Serving Central Oregon sjnce1903 75 $
WEDNESDAY December19,2012
TODAY'S READERBOARD ReStaurantS —Is the fish on your plate what wasadvertised on the menu?Areyou sure?A3
• The endowment,the largest incampushistory, will go to academics By Ben Botkin The Bulletin
A Bend couple has agreed to endow Oregon State University-Cascades Campus with $2 million from their estate to support academic
Shady dealings —An
degree programs.
The university Tuesday announced the gift from Carmen and Mike Cutting, calling it the largest in OSUCascades' history. When the endowment fund's income becomes available, its specific use will be up to the discre-
Carmen and Mike Cutting graduated from OSU in t965 and made Bend their primary residence in 2006.
tion of the vice president of the Bend campus. "It's not very often you get gifts of this magnitude where it's allowed to be discretionary," said OSU-Cascades Vice President Becky Johnson. See Endowment/A5
Submitted photo
investigation reveals how Wal-Mart de Mexico overcomes obstacles: It finds out
whom to bribe and how much
Deer Ridge prison likely to stayas-is under plan
to pay.A6
'Self-gifting' —The gifts we give ourselves can never go wrong, right? Maybe that's why it's becoming a
more frequent occurrence. Or maybe it's just all the holiday discounts.C6
Lillard's leap — Why the Blaz-
By Lauren Dake
ers' point guard is
an early favorite for NBA Rookie of the Year.C1 W«lconte! I
ln national news —Fiscal crisis negotiations plus a panel's troubling Benghazi
r r .ku —. tk s ur (
Sanitizing Wipes
And a Wed exclusiveTo see photos of SnoopDogg in Bend and read music writer
Ben Salmon's thoughts on the show, visit The Bulletin's music
— nlarp y ~IF.
blog, frequency.
nIlji : iI
Rape case unfolds on Web and splits city By Juliet Macur and Nate Schweber
Ryan Brennecke l The Bulletin
Jerry Owen waves to customers while working as a Salvation Army bell ringer Monday afternoon at Fred Meyer in Bend. The Salvation Army hires homeless people for the work, says Maj. Robert Keene, who is based in Bend, and bell ringers must pass background checks and have a friendly personality.
New Yorh Times News Service
STEUBENVILLE, Ohio — Hours after sunset, the carspulled up, one after another, bringing dozens of teenagers from several nearby high schools to an end-of-summer party in August in a neighborhood here just off the main drag. For some of the teenagers, it would be one last big night out before they left this decaying steel town, bound for college. For others, it was a way to cap off a summer of socializing before school started in less than two weeks. For the lucky ones on the Steubenville High School football team, it would mark the beginning of another season in this football-crazy county. Some in the crowd, which would grow to close to 50 people, arrived with beer. Those who did not were met by cases of it and a makeshift bar of vodka, rum and whiskey, all for the taking, no identification needed. In a matter of no time, many of the partygoers — most of whom were high school athletes — were imbibing from red plastic cups inside the home of a volunteer football coach at Steubenville High at what would be the first of several parties that night.
SeeRape case/A4
By Ben Botkin The Bulletin
Candy Klawitter gripped her bell and rang it merrily,
greeting passersby. She stood outside the entrance to the Bi-Mart on Northeast Second Street in Bend on a blustery winter day. The Salvation Army Red Kettle was nearby. Stationed at one of the 18 spots in Deschutes County where bell ringers stand, Klawitter considers herself
fortunate. In 2010, she lost her job at a Taco Bell in Redmond. Her work as a bell ringer is her first job since that time. "I got lucky," she said, ringing her bell. When her money ran out,she became homeless. Sometimes she sleeps in her 2001 Chrysler. Other times, it's a tent. Klawitter also is part of a Salvation Army tradition that dates back to 1891.
That year, Salvation Army Capt. Joseph McFee, based in San Francisco, set up a pot to collect funds for 1,000 Christmas dinners. He got the idea after seeing a pot for donations of stew or chili set up in Liverpool, England, where he'd been a soldier. In subsequent years, the kettles quickly spread beyond the West Coast; they're now a common sight during the Christmas season. "It was kind of one guy's
idea," said Maj. Robert Keene, who is based in Bend. "It just blossomed." Bell ringers are paid minimum wage. But the job candidates are scrutinized before they can pick up their bells. There are background checks, and applicants also need a friendly personality.
"We're looking for people
who are outgoing, who are not afraid to talk to other people," Keene said. See Ringers/A5
SALEM — Despite the 2007 ceremony meantto mark its opening, Deer Ridge Correctional Institution outside Madras has housed prison inmates only in its minimum-security section. The 1,224-bed mediumsecurity portion of the prison remains mothballed. And it's likely to stay that way if Oregon lawmakers adopt Gov. John Kitzhaber's plan for state prisons outlined in his 2013-15 budget. The plan allows for a growth in inmate population of just 300, or 2,000 fewer beds than the state projected If state lawmakers in the coming legislative session agree to cap the total inmate population at 14,600, it could mean the medium-security portion of Deer Ridge would remain shuttered another 10 years. Madras Mayor Melanie Widmer said the 200 jobs the minimum-security portion of the prison brought to the community have made a positive impact. But people haven't forgotten about the facility sitting empty behind the hill. "I hear scuttlebutt here and there, 'oh, if only,' or 'eventually it would be nice' or 'what a waste,"' Widmer satd. The community, she said, would like the mediumsecurity portion open. "But obviously, local people have no control over that happening," Widmer said. At one point, state officials discussed closing older state institutions and moving the inmates to Deer Ridge in order to trim costs and more efficiently manage theprison system. SeeDeer Ridge/A5
For Lanza family, sonAdam's difficulties dominated By Michael S. Rosenwald, Tim Craig and Peter Slevin The Washington Post
KINGSTON, N.H. — Her nickname was Beanie. She grew up here in her family's 1740s farmhouse not far from the town's center, an idyllic New England backdrop of general stores,ice cream
TODAY'S WEATHER Light flurries High 36, Low 23
Page B6
Inside • State leaders broach ideas on gun control,A5 • Firm sells stake in gunmaker,C6
shops and the historic home of Josiah Bartlett, a signer of the Declaration of Independence.
Nancy Jean Champion — or Beanie, as her yearbook calls her — had a charmed upbringing. Her mom was a school nurse. Her brother became a town police officer. And after she marriedher sweetheart in 1981, becoming Mrs. Peter Lanza, the couple built a house next door to her childhood home.
"They were very nice people," said the owner of the local pizza shop here. "They are from a lovely family." In 1988, the couple welcomed a baby boy, Ryan. Four years later, another baby boy arrived: Adam. Nancy became a stay-at-home mother increasinglyfocused on the
challenges of her youngest. Last week, Adam shot his mother four times in her bed, authorities said, killing her. Next he gunned down 26 other people, most of them not much older than he was when he bounced around the grassy family homestead as a boy. SeeShooting /A5
The Bulletin
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en azireview in s a in securi au s By Matthew Lee
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ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool...........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black ..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337
less after the revolution that The Associated Press toppled L i byan s t r ongman W ASHINGTON — An i n Moammar Gadhafi. dependent panel charged with Despite those failures, the investigating the deadly Sept. Accountability Review Board ll attack in Libya that killed determined that no individual a U.S. ambassador and three officials ignored or v i olated other Americans has conclud- theirduties and recommended ed that systematic manage- no disciplinary action now. But ment and leadership failures it also said poor performance at the State Department led to by senior managers should be "grossly" inadequate security grounds for disciplinary recat the mission in Benghazi. ommendations in the future. " Systematic f ailures a n d T he report a ppeared t o leadership and management break little new ground about deficiencies at senior levels the timeline of the Benghazi atwithin two bureaus of the State tack during which Libyan AmDepartment resulted in a Spe- bassador ChrisStevens, inforcial Mission security posture mation specialist Sean Smith that was inadequate for Beng- and former Navy SEALs Glen hazi and grossly inadequate to Doherty and Tyrone Woods deal with the attack that took — who were contractors working for the CIA — were killed. place," the panel said. The report singled out the Stevens' slaying was the first of Bureau of Diplomatic Security a U.S. ambassador since 1988. and the Bureau of Near East But it confirmed that conAffairs for criticism, saying trary to initial accounts, there there appeared to be a lack of was no protest outside the concooperation an d c o n fusion sulate and said responsibility over protection at the mission for the incident rested entirely in Benghazi, a city in Eastern with the t errorists who atLibya that was relatively law- tacked the mission.
In the immediate aftermath of the attack, administration officials linked the attack to the spreadingprotestsover an American-made, anti-Islamic film that had begun in Cairo earlier that day. Those comments came after evidence already pointed to a distinct militant attack. U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice appeared on numerous TV talk shows the Sunday after the attack and usedthe administration talking points linking it to the film. An ensuing brouhaha in the heat of the presidential campaign eventually led her to withdraw her name from consideration to replace Hillary Clinton as secretary of state in President Barack Obama's second term. The review board d etermined that there had been no immediate, specific t actical warning of a potential attack on the 11th anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001. However, the report said there had been several worrisome incidents in the run-up to the attack that should have set off warning bells.
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at
MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn Tuesday night are:
0106070«O»©$ The estimated jackpot is now $12 million.
than a dozen pro-regime gunmen dragged them from their car, killed one of their rebel escorts and subjected them to mock executions.
NBC sought to keepthe disappearance of Engelandthe crew secret for several days while it investigated what happened to them. Major media organizations, including The Associated Press, adhered to a request
from the network to refrain from reporting on theissue out of concern it could make the dangers to the captives worse.
Inmate eSCape —A massive manhunt is underwayfor two bank robbers who pulled off a daring escapefrom downtown Chicago's high-rise jail Tuesday byapparently squeezing through anarrow window and scaling downabout 20 stories using amakeshift rope. Police helicopters and canine units swarmed the area, but not until more than
threehoursafterJoseph"Jose"BanksandKennethConleywentunaccounted for during a 5a.m. headcount. It's unclear if the menwere still inside the 27-story facility at that time, U.S. Marshal's Service spokeswoman Belkis Cantor said.
COIOrIIdO driiiillg bBII —An industry group representing oil and gas companies has sued the first city in Colorado to outlaw hydraulic
fracturing, saying that voters had noright to banthe contentious drilling practice. The lawsuit, filed Monday by the Colorado Oil and Gas Association, seeks to overturn a ban on the practice that voters
approved last month by wide a margin in the northern Colorado city of Longmont. The measure still allows oil and gas drilling within the city limits, but it prohibits hydraulic fracturing, which has lifted energy
production across thecountry but has raised concernsaboutair and water contamination.
hospital. Talabani's illness added a new element of uncertainty to the country's divided politics a year after the departure of the U.S.
military. Officials and doctors said Talabani, 79, was in stable condition, but privately other officials suggested his condition was more serious. A hospital official, as well as a high-level government official family — said the president was in a coma.
Russian ships head toward Syria —Russiasentwarships to the eastern Mediterranean Sea on Tuesday, the Defense Ministry
- ' :
' - .
announced, in what appeared to bepreparation for a possible evacuation of Russian citizens from Syria. Russian officials began formu-
==:.:-" : " .. .;-e.'. ~j - asgÃ~::,ri'~>~p
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lating plans during the summer for an evacuation, but have delayed
making public announcements, analysts say, to avoid signaling a loss of confidence in President BasharAssad, a longtime strategic ally. Moscow staunchly opposes international intervention in Syria and has blocked United Nations Security Council resolutions meant to
force Assad from power. Officials said Tuesday that Russia's position had notchanged. Kat<e OronsKy/New YorKmmes NewsService
COngOleSe leader aCquitted Of WarCrimeS —TheInter-
FrancaCosta,whosebungalow wasbadlyflooded by Hurricane Sandy,walks four dogs outside her home onKissam AvenueonStaten Island.
tion. She then hired electrical and plumbing crews to
The resi dents ofKissam Avenue have notmoved back home since the storm, but they are taking their
did inadequate work that needed to be redone by her
the Democratic Republic of Congo in which some 200 people were
second electrician, andherfirst plumber disappeared. But building inspectors posted agreen tag on Costa's door last week —permission to reoccupy the
hacked to death andfemale survivors were raped and held in camps as sex slaves. Theacquittal of the leader, Mathieu Ngudjolo, was only
victories, however small, and holding them tight. Costa has been a model of determination on the street. In the first few weeks after the storm, her one-
story house wasconstantly filled with volunteers,
get the bungalow's systems working again. It has not all been smooth sailing: Herfirst electrician
national Criminal Court in The Hague, Netherlands, said Tuesday that it found testimony against a rebel leader "too contradictory and
too hazy" to convict him of a gruesome2003 attack on avillage in
house, one of the first to appear on the block — and
the second verdict issued by the court since it opened its doors a decade ago. It drew harsh criticism from rights groups, who faulted
she hopes to moveback in within a couple of weeks.
prosecutors for not assembling a stronger case.
who helped gut the place and prepare it for renova-
— New YorkTimesNews Service
Health warkerS kiiied in PakiStan —Gunmenshot deadfive
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escaped unharmedafter five days of captivity in Syria, where more
— both of whom requested anonymity out of respect for Talabani's
Richard Engel said Tuesday he and members of his network crew
Iraqi preSident haS StrOke —Jalal Talabani, the president of Iraq, suffered a stroke andwas in grave health Tuesday in aBaghdad
The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If yoo know ofan error in a story, call os at 541-383-0358.
NBC COrreSpOndent free —NBC's chief foreign correspondent
Pennsylvania USA Sheena Monnin were false, harmful and malicious. Monnin had alleged that the five finalists had been selected in ad-
One month: $14.50 By mail outside Deschutes County: Onemonth: $18 E-Edition only: Onemonth: $13
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Island landfill where debris wastaken, in the nine months after Sept.11,
signed last week, anarbitrator found that the comments from Miss
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largest to date. It examined 55,700 people, including rescue and recovery workers at the World Trade Center site, on barges or at the Staten
claimed this year's Miss USA contest was fixed has been ordered to pay the pageant organization $5 million for defamation. In a decision
HumanResources Traci Donaca......................541-383-0327
no clear link betweencancer andthe dust, debris and fumes released by the burning wreckage ofthe twin towers. Thestudy was byfar the
Beauty queen fined for defamation —Abeauty queenwho
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Trade Center fund, a New York City health department study has found
passersby exposed onthe dayof theterrorist attacks.
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No 9/11 cancer link —Six months after the federal government added cancer to the list of sicknessescovered bythe $4.3 billion World
female health workers whowere immunizing children against polio Tuesday, dealing a fresh setback to aneradication campaign dogged by Taliban resistance in a country that is one of the disease's last
Baehner'S 'Plan B'ShakeSLIPfiSCal talkS
global strongholds. "It is a blow, nodoubt," said ShahnazWazir Ali, an adviser on polio to Prime Minister Raja Pervaiz Ashraf. "Never before have female health workers been targeted like this in Pakistan."
Most suspicion focused onthe Pakistani Taliban, which has previBy Paul Kane and Lori Montgomery
publicans later for a big deal with the White House. Obama's deputies rejected Boehner's unilateral move as unacceptable but said t h ey continued to have hope that a broader, bipartisan agreement could be reached. Boehner laid out his fallback plan just as rank-and-file lawmakers in the House and Senate were beginning to digest the latest proposals to emerge from the negotiations between Obama and B o ehner. The president dispatched his top congressional negotiator, Rob Nabors, on Tuesdayto quell uprisings among House and Senate liberals upset that the White House had made a key conces-
tions of the "fiscal cliff," which i ncludes automatic cuts i n The Washington Post government spending and tax WASHINGTON — H ouse hikes. "I believe it's important that Speaker John B oehner, ROhio, veered off the bipartisan we protect as many American course he had been charting taxpayers as we can. And our toward a b road tax-and-enPlan B wouldprotect American titlement deal with President taxpayers who make a million Barack Obama and instead dollars or less and have all of Tuesday pushed a GOP packtheir current rates extended," age to extend tax cuts for inBoehner told reporters after come up to $1 million. one of two closed-door meetThe move shook the Capitol ings of the GOP caucus Tuesafter several days of signifiday. Republican leaders were cant progress between Obama planning for a Thursday vote and Boehner, who had moved in the House. closer to a pact raising taxes Plan B legislation was still on the wealthy and curbing being drafted Tuesday, but government spending, includleadershipaides were arguing ing on Social Security. to rank-and-file Republicans B oehner an d h i s a i d e s sion by agreeing to apply a less that they should view the prostressed that he was not giving generous calculation of infla- posal as akin to voting for a up on talks with Obama over a tion for federal programs, in- tax cut. Rather than allowing broader deal. But the speaker cluding Social Security. rates to spike for almost everysaid that the White House has Conservatives, meanwhile, one, this proposal keeps more failed to make an acceptable voiced skepticism about Boeh- than $4 trillion over the next offer and that, as a result, he ner's "Plan B," saying it would decade in taxpayers' pockets needed tomove ahead with a violate their principle of op— increasing record budget more limited "Plan B." He said posing any tax increases while deficits by the same amount. that time was running out be- also failing to spare the Pen- In addition to permanently exfore the end of the year, when tagon from deep budget cuts tending the George W. Bushmore than $500 billion in tax starting next year. era tax cuts for households hikes and spending cuts are At an evening meeting with making less than $1 million, it set to take effect, and that he House Republicans, Boehner would permanently rein in the had to proceed with his fallmade an urgent pitch that his alternative minimum tax and back plan to ensure that most new plan would lock in tax maintain the tax on inherited Americans do not see their c uts permanently for m o r e estates worth more than $5 taxes rise. than 99 percentof taxpayers, million at 35 percent. It remained unclear Tues- even if millionaires' tax rates People earning more than $1 day whether Boehner was in increased. Boehner said his million a year, however, would large part using the plan to approach would buy time so not be subject to the full panoextractmore concessions from that he could reach a final deal ply of tax increases set to hit in Obama and perhaps to secure with Obama early next year January if all the Bush-era tax more support from House Re- to address the remaining por- cuts were allowed to expire.
ously blocked polio vaccinators and claimed that the United States is
using the program as acover for espionage.
Ireland relaxes adortion stance —TheIrish government said Tuesday that it is preparing to allow abortion under limited
circumstances to comply with demands bythe EuropeanCourt of Human Rights to clarify the country's legal position on the issue. The
proposed legislative and regulatory changeswould allow abortion only in caseswherethere is a substantial risk to a woman's life. The Supreme Court ruled in1992 that abortion was permissible when risk was present, but the government never passed a law to that effect.
Calls for change reached a crescendo after the death of a31-year-old woman in October whowas having amiscarriage. Postal hunger strike —As negotiations continue between the Senate and the House on a possible year-end deal to help the financially struggling U.S. Postal Service, a small band of protesters
launched its second hunger strike in six months onTuesday.Thesix former and current postal workers, who call themselves Communities and Postal Workers United, have set up an encampment on the
National Mall in Washington. — From wire reports
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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day
It's Wednesday,Dec.19, the 354th day of 2012. There are 12 days left in the year.
NEED TO KNOW HAPPENINGS Singer remembered — A public memorial service for Latin music star Jenni Rivera is held at the Gibson Amphitheatre in Universal City, Calif.
RuSSia —A vote could come as soonastodayinthe Russian Parliament on an amendment to an earlier bill
that would ban all adoptions of Russian children by U.S. citizens.
Olympic medalists cience OU ers have longer lives
sa wor is warmin many are experiencing firsthand what they believe to be the effects of
winding up theApollo program of manned lunar landings.
By Seth Borenstein
In1777, Gen. George Washington led his army of about 11,000 men to Valley Forge, Pa., to camp for the winter. In1813, British forces cap-
WASHINGTON — A growing majority o f A m e ricans think global warming is occurring, that it will become a serious problem and that the U.S. government should do something about it, a new Associated Press-GfK poll finds. Even most people who say they don't trust scientists on the environment saytemperatures are rising. The poll found 4 out of every 5 Americans said climate change will be a serious problem for the United States if nothing is done about it. That's up from 73 percent when the same question was asked in 2009. And 57 percent of Americans say the U.S. government should do a great deal or quite a bit about the problem. That's up from 52percent in 2009.Only 22 percent of those surveyed think little or nothing should be done, a figure that dropped from 25 percent. Overall, 78 percent of those surveyed said they believe temperaturesare rising, up from 75 percentthree years earlier. In general, U.S. belief in global warming, according to AP-GfK and other polls, has fluctuated overtheyearsbut has stayedbetween about 70 and 85 percent. The biggest change in the
War of 1812. In 1843, "A Christmas Carol," by Charles Dickens, was first published in England. In1910, the artificial fiber
rayon was first commercially produced by theAmerican Viscose Co. of Marcus Hook, Ia. In1932, the British Broadcasting Corp. began transmitting overseas with its Empire Service to Australia. In1946, war broke out in
Indochina as troops under Ho Chi Minh launched wide-
spread attacks against the French. In1950, Gen. Dwight D. Eisen-
hower was namedcommander of the military forces of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
In1961, former U.S. Ambassador Joseph Kennedy Sr., 73, suffered a debilitating
stroke while in Palm Beach, Fla. In1971, "A Clockwork Or-
ange," Stanley Kubrick's controversial movie adaptation of the Anthony Burgess novel, had its world premiere in the U.S. In1984, a fire at the Wilberg
Mine near Drangeville, Utah, killed 27 people. Britain
and China signed an accord returning Hong Kong to Chinese sovereignty on July1, 1997. In 1986, Lawrence Walsh
was appointed independent counsel to investigate the lranContra affair. In 1998, President Bill Clin-
tonwas impeachedbythe Republican-controlled House
LOS ANGELES — Athletes who win at the Olympics may bring home more than just a medal: They could add a few years to their life spans, scientists have found. Winners of a gold (or silver or bronze) medal lived almostthree years longer on average than their country's general population — when matched for age, gender and birth year — according to a study released Thursday by the journal BMJ that examined some 15,174 Olympic medalists. The research follows an earlier, controversial report of an "Oscar bump" that found t hat actors who had w on Academy Awards for leading or supportingrolesfrom 1929 onward lived an average of 3.9 years longer than actors who hadn't snagged the coveted gold statue. Scientists have wondered for years whether success somehow contributes to longevity. The new study examined decades' worth of data gathered by an organization of Olympics enthusiasts that encompassed Olympic medalists from nine countries or groups of countries including the United States, Canada, Germany, Russia, France and a group of Nordic countries, from the first modern Games in 1896 up to 2010. Births and deaths of the athletes were compared with "life tables" of the overall population from their own countries. After 30 years, 8 percent more Olympic winners were alive on average than members of thegeneralpopulation, translating to an average gain of 2.8 years of life, said study co-author David Studdert, a public health professor at the University of Melbourne in Parkville, Australia. Although the study didn't look at the causes of this advantage, experts suggested a few possibilities. "Some elite sportspeople may be influenced byfame and glory, which could confer longevity through increased affluence," said an editorial accompanying the research,
believed temperatures have been rising over the past 100 years. Now that climate change, that number has jumped to 61 percent.
tured Fort Niagara during the
Los Angeles Times
In 2009, only 47 percent of Americans who are highly skeptical of scientists
Highlight:In1972, Apollo17 splashed down in the Pacific,
The Associated Press
polling is among people who trust scientists only a little or not at all. About 1 in 3 of the people surveyed fell into that category. Within that highly skeptical group, 61 percent now say temperatureshave been rising over the past 100 years. That's a substantial increase from 2009, when the AP-GfK poll found that only 47 percent of those with little or no trust in scientists believed the world was getting warmer. This is an important development because, often in the past,
s ", >
' . .
The Assoaated Press file photo
Corn plants weakened by drought lie on the ground after being knocked over by rain in Bennington, Neb. Recent droughts are among the severe weather events that have helped convince many skeptics that climate change is real. opinion about climate change doesn't move much in c ore groups — like those who deny it exists and those who firmly believe it's an alarming problem, said Jon Krosnick, a Stanford University social psychologist and pollster. Krosnick, who consulted with Th e A ssociated Press on the poll questions, said the changes the poll shows aren't in the hard-core "anti-warming" deniers, but in the next group, who had serious doubts. "They don't believe what the scientists say, they believe what the thermometers say," Krosnick said. "Events are helping these people see what scientists thought they had been seeing
all along." Phil Adams, a retired freelancephotographer from Washington, N.C., said he was "fairly cynical" about scientists and their theories. But he believes very much in climate change because of what he's seen with his own eyes. "Havinglived for 67years, we consistentl y see more and more changes based upon the fact that the weather is warmer,"
"unless undermined by excessive partying and hazardous risk-taking behaviors." Alternatively, surv i v al edges could simply be due to more healthful lifestyles and physical fitness. Studdert said it wasn't possible to examine the longevity fatesof those who competed in the Olympics but did not win a medal because records for nonwinners weren't nearly as complete as those for winners. The study found that athletes in e ndurance sports such as long-distance running were 13 percent more likely to be alive after 30 years than their peers in the general population. For athletes in power sports such as boxing and weightlifting, the advantage was just 5 percent. The advantage varied by country, too: Russian Olympic winners were 18 percent more likelyto be alive after 30 years than their compatriots — more than double the overall advantage of 8 percent for all countries studied. That probably reflects the differing life expectancies in those countries, Studdert said. Adrian Bauman, a physical activity epidemiologist at the University of Sydney and co-author of the editorial, said it was no great surprise that athletes in power sports, which i nclude h igh-injury contact sports such as boxing, might not fare as well. " Hippocrates sai d tw o things: He said walking is man's best medicine," Bauman told the Los Angeles Times, "and the other thing was, anything in excess is opposed to nature." The trick to gaining the health advantages of Olympians is to exercise in moderation, Bauman said. Scientists know, he said, that "there's a survival advantage of one to three years
By Amina Khan
he said. "The seasons are more severe. The climate is definitely getting warmer." "Storms seem to be more severe," he added. Nearly half, 49 percent, of those surveyed called global warming not just serious but "very serious," up from 42percent in 2009. But only 45 percent of those surveyed t h i n k Pre s ident Barack Obama will take major action to fight climate change in his second term, slightly more than the 41 percent who don't think he will act. Overall, the 78 percent who think temperatures are rising is not the highest percentage of Americans who have believed in climate change, according to AP polling. In 2006, less than a year after Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, 85 percent thought temperatures were rising. The lowest point in the past 15 years for belief in warming was in December 2009, after some snowy winters and in the middle of an uproar about climate scientists' emails that later independent investigations found showed no manipulation of data.
for physically active people, compared to inactive people in the general population. We make all this fuss about Olympic athletes, but in fact all we really need to do is go for a walk, bike in to work, go for a run in the afternoon ... and we can get nearly equivalent benefits."
for perjury and obstruction of
justice (he waslater acquitted by the Senate). Ten years ago:Secretary of State Colin Powell declared Iraq in "material breach" of a
U.N. disarmament resolution. After a prosecutor cited new DNAevidence, a judge in New York threw out the convictions
of five young menfrom Harlem in a 1989 attack on a Central
Park jogger who'd beenraped and left for dead.
Five years ago:President GeorgeW. Bushsigned legislation increasing fuel-effi-
ciency standards for vehicles and requiring wider use of ethanol. Rescuers found Frederick Dominguez and his three children, who had been lost in the mountains for three
days during a snowstorm, alive in a Northern California
ravine. One year ago:North Korea announced the death of leader Kim Jong II, two days after he died; North Koreans marched
by the thousands to mourn
their "Dear Leader" while state
media proclaimed his youngest son, Kim JongUn, a"Great Successor."
BIRTHDAYS Rhythm-and-blues singermusician Maurice White
(Earth, Wind andFire) is 71. South Korean President Lee Myung-bak is 71. Actress
Elaine Joyce is 69. Jazz musician Lenny White is 63. Actress Jennifer Beals is 49.
Actress Alyssa Milano is 40. Actor Jake Gyllenhaal is 32. — From wire reports
Mislabeled fish{andother food} onrestaurant tables By Kim Severson New York Times News Service
ATLANTA — The menu offered fried catfish. But Freddie Washington, a pastor in Tuscaloosa, Ala., who sometimes eats out five nights a week and was raised on Gulf Coast seafood, was served tilapia. It was a culinary bait and s witch. W a shington c o m plained. The restaurant had run out of catfish, the manager explained, and the pastor left the restaurant with a free din-
grocery stores and restaurants was not what the establishment claimed it was. " This thing w it h f i s h i s
age-old; it's been going on
forever," said Anne Quatrano, an Atlanta chef who opened Bacchanalia 20 years ago and kick-started the city's sustainable food movement. "Unless you buy whole fish, you can't always know what you're getting from a supplier." Swapping one i n gredient for a less expensive one exner, an apology and a couple tends beyond fish and is not of gift certificates. always the fault of the person "If I'm paying for a menu who sells food to the restauitem," Washington said, "I'm rant. Many a pork cutlet has expecting that menu item to be headed to a table disguised placed before me." as veal, and many an organic The subject of d e ceptive salad is not. restaurant menus took on new The term organic is regulatlife last week when Oceana, ed by the Agriculture Departan international organization ment, but many other idendedicated to ocean conserva- tifying words on a menu are tion, released a report with the essentially marketing terms. headline "Widespread Sea- Unscrupulous chefs can falsely food Fraud Found in New York claim that a steak is Kobe beef City." or say a chicken was humanely Using genetic testing, the treated without penalty. group found tilapia and tilefish In cases of blatant mislabelposing as red snapper. Farmed ing, a chef or supplier often salmon was sold as wild. Esco- takes the bet that a local or lar, which can also legally be federal agency charged with called oil fish, was disguised stopping deceptive practices is as white tuna, which is an un- not likely to walk in the door. official nickname for albacore "This has been going on for as tuna. long as I've been cooking," said Every one of 16 sushi bars Tom Colicchio, a New York investigated sold the research- chef and television personality. ers mislabeled fish. In all, 39 "When you start really getting percentofthe seafood from 81 into this stuff, there's so many
things people mislabel." The line between marketing something like Patagonian toothfish as Chilean sea bass or serving langostino and calling it lobster is a fine one. In 2005, a customer sued Rubio's, a West Coast taco chain, for misleading the public by selling a l a ngostino lobster burrito. The FDA ruled that practice acceptable, which allowed chains like Long John
Silver's and Red Lobster to sell the crustacean called langostino and legally attach the word lobster to it. Maine lobstermen and lawmakers fought the de-
cision unsuccessfully. The battle often plays out on an international scale, where millions of dollars in tax revenue are at play.
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Rape case Continued from A1 "Huge party!!! Banger!!!!" Trent M ays, a s o p homore quarterback on Steubenville's team, posted on Twitter, referring to one of the bashes that
"If you could charge people for not being decent human beings, a lot of people could have been charged that night." — Steubenville Police Chief William McCafferty
evening. By sunrise, though, some people in and around Steubenville had gotten word that the night of fun on Aug. 11 might have taken a grim turn, and that members of the Steubenville High football team might have been involved. Twitter posts, videos and photographs circulated by some who attended the nightlong set of parties suggested that an unconscious girl had been sexually assaulted over several hours while others watched. She even might have been urinated on. In one photograph posted on Instagram by a Steubenville High football player, the girl, who was from across the Ohio River in Weirton, WVa., is shown looking unresponsive as two boys carry her by Photos by Jeff Swensen / New York Times News Service her wrists and ankles. Twitter A rape case involving players from the football team has entangled dozens of people in and around Steubenville, Ohio, and opened up users wrote the words "rape" a split in the town. The city's police chief begged for witnesses to come forward, but received little response. A county prosecutor and and "drunk girl" in their posts. judge have recused themselves from the case because they had ties to the football team. Rumors of a possible crime spread, and p e ople, o f ten cy~~xX%Zx with little r eliable informathrough that as a mother, see- dent and the number of teenagQo+ jy p P tion, quickly took sides. Some ing your daughter, who is your ers who were at the parties that ~e xqe ~yO ~e~ residents and others on social entire world, treated like that'?" evening, the police still have ~e co><h ge« media blamed the girl, saying the mother said. "It was devas- had trouble establishing what ~~ge she put the football team in a tating for all of us." anyone might regard as an airxou~~ ~xh< bad light and put herself in a Mays and Richmond were tight case. be~o~' position to be violated. Others arrested Aug. 22, about a week A medical exam at a hospisupported the girl, saying she after the girl's parents reported tal more than one day after the was a victim of what they bethe incident. parties did not reveal any evilieved was a hero-worshiping dence, like semen, that might Taking sides onblogs culture built around football have supported an accusation players who think they can do Alexandria Goddard, a 45- of rape, the police said. The no wrong. year-old Web analyst who once Steubenville police knocked on On Aug. 22, the incident lived in Steubenville and writes doors of the people thought to made local news when the po- Coach RenoSaccoccia'sphoto appears i n a high-schoolyearbook about national crime on a blog, be at the parties, but not many lice came forward with details: for Steubenville High School. Saccoccia has coached two genera- heard about the case early on people were forthcoming with Two standout S t eubenville tions of players at Big Red and has won three state titles and 85 and rushed to investigate it i nformation. I n s everal i n football players — Mays, 16, percent of his games, according to the team's website. He testified herself. She told The Cleveland stances, the police seized cellfrom Bloomingdale, Ohio, and as a character witness for the defendants last month, shocking Plain Dealer in September that phones, so they could look for Ma'lik Richmond, 16, from those who believe the players guilty. she did so because she had little photographs or videos related Steubenville — were arrested faith that the authorities would to the case. and later charged with raping do a thorough job. Eventually, 15 phones and a 16-year-old girl and kidnap- girl's mother, in several brief letes who testified in court in Before many of the party- two iPads were confiscated ping her by taking her to sev- interviews last month, said her October. goers could delete their posts, and analyzed by a cybercrime eral parties while she was too family had received threats, so By 10 or 10:30 that night, it photographs or v i deos, she expert at the Ohio Bureau of drunk to resist. extra police have been patrol- was clear that the dark-haired took screen shots of t hem, Criminal Investigation. That The case is not the first time ling her neighborhood. teenager was drunk because posting them on her site, Prin- expert could not retrieve delet"The thing I found most dis- she was stumbling and slurring On Aug. 24, just ed photos and videos on most a high school football team has been entangled in accusa- turbing about this is that there her words, witnesses testified. afterthe arrests, she wrote on of the phones. tions of sexual assault. But the were other p eople around Some people at the party her site that it was "a slam dunk In the end, the expert recovsituation in Steubenville has when this was going on," Steu- t aunted her, c h anted a n d case" because, she said, Mays ered two naked photographs another layer to it that sepa- benville Police Chief William cheered as a Steubenville High and Richmond videotapedand of the girl. One photograph rates it from many others: It is McCafferty said of the events baseball player dared bystand- photographed theircrime and showed the girl face down on a sexual assault accusation in that unfolded. "Nobody had ers to urinate on her, one wit- then posted those images on the floor at one party, comthe age of social media, when the morals to say, 'Hey stop it, ness testified. the Web. Goddard pressed her pletely naked with her arms teenagersare capturing much that isn't right.' About two hours later, the case. tucked beneath her, according "If you could charge people girl left the party with several "What normal person would to testimony given at a hearof their lives on their camera phones — even repugnant, for not being decent human Big Red football players, includ- even consider that p o sting ing in October. The other phopossibly criminal behavior, as beings, a lot of people could ing Mays and Richmond, wit- the brutal rape of a young girl tograph was not d escribed. they did in Steubenville in Au- have beencharged that night." nesses said. They stayed only is something that should be Both photographs were found gust — and then posting it on briefly at a second party before shared with their peers'?" she on Mays' iPhone. No photo or the Web, like a graphic, public A night takes a grim turn leaving for their third party of wrote. "Do they think because video showed anyone involved diary. Just before 10 a.m. on Aug. the night. Two witnesses testi- they are Big Red players that in a sexual act with the girl. Within days of the possible 11, fans who are part of what fied that the girl needed help the rules don't apply to them?" sexual assault, an online per- is called the Big Red Nation walking. One testified that she Around town, the discus- Standing by his players sonality who often blogs about poured into Harding Stadium was carried out of the house by sion of what might have hapIn this part of the footballcrime zeroedin on those pub- clad in the team's colors, red Mays and Richmond, while she pened that night in A u gust obsessedOhio Valley — where lic comments and photographs and black, to see Big Red's sec- "was sleeping." raged, growing more heated at least several houses in evand injected herself into the ond scrimmage of the season When she awoke, she was by the day. The accusations on ery neighborhood have a "Roll story, complicating it and ig- and to get a sense of how the unaware of what had happened Goddard's blog, posted by God- Red Roll" or a "Big Red" sign niting ire in the community. team would fare this year. to her, she has told her parents dard and others, sparked more out front — everybody knows She posted the information on What they saw were two and the police. But by then, the debate. The local newspaper, coach Reno Saccoccia. He has her site and wrote online that players who stood out from the story of her night was already The Herald-Star, ran a letter to coached two generations of the police and town officials rest: Mays and Richmond. unfolding on the Internet, on the editor from Joe Scalise, a players at Big Red and has won were giving the football playM ays, who hails f rom a Twitter and via text messages. Steubenville resident, who criti- three state titles and 85 percent ers special treatment. nearby town and who went to Compromising an d e x p licit cized the blogger's site, saying of his games, according to the T he c i t y's p o l ic e c h i ef Steubenville High because of photographs of her were posted it "has lent itself to character team's website. The football begged forwitnesses to come its successful football and wres- and shared. assassination and has begun to team's field is named Reno forward, but r eceived little tling programs, showed off Within a day, a family mem- resemble a lynch mob." Field. response. In time, the county his strong arm at quarterback. ber in town shared with the Even without much official This season, the coach, who prosecutor and the judge in Richmond, who the police say girl's parents more disturbing public information about the is used to winning, had to do charge of handling crimes by came from a troubled home visuals: a photograph posted night, some people in town are without Mays and Richmond. juveniles recused themselves and has lived in Steubenville on Instagram of their daugh- skeptical of the police account, But others who were at the parfrom the case because they with guardians since he was ter who looked passed out at like Nate Hubbard, a Big Red ties and might have witnessed had ties to the football team. 8, dominated as a quick and a party and a YouTube video volunteer coach. the alleged assault continued "It's a very, very small com- tall wide receiver. He also was of a former Steubenville baseAs he stood in the shadow of to play on the team. Saccocmunity here," said Jefferson a star of the Big Red basketball ball player talking about a Harding Stadium, in which he cia, a 63-year-old who brims County JuvenileJudge Samu- and track teams. rape. That former player, who once dazzled the crowd with with bravado, was the sole perel Kerr, who recused himself. The two athletes gave hope graduated earlier this year, his masterful runs, Hubbard son in charge of determining His granddaughter dated one to fans that Big Red might be also posted on Twitter, "Song gave voice to some of the popu- whether any players would be of the football players initially headed back to the top. of the night is definitely Rape lar, if harsh, suspicions. punished. "The rape was just an excuse, linked to the incident. "EveryOf Mays, one person at the Me by Nirvana," and "Some Saccoccia, pron o unced body knows everybody." time wrote on, people deserve to be peed on," I think," said the 27-year-old SOCK-OTCH, told the princiAfter more than two months a website for Ohio high school which was reshared on Twit- Hubbard, who is No. 2 on the pal and school superintendent in jail, the suspects are under sports, "If he has the compo- ter by several people, including Big Red's career rushing list. that the players who posted "What else are you going house arrest on rape charges, sure, could be very enjoyable Mays. online photographs and comawaiting a trial that has been to watch that young man grow The parents then notified the to tell your parents when you ments about the girl the night set for Feb. 13. Mays, a star up with M a'lik." Mays and police and took their daugh- come home drunk like that of the parties said they did not wrestler,also faces a charge Richmond helped Big Red pre- ter to a hospital. At 1:38 a.m. and after a night like that?" think they had done anything of disseminating nude photo- vail that day in the scrimmage, on Aug. 14, the girl's parents said Hubbard, who is one of wrong. Because of that, he graphs of a minor. The kidnap- before heading off to a night of walked into the Steubenville the team's 19 coaches. "She had said, he had no basis for benchping charges were dropped. parties. police station with a flash drive to make up something. Now ing those players. The parents of the boys, Across the river, in a well- with photographs from online, people are trying to blow up The two players who testified who declinedrequests for ex- kept, two-story colonial house Twitter posts and the video on our football program because at a hearing in early October to tended interviews, said that in a solidly middle-class West it. It was all the evidence the of it." determine if there was enough the boys are innocent. Law- V irginia n eighborhood, the girl's parents had, leaving the There is n o s h ortage of evidence to continue the case yers for the boys assert that 16-year-old girl told her par- police with the task of filling people who feel the polar op- were eventually s uspended they have been tried unfairly ents that she was going to a in the details of what had hap- posite. They absolutely accept from the team. That came eight online, and vow the boys will sleepover at afriend's house pened that night. the account of sexual assault, games into the 10-game regube exonerated when all the that night. She then headed off The police said the case was and are weary of what they call lar season. facts are known. to those parties, too. challenging partly because too the protection and indulgence Approached in November to The case has entangled dozShe was not a Steubenville much time had passed since the afforded the f ootball team. be interviewed about the case, ens of people in and out of this High student; she attended a suspected rape. By then, the girl That said, more than a dozen Saccoccia said he does not "do town. smaller, religion-based school, had taken at least one shower people interviewed last month the Internet," so he had not T hree Steubenville H i g h where she was an honor stu- and might have washed away who were critical of the football seen the comments and photoSchool athletes have become dent and an athlete. evidence, said McCafferty, the team and its protected status, graphs posted online from that witnesses for the prosecution At the parties, the girl had police chief. He added that it real or perceived, did not want night. When asked again about and testified against Mays and so much to drink that she was also was too late for toxicology their names used in connection the players involved and why Richmond, their friends, at a unable to recall much from tests to determine if she had with comments about the team, he chose not to discipline them, probable cause hearing in Oc- that night, and nothing past been drugged. for fear of retribution from Big he became agitated. "My daughter learned about Red football fans. "You made me mad now," he tober. The crime blogger and midnight, the police said. The more than a dozen people who girl began drinking early on, what had happened to her said, throwing in several expleposted comments on her web- according to an account that that night by reading the story Seeking evidence tives as he walked from the site have been sued by a Steu- the police pieced together from about it in the local newspaper," Despite the seeming abun- high school to his car. benville football player and his witnesses, including two of the the girl's mother said. dance of material online reNearly nose to nose with a "How would you like to go garding the night of the inci- reporter, he growled: "You're parents for defamation. The three Steubenville High ath-
gonna get yours. And if you don't get y o urs, somebody close to you will."
Players and families wait Big Red's season ended in earlyNovember, and the daily conversation in town is less and less about the incident than it is about how the team will perform next year. But inside a courtroom at the county jail, about two miles down a hill from the football stadium, the debate over what happened to the girl that summer night is still unfolding. The hearings in the case are open to the public, but court documents regarding the matter are sealed because the defendants arejuveniles. Mays and Richmond were released to their families or guardians last month, though they must wear electronic m onitoring devices and are only allowed to leave home to attend school at the county jail or church. On school days, they head to classes at the jail, wearing their new uniform: green sweatpants and tan shirts, which have a number on their left sleeves. Walter Madison, Richmond's lawyer, said his client was already at a marked disadvantage because so many people discussed the incident online, through blogs and on Twitter. "It's an uphill battle because you've got social media
going on and people formulating opinions, people who weren't there and don't know what happened," he said. "In a small community, it exponentially snowballs out of control. I think the scales are a bit unbalanced." He said that online photographs and posts could ultimately be "a gift" for his client's case because the girl,before that night in August, had posted provocative comments and photographs on her Tw itter page over time. He added that those online posts demonstrated that she was sexually active and showed that shewas"clearly engaged in at-risk behavior." The lawyers for the boys also said the three athletes who testified against their clients have credibility issues. The lawyers said the police had found nude photographs of women on the phone of one of the witnesses, and that two witnesses had admitted recording some aspect of the alleged assault. Those alone could be crimes, the lawyers said, but the witnesses were given immunity f r om prosecution. Their testimony, the lawyers suggested, might have been given in a bid for leniency. The special prosecutors on the case, Marianne Hemmeter and Jennifer Brumby of the Ohio Attorney General's Crimes Against Children unit, declinedto comment because the investigation is open. But in court, they have rejected the defense's claims. The girl, they have said, was in no condition to give consent to sexual advances that nightand the teenagers there knew it, the prosecutors said. At a hearing in early October, prosecutors told the judge in the case that the defendants treated the girl "like a toy" and "the bottom line is we don't have to prove that she said 'no,' we just have to prove that when they're doing things to her, she's not moving. She's not responsiveand the evidence is consistent and clear." At a hearing last month, the girl's mother said her daughter remained distraught and does not want to attend schooL The girl's friends have ostracized her, and parents have kept their children away from her, the mother said. The girl does not sleep much, said the mother, who testified that she often hears her daughter crying at night. The mother said the obsession with high school football i n Steubenville is partly t o blame. It shocked her that Saccoccia testified as a character witness for the defendants last month, she said. In the courtroom that day, she remembered thinking, "How dare he?" "Just Coach Reno saying he would testify for those boys, saying he was soproud of them, that speaks volumes," she said. "All those football players are put on a pedestal over there, and it's such a status symbol to play for Big Red, the culture is so diff erentoverthere." "I do feel like they've had preferential treatment, and it's unreal, almost like we're part of a TV show," the mother said. "It's like a bad 'CSI' episode. What those boys did was dis-
gusting, disgusting, and for people to stand up for them, that's disgusting, too."
Bell-ringing stations BEND HAS11 STATIONS: Three at the Fred Meyer store, 61535 U.S. Highway 97. One at Walmart, 20120 Pinebrook Blvd. One at JC Penney, 63455 N. U.S. Highway 97. One at Shopko, 60 N.E. Bend River Mall Drive. One at Grocery Outlet, 694 S.E. Third St. One at Bi-Mart, 351 N.E. Second St. One at each of the three Safeway stores; 320 S.W. Century Drive; 642 N.E. Third St.; 2650 N.E. U.S. Highway 20.
REDMOND HASSIX STATIONS: Two at Walmart, 300 N.W. Oak Tree Lane. Two at the Fred Meyer store, 944 Southeast
Veterans Way. One at Safeway,1705 S.U.S.Highway 97. One at Bi-Mart, 1727 S.W. Odem Medo Road.
UL PINEHAS ONE STATION: Bi-Mart, 51670 Huntington Road.
WHEN TOGIVE: Hours may vary slightly among locations, but
bell ringers are generally on site from11 a.m. to 7 p.m. every dayexcept Sunday.
Ringers Continued from A1 Part of that mission includes greeting people,
regardless of whether they give. They may give on their way out the store, or give later in the holiday season at another spot, he said. In the end, personality carries more weight than the jingle of the bell. "Basically, the bell is an attention getter more than anything else," Keene said. "It's the person that's there that actually makes a difference." The local Salvation Army has a goal of $85,000 in donations for the season. Bell-ringing season starts the Monday before Thanksgiving and ends on Christmas Eve. The money collected goes toward the nonprofit Christian organization's programs for the holiday season and beyond. Almost 2,000 area families have registered for boxes of food, toys and clothing. The money from kettles also goes to efforts like the year-round food bank.
And the bell-ringing jobs help out people like Klawitter. Keene said the Salvation Army hires homeless people for the work, lining them up with clothing if necessary and providing showers through Bend's Community Center. For Klawitter, 46, it's a job that will put gasoline inher car and cover her insurance. She may get gifts for her grandchildren, too. She's quick to add that she will look for another job after the bells stop ringing. "I'm not afraid to work," she said. — Reporter: 541-977-7185, bbotki n®bendbulleti
Endowment Continued from A1 Because theendowment is part of an estate, the university will receive the funds after the Cuttings pass away. In an effort that is separate from the endowment, OSUCascades is raising $4 million to expand the campus into a four-year school. For that goal, the school has raised more than $2.9 million from 69 supporters. The f u t ur e e n d owment shows the investment people a re willing to m ake i n t h e
school during a high-profile time for OSU-Cascades, officials said. "We don't expect to s ee the proceeds ofthis for many years, but the act of giving us a gift this large hopefully will demonstrate to people the support and faith that OSU alums have in the branch campus," Johnson said. The Cuttings, both 69, were born and grew up in McMinnville, graduating from OSU in 1965. Before retiring, Mike Cutting co-founded Northwest Atlantic Partners, a real estate brokerage and advisory service for retailers. Carmen Cutting was an elementary school teacher, later workinginreal estate, retail shop ownership and doing volunteerwork. In 2006,they made Bend their primary residence. Mike Cutting on M onday said the momentum of the effort for an expanded Bend campus
Continued from A1 While investigators either don't know or haven't said why Adam Lanza went on a horrific killing spree at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., a clearer portrait of the family that raised him is emerging through interviews around the country with friends and family and in divorce documents sealing the end of Lanza's marriage three years ago. From the outside, the Lanza family portrait was one of wealth and privilege, of jobs landed at marquee corporations — he at General Electric, she briefly at John Hancock. They moved to a hilltop home in Newtown, a village exurb of New York City. But it was their difficult second son who came to dominate the family's time and collective psyche, especially Nancy's. He had few friends, had trouble in schools and had difficulty reaching the stepping-stones of normal teenage life. At age 20, he had only recently begun to drive. As time passed, the family fractured and broke apart. Around the time of the divorce, Ryan Lanza graduated from college and moved to work in New York. Adam stayed with Nancy Lanza, and her life took on strange habits. She didn't let visitors into their home. She collected powerful weapons. And she began to bring her increasingly troubled son to "multiple shooting ranges," officials from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives said Monday, to practice using those guns together. "She wasn't afraid to be there for her kids," said Marsha Lanza, who is married to Peter Lanza's brother Michael, at her home in Crystal Lake, Ill. "She was involved. That's why, when I heard that he shot her, that floored me. That just didn't make sense to me, because your mom did all this stuff for you, what the hell were you thinking? Why did you take your revenge out on her? What did she do?" Nancy and Peter moved to Newtown in 1998. Peter commuted to New York City to work as a vice president in accounting for GE. Nancy had health problemsmultiple sclerosis — for which she sought treatment in New York, according to her former sister-in-law. In 2009, the couple filed for divorce,saying their 28-year marriage had "broken down irretrievably,"according to court records. What led to the breakup is unclear.
I:I'' :I-II l . , ,
Jason Decrow/The Associated Press
A police cruiser sits in the driveway at Nancy Lanza's home Tuesday in Newtown, Conn. A clearer portrait of Lanza's son, Adam, is emerging in accounts from friends and family. Peter has remarried, to Shelley Rae Cudiner, a librarian at the University of Connecticut. Nancy was a stay-at-home mom when they divorced, listing no income incourt papers. Peter made $445,000 a year and agreed to pay $240,000 a yearin alimony and child support, according to court records. That sum was set to rise in 2012 to $289,800. Adam ha d A s perger's syndrome, the parents told Paula Levy, the family therapist who was their divorce mediator, Levy said in an interview with the Associated Press. The parents were unified in their commitment to meet all of Adam's needs, Levy said and gave few details about his condition. The generous settlement, said John Aldrich, a family law attorney i n C o n necticut, "could have been, they took into account that with a special-needs child, the mother was going to be more hands-on, require more money for her son.There is no magic percentage." The couple agreed to joint custody of Adam and of their partial set of Boston Red Sox season tickets. Nancy got the house and the rights to final decisions about Adam. "They always stayed c ivil," Marsha Lanza said. "They always stayed friends." Caring for Adam took time and patience, and educating him presented challenges. Newtown s c h oo l off i c ials couldn'tbereached to comment on his schooling, but interviews in recent days with acquaintances and
family members, as well as published reports, suggest that Adam bounced from public school to a private Catholic school to home schooling to taking college courses at Western Connecticut State University, according to the Associated Press. He was not close with his older brother, Ryan, who lives in Hoboken, N.J., and works for Ernst 8 Young. "I know they were totally different kids," Marsha said. "Just totally different kids. Oil and water. I mean, they didn't obviously click. They toleratedeach other because they were brothers." At some point while he was in high school, Adam joined a technology club, a move Nancy apparently supported. Gloria Milas, whose son Joshua was in the club, said the teens would sit around and link to each other by computer and play games — called LAN parties, for local area network — with each player on a computer. She said that contrary to published reports, the games were not violent. She likened them to Mario Brothers and games like that.
State leaders broach gun changes The first concrete responses to the massacre in Newtown, Conn., beganemerging Tuesday, as state leaders proposed measures to curb gun violence. The reactions were considerably more broad-based
than what had followed previousmassshootings,coming from Republicans aswell as Democrats, from gun control advocates and those who have favored gun rights in the past,
and even from the corporate and retail worlds. Proponents of stricter controls on firearms
said they were cautiously optimistic that, perhaps this time,
something concrete and lasting would be enacted. In California, Democratic leaders introduced legislation that would mandate back-
ground checks andone-year permits for anyonewhowanted to buy ammunition there. In Michigan, a Republican
governor vetoed legislation that would have permitted
"They were always laughing,"
concealed weapons in schools. And a private equity company
she said. "When this all came out, I asked my son, I begged him, 'Were
announced that it would sell off the company that made the high-powered assault rifle used
you playing games that were violent?' He said no." Adam did like to shoot guns — real ones, with his mom. It is not clear when Nancy became a gun collector, but she had at least six firearms registered to her, including the semiautomatic assault rifle used in the massacre, and she sometimes showed off an antique rifle to visitors. The mother and son's "shooting activities" at "multiple ranges" went back several years, ATF officials said, but the last activity was more than six months ago. If Adam Lanza's mental health had begun t o w o rsen, Nancy Lanza had not shared it widely. The crowd at My Place, a local restaurant where she often hung out, always was happy to see her show up and have a microbrew atthe bar. But those friends didn't really know her home life. She did confide that she had recently discovered a school in Washington state that she thought would be good for Adam, said Mark Tambascio, the restaurant's proprietor. "They were going to move out there together," Tambascio, who had known Nancy Lanza for several years, said Sunday night.
in the Newtown shootings last week.
Kids back in school, except at Sandy Hook NEWTOWN, Conn.— Newtown returned its students to
their classrooms Tuesday for the first time since last week's
massacre and faced the agonizing task of laying others to rest, as this grieving town wrestled with the same issues
gripping the country: violence, gun control and finding a way forward.
Funerals were held for two more of the tiny fallen, a 6-
year-old boy and a 6-year-old girl. The resumption of classes at
all Newtown's schools except Sandy Hook brought a return of familiar routines, something
students seemed towelcome as they arrived aboard buses festooned with large greenand-white ribbons — the col-
ors of the stricken elementary school. — From wire reports
OSU-Cascades fundraising Separate from a $2million endowment, OSU-Cascades is raising money to expand into a four-year school.
Goal: $4 million $1M $2M $3M
More than $2.9 million raised
Source OSU-Cascades
in the past year played a role in the couple's decision. Initially, they had planned a $2 million endowment for academics at OSU, but further tailored it for the Central Oregon campus after seeing the push toward a four-year school, he said. "There was an opportunity to give to OSU and give to the community ofBend and Central Oregon," he said. They also have given a separate $2 million endowment for athletics at OSU. Examples of ways the endowment fund could be used in the future include scholarships, startup costs for new de-
' •
• a •
gree programs or supporting research for faculty members. — Reporter: 541-977-7185, bbotki n@bendbulleti
Deer Ridge
"The whole intent is to try and steer resources going to Continued from A1 state prisons ... into proven Talk of adding more mini- c ommunity c o rrection a n d m um-security bunks t o t h e preventionmeasures in our lom edium-security portion o f cal communities," Smith said. Deer Ridge also took place. Along with keeping a porNeither idea gained traction. tion of D eer R idge closed, "Certainly any c onsolida- Oregon State Penitentiary in tion isn't i n t h e g overnor's Salem would remain closed, budget right now," said Cam- and any build-out of the state eron Smith, th e g overnor's prison in Junction City would senior policy adviser on mili- also remain on hold. tary, veterans and emergency Department of Corrections management. Director Colette Peters said Smith pointed to the com- the currentsystem "can abmission on public safety's rec- sorb 300 inmates," which is the ommendations, released this cap the governor has proposed week, that advocate funneling in his budget. more money into prevention — Reporter: 541-554-1162,
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Satellite image by Digital Globe via Google Earth
one Wal-Mart
Up to $81,000
Wal-Mart wanted to build by the main
Facing certain opposition from local
W a l -Mart could not build by the
of legal obstacles in Its quest to build a supermarket in the
The biggest hurdle was Teotihuacan's zoning map. It clearly prohibited commercial development where Wal-Mart wanted to build. Wal-Mart
entrance into Teotihuacan, in a spot already
merchants and residents, Wal-Mart
pyra m ids without a permit from the
de Mexico executives agreed to pay $ I I4,000 in bribes to guarantee the support of Teotihuacan's mayor and
a g e ncy that protects Mexico's
protected archaeological zone Teotihuacan. It overcame those obstacles by authorizing bribes, records and interviews show.
choked with traffic. Wal-Mart de Mexico authorized a $25,900 bribe payment to gain the approval of local traffic authorities, records and interviews show.
altered, records and interviews show.
cultural landmarks. Wal-Mart de ll
M e x ico offered a donation of up to $45,000 and a "personal gift" of up to $36,000 in exchange for the permit, records and interviews show.
his allies on the municipal council, records and interviews show.
New York Times News Service
n exico, a- a 's ri esma e e iea e a Editor's note: This is an abbreviated version of a New York Times story. Read the full version online at Q»bendbulletin. comlextras. ing the lawyer's allegations. The decision meant authoriNew Yorh Times News Service ties were not notified. It also SAN JUAN T E OTIHUA- meant basic questions about CAN, Mexico — W a l-Mart the nature, extent and impact longed to build in Elda Pine- of Wal-Mart de Mexico's conda's alfalfa field. It was an duct were never asked, much i deal location, just off t h i s less answered. t own's bustling m a i n e n The Times has now picked trance and barely a mile from up where Wal-Mart's interits ancient pyramids, which nal investigation was cut off, draw tourists from a r ound traveling to dozens of towns the world. With its usual pre- and cities in M exico, gathcision, Wal-Mart calculated it ering tens of t h ousands of would attract 250 customers d ocuments related to W a l an hour if only it could put a Mart de Mexico permits, and store in Pineda's field. interviewing scores of govOne major obstacle stood ernment officials and Walin Wal-Mart's way. Mart employees, including 15 After years of study, the hours of interviews with the town's elected leaders had former lawyer,Sergio Cicero just approved a new zoning Zapata. map. The leaders wanted to limit growth near the pyra- Campaign of bribes mids, and they considered the The Times' ex amination town's main entrance too con- r eveals that W a l -Mart d e gested already. As a result, Mexico was not the reluctant the 2003 zoning map prohib- victim of a c o rrupt culture ited commercial development that insisted on bribes as the on Pineda's field, seemingly cost of doing business. Nor dooming Wal-Mart's hopes. did it pay bribes merely to But 30 miles away in Mex- speed up routine approvals. ico City, at the headquarters Rather, Wal-Mart de Mexico of Wal-Mart de Mexico, ex- was an aggressive and creecutives were not about to be ative corrupter, offering large thwarted by an unfavorable payoffs to get what the law zoning decision. Instead, re- otherwise prohibited. It used cords and interviews show, bribes to subvert democratic t hey decided t o u n d o t h e governance — public votes, damage with one well-placed open debates, t r ansparent $52,000 bribe. procedures.Itused bribes to The plan was simple. The circumvent regulatory safezoning map would not be- guards that protect Mexican come law until it was pub- citizens from u n safe c onlished in a government news- struction. It used bribes to paper. So Wal-Mart de Mex- outflank rivals. ico arranged to bribe an offiThrough confidential Walcial to change the map before Mart documents, The Times it was sent to the newspaper, identified 19 store sites across records and interviews show. Mexico that were the target of Sure enough, when the map Wal-Mart de Mexico's bribes. was published, the zoning for The T i mes t h e n m a t ched Pineda's field was redrawn to information a bout s p ecific allow Wal-Mart's store. bribes against permit records Problem solved. for each site. Clear patterns Wal-Mart de Mexico broke emerged. Over and over, for ground months later, provok- example, the dates of bribe ing fierce opposition. Protest- p ayments c o i ncided w i t h ers decriedthe very idea of a dates when critical permits Wal-Mart so close to a cultur- were issued. Again and again, al treasure. They contended the strictly forbidden became the town's traditional public miraculously attainable. markets would be decimated, Thanks to eight bribe payits traffic mess made worse. ments totaling $341,000, for Months of hunger strikes and e xample, Wal-Mart built a sit-ins consumed M e xico's Sam's Club in one of Mexico news media. Yet for all the City's most densely populated scrutiny, the story of the al- neighborhoods, near the Batered map remained asecret. silica de Guadalupe, without The store opened for Christ- a construction license, or an m as 2004, affirming W a l environmental permit, or an Mart's emerging dominance urban impact assessment,or in Mexico. even a traffic permit. Thanks The secret held even after a to nine bribe payments totalformer Wal-Mart de Mexico ing $765,000, Wal-Mart built lawyer contacted Wal-Mart a vast refrigerated distribuexecutives i n Be n t onville, tion center i n a n e n v ironArk., and told them how Wal- mentally fragile flood basin Mart de Mexico routinely re- north of Mexico City, in an sorted to bribery, citing the area where electricity was so altered map as but one ex- scarce that many smaller deample. His detailed account velopers were turned away. — he had been i n c h arge But there is no better examof getting building permits ple of Wal-Mart de Mexico's throughout Mexico — raised methods than its conquest of alarms at the highest levels of Pineda's alfalfa field. In TeoWal-Mart and prompted an tihuacan, The Times found internal investigation. t hat W al-Mart d e M e x i co B ut a s T h e N e w Y o r k executives approved at least Times revealed in April, Wal- four different bribe payments Mart's leaders shut down the — more than $200,000 in all investigation in 2006. They — to build just a medium-size did so e ven t h ough t h eir supermarket. Without those i nvestigators had f o un d a payoffs, records and interwealth of evidence support- views show, Wal-Mart almost
ing, including indications of bribery in China, Brazil and India. Several top executives in Mexico and I n dia h ave been suspended or forced to resign in recent months. Wal-Mart has also tightened oversight of its internal i nvestigations. I t h a s c r e ated high-level positions to help root out corruption. It is spending millions on anticorruption training and b ackground checks of the lawyers and lobbyists who represent Wal-Mart before foreign governments. The company has spent more than $100 million o n investigative costs th i s year. "We are committed to having a s t rong and effective g lobal anti-corruption p r ogram everywhere we operate and taking appropriate action for any instance of noncom-
By David Barstow and Alejandra Xanic von Bertrab
Josh Haner / New York Times News Service
An aerial view of a Wal-Mart Bodega Aurrera supermarket also shows the pyramids of the Sun and Moon in the background in Teotihuacan, Mexico. Through confidential Wal-Mart documents, The New York Times has identified 19 store sites across Mexico that were the target of Wal-Mart de Mexico's bribes. surely would not have been examining all 27 of its foreign allowed to build in Pineda's markets. It has already found field. potentially serious wrongdoThe Teotihuacan case also raises new questions about the way Wal-Mart's leaders in the United States responded toevidence ofwidespread corruption i n t h ei r l a r gest foreign subsidiary. Wal-Mart's leadership was well aware of t h e p r otests here in 2004. (The controversy was covered by several news outlets in th e U n ited States, including The Times.) From the start, protest leaders insisted that corruption s urely played a role in t h e store's p e rmits. A l t h ough woefully short on specifics, their c omplaints p r ompted m ultiple i n vestigations b y Mexican authorities. One of those investigations was still under way when Wal-Mart's top executives first learned of Cicero'saccount of bribes in Teotihuacan (pronounced Tay-o-tea-wah-KHAN). But W a l -Mart's l e aders did not tell Mexican authorities about h i s a l l egations, I I I I not even after their own investigators concluded there was "reasonable suspicion" to believe laws had been violated, records and interviews show. Unaware of this new evidence, Mexican investigators said they could find no wrongdoing in Teotihuacan. Wal-Mart has been under growing scrutiny since The Times disclosed its corruption p r oblems i n M e x i co, where it is the largest private employer, with 221,000 people working in 2,275 stores, supermarketsand restaurants. I o I I I •
pliance," said David Tovar, a Wal-Mart spokesman. In Mexico, a major focus of Wal-Mart's investigation is none other than the boxy, brown supermarket in Pineda's alfalfa field. Eight years later, it remains the most controversial WalMart in Mexico, a powerful s ymbol of g l o balism's impact on Mexican culture and commerce. As it turns out, the store also took on s y mbolic importance w i thi n W a l -Mart d e Mexico, Cicero said i n an interview. Executives, he said, came to believe that by outmuscling protesters and building in the shadow of a revered n ational t r e asure, they would send a message to the entire country: If we can build here, we can build anywhere.
. •
Wal-Mart's own investigation In the United States, the Justice Department and the Securities and Exchange Commission a r e i n v e stigating possible violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, the federal law that makes it a crime forU.S. corporations or their subsidiaries to bribe foreign officials. Mexican authorities and congressional Democrats have also begun investigations, and Wal-Mart has been hit by shareholder lawsuits from several major pension funds. Wal-Mart declined to discuss its conduct in Teotihuacan while it is continuing its own investigation. The company has hired hundreds of l awyers, i nvestigators a n d forensicaccountants who are
Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B5
Weather, B6
Water project review vote today The Bend City Council is scheduled to vote
today on whether to pay the U.S. Forest Service's costs to review the lat-
est city water proposal for a $20 million Bridge Creek water intake facil-
ity and pipeline project. Authorization to spend up to $55,684 more on the Forest Service
review is one of abundle of items the City Council will consider in the con-
sentagenda. The cityalready submitted a modified
application to the Forest Service on Dec.5. On Tuesday, the Forest Service withdrew its
Bremont sentence or sex a use Former • Former RPA director gets 21months; for victim, 'Everybit of innocenceI hadisgone' By Scott Hammers The Bulletin
Describing him as "a stain" on the good name of educators across Central Oregon, Deschutes County Circuit Judge Michael Sullivan sentenced Michael Bremont on Tuesday to 21 months in
prison. The formerdirector of the Redmond Proficiency Academy, Bremont, 39, in No-
vember pleaded guilty by way of an Alford plea to sexually abusing a 15-year-old student at the school in late 2009 and early 2010. By making an Al-
ford plea, the defendant does not admit committing the act, but acknowledges the prosecution would likely be able to prove the charge. The victim, who has since graduated and is attending college out of state, came forward with her allegations in February, leading to Bremont's arrest. Bremont also pleaded guilty and was sentenced on two additional charges Tuesday. In October, he was arrested for eluding an Oregon State trooperatspeeds greater than 100 mph.
Also in November, he was charged with first-degree theft for stealing Bremont comp u ters and other equipment from the RPA and selling them online. Under the terms of his plea deal with prosecutors, Bremont wassentenced to 19 months in prison for the sex charges and another 60 days for attempting to elude the trooper. The theft charge earned him a 10-day sentence, to be served concurrently, and an order to pay $50,000 in restitution to the RPA. Bremont is also serving a 30-day sentence forsexually
abusing a 17-year-old female student at Central Linn High School in Halsey when he was principal there in 2005 and 2006. His abuse of the Central Linn student was brought to light by investigators looking into the Redmond allegations last spring The former Redmond student whom Bremont abused addressed the court Tuesday, describing her difficult decision to go to the police and how the experience has affected her over the last three years. She said that as news of Bremont'sarrestbecame public, much of the community was unwilling to believe her claims could be true. SeeBremont/B3
previous decision to issue a special use permit for the city project in order to consider the latest application. City
officials announced in mid-Novemberthat they would scale back
a previous plan approved by the Forest Service, after a federal
judge halted the project while considering a legal challenge to it. The
previous Forest Service environmental review cost the city $81,800,
according to a city staff report. That plan would have allowed the city to take up to 21 cubic
feet of water per second from Bridge Creekand Tumalo Creek, anincrease from the current city limit of 18.2 cubic
feet per second. The latest city application
going through Forest Service environmental review would maintain the existing 18.2 cubic
feet per second cap. The meeting is at 7 p.m. today at City Hall, 710 N.W. Wall Street, Bend. The Forest Service
will accept public comments on the modified
city proposal beginning Dec. 20, according to a news releaseTuesday. The public comment period ends Jan. 25.
Andy Tulhs/The Bulletin
Betty Borgen, executive assistant to Redmond's city manager, is retiring after 20 years in the job. Over the years, she's seen many changes as the city's population has more than doubled.
mon 's 'irre acea e' e or e n c aln 1 Ul S
For more information, visit
/nepa/project list.php? forest=110601, or call project leader Rod Bonacker at 541-383-4761.
Crash near La pine injures1 A Bend woman whose van caught fire in
a four-vehicle crash on U.S. Highway 97 north
of La Pine onTuesday afternoon suffered nonlife-threatening injuries. According to Oregon State Police, at around
1:45 p.m., a southbound pickup driven by Frances Sittel, 62, of La
Pine, lost control on the icy highway and struck
a passenger car driven by Michelle Keefer, 37, of Roseburg. In turn, Keefer's truck struck
a car driven by Danny Lowery, 72, of La Pine. Sittel's truck spun into the northbound lane and crashed into a northbound van driven by Lisa Stewart, 48, of
Bend, police said. Stewart's van caught fire in the middle of the highway, while Sittel's truck came to rest in
By Leslie Pugmire Hole The Bulletin
It seemed just another proclamation, one of hundreds BettyBorgen witnessed during her 20-year tenure as assistant to the city manager of Redmond. But from her place at the back of the council chambers Dec. 11, Borgen watched in surprise as the City Council called the vote. It was unanimous: Dec. 19, 2012, will forever be known in Redmond as Betty Borgen
Day. "That was fun," said Redmond Mayor George En-
More briefing, B3
ceiling." Four years after she started, City Hall was moved across the street into a new space for what supposed to be five years, while a brand-new City Hall was constructeda move that never happened. In those early years, City Hall had only a couple of computers, Borgen said, and none were networked to each other or the outside world. See Redmond/B2
What Bettysaw • 1,449City Council meetings • Adoption of952 resolutions and
556 ordinances • Swearing in of6 mayors and40 city councilors • Hiring of5 city managers • Population increase of
246% • Addition of 5 new city
commissions • 21new stoplights
The Bulletin
A woman who worked for three months as a nurse for St. Charles Bend has sued the hospital for $250,000, al-
leging she was fired for reporting her co-workers' misdeeds. Sonia Anderson worked as a registered nurse focused on wound and ostomy care at St. Charles Bend between May 2011 and July 2011. According to the lawsuit filed in Deschutes County, she has 18 years of nursing experience. Anderson was hired half time, but according to the lawsuit was routinely scheduled for more work. When she asked to be paid overtime for the additional hours or to have her position changed to full time, she was rebuffed. Beginning during her orientation, Anderson experienced problems. According to the lawsuit, when she was shadowing another registered nurse during orientation, Anderson described a male patient's wound as caused by friction from the bedsheets. The co-worker said she would characterize the wound as a pressure ulcer so the hospital could get Medicare approval to pay for a special bed. "Medicare would not approve a specialty bed for friction wounds," the lawsuit states. "(Anderson) informed her manager of the incident and that she believed it to be Medicare fraud." That same month, Anderson and a co-worker were changing a dressing witha vacuum pump attached. According to the lawsuit, both agreed the vacuum pump was no longer necessary, but Anderson's co-worker said that because a doctor had ordered a replacement, she would still replace it. Anderson reported it to her supervisor, the lawsuit states, because she felt the expensive treatment was unnecessary. The following month, Anderson discovered that a newly hired employee was cutting away dead tissue from wounds without certification. Anderson told a colleague and a manager about the issue. That same month, Anderson told her manager and other co-workers that nurses were entering "wound care consults" in patient charts using a physician's name, even though the physician hadn't been consulted. SeeSuit/B3
ply of them," Tanner Wild, 10, said. "I think it's cool because a lot A sk th e s t udents i n E m i l y of schools don't have iPads. So I Curfew's fourth-grade class, and think we're lucky." they'll tell you from firsthand exFollowing a nationwide trend, perience: rubber bands can be a iPads have started cropping up pain. in Bend-La Pine School District They can snap when you pull classrooms this year, thanks in them too far. They can hurt when part to a new iPad loaner library others fling them across the room established by the district. The liat you. And eventually, you run brary has a total of 58 iPads, and out of them. any teacher in the district can But students in Curfew's Lava check them out, typically for two Ridge Elementary class didn't have or three weeks. to deal with any of those problems Most of the iPads were donated during a recent math lesson using by local organizations, like the rubber bands and peg boards, as Education Foundation for Bendthe lesson was entirely virtual. La Pine Schools and Bank of the "The rubber bands never break Cascades. and you have an everlasting supSeeiPads/B2 The Bulletin
exit her van safely, and was taken byambulance
— From staff reports
charge of running over with the trash can when I heard the telltale trickling of the water coming through the
By Sheila G. Miller
By Megan Kehoe
highway. Stewart was able to
The crash closed the highway for one hour.
dicott, sharing the same wide grin as the other councilors. "It's hard to surprise you, Betty." Accoladesfollowed from city staff and elected officials, all pointing to Borgen's invaluable service to the city in a time of tremendous change. "When I first started with the city, we were in the old City Hall," recalled Borgen, a ramshackle building of lava rock and mortar more than half a century old. "The municipal courtroom was upstairs and its toilet was always backing up. I was in
St. Charles nurse sues hospital
Hot new classroomtool holds students' interest: the iPad
a snow bank off the
to St. Charles Bend for treatment. The other three drivers were unhurt.
OUR SCHOOLS, OUR STUDENTS Educational newsand activities, and local kids and their achievements. • School Notes and submission info,B2
Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
Fourth-grade teacher Emily Curfew helps her students Nicoli Blackwood, left, and Owen Baker make congruent shapes on their iPad on a recent afternoon at Lava Ridge Elementary School.
Email events at least 10 days before publication date to or click on "Submit an Event" at Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-6 p.m.; GRIMES CHRISTMAS SCENE: A Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. display of lighted and mechanical Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 Christmas decorations; open or through Dec. 24; free; 2-6 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. BISON EXHIBIT TOUR:Explore the significance of bison on a guided Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 tour of the exhibit "Bison: American or grimes© Icon"; $3, free for museum "HOLY LANDTO MIDDLE EAST": members;11 a.m. and1 p.m.; High Peter Lumsdaine discusses the Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. "Environment and World Context" Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754. of the Middle East and the global KNOW HEROES:Maggie Triplett energy infrastructure; free; 5:30 discusses the roles of heroes, p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, specifically those of the American 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-382West, in "Heroes and Why WeNeed 4401. Them";free;6 p.m .;EastBend "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: LA CLEMENZA Dl TITO": Starring Lucy Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-312-1032 or www Crowe, Barbara Frittoli and Elina Garanca in an encore performance HOLIDAYSOCIAL AND READERS of Mozart's masterpiece; opera SHOWCASE:Central Oregon performance transmitted in high definition; $18; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Writers Guild members read Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. from their works; free; 6:30 p.m.; Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382- Central Oregon Community College, Redmond campus,2030 6347. S.E. College Loop, Redmond; WORLD'S FINEST:The Portland541-923-0896 or www.central based reggae, funk and bluegrass act performs; free; 7 p.m.; MAGIC SHOW: Mr. Magic presents McMenamins Old St. Francis an evening of humor, interaction School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; and magic; $5, free ages12 and 541-382-5174 or www younger with an adult; 7 p.m.; Sunriver Lodge, North Pole,17728 "THE SANTALANDDIARIES": Abbot Drive; 800-486-8591 A presentation of the humorous or story of David Sedaris' stint as a traditions. Christmas elf at Macy's; $12; 8 "SHAUN PALMER:THE p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 MISERABLE CHAMPION":A screening of the film about the or professional snowboarder and action sports hero; proceeds benefit the Central Oregon Trail THURSDAY Alliance; $5; 9 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. GRIMES CHRISTMAS SCENE:A Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or
she's been known to stay up all night in order to get a high
Contlnued from B1 City staff shared spacewith the police department — and the jail. Change is a constant Borgen, 68, has become comfortable with. "This is a job with tremendous variety," she said. "I really enjoy that." She even appreciates the never-ending parade of personnel changes:the five city managers, 40 city councilors and innumerable City Hall staffers and department heads who have come and gone over the years. "It forces us to keep looking at how we do things and how we can do it better," said Borgen.
Keeper of knowledge Stability,
acc o rding
How to submit Teen feats:Kids recognized recently for academic achievements or for participation in clubs, choirs or volunteer groups. (Please submit a photo.) Contact: 541-383-0358,
youth© Mail:P.O. Box6020, Bend, OR 97708
Other schoolnotes: College announcements, military graduations or
training completions, reunion announcements. Contact: 541-383-0358, bulletin©
Story ideas School briefs:Items and announcements of general interest. Contact: 541-633-2161,
news© Student profiles:Know of a kid with a compelling
story? Contact: 541-383-0354,
MILITARY NOTES Air Force Airman Michael Merrellgraduatedfrombasic military training at Lackland Air Force Basein San Antonio. He is a2003 graduate of Mountain View High School and the
son of DonaldandRobin Merrell, of Walnut Shade, Mo.
Air Force AirmanMaricella Ruiz graduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base inSan Antonio. She is a2009 graduate of Woodburn High School and the
daughter ofMartin Ruiz,ofWoodburn, and LupeTenorio-Ruiz, of Madras.
Pawz One; $10; 9 p.m., doors open at 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-7882989 or ESCAPE TO THE MOON: Live music by Hobbs; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3888331 or www.silvermoonbrewing .com.
FRIDAY THETRAIN MAN: Watch Michael Lavrich's extensive collection of toy trains running on a track and ask questions; free; 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2-6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-6177050 or www.deschuteslibrary .org/calendar. GRIMES CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes© "A CHRISTMAS CAROL": Cascades Theatrical Company presents an adaptation of Charles Dickens' classic holiday tale; $24, $14 students and children, plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www "FLOW STATE": A screening of the Warren Miller film about skiing and snowboarding; $10; 7:30 p.m.; Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Drive; 800-486-8591 or www "THE SANTALAND DIARIES": A presentation of the humorous story of David Sedaris' stint as a Christmas elf at Macy's; $12; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-3129626 or www.2ndstreettheater .com. APOCALYPSE PARTY:Live m usic bythe High Desert Hooligans, Open Defiance and Sons of Dirt; $3; 8 p.m.; Big T's, 413 S.W. Glacier Ave., Redmond; 541-504-3864.
Submitted photo
Brad Kent plays Jacob Marley and AlanMaxim plays Ebenezer Scrooge in Cascade Theatrical Company's "A Christmas Carol" at the Tower Theatre. END OFTHEWORLD PARTY: Live music by Boxcar Stringband and The Rum and the Sea; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or thehornedhand. END OFTHEWORLD PARTY: Featuring live music by the Moon Mountain Ramblers, Pitchfork Revolution and Grit & Grizzle; with DJ Byrne, drinks and vendors; $8; 8 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.; Century Center, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-382-3245 or www CLOUDY OCTOBER:The Portlandbased hip-hop act performs, with Mindscape, Doc 8 Wyatt, Herin Rookery, Castiron, Cloaked Characters, Northorn Lights and
the chamber. "She was the first of us to really understand score ona game. computers in the workplace; "Betty's our kee p er of we'd go to her for every techknowledge, our in f o rmant," nical question. She's amazing; said Interim City Ma n ager she seems to know everything Sharon Harris. "She's where and everybody." we'd go nine out of 10 times if we had questions. If she Glue and grease didn't know, it was uncharted Borgen left the chamber for territory." the city in 1992, stepping into It was Borgen's talent for a newly created position. She information-gathering — and appears to be retiring the job relationships — that got her as well, since the city has no the gig in the first place. short-term plan to hire another Fresh from Gray's Harbor, assistant for the city manager. which she'd relocated from Redmond iscurrently searchwith her hu sband Jim a nd ing for a new city manager. "We'll absorb her duties into two children, Borgen eased into the business scene by other positions for now," said volunteering, then wo r king, Harris. "Why try to re place at the Redmond Chamber of the irreplaceable?" Commerce. Unsung is ho w En d icott "She was a tr e m endous describesBorgen, a city emresource for u s," s aid E r i c ployee so beloved that her emfamily, Borgen is so dogged Sande,executive director for ployers are as happy about her Redmond Community Development Director Heather Richards, has been Borgen's contribution to the city government. "We've had a lot of attrition over the years, so losing Betty means we're losing a lot," said Richards. "When we have legislators come into town, Betty is the one who knows them; relationships, you c an't r e place that." Borgen is the go-to information person in Redmond. Need to know how much the Latino population has increased in R edmond since 1990? Who to call when you have a complaint about a city park, the history of a particular building downtown or the name of Redmond's mayor in 1950? If she doesn't know, she'll find out. Ac cording t o h e r
iPads Continued from 61 At Lava Ridge Elementary in Bend, teachers are using the tablet computers for lessons in math, English and even science.This month was the first time that students in Curfew'sclassgota chance to use the iPads for a math lesson on congruency. Students shared the iPads in groups of two or three. Using a math app that displayed a digital
Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-3828436 or "A CHRISTMASCAROL": Cascades Theatrical Company presents an adaptation of Charles Dickens' classic holiday tale $24 $14 students and children, plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 54 I-3 l7-0700 or www HOLIDAY BREWGRASS JAMBOREE:Featuring the Bond St. SATURDAY Bluegrass Allstars, Blackstrap, the Bend Uke Group, Greg Botsford, INDOOR SWAP MEET:Featuring 70 Wild Rye and The Prairie Rockets; local vendors, with new and used proceeds benefit the Bethlehem Inn; items, antique collectibles, crafts $7; 7:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing and more; free admission; 10 a.m.-5 & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood p.m.; 694 S.E. Third St., Bend; 541- Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www 317-4847. THE TRAIN MAN: Watch Michael Lavrich's extensive collection of toy trains running on a track and ask SUNDAY questions; free; 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2-6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public THE TRAIN MAN: Watch Michael Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617- Lavrich's extensive collection of toy 7050 or www.deschuteslibrary trains running on atrack and ask .org/calendar. questions; free; 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2-6p.m.;Downtown Bend Public GRIMES CHRISTMAS SCENE:A Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617display of lighted and mechanical 7050 or www.deschuteslibrary Christmas decorations; open .org/calendar. through Dec. 24; free; 1-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. GRIMES CHRISTMAS SCENE:A Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 display of lighted and mechanical or grimes© Christmas decorations; open "THE SANTALAND DIARIES": through Dec. 24; free; 1-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. A presentation of the humorous Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 story of David Sedaris' stint as a Christmas elf at Macy's; $12; 3 and or grimes© "A CHRISTMAS CAROL": Cascades 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312- Theatrical Company presents an 9626 or www.2ndstreettheater adaptation of Charles Dickens' .com. classic holiday tale; $24, $14 students and children, plus fees; 2 JAZZ ATTHE OXFORD: Featuring "Patrick Lamb's Holiday Soul"; p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www $39 plus fees in advance; 5 and 8 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel,10 N.W.
hear people make disparaging
Ifyou go What:Betty Borgen retirement celebration When:3:30-5 p.m. today
Where:Redmond City Hall, Conference Room A&B, 716 S.W. Evergreen Ave.
retirement as they are nervous about how they will get along without her. City C ouncilor Camden King points to th e council's dependence on Borgen as measurement of her worth. "It didn't take me very long to figure out who the glue and grease was in the city organization," he said. Working for the city, said
Borgen, has been a privilege, with plenty of "h appy, family-like times." It hurts her to
— Reporter: 541-548-2186, IpugmireC©
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peg board, students dragged virtual rubber bands across Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin the screen to create shapes Fourth-grade students workon making congruent shapes on an that they then had to iden- IPad at Lava Ridge Elementary School, where teachers are using tify as being congruent or the tablet computers for lessons in math, English and science. noncongruent. Earlier in the week, the class had a real-life version of the lesson. the experts. It's just one more the iPad. They used a poetry "This is definitely better," tool we can use." app to drag words across the Alexis Tanaka, 10, said. "The Neighboring kin d ergar- screen and form sentences. "It really helps solidify their geo board pegs don't break. ten teacher Stacey Purtzer It's fun to be using something said students generally don't learning," Orrell said. else other than paper and understand a concept until Several l a n guage a nd they've heard or seen it at grammar apps cover multiple pencils." At the end of the lesson, least 100 times. Lessons uti- key componentsof language students were able to take lizing iPads help immensely instruction, Orrell said. Stuscreenshots of t h e ir f i n a l with this kind of reiteration. dents can write, speak, listen "IPads arejust one more and even record their voices shapes. C urfew t h en d i s played every group's picture way to expose them to it to get to listen to their pronunciain a row on the room's pro- to that 100th time," Purtzer tion with the technology. "I want one for Christmas," j ector. Students couldn't help sa>dL blurting out "Awesome!" and Federal Programs Direc- Alicia Medina-Pasaye, 8, said "Cool!" asthey sawtheir work tor Dana Arntson said the after her turn using the iPad. featuredup on the bigscreen. district's English Language Diego Lo pez-Gamez, 9, Learner program was recent- said he's used the iPads in his Secondnature ly able to purchasean iPad for ELL class only, and that he "A noted difference with every ELL teacher thanks to hopes they can be used in his these typesof activities is that an education grant. Twenty regular class one day, too. students are very focused." ELL teachers in the district Orrell evenhasherstudents Curfew said. "They're excited teach about 600 st u dents. take tests using l a nguage about learning." With the grant, many of these testing apps. Orrell then can Lava Ri d ge f i r s t-grade students are getting a chance email the results to herself, teacher Christina Ke nnedy to learn English using some saving her timeon grading. said that becauseit's easy to of the latesttechnology. But perhaps one of the bigcontrol which apps are loaded gest benefits of iPad usage in on the iPads, teachers don't For Christmas the classroom is that students have to worry about their stuOn a recent Monday in A n- find the technology fun t o dents wandering onto web- drea Orrell's Ponderosa El- use. "They love every day when sites that are not part of the ementaryELL class,students classroom lesson. Plus, the used an iPad for a lesson in they're using the iPad," Orrell technology is second nature subject-verb agreement and said. "Students are very excitfor many of the kids, even if past andpresent tenses. Five ed about it — and that excitethey've never used it before. third-grade students sat in ment in learning is huge." "Kids get it," Kennedy said. a row facing the projector — Reporter: 541-383-0354, "Within five minutes, they're screen, taking tu rns using mkehoe@bendbulletirLcom
remarks about go vernment workers, she said, because in her view they are some of the most dedicated people she's known. Retirement will be a new adventure that Borgen said she's more than ready for. As "late bloomer" grandparents, she and Jim are anxious to have more time to spend with their children, Erik and Kari, and two young grandchildren. She'll spend more time with her book club, in her garden and walking around Redmond — a city where she plans to remain. "People don't have a clue the amount of work Betty does," said Sande. "She's the foundation, she's the thing you build things on."
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Stateagency pushesnew canola plan
AROUND THE STATE Feds indict 2 Chinese men —Two chinese nationals tried to buy high-tech devices that could be used in missile and radar sys-
tems from a Hillsboro companyand illegally export them to China, By Jonathan J. Cooper The Associated Press
PORTLAND — The Oregon Department of Agriculture is pressing ahead with its plan to allow canola production in the Willamette Valley, but the
agency now proposes sharply limiting the amount that can be
grown. Clean-energy advocates and some farmers are eager to expand production of canola, but it has been banned from the Willamette Valley for years. Theyellow-floweringplantproduces seeds that can be pressed for oil to use in renewable fuels, but they also bring new pests and can cross-pollinate with sensitive plants that produce organic vegetable seeds. The Agriculture Department sparked controversy last year when it cut in half the region where farmers are prohibited
Beth Nakamura/The Oregonian file photo
The Willamette Biomass Processors plant in Rickreall crushes canola and other seeds to make biofuel and/or food-grade canola oil. The Oregon Department of Agriculture has reached a decision on its controversial proposal to expand production of canola oil in the Willamette Valley for use in renewable fuels.
a smattering of small fields would be tougher to manage from growing canola — a plan than large ones. The earlier that was ultimately halted by plan would not have capped an appeals court. the number of acres. The latest plan, outlined in But the change doesn't approposed administrative rules pease Frank Morton, a specialfiled Friday, would allow cano- ty seed farmer near Philomath la plants on up to 2,500 acres who said t h e i n t r oduction in the Willamette Valley if the of canola is harmful in any fields are at least three miles amount. He said he's concerned from vegetable seed fields. the cap will ultimately increase Canola fields must be 25 acres to far more than 2,500 acres. "I don't understand the coor larger, under the theory that
pelling reason for risking a very special industry, the specialty seed industry, for what looks at best like marginal benefits from growing canola in the Willamette Valley," Morton said. To minimize conflicts between canola and vegetable seeds, the rule would allow the Willamette Valley Specialty Seed Association to determine which fields are eligible for canola production. That gives
too much power to the seed farmers who have made clear they don't want canola, said Tomas Endicott, vice president of Willamette Valley Biomass Processors Inc., which wants to crush canola seeds into oil at its plant near Salem. "In theory, as a concept, I think the new rule is a good one," Endicott said. "But we need for it to be functional." The Willamette Valley's wet winters and cool, dry summers make it one of the best places in theworld to produce seeds for vegetables known as brassicas, including broccoli, cabbage and Brussels sprouts. The lucrative seeds are shipped to farmers around the world, and this region produces nearly all of theworld'sseeds for European cabbage, Brussels sprouts, rutabaga and turnips, according to a 2010 study by Oregon State University. Canola is also a brassica. Seed farmers describethe expansion of canola as a Pandora's Box that, once opened, will destroy their i n dustry. Wind can carry p ollen for miles,and seed farmers worry that genetically modified canola plants will pollinate with organic brassicas, producing seeds with no value.
Southeast First Street. Theft — A theft was reported and an arrest madeat11:19 a.m. Dec.11, The Bulletin will update items in the 600 block of Southwest Sixth in the Police Log when such Street. a request is received. Any Theft — Atheft was reported and an new information, such as the arrestmadeat11:43a.m. Dec.11,in dismissal of charges or acquittal, the 300 block of Northwest OakTree must be verifiable. For more Lane. information, call 541-383-0358. Criminalmischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at Redmond Police 12:13 p.m. Dec. 11, in the100 block of Department Southwest 10th Street. DUII —Tesa A. Millichichi, 25, was Criminal mischief — An act of arrested on suspicion of driving criminal mischief was reported at under the influence of intoxicants at 12:46 p.m. Dec. 11, in the100 block of 1:27 a.m. Dec. 10, in the 200 block of Northwest Ninth Street. Northwest Seventh Street. Criminal mischlef — Anact of criminal Criminalmischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at mischief was reported and an arrest 1:07p.m. Dec.11, in the 900 block of madeat1:27a.m. Dec.10, in the 200 Southwest Black Butte Boulevard. blockof Northwest Seventh Street. Theft —A theft was reported at1:53 Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at 5:21 a.m. Dec. 10, p.m. Dec.11, in the 2500 blockof in the 2700 block of Southwest Quartz Southwest PumiceAvenue. Avenue. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 3:21 p.m. Dec. 11, in the Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 5:40 700 block of Southwest Sixth Street. a.m. Dec. 10, in the 400 block of West Theft — A theft was reported and Antler Avenue. an arrest made at4:50 p.m. Dec.11, in the 700 block of Northwest Fifth Vehicle crash — Anaccident was Street. reported at 7:59 a.m. Dec. 10, in the 1700 block of South U.S. Highway 97. DUII —Louie Perry Cooper, 51, was arrested on suspicion of driving under Theft — A theft was reported at 8:12 the influence of intoxicants at10:30 a.m. Dec. 10, in the1900 block of p.m. Dec. 11, in the area of Northwest Southwest Elkhorn Avenue. Fourth Street and Northwest Maple Unlawful entry — A vehicle was Avenue. reported entered at10:13 a.m. Dec. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was 10, in the 1200 block of Southwest reported at 8:21 a.m. Dec. 12, in the 17th Street. block of Southwest Highland Theft — Atheft was reported at10:17 900 Avenue. a.m. Dec.10, in the 600 blockof Burglary — A burglary was reported Southwest14th Street. an arrest madeat11:57 a.m. Dec. Theft — Atheft was reported at11:27 and 12, in the 600 block of Southwest a.m. Dec.10, in the 300 blockof Rimrock Way. Northwest Fifth Street. Theft —Atheft was reported at12:41 Vehicle crash — Anaccident was p.m. Dec.12, in the1600 block of reported at 2:57 p.m. Dec. 10, in the area of Southwest Seventh Street and Southwest OdemMedoRoad. Theft — A theft was reported and an Southwest Highland Avenue. arrest made at 3:15 p.m. Dec. 12, in Theft — A theft was reported at 8:51 the 900 block of Southwest Veterans p.m. Dec. 10, in the 2100 block of Way. South U.S. Highway 97. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at5:23 p.m. Dec.12, inthe reported at12:05 a.m. Dec.11, in the 900 block of Southwest Rimrock Way. area of Southwest 27th Street and Southwest Highland Avenue. DUII —Dennis PaulMayer, 28, was —A theft was reported at 7:04 arrested on suspicion of driving under Theft a.m. Dec. 13, in the1200 Southwest the influence of intoxicants at12:05 Salsify Lane. a.m. Dec.11, in the 900 blockof Vehicle crash — Anaccident was Southwest Rimrock Way. reported at 7:30 a.m. Dec. 13, in the Criminal mischief — Anact of area of Northwest Seventh Streetand criminal mischief was reported at Northwest Dogwood Avenue. 8:37 a.m. Dec. 11, in the 800 block of
Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 8:22 a.m. Dec. 13, in the area of Southwest 23rd Street and Southwest Quartz Avenue. Theft —Atheft was reported at10:02 a.m. Dec.13, in the4500 block of Southwest Elkhorn Avenue. Theft —Atheft was reported at11:01 a.m. Dec. 13, in the 2500 block of Southwest Xero Avenue. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at1:43 p.m. Dec. 13, in the area of South U.S. Highway 97and Southwest OdemMedoRoad. Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 3:01 p.m. Dec. 13, in thearea ofSouthwest Seventh Street and Southwest Glacier Avenue. Burglary — A burglary was reported at10:58a.m. Dec.14, in the 400 block of Northwest Sixth Street. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 2:07 p.m. Dec. 14, in the 700 block of Southwest Sixth Street. Burglary — A burglary was reported at2:57 p.m. Dec.14, in the 700 block of Northeast RedwoodAvenue. Theft — Atheft was reported and an arrest made at3:29 p.m. Dec.14, in the 300 block of Northwest OakTree Lane. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:52 p.m. Dec.14, in the 3300 blockof Southwest Newberry Avenue. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 5:26 p.m. Dec.'I4, in the area of Southwest12th Street and Southwest Glacier Avenue. Burglary — A burglary was reported at11:42 a.m. Dec.15, in the 500 block of Northeast Negus Loop. Theft —Atheft was reported at11:50 a.m. Dec. 15, in the 300 block of Northwest OakTreeLane. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at12:50 p.m. Dec.15, in the area of Southwest Seventh Street and Southwest Glacier Avenue. Theft — Atheftwas reported at1:20 p.m. Dec.15, in the 200 blockof Northwest DogwoodAvenue. Theft — A theft was reported at 3:56 p.m. Dec. 15, in the 300 block of Southwest Rimrock Way. Theft —A theft was reported at 6:19 p.m. Dec.15, in the1200 blockof North U.S. Highway 97. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at7:26 p.m. Dec.15, in the area of Southwest Airport Way. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 8:33 p.m. Dec.15, in the
area of South U.S.Highway 97and Southwest YewAvenue. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at12:28 a.m. Dec. 16, in the area of Northwest 35th Street and West Antler Avenue. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at10:52 a.m. Dec. 16, in the area of Southwest 21st Placeand Southwest Airport Way. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at1:15 p.m. Dec.16, in the 800 block of Northeast Quince Place. Prineville Ponce Department Theft — Atheft was reported at 2:41 p.m. Dec. 17, in the area of Northeast Third Street. Oregon State Police
Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 8:32 a.m. Dec.14, in the area of U.S. Highway 97near milepost l58. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at12:25 p.m. Dec.16, in the area of State Recreation Roadand U.S. Highway 97. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at4:15 p.m. Dec.14, inthe area of East U.S. Highway 20 near milepost 40. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 7:40 p.m. Dec.15, in the area of West U.S.Highway 20 near milepost 98. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at10 p.m. Dec.15, in thearea of area of West U.S. Highway 20 near milepost 2. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 7:10 p.m.Dec.16, in the areaofOldBend Redmond Highway near milepost 7.
BEND FIRE RUNS Friday 7:18 a.m.— Gas leak, 1121N.W. Newport Ave. 11:34 p.m.— Passenger vehicle fire, estimated $22,000 loss, 20612 IndependenceWay. 17 —Medical aid calls. Saturday 19 — Medical aid calls. Sunday 6:36 a.m.— Building fire, estimated $10,000 loss, 64571 JoeNeil Road. 11:21 a.m.— Confined cooking fire, 2017 N.E. Full Moon Drive. 13 — Medical aid calls.
Continued from B1
For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit M/ww.bendbulletin.comlofficials.
Madras, OR97741 Phone: 541-475-2449 Fax: 541-475-4454 Web:
County Commission • Mike Ahern, John Hatfield, Wayne Fording Phone: 541-475-2449 Email: commissioffer@co.jefferson .Or.US
CITY OF BEND 710 N.W. Wall St. Bend, OR97701
Phone: 541-388-5505 Web: • City Manager Eric King
Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: citymanager©
City Council • Tom Greene Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: • Jeff Eager Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: jeager@ci.beffd.or.tts • Sally Russell Contact info to be determined • Jim Clinton Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: jclinton© • Mark Capell Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: • Jodie Barram Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: • Scott Ramsay Phone: 541-388-5505 Email:
Sept. 28, 2011, by a grand jury in U.S. District Court in Portland. The indictment alleges that Wan Li Yuan and Jiang Song created fake identities and pretended to represent a legitimate New York busi-
ness to purchase computer chips from Lattice Semiconductor Corp. Investigators weren't aware of the men successfully obtaining any of the sensitive chips, said Assistant U.S. Attorney Charles Gorber, who
is prosecuting the case.
Kitzhader signs Nike tax agreement —Gov.JohnKitzhaber has signed legislation requested byathletic-wear giant Nike Inc., in exchange for expanding in Oregon. Thegovernor's signature on Tuesday gives him authority to promise Nike that the state won't change
the method of calculating its taxes. State lawmakers approved the legislation during a special session on Friday. Kitzhaber and Nike have not yet signed a contract making the agreement official and laying
out specific requirements. Oregoncalculates taxes for multistate corporations based only on the company's in-state sales. Nike wants a guarantee that it won't later be taxed on its payroll expenses if it hires
hundreds more workers. Charter SChOOI CIOSlng —A Eugenecharter school that ran into financial and academic problems will close at the end of the school year under a settlement with the local school board. The HomeSource Family Charter School, with about 200 students in in-
dividualized learning programs, hadbeenoperating under a contract with the Bethel School District. But the district had twice this year
revoked the school's charter because of the financial andacademic shortcomings. BOdy reCOVered —The Josephine County Sheriff's Office says a rope team recovered abody Mondaythat was about150 feet over the edge of Hellgate Canyon. It had been spotted Sunday by boaters on the side of the cliff about 40 feet above the Rogue River. The Sheriff's
Office says it was amanwho was reported missing Dec. 6 from the overlook. — From wire reports
federal authorities allege in an indictment unsealed Tuesday. The men, who live in China, have not been arrested. They were indicted
Sisters revamps music noise rules After fielding somecomplaints this fall,the Sisters City Council voted recently to roll back to midnight the hour when amplified music perfor-
mances mustshutdown. During the Sisters Folk Festival this year, some perfor-
mance venueneighbors complained about the 12:30 a.m. limit, said Sisters City Manager Elaine Stein, even though event
organizers had consulted
Continued from B1 "My f r i ends at school stopped talking to me," she said. "They wouldn't believe me unless I told them the entire story." T he student s ai d s h e struggles to sleep more than three or four hours a night. She said she cries when she hears the name Michael, and has developedsuch a distrust of men that she cannot date or take classes from male instructors. "Every bit of innocence I had is gone," she said. Deschutes County Chief Deputy D i strict A t t orney Mary Anderson said investigators believe Bremont had a third relationship with a former student, though it did not begin until she had graduated and turned 18. A nderson said a do c tor who analyzed Bremont concluded he had failed to find his "social niche" until late in life and as a result, he seeks affection from anyone willing to pay attention to him. Several educators who worked with Bremont called him a "kid magnet" in interviews conducted after his arrest, she said. Some, she said,described his tendency to single out individual students for extra attention as you." "grooming behavior." — Reporter:541-383-0387, In handing down his senshammers@bendbulleti
Suit Continued from B1 And in July, according to the lawsuit, a patient's wife told A nderson that another nurse had hurt her husband while changing a dressing. Anderson reported the issue. Three days later, Anderson was fired for "poor communication and team interaction skills" with her co-workers and patients. According to the lawsuit, she was told the real reason she was fired was because she didn't fit in with
people are comfortable with," she Theamended municipalcode still requires special music events to apply for permission to hold
— Reporter: 541-617-7831,
Ctome I
In Nour
events past the city's normal 10
p.m. noise curfew, but it changes
the rest of the department. Anderson's attorney, Thomas Doyle, did not return a call for comment. St. Charles spokeswoman Lisa Goodman declined to comment on pending litigation. A pre-trial hearing is scheduled for March.
For YearEnd SPecials'!
the maximum shutdown time to midnight.
"It's good that people arejamming and enjoying themselves,
but we have to be reasonable," said Stein. "We wanted to change
the code to make it more clear."
— From staff reports
many of them in advance.
"In general, people in Sisters are used to hearing music
Find It All
around town, both from private and public venues, but mid-
night seems to be atime more
tence, Sullivan told Bremont he had let down his family, his community, his school and his profession, but most importantly, his students. "I take n o p l easure in sending people to prison," Sullivan said. "But I am happy that I am possibly saving another young person from being adversely affected by your selfish desires." A ddressing t h e co u r t , B remont a p o logized f o r what he called "my egregious actions over the last couple years and my poor decisions." Bremont said he was looking forward to his eventual releasefrom prison,and "becoming who I should be." U nder the terms of h i s sentence, Bremont will be required to undergo sex offender therapy,and to register as a sex offender upon his release. He will not be permitted to visit places where children under 18 congregate, or have any contact with minors aside from his own children. Sullivan commended the former RPA student, telling her that if not for her courage, Bremont would probably be working in a classroom today. "It only ends when somebody like you comes forward," he said. "So thank
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uess what topic the city of Bend scheduled for a Cp
meeting behind closed doors'? Just the prickliest,
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and nearly the most expensive project before the City Council: Bend's surface water project. Even in a slimmed-down version, the project was going to cost $23 million. The city has been holding orientation sessions for new city councilors scheduled to take office in a couple of weeks. The city held sessions covering legal issues, ethics, public meetings, land use issues, system development charges, dealing with the public and more. Those meetings have been clearly announcedand open to thepublic. But only after the agenda for the latest meeting was passed on to the editorial board on Monday and we started asking questions about it did the public become welcome on Tuesday. City Manager Eric King told us in an email on Monday that the briefing was "more or less an extension of the orientation sessions we've (been) providing to the newly elected Councilors as background information on the myriad of issues the City is tackling." He said it was not noticed because a quorum of city councilors would not be present. That's correct under Oregon law. But at least according to the agenda we got, five out of the seven members of the 2013 council were planning to be there. Indeed, five showed up. That's a quorum of the
city's future decision makers gathering to discuss one of the most important challenges facing the city. The meeting was scheduled to cover the basics of how the city's water system works. It did that. "We didn't want to get into risks, values and assumptions," King told the meeting Tuesday, because that should be a discussion for the whole council. Of course, it did get into that. It became a larger discussion about the surface water project — water rights, legal risks, demand for water, pipe diameters and more. After a news article in The Bulletin on Tuesday about the meeting, more than a handful of the public showed up. One could imagine what it might have been like if the public had been invited. City officials and staff knowthat the public is interested and concerned about this project. Councilors and staff have said the city has not done agood job of communicating about the water project. That makes it all the more unbelievable that this meeting was headed behind closed doors. Councilorsand staffdeserve credit for opening this meeting up, but the new council should enforce open government from the start.
Public should get better access toCathedral Rock
he proposed Cathedral Rock Wilderness Area is a cluster of basalt cliffs, curving juniper hillsides and a new, public, four-mile stretch of the John Day River. But the only way for the public to get in will be to float the river. The way the boundaries were drawn, there's a wall of private land blocking the ability of the public to get near it. That was the intent. That was what was agreed to in the proposed land swaps between the Bureau of Land Management and the two key private landowners. And that is why this plan for the wildernessarea should be rejected. The Cathedral Rock proposal is a win in many ways. The BLM's land in n o rtheastern Jefferson County and southern Wasco County is a checkerboard. Private land and public land are jumbled together in a mess. The land swaps fix that. Young Life, a Colorado Springs-based Christian group, and Cherry Creek Ranch exchange some of their land for BLM land. The BLM and wild-
life get solid blocks of land, helping to create the Cathedral Rock area and a second wilderness area proposal called Horse Heaven. Horse Heaven would be accessible by two public roads. Cathedral Rock gets zero. That was done for a reason. The property owners near Cathedral Rock complain that there have been problems with poaching and trespassing off n earby M uddy Creek Road. The road can currently be used for accessing some BLM land. The solution they liked was to draw the boundaries of Cathedral Rock with a sliver of private land between the road and the wilderness area. No parking areas. No access on foot. The Jefferson County Commission protested the lack of public access. The Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs did, too. The Cathedral Rock proposal is unquestionably better for wilderness and wildlife. But we don't see how Oregon's congressional delegation can support public land with a moat around it blocking public access.
M Nickel's Worth Voters have spoken; the rich should pay more
basis), neutral (revenue needed to sustain government and collection system does not interfere with economic choices of individuals, businesses, and corporations), efficient (minimizes administrative details for government and compliance details for t a xpayer, maximizes cost effectiveness for government
terests to maintain the status quo on the City Council. In none of the three contested council races did I am not a big fan of President candidates backed by big developBarack Obama, largelybecause of ers and Realtors get a majority. his centrist policies. I did vote for Either Jim or Jody would be emihim, primarily in response to the nently qualified to lead Bend into Republican war onwomen and the this new era of citygovernance racism of the tea party wing of the that the voters have chosen. Republican Party. and taxpayer), stable (reduces need Together, they h ave added a R epublicans l i ke M ara l y n for f r equent c h anges a l lowing grace note of vision to City CounThoma and Jonathan Kahnoski government, individuals and busicil proceedings. As mayor, either need to stop complaining and ac- nesses to plan ahead), and fosters would imbue Bend with the brilcept the fact that Obama won re- economic growth (free from obliance it requires to emerge as a election. They are out o f t o uch structions and penalties that deter regional influence on the national with the majority of people in this capital i nvestment i n d o m estic scene. (Bend is the largest city in country and apparently still can't businesses, which deter job growth Congressional District 2.) believe that voters rejected their and potential for greater wages; Both have shown a willingness program, their ideas and their can- free from anything that deters any to tackle issues that connect Bend didate. A clear majority of people individual's desire to work, save with the larger world, such as big in this country want the rich to pay and invest). money in politics and the testing of more taxes.Obama needs to hang The current IRS code fails to drones in Central Oregon. tough on this issue and make them meet all of these criteria. The Fair Both advocate transparency and pay their fair share. Tax eliminates income taxes, pay- realize that a need exists to encourMichael Funke roll taxes, corporate taxes, capital age wide-ranging citizen participaBend gains taxes and estate and gift tax- tion in city government. It's a tossup, but I believe Jim has es. It replaces them with a single Fairtax isa bettertax national sales tax on new products the edge: As a tireless advocate for and all services. It meets all of the city taxpayers and ratepayers, he Maralyn Thoma's letter, "Stop above criteria. Go to www.fairtax. has often been the lone dissentcampaigning and start govern- org and click on "Enter Site" for ing vote. How often do we see that ing" (Dec. 7), ended with a plea for more details. kind of independence and courage "throwing out the insane 73,000Pat Burkett in modern politics'? page IRS tax code and going for Bend In his Nov. 6 race, Jim Clinton a flat tax." The Fair Tax Act does again demonstrated his knack for exactly that! Clinton for Bend mayor attracting large numbers of votThe Fair Tax Act legislation has ers from across the political map, already been written in the form of For Bend's next mayor, we are winning in every one of Bend's 20 HR25 and S13. It is 131 pages long. fortunate to have Jim Clinton and precincts. It is simple (easily understood), Jody Barram as friendly rivals. Mayor Jim Clinton: the people's fair (everyone pays the same rate), First, a little recent history: On choice. visible (can see exact amount of Nov. 6, Bend voters rejected wellFoster Fell tax paid to government on a daily funded attempts from special inBend
Letters policy
In My Viewpolicy How to submit
We welcome your letters. Letters
In My View submissions should be between 550 and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification.
should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250 words and include the writer's signature, phone number
and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste
We edit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons.
and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters
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submitted elsewhere and those appropriate for other sections of The Bulletin. Writers are limited to one
the space below, alternating with national columnists. Writers are
letter or Op-Edpieceevery 30 days.
In My View pieces run routinely in
Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or ln My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©
limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.
Wildfire-fighting culture has the wrong priorities By Scott Linden he West was ablaze in wildfires, and will be for decades to come. Last year, the U.S. Forest Service spent over $1.4 billion on wildfire suppression and locally the Deschutes National Forest spent almost $20 million, mostly on the Pole Creek Fire. Make no mistake, fighting fires is big business. And while careless humans and Mother Nature are certainly the cause of the fire, there is a fundamental reason we should hope our lives and property aren't at risk from future blazes: It pays to let fires burn. A careful examination makes one thing clear. There are few incentives for subduing a wildfire quickly. But there are many reasons to prolong the "fight." Let's follow the money: Look no further than Sisters or Burns this year. A m i niature city mushroomed overnight, its sole eco-
nomic engine the business of fire. From boots-on-the-ground grunts to caterers,owners of retardant-dropping aircraft to purveyors ofshowersfor-hire to hawkers of commemorative T-shirts, they all make money only while a fire burns. The longer it burns, the moremoney they make. Even the way professional fire managers are deployed and compensated encourages long-lived "fights" with wildfire. While we choke and pray the fire lines hold, forest service staffers clamor to abandon their regular responsibilities (which languish, undone) for lucrative overtime, per diem payments, "hazard pay" and travel cash they receive for supporting the firefighting industry. On the other hand, a quickly beaten fire deprives out-of-town contractors, a few local merchants and professional fire managers of (collectively) millions of our tax dollars.
a built-in conflict of interest that in any other industry or government agency Look further up the chain of com- would come under more scrutiny mand and you find more evidence the than it does when the heat is on, so to system is broken. Like the lottery, each speak. national forest has a shot at millions of It wasn't always this way. Until the firefighting dollars. It's a free-for-all spotted owl logging ban, the value of based in part on how bad local "fire- marketable timber was reason enough crats" can make the crisis appear to to douse fires quickly and completely. higher-ups holding the purse strings. Funds from timber sales went to the The more threatening the f i r e, same agency charged with fighting the more dollars, staff, contractors the fire, so there was little incentive to and equipment local staff are able watch dollar bills go up in smoke. But to commandeer. When smoke bil- with the allowable cut a shadow of its lows, a bloated bureaucracy grows, former self ,the trees,brush, deer,elk amoebalike, with every decision sub- and squirrels are more likely to roast consciously influenced by an opportu- and rot on the ground where they fell. Don't get me wrong. I appreciate the nity to prolong the effort and generate more contracts, hire more personnel, hard work and dedication of firefightgrant moreovertime, hazard pay and ers, especially the Pulaski-swinging per-diem payments. smoke-eaters who put their lives onthe I'm not saying it happens. But as line. They should rightfully be leading lawyers like to say, there is at least the the effort for better fire management, "appearance ofimpropriety." There is as they are most vulnerable to bad
The more threatening the fire, the more dollars, staff, contractors and equipment local staff are able to
commandeer. management decisions. But they are also the front line in a multi-billion dollar industry built around a flawed model, administered by bureaucrats with little reason to fear real scrutiny. When fires are fought with the wrong motive, people die and property is lost. Ecosystems are destroyed. Our economy and our health suffer. Tax dollars are squandered. Wouldn't it be better to have a firefighting culture that focuses on those priorities than one so heavily influenced by the prospect of making money'? — Scott Linden lives in Bend.
Darrell Allen Capehart, of Redmond Sept. 17, 1957 - Dec. 16, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home, 541-382-0903 Services: A private family urn committal will be held at Juniper Haven Cemetery in Prineville, OR. Contributions may be made to:
Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701 or St. Vincent De Paul, 1616 SW Veterans Way, Redmond, OR 97756
ocia scientist
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By Emily Langer
When f a scist a u thorities learned of Hirschman's acIn a wide-ranging profes- tivities, he, too, had to flee. He sional life, Albert Hirschman crossed into Spain over the worked at prestigious colleges Pyrenees on foot, Adelman said and institutes, wrote some of in an interview, bringing with the most perceptive works of him extra socks and a two-volDessal "Dee" L. Scott, social science in his era and ume collection of the works of of Bend acquired a devotedfollowing of Montaigne. Nov. 17, 1922 - Dec. 16, 2012 economists, political scientists H irschman arrived in t h e Arrangements: andjournalists. United States in 1 941 and Autumn Funerals, Bend Through his books, lectures worked briefly at the University 541-318-0842 and essays, Hirschman, who of California at Berkeley before died Dec. 10 at 97, sought to joining the Office of Strategic Services: apply rigorous and r ational Services,the precursor of the No service scheduled at Dee's request. social-science scholarship to CIA. Contributions may be made clashes of political ideology In 1945, he served as an interto: and economic impasses — con- preter in one of the early warPartners In Care Hospice, flicts that have often fueled vio- crimes trials of German mili2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, lence and repression. Having tary officials. "Grave-faced," OR 97701. learned the stakes firsthand, he wrote a Time magazine reportPaul N. Burkley, Sr., of devoted his career to advancing er, Hirschman informed a GerBend economic developmentand the man general that he would be "shot to death by musketry." April 6, 1943 - Dec. 16, 2012 spread of democracy. Raised in Germany in the After the war, Hirschman Arrangements: a ftermath of W orld Wa r I , worked for the U.S. governBaird Funeral Home Hirschman witnessed the rise ment on the Marshall Plan to (541) 382-0903 and spread of fascism in Europe rebuild Europe. His first book, Services: in the 1930s and was credited "National Power and the StrucNo services will be held with helping save hundreds of ture of Foreign Trade" (1945), per Paul's request. lives through his work with the grew from hisexperience durContributions may be made anti-fascistundergroundbefore ing the war and was an early to: and during World War II. indication of his inclination to Partners In Care, 2075 His admirersfound him re- combine political science and NE Wyatt Court, Bend, markable in part because he economics. Oregon 97701, or maintained a f u ndamentally He spent several years as St. Charles Medical optimistic view of human na- an economist with the Federal Center - Bend, 2500 NE ture despite the tumult he had Reserve Board, which sent him Neff Road, Bend, Oregon seen. He rejected the notion that to Colombia for field work. The 97701. societal problems are intrac- experience led to a lifelong intable. His life, his biographer terest and expertise in Latin Jeremy Adelman once wrote, American politics and eco"can be seen as a parable of the nomics. Over the decades, he horrors and hopes of the 20th sharply criticized the U.S. govNov. 17, 1922 - Dec. 16, 2012 century." ernment's foreign-aid packages Otto A l bert H i r schmann that tried to attach Cold War Dessal L. Scott, 90, went strings to much-needed ecopeacefully h o m e t o her — his name later would be L ord o n D ec e m be r 1 6 , changed — was born April 7, nomic development support in 2012. Dee, as she was af1915, in Berlin to an assimilated Latin America, Adelman said. fectionately c a l l ed , w as family of Jewish origin. He was In a 1 984 New Republic born i n Pi c h er , O K , t o baptized a Protestant. article t i t led "Self-Inflicted Thomas His father,a surgeon, died Wounds," Hirschman said that a nd O m a "a precious capital of good will of cancer in 1933, the year Gibson. that brought Adolf Hitler to that we have slowly accumuShe was a power as German chancellor. lated in Latin America" among 30-year resident Hirschman left Germany to the poor and middle-class proof Ben d pursue studies in France and fessionals was endangered by and w as later at the London School of right-wing ideologues of the preceded Economics. At the start of the Reagan administration. k '~ 2 in deat h Spanish Civil War in 1936, he S pecifically, t h e art i c l e by her Dee Scott put his education on hold to join targeted the W h ite H ouse's D avid B . S c o t t ; m o t h e r , the anti-fascist forces that ulti- purging and underfunding of O ma; tw o s i s t er s a n d a mately lost to Gen. Francisco "people-to-people," self-help Franco. development grants from the brother. "I could not just sit and look government-supported I n terS he is s u r vived b y t w o daughters, Judy R e d burn on without doing anything," he A merican Foundation. T h e of Las Vegas, NV, and Dionce told an interviewer. Reagan administration "does a ne Turnow of B e nd; tw o He eventually returned to his not need to look for outside engrandsons, Jeffery Medina studiesand received a doctor- emies," Hirschman concluded. of Hollister, CA, and Noah It "displays an uncanny knack Perry of B e nd; tw o g r e at ate in economics from the University of Trieste in Italy in 1938 for self-inflicted wounds." g randsons, M i c h ae l M e — the year Benito Mussolini's His books included "The Pasdina of Puyallup, WA, and Marc Medina of B e llevue, regime enacted anti-Semitic sions and the Interests: Political WA. laws. Arguments for Capitalism BeNo services scheduled at H irschman served in t h e fore Its Triumph" (1977), "ShiftD ee's request. I n l i e u o f French army at the start of ing Involvements: Private Interf lowers, memorial c o n t r i - World War II and went under- est and Public Action" (1982) b utions ma y b e m a d e t o ground after the French sur- and "The Rhetoric of Reaction: Partners In C are H ospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, render to the Germans in 1940. Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy" He made his way to Marseille, (1991). OR 97701. where he became second-inPerhaps his m os t n o t ed Autumn F u n erals, B e nd handled the arrangements. command to Varian Fry,an volume was "Exit, Voice, and 541-318-0842. American journalist who orLoyalty: Responses to Decline chestrated the escape from in Firms, Organizations, and Europe of 2,000 Jews and other States" (1970). In essence, the refugees, including the artists book examined why some peoDEATHS Marc Chagall and Max Ernst. ple remain loyal to an unsatHirschman's nickname was isfactory institution and voice ELSEWHERE "Beamish," Fry recalled in an their opposition from within account of their exploits, "be- while other people opt to walk Deaths of note from around cause of his impish eyes and away. theworld: perennial pout, which would For example, in t r oubled Jack Hanlon, 96: Former turn into a broad grin in an countries, why do some citichild actor who had roles in instant." zens choose to stay and othBuster Keaton's 1926 silent Fry credited Hirschman with ers decide to emigrate? In the classic " The General" a n d being acrucialmember of the context of economics, why do other films. Died Thursday in rescue network."Beamish" rus- some consumers complain to Las Vegas. tled up fake identification docu- companies about poor service Samuel Keker, 95: Former ments for refugees and, having while others simply take their chairman and CEO of U.S. studied in detail the vagaries business elsewhere? News & World Report. Died of black markets, devised new Hirschman parsed the explaSaturday in Maryland. ways to smuggle money into nations for such decisions and — From wire reports France. the very nature of loyalty. The Washington Post
Dessal 'Dee' L.
Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits© Fax: 541-322-7254
Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708
Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m.FridayforSundayand Monday publication. Obituaries must be receivedby 5 p.m .M ondaythrough Thursday for publication on the second dayaftersubmission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details.
AndyCripe/The Corvallis Gazette-Times
Sandy McCulloch wears a sign in hopes of finding a wife in Corvallis. "People look for a wife for different reasons when they are 20 or 25 than when they are my age," he said. "I'm looking for
Corvallis man,82, a vertises search or wi e with asign By Canda Fuqua Corvallis Gazet te-Times
CORVALLIS Sandy McCulloch is searching for a wife, and he's not kidding. The sign around his neck, printed on paper and fastened by string and paper clamps, explains: "Wanted: a wife." That's in computer-printed, bold, capital letters. Additional handwritten details describe hisrequirements:She must be over the age of 60, love books, have a sense of humor and live in Corvallis. At age 82, McCulloch said, it's not easy to find someone to bring into his life. "People look for a wife for different reasons when they are 20 or 25 than when they are my age," he said. "I'm looking for companionship." Having acquired three exwives by the time he was 39, he learned volumes in the first half of his life about what not to do in a relationship. He was an emotional cripple decades ago, he said, but he has since cleaned up his act. The inspiration for his sign came last month from a whitehaired volunteer greeter at Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center. As McCulloch waited in the main entrance lobby to take a coffee break with one of the hospital's ministers, a friend of his, the greeter asked if he needed help. He responded no, but she checked in with him two more times as he waited. Finally, he replied in the affirmative. "There is one piece of assistance you can give me," he recalled saying. "I need a wife." Although he was speaking in jest, she took a moment to consider the matter seriously. She responded that t h ere were many single women
that worked at the hospital and that he should wear a sign on his chest indicating that he's looking. He didn't take the suggestion seriously until the following week when, once again, he was waiting in the hospital lobby for a friend. He ran the idea by a different volunteer greeter, who encouraged him to go for it. You wouldn't run a classified ad for a pet in an auto mechanic publication. Similarly, McCulloch doesn't stroll around just anywhere with the sign dangling from his neck. He wears it occasionally and only in specific places. He first mustered up the courage to put himself out there last week at the Old World Deli i n do w n town Corvallis. An event featuring live music and crafts for sale caused the restaurant to be more crowded than usual. Wearing a worn baseball cap that said "No Hats" and t he advertisement on h i s chest, McCulloch leaned back on a chair facing passersby. Men reacted with smiles and t h u mbs-up g e stures, some asked to take his photo and a few women offered to help with his venture. His sign led to a c o nversation with one woman that lasted the better part of an hour. Though she was too young to be a potential wife, they developed a warm friendship, and she agreed to meet him for lunch and help him find some candidates. "The response was rather amazing and delightful," he said. "It's the closest I've ever come to being a rock star in a room full of people." The local writer sells his published collections of nonfiction short stories at the Old World Deli during the noon hour on Thursdays, Fridays
and Saturdays. Locals may s pot McCulloch, wh o a p pears closer to age 70 than 80, dressed in khaki pants, a red scarf, his ironic baseball cap and a sign indicating his earnest request for a companion. McCulloch plans to sport his attention-grabbing sign in the hospital lobby, the Corvallis library and, perhaps, the Starbucks coffee shop. He walks fine on his own, he said, but his balance isn't what it used to be, so when he makes his rounds, he is usually assisted by a walker. To learn the essence of who McCulloch is, he says you should read three or four of his books and visit his residence at Benton Plaza. The low-income senior apartment doubles as his personal art gallery. His travels through the Mediterranean and what he considers the greatest city in the world, Istanbul, are documentedthrough Persian, Turkish and Arab artifacts, some dating back 800 years. With a Master of Science degree in zoology, he taught
biology in private colleges for about a decade. Although he has no formal training in psychology, he spent another de-
cade leading support groups from his home for couples who were considering divorce. He then became aninnkeeper after he built a house and rental units on ocean-view property near Encino, Calif. In this chapter of his life, he is a writer with a modest, fixed income that he supplements with book sales. McCulloch chuckles when he considers the number of responses this publicity may
"I'm not greedy, I just need one wife!" he said. "In all honesty, I don't know if this will lead to anything. If nothing else, it has been a lot of fun."
Workers rescuedfrom mountain The Associated Press PORTLAND — Four cellphonetower workers stranded since Saturday in foul weather at the summit of Steens Mountain in Southeastern Oregon have been rescued. They were brought down Tuesday in good health, al-
though tired an d h u ngry, said M at t F i n e , H a r n ey County's search and rescue coordinator. After their snow vehicle got stuck during poor visibility on Saturday, the four spent a night in the machine and the next day took refuge near the
9,700-foot summit in a concrete block building beneath a communications tower. Sheriff Dave Glerup said they had a generator, heat, electricity, o p erating c e l lphones and somefood and water. They hadn't been thought to be in imminent jeopardy.
January 20, 1920- December12 2012 s
Nelda GaleneKellogg, 92, was piloted her aircraft in the Powder Puff Transcontiborn January 20, 1920,in Harmony nental Air Race. She thoroughly enjoyedfriends Village,Minnesota. She and her three brotherswere raised on a farm and attended a one room school house until high school.
Shelettered as a high school cheerleader and was active in high school plays where shegot the lifelong nickname, Terry. Her family movedto the Pacific Northwest after high school where she met her former husband, Larry Trambitas, movedto Alaska, and had two children, Galene and Larry Jr. She worked in the Vancouver, Washington shipyards during WWII while her husband served overseas. Later in life she met and married William D. (Dave)Kellogg, a commercial airline pilot. She soon developed an interest in aviation and earned private, commercial, instrument, multiengine,and flight instructor pilot ratings.She worked as a flight instructor for Renton Aviation near Seattle, Washington, became Governor
of the pacific Northwest 99's (associauon of women pilots) and was personally responsible for the formation of many local chapters. She
and lifelong relationships that flying brought her
way. She also enjoyed yachting with her husband and friends and was amember of the Queen City Yacht Club in Seattle. She is truly missed and survived by her daughter, Galene Axelson, sonin-law, Dave Axelson of Redmond with whom she resided until her death, her brother, Arlan (Bud) Olsen, his wife, Debbie, longtime friend, Joe Morris, four grandchildren, Sabrina Laurin, Taree Wood, Lisa Laurin, and Dr. Mark Laurin, six great-grandchildren, two great-great-grandchildren as well as many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, infant son, Larry Jr., and brothers, Alex and TomOlson. On her final journey may theskiesbe calm, her landing smooth and loved ones waiting to greet her arrival.
Donations: in ber name may bemade to the Redmond Oregon Humane Society,
or Partners in Care (Hospice ) in Bend, OR Arrangements: under the direction of Bel-Air Funeral Home — Madras, Oregon.
W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.
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Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....6:23 a.m...... 3:28 p.m. Venus......5:42 a.m...... 3:03 p.m.
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SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 7:36 a.m. Moon phases
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low..............32/16 2 4hoursendmg4pm*. .006" Record high........ 62 m 1980 Month to date.......... 2.1 4" Recordlow........ -12in1964 Average monthtodate... 1.31"
Sunsettoday...... 4 29 p.m. F irst Ful l La s t Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:37 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 4:30 p.m Moonrise today...11:33 a.m. Moonsettoday ........none Dec.19 Dec. 28 Jan. 4 Jan. 1I •
Mars.......9:28 a.m...... 6:30 p.m. Jupiter......304pm......608a.m. Satum......3:20 a.m...... 1;49 p.m.
Average high.............. 39 Year to date............ 9.83" Average low .............. 22 Average year to date.. 10.47" Barometricpressureat 4 p.m29.92 Record24 hours ...0.94in1929 *Melted liquid equivalent
Uranus....12:1 6p.m.....12:34 a.m.
for solar at noon.
Astoria ........43/34/0.27.....47/39/r.....45/38/sh Baker City.......28/8/0.00....28/25/sn.....33/27/sn Brookings......39/33/0.13.....47/41/r.....46/40/sh Burns.......... 26/-6/0.00....29/23/sn.....35/24/sn Eugene........38/32/0.39.....46/36/r......42/37/r Klamath Falls ...28/1 0/0 00 ....32/24/c ...31/24/sn Lakeview........27/7/0.00 ...29/21/sn.....31/22/sn La Pine.........31/4/0.00....36/14/sn.....30/20/sn Medford....... 39/28/0.07.... 39/34/rs..... 38/34/rs Newport.......45/36/0.03.....47/41/r......46/38/r North Bend......45/36/NA.....46/38/r.....45/40/sh Ontario........36/23/0.00.....36/28/c..... 40/32/rs Pendleton......40/28/0.00.....45/31/r..... 45/30/rs Portland .......41/35/0.06.....44/40/r......43/39/r Prineville....... 31/1 7/0.00....36/1 9/sn.....38/23/sn Redmond.......34/13/0.00....42/29/sn.....38/23/sn Roseburg.......41/32/0.06.... 41/35/rs.....40/36/sh Salem ........39/34/004 ....44/37/r ...42/37/sh Sisters..........32/9/0.00....37/1 7/sn.....36/22/sn The Dages......41/24/0 01 .....37/32/r.....41/26/sh
0 0
Snow accumulation in inches
ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires
Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . . 42 Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-0.. . . . .28-39 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0-0.. . . . .36-54 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . 1 5 . . . . .79-100 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . 1 5 . . . . . . . . 77 Mt. Hood Ski Bowl..... . . . . . . 10 . . . . . .30-34 Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 . . . . . . . . 90
Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Wigamette Pass ........ . . . . . report
Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass.... Chains or TT, agvehicles Hwy 26 at Government CampChains or TT. agvehicles Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires
Y esterday's
35 24
Aspen, Colorado...... . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . . . . 19 Mammoth Mtn., California..... 28. . . . . .75-90 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . 13 . . . . . .40-52 Squaw Valley, California..... .. . 2 . . . . . 9-78 Hwy. 58 at Wigamette Pass .. Chains or TT. all vehicles Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . .24-60 Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . . 1 .. . . . .24 28 Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake......Chains > 10,000 lbs. Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . .15-18 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to the latest ski conditions visit: or call 511 Legend:tsrweather, Pcp-precipitation, s-sun,pc-partial clouds,c-clouds,h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind, f-fog,dr-drizzle,tr-trace
• 45'
• Klamath
47/fi 3TF
33 23
Yesterday Wednesday Thursday The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:
• 39 / 34 • •
City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m
Jordan Valley
34 24
at times.
35 25
rain and snow likely.
Rain and snow p north and central Ontaria and mostly cloudy south. Valeo
ounriyer• Bend ~4 6/ 36 4 4 4 4 ' ' i d . 36'23 44 4 4 4 • BrOtherS 36n4 316~3h +3h+ Oakndgewf v 4 4 4 Cottage „ 36n7 ait~ ax • 4 4Grove d 4 toll tv 99 • Burns '• La Pnt e 3 6n4 Ham Coos Bay 4 d 4 4/37 ~ ' 34/15 • 4 4 z,~ Crescent 45/37 • 4 4 4 d Riley Lake p Cr escent • Fortno«k 3mq 8 4 4 4 4 d d 4+ 29/8 4 • 4 Roseburg • Ch r i stmas.yagey 447/39 444 3 4/12 5i ive r 38/17 Frenchglen t I.ake 32/25 4 PortOrford I 47/41
+ P
23/19• Bq s h+4ako +
• Paulina 32n5%- 3F
CENTRAL Cloudy skies with
' 316
SiS t erS' Redmond vi 37/17
La Grandeo"
31/28 Union
Madras • M;„h R>8Rp p . .Ii JX
4 4 3
Warm Springs~ o PI
1"4 4 4"4"4 4 2 4 4 4 4,Eugenwff 4E Florencee 4
• Beach d~ tdr9/42~ d
Snow will ease up, just a f ew flurries.
A bit more
. Meacham JK 427/26,
pleyy Og 4
Snow becoming heavier, light accurnulation.
wASturia 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6, 4, w 6 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4, 4 4 47/39d ' d d d 4 4 2 4 4 d d rrt ah. 3K- Umatiila JX d d d d 4 4 4L48/39 oCannon Beachd 4 d d 4 4 trjyetJ 4 Thedxr 8' ~ 4 d 4 4 rae •
Tigamookd„, v " '
Snow is expected through periods of the day.
Tonight: More light snowfall overnight.
snow flurries through the
* * * ** * *
-* * * * *
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain
F l urries Snow
YesterdayWednesdayThursday YesterdayWednesdayThursday YesterdayWednesdayrhursday YesterdayWednesdayThursday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......77/41/000..77/31/pc.. 52/24/s GrandIlapids....40/27/0 00...43/37/c ..43/30/rs RapidCity...... 44/22/0.00...28/9/sn. 37/21/pc Savannah.......68/50/0.00... 70/49/s...75/45/t Akron..........42/35/021 ..45/40/pc. 52/29/sh GreenBay.......33/26/0.00...34/31/c. 35/20/sn Reno...........37/28/0 00..32/20/pc. 41/29/pc Seattle..........39/33/013... 41/37/r...42/34/r Albany..........45/36/068 ..40/25/pc.. 40/37/c Greensboro......58/44/000...62/41/s...60/34/t Richmond.......64/52/0.00... 60/39/s. 62/41/sh SiouxFalls.......31/21/017... 31/12/c .. 20/7/pc Albuquerque.....45/24/000 ..38/15/pc .. 40/21/s Harusburg.......54/43/0 01... 50/33/s. 45/35/sh Rochester, NY....45/41/0.40 ..40/31/pc...52/32/r Spokane....... 31/23/trace .. 29/26/sn. 34/24/sn Anchorage....... 8/-7/000... 10/-3/5....4/-2/s Hartford,CT.....45/37/0.80..46/27/pc. 43/37/pc Sacramento......52/38/0.00... 51/37/s. 54/42/pc Springfield, MO ..59/33/0.00... 60/29/t ..37/24/rs Atlanta.........61/45/000...67/47/5...60/31/t Helena..........30/22/0.00...24/14/c. 34/18/pc St.Louis.........60/33/0.00..56/37/sh...40/25/r Tampa..........79/63/000... 77/62/s. 80/57/pc AtlanticCity.....60/47/0.07...53/34/s. 52/41/sh Honolulu........81/69/0.00..81/70/pc. 81/70/sh Salt Lake City....37/30/003 ..29/16/pc. 35/25/pc Tucson..........68/38/000... 51/29/s.. 62/35/s Austin..........81/33/0.00 ..78/41/pc.. 56/29/s Houston........80/43/0.00... 79/56/t .. 56/34/5 SanAntonio.....81/41/000 .. 79/43/pc.. 57/30/s Tulsa...........62/41/0.00 ..67/30/sh.. 44/28/s Baltimore .......59/45/0.00... 52/38/s .. 52/37/r Huntsville.......59/37/0.00... 66/51/s.59/27/pc SanDiego.......61/56/0.05... 62/43/s.. 65/49/s Washington, DC..62/48/0.00... 53/39/s...53/3Nr Billings.........35/26/000...27/8/pc. 37/24/pc Indianapolis.....41/35/0.00 ..51/45/pc..53/22/rs SanFrancisco....53/45/0.00... 54/46/s.. 57/51/c Wichita.........61/26/000 ..St/24/sh.. 35/23/s Birmingham .. 62/38/000...68/53/s. 59/30/pc Jackson, MS.... 67/37/000 ..75/57/pc 60/30/s SanJose........53/40/000.. 55/41/5 58/47/pc Yakima.........34/12/000 32/26/sn ..36/20/rs Bismarck........30/19/008 .. 19/4/sn .. 16/2/pc Jacksonvile......72/51/0 00... 71/50/s. 81/45/pc SantaFe........41/18/000...31/9/sn.. 36/17/s Yuma...........68/50/0.00... 62/37/s .. 64/38/s Boise...........35/20/000...33/30/c.43/34/pc Juneau...........18/9/0 00...23/I2/c. 18/10/pc INTERNATIONAL Boston..........50/43/086 ..46/33/pc. 43/38/pc Kansas City......55/36/0.00 ..47/25/sh. 30/16/pc Budgeport,CT....51/42/067 ..48/32/pc. 45/41/Pc Lassing.........40/28/0.00...42/36/c..43/29/rs Amsterdam......45/37/007 40/33/pc44/42/sh Mecca..........86/73/000 .90/68/pc 89/69/sh Buffalo.........43/40/032 ..41/32/pc...52/32/r LasVegas.......56/44/000...45/31/s .. 47/35/s Athens..........57/50/047 ..56/46/pc .. 47/41/c Mexico City......73/46/0.00... 77/47/s.. 70/42/s BurlingtonVT....41/37/042 ..38/24/pc.. 41/32/c Lexington.......45/38/0 00 ..60/50/pc...55/25/t Auckland...... not availabl..e 73/60/pc.74/63/pc Montreal........34/32/0 71 ... 34/25/c.. 31/31/c Caribou,ME.....36/30/0.19..32/24/sn. 31/22/pc Lincoln..........50/19/0.00 ..36/19/ss. 30/10/pc Baghdad........66/48/0.00... 64/51/c. 67/54/sh Moscow ......... 3/-6/0.00.... 4/-5/c....4/-4/c Charleston SC...68/53/000...69/48/s...72/48/t Little Rock.......67/33/000... 67/44/t .. 51/28/s Bangkok........97/79/0.00... 95/75/s.94/77/pc Nairobi.........72/61/0.98..73/54/pc.. 75/52/s Charlotte........61/49/000...65/41/s...61/34/t LosAngeles......62/55/0 21... 60/41/s .. 64/43/s Beiyng..........28/I4/0 0025/I .. 2/pc.. 22/I3/c Nassau .........84/68/0.00...82/69/s.. 82/68/s Chattanooga.....61/43/000...65/47/s...56/28/t Louisville........49/40/000 ..60/53/pc...56/28/t Beirut..........70/63/000 .. 69/60/sh...61/53/r New Delhi.......73/48/000...71/49/s.. 71/48/s Cheyenne.......32/21/000...19/9/sn. 37/18/pc Madison VY I.....31/26/0 10...37/30/c. 33/15/sn Berlis...........37/34/0.00... 34/27/c.31/26/pc Osaka..........52/43/0.00 ..44/31/pc.. 46/32/s Chicago.........40/31/000...43/40/c. 43/22/sn Memphis....... 63/35/0 00 67/51/pc. 51/34/pc Bogota.........64/52/0 00.. 68/48/sh.67/52/sh Oslo............30/27/0.00...23/16/c.. 20/15/c Cincinnati.......45/39/000 ..55/51/pc...55/26/t Miami..........83/68/000...81/67/s .. 80/67/s Budapest........39/34/0.1 7... 34/29/c .. 32/27/c Ottawa.........34/32/077... 34/24/c.. 33/32/rs Cleveland.......41/35/033..43/41/pc...50/33/r Milwaukee......36/27/018..,40/36/c..39/20/rs suenosAires.....77/57/000...82/59/t.. 82/60/s Paris............48/43/0.1 9...42/39/c. 47/42/sh ColoradoSpnsgs.49/22/000...25/8/sn .. 43/21/s Minseapolis.....27/23/0.00...31/19/c .. 20/6/sn Cabo588Lucas..79/55/000..78/59/ Rio de Janeiro....91/76/0.00... 89/74/t. 95/76/pc Columhia,MO...58/30/000... 51/28/t. 30/22/sn Nashville........58/44/000...66/53/s. 57/29/pc Cairo...........70/54/000..68/53/pc.65/49/pc Rome...........55/36/0.00...54/39/s.. 52/41/c Columhia,SC....64/48/000...67/44/s...67/41/t New Orleans.....69/44/0.00..75/62/pc. 67/41/pc Calgary.........21/12/0.01 .. 20/3/pc,,21/-4pc Santiago........79/55/0.00...52/50/r. 69/56/pc Columbus, GA....66/50/0.00...69/47/s...69/34/t NewYork.......54/43/0.42..49/35/pc. 49/41/pc Cancun.........82/70/0.00..84/70/pc.84/71/pc SaoPaulo.......82/64/0.00... 78/68/t...85/70/t Columbus OH....45/39/001 ..51/46/pc..56/26/rs Newark NJ......56/45/0 54 ..49/34/pc. 47/40/pc Dublin..........45/32/0 00 .. 49/42/sh. 45/37/sh Sapporo ........34/28/035.. 21/13/sf. 24/I6/pc Concord,NH.....41/33/0.69..40/25/pc. 41/29/pc Norfolk, VA......64/54/0.00... 60/37/s. 66/42/sh Edinburgh.......4506/0.00... 37/37/r...38/36/r Seoul...........25/16/0 00 .. 24/10/pc. 28/I3/pc Corpus Christi....87/44/000 ..79/52/pc.. 60/39/s OklahomaCity...63/32/0 00...68/27/c .. 45/27/5 Geneva.........43/34/0 88.. 43/32/pc. 37/34/sh Shanghai........43/32/0.07... 49/43/s .. 52/46/c DallasFtWorth...79/38/000...77/35/c .. 53/29/s Omaha.........41/29/0 00..36/18/sn. 26/10/pc Harare..........77/64/000...67/59/t...77/61/t Singapore.......84/75/1.09... 86/79/t...86/77/t Dayton.........40/37/001..52/48/pc..53/24/rs Orlando.........83/66/000...77/56/s. 81/55/pc Hong Kong......70/55/0.18..66/58/pc. 73/61/pc Stockholm.......30/27/0.00..28/22/sn.. 24/20/c Denver..........44/29/000 ..25/12/sn.36/20/pc PalmSprings.....59/47/0.04. 64/35/s .. 64/38/s Istanbul.........54/46/0.00...55/47/c As/36/r .. Sydney..........79/64/0.00..84/63/pc.89/60/sh Des Moines......42/32/0.00.. 40/22/rs. 24/10/sn Peoria..........51/30/0.00..45/34/sh..38/17/rs lerusalem.......64/46/0.00... 62/46/s.56/45/sh Taipei...........64/54/0.00..69/62/sh. 71/61/pc Detroit..........43/34/000...44/38/c...45/31/r Philadelphia.....60/46/0 33... 50/36/s. 51/37/sh Johannesburg....75/57/0.01... 79/60/t...76/59/t TelAviv.........70/54/0.00...71/53/s. 61/51/sh Duluth..........26/18/002...30/I7/c... 25/7/c Phoesix.........62/44/000... 58/38/s .. 66/43/s Lima...........75/68/0.00 .. 77/65/pc.75/65/pc Tokyo...........61/45/0.00...46/31/s.. 48/34/s El Paso..........63/30/0.00 ..54/26/pc.. 47/23/s Pittsburgh.......47/37/0.03...46/39/s...53/29/t Lisbon..........63/54/000 57/56/sh 62/54/pc Toronto .........45/39/000...39/30/c. 40/35/sh Fairbanks...... -24/40/000 -20/29/pc.-25/26/s Portland,ME.....48/33/334...41/27/c. 41/31/pc London.........46/37/0 00.. 46/43/sh. 47/37/sh Vancouver.......41/32/010...41/40/r..40/33/rs Fargo...........28/24/003....22/4/c..10/4/pc Providence......54/40/049..47/31/pc.44/39/pc Madrid .........46/36/0.00 .. 56/41/pc.. 57/44/c Vienna..........36/34/0.00...3N29/c. 33/24/pc Flagstaff........34/30/0.03.... 29/9/s.. 40/13/s Raleigh.........68/50/0.00...64/40/s...66/38/t Manila..........93/77/000 ..84/76/pc. 82/76/pc Warsaw.........28/23/046...2N21/c .. 22/13/c
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IN THE BACI4: BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NE%S Scoreboard, C2 Sports in Brief, C2 College basketball, C3
Prep sports, C4 Baseball, C4
Rookie Lillar is lazing a trail in Portlan
A8 M's Manziel is
AP Player of Year Johnny Manziel ran for almost 1,700
yards and 30 touch-
,. Sh..
downs as a dual-threat
quarterback his senior
year of high school at Kerrville Tivy. Who would have thought he'd be even
• The Trail Blazers'point guard is the early favorite for NBARookie of the Year
more impressive at Texas A&M when pitted
By Anne M. Peterson
against the defenses of
The Associated Press
the Southeastern Con-
PORTLAND — Damian Lillard usually sticks to the rookie script, rarely showing much excitement. But when the Portland Trail Blazers' guard sank the game-winning threepointer against New Orleans last week, he cel-
ference? On Tuesday,Manziel picked up another major award for his spectacular debut season. He was voted The As-
sociated Press Player of the Year. As with the
Heisman Trophyand
ebrated by high-fiving a fan
Davey O'Brien Award that Manziel already won, the QB nicknamed Johnny Football is the first freshman to collect the AP award. Manziel's 31 votes
not afraid of contact, and he understands how to take advantage of situations." Popovich knows. Lillard dropped 29 points on his Spurs last Thursday in a 9890 Portland win. Then he hit the game-winning threepointer with 0.3 seconds left in a 95-84 victory over the Hornets on Sunday night. SeeBlazers /C4
seated near the bench. "I have no idea who it was," Lillard said, laughing. "He was the first guy that I saw." Lillard, playing with a veteran's poise and a rookie's hu-
were more than twice that of second place finisher Manti Te'o, Notre
m ility, istheear-
ly favorite for NBA Rookie of the Year. "I think he's a won-
Dame's star linebacker.
He is the third straight Heisman-winning quarterback to receive the honor, following Robert Griffin III and Cam Newton. Manziel threw for 3,419 yards and 24
Portland's Damian Lillard is averaging 18.8 points per game. Michael Conroy /The Associated Press
derful player," said San Antonio Spurs coach
Gregg Popovich.
touchdowns and ran
"His skills are obvious, but I like his demeanor as much as I like his skills. He really plays within himself, he's
for 1,181 yards and 19 more scores to help the
Aggies win 10gamesfor the first time since 1998
— and in their inaugural SEC year, too. — The Associated Press
'Bama's Sadan not thinking NFL TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — It must be December
because Alabama is preparing fora national title game and NickSaban's future is a popular topic. The second-ranked Crimson Tide started
practicing Tuesdayfor theBCS championship game Jan. 7against
COLLEGE FOOTBALL Ryan Brennecke/The Butletin
Bend's Christian Johnson (30) drives at a Madras defender to score during the first half of Tuesday night's game at Bend High School.
No. 1 Notre Dame with
By Rob Moseley The (Eugene) Register-Guard
All-America center Barrett Jones on the mend
and Saban laughing off rumors about returning to the NFL.
"We're really, really pleased andhappyto be
By Beau Eastes The Bul(etin
here," the former Miami
Dolphins coach said Tuesday after the first bowl practice. "We've
been able to accomplish a lot. But like I've talked about before, this is a
work in progress all the time. You've got to stay focused on the process to try to continue to
makethenextgamethe most important game, the next season the
most important season, developing the team
every year." Saban andAlabama will try to capture their third national title in
four years. TheTidewill practice five days before taking a three-day break
for Christmas. Jones won't practice until after the team re-
After Fiesta Bowl, Ducks' Thomas set to coachhoops
Madras' Devon Wolfe (32) shoots over Bend's Wyatt Beaumarchais (4) to score during the third quarter on Tuesday night.
This is the kind of basketball Bend High hopes to play the rest of the season. The Lava Bears made 27 field goals Tuesday night en route to a 69-55 nonconference victory over visiting Madras. Bend, which snapped a three-game losing streak to improve to 2-3 overall, led 49-45 less than a minute into the fourth quarter before a Connor Scott steal helped spark an 11-2 run that put the game out of reach. "Connor played hard start to finish," Lava Bear coach Don Hayes said about his junior co-captain, who led Bend defensively with seven steals and four deflections. "He plays a lot of minutes, but he never lets up." The Bears got major contributions Tuesday from all four of their upperclassmen with previous varsity experience. Senior Cody Connell went eight of ll from the field for a team-high 21 points, senior David Larson posted a double-double with 10 points and 10 rebounds, Scott added nine points, three rebounds and two assists to go with his defensive numbers, and junior point guard Wyatt Beaumarchais ended the night with eight points, fourassistsand no turnovers. SeeBears /C4
Circled on De'Anthony Thomas' calendar is Jan. 3, the day of the Fiesta Bowl, as well as another game nine days later. That's when the YMCA basketball team Thomas has signed on to help coach plays its first game. "Now that the season's about to be over, I'm looking for opportunities to help out in the community," Thomas said Monday, after Oregon wrapped up a second set of four postseason practices. "Just giving back to the kids." Thomas' rst fi order of business is, of course, helping the Ducks beat Kansas State in the Fiesta Bowl. He announced his presence to
the college football world the last time he appeared in a BCS game, with touchdown runs of 91 and 64 yards against Wisconsin in the Rose Bowl last January. Might more of the same be in store this time around? "My mindset right now is, I've just got to have a big game and be there for my team," Thomas said. He was there for the Ducks this regular season, though the statistics don't necessarily illustrate it well. Thomas ran 90 times for 720 yards and 11 touchdowns, his rushing total third on the team behind Kenjon Barner and Marcus Mariota, but his average of 7.6 yards per carry a team best. See Ducks /C4 f ' r i ii~<NWMM
turns after spraining his left foot in the first quarter of the Southeastern
Conference championship gameagainst Georgia, a 32-28 victory that ended with the Bulldogs
on Alabama's 5-yard line. — The Associated Press
Alabama coach Nick Saban oversees practice on Tuesday.
Bend starts fast, defeats Madras A T PRON G H O R N
Bulletin staff report MADRAS — A strong first half was enough for Bend High team to keep Madras at bay. The Lava Bears (3-2) scored 32 first-half points and held on to beat the upstart White Buffaloes, 48-44, Tuesday at Madras High Schoolin nonconference girls basketball action. The win was not an easy one for the Bears, who jumped to a 32-22 halftime lead. Madras
stalwart Mariah Stacona, who scored a game-high 31 points, was key as the Buffs (1-5) ate into th e d eficit, outscoring Bend 13-6 in the third quarter. But the Lava Bears' size and their ability to get to the free-throw line — they combined to hit six of 14 from the charity stripe down the stretch proved to be th e difference, said Madras coach Mike Osborne.
"We had to play well to stay in the game, and we did that," Osborne said. Forward M e kayla I s a ak scored 17 points to lead Bend, which improved to 3-2 on the season. The Lava Bears will travel to Redmond Friday to play Ridgeview. Madras will play Newport on Thursday in the
opening game of the Seaside Holiday Classic.
Please join us for an incredible evening of food and dancing featuring music by Out of the Blue. Dinn er reservations are available at 6:3O p.m. and 8:OO p.m. and the party c ontinues from 8 :OO p.m . u n ti l t 2 : 3 0 a . m .
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Barbara at Cal(same-day tape), Pac-12 Network. 4p.m.:NBA, Brooklyn Nets at
New York Knicks, ESPN. 4p.m.:Men's college, Xavier at Cincinnati, ESPN2.
4 p.m.:Men's college, Western Michigan at Duquesne, NBCSN.
5p.m.:Men's college, Oregon at UTEP, CBS Sports Network. 6p.m.:Men's college, North Carolina at Texas, ESPN2.
6 p.m.: Men's college, Campbell at Gonzaga, Root Sports.
BASKETBALL 4p.m.:NBA, Oklahoma City Thunder at Minnesota
Timberwolves, TNT. 6 p.m.:Men's college, Cal Poly-San Luis Obispo, Pac-12 Network.
6 p.m.:Men's college, Idaho at Boise State, Root Sports. 6:30p.m.:NBA, Miami Heat at Dallas Mavericks, TNT. 7p.m.:NBA, Denver Nuggets
at Portland Trail Blazers, Blazer Channel (Ch. 39). 8 p.m.:Men's college, UC Irvine at USC, Pac-12 Network.
Bucks at Memphis Grizzlies,
FOOTBALL 5 p.m.:College, Poinsettia Bowl,
BYU vs. San Diego State, ESPN.
6:30 p.m.:NBA, Milwaukee
7 p.m.:Men's college, Howard at Oregon State, Pac-12 Network.
ON THE AIR: RADIO TODAY BASKETBALL 5p.m.:Men's college, Oregon at UTEP, KBND-AM 1110.
7 p.m.: Men'scollege,Howard at Oregon State, KICE-AM 940, KRCO-AM 690.
THURSDAY FOOTBALL 5 p.m.:College, Poinsettia Bowl, BYU vs. San Diego State, KICEAM 940.
ON DECK Today Wrestling: Gilchrist atMadrasNovice, 5p.m. Thursday Boys basketball: Madrasvs. New port at Seaside HolidayClassic, I:30 p.m.; LaPinevs. Estacadaat Seaside HolidayClassic, 5:15p.mzCulver vs. Lost River at KlamathKlashin KlamathFalls, 8 p.m.; CrookCountyat Mountain View,7p.m. Girls basketball: Madras vs. Newport Seaside Holiday Classic, noon; LaPine vs. Estacadaat SeasideHolidayCassic, 330p.mzCulver vs. Lost River atKlamathKlashin Klamath Falls, The DaliesWahtonka at Sisters, 5:15p.m.; Crook Countyat Mountain View,5:15p.m. Wrestling: LaPineatBend,7p.m.; Mountain Viewat Ridgeview,6 p.m.; Summit atCrookCounty, 7p.m. Swimming: Redmnd, o Ridgeview,MountainView, Sisters inRedmond,4p.m.
u.E 0
u u u
Friday Boys basketball: Ridgeview atBend, 7p.m.; Crook County atMountainView,7 p.m.;Madras, LaPine at SeasideTournament, TBD;Central Christianat Echo,7:30p.mzSummit atRedmond, 7p.m.; Sisters atNorthalley, 6 p.m.;Culverat KiamathKlash in Klamath Falls, TBD Girls basketball: BendatRidgeview7p.m.;Madras, La Pine atSeasideTournament, TBD; CentralChristian atEcho,6 p.mcRedmondat Summit, 7 p.m., Culver atKamathKlashinKlamathFalls, TBD Wrestling: CrookCounty atWeisbrodt Invite in Lebanon, noon;CulveratRoseburg, TBD Swimming: Madras at Rainier Invitational in St Helens,TBA
UqH) ®~~L L y ULAII
14, Colorado13,Gonzaga12, Chatanooga9, Middle Tennessee 4, Vanderbilt 4, Rutgers3,South Florida2, UTEP1,Toledo1.
Men's college Tuesday'sGames
SPORTS IN BRIEF ing to newly released police reports. Belcher also complained
Jets denchSanchez-
about Kasandra Perkins, the
Mark Sanchez is no longer the
mother of the couple's 3-month-
New York Jets' franchise quarterback. He might not even be
the backup. RexRyan decided to bench Sanchez onTuesday in favor of Greg McElroy after
old daughter, in conversations
and text messages sent to a woman he wasdating onthe side, the reports show. In one text message sent in late Octo-
the fourth-year quarterback had ber or early November, Belcher another miserable performance wrote he "would shoot" Perkins in a14-10 loss at Tennessee on Monday night that eliminated New York from playoff contention. "I think it's best for our
team, and for this game," Ryan said during a conference call. So, it'll be McElroy under center for his first NFL start when the
Jets (6-8) play the SanDiego Chargers at home Sunday. Ryan hasn't decided whether San-
"if she didn't leave him alone."
The girlfriend told police that Belcher said "his child's mother threatened to take all his money
and his child if they split up" and "knew exactly how to press his buttons and make him angry."
chez or Tim Tebow — listed as the No. 2 quarterback — will be
BOStOn SignS SS —The
the backup.
with their strategy of giving free
Boston Red Sox moved forward agents short-term contracts by
COWbOyS'Brent to de manitared — A judgeordered
reaching a $9.5 million, one-year agreement with shortstop Ste-
Dallas Cowboys nose tackle
phen Drew. Boston also finalized a one-year contract with 37-year-
Josh Brent to wear an electronic
monitor pending his trial on
old reliever Koji Uehara, adeal
an intoxication manslaughter charge in the one-car crash that killed a teammate. State District
agreed to two weeks ago at the winter meetings. Drew hit.250
with five homers and16 RBls in
Judge Fred Tinsley also lowered 39 games for the Oakland AthletBrent's bond from $500,000 to
ics last season after being traded
$100,000 on Tuesday. Heor-
by Arizona onAug. 20. In40
dered Brent not to drink alcohol or drive without a valid driver's
games with the Diamondbacks, he hit.193 with two homers and 12 RBls.
license. Prosecutors say Brent was driving with a suspended license on the night of the Dec. 8 crash that killed friend and
EAST lona 87,Liberty69 Lafayette86, Arcadia62 Providence 79,Colgate45 StonyBrook64,SacredHeart59 UNCAsheville 79,Northeastern73 Yale112,AlbertusMagnus63 SOUTH Alabama A8M59, Missouri St. 47 Auburn81,TennesseeTech62 CharlestonSouthern72, ETSU51 Coll. of Charleston 76, OldDominion 65 EastCarolina62, Gardner Webb60
Stetson69,FAU68 Tennessee 78,Presbyterian 62 VCU76,W Kentucky44 WakeForest79,Furman55 Wofford 94, Jacksonville 52 MIDWEST Akron76,Ark.-Pine Bluff 46 Evansvige103, OaklandCity 69
Kansas87,Richmond59 KansasSt.78, TexasSouthern69 MichiganSt.64, BowlingGreen53 Nebraska 59, Jacksonville St.55 Nebraska-O maha74,Benedictine (Kan) 70
CS Northridge 93,SanDiegoChristian 63 California68, UCSanta Barbara59 Holy Cross73,SanFrancisco 63 LSU66, UCIrvine 60
EAST St. Bonaventure 79,KentSt 42 SOUTH AmericanU.61, Md.-EasternShore53 AppalachianSt 85, ETSU57 Bethune-Cookman 74, UNCAshevile 57 Charlotte57 NCABT47 E. Kentucky68,W.Virginia St. 43 Louisville 75,Washington St. 39 MoreheadSt.57, UAB50
gomerie and KenSchofield, head
Butler 67,IUPUI58 Cleveland St.67, Mississippi 55 Dayton90, Akron59
reporting Wisconsin will hire Utah State's Gary Andersen as
head football coach to replace Bret Bielema. TheWisconsin State Journal was first to report that Wisconsin athletic direc-
of the European Tour for nearly
30 years, were announcedTuesday as the latest inductees. They fill out the 2013 class that includes Willie Park Jr., Fred
Couples andKenVenturi. Montgomerie won theEuropeanTour money list a record eight times.
tor Barry Alvarez hadoffered
He received 51percent of the
Andersen the job Tuesday night. Andersen is in his fourth year
vote on the international ballot.
at Utah State and is coming off his best season yet. The18thranked Aggies won the Western
Athletic Conference andfinished 11-2, with a school record for victories after beating Toledo 41-15 in the Famous Idaho Potato Bowl on Saturday.
SKIING Hirscher winsslalom — Defending overall World
Cup champion Marcel Hirscher of Austria was fastest in both
runs Tuesday atMadonnadi Campiglio, Italy, winning a night
WaZZu'S Tuel to draft — Washington State quarterback Jeff Tuel has dropped a bid
slalom marred bythe deathof a gatekeeper. Hirscher moved past American rival Ted Ligety
to get a fifth season of NCAAeli-
into second place in theoverall
gibility and will focus his efforts on preparing for the NFL draft. The attempt to get Tuel a fifth
standings. Ligety, who has dominated in giant slalom this
year revolved around his injury-
lights, with thousands of fans lining the course, Hirscher skied the two runs in1 minute, 42.50
plagued 2011 season in which
he broke acollarbone early in the opening game.Hecamebackat midseason for two games, then reinjured his collarbone andwas out for the year.
Belcher investigationKansas City Chiefs linebacker
season, finished ninth. Under the
seconds. Hewasfollowed by Felix Neureuther of Germany and
Naoki Yuasa ofJapan. Therace was delayed for about15 minutes during the first run. After the
first eight starters, a 70-year-old gatekeeper becameill. Organiz-
Jovan Belcher wasapparently worried he would lose his baby
ers say he had a history of heart
and money to his longtime girlfriend before fatally shooting
attempted to resuscitate him for
her and killing himself, accord-
problems andmedical personnel aboutan hour. — From wire reports
4 8
West L 3 5 7 9
T 1 0 1 0
Pct PF PA 571 381 350 571 327 338 571 373 304 286 253 375 Pct PF PA 857 371 259 429 389 379 429 354 349 357 296 319 Pct PF PA 714 344 292 571 319 308 571 321 240 286 330 380 Pct PF PA 750 357 218 643 350 219 464 258 315 357 224 302
N.Y.Giantsat Baltimore,1:25 p.m.
SanFranciscoat Seattle, 5:20p.m NFL Playoff Scenarios AFC CLINCHED : NewEngland,AFCEast; Houston, AFC South;Denver,AFCWest; Baltimore, playoffspot
HOUSTON Ivs. Minnesota)
Detroit 88,IPFW58 GreenBay72, N.DakotaSt.37 IndianaSt. 69,ChicagoSt. 35 Missouri75,MorganSt 50 S. Dakota St.72, DelawareSt. 57 Wyoming 64, BallSt. 61 Xavier62,UNCWilmington 52 SOUTHWE ST Baylor 76,Tennessee 53
Lamar64,Northwood(Texas)19 Texas A&M-CC52,Comell49 Texas St. 75,KennesawSt. 61 Texas-Arlington59,North Texas50 UALR78,Tulsa51
FAR WEST BYU67, UCSantaBarbara39 Kentucky80, Pepperdine 62 NewMexico68,New MexicoSt.44 Oregon 72 Sam ford 61 San Francisco 71, CaiPoly67 UC Irwne 71,UtahSt. 70
Polls USAToday/ESPN Women'sTop25 Poll The top25teams in theUSAToday-ESPNWomen's collegebasketball poll, withfirst-placevotesin parentheses,recordsthroughDec.17, total pointsbasedon 25 pointsfor afirst-place votethrough onepoint for a 25th-place voteandlastweek's ranking: Record Pts Pvs 1. Stanford(25) 9-0 767 I 8-0
10 W
L T 6 0 6 0 6 0 10 0 South L T 2 0 8 0 8 0 9 0 North L T 4 0 6 0 6 0 10 0
Saturday's Game Atlantaat Detroit, 5:30p.m. Sunday'sGames Tennessee atGreenBay,10a.m. Indianapolisat KansasCity,10 a.m. NewOreansat Dallas,10a.m. Minnesota at Houston, 10a.m. OaklandatCarolina,10 a.m. Buffalo atMiami,10a.m. Cincinnati atPittsburgh,10am. NewEnglandatJacksonvile,10a.m. Washington at Philadelphia,10 am. St. LouisatTampaBay, 10a.m. San Diego at N.Y.Jets,10 a.m. ClevelandatDenver,1:05 p.m. Chicago at Arizona,1:25 p.m.
DePaul 87,LoyolaofChicago69
2. Uconn (6)
y-Green Ray Minnesota Chicago
6 5
x-SanFrancisco 10 Seattle 9 St. Louis 6 A rizona 5 x-clinched playoff spo y-clinched division
Women's college
12 W
Wyoming 71, Denver61
Winthrop78,HighPoint 61 MIDWEST
W 4 8
y-At anta NewOrleans TampaBay Carolina
San DiegoSt.76, Point Loma49 Uc Riverside91,Whittier 62 UCLA89,LongBeach St. 70 Utah62,SMU53
Montgomerie hasbeenelected
— Multiple media outlets are
Washington Dallas N.Y.Giants Philadelphia
Ohio St.65,Winthrop55 Purdue66,Ball St.56 W. Illinois70,Rl.-chicago54 SOUTHWES T HoustonBaptist100,ArlingtonBaptist 61 StephenF.Austin 56, Oklahoma55 TCU68,SouthernU.57 TexasA8M66,TexasA8M-CC54 FAR WEST Arizona 89, Oral Roberts 64 BYU95,E.NewMexico62
to the World Golf Hall of Fame by the slimmest of margins. Mont-
Wisconsin hires coach
AMERIC AN CONFE RENCE East W L T Pct PF PA y-NewEngland 10 4 0 714 506 315 N.Y. Jets 6 8 0 .429 255 320 Miami 6 8 0 .429 264 279 Buffalo 5 9 0 .357 306 402 South L T Pct PF PA 1 W 2 y-Houston 2 0 .857 394 280 Indianapolis 9 5 0 .643 309 358 Tennessee 9 0 .357 285 396 2 12 0 .143 219 383 Jacksonville 5 North L T Pct PF PA 9 5 0 .643 348 307 x-Baltimore W Cincinnati 6 0 .571 355 293 7 7 0 .500 302 291 8 Pittsburgh Cleveland 5 9 0 .357 280 310 West W L T Pct PF PA y -Denver 1 1 3 0 .786 409 274 SanDiego 5 9 0 .357 299 312 Oakland 4 10 0 .286 263 402 Kansas City 2 12 0 .143 195 367 NATION AL CONFE RENCE
Middl eTennessee77,TennesseeSt.48 NC State 88, Stanford79 RobertMorris66,Louisiana-Lafayette61 SouthFlorida72,Youngstown St. 54 Southern Miss. 69,Georgia St.67
detect if he has had anything to drink.
MOnty jainS Hall —Colin
Miami 72,UCF50
required to wear amonitor to
ber Jerry Brown. Brent will be
FloridaGull Coast86,Southeastern (Fla.)60 Georgia58, Mercer49 Hampton 72,AmericanU.65 Lipscomb 87,Austin Peay84
SC State 78,Coastai Carolina 55 Savannah St. 60,AlabamaSt 48 Stetson70,Georgia Southern 39 Tennessee St.69, Lipscomb60 Troy 88,Jacksonville83, OT UT-Martin87, SouthernMiss. 80, OT Virginia54,CoppinSt. 44
Cowboys practice squad mem-
Saturday Boys basketball: Madras,LaPineat SeasideTournament,TBD;Culver at KlamathKlashin Kiamath Falls TBD Girls basketball: Madras,I.a Pineat SeasideTournament,TBD,Culver at KlamathKlashin Kiamath Falls TBD Wrestling: Crook County atWeisbrodt Invite in I.ebanon, TBD; Gilchrist at RidgeviewNovice, 11a.m.
3. Baylor 8-1 716 3 4. Duke 8-0 681 4 5. NotreDame 6-1 645 5 6. Kentucky 8-1 617 6 7. Georgia 11-0 58 1 7 8. Maryland 7-2 515 9 9. Calilornia 8-1 4 9 7 11 10. PennState 9-2 4 9 3 10 I1.Tennessee 7-1 4 6 7 12 12. Purdue 10-1 41 0 14 13. Louisville 9-2 405 8 14. Oklahoma State 8-0 384 15 15. Dayton 10-0 33 4 16 7-1 3 0 3 17 16. UCLA 17. South Carolina 10 - 0 271 18 8-2 2 3 4 13 18. Oklahom a 9-1 1 8 4 21 19. Kansas 7-2 1 4 0 22 20. West Virginia 8-3 1 0 3 24 21. Nebraska 6-3 10 0 25 22. Texas A8M 6-2 96 20 23. Texas 7-3 8 6 19 24. OhioState 1 0-1 8 1 25. NorthCarolina Othersreceivingvotes: FloridaState71, Syracuse 32, lowaState20, Miami 18,Arkansas15,St. John's
Clinchesfirst-round byewith: —Win ortie, or —NewEngland lossor tie, or — Denverloss Clincheshome-field advantagethroughout AFCplayoffs with: — Win,or —TieANDDenver loss ortie, or —NewEngland lossor tie ANDDenver loss DENVER (vs. Cleveland) Clinchesfirst-round byewith: —WinANDNewEnglandlossor tie, or —TieANDNewEnglandloss BALTIMORE (vs. N.Y.Giants) ClinchesAFCNorth with: — Win, or Tie AND Cincinnati lossortie INDIANAPOLIS (at KansasCity) Clinchesplayolf spotwith: —Win ortie, or — Clinchesstrengthof victory tiebreakerover Cincinnati, or Pittsburghloss ortie CINCINNATI(at Pittsburgh) Clinchesplayoff spotwith: — Win NFC CLINCHED:GreenBay,NFCNorth; Atlanta, NFC South;SanFrancisco, playoff spot ATLANTA (at Detroit) Clinchesfirst-round byewith: —Win ortie, or —GreenBaylossor tie, or
—SanFranciscoloss Clincheshome-field advantagethroughout NFCplayoffs with: — Win,or —TieANDSanFranciscoloss ortie, or —GreenBaylossor tie ANDSanFranciscoloss SAN FRANC ISCO(at Seattle) ClinchesNFCWest with: — Win ortie Clinchesfirst-round byewith: —WinANDGreenBay loss or tie, or —TieANDGreenBay loss WASHINGTON (at Philadelphia) Clinchesaplayoff spotwith: —WinANDN.Y.Giants lossANDChicagolossAND Minnesotaloss SEATTLE (vs. SanFrancisco) Clinchesplayoff spotwith: — win, or Tie ANDN.Y.Giants loss ANDChicago loss or tie, or —Tie AND NY.Giants loss ANDMinnesotaloss or tie, or —Tie AND Chicago loss or tie ANDMinnesota loss
ortie, or —Tie AND Dalas loss ANDWashington loss AND Chicagolossortie, or —Tie AND Dalas loss ANDWashington loss AND Minnesota loss or tie, or —ChicagolossANDMinnesota lossANDWashington loss,or —ChicagolossANDMinnesotalossANDDallasloss or tie AND Washington tie NEWYORKGIANTS(at Baltimore) Clinchesplayoff spotwith: —WinANDChicagoloss ANDMinnesotaloss AND Dallas loss ANDWashington lossor tie, or —Win AND Chicagoloss ANDMinnesota loss AND WashingtonlossANDDallastie
NFL Team Statistics Week16 AveragePerGame American Football Co nference Offense
NewEngland Denver Houston Indianapolis Oakland Cincinnati Pittsburgh Buffalo Baltimore Tennessee Kansas City Cleveland Miami San Diego
N.Y.Jets Jacksonvile
Pittsburgh Denver Cincinnati Houston N.Y.Jets San Diego Miami KansasCity Indianapolis Cleveland
yards Rush Pass 432.4 3872 3868 374.7 360.7 347.6 345.1 3408 3396 329.2 320.1 319.6 316 2 3088 302.1 284.1
136.7 295.7 110.1 277.1 142.0 244.8 107.1 267.6
273.3 307I 320.4 3259 3298 3381 3489 352 0 3664 368 0 3689 369.5 3708 374.3 3768 3941
92.7 180.6 91.0 216.1 101.0 219.4 93.2 232.6 138 7 191.1 97.0 241.1 100.9 247.9 136.4 215.6 124.7 241.6 120.6 247.4 128.4 240.6 144.1 225.4 122.5 248 3 132.2 242.1 106 4 270.4 148 1 246.0
406 5 3979 3898 377.4 375.1 364.6 361.7 3589 355 0 352.8 350.1 349.0 332.0 3283 3059 264.2
104.4 302.1 99.9 298.1 164.8 225.0 89.9 287.5 80.4 294 8 115.0 249 6 162.9 198.9 115.2 243.7 121.6 233.4 119.6 233.2 160 7 189 4 108 1 240.9 110 4 221.6 160.2 168.1 119 6 186.4 80.0 184.2
89.9 270.9
120.3 227 4 96.5 248 6 139.6 201.2 105.1 234.6 109.2 220.0
49ers Char gers
NewOrleans Washington Atlanta Dallas N.Y.Giants SanFrancisco TampaBay Carolina Philadelphia Seattle GreenBay St. Louis Minnesota Chicago Arizona
Sunday,Jan. 6
139.3 180.9 97.4 222.2 112.4 203.9 93.1 215.6 121.0 181.1 82.4 201.6
Defense yards Rush Pass
Independence Bowl
6 7 Russell Athletic Bowl VirginiaTech 1 25 MeinkeCarCareBow TexasTech 13 13 Saturday, Dec.29 ArmedForcesBowl Air Force 1(R) I Fight HungerBowl ArizonaSt 14 5 14 Pinstripe Bowl W Virginia 4 4 Alamo Bowl OregonSt 1 2 Texas Buffalo WildWingsBow 2 2. 5 Tcu MichiganSt Monday,Dec.31 Music CityBowl Vanderbilt 6 6. 5 Sun Bowl 10 1 0 Ge orgia Tech Liberly Bowl Tulsa 2 .5 P K Chick-Fil-A Bowl 4 4 Clemson Tuesday,Jan. 1 Hearl of DallasBowl OklahomaSt 18 17 Gator Bowl Mississippi St 2 2.5 Nor thwestern OutbackBowl S Carolina 4 .5 5 . 5 Capital OneBowl Georgia 9 10 Rose Bowl Stanford 6 65 OrangeBowl FloridaSt 14 1 3.5 Wednesday,Jan.2 SugarBowl 14.5 14 Louisville Thursday,Jan. 3 Fiesta Bowl 8 8 KansasSt Cotton Bowl TexasA8M 3 .5 4 . 5 Oklahoma Saturday,Jan.6 CompassBowl 2 3 Pittsburgh
Tennesse e Buffalo Oakland Baltimore NewEngland Jacksonvile National Football Co nference Offense Yards Rush Pass Detroit
5. 5 PK
College Thursday Poinsettia Bowl 2.5 3 5 Sa n Diego St Friday Beef 0 Brady'sBowl 7 75 Ball St Saturday, Dec.22 New OrleansBowl 4 .5 5 E. Carolina Las VegasBowl 6 5 5.5 Washington Monday,Dec.24 Hawaii Bowl 11.5 12 5 Smu Wednesday,Dec. 26 Little CaesarsPizzaBowl W. Kentucky 6 6 C. Mic higan Thursday,Dec.27 Military Bowl San JoseSt 7.5 7. 5 B owling Green Belk Bowl Cincinnati 10.5 7.5 Holiday Bowl I (8) I Baylor Friday, Dec.28
BASKETBALL 7p.m.:NBA, Denver Nuggets at Portland Trail Blazers, KBND-AM 1110, KRCO-AM 690.
Listingsare the mostaccurateavailable. TheBulletinis not responsible for latechangesmadeby TVor radio stations.
Go Daddy.comBowl 2
Monday,Jan.7 BCSChampionship 8 5 9. 5 No t re Dame
AmericanLeague BOSTON RED SOX—Agreed to terms with RHP Koji Uehara onaone-year contract. CHICAGO WHITE SOX —Named Julio Vinas manager and Britt Burnspitching coachof Birmingham (SL);RyanNewman manager of Winston-Salem (Carolina);Tomm yThompsonmanager ol Kannapolis (SAL);PeteRoseJr. manager of Great Falls(Pioneer); BobbyMagalanesmanager of Bristol(Appalachian); Doug Sisson minor league ouffield/baserunning instructor;andVanceLawspecial assistantto player development. CLEVEL AND INDIANS—Agreed to termswith 38 MarkReynodsonaone-yearcontract. HOUSTON ASTROS—Designated RHPMickey Storeyforassignment. LOSANGELESANGELS—Agreedto termswith 28 Luis Rodriguez onaminor leaguecontract. MINNES OTATWINS—Agreed to terms with RHP Mike Peifrey onaone-year contract.
OAKLANDATHLETICS Traded OFCoginCowgiil to the N.Y.Metsfor INFJelry Marte.Agreedto terms with SSHiroyuki Nakajima onatwo-yearcontract. TAMPABAYRAYS—Agreed to terms with RHP RobertoHernandezonaone-yearcontract. TORONT OBLUEJAYS Agreedto termswith RHP RamonOrtizandOFRyanLangerhansonminorleague contr actsandRHPRobertoHemandezonaone-year contract National League LOS ANGELESDODGERS NamedPat Listach minor league infield coordinator;ToddTakayoshi assistant minorleaguehitting coordinator, RickKnapp Defense m inor eague pitching coordinator; JohnShoemaker Yards Rush Pass Camelback Ranch-Glendale coordinator of instruction; SanFrancisco 2930 91.1 201.9 Franklin Stubbshitting coachof Albuquerque (PCL); Seattle 3039 106 3 197.6 Jody Reedmanager, Hector Berriospitching coach Chicago 319.6 109.0 210.6 and OrvFranchukhitting coachof Chatanooga (SL); St. Louis 335.1 117.6 217.4 CarlosSuberomanager andJohnnyWashington hitCarolina 3356 117.9 217 7 ting coachof Rancho Cucamonga(Cal), Razor Shines Arizona 3358 136.5 199.3 Detroit 337.5 II9.4 2I8.1 manager,Bil Simaspitching coachandMike Eyiward itting coachof GreatLakes(MWL); EstebanLopez Dallas 3403 115.2 225.1 h hitting coachof Ogden(Pioneer), andPJ. Forbes GreenBay 340.3 114.3 226.0 Philadelphia 341.5 122.0 219.5 manageroftheArizonaLeagueDodgers. MILWAUKEEBREWERS— Named Rick Tomlin Atlanta 354.4 124.9 229 5 Minnesota 357.7 113.3 244.4 minor leaguepitching coordinator; BobSkubecoach and AaronHoback trainer lor Nashville (PCL);Steve N.Y.Giants 377.4 123.7 253.7 Washington 3811 95.9 285.3 Pateratrainer of Huntsville (SL);TonyDiggs manager yneHoseycoach of Helena(Pioneer); Nestor TampaBay 393.9 83.3 310.6 and Dwa manager andGregBarajas trainer oftheAriNewOrleans 433.3 146.3 287.0 Corredor zonaLeagueBrewers. PHILADEL PHIAPHILLIES—Agreed to terms with LHPJohnLannanonaone-yearcontract. College SANFRANCISCOGIANTS—Agreedto terms with FBS BowlGlance RHPSantiagoCasilia onathree-year contract. Subjectto Change BASKETBALL Aff TrmesPST National Basketball Association HOUSTONROCKETS— Recalled F/C Donatas MoThursday, Dec.20 tiejunas fromRioGrandeValley (NBADL) Poinsettia Bowl Women' s National Basketball Association SanDiegoState(9-3) vs. 8VU(7-5), 5 p.m.(ESPN) WASHING TONMYSTICS Named Mike Thibault coachandgeneral manager. Friday, Dec.21 FOOTBALL Beef 'O' Brady'sBowl National Football League Ball State(9-3)vs. UCF(9-4), 4:30 p.m.(ESPN) BUFFALO BILLS—Signed OL Kraig Urbik to a contractextension.PlacedLBArthur Moatson injured Saturday, Dec. 22 r ese v r e a n d WR Donald Jonesonthereserve/nonNew OrleansBowl ootball illnesslist. SignedWRChris HoganandLB EastCarolina(8-4) vs.Louisiana-Lafayette(7-4), Noon fG regLloydfromthe practice squad (ESPN) CHICAGOBEARS— Placed RB MichaelBush on Las VegasBowl i n juredreserve.SignedRBKahli Bell. BoiseState(10-2) vs.Washington(7-5), 12:30p.m. CLEVELANDBROWNS— Named Alec Scheiner (ESPN) presi dent.PlacedLBJames-MichaelJohnsonandDB TJ. Wardon injured reserve.SignedDBPrince Miler AP Player of theYearVoting and LBAdrianMoten.SignedDLHail Davisfromthe Player, Team Votes JohnnyManziel, TexasA&M 31 practicesquad. JACKSONVILLEJAGUARS— Placed DE Andre Manti T'eo,NotreDame 15 BranchandRBJordanTodmanoninjured reserve.ReJordanLynch,Northernlilinois 1 leasedWRQuanCosbyandFRWill Ta'ufo'ou Signed Jadeveon Clowney,South Carolina 1 WR MikeBrown,LBBrandon Marshall andTEIsaiah CoginKiein,KansasState 1 StanbackfromthepracticesquadandOLTommieDraheimandWRBritan Golden tothe practice squad. MIAMIDOLPHINS—ClaimedDBDimitri Patterson Betting line off waiversfromCleveland. PlacedTECharlesClayon NFL the injuredreservelist. (Hometeamsin Caps) NEW YORKGIANTS Re-signed OL Selvish CaFavorite Open Current Underdog pers Waived CBTerrenceFrederick Saturday SAN DIEGO CHARGERS — Placed RB Ryan Falcons 3 4 LIONS Mathews, WRMaicomFloyd andT Reggie Wells on Sunday injuredreserve.SignedWRMikeWillieand DEDamik PACKER S 13 13 Titans Scafefromthepractice squad. PANTHER S 8 85 Raiders SEATTLE SEAHAWKS—ReleasedTEEvanMoore. DOLPHINS 4 .5 4 . 5 Bills SignedTESean McGrath lromthepractice squad. STEELER S 4 5 4.5 Bengals SOCCER Patriots 14 1 4.5 JAGUAR S Major League Soccer Colts 6 .5 6 . 5 CHIEFS PORTI.AND TIMBERS AcquiredD/MMobi Fehr. COWBO YS 3 3 Saints COLLEGE Redskins 4 .5 4 . 5 EAGLES JACKSON VILLESTATE—NamedBil Clarkfootball BUCS 3 3 Rams coach. Giants PK 2.5 RAVENS KENT STATE—NamedPaul Haynesfootballcoach. TEXANS 75 75 Vikings WESTER NMICHIGAN NamedPJ. Fleck football BRONCO S 12.5 13 Browns coach.
No. 4 Arizona remains unbeaten The Associated Press TUCSON, Ariz. — Not long after Arizona knocked off Florida for its biggest win of the season, coach Sean Miller told his team not to get too high, to keep their focus. He told them the same thing the next day during the film session. Seems the message got through loud and clear. Showing no signs of a letdown after beating the Gators, No. 4 Arizona raced out to a big lead and never let up in an 89-64 rout over Oral R o b ert s T u e sday night. "If you want to be labeled as a great team or a team that has a chance to win a national championship, you have to get over games like the Florida game," Arizona forward Solomon Hill said. "You need to have focus and we were able to do that."
Arizona (9-0) pulled off the i m probable a g ainst then-No. 5 Florida on Saturday, overcoming a sixpoint deficit in the final 56 seconds for a victory that still had the campus buzz-
ing on Monday. Arizona had no trouble staying in the present, racing out to a 17-point firsthalf lead. Mark Lyons led Arizona with 17 points and seven assists. Grant Jerrett added 15 points and fellow freshman Brandon Ashley scored 14. Also on Tuesday: No. 7Ohio State.... . . . . . 65 W inthrop .... . . . . . . . . . . . 55 COLUMBUS, Ohio Deshaun Thomas scored 21 points — missing nine straight shots at one point and making five in a row at another — to lead Ohio S tate past W i n throp. I t was the last tuneup for the
Buckeyes (9-1) before taking on No. 9 Kansas. N o. 9 Kansas..... . . . . . . . 87 R ichmond ..... . . . . . . . . . 59 LAWRENCE, K an. J eff Withey ha d 1 7 points and D r e b ounds, Ben McLemore added 14 points and K ansas used another big first-half run to putaway Richmond. The
Jayhawks (9-1) used an 180 first-half run to bury the Spiders. No. 18 San Diego State...76
Point Loma Nazarene....49 SAN DIEGO — Xavier Thames scored 17 points and Chase Tapley added 15 for the A ztecs' ninth straight victory since losing the season opener to No. 3 Syracuse. No. 20 Michigan State....64
Bowling Green..........53 BOWLIN G G REEN , Ohio — Gary Harris and Denzel Valentine scored 12 points apiece to lead Michigan State (10-2) to victory. No. 25 N.C. State...... . . . 88 S tanford.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 R ALEIGH, N. C . Lorenzo Brown scored 18 of his season-high 24 points after halftime to help North Carolina State (8-2) pull away and beat Stanford. Dwight Powell continued his recent strong play for the Cardinal (7-4), scoring 23 points, but Stanford gave up its highest point total of the season. U tah..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2 S MU...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 SALT L A KE CITY — Justin Seymour scored 11 points, including the goahead 3-pointer, to lift Utah
(7-3) past SMU. U CLA ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Long Beach State ..... . .70 LOS ANGELES — Jord an A d ams s c ored 2 4 points, Shabazz Muhammad added 21, and UCLA (8-3) posted its fourth consecutive victory. C alifornia.... . . . . . . . . . . . 68 UC Santa Barbara ...... .59 BERKELEY, Cal if . — Freshman Tyrone Wallace had 10 points and 10 rebounds and C alifornia
(7-3) held off a late run by UC Santa Barbara.
ea an e 'woves The Associated Press MIAMI — Dwyane Wade scored 24 points, LeBron James added 22points and ll assists and the Miami Heat survived a huge rebounding differential to beat the Minnesota Timberwolves 103-92 on Tuesday night. Chris Bosh scored 15 points and Mario Chalmers added 12 for the Heat, who gave up 21 of the game's first 24 rebounds and wound up getting beaten 52-24 on the boards — yet still won. Andrei Kirilenko scored 22 for Minnesota, which played without guard Ricky Rubio, who's being eased back afterrecovering from knee surgery. The Timberwolves dropped their second straight. Kevin Love finished with 11 points and 18 rebounds, and Nikola Pekovic had a 18point, 12-rebound effort for the Timberwolves. Also on Tuesday: Lakers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Bobcats ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 LOS ANGELES — Kobe Bryant scored four of his 30 points in the final I:26 and the Lakers overcame an 18-point third-quarter deficit to hand Charlotte its 12th straight loss. Hawks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Wizards ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 WASHINGTON — Lou Williams scored a season-high 24 points and Josh Smith had 17 points and 13 rebounds to lead Atlanta past Washington in overtime. Jazz..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 Nets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 NEW YORK — M o W i l l iams scored 19 points, Al Jefferson had 16 points and 11 rebounds, and Utah held on to beat Brooklyn. Bulls ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Celtics..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 CHICAGO — Luol Deng and Carlos Boozer scored 21 points apiece, and Joakim Noah had a triple-double for Chicago. Noah had 11 points, 13 rebounds and a career high-tying 10 assists forhis second career triple-double. Bucks ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
By Rob Maaddi
Alan Diaz/The Associated Press
Miami Heat's Dwyane Wade (3) shoots over Minnesota Timberwolves' Kevin Love (42) during the first half of Tuesday night's game in Miami. Nuggets.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
Spurs ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 106 DENVER — Danilo Gallinari scored a season-high 28 points and outplayed Tim Duncan down the stretch as Denver beat San Antonio. Duncan had 31 points — also a season highto go along with 18 rebounds for the Spurs. Warriors.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 Hornets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 OAKLAND, Calif. — David Lee had 26 points and nine rebounds, Klay Thompson finished with 19 points and the Warriors brought their surprising road run home with a victory over struggling New Orleans. Raptors..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Cavaliers ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 CLEVELAND — Jose Calderon scored a season-high 23 points, and Toronto won on the road for the second time this season. Mavericks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 76ers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 DALLAS — O.J. Mayo scored 26 points, Chris Kaman added 20 and Dallas snapped a three-game losing streak.
MILWAUKEE — Brandon Jennings scored 13 of his 34 points in the fourth quarter and Monta Ellis had 19 points, leading Milwaukee past Indiana.
NATIONALBASKETBALL ASSOCIATION ConferenceGlance All TimesPST EASTERNCONFERENCE W L Pct GB d-NewYork 18 6 750 d-Miami 16 6 727 Atlanta 15 7 682 2 d-Chicago 14 10 583 4 Milwaukee 13 10 565 4'/z Brooklyn 13 0 542 5 Indiana 13 12 520 5'/z Boston 12 12 500 6 Philadelphia 12 13 480 6'i~ Orlando 11 13 458 7 Charlotte 7 1 7 292 11 Toronto 7 19 269 12 Detroit 7 2 0 259 3 2'/z Cleveland 5 21 192 14 Washington 3 19 136 14 WESTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB d-Oklahoma City 20 4 833 d-LA Clippers 18 6 750 2 d-Memphis 16 6 727 3 San Antonio 19 8 704 2'/~ GoldenState 17 8 680 3'/z Denver 14 12 538 7 Utah 14 12 538 7 Minnesota 12 0 522 7'/z Houston 12 12 500 8 Dallas 12 13 480 8'/z Portland 11 12 478 8'i~ LA. Lakers 12 14 462 9 Phoenix 10 15 400 10'/z Sacramen to 7 1 7 292 13 NewOrleans 5 19 208 15 d-division leader
Tuesday'sGames Toronto113,Cleveiand99 Atlanta100,Washington95, OT Utah92,Brooklyn90 Miami103,Minnesota92 Chicago100,Boston89 Milwaukee 98, Indiana93 Dallas107,Philadelphia100 Denver 02 sanAntonio106 GoldenState103, NewOrleans96 LA. Lakers101,Charlotte 100
Brooklynat NewYork, 4p.m. DetroitatToronto,4p.m. Utah atIndiana,4p.m. WashingtonatOrlando, 4p.m. Clevelandat Boston, 4:30p.m. Oklahoma City atAtlanta, 4:30p.m. PhiladelphiaatHouston, 5 p.m. Charlotteat Phoenix, 6 p.m. Milwaukee at Memphis, 6:30p.m. GoldenStateatSacramento, 7p.m. NewOrleansat LA. Clippers,7:30p.m.
Oklahoma City atMinnesota, 4p.m. Miami atDallas,6:30 p.m. DenveratPortland, 7p.m.
ter 5 8 0-1 10,Parker4-123-3 13, Neal1 50-0 3, Ginobili 5-154-416,Diaw2-20-04,Jackson2-80-0 5, Bonner1-10-03, DeColo1-1 0-03, Mills 5-8 0-0 15. Totals 38-9516-18106. DENVER (112) Gallinari 9-217-828, Faried6-117-919, Koufos 2-6 0-0 4,Lawson4-15 4-412, Iguodala6-90-014, McGee 3-64-1010, Brewer6-112-516, AMiller 2-6 448, Mozgov 021-21. Totals 38-87 29-42112. SanAntonio 28 20 27 31 — 106 Denver 26 29 35 22 — 112
Pierce6102-416, Bass3 911 7, Garnett5-10 0-010, Rondo9-186-826, Lee7-11 0-014, Wilcox 23 0 04, Sullirger 0-61-21, Terry1-2 0 02,Green 1-60-03, Barbosa1-64-46, Collins0-00-00. Totals 35-81 14-1989.
Derg 5-9 11-1221, Boozer10-171-2 21, Noah 4-7 3-3 1h Hinrich0-20-0 0, Belinelli 3-8 4-4 10, Gibson6-91-1 13, Teague0-10-0 0, Butler 3-6 00 6,Robinson 6-12 1-2 18,Mohammed 0-3 0-00. Totals37-7421-24100. Boston 23 25 22 19 — 89 Chicago 28 27 24 21 — 100
Mavericks107, 76ers100 PHILADELPHIA(100) N.Young3-6 1-18, T.Young5-132-4 12, Brown 2-3 0-0 4,Turner7-160-0 17, Richardson5-14 0-0 11, DWright8-182-225, Hawes5-78-818, Ivey0-1 0-00,Allen1-1 0-02,Wayns1-70-03, Wilkins0-0 0 00 Totals 37-8613-15100. DALLAS(107) Da.Jones 3-7 2-28, Marion7-0 0-0 14, Kaman 9-152-420, Fisher1-30-02, Mayo8-128-926,Collison2-7 7-812, Carter1-40-0 3, B.Wright 5-6 0-0 10, Crowder 0 34 44, DoJones34 22 8, Beaubois 0-0 0-0 0 TotaIs 39-72 25-29107. Philadelphia 23 29 2 2 26 — 100 Dallas 28 29 19 31 — 107
Hawks100, Wizards 95(OT)
Heat103, Timderwolves 92 MINNESOTA (92) Kirilenko10-160-022,Love2-107-811, Pekovic 9-19 0-0 1B,Ridnour6-131-1 13,Shved1-7 0-22, Barea3-93-310, Cunningham1-2 0-0 2, Wiliams 2-63-48Stiemsma010-00,Amundson3-30-16. Totals 37-8614-19 92.
MIAMI (103) James8-184-5 22,Hasiem0-2 0-0 0, Bosh6-10 2-315, Chalmers4-7 0-012, Wade8-14 8-0 24, Allen 2-7 3-3 8,Anthony1-30-0 2, Battier 3-8 0-0 9, Cole 3-61-1 8, Miller 1-2 0-0 3. Totals 36-77 18-23 103. Minnesota Miami
Korver 5-6 3-416, Smith6-12 5-1017, Horford 2-0 1-2 5, Teague 5-12 2-2 13,Harris3-6 0-0 8, Pachulia0-20-00, Wiliams6 1810-1124,Johnson 2-51-2 5 Tolliver 2-3 0-0 4,Stevenson3-31-38 TotaIs34-78 23-34 100.
Jazz 92, Nets 90 UTAH (92I
Ma.williams 5-0 1 2 0, Millsap 6 110-1 12, Jefferson8-150-016, M.WilIams6-174-419, Foye 3-7 0-0 B,Favors4-105-613, Hayward2-3 3-37, CarroII 1-20-02, Kanter1-2 0-02, Tinsley1-50-0z Totals 37-8313-16 92.
Singleton1-4 0-0 2,Webster 3-9 4-4 11,Okafor 3 9 0-0 6, Crajsford10-222-227, Beal8-22 1-2 17,
Nene5-78-1018,Seraphin2-60-04, Livingston0-1 2-2 2, Martin 2-5 0-2 4,Baaon2-10 0-0 4. Totals 36-95 17-22 95. 28 24 20 18 10 — 100 Atlanta Washington 22 2 4 23 21 5 — 95
BR00KLYN I90) Wallace5-100-111, Humphries 3-52-28, Lopez 5-12 6-716, D.Wiliams5-124-614, Johnson7-15 4421, Bogars 0 2000, Blatche4-7008, REvans 0-4 1-2 1, C.Watson 3-6 0-0 9, Brooks1-40-0 z Totals33-7717-22 90. Utsh 20 24 26 22 — 92 Brooklyn 24 33 17 16 — 90
Bucks 98, Pacers 93 INDIANA(93)
George6-15 4-4 16, West5-14 2-4 12, Hibbert 4-10 0-0 8,Hill 6-165-618, Stephenson1-5 0-03, THansbr ough2-2 5-6 9,Green 2-5 2-26,Mahinmi 5-9 4-614, B.Hansbrough1-15-67, Young0-3 0-0 0. Totals 32-8027-3493.
MILWAUKEE (98) Daniels 3-4 0-0 7, Mbah a Moute3-7 4-4 10,
Sanders2-41-2 5, Jennings13-226-934, Ellis 8-23 3-419, Udoh1-20-02, llyasova1-70-02, Dunleavy
6-14 2-317,Lamb0-2 0-0 0,Gooden0-1 2-4z Totals 37-8618-26 98. Indiana 25 23 18 27 — 93 Milwaukee 21 24 27 26 — 98
Bulls100, Celtics 89 Summaries
Raptors113, Cavaliers 99 TORONTO (113) Pietrus1-4 0-0 3, Davis2-7 0-04, Valanciunas 3-62-4 8, Calderon10-150-0 23, DeRozar 4-9 88 16, Johnson6-75-517, Kleiza2-66-710, Anderson 6-12 1-2 18,Ross1-2 0-03, Lucas4-7 1-1 11. Totals 39-75 23-27 113. CLEVELAND (99) Gee 6-82-3 15,Thompson5-8 0-1 10, VareIao 5-1212-1622, Irving 9-163-523, Waiters4-130-2 8,Miles4-73-313,Zeller1-20-02 Walton 0-10-0 0,Gibson2-30-06,Sloan0-00-00.Totals36-70 20-30 99. Toronto Cleveland
Lakers101, Bodcats100 •
Kidd-Gilchrist 3-4 1-2 7, Mullens5-19 0-0 13, Biyombo 3-7 2-68,Walker12-252-42B,Henderson 6-16 4-419,Taylor0-30-00, Sessions 7-134-4 20, Williams0-0 0-00, Haywood0-1 1-21, Gordon2-7 0-0 4. Totals 38-9514-22100.
Warriors103, Hornets 96
I l
SAN ANTONIO (106) Green1-100-0 3, Duncan0-25 9-1031, Split-
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6-816, Duhon1-30-02, Bryant0-246-730, Meeks 5-132-217 WorldPeace6-183-417, Morris3-60-0 7. Totals 35-8821-27101. Charlotte 25 33 26 16 — 100 LA. Lakers 27 26 24 24 — 101
Nuggets112, Spurs106
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LA. LAKERS I101) Ebanks1-40-02,Gasol 3-104-610, Howard5-10
NEWORLEANS(96) Thomas2-2 0-04, Davis4-77-715, Lopez3-5 0-0 6, jtasquez 8130 020,Rivers60 0012, Anderson 8-228-B28,McGuire2-3 0-0 4,Mason 1-5 2-24, Roberts1-7 0-0 3,Aminu0-00-0 0. Totals 35-75 17-1796. GOLDEN STATE(103) Barnes0-50-00, Lee10-16 6-726 Ezeli 1-20-2 2, Curry5-132-2 13,Thompson5-15 6-619, Green 2-4 2-2 6,Jack4-107-816,Landry 5-86-716,Jenkins250-05,Jeff erson0-00-00,Bazemore0-00-0 0. Totals 34-7829-34 103. New Orleans 21 2 9 22 24 — 96 Goldenstate 31 2 8 23 21 — 103
Nov. 25 was followed up with a 17-16 loss to the Redskins. PHILADELPHIA The Giants rebounded with There's two weeks left in the a resounding 52-27 rout over NFL season and the NFC New Orleans only to come East is up for grabs among back with an abysmal effort three teams. in a 34-0 loss at Atlanta. Sound familiar'? The Giants visit the reeling It was the same situation Baltimore Ravens (9-5) on last year with the New York Sunday. The Ravens already Giants, Dallas and Phila- clinched their fifth consecudelphia fighting it out. Now, tive trip to the playoffs, but RGIII and the Washington have lost three in a row and R edskins are i n t h e m i x are desperate to straighten while the Eagles try to play things out. "This is as important a spoiler. That s c enario w o r k ed game as you can have, this out nicely for the Giants in upcoming game, and our 2011. They won two straight mindset is the playoffs have do-or-die reg u l ar-season s tarted," M a n n in g s a i d . "This is it. This game right g ames, three more in t h e conference playoffs and here is huge. It's the most then beat New England for important game and it's a the second time in five years must-win game for us." in the Super Bowl. The Giants finish up with Can they do it again'? a home game against Phila"These are the c i rcum- delphia (4-10). The Eagles stances you want to be in," seem like a pushover, but two-time Super Bowl MVP they beat New York in Week Eli M a n ning s a i d. "You 4. want to be fighting to make • T h e R e d skins w e r e it in the playoffs and that's counted out by t heir ow n just football and you under- coach when they were 3-6. stand it's tough to make the B ut Robert Griffin II I h a s playoffs. You've got to work. them in position to earn their You've got to wi n g ames. first playoff berth since 2007. You've got to win important Their five straight wins ingames and this is a chance." clude victories over the CowThe Giants, Redskins and boys, Giants and Ravens. Cowboys each are 8-6 and Even with RGIII sidelined by control their p l ayoff f ate. a knee injury, the Redskins Win and they're in — either rolled over Cleveland with as the division champion or another rookie, Kirk Cousa wild card. The Redskins ins, at quarterback. clinch the East if they win Griffin could be back for out because they hold tie- this week's game at Philadelbreaker advantages. phia. These aren't the same "Every game we go into Eagles who looked pathetic n ow we b e lieve w e c a n in a 31-6 loss at FedEx Field win and that has to be your last month. But these clearly mindset," coach Mike Shan- aren't the same Redskins, ahan said. "When you win who started their winning close games, you expect it." streak with t h a t l o psided The Cowboys' d i vision victory against Philadelphia. hopes came down to the fi- A win over the lowly Eagles nal game at New York last would set up a potential allyear. The Giants won 31-14. or-nothing matchup against Dallas could be in the same Dallas. "I told our football team position this season, playing for first place in Week 17. at the beginning of the year Only difference is the game that, 'You guys don't know is at Washington. it, but you guys are a lot bet"I think our football team ter than you think you are,'" has developed that mental Shanahan said. "They've toughness that n o m a tter obviously been proving that what's going on during the now." • The Cowboys were 3-5 game, as bad as it may look or whatever, we get to that midway through the schedfourth quarter, we have a ule and headed nowhere beshot to win the game," quar- fore winning five of six and terback Tony Romo said af- three in a row. They've overter an overtime win against come tragedy — the death of Pittsburgh. "We believe that practice squad player Jerry we can do that. We have had Brown — and a slew of injua lot of comeback wins this ries, particularly on defense. year." The wins haven't been pretHere's a breakdown for ty lately, but they count the the top three teams in the same. Two more and Dallas East: gets in. • The Giants were sitting That injury-depleted decomfortably atop the stand- fense has a difficult test comings at 6-2, but have lost four ing up against Drew Brees of six in t h e second half. and the New Orleans Saints They've been a Jekyll-and- (6-8) on Sunday. The Saints Hyde team over the past snapped a three-game losing month, alternating impres- streak with a 41-0 win over sive wins w it h l a ckluster Tampa Bay thatknocked the losses. A convincing 38-10 Buccaneers out of p l ayoff r omp over Green Bay on contention last Sunday. The Associated Press
Pacers.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 93
NFC Eastwill be up for grabsonceagain
I • •
' •
Expires 3/31/13 I
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Bend's David Larson (32) fires
MLB looks at protective
Continued from C1 Lillard was the sixth overall pick in the June draft out of Weber State,where he was a two-time Big Sky Conference player ofthe year. He averaged 24.5 points, five rebounds and four assists as a junior with Weber State before declaringearly for the draft. From the start, Trail Blaz-
and quantify the shooting, the ballhandling, the assist-to-turnover ratio, the pick-androll efficiency. What can't be quantified is his leadership ability and the gravitas he ers generalmanager Neil Olshey called him the team's carries himself with
a deep
threepoint shot during the first half of Tuesday night's
headgear for pitchers
game against Madras at Bend High.
By James Wagner The Washington Post
Major League Baseball is hoping new developments in protective headgear can bridge the gap b etween equipment that makes the game safer fo r p i t chers and that which those same pitchers will actually wear. After several frightening incidents in which pitchers have been struck in the head by batted balls, b aseball officials are i n discussion with a handful of companies about ideas and designs for a protective liner that would fit under the baseball cap, MLB senior vice president Dan Halem said. Among th e m a t erials being discussed for the liners is Kevlar, a heavy-duty, high-impact sub s t ance used by law enforcement and the military. The liners are expected to be lightweight, maybe as little as five ounces. Baseballofficials also are exploring how to cover the temple, an area particularly vulnerable to serious injury if struck. "Since we started looking at the concussions a few years ago, we've actually been talking about this and looking for products," said Gary Green, MLB's medical director. "But unfortunately there has not been any product that can withstand the impact at the major league level. And I think the fact that we've had several in the last two years has really given us more impetus to see if we can get t h i s d e veloped quicker." While the potential headg ear wouldn't cover t h e pitcher'sface nor prevent concussions, it would help absorb the impact and prevent catastrophic injuries, Green said. Line drives off the bat can often travel 100 or 110 mph. Earlier this month at the winter meetings in Nashville, b a seball o f f i cials briefed team p h ysicians and trainers about the development o f p r o t ective liners. General managers discussed the i ssue last month at their meetings in California. Green saidthere has not been an uptick in pitchers being struck by balls, but Halem acknowledged that the head injury sustained by Brandon McCarthy last season was a motivating
push. McCarthy, an Oakland Athletics starter who has since signed with Arizona, required two hours of surgery after suffering an epidural hemorrhage, brain contusion and skull fracture when he was hit on the right side of the head by a line drive while pitching Sept. 5. He is expected to return t o t h e m o und next season. During Game 2 of the World Series, Detroit Tigers starter Doug Fister was also hit on the head with a liner, and he remained in the game to pitch. In 2011, tw o p i tchers were injured by balls to the head, Green said, most notably Colorado Rockies starter Juan Nicasio, who fractured a bone in his neck after taking a line drive to the temple off the bat of Nationals shortstop Ian Desmond. MLB could test the headgear in the minor leagues next season, but i f t h ey were to make major leaguers wear them it would re-
quire approval by the players' union. The union has been briefed on the matter, Halem said,and is receptive to issues concerning players' safety. Baseball officials hope to make the liners available as optional nextseason. "Assuming that the liners satisfied our test, then we'll make it available to the players t hi s s eason if they want to wear it," Halem said.
Ryan Brennecke I The Bulletin
ing in the game. Eleven players saw time Tuesday night for Continued from C1 the Bears, who are still figur"All four of the older kids ing out their rotation. "We really do have confistepped up l ik e w e e x pect them to," said Hayes, whose dence in all 11 guys," Connell team opens up I n termoun- said. "We're young. With just tain Hybrid play on F r iday two seniors, the younger guys with a h ome game against are going to have to play." Ridgeview. "David rebounded A p air o f so p h omores, really well, especially on the f orward Devon W olfe a n d defensive glass and l i mited point guard Jered Pichette, them to just one shot. Cody k ept Madras i n t h e g a m e k nocked down most of h i s until Bend's late run. Wolfe shots and Wyatt ended the scored 21 points and Pichette game with no turnovers." added 11 points. Senior JhaySophomore Christian John- len Yeahquo chipped in nine son added 13 points in his first points for the White Buffaloes, varsity start at home, includ- who fell to 3-3. Madras next ing a late three-pointer that plays Newport on Thursday at gave Bend a 15-point lead with the Seaside Holiday Classic. "He did a good job getting around two minutes remain-
them into their offense," Scott said about Pichette. L eading 34-24 w it h u n d er two minutes left in t h e second quarter following a 10-2 run, Bend looked as if it might deliver the White Buffaloes a knockout punch just before halftime. Madras rallied before the break, though, and scored seven consecutive points to make the score 34-31 at intermission after back-toback-to-back Bend turnovers. "We had an opportunity to go up big there, and didn't," Hayes said about the end of the first half. "The difference in the fourth quarter is we did a better job adjusting to them." — Reporter: 541-383-0305, beastesC<
Ridgeview boystop Burns Bulletin staff report REDMOND — Ridgeview hit 12 three-pointers Tuesday night as the Ravens rolled to their second boys basketball victory of the season, defeating Burns 78-67.
Ridgeview (2-5) dominated from the start, jumping out to a 28-14 lead at the end of the first quarter by hitting eight three-pointers in the period. The Ravens went 12 of 25 from
long range for the game, led by Jack Bowman, who scored 23 points and hit all six of his three-point attempts. Justin Alvarez scored 22 points, including four threes, for the Ravens. Jacob Johnson contributed eight points and six rebounds for Ridgeview, while George Mendazona added eight points and five assists. Austin Feist scored 31 for the Hilanders, who also lost to the Ravens earliei rn the season. Ridgeview plays at B end High on Friday.
Also on Tuesday: BOYS BASKETBALL The Dalles Wahtonka....... 55 Crook County..... . . . . . . . . 34 THE DALLES — A s l ow start put Crook County in a hole it could not dig out of on the road against The Dalles Wahtonka. The Cowboys (53) sunk just nine field goals in the game and were held to 15 first-half points, putting them too far behind despite a strongdefensiveperformance, said coach Jeff Lowenbach. Preston Washechek led Crook County with 11 points and Jacob Mahurin chipped in nine. Grayson Byers led the Eagle Indians w it h n i n e p o i nts. Crook County will travel to Mountain View on Thursday. GIRLS BASKETBALL Mazama ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Summit..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 S arah Heinly s cored 1 6 points, but a late 7-0 run by Mazama put Summit away. Summit connected on 14 of 48 shots from the field, but the
Storm were ableto keep pace at the free-throw line, where Summit (3-3) hit 14 of 17 shots. The two teams played even until the final four minutes of the fourth quarter. But the Storm "had a couple of minutes where it got away from us," said Summit coach Ryan Cruz, adding that the team made a handful of costly turnovers and defensivemiscues down the stretch. Raja Char added 12 points and Christina Edwards made some key defensive plays. Summit will host Redmond on Friday. Ridgeview ..... . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Burns ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 BURNS — McKenzie Hidalgo scored 11 points but Ridgeview could not pull off the road win. The Ravens (1-6) fell behind early, trailing at the half 28-17, and could not climb back from the deficit. Destiny Wilder chipped in eight points and Shae Wilcox added seven points. Ridgeview will h o st Bend on Friday.
"franchise point guard." Lillard was the key component as Portland rebuilt around LaMarcus Aldridge, Nicolas Batum and Wesley Matthews after finishing 28-38 and out of the playoffs last season. "You can break his game d own an d q u a ntify t h e shooting, the ballhandling, the assist-to-turnover ratio, the pick-and-roll efficiency," Olshey said. "What can't be quantified is his leadership ability and the gravitas he carries himself with as a
as a young player."
others, not content to just sit still and focus solely on schoolwork. On the football field he returns kicks and receives passes and takes handoffs — awareness as a blocker perhaps a sk ill that could use some work — so why not add basketball coaching to his schedule? Thomas said he got the idea from former UO d efensive end Terrell Turner, who also served as a youth coach in Eugene. Thomas has connected with a local coach and will begin attend-
— Portland general manager Neil Olshey, on Damian Lillard
tors coach Dwane Casey said. "The thing you love about him more than anything else is he plays with a chip on his shoulder. He's one of those underdogs who went to a small school who is out to prove to everybody he's an NBA player." The Blazers' last rookie sensation was Brandon Roy, young player." who was the Rookie of the In Portland's opener on Year in2007 after averaging Halloween night against the 16.8 points and 4.0 assists. He Los Angeles Lakers, Lillard was the third Trail Blazer to had 23 points and 11 assists. win the award, joining Geoff He joined I siah T h omas Petrie in 1971 and Sidney and Oscar Robinson as the Wicks in 1972. Now Lillard only players with at least 20 is making his case. points and 10 rebounds in Portland has leaned on their NBA debuts. him of late while the Blazers L illard had a t l e ast 20 ride out a wave of injuries. p oints i n h i s f i r s t t h r ee Batum has struggled with back pain. Matthews' streak games, matching Grant Hill for the NBA record setin of 250 consecutive starts 1994. He is averaging 18.8 ended because of a hip inpoints, best by far among jury. Most recently, Aldridge the NBA's first-year players, sprained his left ankle in the along with 63 assists, 33 re- final minute of the victory bounds and a labor-intensive over the Hornets. 38 minutes per game. Matthews and A l d ridge He is the only Blazer to are uncertain fo r T h u r sstart in all 23 games and he day night's game against had at least one three-point- the Denver Nuggets. So the er in his first 20 pro games, Blazers might have to turn to tying an NBA record. Lillard Lillard again. was the league's Rookie of Lillard, for his part, just the Month for November. wants to keep it simple. "It's almost like he glides "My main focus," he said, with the ball. He has a high "is to keep trying to help us basketball IQ," Toronto Rap- win games."
'You can break his game down
Continued from C1 As a r e ceiver, Thomas leads Oregon for the second consecutive year, with 385 yards, on 41 receptions with f our touchdowns. He w as also a primary returner of kickoffs and punts, though not so prolific that his preseason H eisman T r o phy buzz kept up throughout the fall. But Thomas consistently a ttracted a t tention f r o m defenses, which c o n t ributed to long runs by Barner and Mariota, and openings for Josh Huff as a receiver. Thomas was o f i m m ense value to the Ducks, even if just as a decoy. "It wasn't f r u strating," said Thomas, who is coming off his best game of the season in the Civil War. "It just gave opportunities for other players on this team to make
ing practices and games in
January. "Just be there to motivate kids to work harder, stuff like that," Thomas said. He has taken a similar message into recent visits to local schools. "Me coming from Los Angeles, the situations I had to overcome tocome to a university like this, basically the plays." message is, never let anyone After th e F i esta B owl, say you can't do anything," Thomas will again be f oThomas said. " Just go i n cused on opportunities for there and give it your all."
Let High Desert Bank ~~3 help you build the
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Boys basketball Tuesday's results
Nonconference MADRAs(55) —Devonwolfe21, pichetteu, Yeahquo9, Mitchell 8,Haugen4, Philips 2, Spino,T. Smith.Totals22 7-13 55.
BENDHIGH(69) — CodyConnell 21,Johnson 13, Larson10,Scott9, Beaumarchais 8, Robinson4, Ricker 2, Parsons2, Harmeson, Spitlet Totals 27 4-769. Madras 17 14 12 12 — 55 Bend 21 13 15 20 — 69 Three-pointgoals—Madras:Pichette2, Mitchell 2;Bend:Connell3,Johnson,Larson. CROOK COUNTY (34) — Preston Wah sechek 11, Mahurin 9,Benton5, Greaves 4, Lee3, Dean2, Rutz,Cooper,Egbert, Tavernia Totals 913-20 34. THE DALLES WAHTONKA (55) — Grayson Byers 12,Nerdin11, Bartels 10, Mathsen8, Copper 8, Malcolm 4,Esiquio 2, Sugg, Fitzgeralds, Wilson. Totals 246-7 55. C rookCounty 4 11 1 2 7 — 3 4 TheDallesWahtonka8 21 14 12 — 55
Three-poingoal t s—Crook County: Benton, Mahurin,Was hechek;TheDalles Wahtonka: Bartels. BURNS (67) —AustinFeist31, Crafts 19, Garner 7,Martin 6, Tiler 3, Patterson1. Totals 26 9-2067. RIDGEVIEW (78) — JackBowman 23, Alvarez 22,Mendazona8,Johnson8,O'Neal6,Winters4, AamodtZ Rollins 2,Ross2, Stanton1, Stiles, Dewolt Totals27 12-1978. Burns 14 16 17 20 — 67 Ridgeview 28 18 17 15 — 78 Three-pointgoals—Burns: Crafts3, Feist2, Garner1. Ridgeview: Bowman6, Alvarez4, Mendazonaz
Girls basketball Tuesday's results
Nonconference BEND (48) — Mekayla Isaak17, McClay8, Mattox6, Lundy 6, Crook6, Maloney5,Kramer,Sylvester, Hayes. Totals 17 9-28 48. MADRAS (44) — MariahStacona31, Jones8, Esqueval3, T.Adams z wolfe, Hunt, K.Adams,J Adams, Suppah.Totals 17 5-10 44.
Bend 13 19 6 10 — 48 Madras 11 11 13 9 — 44 Three-point goals Bend: Mattox 2, Lundy2 Crook;Madras:Stacona4, Esqueval RIDGEVIEW (35) — McKenz ie Hidalgo 11, D. Wilder 8,Wilcox7, 8. Simmons3, B. Simmons2, Duae 2,Stroup2, H.Wilder, Kenny.Totals 14 5-7 35.
BURNs(50) — winn z sisher2, sanders u, Reid 2,woodworth1, Long9, Mcconnell 6, c. Saigner17.Totals 19 9-18 50. Ridgeview 8 9 11 7 — 3 5 Burns 15 13 10 12 — 50 Three-pointgoals Ridgeview.Hidalgo2; Burns Sanders MAZAMA (47) — Reynolds 14 Morris 7, Lease 2, Paschal2, Smith12, Foust10,Totten Mathis,Mallins. Totals1711-NA47. SUMMIT (39) Sarah Heinly 16 Char 12, Patterson 7, Edwards 2, Powers 2, Groza,Trejo, Hasenoehrl.Totals 1414-17 39. Mazama 9 11 10 17 — 47 Summit 9 11 9 10 — 39
Three -pointgoals— Mazama:Reynolds2;Summit: Heinly zpatterson,char.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012
Earnings, economic outlook When FedEx reports quarterly earnings today, Wall Street will be listening for the company's outlook on the economy. Investors pay close attention to forecasts by the world's No. 2 package delivery company because ofthe huge number of products it ships and the number of countries in which it does business. In September, FedEx cut its outlook for global economic growth and slashed its earnings forecast, citing a slowdown in trade. $100
Operating EPS
13,400 .
Close: 13,350.96
Change: 115.57 (0.9%)
1,400 13,200 1,360
1,280 .J.
" J"
" .A.
13365.86 13232.58 1 3350.96 +115.57 5314.78 5217.82 5310.75 +84.04 461.69 456.55 461.34 +4.15 8502.46 8416.07 8499.35 +92.34 3056.65 3016.40 3054.53 +43.93 1448.00 1430.47 1446.79 +16.43 1025.35 1011.15 1025.25 +14.12 15174.43 14985.05 1 5164.49 +179.44 847.69 847.69 +12.69 835.50
+9 . 28% +5 . 80% -0.72% +1 3.67% t1 7.25% +1 5.04% +16.62% +14.97% +14.41%
Source: FactSet
Umpqua Holdings UM P Q 11.17 ~ 1 US Baucorp USB 25.43 ~ Washington Fedl WAFD 12.98 ~ 1 WellsFargo & Co West Coast Bcp OR
A better quarter? Bed Bath & Beyond's sales have been growing, thanks partly to its acquisition of Cost Plus and Linen Holdings. But the housewares retailer's expenses have weighed down its earnings, prompting the company to forecast weak third-quarter results, which are due out today. Even so, Wall Street anticipates the company's latest quarterly report card will trump its results from a year ago.
WF C 2 5.18~ 3 WCBD 15.25 ~ 2 WY 1 6.26 — o
4424 44 3 7 + 3 9 +0 9 L 28.05 24. 3 3 ... ... L 11.00 11.36 +.36 +3.3 L 3687 37.13 +. 44 +1 .2 L 77.83 75.52 +.87 +1.2 L 6.30 5.72 +.23 +4.2 L 65.45 64.90 -.02 . . . T 58.47 53.85 -.24 -0.4 L T 105.97 99.86 +1.08 +1.1 L 8.92 6.59 + .05 +0.8 L 27.06 21.34 + .9 1 $.4.5 L 30.00 14.53 +. 32 + 2.3 T 11.97 11.89 +. 19 $ .1.6 L 29.27 20.96 +.39 +1.9 L 9.12 8 .53 +.14 + 1 .7 L 27 11 26 . 75 + , 1 8 +0 7 L 7.12 3.88 +.0 3 +0 .8 T 17,97 18 .39 + . 7 0 +4,0 L 23.21 21 .75 +. 2 4 +1 .1 L 17.37 16 . 51 +. 3 1 +1.9 L 32.95 27.5 6 +. 4 7 + 1 .7 L 114 81 9892 +93 +0 9 L 5 8.44 52.4 3 +. 1 5 + 0 .3 L 50.80 44.7 5 +. 2 1 +0 .5 L 10.62 10 .03 + . 20 +2.0 48.22 44. 9 8 +. 6 7 +1.5 2.60 1.35 -.04 -2.9 T 44 99 44 .33 + . 85 +2,0 18 7 .42188.39 +1.89 +1.0 23.16 18. 2 4 +. 4 3 +2.4 7.4 5 31 .25 +1.25 +4.2 L 159. 8 0 15 2.23 -1.20 -0.8 L T 41.99 36.2 6 +.5 7 +1 .6 L 62.00 5 4. 3 4 -.24 -0.4 L .26 4.84 +.12 +2 . 5 L
3.88 3 5.46 8.4 2 6.6 0 3.0 0 28.82
0 N 52-week range
5-Y R *: 10%
1 0 - YR *: 7% *Annualized
0 N 52-week range
$$5.$$ ~
CCE Nu Skin Ent. NUS Close:$32.01L0.92 or 3.0% Close:$45.68L0.85 or 1.9% The bottling company expects 2013 The maker of anti-aging products earnings per share will rise about 10 said that it plans to boost its regularly scheduled dividend payments by percent and said that sales for the year will also rise. 50 percent next year. $34 $50 32 45 30
0 N 52-week range
Dividend: $0.64
D i v . yield: 2.0%
SOURCES: Morningstar; FactSet
PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 20.66 +.15 t1 5. I +17.6 t10.7 +41 A A A 12.91 -.02 +5 . 5 +5.7 +6.2 + 41 D C E 53 .70+.13 +12.2 +15.1 +8.2 + 1.6 8 8 C 37.30+.23 +19.4 +23.0 +6.6 - 02 8 D C 41.78+.25 +18.8 +21.9 +4.7 - 09 8 C A FttlnvA m 4 1.46 +.44 +18.3 +22.1 +10.3 + 1.7 A C C Fidelity Growco FDGRX GrthAmA m 34. 9 6 +.37 +21.7 +24.7 +9.7 +1.6 A D C IttcAmerA m 18 . 3 4+.09 +12.5 +15.4 t10.4 + 37 8 A B VALUE BL EN D GR OWTH IttvCoAmA m 31 .19+.29 +16.7 +20.3 +8.7 + 1.3 C D C NewPerspA m 31.69 +.23 $.21.1 +24.3 +8.7 + 20 A 8 A WAMutlnvA m 31.87 +.33 $.14.1 +18.0 +11.7 + 20 D A B Dodge 8 Cox Inco me 13.91 -.02 + 7 .5 + 7 . 9 + 6 .3 +7.0 8 C 8 ItttlStk 35.17 +.33 + 20.3 +24.2 +5.4 -1.5 A 8 8 Stock 123.90+1.73 + 23.6 +27.3 +10.6 0.0 A 8 D Fidelity Contra 78.54 +.80 + 17.7 +20.5 +12.0 +2.7 8 A 8 GrowCo 95.02+1.30 + 20.6 +23.1 +14.4 +4.6 A A A LowPriStk d 39 . 54 +.41+ 18.6 +21.5 +13.4 +5.3 8 8 A FraukTemp-Fraukliulncome A m 2.2 5 +.01+14.2 +17.0 +10.0 +4.5 A A 8 «C $$ RisDivA m 17.6 5 +.20 +14.0 +17.1 +10.1 +1.7 D C C Oppeuheimer RisDivB m 15.9 7 +.18 + 13.0 +16.0 +9.1 +0.8 E D D «C RisDivC m 15.9 0 +.18 + 13.2 +16.1 +9.3 +0.9 E D C $1$ SmMidValA m 32.61 +.39 +10.2 +13.8 +7.7 -2.0 E E E Mornirtgstar OwnershipZone™ SmMidVal8 m 27.55 +.33 +9.3 +12.8 +6.8 -2.8 E E E e Fund target represents weighted O PIMCO TotRetA m 11.3 2 - .01 + 9 .5 + 10.0 +6.9 +8.0 A 8 A average of stock holdings Eq t ylnc 26.81 +.33 + 18.8 +22.8 +11.2 +2.0 A 8 8 • Represents 75% of futtd's stock holdings T Rowe Price GrowStk 38.12 + .47 + 20.0 +22.9 +12.4 +3.3 A A 8 CATEGORY Large Growth HealthSci 42.0 9 + .42 +34.7 +41.0 +21.1+10.6 A A A MORNINGSTAR Vanguard 500Adml 134.13+1.52 +17.6 +21.3 +11.8 +2.2 8 A 8 R ATING™ *** * * 500lnv 134.10+1.53 t17.4 +21.2 $.11.7 t2.1 8 A B ASSETS $23,705 million CapDp 34.10 +.36 +20.1 +23.3 +8.5 +2.9 A D 8 Eqlnc 24.57 +.21 $.15.5 +19.9 +14.0 +3.5 C A A EXP RATIO 0.84% GNMAAdml 10.98 -.01 t2.I t2.3 +5.3 +6.0 C A A MANAGER Steven Wymer MulntAdml 14.35 -.05 t5.4 +6.0 +5.7 t5.5 8 8 8 SINCE 1997-01-01 STGradeAd 10.86 -.01 t4.4 +4.6 +3.8 +4.2 8 8 8 RETURNS3-MD -2.8 StratgcEq 21.86 +.28 +19.2 +22.5 +14.2 +2.8 8 A C YTD +20.6 Tgtet2025 13.95 +.10 +13.7 +16.2 +9.2 +2.7 C 8 8 1- YR +23.1 TotBdAdml 11.11 -.02 +3.7 +3.7 +5.6 +6.0 E D C 3-YR ANNL +14.4 Totlntl 15.06 +.11 t17.2 +20.6 +4.4 -2.7 C C 8 5-YR-ANNL +4.6 TotStlAdm 36.32 +.43 t17.7 +21.4 +12.2 +2.8 8 A A TotStldx 36.31 +.43 +17.6 +21.3 +12.1 +2.6 8 A A TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT USGro 21.60 +.29 t19.7 +22.9 +10.7 +2.6 A 8 B Apple Ittc 8.59 Welltn 34.84 +.24 $.13.5 +16.1 +9.5 +4.6 8 A A Google, Ittc. Class A 3.7 WelltnAdm 60.18 +.41 +13.6 +16.2 +9.6 +4.7 8 A A, Ittc. 3.69 Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, cr redemption Regetteron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. 2.83 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing feeand either asales cr Discover Financial Services 2.02 redemption fee. Source: Mcrningstac
D $32.55
Vol.:8.1m (3.1x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$9.19 b Y
0 N 52-week range
$3$.20 ~
D $62.02
P E: 14 . 0 Vol.:1.6m (1.3x avg.) P E: 13 . 8 ield : 2 . 0% Mkt. Cap:$2.68 b Yiel d : 1. 8%
E li Lilly
LLY Close:$49.52 %1.18 or 2.4% The drugmaker said that its board authorized a $1.5 billion share repurchase program, which it expects to
complete next year.
Smith & Wesson SWHC Close:$7.79 V-0.86 or -10.0% Shares of gun makers fell after a private equity firm said it will sell its stake in another gun maker after last week's school shooting. $12 10
0 N 52-week range
52-week range $$$.99
$u .2$
Vol.:9.9m (1.2x avg.) P E: 13 . 4 Vol.:22.1m (6.7x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$57.47 b Yiel d : 4 .0% Mkt. Cap:$516.13 m
SHFL Entertainment
Close: $14.10L0.81 or 6.1% Higher sales of its slot machines, card shufflers and other gambling
suppliespushed the company's fourth-quarter profit higher. $16 14
P E: 9 . 0 Yield : ...
Steel Dynamics STLD Close:$14.14L0.38 or 2.8% The steel maker said that it expects its earnings in the fourth quarter to be better than Wall Street analysts had expected. $16 14 12
0 N 52-week range
2013 outlook
*: 28% 3- YR
Coca-Cola Ent.
+18 2 +15 5 862 11 -5.5 + 1 . 3 35 0 1 6 1. 1 6 L L +104 . 3 + 112.3236280 30 0 . 0 4 L L + 86.0 +95 . 8 74 33 0.5 2 f L L +3.0 +7.6 56 9 2 1 4 1 . 94f L L +30.6 +33 .3 13 dd ~ L +3 7.6 + 4 6.4 5 8 14 1.4 0 T + 15.7 +18 .9 19 5 1 9 0. 8 8 L T + 19.8 +29 .4 2 8 42 2 4 1 .10a L T +9.5 +3.5 32 51 L L -14.9 - 17.8 1272 1 5 0 . 28 L T -43.6 -43.0 31601 dd 0 .53 L L +14.3 +15 . 5 21 59 0.2 4 a L T -13.6 - 7.7 40408 9 0 . 90 L T +10.9 +19 .4 16175 10 0 . 2 0 L L +10 4 +14, 2 3 6 13 2 2 0 , 6 0f L L -34.7 - 33.7 94 1 1 4 L L +127 , 9 + 132,5 2892 d d L T +1.4 +6.5 633 34 0. 6 9f L L +21. 8 +2 8 .2 90 8 1 4 L T +6.2 +7.4 4 8 855 15 0 . 9 2 L L +2 6 +6 0 1959 2 2 1 6 8 f T T +5.5 +13. 5 2 8 08 1 6 1. 0 8 L T -6.6 -1.2 8 6 20 1 . 82f L +120.9 +121.3 1339 2 0.08 +20.0 +26.7 1999 14 0.80a ~ - 29.3 -28.0 L 45 If d L L +2 1 . 3 + 2 8. 1 9 6 7 3 9 1 . 6 8 L L +14 . 3 +1 9 .6 5 7 2 2 1 0. 1 2 -13.3 - 9.5 4885 9 0. 7 0 L L -26.1 -33.1 437 32 0 . 7 5 L +70.5 +83 .1 1 1 14 2 8 1. 5 6 L L -1.3 + 5 . 8 2 4 3 1 2 0 . 93f L L +18.1 +2 7 .2 7 3 71 3 0 0 . 84f L T - 0.6 + 4 . 2 2 055 d d 12. 1 7 + . 1 9 +1.6 L L T -1.8 + 0 . 8 37 4 1 4 0. 3 6 32.5 7 +. 4 8 +1 .5 L L T +20.4 +26 .2 11746 12 0 . 7 8 16.34 +.34 +2.1 L L T + 1 6.8 +26.0 482 13 0.32 34 .96 +.58 +1.7 L L L +26 .9 +35.734302 11 0.88 21.84 +.09 +0.4 L L T +4 0.0 +34.8 284 13 0.20 28 .29 + . 4 8 +1.7 L L L + 51.5 +70 .2 4 0 25 4 9 0 . 68f
Total returns through Dec. 17
Volu15.3m (42.8x avg.) PE : 22.3 VolJ 2.0m (5.0x avg.) P E: 22 .4 Mkt. Cap:$1.23 b Yiel d : 0. 9 % Mkt. Cap:$4.08 b Yiel d : 1. 3%
Bottling company Cem >n revenue as it struggled with InterestRates Coca-Cola Enterprises S t i . h t the weak economy in Po Ig expects earnings per Europe and the drag of share will climb about 10 percent currency translations. The next year. company,which is based in The company on Tuesday Atla nta but does all its business also predicted a mid-single-digit i n Europe, also announced plans percentage rate increase in sales to restructure parts of its The yield on the for 2013, which accounts for busi n esses. 1D-year declining gross margins and In addition, the company's Treasury note other factors. board approved a new $1.5 rose to 1.82 In October Coca-Cola billion stock repurchase program. percent Enterprises reported a drop in T h e company plans at least $500Tuesday. Yields affect interest third-quarter net income and mill i on in buybacks next year. rates on consumer loans. COca-COla EnterpriSeS (CCE) Tuesday's close:$32.01 52-WEEK RANGE $25 ~ ~ ~ ~ 33 Price-earnings ratio (Based on past12 months' results):14 Total return this year:23%
FactSet Research FDS Close:$92.19V-4.20 or -4.4% The financial information provider issued weaker guidance, even though it matched Wall Street expectations for the first quarter. $110
DividendFootnotes: a -Extra dividends werepaid, but are nct included. b - Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. e - Amountdeclared or paid in last t2 months. f - Current Vol.:1.1m (3.8x avg.) annual rate, wb>cttwas mcreased bymost recent div>dendannouncement. i - Sum ct dividends pud after stock split, nc regular rate. I - Sum cf d>vidends pud tus year. Most recent Mkt. Cap:$789.01 m deuend was omitted cr deferred k - Declared cr pud tus year, a cumulative issue with dividends marrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - Imtial dividend, annual rate nct known, y>eld nct shown. r - Declared cr paid in precedmg t2 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, apprcumate cash SOURCE: Sungard value cn ex-distributicn date.PE Footnotes:q - Stock is a clcsed-end fund - nc P/E ratio shown. cc - P/E exceeds 99. dd - Loss in last t2 months
' 73
Alaska Air Group AvistaCorp Bank of America Barrett Business Boeing Co
Close:$47.03L8.99 or 23.6% Nielsen Holdings, the market research company, said that it is buying the radio audience ratings firm for about $1.26 billion. $50
%CHG. WK Mo OTR YTO +0.87% +1.61% +0.91% +1.10% +1.46% +1.15% +1.40% +1.20% +1.52%
1 2400 J
DDW DDW Trans. DDW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000
The Dow Jones industrial average rose Tuesday for a second straight day on optimism that Washington is making progress on a budget compromise. Politicians have two weeks to reach a deal on the budget before a raft of painful tax increases and cuts in government spending are scheduled to take effect automatically in 2013. President BarackObama and House Speaker John Boehner are negotiating ways to cut spending and raise revenue and still avert the fiscal cliff. The Standard 8 Poor's 500 index rose to its highest level in two months, with the biggest gains coming from stocks in the energy and technology industries.
Dow jones industrials
ALK 31 29 — 0 A VA 22.78 ~ BAC 4 . 92 Price-earnings ratio: 14 BBSI 15.68 — 0 based on past 12 months' results BA 66. 8 2 Dividend: $0.56 Div. Yield: 0.6% CascadeBancorp CACB 3.71 CascadeCp CASC 42.86 Source: FactSet Columbia Sporlswear COLM 43.26 CostcoWholesale COST 78.81 Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5.62 Housing starts FLIR Systems FLIR 17.99 The annual pace of new residential Hewlett Packard HPQ 11.35 construction climbed on a monthly Home Federal BucpID HOME 8.67 — 0 basis between August and October. Intel Corp INTC 19.23 But economists expect that the Keycorp K EY 6 . 8 0 ~ KR 2 0 98 — 0 Commerce Department will report Kroger Co Lattice Semi LSCC 3.17 ~ today that builders broke ground LA Pacific L PX 7 , 11 — 0 on homes and apartments at a MDU Resources MDU 19 . 59 tyslower rate last month. Housing Mentor Graphics ME N T 12.48 ~ starts are projected to come in at a M SFT 25.44 ~ seasonally adjusted annual rate of Microsoft Corp Nike Iuc 8 NKE 8 5 10 ~ 870,000, down about 3 percent Nordstrom Iuc JWN 46.27 ~ from the previous month. Nwst Nat Gas N WN 41.01 ~ OfficeMax Iuc DMX 4. 1 0 — 0 Housing starts, in thousands PaccarIuc PCAR 35.21 ~ Planar Systms P LNR 1.12 ~ est. PCL 34,76 — 0 900 870 Plum Creek Prec Castparts PCP 150.53 — 0 Safeway Iuc S WY 14.73 ~ 800 Schuitzer Steel SCH N 2 2.78 ~ 4 SherwinWms SHW 84.15 ~ Staucorp Fucl S FG 28.74 ~ 700 StarbucksCp SBUX 43.04 ~ Triquiut Semi TQNT 4.30 ~ 7
NorthwestStocks 2Q '12 2 Q '13
GOLD ~ $1,669.50
1 0 DA Y S
Vol. (In mil.) 4,043 1,965 Pvs. Volume 3,361 1,820 Advanced 2270 1794 Declined 8 17 6 9 0 New Highs 1 91 103 New Lows 19 18
S&P 500 Change: 16.43 (1.1%)
1,360 '
' $84.89
10 YR T NOTE 1.82%
)5 43
D $1$,77
0 N 52-week range
D $1$.$$
P E: 21 .4 Vol.:4.3m (1.7x avg.) P E: 23 .6 Yield :... Mkt. Cap:$3.1 b Yiel d : 2 . 8 % AP
NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO OTR AGO 3-month T-bill 6-month T-bill 5 2-wk T-bill
. 0 4 .02 . 11 .09 .15 .12
+0 .0 2 T +0 .02 T +0 . 03 ~
2-year T-note . 28 .25 +0 . 03 L L 5-year T-note . 76 .73 +0 . 0 3 L L 10-year T-ttote 1.82 1 .77 + 0 .05 L L 30-year T-bond 3.00 2.92 +0.08 L L
.01 .03 .10
L .24 L .81 L 1.81 T 2.79
Barclays Loog T-Bdldx 2.60 2.53 +0.07 L L Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.12 4.07 +0.05 L L Barclays USAggregate 1.77 1.73 +0.04 L L PRIME FED Barclays US High Yield 6.11 6.15 -0.04 T T RATE FUNDS Moodys AAACorp Idx 3.71 3.66 +0.05 L L YEST 3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.04 1.00 +0.04 L L 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 Barclays USCorp 2 .75 2.72 +0.03 L L 1 YR AGO3.25 .13
2.34 4.93 2.25 8.61 3.82 .97 3.76
A.Vei a J. Sohn • AP This highly rated growth stock
FAMILY FUND fund is having another strong American Funds BalA m year. Most of its top performers Most Active BottdA m are stocks that longtime manager CaplttcBuA m VOL (Ogs) LAST CHG Steve Wymer has kept in the CpWldGrlA m 2362801 11.36 +.36 portfolio for years, such as Apple. EurPacGrA m
Marketsummary NAME BkofAm S&P500ETF 1460132 NokiaCp 977219 SiriusXM 831944 GettElec 800951 Clearwire 754614 SPDR Fncl 662701 FordM 604759 Citigroup 598759 Facebooktt 597241
145.37 +1.60 4.20 + . 25 2.96 + . 04 21.69 —.24 2.87 -.04 16.57 + . 24 11.67 + . 28 39.46 +.31 27.71 +.96
Gainers NAME BDS Ltd rs
LAST 4.72 Medgen wt 2.95 DragonW g 2.99 Arbitron 47.03 CitizFT pfA 30.35 Selectica 6.40 Torm rs 3.74 WrlsRott rs 2.11 ContMatls 13.41 VandaPhm 3.83
CHG %CHG +1.22 t .71 +.62 +8.99 +5.30 +1.12 +.61 t .34 +2.13 +.61
+ 3 4 .9 +3 1 . 7 + 2 6 .2 + 2 3 .6 + 2 1 .2 + 2 1 .2 + 1 9.5 +1 9 . 2 + 1 8 .9 + 1 8.9
Losers NAME CNH Gbl
BarcShtC AltairN rs GT AdvTc
LAST 40.12 4.07 13.25 2.47 3.07
CHG %CHG -9.32 -18.9 —.92 -18.4 -2.65 -16.7 -.34 -12.0 -.39 -11.3
Foreign Markets LAST CHG %CHG + 10.53 + . 2 9 3,648.63 London 5,935.90 + 23.75 + . 4 0 Frankfurt + 48.64 + . 6 4 7,653.58 Hong Kong 22,494.73 -18.88 -.08 Mexico 43,825.62 t487.29 + 1.12 Milan 16,155.14 +150.41 + . 94 Tokyo 9,923.01 + 94.13 + . 9 6 Stockholm 1,107.48 t 5.77 t .52 Sydney + 22.54 + . 4 9 4,610.55 Zurich 6,912.09 + 14.99 + . 22 NAME Paris
Commodities The price of crude oil rose on hopes that a budget compromise in Washington is nearing. Such a deal would help supportthe economy which in turn would support energy demand.
Foreign Exchange The dollar fell to a seven-month low against the euro. Optimism that the U.S. will avert the fiscal cliff meant investors felt
less need to own investments that are considered safe.
h5N4 QG
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Dil (bbl) 87.93 87.20 +0.84 -11.0 Ethanol (gal) 2.26 2.28 + 0.13 + 2 . 6 Heating Dil (gal) 3.00 2.96 + 1.36 + 2 . 1 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.42 3.36 +1.79 +14.4 Unleaded Gas(gal) 2.69 2.65 + 1.37 + 0 . 2 FUELS
Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)
CLOSE PVS. 1669.50 1697.00 31.60 32.21 1593.70 1608.50 3.64 3.65 689.85 697.20
%CH. %YTD - 1.62 + 6 .6 -1.90 +13.4 -0.92 +13.9 - 0.34 + 6 . 0 - 1.05 + 5 .2
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 1.28 1.29 - 0.60 + 4 . 3 1.34 1.38 -3.23 -41.2 7.20 7.24 -0.55 + 11.4 Corn (bu) Cotton (Ib) 0.76 0.76 +0.13 -17.3 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 358.70 358.20 +0.14 +45.2 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.40 1.38 +1.12 -17.4 Soybeans (bu) 14.66 14.96 -2.02 +22.3 Wheat(bu) 8.11 8.08 +0.40 +24.3 AGRICULTURE
Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)
1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6248 +.0045 +.28% 1 .5499 Canadian Dollar .9854 +.0012 +.12% 1 . 0384 USD per Euro 1.3220 +.0060 +.45% 1 . 3024 Japanese Yen 8 4.20 + . 3 7 + . 44 % 77 . 8 7 Mexican Peso 12. 7 181 —.0269 —.21% 13.8879 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.7582 —.0204 —.54% 3.7932 0147 —. 26% 5.9703 Norwegian Krone 5. 6006 —. South African Rand 8.4635 —.0868 -1.03% 8.3888 6. 6023 —. 0526 —. 80% 6.9319 Swedish Krona 0043 —.47% .9372 Swiss Franc . 91 36 —. ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar .9497 +.0015 +.16% 1 .0040 Chinese Yuan 6.2359 -.0055 -.09% 6.3525 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7501 -.0000 -.00% 7.7838 Indian Rupee 54.851 -.004 -.01% 52.585 Singapore Dollar 1.2176 -.0023 -.19% 1.3037 South Korean Won 1072.24 -.51 -.05% 1158.80 -.01 -.03% 3 0 .40 Taiwan Dollar 29.04
FTCopens inquiry into data brokers The Federal Trade Commission on Tuesday openedan investigation into data
brokers, the companies that collect and sell
information about consumers for marketing
and other purposes. The agency issued administrative subpoenas to nine information re-
sellers, requiring each company to provide
i n unm
irm By Peter Lattman and Mark Scott New York Times News Service
The investment firm Cerberus Capital Management announced Tuesday that it would sell its stake in the country's largestgunmaker afterone of the company's guns was used in the Connecticut school shootings. Cerberus said it was putting the company,Freedom Group,
up for sale just hours after one of its largest investors, the California teachers' pension fund, said it was reviewing its relationship with the firm. Also late Monday, the California treasurer raised concerns about the state's pension funds' investments in gun companies. Cerberus, a private-equity and hedge fund firm based in New York, is owned by the billionaire financier Stephen Fein-
berg. His father lives in Newtown, Conn., where the shooting rampage occurred. Authorities say Adam Lanza, the shooter, used a semi-automatic rifle made by Bushmaster, one of Freedom Group's brands, to kill 26 people at Sandy Hook Elementary School, as well as his mother and himself. Early Tuesday morning, at about I a.m. — after several media outlets highlighted Cer-
berus' ties to the killings, and the California officials issued statements— Cerberus issued a 400-word statement announcing the planned sale of company. "It is apparent that the Sandy Hook tragedy was a watershed event that has raised the national debate on gun control to an unprecedented level," the release said. "The debate essentially fo-
cuses on the balance between publicsafety and the scope of the constitutional rights under the Second Amendment," Cerberus said. "As a firm, we are investors, not statements or policymakers." The statement added: "It is not our role to take positions, or attempt to shapeor infl uence the guncontrol policy debate. That is the job of our federal and state legislators."
extensive details about
how it collects information about consumers; how it uses, stores,
Instagram responds to privacy concerns
analyzes and shares that data; and whether
the company allows consumers to access and correct the records
the company holds about them.
Gas prices drop to 1-year low Retail gasoline prices have fallen to the low-
est level in a yearas refineries restored pro-
By Elon Glucklich
duction and stockpiles
A Florida resort management company has purchased Seventh Mountain Resort'scommercial properties and 60 lodging units, effectively taking ownership of one of Central Oregon's oldest getaways. Orlando-based Wyndham Resort Development Corporation paid $5.4 million to take over operations at Seventh Mountain from Eugene
rose to an eight-month high. Regular gasoline dropped 9.5 cents, or 2.8 percent from a week earlier, to $3.254 a gallon Monday, the lowest since Dec. 19,
2011, according to data posted on the Energy Department's website. — From wire reports
The Bulletin
By Barbara Ortutay
BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR THURSDAY • Business Network International Deschutes Business Networkers
Chapter Weekly Meeting: Visitors are welcome and first two
visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-610-9125.
• Open Computer Lab: 2-3:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-6177080.
• Business Network International Wildfire Chapter Weekly
Meeting: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541480-1765.
FRIDAY • Redmond Chamber Christmas Party: 8:30-
9:30 a.m.; Redmond Senior Center, 325 N.W. Dogwood Ave.; 541923-5191.
• Central Oregon Real Estate lnvestment Club: Free; 11 a.m.;
ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 SockeyePlace,
gram, the popular mobile pho-
buildingcompany The Pape Group, according to Deschutes County deeds records. The Pape Group had owned the resort since 2002. The purchase covers Seventh Mountain's full range of nonresidential services, including the Seasons Restaurant, fitness and adventure centers and the conference center, said Lindsay Graham, a spokeswoman for Wyndham. Wyndham Resort Development owns more than 180 resortsand timeshare communities in the United States, Canada, Mexico,the Caribbean and the South Pacific, according to its website. The company saw an opportunity to push into Central Oregon and the Bend area with the purchase, Graham said. "We felt that (Seventh Mountain) would provide a great location for our owners and guests," she said. W yndham reached out to Pape officials about buying the resort in the last several months, said Ken Streater, a broker with Central Oregon real estate firm The Aris Group, who negotiated the sale for Wyndham. The tentative plan is for Wyndham to implement a timeshare program with its 60 lodging units, Streater sa>d.
The Associated Press
%1 1
Andy Tullis / The Bulletin
Orlando, Fla.-based Wyndham Resort Development Corporation paid $5.4 million to take ownership of Seventh Mountain Resort southwest of Bend. The purchase covers the resort's commercial facilities and 60 lodging units.
"We have no specific development plans in place, but over the next few months we will be identifying areas at the resort that will require renovation to ensure they are up to Our brand StandardS." — LindsayGraham, spokeswoman, Wyndham Resort Development Corporation Wyndham uses a pointsbased system that allows guests at the company's resortsto earn stays attheir other properties. That system would allow guests earning points at other resorts owned by the company to use those points for stays at Seventh Mountain, said Graham, though many aspects of the purchase, including the timeshare program, are still being finalized. Graham said the new
ownership and management plans are expected to be finalized early next year. "We have no specific development plans in place, but over the next few months we will be identifying areas at the resort that will require renovationto ensure they are up to our brand standards," Graham said. The resort was built in 1969, seven miles southwest of downtown Bend. It first opened for business in 1972.
Seventh Mountainmanagement declared bankruptcy in 2002, and The Pape Group purchased it for $4.1 million, according to Deschutes County property records. The Pape Group includes a variety of construction and wood products companies, a trucking business and real estate holdings across the region. After buymg the resort, The Pape Group set to work on a multiyear renovation, adding the adventure center, upgrading the restaurant and pool, remodeling guest rooms and adding new landscaping, according to The Bulletin's archives. Seventh Mountain officials declined to comment on the purchase by Wyndham. — Reporter: 541-617-7820,
to-sharing service now owned by Facebook, said Tuesdaythat it will remove language from its new terms of service suggesting that users' photos could appear in advertisements. The language in question had appeared in updated policies announced Monday and scheduled to take effect Jan. 16. After an outcry on social media and privacy rights blogs, the company clarified that it has no plans to put users'photos in ads. That said, Instagram maintains that it was created to become a business and would like to experiment with various formsofadvertisements to make money. Instagram doesn't currently run any ads. A s of now, the free service has no wayto make money. "Our main goal is to avoid things likes advertisingbanners you see in other apps that would hurt the Instagram user experience," Instagram co-founder Kevin Systrom wrote in a blog post Tuesday. What had riled users and privacy advocates was Instagram's new assertion that it may now receive payments from businessesto useitsm embers' photos, user names and other data "in connection with paid or sponsored content or promotions, without any compensation" to them. Instagram didn't offer many details at the time. Its blog post on Monday madeno mention of adsorother commercial activities, though it offered links to the new privacy policy and terms of service.Those documents spell out what the service could do, but say little about actual plans.
Bend; 541-610-4006 or
bobbleile©windermere .com. • Free TaxFriday: Freetax return reviews;schedule an appointment at 541385-9666 or; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 S.W.
Steep discounts spur rise in 'self-gifting' By Anne Gonzales The Sacramento Bee
Simpson Ave.,Suite100,
It's that generous time of year, when people get a warm,
Bend; 541-385-9666.
fuzzy feeling from buying gifts
for their loved ones. Or for themselves. The practice of "self-gifting" is on the rise as retailers offer deep discounts in the days leading up to Christmas, reports the National Retail Federation. Six in 10 Americans, or 59 percent, say they will take advantage of discounts over the holidays to buy nongift items, according to the retail group's
• Business Network International Bend Chapter Weekly Meeting: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-749-0789.
THURSDAY,DEG.27 • Business Network International Deschutes Business Networkers
2012 holiday spending survey. And those are only the ones who admit to it, said retail federation spokeswoman Kathy Grannis. These shoppers plan to spend an average of $140 on themselves during the holidays, the most in the decade since shoppers have been surveyed about the trend. In 2004, the average amount shoppers spent on non-gift items during the holidays was
$89. "Everything is such a bargain out there, I can't resist," said Sacramento, Calif., resi-
dent Patty Dill, who was shopping at Sacramento's Arden Fair malL Dill said she feels a slight pang of guilt when she fills her
shopping bag with goodies for herself, but added, "I can live through the guilt." Retailers know all about self-gifting. In recent years, they've targeted such shoppers by shifting markdowns more to thedays before Christmas, rather than focusing on postholiday sales. Black Friday is a prime example. Over Thanksgiving weekend, 8 in 10 holiday
bargain-hunters surveyed by the retail federation said they planned to scoop up online and in-store deals for nongift uses. G ift-giving in general seems to be0n the upswing aser severalshakyeconomic years held consumers in check, Grannis said. That's good news for retailers, since some
40percentof their business in the holiday season.
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Chapter Weekly Meeting: Visitors are welcome and first two
visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-610-9125. For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday's Bulletin or visit bendbuitetin.comlbizoal
Chapter 7 Filed Dec. 13 JohnP.Adams Jr., P.O. Filed Dec. 11 Box l426, La Pine Evelyn A. Marshall, 62939 Edwin E. Lara, 1547 S.W. Nasu Park Loop, Bend 33rd St., Redmond Lisa A. Tracy, 3005 S.W. Marc R. Mason, 1302 QuartzPlace,Redmond N.W. Knoxville Blvd. No.
310, Bend Filed Dec. 14 Danielle M. Goodson, 61707 Tulip Way,Bend
Gerald L. Gawith,P.O.Box 1482, La Pine
JohnP. Estes,5I800Pine Loop Drive, La Pine Filed Dec. 16 JesseK. Sarkkinen, 1454 N.W. Studebker Drive, Prineville Mary C. Snoke, P.O.Box
5431, Bend Filed Dec. 17 Mary E. Thomas, 588 S.W. Hillwood Court, Bend Matt K. Roberts, 65686 Cline Falls Road, Bend
Chapter 13 Filed Dec. 12 Mark R. Wells, 3149 S.W. Metolius Place, Redmond Filed Dec. 13 Janice M.Poole,4741
S.W. Wickiup Ave., Redmond, Filed Dec. 17 John R. McMillian, 2923 S.W. 33rd St., Redmond Michael D. E. Bautista, PO. Box1416, Bend
IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > Reader photos, D2 Outdoors Calendar, D4 Bird Watch, D4 THE BULLETIN 0 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 19, 2012
For snow conditions at Oregon ski resorts,
Fres snow an anew ex erience
New trail crossing along Skyliners Bicyclists, runners and pedestrians along Skyliners Road in Bend
can now cross beneath Lemhi Pass Drive safely with the completion of a
• Group adds running with snowshoesto the repertoire
trail crossing. West Bend Property
Co., the developer of the NorthWest Crossing neighborhood, had the 24-foot-wide trail
By Anne Aurand The Bulletin
It's not enough to do just one outdoor activity in this town, where each season opens up multiple recreational opportunities. And, sinceeach sport requires entire as-
crossing built. It allows people to avoid street
traffic along the popular paved trail that parallels
Nic Fetterhoff, assistant patrol director at Hoodoo Ski Area, makes a turn in a half foot of fresh snow Thursday.
Skyliners Road, leading from the west end of
Galveston Avenueto the intersection with Mt. Washington Drive.
Taylor NWstarted construction in July. Local metal artist Andy
Sachs created theartwork. Lemhi Pass Drive
was recently connected from within NorthWest Crossing to Skyliners Drive.
Maston Trail Use Area gets upgrade
The 4,100-acre area
operated by the Bureau
• Ski patrollers atHoodoofind their jobs not onlyfun, but rewarding
of LandManagement
hicles. Funding for the ex-
pansion was provided in part by a Recreational
Trails Program Grant, administered by Oregon State Parks. In addition, volun-
teers helped install informational signs,
benches, native plants, fencing, a newbike rack and trail signs.
The area, part of the 32,000-acre Cline Buttes Recreation site, offers year-round trail
access for hikers, bikers and equestrian riders with views of the Des-
chutes River Canyon, and is open for nonmotorized useonly. The Maston trailhead is located off of Cline Falls Highway
on Newcomb Road,four miles south of Eagle Crest.
For more information, visit or call 541-416-6700. — From staff reports
rages orsheds solely dedicated to outdoors equipment. It's easy to make fun of Bendites for this indulgence. So when Laura Kantor, of Bend, suggested I try snowshoe running with her in the national forest, I thought to myself, "Why not just ski? I have cross-country skis and know plenty of places to go play in the snow. "Or, if I want to run, the lower-elevation trails are great, too. And I have multiple winter running traction accessories." Is there really room in my life for another winter outing niche'? And another pile of gear? Well, if you love the rhythm of running, and you love getting out in th e woods, running-specific snowshoes have a place. They're smaller, narrower and lighter than
regular snowshoes. They're ideal for jogging
The Maston Trail Use Area, located between Tumalo and Redmond, has recently expanded.
includes gravel and paved walking paths, a picnic area, a bathroom and a parking area for horse trailers and ve-
semblages of gear, some people build ga-
HOODOOome ofthe benefits of being a ski patroller are quite obvious — skiing all day long with the mountain as your office, for one. Tom Egan, ski patrol director at Hoodoo Ski Area, pointed to the east side of the hill at the top of Ed's chairlift, revealing some of the knowledge he has acquired in his 21 years at the quaint resort about 20 miles northwest of Sisters. "There's a replenishment of powder all the time there," Egan, 52, said last week while riding the lift. "You're getting that thousand feet of vertical each chair ride, without waiting in line. I've racked up 40,000 vertical feet of untracked powder skiing here on
a good day." But some benefits of Egan's line of work are not as obvious — such as the satisfaction that comes with a job well done. We can all usually find that in our own jobs, but ski patrollers sometimes have the added responsibility of saving lives and limbs. "The most satisfying thing is when the action that you take re-
ally helps somebody, especially when it's something serious," Egan said. "And we've had those
Snowplayinfull force
Photos by Mark Morical /The Bulletin
Ski patroller Chip Dixon, left, looks on as fellow patroller Fetterhoff digs an avalanche pit at Hoodoo Ski Area.
around and you feel really good as a ski patroller." Ski patrol is responsible for mountain safety and accident response. At Hoodoo, Egan oversees five paid pro patrollers during the week. He also leads eight unpaid volunteers with the Santiam Pass Ski Patrol on the weekends. SeePatrol/D3
times when calling a helicopter was what made the difference in saving somebody's life. You shake that person's hand afterwards and you see them walking
Virginia Melssner
Edison Butte:2-
2-3 feet
Flat:4-5 feet
(rough, bumpy, no grooming going on at this point)
Lakes: 3-4 feet of
3 feet (adequate
2-3 feet
elevations for snowshoeing and skiing; snowmobilesare
Virginia Meissner, Upper Three Creek
Lake sno-parks. • The PoleCreekFirecaused afairly ex-
for low-snow hazards frocks, logs stumps)
advised of low-
tial hazards from falling trees.Thatclosure includes much of the nordic system out of
Upper ThreeCreek,aswell as the snowmobile trails leading out of thesno-park to the
SIIo-Park 6,350 ft.
west and north, which includes the trails
SeeTrail Update/D2
Ca s cade Lakes Hwy.
5,500 ft.
Edison Butte
Sno-park 5,034 ft.
5,900 ft. 46
5 , 4 00 ft.
i 1
Vista Butte
locals alike. Sno-parks can fill up on the weekend. Parking may be limited.
read through the rules of the slope.
Lakes M eissffer SIIo-Park SIIo-Park
Ntt Bachelor
couple of weeks, with locals and non-
mets for sledding and tubing. Be sure to
Swampy Virginia 5,800 ft.
totheMcKenzi eandSantiam passes.The Three CreekNordic Trail that goesout to the
at the higher
tensive closure for public safety, which consnow hazards) and Crescent, D2 tinues through the winter because of poten- Updates on sno-parks near Sisters, La Pine
SAFETY NOTES: •Weshouldhavesomeprettygood opportunities for snow playactivity. We always recommendthat people wear hel-
Anne Aurand / The Bulletin
Laura Kantor, second to left, gathers a group of snowshoerunnersatthe common-use corridor, where Mt. Bachelor's nordic trails meet the Cascade Lakes Highway, for a quick rundown on the route, tips for running in snowshoes and etiquette for multiuse trails.
ACCESSIBILITYNOTES: • Grooming is being done atWanoga,
Jeff View shelter is open. • Expecting fairly high use over the next
on packed-snow paths. They add a new flavor toone's outdoor recreation repertoire. Kantor invited me to join her weekly snowshoe running group for its seasonal kickoff Saturday morning, from the common-use corridor at Mt. Bachelor Nordic Center to the turnoff to Todd Lake and down the Cascades Lakes. Kantor, 43, who works from home as a part-time music typesetter, started the informal group last year, when about a half-dozen people would join her for a weekly tromp through woods. On this season's inaugural venture, I joined a group of 18 runners, most of whom had never run on snowshoes before. The group provided a supportive environment in which to try something new. SeeOuting/D3
Sunriver Andy Zeigert /The Bulletin
want you to spread out. I'll be in the middle," Darren Roe, of Roe Outfitters, said. "Gary, you take one side, Bill, you take the other. Oreo will range out as far as you guys are on the sides and work close out in front. If she runs toward you, stop and let her work; if she goes on point, get up there fast." Oreo, the German wirehaired pointer, galloped several circuits around the yard in front of the corral while Roe watched her. It was a hunt for valley quail and the birds would be close, even now in the chill of the morn-
ing, dropping down out of their roost trees. Bill Herrickthumbed three 20-
gauge loads into his pump gun
GARY LEWIS and I dropped two loads into the twin tubes of my CZ Ringneck 20 gauge and dosed it. We had stayed the night before at the Running Y Ranch, west of Klamath Falls, then met upwith Roe and headed east into the sunrise on state Highway 140. A light snow blanketed the fields — perfect for tracking quail behind a
pointing dog. Beneath our boots, the new snow squeaked; the air was so cold it caught in our chests. SeeLewis/D5
Trail Update Continued from D1 • L ow-snow h azar d s abound on mid- and lowelevation trails. W i thout a firm base of snow, new snow can create fluffy conditions that obscure but do not fully cover rocks, logs, stumps, etc. • M ore snowfall is e x pected over the weekend. G etting around ca n b e
I ' I
k • I' ' • I
Can you work a camera, and capture a great picture? And can you tell us a bit about it? Submit your color or black-and-white outdoors photos at tell us a bit about where and when you took them. All entries will appear online, and every week we'll run a stellar local photo in this section. Once a month, we'll publish a whole photo page on a specific topic. Submission requirements:Include in your caption as much detail as possible — who, what, when, where, why; any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.
challenging on skis, snowshoes and s n owmobiles when visibility is obscured by heavy snowfall and/or signs covered in snow. • Avalanche danger: The instability of the snowpack c an i n crease during a heavy s n owfall p e r i od. Do an avalanche assessment before jumping into avalanche terrain. Avoid a slope if there's any doubt or if the assessment says it's not a good day to ride.
— Lydia Hoffmna, The Bulletin
Othersno-parks Ten Mile:18-20 inches
of snow possible into Newberry Crater, 30-40 inches of snow at high-elevation trails.
Newderry Crater: Snowmobile grooming has started on high trails; low trails lack
adequate snow for grooming. Upper ThreeCreek Lake:12 inches,
low-snow hazards. Crescent area:Snoparks have snow, should be operational by the weekend, but
GOING OUT ON A LIMB Sandy Ayres shot this photo of birds in January 2011 using a Canon Rebel XTi SLR camera.ul looked out my window to see these birds resting on tree branches on a foggy, inversion kind of day,u said Ayres.
low-snow hazards are likely an issue.
Isle Royale aquiet island of mystery, wonder andchallenges By Bob Downing
the island earlier, about 1900. The island's moose populaISLE ROYALE NATIONAL tion grew from 515 in 2011 to PARK, Mich. — The Green- about 750 in 2012. In the past stone Trail is the No. 1 hiking 10 years, those numbers had trail on this wilderness island dropped by 50 percent, due in Lake Superior. largely to w armer temperaThe tr ai l s t r etches 42.2 tures andticksthat weaken and miles on the island's northeast stress the moose. Moose make flank. It is generally acknowl- up 90 percent of the wolves' edged as one of the top wilder- diet. Wolves kill a moose for ness hikes in the Midwest, the food every four to 10 days. main hiking thoroughfare on Scientists typically spend this rocky, wild North Woods seven weeks on th e i sland island. each winter, monitoring the The park, 55 miles off the wolves and moose by air. They Michigan coast, offers 165 also track the wolves in the miles of trails that appeal to summer. backpackers and hikers. PadVisiting the island dlers also love Isle Royale. But the trails and paddling T hey c ollect a l l m o o s e aren't the biggest attractions. bones found on th e i sland. Those are the island's gray Those bones sit on wooden wolves and moose. planks outside a small cottage The wolves are in real trou- where Peterson and his wife, ble and could die out in the Candy, live. coming years. The number It is a strange sight to come of wolves on Isle Royale has across hundreds of m o ose dropped to nine, and only one skulls, femurs and jaws in a is known to be a female. It's clearing in the woods. I stumthe lowest number in more bled across the graveyard on a than 50 years on Isle Royale. visit a few years ago, a spooky shrine to the moose. Tough questions T he island's wolves a r e That population decline has rarely seen. But visitors to Isle raised major concerns among Royale treasure their presence wolf r e s earchers, i n c lud- and hope to catch a glimpse of ing John Vucetich and Rolf a wolf on the trail or hear them Peterson of M i chigan Tech howl at night. University. Visitors also want to see The National Park Service moose, which is more likely is beginning to wrestle with to happen.You may see them a tough decision: Should the anywhere along the Greenagency preempt nature and stone, along with wolf dropbring in new wolves to replen- pings and tracks. ish the pack, or stick with its The Greenstone offers solilong-standing hands-off phi- tude and up-high views of Isle losophy, even if that means the Royale and 450 surrounding extinction of the pack? If that islands. It f eatures wooded happens, should wolves then glades, sunny meadows brimbe returned to the island by ming with blueberries, raspman to benefit the ecosystem'? berries and t h i mbleberries, The agency has perhaps seven and exposed ridges that may to 10 years to determine which be 15 degreeshotter than forroute it will take. ested trails. It skirts inland Scientists have been study- lakes, and much of the trail is ing the relationship between forested. the predator wolves and their The National Park Service prey on Isle Royale since 1958. recommends three to five days A shortage of females has re- to make the moderate hike duced the birth rate. Disease with a few tough spots. and a dropoff in moose numSome of the best vistas are bers due to global warming is from the high points along the having a big impact. Wolves Greenstone: Mount Franklin, also attack each other. Lookout Louise and Mount Three wolves were drowned Ojibway with its f ire tower. in an u nexplained accident You are up to 790 feet above in an abandoned water-filled Lake Superior. mine shaft in late 2011 or early Most of the campsites along 2012. The hope is that a wolf t he Greenstone are off t h e pair at the western end of the main ridge and on connecting island wil l p r oduce female trails. The Greenstone conpups to boost the population. nects with most of the trails on The first wolves came to the island, making numerous the island in 1948-49 by cross- loop options available. ing frozen Lake Superior. The Isle Royale is not for everyCanada mainland is 18 miles one and it's not easy to visit. away. Moose had arrived on The park covers 133,781 acres
Alzron Beacon Journal
of land and 438,009 acres of water. It typically gets about 17,000 visitors a year, most in July, August and September. It is one of America's least-visited national parks and reportedly one of the quietest. It sits on an island that is 45 miles long and up to nime miles wide. It features 46 inland lakes, bald eagles, quiet coves, rocky shorelines, boreal forests, bogs, loons and lots of summer wildflowers. T he Ojibwas c alled t h e island Minong or "a good place." It has a rich history with copper mining, lighthouses,
The Edisen Fishery is an example of a small family gill net fishery on Lake Superior. It is
operated by the National Park Service. Bob Downing Akron (Ohio) Beacon Journal
shipping, fishing, lumbering and vacationing. Sites include the white Rock Harbor Lighthouse that dates to 1855 and the nearby Edisen Fishery, a small family-run commercial fishing camp.
Getting there There are few signs of man on the island, no roads and no vehicles. The only transportation is by foot, boat and
I' Get Ex ert Answers to
o u r Tax L Finance u e s t ions:
seaplane. Visitors must invest time, money and effort to get to Isle Royale. Copper Harbor, one of the ferry ports, is a 15-hour drive from Akron.
The ferry ride from Copper Harbor takes at least three hours 15 minutes. It is longer from other L a k e S u perior ports in Michigan and Minnesota. That crossing is easy when the lake is calm, but at other times, it can be very
Business Card Space
$4 per day fee. For more information, contact Isle Royale National Park, 906-482-0984, isro.
1.75"x3" .. $50 per week
rough. You will pay from $50 to $67 for a one-way ticket. A roundtrip flight via a seaplane is $299, with baggage weight limits. The park is open from midAprilto October, but the ferries and the small lodge at Rock Harbor run shorter seasons. R eservations f o r lodg ing and ferry spots must be booked months in advance. No reservations are accepted for camping, but permits are required. The typical visitor spends four days on the island, not surprising after the logistical effort required. It gets a large number of return visitors. M ost visitors head off t o backpack on the island's trails. Those staying at the lodge can do short day hikes and the park's concessionaire, Forever Resorts, offers boat cruises and tours. Park visitors pay a
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you can definitely turn on and off your emotions when you need to, and do the job when you need to," Fetterhoff said. "But the ones that would stick in my head are the worst kids' injuries. They're just hard to forget. "Other than that, every time you grab a lost skier, the real wins sometimes are just stopping accidents from happen-
Continued from D1 Members of th e Santiam Pass Ski Patrol belong to the National Ski Patrol, a global organization with more than 22,000 volunteers and professionals, according to santiam Na t i onal Ski Patrol volunteers serve at nearby Mt. Bachelor on weekends as well. The Santiam Pass Ski Patrol also responds to backcountry i ncidents i n and aro u n d Hoodoo. "They've got their own system and they work well, and they benefit Hoodoo," said Nic Fetterhoff, the assistant patrol director at Hoodoo. "We like having them around a lot." On Thursday, Fetterhoff and fellow patroller Chip Dixon were digging a pit near the top of Ed's chairlift to analyze the layers of snow and assess any potential avalanche danger. They knew that the chance
ing. They're on the edge of doing something that would either get them hurt or get them lost, and you can stop that before it happens. Those ones always feel good."
Hayley Crosby, also of
of such danger was probably remote, but Hoodoo had been closedthe three previous days, and they felt compelled to analyze the situation, and to train three rookies new to the patrol. "Normally, snow gets controlled by skier compaction as much as patroller management," Egan said. "But when you have three days of no traffic at all, you kind of need to have a look around." More than six i n ches of snow had fallen over the previous two days, putting the final touch on the kind of day about which skiers and snowboarders dream: blue sky, no wind and fresh snow. Resisting the urge to carve fresh tracks in the sparkling, pristine powder — and yes, Hoodoo's relatively light snowrider traffic means that fresh tracks really can be found all day — Fetterhoff and Dixon
Mark Morical / The Bulletin
Ski-patroller-in-training Erica Zacek, left, learns some mountain geography from ski patrol assistant director Nic Fetterhoff, right, at Hoodoo Ski Area on Thursday. "This is my office. I get to work all day long out on skis — you can't beat it, any day of the week," said Fetterhoff. got to work digging with their shovels. Once finished, Fetterhoff stood in the three-foot-deep pit and pointed at the noticeably different layers. "You c an see t h e f i r s t 24 inches," he said. "That's the first snowstorm we got, and it's all compacted down. It's actually making a really great base for us this year. It's a nice, soft, heavy base that will stick around for a while. The top 12 inches is from this week." The steeper backside of Hoodoo holds the potential for the most avalanche dan-
Outing Continued from D1 For Jill Duncan, of Bend, the outing was about "making peace with winter," she sard. For Stephanie Krause, of Bend, who has been running for about five years, it was a way to revive the activity, to make it new and fresh. Both women enjoyedthe experience, in large partbecause their self-generated body heat kept them warm despite the biting wind and f l urries of flakes. Kantor was first introduced t o snowshoe r unning t w o years ago, and for someone newly dedicated to exercise, she said, "It got me excited to run in the winter." Here's where I must digress for a moment. I met Kantor when I wrote a story about her a year ago. She told me then that she had been more interested in academic and musical pursuits all her life — not physical activity. The first time she ever exercised was in 2005, as an adult who had grown overweight, unhealthy and unhappy. In her 30s at the time, her knees hurt and she needed blood pressure medication. Going to the gym terrified her; it was not her scene. She started with a few exhausting minutes on a treadmill. Th e f o llowing years were a story of slow and steady progress, with chapters of exercise, dramatic weight loss, building strength and endurance, discovering confidence and h a p piness, braving new experiences. She became inspirational to others. Anne Ferrell, of Bend, and Caryl Hosler, of Sisters, who were among snowshoe runners on Saturday, saidthey met Kantor through a running group at Fleet Feet. Kantor coached a "No Boundaries" beginner training program for those new to running or walking. Kantor, Ferrell said, is positive and encouraging, a "mother hen" for those who are new to getting out there, who might be afraid. "She'll cry with us," said Hosler, in reference to the "good" kind of emotionalbreakthrough crying, not when someone falls down and gets hurt. Which, forthe record, no one did on Saturday.
snowboarders. The minimum first-aid requirement for a ski patroller is certification as a Wilderness FirstResponder, which r equires c ompletion of an 80-hour course. Fetterhoff is an emergency medical technician in the Lane County or high ground at the edge of town of McKenzie Bridge, and the avalanche path. Patrollers Egan is certified in Outdoor can also use rope saws to cut Emergency Care. cornices that could cause a Fetterhoff said that m ost slide. injuries on the hill involve beA fter th e m o r ning a v a- ginner skiers and snowboardlanche c o n trol, p a t r ollers ers on groomed slopes. And can spend much of their day Egan added that the majority responding to accidents, in- of those injuries occur in the juries, and lost skiers and afternoon, when skiers and ger, Fetterhoff explained. Most avalanche controlat Hoodoo is performed by "ski cut," a procedure in which a patroller crosses a slope of new snow rapidly at an angle of about 45 degrees, aiming for an island of safetysuch as trees, rocks,
tl ) (
Cascade Lakes,Hwy.~ (Closedr for win)er) /rg /
I ,
Mt. Bachelor
common col'rldor
~ Showshoe runningroute ordic Lodge®
Gate Ski Resort
"This is my office," he said, pointing t o t h e g l i stening white slopes from the chairlift. "I get to work all day long out on skis — you can't beat it, any day of the week." — Reporter: 541-383-0318,
Where togetthem
Where torun
A search online showed running-specific snowshoes cost anywhere from $130
There are countless places one could snowshoe run.
southwest from Bend about17 miles to Mt. Bachelor's main parking lot. Parkat the Mt. Bachelor Nordic Ski Center. Cross the
to $250.
For a wide, flat, packed
common-use corridor to reach theCascade
• Fleet Feet Sports (1320
surface, the CascadeLakes
Lakes Highway.
N.W. Galveston Ave., Bend,
Cost:Joining the weekly group is free.
541-389-1601) carries a
Highway is a great place to start. You could run forever
Parking at some of its destinations will require
couple of models. Fleet Feet
from here, toward Elk Lake
a permit. Sno-park permits cost $3 daily, or $20 annually.
has shoes to rent, $10fora half day or $15for a full day. • FeetZone(845 N.W.Wall
would be perfect, too; wide
WithLaUra Note:Anyone who parks in Mt. Bachelor's parking lot must pick up a free pass in the
St., Bend, 541-317-3568)
to access the backcountry. The corridor doesn't require a paid permit like the groomed nordic trails. Mt. Bachelor recently instated the free permit requirement.
good day.
Getting there:TakeCascadeLakesHighway
lodge in order to usethe common-use corridor
Mt. Bachelor
snowboarders begin to tire. "It is amazing how many of our accidents happen from two o'clock on in the afternoon," Egan said. "We attribute that to fatigue. Perhaps people start to tighten up, and they tend to take more chances in the afternoon with their speed. You can almost set your watch (to the increase in the accident rate) every day." Fetterhoff, 26, said that in his five years as a ski patroller, the incidents that stand out in his mind involve kids. "Those of us who have been in the medical field for a while,
M cKenzie Bridge, is in h er second year as a ski patroller at Hoodoo. She said it is sometimes difficult to stay on constant alert — especially on a bluebird day when it seemed nothing could go wrong — but that is no doubt part of the job. " It's just staying i n t h e frame of mind that anything could happen at any t ime," Crosby said. "Always being ready for anything ... thinking, 'What would I do in this c ircumstance? W h at's t h e smartest way to ... slow down and not be too anxious about an accident'?'" Crosby and other patrollers talked often about their fondness for Hoodoo, and how the relatively uncrowded slopes and friendly snowriders make for a pleasant place to spend their days. And it was tough to beat Thursday: perfect conditions and safe slopes. But, if you ask Fetterhoff, every day on the hill in his red patrol jacket is a
If yougo
carries onemodel for sale and will begin renting demo shoes by Monday,for $10 a day. Both stores offer deals in which rental fees can be
applied toward a purchase.
Greg Cross /The Bulletin
winter running tights. Don't expect to run at the same pace or distance that you run on dry land. Take it easy and enjoy your surroundings. Some peopleran by themselves. Many paired or tripled up into social groups. There's a funny and wonderful thing that happens in group runs (or hikes or skis or bike rides,
etc.). When strangers — especially women — start sweating and suffering together, they often end up discussing personal things. Maybe this is where some people find their social outlet. Or maybe it's just a way to distract from the
ache in your legs. The group
You'll quickly heat up if you
had a smaller proportion of men, and they were warm and friendly, too, but at least with me, we bonded more over sports-related conversations. Kantor led us to the Todd Lake turnoff, which made it about a 2.6-mile round-trip outing from the Mt. Bachelor parking lot. When I do this again, I'll head from that point up Forest Road 370 to Todd Lake and beyond. I actually thought to myself, "Next time," which is when I realized I was
keep moving. Layers of mois-
enjoying snowshoe running.
ture-wicking wear is advised. Snowshoes will flip a bit of snow up your backside, so wear pants that to repel that. Most of us wore heavy-duty
It serves a unique purpose in Central Oregon's world of recreation.
Anne Aurand / The Bulletin
The group of snowshoe runners heads back after turning around at the Todd Lake turnoff. the road according to their varying paces. Some walked. Hosler, a veteran snowshoe runner, stayed in th e back w ith one woman wh o h ad worn hiking boots, assuming they'd protect her feet better than running shoes. After the outing, she said the boots were a bad idea, lacking the
gear and supplies: Some wore special winter Gore-Tex running shoes, but most of us did not. I wore light, airy running shoes despite the 16-degree temperature, with the warmest socks I had and some ankle gaiters to keep the snow out. Everyone I talked to said their body heat kept their feet plenty snug comfort and appropri- warm. a te support o f a r u n n i n g Generally speaking, a runshoe. ner should dress in l ayers A quick conversation about and start off a l i t tle chilly.
— Reporter: 541-383-0304, aaurand®
WILSONSofRed mond 541-548-2066 Adjustable
Most of the joggers appeared to catch on in no time and found the snowshoes surprisingly easy. There was not a hint of competition or intimidation in this group. The more experienced runners kept an eye on the back of the pack, as the runners spread out along
or Up Forest Road 370. The road to Tumalo Falls and gentle, with packed
snow. Snowshoe-dedicated trails at just about any sno-
park — Virginia Meissner, Swampy Lakes, Edison, for example — would offer quiet, undulating singletrack trails. In consideration of all the resources that go into
grooming some of the local ski trails, I'm hesitant to
suggest that snowshoers chew up impeccably groomed paths intended
for cross-country skiers. Laura Kantor discussed etiquette: Stay off of the
groomed parallel tracks at groomed trail networks (Mt. Bachelor's nordic trails, and at Virginia
Meissner Sno-park, for example.) There's some space between theparallel, classic-style ski tracks and the wide skate-skier
path where snowshoers could run single file if they must. Keep in mind that it's bad form to destroy these
smooth swaths of snow for skiers, and if it becomes a
common problem, snowshoe runners will geta bad reputation.
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U TDOORS FISHING CENTRALOREGONBASSCLUB: Meets on the first Tuesday of each month, new members welcome; 7-9 p.m.; Abby's Pizza, Redmond; DESCHUTESCHAPTEROFTROUT UNLIMITED:Meets on the first Monday of each month; starts at 6:45 p.m.; ONDAoffices, Bend; 541-306-4509; communications Odeschutest;www.deschutes BEND CASTING CLUB:Agroup of Central Oregon fly anglers who are trying to improve their casting technique; club meets on the fourth W ednesday ofeachm onth,6-8 p.m .; Orvis Casting Course in Bend's Old Mill District; 541-306-4509 or THE SUNRIVERANGLERSCLUB: Meets on the third Thursday of each month (except July and August); 7 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center; THE CENTRALOREGON FLYFISHERS CLUB:Meets on the third Wednesday ofeachmonth;7 p.m.;BendSenior Center;
Meets thesecond Wednesday of each month; 7 p.m.; King Buffet, Bend; THE OCHOCOCHAPTER OF THE OREGON HUNTERSASSOCIATION: Meets the first Tuesday of each month; 7 p.m.; Prineville Fire Hall; 541-447-5029. THE REDMONDCHAPTER OFTHE OREGON HUNTERSASSOCIATION: Meets the third Tuesday of each month; 7 p.m.; Redmond VFWHall.
Email events at least 10days before publication to, or click on "Submit an Event"at Contact: 541-383-0351.
Noisy Steller's jay makesits home in trees Scientific name:Cyanocitta stelleri Characteristics:Adults are similar: 12 to 14 inches long with cobalt bodies, sooty-
carrion. Caches seeds and fruits in the fall for winterfood. Bird facts:Member of the crow family
colored crested headsand black barring on
and namedafter Germanzoologist Georg
wing tips and tail feathers.
Wilhelm Steller. They are raucous birds and can imitate the scream of a red-tailed hawk.
Breeding:Nestcup, built in a conifer, is lined with small roots and plant fibers. Females incubate the greenish, spotted eggs for
around16 days; averageclutch is four eggs.
MULTISPORT THE URBANGPSECO-CHALLENGE: Trips on paths and trails along Deschutes River through Old Mill District shops and Farewell Bend Park daily, like a scavenger hunt with cluesand checkpoints;9 a.m.and 1:30p.m.;$65,includes guide,GPS and instruction, water, materials; 541-389-8359, 800-962-2862;
KAYAKINGCLASSES: Forallages; weekly classes and open pool; equipment provided to those who preregister, 4-6 p.m. Sundays; $3; HUNTING first-come, first-served otherwise; CascadeSwim Center,Redmond; LEARN THEARTOFTRACKING 541-548-7275; ANIMALS:Guided walks and workshops with a certified KAYAKROLLSESSIONS:4:15-6 p.m.; professional tracker; learn to identify every Sundayafternoon from through and interpret tracks, sign, and scat the end of May;Juniper Swim & of the animals in Central Oregon; Fitness Center, Bend;fee is $12per two or more walks per month; $35; boat for in-district residents and ongoing, 8 a.m. to noon; 541-633$16 for out-of-district residents; 7045; dave©; preregistration is available beginning the Monday prior at register.bendparks THE BENDCHAPTEROFTHE; www.bendparksandrec OREGON HUNTERSASSOCIATION: .org, 541-389-7665.
Field Guide to North American Birds:
coniferous anddeciduous forests in the West. Food:Omnivorous. Diet includes pine seeds, berries, acorns, nuts, insects, eggs and youngbirds,amphibians,snakesandeven
— Damian Faganis a birder, writer and past president of the EastCascadesAudubon Society. He can bereached atdamian.fagan@'
BEND BOWMEN INDOORARCHERY LEAGUE:Traditional league W ednesday evenings,callLenny at 541-480-6743 for information; indoor 3-D league Thursday evenings at 7 p.m., call Bruce at 541-410-1380 or Del at 541-3897234 for information. COSSAKIDS:The Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association's NRA Youth Marksmanship Program is every third Saturday of the month; 10 a.m. to noon; Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association Range,milepost24 onU.S.Highway 20 east of Bend; Don Thomas, 541-389-8284. BEND TRAP CLUB:Trap shooting, five-stand and skeet shooting are all open Thursdays and Sundays; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; milepost 30 on
A flock of jays is also called a "scold" of jays. Sources:Oregon Department of Wildlife Resources andNational Audubon Society
Haditat:Ponderosa pine, urban woodlands or
Western Region. Courtesy Kevin Smith Nature Photos
Steller's jay
U.S. Highway 20 east of Bend; Bill Grafton at 541-383-1428 or CENTRAL OREGONSPORTING CLAYSANDHUNTING PRESERVE: 13-station, 100-target course and five-stand; open 10 a.m. to dusk, Saturday and Sunday, and11 a.m. to dusk Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday (closed Wednesday); locatedat9020 S.U.S.Highway 97, Redmond; or 541-383-0001.
PINEMOUNTAIN POSSE:Cowboy actionshooting club;second Sunday of each month; Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association Range, milepost 24 on U.S.Highway 20east of Bend; 541-318-8199 or HORSE RIDGEPISTOLEROS: Cowboy action shooting with pistols, rifles and shotguns; first and third Sunday of each month; IO a.m.; 541-408-7027 or www
theme; 10-week program; limited to 10 advanced skiers; Wednesdays; 10 a.m. to11:30a.m.,through Feb.14; SHE'S ONSKIS: For women who want to nordic ski one day per week with an experienced and cheerful coach; open to beginner level skate skiers and above; at Mt. Bachelor Nordic Center; Wednesdays or Saturdays, through Feb. 9;
REDMOND ROD &GUN CLUB: Archery, pistol, rifle, skeet, sporting clays, and trap; three miles east of Redmond on the north side of state Highway126; for further information, open hours and contact numbers; club is open to all members of the community and offers manytraining programs.
INTRO TO SKATESKIING/INTRO TO CLASSICSKIING: Ideal for beginner SNOW SPORTS skiers, these programs offer a fourweek progressive introduction to DAWN PATROLNORDIC SKIING FOR WORKINGPARENTS:Join local the sport of skate and classic skiing; new sessions begin the first week of nordic skimeister Dave Cieslowski each month throughout the winter for this popular morning ritual on the trails of Mt. Bachelor Nordic Center; at the Mt. Bachelor Nordic Center; sessions offer a daily technique
or in a on inmu, u II
• Ruggedobstaclecourseracesfind their nicheamongthose boredbymarathons By Joshua David Stein New Yorh Times News Service
By Monday morning, Michael Cugini would be back at his desk at a major Wall Street firm, another high-powered
cog in the engine of finance. There would be men on his left, men on his right, all yelling into their phones and scanning the stock ticker. But Cugini bo re un s een scarsbeneath hiscrisp custom suit. Twenty-four hours earlier,
Cugini (nickname Cujo) was shirtless, face down, crawling through a 40-foot-iong pit of cold mud, while being electrocuted by low-hanging wires. He also scaled a 15-foot-high wall, ran 12 miles and underwent something called an Arctic Enema, in which hejumped into a Dumpster filled with ice water, dyed neon green, and swam under concertinawire. T wo-and-a-half hours a f ter he began, Cugini crossed the finish line, bloody but unbowed. He had a Dos Equis to celebrate. " There's always a l o t o f moaning on Monday morning," said Cugini, 31, a small man with a baldhead and a strong grip. "And I just think, 'Come on, what did you do this weekend'?'" Cuginihad company. About 25,700 others participated that October weekend in an ordeal in Englishtown, N.J., known as Tough Mudder, an extreme obstacle course that is becoming the macho sport of choice
for Type A men (and some women) who find marathons too easy and triathlons meh. Started in 2010 by a Harvard Business School graduate, Tough Mudder has exploded onto the fitness scene, with 35 races this year in four countries and 660,000 participants to date. Next year, 55 events arescheduled for five countries. Along with other quasi-military obstacle courses like the Spartan Race and Warrior Dash, Tough Mudder is the new gantlet for bodyconscious Gen Xers. Though the muddy details vary, eachchallenge consists of a 3- to 12-mile course spiked with cheekily named obstacles like Ball Shrinker. Rewards vary. There is neither a trophy nor a purse for Tough Mudder, only an orange headband. Spartan Race, on the other hand, gave away $500,000 inpurse money this year. Beer is normally included with entrance fees, which range from $80 to $200.
~~ )~ I' f~ III ,I,,t 0/ 1/)
j, li
f III lttt
P hta," Participants climb the Everest obstacle during the Tough Mudder race. I;
ness plan for Tough Mudder as part of a c ompetition at Harvard. "Finance people a re in a weird j u xtaposition," Dean said. "They may make 100 times more than their fathers, but their hands are soft. We designed Tough Mudder to fill that void." (As noted in a r ecent articie i n O u t side magazine, Dean borrowed heavily from Photos by Ryan Collerd / New York Times News Service an English challenge called Participants run through the Electroshock Therapy obstacle during the Tough Mudder race in English- T ough Guy. A H a r vard i n town, N.J. Extreme obstacle course races are becoming the macho sport of choice for Type A cubicle- vestigation cleared Dean of bound masses yearning to breathe free. wrongdoing, though it noted that he "violated the Harvard Business School Community The c o mmon m o t ivator with team names like Mudlife electrocuted in the El e ctric Values of honesty on several could be ca lled the W alter Crisis and the STDS (short for Eel challenge. As he crawled occasions.") "Super Tough Dudes"). One from exhaustion, a stranger "I was surrounded by suMitty weekend-warrior complex. While the races draw a shirt read, "I don't get drunk, I grabbed him by the arm and percompetitive alpha males fair share of endurance ath- get awesome." The fittest tend- pulled him to his feet, saying, at Harvard," Dean said. "I "You did it, man, you did it." ietes and ex-military, many of ed to go shirtless. thought if I could bring that to the muddiest, most avid, most With American flags flut- Polakowski stumbled on. fitness, I'd be successful." agro participants hail f r om tering overhead, a wiry a nBryan Gariick, 30, a rugHis instincts proved corWall Street. nouncer in a pl aid cap and ged analyst at Merrill Lynch rect. From just$20,000 inseed "Goldman brings a m a s- tight blue T-shirt lifted the mic. in New York, fared better. He money and two employees sive team," said Will Dean, the "Everybody take a knee," he emergedfrom a sewerlike pipe (himself and a lawyer, Guy 31-year-old founder of Tough yelled, and everyone knelt. exuberant. "Having competed L ivingstone, c u rrently t h e Mudder. "So does M organ "We're going to test your fit- in both, triathlons are boring company's president), Tough Stanley." ness. Oo-rah!" and road races are even more Mudder is projected to take in "Oo-rah!" the crowd replied, boring," he said. "Tough Mud- $70 million this year, accordThat they do makes sense since Dean tailored his sport using the traditional greeting der is the only chance for a ing to figures provided by the for cubicle-bound masses of the Marine Corps. guy like me to feel like King company. yearning t o b r e athe f r e e. As the last note of "The Star- Leonidas." Joe Desena, the founder of "When we started Tough Mud- Spangled Banner" sounded, the Spartan Race (perhaps der, we identified a few key a monster truck roared to Find your inner Spartan Tough Mudder's fiercest rival), demographics," he said. "One life and the Tough Mudders That is no accident, said also comes from the hyperof them was the white-collar chased after it, like a h erd Robert Heasley, a sociology competitive world of finance. urban professional." of lemmings clad in Un der professor at the Indiana Uni- An avid competitor who once Armour. versity of Pennsylvania and ran tw o 1 00-mile ultramaTime to 'get awesome' Amongthem was Carlo Fer- the president of the American rathons and an Ironman TriFrom a distance, the Tough olino, 27, an accountant with Men's Studies A ssociation. athlon in one week, he is the M udder course at t h e O l d the Bank of New York Mellon "Obstacle courses like these managing director for ICAP, a Bridge Township R aceway in the financial district who are the physical representation brokerage in New York. Park looked more like a me- had been t raining with h i s of masculinity, which is lackHis 24-hour Dantean course dievai battlefield than a 400- team, the Mudsketeers, since ing for people like lawyers, — which involves chopping acre racetrack. Beefy figures, February. "Eight months!" he doctors, bankers and others in wood for two hours, carrying silhouetted against a f r i g id shouted, his shirt caked in dirt softer careers," he said. "By as- rocks for five hours, cutting a slate gray sky, f altered up as he prepared to tackle a mile sociating themselves with the bushel of onions and memosteep hills. In the gravel park- of muddy troughs. "It's come military and military training, rizing the first 10 presidents of ing lot, teams of men prepared to this: four hours of hell." these men are becoming mas- the United States — was partfor battle. His t eammates sh outed, cuiine by association." ly inspired by the film "300," The b o nding i n t ensified "Let's do this!" as they plunged To paraphrase the manly which chronicled the Spartan at the start line. From 8 a.m. back into the muck, like an ar- poet Hamlin Garland, they let stand at Thermopylae. onward, teams gathered in a mada of aggressive duckiings. urban professionals be savage Originally called the Spargatedcorralon the racetrack, A few miles ahead, Brian again. tan Death Race, it was, in Dewhich was still sticky from Polakowski, 36, a vice presiThe fo u nders o f the s e sena'swords, "meant to break burned tires, stamping their dent of BlackRock, the giant tough-guy races are intimately people." The tagline was "You feet in the cold and jumping money manager in Midtown familiar with that primal urge. May Die" — the website, you up and down in anticipation. Manhattan, h ad col l a psed Dean, a former intern at Bain Many wore matching T-shirts into a muddy pit after being Capital, developed the busiTo reach a broader audi-
ence,Desena also started the less brutal Spartan Races, in which Mount Kiilington takes the place of Mount Purgatory. The series has three levels of brutality: the Spartan Sprint, the Super Spartan and the Spartan Beast. "When I was in finance, everyone smoked cigars and had extravagant dinners," he said. "But now, health and fitness are the new social status symbols." Male bonding, needless to say, figures prominently. Like Iron John before it, these obstacle challenges are designed to forgecamaraderie. The bonhomie is reinforced by challenges like the Everest and Berlin Walls, which require the men to work together and, in some cases, stand on one another's shoulders. There are many one-arm bro-hugs, and even some full embraces. That the three big races appropriate the argot and signifiers of the military is no coincidence.The logo ofthe Spartan Race consists of a Corinthian helmet. The logo of the Warrior Dash is a Viking horned helmet. "A part of me always wanted to join t he A r m y, but I never did," said Evan Lotzof, 31, a senior accountant at Deioitte from Astoria, Queens, who ran Tough Mudder in October. "Tough Mudder gives me a sense of band of brothers." The warlike glory was evident. As Cugini crossed the finish line, he was greeted by pretty volunteers who slipped an orange headband over his head and a banana in his hand. A cover band played the White Stripes, and in the dying light, men did pullups and drank beer. The next day, the competitors would be sitting at rival f irms, but Cugini said t h e sense of c a maraderie and confidenceof Tough Mudder made these banking brethren his brothers for life. Every daythey are handed a mess, he said. "It's not that different than slogging through mud."
Chinook forecast looking thin
FISHING REPORT For the water report, turn eachday to the weather page, today on B6 Here isthe weeklyfishing report for selected areas in andaround Central Oregon, provided by fisheries biologists for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife: ANTELOPEFLATRESERVOIR: Fishing has been fair. The changing weather may make travel difficult so be prepared for muddy or snowy road conditions. Anglers should be careful when venturing onto the ice and follow safety procedures. BEND PINENURSERYPOND: The most recent stocking was in late September, with a number of one-pound rainbow trout released. Fishing for these fish should be fair to good through the fall. CRESCENTLAKE:Opportunities for rainbow and brown trout are good. CROOKED RIVERBELOW BOWMAN DAM:Fishing for trout has been good. It appears the whitefish spawn is tapering off. The use of bait is prohibited until May. DESCHUTESRIVER(MOUTH TO THE PELTONREGULATING DAM): Summer steelhead fishing on the Lower Deschutes is fair, as water clarity has improved significantly. Fish are nowwell-dispersed throughout the river, with good numbers of fish found by anglers from the mouth upstream to the Warm Springs area. Fishing remains good for trout downstream from the Warm Springs Reservation Boundary. DESCHUTESRIVER (LAKEBILLY CHINOOK TOBEND):Flowshave increased with the end of irrigation season. This makes the river more difficult to wade but often triggers trout to feed more heavilyand seek out new territories. Rainbow trout average10-16 inches, while brown trout up to 26 inches are available. Anglers will find better access downstream of Lower Bridge.
• Area fisheries officialssayashorter seasonwith low bag limits islikely
FLY-TYING CORNER "If you're casting and retrieving it like a streamer, they are going to hit the head. If you are swinging it, they will probably take it tail first. That's why there are two hooks in this fly."
Bob Gaviglio says the keys to the Sunriver PineSquirrel Minnow's success lie in the Gel-Spun backing that
reinforces the squirrel strip tail, and that stinger hook, of
course. Gaviglio recommends this pattern in its natural color for bass, white for brown trout,
green to imitate minnows in spring and fall, and black for big trout in still waters.
This is a two-vise fly. The tail, tied in at the head, is made
from three pieces of pine
FALL RIVER:Fishing is good. The river belowthe falls closed Sept. 30. The river above the falls is open all year. Fishing is restricted to flyfishing only with barbless hooks. LAKE BILLY CHINOOK:Fishing for bull trout has beengood. Anglers are reminded there are small numbers of spring chinookand summer steelhead in Lake Billy Chinook as part of the reintroduction effort. Please release these fish unharmed. METOLIUSRIVER:Trout fishing has been good. Insect hatches should offer lots of opportunities for good dry fly-fishing. Angling for post-spawning bull trout should be excellent. Large streamer flies fished in the deeper pools and slots are the best bet. NORTH TWIN:Excellent fall fishing opportunities are available.
By Eric Barker The Lewiston Tribune Ryan Brennecke/ rhe Bulletin
Sunriver Pine Squirrel Minnow, courtesy Sunriver Fly Shop. squirrel fur glued to 50-pound Gel-Spun backing tied to a small bait hook. Red dumbbell eyes are tied to the bottom side ofthe hookand the body
is made from root beer sparkle chenille. — Gary Lewis OCHOCO RESERVOIR: Recent sampling shows there are plenty of trout available ranging from 8 to16 inches long. Low-water levels may make launching a boat difficult. PRINEVILLEYOUTHFISHING POND:Trout are still available to be caught as longasthe pond is not covered in ice. Due to safety concerns, no one is allowed to be on the ice if it's present. SHEVLINYOUTH FISHING POND: Shevlin Pond is fishing well and typically fishes well throughout winter if not iced over. SUTTLELAKE:Recentfish sampling showed excellent trophy brown trout opportunity. Kokanee fishing is poor. WALTONLAKE:Fishing has been fair. Anglers should be careful when venturing onto the ice and follow safety procedures.
Chances for a long chinook season with liberal limits next spring are looking slim. Fisheries mana g ers from state, tribal and federal agencies are predicting 141,400 spring chinook bound for tributaries above Bonneville Dam on the Columbia River will return at least as far as the mouth of the Columbia. That includes 5 8 ,200 c h i nook bound for the Snake River and its tributaries like the Salmon an d C l earwater rivers. If the forecast proves accurate, it would be the lowest return since 2007, when only 86,000 upriver spring chinook returned to the Columbia, and similar to 2006, when the mouth of the Columbia saw a return of 132,600 spring and summer chinook. The Snake R iver component of t h e 2006 run was 53,200. Fishing in Idaho was limited to four days a week that year and the harvest quota was about 800 fish for the Clearwater River and a round 1,330 on the lower Salmon River. Alan Byrne, a fisheries biologist with the Idaho Department of Fish 8 Game at Boise, said based on preliminary numbers, the 2013 spring c h i nook s e ason could see a harvest limit of about 750 to 800 on the Clearwater and as many as 3,500 for the Salmon River, most of which would be allocated to f i sheries on the Lower Salmon and Little Salmon rivers near
Photo courtesy ODFW
A smaller population of spring chinook salmon is predicted to return to the Columbia, according to Idaho fisheries managers.
"We will have some harvest opportunities, it looks like, but it's not going to be a very big
season compared to last (spring). It's just paper fish right now, but we may have a couple of thousand fish to harvest if they show up the way they are forecast." — Alan Byrne, fisheries biologist, Idaho Department of Fish & Game
pared to last (spring)," Byrne a 10-year average of 20,116. "We just didn't get a lot of jacks back last year," Byrne said. "That is what is causing the forecasts to be much lower than what they have been the last several years." The 2013 forecast calls for the Snake River return to include 18,900 wild chinook and 39,300 hatchery fish. Last year, the spring chinook forecastcalled for a return of 314,000 chinook to the mouth of the Columbia River, a nd the actual return w a s 203,100. The river mouth return was 221,000 in 2011 and 315,000 in 2010.
said. "It's just paper fish right now, but we may have a couple of thousand fish to harvest if they show up the way they are forecast." Sport anglers caught about 4,700 chinook from the Clearwater River last spring and about 7,300 from the lower Salmon River, Snake River in Hells Canyon, South Fork Salmon River and the upper Salmon. The forecast is built on a number of factors, none more important than last spring's return of jack chinook, those that spend only one year in the ocean. Fisheries officials use jack counts to predict future returns of chinook that spend two years in the ocean. Last spring,only 7,592 spring chinook jacks were counted at Bonneville Dam compared to
neighborhood on Bend's westside.
Riggins. "We will have some harvest opportunities, it looks like, but it's not going to be a very big season com-
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Photos by Gary Lewis / For The Bulletin
Hunting quail in the Klamath Basin, Bill Herrick swings on a bird jumped from cover at his feet. Herrick hunted last week with Roe Outfitters of Klamath Falls.
Lewis Continued from 01 "Hup," Roe said, and Oreo threw him a look. This was the German wirehairedpointerIfirstmetin June when Roe took delivery of the 6-week-old pup. Barely old enough to hunt, this second week of December, she quivered with the anticipation. I followed three-toed tracks in the snow. Bill spotted them first: a dozen birds dropped down out of a juniper, hit the ground and scattered into the sagebrush. Moments later, we bumped two birds that buzzed away. A lerted by the beat of t h e wings, I spun and glimpsed one, too fast and too far to shoot. At the foot of the second canyon, Bill Herrick kicked up a small group of quail that scattered like a handful of dimes. He shot twice and connected. I saw one of his birds crash into an opening in the sage. A b ir d k i c ked ou t a n d buzzed straight away. I followed it with a load of sixes, then swung on another from right to left. Oreo marked Herrick's first bird, then Roe sent her in after the second. When they had those in hand, Oreo started up the canyon to look for mine. "All year long, these quail are hunted by coyotes and bobcats and hawks," Roe said. "Their survival strategy is that once they flush, they land in a dense bush and try to hold their scent so the coyote or dog won't find them. Sometimes they fly into a j u niper; you have to be ready for a bird to come out over your head." Among our first birds was a juvenile. Most quail, whether hunted or not, do not survive the months of cold. Studies show that as many as 60 to 90 percent of a quail population turns over each year due to natural causes. H unting seasons an d b a g limits are set to allow hunters
Darren Roe and Oreo stop to admire one of the first birds of the day. On a cold December morning,
Oreo, an 8-monthold German wirehaired pointer, made her first guided hunt for quail. The reward was a snout full of quailscent and a rub behind the ears. next time I come." As we finished our morning hunt, we heard quail calls in The Running YResort: the sagebrush. 800-569-0029, Almost back t o t h e c o ral where we started, Oreo Roe Outfitters: whirled and stopped, one fore541-884-3825, leg off the ground, nose locked on scent. Roe didn't trust the point, but a b i r d s t r eaked away and I dropped it. When a portion of birds that are ex- I opened the gun to pluck out pected to die over the course of the empty, Oreo turned a halfa winter. circle and pointed the bush Valley quail, a lso c alled again. We thought it was old California quail, are native to scent, but then another bird Southern Oregon and have blasted out. I closed the gun been transplanted around the and dropped the second five state. In Umatilla and Morfeet from the first. row counties, the season runs Oreo punched through the through Dec. 31, while in the barbed wire for the retrieve. rest of the state, hunters can And three middle-aged men take quail through the end of with old shotguns watched a January. The daily bag limit is young dog come of age. "What I didn't tell you is 10 quail with 30 in possession. F or me, the bag l i mit i s that this is Oreo's first guided academic. I quit when either hunt," Roe said. "She is doI have shot a s elf-imposed ing better than I hoped. I'm a limit on a covey or, more often, proud dad." when I have reached my limit I was the proud uncle. chasing them up and down the — Gary Lewis isthe host of "Adventure Journal" and author hills and over the creeks. "Ifthere are several coveys of "John Nosler — Going Ballistic," "Black Bear Hunting," "Hunting of 10 to 20 birds, I only want to take two or three from each Oregon" and other titles. one," Roe said. "That way, I Contact Lewis at know there will be birds the
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anetwistin inae ivess aceansate TV SPOTLIGHT By Alessandra Stanley New Yorh Times News Service
The season finale of "Homeland" on Sunday had a surprise ending, all right. It was surprisingly good. The pace wasn't frantic, the plot didn't turn preposterously far-fetched,and the rekindled love affair between the CIA analyst and the POW-turnedterrorist was sundered not by treachery or boredom, but by a calamitous terrorist attack that made it i mpossible for them to stay together. The last episode brought closure and still managed to stay open-ended.
Carrie (Claire D anes) helped Brody (Damian Lewis) go on the lam because he convinced her that he was framed for the bombing of CIA headquarters. He could be telling the truth, or perhaps only half of it. A mole in the intelligence community must have helped t he terrorists pull it o ff , or maybe not. But Carrie is back in the spying business with a new terrorist mastermind to hunt down. Better yet, some of the more tiresome characters and subplots — including the hawkish vice president and the self-pity of thevice president's son over a woman he killed with reck-
less driving — are gone. The blast brought the narrative closer to what Carrie wasn'tsure she really wanted: a clean slate.
Showttme via New York Times News Service
Claire Danes, left, and Mandy Patinkin star in the Showtime series "Homeland." The Season 2 finale was surprisingly good, bringing closure and still managing to stay open-ended. And that's perhaps the most unpredictable element of all. After so many detours to the implausible, there was every reason to expect the season finale to be a letdown, and e ven downright s illy. T h i s Showtime series that became an overnight hit in 2011 because it was so different from most t e levision e s pionage shows lost some of that novelty in the second season, listing too often toward the kind of preposterous twists of "24" and still more ordinary television shows, from the medical miracles that allowed Brody to recover after having a knife plunged straight through his hand to killing off the vice president by tinkering with his
pacemaker by remote control. The firstseason offered a perfectly balanced set of contradictions. The second was more uneven. Even the show's most creative step, the twisted psyche of its heroine, lost some ground in Season 2. Carrie's bipolar affliction was fascinating last season, because it was both her greatest weakness and her strength. Her mind worked differently from everyone else's; she detected buried patterns where everyone else saw only fog. This season, Carrie emerged from electroshock reasonably sane, and that was in some ways diminishing. She went from being a fascinating head case to just a nother head-
strong heroine, the kind who on a series like "Rizzoli and Isles" goes into an abandoned building alone, armed with a crowbar, to capture the terrorist who almost killed her while she was tied to a pipe, "Perils of Pauline" style. Until the finale, that is. Carrie wasn't bipolar this time round, but she was definitely of two minds, torn between having Brody and her CIA career until, a little like Rick in "Casablanca," she realizedthat she had to trick him into leaving so she could stay behind and fight the good fight. The lastframe showed her mentor, Saul (Mandy Patinkin), seemingly stunned with relief and joy that Carrie was actually alive — the continuation of a beautiful friendship. The secret of the f inale's success was that it didn't borrow from "24," but r ather paid homage to classic movie thrillers. The scene where Estes (David Harewood), the slimy director of counterintelligence, returns home and is shocked to find the agency's black ops hit man Quinn (Rupert Friend) waiting for him quietly in a corner armchair was remarkably like the denouement of "Three Days of the Condor." Quinn's decision to disobey Estes' order to kill Brody — call it a moment of clarity — was reminiscent of "The Bourne Identity." And B rody's desperation when he sees that he is being set up to take the fall for the
bombing attack with his own confession tape, the one he made before aborting his suicide mission in Season I, had more than a trace of the panic felt by the Soviet sleeper mole in "No Way Out."
Sunday's episode opened with a w a r ning to v i ewers that in light of the Sandy Hook school massacre, some scenes in the last episode might be disturbing. It wasn't the bombing, however, that b r ought the Connecticut tragedy to mind. That looked too much like Sept. 11. It was the scene where Brody's family members, holed up at home, under surveillanceby camera crews and government agents, watch television and realize that the absent Brody is being held responsible for the death of so many innocent people — a sin of their father's that will stain the children forever. The fact that Brody may be innocent this time round isn't the only unexpected twist. For much of the second season, the writers had built up low expectations, giving even devoted viewers reason to feel cheated. The f i nale proved them wrong. Season 2 didn't address all the u nexplained m y steries or tie up all the inconsistencies, but it did leave fans in the mood for a third season. Like an overload of love,
money or fine dining, more of a great show sometimes can be a little too much. The only thing worse is less.
Womanemotionallytorn in lovetriangle
Dear Abby: I am a 31-year-old, never-married mother of two. Last summer I started having an affair with "Jordan," the father of my first child. He left me when our daughter was a year old and has been engaged for three years
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX,680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • END OF WATCH(R) 1ki05 a.m. • FLIGHT (R) 11:10a.m., 2:15 • THE GUILTTRIP(PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:25, 3:50, 6:30, 9 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)10:45 a.m., 1:45, 2:25, 3:50, 4:05, 5:25, 6:05, 9:15, 9:45 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-D (PG-13) 10:50 a.m., 12:30, 2:30, 4:10, 6:10, 7:50, 9:50 •THE HOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY IMAX (PG-13) 10:55 a.m., 2:35, 6:15, 9:55 • LIFE OF Pl (PG)12:35, 6:40 • LIFE OF PI3-0 (PG) 3:45, 9:35 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 11 a.m., 2:20, 6, 9:20 • THEMETROPOLITAN OPERA: LA CLEMENZA DlTITO (no MPAA rating) 6:30 • MONSTERS,INC.(G)11:05 a.m., 1:35, 6:25 • MONSTERS,INC.3-0 (G)3:55,9:05 • PLAYINGFORKEEPS(PG-13) 10:30 a.m., 1:05, 7:40, IO:25 • REDDAWN(PG-13)10:40a.m.,1:25,7:55, 10:15 • RISE OF THEGUARDIANS (PG)12:45,3:40,6:30,9:05 • SKYFALL(PG-I3) 12:50, 4, 7:10, 10:20 • THE TWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PGI3) 1:35, 4:30, 7:30, 10:10 • WRECK-IT RALPH (PG) 11:15a.m., 2, 4:50, 7:30, 10:05 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies.
• There may beanadditional feefor 3-0 andIMAXmovies. • Movie times aresubject to change after presstime. I
in an on-again, offagain relationship.
I could give you
has not had the desired effect. He WILL be marrying someone else. Next, concentrate on saving yourself and waste no more of your time on him — that is, if you would like a permanent, monogamous relationship with someone. Jordan has given you ample proof that he is incapable of bei ng faithful t o o n e woman. And last, tell his fiancee that you do not plan to attend the wedding or do her hair because you are in love with Jordan and have been sleeping with him since last summer. Dear Abby: I have known my husband for seven years and I love him very much, but I am no longer "in love" with him. Somehow along the waythe spark has fizzled. We have a wonderful family and have been through so much together. I don't want a divorce. I want to make our marriage work, and so does he. So how do I get my sparkback? — Sparkless in Texas Dear Sparkless: That you and your husband want your marriage to work means it is capable of being resuscitated. While you didn't give any details, it is possible that you have been "through so much" that
excuses about why the affair started up again, but the truth is we both knew it was wrong and continued to do it anyway. I never stopped loving him and I thought it would bring him back to me. Today I found out from Jordan's fiancee that they have set their wedding date for next spring. She said they would like for me to come. As if it wouldn't be painful enough to go to the wedding, his fiancee has also asked me to do her hair for the occasion. (I'm a hairstylist.) Abby, Jordan and I are still having an affair. I want to tell her, but I don't want him to hate me. I believe this wedding is a big mistake for many reasons, not just the obvious. — Can't Help Myself in Ohio Dear Can't Help Yourself: OK,the first thing to do is wake up, smell the coffee and accept that resuming the sexual relationship with Jordan
TAURUS (April 20-May20) ** * * A c t quickly, or you could miss out on an important opportunity. A conversation with an adviser points to making a more solid decision about present facts. You might have strong feelings for a new friend. If you are not ready to share, don't. Tonight: Takesome personal time.
— Writeto Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles,CA 90069
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21)
year you often are inspired to live out a By Jacqueline Bigar dream or go for what you really want. Sometimes this path can be confusing. Friends and family who are observing Tonight: Only where your friends are. you might become CANCER (June 21-July 22) Stars showthe kind cynical. Don't of day you'll have wo r ry — you know ** * * * O t hers look up to you. A ** * * * D ynamic whatyou are doing. surprising event occurs, which will force ** * * P ositive If you are single, you to regroup. Understanding evolves ** * A verage you could be drawn after a conversation. You might not like how assertive a friend or loved one is, ** S o-so to a Capricorn or a but at least this person gets the action * Difficult very strong-willed moving. Tonight: To the wee hours. individual. Working out this relationship might be important, LEO (July23-Aug.22) ** * * W ork with a partner directly. but onlyyou can make that decision. Unusual information could toss your ARIES (March21-April 19) thinking into "revamp" mode. Verify that ** * You might react in a resistant whatyou are hearing is legitimate and manner to someone's proposal. Whether factual. Appreciate someone's efforts, and it is good or bad, think about the say"thankyou"inawaythatheorshe can consequences that your reactions might hear. Tonight: Only where there is music. bring. Take a stand, but explain your reasoning behind it. Pressure could build as a result. Tonight: Off to the gym.
it didn't allow you to concentrate on each other. Exhaustion and distraction can cause a spark to fizzle. A way to reignite it would be to spend more time alone together, participate in activities you both enjoy, and make time on a regular basis to talk, relax and touch each other. And if necessary, enlist the services of a licensed marriage counselor. Dear Abby:My sister relinquished custody of her kids in a divorce 30 years ago. I recently made contact with them to re-establish lost ties. The contact I made with the daughter has been a wonderful success. The other resulted in c omplete — and understandable — rejection. Now my sister, who didn't want to open the door, blames me for her heartache because her son rejected her. Was I wrong for bringingat least one of them back into the family? — Sister in the South Dear Sister: Because you did it over your sister's objections, I think you were. While the daughter seems interested in establishing contact — at least for nowyour sisterhas now "lost"her son TWICE. And if the daughter eventually backs off, your sister will be zero for two.
VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22)
** * * O thers dominate the scene and want control. That's OK — you have other fish to fry. While others express their power, you might have some extra time off to go holiday shopping. A loved one lets you know that he or she expects more time with you. Tonight: Remain sensitive to a friend.
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
** * * E asy works, but not everyone is in agreement with you. Afamily member GEMINI (May 21-June20) knows howto push you hard. Your ** * * * Ze ro in on a goal. The unexpected surrounds a revelation, which options are: fight, go along with his or her demands, or flee the scene. It is your allows you to move forward. A partner decision. Honoryour needs, even if one or loved one supports and even pushes of them is to buy this person a muzzle! you toward the finish line. Tension builds until you opt to jump right in and go for it. Tonight: Get some extra R and R.
** * * You might want to move past a problem involving someone talking too much. You already have tried to isolate yourself by screening calls. How creative can you be in telling someone you don't want to hear any more, and not damage your bond? Tonight: Silence is nice.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21) ** * T ension easily could get the best of you. Do you feel as if someone is dragging you down?You suddenly mightdecideto toss the shackles and free yourself, which could result in a mouth-gaping audience. Ultimately, does this act serve you? Tonight: Put your feet up and relax.
CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan. 19) ** * * You might be coming off stronger than you realize. If someone backs away, he or she probably has good reason. A little softness goes a long way. Go for a walk. Reduce high energy to a level that's easier to manage. Respond to a close friend. Tonight: Relax with a pal.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.18) ** * * You can flexyour budget, or you could consider robbing Peter topay Paul. The best solution would be to paredown remaining gifts. Brainstorm with a friend. Remember that it isn't the cost, but the thought that counts. Tonight: Rethink your shopping list.
PISCES (Feb.19-March20) ** * * * You can try positive thinking, but that might not bring youwhatyou want. It is too late to write to Santa. Goout andlasso in exactly what youwould like. Someone appreciatesyour directness andfinds it flattering. Tonight: Keep wishing on a star, but only if you must. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate
Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • ANNA KARENINA (R) I2:45, 3:45, 6:30 • ARGO (R) 4:30 • HITCHCOCK (PG-13) 1, 4:15, 6:45 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)Noon, 3:30, 7 • LINCOLN (PG-13) I2:30, 4, 7:15 • THE OTHER SON(PG-13) 1:15, 7:30 • SKYFALL(PG-I3) I2:15, 3:15, 6:15 I
McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • BABE(G) 3 • THEPERKS OF BEING AW ALLFLOWER (PG-13)6 • SEVENPSYCHOPATHS (R) 9 • After 7 p.m., shows are21andolder only. Younger than 21 mayattend screeningsbefore 7 pm.ifaccompanied bya legalguardian. t
TV TODAY 8 p.m. on R4 K3, "The Middle" —Everybody's going back to school, including Frankie (Patricia Heaton), who's determined not to take just any job after being fired from the car dealership. She decides to enroll in tech school to prepare for a real career. It's a new year of high school for Axl (Charlie McDermott), now a senior, and sophomore Sue (Eden Sher), who's mentoring a freshman (Bailey Buntain, "Bunheads"). 8 p.m. on C3 E3, "The 2012 Miss Universe Competition" —Andy Cohenand Giuliana Rancic host the61stannual competition from LasVegas. Contestants from morethan 80 countries will be judged inthree categories — swimsuit, evening gown and interview — asthey vie for this year's title of Miss Universe. 8p.m. on(CW), Movie: "Noel" —Alan Arkin, Susan Sarandon and Penelope Cruz star in this 2004 holiday story of several strangers — all of them a little short of seasonal spirit — whose lives intersect with the sort of result you'd expect from a Christmas movie. Do wedare use the "M" word ... "miracle"? 8 p.m. on AMC, Movie: "White Christmas" —Some purists may sniff that1942's "Holiday Inn," of which this 1954 musical is a partial remake, is a superior piece of work. The fact remains that this latter vehicle for Bing Crosby, Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellenhasbecome acompulsory part of the yuletide celebration for millions around the world. 9 p.m. on E3, "Criminal Minds" —Morgan (Shemar Moore) has more than the usual investment in a case in "Foundation," since the BAU's search for a missing youngster prompts memories of his own background. Another boy (guest star Jonathan Castellanos) who apparently escaped from the same abductor is found in an Arizona desert, but his reluctance to talk about his captivity hinders the effort to find the other youth. 9 p.m. on FAM, Movie: "Disney's A Christmas Carol" —One of the most enduring of all holiday stories gets a fresh screen workout from director Robert Zemeckis and Jim Carrey in this inventive 2009 retelling. Carrey expectedly plays miser Ebenezer Scrooge, but thanks to the motion capture technique, the actortakes on several other characters in the Charles Dickens classic as well. 10 p.m. on M f3, "Chicago Fire" —The holiday is hardly dull for the firefighters in the new episode "Merry Christmas, Etc.," as their response to a kitchenblaze in aswanky home has a surprising outcome. The rescuers are accused of swiping a diamond necklace from the house, leaving Casey (Jesse Spencer), Herrmann (David Eigenberg) and others the targets of an internal investigation. ©Zap2it
I •
' •
Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • The theater will host "Spaghetti Western Wednesdays"at 6tonight (spaghetti dinnerincluded). As ofpress time, the Westernfilm has not beenselected. I
Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I -548-8777 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)3:30,7 • RED DAWN (PG-13) 5:15, 7:15 • RISE OF THEGUARDIANS (PG)4:45,7 •THETWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART 2 (PG13) 4, 6:45 Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)6 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 6:15 • PLAYINGFOR KEEPS (PG-13)6:45 • SKYFALL (PG-13) 6:15 r/
'Furnifure rsnd8esji n 856 NWBond • Downtown Bend• 541-330-5999
Iienfel~l $ zp ">perfectcolorssince1975
7:30 AM - 5:30 PM MON-FRI 8 AM - 3 PM SAT. 541-382-4171 541-548-7707 2121 NE Division
64 1 N W Fir
R ed m o n d
Madras Cinema5,1101 SW. U.S.Highway97, 541-475-3505 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)5,8:20 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-0 (PG-13) 4:30, 8:10 • PLAYINGFOR KEEPS (PG-13)7:20 • RED DAWN (PG-13) 5:15 • RISE OF THEGUARDIANS (PG) 5, 7:10 • THETWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING SAGA — PART 2 (PG13) 4:35, 7 Pine Theater, 214 N. Main St., 541-416-1014 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)6 • SKYFALL(UPSTAIRS —PG-13) 6:30 • Theupstairs screening roomhaslimited accessibility.
dya g~S S IP COVERINGS Also see usfor
Awnings, Solar Screens 8 Custom Draperies
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ON PAGES 3&4.COMICS & PUZZLES ~ The Bulletin
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Save/donate your deT elescope: Mea d e REMEMBER: If you WHEN BUYING posit bottles/cans to lo- Kahr PM45 compact 45 electronic 4i/2" equatohave lost an animal, don't forget to check cal a l l vol u nteer, auto. 2 mags & holrial reflecting scope FIREWOOD... non-profit animal resITEMS FORSALE 264-Snow RemovalEquipment includes sof t ware, To avoid fraud, The Humane Society ster. Like new. $600 cue, to help with cat mount & alum. tri-pod, in Bend 541-382-3537 201 - NewToday 265 - Building Materials 541-419-7001. The Bulletin spay/neuter costs & stands about 4 high Redmond, 202- Want to buy or rent 266- Heating and Stoves recommends payother veterinary bills. Mossberg 12g Maverick $200. 541-408-1984. Fabian is special! Gor541-923-0882 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 267- Fuel and Wood ment for Firewood geous Maine Coon, 3 CRAFT's Cans for Cats 88 home defense shotPrineville, 204- Santa's Gift Basket only upon delivery 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers yrs old & just 3 legs. trailer will be at: Jake's gun, $200. 541-647-8931 541-447-7178; Find exactly what 205- Free ltems and inspection. D oesn't s l o w hi m Diner, 2210 NE Hwy. 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment Norinco 9x19MM great you are looking for in the • A cord is 128 cu. ft. OR Craft Cats, 20, Bend, 12/17- 12/31. 208- Pets and Supplies down much, but he 270 - Lost and Found 541-389-8420. cond., ammo. $275. 4' x 4' x 8' near 541.420.1540 needs a safe, inside Petco, 210- Furniture & Appliances CLASSIFIEDS GARAGESALES • Receipts should home. Affectionate & Applebee's, Bend, 1/1211 - Children's Items 275 - Auction Sales gets along w/ other 1/14. Eagle Crest O Remington 1100 custom Wanted- paying cash include name, 212 - Antiques & Collectibles phone, price and mellow cats. CRAFT, priyate clubhouse, 1/15 trap gun by Daro Handy, for Hi-fi audio & stu280 - Estate Sales 215- Coins & Stamps - 1/28. 3 8 9 842 0 , $1500. 541-480-4995, kind of wood pur281 Fundraiser Sales dio equip. Mclntosh, 240- Crafts and Hobbies & Taurus Judge .410/45 chased. 389 8420, 598 5488. J BL, Marantz, D y 282Sales Northwest Bend 241 - Bicycles and Accessories Facebook for info. Long Colt Ultra-Lite pis- naco, Heathkit, San- • Firewood ads 284Sales Southwest Bend 242 - Exercise Equipment Wolf-Husky Pups,$400! tol, 22oz, $425. Call Gar- sui, Carver, NAD, etc. MUST include spe286- Sales Northeast Bend 243 - Ski Equipment cies and cost per 35 years exper. Can text rett O 541-410-6923 Call 541-261-1808 cord to better serve 244 - Snowboards 288- Sales Southeast Bend pics. Call 541-977-7019 Wanted: Collector our customers. 290- Sales RedmondArea 245 - Golf Equipment 261 Yorkie AKC pups, small, seeks high quality 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 292- Sales Other Areas ready now! Health guar., fishing items. Medical Equipment 308 The Bulletin 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. French Bulldog puppies, shots, potty training, pixs Call 541-678-5753, or FARM MARKET Farm Equipment adorable AKC B o rn avail,$650. 541-777-7743 503-351-2746 248- Health and Beauty Items Golden Compass Sport 308- Farm Equipment and Machinery & Machinery 10/18. Great Christ249- Art, Jewelry and Furs power wh e e lchair, 316 - Irrigation Equipment 255 mas present! Please bright red, used only 3 1 cord dry, split Juniper, 251 - Hot TubsandSpas 325Hay, Grain and Feed call 541-410-1299 Furniture & Appliances $190/cord. Multi-cord Computers months, like b r and 253- TV, Stereo andVideo 333- Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies new. $3200 new, sac- discounts, & i/2 cords Frenchie Faux puppies 255 - Computers available. Immediate T HE B U L LETIN r e r ifice a t 341 Horses and Equipment $2000. $300-$400. A1 Washers&Dryers 256- Photography delivery! 541-408-6193 quires computer ad- 541-848-7755, 345Li ve s t o ck and E qui pment 541-447-0210 $150 ea. Full war257- Musical Instruments vertisers with multiple ranty. Free Del. Also 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals 258 - Travel/Tickets ad schedules or those Hoveround power chair, DRY JUNIPER $185/ wanted, used W/D's 350 Horseshoeing/Farriers 259- Memberships selling multiple sys- like new, new batteries, split, or $165 rounds Maschio 7-ft rotary tiller, 541-280-7355 per cord. Delivered. virtually new, less than 5 358- Farmer's Column tems/ software, to dis- $800. 541-420-4825 260- Misc. Items Call 541-977-4500 or hrs. $7500 new; asking 375- Meat and Animal Processing close the name of the 261 - MedicalEquipment 264 541-678-1590 $5000. 541-421-3222 business or the term 383 - Produce andFood 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. "dealer" in their ads. Snow RemovalEquipment 263- Tools Check out the German Sh e pherd Private party advertisclassifieds online Hay, Grain & Feed pups, parents on sight. ers are d efined as SnowKing snow blower, 208 Call The Bulletin Clas3 yrs old, used 4x, ex- Ready Christmas Eve, those who sell one Pets 8 Supplies sifieds today and have Wanted: Irrigated farm cellent condition, $500 $500. 541-280-2118 computer. Updated daily this attention getter in ground, under pivot irobo. 541-688-3055 or 257 riqation, i n C e n tral your classified ad. 541-285-8862 The Bulletin recomOR. 541-419-2713 541-385-5809. Musical Instruments mends extra caution Gardening Supplies when purc h asDaybed/trundle w/mat8 Equipment • Wheat Straw: Certified & • Building Materials tress pad 8 sheets. ing products or serBeddinq Straw 8 Garden $60 obo. 541-536-9044 vices from out of the Straw;Compost.546-6171 MADRAS Habitat area. Sending cash, B ichon Frise A C A Golden Retrievers AKC GENERATE SOME exFor newspaper RESTORE Wheat Straw in shed, checks, or credit inmale puppy. h ypo- READY CHRISTMAS!! delivery, call the citement i n your Building Supply Resale $2 bale. After 6 p.m. f ormation may b e allergenic, non-shed$700-$800. Visit Circulation Dept. at neighborhood! Plan a Quality at 541-546-9821 Culver. subjected to fraud. ding, Spoiled. Raised 541-385-5800 holmesgoldens.blogs- garage sale and don't Piano, Steinway Model / Want to Buy or Rent LOW PRICES For more i nformain our home with our for pictures To place an ad, call forget to advertise in 0 Baby Grand 1911, 84 SW K St. c hildren. P r ice i n 541-385-5809 and info. Wanted: $Cash paid for tion about an adverclassified! gorgeous, artist qual541 -475-9722 cludes first shots, deHorses 8 Equipment l 541-420-6936 or email vintaqe costume jew- tiser, you may call 541-385-5809. ity instrument w/great Open to the public. the O r egon State worming and puppy elry. Top dollar paid for action & S t einway's King bed, latex 8 mem papers. $500 Kittens/cats avail. thru Attorney General's A BIT LESS Gold/Silver.l buy by the The Bulletin EquineConsignment rescue group. Tame, foam, all bedding $250 warm, rich sound. Will Co n s umer 541-326-5109 Estate, Honest Artist Office cash. 541-330-8349 adorn any living room, shots, altered, ID chip, • Heating & Stoves Holiday shopping for all Elizabeth,541-633-7006 Protection hotline at Chihuaha - Female 8 more. Sat/Sun 1-5; call Sleigh Bed frame, twin, church or music stu1-877-877-9392. your good quality weeks old, black coat regardinq other days. dio perfectly. New reWANTED: Tobacco NOTICE TO Prompt Delivery gently used horse and wood, dark brown, very tail $ 6 9,000. Sacriwith white paws. Just Will hold till Christmas Rock, Sand & Gravel pipes - Briars, MeerThe Bulletin ADVERTISER rider needs at in time for Christmas. if it's a gift from Santa. good shape, $250. Sen ng Cem al0 egonsnce 1903 fice at $26,000 OBO, Since September 29, Multiple Colors, Sizes shaums and smoking Stickley Rocker, oak, offerable prices $400. 541-390-7983 6 5480 7 8 th , B e n d . ood shape, s igned, call 541-383-3150. accessories. Instant Landscaping Co. Open Tues.- Fri. 10-5, 1991, advertising for or 250. 541-388-5136 WANTED: RAZORS- Adult companion cats Chihuahua mix 16 mo old 541-389-8420 541-389-9663 used woodstoves has Sat. 10-5. Windy Knolls, 260 Gillette, Gem, Schick, FREE to seniors, dis- male, free to right home 541-598-5488; info at Sofa-chair & 1/2, t an been limited to modOff Hwy 20, Misc. Items SUPER TOP SOIL etc. Shaving mugs abled 8 vet e rans!only. 541-389-0322 els which have been www.hershe behind LaZBoy, leather, otto m an. and accessories. Tame, altered, shots, Chihuahua mix female, 8 c ertified by th e O r - Screened, soil 8 comCall 425-323-3262 $150. 541-410-4997 60" Fair prices paid. color TV wide ID chip, more. Will alLAB PUPPIES AKC. egon Department of FB A Bit Less mi x ed , no Call 541-390-7029 screen rowelling Environmental Qual- post ways take back if cir- weeks, free to right home 4 Females & 3 S ofa-chair 8 1 /2, t a n High hu- Kids / 4H, Reg'd 5yr QH between 10 am-3 pm. cumstances change. only. 541-389-0322 Males: All Colors. leather, wide ottoman. stand, works great, ity (DEQ) and the fed- rocks/clods. mus level, exc. for 389-8420. Visit S at/ $200 541-526-5478 mix pup- P arents o n si t e . $150. 541-410-4997 eral E n v ironmental flower beds, lawns, mare, kind, well trained, Just bought a new boat? Sun 1-5. Photos, info: Chihuahua/Pug B orn 12-8- 1 2 . Sofa 8 l o veseat, drk Bend's Indoor Swap pies, 8 wks old, 1 male, Protection Ag e n cy Sell your old one in the straight $1500. 541-633-3397 or 1 female, 1st shot, $75 541-410-0588 Meet - A Mini-Mall full (EPA) as having met gardens, classifieds! Ask about our reen, throw pillows s creened to p s o il. ea. 541-389-0322 of Unique Treasures! smoke emission stan- Bark. Clean fill. DeSuper Seller rates! 250. 541-410-4997 LabPuppies2012 Farmers Column USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Chihuahua 3rd St. 8 Wilson Ave. dards. A cer t ified 541-385-5809 pup p ies haul. 10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat. w oodstove may b e liver/you 541-548-3949. $200 & $300, Door-to-door selling with 10X20 STORAGE identified by its certifiAntiques & 5 41-977-4454 e m a il Buying Diamonds cation label, which is BUILDINGS fast results! It's the easiest sagetreeacres82Oya Holiday Bazaar Collectibles /Gold for Cash for protecting hay, permanently attached way in the world to sell. Saxon's Fine Jewelers Lost & Found & Craft Shows to the stove. The Bulfirewood, livestock Bulletin reserves 541-389-6655 Tea c u p Labradoodles - Mini & The letin will no t k n owetc. $1496 Installed. The Bulletin Classified C hihuahua the right to publish all Lost green canvas tarp BUYING ingly accept advertis541-617-1133. pups, Born Nov. 1, med size, several colors ads from The Bulletin 541-385-5809 near Wanoga snowCCB ¹173684. $250. 541-848-8095 Flyer ing for the sale of 541-504-2662 newspaper onto The Lionel/American mobile trails. T o m, trains, accessories. uncertified Bulletin Internet web541-385-7932 Aussie Mini/Toy AKC, Dachshunds Choc. 541-408-2191. woodstoves. site. all colors, starting at mini long-haired pupWanted: Irrigated farm purebred pupBUYING & SEL L ING Saturday Market $250. Parents on site. pies. AKC. M$500, F Maltese Castings wood- Lost Red Wallet 12/11, ground, under pivot irAll gold jewelry, silver Yermont Featuring c r a ftsmen, Call 541-598-5314, Bulletin in Bend. If found, call $600. 541-598-7417. pies: 1 t i n y f e male, The stove, Aspen m odel, rigation, i n C e n tral Serwng Cent~al Oregon s>nre l903 $300; 3 males, $250 ea, and gold coins, bars, $300 541 420 4825 artisans & a ntiques. 541-788-7799 Judy,541 480 6306 OR. 541-419-2713 cash. 541-546-7909 rounds, wedding sets, E very Sat. 9- 4 i n 246 DO YOU HAVE class rings, sterling sildoors at the Mason's Aussie mini/toy puppies, SOMETHING TO Maremma Guard Dog Guns, Hunting ver, coin collect, vinBldg, 1036 NE 8th St., blue merles 8 blk tris. SELL pups, purebred, great & Fishing tage watches, dental Bend. Current shots 8 worming. FOR $500 OR dogs, $300 e a ch, gold. Bill Fl e ming, www.happytailsmini541-546-6171. LESS? 22LR Remington 552 541-382-9419. Non-commercial 541-280-5722 Norwich Terriers rare wood semi auto rifle, I Ite m s for Free advertisers may AKC, 2 females left, $200. 541-647-8931 place an ad with Barn/shop cats FREE, $2000 each. Email Browning BAR 300 Win Fuli size box spring w/ some tame, some not. oui' Oo mag. Made in Belguim frame, gd cond., you We d e iiver! F i xed, "QUICK CASH x or 541-487-4511 $600. 541-280-1898 Call The Bulletin Clashaul. 541-617-9447 shots.541-389-8420 SPECIAL" O today and have 1 week 3 lines 12 Pom-Pom pup, 7 wks- B rowning Citori 5 2 5 sifieds this attention getter in BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! ~ 2 k 2 0! e xc. cond i n bo x Happy, healthy, outyour classified ad. The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are Ad must include going, smart, ready $1300. 541-475-3886. 541-385-5809. still over 2,000 folks in our community without price of single item NOW for X-mas! $300 Buy/Sell/Trade an firepermanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift of $500 or less, or Becca 541-279-4838 arms. Bend local pays People Look for Information camps, getting by as best they can. multiple items cash! 541-526-0617 About Products and The following items are badly needed to whose total does POODLE PUPS, AKC CASH!! Services Every Daythrough Call theBulletin ClassifiedDept. help them get through the winter: not exceed $500. toys. Small, friendly, & For Guns, Ammo & TheBulletin Classifieds loving! 541-475-3889 @ CAMPING GEAR of any sort: @ Reloading Supplies. 541-385-5809or541-382-1811 Call Classifieds at New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. 541-408-6900. Persian silk 5x7 handPOODLES, Toy, 4 mos. 541-385-5809 e WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. forratestoday! Very social; parents here Charter Arms 4 4 spl, made rug, beautiful delicate, deep reds & $300. 541-520-7259 PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT $450. Colt 1911, .25 gold golds, off-white silk THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER collector's pisfringe. Always stored. English Bulldog, white, Queensland Heelers engraved 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. Purchased in Kuwait large 3-yr old gentle fe- standard 8 mini,$150 8 tol, $1500. 541-647-8931 up. 541-280-1537 For Special pick up please call male w/special needs, to H&R pump shotgun, 12 & for $15k, asking $8k. Ken @ 541-389-3296 lovinghome only,$500. rightwayranch.word- 20 ga, new in box, $175 Perfect Christmas gift. PLEASE HELP, yot/CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. 541-382-9334, Iv msg. ea. 541-788-6365 541-410-4997.
q/Pg (+[5 I'/''I'fl'
541-385-5809 or go to
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Loans 8 Mortgages
Roommate Wanted
WARNING The Bulletin recom-
Share cozymobile home in Terrebonne, $275+ t/a
mends you use cau- utils. 503-679-7496 tion when you pro630 vide personal information to compaRooms for Rent nies offering loans or credit, especially A q uiet r o o m n e a r those asking for addowntown & College. No smoking or drugs. vance loan fees or companies from out of $350 incl. util. $100 dep. 541-815-9938 state. If you have concerns or quesStudios & Kitchenettes tions, we suggest you Furnished room, TV w/ consult your attorney cable, micro & fridge. or call CONSUMER Utils & l inens. New HOTLINE, owners. $145-$165/wk 1-877-877-9392. 541-382-1885
will loan on real es- AptiMultiplex NE Bend tate equity. Credit, no problem, good equity e GREAT WINTER e is all you need. Call DEAL! now. Oregon Land 2 bdrm, 1 bath, Mortgage 388-4200. $530 & $540 w/lease. Carports included! Garage Sales FOX HOLLOW APTS.
Garage Sales Garage Sales
(541) 383-3152
Cascade Rental Management. Co. Call for Specials! Limited numbers avail. 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. W/D hookups, patios or decks.
RENTALS 603- Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want To Rent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomesfor Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636- Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638- Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for RentGeneral 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend 652- Houses for Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656- Houses for Rent SW Bend 658- Houses for Rent Redmond 659- Houses for Rent Sunriver 660- Houses for Rent La Pine 661 - Housesfor Rent Prineville 662- Houses for Rent Sisters 663- Houses for Rent Madras 664- Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675- RV Parking 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space
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Redmond Homes
NE Redmond, 3 bdrm, Nice flat lot in Terreb2 bath, 1360 sq. ft., onne, .56 a c res, triple garage, office, p aved street, a p bay f ront w i ndow, proved fo r ca p -fill is located at: large patio, mature septic, utilities are at MOUNTAIN GLEN, landscaping, fenced the lot line. $42,000. 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. 541-383-9313 yard. $128,000. MLS MLS 32 0 1 2001172 Professionally Bend, Oregon 97702 541-385-5809 732 201207127 Pam Lester, Principal managed by Norris & B roker, Century 2 1 Commercial/Investment Pam Lester, Principal Stevens, Inc. LOCAL MONEY:Webuy B roker, Century 2 1 Gold Country Realty, PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is Properties for Sale secured trustdeeds 8 Gold Country Realty, Inc. 541-504-1338 needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. 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Corner lot, apB roker, Century 2 1 trimmed or a house proved for standard Gold Country Realty, Can be found on these pages : with an ad in 636 septic. $199,000. MLS built, you'll find Inc. 541-504-1338 I Sales Manager I professional ¹2809381 Pam The Bulletin's Apt./Multiplex NW Bend help in EMPLOYMENT FINANCEANO BUSINESS 745 I Experience preferred Lester, Principal Bro"Call A Service w/ computer skills. The Bulletin's "Call a 410 - Private Instruction 507- Real Estate Contracts ker, Century 21 Gold Small studio close to liHomes for Sale Professional" l Proven 25 years adCountry Realty, Inc. 421 - Schools and Training 514 - Insurance Service Professional" brary, all util. pd. $550, vertising in Jackson 541-504-1338 $525 dep. No pets/ BANK OWNED HOMES! Directory 454- Looking for Employment 528- Loans and Mortgages Directory l Hole. Expanding to smoking. 541-330FREE List w/Pics! 470 - Domestic & In-Home Positions 543- Stocks and Bonds Bend. 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Primary responsibilities include providing dayto-day care to Home health patients in their homes / facilities while being the point person for the patients case management team. Partners In Care offers wages and benefits competitive with the local market including health/dental/life insurances, disability coverage, retirement plan with company match on contributions, and paid time off.
If you are interested, please send a cover letter and resume via email to HROpartnersb or s ubmit via r egular mail t o : Partners In Care, Attn: HR, 2075 NE Wyatt Court, Bend OR 97701. For more information including hourly compensation ranges you can visit our website at: Press Supervisor The Bulletin is seeking a night time press supervisor. We are part of Western Communications, Inc., which is a small, family-owned group consisting of seven newspapers, five in Oregon and two in California. Our ideal candidate will manage a small crew of three and must be able to learn our equipment/processes quickly. A hands-on style is a requirement for our s t/a tower KBA press. Prior management/leadership experience preferred. In addition to our 7-day a week newspaper, we have numerous commercial print clients as well. In addition to a competitive wage and benefit program, we also provide potential opportunity for advancement. If you provide dependability combined with a positive attitude, are able to manage people and schedules and are a team player, we would like to hear from you. If you seek a stable work environment that provides a great place to live and raise a family, let us hear from you. Contact either; Keith Foutz, Corporate Circulation & Operations Director at or with your complete resume, references and salary history/requirements. Prior press room experience required. No phone calls please. Drug test is required prior to employment. EOE
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Houses for Rent Redmond
Call54I 3855809topramoteyourservice 'Advertise for 28daysstarting at ' i4I lnit speci alpatksgeawtavoilabteonourwebste
Newer 2326 sq.ft. deluxe home, 3/3, gas fireplace, 7500' lot, fenced Building/Contracting yard, 1655 SW Sarasoda Ct. $ 1 195/mo. NOTICE: Oregon state 541-350-2206 law req u ires anyone who co n t racts 667 for construction work Commercial for to be licensed with the Rent/Lease C onstruction Con -
Hom e Improvement I
Autumnridge Const. Quality custom home improvements. No job Commercial Repairs, Carpentry-Painting, too big or small.I/et 8 Sr. Discounts! CCB¹198284 Pressure-washing, Call 541-300-0042 Honey Do's. On-time tractors Board (CCB). promise. Senior Spectrum professional A n active lice n se Discount. Work guarbuilding, 350 ' - 500', means the contractor anteed. 541-389-3361 Landscaping/Yard Care $1.00 per ft. total. No i s bonded an d i n or 541-771-4463 N NN. C a l l And y , s ured. Ve r if y t h e Bonded 8 Insured N OTICE: O RE G O N Landscape Contrac541-385-6732. contractor's CCB CCB¹181595 tors Law (ORS 671) c ense through t h e Construction r equires a l l bu s i CCB Cons u m er Margo FIND YOUR FUTURE LLC Since 1992 nesses that advertise Website HOME INTHE BULLETIN • Pavers • Carpentry t o p e r form L a n dwww hirealicensedcontractor. • Remodeling • Decks com scape C o n struction Your future is just a page • Window/Door or call 503-378-4621. which incl u des: away. Whether you're looking Replacement • Int/Ext The Bulletin recomp lanting, dec k s , for a hat or a place to hangit, Paint • CCB 176121 mends checking with fences, arbors, The Bulletin Classified is 541-480-3179 the CCB prior to conw ater-features, and your best source. tracting with anyone. installation, repair of I DO THAT! Every day thousandsof Some other t r ades Home/Rental repairs irrigation systems to buyers and sellers of goods also req u ire addi-Small jobs to remodels be licensed with the and services do business in tional licenses and Landscape ContracHonest, guaranteed these pages.Theyknow certifications. t ors B o a rd . Th i s work. CCB¹151573 you can't beat TheBulletin 4-digit number is to be Dennis 541-317-9768 Classified Section for LISE THE CLASSIFIEDS! included in all adverselection and convenience Home Improvement tisements which indiDoor-to-door selling with - every item isjust a phone cate the business has call away. fast results! It's the easiest Kelly Kerfoot Const. a bond, insurance and way in the world to sell. 28 yrs exp in Central OR! workers c ompensaThe Classified Section is Quality & honesty, from tion for their employeasy to use. Every item carpentry 8 handyman ees. For your protecThe Bulletin Classified is categorized andevery jobs, to expert wall cov- tion call 503-378-5909 cartegory is indexed onthe 541-385-5809 ering install / removal. or use our website: section's front page. Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 to Debris Removal Whether youare lookingfor Licensed/bonded/insured check license status a home orneed aservice, 541-389-1413 /410-2422 before co n t racting JUNK BE GONE your future is in the pagesof b u s iness. Just bought a new boat? with t h e The Bulletin Classified. I Haul Away FREE Sell your old one in the Persons doing landFor Salvage. Also classifieds! Ask about our scape maintenance Cleanups 8 Cleanouts Super Seller rates! do not require a LCB The Bulletin Mel, 541-389-8107 license. 541-385-5809 ERIC REEVE HANDY SERVICES. Home &
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Push comes to shove
1 Excited, informally
e Katey of "Married ... With Children"
By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services
Unlucky L o ui e a n d I were Christmas shopping at a toy storehe has grandkids — and the place was bedlam. We were almost run over by overflowing shopping carts and jostled a side b y ze a lous shoppers. "It's Christmas," Louie observed, "when the spirit of shove prevails." Having survived, we got back to the club for the day's penny game. As today's West, Louie led the ten of hearts against four spades. South took dummy's ace and let the jack of trumps ride, and Louie won.
11 What a clock
he rebids two hearts. What do you say? ANSWER: Your partner has at least si x h e arts: W i t h 2 - 5 -3-3 distribution, he would have bid INT. With 3-5-2-3, he would have bid I NT or raised to two spades. With a fourcard minor suit, he would have bid it. Your hand is worth a game invitation. Raise to three hearts. If vulnerable, you might bid four hearts. North dealer Neither side vulnerable
checker might want to know, in brief 14 Jazzrnan Chick 1s Science suffix 1s Chit 17 Aid for skipping out of school? 19 Physics unit zo What opens and closes safes?
cv/ A
It was time push came to shovethe defense needed diamond tricksso Louie led the deuce. Declarer played low from dummy, took East's queen with the ace, drew trumps and finessed in clubs. East won and led a diamond to Louie's king, but South took the rest, scoring game. Louie missed the best defense; maybe he was frazzled from s hopping. W he n h e sh i f t s t o diamonds, he must lead the ten as a "surrounding" pl a y . Wha t ever declarer does, East-West get two diamonds, a trump and a club.
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43 Rockets' paths 4s 1950s coup victim
DOWN 1Needed a massage, say 3 State anirnal of Maine 3 Prisoners who write tediously? 4 Reggae's -A-Mouse s A previous time s "Sarne goes for me"
19 22 26
4s Opera 38 39 40 41 4s Did 80, say 42 43 45 49 Shipment of noisemakers, 46 47 e.g.? sa Running back's 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 stat: Abbr. 31 "Try 56 57 58 ss "You win" zz "If only" 34 Susan of "The sz Novelist 59 60 6 1 62 63 Morrison Partridge 7 Spaghetti Family" ss One shooting 64 65 66 specification the breeze? zs Sharp-edged s Mount Olympus 67 68 69 ss " y o u r l ip!" plant growth? dweller zs Blabber's so Area of town 9 Bio figure opposite where the Puzzle by JOE OIPIETRO 1o Apollo, for 30 Connect with supernatural one, musically as Robust religious 47 Quite the hang out? s4 Words before 31 Dutifully speaking observance? looker ask or suggest reverent s4 Final letter 11 Children's song 3s Old unit of 4s D.C. 100: Abbr. ss Comic strip refrain ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE conductance 13 Arms flank it Something canine 37 In the distance 49 delivered M E L DS J A Y S L A M P 13 Zero in a as Dodge bullet box s1 "I'll take that as U MI A K A L E C E R A S 1s Tapestrydodger S CA RY M E T A P H O R S making device so Not native 41 Sewn-on K E N N Y G I M E A N I T 33 Shout of s1 Cordoned (off) sz Skater Midori decoration Y E A V A C S P E R O N exuberance 44 Traditional sz With faux M O L O K A I F A D as "Tony n' family vacation shyness sa Italian article Wedding" I M B A D S Y R RA S T A DR U N K I F A I N K E D 37Wine bottle For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit datum card, 1-800-814-5554. L O T S A G A B S A Y S O zs Minstrels, often Annual subecriptions are available for the best of Sunday EC T U N L I N K S
NORTH 4a J 1063
ss Up to ss Auto-racing family name sy Y . SpanIsh .. : English ss Daft ss First Top 40 43 Emphatic hit for Weird Al Yankovic Spanish assent 33 Actress Suvari, co-star of "American Pie" 34 "Jeepers!" as Herbal drink 4o Allies of the Cheyenne
No. 1114
West Pass Pass
Youhold: 4 A Q 9 8 5 9 J 6 Opening lead — 9 10 0 A97 A9 7 3. Y o urpartneropens one heart, you respond one spade and (C) 20)2 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
31 U.K. V.I.P.'s 32 First Super
Bowl that was actually called a Super Bowl 33 Santa
croeeworde from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online eubscriptione: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Croesworde for young eolvere:
Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at BIZARRO
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Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis
fiNg, I hlO ( 7lIE Sc)f B t/ T g N ...(3)lfICHNIEAN5 <1(2U+T ISSUE<...YbT Qg gl<5 Oal 'Ttf8FATIIEIZ/ '(OU'IZG IIElSI,655 RhlcyTHEIZ ILF-ASONScg/INI'I AA1CH I ' L l- (yC7 A AIII7IN coft/IPEKA1./ THE po] 0 ~EH1 SHI6 6 &&!!! E.'ycflt4 CT rj
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© 2012 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. World nghte reserved
E-mall: bholbreok1@gmail.Com
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Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter 10 each square, to form four ordinary words.
THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by David u Hoyt and Jeff Knurek Hieverybody!
I hope you're-havinp 4 great
FIWST 02012 Tnbune Media Services, Iec. „ Ao Rights Reserved.
wonderful o eee yoe,
Casper. x
CASPEIz f5FCAcISE HE WA5 AL-WAY5 IN —Now arrange the circled letters 10 form the surprise answer, 88 suggested by the above cartoon.
0Laugengstock Intemstonal Inz, 0st zy Un erzel Uclek for uze,20I2
"Our figures show that the larger lamps are 68 percent less likely to be stolen by burglars."
65 Carpenters' tools
31 Try to bite, PUPPy-style
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(Anewere tomorrow) J umbles: CHESS A L L O W VIO L E T WAL N UT Answer: After attempting to win for years, he finished first — AT LAST
Association hit 6 Black-clad subculturist 10 "Famous" snack maker 14 Fracas 15 Finis 16 LOgan of "60 Minutes" 17 Lay a trip on, cowboy-style? 20 Hockey legend 21 Breezed through 22 Tony's cousins 23 Nobelist Hahn et al. 25 City on the Rhine 27 Motivate, cowboy-style? 32 Decathlon gold medalist Ashton 33 Minor quibbles 34 Chest protector 36 rain 37 Selassie worshipper 39 One-time teammate of 20Across, familiarly 40 Guys 41 Actress Skye 42 Winner of 82 PGA Tour tournaments 43 Control
46 Palindromic fashion model
35 Spa displays? 4 9 Squeeze (inj DOWN 1 Playground retort 2 King with three daughters 3 Thing to break
free of, perhaps 4 Folk hero Kelly 5 Glue base 6 Greeley's advice 7 Exiled Roman poet 8 Asian holiday 9 Royal title: Abbr. 10 Grads 11 Hurt badly 12 Paris airport 13 H.S. hurdles 18 MBA's course
19 Classy guys 24 Walked 25 Worms, e.g. 26 Prefix with -gon 27 Jeans joint 28 '70s AMC compact 29 Beginning 30 More than just
desires 1
37 Stir up 38 D o m i ni 39 Grandson of Eve 41 Brief opening 42 Cut 44 Response to "Look!" 45 Sarcastic laugh
50 Annoy 51 Vegging out 52 Sp h ere starter 54 Harvesting target 55 P a r amedics, briefly 57 Di a mond caller 58 Eastern path 5 9 S ong syllable
53 5 4
16 19
21 23
V A L 0 R
12/19/12 10
spending, cowboy-style? 47 WWII battle site 48 Out Of whack 49 Town 52 Acquisitions in a certain race 53 Treat, as a bruise 56 Hang in there, cowboy-style? 60 Sheryl Crow's Wanna Do" 61 Baby's word 62 "... but it Could be otherwise" 63 Swimming contest 64 Needy
32 36
42 45
47 49 5 0
By Kurt Mengel and Jan-Mfchele Glanette (c)2012 Trlbune Media Services, Inc.
12/1 9/1 2
v 0 D
BOATS & RVs 805 - Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885 - Canopies and Campers 890- RVsfor Rent
Antique & Classic Autos
AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916- Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932- Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935- Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles
Aircraft, Parts
& Service
Chevy Wagon 1957, 4-dr., complete, $7,000 OBO, trades, please call
Ford F250 XLT 4x4 L ariat, 1990, r e d, 80K original miles, 4" lift with 39's, well maintained, $4000 obo. 541-419-5495
Chevy Astro Cargo I/an 2001, pw, pdl, great cond., business car, well maint'd, regular oil changes, $4500. Please call 541-633-5149
Legal Notices
Chev 1994 G20 cusLEGAL NOTICE tomized van, 1 2 8k, ADOPT-Abundance 350 motor, HD t ow of love to offer a Chrysler 300 C o upe e quipped, seats 7 , child in stable, se1967, 44 0 e n g ine, sleeps 2. comfort, utilcure & nu r turing eiree auto. trans, ps, air, ity road ready, nice home. Contact Jen frame on rebuild, re- Ford F350 2008 Crew cond. $4000?Trade for (800) 571-4136. painted original blue, Cab, diesel, 55K miles, mini van. Call Bob, 1/3 interest in Colum- original blue interior, fully loaded, $32,000. 541-318-9999 bia 400, located at 541-480-0027 original hub caps, exc. Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. e75 chrome, asking $9000 FORD RANGER X LT 7 -pass. v a n wit h The Bulletin is your Call 541-647-3718 Watercraft Motorhomes or make offer. 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 p ower c h a i r lif t , 541-385-9350 speed, with car alarm, $1500; 1989 Dodge CD player, extra tires Turbo Van 7 - pass. 2007 SeaDoo on rims. Runs good. has new motor and 2004 Waverunner, Clean. 92,000 miles t rans., $1500. I f i n excellent condition, o n m o t or . $2 6 0 0 terested c a l l Jay Chrysler SD 4-Door LOW hours. Double ,ii OBO. 541-771-6511. 503-269-1057. CD S Royal Call trailer, lots of extras WinnebagoSuncruiser34' 1/3 interest i n w e l l- 1930, $10,000 2004, only 34K, loaded, equipped IFR Beech Bo- Standard, e-cylinder, GMC 1978 4x4 Heavy Need help fixing stuff? Duty Camper Special Call A Service Professional 541-719-8444 too much to list, ext'd nanza A36, new 10-550/ body is good, needs warr. thru 2014, $54,900 prop, located KBDN. some r e s toration, 2500, 3 5 0 e n gine, find the help you need. 541.385.5809 Snowmobiles $65,000. 541-419-9510 runs, taking bids, auto., 40k miles on Dennis, 541-589-3243 Look at: 541-383-3888, new eng., brakes & Executive Hangar 541-815-3318 tires good. $2995 firm. to advertise. at Bend Airport 541-504-3833 for Complete Listings of (KBDN) Automobiles Area Real Estate for Sale 60' wide x 50' deep, Arctic Cat (2) 2005 w/55' wide x 17' high F7 Firecats: EFI COACHMEN Ads published in "WaSnowpro 8 EFI EXT, bi-fold door. Natural 1979 23' trailer tercraft" include: KayI nternational Fla t excellent cond, gas heat, office, bathaks, rafts and motorFully equipped. Bed Pickup 1963, 1 $2800 ea; room. Parking for 6 Ized personal $2000. 541-410-2186 c ars. A d jacent t o FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, ton dually, 4 s p d. watercrafts. For 541-312-8879 Frontage Rd; g r eat door panels w/flowers trans., great MPG, ServtngCentral Oregon ence1903 "boats" please see or 541-350-4622 could be exc. wood BMW Z4 Roadster visibility for a viation & hummingbirds, Class 870. hauler, runs great, 2005, 62K miles, exbus. white soft top & hard 541-385-5809 cellent cond. $14,000. 541-948-2126 new brakes, $1950. LEGAL NOTICE top. Just reduced to 541-604-9064 541-419-5480. IN THE C I RCUIT Snowmobile trailer $3,750. 541-317-9319 Buick Lucerne CXL C OURT O F T H E 2002, 25-ft Interor 541-647-8483 S TATE O F OR 2009, $12,500, low state & 3 sleds, DESpgy low miles; 2000 Buick EGON 880 $10,900. Century $2900. You'll CHUTES COUNTY. 541-480-8009 Motorhomes not find nicer Buicks Wells Fargo Bank, S pringdale 2005 27', 4' One look's worth a NA dba Americas slide in dining/living area, 860 SOLD OUT!!a thousand words. Call Servicing Company, sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L 0 shares left!!! EcoBob, 541-318-9999. i ts successors i n obo. 541-408-3811 Motorcycles & Accessories nomical flying in your Ford Gafaxie 500 1963, hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, for an appt. and take a interest and/or asam/fm/cd. $8400 obro. drive in a 30 mpg car! signs, Plaintiff/s, v. own Cessna 172/180 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, Harley Davidson SoftHP for only $10,000! 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & 541-420-3634/390-1285 Robert T. S eliger; Tail D eluxe 2 0 0 7, radio (orig),541-419-4989 Based at BDN. Toyota Tundra 4x4 SR5 NW 9th Street, LLC; white/cobalt, w / pas- Country Coach lntrigue Call Gabe at and Occupants of Ford Mustang Coupe 2006, V8, 106K miles, senger kit, Vance & 2002, 40' Tag axle. shell, bed rug, tow pkg, Professional Air! the Premises, DeHines muffler system 400hp Cummins Die1966, original owner, newer tires. $16,000 obo. fendant/s. Case No.: 8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. sel. two slide-outs. V8, automatic, great 949-466-1431 11CV1047. NOc ond, $19,9 9 9 , shape, $9000 OBO. 41,000 miles, new slide,Bunkhouse style, Chrysler Sebring 2006 T ICE O F SA L E 541-389-9188. 530-515-8199 tires & batteries. Most sleeps 7-8, excellent 935 Fully loaded, exc.cond, UNDER WRIT OF options.$95,000 OBO Harley Heritage condition, $ 1 6 ,900, Sport Utility Vehicles very low miles (38k), EXECUTION 541-678-5712 Softail, 2003 541-390-2504 Ford Ranchero always garaged, REAL PROPERTY. $5,000+ in extras, 1979 transferable warranty Notice i s h e r eby ~OO $2000 paint job, with 351 Cleveland incl. $8100 obo given that I will on 30K mi. 1 owner, M ore P i x a t B e n d b i j l e t i n , c o m modified engine. 541-848-9180 January 17, 2013 at For more information Body is in 1 0 00 AM i n t h e please call excellent condition, DON'T MI S S THI S main lobby of t he 541-385-8090 $2500 obo. Deschutes County or 209-605-5537 Buick Enclave 2008 CXL 541-420-4677 Diamond Reo D ump S heriff's Of fi c e , Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 AWD, V-6, black, clean, Ford Crown V i ctoria Truck 1 974, 12-14 HD Screaming Eagle 63333 W. Highway 29', weatherized, like mechanicall y sound, 82k 1995, LX sedan, 4 dr., yard box, runs good, Electra Glide 2005, miles. $20,995. n ew, f u rnished 8 V 8, o r i g . own e r , 20, Bend, Oregon, 103" motor, two tone Econoline RV 1 989, ready to go, incl Wine- $6900, 541-548-6812 sell, at public oral Call 541-815-1216 70,300 mi., studs on, candy teal, new tires, fully loaded, exc. cond, to the highard S a t ellite dish, Ford T-Bird 1966 reat condi t ion. auction Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 23K miles, CD player, 35K m i. , est bidder, for cash R e duced 26,995. 541-420-9964 G K E A T 390 engine, power 3000. 541-549-0058. 4x4. 120K mi, Power hydraulic clutch, exor cashier's check $16,950. 541-546-6133 everything, new paint, seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd cellent condition. the following real 54K original miles, Honda Civic LX row s eating, e x tra Highest offer takes it. CAN'T BEAT THIS! property, known as Hyster H25E, runs runs great, excellent CD, privacy tint2008, like new, 541-480-8080. 3032 Northwest 9th cond. in & out. Asking tires, well, 2982 Hours, L ook before y o u ing, upgraded rims. always garaged, Court, R e d mond, $3500 call $8,500. 541-480-3179 buy, below market Fantastic cond. $7995 loaded. 27k mi., Oregon 97756, to 541-749-0724 value! Size & mile- Weekend yyarrior Toy Contact Tim m at Softail Deluxe one owner. wit, Lot Thirty-Nine age DOES matter! 541-408-2393 for info 2010, 805 miles, Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, $13,500. (39), PINE TREE Class A 32' Hurrior to view vehicle. Black Chameleon. fuel station, exc cond. 541-550-0994. MEADOWS PHASE cane by Four Winds, sleeps 8, black/gray $17,000 Deschutes 2, 2007. 12,500 mi, all Ford Explorer 4x4, i nterior, u se d 3X , Call Don © County, Or e gon. amenities, Ford V10, M itsubishi 300 0 G T 1991 154K miles, $24,999. 541-410-3823 Ithr, cherry, slides, 1999, auto., p e arl Said sale is made 541-389-9188 GMC V~ton 1971, Only rare 5-speed tranny under a Writ of Exlike new! New low w hite, very low m i . & manual hubs, ecution in ForecloInt. 1981 Model DT466 $1 9,700! Original low price, $54,900. $9500. 541-788-8218. mile, exceptional, 3rd clean, straight, evsure issued out of 541-548-5216 dump truck and heavy owner. 951-699-7171 eryday driver. Bring Fifth Wheels the Circuit Court of IBoats & Accessories • duty trailer, 5 yd box, I 2200 dollar bills! the State of Oregon e verything wor k s , ulfstream Sce n i c Bob, 541-318-9999 for the County of 13' Smokercraft '85, GCruiser $8000. 541-421-3222. 36 tt. 1999, Deschutes, d a ted good cond., 15HP Cummins 330 hp dieDecember 10, 2012, gas Evinrude + sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 to me directed in the Minnkota 44 elec. in. kitchen slide out, a bove-entitled a c "My Little Red Corvette" Ford Explorer XLT motor, fish finder, 2 new tires,under cover, tion wherein Wells Plymouth B a r racuda 2004, red, 51k miles 1996 coupe. 132K, hwy. miles only,4 door Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 extra seats, trailer, Fargo Bank, NA dba 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. by Carriage, 4 slide- Peterbilt 359 p o table 1966, original car! 300 4WD, new tires, orig f ridge/freezer ice Americas Servicing extra equip. $2900. maker, W/D combo, $12,500 541-923-1781 hp, 360 V8, centerouts, inverter, satelwater t ruck, 1 9 90, lines, (Original 273 owner, like new. Company, its suc541-388-9270 lite sys, fireplace, 2 Interbath t ub & 3200 gal. tank, 5hp eng 8 wheels incl.) $8900. cessors in interest flat screen TVs. shower, 50 amp propump, 4-3" h oses, 541-593-2597 541-504-6420. and/or assigns, as 17' 1984 Chris Craft $60,000. camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. pane gen & m o re! p laintiff/s, re c o v- Scorpion, 140 HP 541-480-3923 541-820-3724 $55,000. PROJECT CARS: Chevy ered General Judginboard/outboard, 2 541-948-2310 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & ment of F o r eclodepth finders, trollChevy Coupe 1950 sure Against: (1) Nissan Sentra, 2012ing motor, full cover, Utility Trailers • rolling chassis's $1750 Robert T. S eliger, 12,610 mi, full warranty, EZ - L oad t railer, ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, (2) NW 9th Street, PS, PB, AC, & more! $3500 OBO. complete car, $ 1949; LLC; and M o ney Hunter's Delight! Pack541-382-3728. Cadillac Series 61 1950, GMC Envoy 2002 4WD $16,000. 541-788-0427 Award Against: In age deal! 1988 Win2 dr. hard top, complete $6,450. Loaded, Wilderness Big Tex Landscap- w/spare f r on t R em T h e Rea l nebago Super Chief, Fleetwood cl i p ., 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, Leather, Heated Property Located at ing/ ATI/Trailer, 3 8K m i les, g r e at $3950, 541-382-7391 seats, Bose sound 3032 Northwest 9th shape; 1988 Bronco II rear bdrm, fireplace, dual axle flatbed, system. Ext. roof rack Court, R e d mond, 7'x16', 7000 lb. 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K AC, W/D hkup beauDON'INISS I HI S tiful u n it! $ 3 0 ,500. (21 8) 478-4469 Oregon 97756 on mostly towed miles, GVW, all steel, November 13, 2012, nice rig! $15,000 both. 541-815-2380 $1400. Porsche 911 1974, low VW Karman Ghia against Robert T. Jeep Wrangler 4x4, 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 541-382-3964, Ieave 541-382-4115, or mi., complete motor/ 1970, good cond., and NW 9th 1999. 6-cyl, soft top, 541-280-7024. Volvo Penta, 270HP, msg. trans. rebuild, tuned Seliger new upholstery and Street, LLC, as deroll bar, front tow low hrs., must see, suspension, int. & ext. convertible top. BEFORE bar, new tires, $15,000, 541-330-3939 refurb., oi l c o oling, fendant/s. $10,000. B IDDING AT T H E chrome rims, 103K shows new in & out, 541-389-2636 Automotive Parts, • miles, good cond, PRO erf. m ech. c o n d. SALE, A S PECTIVE BID $5500.541-504-3253 uch more! slide, AC, TV, awning. Service & Accessories DER SHOULD INor 503-504-2764 NEW: tires, converter, $28,000 541-420-2715 20.5' 2004 Bayliner DEPENDENTLY Chrome modular 15" batteries. Hardly used. PORSCHE 914 1974, 205 Run About, 220 Jayco Seneca 2 007, $15,500. 541-923-2595 INVESTIGATE: (a) wheels, 5i/e on 5, $150 Roller (no engine), The priority of the HP, V8, open bow, 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy for all. 541-382-5654 lowered, full roll cage, exc. cond., very fast 5500 d i e sel, to y lien or interest of the NEED HOLIDAY $$$? 5-pt harnesses, rac- judgment creditor; w/very low hours, hauler $130 , 000. = We pay CASH for ing seats, 911 dash & (b) Land use laws 541-389-2636. VW Thing 1974, good lots of extras incl. Junk Cars & Trucks! instruments, d e cent and regulations aptower, Bimini & cond. Extremely Rare! Also buying batteries & v e r y c o ol! plicable to the propcustom trailer, Good classified ads tell Only built in 1973 & Porsche Cayenne 2004, shape, catalytic converters. 1 974. $8,000. 86k, immac, dealer $1699. 541-678-3249 $19,500. the essential facts in an erty; (c)Approved Serving all of C.O.! • MONTANA 3585 2008, 541-389-1413 541-389-2636 uses for the propinteresting Manner. Write maint'd, loaded, now Call 541-408-1090 exc. cond., 3 slides, $1 7000. 503-459-1 580 Toyota Camrysr e rty; (d) Limits o n from the readers view - not king bed, Irg LR, Arc933 Snow tires & wheels, farming or f o rest 7984, $1200 obo; the seller's. Convert the Need help fixing stuff? Toyota 4 Runner SR5 tic insulation, all opP195/70R14, came off Pickups p ractices o n th e 1985 SOLD; 1997, 4X4, 182K mi., Call A Service Professional facts into benefits. Show tions $37,500. 2000 Camry. $175. property; (e) Rights 1986 parts car, 541-420-3250 a uto, n e w tire s find the help you need. the reader how the item will 541-948-1229 Dodge Ram 1500 Quad of neig h boring help them in someway. (Goodyear Wrangler) $500. cab, 2008 4WD. 43k. property o w n ers; This Nuyya 297LK H i tchon front wheels, sun Call for details, ¹105918. $23,988 and (f) EnvironmenHiker 2007, 3 slides, advertising tip roof, running boards, Antique & 541-548-6592 tal laws and regula32' touring coach, left brought to you by tow pkg., roof racks, tions that affect the Classic Autos kitchen, rear lounge, cruise, well m a int.,Toyota Corolla 2004, property. L A R RY The Bulletin many extras, beautiful 20.5' Seaswirl Spy$4995. 541-633-0255 Oregon ServngCentraiOmgonsncel9M auto., loaded, 204k B LANTON, Des c ond. inside & o u t , Autnsomrce der 1989 H.O. 302, miles. orig. owner, non c hutes Coun t y 940 $32,900 OBO, Prinev285 hrs., exc. cond., 541-598-3750 smoker, exc. c ond. Sheriff. Ant h o ny ille. 541-447-5502 days Vans stored indoors for $6500 Prin e ville Raguine, Civ il & 541-447-1641 eves. 1921 Model T life $11,900 OBO. 503-358-8241 Technician. D a t e: Delivery Truck 541-379-3530 December 13, 2012. Restored & Runs VW Beetle, 2002 Published in Bend i , 5-spd, silver-gray, black $9000. Ads published in the B ulletin. Dat e o f leather, moonroof, CD, "Boats" classification Immaculate! 541-389-8963 First and Succesloaded, 115K miles, include: Speed, fish- Beaver Coach Marquis sive P u b lications: well-maintained ing, drift, canoe, '55 Chevy 2 dr . w gn December 19, 2012; 40' 1987. New cover, Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th Ford 250 XLT 1990, Chevrolet G20 Sports(have records) house and sail boats. new paint (2004), new PROJECT car, 3 50 December 26, 2012; 6 yd. dump bed, man, 1993, exlnt cond, extremely clean, For all other types of inverter (2007). Onan wheel, 1 s lide, AC, small block w/Weiand January 2, 2 0 1 3. 139k, Auto, $5500 $4750. 541-362-5559 or $4650 obo. TV,full awning, excelwatercraft, please see 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, dual quad tunnel rim Date of Last Publi541-410-9997 541-663-6046 541-546-6920 lent shape, $23,900. Class 875. with 450 Holleys. T-10 c ation: January 9 , parked covered $35,000 541-350-8629 541-385-5809 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, 2013. Attorney: Erik obo. 541-419-9859 or a 0 • Weld Prostar whls, • 541-280-2014 Wilson, OSB BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS extra rolling chassis + ¹ 095507, Rou t h Serving Central Oregon since 1903 Search the area's most extras. $6000 for all. Crabtree Olsen, PC, on your General Merchandise 541-389-7669. comprehensive listing of GENERATE SOME ex511 SW 10th Avclassified advertising... citement in your neige nue, Suite 4 0 0 , classified ad. real estate to automotive, borhood. Plan a gaPortland, OR 97205, merchandise to sporting Place an ad in the rage sale and don't (503) 459 - 0104. goods. Bulletin Classifieds forget to advertise in Conditions of Sale: Bulletin Classifieds and classified! 385-5809. Monaco Dynasty 2004, appear every day in the Potential bi d ders loaded, 3 slides, dieprint or on line. must arrive 15 minfor only $2.00 more sel, Reduced - now Call 541-385-5809 1966 GMC, 2nd owner u tes prior t o the serving central oregon smce 1903 $119,000, 5 4 1-923- too many extras to list your ad can run in the auction to allow the 8572 or 541-749-0037 $8500 obo. Serious buy Deschutes County 201 Used out-drive ers only. 541-536-0123 S heriff's Office t o Servng Central 0 egonvnce l903 New Today parts - Mercury review bidd e r's OMC rebuilt maClassification f unds. Only U . S. rine motors: 151 c urrency and / o r $1595; 3.0 $1895; c ashier's ch e c ks Call today and speak with ~ g The B ulfetin 4.3 (1993), $1995. m ade payable t o our classified team to Deschutes County 541-389-0435 ay;.i':" <"'~~ Southwind 35.5' Triton, Sheriff's Office will Chevy C-20 Pickup place your ad 2008,V10, 2 slides, DuIn t e rnational1969, all orig. Turbo 44; Private ar t a d s onl be accepted. Paypont UV coat, 7500 mi. Pilgrim TURN THE PAGE 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, auto 4-spd, 396, model ment must be made Bought new at • 8 • Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 CST /all options, orig. in full immediately $132,913; For More Ads asking $93,500. Fall price $ 2 1,865. owner, $22,000, upon the close of The Bulletin Call 541-419-4212 541-312-4466 541-923-6049 the sale. 541-389-6998
Employment Marketplace
4":"" tts
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The Bulletin
The Bulletin
N o~ L c T !
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The Bulletin
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
C OURT OF T H E STATE O F ORDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY. Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Judith R. Steele; Valleyview H omeowners Association, I nc.; an d O c cupants of th e P remises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 12CV0401. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.
Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on January 8, 2013 at 1 1:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Off i c e, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 2552 Sou t hwest 35th Court, R e dm ond, Oreg o n 9 7756, to w it ,
Sixty-Six (66), VALLEY VIEW, D e schutes County, Oregon. EXCEPT that portion dedicated to t he City o f R e d mond for road pur-
poses recorded May
11, 1987 in B o ok 145, Page 1 4 05, Deschutes County
Records. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of th e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated November 13, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered Sti p ulated General Judgment of Foreclosure and Shortening of Red emption Pe r i od Against Defendant: 1) Judith R. Steele o n O c tober 2 9 , 2012, against Judith R. S teele as d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE
PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor;
(b)Land use laws
and regulations applicable to the prop-
erty; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n
farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e
property; (e) Rights
of neig h boring property o w n ers;
and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in Bend B u lletin. Date of First and Successive Publications: November 28, 2012; December 5, 2012; December 12, 2012. Date of Last Publication: December 19, 2012. A ttorney: Holl y
¹ 114146,
Ro ut h
C rabtree
Ols e n ,
P.C., 511 SW 10th
A ve., S t e . 40 0 , Portland, OR 97205, (503)459-0136. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d d ers must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bid d e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r cashier's ch e c ks
made payable to
Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full i mmediately
upon the close of the s ale. L A RRY B LANTON, D es-
c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: November 26, 2012.
Where buyers meet sellers
Legal Notices
~t aSS] t ]CtIS
Classifteds Thousands ofads daily in print andonline. • I •
• I
Le g al Notices LEGAL NOTICE
Legal Notices S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 20776 Alpine Ridge P lace, Bend, O r egon 97701, to wit, L ot 3 7 , Bar t o n Crossing, Phase 2, City of Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated November 9, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Federal National Mortgage A s sociation, its successors in interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s, r ecovered St i p ul ated Gene r a l Judgment of Foreclosure Aga i n st Defendants: 1) Christina Hietala 2) Dwight Hietala 3) O ccupants of t h e P remises on A u gust 9, 2012 , against Ch r i stina Hietala, Dwight Hie tala an d O c cupants of the Pre-
C OURT OF T H E STATE O F ORDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and /or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. William F. Powell, Catherine M. Powe ll; C a na l V i e w Homeowners' Association; and Occupants of th e P remises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0721. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on January 3, 2013 at 1 1:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Of fi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 2 0901 Crys t a l C ourt, Bend, O r egon 97701, to wit, Lot Nineteen, Canal View, Phase Two and Three, D e schutes County, Ore gon. Said R e a l Property being more accurately demises as scribed as follows: d efendant/s. BE Lot Nineteen (19), FORE BIDDING AT Phase Two (2), THE SA L E , A CANAL VI EW, PROSPECTIVE PHASES TWO and BIDDER SHOULD THREE, r e corded INDEPENDENTLY March 27, 1997, in INVESTIGATE: (a) C abinet D , P a g e 330, Des c hutes The priority of the County R e c ords, lien or interest of the judgment c r editor; Deschutes County, (b)Land use laws Oregon. Said sale is and regulations apmade under a Writ plicable to the propo f E x ecution i n erty; (c)Approved Foreclosure issued uses for the propout of t h e C i rcuit e rty; (d) Limits o n Court of the State of farming o r f o r est Oregon f o r the p ractices o n th e C ounty o f Des property; (e) Rights chutes, dated Noof neig h boring vember 9, 2012, to property o w n ers; me directed in the and (f)Environmena bove-entitled a c tal laws and regulation wherein Wells tions that affect the Fargo Bank, N.A., property. Published as plaintiff/s, recovered Stip u lated in B end B u lletin. Date of First and General Judgment Successive Publicaof Foreclosure and tions: November 28, Shortening of Re2012; December 5, d emption Per i od 2012; December 12, Against Defendants: 2012. Date of Last 1) William F. Powell Publication: De2 ) C atherine M . cember 19, 2 0 12. Powell on SeptemAttorney: Tony ber 5, 2012, against OSB William F. P o well Kullen, ¹ 090218, Rou t h and Catherine M. Ols e n , Powell as d e f en- C rabtree P.C., 511 SW 10th d ant/s. BEF O R E A ve., S t e . 40 0 , B IDDING AT T H E Portland, OR 97205, SALE, A PRO(503)459-0101. S PECTIVE BID Conditions of Sale: DER SHOULD INPotential bi d ders DEPENDENTLY must arrive 15 minINVESTIGATE: (a) u tes prior t o t h e The priority of the auction to allow the lien or interest of the Deschutes County judgment creditor; S heriff's Office t o (b) Land use laws review bidd e r's and regulations apf unds. Only U . S. plicable to the propc urrency and / o r erty; (c)Approved c ashier's ch e c ks uses for the propm ade payable t o e rty; (d) Limits o n Deschutes County farming o r f o r est Sheriff's Office will p ractices o n th e be accepted. Payproperty; (e) Rights of neig h boring ment must be made property o w n ers; in full immediately upon the close of and (f) Environmenthe s ale. L A R RY tal laws and regulaB LANTON, D estions that affect the Coun t y p roperty. L A R RY c hutes B LANTON, D e s - Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. c hutes Coun t y Date: November 26, Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. 2012. Date: December 3, LEGAL NOTICE 2012. Published in IN TH E C I RCUIT Bend Bulletin. Date C OURT O F T H E of First and SuccesSTATE O F ORsive P u b lications: EGON DESDecember 5, 2012; CHUTES COUNTY. December 12, 2012; Wells Fargo Bank, December 19, 2012. NA, its successors Date of Last Publiin interest and/or c ation: January 2 , assigns, Plaintiff/s, 2013. attorney: Erik v. Andrew S White; Wilson, OSB and Occupants of ¹ 095507, Rou t h the Premises, DeC rabtree Ols e n , fendant/s. Case No.: P.C., 511 SW 10th 11CV1091. Ave., S t e 400, AMENDED NOPortland, OR 97205, T ICE O F SA L E (503)459-0104. UNDER WRIT OF Conditions of Sale: EXECUTION Potential bi d d ers REAL PROPERTY. must arrive 15 minA Notice of S a le u tes prior t o t h e w as mailed to a l l auction to allow the p arties entitled t o Deschutes County notice on NovemS heriff's Office t o ber 14, 2012, indireview bidd e r's cating a sale date of f unds. Only U . S . December 18, 2012. c urrency and / o r The sale has been cashier's c h e cks rescheduled to m ade payable t o J anuary 3 , 2 0 1 3 . Deschutes County Notice i s h e r e by Sheriff's Office will given that I will on be accepted. PayJanuary 3, 2013 at ment must be made 1 1:00 AM i n t h e in full immediately main lobby of t he upon the close of Deschutes County the sale. S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway LEGAL NOTICE 20, Bend, Oregon, IN TH E C I RCUIT sell, at public oral C OURT O F T H E auction to the highSTATE O F ORest bidder, for cash EGON DESor cashier's check, CHUTES COUNTY. Federal Na t i onal the following real property, known as Mortgage Associa515 NW Columbia tion, its successors S treet, Bend, O r in interest and/or egon 97701, to wit, assigns, Plaintiff/s, Lot Twelve, Block v. Christina Hietala; Six, Highland AddiDwight Hietala; and tion, Des c h utes O ccupants of t h e O r e gon. Premises, D e fen- County, Said sale is made dant/s. Case No.: under a Writ of Ex11CV0884. NOecution in ForecloT ICE O F SAL E sure issued out of UNDER WRIT OF the Circuit Court of EXECUTION the State of Oregon REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby for the County of Deschutes, d a t ed given that I will on November 2, 2012, January 3, 2013 at to me directed in the 1 2:00 AM i n t h e a bove-entitled a c main lobby of t he tion wherein Wells Deschutes County
Leg a l Notices • Fargo Bank, NA, as p laintiff/s, rec o v ered General Judgment o f F o r eclo-
sure Against: (1) Andrew S. W h ite, and Money Award Against Andrew S. White, on Septemb er 2 0, 2012 , against Andrew S. White as d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE SA L E , A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER S H OULD INDEPENDENTLY
INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor; (b)Land use l aws and regulations applicable to the prop-
erty; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming or f o rest practices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w ners; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R R Y B LANTON, D e s c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil T echnician. D a t e: November 26, 2012.
Published in Bend B ulletin. Dat e o f First and S uccessive P u b lications: November 28, 2012; December 5, 2012; December 12, 2012. Date of Last Publication: December 19, 2012. Attorney: Calvin Knic k erbocker, OSB ¹ 050110, Rou t h Crabtree Olsen, PC, 511 SW 10th Ave nue, S uite 4 0 0 , Portland, OR 97205, (503) 459 - 0140. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d d ers must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r cashier's c h e cks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E C I RCUIT C OURT O F T H E STATE O F O RDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. John R. Swift and Julie R. Swift, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0718. NOT ICE O F SAL E U NDER WRIT O F EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.
Notice i s h e r e by given that I will on January 10, 2013 at 1 0:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 2254 Sou t hwest Quartz Ave n u e, Redmond, Oregon 97756, to wit, Lot Twenty-One (21), Brierwood, City of R edmond, Des chutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated November 26, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment o f F o r eclos ure on Ma y 2 3 , 2012, against John R. Swift and Julie R. Swift as d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE SAL E , A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY
INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor;
(b)Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R R Y B LANTON, Des -
Legal Notices • Date of Last Public ation: January 2 , 2013. Att o r ney: Calvin Knic k erbocker, OSB ¹ 050110, Rou t h Crabtree Olsen, PC, 511 SW 10th Ave nue, Suite 4 0 0 , Portland, OR 97205, (503) 459 - 0140. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d ders must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S. c urrency and / o r c ashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E C I R CUIT C OURT O F T H E STATE O F O RDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY. G MA C M O RTGAGE, L L C , it s
successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Laura Horrell; Craig Horrell; and Occupants of th e P r e mises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 12C V 0 283. NOTICE OF SALE U NDER WRIT O F EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.
Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on January 15, 2013 at 1 0:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 3401 Northeast Wild Rivers Loop, Bend, Oregon 97701, to wit, L o t Th i rteen ( 13), TASM A N RISE, PHASES AND II, Deschutes County, O r e gon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, d a ted November 26, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein GMAC MORTGAGE, LLC, i ts successors i n interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment of Fore-
closure Against: (1) Laura Horrell (2) C raig Horrell A n d Money Awar d A gainst th e R e a l Property Located at 3401 Northeast Wild Rivers Loop, Bend, Oregon 97701-0000 o n O c tober 1 1 , 2012, against Laura Horrell and C r aig
INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming or f o rest p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w ners; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R RY B LANTON, Desc hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: December 10, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and Successive P u b lications: December 12, 2012; December 19, 2012; December 26, 2012. Date of Last Public ation: January 2 , 2013. Attorney:Chris Fowler, OSB ¹ 052544,
Rout h
C rabtree
Ols e n ,
P.C., 511 SW 10th
A ve., S t e . 40 0 , Portland, OR 97205, (503) 517 -9776. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d ders must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r c ashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale.
c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil T echnician. D a t e: Where can you find a December 3, 2012. helping hand? Published in Bend Bulletin. D at e of From contractors to First and Successive P u b lications: yard care, it's all here in The Bulletin's December 5, 2012; December 12, 2012; "Call A Service December 19, 2012. Professional" Directory
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
C OURT OF T H E STATE O F ORDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY. Federal Na t i onal Mortgage Association, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Christopher Jacobson; Sandra Jacobson; West Brook M eadows H o m e owners Association, I nc.; an d O c c upants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 12CV0043. NOT ICE O F SA L E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on January 17, 2013 at 1 0:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Of fi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 19546 Mea d owbrook Drive, Bend, Oregon 97702, to wit, Lot Eight (8), Westbrook Meadows P.U.D., Phase 3, Deschutes County, State of Or-
egon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated November 28, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Federal National Mort-
gage A ssociation, i ts successors i n interest and/or assigns, as plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment of Foreclosure Against: (1) Christopher Jacobson, (2) Sandra Jacobson, (3) W est Brook Homeowners Association, Inc., (4) O ccupants of t h e Premises; and Money Award Against Christopher Jacobson; and Sandra Jacobson, on October 30, 2012, against Christopher Jacobson, S andra J acobson, Wes t Brook Me a dows Homeowners Assoc iation, Inc., a n d O ccupants of t h e Premises as defend ant/s. BEF O R E B IDDING AT T H E SALE, A PROS PECTIVE BID DER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY
INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor; (b)Land use l aws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming or f o rest p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w ners; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R RY B LANTON, D esc hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil Technician. D a t e: December 13, 2012. Published in Bend B ulletin. Dat e o f First and S uccessive P u b lications: December 19, 2012; December 26, 2012; January 2 , 2 0 1 3. Date of Last Public ation: January 9 , 2013. Attorney: Tony Kullen, OSB ¹ 090218,
Rout h
Crabtree Olsen, PC, 5 11 SW 1 0th A v -
e nue, Suite 4 0 0 , Portland, OR 97205, (503) 459 - 0101. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d d ers must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bid d e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r c ashier's ch e c ks
made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E C I R CUIT C OURT O F T H E STATE O F ORDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY.
Federal Na t i onal Mortgage Association, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. B e r e L i n dley; Kathleen L i n dley; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0853. NOT ICE O F SA L E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.
Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on January 10, 2013 at
1 0:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he Deschutes County
S heriff's Off i c e, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 1793 Nor t heast Larado Way, Bend, O regon 97701, t o wit, L o t Tw e l ve, B lock T wo , T h e Winchester A r ms, City of Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated November 26, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Federal National Mortgage A s sociation, its successors in interest and/or assigns, as plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment of Foreclosure Against: (1) Bere Lindley; (2) Kathleen L i n dley; and Money Award a gainst th e r eal property located at 1793 Nor t h east Larado Way, Bend, Oregon 97701, on October 30, 2012, against Bere Lindley, Kathleen Lindley and Occupants of the Premises as d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE
PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor;
(b) Land use laws
and regulations applicable to the prop-
erty; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n
farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e
property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in B end B u lletin. Date of F irst and Successive Publications: December 5, 2012; December 12, 2012; December 19, 2012. Date of Last Publication: December 26, 2 012.
Attorney: Tony Kullen, OSB ¹ 090218,
C rabtree
Ro ut h
Ols e n ,
P.C., 511 SW 10th
A ve., S t e . 40 0 , Portland, OR 97205, (503) 459 - 01 01. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d d ers must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bid d e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r c ashier's c h e c ks
made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of
the s ale. L A R RY B LANTON, D e s -
c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: December 3, 2012. LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E C I RCUIT C OURT O F T H E STATE O F O REGON DESCHUTES COUNTY.
US Bank National Association, as Trustee for B A FC 2007-4, its successors i n int e rest and/or ass i gns, Plaintiff/s,
Leg a l Notices •
Legal Notices
t ion w herein U S Bank National Association, as Trustee for B A FC 2007-4, its successors i n int e rest and/or assigns, as plaintiff/s, re c o vered General Judgment o f F o r eclos ure on J ul y 3 1 , 2012, against L awrence La n e , J ackie Lane a n d Hawk's Ridge Owner's A s sociation as defendant/s. BEFORE BIDDING AT THE SALE, A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER S H OULD INDEPENDENTLY
INVESTIGATF: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the prop-
2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date
of First and Successive P u b lications: December 12, 2012; December 19, 2012; December 26, 2012. Date of Last Public ation: January 2 , 2013. Atto r ney: Calvin Knic k erbocker, OSB C rabtree
Rout h
Ols e n ,
P.C., 511 SW 10th
A ve., S t e . 40 0 , Portland, OR 97205, (503) 459 - 0140. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d d ers must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bid d e r's f unds. Only U . S. c urrency and / o r c ashier's ch e c ks
made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale.
Federal Na t i onal Mortgage Association, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Kurt Nasshahn; Lori Nasshahn; and O ccupants of t h e Premises, D e f endant/s. Case No.: 11CV0900. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION
Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on January 10, 2013 at 1 0:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 52858 Bridge Drive, La Pine, O regon Lot
Six (6), Block Seventeen (17), LAZY R IVER SOU T H , FIRST ADDITION,
r ecorded July 8 , 1969, in Cabinet A, P age 195 , D e s chutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ
gage A ssociation, i ts successors i n interest and/or assigns, as plaintiff/s, recovered S t i p ul ated Gener a l Judgment of Foreclosure and Shortening of Redemption Period Against Defendants: 1) Kurt Nasshahn, 2) Lori Nasshahn, on April Lori Nasshahn as d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE SA L E , A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER S H OULD INDEPENDENTLY
INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming or f o rest p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w ners; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R RY B LANTON, D esc hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: December 3, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and Successive P u b lications: December 5, 2012; December 12, 2012; December 19, 2012. Date of Last Publication: December 26, 2012. Attorney: Tony Kullen, OSB ¹ 090218, Rou t h C rabtree Ols e n , P.C., 511 SW 10th Ave., S t e 400 , Portland, OR 97205, (503) 459 - 0101. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d ders must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S. c urrency and / o r c ashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. LEGAL NOTICE
Legal Notices
Twenty (20), Majestic Phase II, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of th e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated November 26, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Federal National Mortgage A s sociation, i ts successors i n interest and/or assigns, as plaintiff/s, r ecovered St i p ul ated Gener a l Judgment of Foreclosure and Shortening of Redemption Period Against Defendant: 1) Travis Skinner, on October 8, 2012, against Travis Skinner as d efendant/s. B E FORE BIDDING AT THE SA L E , A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY
INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor;
(b)Land use laws
and regulations applicable to the prop-
erty; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the
property. L A R RY B LANTON, Des c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil Technician. D a t e: December 10, 2012. Published in Bend B ulletin. Dat e o f First and Successive P u b lications: December 12, 2012; December 19, 2012; December 26, 2012. Date of Last Public ation: January 2 , 2013. Attorney: Tony Kullen, OSB ¹ 090218, Rou t h Crabtree Olsen, PC, 511 SW 10th Ave nue, Suite 4 0 0 , Portland, OR 97205, (503) 459 - 0101. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d ders must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to al
9 7739, to w it ,
o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated November 26, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Federal National Mort-
19, 2012, a gainst Kurt Nasshahn and
erty; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming or f o rest p ractices o n th e property; (e)Rights of neig h boring property o w ners; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R R Y B LANTON, Desc hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: December 10,
¹ 050110,
FIND YOURFUTURE Federal Na t i onal HOME INTHE BULLETIN Mortgage Association, its successors Your future isjust a page in interest and/or away. Whetheryou're looking assigns, Plaintiff/s, for a hat or aplace to hangit, v. Travis Skinner; The Bulletin Classified is and Occupants of your bestsource. the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: Every daythousands of 1 1CV0852. NOT ICE O F SA L E U NDER WRIT O F EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.
buyers andsellers of goods and services dobusinessin these pages.Theyknow you can't beatTheBulletin Classified Sectionfor Notice i s h e r eby selection andconvenience given that I will on -every item isjust a phone January 15, 2013 at call away. 1 0 00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he The ClassifiedSection is Deschutes County easy to use.Everyitem S heriff's Of fi c e , is categorizedandevery 63333 W. Highway cartegory is indexedonthe 20, Bend, Oregon, section's frontpage. sell, at public oral auction to the highWhether youare lookingfor est bidder, for cash ahome orneeda service, or cashier's check, your future is inthepagesof the following real The Bulletin Classified. property, known as 20772 Liberty Lane, B end, Oreg o n 9 7701, to w it, L o t
The Bulletin Semtng Central Oregon itncel903
L awrence Lan e ; Jackie Lane; Hawk's Ridge Owner's Association; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.:
11 CV0780. NOT ICE O F SAL E U NDER WRIT O F EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r e by given that I will on January 10, 2013 at 1 0:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he
Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 2485 Nor t h west Todds Crest Drive, B end, Oreg o n 97701, to wit, Lot 2, Hawk's Ridge Phase One, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated November 26, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c -
Oregonians agree
(']/ I
: j,iflillII(l
Youhavearight toknowwhat your government is doing. Current Oregon Iaw requires public notices to be printed in a newspaper whose readers are affected by the notice. But federal, state, and local government agencies erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their web sites instead of in the local newspaper.
If they did that,you'd have to know in advance where, when, and how to look, and what to look for, in order to be informed about government actions that could affect you directly.
Less than 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a government web site daily,' but 80% of all Oregon adults read a newspaper at**least once during an average week, and 54% read public notices printed there.
Keeppublic noticesinthenewspaper! 'U5 CensusBuieau May2009"Amencan Oprnion Reseaich, Princetan Nj Sepiember2010