Union — a relationship sure to and opportunities to pick up come in handy as new client new clients. There was a sense, matters emerge. "There is a certain excitethough, that the firm's ability to operate largely in secret may ment of getting what you want not last much longer. through the system," De Ruyt "We are a long ways from said in an interview, adding the U.S. position, where it is that he had learned the art of very transparent," Paul Dacam, influencing decisions, instead a Hogan Lovells partner from of just making them. "I now London, told the g athering. know exactly how to do it." "The culture of the clients, right now, is not toward openness. See us for FREE But I have no doubt looking lifting system upgrades ahead, there will be obligatory and $100 mail-in rebates registration." With that, Paemen, the foron select Hunter Douglas mer European Union ambasproducts.




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Silver Continued from A1 Those in favor of the treatment say it's an inexpensive way to stop tooth decay, especially for low-income populations, while t hose opposed point out t hat t h ere hasn't been any U.S.-based academic research that supports its use. It also requires several visits to apply and is known to leave a black crust where it's

applied. The board voted at its meeting Friday against a measure that would have allowed dental hygienists and assistants to, under the supervision of a dentist, apply silver nitrate onto patients' teeth. "I feel like we're talking about allowing people to do stuff that really has no scientific basis," said Board Member Julie Ann Smith, a Portland oral surgeon. "I have a problem with that." D entists already ar e a l lowed to use silver nitrate on patients, but the change would have expanded the scope of the practice by allowing them to direct their staff to apply the treatment, said Patrick Braatz, the board's executive director. More than a dozen people, most of them dental professionals, spoke passionately on the subject at a public hear-

and old, in Central Oregon. Redmond-based Advantage Dental Services, which provides care to nearly 200,000 Medicaid recipients in Oregon, uses silver nitrate on patients of all ages, said Mike Shirtcliff, A dvantage's president and CEO. Advantage, the largest Dental Care Organization in Oregon, operates four clinics in Central Oregon, including one in Bend. Shirtcliff testified in favor of silver nitrate's use at Thursday's meeting, arguing that it allows dentists to control infectionsand keeps people out of the hospital. Similarly, Frank Mendoza, a dentist at the Warm Springs Health and Wellness Center Dental Clinic, located on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation, began touting a "new dental program" to patients in the Sept. 4 issue of the res-

ervation's newspaper, Spilyay

Tymoo. Mendoza, who declined a request for comment, wrote in an editorial that one drop of silver nitrate is enough to treat all the cavities in a patient's mouth. It's applied with a tiny dental brush and followed by fluoride varnish to strengthen the tooth enamel, a process that requires about five monthly visits, he wrote. "When tooth cavities are ing Thursday night. Opinions t reated this w ay, w i thin a were split almost evenly, with short time the cavity itself seven speaking in f avor of turns a dark color and somethe change and six speaking times black: This is good!," he against. wrote. "This means the silver Steven Duffin, a Keizer den- nitrate is working to stop the tist, said he's witnessed the infection and keep the cav"miracle" silver nitrate repre- ity from going deeper into the sents in stopping tooth decay. tooth." Duffin, who uses a combinaBut Brandon Schwindt, vice tion of silver nitrate and fluo- president of the Board of Denride varnish on cavities, said tistry and a pediatric dentist in the use of silver nitrate in den- Tigard, said at the board meettistry dates back more than ing on Friday that silver nitrate 100 years. doesn't kill the bacteria that "This is not something new," causes the cavities, nor does it he told the group Thursday. eliminate the cavities. "This is not a communist plot." The use of s i lver nitrate Perhaps t h e we i g htiest turns a blind eye to the real voice on Thursday was that problem, which is that dentistof StevenTimm, a Bend den- ry as a profession is failing to tist and president-elect of the treat children, he said. While Oregon Dental A ssociation. Schwindt said he feels for paTimm, speaking on behalf of tients who don't have access to the ODA, emphasized that the dentalcare,an unproven treatFDA has approved silver ni- ment is not the solution. "People who don't have actrate for external use only and the substance is highly toxic cess to appropriate care, do to the gastrointestinal tract. If they deserve an unsafe car'?" ingested, it can lead to coma, Schwindt said. "An unsafe paralysis and death, he said. hospital bed? A building that's Timm also pointed to the not up to code'?" lack of clinical trials validating Fellow board member Patrithe substance'suse in prevent- cia Parker, a Hillsboro dentist, ing cavities, and questioned countered that silver nitrate the impact on patients of the might be a great solution for black crust that's known to fol- elderly patients. She said she low its application. would have loved to have had "Let's not experiment on our silver nitrate available to her patients in Oregon," he said. mother, who d i dn't r eceive The Board o f D e n tistry any dental care while living in isn't the only group to oppose an Alzheimer's unit. "There is a huge gap in the the use of silver compounds. In January, a subcommittee nursing home system for elof the Oregon Health Eviderly people," she said. dence Review Commission, Many dentists in Bend don't the group that decides which acceptOHP recipients because conditions are and are n ot they don't profit from providcoveredunder the state's Meding the care, Shirtcliff said in icaid program, known as the an interview after Thursday's Oregon Health Plan, decided meeting. He said he thinks the there wasn't enough evidence unspoken reason many dento support the use of silver tists oppose the use of silver compounds to treat cavities. nitrate is economic. "If we actually stopped deThe decision means that silver compounds — a broad term cay and there weren't any that includes silver nitrate and more fillings to f i x , g u ess silver diamine fluoride, a simi- w hat?" h e sai d . "There lar agent that's not FDA-ap- wouldn't be any more crowns proved — are not covered un- to do. There wouldn't be any der OHP for such procedures. more money to make. This is Despitethe controversy sur- more about economics than it rounding silver nitrate, it's be- is about dentistry." ing widely used to stop tooth — Reporter: 541-383-0304 decay in patients, both young tbannow@bendbulletin.com


through selective breeding ... Instead of waiting (thousands Continued from A1 of years) to come up with abetKitzhaber also directed the ter tomato, we can do it in two A griculture D epartment t o or three (with technology)." look at what existing authorSeveral years ago, Stan Sulity the state has when it comes livan, also a Jefferson County to regulating GMO crops. He farmer, planted for the first asked the department to get time g e netically m o d i fied back to him by this June. sugar beet seeds, in addition to "We've always tried coexis- conventionalsugar beet seeds. tence asmuch as possible,so The modified ones did well, we hope there is room for both and ever since, he's continued (GMOs and organic)," Pokar- to plant them. ney said. Farming, he said, is about Longtime Madras farmer innovating and experimentGary Harris is pleased there ing. He also farms right next won't be "36 different regula- to an organic dairy farmer. "We're all i n i t t o gether, tions to abide by" and that the we're all trying to make a livstate is tackling the issue. "My local o ff icials don't ing. I feel like if you can handle have the expertise," he said. it on the local level with your He's worried those against neighbors, it's much better," he GMO crops h ave n ational satd. backing to help prohibit counIn the governor's letter earties from growing engineered lier this month, he encouraged "all the interests who have crops. "If you had to eat the first to- lined up to do battle over this mato that was ever grown, you special session legislation to wouldn't touch it," Harris said. stand down, and work ... to "It looked like a gooseber- develop thoughtful solutions ry," he said."Now, we havebig, to these important issues." — Reporter, 541-554-1162 juicy, tender, high-sugar content tomatoes and it was done Idake@bendbulletin.com



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er I Inon

By Jonathan Tamari

tational approach.) Cruz and Paul are the most W ASHINGTON — W il l prominent examples of young Cory Booker be another Ted senators who have defied the Cruz? The next Hillary Clinold order and used the Senate ton'? Or something entirely as a platform to advance their different? visions to a national audience After w inning a S e nate using bold stands, theatrics, seat this week, will Booker, a devoted following and the a rising political star, follow help of social media. Both, like Clinton's example and try to Booker, are seen as harboring blend in to the slow-moving national ambitions. "A senator like Ted Cruz 60 Senate, sticking with the tradition of freshmen quietly earnor 70 years ago would have ing their place'? Or will he join been almost unimaginable," the ranks of lawmakers who Baker said. "Now you have use the Senate as a platform to Juho Cortez/The Associated Press file photo a much greater diversity of build their profiles and shape Newark Mayor Cory Booker, in his office in Newark, N.J., in 2011, styles." the national debate, seniority was elected to the U.S. Senate this week. Booker could be a starry be damned? c ounterweight on t h e l e f t "He is somebody who does — and huge fundraiser for his like to make a splash, but I business leaders who are used t hird-ranking Democrat i n party — much as liberals hope would hope that he would be to setting their own agenda the chamber when he moved Warren can be. a little more cautious in intro- — perhaps helping to explain to the Senate, but he recalled Cruz has inspired conserducing himself in the Senate," why only n ine of t h e 100 old lions such as Sen. Ted Ken- vatives but drawn the wrath of said Ross Baker, a Rutgers po- current senators have been nedy, D-Mass., urging him to many of colleagues, including "take your time, listen a lot, get Republicans, who complain litical scientist who has closely mayors. observed the Senate. Citing the most recent con- a lay of the land ... and evolve that his tactics have raised his Booker will enter the cham- flagration, New Jersey Gov. over time." profile but hurt the party. ber withassets few new sena- Chris Christie told the Inquirer Quiet patience, however, Booker a l r eady r u ff l ed tors enjoy: a national follow- last week, "if I was in the Sen- has never been Booker's style, feathers by openly coveting ing, star-studded support and ate right now, I'd kill myself." and there is a new breed of the seat held by the late Sen. a talent for theatrics. He's a And in 2010 Booker himself senators who have bucked Frank Lautenberg before the dynamic figure with 1.4 mil- said that serving in the Sen- tradition. incumbent hadannounced his lion Twitter followers, cross- ate would mean "discussing In August Booker boasted plans. cultural appeal and is more rules of procedure until I'm to NBC News about "finding And lawmakers know who well-known than most of his nauseous." unique ways for bringing peo- is willing to do the real, gritty new peers. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Dple together and disrupting work of legislating and who is But after pitching himself Calif., a former mayor, said, broken systems, disrupting mainly concerned with publicas a single-handed force for "it's very, very different, and it status quo." ity, said Richard Arenberg, a change, Booker is joining an takes a lot of adjustment." He cited Cruz and fellow top Senate aide for more than institution that over recent Senate freshmen are exfreshman Sen. Rand Paul, R- 30years. "The coin of the realm in weeks has been a picture of pected to be seen and not Ky., as well as liberal chamsnarled dysfunction. heard. They are tasked with pion Sen. Elizabeth Warren, the Senate is still your personIt's also a body where new- presiding over Senate ses- D-Mass., as examples of ris- al reputation," Arenberg said. comers are told to wait their sions, serving shifts as func- ing senators whose bold styles "There's only 100 senators, turn, and where arcane rules, tionaries as they watch others he admired. and they all interact with one winding processes and unorate on the Senate floor. (But Booker has vowed to another, and if you're going ending roadblocks often chafe New Jersey's senior sena- be outspoken for compromise to be effective, you're going to e x-mayors, governors a n d tor, Robert Menendez, was the and attacked Cruz's confron- have to earn that respect." The Philadelphia tnquirer

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5.2million in states against health reform left without coverage By MIchelle Fay Cortez

according to a r e port f r om the Kaiser Commission on MINNEAPOLIS — About Medicaid and the Uninsured. 5.2 million Americans will be In Texas, more than I million left without health coverage people won't have access to after 26 states decided to reject insurance provided through expanded M e dicaid i n sur- the Patient Protection and ance programs for the poor Affordable Care Act of 2010, with money provided under while 763,890 Floridians won't PresidentObama's health care receive health coverage. reform. Expansion of Medicaid eligiAlabama, Louisiana, Mis- bility was intended to provide sissippi and South Carolina health insurance for the workwill be particularly hard hit as ing poor, those with incomes those southern states will fail just higher than the poverty to provide coverage to at least line who would struggle to pay one-third of uninsured adults, premiums. While the Supreme Bloomberg News

Court last year upheld the law, it also allowed states not to expand Medicaid. "In states that expand their Medicaid programs, millions of adults will gain Medicaid coverage under the law," according to the report issued Thursday by t h e c o m mission affiliated with the Kaiser Family Foundation, a health research nonprofit in Menlo Park, Calif. "However, with many states opting not to implement the Medicaid expansion, millions of adults will remain outside the reach of the


ACA and continue to have limited, if any, option for health coverage." The issue has created a

coverage gap. The law was designed to expand Medicaid for those making as much as 138 percent of the poverty line. Only about 30 percent of poor adults now qualify for the joint federal-state program. Lowi ncome workers wh o e a r n more than 138 percent of poverty are eligible for tax credits to help pay for insurance through the health exchanges created under the law.

The federal government will pay all the costs for states that expand Medicaid through 2016 and 90 percent of the extra expense to 2020. Once the court struck down the mandate toexpand Medicaid, poor workers in states that elected not to b roaden their programs had nowhere to turn, the commission said in its report. They don't earn enough to get the tax credits and they aren't poor enough to qualify for Medicaid under the current eligibility level, which is a median income of about

$9,400 a year for a family of three. The ACA would have allowed Medicaid benefits for families of three with incomes of about $27,000 annually. Workers who fall into the gap are unlikely to be able to afford the cost of buying a health plan on their own. The average premium for a 40-year-old buying insurance through a national exchange is about $224 per month for a bronze plan, roughly half the monthly income for those at the lower end of the range, according to the report.

V O U t e a l l e u I'

N ew s p a p e r I n E d u c a t i o n S p o n s o r s ! s

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BELFOR(0) P RO P E RT Y R E s v 0 RA vro N

1117 SE Centennial St., Bend



875 SVVSimpson Ave Bend


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St fCharles MADRAS

470 NE A St., Madras 541-460-4039 CENTRAL OREGOH

EzE 62995 Plateau Dr., Bend 541-389-7469

eruuruxurvuv ~a u n u sae<~ 3MISW ~

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2000 SWHighway 26, Madras 541-475-223B

63500 USHwy97, Bend 541-330-2495

KEY PROPERTIES 431 NWFranklin, Bend 541-72B-0033 u e>ne communny

51600 Huntington Road, LaPine 541-536-3435







36D SW Bond St., Bend 541-749-4D44

COAR~ 2112 NE 4th St., Bend 541-382-3452

H OM E S 1690 N Hvvy97, Redmond 54 I -548-55 l1 Postal Cohnections 2660 E Hvvy2D, Bend 541-382-IBDD

8Springleaf Lending made personal

f120 SE3rdStreet, Ste.100, Bend 54f-31B-4209

Kelly J.Witt Construction 19430ApacheRd. Bend 54f-40B-56&3 Van HandelAutomotive, Inc. f 27 W.Sisters ParkDr.Sisters 54f-549-04f6 GaryGrunerChevrolet 20ODSW Highway26,Madras 54f-475-2238 LeadingEdgeAviation Inc. 63048PowellButteRd.,Bend 54f-383-B825 Big CountryRV 63500 USHwy97, Bend CentroPrint Solutions 629f5NEf&th,Bend 54f-382-3534 Greg &Patty Cushman Bf370Tam McArthurLoop,Bend 54f-389-3D44 MSTCorporation f659 SW Baldwin Rd.,Prinevile 54f-416-BDO D Mt. ViewHospital 470 NEASt., Madras 54f-460-4D39 ChristmasValley Market 87497Christmas Valley Hwy, SilverLake 54f-576-220D SuperiorService 827 Business Way Ste. Mf, Bend 54f-38B-B839 TrailerWorld 64601BaileyRd.,Bend 54f-389-9849 UBSFinancialServices, Inc. BDOSW ColumbiaSt.Ste.62DO,Bend 54f-617-7D2D Birkenstockof Bend 836 NW Wall St., Bend 54f-389-46BB CenturyInsuranceGroupLLC 695 SWMil ViewWay Bend 54f-382-42ff DesertSkyRealEstate 636 NW CedarAve.Redmond 54f-5D4-9792 HongKongRestaurant 53OSE3rd,Bend 54f-389-BBB D ShevlinSand&Gravel 632&5 NWSkyline RanchRd.,Bend 54f-312-473D SoundsFast 142 NERevereAve., Bend 54f- 3f2-4332 The Pony Express 160 S.Oak,Sisters 54f-549-f538 AvionWaterCompanyInc. BDBf3Parrell Rd.,Bend 54f-382-5342 CanalBargeCruises.com 2f 50CondorCourt, Redmond 54f-5D4-6264 Fireside Inc. 424NE3rdSt,Bend 54f-382-2597 Five Pine Lodge 102f Desperado Trail, Sisters 54f-549-590D LaPinePetBed&Bath 5f590 RusselRd., l LaPine 54f-536-5355 TetherowGolfClub Bf240 SkylineRanchRd., Bend 54f-389-5857 Blockbuster 2ff NE Revere,Bend 54f-385-fg33 NorthwestBenefits Group 64745SylvanLoop,Bend On PoinCom t munity Credit Union 950 NW BondSt., Bend BOD-522-&932 Robinson &OwenHeavyConstruction 750 Buckaroo Trail, Sisters 54f-549-f848 Sunray Vacation Rentals 56870VentureLane,Sunriver 54f-592-&225 WarmSpringsMarket 2f32 Warm SpringsSt., WarmSprings 54f-553-f597 Tim Underwood Productions 777 NW Wall Ste. IOB,Bend 54f-382-B2&g Cascadia Vehicle Tents Bf5fOAmericanLaneSte.140, Bend 54f-312-B368 High DesertAssistedLiving 2660 NeMary RosePlace, Bend 54f-312-2DO 3 Mid Oregon Credit Union f386 NE Cushing, Bend 54f-382-f795 BrentWoodardInc. 3743 N.Hwy97, Redmond 54f-504-5538 GFPEnterprises P.O.Box639,Sisters 54f-549-Bf67 Midstate Electric Cooperative 16755FinleyButte Road,LaPine 54f-536-7232 Mr. RooterPlumbing P.O.BOX 9504,Bend 54f-3&B-BS BB Satterlee JewelryRepair&DesignCenter Sf3N.W.FirAve.,Redmond 54f-54B-BTB B SunWest Builders 2642SW 4thSt.,Redmond 54f-54B-734f BendSwimClub 800 NE 6thSt., Bend 54f-317-B462 AttorneyBrianHemphil 339 SWCentury Dr., Bend 54f-382-2991 HSW Builders 730SW BonnettWay,Suite3DOD,Bend Neil KellyCompany 190 NE Irvine Ave,Bend 54f-382-75&6 SouthSidePubInc. Bf 660 S.Hwy.97, Bend 54f-383-7672 Mill PointDentalCenter 770S.W.BonnettWaySteIDO,Bend 54f-3&B-O D78 WT EquipmentInc. 63075CorporatePlace, Bend 54f-31B-fyf6 PhilgoodContractors Inc. www.philgoodcontractors.com 54f-526-f8fg RV Outfitters 629&O BoydAcresRoad, Bend 54f-312-9758 U.S.Market 2625 N.E. Butler MarketRd.,Bend 54f-3&B-Bf&9 WalkerStructural Engineering 2&63 NW Crossing Dr.,Bend 54f-330-6869 ACaringFamily ChildCareHome 2660 NE Hwy20, Ste. Bfg-343, Bend 54f-382-2f22 *", Bend AllianceWelness Center Inc. gff NE4th St. Ste.2 54f-38B-4822 Baregreen Ellingson 63-046LaytonAve, Bend 54f-617-940D BendPropertyManagementCo. 405 NE Seward, Ste.4, Bend 54f-382-7727 Capst oneWeathManagementGroup 105f NEBondSt. Ste.20D,Bend 54f-330-0266 CentralServiceInc. 62968ClydeLane, Bend 54f-420-2977 ChinaDoll 547 NEBelview df f 3, Bend 54f-312-9393 Fitnessf4 401569 NE 2nd St., Bend 54f-389-2DO B PhoenixAsphalt 63066PlateauDr., Bend 54f-647-2356 ProCaliberMotosports of Bend 3500 N.Hwy97, Bend 54f-382-573f Quality Inn 20600GrandviewDr,Bend 54f-3fBDB4B ReliableMaintenanceService 2660 NE Hwy20, Bend 54f-389-6528 Rigoberto's fgf3 NE3rd St., Bend 54f-3&B-67&3 SchillingColarCity Gardens 64640OldBendRedmond Hwy, Bend 54f-38B-46BD Springtime Landscape& Irrigation 62990PlateauDr., Bend 54f-389-4974 ValuePlumbing 55 NE 6thSt., Bend 54f-322-6928 YellowknifewirelessCo. f36 NW GreenwoodAve., Bend 54f-385-Offf Pilot ButteDrive-In -Westside 320 SW Century Dr.Ste.4f0, Bend 54f-323-3272 2B Sports 2ff7NE KimLane, Bend 54f-3&B-3892 BendPineNursery 190f9 BakerRoad, Bend 54f-977-B733 Benham Falls Asphalt LLC. 20-583ShanikoLn., Bend 54f-3fB-B328 Central Or.Leasing&Mgmt.Residential 1250 NE 3rd St., Bend 54f-385-683D ColimaMarket 228 NE GreenwoodAve., Bend 54f-617-9250 DanielAutomotive 204 NE LaFayette Ave., Bend 54f-389-ggf2 DeschutesDogSalon f225 NE 3rd St., Bend 54f-749-4DO f ExquisiteLimousineLLC 3939 S. 6th ST.,KlamathFals 54f-382-2977 Gustafson Construction Inc. 20650 E.HighDesert Lane¹3Bend 54f-94B-2f46 LearningTymes NurseryRhymes 20003ChrisRhodesDr., Bend 54f-312-2765 LifetimeVisionCare 901 NW Carlon Ave., Bend 54f-382-3242 Mountai nSkyLandscapingInc. 64604OldBendRedmond Hwy, Bend 54f-389-B474 Sun CountryWater 22648NelsonRd.,Bend 54f-382-5f03 TheCentralOregonBreeze 62995PlateauDr., Bend 54f-389-7469 BeaconHilProperties 221&8NeffRoad,Bend 54f-389-0606 BendPlasticSupply& Fabrication Bf 505American Lane,Bend 54f-38B-f525 Car Kare Inc 1092 SE Centennial St, Bend 54f-382-4896 CarlsengDesigns- LandscapeDesign 1f33 NWKnoxville Blvd, Bend 54f-610-696f DappleE darth Designsto NurtureLife PowellButte 54f-350-7436 Floyd ABoydCo. 1223 N.E. fst.St., Bend 54f-633-767f GlasweldBend 54f-3&B-ff56 Hillside lnnBed& Breakfast 54f-389-966D Hull's ConstructionSisters 54f-312-2344 LandonConstruction 633fOJohnson RanchRd,Bend 54f-94B-2568 M.C.SmithSign&Graphics 1515 NE 2nd St., Bend 54f-389-247f Miracle-Ear 3fBB NHwy97dff8, Bend 54f-330-5503 Mt BacheloVi r lageResort 197f7 MtBachelorDr,Bend 54f-322-f265 NewportAvenueMarket ff2f NW NewportAve,Bend 54f-382-394D Nik's Diesel Repair 20475BrandisCt,Bend 54f-389-f295 OlsenDaines 141 NW Greenwood, Bend 54f-330-5D44 OpportunityFoundation PO Box 430, Redmond 54f-54B-26ff Oregon WholesaleHardwareInc 653 NE 1st St., Bend 54f-382-337f PaigeElectrical WireandCables 3607 NW FalconRidge, Bend 54f-385-58f2 Paul Humphrey Construction Inc Bend 54f-610-5798 PelicanBayForestProducts P.O.Box6958,Bend 54f-54B-26ff PineTavernRestaurant 967 NW BrooksSt, Bend 54f-382-55&f York BuildingandDesign PO Box Bf59, Bend 54f-280-77&f Above& BeyondHomeFurnishings 1435 SW Hwy 97, Madras 54f-475-fff2 LongButteMetal Roof Products, Inc 65261 97thSt, Bend 54f-419-f202 Lowe's 20501CooleyRd,Bend 54f-693-056D AmyAndersonFarmers Insurance 1208 NE 4th ST.Suite B,Bend 54f-312-ff43 Beem Construction BD351ArnoldMarketRd.,Bend 54f-382-3D64 BendChamberofCommerce 777NW WallST.,Bend 54f-382-3221 BigfootBeverages 2440 NE 4th, Bend 54f-382-4495 Brian'sCabinets Bf -527American Loop, Bend 54f-382-3773 CascadeInsuranceCenter 336 SWCyberDr., Bend 54f-382-224f HolaRestaurant www.holabend.com 54f-389-4652 Lulu's Boutique 150NW MinnesotaAve.,Bend 54f-617-B948 Parilla Gril 635 NW f4th St., Bend 54f-617-960D

Re/Max KeyProperties 431 NW Franklin, Bend 54f-72B-OD 33 Sherwin Wiliams f25 NEFranklin, Bend 54f-389-2536 SuperiorService 827 SEBusiness Way, Bend 54f-38B-B839 TheGarnerGroup 2762NW CrossingDr.A'IDO,Bend 54f-383-436D 9th StreetRVStorageCenter 169 SE 9thStreet, Bend 54f-389-674D BendPlumbingandHeating Inc. P.O.Box5203, Bend 54f-382-B577 Big Mountain Guters 63506VogtRd,Bend 54f-38B-fBBS Blondie'sPizzaTwoCountry Mal P.O.Box 4839,Sunriver 54f-593-fgfg Consolidated Towing Inc. 1OOOSEgthST. ,Bend 54f-389-BDB D Dairy Quee n Bf33f S.Hwy97-PO.Box9459, Bend 54f-385-68BD DaysInn 849NE3rdSt., Bend 54f-382-68ff Del Barber Excavation P.O.Box6554,Bend 54f-54B-0998 FiveTalentsoftwareInc. 4D4 SW Columbia St.df5D, Bend BOD-770-f868 Hutch'sBicycles 725NW Columbi aSt.,Bend 54f-382-9253 LaRosa Authentic MexicanKitchen 19570AmberMeadowDr., Bend 54f- 3fB-72f0 LaRosa Authentic MexicanKitchen 2763 NW Crossing Dr.,Bend 54f- 647-f624 Les Schwabe Amphitheater 15 SWColoradoAvekfO, Bend 54f-322-93&3 Merlot Mortgage 2&40 NE Sedalia Loop,Bend 54f-3fB-5246 NCMMediaNetwork Bf 1 NE Tracker Ct., Bend 54f-389-6609 O'DellLakeResort P.O.Boxf 159,Cresent Lake 54f- 433-2840 OnTo Technology 63221ServiceRd.Ste.F,Bend 54f-389-7897 OptimaFootandAnkle 1506 NE Wiliamson Blvd., Bend 54f-383-3668 PremierPrintingSolutions 920 SWEmkayDr., Bend 54f-617-9899 StephenAGrimmGrading&Excavating f7735 Old WoodRd., Sunriver 54f-593-f455 Swan'sAutomotive 20664CarmenLoop,Bend 54f-385-B948 The VilageBarandGril P.O.Box 42f3, Sunriver 54f-593-ffOD UBSFinancialServices, Inc. BDOSW ColumbiaSt.Ste.6200,Bend 54f-322-Bf22 WWWest Inc. Publishers 20875SholesRd.,Bend 54f-385-Bgff www.shipmate.com PO.Box787,Sisters 54f- 37D-3600 NobleBuildersLLC fg-B97 SW HollygrapeAve,Bend 54f-420-2494 Erickson'sThriftway 315 NW3rdSt., Prinevile 54f-447-629f BendGarbage& Recycling 20835 NE MontanaWay, Bend 54f-323-4D69 Deja Vu Interiors 225 SWCentury Dr., Bend 54f-317-gf69 BajaFresh BfBNE3rdSt., Bend 54f-617-B7&1 CR Fabrication,LTD. 833 SEIst. St., Redmond 54f-54B-4369 Clinic Pharma cy f f 03 NE ElmdA, Prinevile 54f- 447-41fI Complements HomeInteriors 7OSWCenturySuitef45,Bend 54f-322-7337 Ladybug FlowersandGifts 209SW5thSt.,Redmond 54f- 548-6fBB Mongol ianBBQ Bf -535 S.Hwy97, Bend 54f-31B-BSO D Ogden Construction Inc. PO.Boxff23, Bend 54f-647-ff3D PrecisionApplianceRepair BD42 NWGreenValleyRd., Prinevile 54f-447-7D98 PrinevilleInsurance Agency 297 NW 3rd, Prinevile 54f-447-6372 RanchCountry Outhouses PO.Box B67,Sisters 54f-480-BD58 RedmondWalMart 300 NW OakTreeLane, Redmond 54f-923-5972 SunrisePool& Patio Inc. 405 A NW 3rd., Prinevile 54f-447-2DO S TownePump&Pantry Bf2 NW MadrasHwy, Prinevile 54f-447-0504 VikingProperty 799 NW 2ndSt., Prinevile 54f-416-Ofgf Les Schwab PO.Box 2209,Sisters 54f-549-f56D The Pennbrook Co. 250 NW Franklin Ave.Suite204, Bend 541- Bfr-&456 AbneySolarElectrix If244NW KingwoodDr.,Redmond 54f- 923-6000 Advanced PrecastProducts 1f 1 f NEf 1th St., Redmond 54f-923-3272 Arco Construction 5792 NE 5th St., Redmond 54f-54B-2655 DryCanyonIndustrialControls&Comm. 4585 SW2fst StSuite102,Redmond 54f- 504-5491 Everson Family Dentistry 491 EMainSt., Sisters 54f-549-2Dff LongHollowRanch 7f f05 Holmes Rd,Sisters 54f-923-fgof MidstatePowerProducts IBIBS.HWY97,Redmond 54f- 548-6744 Sabor A Mi 304 SE Third St, Bend 54f-78B-935f SatterleeJewelry Repair&DesignCenter 5f3NW FirAve.,Redmond 54f-54B-BTB B Allen Reinsch 145f f6 Lanewood Dr., LaPine 54f-536-f294 BrentWoodardInc. 3743 N.Hwy97, Redmond 54f-5D4-5538 Carpetco Flooring 154& S.Hwy97, Redmond 54f-54B-33&3 Crooked RiverSanitory 13-gt8SWCommercial LpRd,CrookedRiver 54f- 54B-f542 HarvestMoonWoodworks 66224BarrRd,Bend 54f-330-396D Jeld-Wen 3737 LakeportBlvd.,KlamathFalls BOO-JELD -WEN Les Schwabof Madras 2& NE Plum, Madras 54f-475-3834 Little Enterprises Painting Service 633ff CarlyLn,Bend 54f- Bf5-3561 Little Pizza Paradise Cascade Vilage, Bend 54f-312-2577 Pro-Vend Service 625 SE 9thSt., Bend 54f-389-9999 QuiltersAttic Bf54 ffth St., Redmond 54f 54B-Bffg RealtyProsLLS 850NW 55thSt,Redmond 54f- 4BD-9567 RogersBuildingCo. 1515 NE I0th St., Bend 54f-Bf5-4D72 Sagewood Grocery 87164 ChristmasValleyHwy, ChristmasValley 54f-576-250D SerenityLane 601 NW harmonBlvd., Bend 54f-383-0844 SmolichMotors f&65 NE Hwy20, Bend 54f- 3&g-ff77 WellsFargoBankN.A. Bf 7 S.6thSt., Redmond 54f-54B-4595 WildernessGarbage&Recycle 5f420 RusselRd., l LaPine 54f-536-f834 BendMailingService 1036 SE Paiute Way, Bend 54f- 3BB-07&9 Bend RV Repair 62-980BoydAcres RddA2, Bend 54f-3&B-5448 DrakeRestaurant 801 NW Wall St., Bend 54f-3DB-3366 El RanchoGrande 63455 NHwy97, Bend 54f-312-2D22 IT onDemand 477 NE Greenwood, Suite C,Bend 54f-323-357f Kelleher Group-Caldwell BankerMorris www.soldonbend.com 54f- 322-24f6 LeaderBuilders,LLC ff7 NE Gree nwoodAve,Bend 54f-480-3547 Linda MackLMFT/LPC 745 NW Mt.Washington Dr.Ste3gf, Bend 54f-617-Bf98 Lumberman'sInsurance 965 SWEmkay Dr., Bend 54f-38B-0374 Mother'sCafe 2locationsin Bend 54f-3fB-OBB B Pack,Ship& More WagnerMall-CenturyDrive, Bend 54f-38BD389 PrecisionCountertops 63051CorporatePlace,Bend 54f- 3BB-7830 Pro SteelFabrication&Consulting 10-460Cornett Loop,Powell Butte 54f- 447-5532 RedmondCentral OregonKOA 2435 SW Jericho Ln,Culver 54f-546-3D46 Regan ErtleWilliamette Financial Group 2514 NE Division, Bend 54f-330-7454 RHRHeating 3989 NW Xavier, Redmond 54f-923-OB OD RichardW.Little Jr.CPAPC 742 SWForest Rd.,Redmond 54f- 923-0231 Soni cDrive-InBend,Redmond&Madras 63076 NHwy97, Bend 54f-3DB-7279 TozerDesignLLC 724 NW Federal St., Bend 54f- 3&3-gof5 US Bank 1442 NE 3rd St., Bend 54f-389-5331 WagnerMal NE 3rd& Revere,Bend 54f-382-9423 WebformixHighSpeed Internet 67 NWHawthorneAve, Bend 54f-385-B532 AmadaHorner HomeCare 2475SW 26thSt.,Redmond 54f-526-56&f AvionWaterCompany Inc. 60&f3 ParrelRd., l Bend 54f-382-5342 BendAnimalHospital 63-240ServiceRoad, Bend 54f-389-7778 BendSpine& PainSpecialists 929 SW SimpsonAveÃ250,Bend 54f-647-f645 Dano'sCleaning Bend 54f 38B-B35f Diane'sRidingPlace 65535ClineFalls Rd.,Bend 54f-385-7933 DunesMotel f515 NE 3rd St., Bend 54f-382-68ff Furnish 76f NWArizonzAve., Bend 54f-617-Bgff GSIWaterSolutions, Inc. 147 SW Shevlin HixonDr.A'2Df, Bend 54f-67B-5ff7 HarrigonPriceFronk&Co. LLP 975SW Colorado-Suite2OD,Bend 54f-382-4791 HongKongRestaurant 530 SE 3rdSt., Bend 54f-389-BBB D Paul theComputer Guy 244 NE Franklin Ave.Ste.2, Bend 54f-330-06fg PilatesConnection Bf2 NESavannahDr., Suite 4, Bend 54f-420-2927 PostalConnections 2660 EHwy2D,Bend 54f- 3&2-f800 ABCFenceCo. 421 NW fgth, Prinevile 54f-447-67BD Airgas 63051PlateauDr., Bend 54f- Bf7-0450 BendConstruction SupplyInc. 2&O SEBridgeford Blvd., Bend 54f- 3&2-9200 BendSpay& Neuter Project Bf0 SEWilsonSte. B-f, Bend 54f-617-fgfg CentralOregonNutrition Bf456 ElderRidgeSt., Bend 54f-38B-0694 Concrete Mobile Mix,Inc. 441f NWElliott Ln., Bend 54f-447-f378 H20 Sportswear f50 NEBend River Mall Dr.k250, Bend 54f-389-559D Spectrum BuildingandRestoration 90 SE Bridgeford Blvd.,Bend 54f-385-0752


SunriverBooks& Music Building25C,Sunriver 54f-593-2525 Advanced Cabitnetry Inc. 2&53S.W.High Desert, Prinevile 54f-447-7D24 Allen ClarkTreeService 13-66f SE CayuseRd., Prinevile 54f-447-B2&3 AlternativeConstruction Inc. 60003MinnetonkaLane, Bend 54f-Bfo-58ff AmeripriseFinancial 2f4 SEVineLane,Bend 54f-389-2528 BachelorRealty 65-260TweedRd., Bend 54f-389-55f6 BrianHemphil Attorney 339 SWCentury Dr.dfOf, Bend 54f- 3&2-2991 CentralWindowWashing&Janitorial 20490WoodsideNorth Dr.,Bend 54f-389-049D ChezChienneHouseof DogsGrooming Bf405 SHwy97Ste.1, Bend 54f-383-5909 Gogenolconstructi a on f9058 Choctaw Rd., Bend 54f-383-jf55 NAPA Auto Parts 5f477 Hwy 97,LaPine 54f- 536-2192 PahlischHomes 63088 NE 1BthSt. Ste.f OD , Bend 54f- 3&5-6762 BalzerPainting,Inc. 2D676 CarmenLoop,Bend 54f-330-0756 Belfor PropertyRestoration fff7 SE CentennialSt.,Bend 503-4DB-B BBD BlueSageConstruction 59745CalgaryLoop,Bend 54f-306-477f CentralLakesMarine 741 SEGlenwoodDr., Bend 54f-385-7791 CentralOregonPathologyConsultants f34&CushingSt.2DO,Bend 54f-389-749D CentralOregonSeeds 1747 NW Mil St., Madras 54f-475-723f ChesterCabinets P.O.Box7994,Bend 54f-389-Bf3D ClassicMotorCarCo. f &3 NWWalSt., l Bend 54f- 3f7-B403 CulverRealEstate &Expresso 701 fst Ave,Culver 54f-546-63&2 Diamond Tree 2669 NE TwinKnolls Dr.Ste.2DB,Bend 54f-706-934D EnergyconservationInsulation Co. P.O.Box7772,Bend 54f-67B-5566 J.L.WardCo.- Back 9 Golf Course 60650ChinaHat Rd,Bend 54f- 3&2-0491 JefersonCountyTitle Co. PO.Box 5f, Madras 54f-475-720f LaPineCommunity Health Center 5f600 HuntingtonRoad, LaPine 54f-536-3435 McMurray & SonsRoofing 920 SE 9thSt., Bend 54f-385-0695 PrecisePlumbing PO.Box3456,LaPine 54f-536-2464 54f-94&-OBIO Stephen AGrimmGrading&Excavating f7735OldWoodRoad,Bend Allen DesignGroup 60762Radcliff Circle,Bend 54f-330-OO B3 Barnes &NobleBooksellers 2690 NE Hwy 20, Bend 54f-31&-7242 BendTechSupport LLC 205&5BrinsonBlvd Suite3, Bend 54f-3BB-240f Bows&Britches KidsConsignment 1210 N Maink2, Prinevile 541-362-5604 54f-3&9-BB99 Caldera Grile 927 NW Bond, Bend CentralOregonPerio PC. f569 SW Nancy Ste-3, Bend 541-317-0255 CinderRockVeterinary Clinic 2630 S.Canal Blvd., Redmond 54f-923-f63& 54f-3&2-949& CleaningClinic Inc. 20664CarmenLoop,Bend Davis &ClarkAutomotive Repair 156 NE Seward Ave, Bend 54f-3BB-2BB B 541-546-5222 HelenaChemical Co. 505 CSt., Culver High DesertBank fOOO SWDiskDr., Bend 54f- BBB-4444 IndustrialAppliedElectric f63 NE UnderwoodAve., Bend 54f-3&2-6636 54f- 312-4070 JuniperPaperandSupply Co. f02BSEPaiuteWay,Bend LifetimeMemoryAlbums&Trophies 94B SE Douglas, Bend 54f-31&-079& 54f-3&3-5BB9 LongboardLouie's 62OBODeanSwiftRd.,Bend Loomis Armored 6645 N.EnsignSt., Portland 503-2&9-&47& MaxineHoggan f707 SW Parkway, Redmond 541-526-0969 541-549-07ff Melvin'sFirStreetMarket f60 S. FiSt., r Sisters Merit WealthManagement LLC 404 SW ColumbiaSt. Suite 214,Bend BBB-516-374& 54f-3&2-f795 Mid Oregon Credit Union f3BB NE Cushing, Bend Middleton Septic &PortableToilets 2&76 SW Hwy 97, Madras 54f- 475-5322 More Ink f245S Hwy97Ste. C1,Bend 54f- 317-5577 Redmond SurgeryCenter 244 NW RedmondAve., Redmond 541-316-2500 Schwa be,Williams&Wyatt-Att. AtLaw 360 SW BondSt., Bend 541-749-4044 SunriverCountry Store&Marketplace1816D CottonwoodRd.k222,Sunriver 54f- 593-Bf13 SuperiorMobileAutoGlass Bend 54f-3&9-7229 AdvisoryServices&Investments, LLCf5 SW ColoradoAve. Suite2&D,Bend 54f-617-OBB B AmbientArchitectureLLC 92ONWBondSuite204,Bend 541-647-5675 BirtolaGarmynHigh Desert Realty 101 NE GreenwoodAve k1 ' OO,Bend 54f- 312-9449 541-617-9190 CS ConstructionLLC f506 NE1st St., Bend CentralOregonAssoc. ofRealtors 2112 NE 4thSt., Bend 54f-3&2-3452 C.S.I. Computer Solutions 230 SE 3rdSt. Suite100, Bend 541-306-6700 54f-59&-9170 CooperRacing 56&57EnterpriseDr., Sunriver CulverMarket 411 W.st I St., Culver 541-546-6032 541-923-2704 RiveraBrothersLandscapingCo. fBO4NW BTH St.,Redmond SitzmanEquipment Sales&Rental 6526094thSt., Bend 54f-3&9-9743 SkrubzMedical&Supply LLC 636NWBthSt. Suite C,Redmond 54f- 526-5674 54f-330-599& SugarloafMountainMotel 629BO NHwy 97, Bend ARCDocument Solutions f15f SECentennial Court, Bend 541-749-215f 541-316-15ff CentralOregonGlass 1462 S.Hwy97, Redmond ClineButeRockPit-SteveFoxConstruction67-5&5 ClineFallsHwy,Redmond 54f-54&-f455 DanaSignsCustom Designs 615 SW Umatila, Redmond 54f-54&-7226 Elliott ScottHoldings,L.L.C. 325 NW Vermont -Suite 105,Bend 541-647-1000 J & MHomes 1690 NHwy 97, Redmond 54f-54&-55ff 54f-52&-2299 PremierAutobody&Paint 950 NE 5th St., Redmond ProfessionalHeating&CoolingInc. 41BSW BlackButeeBlvd,Redmond 541-923-3366 Redmond Fitness1440 3&53SW2fst, Redmond 54f- 504-6050 SavorySpinceShop 375 SW Powerhouse Dr., Bend 54f-306-BB55 Shoebox Bookkeeping 20965LimestoneAve., Bend 54f- 3&2-4795 StanleySteamer 20727HighDesert Ct. unit1, Bend 541-706-9390 SunriverResort f7-600 CenturyDrive,Sunriver 541-593-1000 TerrebonneHardware B06511thSt., Terrebonne 54f-54&-&707 54f-54&-f009 TexacoFoodMart 539NW 6thSt.,Redmond TKJacobsonInvestments,Inc. 23-45f ButterfieldTrail, Bend 54f- 3&3-B502 54f-3&5-0534 ModeFarrens f5SWColor ado d22O,Bend Moe'sFoodMart 516SW5thSt, Redmond 54f-54&-f225 Pacific Video 26BO NEhwy 20, Bend 54f-3BB-BB7B SpringleafFinancialServices 974 SW VeteransWay, Ste. 5, Redmond 541-923-3697 The TutoringClubof Bend 745 Mt.WashingtonDr.,Bend 541-617-9473 541-549-343f VillageInteriors Design 3&2 E. HoodAve., Sisters TableTops 1645 NE Lytle St., Suite1, Bend 54f-3&2-21f& Dr. KeithKrueger 1475 SW ChandlerAve.¹1, Bend 541-322-5717 54f-31&-OB 5& BendSurgeryCenter f303 CushingDr.d200, Bend

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U.S. prepares to trainAfricanforces to fight terrorism By Eric Schmitt

after them." For that reason, it is no surFORT RILEY, Kan. prise that the military's Africa Here on the Kansas plains, Command is the test case for thousands ofsoldiers once this new Army program of rebound for Iraq or Afghani- gionally aligned brigades that stan are gearing up for mis- will eventually extend to all sions in Africa as part of a of the Pentagon's commands new Pentagon strategy to worldwide, including in Europe t rain and a d and Latin America vise indigenous next year. These OuI goBl IS tO forc e s will be told forces to tackle emerging ter- Qelp PfrjCgfIS in advance that rorist threats their deployments fI jcgII and other secuwill focus on parts rity risks so that pr O blemS, of the world that US fo rces do Withaut Qgyjflg do not have Army not have to. troops assigned to The first-ofthem now — crei ts kind p r o PI eSefl ce." ating a system in gramisdrawing which officers and Col. Robert enlisted personnel on troops from Lee Magee, would develop rea3,500-member brigade in the y g i o nal expertise. Army's storied Gen. Ray OdierFirst I n f antry no, the Army chief Division, known as the Big of staff, said in an interview Red One, toconduct more that the goal was to field an than 100 missions in Africa Army that could be "engaged over the next year. The mis- regionally in all the combatant sions range from a two-man commands to help them shape sniper team in Burundi to their theaters, set their theaters, 350 soldiers conducting air- in order to sustain and execute borne and humanitarian ex- our national security strategy." ercises in South Africa. Missions that were once perThe brigade has also sent formed largely by Special Opa 1 50-member r a pid-re- erations Forces, including the sponse force to Djibouti in Army's Green Berets, are fallthe Horn of Africa to protect ing to regular infantry troops embassies in emergencies, a like members of the Second Ardirect reply to the attack on mored Brigade Combat Team the U.S. Mission in Beng- here at Fort Riley, nicknamed hazi, Libya, last year that the Dagger Brigade. killed four Americans. This summer, nearly two "Our goal is to help Af- dozen of the brigade's soldiers ricans solve African prob- deployed to Niger, in West Afrilems, without having a big ca, to help train troops for U.N. American presence," said peacekeeping duty in neighborLt. Col. Robert E. Lee Ma- ing Mali. The Americans set up gee, a West Point graduate tents on a government-owned and third-generation Army farm two hours north of the officer whose battalion has capital, Niamey, shooing away sent troops to Burundi, Ni- the goats, cows and chickens. ger and South Africa in the For 10 weeks, they weathpast several months, and ered sandstorms and temperawhose unit will deploy to tures that soared beyond 110 Djibouti in December. degrees to teach the Nigerian The U .S . c o m mando troops marksmanship, patrolraids this month against ling skills and medical care. terrorist operatives in Libya The troops drilled in the mornand Somalia underscore the ing, rested from the midday spreading extremist threat heat,and then resumed classes in Africa, and a renewed in the evening. Among the worurgency to choke off insur- ries in Niger is the threat posed gent cells before they can by Boko Haram, an Islamic grow, according to counter- militant group. "We're never going to teach terrorism specialists. Teams from the brigade here have them anything about Boko already helped train forces Haram they d o n't a l ready in Kenya and Tanzania, know, but we can helpthem which are battling fighters develop their capacity as a milifrom the al-Shabab militant tary," said Maj. Bret Hamilton, group in Somalia. 38, an Iraq and Afghan war vet"Africa is o ne of t h e eran who led the team in Niger. places," President Barack Obama said at a news conS lal! ference three days after the commando raids, "that 541-548-2066 you'reseeing some of these New York Times News Service -

By Maura Dolan

of things I forgot." He tentatively stepped onto the dance floor with a partner and let the music guide his feet. "I can do it," he said, beaming. "I love it."

Los Angeles Times

LOS ANGELES — For the first several days of his freedom, George Souliotes kept forgetting to zip up his trousers. Prison jumpsuits don't have zippers. The 72-year-old left lights on at n i ght, u naccustomed to having control over a light switch. He s t i ffened w h e never he accidentally brushed up against someone. Bumping into another prisoner could get him stabbed. He had spent nearly 17 years behind bars for a triple murder conviction. A f e deral judge overturned the conviction after an innocence hearing, and now Souliotes was having to relearn life. Most mornings, the Greek immigrant sat in the sunshine at a Glendale park. His son gave him a smartphone, and

'Destroyedmy life'

Souliotes wrestled at times with anger over his conviction. "What good is getting out of prison without your innocence?" he asked. He said he had hoped the state would acknowledge he h a d b e en Don Bartletti/Los Angeles Times w rongfully c o n victed a n d George Souliotes, 72, programs his cellphone for directions to a compensate him for his conrestaurant in Escondido, Calif., — technology that didn't exist17 finement, but the plea ended years ago when he was sent to prison. any such possibility. "How many lies, how many lies," he said bitterly, recalling the trial prosecutor told jurors. tience. You cannot expect to his two trials. "They have deSouliotes was sentenced to life recover overnight what you stroyed my life completely." without parole. Years later a have lost in 17 years, she told Just as his case illuminated scientist proved there was no him. the possibility o f w r o ngful match. His sons wanted to stop convictions, his life after prisThe federal judge who de- and treat him to a steak din- on was revealing the hurdles he labored doggedly over it. cided Souliotes had shown ner, but Souliotes, who was inmatesface once they return "I love the lady who helps me "actual innocence" overturned born in Athens and came to to society. find my way," he said of the his conviction on the grounds A merica when he w a s 2 6 , He had spent his life's savGPS feature. He also signed his trial l awyer had f a iled craved a Greek salad. He had ings on his trial defense, and up for a class to learn how to him. tasted tomatoes only three or he was penniless. He stood use a computer. After the ruling, prosecu- four times in prison, where an in long lines day after day in At St. Sophia Greek Ortho- tors wanted to retry him for onion also was considered a government offices to re-esdox Cathedral, Souliotes min- murder,but the state conceded prizeand feta had been only a tablish his identity and obtain gled with other Greek immi- during the appeal that it could dream. benefits. "No matter what, I have to grants, many of whom had fol- not prove the fire was deliberAfter a Greek meal in the lowed his case. People wanted ately set, and a second convic- backyard ofhis sister's home, explain that I was a prisoner," to know about prison, but he tion appeared unlikely. S ouliotes went to be d a n d he said. "At the beginning they didn't like talking about it. In return for his immedislept soundly. He awoke at look at you with that fear." He wanted to forget the stab- ate release, Souliotes pleaded dawn and turned the knob on He obtained Social Security, bings — he saw 17 in one day no contest to three counts of the bedroom door. but stopped taking medication during a riot in the yard. He involuntary manslaughter for It opened. He hesitated for for diabetes and high blood wanted to forget the spaghetti failing to maintain working an instant. No lock, no bars, pressure after being told that that came in a clump and had smoke detectors. The house no guard. And then he went Medicare coveragewould not to be sliced. He wanted to for- had a smoke alarm, but the vic- outside to watch the sun rise. start for several months. He get the nights he cried into a tims died of smoke inhalation. asked his local congressman towel so no one would hear. The legal odyssey was over, Back on the outside for help and received a letter "I want to quit talking about but Souliotes' journey back to In prison, he had worried last week saying he was fully these things," he said. "The life was just beginning. that he might lose touch with covered. past is gone." reality. He needs a hi p r e placeFinding freedom "When you are in the pris- ment and new hearing aids Challenging a conviction Television cameras cap- on, you don't have no gentle and glasses. He was left with Freedom came to Souliotes tured the moment when he left people," he said. "They are not blurred vision in one eye after on July 3. prison. like normal people. They are cataract surgery in prison. Convicted of setting a fire He walked into a jail lobby like animals." Formerly alicensed general that killed three of his ten- in Modesto, where he had been He had made two friends contractor, Souliotes said he ants, Souliotes entered prison transferred for a final court inside, and h e w r ote t heir hoped to earn money doing a middle-aged man, his wavy hearing, smiled and wiped his families letters from his park small construction jobs. He brown hair starting to recede. forehead in mock relief. bench. worried, though, that his body When he left, his hair was He wept as he embraced One, aformer drug addict, might be too weak for physical gray and mostly gone, his his two sons, his sister and his received kosher meals and labor. "I used to have something posture stooped and his gait lawyers. A television reporter sometimes shared his vegetamarked by a limp from a bad asked what the day meant for bles with Souliotes. The other, in my life," he said. "Today, hip. He was divorced, and his him. a lawyer, had been convicted I am begging. I never was a children were grown. He pointed to a glass door. of kidnapping his daughter beggar." An innocence project ac- "I see the sun," he said. "It is from his estranged wife. Some He also must cope with fear. cepted his case 10 years ago, beautiful." of the guards had also shown His brother-in-law has providand private lawyers from bigWhat are your plans? a re- him kindness. ed him with an inexpensive name firms worked pro bono porter asked. "I wish I know," Souliotes' happiest t imes apartment in Los Angeles, but to overturn hi s c o nviction. he said. after his release were with his Souliotes wants the gas comThe forensicevidence used to After that public moment, grown children. In prison he pany to inspect the stove and convict him was re-examined, he climbed into his sister's car had longed to know more of heater before he lives there. and much was discredited. and the family started for her their lives. He blames a faulty stove for "Poor Aleko, he tries to help the fire that killed his tenants. Michelle Jones, 30, and home in Glendale. Switching her two children, Daniel Jr., from Greek to English and me. It is so touching," Souliotes Still, he said he's glad he ac6, and Amanda, 3, tenants back again, Aleka Pantazis, said of his son. "I am so happy cepted a plea deal instead of in Souliotes' Modesto rental 66, reassured her brother that just to sit down with him and continuing a fight that might home, died when the house accepting the plea had been talk about his dreams, what have kept him behind bars for erupted in flames as they slept. wise. His health was deterio- he wants to do, his plans. My many more months or years. "Today just look at what I Daniel Jones Sr., the husband rating, and it was time to move days were more conservative. and father, was not home at on. He is more of a go-getter, and I have done," he said, brightthe time. Souliotes had been Souliotes marveled at how hope he succeeds. He is a hard ening. He mentioned a trip days away from serving the much had changed. "Talking worker too — reminds me of to the grocery store and time Joneses with an eviction no- cars!" he exclaimed at the nav- myself." spent with his sons. "I have tice and garnishing their wag- igation system. Souliotes attended a Greek choices, and over there I had es for unpaid rent. Aleko Souliotes, 38, his el- w edding l as t m o nt h a n d no choices." P rosecutors, seeking t h e der son, talked to him about yearned to dance. He had been S ouliotes turn s 7 3 th i s death penalty, had argued that the tasks ahead: obtain a state a regular on t h e b a llroom month. He said he would like Souliotes burned the house for identification card, apply for dancing circuit before his ar- one day to take his children to insurance money and mainSocial Security and Medicare, rest and once took first place Greece for vacation. "I want to live life in fulltained that a petroleum sub- take the written examination for West Coast Swing. "I was afraid I cannot do it," ness even at my age," he said. stance on his shoes matched for adriver'slicense,buy a car a compound that ignited the and find his green card. he said, "not only because I am "I think I can go back to a full fire. "The shoes tell the tale," P antazis c o unseled p a - old, but because there are a lot life. We will see."

Venture Continued from A1 Six concept-stage companies from C entral O r egon and five launch-stage finalists from around the state presented to an audience of more than 400 at the Tower Theatre. Independent i nve s tors, combined w it h a $5 0 ,000 match from the Oregon State T r e asury's O r e g on Growth Account and $25,000 in ma t c hin g i nv e stment from The Oregon Community Foundation, funded the launch-stage com p e tition purse. And for a second year, investors gathered additional funds to award another launch-stage company, The Flybook LLC, a $65,000 investment during the awards presentation at th e L i berty Theater, 849 N.W. Wall St. Ochoco Arms, a Prineville company with a patented laser-sighting system for fire-

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groups gather, and we're going to have to continue to go



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"It's alj about commitment and having the right level of perseverance to get to your objective."

for entrepreneurs, including Economic Development for Central Oregon, the confer— Paola Moretto, cofounder of Nouvola, on winning a $250,000 ence organizer, investors, exinvestment after three visits to the Bend Venture Conference perienced entrepreneurs who are willing t o m entor new startups and the Bend accelarms, won the $10,000 con- who could I refer someone to erator FoundersPad. cept-stage competition, spon- today?' and that's one of the Moretto agreed, adding she sored b y B e n d Broadband. companies." graduated from FoundersPad And Syndical, a P o r t land In a d d ition, C u m m ings in July and is in discussions company that h a s c r eated said, Moretto has come a about a possible investment an online events publishing long way since she presented through Seven Peaks Vensystem, won a n ew, $1,500 and was passed over at the tures, another B end-based award. Willamette A n gel C o n fer- venture capital fund. Launch-stage panelist Car- ence in Eugene about a year R ossaro said B en d h a s oline Cummings p r edicted ago. become a home away from "She's had a lot of traction home, andthe company may Nouvola would take home the big prize. and improvement since, and someday open an office in "My top choice would be that's one of the things inves- Bend. "We've always considered Nouvola and that would be tors look for, 'Can you imbecause I think they have the prove? Are you coachable?' Bend as a place to grow as biggest scalable opportunity and she's proven that." a company," Rossaro said. right now," said Cummings, But Cummings, a confer- "We will be looking for talwho is also the vice presi- ence attendee the past six ent and we know that Bend is dent of business development y ears, said each y ear t h e growing into a place, an ecofor Eugene-based Palo Alto quality of pitches at the con- system, where the talent will Software. "When I look at all ference continues to improve. grow." five of the companies, I think, She attributed that progress — Reporter: 541-617-7818, 'Who could I use today, or to the local support system rrees@bendbulletin.com




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s •

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orru tionin eruai s By William Neuman and Andrea Zarate

million in the same period in 2012, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture data. U.S. officials say Peru has made progress fighting illegal

New York Times News Service

PUCALLPA, Peru — Afraid the police would tip off suspects, Francisco Berrospi kept local officers in the dark when he headed into the rain forest as a prosecutor to investigate illegal logging. Sometimes it hardly seemed to matter, though. Even when he managed to seize trucks, chain saws or illegally harvested trees, judges would often force him to give them back, he said. Bribes were so common, he said, that one anti-corruption official openly encouraged him to take them.

"The power of the logging

industry here is very strong," said Berrospi. "The corruption is terrible." More than half of Peru is covered by dense forest, including a wide stretch of the Amazon basin, which spreads across South America. Its preservation is considered central to combating global warming and protecting the many species of plants and animals found only in the region. In recent years, Peru has passed laws to crack down on

illegal logging, as required by a 2007 freetrade agreement with the United States. But large quantities of timber, including increasingly rare types like mahogany, continue to flow out, much of it ultimately heading to the United States for products like hardwood flooring and decking sold by American retailers. The World Bank estimates that as much as 80 percent of Peru's logging exports are harvested illegally, and officials say the wood typically gets shipped using doctored paperwork to make the trade appear

legal. It is a pattern seen in other parts of the world, including the far east of Russia, where environmentalists have documented the rampant illegal logging of oak and other kinds of wood bound for the United States and elsewhere. In September, federal agents in Virginia conducted searches

logging, but the persistence of the problem led the office of the U.S.Trade Representative in January to demand stronger measures from Peru, including the swift prosecution of government officials and others who violate environmental laws. While the U n ited States, Europe and A ustralia have banned imports of i l legally harvested wood, such efforts Tomas Munita/New York Times NewsService are oftenundermined by corA worker for a logging company watches as the provincial prosecu- ruption and a lack of enforcetor confiscates its equipment and closes its camp in Ucayali, Peru, ment, said Kate Horner, a diearlier this year. The World Bank estimates that as much as 80 rector at the Environmental percent of Peru's logging exports are harvested illegally. Investigation Agency, an advocacy group in Washington. "International demand for at Lumber Liquidators, a major you'll get enough to build your- cheap illegal products is a main American retailer, in what the self a house and buy a nice driver of illegal logging around company said was an investi- car,"he recalled the other pros- the world," said Horner, whose gation into its importation of ecutor saying. "So take care of group has pressed the United wood flooring products. yourself." Statesto seek stronger restricThe company has been acLucila Pautrat, director of tions in Peru. cused by environmentalists of the Peruvian Society for EcoIn the end, Berrospi said his regularly buying from a Chidevelopment, a n a d v ocacy work made him such "a stone nese supplier that traffics in il- group, said that despite new in their shoe" that "the only legally harvested Russian oak. laws and the mandate under thing they could do was get rid Lumber Liquidators disputes the trade agreement with the of me." the claims, saying that it care- United States, the government He was removed from his fully monitors the origins of its had failed to tackle deep-seated job in August in what Antonio wood. corruption. Fernandez Jeri, head of the en"There is a lack of interest, vironmental prosecutor's office Here in Pucallpa, a city at the heart of Peru's logging in- a negligence on the part of the in Lima, said was a reassigndustry on a major tributary of authorities to regulate the for- ing of personnel for "internal the Amazon, the waterfront is estry sector," she said. "And, reasons," though he praised dominated by huge sawmills meanwhile, the wood keeps Berrospi's aggressiveness, saypiled high with thousands of going out." ing he had done a good job and massive logs. They are floated The pressure to extract rare that there had been no accusain from remote logging camps, hardwoods and other lumber tions of wrongdoing against pulled by small m otorboats from the Peruvian rain forest him. called "peke pekes," while has grown in recent years, as One investigation Berrospi trucks stacked with logs and neighboring Brazil stepped up left unfinished involved Sawelumber jam the roads. efforts to limit illegal logging, to, a distant Ashaninka Indian Berrospi, who worked as an Pautrat said. She compared village near the Brazilian borenvironmental prosecutor until the situation to the drug trade, der. Edwin Chota, a resident August, recited a bitter cata- where eff ortsto crack down on who tracked a large load of log of frustrations. The local cocaine production in Colom- logs transported by river from authorities are paid off by log- bia has been followed by a big the village, said the barriers to gers tocreate or approve false increase here in Peru. enforcing environmental laws "The pressure here grows," seemed overwhelming. paperwork, he said. On one oc"There is no law," Chota said, casion,he said,he was offered she said. "It's like cocaine. about $5,000 to stop an investi- There is a constant demand in during a visit to the sawmill gation. He reported it to a local the market." that held the stacks of massive Peru's wood exports to the logs he had followed from his prosecutor who specialized in corruptioncases, but said he United States increased this village. "There's no money to was dismayed by the response. year to $20 million between investigate. There's only mon"Listen, in one year here January and July, up from $15 ey to destroy."

'I I


Norwayinvestigates eorestation possible assailant in Kenya mall attack By Henrik Pryser Libell and Nicholas Kulish New York Times News Service

LARVIK, Norway — The trail in the investigation into the deadly attack on a Ken-

yan shopping mall leads all the way to Scandinavia, where the Norwegian police have identified a man who may have been among the assailants. Investigators are questioning relatives and friends of Hassan Abdi Dhuhulow, 23, a Norwegian citizen born in Somalia, to try to determine whether he was one of the four militants captured on surveillance footage inside the shopping mall, calmly killing shoppers on a Saturday afternoon last month. His sister, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said in an interview here in Larvik, w h ere D h uhulow grew up, that officers from the Norwegian security police had asked her whether her brotherhad placed calls from Nairobi, including from the Westgate shopping mall, during the siege. She said that he had not and that the family was unaware of any role he might have played in the attack. "My mother and father and m e, we don't even know if he is dead or alive," she said. "We are waiting for the whole issuetobecome clearer." A spokesman for the Norwegian Police Security Service, Martin Bernsen, said investigators were also unsure whether Dhuhulow was still alive. Several explosions and a fire at the mall have made it hard to distinguish between the remains of the victims and attackers. Authorities have been unable thus far to identify any of the militants among the b o dies pulled from therubble. Johansen Oduor, c h i ef government pat h o logist, said that remains believed

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to belong to three of the attackers had been pulled from the rubble on Thursday and taken to the N airobi City Mortuary, but that identification would likely require advanced forensics including DNA testing. "The bodies are charred. There's no face. There's no clothes," Oduor said. "There are body parts and with body parts it's difficult to tell" even how many of the attackers there were. The remains were recovered next to AK-47 rifles, the same kind of firearms the attackers were carrying in footage from security cameras in the malL Kenyan security forces do not use that make of rifle. "If you are found next to an AK, most likely you are one of the attackers," Oduor said. A man w i t h t h e s a me name as Dhuhulow was arrested in Somalia in connection with the murder of a radio journalist but was freed by a military tribunal for lack of evidence in March. In 2009, Dhuhulow began going on what his sister called "long vacations" to Somalia. Contact with t he family was sporadic, and she could not remember whether she had last spoken to him last year or the year before. "My brother leads a different life than me," she said. Norway has increasingly come into focus as investigators from Kenya, the United States, Norway an d e lsewhere worktopiece together the al-Shabab's international network. Navy S EALs staged an unsuccessfulraid in the Somali coastal town of Baraawe this month to try to capture an al-Shabab mastermind, Abdikadir Mohamed Abdikadir, also known as Ikrima. Abdikadir is believed to have lived in Norway as an asylum seeker between 2004 and 2008.






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p 6 d The Dalles Portland Baker City

• Portland:After

thousands of signatures were collected, a vote's

been necessitated on a controversial law

Letter commends officer's ingenui By Branden Andersen The Bulletin

A Deschutes County sheriff's captain, in a letter to the Madras police chief, recounted how a Madras police officer's "creative thinking" collared a homicide suspect in August. Joshua Lee Jokinen, 30, of Madras, late on Aug. 31 had called Frontier Dispatch, which serves Jefferson County, to report he'd killed someone, according to The Bulletin on

Sept.2. Jokinen today is jailed in Bend, awaiting trial on a single count of murder. Authorities allegehe beat Carolyn Burdick, 78, of the Cloverdale area, to death with a shovel. But authorities had no crime scene and no victim when Madras Police Officer Ryan Grote arrived at the Tiger Mart in response to Jokinen's call and found him sitting on a sidewalk, drinking beer.

Jokinen couldn't recall where the killing occurred, accordingtoformer Deschutes Sheriff's Capt. Tim Edwards' letter. Grote ran Jokinen's criminalrecord and discovered he was a parolee. Grote left a message for the parole officer in Pendleton, asking if he could hold Jokinen for violating his parole by

drinking. Grote had to think fast: He didn't want to risk letting a

homicidesuspect going free, but had nothing on which to hold Jokinen except his own claim. So according to Edwards, Grote offered Jokinen a ride to Redmond. "Officer Grote began driving around, waiting for the (parole officer) to call him back," Edwards wrote to Grote's boss, Madras Police Chief Tom Adams. See Letter/B5

granting immigrants in the country illegally the ability to obtain state-issued drivers'


un re so

• Baker City:Records have revealed that the 14-year-old boy

who's being held on suspicion of shooting

ue o owwa er eve

camp had aseries of problems with the law, but was never

lawsuit alleging that a hospital could have acted to prevent the

supposed abuseof anesthetized patients is scheduled to move

into closing arguments as early as Monday, according to the

presiding judge. Stories on B3


By Dylan J. Darling The Bulletin

Hefting buckets, nets and an aerator, Kim Brannock and her family set out Friday morning to help stranded fish in a dwindling pool in a dry channel of the Deschutes River close to Bend. Going on tips from a fish biologist friend, Brannock used the nets to scoop the fish showing the most life into the buckets, where the aerator gave them a boost of

Ballots are in the mail.

Here are the issues: City of Band

• Measure 9-94: Increase the temporary lodging rate from 9 to

10 percent, then to 10.4 percent.

Oaschntes County • Measure 9-96: In-

crease the transient room tax outside incorporated areas by 1 percentage point, from 7 to 8 percent. Oaschntes andCrook counties • Measure 9-95: Form Alfalfa Fire District and

create a permanent taxing district at a rate

of $1.75 per $1,000 assessed property value. Oaschntes and

Jefferson counties • Measure 16-69: Re-

new operations levy for Crooked River Ranch Rural Fire Protection District at a rate of 69

cents per $1,000 assessed property value. Jefferson County • Measure 16-70: Levy a five-year jail operations tax of $1.24 per $1,000 assessed property value.

• Measure 16-71: Approve $8 million in bonds for repairs and improvements to schools in the Culver School District.

Read oorstories Coverage leading up to the election is at dandbollatin.com/ elaction2013

The Bulletin Call a reporter: Bend ...................541-617-7829 Redmond ...........541-548-2186 Sisters ................541-548-2186 La Pine...............541-383-0367 Sunriver.............541-383-0367 Deschutes.........541-383-0376 Crook.................541-383-0367 Jefferson...........541-383-0367

State projects ....541-410-9207 Salem .................541-554-1162 D.C.....................202-662-7456 Business ...........541-383-0360 Education...........541-633-2160 Health..................541-383-0304 Public lands..........541-617-7812 Public safety........541-383-0387 Special projects...541-617-7831


"Oh my gosh, it is so hard to pick who gets to go," said Brannock, 42, of Bend. Brannock spotted the fish Thursday afternoon while running along the Deschutes River Trail, downstream from Lava Island Falls. Hundreds of fish, including rainbow and brown trout, as well as sculpin, filled the shrinking, heart-

Email eventinformation to news@bendbulletin.com,with "Civic Calendar" in thesubject, and includeacontact name and phonenumber. Contact: 541-383-0354

• School newsandnotes: Email newsitemsand notices of generalinterest to news@bendbulletin.com. Email announcementsof teens' academicachievements to youthIobendbulletin.com. Email collegenotes, military graduations andreunion info to bulletin@bendbulletin.com. Contact: 541-383-0358

• Obituaries, Death Notices:



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Details onthe Obituariespage inside. Contact 541-617-7825, obits@bendbulletin.com

v I


• Community events: Email eventinformation to communitylife@bend bulletin.com orclick on "Submit anEvent" atwww .bendbulletin.com. Allow at least10 daysbeforethe desired date ofpublication. Details: Thecalendarappears inside this section. Contact: 541-383-0351

$$ 1

shaped pool. Most were already dead as the side channel of the river around Lava Island had gone dry. The pool remained in what had formerly been a deep section of the river. The Oregon Water Resources Department dropped river flows upstream of Bend within the last week, storing more water in Wickiup Reservoir in preparation for the next


• Births, engagements,

marriages, partnerships, anniversaries: Details: TheMilestones page publishesSundayin Community Life. Contact: 541-383-0358

growing season. The change saves water for water-right holders and was done in consultation with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, said Kyle Gorman, regional manager for the state's Water Resources Department in Bend. "We are in storage season, now," he said. Gorman said he's been in Central Oregon since 1990, and this is the first time he'd seen lowered flows lead to stranded fish. While the lowered flows started about a week earlier than normal this year, he said the department follows a ramping schedule to ease into them. Chip Dale, regional manager for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, said he has seen flows drop around Lava Island Falls before, but he has never seen stranded fish there, either. "I couldn't tell you why we saw it this year and not other years," he said. A leak in the Newport Avenue Dam in Bend recently

Mail:My Nickel's Worth or In MyView P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR97708 Details onthe Editorials page inside. Contact: 541-3830358, bulletin@bendbulletin. com

• Civic Calendarnotices:



Have astoryidea or submission? Contactus!

• Letters and opinions:


prosecuted. • The Oallas:An $18M



Well shot! reader photos • We want to seeyour foliage photos for another special version of Well shot! that will run in the Outdoors section. Submityour best workat


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Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin

Kim Brannock scoops trout out of a small pool in a side channel of the Deschutes River near Lava Island Falls on Friday. Brannock and some of her family spent the morning transporting the remaining living fish back to the main river in plastic buckets.

"I couldn't tell you why we sawit this year and not other years." — Chip Dale, regional manager for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

lowered Mirror Pond and caused mudflats to emerge along the river in the heart of town. But Gorman said the Mirror Pond mudflats

and the stranded fish, miles upstream on theDeschutes, are not connected. More than 400 rainbow and brown trout, as well


To see video of the rescue effort, visit

banddulletin.com/deadfish as about 1,300 sculpin and 1,300 whitefish, were found dead in the pool and four other pools that had gone completely dry in the side channel, Dale said. SeeFish/B5

denddulletin.com /foliagaandwe'll pick the best for publication. • Email other goodphotos ofthe greatoutdoors

to readerphotos© denddnlletin.com and tell us a bit about where and when you took them.

We'll choosethe best for publication. Submission requirements: Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6

inches wide and soo dpg and cannot be altered.

Redmondbusinessowners expressoptimism, planfor expansion By Scott Hammers The Bulletin

Redmond business owners are optimistic about the future, according to a survey recently conducted by the city. ln December 2012, the city sent out 1,400 surveys packaged with business license renewal notices. About 23 percent, or 327, returned a completed or partially completed survey.

The survey results will be presented to the Redmond City Council at its Tuesday evening meeting. About a quarter of business owners who responded to the survey said they are planning to expand during the next

"One of the bridges we've goi to cross ts getting it out there that there are resources out there to help businesses succeed." — Jon Stark, Redmond manager for Economic Development for Central Oregon

year. More than 60percent of those with plans for expansion said they expect to hire additional employees, while

others intend to move into a new building, renovate their existing building or invest in new equipment or work-

force training. Respondents described their businesses as small — 41 percentare sole proprietor-

ships, while 88 percent have 10 employees or fewer. Jon Stark, Redmond manager for Economic Development for Central Oregon, said the survey results show how much of Redmond's workforce is self-employed, often in a home-based business. EDCO deals with the recruitment and development

of larger companies, and are also eying expansion,

Stark said. Several of Redmond's

larger companies, including PCC Schlosser, Medisiss, Central Oregon Trucking and Pape Kenworth have added employees this year, he said. Survey respondents indicated a limited familiarity with businessdevelopment services offered by various local agencies and governments. SeeRedmond/B5





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Immigrant driver's licensesvote prompted

AROUND THE STATE OregOn LOttery —Gov. John Kitzhaber has crossed party lines to ask former Republican gubernatorial candidate Jack Roberts to

By Gosia Woznlacka

censes that can be used to driver's test and provide proof and Steven Dubois drive but not to vote, board of Oregon residency. The Associated Press a plane, obtain government Referendum sponsors PORTLAND — Oregonians benefitsor buy a firearm. The Rep. Kim Thatcher, of Keizer, are headedfora statewide vote licenses would be marked Rep. Sal Esquivel, of Medford, on a new law allowing immi- "Driver's Card," to distinguish and Salem-based anti-immigrants who can't prove legal them from a standard Oregon grant group Oregonians for United States citizenship to ob- license. Immigration Reform — said tain driver's licenses. Earlier this year, the Leg- the law rewards illegal actions S ecretary o f S t at e K a t e i slature approved t h e b i l l and might encourage more Brown's office said on Friday with bipartisan support, and people without legal d ocuthat opponents of the law sub- Gov. John Kitzhaber signed ments to come to Oregon. "I think this is just one way mitted about 71,000 signatures, it before a throng of cheering and the Elections Division has supporters. in which the state is sanctiondetermined that 58,291 of those The law was aimed mainly ing or enabling the breaking of signatures were valid. at the tens of thousands of federal law," Thatcher said. That's enough to put a refer- immigrants living in Oregon But supporters, including endumbefore voters in Novem- who lack legal status. But oth- Latino groups, business leadber 2014. And as a result, the ers also could apply, including ers and law enforcement, claim law won't take effect as sched- some elderly, the homeless and the law would reduce the numuled this coming January. veterans who lack proper doc- ber of unlicensed and uninIf passed, the law w ould uments to get a regular license. sured drivers in the state. They grant four-year restricted liAll applicants must pass a vow to mount a campaign to

"It's a public safety issue." — Ron Louie, spokesman for the coalition supporting the law

run the Oregon Lottery. If confirmed by thestate Senate, Roberts will replace Larry Niswender, who is set to retire on Nov. 30. Kitzhaber spokesman Tim Raphael confirmed the choice on Friday. The lottery

annually tops $1 billion in sales, but has been criticized for not doing enough to help gambling addicts. Roberts was the state labor commissioner from1995 until 2003. He said he is intrigued by the chal-

lenge of balancing the needfor revenue with the issues of problem gambling.

fight the referendum. "It's a public safety i s sue," said Ron Louie, retired Hillsboro chief of police and spokesman for the coalition supporting the law. Thirteen states, including Oregon, now have laws that allow immigrants, regardless of their immigration status, to obtain a driver's license or driving privilege card, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.

Astoria landslide? —The latest map from the Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries shows that more than half of the city of Astoria is vulnerable to landslides. Laser-mapping technol-

ogy located120 landslide areaswithin the city limits — and 83have moved in the past150 years. A risk analysis showed that about half the losses from a major earthquake would result from landslides.

The maps andloss estimates can beused by city planners and emergency management officials to take precautions.

Skatehoard attack —Portland police arrested a young manaccused of attacking a 70-year-old store employee with a skateboard. Sgt. Pete Simpson said on Friday that18-year-old Daniel Dorson was

arrested in Humboldt County, Calif., and is awaiting extradition to Oregon. In July, police responding to an assault outside the Portland Outdoor Store and found 70-year-old Larry Allen with a head wound.

Witnesses told police Allen washosing off the sidewalk when hewas

Boy held inshooting had Doctor abusetrial moves earlier charges,recordssay toward final arguments The Associated Press BAKER CITY — Records show a 14-year-old boy accused of shooting and killing his foster father and another man at adeer camp in northeastern Oregon earlier this month had a history of behavioral problems. Juvenile authorities in Douglas County placed the boy in foster care with Michael and Carlotta Piete, of Baker City. Aric Fromdahl, the county's juvenile department director, said the Pietes were specially trained to deal with the boy's problems. They were known as "treatment" foster parents. Records show the boy was

referred to juvenile authorities in Douglas County on two counts of c r iminal mischief when he was 12, but was not prosecuted. He also was not prosecuted on juvenile counts of assault and physical harassment in Lane County in 2012, records show. In general terms, Fromdahl said, assault and harassment allegations could stem, for example, from an incident at a treatment center, where the staff is trained to expect violent behavior. After examining all aspects of the situation, he said, the state might decide not to prosecute.

The Associated Press THE DALLES — Testimony is nearing an end in an $18 million lawsuit brought by three women who allege a Columbia Gorge hospital and two executives didn't take action that could have prevented the crimes of an anesthesiologist now serving a 23-year term for sex abuse and rape. Judge Paul Crowley told jurors to expect closing arguments on Monday in the t rial, which is now i n i t s third week. The suit concerns the acts of Dr. Frederick Field, who pleaded guilty in September 2012 to sedating and abusing

patients and employees over four years. In all, a d o zen women reported abuse. Ten have sought compensation. The hospital reports two h ave agreed to settlements. The terms were not d isclosed. F ive additional t r i als a r e planned later. In the current trial, Indiana hospital management consultant John M c Ginty testified this week that the hospital didn't initially have enough doc u m entation before that to r emove Dr. Field's hospital pr ivileges, a nd if t hey ha d t r ied t o, they would have faced legal challenges.

attacked by kids. Dorson was reportedly adopted as a boy by his maternal grandmother, Cathy Dorson. She said he has lived in the

Portland area for adecadeand hadbeen aconstant problem. Cathy Dorson also said she is pleasedwith the teen's arrest, becausehe's off the streets and won't hurt anyone.

Slaying SuSpeCt SOught —Detectives are searching for a secondsuspectintheslayingofanAshland manandsaythesuspect may be in the Portland area. Othon Robert CamposJr. and Merlin Elmo Bound III, both of Medford, were indicted Thursday in Medford

on murder, robbery, burglary and other charges. Theyare accused of breaking into the home of62-year-old Frank Ronald Damiano, also known as Tony Della Pena, at a mobile home park to rob him. Jackson County District Attorney Beth Heckert said that Campos is

accused of aggravated murder. That charge could carry the death penalty. Detectives said Camposfrequents pawn shopsand doesnot seem to have acar. Boundwasarrested Tuesday. Suldiur'S ramaillS —Hundreds of people, manywith American flags in hand, greeted a motorcade on Thursday in Philomath as it

escorted the remains of fallen soldier CodyJames Patterson through his hometown. Patterson was an Army Ranger and 2007 Philomath High School graduate. He was killed on Oct. 6 during his second

deployment to Afghanistan. A public memorial service is planned for Sunday. Themotorcade passedunder agiant American flag hung from a fire engine ladder over Main Street. Philomath schools let out

early to allow students to watch the procession. — From wire reports

NEWS OF RECORD CIVIL SUITS Filed July 26 13CV1130 —First National Bank of Omaha v.Ronald W.Wheeler, complaint, $16,259.27 13CV1131 —American Express Bank FSB v. MicheleRoss-Rockwell, dba Massage TherapyCenter, complaint, $20,503.58 Filed July 29 13CV1132 —Washington Federal aka Washington Federal Savings v. Leslie A. Theobald ,AngelaTheobald,Melissa Myer, Lindsay FarinaandJessica Theobald, complaint, $183,964.91 13CV1133 —Wells Fargo Bank N.A. v. Jerod J. Russell, complaint, $79,881.23 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV1134 —JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A., successor by merger to Chase HomeFinance LLC, v. Meghan Salmon, complaint, $166,710.31 plus interest, costs andfees 13CV1135 —JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. v. John G.Rodriguez akaJohn Glen Rodriguez, DodonnaRodriguez, FoxboroughHomeowners Association Inc., State of Oregonandthe Oregon Affordable Housing Assistance Corporation, complaint, $281,998.83 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV1136 —GreenTree Servicing LLC v. Steven G.Nave,complaint, $234,493. 37 13CV1137 —U.S.Bank N.A., as

E VENT TODAY COMMUNITY RUMMAGE SALE: Featuring gently-used items, door prizes, face painting, live radio broadcast and more; proceeds benefit Beulah's Place; free admission; 8 a.mr4 p.m.; Highland Baptist Church, 3100S.W.Highland Ave.,Redmond; 541-548-4161. NATIONALSKIPATROL ANNUAL GEAR SALE: Sale of winter clothing and gear; raffle; proceeds benefit the Mt. Bachelor National Ski Patrol; location is east side of building at 1310 S.E ReedMarket; park on north end; free admission; 8 a.m.-6 p.m.; Bend location; info©mtbachelornsp. org. BOOKFAIRFUNDRAISER:Featuring a mini quilt show (including quilts about children's books), demonstrations and guild members on-hand for discussions; free admission; 10 a.mr 4 p.m.; Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 2690 E U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-388-8505. CARVINGFORKIDS: Kids can design and carve their own jack-o-lanterns with the help of trained volunteers; live music; proceeds benefit MountainStar programs; $15 for

trustee for Morgan Stanley Mortgage Loan Trust 2006-5AR, mortgage passthrough certificates, series 2006-5AR, v. Sharon D.Henderson, Charles Swank, Gina A.Johnnie, complaint, $514,314.64 13CV1138 —JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. v. Luis J. RangelandJanet M. Rangel, complaint, $191,818.52 13CV1139 —U.S.Bank N.A., as trustee for Mastr Adjustable Rate Mortgage Trust 2006-0A1, mortgage pass-through certificates, series 2006-0A1, v. David R.Wilkins and Rebecca A. Wilkins, complaint, $489,092.80 13CV1140 —JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A., successor in interest by purchase from the Federal Deposit lnsurance Corporation as receiver of Washington Mutual Bankfka Washington Mutual Bank F.A., v.James M. Long, Susan R. Long, TollgateWater Companyand Tollgate Property Owners Association, complaint, $253,248.97 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV1141 —Wilmington Trust N.A., as successor trustee to CitiBank N.A., as trustee for BNC Mortgage Loan Trust, series 2007-3, v. Nicklos A. Peterson andDebra R.Peterson, complaint, $314,601.31 Filed July 30 13CV1142 —Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Terry L. AndersonandColumbia State Bank, complaint, $942,019.22 plus interest, costs andfees 13CV1143 —JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. v. Michael A. Seifert aka Michael

Allen Seifert, Martha Seifert and Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems lnc., solely as nomineefor CitiBank FSB,complaint, $174,808.99 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV1144 —Oregon Housing and Community Services v.David N.Telfer, complaint, $212,448.33 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV1145 —Wells Fargo BankN.A., as trustee for WamuMortgage pass through certificates series 2006PR3, v. Darryl E. Spencer akaDarryl Spencer andJanet E. Spencer aka Janet Spencer, individually andas trustees of TheSpencer Family Trust, complaint, $208,640.97 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV1146 —JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. v. Steven D.Sawyer and Terri L. Sawyer, complaint, $194,005.13 13CV1147 —OcwenLoanServicing LLC v. Timothy L. Adsit, Mary M. Adsit and Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems lnc., complaint, $269,588.96 13CV1148 —Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Derwin Battles akaDerwin R. Battles aka Derwin RayBattles, Marcia K. Battles, OregonDepartment of Justice, Division of Child Support and the State of Oregon, complaint, $108,680.68 13CV1149 —Deutsche BankNational Trust Company, astrustee for holders of the GSAAHomeEquity Trust 200616 asset-backed certificates series 2006-16, v. Sheldon Prescher, Alisah Prescher nkaAlisha R. Schannand Association of Unit Owners of Bend

AL E N D A R clean pumpkins, $20 for basic design, $25 or more for custom design; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Newport Market, 1121 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-3900590 or www.webfootpainting. com/webfoot painting's carving for kids-029.mhtml. CORN MAIZEAND PUMPKIN PATCH: An eight-acre corn maze with pumpkin patch and market featuring pumpkincannons,zoo train,pony rides and more; $7.50, $5.50 ages611, free ages 5andyounger for Corn Maize; $2.50 for most other activities; 10 a.m.7p.m.,pumpkinpatch open until 6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Co., 1250 N.E Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www. pumpkinco.com. JEWELRYSALEFUNDRAISER: Featuring gently used jewelry; proceeds benefit Philanthropic Education Organization (PEO) women's scholarship programs; free admission; 10a.m r4 p.m.;Housing Works, 405S.W .SixthSt.,Redmond; 541-548-9839. U.S. KARATE ALLIANCE OREGON STATEMARTIAL ARTS CHAMPIONSHIPS:All ages and ranks from all traditional martial arts systems compete; qualifier for

Riverside Motel Condominium lnc., complaint, $83,032.52 13CV1150 —Wells FargoBankN.A.v. Mary Norsen, complaint, $201,433.37 13CV1151 —Bank of America N.A. v. Clair Helen Clarkeand Rodney William Clarke, individually and as trustee of the Rodneyand Clair Clarke Family Revocable Living Trust, The Rodneyand Clair Clarke Family Revocable Living Trust and the North Rim HomeownersAssociation Inc., complaint ,$520,368.46 13CV1153 —Shelly A. Morton v. James M. Carlson D.O.,complaint, at least $750,000

LLC v. Lynda L.Aller aka Lynda Lou Aller aka LyndaSheilds-TennisonAller, Michael D.Aller, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems lnc., solelyas nomineefor Homecomings Financial LLCfka Homecomings Financial Network Inc., Ridgewater Homeowners' Association lnc., Selco Community Credit Union, Musgrove Family Mortuary Inc. and the State of Oregon, complaint, $98,322.92 plus interest, costs andfees

Filed July 31 13CV1156 —U.S. Bank N.A., as trustee for Credit Suisse First Boston

The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358.

Mortgage Securities Corp. CSAB Mortgage-backed Trust 2006-2, v. Steve R.Rhynerandthe Oregon Affordable Housing Assistance Corporation, complaint, $193,701.11 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV1157 —Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, as trustee for American HomeMortgageAssets Trust2006-5, mortgage backedpass through certificates series 2006-5, v. Kathy Fish akaKathy J. Fish ala Kathy Jo Fish, Discover BankIssuer of the Discover Card, Ridgewater II Homeowners Association, State ofOregonandtheOakView P.U.D. Homeowners Association, complaint, $288,420.70 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV1158 —OcwenLoan Servicing

Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communitylife@ bendbulletin.com or call 541-383-0351.

national championships; concession proceeds benefit the local Sparrow Club; $5, seewebsite for participant cost; 10a.m.;8 a.m.checkinand day of event registration; CascadeMiddle School,19619 S.W.Mountaineer Way, Bend; 541-241-6777 or www. cascadeskarate.com. KNOW CULTURA:TRADITIONAL MUSIC ANDINSTRUMENTS OF LATIN AMERICA:Assistant professor Freddy Vilches performs and explores the musical traditions and instruments of Latin America; free; 11 a.m.; East BendPublic Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-312-1032 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. "GET SQUASHED":A pumpkin fest featuring five different10 Barrel beers to taste, live music, kid's corner pumpkin coloring and more; free admission; noon-9 p.m.;10 Barrel Brewing Co., 1135N.W. Galveston Ave., Bend; 541-678-5228 or www.10barrel.com. KNOW CULTURA:TRADITIONAL MUSIC ANDINSTRUMENTS OF LATIN AMERICA:Assistant professor Freddy Vilches performs and explores the musical traditions and instruments of Latin America; free; 3 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library,

56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1032 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. 25TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION:Celebrate the sustainability movement in Bend with live music, food and beverages, and a raffle; $50; 4-7 p.m.; The Environmental Center, 16N.W. Kansas Ave.,Bend;541-385-6908 ext. 10 or www.envirocenter.org. "INTO THE MIND": Afeature film by Sherpa Cinemapresented by the Central OregonAvalanche Association; $13; 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre. org. KATHYBARWICK&PETE SIEGFRIEDHOUSE CONCERT: The California acoustic bluegrass duo performs; $15, reservations requested; 7 p.m.; RunwayRanch, 22655 Peacock Lane,Bend;www. hadbf.com. THE SCARE GROUNDS:Ahaunted house; recommended onlyforages 12and older; $12for one haunt, $20 for two haunts, $25 for three haunts; 7 p.m., gatesopenat6:30p.m .;old Parr Lumber buildings, 443 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; 541-5484755 or www.scaremegood.com/.


BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT DUII —Lacey Marie Ashley, 33, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 7:44 p.m. Oct.10, in thearea of Northeast Eighth Street and Northeast Jones Road. DUII —Brian Adam Duran, 25, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 4:02 a.m. Oct.16, in thearea of Southwest Truman Avenue.

laNEIIMZ POEICR DEPARTSIKIVT Criminalmischief —Anactof criminal mischief wasreported at11:20a.m. Oct. 17, in theareaof Northeast Knowledge Street. Unlawfulentry —Avehicle wasreported entered with itemsstolen at11:28a.m. Oct.17, inthe areaof North MainStreet. Theft —Atheft was reported at6:33 p.m. Oct.17, in thearea of Southeast Fifth Street.

OREGON STATE POLICE DUII —Mark EvanRussell, 41, was arrested on suspicion of driving underthe influence ofintoxicants at 9:42p.m.Oct. 17, in theareaof Knott RoadandChina Hat Roadin Bend. DUII — JamesDeanCarranza, 24,was arrested onsuspicion of driving underthe influence ofintoxicants at1:40 a.m.Oct. 18, in theareaof Northeast FourthStreet andNortheastQuimbyAvenueinBend.

BEND FIRE RUNS Oct.17 7:31 p.m. —Smokeodor reported, 63905 W.Quail HavenDrive. 8:36 p.m.— Road freight ortransport vehicle fire, intheareaof Powers Road. 23 —Medical aidcalls.

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The Bulletin



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COCC and the future of the Oregon State Univer-


shutdown could or would occur. Now that it has and federal employees will get back pay for their time off the rule will change. Fuller says the rule was written years ago,at a time when no one ever imagined a federal shutdown could or would occur. Now that it has and federal employees will get back pay for their time off, the rule willchange. In fact, the employment department is in the process of updating rules now, and it plans to have the job completed by December.Assuming the rule is changed, a federal shutdown in January would not mean a windfall unemployment payment for those who were furloughed as a result. Meanwhile, employment department employees, no doubt like m any Oregonians who have read of the situation, think it's wrong. Like the rest of us, they'll be glad when the change is made.


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Race case tests voters' rigbts By Cass R. SunsteIn he Supreme Court heard arguments this week in a major but misunderstood affirmative-action case in Michigan. The central issue isn't whether affirmative action is constitutional. It involves the permissible uses of state ballot initiatives. For more than 30 years, members of the court have debated this question: When, if ever, are public institutions allowedto create race-conscious programs intended to help members of racial minority groups'? Some justices believe that the Equal Protection Clause requires color-blindness. In their view, universities may not favor black applicants, even if the goal is to promote diversity in the classroom. Other justices believe that the Equal Protection Clause was designed t o f o r bi d d i scrimination against members of minority groups, and not to forbid public institutions from taking steps to overcome a history of discrimination or to add diversity to institutions that could benefit from it. The court remains divided about the legitimacy of a ff irmative action programs. And as the law now stands, the Constitution prohibits rigid racial quotas, but allows universities to consider race in their admissions decisions — at least if the aim is a more diverse institution and if raceneutral policies can't promote that goal. Last June, the court essentially affirmed that complex principle. The Michigancase raises a different question. Schuette v. Coalition to Defend Affirmative Action isn't about whether the Constitution allows public institutions to take race into account. It's focus is whether the Constitution allows the voters of Michigan to prohibit preferential treatment in education, government


Unemploymentpayback law needs to be changed ever imagined a federal



sion. He wants to do two things. He wants to reset the XI-G bond to $2.63 million and identify a source forthe second $2.63 million. That would get the funding to the correct overall level of $5.26 million. If there's increased state revenue, the source of the second $2.63 million could be the state's general fund. If people are buying enough lottery tickets, there might be lottery money available. A third option for the money is the worst. It's possible that the Oregon University System might be asked to pick up the tab. It would be paying for a building it's not going to use. Huffman is on the state's budget committee and on its subcommittee focused on capital construction. That makes him the man in the right position for the job. COCC needs to have room to grow. OSU-Cascades needs to get out of the lease or the 2015 goal for an independent campus takes a step backward. Change the bond. Find the match.

written yearsago, at

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sity-Cascades Campus.

a time when no one


kind of funding this year to pay off a debt. It hurts

Fuller says the rule was

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entral Oregon Community College got the wrong

ome 4,400federal employees in Oregon, having gone without pay for 16 days, will get an unexpected bonus. They will receiveback pay from Uncle Sam for their forced holiday, and the state will not require them to repay the unemployment benefits they collect for the same period. Don't blame the employees, however. Oregon's rules governing such things bar the state from collecting money paid in these circumstances. The rule is so old that no one is completely sure of its history, says Tom Fuller, communications manager for the Oregon Employment Department, but the reasoning behind it goes like this: An unemployed worker, in this case a furloughed federal employee, who lost his job involuntarily applies for unemployment. At the time he applies, he is eligible, and the claim is granted. Later, he is rehired, and his boss gives him back pay for the time he was out of work. Though the state no doubt would love to have its payments for the same period back, the bottom line is that when the worker applied he was eligible for payments. Thus, under current rules, the state cannot try to get its money back. That's likely to change in the next few months, however.


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wFon amoun It requires a legislative fix in the 2014 session. COCC got what are called XIG bonds for $5.26 million in the last days of the legislative session. The money was to pay off the remaining debt on the building that OSU-Cascades leases on the campus. That's good for OSU-Cascades. OSU-Cascades has 17 years left on the $880,000-a-year lease. If it doesn't have to sink nearly $900,000a year in lease costs,the school would have more money to develop its new, independent campus. It's also good for COCC. COCC gets use of the building. It gets room to grow. But the problem is XI-G bonds require a m atch. That means $5.26 million more must be raised by somebody. COCC would then end up with $10.52 million, double the amount necessary to pay off the debt. That makes no sense when the need is for $5.26 million. State Rep. John Huffman, RThe Dalles, is leading the effort to fix this in the next legislative ses-

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employment and public contracting. In 2006,Michigan voters,by 58 percent to 42 percent, amended the state constitution to do precisely that. In general, most agree that states may control the practices of public universities. If a state wants to ban such universities from having equestrian teams or from discriminating on the basis of sexual orientation, it is permitted to do so. So Michigan is asking: Why can't our voters decide that affirmativeaction programs aren't in the state's bestinterest'? Two Supreme Court decisions, neither involving affirmative action, suggest a potential answer. In 1969, the justices were confronted with a referendum suspendingthe operation of a local fair-housing ordinance that required any such ordinance to go through a special approval process. The court said that the referendum was "an explicitly racial classification, treating racial housing differently from other racial and housing matters." The classification imposed unusual obstacles on those seeking to use the law to protect against discrimination. Because it "places special burdens on racial minorities within the government process," the court concluded that the referendum was invalid. In 1982, the justices invalidated a state ballot initiative that barred school boards from requiring students to attend schools not nearest to their place of residence. The purpose of the initiative was to reduce what its proponents saw as unjustified "busing" to produce racial balance. The court saidthatunderthe Constitution, the government could not restructure the political process "by explicitly using the racial nature of a decision to determine the decisionmaking process." In forbidding school boards from doing what school boards are

usually authorized to do, the initiative imposed "substantial and unique burdens on racial minorities." Do these precedents mean that Michigan voters may not outlaw affirmative action programs'? A divided lower court thought so. It insisted that under the Supreme Court's precedents, "the majority may not manipulate the channels of change so as to place unique burdens on issues of importance to" the minority. With its statewide pronouncement, reordering the political process in a way that burdens racial minorities, the state's ballot initiative "rigged the game," so that the majority could nreproduce its success indefinitely." In light of the court's precedents, the argument isn't without force, but as this week's oral argument suggests, the issue is far from simple. True, the court has struck down initiatives that have created obstacles to efforts to produce equal treatment. But Michigan believes that its initiative will promote equal treatment by preventing preferential treatment. Far from treating one group differently from another, Michigan argues that it is prohibiting universities from doing exactly that. Whether or not Michigan's argument is convincing, it is relatively narrow. The state is insisting on the power of its voters to forbid what they see as discriminatory practices on the part of its universities. Even if the court accepts the state's argument, it's unlikely to address the larger question of whether and when the Constitution itself prohibits affirmative action. Having no need to answer that question, the justices will almost certainly leave it for another

day. Cass R. Sunsteinis the Robert Walmsley University professor at Harvard Law School and a Bloomberg columnist.

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After shutdown, both parties should be acmuntable By Tom Snell s I read Alan Pachtman's opinion, I couldn't help but ask, "How did we get here?" Pachtman wants to call the action of the Republicans in the House of Representativestreasonous, and he blames them solely for the government shutdown. In my opinion, they are all to blame for this mess. Let's start at the top. Did the president try to negotiate a compromise? No. He is on the record repeatedly stating that he did not need to compromise and went out of his way to take jabs at the Republicans. Is this acting presidential? On the other hand, the Republi-


cans went to the table with a number of offers, that all included something concerning Obamacare.In my opinion, they should let that fight go; as I believe that Obamacare will crush itself to death under its own weight. Pachtman wants to throw the "treasonous act" out there, as if the Democrats are some kind of sacred cow and have never done anything that could be considered betraying our country. I have lost count how many things I believe this administration has done which I would count as treasonous; yet I refuse to sink to that level. I am sure that Pachtman believes everything that Rep. Greg Walden does is pure evil and yet praises the work of every Democrat in this state.

IN MY VIEW I ask Pachtman, if a Republican president, Senate and House voted in a new health care system without one single Democrat voting for it, would he be in favor of the new health care bill? If a Republican president told the American people that this was not a tax and then argued in front of the United States Supreme Court that it was a tax, which the court found to be legal, would he be in favor of this new health care bill? Why is it that so many Americans look at what their party's stance is on any certain issue and then take that same stance?

We need to start thinking for ourselves and quit p l aying p artisan politics. Those boneheads on Capitol Hill are doing their best to divide and conquer us by pitting us against each other on every issue. Our media has given a pass to this administration. If this was a Republ ican administration, it w o uld b e screaming out for an impeachment of the president. Instead they have been complicit in every one of his moves, often enabling him. The media is meant to be a part of the "checks and balances" of our system, and if President Obama is ever challenged, it runs to his rescue. Case in point is Benghazi, civilian wire-tapping, the mess in Syria

— I could continue, but I don't think I need to elaborate. I myself am a Constitutionalist and believe that President Obama's plea to help him "fundamentally change America" is not what our Founding Fathers had imagined when they wrote those inspired documents. I love our Constitution and wish that more people would read it. I really hope that more people read our country's history and remember that our forefathers, led by George Washington, fought and defeated the greatest army at that time to gain freedom, because they were tired of "taxation without representation." Sound familiar'? — TomSnell lives in Bend.





e e ions irsin aiornia By Peter Hecht The Sacramento Bee

ThomasFoleyrenowned for being aHouseunifier By Adam Clymer

Atwater, who had been Bush's presidential campaign stratThomas Foley, a c o urtly egist, when Atwater said he congressman from Washing- did not know where the memo ton state who as speaker of had originated. Because of the House sought to still the Atwater's own reputation for chamber's rising tide of par- attack-dog politics, the prestisan combat before it swept ident's belief was not widely the Democratic majority, and shared. Foley's five and a half years Foley himself, out of office in 1994, died Friday at his home as speaker were marked by in Washington, D.C. He was a successfuleffort to force 84. Bush to accept tax increases His wife, Heather, said that as part of a 1990 deficit-reducthe cause was complications tion deal, and by unsuccessful from strokes. He had a stroke opposition to the president's in December, was hospitalized plans to invade Iraq in 1991. with pneumonia in May and When Bush was succeeded had been under hospice care by Bill Clinton, a Democrat, at his home virtually since Foley played a central role in then, she said. winning passage of Clinton's In a statement, President 1993 budget plan, which also Barack Obama called Foley included tax increases. "a legend of the United States Despite a long history of opCongress" whose "straight- posing gun control measures, forward approachhelped him Foley helped win House pasf ind common ground w i t h sage of a 1994 ban on assault members of both parties." weapons, which played a maFoley — well read, impec- jor role in the Republican viccably dressed and quite tall tory that fall. — had been the House majorHe had been shaken when ity leader when he took the a troubled Air Force enlisted s peaker's chair on J une 6 , man went on a shooting ram1989. page at Fairchild Air Force His rise came in the wake Base outside Spokane, Wash., of a bitter, though success- killing five people and woundful, fight led by Rep. Newt ing22. Gingrich, a Republican from He also bucked a majority Georgia, to oust Speaker Jim of House Democrats in supW right, a D e m ocrat f r o m porting Clinton's successful Texas, over allegations of eth- effort to win ratification of the ics violations; one was that he North American Free Trade had improperly accepted gifts Agreement. from a Fort Worth developer. But he did not cite any of Wright resignedbefore an eth- those measures in reflecting ics inquiry was completed. on his record in his last news Foley immediately appealed conference on Nov. 19, 1994. to "our friends on the Republi"If I had one compelling can side to come together and concern in the time that I have put away bitterness and divi- been speaker, but previous sion and hostility." He prom- to that as well," he said, "it is ised to treat "each and every that we not idly tamper with member" fairly, regardless the Constitution of the United of party, and by most estima- States." tions he lived up to that promHe had been a fierce opise to a degree unmatched by ponent of proposed constituhis successors. tional amendments that would But by 1994, Republicans have required a b a l anced had hardened, painting the federal budget, term limits for Democratic-controlled House members of Congress and a as out of touch and corrupt. ban on flag burning, all chamTheir strategy worked. pioned by Republicans. That y e ar , R e p ublicans Of the flag-burning meawon their first majority in the sure, he said, "If it is not conHouse in 40 years, and Foley servative to protect the Bill of became thefirstspeaker since Rights, then I don't know what the Civil War to be defeated for conservatism is today." re-election in his own district. Despite sharp differences Foley had gotten a taste of on issues, he got along betthat partisanship a few days ter with members of the other before b ecoming s p eaker, partythan any of the speakers when the Republican Nation- who followed him. In that final al Committee and an aide to news conference, asked to ofGingrich had sought to por- feradvice to the next speaker, tray him as homosexual. The Gingrich, he urged him to recommittee put out a m emo member, "You are the speaker labeled "Tom Foley: Out of of the whole House and not the Liberal Closet," equating just one party." his voting record with that of Robert Michel of Illinois, the Barney Frank, a gay repre- minority leader whom Foley sentative from Massachusetts. allowed to preside at the closThe Gingrich aide even urged ing of the 103rd Congress, said reporters to investigate Foley's Foley had attained that biparsexuality. Foley said he was tisan goal himself. not gay. Foley, he said, "just felt it President George H.W. Bush was a significant step from besaid he was "disgusted at the ing majority leader" and that memo," but he also said he be- as speaker, "you submerge" lieved the RNC chairman, Lee partisan impulses. New Yorh Times News Service

DEATHs ELsEwHERE Deaths of note from around theworld: C.W. "Bill" Young, 82: Long est-serving Republican i n Congress rose to the top seat on the House Appropriations Committee, exerted his influence on defense and health

spending. The congressman underwent surgery totreat a back injury. Five days later, he announced that he would retire in 2015. Died Friday at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center in Bethesda, Md. — From wire reports

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ALTURAS, Calif. — At the 1908 Niles Hotel, newly restored in this Modoc County, Calif., outpost of 2,700 residents, cattlemen in spurred boots and leather chaps are back at the saloon. New local owners resurrected the long-shuttered hotel, remodeling rooms with ornate furnishings and reopening its tavern.They placed an American flag on a giant mounted elk in the saloon, where they serve up beer and hard liquor at a polished bar adorned with a sign: "If you're drinking to

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forget, please pay in advance." These days, people in Modoc County and its neighbor county to the west, Siskiyou, are aiming to pull off an even more stunning do-over. Last month, supervisors in the remote counties passed formal declarations affirming their desire to "start over" by withdrawing from California.

Peter Hecht/The SacramentoBee

Mark BaIrd, owner of Buffalo RadIo, raIses the flag of the1941 State of Jefferson secessIonIst movement outsIde hIs FM radIo statIon, located In Yreka, California.

"We had a standing-roomonly crowd and all but two people were in favor of it," said Modoc board c hairwoman Geri Byrne, who endorsed the declaration that called for "protecting the rights, liberty, Folklore public health and safety of This improbable political re- the people of a new State of bellion, which seeks to recruit Jefferson." "The board m e m bers, other counties to form a new State ofJefferson, is stoked whether they think it will hapwith regional folklore. pen or not, all voted for it beIt recalls the time, in 1941, cause that's what the citizens when ornery residents in sev- want," Byrne said. eral counties in far Northern In Alturas, cattlemen stopCalifornia and Southern Ore- ping at the Niles Hotel ofgon staged a "secession." They fered another motive for the named a retired judge from upstart revolt: anger over lost Crescent City a s g overnor. traditions. Men with hunting rifles were stationed at mythical state bor- Lost traditions ders. They raised the flag of For 11 years, the Niles, the Jefferson — marked with two grand palace in this timber Xs to protest the double-cross- and ranching town near the ing politicians in Sacramento Oregon border, lay abandoned. and Salem, who failed to build Its boarded-up windows fairly roads for copper mining. wept over the generational loss This year, on Sept. 3 and of logging mills that had sent Sept. 23, respectively, county tired and thirsty workers into supervisors in Siskiyou and Alturas and once supported Modoc passed declarations three local car d ealerships supporting withdrawal from — compared to the current sinCalifornia as afirst steptoward gle sales lot with its two lonely forming the State of Jefferson. pickups. Enacted before packed galIn Modoc County, earnings leries, thedeclarations asserted from timber harvests plumthat state lawmakers neglected meted from $35.4 million in to represent the interests of 1994 to $4.5 million in 2011, "rural and frontier counties" with production a fraction of by failing to protect property logging heydays during the and water rights, passing gun 1970s and 1980s. restrictions and approving an These days, about 18percent "illegal fire tax." of residents live in poverty. The declarations also deIn Siskiyou, timber revenues cried proposals endorsed by dropped from $62.6 million in the U.S. Interior Department 1994 to $39.2 million in 2011. to remove four hydroelectric Seventeenpercent ofresidents dams on the Klamath River live in poverty. in southwesternOregon to reMike LaGrande, a Colusa store historic spawning habi- County rancher with a widetat for salmon and steelhead brimmed hat and weathered — a plan some ranchers view features who had just finished as atheftof water from local driving a herd of cattle to grazagriculture. ing lands near Alturas, looked


over the town's restored hotel with his emotions torn.

What's next? "When I was a little boy, this was the place, the Niles Hotel," he said. "Everyone stayed here. There were poker games upstairs. This was the dream. People came to town more. They looked for things to rally around." The old cowboy finished on adowner. "It was all before timber was run out of this county," LaGrande said. "We ranchers and farmers have seen what the environmentalists have done. We feel we are next. They want us off the public lands. They want our water." Nearby, at the sprawling Modoc Cattle Auction, the notion of the State of Jefferson stirred a young cowboy. "If only it were true," he shouted as hebroughthis horse

to a gallop, herding straggling cows into livestock pens.

The last time With 9,300 residents, Modoc County has the third smallest population among California's 58 counties. Siskiyou is not much bigger: the 14th smallest with 44,000 residents. But some diehard believers think they can pull off statehood. Such a feat would require approval of the California Legislature, as well as lawmakers in Oregon if counties there join in the Jefferson movement. Then, ultimately, would come

passage by Congress. The last time that happened was in 1863, when West Virginia broke from Virginia during the Civil War. So far, no Oregon counties have officially signed on to the new effort.

scored below 50 percent. Redmond has been workContinued from B1 ing to improve its business Just 56 percent and 55 per- outreach efforts. cent, respectively, were faThe Redmond Development miliar with services offered Commission was created in by the Redmond Chamber of 2009 tocoordinate efforts of Commerce and the Oregon various groups already workEmployment De p a r tment, ing in business development while all other organizations and outreach.

Still in i t s e a rly stages, Stark said one of the goals of the group is to make it possible for a person looking to open or expand a business to schedule a single meeting where questions about every aspect of their plans could be answered. Stark said such an arrange-


signs fishing waders and ap-

"Ultimately, what we would like is to have some kind of


Jefferson County Adult Jail on a Umatilla County parole violation. Just then, Deschutes County sheriff's deputies responded to a reportof a woman beaten to death outside of Sisters. Deputies contacted Grote and told him to seize Jokinen's clothing, Edwards wrote. Friday, Edwards by phone

parel for Patagonia, said she ContInued from B1 would like to see more water T he trout r a nged f r o m left in the river — for the sake fingerlings to adults over 20 of fish and other animals in inches long. what had been a wetland. "I can't believe, in this comBrannock, her h u sband, Lee Brannock, 42, her daugh- munity, that the water is manter, Bella Brannock, 7, and her aged like this," Brannock said. neighbor, Courtney Davidson, "It's astonishing." 36, formed theirown rescue For years representatives team. from conservation groups, irAmid the rush to move fish rigation districts, state agenfrom the pool into the buckets, cies, tribes and Central OrDavidson paused. egon cities have been talking " This guy r i ght h ere i s about the distribution of water breaking my heart," she said on the Deschutes, said Tod as she looked down at a gasp- Heisler, executive director for ing, 6 - i nch-long r a i nbow the Deschutes River Consertrout. vancy. The talks focus on who Kim Brannock, who degets what — and when.

Continued from B1 "Officer Grote eventually drove (Jokinen) south as far as he could, and then pulled him over to let him out since he had no probable cause to arrest him." Just as Jokinen turned to walk away, Grote's phone rang. Arrest him, the parole o fficer said, a ccording t o Edwards. Grote booked Jokinen into

applauded Grote's ingenuity. "He was thinking outside of the box, I guess," Edwards

PeterLaufer,author of a recent book on the region, "The Elusive State of Jefferson," said its breakaway spirit reflects the bitter political climate and an enduring myth that the 1941 Jefferson statehood drive would have succeeded if it weren't abruptly dropped after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and America entered World War II. "The Jefferson region is a metaphor for the divisiveness around the country," said Laufer,a journalism professor at the University of Oregon. "And there are conflicts between the loggers, the fishermen,theenvironmentalists,the equity flight re-settlers from urban California and the descendants of the Oregon Trail. All these people have conflicting interests, and they act as if they are unresolvable." In Shasta City, Kathleen Hitt, c onservation d i rector for the Siskiyou Land Trust, worries that "frustration and emotion" fanned by the State of Jeffer son movement could upset the organization's efforts to work co-operatively with property owners to purchase and preserve forest lands and wildlife habitat. "I think the Stateof Jefferson is very feardriven and it shuts the door on conversation," she said. In the Modoc town of Lookout, State of Jefferson supporter Gary Monchamp, whose family for generations ran the former Lookout Logging Co., blames the government for the region's decline. "Their utopian philosophy in Sacramento just doesn't apply here,"Monchamp said. "California doesn't want our timber, yet they want redwood decks. They don't want cattle grazing. Yet they want leather belts and beef and Jell-O."

ment could be p articularly useful for smaller businesses considering expansion. "One of thebridges we've got to cross is getting it out therethat there are resources out there to help businesses succeed," he said. — Reporter: 541-383-0387, shammers@bendbulletin.com

In all, about 500 fish were saved, Brannock said, mostly agreed to (higher) minimum trout.There were also some flow year-round on that upper sculpin, stone fish and crayriver," he said. fish in the buckets. A pair of ODFW employees M oberly an d D a l e s a id joined the fish rescue on Fri- ODFW officials would meet day morning. next week to determine if the "We'll Iust try to salvage as agency should close trout fishmany fish as we can and get ing season early. The season them into the river," said Erik usually lasts until Oct. 31. Moberly, ODFW assistant disDale said the potential clotrict fish biologist in Bend. sure isn't related to the strandMoberly joined a group lug- ed fish. Instead, it's based on ging buckets full of fish onto concerns about fish being parthe river trail and then up and ticularly easy to catch farther over a riverside rise. The rock up the river. "The inclination is not to of Lava Island blocked a direct path to the main stem of close it," Dale said. — Reporter: 541-617-7812, the river, so the haul route covered about an eighth of a mile. ddarling@bendbulletin.com

said. "He could have — and I hope most cops wouldn't do this — but he could have just let him walk away because he's not their problem. He didn't do that. Even though the crimeoccurred inanother jurisdiction, he had the obligation to do something." Edwards, who now works for the Jefferson County sheriff, said letters of appreciation aren't written as often as they should be, but when an officer goes above and beyond,

it's nice to recognize them. "Officer Grote didn't think he was doing anything extraordinary," Edwards said. "But he went out of his way to make sure this potential murder suspect didn't get away. That doesn't happen often." Adams did not return a call Friday seeking comment; Grote was reportedly working the night shift and unavailable for comment. — Reporter: 541-383-0348, bandersen@bendbulletin.com



W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central, LP ©2013.






l l a



• n

j SW W W

Today:1 Sunny.

Tonight: Clear.



As t o ria 62/42



Seasideo 60IOZ • CannonPeach


McMinnville 68/39


•~ Government



6 2/30

Cottage 65/45 •



• Beach



Yesterday's state extremes

Jordan Valley 64/31

Frenchgle 69/36


• 77'





61/50 x5




• Burns


rants~ Pass 72/37


Silver l.ake


Port Orfor 0


Christmas Valley

Chemult emu



• Fort Rock 60/24







"' ppm

La Pine63/28

L crescento •

• Palna ul 65/28





e v u s • Brothers 65/31

Oa k ridge





• 72/40

• Klamath

• Brookings

Falls I 6/20


• 17'


• Lakeview

Baker City







S /74 S

(in the 48 contiguous states):

55/37 I


vvssssss Ouebec

Thunder Bav t vvvs s s ss v v v v v v v s s s


55/4 •


Sos B oise


Ra id Ci





Berthoud Pass, Colo.

San Francisco 72/53

Salt Lake

Las Vegas

oa »

• 0.81

Duncan, Okla,



83/60 t ~~

CO Honolulu tmn, 64/74

tx ~ o


Ibuquerque i o klahomaCity 62/40 65/42• -

LosAngeles, p


59/stkc~, 41/28



Death Valley, Calif. •7

X ..a.,f gary ~ Saskatimn,;,Winnipe

> •• 5eattle

P h oenix



.' .



' "

I i


Little Rocfq t. Nashville 62/41 ~ 65/46,i'

~( QH Bps 6 •' DaHasl es/46i


Atlanta. Birmi n gham 72/49 74/45

New Orleans


Houston + 77/SS+ '

Chihuahua 70/43



• Miami 88/77

+ ~ v Jteonterietyv

a Paz 84/71


, ,'


Tijuana 81/61

72/64ox x 6 x

Mazatlan x +

90/75 x++ t 6 x'+ n + +x x8v+88+8+


Juneau 49/44








67 35

66 34

64 33

64 36


Moonrisetoday.... 6:43 p.m. Moonset today 8.11 8 m Oct 26 Nov. 3 Nov. 9 Nov. 17



Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....9:28 a.m...... 6:46 p.m. Venus.....11:44 a.m...... 8:10 p.m. Mars.......2:41 a.m...... 4:19 p.m. Jupiter... 10:57pm......209p.m. Satum......8:40 a.m...... 6;58 p.m. Uranus.....5:28 p.m...... 6:02 a.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 64/32 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Record high........ 82 m 1974 Month to date.......... 0.06" Record low......... 17 in 1945 Average month todate... 0.26" Average high.............. 61 Year to date............ 4.07" Average low .............. 32 Average year to date..... 7 44"

6arometricpressureat 4 p.m30.18 Record24 hours ...0.22 in1953 *Melted liquid equivalent



Yesterday Saturday Sunday Bend,westofHwy97.....Low Sisters..............................Low The following was compiled by the Central Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/WBend,eastof Hwy.97......Low La Pine...............................Low Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as

City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.

Redmond/Madras........Low Prinevine..........................Low

Astoria ........67/44/0.00.....62/42/s.....62/44/pc Baker City...... 61/17/0.00.....67/30/s......64/32fs Brookings......66/43/0.00.....65/48/s......65/49/s 6urns..........59/20/0.00.....67/27/s......66/29/s Eugene........ 65/39/0.00.....66/35/s.....64/36/pc Klamath Falls .. 67/25/000 ....66/29/s ... 68/33/s Lakeview.......70/19/0.00 ....66/31/s..... 68/30/s La Pine........69/19/0.00.....63/28/s......63/29/s Medford.......75/37/0.00.....72/40/s......73/42/s Newport.......66/43/0.00.....59/46/s.....58/45/pc North Bend.....70/43/0.00.....63/45/s.....66/47/pc Ontario........63/33/0.00.....65/36/s......66/37/s Pendleton......63/34/0.00.....68/34/s......68/35/s Portland .......70/42/0.00.....68/43/s......68/46/s Prineville.......63/27/0.00.....64/33/s......64/36/s Redmond.......63/22/0.00.....69/29/s......68/29/s Roseburg....... 68/43/0.00.....69/43/s...... 68/41/f Salem ....... 69/38/0 00 ....68/39/s ...67/39/pc Sisters.........62/28/0.00.....65/32/s......64/35/s The DaRes......70/34/0.00.....69/39/s......71/39/s

Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme

a service to irrigators and sportsmen.

Reservoir Acre feet C a p acity Crane Prairie...... . . . . . . 32,821...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . . 65,686..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 57,400...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . . 9,881...... 47,000 The higher the UV Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 82,330..... 153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 218 for solar at n. D eschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . . 32 C rescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . . 8 L OW DI U M HI G H Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 131 0 2 4 6 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 443 Deschutes RiverAt 6enham Falls ..... . . . . . 515 Crooked RiverAbove Prineville Res.. ... . . . . . 27 Crooked RiverBelow Prinevige Res.... . . . . . 74.2 Updated daily. Source: pollen.com Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 2.53 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 131 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 MEDIUM LOWI or go to www.wrd.state.or.us

To report a wildfire, call 911





o www m extremes


Legend Wweather,Pcp precipitation, s sun,pcpartial clouds,c clouds,h haze, shshowers,r rain,t thunderstorms,sf snowflurries,snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind, f-fog,dr-drizzle,tr-trace


YeSterday S •




EAST Mostly sunny skies.

Baker City Unity

CENTRAL Mostly sunny

I Sunny.

SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE WEST today...... 7:25 a.m. MOOn phaSeS Some morning fog; Sunrise SunsettodaY.... 614 P.m. otherwise, mostly l.ast Ne w F i r st Sunrise tomorrow 7 27 a m sunny. Sunset tomorrow... 6:13 p.m. skies.



ii i e


65I32 •

Sunriver Bend

66/3 5



• Mitchell 66/39

t,o i




E t erprise En • 61/31

La Grand

• Sprayeaaa




e oi


Yachats• ~

o Bandon



• Mea




Coos Bay

Warm Springs ~o


60/50 ~








. Pendleto


Mau pin

Camp 63/39


• Hermiston 65/37

' Arlington ewoo ,

69/39 " " ' • oWasco 3 6 l39


• 69/40


Da g es 65/43


Hiilsboro ox68/43 land L '"" '• • Sndy a

Lincoln City


River Th 69/40

TiBamook •







• +++Q


.++++ '


* *

* * *

* *


ur o u on

W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow


Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/LolW City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......71/46/0 20...67/46/s.. 75/54/s Grandlapids...61/40/trace..54/40/sh. 56/42/sh RapidCity.......43/28/0.00..55/40/pc.. 51/37/c Savannah .......86/68/0.00...77/62/c. 76/56/pc Akron ..........62/42/000..51/38/sh. 54/41/pc Green Bay.......52/41/0 01..50/32/sh. 49/37/sh Reno...........70/33/0.00...71/35/s.. 71/35/s Seattle..........55/45/0.00...61/45/s.. 60/47/s Albany..........64/46/0.03..66/43/pc. 59/36/pc Greensboro......67/51/0.00...70/46/c.. 66/41/s Richmond.......72/55/0.00..68/50/sh.. 64/42/s SiouxFalls.......52/29/0 00..49/36/pc.. 50/33/c Albuquerque.....63/37/0.00...62/40/s.. 67/42/s Harnsburg.......64/48/0.00..66/43/sh.. 60/3B/s Rochester, NY....59/50/0.00..59/42/sh. 57/38/sh Spokane ........59/32/0.00...61/34/s.. 62/34/s Anchorage ......54/44/0 01...51/43/r...49/41/r Hartford CT.....68/57/0 00..67/43/pc.61/41/pc Sacramento......82/44/0.00...81/49/s.. 81/50/s Springfield, MO ..55/39/0.00..57/40/pc.. 67/46/s Atlanta .........72/53/000..72/49/pc.. 71/45/s Helena..........57/25/000..58/35/pc. 55/34/pc St.Louis.........61/46/000..61/44/pc. 70/49/pc Tampa..........88/72/000..86/72/pc. 86/73/sh Atlantic City .....67/53/000..67/49/pc.. 64/51/s Honolulu........83/71/000...84/74/s. 84/73/pc SaltLake City ....58/38/0.00...62/43/s.. 63/44/s Tucson..........82/48/0.00...83/49/s.. 83/49/s Austin..........73/52/000..71/44/pc. 77/55/pc Houston ........70/56/0.00...77/55/t. 77/60/pc San Antonio .....73/61/0 00..73/48/pc. 77/59/pc Tulsa ...........56/43/0.11...65/40/s.. 72/49/s Baltimore .......65/50/0.00 ..69/54/sh.. 64/41/s Huntsville.......68/45/0.00..69/40/pc.. 68/43/s SanDiego.......77/59/0.00...78/60/s.. 75/60/s Washington, DC..68/55/0.00..6I51/sh.. 62/41/s 6igings.........55/32/000..60/41/pc. 53/36/pc Indianapolis.....64/41/000..57/40/sh. 60/44/pc SanFrancisco....68/51/0.00...74/53/s.. 70/52/s Wichita.........48/36/0.22..65/42/pc.68/47/pc Birmingham .. 69/50/0.00 ..74/45/pc. 70/45/s Jackson, MS.... 72/48/0.00. 75/45/pc 73/48/s SanJose........78/49/000.. 80/52/s.. 78/51/s Yakima .........67/30/0 00 66/38/s.. 67/37/s Bismarck........48/28/001 ...47/34/c ..44/29/rs Jacksonvile......87/69/0 00..85/65/sh. 80/64/pc SantaFe........59/26/0.00...59/29/s.. 62/32/s Yuma...........90/56/0.00...88/60/s.. 88/60/s Boise...........62/32/0.00...64/37/s.. 65/37/s Juneau..........45/43/0.01... 49/44lr...49/42/r INTERNATIONAL Boston..........70/60/002...67/49/s.62/43/pc Kansas City......44/37/0.23 ..61/41/pc. 70/47/pc Bndgeport,CT....70/59/0.00..65/49/pc. 62/46/pc Lansing........ 61/41/trace..54/39/sh. 53/41/sh Amsterdam......55/46/0 00 59/55/sh 62/54/sh Mecca.........102/81/000 .99/75/s. 100/76/s Buffalo.........58/47/000 ..57/43/sh. 56/40/sh LasVegas.......77/53/000...78/54/s .. 80/61/s Athens..........75/63/0.00... 72/53/s.70/55/pc Mexico City .....75/54/000... 73/53/t.. 61/48/t BurlingtonVT....64/52/040 ..60/43/sh.. 53/39/c Lexington.......64/40/0 00 .. 55/39/sh .. 62/41/s Auckland........66/48/000.. 61/53/pc. 62/52/pc Montreal........59/52/021.. 59/46/sh. 54/37/sh Caribou,ME.....55/43/033 ..56/44/pc. 53/36/sh Lincoln..........50/35/000..60/36/pc.. 63/40/c Baghdad........95/71/0.00... 86/66/s. 85/64/pc Moscow........46/32/0.01 ..38/30/sh.. 42/30/c Charleston, SC...84/69/000...76/62/c. 75/58/pc Little Rock.......72/47/0.00 ..65/46/pc .. 7U47/s Bangkok........93/77/0.39... 87/75/r. 83/74/sh Nairobi.........82/55/0.00 ..79/53/sh. 80/54/pc Charlotte........68/58/000...72/48/c .. 68/41/s LosAngeles......77/57/0 00... 83/60/s .. 76/59/s Beiling..........64/41/000... 69/34/s. 62/33/pc Nassau.........88/77/0.03..83/76/pc. 82/77/pc Chattanooga.....68/49/000 ..71/41/pc.. 67/41/s Louisville........67/44/000..60/44/sh. 64/44/pc Beirut..........82/70/0.3172/61/pc .. .. 74/65/s New Delhi.......90/73/000...95/74/s.. 94/71/s Cheyenne.......36/25/0.02 ..55/35/pc.. 50/32/c Madison,Wl.....48/40/0.00 ..50/32/sh. 53/37/sh Berlin...........54/36/000...45/41/c..63/54/c Osaka ..........68/54/000..66/62/sh. 68/63/sh Chicago.........50/39/000..55/41/sh. 62/47/c Memphis....... 70/48/000 65/47/sh.. 71/49/s Bogota.........68/43/0.00... 79/50/t...64/48/t Oslo............45/28/0.00..38/30/pc..33/24/sf Cincinnati.......63/37/001,,56/37/sh.6U42/pc Miami . . . . 88/75/00088/77/pc89/75/pc Budapest........61/45/0.00... 52/40/s ..60/49/c Ottawa .........59/50/028..55/37/sh. 50/36/sh Cleveland.......64/44/000 ..54/46/sh.. 55/44/c Milwaukee......51/41/000.. 51/39/sh. 51/43/sh BuenosAires.....77/54/000..83/64/pc. 80/51/sh Paris............61/46/0.00..62/55/sh.64/54/sh Colorado Spnngs.43/30/007..59/32/pc. 59/34/pc Minneapolis.....52/38/0.02 .. 46/33/rs ..42/34/rs CaboSanLucas ..86/66/0.00... 88/72/s .. 88/66/s Rio deJaneiro....79/70/0.00...74/65/c.77/68/pc Columbia,MO...54/41/0.00..60/41/pc.. 70/48/s Nashvige........65/45/0.00 ..62/41/sh.. 67/43/s Cairo...........82/72/0.00... 82/59/s .. 81/62/s Rome...........73/52/0.00..73/65/pc.. 74/64/c Columbia,SC....75/67/002...75/55/c.. 73/47/s NewOrleans.....73/66/000... 78/60/t. 78/63/pc Calgary.........63/28/000 ..55/37/sh.52/37/pc Santiago........73/48/0.00..65/48/pc.. 62/52/s Columbus, GA...75/63/0.00..75/53/pc.. 74/48/s NewYork.......68/57/0.00..67/5vpc.. 64/46/s Cancun.........86/68/0.00... 85/75/s...86/77/t SaoPaulo.......77/63/0.00..72/57/sh.. 78/60/s Columbus, OH....64/43/000 ..54/38/sh. 58/40/pc Newark, HJ......69/56/000 ..68/49/pc.. 64/45/s Dublin..........57/52/0.82..58/52/sh. 60/51/sh Sapporo ........59/41/0.00..47/42/pc. 47/48lsh Concord,HH.....66/46/019 ..67/41/pc. 62/38/pc Norfolk VA......71/60/000..68/53/sh .. 66/47/s Edinburgh.......54/46/0.00... 56/52/r. 53/45/sh Seoul...........68/41/0.00...65/50/c.. 67/47/s Corpus Christi....82/68/0.11... 74/58/t. 78/66/pc Oklahoma City...56/42/0.02...65/42/s .. 71/49/s Geneva.........61/41/0 00.. 69/50/pc. 66/50/sh Shanghai........72/61/0.00..74/62/sh. 72/61/pc DallasFtWorth...70/53/007...65/46/s .. 70/52/s Omaha.........52/34/000 ..57/36/pc.. 61/39/c Harare..........86/55/0.00... 85/59/s .. 83/59/s Singapore.......91/75/000..88/78/sh. 89/79/sh Dayton .........64/44/000 ..54/38/sh. 59/41/pc Orlando.........89/68/0.00..89/70/pc. 8I70/sh Hong Kong......84/75/000 ..80/67/pc. 82/65/pc Stockholm.......39/32/0.00..38/32/pc.. 38/34/c Denver..........43/29/0.25 ..63/33/pc. 60/34/pc Palm Springs.... 92/59/0.00. 89/60/s .. 92/58/s Istanbul.........64/55/0.22 ..60/46/pc. 62/5Upc Sydney..........68/55/0.00...9U56/s.82/57/pc DesMoines......52/39/000..57/37/pc.. 64/40/c Peoria..........54/43/0 00..54/38/pc. 64/46/pc lerusalem.......72/61/004 ..68/54/pc .. 71/58/s Taipei...........79/70/0.00..78/69/sh. 75/67/sh Detroit......... 64/40/trace ..54/42/sh.. 54/44/c Philadelphia.....66/55/0.00..69/48/pc.. 64/48/s Johannesburg....84/66/0 00.. 74/54/sh. 57/53/sh TelAviv.........81/68/0.11..77/63/pc.. 80/62/s Duluth..........50/37/001 .. 45/34/rs ..42/32/rs Phoenix.........86/58/0 00... 86/57/s .. 86/Sls Lima...........68/59/0.00... 71/61/c .. 72/59/c Tokyo...........66/59/0.00..67/63/sh...68/62/r El Paso..........76/42/0.00...69/44/s .. 76/49/s Pittsburgh.......61/45/0.00..56/39/sh. 56/40/pc Lisbon..........70/59/000 68/62/pc 71/63/sh Toronto.........57/46/0 33 52/41/sh. 50/43/sh Fairhanks........56/33/000..49/29/pc.44/21/pc Portland,ME.....68/55/024..64/47/pc. 62/42/sh London.........64/52/0.00 .. 60/55/sh. 59/53/sh Vancouver.......48/43/0.00...57/45/s. 57/46/pc Fargo...........48/28/002..44/31/pc..38/31/rs Providence......69/52/001...67/47/s.63/43/pc Madrid .........81/50/0 00.. 67/47/sh. 71/52/pc Vienna..........61/48/0.00..49/43/pc.. 61/47/c Flagstaff........58/23/000...61/26/5 .. 63/28/s Raleigh.........66/56/000...71/49/c .. 68/42/s Manila..........86/73/000 ..89/76/pc. 89/74/sh Warsaw.........54/39/0.26..41/35/pc.. 56/46/c


Tuesday, Qctober 22 from 5:00-7:00pm at our new Main Campus location: 2150 NE Studio Road in Bend


oPef7make fhe HoUse p range

Us g()

8 tou 7ag o<y< . ~O Ur venience.

Join us to experience how Waldorf can impact and inspire your child and their education through... ( • ~ ggtca ~aL~~~ ~inQ y Q~ (asge ttona~ ed<ca • the pf09 ~ Q f

8 Dynamic self-expression and creative thinking 4 B|%B ACtiVe engagement With Our rigOrOuS aCademiC CurriCulum B1% B RiCh emOtiOnal COnneCtiOnS and a StrOng SenSe Of COmmunity

4 4

8 Social consciousness and reverence for nature 8

To Learn More: Call 541-330-8841; visit www.bendwaldorf.com; or email info@bendwaldorf.com.


Home School Enrichment Program

WALDORF Waldorf School

Looking to enrich and expand your child's home school experience? Share your input into the development of our emerging Home School Enrichment Program!



Spend a lovely morning with your child engaging in magical activities such as puppet shows, story-telling, joyful play and crafts. KinderMornings will be offered one Monday per month on 10/28, 11/18 and 12/16 from 9:00-11:00am. For ages 2-6.

Come by our Open House on 10/22 to learn

Register today for these introductory

m ore or call us at 541-3 3 0 - 8 8 4 1 .

m orning sessions: call 541-330 - 8 8 4 1 .

IN THE BACI4: BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NE%S > Scoreboard, C2 Sports in brief, C3 MLB, C3

Golf, C3

Prep sports, C4 NBA, C4 NHL, C4 NFL, C5-C6

© www.bendbulletin.com/sports





Vljarro advances at Q-School


DAYTON, Nev. -

Bend professional golfer Andrew Vijarro cruised

into the second stageof

field, Vijarro finished in a

as no shame in claiming a uc

tie for14th place, easily within the top 32 golfers

By Paul Newberry

the Web.com National

Qualifying School. The 24-year-old fired a 3-under-par 69 in the final round Friday at his

first-stage Q-School site at Dayton Valley Golf Club. That put the for-

mer Bend HighSchool golf standout at1 under through 72 holes and well inside the cut to

advance. Playing in a 75-golfer

and ties who advanced

The Associated Press

to the second qualifying

TALLADEGA, Ala. urt Busch is ready to shake 'n' bake at Talladega Superspeedway — proving once again that NASCAR has absolutely no shame in its pursuit of the al-

stage in November. To make theWeb. com Tour, golfers must play 252 holes over three stages. Thetop 50


golfers in the final quali-

fying stage in December become full-time

members of the 2014 Web.com Tour, the PGA

Tour's primary develop-

mighty dollar. Joe Kline i The Bulletin

Ridgeview's Austin Daugherty (20) sacks Cleveland quarterback Scott Brant during the first half of the game on Friday night at Ridgeview High School in Redmond, one of 10 for the Ravens.

mental circuit. — Bulletin staff report


Gramblingplayers refuse to play JACKSON, Miss.

— Grambling's proud football program descended into further chaos Friday when the

school canceled today's game against Jackson State after disgruntled

players refused to travel to Jackson. Jackson State officials announced the cancellation Friday night. Athletic depart-

ment spokesman Wesley Peterson told The Associated Press that Grambling officials contacted Jackson State to inform them of the

decision. Grambling spokesman Will Sutton said late Friday that the Southwestern Athletic

Conference haslabeled the game as a"no contest" and that university officials would have no further comment. He said players will not be available for interviews. Grambling officials met throughouta chaotic Friday, trying to rectify the sour situation

between players and administration. Apparently, nothing could be worked out so that the

game could be played. SWAC Commissioner

Duer Sharp said according to league rules,

• Ridgeview gets back at Cleveland byrolling to a 43-0 nonconferencewin By Grant Lucas The Bulletin

REDMOND — R i dgeview remembered what happened last year. In Portland, the Ravens held a threescore lead, only to see Cleveland storm back and win 27-24. At halftime on Friday night, with his team leading 22-0, Ridgeview coach Andy Codding reminded the Ravens of

what had transpired in 2012. The message he delivered was simple: Finish strong. Ridgeview, which entered the contest rated No. 5 in the OSAA's Class 4A football rankings, followed the coach's orders, tacking on 21 points in the second half while pitching a shutout en route to a 43-0 nonconference victory over the 5A Warriors. "Our kids finished strong and just kept up the momentum that we had," Codding said. " We really took t h e steam out of th e machine early for them." SeeRavens/C4

Scoreboard A rundown of Friday's games involving

Central Oregon football teams. For more coverage, see G4. EaglePoint Bend

32 Cottage Grove 27 Sisters

61 14

Mountain view Redmond

70 Elmira 14 La Pine

54 6

Crook County Summit

28 Kennedy 27 Culver

49 0

Ridgeview Cleveland

43 Gilchrist 0 North Lake

74 20

Cowboysedge Storm in OTthriller Bulletin staff report Collbran Meekerrushed for 99 yards and Aaron Swindle ran for 97 more as Crook County defeated Summit 28-27 in a nonconference football overtime thriller Friday night at Summit High School. With the score tied 21-21 going into overtime, Crook County scored on its first possession on a 9-yard run by Meeker, and Ryder Shinkle kicked the extra point as the visitors took a 28-21 lead. On Summit's ensuing possession, Jason Garcia scored on a 5-yard touchdown run. The Cowboys stopped the Storm just inches from the goal line on the two-point conversion try to give Crook County the win.


varsity quarterback Seth Kessi filled in the rest of the way. "It was a little bit crazy," said Crook The Cowboys (4-4) finished with 243 yards rushing on 53 attempts. County head coach Ryan Cochran. "We Swindle led Crook County on de- had to find some ways to move the ball. fense with seven tackles. (Kessi) did well. He managed the game For Summit, quarterback Tyler Mulwell and did some great stuff." Summit (4-4) tied the game 21-21 in len completed 14 of his 28 pass attempts for D 4 y a r ds, with on e t ouchdown the fourth quarter after two straight and one interception. He also ran the touchdown runs by Mullen. ball nine times for 100 yards and two The Storm's Josh Cherry finished touchdowns. with 123 receiving yards and one touchThe Cowboys jumped to a 14-0 lead down on 11 catches. in the first half after Clark Woodward Both teams have nonleague games intercepted a Mullen pass and returned next Friday night in the final week of the ball 90 yards for a touchdown. the regular season. Crook County is Crook County's starting q u arterat home to face Marshfield of Coos back, Blake Bartels, went down with an Bay, while Summit plays in Redmond injury in the second quarter, and junior against Ridgeview.

Some might call it tacky. Nonsense. In a world where far too many people take sports far too seriously, the ridiculous lengths NASCAR is willing to goforits precious sponsorships actually provides some much-needed levity. Seriously, how could you not get a chuckle out of Kurt Busch — well known for his petulant outbursts — standing in front of his No. 78 hauler on Friday, wearing a Wonder Bread race suit with actual loaves of the stuff stacked to his left and his right'? Will Ferrell would have been proud. It was "Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby" all over again. Who cares if the 2006 movie did not exactly paint the good ol' boys in the most flattering light? "The more you watch it, the more you laugh at it," Busch sard. The motto of NASCAR is simple: If you are willing to write a check with a lot of zeros on the end, they are willing to cash it — pretty much no questions asked. Kudos to them. W e much prefer this approach to, say, the hypocrites with the NFL and the International Olympic Committee. The No Fun League zealously doles out fines to players who wear their socks the wrong way, all in the name of protecting its precious image, while working feverishly to bring in enough money to qualify as a small nation. The IOC preachesendlessly against commercialization, right down to banning the use of corporate names on hostcity venues, but rewards countries that are willing to bankrupt themselves to get a two-week sports festival. SeeNASCAR/C6

Grambling will forfeit and the school will be


"I've been in contact withthe schools and they informed me the

game is going to be canceled," Sharp said. "It's just a very disappointing situation when


Beaver, Duc e ensive ac sto eteste

something like this happens. But we'll do everything we can with

these schools to reach an understanding moving forward."

Friday's apparent player boycott was the latest in three

days of upheaval for Grambling's program — which rose to

prominence under coach Eddie Robinson. Several media outlets

have reported that players did not attend

practice Wednesdayand Thursday because of issues with program and school leadership. The game isJackson State's homecoming and could hurt the

school financially. — The Associated Press

• Oregon State will look to slowCal's potent offense By Michael Wagaman

California coach Sonny Dykes. Mark J. Terrill/The Associated Press

By Anne M. Peterson

The Associated Press

The Associated Press

BERKELEY, Calif. — Oregon State's Sean Mannion is headed home this week, even if it is for a brief stop to say hello to friends and



•W SU heads to Eugenetotakeon No.2Oregon

: . -,'~ tfr family. Mannion, the Beavers' junior quarterback who leads the country in passing, grew up in Northern California about 30 miles away from the University of California campus in Berkeley. That is where he will be tonight when the

Beavers (5-1, 3-0 Pac-12) play the Golden Bears (1-5, 0-3). SeeBeavers /C6

EUGENE — The Washington State Cougars are at least outwardly undaunted, even though they are underdogs by more than five touchdowns to second-ranked

Oregon. "We don't fear them," WSU linebacker Darryl Monroe said earlier this week in advance of tonight's Pac-12 Conference football game at Autzen Stadium. But there is certainly plenty to worry about when it comes to the Ducks. See Ducks/C6



Oregon State at Cal

Washington St. at Oregon

• When:Today,

• When:Today,

7:30 p.m. • TV:ESPN2 • Radio:KICE-AM 940

7 p.m. • TV:Fox Sports1 • Radio:KBND-AM1110

Washington State coach Mike Leach. Dean Hare/The Associated Press



COREBOARD ON DECK Today Football: Gladstone at Madras,1 p.m. Girls soccer:NorthMedford atSummit, 3 p.m. Volleyball: Ridgeview,LaPineatPhilomath Toumament, 9a.m.; Cuver atCorbettTourney,TBA; Summit at Nike Tournamentof Champions in Phoenix, Ariz., 8 a.m.;Trinity Lutheranat North Lake,2:15 p.m.; Crook County atWest LinnTournament,TBA; Gilchrist atPaisley,2:30p.m. Boys waterpolo: Ridgewew at Mountain Vrew, TBA; Ridgewew atBend,5:30p.m. Girls water polo: Ridgeview at Bend,4:30 p.m.


PostseasonGlance AH TimesPDT


(Best-of-7; x-if necessary) American League AH gamestelevisedbyFox Boston 2, Detroit1 SaturdayOct.12:Detrort I, Boston0 Sunday,Oct.13:Boston6, Detroit 5 Tuesday, Oct.15: Boston1,Detroit 0 Wednesday, Oct.16: Detroit 7, Boston3 Thursday, Oct 17 Boston4, Detroit 3 Today,Oct. 19:Detroit (Scherzer21-3) atBoston(Buchholz12-1),5:37p.m. x-Sunday, Oct.20: Detroit atBoston,5:07p.m.

Duquesne (3-2) at Robert Morris (2-3),3 p.m. Old Dominion(4-2)at Pittsburgh(3-2), 4 p.m. SOUTH SouthernMiss.(0-5) atEastCarolina (4-2), 9a.m. SMU(1-4)at Memphis (1-4), 9a.m. SouthCarolina(5-1)atTennessee(3-3), 9a.m. Georgra(4-2)at Vanderbilt (3-3), 9a.m. Syracuse(3-3) atGeorgia Tech(3-3), 9:30a.m. Jacksonville(2-4)at Campbell (1-4),10 a.m. Marist(3 3) atDavidson (06),10a.m. Carnegie-Mellon(3-3)at Mercer (5-1), 10a.m. DelawareSt.(2-4)at NCAfkT(3-2),10 a.m. Hampton(1-4)at NorfolkSt.(2-4),10 a.m. Chattanooga (4 2)atElon(2-5), 1030am AppalachianSt.(1-4)at Furman(2-4), 10:30a.m. Howard(1-5)atFloridaA8M(2-4),11 a.m. MorganSt.(1-5) atNCCentral (3-3),11a.m. VMI (1-5)at Presbyterian(1-3),11 a.m. Tennessee St. (5-1) at UT -Martin (4-2),11 a.m. Tennessee Tech(3-4) at E.Kentucky(3-3), noon GramblingSt.(0-7) atJacksonSt. (5-2), noon KentSt. (2-5)at SouthAlabama(2-3), noon CoastalCarolina(6-0) atLrberty(33),1230 pm. NorthTexas(3-3) atLouisianaTech (2-4),12:30 p.m. Duke(4-2)at Virginia(2-4), 12:30p.m. Wofford(4-2) atWCarolina(1-5),12:30p.m. Maryland(5-1) atWakeForest (3-3),12:30 p.m. SavannahSt.(1-6) atBethune-Cookman(5-1), 1p.m. AustinPeay(0-6) atMurray St.(3-3), 1p.m. Arkansas(3-4) atAlabama(6-0), 4p.m. LSU(6-1) atMrssissippi (3-3), 4p.m. SE Louisiana (4-2) atNorthwestern St.(3-3), 4p.m. FloridaSt.(5-0) atClemson(6-0), 5p.m. SamHoustonSt. (41)at McNeeseSt. (5-1), 5 p.m.



NATIONALFOOTBALL LEAGUE AH TimesPDT AMERICANCONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA NewEngland 5 1 0 .833 125 97 Miami 3 2 0 .600 114 117 N.Y.Jets 3 3 0 .500 104 135 Buffalo 2 4 0 .333 136 157


Indianapolis Tennessee Houston Jacksonvile Cincinnati Baltimore Cleveland Pittsburgh

WL 42 33 24 06 North WL 42 33 33 14

West WL 60 60 33

T Pct PF PA 0 .667 148 98 0 .500 128 115 0 .333 106 177 0 .000 70 198 T Pct PF PA 0 .667 121 111 0 .500 134 129 0 .500 118 125 0 .200 88 116

T Pct PF PA 0 1.000 152 65 0 1.000 265 158 0 .500 144 138 2 4 0 333 105 132 NATIONALCONFEHENCE East W L T Pct PF PA Dallas 3 3 0 .500 183 152 Philadelphia 3 3 0 .500 166 179 Washington I 4 0 .200 107 143 N.Y.Giants 0 6 0 .000 103 209 South W L T Pct PF PA NewOrleans 5 1 0 .833 161 103 Carolina 2 3 0 .400 109 68 Atlanta I 4 0 .200 122 134 TampaBay 0 5 0 .000 64 101 North W L T Pct PF PA Detroit 4 2 0 .667 162 140 Chicago 4 2 0 .667 172 161 GreenBay 3 2 0 .600 137 114 Minnesota 1 4 0 .200 125 158

Kansas City Denver San Diego Oakland


Seattle SanFrancisco St. Louis Arizona

W L T Pct PF PA 6 1 0 .857 191 116 4 2 0 .667 145 118 3 3 0 .500 141 154 3 4 0 .429 133 161

Thursday's Game Seattle34,Arizona22 Sunday's Games TampaBayat Atlanta, 10a.m. Chicago at Washington,10 am. DallasatPhrladelphia,10am. NewEnglandatNYJets,10a m. Buffalo atMiami,10a.m. St. LouisatCarolina, 10a.m. Cincinnati atDetroit,10 a.m. SanDregoatJacksonvile,10a.m. SanFranciscoatTennessee,I:05p.m. Houston at KansasCity,1:25 p.m. Cleveland atGreen Bay,1:25 p.m. Baltimore at Pittsburgh,1:25p.m. Denver at Indianapolis, 5 30p.m Open:NewOrleans, Oakland Monday's Game Minnesotaat N.Y.Giants, 5.40 p.m.

College Schedule AH TimesPDT

(Subject tochange) Friday's Game

SOUTH CentralFlorida38 Louisville 35

Today's Games EAST

Colgate(1-5) atHolyCross(3-4), 9a.m. Viganova (4-2) atNewHampshire (2-3), 9a.m. TexasTech(6-0) at West Virginia (3-3), 9a.m. Fordham(7-0) atYale(3-1), 9a.m. Georgetown(1-4) atl.ehigh (5-1), 9:30a.m. Wiffram8 Mary(4-2) at Maine(4-1), 9:30a.m. Sacred Heart (6-1) atBryant(3-3),10 a.m. Lafayeffe (1-4) atHarvard(4-0),10 a.m. Cornell(1-3)atMonmouth (NJ)(3-4),10 a.m. Richmond(2-3) at RhodeIsland (2-5), 10a.m. Army(3-4)atTemple(0-6),10 a.m. Penn(2-2) atColumbia(0-4), 10:30a.m. Buckneg(1-4) at Dartmouth(2-2), 1030a.m. Towson(6-1)at Albany(NY) (1-6), 1230pm. UMass(1-5)at Bufalo (3-2),12:30p.m. Prrnceton(2-1) atBrown(3-1), 3 p.m.


RickyBarnes Cameron Tringale MarcTurnesa HudsonSwafford BryceMolder JoshTeater KenDuke JohnMerrick

In the Bleachers © 2013 steve Moore. D<sc by Un<versal Uchck www.gocomics.com/intheuleachers


I YE BEER shc@1

>Dr A'rkT UI'I,'

Chris Kirk StuartAppleby


pEo'Ri&l ®M<

Oregon OregonState Stanford WashingtonState Washington California UCLA

Arrzona State USC Utah Arizona



Conf. Overall 3-0 6-0 3-0 5-1 3-1 5-1 2-2 4-3 1-2 4-2 0-3 1-5 Conf. 2-0 2-1 1-2 1-2 0-2 0-3

Today's Games CharlestonSouthernatColorado,11 a.m. UCLAat Stanford,12:30 p.m. Washingtonat ArizonaState,3 p.m. USCatNotreDame,4:30p.m. Utah atArizona,7p.m. Washington Stateat Oregon,7 p.m OregonStateat Cal, 7:30p.m.

Overall 50 4-2 4-2 4-2 32 2-3

Betting line


$796,000(Premier) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles Men Quarlerfinals AndreasSeppi (2), Italy, def EdouardRoger-Vasselin, France, 5-2, retired. Mikhail KukushkinKaza , khstan, def. AndreyGolubev,Kazakhstan, 6-4, 7-6(4). Ivo Karlovic,Croatia,def. KarenKhachanov,Russia, 6-4,6-0. RichardGasquet(1), France,def.TeymurazGabashvili, Russia,6-3,6-2. Women Quarterfinals SvetlanaKuznetsova(8), Russia,def. Roberta Vinci (2),Italy,6-2,6-3. SamanthaStosur(7), Australia,def.AnaIvanovic (4), Serbia7-5, , 6-4. SimonaHalep(5), Romania, det.Alisa Kleybanova, Russia,6-1,6-1. Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova,Russia, def. Daniela Hantuchova, Slovakia, 6-0,6-4. LuxembourgOpen Friday At CK Sportcenter Kockelsbeuer Luxembourg Purse: $235,080(Intl.) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles Quarterfinals AnnikaBeck,Germany,def. KatarzynaPiter, Poland, 6-3, 6-7(3),7-6 (5). StefanieVoegele,Switzerland,def. SloaneStephens(2), UnitedStates, 6-3, 3-6,6-2. CarolineWozniacki (1), Denmark, def. BojanaJovanovski(8),Serbia,6-3, 3-6,6-3. Sabine Lisicki (3),Germany,def. Karin Knapp,Italy, 7-5,4-6, 6-0.

Erste BankOpen Friday At Wiener StadthaHe Vienna, Austria Purse: $775,008(WT260) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles Quarterfinals TommyHaas(2), Germany,def.RadekStepanek(5) Czech Republic, 7-6(10), 6-3. RobinHaase,Netherlands, def. FabioFognini (3) Italy, 6-7(4), 6-1,6-1. LukasRosol(8), CzechRepublic, def RubenBemel mans,Belgium,6-3,1-6, 6-3 Jo-WilfriedTsonga(I), France,det.Dominic Thiem Austria,4-6,3-6,7-6(3). Stockhol m Open Friday AI Kungliga TennishaUen Stockholm, Sweden Surface: Hard-Indoor Purse: $814,408(WT260) Singles Quarterfinals David Ferrer(1), Spain, def Femando Verdasco Spain,walkover. ErnestsGulbis(5), Latvia,def. JerzyJanowicz (3) Poland,7-5,4-6,6-3.

NFL Benoit Paire(6), France,def. MilosRaonic(2) (Home teams inCAPS) 7 6(3),6-3. Favorite Opening Current Underdog Canada, GrigorDimitrov(7), Bulgaria,def. KennyDeSchep Sunday per, France, 6-4, 6-2. Patriots 4.5 3. 5 JETS Chargers 7.5 7. 5 JAGIJARS CHIEFS 5.5 6 Texans BASKETBALL LIONS 25 25 Bengals DOLPHINS 8 7 Bills NBA REDSKINS I PK Bears EAGLES 3 3 Cowboys NATIONALBASKETBALL ASSOCIATION PANTHE RS 6.5 6. 5 Rams PreseasonGlance FALCON S 7.5 7 Buccaneers AH TimesPDT 49ers 4.5 4 TITANS PACKER S 1 0.5 10 Browns Friday's Games STEELE RS 15 2 Ravens GoldenState115,L.A.Lakers89 Broncos 6.5 7 COLTS Memphis97,Orlando91 Monday Chicago103,Indiana98 GIANTS 3 3 Vikings Portland94, L.A.Clippers84 Today's Games College Washingtonvs. NewOrleansat Lexington, KY , 4p.m. Today Dallasvs.Charlotteat Greensboro, NC,4:30p.m. VIRGINIA 2.5 3 Duke SanAntonioatMiami,430 pm TEMPLE 2.5 2.5 Army IndianaatCleveland,4:30 p.m. Ohio 18 16 . 5 E. MICHIG AN Denvervs. L.A.Clippersat LasVegas, NV,7:30p.m. Ball St 19 20 W. MICHIG AN N. Illinois 17 16 C. MICHIGA N MICHIGAN ST 2 5.5 2 7 .5 Purdue E. CARO LINA 20.5 2 2 .5 S. Mrssissippi FloridaSt 3 3 CLEMSO N Maryland 6 5.5 WAKEFOREST TexasTech W. VIRGI N IA 8 5 NORTH WESTERN 12 12 Minnesota TOLEDO 7 9.5 Navy CINCINNA TI 15 14 . 5 Connecticut MEMPHIS 3 35 Smu WYOMING Colorado St 6.5 6. 5 TEXAS ABM I 3.5 I3 . 5 Auburn 38.5 40 Washington St OREGO N MICHIGAN 1 05 9 Indiana GEORGIATECH 85 7.5 Syracuse OregonSt 10 10 . 5 California OHIOST 1 6.5 18 lowa ALABAMA 28 29 Arkansas S. Carolina 7.5 7.5 TENNE SSEE ARIZONA ST 3 3.5 Washington N.Texas 6.5 3.5 LOUISIANA TECH S. ALABAM A 6.5 7 KentSt UtahSt 10 11 NEWMEXICO Florida 3 3 MISSOUR I Lsu 7.5 10 MISSISSIPP I Byu 9.5 9. 5 HOUSTO N BUFFALO 2 0.5 2 0 Massachusetts TEXAS ST 18.5 1 6 .5 GeorgiaSt Akron 7.5 7.5 MIAMI-OHIO BAYLOR 31 32 . 5 lowaSt Oklahoma 24 23 . 5 KANSAS OKLAHOM AST 7 7.5 Tcu STANFO RD 6.5 5.5 Ucla NOTRE DAME 3 3 Usc Rice 18.5 18 NEWME XICOST BOISE ST 2 1.5 22 Nevada Wisconsin 10.5 14 ILLINOIS Georgia 9.5 7. 5 VANDER BILT ARIZONA 5 .5 4 Utah FRESNO ST 2 1.5 25 Unlv

TENNIS Professional Kremlin Cup Friday At Olympic Stadium Moscow Purse: Men,$823,558(WT250);Women,

Spencer Levin Will MacKenzie GeoffOgilvy SeanO'Hair RichardH.Lee Briny Baird BenCurtis TyroneVanAswegen Max Hom a RobertGarrigus Jim Herm an ZachJohnson Davis Loveff l John Huh JimmyWalker NickWatney Billy HurleyIII Will Claxton


UConn(0-4) atCincinnati (4-2), 9a.m. Purdue(1-5) atMichiganSt. (5-1), 9a.m. Minnesota(4-2)at Northwestern (4-2), 9a.m. National League Navy(3-2)atToledo(3-3), 9a.m. St. Louis 4, LosAngeles2 Florida(4-2) atMissouri (6-0), 9:21a.m. Friday,Oct.11:St. Louis3, LosAngeles2, 13innings Drake(3-3) atButler(5-2),10 a.m. SaturdayOct.12:St. Louis1, LosAngeles 0 Ohio (4-2)atE.Michigan(1-5), 10a.m. Monday, Oct.14:LosAngeles3,St.Louis0 Akron(1-6)at Miami(Ohio) (0-6),10 a.m Tuesday ,Oct.15:St.Louis4.LosAngeles2 Indiana St.(1-5) atfflinois St. (2-4), 11a.m. Wednesd ay,Oct16 LosAngeles6 St.Louis4 S. DakotaSt.(4-2) atMissouri St.(1-6),11 a.m. Friday,Oct.18:St. Louis9, LosAngeles0 Morehead St.(2-4) atValparaiso(0-5),11 a.m. Ball St. (6 1)atW.Michigan(0 7),11 am. Boxscore S E Mi s souri (1-5)at E.Illinois (5-1), 12:30a.m. Friday's Game N. Illinois(6-0)at Cent. Michigan(3-4), noon N. DakotaSt.(5-0) atS.Illinois (4-3), noon Cardinals 9, Dodgers 0 Oklahoma (5-1) at Kansas(2-3),12:30 p.m. Indiana(3-3)at Michigan(5-1), 12:30p.m. Los Angeles St. Louis SacramentoSt. (3-4) at NorthDakota(2-3), 12:30 ab r hbi ab r hbi p.m. Crwfrd If 3 0 1 0 MCrpnt 2b 4 1 1 1 lowa (4-2)at OhioSt.(6-0),12:30 p.m. M.Effis2b 4 0 0 0 Beltranrf 4 1 3 2 W. Illinois(2-4)atYoungstownSt.(6-1), I p.m. A dGnzl1b 3 0 0 0 Jaycf 1 0 1 0 SouthDakota(3-2) atN.Iowa(4-2), 2p.m. HRmrzss 3 0 0 0Hoff idylf 5 0 0 0 SanDiego(4-2) atDayton(4-2), 3p.m. E thiercf 3 0 0 0 YMolinc 5 2 2 1 SouthernCal(4-2) atNotre Dame(4-2), 430 p.m. Puig rf 3 0 0 0 Freese 3b 4 1 2 0 Wisconsin(4-2)at fflinois (3-2), 5p.m. IJribe3b 3 0 0 0 MAdms1b 3 1 2 1 SOUTHWE ST A.Effisc 3 0 1 0 SRonsncf-rf 4 1 2 2 TCU(3-3)atOklahomaSt. (4-1), 9a.m. MVSU(1-5) at Prairie View(4-3), noon Kershwp I 0 0 0 Kozmass 2 1 0 0 B elisarip 0 0 0 0 Wachap 3 I 0 I AlcornSt.(5-2) atTexasSouthern(1-5), noon Howegp 0 0 0 0 Wongph 1 0 0 0 SouthernU.(3-3) at Ark.-PineBluff (0-6),12:30p.m. Schmkrph 1 0 0 0 CMrtnzp 0 0 0 0 BYU(4-2)atHouston(5-0), 12:30p.m. Withrwp 0 0 0 0 Rosnthlp 0 0 0 0 Aubum(5-1)atTexasA8M(5-1),12:30 p.m. Marmlp 0 0 0 0 NichogsSt.(4-2) atStephenF.Austin (2-4), I p.m. lowaSt.(1-4) atBaylor (5-0), 4 p.m MYongph 1 0 0 0 Totals 2 8 0 2 0 Totals 3 69 138 Cent.Arkansas(3-3) at Lamar (3-3), 4 p.m. L os Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 — 0 GeorgiaSt.(0-6) atTexasSt (3-3), 4p.m. St. Louis FAR WEST 004 050 Dgx — 9 E Puig 2 (2). DP Los Angeles1, St. Louis CharlestonSouthern (6-0) at Colorado(2-3),11 a.m. ColoradoSt.(2-4) atWyoming(4-2),11 a.m. 1. LOB —Los Angeles 2, St. Louis 8 28 —A.Effis (2), MCarpenter(2), Beltran (2), Ma.Adams(1). Cal Poly(3 3)atMontana(5-1), 1230pm. SF — M.Carpenter. UCLA(5-0)at Stanford(5-1), 12:30p.m. Los Angeles IP H R ER BB SO UC Davis(2-5) atN. Colorado(1-5),12.35 p.m. KershawL,0-2 4 10 7 7 2 5 MontanaSt.(3-2) atWeber St. (1-6), 2:30p.m. Belisario I 3 0 2 2 I 0 Washington(4-2)atArizonaSt. (4-2), 3p.m. 2-3 1 0 0 0 0 IdahoSt.(3-3) atN.Arrzona(4-2), 4:05p.m. Howell (3-3) at BoiseSt. (4-2),5 p.m. Withrow 1 1 0 0 1 0 Nevada Marmol 2 1 0 0 0 2 Rice (4-2)atNewMexicoSt. (0-6), 5p.m. S. Utah(4-2)at E.Washington (4-1), 5:05p.m. St. Louis WachaW,2-0 7 2 0 0 I 5 UtahSt.(3-4) atNewMexico (2-4), 6 p.m. Ca.Martinez I 0 0 0 0 2 Utah(4-2)at Arizona(3-2), 7p.m. (4-2) atFresnoSt.(5-0), 7 p.m. Rosenthal 1 0 0 0 0 1 UN LV Washington St.(4-3) atOregon(6-0),7 p.m. Kershaw pitchedto 3baters inthe 5th. OregonSt.(5-1)at Calrfornia(1-5), 7:30p.m. WP Kershaw 2,Howell. T—2'59 A—46,899(43,975) Pac-12 Standings AH TimesPDT


BrianHarm an George McNeiff


Friday's Summary

Blazers 94, Clippers 84 PORTLAND (94)

Batum5-8 2-214, Freeland0-40-0 0, Lopez2-8 5-89, Liffard5-114-416, Barton2-65-510, Wiliams 3-114-410, Robinson 2-53-4 7,Wright 2-55-611,

Leonard4-40-08,Claver2-50-06, Singler0-20-00, Bost1-40-03. Totals 28-7328-3394. L.A. CLIPPERS (84)

WesternConference W L T Pts GF GA Portland 13 5 14 53 49 33 R eal SaltLake 15 1 0 7 5 2 5 5 40 15 11 6 51 52 37 Los Angeles 15 11 6 51 41 39 Seattle Colorado 13 10 9 48 42 33 SanJose 13 11 8 47 33 41 Vancouver 12 11 9 45 48 42 10 11 11 41 45 50 FC Dallas ChivasUSA 6 18 8 26 29 60 NOTE: Threepoints forvictory, onepoint fortie. x- clinchedplayoff berth

Friday's Game SportingKansasCity1, D.C.United0

JamesHahn ScottGardiner Kevin Kisner


Eastern Conference Atlantic Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA 2 2 2 2

0 0 0 0

MarkWrlson AndresRomero EdwardLoar Chris Smith ChezReavie

CharlieWi Kevin Na


6 6 5 5

Kris Blanks

AlexAragon Tim Wilkinson JasonKokrak

Sunday'sGames NewYorkatHouston,1 p m. SanJoseat LosAngeles, 6pm.

8 8 7 7




PhiladelphiaatMontreal,11 a.m. Seattle FC atFCDal as,11:30 a.m. Vancouverat Colorado, 3 p.m. Columbusat NewEngland,4:30 p.m. TorontoFCat Chicago, 5:30p.m. RealSaltLakeatPortland, 7:30p.m.

Detroit Toronto Montreal TampaBay Boston Ottawa Florida Butfalo

Failed to qualify Kyle Stanley Tim Clark Graham Del.aet HeathSlocum Erik Comp ton DavidDuval Alex Prugh AndresGonzales Martin Laird RussellHenley Robert Affenb y CharlieBeljan TommyGainey Y.E.Yang RyanPalmer JohnPeterson Matt Jones CamiloVilegas ChadCollins ScottStagings DerekErnst Woody Austin Martin Flores Biff Lunde Scott Brown MichaelPutnam

12 12 10 10

22 18 29 19

25 13 26 16

6 4 2 0 8 15 10 7 3 2 2 8 20 21 8 2 6 0 4 18 31 9 I 7 I 3 11 24 Metropolitan Division GP W L DT Pts GF GA Pittsburgh 7 6 1 0 12 27 16 Carolina 8 3 2 3 9 18 23 N.Y. Islanders 7 3 2 2 8 22 19 N.Y.Rangers 6 2 4 0 4 11 25 Columbus 6 2 4 0 4 15 17 Washington 7 2 5 0 4 17 24 NewJersey 7 0 4 3 3 13 26 Philadelphia 8 1 7 0 2 11 24

TrevorImmelman BrendondeJonge AngelCabrera DavidLingmerth Jeff Maggert Scott Langley LucasGlover BudCauley BrooksKoepka PaulGoydos Scott Piercy BenMartin Pat Perez BobEstes Don Littreff DavidHearn RorySabbatini HarrisonFrazar

70-67 — 137 70-67 — 137 71-66 — I37 66-71 — 137 66-71—137 68-69 — 137 68-69—137 65-73 — 138 69-69 138 73-65—138 71-67—138

68-70—138 70-68—138 69-69—138 70-68—138 71-67—138 66-72 — 138 70-69—139 70-69—139 71-68 139 70-69—139 69-70—139

69-70—139 70-69—139 69-70—139 69-70—139

69-70—139 71-68—139 73-66—139 69-70—139 66-73 139 67-73 — 140 69-71—140 72-68 — 140 65-75—I40 73-67—140 73 67 140 72-68—140 73-67—140 68-72 — 140 68-72 140 71-69—140 67-73—140 72-68—140 68-72—140 66-74—140 72-68—140 72-69 141 75-66—141 72-69—141 75-66—141 67-74 141 71-70—141 69-72—141 74-68—142 65-77 — 142 73-69—I42 71-71 — 142 73-69 142 74-68—142 61-81—142 67-75 — 142 73-70—143 69-74—143 72-71—143 72-71 — 143 69-74 — 143 73-70 — I43 68-75 — 143 71-72 143 72-71—143 71-72—I43 71-73 — 144 72-72 — 144 74-70 — I44 73-71 — 144 69-76—145 71-74—145 71-74—I45 69-76—145 70-75 145 71-74—145 72-74—146 72-74—146 72


KEB HanaBankChampionship Friday At Sky 72Golf Club, OceanCourse Incheon, SouthKorea Purse: $1.9 million Yardage: 6,364;Par: 72(36-36) First Round leaders KatherineHull-Kirk AnnaNordqvist Ju YoungPak WesternConference AmyYang Central Division CarolineHedwag GP W L DT Pts GF GA CarlotaCiganda Colorado 7 6 1 0 12 23 10 Ha-NeulKim St. Louis 7 5 1 1 11 27 19 BrittanyLang Chicago 7 4 1 2 10 20 18 Suzann Petersen Winnipeg 8 4 4 0 8 21 22 JennyShin Minnesota 8 3 3 2 8 18 20 Jiyai Shin Nashville 7 3 3 1 7 14 20 Michege Wie Dallas 6 3 3 0 6 15 17 NatalieGulbis Pacific Division InbeePark GP W L OT Pts GF GA JanePark SanJose 7 6 0 1 13 33 13 So Yeon Ryu Anaheim 7 6 I 0 12 24 16 GiuliaSergas Vancouver 8 5 3 0 10 23 22 Na YeonChoi Phoenix 8 4 2 2 10 22 24 JodiEwartShadoff Los Angeles 8 5 3 0 10 19 20 VickyHurst Calgary 6 3 1 2 8 20 20 Eun-Hee Ji Edmonton 8 1 6 1 3 23 35 HyoJooKim NOTE:Twopoints tor a win, onepoint tor overtime Sei Young Kim loss. JessicaKorda Friday's Games MeenaLee Winnipeg 4, St.Louis3, SO BrittanyLincicome Anaheim3,Phoenix 2, SO PernigaLindberg Today'sGames Mo Martin Vancouverat Pittsburgh, 10a.m. HeeKyungSeo EdmontonatOttawa,11 a.m. Lexi Thompson ColoradoatBufalo, 4p.m. AyakoUehara Nashville atMontreal, 4p.m. AlisonWalshe BostonatTampaBay, 4pm. PaulaCreamer Minnesota at Florida, 4p.m KarineIcher NY RangersatNewJersey 4pm HaeliKang CarolinaatN.Y.Islanders,4 p.m. Bo KyungKim ColumbusatWashington, 4p.m. Azahara Munoz Torontoat Chicago,4p.m. SunYoungYoo Detroit atPhoenix,6p.m. CheffaChor Calgaryat SanJose, 7p.m. Yoo LimChoi Dallas atLosAngeles, 7:30p.m. JenniferJohnson CristieKerr Ji HyunKim GOLF JeongEunLee CarolineMasson PGA Tour Se RrPak HeeYoungPark Shriners Hospitals for Children Open MorganPressel Friday LizetteSalas At TPCSummerlin Soo JinYang Las Vegas Purse: $6million Yardage:7,243; Par:71 Champions Tou


WebbSimpson Dudley1-62-24, Griffin 9-19 0-0 18,Jordan3-6 JohnSenden 0-6 6, Paul2-113-37, Crawford 2-70-04, Mullens Jeff Overton 1-9 2-24, Coffison8-1615-16 31, Jamison2-61-2 ChessonHadley J.J. Henry 6, Hogins00000, Amundson 0-10-00, Davies1-1 2-2 4 Totals 29-8225-3384. JasonBohn RyanMoore Portland 15 27 24 28 — 94 L.A. Clippers 18 2 5 16 25 — 84 RussellKnox 3-PointGoals—Portland10-23 (Batum2-3, Wright LukeGuthrie 2-4, Liffard 2-4, Claver2-4, Barton1-1, Bost1-2,Wil- StephenAmes liams0-5), LA.Clippers1-15 (Jamison1-2, Craw ford BrianStuard Ryo Ishikawa 0-1, Cogison 0-1, Dudley0-2, Paul0-2, Mullens0-7) FouledOut—None. Rebounds—Portland 68 (Rob- BrendanSteele inson13), L.A.Clippers43 (Jamison,Griffin, Jordan DanielSummerhays 6). Assists —Portland17 (Wiffiams4), LA. Clippers BrianDavis MorganHofmann 19 (Cogison6). TotalFouls—Portland 25, L.A.Clippers 21.Technicals—Portland delayof game2, L.A. Seung-YulNoh Clippersdelayof game2,L.A. Clippers defensivethree FreddieJacobson KevinStadler second.A—14,849(19,060). Carl Pettersson Jhonaffan Vegas SOCCER BriceGarnett BrendonTodd JamesDriscol MLS JonathanByrd MAJORLEAGUESOCCER GregChalmers Aff Times PDT AndrewSvoboda CharleyHoffman Eastern Conference HarrisEnglish W L T Pts GF GA DavidTom s x-Sporting KansasCity 16 10 7 55 45 29 Vijay Singh x-NewYork 15 9 8 53 50 39 K evin Penn er Houston 13 10 9 48 39 37 BenCrane Montreal 13 12 7 46 48 47 Justin Hicks Chicago 13 12 7 46 44 47 TroyMatteson Philadelphia 12 10 10 46 40 40 CharlesHowell III N ew England 12 1 1 9 45 45 36 ChadCampbel Columbus 12 15 5 41 40 42 TedPotter,Jr. TorontoFC 5 16 11 26 29 46 JoseCoceres D.C. 3 23 7 16 21 57 KyleReifers

64-63 —I27 65-66—131 63-68—131 65-66—131 60-71 131 67-64—131 69-63 —I32 67-65 —I32 69-64—133 65-68—133 68-65 133 67-66—133 67-67—134 66-68—134 68-66—134 67-67—134 69-65 134 67-67—134 70-65—135 68-67—135 68-67—135 67-68—135 67-68—135 63-72—135 63-72 —I35 67-68 —I35 68-67 — 135 66-70—136 69-67 136 68-68—136 67-69—136 71-65—136 68-68—136 71-65—136 67-69 136 67-69—136 71-66—137 69-68—137 67-70—137 69-68—137

MOTOR SPORTS IndyCar MAVTV 500Lineup After Friday qualifying; race today At Auto ClubSpeedway Fontana, Calif. Lap length: 2 miles

(Car number inparentheses)

1. (12)Wil Power,Daffara-Chevrolet,220.775mph. 2. (3) HelioCastroneves,Daffara-Chevrolet, 219677. 3. (2) AJAgmendinger, Dagara-Chevrolet, 218.894. 4. (7) Sebastien Bourdais Dagara-Chevrolet 218.513. 5. (83)CharlieKrmbaff,Daffara-Honda,217.986. 6. (16)JamesJakes, Daffara-Honda,217.979. 7. (9) ScottDixon,Dagara-Honda 217.979. 8. (25)MarcoAndretti, Daffara-Chevrolet,217958 9. (20) EdCarpenter, Daffara-Chevrolet,217.932. 10. (67)Josef Newgarden, Daffara-Honda,217.871. 11. (27) James Hinchcliffe, Dagara-Chevrolet, 217.798.

12. (11)TonyKanaan, Dagara-Chevrolet, 217.566 13.(10)AlexTagliani, Dagara-Honda, 217.419. 14. (5)CarlosMunoz,Daffara-Chevrolet, 217.05. 15. (1) Ryan Hunter-Reay, Dalara-Chevroet, 216.898.

16. (77)SimonPagenaud, Daffara-Honda,216.447. 17 (4) OriolServia,Daffara-Chevrolet,216.213. 18. (15)GrahamRahal, Dagara-Honda,216.106. 19. (98)J.R.Hildebrand,Daffara-Honda,215.967. 20. (55)TristanVautier, Dagara-Honda,215.207 21. (78) Simona de Sivestro, Dalara-Chevroet, 214.679.

22. (6) Sebastian Saavedra, Dagara-Chevrolet, 213.262.

23. (19)JustinWilson,Dagara-Honda. 24 (18)PippaMann Daffara-Honda 25.(14)Takum aSato, Dagara-Honda.


Major LeagueBaseball MLB —SuspendedTampaBayminor leagueRHP Taylor Guerrieri (Bowling Green-MWL)50 game s atter asecondpositrve test fora drugof abuseunder basebag'sminorleaguedrug program. American League CHICAGOWHITE SOX SentLHP David Purcey outrightto Charlotte (IL). CLEVELAN DINDIANS—Agreedto termswith RHP

Matt Capps ona minor leaguecontract. HOUSTO NASTROS— Sent OFTrevor Croweand RHP JorgeDeLeonoutright toOklahomaCity (PCL). LOS ANGELESANGELS — Claimed LHP Robert Carson off waiversfromNewYork(NL). National League COLOR ADOROCKIES—Reassignedmajor league catchingcoachJerryWeinsteintoanundeterminedrole on theorganization'splayerdevelopment staff. Nam ed ReneLachemannmajorleaguecatchingcoach. NEWYOR K METS— Sent LHPSean Henn and RHP GregBurkeoutright to Buffalo(IL).

FOOTBALL National Football League NFL —FinedDetroit DTNdamukongSuh$31,500 for his hit onClevelandQBBrandon Weedenin anOct. 13 game. FinedWashington LBPerry Riley$15,750for his hit onDallasQBTony Romo. Fined New Orleans S MalcolmJenkins$15,750for his hit tothe headof New EnglandWRKenbreffThompkins. FinedGreen BayTE JermichaelFinley$15,750for hitting BaltimoreLBTerreg Suggs intheheadand neckareawhile blockinghim. FinedNewEnglandLBBrandonSpikes $10,500for a violation oi theleague'sunitorm policy. FinedArizona DT Alameda Ta'amu $10,000for kickingSanFrancisco GAlexBooneinthefaceand Boone$7,875for his personalfoulduringtheexchange. FinedArizonaDTDamell Dockett$7,875for alate hit againstSanFranciscoand Tennessee WRMichael Preston $7,875forhisforearm hit to theheadofSeattlePRGoldenTateoutof bounds. CHICAGO BEARS—SrgnedLBJerry Franklin from the practicesquad.PlacedLBD.J. Wiliams oninjured reserve. CLEVELANDBROWNS — Signed WRToriGurley and DBJulian Poseyfromthe practice squad. Placed DB JoshAubreyon injuredreserve. WaivedRBBobby Rainey. DALLASCOWBOYS — Signed DE Jason Vega from theipractice r squad. GREENBAY PACKERS — Claimed WR Chris Harperoff waiversfrom SanFrancisco. ReleasedRB MichaelHil. MINNES OTAVIKINGS—PlacedSHarrison Smith on injuredreserve/retum.SignedCBJacobLacey. HOCKEY NationalHockeyLeague NHL —SuspendedLouisBluesFMaxim Lapierre five games for boardingSanJoseDDanBoyle during an Oct.15game. FLORIDAPANTHERS — LoanedtoG ScottClemmensenSanAntonio(AHL). Greater Hickory Classic MINNES OTAWLD— ReassignedGDarcyKuemFriday per tolowa(AHL). AtRockBarnGolfandSpa,JonesCourse O TTAWA SENATORS— Assigned F Stephane Da Conover, N.C. Costa toBingham ton (AHL). Recalled F Derek Grant Purse: $1.6 million from Bingham ton. Yardage:6,846; Par70(34-36) COLLEGE First Round NCAA —NamedJoAnScot managingdirector for 31-33—64 BernhardLanger t h e Drwsron I m en s ' ba sketball champronshrp. 30-34 — 64 Dick Mast ALABAMA —Announced the NCAA has cleared S AndersForsbrand 32 32 64 35-30—65 Ha HaClinton-Dix to returnfor Saturday'sArkansas JohnRiegger 33-32—65 game. Olin Browne DEPAUL —Extended the contract ot Doug Bruno 33-33—66 MikeGoodes 33-33 66 women'sbasketball coachthrough the2018-19 seaBradBryant 33-34—67 son. MarkBrooks MINNES OTA — Announcedthe NCAAcleared 33-34 — 67 BobTwa y Joel Edwards 32-35 67 transter FJoeyKing (Drake)andtranster GMalik Smith ( FIU)to play thisseason. John Inman 32-35—67 SANTACLARA— Signed mens' basketball coach Joe Daley 34-33—67 MichaelAlen 33-34—67 KerryKeatingtoamultiyearcontract extensionthrough season. RussCochran 34-33 67 the 2014-15 ColrnMontgomerie 34-33—67 TomPerniceJr. 33-34—67 FISH COUNT MarkMcNulty 34-33—67 DavidFrost 32-35—67 Upstream daily movem ent of adult chinook, jack FredFunk 33-34—67 chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selected CoWillie Wood 32-35 — 67 lumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonThursday. SteveElkington 33-35—68 Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Gi Morgan 33-35—68 Bonneville 2152 4 3 4 193 53 Jim Gallagher, Jr. 34-34 — 68 The Dages 1,669 2 1 8 251 83 MarkCalcave cchia 33-35—68 John Day 1,635 3 7 2 276 86 KennyPerry 33-35 68 McNary 3 , 343 3 3 9 556 198 LorenRoberts 32-36—68 Upstream year-to-date movement of adult chinook, R.W.Eaks 33-36—69 jack chinook, steelheadandwild Fridayatselected CoTomByrum 33-36—69 lumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonThursday. SteveJones 34-35 69 Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd AndrewMagee 31-38—69 Bonneville 1,117,468 169184 232,115 98,423 LarryNelson 34-35—69 The Daffes 745,470 139,308 118,811 79,649 TomKite 31-38 69 John Day 559,728 135,904 148,323 62,512 32-37—69 McNary 567,709 89,974 141,110 54,374 MarkWrebe




SOCCER English Premier League, Newcastle United FC vs. Liverpool FC English Premier League,


Manchester United FC vs. Shouthampton FC 7 a.m. English Permier League,

American Le MansSeries, Alms Petit

Golf Golf

2 p.m. 9:30 p.m.

Golf Golf

F o x Sports 2

1 p.m. Fox Sports1 3:30p.m. FoxSports1

IndyCar, Mav TV500 5 :30 p.m. FOOTBALL College, Georgia at Vanderbilt 9 a.m. College, Texas Christian at Oklahoma State 9 a.m.

College, South Carolina atTennessee College, Minnesota at Northwestern College, Connecticut at Cincinnati College, Texas Tech at West Virginia

College, Colgate at Holy Cross College, Charleston Southern at Colorado

College, Colorado State atWyoming College, UCLAat Stanford College, Auburn at Texas A8 M

College, Oklahoma atKansas College, lowa at Ohio State College, Maryland at Wake Forest

College, North Texas at LouisianaTech College, Montana State at Weber State

College, Washington at ArizonaState College, Arkansas atAlabama College, LSU at Mississippi College, lowa State at Baylor

College, USCat Notre Dame College, Florida State at Clemson College, Nevada at Boise State College, Washington State at Oregon College, Utah at Arizona College, Oregon State at California

College, Utah State at NewMexico (tapedj BASEBALL MLB, ALCS, Detroit at Boston BASKETBALL NBA, preseason, San Antonio at Miami NBA, preseason, Denver at L.A. Clippers MIXED MARTIALARTS


CBS Fox 9 a.m. ESPN 9 a.m. ESPN2 9 a.m. ESPNU 9 a.m. Fox Sports 1 9 a.m. CBSSN Pac-12 11 a.m. 11 a.m. Root 12:30 p.m ABC 12:30 p.m CBS 12:30 p.m ESPN ESPN2 12:30 p.m 12:30 p.m ESPNU 12:30 p.m CBSSN 2:30 p.m. Root Pac-12 3 p.m. 4 p.m. ESPN 4 p.m. ESPN2 4 p.m. ESPNU 4:30 p.m. NBC 5 p.m. ABC 5 p.m. CBSSN 7 p.m. Fox Sports1 7 p.m. Pac-12 7:30 p.m. ESPN2 10 p.m. Root 5:30 p.m. Fox, 940-AM 4:30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

UFC166, prelims


5 p.m. Fox Sports1


MOTOR SPORTS MOTO GP,Australian Grand Prix NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Camping World RV Sales 500 SOCCER


6 a.m.

Fox Sports1

11 a.m.


8 a.m.


English Premier League, Aston Villa FC vs. Tettenham Hotspur FC

Women's international friendly, United States vs. Australia MLS, San Jose at Los Angeles GOLF

10:30 a.m.

LPGA Tour,HanabankChampionship Champions Tour, Greater Hickory Classic

8 a.m.

6 p.m.


11 a.m.

Golf Golf

Shriners Hoptials for Children Open

2 p.m.


FOOTBALL NFL, New England at New York Jets NFL, Dallas at Philadelphia NFL, Houston at Kansas City

10 a.m. 10 a.m. 1:25 p.m.

NFL, Denver at lndianapolis

5:20 p.m.


PGA Tour,

Women's college, Utah atOregon


Women's college, Stanford at Washington 4:30 p.m. FIGURESKATING ISU Grand Prix (tapedj 1 p.m. BASKETBALL

Pac-12 Pac-12 NBC

NBA, preseason, Boston at Minnesota

3 p.m.

BASEBALL MLB, ALCS, Detroit at Boston

5 p.m. F ox, 940-AM


Listings are themostaccurateavailable. The Bulletinis not responsible for latechangesmade by TVor radio stations.

SPORTS IN BRIEF Jason Brown andAdam Rippon at Joe Louis Arena in Detroit.

Central Florida upsets

Machida scored 91.18points to

LOuiSVille —Blake Bortles threw a 2-yard touchdown pass to Jeff Godfrey with 23 seconds

open the men's competition in the first ISU Grand Prix event of

left and Central Florida stunned No. 8 Louisville by rallying for a

at 83.78, and Rippon third at 80.26. Six of eight skaters fell

38-35 victory on Friday night in

on quad jump attempts in the

Louisville, Ky., ending the Cardinals' perfect start. Down 28-7

mistake-filled session.

the season. Brown wassecond

midway through the third quarter, the Knights (5-2, 2-0 Ameri-


to tie the game. Shawn Moffitt's 34-yard field goal gave them the

— Penske Racingwas perfect

can Athletic Conference) scored three touchdowns in a7:22 span lead with 7:36 remaining.

PenSke SWeePS frant roW Friday in the first phase toward

pushing Helio Castronevesto the IndyCar championship. Will Power, Castroneves and AJ All-

FIGURE SKATING Japan's Machidawins

mendinger swept the front row

ShOrt PrOgram — Japan's

way in Fontana,Calif., where Cas-

Tatsuki Machida won the Skate

troneves is trying to chase down Scott Dixon for the IndyCar title. — From wire reports

America short program Friday night, outpacing Americans

David J. Phillip/The Associated Press

St. Louis Cardinals' Matt Adams slides safely past Los Angeles Dodgers catcher A.J. Ellis during the fifth inning of Game 6 of the National League championship series Friday night in St. Louis.

ar inascruise, unc tic et to Wor eries By R.B. Fallstrom

in qualifying for Saturday night's season finale at Auto Club Speed-


broken up by a fed-up home plate umpire Greg Gibson afST. LOUIS — Carlos Bel- Boston Red Sox and Detroit ter several minutes. tran, Michael Wacha and the Tigers. The Cardinals won Kelly blinked first, all in St. Louis Cardinals are go- their 19th NL pennant and good fun but, when it counting to the World Series — not will be trying for their third ed, St. Louis wouldn't budge. even Clayton Kershaw could title since 2006, last winning The Cardinals jumped on stop them this year. in 2011. Kershaw in the third, batting Beltran and the Cardinals A fter losing Game 5 i n around. After Wacha groundstunned the D odgers' ace Los Angeles, the Cardinals ed out, Carpenter doubled in with a four-run third inning, turned to Wacha once again. a gritty at-bat. Beltran singled Wacha was again magnifi- The right-hander was even him home for the game's first cent on the mound and St. better in o u tpitching Ker- run. With two outs, Yadier Louis advanced to its second shaw for the second time this Molina added an RBI single, World Series in three seasons series. Shane Robinson drove in two by roughing up the Los AngeIt was 52degrees at game runs with a single in his first les Dodgers 9-0 in Game 6 of time, a23-degree drop from careerpostseason startafter the NL championship series the Kershaw-Wacha matchup replacing slumping Jon Jay Friday night. in Game 2 six days earlier, — and advanced to second Wacha, a rookie, was se- and Kershaw never warmed base on Dodgers rookie Yasiel Puig's first of two errors in lected MVP of the series after up. throwing 13'/s scoreless inThe top N L C Y Y o u ng the Cardinals' big innings. nings and beating Kershaw Award can d i date was The Cuban defector also knocked out of a start for the s truck out t w ice and w a s twice in the NLCS. Matt Carpenter sparked St. first time this season without b ooed h e a r tily . Ha n l ey Louis' big third inning with a finishing the fifth. Ramirez, a last-minute addione-out double on the 11th Beltran had three hits and tion to the Dodgers' lineup, pitch of his at-bat. Beltran drove in two runs while fac- went zero for 3 while playing singled him home and the ing Kershaw and made a with a broken rib. Kershawneeded48pitches, Cardinals quickly removed s pectacular catch i n r i g ht all the suspense surrounding field, helping him advance to the most pitches of his career a team that squandered a 3-1 the World Series for the first in one inning, in the third. He series lead in the NLCS last time in his 16-year career. took exception to one pitch fall against San Francisco. Perhaps showing the Car- in particular, complaining "I'm so happy right now. dinals weren't stressed by to plate umpire Greg Gibson We did it as a team," Beltran the possibility of a second after Matt Adams' full-count said. "We fought hard, we walk loaded the bases. straight p o stseason m eltworked hard all season long down, Games 1 and 5 starter The Dodgers bench also and thank god we're here." Joe Kelly had a post-national was vocal after the call on a Game I of the World Series anthem staredown against pitch that may have been an is Wednesday at the winner Dodgers reserve outfielder inch or two low of the strike of the ALCS between the S cott Van Slyke that w as zone. The Associated Press

Red Soxneed to get past Scherzer By Jimmy Golen



strokes in Vegas


11 a.m.

9 a.m.

up four


West Ham United FC vs. Manchester City FC9:30 a.m. MLS, Seattle at Dallas noon 7:30 p.m. MLS, Real Salt Lake at Portland GOLF LPGA Tour, Hanabank Championship 8 a.m. PGA Tour, Shriners Hospitals for Children Open European Tour, Perth lnternational MOTOR SPORTS NASCAR, Camping World RV Sales 500, qualifying NASCAR, Truck Series, Fred's 250



4 :45 a.m.

Champions Tour, Greater Hickory Classic



The Associated Press

BOSTON — One victory to reach the World z e r and Verlander all took no-hitters into the fifth inning in the first three games, though Series. And all that's in Boston's way is 21-game t h e Tigerswononlyoneofthem. winner Max Scherzer, with Justin Verlander In al l , D etroit's starters had allowed only on deck for a seventh game — if it gets that t h r ee runs in 27 innings through the first four far. games before Mike Napoli's homer keyed "We all know what we are up against," a t h r ee-run second inning the second time Red Sox catcher Jarrod Saltalamacchia said a r o und against Sanchez. on Friday after an offday workout to prepare "They were pitching pretty well the first for Game 6 of the AL championship series c o uld of games. They shut us down," Napoli a gainst the Detroit Tigers. "I expect it's going s a i d ."It's been a great series all-around. But to be another one of those tough games." it 's n o t over yet. We've got to take care ofbusiA victory in Game 6 on Saturday would n e ss. We've got Buchholz going, and we've eliminate the defending AL champions and g o t all the confidence in the world in him." send the Red Sox to their third World Series The R ed Sox seem to be getting stronger as since 2004. Scherzer will face Bosthe seriesgoes on, but the Tigers are ton's Clay Buchholz, a repeat of the NeXt uP mo re beaten up witheach game. Avila,whohasahistoryofconcusGame 2 matchup thatthe Red Sox ALCS Detroit won 6-5. sions, was involved in a collision with Scherzertook a no-hitter and a 5-0 at the plate that left the Tigers +h "' T dy' Ross lead into the sixth inning, but the Red catcher with a sprained left knee. He "' p™ Soxrallied against the Tigersbullpen also took a foul ball — also by Ross — off his mask before leaving the and tied it on David Ortiz's eighth- 'T": Fox inning grand slam. Now at l east • Radio: game in the fourth inning. the Boston batters can say they've K ICE-AM 940 L eyla n d said he would wait to see seen the likely AL Cy Young winner how Avila feels on Saturday before making a decision. recently. "It will be a big factor, whether he But Scherzer has a little more experience against them, too. plays or not, it will obviously affect us some," "I don't see him making too many adjust- L e y land said. "I don't think there will be anyments," Saltalamacchia said. "There's not t h i n g t r icky.Itwill prettymuchbeusingwhat we've used the last couple of days, depending many adjustments he needs to make." The Red Sox wrapped up a 4-3 victory over o n A lex's health." Detroit in Game 5 on Thursday night to take L eyl a nd did confirm that Jose Iglesias will a 3-2lead in the best-of-seven series.They play shortstop on Saturday. The 23-year-old arrived home early on Friday morning and C u b an started Game I before coming in as a worked out at Fenway Park in the afternoon. su b s titute in the next two games; he was back The Tigers did not work out, instead opting i n the lineup for Games 4 and 5. to rest hobbled starters like Miguel Cabrera The R ed Sox are also turning to a young inand Alex Avila, who joined the injured after a f i e lder to boost their offense. home-plate collision with Boston's David Ross Red S o x manager John Farrell said that in the second inning of Game 5. Xander Bogaerts, a top prospect who wasn't "We have to go to Fenway and we have to c a l led up until August, will start at 3B in fight hard enough to win a game," said Ca- p l ace of Will M iddlebrooks. Middlebrooks brera, who has been slowed by a variety of s t a r ted Boston's first eight playoff games injuries since late in the regular season. "If we b u t he is batting .174 with nine strikeouts in do that, we have to keep fighting and get the t h e postseason, giving way to the rookie in next one.We've done thisbefore, and we've Game 5 "It's definitely special," Bogaerts said. "I got great pitchers." Detroit's starting rotation was its biggest w a n t the manager to have confidence in me, advantage heading into the series, and it has e s pecially in the playoffs. Every game is imlived up to the hype. Anibal Sanchez, Scher- p o r tant; every at-bat. It's definitely huge."

The Associated Press L AS V E GA S — We b b Simpson opened a four-stroke lead Friday in th e Shriners Hospitals for Children Open, taking advantage of perfect s coring conditions at T P C Summerlin. Making his first start since helping the U.S. win the Presidents Cup, the 2012 U.S. Open champion shot an 8-under 63 to reach 15 under. He had nine birdies and a bogey — on the par-5 16th in his opening nine. "The ball is really going far," Simpson said. "I was wondering why the scores were so low yesterday morning because I thought the ball might go a little shorter. But the ball was getting out there and the golf course played a little shorter than I thought it would, and I just putted well and kept

going. The 63 matched the lowest round of his PGA Tour career. "There's no wind, no clouds in the sky and it's really quiet, so it's easy to kind of daydream," Simpson said. "You've really got to focus on what you're doing and talk to your caddie, at least for me. I talk to him about what we're trying to do here, where we're trying to hit the ball." The four-stroke lead broke the tournament second-round r ecord of three set by L o n Hinkle in 1984 and matched by Rich Fehr in 1996 — both when the event was 90 holes. J .J. Henry f o l lowed h i s course-record 60 with a 71 to join John Senden, Jeff Overton, Chesson Hadley and Jason Bohn at 11 under. Bohn had a 64, Senden and Hadley shot 66, and Overton had a 68. "I need to keep on making birdies out there," Senden said. "It's not as much building a score, it's just about doing a great job on making birdies, and if that's good enough to do it, well, hopefully it'll be me." Also on Friday: Four tied for lead in Korea: I NCHEON, South K o rea — Amy Yang overcame early jitters while playing in her home country, shooting a 5-under 67 to finish in a four-way tie for the lead after the first round of the KEB HanaBank Ch a m pionship. She was tied with Australia's Katherine Hull-Kirk, South Korean compatriotJu Young Pak and Sweden's Anna Nordqvist. Another Swede, Caroline Hedwall, was a stroke behind.

Langer, Forsbrand, Mast tied for lead:CONOVER, N.C. — Bernhard Langer birdied the final hole for a 6-under 64 and a share of the first-round lead with Anders Forsbrand and Dick Mast in the Greater Hickory Classic. Olin Browne and John Riegger, the Boeing Classic winner in August, were a stroke back. Hedblom up two in Perth: PERTH, Australia — Sweden's Peter Hedblom shot a 3-under 69 to take a two-stroke lead over England's Ross Fisher after the second round of the Perth International. Defending champion Bo Van Pelt was tied for eighth at 3 under after a 71. Fellow American Dustin Johnson was tied for 21st at I under after a 74.

Julie Jacobson /The Associated Press

Webb Simpson waves to spectators after sinking a putt for birdie on the14th green in the second round of the Shriners Hospitals for Children Open on Friday in Las Vegas.



ou ars u awa orvi o Bulletin staff report REDMOND — Stunned early by a couple of long Redmond touchdowns, Mountain View took command in the second quarter Friday night and rolled to a 70-14 Intermountain Conference football win. The visiting Cougars notched their fourth consecutive victory, but not without a challenge — at least in the first period. After Keenan Springer's short touchdown run gave Mountain View a 7-0 lead two minutes into the game, the Panthers, who had lost five in a row, answered quickly. On consecutive Redmond possessions, sophomore running back R iley Powell turned a deceptive inside reverse play into touchdown bolts of first 75 and then 61 yards. "It's a crisscross play, a double handoff," said Cougars coach Brian Crum. "We got a little overaggressive, and it hurt us." With 2:10 left in the opening quarter, the underdog Panthers held a 14-7 lead. It did not last long. Mountain View countered prompt-

ly, and when Springer scored again from 13 yards outand Zach Emerson booted the second of his 10 extra points on the night, the score was tied 14-14 with 37 seconds left in the first period. The second quarter could not have gone worseforthe Panthers — orbetter for the Cougars. First, Mountain View broke the tie with a 44-yard touchdown pass from Conor Nehl to a wide open Dantly Wilcox up the right side. Redmond then fumbled the ball away on its next three possessions, and the Cougars made the Panthers pay all three times. A 1-yard run off right tackle by

Ravens Continued from C1 Despitethree key players — Boomer Fleming, Reece Rollins and Cody Simpson — being sidelined due to either injuries or sickness, the Ravens (7-1 overall) racked up 363 yards of total offense and 240 rushing yards on their way to their second-highest point total of the season and a sixth straight win. "We've just been working really hard in the last few weeks of practice, practicing filling in new roles," said Ravens running back Tanner Stevens, who ran for 117 yards and two touchdowns on 18 carries. "And as the scoreboard shows, we filled those roles." Proving that Ridgeview is not a onetrickpony, Jacob Johnson completed eight of 18 passes for 123 yards and two touchdowns, both to Jack Bowman, who hauled in six passes for 103 yards. Cole Johns added to the mix with 63 yards rushing and two scores on 11 carries. "It's a trust relationship between me

Cody Anthony made it28-14. An 8yard pass from Nehl to Nick Hjelm made it 35-14. And with 33 seconds left in the half, Hjelm caught a touchdown pass of 12 yards from Blake Knirk for a 4 2-14 Mountain View halftime lead. The Cougars picked up in the second half without missing a beat. On their first offensive play of the third period,Hjelm scored on a short pass from Nehl that turned into a 55-yard touchdown. Brodie Blok's fingertip catch at the goal line was good for a 27-yard touchdown from Knirk, and Anthony rambled 26 yards up the middle for the third Mountain View score ofthe quarter and a 6314 lead. The first play of the fourth period resulted in the final touchdown of the night, on a 3-yard run by Kaleb Winebarger. "We didn't get off to a very good start," said Crum. "It took most of the first quarter for our guys to wake up a little bit." The Panthers had a good thing going, said their coach, Nathan Stanley, who noted that his team has held a lead in each of its games this season. "We certainly have some talent," said Stanley. "It's young, but we have some kids who can play football. We've just got to play more than a quarter and a half of football." Mountain View (2-0 IMC, 6-2 overall) can secure its seventh conference title in eight years next Friday with a win at Bend High in the annual Civil W ar game. Redmond (0-3, 1-7)closes out its regular season next week with a home game against Roosevelt of Portland. In other Friday action: FOOTBALL Eagle Point 32, Bend 27: EAGLE

and the receivers, knowing that when we need to get something done, we'll get it done," Johnson said. "Whatever we need to do to get it done, they'll get it done, and they'll sell themselves out in order to do it." While the offense proved efficient, the defense was, as both Codding and Johnson put it, "outstanding." The Ravens consistentlypressured Cleveland quarterback Scott Brant,

o ver an ers


Special District 2 victory. Highlights for Gilchrist (3-4) included a pair POINT — The wild nonconference of touchdown passes from Trinton game included two touchdowns in Koch to Tucker Boone and two touchthe final 37 seconds, as the Fight- downs by Mike Martinez, one on a ing Eagles scored with six seconds running play and the other on a pass left to defeat the Lava Bears 37-32. reception. "Defensively, I t h ought Bend (1-7 overall) took a 27-26 lead we showed some i m provement," with 31 seconds left in the game said Grizzlies coach Steve Hall, who when Hunter McDonald scored on singled out linebackers Boone and a 1-yard run. But Eagle Point used Gabe Bernabe for their efforts. "Ofa long kickoff return to set up an fensively," Hall added, "it's nice to be 8-yard touchdown pass from Jorge back on track." Kennedy 49, Culver 0: CULVER Quintero to Peyton Dole and come away with the win. McDonald led — The Bulldogs quickly fell behind in the Bears with 101 yards rushing their Tri-River Conference matchup and two touchdowns on 20 attempts. against Kennedy, which built a 35Quinn Fettig had five receptions for point lead by the end of the first half. 110 yards for Bend. The Trojans managed to tack on an Elmira 54, La Pine 6: ELMIRA additional 14 points after the break. — The Hawks quickly fell behind The Bulldogs (1-3 TRC, 2-4 overall) in the first half before falling to the continue league play next Friday, Falcons in Sky-Em League action. when they visit Toledo. "It was homecoming night for them," BOYS SOCCER La Pine coach Josh McInnis said. Riverside 7, Culver 0: CULVER"They scored early on a couple of The visiting Pirates from Boardman turnovers which put us behind the scored three goals in the first eight eight ball." Taylor Brown and Aus- minutes en route to the Class 3A/2A/ tin Kentner completed a successful IA Special District 4 decision. "They 60-yard fade route in the third quar- scored early," said Culver coach Tom ter to score the lone touchdown for Kirk, "and they scored often." A highLa Pine (0-4 Sky-Em, 0-7 overall), light for the Bulldogs (2-5 SD4, 5-5 which totaled just 184 yards of ofoverall) was the play of reserve goalie fense on the night. Anthony Olivares. A freshman, OliCottage Grove 61, Sisters 14: SIS- vares played the final 70 minutes of TERS — The Outlaws fell to 0-4 in the match and managed to turn back conference play and 0-8 overall afa number of Riverside shots. "He was ter falling in Sky-Em League action kept busy and he rose to the occaagainst the Lions, who entered the sion," said Kirk. night ranked No. 2 in Class 4A by VOLLEYBALL N orth Lake 3, Gil c hrist 1 : the OSAA. Sisters wraps up its 2013 season with a visit to La Pine next GILCHRIST — The Grizzlies rallied Friday. in their match against North Lake G ilchrist 74, N o rth L ake 2 0 : but lost in four sets 26-24, 25-22, 21GILCHRIST — The host Grizzlies 25, 25-23. "We played really well," snapped a four-game losing streak in Gilchrist coach Maika Klages said. style, rolling to a 38-6 halftime lead "We were 93 out of 101 serves with on their way to a convincing Class 1A eight assists and 16 kills." Sierra

Shuey was on fire with seven kills, one block, 24 digs and went 15 of 16 from the service line. Sydney Longbotham had seven kills, one block and five digs, and Madison Bean tallied nine assists while going 28 of 28 from the service line with one ace. Summit advances at Arizona tournament: PHOENIX — The Storm went 2-1 in pool play at the Nike Tournament of Champions on Friday, and advanced to bracket play today. Summit defeated Terry Puma (Ariz.) 22-25, 25-14, 18-16, then went on to beat Veritas Academy (Ariz.) 25-15, 25-15. The Storm fell to Thatcher (Ariz.) 15-25, 25-20, 19-16 to wrap up Friday's competition. Dani Taylor led Summit on the day with 32 kills, Renee Kenneally added 17 k i l ls, and Jordan Waskom finished with six aces. The Storm open bracket play today against Seaton Catholic (Ariz.), and will play at least three matches today. BOYS WATER POLO Summit 11, Bend 5:Summit jumped ahead earlyon against the Lava Bears at Juniper Swim 8 Fitness Center, led by Kyle Alhart, who had three goals for the Storm. Summit's Eli Abraham, Zack Barry and Tommy Brewer each scored twice, and Quinn Rasmussen and Josh Bandy posted one goal apiece. Bend's Luke Perry and Jerry Boehme each scoredtwice, and Sam Ainsworth finished had one goal. GIRLS WATER POLO Summit 8, Bend 4: Laura Robson led the Storm with five goals in their victory over the Lava Bears at Juniper Swim & Fitness Center. Annie Jarvis added two of goals for Summit, andKayanna Heffner had one. Bend was unable to rally back from the four-goal deficit, but Bend's Madeline Busby had three goals and Marley Forest scored once.

fense and finished the night with 133 yards — only 18 of which came on the


Codding praised his defense, noting that while Ridgeview continually got to Brant in the backfield, it was not just one Raven, it was a swarm. "Defense was outstanding tonight," Codding said. "We feel like we're hitting on all cylinders right now heading into next week." piling up 10 sacks in the game (six in Ridgeview picked up its seventh win the first half) and picking up an inand shut out an opponent for the first terception by Austin Daugherty that time since its season opener, this one set up Ridgeview's first score of the against a 5A club from the Portland third quarter — one of three Warrior Interscholastic League. That resume turnovers. speaks volumes, Johnson said, but it is "The defense," said an impressed time to move on to next week's matchStevens. "Zero points on the score- up, when the Ravens host 5A Summit. "We're focused," Johnson said. board, our coverage was really great, and our defensive line and lineback- "Like we chant: '1-0.' We focus every ers were hitting the quarterback every week on just that game, that week. other play." And we go in there like it's our first Brant finished with a n 1 1-of-27 game of the season and our last game passing performance with 115 yards. of theseason. We prepare foritas best Dylan Brown rushed for 62 yards, but we can, gointo the game, and take the Warriors (2-6) could not find a care of business." rhythm offensively. They headed into — Reporter: 541-383-0307; halftime with just 50 yards of total ofglucas@bendbulletin.com.

Joe Kline i The Bulletin

Ridgeview's Jack Bowman (17) looks for room to run upfield after catching a pass during the first half of the game on Friday night at Ridgeview High School in Redmond.


B—ChrisWallace1run (Waters kick) EP —Peyton Dole8 passfrom Quintero (Qu>ntero Nn) EP — Flores37passfromQuintero (run tailed) B—Walace2 run(Watters kick) B—McDonald1run(passfailedj EP — Dole8 passfrom Quintero (kick failed)

R— Pow ell 61run(passgood) MV Sprimger13run(Emersonkick) MV Dantly Wilcox44 passfromConor Nehl(Emersonkick) MV —CodyAnthony1Nn(Emersonkick) MV —NickHjelm9passfromNehl (Emersonkick) MV — Hjelm 12passfrom Blake Knirk (Emerson kick) MV —Hjelm55passfromNehl (Emersonkick) MV — BrodieBlok 27 passfrom Knirk (Emerson kick) MV —Anthony26run(Emersonkick) MV —KalebWinebarger 3Nn(Emersonkick)

Nonconference Crook County28, Summit 27 (OT) Summit 0 0 7 14 6 — 27 C rookCounty 7 7 0 7 7 — 28 CC —CollbranMeeker2run (RyderShinklekick) CC — ClarkWoodward90intercept<onreturn (Shinkle kick) S—JoshCherry 14 passfromTyler Mullen(Devon Curtrightkick) CC —SethKessi 1run(Shinkle kick) S—Mullen58run(Curtright kick) S—Mullen13run(Curtright kick) CC — Meeker 9run(Shinkle kick) S Jason Garcia5run(runfailed)

Intermountain Conference Mountain View70, Redmond14 M ountainview 1 4 2 8 21 7 — 70 Redmond 14 0 0 0 — 14 MV —KeenanSpringer2 run(ZachEmersonkick) R— RileyPowell 75 run(runfailed)

Eagle Point 32, Bend27 Bend 0 14 0 13 — 27 Eagle Point 6 6 8 1 2 — 32 EP — Carlos Flores20passfromJorgeQuintero (kick tailed) B—HunterMcDonald1run (Tonrwatterskick)

Ridgeview 43, Cleveland 0 0 0 0 0 — 0 Cleveland Ridgeview 6 16 14 7 — 43 RV —Tanner Stevens22run (kick tailed) RV —ColeJohns2run (Stevensrun)

RV — JackBowman 46 passfrom JacobJohnson (Coleman Aamodt passfromJohns) RV —Bowman11 pass fromJohnson(Calvin Rodmankick) RV —Stevens9run (Rodmankick) RV —Johns27run (Rodmankick) Friday's Statewidescores Amity 42,Sheridan26 Ashland34,Wilamette 20 Baker22, McLoughlin 7 Banks29,Astoria 0 Canby35,West Linn14 Cascade Christian 55, llmois Valley10 Centennia51, l Lincoln 26 Central55,Stayton 10 CentralCatholic 69,Barlow7 Central Linn62,Toledo41 Chiloquin14,Bonanza7 Churchill 47,NorthEugene6 Clatskanie42,Warrenton21 Coquille 38,Myrtle Point12 Crane 58, PrairieCity8 Crater42, SouthEugene32 Dallas62,Corvallis 24 Dutur 52,Sherman6 Elgin 60,Echo16 Elmira54, LaPine6


Second half propels Blazers to victory The Associated Press LOS ANGELES — Damian L illard scored 12 of hi s 16 points in the third quarter to lead the Portland Trail Blazers to a 94-84 exhibition victory over the Los Angeles Clippers on Friday night. Lillard scored nine c onsecutive points in the period as the Blazers pulled away after trailing by a point at halftime. Nicolas Batum scored 14 points and Robin Lopez added nine points and 10 rebounds as Portland built a 17-point

lead with less than 10 minutes left in the game. The Los Angeles bench, led by Darren Collison, cut the deficit to four points, but Portland finished the game on a 10-2 run. Collison led all scorers with 31 points and added six assists. Blake Griffin was the only other Clippers player to score in double digits, finishing with 18 points and six rebounds in 25 minutes. Chris Paul added seven pointsand four assists in 30 minutes.

Estacada 21, LaSalle14 ForestGrove31,Hilsbor016 Franklin41,Benson23 Gilchrist 74,NorthLake20 Glencoe28,McMinnvile13 Gold Beach 36,Glide0 Grant56,DavidDouglas 34 GrantsPass52,Roseburg 42 Harper/Huntington58,Mitchell-Spray20 Harrisburg55, SalemAcademy8 Henley35,Mazama14 Heppner20, GrantUnion14 Hermiston60, HoodRiver34 HorizonChrist>anTualat>n56,Gervais 28 Imbler57,Cove14 lone 74,Arlington24 Irrigon34, Union0 Jesuit 51,Aloha7 Joseph56,PineEagle 34 Kennedy49,Culver 0 King'sWa yChristianSchool, Wash. 62,DaysCreek18 Klamath38,HiddenValley18 Lakeridge20, LakeDswego14 Lakeviewdef RogueRiver,forfeit Lost River41,St. Mary's15 Lowell 66,Siletz Valley24 Maplet on68,Mohawk44 Marshfield19,Sutherlin14

McKenzie50 Crow26 McNary48,McKay7 Monroe 51, Riddle0 MountainView70, Redmond14 Neah-Kah-Ni34, e Vernonia13 Nestucca 22, Gaston16 Newport55, Taft20 NorthBend59, Brookings-Harbor6 NorthDouglas16,Oakridge12 North Marion35,Molala 21 North Medford 42, SouthMedtord14 North Valley27, Phoenix21 Nyssa 20, Vale19 Ontario50,LaGrande8 OregonCity35, Clackamas21 Parkrose 37, St. Helens32 Pendl eton52,TheDalles-Wahtonka34 Perrydale76, Falls City28 Philomath45,Cascade14 PleasantHil 28,Scio 24 PortlandChristian33, Knappa6 Powers 72, ButteFalls 22 Putnam 35, Milwaukie0 Rainier46,Corbett 0 Reedsport34, Bandon22 Regis60,Santiam15 Reynolds55, Gresham34 Roosevel36, t JeffersonPDX7

SantiamChristian55, Creswell 0 Scappoose 25,Seaside16 Sheldon56,Thurston23 Sherwood 55,Sandy20 Silverton38, CrescentValley12 SouthAlbany29,Woodbum6 Sprague55,North Salem27 Springfield41,Marist 21 St. Paul70,Jewell 18 Sunset56,Beaverton 42 SweetHome33,Junction City6 Tigard63,Newberg 21 TriangleLake5z Yoncalla 28 Tualatin24,Century21

waldport5z chemawa0 Wallowa56, PowderValey 20 WestAlbany49,Lebanon0 WestSalem53, SouthSalem28 Weston-McEwen 40,Stanfield 36 Westview 42, Southridge 41 Wilson42, Madison6 Wilsonville45,Liberty7 Yamhill-Carlton27, Tilamook14

Jetsnee s ootoutto eatBues The Associated Press WINNIPEG, Manitoba — The Winnipeg Jets overcame an early deficit and a frightening injury to defenseman Jacob Trouba. T rouba's head-first crash into t h e boards afterhe missed a hit on Blues' defenseman Jordan Leopold silenced the crowd and cleared both benches early in the second period of the Jets' 4-3 win over St. Louis on Friday night. The minutes ticked by until he was wheeled off on a stretcher, managing to wave as fans shouted his name. Just 19, the Jets' top 2012 draft pick impressed his coaches at camp and fans with his aggressive all-out style. He has a goal and an assist this season. "Trouba's still getting evaluated, but everything's good, he's got motion, he's got everything," Winnipeg coach Claude Noel said.

NHL ROUNDUP "I think t h ey're just r unning him through some tests to make sure everything's fine." The game ended on a positive note for the Jets despite the inauspicious


Olli Jokinen scored his second goal of the night in the seventh round of the shootout the Jets forced after overcoming a 3-1 deficit in the third. "It definitely feels good when you win those," said center Bryan Little, who had an assist and kept the Jets in the shootout, along with captain Andrew Ladd, until Jokinen's winner. "It was a good win against a good team and hopefully that gives us some confidence.... We've got to believe we can beat teams like this on a nightly basis."

Noel agreed. "Although we were down 2-1 in the first, I thought we played a lot harder, we battled a lot harder for 60 minutes," he said. "We had opportunities to get demoralized and get discouraged a bit, but I thought against a team that can really close out games like St. Louis, I thought we really stuck to the plan." Evander Kane and Tobias Enstrom, with the tying goal in the third, also scored for the Jets, while Ondrej Pavelec made 29 saves. Also on Friday: Ducks 3, Coyotes 2: ANAHEIM, Calif. — Nick Bonino scored the tying goal with 2:02 left in the third period, Jakob

Silfverberg scored the deciding goal in the sixth round of the shootout and Jonas Hiller made 30 saves to lead Anaheim to a victory over Phoenix.




urnaroun sin ansas By Barry Wilner

sacked deep in Seattle territory. Palmer has thrown 11 interceptions in the past five games and 13 this season, second only to Eli Manning's 15. On Sunday, it's Peyton Manning's return to Indianapolis as the Broncos visit the Colts in prime time; Dallas is at Philadelphia; Cleveland at Green Bay; Baltimore at Pittsburgh; Cincinnati at Detroit; San Francisco at Tennessee; Chicago at Washington; New England at the New York Jets; Buffalo at Miami; San Diego at Jacksonville; Tampa Bay at Atlanta; and St. Louis at Carolina. Minnesota is at the New York Giants on Monday night. Off this week are Oakland and New Orleans.

The Associated Press

as it can get because it's the Dallas Cowboys," Eagles coach Chip Kelly said. "That's the way we look at it. We don't look at it and compare this week and that week and how we are. They have got our full attention. Our eyes are totally focused on the Cowboys and weare not comparing them to anybody else."

an ous on the quarterback (18 sacks).

San Francisco (4-2) at Tennessee How pretty the turnaround in Kan(3-3): Tennessee must find a way to sas City has been. cover Vernon Davis. The tight end How ugly the turnaround in Housvictimized Arizona last week for the ton has been. most yards of his career, 180, on eight When the Texans visit the Chiefs catches with two touchdowns. In his only game against the Titans, he had on Sunday, it will match up a title contender against a team trying to a career-high 10 catches for 102 yards. Might the Titans put their top corget things going in the right direcCleveland (3-3) at Green Bay (3-2): tion. With a t w ist, of course: The Are the Packers becoming a running nerback, Alterraun Verner, on Davis? team'? They've had 100-yard rushers Verner vs. Vernon could be exciting Texans are also-rans instead of AFC in three of the past four weeks — Ed- because Verner is tied for the league South leaders, and the Chiefs are undefeated rather than simply rebuilddie Lacy, James Starks, Johnathan lead with four interceptions and he ing from a 2-14 season. Franklin — after not having one ran one back for a TD. for nearly three seasons. But they K ansas City has won six i n a Chicago (4-2) at Washington (1-4): do have Aaron Rodgers, of course, Oddly, these teams are dead even row, and Houston has dropped four straight. The Chiefs are a takeaway which means the ball will be going through 47 meetings, 23-23-1. machine with 18 and a plus-12 difdownfield even without the injured Chicago is making its living on ferentiaL Houston is very charitable Randall Cobb. takeaways with an NFC-leading 17 with 15 turnovers and a minus-12. Denver (6-0) at Indianapolis (4-2): Cleveland's defense can be formi- and has a plus-7 differential. That But the Chiefs don't want to hear The returnof the great quarterback, dable, especially against the run, so could be decisive against the Redwell advanced at age 37. Rodgers might have to take to the air skins, who are minus-l. anything about being 6-0. "If you allow that to happen, there's Manning will be honored before often. He won't complain about that. Also clearly in the Bears' favor Baltimore (3-3) at Pittsburgh (1-4): A is the performance of their special where you get into problems," said the game in the stadium he helped coach Andy Reid, the man most re- get built and by the fans to whom he classic AFC North rivalry game, ex- teams compared to Washington's. sponsible for the winning after join- brought almost nothing but winning cept that the Steelers have fallen by Devin Hester is a force returning ing the Chiefs this season following football — and a Super Bowl title. the wayside. They did get their first kicks against good opponents, and Then he will do what he has always win last week against the Jets, and the Redskins aren't good — they 14 generally successful seasons in Philadelphia. " Personally, I d o n ' t done, go out to beat the opponent. If a victory over the defending Super struggle in just about all phases of worry about all that, and I haven't he wins, he will join Brett Favre as Bowl champions will have the folks special teams. New England (5-1) at New York Jets seen any of our guys worry about all the only quarterbacks to beat all 32 in Pittsburgh dreaming of an amazthat." franchises. ing turnaround. (3-3): New York gave New England There's plenty to worry about in "I don't play there anymore, but But Baltimore has won three in a quite a test in the rain in Week 2, but Houston, where Case Keenum gets I've continued to communicate and row at Heinz Field, which once was these Jets are severely limited after inI've enjoyed those times when I see a house of horrors for the Ravens. juries at the offensive skill positions. his first NFL start at quarterback for the injured Matt Schaub. someone from Indiana in a hotel or One player Steelers QB Ben RoethlisOf course, the Patriots have similar "I've been around a few teams that an '18' Colts jersey out here at prac- berger won't want to see is linebacker issues health-wise, losing two of their have gotten in a funk, turned the tice," Manning said. "There's always Terrell Suggs. "Sizzle" has sacked best defenders in NT Vince Wilfork ball over and made mistakes. This a connection there. I think to have to Roethlisberger 15'/2 times, the most and LB Jerod Mayo. The offense still has Tom Brady, who takes special has been very, very difficult," coach delivera message means I've been of anyone. "I have a feeling the whole NFL, if pleasure in beating the Jets, doing so Gary Kubiak said. "You don't stay gone and I don't think I really have." the same. If it continues, you've got Denver and Kansas City are the they're not playing, even if they are six straight times in the regular seato continue to search for something two remaining unbeatens. playing in the Sunday night game, son. He's 18-4 against the Jets, not each week. That's what we're trying Dallas (3-3) at Philadelphia (3-3):The they will catch a g limpse of this counting the postseason. game," Suggs said. to do this week by changing things winner will take over first place in New England is one win from tythe NFC East. Imagine that, a team up and trying to get it to go away." Cincinnati (4-2) at Detroit (4-2):Nor- ing Oakland for most regular-season Seahawks 34, Cardinals 22:In Glenwith a winning record in this down- mally, the juice here would be the victories (432) among the original dale, Ariz., Russell Wilson threw trodden division. presence of two of the game's top eight AFL teams. three touchdown passes, Marshawn Dallas might have to get there wideouts, Cincinnati's A.J. Green Buffalo (2-4) at Miami (3-2): The Lynch rushed for 91 yards and Seat- without two stars: DE D eMarcus and Detroit's Calvin Johnson. But other AFC East matchup, with the tle beat Arizona on Thursday night. Ware (thigh) and RB DeMarco MurJohnson has been slowed by a right Dolphins coming off two losses and The Seahawks (6-1) intercepted ray (knee). The Eagles, losers of eight knee problem, which means Lions a bye. two of Carson Palmer's passes, con- straight at home, figure to have Nick running back Reggie Bush might Buffalo made an impressive rally verting both into touchdowns, and Foles at quarterback instead of Mi- have to carry the load. to force overtime before losing to Cinsacked him seven times. chael Vick. The Bengals have a breakaway cinnati last week. The Bills have lost Arizona (3-4) got a touchdown Regardless, look for lots of wide- running threat of their own in rookie both road games. Miami must find a way to proand one of its three field goals after open offense. Gio Bernard, but the focus for CincinWilson twice fumbled while being "Our challenge right now is as big nati is a solid defense that gets after tect Ryan Tannehill, who has been

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sacked 24 times, on a record pace. Buffalo's Mario Williams has eight sacks already.

San Diego (3-3) at Jacksonville (0-6):

Coming off an impressive Monday night win over Indianapolis in which they did pretty much everything well on both sides of the ball, the Chargers face a cross-country trip on a short week. Hardly a recipe for success, except that the opponent is winless Jacksonville. The Jaguarshad theirbest performance of the season in their loss at Denver, and still fell by 16 points. Do we need to say more?

Tampa Bay (0-5) at Atlanta (1-4):

Atlanta has had a long time to stew about its weak start. Its three-game slide is the first under coach Mike Smith, and coming off a bye, if the Falcons don't begin a t u rnaround now they will never catch sight of New Orleans in the NFC South. But with Julio Jones gone for the season and Roddy White hobbled, the pass-

ing game no longer is formidable. Look for lots of throws to tight end Tony Gonzalez,who could wind up drawing Bucs star cornerback Darrelle Revis in coverage.

St. Louis (3-3) at Carolina (2-3): Seems rare to say the Rams and Panthers are coming off big victories. Sam Bradford had a career-best 134.6 quarterback rating last week against Houston, and he has two new faces who are contributing. Rookie RB Zac Stacy has at least 75 yards rushing in the past three games, and first-round pick Tavon Austin leads all NFC rookie receivers with 24 catches. Carolinahas played one fewer game than most teams, but its 68 points allowed is impressive nonetheless. LB Luke Kuechly, last year's top defensive rookie, leads the NFL in tackles with 209 since entering the league. Minnesota (1-4) at New York Gi-

ants (0-6) (Monday night):This sure looked like a nice matchup when the schedule came out. Adrian Peterson against a tough defense on a perennial contender. Now, there's little reason to tune in, although the Vikings are starting their third quarterback this season, recentlyacquired Josh Freeman.

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:asient an er ur in in oc errooms By Eddie Pells

The Associated Press

At the first sign that a pot entially d e adly s t r ai n o f staph infection was c oursing through the Washington Redskins' locker room, owner Daniel Snyder told his trainer to spare no expense. So, Bubba Tyer embarked on a renovation that ran nearly $80,000.

"' meaI

"A major, major project,"

Tyer said, referring to the 2006 remodeling of the team's headquarters. "But it was something that had to be done." As the recent cases of Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) infection in Tampa Bay havereminded players, owners and trainers across the league, the NFL has safety issues not only on the

playing fields, but lurking in the corner of its locker rooms as well. Scrapes and cuts can be every bit as dangerous as the hard hits and concussions that have grabbed so many headlines lately. In Washington, five players were afflicted with MRSA in 2006. The most notablecase was that of defensive lineman Brandon Noble, who nearly lost a leg because of complications related to the infection. "A tiny little thing that I cannot see," Noble called the infection in a blog on the Infectious Diseases Society of America website. "It has hurt me more than any of the others combined and had a hand

Mike Carlson /The Associated Press file

Tampa Bay Buccaneers guard Carl Nicks participates in a drill during NFL football training camp in Tampa, Fla., in July. The two-time All-Pro was diagnosed as having MRSA (Methiciiiin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) in a blister on the left side of his foot during training camp in August.

tion. The hot tub was torn out and replaced, and the entire building — meeting rooms, weight rooms, locker room — was sprayed to eradicate a ny lingering i n fection on surfaces. "And education was a key factor," Tyer said. "It's imporin ending my career." tant that guys look for it and By the time the infection are very aware of it." had reached the Redskins, it Signs went up around the was not a complete mystery in team facility, reminding playthe NFL. ers toshower before entering The St. Louis Rams had en- hot tubs and not to share racountered a widespread out- zors. Large containers of anbreak three years earlier and tibacterial soap were installed used bleach to disinfect their on the walls. entire facility. Lessons learned in St. LouSnyder wanted a more high- is, Washington and elsewhere tech approach. were shared across the league Benches in the locker room and are every bit as relevant were ripped o ut , r e placed today. " I constantly talk t o t h e by stools in f r ont o f e a ch player's locker, so no infec- players not only about hydration couldspread across the tion and nutrition, but also surfaces where the players cleaning up i n t h e l o c ker sat. A new ventilation system room, making sure it's clean, was installed to dry the sweat- making sure that we're wiping drenched pads. U l t raviolet down our helmets and things lights were put in to kill infec- like that," Buffalo Bills coach

Beavers Continued from C1 The game will feature two of the most prolific quarterbacks in the nation. Mannion set an OSU sin-

gle-game record lastweek when he passed for 493 yards in a 52-24 win at Washington State. He leads the Pac-12 Conference in passing and has thrown 24 touchdowns with just three interceptions. "They've puthim in good situations and have done a nice job of building the offense around him," Cal coach Sonny Dykes said. "They've simplified the game a little bit for him and he's improved. The combination of those things have allowed him to be much more successful." Cal's Jared Goff — whose father attended high school with Mannion's father — is not far behind. A true freshman, Goff already owns three of the top


four single-game passing performances in Cal history. He is fourth in the country at 339.3 yards per game and is the second Cal quarterback ever to pass for more than 450 yards in three games. A w e e k af t e r ge t t i ng b enched in t h e f i r s t h a l f against No. 2 Oregon, Goff set a school record with 504 yards in a 44-22 loss to Washington State on Oct. 5. H ere are f i v e t h i ngs t o watch when the Bears host the Beavers:

Rolling on the road:Oregon State is attempting to go 3-0 on the road for the first time s ince 1939, when they f i nished 9-1-1 and played in the inaugural Pineapple Bowl in H onolulu. History is on t h e Beavers' side, too. They have won five straight games in Berkeley and 11 of 14 overall in the series between these two longtime conference rivals. Cal beat Oregon State 23-6 at home in 2011, but that

live on the skin or in the nose without causing symptoms. The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says about2 percent ofAmericans are carriers.

The germs typically spread by skin-to-skin contact or by touching items used by a carrier orsomeone who is infected. Infection can occur when the germs enter a cut or scrape. The result may be a red, pusfilled pimple or skin boil, often mistaken as a spider bite. The surrounding skin can be red, swollen and painful. Leftuntreated, MRSA infections can become dangerous and potentially life-threatenChns O'Meara/The Associated Press file ing if they spread into muscle, Tampa Bay Buccaneers kicker blood, bones or the lungs. Lawrence Tynes was found to In 2003 in St. Louis, the have MRSA in August and is on MRSA outbreak began with the non-football injury list. players who had turf burns on their elbows, knees and forearms. They developed large Doug Marrone said. infected skin abscesses that MRSA germs ar e s t aph had to be surgically drained. bacteria that are resistant to MRSA was found i n t e am many antibiotics. MRSA can whirlpools and taping gel, and

game was played in San Francisco at AT8T Park, home of the San Francisco Giants. Keeping the faith: Cal has not had a lot of success in Sonny Dykes' first season. Barring a significant turnaround, the Bears will be headed for one of their worst records in more than 10 years. Dykes, who replaced longtime Cal coach Jeff Tedford, has not wavered in his approach to rebuilding the Bears. Steadily, he is beginning to see the payoff, even if it has not shown up on the scoreboard. "Like anything else when you're 18-22 years old, you want to see resultsyesterday," Dykes said of his players. "There's a little bit better sense of mental toughness. We were a little fragile earlier in the year. The fact that they've continued to buy in when things haven't gone our way shows a lot of maturity and c ommitment from those kids." Changing positions: Bren-

happen. One overcorrection led to the next." Continued from C1 Oregon has faced a pass-heavy ofOregon is undefeated this season fense like Washington State's "Air Raid" under Leach. Earlier this seaand averaging nearly 57 points per game with an offense that is racking son the Ducks defeated California and up 630.5 yards a game, second-best in first-year coach Sonny Dykes' "Bear Raid" offense, 55-16. the nation. But that game was played in an alOregon (6-0, 3-0 Pac-12) has a sixgame winning streak over Washing- most constant downpour in Eugene, ton State, averaging nearly 51 points and prolific Cal quarterback Jared per game over that span. Goff had trouble holding the ball and The Ducks are coming off a 45-24 was replaced. The forecast for tonight's contest victory over Washington in Seattle last weekend. AfterStanford's upset loss calls for clear skies with a game-time to Utah, Oregon is alone in first place temperatureof about 60 degrees. in the Pac-12 North. UCLA, also un"The rain obviously didn't give Cal defeated, leads the Pac-12 South in the an opportunity to do what they wanted standings at the halfway point of the to do, but our preparation is very similar," said UO defensive coordinator season. The Cougars (4-3, 2-2) will have to Nick Allioti. "I don't think it's going guard against a fourth-quarter melt- to rain, so we can't count on the rain. down like last week in a 52-24 loss to The rain did help us that game quite a Oregon State in Pullman. The Beavers bit, especially with a young freshman outscored Washington State 28-0 in quarterback. But this is an older guy the fourth quarter, and Cougars quar- and it won't be raining." terback Connor Halliday threw three Here are five things to look for when interceptions. the Cougars visit the Ducks tonight: "I think w e p a n icked," Cougars Haiiiday's status: Despite Halliday's coach Mike Leach said. "Both sides of struggles at quarterback against the the ball were trying to make too much Beavers, Leach has said he has no

from nose swabs of 42 percent of the players and Rams staff. "They're often w o r k i ng out together, in close physical proximity, they often have skin abrasions and wounds, they often share towels, sometimes to wipe off their sweat, and some have a "lucky" towel or jersey that they don't wash, which may become contaminated with MRSA," said Dr. Victoria Fraser, chair of the department of m e dicine at Washington University in St. Louis, who helped the CDC investigate the Rams' outbreak. In Cleveland, a n u m ber of staph infections, including MRSA, dogged the club through much of the past decade and led to two lawsuits against the team, contending that the Browns failed to sanitize equipment. The Browns, who settled lawsuits filed by former receiverJoe Jurevicius and offensive lineman LeCharles Bentley, said their hygiene practices are state-of-the-art. An NFL physicians' survey determined that there were 33 MRSA infections across the leaguefrom 2006 to 2008. Two occurred in San F rancisco, w here receiver Josh M o r gan reportedly lost about 15 pounds at the start of the 2008 season. This year in Tampa, guard Carl Nicks, kicker Lawrence Tynes and cornerback Johnthan Banks have been diagnosed with MRSA. After initially treating his infection with antibiotics, Nicks had a recurrence and needed surgery. Tynes is on the non-football injury list; Banks has not been sidelined. T he Bucs b rought i n a California-based c o m p any to make sure the infection is completely removed from the building — not an easy task, and one that must be completed thoroughly. And the latest reminder of the hidden dangers of a locker room. Said Dr. Buddy Creech, an infectious d i sease specialist at Vanderbilt University: "People need to pay it (MRSA) a healthy respect for what it can do."

dan Bigelow leads Cal with 277 yards rushing, but it might be some time before he returns to the Bears' backfield. One week ago, Bigelow was switched toreceiver and has been lining up in the slot ever since. He caught just two passes for 18 yards in the loss to No. 9 UCLA on Oct. 12, but Dykes is confident the 5-foot-10, 180pound Bigelow will excel as a receiver. The move was made due to a series of knee injuries Bigelow has suffered over the past few years. By using him as areceiver,the Bears believe they will get Bigelow in more favorable matchups. Moving the chains:Brandin Cooks has gotten plenty of attention as Oregon State's top wide receiver, and for good reason. Cooks has caught 63 passes for 944 yards already this season, and he leads the nation with 11 touchdown receptions. The Beavers are also

laney and Kevin Cummings. M ullaney is second on t h e Beavers with 30 receptions, 24 of which have resulted in either a touchdown or a first down. Cummings has also come up big, turning 12 of his 18 catches into first downs or touchdowns. Opportunistic defense: The Beavers get plenty of recognition for their high-powered offense. Their defense is not too shabby either. Oregon State is second in the Pac-12 and tied for eighth nationally with a plus-eight turnover ratio. That m atches its mark for al l o f 2012. More telling is how well the Beavers have played when their offense has coughed the ball up. They have committed seven turnovers but have yet to give up a touchdown on any of the ensuing drives. Cal owns a plus-nine turnover ratio but has not been as fortunate as the Beavers. Opponents are

getting plenty of solid pro-

averaging nearly 44 points a

duction out of Richard Mul-

game against the Bears.

plans to bench the junior. "All quarterbacks have a bad game, or one like that," Leach said. "He had a bad fourth quarter, but we have a whole team that had a bad fourth quarter." Halliday has 14 touchdowns this season, along with 13 interceptions. Dat return? It is uncertain whether dynamic Oregon running back De'Anthony Thomas will return this week against the Cougars. Thomas has been out since he slipped on the rain-soaked turf at Autzen on the opening kickoff against Cal three weeks ago. He has suited up for the past two games but has not played. Thomas has run for 338 yards and six touchdowns this season. If Utah can do it, why not the Cougs? Utah's surprise 27-21 victory over then-No. 5 Stanford showed Washington State that big upsets are possible. Indeed, the Cougars defeated a ranked opponent earlierthis season when they beatthen-No. 25 USC in Los Angeles, 10-7, although that was before theTrojans fired head coach Lane Kiffin. Washington State has not defeated a team ranked in the top five nationally since 2003, when the Cougars downed No. 5 Texas 28-20 in the

Holiday Bowl. Marvelous Mariota: Ducks q u arterback Marcus Mariota admits to watching ESPN now and then, so he no doubt knows that the pundits have him on their Heisman Trophy short lists this season. But he is trying to ignore the hype: "I wouldn't say I'm unaware, but I do my best not to pay attention. I focus on coming into the facility and just working out and doing the best that I can and getting better every day." The sophomore's numbers are impressive:He has completed 100 passes for 1,724 yards and 17 touchdowns with no interceptions. He has also run for 426 yards and eight more TDs. Pretty in pink:For tonight's game, Oregon will wear pink helmets — along with pink cleats, socks and gloves — to honor breast cancer survivors and help raise money for the Kay Yow Cancer fund. Following the game, the Ducks plan to auction off a number of the helmets for the charity, which is named after the former North Carolina State women's basketball coach, who died of breast cancer in 2009. Oregon will wear its black jerseys and pants to complete the ensemble.

Continued from C1 Then there is NASCAR, which ha s n o p r o blem pushing the boundaries of good taste. Wonder Bread actually looks pretty classy next to previous sponsors such as Viagra and ExtenZe, which used to saturate the l a te-night a i r w aves with infomercials promising "natural male enhancement." It still brings a smile to my face when I remember the year Atlanta Motor Speedway named a race after that most delicious of farm animals: "Pork The Other White Meat 400." This e n dless s h i lling works best when the driver actually seems to e njoy the product he or she is

plugging. Dale Earnhardt Jr. Iit up when talking about a promotion this weekend with Xbox. "I'm a big fan of Xbox," he said. "I was just on the Xbox this morning before I got on the plane. I'm trying to do some things in my Madden league. You're always trying to improve the team." Busch's affinity for "Tal-

ladega Nights" also is apparent.Last year, after be-

ing fired by Penske Racing for bad behavior and forced to take a r ide w ith t i ny Phoenix Racing, he competed one weekend with a "ME" logo painted on his car — just like Ferrell's character in the movie after his career went into a tailspin. This season, Busch became the first driver with a one-car team to make the Chase for the Championship. Next year, he will move to the powerful Stewart-Haas team, his redemption complete. Just like Ricky Bobby. "When he thinks he's on fire, he has to go through rehab and comes back to be successful," Busch said. "That's very similar to what I've gone through the last 18 months." It is hard to imagine another sport embracing a movie that basically spent two hours playing up every ridiculous stereotype, right down to their "shake 'n' bake" racing philosophy (whatever that means). Busch could no t s t op talking about Ricky Bobby when asked to name his favorite scene. "In the beginning, when he jumps in th e L aughing Clown M al t L i q uor car," he said. "Or the table scene, when he's saying the prayer. That's got to be the best. Or maybe it's when

Cal Naughton Jr. (Ricky Bobby's best friend and teammate) wants to figure out how to run the radio and the TV at the same time because he likes to


Of course, there is a flip side to a sport essentially p assing itself off a s o ne long commercial break. You might as well turn down the sound at the end of every race, when the winner monotonously rips off the name of every sponsor ("I'd like to thank the great folks at Old Spice and my Goodyear tires and that wonderful Sunoco fuel for putting me in position to take the checkered flag"). And, on any g iven race weekend, there are endless events such as Danica Patrick's yawner of an announcement Friday t h at she has a new deal with Aspen Dental (apparently, her teeth are better than her

driving skills).

"We're d edicated t o bringing America a healthy mouth," Bob Fontana,the company's president and CEO, said seriously. A trip to the dentist? That's no fun. M ore R i c k y Bo b b y , please! Actually, Busch has another idea that is certainly worth pursuing. He remembers a scene from "Stroker Ace," that thoroughly awful comedy from the early 1980s that also focused on stock car racing, the one in which star Burt Reynolds is forced to dress as a chicken for his sponsor. "I think we need to get with Bojangles and do the chicken suit," Busch said, breaking into a big smile. All they will need from

you, Bojangles, is a big ol' check.

C7 © To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbulletin.com/business. Alsoseearecapin Sunday's Businesssection.



NASDAO 3,91 4.28



+ -.01 '

S&P 500 1,744.50



S&P 500

Improvement expected

1 7oo " ""

Close: 1,744.50

Wall Street anticipates that Delta Air Lines' latest quarterly results will

1 ,640

Saturday, October 19, 2013

show improved earnings and revenue. The world's second-largest airline has saidsummer bookings were strong, thanks in part to healthy businesstravel.The company has been beefing up its presence in New York, including buying 49 percent of Virgin Atlantic airlines to bolster its position on the New York-London route. Delta reports third-quarter earnings on Tuesday.


10 DA Y S












StocksRecap NYSE NASD

Vol. (in mil ) 3,585 1,846 Pvs. Volume 3,395 1,894 Advanced 2217 1707 Declined 8 76 8 2 4 New Highs 4 74 4 0 3 New Lows 21 13

Close: 15,399.65

Change: 28.00 (0.2%)




'p' pEL TA •••••••9••

Change: 11.35 (0.7%)



1 0 DAY S

DOW DOW Trans. DOW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000


HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. 15412.97 15321.81 15399.65 +28.00 6830.45 6749.74 6830.45 +82.84 497.57 494.35 496.05 +1.44 9989.08 9941.00 9984.63 +49.79 3914.93 3882.06 3914.28 $-51.13 1745.31 1735.74 1744.50 $-11.35 1290.80 1280.64 1290.59 +10.96 18655.58 18513.51 18650.97 +137.46 1115.04 1105.91 1114.77 +12.50


%CHG. WK Mo OTR YTD +0.18% T $-17.52% +1.23% L +28.71% +0.29% L T T +9 . 48% L +1 8.25% +0.50% +1.32% L +29.63% +0.65% L +22.32% +0.86% L +26.48% +0.74% +24.38% +1.13% L +31.25%


Home sales rebound? Did the pullback in mortgage interest rates spur more homebuyers to purchase newly-built homes last month? Sales began to slow this summer after the Federal Reserve signaled it might begin tapering its bond-buying program, which has helped keep mortgage rates at rock-bottom lows. But the Fed held off last month, sending mortgage rates lower. Did buyers respond? Find out on Thursday, when the Commerce Department reports data on September'snew home sales.

New home sales,inthousands est.


450 400

350 300 250

200 A






source: Factset

Eye on UPS United Parcel Service reports third-quarter earnings on Friday.

The package delivery company's revenue has taken a hit this year as customers increasingly shift from premium, next-day air deliveries to lower-priced, two-day or three-day services. Investors will be watching to see whether the trend is temporary or part of a broader move toward lower-priced services.

ALK 36.59 — 0 68.00 65 .53 + . 0 7 + 0 .1 L L A VA 22.78 ~ 29.26 27.4 3 +. 2 5 +0 .9 L L BAC 8. 9 2 ~ 15.03 14.63 -.03 -0.2 L L BBSI 26 40 — 0 7349 76.02 +3.23 +4.4 L L BA 6 9 .30 — 0 12 2 .39122.52 +.23 + 0.2 L L CascadeBancorp CACB 4.65 ~ 7.18 5.92 +.12 +2.1 L L Columbia Bukg COLB 16.18 — 0 25.59 25.34 +.05 +0.2 L L Columbia Sporlswear COLM 47.72 ~ 66.69 62.88 +.77 +1.2 L L CostcoWholesale COST 93.51 — 0 12 0 .20117.64 -.62 -0.5 T Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5 62 — 0 1532 15.29 +.32 +2.1 4y- 33 82 29.43 +.44 $.1.5 T FLIR Systems FLIR 18 58 T Hewlett Packard HPQ 11.35 ~ 27.78 23.48 +.10 +0.4 L L Home Federal BucpID HOME 10.26 ~ 14.81 12.75 03 -0.2 T T Intel Corp INTC 19.23 ~ 25.98 23.88 05 -0.2 L L Keycorp KEY 7 . 8 1 — 0 12.63 12.60 +.06 +0.4 L L Kroger Co KR 2 3 13 — 0 42 22 42.38 +.17 +0.4 L L Lattice Semi LSCC 348 ~ 571 4 46 -.03 -07 T T LA Pacific L PX 14.17 ~ 22.55 17.6 1 +. 0 7 +0 .4 T T MDU Resources MDU 19.59 — o 30.21 29 .65 + . 43 +1.5 L L Mentor Graphics MENT 13,21 — 0 23,77 22 .89 + . 15 +0,7 L Microsoft Corp MSFT 26.26 ~ 3 6.43 34.9 6 +. 0 4 + 0 .1 L L Nike Iuc B NKE 44 83 — 0 75 25 75 .93 +1,39 +1,9 L L 4y NordstromIuc JWN 50.94 63.34 58 .74 +. 0 9 +0.2 L L Nwst NatGas N WN 39.96 ~ 49.84 43.4 9 +. 8 1 +1 .9 L L OfficeMax Iuc OMX 6. 2 2 — o 14.63 14 .65 +. 2 1 + 1.5 L L PaccarIuc PCAR 39.55 ~ 60.0 0 57. 5 6 +. 1 2 +0.2 L T 4yPlanar Systms PLNR 1.12 2.36 2.01 L Plum Creek PCL 40.60 ~ 54.62 48.82 -.27 -0.6 L L 4y- 270.00 243.34 +1.76 +0.7 L Prec Castparts PCP 161.00 L Safeway Iuc SWY 15,50 — 0 33,91 33.36 -.02 -0.1 T L Schuitzer Steel SCHN 23.07 32.99 29.71 +108 +38 L L Sherwin Wms SHW 138.36 194.56 184.56 -.44 -0.2 L L Staucorp Fucl SFG 32.14 — 0 59.73 59.98 + 27 $-0.5 L L StarbucksCp SBUX 44.27 — 0 7885 79.31 +.58 +0.7 L L Triquiut Semi TQNT 4.30 — 0 868 8.46 +.11 $.1.3 L L UmpquaHoldings UMPQ 11.17 17.48 16.59 +.04 +0.2 T L US Baucorp USB 30.96 ~ 38.23 37.92 +.24 +0.6 L L WashingtonFedl WAFD 15,64 — 0 22,85 22.85 +.13 +0.6 L L Wells Fargo &Co WFC 31.25 ~ 44.79 42.68 Weyerhaeuser WY 2 4.75 ~ 33.24 30.11 +.10 +0.3 L L

Alaska Air Group Avista Corp Bank of America Barrett Business Boeing Co

L +52.1 +73 .8 41 6 1 5 0. 8 0 L +13.8 +6.5 281 18 1.2 2 L +26.0 +55 .7 94249 20 0 . 0 4 L + 99.6 +1 6 2.9 2 5 37 0.52 L +62.6 +68 .7 3 8 55 2 2 1. 9 4 L -5.4 + 1 .0 9 5 L +41.2 + 38 .2 31 0 2 1 0. 4 0 L +17.8 +15 .7 9 9 2 0 0.88 L +1 9 . 2 + 3 0.6 2663 2 5 1 . 24 L +136.0 +87.1 1 0 3 c c T +31 . 9 + 4 9.3 1098 1 9 0. 3 6 L +64. 8 +6 2 .6 14167 dd 0 . 5 8 L +2.6 +15. 1 39 cc 0.2 4 a L +15.8 +13 .9 28284 13 0 . 9 0 L +49.6 +51 .7 11255 14 0 . 2 2 L +62.9 +71 . 2 2 2 72 1 4 0 . 6 6f ~ + 118 + 26 5 1 119 d d L -8.9 +13.5 2268 11 L + 39.6 +35 .1 1 9 41 c c 0. 6 9 T + 34,5 +41 , 0 53 5 2 4 0,1 8 L +30.9 +21 .1 40560 14 1 .12f L + 47,2 +54 ,5 4 7 12 2 6 0, 8 4 L +9.8 +3.7 966 16 1.2 0 L -1.6 -10.4 197 2 0 1 .84f L +70.0 +1 13.0 1285 3 0.0 8 a L +27. 3 +4 4 .3 1 024 20 0 .80a L +4 0 6 + 4 5 7 62 dd L +10.0 +15 .1 6 4 5 3 3 1. 7 6 L +28.5 +44 . 1 72 6 24 0.1 2 L +84.4 + 1 09.0 3115 18 0 . 8 0 L -20 + 28 308 CC 0 75 L +20.0 +21 .2 9 4 7 2 6 2. 0 0 L +63 6 $.7 9 5 1 3 5 14 0 9 3 f L + 47.9 +64 .4 4 3 15 3 8 0. 8 4 L +75.1 $. 6 2.2 1 755 d d L + 40.7 +39 .0 1 2 70 1 7 0 .60a L + 18.7 +12 .7 10109 13 0 . 9 2 L +35.4 +39 .7 39 8 1 6 0. 4 0f + 24.9 +26.9 17057 1 1 1 . 2 0 L +8.2 +9.9 32 9 5 2 8 0. 8 8

DiVidend FOO tnateS: 9 - EXtra diVidendS WerePaid, t78it are not inCluded. ti - Annual rate PluS StOCk8 - Liquidating diVidend. 8 - Amaunt deClared OrPaid in last12 manthS. f - Current annual rate, wttich was mcreased bymost recent divwend announcement. i - sum ot dividends pwd after stock split, no regular rate. I - sum of dividends paid this year. Most recent divwentt was omitted or deferred k - Declared or paid thi$ year, acumulative issue with dividends marrears. m - current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend annOunCement. p - imtial diVidend, annual rate nat knOWn, yield nat ShOWn. 7 - DeClared477paid in preCedmg 12 manthS pluS StOCkdiVidend. t - Paid in StOCk,apprOXimate CaSh value on ex-distritiutian date.PE Footnotes:e - Stock is a closed-end fund - no PiE ratio shown. cc - P/E exceeds 99. dd - Loss in last 12 months

Morgan Stanley is increasing its Cpmpany bank earned $1.01 billion after focus on individual clients as it Spetilght stripping out an accounting charge. transforms itself to adapt to a That compares with earnings of post-financial crisis world. The bank $56 0million a year earlier. That profit says that its third-quarter earnings works out to 50 cents per share before almost doubled as the firm's stock the charge, compared with 28 cents per sales and trading revenue rose. In share in the same period a year earlier. common with other banks that reported Fina n cial analysts expected earnings this earnings of 40 cents. week, fixed Total revenue income trading amounted to $6.1 • was a weak spot. billion, up 6.5 percent From July to from $7.6 billion a September, the year earlier.

Morgan Stanley 3Q profit nearly doubles

MOrgan Stanley (MS)

Frida y 's close: $29.69



Price-earnings ratio (Etased on trailing 12 month results):16 3-YR *: 6%

Total return YTD: 56% AP

Total returns through Oct. 18


10-YR *: -2%


Ann. dividend: $0.20 D i v. yield: 0.7%


Source: FactSet


PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK FUND N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 American Funds BalA m 23.41 + . 10+16.2 +16.1 +12.8+13.2 A A 8 CaplncBuA m 57.90 +.19 + 12.6 +12.8 +9.4+11.3 8 A C CpWldGrlA m 43.94 +.27 +20.3 +22.5 +10.3+13.6 C C D EurPacGrA m 48.05 +.39 +16.6 +20.5 +6.8 +13.1 C C 8 S&P500ETF 1256292 174.39 +1.17 FitlovA m 50.1 6 + .46+ 24.0 +24.5 +14.8 +16.0 8 C 8 BkofAm 942487 14.63 -.03 GithAmA m 43.51 +.48 +26.7 +28.2 +15.4+15.9 8 C C AMD 931258 3.53 -.56 Laudus USLCGr d LGILX IitcAmerA m 20.18 +.07+ 14.6 +14.4 +11.5+13.5 C A A GenElec 929379 25.55 + . 87 IttvCoAmA m 37.06 +.27+24.4 +23.5 +14.0+14.2 C D D Facebook 832539 54.22 +2.01 VALUE BL EN D GR OWTH NewPerspA m 37.73 +.35 + 20.7 +23.4 +12.1+15.6 C 8 8 Barc iPVix 648575 12.86 -.16 WAMutlttvA m 38.13 +.18 + 24.0 +22.0 +16.3+14.7 C A C Penney 525371 7.00 -.35 43 cC 83 Pfizer 429341 30.51 + . 25 Dodge 8 Cox Income 1 3.59 +.01 +0.2 + 0 . 6 + 4.2 +8.5 A 8 A Microsoft 405596 34.96 +.04 CD IntlStk 4 2.28 +.25 $-22.1 +27.5 +8.2$-15.2 A B A $L SPDR Fncl 404459 20.91 + . 04 Stock 157.57 +.98 +30.8 +30.8 +18.1+16.9 A A A Fidelity Cotttra 97.53+1.65 +26.9 +25.4 +15.9+16.3 C B C Gainers GrowCo 122. 6 1+1.53+31.5 +29.0 +19.4+20.4 A A A LowPriStk d 48.35 +.28+28.5 +31.3 +17.5+20.7 8 B A NAME L AST C H G %C H G Fidelity Spartan 500l d xAdvtg 61 .88 +.41+24.4 +22.3 +16.2+15.7 C B 8 Aetrium rs 4 .65 +1. 4 2 +44 . 0 FrankTemp-Fraoklio Income C m 2. 40 +.01 +10.8 +10.4 +9.6+14.9 A A A SwedLC22 8 5.00 + 2 3.00 +3 7 .1 «C AnacorPh 1 3.83 +3 . 0 6 +2 8 . 4 83 IncomeA m 2. 3 7 ... + 10.9 +10.6 +10.1+15.4 A A A AlignTech 5 7.98 + 1 2.05 +2 6 . 2 «C FraukTemp-Templetou GIBondAdv 13.18 -.02+2.0 +4.6 +5.2+10.7 A A A DaqoNE rs 4 1.19 +8. 2 8 +25 . 2 Oakmark Iittl I 26.62 +.20 $.27.2 +37.9 $.13.7$.19.7 A A A 473 ZhoneTech 4 .03 +.80 +24 . 8 RisDivA m 20. 77 +.13+20.3 +18.9 +13.9+12.7 E D E Mornlitgsiar Ownership Zone™ Oppeuheimer atheoahlth 1 30.83 + 2 5.37 +2 4 .1 RisDivB m 18. 80 +.12+ 19.4 +17.8 +12.9+11.7 E E E Aastrom rs 5 .20 +.83 +19 . 0 O o Fund target represents weighted RisDivC m 18 . 71 +.12 +19.6 +18.1 +13.1+11.9 E D E Tetraphase n 1 3.20 +2. 0 5 +18 . 4 average of stock holdings SmMidValA m42.79 +.29 +32.0 +34.8 +13.5+16.3 A E E ChinaNepst 2 .24 +.34 +17 . 9 • Represents 75% of fuitd's stock holdings SmMidValB m35.89 +.25+31.1 +33.7+12.5+15.3 A E E Losers CATEGORY Large Growth PIMCO TotRetA m 1 0 . 87 .. . -1.6 -0.5 +3.2 +7.7 C C 8 NAME LAST CHG %CHG MORNINGSTAR T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 32.18 +.14 +23.3 +22.2 +15.6 +15.0 C B 8 R ATING™ *** * * GrowStk 49.06 +.87 $-29.9 +29.4 $.17.7$-19.1 A A A -1.83 -40.7 AriadP 2.67 pSivida 2.87 —.93 -24.5 ASSETS $1,771 million HealthSci 58.28 -.22 +41.4 +37.6 +30.0 +25.1 8 A A -4.14 -21.1 AcaciaTc 15.48 EXP RATIO 0.78% Vanguard 500Adml 160.99+1.05 +24.4 +22.3 +16.2+15.7 C B B VandaPhm 7.83 -1.67 -17.6 5001ttv 160.98+1.05 +24.3 +22.2 + 16.1+15.6 C 8 8 MANAGER Dan Neuger -1.79 -17.2 KnightT 8.61 CapOp 45.62 +.19 $-35.7 +39.4 +18.0+18.7 A A A SINCE 2013-09-09 Eqlnc 29.14 +.12 $.23.1 +20.7 + 17.8+15.5 D A 8 RETURNS 3-MO +10.3 Foreign Markets StratgcEq 28.53 +.18 +33.0 +35.9 + 20.4+19.6 A A 8 YTD +27.3 TgtRe2020 26.91 +.11 +12.9 +13.5 + 98+123 8 A 8 NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +27.5 Tgtet2025 15.60 +.08 +14.8 +15.4 + 10.6+13.0 8 8 8 Paris +46.39 +1.09 4,286.03 3-YR ANNL +17.6 TotBdAdml 10.70 +.01 -1.5 -0.9 + 2.8 +5.8 D D D London 6,622.58 + 46.42 + . 7 1 5-YR-ANNL +19.4 Totlntl 16.73 +.09 +13.9 +18.6 + 5.5+12.1 D D 8 Frankfurt 8,865.10 + 53.12 + . 6 0 TotStlAdm 44.26 +.31 $-25.9 +24.6 + 16.8+16.7 8 A A Hong Kong 23,340.10 +245.22 +1.06 TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT Mexico TotStldx 44.25 +.31 +25.8 +24.5 + 16.6+16.5 8 A A 40,412.69 $.213.22 $ . . 53 Google, Iric. Class A 4.26 Milan 19,271.02 + 72.92 + . 38 USGro 26.83 +.32 +26.2 +26.4 $ -17.1 $-15.7 8 A C Apple Inc 4.07 Tokyo -24.97 —.17 14,561.54 Welltn 38.26 +.09 +15.2 +14.5 + 11.6+13.7 C A A 3.92 Stockholm 1,283.90 $-16.99 $-1.34 Visa, Ittc. Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs 1$paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption Sydney $.39. I 0 $ ..74 Qualcomm, Inc. 3.42 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing feeand either asales or 5,321.00 Zurich 8,084.65 $ -52.25 $ . 6 5 Priceliite.com, Ittc. 3.06 redemPtian fee. SaurCe:MOrn1ngStai. A. Veiga, J. Sohn • AP This no-loan fund carries a

5-star rating from Morningstar Marketsummary and its 10-year track record puts Most Active it near the very top of its NAME VOL (Dgs) LAST CHG large-cap growth fund peers.


CRUDEOIL $100.81



' 14





StoryStocks Stronger-than-expected earnings reports drove the Standard 8 Poor's 500 to a record high Friday for the second straight day. Technology stocks led the way after Google reported a bigger profit than analysts expected. Industrial stocks were also strong after General Electric's earnings came in higher than expected. The S8 P 500 had its biggest weekly gain in its last 14 attempts after Capitol Hill struck a deal that averted the potential for a default on the federal debt and reopened the government following a 16-day partial shutdown. The S&P 500 has gained more than 22 percent in 2013, that's greater than it has in all but three of the last 15 years. UNH

Close:$66.76 V-2.61 or -3.7% Health insurers participating in the government's health care market place say the new system is providing inaccurate data. $80

Adv. MicroDevices





A S 52-wcek range


0 $75.88


Close:$3.53 V-0.56 or -13.7% The microchip company saw a steep decline in sales of chips for notebook computers and Citi cut its price target to $4.50 $4.5



A S 52-week range

$1.81 ~

CMG Close:$509.74 %70.67 or 16.1% Profit surged 15 percent in the most recent quarter and the Mexican food chain issued an optimistic outlook for the year. $600 500 400

0 $4.55

VolJ21.1m (4.7x avg.) PE: 1 3 .1 Volc108.3m (3.8x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$69.91 b Yiel d : 1. 6% Mkt. Cap:$2.54 b






UnitedHealth Group

.....o . 14 400 A ' ' " M S.



Dow jones industrials





P E: . . . Yield: ...

Baker Hughes


Close:$55.55 %3.77 or 7.3%

A seasonal recovery in Canada and strength abroad pushed quarterly profits up 22 percent at the oilfield

services company. $60 55 50


A S 52-week range

$233.82 Vol.:2.4m (6.9x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$15.74 b



A S 52-wcek range


$511.10 $39.44 ~ $57.35 P E: 53 .7 Vol.:15.6m (4.7x avg.) PE: 24.4 Yield: ... Mkt. Cap:$24.61 b Yiel d : 1. 1 %


GOOG Intuitive Surgical IS RG Close:$1,011.41 A122.61 or 13.8% Close:$376.52 V-22.61 or -5.7% Shares surpassed $1,000 after the Quarterly profit slid as sales of the search engine reporter third-quarter medical company's da Vinci surgical results that far surpassed Wall Street system fell under cnticism from expectations. some experts. $1100 $420 1000




00 J

A S 52-week range

$636.00 Vol.:11.5m (6.1x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$277.06 b


ARIA Close:$2.67 V-1.83 or -40.7% The drug company will discontinue a late-stage study of its leukemia drug because of patient heart attacks and strokes. $30 20 10

A S 52-week range

$2.52~ Vol.:58.2m (7.8x avg.) Mkt. Cap: $494.24 m

A S 52-week range

$1,015.46 $357.52 ~ PE: 31.0 Vol.:2.1m (3.9x avg.) Yield: ... Mkt. Cap:$14.95 b





0 $585 .87

P E: 21 .9 Yield: ...


ACTG Close: $15.48 %-4.14 or -21.1% The patent collector shocked investors with a loss in the most recent

quarter and was downgraded by analysts at Stephens. $25 20


A S 52-week range


$24.59 $14.89 ~ $32.59 P E: .. Vol.:7.7m (12.7x avg.) P E: . . . Yie l d: ..Mkt. Cap:$773.29 m Yi e ld: 3.2% AP

SOURCE: Sungard


NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO OTR AGO 3-month T-bill 6-month T-bill 52-wk T-bill

The yield on the 10-year Treasury note fell to 2.58 percent Friday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans.

. 03 .04 . 0 7 .08 .12 .12

-0.01 T



-0.01 ... ~





.10 .15 .18

2-year T-note . 32 .31 +0 . 01 T T 5 -year T-note 1 .33 1 .3 3 ... T T 10-year T-ttote 2.58 2.59 -0.01 T T 30-year T-bond 3.64 3.66 -0.02 T T


.30 .79 1.83 3.02



Barclays Long T-Bdldx 3.44 3.44 ... T T Bond Buyer Muni Idx 5.21 5.21 . . . L L Barclays USAggregate 2.30 2.36 -0.06 T T PRIME FED Barclay s US High Yield 5.90 5.99 -0.09 T T RATE FUNDS Moodys AAA Corp Idx 4.50 4.57 -0.07 T T YEST 3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.55 1.56 -0.01 T T 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 B arclays US Corp 3 .19 3.26 -0.07 T T 1 YR AGO3.25 .13

Commodities The price of crude oil ticked higher on hopes for stronger demand following an encouraging report on the Chinese economy, but it remains close to its lowest level since July.


2.69 4.15 1.75 6. 23 3.56 1.06 2.7 0

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Oil (bbl) 100.81 100.67 + 0.14 + 9 . 8 -17.4 Ethanol (gal) 1.81 1.80 Heating Oil (gal) 3.04 2.99 +1.52 -0.3 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.76 3.76 +0.19 +12.3 Unleaded Gas(gal) 2.67 2.65 +0.96 -4.9 FUELS


Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. 1314.40 1322.70 21.87 21.90 1434.80 1431.90 3.29 3.29 739.65 736.80

%CH. %YTD -0.63 -21.5 -0.16 -27.5 +0.20 -6.8 -9.6 +0.12 + 0.39 + 5 . 3

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD -0.0 1.30 1.29 +0.56 1.15 1.15 -0.04 -20.3 4.42 4.43 -0.34 -36.8 Corn (bu) Cotton (Ib) 0.83 0.84 -0.85 +10.6 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 353.50 353.00 +0.14 -5.5 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.19 1.18 + 0.98 + 2 . 2 Soybeans (bu) 12.91 12.93 -0.15 -9.0 Wheat(bu) 7.06 -9.3 6.86 +2.88 AGRICULTURE

Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)

Foreign Exchange The dollar was little changed against other major currencies. It was nearly flat against the euro, and it remains close to its lowest level against the shared currency since Feb. 1.

h5N4 QG

1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6160 +.0003 +.02% 1 .6062 Canadian Dollar 1.0295 +.0005 +.05% .9853 USD per Euro 1.3679 +.0003 +.02% 1 . 3061 Japanese Yen 9 7.86 +. 0 1 + . 01 % 79 . 2 3 Mexican Peso 12.8 352 + .0635 +.49% 12.8543 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.5304 +.0059 +.17% 3.8214 Norwegian Krone 5.9054 —.0246 —.42% 5.6363 South African Rand 9.7829 —.0238 —.24% 8.6570 6.4185 +.0166 +.26% 6.5680 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .9023 +.0004 +.04% .9253 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar 1.0342 -.0036 -.35% . 9 648 Chinese Yuan 6.0970 -.0015 -.02% 6.2539 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7532 -.0009 -.01% 7.7505 Indian Rupee 61.255 +.150 +.24% 5 3.605 Singapore Dollar 1.2390 -.0003 -.02% 1.2190 South Korean Won 1060.39 -.41 -.04% 1104.30 -.01 -.03% 2 9 .25 Taiwan Dollar 29.36

© www.bendbulletin.com1business


BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR TUESDAY • MS Project Basics: Learn to use MSProject Basics; registration required;$159; TuesdaysandThursdays through Oct. 29,8:30a.m. -11:30 a.m.;COCCChandler Building, 1027N.W.Trenton Ave., Bend;541-383-7270. • Economics101 - Fine Tune YourVocabulary: BendChamberofCommerce ProfessionalEnrichment Series; registration required; $20 for members;$30 nonmembers;7:30a.m.; Volcanic TheatrePub, 70 S.W. Century Drive,Bend; 541-323-1881 orwww. bendchamber.org. WEDNESDAY • Resume Workshop: Learn howto updateyour resume during aninteractive workshop with staff from Goodwill JobConnection andOeschutesPublic Library system;registration recommended;free; 1:30-3 p.m.; DowntownBendPublic Library, 601N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-617-7080. • Business After Hours — Business Showcase: Bend Chamberof Commerce; registration required; free; 5p.m.;SeventhMountain Resort,18575 S.W.Century Drive, Bend;541-382-8711 or www.bendchamber.org. THURSDAY • October AdBite: Lynette Xanders will discussbrand artistry; registration required; $25for members,$45for nonmembers;11:30a.m.-1 p.m.; St. CharlesBend conferencecenter, 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-382-4321 or www.adfedco.org. FRIDAY • Howto Take Control of Your TimeandGetMore Out of Life: Learnstrategies to help productivity, focus and efficiency, registration required; $65;8-9:30 a.m.; webinar; info©simplifynw. com. Oct. 29 • Build a Professional Website for YourBusiness 2:Learn changesto improve thelookandfeel of your website; registration required; $129;Tuesdays through Nov.19,6-9 p.m.; Central OregonCommunity College, 2600N.W.College Way, Bend;541-383-7270. OCT. 30 •StepstoEconomicand Personal Success:Fourpart series onemployment readinessandempowering change; registration suggested;$88forseries; 5:30-8:30 p.m.;Eastlake Village Apartments, Community Room,675 N.E. BellevueDrive, Bend; 541-923-10 I8. • Howto Starta Business: Registration required;$29; 6-8 p.m.; CentralOregon Community College,2600 N.W. CollegeWay,Bend; 541-383-7290. For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday's Bultet/n or visit bendbulletin.com/bizcal


Illinoiscourtstrikes down 'Amazon tax' An lllinois lawaimed at leveling competition between online and brick-

and-mortar retailers while collecting more state sales taxes is unconstitutional,

the state supremecourt ruled Friday.

The opinion isanother shot in thecontentious nationwide battle over who should collect online sales

tax and how. Consumerswholive in sales-taxstates, such

as lllinois, owestate sales tax on their Internet purchases, whether they pay it

ese an o o By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

Bend-based High Desert Bank has started a campaign to raise $1 million in new capital, the second such effort the bank has undertaken in the last year. Bank officials announced the new campaign this week. They want to raise $1 million by the end of January, as they finalize a business plan to boost lending over the next few years, said Steve Ferber, High Desert's president and CEO. The bank raised $1.4 million

o raise ca i

In 2011, Capitol Bancorp tried to sell its majority stake in High Desert toagroupof San Francisco-areainvestors,but the deal didn't materialize. High Desert also needed a new chief executive. The bank's original president and CEO, Larry Snyder, left in mid-2012. Ferber, who joined High Desert in July after founding Clatsop Community Bank in Seaside, said raising capital is about positioning the bank to handle an uptick in activity as Central Oregon's real estate

latelastyear,spearheaded by a group of about two-dozen investors, who, as a group, purchased a majority stake. Two factors kept the bank from raising the capital all at once, Ferber said. High Desert wanted to finalize the majority share purchase, to get its original founder, Capitol Bancorp Ltd. of Lansing, Mich., out of the ownership picture. Capitol Bancorp has been reeling after filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection in August 2012.

and construction markets have gained steam. High Desert Bank had $28.9 million in total assets as of June 30, down from $30.6 million on June 30, 2012, according to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. The volume of delinquent notes has more than doubled during the last year. The bank had $1.2 million in noncurrent loans on June 30, up from $465,000 a year before, according to FDIC reports. But FDIC classifies High Desert Bank as well capital-

ized, the highest level of security against loans that don't get

paid back. A year ago, High Desert was classified as adequately capitalized. "The most important thing we've had to do as a bank is work on our problem assets, which are going in the right direction," Ferber said. The capital raise "is not about addressing concerns" with the bank, he added. "It's about giving the bank more capital so we can grow." — Reporter: 541-617-7820 eglucklichC<bendbulfetin.com


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Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Construction crews have been working to build a three-story, 114-room


Hampton Inn a Suites hotel near the Les Schwah Amphitheater in Bend's Old Mill Parking lot

CO umbia St.

District. Planning documents show the hotel will include an indoor pool and conference B

rooms. The hotel is expected to open by the summer of 2014.

Greg Cross /The Bulletin

ur oc ee sreinsat ox By Meg James Los Angeles Times

Rupert Murdoch easily swatted away another attempt to loosen his control over 21st Century Fox. Fox shareholders on Friday overwhelmingly supported the 82-year-old mogul's bid to retain his seat on the Fox board. Murdoch had the fifth-highest vote total in the company's annual election, with 463 million votes supporting his return. 46 million votes were cast against him. Three newly elected members of Fox's board captured higher vote totals than Murdoch — as did his chief lieutenant. Chief Operating Officer Chase Carey collected 471 million votes in support of his return to the board, with 39 million votes against him. Fox disclosed its election results in a filing Friday with the Securities and Exchange

Commission. Murdoch's two sons, howeveer, were lesspopular with shareholders. James Murdoch, 40, who is deputy chief operating officer of the media company, attracted 411 million votes in favor of his return to the board. But nearly 100 million votes were cast against him. Murdoch's oldest son, Lachlan, 42, received the lowest vote total. More than 384 million votes favored his return to the board, while about 126 million votes were cast against him. The closelywatched referendum to install an independent chairman was defeated. Shareholder activists and proxy advisory firms had campaigned in support of the measure. The independent chairman referendum generatedabout 147 million votes in support. But nearly 362 million votes were cast in opposition to the

measure. Murdoch and his family control 39 percent of Fox's voting shares. Friday's annual meeting was the first gathering of investors of the renamed 21st Century Fox. In late June, Murdoch spun off the company's publishing assets, including the Wall Street Journal and New York Post, into a new company, which continues to carriy the old News Corp. name. The Fox assets include the Fox broadcast network, cable channels FX and regional sports networks, the 20th Century Fox movie studio and interests in television operations in Europe and Asia. "20D has been a transformative year, and I couldn't be prouder of what we have accomplished," Murdoch told shareholders at the start of Friday's meeting on the Fox lot in Los Angeles.

On lower 747 demand,

Boeing slowsoutput By Joshua Freed The Associated Press

Boeing will slow down production of its doubledecker747jumbo jetas demand continues to be weak. Counting cancellations, Boeing has not booked any new orders this year for that

type of plane. Boeing said on Friday that it will slow 747 production to 18 per year — or 1.5 per month.

Boeing originally planned to build 24 per year, but slow sales had already prompted it to make plans to cut the rate to 21 per year. The slowdown begins early next year, and Boeing said it will stay at that lower rate through 2015. The slower rate "doesn't change our confidence in the 747-8or our commitment to the program," said

Eric Lindblad, Boeing's vice president and general manager for the 747, in a statement. The 747 has been used by airlines since 1970, and was initially popular for its long range and large size. But the revamped 747-8, first delivered in 2011, has not been selling well. About half of the orders have been for freighters; and even that market has been weak. The 747-8 faces tough competition from the larger Airbus A380, which has been available longer. It also competes with Boeing's smaller 777, which has been

a good seller. The biggest buyer of the passenger version has been Lufthansa, with orders for 19, including nine that have been delivered. No U.S. airlines have made purchases.

during virtual checkoutor when they file their state income tax returns. But few


pay unlesstax is collected atcheckout.Thatcan make

online purchasescheaper than those at brick-andmortar retailers. In March 2011, lllinois

passed theMainStreet Fairness Act. It expanded

the meaning of amerchant's physical presence to include that of affiliate

companies. To avoid havingto collectsales tax upon virtual checkout, some

large Internet retailers cut ties with affiliates in lllinois, and some lllinois

companies fled to Indiana and Wisconsin. — From wirereport


F a irbrother B r ackett

•AnnieHodgskisshasbeenelected as president of theBend Highnooners ToastmastersClub. • Rys Fairbrother has beenelected asthe vice president ofeducation and training oftheBendHighnooners ToastmastersClub. • Lucy Brackett has beenelected as the vice president ofmembership ofthe Bend HighnoonersToastmasters Club. • Pat Lynchhasbeenelected asthevice president of public relations ofthe Bend HighnoonersToastmasters Club.



• Faye Phillips has beenelected as treasurer of theBendHighnooners ToastmastersClub. • Daniel Frasieur has beenelected as secretary of theBendHighnooners ToastmastersClub. • Bill Lallman has beenelected as sergeant-at-arms ofthe Bend HighnoonersToastmasters Club. • Dan Varcoe has beenelected as president ofthe LaPineChamber ToastmastersClub. • Mary Chisholm has beenelected as


LaH m an

the vice president ofeducation ofthe La Pine ChamberToastmasters Club. •LindaStephenson hasbeenelected as the vicepresident of membership of the LaPineChamberToastmasters Club. • Tammy Leseur hasbeenelected as the vice president of public relations of the La PineChamber Toastmasters Club • Mary Thorson has beenelected as secretaryand treasurer ofthe LaPine ChamberToastmasters Club. • Woody Jarrell has beenelected as


Chisholm Stephenson Leseur

sergeant-at-arms ofthe La Pine ChamberToastmasters Club. • Graham Dent has joined CompassCommercialReal Estate Services as abroker. JarreH Dent hasmorethan12 years of commercial real estate experience andmost recently served asthe senior director of anasset managementcompany. • Joshua Rutter has joinedCompass Commercial RealEstate asthe regional


Tho rson


property managerof theassetand property managementdivision. Rutter has morethan l5 yearsof experience managingassetsandwas most recently a commercial property managerin Portland.

IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > Religious services, D2-3 Volunteer Search, D4

© www.bendbulletin.com/community



Hoedownfor Hunger planned Bend's Community Center will host the eighth annual Hoedown for Hunger from1 to 9 p.m. Nov. 2 at the center, 1036 N.E. Fifth St., Bend. The fundraiser highlights local music

Kirk McKoy/Los Angeles Times

The PopSugar specialedition subscription box.

and raises funds for


BCC's Feed the Hungry

program. The Hoedown will feature a full day of


Americana, folk and

bluegrass music by local bands, including Quincy Street, the Runway Ranch Band and the Bitterbrush Band. Attendees will

receive all-you-can-eat chili donated by local

restaurants as well as desserts from local bakeries. Beer and wine will be available. The event will also include a silent auction. Admission is $15 per teen/adult; children

12 and younger are free. Tickets can be

purchased at the door or in advance by calling 541-312-2069.

The community center will also collect outdoor survival gear donations for its Keep Them Warm program. Requested items include warm clothing,

propane cylinders, tents, tarps, bungee

cords, camping stoves, sleeping bags and pads, cookware and matches. Bend's Community Center is a nonprofit organization dedicated to building a strong community by providing resources for basic needs, job training and volunteer opportunities.

Learn how tobe a genealogist The Bend Genealogical Society will begin

offering an evening version of its First Tuesday

Mentoring Program beginning in November. Sessions will run from 6-8 p.m. on the first Tuesdays of

November, January, March and May. A morning session will be held from10a.m. to noon on the first

Tuesdays of December, February and April. The new schedule is

an effort by the group "to reach out to people who work or who for other reasons cannot attend a program in the

mornings," according to a release. The First Tuesday Mentoring Program

offers one-on-one mentoring for begin-

ning genealogists to help them learn how to research their family

history. The sessions will be held at William-

son Hall at Rock Arbor Villa, 2200 N.E. U.S. Highway 20 in Bend, behind Jake's Diner. A wireless connection will be available.

The program is free and open to the public, but registration is en-

couraged so mentors can prepare for the specific needs of each participant. Register by calling 541-317-9553.

Gontact us with your ideas • Community events: Email event information to events@bend bulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least10 days before the desired date

of publication. Contact: 541-383-0351.

• Story ideas: Email communitylife©bend bulletin.com. — From staff reports

Cool stuff in a box

• Emily Carr leads new OSU-Cascades writing program

By Alice Short

By David Jasper

Los Angeles Times

The Bulletin

LOS ANGELES — Signals about the economy are mixed. Predictions about holiday sales season aren't jolly. But our embrace of subscription services, where we pay a fee for a monthly or quarterly package of cool stuff, seems to continue unabated. Maybe it's the curiosity factor — the contents are often a surprise. Or the cool factor — in some instances the beauty creams or the necklaces or the scarves are available only to subscribers. Marshal Cohen, chief industry analyst for the NPD Group, says subscription boxes "fulfill the need fora lotofpeople who used to be aspirational shoppers. Now they take careof the euphoria they are seeking with se-

n May I, poet Emily Carr moved to Bend to take her post at Oregon State University-Cascades Campus, where she's the director of the new low-residency Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program. The following day, Carr headed east into the High Desert to shoot a short promotional video for the creative writing program, which she and her faculty are in the process of building from scratch. While the desert jaunt was a "fabulously disorienting" experience for someone who'd never before set foot in the High Desert, it was also promising for the award-winning poet, who'd arrived here after 3'/~ years as an adjunct professor in Santa Cruz. Carr, 35, has written two books of poetry, "13 Ways Of Happily" and "Directions for Flying," with a third book, "Up the Shinbones, Superlative!" due out in May. The desert fired her imagination. "I write spatially ... and while we were driving I could see this new kind of poem rising up out of the landscape and onto the page," Carr later told The Bulletin by emaiL While she hit the ground running last spring, Carr is likely having an even busier fall: The first cohort of her MFA students will convene for the first session, or "residency," Nov. 1-10. While that will be going on, Carr will also serve as a guest author at The Nature of Words literary festival, being held around Bend Nov. 7-10. On Nov. 10, the last day of the session, Carr and the students will attend Carr's reading at the Downtown Bend Public Library for The Nature of Words at Second Sunday

cret shopping."


Andy Tullis/The Bulletin

Emily Carr, the director of Oregon State University-Cascades Campus' new low-residency Master of Fine Arts creative writing program, in her office in Bend on Monday. Since moving to Bend in May, Carr has become an avid bike commuter.

13 ways of happily

(see "If you go").

While Second Sunday is a year-round event featuring monthly readings by poets and authors, this time it's also wrapped up with the conclusion of The Nature of Words. Carr is on a guest author roster that includes James Prosek, Jim Lynch, Lawson Inada, Karen Finneyfrock and the festival'sfounder and former executive director, Ellen Waterston. As tradition has it, the last day of the festival usually features a festival author along with an open mic for other writers. The Nature of Words and OSU-Cascades have long been partners, with festival writing workshops being held on the campus. Therefore, it's "a natural fit" to have Carr as a guest author, said Amy Mentuck, executive director of NOW. NOW also "looks to offer a well-rounded representation of genres, and Emily's poetry work is unique and really resonateswith our audience," Mentuck said.



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Submitted photos

Emily Carr, 35, has authored two books of poetry, "13 Ways of Happily" and "Directions for Flying." A third book, titled "up the Shinbones, Superlative!" is expected out in May.


Emily Carr discusses OSU-Cascades' creative writing program:dendbulfetin.com/carr

Ifyou go What:SecondSundayAuthorReadingby

.. Emily's poetry work is unique and really resonates with our "

Unlike traditional, "highresidency" MFA programs, low residency means students need not move to or near a campus to pursue their master's degrees. SeeCarr /D2

Sil getiOnl JOI Flging


audience." — Amy Mentuck, Nature of Words executive director

Emily Carr and Open Mic When:ff a.m., Nov.10

Where:Downtown BendPublic Library, 835 N.W. Wall St.

Cost:Free Contact:www.thenatureofwords.org

The offerings have inspired websites and guides, including subscriptionboxes.com and findsubscriptonboxes. com, musthaveboxes.com and myscriptionaddiction. com. Cohen said many traditional shoppers don't know about the trend — but the word is getting out. "People are going to critique each item and each box.Social media has created a family of communication about the products." A few months ago, Times staff writer Adam Tschorn wrote about Svbscription (svbscription. com), a New York Citybased program that sends subscribers a "luxe wooden box full of curated, cool curiosities." The quarterly service, aimed at men, is themed. The first box was a "Travel Edition," the second, a "Study Edition" with items including a Kaweco AL Sport fountain pen and a blue suede document case by Loden Dager. The "Home by the Selby" themed box — curated by photographer, illustrator and blogger Todd Selby and released earlier this year — included a Mast Brothers dark chocolate bar, a key chain from Los Angeles-based leather designer company Parabellum, a box with recipesfrom chefs such as Alice Waters and Eric Ripert, a scented candle from Coqui Coqui perfumes, a geometric money box from Italian furniture designer Martino Gamper (who partnered with New Zealand housewares store Everyday Needs) and a rather unusual set of stickers. (The "premium" version of the box included a bow tie and slippers.) Svbscription is $330 quarterly and $1,150 a year (one-off boxes are $350). The service has about 400 subscribers, 50 of whom are "premium" members who pay more than $500 for their quar-

terly package Not every subscription is so pricey. SeeSubscription /D4



Carr Continued from 01 Instead, they meet with instructors for intensive residencies a few times a year, writing and communicating with instructors via phone, email, Skype and other means when they aren't meeting in person. OSU-Cascades' p r o gram will bring students and instructors Arielle Greenberg

(poetry) and T. Geronimo Johnson (fiction) together for intensive 10-day residencies in November and June. "Students in a program like this — of course, they miss out on some things, like they don't get 15 weeks of coursework every semester— on the other hand, they get all this one-onone time with their instructor that you wouldn't normally get in a full-time graduate pro-


"The best thing you

can learn from a Master of Fine Arts ... the bottom line, ifit does itsjob, is

something magical and alchemical, which is that you are a writer by the time you leave." — Emily Carr, OSU-Cascades' Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing program director

sideline for i n f luencing his daughter's career path. "Probably her m other influenced her more than I did because Lois is a real avid reader of novels and other literature,epics and classes.When Emily was young, she'd pick gram," said Greenberg, up the books Lois was reading So far, the program has ac- and readthem herself. " cepted seven students, who Carr went on to earn her will join Carr, Greenberg and own MFA in creative writing Johnson at Caldera Arts Cen- at University of North Caroter, on the shores of Blue Lake lina-Wilmington's h i gh-resiwest of Sisters. dency program, then taught " That's one o f t h e b e st subjects including " m indful things I've accomplished as an drumming" and "the spoken administrator, and one of the word revolution" at a Quaker features that really shined," school in North Carolina for Carr said. "Having an envi- a couple of years. She's also ronment like that, and having taught fitness classes for many facilities specifically designed years, and is planning to int o inspire community a n d corporate that other teaching creativity. component into her Second "It's one thing to tell some- Sunday appearance. body, 'Go write a sonnet,' and After visiting Canada one they're all cramped in a class- summer, she decided to apply room with no windows and to schools in Canada to pursue florescent lights," she added. a doctorate. She earned her "At Caldera, one of the first Ph.D. in poetics from Univerthings students are going to sity of Calgary in 2010. do is find their private writing 'Turn out a whole writer' nook or cranny." Her dissertation supervisor, Doctor of poetry the author Tom Wayman, was If Carr wasn't a born poet, "lovely and super-practical," she became one young. She Carr said. Wayman directly was born i n M i ssouri and influenced an ambition Carr raised in Quincy, Ill., the old- has for the program — helpest of three daughters of Jerry ing OSU-Cascades' low-resiand Lois Kruse. (Carr was dency MFA students to take once married, and kept her a practical approach to earnmarried name after the split, ing a living after earning their she explained.) MFAs. "She was very i nterested Carr said that many wouldin reading and writing and be authors, after earning their communicating by the written MFAs, "crash and burn." "They were in a cocoon, and word very early on," said her father, a physician. Though so they can't survive outside high school basketball was the the cocoon. Many ofthem ... epicenter of community life in stop writing at all," she said. her hometown, Carr was interThe challenge, she said, is ested in poetry. "Even in grade finding "what you can do to school, she w r ote p oems," turn out a whole writer, meanKruse said. ing one that is self-sufficient, "I had a poem that won a and can survive." That's not th e p r evailing national contest," she said. "I got $1,000, which is a lot for a direction MFA programs are poem, or any piece of writing." heading in, "but they should Carr almost became a medi- be," Carr said. cal doctor, like her father. She Her thoughtful approach to was accepted into m edical turning out writers appealed school right out of high school. strongly to Greenberg, who "All I had to do was main- said, "Emily is clearly a vitain a certain GPA and take sionary about reconfiguring certain science classes (in col- what it means to be in an MFA lege), and I had my spot wait- program." ing for me," she said. That Greenberg told The Bulletin unique situation allowed her the traditional creative writing to "be a piano performance MFA — which dates back to major and write a lot of poetry, the 1960s and steered many a which is probably why I only writeron a career path toward survived a year" of medical teaching writing — isn't necesschool, she said. sarily the best model for today. "I'm certainly no t a l o ne She earned her bachelor's a t the U n iversity o f M i s - in this, but I'm one of a small souri, where she also began, movement of poet-academics and dropped out of, medical who feel like there's a lot of school. revision we need to do to the "It always comes back to MFA model at this point in what your parents want. I was time," Greenberg said. In her always encouraged to write own years of teaching, "it felt — I don't have one of those sob increasingly unethical to enstories — but they encouraged courage mystudents to expect that to be on the side," she a career in academia. "The market is glutted with sard. "Their thought was always, MFAs, and there's no (teach'You can be a poet after you ing) jobs. I was on many, many become a doctor,'" she said. hiring committees, and ... we "Many, many physicians do. would easily get 300 applicaIt's not uncommon." tions for a j o b," Greenberg Common or not, writing po- said. "We would be putting etry on the side of having even people in the 'no' pile whose a part-time practice didn't books had won the most presmean she'd become a great tigious award possible. It's so poet. It occurred to her that competitive." "if I actually want to be really According to Carr, OSUgood at this, I can't wait until Cascades will still teach stuI'm 40 or 45," she said. dents about teaching, "but "When you dropout ofmedthe assumption is a univerical school to be a poet, I don't sity or college will no longer think you can really articulate have classes open for you," what the decision is. There's she said. "You have to crereally no way to rationalize ate a workshop that you sell that," she said, laughing. to (for example) The Nature While the decision to leave of Words ... or you come up medical school was hard on with a class that you pitch to her parents, she said, "They've a nonprofit, and get them to completely come around, and pick up. Or you write a grant they're very supportive." to teach workshops in prisons Carr's father writes rhym- or hospitals." ing poetry related to medicine. O f course, noteveryone'scut "He's known for this when out for teaching either, Greenhe goes to conferences and berg added. "Just because you goes to holiday parties," she can write really well doesn't said. "He dresses up like Dr. mean you can teach writing Seuss andrecitesthese rhymreally well." ing poems ... some have even Said Carr, "The best thing been published in m e dical you can learn from a Master journals." of Fine Arts ... the bottom Kruse told Th e B u lletin, line, if it does its job, is some"My poetry's much different thing magical and alchemical, than Emily's. Mine rhymes which is that you are a writer and is not too good, and hers is by the time you leave." excellent." —Reporter: 541-383-0349, He doesn't credit his poetry djasper@bendbulfetin.com


Christianity calls for vegetarianism

To submit service information or announcements for religious organizations, email bulletin©bendbulletin.com or call 541-383-0358. ANTIOCHCHURCH: Sr.PastorKenW ytsma; "Following Jesus: TheSpiritualDisciplines"; Sundayat9:30 a.m.;Bend High School,230 N.E. Sixth St., Bend. BEND CHRISTIANFELLOWSHIP: PastorDave Miller; "The Two BecomeOne"; Sunday at10 a.m.; 4twelveyouthgroup;W ednesdaysat7 p.m.;19831 Rocking Horse Road, Bend. BEND CHURCHOFTHENAZARENE: "Be Overt," as part of the new series,"Christians in Action"; Sunday at10:15 a.m.,1270 N.E. 27th St., Bend. COMMUNITYOFCHRIST:Elder Gary Farnsworth; "Justice for All," based onLuke18:1-8; Sunday at11 a.m., following10:45a.m. praise singing; 20380 Cooley Road, Bend. CROSS CHURCH:Pastor EdByrnes; "PhilippiansFinding Joy &Contentment in theGospel: Different isGood";todayat6:30 p.m.;2640JonesRoad, Bend. DISCOVERY CHRISTIANCHURCH: PastorDave Drullinger; "A Vision for Our ldentity," based on Ephesians1:3-14; Sunday at10 a.m.; Adult Bible study at 9 a.m.; 334 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend. EASTMONT CHURCH:PastorJohnLodwick; "Neighboring? Why Bother?" based on Luke 7:11-17, 9 and part of the series, "NeighboringLikeJesus";Sunday at9 and 10:45 a.m.;62425 Eagle Road, Bend. FATHER'SHOUSE CHURCH OF GOD: Pastor Randy Wills; "Obedience," as part of the new series,"The Life of Abraham"; Sunday at10 a.m.; Youth Group; Wednesdays at 7 p.m.; 61690 Pettigrew Road, Bend. THE FELLOWSHIPAT BEND: PastorLoren Anderson; "Grace Changes Me," based on 1 Corinthians 15:8-11; Sunday at 10 a.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive Bend. FIRST PRESBYTERIANCHURCH:Pastor Jenny Warner; "God ln Animation: Blessing"; Sunday at 9a.m.,10:45a.m.and 5:01 p.m.;230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend. FIRST UNITED METHODISTCHURCH:The Rev. Thom Larson;"Howto Celebrate Paradox" based on 2 Corinthians1:18-22; Sunday at 9 and 11 a.m.;680 N.W. Bond St., Bend. FOUNDRYCHURCH:Mark Sue; A message about the Israelites'40-year journey from Egypt to the Promised Land, as part of the series,"The Story"; Sunday at10:15 a.m.; 60 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend. GRACE FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH: Pastor Joel LiaBraaten; "Endeavor to Persevere" and "Wrestling is Fun!"; Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; 2265 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend. NATIVITY LUTHERAN CHURCH:Youth at Nativity; Sunday at 9and11 a.m.; Bible study; Wednesdaysat10a.m.;60850 Brosterhous Road, Bend. NEW HOPECHURCH: PastorRandyMyers;"How to Stay Motivated," as part of the series "Blueprint For Life"; today at 6 p.m., Sunday at 9and10:45 a.m.; 20080 Pinebrook Blvd., Bend. NEWPORT AVENUECHURCH OF CHRIST: Minister Dean Catlett; "Staying Fit To Stay The Course," based on II Timothy1:1-18; Sunday at 10:45 a.m.; 554 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend. REAL LIFECHRISTIAN CHURCH:Pastor Mike Yunker; "Jesus Conflict with Pharisees"; Sunday at 8and10a.m.; 2880 N.E 27thSt.,Bend. SPIRITUALAWARENESS COMMUNITY OF THE CASCADES:Randall Shelton; "Love

By Charles C. Camosy The Seattle Times

Most of us are totally disconnected from the process of food production. When taking a bite of pepperoni pizza, we don't think about the fact that we

are eating pig. When grabbing a burger, it seldom crosses our minds that we are about to bite into a piece of cow. As Christians, if someone confronts us with these uncomfortable facts, we justify our behavior by noting that God gave human beings "dominion" over animals in the Genesis creation stories. But those same stories also insist that God gives us plants to eat, not animals. God creates animals "because it is not good man should be alone." Look it up. Furthermore, both Isaiah and Paul insist that all of creation will be redeemed such that both human and nonhuman animals will live together in a peaceable kingdom of nonviolent companionship. Sadly, that time seems a long ways off. Most of the meat we eat comes from huge corporations via monstrous factory farms, in which more than 100 million chickens are slaughtered each week in the United States alone. The lives of these chickens — like those of most animals in factory farms — are miserable, short and often terribly painful. They spend their pitiful lives in almost complete darkness and in only about one-half of a square foot of living space. To ensure that they reach full size and move to slaughter quickly, chickens are now genetically altered so that they feel constant hunger and eat as much as they can as quickly as possible. The all-consuming goal of factory farms is to maximize protein-unit output per square foot

of space. The Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church teaches that: 1. It is seriously wrong to cause animals to suffer and die without great need; 2. We owe animals kindness. Those who buy chickens and otheranimals from factory farms cooperate with a cruel evil and make a mockery of our duty to show animals kindness. Furthermore, virtually no one needs to eat factory-farmed meat — especially giventhatwe can get more than enough protein from eating relatively cheap lentils, peas, beans and nuts.






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Expressing"; Sunday at 5:15 p.m.; held at The Old Stone Church,157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend. SPRINGS OF LIFE MINISTRIES: Evangelist and Bible teacher EddieCienda; Wednesdays at 7 p.m.; ongoing;The Sound Garden Studio,1279 N.E. Second St., Bend. TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH:Sunday at 9 a.m.; St. Francis Church, 2450 N.E. 27th St., Bend. UNITARIANUNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OF CENTRALOREGON: The Rev. Alex Holt; "Stump the Minister: Bring on the Questions"; Sunday at11 a.m.; at the Old Stone Church, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend. WESTSIDECHURCH:Pastor Steve Mickel; "Shadows of a Savior"; today at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday at 8, 9and10:45 a.m.; 2051 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend. WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: PastorSteve Mickel; "Shadows of a Savior"; Sunday at 9 and 10:30 a.m.; 1245 S.E. Third St., Bend. WESTSIDEONLINE CAMPUS: PastorSteve Mickel; "Shadows of a Savior"; today at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday at 9 and10:45a.m.; www. westsidelive.org. COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIANCHURCH: Pastor RobAnderson;"W hat' s God'sM essage To You?" based on Luke18:1-18; Sunday at 9 and 11 a.m.; 529 N.W. 19th St., Redmond. GRACE LUTHERANCHURCHATEAGLE CREST:Pastor Randy VanMehren; "For the Christian, Life's Struggles Are Our Faith Pumping lron in the Gym"; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; 7525 Falcon CrestDr.,Redmond. ST. PAUL'SANGLICANCHURCH: Father John Pennington; "Believing Is Seeing," based on John4:46-54; Sunday at3 p.m .;SaintAlban's, 3277 N.W. 10th St.,Redmond. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH: Pastor Eric Burtness; "Learning to Wait on God," as part of the series,"An Adventure in Faith"; Sunday at 8:30 and 11 a.m., Oktoberfest Polka services; 1113 Black Butte Blvd., Redmond. SHILOHRANCH COWBOY CHURCH (FORMERLYSHEPHERD'S VALLEY COWBOY CHURCH):Pastor Jordan Weaver; Sunday at 9and10:30a.m.and Mondayat7 p.m .;Men's Bible study; Thursdays at 7 a.m.; in the cafe of The Rim Rock Riders Equestrian Facility, Brasada Ranch, 17037 S.W.Alfalfa Road, Powell Butte; Ladies Bible 101, Thursday at 7 p.m. at Brewers, 541-241-4220 for directions. VERTICALCHURCH OF GOD: PastorJeremy Seibert; Sunday at 10:30 a.m.; youth night; W ednesday at6 p.m.;52460 SkidgelRoad,La Pine. CONCORDIALUTHERANMISSION: The Rev. Willis Jenson; "God Answers the Prayers of Christians from Eternity in Christ," based on Luke18:7; Sunday at11 a.m.; held at Terrebonne Grange Hall, 828611th St., Terrebonne. "THE ABRAHAM INSPIRATIONGROUP": Seminar video with Abraham andJerry and Esther Hicks; donations accepted; 5-8 p.m. Nov. 2; Rosie Bareis Campus, 1010N.W.14th St., Bend;541-389-4523. RETIREMENTOPENHOUSE:Celebration for Rev. Loy and Dian Wiggers retirement; 1-4 p.m. Oct. 26; La PineCommunity Church; 16565 Finley Butte Road, LaPine; RSVPKaren at 541-6106096 or Carrie at 541-815-2969. SOLID GROUND: Concert by musical trio from Sacramento; free; 6 p.m. Today; Redmond Assembly of God, 1865 W.Antler Ave., Redmond; 541-777-0784 or sgm© bendbroadband.com.

I j I






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"The Wheel of Dharma" Buddhism

"Star of David"





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1049 NE 11th St. • 541-382-8274 SUNDAYS:

9:30am Sunday EducationalClasses 10:30 am Morning Worship This Sunday at Faith Christian Pastor Mike Johnson will share his message in the Sunday service title "NamingNames; Personhood ofthe Holy Spirit Part Vl" beginning at 10;30 AM. Childcare is provided in our Sunday morning service.

On Wednesdays "Restored Youth" service begins

Nursery & Children's Church CALVARY CHAPEL BEND

Pastors. Chris Blair, Trey Hinkle, Ozzy

Saturday 6:00 pm

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Osborne and Glenn Bartnik

Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am,

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13720 SW Hwy 126, Powell Butte

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1865 W Antler • Redmond 541-548-4555 SUNDAYS Morning Worship 8:30 am8 10:30 am Life groups 9 am Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am Evening Worship 6 pm WEDNESDAYS FAMILY NIGHT 7 PM

Adult Classes Celebrate Recovery Wednesday NITELive Kids Youth Group

Like Hymns? We've Got 'em!

Sunday Services 8 am

(No child care) available, call for days and times

10:00 am Contemporary Worship Service (Full children's ministryl For information, please call ...

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Book by Book"

Senior Pastor - Mike Yunker - 541-312-8844

• End-times prophecy

Youth Events

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or contact us at 541-385-5439

Temple Beth Tikvah is a member of the

Choirs, music groups, Bible study, fellowship and ministries every week


Union for Reform Judaism.

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Our members represent a wide range

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of Jewish backgrounds.

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We welcome interfaith families and Jews


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by choice.

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8 adults, Hebrew school,

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October 20, 2013 at 11.00am:

"I oving people one at a time."



and social activities

"Stump the Minister: Bring on the Questions"- Rev. Alex Holt, Interim Minister

Fr Theodore Nnabugo, Pastor www.holyredeemerparish.net Parish Office: 541-536-3571 HOLY REDEEMER, LA PINE

16137 Burgess Rd Tuesday, Wednesday 8 Friday Mass 9:00 am Sunday Mass — 10:00 am


Rabbi fohanna Hershenson

1270 NE 27 St.• 541-382-5496


Senior Pastor Virgil Askren

"Educating and Developing the Whole

Saturday, October 19, 9:00 am-


Child for the Glory of God"

Munch 8 Torah Study, Torah Service

9:00 am Sunday School for all ages

Pre K - 5th Grade

9:00 am Hispanic Worship Service

62425 Eagle Road, Bend • 541-382-2049

Tuesday, October 22, 7:00 pm-

Principal Lonna Carnahan

10:15 am Worship Service

Adult Education, call for information ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all Friday, October 25, 7:00 pm-


Thurs. Mass 9:30 am;

Pastor Duane Pippitt


Sunday mass 8:00 am Confessions: Thurs. 9:00-9:15 am


Church Service 8 Sunday School: 10 am W ed. TestimonyMeeting:7:30pm

8:30 am Sunday

www.uufco.org (541) 385-3908

For the complete schedule of WEDNESDAY

Services 8 Events go to:

6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study



10:00 am 50+ Bible Study



For information about our


Currently meetingir(500 SW BondSL

120 Mississippi Dr

Life Groups

1541) 617-2814 www.centraloregonbaptistchurch.org

Reading Room:

Religious Education programs,

Sunday Mass — 12:30 pm

115 NW Minnesota Ave.

call Kathy Schindel at 541-388-8826

Please visit our website for a complete

Confessions: Sundays 12:00 — 12:15 pm

Mon. through Friz 11 am - 4 pm

Confessions Sundays 3:00-3:15 pm




Sat. 12 noon - 2 pm



"Disp)4¹in¹ IheReir(ily oj Chris( in

Urrr(en(ab(eWa¹s" 62425 Eagle Road, Bend 541-382-5822 www.eastmontchurch.com

Sunday Services Classic (Blended) Service 9;00 am Contemporary Service 10:45 am Hispanic Service 6:00 pm For more information about weekly ministries for the whole family, contact 541-382-5822 or email infoCeastmontchurch.com

Masses Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM Domingo 12:30PM -M isa en Espanol


Learnhow tosing HU, a love song to God:

pronounced like the word hue, is sung for

about 20 minutes and is followed by a brief

Corner of NW Franklin 8 Lava

Masses Saturday 8:00 AM

Sunday 4:30 PM

Followed by a discussion.

(FORMERLY FIRST BAPTIST) "A Heart for Bend in the Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862 Pastor Syd Brestel Sunday School classes are at9:00 am and our Worship Service at 10:15 am

For Kidztown, Middle School and High School activities Call 541-382-3862 www.bendchurch.org

3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond • 541-548-4161

For complete calender: www.hbcredmond.org

• •

Saturday, Nov. 2, 2:00-3.30 pm,

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Redmond Library, 827SW Deschutes Ave.


21720 E. Hwy. 20• 541.389 8241

Saturday, Nov. 30 F Dec. 28 at 3:00 pm,


at the East Bend Library

Worship in the Heart of Redmond

62080 Dean Swift Rd.

Details to be announced.

Nursery Care Provided for All Services


Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur 21720 E Hwy. 20 541.389 8241

www.clcbend com

Sunday Worship Services at 8:30 am 8 I I:00 am

Sunday School for all ages 10:00 am


Fall Sermon Series:

529 NW 19th Street

"An Adventure in Faith"

(3/4 mile north of High School)

March 7- 9, Unity Church of Portland

Redmond, OR 97756

and the Portland ECK Center.

www.eckankar.org or www.miraclesinyourlife.org orcall541-728-6476. •


(541) 548-3367 Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor


9:00 am Contemporary Worship

A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich and

9:00 am Nursery Care

diverse music program for all ages

9:15 am Children 8Youth

Cojfee,suurks andfellowship

Sunday School

aJter earliservice

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First Saturday 8:00 am (English)

12:00 noon (Spanish)

494 NW Lava St. at Franklin, Bend, OR

Youth and Family Programs

6:30 pm Centering Prayer

4 SaturdayS and TMC: $115 5 Saturdays and TMC: $l38

Every Saturday on the church


Active Social Outreach

The First Tuesday of each month. $23


Copy Changes: by Monday

5:30 pm Prayer Service

I week Prior to Publication

Redmond, OR 97756 - 541-923-7466

Small Groups Meet Regularly

Call Pat Lynch

Pastor Eric Burtness

(Handicapped Accessible)


Please visit our website for a complete

We are grateful to the community 1113 SW Black Butte Blvd.

Confessionson Wednesdays from

through our red doors


M iddleSchool— Wednesday 6;00—7;30pm Mondays

and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5 15 pm

Open Hearts. Open Minds Open Doors. Rev. Thom Larson f(rstchurchCabendumc.org

Copy Changes:

3rd Tues.Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner

All are welcome

'During the Week: Women's Groups, Men's Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, Music 8 Fellowship

by 5 PM Tuesday

Historic St. Francis Church,

5:00 to 5:45 pm

Rev. Thom Larson Sermon Title: "How to celebrate Paradox" Scripture 2 Corinthians I 18-22 9:00 am - Contemporary Service Sunday School during the 9:00 am Service 11:00 am -Traditional Service Childcare provided on Sunday

Youth Groups

I:00 pm

The Rev. Roy D. Green, Interim Rector

(In the Heart of Downtown Bend) 680 NW Bond St. /541.382.1672 Everyone u Welcome!

High School — Sunday 11:00am-12:30pm

3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study

Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am (English)

Wed. Bible Study at noon

Sunday Schedule

for the outpouring of help

page. $23 M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am

8:00 am and 10:15am

Wednesday 6.00 pm

The Bulletin:

11:00 am Traditional Worship

469 NW Wall St. • 541-382-5542 www.trinitybend.org

at 11 a.m.

in the Community Room of Redmond'sRay'sMarket, 900 SW 23rd Street, just off of Hwy 126. Or, come early at 10 a.m. for discussion of ¹OcrupytheBible by Dr. Susan Thistlethwaite. All Peoples meets on the first and third Sundays of each month. On November 3rd, All Peoples meets again in the Community Room of Redmond's Ray's Market. For details, directions and possible help with car-pooling, email: a))peoplesuccCagmail.com or call: 541-390-6864

Effective May I, 2013

Everyone Welcome - Always.

1720 NW 19th Street

(except Wednesday)

Wednesday Mid-WeekService

For more information please visit

Mass Schedule:

Children F Youth Programs 7:00 pm

5;00 PM - 6:00 PM

Father Todd Unger, Pastor

8:45 am 8 10:45 am

Tuesday (Family Holy Hourl

Redmond, Oregon 97756

Sunday Morning Worship Pastor Joel LiaBraaten

Other events:

Worship with us Sunday, October 19th



Women's Bible Study, Tuesday 9:15 a.m.

Come Experience a warm, friendly family of


I •

ALL PEOPLES UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Imrrr/irreworsliit¹n¹ like Ihe First Century Christians... small¹roups¹4(frering in businessesirnd homes. All Peopleswal()s in their footstepswith 4 21st Cen(urr/progressiveviewpoint. ShareI/re journe¹ wit/r us.

Education Hour 10:45 a.m

after 7:00 AM Mass to 6:00 PM

Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm Sunday Worship Services: 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11.00 am Sunday Bible Fellowship Groups 9:30 am 8 11:00 am Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor


Children's Room available during services


IChild Care Availablel Sunday School 10:20 a.m.

"Developing a Love for All Life"

Tuesday 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM

This Sunday at Foundry Church, Mark Sue continues TheS(ory with a discussion about the Israelites' 40 year journey from Egypt to the Promised Land.


Worship Service,

Coming in 2014. Regional Seminar,


Call for information about other meetings Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m

Men'a Bible Study, Wednesday 7:30 a.m.

M onday Friday 7.00 AM 8 12:15PM

Exposition S Benediction

worshipping God and teaching the Bible

period of sacred contemplation.

"Travel the Road to Spiritual Freedom" FOUNDRY CHURCH

Sunday Worship 10:00 am Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated to truths recovered through the Reformation.


Meeting at the Golden Age Club



2450 NE 27th Street


40 SE 5th St., Bend

a loving, uplifting, Spiritual Exercise HU, 7:00 PM — Prayer Meeting 8 Adult Bible Study 7:00 PM — Kids 4 Truth

Just 2 blocks SW of Bend High School

2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend



Light andSound of God

Community HU


Religion of the

Experience an Eckankar

6:00 PM — Growth Groups (call for locations)


Rev. Julian Cassar

Rev. Joseph K. Thalisery


All services are held at the


9:15 AM — Prayer Meeting 9:30 AM — Adult Bible Fellowship 9:30AM — Children'sSunday School 10:30 AM — Worship Service


680 NW Bond Street

57255 Fort Rock Rd

Sunday Mass — 3:30 pm

listing of activities for all ages.

First United Methodist Church

near Christmas Valley

Meeting place:

Worship Services "Courageous Living" on KNLR 97 5 FM

Childcare provided.

God-Centered Worship Expository Bible Teaching Rich Hymns S Songs Family Oriented Ministries Christ-Focused Living Meaningful Loving Relationships Compassionate Gospel Witness

Our Religious Education classes this Sunday (for children Pre-K through Grade 5) will be discussing "Dia de los Muertos", in preparation for our intergenerational service on October 27. Childcare is available for infants and toddlers.


1551 NW First St. • 541-382-6100

(South of Portland Ave.)

This morning is an annual service Rev. Alex does to encourage any questions that the congregation would like to ask him. Questions will be submitted either in advance or at the service. Join us for a fun service.

Nursery Care 8 Children's Church


Confessions: Saturdays — 3:00-4:00 pm

18143 Cottonwood Rd.


Torah study, social action projects


Wednesday Noon Worship followed by 12 30pm Contemplative Prayer

www.houseofcovenant.org REAL LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH

at the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th

Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry are

CROP Hunger Walk Sunday, October 27, 3pm, Trinity Episcopal Raising money to fight hunger and poverty. http://www.crophungenvalk.org/centralor

Pastor Randy Myers

YouthGroup: Wednesday 7 pm Child Care provided

God In Animation Sermon Series September 8 — October 27 A sermon series on the stories of the Bible

• Bibhcal Feasts • Lifecycle Events

Sundays. 8:30 F 10:30 am Wednesday Night Study: 7 pm

Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm

I, •

Hadashah (New Testament)


at 7:00 PM

A number of Faith Journey Groups meet throughout the week in small groups, please contact the church for details and times. The church is located on the corner of Greenwood Avenue and NE 11th Street. www.bendfaith.com

• Davidic dance and worship • Children's ministry and nursery

Our Sabbatical Journey July 15 — November 4 Creating Spaces of Grace Information and blog at www.bendfp.org

listing of activities for all ages. www.redmondcpc.org



s~ i-383-0396 PlynCh@bendbulletin.COm



VOLUNTEER SEARCH Volunteer Search is compiled by the Department of HumanServices Volunteer Services. The organizations listed are seeking volunteers for a variety of tasks. Toseeafull list, and for additional information on the types of help needed, goonline to www.bendbulletin.com/volunteer. Changes, additions or deletions should be sent to1300 N.W.Wall St., Suite103, Bend 97701, email Therese.M.Helton©state.or.us or call 541-693-8988.

Abbott, paulabbott©scouting.org or 541-382-4647. BOYS &GIRLS CLUBS OF CENTRAL OREGON: www.bgcco.org, info© bgcco.org or 541-617-2877. CAMP FIREUSA CENTRAL OREGON: campfire©bendcable.com or 541-382-4682. CASA(COURTAPPOINTED SPECIALADVOCATES): www. casaofcentraloregon.org or 541-389-1 618. CHILDREN'SVISION FOUNDATION: Julie Bibler, 541-330-3907. SENIORS CIRCLE OFFRIENDS: Beth, bethO acircleoffriendsoregon.com or AARP:www.aarp.org/money/taxaide 541-588-6445. or 888-687-2277. DESCHUTES COUNTYSHERIFF'S ASPEN RIDGEALZHEIMER'S OFFICE— CENTRALOREGON ASSISTEDLIVING AND RETIREMENT PARTNERSHIPSFORYOUTH: COMMUNITY:541-385-8500. www.deschutes.org/copy, COPY© BEND SENIORCENTER: Kim, deschutes.org or 541-388-6651. 541-706-6127. FOSTERGRANDPARENTS CASCADEVIEW NURSING AND PROGRAM: Steve Guzanskis, ALZHEIMER'SCARECENTER: 541-678-5483. 541-382-7161. GIRLSCOUTS: 54I-389-8I46. CENTRALOREGON COUNCIL ON GIRLS ONTHE RUN OF DESCHUTES AGING(COCOA)AND MEALS ON COUNTY:www.deschutescountygotr. WHEELS: www.councilonaging.org or org or info©deschutescountygotr.org. 541-678-5483. GRANDMA'SHOUSE:541-383-3515. LA PINESENIOR ACTIVITY CENTER: Karen Ward, 541-536-6237. HEALTHYBEGINNINGS:www.myhb. org or 541-383-6357. LONG-TERMCARE OMBUDSMAN PROGRAM:NancyAllen, HIGH DESERT TEENSVOLUNTEER 541-312-2488. PROGRAM: www.highdesertmuseum. org or 541-382-4757. PILOTBUTTE REHABILITATION CENTER:541-382-5531. IEP PARTNERS: Carmelle Campbell at the Oregon Parent Training and PRINEVILLESOROPTIMIST SENIOR Information Center, 888-505-2673. CENTER:Melody,541-447-6844. J BAR JLEARNINGCENTER:Rick TOUCHMARK ATMT.BACHELOR Buening, rbuening@jbarj.org or VILLAGE: 541-383-1414. 541-389-1409. UNITED SENIORCITIZENSOF JUNIPERSWIM & FITNESS CENTER: BEND(USCB): uscb@bendtel.net or Kim, 541-706-6127. 541-323-3344. KIDS CENTER: Lisa Weare, Iweare© VOLUNTEERSINACTION: kidscenter.org, 541-383-5958. 541-548-7018. LA PINEHIGHSCHOOL:Jeff Bockert, jeff.bockert@bend.k12.or.us or CHILDREN, YOUTH 541-355-850 I. AND EDUCATION MEADOWLARKINDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM: Teal Buehler, SERVICES 541-617-9576. ADULTBASICSKILLS DEPARTMENT MOUNTAINSTARFAMILY RELIEF (COCC):Margie Gregory, mgregory© NURSERY: 541-322-6820. cocc.edu or 541-318-3788. NEIGHBORIMPACT: 541-548-2380, AFS-USA: www.afsusa.org or Caitlin ext. 115. Krutsinger, 503-419-9514. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY ALYCE HATCHCENTER:Andy Kizans, EXTENSION SERVICE: 541-548-6088, 541-383-1980. 541-447-6228 or541-475-3808. BEND PARK&RECREATION OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY DISTRICT:Kim, 541-706-6127. MASTERGARDENERVOLUNTEER PROGRAM:http://extension. BIGBROTHERS BIGSISTERS OF oregonstate.edu/deschutes or CENTRAL OREGON: 54 I-312-6047 541-548-6088. (Bend), 541-447-3851, ext. 333 (Prineville) or 541-325-5603 (Madras). READTOGETHER:541-388-7746. BOY SCOUTSOF AMERICA: Paul REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL:

541-923-4807. REDMOND LEARNINGCENTER:Zach Sartin, 541-923-4854. REDMOND YOUNGLIFE: 541-923-8530. SCHOOL-TO-CAREERPARTNERSHIP: Kent Child, 541-355-4 l58. SMART(STARTMAKING A READER TODAY):www.getsmartoregon.org or 541-355-5600. TRILLIUM FAMILYSERVICES: 503-205-0194. VIMA LUPWA HOMES:www. lupwahomes.org or 541-420-9634. YOUTH CHOIROF CENTRALOREGON: 541-385-0470.

ANIMALS AND ENVIRONMENT BEND SPAY&NEUTERPROJECT: 541-617-1010. BRIGHTSIDEANIMAL CENTER: volunteer©brightsideanimals.org or 541-923-0882. CAT RESCUE,ADOPTION & FOSTER TEAM (CRAFT): www.craftcats.org, 541-389-8420 or541-598-5488. CHIMPS, INC.:www.chimps-inc.org or541-410-4122. DESCHUTESLANDTRUST: www.deschuteslandtrust.org or 541-330-0017. DESCHUTESNATIONALFOREST: Jean Nelson-Dean,541-383-5576. EAST CASCADES AUDUBON SOCIETY: www.ecaudubon.org or 541-241-2190. THE ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER: www.envirocenter.org or 541-385-6908. EQUINEOUTREACH HORSE RESCUE OF BEND: www.equineoutreach. com or joan@equineoutreach.com or 541-419-3717. HEALINGREINS THERAPEUTIC RIDING CENTER: Darcy Justice, 541-382-9410. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON: Jen, jennifer©hsco.org or 541-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOF THE OCHOCOS:541-447-7178. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRACLUB: 541-389-9115. PRINEVILLEBLM:www.blm.gov/or/ districts/prineville/recreation/host.php or 541-416-6700. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLE BAGGING:Lexa McAllister, Imcallister@cocc.edu or 541-914-6676. SUNRIVERNATURECENTER& OBSERVATORY: 541-593-4442.


HEALTH AMERICANCANCERSOCIETY: Charlie Johnson, 541-434-3114. AMERICAN REDCROSS: 541-749-4111. THE BLOOM PROJECT:www. thebloomproject.org or Heidi Berkman at h.berkman©thebloomproject.org or 54 I-241-8845. DESCHUTESCOUNTYHEALTH DEPARTMENT: Tuesday Johnson, Tuesday Johnson©co.deschutes. or.us or 541-322-7425. HOSPICEOF REDMONDSISTERS:www.redmondhospice. org or Volunteer Coordinator at 54 I-548-7483. MOUNTAINVIEWHOSPITAL:JoDee Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext. 5097. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL HOSPICE:541-460-4030 or Tori Schultz, tschultz©mvhd.org or 541475-3882, ext. 5327. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS— CENTRAL OREGON: Eileen White, namicentraloregon@ gmail.com. NEWBERRY HOSPICE: 54I-536-7399. PARTNERS INCARE:www. partnersbend.org or SarahPeterson at 541-382-5882. RELAYFORLIFE: Stefan Myers, 54 I-504-4920. ST. CHARLESIN BENDAND ST. CHARLESIN REDMOND: 541-706-6354. VOLUNTEERS IN MEDICINE: Kristi, 54 I-585-9008.


FRIENDS OFTHE BEND LIBRARIES: www.fobl.org or Meredith Shadrach at 541-617-7047. HIGH DESERTCHAMBER MUSIC: www.highdesertchambermusic. com or Isabelle Senger at info@ highdesertchambermusic.com or 541-306-3988. HIGH DESERTMUSEUM: 541-382-4754. LA PINEPUBLICLIBRARY:Cindylu, 541-317-1097. LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Brad, volunteer@latca.org or 541-382-4366. THE NATURE OFWORDS: www.thenatureofwords.org or 541-330-4381. REDMOND FRIENDSOFTHE LIBRARY:541-312- I060. REDMONDINTERCULTURAL EXCHANGE (R.I.C.E.): Barb, bonitodia@msn.com or 541-447-0732. TOWER THEATREFOUNDATION: 541-317-0700.

HUMAN SERVICES ABILITREE: volunteer@abilitree.org or 541-388-8103, ext. 217. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL:Philip Randall, 541-388-1793. ASSISTANCELEAGUEOFBEND: 541-389-2075. BEND COMMUNITYCENTER: volunteer@bendscommunitycenter. org or 541-312-2069. BETHLEHEMINN:www.bethleheminn. org or 541-322-8768. BRIDGING GAPS:bendbridginggaps© gmail.com or 541-314-4277. CENTER FORCOMPASSIONATE LIVING(PREVIOUSLY PEACE CENTER OF CENTRALOREGON): ww w. compassionatecenter.org or Beth Hansen,541-923-6677. CENTRALOREGON VETERANS OUTREACH: covo.org©gmail.com or 541-383-2793. DEPARTMENT OFHUMAN SERVICES/ VOLUNTEER SERVICES:Therese Helton, Therese.M.Helton@state,or.us or541-693-8988. DEPARTMENT OFHUMAN SERVICES/ VOLUNTEERSERVICESCROOK COUNTY:Valerie Dean, 541-447-3851, ext. 427. DISABLEDAMERICANVETERANS (DAV):Don Lang,541-647-1002. FAMILY KITCHEN:Cindy Tidball, cindyt©bendcable.com or 541-610-65I1. FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER: 541-389-5468. HUMAN DIGNITYCOALITION:

541-385-3320. HUNGERPREVENTION COALITION:Mane,info© hungerpreventioncoalition.org or 541-385-9227. LA PINECOMMUNITY KITCHEN: 541-536-1312. NEIGHBORIMPACT: chrisq© neighborimpact.org or 541-548-2380, ext. 106. PEACEBRIDGES, INC., BEND: www.abridgetopeace.org or JohnC. Schwechten at 541-383-2646. PFLAG CENTRALOREGON: www.pflagcentraloregon.org or 541-3 I7-2334. RONALD MCDONALDHOUSE:Teresa, 541-3 I8-4950. SAVINGGRACE:541-382-9227 or 541-504-2550. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF BEND: www.sibend.org, president© sibend.org or 541-728-0820. ST. VINCENTDEPAULSOCIAL SERVICES:541-389-6643. VOLUNTEER CONNECT:www. volunteerconnectnow.org or 541-385-8977. WINNINGOVER ANGER & VIOLENCE: www.winningover.org or 541-382-1943. WOMEN'S RESOURCECENTER OF CENTRALOREGON:541-385-0750.


SUPPORT GROUPS BRAININJURY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-382-9451. BRAINTUMOR SUPPORT GROUP: 541-350-7243 BREAKUPS ANDDIVORCE SUPPORTGROUP:541-610-3060 or phoenixcounsle ingbend@gmail.com. CANCER FAMILYSUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-5864. CANCER INFORMATIONLINE: 541-706-7743. CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-536-7399. CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-6802. CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP:54I610-3060 or phoenixcounselingbend© gmail.com CELEBRATERECOVERYBEND: Faith Christian Center, 541-383-5801; Westside Church, 541-382-7504; centraloregoncr.org CELEBRATERECOVERYLAPINE: Grace Fellowship, 541-536-2878; High Lakes Christian Church, 541-5363333; Living Waters Church, 541-5361215; centraloregoncr.org CELEBRATERECOVERYMADRAS: Living HopeChristian Center, 541-4752405 or centraloregoncr.org. CELEBRATERECOVERY REDMOND: RedmondAssembly of GodChurch, 541-548-4555 or centraloregoncr.org. CENTRALOREGON ALZHEIMER'S/ DEMENTIACAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP:541-504-0571. CENTRAL OREGONAUTISM ASPERGER'SSUPPORTTEAM: 541-633-8293. CENTRAL OREGONAUTISM SPECTRUM RESOURCEAND FAMILY SUPPORTGROUP:541-279-9040. CENTRAL OREGONCOALITION FOR ACCESS(WORKING TO CREATE ACCESSIBLE COMMUNITIES): 541-385-3320. CENTRAL OREGONDEPRESSION AND ANXIETYGROUP:541-420-2759 CENTRAL OREGONDISABILITY SUPPORTNETWORK:541-548-8559 or www.codsn.org. CENTRAL OREGONFAMILIESWITH MULTIPLES: 541-330-5832 or 541-388-2220. CENTRALOREGON LEAGUE OF AMPUTEES SUPPORTGROUP (COLA):541-480-7420 or www. ourcola.org. CENTRAL OREGONRIGHT TO LIFE: 541-383-1593.



541-706-4789. MISCARRIAGESUPPORT GROUP: 541-514-9907. MOMMY ANDMEBREASTFEEDINGSUPPORT GROUP: Laura, 541-322-7450. MULTIPLESCLEROSIS SUPPORT GROUP:541-706-6802. NARCONON: 800-468-6933. NARCOTICSANONYMOUS (NA): 54 I -416-2146. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESSOFCENTRAL OREGON (NAMI):541-408-7779, 541-504- l43 I or email: vonriedlpn@yahoo.com. NAMI BEND - EXTREMESTATES:541647-2343 or www.namicentraloregon. NAMI BENDCONNECTIONS: 541-4808269 or www.namicentraloregon.org NAMI BENDFAMILY SUPPORT GROUP:whitefam@bendcable.com or www.namicentraloregon.org. NAMI MADRASCONNECTIONS: For peers, 541-475-1873 or NAMlmadras@gmail.com. NAMI MADRASFAMILY SUPPORT GROUP:541-475-1873 or NAMlmadras@gmail.com. NAMI MADRASFAMILY-FAMILY SUPPORTGROUP:541-475-3299 or www.namicentraloregon.org NAMI REDMOND FAMILYSUPPORT GROUP:namicentraloregon@gmail. com. NEWBERRY HOSPICE OF LA PINE: 541-536-7399. OREGON COMMISSIONFOR THE BLIND:541-447-49 I5. OREGON CURE:541-475-2164. OREGONLYME DISEASE NETWORK: 541-312-3081 orwww.oregonlyme.org. OVEREATERSANONYMOUS: 541306-6844 or www.oa.org. PARENTS/CAREGIVERSOF CHILDRENAFFECTEDBYAUTISM SUPPORTGROUP:541-771-1075 or http://coregondevdisgroupaso.ning. com. PARENTSOFMURDEREDCHILDREN (POMC)SUPPORT GROUP: 541-410-7395. PARISH NURSES ANDHEALTH MINISTRIES:541-383-686 I. PARKINSON'SCAREGIVERS SUPPORTGROUP:541-317-1188. PARKINSON'SDISEASE SUPPORT GROUP:541-280-5818. PARTNERS IN CARE: Homehealth and

hospice services; 541-382-5882. PAUL'SCLUB:Dads and male caregiver support group; 541-548-8559. PFLAG CENTRALOREGON: For parents, families and friends of lesbians and gays; 541-317-2334 or www.pflagcentraloregon.org. PLAN LOVINGADOPTIONS NOW (PLAN):541-389-9239. PLANNEDPARENTHOOD: 888-875-7820. PMS ACCESS LINE: 800-222-4767. PREGNANCYRESOURCECENTERS: Bend,541-385-5334; Madras,541475-5338; Prineville, 541-447-2420; Redmond, 541-504-8919. PULMONARY HYPERTENSION SUPPORTGROUP:541-548-7489. RECOVERINGADDICTS IN THE ADDICTIONFIELD:541-6 IO-3060 or phoenixcounsel ingbend@gmail.com. SAVINGGRACE SUPPORT GROUPS: Bend, 541-382-4420; Redmond, 541-504-2550, ext. 1; Madras, 541-475-1 880. SCLERODERMA SUPPORTGROUP: 541-480-1958. SEXAHOLICSANONYMOUS: 541-595-8780. SOUPANDSUPPORT:For mourners; 541-548-7483. SUPPORT GROUPFOR FAMILIES WITH DIABETICCHILDREN: 541-526-6690. SURVIVORS OFSUICIDE LOSS SUPPORTGROUP:541-610-3060 or phoenixcounse lingbend©gmail.com. TOBACCOFREEALLIANCE: 541-322-7481. TOPS OR:Bend, 541-388-5634; Culver, 541-546-4012; Redmond, 541-923-0878. TYPE2 DIABETESSUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-4986. VETERANSHOTLINE: 541-408-5594 or 818-634-0735. VISION NW:Peersupport group; 541-330-0715. VOLUNTEERSINMEDICINE: 541-330-9001. WOMEN'S RESOURCECENTER OF CENTRALOREGON:541-385-0747 WOMEN SURVIVINGWITH CANCER SUPPORTGROUP:541-706-5864. YOUNGPEOPLEWITH DISABILITIES PEER GROUP: 83I-402-5024. ZEN MEDITATIONGROUP: 541-388-3179.

ry, accessories, home goods, bath products and stationery to subscribers, starting at $23 a month. For$29 a month, a company called For the Mak-

Subscribers to Conscious Box ($12 a month at consciousbox. com) receivea parcel of "pure and sustainable products." Nina Garcia, creative director of Marie Claire and a "Project Runway" judge, is now part of Q u arterly Co., a t r i -monthly s u bscription service;for prices that range

ers (forthemakers.com) will

from $25-$100 a pop, sub-

send the materials to make h ome goods, j ewelry a n d other goods. Birchbox (birch-

scribers can receive curated mailings from Garcia or a variety of other "tastemakers." San Francisco-based PopSugar, the fashion/beauty/celebrity/fitness blog and em-

pire, launched its $35-a-month subscription service in July 2012. The company's "Must Have" boxes have included a foldable black hat with a wide brim, sweet potato tortilla chips, Pacifica Natural Color Quench Lip Tint, and a series of premeasured cocktail mixers to make a "modern margarita." A box sent to subscribers in the spring included Buxom's Sculpted Lash Mascara, a "corkatoo" corkscrew, a Heather Belle signature tassel necklace and a box of yellow Peeps. The

June box included a copy of "Revenge Wears Prada: The Devil Returns" a package of FIT popcorn and a Gorjana & Griffin Zuma Scarf. Kejlan McNamara, senior m anager, c onsumer c o m merce marketing at PopSugar, says the Must Have boxes "are selling out two months in advance." PopSugar also curates a special edition, seasonal box for $100. The "fall style" offering included a Rachel Zoe gold knot ring, Stila Cosmetics "Luxe Eye Shadow Pal-

ette," a Cynthia Vincent lined s hopping bag, L i b r ar y o f Flowers bubble bath, Christian Lacroix Papier Notebook and Goldfaden MD's microderm e x f o liator. ( N e ither PopSugar nor S vbscription take returns.) Even People magazine is getting into the act. For $200 a year, premium subscribers will receive special print and digital content and a series of gift boxes "designed by the editors." According to the New York Times, the first box includes "designer note

cards inspired by t his season'sshirtdresses, an animalprint scarf influenced by the styles worn by Heidi Klum and vinyl n ai l w r ap s t h at give subscribers a glimpse at Rihanna's style." Policies about subscription cancellations and returns or refunds vary. S vbscription and Pop Sugar, for instance, don't accept returns; BirchBox and Conscious Box will. Often the services encourage subscribersto just pass it on: give unwanted items to friends as gifts.

The following list containssupport group information submitted to The Bulletin. Submissions must be


Subscription Continued from 01 The"Umba Box" (umbabox.

com) sends handmade jewel-

box.com) sends a package of beauty product samples (travel size) for $10 a month.





'CSI'rings in300 bydelving backinto its past TV SPOTLIGHT

and "Air Force One" to "Prim ary C o l ors" a n d " Q u i z Show," Guilfoyle is pleased he's still getting new chapt ers of Brass' story. A b i g one launched th e c u r r ent "CSI" round, when the cop found his ex-wife killed by the deeply embittered Ellie

something long-living th at people want to show up and By Jay Bobbin go to work for every day. In© zap2it cluding me." A 300th episode is a mileDanson appreciates that stone extremely few series the 300th episode, also feaget to celebrate. t uring B ethany Jo y L e n z ("One Tree Hill") and Jason Maybe that doesn't seem a s surprising for a d r a m a Priestley as guests, "really t hat has spent much of i t s honors t h o s e c h a r acters run heralded as "the most who have been there from popular show in the world," the start. It takes them back but it's a major moment for to the first year of the show, "CSI: Crime Scene Investiand they do this great thing gation" nevertheless. called 'faux-backs,' instead The g lobally s u ccessful of flashbacks. They use the Anthony E . Zu i k e r - creactors as they are today, and a ted procedural — w h i c h Art Streiber/CBS Entertainment Marg came in and shot some — which tells you how reinspired m u c h of wh at Paul Guilfoyle stars in "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation," whose CBS' prime-time schedule 300thepisode airs Wednesday on CBS. markable she is, to still look has looked like for the past like she did 12 years ago." d ecade-plus — m a r k s t h e As Helgenberger's Catheevent Wednesday with a sto- such a long-distance run. k nows from hi s long r u n s rine ended her weekly "CSI" "It's kind of like the work ry that acknowledges "CSI" on the sitcoms "Cheers" and run, Danson's Russell saved "Becker" the significance of h er life b y r a c in g t o h e r history in a number of ways. my father did, having a craft The plot revisits a cold case and participating in manuepisode No. 300. rescue, but he reports that " I feel v er y c l ever t h at filming didn't go entirely as from the Las Vegas foren- facturing something every sics team's earlydays, and day. It feels old-fashioned in I joined the show w he n I planned. "She came sprinting down founding co-star Marg Hela way, and there are a lot of did, so I can pretend I had genberger (who will be back good things about it. There something to do with this," this long driveway in h i gh on CBS weekly this winter are 250 workers in this proDanson muses. "They had heels, ducking bullets, and I in "Intelligence") returns as duction, many of them bea cake for the crew and ev- came roaring up in my SUV Catherine Willows. h ind th e scenes, and I ' v e erybody, and (executive pro- and slammedthe brakes and Paul Guilfoyle, alias Capt. learned to become one of ducer) Jerry B r u c kheimer yelled, 'Get in!' She was supJ im Brass, has been w i t h them." and all the CBS executives posed to open the door and "CSI" from t h e s t art. "It's Now in his third of the 14 w ho have been part o f i t dive in, but if you don't stick kind of an abstract number," "CSI" seasons, Emmy winwere all there ... and it was the car in park, all the doors the actorreasons ofreaching ner and television staple Ted so sweet to look around and lock automatically. And she the 300th tale. "It's almost Danson — who plays everrealize there were cast and had to do t h e w h ole t ake like waking up and looking p ensive team l e ader D . B . c rew m e mbers w h o h a d over because she couldn't in the mirror. You know time Russell — first worked with been there from day one. get the back door open. She " Besides b e i n g r ea l l y w asn't totally f on d o f m e is going by. Having been in G uilfoyle i n t h e h i t 1 9 8 7 150 different p r o ductions, movie comedy "Three Men good at what i t d o es, that that evening." this is m y f i r s t t e levision and a Baby." He allows he's tells you that the people who Also a familiar face from show as a regular 'regular,' one of the relative new kids created this did something n umerous o t h e r m o v i e s, so I never expected to have on the "CSI" block, but he quite amazing. They created ranging from "Wall Street"

(Teal Redmann), who had learned she wasn't his biological daughter. "When this f i rst started in 2000, an d i t a c h i eved some success, it was funny to watch everybody run to the front of the line and take credit," Guilfoyle recalls of the series that ABC originally passed on. "And I mean everybody, from th e c r aftservice guys t o e n tertainment l a w y ers t h r o ughout Hollywood: 'I put the deal together! I did the deal!' They all wanted to be part of it, but it was so successful, it frank-

ly overwhelmed anybody's individual participation. "The only t h in g I ca n think is that it struck some kind of psychic chord. It hit something where people wanted this kind of answer to metaphysical problems; they wanted technology to provide the way to stop the lies that were showing up in our culture, and this particular show presented true evidence so people couldn't g et away w i t h s t uf f a n y more. It was a place where truth could live, and I think the audience saw that and invested in it."

Jaie a see scontactwit c i


Dear Abby:I am 20 years old and in jail. My ex-girlfriend recently had a baby. I left her during her pregnancy. We had been together for two years, but things just weren't working. I told her I s t i l l wanted to be in my daughter's life after DEAR she had the baby, ABBY but she left and went to North Carolina. After I was incarcerated, I lost contact with her. She said I can be a part of my daughter's life only if we have a family and get back together. I'm willing to do that, but I won't be out of jail for five more months, and I have no way to contact her. How do I go about it, Abby'? — Loves My Baby Girl Dear Loves: When your ex said what she did, she was using the baby to manipulate you into doing what she wanted. Because your relationship "wasn't working," I would caution you against having any more children with her. When you ar e r e leased, she may come after you for child support, or if she applies for benefits in North Carolina, the state may do that. That would be one way

Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX,680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • CAPTAINPHILLIPS(PG-13) 12:30, 2:30, 3:35, 6:30, 7:30, 9:35 • CARRIE(R) 1:10, 4:15, 7:25, 10:05 • CLOUDYWITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2(PG)12:25, 6 • CLOUDYWITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 23-0 (PG) 2:45, 8:50 • ENOUGH SAID (PG-13j 12:50, 3:10, 7:10, 9:40 • ESCAPE PLAN(Rj 1, 3:50, 6:35, 9:20 • THE FIFTHESTATE(R) I2:35, 3:45, 6:45, 9:45 • GRACEUNPLUGGED (PG)3:20,9:05 • GRAVITY(PG-I3) 12:30, 6:10 • GRAVITY3-0(PG-13) 12:55, 3, 3:15, 4:25, 7:50, 9, 10:10 • GRAVITY IMAX3-0(PG-13) I:25, 4, 7, 9:30 • INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER(PG-13) 2 1:30, 4:45, 7:40, 10:15 • INSTRUCTIONS NOTINCLUDED (PG-13) 12:40, 3:30, 6:20, 9:15 • MACHETE KILLS (R) 1:20, 4:35, 7:15, 9:55 • ROMEO & JULIET (PG-13) 1:15 • RUNNER RUNNER(R) 6:05, 9:10 • RUSH(R) I2:45, 3:55, 6:55, 9:50 • WE'RE THE MILLERS(R) 12:40, 6:25 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies.

• There may beanadditional fee for 3-0 and IMAXmovies. • Movie times aresubject to change after presstime. t

of pinpointing where she is. You could alsosearch for her online. However, if you can't locate her any other way, you may have to hire a private detective when you can afford one.

Dear Abby: My kindhearted, loving mother-in-law would do anything for me. She has lived in an in-law apartment attached to our home for 20 years. She and my father-inlaw — God rest his soul — were a huge help when our children were

growing up. The kids are gone now, and my husband and I would like to sell our home and move to something smaller. Would it be awful of us to make her move? Sheis88. She has a loud and adamant-sounding voice, so it would not be in our best interest to have her move with us. — Daughter-in-law in Massachusetts Dear Daughter-in-law: Y es, i t would be awful. It almost appears you took advantage of her for babysitting purposes, but now that the children are grown, she is no longer useful. Her voice didn't bother you before, so why does it now?

— Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com

or P0. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069




year you havethe drive and energy to take By Jacqueline Bigar the lead at work or to launch your own business. Youenjoy that interpersonal touch that helps others open up. Use care your eyes. Listen to what is being said, and when expressing respond openly andauthentically. Tonight: Stars showthe kind your affection. You Vanish while you can. of day you'll have of t en don't realize 21-Jnly22) ** * * * D ynamic that you become CANCER (June ** * * * Z e ro in on whatyou want. ** * * P ositive a n gry when you are ** * A verage confused. Ifyou are Being a leader is all good andwell, but it is not the same asbeing a real friend. Your ** So-so single, be careful anger could emerge in asubtle way, and it * Difficult that your lavish and might confuse a situation where others will indulgent attitude misunderstand the source of your irritation. is not taken for granted. Summer 2014 Tonight: Where the crowds are. will be fortunate as far as animportant encounter goes. If you areattached, the two LEO (July23-Aug.22) ** * Someone might have to deal with you enjoy traveling together and sharing your conservative, uptight personality. your hobbies. TAURUS is grounded but Confusion surrounds plans and sometimes too conservative. conversations. Hang in there, andyou'll ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * O bserve your more possessive gain insight. The possibility of changing a situation will come to you. Tonight: Count side emerging. You might be confused on being with people. as to the proper way to eliminate some VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) distorted insecurity. Perhaps your best bet is to build yourself up. Tonight: Make it ** * * Keep reaching out for a different idea or solution. This suggestion does your treat. not mean that you need to break into wild TAURUS (April20-May20) ** * * * E xpress your feelings, and knowbehavior, but rather thatyou need to think outside the box. Donot frustrate yourself that you have afull audience. Your charisma with unworkable ideas. Tonight: Takestock peaks, and others respond accordingly. of a situation that drags you down. Your perspective changes whendealing LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.22) with an expert or someone at adistance. Finally, you can identify with someone else. ** * * Deal with others directly. You are even better on aone-on-one level. Don't Tonight: Let the good times roll. hesitate to express your feelings; your GEMINI (May21-June20) vulnerability could be your best defense. ** * Know when to pull back andsay It will be very hard to run over someone little. Someone clearly responds to your who is authentic. Direct your energy efforts, butyou do need to stay low-key. A appropriately. Tonight: With a loved one. close friendship couldbe changing before

SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov.21) ** * * You might find it unusually difficult to share and integrate with others. As a result, you might opt to go in your own direction for now. Know that a period will be coming when you will be able to relate more intenselyto a special person. Tonight: Sort through invitations.




McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • PERCYJACKSON: SEAOF MONSTERS (PG-13)2:30 • PLANES (G)11:30 a.m. • The Oregon State University football game screens at 7 tonight. • After 7 p.m., shows are 2f and older only. Younger than 2f may attend screenings before 7p.m.ifaccompanied by a legal guardian. t


3:15 p.m.on TCM, Movie: "Dr. Strangelove Dr: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb" — Stanley Kubrick's biting 1964 satire about an insane general who heats up the Cold War by launching a nuclear strike against Russia may be the most brilliant black comedy ever made. It bristles with great performancesthat include George C.Scott's work as comically high-strung Gen. 'Buck" Turgidson. And how can you not love a film that includes the line "Gentlemen! You can'tfight in here! This isthe War Room!"? 7:30p.m.on SHO, Movie: "War Horse" — Director Steven Spielberg's 2011 take on a popular novel and play intertwines theexperiencesofayoung man (Jeremy Irvine) and the horse he has trained when they take different paths during World War I. Stunning cinematography by frequent Spielberg collaborator JanuszKaminskiandthe music score by another John Williams are major elements of the film's emotional wallop. Emily Watson, Peter Mullan, David Thewlis and Benedict Cumberbatch co-star. 8 p.m.on LIFE, Movie:"M issing at17" —Seventeen-year-old Candace runs away from home to search for her biological mother and me ets ayoung man who offers to help her search. Unfortunately, he's involved in some illegal activities and is pulling Candace into that world, forcing her birth mother and her adoptive mom to work together to rescue her. Tricia O'Kelley, Ayla Kell, Marin Hinkle and Alex Carter star in this new thriller. 9 p.m. on HALL, Movie: "When Callsthe Heart" — Based on Janette Oke's CanadianWest book series, this new fish-out-ofwater drama tells the story of a young teacher (Poppy Drayton) who accepts a position in a small coal town on the praine. Lon Loughlin and Jean Smart play the two strong-willed widows who run the town. Maggie Grace and Stephen Amell ("Arrow") also star. 10:05 p.m. on STARZ, "Dancing onthe Edge" —Inspired by the Duke Ellington Band's experiences in1930s London, this new five-part miniseries tells the story of a black jazz ensemble that rises to stardom after catching the eye of the British aristocracy — later becoming entangled in a murder mystery. Chiwetel Ejiofor, Matthew Goode, Jacqueline Bisset and John Goodman star. ©zap2it

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Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • GRABBERS (no MPAA rating) 8:15 • TOUCHYFEELY(R) 6 I


While it may not be "in your interest" to have her move with you, it may be extremely difficult for her to adjust to a new living situation at her age. Do unto others as you would havethem do unto you. When your children see that you think this is an acceptable way to treat someone, the same thing could happen to you. Dear Abby: I recently told my mother that I a m t r a n sgender, male to female. She is supportive and urged me to come out to my father. Abby, he doesn't believe me! I knew I was a girl at the age of 4, but kept it to myself until I was 16. How can I get my father to believe me? And how do I get my friends to understand when I come out to them'? — Needs Help in Missouri Dear Needs Help: It may take time for y our f a ther t o a ccept that you are transgender, or even to learn what that really means. Please remember that you do not have to "sell" this idea to your friends. A s t i m e p a sses, they will understand as you start living as a female and begin taking hormones.




Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I-548-8777 • CARRIE(R) Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9 • CLOUDYWITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2(PG)1I a.m., 1 • ESCAPE PLAN(R) 11:30 a.m., 2, 4:30, 7, 9:30 • GRAVITY(PG-13j 11:30 a.m., 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 • MACHETE KILLS (R) 4: I5, 6:30, 8:45

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SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21) ** * S tayfocused on whatyou want to accomplish. There could besome frustration and/or anger surrounding a personal matter. Find out what someone expects from you, and thendecide whether you can meet this person's expectations. Tonight: Loungearound athome.

Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court, 541-649-8800 • CAPTAINPHILLIPS(PG-13) 2, 4:45, 7:30 • CLOUDYWITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2(PGj3,5 • GRAVITY(PG-I3) 3: I5, 5:30, 7:45 • PRISONERS (R) 4:15, 7: I5 • RUNNING WILD — THE STORY OF DAYTON 0.HYDE (PG) 2:15, 7

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CAPRICORN (Oec.22-Jan.19) ** * * When you hit a problem, you will be unusually energetic and enthusiastic. It is as if you are doing aspecial exercise where you mentally allow new vistas to present themselves. Youmight disagree with a loved one, butyou will act together. Tonight: Curb your temper.

AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb. 18) ** * You might opt to stay close to home, where you will get a lot doneand makea dent in what you must do. Your ability to deal with important matters will save you a lot of time. Usecare when cooking and eating — a sweet tooth suddenly could appear. Tonight: Timeto relax.

PISCES (Feb.19-March20) ** * * Read between the lines. Touch base with a sibling who often might be on a different path. Catch up onnews, but try to avoid any negativity. Be aware of what seems off. Tonight: Hang out at a favorite spot. ©2013 by King Features Syndicate

Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • CARRIE(R) 12:35, 2:50, 5: I0, 7:30, 9:45 • CLOUDYWITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2(PG)12:10, 2:30, 4:45, 7, 9:15 • GRAVITY(PG-13) 4:50 • GRAVITY 3-0(PG-13j 12:30, 2:40, 7:10, 9:20 • MACHETE KILLS (R) 12:15, 2:35, 5, 7:20, 9:40 • PRISONERS (R) 1:30, 8:40 • RUNNER RUNNER(R) 4:40, 6:50

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Find a week's worth of movie times plus film reviews in Friday's

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Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 • GRAVITY(PG-I3) 1, 3, 5, 7:10 • RUNNER RUNNER(R) I, 3:20, 6, 8: IO • Theupstairs screening roomhaslimited accessibility.




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740 NE 3RD ST. (SAFEWAY PLAZA) • 541-34 8-9001 Merchandise displayed may differ from items in showroom or by location. Illustrations are for style only. Actual items may differ in style and color. Quantities are limited. All items subject to prior sale. Intermediate mark downs may have been taken. Regular prices are offering prices only and may not have resulted in sales. SPCI COMPANIES.

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2989NE Hope Drive - $299,900 •

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A nother n e w c o n s t ruction i n p op u l a r O akview Subdivision. T h e ' Ultra' fl o o r p lan l i ves l a rge, l i v in g r o o m w i t h g a s fireplace, 1811 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths and a large family room. Features include hardwood floors, wood cabinetry, stainless steel appliances and wainscoting. Fantastic covered front p o r ch, p erfect fo r v i s iting neighbors or sitting out on a lazy afternoon. Location is ideal for being close to shopping and hospital, yet in a quiet neighborhood. To be completed in December.


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Homes. Enjoy generous upgrades including backyard landscaping, cedar fencing, black GE kitchen appliance package with gas selfcleaning range, fireplace with surrounding tile, staggered oak k i t chen cabinetry, gas BBQ stub, garage door opener, knotty alder front door, a comfortable den, and much more for the asking price of $224,990.

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Today'smost popular carpet styles offerwarmth and comfort, even in homes where allergies are an issue. by Molly Hover, The Bulletin Advertising Department

needs. Synthetic materials, such as nylon, acrylic, polyester and polypropylene, offer various levels of style and Choosing to carpet a room isn't only color options as well as soil and stain about style, it's about adding warmth resistance and texture retention. Natural and comfort to a home while ensuring materials come from both animal and the health of the household. plant sources and include wool, jute and The feel and smell of a newly installed sisal, to name a few. carpet can becompared to the iconic Carpet pile is another element that smell of a new car. Many find it is luxuri- should be considered. The pile is the visous, comforting and relaxing. One deep ible surface of a carpet. It is characterbreath and they feel at home. Having ized by the length of its fibers. Low-pile, new carpet installed instantly makes a for example, refers to carpet with short home feel new again. or low-lying fibers, whereas high-pile With so many patterns, piles, carpet has longer fibers. Pile also lends textures and materials available, itself to design trends in homes. "I am seeing people go back to low-pile selecting the right type of carpet that lends itself to the appearance and patterns after years of shags and and cleanliness of the house, as well as frieze," said Patricia Julber, owner of the health of those living there, can be Complements Home Interiors. confusing. Different types of carpet Deciding on carpet depends onthe style is appropriate for people with aller- of the room in which it's being installed. gies, busy family lives, Central Both high- and low-pile shags are better Oregon's dusty c o nditions in low-traffic areas, for example. "If you don't like to see footprints or and those who prefer to purchase sustainable prod- vacuum marks, go with a tight loop," ucts. said Martha Murray, owner of Martha When establishing a Murray Design. budget for carpet, homJulber recommends selecting low-pile eowners can consider carpet for a formal home environment. differenttypes of ma- In a casual setting, a frieze or a shag will terials based on their complementthe decor best.Berber car-

Althoughcarpetdoes nothave a reputation for being sustainable, certain lines Of carpet that are more environmentally friendly are available on the market today.

pet with thick loops works well in almost any home environment. For many families, selecting carpet that will remain beautiful throughout the years is important. Julber offers adviceforhomeowners in search of durable carpet that will last for years to come in the home of an active family. "Nylon and wool wear best, especially w hen caredforproperly,"Julber said. Nylon carpet is the most durable, longest lasting material for most families, according to Julber. The fibers in nylon carpet have a relatively hard texture which makes the carpet more durable and easy to clean. This is especially beneficial for high-traffic homes and active families. The pricefor nylon carpet can range from $25 a square yard up to $90 a square yard depending on style, quality and density. Because of Central Oregon's dry and dusty climate, Julber recommends vacuuming carpet at least once a week and shampooing the carpet once a year. From the love of the outdoors to the love of our pets, Central Oregon homes can accumulate myriad allergens. The bestcarpet for people who suffer from allergies, according to Julber, is typically wool. "It is naturally hypoallergenic and actually absorbs indoor air pollution," Julber said. For individuals who are sensitive to natural fibers, nylon is a good alternative. If members of the household are sensitive to the chemicals in the backing of carpet, Julber recommends keeping windows open as often as possible for about a week after the carpet is installed. Although carpet does not have a repu-


tation for being sustainable, certain lines of carpet that are more environmentally friendly are available on the market to-

day. "Wool can begreat because it's a renewable resource," said Murray. "Many are manufacturedwithout dyes and use natural adhesives. And, it cleans well." Pricing for hypoallergenic carpet manufactured using natural products tend to be more expensive, ranging in price from $90 to $125 per square yard. "You want to consider the material, manufacturing process,the expected lifespan and the distance it is traveling to get to you," said Murray. "Some synthetic carpets have cleaner manufacturing processes than others, might contain some recycledproducts and have some kind of reclamation process for waste." These green synthetic carpet options are less expensive at about $40 to $50 a square yard. To determine if a carpet is environmentally friendly, The Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) established the Green Label Plus certification. This voluntary industry testing program for carpet and adhesive products set high standards for carpet chemical emissions which impact the quality of indoor air. Once material and style have been selected, color comes into play. Carpet colors vary widely from solids to multicolor designs. Multi-colored styles tend to hide dirt better. Though neither Murray nor Julber has a particular carpet that sells more or less, many homeowners are sure to find carpet that suites their needs. For budget-minded and h ealth-conscious homeowners,carpet can be a viable option for creating warm, inviting spaces in virtually any home.


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Crescent l $218,000 • 2502 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath • 1.14 acre • MLS 201309153 Darryl Doser, Broker, CRS 541-383-4334



Empire Estates l $189,000 • 1497 sq.ft. townhome • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • SS appliances, hardwood floors • MLS 201309093 Jen Bowen, Broker, GRI The Kelleher Group 541-280-2147


IRR l&p d


d dp p

West Hills Lot l $214,900 I d p d lyO A d p p «d • South facing .324 acre NE Bend l $224,300 lot 648 • 1488 sq.ft. single level • Ready for your shovel Houses for • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Al Tozer building plans • Convenient location included Rent General • MLS 201309095 • MLS 201309185 Judy Meyers, Broker, Megan Power, Broker, PUBLISHER'S GRI, CRS, SRES GRI, CDPE NOTICE 541-480-1922 541-610-7318 All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the F air H o using A c t which makes it illegal MORRIS MORRIS to a d v ertise "any preference, limitation REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE or disc r imination l&p d l y O d dp p I d p d lyO A d p p d based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, marital status or national origin, or an intention to make any such pre f erence, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children L under the age of 18 living with parents or legal cust o dians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. O ur r e aders a r e hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination cal l HUD t o l l-free at



New Listings Commercial/Investment Multiplexes for Sale Properties for Sale Ridgewater l $419,900 Super clean 4-plex. • 2466 sq.ft. 304 SE 3rd. Excellent Fully rented units, W/D • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath and refrigerator in retail property a nd • Hardwood floors, units. Well mainp erfect location o n vaulted ceilings tained, single car gaHwy 97, $155,900. • MLS 201309135 rages. Fresh exterior TEAM Birtola Garmyn Mark Valceschini, PC, paint. $489,000 High Desert Realty Broker, CRS, GRI MLS¹201306642 541-312-9449 541-383-4384 Paula Mellon www. BendOregon 541-977-4009 RealEstate.com Central Oregon Realty e Group, LLC 13735 SW Commercial Loop. Commercial 740 MORRIS building with 900 sq. REAL ESTATE ft. of office space 8 Condo/Townhomes 2,400 sq. ft. of wareI dO d l yO d d pp d for Sale house/manufacturing Sundance l $435,000 area. Owner terms or Outdoor Enthusi• 2062 sq.ft., passive lease option is avail- Attn. asts. Fully furnished 1 solar able. $165,000 bdrm, 2 bath condo. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath MLS 201304157 Easy resort living with • Cascade views, 3.98 Juniper Realty, everything you need. acres 541-504-5393 • MLS 201309351 $69,000. MLS¹ Call Lester Friedman, P.C., Burns, OR - W ar e - 201300532. Paula Mellon, Broker. Broker, ABR, CSP, house & warehouse 541-977-4009 property. Prior used Central Oregon Realty as beer wholesaler. Group, LLC 11,000 s q.ft. t o t al, 5 500 s q .ft . m e tal Forest warehouse. Misc. free $349,900 Ridge at Eagle Crest standing coolers inTurn-key t o wnhome MORRIS cluded. $239,000. with 2 Master Suites REAL ESTATE 541-749-0724 a nd additional 3 r d lyo d dop «d One of the only b drm. 3.5 ba t h s . counties in Deck with full fairway SW Bend l $365,000 Oregon without a • 2556 sq.ft. views of 12th hole of microbrewery. the Ridge Course and • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Granite, hardwood, sunken hot tub. New Commercial Lot s I n carpet, tile f looring, crown molding Crooked River Ranch: and tile countertops. • MLS 201309334 00. MLS¹201308059 Shelly Hummel, Broker, Great opportunity to start a business or Eagle Crest Properties, relocate an e xisting 541-408-4204 business. Near rest aurants, hotel a n d $224,500 A Must See! golf course. Owner This imma c ulate terms avail. Business townhome f e atures Circle, Lot 82:- 1.05 vaulted ceilings, gran MORRIS acres, $25,000. Lot 50 ite counters, wall to REAL ESTATE -1.30acres & Lot 51wall windows. Taste I d p d l yO d d pp p d 1.23 acres still avail- fully furnished and in able at $35,000 each quiet location. MLS Call The Bulletin At or purchase both for ¹201308943 541-385-5809 $60,000 Eagle Crest Properties Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Juniper Realty 866-722- 3370 At: www.bendbulletimcom 541-504-5393 Creekside 2 bdrm, 2y2 SW Bend Duplexl For Lease l $25/sq.ft. b ath t ownhome i n $275,000 • Retail pad site Eagle Crest, 1419 sq. • 1470 sq.ft. units • Excellent access 8 ft., 1 level, great room • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath visibility floor plan, fully fureach • Build to suit nished. $224 , 000 • All appliances in• MLS 201307555 MLS 201306847 cluded Paula Vanvleck, Broker Lynn Johns, Principal • MLS 201309092 541-280-7774 Broker, 541-408-2944 Matt Robinson, Broker Central Oregon Resort Realty






Count on our group of local real estate professionals to help you navigate.

2171 NW Lemhi Pass Dr. • Bright sunroom • Hardwood floors • Open great room • Spacious master • Priced at$459,000 DIRECTIONS:West on Skyliners Rd., left on NW Lemhi Pass Dr.

2679 NW Shields Dr.

Creekside 2 bdrm, 2~/~ b ath t ownhome i n MORRIS Eagle Crest, 1419 sq. REAL ESTATE ft., 1 level, great room l&p & l yO d d pp d floor plan, many up$17 4 ,500 Prime commercial grades. property. C h arming MLS 2201307508 Lynn Johns, Principal M adras building i s Broker, 541-408-2944 updated. Located on Central Oregon Hwy 97. CAT5 wire Resort Realty system, h a r dwood floors and off-street parking. $1 1 9,900.Eagle Crest, F o rest MLS 201305319 Pam Greens Golf course Lester, Principal Bro- Townhome. 3 Bdrm, ker, Century 21 Gold 2.5 bath, 1536 sq.ft., Main level m aster, Country Realty, Inc. east facing back deck, 541-504-1338 w/hot tub. $225,000.

TURN THE PAGE For More Ads The Bulletin

• Home w/600 sf ADU • Deck, privacy upgrades • Hickory flooring • Master on main level • Priced at$579,000 OIRECTIONS:West on Shevlin Park Rd., left on NW Mt. Washington Dr., left on

NW Shields Dr


Bend R, Central Oregon

MLS ¹201303093

Lynn Johns, Principal Broker, 541-408-2944 Central Oregon Resort Realty

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1900 NW Monterey Plnes Dr. • Charming cottages • 2 & 3 bedroom plans • High end finishes • Central location • Homes pricedfrom $359,900

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DIRECTIONS: West on NW Newport Ave./NW Shevlin Park Rd., right on NW

Pence Ln., left on NWMonterey Pines Dr. Property on right.

19036 Mt. Shasta Dr. • Three Pines luxury • Master on main level • Large open kitchen • Courtyard & patio • Priced at$639,900

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• Two 2-car garages • Vaulted great room • Abundant storage • Slate & hardwood floors • Priced at$429,900


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Findingthe righl homeis hard. t tL Et L


61384 Campbell Ct. • Stunning contemporary • Large glass areas • Art studio/activity rm. • Radiant floor heat • Priced at$699,900


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8 Tournament Ln. 3 beds 2 baths house. $1350/mo. Gas cooktop, gas hot H20, forced air furnace. Finished garage. Neighborhood park. Available now! rentalzebra.com (209) 769-5366 Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809

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Houses for Rent Sunriver




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Fenced storage yard, building and o f fice trailer for rent. In conBrand new 3 Bdrm, 2d/2 venient Redmond lobath, all new appliances. cation, 205 SE RailGarage. Move-in ready! road Blvd. $800/mo. $1500/mo. 503-686-0717 Avail. 10/1. or 971-404-7241. 541-923-7343.

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• •


Condo/Townhomes for Sale










Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

64120 Hwy 20, 4 Bdrm, 1 6025 S u nset. W e l l $136,900 I S W R e d- 20 Acres In Sisters j $289,000 I Large lot, $375,000 I Great family $579,900 I P eace & 8655 NE 1 s t s t r eet, 2.5 bath, on almost 7 cared for 2,000 sq.ft. mond - 3 bed, 2 bath, Large home. 2111 sf home in Copper Can- P rivacy - 3 0 a c & Terrebonne. Home is $749,500 acres, close to town. custom ranch rambler. 1094 sf. New exterior • 2272 sq.ft. farmhouse o n corner l ot . R V yon. 3000 sf, incred- 40x60 shop, 3270 sf n estled a g ainst a 2y2 bath, 1277 sq.ft., paint 2012; interior, • 3 bedroom, 2 bath parking, 4 bed, 3 bath, itble open floor plan, home, 4 bed, 3 bath, ridge with Smith Rock $269,900. Great room floor plan, $450,000. 2 013. New vinyl i n • Breathtaking Cascade 2 masters, big paver gorgeous kit c hen, 2 master suites, great views on 0.61 AC lot. fully furnished. Hot TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty High Desert Realty kitchen & dining. RV views patio & perg o la. huge loft family room, room with wet b ar, Great room floor plan tub. $180,000. MLS 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 • MLS 201307141 5 41-480-7183 Bar - on cul-de-sac. parking. separate office, fabu- that is light & bright. 2013030749 Call www. BendOregon www. BendOregon MLS¹201308808. Becky Brunoe, Broker bara Myers, Broker 541-771-1168 lous p a ve r p a t io. Large parking area for Lynn Johns, Principal 541-923-4663 5 41-480-7183 B a r - RV & t o ys . L a ndRealEstate.com RealEstate.com Cheryl Tanler, Broker, 541-350-4772 Eric Andrews, Broker Broker, 541-408-2944 541-41 0-7434; Windermere Central 541-388-0404 bara Myers, Broker scaped for o u tdoor Central Oregon 16707 Old Military Gor541-923-4663 541-923-4663 Oregon Real Estate Windermere Central e ntertaining. Vin y l Need to get an Resort Realty geous Custom BuiltWindermere Ce n t ral Oregon Real Estate Windermere Ce n t ral windows throughout & ad in ASAP? $299,900 I Townhome, Acres With Views! Oregon Real Estate Oregon Real Estate numerous ca n n ed E agle C r e st , Go l f 33 You can place it 3 bed, 3 bath, 1918 37+ acres, 17 + i r r i$1,990,000 lights, this home will MORRIS Course T o wnhome TEAM SF. Master on main Birtola Garmyn 61707 Ward Rd., Bend. 1.36 Acres In La Pine j online at: REAL ESTATE 2 wheel lines Beautiful f u n ctional be cheery all year. with 2 car garage. 3 floor with walk in clos- agated, High Desert Realty Wet ba r i n f a m ily $279,900 nd hand lines i nBdrm, 2 bath, 1447 www.bendbulletin.com • 1731 sq.ft., ets & m a ster bath. c luded. Dead e n d single level home on 541-312-9449 3 bedroom room. 3 b e d rooms sq.ft., 10th tee box Open great r o om, paved road backs to 2.76 acres with irriga- plus a den/office. New www. BendOregon • Open cathderal great Resort Course. Cas541-385-5809 loft/office room. public lands, horse tion. Completely up- t ile c o untertops & RealEstate.com 2241 NW Awbrey Rd., room cade mtn an d g o lf Bend. Hand crafted ¹35422. 541-977-1852 and dated, incl u d ing backsplash i n • Insulated 3-bay shop the cattle setup & all views. MLS Tony Levison, Broker 1850 NE Berg. Pristine 1050 NE Butler Market • MLS 201306446 home with attention to beamed vaulted ceilk itchen. Solid c o re fenced! ¹201307174 541-388-0404 detail on a l l f i n ish ings, new windows, family home or Rd. ¹ 18 . S p aciousSherry Perrigan, Broker wood doors. Sliders Tom Roth, Broker Lynn Johns, Principal large Windermere Central vacation get a way. 1810 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, work. This is a must doors, flooring, carpet, from master & family 541-410-4938 541-771-6549 Broker, 541-408-2944 preview pro p erty. Oregon Real Estate all gas a p pliances, $425,000. 2.5 bath, corner unit room t o g e nerous John L. Scott Central Oregon TEAM Birtola Garmyn condo. $139,000. Solid fir doors, cusgranite til e k i tchen deck. $ 2 45,000 Real Estate, Bend Resort Realty $329,500 I Impressive tom clear vertical fir counters, cedar decks MLS¹ 201306172 High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn www.johnlscott.com 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty cabinets & ceiling fans H ome sits o n 4 . 5 and Hardi Plank sidBobbie Strome, Wonderful 3 bdrm (2 acres, great one level 541-312-9449 in all rooms. Great ing. Amazing Caswww. BendOregon Principal Broker MORRIS mstr suites), 3 i/2 bath 3 bdrms, 2. 5 b a ths, living, open floor plan, RealEstate.com www. BendOregon room floor plan with cade Mtn and canal John L Scott Real REAL ESTATE Forest Ridge townl arge b d rms., t i l e 2411 sq. ft, slab gran- views. wood floors & a fireSepa r ate RealEstate.com home. with east fac- 2333 SW 29th. Single l& p d ly O d dOp ite, n atural s t ones v iewing d ec k w i t h Estate 541-385-5500 place surrounded by floors & vaulted ceil- throughout, very large mesa table, hot tub, 2 ing back deck a nd cabinetry. 3 bedroom, ings. Outside you'll 3 bdrm in SW 5 9676 K imberly. S E 3-car garage. main level bedrooms, larg e natural gas fireplaces Take care of Bend, 2+ acre w/spec $179,999 I S W R e d- 2.5 bath, large mas- be wowed by the exRedmond. $129,900. level mstr, great room, TEAM Birtola Garmyn tacular views. mond - Single level t er b e d room w i t h pansive paver patio, walk-in shower. Covand wood b u rning your investments home, open floor plan, walk-in & granite til e k i tchen High Desert Realty $674,900. closet, fire pit & multi conver- ered front porch ireplace i n liv i n g with the help from ent r y . froom. counters, pantry, loft large k itchen, f i reTEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-312-9449 built-ins & bath with all sational areas. Beau- w elcoming Too many dearea and situated on www.johnlscott.com High Desert Realty place & fully fenced tiful landscaping, hot www. BendOregon the e xtras. M a ture tails to list. Call for The Bulletin's /12841 the 12th hole of the side yard on a large landscaping 541-312-9449 with tub, double car gamore details and adRealEstate.com "Call A Service R idge C o urse a t .20 lot. 3 bed, 2 bath, Peggy Lee Combs, www. BendOregon paver paths. Close to rage plus multiple RV ditional pict u res. Broker, GRI CRS Eagle Crest Resort. 70325 Club. 3 B d rm, 1628 SF. ¹37014 area. RealEstate.com downtown Bend & has parking Professional" Directory $557,950. 541-480-7653 Would make an exc. 2.5 bath, plus 2 bdrm, 541-977-1852 5 41-480-7183 B a r plenty of parking for Neil McDaniel, Broker John L. Scott full time home or 2nd 1 b a t h ap a r tment2 2060 Neff. L evel 2 Tony Levison, Broker bara Myers, Broker uests & toys. 541-350-9579 Amazing home for your home. All landscap- above F oster C a re. 541-388-0404 541-923-4663 Real Estate, Bend shop. Adult 485,000 Fred Real Estate Group getaway or p rimary Potential $10,000 www.johnlscott.com ing, most ext. maint. $548,500. Windermere Central Windermere Ce n t ral MLS¹201308330 residence. Built for inand all resort ameni- TEAM Birtola Garmyn $15,000/mo. Income! Oregon Real Estate Oregon Real Estate $ 619,000 I Perf e ct side and outside enBobbie Strome, ties a r e in c luded. High Desert Realty $497,000 $400,000 I 18 M odoc Home - Awbrey Butte. Principal Broker tertaining. Enjoy CO MLS TEAM Birtola Garmyn $ 181,900 I $333,000 I Panoramic Lane, Sunriver, OR. $339,500. Chal e t 3618 sf, huge loft + 541-312-9449 John L Scott Real lifestyle - river just High Desert Realty Views, 3548 V alley ¹ 201304729. L y n n www. BendOregon Home On Cul-De-Sac Estate 541-385-5500 R ecent remodel i n b onus room, m a i n across th e s t r eet! 541-312-9449 View Drive. BeautiJohns, Principal Bro3 bed, 2 bath, 1845 2011. Three master level master suite, city RealEstate.com www. BendOregon fully maintained 2300 suites, move in ready, lights views & t riple 2392 sq. ft., 4 bdrms, ker, 541-408-2944 S F, 3 0 X4 0 sh o p bath, 1.5 acres (3 Central Oregon building with carport, $225,000 I 64004 Des- + sq.ft. home with 3 close to e v erything garage, Brazilian teak 2 2922 S W C a s cade. RealEstate.com tax lots) Horses welMarket Road. bdrm, 2.5 bath, plus a Sunriver Resort Realty offers. decks. 1954 sq.ft. home, 3 23475 Hwy 2 0 E a st. 18X24 shop garage chutes come! building, vaulted ceil- 4.65 ac parcel in NE bonus room 023 acres Owner occupy or in- 541-771-1168 b drm, 2 .5 bat h , Candice Anderson, roperty know a s ings with l oft a r ea B end with 1 836 s f c orner lot in a S W vestment. 744 e xcellent price . P Andrews, Broker Bend Casc a dia 5 41-410-8557 D a v e manufactured home. n eighborhood wi t h 541-410-8084. Susan Eric Broker 541-788-8878 541-388-0404 $179,987. Open Houses John L. Scott Nursery $749,000. Disney, Broker Several outbuildings & 500 + sq.ft. of comPitarro, Broker, Windermere TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Ce n t ral Real Estate, Bend Birtola Garmyn mountain views. 1.5 p osite decki n g . 541-388-0404 541-388-0404 Oregon Real Estate High Desert Realty Gorgeous Renaissance www.johnlscott.com High Desert Realty Windermere Ce n t ral a c of C O I i r rig & 5 41-604-1649, G a i l Windermere Ce n t ral 541-312-9449 Model Home in Aspen 541-312-9449 sprinklers. R ogers, Brok e r , Oregon Real Estate Oregon Real Estate $695,000 I 6549 0 www. BendOregon Rim, across from the Awbrey Glen j www. BendOregon 541-410-1200, Bill 541-388-0404. Tweed Road. Private RealEstate.com park. $453,800. RealEstate.com $549,000 Kammerer, b r o ker,W indermere Ce n t ral 32 ac Tumalo ranch, 1 Bdrm + s t u dio, 2 4 Bed, 3 bath, 3030 sq ft. $ 469,000 I 6615 0 • Solar panels 541-388-0404. Oregon Real Estate baths, balcony with 16 acirng & huge mtn OPEN 1-4 SAT., 16693 Wagon T r ail.22014 Banff. Energy ef B ecker Rd . S m all • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath Ce n t ral 61157 Princeton Loop. River Meadow Town ficient SE Bend home river views, in gated Windermere acreage in T u malo views. Barn, shop & • .62 private acre lot Look at: Oregon Real Estate c ommunity with i n area f o r st o r age. Melissa King, Broker, H ome Chalet a t a o n with mountain views. 3+ acres . MLS 201305284 Bendhomes.com rem o lded• Megan New Day Realtydoor pool, steps to great price. $149,900. $385,000. Horse property; ride to Original Power, Broker, 541-350-4217 river trail, minutes to $ 249,000 I 5 2 4 S W for Complete Listings of TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn BLM. Spacious floor farm home with 2 bed, GRI, CDPE 1 bath. 541-410-1200, d owntown, ca n b e Forest Grove - Old Area Real Estate for Sale plan & fenced yard. High Desert Realty High Desert Realty 541-610-7318 Bill Kammerer, broker, 541-312-9449 getaway, investment M ill D i s trict a r e a , 745 541-312-9449 Cleme Rinehart, 541-388-0404. or full time living. www. BendOregon s ingle leveI h o me $339,900 I The Ridge at 541-480-2100; www. BendOregon Homes for Sale Teresa Brown, Broker Windermere Ce n t ral RealEstate.com near park. V aulted Eagle Crest - 3 bed, 2 Patty Dempsey, RealEstate.com Oregon Real Estate 541-788-8661 c eilings & d eck o f f bath, s l a b qu a r tz 541-480-5432; 19717 SW Mt Bachelor John L. Scott counter tops, 2097 sf NW Maple. Single 55809 Lost Rider. Large great room, 3 bed, 2 Andrea Phelps, MORRIS D r., ¹ 3 2 18 . R i v e r3118 Real Estate, Bend 7 ac r e s river meadows home bath, storage & fenc- home, y2 ac lot, old 541-408-4770 View C o ndo- Mt l evel o n REAL ESTATE Get your www.johnlscott.com J uni p ers. Windermere Central on 0 6 acr e lot . ing. 541 - 388-0404 growth zoned UH10 (Urban Bachelor Village I d p d t l y 0 d d Dp l d $239,900. Mike Wilson, Broker, 541-480-9883 Audrey business Oregon Real Estate 20% Equity S h are Holding) $300,000. Cook, Broker TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-977-5345. TEAM Birtola Garmyn $49,900 Beautiful dec o r ator Call a Pro High Desert Realty High Desert Realty Windermere C e n tral 541-923-4663 TEAM Birtola Garmyn I 2109 0 home! Large 3 bedWindermere Central $475,000 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 a ROW I N G Whether you need a Oregon Real Estate Young Ave. Delightful High Desert Realty rooms, 2.5 baths with Oregon Real Estate www. BendOregon www. BendOregon 541-312-9449 fence fixed, hedges 4.85 a c pro p erty. h uge bonus r o o m RealEstate.com RealEstate.com with an ad in ope n w hich could be 4 t h www. BendOregon $249,000 I Starwood on $ 343,000 I trimmed or a house Alfa l f a Single-level RealEstate.com bedroom. Gas f i reL arge Private L o t ! Ranch on 9 ac, Bend- concept home, fenced The Bulletin's 2811 N W W i n dham.105 acres in Sisters, built, you'll find for animals. 3.6 ac of Move-in ready w ith p lace, A/C & fu l l y 3-4 bed, 2 bath, 1959 b orders BL M w ith "Call A Service 5 300 sq.ft., i n N W professional help in fenced yard. 55836 Lost Rider, Big Bend. new paint, m ultiple sf, 36x28 3-bay shop COI, with pond. Cascade Mtn views, Abso l utely Professional" Cleme Rinehart, Theresa Ramsay, River Meadow Resort Gorgeous, Mtn Views. Smith Rock & Canlevel party d e cks, building, 24x25 The Bulletin's "Call a 541-480-2100; Broker, 541-815-4442 huge garage/shop & equipment Directory home, b a ck s bi g $594,000 c a r port, yon Rim views. Listed Service Professional" Patty Dempsey, John L. Scott commons. $349,000. TEAM Birtola Garmyn RV storage, 3 b ed, c ompletely fen c ed at $699,000. Bring all 541-480-5432; Directory Real Estate, Bend TEAM Birtola Garmyn 2.5 bath, AC, pellet with corals, borders offers. $739,000 I 3690 sf 4 High Desert Realty Andrea Phelps, www.johnlscott.com High Desert Realty stove, lami n ates. BLM. MLS www.johnlscott.com 541-385-5809 541-312-9449 bed, 2.5 bath, 15.5 ac 541-408-4770 541-312-9449 5 41-388-0404 M i k e 201306096. /51631. of irrigation, 30x40 www. BendOregon Windermere Central Beautiful irrigated propwww. BendOregon W ilson, Broke r , 541-410-8557 Kellie Cook, Broker barn & 3 car garage, erty wit h m o untain RealEstate.com 20.13 Acres j $995,000 541-977-5345. Oregon Real Estate RealEstate.com Dave Disney, Broker 541-408-0463 master on main floor, views. Single l evel • 4055 sq.ft. home Windermere C e n tral 541-388-0404 John L. Scott Cascade M t n/Smith home, 3 bedrooms, 2 343 SW Canyon. 2100 • 5 bedroom, 3 bath Oregon Real Estate Windermere Ce n t ral$499,900 I 2029 7 Rock 1332 NW Albany. Real Estate, Bend views. bath, open floor plan. Sq.ft., Classic Home • 2 ponds, barn, corrals Oregon Real Estate Swalley Rd., Bend. 5 Large Old Mill www.johnlscott.com 5 41-480-7183 B a r on Edge of Canyon. • MLS 201305200 Tumalo prop- bara Myers, Broker Barn w/stalls & hay 2200+sq.ft. Bend NW $179,900. $259,000 I 61168 Fox- $369,500 I Woodside Acres, Steve Payer, s torage, lush p a s Trail Creek Dr. erty w/mtn wews. up- 541-923-4663 Charmer! $360,000 TEAM Birtola Garmyn 1272 glove Loop. R i ver Broker, GRI tures, bring your aniRanch 3 bed, 2 bath, dated home w/family Windermere Eagle Crest. Lot only TEAM Birtola Garmyn Ce n t ral High Desert Realty Canyon Esta t es. 541-480-2966 mals! 1699 SF contempo- room not included in High Desert Realty $155,000. 2321 sq.ft. Oregon Real Estate 541-312-9449 Mountain views, large Ed Green, Broker rary home, new sep- assessor sq.ft. Barn, 541-312-9449 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, + www. BendOregon fenced bac k y ard, 541-598-5666 tic tank installed. 2.25 shop, o ffice, g reat r o o m www. BendOregon g r e enhouse, RealEstate.com great n e ighborhood Just too many John L. Scott AC l o t , de t a ched plan, all premium finstorage buildings and RealEstate.com amenities. ¹ 3 7 8 70. shop, new 50 y ear 4 acres of irrigation. Real Estate, Bend collectibles? 66872 Lance. Tumalo ishes. $458,868 Secily Luse, Broker, roof. ¹33587 www.johnlscott.com 5 41-410-1200, Bill MORRIS 15902 Jackpine. Home, Home, 5 Acres w/In- Lynn Johns, Principal 541-639-6307 541-977-1852 Broker, 541-408-2944 Kammerer, B r oker, shop & guest home credible Mtn Views! REAL ESTATE Sell them in Windermere Ce n t ral Beautiful lo t i n RoTony Levison, Broker Central Oregon 541-388-0404. on 1 acre. $79,900. l& p d ly O d dOp Oregon Real Estate $549,000. maine Village, .20 541-388-0404 Resort Realty Windermere Ce n t ral The Bulletin Classifieds TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn acres and has water, Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate High Desert Realty High Desert Realty electric, city s ewer $130,000 I Owner Will $208,500 - Single level $268,000 I 55932 Black Oregon Real Estate 541-312-9449 541-385-5809 541-312-9449 4 bedroom Open and 1 car garage. Lot Carry Tow n home! D uck R d . , Be n d . www. BendOregon kitchen floor plan New Homewww. BendOregon is s i t uated i n a Redmond Jun i per $375,000 I Beautifully $499,9001 Single level home, on RealEstate.com The Ridge at Eagle RealEstate.com w/tile backsplash & cul-de-sac and is in $799,900 I 69173 Bay Glen, HOA includes a 1/2 acre, open floor Upgraded Home - 3 Crest 2274 sf home countertops, pantry & 10 ac retreat at peaceful, serene setwater/sewer/yard. plan, vaulted ceilings, bed, 3 bath, 2943 SF, on y2 ac l ot , g reat Dnve. 16353 Whitetail. 60976 Snowberry. 2732 G as fireplace, A C , black/SS appl. 2 car garage, land- lot size .180, water room, hickory floors, the end of the road. ting surrounded by Almost 1 60 0 s q . ft. sq.ft., 5 bdrm, 3 bath, backyard, o n q u i et Vaulted ceiling in kitchen, dining ponderosas. Possible scaped, fenced yard, feature, c l os e to slab granite & quartz Open Single Level Nestled Craftsman in R i v er street next to p ark, master bdrm. area, l a rg e l i v i ng owner w i l l ca r r y. Des- countertops, 1294 sf RV shelter, minutes downtown, In The B i g P i nes! Canyon MLS¹201307827 Esta t es. owner will carry with room& deck. Large $49,900, MLS chutes River trail, & from Sunriver Resort. garage with RV bay. barn/shop & storage ¹201308364. $169,900. $424,900. 15% down. Call Kelly Starbuck, Old Mill. ¹33770 541-410-1200, Bill 541-480-9883 Audrey TEAM Birtola Garmyn Principal Broker TEAM Birtola Garmyn 5 41-388-0404 M i k e 541-977-1852 sheds. 541-410-1200, Colleen Dillingham, Kammerer, b r o ker, Cook, Broker Bill Kammerer, broker, High Desert Realty 541-771-7786 High Desert Realty Broker 541-788-9991 W ilson, Broke r , Tony Levison, Broker 541-388-0404. 541-923-4663 541-312-9449 Redmond RE/MAX 541-312-9449 541-388-0404. 541-977-5345. 541-388-0404 John L. Scott Windermere C e n tral Windermere Ce n t ral www. BendOregon Land & Homes Real www. BendOregon Windermere Ce n t ral Real Estate, Bend Windermere Ce n t ral Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate Oregon Real Estate RealEstate.com Estate 541-923-0855 RealEstate.com Oregon Real Estate www.johnlscott.com Oregon Real Estate Oregon Real Estate Golf Course 2 B drm,







SAT. 1PM - 4PM

1888 sq. ft., 3 bdr/ 2.5 bath,den/office. Corner lot, large fenced back yard,

Open concept 3bd/2ba home on 3/4 acre. Roomfor critters and Rvs. Updated throughout i n cluding granite/stainless kitchen, tiled baths, new furnace

mature landscaping.

1305 NW 17th Street Hosted by:



Directions:Weston MaPle,North on ~17th.

PrinciPal Broker

sale, ready to move in. Hosted by:



Listed by.


and water heaters. Estate




61976 Rawhide Dr. Directions:From /he signal at Greenwood6 NE 15th, gosouth to Bear Creek, le ft /o Rawhide, right /o home onft. le


listed by.

GARY EVKRETT PrinciPal Broker


Let's talk about your new home. Join David for coffee and a tour of a project in progress. Homesites available! www.derink.com

19148 Mt. Shasta Ct., Bend, OR

Builder: D AVID RI N K

Directions:Shevitii Park Rd.uest, left on //IW Park Cotntnons Dr, left on ¹lr Jefferson Pl, Folfou signs

541-948-2525 www.derink.com Lic. ¹6771 6


sAT. 9AM - 5PM

ExquisitelyRemodeled Estate just minuresfromBendon2I acresw/long

The Westover is the ideal

meande ringpriraredriveway.This homeis6804sq.It. all ononelevel

amazing neighborhood amenities: pool, hot tub, clubhouse, sports center,

gym, game room and 20862GoldenGate Place,Bend more! Come tour a variety Directiom:from the Par¹uay, easf of single level and 2-story on ReedMarket, south on 15th, fhes

follow signs,

Homes Starting Mid-$500s


wlth soaring windows8<breathtaking viewsoftheCascades.Formal living room/diningroom,customSonoma Cacrus ceilng, slabgranite, heated

floors I ¹iplecargarage.Outside enjoythePebble Tieckpool, 7water falls, hottubandoutdoorfire plt for hoursofentertaining. //osred by:


Principal Broker

20600 Bemis Place Directions: H~ 20 towarCk Sisters

exif righI on Old Bend Redmond Hwy.Gopas/ Tu~a/o Jct, 4 mi/e down on left, right before Joa get fo Mt Vi~ 5tabfes. 3 mile~fter a you turn onto Old BendRed~o~d H~.






home for those looking for an open feel & high end finishes at an affordable price. Quality douhle eall construction w/ a reclaimed wood exterior front & large side covered



II1 20482 Del Coco Ct.

patio make this perfect Directions: 3rd Street easl on

for Bend living. Fireplace Brosterhouse, /e fi on Brenfwood to in the living area open to the beautifully finished left on AaronWay,left on De/ Coco. kitchen. Upstairs features a vaulted master suite, Jack

n Jill baths and laundry room. LINDA WILLIAM S

Jjowv 5MARI:






R E A I. T 0






SAT. dt SUN. 12PM - 3PM Ideal WesLside property perfect for an owner or investment buyer. Charming home with much potential. Nice

appliances, gas stove, 1444 NW Ba16more h ardiplank s i d i n g , Directions: 1 4'" S t r e et t o r oom t o e xp an d . Baltimore, follow signs. Close to parks, trails, downtown activities.


HOSted 6 LiSted byr


Hoxred by:


541-420-2950 CJ



I Id QC I A O ~ lÃ1


Beautiful I'ahlisch Homes community featuring

HOSted 6 LiSted byr





THURS. - SUN. 12PM - 4PM

floor plans.


Listed and Hostedby. D.E. RINK



uP Award winnmi, builder, Structure Development NW!Great Roomrnth extensive use ol hardwood Iloors, built-ins. 3 sided (ireplacehetween dining area.Kitchenwith quanz slab island I commerciastyl l erange/hood. 2306 NW Floyd Lane Private masrersuire on main floor. litaser bath with walk-in tile shower, Directions: West on 5kyliners rile counrers K floor. Bedroom/den Road, right on //IF Lemhi Pass into X full bath on main floor. Bonu~ AV' Crossing. //iphf on Floyd Lane. room. 2 bedrooms Rbath Up~tairs. Amazing derail rhroughour!

Principal Broker


541-585-5069 541-480-9947

HOLIDAV REALTY ol Centrsl Oregon




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Beautiful & Spacious. Charming Single-Level Drake Park Historic Exquisitely S e c ludedGorgeous Tu r n-Key Looking for a ... Gen- NEW HOME, 3 bdrm, One owner, very well Ridge At Eagle Crest j Beautiful property with Cottage. Great RedDistrict j $975,000 Home - Sitting on Aw- Home - Panoramic e rous O pe n F l o or 2y2 bath + office, 1936 maintained, separate $395,000 comfortable s p aces mond location. Home • 3628 sq.ft. brey Butte on over an Cascade Mtn views. Plan Home? Great lo- sq. ft., gas heat, gas 2 ca r i n sulated & • 2610 sq.ft. single level for varied family inter- features newer inte- • 4 bedroom, 4 bath acre, this 3960 sq ft This home features cation, just minutes to range, gas fireplace, heated garage w/shop • 4 bedroom, 3 bath ests. Exquisite teak- r ior/exterior pai n t , • Beautifully finished home offers spacious new paint inside & Eagle Crest ameni- fenced, insulated ga- area, 2 bedrooms, 2 • .34 acre corner lot wood flooring in foyer, large partly covered • MLS 201306204 floor plan, g ourmet out, newly remolded ties and Central Orrage door w/opener. bath, 1539 sq ft and • MLS 201308194 living area and gour- front porch, n ewer Michelle Tisdel PC, kitchen with luxurious kitchen w/granite egon year-round recMLS¹ 20 1 3 09300 on a q u ie t p r ivate Shelly Hummel, Broker, met kitchen. Kitchen roof, laminate flooring, Broker, ABR, E-pro woods, family room counters & SS appli- reation. $39 8 ,500 $229,900. Pam street. $190,000 CRS, GRI, CHMS has granite counter- new kitchen & appli541-390-3490 with gas fireplace & ances, bamboo hard- MLS ¹201306601 Lester, Principal BroSharon Abrams, 541-383-4361 tops, l a rge i s land, ances, rem o deled built-ins, light & bright woods, slate, h igh- Eagle Crest Properties ker, Century 21 Gold Principal Broker, CRS 866-722- 3370 541-280-9309 p lanning desk a n d bath, high c eilings, living room, heated end c a rpet, g r e at Country Realty, Inc. numerous oak cabi- propane free-standtravertine flooring, of- room layout, e nor541-504-1338 John L. Scott n ets. Master b e d- ing stove, zonal wall fice/den on main level. mous master s uite L ovely 8 . 7 8 ac r e s Real Estate, Bend room on main level heat, mud room, deLarge master s uite w/private bal c ony, w/horse set-up, 2 cor- Nice & Quiet NW Redwww.johnlscott.com MORRIS MORRIS with luxurious bath- tached bonus room has fireplace easterly large guest bedrooms rals, very private. Su- mond Property. 3 bed, REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Private & Secluded room an d pr i vate w/heat source t h at v iews, ne w s t e a m w/ Jack & J ill bathper views of Cascade 2 bath, 1576 sq ft on y dp d l y o M d o p« d Private and s ecluded deck. Large can be utilized as 3rd shower & big Jacuzzi room, utility r o om, M tns. Updates i n acres. Beautiful, home, yet close to Ridge at Eagle Crest. f amily/media ro o m bedroom o r b o n us E agle C r e st , Gol f tub. Bonus room has spacious bonus room clude all new carpet, 2.8 mature landscape & town. All new kitchen Level, nearly 06 acre and game/rec room. room w/lofted storage. c ourse C h alet. 2 loads of s torage & w/fireplace, surround vinyl, tile, heat pump, yard. 48' x 24' 2-bay Lin e d parcel with utilities at Ample room for RV hookups for stacking sound & built-in TV. $542,500 MLS¹ new roof, along with insulated & h e a t ed a ppliances. Bdrm, 2 bath, + loft, 201303078. parking; large garden 1361 sq.ft., includes washer/dryer. E xtra H ome is w i red f o r new paint inside and shop w/220V. Recent pond for s wimming the street. HOA fee and water fun w/pool Bobbie Strome, & a m azing y a r d. hot t ub . $ 1 9 9,000, deep 3-car g arage backup ge n erator. out. 3 acres of irriga- paint too! Plenty of i ncludes al l E a g l e Principal Broker $159,900. MLS MLS $201302424 with numerous built- MLS 20 13 0 9010. t ion water too! L o - room for horses, RVs filter system and wa- C rest a menities: 3 ter feature. Passive John L Scott Real 201307688 ins a n d ab u ndant $240,000 sport centers, pools, Lynn Johns, Principal cated between Bend & t o ys . M L S ¹ solar heat sink part of t ennis c o urts, r e Estate 541-385-5500 John L. Scott Real John L. Scott Real Broker, 541-408-2944 storage. All this and a and Sisters. 201308783 heating system. Great duced golf fees, use Estate 541-548-1712 park-like b a c kyard. Estate 541-548-1712 Central Oregon MLS¹201307760 John L. Scott Real room affords easy of restaurant, road 2 543 N W Fre n c h Resort Realty Randy Schoning, Estate 541-548-1712 Garage Sales Custom designed 2574 Great lo c a tion in family living. G reat and common ground Court. $769,000. Principal Broker natural light from large maintenance. Large Tanglewood. This well 541-480-3393 s q. ft . h o m e w i t h Eagle Crest, Tour of Corinne Clarke, Broker Garage Sales kept home has granwindows and doors. lot with golf course John L. Scott NOTICE mountain views, Homes Award Win- ReMax Key Properties. 541-280-5795 Cell ite counters, new roof, All real estate adver- Enjoy the treed sur- view. You must re20x20 s h op , RV ner! 5 Bdrm, 4.5 bath, Real Estate, Bend Garage Sales new hot water heater, rounding, pond and view t hi s p r operty. ce www.johnlscott.com tised here in is subhookup, and l a r ge + bonus room with of- 541-728-0033 Offi large deck & fenced Eagle Crest o ffers fenced/gated area for fice, 5495 sq.ft., tons ject to t h e F e deral water feature. Huge Find them r e c roo m easy access to Bend, of extras. $949,000. FIND IT! yard. $262,900. MLS¹ Luxurious F air H o using A c t , family garden, animals, Ge t a way; in of bu i lt-in Redmond & Sisters. 201306286 Sgg /7I buildings. $ 2 99,000 MLS ¹201203650 Residence Club Villa which makes it illegal w/plentycabinets Jim King, Principal and The lot sits on the tee Lynn Johns, Principal The Bulletin MLS 201305717 Call SELL IT! at Pronghorn; 3 bdrm, to advertise any pref- storage counters. 5 bedrooms, Broker 541-693-8761 box of the 4th hole of erence, limitation or Nancy Popp, Broker, Broker, 541-408-2944 The Bulletin Classifieds 3 bath, 2,227 sq.ft., Classifieds John L. Scott two on main level and the Central Oregon Ri d g e Golf 541-815-8000 one t welfth s h are. discrimination based three on 2n d f loor. Resort Realty Real Estate, Bend Course! $1 4 9 ,900. on race, color, reliCrooked River Realty Fabulous Home on 1.45 $35,000. 541-385-5809 www.johnlscott.com S mall barn w it h 2 MLS ¹201308967 gion, sex, handicap, Cate Cushman, acres With a water stalls, tack room, shop The Bulletin Bobbie Strome, familial status or naPrincipal Broker feature, fire pit, big HAGER Deschutes Riverfront j M O UN T A IN s t o rage Principal Broker Best Priced Pronghorn To Subscribe call tional origin, or inten- area an d 541-480-1884 patio, 2 decks plus big E STATES. 4 $1,399,000 Lo t s , $615 , 0 00 John L Scott Real L ot. N i c klaus 4 t h • 3838 sq.ft. 541-385-5800 or go to front porch and cus- $30,000 each located www.catecushman.com tion to make any such room. Estate 541-385-5500 Fairway buyer must • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath preferences, l i mita- MLS¹ 201302745 www.bendbulletin.com t om f e n cing, t h i s in Silver Lake. UnderBobbie Strome, tions or discrimination. buy club membership/ • On river across from home has a wonder- g round power a n d River Canyon EstatesMountain High j Principal Broker Offered at: $8,000 We will not knowingly Enjoy walking to res- ful open floor plan conduitfor phone and Wonderful 4 bedroom Columbia Park $299,000 John L Scott Real Cate Cushman, accept any advertistaurants, shops, parks with wood floors. Rich i nternet. V i ews o f • New listing home features stain• MLS 201305668 Estate 541-385-5500 Principal Broker ing for r eal e state & school from t his wood cabinetry with Hager Mountain. Sep- • Single level on golf less appliances, wood Scott Huggin, 541-480-1884 which is in violation of 1814 sq. ft . h o me, granite and tile coun- tic feasibility for stan- course floors and big w i nBroker, GRI Quail Crosslng j www.catecushman.com this law. All persons built in 2005, 3 bdrms, tertops. All bedrooms dows, bring the out541-322-1500 d ard s y stem. T h e • Remodeled 2 bed$354,900 are hereby informed • 2103 sq.ft. 2 b a t hs, g o u rmet a re s pacious; u p d oors in! A l l b e d room + den area is a sportsman's • MLS Cascade Mountain that all dwellings adkitchen open to living stairs master has a 201309162 rooms are upstairs. • 4 bedroom, 3 bath Cy vertised are available Views j $495,000 room w it h g r a nite double sided gas fire- paradise. C offered mast e r , Rosemary Goodwin, .21 acre lot Bobbie Strome, • 3857 sq.ft. country on an equal opportu- •• MLS counters. Master suite place, soaking tub & Broker, c ustom tile work i n 201308461 Principal Broker nity basis. The Bullehome has new carpet with big bathroom. Lightmaster bath & guest Certified Negotiator MORRIS John L Scott Real Odette Adair, • 4 bedroom, 3 bath tin Classified great separation from i ng fixtures & d e - Estate 541-385-5500 541-706-1897 bath. Loft area could Broker, S.T.A.R. REAL ESTATE • 5 acres, barn, shop, the guest bedroom. signer paint colors are be used for office or 541-815-4786 corrals MLS¹201308947. exquisite throughout Hillside Chateau - Copplay area. Nice fenced NW Bend j $274,500 • MLS 201308515 Shelley Arnold, Broker the house. Don't miss per Cupolas, Slate backyard with huge • 840 sq.ft. remodeled Virginia Ross, Broker, Development Land j 541-771-9329 s eeing t h i s one ! Roof, Stone Exterior. concrete slab for encottage ABR CRS, GRI, Eco $1,250,000 John L. Scott 18933 Sho s hone. 4 Bedrooms, 4 Baths, tertaining area. Don't • 2 bedroom, 1 bath MORRIS • 14+ acres in proBroker, Previews Real Estate, Bend $399,000. Co r i nne 4152 sq. ft., Offered at miss seeing this one! • Restored fir floors, REAL ESTATE MORRIS 541-480-7501 posed UGB www.johnlscott.com Clarke, Broker 19777 Dry Canyonnew windows $2,395,000. • 2425 sq.ft. country REAL ESTATE ReMax Key Properties. $229,000. • MLS 201308553 Cate Cushman, estate y &p d l y o d d op d 541-280-5795 Cell Corinne Clarke, Broker Lynne Connelley, Principal Broker • Barn, indoor arena NE Bend Duplex j Tick, Tock 541-728-0033 Office ReMax Key Properties. Broker, CRS 541-480-1884 • MLS 201305364 $285,000 541-280-5795 Cell 541-408-6720 What are you www.catecushman.com • 1146 sq.ft. units Matt Robinson, Broker Tick, Tock... Fantastic, Cozy, Move541-728-0033 Offi ce MORRIS • 2 bedroom, 2 bath 541-977-5811 looking for? in Ready Home On REAL ESTATE Advertise your car! ...don't let time get each S ingle s t or y ho m e over an acre w/ CasI d p d ly o H d yy p d Add A Picture! You'll find it in loaded with upgrades! away. Hire a cade Mtn views, lo- Reach thousands of readers! • Great view of Pilot 1550 sq ft, 3 br, 2 ba Butte cated between Tu- Call 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classifieds Cascade mt n v i e ws professional out MORRIS plus a n o ff ice/den. malo & Sisters. Home The Bulletin Classifleds • MLS 201307306 frame this beautiful 20 Sue Conrad REAL ESTATE Landscaped with garof The Bulletin's is in great condition MORRIS a cre p roperty. 1 0 den area. $169,900. Broker, CRS ydp p ly o p po p "Call A Service w/huge solarium en- Ideal building location, 541-385-5809 minutes from Bend's REAL ESTATE 541-480-6621 MLS¹ 2013 0 8225 try, hand-made Ash B roken To p ni n t h Eastside w/15 acres Professional" Lester, Principal cabinets, tile counters, fairway, natural terNW Bend j $315,000 Rare 5 acre parcel out- Pam irrigation, 4 stall barn B roker, Century 21 Directory today! beautiful lam i nate rain. .34 acres. Of• Great room design side S u n river 4 Gold Country Realty, & 2 ponds. Home has Don't begin to describe wood flooring fered at $239,000. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath bdrms, 2 bath home, 3 bdrms, 2590 sq. ft., this 38 acre Enjoy your privacy in Inc. 541-504-1338 t hroughout, an d a Cate Cushman, • Granite, hardwood oversized 2-car ga& bonus room. A pri- farm/ranch/horse this cozy single level 2 -car attached g a Principal Broker MORRIS floors rage with a t tached vate oasis! $579,000 property. Barn w i th Have an item to 541-480-1884 on almost 1/2 r age. R ecent u p REAL ESTATE • MLS 201307733 shop, near the Deswww.johnlscott.com stalls, irrigation, 2600 home c hutes R i ve r an d acre. 1420 sq. ft., with grades, new roof, ap- www.catecushman.com Julia Buckland, sell quick? /76924 sq. ft., home and a bdrms & 2 b aths. pliances, b a t hroom Broker, ABR, ALHS, C ascade lakes . Kathy Caba, Broker, If it's under shop. All this and just 3Landscaped vanities & fi x t ures,Land, Land, Land Buy w /garCRS, GRI $209,000. ABR 541-771-1761 20 minutes to Bend. den area. Ready to it now while you still Say "goodbuy prinkler system & 541-719-8444 MLS¹201308026. '500 you can place it in John L. Scott BLM nearby. move in! $ 2 49,900. sfenced courtyard. RV c an. R a nc h wi t h www.johnlscott.com Real Estate, Bend to that unused The Bulletin www.johnlscott.com breathtaking v i e ws. www.johnlscott.com/c parking & plenty of /28599 www.johnlscott.com /74510 room for a shop or 320 acres fenced, exitem by placing it in Ellen Clough, ABR, Classifieds for: yndirobertson Jean Nelsen, Broker tra large hay b arn, The Bulletin Classifieds Cyndi Robertson, home addition if deCRS, Broker Need help fixing stuff? 541-420-3927 sired. MLS¹ shop & home. MLS 541-480-7180 Broker, 541-390-5345 '10 - 3 lines, 7 days MORRIS Call A Service Professional John L. Scott 201307278. $290,000 John L. Scott 201308952 John L. Scott REAL ESTATE '16 - 3 lines, 14 days find the help you need. Real Estate, Bend Real Estate, Bend John L. Scott Real John L. Scott Real Real Estate, Bend 5 41-385-580 9 IM p d « l y O d d Op www.bendbulletin.com www.johnlscott.com www.johnlscott.com Estate 541-548-1712 Estate 541-548-1712 www.johnlscott.com (Private Party ads only) •



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I •



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+ 4gg Q%

Q Date: October X4th, XOX3

4:ooym-6:ooym Location: BroRen Toy C ost: SXS e r er s o n




TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Redmond Homes



Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes


Sunriver/La Pine Homes Sunriver/La Pine Homes Sunriver/La Pine Homes Jefferson County Homes

Spacious open f loor Unique One of a Kind- U pdated! Owner w i l l 942 Trail Creek Dr.. New Construction - Split 16477 Heath Drive, La 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1222 Dome home in Wagon Want to move in and c arry... 3 b d rm , 2 E agle C rest, 2 3 2 1 master floorplan, 3 Pine. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, sq. ft., dbl. garage on T rail R anch. S p a - enjoy life? This is your plan, large k i tchen Central Oregon eswith eating bar and tate on 5 acres. Cus- bath, 1440 sq ft on .34 s q.ft. 3 b drm, 2. 5 bdrm, 2 b ath, 1640 1208 sq. ft., $129,999. .32 acre. 51465 Lasso cious living with firehome, and it is loaded pantry. Huge master tom uns u rpassed acre. Large deck & bath, + office, great sq. ft., tile floors/back- High Lakes Realty 8 D rive., La Pine , place and loft, Jenn- w ith upgrades a nd suite, 3 add i tional quality throughout this oversized ga r age/ room plan, all presplash, RV parking. Property Ma n age- $114,900. High Lakes Air cooktop, pantry, ready to live in. This l arge b drms. N i c e 4111 sq ft main home. shop. $119,900. mium finishes. $184,900. MLS ment 541-536-0117 Realty & Pr o p erty wood c oo k s t o ve, well maintained home sized backyard. Great 320 degree views in- MLS¹201308373 $ 413,277 lo t on l y ¹ 201301880 Pam Management built-in ceramic oven, boasts a large tiled neighborhood. Close c lude Casc a d e Pam Lester, Principal $120,000) Lester, Principal Bro- 11660 Burlwood Dr., La 541-536-0117 tile floors, indoor hot entryway, ceiling fans, Pine, OR 5 Bdrm, 3 to schools, shopping M ountains, Smi t h B roker, Century 2 1 Lynn Johns, Principal ker, Century 21 Gold tub and sauna, deck, recessed lig h ting, 3 Bdrm, 2 b ath 1 .26 & more. Call Barbara Rock & the Ochocos. Gold Country Realty, Broker, 541-408-2944 Country Realty, Inc. bath, 1872 sq. ft. with acre, 29x36 s h o p. garage/shop and large loft area, a mas 1040 sq.ft. garage! 541-504-1338 for more information. 2240 sq f t s e cond Inc. 541-504-1338 Central Oregon Big Timber, La greenhouse. Commu- t er b e droom w i t h $110,000. High 53535 Barbara Jackson, home with 3 bed, 3 Resort Realty Northwest C o ntempo Only Pine. $199,900. High nity pool, rec room, ample walk-in closet Newer large home on Lakes Realty & PropBroker 541-306-8186 bath 3 ca r g a rage. almost 1/ 4 lending library, boat window cov e rings p a n oramic erty a c r es.Beautifully maintained 3 rary w / Man a gement Lakes Realty & Prop- launch. John L. Scott Amazing 2592 sq ft $13 0 ,000. t hroughout. The g a views. Walls of w in erty Man a gement 3000 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, bdrm, 2 i/~ bath, 2151 541-536-0117 6-bay shop with office, Real Estate, Bend MLS 201305240 rage is finished with and l uxurious 541-536-0117 www.johnlscott.com bathroom & b o n us 2~/~ bath, landscaped sq. ft., large .42 acre dows finishes t h r oughoutGorgeous 3 bdrm, 2 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1539 Cascade Realty, Den- ceiling storage rack and fenced, with RV lot, golf course and rooms. Call Paul tonis Haniford, Princ. and you have great gorgeous custom b ath 1 4 5 6 s q . f t . sq.ft., on fenced gated Broker 541-536-1731 day for your private gates. $279,000. MLS mtn. views. $399,900. this views from the back Find It in home. $799,900 MLS 201304622 Pa m MLS¹201305699 home, 2 acres with acre. 16011 Falcon MLS Lester, Principal Bro deck. VA assumable if ¹201307976 The Bulletin Classifieds! showing. shop! 1 2 0 4 C heryl L n., L a P i ne , O R Lynn Johns, Principal ¹201305998 eligible. $12 9 ,900 Find exactly what Eagle Crest Properties 541-385-5809 ker Century 21 Gold Broker, 541-408-2944 D r., i n La Pin e . $134,500. High Lakes John L. Scott Real MLS¹ 201304344 866-722- 3370 Country Realty, Inc. $174,900. High you are looking for in the Central Oregon Realty & Pr o p erty Estate 541-548-1712 Heather Hockett, PC, Lakes Realty 8 Prop- Management Sunriver j $619,500 541-504-1338 Resort Realty Our finest of the chaCLASSIFIEDS B roker, Century 2 1 • 2680 sq.ft. erty Man a gement 541 -536-01 1 7 West Hills. 4 Bdrm, 3.5 lets. Many, many upGold Country Realty, Canyon Rim V illage- Beautiful single story 541-536-0117 • 3 bedroom, 3 bath bath, in 4040y sq.ft., grades of built-ins of 541-420-91 51 home in The Falls, a 3 Bdrm, 3 bath, bonus Great opportunity for a • 1st Fairway Wooddelightful we s t side Open floor plan feaknotty pine. ImmacuC o r ra l Ct. room, shop. 1 5951 c ash b uyer! V e r y lands G.C. home with panoramic tures gas appliances, 55+ very active com- late condition with ex- 145241 floors, cen- munity at Eagle Crest. tra large deck facing $149,000. La P i ne, Tallwood Ct. La Pine. u nique h om e t h a t • MLS 201302081 C ascade an d ci t y hardwood Call a Pro from a pole Susan Agli, Broker, views on a spacious tral air w/heat pump 2 bdrm/2 bath home east and on the 10th OR 3/2, 1620 sq.ft., $229,000. High Lakes originated and good separation with large den h as fairway of the Ridge. m fd home o n 1 . 6 5 Realty & Whether you need a Pr o perty barn. Sold as is. No ABR, ALHS & SRES lot with high desert permits found f r om 541-408-3773 natural landscaping. between master and 2,121 sq. ft. open liv- $325,000 fence fixed,hedges MLS acre, pole barn. High Management c ounty r e cords. 2 bedrooms. Built- ing space & l a rge ¹201302668 Lakes Realty & Prop- 541-536-0117 Two gas fireplaces, other trimmed or a house bdrm 1 bath with famin desk, upstairs bomaster bedr o om. erty Man a gement one in living room and Eagle Crest Properties 4 Bdrm, 2 bath 1836 ily room upstairs. Sgl nus room, v a ulted $359,900 541-536-0117 built, you'll find one in master bed- ceilings, 866-722- 3370 sq.ft., 2 .8 4 a c r es, arage, storage shed. covered MLS¹201308127 room. Master bedprofessional help in shop. 1018 Chapman 64,900. MLS u nderground Eagle Crest Patio h om e i n the $149,900. Nicely taken room ha s c o f fered porch, MORRIS sprinklers, raised gargreens 1151 sq. ft., 2 care of MH with shop S t., G i lchrist, O R . 201309122. Cascade The Bulletin's "Call a Properties ceiling and slider to REAL ESTATE Lakes Realty, Dennis Haniden beds, e x cep866-7223370 bdrm, 2 bath, home and RV ramada on 5 $214,900.High upper deck with hot Pro p erty ford, Princ. B r oker Service Professional" I& p d ly O d dOp d l a n dscaping. on l a rge l o t on acres. Exp a nsive Realty 8 tub. Master bath has tional Directory Management 1-541-536-1731 c ul-de-sac, nic e l y decks on the front & MLS 2 013 0 4 759 Charming cottage with Super Nice - Well cared deep soak tub, large 541 -536-01 1 7 Hardwood floors, cozy landscaped, dB. ga541-385-5809 back. Fenced on 3 $300,000 for NE Bend 3 bd, 2 t iled s h ower an d fireplace, RV parking, rage. $159,900 MLS¹ sides with a 4'cyclone 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 1950 Remodeled 2 bdrm, 1 ba, 1502 sq ft. This double sinks. Great John L. Scott Real mature landscaping. 201309019 b ath, 1050 s q . f t . fenced back yard for sq. ft. + 1000 sq. ft. one-owner home has room is light and airy Estate 541-548-1712 762 55690 Big River Dr. $124,900. MLS¹ Pam Lester, Princ. Bro- pets. S h o p has a pt., S hop/Barn i s new carpet, interior with expansive city Eagle Crest Home 3 La Pine. $ 164,500. Homes with Acreage 201308245. Call ker, Century 21 Gold walk-in meat cooler 40x34 w/16' door for paint, light f ixtures, and Cascade views. bdrms, 2 baths chaVicci Bowen and lots of room for the motorhome, add'I High Lakes Realty Country Realty, Inc. s ink f a ucets, h i g h Kitchen is efficiently 541-536-0117 l et b e a uty . Gol f 541-410-9730 Newly L isted! D o n't 541-504-1338 your toys. Upgrades 20x20 covered storquality dis t r essed laid out with granite C ourse l o t , gr e a t Oregon Realty including pergo floors wait, Bend c o untry hardwood laminate in tile counters, newer views. Great r ental Central age, 1 6x16 w o odPeaceful setting! 1936 Group, LLC BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS home on 2 + acres. and upgraded new shed & finished wellkitchen, dining & utilappliances, p a n t ry history. sq. ft. of upgraded MLS ¹ w indows 51275 D i BLM access close to ity rooms. Nice tiled and hardwood floor- 201208881 $224,700. CORNER LOT 1380 sq. living on just under house thatis used as Search the area's most comprehensive listing of p roperty f o r tra i l a nne Rd. L a P i n e a s mall w o rkshop. kitchen counters, ing. Triple garage with John L. Scott Real ft., 3 bdrm, 2 b ath, a h alf a c re . R V High Lakes Realty & classified advertising... r iding. You get a 4 1.75 acres. $405,000 floors and counter in Ultimate floor. Wired Estate 541-548-1712 vaulted ceilings, gas parking, extensive bath Property Ma n age- 5 1765 P in e L o o p real estate to automotive, bedroom, 3 b athrooms. Wor k - for security system. heat, and double car concrete and paver ment 541-536-0117 h ome that has h a d Drive, La Pine. High merchandise to sporting bench & cabinets in Wired for stereo with $389,000 Energy Star garage. $1 5 9,900. l andscaping, i r o n Bulletin Classifieds p lenty of n e w u p garage. Extraordinary s peakers on m a i n home built by Sage in MLS¹ 2 01309158 fenced garden area. 1 5425 Pine Ct. 2 7 9 2 Lakes Realty & Prop- goods. dates. The kitchen is Man a gement appear every day in the l andscape & w a t e r f loor i n 4 zon e s . Vista Rim! Enjoy tran Pam Lester, Principal MLS 201 3 06536 sq.ft., 4 bdrm, 3 bath erty print or on line. all new with custom 541-536-0117 feature, underground 5-zone heating sys- q uil setting o n t h e B roker, Century 2 1 $274,000. Call Kelly 4 car garage, 1.75 cabinets, tile counter sprinklers f r on t & tem. Two levels of ce- pond. Call 541-385-5809 Exp a nsive Gold Country Realty, Starbuck, Principal 52314 Ponderosa Way. www.bendbulletin.com acres. $289,900 High tops, bamboo floors, back. Move-in ready! d ar d e cking p l u s views east of Smith Inc. 541-504-1338 Broker R e d mond Lakes Realty & Prop- 4 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1922 new light fixtures and MLS¹201308584 paver patio. Plumbed R ock mtns, & c i t y R E/MAX Land & erty Man a gement sq.ft., 1 .1 3 a c r es. The Bulletin more. Bat h rooms John L. Scott Real in humidification syslights from front. MLS Custom Home on 5.91 Homes R eal Es$249,000. High Lakes senmg ce rzvovegon smce1903 541-536-0117 have new tile, recent Estate 541-548-1712 Ac, P o w el l B u t t e. tate 541-771-7786 t em. $610, 0 0 0 ¹201308726 Realty & Pr o p erty throughout and $ 339,900. 36x4 0 MLS¹ 201301639 Eagle Crest Properties W ell m a i ntained 3 carpet 16445 White Buck, 4 Management SW Bend j $259,900 windows are recent as shop, woodstove & The Bulletin's 866-722- 3370 Bobbie Strome, bdrm, 2 b ath, 1722 541 -536-01 1 7 • 1971 sq.ft. Bdrm, 2y~ bath, 2900 well as interior paint. Jacuzzi tub, main floor "Call A Service Principal Broker sq. ft. home on 2y2 You get a c o vered • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath sq.ft., on 2~/~ acres. 55956 Wood Duck Dr, $539,900 Gor g eous master suite. Professional" Directory John L Scott Real acres. Family room + • .56 acre lot on a $299,900. High porch to enjoy in the custom home on the MLS¹201307493 Call $188 , 000. L R, s eparation o f Estate 541-385-5500 cul-de-sac Lakes Realty & Prop- 2Bend. is all about meeting the 1st green of the Ridge Vicci Bowen, 160 sq . f t. , 4/2 , bedrooms. Master has summer a n d • MLS 201308730 erty Man a gement newer, w/open floor home has a triple car C ourse a t Eag l e 541-41 0-9730 yourneeds. West Hills j $500,000 walk-in shower plus 541-536-0117 Jim & Roxanne • 3535 sq.ft. Crest! Gracious floor Central Oregon Realty plan 8 vaults, fenced tub, and walk in closet attached garage and Cheney, Brokers Call on one of the a pull through shop. • 3 bedroom, 3 bath plan, soaring ceilings, Group, LLC back yard. Huge at- Corner p a ntry 17044 Whittier Dr., so. in professionals today! • .44 acre landscaped b eautiful v iews, e l tached garage w/shop kitchen. Sep. u t ility Exterior of home is to Bend, $109,900. 3 be painted. Property e gant, timeless f i n Extremely well m ainlot area. Green house 8 opens to back covvi e w s. bdrm, 2 bath + den, is agent owned. Moti • MLS 201306398 ishes thr o u ghout. tained 3 bdrm, 2 bath, Privacy w it h hot tub. 1404 sq. ft., garden ered deck. Heat pump Eagle Crest. 3 Bdrm, 1190 sq. ft., s ingle vated seller looking at MLS ¹201308794 John Snippen, Broker, La Jeanne Kline, Broker + electric F/A a n d tub, one acre. High level home built 2005. 3.5 bath, 3245 sq.ft., offers and o ff ering MBA, ABR, CRS, GRI Eagle Crest Properties EXIT Realty, Bend propane heater. Large Dbl. garage, large pa- dual master suites, Lakes Realty & Prop$2500 towards buy 866-722- 3370 541-312-7273 541-390-8774 erty Man a gement carport plus dbl. gaMORRIS tio, fenced, park set- amazing Smith Rock 541-536-0117 ers closing costs. This 541-948-9090 1082 Trail Creek Dr., Cabin on 1 .24 a cre, rage with shop area. ting w/picket fence, views. $478,800. MLS is a nice package at REAL ESTATE Close to d o wntown Eagle Crest, (Lot only pole barn, city water roses, lilacs 8 more! ¹201207678 $289,900 Hea t her IM~ d l yo d da p d 2611 sq.ft., 5 acres, 3 and g o v' t la n d s. Cg $159,900) 2681 sq.ft. $149,999 Lynn Johns, Principal and sewer. $69,000. MLS¹ Hockett, PC, Broker, bay shop. 1716 Ter- 51377 Walling Ln. La $169,000. MLS Century 2 1 SW Redmond j 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, + 201309238 Pam Broker, 541-408-2944 Gol d ret R d , $3 5 4 ,000. Pine. $210,000 office & formal dining Lester, Princ. Broker, Central Oregon Hi g h L a kes 201304888 Cascade C ountry Real t y , MORRIS High Lakes Realty & • 1596 sq.ft. r oom, great r o o m C entury 2 1 Realty & Pr o perty Realty, Dennis Hani- 541-420-91 51 Resort Realty Gol d Property Ma n age- Management REAL ESTATE ford, Princ. B r oker • 3 bedroom, 1.5 bath plan, all premium finCountry Realty, Inc. $265,000 Slate entry, ment 541-536-0117 541-536-1 731 • 1 acre, irrigation canal ishes. $479,288 541-536-0117 541-504-1338 granite tile c o unter on property Lynn Johns, Principal WINDANCE • MLS 201308477 Broker, 541-408-2944 G olf Course & Mt n tops, the great room Bedroom, 2.5 bath, Karin Johnson, Broker 3 1673 V iews. 3 Bdrm, 2 y 2 and master bedroom Central Oregon sq.ft., 19 acre 541-639-6140 Resort Realty bath, 1 4 1 7 sq . f t., overlook the deck and parcel an a p r ivate Eagle Crest. Great the pond beyond, this setting with a view of $125,000 mou n t ain room floor plan, main t ownhome is a m a z Pilot Butte, close to v iews! 8169 6th S t level master & hot tub. i ngly p rivate. M L S s chools, p a rks & T errebonne. ¹201305300 Bes t $220,000. MLS Eagle s hopping. Light & views in Central OrCrest Properties ¹201209360 MORRIS bright with many win- egon, 2 bedroom, 2 Lynn 866-722- 3370 Johns, Principal REAL ESTATE dows & custom lights, bath, 1152 sq. ft. Broker, 541-408-2944 Spacious Home in The IM*p d t y O d dOp d fenced back yard with MLS¹201307848 Central Oregon Cliffs I $ 2 89,000 pavered patio & large SW Redmond j Call Travis L. Hannan, Resort Realty Light & bright interior, double garage. Built in PC, Principal Broker $255,000 walk-in pantry, speaker system, Just bought a new boat? huge 541-788-3480 • 1898 sq.ft. three car tandem gavaulted ceilings with Sell your old one in the • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Redmond RE/MAX MLS Ask about our rage. recessed lighting & • .14 acre fenced lot Land & Homes Real classifieds! ¹ 201308975. Call Super Seller rates! RV parking. $264,000 • MLS 201307205 Estate 541-923-0855 Vicci Bowen, • MLS¹201308272 541-385-5809 Debbie Hershey, 541-410-9730 Bobbie Strome, 173 Highland Meadow Highland Park at Eagle Central Oregon Realty Lp., Eagle Crest, 2321 Principal Broker Resort o f fers Group, LLC HOW WOuld you fill yOur fridge With One year'S WOrth Of John L Scott Real s q.ft. 3 b drm, 2. 5 Crest s tunning v i ews o f The Jefferson - NW bath, + office, great Estate 541-385-5500 R o c k , the Redmond - $289,900. free gTOceriCS'.~ Wit}S H>iS limite(I time ()ffer fn )m room plan, all pre- Smith Woodlands Golf mium finishes. Ochocos and Powell Desirable NW neighButte. A car e f ully Course; open great $402,777 (Lot o n ly single level, Hayden H o m eS, the POSSibilitieS are endleSS... ne i ghbor- borhood, MORRIS room with mountain $99,500). Lynn Johns, planned 3 b drm, 2 . 5 b a t h, hood nestled into the REAL ESTATE and lake v iews, 4 P rincipal Brok e r, High Desert t errain 2020 sq ft. ly0 d dOp « d bdrm, 6 bath, 5,096 541-408-2944 and surrounded by old MLS¹201306374 sq.ft., o f f ered at Central Oregon Call J i m Hi n t on, Good classified ads tell growth juni p ers. 541-420-6229 $1,195,000. Resort Realty the essential facts in an Pocket parks on ev- Central Cate Cushman, Oregon Realty interesting Manner. Write ery street and the 24' 204 Highland Meadow Principal Broker Group, LLC to 32' setbacks enfrom the readers view - not 541-480-1884 Loop, Eagle Crest, . sure unimpeded drathe seller's. Convert the www.catecushman.com 2020 sq.ft. 3 bdrm, 2 aa Need to get an ad facts into benefits. Show bath, great room plan, matic views from ev= • 5• • I ++ ] 747 ery home. You will all premium finishes. the reader how the item will •r in ASAP? l ove t he uni q u e $357,566 help them in someway. Southwest Bend Homes "Mountain Fo o t hill" Lynn Johns, Principal This Broker, 541-408-2944 design and extensive Fax It to 541-322-7253 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 2110 advertising tip stonework of t h ese Central Oregon sq. ft. home, 3-car gabrought to youby b eautiful home s . The Bulletin Classifieds Resort Realty rage. $399 , 9 99. There are just a few The Bulletin 60826 Scotts B l uff, 2246 Nez P erce C t . home sites remaining, High Lakes Realty & R edmond. Lots o f which are u n iquelyTour of Homes Award Ma n age- house The Highlands - Gated, Property for your money right next to one an- Winner. 4 Bdrm, 4.5 m ountain views. 2 ment 541-536-0117 here. Large home with other — the perfect bath, bonus room and 10-acre parcels. Ofupgrades galore. The o pportunity for t h e formal dining. 4001 Broken Top! Golf & s e n im fered at $550,000. kitchen has stainless home owner looking Sq.ft., 4X Award WinMore! Spacious cusA T THZ R I D G E Cate Cushman, tlAYDVN HOMES steel high quality apner in 2 006. Eagle tom home with 4652 to combine a few lots Principal Broker p liances, gran i t e and have plenty of Crest, $799 , 900. sq. ft. See virtual Tour 541-480-1884 c ountertops and a privacy. Home sites MLS ¹201300467 on www.remax.co. www.catecushman.com kitchen island. You starting @$39,000. Lynn Johns, Principal $1,190,000. get wood flooring and www.eaglecrestproperBroker, 541-408-2944 The p e rfect s e tting; MLS¹201303060. upgraded c a r pets, ties.com Central Oregon Broken Top first fair541-923-0855 high ceilings, gas fireResort Realty way, mature ponderoRedmond RE/MAX NEW CON S T RUCplace surrounded by sas, . 35 acre s . Land & Homes T wo master suites i n stone, mountain view, TION! 1616 sq. ft., 3 offered at $275,000. Real Estate master bedroom with bdrm,, 2 bath, home t his 2236 sq. ft., 5 E STAT E S Cate Cushman, b drm h o m e wit h av ttAYDzn HQMEs walk-in shower and with Double car ga748 Principal Broker master on each level. l3Y ff/tYDFff HOM galore. HOA Fees rage, gas f ireplace, 541-480-1884 Northeast Bend Homes tile i nclude water a n d pantry, split bedroom living room with gas www.catecushman.com sewer so no big wa- plan with great room fireplace. Beautifully This immaculate 2363 Tamarack Park ramconcept. Too new for landscaped. $249,900 ter bills! Many more bler 3/2, .29 acres, sq. ft., 3 bdrm, 2 bath MLS! Pa m L e s ter, MLS 201306110 upgrades hard to reRV prkg, huge fenced Call Kelly or Virginia features living, dining Princ. Broker, Cenplace at $235,000. back yard. 2981 Rock Principal Brokers & family rooms and tury 21 Gold Country H eather Hockett, PC Chuck $2 19,000. Redmond RE/MAX sunny breakfast room. B roker Century 2 1 Realty, Inc. Land & Homes Real Huge master s uite 541-390-1963 Gold Country 541-504-1338 Estate 541-923-0855 w/jetted tub. Gourmet 541-420-9151 750 kitchen with w alk-in New Cons t ruction!You Must See This! 3 Redmond Homes 227 Highland Meadow $189,000. Single story bdrm, 2 bath, fully uppantry. Many extras & Lp., E a gl e C r e st, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1724 dated upgrades. $149,800. w/d e signer Marilyn Rohaly, Broker Huge home in desired 2681 sq.ft. 3 b drm, sq.ft., Move in ready! touches. Natural light 541-322-9954 SW location, 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, + office & Landscaped with w/views of the Cas2y2 bath, 2880 sq. ft., formal dining room, sprinklers and fenced. cades. John L. Scott $149 , 500 MLS ¹ 201 3 04779 Real Estate, Bend huge deck, fenced, great room plan, all MLS¹201303912 sprinklers, and yard, premium www.johnlscott.com fin i shes. Pam Lester, Principal Gail Day 541-306-1018 move-in ready. $ 433,388 (lot o n l y B roker, Century 2 1 Central Oregon Realty Triple car garage! 1354 $215,000. MLS $100,000) Lynn Gold Country Realty, Group, LLC sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2 bath 201209154 Pam Johns, Principal BroInc. 541-504-1338 b uilt in 2004 on a n Lester, Principal Bro ker, 541-408-2944 People Look for Information oversized lot. ,900. ker Century 21 Gold New Construction - 3 Central Oregon About Products and MLS¹201307453 bdrm, 2 b ath, 1705 Country Realty, Inc. Resort Realty $159,900. Pam 541-504-1338 sq.ft, 23 acre lot, tile Services Every Daythrough Lester, Princ. Broker, 257 Highland Meadow floors, tile backsplash, The Bulletin ClassiNeds C entury 2 1 Gol d Sitting on the Rim. 1620 Lp., E a gl e C r e st. landscaped, fenced. Country Realty, Inc. sq. ft. attractive home, 2321 sq.ft. 3 b drm, 179,900 MLS Looking for your next 541-504-1338 canyon views, double 2.5 bath, + o f f ice, ¹ 201209125 Pam emp/oyee? car garage and shop great room plan, all Lester, Principal Bro- Place a Bulletin help Tumalo Acreage j area with horse stall premium fin i shes. ker, Century 21 Gold wanted ad today and $559,500 off paved road. MLS $433,388 (Lot o nly Country Realty, Inc. reach over 60,000 • Mt. Bachelor to Mt. 201309151 $229,000 $99,500). Lynn Johns, 541-504-1338 readers each week. Hood views Call Lin d a Lou P rincipal Brok e r , Your classified ad • 2420 sq.ft., 4 bedDay-Wright 5 41-408-2944, C e n - New construction in NW will also appear on room, 2.5 bath Redmond. $182,900. 541-771-2585 tral Oregon Resort bendbulletin.com • 9.54 acres 3 /2, 1 55 6 s q . ft . , Crooked River Realty Realty which currently re• MLS 201307549 Stainless appliances, ceives over Mark Valceschini PC, The Greens at Red- 4 56 N utcracker D r ., pantry, plumbed for 1.5 million page Broker, CRS, GRI mond. $289 , 000. E agle Crest, 2 0 2 0 AC, fully landscaped, views every month 541-383-4364 Large bonus room, sq.ft. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, sprinkler system, at no extra cost. c anal v iews. G o l f great room plan, all oversized garage door Bulletin Classifieds community $289,000. premium fin i shes. w/opener. MLS¹ Get Results! MLS¹ 201308079 201305675. J e anne $355,566 * thxsixi on;m xvvragz;uvnial XTo< cn l>u<ly:i ol 53,000; pakl ai vlosin¹ to thc liomc Ixsycr xs a giffi vxnl lo x local Call 385-5809 or Vicci Bowen Lynn Johns, Principal Scharlund, B r o ker, place your ad on-line grovcry storc ol ihc svllcrs < Ix>ioxi promotion Xoo<Ilor full privc ol'I< rs on < vrrc>u imcniop homcs only; may lw. MORRIS 541-41 0-9730 Broker, 541-408-2944 541-420-7978 rorabinerl mth spe<ilir evisting ot)'ers or promorions, nnist close by l)cremlxr si, 201+ see full n)les online at REAL ESTATE Central Oregon Realty Central Oregon Central Oregon Realty bendbulletin.com xr \vNw.lillUrefridgeforfree.cour Ha yden Eueq)risesReally, Inc.CCII II)-RCI'2¹14I Oit 172525 WA-HATI)l.'HI33/13H Resort Realty I&p & Il y O d d Op I d Group, LLC Group, LLC


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' I I I



Nestled in tall Ponderosa Pines within an hour of Bend 8<Mt. Bachelor & only 20 min. from Championship Golf & Sunriver • 53547 Kokanee Way, $395,000: 3 bdrm, 3-car garage & deck overlooking river w/direct view of Pringle Falls •53557 Kokanee Way,$490,000:Thisbright& open custom built 1998 home directly overlooks the river • 53610 Brookie Way, $420,000: Beautiful Scandinavian inspired design w/hand blown glass, ironwork & sauna

• 53510 Brookie Way, $425,000: Hand-scribed Canadian Spruce log home w/covered porches, backs to N. Forest • 14234 Whitewater Loop, $400,000: 2006 High-quality custom home with vaulted ceilings on a large and level lot Video tours at: www.bendpropertysource.com/listings

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker j 541-408-3912 brian©bendpropertysource.com

7605SW JoshuaCt.,PowellButte • 5 bedrooms,4.5baths, 4559SF • 2 master suites with propane fireplaces •Gourmetkitchenw/deuble ovens and6-burner stove • Triple garage/shop,full indoor gymoff garage, heatedboat barn aiid storage buildings • Greenhouse,putting green, garden,vineyardandwater feature

MLS¹ 201300290 Deb Tebbs, Broker/President j 541-419-4553 debtebbsgroup@bendluxuryhomes.com jwww.debtebbsgroup.com •


868 NW Haleakala, Bend • Great room planwith loft, den &upstairs family room • Rich cherrywood floors andwoodwork throughout • Designed to entertain with largeeating bar, formal dining &breakfast nook • Marbled slabgranite kitchencounters • Extensive use of travertine in the master bath • 3bedroom,3.5bath, 3039SF

hardwoods, alder cabinetry • Gourmet kitchen, great room offers rock fireplace • Master suite overlooks pond, water feature. • Large bonus/media room • Lovely perennial gardens and landscaping • 3 beds, 2.5 baths, 3008 SF. MLS¹201309160

The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS j 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

541-312-5151 j www TeamNormaAndJulie.com

• •I



• Beautiful architecture, wood windows, extensive use of granite, tile, Brazilian





~ II I

• •



• 3 bedroom, 3.5 baths, built by Timberline Construction 8< designed by Jim Tebbs Design Group • Seamless integration of indoor and outdoor space, open floor plan

Enjoythisbeautifulcustom home w/

lovely finishes •Openfloorplanw/spaciouskitchen & great rm, living, & main level master suite

• Private courtyard and covered back patio w/mountain views • Energy efficient Earth Advantage • A flex room & study allow for maximum versatility • 61533 Meeks Trail

• Oversized 3 car garage w/shep & storage! • Views of Rivers EdgeFairway, the 13th tee & mtns • Enjoy the private decking & manufactured gardens. • Directions: Mt. Washington to Fairway Heights Dr. MLS¹201308552


• Carmen Ann Cook, Broker ( 541-480-6491 • carmsells©att.net

• Elevated location with views • Refreshing, innovative design & functional

• Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS f 541-408-0406 • Resort Properties Specialist

floor plan • • • • • •

Open plan, essentially main level living Magnificently appointed kitchen Hand finished walls Hardwood, designer carpet 8 tile 40' RV garage Scheduled completion December 1


Ca ll Silvia Knight, Broker( 541-788-4861 • or John Taylor, Broker ( 541-480-0448


• •

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker j 541-408-0086

• Stunning NW architecture • 4 bedrooms, 4 baths • Five acre home site with sweeping Cascade Mountain views • Oversized 3-car garage, room on the property for shop, RV storage • Immaculate mature landscaping, grounds MLS¹201308171


• • •




x ;» I

• '. r t i "g ''I

vc *'af

, <r

~r P.k

• Private riverfront setting — 10 acres • 5544 SF custom home,

• 2 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2845 SF • Northwest meets

Contemporary with breathtaking views of Deschutes River • 2 masters, 2 fireplaces & 2 balconies • Fluid floor plan features ample space for entertaining • Kitchen boasts granite counter tops and a double oven MLS¹201309673

Deb Tebbshroker/President j 541-419-4553 debtebbsgroup@ bendluxuryhomes,com( www,debtebbsgroup.com


77 NW Pinecrest, Bend

• Two master suites, hardwood floors & quality finishes throughout • 3-car garage fk detached 2220 SF garage/shop • Patios, decks, and landscaped for outdoor living • Fly fish or float from your front yard!

• Exquisite newer home in Bend's most sought after neighborhood • Finishes even the most discriminating buyer will appreciate • River views from the great room and master suite • Ouarter-acre private lot with extensive landscaping


• 3 bed, 3.5 bath, 3280 SF

4 bed, 3 bath

Desert Va ey Group ( 541-923-1376

Tne Norma uBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers


541-312-5151 j www TeamNormaAndJulie.com

• Whether your vision is a private estate on the river or todeveloppnme home sites in an area of natural wonders • Riversnaking through,open meadows, marketablestands

of Lodgepole Pine, and unbelievable wildlife • Year round recreation: fishing, boating, skiing and

snowmobiling • 562+ acres, consists of 10 tax lots. Additional 120+ acres is also potentially available MLS¹ 201308177

Latna Ryan and Kerri Jo Talburt Team, Brokers 541-419-7540 or 541-980-7911 j laina©landranchhomes.cem


16419 Beaver Drive ( $295,000

I 'f' -


Call Judi Hein, Broker j 541-408-3778




• Backs to Forest Service • Deschutes River accessin backyard • Three Rivers • Photo of previously built heme MLS¹201304146







• Dramatic foyer & living area • Exquisite master suite • 3346 SF • Beamed cathedral ceilings & loft •4 bedrooms,2 full,2 halfbaths +Beauti fulextensive decks • Top end hot tub • 26 Siskin Lane MLS¹201304990

Call Greg Barnwell, Broker f 541-848-7222



26 Poplar - Sunriver ) $550,000

5 Oregon Loop - Sunriver ) $599,500

• Complete Remodel • Great room • Wood burning fireplace • Main level master • Hardwood floors • SS Appliances • Deck/hot tub • 2-car garage


I •




Stone's Throw to River ~ $549,900

• Pre-sale homeon .48acres

3 4b d


• 5 bed, 3.5 bath, 2539 SF • Lodge style home in the 8

North end of Sunriver • Great rental history • Furnished per inventory • Stainless appliances • Slab granite counters • 2 master suites

Call Ken Renner, Principal Broker j 541-280-5352

Call Keith Petersen PC, Broker j 541-815-0906


www.lgellgunriver.com Keith©lgellgunriver.com



V 4

•Priv ate setting with Cascade • wa Mountain views • 20 acres bordering BLM, paved gated driveway, landscaped • Home features: 4006 SF, 3 f. bed, 4 bath with radiant tile floor, fireplace, master on the main, butler's kitchen • Guest home: 1532 SF, 2 bed, 2 bath, 3-car garage • Property includes: art studio, barn/shop w/finished office, stone garden house, garden, greenhouse • Wonderful outdoor living for entertaining guests MLS¹201305135

~ C a ll Bruce Boyle, Broker 541-408-0595 or ~ Brook Havens, Principal Broker 541-604-0788

• • • • • •

7991 SF 2.8 acres with 400' of private river frontage 800 SF guest cabin 4 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, indoor lap pool River 8< golf front property Adjacent 3.49 acre lot available at $799,000

www.crosswaterriverretreat.com Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker, Director of Lot Sales 541-408-3912 j brian©bendpropertysource.com


To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809 • •


Great Neighborhood ~ $124,900



• .48 acres backs to open space • Community water & sewer MLS¹2013015592

Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222 l



Move In Ready! ( $205,000

20818 Liberty Lane ~ $209,900

recently painted outside plus a

new backyardw/RVparking • Beautiful stacked rock fireplace in living room • Downstairs has 2 bedrooms & a full bath, upstairs has full bath, bedroom & bonusroom/4th bed MLS¹ 201309328

I I' I

Call Chris Sperry, Principal Brokerl 541-749-8479


p- t


Call Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086

Call Mary Stratton, Broker l 541-419-6340

Prestige Tumalo Location ( $225,000

69322 Hackamore ( $236,500



Call Jordan Grandlund, Principal Brokerl 541-420-1559

Quality BuiIt Pahlisch Home( $237,000

Big Horn Ct. - SW Bend ~ $265,000

• 4 bed, 25 bath, 2130 SF



• 6.4 acre buildable parcel bordered by canal • Heavily treed with junipers and ponderosas • Very private setting across road from public land • Potential to add irrigated land '-'~p«~:;s~:.' -'"'-',<• Owner terms available -'"-"" '' MLS¹201309500 ' '

tops • Stainless steel appliances incl.

Call Ron Davis, Principal Broker l 541-480-3096

n as


" = « .-".;" * „ . -t „




to National Forest

• Community offers clubhouse, pool, basketba I courts &endlesstrails MLS¹201304627


Call Melanie Maitre, Broker ABR, SRES, ePRO 541-480-4186l melanie©melaniemaitre.com


Nestle dAtTheBaseOfTheCascadeMountains/$269,900

EagleCrestHome/Vacation Rentalf $270,000 • 1871 SF, 3 bed, 2.5 bath • Master on the main level

• 4 beds, 2 full baths, 1579 SF • Master on 2nd floor w/ p dt d d dd • • • •

it • Island kitchen, gas fenced FP, yard

• Oversized fenced & landscaped yard • Llght & bright open floor plan • Community pool & playground MLS¹ 201309563


• Great home in Tollgate in Sisters, OR • 3 bedroom, 1466 SFsingle level home • New roof, newflooring, new windows, large great room, new septic on wonderful Iot that backs


• 3 BR, 2 BA with 1470 SF • Lives larger with nice bedroom separation • Great room w/vaulted ceilings

• Hardwood floors, tile counter

• ALL NEW interior flooring • Fresh new interior paint • Shows AWESOME! • Central air for those HOT days • Gas fireplace for cold days • 3 bdrms, 2.5 baths, 1461 SF • Great location! WON'T LAST! MLS¹201307187

• Open kitchenandliving areawith south facingorientation • Hardwood floors andvaulted ceilings • 3bd, 3 ba,doublecarattached garagewithspaciousdriveway • Near Costco,Medicalandschools

• Bank Approved Short Sale MLS¹201108939



• Unique townhome offering passive solar design • Contemporary style with private sun

• Great investment opportunity

chris@chrissperry.com www.chrissperry.com

SparklingClean!!! SE side of Bend f $199,000

Sunstone Solar Townhomes( $165,000

• Wonderful home in NE Bend • 3 bed, 2 bathrooms • 1542 SF on .15 acres • 2-car garage + RV parking • Fenced backyard

• Lovely 3 bed homehasbeen



Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222


• 55149 Forest Lane • 3 bed, 2 bath, 1224 SF • Very comfortable home for weekend getaways or full time living in the woods • Desirable development • Close to the Big Deschutes

master bath


Gem in the Rough(Three Rivers South) $149,900

• 17365 Scaup Dr. • Upgraded 1782 SF Mfg. home + 3 bed, 2 bath with upscale


• Nicely landscaped in great

neighborhood • Close to Pine Ridge Elementary, and Old Mill

">,, • Great deck, premium setting • Overlooking the creek

Brand new kitchen Fully fenced yard Detached 2 car shop Room for shop

• Resort amenities include

golf, tennis, pools, workout are a and spa MLS¹201308056



Nicolette Jones, Broker l 541-241-0432

Call Sue Price, Broker l 541-408-7742

Call Carol Osgood,Broker l 541-419-0843 or

nicolette. jones@cascadesothebysrealty.com


Korren Bower, Brokerwww.carolosgood.com

Call CJ Neumann, Brokerl 541-410-3710 or Lisa Lamberto, Brokerl 541-610-9697 www.CJI isa.com

View Homesite - Tetherow ¹142( $335,450

Priced to Sell! / $339,500

Whispering Pines! ) $299,000

SW Bend - Quail Pine Estates( $299,900 • 3 BR, 2.5 BA, 1548 SF,bonus

• 4 bed/3 bath2394SF • Large entertainmentareadownstairs • 2.5 acresfenced&crossfenced

storage area • 2-stories with master on the main • Beautiful, upgraded kitchen with


• 10x20storageshed& oafing shed • ConcreteRVpad&alarge driveway • Bring thehorsesor4-Hprojects MLS¹201309381

61783 Metolius Drive • 3 en-suit es w/3.5 baths

Call Judy McCombs, Brokerl 541-390-1411 or Haley Dahlquist, Broker l 541-815-9002

Call Chris Sperry, Principal Broker l 541-749-8479

3050SW Jericho Lane,Culver,OR f $34B,000

17940 Parkway Lane ( $350,000

Canyon & Mountain Views! ( $363,500

wd 1

"> P.; ~5

Low maintenance townhome Well kept, open & bright 1846 SF, master on main Access to pool, tennis 8 golf Beautiful finishes


• Charming 1472SFranch home • 10acresconsistingof2taxlots • 9.6 acresof irrigation 5 acresplanted with alfalfa grassmix • 230x140 outdoor arena,shop, barn ' w i th hay storage, tackroom& I stall • Two additional horsepenswith shelters andgrazing pasture • Views of the Cascade Mountains • Conveniently located with easy access

" '



to Hwy97.

nicolette. jones@cascadesothebysrealty.com

chris@chrissperry.com www.chrissperry.com

• Single level 4 bedroom, 3 bath • 2742 SF,2 m astersuites • .74 acres — large backyard • On the Canyon Rim —Redmond • Home is ADA accessible MLS¹201308338

• Permitted GP Building w/living quarter/loft • Bath, laundry area, septic, well & pumphouse • RV hookups inside Bp out, 100 amp breaker in shop



Nicolette Jones, Broker l 541-241-0432



Call Sue Price, Broker l 541-408-7742


Lovely Broken Top Townhome ~ $345,000

• Welcoming grand entrance • Many upgrades throughout • 2200 SF with 4 bdrms • Offlce and 2.5 baths • Private, low maintenance yard w/Ig patio & raised planter beds surrounding MLS¹201308377


fairway • Large, levelsite - greatfor asingle story plan • Prelim. designconceptsavai able • Tetherow Golf or SocialMembership • Call for gateaccessandadditional details

gas cooking, granite, and hickory cabinets • 3-car garage in quiet neighborhood, close to Old Mill & Pine Ridge Elementary MLS¹201308209

Call Rod Hatchell, Brokerl 541-728-8812

• • • • •

• Stunning, unobstructedmountainviews • Best available site overlooking¹2 green • Great privacy- no homesites across

• Great location between Sisters & Bend

• Build your dream home while you live in loft area or your RV • MLS¹201105898

M L S¹201308790

Call Chamese Christianson, Brokerl 541-279-9879 Desert Valley Group

Call Joanne McKee, Brokerl 541-480-5159

Call Rod Hatchell, Brokerl 541-728-8812



Newer Westside Home ( $450,000

West Side Near The River ( $465,000

19661 Harvard Place ~ $489,000

58529 Hoodoo Lane, Sunriver ~ $389,000 • 1906 SF 3 bed, 2bath homein

1205 NW Ithaca Ave. • 3 bed, 2.5 bath, 2304 SF • Gourmet chef's kitchen • Very large master suite • 2-car garage • Efficient heating system • Within 4 blocks to river MLS¹201307063

Sunriver • Greatlocation nearFort RockPark,

golf courses,swimmingpools and SHARC • Updated wood floors andgranite countertcps • Ochoco stonefireplace wall • One level homewith private backyard and hot tub • Perfect to call home, vacation or investment property. MLS¹201306603

• New listing! • Like new Renaissancehome inAspen Rim,5 beds,3baths • 3000 SF, beautiful hardwoods, slab granite, . jp stainless steel appliances, mud room and open floor

• Desirable community of Rimrock West • Community access to the Deschutes River


• 1904 SF lodge style home • Upstairs loft can be studio

or 3rd bedroom • Wrap-around deck to enjoy the sound of the river


Call Desert Valley Groupl 541-923-1376

Call Nicolette Jones, Broker, ABR, CSPl 541-241-0432

Call Bryan Hilts, Brokerl 541-771-3200

• 1 block to pool and park Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker l 541-508-9581



cloudnine©bendcable. com


Westside Charmer ~ $529,900

Luxury Townhomes Offered ~ from $549,750

19068 Mt. Hood Place

Pilot's Dream Neighborhood!( $510,000 2782 SE Pilot Drive, Prineville • 2500 SF barely lived inhomewith

• Beautiful 3/4 acre pine treed lot

beautiful hardwoodsandwoodwork throughoutthe home • 3beds, 2bathsall onthe mainfloor with abonusroom abovedouble


• Beautiful golf course and


• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath

• Customizable finishes • Gorgeous great rooms • 3 Beautiful floor plans to

• Oneownerhomew/lotsofextras • Wonderful decking, private backyard w/water feature • Very popular ocation! • 1684 NW City View

car garage . ~ • 2000 SF hangar andprivate airstrip in the neighborhood • Plane is alsoavailable

• Old World Elegance!

mountain views

• 3400 SF, 3-car garage • Hugebonus/famiy room • Forma living & dining, 3 fireplaces

• Radiant floor heat

• Oversized 3-car garage

choose from • 3 roundabouts to downtown Bend


" . :

• Minutes to Shevlin Park!


Call Mary Stratton, Broker l 541-419-6340

Judy McCombs,Broker 541-390-1411 or Natalie Vandenborn,

Call Carman Ann Cook, Broker l 541-480-6491



Broker541-508-9581 l www,tripleknottownhomes.ccm


Historic Charm in Bend ~ $650,000

Live the Central Oregon Lifestyle ~ $789,000

1265 NW Remarkable Dr. ) $829,900

New Home in Tetherow!( $865,000

Call Natalie Vandenborn, Brokerl 541-508-9581

• 4 tax lots

• 10.8 acres with 7.2 irrigated • Income producing with rental home • Barn, 5 car garage • 3500+ SF mainhome w/4 bed, 2 bath

' Il,ff I vpFILE "-"





• RemarkablAddress. e .. Rem arkableView • 3524SF,4bed,3bathhomesits ontopol the worldwithaIBOdegreeviewof the CentralOregonHighDesert • Travertineentry leadsupto expansiveviews • Kitchenw/cherrycabinetry &aformal

• 2860 SF, 3bed, 2 bath on9.54 acres • Bend address/Sisters schools • 2-car plus40ft. RVgarage • Panoramic Cascade Mtn. views

• Beautiful lawns, landscaping& pond • 4-stall barn, storageshed, fenced MLS¹ 201305923

'=..::"' " • Minutes from Downtown Bend

• 3,078 SF., 3-car garage • Backs to 12th fairway w/ private and treed yard

• Includes full membership


to Tetherow

• Outside is wrap-aroundfront deck • Masteronmain level withsoakertub • Downstairsareawith bararea • 3-car garage,fencedbackyardw/hottub

• MLS¹201202866

• December completion

Call Bobby Lockrem, Broker l 541-480-2356

Call Rhonda Garrison, Principal Brokerl 541-279-1768

Call Chris Sulak, Broker l 541-350-6164

Call Brian Ladd, Broker l 541-408-3912




www.bendpropertysource.com• brian@bendpropertysource.com

Deschutes River View Property ~ $897,000

Located on Mirror Pond! ~ $1,299,000

Practitioner Offices

Brand New Listing!

• River views from nearly everyroom

• Stone's throw from downtown Bend • Elegant finishes, 5 bedrooms, 4 baths • Remodeled down to studs in 2006 • 10 NW Drake Rd. • MLS¹201306173 Call for a Personal Tour!

• Rich-tonedoakhardwoodfloors • Custom distressed kitchen cabinetry • Slab granitecounters • Pro-quality SS appliances • Montanastonefireplace • Main house- 3bds,2.5 ba,2450SF • Guestquarters-2bds,1bath,788SF • MLS¹201301856

Call Ken Renner, Principal Brokerl 541-280-5352

• Commercial property • Easy access from 3rd St. • 4 offices w/reception

• Luxury Townhome in NW Bend


•2732SF 3 bed + den/of fice • Gourmet kitchen w/granite • Great NW community with


pool/spa • Great second or primary home MLS¹ 201309575

• Kitchen & full bath t'.".""- -: • Shown by appt. only

s>=. -:": -"." MLS¹ 201303771

Call Jodi Kearney, Broker l 541-693-4019

Call Marcia Hilber, Principal Brokerl 541-312-3641

Call Geoff Groerer, Broker l 541-390-4488





e •

• 4 bedr oo m, 2 b a t h • 2 186 SF on 2+ a c r e s • Immaculate and c l o s e-in

• C all Kelly to see this great hom e ! MLS¹201 30681 5 kelly©bendluxuryhomes.com






vI I


oII v I


s 4 • • •



Call Myra Girod, Brokerl 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker l 541-788-6767

Call Kelly Horton, Brokerl 541-508-9163

• 4

• 4 bedrooms 2.5 baths, 2822 SF • Gourmet kitchen and formal dining room • Master on the main • Wood/slate floors with granite counter tops • Two living areas plus huge bonus room • Lovely front porch and private fenced backyard 1857 NW Remarkable ML S¹2 0 1308437







TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 5 41-385-580 9 762



Homes with Acreage H o mes with Acreage H o mes with Acreage Homes with Acreage Lots Lots Acreages Acreages Manufactured/ Mobile Homes Just L i sted C o untry2.78 acres with a dar- Beautiful and peaceful True Horse Property! Birchwood, Woodriver. The Highlands at Bro- 16685 SW Chinook Dr. Canyon City Oregon home with spectacu ling cabin finished on Powell Butte home on 15y Irrigated Acres4 lots, 4 homes, 1.48 ken top, 1 0 a c res, 6 .9 a c r es , Ri v e r 14 acres zoned ResiLOT MODEL Spectacular Caslar Smith Rock views the inside with knotty 10.36 acres with 8.33 a cres across f r o m gated, private well, views, all utilities indential, currently diLIQUIDATION on a quiet dead-end Pine 2 bedrooms, 1 acres irrig. Home recade views. 5 stall Farewell Bend Park. utilities at lot. Applica- stalled, owner carry. vided into 4 tax lots. Prices Slashed Huge barn w/heated tack. c ountry road. T h i s full bath. living room built in 2004. Open $750,000. tion for cap-fill septic. $189,000 MLS $99,900 Savings! 10 Year Custom home, very spacious 2700 sq. ft. and kitchen. Has pull loft overlooks living TEAM Birtola Garmyn $535,000. MLS 201008671 Juniper Realty conditional warranty. private, close to 541-504-5393 home boasts 3 bed down ladder to attic or and d i ning a r e as, High Desert Realty ¹ 201200937. Pam Juniper Realty Finished on your site. town. $565,000. rooms, 2 baths, huge loft. Ha s pr o pane soaring vaulted ceil541-312-9449 Lester, Principal Bro541-504-5393 ONLY 2 LEFT! MLS 2013044 www. BendOregon country kitchen, din h eater p lu s w o o d ings. Spacious oak ker, Century 21 Gold Lot 21 SW Chipmunk Redmond, Oregon ing area, large utility stove that would need kitchen and utility/mud Call Charlie & Virginia, RealEstate.com Country Realty, Inc. $ 195,000 I 6.5 a c Rd. 5.16 acre, com541-548-5511 Principal Brokers 541-504-1338 r oom and a ba s e to be removed by the room with tile flooring. Contract T erms munity water installed. 1 0037 J uniper G l e n JandMHomes.com 541-350-3418 ment w hich i s in buyers. 2 car 24x36 wrap-round p o r c h, Bend. Level acreage MLS $60,000 773 Circle, Eagle Crest, w/old growth Junipers 201300800 cluded in the sq. ft. garage, shop area, detached 2-car Redmond RE/MAX Rent /OMrn Lot o nl y $ 7 5 ,000! Acreages and also has an extra plus 10x20 storage drive-thru garage and Land & Homes Real & mtn views. ScatJuniper Realty 3 bdrm, 2 bath homes Estate 541-923-0855 Proposed new const. area upstairs and all shed and new well 1008 sq. ft. Barn/Shop t ered h istoric r o c k 541-504-5393 $2500 down, $750 mo. bedrooms are on the house. 1.78 a c res w ith a 7 2 0 s q . f t . Wonderful acreage set o n 2 02 0 s q . ft., 3 20+ Acres West Powell croppings. 20% down, OAC. J and M Homes 2 bath, great Butte Estates. other t erms n e g omain l e v el . The fully fenced. lean-to, fenced pas- up for h orses with bdrm, 775 541-548-5511 p r emium $169,000 Gat ed tiable. 440x648' lot. double car garage is $129,000 MLS t ure, p o nd , la n d - round pen , 4 - stall room, al l Manufactured/ finishes. $345,566 mtn. community, MLS ¹201304442. large and this prop 201304905 scaped yard. P a n- barn w it h c h i cken Lynn S nowberry Vill a g e Johns, Principal views, private well, Mobile Homes erty is 1.5 acres with 1 Cascade Realty, Den- oramic mountain view. coop, h a y s torage 541-410-8557 ¹131. $82,500. LocaBroker, 541-408-2944 paved roads with acDave Disney, Broker acre irrigation, fenced nis Haniford, Princ. MLS¹201304104 tions - Value - Conveand complete bunk Central Oregon cess to BLM. MLS¹ S nowberry Vill a g e n iencei 3 B d r m 2 and ready for horses. Broker 541-536-1731 John L. Scott Real Es541-388-0404 house. 40x60 shop/ Resort Realty ¹ 107. $ 65,000. A f 201305077 Pam Windermere Central Asking only $298,900 tate 541-548-1712 bath, 1404 sq.ft., huge garage finished with fordable and a d or- vaults and lots of winCall Heather Hockett, 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 1188 Oregon Real Estate bath. Hot house. 2 1 0127 Juniper G l e n Lester, Principal Broable. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, dows, FA gas heat ker, Century 21 Gold PC, Broker, Century sq. ft. home with 4300 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! ponds. I andscaped. Circle. Eagle Crest, sq. ft. on 5.95 acres. Realty, Inc. 1188 sq.ft., S i lver- and A/C, w onderful 21 Gold Country Re Check out the mountain & meadow Lot only $80,000! pro- Country $199,900. MLS c rest. Separ a te kitchen with i s land, alty, 541-420-9151 classifieds online views. 12 f r ost-free posed new const. on 541-504-1338 201209007. Linda Lou Door-to-door selling with ffice/hobby ar e a , fully covered enterfaucets, wrap around 2321 sq.ft. 3 b drm, Lot 22 SW Chipmunk www.bendbulletin.com o fast results! It's the easiest Day-Wright Broker large laundry room, taining porch. M LS BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS decks on home and 2.5 bath, + office, Rd. 5.19 acres, level Updated daily 541-771-2585 way in the world to sell. includes al l ap p l i- ¹201308788 Search the area's most more. $375,000 MLS great room, all prem. l ot, Mt n . view s . Crooked River Realty ances, 2 car garage. Call Marilyn R ohaly, comprehensive listing of finishes. $388,868 201207852 Cascade $69,000 MLS 2 Beautiful Adjoining The Bulletin Classified MLS ¹201308786 Broker, 541-322-9954 classified advertising... $349,500 first time ofRealty, Dennis Hani- Lynn Johns, Principal 201106095 40-acre P a rcels Call Marilyn R ohaly, 541-385-5809 L. Scott Real real estate to automotive, fered - Small acreage ford, Princ. B r oker Broker, 541-408-2944 Juniper Realty Nestled in quiet, pic- Broker, 541-322-9954 John Estate, Bend merchandise to sporting 541-536-1731 Central Oregon 541-504-5393 with irrigated pasture turesque C h ristmas John L. Scott Real www.JohnLScott.com Resort Realty goods. Bulletin Classifieds overlooking pond & Valley, approx 1300 ft 13601 SW Canyon Dr. Estate, Bend 763 appear every day in the fenced pasture ready 10235 Sundance Ridge 1.13 acres, Mt. Jeffer- to pavement, & power www.JohnLScott.com 780 print or on line. for horses or o ther Recreational Homes is closer. Great place son views, owner will Lp., Eagle Crest l ot Mfd./Mobile Homes Call 541-385-5809 critters. Det a ched & Property carry. $58,500 MLS to build your private Snowberry Village ¹71. only $155,000. Prowww.bendbulletin.com garage shop w/storretreat. M LS ¹ with Land posed new const. on 201106385 $149800 The jewel age. MLS¹201307823 Juniper Realty 201308163 & Modified 3 bdrm, 2 bath 2681 sq.ft. 3 b drm, of Snowberry Village, Call Don Chapin, Beautiful C a scade 201308167. $24,900 50760 South Fawn, La A-Frame, with huge 2.5 bath, + office & 541-504-5393 spotless triple wide, Serv>ngCentral Otegon vnce l9l8 M ountain Vie w s ! Principal Broker Pine. Top-of-the-line 3 shop. on 2.38 acres. formal dining room, 7.17 acres Located on a each. 2363 sq.ft., separate 541-923-0855 27.16 Acres with 23 John L. Scott Real 16751 SW DOVE RD. 52375 Ammon Road, room plan, all paved road with Cas dining room, family bdrm 2 bath, 2100 sq. of t he m i r r igated. La Pine. $ 2 39,900. great Redmond RE/MAX Estate 541-548-1712 One level 2500 sq. ft. premium fin i shes. room, huge m aster ft. home with shop, cade Views. $106,500 The property adjoins $169,000. 1.13 acres. custom log home on Land & Homes Real High Lakes Realty & $484,388 suite, jetted tub, apMLS 201106739 Estate 541-923-0855 32,000 acres of BLM 32.42 Acres in Urban 4 .9 a c res.Floor t o Property Ma n age- Lynn Johns, Principal pliances in c l uded, High Lakes Realty & Call Linda l and. L i v e i n t h e M a n agec eiling wind o w s ment 541-536-0117 Growth Bo u n dary, separate Broker, 541-408-2944 lau n d ry Property 541-771-2585 1999 manufactured Adjacent t o The room, 2 car garage. ment 541-536-0117 w/views of the Mtns. Central Oregon Crooked River Realty h ome o r k e e p i t 141038 Crescent Moon Hickory hardwood & Greens, kitty corner to MLS ¹201308578 Resort Realty r ented w hile y o u Drive, Crescent Lake. Lot 16 SW Shad Rd. new Ridgeview High Call Marilyn R ohaly, 1146 Linda Drive, La tile floors. $499,999 Pine. 3/2 1188 sq. ft. build your d r eam Bonus! Bonus! Bonus! 1525 Murrelet Dr. Eagle 2.7 acres, Mt. Jeffer MLS 201208751 School. $59 9 ,000. Broker, 541-322-9954 h ome. Pr i ced a t S eller willing to i n - C rest, Ochoco Mt n double wide, 2 car gason & S m ith Rock MLS ¹ 201 2 03193John L. Scott Real Juniper Realty, $ 425,000. Lis t e d clude the lot next door v iews, 1 7 t h hol e views. $78,500 MLS rage, shop on 1 acre. 541-504-5393 Pam Lester, Principal Estate, Bend $98,000. 360' View / Top of Butte with Scott Wicklund, at the right price. 3 High Lakes Challenge Course, .49 201208266 B roker, Century 2 1 www.JohnLScott.com in Terrebonne. Home, Realty & Pr o p erty Principal Broker at bdrm, 2 bath home acre lot, bring your 1.76 Acres zoned R4 shop, mansion building Juniper Realty Gold Country Realty, The Wicklund Group. esleeps 6 c o m fort- builder. Management w ith 2122 sq. ft . 3 $15 0 ,000. 541-504-5393 Inc. 541-504-1338 site. 2% to broker. See: 2 0748 V a lentine S t . 541-536-0117 ably with a detached MLS ¹201305175 bdrm, 2 bath country http://bend.craigslist.org/ 541- 389-6060 offce $56,950 Cute 3 bdrm, 1191 NW Helmholtz 541- 280-5688 cell. garage. Plumbed for Lynn Johns, Principal h ome, lovely l a nd reo/4123242944.html 7 965 SW R i ve r R d . 2 Way 3.39 acres ready ba t h , upd a t ed 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 1 acre, bathroom with an exBroker, 541-408-2944 scapinq and l a rge 2.79 acres, near the kitchen & bath, new for your home! owner will carry. MLS Central Oregon pond, $249,900. MLS $399,900 peaceful 5.08 Great horse property 4 tra garage door for D eschutes Riv e r . $103,000. MLS carpet & t i le, n i ce 201303870 $79,900. Resort Realty 201205496 Pam acres - Single level, stall loafing shed with snowmobiles. Make $49,000 MLS covered front deck & 201100749. Call Call Li n d a Lou auto watering, approx. an offer. $ 299,000 Lester, Principal Bro vaulted c eilings, 4 201009429 1850 Murrelet Dr. Eagle Travis L. Hanna, PC, large back yard with Day-Wright Broker 40x80 shed and vastly MLS 201302853 ker, Century 21 Gold large bedrooms, 2 Juniper Realty deck. Spotless and lot only Principal Broker, 541-771-2585 Li n d a (541) Crest Country Realty, Inc. b ath, master b e d - fenced areas. 2 bdrm C all 541-504-5393 541-788-3480. like new. Crooked River Realty 815-0606 C a scade $82,500! p r o posed 541-504-1338 room separation, home w/walk-in closCascade Village new const. 3 bdrm, 2 Redmond RE/MAX 2 baths with skyRealty 2,157 sq.ft. 3-car ga- ets, Build your dream home Land & Homes Homes N.W. LLC Beautiful, well cared for b ath, 2020 s q . f t . 14198 SW Nine Peaks rage.MLS¹201308350 lights, dining a r ea, on this 5.3 acre par541-388-0000 3 bdrm 2 bath mfd. 141875 Emerald Mead- Eagle Crest h o me Real Estate Pl. Mtn. views from large living room and Call Kelly Starbuck, cel just a few minutes ows Way, Crescent with great floor plan. 1197 NW Helmholtz home on 1~/~ a c re t his 1960 sq. ft., 3 wood stove. $179,900 Principal Broker south o f P r i neville. Lake. Drastically reAll premium finishes. Way 2 .5 9 a c r es 63700 Ranch V i llage c orner lot close t o bdrm., 2 bath home MLS 201108032 541-771-7786 Views of t h e C a sDrive. This house sits pavement, Wrap duced! Can't build at $368,066. Lynn r eady t o on 1.16 acre. 936 sq. Cascade Realty, bui l d . cades and easy acRedmond RE/MAX this price. Gorgeous Johns, Principal Bro- $97,000. on a lot that backs to around kitchen with ft. garage has a shop Land & Homes Real Dennis Haniford, Princ. MLS cess off Davis Loop. mtn views from deck 1000+ acres of treed lots of counter and ker, 541-408-2944 area plus 2 bays. RV Estate 541-923-0855 Broker 2 01100751. Cal l Septic approved and open space. Q uiet c upboard spa c e , and main house. 2200 Central Oregon covered storage & 1-541-536-1731 Travis L . H a n na, power available. setting with n atural l aundry r o o m sq. ft., fully furn. with Resort Realty of f carport. $13 9 , 500 4005 NW Helmholtz PC, Principal BroMLS landscape, detached kitchen has back door $35,750 oversized garage, 3 MLS 201208272 Way ultimate family Horse Property! 4.33 ker, 541-788-3480. 201302249 dbl garage, 2 bdrm, 2 to garage area. with bdrm, 2y~ bath vacaNeed to get an Juniper Realty, Acres! Close to BLM! homes. 4 bdrm 3 Redmond R E / MAX John L. Scott Real sliding glass door to tion home. Oak floorbath and den. New 541-504-5393 Spacious 1878 sq. ft. bath, over 7 acres, ad in ASAP? L and & Hom e s Estate 541-548-1712 allure v i ny l fl o o rs cover deck. Nice dinhome. W e l l-main- ing, knotty pine doors 20x40 heated pool. Real Estate You can place it and windows, wood throughout. New heat ing area. $ 1 54,900 tained, landscaped, $430,000. MLS Find exactly what Good classified ads tell stove and much more. 1 6160 SW Dove R d . MLS 201303530 barns, detached gaonline at: pump. Lots of updat2 01305932. Cal l you are looking for in the Travis L . H a n na, rage, greenhouse. the essential facts in an E njoy r i gh t no w ! www.bendbulletin.com 6.1 acre corner lot, ing, light, bright and Cascade Realty, DenMtn. views, near Des- interesting Manner. Write s potless. Move i n nis Haniford, Princ. CLASSIFIEDS $249,900. MLS $339,000 MLS¹ PC, Principal BroBroker 541-536-1731 2 01303017 . Ca l l 201302534. Call chutes River. $89,900 from the readers view - not Ready! $54,900. ker, 541-788-3480. 541-385-5809 Charlie & V i r ginia Linda (541) 815-0606 MLS 201205646 Cascade Village the seller's. Convert the 12789 SW Wheatgrass Redmond RE/MAX Where can you find a Principal B r o kers Cascade Realty Juniper Realty Homes, Bend. facts into benefits. Show Land & Homes Rd. Well maintained $39,900 - 1.71 acres, 541-350-3418 541-504-5393 541-388-0000 the reader how the item will helping hand? Real Estate 1680 sq. ft., 3 bdrm., 15th Fairway at Eagle septic approved Redmond RE/MAX help them in someway. 2 bath, on 1 a c r e. 16535 SW Chinook Dr. From contractors to Crest Resort. 3 power and water at Land & Homes Real FACTORY SPECIAL Spacious living room 4 bdrm, 5 bath 3500 sq. Estate 541-923-0855 R i v er This bdrms, 2~/~ baths lothe st r e et . MLS 5 .68 a c res, New Home, 3 bdrm, yard care, it's all here advertising tip downstairs & f a mily ft. home with 2 shops, cated behind the 201307972. Call v iews, o w ne r w i l l $46,500 finished in The Bulletin's room upstairs. barn, 3-car garage Immaculatehome, open carry. $225,000 MLS brought to you by gates. MLS ¹ Linda Lou Day Wright, on your site. $169,900 MLS and guest quarters, 2.31 acres in Boones201106408 "Call A Service 201302857. 541-771-2585 J and M Homes on 5 acres near Smith The Bulletin 201302119 Juniper Realty $377,900. Crooked River Realty borough, 2153 sq. ft., 541-548-5511 Professional" Directory Rock. $440,000. MLS 541-504-5393 Juniper Realty, John L. Scott Real 201304982 Pam 3 bdrm, 2 bath, sun4.92 acres, backs up to 541-504-5393 Estate 541-548-1712 room, granite Lester, Principal BroBLM and then just a counters, water fea8579 S W P a n orama ker, Century 21 Gold Brand Ne w C u s tom short walk to the river. ture and large 1344 Rd., CRR. Well main Country Realty, Inc. sq. ft. shop. $449,999. 1 032 T r ai l Cr e e k $74,900. MLS¹ 541-504-1338 tained 3 bdrm, 2 bath Drive. Frank L l oyd 201102328. Call MLS 201305391. Pam 1404 sq. ft. view of Wright inspired home Linda L o u DayLester, Principal BroTwo 1848 sq.ft. 4 bdrm, e • e the mtns. I n sulated Wright. 541- 771-2585 to creek w/ ker, Century 21 Gold backing shop wit power and 2 bath homes on 40 mtn views. 2681 sq.f t. Crooked River Realty Country Realty, Inc. concrete floor. Across a cres. 5 2 916 O l d 541-504-1338 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath + of- 914 Highland View LP. L ake Rd. , Sil v e r the street from the fice. Formal d i ning OR. $199,000. community park and Lake, and 3-car g a rage, Eagle Crest, UnobHigh Lakes Realty & Motivated Seller! Pow trails. $134,000. MLS luxury finishes structed Mtn v iews. ell Butte Quiet Coun Property Ma n age201308611 J u niper throughout. $469,900. .44 Acre lot, back to try Lane. Nice 3 bed ment, 541-536-0117 BLM, privacy galore Realty, 541-504-5393 room ranch-style MLS 201308237 with views. $134,900. Lynn Johns, Principal 53718 Caballo Ct., La house with a nice floor Wait until you see in Broker, 541-408-2944 MLS ¹201307060 Pine, OR. 4 bdrm, 2 plan, country kitchen, Lynn Johns, Principal side ... Stunning con Central Oregon 1917 sq. ft., Mfd nice brick f ireplace Broker, 541-408-2944 temporary a r c hitec bath, Resort Realty home on 2 a c r es. nestled on 4+ acres. Central Oregon t ure f e aturing f i ne $115,000. High Lakes The property is fenced family living and enter Realty & Eagle Crest custom Resort Realty Pr o p erty w/ corral, shed, shop tainment on a grand home on 14th tee. Crescent Lake ~ area, along with stor Gated community! 4 scale! 4 bdrm suite Management age rooms. Two acres B drm, 3. 5 B a t h , $64,900 with private b aths. 541-536-0117 acre lot Large open living, din 5 ACRES with moun- of irrigation, mountain 3208 sq. ft. Great •• 1.26 Little Deschutes rivera nd S m it h Roc k ing and great room tain views. 3 bdrm, 2 for entertaining & front with 12' ceilings and b ath, 1620 s q . f t . views. Local s m all private resort living. • Year round road Powell Butte Charter $539,000. panoramic windows to home, 36x40 shop, MLS maintenance enjoy the mtn. views. fenced, irrig., sprin- School. Central loca 201305107 Call • MLS 201308284 tion commuting dis 3-car garage and a kler sys. $ 279,000. tance to Bend, Prinev Charlie & V i r ginia Dana Miller, Principal 2-bay shop with RV Principal B r o kers MLS 2809225. Pam doors and ample stor Lester, 541-504-1338 ille and Redmond. Not 541-350-3418Call a bad p a ckage at Charlie & V i rginia age. MLS 201304473 C entury 2 1 , Go l d $279,9 00! Call Principal $429,900. Call Nancy County Realty B r o kers • • r Heather Hockett, PC, 541-350-341 8 Popp, Broker, B roker, Century 2 1 541-815-8000 Redmond RE/MAX 6661 SW Quarry Ave, Gold Country Realty, Crooked River Realty Land & Homes Redmond. 4.77 541-420-9151 MORRIS Real Estate acres, 1 acre irrigaREAL ESTATE Here'S hOW it WOrkS: t ion. Pond, s h o p 13914 SW RIDGE PL. REDUCED a nd 1600 sq . f t . Mtn. views Exceptional PRICED cabin on year-round Amazing mtn v iews house. $ 3 4 0,000. custom built home on creek. 637 acres sur- Eagle C rest, 1 0 1 51 from this 3 bdrm, 2 Our SmartPhone AffOrdability APP CalCulateS yOur MLS 20 1 3 07143. rounded federal land, Sundance Ridge Lp. 7.69 acres! S ingle bath home on 1 .13 Call Tr a vi s L. Big Smith Rock views, l evel 2 146 s q . ft . Fremont Nat'I Forest. acres which is adja- Hanna, PC, Princifull hOme lOan Payment While On the go ShOPPing. 541-480-7215 .44 acre lot, backs to home features open cent to public land. pal Broker, Cline Butte & B L M. floor p lan, v a ulted Short distance to the 541-788-3480. 764 $159,900. MLS ceilings, tile flooring, D eschutes Riv e r . Redmond RE/MAX At yOur requeSt, we'll PrOvide nameS Of ¹201304889 gas fireplace, living Farms & Ranches $164,900 Land & Homes Lynn Johns, Principal real eState PrOfeSSiOnalS in your area. room PLUS f a m ily MLS201304388. Real Estate Broker, 541-408-2944 room, chef's kitchen CULVER! 10+/- irriJuniper Realty, Central Oregon 541-504-5393 7150 SW S WALLOW with large eating bar, gated acres w i th Resort Realty granite c o untertops, charming farm If you qualify, Our SeCurity PluS Seller Guarantee PrOVideS RD. Spacious 1804 TOO NEW 4 bdrm, 2 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2 bath stainless appliances, h ome, set-up f o r Grandfathered 1.01 a fully-aPPrOVed lOan amOunt.'We guarantee it Or We Pay b ath, 1920 s q . f t . w ith S m i t h Roc k double ovens, Hickory horses, 3 stall barn, acre, RV lot. $45,000 home built in 2 006, v iews. B r ight a n d cabinets. Master suite numerous outbuild- Crooked River Realty yOur Seller 51,000. NOW Who dOeS that? double car g a rage o pen k itchen a n d includes gas fireplace, ings. $32 5 , 000. Call L i nd a Lou and shop. Located on great room. Private tiled double sink van- MLS 201305577 541-771-2585 2 .73 a cres. M L S ¹ location on ity, j e tted s o a king Call Charlie & Vir5.62 With an EVergreen lOW-dOWn lOan keeP yOur Out-Of-POCket 201307486 ginia Principal BroNice flat lot in Terrebacres. $199,000. MLS tub/separate shower. la n d - kers 541-350-3418 $279,900 Pam Lester, 201304491 J u n iper C entral A C , onne, .56 a c res, COStS at a minimum (We haVe a number Of PrOgramS frOm Principal Broker, Cen Realty, 541-504-5393 scaping, spr i nkler Redmond RE/MAX p aved street, a p tury 21 Gold Country system, double gaLand & Homes proved fo r ca p -fill WhiCh to ChOOSe). Realty, Inc. rage, 2013 SF shop. Real Estate s eptic, utilities at l o t 541-504-1338 Get your MLS 2 013 0 4 744 line. $42,000. MLS $365,500. ¹ 2012001172 P a m business 12250 NW Dove Rd. John L. Scott Real Fantastic Farm Oppor- Lester, Principal BroTWO lOCatiOnS SerVing all of Central OregOn One level 2500 sq. ft tunity! $740,000. 160 ker, Century 21 Gold Estate 541-548-1712 custom log home on a ROWI N G acres w/111 a cres Country Realty, Inc. 4.9 acres. Floor to Powell Butte! 10 Acres! C OI i r r igation, 2 541-504-1338 ceiling windows with Knockout Mtn. views! homes, barn w/stalls, with an ad in views of t h e m t ns. 3863 sq. ft. c ustom shop, corral. MLS¹ $210,000. Only remain 685 SE 3rd Street, Bend, OR 97702 Hickory hardwood and The Bulletin's home with g ourmet 201307412. Call ing buildable tile floors $385,000 Bruce Dunlap stand-alone lot left at ML-3213-10 kitchen, office, out"Call A Service MLS 201101447 buildings, shop, pool! 541-604-4200 Eagle Crest Resort. Professional" Juniper Realty, Central Oregon Realty E asterly view of e n $754,900. 541-504-5393 Directory MLS¹ 201106428 Group, LLC t ire 13th h ol e a n d westerly view from tee Call Virginia, 14128 SW Quail Rd., 771 Principal Broker of 14th Ridge Course acres in P owell 220 NW Meadow Lakes Drive, Prineville, OR 97754 CRR 3 bdrm, 2 ba, 9.33 541-350-3418 hole. MLS 201307689 Butte, - 4 bdrm, 2.5 Lots 5 acres, 1200 sq. ft. ML-3213-5 Eagle Crest P r oper b ath, 1928 s q . f t . , Redmond RE/MAX barn. $21 9 , 000. 3-car garage, barn, Land & Homes $25,000 - $65,000. ties 866-722-3370 MLS 2 0 1 306951. Real Estate S pectacular lots i n Travis L . H a n na, shop, with RV door. Tetherow Lot ~ MLS Yarrow s u bdivision, $359,000 PC, Principal BroQ UALITY HOME O N the newer d evelop • .43of an$299,000 ¹ 2012037129 Pa m acre ker, 541-788-3480. Lester, Principal Bro- ACREAGE. 2 master ment in the east hills • Overlooking the 13th Redmond R E / MAX bdrm suites, gourmet of Madras. Very near ker, Century 21 Gold hole L and & Hom e s kitchen with granite, the new aquatic Cen • Cascade Country Realty, Inc. views NMLS 3182 Real Estate n ewer sho p c o m - ter, middle school and 541-504-1338 g • MLS 2809519 pletely finished with 4 COCC campus. Home Patti Geraghty, Broker Where can you find a A 2 bdrm, 2 bath home, rooms. Artificial and ID YARROW Eagle © 2013EvergreenHomeLoansisaregistered trade nameof EvergreenMoneysourceMortgage CompanyNMLSID3182. 541-948-5880 helping hand? R V cover, 36x 4 0 natural grass, many Crest Prop e rties Trade/service marksarethe property of EvergreenHomeLoans.All rightsreserved. Licensedunder: OregonMortgage shop, outbldgs, on 5 flower beds. 866-722-3370 From contractors to Lending LicenseML-3213.8/13. acres @ 145040 Hwy $475,000 MLS¹ yard care, it's all here 2082nd Ave, Culver31, La Pine, 201304368 'Applies topurchaseloansonly. Toqualify, buyer'sSecurity PlusApproval/Seller GuaranteeAddendummust havebeen in The Bulletin's $135,000. High Lakes Vicci Bowen Level city lot. $38,200 issued byEvergreen andthe Seller shall haveexecuted theaddendumwith their sit!nature atthetime theyexecutethe Realty & Pr o perty 541-410-9730 MLS¹ 201203505. MORRIS "Call A Service PurchaseAndSaleAgreement onsubject property. Certainloantypes do not qualify for this offer. Restnctionsapply. Management Central Oregon Realty Juniper Realty REAL ESTATE Askfor details. Professional" Directory 541-536-0117 541-504-5393 Group, LLC I&p & I l y O d d Op I d

The Bulletin




Bend ( 541-318-5500

Prineville ( 541-416-7480





Central Oregon Real Estate $2 6 8 , 0 0 0

I 5 5932 Black Duck Road

$619,000 I The Perfect Home, Awbrey Butte

• Single level1736SFhome on H AC backing Vandervert • Open floor plan,vaulted ceilings, quality finishes Comm. boat ramp • Closeto Sunriver

$259,000 I 61168 Foxglove loop

• 3618 SF • Huge loft plus bonusroom • Main level mastersuite • City lights views • Triple garage II Brazilian teak decks

$216,900 I Impeccable Foxborough Home!

• River CanyonEstates • Mountain views • Large fencedbackyard • Great neighborhood amenities

• Open floor plan • Granite countertops • Brazilian teakwoodfloors


• 3 bed, 2 bath, 1355SF • No pets or smoking, since new

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$579,900 I Need Room For All The Toys?


$400,000 118Modoc, Suuriver

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541 -4 8 0 - 7 1 83


$289,000 I Home Ou1 Acre

541 -41 0. 8 0 8 4


$449,500 I Single Level, Huge Shop


shop • MLS¹ 201306927

$473,500 119697 Harvard Place Bend

54 1 3 9 0 5 2 8 6 MI CHELLE WHITE, BROKER

• 7 AC in CRR &awesome CascadeMtnviews • Barn, chicken coop,fenced yard, cold frame &more • Older 3/2 Mfg. home &wellwater • Possible OWCcontract

541 -6 0 4 - 1 64 9

541 -3 9 0 - 0 0 9 8


$375,000 I Au Exquisite Home Close To Old Mill

$209,500 I Redmond Buugalo

$182,999 I Northwest Redmond

$249,000 I Starwood DnLarge Private Lot

PASSIONATE. PERSONAL SERVICE $194,900 I Great Home Iu A Great Development • Well Maintained • Newly painted exterior • Stainless steelappliances • 3 bed, 2 bath, 1280 SF

• Fully fencedbackyard

541 -48 0 - 7 1 83 BARBARA MYERS, BROKER

$299,900 I 3016 NW Clubhouse • River's Edge Vilage • 3 bed, 3 bath, 1918SF • Master on mainfloor with walk in closets &spacious master bath • Open greatroom • Loft/office room

tree lined street


Loretta Moorhead Broker 541-480-2245

• Charning updatedcraftsman • 2015 SF, 3bed,2 bath • Great master suite • 624 SF garage/shop • Walking distance to downtown • Heart of old Redmond

• Perfect greatroomfloor plan • 5 bedrooms • Private fencedbackyard • Huge separatefamily room

54 1 - 7 7 1 - 1 16 8

Jake Moorhead Broker 541-480-6790


shopping & medical

• Large masteron mainfloor • Loft/bonus room includes pool table • Oen/2nd bed&full bath main • Neighborho od pool 8 park • Fenced yard & patio


$159,500 I New Listing, New Opportunity

• 1920 SF home on.72AC lot •2500SFshop/garage/studio • High endfinishes • Paver entrance& patios • In town, minutes from


• Backs upto openspace



• 3 master suites • Extensive remodelin 2011 • 1902 SF owneroccupied or vacation rental • Close to all Sunriver has to offer

• 5 bed, 3.5 bath, 2080 SF • Two mastersuites • Hardwood& tile floors

541 -41 0- 7 4 3 4

541 -6 3 9 - 6 3 0 7

541 -97 7 - 1 852 TONY LEVISON, BROKER

$369,500 I Woodsrde Ranch • 3 bed, 2 bath, 1699 SF

• Contemporaryhome • New septic tank installed • 2.25 AC lowith t 24X40 detachedshop • New 50 yearroof


541 -9 7 7 - 1 85 2

$179,999 I SW Redmond


$375,000 I Sagewood

• Single levelhome • Open floor plan, large kitchen, fireplace &fully fenced sideyard ona large .20 lot

• 3 bed,2 bath,1418SF

• New carpet • Large kitchen island • Separatedmastersuite •36X14 gated RV

• 3 bed, 3 bath,2943SFhome • Lot size .180 • Water feature • Close to downtown, Oeschutes river trail, & Old Mill

• 3 bed, 2 bath, 1628SF

• MLS¹ 201308363

541 -41 0 - 7 4 3 4


o499,500 I Close Iu Small Acreage

• Move-in ready with new paint • Multiple level party decks • Huge garage shop area • Starwood RV storage • 3 bedroom/2.5 baths • A/C, pellet stove, laminates

541 -977 - 5 3 4 5


(n . B p ' == ' "


$249,000 I Mill District Area Single Level


541 -3 9 0 . 0 0 9 8


• 3321 SF home • 2000 SF shop/garage • Beautifully landscapedwith tranquil pond • Bring your RV, horses, and all yourtoys


$58,900 - $225,000 I Lots Of Acreage For Sale • From 1 AC to190 ACwe've gotthe acreage foryou! • Prineville, Redmond& Millican • $58,900 Up Io

$225,000 • Calltoday for details

. ~F1,

54 1 - 4 8 0 - 7 1 8 3


541 -9 7 7 - 1 85 2



• One levelranch house • Open floor plan • 2 master suites • 150X285 roping arena

• Forest GroveNearPark Walk to mill attractions • Vaulted ceilings • Deck off greatroom • Fencing & storage • 524 SW ForestGrove

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$114,000 I Ou Acre Iu Bend! 3





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541 -48 0 . 9 8 8 3

• 6.39 AC, 3ACirrigated • Zoned for 2 AC lots • 5 stall barn, 60 FTround pen • Great mountain views •210X105



garage, large shop

541 -9 7 7 - 5 3 4 5


541 -48 0 - 9 8 8 3

$599,500 I Multigeueratioual Home

• 6 bed, 5 bath,2master suites • 4730 SF on4.32 AC • Huge family roomwith fireplace/stove • Large covered porch


$425,000 I Perfect Location!


• 4 bedroom &office • Close distanceto Old Mill 8 river trails • Large, private backyard against canal

50 3 . 8 0 7 - 3 8 7 4



$289,000 I Like New, Owu It Today • So manyupgradesyou'll be speechless • 2111 SF,4 bed, 3 bath • Large corner lot, RV parking • Tandem

garage • Hardwood, tile & granite

e xperien ced a g e n t s .

54 1 - 4 8 0 - 7 1 8 3



$499 , 900 I 20297 Swalley Road

THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24™ 7:00 - 8:30 PM

• 5 AC in Tumalowith big

-+, j(dwr Mt. views • 3 bed, 2.5 bath, 2000SF • Barn, shop,greenhouse& sto a building • 4ACof Swalley


54 1 - 4 1 0 - 1 2 0 0

$469,000 I Tumalo • Small acreage in Tumalo with mountain views • Horse property, ride to



BLM • 3 bed, 3 bath, 3088 SF • 11.80 AC with 5 AC of irrigation



Coming Soon - Ridge At Eagle Crest • 4 bed, 3.5 bath • Custom home with mountain views • Call for more information!

Coming Soon - NWFederal Street • Single level • 3 bed, 2 bath • Close to downtown


$475,000 I Between Bend 8 Redmond • Delightful 4.85 AC

property • Single level open concept home • Fenced for animals • 3.6 AC of COI, with pond

• Cascade mtn views 541 -48 0 - 7 1 83 BARBARA MYERS, BROKER

54 1 - 4 8 0 . 7 7 7 7

seminar featuring a panel of


$389,900 I Ranch House, Barn, Shop

• Built in 1995 • 3 bed, 2 bath • Move-in ready • New carpet, stove, deck ;.. Not a short sale!

+ r. eubp'"~~,"' +

Fast paced & in f o r m a t i on pac ked


• 5.89 AC • Private well drilled

• Cap & fill septic approved • High Bluff CrookedRiver view

A career that w o u l d b e f u n ,

exciting & open new doors?

I T ranquil Home Site

g '

Have you t h o u gh t o f a c a r eer in real estate?

• 40X52 4 stall barn • 39.10 AC • MLS¹ 201305335

541 -97 7 - 5 3 4 5

$2 2 9 , 0 0 0


House, Barn, Arena $399,000 I Ranch

• -p

541 -97 7 - 1 85 2 TONY LEVISON, BROKER


Cleme Rinehart 541-480-2100 Patty Dempsey 541-480-5432 Andrea Phelps 541-408-4770

w ww.rine h a r t d e m p s e y .c o m

541 388 0 40 4 695SWMillView Way, Bend,OR97702• 541 923 46 63 1 020SWIndianAve. Suite100,Redmond









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Sndependenrly Owned nnd Operated






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~ B M >+I+- . n

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SOUTH DEERFIELDPARKf $259,900 RAY BACHMAN • Franklin Bros. New Construction BROKER GRI ' • 1801 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 61182 Geary Drive 541-408-0696 • MLS 201305442


DNNELOZUO BRQKER 541-548-3598, 541.306.9646

T.SS ACRESWITHVIEWSf$99T,DDD • 5628 sq.«, customhome • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath ' Smith Ro ck,Qchoco&DeschutesRiverviews

• MLS 201308728

3.68 Acresf $899,500

BROKENTOPf $798,000

BRAH DQHFAIRBANKS, • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath BROK ER,SRES, • On the Deschutes River GRI,CDPE 541-383-4344 • MLS 201202960

KELLY NEUMAN PRINCIPAL BROKER • 4 bedioorn, 4.5 both • Mountain 8 13th fairwayviews 541-480-2102 • MLS 201304628


• Historic character renovated

541-419-8165 • MLS 201301793

f HffL v

' Jf c .;.. '; ' tcc ~ )







's wC


THREE RIVERSf $665,000 • 2854 sq.«, 48 acres

• 5 bedroorn, 4 bath • 80 feet of river frontage 541-588-0687 • Just south of Sunriver

~ s

AWBREYGLEN f $620,000 MINDAMCKITRICK, ' 3 bedroom, 2.5bath BRQKER,GRI • .40acre on 17th Green 541-280-6148 • MLS 201309276

N ,=LPK a in

• New construction 2825 sq.ft.

• 4 bedroom, 3 bath • .23acre treed lot 541-410-5280 • MLS 201306372

5 ACRES f $499,000




• 2874 sq.ft. single level • 3 bedroom, 3 bath • 2.63 acres • MLS 201304612


• 4 bedroom 2bath • Beautiful landscape, pond 541-480-2269 • MLS 201309091



• 3109 sq.ft.

• 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Cascade Mountain views

541.322.2417 • MLS 201305542


II I I ~

TANGLEWOOD f$479,000 ' 3214 sq « • 3 bedroom, 3 bath

• ' • .21acre, private backyard

541-280-2147 • MLS 201308029


• 2784 sq.ft.

• 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 5.09 acres

541-390-0504 • MLS 201305321

4.83 ACRES f $364,900



• 1688 sq.ft. single-level • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 2.56 acres, Cascade views • MLS 201307963

.'.Ka '}IAI,'I 5 I I „',

DAWNULRICKSON • 2455 sq.ft. ranch ~tyl~ home • 3 bedroom, 3 bath BRQKERCR5 • Fenced, outdoor arena, barn


541-610-9427 • MLS 201307799


NrvSS .n

NW BENDf $349,995 GREG MILLE RPC, • 3 bedroom, 3 bath BRQKER CRS ' • Completely remodeled in 2007 GRI 541-408-1511 • MLS 201303232



' 3110 sq.ft. • 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath nHardwood & tile flooring • MLS 201309293


' Smith Rock &Cascade Mtnviews • 2.97 acres

• 3 bedroom, 2,5 bath 541-948-0997 • MLS 2013Q452Q


TILLICUMVILLAGE f $275,000 • 1682 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom 2 bath


• .36acre lot 541-410-9045 • JvlLS 201306049



FALL RIVERESTATESf $275,000 RAYBACHMAN, '2424sq « n 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .97 acre lot

541-408-0696 • MLS 201307895


ss '"




CROOKED RIVERf $265,000 • Custom1733 sq.«, home ' 5 19 I rlvate ac«s

• Shop, corral & peek-a-boo views • MLS 201308119


• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • .16acre corner lot 541-410-9045 • MLS 201309188 '

SW BEND f $239,900

SUNRIVER f $245,000 • 1230 sq.ft. condo • 2 bedroom, 2 bath • Golf course view 541-480-9300 • MLS 201303748



DEBBIE JOHNSON, • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath BROKER


• Granite counters, mapewood floors

541-480-1293 • MLS 201307966

• .25 acre lot • CascadeMountainview

• Close to Shevlin Park 541-480-1911 • MLS 201301093

rc a

i ' WI HW 1H

S %


• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Convenient location

541-383-4334 • MLS 201309261

v * ss s


s s a a a ,'

PROVIDENCE f $230,000 • 1798 sq.«, tradir»nal • vf bedroom, 3 bath • Landscaped fenced lot

541-480-7647 • MLS 201306333


• 848 sq.ft, units

• 2 bedroom, 2 bath each • Fenced backyards 541-390-9598 • MLS 201309180

SE BEND f $195,000 BONNIESAVICKAS, • 3 bedroom 2 bath BRQKEREPRQ • Convenient midtown location 5RE5 541-408.7537 • MLS 201307520


BIGDESCHUTESRIVER f$174,500 • 1128 sq,«, townhome • 2 bedroom, 2 bath • Near community pool & dock

541-390.534'P • MLS 201306068


SB I Ill


v',0: A~>

Isliav' 've n

SW BEND / $169,900 DEB ORAHBEHSQHPC, ' 1104 sq ft. ' 3 bedroom,I bath BROKER , GRI PREV IEWSPECIALIST '.42 acre lot 541.480.6448 • MLS 201305971



• 3 bedroorn, 2 bath • I acre

541-383.4334 • MLS 201304830

LA PINEf $110,900 RACHEL LEMAS BROKER 541.383-4359 541.896-1263

• • • •

1404 sq.ft. manufactured 3 bedroom, 2 bath 1.02 acres MLS 201304556

• Cascade Mountain wews

• .32to .36 acre lots • Golf, pool, tennis & trails • MLS 201301147


PRINEVILLE f $99,000



': PJ

JJ JONES BROKER 541-61p.7318 541-788.3678

• • • •

2.04 acres Cascade Mountain views Crooked River views MLS 2704850


Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com To place an ad call 541-385-5809






Gardening Supplies Employment AXil 9 Opportunities 0 • & E q uipment BUYING & SE L LING Black Lab AKC pup- Oriental shorthair feA1 Washers&Dryers Oregon's All gold jewelry, silver pies, born Aug. 18th male, $100 obo; ex$150 ea. Full warand gold coins, bars, $300.00 otic shorthair female Largest 3 Day BarkTurfSoil.com ranty. Free Del. Also rounds, wedding sets, 541.508.0429 $25 541-279-3018 GUN & KNIFE 9 wanted, used W/D's class rings, sterling silPOODLE puppies, AKC. 541-280-7355 SHOW PROMPT D E LIVERY ver, coin collect, vinALSO-7mo. M, $200; 541-389-9663 October 18-29-20 tage watches, dental F, $250. 541-475-3889 Portland Expo gold. Bill Fl e ming, Production Center 541-382-9419. Have Gravel, 476 1-5 exit ¹306B Will Travel! Supervisor / Want to Buy or Rent Employment Cinders, topsoil, fill Admission $10 Tree Top has an Chihuahua puppies, tea material, etc. Driveway 8 Opportunities Wanted: $Cash paid for Fri. 12-6 Sat. 9-5 opportunity for you e.er ff' vintage costume jew- cup, shots 8 dewormed road work, excavation& Sun.10-4 at our Prosser plant. $250. 541-420-4403 septic systems. Driver Needed Night elry. Top dollar paid for I 1- 8 00-659-3440 I As Production Antique Abbas Construction Gold/Silver.l buy by the Chi Pom mix puppies, P oodle-Retriever m i x s hift, apply a t O w l Supervisor you will ~CollectorsWest.co~m CCB¹78840 Estate, Honest Artist ready now: 1 female pupples 4 Dining Set m o nths Taxi, 1919 NE 2nd, ensure lines run efElizabeth,541-633-7006 $200; 3 males $175 black $ 1 PPP Call 541-548-6812 Bend. After 5pm. No 18th century legs, ficiently, maintain 246 Classic Stallion cash only. count for cash), have mahogany topphone calls please. quality, and mentor BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Guns, Hunting Boots 541-480-2824. 95"x46"x29"; had shots and basic staff. For job details 9/a, Ladies size 7 Search the area's most & Fishing and crate 6 Chippendale style Items for Free Just bought a new boat? obedience LOG TRUCK DRIVERS and to apply, visit seldom worn, comprehensive listing of training. Photos at fachairs, $2770. Sell your old one in the for logging company http://www.treetop.co $290. classified advertising... R EM 1100 T ra p w / 541-639-3211 m/JobSearch aspx Recumbent bike, FREE, classifieds! Ask about our cebook.com/Szmooin Florence, OR. Exreal estate to automotive, 541-480-1199 raised rib 141 pump dles. 503-623-5282 or you haul. Heavy. Call Super Seller rates! perience re q u ired, merchandise to sporting 35 REM; BRWN Sihundwald@aol.com 541-330-5972. 541-385-5809 current medical Couch, very nice, goods. Bulletin Classifieds CDL, Receptionist tory OU 20 ga. and COWGIRL CASH c ard. Great pay 8 Donate deposit bottles/ Puppies! maltese poodle print fabric, $75. appear every day in the gold hunter 12 ga. 3 We buy Jewelry, Boots, benefits. Year-round, cans to local all vol- - also 1 female yorkie/ 541-270-8294 print or on line. 1/2 in auto; BAR 300 Vintage Dresses & long-term em p loy- B~ S U RGERv Pets & Supplies unteer, non-profit res- maltese. Male $ 2 50 WIN mag; B e rretta Call 541-385-5809 924 Brooks St. ment. Great place to C • S • N • T • S • lr cue, for feral cat spay/ Female $300. Cash USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! SxS silver Hawk 12 More. www.bendbulletin.com 541-678-5162 live! 54 1 -997-8212 hkr Car I kmf tuf Cfffchn only. 541-546-7909. Adopt a buddy! Adult neuter. Cans for Cats gaq Sharp 1874 45/70 www.getcowgirlcash.com c ats/kittens over 6 t railer at B end P e t Queensland Heelers Door-to-door selling with 4 5 /120 Q u igley; The Bulletin MECHANIC Full Time, 40 hours. a c ross Standard 8 Mini, $150 fast results! It's the easiest 8 fenag Ceefef Ofeqof fafe f999 mos., 2 for just $40! Express E, W IN 1886 4 5/70 & BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Mon-Fri. Pr i mary October only. Fixed, from Costco; or do8 up. 541-280-1537 way in the world to sell. 1873 44/40. Search the area's most SUPER TOP SOIL d uties inclu d e shots, ID chip, tested, nate Mon-Fri at Smith www.rightwayranch.wor RRR4@ H 8 H Firearms 8 Tack comprehensive listing of www.herahe aoilandbark.com greeting and more! Nonprofit group Sign, 1515 NE 2nd; or dpress.com The Bulletin Classified 541-382-9352 classified advertising... Screened, soil 8 comchecking in patients, a t 65480 7 8t h S t . , at CRAFT in Tumalo. post m i x ed , no Rodent issues? Free answering high vol541-385-5809 10 boxes of .308 ammo, real estate to automotive, Bend, open Sat/Sun www.craftcats.org rocks/clods. High humerchandise to sporting ume phone lines adult barn/shop cats, 1-5; other days by $20 each. 0 g, mus level, exc. f or 'r goods. Bulletin Classifieds creating me d i cal eeYCO+ t 541-948-2646 appt. Photos & info: USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! fixed, shots, s o me ij flower beds, lawns, appear every day in the charts, and collectf riendly, some n o t . www.craftcats.org. gardens, straight 1966 Winchester mdl 70 Will deliver. 389-8420 print or on line. www.bendgarbage.com ing paym e nts. 541-389-8420, or like Door-to-door selling with s creened to p s o il. 30-06 w/scope, fired Strong cu s tomer Call 541-385-5809 us on Facebook. fast results! It's the easiest S COTTIE' S owner h a s Bark. Clean fill. De- Entry Level Mechanic 1x for sighting pur- www.bendbulletin.com s ervice s kills re d i ed . N e eds f e n c e d liver/you way in the world to sell. haul. poses, $700. Jerry, quired Experience Adopt a rescued kitten • Assists with field sery ard r t a i 1 1ffal k l . o v e 541-480-9005 541-548-3949. in me d ical f ield The Bulletin or cat! Fixed, shots, Drexel Heritage vice & repair r att e n t i o n t f a c a t s . The Bulletin Classified feae9 Central 0 ecof fafef999 preferred. 5 bricks of 22LR ammo 270 ID chip, tested, more! couch. 7 feet long. • Ability to learn troubleHealthyrfeutered5 541-385-5809 Nonprofit sanctuary at $150. shooting skills j./P r O l d N i l ? 1C9aPit Very good condiLost & Found Position offers comHome Security 541-948-2646 • Willing to train 65480 78th St., Bend, Doxie mix puppies, 8 fresEfcations/yr. tion, $400. plete benefit packSystem 2GIG open Sat/Sun 1 - 5; weeks, 1st shot, very some long weekends Call 503 781 5265 Found Cat, black w/white • Ability to obtain or ATTN ELK HUNTERS: age. Inte r ested Brand new installed markings on face/paws, have own tools kitten foster home by cute. n ew own er . $175. f o r Riley Tent Stove, persons should by AbbaJay in• Class A or B CDL or appt., call 815-7278. 541-390-8875 5 41-382- 62 64 . Woodside area 1st week $150. 541-548-3408 email cover l etter cludes 2 hour inwww.craftcats.org. ability to obtain within of Oct. 541-389-4012 St. Bernard Puppies and r e sume to Browning Citori 12 ga stallation and one 541-389-8420, or like 90 days of hire USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 1st shots, wormed Found set of keys at • Garbage truck equipjobs@bendsurgery. engraved w/ pheasants & year basic security us on Facebook. $400. 541-977-4686 Havden Park, Redmond ment knowledge a com. ducks, new unfired in service. $375. Door-to-door selling with 10/1 4. Call 541-504-2898 plus case, $ 2 450. J e r ry, (Valued at $850) A ussie, M i n i AKC , fast results! It's the easiest Vizsla AKC pups female to describe car key. 541-480-9005 $1100; m ales, $950. Commercial 541-382-3479 red/black Tri, shots, • Monday-Friday RECEPTIONIST way in the world to sell. active show 8 hunting upright Delfield wormed, parents on needed at 6-doctor LOST Lexus keys near 12:30 p.m.-9:00 p.m. Bullets: .257; .243;.270; lines 541-367-8822 site 541-598-5314 6000 Series small animal and .308; .338; From $20 Minolta SR, 35mm cam- Franklin St . u n der- Journeyman Diesel The Bulletin Classified equine veterinary freezer, 20 cubic Mechanic Weimaraner Pups, exlnt /$100. 541-389-1392 era w/standard, zoom, pass. 541-410-7338 541-385-5809 w-angle lenses. $100 • Minimum 5-7 years practice located in feet, stainless, temperament, great famUSE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Lost silver dangle earCASH!! obo. 541-548-7137 experience Redmond. Wage ily 8 companion dogs. $1200. ring 10/16, has great • Volvo, For Guns, Ammo & Bulldog, 3 yr old Parents ranch-raised; like Cummins endepends on experience. Door-to-door selling with English 541-325-2691 Reloading Supplies. Tournament Air Hockey s entimental val u e . gine knowledge spayed female, $500. water 8 hunt. Females, Benefits include fast results! It's the easiest 541-382-9334 541-408-6900. table, $175. Call James 541-389-3235. • Hydraulics & electrical medical, retirement, $350. Please leave mes- Frigidaire range, good for photos,541-948-5002 way in the world to sell. knowledge a must vacation and sick Tap Firearms French Bulldogs, 1-yr sage, 541-562-5970. shape, 3 0 " Wx36"H Double • Field service & repair leave. Some eve2075 NE Hwy. 20 Wanted- paying cash male; 1-yr 8 2-yr females, $20. 541-504-0707 The Bulletin Classified nings and Saturdays. 541-977-0202 for Hi-fi audio 8 stu• Welding $1000 ea. 541-382-9334 541-385-5809 • Excellent troublePlease submit G ENERATE SOM E Buy/Sell/Trade/Consign dio equip. Mclntosh, shooting skills resume and handwritEXCITEMENT in your Gamo Hunter 220, .177 J BL, Marantz, D y • Need to have own ten cover letter to: naco, Heathkit, Sanneighborhood! Plan a caliber pellet rifle, sui, Carver, NAD, etc. MISSING: Tan/White tools Box 20419746 i Ja garage sale and don't scope. $150. • Class A or B CDL or c/o The Bulletin Call 541-261-1808 Whoodle puppies, 10 forget to advertise in 541-647-7479 Chihuahua since 8/2 ability to obtain within PO Box 6020, wks, 1st shots, wormed, classified! in Crooked River 261 Hornady .338 bullets, 90 days of hire Bend, OR 97708 541-385-5809. German Shorthair pups, 3 males, $1050 ea. Ranch. Male, 8 300 @ $60. Medical Equipment 12:30 ROOFERS AKC, parents on site, 541-410-1581 years old, about 6 lbs. • Monday-Friday a Great Pyrenees/St. Ber- 541-389-1392 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. There have been a with experience, 541-330-0277 Yorkie pups AKC, sweet, 9/2 nard female puppy, 3 Bird Cage:Almost Competitive pay and a needed. couple of sightings of Havanese puppies AKC, adorable, potty training, 2 mos old, $100 cash, obo. Iver-Johnson Skeeter, 12 new Double Bird great benefits packCall River Roofing, him with a man in his 2 girls, $450 & up. 541-546-7909 ga SxS double barrel Cage - Dimensions: Dewclaws, UTD shots/ boys, age. 541-316-7663 late 50s, black hair, shotgun (project), $300. 72" high, by 64" wormer, nonshed, hy- Health guar.541-777-7743 An Equal Opportunity mustache 8 glasses 541-548-3408. p oallergenic, $85 0 Yorkie pups, female, long, by 32" deep. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Employer BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS in CRR. 541-460-1277. Pull-out divider for 1 Oak gun cabinet, $650, male, $550, 8 wks, Apply af our office Search the area's most $5,000 cash reward. Door-to-door selling with B-place, $185. big cage or 2 smaller Heeler Puppies! AdorAKC. 541-241-0518 location af: No questions asked! comprehensive listing of Go-Go Elite Travel541-382-0598 cages. 4 feeder fast results! It's the easiest Call 541-325-6629 or 1090 NE Hemlock Ave. classified advertising... able red and blue, males ler 3-wheel scooter, doors, breeder box and females!! More info Find exactly what 503-805-3833 Redmond -OR real estate to automotive, way in the world to sell. Reloaders: new R EM Model SC40E, under door, and lots more! and pictures available. 8 you are looking for in the Mail your resume fo: merchandise to sporting . 223 brass, 1 0 0 @ warranty, like new Bend Garbage 8 $500. 541-389-9844 I $5 0 ea. Please call goods. Bulletin Classifieds The Bulletin Classified CLASSIFIEDS $20. 541-389-1392 condition, used 2 Recycling Diana (541) 977-2591 appear every day in the 541-385-5809 times. Health forces PO Box 504 print or on line. BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS sale. Purchased from Bend, OR 97709OR Call 541-385-5809 Hidebed, full-sized, like Search the area's most Advanced Mobility Fax to 541-383-3640 www.bendbulletin.com new, rust brown color, comprehensive listing of July, 2013 for $1295; Attn: Molly $500 obo. 541-408-0846 selling for $795 obo. classified advertising... moll hObend arba e.com 541-480-2700 The Bulletin real estate to automotive, fefreg Crnffal Ceeoefefe f903 Kenmore refrigerator, 30" merchandise to sporting pattym51©Q.com W x 65" H, works perfect, $150 obo. 541-388-8144 goods. Bulletin Classifieds Supervising Public appear every day in the NEED TO CANCEL print or on line. Health Nurse YOUR AD? Call 541-385-5809 Farm Equipment The Bulletin Grant County Public Health is seeking a 286 290 www.bendbulletin.com & Machinery full-time Supervising Public Health Nurse. Classifieds has an I Es t ate Sales Sales Northeast Bend Sales Redmond Area "After Hours" Line The Bulletin refvfcg Ce ffaf Oregon ffcce 1903 f/4-mile wheel WANTED: Major responsibilities include providing public CaII 541-383-2371 (Similar to illustration) Radtke Estate Sale i rrigation l in e wi t h health nursing services; assessing public 24 hrs. to cancel Huge Sale - Oct. 18Pride Go-Go ESTATE SALE Ruger Mod. 10/22 car20649 RedWing Lane mover. 541-388-3886 health needs within the community; planning 20 (Bam - 4pm) your ad! 3-wheel scooter bine, bull barrel, 22LR, Bend, Fri-Sat, 9-4. Dressers, dining set, and developingprograms focused on preven2902 SW Cline Falls with upgrades, Bushnell scope, laminate Entire household, quality fridge, wicker chairs, Hwy. Tools, tools, wood stock, like new, absolutely like brand USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! tion and health promotion; ensuring standards The Bulletin flyfishing rods and reels, never used w ood and practices provide a high quality of profestools. Busi n ess recommends extra $500. 541-419-9961 new, hardly used stove,beautiful Oricamping gear, beautiful Door-to-door selling with sional service and compliance with the Nurse closing. Everything l ce f o. $495. 541-548-5667 ental dresser 8 wood 9e. p. bistro dining set, oak Savage 110left hand f rom s p atulas t o fast results! It's the easiest Practice Act, planning and directing work of bedroom set, office sup- hibachi/ cooker, Orichasing products or • 243,$300. professional technical and support staff; reprec lassic cars. 5 4 1 ental items, Victoservices from out of I plies, coffee tables, Wheelchair, Tracer EX way in the world to sell. 541-647-7479 420-5365 for details. t the area. Sending t senting agency to community groups and the rian d r esser & treadmill, freezers Invacare, Norco. $75. public; and providing community education. needlepoint chairs, Thompson Center Arms 541-923-4795 The Bulletin Classified I c ash, c h e cks, o r ' This sale given by Requires Oregon registered nurse licensure, antique glassware 8 muzzleloader, 50 cal Farmhouse Estate f credit i n f o rmation 541-385-5809 degree in nursing from an accredited univer263 china, silver, vintage New Englander, exclnt LAST CHANCE may be subjected to Sales. sity, and progressively responsible experience 8 silver jewelry, sm. MOVING SALE! House f FRAUD. For more shape, $295. See pics at Tools in a public health agency. 541-419-1604 full of items MUST go! information about an g farmhouseestatesales.com furniture pcs, house• Hay, Grain 8 Feed hold 8 outdoor items, This is all NICE stuff, I advertiser, you may I Generator, 3KW, Wanted: Collector Salary range is $53-$79,000/yr. Excellent bensewing ma c hine, no junk. Here are just t call t h e 282 Sport-n-Home, $100. Ore g ont seeks high quality 1st Class Grass Hay & artwork, efits. Position may transition to 32 hours per a few of the items: ' State Attor ney ' 541-815-3520 Sales Northwest Bend paintings fishing items. Barn-stored, misc. Fri.-Sat .9-4week in the future. f ramed a rt , sm a l l f General's O f f i ce Call 541-678-5753, or $230/ ton. numbers Fri., 8 a.m. appl., dishes, glass- Consumer P rotec- • 267 Fri-Sat, Oct. 18-19, 503-351-2746 Patterson Ranch If interested, please submit cover letter and Neff to Shepard to ware, stainless steel t ion 8:30-3. 1630 NW 11th. ho t l in e at I W IN .375 H&H m a g Fuel & Wood Sisters, 541-549-3831 1654 NE Meadow resume to NinaBisson, CCS, P.O. Box 469, flatware, super cute i 1-877-877-9392. Antiques, furniture, Lane, Bend d aybed with all t he ammo, 3 boxes @ All Year Dependable Orchard grass hay mix, Heppner, OR 97836. Please contact Nina at mirrors, decor, trunks, Attic Estates & trimmings, b e autiful $40. 541-389-1392 cutting, 90 lb. 541-676-9161 with question or to request an clothes, jewelry 8 more! Firewood: Seasoned second Appraisals SOLID birch bedroom bales, no rain, barn application. Winchester pre-64 model Lodgepole, Split, Del. Moving Sale! Sat., 10/19, 541-350-6822 set, SOLID oak glider stored. $22 5 / ton. 12, 20 ga deluxe wood, Bend: 1 for $195 or 2 9-4, 6 3780 C r ooked www.atticestatesanand ottoman. Fri. 9-4, Prineville, $500. 541-548-3408 for $365. Cash, Check 541-788-4539 Accounting Rocks Rd. (Hwy 20 west, Sat. 9-noon. Located dappraisals.com Credit Card OK. Antiques & right on Cooley Rd., folin Tetherow Crossing Youth Henry mini-bolt or 541-420-3484. low signs). Tools galore! Full Access - Beth in N W Re d mond. Collectibles .22, Bushnell scope, USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Camping, fishing, furni4675 NW 62nd St.. $175. 541-390-1753 Intermountain Wood EnServing Central Oregon since 1903 ture, antiques, Singer sew Rixe Service Center ergy - Seasoned, split: Door-to-door selling with is hosting a Treasure machine, kitchen table/ 253 Lodgepole, $175; Juni- fast results! It's the easiest Accounting Position Available Sale with donations Moving Sale, 5135 NW chairs, and more STUFF! TV, Stereo 8 Video per $185; Oak, $275, all way in the world to sell. Reports to the Controller from all around our Lone Pine Rd., TerreDafltr I prices are per cord. PreMulti-family: Sat. 8 Sun. beautiful community. bonne, Sat. 8 S un., Visit our HUGE 36" TV w/stand (not a mium wood 8 excellent © Ba.m. Kidsski Reception/Accounts Receivable Clerk Where: 711 NE Butler 8-4. Covered if rains. The Bulletin Classified home decor flat screen), $150. service! 541-207-2693 equip., athletic gear, Market Rd., Bend. 541-385-5809 consignment store. 541-270-8294 2023 NW Shiraz The right person for this position will be the When: Fr i. and Sat., Sat. 8 Sun. 10-5, 2761 Check out the New items initial face and voice of The Bulletin for October 18th & 19th, S W S a lmon A v e . classifieds online 260 Sat. only 8-2! Antiques, 8am - 3pm. All proarrive daily! employees and customers coming into the www.bendbullefin.com • Horses & Equipment Hunting and f ishing tons of desi gner 930 SE Textron, Misc. Items go towards the gear; building or calling by phone. This accountclothes, purses, shoes, ceeds lot of shop tools, Bend 541-318-1501 Updated daily Rix e S e rvice sanders, staple guns, www.redeuxbend.com ing department position includes various 2 DVD players, tons of Beth 55 Gallon Aquarium Juniper or Lodgepole or ASPC Pinto shetland administrative duties as well as the posting DVD movies, make-up, C enter Sample o f Lapidary supplies 8 $35. we have wait- equip. Lawn edger, Pine (some Hemlock)- colt, 4 m o nths o ld, and reporting of a c counts receivable, linens and household items 541-270-8294 Cut, split & delivered, Flashy. Lots of trot. deposit preparation and management of the goods, lots of g reat ing for you: 16" Ra- small rototiller, weed $200/cord (delivery in- $495 5 4 1-788-1649, cash r egister. T hi s p o s ition r e quires Bicycles & stuff. 1812 NW E l e- dial Snow tires with USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! cluded). 541-604-1925 leave a message wheels, Snow blower, eater; wheelchair. ment Pl., address off experience in basic accounting, Excel and Accessories Computers, Fax maNewport Ave. at t he general office functions. Door-to-door selling with chines, Home Decor Yard sale: 1 mile north new Pahlisch Homes GT Karakoram kids mtn fast results! It's the easiest items, Clothing, Furof highway at Eagle • P roduce & Food subdivision. bike, like new, $200. We are looking for a team player with a niture, Dish sets, too Crest exit, follow the way in the world to sell. positive, professional attitude and strong THOMAS ORCHARDS 284 many treasures to list! signs. P h 5 4 1 -410 541-379-3530 customer service skills. The right person -2946 Fri.-Sat., 9- 4 Kimberly, Oregon The Bulletin Classified Specialized Rock HopSales Southwest Bend 288 541-934-2870 will be detail oriented, great at multi-tasking, %IIP' per mtn b ike, exc. 541-385-5809 APPLES OUT OF BIN: and able t o a d apt t o u s in g m u ltiple $200. 541-379-3530 Lots of tools, automotive, Sales Southeast Bend Yard Sale! Sat., 10-5. October Special! 65S per pound. computer software applications as well as Bend Indoor Swap tires, household, bikes, Books, clothing, housePacific Wood 242 Red Delicious, Golden the web. Must be able to communicate well Meet - A Mini-Mall full baby items, clothes 8 Garage Sale, Sat., 10/19, hold items, computer Pellets Delicious, Cameo, both verbally and in writing with customers of Unique Treasures! accessories, ant i que 9-1. No cheap junk! Fur- desk,scaff olding.6590 Exercise Equipment $205 per ton Pinata, Ambrosia, 3rd St. & Wilson Ave. and co-workers. This is a full-time position trunk, vintage oil lamps & niture, sports e q uip, NW 61st St., in TethQuarry Avenue Granny Smith. Fuji's by much more! Fri-Sat 9-5, home dec, holiday items, erow Crossing. Proform Crosswalk 380 10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat. with benefits. Mon.-Fri., 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Hay & Feed Sun 9-2. 60872 Onyx St. 60083 Ridgeview Dr. W. Sat., Oct. 19th. treadmill, like new, $325 Buying Diamonds 541-923-2400 obo. 541-408-0846 BRING CONTAINERS! If you are interested in joining our www.quarryfeed.com /Gold for Cash 286 NEW FALL HOURS! accounting team, please e-mail your Saxon's Fine Jewelers Closed Tues. & Wed. Sales Northeast Bend Sales Redmond Area • Sales Other Areas • resume to hwest@bendbulletin.com 541-389-6655 open Thurs. thru Mon. Ski Equipment • Pine & Juniper Split prior to Oct. 31, 2013. PRINEVILLE SELF 10 a.m.-4 p.m. only. Estate Sale - 1188 NE Garage/Estate Sale, 54 BUYING STORAGE - 2 UNITS Eddie Bauer women's ski Lionel/American Flyer See us on Facebook 27th, ¹114 (Snowberry year accumulation! PROMPT D E LIVERY No phone calls or resume drop-offs please. Village), 9-1 Fri. & Sat., Fri-Sat. 9-5, Sun, 10-5 1350 NW Harwood. jumpsuit, never worn, sz trains, accessories. & Bend Farmers Mar54X-389-9663 EOE/Drug Free workplace 10/18-19. HUGE variety! 533 NE Shoshone Dr. Oct. 19 & 20, 9-5. 541-408-2191. ket on Wed., 3-7 p.m. 8, $100. 541-678-5407 Pets 8 Supplies

Pets & Supplies

Furniture & Appliances

Golf Equipment

Misc. Items

/! 0








f f f


LThe Bulleting

The Bulletin



TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 5 41-385-580 9 860


Motorcycles & Accessories Motorcycles & Accessories

® ~xem





T r a vel Trailers

Fifth Wheels

Buell 1125R, 2008 15k



Loans & Mortgages

miles, reg. s ervice, well cared for. factory Buell optional fairing kit, Michelin 2cc tires, will trade for ie: Enduro DR 650, $5700 obo. 541-536-7924.


BANK TURNED YOU DOWN? Private party • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 will loan on real es- EXT, $1000. tate equity. Credit, no • Yamaha 750 1999 Mountain Max, SOLD! problem, good equity • Zieman Health Forces Sale! 4-place is all you need. Call 2007 Harley Davidson Oregon Land Mort- trailer, SOLD! FLHX Street GlideAll in good condition. gage 541-388-4200. Too many extras to list! Located in La Pine. 6-spd, cruise control, steCall 541-408-6149. Need to get an reo, batt. tender, cover. Set-up for long haul road ad in ASAP?

Fifth Wheels

g,'j~s ~ j

• -I!-'-" Beaver Monterey

36' 1998, Ig kitchen & sofa slide, perfect leather. W/D, elec. awn, dash computer, 2 TVs. Always covered. Exterior = 8 ,

Victory TC 2002, runs great, many accessories, new tires, under 40K miles, well kept. $5000. 541-771-0665

interior =9. New

paint bottom half & new roof seal 2012. 300 Turbo CAT, 89K mi. Engine diagnostic =perfect 9/20/13. Good batteries, tires. All service done at Beaver Coach, Bend. $42,500,



860 trips. Dealership svc'd. You can place it Only 2,000 miles. Motorcycles & Accessories 541-419-8184 online at: PLUS H-D cold weather gear, rain gear, packs, www.bendbulletin.com helmets, leathers HUNTERS! Call a Pro & much more. $15,000. Honda Fat Cat 200cc 541-385-5809 Whether you need a 541-382-3135 after 5pm w/rear rack & receiver fence fixed,hedges hitch carrier, used very Cut y ou r S T UDENT little, exlnt cond, $1875 LOAN payments in trimmed or a house H o nd a S i l v er obo. 541-546-3330 HALF or more Even if 1982 built, you'll find Wing. Shaft d r ive. Late or in Default. Get Very good condition. professional help in Relief FAST. Much LOWER p a yments. w/ 2 helmets $1,000. The Bulletin's "Call a Call Student Hotline Fairing with s addle Harley Davidson SportService Professional" b ags a n d tru n k .ster 2 0 0 1 , 12 0 0 cc, 855-747-7784 360-870-6092 Directory (PNDC) 9,257 miles, $4995. Call 541-385-5809 Michael, 541-310-9057 Polaris Outlaw 450, 2008, LOCAL MONEYrWe buy MXR Sport quad, dirt & secured trust deeds 8 sand tires,runs great, low note,some hard money HDFatBo 1996 hrs, $3750 541-647-8931 loans. Call Pat Kellev 541-382-3099 ext.13.

Keystone Challenger Pilgrim 27', 2007 5t h 2004 CH34TLB04 34' wheel, 1 s lide, AC, 350hp diesel engine fully S/C, w/d hookups, TV,full awning, excel$129,900. 30,900 miles, lent shape, $23,900. new 18' Dometic awgreat condition! ning, 4 new tires, new 541-350-8629 Extended warranty, Kubota 7000w marine dishwasher, washer/ diesel generator, 3 dryer, central vac, roof slides, exc. cond. ini • satellite, aluminum s ide & o ut . 27 " T V wheels, 2 full slide-thru dvd/cd/am/fm entertain basement trays 8 3 TV's center. Call for more Falcon-2 towbar and details. Only used 4 Even-Brake included. times total in last 5y2 Recreation by Design Call 541-977-4150 years.. No pets, no 2013 Monte Carlo, 38-ft. Call The Bulletin At smoking. High r etail Top living room 5th 541-385-5809 Tioga 24' Class C $27,700. Will sell for wheel, has 3 slideouts, 2 A/Cs, entertainment Motorhome Place Your Ad Or E-Mail $24,000 including slidcenter, fireplace, W/D, Bought new in 2000, At: www.bendbulletin.com i ng hitch that fits i n currently under 20K your truck. Call 8 a.m. garden tub/shower, in miles, excellent to 10 p.m. for appt to great condition. $42,500 or best offer. Call Peter, shape, new tires, see. 541-330-5527. 307-221-2422, professionaly winter( in La Pine ) ized every year, cutWILL DELIVER off switch to battery, plus new RV batteries. Oven, hot water TURN THE PAGE heater & air condiTango 29.6' 2007, For More Ads tioning have never Rear living, walkKeystone Raptor, 2007 The Bulletin been used! around queen bed, 37' toy hauler,2 slides, $24,000 obo. Serious central air, awning, generator, A/C, 2 TVs, inquiries please 2002 27' 1 large slide, satellite system w/auto SANDPIPER Stored in Terrebonne. with hitch too many $15,000 obo (or seek, in/out sound sys541-548-5174 tem,sleeps 6,m any ex- extras to list, $13,000. trade for camper tras. $32,500. In Madras, 541-923-8322. that fits 6i/~' pickup call 541-771-9607 or bed, plus cash). 541-475-6265 541-280-2547 or o 541-815-4121 t TIFFIN PHAETON QSH 2007 with 4 slides, CAT

Orbit 21' 2007, used only 8 times, A/C, oven, tub s hower, micro, load leveler hitch, awning, dual batteries, sleeps 4-5, EXCELLENT CONDITION. All accessories are included. $14,511 OBO. 541-382-9441



Good classified ads tell the essential facts in an interesting Manner. Write from the readers view - not the seller's. Convert the facts into benefits. Show the reader how the item will help them in someway. This advertising tip

brought to youby

2013 Harley Davidson Dyna Wide Glide, black, only 200 miles, brand new, all stock, plus after-market exhaust. Has winter cover, helmet. Selling for what I owe on it: $15,500. Call anytime, 541-554-0384

The Bulletin

Completely Rebuilt/Customized 2012/2013 Award


Showroom Condition Many Extras Low Miles.

Suzuki powered custom Dune Buggy, twin 650 cc motor, 5-spd, with trailer, $3500. 541-389-3890 870

Boats & Accessories



SemIngCentral Omgo s nce t9t8

Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' 35K, loaded, too Coachman Freelander 2004, much to list, ext'd warr. 2008 32' Class C, M-3150 - pristine with thru 2014, $49,900 Denjust 23,390 miles! Effi- nis, 541-589-3243 cient coach has Ford 881 V10 w/Banks pwr pkg, Travel Trailers 14' slide, rear qn walkaround bed, sofa/hideabed,caboverbunk, ducted furn/AC, flat screen TV skylight m pantry, 16' awning. No pets/smkg - a must see! $57,900. 541-548-4969 Cougar 33 ft. 2006, 14 ft. slide, awning, easy lift, stability bar, bumper extends for extra cargo, all acE cess. incl., like new Fleetwood D i s covery condition, stored in 40' 2003, diesel moRV barn, used less torhome w/all t han 10 t i mes l o options-3 slide outs, c ally, no p et s o r satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, smoking. $20,000 etc. 3 2 ,000 m i l es. obo. 541-536-2709. Wintered in h e ated shop. $84,900 O.B.O.

Street Glide 2006 black metal f l ake, Fast Break of Oregon has an i mmediate cherry good extras, 8 ,100 opening for a professional, energetic, selfmiles, will take some 16'9" Larson All Amerimotivated leader to manage several of our trade of firearms or can, 1971, V-hull, 120hp Eastern Oregon locations. Applicant should small ironhead. I/O, 1 owner, always gahave retail management experience, with $14,000. raged, w/trlr, exc cond, proven leadership and customer service skills. 541-306-8812 $2000. 541-788-5456 This position will require preparing marketing plans for your region, formulating pricing policies, coordinate sales promotion activities, Suzuki DRZ400 SM supervise employees, vendor relations, con2007, 14K mi., duct regular inventory counts, and will respon4 gal. tank, racks, sible for the profitability of each location The recent tires, successful applicant will be experienced man$4200 OBO. 18'Maxum skiboat,2000, aging multiple retail locations, customer ser541-383-2847. inboard motor, g reat vice orientated, comfortable multi-tasking and cond, well maintained, detail oriented. Experience working with com$8995 obo. 541-350-7755 puters and some knowledge of inventory would be helpful. Must pass a background check and drug screen. This is a full-time PRldFRNUdN~ salaried position and is eligible for benefits. 20.5' Seaswirl SpyPlease e-mail inquires or resume to: der 1989 H.O. 302, employement@edstaub.com, or mail to 285 hrs., exc. cond., P.O. Box 850, Klamath Falls, OR 97601 stored indoors for or fax to 877-846-2516. Triumph Daytona 2004, 15K mi l e s , l ife $ 8 900 O B O . 541-379-3530 perfect bike, needs nothing. Vin Accounting ¹201536. 21' Crownline Cuddy $4995 Cabin, 1995, only Dream Car 325 hrs on the boat, AutoSales 5.7 Merc engine with 1801 Division, Bend outdrive. Bimini top DreamCarsBend.com Accounting Specialist & moorage cover, 541-678-0240 $7500 obo. Dlr 3665 Responsible for accounting and reporting 541-382-2577 duties such as posting invoices and journal entries, assisting with financial statement Need to get an preparation, preparing monthly and quarterly ad in ASAP? reports, assisting with month end and year end closing, issuing vendor p ayments, You can place it m aintaining 1099s an d o t her d uties a s online at: assigned. Requires high school diploma or equivalent, basic accounting skills and experi- www.bendbulletin.com Beautiful h o u seboat, ence, proficiency with Microsoft Word and $85,000. 541-390-4693 Excel and excellent phone and customer 541-385-5809 www.centraloregon service skills. houseboat.com.

Regional Convenience Store Manager


ttt tCIIWN

Les Schwab has a reputation of excellent customer service and over 400 stores in the Northwest. We off e r c o mpetitive pay, e xcellent benefits, retirement, and c a s h bonus. Resumes will be accepted through October 23, 2013.

Please send resume and salary requirements to: ZYLSHuman.Resources@lesschwab.com. Emails must state "Store Accounting Specialist" in the subject line. No phone call s please. EOE


Night Supervisor

The Bulletin, located in beautiful Bend, Oregon, is seeking a night time press supervisor. We are part of Western Communications, Inc. which is a small, family owned group consisting of seven newspapers: five in Oregon and two in California. Our ideal candidate will manage a small crew of three and must be able t o l e ar n o u r e q u ipment/processes quickly. A hands-on style is a requirement for our 3y2 tower KBA press. Prior management/ leadership experience preferred. In addition to our 7-day-a-week newspaper, we have numerous commercial print clients as well. Besides a competitive wage and benefit program, we also provide potential opportunity for advancement. If you provide dependability combined with a positive attitude, are able to manage people and schedules and are a team player, we would like to hear from you. If you seek a stable work environment that provides a great place to live and raise a family, let us hear from you. Contact Al Nelson, Pressroom Manager at

anelson©wescompapers.com with your complete r esume, r e ferences a n d s a l ary history/requirements. No phone calls please. Drug test is required prior to employment. EOE.

The Bulletin Advertising Account Executive Rewardingnew business deve/opment The Bulletin is looking for a professional and driven Sales and Marketing person to help our customers grow their businesses with an expanding list of broad-reach and targeted products. This full-time position requires a background in c onsultative sales, territory management and aggressive prospecting skills. Two years of media sales experience is preferable, but we will train the right candidate. The p o sition i n c ludes a comp etitive compensation package including benefits, and rewards an aggressive, customer focused salesperson with unlimited earning potential.

Email your resume, cover letter and salary history to: Jay Brandt, Advertising Director 'brandt@bendbulletin.com OI'

drop off your resume in person at 1777 SW Chandler, Bend, OR 97702; Or mail to PO Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708. No phone inquiries please. EOE / Drug Free Workplace



G ulfstream S u n sport 30' Class A 1988 ne w f r i dge, TV, solar panel, new refrigerator, wheelchair l i ft . 4 0 0 0W g enerator, Goo d condition! $1 2,500 obo 541-447-5504

Qualified applicants must have a valid Oregon Registered Professional Nurse's license at the time of appointment, hold a valid Oregon driver's license and pass a criminal history background check.

W ages dependent upon education and experience, but will be between $48,000 to $72,000. Please visit t h e C o mmunity Counseling Solution website for an application or contact Nina Bisson at 541-676-9161 or P.O. Box 469, Heppner, OR 97836-9161. General

Sysm Sysco isnow hiring Delivery Associates based out of Bend, Oregon. We offer excellent wages and a world class benefits package, along with clean, well maintained and safe equipment. SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES

This is a very physically demanding job. Candidates must be able to lift 40 — 50 lbs. frequently and up to 100 lbs. on occasion. Must have a current Class A CDL with a minimum of 1 year driving experience, and 25,000 miles driving semi-tractor/trailers. No convictions of DUI/DWI within the past 3 years or multiple times within the past 7 years. Excellent customer service skills are required. Previous food or beverage delivery experience is a plus. RESPONSIBILITIES INCLUDE

Route delivery driving (18 - 25 stops daily), unloading 800 — 1400 cases per route at customer locations, while providing excellent customer service. To be considered please go to our website (www.syscoportland.com) to download and complete an application or you can apply in person at our main facility at 26250 SW Parkway Center Drive, Wilsonville, OR 97070 Monday —Friday 9am — 4pm. EEO Employer M/F/D/V Females and minorities are encourage to apply


1994 37.5' motor-

home, with awning, and one slide-out, Only 47k miles and good condition.


541-548-0318 (photo above is of a similar model & not the actual vehicle)

Monaco Lakota 2004 5th Wheel 34 ft.; 3 s l ides; immaculate c o ndition; l arge screen TV w / entertainment center; reclining chairs; center kitchen; air; queen bed; complete hitch and new fabric cover. $20,000 OBO. (541) 548-5886


Alpenlite 2002, 31' with 2 slides, rear

exc. cond., 3 slides, king bed, Irg LR, Arctic insulation, all options $35,000 obo.

kitchen, very good condition. Non-smokers, no pets. $19,500 or best offer.

Fleetwood Prowler 32' - 2001 2 slides, ducted heat & air, great condition, snowbird ready, Many upgrade options, financing available! $14,500 obo.

Aircraft, Parts & Service


1/3 interest in Columbia

MONTANA 3585 2008,

Jayco Eagle 26.6 ft Iong, 2000 Sleeps 6, 14-ft slide, awning, Eaz-Lift stabilizer bars, heat 8 air, queen walk-around bed, very good condition, $10,000 obo. 541-595-2003


Fifth Wheels

Call Dick, 541-480-1687.

Community Counseling Solutions is accepting applications for Registered Nurses to work at Juniper Ridge located in John Day, OR.

This position works with the treatment team to promote recovery from mental illness. This position includes telephone consultation and crisis intervention in the facility.


Toy hauler/travel trailer. 24' with 21' interior. Sleeps 6. Self-contained. Systems/ appearancein good condition. Smoke-free. Tow with y2-ton. Strong suspension; can haul ATVs snowmobiles, even a small car! Great price - $8900. Call 541-593-6266


Registered Nurses

Juniper Ridge is a Secure Residential Treatment Facility providing services to individuals with a severe mental illness. These positions provide mental health nursing care, including medication oversight, m edication r elated treatment, follows physician's prescriptions and procedures, measures an d r e cords patient's general physical condition such as pulse, temperature and respiration to provide daily information, educates and trains staff on medication administration, and ensures documentation is kept according to policies.

— k. @, r,, 1

fe ~

400, $150,000 (located @ Bend.) Also: Sunriver hangar available for sale at $155K, or lease, @ $400/mo. 541-948-2963


Nuyya 297LKHitcHiker 2007, Out of consignment, 3 slides, 32' perfect for snow birds, left kitchen, rear lounge, extras. First $25 000 buys it. 541-447-5502 days 8 541-447-1641 eves.

OPEN ROAD 36' 2005 - $28,000 King bed, hide-a-bed sofa, 3 slides, glass shower, 10 gal. water heater, 10 cu.ft. fridge, central vac, s atellite dish, 27 " TV/stereo syst., front front power leveling

1 /3 interest i n w e l lequipped IFR Beech Bonanza A36, new 10-550/ prop, located KBDN. $65,000. 541-419-9510

Want to impress the relatives? Remodel your home with the help of a professional from The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory



Meet singles right now! No paid o perators, just real people like you. Browse greetjacks and s cissor ings, exchange messages and connect stabilizer jacks, 16' live. Try it free. Call awning. Like new! now: 8 7 7-955-5505. 541-419-0566

Keystone Laredo 31' Hitchhiker II 1997 5th RV 20 06 w ith 1 2' wheel, 28y2 ft, 1 slide, slide-out. Sleeps 6, $5900. 541-504-9720 queen walk-around (PNDC) bed w/storage underneath. Tub 8 shower. 2 swivel rockers. TV. Air cond. Gas stove & I I I refrigerator/freezer. Microwave. Awning. Outside sho w e r. Slide through storCall 54I 385 5809topromoteyourservice 'Advertise for 28daysstarting oi 'Iff) Ioir spec ialpacksersnaravoilableonourwebsite) a ge, E a s y Lif t . $29,000 new; Asking $18,600 541-447-4805

Johnson Brothers TV 8 Appliance. The Builder's Choice.

NATIONAL DOLPHIN 37' 1997, loaded! 1

slide, Corian surfaces, wood floors (kitchen), 2-dr fridge, convection microwave, Vizio TV & roof satellite, walk-in shower, new queen bed. White leather hide-abed 8 chair, all records, no pets or s moking. $28,450. CalI 541-771-4800

Rexair 28-ft motorhome, 1991-

Ideal for camping or hunting, it has 45K miles, a 460 gas engine, new tires, automatic levelers, Onan generator, king-size bed, awning. Nice condition Sell or trade? $8700. 541-815-9939



Layton 27-ft, 2001 Front 8 rear entry doors, bath, shower, queen bed, slide-out, oven, microwave, air conditioning, patio awning, twin propane tanks, very nice, great floor plan, $8895. 541-316-1388

e g • ~ 'H - I U



Monte Carlo 2012 Limited Edition, 2 slides, 2

Debris Removal


I Haul Away FREE

Managing Central Oregon Landscapes Since 2006

Serving Central Oregon Since 2003


Sprinkler Blowouts Sprinkler Repair

Maintenance • Fall Clean up • Weekly Mowing Don't track it in all Winter 8 Edging •Leaves • Bi-Monthly & Monthly •Cones Domestic Services • Needles Maintenance • Debris Hauling •Bark, Rock, Etc. A ssisting Seniors a t Home. Light house~Landsca in Winter Prep keeping 8 other ser•Landscape •Pruning v ices. Licensed & Construction •Aerating Bonded. BBB Certi•Water Feature •Fertilizing fied. 503-756-3544 Installation/Maint. •Pavers Compost USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! •Renovations •Irrigations Installation Applications Door-to-door selling with Use Less Water Senior Discounts fast results! It's the easiest $$$ SAVE $$$ Bonded & Insured way in the world to sell. Improve Plant Health 541-815-4458 For Salvage. Also Cleanups & Cleanouts Mel, 541-389-8107

A/Cs, 2 bdrm, sleeps 6-8 comfortably, has w/d, dishwasher, many extras, fully l o aded. The Bulletin Classified $29,600 obo. Located 541-385-5809 in Bend. 682-777-8039

Executive. Director, Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) BusinessEnterprise

Zorzdtz gaa8/ip Za~g gu-~ /,.

Nelson Landscaping & Maintenance

Flooring Prestige Hardwood Flooring, Inc. 541-383-1613 www.presxgehardwoodsite.com

Fall Clean Up

2014 Maintenance Package Available Weekly, Monthly 8 One Time Service EXPERIENCED Commercial & Residential



Door-to-door selling with fast results! It's the easiest way in the world to sell. The Bulletin Classified

541-385-5809 Senior Discounts The UAS Business Enterprise is a n ewly • 541-390-1466 Han d yman formed p r ivate, n o n -profit o r g anization Same Day Response Painting/Wall Covering( dedicated to fostering growth and developI DO THAT! NOTICE: Oregon Landment of the industry across Oregon. P AINTING Home/Rental repairs scape Contractors Law WESTERN CO. Richard Hayman, Small jobs to remodels (ORS 671) requires all This full-time exempt position requires a a semi-retired paintHonest, guaranteed businesses that adself-starting professional that requires little ing contractor of 45 work. CCB¹151573 vertise t o pe r f orm years. supervision who ideally has experience in one Dennis 541-317-9768 m all Jobs Landscape Construc- Welcome.SInterior & or more of t h e f o llowing fields: aviation, tion which includes: unmanned systems, high technology, ERIC REEVE HANDY Exterior. c c b ¹ 5184. p lanting, deck s , SERVICES. Home & manufacturing, legislative relations, public fences, arbors, 541-388-6910 relations, R & D com m e rcialization or Commercial Repairs, water-features, and innon-profit leadership. Requires ability to think Carpentry-Painting, stallation, repair of irTile/Ceramic and plan at the strategic level and to execute Pressure-washing, rigation systems to be Honey Do's. On-t i me rapidly at the tactical level; ability to work with licensed w i t h t he Baptista Tile senior-level decision makers in the private, promise. Senior Landscape Contrac& Stone Gallery Discount. Work guar- tors Board. This 4-digit academic, and public arenas. Demonstrated CCB¹t 9421 ability to put together complex projects and anteed. 541-389-3361 number is to be i n541-382-9130 or 541-771-4463 partnerships is a ls o a m u s t . T h e i d eal cluded in all adver- www.baptistatile.com candidate will have terrific organizational and Bonded 8 Insured tisements which indiCCB¹t 81595 c ommunication skills. Requires ability t o cate the business has self-start, to operate in an e fficient, higha bond, insurance and BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Home Repairs, Remod energy mode in undefined territory, and ability c o mpensa- Search the area's most els, Tile, Carpentry workers to developbudgets and manage finances and tion for their employ- comprehensive listing of Finish work, M ainte ees. For your protec- classified advertising... reporting on an operational basis. Reports to a nance. CCB¹16891 0 tion call 503-378-5909 real estate to automotive, volunteer Board of Directors. Phil, 541-279-0846. or use our website: merchandise to sporting www.lcb.state.or.us to goods. Bulletin Classifieds T he salary r ange f o r t h i s p o sition i s • H eating/Cooling check license status appear every day in the $68,000-$75,000DOE/DOQ plus benefits. before contracting with print or on line. Bend Heating & the business. Persons To apply and view a complete job Call 541-385-5809 Sheetmetal, Inc. doing lan d scapewww.bendbulletin.com description and benefit package visit CCB¹08653 maintenance do n ot http://www.barrettbusiness.com 541-382-1231 r equire an L C B /employment/details/196 The Bulletin www.bendheating.com cense. SerwngCentral Omgon snce l903 I Hwcn ResouraManagmentCanpany

CCB¹t 541 36













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2013 sat urday,october19,

Test your blocking

ACROSS 3 Where a lot of dough gets thrown around 33 See 51-Across ts Fuel for a warp drive engine on "Star Trek" ts Resignation exclamation 37 Sleep aid, for some ts BMW of North America and others: Abbr. to Zip around a field? Zo Makes happen 23 Assistant played by Bruce Lee 22 Wanting for nothing 24 "Celebrity Jeopardy!" show, briefly Zs Took revenge on ZBBroadview O. ZBBecome stiff 33 Get by force of will? 37 Punk's cousin

By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency

This week's deals have treated blocking and unblocking plays by both si d e s . To test your comprehension, cover the South and East cards.Defend asWest. Against 3NT, your lead of the three of spadesstrikes gold:When declarer plays the queen from dummy, East's king covers, and South plays low. East returns the ten and then a third spade, and South takes the ace, pitching a club from dummy. At the fourth trick, declarer leads a diamond. How do you operate?

diamond and he bids one heart. North in today's deal rebid two diamonds. Do you agree with that action? ANSWER: I wouldn't call North's bid a clear error — the diamond spots are robust — but it did suggest a sixcard suit. I b e lieve most experts would choose a different action: perhaps 1NT. Note that in today's deal, 3NT is cold if North is declarer. South dealer Neither side vulnerable




9652 0 AK 10 9 8 4843

It's an easy problem, especially if y ou know th e c ontext. Say y o u follow l ow . S o uth w i l l p u t i n WEST EAST dummy's ten. East can take the jack 4 J 9 7 3 2 48 K 10 8 and lead a club, but South wins and Q Q J 7 4 tvf 98 leads a second diamond, winning a O Q 6 4 0 J7 5 spade, two hearts, four diamonds and +J 4I Q 10972 two clubs. To beat 3NT, put up your queen on SOUTH the first diamond. (On the bidding, 45A65 S outh probably h a s o n l y tw o Q A K 10 3 diamonds. With J-x, he would have O32 led the jack.) South has no counter. If 4AK65 he wins in dummy, he can't use the long diamonds. If he ducks, you cash South W est Nor th East 14 Pass 1O Pass two spades. lg Pass 2O Pass 2 NT P as s 3 NT All Pass DAILY QUESTION

a person's education and work history

39 Smooths 4o Follows a military order 43 Their habits give them away 42 Follows a military order 44 Time of long journees 4s Lets go through 4B Brief albums, in brief 4s Needing hand cream, maybe sz With 11-Across, biblical woman who met a bad end s3 Board

ss "That gives me an idea..." ss First spaceman's first name so Setting for "The Misfits" Bz Polo competitor BZ"My bad"

B3Musical production


I N G B E A M M A T E L E T I E R U M O C O N A R L A N D L I F 0 U R L E T T C O I N P U R S E H UL K I N G A L P G O B S

Youhold: 4 8 Q 4 9 6 5 2 Opening lead — 4 3 0 A K 1 0 9 8 4 8 4 3 . Y o urpartner opens one club, you respond one (C) 20)3 Tribune Content Agency, LLC





Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO

3e Info about


A N G L B O R A C R A V Y O S T E R H A S I I S T S E S R 0 F B R I C L E R R A G E


T E A S N 0 T R E D A M E E Y E O P E N E R S T ET S O N S

e4 Symbols of sharpness

DOWN s One with promotional potentiaI Steps" (Christian best















20 22













3"10" is

inscribed on it 4 Temple imperfection s Subject of the 2012 book "Circle of Treason" s Porter created by Burroughs 7 Winnebago relatives B "Incorrect!" BBabes in the woods? to Smartphone preceded by the Pre tz Do the impossible, metaphorically 32Anxious 33 It's never wrong 34 Standard breakup creation 23 Temptation for Luke Skywalker Zs Follow the sun? 27 Sniffs out Ze First capital of the Last Frontier 3o Like some fogs 31 Ham's handoff 32 Name associated with a mobster or a monster 33 Skyscraper component 34 Brief period of darkness? 3s Eager












40 42

43 45




44 47










59 62




st "Can't Believe unmarked Your choices (1988 Neil Young song) 43 Trial lawyer who wrote "O.J.: The Last Word" s2 Dnnk saId to 47 Basidium-borne have originated body on Lesbos 4BAdjective on taco truck s3 Titles for menus distinguished so Crumple Indians 36 Event with

s4 Main character in "The Paper Chase," e.g.

ss Cousin of a congo eel s7 Blabbers

so See, in Santiago

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.




lt'd, a 1ig-l ttdltet action filYIL aYLd

Complete the grid so that

IIott're th.e lead aYLiltal YLot harmed in. the ntakiYLlt of it.

every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from1 to 9 inclusively.

— 1ti Juij


41 EO



871 26 49 94l

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gIZAIIIIOC0IIIICI.CON( FaJebook,com/l)itarrocomi64

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NATE-Ii-CIICN.CON Suggestion: Describe your ideal location for a firstdate.

DII TE-Il-CIICII.COM On our first date, we'd:

DII TE-A-CHICII.CON On our first date, we'd:

...go on a tour of my life so you can get to know

We'll start at the comic book store, which is where I learned tc love reading.

the REAL me.


DIFFICULTY RATING: 5+5+ 'ww"k 'k 'w'

ERROR: We said "first" date, not "final" date.

LOS ANGELES TIMESCROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce NicholsLewis


co 0) 560g,r. eC)9SO(I.S.

OAE ... Ttt)0 .<I( I2EE

t)ECIPg ÃHo &PS gc2 86 'TIIE LF.ftP

65.(' fZEf PI4!DCE65.

At)TtfcIIZ oFI k'oV~

g65BRIzcH PAFB{2S?

© 2013 by King Features Syndicate, Inc World nghts reserved

E-mae bholbrookl ogma8 com

Lep1twww safehavenscom4:.com

SIX CHIX 3'E,W Sa.Ves rrte. a. 56a+

3~ I s tn'$ qoqtJla.r ! He doesn'4 pltx.) Sfons

o~ me, v~s evexp Aay!

22 Pressure source 23 Criticize 24 Make some concessions 26 Neurologist's

anJ He.~ itLIJAY5 rea44g'




~ w~o~! He's qer4c+!

,3 6x


ZITS RA)4'6 Rli4.'N C%T...




ACROSS 1 Italian for "little ribbons" 11 Site Df the Delicate Arch 15 High anxiety? 16 Cold caller's reward 17 Irish folk song that was a Grammy-winning vehicle for Metallica 19 Montreal label 20 Anxious times for some 21 One of the halogens


29 "Get real!" 30 Old autocrat 32 Problematic lighting? 33 See 11-Down 34 Cranky 36 Be a burden to 37 Come about 39 Cave-dwelling princess in Donald Duck


40 Mariner's Drg. 41 Goldbricks 43 Rise to the top 45 Unifying idea 46 Great Lakes catch 47 "Epitaph for a Spy" novelist 49 "The Godfather"





~v~~~~X W Ck~

C 3 ~ 15 ~



to fOrm faur Ordinary WOrdS.

i ' l l go ahead and hit while you look for your ball. 1 I w"


YELKO I found it!

It's safe after alI

442013 Tnbune Content AgenCy, LLC All n9he Reserved.

YCL> CAN WIN AT &DLF WITHOUT CHEATIN&, IF YC'O WIN THE —Now arrange the CirCled letterS 10 farm the SurPriSe anSWer, as

suggested by the above cartoon.

~ (A08Wer8 MOnday)

S KUNK R U N NE R SA F A R I Answer: The park started charging for rock climbing because 8 wasn't — RISK-FREE

Y88terda 8 ~ Ju m bles: UTTER

Nasdaq phenomenon

26 Sharks whose teeth were used in Maori jewelry 27 Old tongue that gave us "rotten"

and "egg"






44 Strongly motivated 46 "Cheers" role 47 48-Down, e.g. 48 M.'s counterpart 49 Clever 50 It gets flat over time 51 Steak-andkidney-pudding ingredient 52 Abbey nook 54 Was taken in 55 Fly


31 Speak derisively 34 For now 35 Seemed to own

the runway, say 38 Focus of an annual festival in New Mexico 40 Penpoint 42 Ones for the

record book


R A I L V A ED T O A B L LA N C O O I L L A R A B YW A T C D S O D E TR Y A L I M B O D L I O N U P S A S S S G T T OT A L S A E T A L I A H RO B O T B E E A P E R E R A L ET S L A D xwordeditor@aol.com 6









11 1 2








E X A C T S 10/1 9/1 3

16 18

17 19

















M a rtin: cognac 41 brand 59 One who goes out regularly


"Why do you a/ways have tomake a contest out of everything?"

50 Union busters Df the 19th cen. 53 Woolf pack? 56 Venting venue 57 Iron Man and Captain America,



Print answer here: ~

6 Subcompact that debuted in 1975 7 Not as forthcoming 8 Winged University of Miami mascot 9 Writer who said ''What I cannot love, I overlook" 10 Busy with courses 11 With 33-Across, Saturn Dr Mercury site 12 Asian aluminum exporter 13 Freed from radio music 14 Present 18 Shout of triumph 22 One-star write-up 23 Heineken distributor in Japan 24 Standard Oil offshoot 25 Late 1990s

28 Gaelic music star 29 Thick-soled


36 40



4 Laughng8tock Inte ational Inc. Dist W Unve sal UCIck for UFS,2013


Oscar nominee

by David L.Hoyt and JeffKnurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles, One letter 10 eaCh Square,

5 Homeowner's

DOWN 1 Play the sycophant to, with


2 Agree by


3 Barber shop request 4 Set- : rows








50 5 1







By Doug Peterson and Brad Witber (c)2013 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

10/1 9/1 3



L AST W E E K ' S S O L U T I O N 9 2 6 4 8 1 2 3 4 7 5 8 3 5 7 6 19

Sudoku High Fives 3

6 3 2 4 5 1 8 9 7

How to play: Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3 boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. The numbers in any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the indivudual Sudokus.



@ 20132013 UFS, Dist. b Univ. Ucsck for UFS

Trucks & Heavy Equipment

Antique & Classic Autos

Chevy 1955 PROJECT car. 2 door wgn, 350 small block w/Weiand dual quad tunnel ram with 450 Holleys. T-10 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, JCB 2006 214 E diesel Weld Prostar wheels, 1/5th interest in 1973 backhoe wi th Ham- extra rolling chassis + Cessna 150 LLC mer Master 360U rock extras. $6500 for all. 150hp conversion, low hammer 18 dig 541-389-7669. time on air frame and bucket, quick coupler, engine, hangared in backhoe has 380 hrs, Bend. Excellent perrock hammer has 80 formance & affordhours. Like new, abie flying! $6,500. $32,500 obo. 541-410-6007 541-350-3393

1974 Bellanca 1730A 2180 TT, 440 SMO 180 mph, excellent condition, always hangared, 1 owner for 35 years. $60K.

In Madras, call 541-475-6302 Executive Hangar at Bend Airport (KBDN) 60' wide x 50' deep, w/55' wide x 17' high bifold dr. Natural gas heat, offc, bathroom. Adjacent to Frontage Rd; great visibility for aviation business. Financing available. 541-948-2126 or

Chevy Wagon 1957, 4-dr., complete, $7,000 OBO / trades. Please call 541-389-6998

Peterbilt 359 p o table water t ruck, 1 9 90, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp N

hoses, camlocks, $ 2 5,000. p ump, 4 - 3


(PNDC) 931

Automotive Parts, Service & Accessories



Trucks & Heavy Equipment

Ford 1965 6-yard dump truck, good

paint, recent overhaul, everything works! $3995. 541-815-3636

Ford F350 2006



Seldom used,


Nokian. They have removable studs, and were $740 new; selling for $390. 541-480-1199

+ ~BFP


size 225/70-R16 and Hyundai Santa Fe wheels, new! $600. 541-388-4003 932

Antique & Classic Autos

Rnnti •


2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

Subaru Legacy 3.6 LTD 2012 sedan, 26k miles. ¹004365 $ 2 6 ,995 Oregon




'K 't

Almost Perfect Chev Ford Ranchero 1965 S10 long bed, 1988 Rhino bedliner cus4.3 V6, professional tom wheels, 302V-8 ebuilt engine, 4 7 k a uto. R u n s go o d rsince installed, dual $9,995. 541-389-0789 pipes, custom grill, sunroof, full canopy cab h i gh , C l a rion AM/FM/CD r e m ote radio. Looks g reat, runs strong, always Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 garaged. $3,550 firm.


Infiniti FX35 2012, GL 1993, 1 Platinum silver, Eurovan owner, 148k m iles 24,000 miles, with service records avail factory war r anty, $4000. 541-389-7853 f ully l o aded, A l l Wheel Drive, GPS, sunroof, etc. $37,500. 541-550-7189


Honda Civic LX Sedan 2010, 4 Cyl., a uto., F WD, 25/36 M P G . V in ¹ 0 86931. N o w $12,788. Subaru Outback 2.5i wagon 2005, AWD, S UB A R U . 2 .5 L , a u t o , a l o y 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend wheels, roof r a c k, 877-266-3821 Vin ¹362964 Dlr ¹0354 $9,988



Lexus RX 350 2009, charcoal gray, 38K mi, Ilt®SU BA RU. ¹C108142, $27,495. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. SUBAltUOFBBtlDCOM

877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

Oregon Aulogource

541-598-3750 www.aaaoregonauto-


Automobiles Jeep CJ5 1979, orig. owner, 87k only 3k on new 258 long block. M My little red C lutch p kg , W a r n Corvette" Coupe hubs. Excellent runner, very dependable.


Subaru STi 2010, 16.5K, rack, mats, cust snow whls, stored, oneowner, $29K,

541.410.6904 LINCOLN LS 2005 s port s e d an , on l y 54,000 miles, v e ry c lean, always g a raged, fairly new tires, new brakes & rotors. Must see! $12,250. Call 541-385-8090 or Toyota A valon L M T 209-605-5537 2007, V6, 3.5 L, auto, 1996, 350 auto, F WD, M oo n r o of, 132,000 miles. leather, alloy wheels, Mercedes Benz Non-ethanol fuel & E500 4-matic 2004 Vin ¹178907 synthetic oil only, 86,625 miles, sun$19,488 premium Bose steroof with a shade, reo, always garaged, +©' S UB A R U . loaded, silver, 2 sets $'11,000. of tires and a set of 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 541-923-1781 chains. $13,500.

T ruck ha s V - 1 0, 21,000 m i . , HD winch w/ c u stom HD front bumper, air load bags w/12' dump bed, dually, 4x4, new high profile tires. $26,900 541-350-3393 GMC 2004 16' refrigerated box van, gvw 20,000, 177,800 mi, diesel, 6 spd manual with on-spot automatic tire chains. Thermo-King reefer has 1,635 engine hours. $19,995. 541 -41 9-41 72.

Where can you find a helping hand? From contractors to yard care, it's all here in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory

1952 Ford Customline Coupe, project car, flathead V-8, 3 spd extra parts, 8 materials, $2000 obo. 541-410-7473 Buick 1983 Regal, T-type Transmission rebuilt & 3000 rpm stall converter; 750 Holley double pumper w/milled air horn (flows 850 cfms); turbo rebuilt. Have receipts for all 3 items. Plus additional work done. $3300 obo. Call for addtional info 541-480-5502 j


8 Price Reduced! Chev P/U 1968, custom cab, 350 crate, AT, new paint, chrome, orig int, gas tank under bed, $10,900 obo. 541-788-9648

2 9 7 8 1 4 5 3 6


Toyota Venza 2009 One OwnerGreat condition, under 30,000 miles. Extended service/ warranty plan (75,000 miles). Loaded! Leather, panoramic roof, navigation, JBL Synthesis Sound system. $24,500. Jeff - 541-390-0937

About Products and Services Every Daythrough The Bulletin Classifieds


OOU 1000

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE IS H EREBY GI V E N t hat t h e und e r s igned intends t o

sell th e p e rsonal property described below to enforce a lien imposed on said property under the Oregon S e lf-Storage Facilities Act. The u n d ersigned will sell a t p u blic auction on the October 25, 2013 at

1:00 p.m. o n t h e p remises whe r e said property has b een stored a n d which are located at N ORTH


S TORAGE C E N TER, 6 3 04 8 NE Lower Meadow Dr., Northman 6 1/a' plow, Bend, Ore g on, Warn 6000¹ w i nch. C ounty o f D es$9500 or best reac hutes, State o f sonable offer. Oregon, the follow541-549-6970 or ing: Justin L e iva engine, power every- 541-504-0663. 541-815-8105. ¹1214; Gary H arthing, new paint, 54K rington ¹430; Keith CRAMPED FOR • original m i les, runs H enrickson ¹ 9 3 6 ; CASH? great, excellent condiBryan Gru e t ter tion in/out. $7500 obo. Use classified to sell ¹1215; Mar g aret 541-480-3179 those items you no Glass ¹465; Scott longer need. • Dragoo ¹154. Items fls I 1 • ~ Call 541-385-5809 • I to be auction are but JeepGrand Chero877-266-3821 n ot limited to t h e 541-362-5598 kee 1996 4x4, autoDlr ¹0354 SSFFDg Cen/FS/ Oregan l OCS 1903 f ollowing: Too l s , 2005 Buick LeSabre matic, 135,000 miles. furniture, electronic Custom, 101K, $6500. Mustang GT 1995 red Great shape - very Dodge 2007 Diesel 4WD equipment, Find exactly what 30+ mpg hwy, full-size 133k miles, Boss 302 SLT quad cab, short box, nice interior,$3,900. c hildren's toys , GMC treton 1971, Only 4-dr sedan, luxury ride you are looking for in the motor, custom pipes, 541-815-9939 AC, high mileage, sporting equipment, $19,700! Original low auto, 8 handling ... 5 s p ee d ma n ual, CLASSIFIEDS $12,900. 541-389-7857 computers & misc. Just bought a new boat? Why not drive a Buick? power windows, cusmile, exceptional, 3rd Sell your old one in the Call Bob, 541-318-9999 tom stereo, very fast. household g oods. owner. 951-699-7171 classifieds! Ask about our Purchases must be $5800. 541-280-7910 Toyota Celica Super Seller rates! AUDI 1990 V8 Quatpaid for at the time Convertible 1993 541-385-5809 tro. Perfect Ski Car. of purchase in cash F350 4-dr diesel LOW MILES. $3,995 only. All purchased 2004 pickup, auto, Vehicle? obo. 541-480-9200. items sold are as is King Ranch, 144K, Call The Bulletin where is and must excellent, extras, and place an ad be removed at the BMW 525 2002 $16,995 obo. GMC Sierra 1977 short today! time of sale. Sale 541-923-0231 Luxury Sport EdiAsk about our bed, e xlnt o r i ginal subject to cancellation, V-6, automatic G T 2200 4 c y l , 5 U "Whee/ Deal"! cond., runs & drives tion in the event of fphoto forillustration onlyi loaded, 18 new speed a/c pw pdl for private party great. V8, new paint settlement between Jeep Patriot 2010, 4 tires, 114k miles. nicest c o n vertible o wner a n d and tires. $4950 obo. advertisers ob l i cyl., 2.4 L, auto, 4WD, $7,900 obo around in this price 541-504-1050 R oof r a ck , al l o y gated party. Dated (541) 419-4152 range, new t i res, this 1st day of Octowheels, privacy glass. wheels, clutch, timber,2013. Vin ¹522540 ing belt, plugs, etc. $14,488 LEGAL NOTICE Buick CX Lucerne 111K mi., remarkFORD XLT 1992 2006, 82k mi., able cond. i nside STORAGE AUCTIONS tj l S UB A R U . cream 3/4 ton 4x4 Sat., October 26th, leather, Black and out. Fun car to '1 matching canopy, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 2013, the f o llowing Beauty - Stunning d rive, M ust S E E ! 30k original miles, 877-266-3821 eye appeal, $6900. $5995. R e dmond. storage units will be MGA 1959 - $19,999 possible trade for Dlr ¹0354 sold for t h e e n tire No charge for 541-504-1 993 Convertible. O r igiclassic car, pickup, contents of said unit looking. Call Pontiac G6 2007, low nal body/motor. No motorcycle, RV for non-payment of 541-318-9999 miles, $8900. rust. 541-549-3838 $13,500. 541-548-1422 rent 8 o t he r f e es: In La Pine, call 1 1:00 A M , Loc a l 928-581-9190 BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS ~ Oo Time, 1 Stop Storage Porsche 911 Search the area's most & U-Haul, 1401 NW More Pixat Bendbulletij.com Carrera 993 cou e comprehensive listing of Murphy Court, PrinevF ord X L T F25 0 Jeep Wr angler 4 . 0 classified advertising... ille, (541) 416-1786. Sport 2004, 5 s p d , real estate to automotive, Toyota C o r olla L E ¹204 - Edward Currin; 1977, long bed, a/c, 2011, Air, w i n d ow, ¹208 4WD, tow pkg., ally merchandise to sporting - Shannon auto trans, 30K on wheels, privacy glass, goods. Bulletin Classifieds locks, cruise, auto. new engine, trans. D avis; ¹228 - P hil Vin ¹630707 recently s e rviced, wide tires. appear every day in the W hitehead; ¹ 3 0 8 Vin ¹749542. original owner, nice $13,998 print or on line. Allen Dubisar; ¹316$15,988 1996, 73k miles, c ond. $4,00 0 . Tanya Leroue; ¹350Call 541-385-5809 IIM® SUBARU. Tiptronic auto. 541-508-9882/local Kelly Sma l l wood; Mr. Red iggbSUBARU. www.bendbulletin.com transmission. Silver, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. RV12, boat & trailer1968 Mustang conblue leather intenor, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Phil Whitehead. vertible. Ori g i nal moon/sunroof, new 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354 owner, original 289 PUBLIC NOTICE quality tires and Dlr ¹0354 rebuilt, new radiator, Cadillac El Dorado On 9/25/2013, an apbattery, car and seat floor pans, carpeting, I nternational Fla t 1994 Total Cream Puff! covers, many extras. plication for renewal panels, etc. All reBed Pickup 1963, 1 Body, paint, trunk as of l icense o f FM Recently fully serceipts and pictures t on dually, 4 s p d. showroom, blue translator station viced, garaged, of wor k , over trans., great MPG, leather, $1700 wheels K 261DO wa s te n looks and runs like $10,000 done in the could be exc. wood w/snow tires although dered for filing with new. Excellent conlast seven years. hauler, runs great, car has not been wet in dition $29,700 Toyota Matrix S 2009, the Federal Commu8 years. On trip to $7,250.00 OBO new brakes, $1950. Nissan Pathfinder SE Co m mis541-322-9647 FWD, power window, nications 1998, 150K mi, 5-spd Cash or cash/trade 541-41 9-5480. Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., sion. The station is lip ower l ocks, A / C . 4x4, loaded, very good considered. $4800. 541-593-4016.s c ensed t o R A D IO tires, very good cond, Vin ¹023839 541-390-3231 ASSIST M I NISTRY, 935 $13,488 $4800. 503-334-7345 Camaro 2001, V6 auto, Porsche 911 Turbo INC. to serve the area low miles, T-top $7495. Sport Utility Vehicles of BEN D , OR. Bend, 805-452-5817 S UB A R U . St/IIARUOFBRND COM K261DO operates on , tn 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. frequency 100.1 with 877-266-3821 0 .099 k i lowatts o f Dlr ¹0354 power from a transmitter l o c ated at Plymouth B a r racuda 2003 6 speed, X50 Toyota Highlander 44.0775 N, 121.3325 added power pkg., 1966, original car! 300 Get your W. K261DO rebroadhp, 360 V8, center- BMW X 3 2 0 07, 9 9 K 2 003 Limited A W D 530 HP! Under 10k fpitoto lor illustration onfyf business casts station KBND lines, 541-593-2597 miles, premium pack- 99,000 mi., automatic Chevy M a l ibu L T Z miles, Arctic silver, 1110 BEND, OR. Inage, heated lumbar $12,000 ob o . O n e 2010, gray leather interior, V6, aut o dividuals who wish to PROJECT CARS: Chevy supported seats, pan- owner. 816.812.9882 new quality t i res, w/overdrive, leather, G ROW I N G a dvise the FC C o f 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & oramic moo n roof,ToyotaHighlander 2005 battery, Bose loaded, 21K m i les, and facts relating to our Chevy Coupe 1950 Bluetooth, ski bag, Xepremium sound ste75,192 miles. Vin ¹103070 renewal a p plication rolling chassis's $1750 non headlights, tan & with an ad in reo, moon/sunroof, ¹039878. $14,995, $18,888 and to whether this ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, black leather interior, car and seat covers. The Bulletin's station has operated complete car, $ 1949; new front & r ear ) SUSUSARUOFBBND B A R UCOM. Many extras. Ga"Call A Service in the public interest Cadillac Series 61 1950, brakes O 76K miles, Oregon raged, perfect conAutosource 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. dition $5 9 ,700. should file comments 2 dr. hard top, complete one owner, all records, Professional" 877-266-3821 w/spare f r on t cl i p ., very clean, $16,900. 541-598-3750 and petitions with the 541-322-9647 Directory $3950, 541-382-7391 541-388-4360 aaaoregonautosource.com Dlr ¹0354 FCC by 1/1/2014. t


The Bulletin








~ The Bulletin ~

L'"" '" "





1921 Model T Delivery Truck Restored 8 Runs $9000. 541-389-8963

1 4 3 5 7 6 8 9 2

Legal Notices


GMC 1995 Safari XT, seats 8, 4.3L V6, studs on rims, $3000 obo. 541-312-6960 ELK HUNTERS!




4 Studded Tires



with an ad in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory

1 9 8 5 7 2 6 3 4

F WD, 2 7/35 M P G . V in¹ 089650. N o w People Lookfor Information $8,888.

Call a Pro

2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354



Scion XA H atchback 2005, 1 .5L, a uto ,

Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find Toyota RA V4 2 0 07, professional help in L imited, V 6 , 3. 5 L , auto, 4WD, l eather, The Bulletin's "Call a p rivacy glass, t o w Service Professional" pkg., alloy wheels. Directory VIN ¹015960 541-385-5809 $19,788


Hitch set-up, RV to tow car, flat towing. $500 obo. 541-403-0114 1987 Freightliner COE 3axle truck, Cummins engine, 10-spd, runs! $3900 obo. 541-419-2713

VW Bug Sedan, 1969, fully restored, 2 owners, Honda Pilot EXL 2004 sandstone metallic tan with 73,000 total miles, leather, exc. c ond., $10,000. 541-382-5127 always garaged, serviced every 3k miles, Get your 76k miles at $10,900. 541-548-9939 business

TION. Providing Free Mammograms & Breast Cancer Info.

Sport Utility Vehicles

GMC Envoy XLT 2003 p remium p kg , 3 3 K $10,950. 541-549-6036


Dodqe Ram 1500 Automotive Wanted Coupe, good condition, 2003 4x4 singie cab, 4.7 L, $16,000. 541-588-6084 auto, new tires, new DONATE YOUR CARfront brakes, 95,500 mi, FAST FREE T O Wexlnt cond, $7400 firm. ING. 24 hr. Response Call 541-475-6901 or Tax D e duction. 541-325-6147 U NITED BRE A S T CANCER FOUNDA-

Sport Utility Vehicles


Ford Model A 1930

The Bulletin Classified






Bronco 1982, headers lift kit, new tires, runs great. $2000.


email 1jetjockOq.com Piper A rcher 1 9 8 0, based in Madras, al- 4 Studded snow tires, ways hangared since Hankook iPike RW-11, new. New annual, auto 235/60R-18, used 1 seapilot, IFR, one piece son, $300. 541-382-1941 windshield. Fastest Archer around. 1750 to- USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! tal t i me . $6 8 ,500. 541-475-6947, ask for Door-to-door selling with Rob Berg. fast results! It's the easiest way in the world to sell.

Save money. Learn to fly or build hours with your own airc raft. 1 96 8 A e r o Commander, 4 seat, 150 HP, low time, full panel. $23,000 obo. Contact Paul at

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loaded, clear bra hood & fenders. New Michelin Super Sports, G.S. floor mats, 17,000 miles, Crystal red. $42,000.

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Porsche Carrera 911 2003 convertible with hardtop. 50K miles, new factory Porsche motor 6 mos ago with 18 mo factory warranty remaining. $37,500.

CORVETTE COUPE Glasstop 2010 Grand Sport - 4 LT


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1 8 7 5 9 4 6 9 8 7 3 2 2 6 4 1 5 3



The Bulletin


9 5 7 2 8 4 53 4 8 1 6 2 9 6 7 3 1

5 2 3 4 6 8 7 1 9



The Bulletin





• •


i ••• 0


• I


I I . i





C on f i d e n c e i n M o ti o n

20 I 3

S ubar u I m p r e z a W R X Premium 5MT Special Edition Model DWO-1 t

Tangerine Orange Exterior Color. Orange stitching on seats, shift boot, door arm rest and floor mats. Black headliner and upper interior trim. Black finish 17-inch alloy wheels, mirror housings and fender garnish. Exterior graphics. Sport Performance 1A, STI Short Throw Shift 5M/T, STI Shift Knob, Center Armrest. Dim Mirror/Com w/Homelink. Black rear cup holder. SPT Perf Catback Exh System. Sirius Satellite Radio. Security Syst Shock Sensor. All Weather floor mats. SPT Carbon Fiber Trunk Trim. Black cargo tray.

Come check it out today! 2014 S u b a r u BRZ L i m i t e d 6MT Option Package 01, Standard Model. Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp, Black Cargo Tray

Photo for Illustration Purposes Only. Actual vehicle is orange with black. Go to www.subaruofbend.com for actual photos or stop by our showroom.

2014 S u b a r u Fore s t e r 2 .5 i CVT

Alloy Wheel Package: 17" Alloy Wheels, 225/80 R17 98T All Season Tires, Fog Lights

Popular Package ¹1, Auto Dim Mirror Compass, Ext. Mirror w Appro Lt/Compass.

Manual MSRP $28,761.Subaru ofBend Discount $462 VIN: E9601079.EZE-01 Title, lic. L. doc, and dealer installed options not included.

Sale Price





Automatic MSRP $24,913. Subaru of Bend Discount $1,414. VIN: E3012452. EAD-02 Title, lic. L doc. and dealer installed options not included.


Automatic MSRP $24,387.Subaru ofBend Discount $888 VIN: EH434524.EFB-01 Title, lic. L doc, and dealer installed options not included.





2014 S u b a r u Fore s t e r 2 .5 i CVT

All Weather Package: Heated Front Seats, Windshield Wiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors Rear Bumper Applique

Sale Price

Automatic MSRP $26,924 SubaruofBend Discount $2,325. VIN: E3230259.EDB-21 Title, lic. L doc, and dealer installed options not included.

Sale Price

2014 S u b a r u Leg a c y 2 .5 i P remium C V T


2014 S u b a r u X V Cro s s t r e k 2 .0 i P remium C V T

2014 S u b a r u Out b a c k 2 .5 i CVT

Sale Price


2014 S u b a r u Out b a c k 2 .5 i P remium C V T Option Pkg. 02: All-Weather Pkg. Heated Front Seats

Option Package 01: Standard Model All Weather Floor Mats

Winshield Wiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors, Rear Seat Back Protector

utomatic MSRP $24,487.Subaru ofBend Discount $488 VIN:E8207013.ERB-01 Title, lic. L doc. and dealer installed options not included.

Sale Price


MSRP $23,892.Subaru ofBend Discount $893 VIN:EH482650.EFB-01 Title, lic. L doc, and dealer installed options not included.




MSRP $28,515. Subaru of Bend Discount $1,516. VIN: E3229365.EDD-02 Title, lic.L doc. and dealer installed options not included.


Sale Price





and XM NavTraffic, HD Radio, Rear Vision Camera

Automatic MSRP $25,561. Subaru of Bend Discount $1,062. VIN: D2899496. DRB-10 Title, lic. L doc. and dealer installed options not included.


Sale Price





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2013 S u b a r u X V Cro s s t r e k 2 .0 i P remium C V T GPS Navigation w/LCD Touchscreen, XM Satellite Radio



Sale Price


StandardModel,Popular Package ¹2,Seat Back Protector, Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink, Rear bumper cover.



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