Bulletin Daily Paper 2-20-13

Page 1

Serving Central Oregon sjnce1903 75i t

WEDNESDAY February 20,2013

Blllll8- QW8F8 SllQW S QF S Prephoops OUTDOORS • D1


bendbulletin.com TODAY'S READERBOARD

I(nopp, Conger ile ill

SIIVer SpertS —The Oregon Senior Gamesarecoming to Bend.C6

Construction games — The residents of Sochi are none too thrilled about the

changes taking place for the


2014 Winter Olympics.A4

The city of Bend conducted a phone sur vey of 400 residents from Jan. 14 to Jan. 18. The results will provide the City Council with perspective on service priorities as it works on the biennial budget. Councilors will hear a presentation on the survey results at today's meeting. Weather paradox — our winters are drier, but our bliz-

zards are fiercer. Scientists say it makes sense.A3

Running shoes — when's

RATE BEND AS A PLACE TO LIVEdooresp onses • Excellent • Goo d • Fa ir • Poor 57% Excellent

RATE BEND AS A PLACE TO WORKdooresponses Don' t know • Exc ellent • Goo d • Fair • Poor


8% Fair 13% 3 3 %Good

32% Fair

Don' t know



• oo

it time for a new set? Runners


And in worldnews

WHAT YOULIKEMOSTABOUT LIVING IN BEND doo po WHAT YOULIKELEASTABOUT LIVING IN BENDdoo These were openquestions, and respondants were allowed to namemultiple reasons. Top 10are shown below.

— Prosecutors and Oscar Pis-

32% said:Outdoor activities

torius portray sharply different


20 % said: Winters/cold weather

stories of fatal shooting.A2 14% Climate/weather

Limited job 14% opportunities

13% Small town/smaller population



Cost of living7% Population growth6%

11%Polite/friendly residents

No college degree, little

hope forjob By Catherine Rampell New York Times News Service

ATLANTA — The col-

Trafficcongestion5% ~

10%Variety of recreational activities

Social/cultural lifestyle4% ~ Isolated/far from other towns/cities4% ~


5% Moun tains


5% Fam i ly lives close by

Economy jgeneralj 4% ~

~ ~

4% Qu ality of life (general) 4% Qu ality of air/clean air

Road conditions4% ~ Rudepeople3% ~

WILL BENDBE BETTER, WORSE OR THE SAME IN10YEARS? 4oo po These were openquestions, and respondants were allowed to namemultiple reasons. 47% Better



4% Don't know

legedegree isbecoming the new high school diploma: the new minimum requirement, albeit an expensive one, for getting even the lowest-level job. Consider the 45-person law firm of Busch, Slipakoff 84 Schuh here in Atlanta, a place that has seen tremendous growth in the college-educated population. Like other employers across the country, the firm hires only people with a bachelor's degree,even forjobs that do not require collegelevel skills. This prerequisite applies to everyone, including the receptionist, paralegals, administrative assistants and file clerks. Even the office "runner" — the in-house courier who, for $10 an hour, schleps documents between the courthouse and the office— went to a four-year school. See Degree/A6


WHY WILL BEND BE BETTER7Isorespo nses 9 o o ualon row ~~



9% Lac k ofjobs

9% Will get better (general)


9%Gr owth (general)

11% Morejobs


~ ~ ~

4% Pa rks/recreation


4% In frastructure

~ •

~ 4% Housing development [ >1%All other responses g1%None/nothing

7% In f rastructure 7% Tr affic

6 % Government > 4% All other responses

0% None/nothing


0% Don't know

> 2 %All other responses


3% No ne/nothing


5% gon' t k now

Police and fire

Drinking water and

Job creation and


sewer service

economic growth






88267 02329

Maintaining existing city streets and sidewalks 22%

Lo w •

Medi um •

Repair and maintain existing city streets and sidewalks 8% 52% 33%


Hig h • Urg ent • Don 't know

Implement business-friendly policies to promote job growth 44%

Maintain service levels in the Fire Department 3% 33 % 52%

40 %





Increase taxes and/or feesto maintain current city service levels



2% F 7% D

0 Source: 2013 Bend Community Survey



Rep a ir and improve the sewer infrastructure

1 6% 12 %


WASHINGTON — The fight between President Barack Obama and congressional Republicans over the automatic spending cuts that start next week is shifting from one about stopping them to one about assigning blame if

they happen.



Spending debateshifts to blame The Washington Post

No t too • Not important• Don't imp o rtant at a ll know

Maintain service levels in the Police Department 5% 35% 49%


Vol. 110, No. 51, 30 pages, 5 sections




9% 30%

SALEM — State Sen. Tim Knopp and Rep. Jason Conger, both Republicans from Bend, introduced a bill Tuesday designed to remove state legislators from the state Public Employees Retirement System. The bill, which Knopp's staff introduced Tuesday and does not yet have an assigned number, would only affect future lawmakers. Conger said this particular bill would take away the perception of a potential conflict of interest and pave the way for greater reforms. "It's a fairness and perception issue," he said. Neither Knopp nor Conger are part of the state's retirement system. In 2003, however, when Knopp was the Oregon House majority leader, he was enrolled in PERS. Despite being eligible for PERS benefits, he successfully pushed for changes to the system. But he said taxpayers need "neutral advocates," adding that's the way it was until 1975 when legislation reversed a rule that had previously banned lawmakers from joining the retirement system. See PERS/A6

By Zachary A. Goldfarb

3% Wa steful spending


An Independent Newspaper

8 .4 t/t/e userecycled newsprint


HOW IMPORTANT ARE THESE GOVERNMENT SERVICES • Very • Some what • important i m p ortant 400 responses

Protect drinking water sources

The Bulletin

7% Ec onomy

2 %Don't know

6% 24%

Dear Abby D5 Horoscope D5 L ocal B 1 -6 Obituaries B5 Outdoors D1-4 Sports C1-4 TV/Movies D5



High 44, Low 25 Page B6

Business/ Stocks C5-6 Calendar B2 Classified E1-6 Comics/ Puzzles E3-4 Crosswords E4

I 16/. Don't see anychanges (general) / 13%Hasn't changed in years / 6%Population growth at a standstill / 7%Lack of growth (general) / 5%Population growth / 5%Will still enjoy outdoor activities idents keepeverything the same ~o a ck of government leadership

7% People moving in bringing

7% Goo dpeople/valu es 7% OSI l /college



The Bulletin

o OPu a lOn grOW

nomicgrow 23% Eco~

Mostly sunny



By Lauren Dake


Obama on Tuesday surrounded himself with firefighters and other first responders at the White House, where he said Republicans would be at fault if the spending reductions take effect and costthe jobs ofemergency personnel. The campaignstyle event marked the beginning of what aides described as an intensifying push to pressure Congress to postpone the cuts — or to blame Congress if it doesn't. Republicans fought back by seeking to portray Obama as the mastermind of the spending reductions, known as the sequester, thereby making him re-

sponsible for any damage


A combination of new Make major cuts to tax es and/or fees and city services so budget cuts to balance the that it is unnecescity budget, even if this sary to haveany me a ns significant cuts to tax and/or fee Don't city services increases know al a


Andy Zejgert / The Bulletin

they cause to the military and the economy. The escalating efforts are a reflection of how crucial the sequester has become in the long-running debate over the size and scopeofthe federal government. SeeSpending/A4



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is orius eniesc ar e By Jon Gambrell

his first public account of the events surrounding the shootThe Associated Press ing death of Steenkamp, a PRETORIA, South Africa 29-year-old model and real— Oscar Pistorius portrayed ity TV star who had spoken himself as a lover caught in out against violence against tragedy, wielding a pistol and women. "I fail to understand how I frightened as he stood only on his stumps, then killed his could be charged with murder, girlfriend after mistaking her let alone premeditated murder, for an intruder on Valentine's as I had no intention to kill my Day. girlfriend, Reeva Steenkamp," Prosecutors, however, said Pistorius said in the sworn afthe double-amputee Olympian fidavit. "I deny the aforesaid committed premeditated mur- allegation i n t h e s t r ongest der, planning the slaying, then terms." firing at Reeva Steenkamp as It was the first time that she cowered behind his locked the prosecution and Pistobathroom door with no hope rius provided details of their of escape. radically divergent accounts "She couldn't go anywhere," o f the k i l l i ng, w h ich h a s Prosecutor Gerrie Nel told a shocked South Africans and packed courtroom Tuesday. "It fans worldwide, who idolized must have been horrific." t he 26-year-old t r ack s t ar Weeping un c o ntrollably, known as the Blade Runner Pistorius listened as his words for overcoming his disability were read out in court by his to compete in last summer's attorney during the opening London Olympics. of a t w o-day bail h earing, Nel said P i storius com-

and Gerald Imray

mitted premeditated murder when he rose from his bed after a fight with Steenkamp, pulled on his prosthetic legs and walked about 20 feet from his bedroom to the locked toilet door and pumped it with four bullets, three of which hit the model. That contradicted the runner's statement, read aloud by defense attorney Barry Roux, who described how the couple spent a quiet night together in the athlete's upscale home in a gated community in the capital of Pretoria, then went to sleep around 10 p.m. S ometime b efore d a w n , Pistorius said he awoke, and walking only on his stumps, pulled a fan in from an open balcony and closed it. That's when he said he heard a noise and became alarmed because the bathroom window, which had no security bars, was open and workers had left ladders nearby.

DiamandheiSt —Belgian police wereonthe hunt Tuesdayfor a group of thieveswho madeoff with diamonds worth millions of dollars in a spectacular robbery at the country's main airport. The heavily

armed men,whowere posing as police officers, snatched anestimated 120 parcels from adiamond shipment that was being loadedfrom a Brink's security truck onto a Switzerland-bound plane on Monday eve-

ning, prosecutors said. CyberattaCkS —Aspublic evidence mounts that the Chinese military is responsible for stealing massiveamounts of U.S.government data andcorporate tradesecrets, the Obamaadministration is eyeing fines and other trade actions it may take against Beijing or any other country guilty of cyber espionage. According to officials familiar with

the plans, theWhite Housewill lay out anew report today that suggests initial, more-aggressive steps the U.S. would take.

California killing spree — A violent rampage that left four deadin suburban OrangeCountybeganinthepre-dawnhoursTuesdaywhen a 20-year-old killed a woman in his home and sped away in his parents'

car, authorities said. Anhour later, it wasover — but not beforeAli Syed had killed two more people during carjackings, shot up vehicles on a busy freeway interchange and left three others injured in a trail of car-

nage that stretchedacross 25miles. KanSaSCity gaS blaSt —Cadaverdogs were searching through the smoldering rubble of aKansas City, Mo., restaurant after agas explosio nsparkedamassiveblazeTuesdayeveninginanupscaleshopping district. More than a dozen people were injured in the blast and

resulting fire, which occurred just after 6 p.m.andcompletely destroyed JJ's restaurant. But as of late Tuesday there were no reports of fatalities.

Syria COnfliCt — A Syrian missile strike leveled bl aock ofbuildings in an impoverished district of Aleppo on Tuesday, killing at least 33 people, almost half of them children, anti-regime activists said. Many

were trappedunderthe rubble of destroyedhouses andpiles of concrete and the deathtoll could still rise further if more bodiesareuncovered. smuoo Aw.

DrOIIe StrlkeS —Thenumber of U.S.drone strikes in Afghanistan



rose sharply last year compared with 201 I, the United Nations said

Tuesday.Theincrease wasasign that unmannedaircraft are taking a greater role asAmericans try to streamline the fight against insurgents while preparing to withdraw combat forces in less than two years.


Drones havebecomea major source of contention betweenthe U.S.and countries like Pakistan.

Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool...........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black ..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337

NeW YOrk I'a'tS —Officials in NewYork City arecalling for a publicly financed program tobait, kill and removerats in the wakeof reports that Hurricane Sandy sent droves of the rodents scurrying inland, with many of them taking up residence in new neighborhoods.

DEPARTMENT HEADS Advertising Jay Brandt..........................541-383-0370 Circulation andOperations Keith Foutz ......................... 541-385-5805 Finance Holly West ...........54f -383-032f


called "Magdalene laundries" between 1922and 1996. Kenny said the

women not only deserved a formal apology for what they hadsuffered but also counseling andfinancial support.

Human Resources Traci Donaca ......................



Business ...................,........541-383-0360 City DeskJoseph Oitzler.....541-383-0367 Community Life, Health

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CORRECTIONS The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If you know ofan error in a story, call us at 541-383-0358.


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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlouery.org

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn Tuesday night are:

Q >Q> sQ >9go®©© The estimated jackpot is now $12 million.

KOrea prOpaganda — A newNorth Koreanvideoportrays President BarackObamaand American troops in flames andsays the North conducted its recent nuclear test because of U.S. hostility. The video follows a string of critical rhetoric against the U.S. Another video posted

JulieJohnson.....................541-383-0308 Editorials Richard Coe ......541-383-0353 Family, At Home Alandra Johnson................541-617-7860

GO! Magazine Ben Salmon........................541-383-0377 News Editor Jan Jordan....54f -383-03f 5 Photos DeanGuernsey......541-383-0366 Sporls Bill Bigelow.............541-383-0359

Ireland apology — Prime Minister EndaKennyoffered an unreserved state apology onTuesdayover Ireland's failure to protect thousands of youngwomenandgirls consigned to virtual slavery in the so-

earlier this month showedanAmerican city being attacked bymissiles. Hatem Moussa/The Assoaated Press

PriSOner X — Israel deniedTuesdaythat a reputedAustralian-Israeli agent of its Mossadspyagency whocommitted suicide in secret cus-

A Palestinian cleans a tunnel Tuesday in Rafah, on the border between Egypt and the southern Gaza Strip.

short Gaza-Egypt border was a rare act of tension between the Hamas government and their ideological

tody in 2010 had contact with Australian intelligence services. The statement from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office is the first time

parent, the Muslim Brotherhood, which nowdomi-

Israel hasnamedthe reported spy, BenZygier, whohadbeenwidely re-

The Hamas rulers of Gazaand local smugglers on TuesdayaccusedEgypt of flooding cross-border tunnels with sewagewater in order to halt a thriv-

nates Egypt's government. The Egyptian effort appears to be aimed at closing

ferred to as Prisoner X, though the statement shed no light on the murky

ing smuggling trade that has propped up the local

in. It follows an Egyptian-brokered deal that eased Israeli restrictions on building material going into Gaza. — The Associated Press

economy for the past five years. Flooding the dozens of tunnels that run along the

circumstances of hisarrest. — From wire reports

down the illegal routes to better control what is going

A Free Public Service

srrtpA orepon Nawspaocr Publishars Association g IQ~I



• •

Allen retirement opensEurope commandslot amidsecurity shuffle By Robert Burns

Over 80 Oregon Newspapers, from 36 Counties,







Allen completed a 19-month him for the Europe job. Ct Q K95) [93i[~ t i r t rrt Or uSe the tour as the top U.S. commandEven so, it was not clear o Qjjgg©3565) service to be WASHINGTON — P r esi- er in Afghanistan, the Penta- that Allen would choose to go automatically emalled of notices dent Barack Obama is lookgon announcedthatAllen had ahead with a Senate confirmaing for a new candidate to lead been cleared of any wrongdo- tion hearing, given the nature that match your needs. American and allied forces in ing and the White House said of the email probe. M~ 5mEld tk r m Europe after his first choice, it was prepared to re-nominate Marine Gen. John Allen, bowed out Tuesday and announced his intention to retire / for what he called personal Audi reasons. T ruth in E n g i n e e r i n g The move further clouds the 'ru', picture for Obama as he repoCarreraAudi.com sitions key figures on his national security team and in key military leadership roles. The White House is fighting for Senate confirmation of Chuck Hagel as defense secretary; a confirmation vote was stalled last week by Republicans but 4 4 i is expected to happen next week. Obama also i s s w itching commanders at Central Command, which i s r esponsible for U.S. military operations throughout the greater Middle East, and Africa Command. After meeting with Allen at the White House, the president issued a brief statement praising Allen's service. He called the 57-year-old Allen "one of America's finest military leaders, a true patriot, and a man I 2013 A u d i A4 2.OT Prem iu m q u a t tro Sedan ~ 4 3 9 ' iM.. 8-Speed have come to respect greatly." Automatic, monsoon gray metallic, dark brown walnut inlays, convenience package, lighting package. 42-Month Lease Allen appeared to be a shoo$2999 due at lease inception. Excludes taxes, title, other options and dealer charges. in as the next top commander of allied forces in E u rope. Obama nominated him Oct. 10, but inNovember, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta stunned many by announcing that Al1045 SE 3rd Street, Bend, Oregon, 541-382-1711 len was being investigated for CarreraAudi.com potentially inappropriate email 'Rate basedon Msap 538,870of 2011A42 01 premiumquattrosedan and destinationcharge Monthlypayments total 518,438 purchaseoptionatleaseendfor 520,432.42-month exchanges with a Florida sorlosed-end lease offered to quahhed customers in oregon by Audi rinanoal services through partiapatmg dealers. Must take dehvery by 2/28/2013. Lessee responsible for 5.25/mile cialite, Jill Kelley. Panetta put over lo,ooo miles per year, insurance and other Ananaal uab>ruies at lease end. Advertised offer requires dealer contsbuuon. Model shown: A4 2.0r premium sedan. Htgher Msap will affect lease pnce. pnces exclude taxes, title, other options and dealer charges. ©2012 Audi of Amenca, rnc see your dealer, visit audesa com or call r-soo-FOR-AUot for more details. Allen's nomination on hold. Last month, shortly before The Associated Press







TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day

It's Wednesday,Feb.20, the 51st day of 2013. There are 314 days left in the year.



en oreirearunnin s oe works

StOre Suit —Macy's goes to court in NewYork to try to persuade a judge to permanently block Martha Stewart Living

Omnimedia's pact with J.C. Penney.

Exclusion day — It's the


How do you know when your running shoes have had it'? And if you do get injured, is it fair to blame your shoes? Every runner has an opinion, but the research is far from conclusive.

deadline for Oregon parents to make sure their kids' immuniza-

utilized house paint

tions are upto date or they could

By Gina Kolata

be excluded from school.B3

New York Times News Service

By Douglas Quenqua

Ryan Hall, one of the world's best distance runners, used to pride himself on wearing his running shoes into nubs. No more. Now he assiduously replaceshis shoes after running about 200 miles in them. He goes through two pairs a month. "I know that my shoes could probably handle a couple of hundred moremilesbeforethey are worn out, but my health is so important to me that I like to always make sure my equipment is fresh," he said. Of course Hall, sponsored by Asics, does not have to pay for his shoes. Most of the rest of us do, and at around $100 a pair they aren't cheap. Yet we are warned constantly to replace them often, because running in threadbare shoes may lead to injuries that can take months to heal. So here's a simple question: How do you know when your shoes are ready for those discard bins in gyms? And if you do get injured, is it fair to blame your shoes? My friend Jen Davis runs more than 100 miles a week, like Hall, but has a different set of criteria for getting rid of shoes. One is that if they smell bad even after she washes them in her washing machine, it's time for a new pair. She estimates she puts 500 miles on each pair of shoes. Henry Klugh, a r u n n ing coach and manager of The Inside Track, a running store in Harrisburg, Pa., says he goes as far as 2,000 miles in some shoes. He oftenruns on dirt roads, he said, which are easier on shoes than asphalt is and do not compress and beat up the midsole as much. According to Rodger Kram, a biomechanicsresearcher at the University of Colorado, the theory is that you must change shoes before the ethylene vinyl acetate, or EVA, that lines most running shoe insoles breaks down. "Think of a piece of Wonder Bread, kind of fluffy out of the bag," he said. "But smoosh it down with the heel of your p alm, and it is flat w ith no rebound." A moderate amount of cushioning improves running efficiency, he has found. But as to whether cushioning prevents

New York Times News Service

Video games — Sony CEO Kaz Hirai is expected to unveil

thecompany'snew PlayStation videogameconsole atan event in New York City.

HISTORY Highlight:In 2003, a fire

sparked bypyrotechnics broke out during a concert by the group Great White at The Station nightclub in West Warwick, R.l., killing 100 people and injuring about 200 others. In1792, President George

Washington signed an act creating the U.S. Post Office. In1809,the Supreme Court ruled that no state legislature

could annul the judgments or determine thejurisdictions of federal courts. In1839, Congress prohibited dueling in the District of Columbia. In1862,William Wallace

Lincoln, the11-year-old sonof PresidentAbraham Lincoln and first lady Mary Todd Lincoln,

died at theWhite House,apparently of typhoid fever. In1907, President Theodore Roosevelt signed an immigration act which excluded "idiots, imbeciles, feebleminded

persons, epileptics, insane persons" from beingadmitted to the United States.

In1933,Congress proposed the 21stAmendment to the U.S. Constitution to repeal Prohibition. In1938,Anthony Eden resigned as British foreign secretary following Prime Minister Neville

Chamberlain's decision tonegotiate with Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. In1944, during World War II,

U.S. bombersbeganraiding Germanaircraft manufacturing centers in a series of attacks that

becameknownas "Big Week." In1962, astronaut John Glenn became the first American to orbit the Earth as he flewaboard Project Mercury's Friendship 7

spacecraft. In1965,the Ranger8 spacecraft crashed onthe moon,as planned, after sending back thousands of pictures of the

lunar surface. In1971,the National Emergency Warning Center in Colorado

erroneously orderedU.S.radio



New York Times NewsService file photo

What's the life span on a pair of running shoes? Five hundred miles? Two thousand? How do you tell'? Runners have a variety of methods and mileage figures.

"Think of a piece of Wonder Bread, kind of fluffy out of the bag. But smoosh it down with the heel of your palm, and tt is flat with no rebound." — Rodger Kram, a biomechanics researcher, on running shoe insoles

injuries, he said, "I doubt that there are good data." Dr. Jacob Schelde, of Odense University Hospital in D e nmark, has looked for clinical trials that address the cushioning and injury question — and has found none. He's applying for funds to do one himself, a 15-month study with 600 runners. Schelde did find a study on injury rates among runners, published in 2003, that had some relevant data even though it was not a randomized clinical trial and shoe age was not its main focus. The study was large and regularly tested runners in a 13-week training program. Theresearchers failed to find any clear relationship between how long running shoes were worn and a runner's risk of injury. It also is difficult to find good data on how long EVA insoles last. But one exhaustive study, led by Ewald Max Hennig of the biomechanics laboratory at Universityof Duisburg-Essenin Germany, involved 18 years of shoe testing from 1991 to 2009. The researchers measured the

performance of 156 shoe models worn by runners. Hennig and his colleagues wrote that the sort of mechanical testing that shoe manufacturers do to evaluate cushioning materials does not reflect what happens when people actually run. Over the y ears, r unning shoe quality steadily improved, the researchers reported. The shoes also changed as running fads waxed and waned. Shock attenuation, for example, diminished s t arting a r o u nd 2000, when there was talk of shoes providing too much cushioning. Then, when cushioning became fashionable again, it returned. But so did minimalist shoes designed for the barefoot running fad, which have almost

miles. The very light models last about 300 miles, she said. Biomechanical studies have shown that after those distances the shoes lose their bounce, she said: "Everyone in the industry knows that standard." G avin T h omas, a Ni k e spokesman, saida shoe's life span depended on the type of shoe — lightweight or more heavily cushioned — and on the runner's weight and running style. Those who are light on their feet can wear shoes longer than those who pound the ground. Those who run on soft surfaces can keep their


After 300 o r 4 0 0 m i l es, Thomas said, a typical shoe worn by a typical runner will not feel the way it used to, a sign it is worn out. But Golden Harper, developer of Altra running shoes and founder of the company, said any advice on mileage was "a lot of malarkey." Harper, a distancerunner,said most runners could feel when their shoes need to be replaced. "You get a sense for it," he said. "Nothing no cushioning. hurts, but it is going to soon." In Europe, the r esearchSo when should you retire ers reported, people typically those faithful running shoes, wear shoesforabout 600 miles. and what happens if you don't? But their studies indicated that Despite the doomsday warnshoes could last much longer. ings, no one really knows. And Most shoemakers, of course, with so many variables — type would prefer to see us trade of shoe, runner's weight, runin sooner. Kira Harrison, a ning surfaces, running style spokeswoman for Brooks, said — there may never be a simple shoes should last for 400 to 500 answer.

Scientists using a highenergy X-ray instrument say they have solved the long-running debate over what kind of paint Picasso used in his masterpieces. It was common house paint, said Volker Rose, a physicist at the Argonne National Laboratory who led the study, published in Applied Physics A: Materials Science 8 Processing. "We were looking into pigments taken from Picasso's white paint, which from a materialperspective is zinc oxide, and we w ere able t o s t udy t h e impurities that are there," Rose said. T he s c i entists al s o b ought samples o f d e c ades-old h o us e p a i n t on eBay. After comparing those samples with Picasso's paint, they det ermined t ha t t h e t w o shared the same chemical makeup. The instrument was a hard X - ra y n a n oprobe, developed by the Departm ent of Energy t o g i v e scientists a close-up view of the chemical elements in physical materials. Its intended use is to improve t he production of h i g h performance ma t e r ials and energies. Using the nanoprobe, the researchers could view p articles of paint t hat w er e j u st 30 nanometers wide. (A t ypical s heet o f p a p e r is 1 00,000 n a n ometers

thick.) I n hi s r e g ular w o r k , Rose uses the nanoprobe to study zinc oxide, a key ingredient in batteries, energy-saving windows and liquid-crystal displays for computers and television. Because zinc o x ide e x ists in white paint as well, it made a v aluable clue for the physicist to learn about Picasso's paint. Some ar t hi s t o rians have long held that Picasso was among the first major artists to switch from traditional a r tists' p aint to house paint, which is more affordable and creates a glossy image without brush strokes.

and TVstations off theair; some stations heeded the alert, which was not lifted for about 40



In1998,Tara Lipinski of the

U.S. wonthe ladies' figure skating gold medal at the Nagano

Olympics; MichelleKwanwon the silver.

Climate contradiction: lesssnow, more blizzards

Ten yearsago:Former Air Force Master Sgt. Brian Patrick Regan was convicted in Alexandria,

By Seth Borenstein

Va., of offering to sell U.S.intel-

W ASHINGTON — Wi t h scant snowfall and barren ski slopes in parts of the Midwest and Northeast the past couple of years, some scientists have pointed to global warming as the culprit. Then when a whopper of a blizzardsmackedthe Northeast with more than 2 feet of snow in some places earlier this month, some of the same people again blamed global warming. How can that be? It's been a

ligence to Iraq and China but acquitted of attempted spying

for Libya. (Reganwaslater sentenced to life without parole.)

Five yearsago:Spaceshuttle Atlantis and its crew returned to Earth after delivering a new

Europeanlab tothe international space station.

One yearago:Former senator and astronaut John Glenn cel-

ebrated the50th anniversary of his history-making space flight at Ohio State University by kick-

ing off a forumabout NASA's future.

BIRTHDAYS Gloria Vanderbilt is 89. Actor Sidney Poitier is 86. Hockey

Hall-of-Famer Phil Esposito is 71. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., is 71.

Newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst is 59. Basketball Hallof-Famer Charles Barkley is

50. Model Cindy Crawford is 47. Singer Rihanna is 25. — From wire reports

zards makes sense: A warmer world is likely to decrease the overall amount of snow falling each year and shrink snow season. But when it i s cold enough for a snowstorm to hit, the slightly warmer air is often carrying more moisture, producing potentially historic blizzards. "Strong snowstorms thrive

The Associated Press

on the ragged edge of temThe Associated Press file photo

A man digs out a car earlier this month in Boston after a storm slammed the Northeast, dumping more than 2 feet of snow in places.

joke among skeptics, pointing to what seems to be a brazen contradiction. But the answer lies in atmosphericphysics. A warmer atmosphere can hold, and dump, more moisture, snow experts say. And two soon-to-be-published studies d emonstrate how there can be more giant blizzards yet less snow overall each year. Projections are that that's likely to continue with

previous 60 years, according to an upcoming study on extreme weather by leading federal and university climate scientists. This also fits with a dramatic upward trend in extreme winter precipitation — both rain and snow — in the Northeastern U.S. charted by the National Climatic Data Center. • Yet the Global Snow Lab at Rutgers University says that man-made global warming. spring snow cover in the NorthConsider: ern Hemisphere has shrunk • The United States has been on average by 1 million square walloped by twice as many of miles in the last 45 years. the most extreme snowstorms • And an upcoming study in the past 50 years than in the in the Journal of Climate says

computer models predict annual global snowfall to shrink by more than a foot in the next 50 years. The study's author said most people live in parts of the United States that are likely to see annual snowfall drop between 30 and 70 percent by the end of the century. "Shorter snow season, less snow overall, but the occasional knockout punch," Princeton University c l imate s cientist Michael Oppenheimer said. "That's the new world we live in." Ten climate scientists say the idea of less snow and more bliz-

perature — warm enough for the air to hold lots of moisture, meaning lots of precipitation, but just cold enough for it to fall as snow," said Mark Serreze, director of the National Snow and Ice Data Center. "Increasingly, it seems that we're on that

ragged edge." Just look at the last few years in the Northeast. Or take Chicago, which until late January had 335 days without more than an inch of snow. Both have been hit with historic storms in recent years. S cientists won't b lame a specific event or even a specific seasonal change on global warming without doing intricate and time-consuming studies. And they say they are just now getting a better picture

of the complex intersection of man-made climatechange and extreme snowfall. But when Serreze, Oppenheimer and others look at the lastfew years ofless snow overall, punctuated by big storms, they say this is what they are expecting in the future. "It fits the pattern that we expect to unfold," Oppenheimer salcb The world is warming so precipitation that would normally fall as snow in the future will likely fall as rain once it gets above the freezing point, said Princeton researcher Sarah Kapnick. Her study used new computer models to simulate the climate in 60 to 100 years as carbon dioxide levels soar. She found large reductions in snowfall throughout much of the world, especially parts of Canada and the Andes Mountains. In the United States, her models predictabout a 50 percent or more drop in annual snowfall amounts along a giant swath of the nation from Maine to Texas and the Pacific Northwest and California's Sierra N e vada mountains.



n oc i, m iccons ruc ion o e en ure By Kathy Lally I The Washington Post

SOCHI, RussiaThe frenzy of construction for the Winter Games enveloping this city has local people feeling as if the Greek gods of old were flinging one Olympian thunderbolt after another at them as they helplessly endure. President Vladimir Putin wants to turn Sochi, a threadbare resort on the Black Sea, into a polished Russian jewel, an up-to-the-minute year-round snow-and-sun resort drawing tourists long after next year's Olympics have moved on. About 500 companies and 96,000 workers are laboring in this city of 345,000, Dmitri Kozak, the deputy prime minister overseeing the Olympic project, told reporters recently. Construction roars along 24 hours a day, leaving some residents dazed. Others are protesti ng. All are weary of the pounding of jackhammers and the clouds of dust. Sochi is being transformed not only by stadiums and ski jumps but also by new roads, 22 tunnels, train stations, miles of railroad track, high-rise apartments, new sidewalks, construction of eight power plants and a whole new grid system to replace a now precarious supply of electricity. B ulldozers have torn t h e neighborhood of Mirny, near the giant Olympic media center, in half to make way for new buildings and highway interchanges. Many of the construction workersare migrants, especially from CentralAsia, who get miserable wages and sometimes are not paid at all, according to a Human Rights Watch report issued this month.

Power plant protests And every day residents of the small settlement of Kudepsta gather near their backyard stream a few miles from the Olympic ice rinks, ready to block heavy equipment with their bodies in an effort to fend off construction of a thermal power plant they contend will poison them. They began mobilizing last

Spending Continued from A1 No matter how t h e i d ea came about, the $1.2 trillion in cutsto defense and domestic spending will nevertheless serve as a high-profile test of the deep cuts that Republicans have been pushing for years. If the cuts are instituted and Americans do not see them as a major problem, that could serve as an affirmation of the GOP view that the government is unnecessarily big and a hindrance to private-sector growth. If there is a significant backlash, public sentiment is likely to shift toward the Democrats, who generally see thegovernment as a positive force. The sequester is the result of a summer 2011 deal between Obama and Congress that was designed to be so distasteful that it would compel lawmakers to agree on a broader framework to tame federal borrowing. That hasn't happened. And with no communication between the White House and congressional R e publicans, much of Washington seems resigned to the cuts taking effect March 1. The deal requires the government to dramatically trim spending on a wide range of domestic programs, including educationas well as research and development. It w o u ld lead to the furlough of thousands of w o rkers, officials say. And it would also sharply reduce spending at the Pentagon — a prospect that would help stabilize the federal debt over the next decade but that also creates deep a n xiety among military leaders. M acroeconomic A dv i s ers, a n i n d ependent e c onomic group, said Tuesday that sequestration would cost 700,000 jobs and push t he unemployment rate a quarter of a percentage point higher than it otherwise would have been. The group said in its analysis that the cuts would be a significant economic hit, given that taxes have already gone up this year and "with the economy still struggling to overcome the legacy of the

May against the plant on the Kudepsta River, setting up a 24-hour camp to block constructionafter workers began clearing a forested ridge about 500 yards from apartment buildings and a school. They have managed to stall the project, which was supposed to be completed bynext November, because work began without the required permits and environmental studies. But they fear they will lose eventually. "We have vvitten to the president's office and the governor," said Tatyana Osipova, a Kudepsta resident, "and we're not getting any answers." Vladimir Ivanov, a 63-yearold pensioner, said he spent 40 years working at the Norilsk Nickel plant above the Arctic Circle, surviving ferociously cold winter temperatures and health-threatening p o llution. He used his life savings to buy a small piece of land and build a house in Kudepsta, close to the water and hillsides thick with greenery. All will be ruined by a power plant spreading pollution, he said. "I got out of one prison," he said, "and entered another." Officialshave assured residents that the plant will be built according to strict European standards, with filters preventing the dispersal of any pollutants. But most Russians don't trust their officials, and the people of Kudepsta insist that they are being misled, that officials act only in their own selfinterest despite all the assertions to the contrary. Neither do





@ .SBIIN ,

towers over them, but residents say the lamps won't be turned o n until next year, for t h e Olympics. Dzhadze said officials ordered him and his neighbors to paint their houses — siennahued roofs and cream colored walls — to create a charming visual backdrop for the Olympics. With a pension of about $170 a month, he has no idea how he can afford it. He's not afraid to speak up to a reporter. "What do I have to fear?" he said, gesturing toward the dusty road, the high, massive wall supporting the highway about 12 feet from his yard, his tumbledown house. "I have nothing to lose." Neighbors are more cautious, and one man with a shock of white hair and full mustache planted himself in front of his car license plate, just in case it could somehow be used to identify him. Electricity is sporadic — this day, Putin was in town and Mirny refrigerators roared to life for a time. Dzhadze fears that he may endure all this disruption, invest in painting his house, and then get pushed out for further development later. The nearby Media Center is meant to become a shopping and entertainment center after the Games are done, and who knows what th e authorities have in mind for Mirny. "It's only going to get worse when the Olympics are over," Dzhadze said, "because the journalists will be gone and anything can happen."

and labor contractsrequired under Russian law. This leaves them vulnerable to abuse, he sard. When Simonov anda lawyer try to intercede to get unpaid wages, they often encounter insurmountable problems. Various levels of subcontracting make it difficult to find the actual employer, and if a worker does not have a contract, regulators say they have no authority to intervene. "Two days ago during a press conference, our mayor said there had only been two complaints made over working conditions," Simonov said. "That's because all the complaints are turned away." To make way for the Games, about 1,500 families have been forced toleave theirhomes, accordingto HRW. In some neighborhoods, such as Mirny, most houses have been torn down, but a few remain there, lonely islands surrounded by c onstruction. Some have lost their houses without compensation because titles, received during chaotic post-Soviet days, were not always clear. Residents of the remaining 30 or so houses in Mirny which means peaceful— feel trapped. They get home by traveling along roads deeply rutted

, LN.

n The Associated Press file photo

Olympic rIngs rise in the Black Sea resort of Sochi, southern RussIa. Construction projects are transformIng the town, bringing In 96,000 workers to labor on Infrastructure such as 22 tunnels, eIght power plants, a new grid system and other projects.

by heavyequipment,dodging

bulldozers along a landscape filled with mountains of dirt they believe Sochi will become ers — many f rom poverty- and gravel. A row of blooming a tourist mecca. Turkey has stricken Uzbekistan, Tajikistan mimosas reminds them of what lower prices and better service, and Kyrgyzstan — make $1.80 used to be marshland, where they say. to $2.60 an hour on Olympic they could hear frogs croak"They want tomake money construction s i tes, e a rning ing instead of engines roaring. selling electricity abroad," con- about $455 to$605 a month. Now empty beer bottles, distended Natalya Vorobyova, a Sochi wages are low in general, carded by construction workyoung mother holding her 2but the average pay for con- ers, sprout where flowers once year-old daughter in her arms, struction workers here is about grew. " It's hard t o understand "and they'll leave us to die." $850 a month. In Moscow the what's going on," said AlexanThey want the plant built average is over $1,300. elsewhere. Interviews with 66 migrants der Dzhadze, who has lived in "We aren't against the au- produced consistent descrip- his modest little house for all thorities or t h e O l y mpics," tions of 12-hour workdays, with of his 64 years. "They took the Osipova said, "but we want only one day off in two weeks, land from many people and things to be done properly." HRWsaid. never gave anything in return." Semyon Simonov,coordinaThe streets are still dark Cheap labor tor of the Migration and Law when children set off to school. In it s 6 7-page document organization in Sochi, said mi- Huge street lights have been on migrants, Human Rights grants are often hired without erected above to illuminate the Watch reported that the labor- the registration, work permits new highway exchange that

Great Recession." Cain of A r i z ona, L i ndsey Obama said he prefers to de- Graham of South Carolina lay the sequester through the a nd Kelly A y otte o f N e w end of the year by trimming Hampshire — said Tuesday other spending, such as farm that O b am a w a s o v e r t ly subsidies, and raising more p laying p o l itics w i t h th e money by limiting breaks and sequester. "Today, just 10 days prior to loopholes that favor top earners and select industries, such the implementation of these as oil and gas companies. draconian cuts, the President "So far, at least, the ideas held another campaign event that th e R epublicans have to blame Republicans for seproposed ask nothing of the questration, which was actuwealthiest Americans or big- ally his idea in the first place," gest corporations,so the bur- they said i n a j o i n t s t ateden is all on first responders ment. "This country needs a or seniors o r m i d dle-class C ommander-in-Chief, not a families," Obama said Tues- Campaigner-in-Chief." day. "They double down, in Time is running short to fact, on the harsh, harmful stop the sequester, with lawcuts." makers not planning to return Senior administration offi- to Washington until Monday. cials say they have the upper Republicans say more taxes hand in the debate because are out of the question, while Americans have shown their administration officials said broad support, in polls and Tuesday that they could not at the voting booth, for askimagine a compromise that ing the wealthy to pay higher does not open the door to taxes rather than just cutting higher taxes on the wealthy. "Senate Republicans are gogovernment services. "So now R e p u blicans ing to have to spend this week in Congress face a s i mple explaining to their constituchoice," Obama said Tuesday. ents why they would rather "Are they willing to compros ee sequestration hi t t h a n mise to protect vital invest- support the Democrats' bill to ments in education and health replace it with a balanced mix care and n ational security of responsible spending cuts and all the jobs that depend and new revenue from the on them? Or would they rath- wealthiest Americans," said er put hundreds of thousands Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., of jobs and our entire econo- chair of the Senate Budget my at risk just to protect a few Committee. special-interest tax loopholes Over the long term, Obama that benefit only the wealthiwants to replace the sequesest Americans and biggest ter with cuts to Medicare and corporations?" other m andatory s pending Leading Republicans, how- programs and hundreds of ever, were pointing the finger billions of dollars in new tax directly at the president. revenue achieved t h r ough "The president offered no limiting deductions benefitcredible plan that can pass ing wealthy Americans and Congress — only more calls corporations. for h i gher t a x es," H o u se Republicans favor a p l an Speaker John B oehner, R- that w ould t r i m d o m estic Ohio, said Tuesday. "Wash- and mandatory spending ington Democrats' newfound while largely sparing defense concern about the president's spending. Republicans want sequester is appreciated, but to limit deductions through words alone won't avert it." an overhaul of the tax code, Republicans believe they too, but they want to use any are well positioned because new tax r evenue generated Obama needs their support through that process to lower to avoid the spending cuts, tax rates. which are set to happen auThe GOP also wants to baltomatically, and they believe ance the budget within a deObama will be blamed for the cade, which, budget experts negative effects. say, would require spending Three GOP senators wary cuts farin excess of those in of defense cuts — John Mc- the sequester.


AN N NN. Dishwasher i

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May19. 2012 • lond. Oregon

----zps PublishingDate: Monday, May 13






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U.S. BANK POLE PEDAL PADDLE THEGUIDETOTHELARGEST SINGLE SPORTINGEVENTIN CENTRAL OREGON. The Pole Pedal Paddle is a tradition in Bend that serves as a fundraiser for Mount Bachelor Sports Education Foundation (MBSEF). MBSEF is the leading nonprofit sports training organization dedicated to promoting positive core values to the Central Oregon youth community. The guide includes the schedule of events, descriptions of the race legs, course maps, and highlights of this signature event.

CASCADE CYCLING CLASSIC THEGUIDETOTHESTAGESAND COURSESOFTHELONGEST STANDING CYCLINGSTAGERACEIN AMERICA . The Cascade Cycling Classic is a six-day event with a long list of American cycling stars among its past winners. Staged in Bend,The Cascade Cycling Classic serves as a fundraiser for the Mount Bachelor Sports Education Foundation (MBSEF). This guide provides information on race stages and locations.

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+ ~>>ICi Total care"

PublishingDate: Wednesday, Saturday, July 13





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Continued from A1 "College graduates are just more career-oriented,"said Adam Slipakoff, the f i r m's managing partner. "Going to college means they are making a r ea l c o mmitment to their futures. They're not just looking for a paycheck."

Apple hackshows Macs' growing vulnerability back" and the latest cyberattack is a troubling sign. "Definitely, Macs are not In a sign of Apple's inc reasing v u l nerability t o as secure as they were previhackers, some Mac comput- ously," said Liam 0 Murchu, ers belonging to Apple em- a researcher with Symantec. ployees were infected with "Until last year, we hadn't Java-related malware when seen a lot of Mac threats. the employees visited a soft- This showcases that Macs ware development website, are not invulnerable." the c ompany a n n ounced Neil Cook, chief tech ofTuesday. ficer for Cloudmark, which The disclosure follows a works on Internet security similar Java-related cyber- issues, said Apple's rising attack a g ainst F a cebook popularity makes it a bigger that was r evealed Friday target for hackers. "Apple's market size has and comes after President Barack Obama called on always lagged behind," Cook Congress in his State of the said. "Now I in every 3 lapUnion address to i m pose tops sold is a Mac, so they've tougher legislation to protect b ecome extremely m a i nA merican i n terests f r o m stream, andthey've entered cyberattacks. that sweet spot that hackers Apple iPhones and iPads are looking for." "The malware was emdo not appear to be infected, and the Cupertino, Calif., ployed in an attack against company did no t d i sclose Apple and other companies, how many of its employees' and was s pread t hrough computers were infected or a website for software dewhen. It issued a software fix velopers," Apple said in a Tuesday aimed at customers statement. "We identified who already had installed a small number of systems Java on their Macs. within Apple that were inWindows-based operating fected and i solated them systems have been the most from our network. There is popular targets of h acker no evidence that any data attacks. But h u ndreds of left Apple. We are working thousands of Mac computers closely with la w e n forcewere hit last year with a Tro- ment to find the source of jan horse virus called "Flash- the malware."

By Dan Nakaso

San Jose Mercury News

'Degree inflation' Economists have referred to this phenomenon as "deg ree inflation," and i t h a s been s t eadily i n f i l t r ating America's job market. Across industries an d g e o graphic areas, many other jobs that didn't used to require a diploma — positions like dental hygienists, cargo agents, clerks and claims adjusters — are increasingly requiring one, according to Burning Glass, a company that analyzes job ads from more than 20,000 online sources, including major job boards and small- to midsize-employer sites. T his u p -credentialing i s pushing th e l ess educated even further down the food chain, and it h elps explain why the unemployment rate f or workers with n o m o r e than a high school diploma is more than twice that for workers w it h a b a c helor's degree: 8.1 percent versus 3.7 percent. Some jobs, like those in supply chain m a n agement and logistics, have become more technical,and so require more advanced skills t oday than they did i n t h e past. But more broadly, because so many people are going to college now, those who do not graduate are often assumed to be unambitious or less capable. Plus, it's a buyer's market for employers. "When you get 800 resumes for every job ad, y ou need to weed them out somehow," said S uzanne M a nzagol, executive recruiter at Cardinal Recruiting Group, which does headhunting for administrative positions at Busch, Slipakoff 8 r S c huh and other firms in the Atlanta area. Of all the metropolitan areas in the United States, Atlanta has had one of the largest inflows of college graduates in the last f ive years, according to an analysis of census data by William Frey, a demographer at the Brookings Institution. In 2012, 39 percent of job p ostings for secretaries a n d adm i n i strative assistants in the Atlanta metroarea requested a bachelor's degree, up from 28 percent in2007, according to Burning Glass. "When I started recruiting in '06, you didn't need a college degree,but there weren't that many candidates," Manzagol said.

Rich Addicks/New YerkTimes News Service

Landon Crider works as a runner/courier at the law office of Busch, Slipakoff & Schuh in Atlanta. "It sure beats washing cars," says Crider, who graduated from Georgia State and spent several months after graduation scrubbing sedans at Enterprise Rent-a-Car.

"When you get800 resumes for everyjob ad, you need toweed them out somehow." — Suzanne Manzagol, Cardinal Recruiting Group

daughters in her family, Burnett reckons that she has the best job. One sister, a fellow West Georgia graduate, is processing insurance claims; another, who dropped out of college, is one of the many

ing with copying and billing

degree-less young people

claims. He said he was taking the opportunity to learn more about the legal industry, since he plans to apply to law school next year. The firm's greatest success story is Laura Burnett, who in less than a year went from being a file clerk to being the firm's paralegal for the litigation group. She did not ask f or the promotion, but t h e partners were so impressed with her filing wizardry that they figured she could handle it. "They gave me a raise, too," said Burnett, a 2011 graduate of the University of West Georgia.

who still cannot find work. Besides the p r omotional pipelines it creates, setting a floor of college attainment also creates a clubbier office social atmosphere, said Slipakoff, who handles most of the

after graduation, scrubbing sedans at Enterprise Rent-aCar. Before joining the law firm, he was turned down for a promotion to rental agent at Enterprise — a position that also required a bachelor's degree — because the company said he didn't have enough sales experience. His college-educated colleagues had similarly limited o pportunities, w o r k in g a t Ruby Tuesday or behind a retail counter while waiting for a better job to open up. "I am over $100,000 in student loan debt r ight n ow," s aid M egan P a r ker, w h o earns $37,000 as the firm's receptionist. She graduated from the Art Institute of Atlanta in 2011 with a degree in fashion and retail management, and spent months waiting on " b r idezillas" at a couture boutique, among other stores, while churning out office-job applications. "I will probably never see the end of that bill, but I'm not really thinking about it right now," she said. "You know, this is a really great place to work." The risk with h i r ing college graduates for jobs they are supremely overqualified for is, of course, that they will leave as soon as they find something better, particularly as the economy improves. S lipakoff s ai d h i s f i r m had little turnover, though, largely because it has been expanding so r a pidly. The company has grown to more t han 30 lawyers from f i v e in 2008, plus a support staff Happy to have a job of about 15, and promotions Even if they are not exhave abounded. "They expect you to grow, actly applying the knowledge they gained in their political and they want you to grow," science, finance and f a sh- said Ashley Atkinson, who ion marketing classes, the g raduated f r o m Geo r g i a young graduates employed Southern University in 2009 by Busch, Slipakoff 8 Schuh with a g eneral studies desay theyare grateful for even gree. "You're not stuck here the rotest of rote office work under some glass ceiling." they have been given. W ithin a y e a r o f b e i n g "It s ur e b e at s w a shing hired as a file clerk, around cars," said L andon Cr ider, Halloween 2011, A t k i nson 24, the firm's soft-spoken was promoted twice to posirunner. tions in m arketing and ofHe would know: He spent fice m a n agement. C r i der, several years, while at Geor- the runner, was given addigia State and in the months tional work last month, help-

The typical paralegal position, which has traditionally offered a path to a well-

paying job for less-educated workers, requires no m ore than an associate degree, according to the Labor Department's occupational h andbook, but the job is still a step up from filing. Of the three


firm's hiring and is especial-

ly partial to his fellow University of Florida graduates. There is a lot of trash-talking of each other's college football teams, for example. And this year the office's Christmas tree ornaments were a colorful menagerie of college mascots — Gators, Blue Devils, Yellow Jackets, Wolves, Eagles, Tigers, Panthers — in which just about every staffer's school was represented. "You k n ow, i f we h a d s omeone here w it h j u s t a GED or something, I can see how they might feel slighted by th e s o cial a t m osphere here," he says. "There really is something sort of cohesive or binding about the fact that all of us went to college."







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troduced bills implementing some of the ideas Kitzhaber Continued from A1 proposed. Burdick's bill, SB "For some people it makes 471, would ensure that retira difference," he said, of be- ees who leave the state no ing part of the retirement plan. longer receivean income tax "For me, clearly it didn't since I reimbursement. led the reforms." Conger and Knopp also plan PERS has been a topic of to introduce further legislation much discussion this legisla- that would more dramatically tive session, particularly since change PERS. "This is the first in a series more than $800 million of savings in Gov. John Kitzhaber's of reforms that will not only proposed budget hinge on help schools, but make PERS changes to t h e r e t irement more sustainable in the long plan. term," Conger said. Conger pushed PERS reThe pension system is facforms last legislative session, ing an unfunded liability of without much luck. $16 billion. Public employers, "This is a completely differ- such as school districts, pay ent environment in which to into the system to fund penraisePERS reforms issues,"he sions for their retirees. said. "The governor has taken Speaker of the House Tina a step.... There are conversa- Kotek, D-Portland, declined tions about it in the hallway. I to comment on the Congerfelt I was a lone voice in prior Knopp bill. She has said in the past that one element of balyears, and that has changed." More legislation surround- ancing the budget will include ing PERS is expected to be tackling PERS. But she wants introduced later this w eek. to ensure any changes are "fair and legal." Democratic lawmakers, i ncluding Sen. Ginny Burdick, — Reporter: 541-554-1162, D-Portland, have already inIdake@bendbulletin.com


' •

• .







Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B5

Weather, B6




Flu season


Madras crash


ln)UI'es 2 Two Warm Springs


residents were injured


in a single-vehicle crash Tuesday afternoon near Madras, the Oregon State Police said.

passes peak


Hazel Marie Wahpat, 57, was eastbound on U.S. Highway 26 at about12:40 p.m. with a



passenger, LeonChase. Wahpat lost control of

Bulletin staff report Flu season has peaked in CentralOregon, according to hospital and public health officials, but it's still good advice to get a flu shot. The number of flu tests administered and positive results have dropped to less than half the number registered during the peak of flu season in late January, according to numbers provided by St. Charles Health System on Tuesday. "From our reports, >t looks like it kind of peaked out the week of Jan. 20 to 26. That's, of course, in terms of people testing positive for influenza," said Tom Kuhn, community health

the vehicle on asharp curve northwest of Madras, and it rolled

over before coming to


rest on its wheels off the

highway, police said. Wahpat and Chase, 41, were injured and taken to St. Charles

Madras. Wahpat was later transferred by air ambulance to St.

Charles Bendwith serious injuries.

FFAseeks food donations Mountain View High School's Future Farmers

of America program is seeking cannedfood donations to benefit

Neighborlmpact. The canned-food drive will last through

February, and donations can be dropped of at the

school's main office on Northeast 27th Street in Bend. Canned food

can also be droppedoff at any Les SchwabTire Centers store in Bend. The local FFA chapter

Photos by Andy Tulhs /The Bulletin

Justy Haney, left, owner of Justy's Jelly, explains how she makes her jelly and what kind of cooking she uses it for during a recent presentation for the On The Road Again Gang, a group of Culver and Madras seniors, at Justy's Jelly in Redmond.

program manager for Deschutes County Health Services Department. "It reached its highest points that week; the next week half as many were testing positive, and the first week of February it declined even further." On Tuesday, St. Charles Health System dropped some vis>tor restr>cttons >t imposed Jan. 15 to curb the possible introduction of influenza in its four hospitals. Children 17 and younger were not permitted in the intensive care and neonatal intensive care units; children 12 and younger were not permitted in the hospitals at alL The health care system lifted those restrictions in its four hospitals, in Bend, Redmond, Prineville and Madras. SeeFlu/B5

o ever sai ie ri s are orsc ooc i r en'?

is competing with other chapters around the state to collect the most

By Leslie Pugmire Hole

canned food. Thewin-

The list reads like the dreams of a 10-year-old: train rides, water buffalo ranches, a TV station, a taxidermist, a mint farm, fish hatchery and sternwheeler ride; watching Native Americans fish from platforms

ner of the food-drive competition will receive

a donation from Les Schwab Tire Centers. — From staff reports

The Bulletin

Contact information On the RoadAgainGang 541-546-3301

office©culverchristian church.com


g~~ e@Zet8~9r. e


above the rapids, digging

STATE NEWS Portland/Hillsboro

• Portland:Parents blame hand sanitizer

for child's burns sustained in a hospital fire.

• Hillsdoro:Loan from state enables Oracle to add130 jobs in

expansion. • Around the state: Ashton Eaton will

address Oregon Senate. Stories on B3


fossils, hearing a clock repairman explain his craft. The On the Road Again Gang knows how to do a field trip. "I've been on many, many of these and I'll tell you something — I've never been bored," said Donna Taylor. Taylor and many of the Gang are silver-haired members of Culver Christian Church, but you don't have to belong to the church or even be a senior to hop aboard the church van for the monthly outings. There is something reminiscent of grade-school field trips in the outings, said Gang member Marian Metzentine. "I can still remember a couple of the field trips from when I was young, the sights and smells." Most of the trips have a learningcomponent, according to Karen Campbell, who has been planning the outings for eight years. She and her husband, Jerry, con-

ceived the idea of monthly outings after noting how often the church van sat unused. "One of our favorite things for us is to go for drives," said Karen Campbell. "We love to go exploring and we keep our eye out for interesting things that might make a good destination." The Redmond couple uses its community contacts — friends, family, hairdressers, tellers at the bank — as sources for new ideas. Over the years the group, typically numbering about 15to20,hasbeentoalogging museum, Fort Rock, an iron works, a safflower farm and to watch a sheep shearer in action. They've learned about custom boot making, artisan cheese and how to make candy. Last week, the group wedged into tiny Justy's Jelly in Redmond, listening to Justy Haney talk about the

challenges and joys of run-

Members of the On The Road Again Gang taste samples of Justy's Jelly. The group takes monthly field trips around Central Oregon to museums, farms, shops and a variety of other places.

Fiu season continues As of Feb.18, suspected and confirmed influenza cases were downfrom January. Tests Fa> Positive administeredQ • tes t s •

January ~ February*


ning a boutique food factory: health department rules, labeling, marketing and methods of manufacture. They lookon in amazement when she describes one of the newest and best tools for small businesses: a small apparatus for smartphones that can scan and process credit card payments in one swipe. They sample her pineapple

pepper jelly, the berry habanero and the margarita jelly,


joking with the "designated drivers" on the trip. "These trips are great, we go to places we'd probably never go on our own," said Hap Metzentine. According to his wife, Marian, Hap's the group mischief-maker, standing at the back and cracking jokes. "You know, they just love to learn newthings," said Karen Campbell. "They're curious about things I'd never expect." SeeTrip/B2


300 200 100 0 Bend Prineville Redmond *As of Feb 18

Source Staff research Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin

Have astoryidea or sudmission? Contactus! The Bulletin Call a reporter: Bend................541-617-7829 Redmond ........ 541-977-7185 Sisters.............541-977-7185 La Pine........... 541-883-0348 Sunriver ......... 541-883-0348


Scheduling error helpsstudent discover hispassion: cooking By Megan Kehoe

Deschutes ......541-617-7837 Crook ..............541-633-2184 Jefferson ........541-633-2184

The Bulletin

A scheduling mistake by the school office placed Ty Gray in the beginner's culinary class his

Salem..............541-554-1162 D.c..................202-662-7456 Business ........ 541-883-0360 Education .......541-977-7185 Public lands .....541-617-7812 Public safety.....541-383-0387 Projects ..........541-617-7831

freshman year of high school.

OUR SCHOOLS, OUR STUDENTS Educational news and activities, and local kids

and their achievements. Submissions: • Letters and opinions: Maii: My Nickei's Worth or In My View p.o. Box 6020 Bend, OR97708 Details on theEditorials page inside. Contact: 541-883-0358, bulletin©bendbulletin.com

• School Notes and submission info,B2

But three years later, the mistake appears to be a stroke of luck for the 18-year-old student at Mountain View High School. "I know it sounds cheesy, but I just love to make people happy with the food I create," Ty said. "It's my passion." Ty, a senior, said he knows exactly what he wants to do with his life. Ty is crazy about cooking, and has already made steps toward his dream of becoming a chef. He is one of five students on the school's competitive culinary

team and also works part-time at 900 Wall as a prep cook — a job that the upscale Bend restaurant doesn't normally give to students still in high school. But after a try-out session last year, Ty's talent and enthusiasm for cooking secured him a job with the downtown restaurant. "I started out learning about basic knife skills and now I know about 30 different ways to cook an egg," Ty said. "It's crazy. I'm just trying to keep up with everyone there." Ty competed last year with Mountain View's culinary team in the Oregon ProStart High School Culinary Championship, where the dishesthey created earned them third place. SeeCooking/B2


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E VENT TODAY LUNCHANDLECTURE:Learn about Northern spotted owls in Oregon, bring a sack lunch; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65and older, $7ages 5-12, free ages 4 andyounger; noon-1 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend;541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. CHEW ONTHIS:FOOD FACTS AND CONSIDERATIONS: A presentation by health and humanperformance professor Owen Murphy covering various aspects of food production and consumption; free; 4-5 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way,Bend;541-383-7786 or www.cocc.edu/. ARUN GANDHIPRESENTATION: ThegrandsonofMohandas Gandhi presents, "Nonviolence andSocial Justice: Lessons I Learned from my Grandfather"; followed by aprivate reception that is sold out; free; 6:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Wille Hall, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-383-7257 or www. cocc.edu. "LEGALLYBLONDE: THE MUSICAL": The Redmond High School drama department presents the musical aboutsorority girl Elle Woods, who enrolls at Harvard LawSchool to win back her ex-boyfriend; $10-$15; 7 p.m.; Redmond High School, 675 S.W. Rimrock Way; 541-923-4800 or www.redmond.k12.or.us/rhs/site/ default.asp. DEAD WINTERCARPENTERS:The California-based roots-rock band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School,700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. OTT & THEALL-SEEING I: The dubstep act performs, with KiloWatts and G.A.M.M.A; $10 plus fees in advance, $13 at the door; 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www. slipmatscience.com.

THURSDAY THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB:Read and discuss "The Swerve" by Stephen Greenblatt; free; noon; La PinePublic Library, 16425 First St.; 541-3121090 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. KNOW CLUE: CENTRAL OREGON CSI:Learn how real-life crime scene investigation is done with Bend police officer Canyon Davis; free; 3 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1034 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. JOHN FAWCETTAND AARONPETIT

AL E N D A R RECITAL:Violinist John Fawcettand pianistAaron Petit perform classical works; free; 5:30 p.m.; BrokenTop Club, 61999 BrokenTop Drive, Bend; 541-647-6875. KNOW CLUE: HITCHCOCKANXIETY,SEXAND PEEPING TOMS: A screening of the 1953 unrated Alfred Hitchcock film, "I Confess," followed by adiscussion; free; 5:30 p.m.; Tin PanTheater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, Bend; 541-241-2271 or tinpantheater@gmail.com. PLATEAUINDIAN ARTS PRESENTATION:RebeccaDobkins, an anthropology professor, explores the "Vibrant Traditions in Plateau Arts" and the relationship between traditional and contemporary artistry; free; 6 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S.Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. highdesertmuseum.org. "LEGALLYBLONDE: THE MUSICAL": The Redmond High School drama department presents the musical about sorority girl Elle Woods, who enrolls at Harvard LawSchool to winback her ex-boyfriend; $10-$15; 7 p.m.;Redmond HighSchool,675 S.W.Rimrock Way; 541-923-4800 or www.redmond.k12.or.us/rhs/site/ default.asp. "THE BROTHERSGRIMM SPECTACULATHON"AND "GOLIDLOCKS ONTRIAL": The Summit High School drama department presents two back-toback plays that put a modern spin on classic fairy tales; $5; 7 p.m.; Summit High School,2855 N.W.Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-322-3300. JOANNA PRIESTLEYSCREENING:A retrospective screening of filmmaker Joanna Priestley's best works, including "Choking Hazard," "Eye Liner" and "Dear Pluto"; $10; 7 p.m.; Sisters Movie House, 720 Desperado Court; 541-549-8800 or www. sistersmoviehouse.com/. "WORKING":Thoroughly Modern Productions and Stage Right Productions present the musical depicting the working lives of everyday people; $21, $18students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E.Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. GRAND OPENINGAND "SLING BLADE" SCREENING: A screening of the1996 R-rated film to markthe grand opening of the Volcanic Theatre Pub; $6; 7:30 p.m., doors open at 5 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www.volcanictheatrepub.com. THE 44S:TheLos Angeles-based blues band performs, with Shade 13; $5;8p.m.; The HornedHand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend;541728-0879 or www.reverbnation. com/venue/t hehornedhand.

Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communitylifeibendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at vvvvw.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

Depression; free; 9 p.m.; Third Street Pub, 314 S.E.Third St., Bend; 541306-3017. ARDENPARKROOTS: The California-based punk-rock act performs, with Subliminal; $5; 9:30p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. KEEGAN SMITHAND THE FAM: The Portland-based reggae-funk musician performs; $5; 10 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. BondSt., Bend; 541-3880116.

gORU) 0




Submitted photo

Arun Gandhi, the grandson of Mohandas Gandhi,presents "Nonviolence and Social Justice: Lessons I Learned from my Grandfather" at 6:30 p.m. today at Central Oregon Community College. "BIKE CAR":A screening of the cycling and snowboarding film, with door prizes; proceeds benefit the Central Oregon Trail Alliance; $5; 9 p.m.; McMenamins OldSt. Francis School,700 N.W. BondSt., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins. com.

FRIDAY SPIKE& MIKE FESTIVAL OF ANIMATION: An animated film screening of "Spike 8 Mike's New Generation Show" at 6 p.m., followed by"The Sick & Twisted Show" (ages18and older) at9 p.m., with a reception between shows; proceeds benefit KPOVradio; $13 for one show, $24 for both shows; 6 and 9p.m. screenings, reception from 8-9 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3220863 or www.kpov.org. "LEGALLYBLONDE: THE MUSICAL": The Redmond High School drama department presents the musical about sorority girl Elle Woods, who enrolls at Harvard Law School to win back her ex-boyfriend; $10-$15; 7 p.m.; Redmond High School,675 S.W.Rimrock Way; 541-923-4800 or www.redmond.k12.or.us/rhs/site/ default.asp. "THE BROTHERSGRIMM SPECTACULATHON"AND "GOLIDLOCKS ONTRIAL": The Summit High School drama department presents two back-toback plays that put a modern spin on classic fairy tales; $5; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W.Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-322-3300. CHRISTOPHER OFTHE WOLVES: The multi-instrumentalist performs, followed by asound healing experience; bring pillows and blankets; $10-$15 suggested

donation; 7-9 p.m.; Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 N.W.Louisiana Ave., Bend; 541-330-0334 or www. hawthorncenter.com. FIRE PITPARTY:Sit around the outdoor fire pit and tell stories, with food, beverages, and live music by Harley Bourbon; proceeds benefit Cascade School of Music; free admission; 7-10 p.m.; Riverfront Plaza, on Brooks Streetat the Breezeway, Bend, Bend; 541-7280066 or crowsfeetcommons©gmail. com. TELLURIDEMOUNTAINFILM ON TOUR:Screening of films that celebrate mountain people, culture and conservation; proceeds benefit The Environmental Center; $17.50 plusfees inadvance,$20dayof show, $30 in advance for both nights; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre. Ol'g.

"WORKING":Thoroughly Modern Productions and Stage Right Productions present the musical depicting the working lives of everyday people; $21, $18students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E.Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. JAZZ ATTHE OXFORD: Featuring a performance bythe Mel Brown Septet; $35 plus fees in advance; 8 p.m.; TheOxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436 or www.jazzattheoxford.com. TERRIBLEBUTTONS: TheSpokanebased folk act performs, with W ilderness; $5;8 p.m .;TheHorned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation. com/venue/t hehornedhand. ALLURA:The LosAngeles-based metal act performs, with Laid in Stone, Exfixiaand Existential

SCHOOL NOTES SidneyDavis,ofRedmond,hasbeen named to the fall 2012 dean's list at Pacific University in Forest Grove. USS Iwo Jima (LPH2/LHD7) Catherine Brown,of Powell Butte, shipmates; for all related ship's was named to the fall 2012 dean's company and embarkedNavyand list at University of Minnesota, Marine Corps personnel; Oct. 2-6, Crookston. Crowne Plaza Hotel, San Diego; for Olivia Grout,of Bend, was named information or to register, contact to the fall 2012 president's list at Robert McAnally, 757-723-0317 or Gonzaga University in Spokane, yujack@megalink.net. Wash. Grout is a 2010 graduate Summit High School and the COLLEGE NOTES ofdaughter of Randy and Janis Grout, of Bend. Air Force AirmanJared Hebert graduated from basic militarytraining Connor Flanagan,of Redmond, was at Lackland Air Force Base inSan named to the fall 2012 dean's list Antonio. Hebert is a 2009 graduate at Gonzaga University in Spokane, of Crook County High School and Wash. the grandson of Max andCharleen Colin Mahnke,ofRedmond,was Holstad, of Prineville. named to the fall 2012 dean's list Olivet Nazarene University in COLLEGE NOTES atBourbonnais, III. KaylaGood,ofBend,wasnamed to Paula Simone,of Bend, received a the fall 2012 dean's list at Creighton master of science degree inSafety/ University in Omaha, Neb. Security/Emergency Mangement The following local students were from Eastern Kentucky University in named to the fall 2012 dean's list Richmond, Ky. at Eastern Oregon University in La Mary DennisandJayMathisen, both Grande: of Bend, each received adoctorate Andrew Zaiser, NicholasVora, degree in education from GeorgeFox Erika Whitehurst, BronwynBailey, University in Newberg. Theo Giannioses, AdamDavis, William Nelson,of Redmond, Michael Lizardy, TrentonManns, received a master of arts degree in Timothy McCloud, Philip Deenik, teaching from GeorgeFox University Kyle Pickard, Rachel Kirkendoland in Newberg. Janna Streeter,all of Bend; Kevin AnnaShoffner,ofBend,wasnamed ScheeheanandJaniceLoiodici,both to the fall 2012 dean's list at Hillsdale of LaPine;Brianna Fessler, Melissa College in Hillsdale, Mich. Shoffner is Curtis, Tyler BruckandMeagan a 2011 homeschool graduate andthe Fine,all of Madras;JasonCarr, daughter of GregandLynneShoffner. Paige Buswell, Vicki Birkby and Cherise Hatch,of Bend, was Kaitlyn Duncan,all of Prineville; and named to the fall 2012 dean's list at Janelle Mclntosh, KaraCampdell, Springfield College in Springfield, Aaron JonesandJacobBarber, all of Mass. Redmond.


Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Ty Gray, a member of the Mountain View culinary team, works part-time in the kitchen at 900 Wall.

Cooking Contlnued from B1 Last weekend, Ty and his team again participated in the annual competition held in Portland. He was responsible for the appetizer, which featured steamed mussels, a complicated red and white wine vinegarreduction sauce and a goat ch eese-stuffed radicchio leaf. In the weeks leading up to the event, Ty practiced this dish dozens of times, refining his techniques for the competition. "It's hard be c ause yo u have no idea what all the other teams are doing," Ty said. "You just have to hope yours stands up against theirs." Though Ty's team didn't place in this year's event, he isn'tdiscouraged. After he graduates, Ty is planning on attending culinary school, most likely the Cascade Culinary Institute. From there, he wants to one day work as a head chef on a cruise ship. Ty's culinary teacher, Jules Schmitz, said that what sets Ty apart in her class is his work ethic and desire to continually improve. "He's always t r y ing t o push himself," Schmitz said. "During open labs students geta chance tomake whatever they want. A lot just want to make cheeseburgers, but Ty's always looking at different recipes to try, and different plating presentations. He does things that students

5 Gray,18 Mountain View High

School senior Favorite Movie:Star

Wars series Favorite TVShow: "Doctor Who" Favorite Book: Warhammer fantasy

books Favorite Bands:Green Day, Blink182 going into college-level culinary classes do." Ty is also Schmitz's student aide in her beginning culinary class. She says Ty stands out for his willingness to help others.

"Ty's great about going

around and helping underclassmen," Schmitz said. "He does that without me even prompting him. He's notyour typical high school student." While Tylives and breathes cooking, he doesn't let it get in the way of his school work. He's in the honors program at Mountain View, and takes rigorous AP classes.While he says it's difficult sometimes to balance school and work atthe restaurant, every

day is a good day because he's doing what he loves. "I wake up in the morning excited to do what I'm doing," Ty said. "I'm lucky — I know not many people have that." — Reporter: 541-383-0354, mkehoe@bendbuffetin.com

How to submit

Phone: 541-383-0358 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.

Teen feats:Kids recognized recently for academic


achievements or for

participationin clubs, choirs or volunteer groups. (Please submit a photo.) Phone: 541-383-0358 Email: youth@bendbulletin.

com M ail:P.O. Box 6020,Bend,OR 97708

Other schoolnotes: College announcements, military graduations or training

completions, reunion announcements.

about sorority girl Elle Woods, who enrolls at Harvard LawSchool to winback her ex-boyfriend; $10-$15; 7 p.m.;Redmond HighSchool,675 S.W.Rimrock Way; 541-923-4800 or www.redmond.k12.or.us/rhs/site/ default.asp. "THE BROTHERSGRIMM SPECTACULATHON"AND "GOLIDLOCKS ONTRIAL": The Summit High School drama department presents two back-toback plays that put a modern spin on classic fairy tales; $5; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W.Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-322-3300. SATURDAY DAN CRARY: TheCalifornia-based CENTRAL OREGONGUITAR & bluegrass guitarist performs; GEAR SWAP: A swap of guitars, registration requested; a portion of accessories and musical instruments; the proceeds benefitsthe High & $2.50 admission; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; The Dry Bluegrass Festival; $15; 7 p.m.; Sound Garden, 1279 N.E.Second Runway Ranch, 22655 Peacock Lane, St., Bend; 541-633-6804 or www. Bend; www.hadbf.com. coguitarswap.com. TELLURIDEMOUNTAINFILM EAGLE WATCH2013: Includes ON TOUR: Screening of films that presentations, tours, exhibits, celebrate mountain people, culture activities that explore the natural and and conservation; proceeds benefit cultural significance of eagles and The Environmental Center; $17.50 more; event also takes place within plusfeesinadvance,$20day of Cove Palisades State Park; free;10 show, $30 in advance for both nights; a.m.-4 p.m.; Round Butte Overlook 7p.m., doors open at6 p.m.; Tower Park, Southwest Mountain View Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; Drive, Madras; 800-551-6949 or 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre. www.oregonstateparks.org. org. FREE FAMILYSATURDAY:The "WORKING":Thoroughly Modern museum offers complimentary Productions and Stage Right admission for the whole family; Productions present the musical overflow parking and shuttle service depicting the working lives of available at Morning Star Christian everyday people; $21, $18students School; free; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; High and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Street Theater, 220 N.E.Lafayette Highway 97, Bend;541-382-4754. Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or KNOW CLUE:D.B.COOPER AND www.2ndstreettheater.com. THE EXPLODINGWHALE: View BEND COMMUNITY a slide show tour of legendary CONTRADANCE:Featuring caller Northwestfolk heroes with author Laurel Thomas andmu sicby William L. Sullivan; free; 2 p.m.; Fiddlplay; $7; 7 p.m. beginner's Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 workshop, 7:30 p.m. dance; Boys 8 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1034 or www. Girls Club of Bend, 500 N.W.Wall St.; deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. 541-330-8943. JAZZ AT THEOXFORD: Featuring CENTRAL OREGONSYMPHONY a performance bythe Mel Brown WINTER CONCERT: The Central Septet; $35 plus fees in advance; 5 Oregon Symphony performs a and 8 p.m.; TheOxford Hotel, 10 N.W. winter concert, under the direction Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436 of Michael Gesme;featuring Kate or www.jazzattheoxford.com. Hamilton; free but a ticket is required; SPAY-GHETTIBENEFIT DINNER: 7:30 p.m.; Bend High School, A spaghetti dinner with music and a 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-317-3941, pastry auction; proceeds benefit the info©cosymphony.com or www. BrightSide Animal Center's spay and cosymphony.com. neuter program; $15, $10children JAMIE LAVAL: The North Carolinaages10 and younger; 5-8 p.m.; based Celtic violinist performs, with VFW Hall, 1836 S.W.Veterans Way, acoustic guitarist Dan Compton; Redmond; 541-923-0882. $16 in advance, $18 atthe door, $8 LAST SATURDAY: Event includes art students; 7:30 p.m., doors open exhibit openings, live music, food and at6:30 p.m.; TheOldStone,157 drinks and apatio and fire pit; free; 6N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; www. 10 p.m.; Old Ironworks Arts District, brownpapertickets.com. 50 Scott St., Bend; www.tinyurl. TRIAGE:The comedy improvisational com/ironwurk. troupe performs; $5; 7:30 p.m.; "LEGALLYBLONDE: THE MUSICAL": Greenwood Playhouse,148 N.W. The Redmond High School drama Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389department presents the musical 0803 or www.cascadestheatrical.org.

"I've been on many,

Trip Contlnued from B1 She's been surprised to find the ladies just as intrigued by more male-oriented outings and the men asking q u estions w h e n visiting places more geared toward women. The Ca m pbells "test drive" all the destinations, including the re staurants where the Gang have lunch after an outing. "I don't want to show up with a busload of seniors and have it not be wh at we expected," said Karen. Scouting locations and re-

many of these and ... I've never been bored." — Donna Taylor, On The Road Again Gang off thanks from grateful seniors in the Gang, telling them, "We'd go with you or without

you." — Reporter: 541-548-2186; lpugmire@bendbulletin.com


searching ideas is no big hardship for t h e re t ired couple, however.

Jerry Campbell shrugs

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Parents o ir severe urne at os ita ame an sanitizer

AROUND THE STATE Eatan in Salem —Olympic gold medalist Ashton Eaton will speak to the Oregon state Senate on Thursday. Senate President Peter

Courtney's office said Eaton is expected to thank senators for their support of Oregon's Olympic athletes and the track-and-field trials in Eugene. The state paid $550,000 to help the City of Eugene with

security costs for the 2012Olympic trials. Eaton will speak for a few minutes at the beginning of the Senate session, during a time typi-

The Associated Press P ORTLAND — A n 11 year-old girl caught on fire in her room at a Portland hospital, and her parents believe the cause was the hand sanitizer she used to wipe a table after painting a wooden box as a gift to her nurses. The Feb. 2 fire at Oregon Health & S cience University's Doernbecher Children's Hospital caused third-degree burns to 18 percent of Ireland Lane's body, The Oregonian reported. The Klamath Falls gi rl's father, a Navy veteran, was napping in the room. She ran into the hallway in f l ames, waking him. He and hospital staff put out the fire. T he hospital's r apid r e sponse team took the girl to the intensive care unit where she was treatedbefore being transferredto Legacy Oregon Burn Center, a nearby burn treatment center. I reland has a l ready u n -

Doernbecher noted that the "As readily available as hand sanitizer is hospital uses hand sanitizer that is 6 0 p ercent alcohol, nowadays, and how everybody sends it to same kind that is recomschool with their kids, it makes me much more the mended by the Centers for worrled. Disease Control and Prevention to kill germs and prevent — Stephen Lane, burn victim's father the spread of infection. "Nothing like this has ever happened at D o ernbecher," dergone one skin graft sur- to school with their kids, it said Dr. Stacy Nicholson, the gery and a second surgery is makes me much more wor- physician-in-chief at the children's hospital. "Our safety scheduled for Thursday, her ried," he told The Oregonian. 12th birthday. A spokeswoman for t h e experts are working closely Ireland,a survivor of a rare hospital said she could not with the Oregon state fire childhood k i d ne y c a n cer, comment f u r t her b e c ause marshal's office on its inveswas admitted to the hospital the fire is still under inves- tigation. We anxiously await initially because she hit her t igation b y t h e s t at e f i r e their findings and will cerhead at school and lost con- marshal. tainly make adjustments if "Despite a n ex h a ustive the cause was preventable." sciousness. She was due to leave the hospital that day. search of the patient's room The fire marshal'soffice Her father, Stephen Lane, on the morning of the inci- said it could not c omment said he believes the alcoholdent, neither OHSU's investi- w hile th e i n v estigation i s b ased hand s anitizer w a s gative team nor the fire mar- ongoing. ignited by a spark of static shal were immediately able Oregon's Occ u p ational electricity from his daughter to determine the source of the Safety and Health A d minplaying with her bed sheets. fire," Tamara Hargens-Brad- istration said fires involving "As readily available as ley said in an email to The hand sanitizer are not comhand sanitizer is nowadays, Associated Press. mon, and it is not aware of and how everybody sends it A news release from OHSU similar fires.

cally reserved for a prayer or invocation. HOSpital ShOOting —A 50-year-old convict left unguarded to fly to Denver and report to a halfway housefor eventual release instead skipped out and robbed abank before Portland police shot him to death, authorities said Tuesday. A U.S. Bureau of Prisons spokesman

said Hatch hadbeenserving a10-year sentence at the medium-security prison at Sheridan, in Yamhill County, for a 2004Colorado bank robbery. Hewas supposed to report to a re-entry center in Denver on Feb. 12. Five days later he went to the emergency room of Portland

Adventist Medical Center, where hehada handgun andthreatened an employee. Medford shooting —Police in the Southern Oregon city of Medford say they've arrested a transient accused of firing a.44-caliber

black powder revolver at young peoplewalking on abike path, causing minor injuries to two of them. Lt. Mike Budreausaid two teens reported they encountered a man who threatened them. They told police the man started shooting at them when they tried to ignore him

andwalkaway.Budreausaidtheyoungmanandwoman werehitand bruised but not seriously injured.

Student vaccination deadline —Todayis thedeadline for Oregon parents to make sure their children's immunizations are up to

date or they could beexcluded from school. The shots are required by law for community health. A Public Health Division coordinator, Stacy de Assis Matthews, said if school vaccination records are not up to date, the child will be sent home. Parents may seek an exemption for

religious reasons. — From staff reports

Oracle expansionexpected to create 130jobs The Associated Press HILLSBORO — Technology company Oracle said Tuesday it will use $1.4 million in loans from the state of Oregon to expand its Hillsboro facility, adding 130 jobs and keeping others from going overseas. Oracle will get the l oans in exchange for creating the full-time positions and retaining 300 slots over the next two

years, Gov. John Kitzhaber's office said. Oracle received a $750,000 forgivable l oa n f r o m the Strategic Reserve Fund and a $649,000 forgivable loan from the Business Expansion Program. The company will not have to repay the state if it fulfills the requirements to add and retain jobs in Oregon within the next

two years. The company will move production o f dat a -center servers and storage systems from Mexico to Hillsboro, said Luke Kowalski, an Oracle vice president. "We'll be able to meet customer demand while bringing newtechnology jobs to the state of Oregon," Kowalski said. Kitzhaber, who visited the

Gov. John Kitzhaber

speaks at a news conference Tuesday at the Oracle facility in Hillsboro. Oracle will use $1.4 million in loans from the state to expand the facility.

Hillsboro facility o n T u esday, praised the company's decision. "This is f u rther proof of Oregon's competitiveness in the global economy," the governor said, "and a recognition that Oregon workers are second to none in their skills and training." Oracle has five facilities in

Michael Lloyd The Oregonian


NEWS OF RECORD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Bend Police Department Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 5:49p.m.Feb.6,inthe20500blockof Boyd Court. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made at10:24 p.m. Feb. 8, in the 61400 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Theft — Atheft was reported at 10:29 a.m. Feb.10, in the 200 block of Northwest DelawareAvenue. Theft — Atheft was reported at 10:32a.m. Feb.15, in the 300 block of Northwest Flagline Drive. Theft — A theft was reported at 2:43 p.m. Feb. 15, in the 63000 block of Sherman Road. Theft — Atheft was reported at 3:53 p.m. Feb.15, in the 200 block of Northwest Jefferson Place. Theft — Atheft was reported at12:11 p.m. Feb. 9, in the 20000 block of Rock Bluff Circle. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 7:06 p.m. Feb. 12, in the 2400 block of Northeast Desert Willow Court. Theft — Atheft was reported and an arrest made at 2:32 p.m. Feb.14, in the 2600 block of East U.S. Highway 20. DUII — Andrew Corin Kaough, 42, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at1:01 a.m. Feb.15, in the areaof Southeast Third Street and Southeast Wilson Avenue. DUII —Jackson Connor Hall, 20, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 6:07 a.m. Feb. 15, in the 1600 block of Northwest Quincy Avenue. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made at 6:07a.m. Feb.15, in the1600 block of Northwest Quincy Avenue. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at10:59 p.m. Feb. 15, in the1700 block of Southeast Riviera Drive. DUII —Jamie Catherine Watson, 22, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 10:18 p.m. Feb.14, in the area of Reed and Duncan lanes. Theft — Atheft was reported and an arrest made at 8:14 p.m. Feb.15, in the100 block of Northeast Bend River Mall Avenue. DUII —Christopher Dallas New, 38, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 1:11 a.m. Feb.16, in the area of Northeast Third Street and Northeast Norton Avenue. DUII —Ivan Neil Johnson, 30, was

arrested on suspicion of driving under in the 800 block of Northeast Apache the influence of intoxicants at12:27 Court. a.m. Feb.17, in the area of Northeast Theft — Atheft was reported andan Greenwood Avenueand Northeast arrest made at12:18 p.m. Feb.12, in Fourth Street. the 1600 block of Southwest Odem DUII —Alejandro Segoviano-Medina, Medo Road. 20, was arrested on suspicion Burglary — A burglary was reported of driving under the influence of at1:41 p.m. Feb. 12, in the1000 block intoxicants at 1:51 a.m. Feb. 17, in the of Northwest Rockcrest Court. area of North U.S. Highway 97and Theft — A theft was reported at Empire Avenue. 7:35 p.m. Feb. 12, in the 200 block of Theft — A theft was reported at1:49 Southwest Sixth Street. p.m. Feb.17, in the 2600 block of Criminal mischief — An act of Northwest College Way. criminal mischief was reported at Unlawful entry — A vehicle was 7:16 a.m. Feb.13, in the1100 block of reported entered at 5:24 p.m. Feb. Northwest DogwoodAvenue. 17, in the area of Northeast Kearney Theft — A theft was reported at Avenue and Northeast Fifth Street. 9:52 a.m. Feb. 13, in the 400 block of Burglary — A burglary and anact of Northwest Sixth Street. criminal mischief were reported and mischief — An act of an arrest made at5:21 p.m. Feb.15, in Criminal criminal mischief was reported at the 800 block of Northeast Watt Way. 9:54a.m. Feb.13, in the 2400 block of Southwest 27th Street. Redmond Police Department Theft — Atheft was reported andan arrest madeat10:27a.m. Feb.13, in Theft —A theft was reported at 9:42 a.m. Feb.11, in the1800 block of East the 300 block of Northwest OakTree Lane. Antler Avenue. Theft — Atheft was reported and an Theft —A theft was reported at arrest made at12:03 p.m. Feb.13, in 1:40 p.m. Feb.11, in the 600 blockof the 4500 block of Southwest Elkhorn Southwest Rimrock Way. Avenue. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was Criminal mischief — An act of reported entered at 5:43 p.m. Feb. criminal mischief was reported at 11, in the 2900 block of South U.S. 4:21 p.m. Feb.13, in the1700 block of Highway 97. Burglary — A burglary was reported North U.S. Highway97. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was at 8:20 p.m. Feb.11, in the400 block reported at7:42 p.m. Feb.13, inthe of Northwest19th Street. area of Southwest Fifth Street and Unlawful entry — A vehicle was Southwest Evergreen Avenue. reported entered at 4:07 a.m. Feb.12, Criminal mischief — An act of in the 2500 block of Northeast Fifth criminal mischief was reported and Street. an arrest made at10:33 p.m. Feb.13, Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at 4:22 a.m. Feb. 12, in the 300 block of Northwest Fourth Street. in the 800 block of Northeast Quince Theft —A theft was reported at Place. 6:55 a.m. Feb.14, in the 600 block of Unlawful entry — A vehicle was Northwest Fourth Street. reported entered at 4:28 a.m. Feb.12, Theft — A theft was reported at 7:42 in the 700 block of Northeast Quince a.m. Feb.14, in the1200 block of Place. Northwest Upas Avenue. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at 4:38 a.m. Feb. 12, Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 2:35 p.m. Feb. 14, in the in the 700 block of Northeast Quince area of Northwest Ninth Street and place. Northwest Maple Avenue. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was Theft — Atheft was reported andan reported entered at 4:41a.m. Feb. arrest made at 3:36 p.m. Feb.14, in 12, in the 700 block of Northeast the 900 block of Southwest Veterans Cheyenne Drive. Way. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was Theft — A theft was reported at 2:54 reported entered at 7:11a.m. Feb.12, in the 600 block of Northeast Apache a.m. Feb. 15, in the 2700 block of Southwest Salmon Avenue. Circle. Criminal mischief — An act of Unlawful entry — A vehicle was criminal mischief was reported at reported entered at 7:45 a.m. Feb. 11:50a.m. Feb.15, in the 900 block of 12, in the 2200 block of Northeast Southwest11th Street. Arapahoe Court. Theft — Atheft was reported at12:03 Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at 7:48 a.m. Feb. 12, p.m. Feb.15, in the 600 block of in the 600 block of Northeast Apache Southwest Rimrock Way. Circle. Theft —Atheft was reported at12:38 p.m. Feb.15, in the 600 block of Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at 9:04 a.m. Feb. 12, Southwest Glacier Avenue. in the 700 block of Northeast Apache Theft — A theft was reported at 3:11 Court. p.m. Feb.15, in the1300 block of Southwest 27th Street. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at 9:36 a.m. Feb. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was 12, in the 2100 block of Northeast reported at 3:32 p.m. Feb.15, in the Arapahoe Court. 1600 block of Southwest OdemMedo Road. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at9:41 a.m. Feb.12, Theft — Atheft was reported and an

arrest made at 3:38 p.m. Feb. 15, in the 900 block of Southwest Veterans Way. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 9 p.m. Feb. 15, in the area of Southwest 27th Street and Southwest Glacier Avenue. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 1:16 a.m. Feb. 16, in the 2000 block of Southwest Highland Avenue. Theft — A theft was reported at 11:05a.m. Feb.16, in the 700 block of Northwest Eighth Street. Theft — Atheft was reported at12:11 p.m. Feb. 16, in the1500 block of Northwest Fir Avenue. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 2:21 p.m. Feb. 16, in the areaof Southwest 35th Street and Southwest Newberry Avenue. DUII — Christopher Michael Madzier, 45, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at12:32 a.m. Feb.17, in the area of Southwest Eighth Street and Southwest Deschutes Avenue. DUII — Ethan Samuel Miller, 28, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 2:28 a.m. Feb. 17, in the area of Northwest Sixth Street and Northwest Kingwood Avenue. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 11:47a.m. Feb.17, inthe1100block of Northwest Fir Avenue. Prineville Police Department Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 5:30 p.m. Feb.15, in the area of Northeast Holly Street. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 9:19a.m. Feb.18, in the area of Northwest Harwood Street. Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Theft — A theft was reported and an arrest made Feb.11, in the 9000 block of Southwest Meadow Drive in Crooked River Ranch. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported Feb. 17, in thearea of U.S. Highway 97 andSouthwest Dover Lane in Madras. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported Feb. 12, in theareaof 0 Street and Fifth Avenue in Culver. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 10:44 a.m. Feb.13, in the13000 block of Cinder Drive in CrookedRiver Ranch. Burglary — A burglary and theft were reported Feb. 14, in the 4200 block of Southwest Eureka Lane. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported Feb. 16, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 and Park Lane in Culver. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported Feb. 17, in thearea of Culver Highway in Madras. Burglary — A burglary, theft and an act of criminal mischief were reported Feb.18, in the100 blockof Northwest Depot Road in Madras.

Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported Feb. 18, in the 6200 block of Southwest Rim Road in CrookedRiver Ranch. Oregon State Police DUII —Brandi Lee Dye,31, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 3 a.m. Feb. 17, in the area of 0. B. Riley Road and Ellie Lane inBend. DUII —Craig S. Macdougall,49, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 7:58 p.m. Feb. 15, in the area of DayRoad and Leona Lane in LaPine.

BEND FIRE RUNS Thursday 4:23 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 354 S.E. LeeLane. 6 p.m.— Authorized controlled burning, 62175 HambyRoad. 19 —Medical aid calls.


7 — Medical aid calls. Feb.12 1:32 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond. 6:51p.m.— Confined cooking fire, 1607 S.W. 21st Place, Redmond. 7 — Medical aid calls. Feb.13 3:50 p.m.— Smoke odor reported, 1051 S.W. Helmholtz Way, Redmond. 9:49 p.m.— Smoke odor reported, 484 N.W. Larch Ave., Redmond. 5 — Medical aid calls. Feb.14 5 — Medical aid calls. Feb.15 5:35 p.m.— Smoke odor reported, in the area of Cline Butte. 9:17 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 65825 S.W. 93rd St., Redmond. 8 — Medical aid calls. Feb.16 10 — Medical aid calls. Feb. 17 6 — Medical aid calls.

Fed. 11 11:49 a.m.— Authorized controlled burning, 7236 S.W.Mcvey Ave., Redmond. 1:37 p.m.— Brush or brush-andgrass mixture fire,1140 N.E.Yucca, Redmond.



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The Bulletin


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BETsY McCooc


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Fditur in-Clnrf Editor of Edttorials


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ater is back on the Bend City Council's agenda for tonight's meeting and that means another clash over the surface water project. The council should stick with its plan to move ahead with a new pipeline and intake facility. It will help to ensure Bend's future water needs through surface water and wells. A handful of critics are calling for the City Council to start over, and they havethrown out some allegations that don't hold water. Here are just a few: Paul Dewey, the executive director of Central Oregon Landwatch, has called the city's plan a "dewatering" of Tumalo Creek. The plan is actually to take the same maximum amount of water from the creek that the city takes now — about 18 cubic feet per second. With the existing pipelines, the city has to take all 18 cfs or nothing. With the new pipeline, the city will be able to take less when it needs less — leaving more water in the creek. That's not dewatering. It's better for the creek. Critics also feel Councilor Jodie Barram broke a promise to reconsider the entire water project. The critics heard what they wanted to hear. Mayor Jim Clinton was at meetings where Clinton, Barram and others discussed how a reconsideration of the project might take place. Clinton says Barram made no promise to support a reconsideration. Barram says she made no such promise. We have disagreed with both of them from

time to time, but Clinton and Barram are not liars. Critics have also asserted that Councilor V i ctor C h udowsky's position on the water project is not exactly the same as it was when he campaigned. Actually, it is. Chudowsky had questions then. He researched options. He will continue to have questions about it.

Critics haven't pointed it out, but Councilor Sally Russell, who supported th e r e c onsideration of the entire water project, has changed her position. When she interviewed with The Bulletin's editorial board before the election, it appeared work on the pipeline was about to start. She had questions and concerns about the surface water project. She told us then that if we had asked her a year earlier about the pipeline and about whether construction should go ahead,she might have had a different answer. But she said in that meeting that the city was too far along to start over on that aspect of the project. Should Russell be criticized because she doesn't hold the same position now? No. That would be ridiculous. It's easy to criticize a project when you can define it however you please, can choose what you want to hear, and hold politicians to unrealistic positions. Bend residents shouldn't bu y t h o se allegations.

Raising minimumwage can put people out of work t's easy to buy into the notion that the state of Oregon should be required to pay its employees enough to keep them off food stamps. It's equally easy to believe that a higher minimum wage for p rivate sector workers will l i f t folks out of poverty. In each case, however, the consequences of such actions surely are not what proponents want. Thus, the Service Employees International Union Local 503, which represents many of Oregon's lowestpaidstate employees — gardeners, custodians and others — will negotiate to make $30,000 the minimum salary paid by the state, up from about $23,000and well above the private sector minimum of $18,616 per year in Oregon. Meanwhile, the Obama administration seeks to increase the federal minimum to $9, up from the current $7.25 per hour. Sounds pretty good until you look beyond the numbers a bit, where you'll find ample research to support the notion that raising the minimum wage, either for state or private sector employees, is a


decidedly mixed bag. Consider, for example, all those struggling people who will presumably say goodbye to poverty if the federal minimum wage goes to $9. According to a study by researchers at San Diego State University and the University of Georgia and borne out by dozens of other studies, most workers making the m i nimum weren't living in poverty in the first place. Almost 87 percent came from families with incomes two or three times above the federal poverty level. Meanwhile, the unemployment rate for teenagers stands at nearly 24 percent. It's also difficult to believe that raising state employees to $30,000 a year would do anything but put some of them out of work. Oregon is already having difficulty paying its bills; if it must pay nearly 2,000 of its workers as much as $5,000 more per year, surely some of those workers will either be laid off or never hired at all. Championing higher minimum wages and salaries has a feelgood ring to it that is hard to ignore, but reality is something different.

NI Nickel's Worth Tuition bill gives incentive to illegal immigrants

Obama and his policies are working for you. I, too, will write another letter. I hope that all letters will be posWho says crime doesn't pay? Just itive, but I'm worried. Daniel Webtake a look at all the freebies the ster wrote, "I am committed against illegal immigrants get when they everything which in my judgment, sneak into the U.S. — our country, may weaken, endanger or destroy not theirs. Free housing, medical the Constitution ... and especially coverage, public assistance, and against all extension of executive now Rep. John Huffman just co- power; and am against any attempt sponsored a bill that would allow to rule the free people of this counillegals to get a break on college try by the power and patronage of tuition. the government itself..." How is it that illegals get to go He also said, "It is hardly too to college cheaper than our legally strong to say that the Constituborn, hard-working kids? They are tion was made to guard the people after all here ILLEGALLY! I can against the dangers of good intenthink of no better way to keep ille- tions. There are men in all ages gals out of this country by offering who mean to govern well, but they more free things, can you? What a mean to govern. They promise to be joke our elected officials are. Some good masters, but they mean to be deterrent! Just where the heck did masters." our elected officials get it that we Don Talbot the citizens of Oregon and the U.S. Prineville want to give criminals more than we give our own kids? Citizen control or I, for one, will work very hard to corporate control? make it very hard for any represen"The people must rule the cortative to get re-elected the next time they come up for election if they porations or the corporations will vote orsponsor such tripe.I have rule the state. I (believe) that if God had it with those that think that il- intended that the corporations, and legals deserve more than legal citi- not the people, should rule he would zens. I am mad and want no more. have created the corporations first." And before you get your shorts all The quotation is from the Dectwisted out of shape, illegal is a laration of Principles of Oswald criminal activity — as in "not here West campaigning for governor of with our permission." Oregon in 1910. West's opponent in Lee Land!ce the racewas acting Gov. Jay BowBend erman, father of Bill Bowerman, renowned track and field coach at A challenge to supporters the University of Oregon and cofounder of Nike. of Presi dent Obama The Oregon Journal stated, "The To the readers who have sub- question that i s c onfronting the mitted letters praising President people of Oregon in this campaign Obama and his administration, I of- is not so much whether West or fer a challenge. Bowerman is elected governor, but Two years from now, write an- it is whether the people of Oregon other letter telling us how President or the corporations shall rule the

State." The people elected Oswald West astheir governor. More than 100 years later, the state of Oregon has abdicated the rule of the people to the rule of the Nike Corp. for 500 jobs and a $150 million Nike expansion plan in exchange for a taxrate "freeze" for30 years. There are many questions about jobs, the $150 million expansion plan, the decision process and the tax rate freeze, but the fundamental issueiswho controls Oregon. Citizen control or corporate control? A seismic shift for the state of

Oregon. Sue Bastian Bend

What well regulated militia? In The Bulletin on Feb. 12, William Logan offered his interpretation of th e r elationship between an individual's gun ownership and the Second Amendment. If my understanding of history serves me correctly, prior to our war for independence, there was no "well regulated militia" (nor, arguably, were we a "free state"). Currently we have an Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, National Guard, and various other federal, state, county and local "well regulated" ersatz militia with responsibilities for our security. The evidence that I was expecting from L o gan, evidence that must satisfy the condition of the Second Amendment, is: With what well regulated militia is he associated, and what are a few examples of their regulations with which he has agreed to abide? Perhaps the Second Amendment doesn'tneed amending — just enforcement.

RonKnapp Bend

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We owe it to our children to reform our gun laws F By Lynette K.G. Sheffield ew channels showed the prayer service held at Newtown Congregational Church last December, and it didn't get a lot of press. But in watching, it was hard not to believe, if Americans can hold a meeting that recognizes and honors many of the world's religions with such taste and dignity, there may be hope for the future. The Congregational Church, Congregational Adath Israel Synagogue, United Methodist, Trinity Episcopal, New Home C ommunity C h urch, Al-Hedaya Islamic Center, Baha'i Faith Community, Lutheran Home of Southbury, Christian Church, King Lutheran, and the St. Rose of Lima Roman Catholic Church came together for a common purpose: to help heal their community. After the host minister welcomed the audience, including the secular,

small groupsof two or three church leaders, representing different faiths, came to the podium. The Jewish Kaddish and the Islamic Salat al-Janazah were sung. Excerpts from different holy books: the Quran (Muslim), the Kitab-i-Aq-


leave their shelter. One of her students reassured her, saying, "Don't worry. I know karate. I'll lead the way out." President Obama said our primary das (Baha'I), the Torah (Judaism), task must be to protect our nation's and many versions of the Christian children. "It's our first job. If we don't Bible were read. get that right, we don't get anything Traditional and specific prayers right. That's how, as a society, we will w ere given including one for t h e be judged. And by that measure, can e mergency responders an d o n e we truly say, as a nation, that we're f or th e c o unselors, clergy, a n d meeting our obligations?" caretakers. Acknowledging the complexity of Our president spoke next about the issue, he said, "No single law, no some of what he had learned in his set of laws can eliminate evil from private meetings with the families. the worldor prevent every senseless One of the teachers had told him that act of violence in our society, but that she had moved her class to a bath- can't be an excuse for inaction." room for safety. They waited there, As of this writing, 1,546 Amerilistening to the sounds of slaughter. cans have died since December 14, In the quiet that followed, the teacher 2012. This tally includes 90 teenagers was trying to decide if it was safe to and 23 under the age of 13. Nation-

wide, an average of 85 Americans are killed (as the result of firearms) every day. The president did not say he was "coming for your guns" or that the Second Amendment was null and void. But this family man, this daddy, did say, HIf there's even one step we can take to save another child or another parent or another town from the grief that's visited Tucson and Aurora and Oak Creek and Newtown and communities from Columbine to Blacksburg before that, then surely we have an obligation to try.n Except for the extreme few, Americans are not comfortable with the status quo. In fact, 89 percent of those surveyed are in favor of universal background checks. Close to 70 percent favor new laws banning military-style assault weapons and highcapacity ammunition clips. Testifying before Congress, Mark

Kelly, husband of Gabrielle Giffords, pointed out it w a s bullet number 13 that killed 9-year-old Christina Taylor Green. Given the shooter had been tackled while he was trying to reload the 33-round magazine, it is possible that had he been limited to a 10-round magazine, that little girl might still be alive. The Second A mendment calls for a militia that is "well-regulated." Choosing reasonable regulations will make it possible to also honor the right to "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" as it is written in the Declaration of Independence The right to "bear arms" should not override the right to not be shot. As Giffords told the Senate Judiciary Committee, "The time is now. You must act. Be bold, be courageous; Americans are counting on you." Our children deserve nothing less. — Lynette K. G. Sheffield lives in Bend.




BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Christopher "Chris" L. Kauffman, of Bend Feb. 12, 1963 - Feb. 13, 2013 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, 541-382-5592 www.deschutesmemorialchapehcom

Services: A memorial family gathering will be held 2:00 - 4:00 PM on Saturday, February 23, 2013 at NiswongerReynolds Funeral Chapel, 105 NW Irving Street, Bend, OR.

Gary Mack Colt Nov. 15, 1935- Feb. 15, 2013 Gary Mack Colt was born November 1 5 , 19 3 5 i n Portland, OR to Tracy and Helen Colt. H e g r a duated from Cl e v e l an d Hi g h School a n d j oi n e d t h e United States Army. On July 3, 1968, G ary e x changed wedding vows wlth Shirley Bighouse in the Moreland PresbyteGary Colt rian Church of Portland, OR. Gary was a co-founder of C olt C o n s truction C o m pany, where he worked as the operating engineer and supervisor. He was a hard w orker, i n c r edibly o r g a nized, an d d e m o n strated h onesty an d i n t e g rit y i n every aspect of his life. In 2000, Gary moved his f amily t o S u n R i v er , O R w here he wa s able t o f o cus on enjoying his m any o utdoor hobbies. H e w a s an avid hiker and bicyclist, often "leading the pack" in all outdoor activities. G ary passed away F e b ruary 15, 2013 in Bend, Or. w ith loving f a m ily b y h i s s ide. A c e l ebration of h i s life will be held at 1:00pm, Saturday, F e b r u ar y 23, 2013 in L i n coln M e m orial Funeral H o me . Ga r y i s s urvived b y h i s l ovi n g wife, Shirley; brother, Jim Colt and many nieces and n ephews. H e w i l l b e r e m embered f ondly f o r h i s r eat s e ns e of hu m o r , un-loving nature, competitive edge, and for being a g reat h u s b a nd , b r o t h e r and uncle.

Pauline Phyllis Prickett Aug. 22, 1925- Feb. 15, 2013 Pauline P h y l li s P r i c k ett died in Salem, OR on Febr uary 15, 2013. A g r a v e side service will be held at 11:00am Tuesday, F ebrua ry 26, 2013 at L ane M e morial Gardens in Eugene, OR. Pauline is survived by her son, Alan and his wife, C ookie Prickett o f R e e d s port, O R ; a dau g h t e r , Marilyn Strope of Pendleton, OR ; t w o g r a n d c hildren, Donnie Prickett and Gayle Strope; great-grandchildren, Mincy Wolfe, Ant hony M oe , D aul to n S troweridge, Do n A n d e r son, Brad and Andy Simon is, S y d ney a n d L o g a n Schultz, and many n ieces, n ephews, a nd cou s i n s . Pauline wa s p r eceded by her spouse, David Prickett; a granddaughter, B r enda Prickett; t h r e e b r o t h e r s, D ean, Paul, a n d D a r w i n Pardun, and her son-in-law, S t ev e S t r o pe. The family h a s r e quested no flowers. Ar r angements by Lane Memorial Funeral Home in Eugene.


Singer Sheridan was backed by Beatles By Randy Lewis Los Angeles Times

The first song the broader world heard from the Beatles wasn't one of the pop-music gems that seemed to flow so effortlessly from the pens of John Lennon and Paul McCartney, nor was it any of their versions of American R8B and blues songs that were a crucial component of their early repertoire. It was a Scottish folk song, "My B o nnie," a r e c ording made in 1961 — two years before Beatlemania erupted. On that record, Lennon, McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr's predecessor in the group, drummer Pete Best, backed anotherBritish rocker, Tony Sheridan. Sheridan, 72, died Saturday in Hamburg, Germany, according to an announcement from his family on Facebook. Sheridan met the Beatles in 1960 in Germany when he was headlining clubs in the grittier parts of Hamburg at the same time the Beatles were honing their musical skills playing red-light district bars and clubs there. Soon he enlisted them as his backup band. Upon seeing one of their performances, German producer Bert Kaempfert, who'd had his own No. I hit in the U.S. in 1960 with "Wonderland By Night," offered Sheridan the opportunity to record and to bring the Beatles in to play with him. Those recordings were the group's f i rs t c o m mercially released studio recordings, and included "My Bonnie,"a rocked-up treatment of a song usually played as a waltz. It became a minor hit when rereleased in the U.S. after the

group's popularity exploded stateside. Sheridan, according to later interviews, didn't even like the song but it was a canny choice by Kaempfert, who chose it with a German audience in mind, knowing that many German youths had learned "My Bonnie" in school during English studies. Sheridan also helped introduce the Beatles to the music of seminal American rockers such as Little Richard, who strongly influenced the direction of their own music. Even though he was only five months older than Lennon, Sheridan functioned as an older,wiser mentor — McCartney sometimes referred to him as "The Teacher" — because he'd gotten his career off the ground a little earlier, having formed a skiffle group in London in 1956, the year before McCartney met Lennon in Liverpool.

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: Donald Richie, 88: Tokyobased expert o n J a panese cinema who wrote dozens of books and articles about the country's people and culture. — From wire reports

Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They maybesubmitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.

Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Moltday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, altd by 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details.

Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits@bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254

Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

en ca s nucearwaste site unacce ta et reat to ort west By Shannon Dininny The Associated Press

RICHLAND, Wash. — The nation's most contaminated nuclear site — and the challenges associated with ridding it of its toxic legacywill be a subject of upcoming

hearings and a higher priority in Washington D.C., a key lawmaker said Tuesday. Democratic S e n . Ron Wyden of Oregon said he was troubled by news last week t h a t a r ad i o active waste tank at the Hanford nuclear reservation in southcentral Washington is leaking and concerned that a long-planned plant to treat that waste is behind schedule and over budget. "This should represent an u nacceptable threat to t h e Pacific Northwest for everybody," Wyden said after touring the site. "There are problems that have to be solved, and right now the Department of Energy cannot say what changes are needed, when they will be completed and what they will cost. W yden, wh o h a s l o n g been a proponent of Hanford cleanup, is the new chairman of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, which will conduct conf irmation hearings for t h e person nominated to replace

Shannon Diotnny/The Associated Press

Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., right, tours a facility to treat contaminated groundwater Tuesday at the Hanford nuclear reservation near Richland, Wash., with Energy Department manager Matt McCormick.

Central to cleanup is construction of a plant to convert Steven Chu. millions of gallons of waste Wyden said he would use — a toxic, radioactive stew those hearings to secure a stored in 177 underground commitment to finally treat tanks — into glasslike logs and safely dispose of all ra- for safe, secure storage. The dioactive waste at Hanford. $12.3 billion plant is billions The federal government of dollars over budget and created Hanford in the 1940s behind schedule. as part o f t h e t o p -secret In addition, tanks are alManhattan Project to build ready long past their intendthe atomic bomb. The gov- ed 20-year life span. Many ernment spends $2 billion are already known to have each year on Hanford clean- leaked in the past, and last up — one-third of its entire week, Washington Gov.Jay budget for nuclear cleanup Inslee announced that a sinnationally. And cleanup is gle-shell tank could be leakexpected to last decades. ing in the range of 150 to 300

outgoing Energy Secretary

gallons a year, posing a risk to groundwater and rivers. The Energy Department said it is still unable to determine why liquid levels in the tank are declining, saying it is still investigating the problem. Monitoring wells around the tank have not detected higher radioactivity levels, said Ben Harp, an Energy Department manager at the site, though c ontaminants would not b e e xpected to have reached those wells yet. Inslee and Gov. John Kitzhaber h av e c h a mpioned

b uilding a d ditional t a n k s to ensure safe storage of the waste until the plant is completed. Wyden said he shares their concerns about the integrity of the tanks, but that he wants more scientific information t o d e t ermine it's the correct way to spend scarce money. It's not as if there haven't been successes with H anford cleanup over the years. Two of three tasks that were identified as urgent to protect public safety and the environment have been completed, and plans are being made for shrinking the overall footprint of the Hanford site and eventually opening up some areas torecreation and development. Wyden's t ou r i n c l uded stops at two so-called tank farms, including one where the suspected leaking tank is located, a plant to treat contaminated groundwater, and the construction site for the waste treatment plant. His first stop: Hanford's B Reactor, which produced plutonium for the first atomic blast, the Trinity Test, and for the Fat Man bomb that

was dropped on Nagasaki, Japan, effectively e n d ing World War II. B Reactor has been designated a National Historic Landmark an d l e g islation has been submitted to recognize it as part of a n ew national park r e cognizing Manhattan Project sites. Anti-nuclear activists have called the plan an expensive

glorification of an ugly chapter in history, but Wyden expressed his support for the idea. "History isn't always ideal, and science can be liberating," he said, adding later, "If you forget about history, you're condemned to repeat it."


California mnsumersmay receive 1.6B in refundsfrom energy crisis By Don Thompson The Associated Press

S ACRAMENTO, Cal i f . — California electricity consumers could see $1.6 billion in refunds from energy wholesalers t h a t p r o f ited from the state's energy crisis more than a dozen years ago, if an administrative law judge's r ec o m mendation holds up under review, regulators said Tuesday. T he C a l i fornia P u b l i c Utilities Commission praised the judge's interim ruling as a victory for a state that saw energy prices spike to unp recedented heights a m i d rolling blackouts in the summer of 2000. The state itself bought billions of d o llars' worth of electricity to keep the lights on. The judge sided with the state in f i nding that more than a do z e n e l e ctricity wholesalers artificially drove

up energy prices. "There was massive man ipulation going on i n t h e market by virtually all these sellers," said Frank L i ndh, the c ommission's general counsel. "This is f abulous news for California. It's really a vindication for us." The commission calculated

Flu Continued from B1 However, anyone with an illness should refrain from visiting hospitalized friends and family, said Kari Coe, St. Charles infection prevention manager. And the hospitals still maintain kiosks where hand sanitizer is available to the public. "We're still in flu season; the formal flu season runs all the way through March," Coe said. "We are asking the pub-

Circuit Court o f A p p e als in 2006. Baten issued his r ecommendation a f t e r a the market by virtually all these sellers. This trial last year that produced is fabulous news for California. It's really a more than 10,000 pages of vindication for us." transcripts and nearly 1,000 exhibits. — Frank Lindh, California Public Utilities Commission counsel "The tortuous f a c t ual background of the California energy crisis that underpins the potential rebates from a could not immediately com- this proceeding is l engthy formula adopted by the judge ment. Edison spokeswoman and complex," Baten noted in in a decision issued Friday. L auren B artlett s ai d t h e issuing his ruling. The recommendation now company was still reviewing He found that wholesalers goes before the Federal Ener- the 72-page decision by Pre- artificially exported electricgy Regulatory Commission. siding Administrative Law ity from California and then If commissioners agree, Judge Philip Baten. sold it back into the state at the decision then must surThe case dates to August inflated prices. vive a likely court challenge 2000, when San Diego Gas & Based on Baten's formula by the wholesalers. Electric Co. filed a complaint for assessing damages, the One of those is the Bonnwith the Federal Energy Reg- providers would owe $1 bileville Power Administration, ulatory Commission seeking lion in rebates plus another based in Portland. Spokes- a cap on escalating whole- $600 million in interest, said man Michael Hansen said sale energy prices. That be- Lindh, of the PUC. "It has to be voted on by the utility is "disappointed" gan what the judge described with t h e r e c ommendation as a "long arduous journey" the full f i ve-member comb ut would h ave n o m o r e through the regulatory and mission, but it carries a lot comment until it reviews the judicial systems. of weight," Lindh said. "The decision. The commission initially losers can always file an apOther electricity wholesal- rejected California's bid for peal. The appeal process on ers found liable in the judge's damages from what the state a $1 billion case could drag ruling could not immediately claimed was an organized out for a long time." be reached. effort to a r t ificially inflate If the damages eventually Pacific Gas & Electric Co. electricity prices under Cal- are paid, the Public Utilities and S o uthern C a l i fornia ifornia's newly deregulated Commission said the money Edison, both of which had to energy market. would be refunded to conbuy power at inflated prices The state sued and won a sumers as an offset against during the energy crisis, also reversal from the 9th U.S. their current electric bills.

"There was massive manipulation going on in

lic to please, if they still find they are ill themselves or have children that are sick, please stay away from the hospital." As of Monday, St. Charles Bend in February had administered 237 tests to suspected flusufferers,ofw hich 55 were positive for influenza. In January, the hospital administered 559 tests for 216 positives, Coe said. Numbers for hospitals in Prineville and Redmond were much lower; Madras numbers were unavailable.

The county Public Health Division, which collects flu test results from a number of providers,concurred with the opinion that flu season had peaked. "It's definitely peaked," said Heather Kaisner, communication specialist and immunization coordinator. But "it's not over by any means. We're due for some cold weather, and you just never know." Vaccine is still a vailable from health care providers and local pharmacies, Kuhn

said.He said a successfulvaccination c ampaign h e lped curtail what was a moderate to severefl u season in parts of Oregon, including Central

Oregon. The most recent benchmark against which flu season is measured is the HINI pandemic of 2009. "For us, in Oregon, which mimicked the nation, it was a more severe flu season than we've seen in many years," Coe said. "But it certainly didn't reach the pandemic stage."

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U.S., Iran team up to keep wrestling

Storm u out

TEHRAN, Iran — The caretakers of

theOlympicsmayhave inadvertently accomplished what has eluded

diplomats: Galvanizing Iran and the U.S. ona common goal. Wrestling officials

from the arch foesappeared to be in bonding

mode Tuesday onthe sidelines of aTehran

tournament less than a week after the stunning

• Redmond suffers a 56-37 road lossto Bend High onTuesday By Beau Eastes The Bulletin

cause with almost

For the last week, Bend High coach Don Hayes has been telling his Lava Bears that they are one of the best.500 teams in the state. On Tuesday night against No. 4-ranked Redmond, they proved him right. Bend High stunned the Intermountain Co n f erence-leading Panthers 56-37 in the Bears' final regular-season boys basketball home game of the year. Wyatt Beaumarchais led a balanced B end scoring attack w it h 1 8 points and David Larson contributed 11 points, five rebounds, four assists and two blocks as the Bears evenedtheiroverall record to 11-11 and improved to 3-5 in

everything else driving

league play.

decision by the lnternational Olympic Committee that will force the

ancientsport — as old as the Olympics themselves — to lobby for a

spotatthe2020Games. Already, the fight to keep wrestling in the

Olympics has brought the U.S. and Cuban fed-

erations into a possible alliance. But close cooperation between lran and America would be

an even more remarkable display of common them apart — led by an

impasse overTehran's nuclear program and Western sanctions that have upended the

Iranian economy. It's unlikely that any kind of wrestling detente

would spill over into the wider issues, but it's certain to at least draw attention to the power of

sports as a low-risk icebreaker going back to the

historic1971 "pingpong diplomacy" between China and the U.S.

"We'll be standing

arm-in-arm with lran, and we'll be standing with Russia as we will with lots of other countries," said Mitch Hull,

national teams director for USA Wrestling, in an interview in Tehran with AP Television News before the World Cup

Tournament. "Those (countries) re-

win over Cou ars Bulletin staff report Less than 30 seconds remained, and Summit found itself trailing 52-51. Storm coach Ryan Cruz had one timeout left but chose not to use it. Instead, he let his junior guard, Raja Char, take care of business.

Char capped off a 22-

"We're peaking at th e r ight time," said Hayes, whose squad h as won five games in a r ow and seven of its last nine. "Each week we've been getting a little better." Connor Scott added 10 points and eight rebounds and Jaylin Robinson chipped in eight points for Bend, which had lost its two previous meetings this season against Redmond. The B ears held the Panthers to just D field goals and their lowest point total of the year. "We lost some games at the start of the year we shouldn't have lost," Beaumarchais said, "but now we're showing people we can play with the top teams in the state." Bend played tenacious man-toman defense for most of the game Tuesday. Redmond standout Matt Dahlen ended the night with 17 hard-earned points, but he was Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin the only Pantherto score more Bend High's Connor Scott (12) blocks a shot by Chandler Davies (22) during the third quarter than eight points. See Bears/C4 against visiting Redmond in Bend on Tuesday night.

page, or politically with Russia, but in wrestling, there's no doubt that we are all together in this effortand we consider

Iran one of our strongest allies in the sport of wrestling," Hull said. — The Associated Press


Tuesday marked start of SunCup More than 130 alpine skiers took to the slopes of Mount Bachelor on

Tuesday for the opening day of the 50th

annual SunCup.The event is being staged at Mt. Bachelor ski area's Cliffhanger run through

Sunday. The Sun Cup is the fourth event in this year's Northwest Cup

series and is opento U16 through adult skiers with a U.S. Ski and

Snowboard Association license. Ali Gunesch of Mt. Hood Academy

won the ladies super-G race, and BoomerVuori of Stevens Pass Alpine Club finished first in the

men's super-G.

A list of top-10 men's and women's finishers

and local participants is available in Scoreboard, C2.

The SunCupresumes this morning with

another super-G race, followed by two days of downhill training on Thursday and Friday and then downhill races on

Saturday andSunday. For more information,

go to mbsef.org. — Bulletin staff report


Tiger plays round with Obama, awaits Match Play By Doug Ferguson

"She had a great overall

game, proven by her numbers," Cruz said of Char's game. "The great thing about her game is that she can break down defenses in the backcourt and then also continue to make the right reads in halfcourt sets." Char added six rebounds and five assists on the night, while Sarah Heinly chipped in with ll points and Christina Edwards put up six points and seven rebounds as Summit (17-6 overall, 5-4 IMC) erased a 10-point third-quarter deficit to pick up the victory. SeeStorm /C4




By Bob Clark The (Eugene) Register-Guard



The Associated Press

MARANA, Ariz. — Tiger Woods delivered a "State of the Game" on President Barack Obama's golfing prowess and the news wasn't all bad. "If he ever spent — after these four years — spent more time playing the game of golf, I'm sure he could get to where he's a pretty good stick," Woods said Tuesday. Woods comes into the Match Play Championship on somewhat of a winning streak. While he revealed very few details about his Sunday round withObama Woods at The Floridian, he at least made sure everyone knew that they won. T he competition picks up at D o ve Mountain, where the first World Golf Championship of the year starts today in what might be frigid weather. Instead of having President Obama as his partner against Houston Astros owner Jim Crane and outgoing U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk, the second-seeded Woods opens this f i ckle tournament against Charles Howell III in a match that takes both of them back to their youth. The last time they faced each other in this format, Woods beat Howell in the quarterfinals of the 1996 U.S. Amateur. Woods is the only three-time winner of the Match Play Championship, though he hasn't advanced out of the second round since he last won this event in 2008. The names in the 64-man field have changed overthe years. The strategy has not. SeeTiger/C3

day night.

Ducks are not out of the woods yet

ally do make a difference

because politically we're notalwaysonthesame

point performance by slicing through Mountain View's defense and hitting a shot with 8.5 seconds to go, and Summit prevented the visiting Cougars from attempting a last-second shot to seal a 5352 Intermountain Conference girls basketball win on Tues-



"" ~saxenswwac WICWU~gg~ ~


Terry Renna i The Associated Press

Danica Patrick, left, displays the flag with Tony Stewart after winning the pole during qualifying for the NASCAR Daytona 500 Sprint Cup Series auto race at Daytona International Speedway, Sunday in Daytona Beach, Fla.

Stewart overshadowed by Patrick at Speedweeks By Jenna Fryer


The Associated Press

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — Tony Stewart typically shines during Speedweeks, the nine-day span where he cements himself as a top contender to win the Daytona 500. He's back in the spotlight this year, just not the way he's been in the past. Stewart has so far been overshadowed by Danica Patrick, who drove a Stewart-Haas Racing Chevrolet to the pole in qualifying for the Daytona 500. It's made Patrick, not Stewart, the star so far at Daytona. As Patrick's car owner, Stewart is just fine with that. "I'll be honest, the pole didn't matter to me personally," Stewart said after Patrick qualified first for Sunday's

season-opening race. "It was more as an owner, wanting Danica to be in the top two." He got his wish, with Patrick locking herself into the field with the fastest lap of last Sunday's qualifying session. It was an all-around stellar qualifying session for SHR, which also had Ryan Newman post the fourth fastest time and Stewart one spot behind in fifth. It was a demonstration of offseason preparation for a team that spent the winter not only readying for NA SCAR's new Gen-6 car but also running three Sprint Cup cars this season with the full-time addition of Patrick. SeeStewart/C4

EUGENE — Oregon will attempt to protect its men's basketball lead in the Pac-12 Conference with three consecutive home games, though that stretch begins with the biggest recent nemesis to the Ducks — California. On the bright side for Oregon, the team learned on Monday that the Pac-12 will take no further punitive action for the flagrant foul assessed against Ducks senior Tony Woods in Saturday's game at Washington State, which led to his ejection from the game. But in doubt for the Ducks is freshman point guard Dominic Artis, who has missedthe past seven games with an injury to his left foot. The 23rd-ranked Ducks

(10-3 Pac-12) have a one-game lead over UCLA and Arizona, both 9-4, with Arizona State and California another game back at 8-5. Each team has five games remaining in the regular season. See Ducks/C4

Nextup California at

Oregon • When: Thursday,

6 p.m. • TV:ESPNU • Radio:KBNDAM 1110








9a.m.: World Golf

Championships, Match Play Championship, first round, Golf Channel.

6a.m.: LPGATour, LPGA Thailand, first round, Golf

Channel. 10 a.m.: World Golf Championships, Match Play

BASKETBALL 4 p.m.:Men's college,

Championship, second round,

Providence at Syracuse, ESPN2.

Golf Channel.

4 p.m.:Men's college, Oklahoma


at Texas Tech, ESPNU.

7 a.m.: NASCAR, Nationwide

5 p.m.: NBA, NewOrleans Hornets at ClevelandCavaliers,

Series, Daytona practice,


BASKETBALL 4 p.m.:Men's college, Cincinnati

5 p.m.: W omen'scollege,St. John's at Marquette, CBSSN.


at Connecticut, ESPN.

6 p.m.:Men's college, Kansasat

4p.m.: Men's college, Georgia


at Arkansas, ESPN2.

6 p.m.:Men's college, lowa

4 p.m.:Men's college, Drexel at

State at Baylor, ESPNU.

7 p.m.: Men'scollege, Washington State at Arizona State, Pac-12 Network.

7 p.m.:Men's college, Colorado State at UNLV, CBSSN. 7:30 p.m.:NBA, Boston Celtics at Los Angeles Lakers, ESPN.

8 p.m.: Men'scollege, Washington at Arizona, ESPN2. 8 p.m.: Men'scollege,Santa Clara at Gonzaga,ESPNU. HOGKEY 4:30 p.m.:NHL, Philadelphia Flyers at Pittsburgh Penguins, NBCSN. 7 p.m.: NHL, St. Louis Blues at

Colorado Avalanche, NBCSN.

Delaware, NBCSN. 5 p.m.: NBA, Miami Heat at Chicago Bulls, TNT.

6 p.m.:Men's college, Dukeat Virginia Tech, ESPN.

6 p.m.:Men's college, lowa at Nebraska, ESPN2.

6 p.m.:Men's college, California at Oregon, ESPNU. 6 p.m.:Women's college, GonzagaatSanta Clara,NBCSN.

7 p.m.:Men's college, San Diego at Portland, Root Sports. 7 p.m.: Men's college, Utah at Colorado, Pac-12 Network. 7:30 p.m.:NBA, San Antonio

Spurs at Los AngelesClippers, TNT.

8 p.m.:Men's college, BYUat St. Mary's, ESPN2.

8 p.m.:Men's college, Stanford at Oregon State, ESPNU.

ON THE AIR:RADIO THURSDAY BASEBALL 6 p.m.:College, Oregon State at San Diego State, KICE-AM 940.

BASKETBALL 6 p.m.:Men's college, California at Oregon, KBND-AM1110. 8 p.m.:Men's college, Stanford at Oregon State, KICE-AM 940, KRCO-AM 690. Listings are the mostaccurateavailable. The Bulletin/s not responsible for late changes made by Tll or radio stations.

ON DECK Today Girls basketball: Class 1AOSAAplayoffs first round,Trinity LutheranatElkton, 7p.m.

OLYMPICS USOC lOOkSto 2024 did

weather's Showtime deal could include up to six fights over 30

months. His first bout is against Guerrero (31-1-1, 18KOs), the

— The U.S. Olympic Committee is looking for cities interested in

WBC's interim welterweight

bidding for the 2024Summer

champion. The fight likely will

Games. The USOCsent letters to the mayors of 35 cities Tuesday

be at the MGM Grand Garden in

Las Vegas.

to gauge interest in a potential bid to bring the Summer Olympics backto the country for the

first time since1996. Following


failed bids by New Yorkand Chicago for the 2012 and 2016

HamiltOn diSCIOSeS doPing PaymentS — Cyclist

Olympics, the USOC is taking a measured approach before movingaheadwithanew campaign and wants to besure it has a good chance of winning. Los

Tyler Hamilton told a Spanish court Tuesday hepaid tens of thousands of dollars a yearfor doping to the doctor at the heart

Angeles, Dallas and Tulsa, Okla.,

of the Operation Puerto scandal. Hamilton told Judge Julia San-

are among the cities that have

tamaria by video heusedblood

expressed interest in hosting the 2024 Games, while Portland and

doping about15 times and also bought the blood booster EPO,

Seattle were also on the list.

testosterone, growth hormone and insulin from defendant


Eufemiano Fuentes. Fuentes is on trial for endangering public

Miami Said to reCeiVe al-

health with his sister and fellow doctor, Yolanda; Manolo Saiz, a

ISg8tl0llS —The University

former ONCE and Liberty Segu-

of Miami received its notice of allegations from the NCAA,

ros team sports director; and Vi-

marking the end of just one step

cente Beldaand Ignacio Labarta, both associated with the former

in what's already been a twoyear probe of the athletic depart-

Kelme team. Hamilton said he paid $33,000 to $40,000 for the

ment. The allegations arrived on Tuesday, according to a person

services in 2002 and2003.

familiar with the matter and

who spoke withTheAssociated Press on condition of anonymity because neither the NCAA nor

Miami authorized releasing any information publicly. The NCAA

did not respond to a request for comment, and aMiami athletics spokesmansaid hehad no


Friday Boys basketball: Bendat MountainView,7 p.m.; Class 4A play-in round, Madrasat TBA,TBA; Class 4Aplay-in round,RidgeviewatTBA,TBA Girls basketball: MountainViewat Bend, 7 p.mz Class 4A play-in round,TBAat Sisters, TBA;Class 4A play-in round,Madrasat TBA,TBA;Class4A play-in round,CrookCounty atTBA,TBA. Wrestling: Class6A,5A,4A,3A,2A/1Astate championships inPortland, 8:30a.m. Nordic skiing: OISRA state championships atWillamette Pass,1p.m.

hasbeen hired to coach theM ontreal Alouettes of the CFL. He

Next up: Thesanctions phase, where Miami's penalties will be decided.

never coached in the CFL. He was19-39 at Colorado and 53-11

at Boise State andhasan overall coaching record of112-61-1.

BOXING Mayweather announces neXt fight —Floyd Mayweather Jr. will fight Robert

Guerrero on May 4,and he's

BASEBALL P0Sey earnS SteePeSt rise in arditration —San

Francisco catcher Buster Posey biggest star in boxing dropped received the steepest increase among players in salary arbitraa surprise Tuesdaywhile announcing his long-rumored next tion this year. According to a bout: After several years on study by TheAssociated Press, fight deal. Mayweather's move is a coup for Showtime. The

CBS-owned network hasalways trailed behind HBO in boxing prominence, but Mayweather

(43-0, 26 KOs) is thesport's biggest moneymaker.May-


World TourOpen13 Tuesday At Palais desSports MarseiHe, France Purse: $800,000(WT250) Surface: Hard-Indoor


First Round Somdev Devvarman, India, def. Benoit Paire,

France, 7-6(6), 6-7(7), 6-4.

MichaelLlodra,France,def.David Gofin, Belgium, 6-2, 6-4. NikolayDavydenko,Russia,def.Sergiy Stakhovsky, Ukraine,6-2,4-6, 6-2.

Saturday Girls basketball: MountainViewatMazama, 6p.m. Alpine skiing: OSSA at Wamer Canyon, Sialom (Lakeview),TBD Wrestling: Class6A,5A,4A,3A,2A/1Astate champlonshlps in Portland,8:30 a.m.; finals start at 6:30 p.m. Nordic skiing: OISRA state championships atWil lamettePass,10a.m.

Roberto BautistaAgut,Spain, def. Filip Krajinovic, Serbia,4-6, 7-6(5), 6-0. ErnestsGulbis, Latvia,def. JarkkoNieminen,Finland,6-3, 6-2.

Giles Muller,Luxembourg, def. RichardGasquet (5), France,2-6,6-4,7-6(5). Marcel Granogers, Spain, def. Gael Montils, France,6-4,6-4.

SKIING Local Sun Cup At Mt. Bachelor, Westridge/Cliffhanger Super-G Women Tuesday's results

(Top 10)

1, Ali Gunesch, Mt. Hood Academy, 111.91 2, JordanHarrison, Crystal MountainAlpine Club (Wash.),1:12.63.3, ElyseBurandt, SpokaneSki Racing Association(Wash.), 112.88. 4,AlexandriaOseland,CMAC,1:12.99.5, MeganOlson, Mt. Bachelor SportsEductaion Foundation,1:13.01. 6 (tie), EllaPepin, CMAC,1:14.46; AshleyLodmeg, MHA,1:14.46. 8, GracieStruthers, Mission RidgeSkiTeam(Wash.), 1:14.49 9, CarinaBracy, MBSEF,1:1488 10, Sarah Hampson,CMAC,I:15.16. Other MBSEFfinishers: 15, Anna Rischitegi, 1:16.40; 40, SophiaBurgess, 1:20.71; 56, Madison Brown, I:26.68. Men

Tuesday's results (Top 10) 1, BoomerVuori, StevensPassAlpine Club, 1:10.16. 2,CarsonLyon, SPAC, 1:10.19. 3, Nicholas Wurden,Crystal MountainAlpine Club, 1:10.21. 4, CadeScroggins,MultnomahAthletic Club,1:10.25.5, ChaseGanim, Mt.Bachelor Sports Education Foundation, 1:10.32. 6 (tie), HenryBaldwin,CMAC, 1.10.34, SpencerBarcay, SPAC,1:1034. 8, Riley Hunter, CMAC,1:10.63. 9 (tie), JackBotti, MBSEF,I:10.64; GrantHamlin, MBSEF,1:10.64. OtherMBSE Ffinishers: 13, Tanner Lujan, I:10.81; 15, Tanner Olson, 1:11.03;33, RyanGriffiths, 1:13.45, 35, CharlieStuermer,1:13.67;36, ThomasWimberly, 1:1381;39,Alex Yount,1:1431;44,lanLatky,I:1655; 49, MitchellLaw,1:17.10;53, AustenLaw,1:17.68.


GP W L OT Pts GF GA NewJersey 16 9 3 4 22 42 38 Pittsburgh 1 6 1 1 5 0 22 52 38 N.Y.Rangers 15 8 6 1 17 39 38 Philadelphia 17 7 9 I 15 45 49 N.Y. Islanders 16 6 9 1 13 46 57 Norlheast Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Montreal 16 11 4 1 2 3 46 35 Boston 13 9 2 2 20 37 31 Ottawa 17 9 6 2 20 40 32 Toronto 17 10 7 0 20 48 40 Buffalo 1 7 6 10 1 1 3 47 56 Southeast Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Carolina 14 8 5 I 17 41 40 TampaBay 15 8 6 1 17 59 47 Winnipeg 1 5 6 8 1 13 37 47 Florida 15 4 7 4 12 35 56 Washington 15 5 9 1 11 41 51 Western Conference Central Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Chicago 1 6 1 3 0 3 29 55 34 Nashvilie 17 8 4 5 21 39 38 St. Louis 1 6 9 6 1 19 53 50 Detroit 16 7 6 3 17 43 48 C olumbus 16 4 1 0 2 1 0 36 51 Northwest Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Vancouver 15 8 3 4 20 44 37 Minnesota 15 7 6 2 16 33 38 Edmonton 1 5 6 6 3 15 36 41 Calgary 14 5 6 3 13 39 51 Colorado I 4 6 7 I I 3 37 43 Pacific Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Anaheim 1 5 1 2 2 I 25 53 39 SanJose 1 5 8 4 3 19 39 34 Phoenix 16 8 6 2 18 44 41 Dallas 16 8 7 1 17 41 43 Los Angeles 14 6 6 2 14 33 37 NOTE:Twopoints tor a win, onepoint for overtime loss.

Tuesday'sGames Chicago 4, Vancouver3, SO Winnipeg 2, Buffalo1 Montreal 3,N.Y.Rangers1 Ottawa 3, N.Y.Islanders1 Tampa Bay4, Toronto2 San Jose 2, St.Louis1

"And see this right here, coach? That's me."

Dubai DutyFreeChampionships Tuesday At Dubai TennisStadium Dubai, United ArabEmirates Purse: $2million (Premier) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles First Round SaraErrani(5), Italy, def.Julia Goerges, Germany,

6-3, 4-6,6-4. Nadia Petrova,Russia,def. DominikaCibulkova, Slovakia,5-7,6-3, 6-2.


Tuesday's Games East BostonCollege69, Maryland58 Marquette67,SetonHaI 46 Stony Brook83, UMBC39 South Campbell72,Radford66,OT CharlestonSouthern 72, Presbyterian54 CoastalCarolina65, UNCAsheville 64 Gardner-Webb 65,Winthrop 52 High Point78, VMI67 Longwood102,Liberty101 McNeese St.65,SELouisiana 58 Miami 54,Virginia50 NC State84, FloridaSt. 66 North Carolina70, Georgia Tech58 Tennessee 82, LSU72 Midwest Butler 68,Duquesne49 Creighton59, S.Illinois 45 Indiana72, MichiganSt.68 Missouri 63,Florida60 N.lowa 69,MissouriSt.63 Nebraska-Omaha 79, ChicagoSt. 75 Saint Louis76,VCU62 Valparaiso85,Loyolaof Chicago76 Wichita St.66, IndianaSt 62 Southwest NichogsSt. 74,Lamar63 NorthwesternSt. 82,TexasABM-CC71 Oral Roberts94, Cent.Arkansas65 Texas68, TCU59 Far West



Kei Nishikori (5), Japan,det. RlyaMarchenko,

Pacific-12 Conference AH TimesPST

Utah WashingtonSt.


WashingtonStateatArizonaState, 7p.m. WashingtonatArizona 8 pm Thursday's Games California atOregon,6 p.m. Utah atColorado,7p.m. Stanfordat OregonState, 8 p.m.



W L 21 5 21 4 19 7

16 9 18 7 17 7 12 14 15 11 13 12

13 12 11 14 11 15

Transactions BASEBALL

American League BALTIMOR EORIOLES—Promoted Brady Anderson tovicepresident ofbaseball operations,NedRice director ofmajor leagueadministration, MikeSnyder assistantdirector of player personnelandBi I Wilkes manager of baseball operations. SEATTLE MARINERS—Agreed to termswith RHP CarterCapps,RHPBrandon Maurer, INFAlex Liddi and OF Michael Saundersonone-yearcontracts. TORONT OBLUEJAYS—NamedPaul Quantrig asa consultant totheorganization.

National League

optionformanagerClint Hurdleandhaveaddedaclub option for2015.

U.S. National IndoorChampionships Tuesday At The RacquetClub ofMemphis Memphis, Tenn. Purse: Men,$1,353,550(W T500);Women, $235,000 (Intl.) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles Men First Round Igor Sijsling,Netherlands,def.JurgenMelzer, Austria, 6-4,7-6(3). MichaelRussell, UnitedStates,def.AexBogomolov Jr.,Russia,6-2, 6-4. JamesBlake,UnitedStates,def. Florian Mayer, Germany, 4-6,6-3, 6-2. Sam Querrey(4), United States, def. Alejandro Faga,Colombia,6 3, 6-3. FelicianoLopez,Spain, def.BenjaminBecker, Germany,4-6, 6-3,6-4. Denis IstominUzbeki , stan,def.John Isner,United Ukraine,6-4, 7-5.


PITTSBU RGHPIRATES—Exercisedthe 2014club


Byu 70,utahSt.68 FresnoSt.69, Nevada64, OT San DiegoSt. 79, Wyoming 51

L 3 4 4 5 5 5 6 7 7 9 10 11

CarolineWozniacki (8), Denmark, def. LucieSafarova,CzechRepublic, 6-2, 6-2 SamStosur(7), Australia, def. Ekaterina Makarova, Russia,6-1,6-1.

Tuesday's Games East Drexel59,UNCWilmington47 RhodeIsland45,UMass42 Syracuse 58, Rutgers45 Towson 69,Hofstra 60 South Delaware69 George Mason55 McNeese St.75,SELouisiana67 Southwest Lamar59,Nicholls St 57 NorthwesternSt. 68,TexasABM-CC58 Oral Roberts76,Cent. Arkansas69 Far West ArizonaSt.81,Arizona77, 20T UCLA68, SouthernCal54

Men's college

W 10 9 9 8 7 7 7 6 5 3 3 2

RobertaVinci,ltaly,def. SvetlanaKuznetsova, Russia, 6-2, 6-2.

Women's college



6 2, 2-6, 7-5.

UCLA atUSC,12 30p.m.

Buttalo atToronto, 4p.m. Florida atPhiladelphia, 4p.m. NewJerseyatWashington,4p.m. WinnipegatCarolina, 4 p.m. N.Y. IslandersatMontreal, 4:30p.m. N.Y.RangersatOttawa,430 p.m. Boston atTampaBay,4:30 p.m. Columbus at Detroit, 4:30p.m. Vancouver at Dalas,5:30 p.m. Minnes otaatEdmonton,6:30p.m.

Oregon Arizona UCLA California ArizonaSt. Colorado SouthernCal Stanford Washington OregonSt.

Petra Kvitova(6), CzechRepubic, def. Daniela Hantuchova, Slovakia, 6-2,6-1. Zheng Jie,China,def.UrszulaRadwanska,Poland,

Washington Stateat Arizona,noon Califomia atOregonState, 3 p.m. Stanford atOregon,5p.m. Washington at ArizonaState, 8p.m. Sunday'sGame

Nashville 4,Detroit 3,OT LosAngeles3,EdmontonI Today's Games PhiladelphiaatPittsburgh, 4:30p.m. St. Louisat Colorado,7p.m. Los AngelesatCalgary, 7 p.m


First Round SabineLisicki (3), Germany, det. MadisonKeys, UnitedStates,7-5,6-3 AndreaHlavackova,CzechRepublic, def.Melanie Oudin,UnitedStates,6-4,3-6, 6-3. ClaireFeuerstein,France,def. LucieHradecka(5), CzechRepublic,6-3, 6-4. SecondRound JamieHampton,United States, def.CocoVandeweghe, United States, 6-3,6-0. MagdalenaRybarikova(7), Slovakia, def. Lauren Davis,UnitedStates,7-6(2), 6-2.

Copa ClaroColsanitas Tuesday At Club Campestre elRancho Bogota, Colombia Purse: $235,000(Intl.) Surface: Clay-Outdoor Singles First Round LourdesDominguez Lino(3), Spain,def. Catalina Castano,Colombia,3-6,6-2, 6-1. Maria-TeresaTorro-Flor, Spain,def. ArantxaRus (6), Netherlands,6-4, 6-3. Tereza Mrdeza,Croatia, dei.PaulineParmentier (7), France,7-6(5), 6-4. Timea Babos(8), Hungary,def. Beatriz GarciaVidagany,Spain,6-1, 1-6,7-6(4). AlexandraCadantu, Romania, def.Maria JoaoKoe-

FOOTBALL National Football League NFL —Named Alberto Riveron senior director of otficiating. FinedCalgaryD MarkGiordano$10,000 for trippingDallas FAntoineRoussel in a gameon Feb. 17. BUFFALO BILLS Re-signed OLColinBrown. KANSASCITY CHIEFS— Released TE Kevin Boss and WR SteveBreaston. NEW ENGLANDPATRIOTS— Signed DL Jason Vega. NEW ORLEANSSAINTS— Released TE David Thomas andCBJohnny Patrick. NEW YORKJETS Released LB BartScott,LB Calvin Pace,SEric Smith, OLJason Smith, andTE Josh Baker. HOCKEY NatlonalHockeyLeague NHL —Fined Minnesota F Devin Setoguchi $8,108.11for high-sticking Detroit DKyleQuincey in aFeb.17gameat Minnesota ANAHEIM DUCKS—AssignedDNateGuenin and DHampusLindholmto Norfolk (AHL).ReassignedG Jeff DeslaurierstoFortWayne (ECHL). BOSTON BRUINS—Caged upFLaneMacDermid from Providence (AHL). NASHVILL EPREDATORS— Acquired D ScottFord from St.Louisfor F Jani Lajunenandassigned Ford to Milwaukee. SOCCER

Major League Soccer

FC DALLAS —Acquired HoustonMFJe-Vaughn Watson for a 2015second-round SuperDraft pick. Signed FMichel PORTLAND TIMBERS Signed DMikaelSilvestre. SEATTLESOUNDERS FC— Acquired MF Shalrie Joseph,the No. 3Allocation ranking, a2014second-roundSuperDraft pickanda2015 second-round SuperDraftpicktromChivasUSAfor Seatle's No.15 Allocationranking. VANCOUVERWHITECAPS Announced theaddition of DJohnnyLeveronto theroster. COLLEGE CINCINNAT I—NamedVinceSurianoas director of high school andplayer relationsforfootball FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON—Promoted Ray Skjold to part-timeassistant baseball coach.NamedRyan Kresky volunteerassistant baseball coach. NEW MEXIC O—Named Apolo Wright runnlng backscoach. RUTGER S—Named Ron Prince offensive coordinatorandDaveCohen defensivecoordinator. STANFORD — Named Kurt Svoboda senior assistantathletics director of mediarelationsandcommunications. THIEL —NamedChris Limle men'ssoccercoach.


No. 1 Indiana holds off No. 4 Michigan State The Associated Press EAST LANSING, Mich. — Victor Oladipo shook off a sprained left ankle with a spectacular performance to lift topranked Indianato a 72-68 win over No. 4 Michigan State on Tuesday night.

Oladipo's go-ahead putback, dunk and free throws in the final minute gave him 19 points to go along with nine rebounds, five steals and a block. Not bad for a guy who didn't play after halftime of his previous game,just three days earlier,because

of the injury.

changing networks to do it. The

HBO, Mayweather is moving to Showtime with a lucrative multi-

Francesca Schiavone (4), Italy, def.SharonFich-

man,Canada,4-6,6-4, 6-4. Flavia Pennetta(5), Italy, def. AlexandraPanova, Russia,4-6,6-3,6-3.

HaWkinStOCOaCh Montreal — Former Boise State and Colorado coachDanHawkins succeeds MarcTrestman, who was hired asthe Chicago Bears' coachlastmonth.Hawkinshas

knowledge of the letter's arrival.

In the Bleachers © 2013 Steve Moore. Dist by Universal Uclrck www.gocomrcs.com/rnthebreachers

Thursday Boys basketball: CrookCountyat Summit, 7p.m. Girls basketball: Summiat t CrookCounty, 7p.m.

EasternConference Atlantic Division


hler, Portugal6-0, , 6-3. TelianaPereira,Brazil, def. YvonneMeusburger, Austria, 6-3,6-3. Karin Knapp,Italy, def. EvaBirnerova, CzechRepublic, 6-1,6-1. Lara Arruabarrena-Vecino, Spain, def. Yuliana Lizarazo, Colombia,6-2, 1-6,6-3.


the 133 players who filed last

month gained anaverage increase of119 percent. No cases went to a hearing for the first time since arbitration began in1974. Posey, the NL batting champion and MVP, led the way with a13-fo(d hike to $8 million. — From wire reports

Hoosiers coach Tom Crean insisted that the junior shooting guard "wasn't even close" to 100-percent healthy. "There's no doubt his foot hurt," Crean said. "That mind was right, and that was

the biggest thing." Indiana (24-3, 12-2 Big Ten) broke a first-place tie in the conference — with four games left in the regular season — and moved a step closer toward earning top seeding next month in the NCAA tournament. "It was a huge win for us,n Oladipo said. nWe've COme a 1Ong way.n The Hoosiers had lost 17 straight — since 1991 — on the road against the Spartans. "Most of those guys weren't alive," Crean said. "It didn't affect them."

Michigan State (22-5, 11-3) blew oppor- Johnson made a tie-breaking layup with tunities at the line. Trailing by three with 3.7 seconds left, Harris was fouled on a 3-point attempt. He missed the first one — setting off sighs in the sold-out arena — and after making the second, he deliberately missed the third. Indiana got the rebound — Oladipo grabbed it, of course — and he hit two free throws to seal the win. nWe were right there," Gary Harris said somberly. "And, we could've won.n Keith Appling had missed the front end of a one and one with a little more than a minute left. "I'd say I was more upset than surprised," he said. Cody Zeller had 17 points — nearly doubling what he had in the previous matchup against Michigan State — while Jordan Hulls and Christian Watford scored 12 each for the Hoosiers. Oladipo and Zeller went over the 1,000point mark of their careers in the game, joining Hulls and Watford in the club, to give the storied program four players with that many points on the same team for the first t>me. In other games on Tuesday: N o. 2 Miami.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 V irginia.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 CORAL GA BLES, Fla. — Reggie

5.7 secondsleft,and Miami overcame a ragged offensive performance for the second game in a row to beat Virginia and remain unbeaten in the Atlantic Coast Conference. M issouri.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 N o. 5 Florida ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 COLUMBIA, Mo. — Laurence Bowers had 17 points plus 10 reboktnds and Missouri erased a 13-point deficit in the second half to rally past Florida. N o. 15 Butler.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68

Duquesne .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..49 INDIANAPOLIS — R o t nei C l arke scored 16 points and Khyle Marshall added 14 to lead Butler past reeling Duquesne. N o. 17 Marquette.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 S eton Hall ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 NEWARK, N.J. — Vander Blue scored 19 points and Marquette used a sizeable rebounding advantage to beat Seton Hall. S aint Louis..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 N o. 24 VCU....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 ST. LOUIS — Jordair Jett scored all 16 of his points in the second half and Mike McCall, Jr. added 15 to help Saint Louis win its eighth straight and take sole possession of first place in the Atlantic 10 with a victory over VCU.




azers' aerun a ss 0 in oss The Associated Press PORTLAND Goran Dragic got right to the point after dishing a career-high 18 assists against Portland. "It was really fun," said a smiling Dragic, who also had 16 points in the Suns' 102-98 victory over the Trail Blazers Tuesday night. "I would like to thank all m y t eammates — they were hitting shots." The win snapped a four-game losing streak for the Suns. "I think he was aggressive as he always is, and he made plays," Suns coach Lindsey Hunter saidof Dragic's career night. "It was amazing but it was fun to watch because everybody was getting involved." Wesley Johnson came off the bench to score a seasonhigh 14 points for the Suns, who opened thegame with a 12-0 run and led by as many as 19 points before holding off a late Portland rally. J.J. Hickson had 25 points and 16 rebounds for his 28th double-double of the season for the Blazers, who lost their sixth straight to match their season-high. The Blazers pulled to within 96-92 on rookie Damian Lillard's 3-pointer with 3:57 left in the game. Marcin Gortat's dunk and Luis Scola's layup slowed the rally, but Nicolas Batum made a 3-pointer to close the Blazers within 10095 with 2:35 to go. Nolan Smith made a free throw and LaMarcus Aldridge added two morewith 20.5 seconds left to make it 100-98. After Dragic made a pair of free throws for the Suns, Lillard's 3-point attempt fell short as time wound down. " Like we a lways do, w e made it a game down the stretch," said Lillard, the reign-

ing rookie of the month who finished with 24 points. "We just couldn't catch them." Portland was without starti ng shooting g u ar d W e s ley Matthews because of a sprained left ankle and elbow that he hurt in the first quarter of Portland's 99-63 loss to New Orleans just before the AllStar break. That loss capped a six-game Portland road trip, which started with a victory at Minnesota but concluded with five-straight losses. The Blazers hadn't played at home since Feb. 2. Blazers coach Terry Stotts said he didn't want to use Matthews' absence as an excuse. "Obviously, Wes is a very important part of the team, but I think we showed that we can still compete without him," Stotts said. "If he's not in there, everybody has to step up a bit." The Suns (18-36) lost to the Lakers at Staples Center 91-85 last Wednesday. Phoenix is a league-worst 6-23 on the road this season. It was the first of a back-toback for Phoenix, which visits the Golden State Warriors today as trade rumors continue to swirl around the team. Coach Lindsey Hunter said before the game that his focus is on the Suns, which has the worst record in the Western Conference. "I'm sure if something gets serious, I'll know about it," he said. The trade deadline is Thursday. Last season at the deadline the Blazers fired coach Nate McMillan and t raded away both Gerald Wallace and Marcus Camby. This season most trade talk is about Hickson, who must agree to any deal. The Suns jumped out to a 12-0 lead to start the game, led

Gordon Hayward added 17 in his return from a shoulder injury and Utah defeated Golden State to extend the Warriors' losing streak to six


Don Ryan/TheAssociatedPress

Phoenix Suns guard Goran Dragic, right, goes to the basket against Portland Trail Blazers forward Nicolas Batum during the first quarter of Tuesday night's game in Portland.

Nets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Bucks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 NEW YORK — Joe Johnson hit a tying 3-pointer in the closing seconds of the fourth quarter and then his buzzerbeating jumper at the end of overtime lifted Brooklyn to a victory over Milwaukee. B ulls..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6 H ornets...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 NEW ORLEANS — Luol Deng scored 20 points and Chicago snapped a two-game skid with a victory over New Orleans. R aptors...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 6 W izards ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 8 WASHINGTON DeMar DeRozan and Rudy Gay scored 24 points apiece, and Toronto won a matchup between slow-starting, comingon-lately teams. Bobcats ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 M agic ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 ORLANDO, Fla. — Kemba Walker and Gerald Henderson each had 24 points, Byron Mullens added 20 points and 12 rebounds and Charlotte survived Orlando's secondhalf comeback. Spurs ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Kings...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 SACRAMENTO, Calif. Tony Parker had 30 points and 11 assists to lead San Antonio to a victory over Sacramento, giving the Spurs their 15th win in their past 16 games. -

by Scola with six points. Portland did not score until Hickson's jumper with 7:17 left in the first quarter. The Blazers were playing catch-up the rest of the way, and trailed 36-23 at the end of the quarter. The Suns extended the lead to 40-25 on Johnson's 16-footjumper and led 63-47 at the half. Also on Tuesday:

Grizzlies..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 Pistons..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 AUBURN HILLS, Mich. Mike Conley scored 19 points, Zach Randolph had his 31st double-double and Memphis won its fourth straight game, beating Detroit. Jazz..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Warriors..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 S ALT LAKE CITY — A l Jefferson scored 24 points, -

Nuggets.......... . . . . . . . ..97 C eltics...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 0 DENVER — D anilo Gallinari and Ty L awson each scored 26 points to help Denver snap a three-game losing streak by beating Boston.

Standings EasternConference W 36 32 32 32 31 29 28 26 22


d-New York d-Indiana Brooklyn Chicago Atlanta Boston Milwaukee Philadelphia Toronto

L 14 18 21 22 22 22 25 26 29

22 32 21 34 16 37

Detroit Cleveland Washington

15 37 15 38 13 40

Orlando Charlotte

WesternConference d-SanAntonio d-Oklahoma City d-LA. Clippers Memphis Denver GoldenState Utah Houston Portland LA. Lakers Dallas

Minnesota NewOrleans Sacramen to Phoenix d-divisionleader

W L 43 12 39 14 39 17 34 18 34 21 30 23 31 24 29 26 25 29 25 29 23 29 19 31 19 35 19 36 18 36

Tuesday'sGames Charlotte105,Orlando92 Toronto96,Washington 88 Brooklyn113,Miwaukee111, Or Memphis105,Detroit 91 Chicago96, NewOrleans87 Denver97,Boston90 Utah115,GoldenState101 Phoenix102,Portland98

Pct GB 720 640 4 .604 5'/z .593 6 .585 6'/z .569 7'/z .528 9'/z .500 11 431 14'/z .407 16 382 17'/z .302 21'/~ 288 22 .283 22'/~ 245 24'/z

pct Gs

.782 .736 3 .696 4'/2 .654 7'/z .618 9 .566 12 .564 12 527 14 .463 17'/z

SanAntonio108,Sacramento102 Today's Games Detroit atCharlotte, 4p.m. Memphiat s Toronto, 4p.m. NewYorkat Indiana4 p.m. Oklahoma City atHouston, 5 p.m. PhiladelphiaatMinnesota, 5p m. Brook yn at Miwaukee, 5p.m. Miami atAtlanta,5p.m. NewOrleansat Cleveland,5p.m. Orlandoat Dalas, 5:30p.m. Phoenixat GoldenState, 7:30p.m. BostonatLA Lakers, 730p.m. Thursday'sGames Miami atChicago,5p.m. SanAntonioat LA. Clippers,7:30 p.m.

Summaries Wednesday'sGames

Stlns 102, Blazers 98

PHOENIX (102) Tucker2-30-04, Scola8-u 2-218, Gortat6 8Ij-1 1z Dragic5-135-516, Dudley5-141-112,Beasley 3-92-28,O'Neal4-81-29,Morris2-7 3-4 7,Johnson 5-8 3-314,Marshall 1-1 0-0 z TotaIs 41-82 17-20 102. PQRTLAND I98) Batum5-143415, Aldridge7-169 923, Hickson 463 17i/z .442 18'/z 10-14 5-725, Lillard8-19 5-524, Claver1-21-2 4, .380 21'/~ Barton1-40-0z Leonard0-0 222, pavlovic1-5 0-1 .352 23'/z z Babbitt 0-10-00, Smith0-41-21, Jeffries 0-1Ij-0 0.Totals 33-80 26-32 98. .345 24 36 27 21 18 — 102 333 24'/z Phoenix Portland 23 24 26 25 — 98 3-Point Goas—Phoenix 3-13 (Johnson 1-2, Dragic 1-4, Dud ey 1-5, Beasley0-1, Tucker 0-1), Portland 6-20 (Lillard 3-8, Batum 2-4, Claver 1-2, Barton 0-1, Babbitt 0-1, Pavlovic 0-2, Smith 0-2i. Foule dOut— Scola.Rebounds— Phoenix56(O'Neal 13), Portland 41 (Hickson 16). Assists —Phoenix 30 (Dragic 18), Portland 18 (Lillard 7). Total Fouls—Phoenix 28, Portland15. Technicals—Phoenix defensivethreesecond, PortlandCoachStotts. A—20,49909,980).

Bulls 96, Hornets87 GHIGAG0 I96)

Deng 7 134-4 20,BoozerB161 117, Noaht-u 3-415, Hinrich2-70-05, Hamilton 3-71-27, Gibson 2-50-04,Belinell>3-6 2-29,Mohammed2-2 0-04, Robinson 2-9 2-26, Butler4-8 0-29. Totals 39-84 13-17 96.


Aminu5-6 0-010, Davis6-133-315, Lopez0-1 1-21, Vasquez 5-161-1 11, Gordon8-171-220, Anderson2-116-910, Rivers1-31-3 3, Smith 4-8 0-0 8, Miller 0-0 0-0 0,Roberts3-6 0-0 7, Mason 0-1 0-0 0, Thomas 1-2 0-0 z Totals 35-84 132087. Chicago New Orleans

Nets113, Bucks111(OT) MILwAUKEE (111I Mbah aMoute4-101-2 9, IIyasova9-161-221, Sanders 7-120-014, Jennings13-26 5-634,Ellis 718 3-418,Dunleavy2-50-05, Dalembert1-41-2 3, IIdrih 0-1 0-00,Henson2-31-2 5, Udoh1-1 0-02. Totals 46-96 12-18 111. BROOK LYN(113) Wallace3-100-Ij 6, Evans0-21-21, Lopez 6-17 7-819, Williams6-134-419,Johnson10-181-124, Humphries3 62-2 8, Bogans3-5 0-0 9, Brooks1-3 Ij-2 2, Blatche 6-82-414, Watson5-90-0 u. Totals 43-9117-23113. Milwaukee 24 2 7 30 24 6 — 111 Brooklyn 31 30 19 25 8 — 113

Grizziies105, Pistons 91 MEMPHIS(105) princ e2-70-04,Randolph6-0 3-415,Gasol2-7 4-4 8, Conley8-0 1-1 19,Allen5-70-010, Bayless 4-80-08,Arthur4-100-08,Daye3-50-26, Pondexter 4-6 1-1 10,Davis6-7 2 6 14,Wroten0-00-0 0, Leuer1-11-23.TotaIs 45-80 12-20 105. DETROIT (91) Singler 3-70-0 7, Maxiel 2-70-0 4, Monroe491-1 9, Calderon4-9 0-010, Knight5-11 0-013,

Sharks beat Bluesfor rare win The Associated Press ST. LOUIS — Tim Kennedy and th e Sa n J ose Sharks were happy to end their long winless streak. K ennedy scored on a wobbling shot in the third period and A n tt i N i emi made 25 saves to help the Sharks end a seven-game winless streak with a 2-1 victory over the St. Louis Blues on Tuesday. The seven-game streak was the Sharks' longest since a 10-game run Nov. 5-30, 2005. Joe Thornton also scored for San Jose, which began t he season with a f r a n chise-record seven successive wins. St. Louis has dropped five consecutive home games for the f irst ti me since losing five in a row Dec. 18, 2009, to Jan. 2, 2010. The Blues also had a three-game winning streak halted. They were coming off a perfect road trip with wins in D etroit, Calgary and Vancouver. Kennedy scored the goahead goal at 13:02 on a shot from the left faceoff circle that eluded goalie Jake Allen, who had won the first three starts of his career. "I don't know how that q uite went t hrough hi m — but it's a goal," Kennedy said. "The puck came off the wall and I just fired it. You can't score if you don't shoot." Also on Tuesday:

C anadiens.......... . . . . .3 R angers.......... . . . . . . . 1




Vill anueva1-80-0 2,Stuckey2-44-4 8 Bynum 2-7 1-2 5, Kravtsov4-50-38, English 3-50-Ij 6, Jerebko 5-5 0-0 13,Middleton3-5 0-0 6. Totals 38-82 610 91. Memphis 22 31 31 21 — 105 Detroit 30 12 18 31 — 91

Raptors 96, Wizards 88 TORONTO (96) Gay1II-251-124,Johnson2-42-26, Valanciunas

2-2 3 4 7, Lowrr 3 64-4 11, DeRozan 9-18 6 7 24, Bargnani4-7 0-0 9,Anderson1-92-2 5, Lucas4-7 0010, Gray 0 000 0,Ross0 00 00.Totals 3578 18-20 96.


Webster5-93-416, Nene3-0 1-2 7, Okafor5-10 2-212, Wall1-127-89, Beal9-194-625, Seraphin 0-0 0-0 0,Ariza1-4 3-3 5, Booker4-62-210, Price 2-70-0 4,Singleton0-0 0-0 0.Totals 30-78 2227 88. Toronto 27 28 18 23 — 96 Washington 19 27 19 23 — 88

Bobcats105, Magic 92 CHARLOTTE (105) Kidd-Gilchrist 3-4 0-1 6, Mullens8-17 2-2 20, Biyombo 2-33-4 7,Walker9-163-4 24,Henderson 8-16 7-824,Sessions2-95-810, Gordon4-0 0-0 10, Adrien0-00-0 0, Haywood1-3 0-02, Taylor 1-2 0-0z Totals 38-8120-27105.


Harkless 6-14 2-2 15, Nicholson5-13 3-3 13, Vucevic9-160-218, Nelson4-0 0-010, Afflalo5-11 7-8 18, Ayon2-30-0 4, Redick4-14 2-210, Moore 0-20-00O'Quinn2-50-04,Sm>th0-00-00.Totals 37-8914-1792. Charlotte 37 26 17 25 — 105 Orlando 27 16 27 22 — 92

Spurs 108, Kings 102 SANANTONIO(108) Leonard 4-11 5-615, Duncan3-8 3-49, Splitter

2-2 0-2 4, Parker10-2010-12 30, Green8-11Ij-0 21, Ginobili 4-8 3-412, Diaw2-3 5-510, Neal0-5 2-2 2, Blair 1-1 0-0 2, DeColo 0-2 0-0 0, Bonner 0-2 0-0 0, Mills 1-2 0-0 3. Totals 35-75 28-35 108. SACRAME NTO(102)

salmons 2-62-2 6, Thompson4-103-3 u, cous-

ins 3-85-811, Thomas6-10 8-822, Evans6-15 7-8 20, Robinson1-40-02, Thornton6-160-016, Hayes 2-5 0-0 4, Fredette4-12 0-010, Garcia0-40-0 0. Totals 34-90 25-29 102. SanAntonio 28 22 33 25 — 108 Sacramento 19 22 33 28 — 102

NtlggetS97, CeltiCS 90 BOSTON (90)

Pierce2-145-510,Bass3-70-06, Garnett6-140212, Bradley7-162-217, Lee6-91-1 15, Collins0-1 1-21, Green8-122-220,Terry25227, Wilcox1-1 0-02, Melo0-00-00 Totals35-7913-1690.

DENVER (97) Gallinari 7-178-1126, Faried3-71-4 7, Koufos 5-61-111, Lawson B-138-1026, Iguodala0-71-41, chandler0-60-0 0,A.Miler 4-62-3 u, McGee2-5 1-1 5, Brewer4-102-210 Totals33-77 243697. Boston 22 28 20 20 — 90 Denver 21 28 29 19 — 97

Jazz 115, Warriors 101 GOLDEN STATE(101) Barnes1-512 3, Lee 913 0 Ij18, Bogut 04 0-0 0, Curry12-221-1 29,Thompson6-0 3-415, Biedrins1-1 0-0 z Landry2-41-1 5,Jackt-0 6-6 19, Green 1-6 0-02, R.Jefferson0-30-0 0, Ezeli 1-2 365,Bazemore01 222,Jenkins0 01-21. Totals 39-83 18-24101. UTAH (115) Ma.Williams3-B 3-4 0, Millsap 5-10 4-4 14, A.Jefferson u-18 2-3 24,Tinsley 1-3 1-2 4, Foye 4-94-415, Favors4-7 6-614, Hayward5-9 5-617, Watson 00 00, Kanter 041-21, Burks 5-81-213, Carroll1-1 0-Ij 2,MurphyIj-1 0-00, Evans0-00-00. Totals 39-7827-33115. Goldenstate 19 3 4 26 22 — 101 utah 26 32 29 28 — 115

N EW YORK — A l e x Galchenyuk snapped a tie early in the third period and Montreal held on for its fifth consecutive win, b eating th e N e w Y o r k Rangers.

L ightning......... . . . . . . . 4 M aple Leafs..... . . . . . . . . . 2 TAMPA, Fla. — Steven Stamkos scored his 10th goal and Benoit Pouliot had three assists as Tampa Bay beat Toronto. J ets.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 S abres ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 BUFFALO, N.Y. — Ondrej Pavelec made 29 saves to help Winnipeg snap a three-game skid with a win over Buffalo. S enators...... . . . . . . . . . . . 3

I slanders .......... . . . . . . 1

OTTAWA Andre B enoit an d D a v e D z i urzynski scored their first N HL g o als, an d C r a i g Anderson made 37 saves to lead Ottawa over New York. P redators...... . . . . . . . . . . 4 R ed Wings...... . . . . . . . . . 3 NASHVILLE, Tenn. Shea Weber scored 44 seconds into overtime to give Nashville a victory against slumping Detroit. B lackhawks...... . . . . . . . . 4 -

C anucks.......... . . . . . . . 3

Tiger Continued from C1 "The whole idea is just to beat one guy at a time," Woods said. "That's the thing. There are times where I've played well in matches and I've lost, and other times where I've played poorly and advanced. "It's pot luck in these 18-hole sprints like this. As I said, it's imperative to get off to a quick start and get up on your opponent early. It's just so hard to come back 18-hole matches, and hopefully, I can do that conceivably for all six." Rory Mcllroy is the No. I seed and will play Shane Lowry, a longtime friend and former partner on the Irish team that won the European Team Championships in 2007. In a similar match, former U.S. Open champion Graeme McDowell (Northern Ireland) plays three-time major champion Pad-

raig Harrington (Ireland). The toughest challenge might be the weather, with a front expected to move across the high desert overnight and bringing temperatures so low that light snow is possible. At best, it figures to be frigid for the morning matches as the sun is beginning to climb over The Ritz-Carlton Club at Dove Mountain. "No one likes to play in adverse weather," said Ian Poulter, playing for the first time since Hawaii, when the tournament took four days to start be-

cause of 40 mph wind. Woods said he would be used to the wind an d c old b ecause that's what he dealt with in Florida with the president. It was the second time Woods has played with a sitting U.S. president — he once played with former President Bill Clinton at The Alotian Club in Arkansas. "Playing with Mr . P resident was pretty cool," he said. "He's just a wonderful person to be around." Woods doesn't use "Mr." with hardly anyone. In fact, he has a nickname for most people in golf. He'll shorten the surname ("Poults" for Poulter, "Stricks" for Steve Stricker) or simply add a "y" to their name ("Rosey" for Justin Rose). And what name did he use for the leader ofthe free world? "Partner," Woods said with a smile. He sounded surprised to learn that Obama playedleft-handed, and when asked to describe the president's best shot, Woods said that "he hit a few." "He's a pretty good athlete, and we all know he played a lot of hoops," Woods said. "He's a lefty, but to see him out there hitting shots ... he hit it well, and we didn't play under the easiest conditions. It was blowing harder than this, and it was a little bit cooler than this. So we played under some tough conditions, and as I said, he hit the ball well. He's got amazing touch.

He can certainly chip and putt." That's the key for anyone in match

play. Luke Donald has one of the best short games in golf, which explains why he won two years ago in the most dominant performance in the 14-year history of this event. Donald is the only player to have never reached the 18th hole in any of his matches. As for the fickle nature of match


Donald didn't even make it out of the first round last year against Ernie Els. Woods is coming off a four-shot win at TorreyPines three weeks ago,after opening his 2013 season by missing the cut in Abu Dhabi. He took an entire week off from golf, and then resumed practicing to get ready for a busy part of his schedule leading up to the Masters. This is the first of three straight tournaments for Woods, in which he would have a mathematical chance of going back to No. 1. All 64 players in the field are so close in ability that there is no such thing as an upset in this event, not like a Grand Slam tennis event or the NCAA basketball tournament. Howell is the No. 63 seed, though his stock has been improving. He began the year with three straight finishes in the top 10, which enabled him to go from outside the top 100 in the world and qualify for this elite tournament.

Woods and Howell were partners at the Presidents Cup for all four matches in 2003,and Woods used to practice with him when he lived in Orlando, Fla. "You'd see him out there on the range and the putting green just grinding away," Woods said. "His work ethic has never changed, never waned. He's out there working all the time. He's trying to get better. I admire guys who put in that kind of work. It's not easy to do, and he's implemented some swing changes over the years, but his tireless work ethic is something we all look up to." No one has played fewer rounds this year than Mcllroy and McDowell. Today will be only the third competitive round in three months for McIlroy, who missed the cut in Abu Dhabi and has not played since then. McDowell returned from his long winter break last week at Riviera and missed the cut by one shot. "I don't feel like I'm a guy that needs to play his way into form," McIlroy said. "I think I just practice, and if I feel like I'm confident on the range and hitting it well and playing well in practice rounds, then that'll translate into shooting good scores on the course." Scores aren't necessarily important at Dove Mountain. This week is only about having a better score than the opponent.

CHICAGO — P a t r ick Kane and Andrew Shaw scored in a shootout, and Chicago beat Vancouver to match the NHL record for season-opening point streak.

K ings.......... . . . . . . . . . . 3 O ilers ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 EDMONTON, A l b erta — Jeff Carterscored the go-ahead goal with 49.6 seconds remaining in regulation to lift Los Angeles over Edmonton.

Bill Boyce/The Associated Press

San Jose Sharks' Tim Kennedy (46) celebrates his winning goal against the St. Louis Blues with Tommy Wingels Tuesday in St. Louis. The Sharks won 2-1.





eviewa vances o a -in Bulletin staff report PRINEVILLE — Ridgeview hit the first shot of overtime and followed that by making nine of 10 free throws to earn a berth in the Class 4A boys basketball play-in round and end Crook County's postseason hopes with a 51-40 win in a do-or-die finale in Special District 1. Jack Bowman scored 16 points, grabbed six rebounds and dished out five assists to lead the Ravens (5-19 overall, 2-1 SDI), and Tanner O'Neal added 14 points and grabbed eight rebounds. But more importantly, Ridgeview is in the postseason for the first time, despite a roster void of a single senior. "This gives o ur kids, a young team, an opportunity to practice two more days and get another game against a high-quality opponent," said Ridgeview coach Nathan Covill. "And it allows our kids a taste of what it's like to be in the tournament as opposed to waiting a whole other year." With four minutes left in regulation, George Mendazona hit a 3-pointer to pull the Ravens within two, and moments later Ridgeview tied it with a pair of free throws.

Crook County (7-16, 1-2) h ad a chance to win in t h e closing seconds of regulation. Dillon Dees, who led the Cowboys with 11 points, shot a turnaround jumper in the post that just fell short, sending the game into overtime. Chance Sutfin grabbed 10 rebounds to go along with six points for Crook County. The Cowboys struggled offensively in the extra period, scoring just two points.

Ridgeview's play-in game will be on Friday against an opponent to be determined. Crook County finishes the season at Summit on Thursday. In other Tuesday action: BOYS BASKETBALL M ountain View.... . . . . . . . . . 57 S ummit..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 0 The host Cougars bounced back from a sluggish start to beat the Storm in an I nter-

mountain Conference game. Summit held Mountain View to j u s t f o u r f ir s t -quarter points and held a 22-21 halftime lead. But Mountain View outscored the Storm 24-12 in the third quarter and never looked back. M itch M o din scored 18 p o ints, g rabbed five rebounds, dished five assists and had four steals to lead Mountain View, which had nine players score. Cade Cattell led the Storm with 15 points and M o yer c h ipped in 12. Mountain View, which improved to 19-3 overall and 6-2 in the IMC, will host rival Bend on Friday. A win against the Lava Bears would give the Cougars a share of the league title. Summit (10-13, 1-8) hosts Crook County on Thursday. E stacada.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 M adras ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 ESTACADA — The White Buffaloes lost leads late in regulation and in overtime, falling to the Rangers in the Tri-Valley Conference finale for both

squads. Madras (14-10 overall, 5-5 TVC) led by one point and had two free-throw attempts with about 20 seconds left in regulation but could only convert one of the shots to go up 82-80. Estacada forced overtime on a layup scored with about five seconds remaining. In extra time, the Buffs scored the first five points but repeatedly fouled the Rangers, who were 18 of 25 from the freethrow line for the game. Jhaylen Yeahquo led Madras with 29 points, followed by Jered Pichette's 28. Steele Haugen and Rodney M itchell w ere also in double figures, each with 14 points. Despite the defeat, the Buffs remain the No. 3 seed from the TVC and will take part in a play-in game on Friday. The opponent and site were still to be determined as of Tuesday night. S weet Home..... . . . . . . . . . . 60 L a Pine.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 SISTERS — La Pine's bid for a C l ass 4A p o stseason berth was snuffed out Monday nightin a Sky-Em League tiebreaker game p layed at neutral Sisters High School.

Tyler Parsons scored nine of his game-high 17 points in the second quarter for the Hawks, who outscored the Huskies 2213 in the period to take a 34-27 halftime lead. "But we came out flat in the third quarter," said La Pine coach Kyle Kalmbach. "That's what killed us." Sweet Home led 44-42going into the fourth period, and the score was tied with less than two minutes to play before the

Huskies (9-14) pulled away to

secure the league's No. 3 position. "They just did a better job of finishing than we did," said Kalmbach of Sweet Home, which made eight of 11 free throws in the final quarter. It was the Huskies' second win over La Pine in four nights; they had beaten the Hawks 75-60 Friday night at Sweet Home to split the regular-season series between the two teams andforcethe tiebreaker game. Sam Wieber scored13 points and C ameron K raft added nine for th e H awks, who finished the season with an overall record of 11-14. GIRLS BASKETBALL B end ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 9 R edmond..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 REDMOND — Th e L ava Bears jumped out to a 23-8 lead after the first quarter and used a 23-8 third quarter to separate themselves from the Panthers en route to an Intermountain Conference win. Lisa Sylvester and Mekayla Isaak paced Bend with 13 points apiece, while Heidi Froelich and Jessica McClay each chipped in 12 points. Redmond, which wrapped up its regular season schedule at 10-14 overall and 0-9 in IMC play, was led by Kaylee Wilson's 11 points and six steals, and Chantel Dannis added 10 points and six re-

bounds. Bend (17-5, 7-1) plays in its regular-season finale on Friday, when the Lava Bears host crosstown rival Mountain View. Redmond coach Angela Capps said the Panthers were 20th in th e O regon School Activities Association rankings going into this matchup. If Redmond maintains that spot whenthe rankings freeze

at 10 p.m. on Saturday, it will earn a play-in game next week a gainst an opponent to b e determined. M adras.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 E stacada ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 6 MADRAS Mariah Stacona scored 26 points, had 11 steals and dished out nine assists to lead the White Buffaloes to an easy win and into a second-place tie in the TriValley Conference. Madras, which had already clinched a berth i n t h e 4 A p l a y-in round, started the game on a 15-0 run and Estacada never threatened. "The girls played well on senior night," said Madras coach Mike Osborne. "We improved each and every game. Now we can see put things together for a playoff game." Inez Jones added 12 points and had f our steals and Teneasha Adams scored five points and recorded six steals for Madras, which improved to 13-11 overall and 7-3 in the Tri-Valley. Madras ended theregular season tied w ith Gladstone, which t h e White Buffaloes split with in two games this season, but lost the tie-breaker based on power rankings. Madras will play against an opponent to be determined in a Saturday

play-in game. R idgeview.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 C rook County.... . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 REDMOND — The Ravens shook off a 1 7-7 hole they found themselves in at the end of the first quarter and used a 20-12 fourth to put the Cowgirls away in Special District 1 action. Chloe Ross recorded 18 points, 13 rebounds and seven blocks to anchor the Ravens (2-22 overall, 1-2 SDI) in their final game of the season. Bailey Simmons added nine points, and Shae Wilcox dishedoutseven assists.Crook County (9-14, 2-1), which hosts Summit on Thursday, was led by Kimmer Severance's 19 points, while Michaeline Malott finished with 11. The Cow-

girls will play in the 4A play-in round on Friday or Saturday against an opponent yet to be determined.



Continued from C1 Robinson, who guarded Dahlen for most of the game, never let the 6-foot-6 Panther point forward take over the contest like he has done so many times before this season. "Jaylin did an outstanding job," Hayes said about his 6-3 junior forward. "Dahlen's not an easy guy to defend. He's long and plays the point ... but Jaylin hung with him and frustrated him." With Robinson keeping Dahlen in check and sophomore guard Christian Johnson putting constant pressure on Redmond's guards — Robinson ended the game with six deflections — the Bears handed the Panthers just their sixth loss of the season. Redmond, which is now 18-6 overall, ends IMC play with a 7-2 mark. The Panthers clinched a share of the league title earlier this month, but will be cochampions with Mountain View if the Cougars, who are 6-2 in the IMC, defeat the Bears on Friday in both teams' final contest before the 5A play-in round. Redmond, which entered the game No. 4 in the Oregon School Activities Association 5A rankings, awaits the final OSAA numbers to see if it earned an automatic berth into the 5A state playoffs as one of the top-eight ranked teams at the end ofthe regular season. "Everyone knows their roles and knows what they have to do," said Larson, who knocked down three 3-pointers Tuesday night. "It took us a while to get going — a bit longer than we wanted — but since the second round (of league

Continued from C1 "Our resiliency this year has been p h enomenal," Cruz said. "We have been down in s everal games, and the girls found ways to win. It really shows a lot about their character to be able to do that."



32, '(

a t hree-game winning

Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Bend's David Larson (32) shoots over Redmond's Matt Dahlen (2) to score during the first half on Tuesday night at Bend High.

games) we've got going. "This is a big win," added Larson, whose squad was 17th in the 5A rankings before the game but could move into a top-16 spot — and a home play-in game — after Tuesday's victory.

The Cougars (16-6, 5-3) were led by M egan McC adden's game-high 2 8 points and six r ebounds and Emma Platner contributed with eight points and three assists, but Mountain View was outscored 16-8 in the final quarter to snap

~)t ,J

"That was the No. 4 team in the state. We're going to roll after this." — Reporter: 541-383-0305, beastes@bendbultetin.com.

streak. "All these games, tt's tough to play teams three t imes," M o untain V i e w coach Steve Riper said. "It is what it is. Summit deserved to win. We broke down on defense a couple times. We had the lead, had the ball and had a couple turnovers." T he Storm c l ose t h e regular season on Thursday with a home contest against C r oo k C o u nty. Mountain View's season finale is a road contest at Bend High on Friday

PREP SCOREBOARD Boys Basketball Tuesday's results Class 5A Iniermouniain Conference REDMOND (37) — MattDahlen17, Bordges7, Genz3, cravens2, powell 2, craig2, Brown,Davies, ThomasTotals 13 8-1037. BEND (56) — WyattBea umarchais 18,Larson 11, Scott10,Robinson8, Spitler 5, Parsons2, Johnson 2,Ricker.Totals1912-15 56. Redmond 6 11 7 13 — 37 Bend 6 18 11 21 — 56 Three -pointgoals— Hedmond:Dahlen,Genz, Bordges;Bend:Larson3, Spitler, Scott.

SUMMIT (40) — Cade cattell 15, Moyer 12, Peters 9,Menafee2, Rasmussen 2, Mullen, Higlin, Ritchey,Ree ves, Michalski, Lucas, Derman.Totals 14 8-17 40. MOUNTAIN VIEW(57) —Mitch Modin i8, car-

roll 9,Lannin8,Haugen6,Siefken6,Logan4,Haney 2, Holly 2,Web b2, Whitsel, Roih,Hlelm,Kurzynows-

ki. Totals 5711-16 57. Summit 8 14 12 6 — 40 MountainView 4 1 7 24 12 — 57

Three-pointgoals—summit. Cattell 2, Moyer2; MountainView:none. Class 4A Tri-valley Conference

MADRAS(89) — JhaylenYeahquo29, Pichette 28, Mitcheil14,Haugen14,Spino3, Sullivan1, Fine, T. Smith Totals 3510-20 89. EsTACADA (95l Ryan Bauchier 31,Barstad 27, Lensch26,Begilin 5, Cantele 2,Smith 2, Miler 2, JohnsonShannon.Totals 3418-2595. Madras 21 23 16 22 7 — 89 Esiacada 21 24 13 24 13 — 95 Three-pointgoals— Madras: Mitchell 3, Yeahquo 2, Haugen2, Pichette,Spino; Estacada:Barstad5, Bauchier3, Begilin. Special District1 RIDGEVIEW (51) — JackBowm an 16, O'Neal 14, Mendazona7, Aamodt 6, Alvarez4, Rollins 2, Stiles 2,Stanton.Totals 1712-14 51. CROOKCOUNTY (40) — Dillon Dees 0, Washechek7, Benton 7, Sutfin 6 Mahurin6, Cooper 3, Rutz.Totals147-1340. Ridgeview 16 12 4 6 13 — 51

key 2 Hutchins, Seiber, Rose.Totals19 20-28 60. LAPINE (54) —Tyler Parsons17, Wieber13, Kraft 9,Boen6, Syres4, Siauw3,Gacke2, J. Ramirez, A.Ramierz Skopp.Totals 21 7-11 54. Sweet Home 14 1 3 17 16 — 60 La Pine 12 22 8 12 — 54 Three-pointgoals—Sweet Home:Daniels, Porter; La Pine:Parsons3, Kraft, Siauw.

Girls Basketball Tuesday's results Class 5A Iniermountain Conference

BENDt69) — Lisa Sylvester13, Mekayla Isaak 13, Froelich i2, Mcclay12,Burnham9, Howard 4, Crook 3 Maitox 2, Evert 1, Lundy,Kramer, Hayes. Totals 2613-15 69. REDM0ND(46) Kaylee wilson u, current crookcouniy 1 3 11 9 5 2 — 40 10, Dannis10,Benson6,Baker4,Wiliams 3, Bergum Three-pointgoals— Ridgeview:Aamodt 2, Bow- 2, LennieTotals1515-2746. man, Alvarez,Mendazona;CrookCounty:Mahurin2, Bend 23 12 23 11 — 69 Benton,Washechek, Dees. Redmond 8 12 8 18 — 46 T hree-point goal s — Be nd:Sylvester 2; Redmond: Monday result Wilson. Class 4A MOUNTAINVIEW(52) — MeganMccadden Sky-EmLeaguePlayoff 28, Platner 8,Booster6, Aiexander5, Cant3, WalAi Sisters HighSchool drup 2,Warren,Johnson,Reeves, Bailey. Totals17 16-23 52. SWEETHOME(60) —Grant Kauffman13,Hunter SUMMIT (53) —RaiaChar 22,Heinly11, PatJutte13,Porter12,Daniels10, Sarter8, Dixon2,Gas- terson 8,Edwards 6, Hasenoehrl 3, Cunif 2,Treio1,

PowersTotals 199-19 53. Mouniain view 1 017 1 7 8 — 5 2 Summit 11 18 8 16 — 53 Three-point goa s — Mountain View Platner, Alexander;Summit: Heinly 2, Char2, Edw ards, Patterson.

Class 4A Special District 1 CROOKCOUNTY (51) — Kimmer Severance 19, Malott11, Maley-Loper7, Ovens7, Lindburg5, Benton 2,Byram,Smith, Wood Totals 15 19-30 51. RIDGEVIEW (52) — ChloeRoss18,B.Simmons 9, Hidalgo7, c simmons5, Dwilder5, Durre4, H. Wilder 2,Wilcoxz Totals1911-24 52. Crook County 17 1 0 12 12 — 51 Ridgeview 7 12 13 20 — 52 Three-pointgoals — CrookCounty: Lindburg, Malott; Ridgeview: B.simmons, C.simmons, Durre.

Tri-valley conference EsTACADA(26) — Johnson 8, Eastman6, Hammons 4, Haga 4, stroup4, Kammeyer z Totals 9 41-3 26.

MADRAS (54) — MariahStacona26,Jones12, T. Adams5 Suppah4, K.Adams 3, J.Adams2, Esquivel2 Totals 208-1554. Esiacada 0 7 12 7 — 26 Madras 15 7 13 19 — 51 Three-point goals — Estacada:none; Madras:

stacona z

Continued from C1 Cal will carry a 10-game winning streak over Oregon into Thursday night's game at Matthew Knight Arena, including a 58-54 victory last month in Berkeley when the Bearsscored the game's final 10 points. That continued a stretch of futility for Oregon in the series, which includes UO coach Dana Altman's still seeking his first victory over Cal after five attempts, and Cal coach Mike Mont-

gomery unbeaten against Oregon in the five seasons he has coached the Bears. This meeting will also carry heavy implications in the conference race. The Bears are only two games behind Oregon after Sunday's victory over USC, and they have won five of their past seven games, including triumphs over the Ducks, Arizona and UCLA. Oregon counters with a 15-1 record at home this season, and with three consecutive victories the Ducks seem to have bounced back from a three-game slide that temporarily cost them sole possession of first place. "I feel good. Our position's good," UO senior E.J. Singler said. "I like how we have

Cal coachsays no excuse for shoving player BERKELEY, Calif. — California coach

Mike Montgomery says there is no excusefor him shoving his star

player during a game and that the action was completely out of character for him.

Montgomery has been publicly reprimanded by the Pac-12 conference and his own athletic

director for pushing Allen Crabbe with both hands during a timeout in the

second half of Cal's 7668 win over Southern California on Sunday night. After initially downplaying the event, Montgomery

issued anapology statement later that night and then expanded on that during a conference

call Tuesday. He said: "The fact was,

I was wrong. Looking back, you can't do that." — The Associated Press fered an official estimate on the return of Artis, nor have

three (games) at home and they been specific regarding just two away (to complete the regular season). "This was a big road sweep for us, but just playing for 20 minutes is not going to win these next five ballgames. We have to get back to playing a full 40 minutes." After Cal, the Ducks play host to Stanford on Saturday and entertain Oregon State on Feb. 28. The Pac-12 regular season then concludes with tw o r oad g ames: at Colorado on March 7 and at Utah on March 9. The Ducks have not of-


the injury itself. But after Saturday's game at Washington State, Singler described it as a stress fracture. "It's a touchy injury ... all I know is it's a stress fracture," Singler told reporters. "It's just taking a little more time than he thought, but we don't want to rush it. " We don't want t o r i sk

(rushing him back too soon); he'll just break his foot. He's taking his time right now.

He's up to jogging. He'll be back maybe inthe next couple weeks."

easy to compare those two because everything has to go Continued from C1 right that whole day. "This was probably one "You don't normally get of the most difficult winters the opportunity to have a that I can remember from mistake and come back from my 15 years of going through it. It just seems like it's hard offseasons here for teams to make up from a mistake. to actually get prepared to You look at the guys that come down here to Daytona," normally have that trophy Stewart said. "To have three at the end of the day, they're cars in the top five like that, guys that had no drama at all just really, really apprecia- during their race." tive and excited that we were Stewart's best shot at the able to bring three consistent Daytona 500 was probably cars down like this." 2008, when he was leading Stewart can bask in his role with a half lap remaining. as owner only until Thursday, He went low to hook up with when it will be time for him to then-teammate Kyle Busch, start focusing on the Daytona and Kur t B u sc h p u shed 500. It was in the back of his Newman into the lead and mind after qualifying last to the wm. In 2002, Stewart Sunday, when he was proud was dominant in everything of Patrick and the SHR orga- through Speedweeks, only nization but knew what was to have an engine failure two ahead for him as a driver. laps into the Daytona 500. "To me, my eye is still on Greg Zipadelli, who was next S unday. O w nership crew chief for Stewart 10 side this Sunday, next Sun- years, believes the duo had day I want it from the driver's multiple shots to win the Dayside," he said. tona 500 and other big races There's no questioninghow thathave eluded Smoke. "I honestly can sit here bad Stewart wants the win. Despite three Cup cham- and saythatfour or five of 10 pionships, 47 career wins in years together, we shoulda, NASCAR's top series and coulda won t h e D a y tona a record that proves he's as 500," Zipadelli said. "We did one of the most talented and all we could do at that time, versatile drivers in the world, we put an awful lot of efStewart has several glaring fortinto our speedway cars holes on his resume and one ... we led a lot of laps, and of them is the Daytona 500. had some crazy wrecks and In 17 seasons spanning some half-a-lap to go passes. NASCAR a n d Ind y C ar, Just crazy things." Stewart has been able to Stewart believes luck is cross most everything off his just as important as skill and to-do list. But he has fallen car setup when it comes to short 14 times in the Daytona the big races. "You do everything in your 500. He's won 18 career races at Daytona — four in the July power to take care of the sciCup race — but never in the ence or technology side, do biggest race of them alL everything you can to build Coincidentally, he's also the fastest car you've got," he never won the Coca-Cola 600 said. "Then if you don't have at Charlotte, the Southern 500 the luck to go with it — even at Darlington or his beloved if you don't have any drama Indianapolis 500. He turned with getting the car touched, down an offer from Roger nothing happens to the car, if Penske in December to return you're just in the wrong spot to the Indy 500 in a Penske car at the wrong time at the end, this season after an 11-year it can take you out of the opabsence from the race he was portunity to (win)." obsessed with as a child. Zipadelli said the duo has It's because his commit- taken some solace in their ment must be on his NAS- two Brickyard 400 wins at CAR organization, must be Indianapolis Motor Speedon his No. 14 Chevrolet, and way, but the big losses still right now the task is to finally sting. Stewart had a shot at grab a Daytona 500 victory. winning the Coca-Cola 600 in 2007 until a late flat tire He was reminded of how close he's come while watch- dropped him to sixth. "I think the worst thing ing arecent special on SPEED about drivers who have failed you can do is look at it and to win the biggest race on the put extra pressure on yourNASCAR schedule. self to try and make some"I saw three or four clips thing happen because that's of races where I remember usually when it doesn't," he we had a shot and let it get said. "You've got to roll with away from us," he said. "Ev- it and put your effort in and erything has to go right. The hopefully you ar e blessed Indy 500 is the same way. It's that day."

C5 © To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbulletin.com/business. Alsoseearecapin Sunday's Businesssection.









Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Spotlight on new homes

1,520 "

In 2012, homebuilders broke ground on themost new homes and apartments in four years. But economists anticipate that homebuilders got off to a slower start last month than in December, when housing starts hit a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 954,000. That pace is nearly double the recession low reached in April 2009. The Commerce Department is expected to report today that housing starts in January declined to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 910,000.

1,480 '

est. 910 889 851


S&P 500 "

Close: 1,530.94


Change: 11.15 (0.7%) 1 0 DA Y S

1 3 960


13,840 "


GOLD ~ $1,603.60


i, g


Close: 1 4,035.67

Change: 53.91 (0.4%) 10 DAYS

13,600 13,200


1,350 A



StocksRecap Vol. (in mil.) 3,479 1,729 Pvs. Volume 3,741 1,809 Advanced 2100 1671 Declined 9 48 8 0 8 New Highs 4 14 2 5 4 New Lows 21 18







DDW DDW Trans. DDW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000






14043.30 13980.90 14035.67 +53.91 6020.67 5946.45 6020.67 +74.22 477.23 472.38 476.88 +4.50 9004.41 8947.30 9004.39 t71J7 3213.60 3194.92 3213.59 +21.56 1530.94 1519.79 1530.94 t t j d 5 1123.74 1115.78 1123.74 +7.99 16182.95 16069.37 16182.95 +113.58 924.14 932.00 932.00 +8.85



%CHG. WK MO OTR YTO +0.39% L +7 . 11% +1.25% +13.45% +0.95% L +5.25% +6.64% +0.80% +0.68% +6.43% +0.73% +7.34% +0.72% L t1 0.1 2% +0.71% +7.92% +9.73% +0.96%

NorthwestStocks 750

ALK 31.29 — 0 49.77 50.30 +1.32 t2 . 7 AVA 22.78 ~ 28.05 26.50 + .01 . . . ~ L BAC 6.72 — 0 12.42 12.19 +.16 t1 . 3 L BBSI 1650 — 0 44 04 45.26 +1.33 +3 0 L L BA 66.82 ~ 78.02 74.65 38 -0.5 w L Close-Up on the Fed CascadeBancorp CACB 4 23 ~ 7 18 6.39 10 -15 V V CASC 42.86 — 0 65.45 64.45 -.07 -0.1 w w Today the Federal Reserve releases CascadeCp 58.47 53.64 +1.10 +2.1 L L the minutes of a two-day meeting its Columbia Sporlswear COLM 45.37 ~ Costco Wholesale C OST 81.98 ~ 105. 9 7 101.90 -.27 -0.3 w w policymakers held last month. Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5.62 ~ 8.92 6.82 -.01 - 0.1 w L After that meeting, the panel FLIR Systems FLIR 17.99 — 0 27.04 26.97 +.23 +0.9 L L acknowledged that the U.S. Hewlett Packard HPQ 11.35 ty— 2 9. 7 2 16.89 +.10 + 0.6 L V economy is still struggling to regain Home Federal Bucp ID HOME 8.67 ~ 1 4.0 0 11.39 -.22 -1.9 w w momentum, saying that growth had Intel Corp INTC 19.23 ~ 29.27 2 1. 0 9 -.03 -0.1 V V paused in recent months. The Keycorp K EY 6 . 80 — 0 9.60 9.5 6 +.1 0 + 1 .1 L L central bank took no new action, but Kroger Co KR 209 8 — 0 2880 28 . 21 + , 3 2 +1 ,1 L L said it would continue to try to boost Lattice Semi LSCC 3 17 ~ 6 89 5 11 + 17 +3 3 L L growth through a bond-buying LA Pacific L PX 7 , 67 — o 22,00 21 .90 + . 1 1 +0,5 L L program designed to keep borrowing MDU Resources MDU 19.59 — 0 23.99 24 .26 + . 3 1 +1.3 L L costs down. Mentor Graphics MENT 12,85 — 0 17,50 17 .53 + . 10 +0,6 L L Microsoft Corp MSFT 26.26 32.95 28 .05 + . 26 +1.0 Nike Iuc 8 NKE 42.55 57.41 54 .47 -.48 -0.9 V L Nordstrom Iuc JWN 46.27 58.44 56 .47 +1.07 +1.9 L Nwst Nat Gas NWN 41.01 50.80 45 .76 + . 2 9 +0.6 OfficeMax Iuc DMX 4.10 — 0 11.45 13 .00 +2.25+20.9 PaccarIuc PCAR 35,21 — 0 48.75 48 .46 + . 3 7 $ -0.8 Planar Systms PLNR 1.12 2.60 1.9 1 +. 1 0 +5 .5 Plum Creek PCL 35.43 49.69 48 .24 + . 3 6 +0.8 L Prec Castparts PCP 150.53 194.95 185.23 -.24 -0.1 w w Safeway Iuc SWY 14.73 23.16 20 .46 + . 04 +0.2 Schuitzer Steel SCHN 22.78 47.45 30 .55 -.38 -1.2 w L Sherwin Wms SHW 99,10 — 0 167.27 164.10 -2.60 -1.6 V L Staucorp Fucl S FG 2874 ~ 41 99 3 984 + 14 + 04 L L StarbucksCp S BUX 43.04 ~ 62.00 54.4 5 +. 1 1 + 0 .2 L V Triquiut Semi TQNT 4.30 ~ 7.26 4.91 +.0 4 + 0 .8 L W Umpqua Holdings UMP Q 11.17 ~ 13.88 13. 1 4 +. 0 3 +0.2 L L US Baucorp U SB 28.26 ~ 35.46 34.0 8 +. 1 7 +0 .5 L L Luxury builder'6 earnings Washington Fedl W A FD 14,30 — o 18,42 18 .20 +. 1 5 +0,8 L L $yHomebuilder Toll Brothers entered WellsFargo & Co WF C 2 9.80 36.60 35 .14 -.02 -0.1 W L November with sales trends pointing West CoastBcpOR WCBD 16,39 — o 24,06 23 .98 +. 1 6 +0,7 L L Weyerhaeuser WY 1 8 .60 — o 31.74 30 .83 + . 1 8 + 0.6 L w to a strong fiscal first quarter.

ODP Ciose $5.02L0.43 or 9.4% Several media reports said the office supply chain was in talks to combine with rival OfficeMax.







Source FactSet

Backlog is a measure of potential future revenue. The homebuild which caters to luxury homebuy reports its latest quarterly earni today. Investors will be listening clues about how the key spring home-selling season is shaping

Alaska Air Group Avista Corp Bank of America Barrett Business Boeing Co

,: ConAgra






$23.57 30



Operattng EPS

$0 02


1Q '12

Price-earnings ratio:


based on past 12 months' results

Dividend: none Source: FactSet AP

ConAgra Foods is raising Cpmpnny $2 .06 per share. Analysts its earnings outlook for Spntiight surveyed by FactSet had 2013. It's prompted by its expected $2.12 per share. $5 billion acquisition of food maker ConA g ra Foods announced in Ralcorp and better-than-expected N o v ember that it was buying results from its consumer foods store-brand food producer and commercial foods segments. R a l corp for $90 per share. The The food company, whose Ralcorp transaction is expected brands include Banquet and Chef t o a d d about 5 cents per share to Boyardee, said Tuesday that it ConA g r a's fiscal 2013 adjusted now foresees adjusted earnings of e a rnings. ConAgra said it expects about $2.15 per share for fiscal Ralc o rp to add about 25 cents 2013. That's up from its previous per s hare to its fiscal 2014 guidance for earnings of at least adj u s ted earnings.

Tuesday 's close: $33.45

20 18


D J 52-week range


F $6.16

V01382.8m (12.9x avg.) Mkt. Cap: $1.43 b

PE: . Yield:.

NAME BkofAm 1577788 S&P500ETF 780462 DfficeDpt 663768 Staples 643417 iShEMkts 498118 Facebook 0 474563 RschMotn 446589 Cisco 437983 GenElec 406224 SPDR Fncl 403283

12.19 +.16 153.25 +1.14 5.02 + . 43 14.65 +1.70 44.08 +.09 28.93 +.61 14.36 + . 20 21.46 + . 47 23.75 + . 46 1 7.93 t . t 7

Gainers NAME

L AST 6 .47 3 .82 ChiMobG 0 4 .78 Elbitlmg 3.20 DfficeMax 1 3.00 Power-One 4.91 RochMed 1 4.11 RedRobin 4 3.33 SunPwrh 1 3.39 InfinityPh 4 1.10

Novogen s PVF Cap

CH G %CHG +4. 3 8 +209.6 +1 . 3 0 +51.6 +1 . 3 3 +38.6 +.87 +37.3 +2 . 2 5 +20.9 +.79 +19.2 +2 . 2 5 +19.0 +6. 8 8 +18.9 +1 . 9 4 +16.9 +5 . 9 0 +16.8

Losers NAME GMX Rs rs DigitlGn h SecNtl If Cimatron eHealth

LAST 3.29 6.45 9.86 9.19 16.30

CHG %CHG -1.67 -33.7 -2.53 -28.2 -2.42 -19.7 -1.98 -17.7 -3.41 -17.3

Foreign Markets LAST CHG %CHG +68.78 +1.88 3,735.82 London 6,379.07 + 60.88 + . 96 Frankfurt 7,752.45 +123.72 +1.62 Hong Kong 23,143.91 -237.99 -1.02 Mexico 44,641.32 t499.40 + 1.13 Milan 16,664.42 +258.39 +1.58 Tokyo -35.56 —.31 11,372.34 Stockholm 1,193.77 + 7.79 + . 6 6 Sydney + 18.03 + . 3 5 5,100.97 Zurich 7,579.50 +82.27 +1.10 NAME Paris


D J 52-week range

$11.51 ~

F $23.27

Volu18.2m (6.5x avg.) P E: . . . Mkt. Cap:$4.11 b Yiel d : 2. 5 %

HUM Staples SPLS Close:$73.01 V-4.98 or -6.4% Close: $1 4.65 %1.70 or 13.1% Government data that points to Analysts said that the office supply steeper-than-expected rate cuts for chain would benefit if a rumored Medicare Advantage plans in 2014 combination of OfficeMax and Office weighed on the health insurer. Depot went through. $90 $16 80 14




D J 52-wcek range

$16.57 ~

Commodities The price of natural gas jumped 3.8 percent on expectations that colder weather may mean more demand for heating. That is its biggest jump in more than five weeks. Crude oil rose.

Foreign Exchange The dollar fell against the

Japanese yen, which has been a rare occurrence in recent months. The yen had

been on a steady decline against the dollar since last autumn.

h5N4 QG

F $16.93

Vol068.0m (5.8x avg.) PE:1465.0 Mkt. Cap:$9.87 b Yiel d : 3. 0 %

Perry Ellis PERY Close: $16.79%-2.54 or -13.1% The clothing maker's outlook for the fourth quarter and this year came in short of Wall Street predictions. $25 20


D J 52-week range

$16.29 ~

F $23.25

Volu478.7k(4.4xavg.) Mkt. Cap:$269.11 m

PE : 2 0.7 Yield : ...

Red Robin Gourmet


Close:$43.33 %6.88 or 18.9% More customers ate at the company's restaurants and they

spent more each visit, propelling fourth-quarter profit. $45 40 35


D J 52-week range

$27.15 ~ V0101.5m (9.3x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$617.5 m

F $45.55 P E: 26 . 1 Yield:... AP

NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO OTR AGO 3-month T-bill 6-month T-bill 52-wk T-bill

The yield on the 10-year Treasury note rose to 2.03 percent Tuesday. Yields affect interest rates on consumer loans.


. 09 .10 . 1 3 .12 .15 .15




.08 .11 .15

2 -year T-note . 27 .27 ... 5-year T-note . 89 .86 +0 . 0 3 L 10-year T-note 2.03 2.00 + 0.03 L 30-year T-bond 3.21 3.18 +0.03 L



.29 .86 2.00 3.15


-0.01 L +0 .0 1 L



PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 21.42 +.13 +5.0 +12.9 +11.8 + 58 A A A 12.8 4 - .01 -0.6 +3.9 +5.9 + 41 D C E 54.48 +.34 +3.2 +11.6 +9.7 + 31 A 8 C CpWldGrlA m 39.00 +.29 +4.8 +14.4 +9.2 + 1.8 8 C C EurPacGrA m 42.79 +.35 t3.8 +11.1 +7.2 +1.0 C C A FnlnvA m 43.5 1 + .34 +6.7 +14.8 +12.1 + 37 8 C C Western Asset MuBdLtdA m SBLTX GlthAmA m 36. 5 1 +.22 +6.3 +14.9 +11.4 + 36 A D D IncAmerA m 18 . 82 +.11 t4.2 +12.5 t11.6 + 54 A A B LIMITED MODERATE EXTENSIVE InvCoAmA m 31 .91 +.22 +5.8 +12.9 +10.4 + 34 D D D NewPerspA m 32.93 +.27 +5.3 +15.1 +10.8 + 39 A 8 B WAMutlnvA m 33.10 +.26 t6.1 +13.2 t13.3 + 43 D 8 B 2O Dodge &Cox Inc o me 1 3.86 .. . 0.0 +5 . 5 + 6.4 +6.9 8 C 8 IntlStk 36.37 +.32 + 5 .0 + 13.3 +8.0 +1.0 A 8 A Stock 132.45 +.79 + 8 .7 + 19.2 +12.9 +2.9 A 8 D Fidelity Contra 81.51 +.41 + 6 .0 + 12.8 +13.5 +5.4 B 8 8 GrowCo 98.5 5 +. 54 + 5 . 7 +9 . 3 +15.2 +7.2 D A A LowPriStk d 42. 3 4 +.31 + 7 .2 + 1 3.2 +14.7 +7.5 D C B Fidelity Spartan 50 0ldxAdvtg 54 . 35 +.40 +7 .6 +15.0 +13.7 +4.9 B A B FrankTemp-Fraukliulncome A m 2.3 0 +.01 +3 .7 + 13.4 +11.1 +5.9 A A 8 Cl Oppeuheimer RisDivA m 18.6 8 +.14 +7 .4 + 11.4 +12.2 +4.3 D C C RisDivB m 16.9 2 +.13 + 7 .2 + 10.4 +11.2 +3.4 E D D RisDivC m 16.8 4 +.13 + 7 .3 + 10.6 +11.3 +3.5 E D D Morningstar OwnershipZone™ SmMidValA m 35.96 +.22 + 11.0 +11.5 +10.3 +1.2 E E E Vertical axis represents average credit SmMidValB m 30.34 +.19 +10.9 +10.6 +9.4 +0.4 E E E quality; horizontal axis represents PIMCO TotRetA m 11.1 9 . .. -0.2 + 7 .1 + 6 .7 +7.4 A 8 A interest-rate sensitivity T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 28.60 +.24 + 8 .1 + 16.7 +13.1 +4.5 8 8 8 CATEGORY Muni National lnterm GrowStk 39.84 +.16 +5 .5 + 1 1.9 +14.2 +6.0 8 A B 45.87 +.15 +9.3 +27.8 +21.9 +13.3 A A A MORNINGSTAR HealthSci RATING™ * ** * y r Vanguard 500Adml 141.43+1. 05 t7.7 +15.0 +13.7 +4.9 8 A 8 ASSETS $1,475 million 500lnv 141.41+1. 05 +7.6 +14.9 +13.6 +4.8 8 A 8 CapDp 37.17 +.23 +10.6 +19.5 +10.9 +6.0 A D 8 EXP RATIO 0.72% Eqlnc 26.06 +.24 +7.9 +16.6 +15.9 +6.2 8 A A MANAGER Dennis McNamara GNMAAdml 10.84 -0.3 tt.7 +5.2 +5.9 C A A SINCE 2012-09-01 MulntAdml 14.39 +0.5 +4.0 +5.6 +5.4 8 8 8 RETURNS3-MD -0.3 STGradeAd 10.82 +0.2 t3.5 +3.6 +3.9 8 8 B YTD +0.7 StratgcEq 23.62 +.17 +10.1 +16.2 +16.9 +5.8 8 A C 1-YR +4.9 TotBdAdml 10.98 -.01 -0.7 t2.9 +5.5 t5.7 D D C 3-YR ANNL +5.9 Totlntl 15.52 +.14 +3.6 t9.5 +6.8 -0.5 D C 8 5-YR-ANNL +5.3 TotStlAdm 38.53 +.29 +8.1 +14.9 +14.2 +5.6 8 A A TotStldx 38.51 +.28 +8.1 +14.8 +14.0 +5.5 8 A A TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT USGro 22.88 +.15 +7.6 +12.1 +13.1 +6.1 8 8 B San Francisco Calif City & Cnt Rev 4.9% Welltn 35.51 +.18 t4.9 +11.9 +10.9 +6.1 A A A 1.91 WelltnAdm 61.34 +.32 t4.9 +12.0 +11.0 +6.2 A A A Harris Cnty Tex Indl Dev Corp Rev 8 4.7% Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs 1$paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption 1.71 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing fee and either asales or redemption fee. Source: Morn1ngsta7. Texas Mun GasAcquisition & Su Sr 6.25%

Morningstar analysts give this muFUND nicipal bond fund a bronze-medal FAMILY rating. Its managers have recent- American Funds BalA m Most Active BondA m ly been cutting back on the fund's CaplncBuA m VOL (Ogs) LAST CHG sensitivity to rising interest rates.



Sealed Air SEE Close:$21.15%1.75 or 9.0% The BubbleWrap maker posted a narrower loss in the fourth quarter and predicted better results this year.

Barclays LoogT-Bdldx 2.92 2.81 +0.11 L Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.05 4.04 +0.01 L $24 ~ ~ ~ ~ 34 Barclays USAggregate 1.92 1.92 . . . L PriCe-earningS ratiO (Etase$j on past12 months' results): 21 PRIME FED Barclays US High Yield 5.89 5.91 -0.02 W 5-Y R * : 1 3 % 10 - Y R*:7% T otalreturnthisyear:14% 3 - YR * :15% Dividend:$1.00 Di v . yield:3.0% RATE FUNDS Moodys AAACorp Idx 3.91 3.90 +0.01 L AP Total returns through Feb. 19 SOURCES: FactSet YEST 3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.16 1.14 +0.02 L 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 Barclays US Corp 2 . 8 2 2.81 +0.01 L 1 YR AGO3.25 .13 FundFocus SelectedMutualFunds

ConAgra (CAG)

1Q ' 13





+ 16.7 +31.1 6 9 6 1 2 L + 9.9 +8.6 670 18 1. 2 2f L +5.0 +55 . 1157779 47 0 . 0 4 L +18 8 + 1 75 0 8 9 24 0 52 w -0.9 + 2 . 2 3 662 1 5 1 .94f 70 L +2 1 +16 1 10 dd L +0.2 +17 . 6 11 5 1 4 1. 4 0 N D J F L +0.5 +9.9 215 18 0.8 8 52-week range L +3.2 +32 . 5 1 834 25 1 .10a $59.92 ~ $93.36 L + 5.2 +4.6 9 52 Volu14.8m (7.4x avg.) P E: 9. 8 L +20.9 + 8.7 10 2 6 1 8 0. 2 8 Mkt. Cap:$11.55 b Yiel d : 1 .4% L +18.5 -40.6 17185 dd 0 .53 w -8.4 +10.1 22 88 0. 2 4a Digital Generation DGIT L +2.3 -17.2 29974 10 0 .90 Close:$6.45 V-2.53 or -28.2% L +13.8 +22 .6 10864 11 0 . 2 0 The advertising company's strategic L +84 +19, 7 36 2 6 2 3 0, 6 0 review couldn't come up with anyone L +27 9 - 25 9 547 d d interested in buying part or all of the L +13.4 + 1 75.5 2306 c c company. L +14.2 +14 .9 62 9 0.69 $12 L +3,0 +20, 0 86 2 15 10 +5.0 -4.7 36288 15 0 . 92 L +5.6 +4.5 4 1 1 6 2 3 0 . 8 4 L +5 6 +10 7 2 3 07 1 7 1 0 8 N D J F +3 5 - 0 4 10 1 2 0 1 . 82 52-week range +33.2 +95.5 12320 3 0.0 8 $6.43 ~ $13.20 +7.2 +12.1 1391 16 0.80a Vol04.6m (7.7x avg.) PE: .. +33.6 -13.4 9 dd Mkt. Cap:$178.46 m Yield :.. L + 87 +28 8 61 0 39 1 6 8 w -2.2 + 1 0.2 7 7 3 2 0 0. 1 2 EarthLink ELNK +13.1 -6.4 5652 10 0 . 70 Close:$6.17 V-0.76 or -11.0% L +0.7 - 23.1 349 4 5 0 . 75 The telecommunications provider's L +6.7 +69 . 6 86 6 2 5 2. 0 0f loss deepened and its revenue outlook for this year was short of Wall L +8 6 +2 4 370 13 0 93f Street expectations. L + 1.5 +13. 7 5 7 23 2 9 0. 8 4 $7.5 L +1.7 -21.3 1636 dd L +11. 5 +7. 0 57 0 14 0. 3 6 7.0 L +6.7 +21. 2 7 4 67 1 2 0. 7 8 6.5 L +7,9 +15, 8 23 9 14 0,3 2 L +2.8 +19. 9 24548 10 1. 00f N D J F 52-week range L +8,3 +47, 5 2 6 21 0,20 $5.94~ $5.59 L +10. 8 +5 7 .5 5 388 4 3 0. 6 8 DividendFootnotes: a -Extra dividends werepaid, ttnt are not included. 5 - Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. e - Amountdeclared or paid in last12 months. 1 -Current V0103.2m (5.7x avg.) PE: 5 6 . 1 The company ended it s previous annual rate, wh>chwas mcreasen by most recent diudend announcement. i - Sum ot dividends pud after stock split, no regular rate. j - Sum of rwidends pud th>$year. Most recent Mkt. Cap:$642.83 m Yi eld: 3.2% quarter with a 54 percent increase in uudend was omitted or deferred k - Declared or pud th>$year, a cumulative issue with dividends m arrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend p - Imtial dividend, annual rate not known, y>eld not shown. 7 - Declared or paid in precedmg 12 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approx>matecash its backlog of homes under contract. announcement. SOURCE: Sungard value on ex-distrittution date.Fe Footnotes:q - Stock is 9 closed-2nd fund - no P/5 ratio shown. cc - P/5 exceeds 99. dd - Loss in last12 months A




NAME 700

' Qii


Office Depot

12400 . A



The Standard & Poor's 500 index rose Tuesday to close at its highest level since October 2007. Optimism climbed following reports that Office Depot and OfficeMax are discussing a merger. If a marriage does happen, the retailers would join a string of recent announcements that have included such big names as American Airlines, Dell and H.J. Heinz. The S8 P 500 has climbed for seven weeks on relief that most workers escaped tax hikes scheduled for 2013. Investors seem to be ignoring cuts in government spending that are scheduled to start March 1. The Dow Jones industrial average rose to within 1 percent of its record high, set in October 2007.

1,450 1,400


Dow Jones industrials








10 YR T NOTE 2.03% ~

+ii is


Housing starts Seasonally adjusted annual rate (thousandsj 1,000


"'"' + 1,530.94




2.67 4.57 2.13 7.3 6 3.87 1.08 3.42

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Dil (bbl) 96.66 95.86 + 0.83 + 5 . 3 Ethanol (gal) 2.37 2.35 - 0.13 + 8 . 0 Heating Dil (gal) 3.18 3.21 - 0.93 + 4 . 5 -2.4 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.27 3.15 +3.77 Unleaded Gas(gal) 3.12 3.13 -0.42 + 11.0 FUELS


Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. 1603.60 1608.80 29.41 29.84 1697.50 1677.70 3.64 3.73 763.75 752.75

%CH. %YTD -0.32 -4.3 -1.43 -2.5 +1.18 +10.3 - 2.32 + 0 . 1 + 1.46 + 8 . 7

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD -2.7 1.26 1.26 -0.08 1.37 1.37 -0.33 -5.1 -0.4 Corn (bu) 6.95 6.99 -0.50 Cotton (Ib) 0.82 0.81 + 1.06 + 9 . 4 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 389.80 399.80 - 2.50 + 4 . 3 + 7.1 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.24 1.29 - 3.53 Soybeans (bu) 14.70 14.25 + 3.21 + 3 . 6 Wheat(bu) 7.32 7.42 -1.35 -5.9 AGRICULTURE

Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)

1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.5423 —.0038 —.25% 1.5843 Canadian Dollar 1.01 1 9 + .0010 +.10% . 9 9 60 USD per Euro 1.3389 +.0039 +.29% 1 . 3159 —.54 —.58% 79.46 Japanese Yen 93.44 Mexican Peso 12. 6 563 —.0332 —.26% 12.7741 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3. 6729 —. 0138 —. 38% 3.7358 Norwegian Krone 5.5338 —.0213 —.38% 5.7041 South African Rand 8. 8559 —. 0410 —.46% 7.7350 6.3039 —.0408 —.65% 6.7191 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .9231 —.0005 —.05% .9187 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar .9654 -.0058 -.60% . 9 330 Chinese Yuan 6.2490 +.0015 +.02% 6 .3001 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7542 +.0001 +.00% 7 .7541 Indian Rupee 54.176 -.090 -.17% 49.275 Singapore Dollar 1.2359 -.0040 -.32% 1.2579 South Korean Won 1078.71 -4.59 -.43% 1125.55 -.15 -.51% 2 9 .56 Taiwan Dollar 29.57

© www.bendbulletin.com/business



Jeep's Twitter account hacked Someonehackedinto Jeep's Twitter account

on Tuesday,posting fake tweets about the brand being sold to Cadillac and that it was suspending

factory production. The move was similar to an incident involving Burger

King on Monday.A spokesmanfor Chrysler Group LLC, which owns

Jeep, said hehadno idea if the two cases were linked, although he said

as ricessoar es ieoi ou u By Kevin G. Hall WASHINGTON — Like locusts ravaging fertile crops, gasolineprices are soaring again and eating away at the

up a sharp 44 cents per gallon from just a month ago, according to the AAA's Fuel Gauge Report. "It's the 33rd day in a row that we've seen (an) increase"

purchasing power of ordinary

in gasoline prices, said Nancy

Americans. And again, financial speculators appear to be a big part of the story. The national average pump price hit $3.74 for a gallon of unleaded gasoline Tuesday,

White, a spokeswoman for AAA. More than a passing pain, rising gasoline prices act like a tax on consumers, harming the economy by whittling

McClatchy Newspapers

away at the amount of money the consumer can spend on other things. Gasoline expendituresas a percentage ofU.S. household income hit threedecade highs in 2012, and the recent spike suggests 2013 might not be much better. The rising gasoline prices come even though the United States now produces more than half the oil it consumes. In fact, the nearly 800,000-

barrel-per-day increase in U.S. production output from 2011 to 2012 reflected the largest one-year jump since oil drilling began in 1859. Enter financial speculation. Commercial end-users of oil, such as airlines and trucking companies, that once dominated 70 percent of the market for future deliveries of oil now representjust30 percent.Noncommercial financial specula-

torsnow dominate 70 percent of the market. The trading is dominated by Wall Street banks, hedge funds and other financial institutions that have no intention of taking delivery of the oil needed to make gasoline. "It's speculators who are moving markets," said Bart Chilton, a commissioner at the Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

the visuals lookedsimilar.

Confidence dips among builders

FBI opens inquiry on Heinz trading

Builder confidence ticked down slightly to a level just below "good"

in February, according to a survey. Builder confidence in how the market

for newly constructed single-family homes will fare remained pretty

much the sameas last month, declining a point to 46, according to the

National Association of Home Builders/Wells

Fargo HousingMarket Index.

Ford to produce engines in Ij.S. Ford is moving production of a popular small engine from Spain to Cleveland assales of four-cylinder motors rise. The move will add about 450 jobs at the factory that now employs about1,300. — From wire reports

BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR TODAY • What's Brewing?: Joshua Crass, Facebook Prineville Data Center manager, will give astatus update on thedata center, the jobs and infrastructure created and construction progress on Building 2 and its cold storage addon facility; free; 7-8 a.m.; Meadow Lakes Restaurant, 300 Meadow LakesDrive, Prineville; 541-447-7640. • Network For Entrepreneurial Women: Jana Owen of Freedom Personal Development will give a presentation on "Discovering Your Entrepreneurial DNA"; registration required; $22 for members, $27 for nonmembers; 5-8 p.m.; St. Charles Bend, 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-848-8598 or www.networkwomen. OIQ.

• YoungProfessionals Network:Networking; RSVP required; $5 for members, $12 for nonmembers; 5 p.m.; Jones & RothCPAs and Business Advisors, 300 SW Columbia St., Suite 201, Bend; www. bendchamber.org. THURSDAY • Small-businesstax updates:Presented by Opportunity Knocks and Fast CascadesRisk Management Association; an update on 2012tax filing rules andcommonly missed or misunderstood small-business credits; registration required; $25 for Opportunity Knocks members and$35for nonmembers; 7:30-9 a.m.; Bend Golf andCountry Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-3184650 or www.eventbrite. com/event/ 5366453206. SATURDAY • 2013 SpringSheep ProducersWorkshop — LambingTour:Central Oregon sheepproducers, in cooperation with Oregon State University Extension Service, will present this three-part series, designed to give all agesand levels of sheep producers an opportunityto connect, observe and learn; free; 10 a.m.; HayCreekRanch, 1219 S.E.Haycreek Road, Madras; 541-480-1340 or tcf©cbbmail.com. To find freeincome tax preparation help, visit the Events Calendar at www. bendbulletirtcomlevents. For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or visit bendbuiiettrtcomlbizoal.

• City is expected to host the Oregon Senior Games starting in 2014

By Ben Protess New York Times News Service

By Rachael Rees The Bulletin

Starting in June 2014, Bend isexpected to become the home of the Oregon Senior Games, a 14-sport event that could draw thousands ofathletes ages 50 and older, Visit Bend announced Tuesday. "Baby boomers are ... starting to retire, and they're largely an athletic bunch," said Kevney Dugan, director of sales and sports development for Visit Bend, the city's tourism agency. They "have disposable income; they're wiling to travel (and) they tend to be pretty competitive.

So, (putting on) sports events is a way to attract them." The National Senior Games Association, which acts as a governing organization, selected Bend to host the

Oregon games during its annual meeting last week. Efforts to bring the Oregon Senior Games to Bend have been under way since 2009, but until last week, Oregon was one of two states without senior games sanctioned by the national association, according to Visit Bend. The Oregon Amateur Sports Foundation, which organizes the annual State Games of Oregon, previously hosted the Oregon Senior Games, but dropped it because of the cost, said Kerry Duffy, president and CEO of the foundation. Restarting the senior games in Bend will mean a new role for Visit Bend: producing the event.


The Bullesnf>le photo

Pickleball, being played here in July by one of the founding members of the Bend Pickleball Club, could be an event in the Oregon Senior Games, which are expected to be held in Bend in 2014. The National Senior Games, as well as those in California and Washington, feature the event. The agency was hesitant to take charge and originally hoped another organization would run it. But "at the end of the day, we saw too much value in what this event could do to not just run with it," Dugan said, noting the possible economic benefits of attracting active seniors to the region.

"This group of people

could then turn into secondhome owners or retire here. It's just a great opportunity to, again, introduce a new set

of people." Dugan said the immediate benefit will be the annual economic impact to the city and region. While some states may select a different city every year to host the games, Oregon's will remain in Bend because of Visit Bend's involvement.

The agency expects to draw 500 participants for Oregon's first senior games, scheduled for June 2014, and anticipates attendance will grow each year. Established senior games in Washington and California attract between 2,000 and 2,500 athletes a year, Dugan said. And if the Oregon games become successful, Central Oregon could even host the nationals, which typically draws more than 10,000 athletes. "You're talking about a significant influx of seniors," Dugan said, adding that seniorsgenerally have more free time. "They don't just come and competeand leave. They could stick around and do the awards presentations, do more here while they'rehere and extend their

vacations." Dugan said he envisions a two-week competition with local senior athletes helping stage seven different sporting tournaments each weekend at different venues in Bend. From atourism perspective,Doug La Placa, CEO and president of Visit Bend, said he'd rather hold the games in October. But Dugan said he tried to pick a date that would not conflict with competitions in neighboring states. Dugan said Visit Bend does not intend to make money by producing the sen-

ior games. "What we're trying to do is drive tourism and drive traffic to local businesses," he said. "So if we can make this a break even, that's a win." — Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees@bendbulletin.com

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has opened an inquiry into suspicious trades placed ahead of the $23 billion acquisition of H.J. Heinz, a person briefed on the matter said. The FBI's involvement adds to the scrutiny surrounding the deal. Last week, the Securities and Exchange Commission froze a Swiss account linked to possible insider trading in the Heinz takeover. Like the SEC, the FBI's office in New York, one of the main players behind the government's recent crackdown on insider trading, is examining a series of well-timed options trades made a day before Berkshire Hathaway and the investment firm 3G Capital agreed to buy Heinz. The deal sent the company's shares — and the value of the options contracts

— soaring.

"The FBI is consulting with the SEC to see if a crime was committed," an FBI spokesman said in a statement. The investigation centers on an unusual spike in options trades involving Heinz. The tradersbought 2,533 call options on Feb 13 through a Swiss account at Goldman Sachs, according to the SEC, which called the activity a "drastic" uptick in trading. At the time of the SEC's action on Friday, authorities had not yet determined the identity of the traders, and the FBI declined to comment further on Tuesday. Goldman, which is not accused of wrongdoing, was the conduit for the trades. A bank spokesman said Goldman was "cooperating" with the investigation.

HTC unveilsnewflagship smartphone By Salvador Rodriguez Los Angeles Times

HTC introduced its next flagship smartphone Tuesday, formally unveiling the new HTC One, which will make its global debut in late March. The HTC One is made of aluminum and features a high-resolution 4.7-inch screen with a full HD 1080p resolution. Its screen has a 468-pixel density — possibly the greatest of any current smartphone. HTC, however, is trying to set its phone apart from the crowd with top-of-the-line features in areas oth-

er than the screen. For starters, the HTC One will include HTC BoomSound, which means it will have two dual frontfacing speakers. HTC is also boasting about the device's UltraPixels Camera, which is supposed to take better photos in low-light situations but limits the image's resolution. The company also announced HTC Zoe, a feature that allows the device to take a flurry of pictures that are put together to create t h ree-second snippets, similar to GIF files. The HTC One also has an infra-

red sensor in its power button that allows it to be used as a TV remote with the use of an app. On the software side, HTC announced BlinkFeed, a feature that l ets users stream c ontent f r o m t heir social networks as well a s news sites onto their device's home screen. The HTC One uses a 1.7-GHz quad-core Snapdragon 600 processor and will have 32 or 64 gigabytes of storage. The phone will come in black or silver and will be available from AT8T, T-Mobile and Sprint in late March.

HTC is highlighting the

precision ma-

Ile m

chining used in making its new One smartphone. The company says it has eliminated all the little

gaps between different parts, giving the phone a smooth, tight feel in the hand. The Associated Press

BANKRUPTCIES Chapter 7 Filed Feb. 12 • Chad Baxter, P.O.Box 153, Bend • Anthony R. Delucia, 995 S.W. Rimrock Way, Redmond

• Marsha R. McGuire, 151 N.E. McKee, Prineville • David A. Kissler, 475 N.E. Gumwoood Lane, Madras Filed Feb. 14 • Theresa L. Getty-Adam,

• Phillip W. Thomas, 2758 S.W. Peridot Ave., Redmond 1401 S.W. Eureka Lane, Madras • Sharon R. Matthews, 20061 Mount Faith Place, Filed Feb. 15 Bend • Cynthia S. Brown, 2473 • Jackie L. Bridges, 61060 N.W. Awbrey RoadNo. Kings Lane No.101, Bend 2, Bend

• Sharon A. Endicott, 20644 Cherry TreeLane, Bend • Jimmy D. Sleutel Jr., 'l609 N.W. Canyon Drive, Redmond • Mary E. Gluck, 2524

S.W.27th St.,Redmond Filed Feb. 17 • Taylor M. Knox, P.O.Box 1086, Prineville Filed Feb. 18 • Todd A. Goodew,P.O. Box1272, Redmond

Chapter 13 Filed Feb. 12 • Carlos A. Perez, 2348 Awbrey Road, Bend Filed Feb. 15 • Randal L. Hermanns, 17878 Dipper Lane, Bend

IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > Reader photos, D2 Outdoors Calendar, D4 Sky Watch, D4 THE BULLETIN 0 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 20, 2013

O www.bendbulletin.com/outdoors



For snow conditions

Hi Desert's u -an -comin esert a roun

at Oregon ski resorts,



• Cline Buttes RecreationAreaoffers plenty of hiking j

Sportsmen's show comingup The 14th annual Central Oregon

Sportsmen's Showis setfor March 7-10at the Deschutes County Fair &

Expo Center inRedmond. Organizers promise the show will feature

sporting and outdoor equipment, information and experts, according to a news release. It will

also include an RVand boatshow, featuring

everything from motor homes to tent trailers and ski boats to kayaks. Vendors will be on

By Anne Aurand The Bulletin

Just minutes north of Bend, there's a huge, multiuse High Desert recreation mecca, a perfect place to escape winter on a mid-February day. Who knew? Apparently, lots of people, but I was not one of them until last week when I made the short drive with a friend to the southern edge of the 32,000-acre Cline Buttes Recreation Area, which abuts Eagle Crest Resort east of Redmond. The area, a mix of old-growth juniper, sagebrush steppe grasslands, buttes and river canyons, has something to offer many outdoors-minded folks: off-highway vehicle (OHV) riders, hikers, runners, mountain bikers, equestrians and

anglers. Each user group gets their own piece of the public land. The Bureau of Land Management has lots of interest-




ing plans for this place. The BLM and its various partners are developing new trails, trailheads, signs and maps for various sections of the Cline Buttes Recreation Area. Their currentfocus is on two nonmotorized trail networks in the Maston area on the southeast corner and the Tumalo Canal Historic Area on the central southern end, said Greg Currie, a landscape architect with the Prineville District BLM. By the end of this year, he said, trailheads, workable trail loops and maps for those areas will be clearer. SeeOuting /D3





d hl



Anne Aurand I TheBulletin

The new Mastan area trailhead in the Cline Buttes Recreation Area is well-developed and impossible ta miss, thanks in large part ta this new sign.

hand to show andsell fishing, hunting, camping and other outdoor

gear. Theevent also in-


cludes the annual Head


and Horns competition, kids' trout fishing pond, 3-D pop-up archery, camp-cooking demonstrations, other demonstrations and seminars. A complete list of



seminars is available at www.thesportshows.

com/coss. Admission is $10for adults, $5 for thoseages 6 to16 and free for those

5 and younger.Two-day passes are$15.Show hours are noon to 8p.m. Thursday andFriday March 7-8;10a.m. to 8

p.m. Saturday, March 9; and10a.m. to 4 p.m. Sunday, March10.

Elk foundation plans banquet

A +ijorer I;aces~ - alan'g a groomed

The Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation's Central

trail near Wanaga Sna-park at last

Oregon chapter will host its annual Big Game Banquet from 4:30 to11 p.m. April13 at the Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center in Redmond. Tickets to the event, which will raise money for the foundation's

year's Bachelor


Butte Dag Derby.. -..' ' 6





' ;


.Courtesy pSDSA.

' -

habitat improvement efforts, cost $40 for

current members and $75 for nonmembers and can bepurchased through the foundation's

he 1,000-mile Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race starts March 2 in A n c horage, Alaska. That same weekend, several Central Oregon mushers will compete in the Bachelor Butte

website at events.rmef. org/! FUL or by calling Tom Jacobson at 541383-851 8. — From staff reports

Dog Derby, a sled-dog and skijoring


(dog-powered nordic skiing) event that is smaller than the Iditarod in nearly

A story headlined

every way.


sons," which appeared Sunday,Feb.17,on Page C1, contained an is 541-383-7257. The Bulletin regrets

• Central Oregon is home to a small but committed contingent of mushers,skijorers




TRAILS OF ICEANDCRUST Winter trails are still fairly icy and

crusty. There is achance of snowat mid to high elevations, which would improve conditions greatly.


Virginia Meissner:


About14-26 inches

32-40 inches



snow hazards Upper ThreeCreek:12-20 inches; watch for low-snow

About 34-42 inches

About 84-90 inches Crescent:About18-20 inches

hazards, icy for the first mile of the trail

Edison Butte:24-30 inches;

Ten Mile Sno-park:

WanogaSnoplayArea and Sno-park:26-32 inches

watch for rocks and low-

at least two ambulance runs upthere. If it is icy, folks should consider not even sledding — try some other snowplay on the flat terrain areas instead. For those that do choose to sled on icy days, start lower on the hill than usual

DutChmall Flat Silg-Park 6,350 ft.

The Second AnnualCentral Oregon

SeeTrail Update/D4


LakeS MeiSSIIer

Sng-park Sng-park 5,800 ft.

to avoid ending up in dangerous situa-

Drag Races aretaking placeSaturdayand Sunday atWanogaSnowmobile Sno-park.

Swampy Virginia 5 , 4 00 ft.

Cascade Lakes Hwy.

Mt. Bachelor

Vista Butte




5,900 ft.


Sno-park 5,034 ft.



5,500 ft.

Edison Butte

Bobber-doggingfor Steelhead Onthe UmPqLla

About10-12 inches

get icy and fast. Last week there were


tingent of l ocal mushers who ar e committed to their craft. Many of them compete throughout the winter at small sled-dog races across the Northwest. Husband and wife Tom and Polly Riley, of Sunriver, have been sled-dog racing for about 25 years. As they can attest, small-time mushing is all about


WANOGA SNOPLAYAREA Safety is a concern whenthe slopes

tions, like sliding into cars in the parking lot or trees in the woods. Always wear a helmet when sledding. Watch out for other sledders and bystanders. Be aware that other sledders may not always be in control of their sleds.


An expected 30 to 35 mushers will participate in the fourth annual Bachelor Butte event, racing distances of five to 25 miles along groomed snowmobile trails near Wanoga Sno-park. Though not th e m u ltiday odys- the dogs — an endless job of caring for sey of racing across Alaska that is the animals for the chance to race only the Iditarod, the Bachelor Butte Dog a few weekends each winter. Derby will play host to a strong conSeeSled dogs/D2

shares childhood les-

incorrect contact number. The correct number



Sunriver AndyZe!gert/The Bulletin

n 1832, the Hudson's Bay Co. built a fort that was to become the southernmost outpost of the fur company's influence. From here, the HBC controlled the trade for beaver on the Umpqua, Rogue and Klamath rivers, all in southwestern Oregon. The beaver pelt became the medium of exchange until the winds of fashion in Europe changed. There was a time on the river when to buy five fishhooks, glass beads, brandy or just about anything else, you had to pay in beaver pelts. Jody Smith's family has lived on the banks of the Umpqua since 1856. In fact,

GARY LEWIS a distant relative, 6-foot-tall, blue-eyed Jedediah Smith, got into some trouble with the Umpqua people over a stolen ax, which, by my calculations, would have been worth two beaver pelts in those days. As we started up the river in Jody Smith's 24-foot jet boat, Smith pointed out where his ancestors raised the pigs they took to market way back when. SeeLewis/D2



Sled dogs

A musher

races along a

Continued from D1 "It starts as an affinity for animals, and then over time it becomes more of a lifestyle, where you have to live out in the woods by yourself and you're spending a lot of time with these dogs," said Tom Riley, 58. "I think a certain kind of person is drawn to it more than others. I think it requires a little bit of self-sufficiency to take care of all these animals." Riley won the six-dog, 5'/zmile event at the Chemult Sled Dog Races last month, and he plans to compete in the Bachelor Butte Dog Derby. He was i ntroduced to th e sport 2 5 years ago while living with friends in Alaska for a year. They used sled dogs to haul their firewood, he recalls. In sled-dog racing, Riley likes the even playing field. "A dishwasher can race a brain surgeon," he said. "And it's pretty much up to your management skills as to who's going to win. It's somewhat cerebral. It's kind of like fly-fishing in that you sort of have to think about things as you're doing it." While the Iditarod draws attention to sled-dog racing each year in late winter, mushing is not exactly a growing sport. Riley likens mushers to "a bunch of cowboys in the 1890s." Polly Riley, a musher and

groomed trail near Wanoga Sno-park at last year's Bachelor Butte Dog Derby. Courtesy


BachelorButte DogDerdy

Experience the NextLevel

What:Sled-dog races and

What:A free, two-day race

skijoring in 25-mile,13-mile, nine-mile, and five-mile distances hosted by the Pacific Sled Dog and Skijor Association

geared specifically for novice mushers and skijorers, hosted

Where:All starting and

Chemult When:March16-17

finishing at Wanoga Sno-park, west of Bend. When:March 2-3

Contact:www.psdsa.org or plriley22©gmail.com; spectators welcome.

former president of the Pacific Sled Dog and Skijor Association, says that smaller races

in Oregon 10 or 12 years ago would draw about 70 participants. Now they attract about half that many as the surg-

ing costs of gas, dog food and veterinary services have limited the number of men and women who want to commit to sled-dog racing. "There was a huge decline when the gas prices started getting really high," said Riley, 50. "We used to get people from (British Columbia), Idaho and Montana ... it's kind of sad. That parking lot used to be totally full. Now it's just not so much anymore. More than anything that's because of the economy. It's a 365-day-a-year job. It really is a lifestyle, no

doubt about it." Perhaps that is why skijoring — nordic skiing with one or two dogs attached to and pulling the skier — has become more popular. While owning and managing a sizable dog team is not really feasible without living outside city limits on lots of land, skijoring allows those who live in larger towns to get a taste of the mushing way of life. "There's more of a t r end now to get into skijoring," Riley said. "That's a lot easier for the urban dog owner to get into because you only need one or two dogs." Bend's Joel Myers, 42, took up skijoring about four years ago, and now his 12-year-old daughter, Kenzie, is an avid sled-dog racer. Joel M y ers

won the 4.4-mile skijor race at the Chemult event, while Kenzie won the 4.4-mile novice sled-dog race there. Father and daughter plan to race at the Bachelor Butte Dog Derby. Myers owns two dogs, with which he skijors, and Kenzie borrows dogs from friend Rachael Scdoris, a legally-blind musher from Alfalfa and former Iditarod racer. "My daughter befriended Rachael Scdoris three years

husky. He discovered skijoring shortly thereafter. "It's a little different than regular skiing — it's faster," Myers said of skijoring. "You have to work as a team. It's just a lot of fun. It's kind of like a team sport, as opposed to an individual sport when you're just racing nordic." Myers saysthe smaller races like the Bachelor Butte Dog Derby are less about winning and more about getting togethago, and (Scdoris) immedi- er with l i ke-minded friends ately became her idol," Myers and putting together a "clean said. "(The Scdorises, Rachael, race." That includes avoiding and her father, Jerry) are nice tangles or going off course, about letting us use their dogs, and not losing the dog team. "You can have all kinds of because if you live in the city you really can't have a kennel things happen," Myers said. "You can loseyour team. They'll full of dogs." M yers started nordic sk irac- take off and they won't stop." ing in 2005 and then bought a And sometimes mushers

by PSDSA; two-mile and four-

mile courses. Where:Walt Haring Sno-park, Contact:Dina McClure at mcclureski©oregonfast.net or www.psdsa.org.

can lose time if a dog stops to, uh, take a potty break. But some dogs, as Myers notes, are capable of "pooping on the


The Central Oregon mushi ng community i s a l w a ys encouraging w i nter s p o rts enthusiasts to try either sleddog racing or skijoring. The PSDSA is conducting a free two-day event called Experience the Next Level to introduce novice mushers and skijorersto the sports. The free clinic is scheduled for March 16-17 at Walt Haring Sno-park in Chemult. "The cool thing about sleddog racing is it's a tight-knit community," Myers said, "and everyone is very friendly." — Reporter: 541-383-0318, mmorical®bendbulletin.com

Lewis 4


I II ' ' I •

Continued from D1 Winfield Durham sipped Sisters Coffee made with Central Oregon water that I had carried over with us. Lyn Hocker put cured

salmon eggs under a puff Can you worIz a camera, and capture a great picture? And can you tell us a bit about it? Submit your color or black-and-white outdoors photos at bendbulletin.com/wellshotand tell us a bit about where and when you took them. All entries will appear online, and every week Mte'll run a stellar local photo in this section. Once a month, we'll publish awhole photo page on a specific topic. This month, the topic is WILDLIFE. Submissionrequirements:Include in your caption as much detail as possible — who, what, w hen,where, why; anyspecialtechnique used — as well asyour name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.

of yarn, and Sam Pyke held his camera at the ready. According to the weatherman, we could expect sunshine all day long. We kept looking for it , optimists all. "This fog is going to burn off in a few minutes." "There's a little patch of blue right there." We ran upstream to the rapids and Smith pointed us toward the best water. The rods were set up for

bobber-dogging, a f orm


photos Oy Gary Lewis/ For The Bulletin

Gary Lewis with a winter-run steelhead from the Umpqua River.

of side-drifting that employs a float that rides up against a bobber stop to drag a "slinky" weight and 18 inches of leader among the rocks and, we hoped, among the fish we knew were there. T he p r e vious w e e k , Smith said, another guide had helped his clients boat :1., 24 steelhead. Another day, a guide got six. Someone @i' had already landed a spring chinook. We could be right in the middle of a pile of fish or they could have jetted upstream. On the drop since the last rain, the Umpqua was in good condition, steelhead skunked in this spot," Smith green. Our confidence ran said. Great. high. I ate my roast beast sand"Cast about 10 to 15 feet wich and watched the sky. At from shore," Smith said. At I:20, the sun broke through and the back of the boat, I cast- I looked at my watch. Ten mined first, followed by Hocker utes, I told myself, and we'll get a nd then D u r ham. W e a fish. It happened eight minwatched the floats as Smith utes later. Hocker sawithappen, guided the boat backward the rod buried almost all the downriver. way to the water and, through The point o f b o b ber- a mouthful of sourdough and doggin' is to run a long drift turkey, he called, "Fish on!" The with much more efficiency fishbroke for midriver and we than a d r i f t f i s herman had to follow it. stationed on shore or anWhen I had gained most of chored up against a riffle. the line back, we saw it, long On every driftwe , covered and silver in the water, a steelat least 200 yards of water head with an intact adipose. and often much more. This wasa fish descended from Yes, our bobbers dipped the fish that those first pioneers and bounced and several hoped to catch when they tradtimes looked like fish had ed one pelt for five hooks. Here, taken the bait. Once, Hock- just over 40 miles up from the er reeled up a 10-inch coho ocean, the nickel-bright fish had smolt and let it go. "Catch turned our otherwise dreary you later." day on the river into a memory. Then th e r a i n c a m e. Late in the afternoon, Smith Still, the screen on Smith's b eached the boat an d w e smartphone told him it was walked up to the fort, a replica sunny. To me it looked like of the one that burned on a a low-pressure system had November day in 1851. moved in while the weathOut in the river, silver-sided erman wasn't looking. We s teelhead made t heir w a y wished the w e atherman upstream to their ancestral was with us, although we spawning beds. Among the didn't have an extra rain willows on the riverbank, I jacket for him. saw where a beaver had cut Low-pressure s y stems and dragged small trees to aren't good f o r f i s hing, make a den. but Smith is nothing if not You can put a price on fishhard-working. The shades hooks and after some days on of his ancestors who rest the river, a gallon of brandy is in the cemetery on the hill worth 10 pelts. But every steelwould be proud of him. head is a gift. A t lunchtime, we a n — Gary Lewis is the host chored up and s w itched of "Adventure Journal"and to Tadpolly plugs in a spot author of "John Nosler — Going where Smith's g r andfaBallistic," "Black Bear Hunting," "Hunting Oregon" and other ther had learned to catch salmon. titles. Contact Lewis at www. "I have never, ever been GaryLewisoutdoors.com.

LEFT: Jody Smith on a rainy afternoon on the Umpqua River near Elkton.





BEYOND THE WINDOW Byron Dudley took these photos of his cats being entertained by a gray squirrel, above, and a wild turkey, below, outside the windows of Dudley's home in Sisters. Dudley used a Kodak Z612 camera.

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A view of the Smith Rock State Park area from the Maston area in the Cline Buttes Recreation Area. The Maston area alsooffers views of the Cascade Mountains, Cline Buttes and the Deschutes River, depending on where you are. These landmarks can help you figure out where you are, too.


Cline Buttes Recreation Area

Continued from 01 I wanted to see both areas, and we started at Maston. The Maston trailhead is c learly signed f ro m C l i n e B u t tes Highway. The new trailhead on Newcomb Road — complete with picnic tables and an outhouse — is impossible to miss. After a green gate, the web of flat, wide paths around the trailhead funnel into a more pr imitive s i ngletrack that bears the marks of many mountain bike tires. That was about th e l ast moment at which I was absolutely certain where I was. Soon, the t r a ils s prawling before me outnumbered the trails marked on my outdated mountain biker's map. But don't let that deter you. There are a couple of power lines bisecting the M a ston area that can help you orient yourself. Periodic views of the Cascade Mountains, C l i ne Buttes and even Smith Rock State Park give you a general sense of direction. And the area is bordered by r oads, developments and the Deschutes River, so it's not like you can get THAT lost. My hiking partner, Leslie


developme I

Sisters edmon

I Bute Recreatio Area


um lo




Central OHV

To Sisters

Buttes area


Eagle Crest ~ Resort



Eagle est Re rt

rrs Cu




Thornburgh Resort

Tumajo Canal

Maston orss


Southwest area


To Sisters


If you go e

BQP "'

railhead Newcomb Rd


Innes Rd

Getting there:From Bend, head west on U.S.

Road. Drive 0.8 miles to the new sign and well-defined trailhead parking area onthe left. Difficulty: Easy Cost:Free

Highway 20.From Tumalo, turn right (northeast) on

Cook Avenue. In acouple of blocks, veer slightly right again on Cline Falls Highway.

Contact:Bureau of Land Management, Prineville

For the TumaloHistoric To Tumalo, Bend4

of adventure and is perpetually positive. I had billed the day hike as an explorative endeavor. Besides, we were armed with emergency essentials in case we got lost: water, cellphones, PBJs and an obscene amount of Valentine's Day chocolate from Cogwell's husband. I had hoped to head due east from the trailhead and arrive at an overlook of the Deschutes River, which borders the eastern side of the Maston area.We never found the overview or the river. We were tramping more northward than w e s h ould have been when we crossed paths with two women walk-

:, Tumalo CanalHistoric Area ,plannedtrails .


. „


,:Hiking trails:,.',

District, www.blm. gov/or/districts/prineville/

Area trailhead:About four miles past Tumalo, turn left on Barr Road. An

T Tumalo

Cogswell, has a good sense

Iaston areaplannedtra

recreation/cline/index.php; 541-41 6-6700

undeveloped parking area is marked by agate and some signs about1.7 miles

Pedestrians can use any trail Thornburgh Resort

down the road on the right.

For theMastonTrailhead: After Barr Road,drive


another half mile and turn right on Newcomb





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ing a dog. Not surprisingly, Cogswell, a bit o f a s o cial butterfly, knew the women. In chatting, we learned that getting to the river could be a bit of a scramble. They gave us some directions, but it was pretty clear that finding the river was goingto be anything but clear. We were happy to march among gnarly junipers and soak in the sun. I crumpled my map into my pocket and we just made some intuitive turns here and there, plodding through dusty, wide e questrian t r ail s a n d p a t tering along harder packed mountain bike paths. As trails get more developed and better marked, designated mountain bike and horse trails will run parallel to each other, with vegetation buffers in between them, Currie said.Pedestrians can use any of the trails. Some areas of Maston are being closed for raptor protection, Currie said. The regional development plan designated the 4,100-acre Maston area as "primary wildlife emphasis," meaning the trail development aims to "create large unfragmented patches of land and to minimize disturbance to wildlife, including raptor nestsites and foraging areas," Currie said. Closures and restoration work might help other wildlife species as well, he said,because the area is relatively small and surrounded

Photos by Anne Aurand/The Bulletin

The Tumalo Canal Historic Area of the Cline Buttes Recreation Area is largely undeveloped at this point, though trails and old roads like this one crisscross the land. A trailhead from Barr Road leads directly into this spot, where Leslie Cogswell, of Bend, stops to enjoy the views of the Cascade Mountains.

More information adout the Mastuu area: www.blm.gov/or/districts/ prineville/recreation/cline/

maston.php More information adout the Tumalu Historic Area: www.blm.gov/or/districts/ prineville/recreation/cline/ tumalo.php

~rrn' '





sr •

The beginning of our hike at the Maston area started here. The area has plenty of trails, but as it's developed further, expect more signs like this, indicating horse or bike use. Pedestrians can share any of the trails at Maston.

to a BLM website. Some trails follow the relic canals. We just dipped our t oes briefly into this area, out of curiosity, but realized we really needed to do this one another day. In fact, there's tons of exploration to be done across the whole Cline Buttes Recreation Area. I had, before the outing,

originally hoped Cogswell

and I would climb up Cline Buttes, the recreation area's namesake, to fulfill some puzzling human impulse to summit peaks. However, in talking to Currie before my outing, he said access points and trails on the buttes can be very confusing and, in some cases, cross private property. Eventually, Currie said, public access points and trails will be clearer on Cline Buttes, too. This year, it is likely that BLM will fence, gate and sign the Buttes area to make it a nonmotorized-use section. by rapidly developing lands. ous parking spot near some So maybe n ex t w i n t er, If it weren't for our nonstop big signs on the right. when there's a spell of weathjabbering, the p lace would The Tumalo Canal Historic er that makes urban trails have been quite peaceful. Be- Area "was designated as an icy and the nordic skiing imsides the two hikers, we saw area of critical environmen- p erfect, Cogswell o r s o m e one mountain biker and one tal concern in 2005 to protect, other adventurous hiker and horseback rider on a recent preserve and interpret the old I will come back and wander w eekday, a l though t r a c ks irrigation canals that are part around on Cline Buttes, the s uggested that many of a l l of amuch largersystem devel- heart of this up-and-coming kinds of users frequent the oped in the early 1900s to help recreation area. area. with land sales and settlement — Reporter: 541-383-0304, We walked in a somewhat in Central Oregon," according aaurand@bendbulletin.com clockwise circle, landing on Newcomb Road, a bit before the parking area, for about a two-hour hike. We still wanted to check out the Tumalo Canal Historic Area on the other side of the Cline Falls Highway before heading h ome, but we wouldn't explore the canal trail a rea to th e same extent. We drove south on Cline Falls Highway a h a l f-mile, turned west on Barr Road, and continued about 1.7 miles to an undeveloped but obvi-

v •



U TDOORS FISHING CENTRALOREGONBASSCLUB: Meets on the first Tuesday of each month; new members welcome; 7-9 p.m.; Abby's Pizza, Redmond; www.cobc.us. DESCHUTESCHAPTEROFTROUT UNLIMITED:For membersto meet and greet and discuss what the chapter is up to; meets on the first M onday ofeach month,6:45 p.m.; ONDA offi ces,Bend;541-306-4509, communications@deschutestu.org, www.deschutestu.org. BEND CASTINGCLUB:A group of fly anglers from around Central Oregon who are trying to improve their casting technique; club meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month; 6-8 p.m.; Orvis Casting Course, Old Mill District, Bend; 541306-4509orbendcastingclub@ gmail.com. THE SUNRIVERANGLERSCLUB: Meets on the third Thursday of each month; 7 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center; www.sunriveranglers.org. THE CENTRALOREGON FLYFISHERSCLUB: Meetsonthe third Wednesday of each month; 7 p.m.; Bend Senior Center; www. coflyfishers.org.

HUNTING CENTRALOREGONCHAPTER ROCKY MOUNTAINELK FOUNDATION:Meetsevery Wednesday from March 6 to April 10; banquet and auction April13; new members welcome; 6:30 p.m.; VFW Hall, Redmond; 541-4472804 or Facebookat RMEF Central Oregon. LEARN THEARTOFTRACKING ANIMALS:Guided walks and workshops with a certified professional tracker to learn how to identify and interpret tracks, sign, and scat of the animals in Central Oregon; two or more walks per month all year; $35; 8 a.m. to noon; 541-633-7045; dave@wildernesstracking.com, wildernesstracking.com. THE BENDCHAPTEROFTHE OREGON HUNTERSASSOCIATION: M eets the second Wednesday of each month; 7 p.m.; King Buffet, Bend; ohabend.webs.com.


THE OCHOCO CHAPTER OFTHE OREGON HUNTERSASSOCIATION Meets the first Tuesday of each month; 7 p.m.; Prineville Fire Hall; 541-447-5029. THE REDMONDCHAPTEROFTHE OREGON HUNTERSASSOCIATION Meets the third Tuesday of each month; 7 p.m.; Redmond VFWHall

MULTISPORT 2013 CENTRALOREGON SPORTSMEN'S SHOW:Features resources on fishing and boating, shooting sports, hunting, camping and more; head and horns competition, kids'trout pond, warm water demo tankand camp-cooking demonstrations; $10 adults, $5 ages 6 to16; free 5and younger; March 7-10; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, Redmond; www. thesportshows.com. DASH 2DARESPY-THEMED URBANRACE:Teams of two to four people solveclues and perform basic challengesthat areall espionagerelated; $45 per person; noon;March 24; downtown Bend;for more information or to register, info©dash2dare.comor www.dash2dare.com. THE URBANGPSECO-CHALLENGE: Like a scavenger hunt with clues andcheckpoints;$65,includes guide, GPS, instruction, water and materials; daily; 9 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; trips on paths and trails along Deschutes River through Old Mill District shops and Farewell Bend Park; 541-389-8359, 800-9622862, www.wanderlusttours.com.

PADDLING KAYAKINGCLASSES:Weekly classes and open pool; 4-6 p.m.; Sundays; $3; for all ages; equipment provided to those who preregister, first-come, first-served; Cascade Swim Center, Redmond; 541-5487275, www.raprd.org. KAYAK ROLLSESSIONS: Class every Sunday through end of May; 4:15-6 p.m.; $12 per boat for in-district residents and $16 for out-of-district residents; Juniper Swim & Fitness Center, Bend; preregistration is available the Monday prior to each session at register.bendparksandrec. org; www.bendparksandrec.org, 54 I-389-7665.

Email events at least 10days before publication to communitylife@bendbulletin.com, or click on "Submit an Event"at www.bendbulletin.com. Contact: 541-383-0351.


Enjoy the moon,stars with binoculars By Bill Logan

naked eye. Thesecond number represents

For The Bulletin

the size of the objective lens. A pair of 7x50 binoculars has a magnification of 7 and the front lens is 50mm in diameter. I consider a 7x50 to be the perfect instrument for star-gazing. Most military binoculars are 7x50s. You must remember that the higher the magnification, the less steady the view. And, the larger the binoculars, the heavier the binoculars.

Viewing the night sky is one of myfavorite pastimes. I rarely ever use a telescope except for solar viewing, which requires specialized equipment. A goodpair of binoculars is one of the handiest accessories for the astronomer, hunter, sportsman, traveler, bird-

watcher and nature lover. Whether youwant to get a better view of the local football game

or find a big buckacross a canyon, agood To combat jiggling of the image, image pair of binoculars is often indispensable. The stabilization (IS) binoculars are available. night sky will come alive with objects you The starting price for these instruments is have never seenbefore with binoculars. around $1,200. A goodpair of regular waterBinoculars are classified using two num- proof, high-quality hunting and astronomy binoculars starts at about $280. Youmay bers, such as 7x50. The first number, 7, represents the magnification. You'll be able

find cheaper ones, but poor optical glass will

to see an object seven times better than the

give you color aberration of orangeand blue

Redmond on the north side of state Highway126; www.rrandgc.com for further information. BEND BOWMEN INDOORARCHERY PINE MOUNTAINPOSSE: LEAGUE:Traditional league; Cowboy action shooting club; Wednesday evenings; Lenny at second Sunday of each month; 541-480-6743; indoor 3-D league Thursday; 7 p.m.; Bruce at 541-410- Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association range, milepost 24, U.S. 1380 or Del at 541-389-7234. Highway 20, Bend; 541-3 l8-8199, COSSA KIDS:The Central Oregon www.pinemountainposse.com. Shooting Sports Association's NRA HORSE RIDGEPISTOLEROS: Youth Marksmanship Program is Cowboy action shooting with every third Saturday of the month; pistols, rifles and shotguns; 10 10 a.m. to noon; Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association range, a.m.; first and third Sunday of each m ilepost 24,U.S.Highway 20,Bend; month; Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association range, milepost Don Thomas, 541-389-8284. 24, U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541BEND TRAP CLUB:Trap shooting, 408-7027 or www.hrp-sass.com. five-stand and skeet shooting; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Thursdays and Sundays; milepost30,U.S.Highway SNOW SPORTS 20, Bend; Bill Grafton at 541-3831428 or www.bendtrapclub.com. MOONLIGHTSNOWSHOEING AT CENTRAL OREGONSPORTING MOUNT BACHELOR:Discover CLAYSANDHUNTING PRESERVE: the Cascades under the bright 13-station, 100-target course moonlight reflecting off of the and five-stand; 10 a.m. to dusk white snow; Wanderlust Tours Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. to runs monthly moonlight snowshoe dusk Monday, Tuesday, Thursday trips for the few nights surrounding and Friday; located at 9020 South each full moon through May; Highway 97, Redmond; www. snowshoes are included on all tours; 7-11 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, birdandclay.com or 541-383-0001. www.wanderlusttours.com or REDMOND ROD &GUN CLUB: Archery, pistol, rifle, skeet, sporting 541-389-8359. clays and trap; club is open to the WOMEN'S SKI CLINIC AT HOODOO: community and offers many training Veteran Hoodoo instructor Janet programs; three miles east of Shofstall will lead this year's clinics


around someobjects. Caution: Do not use binoculars to look at the sununless you have solar filters over the objective lenses. The best place to view the night sky with binoculars is lying on a flat surface, like a

chaise lounge, under aclear night sky. You can prop the binoculars up from the armsof the chair. Cover upwith a sleeping bag or a heavy quilt, relax with your favorite beverage

and enjoy looking at the craters and mountain ranges on themoon,Jupiter's moons andsome deepskyobjects.To helpwith identifying objects, use aplanisphere and

star atlas. — Bill Loganisanexpertsolarobserveranda volunteer amateur astronomer with University of Oregon's PineMountain Observatory. Helivesin Bend. Contact: blogan082f@gmaiI.com.

with an emphasis on camaraderie and skill improvement in a positive atmosphere that maximizes learning; packages start at $40, each package includes guaranteed first tracks, technical equipment overview and instructions catered to help you ski with confidence; Saturday and March 3; www.hoodoo.com. DESCHUTESLANDTRUST WINTER NATURENIGHTSSERIES: Monthly presentations on nature-related topics given by experts; Oregon Field Guide's stories from the field; 7-8:30 p.m. Feb. 27; Century

Center, Bend; a Natural History of Butterflies; 7-8:30 p.m. March 27; Tower Theater in Bend; register at www.deschuteslandtrust.org or 541-330-0017. FOURTHANNUALBACHELOR BUTTE DOGDERBY:Racing sled dogs and skijoring in Central Oregon; contestants from across the Northwest and up to 30 dog teams; race distances range from five to 25 miles 8:30 a.m. each day; March 2-3, Wanoga Sno-park; psdsa.org/Races/BachelorButte. aspx.

Three Course Dinner Spec|als Nightly From 5pm-10pm Every Fr i d a y ........................................................................... Dinner Salad tlr, Bread 3 Piece Fish-n-Chip with Coleslaw Homemade Cobbler &Scoop ofIce Cream

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For the water report, turn eachday to the weather page, today on B6 Here is the weekly fishing report for selected areas in and around Central Oregon, provided by fisheries biologists for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife:

FLY-TYING CORNER Lady Caroline, courtesy Fin & Fire.

CENTRAL ZONE ANTELOPE FLATRESERVOIR: The reservoir is not accessible by vehicle due to the snow on the roads. BEND PINENURSERYPOND:The most recent stocking was in late September with a number of onepound rainbow trout released. CRESCENTLAKE:Opportunities for rainbow and brown trout are good. CROOKED RIVERBELOW BOWMANDAM:Fishing for trout hasbeen good.W aterlevelshave been consistent and fish are feeding on small mayfly and midge nymphs. The use of bait is prohibited until May. Trout over 20 inches are considered steelhead and must be released unharmed. DESCHUTESRIVER (MOUTH TO THE PELTONREGULATING DAM): Fishing remains good for trout downstream from the WarmSprings Reservation Boundary. Best trout fishing typically occurs around midday, as the best light reaches the canyon floor. Fly anglers will find best success with nymphs along with egg patterns for trout and whitefish. Anglers are reminded trout angling is closed upstream from the Warm Springs Reservation Boundary. HOOD RIVER:Anglers are catching a few early winter steelhead. The fishing will continue to get better as the winter progresses. Anglers are reporting the best success on bait due to the cold water temperatures. LAKE BILLYCHINOOK:Fishing for bull trout has been fair. Anglers are reminded there are small numbers of spring chinook and summer steelhead in Lake Billy Chinook as part of the reintroduction effort.

~r." ,r/

Named after Lady Caroline

t and do itall overagain.

Tie the Lady Caroline on a No. 3-5 upeye Atlantic salmon

this fly is a renownedAtlantic

hook. For the tail, use agolden

salmon pattern, but it can also

pheasant red-body feather. Build the body with two parts

be a good choice for steelhead and sea-run cutthroat. brown dubbing andone part an upstreammendin the line. Raise your rod tip to draw the line tight. Let the fly swing, then stop at the end of the drift. A fish may follow it all the way to the endof the swing, so let your fly linger,

then taketwo steps downstream Please release these fish unharmed. METOLIUS RIVER:Trout fishing has been good. Insect hatches should offer lots of opportunities for good, dry-fly fishing. Angling for post spawning bull trout should be excellent. Large streamer flies fished in the deeper pools and slots are the best bet. OCHOCO RESERVOIR: The reservoir is completely iced-over but anglers should exercise extreme caution if ice fishing. Freezing and thawing cycles may weaken the ice.

to be full by noon. As a reminder, if you headto Dutchman forsnowmobiling fun, the limit for length of

trailers is 40 feet.





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golden pheasant red-body feather as a collar. Finish with a brown mallard wing. — Gary Lewis, For TheBulletin

PRINEVILLERESERVOIR:The reservoir is mostly iced over with some open water. Anglers should exercise extreme caution if ice fishing. PRINEVILLEYOUTH FISHING POND:The pond is iced over and ice fishing is not allowed. Due to safety concerns, no one is allowed to be on the ice. SHEVLINYOUTH FISHING POND: Shevlin Pond is fishing well and typically fishes well throughout winter if not iced over.

There is potential for substan-

tial snow accumulation in the high

back to frozen conditions. As usu-

to instability in the snow during

al, on a warmer day beaware that the trails may bemuddy, andif

the new storm cycles. Don't let your avalanche guard down. Be

they are, avoid using them to keep from damaging the trail tread.

sure to do adequate snow stability

BACKCOIIMTRYUSE Snowshoers, skiers and board-

into situations where there are

ers headedup to Tumalo Mountain

in the snowpack. Go with ad-

should be prepared for stormy


conditions at the summit.


assessments andavoid heading concerns or doubt about stability


Walk IheAnBat

and counter rib with gold wire. For the body hackle, usegrey hackle. For the throat, tie in


olive dubbing mixed. Rib with gold tinsel and silver tinsel

pected this week, the trails may be country this week. That could lead

With colder temperatures ex-



The Bulletin

Gordon-Lennox, the daughter of the Duke of Richmond,

Using a floating line, cast quartering downstream, then throw



Ryan Brennecke

Continued from 01 The parking area will almost

mended asthe overflow choice, but last year it also reachedcapacity quickly. Expect both parking areas



Trail Update the morning with contestants and spectators. Edison Butte is recom-




certainly reach capacity early in

l II



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DISCOVER EVERYTHINGTHISCHARMING TOWNHASTOOFFER From itsheritage tothearts, there's somethingfor everyonein Redmond. Four times a year, Redmond Magazine is published to highlight the businesses and individuals vvho work to build a strong community. The publication features a calendar of community events, personality features and insight into "hidden treasures" around Redmond.


Sisters Magazinehonorsthe uniquenessof this mountaintown. Sisters Magazine is the area's foremost resource for events, activities, artists and businessesthat make up the backbone of this small mountain town. In the coming year, each edition will highlig ht Sisters' events that draw thousands to the area.



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,,",~' EVZWrS CaXmmaa ~y S ISTZIISSTJI I R T M Q H T S

( L '.

W HEN TO LOOK FOR IT: pudlishing four editions ayear

Fridays. March 29 (My OwnTwo Hands), May 24 (Sisters Rodeo), June 28 (Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show), August 23 (September in Sisters), November 15 (A Cowboy Christmas)




Maro omas'marita a vice orot ers TV SPOTLIGHT By Luaine Lee

/ ..

McClatchy-Tribune News Service

P ASADENA, C a l i f . Though she's been married for 32 years, actress-activist Marlo Thomas says she's not sure she believes in marriage. The woman wh o g r aced living rooms with her popular TV series, "That Girl," and went on to star in dozens of television shows — both fictional and factual — has always spoken her mind, even when it wasn't popular. A forerunner in the women's movement, she said, "I never wanted to be married. To this day I'm not sure I believe in m arriage. I b elieve in M Y marriage, but I don't believe in marriage as an institution. I'm not sure it isn't rigged against the woman. I've always seen marriages as an arrangement between I t/~ persons. The one p erson is the one with t h e dream, and everybody else scurries to support that dream and put all their time — and time is the most important thing they've got — all their time and all their energy and everything into that person's pot, marked HIS dream." So when she decided to marry t alk-show host Phil Donahue three decades ago, it wasn't easy. "It was a very big thing for me to see that marriage could be a roomy enough place for my dream and his dream. I had to meet the right kind of m an, and

a s opposed to t h e m y t h s about what i t w a s . T h ese were not angry, ugly women who hated men. These were n ot b r a-burners. I t ' s n o t about women who w a nted to divorce t heir h u sbands and leave their children and all this other stuff. This was about women who w a nted to be free and do what they wanted to do with their lives, express themselves." Expressing herself was a challenge even for T homas




Mcclatchy-Tribune News Service

Marlo Thomas is one of the movers and shakers of the women's movement as portrayed in PBS' documentary "Makers: Women who Make America," airing Feb. 26. the world had to change a lot and I had to change a lot. A lot of things had to happen for me to get to a place where I thought that marriage was possible." All those elements collided at precisely the right time for Thomas, but not for everybody. That's why Thomas is still talking about feminism and the women's movement as she does in PBS' special, "Makers: Women who Make America,"premiering Feb.26. The documentary chronicles

the changes women have espoused over the last 50 years and their effects on society. "It's like being in the Army really when you work on a project," she said. "It's kind of like the women's movement, we were a little army. And when you do t hat together and create something together andgetsomeplace together you've really been to a battle. That's why this show is so important because when people see it they'll see the real face of what feminism is and was,

year, working like that, work became the place I could be myself. I could be me. It was a place that I wasn't overtired or over reactingor overexcited or over heated or all those things your mother says. I was absolutely free to be me." S he laughed and said i t didn't take courage to make the move. "I unleashed my chains and ran." She went on t o p r oduce TV specials and a book on the subject of being free to be early on. "My big struggle as a yourself. She's also starred young person was finding my on Broadway, written sevown identity away from my e ral b o oks, e a r ned f o u r father, who was famous and Emmys, continued her father's away from my mother who work supporting St. Jude's was dominating, and finding Children's Hospital and mainmy own way," she said. tained a healthy marriage. Her father was noted comeOne of the secrets to that, dian Danny Thomas, beloved she said, is "Being as invested by a nation for his family se- in your spouse's dream as you ries "Make Room for Daddy." are in your own and being Marlo escaped by b e ing willing to be inconvenienced, cast in the London production which is what it is for many of 'Barefoot in the Park' and people. It's inconvenient for moving there when she was you to have a dream when I've 20. "I lived there for a year and already got a dream. So to be that really changed my life," able to live with that inconveshe said. nience and to embrace it and "Because I was away from find joy in it (is crucial). "I really think that a good the pressure of being the child o f a famous person, I w a s marriage partner is like a good away from my mother saying parent: We'll do anything for — not that she was a bad per- our children. We'll sacrifice son - 'Put on your sweater,' anything. We'll give our arm and 'Don't eat this,' and 'Don't for our kid. We'll sell the house do that,' and 'You can't drive so the child can go to school. We'll dowhatever's necessary after dark' and all that stuff — the terror that I'd lose my to fulfill our children's ability virginity." to be who they want to be, and That experience changed I think we have to do that for everything. "Being away for a each other."

Girlfriend feelsblue over bo riend's x-jated ex Dear Abby:Myboyfriend, "Doug"

(24), and I (22) have been in a longdistance relationship for a y ear, but we were friends for a couple of years before that. I had never had a serious relationship before and lacked e x perience. Doug has not only been in tw o o t her DEAR long-term r e lationABBY ships, but has had sex with more than 15 women. One of them isan amateur porn actress. I knew about this, but it didn't bother me until recently. Doug had a party, and while he was drunk he told one of his buddies — in front of me — that he should watch a certain porn film starring his ex-girlfriend. It made me feel awkward. The next day he apologized. Of course,having learned her name, I couldn't help myself from searchingforher on the Internet. Now I can't stop comparing myself to her. I have been struggling with how to get over it. Doug has told me many times that he loves me and I believe him. But those stupid, drunken comments reallyknocked me down. How do I get over my boyfriend's past? — Eclipsed By A "Star"

HAPPY BIRTHDAYFOR WEDNESDAY,FEB.20, 2013: You have many dreams thatyou choose not to share. This year, you might witness one of them being fulfilled. You become incredibly intuitive and seem to have strong Stars showthe kind premonitions. If of day you'll have yo u are single, ** * * * D ynamic you could meet ** * * P ositive someone who ** * Average see ms so special ** So-so that you have to * Difficult pinch yourself to make sure the experience is real. Be careful. When you put someone on a pedestal, there isonlywaytogo...andthatisdown. If you are attached, the two of you seem to develop a new style of communication. Understand that there could be a lot of confusion around your relationship this year. Do not listen to gossip or hearsay, especially from a GEMINI.

inNew York Dear Eclipsed:A giant step in the right direction would be to quit comparingyourselfto a porn actress. In his addled condition, your immature boyfriend couldn't resist bragging to his buddies because he thought it would i mpress them w i t h his prowess. If he had ~ serious feelings about her, he would still be with her, not in a relationship with you. That said, it would be in your best interest to find out if this woman really was a "girlfriend" or one of his one-night stands. If he is in a long-distance relationship with you and tends to be promiscuous, you should be more concerned about his judgment than how to get over his past. Dear Abby:We have always purchased rather than leased our cars. One of them has 225,000 miles on the odometer and is running well. I have two friends who lease expensiveforeign cars. Keeping the mileage down on their cars is important to them, especially when it comes time to return them at the end of the lease.

GEMINI (May21-June20) ** * Be conscious of your limits before you jump into a situation. Your view

— Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles,CA 90069

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21)

YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar

of what is provocative could change radically. A matter involving your career might not be resolvable at this point. You know what must be done. Carefully consider your options. Tonight: Out late.

CANCER (June21-July22) ** * Know when to saythatyou have had enough. Your sense of humor will come out as you begin to understand what motivates others. Detachment gives you a unique perspective that allows you to see a situation differently. Tonight: Have a ball with friends and loved ones.

LEO (Jnly23-Aug. 22)

** * You might want to be more mindful ofyourspending,needs and assets.Once you are, you will make better choices. Your ability to understand vagueness can help you in your dealings, but you still ARIES (March 21-April19) might need more information. Friends ** * * You find that others often seek surround you. Tonight: Where the gang is. you out. Use your imagination, and you'll VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) come up with many workable ideas. In ** * * Z ero in on your priorities. fact, you'll have so many options that Understand whoyouareandwithwhom you might not know which way to go. you will be dealing. Conversations might You havea uniqueway ofunderstanding becomeanimated,andyoucould receive personal issues. Tonight: Head home. more feedback as aresult. Trust your TAURUS (April 20-May20) intuition when reaching out to someone ata ** * * * Y our sense of timing and choice distance. Tonight: Say"yes" to an invitation. of words appear to be right on, and many people will react to them. Youunderstand far more than others might realize. Listen to someone's news, but take it with a grain of salt. You'll want to do what is most workable. Tonight: All smiles.

Because of this, I f ind myself driving more often than I should. One friend attends a weekly meeting with me, and we're supposed to take turns driving each other every other week. But somehow I end up at the wheel more often. I'd hate to start writing down our outings, but I'm beginning to feel used. While I respect their decision to lease expensive new cars, it is not my responsibility to keep their expenses down. Both of these women are in a better financial position than I am, although we are all "comfortable." Any ideas about howto approach this without seeming petty? It has been going on for a long while and is starting to bother me. — Driven Too Far in Long Beach, Calif. Dear Driven Too Far: If you feel that you are being taken advantage of,then you probably are. Irecommend you wean these ladies off your chauffeur services by being less available when they need a ride. And if you are asked why, remind them of your original agreement to share the driving duties 50-50.

** * * * R each out to someone at a distance. Youcould gain critical information that will help you move aproject to a different level. Ask questions, and you'll come up with a better solution or a more workable idea. Your creativity flourishes. Tonight: Respond appropriately.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Oec.21) ** * * You might want to head in a new direction. Despite what is happening with others' insecurities, a partner or associate supports you 100 percent. This person follows his or her intuition. Communication flourishes in real-estate issues. Tonight: At home.

CAPRICORN (Oec.22-Jan. 19)

MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may beanadditional fee for 3-0 and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. I



Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • BEAUTIFULCREATURES(PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:50, 9:50 • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) 12:50,4:25, 8 • ESCAPE FROMPLANET EARTH(PG)3:25, 9:25 • ESCAPEFROM PLANET EARTH 3-0(PG) I:05,7:05 • A GOOD DAYTO DIEHARDIMAX (R) 12: l5, 2:35, 4:55, 7:15, 9:45 • AGOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (R)Noon,2:20,4:40,7,9:40 • HANSEL &GRETEL:WITCH HUNTERS(R) 3, 9:15 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-D (PG-13)6 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)I:45, 9:40 • IDENTITYTHIEF(R) I2:05, 1:10, 3:55, 6:IO,7:10, 9:55 • LIFE OF Pl (PG)12:20 • LIFE OF PI 3-D (PG)3:20, 6:25, 9:20 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 11:50 a.m., 3:05, 6:20, 9:35 • MAMA(PG-I3) 1:35, 4:05, 7:40, 10:10 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 12:40, 3:45, 6:40, 9:35 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 1:20, 3:50, 7:25, IO:05 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) I2:55, 3:35, 6:05, 9:25 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 1'I:45 a.m., 3:10, 6:35, 10 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. • Thetheateris currentlyhosting an OscarMarathon. Today's scheduleincludes "Django Vnchained"(12 15 p.m), "Silver Linings Playbook"(320 p.m),'Zero Dark Thirty"(545 p.m.) and "Argo"(8:45 p.m.). Ticketsso/d only as one-dayor trryo-day passes.Check wyyytrbendbulletin. comloscars for moreinformation. '




McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • RISEOFTHEGUARDIANS (PG)2:30 • SKYFALL (PG- I3) 5:30 • THIS IS 40 (R)9:15 • After 7 p.m., shows are21and older only. Younger than21 may attend screenings before 7p.m.ifaccompanied by a legalguardian. I

Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, 541-241-2271 • The "SpaghettiWestern"will screen at6 tonight (doors open at530 p m) andincludes anaii you-can-eat spaghetti dinner. I



** * * You might want to rethink a decision more carefully. You often use logic to explain your actions or decisions, but know that they were motivated by a gut feeling or an intuitive hunch. Be honest with yourself. Tonight: Listen to a friend and followthrough on his or her suggestion.

Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I -548-8777 • BEAUTIFULCREATURES(PG-13) 4:15, 6:45 • AGOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (R)4: 30,6:45 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 4, 6:30 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 4 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) 7

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fed.18)

Sisters Movie House, 720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • ESCAPEFROMPLANET EARTH(PG) 6 • AGOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (R)6:30 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 6 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 6:15

** * Maintain a mellow attitude when dealing with co-workers andassociates. They need toaskquestions in order to understand whyyou are moving in acertain direction. You might need toseek out more information on afinancial decision. Tonight: Get feedback from others.

PISCES (Fed. 19-March20)

** * * * Tap into your endless creativity, LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * P ressure builds. You might feel and knowthat there areanswers to your questions. Howyou handle apersonal detail as if you have little time to accomplish a lot. Reach out to someone you really care could change theoutcome of an entire about. This person's reaction could shock situation. Useyour ingenuity. Others enjoy their conversations with you. Tonight: Easy you. A boss pushes hard to get his or her works. Attention is reciprocal. way. You could become overwhelmed as a result. Tonight: To the wee hours. ©20t3 by King Features Syndicate

8 p.m. on H A, "The Middle" — Frankie (Patricia Heaton) is distracted from her preparations for watching the Oscars when Brick (Atticus Shaffer) announces he's going on a three-day school trip to Chicago, causing her to worry that he might become separated from the group. Sue (Eden Sher) tries to find out if Axl's (Charlie McDermott) friend Darrin (John Gammon) is interested in her. 8 p.m. onl3, "American Idol" — "You're going to Vegas, Dawg!" Now that the Hollywood rounds are over, the competition moves to Las Vegas, where the 40 semifinalists are divided by gender. Tonight, 10 of the top 40 perform, and the judges decide which five will stay and who goes home. 9p.m. onH f3, "Law & Order: Special VictimsUnit" — Lindsay Pulsipher ("Justified," "True Blood") guest stars in this new episode asRollins' (Kelli Giddish) sister, who turns up at herapartment, pregnant andbattered by her abusive boyfriend. TheSVU detectives do what theycanto protect her, but an unexpectedvisitor forces Rollins' hand. An Internal Affairs investigation puts the SVU in danger of losing one of its own. 9 p.m. on H, "NOVA" —We've all been asking these questions since the school shooting in Newtown, Conn., in December: Why do these things happen, and how do we stop them from happening? In the new episode "Mind of a Rampage Killer," correspondent Miles O'Brien investigates the current scientific theories surrounding mass killings, including one that says these killers are driven by suicidal, not homicidal impulses, and whether we can detect them before they act. 9:31 p.m. on H E), "Sudurgatory" —Tessa(Jane Levy) hasa new hobby: giving people relationship advice whether they like it or not. One unwilling recipient of her counsel is Mr.Wolfe (Rex Lee), who comes to an unhappy realization about his relationship with Chef Alan (EvanArnold). George (Jeremy Sisto) helps Dallas (Cheryl Hines) coach a youth sports team. 10 p.m. on BRAVO,"TopChef: Seattle" —As the competition winds down, the Last Chance Kitchen winner is brought back for, well, a last chance, joining the remaining chefs to compete for the last two spots. Those who make it will compete for the Top Chef title next week in Part 2 of the season finale. ©Zap2it



Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • AMOUR(PG-13) Noon, 3, 6 • ARGO (R) 12:45, 3:45, 6:45 • THE IMPOSSIBLE (PG-13) 12:15, 6:15 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 1,4:15 • QUARTET (PG-13) 1:15, 4, 7 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 12:30, 3:30, 6:30 • STAND UP GUYS(R) 3: I5







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• ESCAPEFROM PLANET EARTH 3-D(PG)5:05,7:IO • AGOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (R)5,7:20 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 4:25, 6:50 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 4:45, 7 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) 5:20, 7:25 •


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Kiku8@R S cottish Terrier A K C La Pine Habitat FOUND: Child's male, 1st shots, wormed, 2-NEF Pardner 12 ga. Remington 700 - 7mag, RESTORE scooter, Obsidian 8 10 wks, ready to go now! 3" Single Shot shot- 3 x 9 s c o pe, 300+ Building Supply Resale 27th i n Re d m ond. 541-317-5624 ITEMS FORSALE 264-Snow RemovalEquipment Quality at P ossibly fell out o f guns. Used once. Like rounds ammo. $675 LOW PRICES truck. 541-848-9180. 201 - NewToday 265 - Building Materials Siberian Husky female, new. $230.00 for both. obo. 541-419-5060 52684 Hwy 97 202- Want to buy or rent 266- Heating and Stoves AKC, 15 mos, beautiful! 541-639-9895 Lost little black dog, 25¹ Ruger LCP 380, new 541-536-3234 $400. 541-977-7019 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 267- Fuel and Wood mini Schnauzer, male, model w/l a sersite, Open to the public . 9mm FMJ & hollow 204- Santa's Gift Basket Sunriver. Call 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers point ammo, 125 rds, less than 50 rounds Only 2 205- Free ltems 503-327-1531 or Hay, Grain & Feed 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment thru gun and perfect $40. 541-647-8931 left!! 541-410-0308. 208- Pets and Supplies c ondition, o r i g b o x • Heating& Stoves 270 - Lost and Found AK47, 75 rnd drum, 2-30 and paperwork, Also 1st quality grass hay, 210- Furniture & Appliances rnd mags, b i -pod, includes grip sleeve, REMEMBER: If you GARAGESALES 70- Ib bales, barn stored, 211 - Children's Items NOTICE TO b ook, b ox . $1 2 00 have lost an animal, 275 - Auction Sales $250/ ton. Also big bales! pocket holster, IWB 212 - Antiques & Collectibles ADVERTISER don't forget to check ammo avail. 541-350 holster, 3 mags with Patterson Ranch, Springer SpanielPups 280 - Estate Sales 215- Coins & Stamps Since September 29, -3335 The Humane Society Sisters, 541-549-3831 Ready to go now! pinkie extenders, and 281 Fundraiser Sales 1991, advertising for 240- Crafts and Hobbies Champion lines, $400. AK-47 Romanian Special 100 rounds 380 $350 used woodstoves has in Bend 541-382-3537 282- Sales Northwest Bend 241 - Bicycles and Accessories 541-604-6232 Redmond, Forces, NIB, lots of ex- firm. 541.610.4004 been limited to mod284Sales Southwest Bend 541-923-0882 242 - Exercise Equipment Farmers Column Yorkies! 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US Air Force Academy eral E n v ironmental Want to impress the FARM MARKET Furniture & Appliances 541-646-8784 for appt. dress sword & scabbard, Protection etc. $1496 Installed. 248- Health and Beauty Items A g e ncy 308- Farm Equipment and Machinery Bend local pays CASH!! $200. 541-647-8931 541-617-1133. relatives? Remodel 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs (EPA) as having met 316 - Irrigation Equipment for all firearms & CCB ¹173684. your home with the smoke emission stan251 - Hot TubsandSpas A1 Washers&Dryers Wanted: Collector ammo. 541-526-0617 kfjbuildersOykwc.net 325- Hay, Grain and Feed dards. A cer t ified help of a professional 253- TV, Stereo andVideo $150 ea. Full warseeks high quality 333Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies w oodstove may b e CASH!! ranty. Free Del. Also fishing items. from The Bulletin's 255 - Computers Rafter L F Ranch & 341 - Horses and Equipment identified by its certifiFor Guns, Ammo & wanted, used W/D's Call 541-678-5753, or "Call A Service 256- Photography Farm Svcs. - Custom Reloading Supplies. cation label, which is 345Li ve s t o ck and E qui pment 541-260-7355 503-351-2746 Haying 8 Field Work 257- Musical Instruments 541-408-6900. permanently attached Professional" Directory 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals Call Lee Fischer, 258 - Travel/Tickets Wanted: SCAR 17, to the stove. The Bul541-410-4495 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers Dryer gas; W hirlpool 259- Memberships .308 caliber. letin will no t k n owwasher, HD, $150 ea.. Colfax Tactical 358- Farmer's Column 260- Misc. Items 541-410-0922 ingly accept advertisRalph 541-728-0428 80% AR-15 lower. Estate Sales 375- Meat and Animal Processing ing for the sale of 261 - MedicalEquipment Meat & Animal Processing 383 - Produce andFood GENERATE SOME ex- No F.F.L. required. 247 uncertified 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. Snowberry Village 1188 citement i n your $350. 541-693-4160 woodstoves. Sporting Goods 263- Tools NE 27th ¹6. L ots of All N atural g r ain-fed neighborhood! Plan a - Misc. kitchen items, furnibeef $2.88/lb. hang208 garage sale and don't Colt 357 Magnum Pyture and h ousehold ing wt, half or whole thon 6" barrel. Graded forget to advertise in • Fue l & Wood Pets 8 Supplies Hiking boots, L O WA items.. Fri/Sat 8:30-4 to b e pro c essed at 98% from local apclassified! Gortex wm's 11, worn mid-march. $500 dep. 0 praiser. A joy to shoot, 541-385-5809. Alaskan Malamute AKC 266 Half Hog Sale, $190 ina lthough i t has n 't once, retail $179; sell DO YOU HAVE WHEN BUYING p ups, ready to g o . Maytag side x side re- been shot often. Blu- $75. 541-815-2737 cludes cutting wrapSales Northeast Bend SOMETHING TO FIREWOOD... F irst shots & d e w frigerator, works f ine, ing is i n e x c ellent ping and cure. SELL 255 ormed. $ 7 00-$800. $100. 541-728-0428 To avoid fraud, WHILE THEY LAST! condition and it a very FOR $500 OR 541-410-7563. 541-573-2677 Computers The Bulletin ** FREE ** Refrigerator, F rigidaire good looking g u n. LESS? recommends payAlaskan Malamute 26 cu ft side x side with Asking $2,250. Call Garage Sale Klt Non-commercial water 8 ice, $225 obo. Eric at 541.639.7740 T HE B U L LETIN r e - ment for Firewood pups, 2M 3F, $400 advertisers may Place an ad in The Tick, Tock only upon delivery 541-923-8006 f or pictures or f o r quires computer adeach. 541-771-9255. place an ad with Bulletin for your gavertisers with multiple and inspection. I Want to Buy or Rent more information. oui' rage sale and reW hirlpool washer & Tick, Tock... ad schedules or those • A cord is 128 cu. ft. Need help fixing stuff? "QUICK CASH ceive a Garage Sale dryer pair, good cond, 4' x 4' x 8' selling multiple sysWanted: $Cash paid for Call A Service Professional ...don't let time get SPECIAL" DON'T MISSIHIS Kit FREE! $350. 541-389-1086 tems/ software, to dis- • Receipts should vintaqe costume jew- find the help you need. 1 week 3 lines 12 away. Hire a close the name of the include name, elry. Top dollar paid for www.bendbulletin.com KIT INCLUDES: ~ 2 k 2 0! The Bulletin business or the term Gold/Silver.l buy by the phone, price and • 4 Garage Sale Signs professional out Ad must include DO YOU HAVE "dealer" in their ads. kind of wood purEstate, Honest Artist A merican Eskimo, 5 recommends extra • $2.00 Off Coupon To price of single item SOMETHING TO of The Bulletin's Elizabeth,541-633-7006 mo. old male, pure ~ • p. Private party advertis- chased. Use Toward Your of $500 or less, or SELL • Firewood ads "Call A Service white, AKC/UKC reg., chasing products or, ers are d efined as Next Ad multiple items FOR $500 OR services from out of I those who sell one MUST include spe• 10 Tips For "Garage $800. 541-610-2286 Professional" whose total does LESS? Sale Success!" the area. Sending y computer. cies and cost per Pets 8 Supplies I not exceed $500. Non-commercial Australian Shepherd Directory today! c ash, c hecks, o r • cord to better serve may AKC Reg'd puppies, red 260 l credit i n f ormation advertisers our customers. Call Classifieds at & blue merle, red tri, place an ad PICK UP YOUR The Bulletin recommay be subjected to Eastern Oregon ranchMisc. Items 541-385-5809 with our ready to go! $700/up. GARAGE SALE K!T at raised, grain-fed quality mends extra caution l FRAUD. For more www.bendbulietin.com "QUICK CASH 541-420-1580 or 1777 SW Chandler Servtng Central Oregon itnce 1903 when purc h asbeef I/4 y2 or whole, for information about an s Buying Diamonds SPECIAL" Ave., Bend, OR 97702 Summer 2013 delivery. ing products or ser- www.highdesertaussieacom advertiser, you may l 1 week /Goid for Cash 3 lines 12 vices from out of the Australian $3.25/Ib hanging wt + She p herdGerman Shepherds, AKC / call t h e Or e gon / OI' Saxon's Fine Jewelers 1 cord dry, split Juniper, processing. For more info area. Sending cash, minis, purebred, no pa- www.sherman-ranch.us ' State Att or n ey ' $190/cord. Multi-cord 541-389-6655 ~2 e e k s 2 0 ! 541-281-6829 call Ed, 541-701-1492. checks, or credit in- pers, 1 blue female, 1 red l General's O f f ice discounts, & y2 cords Ad must male. 541-604-6060 f ormation may b e Consumer Protec- • BUYING available. Immediate Japanese Chin pups include price of subjected to fraud. Automatic cat litter box, Lionel/American Flyer delivery! 541-408-6193 t ion ho t l in e at I 1M 1F 7 wks, 1st s~il e re t $| 0 0 For more i nforma- lightly used, very good trains, accessories. l 1-877-877-9392. shots, $250 ea. or less, or multiple tion about an adver- cond, $50. 541-815-2737 541-408-2191. AH Year Dependable 541 -447-021 0. items whose total tiser, you may call Firewood: Seasoned does not exceed BUYING & SE L L ING the O r egon State Chihuahuas, 8 wks, long K ittens/cats avail. a t Lodgepole, Split, Del. $500. All gold jewelry, silver Bend: 1 for $175 or 2 Attorney General's hair female 8 male, $250 PetSmart (nr Target) thru and gold coins, bars, for $335. Cash, Check Office Co n s umer ea, cash. 541-876-1028 several rescue groups, Call Classifieds at rounds, wedding sets, or Credit Card OK. Feb 23 & 24, 11am-4pm. Protection hotline at 541-385-5809 class rings, sterling sil- 541-420-3484. In The Bulletin's print and 1-877-877-9392. Tame, shots, altered, ID www.bendbuiletin.com ver, coin collect, vinchip, more. Info/photos, online Classifieds. tage watches, dental Tamarack seasoned 2 541-389-8420; or visit Serving Central Oregon since 1903 Bill Fl e ming, years, $225 cord. www.craftcats.org , g'I' Federal 2-10, Large rifle gold. 541-382-9419. 541-977-2040 i primers, $75; GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES, Lab, black male (9) & B641-408-7826 Adopt a nice CRAFT cat Dachshund mini, AKC male Chiwenee (6) both Commercial sewing ma8 are three adorable, loving or kitten from Tumalo Choc longhaired F. Shots neutered, current shots. Fidelis Arms CAR-15 chine, Tacsew T111-155 Gardening Supplies puppies looking for a caring home. sanctuary, Pet Smart, or done, saving new owner Moving; free to g o od M-4 5.56 w/mag. New w/table & m otor, as- • Petco! Fixed, shots, ID $120! $600. 541-598-7417 homes. 541-233-3534 Please call ri ht awa . $500. & Eq u i p ment Beer "Pump",1900s, sembled, walking foot, $1200. 541-633-7017 chip, tested, more! 389clutch motor installed, 45 made in England by 8 420. P h otos, in f o :Donate deposit bottles/ Labrador, AKC b l ack Gaskell & Chambers, min. use on machine, reGUN SHOW www.craftcats.org 8 like cans to local all volun- puppies, family raised, Fornewspaper Feb. 23rd & 24th, 2013 cently svc'd, qreat cond! QUAINT CABIN ON 10 ACRES! $450. 541-408-4613 us on Facebook. teer, non-profit rescue, to parents on site. $300 delivery, call the Deschutes Fairgrounds $2000 obo. Call or text Modern amenities andall the quiet help with cat spay/neuter each. 541-508-0429 The Bulletin reserves Circulation Dept. at Buy! Sell! Trade! 541-777-0972 Adult companion cats vet bills. Cans for Cats you will need.Roomto grow in your 541-385-5800 the right to publish all SAT. 9-5 • SUN. 10-3 FREE to seniors, dis- trailer at Sheriff's parking Labrador Pups, AKC ads from The Bulletin $8 Admission, POULAN RIDER To place an ad, call own little paradise! Call now. abled 8 veterans! Tame, lot, Hwy, 20 W, 2/11-22, Chocolate/Yeliow/White newspaper onto The 12 8 under free! 42" cut 18'/~ hp, $650 541-385-5809 altered, shots, ID chip, PetSmart 2/23-25. Do- Hips OFA guaranteed. OREGON TRAIL GUN obo. 541-408-0846. Bulletin Internet webor email more. Will always take nate M-F O Smith Signs, $300-$400. classned@bendbulletm.com SHOWS, 541-347-2120 site. FORD F150 XL 2005. This truck 1-541-954-1727 back for any reason. 1515 NE 2nd; or at TuUnique birdhouses or 541-404-1890 5 41-389- 8 4 20 . V i s it malo sanctuary anytime. can haul it all! Extra Cab, 4x4, 7 styles, from $15-$28, MiKi/Chihuahua pups sen ng cenval oregon since rRB Sat/Sun 1-5. P h otos,Info: Ser ng cenvat oregon s nce l903 HUNTER EDUCATION 54 1- 3 89-8420; nd a tough V8 engine will get Don, 541-977-1737 1st shorts, $250 ea. info: www.craftcats.org. www.craftcats.org. classes at Bend High he job done on the ranchi 541-447-0210 beginning Feb. 25th. Wanted- paying cash Prompt Delivery BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! Coins & Stamps • Sign up online at for Hi-fi audio 8 stu- Rock, Sand & Gravel Pitbull Blue Fawn pups. The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are dfw.state.or.us dio equip. Mclntosh, Multiple Colors, Sizes $250 F;$200 M. Both still over 2,000 folks in our community without Landscaping Co. p arents o n site . Private collector buying Leupold scope 3x9x40 J BL, M a rantz, D y - Instant permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift 541-389-9663 p ostage stamp a l 541-571-9623 naco, Heathkit, Sann e w , $20 0 . sui, Carver, NAD, etc. camps, getting by as best they can. bums & c o llections, l ike SUPER TOP SOIL For an additional The following items are badly needed to Queensfand Heelers world-wide and U.S. 541-647-8931 Call 541-261-1808 www.hershe soilandbark.com 573-286-4343 (local, Rem. 700 .308 LH, $850. standard & mini,$150 8 help them get through the winter: Screened, soil & comsl per day up. 541-280-1537 cell ¹) Browning A-bolt .338 SS, Where can you find a @ CAMPING GEAR of any sort: @ post m i x ed , no rightwayranch.word$750. 541-647-8931 helping hand? rocks/clods. High huNew or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. press.com mus level, exc. f or s WARM CLOTHING: Remington 22LR Golden From contractors to Guns, Hunting flower beds, lawns, Rodent control experts H V ammo, 50 0 r d s, Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. yard care, it's all here & Fishing straight gardens, (barn cats) seek work in $100. 541-647-8931 PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT in The Bulletin's s creened to p s o il. exchange for safe shelTHE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER Bark. Clean fill. De- To place your ad, visit www.bendbulletin.com ter, basic care. Fixed, 1000 Chedite shotgun Remington 22LR Sub"Call A Service or call 385-5809 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. shots. W e del i ver! primers, $45. Sonic ammo, 300 rds, liver/you haul. Professional" Directory 541-548-3949. PLEASE HELP, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. 541-389-8420. K41-408-7826 $60. 541-647-8931




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Employment Opportunities

ployee. Good work ethic and excellent 616 customer se r v ice Want To Rent skills are essential. Must be 21 or over 30-yr old male seeks a as you will be ex- room; pay up to $250 + pected to be able to share utils. 541-848-9180 tend bar periodically. 627 H ours ma y v a r y . Pays minimum wage Vacation Rentals and tips. Apply on& Exchanges line at w ww.cityofprineville.com

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The case manager will serve as a liaison between the healthcare delivery teams within the Regency Pacific skilled nursing and assisted living facilities throughout Central Oregon. The key functions are as follows: • Act as triage and coordinate appropriate care transitions for residents at risk in care partner assisted living and home health • Assist with discharge planning at hospitals by providing timely admissions decisions and facilitate a smooth admissions process. • Ability to make sales calls, spending 80% of time in the marketplace. • Must have 3 years of sales and marketing experience, preferably in a healthcare setting. Nursing Licensure required. Please send resume to:

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EMPLOYMENT 410 - Private Instruction 421 - Schools and Training 454- Looking for Employment 470 - Domestic & In-Home Positions 476 - Employment Opportunities 486 - Independent Positions



Employment Opportunities

Court Operations Supervisor

State of Oregon Judicial Department, Jefferson County, Madras, Oregon. Court Operations Super454 visor 3 8 Mediation CoLooking for Employment ordinator. Provides supervision and training of CARPENTER looking court staff, and coordif or work a s le a d nates the District's memaintenance or care- d iation program. R e t aker for r e sort o f quires associate's degree ranch. Experienced in and 3 years supervisory all phases of c o n- experience (or education struction, fencing or and experience equivaheavy equip. S ea- lent to 4 years). Salary: sonal or full time. Se- $3801-$6188/mo. plus rious inquires only. benefits. For complete announcement and apJeff, 701-580-0296. plication visit www.courts.ore on. ov/ 470 OJD/ obs ~ Domestic & or call 541-447-6541, In-Home Positions x 102. Closes March 13, 2013 © 11:59 pm Are you in need of an honest, exp'd h ousekeeper? 541-977-2450 CAUTION READERS: USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Ads published in "Employment OpportuniDcor-to-door selling with ies" i n clude e m fast results! It's the easiest tployee and way in the world to sell. i ndependent pos i tions. Ads for posiThe Bulletin Classified tions that require a fee 541-385-5809 or upfront investment must be stated. With 476 any independent job opportunity, p l ease Employment investigate thorOpportunities oughly.


Employment Opportunities FINANCIAL

Sr. Business Lender

Case Manager Nurse Liaison for Central Oregon Facilities

h hh hh e

~ Bend, OR re enc - acific.com Craft3 is a n o n-profit Community D e v elop-Medical ment Financial Institution Jefferson County EMS (CDFI) with a mission to District currently has strengthen e c o nomic, a position open for an ecological and family re- EMT with 2 years exsilience in Pacific North- perience. JCEMS is a west communities. We small special district. do this by providing loans t hat p rovides A L S 476 and assistance to entre- service to a large ruEmployment preneurs, non-profits, in- ral area. Opportunities dividuals and others, in- Salary package varies cluding those who don't DOE, For more infornormally have access to mation contact us at DO YOU NEED financing. PO Box 265, Madras, A GREAT ~P i t i P 977 4 1 . Or Responsible for gener- OR EMPLOYEE ating and underwriting 541-475-7476. RIGHT NOW? new business loans and Deadline for application Call The Bulletin before 11 a.m. and servicing a loan portfolio is March 8, 2013. meets Craft3's misget an ad in to pub- that Journeymen sion, financial and risk Plumber, lish the next day! for new c ongoals. The primary lend- needed 541-385-5809. struction, local 8 valley ing focus targets micro, areas. Start immediately! VIEW the small and medium busi- Call Gary, 541-410-1655 Classifieds at: nesses in central and www.bendbulletin.com eastern Oregon, specifi- Remember.... cally those owned by mi- A dd your we b a d nonties, women, immi- dress to your ad and People Look for Information grants, and low-income. readers on Located in our new Bend, Bulletin' s webThe About Products and site Oregon office, this posiServices Every Daythrough tion will also p rovide will be able to click The Bulletin Classifieds marketing assistance in through automatically the eastside Oregon area to your site. and be responsible for Craft3 branding efforts. The Bulletin FINANCE To learn about Craft3, I Recommends extra Central Oregon RV visit www.craft3.org caution when purd ealership has a n Complete the application; chasing products or I immediate opening htt s://home.eease.ad . from out of ' for a full-time expe- com/recruit/? id=3970901 i services the area. Sending rienced Hirinq decision is sched c ash, c hecks, o r Finance Manager uled for 3/13. l credit i n f o rmation who will share our Cralt3is an equal be subjected to commitment to our opportunity employer; i may FRAUD. women and minorities customers. We offer For more i nformacompetitive pay and are encouraged toapply tion about an adveran excellent benl tiser, you may call efits package. the Oregon State Apply in person at Need help fixing stuff? l Attorney General's 63500 N. Hwy 97 in Office Co n s umerI Bend, or email your Call A Service Professional Protection hotline at I find the help you need. resume to www.bendbulletin.com l 1-877-877-9392. bcrvhireO mail.com

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Food Service Meadow Lakes Golf Course is looking for a w ait s t aff e m -




i i i i l i



~T}ie BLtllettrT

from town, 2 bdrm / 2 bath,TV, Fireplace, BBQ, $85 per night, 2 night MIN. 208-342-6999 630

Rooms for Rent Studios 8 Kitchenettes Furnished room, TV w/ cable, micro & fridge. Utils 8 l i nens. New owners. $145-$165/wk 541-382-1885

BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate tc automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Call 541-385-5809 www.bendbulletin.com

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682 - Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705- Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740 - Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746 - Northwest BendHomes 747 - Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749 - Southeast BendHomes 750 - RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762 - Homeswith Acreage 763 - Recreational HomesandProperty 764 - Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land


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NOTICE: Oregon state Margo Construction law req u ires anyLLC Since 1992 one who co n t racts • Pavers• Carpentry e GREAT wINTER e for construction work • Remodeling • Decks DEAL! www.BendRepos.com to be licensed with the • Window/Door bend and beyond real estate 2 bdrm, 1 bath, C onstruction Con - Replacement • Int/Ext 20967 yeoman, bend or $530 & $540 w/lease. tractors Board (CCB). Paint • CCB 176121 Carports included! A n active lice n se 541-480-3179 750 FOX HOLLOW APTS. means the contractor Redmond Homes i s bonded an d i n - Landscaping/Yard Carei (541) 383-3152 s ured. Ver if y t h e Cascade Rental Management. Co. contractor's CCB Looking for your next N OTICE: ORE G O N c ense through t h e emp/oyee? Landscape ContracCall for Specials! CCB Cons u m er tors Law (ORS 671) Place a Bulletin help Limited numbers avail. Website wanted ad today and www.hireaticensedcontractor. r equires a l l bu s i 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. reach over 60,000 nesses that advertise W/D hookups, patios com readers each week. t o p e r form L a n dor call 503-378-4621. or decks. Your classified ad The Bulletin recom- scape C o n struction MOUNTAIN GLEN, will also appear on includes: mends checking with which 541-383-9313 bendbulletin.com dec k s , the CCB prior to con- p lanting, Professionally which currently rearbors, tracting with anyone. fences, managed by Norris & ceives over Some other t rades w ater-features, a n d Stevens, Inc. 1.5 million page also req u ire addi- installation, repair of views every month irrigation systems to 636 tional licenses a nd at no extra cost. be licensed with the certifications. Apt./Multiplex NW Bend Bulletin Classifieds Landscape ContracGet Results! t ors B o a rd . Th i s Small studio close to liCall 385-5809 or 4-digit number is to be Debris Removal brary, all util. pd. $550, place your ad on-line included in all adver$525 dep. No pets/ at tisements which indiJUNK BE GONE smoking. 541-330bendbulletin.com cate the business has 9769 or 541-480-7870 I Haul Away FREE a bond, insurance and For Salvage. Also workers c ompensa638 Cleanups & Cleanouts 771 tion for their employApt./Multiplex SE Bend Mel, 541-389-8107 Lots ees. For your protection call 503-378-5909 2 bdrm in duplex w/large Nice flat lot in Terrebor use our website: Excavating backyard, $775 mo, $700 onne, .56 a c res, www.lcb.state.or.us to dep, incl water 8 garb.; p aved street, a p check license status Levi's Dirt Works pet negotiable. 1-year proved fo r ca p -fill before co n t racting for all your dirt 6 excavalease. 559-213-8160 septic, utilities are at ticn needs. Concrete, with t h e b u s iness. the lot line. $42,000. Driveway GradingPersons doing landWant to impress the MLS 32 0 1 2001172 Low cost! ccb¹ 194077 scape maintenance relatives? Remodel Pam Lester, Principal 541-639-5282 do not require a LCB B roker, Century 2 1 license. your home with the Gold Country Realty, help of a professional Inc. 541-504-1338 Handyman from The Bulletin's Tick, Tock "Call A Service 773 I DO THAT! Professional" Directory Home/Rental repairs TiCk, TOck... Acreages Small jobs to remodels ...don't let time get Honest, guaranteed A STUNNING 51366 Riverland, work. CCB¹151573 away. Hire a La Pine. 1 acre, 2 BDRM/$615 Dennis 541-317-9768 61545 ParreH Road garage w/non livprofessional out able trailer. $28,000. Classy new exterior, of The Bulletin's small, quiet complex, 541-659-1416 ERIC REEVE HANDY "Call A Service lots of upgrades, SERVICES. Home 8 beautiful new kitchen, 775 Commercial Repairs, Professional" with slab granite Carpentry-Painting, Manufactured/ Directory today! countertops, large Pressure-washing, Mobile Homes master with 3 closets. Honey Do's. On-time SPRING CLEAN-UP! private fenced patio, promise. Senior FACTORY SPECIAL laundry on site, InDiscount. Work guar- Aeration/Dethatching New Home, 3 bdrm, cludes w/s/g. No Weekly/one-time service anteed. 541-389-3361 avail. Bonded, insured. $46,500 finished smoking/no pets. Call or 541-771-4463 on your site. Free Estimates! or text 541-633-0663 Bonded & Insured J and M Homes COLLINS Lawn Maint. CCB¹181595 541-548-5511 648 Ca/i 541-480-9714 Houses for Rent General ' r Apt./Multiplex NE Bend


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The Bulletin Daytime inside sales.

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This is a relaxed environment and approach involving business to business sales. Mid-South offers a brief paid training program but the ideal candidates will possess business to business sales experience.

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based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, marital status or national origin, or an intention to make any such pre f e rence, limitation or discrimination." Familial status includes children under the age of 18 living with parents or legal cus t o dians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under 18. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. O ur r e aders ar e hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination cal l HUD t o l l-free at




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mends you use caution when you provide personal information to compa- 1-800-877-0246. The nies offering loans or toll f re e t e l ephone credit, especially number for the hearthose asking for ading im p aired is vance loan fees or 1-800-927-9275. companies from out of state. If you have 675 concerns or quesRV Parking tions, we suggest you consult your attorney RV space for rent Tuor call CONSUMER malo. 30 amp+ water HOTLINE, & sewer. Gravel lot. 1-877-877-9392. Avail. 3/1. $350 mo. BANK TURNED YOU DOWN? Private party will loan on real es-

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w ednesday,Feb ruary2o,zo13

ACROSS i [5] s [1] io Word on either side of "a" is Sporty auto, for short i4 Call to mind is Asteroid area is Stand up to

33 Climber's goal 34 Giga- follower 3s Creator of Oz 37 King of tragedy 39 Dud's sound 42 Caramel-filled candy 44 Prom, e.g. 4s Cyberaddress 49 See 28-Across i71n an intellectual si [30] manner is Pointy-eared TV s3 Combine name s4 Free pass, of character sorts zi [25] ss Some locker 22 Polished off room art 23 Couldn't help s7 Garden pest but genus 27 Feudal lord so Ones whipping zs With 49- and things up in the 69-Across, kitchen? a hint to the 63 Sci. branch meanings of the bracketed ss He and she clues ss Like some 3i [10] checking 32 Spoken for accounts

Pet peeves By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services

We all have a pet peeve. Mine is players who blame partner for a bad result when the fault was their own. (When I was young and brash, I would get into trouble because I wouldn't let such indiscretions pass without comment.) At four hearts, South ruffed the second club, took the K-Q of trumps, led a diamond to his ace and cashed his A-J of trumps, leaving him with none. He then took the queen and king of diamonds, but had to win the next diamond in his hand. East took the rest with the ace of spades and two clubs: down one.

What do you say? ANSWER: After your two-level response, your partner's rebid of two hearts doesn't promise a suit longer than five cards.Hence to raise to four hearts would be premature. Stall by bidding two spades, a new suit. If partner next bids 2NT, you can try 3NT. If he rebids three hearts, you can raise. North dealer Both sides vulnerable



0 K 6532 41074


South peeved me by attacking North: "Your bid of three hearts was awful," South said. "Bid three spades to show values there. I'll bid five diamonds." I think three spades was North's best third bid, but his choice of three hearts wasn't as bad as South's play. Instead of ruffing at Trick Two, South must pitch a blocking low diamond. He ruffsthe next club and draws trumps asbefore, bu tthen he can take five diamond tricks and 10 in all.

EAST 4A109 Q 10754 O 10 A A98 6 2 SOUTH 4o762 9AJ93 2 0 A Q98 45


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W e st

1O 1 NT 3 r2

Pass Pas s Pas s

1Q 3 0 4 9

Pass Pass All P a s s


Youhold: 4 o K Q 8 6 K Q O K6 5 3 2 4 10 7 4 . Y ourpartner Opening lead — 4 K o pens one h eart, y o u b i d t w o diamonds and he rebids two hearts. (C) 2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. -»:/ ( yl x x I ~,/



ss Bourbon and Beale: Abbr. 69 See 28-Across 7o [50]











17 19









2 Faux fat 3 Like late-night commuter




DOWN i Crumple (up)






27 30



33 35







4 Harry Belafonte catchword s Eat like a bird 6 Alternative to Ct. or La. 7 f avo r














s Squeeze (out) s Gen. Beauregard's men io Soft and smooth



57 60












ii Dishonest, informally i2 Compound in disposable


29 Red ink

crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptionex Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past

3s Seller of TV spots

ss Turned state's evidence

4s Fig Newtons maker

4s [15] ss Pal around 39 Some coffee cups (with) children's show is "South Pacific" 47 Check out characters H O O K setting so Parisian 49 Mont Blanc, 0 R S 0 pronoun 4o Rig contents is Small brook par exemple N I T S si Gee preceder zo[20] S E 4i Projecting soClears the 22 Court fig. wheel rims H N I C board 62 Emeritus: Abbr. U T E S 24 [60] 64 "Awesome!" 43 Links concern sz [4 0] A V I 2s Do better than For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit A T E N 26 Bob Marley card, 1-800-814-5554. N E R Y classic Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday


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puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.



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THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles one letter Io each square, Io form four ordinary words.

This ls whet put you through college.


EVUEN 'zo,

02013 Tnbune Media Services, Iec. „ Ao Rights Reserved.



ACROSS 6 Cereal grain 30 Mercury Seven 50 S weets, in 1 When Romeo 7 Previously owned Ol'9. Naples meets Juliet 8 Scatter, like petals 31 From the U.S. 51 N a tive Alaskan 5 Crummy 9 Sycophant 32 Hollywood crosser 52 Minister's house 10 His mausoleumis 10 Lionel train, say 33 Fifth wheel 53 Oft-burned object in Tiananmen 11 1998 animated 35 From then on 54 S t e nch Square film released the 38 Fjord, for one 55 Ap p roves quietly 13 Close-Up, e.g. month before "A 39 High time? 57 Lena of 15 Posterior uchocolatu Bug's Life" 44 Formosa, now 16 See 15-Down 12 Jim Davis dog 46 Willy, Biff or 60 Seuss's "The 17 Pro foe 14 "Fantasia" tutu Happy of drama 5000 F ingers 18 Ready to pour wearer 48 Blackmore of 19 Paint as wicke 15 With 16-Across, heroine 61 Rocky hellos 21 Peoria-to-Deca 1986 film in which CIII'. Dianne Wiest ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: 22 TD's six says, "But you 25 Question eliciti M A O R I I S P have to remember B E A T It l I> LOt SI while you read A N D E S O R R I N N O R 26 Vital vessel and you're cursing CA M E T O T E R M S A B E 28 Tidy up my name, you A M I E W E S A H E M 31 Strafford's rive know, that this is 34 Holm and R O T T E N T O T H E COR E my first script." MCKellen D R I E R S NE S T L E D 20 Outmaneuver 36 "Star Trek" role 23 Calc prereq I S T S S L URS ED S 37 2011 film in wh 24 Lesley of u60 HO T T O T R 0 T Owen Wilson Minutes" A B A B R I G S R I S K says, eWonderful 26 1977 film in which but forgettable AL A N O N M O N S O O N 59-Across says, That sounds lik "Awards! They do N O N E E D T O T H A N K M E a picture I've E K E S D AM N L A A nothing but give seen. I probabIy out awards!" S E X M I D D L E C H I L D wrote it." 27 Starts the pot 40 No s i g ht N E S T A K E R N I E 29 Consumer 41 Letterman riva AD D T O N Y S E GA D advocate 42 "99 Luftballonse 02/20/1 3 xwordeditorteaol.com Brockovich singer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 43 Thaw once more 45 Give a good 13 14 15 talking-to 47 In the lead 16 17 49 U2 producer or, backwards, U2 hit 18 19 20 50 Aswan landmark 53 Gift of a sort 21 22 2 3 24 25 56 Simoleons 58 Justin Bieber or 26 27 28 29 30 the golden calf 59 Winner Df 31 3 2 33 34 35 36 screenwriting 37 38 39 Oscars for the three quoted films 41 42 62 Stax Records


63 "Titus UCONIS






Now arrange the circled letters Io form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon. 2-20

6 LaughingStock Intemeenal Inc, Dist by Universal UClek for UF6, 209

"I'm just going to get a pack of cigarettes."


": 16th-

century play

0 c REI4ArloN eclc IBTV


b4" b 4'

Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

SAFE HAVENS &HE'5 1 A55t)iy!SD IPI A tAAV, glfE I i o)AI1 6HE'~ jIIN& !4)oULD tc I HEIR 'g/tftki &TIZII-IH& gfzltaCy)fat2 (/IISAIz Atl I +'qAg ToF iT! C LA < ENYO A SLol/ Fo! DOTLRh)t716II -rt(5 L75GAfzc 1 NIATE!Ra)FtL OUTFIT To Vy!E AccE(7TPIACE, Ac/(DGIAl (AI 41AIzb5



Ij 9,:


© 2013 by King Features Syndicate, Inc World 09hto reserved


:"ELX3" U (Anowero tomorrow) Jumbles: CLASH C O U R T BR O K E R DIG E ST Answer: When ohe goi sick after they oet sail, he needed toget — BACK TO THE "DOC"

64 Pre-LCD screen 65 Makes a home 66 Time in ads







DOWN 1 Oldest musketeer 62 2 Directing brothers 64 3 Rich cake 4 " small world" 5 12-in. albums By Eric Williams




55 59

56 60





63 65

(c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.






Boats & Accessories •



Tra v el Trailers •

GENERATE SOME excitement in your neigborhood. Plan a ga-


rage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified! 385-5809.

You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV

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2007 Ski-Doo Renegade 600 w/513 mi, like new, now reduced to $4500. Call 541-221-5221

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Antique & Classic Autos

Pickups r>«gaa CERTIFIED

Piper A rcher 1 9 8 0, Ford Ranchero based in Madras, al1979 ways hangared since with 351 Cleveland new. New annual, auto modified engine. pilot, IFR, one piece windshield. Fastest ArBody is in cher around. 1750 to- excellent condition, tal t i me . $6 8 ,500. $2500 obo. 541-475-6947, ask for 541-420-4677 Rob Berg. T-Hangar for rent at Bend airport.


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2006 CHEVY SILVERADO 3500 crew cab dually with 8' box, 4x4. ¹186633 $24,995

Call 541-382-8998.

2011 Acura MDX AWD

BOATS &RVs 805- Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885- Canopies and Campers 890 - RVs for Rent

AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 -Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles

Ford T-Bird 1966 390 ¹506888 ...... $35,995 eng, power everything, 2011 Toyota 4 Runner new paint, 54K original Springdale 2005 27', 4' SR5 ¹042626.. $30,988 miles, runs great, exslide in dining/living area, 935 2009 Ford F150 cellent condition in 8 sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 Supercrew FX4 4X4 Sport Utility Vehicles Vans Automobiles out. Asking $8,500. obo. 541-408-3811 ¹C77945 ..... $28,995 541-480-3179 2006 Infiniti QX56 F ord F reestyle S E L Chevy Astro $8000 all. 541-536-8130 2006, V6, AWD, AT, AC, ¹805852...$21,995 Used out-drive Cargo Van2001, front & side airbags, 25 541-598-3750 parts - Mercury pdl, great cond Diamond Reo Dump Corner 97 8 w. Empire mpg, 3rd row seating, pw, 800 Polaris,less than OMC rebuilt mabusiness car, well pwr Ithr seats, multi-CD, Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 www.aaaoregonauto250 mi, like new. rine motors: 151 traction control, new tires maint'd, regular oil yard box, runs good, source.com 700 Polaris with less 8 brks, maintained exchanges, $4500. Ford Taurus wagon 2004, $1595; 3.0 $1895; Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 $6900, 541-548-6812 that 900 mi, like new. GMC Vg fon 1971, Only t remely well, runs & very nice, pwr everything, Please call Chevy Silverado 2010 4.3 (1993), $1995. 29', weatherized, like RMK; tag good until drives exlnt,148K hwy mi, 120K, FWD, good tires, $19,700! Original low 541-633-5149 HD 2500 Diesel Crew541-389-0435 2015. Asking $6000 n ew, f u rnished & G K E A T $4900 obo. 541-815-9939 mile, exceptional, 3rd Cab. Red w/ Blk Lthr. $6700. 541-604-4166 for both, you will not ready to go, incl Wineowner. 951-699-7171 11,800 miles. $46,000. believe how nice they 875 ard S a tellite dish, Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 Call The Bulletin At 541-593-0204 are. (541) 350-6865 26,995. 541-420-9964 7 -pass. v a n wit h Hysfer H25E, runs 541 -385-5809 Watercraft laa It IIIII» p ower c h a i r lif t , Place Your Ad Or E-Mail well, 2982 Hours, $1500; 1989 Dodge At: www.bendbulletin.com • Yamaha 750 1999 $3500,call 2007 SeaDoo Turbo Van 7 - pass. 541-749-0724 Mountain Max, $1750. has new motor and 2004 Waverunner, • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 Jeep Comanche, 1990, GMC Envoy 2002 4WD excellent condition, t rans., $1500. I f i n - Kia Optima EX 2004 EXT, $1250. original owner, 167K, LOW hours. Double $6,450. Loaded, terested c a l l Ja y 2.7L V6, all power • Zieman 4-place Weekend Warrior Toy 4WD, 5-spd, tags good Ford 250 XLT 1990, Leather, Heated 503-269-1057. options, moonroof, trailer, lots of extras. trailer, SOLD! Hauler 28' 2007,Gen, till 9/2015, $3900 obo. seats, Bose sound spoiler, leather, $10,000 6 yd. dump bed, All in good condition. fuel station, exc cond. 541-633-7761 system. Ext. roof rack Honda Odyssey EXL Infinity AM/FM/CD, 541-719-8444 139k, Auto, $5500. Located in La Pine. sleeps 8, black/gray 2IR 2 004, auto., ver y alloys, Michelin & (218) 478-4469 541-410-9997 Call 541-408-6149. i nterior, u se d 3X , Peterbilt 359 p o table studded tires, g ood c o nd., T e a l Just bought a new boat? $19,999 firm. water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, l eather seats, t o w meticulously mainSell your old one in the FORD RANGER XLT 860 541-389-9188 3200 gal. tank, 5hp tained, $4900. pkg., 100k miles, n Ask about our 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 Motorcycles & Accessories classifieds! p ump, 4 3 hoses, $8,900. 541-617-0691 Bend, 760-715-9123 Super Seller rates! speed, with car alarm, camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. Looking for your 541-385-5809 CD player, extra tires 541-820-3724 Harley Davidson Softnext employee? Mercedes E-class E430, Plymouth B a r racuda on rims. Runs good. Tail De luxe 2 0 0 7, Ads published in nWa- Place a Bulletin help Automobiles • 2002, AWD 4-dr sedan, 1966, original car! 300 Clean. 92,000 miles white/cobalt, w / pas- tercraft" include: Kay- wanted ad today and Honda CRV 2004, Special Edition, $15,000 hp, 360 V8, center- o n m o t or . $ 2 4 0 0 Automotive Parts, senger kit, Vance & aks, rafts and motor$10,495. reach over 60,000 obo. Call 12-5pm (Iv (Original 273 OBO. 541-771-6511. Call 541-610-6150 or see Hines muffler system Ized personal readers each week. Service & Accessories lines, msg), 541-350-0215 eng & wheels incl.) http://bend.craigslist.org watercrafts. For 8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. Your classified ad /cto/3617273265. html c ond, $16,9 9 9 , " boats" please s e e 256 Ford diesel engine, 541-593-2597 will also appear on 541-389-9188. Class 870. complete, i n c ludes bendbulletin.com 541-385-5809 injector pump, $250. Garage Sales which currently reI nternational Fla t Harley Heritage BMW 740 IL 1998 orig. S0M 8AST/ Needs rebuilt. C a ll ceives over 1.5 milBed Pickup 1963, 1 Softail, 2003 owner, exc. c o n d. Garage Sales 541-447-1522. lion page views evton dually, 4 s p d. $5,000+ in extras, 101k miles, new tires, ery month at no Subaru wagon trans., great MPG, $2000 paint job, loaded, sunroof. Garage Sales Nissan Sentra 2012, 880 extra cost. Bulletin 1991 Loyale 4x4, 30K mi. 1 owner, could be exc. wood $8900. 541-706-1897 12,610 mi, full warranty, Classifieds Get Re5-spd, updates, For more information Motorhomes hauler, runs great, Find them PS, PB, AC, 8 more! sults! Call 385-5809 $1950 obo. ~Oo please call new brakes, $1950. $16,000. 541-788-0427 or place your ad in 541-385-8090 541-420-3277 541-419-5480. M ore P ixa t B e n d b u lle ti n .c o m on-line at I~~~ or 209-605-5537 The Bulletin bendbulletin.com Buick Lucerne CXL Toyota Camrysf HD Screaming Eagle Classifieds 2009, $12,500, low 1984, $1200 obo; Tick, Tock low miles; 2003 LeElectra Glide 2005, 1921 Model T 1985 SOLD; 541-385-5809 103 » motor, two tone L-. Sabre, $4000. You'll Delivery Truck 1986 parts car, Tick, Tock... not find nicer Buicks candy teal, new tires, 2003 Fleetwood DisRestored & Runs PROJECT CARS:Chevy $500. One look's worth a 23K miles, CD player, covery 40' diesel mo...don't let time get $9000. 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & thousand words. Call Call for details, hydraulic clutch, extorhome w/all RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L 541-389-8963 Chevy Coupe 1950 away. Hire a Bob, 541-318-9999. cellent condition. 541-548-6592 options-3 slide outs, rolling chassis's $1750 hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, for an appt. and take a Highest offer takes it. professional out satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, drive in a 30 mpg car! 4-dr 1949, am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. 541-480-8080. Good classified ads tell ea., Chevy e tc.32,000 mile s . of The Bulletin's Toyota Corolla 2004, car, $ 1949;541-420-3634/390-1285 Wintered i n h e a ted the essential facts in an complete Chevy Cobalt 2 0 05, auto., loaded, 204k Cadillac Series 61 1950, "Call A Service shop. $89,900 O.B.O. Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 interesting Manner. Write 2 dr. hard top, complete miles. orig. owner, non white, 4-dr, 2.2L, 108K ATVs 541-447-8664 Professional" by Carriage, 4 slide- from the readers view - not w /spare f r on t cl i p ., miles, over 35mpg, auto smoker, exc. c ond. $6500 Prin e ville the seller's. Convert the $3950, 541-382-7391 trans, AC, CD player, outs, inverter, satelDirectory today! Toyota 4x 4 Pi c kup, dual airbags, manual 503-358-8241 lite sys, fireplace, 2 facts into benefits. Show 1983, 8000-Ib Warn 933 locks 8 windows, good flat screen TVs. the reader how the item will winch, 2 sets of tire Toyota Prius 2010 4Ru n n er cond in/out, runs/drives Pkg $60,000. help them in someway. Pickups chains, canopy, 22R Toyota II, blue, 24k mi., great, non-smkr, always 541-480-3923 1 993, blue, 4 d r . , This motor, 5-spd trans¹105655 $19,995. maintained. $4950. 32' Fleetwood Fiesta '03, 4WD, V6, 5 speed, advertising tip mission, $2495 obo. Call 541-350-9938 Chevy 3/4 ton 4x4 t ow pkg., plus 4 Yamaha Banshee 2001, no slide-out, Triton eng, brought to you by 541-350-2859 1971 new trans, 2 all amenities, 1 owner, studs tires on rims, custom built 350 motor, perfect, only 17K miles, new t i r es , ne w r uns g reat. W a s Oregon The Bulletin race-ready, lots of extras, 935 brakes, 2nd owner, $ 5500, no w o n l y ANtoSoNrce $5500/obo 541-647-8931 $21,500. 541-504-3253 r uns/drives g o o d. Sport Utility Vehicles $4000.541-659-1416 541-598-3750 Make good w o od Chrysler Sebring Con- aaaoregonautosource.com Laredo 2009 30' with 2 truck. $2395 O BO vertIble, 2004, beautiful /Boats & Accessories slides, TV, A/C, table VOLVO XC90 2005 V8 condition, dark g r ay/ 541-350-2859 AWD. New mud and brown w/tan leather Inte8 c h airs, s a tellite, Looking for your Arctic p kg., p o wer snow tires siped, 53k rior, 84K miles, $5995. next employee? 17' 1984 Chris Craft awning, Exc. cond! m iles, n e w fro n t 541-350-5373 Place a Bulletin help - Scorpion, 140 HP Econoline RV 19 8 9, $28,000. 541-419-3301 1966 GMC, 2nd owner USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! brakes. very c lean. wanted ad today and too many extras to list inboard/outboard, 2 fully loaded, exc. cond, Door-to-door selling with Buick Enclave 2008 CXL $14,995 Check out the reach over 60,000 depth finders, troll35K m i. , R e ducedNuWa 29 7LK Hi t ch- $8500 obo. Serious buy AWD, V-6, black, clean, 541-382-2682 classifieds online readers each week. fast results! It's the easiest ing motor, full cover, $15,250. 541-546-6133 Hiker 2007, 3 slides, ers only. 541-536-0123 mechanicall y sound, 82k www.bendbulletin.com Your classified ad 32' touring coach, left way in the world to sell. miles. $20,995. EZ - L oad t railer, will also appear on kitchen, rear lounge, Updated daily $3500 OBO. Four Winds Class Call 541-815-1216 bendbulletin.com Vans The Bulletin Classified • 541-382-3728. A 32' H u r ricane many extras, beautiful which currently recond. inside & o ut, 2007. CAN'T BEAT 541-385-5809 ceives over 1.5 mil$32,900 OBO, PrinevTHIS! Look before 96 Ford Windstar 8 lion page views 18.5' Sea Ray 2000, you buy, b e low ille. 541-447-5502 days 2000 Nissan Quest, every month at & 541-447-1641 eves. Chevy Sil v erado market value! Size 4.3L Mercruiser, 190 Chevy C-20 Pickup both 7-passenger no extra cost. Bulle2000, 1/2 ton, V-8, 8 m ileage DOES hp Bowrider w/depth 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; vans, 160K miles, People Look for Information auto 4-spd, 396, model 8' box, bed liner, std tin Classifieds matter! 12,500 mi, finder, radio/CD player, low prices, $1200 & Get Results! Call all amenities, Ford About Products and cab, auto, 4x4, 54k Chevy Tahoe 1999, 4x4, rod holders, full canCST /all options, orig. "My Little Red Corvette" $2900, and worth 385-5809 or place mi., e xc . co n d ., most options, new paint V10, Ithr, c h erry, Services Every Daythrough vas, EZ Loader trailer, owner, $22,000, 1996 coupe. 132K, every cent! your ad on-line at $9000. slides, like new! New exclnt cond, $14,500. 541-923-6049 The Bulletin Classifieds 8 tires, 159K mi., $4250. 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. 541-318-9999 541-977-6653 bendbulletin.com low price, $54,900. 707-484-3518 (Bend) Call 541-233-8944 $12,500 541-923-1781 541-548-5216 Find exactly what rg, at you are looking for in the Gulfstream Scenic CLASSIFIEDS Cruiser 36 ff. 1999, Cummins 330 hp die20.5' 2004 Bayliner '55 Chevy 2 dr . w gn sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 205 Run About, 220 in. kitchen slide out, Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th P ROJECT car, 3 5 0 HP, V8, open bow, wheel, 1 s lide, AC, small block w/Weiand new tires,under cover, exc. cond., very fast TV,full awninq, excel- dual quad tunnel ram hwy. miles only,4 door w/very low hours, lent shape, $23,900. with 450 Holleys. T-10 fridge/freezer icelots of extras incl. 541-350-8629 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, maker, W/D combo, tower, Bimini & Weld Prostar whls, Interbath tub & custom trailer, extra rolling chassis + shower, 50 amp pro$19,500. extras. $6000 for all. pane gen 8 more! 541-389-1413 541-389-7669. $45,000.

with an ad in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory

R U V !

The Bulletin



Q j~

~ ~eW CentuTrj





In t e rnational

2005, 36' 5th Wheel, Model¹M-349 RLDS-5

20.5' Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO.

Fall price

$ 2 1,865.


Monaco Dynasty 2004, loaded, 3 slides, diesel, Reduced - now $119,000, 5 4 1-923-



8572 or 541-749-0037

0 0



ev • 22' Custom Weld Jet, 2002, 350 Vortec, 210 Southwind 35.5' Triton, hrs, garaged, loaded. 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du541-923-0854. pont UV coat, 7500 mi.

Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please see Class 875. 541-385-5809

The Bulletin

Bought new at $132,913; asking $93,500.

Chevy Wagon 1957, 4-dr., complete, $7,000 OBO, trades. Please call


Aircraft, Parts & Service

Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, auto. trans, ps, air, frame on rebuild, repainted original blue, original blue interior, original hub caps, exc. chrome, asking $9000 or make offer. 541-385-9350

Call 541-419-4212

Chrysler SD 4-Door 1930, CD S R oyal Standard, S-cylinder, body is good, needs 1/3 interest i n w e l l- some r e s toration, equipped IFR Beech Bo- runs, taking bids, nanza A36, new 10-550/ 541-383-3888, Winnebago 30A Sight- prop, located KBDN. 541-815-3318 seer 2012, 31 ft., all $65,000. 541-419-9510 options, 2 sli d es, 362HP V10, 10K mi.,


with ou r spe c i al rates for selling your I ~ boat or watercraft!


f Place an ad in The f B ulletin w i t h

ou r

/ 3-month p ackage ~ which includes:

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f [

a photo or up to 10 ) lines with no photo. *Free online ad at I bendbulletin.com *Free pick up into ~ The Central Oregon ~ f Nickel ads.

mint cond., $105,900. 541-330-5516

Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory


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I Rates start at $46. I Call for details! Winnebago Suncruiser34' 541-385-5809 2004, only 34K, loaded,

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too much to list, ext'd warr. thru 2014, $54,900 Dennis, 541-589-3243

932 FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, door panels w/flowers & hummingbirds, 150hp conversion, low white soft top 8 hard time on air frame and top. Just reduced to engine, hangared in $3,750. 541-317-9319 Bend. Excellent peror 541-647-8483 lormance & affordable flying! $6,500. 1/5th interest in 1973

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Location, Location, Location! Executive Hangar Ford Galaxie 500 1963, at Bend Airport (KBDN) 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, 60' wide x 50' d eep, 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer 8 w/55' wide x 17' high bi- radio (orig),541-419-4989 fold dr. Natural gas heat, offc, bathroom. Adjacent Ford Mustang Coupe 1966, original owner, to Frontage Rd; great visibility for aviation busi- V8, automatic, great ness. 541-948-2126 or shape, $9000 OBO. email 1jetjock@q.com 530-515-8199

BSSl 1C S www.bendbulletin.com

Get 3 lines, 4 days for $16.35.

T o place an ad call 3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9






The City of Bend invites Sealed Bids for construction of: SCADA Pressure Reducing Valve (PRV) Vaults f o r At h l etic Club Drive and renovations at H i ghway 20, Bend OR. The invitation to bid,

plans, specifications, addenda, planholders list, mandatory pre-bid attendees, and notification of bid results for this project may be viewed, printed or ordered on l ine f rom Central Oregon Builde rs E x change a t http://www.plansonfile.com by clicking on "Public Works Projects" and then on "City of Bend" or in p erson at 1902 N E 4th St, Bend, Oregon. Entities intending to bid should r egister with the Central Ore gon B uilders E x -

change as a p l a nh older in o r der t o receive addenda. This can be done on-line or by contacting Central Oregon Builders Exc hange a t : (541) 389-0123, Fax (541) 389-1549, or email at admin I plansonfile.co m. B idders are responsible for making sure they have all addenda before submitting bids. A Non - Mandatory Pre-Bid C o nference will be held on Fe burary 27, 2012, at 2:00 PM at the Council Chambers at Bend C ity Hall, 71 0 N W Wall Street, B e nd, Oregon.

T he d e adline f o r s ubmitting bids i s : March 12, 2013, at 2:00 PM. Bids will be opened and read at Bend City Hall Council Chambers (located on 1st Floor) immediately after the deadline. B i d s must be physically received by the City at the location listed below by the deadline. No faxed or e l ectronic (email) bids shall be accepted. Sealed bids shall be d elivered to: G w en Chapman, Purchasing Manager, C ity Hall, A d m inistrative Office, 2nd floor, 710 Wall S t reet, B e nd, Oregon 9 7 70 1 or mailed to her at: City of Bend, PO Box 431, Bend, Oregon 97709. The outside of the envelope or box containing the bid shall include the b i dders name and be marked: SCADA Impr o v ements No . 2 WA0904. P requalification is a requirement. Bidders must have a prequalification approval letter from ODOT or the City of Bend on file with City at the time the bids are opened. Prequalification forms may be obtained from Gwen Chapman at 5 41-385-6677. N e w a pplications for t h e City of Bend prequalification must be delivered to: City of Bend Purchasing, 710 NW Wall St, Bend, Oregon 97701 at least five days before the bid deadline. This project is subject to the provisions of O RS 279C. 8 0 0 through 279C.870 regarding payment of

prevailing wages.

Published February 20, 2013

Gwen Chapman Purchasing Manager LEGAL NOTICE IN T H E CI R C UIT COURT O F THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF DES C H UTES Probate Department, In the Matter of the Estate of P ATRICIA N . S C HWEP, D e c eased, Case N o . 13PB0013. NOTICE TO INT E RESTED PERSONS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed Administrator. All persons having claims against the estate are required to p r esent them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned A d ministrator at 747 SW MILL VIEW WAY, BEND, OR 97702, within four months after the date of first publication of t his notice, o r t h e claims may be barred. All persons whose r ights may b e a f f ected by t h e p r o ceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the court, the Administrator, or the l awyers for the Administrator, DANIEL C. RE. Dated and first published on February 13, 2013. SHEILA RICHARD, Administrator.

Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE




Legal Notices


SHAPIRO 8 S U THERLAND, LLC, 1499 SE Tech Center P lace, S u it e 2 5 5 , Vancouver, WA 98683, ( 360)260-2253; F a x

C OURT OF T H E "appear" in this case STATE O F ORDESor the other side will EGON win a u tomatically. CHUTES COUNTY, Federal Na t i onal To "appear" you m ust file with t h e Mortgage Associacourt a legal paper (360)260-2285. S&S tion, its successors called a "motion" or No. 11-108220 in interest and/or "answer." The "moassigns, Plaintiff/s, LEGAL NOTICE tion" or "answer" (or v. Javier Martinez; IN TH E C I R CUIT "reply") must be Robin Mar t inez; C OURT O F T H E given to the court JPMorgan C h ase STATE O F O Rclerk or administraBank, N.AJ and OcEGON DEStor within 30 days of cupants of the PreCHUTES COUNTY, the date of first pubmises, Defendant/s. Fargo Bank, lication sp e c ified Wells Case No.: N.A., its successors herein along w ith 12CV0037. NOin interest and/or the required filing T ICE O F SA L E assigns, Plaintiff/s, fee. It must be in UNDER WRIT OF v. T h e u n k nown p roper form a n d EXECUTION heirs of Vickey S. have proof of serREAL PROPERTY. Borchin; Or e g on Notice i s h e r e by vice on the plaintiff's Department of Hua ttorney or, if t h e given that I will on man Services; and p laintiff does n o t March 14, 2013 at O ccupants of t h e have an a t torney, Premises, D e fen1 0 00 AM i n t h e proof of service on main lobby of t he dant/s. Case No.: the plaintiff. If you Deschutes County 10CV1006MA. NOhave questions, you S heriff's Offi c e , T ICE O F SA L E should see an attor63333 W. Highway U NDER WRIT O F ney immediately. If 20, Bend, Oregon, EXECUTION you need help in sell, at public oral REAL PROPERTY. finding an attorney, auction to the highNotice i s h e r eby you may call t he est bidder, for cash given that I will on Oregon State Bar's or cashier's check, March 14, 2013 at Lawyer Ref e rral the following real 1 0:00 AM i n t h e Service at property, known as (503) main lobby of t he 684-3763 or toll-free 823 Southeast PoDeschutes County in Oregon at (800) laris Court, Bend, S heriff's Offi c e , 452-7636. The r eOregon 97702, to 63333 W. Highway l ief sought in t h e wit, Lot 2 in Block 6 20, Bend, Oregon, C omplaint i s th e o f Clear Sky E s sell, at public oral tates, De s c hutes f oreclosure of t h e auction to the highproperty located at County, O r e gon. est bidder, for cash 20562 P r o spector or cashier's check, Said sale is made L oop, Bend, O R under a Writ of Exthe following real 97702. Date of First ecution in Forecloproperty, known as Publication: Februsure issued out of 442 SE Wye Lane, ary 13, 2013. Mcthe Circuit Court of end, Oreg o n Carthy 8 H o lthus, B the State of Oregon 97702, to wit, Lots 4 L LP, E rica D a y , for the County of and 5 in Block 69 of OSB¹ 113653, 920 Deschutes, d a ted Bend Park, City of SW 3r d A v e nue, February 4, 2013, to Bend, Re c o rded First Floor, Portland, me directed in the August 1, 1918, in OR 97204, Phone: a bove-entitled a c Cabinet A, Page 11, (877) 369-6122, Ext. tion wherein FedDeschutes County, 3370, Fax: ( 5 03) eral National MortOregon. Said sale is 694-1460, gage A s sociation, made under a Writ eday@mccarthyi ts successors i n o f E x ecution i n holthus.com, Of Atinterest and/or asForeclosure issued torneys for Plaintiff. signs, as plaintiff/s, out of t h e C i rcuit r ecovered St i p u- Just bought a new boat? Court of the State of l ated Gener a l Oregon f o r the Sell your old one in the Judgment of Fore- classifieds! Ask about our C ounty o f Des closure and ShortSuper Seller rates! chutes, dated Januening of Redemp541-385-5809 ary 22, 2013, to me tion Period Against directed i n the LEGAL NOTICE Defendants: 1) IN T H E CI R C UIT a bove-entitled a c Javier Martinez, 2) wherein Wells COURT O F THE tion Robin Martinez, on Fargo Bank, N.A., STATE OF OREGON October 24, 2012, successors in FOR THE COUNTY its against Javier MarDES C HUTES, interest and/or ast inez a n d R o b i n OF signs as plaintiff/s, W ELLS FARG O recovered Martinez as defenCorB ANK, N.A., S U Cd ant/s. BEF O R E rected Gen e r al CESSOR BY B IDDING AT T H E Judgment of ForeMERGER TO SALE, A PROclosure against: (1) WACHOVIA B A NK, S PECTIVE BID N .A., P l aintiff, v s . The unknown heirs DER SHOULD INO WEN D . S O D JA of Vickey S. Borchin DEPENDENTLY (2) Oregon DepartA/K/A OWEN DONNI INVESTIGATE: (a) ent o f Hu m a n SODJA; SHERALEE m The priority of the Services (3) OccuJ. HILTON; S TATE lien or interest of the pants of the PreOF OREGON; AND judgment creditor; mises and Money OCCUPANTS OF (b)Land use laws ward against i n THE PRE M ISES, A and regulations apthe Real PropDefendants. No. Rem plicable to the propLocated at 442 1 2CV0633. CIV I L erty erty; (c)Approved S E W y e Lan e , SUMMONS. TO THE uses for the propB end, Oregon o n DEFENDANTS: e rty; (d) Limits o n November 27, 2012, farming o r f o r est Sheralee J . H i l ton. a gainst Th e u n NOTICE TO DEFENp ractices o n th e DANT: READ THESE known h e ir s of property; (e) Rights S. Borchin, CARE - Vickey of neig h boring P APERS Oregon Department property o w n ers; FULLY! A lawsuit has of Human Services been started against and (f)EnvironmenOccupants of you in the above-en- and tal laws and regulaPremises, as titled Court by WELLS tdhe tions that affect the efendant/s. BE FARGO BANK, N.A., property. Published FORE BIDDING AT SUCCESSOR BY in B end B u lletin. THE SA L E , A MERGER TO Date of First and PROSPECTIVE WACHOVIA B A NK, Successive PublicaN.A., Plaintiff. BIDDER S H OULD t ions:February 1 3 , Plaintiff's c l ai m i s INDEPENDENTLY 2013; February 20, INVESTIGATE: (a) stated in the written 2013; February 27, The priority of the Complaint, a copy of 2013. Date of Last lien or interest of the which is on file at the Publication: March judgment creditor; Deschutes Co u n ty 6, 2013. Attorney: Land use laws Courthouse. You (b) Michael Thornicroft, and regulations apOSB ¹ 981 1 0 4, must "appear" in this plicable to the propcase or the other side Routh Crab t ree (c)Approved will win automatically. erty; O lsen, P.C., 5 1 1 To "appear" you must uses for the propSW 10th Ave., Ste. rty; (d) Limits o n file with the court a le- e 400, Portland, OR farming or f o rest gal paper called a 97205, (503) p ractices o n th e "motion" or "answer." 977-7840. C o n d iproperty; (e) Rights The "motion" or "antions of Sale: Poneig h boring swer" must be given of tential bidders must property o w ners; arrive 15 m i nutes to the court clerk or administrator w i t h in and (f)Environmenprior to the auction laws and regula30 days along with the tal to allow the Destions that affect the required filing fee. It c hutes Coun t y property. must be i n p r oper in B en d Published S heriff's Office t o B u l letin. review bid d e r's form and have proof Date of F irst a nd o f service o n t h e Successive Publicaf unds. Only U . S . plaintiff's attorney or, c urrency and / o r if the plaintiff does not t ions:February 1 3 , cashier's ch e c ks February 20, have a n at t o rney, 2013; February made payable to 27, proof of service on the 2013; Deschutes County 2013. Date of Last plaintiff. The object of Sheriff's Office will Publication: March t he complaint is t o be accepted. Pay6, 2013. Attorney: foreclose a deed of ment must be made trust dated December Michael Thornicroft, in full immediately ¹ 98 11 0 4 , 1 7, 2007 a n d r e - O SB upon the close of Cra b t ree corded as Instrument Routh the s ale. L A R RY PC, 511 SW No. 2007-65198 given Olsen, B LANTON, D esAve., Ste. 400, by Owen D . S odja 10th c hutes Coun t y Portland, OR 97205, and Sheralee J. HilSheriff. Lisa Griggs, 977 - 7840. Civil Tec h nician. ton on property com- (503) of Sale: monly known as 3135 Conditions Date: February 11, Potential bi d d ers South West Pumice 2013. arrive 15 minPlace, Redmond, OR must LEGAL NOTICE 97756 and legally de- u tes prior t o t h e IN THE C I RCUIT scribed as: Lot 15, auction to allow the C OURT O F T H E Block 5 , HA Y D EN Deschutes County S herifffs Office t o S TATE O F OR VILLAGE, PHASE 11, bidd e r's E GON FOR T H E Deschutes C o unty, review Only U . S . COUNTY OF DESO regon. The c o m- fcunds. urrency and / o r CHUTES, FEDplaint seeks to forec ashier's ch e c ks ERAL N A T IONAL close and terminate m ade payable to M ORTGAG E ASall interest of SheraDeschutes County SOCIATION lee J. Hilton and all Sheriff's Office will ("FNMA"), Plaintiff, other interests in the accepted. Payv s. ANDRE W property. The "motion" be must be made JAMES BARROW; or "answer" (or ment "reply") must be given in full immediately JENNIFER LAURA upon the close of BARROW; STATE to the court clerk or the s ale. L A R RY OF OREGON, DEadministrator w i t hin De s PARTMENT OF 30 days of the date of B LANTON, hutes Coun t y REVENUE; OCCUfirst publication speci- c Lisa Griggs, P ANTS O F T H E fied herein along with Sheriff. Tec h nician. PROPERTY, Dethe required filing fee. Civil Date: February 11, fendants. Case No.: The date of first publi- 2013. 1 2CV0964. S U M c ation of t h e s u mMONS BY PUBLImons is February 20, LEGAL NOTICE CATION. To: Jen2 013. If y o u ha v e IN T H E CI R CUIT nifer Laura Barrow. THE questions, you should COURT O F You are hereby resee an attorney imSTATE OF OREGON mediately. If you need DESCHUTES quired to a p pear a nd d e fend t h e help in finding an atCOUNTY, F e d eral C omplaint file d torney, you may con- National M o r tgage against you in the tact the Oregon State Association, its sucabove entitled Bar's Lawyer Referral cessors i n i n t erest cause within thirty S ervice o n line a t and/or assigns, www.oregonstatebar. Plaintiff/s, v. Dave P. (30) days from the date of service of org or by calling (503) W illiams; Laura C . thissummons upon 684-3763 ( in t h e Williams; M o r tgage you, and in case of Portland metropolitan Electronic R egistrayour failure to do so, area) or toll-free else- tion Systems, I n c. for w ant t h e reof, where in Oregon at solely as nominee for Plaintiff will apply to American Mortgage (800) 452-7636. Atthe court for the retorney for Plaintiff, /s/ Network, Inc., D BA lief demanded in the J ames A . Cra f t . American Mortgage Complaint. NOTICE J ames A. Craf t Network of O regon; TO D E FENDANT: ¹090146, Foxborough H o me-



Legal Notices

Legal Notices

owners Association, Inc 4 and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 12CV0044. NOTICE OF S AL E U N D ER WRIT O F E X E CU-

the date of first publication sp e c ified herein along w ith the required filing fee. It must be in p roper form a n d have proof of serTION - REAL PROP- vice on the plaintiff's ERTY. N o t ic e is a ttorney or, if t h e hereby given that I will p laintiff does n o t on February 28, 2013 have an a t torney, a t 10:00 AM i n t h e proof of service on main lobby of the De- the plaintiff. If you s chutes Count y have questions, you Sheriff's Office, 63333 should see an attorW. Highway 20, Bend, ney immediately. If Oregon, sell, at public you need help in o ral auction t o t h e finding an attorney, h ighest bidder, f o r you may call t he cash o r ca s h ier's Oregon State Bar's Ref e rral check, the following Lawyer real property, known Service at (503) as 6 1 396 F a i rfield 684-3763 or toll-free Drive, Bend, Oregon in Oregon at (800) 9 7702, t o w i t , L o t 452-7636. The r eThree Hundred (300), l ief sought in t h e FOXBOROUGH-PHA C omplaint i s th e SE 6 , Des c hutes f oreclosure of t h e County, Oregon. Said property located at sale is made under a 16295 W hit e t ail Writ of Execution in L ane, Bend, O R Foreclosure i s sued 97707. Date of First out o f t h e C i r cuit Publication: FebruCourt of the State of ary 13, 2013. McOregon for the County Carthy 8 H o lthus, of Deschutes, dated L LP, E r ica D a y , OSB¹ 113653, 920 January 8, 2013, to m e directed i n t h e SW 3r d A v enue, above-entitled action First Floor, Portland, wherein Federal Na- OR 97204, Phone: tional Mortgage Asso- (877) 369-6122, Ext. ciation, it s s u cces- 3370, Fax: ( 5 03) sors in interest and/or 694-1460, assigns, as plaintiff/s, eday@mccarthyrecovered G e n eral holthus.com, Of AtJudgment of Foreclo- torneys for Plaintiff. s ure on A ugust 1 , NOTICE 2012, against Dave P. INLEGAL T H E CIR C U IT W illiams, Laura C . COURT OF THE Williams, M o r tgage STATE OF OREGON Electronic R e gistraDESCHUTES t ion S ystems, I n c . COUNTY, JPMorgan solely as nominee for Chase Bank, National American Mortgage Association, its sucNetwork, Inc., D BA in i n t erest American Mortgage cessors assigns, Network of Oregon, and/or Plaintiff/s, v . UnFoxborough H o meknown Heirs of Kimowners A ssociation, berly A. Turney AKA Inc. and Occupants of K imberly Hall, R o n the Premises as deHall, Cameron Turfendant/s. B E FORE ney, Fiona Turney, B IDDING A T TH E Oregon Department of SALE, A PROSPECHuman Services, OcTIVE BIDDER cupants of the PreSHOULD INDEPENmises, D efendant/s. DENTLY I N V ESTI- Case No.: GATE: The priority of 11CV0291ST. Notice the lien or interest of is hereby given that I the judgment creditor; will on February 28, Land use laws and at 10:00 AM in regulations applicable 2013 the main lobby of the to the property; ApDeschutes Co u n ty proved uses for the Sheriff's Office, 63333 p roperty; Limits o n W. Highway 20, Bend, f arming o r for e st Oregon, sell, at public practices on the prop- o ral auction t o t h e erty; Rights of neigh- h ighest bidder, f o r boring property own- cash o r ca s h ier's ers; and check, the following E nvironmental l a w s property, known and regulations that areal s 1557 N W T e a k affect the p r operty. Avenue, R e dmond, P ublished i n B end 97756, to wit, Bulletin Date of First Oregon 101 of CANYON and Successive Pub- Lot POINT EST A T ES lications: January 30, PHASE 5, Deschutes 2 013; F ebruary 6 , County, Oregon. Said 2013; February 13, sale is made under a 2 013. Date o f L a st Writ of Execution in Publication: F e b ru- Foreclosure i s s ued ary 20, 2013. Attoro f t h e C i r cuit ney: Michael Thorni- out Court of the State of croft, OSB ¹981104. Oregon for the County R outh Crabt r e e of Deschutes, dated Olsen, PC, 511 SW January 4, 2013, to 10th Avenue, Suite m e directed i n t h e 4 00, P o rtland, O R above-entitled action 97205. (503) wherein J P M organ 459-0140. Conditions National of Sale: Po t e ntial Chase Bank, its sucbidders must arrive 15 Association, cessors i n i n t erest minutes prior to the and/or assigns, as auction to allow the recovered Deschutes C o u nty plaintiff/s, General Judgment of Sheriff's Office to reF oreclosure on A u view bidder's funds. gust 9, 2012, against Only U.S. c urrency U nknown Heirs o f and/or cashier's Kimberly A. T u rney checks made payable AKA Kimberly Hall, to Deschutes County Ron Hall, Cameron Sheriff's Office will be Turney, Fiona Turney, accepted. P a yment Oregon Department of must be made in full Human Services and immediately upon the Occupants o f the close of t h e s a l e. Premises as defenLARRY B L A NTON, ant/s. B EFO R E Deschutes Co u n ty dBIDDING AT TH E Sheriff. Anthony Ra- SALE, A PROSPECguine, Civil Techni- TIVE BIDDER cian. SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY I N V ESTILEGAL NOTICE GATE: The priority of IN TH E C I R CUIT the lien or interest of C OURT OF T H E the judgment creditor; STATE O F ORLand use laws and E GON FOR T H E regulations applicable COUNTY OF DESto the property; ApCHUTES, JPMORproved uses for the GAN CHASE p roperty; Limits o n BANK, NATIONAL f arming o r for e st ASSOCIATION, practices on the propPlaintiff, vs. THE erty; Rights of neighUNKNOWN HEIRS boring property ownAND DEVISEES OF ers; and GEORGE O STER E nvironmental l a w s TURNER, JR., DEand regulations that CEASED; DES the p r operty. C HUTES R I V E R affect P ublished i n B e n d RECREATION Bulletin Date of First HOMESITE PROPERTY O W N ERS, and Successive Publications: January 30, U NIT 6, P A R T 2 013; F ebruary 6 , A ND 11; O C C U2013; February 13, P ANTS O F T H E 2 013. Date o f L a st PROPERTY, DePublication: F e b rufendants. Case No.: ary 20, 2013. Attor1 2CV1253. S U M ney: Michael ThorniMONS BY PUBLIcroft, OSB ¹ 981104, C ATION. To: T h e R outh Crabt r e e Unknown Heirs and Olsen, PC, 511 SW Devisees of George 10th Avenue, Suite Oster Turner Jr. You 4 00, P o rtland, O R are hereby required 97205. (503) to appear and de977-7840. Conditions fend the Complaint of Sale: Po t e ntial filed against you in bidders must arrive 15 the above entitled minutes prior to the cause within thirty auction to allow the (30) days from the Deschutes C o u nty date of service of Sheriff's Office to rethissummons upon view bidder's funds. you, and in case of Only U.S. c urrency your failure to do so, cashier's for w ant t h e reof, and/or checks made payable Plaintiff will apply to to Deschutes County the court for the reSheriff's Office will be lief demanded in the accepted. P a yment Complaint. NOTICE must be made in full TO D E FENDANT: immediately upon the READ THESE PAclose of t h e s a l e. PERS CARELARRY B L A NTON, FULLY! You m ust Deschutes Co u n ty "appear" in this case Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, or the other side will win a u tomatically. Civil Technician. To "appear" you LEGAL NOTICE m ust file with t he IN T H E CIR C UIT court a legal paper COURT O F THE called a "motion" or STATE OF OREGON "answer." The "moDESCHUTES tion" or "answer" (or COUNTY, Provident "reply") must be Funding Associates, given to the court LP, its successors in clerk or administrai nterest and/or a s tor within 30 days of signs, Plaintiff/s, v.

Legal Notices Karen Kassy; and Occupants of the Premises, D efendant/s. Case No.: 11CV1121. N OTICE O F S A L E U NDER WRIT O F EXECUTION - REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that I will on March 26, 2013 at 10:00 AM in the main l obby of t h e D e s chutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public o ral auction to t h e h ighest bidder, f o r cash o r cas h ier's check, the following real property, known as 63210 Deschutes Market Road, Bend, Oregon 97701, to wit,

Legal Notices tional information may be obtained from the records of the court, the Administrator, or t he lawyer fo r t h e Administrator, P a tricia L. H e atherman, PC, 250 NW Franklin Avenue, Suite 402, Bend, OR 97701. LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE The Trustee under the terms of t h e T r ust

Deed desc r ibed herein, at the direction of the Beneficiary, hereby elects to sell t he p r o perty d e scribed in the Trust Deed to satisfy the obligations s e cured S EE ATTA C H ED thereby. Pursuant to EXHIBIT A. Said sale ORS 86.745, the folis made under a Writ lowing information is of Execution in Fore- provided: 1.PARTIES: closure issued out of G rantor: SCOT T the Circuit Court of BERGUM AND AMY the State of Oregon BERGUM. T r u stee: for the County of Des- P ACIFIC NOR T H chutes, dated Febru- WEST TITLE INSURa ry 8, 2013, to m e ANCE C O M PANY. directed in the Successor T r ustee: above-entitled action N ANCY K . CA R Y . wherein Pro v ident Beneficiary: WASHFunding Associates, INGTON F E DERAL LP, its successors in SAVINGS. 2.DEi nterest and/or a s SCRIPTION OF signs, as p l aintiff/s, PROPERTY: The recovered G e n eral real property is deJudgment of Foreclo- scribed a s f o l lows: sure Against: 1. Karen Parcel 2 of Partition Kassy; 2. Occupants Plat No. 2007-8, reof the Premises; and corded February 28, Money Award Against 2007, in Cabinet 3, Karen Kassy on No- Page 392, Deschutes v ember 1 3 , 20 1 2 , County, Oregon. 3. against Karen Kassy R ECORDING. T h e and Occupants of the Trust Deed was rePremises as defen- corded a s f o l lows: d ant/s. BEFO R E Date Recorded: April B IDDING A T TH E 30, 2007. Recording SALE, A PROSPEC- No.: 2007-24595 OffiTIVE BIDDER cial Records of DesSHOULD INDEPENchutes County, OrDENTLY I N V ESTI- egon. 4.DEFAULT. GATE: (a)The priority The Grantor or any of the lien or interest other person o b liof t h e jud g ment gated on the T rust creditor; (b)Land use Deed and Promissory laws and regulations Note secured thereby applicable t o the is in default and the property; (c)ApBeneficiary seeks to proved uses for the foreclose the T r ust property; (d)Limits on Deed for f ailure to f arming o r for e st pay: M o nthly paypractices on the prop- ments in the amount of of $ 1,677.00 e ach, erty; (e) Rights neighboring property due the first of each owners; and (f)Envimonth, for the months ronmental laws and o f Au g us t 201 2 regulations that affect through D e c ember the p roperty. P u b2012; pl u s late lished in Bend Bulle- charges an d ad tin. Date of First and vances; plus any unSuccessive Publica- paid r ea l p r o perty tions: February 20, taxes or liens, plus 2013; February 27, interest. 5.AMOUNT 2013; March 6, 2013. DUE. T h e a m ount Date of Last Publica- due on the Note which tion: March 13, 2013. i s secured b y t h e Attorney: Michael Trust Deed referred to Thornicroft, OSB herein is: P r i ncipal ¹ 981104, Routh balance in the amount Crabtree Olsen, P.C., of $261,307.85; plus 511 SW 10th Ave, Ste interest at the rate of 4 00, Portland, O R 6.1 25% per a nnum 97205, (503) from July 1 , 2 0 1 2; 977-7840. Conditions plus late charges of of Sale: Po t e ntial $3,213.70; plus adbidders must arrive 15 vances and foreclominutes prior to the sure attorney fees and auction to allow the costs. 6.SALE OF Deschutes C o u nty PROPERTY. The Sheriff's Office to re- Trustee hereby states view bidder's funds. that the property will Only U.S. c urrency be sold to satisfy the and/or cashier's obligations secured by checks made payable t he Trust Deed. A to Deschutes County T rustee's Notice o f Sheriff's Office will be Default and Election accepted. P a yment to Sell Under Terms must be made in full of Trust Deed h as immediately upon the been recorded in the c lose of t h e s a l e . O fficial Records o f LARRY B L A NTON, Deschutes C o unty, Deschutes C o u nty Oregon. 7. TIME OF Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, SALE. Date:April 25, Civil Division. Date: 2013. Time:11:00 February 15, 2013. a.m. Place: Deschutes County Courthouse, 1 1 6 4 NW LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO INTER- Bond Street, Bend, ESTED P E RSONS. Oregon. 8.RIGHT TO Any RHONDA SUZANNE REINSTATE. M CLAIN has b e e n person named in ORS appointed P e rsonal 86.753 has the right, Representative of the at any time that is not later than five days ESTATE OF DORIS V. RAY, Deceased, by before th e T r ustee the C i rcuit C o u rt, conducts the sale, to State of Oregon, Des- have this foreclosure chutes County, under d ismissed an d t h e Case Number Trust Deed reinstated 1 3PB0012. All p e r - b y payment to t h e sons having a claim Beneficiary of the enagainst th e e s t ate tire amount then due, m ust p r esent t h e other than such porc laim w i t hi n f ou r tion of the principal as months of t h e f i rst would not then be due publication date of this had no default ocnotice t o He n drix, curred, by curing any Brinich & B e r talan, other default that is bei n g LLP, at 716 NW Har- c apable o f riman Street, Bend, cured by tendering the Oregon 97701, ATTN: performance required under the obligation or Lisa N. Bertalan, or they may be barred. T rust Deed and by Additional information paying all costs and may be obtained from expenses actually inthe court records, the curred in enforcing the Personal Representa- obligation and Trust tive or the following- Deed, together with named attorney for he t he t r u stee's a n d Personal Representa- a ttorney's fees n o t tive. Date of first pub- exceedingthe amount ORS lication: February 13, provided i n 2 013. HEND R I X 8 6.753. Y BRINICH 8 B E RTAL AN, LLP, 716 N W HARRIMAN, B END, OR 97701, 541-382-4980.

LEGAL NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS B ank of t h e C a s cades has been appointed Administrator of the estate of Garrett William Broadley, deceased, by the Circuit Court, State of Oregon, D e schutes C ounty, Cas e N o . 13PB0007. A l l p e rsons having claims against the estate are required to p r esent them, with vouchers attached, to the Bank of the Cascades, c/o Patricia Heatherman, 250 NW Franklin Ave nue, S u it e 40 2 , Bend, Oregon 97701, within four m o nths after the date of February 13, 2013, the first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. Addi-

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