SATURDAY June 20,2015
bendbulletin.com TODAY'S READERBOARD
100 centenarians —An
shutters Tumalo Pharmacy
artists is photographing them: one is from Bend.D1
'Toast whisperers'Struggling with that best man speech? Hire aghostwriter. D1 MOOn fOOtprintS —Oust cloudsonthemoonwipeaway evidence of our presence.A3
Shooting revives Confederate flag debate By Alan Blinder and Manny Fernandez New York Times News Service
• What kept this blaze so closeto Bend from burning out of control? A few factors.
The Bulletin
What happened over 10 1/2 hours on June11
ary Clark was on his deck overlooking Shevlin Park in the after-
a wildfire has come. "It was scary," he said. Count Clark among the people who were
A state licensingboard this week ordered the closure of a Tumalo pharmacy it says manufactured marijuana products, dispensed
noon last week when he first saw
glad to see the Shevlin Fire stay small. An
controlled substances with-
the smoke.
early 911 call, favorable grass conditions and hefty firefighter response combined to keep
out prescriptions and filled clients' prescriptions at
By Dylan J. Darlinge The Bulletin
A northerly wind, dry pine needles and bitter brush helped the Shevlin Fire spread quickly up an adjacent slope. But thanks to a quick response by multiple agencies, the blaze was quickly contained.
A wildfire had started in the
park, along Tumalo Creek, and soon he saw the Shevlin Fire to less than 10 acres, said Bob big flames lapping under the smoke. The fire Madden, deputy chief of fire operations for burned within a quarter-mile of the home he the Bend Fire Department. "This fire was close to town and caught very
shares with his wife.
"We were really concerned about it because early," said Madden, who was one of the first you could see it," Clark, 74, said Thursday. "It firefighters to respond June ll to the Shevlin was not a pretty sight." Clark, who has lived Fire. The fire burned about 7'/2acres. for 15 years on Stag Drive, said it is the closest See Shevlin /A6
Review <Bob Madden, one of the first responders, looks from the high point of the Shevlin Fire to check his map of the fire perimeter Wednesday, almost a week after the blaze.
Stunned by the massacre at the Emanuel African Methodist
Episcopal • And gun Church, rights South Cardebate, o l i na has A4 been abruptly forced to confront an issue
that has bedeviled it for decades: the Confederate
Fire spotted -:: 1:28 p.m.. A hiker reported:: a small fire .:. across Tumalo:: Creek from the,: Tumalo Creek :.. Trail in Shevlin Park.
battle flag that flies above
the grounds of the State House. The tension was on
display Friday. While the U.S. and South Carolina flags flew at half-staff, the
Confederate battle flag remained at the peak of its pole outside the State
First report-:: 1:48 p.m. Firefighters arrive at the fire site and reported 0.1-acre fire with difficult access:- ~ and high heat. ::
House, and the NAACP renewed its demand that the Civil War standard be
permanently removed. See Flag /A5
Correction In a story headlined "OSU plan: Building begins in weeks, opening fall 2016," which appeared Friday, June19, on Page A1,OSU-Cascades' funding commitment to Cascades East Transit was misstated. It is $300,000 over three years. The Bulletin regrets the error.
TODAY'S WEATHER Mostly sunny High 80, Low44 Page B6
Spreading2 to 2:10 p.m. Fire jumps to the west side of Tumalo Creek and blazes up a 50-degree ridge:facing east of the.: creek. :'
Neighbors2:40 p.m. Fire reaches the Shevlin Sand 8 Gravel property fence line, moving south. The company sends water trucks.
Firefighters arrive1:40 p.m. Bend firefighters arrive on sceneat Aspen Hall and hike to
the fire.
Joe Ksne/The Bulletin
Dear Abby D6 Horoscope D6 Local/State 61-6 Obituaries B5 Sports C1-4 TV/Movies D6
and determines what disci-
plinary action to take. Although the board's investigation is ongoing, the orders against the pharmacy and pharmacist issued this week contain findings, not allegations, said Karen MacLean, the board's administrative director. The
pharmacy's owners, Doug Forbes and pharmacist Kerri Rosenblatt, have 90
days to formally dispute the findings and enter into
a hearingprocess. As of Wednesday afternoon, they had not contacted the board
to do so, MacLean said. Reached by phone,
the month.
"I feel strong-armedby the system," he said. See Pharmacy/A5
Extent ofShevlinFire Approximately 7~/2 acres of wildlife area Tu lo C ek Trail
Closest residen e
LS evlin
: :Advisory - 2:45 p.m. : :Level1 evacuation advisory is : :issued for nearby neighborhoods.
Likely fire origin point (4)
tIE 0
' ', g Bulldozer path (8) Hall 2)
Ml E
Air support finished - 6 p.m. Helicopter is sent back to Prineville.
Road traffic - 9 p.m. Shevlin Park Roadis reopened.
Fire is contained and Level1 advisory ends for surrounding neighborhoods.
Changing views on a female president By Lynn Vavreck New York Times News Service
Last weekend, Hillary Clinton told thousands of people
ANALYSIS at a rally on Roosevelt Island in New York City that she wanted the
United States to be a place "where a father can tell his
4 p.m.
7 p.m.
Control - 4:15 p.m. Forward spread andspot fires holding with bucket drops and hose lays. Circling air tanker is sent back to Redmond.
~" s.
Vol. 113, No. 171,
32 pages, 5sections
9 p. .
10 p .m .
1 p.m .
daughter yes, you can be anything you want to be, even president of the Unit-
Next 2 days
ed States." It was aline she used in her concession speech in
2008 and one that highlights what could happen if she or, less likely, Carly Fiorina win her party's nomination and ultimately the presidency.
Nearly 100 years after wom-
Q I/I/e use recyclenewspri d nt
88 267 02329
their knowledge,among other things. The Oregon Board of PharmacyplacedtheTumalo Pharmacy and its pharmacistunderemergency suspension Tuesday while it completes an investigation
pharmacy in August 2011, said Friday he plans to dispute the findings and is confident the pharmacy will reopen bythe end of
An Independent Newspaper
other pharmacies without
Forbes, who opened the
Lake where helicgpter refilljd with
Trees ignite1:55 p.m. Flames spread up multiple pine trees, sending embers all over. Helicopter and tanker are ordered.
The Bulletin
' Illllllllj III
HTo see footage of the fire, go to bend bulletin.com
Key pointsonthe map
Cavalry arrives - 2:50 to 3 p.m. Bulldozers and firefighters cut fire lines. Helicopter makes bucket drops on spot fires and west flank.
INDEX Business C5-6 Calendar B2 Classified Ff-8 Comics F3-4 Comm Life D1-6 Crosswords F4
By Tara Bannow
Source: Boh Madden, Bend deputy fire operations chief Photos courtesy Bob Madden and from The Bulletin
Likely point oforigin Fire officials think the Shevlin Fire started just east of the creek, pictured Wednesday.
Pete Smith i The Bulletin
en were given the right to Mop-up duty State workers continue to put out "smokes" — burning stumps and logs.
vote, Americans may send their first woman to the
Oval Office. See President /A4
: o
I Qi' o
I I'
I 0
4jjLIL)ao[]lI(NIILj i
The Bulletin
541-385-5800 Phonehours:5:30a.m.-5 p.m. Mon.-F ri.,6:30a.m .-noonSat.-eun.
• . FB 0 5 I 8 II1 0 8 B FI'OI'8 BC By Carol Morello
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ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool..........541-383-0374 Publisher John Costa........................ ManagingEditor Denise Costa.....................54f-383-0356
to lose momentum as the self-
sponsors of terrorism.
"In 2014, Iran continued to styled leader of a global moveTerrorist attacks around the ment in the face of ISIL's rapid provide arms, financing, trainworld soared last year, drivexpansion and proclamation ing, and the facilitation of prien by extremist groups in the of a Caliphate." marily Iraqi Shia and Afghan Middle East and Africa, acIn one particularly sensitive fighters to support the Assad cording to a State Department section, the report says Iran regime's brutal crackdown report released Friday. is still actively involved as a that has resulted in the deaths The annual Country Re- state sponsor of t e r rorism, of at least 191,000 people in port on Terrorism said much an official designation that Syria," the report said, adding of the 35 percent increase was by law requires a number of that some Iranian advisers are caused by the civil war in Syr- sanctions. Next week, Sec- reported to have taken part in ia and ongoing strife in Iraq, retary of State John Kerry is combat operations against Iswhere extremists have de- expected to go to Europe to lamic State fighters. clared a caliphate. The report continue the final stage of neTina Kaidanow, the State said the Islamic State, also gotiations with Iran over its Department's coordinator for known by the abbreviation nuclear program. counterterrorism, said even if ISIL, had effectively replaced The report said Iran has some sanctions are ultimately al-Qaida as the major source continued support for rad- easedas partofa nucleardeal, and inspiration for extremist ical Palestinian groups in sanctions related to terrorism attacks. Gaza, Hezbollahin Lebanon will remain in place. " The prominence of t h e and various groups in Iraq, "We think it's essential that threat once posed by core including a Shiite militia des- we pursue those negotiations," (al-Qaida) diminished in 2014, ignated as a terrorist group. she said. "But that said, none largely as a result of continued It also said Iran has sent help of that implies that we will in leadership losses suffered by to the government of Presi- any way be taking our eye off the AQ core in Pakistan and dent Bashar Assad in Syria, the ball with respect to what Afghanistan," the report said. one of the two other countries Iran is doing as a supporter of "AQ leadership also appeared currently designated as state terrorism." The Washington Post
TALK TO AN EDITOR Business Tim Doran......... 541-383-0360 CifySheila G.Miler..........54f-617-763f CommunityLife, Features Jody Lawrence-Turner......541-383-0308 EditorialsRichard Coe.....541-383-0353 GD! Magazin e..................541-383-0306 NewsJanJordan..............541-383-0315 Photos DeanGuernsey.....541-383-0366 SportsBill Bigelow............541-383-0359
CORRECTIONS Arun Sankar K I The Associated Press
Indian students practice yogaFriday at aschool in Chennai, India, ahead of the first International Yoga Day, set for Sunday. The government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi has madeclear it wants the day to betaken seriously.
Modi will address tens of thousands of people who will gather at a central NewDelhi park for a group yoga session. Manygovernment officials, meanwhile, have told employeesthat they need to join in the celebrations somehow.
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org and individual lottery websites
MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawnFriday nightare:
040ss03sO s206sO
The estimated jackpot is now $52 million.
RuSSia and GreeCe —Russian President Vladimir Putin said after Friday's talks with GreekPrime Minister Alexis Tsipras that a prospective Russian natural gas pipeline should help Greece service its debt, but the Kremlin said the question of direct Russian financial aid to Greecewas not discussed. Speaking of the pipeline deal at a meeting with top executives of global newsagencies, which began nearly three hours behind schedule ataround midnight, Putin said he saw no support for the Greeksfrom the EU."If EUwants Greeceto pay its debts it should be interested in growing the Greekeconomy ... helping it pay its debts," he said. "The EU should be applauding us. What's wrong with creating jobs in Greece?"
down a rule Friday that would haveprohibited doctors from using telemedicine to dispenseabortion-inducing pills to patients in remote clinics around the state, saying the banplaced an"undue burden" on a woman's constitutional right to an abortion. PlannedParenthood clinics in lowa havebeenusing telemedicine to provide medication-induced, nonsurgical abortions. In theseappointments, the doctor consults with the patient, who is with a nurseand hasalready had an ultrasound and laboratory work. Then, the doctor clicks a button on his computer screen to open aremote-controlled drawer in the patient's exam roomthat contains the medicine andwatches the patient swallow it.
Afghan parliament —With Afghanistan's fractious coalition government struggling, a newdeadline looms that could further hurt its credibility: The AfghanParliament's term is set to expire Sunday, with no elections scheduled and noagreement on how to hold them. As a last-ditch measure, President Ashraf Ghani's office issued adecree Friday to extend Parliament's term. In astatement, his office said Parliament "will continue its work" until elections can beheld, and that a date for those elections would beannounced within a month.
Ahertiell Via telemediCine — ThelowaSupremeCourt struck
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Haitian migrautS —In the two days since the Dominican Republic government officially closed the doors to migrant workers trying to normalize their status, international observers havebraced for a mass deportation of Haitian immigrants. But early signs seemed to indicate that no such heave isunderway, at least not in public. But since the deadline for illegal migrant workers to register with the government expired Wednesdaynight, advocates said small groups of Haitians havebeendetained andsent to one of four border stations, where they will be held until their return can bearranged with the Haitian government.
RuSSia and U.S. —Despite the showdown with the Westover Ukraine, Moscowwants to cooperate with Washington and its allies in dealing with the threat posed bythe Islamic State group andother global challenges, President Vladimir Putin said Friday as he tried to allay investors' fears over Russia's course. Putin blamedthe United States for ignoring Russia's interests and trying to enforce its will on others, but he also sent conciliatory signals, saying that Moscow wants a quick settlement to the Iranian nuclear standoff and apeaceful political transition in Syria. Speaking at amajor economic forum, Putin also insisted that Russia wants February's Ukraine peace agreement to succeed. Fighting there will stop, he said, onceUkraine provides broader rights to its eastern regions, gives amnesty to the rebels and calls local elections there.
Advertising Jay Brandt.....541-383-0370 Circulation AdamSears...541-365-5805
The Bulletin's primaryconcern isthat all stories areaccurate. If you knowof an error in a story, call us at541-363-0356.
Yemen fighting —Leaders of the warring sides in Yemenended four days of talks Friday inGenevawithout agreeing to a two-week humanitarian truce in deference to theholy month of Ramadan, as U.N. officials had urged.TheU.N.mediator, Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed, said he would continue to meetwith representatives of the government in exile and its Houthi rebel opponents. TheUnited Nations on Friday called for $1.6 billion to help themost vulnerable amongthe 20 million Yemenis — 80percent of the population — who needfood, medicine andother relief; most of that money isyet to be raised.
'Here Deg' iS a Cat —For the first time, a LosAngeles shelter's Hero Dog award hasgone to acat. In May 2014, Tara thecat fought off a dog that attacked her 6-year-old owner as herode his bicycle in the driveway of the family's Bakersfield home.Tara body-slammed Scrappy, a chow-mix that lived next door, whenthe dog got out of his yard, ran for JeremyTriantafilo, grabbed his leg and started shaking from side-to-side. Tarachasedthe dog toward its home. It was later euthanized. "Wewere so impressed byTara's bravery and fast action that the selection committee decided that acat this spectacular should be theNational Hero Dog," said Madeline Bernstein, president of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals LosAngeles. — From wire reports
WikiLeakssaysit's releasing over 500,000Saudidocuments By Raphael Satter and Maggie Michael
from the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Tehran to the Foreign The Associated Press Ministry in Riyadh describes ISTANBUL — W i k iLeaks "flirting American messages" is in the process of publishing being carried to Iran via an more than 500,000 Saudi dip- unnamed Turkish mediator. lomatic documents to the In-
"Kingdom of Saudi Arabia" or "Ministry of Foreign Affairs." Some were marked "urgent" or "classified." At least one appeared to be from the Saudi Embassy in Washington. If genuine, the documents would offer a rare glimpse into the inner workings of the
notoriously opaque kingdom. They might also shed light on Riyadh's longstanding regional rivalry with Iran, its support for Syrian rebels and Egypt's military-backed government, and its opposition to an emerging international agreement on Tehran's nudearprogram. One of the documents, dated to 2012, appears to highlight Saudi Arabia's well-known skepticism about the Iranian nuclear talks. A message
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Another 2012 missive, this
to try former president Hosni
ment that it has already posted Mubarak, who had been overroughly 60,000 files. Most of thrown in a popular uprising them appear to be in Arabic. the year before. There was no immediate Some of the concerns apway to verify the authenticity pear specific to Saudi Arabia. of the documents, although In an Aug. 14, 2008 message WikiLeaks has a long track marked "classified and very record ofhosting large-scale urgent," the Foreign Ministry leaks of government material. wrote to the Saudi Embassy Many of the documents carried green letterhead marked
Associated Press appeared to be the product of mundane
ternet, the transparency web- time sent from the Saudi Emsite said Friday, a move that bassy in Abu Dhabi, said the echoes itsfamous release of United Arab E m irates was U.S. State Department cables putting "heavy pressure" on in 2010. the Egyptian government not WikiLeaks said in a state-
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• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day
It's Saturday, June20, the 171st day of 2015.Thereare 194 days left in the year.
HAPPENINGS Russian economicfo-
fum —A controversial event that attracted 24 chief executives — somecoming despite objections of their homegovernments — wraps up in St. Petersburg.
HISTORY Highlight:In1975, Steven Spielberg's shark thriller "Jaws," starring RoyScheider, Robert Shawand Richard Dreyfuss (not to mention a mechanical sharknicknamed "Bruce"), was released byUniversal Pictures. In1782,Congress approved the Great Seal of the United States, featuring the emblem of the bald eagle. In1837, QueenVictoria acceded to the British throne following the death of her uncle, King William IV.
In1863, West Virginia became the 35th state. In1893, a jury in NewBedford, Massachusetts, found Lizzie Borden not guilty of the ax murders of her father and stepmother. In1921,Rep. Alice Mary Robertson, R-Okla., becamethe first woman to preside over a session of the U.S.Houseof Representatives. In1943, race-related rioting erupted in Detroit; federal troops were sent in two days later to quell the violence that resulted in more than 30 deaths. In1944, during World War II, Japanesenaval forces retreated in the Battle of the Philippine Seaafter suffering heavy losses to the victorious American fleet. In1947,Benjamin"Bugsy" Siegel was shot dead atthe Beverly Hills, California, mansion of his girlfriend, Virginia Hill, apparently at the order of mob associates. In1967, boxerMuhammad Ali was convicted in Houston of violating Selective Service laws by refusing to be drafted. (Ali's conviction was ultimately overturned by theSupreme Court). In1979, ABCNewscorrespondent Bill Stewart was shot to death in Managua, Nicaragua, by a member of President Anastasio Somoza's national guard. In1990, South African black nationalist Nelson Mandela and his wife, Winnie, arrived in New York City for a ticker-tape parade in their honor as they began aneight-city U.S. tour. Tee years age:During a joint news conference with European leaders at theWhite House, President GeorgeW. Bush said hewas determined to complete the mission of establishing democracy in Iraq because theworld would be a better place for it. Five years age:Juan Manuel Santos, a former defense minister from a political powerful clan who oversaw amajor weakening of leftist rebels, won Colombia's presidency. One year age:The Obamaadministration granted anarray of new benefits to same-sex couples, including those living in states wheregaymarriage was against the law; the new measures ranged from Social Security and veterans benefits to work leave for caring for sick spouses.
BIRTHDAYS Actor Martin Landau is 87. Actress Bonnie Bartlett is 86. Actress Olympia Dukakis is 84. Actor Danny Aiello is 82. Blues musician Lazy Lester is 82. Actor John Mahoney is 75. Movie director StephenFrears is 74. Singer-songwriter Brian Wilson is 73. Singer AnneMurray is 70. TV personality Bob Vila is 69. Producer Tina Sinatra is 67. Rhythm-and-blues singer Lionel Richie is 66. Actor John Goodmanis63.Popmusician John Taylor is 55. Actress Nicole Kidman is 48. Movie director Robert Rodriguez is 47. Actor Josh Lucas is 44. Country-folk singer-songwriter Amos Lee is 38.Actor Chris Mintz-Plasse is 26. — From wire reports
Giant dust clouds near the moon's surface are slowly erasing astronaut footprints. By Deborah Netburn Los Angeles Times
Scientists have found vast clouds of moon dust floating above the lunar surface that
s cientists estimate that t h e
Earth is bombarded by 100 tons of cosmic detritus every
day. The moon is smaller than
grow each time there is a mete- the Earth,so researchers estior shower on Earth.
mate that it encounters 5 tons
The clouds are made of tiny of space dust on a daily basis. particles of moon and space But because it has almost no atdust, and they do not look like mosphere, those particles slam douds on Earth. In fact, re- directly in the deep powder on searchers say they are not vis- the lunar surface, each impact ible to the human eye unless causing a mini-explosion that they catch the sunlight just sends some of that moon powright. der into space. A new study in Nature finds These impacts have enough that while these lunar dust
c "ii »
energy to cause lunar dust to
clouds are ever present, they do rise up to 125 miles above the moon's surface, but the ejecta grow and shrink. Each time the Earth and is not moving fast enough to esmoon system hurtles through cape the moon's gravity entirea stream of debris left in the ly, Horanyi explained. Eventuwake of a comet, the Earth ally, the dust particles fall back gets a night-time meteor show- down, coating the moon once er show and the moon's dust again. "This is day in and day out," douds grow, temporarily, more dense. he said. "It is continuously on"The Geminid meteor show- going. Every impact is just a er generates shooting stars on little speck of dust being reEarth, but they can't do that on placed, but eventually, this prothe moon," said Mihaly Hora- cess will erase the footprints of nyi, a physicist at the Univer- the first astronauts to step on sity of Colorado, Boulder, and the moon." the first author on the paper. The research team also "They hit the surface on the notes that the cloud of dust is moon and increase the dust not totally symmetrical around density for a few days." themoon. "The lopsided part was kind The meteors that s t reak across the night sky occur of a surprise from nature," said when small bits of space dust Jamey Szalay, a fourth-year burn up in the Earth's at- graduate student at the Univermosphere. The frequency of sity of Colorado, Boulder, who shooting stars increases when worked on the study. the Earth moves through a The scientists explain that particularly dusty patch of our one side of the moon — what solar system, but on average, Szalay calls "the front wind-
' ' ,
' i,I fl
Hi ql)l '~rII I NASA
The footprints of the first astronauts to step on the moon will eventually be erased by vast clouds of
moon dust floating above the lunar surface. shield" — is more likely to get Experiment, or LDEX, instru- doser to the surface. hit by especially fast moving ment was induded in NASA's The scientists say it is likepartides that come from com- Lunar Atmosphere and Dust ly that all airless bodies in the ets. Because these particles are E nvironment E x p lorer, o r solar system have dust douds moving at extra high speeds, LADEE, mission that launched — including the moons of they cause more dust to be shot in September 2013. Mars and Mercury as well as off the moon when they strike. After arriving at the moon, asteroids. That leads to a dust cloud that LADEE went through a testZoltan Sternovsky, a profesis more dense than on the "rear ing period at 155 miles above sor at University of Colorado, windshield" side of the moon. the surface, and even at that Boulder, who also worked on Nearly i dentical e j ecta height, LDEX could detect evi- the study, added that future cloudswere firstobserved by dence of a lunar dust cloud. missions to these bodies could a dust detector on NASA's GalOver the course of the mis- scoop up these ejected dust ileospacecraft around the ice sion, LADEE spiraled closer particles and figure out their moons of Jupiter, but scientists and closer to the moon's sur- composition. "It means you can analyze were not sure if our own rocky face. The researchers say that moon would exhibit the same the dustcloudwas ascloseasa surface material without havphenomena. third of a mile above the moon, ing to land on a surface," he To find out, the Lunar Dust and that it was more dense sard.
Mega wastewater injections trigger more earthquakes By Seth Borenstein The Associated Press
WASHINGTON The Unlike other studies, this more oil and gas companies new University of Colorado pump their saltwater waste study looked at 18,757 wells into the ground, and the faster that were associated with they do it, the more they have earthquakes within 9 miles of triggered earthquakes in the them and the nearly 170,000 central United States, a massive that didn't have any quake new study found. links. Looking for the differAn unprecedented recent ence between the two groups, jump in quakes in America's researchers determined that it heartland can be traced to the
was howmuch wastewater was
stepped up rate that drilling
pumped and how fast, said lead
wastewater is injected deep be-
author Matthew Weingarten.
low the surface, according to a Even though quake-associstudy in Science that looked at ated wells were only 10 percent 187,570 injection wells over four of those studied, more than 60 decades. percent of the high-rate wells It's not so much the aver- — 12 million gallons or more age-sized injection wells, but — were linked to nearby earththe supercharged ones that are quakes, the study found. causing the ground to shake. And of the 45 wells that Wells that pumped more than pump the most saltwater at the 12 million gallons of saltwa- fastest rate, 34 of them — more ter into the ground per month than three out of four — were were far more likely to trigger linked to nearby quakes, the quakes than those that put study found. lesser amounts per month, the Physically, it makes sense study from the University of because "high-rate injection Colorado found. creates much higher pressure Although Texas, Arkansas, over the relative time scale," Kansas and other states have said study co-author Shemin seen increases in earthquakes, Ge, a hydrogeology professor the biggest jump has been in at the Universityof Colorado. Oklahoma. From 1974to 2008, Possible other factors WeingOklahoma averaged about one arten and Ge considered, such m agnitude 3 or greater earth- as cumulative amounts of saltquake a year, but in 2013 and water injected or depth, didn't 2014,the state averaged more show up as significant in the than 100 quakes that size per large database. year, according to another Katie Brown, a spokeswomearthquake study published an for an energy industry asthis week. Since Jan. 1, the U.S. sociation, criticized the study, Geological Survey has logged saying that it tarred too many more than 350 magnitude 3 or wellswith too broad abrush. higher quakes in Oklahoma. A different study that just Studies have linked the in- looked at quake-struck Oklacrease in quakes to the practice homa, released at the same of injecting leftover wastewater time in the journal Science Adinto the ground after drilling vances, pointed more toward for oil and gas using newer cumulative amounts of liquid technologies, such as hydrau- rather than high rates. But lic fracturing. Recent studies study co-author Mark Zoback have linked the damaging 2011 of Stanford said both papers magnitude 5.7 quake that hit can be right because factors Prague, Oklahoma, to a nearby might be slightly different in high-rate injection well. Oklahoma than elsewhere.
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percentof Americans said no,
they would not vote for a woman for president if she were qualified in "every other" way. Being a woman was a deal-breaker. B y 1945, G allup h a d changed the question's wording: "If the party whose can-
Continued from A1 The role
t h a t f e male
c andidates will play i n 2016 — and probably in most f uture
p r esidential
campaigns — helps highlight how attitudes have
Gun ri ts sti trumpin un contro in po itics
changed over the past 80
didate you most often sup-
By Steve Peoplesand Alan Fram
can-American candidate in the
years. The changes over the decades can be described in one word: gradual. But the state of opinion today, about the possibility of a
port nominated a woman for
The Associated Press
no matter the calamity. Even the most passionate advocates
foredose a lot of those avenues not gun laws: "If we don't pay right now," he said flatly. dose attention to the hatred But former Texas Gov. Rick and division that's going on in Perry said it was inappropriour nation, this is just a harbin- ate for Obama to use a tragedy ger of what we can expect." to promote gun And another GOP rival, Carcontrol. "This is ly Fiorina said, "We ought not the m.o. of this to start immediately rushing to administration /~,g policy prescriptions or engaganytime there is inginthe blame game." an accident like The response from across P erry thi s, " t h e G O P the political spectrum illuspresidential cantrates the profound lack of didate said. His spokesman latattention gun control has gar- er clarified that Perry meant to say "incident." neredsofarin a2016campaign that offers sharp differences While a large majority of between the political parties. Americans have consistentIt also highlights the dominant ly supported universal backposition the National Rifle As- ground checks for gun ownsociation continues to hold in ers, a Gallup poll conducted in national politics. January found only 31 percent NRA spokesman Andrew of Americans are dissatisfied A rulanandam said t h e o r - with current gun laws and
of stronger gun controls ex-
ganization would not m ake
pected no different.
a statement about the South There were no indications Carolina shooting "until all the Friday that t h e C h arleston facts are known." He declined shootings ha d w e akened to talk about the politics of the Congress' resistance against gun debate but has previously strengthening gun r estricsaid that political leaders have tions. If anything, the odds of learned that "it's bad politics congressional action seemed
president of the United States, would you vote for her if she
seemed best qualified for the job?" More than half (55 percent) of Americans said they would not vote for that wom-
female president, demands
a different word: accepting.
David Becker/The Associated Press
It wasn't always so. Only two years after the
Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton spoke to the National Association of Latino Elected end Appointed Officials this week.
"you've come a long way, baby" Virginia Slims ad campaign was this stark reminder from a poll the company commissioned
an. Throughout the 1950s and
1960s, support grew slowly, edging just past 50 percent near the end of the 1960s.
Americans agreed that
During the 1970s, people became increasingly comfortable saying they would vote for a qualified woman for president, and by 1978, nearly three-quar-
t here wouldn't b e
ters of the population said they
i n 1970: T wo-thirds o f
in the middle or didn't know what to think about the quesa f e - tion. By 1980, 20 percent of
male president for a "long Americans thought women time" and that it was "just as well." The marketers at Virginia Slims turned this
would do so if their party gave them that choice. There are
cade later nearly 15percent felt
obvious differences between
saying you would vote for a woman and actually doing so, was asked in 2008, 7 percent but the change in responses of Americans still thought to this question over time is a woman's place was in the compelling. home, 10 percent couldn't take In this decade, nearly all a side, and 83 percent backed Americans (95 percent via the equality and work. Roper Center) say they would Still today, a small portion vote for a woman if she were of the electorate is unsure qualified and were a party about whether women and nominee, and although there men should have equal roles are differences by age, educain government or businesstion and income, the pace of and this has implications for change on this topic has been whether a woman can win the roughly the same across all Oval Office. these groups over the decades. this way. The last time the question
skepticism about a female president into a print ad
showing a campaign button for "Rosemary for President" above the t agline
"Someday." Women might have come a long way, but they had a long way left to go. For 40 years the American
should stay at home, and a de-
N a t ional E l e ction
Study has asked a random sample of adults a question about whether women and
men should be equals in the workplace. The question asks, "Some people feel that women should have an equal role with men in running business, industry and government. Others feel that women's place is in the home. Where would you place yourself ... or haven't you thought much about
Another series of questions
There are very few differences
from the Gallup Organization sheds light on beliefs about a femalepresident more specifically — and the trends look familiar: very low levels of supportfor a fem ale president at the start of the 20th century and steady movement toward support into the 21st century.
In 1937, Gallup asked ap-
this?" In 1972, the first year the question was on the survey,
based on gender. And nearly everyone in America also believes that
men and women should play equal professional roles. When Clinton said to supporters that she may not be the
youngest candidate in the race, but she would be the "youngest woman president in the histo-
ry of the United States," she they would vote for a woman was reminding generations 29 percent of the population for president if she were qual- of Americans of a time, not thought a woman's place ified "in every other respect." so long ago, when girls only was in the home. Only 47 The wording of the question dreamed of striking out on percent of the population reveals a lot about the nature their own, without a man, and thought women should of opinions about women in independently contributing to p roximately 1,500 adults if
the White House at that time.
have an equalrole to men at work; another 24 percent
the world around them. Most
And there were clear reser- Americansolder than 40 replaced themselves squarely vations in the responses: 64 member those days.
fered prayers and moments of silence. They sought to comfort. Some flashedwith anger and frustration that, once again,
Americawas forcedto confront another mass shooting. Yet less than 48 hours after
nine people were shot to death in a South Carolina church, the nation's political leaders, from
President Barack Obama to those Republicans who seek to replace him, as well as those in
Congress, either did not call for a doser look at gun violence in America or said they didn't see
one comingsoon. There was little doubt that
the gun lobby's dominance would continue in U.S. politics
"I'd like to say these shootings in Charleston will be a turning point, enough for Congress to fight back against the gun lobby and take some serious action about gun laws," said
a •
g HA,NGING y~ r
r~ r
want to make them stricter.
Chelsea Parsons, who oversees to be on the wrong side of the slimmer with both the House gunpolicy forthe liberal Center gun issue." and Senate controlled by Refor American Progress. "But I Police arrested 21-year-old publicans, who traditionally don't want tobe naive." D ylann Storm Roof i n t h e have been less sympathetic to Courting evangelical voters Wednesday shooting deaths such curbs. "I'm skeptical it's going to in Washington, a succession of of nine people at the Emanuel Republican presidential hope- African Methodist Episcopal change peoples' minds who fuls stood to express their hor- Church in Charleston. Offi- w eren't converted by N e w ror at Wednesday's attack, yet cialsconsider the murders a town," said Sen. Chris Murphy, none suggested gun control be racially motivated hate crime. D-Conn. Murphy was part addressed. The victims were black; the of the Senate's failed efforts "Laws can't change" such suspect is white. to strengthen background attacks, New Jersey Gov. Chris On Thursday, Democratic checks following the 2012 C hristie tol d front-runner Hillary C l inton massacre at Sandy Hook Elesaid "hard truths" must be mentary School in Newtown, t he Faith a n d Freedom Coalifaced about guns and race. De- Connecticut. tion conference. spite her words, many DemoThe gun-control group Ev"Only the good crats see gun control as a losing erytown for Gun Safety wants will and love of issue and don't want to touch it. to make sure the issue isn't forthe A me r ican C h ristie Obama pointed to lax gun gotten in the election. "Anybody who wants to be people can let controls in his response but those folks knowthat that act is glumly acknowledged there our nextpresident mustbe willunacceptable, disgraceful." was no way he could prod ing to take on the national gun C onservative favor i t e Congress to take action on gun violence crisis," said Erica Soto Ben Carson, the only Afri- violence. Lamb, speaking forthe group.
Central Oregon's ABC •
"The politics in this town
field, addressed racial tensions,
last fall found that 62 percent
Continued from A1
had positive or neutral feel-
"That symbol has to come d own," Co r n el l Wi ll i a m
ings toward the flag. But the poll's director, Scott Huffmon,
Brooks, the national president
said Friday that he expected to
of the NAACP, said at a news
see the results change in the future.
Cheneypapers: apeek at a polarizing figure
of South Carolina residents
conference here, calling it an emblem of hate. "That sym-
By Peter Baker
state capital." Lawmakers in both parties
numbers, just want to put it behind them," Huffmon said. "But given what has happened
leased hundreds of behindthe-scenes pictures of Cheney W ASHINGTON — I n taken by White House photogFebruary2008, an aide sent raphers, many of them with a news article to Vice Pres- his adviser David Addington.
"Most people, based on past
bol must be removed from our
New York Times News Service
said that despite public frus-
this week, I think people that
ident Dick Cheney report-
The documents were r e-
tration and anger, a provision of state law prevents officials from lowering the Confederate flag to half-staff. That anger unspooled on social media, where pictures of the flag were repeatedly posted and denounced. Some lawmak-
are completely OK with the flag would likely — and I have no data to prove this — be OK with taking it down given the
ing that former Secretary of State Colin Powell might
leasedin response to arequest by Christy Hoppe of The Dal-
ers said the public discussion
not changed. In a commentary Friday, Michael Hill, president of the League of the South, which the Southern Poverty
Supporters of the Confederate battle flag display signaled Friday that their position had
"I think it's a conversation
ican flag should be removed. The American flag, Hill
both of them had served. Powell had been the vice
group, said the Confederate battle flag should remain at
the people making their voice
wrote, "now stands for multiculturalism, tolerance and
heard. There's a sense in the
diversity — the left's unholy
institution itself that this issue was resolved."
Rainier Ehrhardt/The Associated Press
For years, the flag flew The Confederate flag flies Friday near the South Carolina Stateabove the State House dome. house in Columbia. Tensions over the Confederate flag flying in the shadow of the state Capitol rose this week in the wake of the
sured by a business boycott killings of nine people at a black church in Charleston. led by the NAACP and large C arolina flags would f l y above the State House, while
the Confederate battle flag would be placed in front of the building. This week, after the killings of nine people at a Bible study class at the Emanuel church,
Gov. Nikki R. Haley ordered the U.S. and South Carolina flags lowered for nine daysone day for each of the victims — but could do nothing about the height of the Confederate
standard. South Carolina law gives only the Legislature power to make changes to the Confederate battle flag display, and they must be approved by supermajorities in both the
world. Cheney recorded no re-
trinity." In "sharp contrast," he wrote, the Confederate battle
flag"stands forthe heroic effort our people made 150 years ago to avoid the fate" of contemporary America. O ther supporters o f
Bail hearing — One byonethey looked to the screen in a corner of the courtroom Friday, into the expressionless face of the young mancharged with making them motherless, snuffing out the life of a promising son, taking away aloving wife for good, bringing a grandmother's life to a horrific end. And theyanswered him with: forgiveness. "You took something very precious awayfrom me," said Nadine Collier, daughter of 70-year-old Ethel Lance. "I will never talkto her ever again. I will never beable to hold her again. But I forgive you. Andhavemercy onyour soul." The occasion was abond hearing, the first court appearance of the accused killer, Dylann Roof, for the murders, apparently racially motivated, of nine black menand women in aBible study session at EmmanuelAfrican Methodist Episcopal Church on Wednesday night. But it was as if the Bible study hadnever ended, as one after another, victims' family members offered lessons in forgiveness, testaments to a faith that is not compromised by violence or grief. They urged him to repent andturn to God.
and the flag — as unrelated.
— New YorkTimes NewsService
Don Coleman, a spokesman for the Georgia division of the Sons of Confederate Veterans,
said the attack had more to do with "one very troubled young man" than the flag. "It's a shame that those people were killed, and we all greatly regret that incident, and we were upset that anybody would try to tie people
Plant Sale
The documents are limit-
who are proud of their her-
ed in scope and contain no major revelations about the
itage to an act like that," he
issues that dominated the
sard. Still, in Charleston, much
era, like Iraq and terrorism. The papers are main-
of the talk was about change,
ly memos, fact sheets and
even if it was unclear whether
news articles sent to him
the conversations would yield a substantive shift.
in 2006, around the time of the h u nting accident
"Surely, this is the time that
House and the Senate.
will come down."
After years of being thwarted, opponents of flying the
But even as Moore expressed confidence and law-
Confederate battle flag said
makers discussed plans to file
this time there may be enough legislation seeking to remove public outcry and rage to com- the flag from the State House's pel legislative action. grounds, many others cau"I think t hat w hat w e've tioned that any shift in poliseen in South Carolina is an- cy faced difficult odds in the other act of terrorism, and this Legislature. "It's a total lose-lose issue," act of terrorism reminds us of a history of terrorism enact- said David Woodard, a politied against African-American calscience professor atClemp eople, particularly in t h e son University and a longSouth," said Russell Moore, time Republican consultant. a descendant ofConfederate "You'renotgoing to make any veterans who heads the pub- friends by doing it, so you just lic policy arm of the Southern leave it be." Baptist Convention. "I think He added, "That's a sad there's momentum now to say thing, but that's the way it will we're going to do everything have to be because I don't see we can to love each other and anyone who's willing to take it to work together, and that on. There's no politician who's means getting rid of images powerful enough to take it on." of division. I do think the flag That included, he said, Ha-
minister of Romania, thank-
you notes after meetings with president's chief internal a former prime minister of adversary during President Sweden and a former chief George W. Bush's first term executive of Hong Kong and and had grown disaffected. a goodbye letter from a CaAn aide clearly understood nadian ambassador leaving that Cheney would want to Washington. know the latest. Cheney also received handThe article was among written notes of support afa batch of documents from ter the shooting accident that Cheney's files that was sought to fortify him against released Friday by the Na- critics. "Keep up the good tional Archives and Rework and ignore them," one c ords Administration i n supporter wrote. "One can response to requests made only imagine the deep sense of under the Freedom of Infor- anguish you must feel," wrote mation Act. More than six another. "Please know you are years after Cheney left of- supported." fice, the files were the first made public by the archives about a figure who still generates considerable public interest and debate. 1733 Locally Grown Plants
flag said they view the two issues — the mass shooting
protests in Columbia, decided that only the U.S. and South
Many of the documents are
the State House but the Amer-
Law Center has listed as a hate
state Sen. Tom Davis, a Repub-
walls of that chamber without
lot" of prestige around the
banal. Aides sent Cheney a weatherforecastfora coming action, but one can imagine weekend in Jackson, Wyosome consternation at what ming, where he kept a vacathe vice president presum- tion home ("snow showers" evably deemed disloyalty to ery day). They passed along a t he a d ministration t h a t birthday letter from the prime
that we're going to have," said lican who represents Beaufort County in the Legislature. But he added, "Nothing is going to happen simply within the
D e mocrat for las Morning News; the photos
president. Sections were were released in response to highlighted in yellow, and a request by Colette Neirouz someone had circled a quo- Hanna of Kirk Documentary tation from Powell in which Group, which makes films for he said America had lost "a "Frontline" on PBS.
impact it has on others."
could lead to a reconsideration of the flag's placement.
In 2000, state officials, pres-
vote for a
in which he shot a fellow
ley, who told CBS on Friday that she expected a new round
that discussion needs to be had and had at a much high-
hunter on a Texas ranch. B ut they o ffer a s m a l l
of debate in Columbia, the
er octave than it's been done
glimpse into Cheney's time in office.
capital. "I think that conversation
will probably come back up again," the governor said. "What we hope is that we do things the way South Carolinians do, which is have the
in many years," Dot Scott, the president of the Charleston
In addition to the doc-
uments, the archives re-
chapter of the NAACP said
before Brooks spoke here. "There's been a renewed time and an opportunity to have that discussion. I don't have to
changed, be kind about it,
gotten about it."
trying to achieve and how we're trying to do it. I think the
state will start talking about
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c onversation, a l lo w so m e guess about it because of the t houghtful words to b e exnumber of calls I've already
Must Be Sold
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Look for the neon yellow signs
move to "revisit" the flag's status, but he added that the flag was part of the state's identity.
A Winthrop University poll
• L' •
dients'knowledge, Forbes said. Forbes said that never hapHe said he did not know how pened. He said the pharma-
Continued from A1
frequently this was done.
4 •
cy wanted to advertise that it
"There's no trickery," he carried a p seudoephedrine quire emergency suspensions said. "There is no made money medication called Nexafed, so are "very uncommon" for the twice. There is no overbilled they placed the product on the board, MacLean said. patient." counter. No one was allowed to "I'm thinking in my 14 years The board also says 1bmalo purchase it without a prescriphere that we've done this prob- Pharmacy charged dients in tion, he said. ably less than five times," she excessoftheirco-pays forpreThe board also says Tumalo said. scriptions. Forbes says that's Pharmacy did not cooperate According to the board's not true. with its investigation, and defindings, the pharmacy transThe notice also says the stroyed,removed and altered ferred clients' prescriptions to pharmacy manufactured liquid records it did not want to be other pharmacies without their and capsule marijuana prod- seen. knowledge, telling those phar- ucts and relabeled a marijuana Forbes said he believes he macies that the patients had re- product as a prescription and handed over everything the questedthetransfers. tookit to a dient's care facility. board asked for. "What was destroyed? I don't They then gave the other Forbes said the doctor takpharmacies the phone num- ing care of a patient with Alz- know," he said. "They asked us ber of Tumalo Pharmacy's heimer's disease asked him to for 19 things; we gave them 19 pharmacy technician and told place an instruction label on things." them it was the clients' num- a liquid marijuana product so The board also says the bers. The other pharmacies that the patient's caregivers at pharmacy misrepresented the billed clients' insurance for the a hospice facility would know whereabouts of its pharmacy prescriptions. how to administer it. technician, and that it used "In orderfor hospice to ad- the pharmacy technician in Tumalo Pharmacy's pharmacytechnicianthenpickedup minister it, it had to have di- manners not authorized by the the prescriptions, paid the co- rections on it like a regular board, and operated the pharpaysand brought them back to prescription has that says how macy without a p h armacist 'llmalo Pharmacy, according many times a day to administer present. to the board, which also says the dose and what the dose is," Forbes said he hasn't heard that not all of them were dis- he said. from his technician, Holly A"courier" brought the prod- Smith, since earlier this month pensed to patients. Tumalo Pharmacy then re- uct from the marijuana dispen- after she was questioned by placed the labels on those med- sary to the pharmacy, Forbes board officials. ications with its own labels, the said. He said he then placed the T he final f i nding i n t h e 'Dnnalo Pharmacy label and in- board's order is that people board says. Forbes, by contrast, said the structions on the bottle and the were drinking alcohol while pharmacy didn't always have same courier brought it to the working at 'Ibmalo Pharmacy. in stock all of the prescriptions facility, Forbes said. Forbes said that may have hap"We didn't know there was pened after hours or on weekclients needed. Rather than order them and wait several days, anything wrong with that, so ends,butneverwhil e thepharthey would call and see wheth- we didn't willfully do anything macy was open. "Nobody here sits here and er other local pharmacies had wrong," he said. "No money the medications. If they did, he was gained by us." takes straight shots of tequila would order them, pick them The board s ays l l j m alo while we're filling prescripup and sometimeseven deliver Pharmacy sold ephedrine and tions," he said. "Never does that them to dients' homes free of pseudoephedrine, both con- happen." charge. trolled s ubstances, w ithout — Reporter: 541-383-0304, This was never done without prescriptions. tbannow@bendbulletin.com Violations so severe they re-
.rII( (;I
China's dog-eating festival sparks socialmediafury By Lindsey Bever and Nick Kirkpatrick The Washington Post
tival does not exist," the government said in a statement, according to Time. "Neither
It's a practice that makes Yulin government nor social animal lovers ill — China's so- organizati ons have ever held called Yulin Summer Solstice such activities." Lychee and Dog Meat Festival The state news agency Xinfor which some 10,000 canines hua said last year the festival are said to be beaten, killed is "only a local folk custom, and cooked for human con- without o ff i cia l s a n ction." sumption. Cats too. Tradition- But locals say now, instead al lore says eating dog meat of slaughtering dogs in the brings good luck and health. streets, they do it in secret. "Now we have to do it as But the event, which has ignited fury for years, is gaining though we are thieves," a local momentum on social media. restaurant owner told a ChiThe annual event in Yulin
nese TV station, according to
in China's Guangxi region marks the summer's start, which will be June 22 this year. Indeed, eating dog meat is legal in China, but canines
The Associated Press. This year, social media has pushedtheprotestsforward. Animal rights advocates say dogs are caught with nets, drugged or poisoned and kept until they are killed for their
are supposed to be raised on
farms and certified for human consumption before they
are sold. Animal rights advocates say dogs in Yulin are stolen from farms and family
Rt ihe Beschutes Qounty Fairgrounds Ice .team •
meat. The past month, there have
been nearly a million tweets from people using the hashtag ¹StopYulin2015. This week, British comedian Ricky Ger-
$g I
homes — many still wearing collars when they are killed. vais, who has partnered with Aside from animal cruelty is-
, i'.ikh
Humane Society Internation-
sues, they say, such festivals al, wrote: "Please help our best fuel crime and food safety friend. ¹StopYuLin2015." He concerns. attached a photo of a dog with Mounting pressure from a lipstick kisses on its face, animal rights groups ignited saying, "The only marks you uproar last year, prompting should leave on a dog." nationwide protests. The U.S.-based animal Amid outcry, Yulin's gov- rights organization Duo Duo e rnment ba n n e d pub l i c Animal Welfare Project has slaughter and advertising us- launched an online petition, ing words "dog meat," though calling on Yulin Governor it claimed that although locals Chen Wu to cancel the event, had held small get-togethers in citing issues ranging from the past, the city-wide festival animal cruelty to social stawas a myth. bility to food safety. So far, "The so-called summer it has m or e t h a n 7 00,000 solstice lychee dog meat fes- signatures.
&erM "
Central Sregen's 4 Sest Selectien Sn New Antt Quality ~Pre-ewnett Rys With Suer 23$ llnils Sn Display!
I,) Shevlin
down. Madden said firefighters
Continued fromA1
Service and Oregon Department of Forestry all rushed to
While the Deschutes County
2015 PalominoW-132FD
from Bend Fire, the U.S. Forest
sources in town," he said. At its height, about 80 fire-
mains under investigation. The sheriff's office is working with Bend Fire, Oregon State Police and theOregon Department of
fighters and a bulldozer were on the fire, he said. A helicopter equipped with a water-drop bucket also helped quell the
Forestry on the investigation,
blaze. The helicopter made
Rod Nichols, Department of Forestry spokesman, wrote in
about 15 water drops, Madden said, burning through nearly
a full tank of fuel. It pulled the
"The agencies have been interviewing potential witnesses and examining the fire scene for evidence," he wrote. Investigators did not find signs of a lightning strike, the primary natural cause for wildfire in Central Oregon, Madden said, sothey deter-
Electric awning
Sheriff's Office has announced tackle the blaze. "We had all the right re-
that the Shevlin Fire was human caused, whether it was intentional or accidental re-
2015 Springdale179QBW E
Queen-size bed
1 3,997
water from a storage pond for Tumalo Irrigation District off Johnson Road. Earlier reports from Bend Fire gave a different
water source on the day of the fire. An air tanker flew over Bend, ready to help fight the
2S15 RockwoodA122
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fire, but Madden said it did not
mined it was human caused.
drop any retardant because of the success of the ground the (exact) cause yet," he said. crews in corralling the blaze. Having a call come in about Still the air tanker stayed close. "They don't have a feel for
; ia
.g~l ' 1
~ o NGAn
"We had that orbit the fire give firefighters a jump on the for about an hour," Madden
the fire before it took off helped
blaze, Madden said.
sard. While the fire burned near Clark's home on Stag Drive, see it," he said. winds pushed it the opposite A Bend woman hikingin direction. His house did not go "When the f i rst 911 call came in, the lookouts couldn't Shevlin Park reported the fire
under an evacuation warning,
2SS9 Cougar 26BHSWE 2S14 Cougar 244RLSWE 2S14 Wind River 24SRKSW Stks9051Z Vin¹506853
Stks8901 A Vins006451
Stk¹8772A VintA41143
Sleeps eight
Rear living room
Double slide,rearkitchen
Double Dedand Dunk
at I:28 p.m., according to a De- but three subdivisions on the schutes County 911 report. She
said she saw a "small brush
other side of the blaze did. The Shevlin Fire started
fire" with 4- to 5-foot flames, burning at the base of a tree.
about 10 or 15 spot fires, small
The fire had a diameter of about 8 feet.
duding one on the south side of Shevlin Park Road, near two subdivisions. The helicop-
The hiker told a 911 dispath, about halfway between
second drop of water, Madden
Aspen Hall and the Tumalo sard. Irrigation District diversion Shevlin Sand & Gravel and along the creek. Taylor Northwest contributed Madden, who is a regular a pairofw atertrucks each,he runner at Shevlin Park and fa- said, providing more water to miliar with the area, parked at
fires ahead of the main fire, in-
patcher that the fire was across ter snuffed out the spot fire on Tumalo Creek from the hiking the far side of the road with its
2S13 Freelaoder 19CB
Stkf8777N Vin4503537
I I' I I II 2S15 Wildcat 242RLX
2S16 Wlldwood 175FB
2S15 Bighorn 3S1SRE
Stks8639 Vins014250
Stks9084 Vins139109
Stks8052 Vin¹287214
Double slide
Island queenbed
lliple slide
fire engines at the fire.
Aspen Hall and started hiking
Standing on th e b lackened slope in Shevlin Park firefighters on the way from on Wednesday, Maddenother directions. He found the who has been with Bend Fire fire about a quarter-mile north since 1980 — pointed out the of the hall, and it was spread- woods burnt in the 6,908-acre ing fast. Two Bulls Fire last June and While the northerly wind the nearly treeless scar of the
to find the fire — with more
was not stiff, it was steady
3,350-acre Awbrey Hall Fire
enough to push the fire's spreadup the steep eastsideof the creek canyon. "The wind and the slope were in alignment," Madden
from August 1990. Those fires burned thousands of acres
where the Awbrey Hall Fire
and the Awbrey Hall Fire de-
stroyed 22 homes. The Shevlin Fire even burned over the spot
The fire slowed as it crested had started. Both of those fires the top of the canyon. Madden were caused by people as well. credited the condition of the
Clark had to evacuate last
grasses as a key contributor to year during the Two Bulls Fire. the change in the fire's behav- Although much smaller, the ior. The grasses were not as Shevlin Fire was a worse expedry as they will be later in the rience because it was so much year due to recent rains. closer. The helicopter dripped "Had that been in August, water onto Clark's deck with thatwould have been a differ- eachpass. ent story," Madden said.
"I'm just glad it's over with
Having the fire start when and I hope it never happens fire crews around Central Or- again," he said. egon were not busy fighting — Reporter: 541-617-7812, other fires helped keep its size ddarling@bendbuIIetin.com
2016 SunseekerSSC225SS
2S13 Redhawk 26XS
StkÃ9023 Vint200964
Oueen bedslide
Single slide, rear bath
2S14 Vacationeer 33' SE
2SS7 Bounder 38N
Super slideisland queenbed
Triple slide queenbed
Stkk'8988A VinsA08251
StkP9055Z VinPZ1 8395
2S15 Storm 28MS
LoanApproval QiiSite!
Full body painf 'i:
2S15 Siesta 24SR Stkk851 5 Vin8579251
Double slide
~81,689 or 3 9 9 / m o. 25% Down, 240 mos., 4.99% on approved credit of 720 orhigher. StV8517VinkA14285
Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B5 Weather, B6 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2015
BRIEFING Local manheld in child porncase Oregon State Police have arrested aPrineville man on suspicion of child pornography. According to a news release, onThursday police served search warrants at191 NW Eighth St. as part of an ongoing child pornography investigation, then arrested 33-year-old Ryan Babcock on12 counts each of first-degree encouraging child sex abuseand second-degree possession of materials depicting sexually explicit conduct of children. Babcock remained in the CrookCounty jail Friday evening. The investigation began after the Oregon Department of Justice's Internet crimes against children teamtold OSP someone in Prineville was sharing child pornography with other adults. A searchwarrant revealed Babcock's Internet activity and OSP detectives determined he had beentrading sexually explicit photos with others through email, the news releasesaid. Police seizedsmartphones, laptops and data storage devices from Babcock's house. Police will analyze the computers and phones for other evidence and try to identify the children in theexplicit images. The investigation is ongoing.
O www.bendbulletin.com/local
inoma S mieS ierSa ain • Winter in Central Oregoncould bedrier, warmer than normal,earlyforecasts say
ern coast of South America can have ramifications for
globe. While Ei Nino probably
ment s o far,"
temperatures in the Pacific
will have little effect on sum-
Ocean, has formed, Mike Murphy, a meteorologist for
mer in Central Oregon, it may
Ei ¹no, characterized by above-average sea surface
"It's iiot Iook-
weather elsewhere on the
The Bulletin
The condition known as
• El Nino
ing very good for much improve-
By Dylan J. Darling Pacific Ocean waters could be foretelling another paltry snowpack and poor skiing year in Central Oregon.
the National Weather Service
cause fall and winter to be warmer and drier than nor-
in Pendleton, said Friday. The officeforecastsforCentral Oregon. El Nino's flow of unusually warm water along the west-
mai, he said. The latest calcuIations give Ei Nino a 90 percent chance of continuing into the fall and 85 percent chance of lasting through winter.
d<~Madras~:JO n 98Ii
wheat,B3 Murphy said. The effects of EI Nino in the Northwest could mean another poor ski-
ing year in Central Oregon, said Phil Mote, director of Oregon Climate Services at
Oregon State University in Corvallis. SeeForecasts/B2
Reported for Central and Eastern Oregon.For more information, visit gacc.ni fc.gov/nwcc/ informntion/inrgefire mnp.nspx 1. Little Basin
• Acres: 630 • Containment: 90% • Cause: Unknown
Bite of Bend roed closures
— Bulletin staff reports
ny, "~b et J
Greg Cross/The Bullelrh
PUBUCOFFICIAl5 DESCHUTES COUNTY 1300 NWWall St., Bend, OR 97701 Web: www.deschutes.org Phone: 541-388-6571
OSP suspects driver intoxicated Oregon State Police suspect amaninvolved in a head-on crash on U.S. Highway20 Thursday night was intoxicated. Cody Oxford, 24, was reportedly traveling westbound onthe highway near milepost 80 in Linn County near Santiam Junction shortly before 7 p.m.whenhe lost control of his Subaru and crossed thecenter line, striking a 2005 Chevrolet TrailBlazer. Oxford was taken by air ambulanceto St. Charles Bendwith life-threatening injuries, while the driver andpassenger in theChevrolet, both of Springfield, were taken by groundambulance to St. Charles Bend with serious injuries. Police determined Oxford, whose placeof residence hasnot been released, wasintoxicated. Both directions of the highway wereclosed for two hours during the investigation.
Roads closeduntil midnight Sunday
Deschutes County Commission • TammyBaney, R-Bend Phone:541-388-6567 Email:TammyBaney@ co.daschuiss.or.us • Alan Unger,D-Redmond Phone:541-388-6569 Email:Alan UngerO co.deschutes.or.us • TonyDeBone,R-LaPine Phone: 541-388-6568 Email:Tony DeBone©o. deschutes.or.us CROOK COUNTY 300 NEThird St u Prineviiie, OR97754 Phone: 541-447-6555 Email: administration© co.crook.or.us Web: co.crook.or.us
Photos by Joe Kline/The Bulletin
Colin Powers lands his restored1945 Piper L-4J on the runway at the Sunriver Airport on Friday morning. Powers flew the plane for the first time Friday, after spending approximately three years restoring it.
By Ksiley Fisicnro The Bulletin
SUNRIVER — On the edge of the tarmac at Sunriver Air-
port on Friday morning, Colin
To see Power's first flight visit:bendbuiietin.com
Crook County Court • Mike McCabs (Crook Cnuntyjudge) Phone: 541-447-6555 Email: mike.mccabe© co.crook.or.us • Kan Fahigren Phone: 541-447-6555 Email: ken.fahigren© co.crook.or.us • Seth Crawford Phone: 541-447-6555 Email: seth.crawfordO co.crook.or.us
Powers bought the plane
Powers' wife, June, anxiously
in 2012, and since then has
awaited her husband's first flight in his rebuilt World War II airplane. As a group of about two dozen people gathered to see him fiy the Piper L-4J, she made sure everyone knew they were welcome to the coffee and doughnuts she had brought. Some of the people there were friends of the coupie; others were simply interested in seeing a WWII-era plane fly again.
worked to restore it in his home garage in La Pine. Many pieces he replaced on the plane are new, but they're all authentic to when the plane was originally built in 1945.
Powers made sure of that. He finished the plane about a
JEFFERSON COUNTY 66 SE DSt., Madras, OR 97741 Phone: 541-475-2449 Web: www.co.jefferson. oi;us
month and a half ago but waited until he had a new copy of the plane's airworthiness
certificate and good weather tofly. SeeFlight /B5
Colin Powers, of Ls Pine, hugs his wife, June, after s short flight and landing of his restored World War II airplane.
More Officials, B2
STATE NEWS • Portland:Former city worker sentenced for giving money to suicide bomber,B3 • Portland:Lawsuit challenges denying renters insurance to people using pit bulls as service dogs,B3
Well shot! Reader photos
Send us your best outdoor photos at bendbuiintin.com/ renderphotos.Your entries will appear online, and we'll choose the best for publication in the Outdoors section. Submission requirements: Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took a photo, any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and contact info. Photos selected for print must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.
Family facesmoreheart transplants • Sierra Bingham receivesherthird heart, meets family of donor; brother is upnext By Lisa Britton
dren's Hospital in Palo Alto,
Wescom News Service
California. Gage will be next.
One family. Three heart transplants in nine years. And the most recent — 'Ities-
day night — isn't the last. "I wish I could say we're done,butno,"StacyBingham
Those three children were
diagnosed with dilated cardiomyopathy, a disease of the
body starts building antibodies against the organ. Sierra had coronary heart disease, meaningthe arterieswere be-
coming stiff and not pumping a sufficient blood supply to the
By Beau Eastos
co-foimder Donnie Koib on
get light-headed during sudden exertion, and gained 15 pounds
The Bulletin
his website, OregonBikepacking.com. "I'm sorry folks, but the Oregon Outback is dead."
of fluid in one month.
Sierrawent on the heart organ tobecome enlarged. The transplant list March 7 as a heart muscle that causes the
two other Bingham children,
status 7, which is inactive but
Stacy and Jason Bingham, who live outside of Haines, have five children — Sierra,
Megan and Hunter, do not have the disease. "His echo (echocardiogram, which measures heart activity) is continually getting worse," Stacy said of Gage.
accrues time waiting for a
Gage. Sierra, 15, has now had two heart transplants — the first in
August 2006and the second this week. Lindsey had a heart trans-
plant Feb. 14,2013. Aii three surgeries took place at Lucile Packard Chil-
But this week, itis Sierra
who was wheeled into the operating room. The donor heart she received nine years ago had started to fail last year — it was a humor-
al rejection, which means the
Trash ruinsevent, founders cancel
heart. Stacy said Sierra would
Megan, LLidsey, Hunter and
Her status changed on March 24 to IB — meaning the patient's health depends
on medications. Two weeks ago she went up to a Status IA, which is urgent. That's when
Sierra was put on a medication called milrinone to stabilize her condition by pulling fluid away from her heart. SeeBinghams/B2
The OregonOutback bicyde ride is no more. The popular 364-miie tm-
supportedbikepackingrace/ ride that started in Kiamath Falls and ended at the con-
In 2013, Koib and Gabriel
Amadeus, both Portland cydists, mapped out the route that wouldbecome the
fluence of the Deschutes and Columbia rivershasbeen
Outback, a mix of gravel and
killed by its founders after
through remote rural communities such as Sprague
reports of cyclists leaving trashand human fecesalong the route.
"I'm sad and disgusted and angry, and I don't see any other way to make this right
dirtroads that takes riders River, Beatty, Silver Lake, Fort Rock and Shaniko.
Prmeville is by far the largest town onthe route once riders leave Klamath Falls, and
short of shutting (the Outonly25percent of the ride is back) down so this never hap- pavement. pens again," wrote Outback SeeOutback IB5
Evxxr TODAY OFF-SITEFIELD TRIP: FLORA OF THE SAGE-STEPPE:Discover the diversity of native wildflowers, grasses and shrubs of the
sagebrush sea; 8a.m.; $10for
members, $15 for nonmembers, registration required; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. Highway 97, Bend; www.highdesertmuseum. org/field-trip or 541-382-4754. YARD SALE: Sale to benefit the Bend Genealogical Society; 8 a.m.; Williamson Hall (behind Jake's Diner), 2200 NE U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-317-9553. 4 PEAKS MUSICFESTIVAL:4 Peaks is celebrating eight years of welcoming national and regional touring bands to Central Oregon with camping, workshops, a kid's area, room to dance, and great local vendors; 9 a.m.; $150, includescamping;Rockin'A Ranch, 19449Tumalo Reservoir Road, Bend; www.4peaksmusic.com or 541-382-8064. MADRAS SATURDAYMARKET: Featuring food, drinks, live music and more; 9 a.m.; Sahalee Park, 241 SE Seventh St., Madras or 541-546-6778. 52ND ANNUALAIRFLOW CLUB OF AMERICANMEET:Featuring a car showand more; 9a.m.; free; Cascade Mall Shopping Center, 63455 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-389-7329. NWX SATURDAYFARMER'S MARKET:Featuring local organic artisans in produce, meats, baked goods, skincare and more; 10 a.m.; NorthWest Crossing, NW Crossing Drive, Bend; www.
nwxfarmersmarket.com or 541-350-4217. CENTRAL OREGONSATURDAY MARKET:Featuring crafts, music,
food and more; 10a.m.; Across from the Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 NW Wall St., Bend; 541-420-9015.
Exm a FARM CARNIVAL& SOLSTICE PARTY:Featuring a farmers market, carnival games, farm tours, Father's Day competition and more; 10 a.m.; free; Smudgie Goose Farm, 19221 NE O'Neil Hwy., Redmond; www.smudgiegoosefarm.com Events.html or 541-215-0357. BITE OFBEND:Celebrate the local flavor of Central Oregon during the region's largest food festival, with live music, kids activities and more; 11 a.m.; Downtown Bend, NW Bond and Wall Streets, Bend; www. biteofbend.com or 541-323-0964. SUNRIVER HOME &GARDEN SHOW:Featuring booths covering home improvement, gardening, hot tubs, landscaping and more; 11 a.m.; The Village at Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Drive, Sunriver; 408-621-5377. CENTRAL OREGON PRIDE2015: Featuring a kids zone, live music, food, a tye-dye station, a photo booth and more; noon; free; Drake Park, 777 NW Riverside Blvd., Bend; www.centraloregonpride.org or 541-385-3320. SUMMER SOLSTICEPARTY: Featuring raffles, racing, food, kids activities and more; 2 p.m.; free; Bend Maker's District, Greenwood Ave. to Olney, First to Second Street, Bend; www.facebook. com bendsmakersdistrict or 541-306-6329. NACHO ORDINARYARTEVENT: Join OSU-Cascades MFAstudents and local Bend artists for a collaborative and participatory art event; 3 p.m .;TheW orkhouse atOld Ironworks, 50 SE Scott St., Bend; 516-652-5817. SUMMER SOLSTICEPARTY: Featurin g music byTone Red and Moon Mountain Ramblers; 6 p.m.; free; Worthy Brewing Company, 495 NE Bellevue Drive, Bend; 541-639-4776. "A FUNNYTHING HAPPENED ONTHE WAYTOTHE FORUM":A musical about Pseudolus, a crafty
To submit an event, visit bendbulletin.comlevents and click "Add Event" at least 10 days before publication.
Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Questions: communitylife@bendbulletin.com, 541-383-0351.
19221 NE O'Neil Hwy, Redmond;
www.smudgiegoosefarm.comor 541-215-0357. BITE OFBEND:Celebrate the local flavor of Central Oregon during the region's largest food festival, with live music, kids activities and more; 11 a.m.; Downtown Bend, NW Bond and Wall Streets, Bend; www. biteofbend.com or 541-323-0964. BITE OFBENDBEER RUN: Featuring a 5k run with beer
from local breweries; noon;$35
Jason Charme Photography i Submitted photo
People camp out at last year's 4 Peaks Music Festival. This year's festival continues at 9 a.m. today and10 a.m. Sunday at Rockin' A Ranch in Bend. slave who struggles to win the hand of a beautiful but slow-witted courtesan named Philia; 7:30 p.m.; $20, $16 for seniors, $13 for students; Cascades Theatre, 148 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend; www.cascadestheatrical.org or 541-389-0803. "THE CEMETERYCLUB": Aplay about three Jewish widows who meet once a month for tea before going to visit their husbands' graves; 7:30 p.m.; $19, $16 for seniors and students; 2nd Street Theater, 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend; www.2ndstreettheater.com or 541-312-9626. CARAVAN OF GLAM: The troupe from Portland performs; 8 p.m.; $12 plus fees in advance, $15 at the door; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SW Century Drive, Bend; www.volcanictheatrepub.com or 541-323-1881. PRIDE POSTPARTY: A post Pride party, featuring DJ Codi Carroll; 10 p.m.; The Astro Lounge, 939 NW Bond St., Bend; www.astroloungebend.com or 541-388-0116.
"THE ROCKYHORROR PICTURE SHOW":The cult-classic musical is presented; 11:30 p.m.; $10, $15 for VIPs; 2nd Street Theater, 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend; www. bendticket.com or 541-410-0975.
SUNDAY FATHER'S DAY:Free day at the museum for all fathers; 9 a.m.; HighDesertM useum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway97, Bend; www. highdesertmuseum.org/fathers-day or 541-382-4754. 4 PEAKS MUSICFESTIVAL: 4 Peaks is celebrating eightyears of welcoming national and regional touring bands to Central Oregon with camping, workshops, a kid's
area, room todance,andgreat local vendors; 10 a.m.; $150, includescamping;Rockin'A Ranch, 19449 Tumalo Reservoir Road, Bend; www.4peaksmusic.com or 541-382-8064. FARM CARNIVAL& SOLSTICE PARTY:Featuring a farmers market, carnival games, farm tours, Father's Day competition and more; 10a.m.; free; Smudgie Goose Farm,
registration requested; Downtown Bend, Bond and Wall streets, Bend; www.thebiteofbend.com or 541-788-3628. 45TH ANNUALFATHER'S DAY DEMOLITION DERBY:Featuring a demolition derby in honor of Father's Day, presented by the Bend Sunrise Lions Club; 1 p.m., gates open at11 a.m.; $15, $6 for children ages 7-12, free for children 6and younger; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond; www.expo.deschutes. org or 541-548-2711. BROKEN DOWN GUITARS: The rock group performs, as part of the 2015 Bend Memorial Clinic Free Summer Sunday Concert Series; 2:30 p.m.; Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 SW Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; www.bendconcerts.com or 541-312-8510. "A FUNNY THINGHAPPENED ON THEWAY TO THE FORUM": A musical about Pseudolus, a crafty slave who struggles to win the hand of a beautiful but slowwitted courtesan named Philia; 2 p.m.; $20, $16forseniors, $13 for students; Cascades Theatre, 148 NW Greenwood Ave., Bend; www.cascadestheatrical.org or 541-389-0803. "JAWS": 40TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT:A screening of the classic thriller; 2 and 7 p.m.; $12.50; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 and IMAX, 680 SW Powerhouse Drive, Bend; www.fathomevents.com or
844-462-7342. "THE CEMETERY CLUB": A play about three Jewish widows who meet once a month for tea before going to visit their husbands'
graves; 3 p.m.;$19,$16for seniors and students; 2nd Street Theater, 220 NE Lafayette Ave., Bend; www.2ndstreettheater.com or 541-312-9626. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Craig Johnsonwillspeakon his book "Dry Bones"; 4 p.m.; $5; Paulina Springs Books, 252 W. Hood St., Sisters; 541-549-0866. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Craig Johnsonwillspeakon his book
"Dry Bones"; 6 p.m.;$5; Paulina Springs Books, 422 SW Sixth St., Redmond; 541-526-1491.
TUESDAY REDMOND FARMERS MARKET: Featuring food, drinks and more; 3 p.m.; Centennial Park, corner of SW Seventh Street and Evergreen Avenue, Redmond;541-550-0066. "GIRLWITH A PEARL EARRING": EXHIBITION ONSCREEN:Learn about the unresolved riddles surrounding this painting and its creator, Vermeer; 7 p.m.; $15, $12.50 for youth; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 and IMAX, 680 SW Powerhouse Drive, Bend; www.fathomevents.com or 844-462-7342.
WEDMESDAY "JAWS": 40TH ANNIVERSARY EVENT:A screening of the classic thriller; 2 and 7 p.m.; $12.50; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 and IMAX, 680 SW Powerhouse Drive, Bend; www.fathomevents.com or 844-462-7342.
and Willamette Pass, felt the lack of snow. Hoodoo
Continued from B1 The call about a possible donor heart came just after midnight'Ibesday. Stacy said they'd been prepared to wait much longer-
Continued from B1
opened Dec. 31 and was open for the first two week-
er and it tends to shift the precipitation to lower than
rest of the ski season. Wil-
other patients at the hospital
have been waiting six months or more. "You almost feel guilty," she
lamette Pass was only open average," hesaid. for two days.Last ski seaWhile El Nino developed son was the second in a row in March and federal fore-
with low snow totals for low-
casters started issuing advisories, mo repreciseforecasts for winter are a long way off, said Mike Halpert, deputy director for the Weather
er elevation ski areas in the
"It shifts the li k elihood
toward above average tem- ends of 2015, but then closed peratures and that means Jan. 12 and did not receive that the snow line is high- enough snow to reopen the
When a donor heart comes available, itis checked for compatibility wi th t h ose on t h e
transplant list — size, blood type andantibodies.
Sierra Bingham, center left, meets In late May with relatives of Nicholas, whose heart Sierra received
the decision to proceed didn't
in a transplant in 2006. After almost nine years, Sierra's body began to reject Nicholas' heart and she
come until after 9 p.m.
had a second transplant earlier this week.
Submitted photos i Bingham family
the (new) heart," Stacysaid. Sierracame out of surgery
family over Memorial Day weekend. Nicholas' grandma Having been through two had seenthe Binghams' story transplants already, the Bing- on the TV program "Dateline," hams knew Sierra's recovery and sheemailed Stacy to make could be rough. contact. "She'sdone really well," Sta"We felt theyneededto meet cy said. "I've been pleasantly (Sierra) before the transplant," surprised." Stacysaid. She said they hope SierAnd now, for the third time, ra will be discharged in two a donor has saved their family. "We get to keep our child weeks, and then they'll need to stay closeto the hospital for again," Stacy said. "If they about 4 a.m. Wednesday.
three months.
hadn't made that choice,who
can do that in such a tragic situation." A film crew from "Dateline"
an organtransplant. In his blog posts this week, Jason Bingham talked about
Nicholas, whose heart saved Sierraalmost nine years ago. Hewrote:
"Nick's family are the true heroes. They were the ones that decided to allow organ
PUBLIC OFFICIALS Continued from 81 jefferson County Commission • Mike Ahern,MaeHuston, Wayne Fording Phone: 541-475-2449 Email: commissioner©colefferson. ocus
filmed the Binghams meeting Nicholas' family, and had plannedto air an update at the end of June. However, with the
new development of Sierra's second heart transplant, the story haschangedagain. Stacy said "Dateline" will probably air thestory later this summer. The Binghams are posting updates on their blog: http:// jasonandstacybingham.blog- Sierra Bingham, 15, of North Powder, before her second heart
donation 9 years ago under the most uncomprehendable spot.com.
transplant surgery earlier thls week. She's sharing her hospital bed
with her brother, Gage, whosuffers fromthe same heart ailment
The Binghams met Nick's
near Bend had a fairly full season this past ski season although it closed early besummer here so we h ave cause the snowpack was about six months away be- dwindling at its base. The fore we have to make our fi- May 10closing date was the nal call on that," he said. earliest Mt. Bachelor had Last year El Nino devel- closed since 1976-77,accordoped, but then fizzled, Mote ing to the ski area's more said. The result was decent than 40 yearsof records. precipitation w i th w a r m The last strong El Nino to temperatures, leaving all affect Central Oregon was but the highest peaks lack- in 2009-10, Murphy said, ing snow. Lower elevation and before that 1997-98. ski hills, such as Hoodoo Ski Area on Santiam Pass
"We're hopingtobehomeby knows what would have hapthe time school starts," Stacy pened. It's amazing that they
There is a bittersweet side to
h i gher elevation
Centerin Maryland. "We are just breaking into
Stacy said. Sierra went in for the surgery about 6 p.m. Tuesday,but
One family's loss, another's gain
At a
than Santiam and Wi l l a mette passes, Mt. Bachelor
Service's Climate Prediction
"They start with l A status and work their way d own,"
"It's not a go until they see
— Lisa Britton is a reporter for the Baker City Herald.
and likely will need a transplant in the future.
CITY OF BEND 710 NW Wall St. Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-388-5505 Web: www.ci.bend.or.us
• City ManagerEricKing Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: citymanager©ci.bend. ocus CITY OF REDMOND 716 SWEvergreenAve. Redmond, OR97756 Phone: 541-923-7710 CITY OF SISTERS 520 E. CascadeAvenue, P.O.Box39
— Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarling@bendbulletirLcom
Sisters, OR97759 Phone: 541-549-6022 CITY OF LA PINE P.O. Box3055, 16345 Sixth St. La Pine, OR97739 Phone: 541-536-1432 CITY OF PRINEVILLE 387 NEThird St., Prineville, OR 97754 Phone: 541-447-5627 Fax: 541-447-5628 Email: cityhall@cityofprineville.com Web: www.cityofprineville.com CITY OF MADRAS 71 SE DStreet, Madras, OR97741 Phone: 541-475-2344 CITY OF CULVER 200 W. First St., Culver, OR97734 Phone: 541-546-6494 CITY OF METOLIUS 636 Jefferson Ave.,Metolius, OR 97741 Phone:541-546-5533
1VEwsOF REcoRD Theft —Atheft was reported at 735 p m. June15, in the 20300 block of Vassar Place. Theft —Atheft was reported at10:46 a.m. June16, in the The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log whensuch 20400 block of Robal Road. a request is received. Any newinformation, such as the Theft —Atheft was reported and an arrest made at1:57 dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For p.m. June16, in the 20100 block of Pinebrook Boulevard. more information, call 541-633-2117. Burglary —A burglary was reported and an arrest made at 8:51 p.m. June16, in the1300 block of NEPurcell BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT Boulevard. Theft —Atheftwas reported at10:30a.m. June18, inthe Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at10 07a m. June15, in the area of Country Club 2700blockofNW ScandiaLoop. Drive and Murphy Road. Theft — Atheft was reported at11:38a.m. June18, in the
1000 block of SWReedMarket Road. Burglary —A burglary was reported at10:58 a.m. June 17, in the 700 blockof NWArizona Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 5 p.m. June16, in the 1800 block of NEThird Street.
OREGON STATE POLICE Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported at 6:47 p.m. June18, in the area of U.S. Highway 20 near milepost 80. DUII —Cody Dale Oxford, 24, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 6:47 p.m.
June18, in the area of U.S. Highway 20 near milepost 80.
BEND FIRE RUNS Wednesday 7:29 a.m.— Natural vegetation fire, 62940 O.B. Riley Road. 29 —Medical aid calls. Thursday 9:30a.m. — Unauthorized burning, 21081 Pinehaven Ave. 24 —Medical aid calls.
01' ivin
man e s ears cas 0 Om er
By Steven Dubois
SWimmer reSCue —A CoastGuard helicopter crew rescued a 37-year-old swimmerwhofound himself stranded onKissing Rock on the southern Oregoncoast nearGoldBeach. Petty Officer 3rd Class Katelyn Shearersaid the helicopter crew hoisted the manfrom the rock andsethim downonthenearbybeachFridayevening.Shesaidhewas unable to return to shoredueto the rising tide. The CoastGuardsaid the swimmerwaswearing only shorts. He was not identified. Conditions at the scenewere reported to include 3-foot seas with11 mph winds and awater temperature of 53 degrees. l-5 deathS —OregonState Police said a 36-year-old Oregonman died after hedrove apickup truck the wrong way onInterstate 5, colliding head-on with a logtruck. Police identified the deceaseddriver in Friday morning's crash asKeith Henningsen, of Creswell. Thelog truck driver, 62-year-old Robert Franklin, of Vader,Washington, wastaken to a hospital with minor injuries. Both southbound lanes were blocked for about anhour.Thecrash happened nearCreswell, about100 miles south of Portland. Separately, OSP said a passenger vehicle struck and killed a womanwhose wheelchair was on Interstate 5 in LaneCounty. The police said Fridaythey don't yet know howthe wheelchair cameto be in the northbound lane ofthe freewayjust before midnight Thursday. Lt. Bill Fugatesaid in anemail that investigators are still trying to identify the woman.Theaccident happened nearCoburg. Police said the driver of the vehicle hasbeencooperative.
The Associated Press
f o r mer
Portland city worker who provided money to a terrorist who carried out a deadly suicide bombing in Pakistan was sentenced Friday to seven years and three months in federal
prison. Reaz Khan, 51, pleaded guilty in February to being an accessoryafter the factto the 2009 bombing that killed about 30 people and injured an additional 300 at Pakistan's
Paddle dOarder death —ALaneCounty sheriff's spokeswoman
intelligence headquarters in
said a 66-year-old Eugeneman hasdied after a paddle-boarding accident in the Willamette River nearSpringfield. Sgt. Carrie Carver said the investigation so far indicates Larry Aten's paddleboard hit a large root ball in the river Fridayand hewent into the water. Hewas underwater for several minutes before afriend pulled him out andbeganCPR. Carver said theswift water, the root ball andthe leashthat attached the paddle board toAten mayall havemadeit difficult for him to resurface. He was wearing alife jacket. Carver said the samepartially submerged root ball caused apontoon boat to capsizelast weekend, drowning a boater.
Khan arranged for Ali Jaleelto receive $2,450 before Jaleel participated in the at-
tack. He also provided financial help and advice to Jaleel's wives after the bombing.
Khan did not speak at Friday's sentencing before U.S. District Judge Michael
Mosman. When he pleaded guilty in February, Khan said he knew Jaleel was possibly traveling to Pakistan to commit vio-
Randy L. Rasmussen /The Oregonian via The Associated Press file photo
Reaz Khan leaves the U.S. Federal Court building in Portland in March 2013. Khan, a former city worker in Oregon who provided money to Ali Jaleel, a terrorist who carried out a deadly suicide bombing in Pakistan, has been sentenced to seven years and three months in prison. SBld.
touches the chain of events
lence, but didn't know of a speKnight replied, "I would not that led to this terrible crime say he's less morally culpable; bears very serious responsibilcific plan. Mosman accepted the joint I would say the facts are less ity for it," Mosman said. sentencing recommendation aggravated, and the sentence Mosman allowed Khan to from prosecutors and defense should reflect that." voluntarily surrender and beattorneys, but not until after he M osman u l t imately s a id gin serving the sentence next peppered Assistant U.S. Attor- he was persuaded by the month. ney Ethan Knight with ques- analysis done by the lawKhan was born in Pakistan tions about how he arrived at a yers, and would accept their and has lived in the United sentencing request well short recommendation. States since 1988. of the 15-year maximum. He said the sentence preHe was arrested in March "At some fundamental lev- sented a challenge because 2013 and placed on unpaid el you believe Mr. Khan to Khan's specific knowledge leave from his city job as a be less morally culpable for of what Jaleel was planning wastewater treatment plant material support t o t e r ror- seemed murky,buttheend re- operator. The guilty verdict ism than in more direct cases sult was horrifically clear. ended his employment. "The ultimate outcome was where someone is more aware Prosecutors s ai d Ja l e el of what someone is going to so horrific — so horrific that emailed Khan in 2008 about do with the money," Mosman in some ways everyone who his plan to travel to Pakistan.
Two yearsearlier,Jaleel had been part of a small group from the Maldives that tried
to enter Pakistan for training, but he was detained, returned
home and placed under house arrest. Khan, the indictment states, instructed Jaleel on how to
avoid detection and offered financial help. In October 2008, Jaleel wrote that he needed
money. Khan arranged to have $2,450 waiting for Jaleel in Karachi, Pakistan.
Jaleel was one ofthreepeople who carried out the suicide
attack. He took responsibility for the bombing in a video released by al-Qaida.
Bear Cud —TheOregon Departmentof Fish andWildlife said a malnourished, underweightyearling bearfound begging for food neara Willamette Valley reservoir onMemorial Dayweekendhas beensent to ZooAmerica inPennsylvania. SpokeswomanMichelle Dennehysaid Friday that the beargainedweight andregrew somehair under thecare of state wildlife veterinarians at a wildlife health lab nearCorvallis. Agency veterinarian ColinGillin said thebearshould neverhavebeentakenfrom the wild. Gillin said whenthe bear wasfound that hethought it might have beentaken from the wild as acub last summerandthen released before winter. Hesaid someone mayhavepicked it up thinking it was orphaned, kept it temporarily, then returned it to theforest. KittenreSCued —Portland firefighters have given akitten the name "Lucky" after rescuing it Friday morning ontheSt. Johns Bridge. Lt. Rich Tyler of Portland Fire &Rescuesaid crews responded tothe suspension bridge at3:10a.m. after getting a report that a kitten was stuck on agirder. Whencrews arrived, theyfound the kitten about 12 feet beneaththe bridgedeck. Using arope-rescue system, crews lowered a firefighter down.Thefirefighter placed the kitten in abag and was raisedbackup. Tyler said the kitten wasturned over toanimal control and thepedestrian whofound it is looking into adoption. It's unknown howthe kitten got stuck on Portland's tallest bridge, but Tyler said it probably didn't get there byitself. — From wire reports
ar une ea wave ore ucesaew ea ie s By Eric Mortenson
were hit especially hard as the grain kernels. Evaporation
(Salem) Capita/ Press
National Weather Service re-
SALEM — W h eat y ields
are projected to take such a hit this summer that some East-
ern Oregon growers may not even harvest their crop, a senior grain merchandiser said. Sparse rainfall and diminished snowpack is the story for producers allacross the
West, but an unseasonable heat wave in late May and ear-
ly June hit developing wheat plants at exactly the wrong t ime, said Da n S t einer o f Pendleton Grain Growers.
Dryland wheat growers, who farm without irrigation,
g r ound, Steiner course. Steiner said El Nino said. Some Eastern Washing- weather patterns a l ways cordedtemperatures of90,96 left for plant development, he ton growers may be in similar bring hot, dry summers and and 102 degrees in the Pendle- said. situations, he said. cold, dry winters, neither of "Itcame ata very,very bad ton area from May 29 to June Steiner said growers need which is good for dryland 10. time," he said. "A lot of mois- to harvest seven or eight bush- wheat. "Production will be down ture that could have gone to els an acre simply to pay for Blake Rowe, CEO of the significantly," Steiner said. the kernel was simply lost." the cost of operating a com- Oregon Wheat Commission, He estimated a 20 percent If temperatures had been bine. Growers may be cush- said hot weather also raises yield drop overall from the in the 70s or 80s during that ioned from some of the loss by the protein level of soft white statewide average of about 60 time, there would have been revenue guarantees of their wheat above what Asian buybushels an acre. a chance to have an average insurance, he said. ers prefer. It won't drive cus"Some of the dryland ar- crop, Steiner said. Steiner said he's been in Or- tomers away, but they will be eas are going to have zero," As things stand, some egon since 1988, including the aware of it, he said. Most of he said. "Some (fields) will be dryland growers in parts of past 15 years with Pendleton the wheat grown in the Paabandoned." Morrow, Wasco, Sherman, Grain Growers. "This is as cific Northwest is exported to Steiner said the heat wave Umatilla and Gilliam counties bad as I've ever seen it." Japan, Korea and elsewhere, came as wheat plants were may decide it's not worth the The same problems have where it's used to make crackin the stage of filling out their expense of running a combine hit wheat growers before, of ers, cakes and other products. over their
stole what little water was
By Tim Fought
shows breed-specific bans are animal is a threat to humans usually are dogs, the Fair "largely ineffective and often a or property. A homeowner can Housing Act doesn't preclude PORTLAND — People with waste ofpublicresources." be turned down because Spot other animals, according to a disabilities shouldn't be turned In recent years, there has is a bad dog," lawyer Dennis 2013 explanation from the U.S. down for homeowners insur- been interest in using dogs Steinman said. "But it has to be Department of Housing and ance just because they have pit from thebreeds under the um- based onthe particular dog." Urban Development that Steinbulls forservicedogs,afederal brella label "pit bull" for service Although service animals man cited. court lawsuit filed in Oregon to disabled people, inciuding says. training dogs from rescues. Undercover testers who told Generally, insurance coman insurance company they panies are free in most states had disabilities and used pit not to insure houses with pit Anyone interested in learning bulls for "assistance animals" bulls. Some don't, some will, couldn't get a price quote, even and somecharge more. Pitbull the game of golf is welcome! for animals a doctor had ap- advocates have posted lists of proved or that had no history of companies friendlyto the dogs. aggression, the lawsuit says. Insurers are wary because I ii II i T he l a wsuit k n i t s t w o damage awards for dog atstrands in the stories of Amer- tacks "can get very expensive icans and their animals: the in a hurry," said Michael Barlong-running scrap over pit ry, a spokesman for the indusbulls and tensions over the try's Insurance Information MINUTE evolving, expanding role of ser- Institute. FREE vice animals. The lawsuit in federal court INSTRUCTION~
change how farmers operate. Dryland growers don't have many options, he pointed out,
"I would imagine they'll plant like always do, and try to be optimistic," he said. "The
timing of that rain is absolutely critical. We can't have 100degree days at the end of May and the first of June."
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Pit pulls, and some other
in Portland says that when it
breeds, have a reputation for comes to making accommoaggressive behavior and some- dations for people with distimes are prohibited or restrict- abilities, the federal Fair Housed. In response, some states ing Act prohibits providers of have pre-empted local authori- housing or housing services ty to pass "breed-specific legis- such as insurance companies lation." The American Society from turning down a request for the Prevention of Cruelty to for h omeowners i n surance Animals lists 18 states. based on the breed of a service E ven the
O b ama W h i te animal. Instead, they have to show 2013 statement saying research that the conduct of the specific
House has weighed in, issuing a
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The Bulletin
en's u e an son as ax
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end city councilors Wednesday approved a budget for the 2015-16 year. The vote was not unanimous. Victor Chudowsky and Casey Roats said the document included too little for street maintenance. Chudowsky made an important on maintenance in the last couple of point. In adopting a street mainte- years. Mild winters have meant less nance figure about $1 million lower snow removal,and the extra monthan it's been in the last couple of ey has been directed toward street years, the council majority and city maintenance. That shifting cannot staff may be assuming a proposed go on forever, however. 5-cent gas tax will be approved by Meanwhile, no one questions voters. that the city is sitting somewhere That may b e a fl awed near the bottom of a street mainassumption. tenance pit. It estimates that it has People notice the condition of the about $80 million worth of spending roads, but higher taxes to pay for it to do to bring streets up to snuff, and are another matter. The argument at the moment it's not clear where that money will come from. that a gas tax will spread the ~ maintenance burden to noncity resWe don't dispute the need for idents may not carry much weight. more money for streets. It's also safe to assume that at least At the same time, if councilors some locals as well as nonlocals will and city management are counting opt to fill up outside of Bend rather on a gasoline tax to make up the difthan to pay more in Bend. ference, that, too, is worrisome. The Moreover, the city itself has cut gas tax may not be approved, and the amount it's devoting to ~ the resistance to yet another utility maintenance for the coming budget fee — another way that's been proyear, even as it projects that its reve- posed to raise money for streetsnues will be about $8 million more may also be unacceptably stiff. nextyear than this. It would have been better to budCity Manager Eric King says get more from the city's current revthat, indeed, the city has spent more enues than to count on a tax or a fee.
High schools aren't doing enough for their students ore than 20 years ago this newspaper published an e ditorial d e crying t h e number of students requiring remedial coursework in math and English when they first enter college. Since then, apparently, little has changed. An article on Central Oregon Community College's dropout rate
dom-used math or writing skills. That said, there are plenty of those fresh-faced youngsters who do enroll at COCC right out of high school, far more than the 5 percent who avoid having to take remedial coursework. They spend all or part of their first year in college learning what by Abby Spegman, published Fri- they should have been taught in day in The Bulletin, noted that more K-12. Theypaynearly $100per credthan two-thirds of students entering it for that privilege, meanwhile, and Central Oregon Community Col- they may be forced to delay taking lege must take remedial courses in the dasses that drew them to COCC both math and writing before they in the first place. They earn no credcan move on to college-level work. its for remedial work In fact, when all is said and done, It's also a terrible reflection on about 95 percent of first-time COCC what K-12 is doing. According to students take some sort of remedial a study released earlier this year, work some 75 percent of Oregon high That's a pretty daunting pros- schoolers going off to community pect, particularly if just getting to college must take remedial work college in the first place is a major beforethey can move on. Of those, accomplishment. And it begs the only about a third required to take question: What does a high school remedial math classes ever earn a diploma stand for, if it does not mean a studentcan do such basic degree or other credential. In contrast, more than half of those who workupon graduation? score high enough to skip remedial Clearly, not every student enter- work went on to earn a degree or ing COCC is an 18-year-old fresh- credential within five years. ly minted high school graduate. No community college in this Community colleges tend to serve a broad range of students, induding state is responsible for the education those who are going back to school students get in K-12. Local school for the first time as 40-year-olds districts are. Yet too often colleges and the like. It makes sense that get the blame for high dropout rates someone away from a dassroom when K-12 education sometimes lets for years might struggle with sel- kids down.
&~ s' %AS
Thinning and fuel reduction lessen danger from wildfires IN MY VIEW
By David Morman eorge Wuerthner is a good
agreement on the positive role fire
ence as a professionalforester in
uncontrolled wildfires. Just thin-
environment? To be truly sustainable, forest
management must be not only endisturbance can play in Oregon vironmentally robust but economprint his submitted opinion pieces, forest ecosystems, there is also ically viable and socially acceptincluding his June 6 editorial on general acceptance of the necessity able. If economic values are honforest fire policy. While I have not of active forest and fire manage- ored, society can afford to protect written 38 books like Mr. Wuerth- ment to reduce the environmental, the environment and provide social ner, I do have 33 years of experi- economic and social risks fr om benefits from forests. To be socialwriter. Maybe that is why The Bulletin continues to
ly sustainable, forest management
Oregon, including work on large wildfires such as the 1990 Awbrey
ning a few trees next to homes and decisions must use democratic procommunities and calling it good is cesses and build accountability and Hall Fire. In my career, I didn't en- naive and dangerous. Talk to folks trust between all parties, where hucounter a public or private forest- in Colorado's Front Range commu- man well-being and equity are outland owner in the state who would nities about that. comes of thosedecisions. hire someone to manage their forThe state of Oregon in its 2011 The local Deschutes Collaboraests based on philosophy like Mr. Forestry Program for Oregon has tive Forest Project is a great examWuerthner's of letting those forests defined sustainable forest manage- ple ofa successfulsustainable forburn. ment as "forest resources across est management endeavor,matchCounter arguments can be made the landscape used, developed, and ing Oregon's definition. As an althat thinning forests and fuel re- protected at a rate and in a manner ternative to advocating a concept duction work do reduce fire inten- that enables people to meet their of uncontrolled wildfires through sity and severity without environ- current environmental, economic, letters to the editor, I encourage Mr. mental damage, that science-based and social needs, and also provides Wuerthner to engage in such a colforest restoration thinning projects that future generations can meet laborative process. Irecommend can actually be revenue-produc- their own needs." The biggest flaw he first listen to and seek to undering, that large wildfires can also I see in Mr. Wuerthner's argument stand other points of view and then result in ecological damage, that is the absence of social and eco- make his best case for not managforest roads built and maintained nomic considerations. About one- ing wildfires. He can be more than to today's standards do not d ethird of Oregon forests are private- a good writer. He can be a partner grade water quality, and so on. ly owned, usually as uninsured in shared learning and in forest and The contorted logic of his pre- financial investments in managed, fire management outcomes that are ferred fire policy seems to boil working forests. If private forests environmentally, e c onomically, down to this: Don't suppress the are not protected to reduce the risk socially sustainable and thereby small fires because they aren't of loss to wildfires, what is the in- more politically sustainable. I guarvery big and unlikely to spread but centive to keep these lands in for- antee those outcomes will include also don't suppress them if they est use and not selling out to a less cutting a few trees, lighting some do spreadand become large fires risky land uses like residential de- prescribedfires, and suppressing because then it is too late to try to velopments or destination resorts'? some wildfires once in a while. stop them. While there is broad Which outcome is better for the — David Morman lives in Bend.
Letters policy
In My Viewpolicy How to submit
We welcomeyour letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250words and include the writer's signature, phonenumber and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhereandthose appropriate for other sections of TheBulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.
In My View submissions should be between 550and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification. Weedit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating withnational columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.
Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or In My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Email submissions are preferred. Email: lelters©bendbulletin.com Write: My Nickel's Worth / In MyView P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804
Data reaches are 0 ama's ault — an ours By Megan McArdle
vious impact on anything than it does the health care rollout. The NSAdirecfor a major security breach in the U.S. tor's offer to resign over the Snowden or a fewweeks, I've been wonder- government. leak was politely dedined. And now, ing whether I'd get a letter from The a d m i nistratlon ce r t ainly apparently, Obama has full faith and the federal Office of Personnel doesn't seem that concerned. The confidence in the folks at OPM. Why Management telling me my data had White House told Reuters on Thurs- shouldn't he? Voters have never held been hacked. I passed the foreign ser- day that President Obama "continues Obama responsible for his adminisvice exam almost 15 years ago and to have confidence in Office of Person- tration's appalling IT record, so why went through an amazingly thorough nel Management Director Katherine shouldhe demand accountabilityfrom background check. I can't say I'm par- Archuleta." those below him? I'm tempted to suggest that the ticularly worried if hackers did get my Yes, yes, I know. You can't saythis is data, since I've probably already pub- confidence our president expresses all Obama's fault. Government ITis allicly written about any minor sins that in people who preside over these cy- most doomed to be terrible; the public might be discovered from my applica- ber-disasters, and the remarkable sector can't pay salaries that are comtion. Still, even without ever working string of said cyber-disasters that petitive with the private sector, they're for the government, I could be at risk. have occurred under his presiden- hampered by government contracting It may well be the worst cyber-breach cy, might actually be connected. So rules,and theirbureaucratic procethe U.S. has ever experienced. tempted that I actually am suggesting dures make it hard to build good sysBloomberg News
Yet neither the government nor the
it. President Obama's ad~
public seems to be taking it seriously. has been marked by titanic serial IT It's been getting considerably less play disasters, and no one seems to feel any than the Snowden affair did, or the ad- particular urgency about preventing ministration's other massively public the next one. By now, that's hardly surIT failure: the meltdown of the health prising. Kathleen Sebelius was eased care exchanges. Google News returns out months after the Department of more hits on a papal encyclical about Healthand Human Services botched climate change that will have no ob-
the one absolutely crucial element of
tems. And that's all true. Yet note this: When the exchanges crashed on their
maiden flight, the government managed to build a crudely functioning website in, basically, a month, a task
it had systematically failed at for the previousthree years.What was the difference? Urgency. When Obama understood that his presidency was on
the line, he made sure it got done.
things won't happen unless the president makes fixing government IT a over the past seven years do not need bigger priority — and starts enforcing a blue-ribbon commission or a really accountability for every disaster that stern memo to fix them. If we want happens on his watch. And I doubt these holes fixed before they become that that will happen unless the public The serial IT disasters we have seen
catastrophic, we need leaders with a scorched-earth determination to have
demands it. Not just demands it, but
threatens to replace Obamawith a Readequate IT. The only way that deter- publicanunless he delivers. mination happens is if these failures That is, ofcourse,a pipe dream. The become an existential threat to the ca- public is far more interested inhearing reers of the politicians in charge. howourpolitical candidates can make Does the government need more the economy grow 4 percent a year or money for IT? It couldn't hurt, though make everything important practicalm y personal experience asan IT con- ly free while only taxing a few multisultant was that, A. everyone always national corporations or hedge fund wants more money, and B. shortage managers. That these things are not of money was the main problem only possible is irrelevant, because they in a minority of cases. Does Congress sound sonice. And thus things that the need to give agencies a freer hand in president actually could do, ifhe really developing good systems? I'm all for wanted to, like delivering a decent govit. Should Congressional Republicans ernment IT infrastructure that would commit to support the president in be reasonably secure against cyber-inhardening our government against trusion, fall by the wayside. We should cyber-attacks and other d isasters, blame Obama. And ourselves. rather than simply holding political — Megan McArdle show hearings'? Heck yes. But these is a Blaamberg columnist.
DEATH NOTICES Juanita J. Laughlin, of Bend Jan. 29, 1952- June15,2015 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home is honored to serve the family. 541-382-2471 Please visit the online registry for the family at
Deaths of note from around
in Darien, Connecticut, of a
the world:
diabetes. Hugh Auchincloss III, 87: CharceyGlenn,73:M other Stepbrother and l i f elong of NBA great Charles Barkfriend of Jacqueline Kenneley. Died Friday in her home- dy. Died June 13 at his home
heart attack.
town of Leeds, Alabama.
H a m m ersmith F a r m , used it in 1980 to buy the
Rick Ducommun, 62: Ac- Rhode Island, of B - cell torand comedian known for lymphoma. his role in the 1989 film "The James Lee Jr., 61: Pioneer'Burbs." Died June 12 in a ing deal-makerand among
Services: No Local Service will be held.
ish Columbia, after suffering from complications due to
hospital in Vancouver, Brit-
Nelson Doubleday Jr., 81: Shortly after taking over his family's publishing business
the most i n f luential W all Street investment bankers
of his era. Died Wednesday
lowly New York Mets and put the team on course to win the World Series in 1986.
Died Tuesday at his home in Locust Valley, New York, from pneumonia. — From wire reports
and found that there was nothing mechanically wrong with Continued from B1 the airplane. Friday, his take-off point After the flight, Powers said was out of sight, so as the time Carson had given him a hard came near, the antsy crowd time about making an event began slowly spreading across out of the plane's first run since the tarmac to get what they 1968 — he thought that was thought might be a better look. slightly ambitious. "Geoff said to me, 'You're Nervous, Powers' wife asked the airport staff if that was all nuts for doing your first flight right. with people around,'" Pow"I won't go out there," she ers said. But Powers had faith said, laughing. "I can't run fast in the aircraft he built, and enough!" in having Carson's approval. Just a few m i nutes later, "He's a good guy, we've bePowers appeared above in the come friends." L-4J, taking everyone back to Two grandsons of Powers' a different time. werethereforthebig day,con"Oh my goodness!" June gratulating their grandpa on P owers said as h e f l e w another plane rebuilt, and anoverhead. other successful flight. They "There he is," said a man have childhood memories of standing next to her, in awe. Powers teaching them about "Gives me goosepimples," airplanes and showing them said another woman in the ones he brought back to life. "He took me up in the Pipcrowd. It was clear June Powers felt
ewasa ioneerinca e w o ui o mcas em ire By Glenn Rifkin New Yorh Times News Service
Ralph Roberts, who at the
dawn of the cable television industry purchased a small cable service in 'Ibpelo, Mississippi, and built it into Comcast, today the largest cable
television company in the nation, died Thursday night in Philadelphia. He was 95. The company announced his death. In 1963, Roberts was a lit-
tle-known entrepreneur who had sold men's belts and suspenders and Muzak systems,
but he was ambitious and always scouting for new busi-
er L-4H when I was a kid," said Michael Blanchard, 30,
of Salem. Powers previously restored an L-4H, an earlier model of the L-4J. "It's amaz-
have a little fun. He tipped the
ing to see your grandpa build
wings back and forth, letting the plane lean left, then right.
something like that." His brother, Baskin Bets-
"Oh don't do t hat!" Pow- worth, 24, of La Pine, agreed. ers' wife said as he pulled Powers gave his grandsons the simple trick, scolding each a big hug as they congrathim good-naturedly far from ulated him on the successful where he could hear. "Well, flight. "I'm just so happy it flew so that tells me everything is OK." When Powers landed, there well," Powers said. was applause and whoops of After al l t h e e x citement, excitement. Powers teased his wife, asking "Way togo,Ace!"someone her when they'll take it to Reno, saidfrom the group gathered Nevada. The Powers have takaround the little plane. en trips in his airplanes in the "It's alive!" Powers said in past, but this time he was jokresponse, emerging from the ing. His plans for the plane are aircraft, where he had been to sell it to a historical museum steering from the backseat in so more people can enjoy it. "Right now i t ' s p r istine," the tandem plane. Powers quickly called over Powers said. "It's in as good of Geoff Carson to share in the condition as it will ever be." That's the way he'd like to moment of success. Carson was the certified inspector keep it. who checked Powers' plane at
each new step along the way.
ness opportunities.
"It was fun," said Powers about the restoration and the
Carson came out early Fri- flight itself. "Nothing about day morning before the sched- aviation that isn't fun." uled 9 a.m. flight. He checked — Reporter: 541-383-0325,
Already in his 40s, he was approachedby a Philadelphia a cquaintance named
a sense of relief as her husband buzzed by safely. On his second fly-through though, Powers decided to
Aaron, who alerted him to a
overthe plane more than once
1,200-subscriber cable televi-
sion system for sale in 'IlrpeTim Shaffer/The New YorkTimes file photo lo. Intrigued by the nascent Ralph Roberts, the executive who built Comcast into a cable television powerhouse, at the compacable industry's potential and
ny headquarters in Philadelphia in 2007. He died Thursday in Philadelphia, at age 95.
aided by Aaron and Julian Brodsky, a Philadelphia accountant, Roberts decided to
invest, overcoming his own initial misgivings and the even stronger doubts of his
wife, Suzanne, who, he said, thought he "was absolutely crazy. "The cable business, you put up a tower, you run a line down through the telephone
poles, you charge everybody $5 a month, and you don't do anything, so it didn't seem very appealing to me," Roberts recalled in receiving a television industry award in
2003. "But as I began to look at what was happening, I realized the cable business was
the best of all the ones I had invested in, and decided to go forward full boat."
Comcast, the company the venture became (with Aaron and Brodsky as its first two
employees) has 27.2 million subscribers and produced $68.8 billion in r evenue in
2014, the company said. Comcast is also one of the largest residential telephone providers in the United States.
The soft-spoken, affable Roberts never acquired the
outsize public profile of cable pioneers such as Ted 'Drrner, John Malone, Charles Dolan
and John Rigas, but his impact was comparable to theirs
in making cable television a culture-changing i n dustry, giving viewers hundreds of channels where they once had little more than a dozen, and
persuading them to pay for something that had always been free. "The industry as we know
it today — that is generating enormous revenues and is the way that most American
consumers get their television — was invented by Ralph Roberts and these other cable
barons," Josh Bernoff, amedia analyst, said. Their simple philosophy was summed up by Roberts in an interview with The New York Times in 2007. "The fun-
damental fact is that people
love television," he said, "and stirred up widespread opposi- chelle, New York, when Ralph if you can provide them with tion from factions who feared was 5. After Robert Roberts died more television, they love it that the resulting cable induseven more." try giant would stifle competi- in 1932, Ralph's mother, Sara, Roberts b u il t Co m cast tion and hurt consumers. The moved the family to the Gerthrough a series of acquisi- acquisition, which faced scru- mantown section of Philations of cable systems around tinyfrom Congress,theFeder- delphia, to be near her ailing the country. In later years, he al Communications Commis- sister. Philadelphia became did so with his son Brian Rob- sion and the Department of Roberts' business base and erts, to whom he turned over Justice, was scuttled in April the arena for his philanthropy. H e graduated w it h a n the company's presidency in of this year. 1990 when Brian was 30 years Roberts, typically dapper economics degree from the old, keeping the titles of chair- in his signature bow tie and Wharton School at the Uniman and chief executive. In Brooks Brothers suits, be- versity of Pennsylvania and 2001, the father and son made came his son's mentor and enlisted in the Navy as World an audacious but success- sounding board, and the two War II was beginning, serving ful $45 billion bid to acquire were admired as a potent busi- at the Philadelphia Navy Yard AT&T's cable business. The ness partnership while never for the duration of the war. In deal made Comcast the na- displayingthe kind of strained 1942, he married Suzanne tion's largest cable operator. and tempestuous relationship Fleisher, an aspiring actress Under Brian Roberts, Com- that can flare when a son suc- from a well-to-do Philadelphia family. The couple celebrated cast has built on its standing ceedsasuccessfulfather. "Since I was 12, all I want- 70 years of marriage in 2012. as a cable television power to become a mediaand enter- ed to do was work with my After his wedding, Roberts tainment giant in content cre- dad," Brian Roberts said in embarked on a business caation and Internet and voice an interview for this obituary. reer, becoming what his son "I believe the reason we are called "a serial entrepreneur." services. In the meantime, he and his In 2011, fulfilling the Rob- still in this business when so e rts' long-held i nterest i n many others have long since wife had five children. Brian, NBC, Comcast acquired a ma- departed was his will to suc- born in 1959, was the fourth. jority stake in NBCUniversal ceed, and to do it with cer- Although his father called from GeneralElectricfor$6.5 tain core values and integrity. Comcast a "family business," billion; in doing so, it became Maybe it was losing both his Brian was the only one of the one of the industry's leading parents before he was 21, liv- children to show a serious content producers. ing through the Depression, interest in working with his Although Brian Roberts but somehow he became an father. That the others did not spearheaded the deal, Ralph optimist. He was the most op- never fazed Ralph Roberts, Roberts played a crucial role timistic man I ever knew. He who encouraged them to purin assuring the GE chief ex- never told me anything I want- sue their own interests. Besides his son Brian, Robecutive, Jeffrey Immelt, that ed to do at Comcast was a bad the deal would be completed. idea, and after more than 30 erts is survived by his wife, At one point, Ralph Roberts years, you'd think I've had a the host of the Comcast Network program "Seeking Solumet wit h I m m elt w i t hout lot ofbad ideas." Brian Roberts. Immelt "was Although he was "a genteel, tions With Suzanne," aimed aware that many deals don't bowtie-wearing Philadelphia at viewers 50 and older; two get concluded," the elder Rob- businessman," his son said, daughters, Catherine Clifton erts was quoted as saying in Roberts had the steely resolve and Lisa Roberts; another son, "The Incredible Dream," a that was required to succeed Ralph Jr.; and eight grandchil2012 biography by William in the cutthroat world of cable dren. His son Douglas died in Novak, "and he wanted some television. He could "hold his 2011. In a high-pressure corporeassurance from the father of ground" with the industry's the groom that we wouldn't let lions, like Turner, Malone and rate world that demands long hours from its executives, this opportunity slip through Barry Diller, he said. Ralph Joel Roberts was Roberts was proud to say that our fingers." he was sure to be home for In February 2013, Com- born on March 13, 1920, in cast paid $16.7 billion to pur- New York. His father, Rob- dinner with his wife and chilchase the remaining stake in ert Max Roberts, was a Rus- dren nearly every night. He sian-Jewish immigrant who told his biographer that his NBCUniversal. In 2014, Comcast proposed prospered with a string of greatest accomplishment was a $45.2 billion acquisition of pharmacies in the city. He "that all my children speak to Time Warner Cable. The deal moved his family to New Ro- me frequently."
ting the grass, water, that's all
Continued from B1
all just a little disrespectful." For now, Kolb has left the
Last year more than 100 cy-
done by volunteers.... It was
clists completed the ride over route coordinates for the OutMemorial Day weekend. The back up on OregonBikepackbeauty and ruggedness of the ing.com, but he said there is route drew nationwide atten-
no chance he would ever con-
tion, and last month close to
sider organizing another large group event.
300 bikepackers attempted to
complete the ride, which was again staged over the threeday holiday weekend. According to Kolb, riders this year were less than gracious guests, leaving garbage throughout the route. Some of the most outrageous offens-
"I'm chock-full of four-let-
ter words and offended on so many levels," Kolb wrote. "Any form of an annual ride is done
forever. Kaput." — Reporter: 541-617-7829, beastes@bendbulletin.com
es were reportsof riders not
properly disposing of human waste, leaving toilet paper and feces in impromptu campsites. Cyclists also reportedly
9 ILSONSo f Redmond 541-548-2066
left trash in a barn that a Silver Lake resident opened up
for riders the first night of the event. To top it off, Kolb said
someonepooped in theyard of the Silver Lake family that had graciously given them shelter the night before. "If you can't follow Leave No Trace ethics, if you can't
literally take care of your own s-- properly, if you can't show respect to the folks who live on this route, and you can't re-
spect the wild nature you ride through, then stay home," Kolb wrote. "Oregon is closed. We don't need you and we most
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definitely don't want you.
"You ruined something super awesome," he added, "something I was immensely proud of." Tom Roark, a Lake Coun-
ty sheriff's deputy who lives in Silver Lake, said there was enough trash left at Silver
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L ake's community park t he
first night of the ride, a local resident was able to fill up her entire garbage bin with the debris. "It's disappointing," said Roark, himself a cyclist. He
noted the group that camped the second night was more respectful, but that he did have to
ask a support vehicle to get off the park's lawn. "That park is maintained by volunteers. Cut-
C om p l e m e n t s
H o me I n t e ri o r s
541.322.7337 w ww . c o m p l e m e n t s h o m e . c o m
Long-Term Care and Asset Protection
Obituary policy Death Notices are freeandwill be run for one day, but specific guidelines must befollowed. Local obituaries are paidadvertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They may besubmitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information onany of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254
Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR 97708
Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication. Obituaries must be received by5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second dayafter submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sundaypublication, and by 9a.m. Monday for Tuesdaypublication. Deadlines for display ads vary; pleasecall for details.
. Discover what you donot knowabout Medicaid that you needto know . Learn howto pay for long-term care without draining all your assets . Learnaboutyouroptionsfor controlling longterm care costs Time:5:00to 6:30 p.m. Place: Bend Senior Center, 1600 SE Reed Market Rd., Bend, OR 97702 Date: Thursday, June 25, 2015 Cost: No charge, includes complimentary food & beverage Seatingis limited so pleasecall to confirm your seat.
Presented by Elder LawAttorney:
Will Dennis 541-388-3877
W EAT H E R Forecasts andgraphics provided byAccuWeather,Inc. ©2015
HIGH ~ 80' Mostly sunnyandpleasant
l f '1
ALMANAC EAST:Sunshine and patchy clouds today Seasid with near-average 69/61 temperatures. Clearto Cannon partly cloudy tonight. 66/51
TEMPERATURE Yeslsrday Normal Record 73' 45'
73' 42'
93'in 1922 29'in 1929
WEST: Areasof low clouds and fog at the coast to start; otherwise, partly to mostly sunnytoday.
l Jul G
POLLEN COUNT G rasses T r ee s Wee d s • Hi g h• Mod erate ~ L o ~w
8/42 Valee 88/57
• BurnS
tario 8 57
Fort Rock Riley B3/45 Cresce t • 80/44 83/45 79/46 • Ch r istmas alley Beaver Silver 81/44 Frenchglen Marsh Lake 86/47
Klamath • Falls 83/49
Nyssa 66/56
Juntura 87/51
Jordan V Hey
• Ashl nd 91/5
• Burns Jun tion
• Paisley
• SB/48
Rorne 89/51
• Lakeview 83/43
McDermi 89/48
Yesterday Today Sunday Yesterday Today Sunday Yesterday Today Sunday City H i/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W C i ty Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Astoria 66/56/0.20 67/52/c 67/54/c La Grande 77/ 57/0.00 78/45/s 82/49/pc Portland 76/6 0/0.0080/57/pc84/57/ pc Baker City 76/51/0.00 78/43/s 83/46/s La Pine 72/40/0.00 79/44/s 79/46/s Prineville 75/ 4 1/0.0083/45/s 79/49/s Brookings 65/51/0.00 68/52/s 62/49/s Me d ford 86/5 4 /0.00 91/60/s 90/55/s Redmond 77/ 4 1/0.0082/45/s 82/50/s Bums 81/48/0.00 83/45/s 88/50/s Ne wport 63/5 2 /0.00 59/47/pc 59/50/pc Roseburg 83 / 52/0.00 85/59/s 84/55/s Eugene 80/47/0.00 81/50/s 82/49/pc N o rth Bend 6 4 / 52/0.00 63/49/pc 63/52/s Salem 79/54/0.00 82/55/pc 84/53/pc Klamath Falls 80/41/0.00 83/49/s 81/46/s On t ario 89/68/0.00 88/57/s 93/63/s Sisters 73/45/0.00 82/44/s 83/48/s Lakeview 81/37/0.00 83/43/s 84/44/s Pendleton 80/60/0.00 83/51/s 86/56/pc The Dages 8 0 / 61/0.00 87/57/s 90/64/pc WeatheriW):s-sunny,pc-partlycloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers,t-thunderstorms,r-rain, sf-snow flurries, sn-snowi-ice,Tr-trace,Yesterdaydata asof 5 p.m.yesterday
Source: OregonAllergyAssociates 541-683-1577
~ t os ~oe As of 7 a.m.yesterday Ac r e feet Ca pacity NATIONAL 3B4 6 7 70% EXTREMES
~ o e ~ t ps ~ 2 0 6 ~ 3 0 6 ~ 40 6 ~ sps ~ 606
124992 C rescent Lake 7 4 1 54 Ochoco Reservoir 27B35 63% National high: 119 Prinevige 9415B 63% at Death Valley, CA River flow St a tion Cu. ft./sec. National low: 29' D eschutes R. below CranePrairie 31 5 at Boca Reservoir, CA Deschutes R.below Wickiup 1610 Precipitation: 3.5ym Deschutes R.below Bend 131 at Flora,IL Deschutes R. atBenhamFags 2020 Little Deschutes near LaPine 57 Crescent Ck. belowCrescent Lake 26 Crooked R.above Prineville Res. 3 Crooked R.below Prineville Res. 231 Anchorage Crooked R. near Terrebonne 75 72/6 Ochoco Ck.below OchocoRes. 14
~ 7 0 6 ~ s p e ~ g p s ~ 1 008 ~ 11 Os
69/42 ~ ' e X~ x txhhg xk k k k < ' e XX> ' i++WXXX :h x.~~~X~~ a~ X X' e h~e~ni~~~ ~~~. XXX'e7. X'e>X
5 76/64
(for the 62Vo YESTERDAY Bsyo 4B contiguousstates)
Partly sunnyandbeautiful
so/67 nols
• Billings
• ar/69
e e
• de
75/66/0.50 79/67/0.14 96/69/0.00 71/57/0.00
91n3/0.00 85/66/0.17 84/71/0.01 85no/0.59 83/57/0.41
83/69/1 77/64/pc 98/67/s 72/55/pc 89/74/t 75/68/sh 88/73/pc 84/72/c 78/55/pc
84/65/1 82/68/t 101/68/s 71/54/pc 91/76/pc 82/72/r 88/73/t
81/55/c 87/59/s 71/59/pc 73/65/pc 80/68/pc 77/65/pc 70/54/pc 97/78/pc 95/72/pc 87/72/t 83/56/pc 83/67/pc 80/69/r 82/69/t 88/58/s
81/54/1 93/61/s 73/65/r 77/69/r 79/60/1 77/65/1 65/54/r
/59 gayr
w York 3/67 iladelphin
Mod~erate ~ od~erate ~ o d~erate ~ o d~erate ~ od ~erate ~
Source: USDA Forest Service
an ancisco
sslt Lske ity
95/ee LasV ens
Juneau Kansas City Lansing Las Vegas Lexington Lincoln Little Rock LosAngeles Louisville Madison, Wl Memphis Miami Milwaukee Minneapolis Nashville New Orleans New York City Newark, NJ Norfolk, VA OklahomaCity Omaha Orlando Palm Springs Peoria Philadelphia Phoenix Pittsburgh Portland, ME Providence Raleigh Rapid City Reno Richmond Rochester, NY
e4nr/o'.o4 eon4A 94ns/pc
Bismarck 85/56/0.00 Boise 86/62/0.00 Boston 86/63/0.00 Bridgeport, CT 85/66/0.14 Buffalo 69/59/0.02 Burlington, VT 69/58/0.45 Caribou, ME 66/51/0.31 Charleston, SC 97/78/Tr Charlotte 96/72/Tr Chattanooga 92n3/0.66 Cheyenne 89/61/0.00 Chicago 67/54/0.00 Cincinnati 77/68/1.28 Cleveland 69/63/0.05 ColoradoSprtings 87/59/0.00 Columbia, MO 76/69/0.05 Columbia, SC 98/75/0.00
94/72/pc 86/57/pc 81/65/pc 87/65/1 83/64/1 93/61/pc eons/pc 89/74/t 98/76/pc 98/77/s Columbus, GA 93n3/0.00 92/74/s 94/76/pc Columbus,OH reno/rr 80/68/1 85/63/1 Concord, NH 80/63/0.05 76/58/pc 74/64/1 Corpus Christi 90n6/0.00 eons/pc etne/pc Dallas 95n3/0.00 9On4/s 89/74/pc Dayton 75/68/0.31 83/71/t 86/67/1 Denver 93/61/Tr 89/60/s 93/59/pc Des Moines 82/63/0.00 87/66/1 86/71/c Detroit 75/62/0.00 81/70/pc 83/63/sh Duluth 70/42/0.04 72/54/t 76/55/1 El Paso ernerr'r 102/75/s 104/76/s Fairbanks 82/54/0.00 82/61/pc 84/60/pc Fargo 83/52/0.00 79/58/c 81/56/1 Flagstaff 85/45/0.00 88/48/s 87/49/s Grand Rapids 73/53/0.00 82/67/pc 79/60/pc Green Bay 72/47/Tr 77/59/1 79/62/pc Greensboro 91n1/0.15 93/72/pc 94nws Harrisburg 86/68/0.77 81/70/sh 87/72/t Harfford, CT 85/63/0.04 76/62/pc 79/68/r Helena 86/55/0.00 79/50/s 79/56/s Honolulu 87n5/0.03 89/74/pc 89/74/pc Houston eons/o'.oo89/76/pc 91/75/pc Huntsville esns/o'.os 90/73/t 94nr/pc Indianapolis 78/68/0.57 85/72/t 88/67/1 Jackson, MS 91 nr/0.04 92/74/t 93/75/s Jacksonville 98n3/0.72 96/73/pc esn4/pc
Partly sunny
Amsterdam Athens Auckland Baghdad Bangkok Beijing Beirut Berlin Bogota Budapest BuenosAires Cabo San Lucas Cairo Calgary
61/54/0.51 62/53/sh 82/66/0.02 82/67/pc 61/52/0.10 63/50/r 109/82/0.00 108/77/s 93/81/0.14 92/78/t 73/64/0.06 89/66/pc 82/75/0.02 80/73/s 63/53/0.15 65/51/sh 64/50/0.04 66/50/sh 72/48/0.14 71/51/sh 54/28/0.00 58/42/s
66/53/sh 82/70/t
57/48/pc 104/77/s
Yesterday Today Sunday Hi/Lo/Prec. Hl/Lo/W Hl/Lo/W 66/53/Tr 68/49/pc 69/47/pc 84/63/0.00 93n1/pc 91n2/t 72/55/0.00 81/69/pc 79/60/pc
« 1/79/0.00 « 2/81/s « 0/80/s 86/69/0.07 84/58/0.00 90/73/0.51 82/58/0.00 86/71/0.38 76/52/0.00
rrno/r 89/69/1
91/65/1 eonon 93/76/pc e4ns/s 82/63/pc 81/63/pc 82n4/r 91n3/t 81/64/t 82/63/pc ssn4/o.64 92/77/pc e4nr/s 92/81/0.00 92f/9/pc 92n9/pc 63/50/0.00 76/63/1 77/61/pc 79/59/0.00 81/64/t 83/64/c eons/o.47 85/73/t 94/72/pc 90/77/0.02 91f/5/t 92n5/s 87/67/0.00 73/67/sh 81n2/r 89/67/Tr 74/68/sh 83n3/r 93/76/Tr eonsn 95/79/pc 90/68/0.00 93f/0/s 91n2/pc 86/58/0.00 89/66/1 88no/t 100/74/1.46 esnsn esnsn «0/79/0,00 «5/79/s «3/82/s 78/63/0.00 86f/3/pc 89n2/c 87/70/0.27 83n2/sh 89n4/r «4/85/0.00 «2/84/s «0/85/s 79/67/0.61 82/67/1 84/65/1 80/59/0.« 68/56/pc 68/61/t 85/62/Tr 74/61/pc 74/67/r 95/72/0.10 93n3/pc eSnws 82/60/0.00 79/57/1 81/58/pc 93/55/0.00 95/59/s 90/55/s 94nwo.oo 92n3/t 92n6/pc 71/57/Tr 80/68/pc 80/63/1 95/57/0.00 95/58/s 87/54/s 76/73/1.40 90f/8/pc 92n5/t 94nt/0'.00 95/66/s 98no/s
St. Louis Salt Lake City San Antonio sens/0.44 87n6/pc 88n7/t San Diego 77/62/0.00 74/64/pc 75/65/pc San Francisco 69/51/0.00 68/53/pc 66/54/pc San Jose 80/52/0.00 80/55/s 76/51/pc Santa Fe 89/56/0.00 95/58/s 98/59/s Savannah erns/o.e4 97/76/pc erns/s Seattle 75/56/0.02 75/54/pc 78/56/c Sioux Falls 80/53/0.00 82/61/c 83/65/1 Spokane 78/57/0.00 77/51/s 82/56/pc Springfield, MO 81/71/1.37 91/72/pc 90/73/pc Tampa 92/77/0.21 91f/7/t 91nr/t Tucson «Ons/o.oo«On8/s 108n8/s Tulsa 90/71/0.00 esnsrs 93n6/pc Washington, DC 89/73/0.12 88/75/c 92/77/r Wichita seno/o'.oo 98ff4/s 98/75/pc Yakima 83/53/0.00 86/54/s 89/59/c Yuma «5/81/0.00 «1/80/s 109n9/s i
7 es
79/6 Che n 83/5
Albuquerque Anchorage
Yesterday Today Sunday Hi/Lo/Prec. Hl/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W 90n2/0.00 92/71/s etn2/s
92/67/c 80/71/s 68/54/pc Denver niiie 65/51/c 89/eo d Knnsns C «2/ Si u, 71/50/pc < eons . 61/44/s X Xohtntn Los An les 97n6/0.00 etnO/pc 92/72/pc Kn 91n5/0.00 89/71/s eon2/s Pbnen Albuque ue 0 nhomn City . • 11~ 72/50/0.01 59/42/t 62/44/c Little ctr x 98/er n o Cancun 86/81/0.00 eons/s sens/s nir ineha 7 /64 El Pn Dublin 63/50/0.14 68/48/sh 60/46/sh eo 4 Ononi 10 Edinburgh 59/50/0.00 63/47/sh 59/46/sh unenu 90/74 Geneva 73/61/0.13 70/52/pc 75/55/pc /49 ,*' Harare 71/42/0.00 67/45/pc 68/43/pc • ilnndn w Orleans + Nnnotutu Hong Kong 95/83/0.01 93/82/c 91/82/t 91/76 Chihuahua se 4 a ~.f Istanbul 73/65/0.« 78/67/s 80/68/s 96/ee Miami Jerusalem 87/69/0.00 82/59/pc 82/57/s Monte y 92/rtt, 84/72 Johannesburg 62/41/0.00 62/37/s 63/39/s n Lima 74/64/0.00 73/64/pc 73/65/pc Lisbon 93/64/0.00 92/69/s 86/65/s Shown are today's noonpositions of weather systems andprecipitation. Temperature bands are highs for the day. London 70/52/0.00 70/56/c 67/53/pc T-storms Rai n Sh owers S no w Fl u rries Ice Warm Front Sta t ionary Front Madrid Cold Front 91/63/0.00 92/63/s 94/66/s Manila 93nr/0.« 89/80/1 90/80/t
FIRE INDEX Bend/Sunriver ~ Redmond/Madras ~M Sisters ~M Prineville ~M La Pine/Gilchrist ~M
Po 0 60/47 81/44 Gra ra 64/ • Chiloquin Gold ach 8357 Medfo d 83/49 66/5
Ham ton
• La Plne •
R o seburg
Bro ings
• Pa lina SO 46
Re d Broth Su iVere SO/44
• John Day 80/48
City Abilene Akron Albany Atlanta Atlantic City Austin Baltimore Billings Birmingham
'Baker C
• I'rineville
/50 • Mitch H 62/45
Joseph Grande • 7 45 Union
Grove Oakridge
The higherthe AccuWeather.comOVIndex" number, the greatertheneedfor eyesndskin protscgon.0-2 Lcw 34 Moderate;6-7 High;8-10VeryHigh; 11+Exlreme.
Reservoir C rane Prairie Wickiup
2 p.m. 4 p.m.
O rV Ris6 B4/52
• • 76/42
Heppner • u p i Condon 1/49
0a m PSh man Red
High: G9' at Ontario Low: 37' at Lakeview
Jul 1 5
• ermiston lington 86/50 Meac am Losti ne 73/ • W co 6 /53 77/43 Entenrlse dl t
Floren e
Sunny andpleasant
he pall
Yach 65/47
Source: JimTodd,OMSI
Sunny to partly cloudy and nice
4 S.
Hood Rluer Portland se
Tonight'6 nky:Don't miss out on this close celestial grouping featuring the waxing crescent Moon,VenusandJupiter.
6 I~
5:22 a.m. 8:52 p.m. 9:40 a.m. 11:32 p.m. F ull Las t
10 a.m. Noon
Shown is today's weather.Temperatures are today's highs andtonight's lows.
CENTRAL: Sunnyto ee/49 M c innvip andy • • 87/57 8/53 Govee n t • partly cloudy today with near-average Lincoln 72/ temperatures. Clearto 67/46 Sale a partly cloudy tonight. 62/5 • a
J un 24 J ul 1
+L Jg
Partly cloudy
Tigam •
PRECIPITATION 24 hours through 5 p.m. yesterday 0.00" Record 0.23"in 1975 Month to date (normal) 0.6 0" (0.50") Year to date(normal) 6.02 " (5.52") Barometric pressure at 4 p.m. 30 . 0 8"
' '
LOW 4 4.
Bend Municipal Airport through 5p.m. yest. High Low
6 Mecca Mexico City Montreal Moscow
109/85/0.00 «1/83/s 76/56/0.22 75/56/1 70/54/0.00 76/62/pc 68/46/0.03 77/61/sh 71/61/0.02 72/55/c
107/80/s 73/57/1 74/59/1 75/59/r Nairobi 74/53/pc Nassau eons/0.00 89n7/s 89/76/pc New Delhi 108/87/0.00 103/85/pc 101/84/pc Osaka 75/64/0.12 79/65/c 79/64/1 Oslo 63/46/0.03 63/51/c 61/50/sh Ottawa 70/50/0.02 76/59/pc 75/58/1 Paris 73/50/0.00 72/56/pc 74/53/pc Rio de Janeiro 70/68/0.96 73/62/pc 75/64/s Rome 77/57/0.00 79/61/s 79/61/s Santiago 75/32/0.00 72/42/s 73/43/s Sao Paulo 59/57/0.56 66/54/pc 73/54/pc Sapporo 75/59/0.00 72/63/c 76/63/s Seoul 82/60/0.10 76/63/1 82/64/pc Shanghai 81/66/0.01 82n2/c 79/71/r Singapore 88/82/0.00 90/81/c 90/81/c Stockholm 57/50/0.37 62/46/sh 63/48/sh Sydney 58/50/0.61 58/47/pc 62/47/pc Taipei 91/79/0.00 89/80/1 91/81/1 Tel Aviv 85/70/0.02 83/72/s 82/71/pc Tokyo 69/66/0.45 78/68/pc 76/68/pc Toronto 68/61/0.00 73/63/pc 79/59/sh vancouver 69/53/0.17 68/51/s 73/54/pc vienna 66/61/0.06 65/51/sh 69/53/sh Warsaw 64/55/0.10 67/50/1 69/50/1
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IN THE BACK BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NEWS W Scoreboard, C2 Sports in brief, C2 MLB, C3
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Elks topCorvallis, win 3rd straight CORVALLIS —Cooper Hummel hit a grand slam for his first home run of the season to cap a seven-run seventh inning, and the BendElks rolled to a 9-4 win over the Corvallis Knights for their third straight win. The Elks (10-3) move four games ahead ofthe second-place Knights (6-7) in the WestCoast League South Division. Hummel was the seventh straight batter
to reach base in theseventh, after CadynGrenier doubled home arun to break a1-all tie, West Tunnell singled home a run and Tyler Davis walked with the bases loaded. Davis addeda
At 21, Spiethalready has hit golt's jackpot UNIVERSITY PLACE, Wash.-
ordan Spieth is the only 21-year-old who should be carded just to make sure he is not a whole lot older.
hole that you think is "dumb,"
it's supposed to frazzle your young golfing mind. If that hole is designed to
favor "the 10, 12 guys that can fly it 310 yards" but presents
solo shot in the ninth
68-67 — 135 Jordan Spieth Patrick Reed 66-69 — 135 Branden Grace 69-67 — 136 65-71 — 136 Dustin Johnson 68-69 —137 Joost Luiten Tony Finau 69-68 —137 Daniel Summerhays 70-67 — 137 Ben Martin 67-70 — 137 3 players tied at 137
an unfair challenge to normal-length players like you, then you might get furious, go all scattershot and crumble into a heap of self-pitying Open anguish. Instead, Spieth listened to
Tied, tight at the top; test awaits By Doug Ferguson
Friday on their final hole at the par-3 ninth from what
The Associated Press
UNIVERSITY PLACE, Wash. — Masters champion
Jordan Spieth is halfway home from the second leg of
When you're 21, in the lead
at the U.S. Open and you make a double bogey on a
• Complete scores from the second round. Scoreboard,C2
the GrandSlam.
It sure feels a lot farther away in this U.S. Open. Spieth overcame a double
start runnin' hot and birdied the next hole in the chamber of horrors here at Chambers
Bay on Friday. SeeSpieth/C4
the advice of his caddie not to
bogey on the par-4 18th hole that he called "the dumbest hole" he has played, and a scary moment when Jason Day collapsed to the ground
for his league-leading 18tI1 RBI.
greens to how the USGA presents its toughest test. SeeOpen/C4
still same favorites
CCC seekshost housing for teams
By Kevin Baxter
Organizers of the Regence BlueCross BlueShield CascadeCycling Classic are looking for host families to provide lodging for riders. This year's race is scheduled for July 22-26. CCC riders usually arrive a day or two before the stage raceandleave on the last day of racing or the day after. Numbers of riders who will needaccommodations vary from teams of eight to just one or two. As the week of the race draws near, riders are matched upwith housing appropriate to their team size. Anyone interested in hosting riders for the 36th annual CCC can send anemail to ccchousing© bendbroadband.com. For more information, visit www.cascadeclassic.org.
Los Angeles Times
EDMON T ON, Alberta — Now that the
preliminaries are over, it is time for the Women's
World Cup to really get started. Because for all the excitement about the
expanded field and the eight teams that were making their tournament debuts, when the
round of 16 begins today, the World Cup will look pretty much the way it has always looked. Only three of the
debutants — Cameroon, Switzerland and the Netherlands — made it
out of the group stage. Nine of the other teams that advanced are play-
ing in a World Cup for at least the sixth time.
Among them are the U.S., Germany, Norway and Japan, the only
— Bulletin staff report
Photos hy Andy Tutlis i The Bulletin
Roy McNeil, 80, Of Beaverton, center, plays Shuffleboard with Chuck Clausen, 79, of La Pine, second from left, during the Oregon Senior Games shuffleboard event, held in the Old Mill District in Bend on Friday morning.
— The Associated Press
from the wobbly roll on the
field, bLlt
Seattle Sounders forward Clint Dempsey was suspendedfor three games by Major League Soccer on Fridayand fined for his conduct toward a match official during a U.S.OpenCup loss to Portland this week, a penalty the U.S. captain will finish serving before the Americans start the defense of their CONCACAF Gold Cup title next month. MLS Commissioner Don Garber concluded Dempsey's behavior was "referee abuse," which requires a minimum three-game suspension, and not "referee assault," which has a minimum sixgame ban. Dempsey waspunished for a confrontation with a refereeTuesday in the Sounders'3-1 fourth-round loss to the Timbers, when he grabbed a notebook from the official and tore it after a teammatewas given a redcard. He will miss league games against SanJose today, Philadelphia on Wednesday andPortland on June28.
The competition is plenty fierce. The real challenge might be Chambers Bay,
— Bulletin staff report
Dempseytomiss game vs. Timders
Patrick Reed.
Elks starter Aaron Leasher (2-0) struck out three and allowed one run on three hits in six innings. The Elks play the second of a three-game series at 6:40 tonight.
was later diagnosed as vertigo.Spieth managed to make his birdie for a 3-under 67, giving him a share of the lead with Ryder Cup partner
countries to have ever won a title, as well as every team that has ever
played in a World Cup semifinal. So all that talk of par-
• The OregonSenior Gamesare all over Bend, but especialy at the pickleball courts
ity in the women's game may have been a bit premature. For the time
being, the upper reaches of women's soccer re-
By Victoria Jacobsen• The Bulletin s
main a private club, its
doors closed to all but a select few.
n adrenaline rush that is easy on the
Yet despite the over-
body — that is how pickleball partners
whelming sense of deja vu, consider this World
LarrySilver and Lee Moore described
Cup a knock on those
the allure of the most popular sport at the Oregon
doors nonetheless. Cameroon, one of
Senior Games, which are taking place across Bend
the new teams, came into the tournament
this weekend. "It's fast — it's fast action," Silver, 72, explained. "It's like playing computer games. As soon as the action stops, it's like pushing a reset button and
Will Myers, 62, of Oak Grove, center, releases his ball down the lane at Lava Lanes in Bend on Friday afternoon.
you start all over." Of the 600 participants
registered forthe50-and-over sporting festival, 230 are competing in pickleball, a combi-
to reach the elimination
stages. old who lives in the same Sur-
South Korea won its
prise, Arizona, neighborhood
first World Cup game ever to join China and defending champion
as Silver during the winter months. "It's a great strategy
nation of tennis, badminton
sport; it's better than racquet-
and table tennis. Pickleball
ball, better than handball, better than any other sport I've
courts are about half the size
of a conventional tennis court, and the smaller playing sur-
ever played."
face and paddles used to vol-
days of competition, the 16 dedicated pickleball courts
ley the plastic, wiffle-like ball back andforth acrossthenet mean players must rely more on quickreflexes and lesson the speed and mobility necessary in tennis.
"I've never had a back injury from pickleball, which is great," said Moore, a 68-year-
ranked 53rd in the world — ahead of only Ivory Coast — yet won as many games in group play as both Germany and the U.S. And by finishing second in its group, it became just the second African country
Japan in the round of 16, marking the first time p
have advanced.
SeeWorld Cup/C4
On Friday, the first of three
at Pine Nursery Park were
packed with doubles teams, and announcementsfrom the public-address system
occasionally drowned out the pop-pop-pop of volleys in the ongoing matches. SeeSenior Games/C4
three teams from Asia
Rhoda Zaph, of Sunriver, returns the ball while playing against Nadine Dubrule, of Bend, not pictured, in the pickleball women's singles 6569 year-old division Friday at Pine Nursery Park in Bend.
Roundof 16:United States vs. Colombia When:5 p.m. Monday TV:FS1
TODAY Time TV/Radio Formula One,Austrian Grand Prix, qualifying 5 a.m. N BCSN NASCAR,Xfinity Series, Chicagoland, qualifying 2 p.m. FS2 ARCA, Chicagoland 4 p.m. FS2 NASCAR,Xfinity Series, Chicagoland 6 :30 p.m. F S 1 Formula One,Austrian Grand Prix 4:30a.m. (Sun.j NBCSN MOTOR SPORTS
1 0 a.m. n oon 4 p.m. 7 p.m. 7 p.m.
11 a.m.
U.S. Open, third round SOCCER MLS, SanJose at Seattle Women's World Cup,Germanyvs. Sweden Women's WorldCup,Chinavs.Cameroon
1 p.m. Roo t 1 p.m. FS1 4 :30 p.m. F S 1
Premier Boxing Champions David Lemieuxvs.Hassan N'Dam N'Jikam Premier Boxing Champions
5:30 p.m. NBC 7 p.m. FS2 8 p.m. NBCSN
Arena, Philadelphia at LosAngeles
8 p.m. E SPN2
MLB, Detroit at N.Y.Yankees MLB, Houston at Seattle MLB, SanFrancisco at L.A. Dodgers SOCCER Women's World Cup,Brazil vs. Australia Women's WorldCup,Francevs.SouthKorea MLS, NewEngland at D.C.United Women's World Cup,Canadavs. Switzerland MLS, Sporting KansasCity at RealSalt Lake
1 0 a.m. 1 p.m. 5 p.m.
ML B Roo t E S PN
10 a.m. FS1 1 p.m. FS1 2 p.m. E SPN2 4 :30 p.m. F S 1 7 p.m. FS1
U.S. Open, final round BOXING Premier Boxing Champions
11 a.m.
1 p.m.
South Division
L 3 7 8 11
Pcf GB 769 462 4 429 4'/z 154 8
W 7 8 7 4
L 3 5 6 6
Pcf GB 700 615 '/z
W 9 5 4 5
L 4 6 6 8
Pcf GB 692 455 3
West Division
Begingham Kitsap Cowlitz Victoria
W 10 6 6 2
Easl Division Kelowna YakimaValey WallaWalla Wenatchee
In the Bleachers O 201 5 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Ucuck
538 1'/z 400 3
400 3'/2 385 4
Friday's Games Medford7,Kitsap6 Cowlitz11,Victoria 8 Bend 9, Corvagis4 WallaWalla9, Klamath Falls 7 Kelowna10, YakimaValley 6 Beffingham 5,Wenatchee3 Today'sGames MedfordatKitsap,6:35p.m. Cowlitz at Victoria, 6:35p.m. Bendat Corvallis, 6:40p.m. KlamathFalls atWalla Walla, 7:05 p.m. KelownaatYakimaValley, 7:05p.m. WenatcheeatBegingham,7;05p.m. Sunday'sGames Cowlitz at Victoria, 1:05p.m. WenatcheeatBegingham, 3:05p.m. KlamathFalls atWalla Walla,5:05 p.m. Bendat Corvallis, 5:05p.m. Kelowna atYakimaValley,5;05 p.m.
7 p.m.
Listingsarethe mostaccurate available. TheBulletin is not responsible for latechanges madeby TI/or radio stations.
(Double elimination; x-if necessary) Friday's Games Florida10,Virginia5
Today'sGame Florida(52-17)vs.Virginia (41-23), noon ChampionshipSeries (Best of3) Monday;Vanderbilt (50-19)vs.Florida-Virginiawinner,5 p.m. Tuesday,:Vanderbilt vs.Florida-Virginia winner,5p.m. Wednesd ay:Vanderbilt vs.Florida-Virginiawinner,5 p.m.
BASEBALL MarinerS PrOSPeCtSuSPended fOrdOPing —KansasCity outfielder Mike Bianucci, Seattle right-hander Edwin Martinez and Texas left-hander Chad James weresuspended Friday for violating baseball's minor leaguedrug program. Bianucci received an80-game penalty ,Martinezwassuspendedfor72gamesandJameswas banned for 25 games.The19-year-old Martinez has a4.05 ERAin three appearances for the Dominican SummerLeague Mariners1 after going 1-1 with a 2.22ERAin eight starts and nine relief appearancesforthesameclub lastseason.Therehavebeen63suspensions this year under the minor leaguedrug program.
Minor league clubcancels 'Caucasian Heritage Night' — The OremOwlz, a rookie league affiliate of the Los Angeles Angels located 40 miles south of Salt LakeCity, canceled its Aug. 10promotion of "Caucasian Heritage Night." The teamsaid in astatement Friday that the promotion was planned as a joke with wonder bread on burgers with mayonnaise, clips of Friends andSeinfeld andan attempt to "solve the vertical leaping challenge." Theteam website originally advertised the promotion as, "Irish, Italian, Scandinavian, German... or even Utahn! Whatever your background, celebrate it at n the Home of the Owlz!
Vanderdilt reaCheS finalS again —Defendingnational champion Vanderbilt returned to theCollege World Series finals after Walker Buehler andJohn Kilichowski combined on afive-hitter and Rhett Wiseman homered in a7-1victory over TCUon Friday night in Omaha, Nebraska. Earlier on Friday, Richie Martin doubled twice to leadFlorida to a10-5 victory over Virginia to forced asecond Bracket1 final.
BASKETBALL HaWkS reaChduyout agreement With GM —TheAtlanta Hawks haveagreedto a buyout of thefinal two years of general manager Danny Ferry's contract, a personwith knowledge of the agreement told The Associated Press onFriday. Theperson said thebuyout will bepaid by the current ownership group,which has adeal to sell the teamfor $850 million to agroup led bybillionaire businessman Antony Ressler. Ferry has beenonan indefinite leave of absencefollowing racially derogatory comments hemadelastyear toward forward Luol Deng.
FOOTBALL 49OIS' Hayne haS minar Surgery in AuStralia —Jarryd Hayne, who is hoping to land with the SanFrancisco 49ers after starring in Australia's National Rugby League, is recuperating following minor surgery to his left foot. According to a recent report in The San JoseMercury News, Haynewent through the 49ers' recent minicamp with a cyst on the arch of his foot. On Instagram, Hayne indicated that his foot will be bandaged for12 days. Haynehasbeen working with the running backs, though his best chance of landing with the 49ers probably is on special teams.
MOTOR SPORTS JOneS WinS NASCARTruCkS raCe in lOWa — ErikJones won Friday's NASCAR Trucks race in lowa for his first victory of the season. The19-year-old Jones turned his fifth pole in 26 starts into the fifth win of his career. Heled 112of 200 laps. Jones hadfinished third or better four times for Kyle BuschMotorsports in 2015. But the No. 4 truck's ability to consistently beat the field on restarts allowed Jonestosecurethewin.BrandonJoneswassecond,followed by Tyler Reddick andpoints leader Matt Crafton.
Connecticut Washington NewYork Atlanta Indiana Chicago Minnesota Tulsa Phoenix Seattle Los Angeles SanAntonio
EasternConference W L
5 3 3 3 3 2
1 2 3 4 4 3
.8 3 3 .6 0 0 1l/z .5 0 0 2 .4 2 9 2'/z .4 2 9 2'/z .4 0 0 2'/z
5 5 2 2
1 1 3 3
PcfGB .8 3 3 .8 3 3 .4 0 0 2'/z .4 0 0 2'/z
0 0
3 5
.0 0 0 3 '/2 000 41/2
WeslernConference W L
Friday's Games Tulsa86,Washington82 Atlanta74, Chicago73 Indiana80, NewYork 63 Minnesota 74, SanAntonio59 Connec ticut90,Phoenix78,OT Today'sGames Washingtonat Indiana,4 p.m. Chicago at SanAntonio,5p.m. Bunday'sGames NewYorkatAtlanta, noon Connecticutat LosAngeles,2 p.m. Tulsaat Minnesota, 4p.m. PhoenixatSeatle 6 pm
NBA NATIONALBASKETBALL ASSOCIATION NBADraft Order Thursday afBrooklyn, N.Y. First Round 1, Minnesota.2, LA. Lakers.3, Philadelphia.4, NewYork. 5, Orlando.6, Sacramento. 7, Denver. 8, Detroit. 9,Charlotte.10,Miami. 11, Indiana.12,Utah.13,Phoenix.14, Oklahoma City. 15,Atlanta(fromBrooklyn). 16,Boston. 17, Milwaukee.18,Houston (fromNewOrleans). 19,Washington.20,Toronto. 21, Dallas.22,Chicago.23,Portland. 24,Cleveland. 25,Memphis.26,SanAntonio.27,L.A.Lakers (fromHouston).28,Boston (fromL.A. Clippers). 29, Brooklyn(fromAtlanta). 30, GoldenState. SecondRound 31, Minnesota.32,Houston (fromNewYork). 33, Boston(fromPhiladelphiathroughMiami). 34, L.A. Lakers.35, Philadelphia(fromOrlando). 36,Minnesota (fromSacramento throughHouston). 37,Philadelphia(fromDenver throughHouston, Portlandand Minnesota).38, Detroit. 39,Charlotte.40, Miami. 41, Brooklyn. 42, Utah.43,Indiana.44, Phoenix. 45, Boston.46,Milwaukee.47, Philadelphia (fromNewOrleans throughWashingtonandLA.Clippers). 48, Oklahoma City. 49,Washington. 50,Atlanta(fromToronto). 51, Orlando (from Chicago). 52, Dalas.53, Cleveland (from Portland throughChicagoandDenver). 54, Utah(fromCleveland).55,SanAntonio. 56,NewOrleans (from Memphis). 57,Denver(fromL.A. Clippers). 58, Philadelphia (fromHouston). 59,Atlanta. 60,Philadelphia(fromGoldenStatethrough Indiana)
TENNIS WTA AegonClassic Friday at Birmingham,England Duarterlinals Kristina Mladenovic,France,def. SimonaHalep (1), Rom ania, 2-6,6-0, 7-6(4). KarolinaPliskova(6), CzechRepublic, def. Carla Suarez Navarro(3), Spain, 6-2,6-2. Angettque Kerber (4), Germany,def. Katerina Siniakova,CzechRepublic, 6-2, 6-4. SabineLisicki (8), Germany, def. DanielaHantuchova,Slovakia,7-6(2), 6-2.
ATP AegonChampionships Friday af London Ouarterfinals GigesSimon(7), France,def. MilosRaonic (3),
Canada, 4-6,6-3, 7-5. KevinAnderson,SouthAfrica, def. GuigermoGar-
TRACK AND FIELD Farah denieS dOPing —Angeredby"rumorsandspeculation" swirling around him,two-time Olympic champion Mo Farahsaid Friday that he hasnever taken performance-enhancing drugs anddescribed his two missedtests as"simple mistakes." TheBritish distance runner missed thetests in 2010and 2011in the buildup to the2012 London Olympics, where he won gold medals inthe5,000and10,000 meters. The report came at atime whenFarah's coach,Alberto Salazar, is under scrutiny amid dopingallegations. In astory by ProPublicaandthe BBC, published earlier this month, Salazarwasaccused of using doping practices at thePortland-based NikeOregonProject. — From wire reports
. <vr4)/c
Bend 000 100 701 — 0 10 1 Conrallis 000 1 00 120 — 4 7 1 Leasher,Junk(7), Mets(8), Boone(9) andHummel; Lee, Martin(7), Kaplan(7), Steindorf(8) andMatranga.W-Leasher, 2-0. L-Martin, 0-1. HR-Davis (3), Hummel (1). 28-Hummel (5), Grenier (2); Bishop(1).
cia-Lopez, Spain, 7-6(7), 7-5. AndyMurray(1), Britain, def.GilesMuller,Luxembourg,3-6,7-6(2),6-4. Viktor Troicki, Serbia, def. John Isner,United States,7-6(5), 6-3.
Gerry WeberOpen Friday atHalle, Germany Duarterfinals Kei Nishikori(2),Japan,def.JerzyJanowicz, Poland, 6-4,5-7,6-3. Ivo Karlovic(8), Croatia,def.Toma s Berdych (3), Czech Republic, 7-5,6-7 (8),6-3. RogerFederer(1), Switzerland,def. FlorianMayer, Germany, 6-0,7-6(1). AndreasSeppi, Italy,def.Gael Monfils (4),France, 6-1, 1-0,retired.
ROUND OF16 Today'sGames Germany vs. Sweden,1 p.m. Chinavs.Cameroon, 4;30p.m. Sunday'sGames Brazil vs.Australia,10 a.m. Francevs. South Korea,1 p.m. Canada vs.Switzerland,4:30p.m. Monday'sGames Norwayvs.England,2 p.m. UnitedStatesvs. Colombia,5 p.m. TuesdaylsGame Japan vs.Netherlands, 7 p.m.
Friday's linescore
Elks 9, Knights 4
All TimesPDT
Vanderbilt 7,TCU1
Arena, Spokane atPortland
Women's World Cup
MLB, Baltimore at Toronto College World Series, Florida vs. Virginia MLB, SanFrancisco at L.A. Dodgers MLB, San Diego atArizona MLB, Houston at Seattle
Professional Fridayat ChambersBay, Unive rsity PlaceWash. Yardage:7,696; Par: 70(36-34) SecondRound a-denotes amateur JordanSpieth 68-67 — 135 PatrickReed 66-69—135 Branden Grace 69-67—136 DustinJohnson 65-71—136 JoostLuiten 68-69—137 TonyFinau 69-68—137 DanielSummerhays 70-67—137 BenMartin 67-70—137 JamieLovemark 70-68—138 J.B. Holmse 72-66—138 JasonDay 68-70—138 KevinKisner 71-68—139 ShaneLowry 69-70—139 a-BrianCampbell 67-72—139 AlexanderLevy 70-69—139 HenrikStenson 65-74—139 AndresRomero 71-69—140 CameronSmith 70-70—140 Matt Kuchar 67-73—140 JasonDufner 68-72—140 GeoffOgilvy 69-72 — 141 PaulCase y 72-69—141 a-JackMaguire 73-68—141 HidekiMatsuyam a 70-71—141 AdamScot 70-71 — 141 Francesco Molinari 68-73 — 141 BrandtSnedekre 69-72 — 141 ErnieEls 72-70—142 a-OgieSchniederjans 69-73—142 LeeWestwood 73-69—142 JustinRose 72-70—142 MarcusFraser 71-71—142 KevinNa 70-72—142 MarcWarren 68-74—142 a-Beau Hossler 71-72—143 CharlSchwartzel 73-70—143 LouisOosthuizen 77-66—143 TommyFleetwood 74-69—143 MarkSilvers 72-71—143 C.T.Pan 71-72—143 Phil Mickelson 69-74—143 Cameron Tringale 75-68—143 Chris Kirk 70-73—143 BradFritsch 70-74—144 BradElder 76-68—144 a-Denny McCarthy 71-73—144 LukeDonald 73-71—144 RyanPalmer 74-70—144 CharlieBeljan 69-75—144 Billy Horschel 72-72—144 ZachJohnson 72-72—144 SamSaunders 72-72—144 JohnSenden 72-72—144 RobertStreb 74-70—144 KevinChappeff 69-75—144 RoryMcffroy 72-72—144 Jim Furyk 71-73—144 BrooksKoepka 72-72—144 KeeganBradley 73-71—144 D.A. Points 74-71—145 GeorgeCoetzee 72-73 — 145 Thomas Aiken 74-71 — 145 Jimmy Walker 72-73 — 145 lan Poulter 72-73—145 CamiloVilegas 72-73—145 Jimmy Gunn 72-73—145 AndyPope 74-71 — 145 TroyKelly 72-73 — 145 JohnParry 72-73 — 145 AngelCabrera 70-75—145 Morgan Hoff mann 71-74—145 SergioGarcia 70-75—145 Colin Montgom erie 69-76—145 WebbSimpson 72-73—145 a-NickHardy 70-75—145 Missed thecut RobertoCastro 74-72—146 Bill Haas 73-73—146 Charl eyHoff man 76-70—146 GarthMulroy 74-72—146 CodyGribble 68-78—146 AndySullivan 72-74—146 HiroyukiFujita 72-74—146 MarcelSiem 73-73—146 MartinKaym er 72-74—146 TomHoge 73-74—147 HunterMahan 73-74—147 AnirbanLahiri 75-72—147 MichaelPutnam 70-77—147 TimothyO'Neal 74-73—147 JasonAgred 74-73—147 VictorDubuisson 74-73—147 BubbaWatson 70-77—147 BerndWiesberger 72-75—147 Wen-Chong Liang 73-74—147 DavidHearn 72-75—147 MasahiroKawamura 70-77—147 RetiefGoosen 77-71—148 Alex Noren 73-75—148 Thongchai Jaidee 71-77—148 Matt Mabrey 74-74—148 BrianHarman 69-79—148 a-LeeMccoy 74-74—148 Graeme McDowell 74-74—148 MiguelAngelJimenez 69-79—148 RusselHenl l ey 71-77—148 KevinLucas 74-74—148 JasonPalmer 76-73—149 Shiv Kapur 72-77—149 RyoIshikawa 74-75—149 a-BrysonDeChambeau 74-75—149 a-BradleyNeil 76-73—149 Danny Wigett 72-77—149 Bo VanPelt 73-76—149 LeeJanzen 73-76—149 RyanMoore 75-74—149 GeorgeMcNeil 75-74—149 Byeong-Hun An 73-76—149 a-Matthew NeSmith 76-73—149 TjaartvanderWalt 77-73—150 MarcLeishma n 73-77—150 StephenGagacher 78-72—150 Erik Compton 76-74—150 a-JakeKnapp 74-76—150 TylerDuncan 78-72—150 JaredBecher 78-72—150 SteveMarino 75-75—150 LucasBjerregaard 73-77—150 a-KyleJones 78-72—150 a-Gunn Yang 74-76—150 OliverFarr 73-77—150 BlayneBarber 78-73—151 GaryWoodland 74-77—151 JamieDonaldson 74-77—151 a-Sam Horsfield 75-76—151 Shunsuke Sonoda 78-73—151
BrandonHagy Billy HurleyIII DannyLee MichaelDavan Brendon Todd a-DavisRiley Kurt Barnes RickieFowler JoshPersons RichardLee
Stephan Jaeger SebastianCappelen Pat Wilson RichBerberianJr. LucasGlover TigerWoods SeukHyunBaek DarrenClarke a-ColeHammer AlexKim Matt Every
74-77—151 80-72 — 152 78-74—152 77-75—152 78-75—153 73-80—153 72-81—153 81-73—154 79-75—154 74-80—154 74-80—154 70-85—155 79-76—155 83-72—155 73-83—156 80-76—156 74-82—156 77-80—157 77-84—161 80-86—166 78-WD
EasternConference W L T Pls GF GA D.C.United 8 5 4 28 20 16 NewEngland 6 4 6 24 22 20 OrlandoCit y 5 5 5 20 20 19 TorontoFC 6 5 1 19 19 16 NewYork 4 4 5 17 17 17 Columbus 4 6 5 17 21 22 Philadelphia 4 9 3 15 18 25 Montreal 4 5 2 14 14 18 Chicago 4 8 2 14 17 22 NewYorkCity FC 3 7 5 14 15 19 WesternConference W L T Pls GF GA Seattle 9 4 2 29 23 11 Vancouver 8 6 2 26 18 15 S porting KansasCity 6 2 6 24 22 15 FC Dallas 6 5 5 23 19 23 Portland 6 5 4 22 15 14 Los Angele s 5 5 7 22 16 19 Houston 5 5 5 20 21 19 SanJose 5 5 4 19 14 15 RealSaltLake 4 5 6 18 13 18 Colorado 2 4 9 15 12 13
Friday's Game FC Dallas1,Colorado1 Today'sGames SanJoseat Seattle,1 p.m. NewYorkCity FCat TorontoFC,4 p.m. Vancouverat NewYork,4p.m. OrlandoCityat Montreal, 5p.m. PhiladelphiaatLosAngeles,7:30p.m. Houstonat Portland,7:30p.m. Sunday'sGames NewEnglandat D.C. United,2 p.m. SportingKansasCity atReal Salt Lake,7p.m.
Major LeagueBaseball OFFICEOF THE CQMMISSIONER OF BASEToday'sTeeTimes BALL —Suspended Kansas City minor leagueOF AU TimesPDT Mike Bianucci(Arkansas-NWL) 80 gamesafter testThird Round ing positivefor growthhormone releasing peptide 2 a-denofesamateur (GHRP-2)andmetabolite; Seatle minor leagueRHP —a-NickHardy 8:03 a.m. EdwinMartinez(DSLMariners)72gamesafter testing 8:14 a.m. —Webb Simpson, Colin Montgomerie positivefor metabolites ofStanozolol; andTexasminor 8:25 a.m. —SergioGarcia, MorganHoffmann league LHPChadJames (HighDesert-Cal) 25games, 8:36 a.m. —AngelCabrera, JohnParry aff violationsofthe Minor LeagueDrugPrevention and 8:47 a.m. —TroyKelly,AndyPope TreatmentProgram. AmericanLeague 8:58 a.m. —JimmyGunn,Camilo Vilegas 9:09 a.m. — lan Poulter, JimmyWalker BOSTONREDSOX— SignedRHPKevinKelleher, 9;20 a.m. —Thomas Aiken,GeorgeCoetzee LHPLoganBoyd, LHPBradStone,RHPTrevor Kelley 9:31 a.m. — D.A.Points,KeeganBradley and RHP AdamLau. 9:42 a.m. — Brooks Koepka, JimFuryk CLEVELAND INDIANS— SignedLHPBradyAiken 9:53 a.m. — RoryMcgroy,Kevin Chappell to a minorleaguecontract. DETROITIGERS—Activated DHVictor Martinez 10:04a.m.—RobertStreb,JohnSenden 10:15a.m.—Sam Saunders, ZachJohnson from the15-day DL.OptionedOFTyler Collins to To10;26a.m. —Billy HorschelCha , rlie Beljan ledo (IL). 10:37a.m. —RyanPalmer, LukeDonald HOUSTONASTROS— PlacedOFJakeMarisnick —a-Denny Mccarthy, BradElder 10:48a.m. on the15-dayDL.Activated OFColby Rasmusoffthe 10:59a.m.—BradFritsch, ChrisKirk bereavem ent list. SignedCFMyles Straw, LFJustin 11:10a.m.—Cameron Tringale, Phil Mickelson Garcia, CKevinMartir, OFAaron Mizell, LHPSteve 11:21a.m.—C.T.Pan,MarkSilvers NaemarkandCChristian Correato minore league 11:32a.m.—Tommy Fleetwood,Louis Oosthuizen contracts. 11:43a.m.—CharlSchwarlzel, a-BeauHossler MINNESOTATWINS — Rel eased OF Jordan 11:54a.m. —MarcWarren,Kevin Na Schafer. 12:05p.m.—Marcus Fraser,Justin Rose NEW YORKYANKEES — Recalled RHP Bryan 12:16p.m —LeeWestwood, a-Ollie Schniederjans Mitchell andRHPBranden Pinder fromScranton/ 12:27p.m.—ErnieEls, BrandtSnedeker Wilkes-Barre(IL). PlacedRHPSergio Santos on the 15-dayDL,retroactiveto June15.OptionedRHPChris 12:38p.m.—Francesco Molinari, AdamScott 12:49p.m.—HidekiMatsuyama,a-JackMaguire Martin toScranton/Witkes-Barre. 1 p.m.—PaulCasey,Geof Ogilvy OAKLANDATHLETICS— ReinstatedRHPEdward 1:11 p.m.—JasonDufner, Matt Kuchar Mujicaand18IkeDavis fromthe15-day DLOptioned RHP ArnoldLeonto Nashvile (PCL).DesignatedINF 1:22 p.m.—Cameron Smith, AndresRomero 1:33 p.m.—HenrikStenson,AlexanderLevy AndyParrinofor assignment. —a-BrianCampbell, ShaneLowry 1:44 p.m. TEXASRANGERS — RecalledLHPAlexClaudio 1:55 p.m.—KevinKisner,JasonDay from Round Rock(PCL). Activated OFRyanRua 2:06 p.m. — J.B. Holmes,JamieLovemark from60-day DL.OptionedRHP AnthonyRanaudo 2:17 p.m.—BenMartin, DanielSummerhays to RoundRock. DesignatedOFJakeSmolinski for 2:28 p.m. —TonyFinau,JoostLuiten assignment. 2:39 p.m. —DustinJohnson,BrandenGrace TORONTOBLUEJAYS— PlacedRHPR.A.Dickey 2;50 p.m. —PatrickReed, JordanSpieth on thebereavement list. Recalled INFMunenori Kawasaki from Bufalo (IL). National League ATLANTA BRAVES — Recaled RHPMat Wisler RODEO fromGwinnett (IL). OptionedRHPSugarRayMarimon to Gwinnett. Professional CINCINN ATI REDS— Activated LFMarlon Byrd from the15-dayDL.Optioned RH PDonovanHandto Leaders (IL). Bareback Riding — 1. BobbyMote, Culver, Louisville L OS ANGE LE S D OD GER S — An nouncedtheseaOre., $52,223. 2. Tim O'Connell, Zwingle, lowa son-longsuspension of INFErisbel Arrueb arrenawas $46,5 85.3.EvanJayne,Marseille,France$45,468. reduced to 30days. 4.Set hHardwick,Laramie,Wyo.$45,027.5.Luke PDTSBURGHPIRATES— Signed RHP Stephan Creasy ,Lovington,N.M.$45,002.6.AustinFoss,TerandLHPSean Keselica to minor leagueconrebonne,Ore.$43,641.7. CalebBennet, Tremonton, Myer tracts. Utah $37,425z 8. KayceeFeild, SpanishFork, Utah SANDIEG OPADRES—Selectedthe contract the 334l432.9. ClintLaye,Cadogan,Alberta $33,632.10. ofBrett WalacefromTriple-A El Paso(PCL). David Peebles,Redmond,Ore.$33,025.13.Steven contract Optioned RH P y Mazzoni to ElPaso. Designated Peebl es,Redmond,Ore.$24,839.19.R.C.Landing- LHPEuryDeLaCRor osafor assignment. ham,Pendleton,Ore.$21,574. ST. LOUIS CARDINALS—RecalledINFGregGarSteer Wreslling — 1.Seth Brockman, Wheatand1B Xavier ScruggsfromMemphis (PCL). Opland, Wyo.$43,8tt. 2. Ty Erickson,Helena,Mont. cia t i oned C E d E a sleyand RHPMitch Harris to Memphis. 342,788. 3. HunterCure, Hogiday,Texas $37,621. ASHING TONNATIONALS— Recaled RHPTay4. LukeBranqutnho,LosAlamos, Calif. $31,827.5. lorW Hill from Syracuse(IL). PlacedRHPTanner Roark Olin Hannum ,Malad,Idaho$31,204.6. Casey Martin, Sulphur,La.$28,859. 7. DakotaEldridge, Elko, Nev. on thepaternity list. FOOTBAL L 326,913.8. BeauClark, Belgrade,Mont. $25,993. 9. National Football League K.C. Jones,Decatur, Texas $25,822. 10.KyleIrwin, CINCINN ATI BENGALS— Named Mike Potts as RobertsdaleAl, a.$25,635. Team Roping(header) —1. ClayTryan, Bil- ascout. CLEVELAND BROWNS — Cl aimed WR Shane ings, Mont.$62,980.2. Derrick Begay,Seba Dalkai, ynn off waiversfromAtlanta. WaivedWRPaul Ariz. $44,077. 3. ErichRogers, RoundRock, Ariz. W ng. 337,242. 4.TrevorBrazile, Deca tur, Texas$30,889. Browni NEWENGLANDPATRIOTS— SignedDLMalcom 5.TylerWade,Terreff ,Texas$29,909.6.JakeCooper, Brown. Re leasedTEFredDavis. Monument ,N.M.329,783.7.BubbaBuckaloo,CadOAKLANDRAIDERS— SignedDEMarioEdwardsJr. do, Okla.$29,744.8. JakeBarnes, Scottsdale, Ariz. TENNESSEETITANS — Signed OT Jeremiah $27,8 00.9.ChadMasters,CedarHill,Tenn.$27,365. Poutasi . 10. Coleman Proctor, Pryor,Okla.$26,144.13. Charly HOCKEY Crawford,Prineyitte,Ore.$22,739. National HockeyLeague Team Roping (heeler) — 1. JadeCorkig, NEWJER SEY DEVILS — Retained goaltending Fagon, Nev.$62,980.2.ClayO'BrienCooper,GardChrisTerreri. nerville, Nev.$49,517.3. CoryPetska, Marana,Ariz. coach T ORONT O APLELEAFS—AcquiredFZach Hy$37,242.4.Travis Woodard, Stockton, Calif. $36,836. manandaconM ditional 2017seventh-round pickfrom 5. Patrick Smith, Lipan,Texas$30,889. 6. Russell Floridafor FGreg McKegg. Cardoza,Terrebonne,Ore. $28,926.7. KinneyHarreg, SOCCER Marshall,Texas327,989. 8. Junior Nogueira, ScottMajor LeagueSoccer sdale, Ariz.$27 2223. 9. JakeLong, Coffeyvile, Kan. MLS —SuspendedSeattle FClint Dempseythree $26,144.10. RichSkelton, Llano,Texas$26,090. 11. games andfinedhim anundisclosed amount for his ShayCarroll, Prinevile,Ore.$24,499. towarda match official during aU.S.Open SaddleBronc Riding — 1.Cody DeMoss, conduct Cup match onJune16. Heflin, La.$62,896.2. Spencer Wright, Milford, Utah COLLEGE 358,483. 3.TaosMuncy, Corona, N.M.$53,629. 4. NORTH CAROLINA—Agreed totermswith men's RustyWright, Milford, Utah$42,089.5. JacobsCraw- basketbal coach l RoyWilliamsona two-yearcontract ley,Stephenvige,Texas$36,327.6.ChuckSchmidt, extensionthrough the2019-20season. Granted the Keldron,S.D.$36,213. 7. JakeWright, Milford, Utah release ofwome n's junior basketball C Stephanie $31,580.8.IsaacDiaz,Desdemona,Texas$30,566.9. topursueatransfer. Cort Scheer,Elsmere, Neb.$30,425. 10.WadeSun- Mavunga SOUTHCAROLINA— Announcedjuniorwomen' s dell, Colman, Okla. $29,678. basketbal G-F l Agisha GrayhastransferredfromNorth Tie-downRoping — 1.CorySolomon, Prairie Carolina.Agreed to terms wi t h coach D aw n S ta l e y on View, Texas$45,464.2.TimberMoore,Aubrey,Texas a two-yearcontract extensionthroughthe 2020-21 $43,7 45.3.MontyLewis,Hereford,Texas$40,693.4. Marly Yates,Stephenvile, Texas$39,436. 5. Hunter season. TENNESSEE — NamedGarrettMedenwaldmen' s Herrin, Apache,Okla. 338,429, 6. Clint Robinson, basketbal lstrengthandconditioning coach. SpanishFork, Utah$35,807. 7. Blair Burk,Durant, Okla. $33062.8.AdamGray,Seymour,Texas332714. 9. SterlingSmith,Stephenvile, Texas$28,689.10. Tuf FISH COUNT Cooper,Decatur, Texas$27,154. Upstreamdaily movement of adult chinook,jack Steer Roping —1.Vin FisherJr., Andrews,Texas $39,071.2. NealWood, Needvige, Texas$35,246. chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selectedCoRiverdamslast updatedThursday. 3. Mike Chase,McAlester, Okla. $33,033.4. Jess lumbia Chnk Jchnk Sflhd Wstlhd Tierney,Hermosa, S.D. $29,112. 5. CodyLee, Gates263 107 ville, Texas$28,576.6. Trevor Brazile, Deca tur, Texas Bonneville 2,980 43 9 The Daffes 2,430 308 75 40 $28,3 28.7.RockyPatterson,Pratt,Kan.$22,856.8. 49 24 Scott Snede cor,Fredericksburg, Texas$22,192.9.J.P. John Day 2,013 27 0 1 1 9 31 6 Wicke tt,Sagisaw,Okla.320,240,10.JoJo LeMond, McNary 2,077 Upstream year-to-date movement ofadult chinook, Andrews,Texas$18,813. j a ck chi n ook, steel h ead an d w i l d st e el h ead at se l e ct e d Bull Riding — 1. SageKimzey,Strong City, Okla. $72,2 26.2.WesleySilcox,Santaqutn,Utah$59,594. ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedThursday. Chnk Jchnk Sflhd Wstlhd 3. ParkerBreding,Edgar, Mont. $44,017.4. Brennon Eldred,Sulphur,Okla.$41,551. 5. Chandler Bownds, Bonneville 276,420 19,348 7,253 3,309 The Dages 230,269 16,343 1,043 346 Lubbock,Texas$39,793. 6. TannerLearmont, Cleburne,Texas338,169. 7. TrevorKastner,Ardmore, JohnDay 195,049 14,417 1,111 519 Okla.$37,558.8.ReidBarker,Comfort, Texas$36,119. M cNary 176,454 10,404 1,128 4 70
S~~(p~ G
almost beside the point. "It's not so much playing Continued from C1 Like Silver, many of the Se- the game as it is hanging out nior Games competitors are w ith the people we like to not from Oregon but spend the play with," said Robinson, summer traveling from one 69, who resides in Mesa, Aritournament to the next.
zona. "I've been to a lot of se-
f irst three matches of t h e
ho u r . "
"There's a whole legion of n ior games, and shuffleboard players here that play all over," players, they go to dinner tosaid Silver, who said he enters gether, they drink together about 10 tournaments a year. and they play together. You "SoIprobablyknow 150peo- never see that in the rest of ple here." the sports, where they're all Silver and Lee won their t ogether every night at happy
morning, and Silver said they If t h at sounds like a good wouldlikelytakehomeamed- time, well, feel free to join al for their efforts, although in . Robinson said he will he is no longer as focused on be spending Fourth of July competitive accolades as he weekend at the National Seonce was. nior Games in Minneapolis. "When I was younger, I took older I just play for fun," Sil-
~0+tn9 CotnP<t<ton 9rowS nlnefold ln 2nd Year
ver said. "But I try to win. On
Dur i n g t h e i naugural Or-
it seriously, but now that I'm
a scale out of 10, I'm a seven egon Senior Games in Bend now." last June, Bend resident Sue Snedden, now 70, was one of At Shuffleboard, just eight competitors who experienceunnecessary signed up for the bowling If Silver really had his heart
set on a medal, he might have b een better off a t t he former O r v i s
t o u r nament.
S h e has a lot more company at Lava Lanes
W/IGII Wt-' store in the Old Mill District, where 17 gOg Qgya Bftg seniors were play~ ing shuffleboard on plastic mats taped BII 6 / S B I6, to the floor. 'p/I M/g'yg Like many of the // ~ ~ pickleball players, many of the shuf- be f O re,' the fleboard competi- gU yS j USg tors spend a good .Um <~ </ / ~ p art of their sum- ~™ / ~P mers on a verita- IA Bf)6 SBICf, ble tour of Senior 'HBI g ~8'// ' Games across the ~ U western U.S. and + Canada. But with /e S SOn,' Bnd re ative y ew com- g/Iey yiy. SO p etitors i n Be n d . / f •
a nd
nume r o u s
this year. Strikes Pro Sh o p o w ner J e f f Fox, who took over as t o u rnament organizer this spring, said he had nearly 70 bowlers register this year. " Lots o f
e m ail
b last s - marketing rea l ly made a difference,"
e x p l ained. O n Frida y a f ternoon, Snedden,
who said she has been bowling for 61 ye a rs and still play s in two weekly le a gues at Lava Lanes, reached out for high-fives after knocking down the 7 pin for a spare. Still, Snedden said
competitive cate- f u f I . " gories (each age Sherne s" s r bracket e n c om" " " "" " p asses just f i v e Washington she was short of her years), each entrant had a good chance 162 average. "I was very comof earning bragging rights. petitive, I bowled in money "I was telling my friend l eagues,"shesaid."AsIage, I — where are all the other e njoy it for the recreation and 50-year-olds?" said Sherrie t he fun and meeting people. If Davis, a 51-year-old from I g e t agoodgame, Igetagood Vancouver, Wa s h ington, g ame. If I don't get a good w ho won her age group even game, oh well,there's a next though she had never played time." Alt h ough the number of shuffleboard before. "When we got here and my friend b owlers exploded after last and I said, 'Oh, we'venever year's low turnout, Snedden played before,' the guys just said she wished the predomjumped right in and said, i n antly Oregon crowd had a 'Here, we'll give you a lesson,' little more company. "I just wish we had more andtheydid. Soitwasalotof fun." people doing it," she said. But asshuffleboard direc— Reporter: 541-383-0305, tor (and competitor) Rob Robvjacobsen@bendbulletin.com
World Cup Continued from C1 "It's any country's opport unity. And t h at's why e v -
erybody friggin' loves this game," said U.S. coach Jill Ellis. "Small countries, big countries, it really is a game
and Germany's Silvia Neid were still playing, Sundhage scored the tying goal in a 3-2 win over Neid and Germany. So far in this World Cup, Neid's team has won twice
and compiled the best goal differential in the tournament
that the world can compete
at plus 14, while Sundhage's Sweden is winless, having
played to three draws.
Matt York I The Associated Press
Jordan Spieth watches his tee shot on the eighth hole during the second round of the U.S. Open at Chambers Bay on Friday. Spieth is tied for the lead with Patrick Reed at 5 under par.
Bunch of bums. You would think he might feelpressure or look for bad omens, like a collapsing part-
Continued from C1 When you're one shot out of the lead on your final hole ner. But Spieth is 21 in only of the second round and, sud- one place — on his birth cerdenly, a playing partner col- tificate. In every other sense, lapses from vertigo and lays he has a maturity that seems on the ground for 10 minutes, ageless. surrounded by medical perA public celebrity life as sonnel, it's supposed to rattle a world-stage star athlete at your immature nerves. such an age is like walking Seriously, when the 10th- down a street with a hundred ranked player in the world open manhole covers. Potenjust drops like he has been tial pitfalls, some small but all pole-axed right next to you, annoying, are everywhere. then when he gets up and Yet Spieth knows where to crumplesto one knee again step. and finally plays out the hole As he played the 18th hole staggering on rubber legs, it (his ninth of the day), Spieth shouldgetinyourhead. was in bunkers twice on his Spieth organized the crowd way to that double bogey and around fallen Jason Day to fumed, into an open TV mic, give him room to b reathe, "Here's the dumbest hole I've shooed away cameras and, ever played in my life." after a 15-minute delay, ended Kids are not supposed to his round by sinking a 10-foot criticize the finishing hole at birdie putt for a 67 and a 5-un- the U.S. Open. You're knockder-par 135 that put him in the ingthe architect (Robert Trent clubhouse tied for the lead. Jones Jr.) and the executive "That was one of the best director of the USGA (Mike birdies I've ever made, given Davis). But Spieth managed it all the situation," Spieth said. perfectly. And he is right. Two classic golf distracIn a stretch for novelty, the t ions, two b i r dies for t h e first and 18th holes can both young Texan, who is of av- be played as a par 4 or 5. So, erage height, average build, each day, the tees get jacked average pro-golfer length, yet around and one is one thing, absolutely exceptional quality the other is the other. " The 18th, as a p a r 5 , in every other way golf can measure. doesn't make much sense. Of You can't adopt him. He al- course when I didn't hit the ready has parents. (And you right shots it's going to make would be in line behind me.) less sense. If microphones are Spieth, who won the Mas- going to pick up (what I say), ters in April, has a chance then they're going to pick it to become the sixth player, up," said Spieth. "I'm not goalong with Arnold Palmer, ing to put a smile on and be Ben Hogan, Jack Nicklaus, Ti- happy with the way I played ger Woods and Craig Wood, the hole. So I am who I am. "The hole doesn't make to win both the Masters and U.S. Open in the same season. sense because you can hit it
But competing is one thing The only other matchup and winning is another. Tak- of top-10 teams is between ing that next step will require s eventh-ranked Brazil a n d a commitment — financial No. 10 Australia. The South a nd otherwise — from t h e Americans are one of just ruling soccer f ederations two unbeaten, untied teams back home. And some teams in this tournament — Japan come begging for that mon- is the other — but Brazil has ey while still fighting pitched scored just four goals in three battles against outdated cul- games, same as Australia. tural perceptions that say a The difference is that Brazil woman's place is not on the has not allowed any while soccer field. Australia has given up four, "There's been lots of talk including three by the U.S. in of other countries overcom- its opener. ing things ... just not having On the other end of the gear and not having enough excitement scale is F r ance funding," said U.S. midfield- versus South K orea. A f ter er Carli Lloyd. "For them to being stunned in a 2-0 loss to overcome them, it's pretty Colombia, France reboundamazing. If only we could up ed to rout Mexico and win the funding a little bit more its group, while South Korea with some of the other coun- needed a friendly crossbar on tries, it would really go a long the last play of its last game
rushed to his side, shooing away photographers as Day Continued from C1 sprawled on the ground. H enrik Stenson said i t Helped to his feet, Day manwas like putting on brocco- aged to finish the hole with a li. Reed was so furious after bogey and a 70 and still was his closing bogey — he made three behind. He was treated only two pars over the final at the course, and his agent 12 holes — that he called it said he was resting comforteMickey Mouse golf' on the ably and hoped to play today. 18th green. Sixteen players remained "But we're in a good po- under par. Spieth is the only sition," Reed said after a 69, one with experience winning "and we hopefully can have amajor. a good weekend and have a Reed has heard about the chance to win." adage that par is always a Spieth and Reed were at good score at the U.S. Open. 5-under 135, one shot ahead He opted for three birdies, an of Branden Grace of South eagle and five bogeys over Africa (67) and Dustin John- the final three hours, at times son, who had the lead for going from the lead to trailmost of the afternoon until he ing but always in the mix. He closed with three bogeys on looked as if he would take the
way with women's soccer."
his last five holes for a 71.
36-hole lead into the week-
Tiger Woods won't be around to watch it unfold. He shot 76 and posted the highest 36-hole score (156) of his pro career.
end when his tee shot on
with Spain to advance.
Some have already made F rance scored a s m a n y inroads. In Spain, for exam- goals in the first 36 minutes ple, where women's soccer against Mexico as South Kohad not been embraced pre- rea scored in t hree games. viously, the team was front- Plus, no team in the second page news despite going win- round has allowed as many less and finishing last in its goals as the Koreans, who group in its World Cup debut. have conceded five. But now t h e e l i mination So if everything goes to round begins and talk of form, expect to see the same growing the g ame g ives familiar flags flying in the way to talk of crushing your quarterfinals with China, the opponent. U.S., Germany, France, BraThe most compelling sec- zil, Japan, Norway and Canaond-round game could be the da all likely to go through. first, with Germany meeting Of those, only France has Sweden this afternoon. It is played in fewer than four the only matchup of top-five World Cups, and only France teams — Germany is No. 1 in and host Canada have failed the latest FIFA rankings and to reach a World Cup final. Sweden is No. 5 — and both So in w o men's soccer, coaches have squared off be- it seems th e m or e t h i n gs fore in a World Cup. In 1995, change the more they stay the when Sweden's Pia Sundhage same.
Day was two shots out of the lead when the Australian
No. 18 stopped just short of a bunker, and his 7-iron found
the middle of the green. The pin was in a valley, however, and from50 feetaway,Reed could get no closer than 20
crashed to the ground as he feet. He headed to the green. Spieth bogey.
down the left center of the
over that," he said. That meet-
i /
In normal human devel-
ing might be on the 72nd hole o pment, 2 1-year-olds a r e Sunday with Spieth in or near supposed to be only partially the lead. formed, ill-suited to seeing all Several of golf's greatest the sides of complicated isplayers won majors at age 21 sues and, at times, they're just or 22. But few, if any, seemed jerks. Years later, that all gets to know themselves so well, sorted out and we meet the and speak their minds with- person theybecome. out seeming as peevish as Spieth has shattered that Spieth already can. Tiger view. Many say he is just what Woods finished with the sec- U.S. golf needs. He might not ond-worst score in the entire be a bad influence on Amerifield (80-76). can manners either. Were players discussing Do we all have a period in Woods' plight? our lives when the best in us "It's a U.S. Open. We have shines while what is darker to maintain an insane amount stays hidden? of focuson ourselves," said How long can such times Spieth. "But, sure, it's Tiger. last? Perhaps, we can h ope Everybody is aware. Everybody hopes that he's back and that Spieth is an exception, a contending soon. I've certain- man who never grows up too ly enjoyed my time with him much. Since he already has. playing practice rounds and — Thomas Boswell is a columnist learning from him. Wish him with The Washington Post.
"I hit the ball in the middle of the green on 18 and have no
chance to putt a normal putt and stop near the hole, and have to play Mickey Mouse golf to try to make par," Reed said. "Unfortunately, a bad way to end the day." Reed knows what to expect from Spieth — they were 2-0-1
Tony Finau, the powerful PGA Tour rookie making his major championship debut, let it rip on his way to a 68. He was in the group at 3-under 137that
included Joost Luiten of The Netherlands (69), Daniel Summerhays (67) and Ben Martin
Rory McIlroy, the world's No. 1player, four-putted on No. in the Ryder Cup. He's not wor- 17 and closed with a bogey for ried about anything but Cham- another 72 that put him nine bers Bay. shots behind. Phil Mickelson "That's how it is at every U.S. shot a 74 and said he struggled Open," he said. "It seems like with thesurface area around until 72nd hole is done, it's any- the holes. He was eight shots body's game." behind. in their partnership as rookies
t h r ee-putted for
"But, no, there's really no fairway and still end up in the right bunker in trouble," he murmur." continued, noting the sloped How do you balance refairway. Those 10-12 bombers spect without saying that can fly over the trouble and you actually hope he wins"play an entirely different hole which means that he would ... for anybody else, you have beat you? How do you apto hit in a 5- or 6-yard area.... preciate Woods' generosity The tee shot should have been with advice, but acknowledge moved up. But I'm not the one that, for now, he's not even a putting the course together." murmur? Spieth's choice? A drive Spieth seems to find his through a needle's eye. way with a spontaneous can"I wasn't going to hit 3-iron dor that does not c ontain into a 550-yard par-4, then hit malice. 3-wood. So, all in all, I thought When Day chipped in from it was a dumb hole today," Spi- 60 yards for a birdie, Spieth eth said. reactedlike a fan."Iscreamed Then came the special Spi- ... as if I was sitting in the galeth twist. Most players, even lery," he said. "It was a cool top ones, get hung up on in- shot to see. "Probably wouldn't scream justice — if i t a ff licts their chances. if he did it on Sunday and "We're going to play it from we were tied, but it was nice there again, so I've got to get today."
I /
FO R C H R Is r
DOW 18,015.95 -99.89
O» To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbugetin.com/business. Also seearecap in Sunday's Businesssection.
S&P 500 2,109 . 99 -11.25
~ M
2 160
Saturday, June 20, 201 5
Homes sales
2,040' " ""'10 DAYS
2,160 "
........ Close: 18,01 5.95
Change: -99.89 (-0.6%) "
2,080 17,600" 2,040.
2,000 "
StocksRecap NYSE NASD
17 940 .
17,680" ""' 10 DAYS "
2,120 "
GOLD $1,201.50 ...
10-YR T-NOTE 2.26% -.07
CRUDEOIL $69.61 -.84
EURO $1.1353 -.0015
StoryStocks The stock market fell modestly Friday, but the market still had its best week in nearly two months. Stocks got a boost from the Federal Reserve earlier in the week, when the Fed's policymakers signaled that they were in no hurry to raise interest rates. Investors remain on edge about the situation in Greece. Bailout negotiations between Greece and its creditors have reached an impasse. Greece needs more loans from its creditors before June 30, when its current bailout program expires and a 1.6 billion euro ($1.8 billion) debt payment is due. Greece's main stock index slumped 11 percent for the week.
16 1800"D " '""j" ""'" F"
HIGH LOW CLOSE C H G. 18117.71 18010.58 18015.95 -99.89 DOW Trans. 8487.59 8411.51 8411.88 -32.50 DOW Util. 576.39 569.64 569.68 -5.78 NYSE Comp. 11092.30 11037.92 11038.97 -61.50 NASDAQ 5140.17 5113.94 5117.00 -1 5.95 S&P 500 2121.64 2109.45 2109.99 -11.25 -3.44 S&P 400 1546.56 1540.63 1540.83 Wilshire 5000 22458.09 22342.38 22347.65 -105.75 -0.02 Russell 2000 1286.58 1281.66 1284.66
%CHG. WK MO QTR -0.55% -0.38% -1.00% -0.55% -0.31% L L L -0.53% -0.22% L -0.47% L
YTD +1.08% -7.97% -7.83% +1.84% +8.04% +2.48% +6.09% +3.13% +6.64%
NorthwestStocks NAME
SILVER $16.10 -.05
Dow jones industrials
Close: 2,109.99 Change: -11.25 (-0.5%)
Vol. (in mil.) 4,240 2,284 Pvs. Volume 3,496 1,836 Advanced 1286 1245 Declined 1845 1554 New Highs 1 05 1 5 0 New Lows 68 37
SstP 500
2,100 "
Economists project that sales of previouslyoccupied U.S. homes increased in May from a month earlier. The pace of sales slowed in April mainly due to relatively few listings and rising prices. The sales rate topped 5 million homes for the second month in a row. The National Association of Realtors is expected to report Monday that sales rose to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 5.21 million last month.
NA SDAQ 5,117 . 00 -15.95
CAG Close:$43.37%4.25 or 10.9% Activist investor firm Jana partners took a 7.2 percent stake in the packaged-foods maker and said it may start a proxy battle. $45 40 35
KB Home
Close:$16.37%1.41 or 9.4% The homebuilder reported better-than-expected fiscal second-quarter profit, but its revenue fell short of Wall Street forecasts. $17 16 15
A M 52-week range
$28.60 $43.62 Volc20.3m (6.5x avg.) P E: ... Mkt. Cap:$18.52b Yie l d: 2.3%
KMX Close:$69.27T-2.69 or -3.7% The used car dealership chain reported better-than-expected first-quarter profit, but its revenue fell short of forecasts. $75
A M 52-week range
J $ 18 88
Volc15.9m (4.8x avg.) P E: 1. 8 Mkt. Cap:$1.51 b Yie l d : 0.6%
Hershey HSY Close:$89.04T-3.22 or -3.5% The chocolate and candy maker expects to cut about 300 jobs by the end of the year and cut its revenue outlook for the year. $110
Alaska Air Group A LK 40.69 ~ 71.40 64. 6 5 +. 6 6 +1.0 L L T +8.2 +35 . 9 4 1 33 1 3 0 . 8 0 -.16 -0.5 L T T -10.7 + 3 . 2 66 2 1 0 1. 3 2 Avista Corp A VA 30.10 ~ 38.34 3 1 . 5 7 84 -4.0 +12.4 78622 26 0 . 20 Bank of America B AC 14. 84 ~ 18.21 1 7. 1 7 -.21 -1.2 T L L Barrett Business BBS I 1 8 .25 ~ 63.45 3 9. 2 1 -1.54 -3.8 T L T +43.1 - 11.8 132 d d 0 . 88 100 70 Boeing Co BA 116.32 ~ 158. 8 3 14 5.13 -.25 -0.2 L L T +11. 7 +1 2 .2 4 698 18 3 . 6 4 90 - 1.7 + 5 . 0 1 2 4 5 7 Cascade Bancorp C A C B4 .14 ~ 5.65 5.10 +. 0 3 +0.6 L L L M A M J M A M J L L +17.2 +27 . 2 522 21 0.72f ColumbiaBnkg COLB 23.90 — 0 33.04 32.35 -.10 -0.3 T 52-week range Eye on the economy Columbia Sportswear COLM 34.25 ~ 64. 92 60.84 +.14 +0.2 LL T + 3 6.6 +46.0 132 30 0.60 $43.27 ~ 52-week range $78 .48 $87.88 ~ $111.35 CO ST 114.51 ~ 1 56.8 5 140.30 -.20 -0.1 L T T -1.0 +2 6.4 2635 27 1 .60f Recentgovernment assessments Costco Wholesale VolJ6.9m (4.3x avg.) P E: 25.4 VolJ5.6m (4.7x avg.) PE: 23 . 8 6 1 cc point to the economy having Craft Brew Alliance B R EW 9.89 ~ 17.89 11. 7 3 +. 1 8 + 1.6 L L T -12.1 +12.4 Mkt. Cap:$14.49 b Yield:... Mkt. Cap:$14.11b Yie l d: 2.4% contracted in the first three -2.8 - 10.9 709 2 1 0 . 44 FLIR Systems F LIR 28.32 ~ 36.01 3 1. 4 0 -.05 -0.2 L T L months of the year. T L -20.8 Healthways HWAY Office Depot ODP Hewlett Packard HPQ 31 , 00 o — 41,1 0 31 . 8 0 -.28 -0.9 T -5.7 14267 13 0.70f The economy hit a soft patch in Intel Corp I NTC 29.31 ~ 37.90 3 2. 6 7 -.31 -1.0 L T L -11.6 +11.3 35802 14 0 . 96 Close:$12.40 T-3.13 or -20.2% Close:$9.09T-0.07 or -0.8% the January-March quarter, partly Keycorp The office supplies retailer said its KEY 11.55 — 0 15.60 15.21 -.16 -1.0 T L L +9.4 +9.5 73 7 2 1 5 0 . 30f The wellness program provider cut its annual revenue forecast, citing shareholders overwhelmingly apreflecting brutally cold winter Kroger Co K R 4 6 .77 ~ 77.74 73. 9 5 +. 4 1 +0.6 L T T +15. 2 +5 7 .1 4 21 6 20 0 . 74 lackluster income from a contract proved the company's $6.3 billion weather in much of the country. -.04 -0.5 T L L and other programs. sale to rival Staples. Lattice Semi LSCC 5.87 ~ 8.50 6.38 -7.4 - 21.9 905 d d The Commerce Department $25 $10.0 LA Pacific L PX 12.46 ~ 18.64 1 7.4 2 -.01 -0.1 T T L +5.2 +19. 4 2 6 89 d d delivers its final estimate of gross -.04 -0.2 L T T -12.6 -37.2 1890 14 0 . 73 20 9.5 MDU Resources MD U 1 9 .49 o — 35. 4 1 2 0 . 55 domesticproduct on Wednesday. L L +20. 6 +2 8 .1 21 56 22 0 . 2 2 MentorGraphics ME N T 18.25 ~ 2 7.3 8 26.44 -.73 -2.7 T 15 9.0 T L GDP, Microsoft Corp MSFT 4 0 .12 ~ 50.05 4 6. 1 0 -.62 -1.3 L -0.8 +1 5.1 48124 19 1 . 24 M A M J M A M J seasonally adjusted annualized change Nike Inc 8 NKE 74.25 — 0 10 6 .67166.53 + .53 +0.5 L L L +10.8 +4 0 .5 3 530 30 1 . 1 2 52-week range 52-week range 6% T -5.3 +12.7 1234 2 1 1 . 48 NordstromInc J WN 64.92 ~ 83.16 7 5. 2 2 -.33 -0.4 L $72.32~ $23.30 $4.28~ $ $.77 5.0 - 1.8 36 6 2 0 1 . 86 Nwst Nat Gas NWN 41.81 ~ 52.5 7 43. 4 2 +. 1 4 +0.3 L T T -13.0 Volc9.4m (15.5x avg.) PE :391.4 Volc12.1m (2.1x avg.) P E: . . . 4 3.5 PaccarInc P CAR 55.34 ~ 71.15 6 4.7 5 -.10 -0.1 T T L -4.8 +4 . 6 2 3 89 1 6 0 .88a Mkt.Cap:$442.66 m Yie ld: ... Mkt. Cap: $4.97 b Yield: ... Planar Systms P LNR 2.12 ~ 9.17 4.67 +. 0 2 + 0.4 L L T -44.2 + 1 07.6 198 1 4 2.2 AirMedia Group AMCN Finisar FNSR 2 -2.5 -1.6 1060 33 1 . 76 Plum Creek P CL 38.70 ~ 45.45 4 1. 7 0 -.13 -0.3 L L T Close: $5.02%1.50 or 42.6% Close:$19.88T-2.27 or -10.2% est. Prec Castparts PCP 186.17 ~ 267. 6 0 21 0.74 -2.04 -1.0 L T L -12.5 - 19.6 1757 1 7 0 . 12 -2.1 -0.7 The Chinese advertising plafforms The fiber optic component supplier 0 SchnitzerSteel S CHN 1 5.06 ~ 28.44 19. 0 6 + . 4 7 +2.5 L L L -15.5 -25.2 425 d d 0 . 75 company received a $6 per share met Wall Street's profit expectaSherwin Wms SHW 201.36 ~ 294. 3 5 28 1.99 -1.52 -0.5 L T T +7.2 +40 . 4 1 7 49 3 1 2 . 6 8 "going private" buyout offer from its tions, but fiscal fourth-quarter reve-2 nue fell short. StancorpFncl S FG 59.28 ~ 78.26 7 7. 3 3 -.20 -0.3 T L L + 10. 7 +2 2 .4 23 9 1 5 1 . 30f CEO and other executives. Q 4 : 'Q1 Q 2 Q3 Q4 : Q t $10 $24 -.18 -0.3 L L L +31.5 +44 . 8 9898 32 0 .64 Starbucks Cp SBUX 35.38 ~ 54.28 5 3 . 9 3 '13 i j'14 i j'15 22 Umpqua Holdings UM P Q 14.70 $ $- 18. 92 16 . 32 -.17 -0.9 T L L +7.7 +6.1 24 4 3 2 2 0. 6 0 Source: Faetaet US Bancorp 20 U SB 38.10 ~ 46.10 4 4. 6 4 -.14 -0.3 T L L -0.7 + 5 .6 13256 14 1.02f WashingtonFedl WAF D 19.52 — o 24.12 23 .66 . .. . .. L L L + 6.8 +7.7 963 15 0. 5 2 M A M J M A M J Cash in, cash out L +4.1 +13. 6 32788 14 1 .50f WellsFargo & Co WF C 4 6.44 — o 57.84 57 .05 -.65 -1.1 T L 52-week range 52-week range The Commerce Department reWeyerhaeuser W Y 3 0.50 ~ 37.04 3 2. 5 7 -.14 -0.4 L T T -9.3 + 9 . 8 4 514 2 6 1 . 16 $1.88~ $7 .78 $14.22~ $ 23.38 ports its latest data on Americans' DividendFootnotes:8 - Extra dividends werepaid, but arenot included. b -Annual rate plus stock. 8 -Liquidating dividend. 8 -Amount declaredor paid in last t2 months. f - Current VolJ 23.3m (9.7x avg.) PE: . VolJ5.4m (5.9x avg.) PE: 62 . 3 income and spending on Thursday. annual rate, whichwasincreased bymost recentdividendannouncement. i —Sum of dividends paidafter stock split, no regular rate. I —Sumof dividends paidthis year.Most recent Mkt. Cap:$301.05 m Ye i ld : . Mkt. Cap:$2.07 b Yield: ... wasomitted or deferred. k - Declared or paidthis year, acumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m — Current annualrate, which wasdecreasedbymost recentdividend Personal income rose a healthy dividend announcement. p — Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r —Declared or paid in preceding 12months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approximate cash SOURCE: Sungard AP 0.4 percent in April after coming value on ex-distribution date.PEFootnotes: q —Stock is 8 closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc —P/Eexceeds 99. dd - Loss in last12 months. in flat the previous month. At the same time, spending remained NET 1YR essentiall y unchanged as consumTREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO QTR AGO ers channeled income gains into 3-month T-bill Shares of Hershey slumped 4 percent rise. .01 savings. Economists anticipate that personal income increased percent on Friday as the chocolate Hershey said that its 6 -month T-bill . 0 5 .0 7 -0.02 T T T .05 I and candy maker lowered its chocolate sales growth in China last month. 52-wk T-bill .21 .22 -0.01 T L T .08 full-year revenue outlook. was below expectations in April Personal income 2-year T-note . 6 2 .6 4 -0.02 T L .45 The yield on the Hershey said that it now and May. In the first quarter, seasonally adjusted percent change 5-year T-note 1.57 1.63 -0.06 T L L 1.69 10-year Treasury foresees revenue rising around sales in China slid 47 percent est fellto 2.26 10-year T-oote 2.26 2.33 -0.07 T L L 2.62 05 2.5 percent to 3.5 percent. It excluding sales of Golden percent Friday. 30-year T-bond 3.05 3.13 -0.08 T L L 3.47 previously predicted a 4.5 percent to 5.5 percent increase. Monkey products, a Chinese food company that Yields affect 0.4 Excluding foreign currency fluctuations, Hershey now Hershey bought a controlling stake in late last year. rates on mortNET 1YR anticipates full-year revenue climbing about 4 percent to Hershey maintains that a slowdown in China's 0.3 gages and other BONDS YEST PVS CHG WK MOQTR AGO 5 percent. Its prior guidance was for a 6 percent to 7 economy is keeping people from buying its goods. consumer loans. 0.2 Barclays LongT-Bdldx 2.90 2.99 -0.09 T L L 3.26 * * Total return 1y r 3-yr 5-yr Herahey (HSY) Friday's close:$89.04 Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.44 4.45 -0.01 T T L 4 56 . 0.1 HSY -8.7% 1 0 . 14. Barclays USAggregate 2.39 2.37 +0.02 T L L 2.31 Price-earnings ratio: 24 flat PRIME FED Barclays US 0 111 High Yield 6.31 6.34 -0.03 L L L 4.91 $88 (Etaaed on past 12-month results) Div. y i e ld: 2.4% D ivi d end:$2.14 RATE FUNDS D i jJ F M A M MoodysAAACorpldx 4.22 4.15+0.07 L L L 4.26 *annuagzed AP Source: FactSet YEST3.25 .13 '14I :'15 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.95 1.98 -0.03 T L L 1.93 6 MO AGO3.25 .13 Source: Factaet Barclays US Corp 3.34 3.31 +0.03 L L 2.98 1 YRAGO3.25 .13 AmdFoctgs SelectedMutualptgnds
::.";,".Hershey " cuts outlook
Marhetsummary NAME
BkofAm GenElec
Apple Inc Microsoft Oracle FrontierCm Intel AT&T Inc WellsFargo Twitter
Most Active VOL (ggs) LAST CHG 17.17 -.21 27.24 -.13 126.60 -1.28 46.10 -.62 41.59 -1.15 5.03 +.03 32.07 -.31 34.99 -.03 57.05 -.65 35.86 +1.20
786223 537342 482000 481240 370460 363925 358023 334493 327882 327168
Gainers NAME
LAST AirMedia 5.02 VitaePh n 15.82 FortressBio 3.66 TraconPh n 13.20 Calithera n 8.66 ActiniumP 3.05 AvalooHld 2.77 ErinEn rs 4.74 Vuzix 7.07 Inuvo 3.45
CHG +1.50 +2.53 +.54 +1.82 +1.19 +.41 +.32 +.54 +.81 +.38
%CHG + 4 2.6 + 19.0 + 1 7.3 + 1 6.0 + 15.9 + 1 5.5 + 1 3 .1 + 1 2.9 + 1 2.9 + 1 2.2
Losers NAME LAST JksvlBcp 1 1 . 70 Healthwys 12.40
OneGpHosp 4.00 E Kodk wtA 3 . 0 3 AthensBcsh 26.50
CHG %CHG -3.19 -21.4 -3.13 -20.2 -.85 -17.5 -.60 -16.5 -5.00 -15.9
Foreign Markets NAME
T. Rowe Price Blue Chip Growth is led by a manager with more than 20 years at the helm, which factors into Morningstar's silver-medal analyst rating.
PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK FUND N AV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR BYR 1 3 5 American Funds AmBalA m 24.97 -.67 +2.1 +5.8 +13.0+12.3 8 A A CaplncBuA m 59.96 -.20 +2.3 +1.7 +10.1+10.0 8 8 A CpwldGrlA m 47.86 -.14 +5.2 +2.7 +15.3+11.6 C 8 C EurPacGrA m 51.66 -.63 +8.3 +1.5 +13.1 +8.8 8 8 C FnlnvA m 53.83 -.25 +5.2 +9.0 +18.2+14.7 C C C GrthAmA m 45.76 -.19 +7.3 +11.2 +19.9+15.3 D 8 C T. Rowe Price BlueChip Growth (TRBCX) IncAmerA m 21.63 -.67 +1.8 +3.1 +11.8+11.5 D 8 A InvCoAmA x 37.82 -.31 +3.5 +7.0 +17.9+14.5 D C C VALUE B L EN D GR OWTH NewPerspA m39.64 -.13 +7.6 +7.3 +16.2+12.8 A 8 8 43WAMutlnvA x 41.19 -.36 +1.5 +5.8 +16.4+15.2 C D A $3 Dodge &Cox Income 13.7 5 + .63 +0.5 + 1 .9 + 3.5 +4.5 C A 8 Cu $u IntlStk 44.64 - . 6 9 +6.0 -2.7 +16.4+10.1 C A A Stock 164.3 1 -1.20+3.1 + 7 .0 +21.6+16.2 8 A A 43Fidelity Contra 103. 6 6 - .36 +6.8 +12.9 +17.8+15.9 C C C 83 ContraK 103 . 62 -.37+6.9 +13.0 +17.9+16.0 C C C CI LowPriStk d 53.28 -.12 +6.0 + 9 .3 +19.4+16.0 A C 8 Fideli S artan 500 l dxAdvtg 74.77 -.40 + 3.5 + 9 .8 +18.3+15.9 8 8 8 FrankTemp-Franklin Income C m 2. 40 -.61 +1.0 -4.0 +8.7 +8.7 E A A $3 IncomeA m 2. 3 8 ... +1 . 7 - 3.1 +9.3 +9.4 E A A Oakmark Intl I 24.96 +.67 +6.9 -2.1 +18.1+10.9 C A A 47$ Oppenheimer RisDivA m 20 . 32 -.11+2.1 +8.2 +15.3+13.6 C E D MorningstarOwnershipZone™ RisDivB m 17 . 96 -.10+1.7 +7.4 +14.3+12.6 D E E RisDivC m 17 . 83 -.10+1.8 +7.4 +14.4+12.7 D E E OeFund target represents weighted SmMidValA m50.72 -.14 +4.3 + 7.7 +20.7+13.5 8 8 D average of stock holdings SmMidValB m42.61 -.12 +4.0 +6.9 +19.7+12.6 C C E • Represents 75% of fund's stock holdings T Rowe Price GrowStk 56.8 6 - . 29 +9.5 +17.3 +19.9+17.8 A A A HealthSci 62.5 2 +.63+ 21.4 +46.7 +37.9+32.2 8 8 A CATEGORY:LARGE VALUE Newlncome 9. 5 1 +.62+0.4 + 2.2 + 2.3 +3.7 C C D IBORNINGSTAR Vanguard 500Adml x 194.56 1.95 +3.5 +9.9 +18.3+15.9 8 8 A RATINB~ ****f r 500lnv x 194.57 1.90 +3.4 +9.7 +18.1+15.8 8 C 8 CapOp 55.96 -.62 +6.1 +15.6 +26.1+17.9 8 A A ASSETS$25,806 million Eqlnc x 31.47 -.39 +2.2 +5.4 +16.3+16.0 C D A EXPRA TIO .72% IntlStkldxAdm 27.72 -.10 +6.9 -3.5 +10.8 NA D D Iglg.INIT.INVES T. $2,500 StratgcEq 34.50 -.66 +7.2 +12.1 +24.2+19.1 A A A PERCEN TLOAD N/L TgtRe2020 29.26 -.65 +2.9 +4.6 +10.8 +9.9 A A A HISTORICALRETURNS TgtRe2030 30.10 -.66 +3.7 +5.0 +13.0+11.3 A 8 8 TgtRe2035 16.56 -.65 +4.0 +5.2 +14.0+12.0 8 8 8 Return/Rank Tgtet2025 17.67 -.64 +3.3 +4.8 +11.9+10.6 A 8 8 YEAR-TO-DATE +8.7 TotBdAdml 10.76 +.63 +0.1 +2.7 +1.8 +3.5 A D D 1-YEAR +16.1/A Totlntl 16.57 -.66 +6.9 -3.6 +10.7 +7.2 D D D 3-YEAR +20.6/A TotStlAdm 53.52 -.25 +4.2 +9.9 +18.8+16.2 8 8 A 5-YEAR +18.6/A TotStldx 53.49 -.25 +4.2 +9.8 +18.6+16.0 8 8 A 3and5-yearretattts aretwnualtzed. USGro 32.27 -.10 +7.9 +16.4 +20.6+17.4 A A A FAMILY
LAST CHG %CHG Paris 4,81 5.37 +11.89 + . 25 London 6,71 0.45 +2.57 + . 04 Frankfurt 11,040.10 -60.20 -.54 Hong Kong26,760.53 + 65.87 + . 25 -.33 Mexico 44,973.41 -1 47.38 Milan 22,699.37 +239.35 +1.07 Tokyo 20,174.24 +1 83.42 +.92 Stockholm 1,562.43 -5.03 -.32 Rank:Fund'sletter grade comparedwith others in Fund Footnotes: b -Feecovering marketcosts is paid from fund assets. d - Deferredsales charge, or redemption Sydney 5,591.53 +68.87 +1.25 the same group; an Aindicates fund performed in fee. f - front load (salescharges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually amarketing feeandeither a sales or Zurich 8,867.32 -12.97 -.15 the top 20 percent; an E, in the bottom 20 percent. redemption fee.Source: Mornirgstar.
The price of oil fell Friday, ending the week nearly flat. In metals trading, gold was little changed, while silver and copper declined. Among crops, corn rose and soybeans fell.
Crude Oil (bbl) Ethanol (gal) Heating Oil (gal) Natural Gas (mmbtu) UnleadedGas(gal)
Foreign Exchange The dollar fell versus the Japanese yen as traders sized up potential economic weakness stemming from the Greek financial crisis. It gained against the euro.
h58 88
Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 59.61 60.45 -1.39 +11.9 -8.4 1.49 1.46 +1.03 1.87 1.92 - 2.52 + 1.1 -2.5 2.82 2.78 +1.40 2.06 2.11 -2.44 +43.4
CLOSE PVS. 1201.50 1201.50 16.10 16.15 1086.80 1082.80 2.59 2.63 707.35 718.60
%CH. %YTD +1.5 - 0.27 + 3 . 5 +0.37 -1 0.1 -1.39 -8.7 -1.57 -11.4
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD -8.3 1.52 1.50 +0.98 Coffee (Ib) 1.27 1.29 -1.20 -23.7 Corn (hu) 3.53 3.58 -1.33 -11.0 Cotton (Ih) 0.63 0.64 - 1.19 + 5 . 1 Lumber (1,000 hd ft) 298.60 298.10 +0.17 -9.8 Orange Juice (Ih) 1.20 1.18 +2.29 -14.1 Soybeans (hu) 9.72 9.78 -0.64 -4.7 Wheat(hu) 4.89 4.88 +0.10 -17.2 1YR.
MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.5882 +.0008 +.05% 1.7042 Canadian Dollar 1.2 262 +.0029 +.24% 1.0823 USD per Euro 1.1353 -.0015 -.13% 1.3608 -.40 -.33% 101.94 JapaneseYen 122.65 Mexican Peso 15. 3 213 +.0044 +.03% 13.0119 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.8267 +.0061 +.16% 3.4412 Norwegian Krone 7 . 7574 -.0399 -.51% 6.1195 South African Rand 12.1540 -.0847 -.70% 10.7237 Swedish Krona 8.1 2 06 -.0064 -.08% 6.6925 Swiss Franc .9173 -.0046 -.50% . 8 943 ASIA/PACIFIC 1.2876 +,0046 +.36% 1.0636 Australian Dollar Chinese Yuan 6.2103 +.0041 +.07% 6.2292 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7516 -.0009 .01% 7.7505 Indian Rupee 63.463 -.182 -.29% 60.145 Singapore Dollar 1.3353 +,001 0 +.07% 1.2497 South KoreanWon 1102.95 -2.84 .26% 1019.96 Taiwan Dollar 3 0.74 + . 0 1 +.03% 30.04
© www.bendbulletin.com/business
Audit faults NHTSA
Google addresses revenge porn Google said it would soon create aprocess for victims of revenge porn to request the removal of private photographs from the search engine's results. Revenge porn is a digital phenomenonthat
in safe
entails the distribution
of sexually explicit images without a person's consent, typically as a form of retribution or blackmail. In a blog post Friday, Google's senior vice president for search, Amit Singhal, said the tech company would post a Webform in the coming weekswhere requests can besubmitted to remove images. "Our philosophy has always beenthat Search should reflect the whole Web. But revengeporn images are intensely personal and emotionally damaging, andserve only to degrade thevictims — predominantly women," Singhal wrote.
GM expands air dag recall General Motors is adding more than243,000 compacthatchbacksin the U.S. andCanadato the growing recall for air bags that canexplode with too muchforce. The company said Friday that the expanded recall for passenger air bags covers the Pontiac Vibe from 2003 through 2007. Thecars were designed byToyota and made at a jointly owned factory in California. They're twins of the Toyota Matrix, which was recalled earlier. The Vibe recall comes after Takata Corp. of Japan agreed in May to double the size of its air bag inflator recall to 33.8 million, making it the largest automotive recallin U.S. history. — From wiro reports
PEOPLE ON THE MOVE • Lindsey Hardy, of Bend, has joined theEnergy Trust of Oregon board of directors. Hardy is the project director of the Bend EnergyChallenge, a program of the Environmental Center in Bend. Sandy Gianotti hasbeen named to the Bethlehem Hardy inn board of directors. Gianotti, who has 35 years of experience in banking, is the executive Gianotti vice president and chief risk officer for Bank of the Cascades. • Fred Baldwin Baldwin, of Century 21 Gold Country Realty in Bend, hasbeen named the 2015 Realtor of the Year bythe Central Oregon Association of Realtors. Baldwin has served onthe multiple listing service of the Central Oregon board, andbeena member ofthe commercial investment division and theRedmond Commercial Group. • Phyllis Lewis, of Sisters, received the Peter Hanson Memorial Award from the Deschutes County Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee as part of the 2015 BigChainring Awards. Lewis is amember of the Sisters Trail Alliance board of directors, city of Sisters Parks Advisory Board and theDeschutes County Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee. • Bob Haas, of Deschutes County, received the Big Chainring Award for Individual from the Deschutes County Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board Committee.
By Danielle Ivory
%I ig
New York Times News Service
Even as evidence poured into the nation's top auto
safety agency pointing to dangerous defects in millions of vehicles, regulators repeatedly failed for years to root out problems and hold carmakers accountable, according Andy Tullis/The Bulletin
Professor Chris Hagenworks in the Oregon State University-Cascades Energy Systems Laboratory. Hagen's research at the campus led to his co-founding of Onboard Dynamics, a Bendcompany working to makecommercial vehicle engines powered by natural gas.
o were
n au r a a s
• Onboard Dynamicis s making progresson its alternative-energy engine research
to a long-awaited internal audit by the Transportation Department.
The bluntly worded report, orderedlastyearafterGeneral Motors began recalling 2.6 million cars with a defective ignition switch, paints a bleak portrait of the National High-
way Traffic Safety Administration, the agency charged with overseeing safety in the auto industry. The agency had weak management, undertrained staff
By Stephen Hamway The Bulletin
for commercializing the converted engines, with quarterly
Nine months after Onboard
milestones to ensure that the
Dynamics received $3.6 million in grant funding, the Bend companyism oving doser to powering cars using compressed natural gas.
company is moving toward its goals. "We're essentially halfway through," Hansen said.
For the company, that
means continuing to improve the engine prototype while working on a business plan to market and sell the engines commercially.
Co-founder and Chief Tech-
nical Officer Chris Hagen, who was featured in the June edition of Popular Science
magazine for his work at Onboard Dynamics, said much of the funding went to
"Our business model is
the research wing of the busibased onleveragingmass-pro- ness to build up its staff and duced engines, and leveraging capabilities. an existing infrastructure of Onboard Dynamics was natural gas," said CEO and founded in October 2013 as a co-founder Rita Hansen. spinoff of research that Hagen Hansen said $2.88 million was conducting already at of the total the company reOregon State University-Casceivedin September came from the Advanced Research
cades, research that continues
gallon of gas.
of vehicle-mounted multi-cyl-
"You can make the return on investment attractive just because of the differential be-
indercompressed naturalgas engines could potentially be available by the end of 2017. tween fuels," Hagen said. In the meantime, Hagen said While natural gas is easy to the goal was to compress air, find, with an estimated 64 mil-
a safe substitute for natural
lion commercial and residential supply points across the country, Hansen said the gas typically reaches homes at about 0.25 pounds per square
gas,to3600psiby September.
inch of pressure, compared to
said the company is targeting organizations with fleets of
used a single-cylinder engine
Dynamics will partner with
to compressand coolthe gas
the Deschutes County Road
as well as powering the car.
Department later this month
"What we found in the first
for a pilot program that will outfit one of the department's trucks with a compressed natural gas engine. "We understand that the endgame is to gettoconsumer tiple cylinders so that we can passenger vehicles, but we are compress more gas, do it more absolutely focused on comquickly and also load the enmercial, industrial business gine more." owners," Hansen said. round was that, only using one cylinder, you spend a lot of energyjust idlingthe engine," Hagen said. "But this time around, we're using mul-
grant gave the company 18
natural gas can cost around
On the business side, Han-
months to demonstrate a plan
$1.50 less than an equivalent
sen said a commercial launch
— Reporter: 541-617-7818, shamway@bendbulletin.com
U.S. plansmajor pollution curbsfor big trucks By Coral Davenport and Aaron M. Kessler
constraints that President Barack Obama has put forth
New York Times News Service
Friday introduced a major climate change regulation
on different sectors of the economy as he seeks to make In his first term, Obama tackling climate change a outlined rules to reduce cornerstone of his legacy. greenhouse gas emissions The proposed rule is meant from automobiles and trucks.
intended to reduce plan-
to increase the fuel efficien-
The new rule further in-
et-warming carbon pollution from heavy-duty trucks. The rule, issued by the
cy of the vast rigs that haul goods as varied as steel,
creases the fuel-efficiency
timber and oil, as well as
Environmental Protection
packages from Amazon.com. is expected to release a final
Agency and the Transpor-
The regulations will also set
set of climate change rules on
are good for the environment — and the economy. When
tation Department, is the
emissionstargetsforother types of trucks larger than
curbing pollution from power plants. And this month, the
trucks use less fuel, shipping costs go down."
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on
latest in a march of pollution
light-duty pickups, like delivery vehicles, dump trucks and buses.
requirements for trucks. In the months ahead, the EPA
inspector general found. Repeatedly, investigators missed opportunities to identify that
the engine and disabling systems such as power steering
get the most value from using CNG over gasoline. Onboard
system is cost. Hagen said
Transportation Department's
In the short term, Hansen
usable for vehicles. The initial round of tests
aren't ready for the private sector. She added that the
and complaints submitted by drivers, the report by the
the ignition switch was prone
vehiclesbecause they would
Projects Agency-Energy, an agency within the U.S. Department of Energy designed to advance technologies that
data submitted by automakers
moving doser toward a commercial product," he said.
the 3,600psi that compressed natural gas must reach to be
on campus today. He said the company's focus was initially on proving that compressed natural gas from households could work commercially. The chief benefit to the
"Each one of these steps is
and insufficient processes in place to properly review safety
agency proposed a legal step that could lead to regulating emissions from airplane engines. "Once upon a time, to be pro-environment you had to be anti-big-vehicles," said Transportation Secretary Anthony Foxx. "This rule will change that. In fact,
these efficiency standards
to turn off, shutting down and the air bags. At least 114
deaths have been linked to the defect. And the agency's shortcomings extended to oth-
er problems as well. Ultimately, the report said, the agency's systemic failings "deter NHTSA from successfully meeting the mandate to help prevent crashes and their attendant costs, both human
and financial." The 42-page document, obtained by The New York Times in advance of its official release next week, follows another in-
ternal reportpublishedby the Transportation Department two weeks ago, in which the
safety regulator acknowledged its own failings in the years leading up to GM's ignition recall. But that report focused blame squarely on GM for deceiving the agency and withholding useful information. The inspector general's report, by contrast, kept its focus on the agency's shortcomings. The criticism by the inspector general, Calvin Scovell III, is at once damning and direct. The agency does not thoroughly screen consumer complaints, of which it receives roughly 330 per day, the report said. The agency does not verify that manufacturers' reports about potential defects
that may have caused injuries and death are complete and accurate.
BEST OFTHE BIZ CALENDAR TODAY • U.S. Cellular Device Workshop:Learn about any device; 6:30 p.m.; U.S. Cellular, 1380 SWCanal Blvd., Suite 1of, Redmond or 541-548-8830. MONDAY • Build a Business Wsbsits withWordPrsss, Intermediate:Learn to customize your WordPress site with themesandhow to best protect your site from spammers, hackers and malware; continues through July 1; 6 p.m.; $179; registration required; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 NW Coll egeWay,Bend; 541-383-7270. • Pitch YourBizwith Passion 8 Prowess: Join Diane Allen, whohas been a pitch coach for the Bend Venture Conference; 6:30 p.m.; limited seating; BendCreative
Space, 19855 Fourth St., Suite105, Bend; for reservations: tiny.cc/ pitchpassionprowess or 541-61 7-0340. TUESDAY • Online Marketplace Symposium: Learnabout online marketplaces and make ecommercepart of your company's growth plan. 6 p.m.; $249;COCC Redmond CampusTechnology Education Center, 2324 NE College Loop, Redmond;www. cocc.edu/sbdc or 541-383-7290 • WomenandMoney: Are ysu Readyfor Change?:Learn how to organize important papers, complete financial documents, review your investment goals and identify reliable resources; 6 p.m.; Mid Oregon Credit Union, 1386 NE Cushing Drive, Bend; www.midoregon.com or 54I-382-i795
THURSDAY • Get the BestCarDeak Determine howmuch you can afford, how to usea car inspection and testdrive checklist, negotiate price, benefits of buying used and how todecipher financing options; 6 p.m.; registration required; Mid Oregon Credit Union East Branch, 1386 NE Cushing Drive, Bendor 541-382-1795. • Meet with Hsggsn Leaders:The newgrocery chain in Bendinvites those interested in selling their wares onHaggen shelves, nonprofits that want to learn about the community giving program andsmall businesses that want to explore co-marketing programs; 5 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 NW College Way,Bend; www.haggen.coml or
502-250-4750. • Lunch andLearn — Monthly Market Overviews:Presentation by Jacob Fain, financial adviser; noon; Morgan Stanley, 705 SWBonnett Way, No. 1200, Bend,or 541-617-60 i3. JUNE29 • Bend AreaHabitat for HumanityHomeownership Information Session: Bend AreaHabitat is looking for families to apply for our partnership program; information session, 5:30 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 NE Ninth St., Bend; www.bendhabitat.org or 541-385-5387. JUNE30 • Online Marketplace Symposium: Learnabout online marketplaces and makee-commerce part of your company's growth plan. 6 p.m.; $249;
Redmond COCC Campus — Technology Education Center, 2324 NE College Loop, Redmond; www. cocc.edu/sbdcor 541-383-7290. JULY1 • Business Startup: Coverthe basicsin this class anddecide if running a business isforyou; 6p.m.; $29; registration required; COCCChandler Lab, 1027 NW Trenton Ave., Bend; www.cocc.edu/sbdc or 541-383-7290. JULY7 • Real Estate Broker License Course: Preparation for the Oregon RealEstate Broker's LicenseExam; foweeks; meets the 150-hour requirement of the Oregon RealEstate Agency (OREA); 6p.m.; $600; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 NW Coll egeWay ,Bend or
541-383-7270. JULY10 • ContractorsCCBTest Prep course:Two-day class to prepare for the state-mandated test, which is not included, to become alicensed construction contractor in Oregon; 8:30 a.m.; $359; registration required; COCCRedmond Campus — Technology Education Center, 2324 NECollege Loop, Redmond; wwtN.cocc.edu/ccb or 541-383-7290. JULY11 • HomsbuyerEducation Workshop:Understand the buying process, access safe mortgage loans and prepare for the responsibilities of homeownership; 9 a.m.; $45 per household; Bend Neighborlmpact Office, 20310 Empire Ave., Suite A100,Bend; www.neighborimpact.
org/homebuyerworkshop-registration/or 541-323-6567. JULY14 • BusinessStartup:Cover the basics anddecide if running a business is foryou;11 a.m.; $29; COCC Crook County Open Campus,510SE Lynn Blvd., Prineville; www.cocc.edu/sbdc or 541-383-7290. JULY16 • Growth Trends in Central Oregon: Discussion of the region's growth through 2040; 11:30 a.m.; $35; register by 5 p.m.July 13; lunch included; St. Charles Center for Health and Learning, 2500 NE Neff Road, Bend; www.cityclubco.org/ or 54 I-633-7 l63. • For the completecalendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or visitbendbullslin.com/bizcal
IN THE BACK ADVICE Ee ENTERTAINMENT W Support groups, D2 Religious services, D2-3 Volunteer search, D5 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2015
O www.bendbulletin.com/community
urnin to ros to en a toast
Dog competitions at fairgrounds The NW Barn Dogs LLC Sanctioned Barn Hunt Trial will be held June 27and 28at the Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 SW Airport Way in Redmond, in conjunction with the Mt. Bachelor Kennel Club American Kennel Club Show,Agility and Obedience Trials on June 26-28. In the Barn Hunt, dogs demonstrate their vermin-hunting ability to find and mark rats in a barn-like setting using hay bales as climbing and tunneling obstacles. The eventfeatures two trials daily, open to all sizes of breeds and mixed breeds. Day-of show entries will be accepted until the limit of 120 runs is reached. Contact: info©mbkc. info or www.mbkc.org.
Wanderlust starts coffee tour
By Bruce Feiler New York Times News Service
When Tom Ruggiero was asked to offer a toast at the wedding of his friends Jessie and Ben last year, he panicked. A
32-year-old real estate law-
yer in New York, Ruggiero
was not accustomed to
t t I
Danny Goldfield i Submitted photos
Grayce Goodrich, 104, attends the wedding of her 40-year-old granddaughter at Aspen Hall in Bend onSunday. Photographer Danny Goldfield photographed Goodrich as part of his "To Live10,000 Years" project.
didn't know how to dance around that awkwardness.
"I couldn't tell a cute
Bend coffee lovers now have a local tour designed just for them. Wanderlust Tours' new coffee roastery tour is offered 9:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. daily and includes tastings at three local coffeehouses, plus a visit to an artisan coffee-roasting facility. The coffee roastery tours rotate among Bend's six gourmet coffee roasters and many of the city's coffeehouses, while Wanderlust's professional guides offer historic interpretation of Bend along the way. Tour participants will meet with the artisans and roasters of the coffee beans, learn how and where the beans are grown and hear stories
story about how they met,"
he said. Then Ruggiero had an idea:Maybe he could hire someone to help script his remarks. "Just knowing the president has speechwriters, and others hire
writers for PR or press reasons," he said, "I thought I'd get a little creative."
After a Google search turned up a company in Brooklyn called Oratory Laboratory, Ruggiero started working with a
• A photographer documenting two centenarians in each staterecentlyfound oneof hissubjects in Bend rayce Goodrich has lived a pretty good life for the past 104 years and 14 days. She raised a huge family, saw Celilo Falls before Martha, a100-year-old from Maryland.
it was replaced by the Bonneville Dam and built a house in Northeast Bend's Orchard District at a time when that trendy neighborhood was mostly pasture and grazing land.
"(This city has) grown up around us," said Goodrich, whose secret to being one of the Central Oregon's 20-plus centenarians
found doing to calm the nerves?"), forwarded him for feedback, then met him in person to hone his delivery. Ruggiero was thrilled with the outcome. "She really went into what it
means to love someone even though it might be a precarious situation," he
said. "People were talking about my speech the whole wedding." Ruggiero is one of a growing number of people who turn to ghostwrit-
erstohelp them prepare speeches not for professocial and family ones: weddings, anniversaries, Sweet 16s, bar and bat
Henry, a102-year-old from Alaska.
children. 14 grandchildren and 28 being one of two Oregonians photo- great-grandchildren. graphed for "To Live 10,000 Years," a Goodrich still lives in a four-bedGoodrich has th e
Bend Park &Rec seeks volunteers
6127. — Bulletin staff reports
kickbox, what can Ben be
sional situations but for
is to just "live for the next day."
The Bend Park & Recreation District is looking for teenage volunteers to help with its summer youth recreation programs. While requirements for each program vary, prospective volunteers must be at least12 years old and will be asked to work through the duration of the summer. Teensmust havea desire to be involved in their community and be self-motivated. Theywill be expected to create a positive, encouraging environment for participants of all ability levels. Volunteers who are18 or older must complete a criminal background check. Applications can be picked up through the park district's website at https://register.bendparksandrec.org. For more information, email Volunteer Coordinator Kim Johnsonat kim@bendparksandrec. org or call 541-706-
founder, Victoria Wellman. She sent him a detailed questionnaire (Q: "Some people like to meditate to relax, some people like to
a draft two weeks later
By Mac McLeanaThe Bulletin
of the relationships that
are forged with the family coffee plantations worldwide. Coffee roastery tours cost $30 per person and include transportation (with some walking also required), guide, coffee tastings, a locally baked treat and a behind-the-scenes look at one roastery. Tours meet at Visit Bend, 750 NW LavaRoad, Suite160, in downtown Bend. For information and reservations, visit www.bendbrewbus. com or call 541-389-
public speaking. "I do transactional work," he said. "Everything is over the phone." Adding to his anxiety, the bride had been married when she fell in love with Ben, and Ruggiero
national art project that seeks to tell
room house she and her husband built
the stories of some of the country's oldest residents. Photographer Danny Goldfield said he hopes to photograph two 100-year-olds — one man and one woman — from each state for this ef-
on Northeast Eighth Street before that road was paved. Back then the neigh-
Theresa, a 101-year-old from Connecticut
est neighbors lived across the street. Grazing land stretched for at least three
city blocks between Northeast Quimby pretty good time as he hopes to knock and Northeast Revere avenues. out 30 of these photos by the time Although the area has been built he finishes a 15-state road trip that up since then, Goodrich admits she brought him to Bend. doesn't know most of the area's most "If people connect with these pho- recent residents because she's "not a tos," said Goldfield, who explained good neigbhor" and keeps to herself. why he set out on this portrait project. Goodrich has had some great times "Then the next time they see an old- at this house, but not every memory er person, they might start talking to was a happy one. She said Alva was them and learn their story." killed by a "drunk client who went on
borhood was pretty desolate. Her clos-
fort and that he's been making some
d i stinction of
The subject
a shootingspree" about 10 years after
her sis ter died.Those losses were folBorn in her parent's house on June lowed by several family members suf6, 1911, Goodrich was the second of fering heart problems. three sisters. Ruth, the oldest, died of Goodrich pressed on, and today a heart attack in 1963. Sue is 97 years enjoys a pleasant life. She often eats old. Their father worked as a doctor at lunch in her backyard where her famia mill near Portland. Goodrich moved ly continues to raise ahandful of sheep. to Bend in 1937 and spent a year work- She visits with her younger sister, who ing as a laboratory assistant for Dr. lives in McMinnville. Clyde J.Rademacher, founder of Bend Last weekend, Goodrich attended Memorial Clinic, before she married her 40-year-old granddaughter ChrisAlva Goodrich and started a family. tine's second wedding. He died in 1973. The couple had four SeeCentenarians/D5
Jack, a100-year-old from Maryland.
mitzvahs, baby namings, even funerals.
Toast whisperers, as theymaybe called,are a popular if secretive breed. In recent years, active shops have popped up in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Washington, generally charging $500 and up. (Ruggiero paid $1,000because he officiated as well.)
Tongue-tied At a time when every-
thing is a branding opportunity, and toasts live on for posterrty rn socral
media, few people want to be memorialized "um"-ing, "you know"-ing" and "remember that time we got drunk"-ing their way into ignominy. And yet: Nobody wants to admit he Botoxed his son's bar mitzvah toast
with some punch lines from an "Everybody Loves Raymond" writer. A
result is a little-known under-the-table economy. Lindsi Shine, a high-end lifestyle consultant in New York with more than 400 clients, mostly celebrities,
"If people connect with these photos. Then the next time they see an older person, they might start talking to them
athletes and Wall Street
and learn their story."
sends the tongue-tied rich-
Arline, a100-year-old from NewHampshire.
— Danny Goldfield, photographer behind thenTo Live10,000 years" project
executives, has a small stable of ghostwriters she est 1 percent to. SeeToasts /D4
RELIGIOUS SERVICES To submit service information or announcements for religious organizations, email bulletin@bendbulletin.com or call 541-633-2117.
SERVICES BEND CHRISTIANFELLOWSHIP: Pastor Dave Miller; Part two of "GoneFishing";10 a.m.Sunday; 7 p.m.Wednesday 4Twelveyouth group; 19831 Rocking Horse Road, Bend; 541-382-6006 or www. bendchristianfellowship.com. BEND CHURCHOFTHE NAZARENE: Pastor Virgil Askren; "104"; 8 a.m. casual worship in the youth room, 10:15 a.m. regular worship in the sanctuary, Sunday; 9 a.m. (Hispanic service) Sunday;1270 NE27th St., Bend; 541-382-5496 or www. bendnaz.org. COMMUNITY BIBLECHURCH AT SUNRIVER:Guest speaker Mike Johnston; "The Fatherhood ofGod," based on1 John 3:1-3; 9:30a.m. Sunday; 1 Theater Drive, Sunriver; 541-593-8341 or www.cbchurchsr. org. COMMUNITY OFCHRIST: Evangelist Bruce Crockett; "Come in the Name of the Lord," based on 1 Samuel17:32-49; 10:30 a.m. worship, 9:30 a.m. continental breakfast, 10:15 a.m. praise singing Sunday; 20380 Cooley Road, Bend; 541-388-1011 or www.
bendcommunityofchrist.org. 2175 SW Salmon Ave., Redmond; 541-548-1473. COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH:Pastor Rob Anderson; FATHER'S HOUSE CHURCH: "Facing the Storms of Life," based Pacific Northwest Church of God on Mark 4:35:41; 9 a.m. and11 a.m. Administrative Bishop Vaughn Sunday; 529 NW19th St.,Redmond; Matthews; "The Church Is Losing 541-548-3367 or www.redmondcpc. Our Children"; 10 a.m. Sunday; 7 org. p.m. Wednesday youth group; 61690 CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION: Pettigrew Road,Bend;541-382-1632 or www.fathershouseinbend.church. The Rev. Willis C. Jenson; "God's Mercy in Christ Is the Enlightened THE FELLOWSHIPAT BEND: Pastor UnderstandinogfGod,"basedon Loren Anderson; "The Gospel Job 38:2; 11 a.m. Sunday; 10 a.m. According to Isaac,"basedon Sundayschool; TerrebonneGrange Genesis 22; 10 a.m. Sunday; 6 p.m. Hall, 828611th St., Terrebonne; 541- Sunday youth group; 21530 Butler 325-6773 or www.lutheransonline. Market Road, Bend; 541-385-3100 com/concordialutheranmission. or www.tfab.com. DISCOVERYCHRISTIAN CHURCH: FIRST PRESBYTERIANBEND: Minister Dave Drullinger; "A Steven Koski; "Rhythms of Grace: New Spirit for Prayer," based on Acceptance," based on Proverbs Acts 4:24-31; 10 a.m. Sunday; 4:23, Romans12:2, Mark 8:36 and noon Thursday sack lunch Bible Matthew22:37-40;10 a.m.Sunday; study; 334 NW Newport Ave., 230 NE Ninth St., Bend; 541-382Bend; 541-382-2272 or www. 4401 or www.bendfp.org. discoverychristianchurch.com. FOUNDRYCHURCHOFBEND: EASTMONTCHURCH:Pastor Pastor Trevor Waybright; "In John Nagle; "Book of Philippians Conclusion ..." based on1 John 5:13-21; 10:15 a.m. Sunday; 60 NW Series," based on Philippians1:2026; 8:30 a.m. (traditional hymn Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-382-3862 or service) and10a.m. (contemporary www.foundrybend.org. service) Sunday; 62425 Eagle Road, GRACEBIBLECHURCHOFBEND: Bend; 541-382-5822 or www. Pastor Phil Kooistra; "Jesus the eastmontchurch.com. Merciful Savior," based on Luke EMMAUS LUTHERANCHURCH, 15:11-32; 10 a.m. Sunday; 5:30 p.m. LCMS:Pastor David Poovey; 9:15 Sunday youth group; 63945 Old a.m. Bible study, 10:30 a.m. worship; Bend Redmond Highway, Bend; 541-
728-3897 or www.gracebibleofbend. org. GRACEEVANGELICALLUTHERAN CHURCH:Layperson; 10:30 a.m. Sunday; 7525 Falcon Crest Drive, Redmond; 509-899-5018 or www. gracelcaeaglecrest.org. GRACEFIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH:Barbara Novelli; "Rowing in a Storm" and "The Raft of Salvati on";9:30 a.m.Sunday; 2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-382-6862 or www. gracefirstlutheran.org. HOLY COMMUNIONEVANGELICAL CATHOLICCHURCHOFBEND:The Rev. James Radloff; Bible study, 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. Wednesdays, 587 NE Greenwood Ave.; 541-408-9021
nativityinbend.com. REAL LIFECHRISTIAN CHURCH: Pastor Mike Yunker; "Wandering," based on Numbers10; 8 a.m. traditional,10 a.m. contemporary and 6:30 p.m. guitar led Sunday; 6:30 p.m. youth group Wednesday; 2880 NE 27th St., Bend; 541-312-8844. SAINT JACOB OFALASKA ORTHODOX CHRISTIANCHURCH: Reader services10 a.m. Sunday; 1900 NE Division St., Bend; 541203-0316 or www.saintjacob.org. UNITARIANUNIVERSALISTS OF CENTRALOREGON:Rev. Antonia Won; "Blessings and Praises: Celebrating Our Abundance"; 10:30 a.m. Sunday; 61980 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend; 541-385-3908 or www. or info©holycommunionbend.org. uufco.org MOST SACREDHEART,ROMAN WESTSIDECHURCH:Pastor Ken CATHOLICCHAPEL:Father Bernard; Johnson; "Think"; 6:30 p.m. today; Traditional Catholic Latin Mass; 9 8 a.m., 9 a.m. and10:45 a.m. a.m. Sunday, confessions heard Sunday; WestsideChurch West before Mass; 1051 SWHelmholtz Campus, 2051 NWShevlin Park Way, Redmond; 541-548-6416. Road, Bend; 541-382-7504 or www. NATIVITY LUTHERANCHURCH westsidechurch.org. ELCA:Pastor Chris Kramer; WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: "Sundays After Pentecost," based Pastor Gary Burton; "Legacy of on Job 38:1-11, Psalm107:1-3 and Love";10:30 a.m.Sunday;W estside 23-32, and Mark 4:35-41; 9 a.m. Church South Campus, 1245 SE informal worship, 11 a.m. formal worship Sunday; 9 a.m. prayer group Third St., Bend. Wednesday; 10 a.m. Bible study WESTSIDESISTERS CAMPUS: Wednesday; 60850 Brosterhous Pastor Jerry Kaping; "Who DoYou Road, Bend; 541-388-0765 or www. Say I Am?"; 10:45 a.m. Sunday;
Westside Church Sisters Campus, 442 Trinity Way, Sisters. WESTSIDEONLINE CAMPUS: Pastor Ken Johnson; "Think"; 6:30 p.m.today;9a.m.and 10:45a.m . Sunday; www.westsidelive.org. WESTSIDERADIO CAMPUS: A panel discussion on the topic of "Generati ons";8:30 a.m.Sunday; Heirborne radio show on KBND, AM 1110.
EVEMTS, MEETIMGS July 20-24 SUMMER FAMILYQUEST:A weeklong event for families; singing and playing together; Bible lessons, outdoor activities; 6 p.m. each day; New Hope Church, 20080 Pinebrook Blvd., Bend; www.newhopebend. com or 541-389-3436.
August 3-7 BIBLE BLASTTOTHEPASTVBS: "Bible Blast to the Past" Vacation Bible School; classes for K-5 and preschool class for ages3~/~to 5 (space is limited); 9 a.m. to noon; download and mail registration forms now; www.nativityinbend.com/ ministry/children; Nativity Lutheran Church, 60850 Brosterhous Road, Bend;541-815-8878.
SUPPORT GROUPS The following list contains support group information submitted to The Bulletin. Submissions must be updated monthly for inclusion. To submit, email relevant details to communitylife@bendbulletin.com. ABILITREEPEER GROUP FOR PERSONSAFFECTEDBYA DISABILITY:541-388-8103. ABILITREE YOUNG PEER GROUP: 541-388-8103 ext. 219. ABILITREEBRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP:541-388-8103. ADHD ADULT SUPPORT GROUP: 541-420-3023. ADOPTIVEPARENTSUPPORT GROUP: 541-389-5446. ADULTCHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS: 541-633-8 I89. AGE WIDEOPEN (ADULT CHILDREN SUPPORT GROUP): 541-410-4162 or www.agewideopen.com. AIDSEDUCATION FOR PREVENTION, TREATMENT,COMMUNITY RESOURCES ANDSUPPORT (DESCHUTESCOUNTYHEALTH DEPARTMENT):541-322-7402. AIDSHOT LINE:800-342-AIDS. AL-ANON: 541-728-3707 or www. centraloregonal-anon.org. ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS (AA): 541-548-0440 or www.coigaa.org. ALS SUPPORTGROUP: 541-977-7502. ALZHEIMER'SASSOCIATION: 541-548-7074. ALZHEIMER'SASSOCIATION CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-330-6400. ALZHEIMER'SASSOCIATION CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUPASPEN RIDGE: 800-272-3900. ALZHEIMER'S/DEMENTIA CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-948-7214. AUTISMRESOURCE GROUP OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-788-0339. BENDATTACHMENTPARENTING: 541-385-1787. BEND S-ANONFAMILY GROUP: 888-285-3742. BEND ZENMEDITATION GROUP: 541382-6122 or 541-382-6651. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORTGROUPS: 541-382-5882. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORTGROUPS: St. Charles Hospice; 541-706-6700. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORT GROUP/ADULTSAND CHILDREN: 541-383-3910. BEYOND AFFAIRS NETWORK: A peer group for victims of infidelity, baninbend@yahoo.com. BRAININJURY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-382-9451. CANCERFAMILYSUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-5864. CANCERINFORMATION LINE: 541-706-7743. CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-536-7399. CELEBRATE RECOVERYBEND:Faith Christian Center, 541-383-5801; Westside Church, 541-382-7504; centraloregoncr.org CELEBRATE RECOVERY LAPINE: Grace Fellowship, 541-536-2878; High Lakes Christian Church, 541-5363333; Living Waters Church, 541-5361215; centraloregoncr.org CELEBRATE RECOVERYMADRAS: Living HopeChristian Center, 541475-2405 or centraloregoncr.org. CELEBRATERECOVERY REDMOND: Redmond Assembly of GodChurch, 541-548-4555 or centraloregoncr. org. CENTRALOREGON ALZHEIMER'S/ DEMENTIACAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP:541-504-0571. CENTRALOREGONAUTISM ASPERGER'S SUPPORTTEAM: 541-633-8293. CENTRALOREGONAUTISM SPECTRUM RESOURCEAND FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP:541-279-9040. CENTRALOREGON COALITION FOR ACCESS(WORKING TO CREATE ACCESSIBLE COMMUNITIES): 541-385-3320. CENTRALOREGONCOUNCILON AGINGCAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP:541-678-5483orcmcguire@ councilonaging.org. CENTRALOREGONDEPRESSION AND ANXIETYGROUP: 541-318-6228. CENTRALOREGON DISABILITY
SUPPORTNETWORK:541-548-8559 HEARTS OF HOPE:Abortion healing; or www.codsn.org. 541-728-4673. CENTRALOREGON FAMILIESWITH IMPROVE YOUR STRESS LIFE: 541-706-2904. MULTIPLES: 541-330-5832 or 541-388-2220. INFERTILITY SUPPORT GROUP CENTRALOREGON LEAGUE OF (RESOLVE):541-604-0861. AMPUTEESSUPPORT GROUP LA LECHE LEAGUEOFBEND: (COLA):541-480-7420 or www. 54 I-3 I7-59 I2. ourcola.org. LIVING WELL (CHRONIC CENTRALOREGON RIGHTTO LIFE: CONDITIONS):541-322-7430. 541-383-1593. LIVING WITHCHRONICILLNESSES CHILDCAR SEAT CLINIC (PROPER SUPPORT GROUP:541-536-7399. INSTALLATIONINFORMATION FOR LUPUS 8E FIBROMYALGIA SUPPORT SEATANDCHILD): 541-504-5016. GROUP: 541-526-1375. CHILDREN'SVISION FOUNDATION: MADRAS NICOTINE ANONYMOUS 541-330-3907. GROUP: 541-993-0609. CHRISTIANWOMEN OF HOPE MATERNAL/CHILDHEALTH (WOMEN'SCANCER SUPPORT PROGRAM(DESCHUTES GROUP):541-382-1832. COUNTYHEALTHDEPARTMENT): CLAREBRIDGEOFBEND 54 I-322-7400. (ALZHEIMER'SSUPPORT GROUP): MEMORY CARESUPPORT GROUP: 541-385-4717 or rnorton1@ 541-848-4144 or acs©touchmark. brookdaleliving.com. com. CO-DEPENDENTSANONYMOUS MENDED HEARTSSUPPORT GROUP: BEND:541-610-7445. 54 I-706-4789. CO-DEPENDENTSANONYMOUS MISCARRIAGESUPPORT GROUP: REDMOND:541-610-8175. 541-514-9907. COFFEEAND CONNECTION CANCER MOMMY ANDMEBREASTSUPPORTGROUP:541-706-2969. FEEDINGSUPPORT GROUP: Laura, COMPASSIONATEFRIENDS (FOR 54 I-322-7450. THOSE GRIEVINGTHE LOSS MULTIPLESCLEROSIS SUPPORT OF ACHILD): 541-480-0667 or GROUP: 541-706-6802. 541-536-1709. NARCONON: 800-468-6933. CREATIVITYA WELLNESS — MOOD NARCOTICS ANONYMOUS (NA): GROUP:541-647-0865. 54 I-4 I6-2 I46. CROOKED RIVER RANCHADULT NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL GRIEF SUPPORT: 541-548-7483. ILLNESSOF CENTRAL OREGON DEFEATCANCER:541-706-2969. (NAMI):Email: namicentraloregon@ DEFEATCANCERYOUNG gmail.com or www. ADULTSURVIVOR NETWORK: namicentraloregon.org. 541-706-2969. NAMI BEND — EXTREME STATES: 541-647-2343 or www. DESCHUTESCOUNTYMENTAL HEALTH24-HOUR CRISISLINE: namicentraloregon.org 541-322-7500. NAMI BENDCONNECTIONS:541480-8269, 541-693-4613 or www. DEPRESSIONAND BIPOLAR namicentraloregon.org SUPPORT ALLIANCE: 541-549-9622 or 541-771-1620. NAMI BENDFAMILY SUPPORT GROUP: whitefam@bendcable.com or DEPRESSIONAND BIPOLAR www.namicentraloregon.org SUPPORT: 541-480-8269 or suemiller92@gmail.com. NAMI-CODUAL DIAGNOSIS ANONYMOUS GROUP: 541-408-7568 DEPRESSIONSUPPORT GROUP: or tinasmith700©gmail.com 541-617-0543. NAMI LA PINECONNECTIONS:541DIABETESEAT FOR LIFE!:541-306536-1151 or karless2003©yahoo. 6801, www.centraloregonnutrition. com. com or Ibrizee© centraloregonnutrition.com. NAMI MADRASCONNECTIONS:For peers, 541-475-1873 or namimadras© DIABETICSUPPORT GROUP: gmail.com. 541-598-4483. NAMI MADRASFAMILY SUPPORT DISABILITY SUPPORT GROUP: GROUP: lindamccoy79@gmail.com. 541-388-8103. NAMI MADRAS FAMILY-FAMILY DIVORCE CARE:541-410-4201. SUPPORT GROUP: 541-475-3299 or DOUBLETROUBLERECOVER Y: www.namicentraloregon.org Addiction and mental illness group; NAMI PRINEVILLEFAMILY 541-317-0050. SUPPORTGROUP:dawnmountz© DYSTONIASUPPORT GROUP: gmail.com 541-388-2577. NAMI REDMOND FAMILYSUPPORT ENCOPRESIS (SOILING): 541-548GROUP: 541-548-8637 or 2814 or encopresis@gmail.com. namicentraloregon©gmail.com. EVENINGBEREAVEMENT SUPPORT NAMI REDMONDCONNECTIONS: GROUP: 541-460-4030 541-693-4613 or www. FAITHBASED RECOVERY GROUP: namicentraloregon.org. Drug and alcohol addictions; NEWBERRY HOSPICEOF LA PINE: pastordavid©thedoor3r.org. 541-536-7399. FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: OREGON COMMISSIONFOR THE 541-389-5468. BLIND:541-447-4915. GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS: OREGON CURE: 541-475-2l64. Redmond 541-280-7249, Bend OREGON LYMEDISEASE NETWORK: 541-390-4365. 541-312-3081 or www.oregonlyme. GAMBLINGHOT LINE:800-233-8479. org. GERIATRICCARE MANAGEMENT: OVEREATERSANONYMOUS: 541info@paulbattle.com or 306-6844 or www.oa.org. 1-877-867-1437. PARENTS/CAREGIVERSOF GLUCOSECONTROL LOW CARB DIET CHILDRENAFFECTEDBYAUTISM SUPPORTGROUP:kjdnrcd©yahoo. SUPPORT GROUP:541-771-1075 or com or 541-504-0726. www.coregondevdisgroupaso.ning. com. GLUTENINTOLERANCEGROUP (CELIAC):541-390-2399. PARENTSOFMURDEREDCHILDREN (POMC)SUPPORT GROUP: GRANDMA'SHOUSE:Supportfor 54I-4I0-7395. pregnant teensandteenmoms; 541-383-3515. PARISH NURSES ANDHEALTH GRANDPARENTSSUPPORTGROUP: MINISTRIES:541-383-6861. 541-385-4741. PARKINSON'SCAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP:541-317-1188. GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP: 541-3066633, 541-318-0384 or mullinski@ PARKINSON'SDISEASE SUPPORT bendbroadband.com. GROUP: 541-419-9964. GRIEFAND LOSS SUPPORT GROUP: PARTNERS IN CARE:Home health 541-508-4036 orwww.gohospice.com, and hospice services; 541-382-5882. PAUL'SCLUB:Dads and male GRIEFSHARE (FAITH-BASED) RECOVERYCLASS:541-350-6435. caregiver support group; 541-548-8559. HEALINGENCOURAGEMENT FOR ABORTION-RELATEDTRAUMA PFLAG CENTRALOREGON: For (H.E.A.R.T.): 541-318-1949. parents, families and friends of lesbians andgays; 541-728-3843 or HEALTHYFAMILIESOF THE HIGH www.pflagcentraloregon.org. DESERT:Homevisitsfor families with newborns; 541-749-2133 PLAN LOVINGADOPTIONS NOW (PLAN):541-389-9239. HEARINGLOSS ASSOCIATION:541390-2174 or ctepper©bendcable.com. PLANNEDPARENTHOOD:
888-875-7820. PMS ACCESSLINE:800-222-4767. PREGNANCYRESOURCECENTERS: Bend,541-385-5334; Madras,541475-5338; Prineville, 541-447-2420; Redmond, 541-504-8919. PULMONARY HYPERTENSION SUPPORTGROUP:541-548-7489. RHEUMATOIDARTHRITIS SUPPORTGROUPCENTRAL OREGON(RASGCO): 541-504-8059or alyce1002©gmail.com. SAVINGGRACE SUPPORT GROUPS: Bend, 541-382-4420; Redmond, 541-504-2550, ext. 1; Madras, 541-475-1880. SCLERODERMA SUPPORTGROUP: 541-480-1958. SEXAHOLICSANONYMOUS: 541-595-8780.
SOS (SECULARORGANIZATION FOR SOBRIETY):541-410-4271 or thinkrecovery.co©gmail.com. SOUPANDSUPPORT: Formourners; 541-548-7483. STEPMOM SUPPORTGROUP: 541-325-3339 or www. insightcounselingbend.com. SUPPORT FORFAMILIES AND FRIENDSOFSEXADDICTS: sanon4you©gmail .com. SUPPORTGROUP FOR FAMILIES WITH DIABETICCHILDREN: 541-526-6690. TOBACCO FREEALLIANCE: 541-322-7481. TOPS ORWEIGHT LOSS SUPPORT GROUP: Bend, 541-633-7399; Culver, 541-546-4012; Redmond, 541-548-0480.
TRANSITIONINGBACK TO HEALTH: For Cancer survivors and caregivers; Bend, 541-706-3754. TYPE 2DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-4986. VETERANS HOTLINE: 541-408-5594 or 818-634-0735. VISIONNW:Peersupport group; 541-330-0715. VOLUNTEERSINMEDICINE: 541-330-9001. WOMEN FACINGCANCER TOGETHER:Bend, 541-706-2969. WOMEN'S RESOURCECENTER OF CENTRALOREGON:541-385-0747 YOUNGPEOPLEWITH DISABILITIES PEER GROUP: 831-402-5024. ZEN MEDITATIONGROUP: 541-388-3179.
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FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST,SCIKNTIST 1551 NW First St. • 541-382-6100 0
(South of Portland Ave.) Church Service F Sunday School: 10 am Wed. Testimony Meeting: 7:30 pm Childcare provided.
You Are The Most important Part of Our Services
Reading Room:
"Yin/Yang" Taoist/ Confuoanism
"Star 8 Crescent" Islam
Do we Aave your summer schedule? •
1865 W Antler • Redmond• 541-548-4555 SUNDAYS Morning Worship 8:30 am F 10:30 am Life groups 9 am Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am Evening Worship 6 pm WEDNESDAYS FAMILY NIGHT 7PM
Adult Classes Celebrate Recovery Wednesday NITE Live Kids Youth Group Pastor Duane Pippitt www.redmondag.com •
FIRST MISSIONARV BAPTIST CHURCH 21129 Reed Market Rd. Bend, OR 97702 541-382-6081
Fr. Theodore Nnabugo, Pastor www.holyredeemerparish.net Parish ONce: 541-536-3571 HOLV RKDKEMKR ROMAN CATHOLIC, LA PINE
16137 Burgess Rd Tuesday, Wednesday F Friday Mass 9:00 am Sunday Mass - 10:00 am Confessions: Saturdays -3:00-4:00 pm
Thomas L. Counts, Pastor
Sunday Mass - 12:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 12:00 - 12:15 pm
Bus available for Sundays
(Nursery available) SUNDAY Sunday School - 9:45am
(Bible Classes for all ages) Prayer Time - 10:40am Worship - 10:50am Evening Bible study - 6:00pm EveningWorship -7:00pm VACATION BIBLESCHOOL
Camp Courageous - Equipping for Life Date: Monday, June 22 - Friday, June 26 Time: 9:00 am - Noon Ages: 2 (out of diapers) to Adults Contacts: Church 541-382-6081 Rena 541-389-2352 Michele 541-923-4686 Church website for more info and pre-registration: fmbcbend.org WEDNESDAY
Ladies Bible Study - 10:00am Bible Study and Prayer - 7:00pm
FOUNDRVCHURCH (FORMKRLV FIRST BAPTIST) "A Heart for Bend in the Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862
Pastor Trevor Waybright
SundaySchoolclasses are at9:00am and our Worship Service at 10;15 am This Sunday at Foundry Church, Trevor Waybright will continue in the series from First John, "In Conclusion „,", For Kidztown, Middle School and High School activities Call 541-382-3862 www.bendchurch.org HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH
3100SW Highland Ave.,• Redmond 541-548-4161• hbcredmond.org Lead Pastor Dr. Barry Campbell Worship Saturday 7 PM. Worship Sunday 8, 9:30F 11 A.M. Sunday small groups, all ages 9:30 8 11 A.M. Children's Worship, preschool thru 5th
grade 11 A.M. Family Night Wednesdays Jan. 7- March 18, 2015 5-5:45 P.M. Dinner 6-7:30 PM.Small group studies for all ages Babies through adult
Celebrate Recovery Tuesdays,6;30 PM.
Potluck Suppers, Centering Prayer, Outreach, Music, Book Discussions, "Spirit"ed Conversations, Justice and Eco-Justice Activities, Women's Group and more....
Reconciliation Saturday 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
Corner of Franklin and Lava MASSES No 8:00 AM Saturday Mass June 20F 27 Sunday 4:30 PM Latin Mass Low Mass June 28 - I:00 PM Sung Latin Mass July 28- I:00 PM
Exposition 8 Benediction Monday-Friday after 7:00 AM Mass to 6:00 PM Tuesday (Family Holy Hour) 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM
Father Jim Radloff Father Mark Hebert SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE
9:00 am Traditional Music Service 5:00 pm Contemporary Blend Music Service Bend Senior Center 1600 SE Reed Market Road BIBLE STUDY
Wednesdays Moming Study: 10 - 11:30 am Evening Study: 7 - 8:30 pm at the Church ONce 587 NE Greenwood - Bend BOOK GROUP
2nd Tuesday of each month Next Session July 14, 2015 NEW BOOK!
Faj(ia¹ Upward by Richard Rohr Contact ra er@hol communionbend.or for more information Morning Session: Touchmark River Lodge 9:30 - 11:00 am Evening Session: Deschutes County Library 6:30 - 8:00 pm www.holycommunionbend.org Contact us infoCIholycommunionbend.org (541) 408-9021
Friday July 17- 3PM to 6PM Saturday July 18 - 8AM to 5PM Sunday July 19 - 9AM to 3PM
Dedicated Synagogue Building:
is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism. Our members represent a wide range
541-382-5542 469 NW Wall Street, Bend, OR 97701
THK SALVATION ARMV 541 NE DeKalb Ave. 541-389-8888 xt.200
Rabbi Johanna Hershenson Services Saturday, June 20 - 10:00 am; Bat Mitzvah of Rebecca Uri — at First Presbyterian Church. Congratulations to Rebecca and her family.
For the complete schedule of Services and Events go to: www.bethtikvahbend.org Unless otherwise noted, all services are held at the First United Methodist Church 680 NW Bond Street 541-388-8826
Sunday Worship: Sunday School at 10:00 AM Worship Service at 11:00 AM For BothChildren and Adults Weekly Programs: Tuesday Youth Night at 5:00 PM Wednesday Women's Group at 9:30 AM ThursdayMen'sGroup at2:00 PM
FIRST UNITKD METHODIST CHURCH (In the Heart of Down Town Bend) 680 NW Bond St. /541.382.1672
Everyone is Welcome! Rev Dave Beckett
Sermon: "B.YO.B. Series" Scripture: Mark 4:35-41 Pastor Dave invites people to bring their Bibles, paper or digital, to worship for the B.YO.B series. This Sunday's text is Mark 4:35-41 about Jesus calming the storm. In the midst of busy and hectic lives what is the source of our peace? Perhaps the miracle of Jesus calming the storm is more about calming the storms within us. 9:00am - Contemporary Service Sunday School during the 9am service
Childcare provided "During the Week: Women's Groups, Men's Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, Music 8 Fellowship Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Rev. Dave Beckett offic e.bendchurchCagmail.com
MISSION (LCMSJ The missionvf the Church is Ioforgive sins through theGospelaad tfi ereb¹
BEND CHURCH OF THK NAXARENE 1270 NE 27 St.• 541-382-5496
Senior Pastor Virgil Askren SUNDAY
(St, John 20:22-23, Augsburg Confession
9:00 am Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am Hispanic Worship Service 10:15 am Worship Service
Pastors Lts. Jeremy and Violet Aird
10 am Sunday School
XXVIII.8, 10
The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor 8286 11th St. (Grange Hall) Terrebonne, OR
Nursery CareF Children's Church ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all Worship Services "Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM 8:30 am Sunday WEDNESDAY
6 30 pm Ladies Bible Study
536 SW 10th, Redmond www.redmondchristian.org Sunday Worship 9:00 am 8 10:45 am Sunday School for all ages Kidmo• Junior Church Greg Strubhar, Pastor Darin Hollingsworth, Youth Pastor POWELL BUTTK CHRISTIAN CHURCH 8:30 Worship Center
10:30 Contemporary Service Worship Center 10:30 Traditional Service Historic Chapel Nursery8 Children's Church Pastors: Chris Blair, Trey Hinkle, and Ozzy Osbome 13720 SW Hwy 126, Powell Butte 541-548-3066
www.powellbuttechurch.com REAL LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! At the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th
www.lutheransonline.corn/ concordialutheranmission Facebook: Concordia Lutheran Mission
Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am, Pastor Randy Myers •
Phone: 541-325-6773
Westside Church invites you to join us at any of our weekend services. No matter what your expectations are, we hope your time spent with us brings you a little closer to understanding, knowing and growing in a relationship with Jesus Christ. In our opinion, that's what really matters.
2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend 382-6862 Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (Child Care Available) Education Hour 10:45 a.m.
June 20 F 21, 2015 at Westside ChurchWEST CAMPUS Pastor Ken Johnson will share the message "Think" at 6:30pm on Saturday and at 8, 9 and 10:45amSunday atW estside Church, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Rd, Bend.
June 21, 2015 at Westside ChurchSOUTH CAMPUS Pastor Gary Burton will share the message "LegacyofLove" at 10:30am on Sunday at the Westside Church South Campus, 1245 SE 3rd St., Bend.
June 21, 2015 at Westside ChurchSISTERS CAMPUS
Pastor Jeny Kaping will share the message "Who Do You Say I Am?" at 10:45am on Sunday at the Westside Church Sisters Campus, 442 Trinity Way, Sisters.
CHRISTIAN LIFE CKNTER 21720 E. Hwy. 20• 541.389.8241
Sunday Morning Worship
W ednesdayMid-Week Service Children 8 Youth Programs
Nursery Care Provided for All Services Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur www.clcbend.com
Worship in the Heart of Redmond Sunday Worship Services at 10:00 am Children's Room available during services Vacation Bible School, Jungle Safari, June 22 - 26, 9:00 am to Noon
7:00 PM
COMMUNITV PRKSBVTKRIAN CHURCH 529 NW 19th Street (3/4 mile north of High School) Redmond, OR 97756 (541) 548-3367
Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor
fiiendly family of worshipers. Everyone Welcome - Always. A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich and diverse music
9:00 am Contemporary Worship 9:00 am Nursery Care 9:15 am Children & Youth
program for all ages
9:30 am Adult Education 11:00 am Traditional Worship Fellowship following both services.
Coffee, snacks and fellowship after each service
loin us for a panel discussion around the topic of "Generations" on the I-Ieirbome radio show at 8;30am Sunday moming on
1113 SW Black Butte Blvd. Redmond, OR 97756 — 541-923-7466 Pastor Eric Burtness
KBND — AM 1110
Sunday School
Youth Group: 10:30am Sunday for Middle and High School Youth
Kits For Kids Bag Fill Events
Wednesdays, June 17 F June 24, I:00-2:00pm, First Presbyterian Youth Center. Take a lunch break, come in from the golf course, bring the kids or stop in after a hike to help us fill bags and get that much closer to our 1000 bag goal. Leam about Kits For Kids at http://bendfp.org/providing-for-our-kidsyouth/
The Bend Area Challenge Created to help everyone in Bend save energy. The Bend Energy Challenge also enables our community to enter a nationwide energy-saving competition with a$5 million prize. That's five million bucks that would fund projects to help our community save energy, embrace long-term livability and honor the land and lifestyle that make Bend, well, Bend. Sign up at bendenergychallenge.org Vacation Bible School (VBS) Monday, July 27- Thursday, July 30, 9:00 a.m. to NOON. Registration Fee: $10 per child/$30 per family by July 19. $15 per child after July 19. You can register online at http://bendfp.org/connect-2/firstpresbyterian-kids/ or visit the VBS information center in the First Presbyterian commons. For more information contact Co-Directors: Deb Klotz, dklotzCabendtel.net; Heidi Lamb, heidilamb@me.com or Julie Nelson, js2nejsonC¹bendbroadband.com. 230 NE Ninth Street, Bend, 541.382.4401
www.bendfp.org and http://www.facebook.com/bendfp Youth Events: http://www.facebook.com/ bendyouthcollective
We are a Welcoming Congregation Sunday, June 21 at 10:30am
"Blessings and Praises: Celebrating Our Abundance"Rev. Antonia Won, Minister June is a season of celebrations — weddings, proms, graduations. Pausing to celebrate life and recognize the gifts we've received is a spiritual practice for many. Let's do it together! Also, bring a flower for flower communion — a long-standing ritual of Unitarian Universalism expressing the diversity of our community. Religious Exploration All the children are invited to stay in the sanctuary this Sunday to enjoy the inter-generational service of volunteer appreciation and the flower communion. Meeting place: 61980 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend 97701 Maih PO. Box 428, Bend OR 97709 www.uufco.org (541) 385-3908
UNITKD CHURCH OF CHRIST Treat your favorite Father Ioa worship adventure. Prs¹ressiveCfrrisiians shareia thetask oj ma(rfna¹Jaitfiju( living with 21si century cuiiure.
All Peoples meets on the first and third Sundays of each month. Find us in The Juniper Room at Redmond's St Charles Hospital 1253 NW Canal Blvd. Use the Kingwood entrance. Worship with us at 11 a.m. on Fathers' Day Sunday, June 21st or come early at 10 a.m. for Bible Bookworms-adult study/discussion focusing on As Altar iaIfre World by Barbara Brown Taylor On July 5th, we meet again, same time F place, more fresh ideas! For details and possible help with carpooling: Email: a)Jpeop)esucc@gma().com Website; www.allpeoples-ucc.org
CHURCH & SYNAGOGUE DIRECTORY LISTING Effective May I, 2015 4 Saturdays and TMC: $125 5 Saturdays and TMC: $150 The Bulletin: Every Saturday on the church
page. $25 Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday
Mondays 6:30 pm Centering Prayer
CO Marketplace: The First Tuesday of each
Wednesdays 5;30 pm Prayer Service
month. $25 Copy Changes: by Monday
Active Social Outreach
I •
Come Experience a warm,
June 21, 2015 Westside Church-
Senior Pastor - Mike Yunker541-312-8844 Associate Pastors Mike Sweeney 8 Jeff Olson "Loving people one at a time." www.real-lifecc.org
• •
Pastor Joel LiaBraaten Evangelical Lutheran Church in America www.gracefirstlutheran.org
M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am June 20 F 21, 2015 at Westside ChurchWed. Bible Study at noon ONLINE CAMPUS Join us at our online campus where Pastor 3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study I:00 pm Ken Johnson will share the message "Think" at6;30pm Saturday and 9 and 10:45am on 3rd Tues. Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner Sunday at www.westsidelive.org. Youth and Family Programs
Sunday Services 8 am (No child care) 10:00 am Contemporary Worship Service (Full children's ministry) Sunday Night Church 6:30 pm For information, please call ...
THURSDAY 10:00 am 50+ Brble Study WEEKLY Life Groups Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages. www.bendnaz.org
8:45 AM & 10:45 AM
Contact us at 541-382-7504 or www.westsidechurch.org
Preaching is Pastor Steven Koski Sunday, June 21 Ca10:00am Coffee& connecting at9:30am Nursery care provided for all services Sunday School offered for moming services
11:00am - Traditional Service
For more Information: www.facebook.com/ TheSalvationArmyCentraIOregon
Celebrate New Life at New Hope Church!
At La Roca Church 1155 SW Division, ¹D8, Bend Saturday 12:00 - 3:00 pm Worship/Dance - StudyFood/Fellowship Hebrew Roots Fellowship worshiping in Spirit and Truth 541-410-5337 Children Welcome www.livingtorahfellowship.com
Rhythms of Grace
Redmond, Oregon 97756 541-923-3390 Father Todd Unger, Pastor Mass Schedule: Weekdays 8:00 am (except Wednesday) Wednesday 6:00 pm Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm First Saturday 8:00 am (English) Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am (English) 12:00 noon (Spanish) Confessions on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 5:45 pm and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 pm
grant efersaj life.
20080 Pinebrook Blvd.• 541-389-3436
Visit us on the web at www.houseofcovenant.org or contact us at 541-385-5439
of lewish backgrounds.
11 am Divine Service
Reconciliation Tuesday 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM Saturday 8:30 - 9:30 AM
• Davidic dance and worship • Children's ministry and nursery • Hebrew classes • Home groups • Teaching from the Torah and the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) • Biblical Feasts • Lifecycle Events • End-times prophecy
All Services and the Garage Sale held at our
Every Monday 12:00 - I:00 pm - Weekly Torah Study Call for information and location
www.trinitybend.org www.facebook.com/TrinityBend m(n(stryCatrin(tybend.org
Sunday- 7:30 am 8 10:00 AM Domingo12;30- Misa en Espanol Monday-Friday• Mass 11:15 AM Vacation Bible School Grades 1-6 June 22-26• 9 AM - 2:30 PM Grades 7-12 June 21-25• 7-9 PM
En rm us Gi an i Amazin 65Famil Estate e G a ra eSale O~ FII ' • 0
Bear Creek Center 21300 Bear Creek Rd. Bend, OR. 97701 Our Shabbat Services are on Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Our ministries include:
social activities
ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Rev. Julian Cassar Pastor Rev. Joseph K. Thalisery 541-382-3631
541-548-2974 HOLY COMMUNION CHURCH "In the Evangelical Catholic Tradition"
Sunday Services: 8am and 10;15am Sunday Adult Forum: 9:15am Childcare available both services Children's Chapel at 10:15 service Youth Events: www.facebook.com/BendYouthCollective FamilyKitchen Prep SquadWednesdays 2-4pm
NEW CHURCH 2450 NE 27th Street MASSES Saturday- Vigil 5:00 PM
Services: Torah Study Every Saturday Moming at 10 AM unless otherwise noted
We welcome interfaith families and Jews by choice. Our monthly activities include: Services, religious education for children and adults, Hebrew school, Torah study, social action projects and
Near Chtfstmas Valley 57255 Fort Rock Rd Sunday Mass - 3:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 3:00-3:15 pm
The Rev. Jed Holdorph II, Rector
A Warm and Welcoming Community Serving We provide a congregational setting for Jews and Christians alike. If you're interested Central Oregon for 25 years. in leaming the Bible from a Hebrew perspective, come join us at: We Welcome Newcomers, Interfaith
TRINITV KPISCOPAL CHURCH We are4 community oI Christians vIfiowe(come diversity inIfreolo¹¹ arrdworldview.
Sunday mass 8:00 am Confessions: Thurs. 9:00 - 9:15 am
230 NE Ninth, Bend (Across Ninth St. from Bend High) Embodying Spacious Christianity
Est. 1994
21555 Modoc Lane (Comer of Ward and Modoc in Bend) unless otherwise noted.
541-728-6476 •
Messianic Synagogue
Rebbitzin - Judy Shupack
You're invited to a Worship Service: "How to Thrive Spiritually in Trying Times" Saturday, July 18 I-3pm Sisters Public Library 110 N. Cedar St. Sisters, Oregon
Rabbi Jay ShupackBend's First Resident Rabbi
For more information www.miraclesinyourlife.org www.eckankar.org www.eckankar-oregon.org
HOLV TRINITY ROMAN CATHOLIC, SUNRIVER 18143 Cottonwood Rd. Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm
(Jewish Community of Central Oregon)
Involvement Encouraged For information, call 541-385-6421 Please Visit; www.jccobend.com
"Leam to go inside yourself, because this is the source of all truth. There are a lot of holy temples out here, but the most sacred of all is the temple inside you, because this is where you meet with the Holy Spirit, the Voice of God" Harold Klemp "Spiritual Experiences Guidebook"
Families and Jews by Choice
1563 NW First St. Mon. through Fri.: 11 am - 4 pm Sat. 12 noon - 2 pm
"Omkar" (Aum) Hinduism
Small Groups Meet Regularly (Handicapped Accessible) Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages. www,redmondcpc.org
I week prior to publication
Call Pat Lynch 541-383-0396 PlynCh@bendbulletin.COm
Silent discoslet youdanceto your own beat By Courtney Rubin New York Times News Service
NEW YORK — Just after sunset on a recent Fri-
day night, what looked like a silent flash mob or a mass
game of charades was taking placein a cordoned-offcobblestone square in the South
Street Seaport: some 300 people dancing wildly, sans music. Or so it seemed. Yana Paskova/New Yorkrimes News Service
Victoria Wellman and Nathan Phillips, who are married, run a
There were actually three disc jockeys dueling for the
ghost-writing business together called The Oratory Laboratory.
crowd's attention, but their
tunes could be heard only through w i r eless h eadphones, which glowed red, blue or green depending on which channel the reveler
"is, 'Why is the groom lucky to be marrying your friend?'
Continued from 01 In that case, you're still talking "You know you're always about the person you don't being judged a little," Shine like, but you're bringing it back said, "so it's better to get some professional help than try to
to the one you do like."
Many of the challenges toast whisperers face with brides from Indiana, and in Indiana and grooms are even more we go to weddings and we en- pronounced when the center joy them. In New York, we go of attention is a teenager. Wento weddings and we review dy Shanker is a humor writer them." who specializes in scripts for Most toasters, she said, big charit y events and award would flunk such scrutiny. It's shows. A few years ago, her that sentiment that led Well- dients started asking her to man, a freelance writer, and help with personal speeches, her boyfriend at the time (now so she started what's become husband), Nathan Phillips, a a vibrant side business foformer improv comedian who cused largely on bar and bat handle it on your own. I'm
works in advertising, to set up
shopin2009. "I come fromthe U.K., where social speeches really are pretty high caliber," she said. "Nathan and I had been to all these w eddings where people really needed help, and we thought we were in a unique position to do so. My husband says I've writtenmorebest-man speeches than anyone in the world."
"A lot of what my clients face is public speaking anxiety, which 99 out of 100 people have," she said. "But because it's a religious event there's
an added factor — 'Oh, I have to talk about the sacrifice of Isaac' — people want to sound
knowledgeable." Much of her work focuses on organization and censor-
ship, she said. She strongly morial speeches, a talk about encourages her clients to avoid sexuality for a porn star, re- the temptation to tell endearmarks from a son taking over ing stories that they think are his deceased father's diamond cute but the child will find business and a eulogy for a mortifying. This includes potvictim of the Newtown, Con- ty training, accidents or that necticut, shootings. kid who was mean to your darHer most unusual job, she ling in school. recalls, was when a Ukrainian Also, most clients go on too man in New York hired her to long, she said. "I guarantee Wellman has also done me-
write up a narrative account
you will never err on the side
McKittrick Hotel, where Well-
If you're Ellen D eGeneres,
It was a silent disco, a phenomenon that has taken off
at music festivals (Coachella, Benjamin Norman/New Yorkrimes News Service Bonnaroo), bars and wed- Three deejays preside over a silent disco, in which music is piped to revelers' headphones, at the dings as a way to party with- South Street Seaport in New York. The silent disco phenomenon has taken off at music festivals, out running afoul of noise or- bars and weddings as away to party without running afoul of noise ordinances andcurfews. dinances and curfews — or in the case of universities, study-
ing students. (UCLA recently held one in the library rotunda in the run-up to finals.) This is dubbing for people who don't want to be subject-
lent discos are "more PG than treadmill singing aloud to a regular clubbing." song only he can hear.
care company, tried the silent
discochannelsbriefly,butreturned the big black wireless under-13 attendees, of which headphones, it sounded like headphones, deciding she there were a few, House of an impromptu a cappella bat- herself was the best DJ. (Her Pain's "Jump Around" was tle of the bands, with a bunch pick: the Colombian singer ed to the will of one DJ for the evening and, because the edited to remove offensive of people pogoing up and Carlos Vives.) She added: wearer controls the volume, lyrics. "We didn't used to do down singing Kriss Kross' "I remember when Walkclubbing for people who don't that, but we got bombarded "Jump" while others yelled men came out. It's isolating. want ringing ears and sore with emails from parents the words to Montell Jordan's Where's the connection?" throats the next morning. when we tried to make these "This Is How We Do It." But Chanez Baali, 31, a "I used to go to clubs, but events over 21," said Castel Whether the experience media technologycompany the musicis too loud," saidAn- Valere-Couturier, founder of is isolating or integrating de- director in Queens, said that dre Coppedge, 38, who drove Sound Off Experience, which pends on whom you ask. she frequently goes alone to "This is what we've been silent discos. "You're in your with seven friends from Alran the disco. lentown, Pennsylvania, to the Those who stumbled upon reduced to: dancing with our- own little world," she said. South Street Seaport. "Here the event (as many did, be- selves," said Bernadette Gay, "You stop thinking about you party the whole time, and cause there was no booming 56, who, hips shaking and what you look like, and so if you don't like the song, you music to draw them over) white iPhone headphones you're not as shy about strikjust change the frequency." may have thought it was a snaking out of her pocket, ing up conversations." It helps Joshua Diamond, 30, who pop-up garden party, a cult, could have been the classic ad that the silliness factor makes came with his fiancee and or the en masse equivalent of for iTunes. everyone more approachable, another couple, said the si- the guy who runs on the gym Gay, who works for a health she said. In fact, in deference to the
T o an onlooker with n o
of his marriage proposal. It of people saying, 'I wish they began in the morning with the would have stayed up there for ring in his pocket, continued longer,'" Shanker said. "This is through dinner at Daniel, and consistent for a baby naming culminated on the roof of the or an Academy Award speech. man was hiding in the bushes more please. If you are just a to witness the moment. regular person, there's very B ut the bulk o f
h e r 1 0 0 little you can say in 10 minutes
speeches a year involve wed- that you couldn't say better in dings. Wellman believes any- five." one is capable of delivering a good speech, but most people For posterity use language that's too bland One issue that all ghostwritand nonspecific. Her question-
ers seem to face is that most of
naire is designed to generate their clients are embarrassed details — lots of them. to be using them. "Some peo"If you say the groom's fa- ple call us and say, 'I don't vorite thing to do on a Satur- want people to know that I'm day night is drink wine and using you,'" Ostarello said. "Or watch sports, I want to know they have their secretary call. what wine he drinks, what It does make it harder to get resports he likes, and what's so views for our website, because crazy about his devotion to the no one wants to come out and Steelers," she said. admit they hired us." A nother problem i s
t h at
be sheepish about engaging their own private Cyrano? Is what they're doing cheating? Sommer, of Vow Muse, says no. "You don't sew your own
humor, 30 percent sincerity,"
dress," she said. "You don't
Wellman said. "When you are bake your own cake. But those sincere, when you truly break things are considered OK person, people know it's real."
W hat not to say
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to ask for help with because
they're less personal. For some reason, speaking has always been something you're not supposedto ask assistance for,
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So are these clients right to
people put too much emphasis on funny stories and leave out genuine emotion. "We always say a speech should be about 70 percent
down how you feel about the
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Angie Sommer and Alicia Ostarello are childhood even though it makes it better." friends wh o s t a rted t h e ir Shanker agrees, but she ghost-writing business, Vow sees her role as fitting in with Muse, in San Francisco in the times. "When I tell people 2010. They, too, have done
what I do, they're horrified and
birthday parties, even a dat- appalled," she said. "But the ing profile, but the majority of reason business is booming their clients are maids of honor
right now is that the second the
or fat hers ofthebride. "Often the bride will say: 'Hey, Dad, you need help. You're going to this person,'" said Sommer, a structural engineer by day. "Dad wants to talk about how much the wedding cost, and the bride is, like:
bar mitzvah is over, it's getting posted on YouTube. What you
say is going to live a lot longer than the centerpieces and the goody bag." A nd what better way t o
spend your money, she said, than making sure you say the 'No, no, no. Don't say that!'" right thing to the people who Vow Muse's advice to dads matter most in your life. "You're going to spend it on and other rookie toasters is to resist the embarrassing story. Ketel One vodka instead'?" she It's a toast, not a roast. added. "I was at a wedding recently, Ruggiero, for his part, did and this guy was telling a sto- feel guilty at first for hiring a ry about the groom throwing professi onal scribe."I wanted up in a toilet in Malaysia," said my remarks to come from me," Ostarello, who's a freelance he said. "But given the graviwriter. "And you're sitting ty of the situation, how many there thinking, 'Really, dude'?'" people were there, and how Ostarello and Sommer also what I was saying was being use questi ons and face-to-face videotaped, I decided I better meetings in an effort to cap- do it professionally." ture the voice of the speaker, And would he do it again? but even that approach can't "I would use Victoria for anyavoid certain problems. What thing of this nature," said Rughappens, for example, if the giero, who's single with a girlperson giving the toast doesn't friend, "and that would include like the person marrying her my own wedding." closest confidante? Ghosts, it seems, have in"One question we ask to get vaded ourparties, and they aparound that," Ostarello said, pear to be here to stay.
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"I think I'm about four days
behind schedule, but I'll catch up," said Goldfield, who as of Continued from 01 This was also where she Thursday had photographed met up with photographer centenarians who live in AlasGoldfield to have her picture ka, California, Connecticut, taken for the "To Live 10,000 Maryland and New HampYears" portrait project. shire as well as Oregon and Washington. The photographer Goldfiled said "To L ive Goldfield spent this past 10,000 Years" is his second week traveling across Wash- major photography project ington so he could photograph and that it's proving to be a a 100-year-old woman in Ya- little bit more complicated kima and a man who lives in a Seattle-area assisted living
than his earlier project, NYChildren, where he set out
to photograph a child from
every country in t h e w orld
came to meet Goodrich.
who was living in one of New York's five boroughs, because it involves a much bigger geographic area that's not completely accessible by mass
Goldfield said he was thinking about coming to Bend when he planned his 100-day road trip out West. He called
N ot letting this r ui n h i s
his finger off of the shutter
plans. Goldfield went online and started looking up churches where someone might know someone.
button as he was trying to find
the Central Oregon Council
He found someone at the
on Aging's office to see if they But he enjoys it just the knew of any centenarians he same b ecause "(traveling) could photograph, and one of gives you an excellent oppor- the agency's staff members tunity to meet people and hear had a person who fit the bilL
Foundry Church who knew Goodrich's youngest daughter, Sarah Larson, 68. "It's a treasure hunt," Goldfield said via phone as he "We put a call out to the theirstories." continued making his way It also gives him the chance woman, and she ended up be- through the Pacific Northwest to connect with some of his ing sick," said Goldfield, who on his quest for 100-year-olds. friends, including a person found himself in Bend about Goodrich said she enjoyed who used to date his sister's two weeks ago with no cente- the experience even though it best friend, and that's how he narians to photograph. seemed Goldfield never took transit.
the perfect photograph of her for his project. She also thinks he will have no problems finishing the effort — which Goldfield said he'd like to show at the National Portrait
Gallery in Baltimore — because 100-year-olds aren't that hard to find.
"We're living to be lots, lots older than the people who were born 10 years before us
did," Goodrich said.
— Reporter: 541-617-7816, mmclean@bendbulletin.com
SERVICES ACTIONTHROUGH ADVOCACY: 541-385-4741. ADULTBASICSKILLS DEPARTMENT (COCC):Margie Gregory, mgregoryo cocc.edu or 541-318-3788. AFS-USA:www.afsusa.org or Caitlin Krutsinger, 503-419-9514. ALYCE HATCHCENTER:Andy Kizans, 541-383-1980. ASSE INTERNATIONALSTUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM: www. asse.com or Wendy Larson, 541-480-0959. BEND PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT:Kim, 541-706-6127. BIGBROTHERS BIGSISTERS OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-3126047 (Bend), 541-447-3851, ext. 333 (Prineville) or 541-325-5603 (Madras). BOY SCOUTSOF AMERICA: Paul Abbott, paulabbottoscouting.org or 541-382-4647. BOYS 8E GIRLS CLUBS OF BEND: www.bgcbend.org, 541-617-2877 ext. 10. CAMP FIRE USA CENTRAL OREGON: campiireobendcable.com or 541-382-4682. CASA(COURTAPPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES): www. casaofcentraloregon.org or 541-389-1618. CENTRALOREGON SHRINERS RUN FOR ACHILD:shrinersruntorachildo gmail.com or 541-205-4484. CHILDREN'S VISION FOUNDATION: Julie Bibler, 541-330-3907. CIRCLE OFFRIENDS: Beth, betho acircleoffriendsoregon.com or 541-588-6445. DESCHUTES COUNTYSHERIFF'S OFFICE— CENTRAL OREGON PARTNERSHIPSFORYOUTH: www.deschutes.org/copy, COPY© deschutes.org or 541-388-6651. FOSTERGRANDPARENTS PROGRAM: Steve Guzanskis, 541-678-5483. GIRL SCOUTS: 541-389-8146. GIRLS ONTHE RUN OF DESCHUTES COUNTY: www. deschutescountygotr.org or eusselmanobgcbend.org. GRANDMA'SHOUSE:541-383-3515. HEALTHYBEGINNINGS:ww w.myhb. org or 541-383-6357. HIGH DESERTTEENS VOLUNTEER PROGRAM: www.highdesertmuseum. org or 541-382-4757. IEP PARTNERS: Carmelle Campbell at the OregonParent Training and Information Center, 888-505-2673. JBAR JLEARNINGCENTER: Lachlan Leaver,lleaverojbarj.org or 541-389-1409. JUNIORACHIEVEMENT:www. jaorswwa.org or Liz Lotochinski, 541678-2256, llotochinskioja-pdx.org. JUNIPERSWIM a FITNESS CENTER: Kim, 541-706-6127. KIDS CENTER: Charissa Miller, cmillerokidscenter.org or 541-383-5958. LA PINEHIGHSCHOOL:Jeff Bockert, 541-355-8501. MEADOWLARK INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM: Teal Buehler, 541-617-9576. MOUNTAINSTARFAMILY RELIEF NURSERY: 541-322-6820. NEIGHBORIMPACT: 541-548-2380, ext. 115. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE:541-548-6088,
541-447-6228 or 541-475-3808. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY MASTERGARDENERVOLUNTEER PROGRAM:http://extension. oregonstate.edu/deschutes or 541-548-6088. READ TOGETHER: 541-388-7746. REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL: 541-923-4807. REDMOND LEARNINGCENTER:Zach Sartin, 541-923-4854. REDMOND YOUNGLIFE: 541-923-8530. SCHOOL-TO-CAREERPARTNERSHIP: Kent Child, 541-355-4158. SMART (STARTMAKING A READER TODAY):www.getsmartoregon.org or 541-355-5600. TRILLIUM FAMILYSERVICES: 503-205-0194. VIMA LUPWA HOMES: www. lupwahomes.org or 541-420-9634. YOUTH CHOIROF CENTRAL OREGON: 541-385-0470.
ANIMALS AND ENVIRONMENT BENDSPAY&NEUTERPROJECT: 541-6 I7-10 IO. BRIGHTSIDEANIMAL CENTER: 541-923-0882 or volunteer© brightsideanimals.org. CAT RESCUE,ADOPTION S FOSTER TEAM (CRAFT):www.craftcats.org, 541-389-8420 or541-598-5488. CENTRALOREGONNORDICCLUB TRAIL ANDSHELTERMAINTENANCE: conordicclubogmail.com or www. conordicclub.org. CHIMPS, INC.:www.chimps-inc.org or 541-410-4122. DESCHUTESLANDTRUST: www.deschuteslandtrust.org or 541-330-0017. DESCHUTESNATIONALFOREST: Jean Nelson-Dean, 541-383-5576. EASTCASCADESAUDUBON SOCIETY:www.ecaudubon.org or 541-241-2190. THE ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER: www.envirocenter.org or 541-385-6908. EQUINEOUTREACHHORSE RESCUE OF BEND: www.equineoutreach. com, joanoequineoutreach.com or 541-419-4842. FENCES FORFIDO: La Donna, 503314-7105 or fencesforfido.org. HIGH DESERTMUSEUM: Shannon Campbell, scampbello highdesertmuseum.org or 541-3824754 ext. 391. HUMANE SOCIETYOFCENTRAL OREGON: Jen, ienniferohsco.org or 541-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOF THE OCHOCOS: 541-447-7178. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRA CLUB: 541-389-9115. MUSTANGS TOTHERESCUE: www.mustangstotherescue.org or 541-330-8943. PACIFIC CREST TRAIL ANGELS: Brian Douglass, bdouglass2014O centurylink.net or 541-213-8510. PRINEVILLEBLM:www.blm.gov/or/ districts/prineville/recreation/host.php or 541-416-6700. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLE BAGGING: Lexa McAllister, Imcallisterococc.edu or 541-914-6676. SUNRIVERNATURECENTERS OBSERVATORY: 541-593-4442. VOLUNTEERCAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS: Tom Mottl, 541-416-6859.
AMERICANCANCER SOCIETY: Charlie Johnson, 541-434-3114. AMERICANCANCER SOCIETY'S RELAYFORLIFE: Lauren Dlander, lauren.olanderocancer.org or 541-728-4378. AMERICANREDCROSS:MaryTyler, 54I-749-4I I1. THE BLOOMPROJECT:LizTaylor, I.taylorothebloomproject.org or 541-480-6312. HEART 'N HOME HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE CARE:www.gohospice. com. HOSPICEOF REDMONDSISTERS: www.redmondhospice. org or Volunteer Coordinator at 54 I-548-7483. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL:JoDee Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext. 5097. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL HOSPICE: 541-460-4030 or Tori Schultz, tschultzomvhd.org or 541475-3882, ext. 5327. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS— CENTRAL OREGON: Eileen White, namicentraloregon© gmail.com. PARTNERS IN CARE:www. partnersbend.org or Melanie Price, 541-382-5882. RONALD MCDONALDHOUSE:Teresa Braun, 541-318-4950. ST. CHARLESIN BENDAND ST. CHARLESIN REDMOND: 541-706-6354. VOLUNTEERS IN MEDICINE: Kristi, 54 I-585-9008.
ABILITREE:volunteeroabilitree.org or 541-388-8103, ext. 217. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL:Philip Randall, 541-388-1793. ASSISTANCE LEAGUEOFBEND: 54 I-389-2075. BEND'SCOMMUNITY CENTER: volunteerobendscommunitycenter. org. BETHLEHEM INN: www. bethleheminn.org or 541-322-8768. BRIDGINGGAPS:bendbridginggapso gmail.com or 541-314-4277. CASCADES EASTRIDECENTER: Erik Maiorano, emaioranoocoic.org. CENTERFOR COMPASSIONATE LIVING (PREVIOUSLY PEACE CENTER OFCENTRAL OREGON): www.compassionatecenter.org or Beth Hansen, 541-923-6677. CENTRALOREGONVETERANS OUTREACH: covo.orgogmail.com or 541-383-2793. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES: Therese Helton, Therese.M.Helton© state,or.us or 541-693-8988. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES CROOK COUNTY: Valerie Dean, 541447-3851, ext. 427. DISABLEDAMERICANVETERANS (DAV):Don Lang, 541-6471002. FAMILYKITCHEN:Cindy Tidball, cindytobendcable.com or 54 I-610-65 I1. FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: 541-389-5468. HEALINGREINS THERAPEUTIC RIDINGCENTER:www.healingreins. org or Carly Wilson, 541-382-9410. HUMAN DIGNITYCOALITION: 541-385-3320. HUNGER PREVENTIONCOALITION: Robin, 541-408-1978. LA PINECOMMUNITY KITCHEN: 54 I-536- I312. NEIGHBORIMPACT: chrisqo neighborimpact.org or 541-548-2380, ext.106. PEACEBRIDGES, INC., BEND: www.abridgetopeace.org or JohnC. Schwechten at 541-383-2646. PFLAGCENTRALOREGON: www.ptlagcentraloregon.org or 541-317-2334. SAVINGGRACE:541-382-9227 or 54 I-504-2550. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF BEND:www.sibend.org, president© sibend.org or 541-408-9333. ST. VINCENTDEPAULSOCIAL SERVICES: 541-389-6643.
ARTS, MUSIC, CULTURE AND HERITAGE 88.9KPOV,BEND'S COMMUNITY RADIO STATION: infookpov.org or 541-322-0863. ART COMMITTEEOF THE REDMOND FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Linda Barker, 541-312-1064. ARTS CENTRALSTATION: 541-617-1317. CASCADES THEATRICAL COMPANY: 541-389-0803. CENTRALOREGON SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION: Julie, 541-383-7779. DES CHUTESHISTORICAL MUSEUM: 541-389-1813, 10a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. DESCHUTES PUBLICLIBRARY SYSTEM:541-312-1039. FRIENDSOF THE BEND LIBRARIES: www.fobl.org or Meredith Shadrachat 54 I-617-7047. HIGHDESERT CHAMBER MUSIC: www.highdesertchambermusic. com or Isabelle Senger at infoo highdesertchambermusic.com or 54 I-306-3988. HIGHDESERT MUSEUM: 541-382-4754. LA PINEPUBLICLIBRARY: Cindylu, 54I-3I7-1097. LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Brad, 541-382-4366. OREGON PARTNERSOFAMERICA: www.oregonpartners.net or Ed Vickrey, 541-350-3152. REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY:541-312-1060. REDMONDINTERCULTURAL EXCHANGE (R.I.C.E.): Barb, bonitodiaomsn.com or 54 I -447-0732. TOWER THEATREFOUNDATION: 541-317-0700.
GOVERNMENT, CITY AND COMMUNITY THE CITIZENREVIEWBOARD(CRB): crb.volunteer.resourcesoojd.state. or.us or1-800-551-8510ext. 64535. CITYOF BEND: VolunteerNowo ci.bend.or.us or 541-388-5579. DESCHUTES COUNTYPLANNING COMMISSION:Nick Lelack, 541-3851708 or www.deschutes.org/cd/page/ planning-commission. DESCHUTESCOUNTY VICTIMS' ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Diane Stecher, 541-317-3186 or 541-388-6525. DESCHUTESRIVER WOODS NEIGHBORHOODASSOCIATION: www.drwna.org or Barbara at info© drwna.org or 541-382-0561. JEFFERSONCOUNTY CRIME VICTIMS' ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Tina Farrester, 541-475-4452, ext. 4108. JEFFERSON COUNTYVOLUNTEER SERVICES: Therese Helton, 541-4756131, ext. 208. LA PINERURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT:Volunteer Coordinator,
MISCELLAMY MT. BACHELORSPORTS EDUCATION FOUNDATION/CASCADECYCLING CLASSIC:www.cascade-classic.org or Moria Reynolds, 541-400-9510 or moriaobreakawaypromotions.com. CENTRALOREGON LOCAVORE: Niki, 541-633 — 0674 or info© centraloregonlocavore.org. HIGHDESERT SPECIAL OLYMPICS: 541-749-65 I7. THE KILNSBOOKSTORE & BOUTIQUE:www.thekilns.com or Jen Lewis at 541-771-8794. OREGON ADAPTIVESPORTS: www.oregonadaptivesports.org, infoooregonadaptivesports.org or 541-306-4774. SACRED ARTOFLIVING CENTER: 541-383-4179. WHY RACINGEVENTS S AA SPORTS LTC:TeresaBaldwin at teresa. vangoghogmail.com.
FITNESS*1440 II *541-305-6757* •
e •
Don't forget the...
Y Di AD~D~,
BENDAREAHABITAT FOR HUMANITY:rcooperobendhabitat. org. BRIGHTSIDEANIMAL CENTER THRIFT STORE: 541-923-0882 or volunteerobrightsideanimals.org. HABITATRESTORE:DiCrocker, 541-312-6709. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON THRIFT STORE:Jen, jenniferohsco.org or 541-382-3537. NEAT REPEAT THRIFT SHOP:Peg, 541-447-6429. NEWBERRYHABITAT FOR HUMANITY:541-593-5005. OPPORTUNITYFOUNDATION THRIFT
Get ATaste For Food, Home 8r Sarden
541-536-2935. ORCHARD DISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www.orcharddistrict neighborhood.com. SCORE:BruceMichalski, www. scorecentraloregon.org or 541-316-0662. SUNRIVERAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE: 541-593-8149. VISIT BEND: www.visitbend.com or 541-382-8048. VOLUNTEER CONNECT: www. volunteerconnectnow.org or 541-385-8977.
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son, but this season employs several directors, including Justin Lin (four "Fast and Furious" movies) for the first
"True Detective" 9 p.m. Sunday,HBO
payroll. When Frank's business partner disappears, his entire
two hours. The look this time
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By Alessandra Stanley
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officers from different jurisdictions together to try to solve
There are plenty of people who insist that auteur-driven television series like "True Detective" are the 19th-century
novels of the visual age. That's certainly arguable, though in fairness, the compliment should go both ways — Balzac, Dickens and Trollope are the showrunners of the written wold. But what's hard to dispute
is that second seasons, like second novels, can easily disappoint.
Lacey Terrell/HBO via The Associated Press
Colin Farrell plays Detective Ray Velcoro in the second season of HBO's "True Detective," airing Sunday.
al city of Vinci, just outside Los A ngeles, ism uch bleaker than turns Sunday with high ex- the lead roles, Matthew McCo- thefieldsand swamps ofrural pectations. The first season naughey and Woody Harrel- Louisiana. Even the show's had weaknesses — it was slow, son. Now there are four: Vince opening theme is creepier: the at times insufferably preten- Vaughn is Frank Semyon, a sulfurous sound of Leonard tious, and the resolution of the gangster-entrepreneur; Rachel Cohen reciting the words to his song "Nevermind." crime was silly. But overall the McAdams is D etective Ani series was dazzling: The per- Bezzerides; Colin Farrell is DeThe writing is tighter. There formances, dialogue, narra- tective Ray Velcoro; and Tay- are no dueling narrators telling tive style and cinematography lor Kitsch is Paul Woodrugh, the same story from different reached the highest levels of a motorcycle officer with the perspectives at different times. the genre. California Highway Patrol. None of the characters go on "True Detective" is an anThat's a lot of star power extended philosophical rants thology series, so this story and screen charisma, but all about the meaninglessness of has new characters in a new four leads wander in a haze life the way McConaughey's setting. The only remnant of of gloom so unrelenting and character did. the first season is the dark indistinguishable that it is alThen again,the ambience imagination of its creator and most comical; their lives are says as much. This is aplace so writer, Nic Pizzolatto. And this master classes in misery that infernal the entry sign should time, Pizzolatto doubles down make the novels of James Ell- say, "abandon all hope ye who on much of what made the first royseem likeDr.Seussstories. enter here." season so distinctive. The desolate landscape of Cary Fukunaga directed all That doesn't make it twice industrial sprawl in the fiction- eight episodes of the first seaHBO's "True Detective" re-
as good, though. Not nearly. Season 1 had two stars in
debating whether a six-minute the crime. tracking shot of a drug raid in The real mystery, though, the fourth episode was thrillis why all these people are so ing and innovative or merely deeply troubled. As the homishowy and distracting (it was cide investigation proceeds, both), but so many imagesclues lead to the childhood a blackened, burned-down wounds of Frank and the three chapel against a shimmery detectives. horizon of toxic smokestacks The actors are good, and — were as lyrical and over- their performances are parwroughtasthelanguage. ticularly noteworthy because There isn't as much versa- they are cast so far against tility and contrast, but the new type. Famous for playing glib, season has evocative scenes charming rascals, Vaughn is of its own. These are seedy, humorless, wary and reserved small-time cops and robbers, as Frank. McAdams built her but their story is sometimes career as the spunky, adorable ennobled with almost startling girl next door, but Ani is an touches of visual grandeur. In angry loner with secrets and a a louche bar where Frank con- half-grown-out dye job. Farrell ducts business with Ray, the has raffish sex appealbut plays camera frames Frank's face Ray as a boozy divorced dad against a rich green backdrop and sad sack. Kitsch played a and holds there — the mix of winning, hard-partying footlight and dark is so painter- ball player on "Friday Night ly it looks like a Renaissance Lights." Here, he is joyless. "True Detective" is monoportrait. The plot is equally straight- chromatic and self-serious, but f orward. F r ank, a ca s i no it builds suspense with finesse owner who has moved up and has a keen appreciation from his street thug days, is for the poetry of political corbetting everything he has on ruption and urban decay. a shady land deal. It's a comThat makes it intriguing, plicated scam, and he relies just not enthralling. Then on mobbed-up investors and again, a second novel is somecorrupt city officials to smooth times a prelude to a third that his way. Ray, for one, is on his truly is twice as good.
Teens'a e a cause orconcern
Dear Abby:I am 19, and I like a come sexually involved with their there could also be the reality that girl who is 16, "Cheri." My friends daughter, their feelings could eas- the sizes maybe different. If selling and family think we're dating, and ily change. While you might not the dress will help you to move on,
Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 &IMAX, 680 SWPowerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • ALOHA (PG-l3) 12:40 • AVENGERS: AGEOFULTRON(PG-13) 11:10 a.m., 2:35, 6:25, 9:50 • DOPE (R)12:15, 3:20, 6:45, 9:45 • INSIDEOUT(PG) 11:30a.m., 1,2,3:55,4:30,6:30,7,9, 9:30 • INSIDE OUT3-0 (PG) noon, 12:30, 2:30, 3,5, 6, 7:30, 8:30, 10:15 • INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 3 (PG-13) 2:40, 10:40 • JURASSIC WORLD (PG-13) f 1:45 a.m., 2:45, 7:15, 10:10 • JURASSIC WORLD 3-0 (PG-13) f 1a.m., 2,3:45, 5,6:55, 7:55, 9:50, IO:45 • JURASSIC WORLD IMAX 3-0 (PG-f3) 12:f 5,3:35, 7:35, 10:35 • LOVE 6MERCY (PG-13)f2:45,3: 45,7:40,10:25 • MAD MAX: FURY ROAD(R) 11:15 a.m., 2:15, 5:05, 8, 10:55 • PITCH PERFECT 2 (PG-13) 12:35, 3:40, 7:20, 10:20 • SAN ANDREAS (PG-13) 11:25 a.m., 2:20, 6:15, 9:45 • SPY(R) f,4:15,7:35, 10:30 • TOMORROWLAND (PG)f1:35a.m.,6:40 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies.
• There may be an additional fee for 3-0and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. I
now one of my teachersand the
be in trouble with the law in New
school officer think it is a problem Hampshire — which may calm that we are around each other.I your mother's fears — the age of asked Cheri's family if it was OK consent isn't the same in every with them if I asked state. her out. Knowing Dear Abby: I was how old I am, they married 13 y ears DEP,R approved. ago, and we have a ABBY My mom says I son and a daughter. can be arrested for Sadly, my husband statutory rape when decided he d i dn't all I did was give her a kiss on her want to be married anymore and cheek, and Cheri was fine with it. we divorced five years ago. My I really like her and she means the parents also divorced when I was world to me. Is there anything I can young, and I did not use my mothuse in my defense to prove that we
er's dress.
didn't do anything wrong'? — OnA Slippery Slope
I am trying to move on from the divorce and I would like to sell the in New Hampshire dress, which has been professionDear Slippery:I don't think any- ally preserved. My ex remarried, one is accusing you of having done and I'm concerned his new wife anything "wrong." When young m ay decide to pass on her dress to men and women are attracted to my daughter. Do mothers still pass each other, the relationship rarely down wedding dresses to their stays static. The concern may be daughters'? that an innocent kiss on the cheek
— Former Bride in New York
may lead to something more. Dear Former:Not every young That your friend's parents ap- woman wants to wear her mother's prove of you seeing their daugh- or grandmother's wedding dress. ter is a plus. However, if you be- Their tastes may be different, and
HAPPY BIRTHDAYFORSATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2015:Thisyearyou open up to quite a few opportunities that seem to drop in your lap. August could be a very fortunate month with relationships, communication and your daily life in general. You easily could be extravagant with your spending. Be careful. If you are single, you are likely to meet someone special by fall. 8tsfs sttovir ttte kind You will want to of dsyyon'8 hsve settle in and sPend ** * * * Q ynamic more time with ** * * p ositive this person. If you
*** Average ** So-so
a r e attached, a as
couple, you might be considering a * Difficult new addition to your home that adds to the quality of your life. LEO tends
to energizeyouandencourage youto be more open.
ARIES (March21-April19) ** * * You might be acting as if the first day of summer hascome aday early,and you could be feeling unusually spirited. You will have a great time no matter what if you just go with the flow. A loved one will delight in your mood. Tonight: Celebrate whatever you want.
TAURUS (April 20-May20) ** * * * Z ero in on what is important to you. Invite others over later in the day for a nice, relaxing day. You love your place when it is fixed up like you want it to be. You love your friends, and they are highly appreciative of your efforts. Tonight: Get the most out of every moment.
GEMINI (May 21-Jone 20) ** * * * You have a way of drawing others in, but once you turn up the charisma, you'll become irresistible. People won't be
then by all means do so.
And, please, don't waste your time worrying about whether the new wife will steal your thunder
by offering your daughter her bridal gown. For the reasons stated above, she might very well refuse it.
Dear Abby:I have a family member who does not "have time" to
contact, by phone or email, those near and dear to him and tell us what's happening in his life. (If one goes to Facebook, we see our family member posts every personal detail of his life.) Is this the new communication'?
Should we accept this and run to look at Facebook every time we
want to know what's happening in our loved one's life? —Left Behind in The Real World Dear Left Behind:Yes, it is, so you might as well accept it. Be glad you are computer-savvy enough to know how to find his postings, because it's unlikely your loved one will change. — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA90069
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21)
* ** You might need to handlea responsibility that could involve a demanding individual. A conversation could be difficult. You know what you want, and ableto ignoreyou.An unexpected good it probably doesn't involve being tied up deed or a surprising statement from a with this person. Make your escape in the friend will just add to the excitement of the afternoon. Tonight: In good company. day. Tonight: Hang with friends. SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21) ** * * You might desire a change of CANCER (Jnne21-Joly 22) ** * Be more forthright in how you deal pace. Know that a surprise that heads with a gift. You might opt to indulge a your way could force you to adjust your loved one with a very special day where plans. It is quite possible that you'll head you plan an adventure that is sure to make out to visit with a friend whom you don't him or her smile. Be spontaneous and go often get to see. Tonight: Let go, and be a for a different type of experience. Tonight: little naughty. Be where there is music. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.19) ** * * * You might want to understand LEO (July23-Aog.22) ** * * * T he Moon in your sign allows what is happening with a loved one. The you to draw in what you desire, as long unexpected runs rampant, especially as you know what it is. Otherwise, you with your family. Go with the flow, as you will have to see what your subconscious cannot changewhatishappening.A loved wants by what plays out today. Maintain one will be delighted by your presence. asenseofhumor and stay open.Tonight: Tonight: Special time with a loved one. You could go for hours and hours. AOUARIUS (Jan. 28-Feb.18) ** * * You are likely to note that others VIRGO (Ang.23-Sspt. 22) ** * Note how much is going on around seem unusually jovial. Listen to what is you. In fact, you might want to grab the happening with a favorite person. You opportunity to vanish when others are so could decide to hang out with him or her. busy and distracted. Be sure to take a day Watch closely at this individual's ability just for you. Don't hesitate to be unavailto make the most of every moment of the able for at least a little while. Tonight: You day. Tonight: Go for something fun. decide what works for you. PISCES (Fed.19-March20) ** * * * You might not want to see a LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * You might want to think through situation differently, but someone around a problem with greater care, but your you will try to help you see another point friends and others around you are unof view. Use caution with your funds, and don't immediately agree to an adventure likely to permit you to have a single quiet moment. Get into the celebratory mood. that could be costly. Tonight: Play it light A loved one might be full of surprises. and easy. Tonight: Where your friends are. © King Features Syndicate
5 p.m. on TCM, Movie: "Here Comes Mr. Jordan" —Re-
made verysuccessfully later as
"Heaven CanWait," this 1941 comedy-fantasy stars Robert Montgomery as pnzefighter Joe Pendleton, who is sent backto Earth in another man's body after a celestial screw-up ends his life 50 years too soon. Evelyn Keyes, Claude Rains, Edward Everett Horton and James Gleason co-star. 8 p.m. on 6, "Scorpion"Paige's (Katharine McPhee) son Ralph (Riley B. Smith) becomes the focus of an investigation in "Kill Screen." The boy's fascination with Internet games leads him to uncover where a CIAsafe house is ... leading to the murders of several agents. When the FBI becomes interested in Ralph, Team Scorpion becomes interested in protecting him. 8 p.m.on HBO, Movie: "Gone Girl" —Adapted by Gillian Flynn from her own best-seller, director David Fincher's well-
spun screenversion wasoneof
2014's most-discussed films. A man's (Ben Affleck) wedding anniversary is marked by his wife's
(anOscar-nominatedRosamund Pike) disappearance,andasthe investigation proceeds, he looks more and more like a suspect ... with his attitude definitely not
helping his case.Thesuperb
cast also includes Tyler Perry, Neil Patrick Harris, Carrie Coon ("The Leftovers") and Kim Dick-
ens ("Sons ofAnarchy"). 9 p.m. on 2 9, "In an Instant""Grizzly Bear Attack" leaves no doubt as to the type of real-life crisis considered. It's really a story of parents and children, on both sides ... one of the adults being Johan Otter, who marked the graduation of his daughter Jenna by going hiking with her in Montana's Glacier National Park. The other parent was the bear they encountered, who also was determined to protect her young ones — to the definite peril of the Otters. 10 p.m. on TRAV, "The Dead Files" —In the new episode "Torn Apart — Struthers, Ohio," Steve DiSchiavi and Amy Allan respond to a mother's terrified
reports of vicious paranormal activity. As Steve delves into details concerning a gruesome past murder that occurred in a nearby railyard, Amy runs into some horrifying mutilated entities and a dangerous spirit capable of sucking the life force out of its victims. o zap2it
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McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 NWBond St., 541-330-8562 • THE AGE OFADALINE(PG-13) 6 • ENTOURAGE (R) 9 • HOME (PG) f f:30 a.m., 2:30 • Younger than 21 may attend all screeningsif accompanied t/y a legalguardian. • J
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Tin Pan Theater, 869 NWTin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • CLOUDS OF SILS MARIA (R) 3:30 • DIOR AND(No I MPAArating) 6 • WHILE WE'RYOUNG E (R) 8:15
YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar
TV TODAY • More TV listingsinside Sports
Redmond Cinemas,1535 SWOdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • INSIDE OUT (PG)f f:30 a.m., noon, 2, 2:30, 4:30, 6:05, 7, 8:45 • JURASSIC WORLD (PG-13) 12:45, f, 3:30, 3:45, 6:15, 6:30,9:15,9:30 • SPY (R) 9:15 Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • INSIDEOUT (PG)2:30,2:45,4:45,5,7 • JURASSIC WORLD (PG-13) 2:45, 5:15, 7:45 • MAD MAX: FURY ROAD(R) 7:30 • SPY(R) 2:30,5,7:30 Madras Cinema 5,1101SWU.S. Highway 97, 541-475-3505 • INSIDE OUT (PG)12:05, 2, 2:30, 5, 7:05 • INSIDE OUT3-D (PG)f:45 f a.m., 9:20 • JURASSIC WORLD (PG-13) I:20, 4:10, 7,7:30, 9:50 • JURASSICWORLD 3-0 (PG-13)4:20 • SAN ANDREAS (PG-13) noon, 2:25, 4:50, 7:20, 9:55 • SPY (R)f:50, 4:30, 7:10,9:45 •
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Benefit tour presentselegant homesandfine cuisine, while raisingfundsto support theAssistanceLeagueofBend. By Bridget McGinn, for The Bulletin/p hotos by Kevin Prieto
ooking for an opportunity to get a sneak peek into some of the most elegant homes in Central Oregon? The 2015 Kitchen Kaleidoscope benefit home tour event will be held Saturday, June 27 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. in The Estates of Pronghorn. Six privately owned homes in the resort community will be open to the public as part of the event — now in its 17th yearsponsored by the Assistance League of Bend. "We're very excited that this year's Kitchen Kaleidoscope is
at Pronghorn," said Anita Saalfeld, president of the Assistance League of Bend. "The natural landscape is phenomenal, and I think people will enjoy seeing the variety of personal touches in the decor and architecture of these homes." In addition to touring the homes, guests will be able to sample signaturedishes from favoritelocal chefs in each home. Jackalope Grill, Baltazar's, The Well Traveled Fork, Foxtail Bakeshop, Red Martini Wine Bar and Grill and Zydeco Kitchen and Cocktails will be represented at the event. Chef Bette Fraser of The Well Traveled Fork has participated in the last four Kitchen Kaleidoscope events, and is happy her team will again be participating this year. A member of the Assistance League ofBend herself,Fraser says the event is near and dear to her heart. "It is all about raising money to help children," said Fraser. "It is a very important fundraism for our organization. There are a lot of children in need in our community that we can help." The Well Traveled Fork will be serving tour guests their signature dish samples of wild mushroom bisque and gougere Oittle
French cheese puffs). "I have gotten marriage proposals over this bisque," said Fraser. "Fortunately, my husband is very understanding." As if tours of amazing homes and high-end edibles weren't tempting enough, Kitchen Kaleidoscope also features wares from local artisan vendors, beer tasting and an exhibit by the event's signature artist, Barbara Slater. Slater's painting "Italian Sunflowers" has been used on the public relations materials for the event and she will be showcasing it along with 15 additional oil paintings at one of the homes on the tour. A well-known local artist, Slater is a member of the High Desert Art League and has been painting for most of her life. Her work is characterized by the use of strong color and loose strokes. She was very pleased to be asked to be the signature artist for Kitchen Kaleidoscope. "The Assistance League is a very wonderful organization," said Slater. "I believe in what they do for the children in our community. Children always get the short end of things, and the Assistance League is really there for them." Proceeds from the fundraiser support the programs of the Assistance League of Bend, which serves people in need in Deschutes County. Tickets are $25 in advance and $30 on the day of the event. Purchase tickets online at www.assistanceleagueofbend.com or at the following locations: Kitchen Complements in downtown Bend, Ginger's Kitchenware in the Old Mill, Newport Avenue Market, or Imagination and Paulina Springs Books in Sisters.
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E2 SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2015 • THE BULLETIN Commercial/Investment Properties for Sale
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Homes for Sale
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Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
9589 SIMPSON Open House 1-6pm Classic full-scribe cus- Amazing property with 10 acres w/4 acres of ir- $ 165,000 Ne w C o n 'I tom log home w/great gorgeous river, can- rigation, 3 ponds, 2 struction. One level G OLF TOW N H O M E C ommercial Lots I n 16493 &16499 Beaver Paulina peak views. yon and mtn views. homes, main 1 story Craftsman, 2 bdrm, 2 at BROKEN TOP. Crooked River Ranch: Dr., Bend, OR 97707 (off Foster Rd., Ad ¹2082 Ad ¹1422 house is 1344 sq. ft., bath, large master Enjoy fabulous views Great opportunity to South of Sunriver) TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn vac. home is 1296 sq. suite, great room de down the 18th Fairstart a business or High Desert Realty High Desert Realty ft. 2 4X24 g a rage/ sign, large kitchen way of Broken Top relocate an existing Beautiful home with 250 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 shop. MLS¹ a rea, almost c o m Golf Course from this business. Near res- ft. of big Deschutes River frontage. 0.92 www. BendOregon www.BendOregon 201503530 $389,095. pleted. gorgeous 3 bedroom, taurants, hotel a nd Acre, 2 49 2 sq . f t. RealEstate.com RealEstate.com Pam Lester, Princ. Dave Disney, Broker 3y2 bath townhome golf course. Owner RENTALS home, 3 bdrm, 2.5 Broker, Century 21 541-410-8557 with 2 car garage. Loterms avail. Business 603 - Rental Alternatives Forest Ridge Townbath, studio, updated Craftsman styling in Gold Country Realty, Windermere cated on a corner lot Circle, Lot 82:- 1.05 home in Eagle Crest 604 - Storage Rentals wonderful Oaktreekitchen and bath, with Inc. 541-504-1338 Central Oregon inside the gates of acres, $25, 0 00. Resort. Ad ¹1312 605 - Roommate Wanted Bend. Ad ¹1232 Bend's Premier Golf Real Estate Commercial Loop Lot hard surface counters TEAM TEAM Birtola Garmyn Birtola Garmyn 10 beautifully timbered 616- Want To Rent Community. Offered 50, 1.30 acres and Lot and stainless appliHigh Desert Realty High Desert Realty acres bordering BLM! 16549 Wayne Dr. ances. Vaulted ceilat $495,000. MLS¹ 627 -Vacation Rentals 8 Exchanges 51, 1.23 acres, still 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 Just minutes to town, $ 295,900. 16.7 9 201505200. Lisa 630- Rooms for Rent available at $35,000 ings, lots o f l i g ht. www. www. BendOregon BendOregon private setting w ith a cres, 1702 sq. f t . Property is 2 lots with Cole, Principal Broker, 631 - Condominiums 8 Townhomes for Rent each or purchase both potencial for f u ture RealEstate.com RealEstate.com fabulous views, sev- horse property. High Berkshire Hathaway for $60,000. Juniper 632 - Apt./Multiplex General eral nice home sites, Lakes Realty & Prop- NW. 541-749-0047 building and docks. Realty 541-504-5393 Spotless home in NE 634- Apt./Multiplex NE Bend Single Level Home with abundant wildlife, well erty Ma n agement $545,000. Bend w/privacy and shop and studio on 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend available, under- 541-536-0117 NfarilynScott, Broker $198,000 Sisters Get Cascade mtn views. Find It in 1 acre. Ad¹2012 ground power very 638- Apt./Multiplex SE Bend 503-680-9399 away. Cute 2 bdrm Ad ¹1472 TEAM Birtola Garmyn close to c orner of The Bulletin Clnssifieds! Summa Real Estate townhome, f e n ced 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend TEAM Birtola Garmyn Find exactly what High Desert Realty property line. Owner Group 541-385-5809 great location, High Desert Realty 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond you are looking for in the yard, 541-312-9449 will carry! $89,000. rental or hideaway. 541-312-9449 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished www. BendOregon CALL DUKE CLASSIFIEDS Tony Weinmann, For Lease www.BendOregon 648- Houses for Rent General RealEstate.com WARNER R EALTY Broker $0.40/Sq.ft./Month RealEstate.com 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend DAYVILLE AT 16 Red Cedar Sunriver. 541-706-1820 • Located next to RedSE Bend home with 2 652 - Houses for Rent NW Bend Light and bright home 541-987-2363. MLS: Windermere mond Airport $629,000. suites. Ad ¹1492 201309134 with 5 acres of pri654- Houses for Rent SE Bend Central Oregon • Tilt-up concrete con7 Bdrm, 6 bath, 3710 TEAM Birtola Garmyn vacy. Ad¹1412 Real Estate 656 - Houses for Rent SW Bend struction sq.ft. golf course view. High Desert Realty Open House TEAM Birtola Garmyn 14720 Lichen Way • Office, flex or indusKyle Hoak, Broker 658- Houses for Rent Redmond 541-312-9449 $179,900. 3 bedroom, Sat.-Sun., 11-3 High Desert Realty trial space 541-639-7760 $198,500 10 acres pri 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver www. BendOregon 2 bath, 1755 sq. ft., 2471 NW Shields Dr. 541-312-9449 • MLS 2001500536. Berkshire Hathaway vate. Backs forest, RealEstate.com 660- Houses for Rent La Pine double garage. High NWX 3bdrm, 2baths, www. BendOregon close to r iver a nd Steve Gorman, Broker sunroom, priv. back Home Services Lakes Realty & Prop- Northwest 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville RealEstate.com 541-408-2265 Real Estate lakes, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, Spacious C r aftsman erty Man a gement 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters yard, p atio, l a r ge home o n 1512 sq.ft., 2 car ga Aw b rey Waterfront Living on 541-536-0117 porch, $545,000. 663 - Houses for Rent Madras $175,000 - 6 Acres. 2 rage. Butte. Ad ¹1082 almost half acre. Karen, 541.390.6584 664- Houses for Rent Furnished p r i vate Dave Disney, Broker TEAM Birtola Garmyn Ad ¹1552. 147914 Mabel, La Pine. Homesites, set-up, 5 acres 541-410-8557 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent High Desert Realty 745 TEAM Birtola Garmyn $160,000. 5 A c res, horse Windermere 541-312-9449 675 - RV Parking High Desert Realty RV garage w/shop K-Line irrigated, arena MORRIS Homes for Sale and shop, shade and Central Oregon www. BendOregon 541-312-9449 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space area, gated entrance. REAL ESTATE fruit trees. Real Estate RealEstate.com www. BendOregon Dan Hoak, Broker 682 - Farms, Ranches and Acreage d~ A Very Custom 1900+ 4 Bob Ahern, Broker 541-639-6595 RealEstate.com 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease on 1+ Acre with Spectacular 20+ acre 541-420-3891 FSBO, Turn-Key Ready Profitable Kennel Busi- bdrm, Mary Hoak, Broker shop & Trout Pond. 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent Windermere West Powell Butte Well cared for home on Extremely Motivated, n ess Going on 3 0 541-848-8140 Ad ¹1032 Central Oregon Estates Home. 1.43 acres. 3 bdrm, 2 Berkshire Hathaway 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1400 REAL ESTATE Years! First c l ass TEAM Birtola Garmyn Real Estate Ad ¹1262 sq. ft. $195K. Not Firm b ath, 1296 sq . f t . , kennel /bo a rding High Desert Realty 705 - Real Estate Services Home Services TEAM Birtola Garmyn double detached ga 541-279-8783 business for dogs and Northwest Real Estate 713- Real Estate Wanted 541-312-9449 $179,900 Hayden High Desert Realty rage with mtn. views. cats. 53 dog rooms www. BendOregon 719 - Real Estate Trades Ranch. 1284 sq.ft., 541-312-9449 $139,900 MLS 15470 Emerald Dr. 1 Oregon Loopand 13 cat rooms, RealEstate.com 3 bdrm, 2 bath, gas www. BendOregon ¹ 201502154 Pam $184,500. 1924 sq. ft., 726 - Timeshares for Sale Sunriver $765,000. most wit h o u t side fireplace, central A/C, RealEstate.com Lester, Princ. Broker, 5 bdrm, 5 bath, 2 mas730 - New Listings runs. Multiple outside 3bedroom, 2 bath on Custom built, 2 car garage. C entury 2 1 Gol d 5 acres. High Lakes ter suites, 3320 sq.ft., play areas for super732 - Commercial Properties for Sale spectacular views, 541-771-1168 2002 NW Perspecitve Country Realty, Inc. log accents. vised play and exerRealty & Pr o perty complete privacy. 738 - Multiplexes for Sale Eric Andrews, Dr. Frank Loyd Wright 541-504-1338 Dan Hoak, Broker cise. Long time expeManagement AD¹1702 Broker 740 -Condominiums & Townhomes forSale inspired design. 541-639-6595 r ienced staff a n d TEAM Birtola Garmyn Move-In Ready. South- 541-536-0117 Windermere Awbrey Butte home. 744 - Open Houses Mary Hoak, Broker grooming f a c ilities. High Desert Realty west Bend Home Central Oregon Ad ¹2132 $'I 54,900 20710 541-848-8140 745 - Homes for Sale Property has a 2500 541-312-9449 Ad ¹2022 Real Estate TEAM Birtola Garmyn Farenugg, quality livBerkshire Hathaway sq. ft. home, includ746- Northwest Bend Homes www.BendOregon TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty ing in 55+ community. Home Services ing a 1 be d room RealEstate.com 747- Southwest Bend Homes High Desert Realty Red Cedar, Sunri- Northwest 541-312-9449 Real Estate apartment. $964,000. Cascade mtn views, 18v er. 541-312-9449 $ 5 2 5,000. 4 748 - Northeast Bend Homes www. BendOregon Custom, steel-beam open kitchen with 3 CALL KRIS WARNER www. BendOregon Bdrm, 4 bath, 2650 RealEstate.com 749 - Southeast Bend Homes AT 541 - 480-5365 home on west edge of pantries, cul-de-sac, sq.ft., gol f c o urse20.44 acres. If you want RealEstate.com surrounding decks. MLS: 201 5 0 2782 Lake Billy Chinook. privacy and your own 750 - Redmond Homes view. Forest Ridge TownDuke Warner Realty Ad ¹1622 Gail Rogers, get away retreat, this Single level home on 753 - Sisters Homes Darrell Hamel, Broker home in Eagle Crest TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-604-'I 649 property is it. Breathcorner lot in Elkhorn 541-480-7563 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes Resort. AD¹1632 738 Windermere High Desert Realty taking views of t he Estates. AD¹1222 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Berkshire Hathaway 756- Jefferson County Homes 541-312-9449 Central Oregon Multiplexes for Salel Cascade Mountains. TEAM Birtola Garmyn Home Services High Desert Realty 757 - Crook County Homes www.BendOregon Real Estate E lectricity is on t he High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 Northwest Real Estate property. RealEstate.com $165,000. 762 - Homes with Acreage $199,000 Re d mond 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon 16065 SW Alfalfa Rd., CALL KAR O L YN Duplex. 4 bdrm, 2 www.BendOregon 763- Recreational Homes and Property 19358 GREEN LAKES RealEstate.com Custom 3000+ sq.ft. Powell Butte. Great bath and 1834 sq.ft., DUBOIS AT RealEstate.com LOOP at B R OKEN 764 - Farms and Ranches Bend home and shop location i n Po w ell TOP. Live in a Work 541-390-7863. MLS: 0.36 size lot, built in Tumalo Craftsman and 771 - Lots on 4.4+ acres. Butte!!! 40 acre farm, Great SW Bend Duke 1995, SW s e ction, - Norman 201309974 f Art guest home on 10 Ad ¹1002 Craftsman home. 17 acres i rrigation, o Warner Realty 773 - Acreages great investment opBuilding & Design 4 acres. Ad¹1452 TEAM Birtola Garmyn ¹1242 1560 sq. ft. manufacportunity. 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAMAd 4y2 b ath High Desert Realty Birtola Garmyn tured home, s hop/ bedroom, Tony Levison, Broker with master and $ 220,000 Mt n V i e w 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty barn, new large pond. home 541-977-1852 541-312-9449 guest en-suite on the P ark. Privacy a n d www.BendOregon 54'I -312-9449 $425000. More info? main level, private Windermere 648 in- safety, close to mediwww. BendOregon RealEstate.com Text 52192 to 35620. www.BendOregon Central Oregon RealEstate.com courtyard and cal center, 3 bdrm, 2 Houses for RealEstate.com Scott McLean Princi- terior Real Estate open floor plan, True pride of Broker stunning views down bath, Rent General pal Top of the Hill and end Spectacular Deschutes 541-408-6908 the 15th Fairway of new heat pump and ownership shows $278,000 Great InvestRealty laminated floors. B roken To p Go l f m ent. N e a r Pi l o t in the gorgeous beauty. of the road privacy on River and Cascade Executives PUBLISHER'S Susan Pitarro, 20 acres. AD¹1692 Course. Offered at Ad ¹2032. views. AD¹1342 Butte, on cul-de-sac, NOTICE Broker TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn FIND IT! $ 1,175,000. M L S ¹ All real estate adver- 2 bdrm, 2.5 bath, two TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-410-8084 High Desert Realty 201505192. Lisa Desert Realty High Desert Realty tising in this newspa- story u nits, s i ngle High BIIY IT! Windermere 541-312-9449 Cole, Principal Broker, 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 per is subject to the garages, m a naged SELL ITr Central Oregon www. BendOregon Berkshire Hathaway www. BendOregon www.BendOregon F air H o using A c t and tenants occupied. Real Estate RealEstate.com The Bulletin Classifieds NW. 541-749-0047 RealEstate.com RealEstate.com Christin Hunter, which makes it illegal 632 to a d vertise "any Broker 541-306-0479 Windermere Apt./Nlultiplex General preference, limitation Central Oregon or disc r imination Real Estate CHECK yOURAD based on race, color, A 4 4 • religion, sex, handi• A S • • r • cap, familial status, marital status or na- Condo/Townhomes tional origin, or an infor Sale tention to make any • l'r ' pre f erence, NW Bend Greyhawk on the first day it runs such IIJ or discrimiCondos! to make sure it is cor- limitation p • I r <li„ rect. "Spellcheck" and nation." Familial sta- Ad ¹1122,1672, 1682 tus includes children TEAM Birtola Garmyn human errors do ocHigh Desert Realty cur. If this happens to under the age of 18 with parents or 541-3'I 2-9449 your ad, please con- living legal cus t odians, www.BendOregon tact us ASAP so that pregnant women, and RealEstate.com corrections and any people securing cusadjustments can be $170,000 Great tody of children under made to your ad. 18. This newspaper Westside Condo 541-385-5809 not knowingly ac- •One south f ac i n g HOM-E I.OANS The Bulletin Classified will cept any advertising condo available for real estate which is •Completely renovated in violation of the law. •2 Bdrm, 1 bath, 600 634 .'1IL ' R ur r e aders a r e sq.ft. Apt./Multiplex NE Bend O ~ I"j%llsINP hereby informed that •P rofessionally m a n ~%% all dwellings adver- aged and maintained Only a fewleft! tised in this newspaJake 8 Loretta Please contact us for all your home financing needs. Two & Three Bdrms Moorhead, per are available on with Washer/Dryer an equal opportunity Brokers 541-480-6790 and Patio or Deck. 541-480-2245 To complain of (One Bdrms also avail.) basis. d iscrimination ca l l Windermere Mountain Glen Apts Central Oregon HUD t o l l-free at 541.383.931 3 1-800-877-0246. The Real Estate Professionally toll f ree t e lephone21-C managed by Ston e ridge number for the hearNorris & Stevens, Inc. Sun r iver. ing im p aired is Condo, $40,000. 2 Bdrm, 2.5 1-800-927-9275. bath, 1896 sq.ft., 20% 642 675 shared ownership. Trena O'Bill Dave Swisher Kent Cramer Larry Wallace Bryan Johnson Apt./Multiplex Redmond Mike Ashley, RV Parking Loan Originator Loan Originator Loan Originator Loan Originator Loan Officer Broker 541-280-4940 NMLS¹ 130701 NMLS¹ 118555 NMLS¹ 206015 NMLS¹ 274578 Assistant Berkshire RV space for rent, NE 33 years experience 25 years experience 25 years experience 30 years experience 15 years experience Ridgemonf Hathaway Home Redmond, quiet setApartments Services Northwest ting, beautiful canyon 221 0SM/19tft Real Estate views. $350/mo., inRedmond, cludes water & sewer. Franklin Cro s sing. Oregon 97756 541-419-1917 Amazing C a s cade mtn and city views, Now accepting apfrom this 2 bdrm, 3 p lications fo r t h e B sntl R@R@ Rs bath top floor condowaiting list of t his minium in the heart of f ederally fun d ed Lana Strom Leia Nitschelm NiCole AldouS Denise Stauffer Vce ©nlh downtown Bend. Ofhousing community. Operations Manager, Processor Loan Officer Underwriter fered at $849,000. 1 & 2 Bedroom units NMLS¹ 1229887 Northwest Division 10 years experience 41 years experience Cate Cushman, with rent based on NMLS¹ 173136 13 years experience Principal Broker income when avail21 years experience 541-480-1884 able. www.catecushman.com Your Central Oregon Lending Team Project Phone ¹: 726 Riverfront living down541-548-7282 www.skylinehomeloansNW.com town. Come enjoy the Timeshares for Sale TTY ¹: lifestyle in this 2 bed(541) 306-3700 t -(800)-735-2900 Pronghorn, f r actional room, 2 bath 1351 sq. 250 NW Franklin Ave., Suite 404, Bend, OR 97701 vacation ownership in f t. condo w ith a t This institute is an lh Americ8 2Q 222 NW 7th St., Suite 4, Redmond, OR 97756 the residence club at tached garage plus a equal opportunity carport. Unbeatable Pronghorn. Call for provider. d etails, offered a t location close to eva a a • erything. $ 3 94,900. $7,000 - $18,000. CALL KIM WARNER Cate Cushman, AT 541 - 410-2475. Principal Broker Copyright © 2015Skyline Financial Corp. dbs Skyline HomeLoans Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System &Registry (NMLS) Company ID ¹ 12072, Oregon 541-480-1884 MLS: 2015 0 2618 Licensed bythe Division of Finance &Corporate Securities No. ML2797. www.catecushman.com Duke Warner Realty •
NN/ Division
gI) II
I j
II ~ QR 1
Spectacular views. 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath with large bonus room and loft. 3450 sq.ft., 3-car garage. Must see this incredible home. Communlty pool, workout, tennis and event center atl inclusive. Listen to the Deschutes below from expansive Trex deck. $67 j,000
Sean StaffOrd, IIrelter
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
• H o mes for Sale •
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
26695 Horsell Road- 3 bdrm., 2 ba., 2456 sq. 5 7670 O l d Lake , 61882 BUNKER HILL $949,000 Tumalo area Recently remodeled ft. w/1 4.66 a cres, Christmas Va l l ey. COURT at BROKEN single family home. 3bdrm, 2 bath, 2070y 13.22 irrigated. Bo$89,900. 1.86 acres, 2 TOP. Perched above 2450 sq.ft., 4 bdrm, sq. ft. farm house on nus room w/separate bdrm, 2 bath, 1332 Broken Top's signa- 3.5 bath, hemlock fin6 7.9y a c re s wi t h entry, SS appliances, sq.ft., outbuildings. ture ¹ 1 1 Fa i rway, ished vaulted ceiling 39.7y acres of irriga- solar design generMike Ashley, Broker b eautifully land - and fireplace in the 541-280-4940 t ion. 1344y sq . f t . ates 20 % e l ectric. scaped property with great room. Gourmet building for office/ rec- MLS¹ 201 5 04013 Berkshire Hathaway two water features kitchen, 48" D a cor reation /studio, 4502y $449,900 Pam Lester, Home Services and private cul-de-sac Range, Dacor micro, sq. ft. building with 12' Princ. Broker, Cen- Northwest Real Estate location. Custom de- sub zero fridge, Bosch door 8 man door for tury 21 Gold Country $579,000 Quail Ridge, tails a round e very dishwasher, g ranite shop/RV/toy/boat Realty, Inc. 2692 sq.ft. one level, corner, featuring luxu- counters, 70 x 108 instorage & indoor gar- 541-504-1338 master suite, door riding arena with 1.96 treed acres and frious dening. New 750y sq. 3 bdrm., 2 ba., 2605 sq. big abulously larg e sprinkler system, barn lawns, 4 bdrm, 3 w alk-in closet, t wo ft. deep well being ft. single story home bath, 4 car garage area with 4 padded drilled to provide a en-suite guest rooms, and heated waNW Redmond. .20 a nd shop, 2 fir e gourmet kitchen, wine stalls year-round source of in ter, large tack room acre lot. Gas f ireplaces and large bo domestic water. New cellar, formal dining outdoor large drespantry, double nus room. gas log fireplace will place, room, breakfast nook sage area. 1 Bdrm, 1 garage, built in 2002. Bob Ahern, Broker be installed. MLS¹ and offi ce. Offered at bath, guest quarters 201 5 0 1019 541-420-3891 $625,000. $959,000. MLS¹ above the tack room, $219,900 Pam Lester, Windermere MLS¹201401400 201408528. Lisa 44.89 acres fenced Princ. Broker, CenCentral Oregon Bobbie Strome, Cole, Principal Broker, and cross fenced with tury 21 Gold Country Real Estate Principal Broker Hathaway 12 acres of irrigation. Realty, Inc. 60491 Seventh Mt. Dr., Berkshire John L Scott Real NW. 541-749-0047 Audrey Cook, Broker 541-504-1338 Estate 541-385-5500 541-480-9883 3 bedroom, 3i/2 bath, $622,000 Windermere Crest Ridge. $525,000 - FUR$279,000 10 Acres. 3 $449,900 River Frontage Central Oregon living in a great NISHED. Mara Stein, Bdrm, 1 bath, equip Open Bro k e r,• 1805 sq.ft. and 6 2 4 Real Estate vaulted ceil Principal ment shed/shop, dbl location, sq.ft. studio 3 car with shop Pamir Properties, Inc. •Dbl car garage detached g a r age/ ings, Across from Dry Canstorage, l a nd 541-420-3400 shop, irrigation, mtn and •500 ft. of river frontage yon! 2 bdrm., 2 ba., scaped, huge deck. views. Seventh Mt. Dr., •Gated community 1502 sq. ft. well cared Mike Wilson, Broker 60512 2 bedroom, 2 i/~ bath, •2.9 acres Audrey Cook, Broker for home. Double car 541-977-5345 541-480-9883 $365,000. Mara Stein, Janelle Christensen, garage, RV parking, Windermere Windermere Principal Bro k e r, Broker 541-815-9446 b eautifully land Central Oregon Pamir Properties, Inc. Central Oregon scaped yard on over Windermere Real Estate 541-420-3400 Real Estate Central Oregon 1/4 acre lot. MLS¹ 20'I 505301. $219,900 Coun t ry 60523 Seventh Mt. Dr., Real Estate 2 7th Street Crossing $489,000 Home. 3178 s q .ft., 10% equity s hare, Pam Lester, Princ. $295,000 68 acre irrigated farm mtn views and 4.8 $49,500. Mara Stein, Broker, Century 21 • 2170 sq.ft. o n the J oh n D a y acres. covered patio, Principal Gold Country Realty, Bro k e r, River. • 4 bedroom, 3 bath E n j o y a Inc. 541-504-1338 4 bdrm, 2 masters, dbl Pamir Properties, Inc. peaceful setting in a • Master on main, car attached garage, vaulted ceilings Awbrey Butte p rime location f o r shop and boat ga- 541-420-3400 • MLS 201503380 rage. 60691 G ol f Vi l lage raising hay, cattle, or • 5055 $1,395,000 sq.ft. custom Jane Streff, Broker, Janelle Christensen, Loop. 3bdrm., 3 bath, horses. 3 bedroom, 2 ABR, GRI, e-Pro, Broker 541-815-9446 3281 sq. ft., vaulted bath home with deck home Windermere ceilings, maple inlaid and garage. Hay stor- • 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath Central Oregon floor, magnificent rock age and horse barn. • Cascade Mtn. Views, CALL .68 acre Real Estate wall fireplace, brand $649,000. "Neil K e l ly" DUKE WARNER RE- • MLS 201406251 4A Aquila Lodges, Sun- new kitchen, master suite ALTY DAYVILLE AT Diane Lozito, Broker r iver. $ 8 6,595. 3 with fireplace & gym, 541-987-2363. MLS: 541-548-3598, Bdrm, 2.5 bath, 1/4 MORRIS 541-306-9646 tile r o ods, p a v er 201400298 share (25% owner- driveways, triple gaREAL ESTATE ship), 2 fireplaces. rage with s t orage,6 Skyline Condo, SunriDarrell Hamel, Broker decks looking out over v er. $ 2 47,500. 3 $289,500 Stonehedge. 5 41-480-7563 M i k e 11th Tee 8 Lake, pri- Bdrm, 2 bath, 1466 4 Bdrm, 2.5 b ath, Ashley, Broker vate fenced paver pa- sq.ft., full interior reMORRIS great room floor plan, 541-280-4940 tio. Golf Membership model 2007. REAL ESTATE forced air furnace, 3 Berkshire H a t haway Included. $ 8 25,000. Mike Ashley, Broker I~ ~ ~ Op m 1 car garage, fenced, Home Serv i ces Mara Stein, Principal 541-280-4940 landscaped and wa Northwest Real Estate Broker, Pamir Proper- Berkshire Hathaway Awbrey Butte terfeature. Home Services $1,425,000 Inc. Mtn view condo Sun- ties, Audrey Cook, Broker 4 river. Northwest Real Estate • Three Sisters to Mt. 541-420-3400. $265,000. 3 541-480-9883 Adams views Bdrm, 2 bath, 1014 60734 G ol f Windermere l lage USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! • 6052 sq.ft., 5 bedsq.ft. golf course view. Loop, .64 aVi Central Oregon c res, room, 4 bath Dan Hoak, Broker Real Estate $279,000. Mara Stein, Door-to-door selling with • Gourmet kitchen, the541-639-6595 Principal Bro k e r, ater room Mary Hoak, Broker $289,900 Stonehedge. Pamir Properties, Inc. fast results! It's the easiest • MLS 201502497 541-848-8140 0.22 acre fenced lot, way in the world to sell. 541-420-3400 Craig Smith, Broker 1942 sq.ft., 3 bdrm Berkshire Hathaway 541-322-2417 Home Services 61418 CULTUS LAKE 2.5 bath, large ga The Bulletin Classified THE rage, close to schools Northwest Real Estate COURT 541-385-5809 PARKS at BROKEN and shopping. $509,500 Eagle Crest. TOP. 541-771-1168 Auth e ntic 80 Acre Estate Grand entrance, open Craftsman-style Eric Andrews, Broker home $3,950,000 floor plan, kitchen with on nearly one acre of MORRIS Windermere wine cooler and gran- peaceful and private • Custom 4555 sq.ft. REAL ESTATE Central Oregon home ite counters, paver IA~ rly ~ ~ Op « 0 park-like g r o unds. Real Estate patio and water fea- Reflecting the Arts & • Unobstructed Cascade views Awbrey Butte home. $299,000 Great loca tures. Crafts a r chitectural This home b o asts tion. 1865 sq.ft., 4 Bill Kammerer, Broker design of the early • Horse barn, 2 hay barns, shop 541-410-1200 nearly 3600 sq. ft.! bdrm, 2.5 bath, office, 1900s, this elegant 6 201408573 Great room floor plan, Windermere h ardwoods and u p b edroom, 4.5 b a t h • MLS Craig Long, Broker has a sunken living Central Oregon grades, granite and home is where form 541-480-7647 room as well as a asReal Estate stainless in kitchen, meets function. Ofter suite and 2 bedprivate oasis. fered at $1,250,000. rooms d o w nstairs. Jillian Smith, Broker, TURN THE PAGE Neighboring .82 acre 0 $489,000. CALL 503-913-5076 For More Ads estate lot may also be TERRY S KJERSAA Windermere purchased at The Bulletin MORRIS AT 541 - 383-1426. Central Oregon $ 355,000. MLW ¹ MLS: 2014 0 9784 Real Estate REAL ESTATE Lisa $525,000 Broken Top, 201504161. Duke Warner Realty d~ A Cole, Principal broker, 3073 Byers Ct., Bend. master on main, land Berkshire Hathaway $229,000. Great loca- scaping and patio with 8120 SW SHAD RD, Awbrey Glen $889,000 tion close to shopping pergola, u p grades NW. 541-749-0047 CRR. Frame built 3 • New construction, 3 center, close to medi- since 2011, meticu Call The Bulletin At bdrm, 2 bath, 1,336 bedroom, 2.5 bath Course views cal facilities, park & lously maintained. sq. ft., landscaped 1 •• Golf 541-385-5809 Single-level, 3 car schools, 3 bdrms, 2 Michelle Martinez, acres on paved street, full baths, spacious Broker 508-451-8806 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail large concrete patio, garage At: www.bendbulletin.com fenced backyard, in- • MLS 201502363 k itchen, access t o Windermere Diane Robinson, large deck w/trellis, Central Oregon 61420 WEI N HARD cludes riding l awn Broker, ABR fenced backyard & .15 Real Estate COURT at T E T H- mower, push mower 541-419-8165 acre lot, 2 car garage, a nd w e e d ea t e r EROW. Wo r ld-re$549,000. Very, very inside just painted, RV MLS nowned golf course $209,000. parking & gate ac- private, single level architect David McLay 201503271 cess t o b a c kyard. home, nicely updated, Kidd's Juniper Realty pers o nal Violeta Sdrulla, Prin- vaulted ceilings w/ 541-504-5393 in the heart cipal Broker skylights, plus double homesite, MORRIS o f T e therow G o lf 541-419-3522 John L garage too! 3 6x50 Course. Unique op- 8479 SW High Cone REAL ESTATE shop w/guest quarScott Realty, Bend Drive, CRR. 1728 sq. IM~ rl y~ ~ Op « 0 ters on 2 0 a c res. portunity to build your ft., 3 bdrm, 2 bath. 310 Willis Lane, www.johnlscott.com/3 dream home on the Detached 2-bay over- People Look for Information lot Mr. Kidd created incredible NW style 8200. Marci Schoensized shop. L arge About Products and estate on almost 90 berg, Broker, for himself when de- lawn area for entersigning the course. Services Every Daythrough 541-610-7803 John L acres. Ad ¹1362 taining. Located on This extraordinary 1i/2 1.21 acres. $138,900. The Bulletin Classiffeds TEAM Birtola Garmyn Scott Realty, Bend acres property overHigh Desert Realty 201300653 $559,900 Elegant Liv- looks the greens with mls Awbrey Glen beauty. 541-312-9449 Juniper Realty, ing. 55+ community views of the Cascade Located in B e nd's www.BendOregon 541-504-5393 within Eagle Crest. M ountain Ran g e. Premier golf commuRealEstate.com Linnea har d wood Upon closing, Mr. .88 of an acre commer- nity - Awbrey Glen. 3 gou r met Kidd will host & join $349,900 River Ranch. flooring, cially zoned property bdrms., 2 baths, 2394 2 044 s q . ft., 1. 4 5 kitchen, crown mold- your group of four in a with tw o s t ick-built sq. ft., private .31 acre acres, close to river ing, wainscot in din- round of golf at Teth- homes rented at $575 lot backing to comand forest, large RV ing. erow and B a ndon and $850. You also mon area, gourmet Susan Pitarro, garage. D unes. Offered a t ou t door get an additional tax kitchen & 541-771-1168 Broker $650,000. MLS¹ lot in the deal! This lo- decks. 541-410-8084 Eric Andrews, Broker 201504872. Lisa is off the Ma- www.johnlscott.com/d Windermere Windermere Cole, Principal Broker, cation dras Hwy. in Prinev- aniellesnow. Danielle Central Oregon Central Oregon Berkshire Hathaway ille, and there have Snow, Broker Real Estate Real Estate NW. 541-749-0047 been some new busi- 541-306-1015 John L nesses in the area. Scott Realty, Bend Need help fixing stuff? Asking $199,900 By Bend, Awbrey Village Call A Service Professional agent-owned p r op" Owner Oregon $469,000 find the help you need. erty. Heather Hockett, • 2128 sq.ft. www.bendbulletin.com P rincipal Brok e r • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath 5 41-420-9151 G o l d • .2 acre, several decks $350,000 Eagle Crest, Country Realty for views 3 bdrm, 2. 5 b a th, 1850 sq.ft., behind the 2245 sq. ft. Custom Home, 3Bdrm, 2.5 Bath 8 P u ma , Su n river.• MLS 201502046 Cathy Del Nero, gates, almost a half Remodeled..67acres, Large Deck, Mountain $415,000. 1861 sq.ft., Broker, CSP acre on the 14th fairViews, Open Floor Plan 3 bdrm, 3.5 bath, 3 541-410-5280 w ay, views of M t . 224 500 or Best Offer. master suites. Jefferson. Dan Hoak, Broker Diana Barker, Broker Inspection Sat.-Sun., 20-21 June, 10 a.m.-5 541-639-6595 541-480-7777 p.m. Will be sold Sunday Night 21 June Mary Hoak, Broker Windermere to HIGHEST BIDDER 541-848-8140 Central Oregon Berkshire Hathaway MORRIS (541) 598-6382 Real Estate Home Services REAL ESTATE Chip Faver©hotmail.com Northwest Real Estate $ 359,950 1/ 2 a c r e, 2204 sq.ft., 4 bdrm, 2 bath, 3 car garage, RV parking, outdoor living paver patio, hot tub and gazebo. Barbara Myers, Broker 541-480-7183 Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate
+ gl 8 0 +
1. 4
' 0 u T~ < "
Northwest Bend Open Homes NQRTHWEST CROSSING
845 NW Fort Clatsop St. Formal living room Cork flooring downstairs Attractive woodwork BOnuSrOOmuPslairS a
$$65,000 l4 •
West on NW Skytiner Rd., right on NW Mt. Washington Dr., right on NW Crossing Dr., right on NW John Fremont St., left on NW Fort Clatsop St.
OPEN FRI 3-5, SAT 11-2
1634 NW-SaginawAve. West Bend location Custom wood finishes
Madrone flooring T0P brand aPPlianCeS
$575,000 West on NW Newport Ave., right on NW College Way, right on NW
Saginaw Ave.
OPEN SATURDAY 12-3 West on NW Sheviin Park Rd., right on NW Park Commons Dr., right on NW Chiloquin Dr.
19175 Chiloquin Dr. MaSter on main leVel
Open floor plan Spacious island kitchen SOlid quarlZ CounteltoPS
$639,500 OPEN SATURDAY 12-3
From NW Newport Ave., north on NW 9th St., left on NW Summit Dr., left on NW Glassow Dr.
2056 NWGlasSOW Dr. City 8 Cascadeviews Energy savingfeatures MaSter onmain leVel
Daylight lower level
$599,000 OPEN SATURDAY 12-3
OLD BEND West on NW Portland Ave., right on NW 2nd St..
1604 NW 2nd St. West BendCraftsman Large RM ZOnedlot Unbeatable location LOadS ofCharaCter
Open in Northeast Bend 3150 NE Angela Ave. • Peaceful setting • Three BRS Plud8n S
Fenced backyard
$369,900 Juniper Glen. 2256 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 b ath, m t n vi e w s, arches, slab granite, open kitchen, bonus upstairs, co m mon SATURDAY area. 1-4 PM Bea Leach, Broker
• NeW Paint inSide & out
$315,000 East on NE Neff Rd., left on NE Eagle Rd., left on NE Angeta Ave.
S mall w o r k i n g r anch, p e r f e c t s etup f o r a n i mals. Two large 3 bdrm, 2 bath home on outbuildings with 1 acre, 720 sq. ft. ga- attached studio rage/shop, with 300 sq. ft. carport. Nicely apt. Walk-in meat landscaped with cooler, meat cutf enced y ar d an d ting room, loafwrap-around decks. i ng sh ed , a n d Heat pump and appli- greenhouse. Fulances incl u ded. l y fenced w i t h $129,900. r oom f o r RV , MLS201501579 hook-up includCall Nancy Popp, Principal Broker ed & much more! 541-815-8000
Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate
Crooked River Realty
1322 SW Bent Loop Powell Butte Directions: Hw y. 126 t o Powel/ Butte. Left on Reif Rd., go 2.5 miles, left on SW Twin Lakes Rd., go approx. 1 mile to second Bent LooP,
Beautiful 2230 sq, ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath custom built one level with 3-car garage. Hand-scraped maple floors throughout & travertine tile in baths. Come see all the extras this home has to offer. No CC&Rs or HOAs for this .24 acre lot located in gorgeous Three Pines subdivision!
rightapprox. / mile,houseis
on the right.
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Sales Office located in NorthWestGroming OPEN M-F9-5,SAT 10-4,CLOSED SUN FOR FATHER'S DAY
Chris McPheeters, m~Pal a~ker
thegarnergroup.comI 541 3N 4360
E4 SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2015 • THE BULLETIN Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
• H o mes for Sale •
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Awesome m o u ntain Cascade Mtn Views Country Living in town! Custom West s ide EAST BLUFF. 3 bdrm., views. 40 acres, 39 irMidtown 3 bedroom, 2 Home, 2978 NW Wild 2 ba. home in 1640y $899,000 rigates, 8 bdrms/6.5 • 4025 sq.ft., 4 bedb ath c h armer o n Meadow Dr. 3 Bdrm, sq. ft. on .42y acres. baths, 7853 sq. ft., room, 4 bath cul-de-sac near Hol- 3 bath, 2960 sq.ft., T his property is a separate apartment, • River rock, log acl inshead Park. B ig $575,000. I m macu- jewel. There are many large shop, fenced, cents, granite fenced backyard per- l ate h o me, q u i et features: fenced gar• 19.4 acres, 5000 sq.ft. BLM, 3 ponds, 2 wafect for garden and all street, RV p a rking, den area, RV parking terfalls! David King, shop your toyrs. $263,000. front porch, backyard, w/all hookups & paver Broker 541-876-7513 • MLS 201409795 CALL BECKY stainless appl., built in parking drive, fenced John L Scott Realty, Kelly Neuman, OZRELIC AT cabinets in the main storage shed, circular 541-480-9191. MLS: floor guest room/of- driveway, awning over Bend Principal Broker 541-480-2102 201504232 Duke fice, slate and exotic upper deck, s mall Beautifully u p graded! Warner Realty hardwood floors, large s hop a t tached t o bonus room, wet bar, lower level of home, Four bedrooms, 2.5 Crescent, OR bathrooms, 1688 sq. vaulted beams, spa- arborvitae nat u ral $54,900 cious master with gas hedge around rear ft. This home has • 2200 sq.ft. been tastefully upfireplace, soaking tub, yard, covered hot tub MORRIS • 3 bedroom, 2 bath tile, shower, large util- area, plants 8 shrubs raded t h roughout. REAL ESTATE • .38 acre lot 259,900. CALL ity room, oversized have drip irrigation 8 ~ y~ ~ ~ d • MLS 201502447 J AYNE BECK A T garage. yard has sprinklers, Darryl Doser, 541-480-0988 OR Charming Rinehart, Dempsey newer windows, coun t ry Broker, CRS PETE VAN DEUSEN home! 2564 sq. ft., 4 and Phelps newer exterior paint, 541-383-4334 541-480-5432 AT 541 - 480-3538. bdrm, 1.5 ba., 5 acres new louvered wood Windermere blinds, roof 10 years MLS: 201 5 02099 w/4.90 acres irrigaDuke Warner Realty Central Oregon old. $495,000. MLS¹ tion. Over sized 750 Real Estate 201504633 sq. ft. garage. MLS¹ Better than brand new- 201502772 $234,900. Bobbie Strome, MORRIS move in ready! Slab Pam Lester, Princ. Desirable senior park in Principal Broker REAL ESTATE granite c ounter Broker, Century 21 Suntree Village. 55+ John L Scott Real breakfast bar. New Gold Country Realty, IA ~ dy~ M Op wl park, 2 bdrms, 1.5 Estate 541-385-5500 a ppliances, gr e a t Inc. 541-504-1338 baths, 1008 sq. ft., Excellent starter home. Custom home, shop kitchen, 3 bdrms., 2~/~ private backyard/car- 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, baths, separate utility, Charming home in the and barn on 35 priport/storage, $49,900. 1460 sq. ft. built in double garage, room heart of R edmond, vate acres. 2592 sq. MLS¹ 201 5 04700 for RV, nicely land- 2250 sq. ft., 4 bdrm., ft., 4 b edroom, 2.2 Teresa Brown, Bro- 2007. Solar panels for e l ectric b i l ls. s caped, fenc e d, 2 ba., on .37 acre w/ bath home with new ker 541 - 788-8661 low stainless steel appli- John L Scott views from sprinkled. $289,000. greenhouse/solarium Realty, Mountain ances, pantry, and master bed r oom. Peggy Lee Combs, & 3 car garage. MLS¹ Bend custom iro n work Vaulted ceilings, gas Broker 541-480-7653 201502749 $289,000 fireplace, NE location. John L Scott Realty, Pam Lester, Princ. throughout. R ecent energy-efficient heat $229,900. CALL Bend Broker, Century 21 Just too many LARRY JACOBS AT Gold Country Realty, pump. Huge master collectibles? suite with mtn. views, 541-480-2329. MLS: Inc. 541-504-1338 Big Awbrey Butte walk-in closet, Ig. tile 201503073 Duke Craftsman home. Sell them in shower and Jacuzzi Warner Realty Ad ¹1112 Take care of tub. This home sits The Bulletin Classifieds TEAM Birtola Garmyn high on the property Excellent value! 60555 your investments High Desert Realty with 360 degree views S unset V ie w Dr . 541-312-9449 with the help from of the Cascade Mtns., 541-385-5809 Beautiful new home in www.BendOregon J efferson, Pow e l l a gated golf commuThe Bulletin's RealEstate.com Butte, an d G r izzly nity, features a great "Call A Service Down a Country Lane. room floor plan with 3 Butte. Bea u t ifully Boonseborough Beautifully remodeled bdrms. & 2.5 baths, Professional" Directory landscaped with wa$534,900 ter feature, custom home, inside and out, situated on 2+ acres • 2.5 acres backs BLM steel fenced yard with in a serene country w/1.43 acres of comClassic 2692 sq.ft., 4 • 2100 sq.ft. to be built setting just minutes mon area, h o rse a patio for entertain- from bedroom, 3 bath home town. Light and property! Don't miss ing. The shop has two home on.69 acre lot •3 bedroom+ offic e,2 bright easy living with out! Cyndi Robertson, RV doors, concrete on Awbrey Butte. bath floor and i s 4 0 x60 room for everyone, P rincipal Brok e r • MLS 201404946 $730,000. feet. Ride in 120x200 featuring vaulted ceil- 541-390-5345 John L Greg Floyd PC, Broker Sue Conrad, Broker ings and large master Scott Realty, Bend ft. arena or directly off 541-480-6621 541-390-5349 the p roperty o n to on main level. Enjoy the views from the Look at: miles of BLM. All of this at only $599,500. peaceful back deck on Bendhomes.com 5 a cres, w it h 4 . 5 Heather Hoc k ett, for Complete Listings of P rincipal Brok e r acres irrigation. The Area Real Estate for Sale MORRIS perfect Central OrMORRIS 5 41-420-9151 G o l d egon lifestyle surREAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Country Realty rounded by lush land- E xecutive home o n dy ~ ~ ~ d C ustom home s i t e! scaping, large pond, Canyon Creek. 7 timd r e am and wood burning fire bered acres south of NW C o ttage B uild y ou r Build your dream home. Classic in C a scade pit. Storage shed plus John Day. 3 bedroom, This north facing 2.64 built by Jim St. John home timeless finishes Views Estate. Seller 4 stall barn and shop 2.5 bath, 2801 sq. ft. acre lot in Whispering with preliminary build- area and tack room bonus room, attached P ines h a s gre a t and a great room floor has arage, landscaped. Chef's kitchen ing plans and would p rovide p lenty o f mountain views. Situ- plan. 399,999. CALL a space for your aniated on a hill, this lot and fabulous patio are consider D UKE WA RN E R Call for mals or toys. 4 Bdrm, provides great pri- ideal for entertaining. build-to-suit. DAYVILLE AT $90 , 000. 2.5 bath, 2298 sq.ft. CALL details. vacy. $149,000. CALL $615,000. 541-987-2363. MLS: SKJERSAA C ALL P ET E V A N offered at $549,000. TERRY SKJERSAA TERRY 201304288 DEUSEN AT Cate Cushman, AT 541 - 383-1426. AT 54'I -383-1426. OR Principal Broker 201 5 0 3918 541-480-3538 MLS: 201 5 04496 MLS: Fabulous mountainand 541-480-1884 Duke Warner Realty J AYNEE BECK A T Duke Warner Realty 541-480-0988. MLS: www.catecushman.com valley views. 5 bedroom, 3 bath, 2465 Community p a s ture, Duke Cascade Mou n tain right behind this 1704 201409341 sq. ft. home with cusWarner Realty Downtown Tum a lo. Views. This lot is lo- sq. ft. frame built 3 tom wood cabinets in Quiet neighborhood cated in the heart of bdrm, 2 bath home. kitchen, vaulted ceilSay "goodbuy" near the river. 2 bedTumalo. 4.22 acre lot Updated paint, floorings in living room and room, 1 bath home on is ideal for your future ing and quality carto that unused views .44 acre lot. Private window home. $29 9 ,000. pets. Attached 2-car throughout. $330,000. item by placing it in well. $219900. CALL CALL TERRY garage. MLS DUKE BECKY OZRELIC AT CALL SKJERSAA AT The Bulletin Classifieds R EALTY 201503998. 541-480-9191. MLS: WARNER 541-383-1426. MLS: DAYVILLE AT $219,900. Call Donna 201504083 Duke 541-987-2363. MLS: 201505048 Duke Carter, 541-903-0601 Warner Realty 5 41-385-580 9 Warner Realty Crooked River Realty 201405151
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Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
• H o mes for Sale •
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Fairway Crest Village Inn of the 7th. This 3 Mirada $321,990 NORTH CANYON ES- NW Bend Townhome b edroom, 3 bat h • Franklin Brothers built TATES. 3 bedroom, 2 $749,000 $387,395 • 2927 sq.ft. ground level condo is 2084 sq.ft. bath in 1715y sq. ft. in • 2180 sq.ft., upgraded • 4 bedroom, 3 bath located near the pool • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath .32y acres. Charming • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • .25 acre, SHARC paid and all resort activi- • Slab granite, tile back- one owner home on a • Island kitchen, open in full ties. Don't miss your splash large lot, waiting for a great room • MLS 201503418 opportunity! $169,000. • MLS 201501796 new family to enjoy. • MLS 201505341 Jack Johns, CALL KIM WARNER Don Kelleher, Broker Sprinkler system is inDawn Ulrickson, Broker, GRI AT 541 - 4'I 0-2475. 541<80-1911 stalled with drains that Broker, CRS, 541-480-9300 MLS: 201 4 08943 can be opened for fall GRI,ABR Duke Warner Realty & winter shut-down. 541-610-9427 Solid core i n terior In the heart of Sisters, doors an d p o cket $289,000. 2080 sq. ft., doors. Built-in cabiMORRIS built in 2004, 4 spanets 8 shelves in livMORRIS REAL ESTATE cious bedrooms, 2~/2 ing room, family room MORRIS REAL ESTATE baths, short walk to & hallway. Wonderful trails, parks, schools, d~ A REAL ESTATE covered front porch 8 Mountain High shops & restaurants, I~ ~ ~ Op m 1 back deck for family 8 Fairway Point Village $399,500 fully fenced, private • 2439 sq.ft. guest enj o yment. $875,000 NW Crossing corner lot. Parking & storage for • 3097 sq.ft. single level www.johnlscott.com/5 • 2 bedroom+ den, 2 $659,900 toys & small equip- • 2361 sq.ft, 4 bedroom, • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath 5 996. Angie C o x , bath ment. Garden area 2.5 bath • Gourmet kitchen, golf Broker 541-213-9950 • .37 acre, private backsoil has been regu- • Master on main, upcourse views John L Scott Realty, yard larly composted, just grades throughout • MLS 201504174 • MLS 201504540 Bend waiting for a new fam- • Private, fenced yard Gary Rose, JJ Jones, Broker Large home in Bend. ily. Property is a must • MLS 201504806 541-788-3678 Broker, MBA 2623 sq. ft., 4 bdrm., view to a ppreciate. Brandon Fairbanks, 541-588-0687 2.5 b a th , g r a nite MLS¹ 201 5 05401 Broker, SRES, countertops, gas fireBobbie Strome, GRI, CDPE p lace, wood & t i l e Principal Broker 541-383-4344 f loors, fenced R V John L Scott Real MORRIS parking 8 triple gaEstate 541-385-5500 MORRIS REAL ESTATE rage. MLS¹ REAL ESTATE NORTH RIM ON AW201503661 $359,900 B REY BUTTE. E x Pam Lester, Princ. Move-in ready in SW MORRIS ceptional o n e-acre Broker, Century 21 French Style river view Gold Country Realty, Bend. Single level, 3 homesite in the beauREAL ESTATE Home w / r iverbank Inc. 541-504-1338 bdrm., 2 bath, 1698 tiful North Rim Comsetting! Exquisite acsq. ft., vaulted open m unity, i n clo s e coutrements: Granite, LAZY RIVER SOUTH floor plan, gas fire- proximity to t e nnisNWX Townhome. Imhardwood, m a rble,Remodeled 3535y sq. place, granite court a n d park maculate E a rth-adtile, Venetian plaster, ft. home with 4 bdrm + counters, wood floors, grounds and the Des- vantage certified stone 8 st a inless. officeand 3 baths. fenced, landscaped w/ chutes River T rail. t ownhome with a n W ood-burning f i r e - Master bath with large s prinklers, close t o Other amenities in- open floor plan, 2 place, top line appli- jetted tub 8 new tile schools, park, trails & c lude g a te d en - b edroom, 2.5 b a t h a nces, metal c l ad shower. Media room, Old M i l l Dis t rict. trances, paver walk- and outdoor l iving windows and so much family room, huge $319,900. ing p aths, n a tive area. $389,900. CALL more! Listen to the kitchen with h a n d- www.johnlscott.com/5 landscape m a inte- TERRY S KJERSAA tranquil ripple of the crafted cabinets and 7117. Kathy Denning, nance and the beau- AT 541 - 383-1426. river below. while en- granite 201 5 04593 cou n t ers, Broker 541-480-4429 tiful North Rim Lodge. MLS: joying this Exquisite walk-in pantry, sun- John L Scott Realty, Beautiful C a s cade Duke Warner Realty home. $65 9 ,000. r oom with hot t u b. Bend Mountain views add to Picturesque Rural SetMLS201404694. Home ha s c e d ar the ambiance of this t ing. The b e s t o f Nancy Popp, Principal eaves with copper acHave an item to very special building country living w ith Broker 541-815-8000 cents. Exterior siding site. $550,000. MLS¹ sell quick? Cascade mtn. views. Crooked River Realty on home, garages & 201505062 B eautifully mai n storage bldg have just If it's under Bobbie Strome, Gorgeous single level in been painted. Watch tained single l evel Principal Broker home on 19.5 acres, Broken Top. Situated the wildlife from the '500 you can place it in John L Scott Real on Goose Creek Pond wrap-around deck or w/13.8 acres COI irriThe Bulletin Estate 541-385-5500 gation and pond. Intewith beautiful water go to your private acClassifieds for: features include 2 views. Triple car ga- c ess to 300y f t o f Northwest R e dmond! rior rage, 2327 sq. ft. and Little Deschutes River 2030 sq. ft. home with master suites, a spa2 m a s te r su i tes. frontage for fishing, '10 - 3 lines, 7 days kitchen w/ cen3 bdrms./2 ba, 1 4 cious $599,000. CALL ROB swimming or floating. '16 - 3 lines, 14 days acre, RV area and ter island and slab EGGERS AT $475,000 granite counters, livgarage. MLS¹ (Private Party ads only) double 541-815-9780. MLS: MLS¹¹201309267 20153265 $209,999. ing room with vaulted 201504989 Duke Bobbie Strome, exp o sed Call P a m L e ster, ceilings, Warner Realty Near Drake Park! Clas- Principal Principal Broker Bro k e r, beams, propane firesic Westside home n a t ural L Scott Real C entury 2 1 Gol d place an d Got Horses? You and John pe r fect between the r i ver, Country Realty, Inc. light. T h e your critters will love Estate 541-385-5500 Drake P a r k and 541-504-1338 equestrian p roperty this property. Attrac- Live off the grid! Com- downtown. 2265 sq. with an outdoor arena, tive 3 bedroom, 2.5 p lete with a s o l ar ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 4 s tall b a rn, t a c k NOTICE b ath, 2900 sq . f t . system and gas gen- large RM zoned lot room, shop, hayloft, 3 All real estate adverhome with barn and erator backup. Cus- with potential to build. pens and 3 l oafing tised here in is subarena on 5 acres with tom 2 b e droom, 2 $524,000. CALL ROB s heds. Gated a nd ject to th e F ederal 2 a cres i r rigation. b ath, 1920 s q . f t . EGGERS AT grounds, F air Housing A c t , landscaped Close to BLM land. home with d aylight 541-815-9780. MLS: a circular driveway which makes it illegal $639,900. CALL basement on a very 201503397 Duke to advertise any pref- and water f e ature. BECKY OZRELIC AT p rivate 5 acre s . Warner Realty sq. ft. Offered at erence, limitation or 2712 541-408-9191. MLS: $269,000. CALL $799,000. Cate discrimination based 201502661 Duke DUKE WARNER RE- Near Smith Rock, gorCushman. Bend Preon race, color, reliWarner Realty ALTY DAYVILLE AT geous 3 bdrm, 3 bath, mier Rea l E s t ate. 541-987-2363. MLS: 3190 sq.ft. $694,000 gion, sex, handicap, 541-480-1884 Great home. 3 bedrom, 201306630 familial status or na201300784. Call 2.5 bath, 1905 sq. ft. Warner Realty Duke ¹Linda Lou Day-Wright. tional origin, or inten- Premiere Sisters area on over one quartei 541-771-2585 Crooked tion to make any such ranch. 228 +/- acres, preferences, l i mita- 61 acres in irrigation acre in desirable loca- Located in Terrebone! River Realty tion. All bedrooms are 1215 sq. ft., 3 bdrm., tions or discrimination. rights, 4 legal lots of We will not knowingly record. Storybook log generous sized, over- 2 ba. home on .34 NE Bend $250,000 sized 2 car garage acre flat lot with ma- • 1738 sq.ft., single accept any advertis- home, 4249 sq. ft., 3 t ure t r ees. M L S ¹ level ing for r eal e state b edroom, 2 and room for RV or bat h . camper. $ 3 05,000. 201503396. which is in violation of Barn, o u t buildings, • 3 bedroom, 2 bath CALL GAYLE LAR- $118,350. Pam • Corner lot, RV parkthis law. All persons paddocks with underSON AT Lester, Princ. Broker, ing are hereby informed ground irrigation and 541-297-1249. MLS: C entury 2 1 Gol d • MLS 201505228 that all dwellings ad- s helters. One o f a 201502292 Duke Country Realty, Inc. vertised are available kind working ranch. Minda Mckitrick, 541-504-1338 Warner Realty on an equal opportu- $ 2,850,000. Broker, GRI CAL L nity basis. The Bulle- KRIS WARNER AT 541-280-6148 style estate on 5 Great location in North- Lodge tin Classified 541-480-5365. MLS: Casc a de west Crossing. Frank a cres. 201503392 Duke views, Lloyd Wright inspired mountain NW Bend $379,000 Warner Realty loc a tion, home by Greg Welch close-in • 2210 sq.ft. close to 6 b d rms, 4 river trail Construction. Master gated, Price reduced $239,000 gour m et MORRIS b edroom is on t h e b aths, • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath Meadow Lakes k itchen, gran i t e REAL ESTATE • Master on main, cor- •Updated 1876 s q .ft. main level, two guest counters, SS applirooms, office/den, and ner lot home RV parking, • MLS 201504925 bonus room. ances, •0.22 acre large lot, $669,500. CALL 3200 sq. ft . s h op, NE Bend $455,000 Marci Bouchard, granite, wood and tile 4 acres irriga- • Development opportu- Broker, CRS, SRES •Kitchen TERRY S KJERSAA barn, with pantry AT 541 - 383-1426. tion. Shelley Arnold, nity 541-977-1230 • Golf, library and park Broker 541-771-9329 • 3798 sq.ft., 3 bedMLS: 2015 0 1545 541-4'I 0-1200 John L Scott Realty, room, 2.5 bath Duke Warner Realty Bill Kammerer, Bend • .85 acres, irrigation, Broker Hard to find 5 acre, flat Lots of room, sitting on barn Windermere buildable corner lot t he ri m w it h e x c . • MLS 201503445 Central Oregon MORRIS located in Lake Park views, on paved road. Cliff Feingold, Broker Real Estate REAL ESTATE Estates with mature Garden shed, carport, 541-480-8796 l andscape. MLS ¹ large deck, fenced Prineville Commercial 201406959. $135,500 back yard. Come and for sale. Stand-alone NW Bend $424,999 Pam Lester, Princ. enjoy the amenities at 3622 sq. ft., 12,542 • 1639 sq.ft. craftsman Broker, Century 21 sq. ft. Iot, strong ten• 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Ranch! Golf, tenGold Country Realty, the a nt h i story, n e w MORRIS nis & pool. $229,000. wood floors Inc. 541-504-1338 roof/furnaces, NW 4th • .3 acre fenced lot MLS ¹ 2 0 1 1309154 REAL ESTATE & D eer. $ 209,500 Li n d a Lou • MLS 201505100 Home on 4 + a cres. Call cash. Broker, Bonnie Savickas, 1800 sq. ft. mfg. home Day-Wright, bedrooms? 5 Broker, EPRO, SRES www.johnlscott.com/b on 4+ a cres, well, 541-771-2585 or text Need r adwhitcomb. B r a d to: 85377 bedroom, 6 bath with 541-408-7537 large enclosed RV/ T1687810 Whitcomb, re a l tor family room, shop combo, fenced for m o r e ph o tos, office, 541-350-3449 John L ec. room a n d 2 for livestock, close to Crooked River Realty rmaster Scott Realty, Bend suites. Other 0 public lands & h ay Master on main - Asinclude sunfarms. To m R o t h, pen Rim. B eautiful features Privacy with a v i ew! room, solarium and an Broker 541-771-6549 home i n MORRIS Approximately 3800 d e sirable awesome gre e nJohn L Scott Realty, neighborhood, sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 4 3 house all on over 10 REAL ESTATE Bend b ath h o m e wit h bedrooms, 2~/2 baths, acres with mountain d~ A study/den, media 1572 sq. ft., stainless views. $99 9 ,000. NW Bend $629,900 Immaculate home on room, steam sauna steel app l iances, CALL CANDY YOW the river! Beautiful 3 • 3055 sq.ft. under conand fitness room..729 g reat AT 541 - 4 10-3193. b edroom, 2 bat h , fenced yard, acre lot overlooking w/pool 8 MLS: 201 4 0 3687• 4struction beautifully maintained, community bedroom, 3.5 bath Hillside Park with un$299 , 629. Duke Warner Realty landscaped, views of park. • Pick your finishes o bstructed view . Ra m say, river and Paulina and Theresa • MLS 201502040 $ 1,125,000. CAL L Broker 541-815-4442 New construction! 4 large shop. $398,000. John L Scott Realty, bdrm., 2.5 ba., 2384 Brent Landels, Broker KAROLYN DUBOIS CALL CANDY YOW Bend 541-550-0976 AT 541 - 390-7863. sq. ft. w/master on AT 541 - 4 10-3193. MLS: 201 5 00055 floor. Granite MLS: 201 5 0 5101Mid-Century Modern. A main Duke Warner Realty Duke Warner Realty brand new home in coutertops, double car Northwest C rossing garage, RV parking Profitable bus i ness Incredible custom home features a master on w/gate & landscaped ready to go . N i ce MORRIS o n a c reage. T h is the main and two ad- f ront y a rd. M L S ¹ commercial building REAL ESTATE home is made with ditional bedrooms with 201505304. $279,900 on 2 acres. 4000 sq. love and custom fea- a bonus an d f l e x Pam Lester, Princ. ft., parking, public reCentury 21 tures in every room. space upstairs. Broker, stroom, showroom, 2 NW Bend Condo Country Realty, L ooking fo r l o d ge $622,500. CALL Gold roll up drive through $273,000 Inc. 541-504-1338 s tyle h o m e sur - TERRY S KJERSAA doors and pits to work • 1213 sq.ft. condo rounded by wildlife, AT 541 - 383-1426.New listing i n g r eat• 4 bedroom, 2 bath, under vehicles. this is it. 4 bedroom, MLS: 201 5 02670 neighborhood. This 3 $349,900. CALL open great room 2.5 bath. $849,000. Duke Warner Realty CANDY YO W AT bedroom, 2 bath • Vaulted ceiling, hardCALL CANDY YOW 541-410-3193. MLS: features vaulted wood floors AT 541 - 410-3193.Midtown single level. home 201406880 Duke with a n ice • MLS 201501585 MLS: 201 3 04445 Close to s hoppmg, ceilings Warner Realty Debbie Johnson, schools, medical, 3+ open feel, new paint Duke Warner Realty Broker bedrooms, 2 baths, in and out, new carFIND YOUR FUTURE 541-480-1293 Incredible Opportunity. 1907 sq. f t. , l i ving pet; the kitchen features granite couterHOME INTHE BULLETIN 2 separate buildings room w/hardwood & on 3.1 acres. Excel- fireplace, large open tops, nice eating bar Yourfutureisjust apageaway. lent location. Long kitchen bonus with custom tile and Whetheryou'relookingforahat or backsplash, custom rooms, double gaterm leases on all aplacetohangit, TheBulletin buildings. $1,500,000. rage & fenced back- chandelier and ample MORRIS Classifiedisyourbest source. CALL CANDY YOW y ard. Peggy L e e cabinets. The master REAL ESTATE a AT 541 - 410-3193. Combs, Broker bedroom h a s E very daythousandsofbuyersand w alk-in closet a n d MLS: 201 3 04214 541-480-7653 John L sellersol goodsandservicesdo nice bathroom with Duke Warner Realty Scott Realty, Bend Craftsman business inthesepages.They c ustom tile and a NW Bend $470,000 Mirada $285,500 Incredibly Private Setwalk-in shower. The • 2113 sq.ft., know youcan't beatTheBulletin 4 bedting in the Pines! Fully • 1541 sq.ft. double car garage has room, 2.5 bath Classified Sectionforselection scribed 3 bed, 1.75 • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath a garage door opened • Main level master andconvenience- everyitemis bath custom log home • Picture windows, and storage above the suite stone fireplace just aphonecal away. is surrounded by a garage. This home is • Hardwood floors, b eautifully land - • MLS 201411017 on a nice landscaped vaulted ceilings TheClassifiedSectionis easy Darrin Kelleher, scaped yard. There is lot with a back deck, • MLS 201503719 to use.Everyitemis categorized Broker a 1500 sq. ft. shop fenced yard, patio and Jerry Stone, Broker andeverycategoryis indexedon w/220 power for all The Kelleher Group fenced RV p a rking 541-390-9598 541-788-0029 the section'sfront page. your toys or projects. w ith g ravel. O n ly Twin w el l p r o vide asking $189,900 for W hether you ar e l o ok i n g fora home crystal clear water. this age n t-owned e or need aservice,yourfutureis in $484,500. CALL BILL property at 981 Yew the pages ofTheBulletin Class!ied. PANTON AT in Prineville. Heather MORRIS MORRIS 541-420-6545. MLS: Hockett, Pri n cipal REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE 201501833 Duke Broker 541-420-9151 The Bulletin Serving Central Orcgon since19t8 Warner Realty Gold Country Realty IM~& m ly ~ d~ 4 M q I m ly ~ d~ •
A •
I Bi
Looking for a remodel project? Elevated Great room concept with 3 bedrooms and This 3 bedroom, 2 bath, IH4 sq. R. home lot in the heart of the Westside. 2 2.5 baths in 2229sq. It. Roomfor RV parking., includes a shop on a /u acre lot. close bedraom, I bath, 912 sq. ft. Close to shops, mountain views from master bedroom and proximity ta restaurants, parks and restaurants, pubs and park $330,000 comer fireplace. $339,m CALLJAYNEEBECK downtown. Unique opportunity.$609,000 CALL LARRY ]ACOBS AT 541-480-2329. AT 541-480-0988 OR PETEVAN DEUS EN CALL KIH WARNER AT 541-410-2475. MLS:201505606 AT 541-480-3538 MLS:201506001 MLS:201505612
ee I
3 bedroom, 2bath, 1531sq.fL home on 3.7I You and your critters will love this property. with brand new carpet and paint 2 acres. Move-in ready with newer appliances, Attractive 3 bedroom,2.5 bath, 2900 sq. ft. master suites, 2.5 bathrooms, and an open carpet ,paint,andmom .24X18detachedshop home with barn andarena an 5 acreswith 2 floor plan, all on a comer lot. $272,500 with concrete tloor and IORareas.$319,000 acres irrigation. Close to BN land. $625,000 CALL BROOKCRIAZZO AT 541-550-8408 OZRELIC AT541-480-9191. OR AUBRE CHESHIREAT 541-598-4583. CALL CAROLYNEMICKAT 541-419-0717. CALL BECKY MLS:201505645 MLS:201502661 MLS:2015021+t
Beautiful 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Ueautifully maintained home, landscaped,with views of river andPaulina,plus alarge shop. $398,000 CALL CANDY YOW AT H1410-3193. MLS:201505101
3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1905 sq. R. on over 4 bedrooms,2.5 bathrooms, 1688 sq. ft. This
one quarter acre in desirable location. All home has beentastefully upgraded throughout. bedrooms aregenerous sized,oversized 2 car $259900 CALLJAYNEB ECKAT541480-0988 garageand roomfor RVor camper. $299,900 OR PETEVAN DEUSENAT 541-480-3538, CA'LL GAYLE LARSON AT 541-297-1249.
3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1800 sq. It located Come enjoy the lifestyle in this 2 bedroom Prime commerciasil te, just one lot oII corner in Cres cent Creek. Low maintenance and 2 bath, 1351 sq. ft, condo with an attached of Bond and BlufF. Approx. 26,000 sq. ft., close to recreational hot spots. $199,999 garage as well as a carport Unbeatable MR zoning allows many uses. $650,000 CALL !AYNEE BECK AT Hl -480-0988 location close to everything $3H900 OR PETEVAN DEUSE N AT Hl-480-3538 CALL Klrt WARNER AT 541-410-2475 CALL KIT KORISH AT 541-480-2335. MLS:201500280 MLS:201503385 HLS:201502618
Approximately3800sq.!I., 3 bedroom,4 bath First-classkennel/boardingbusinessfordogsandcats.53dog 3 bedroom,2.5 bath, 1460sq.ft, built in 2007. home with study/den,mediaroom, steamsauna and fitness room..729 acre lot overlooking HillsideParkwithunobstructedview.$1,050000 CALL KAROLYNDUBOISAT 541-390-7863.
rooms and13cat rooms,most with outside runs.Multiple outside playareasforsupervisedplayandexerI se.Longtime experienced statrandgroomingfaalities, propertyhasa2500 sq. t. home, indudingaI-bedroomapartment $964,I!00 CALLBSWARNERAT541480-5365. ML> ' :201502782
Solar panels for low electnc btls. Mountan views from master bedroom. Vaulted ceilings, gas lireplace, NE location. $227,900
CALL LARRYJACOBSAT 541-480-2329. MLS:201503073
- ee
View all our listings, additional photos and more at www.dukewarner.com • g
4 .'~ - ~' ™
Greenbuil t home on 20 acres. 2739 sq.R. Immaculate Earth-advantage certified town- Quiet neighborhood close to the river. 4 bedroom, 3 bath, solar panel, 10 acres home with an open floor plan, 2 bedroom 2 bedroom, I bathhome on a .44 irrigation, set up for horsesand steel bam. So 2.5 bath and outdoor living area. $389,900 acre lot with a private well. $219,900 many upgradesand extras to list. $599,000 CALL ROB EGGERSAT 541-815-9780 CALL TERRYSiqERSAA AT 541-383-1426 CALL BECKYOZRELICAT 541480-9191. Mi 9 2015(H593 HL5:201504083 MLS:201503739
Fully scribed 3bed1.75 bath customlog home Classic Westside home between the river, Enjoy country living in this beautiful pueblosurroundedbyabeautifully landscapedyard, with Drake Park, and downtown. 2265 sq. style home on a 3.15acre lot in the coveted a 1500sq.ft. shopwQ20power for all your toys R.,3 bedroom, 2 bath, l arge RM zoned Lane KnollsEstates.Home hasgreat views of or projects.Twinwells provide crystal clearwater. lot with potential to build. $524,000 mountains, sunsets and sunrises. $639,000 $484,500CALLBILLPANTONAT 541-420-6545. CALL ROB EGGERS AT 541-815-9780. CALL TERRYSiqERSAA AT 541-383-1426. MLS:2015(H505 MLS:201501833. MLS:201503397
Enjoy easysummer living today. 3 bedroom, Gorgeous 2500sq.ft.3bedroom,3 bathhome 2 bath, 1008sq.R. updated home. $189,000 in RiversEdge,backsto 14th fairway. $615,000 CALL BILL PANTON AT 541820-6545. CALL GAYLE LARSON AT 541-297-1249. MLS:I01505557 MLS:20150923
3 bedroom, 2bath, 1775sq.It. home that has plenty of roomfor entertaining. Fully landscaped and nicestorageshedin the backyard. Closeto everything. $271,900 CALLBILLPANTON AT 541820-6545.NLS:201505961
Sunday II AM-I PM Fred Johnson
9AM-I I AM Nark Holme Broker
54 I -2 I 3-8385
54 I -788-3733
i i i
• 15,000 sq. ft./0.344 acres • West side of Bend • Scenic forest views • Shevlin Park with in walking distance • Hiking and mtn. biking
• Two AwbreyGlenlots •2265NW Putnam:42253 sq.ft. •2269NW Putnam: 37897 sq.ft. • Nice level building envelope • Natural rock out croppings • Golf course view andpond across the street
•Onesouthfacingcondo available • Completely renovated • 2bed,1bath&680SF • Professionally managed & maintained
$125,000 I 60906 ALPINEDRIVE, BEND • 1440 SF, 3 bed & 3 bath • On almost1/3 acre New windows, heater & A.C. unit • Great investment opportunity
ILi'e -
' I I
541-946-3371 RINEHARTDEMPSEY.COMRinehdrt. Dem pseq /tphelps
• 1865 SF, 4 bed, 2.5 bath & office
• Hardwoods & upgrades • Granite & SS in kitchen $579,000IQUAILRIDGE • Pavers, sprinklers & trees • Master bath with jacuzzi
K ll -
541-420-3891 BOB AHERN BROKER
$597,000I63220 JOHNSON ROAD, BEND • 3.03 acres in Bend's westside •CascadeMountainviews • 3262 SF home • Oversized attached garage & openfloor plan
541-771-1168 ' j"," ERIC ANDREWS BROKER
$389,500 I 19628 POPLAR STREET, BEND
425-301-9090 503- 851-8621 LUANN SISSON REBECCA DEYEREAUX BROKER BROKER $334,950I1757 NW UPAS AVENUE, REDMOND • Model home • Single level home • 4 bed & 2 bath • 3-car tandem ' garage HIgh end fIxtures& finishes
gr' ]
u (ff
i IiIb.
541-420-3891 . BOBAHERN BROKER
$198,000ISISTERS GETAWAY • Lovely & well maintained • Nice open floor plan • New carpeting & flooring • Covered front porch • Fenced in yard . • Nestled in The Pines Mobile HomePark
• Cute 2 bed townhome • Fenced yard • Great location • Rental or hideaway • Walktofood & drink
' I
• 2000 manufactured home • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 1404 sq. ft. • Heat pump, Pergo floors • Private fenced backyard • Cul-de-sac location
541-480-7777 . i, DIANA BARKER - I BROKER
• 0.22 acre fenced lot • 1942 SF • 3 bed 8 2.5 bath • Large garage • Close to schools and shopping
541-639-6307 SECILYLUSE BROKER • 2 yrs old flooring • Adorable, well maintained home • Newly landscaped,new sidewalks andnew interior paint • Central AC • 55+ park, great place to live
$373,000 - $559,000 I FAITHHOPECHARITYVINEYARDS • Acreage for sale: 6 lots • 5.34 $439,000 Mtn. View • 5.01 $373,000 Smith Rock • 5.19 $373,000 Smith Rock • 5.01 $559,000 Mtn. View • 4.98 $549,000 Mtn. View • 4.98 $549,000 Mtn. View
• 1.23 acre woodedsite • 1 acre of Arnold Irrigation • Organic 37 years • Sturdy single level home • Mid Century w/solarium • Close to Old Mill • Passive Solar
• Level residential lots • Utilities to the property • Close to schools, medical & shopping • Next to Canyon Rim Village • 3 lots available - $48,000 each
541-788-2274 BEA LEACH BROKER
• The Ridge at Eagle Crest 55+community '2381 SF & stunning upgrades throughout • 3 bed, 2.5 bath & built in 2002 • Amazing finishes & wonderful views • All the amenities: golf, pool & more
$190,000I55+ COMMUNITY • Street lined with beautiful home sites • Close to sports center, golfing, tennis, fly fishing & 14 miles of trails • Come build your home! • Single level only
balc o ny
garage • Nearly 5 fencedacres & 541-815-9446 ready for horses JANELLE CHRISTENSEN • Great coveredback deck BROKER
• 4 bed • 2.5 bath • Great room floor plan • Forced air furnace with A/C • Attached 3-car garage • Fenced & landscaped • Beautiful waterfeature
• Updated & well maintained • Large shop & boat
• Nearly 4.5 acres • 3 bed & 2.5 bath • 1080 SF shop with RV bay •CascadeMountainviews • 2 decks & circular driveway • Open floor plan & greatroom
• 3178 SF, 4 bed & 4 bath • Large master suite with
• Custom built home &
landscaping • RV parking,decks&storage
• Crestridge Estates home • On five acres with view • Spectacular gardens & landscaping • 3-car garage & shop • Huge entertainment deck with hot tub • Vaulted ceilings, great room, A/C & tile roof • 3 bed & 2.5 bath MLSP 201503117
541-788-2274 BEA LEACH BROKER
• 3 bed 8 2.5 bath • 0.38 acres, fenced &
ponderosa pines
• Eagle Crest single level home • Vaulted kitchen & living large master suite • 3-car garage • 3bed,2bath &1850SF
- EH K I -
541-788-2274 BEA LEACH BROKER
shop area • 2 fireplaces & large bonus room
• 2.5 fenced acres • 2000 SF single level home • 3 bed 8 3 bath , =7; '. • Includes inlaw apartment • Barn, loafing shed, tack room, round pen &corral
• Great price for this cozy immaculately kept single level home • 3bed &2bath • 2001 manufactured home with 2-car garage & RVarea • Open floor plan with an open kitchen • Deck with fully fenced backyard
$289,500IHOME AT STONEHEDGE ON THE RIM • 2692 SF all on one level home • 1.96 treed acres & big lawns • 4 bed & 3 bath • 4-car heated garage &
541-788-2274 BEA LEACH BROKER
$525,000I65044 HIGHULND ROAD, BEND
• Custom log homewith master on main • 3 bed, 2 bath & open floor plan • 6.25 acres with mountain & Smith Rock views • 8 stall horse barn with tack room • Hot walker, round pens & corrals
• Beautiful neighborhood • 3 bed, 2.5 bath & 2431 SF Bonus room $232,900IMOVE IN READY! • 2-car garage • Vaulted living • Central air • Open floor plan • Air Conditioning • Garage & storage loft • Vaulted master • 3 bed, 2 bath • RV parking • .29acre lot
gl g<
• 2227 sq. ft. 3 bedroom/ 3 bath • Open kitchen/living room floor plan • 2 master suites/library/ den • 2+ acre on Little Deschutes River • Close to Sunriver Resort & recreational opportunities
541-946-3371 RINEHARTDEMPSEY.COMRinehdrt. Dem PseV 8 phelps
• One level townhome with views • Beautifully built, updated & maintained • 1443 SF, vaulted great room, 2 bed & 2 bath • Updated kitchen, lots of storage & counter space • Dining area, private decks, huge0.23 acre lot & double garage
• 2 dwellings-main house & mobile home • 35.4 acres with 27 acres irrigation • Cascade Mtn & Smith Rock views • Fenced andcross fenced • 2 double RV gates • Barn, equipment, shed and more
• Cul-de-sac location • 2 bed, 1.5 bath two story units • Attached single car garages • Close to shopping, schools & medical 541-306-0479 facilities CHRISTIN HUNTER • Professionally managed & tenant occupied BROKER
P- - 541-480-9883 AUDREYCOOK BROKER
• Located in Stonehedge on The Rim • 3 bed • 2 bath • Vaulted ceilings • Living room & great room • RV parking • Fenced • Landscaped
g~, 541-410-1200 BILL KAMMERER BROKER
• Completely updated 1876 SF home • 0.22 acre large lot • Granite, wood & tile • Large kitchen with walk-in pantry • Close to golf, library, park & downtown • View of golf course & river
For homes online WW W b e n d h o m e S . C o m
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Sunriver/La Pine Homes Sunriver/La Pine Homes Homes with Acreage
Ride your horses from Single Level Energy Ef- SW Bend $209,000 Tillicum Village Village W i estoria Wildriver $289,900 1 715 M a r e Cou r t , If you are looking for a 563 NW Gerke Rd., Bend. Midtown, near • 2459 sq.ft. your backyard. 5 acre, ficient g reen b u i lt• 1188 sq.ft. manufac$399,900 $192,300. 1809 sq. ft., very unique home Prineville. 2280 sq. ft. • 2740 sq.ft. contempo3365 sq. ft. totally re- home on 20 acres. tured H ollinshead Pa r k ,• 3 bedroom, 3 bath 30x60 4-bay s hop. with awesome views main home, 4 bedmodeled house, 3 2739 sq. ft., 4 bed- • 3 bedroom, 2 bath rary 2007 home, 3 bed- • .42 acre lot High Lakes Realty check this one out! 3 room, 2 bath, horse • Private .95 acre, de• MLS 201505096 bedroom, 3 bath, liv- room, 3 bath, solar • 3 bedroom, 2 bath rooms, 4 baths, 2780 8 P roperty Manage- bdrm, 3.5 bath, 3528 barn w/3 stall setup, 2 ing & family rooms, panel, 10 acres irriga- tached garage • .59 acre, overlooks +/- sq. ft., must see. Jan Laughlin, Broker, ment 541-536-0117 sq.ft., on 1.86 acres is car carport, l arge office, huge loft, gran- tion, set up for horses • MLS 201505238 canal $424,900. ABR, CRS, GRI, CSP 20686 Justice Lane, it! Vaulted ceilings, open kitchen, garden ite countertops 8 fire- and steel barn. So Rachel Lemas, Broker • MLS 201411019 www.johnlscott.com/5 541-350-6049 living family, dining, area, 6.5 acre treed $284,900. 2080 sq. ft. game room & laundry lot, large d etached place, heated floors, many upgrades and 541-896-1263 Deborah Benson PC, 1003. Kellie C ook, in Bend. 4 bdrm, 2~/2 wine cave & stained extras to list. Broker, GRI, Broker 541-408-0463 rooms. Decks in front fenced bath. High Lakes Re- and back, pond with garage/shop, glass, 36'X36' garage $599,000. CALL ROB Preview Specialist John L Scott Realty, and irrigated pastures. alty 8 Property Manwith car life & 36'X36' EGGERS AT 541-480-6448 Bend waterfall. Land - $350,000. More info? agement barn, 36'X20' carport 541-815-9780. MLS: scaped 8 s p rinkler Text 52185 to 35620. MORRIS Want to move in and 541-536-0117 & 3 6 'X18' s e cond 201503739 Duke system. Att a ched Scott McLean, PrinciMORRIS REAL ESTATE enjoy life? Whis is 2-car garage, 40x52 pal garage. Warner Realty Broker 51888 Fordham Dr. REAL ESTATE I A ~ m l y o your home, and it is www.johnlscott.com/4 Single Level in Kings $199,900. 2037 sq. ft. d etached shop & 541-408-6908 Realty h d y R~ y ~ M ~ loaded with upgrades 6734. Violeta Sdrulla, Forest. Charming 3 bui l dings. Executives MORRIS 3 bdrm, 2 bath, gas storage and ready to live in. 750 P rincipal Brok e r bedroom, 2 MLS fireplace. High Lakes $495,000 Ten plus acres ready to bath REAL ESTATE This well-maintained 541-419-3522 John L Redmond Homes Ca s - 5 acre park-like setting build. View of Paulina, Realty & Pr o perty ¹ 201306582. home on a private and d~ A home boasts a large on Bend's Westside, Scott Realty, Bend cade Realty, Management meadows and lots of spacious .45 acre lot tiled entryway, heat First T i m e Lis t e d. 541-536-0'I 17 2519 sq.ft. home and 541-536-1731 wildlife. 30 minutes to Totally updated home with a n ov e rsized pump, ceiling fans, Lovely 3 bdrm, 2 bath large shop. Riverfront home with hi g h lak e s . on 2.46 acres. 1296 recessed four-car gar a g e. 3 0 lig h ting, home on 9.61 acres in 52464 River Pine Road, Move in to this BeautiCascade Mountain $725,000. sq. ft. 3 bdrm., 2 ba., l arge loft a rea, $129,000. CALL ful 3 bedroom, 2 bath, $335,000. CALL a Snippen, Broker views on 4.99 acres, 25X35 garage/shop, master bedroom with SW Redmond fea- $220,000. 1706 sq. ft. 2163 sq. ft . f r ame John541-948-9090 AT TERRY S KJERSAA CANDY YO W 2446 sq.ft. home. t ures 1704 sq . f t . , Large master suite, home on .99 acre. 541-410-3193. MLS: barn & loafing shed. AT 541 383-1426. ample walk-in closet, $850,000. large living room and double garage. High Home has tons of ex201 5 03256 window Duke MLS¹ MLS: 201 5 04446 201207346 co v erings Diane Lozito, Broker Realty Warner Realty $259,900 Pam Lester, throughout. The ga- dining area. Open 8 Lakes tras, paved driveway Duke Warner Realty 541-548-3598 Princ. Broker, Cen- rage is finished with floor plan. M a ster P roperty Manage- and walkway, landment 541-536-0117 Small irrigated acreage Terrebonne $179,900 tury 21 Gold Country ceiling storage rack bedroom with walk-in caped yard w i t h Det a c hed52661 P i n e Dr i v e. s close to town. Cute as • 1440 sq.ft., 2 bedMORRIS Realty, Inc. and you have great closet. sprinkler sys t e m, a bug's ear home. 3 room, 2 bath double car g arage 541-504-1338 REAL ESTATE con c rete views from the back with separate room for $175,000. 1157 sq., fenced, b edroom, 2 ba t h ,• 3.5 miles to Smith cov e red l&~ dy~ ~ Op d 30x40 shop, stamped MLS¹ shop, barn, round cor- Rock, Cascade views T urn-key home w i t h deck. a shop. Nicely land- ft., cabin, MORRIS Lakes Realty& back patio and log ac- Custom 4/3, 2922 sq. ft. Cascade mtn. views, 201304344. V A -as- scaped, private well, 1 High ral, irrigation, fenced, • .23 acre, fenced, corREAL ESTATE M a n age- cented front porch, home on 6.27 acres open floor plan, front sumable if e l igible. acre of irrigation wa- Property landscaped. All this ner lot storage building with $123,900. H e ather ter. Unique property ment 541-536-0117 and back patio.. At c lose to town . • MLS 201503932 shop and b arn Hockett, Pri n cipal with a separate recre- 52694 Center D rive, built in shelving. Inte- w/ $330,000. CALL Erica Patchen, Broker tached garage, RV River Rim $535,000 162 4 9 rior is well planned $ 595,000. Broker 541-420-9151 parking, fenced and ation area. Great for • 2642 sq.ft. C ANDY YOW A T 541-480-4825 $253,000. 1512 sq. ft., with 2 4 x2 4 bonus South Drive, La Pine. Gold Country Realty f amily reunions o r 541-410-3193. MLS: plenty of room for a High Lakes Realty & • 5 bedroom, 3 bath, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, deck, upgraded fixshop. $179,900. MLS large outdoor parties. spa. High Lakes Re- room, 3-car garage 201501367 Property M a nagetures, wall h e aters Find It in 201502108. Call Call Johnnie Murray, alty & Property Man- and an oil stove in ment 541-536-0117 • Custom features Check out the Donna Carter, The Bulletin Cfassffieds! 541-923-0936 High- agement, throughout living room. A Must Park like setting is a classifieds online 541-903-0601 land Realty. • MLS 201503323 541-536-0117 MORRIS 541-385-5809 see! $259,900 MLS s lice of heaven. 2 Crooked River Realty Grant Ludwick, Broker www.bendbulletin.com 201502926 REAL ESTATE master bdrms, double Newly built golf course 541-633-0255 Updated daily BULLETIN CLASSfFIEDS Cascade Realty, Smi t h frontage! 3 bedroom 2 Two tax lots for t he W aterfront 8 garage, RV size shop Search the area's most Dennis Haniford, Princ. Rock views! Large Smith R oc k v i e ws! price of one! Custom with extra space upbath + den. Custom comprehensive listing of Advertise your car! Broker country home on 5+ 1 level golf course Custom home with 3 stairs. $250 , 000. cabinets, gra n ite, classified advertising... Add A Prcfure! 1-541-536-1731 irrigated acres, 2772 v iew ho m e on bdrms., 2 ba., 1968 Reach thousands of readers! MLS201504878 Call hardwoods, vaulted real estate to automotive, sq. ft. w/ 5 bdrm., 2.5 park-like lot loaded w/ sq. ft., large custom Call 541-385-5809 Nancy Popp, Princ. c eilings, pant r y , merchandise to sporting MORRIS covered deck, 35x60 The Bulletin Cfassilieds amenities. This home ba., 2-car detached walk-ins. Elegance in goods. Broker, 541-815-8000 Tick, Tock Bulletin Classifieds has a cus t omer garage & b e autiful a s e rene s e t ting. REAL ESTATE s hop, all o n 5 . 1 8 Crooked River Realty appear every day in the acres. MLS¹ T he B u ngalows a t kitchen with high-end landscaping. M L S¹ Tick, Tock... $349,900 Call Nancy print or on line. gra n i te 201409838 $499,900 Popp, Pricn. Broker 201504620. $399,000 Northwest Crossing is cabinets, Good classified adstell ...don't let time get Call 541-385-5809 River walk estate. 11 Pam Lester, Princ. a 24 unit condo de- countertops, SS appl., Pam Lester, Princ. 5 41-815-8000. M L S the essential facts in an Broker, Century 21 www.bendbulletin.com acres, 2 tax lots, 4765 Broker, Century 21 velopment c o mpri- kitchen island, open away. Hire a interesting Manner.Write 201505433 Call Gold Country Realty, living room w/large sq. ft. single level, Gold Country Realty, mised of 4 individual Nancy Popp, Princ. from the readers view -not professional out The Bulletin Master Chef's kitchen, Inc. 541-504-1338 p hases. Con d o s w indows & l ots o f Inc. 541-504-1338 Broker, 541-815-8000 SeningCenWI Oregon since f9t8 the seller's. Convert the of The Bulletin's 1 514 feet o f r i v e rSouthwest R edmond range from 1100-1285 light, vaulted ceilings, Well maintained 2 story Crooked River Realty facts into benefits. Show frontage. www. top-of-the-line Artisan home in N W R e d52920 Meadow Lane. sq. ft. Priced from "Call A Service the reader howthe item will sq. ft. home with $415,000 - $459,000. gas fireplace, hickory jackson-anderson.com 2016 $325,000. 1663 sq. ft., mond. 2038 sq. ft., 3 help them insomeway. Professional" Candice Anderson, 4 bdrms., 2.5 ba., lots CALL 2.14 a cres, 3 - bay TERRY flooring, slate entry- bdrm., 2.5 ba., mas- Looking for your next This Broker 541-788-8878 of upgrades. Large SKJERSAA way, central v ac., ter on main. Almost emp/oyee? shop. High Lakes ReDirectory today! advertising tip John L Scott Realty, paver patio, mature 541-383-1426. MLS: doors are all s olid 1/4 acre w/RV park- Place a Bulletin help alty 8 Property trees and .14 acres. 2 01504389 brought toyou by This is a Great opportuBend core & heave ad today and Management MLS¹ 201503230 wanted MLS¹ 201 5 05078 Warner Realty Duk e top-of-the-line nity to purchase this 3 hard- ing. reach over 60,000 541-536-0117 $259,923 Pam Lester, The Bulletin $219,900 Pam Lester, bedroom 1 bath frame SE Bend $285,000 Serving CentralOregon since19IB are. Master h a s each week. Broker, Cen- readers Princ. Broker, Cen- THE RIM - Located in w 52962 Sunrise Blvd. • 1675 sq.ft. home i n Gi l c hrist walk-in shower. Me- Princ. Your classified ad tury 21 Gold Country the TETHEROW Re- ticulous landscaping & tury 21 Gold Country • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath $195,000. 3 bdrm, 2 Town Site. Home is Picturesque C rooked will also appear on Inc. Inc. sort and Golf Com- sprinkler • 1-car 8 2-car garages Realty, bath, 1752 sq. ft. 2.51 clean and p a rtially River Canyon walls sys t e m. Realty, bendbulletin.com 541-504-1338 541-504-1338 • MLS 201503054 acres. High L akes furnished, ready for can be viewed from munity. Single Family Shop & paved drive. which currently reRealty & Pr o perty move in. One of the anywhere on this 3.62 Amy Halligan, Broker Home C o m munity $289,900. H e atherWell maintained home ceives over Starwood $270,000 541-410-9045 Management few homes with a car- a cres lot, and t h e lu x ury Hockett, Pri n cipal with brand new car1.5 million page • 1449 sq.ft. single level created b y 541-536-0'I 17 port in the rear of the backdrop f o r home designer Roze- Broker 541-420-9151 pet and paint. 2 masviews every month the • 3 bedroom, 2 bath, home and also has a home is beautiful rock w ski & Co . , w i t h Gold Country Realty at no extra cost. remodeled kitchen ter suites, 2.5 bath53255 Deep Woodssingle car g a rage. amazing C a scade Bulletin Classifieds W r ap• .27 acre, RV parking rooms and an open $1 69,000. 1782 sq. ft., Don't waste a minute, outcropping. Mountain Range and Under construction. 3 around decks look Get Results! • MLS 201504542 floor plan all on a cor3 bedroom, 2 bath, b edroom, 2 bat h , look at this va- over the fenced pasolf course v iews. ner lot . $ 2 72,500. Call 385-5809 or MORRIS Corey Charon, 2 4X36 shop. H i gh come cation home or great ture, t w o s t orage ffering both 1547 sq. ft. mid-cen- CALL BROOK CRI- place your ad on-line REAL ESTATE PE, Broker Lakes Realty & Proptury modern single starter home. buildings for hay, tack single-level and at AZZO AT 541-280-5512 erty Ma n agement $90,000. l~ ~ dOp mB MLS or yard equipment. t wo-story home s level home with clean 54'I -550-8408 bendbulletin.com OR 541-536-0117 201500450 starting at $690,000. lines and h i gh-end AUBRE C HESHIRE MLS 2015 0 3901. SE Bend Timber Ridge Cascade Realty, Lisa Cole, Principal finishes. $ 2 7 9,900. AT $124,000. Call Nancy 541 598-4583. 53349 Woodstock Dr. single level. 2305 Sq. 755 Broker, Ber k shire CALL KIM WARNER MLS: 201 5 02144 $154,900. 1420 sq. ft. Dennis Haniford, Princ. Popp, Princ. Broker, ft., 4 bdrm., 2 bath, 541 - 4 10-2475. Duke Warner Realty Hathaway NW. AT Sunriver/La Pine Homes home, 48X26 shop;, Broker 541-536-1731 541-815-8000 large .42 acre lot, well MORRIS MLS: 2015 0 5147 541-749-0047 Crooked River Realty more! High Lakes Remaintained & up762 REAL ESTATE Duke Warner Realty West Hills home and 145451 Birchwood alty & Property Man- Homes with Acreage Well maintained 4 .5 dated home, g reat The Swan's Nest. Rare l~ y~ ~ Op d lot. 3 bedroom, 3 bath floor plan, separation 1794 sq.ft. agement ri v erfrontUnique horse property. custom home w i th $185,000. acres with a decks, 3-car garage, 2 541-536-0117 of m aster, b o nusStunning mou n tain peaceful estate: private and 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath, a djoining .2 6 16751 SW Dove Rd., 3 bdrm/2bath h o m e lo t . room, wood stove, views. Enjoy country gated, this home is updated home on 2.5 O pen space w i t h acre. High Lakes Re- Beautiful Custom Built C RR, custom l o g with office. 1620 sq.ft. alty & Property Manas fireplace! living in this beautiful s ituated in on e o f acre lot. Close to town views. pl a n . $65 0 ,000. Home on 7+ acres, home on 5 acres. with o pen f l oo r 324,900. MLS¹ Pueblo-style home on Bend's most presti- and ameni t ies. CALL JAYNE BECK agement completely f e n ced many upgrades: floor Kitchen has a built in 201502492. a 3.15 acre lot in the gious locations, just $359,000. CALL AT 541-480-0988 OR 541-536-0117 to ceiling w indows kitchenette with storand private. Log Exwww.johnlscott.com/la coveted Lane Knolls one mile from down- J AYNE BECK A T VAN DEUSEN 15019 Chipmunk Lane. terior Home with cov- with m t n . vi e w s, a ge. Outside is a urahilton. Laura Hil- Estates. Home has 541-480-0988 OR PETE t own. A retr e a t 1200 sq.ft. g arage AT 541 480-3538. wrap a r ound Hickory hardwood & Broker great views of moun- perched on 102 feet PETE VAN DEUSEN ton, 1920 sq. ft. ered MLS: 201 4 06052 $267,900. deck viewing its own tile floors, gourmet with floor to ceiling 541-306-1800 John L tains, sunsets a nd 4 bdrm, 2 bath, shop, 541 - 480-3538. Duke Warner Realty of serene river front- AT cherry cabi- shelving & o u tside Scott Realty, Bend 1 acre. High Lakes pond that has been kitchen, sunrises. $649,000. age, nestled on nearly MLS: 201 5 0 3106 with caffish. nets, granite counters, lighting 8 power. A CALL TERRY an acre of manicured Duke Warner Realty Realty 8 Pr o perty stocked Widgi Creek $688,000 stacked rock wood- 720 sq.ft.shop with Gazebo and fire pit The Bulletin Management SKJERSAA AT landscaped grounds • 3017 sq.ft., 4 bedshelving & storage. A along with the mani- burning fireplace. 541-536-0117 541-383-1426. MLS: To Subscribe call room, 4 bath with towering ponde- Views forever! This 4 $441,900 ¹201404445 three bay wood storcured property. Inte201504505 Duke rosa pines. Thought- bed/3 bath 1796 sq. ft. • View of 7th green & 2 541-385-5800 or go to Juniper Realty, age shed with power. rior is just as amazing Warner Realty home site on a well 15420 Liberty lakes fully designed to cap541-504-5393 360 sq.ft. open RV www.bendbulletin.com with log and stone actreed 4.5 acres with $204,900. 3 bdrm, 2 stunning views of the Cascade • .4 acre, hot tub, tons building, fire pit with Stunning single level. ture cents, wood floors, tile bath, double garage, of storage Single Level Charmer. New construction in drop down table. Gapanoramic views of counter tops. Work Range, Smith Rock greenhouse. High • MLS 201503137 NW Craftsman style NW Crossing with de- the Deschutes River rage & s hop have area in a s e parate and more. $319,900. Lakes Realty Kirk Sandburg, home, 3 bdrm/2 bath, signer carports a t t ached. area with c o vered finishes t hat greet you t h e CALL KIM WARNER & Property Manage1550 sq. ft., granite t hroughout. 2 b e d - moment you walk in Broker, SRS Great cookhouse off docks, a 24x36 pole 541 - 4 10-2475. ment 541-536-0117 541-556-1804 countertops, beautiful room, 2 bath, plus this impressive home. AT barn, Dog Room with p atio w / pow e r . 201 5 0 1737 yard w/pond & fruit den/office with a pri- 4043 sq. ft. + 750 sq. MLS: MLS kennel, green house. 360' View/Top of Butte $239,000. Duke Warner Realty 15817 Jacklight Lane. trees, move-in ready. vate ft. d etached s hop 201501626 $399,900. MLS courtyard. in Terrebonne. Home, $119,900. 1152 sq. ft., 201404644 www.jackson-andered Just bought a new boat? Realty, $599,000. CALL /guesthouse. Offer shop, mansion building Cascade 2 new greenhouses. Cascade Realty, son.com. Ba r bara TERRY S KJERSAA at: $1,499,000. Cate Sell your old one in the Dennis Haniford, Princ. site. 2% to broker. See: High Lakes Realty & J ackson, Brok e r AT MORRIS Broker 541 - 383-1426. Cushman. Bend Pre- classifieds! Ask about our Haniford, Princ. bend.craiqslist.org/reo/ Property M a n age-Dennis 541-306-8186 John L MLS: E s tate. Super Seller rates! 1-541-536-1731 REAL ESTATE Broker 541-536-1731 201 5 00992 mier Rea l 50595304493.html ment 541-536-0117 Scott Realty, Bend 541-480-1884 541-385-5809 Duke Warner Realty
• I SATURDAY 12PM - 3PM 3 bedroom, 2-1/2 bath, l arge b o nu s r o o m , river rock f i r e place, reclaimed hardwood and custom concrete h eated f l o o r s . L o g
20117 Wapiti Court
a ccents th r ou ghout . Directions: Powers Rd., Private, fenced, treed north on Bla/rely Rd., right backyard. Very close on WaPiti Ct.,follow signs. to trails, parks, river and the Old Mill.
Hosted 6 Listed by:
el Cenlsal Ihegoe
Principal Broker
Homes Starting Mid-$200s Q
Prvncipa/ Broker
Recently finished Pahtisch Homes Model in NE Bend. Homes feature quartz counters, laminate flooring, gas cooking, stainless steel 20802 NE Sierra Drive appliances and all the Directions: North on Boyd Acres, quality Pahlisch Homes is right on Sierra OR north on 18th known for. Now selling from Empire, left on Sierra. Lookfor Phase Two — stop by for sfgrir. more information, Homes &om the
Hosred & Listed byr RHIANNA KUNKLER
/IBA', NS ~
PahlischHomes • • ~ • • • • 8
' II I '
Popular Pahlisch Homes community featuring resort-like amenities: pools, clubhouse, gym, hot tub, sports center & 61056 Manhae Loop,Bend 2 miles of walking trails. Dfrectiossi East on Reed Market Tour a variety of single Rd.,first exit at roundabour onto level and 2 story plans. 15th, at Road Detour Sign turn left on Ferguson. Right at Sage Creek Drive, left ai /Ifanhae Lane, right aI Hosted 6 Listed by Golden Gate.
P a hlischHomes „, „„,. „ ,
' ' I
Prime l o c a t i o n i n RiverRim, situated on the green space. 3000 sq
Come for th e l o cation
new carpet. 2 master suites, paver patio and driveway , o u t d o o r kitchen, Mt. Bachelor views — a iust-see.
pirecHossi 8rooksuood io /tiver/tim Dr West on ReerRim Dr io roundabout, right onto Golden /ifrridorr Loop, Follou signsandtake note ofBroo/rswooddetour.
Hosted & Listed by: BROOK GARDNER
$66$,000 z.z.z n~
(3 blocks io the Old Mill) and stay for the solitude, privacy
ft., 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, shows like new. Includes new int./ext. paint and 19449 Golden Meadow Loop
Il E A
R S 'I' h T K
and view. Two units available
featuring 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths with a contemporary 61617 Woodriver Drive floor plan hovering above D(rectrons: R e ed M a r k e t t o the treetops with full CascadeBrooksuood to NcClennen, corner of Mountain views. Elevator NcClennen and Woodriver. option available.
Hosted 6 Listed by:
MARY EILEN SHAW Broker 541-610-5976 JOHN TAYLOR Broker 541-480-0448
Prices Starting at
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EH3EH3 EH3 H333H333 H333
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New construction 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2041 SF 3-car garage Oregon Water Wonderland Walk to Big Deschutes Paved roads, boat dock MLS¹201504111
• 1.6 acres • 1.7 acres irrigation • Single level 1584 SF, 3 bedroom, 2 bath home • Barn 1596 SF - could be a shop • Fenced for livestock, 5 minutes to town • Appointment only MLS¹201505308 Call Pam Mayo-Phillips, or BrookHavens, Principal Brokers 541-923-1376 i www.desertvalleygroup.com
Greg Barnwell, Broker i 541-848-7222 gbarn50@yahoo.com •
• 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1521 SF • Single level • 2013 COBA Tour of Homes Winner • Custom cabinetry, quartz, tile & A. C. • Extensive, low maintenance landscaping • Loaded withupgrades! M LS¹201505524 Jordan Grandlund, Principal Brokerl 541-420-1559 JordanGrandlund©gmail.com
• • • •
Close in to Bend UGB Cascade mtn. views High Desert views Avion water, power at property • Increase your farming operation • Build your dream home MLS¹201500366 Joanne McKee, Broker i 541-480-5159 wwwjoanne©joannemckee.com
I • I •
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• 3 bedrooms, 2.5 5e i D baths, .14 acre • Light and spacious • Great room, breakfast nook, den, utility • Luxurious master w/sitting room/library • Wonderful outdoor living & fenced yard MLS¹201503605
• 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1540 SF • 2 buildable lots • 4 irrigated acres • Fenced pasture • Mountain views • Borders canal, minutes from town MLS¹201407613 Bobby Lockrem, Bro er i 541-480-235
Sandy Kohlmoos, ro er, RS i 541-408-4309 www.bestbendhpmes.comIskohl mppsebendbrpadband.com
• • • • • • • •
2612 SF, .64 acre 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths 3-car garage with extra-high ceilings Office, bonus room and loft with views Main level master suite with patio access Quality finishes and views throughout New exterior paint Invisible dog fence and sprinkler system in place
• 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths • 2994 SF .30 acre • 3-car garage w/storage room • Large office & bonus room • Light,bright & sunny,greatroom concept • High-end finishes throughout, large lot • Cedar siding and copper gutters • Water feature
ilvia Knight, Brok, ABR, SFR, G 541-788-4861 i bendluxuryhomes@gmail.com
www.sllvlaknlght.com bendluxuryhomes©gmall.com
Silvia Knight, Brokeri 541-788-4861
A •
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I • I
• Beautiful 3 bed, 2.5 bath, 3000 SF home
Ron Davis, Prtnctpa Bro er 5 4 1-4
'5 •
• 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths • Move-in ready • 2594 SF, .50 acre • New constructionw ithquali ty appointments • Huge 3-car garage, office and flex room • Earth Advantage "Gold" certified home • 40-year roof, flat driveway, covered patio MLS¹201503261
2826 NW Wmdham Loop • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath ~ + bonus room • 3074 SF, large yard • Barnwood & stone accents,great kitchen • Vaultedwood ceil ing,bonus & bunk rooms • Offered at $669,900
Silvia Knight, roker. . reen 541-788-4861 i bendluxuryhomes@gmail.com
Laura Blossey, roker i
• I'
• 25 forested acres, Cascademountain views • Impeccably maintained, beautifully landscaped • Top quality finishes and appliances • Granite counters, river rock fireplaces • Borders miles of U.S. Forest MLS¹201407270
-887- 7
• • • • I
• Custom home & yard • 2500 SF, main level living, master on main • 2 guest suites on main • Office loft, bonus room and bedroom up • Rock masonry wood-burning fireplaces MLS¹201505526 Natalie Van enborn, Bro er i 541-508-9581 Nvandenbornegmall.com
Awbrey Butte Homesite ( $235,000
' I' I I I •
I •I • ,•
r¹it 5
• Cascade Rangeviews • .71of an acre • Just minutes to downtown 'e • Imagine your dream home • Beautifully treed lot MLS¹201505762 „
The Norma DuBoisand Julie Moe Team, Brokers 541-312-4042 l www.TeamNormaAndJulie.com
• 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 3138 SF • Masteron m ain • Open floor plan, 30' vaulted great room • Custom kitchen with butler pantry, 5 acres • Outdoor entertaining with stone fireplace • RV/shop withgame room above MLS¹201504660
• Main house sleeps 18 • 7 bedrooms, 7.5 baths • Luxury finishes inside & out • 30x48 shop with 3 bedroom, 1 bath apt. above • Private dock - canoe to the Big Deschutes • 17062 Cooper Drive
MLS¹201501997 RodHatchell, Brokerl 541.728.8812 irpdhatchell©gmall.cpm CJ Neumann, Brokeri 541410-3710 or Glynis Leach,Brokeri 541.771-6623 Lisa Lamberto, Brokeri 541-610-9697www.CJLisa.com
• 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, 4665 SF, .48 acre • STUNNING PAST TOUR HOME • Peaceful, quiet setting with fairway views • Separate guest suite with private living • Near park, clubhouse & pool MLS¹201501540 Myra Girod, Principal Brokeri 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker l 541-788-6767 m ra. amteamecascsdeslccom www.llve la orkcentralore on.com
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I I •
I •I I
Awbrey Butte Homesite ( $299,500
• Stunning Cascade views • .64of an acre • Uphill slope for max view • Close to amenities • Beautifully treed lot • Build your dream home! ". MLS¹201503179
The Norma DuBoisand Julie Moe Team, Brokers 541-312-4042 l www.TeamNormaAndJulle.com
Like New Single Level in NW Bend( $529,900 19134 Chiloquin Ave. • Built in 2011 • Energy Star-certified • Earth Advantage-certified • Fully fenced • Beautiful landscaping • 10' ceilings throughout MLS¹201503153 Sean Barton, Broker i 541-306-7669
• Ranch at the Canyons • Tuscan living • Open house Wednesday - Sunday 1-5 pm • www.ranchatthecanyons.com MLS¹201503224 Patrick Ginn, Principal Broker i 541-886-5534 patrick©ranchatthecanyons.com
• 4250 sq. ft. • 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • Community swimming hole • Easyaccessto trails • Spacious floor plan MLS¹201505035
- 8 49 Mlchele Anderson I 541-633-0760
acquie e
uls ,
rok e r 5
'ac uiesebulsk O maii.com michelevandersonehotmail.com
• 4 bedrooms, 4.5 ! fl baths, 4211 sq. ft. • Cascade Mtn. views • Estate on 18+ acres bordering BLM • Incredible landscaping, pond & irrigation • Pasture, 5-stall barn, 3-bay RV garage MLS¹201501705 Debb Tebbs, Owner/CEO/Broker i 541-419-4553 debtebbsgroup@bendluxuryhomes.com www.debtebbsgroup.com
CanalFrontage inWoodside Ranch( $574,900
20538 Pine Vista Drive • 2 master suites • Mostly one level • Park-like setting e4 bdrms plus bonus room MLS¹201505054
Sean Barton, Broker i 541-306-7669 Sean.Bartont¹sothebysrealty.com
IN Sl'
II • •
S •
I • I •
• •
SP@s /'
• 2.26 acre VIEW lot • Quiet cul-de-sac • Enjoy nearby golf & river trail • Ponderosa pines & natural outcroppings • Space & privacy w/near town convenience Lut15 NW Luuut Ct $249,000 t¹LS¹201002010
• Lovely Camp Sherman • Fully furnished • Offering shared or whole ownership • Resort with restaurant, stocked pond • Features sports courts, rec room, pool • Fly-fish the Metolius, hike, or relax
Myra Giro, Principa Bro er i 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker i 541-788-6767
Susie Helfer, Broker i 541-410-3114~ susie.hel fer©cascadesothebysrealty.com
• Build your dream on this 1.52 acre westside homesite with mature landscape & impressive Cascade views • Generous oversized lot offers privacy and flexibility • Situated in a cul-de-sac location with expansive views • Close proximity to river trail, neighborhood park & downtown
m ra. amteam@cascadesir.com www.l!ve la orkcentralore on.com
¹ '
• •
Gorgeous quality townhomes on the westside These are higher end townhomes 3 bedrooms plus an office/den 2732 SF with an oversized 2-car garage Main level master, stainless steel appliances, tankless hot water, AC • 4100 SF clubhouse with a nice pool • Close to shopping, schools, river & trails MLS¹201409173 Mary Stratton, GRI Broker i 541-419-6340 maryselhmsOgmail.com
Shelly Swanson, Broker i 541-408-0086
• I¹
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s -
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• I.
• Inspired by mountain contemporary design & modern architecture • Build your vision and dream home in this highly sought after westside neighborhood • Dedicated custom building envelope • .31acres backing to a com mon green belt space • 62665 Big Sage Way, Lot 48 • Proudly offered at $525,000
• Homes from $454,750 • Riverfront from $819,750 • Exquisitely finished • Low maintenance living • 7th Mountainamenities • Conveniently located
Stephanie Ruiz, Broker l 541-948-5196 Jordan Grandlund, Broker i 541-420-1559 •
• VIEWS 81 2.27 acres • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 2493 SF • Master on main with walk-in closets & more • Large upstairs loft family room with views! • Great kitchen, light & bright! • Off!c e/Shop/3-carattached, convenientlocation
Shelly Swanson, Broker i 541-408-0086
Shelly Swanson, Broker i 541-408-0086
Mtn. Views - Custom Log Home inBend ) $685,000
', • • ' I I
level master suite • Mature, private landscaping, community park • Bonus room serves as inspiring art gallery • Close proximity to world class golf, trails, shopping, schools & downtown Bend MLS¹201504319 $575,000
MLS¹201 505160 $574,990
Shelly Swanson, Broker i 541-408-0086
• Hand-selected kitchen, tile backsplash, granite countertops, custom lighting throughout • 3 bdrms, spaciousm ain
— ¹I • Majestic plan features 5 bdrms w/2 master suites •Spaciousden/of fice plus bonus room • Oversized triple-car garage •Fullylandscaped& fenced backyard • Overlooks community pool and park • Close proximity to schools & Old Mill District
. •
Jodi Satko, Broker i 541-550-0819 satkosellsoregon@gmail.com
• 4 bedrooms+ Den • Great room with views • 2 bedrooms with Jack & Jill bath • Oversized 3-car garage • 1.4 acres inground irrigation MLS¹201505372
Stunning Custom Log Home ( $882,500 • 4000 SF ofluxury living! — • Master on main, 3suites & 3.5baths • Gourmet kitchen with large dining room • Addt'I building with 1680 SF office, studio andmore! • Large shop & 2-cargarage • 4.7 easycare acres,gated & fenced
Caro s g ood & Korren ower, Bro ers 541-419-0843, 541-504-3839
Jodi Satko, Broker i 541-550-0819 satkosellsoregon¹¹gmail.com
'. I e
60388 Woodside Loop • 5 bedroom, 3 bath, 3093 SF - Nisj!:- W '+¹¹L'~" • 3-Car garage pluS 5-car detached • 2.38 acre beautiful parklike setting • Granite counters, hardwoods & A/C :
- "
la n ¹ e a ¹ tre, rokerj Melanie©MelanieMaitre.com
• $697,750 • Summit floor plan • 2938 SF • 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath + den • Main level living, master + den on main • Vaulted great room, golf course views • Move in ready! MLS¹20108581 Step anie Ruiz, Bro er 5 4 1-948-5196 Jordan Grandlund, Broker i 541-420-1559
' e
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~. ÃA 20217 Sawyer Reach Ct. ~; • Rich-toned oak hardwood floors • Custom distressed kitchen cabinetry • Slab granite counters • Pro quality SS appliances • Montana stone fireplace • Main house - 3 bds, 2.5 ba, 2450 SF • Guest quarters - 2 bds, 1 bath, 788 SF • MLS¹201301856
• Exceptional home • Private setting • Birch hardwood flooring • Chef's dream kitchen with 2 islands • Luxurious main level master suite • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3635 SF MLS¹201505484 M
' 'I ' • I •
• NW Contemporary design built by Madrone Construction LLC • Situated on an elevated homesite with mtn. views • Designed as a 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath with main level master suite • Bonus room plus a triple car garage • Close proximity to clubhouse, trails and downtown Bend • Call for additional details and pricing MLS¹201503914
Shelly Swanson, Broker i 541-408-0086
Shelly Swanson, Broker i 541-408-0086
The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, rokers 541-312-4042 i www TeamNormaAndJul!e.com
Ken Renner, Pnncipa Bro er 541-280-5352
s • •
• Built by TimberlineConstruction tIIIII of Bend I I '• DesignedbyBrandonOlin • This contemporaryhome featu res3bedrooms,3baths • Complete with abonusroom andden/oflice •Buil ttoEarthAdvantageandEnergyStarstandards • Triple cargarage • Near clubhouse, trails anddowntownBend, call for additional details MLS¹201503923
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a. ~
~a.'* r-
• Blocks to downtown • Minutes to trails • Great room with floor-to-ceiling fireplace • Large master bedroom & excellent separation MLS¹201503398 Carmen A. Cook, Broker i 541-480-6491 carmenanncooktNgmail.com
• 5 bedroom, 6 bath, 8000 SF • 10+ gated acres • Unobstructed Cascade Mtn. views • Theater, 1K bottle wine room, large flex space • Attached guest quarters with private entrance MLS¹201505744 Deb Tebbs, CEO/Owner/Brokeri 541-4194553 debtebbsgroup@bendluxutyhomes.com www.debtebbsgroup.com
• • • •
Huge mountain views 19 ac, 4550 SF home Stunning home In ground swimming pool, waterfalls • Detached garage, RV bay, guest quarters • Horsesetup,fenced, loafing shed MLS¹201501565 www.60470ArnoldMarketRoad.com Robin L. Yeakel Broker i 541-408-0406 www.rob!nyeakel.com
• 701 acres of forest, Vv¹ meadows & river • Little Deschutes River frontage 3.6 miles • Handscribed log home: 10,275 SF, 4 bed, 4.5 bath • Shop, 4 stall barn, indoor arena, ranch manager's home •Cascademountainviews • Ranch retreat with abundant wildlife MLS¹201408825 http://www.diamondbarrranch-centralor.com
Pam Mayo-Phillips, 541480-1513 or Brook Havens, 541-6044788, Principal Brokers i www.desertvalleygroup.com
• RecreationalHomes F a rms & Ranches Lots Lots 8 Property 62677 County L i ne, 1483 Trail Creek Drive, 173 Highland Meadow 141505 El k H a v en, Bend. 3 bedrooms/2y2 Premium level lot with Loop, Enjoy southerly Crescent Lake. Fea- b aths, 140x240 l i t privacy and mountain views from this .30 iews on a qu i e t acre lot backing to tured in Home & Gar- roping area, e wer vcul-de-sac in Eagle common area pond stacked w ith in den, this 1736 sq. ft., fe n ced/irri- Crest, .39 acre lot Eagle Crest. Located 3 bedroom, 3 bath + fish. 5 c o m mon in a quiet neighborloft home is remark- gated pastures. Horse backs t o qual i ty able. Each bedroom barn with heated tack area, which adjoins hood o f room. Detached gaB LM. Ne w h o m e homes, this property has built-in beds with ho u s e. packages available. is an ideal building storage. The magical rage/bunk Scot t $177,500. MLS¹ site, perfect for a pasloft space has 4 built $650,000. Pr i ncipal 201503325 sive solar d e sign. in bunks with storage. McLean, Lynn Johns, New home packages From the unique Tu- Broker 541-408-6908. Principal Broker, available. Offered at likivi fireplace/heating Realty Executives 541-408-2944 $94,500. MLS¹ system, recycled Central Oregon 201408782 wood floors, custom Beautiful Bend Oregon mini ranch. 2083 sq. Resort Realty Lynn Johns, cabinets 8 r a i lings, Principal Broker, covered entertaining ft., 3bdrm, 2.5 bath, 541-408-2944 deck and open floor single story on 5.03 1525 Murrelet Drive, Central Oregon plan, this home was ac. close t o t o wn. Large .49 acre golf Resort Realty built to use, enjoy and Large shop, 24x36 course lot with easte ntertain. Floor t o horse barn, 2 4x36 erly Ochoco moun- $187,900 - Deschutes ceiling windows pro- equip. bldg. 2 loafing tain and city views. River. Contract terms vide stunning views of sheds, round p en, Situated near the 17th offered, 113 ft. river Crescent Lake and garden, greenhouse. tee box of the Chal- frontage, power on the Cascades. Bor- Irrigated, cross fenced l enge C ourse, a t site, septic installed and gated. 6 1 667 Eagle Crest Resort, good roads all year. ders USFS land 8 trails. $359,000. MLS Somerset Dr. By appt. you will enjoy beautiDave Disney, ful morning sunrises 201503400. Call $619,000. Broker 541-389-3769, or d aily. Ne w h o me Linda 541-815-0606 541-410-8557 541-213-8179. package a v a ilable. Cascade Realty Windermere Offered at $164,900. Central Oregon MLS¹ 201503507 771 Real Estate Lynn Johns, Lots Cabin in the woods on 2 0+ acres i n W e s t Principal Broker, trout stream, private, Powell Butte Estates, 541-408-2944 off the grid, 80 mi. Lot 1 SW S had Rd. gated co m munity, Central Oregon from Bend. 638 ac. 3 .09 a c re s wi t h mtn. views, private Resort Realty v iew s . $849K. For d r o ne a mazing well, paved roads w/ MLS¹ video li n k , call $78,500. access to BLM. MLS¹ 201402733 J u niper 16348 Sparks Drive, 201305077 $169,000. 541-480-7215. $ 109,500. 1 ac r e , Realty 541-504-5393 33x60 shop, well and Pam Lester, Princ. Great Opportunity to electricity. High Lakes Broker, Century 21 9040 SW S a ndridge turn this 4.15 acre Realty & P r o perty Gold Country Realty, Rd., CRR 1.12 acre Inc. 541-504-1338 property into hunting Management Power and water at cabins or a getaway 541-536-0117 .26 acre view lot in SW the street $34,900. retreat. River view in R edmond. Gre a t the distance. There MLS ¹201403978. neighborhood and loJuniper Realty, are 4 separate cabins Get your cation with views of 541-504-5393 located on this propSmith Rock and the business erty which all are 1 Ochocos. Build your Bedroom 1 Bath, 400 13601 SW Canyon Dr. dream home here! CRR. 1.13 acres with S q Ft. One of t he $64,000. CALL ROB a ROW I N G Mt. Jefferson views. cabins has been curEGGERS AT $58,500 ¹201106385 rently lived in and has 541-815-9780. MLS: Juniper Realty with an ad in a utility room. Prop201410582 Duke 541-504-5393 erty has 1 commerThe Bulletin's Warner Realty cial water member"Call A Service $47,500 Redmond Lot. ship with C rescent New Listing! 1 0 745 0.18 acre, Diamond in Professional" Water, 2 ele c t ric Rockside Court Bar Ranch location, meters, and natural Eagle Crest Resort. Directory mtn views, access to BIG gas. Being Sold As Is, Looking f o r the new R edmond Cabins need some v iews? Here i t i s ! ne i ghborViews include Black 16424 Antelope Three bypass, TLC. $125,000. MLS Butte, Mt. Jefferson Rivers. $12,500. .45 hood park. 201502687 and Mt. Hood. Bring Acre, recreational lot, Tony Levison, Broker Cascade Realty, 541-977-1852 Dennis Haniford, Princ. your builder or use deeded river access. Kyle Hoak, Broker Windermere one from our p reBroker 541-639-7760 Central Oregon 1-541-536-1731 ferred list. Offered at $'179,900. MLS Berkshire Hathaway Real Estate Home Services 201503528. 52285 Ponderosa Way. FIND IT! Northwest Real Estate $56,000. Lynn Johns, Principal 1.3 acres, ggr (rr Broker, 541-408-2944 commercial w a t er, SELL IT! Central Oregon 16755 Casper Three electric at street. High Rivers. $30,000. .70 Lakes Realty The BulletinClassifieds Resort Realty Acre, vacant lot, close & Property Manageto boat ramp. 10085 Juniper G l en ment 541-536-0117 764 Circle, Beautiful level Darrell Hamel, Broker Farms & Ranches 5 2764 a n d 527 7 8 541-480-7563 lot backing to comBridge. $3 6 9 ,500. mon area on a quiet Berkshire Hathaway 62655 County Line. Pri- street in Eagle Crest. Gorgeous 6.49 RiverHome Services vate farm in Alfalfa, Situated east to west, Northwest Real Estate f ront a c res. H i g h 2390 sq . f t . , 64 you will enjoy Cline Lakes Realty 8 Propacres/51 irr i gated Butte views and have 16945 Cagle, La Pine. erty Man a gement acres, 4 bedrooms, 3 sun and shade all $69,000. .98 Acres, 3 541-536-0117 bath, large shop and day. New home pack- RV hookups, septic, barn. Barn has fin- ages available. Of- well, large deck. Need to get an ished bunk h ouse. fered a t $8 9 ,900. Dan Hoak, Broker ad in ASAP? $700,000 More info? MLS¹ 201503166 541-639-6595 You can place it Text 52187 to 35620. Lynn Johns, Mary Hoak, Broker Scott McLean, Princionline at: 541-848-8140 Principal Broker, pal Broker 541-408-2944 Berkshire Hathaway www.bendbulletin.com 541-408-6908. Realty Home Services Central Oregon Executives Resort Realty Northwest Real Estate 541-385-5809 •
Beeky Breexe, EEZE > Pr i n eipal Broker OMPANY 5 41-408 - l l O f
' ' 'mvvw.BcchyBrccxc.com $ 84 S W U p p er T er r a ce , S t e 2 0 1
Bend, O r e g o n Qf f 0 2
Call Becky Breeze For Additional Information And Updated Pricing 54i-408-ii07 Or Visit www. BeckyBreeze.com 63095 NW Casey Place — Bend $1,195,000 fverfront H
• Riv erf r o nt Home On Bend's Westside • Gated Entry
• 3 Bedrooms Plus Office And 2.5 Bathrooms • Open Floor Plan With Grand Entry • Large Deck With Hot Tub
• Over Sized Double Car Garage • Lovely Finishes • Finished And Heated Bonus Room Off Lower Deck
60692 Brasada Way- Bend $1,189,000
ge gs+8
• 5 Acre Country Estate That Borders PublicLands ln Southeast Bend
gg6 CoO
• BreathtakingViews Of The Cascade Mountain Range • 4 Bedrooms, 3Bathrooms, Large Family Room, Den,
,t I
4420 Square Feet • Brazilian Cherry Floors With Travertine Overlays And In-floor Radiant Heating • Gourmet Kitchen With Granite Countertops, Cherry
& ~Rk 4$
Cabinets And Stainless Steel Appliances • Attached Over Sized Double Car Garage • PLUS A 1596 Sq FtDetached Shop With Bonus Room And Bathroom • RV Parking
16123 Twin Drive- La Pine
$199,900 • • •
3 Bedrooms PlusDen, 2 Bathrooms
• •
Vaulted Ceilings Throughout
• •
Extremely Well Cared For Custom Built 1 Level Home Extra-large Master Bedroom With Luxurious Master Bathroom, Jetted Tub And Shower. Large Open Kitchen With Granite Counter Tops, Tile
Floors And Large Pantry. AttachedLarge Double Car Garage Plus Detached Covered RvArea AllOn One Landscaped Acre Enjoy All Of Central Oregon Has To Offer Fishing, Boating, HikingAnd Much More.
Photo Is Of Similar Home Actual Home Is Being Built
POPULAR OAKVIEW SUBDIVISION 3006 NE Rainier Drive — Bend $299,900 • 3 Bedrooms And 2 Bathrooms • One Story Living With The Exception Of A 2nd Level
Large Finished Bonus • Floor Plan Featuring A Great Room Design
• Wood Floors, Stainless Steel Appliances And Gas Fireplace
• Completion Set For July 1, 2015
$179,900 Special Golf Course Lot With Incredible Views Of The 13th And 14th Fairways Of The Ridge
Course At Eagle Crest Resort.
$189,900 .34 Acre Cascade View Lot ln Redmond's Finest Neighborhood. Build Your Dream Home. City
• gg%c~'
Services To Lot.
HUD Property Listings: Call Donna Ramsay, Principal Broker At 541-4 2 0 - 6 26 7 O r V i Sit WWW.HudHomeStore.Com
For Information And Availability •
'Amm Sell BendNorthwest Crosshag Braneh Oi5ee
Yo r k D r , Ii f |te 1 0 0 - B e n d , O r e go n Qf f 0 1
Shell y A ngella B e a n B rok e r 5 41-50 8 - 9 9 3 0
H u m m e l , B r o k e r 5 4 1 -4 I I I I O -IIII5$ $ Lisa M u s h e l B rok e r 5 41-728-37 3 4
M ik e N e l s o n B rok e r 5 41-588 - 0 6 9 8
J anet R o s s B rok e r 5 41-480 - 9 7 4 0
Kent Neumann
Branch Manager
19478 Green Lakes Lp - Bend $1,195,000 • Backs To Broken Top's 17th Fairway • Single Level, 4 Bedrooms, 3.5 Bathrooms, 3,295 Sq. Ft. • Separate Master Suite, Family Room, Formal Dining, Den/Office • Peaceful Outdoor Living Spaces With A Waterfall
Loan Officer 541-728-3222 NMLS¹201036 Kent. Neumann@academymortgage.com
Ty r ell Hobbs
Loan Officer 541-771-1545 NMLS¹461657 Tyrell .Hobbs@academymortgage.com
*, I
Ka r en Simpson-Hankins
Loan Officer 541-420-5736 NMLS¹272837 Karen.SimpsonhankinsOacademymortgage.com
Ariel Peterson Loan Officer 541-585-8506 NMLS¹ 1027976
I Chelsea Callicott Loan Officer 541-410-4162 NMLS¹ 978500
Chelsea.Callicott@academymortgage.com Ariel.Peterson@academymortgage.com
19554 Painted Ridge Lp - Bend $510,000 • Broken TopGolfCommunity Townhome • 2 Bedrooms, 2.5 Bathrooms, 2,204 Sq. Ft. • Spacious Master Suite And Junior Suite • Overlooks The Pond And Open Space 23595 E Highway 20- Bend $1,395,000 • Incredible Ranch with Cascade Mountain Views • Single Level, 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Bathrooms, 3,450 Sq. Ft. • Barn witha Guest Suite, 4 Stalls and Storage • 53.89 Acres, 36 Irrigated, Fenced Pastures
803 Southwest Industrial Way ¹201
1033 Southwest Highland Avenue
Call Shelly For Additional Information St Updated Pricing 541-480-8523 OR ViSit SellBend.Com
e •
Q RR ~
To PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 771
$55,000 Wilt R o a d.Enjoy Mt . J e fferson Stunning Views 16535 SW Chinook Dr. Grandfathered Rv lot, 1 1.25 acres, s e - views from this 5-acre 5.68 acre rim lot w/ the perfect place to $129,900 cluded parcel near lot, close to Crooked • 19.88 acres Crooked River & mtn. build y ou r d r e am Sisters, recreational River Ranch entrance • Cascade Mtn. & Smith views $225 , 000. home or perfect for property off the grid. with the availability of Rock views MLS 201106408. t he snow b irds t o Bill Kammerer, Broker all the CRR amenities: • Septic approved, borJuniper Realty summer at the ranch 541-410-1200 541-504-5393 golf, swimming, ten- ders BLM a nd w i nter d o w n Windermere nis, disk golf, river • MLS 201406241 16685 SW Chinook Dr. south. Storage buildCentral Oregon fishing, p i c kle-ball, Greg Miller large cement pad, 6.9 acres with ing, Real Estate horseback riding and PC, Broker, CRS, GRI CRR. Crooked River al l manicured property. bird watching. 541-408-1511 enjoy all the utilities inst a lled. Come 598 Highland Meadow $57,900 MLS ranch offers - tennis, $189,000 MLS Loop, Nice level .34 2 01504749 Kati e swimming, hik201008671. Juniper golf, acre lot on a q uiet Dailey, Broker ing, fishing and much Realty 541-504-5393 street in Eagle Crest 541-419-4220 more. $95,000 Resort. Smith Rock Crooked River Realty $245,000 Views. 4.69 Linda Lou Day-Wright, MORRIS and Cline Butte views Lot 132 SW Sheltered acres, horse property, Broker 541-771-2585 REAL ESTATE with potential Casneeds well and COIC Crooked River Realty in CRR 1 acre with cade Mountain views. Pl. irrigation, public riding w ater installed a n Lot backs to a strip of trails. Lot 20 SW Chipmunk Three Rivers South septic app r oved. common area lending $49,000. Bea Leach, Broker Rd., level 5.14 acres, $8,000 MLS itself to a feeling of 541-788-2274 views of the Smith Juniper • 90x250 lot, bring your maximum p r ivacy. 201411027. Windermere Rock. $75,000. MLS New home package realty 541-504-5393 • 2Rv Central Oregon 201406095 side by side parcels available. $1 29,900. Real Estate Juniper Realty available Call a Pro MLS¹ 201502863 541-504-5393 • Deschutes River Rec- $373,000 - $559,000 Lynn Johns, Whether you need a reation Homesites Faith Hope Charity Principal Broker, Acreage for sale: 6 lots Lot 4 S W B lue J ay fence fixed, hedges • MLS 201502083 541-408-2944 Jim Moran, Broker •5.34 acres - $439,000 Road, CRR. S mith trimmed or a house Central Oregon 541-948-0997 mtn view R ock v iews, 5 . 1 7 Resort Realty built, you'll find •5.01 acres - $373,000 acres borders public Smith Rock view land. $65,000. MLS $69,000. Waterfront lot. professional help in •5.19 acres - $373,000 201407131 1.24 acres with septic The Bulletin's "Call a Smith Rock view Juniper Realty approval, on a paved Service Professional" • 5.01 acres $559,000 541-504-5393 MORRIS road, community park mtn views Directory REAL ESTATE a nd boat ramp 2 •4.98 acres - $549,000 VIEWS OF 541 -355-5809 blocks away, 4 miles mtn views PRINEVILLE to Sunriver Resort. Two Lower West Hills • 4.98 acres $549,000 RESERVOIR Bill Kammerer, Broker Lot ¹20 Manzanita St., lots. Take advantage mtn views from every corner of $34,900. Corner lot, of this opportunity to 541-410-1200 Bea Leach, Broker this 76 acre parcel. city water and ewer. b uild y ou r Windermere dr e a m 541-788-2274 Near the public boat High Lakes Realty Central Oregon home in an estabWindermere dock, borders BLM, & Property Manage- lished neighborhood. Real Estate Central Oregon well and driveway in. ment 541-536-0117 $199,000 each. CALL Real Estate Had septic approval. Awbrey Butte Lot Lot 67 SW Shad Rd. TERRY S KJERSAA RRM5 zoning. $189,000 great value for this AT 541 - 383-1426. The Bulletin's $ 299,000. Agen t • .3 acre lot, Ochoco 1 .04 acre lo t w i t h MLS: 201 5 04836; "Call A Service owned. Carol Davis, views mountain views. 2 01504836. Duk e Professional" Directory Ponderosa Properties • River's Edge Golf $29,900. MLS¹ 541-588-9217 is all about meeting Course view 201408966 J u niper • Water, sewer, power your needs. Realty 541-504-5393 775 at the street New L i sting! 1 1 424 Call on one of the • MLS 201501378 Manufacturedl Jubel Court. Beautiful 5 acres adjacent to irri- professionals today! Neal Kramer, Broker Mobile Homes .41 acre level lot with gation canal. $60,000 541-728-6725 BIG Cascade moun- Lot ¹12 Mabel Drive. 7965 SW River Rd. SeList Your Home tain views in Eagle High Lakes Realty & cluded & private 2.79 C rest Resort. L o - Property M a n age- acres, near the Des- JandNHomes.com We Have Buyers c ated o n a qui e t ment 541-536-0117 chutes River, canyon Get Top Dollar cul-de-sac with qualwall views, borders MORRIS Financing Available. ity homes surround- Grandfathered RV lot, public land. $39,500. REAL ESTATE 541-548-5511 ing. Bring your builder one acre. Nicely treed Juniper Realty dOp ~ or use one from our and fenced, adjoining 541-504-5393 list. Offered a greenbelt for pri Build your dream home FIND YOUR FUTURE Cascade Mt Views from preferred vacy. Water line in a t $ 173,500. M L S Large corner lot HOME INTHE BULLETIN this 1. 2 5 acre 201504226 stalled to R v s i t e. here. in NWX. Lot sale incul-de-sac l o cation Lynn Johns, Principal Older septic for RV ap- Your future is just apage ready to go! Septic in- Broker, 541-408-2944 use. Power nearby. cludes A R C stalled with 1000 galproved plans for a 3 away. Whetheryou're looking Continue RV use or Central Oregon b edroom, 2.5 b a t h for a hat or aplace to hangit, lon tank. Connection Resort Realty build your home on Bulletin Classified is to C r ooked R i ver t his li v el y sit e . home complete with Theyour best source. Ranch water, 30x40 Nice lot with numerous $49,900. MLS den and family room. CALL g arage/shop wit h o ptions. Setup f o r 2 01205397 Na n c y $199,500. Every daythousandsof concrete floors, win- several RV campers Popp, Princ. Broker, TERRY SKJERSAA buyers andsellers ofgoods AT 541 - 383-1426. and services dobusinessin dow and 16x10 over- to camp at once. Sep- 541-815-8000 MLS: 201 4 04816 these pages.Theyknow head door and man tic and electric hook- Crooked River Realty Duke Warner Realty door. $85,900 MLS ups for 5 sites. Nicely you can't beat TheBulletin 201302066 Call treed, nice neighborFind exactly what Classified Sectionfor Oregon LandNancy Popp, Princ. hood. $92,500. CALL you are looking for in the Eastern Canyon City, Oregon, selection andconvenience AT Broker, 541-815-8000 CANDY YO W every item isjust a phone 3 lots available with 541-410-3193. MLS: CLASSIFIEDS Crooked River Realty call away. city water and sewer 201501402 Duke at street. 1.86 acre Warner Realty 10 PRINEVILLE Acres Classified Section is C hristmas Valley l ot residential lot, level The with services avail- Old Mill district, prime RMV = $15,700 easy to use.Everyitem building site, $30,900. is categorizedandevery able. Power at road commercial site, just $6,700 FIRM 6.12 acre view lot, cartegory is indexed onthe 805-286-1383 and city water avail- one lot off corner of zoned re s i dential, section's frontpage. able. Adjacent parcel Bond and Bluff. Ap- 16465 SW Dove Rd- $30,900. 3.49 acre 1800 also for sale. prox. 26,000 sq. ft., CRR. 5 acre legal lot. mtn view lot, within Whether youarelooking for $11,000 each. CALL MR zoning a l lows Septic feasibility ap- city limits, $35,900. a home orneeda service, FRED JOHNSON AT many uses. $650,000. proved. mtn views. Sellers are Oregon li- your future is inthepagesof 541-788-3733. MLS: CALL KIT K ORISH $89,900. MLS censed Real Estate The Bulletin Classified. 201503506; 541 - 480-2335. 201501897 Brokers. 201503508 Duk e AT MLS: 2015 0 0280 Juniper Re a l ty Juniper Realty The Bulletin Warner Realty Serving CentralOregon sime 19N 541-504-5393 541-504-5393 Duke Warner Realty
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Excellent Service... $248,000
$4I 9,000
I ~I
• 3 bedroom,2 bath • 1550 SF, built in 2005 • Wood-burning fireplace
• Granitetile countertops
• Wood floors, great landscape • Leaded glass windows • Old wood beams Gary Fiebick, Principal Broker 54 l-390- I 602
• HountalnView Parkgated community Vaulted celings, skylights • 2337 NE Buckwheat Court • Cul de sac, pool + courts • All appliances, gas fireplace • 1300 SF / own land
• theresaramsay@johnlscott.com
Theresa Ramsay, Broker 54I-SI5-4442
• • • •
• Awbrey Glen beauty' • 4 bedroom + office & 2Yi bath
5 acre,3365 SF totally remodeled house 3 bed,3 bath, living & family rooms, office Huge loft,granite countertops & fireplace Heated floors, wine cave & stained glass
• Built 2001, approx. 2600 SF • Northwest-inspired • Gleaming hardwood floors • Bonus room - new carpet • Overslzed garage
• 36'x36'garage with car lift& 36'x36'barn • 36'x20' carport & 36'x18' second garage • www.lohnlscotr.com/46734
Violeta Sdrulla, Principal Broker 54 I -4 I 9-3522 ~
Danielle Snow, Broker 54 I -306- I 0 I 5 I
• 1279 SF,3 bedroom,2 bath •I/3acre,withRv spaceandhookups
•Locatedin Bend's premiergolf community —Awbrey Glen • 3 bedroom,2 bath,2394 SF •Private.31acre lot backing to com mon area • Gourmet kitchen & outdoor decks • www johnlscott.com/daniellesnow
•Freshpaint.interior& exterior
• Fenced, landscaped • Backs to seasonalcanal
La Jeanne Kline, GRI, Broker 54l-390-8774
Danielle Snow, Broker 54I-306-IOI5 <I
• 1634 sq. ft. westside home • 3 bedrooms,2 baths
• Immaculate 2-story home
• 2,840 SF,4 bedroom,2.5 bath • Energy Star house w/ solar panels
• Hardwoodfloors,light& brightwithlasFireplace
• Granite& tile counters • Cherry cabinets, wood & tile floors • Cascade Mountain views!
• Close to downtown and river trails • Landscaped,sprinklersystem • Overslzed 2-car garage and deck
CyndiRobertson, Principal Broker 54I-390-5345 I
Cathy Malk, Broker 54I-408-344 I
• 1998 spacious 3 bedroom, 2bath,.I7 lot • All appliances included • Wood floors • Gas fireplace • 2829 SW 25thSt.,Redmomd • Pride of ownership • Large side yard for possible RV parking • wwww.johnlscott.com/64049
• Large master bath, walk-in closet
• Open living plan, hardwood & dle • Double garage + storage shed • Rv parking behind fence — Call now! www.peggylecombs.iohnlscottcom
Peggy Lee Combs, Broker 54I-480-7653
Maralin F Baidenmann, Broker 54 I -325- I 096
r @ r,rif• Perfectly situated to take full advantage of
• 3 bedroom,2 bath • 1588 SF bungalow '.25 acre parklike loc • Hardwood & tile floors • Beautiful in-demand neighborhood ~Wacer feature,hottub,fire pit & more!
opporcunity • sharona.lohnlscotr.com/158EA
Sharon Abrams,CRS,CRIS, Principal Broker 54I-280-9309
the Old Mill, Deschutes River, and Cascades
~ 3 bedroom,2 bach,one owner • Lots of perks with this unique property • Call for information regarding vacation lease
Kathy Caba,Principal Broker,ABR54I-77l-I76l
' •
• 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath
' I e
I eee
. .
' •
e eee .• •
I •
• Franklin Brothers built 2084 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath,granite • 21336 EvelynPlace 541480-1911 • MLS 201501 796
MICHAEL J. Hppp, ' Backs toNationol Fo«st • Great room Boor plan, masteron main BRPKER
• Newly remodeled, gourmetkitchen
541-390-0504 • MLS 201410380
• Barn, hay storage, shop,irrigation • Unobstructed Cascadeviews
• •
AWBREY BUTTE f $1325 000
I '
1'hree SisterstoMt. Adamsviews 6052 sq.ft., 5 bedroom,4 bath Gourmetkitchen, theater room
MLS 201502497
20 ACRE RANCH f $1,249,900 • 3560 sq.ft., 3 bedroom,4 bath DANAMILLER, PRINCIPAL BROKER • Outdoor kitchen,pond, barn ABR,AHWD,SRES • Chef's kitchen,stunning master 541-408-1468 • MLS 201 505310
• 1'raditional 2692 sq.ft. home • 4 bedroom, 3 bath • Amazing backyard • MLS 201505262 541-480-6621
PARKUKE5ACRES f$72S,QQQ • 2519 sq.ft. •4 bedroom+ of fi ce 3 bath • Outdoor kitchen,patio, shop • MLS 201504598
118 ACRE RANCH f Sl 249,SQQ TEVE pAYER • e
BROKER GRj • • •
2 homes, 91 acres irrigation
Hay bam, corralshop s,
eBIM out the gate
541-480-2966 • MLS 2014061 05
WYNDEMER Ef $149,900 »q ft ODETIE ADAIR, • ' 422 BROKER , S.l;A.R. ' 3 b«oom 3 bat" 3«i g«age • Panoramic Cascadeviews
541-815-4786 • MLS 201502967
•Casca deMountainviews .88 acre
• 2755 sq.ft., 3 bedroom,2.5 bath • Hardwood floors,Pozziwindows • MLS 201505315
• Qeschutes River 8 Cascadeviews
• 3248sq.ft.home • 3 bedroom, 3 bath • MLS 201408795
SISTERS 20 ACRES l $644,900 • 2272 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath
' '
MIRADA f $321,990
' ' •
's s e'
• i
541-350-4772 • MLS 201505755
SW BEND l $640,000 • 2540 sq.ft., 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Main levelmaster,opengreat room • Close to river trail
541-322-1500 • MLS 201503158
AWBREY BUlTE l $639,000 • 2887 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, 3 bath • Landscaped7acrelot • 3<ar garage, flat driveway
503437 541-610-7318 • MLS 201
RIVER RIMl $535,000
1T ROB INSON, • 2642 sq.ft. • 5 bedroom 3 bath 3<ar garage PRINCIPAL BROKER
• Custom features throughout
541-971-5811 • MLS 201503323
RIVER RIMf $495,000
LYNN(CONNEUEY, • 2445 sq.ft, singlelevel 2.5 bath BROKER , CRS • • 3 bedroom,
• Fenced,landscaped,.2 acre
541-408-6720 • MLS 20150301 9
•M tB iI •
•I ERtr • lI' •
' •
CLOSE TOOlD Mlll l S450.000 ROOKIEDICKENS BRpKER GD CRS,ABR 541-815-0436 '
• .54acre on 2tox lots • House withardwood h floors • Guest house,private deck
• MLS 201500675
NW BEND f $379,000 MARCI BpNHARD BROKERCRS SRES 541-977-1230 '
RIVERS EDGEVIUAGEl $449,000 • 2548 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • New carpet, roof & exterior paint • Cherry cabinets,slatefloors
• MLS 201502821
USFER FRIEQ MAHK • 1292 sq.ft. 2 bath BROKER , ABR,CSP , • 3 bedroom, • Close toriver, downtown,Old Mil E.PRO, S.l;A.R. 541-330-8491 • MLS 201505038
• Master on maincorner , lot
• MLS 201504925
• Qen & largebonusroom, .24 acres
541-948-9606 • MLS 201 501834
NW BEND f $379,000
• 2210 sq.ft. close to river trail • 4 bedroom,3.5 bath
MIDTOWN BENDf$420,000 • Across from Juniper Pool&Park • 2864 sq.ft., 3 bedroom,3 bath
PRINEVILLE f $369,900 • 2956 sq.ft., 4 bedroom,2.5 bath • 2.01 acres in gatedcommunity
541-322-2400 • Teak floors, granite counters 541.390-6441 • MLS 201 501137
EAGLE CREST f $406,250 2204 q.ff
e 3 bedroom, den, 2.5 bath • 2<ar garage, .23 acrelot
541-408-3773 • MLS 201504355
EU(HORNRIDGEf $385,000 • 2278 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath
• Vaulted ceilings,breakfast bar 541-419-8639 • MLS 201505145
• 1 ACRE IN LAPINE l $349,900 sq " I • 3 bedroom, 2 bath
JOHNGALLAWAY ' 1954 sq.ft., 4 bedroom,2.5bath I • Vaulted ceilings, hardwoods,tile BROKE R
541-480-5802 • MLS 201502110
541-316-5903 e MLS 2015Q54Q6
• Close to QeschuteRi sver
• Large shop with office 8, bath
,Sar '., i e
STONEHA VEN/ $299,900
built home MICHE LLETISDEI„K • 1930 sq.ft.palmer BROKER ,ABR,CRS, ' 4 bedroom,2,5 bath • Landscaped,fenced,boccecourt E-PRO 541-390-3490 • MLS 201504990
SW BEND f $239,000
DAVIDGRMORE, • Single level1235sq.ft. home 2 bath, fencedyard BROK ER,CRS, E.PRO, • 3 bedroom, • New exterior paint RSPS 541-311-2309 • MLS 201504759
NE BEND / $229,000
• 1006 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom,2 bath • Mature landscaping 541-280-2141 • MLS 201 505029
' Riverfront lot e Over an acre, well installed • Fly fishmgparadiset
• MLS 201409027
SW REDMOND f $189,900 • 1467 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • New interior paint 8 carpet • MLS 201505033
eA I
lHREE RIVERSSOUTHl $179,900 SHERR YPERRIGAN • .53acre lot on BigDeschutes • AE utilities to lot BROKER • Shared well septic approved
541-410-4938 • MLS 201409798
FAIRWA YCRESTVIUAGEf $179,900 • .32acre flat, buildable lot • Close to QeschuteRi s ver • Mature ponderosapines
541-771-6996 • MLS 201502959
SE BEND CONDO / $115~0 ' 964 sq.ft., 2 bedroom,1.5bath • Private courtyard • Convenient location
541-948-5880 • MLS 201 502519
EAGLE CREST f S81 500 KARINJOHNSON • level .25 acre cornerlot • AE amenitiesincluded BROKER, ABR, • Build yourdreamhome EPRO 541-639-6140 • MLS 201505535
• FOR LEASE $0.85/SF/MONTH pAUIAVANVLECK, • large open retail space • ' Concrete lonew or, paint iLrestroom BROKER • Excellent location & visibility 541-280-7774 • MLS 201409862
Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbuiletin.com THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, JUNE 20, 2015 •
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Pets & Supplies
Pets 8 Supplies
Pets & Supplies
Pets & Supplies
Pets & Supplies
Pets & Supplies
Pets & Supplies
Furniture & Appliances
Adopt a great cat or For Sale: Weimaraner Maremma Guard Dog Rodent issues? Free Small dog house, never Wolf-Husky pups $500, The Bulletin recomtwo! Altered, vacci- puppies, parents on pups, purebred, great adult barn/ shop cats, used, aluminum. 38 yrs exp. Wolfsong The Bulletin mends extra caution nated, ID chip, tested, site, exc. disposition, dogs, $350 e a ch, fixed, shots, s o me O pening i s 8nx1 0". Kennels 541-977-7019 recommends extra ' when purc h as- more! CRAFT, 65480 h unting lines a n d 541-546-6171. friendly, some not. $125. 541-382-9295 Yellow Lab, AKC Reg- i caution when puring products or ser78th, Bend, Sat/Sun, great family d ogs, Will deliver. 280-3172 Standard Poodle pup- istered, 3M.; $700/ea, chasing products or • vices from out of the services from out of I 1-5p.m. 541-389-8420 rand raised & estab- POODLE or POMAPOO pies AKC 12 w ks, 4F; $750/ea, all yel- [ the area. Sending 8 area. Sending cash, www.craftcats.org l ished b reeder. 4 puppies, toy. Stud also males, $800 ea., can low. Parent g r eat checks, or credit in' cash, checks, o r • males @ $350 ea. 541-475-3889 deliver. 541-754-9537 hunters. Avail. to go i credit i n f ormation f ormation may b e 541-562-5970. Please 202 July 4th. 541-934-2423 may be subjected to subjected to fraud. Black Standard Poodle leave message. Want to Buy or Rent For more i nformaQueensland Heelers Puppies, tails docked, Yorkie AKC pups 3 M, i FRAUD. For more tion about an adver- claws removed, French bulldogs and Standard & Mini, $150 information about an 8 Shih-poo p u ppies, 1F, adorabie, UDT Wanted: $Cash paid for tiser, you may call de-wormed, 1st shots English bulldogs need & up. 541-280-1537 advertiser, you may l shots, health guar., pics UTD shots, assorted vintage costume jewelry. the O regon State 8 check up, smart, to be rehomed due to www.rightwayranch.wor colors, call t h e Ore g on $ $450. $500/up. 541-777-7743 f' State Top dollar paid for Attorney General's dpress.com Atto r ney ' beautiful, ath l etic, personal 541-977-0035 Gold/Silver.I buy by the illn e ss. Office C o n sumer loyal, great hunting Champion bloodlines, 210 i General's O f fi ce Standard Poodles, Estate, Honest Artist Protection hotline at nose, strong blood $500-$1000 a piece. Reg. mini whoodle pup- Shih Tzu AKC adorable Beautiful black grand Furniture 8 Appliances Consumer Protec- • Elizabeth,541-633-7006 1-877-877-9392. 12-wk-old male pup lines. 6 Boys, 3 Girls. 541-350-1965 tion h o t line a t i pies avail., non-shed, $425. 541-788-0234 champion bred pups. $1,000, Phone 16 weeks, fabulous 5000 series Maytag i 1-877-877-9392. shots 8 wor m ed, or 541-548-0403 The Bulletin 503-390-0629 or text WANTEDwood dressc oats, heathy a n d dryer, like new, 4000 ready now. $ 1 200. 503-930-7356, ask for Heeler/aussie/border TheBulletin > ers; dead washers 8 pi c tures.Siamese kittens, $30. happy. Will bring great series Maytag dryer, > Serving Central Oregon since 1903 collie mix pups. 2 F, Call f o r Debra dryers. 541-420-5640 509-305-9085 Gorgeous, playful and joy to y our h ome. will hold 2 queen size $175. 541-536-5538 $2000. 541-601-3049 loving! 541-977-7019 quilts. $850. Brand 212 new, still under warAntiques & ranty, Whirlpool convection 5 burner glass Collectibles top stove with warming station Has Aquo Antiques Wanted: tools, list technology. $700. furniture, John Deere 1 909 $ 2 .5 0 go l d toys, beer cans, fishing/sports gear, piece, $400. 2 viles of gold nuggets, a little Pre-'40s B/W photogover a gram ea. $45. raphy. 541-389-1578 ea. Sterling silver, 24 The Bulletin reserves 280 282 286 286 280 292 292 diamond earrings, still the right to publish all Estate Sales Sales Northwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Redmond Area Sales Other Areas Sales Other Areas in box, $200. 2 (set) ads from The Bulletin cubic zirconia sterling newspaper onto The 7203 SW McVey (off fo Huge M ult i F a m ilyAnnual garage sale, Neighborhood sale. Fri. Cliffs of Redmond An- Mary & Trudy's 6th Seasonal silver e n g agement Bulletin Internet webS. Canal) Fri & Sat Garage Sale! 63925 antiques, 30 yr. bear 8 Sat., June 19-20, nual N e ighborhood Annual Stampin' Up Garage Sale! rings, sizes 7 and 8, site. 6/19 and 6/20 9-4. W Quail Haven Dr. collection, d a y bed, 9-4. Knives, guns, an- Garage Sale. Fri. 6/19 Scrapbooking - crafts June 18-19-20, 8 to 4 $50 e a . Mi c hael Sun 6/21 9-1. Two 6/20, 9am-2pm. treadle sewing ma- tiques, home goods, 8-4, Sat. 6/20, 8-noon. & ga r age sa l e . Antiques & collectibles, 541-589-3092 The Bulletin 4th of July, lodge & family great sale. Anchine, cedar chest, and much more. Wil- Behind Cath o l ic Fri-Sat. 9-4. 6 6500 Serving Central ttngon sincesggg tique and vintage Huge Multi-Family Yard recliner, scrapbook- liamson 8 2194 Kim Church off 19th and Ponderosa Loop, W. western, silver & copper linens handmade Sale -Something for ev- ing crafts, and misc. Ln., in front of hospi- Maple. G l assware, Hwy20 off Gist Road. 215 housewares, tools, crafts, glass ware, artfurniture. Camping, eryone! Furniture art- 1262 NE B urnside. tal. lamps, small appliCoins & Stamps work, gfots of old and work, tools, household, Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-3. water sports and bedding, furPre Est a te/Garage ances, new furniture, floral and hunting equipment. fishing gear, etc. Fri 8 niture, tools and lots Need to get an ad Like new 8 used of misc. One home is garden decor. No Sterling, crystal and S at, 8-3. 1 14 2 N W Big Sale! Vintage items, Sale. clothes, no junk. 4504 Flexisteel s lumber gym locker, cages, items for men & la- donating all proceeds in ASAP? china. Vintage 1974 Knoxville Blvd. garden cart, garden- dies, s hop, y a r d, to American Cancer SW Minson Rd., Pow- sofa, queen. exc. VW Bug. ite m s . Society - Relay for ell Butte. ing, misc. Fri. & sat. h ousehold Iron Horse Antiques 541-504-5224. No cond., $350. Other Fri.-Sat. 9-4. 530 NE Fax it te 541-322-7253 Sue, 541-416-8222, or 8-4, 1114 NE Revere. HELP YOUR AD Annual Flea Market early birds please Life. furniture avail. Kearney Ave. Georgia, 541-548-0927 large stand out from the and BBQ including Large desks, Cedar Creek townhoGarage Sale, Fri. & Sat. The Bulletin Classifieds rest! Have the top line 6/20, 9-3, patio swing set, etc. Fri. & Sat., 9-3, 2797 210Sat. NOTICE mes 19th a n nual Yard Sale Multi9-3, 1740 NE 6th St. in bold print for only NW Congress St. SW 34th St., RedRemember to remove Queen be d S e a ly community garage FamilySat. 6/20 Sets of g olf c lubs, $2.00 extra. Posture-Pedic Excepmond. Vintage & an- Sat 6/20 Only - LARGE sale. Fri. 8 Sat. June 8a.m. to 3p.m. 2200 your Garage Sale signs portable Sauna, more. Multi-family/moving 541-385-5809 tional Plush with bed tique furniture, col19th-20th 8-5. 1050 (nails, staples, etc.) NE Hwy 20 at WilGARAGE SA LE Garage sale, Saturday estate sale. 6/19-20. after your Sale event frame, SOLD, ex c. The Bulletin lectables and more. 1448 NW Quincy Ave. NE Butler Market Rd. liamson Hall behind 6/20, 8-3, 5670 NW Fr. & Sat. 9-2, Motorcond., cas h o n l y. gerving Central rsregonsince fgtg is over! THANKS! C orner of 8t h a n d Jake's Diner. cycle, Yamaha 6 50 Bend. C o m puters, 49th St., Redmond, Buyers will need to Private collector buying From The Bulletin 282 books, furn i ture, Butler Mkt. Annual fund-raiser 6th driveway on the VStar 8 access., king and your local utility move items. Morn- postagestamp albums & Sales Northwest Bend kitchen items, hunting Need help fixing stuff? for Bend Genearight. 2 moveable air bdrm set, loveseat set, ings only ( T erreb- collections, world-wide companies. hide-a-bed, 6x10 HD and fishing, p iano logical Society conditioners, leaf onne) 541-504-0056. and U.S. 573-286-4343 1197 NW Summit Dr. keyboards, canning Call A Service Professional Non-Profit utilit trailer, boat momulcher, plant proThe Bulletin (local, cell phone). 541-317-9553 Combining 2 house- jars, TV and electron- find the help you need. tors/dolly, f i r ewood, G ENERATE SOM E tectors, misc. fencing, holds, furniture, decor, ics, many new items www.bendbulletin.com EXCITEMENT in your salt 8 pepper shakers, shop heaters, '96 Ford www.bendbulletin.com 240 kitchen, outdoor, etc. never opened. neighborhood! Plan a wooden hutch, wood FB 1 ton, too much to 288 Crafts & Hobbies debit/credit OK, Sat. list! 15699 W estwind garage sale and don't futon frame, 2 d og Find exactly what ** FREE ** 7-1. Sales Southeast Bend crates, patio dog door, Ct., La Pine, directions: Saturday 9-3, 2 family forget to advertise in COMPLETE POT Burgess to Day Rd. to you are looking for in the classified! household sale, 1415 Garage Sale Kit garden tools & much TERY SET UP - InBEND'S BEST SALE!!! Sunrise to Holiday. CLASSIFIEDS 541-385-5809. 2-Family moving sale NW Aubrey (corner of Place an ad in The more. cludes Skutt kiln, two Bulletin for your ga- Roosevelt Cottage 16th Sat. 6/20, 7-2. Furni- Newport Ave). Kenmore Elite 30 cu. ft. wheels, clays, glazes, year! Front & b ack Huge & Fun Annual Pattie & Dan Little rage sale and reture, beds, crib, anNiLahSha 8 D e sert side/side waterfice in small library shelves, yards full of home detiques, china, CRV Starwood Community ceive a Garage Sale HUGE MOVING SALE Meadows G a rage door ex. cond. $800 scales, heat e rs, cor from REVIVAL snow tires, clothing, garage sale Sat. 6/20 Kit FREE! 15839 WEST PINE LANE, SISTERS, OREGON Sale, Fri., 6/19 8 Sat. 541-633-7723 tables, booth and too f urnishings. Up t o misc. 19085 Mt. Hood 8a.m., follow StarFri. JUNE 19 • Sat. JUNE 20, 9-5 6/20, 9-3. NE 6th & much to list. $2,500 or KIT INCLUDES: 75% off. New Pl., 3 Pines wood Drive, off Tum o d ern best offer. Contact CROWD CONTROL Admittance NUMBERS at Mid-century Negas, behind Wal • 4 Garage Sale Signs benches, hand malo Road. 8:00 a.m. Friday. Take Hwy 20 west to Sisters, S tiffel ta b l e l a mp • $2.00 Off Coupon To Mart. Back by popuRodney at painted and shabby 2-family sale: kids toys, turn north at first street by school Locust ST., $100. 541-350-7053 541-728-0604 Toward Your chic furniture, garden l ar d e mand, c h e f follow f ishing gear, m a n YARD SALEI Sat. only, Use for 2 mlles to Old Wagon Rd. follow West Ad Sharon & crew will be art, vintage wicker, stuff, clothes, go-cart, 9-3, 2642 NW Pickett •Next Two V iking s e wing 10 Tips For "Garage Meadow Wayand go 1 mile to Sa/e site!!! preparing hots dogs & and plain old yard housewares, gun Ct. (Awbrey Butte). kid Sale Success!" /quilting m a c hines Heritage dining room set, table w/8 chairs and 2 Garage Sales sale junk! VISA/MC. soda, only $2. cabinet, 1939 Willys 2 items, home furnishwith extras. Very good matching china cabinet; KitchenAid stain- Garage Sales 9 -4 Sat., 18 5 S E H UGE GARA G E leaves, dr. convertible, 12' ings. A little something condition. $700 each less front side-by-side refrig.; Maytag washer & Roosevelt Ave. SALE!! Fri-Sat 9-4, dryer; La-Z Boy leather sofa w/recliner ends; Garage Sales alum. boat with trailer for everyone. Call 54 1 - 706-0448 PICK UP YOUR 5897 NW Zamia Ave Queen & double beds; Leather recliner; Nice large and motor, furniture, GARAGE SALE KIT at eves or weekends. What are you 284 R edmond. Lots o f rugs Autumn colors; Lounge chair; 11 western youth 4- w heelers. 1777 SW Chandler Find them 242 baby items, children & Thur. Fri. Sat., 9-4. Sales Southwest Bend Ave., Bend, OR 97702 pictures from the John Connally Collection, framed looking for? in adult clothes, kitchen, & matted, some with leather matting; 10 framed 8 6530273rd St. Exercise Equipment You'll find it in office, furn i ture,matted Wysocki prints, numbered; Rocker & footBulletin Yard Sale: Sat. 9-2, The The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon sincetglte books, too much to Several glass front display cases; 3 large Pre-core EFX 5.17 el3292 NW Fairway Hts./ clothes, collectibles, The Bulletin Classifieds list. Come check it stool; Classifieds bookcase or display pieces; 4 suede dining chairs; liptical fitness cross Dr. Fri. & Sat. 9-4. K-1 lawn mowers & stuff. out. 541-548-5653 Large square coffee table; Mirrors; Lots of decor trainer. Excellent conbooks, games, post- 61453 Linton Lp. (Off Friends 8 n e ighbors 541-385-5809 items; 100-pce set of "Calico" pattern dishes by d ition. $ 59 9 ob o . ers, etc., golf/clubs, C entury 8 Elde r BIG yard sale. FurniMulti-family yard sale, 541-385-5809 ture, tools, household, 360-921-4408 cradle, houseware. Ridge.) 8 Sat., 6/19-20, 9 Staffordshire English mfg. stemware & glassware; NEED TO CANCEL antiques, toys, etc. Blind hammer, 60" Pio- Fri. books, clothing; Lane cottage style cedar to 4, corner of Rim- linens, YOUR AD? Friday-Saturday, 8-3. chest; Armoire style dresser and triple dresser; 12' HD tv w/ sur- rock Ct. & Maple Rim 2 sales, 1 street! 61950/61960 Dobbin neer The Bulletin round sound, crafts- Ct. Some f urniture, formica topped work bench on wheels, QUILGiven by Farmhouse Estate Sa/es Classifieds has an Rd. Dream; Work table with drop leaves-rolling; m an tool chest 8 knick-knacks, p i cs, TERS Friday - Saturday, 9-4 "After Hours"Line brass bakers rack and pine chest of drawRegister starts at 7. Limited parking. Do NOT Garage Sale, Fri. 8 Sat. tools, drum set, pool collectibles, oil lamps, Large ers; Smaller bakers rack-pewter color; 4-poster Call 541-383-2371 park in other people's driveways 8-4, S un . 8 - noon. table, cement mixer, old tools, clothes. bed; Large pot rack with hooks and chain; Lots of 24 hrs. to cancel The O'Keefe Estate Sale The Smith Estate Sale tools & more. Pre-Cor stretch 20535 S u n derland power Kitchen items; tools, pots and pans and lots small your ad! 2060 4 RV trailer, TV, radio, elect. appliances; Misc. dishes; bowls and servers; 19850 SW Porcupine trainer. Improve your 19845 SW Porcupine Way. Vintage, collect- Fri.-Sun. h ousehold ite m s , Brightenwood Ln. Drive, Bend felxibility targeting key Drive, Bend ables, kitchen, toys, clothes, rod - reels, 8'x8' leather strip rug great multicolor; Old 78s & New folding w alker, muscle groups. ExEntire household, large Entire household, hide curio cabinet, exer- Moving Sale, Fri. & Sat, misc. tackle, boating 33s; record player; 3 CD players; Sound bar 8 sub make offer. amount of construction victory mobility cart with cycle and books ga- 6 /1 9 & 6 / 20 , 9 - 4 . accessories, camping, woofer; Half round unit; desk; file cabinet; 6'x9' 541-647-2009 cellent con d ition. tools, nail guns, roto $400. 541-593-2053 car carrier lift, Danish lore. Come on down, 21725 Obsidian Ave., guitar & accessories. wood storage unit w/ double doors, you haul and hammers, hole hawg, leather sectional, rosewe are waiting. Hwy 20 off ofW ard. Fri. & Sat., 8-2, Ter- move; Wood doghouse; Lots of rakes and shov245 work benches, table wood diningset,O nkyo ebonne, Angu s els and misc. tools; Hundreds of used golf balls, saw, top saw, ladders, stereo system, reclin- Multi-family g a rage N eighborhood S a l e , rAcres. Golf Equipment some new; Studded tires for Jeep; Boat or trailer 9475 12th Ln. hand dolly; Nails and electrical wire and lots of galeather furniture, 2 ers, large CD collection, sale. Fri. & Sat. 19th, Greenmont and Hilldining sets, freezer, 20th, 8-5. Furniture, ridge, Sat. 6/20, 9-3. YARD SALE FRI/SAT 8 rage items; Huge Pre-lit Christmas tree; Patio 3 gas golf carts: 2006 art & books, white oak washer, dryer, Apple p l a tform bed, eclipse collectibles, h o use- Something for every- - 3 I 2 0 56 SW 31st Table and 8 chairs; 3 patio umbrellas; 2 large Y amaha, $200 0 . iMac computer, flat wares, e l e ctronics, one, kids to seniors. ST. Window ac unit, hammocks; Lounge chairs & other outdoor items; PATIO TABLE Older Hyun d a i, travel oxygen system, screen TV, inversion clothes, CDs, DVDs, Toys, 1996 furn i ture, swamp cooler, refrig- This ls a must see Sale!!!!!! Deedy; Norm, Ken 54" Tropitone table $1000. too much to list. therapy massage chair, and more. 1050 NE household and out- erator, couch, lawn 8 Handled by Easy-Go, $2000. 4 chairs, tilt B utler Market R d . d oor i t ems, s n o w sports equip, clothing, Deedy's Estate Sales Co.LLC Good carts - can deplus so much more. awning, $350. See p/xand descriptions at ¹48. Corner of 8th & blower, Sun Cruiser household items, anInfo Call- 541-419-4742 liver within reason. 541-382-6664 www.farmhouseestatesales.com. Butler Mkt. Pontoon boat. tique bedframe. estatesales.net for pictures and info 541-576-2477
l l
541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.com
Art, Jewelry & Furs
Gardening Supplies & Equipment
Hay, Grain & Feed
Prod u ce & Food
SOCIAL S E C URITY THOMAS ORCHARDS Looking for your Kimberly,Oregon Desperately Seeking D ISABILITY BEN next employee? Very Limited Illlissing 1940s d ia- E FITS. Unable t o Place a Bulletin work? Denied benm ond ring sold at U-Pick Cherries help wanted ad + Peat Mixes Bend Pawn approx. efits? We Can Help! Cherries from bin, + Juniper Ties today and Sept.13-17, 2014 has WIN or Pay Nothing! Dark $1.85 per lb. + Paver Discounts reach over central diamond and 2 Contact Bill Gordon & Rainer $1.95 per lb.. at + Sand + Gravel little side stones, one Associates 60,000 readers to is m i s sing. C a l l 1-800-879-3312 + Bark each week. Apricots by Saturday the 541-213-1221 please start your application i instantfandscaplng.comi Your classified ad 20th, Call for availability. keep trying! Will pay today! (PNDC) will also BRING CONTAINERS! reasonable price appear on The Bulletin Offers Open 7 days a week, 270 bendbulletin.com 253 Free Private Party Ads 8 a.m.to 6 p.m. only Lost & Found which currently lines - 3 days 541-934-2870. TV, Stereo & Video •• 3Private Party Only receives over We are at the Bend $100.00 REWARD. 1.5 million page Farmer's Market DIRECTV Starting at • Total of items adverLost green cheek must equal $200 views every on Wednesdays and $19.99/mo. FREE In- tised Conure at the corner or Less month at no s tallation. FREE 3 Fridays.Visit us on of Portland Ave. and DETAILS or to extra cost. months o f HBO FOR Facebook for updates! Juniper, 6/16/15. Bird PLACE AN AD, Bulletin S HOWTIME CIN is mostly green. Has 541-385-5809 Classifieds EMAX, STARZ. FREE Call Look at: violet leg band and is Fax 541-385-5802 HD/DVR U p g rade! Get Results! Bendhomes.com very tame. Will go to a 2015 NFL S u ndayWanted- paying cash person if coaxed. Call Call 541-385-5809 for Complete Listings of Ticket Included (Se- for Hi-fi audio & stuor place your ad 541-771-1311 Area Real Estate for Sale lect Packages) New dio equip. Mclntosh on-line at Place a photo inyourprivate party ad PRIVATE PARTY RATES C ustomers Only . JBL, Marantz, Dy- Female Chihuahua dog bendbulletin.com foronly$1 5.00par week. Starting at 3 lines CALL 1-800-410-2572 naco, Heathkit, San- found in Bend. Owner must provide pictures (PNDC) sui, Carver, NAD, etc. and *UNDER '500in total merchandise OVER'500 in total merchandise information about D ish Network - G e t Call 541-261-1808 the dog: how o l d, BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS 7 days.................................................. $10.00 4 days.................................................. $18.50 M ORE fo r LE S S ! WHEN YOU SEE THIS color, spayed or not Search the area's most 14 days................................................ $16.00 7 days.................................................. $24.00 Starting $19.99/month spayed to musician- comprehensive listing of nllllust state prices in ad (for 12 months.) PLUS 14 days .................................................$33.50 classified advertising... mkw ©gmail.com. Bundle & SAVE (Fast 28 days .................................................$61.50 estate to automotive, Garage Sale Special F OUND: Mother o f real Internet f o r $15 merchandise to sporting 4 lines for 4 days ................................. $20.00 Icall for commercial line ad rates) Pearl ring, looks older, goods. more/month.) CALL On a classified ad Classifieds found in D eschutes appearBulletin Now 1-800-308-1563 go to every day in the library near the 421 (PNDC) www.bendbulletin.com epublic print or on line. nd of M a y . C a ll A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: to view additional Schools & Training Call 541-385-5809 255 541-617-7082. photos of the item. Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. www.bendbulletin.com Computers IITR Truck School Have an item to BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN (*) 261 REDMOND CAMPUS The Bulletin T HE B U LLETIN r e Serving Cencret Oregon since S gs e Medical Equipment sell quick? Our Grads Get Jobs! REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well quires computer ad1-888-438-2235 If it's under as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin vertisers with multiple HOSPITAL BED w i th WWW.IITR.EDU 383 ad schedules or those hand-held electronic '500you can place it in bendbulletimcom reserves the right to reject any ad at Produce & Food selling multiple sys- control, overhead traThe Bulletin any time. is located at: tems/ software, to dis- peze, works well! The Bulletin is your SPRINGBANK FARM close the name of the 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Classifieds for: $400 cash only Employment business or the term TRANSITIONAL 541-815-4219 Bend, Oregon 97702 "dealer" in their ads. BLUEBERRIES Marketplace BLUEBERRY WINE Private party advertis- Want to buy - Walker w/ '16 - 3 lines, 14 days TASTING Fri.-Sun. ers are defined as seat/hand brakes, like PLEASE NOTE: Checkyour ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction those who sell one new. 541-382-2194. Call (Private Party ads only) U-PICK$1.75 lb. on is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right 30+ Ibs; computer. to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these 263 Found special purpose PICKED$2.20/Ib on 5 41-3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party 260 tools near NW Mer50+ Ibs; Tools Classified ads running 7 or moredays will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. Misc. Items chant Way and Sum$2.30/Ib on 30+ lbs. to advertise. 24' extension ladder in mit, Bend weekend of Open Tues.-Sat. 8-6 245 245 246 246 2 burial plots in Red- new condition. $125. June 13. Please call Sun. 12-6 www.bendbulletin.com with accurate descripmond, 1 for $500 or 2 541-388-5488 (503) 816-5529 Golf Equipment Golf Equipment Guns, Hunting Guns, Hunting for $9 0 0 . Call tion. 541-617-9750 CALL AHEAD, & Fishing & Fishing Compressor Ingersall 541-923-2374 Berlin Rd, ALL C LUBS R I GHT CHECK YOUR AD A s i an-looking 32264 5hp/60gal, $175/obo LOST Lebanon, OR H AND S R FL E X , earring, lav e nder Brand new STIGA ping CASH!! Serving Central Oregon sinceigca 541-480-6565 G RAPHITE. 201 5 stone has small words www.springbankfarm.org For Guns, Ammo & pong table, new $250, m int T / M spe e d on stones in JapaReloading Supplies. $75. 541-408-8346 265 blades, 6-SW, 7 pcs., 541-408-6900. nese, in Shopko or Building Materials BuyPng Dlamonds $380. Call a way DO YOU HAVE FiREFiGHTERS NEEDED NOIN! AAA area last week. /Gofd for Cash Driver, x2hot, 12-15, on the first day it runs FIND YOUR FUTURE SOMETHING TO please call Immediate need for REDMOND Habitat Saxon's Fine Jewelers a djustable-h.c p l us SELL 541-706-9347 make sure it isn cor- HOME IN THE BULLETIN Wildland Firefighters RESTORE 541-389-6655 tool, $120. Callaway to e FOR $500 OR rect. Spellcheck and Your future isjust apageaway. Building Supply Resale Lost:Diamond pendant to fight forest fires. Must be 18 Titanium five wood, LESS? human errors do oc- Whetheryou're lookingfor ahator Call The Bulletin At with gold chain, lots of Quality at Non-commercial $ 80. M izuno J P X cur. years old and Drug Free! If this happens to sentimental va l u e. aplaceto hangit, TheBulletin 541-385-5809 LOW PRICES wedges 54-60, $60 advertisers may Apply 9am-3pm Mon-Thurs. your ad, please conLost around Tumalo 1242 S. Hwy 97 Classi f iedis your best source. Place Your Ad Or E-Mail ea. All c l ubs o bo. tact us ASAP so that place an ad 541-548-1406 Store. Reward. Bring two forms of ID fill out Federal 951-454-2561 with our At: www.bsndbulletin.com corrections and any Everydaythousandsofbuyersattd 541-923-5000 Open to the public. 1-9 form. No ID = No Application "QUICK CASH sellers ofgoodsandservices do adjustments can be BUYING Get your SPECIAL" LOST red electric dog made to your ad. businessinthese pages. They 266 Lionel/American Flyer 1 week3!ines 12 collar near Century PatRick Corp. 541-385-5809 knowyoucan't beatTheBulletin trains, accessories. business ot' Heating & Stoves Drive and Mammoth. The Bulletin Classified 541-408-2191. 1199 NE Hemlock, ClassifiedSectionfor selection ee eke 2 N 541-390-5089. ~ and convenience - everyitemis Redmond NOTICE TO Ad must BUYING & SE LLING Good quality golf balls People Lookfor Information ADVERTISER justaphonecall away. 541-923-0703 EOE include price of All gold jewelry, silver (used), $25 for 100. About Products and i l e ee oi $50D e~ and gold coins, bars, Since September 29, P ATR l c K The ClassifiedSectionis easy 541-410-0922 or less, or multiple rounds, wedding sets, 1991, advertising for Services Every Daythrough to use.Everyitemis categorized used woodstoves has The Bulletin giassifieds With an ad in items whose total class rings, sterling siland every categoryisindexedon 246 ver, coin collect, vin- been limited to moddoes not exceed Roll Tender the sectiodsfrontpage. The Bulletin's tage watches, dental els which have been $500. Guns, Hunting certified by the Orqold. Bill Fl e ming, Whether youarelookingfor ahome & Fishing " Call A Se r v i c e 541-382-9419. egon Department of Call Classifieds at REMEMBER:If you or need aservice, yourfuture isin Environmental Qual541-385-5809 have lost an animal, the pages of The B ull e ti n Cl a ssfi e d. 825 .45 cal. cases, DID YOU KNOW 7 IN Profeeeional" www.bendbulletin.com ity (DEQ) and the feddon't forget to check Serving Central Oregon since 1903 10 Americans or 158 eral $100. Call E n v ironmental The Humane Society The Bulletin 541-410-0922 million U.S. A dults Protection Directory s gc c I o o g secn Are you interested in learning the A g e ncy Bend Marlin .22LR, Model 60, read content f r om (EPA) as having met entry level basics of 541-382-3537 15 shot, l ike n e w, newspaper m e d ia smoke emission stanRedmond being a pressman? $125, call each week? Discover dards. A cer t ified 541-923-0882 541-604-1178 the Power of the Pa- w oodstove may b e Madras The Bulletin has an immediate opening for cific Northwest News541-475-6889 a full-time pressroom Roll Tender. This REM 1 91 1 4 5 A CP, paper Advertising. For identified by its celtification label, which is entry-level position is responsible for the Prineville S&W 1911 45ACP, a free brochure call attached 541-447-7178 loading of newsprint rolls and the operation of 686 357, Victory 538 916-288-6011 or permanently to the stove. The Bulor Craft Cats the reel stands on the press. The work schedCall 54385 I 580f to promoteyour service• Advertise for 28deli startingat'lt0 pts Segglfsectgteisnotgrgfgbfeonogreetetel 5 screw. Glock 19 email letin will not know541-389-8420. ule will consist of 4 days at 10 hours per day, 9 mm, T a urus r e - cecelia©cnpa.com ingly accept advertisfrom 3:30 PM to approximately 2:00 AM, on a v olver 2" 35 7 a n d (PNDC) ing for the sale of rotation schedule that will allow for every other 1892 lever 357, Bond uncertified Building/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care Landscaping/Yard Care 45 Colt/1410, Ruger How to avoid scam weekend being 3 days off. Starting rate is woodstoves. $10.00 per hour DOE. Security 6 357 and and fraud attempts NOTICE: Oregon state NOTICE: Oregon Land- P95 9mm, B aretta s/Be aware of interna267 The right person for the Iob must be able to law requires anyone scape Contractors Law 686 SIL PIG 12 ga., tional fraud. Deal lowho con t racts for (ORS 671) requires all WIN model 12 12 ga. Fuel & Wood move and lift 50 lbs. or more on a continuing cally whenever posbasis. The position also requires reaching, construction work to businesses that ad- H & HFirearms& Tack sible. be licensed with the vertise t o pe r form standing, sitting, pushing, pulling, stooping, 541-382-9352 sg' Watch for buyers Zope~ guaIfI WHEN BUYING Construction ContracLandscape Construckneeling, walking and climbing stairs. Learnwho offer more than tors Board (CCB). An tion which includes: Ruger Single 6 .22 reFIREWOOD... ing and using proper safety practices will be a Za~<0e your asking price and volver w/ mag cylin308 active license p lanting, deck s , primary responsibility. Full Service To avoid fraud, means the contractor fences, arbors, der. 1 96 9 m o del, who ask to have Farm Equipment The Bulletin Landscape money wired or is bonded & insured. water-features, and in- pre-hammer m o d ., For more information or to submit a resume, pay& Machinery Management Verify the contractor's stallation, repair of ir- with George handed back to them. recommends please contact: ment for Firewood Fake cashier checks CCB l i c ense at rigation systems to be Lawrence cu s t om only upon delivery CASE 530 diesel tracand money orders www.hirealicensedl icensed w it h th e Fire Protection western style holster. Al Nelson, Pressroom Manager, and inspection. are common. tor with backhoe atcontractor.com Landscape Contrac- New condition. $725 and FuelsReduction anelsonObendbulletin.com • A cord is 128 cu. ft. tachment, $4500. YNever give out peror call 503-378-4621. tors Board. This 4-digit 503-936-1778 eTallGrass 4' x 4' x 8' 541-389-7669. The Bulletin recomnumber is to be insonal financial infor•Low Limbs Applications are also available at the front • Receipts should mends checking with cluded in all adver- WANTED: Collector mation. •Brush and Debris desk at The Bulletin, 1777 Chandler Ave., 325 include name, seeks high quality fishthe CCB prior to contisements which indiYTrust your instincts Bend, OR. For consideration all resumes/apphone, price and Hay, Grain & Feed tracting with anyone. Protect your home with cate the business has ing items & upscale fly and be wary of plications must be received prior to June 26, kind of wood Some other t rades a bond, insurance and rods. 541-678-5753, or someone using an defensible space 2015. Pre-employment drug testing required. purchased. Wheat Straw for Sale. also req u ire addiworkers c ompensa503-351-2746 escrow service or • Firewood ads Also, weaner pigs. tional licenses and tion for their employagent to pick up your EOE Landscape 541-546-6171 ceitifications. ees. For your protec- Winchester M-70 AlasMUST include merchandise. Maintenance species 8 cost per tion call 503-378-5909 kan 375 H&H Mag. w/ Full or Partial Service or use our website: 2.5x8 Leupold scope The Bulletin cord to better serve Accounting Serving Censrer Oregon since iggg •Mowing eEdging Handyman www.lcb.state.or.us to NIB, $1,750. our customers. • Pruning eWeeding check license status 541-416-9686 Infrared Sauna, 220-V I DO THAT! Sprinkler Adjustments before contracting with hook-up, no building, The Bulletin 247 Sewing Central Omgon sinceSgce Home/Rental repairs the business. Persons $3000 value, asking Small jobs to remodels Fertilizer included with doing lan d scape Sporting Goods $1000. 541-536-7790 monthly program maintenance do not Honest, guaranteed - Misc. Misc. outdoor Christ- All year Dependable work. CCB¹151 573 r equire an LCB l i dry mas decor. Make of- Firewood cense. Dennis 541-317-9768 Clean-Ups I odgepole, split, del, Diving equip., 2 large fer. 541-408-0846 We are currently accepting applications Its not to late to have a 1 /$195; 2/$3 6 5 . tanks, 1 small tank, 1 Beautiful Landscape for the following positions: M ust sell: s old R V . Multi-cord discountsl TURN THE PAGE Viking diy suit large, andscapingNard Care R eese 5t h wh e e l cash, check, Visa, MC 1 regulator, 1 B C , For More Ads Weed Free Bark hitch, 20k p o unds, 541-420-3484, Bend Financial Reporting and Accounting Professional gloves, 2 knives, 2 & FlowerBeds The Bulletin snorkels with masks, used once, $800 obo. Ponderosa pine fireall for $250. Slide out jack, SOLD. Performs month-end financial close duties including account reconciliaLawnRestoration wood, split, $160 15' 50 amp electric Zape~Qua/itp tions, consolidation journal entries, intercompany eliminations and finanPainting/Wall Covering 541-416-9686 cord. 541-419-1871 c ord, SOLD. T i r e cial statement consolidation and distribution. Will assist in the specificaExperienced Lrtrr/lf gPP8 /acs. PORTABLE BASKET- shocks, SOLD. Towtion, design, implementation and training for new ERP and CPM solution. 269 Commercial KC WHITE Full Service BALL SYSTEM, $80. i ng m i rrors, u s e d Requirements include BS in Accounting (MBA/CPA preferred), 7-10 8 Residential PAINTING LLC Gardening Supplies 541-598-2064 once, SOLD. King-pin Landscape years' related experience, prior experience as Congnos/Hyperion/Host Free Estimates Interior and Exterior s tabilizer, SOLD . 8 Equipment Analytics/Other CPM solutions administrator, prior experience with ERP Management Senior Discounts Family-owned 248 54'I -548-7154 implementations and proficiency with Excel. 541-390-1466 Residential & Commercial Health & Spring Clean Up Same Day Response 40 yrs exp.• Sr. Discounts Reduce Your Past Tax BarkTurfSoil.com •Leaves Beauty Items 5-vear warranties Bill by as much as 75 Senior Accountant •Cones SPRING SPECIAL! Percent. Stop Levies, •Needles Call 541-420-7846 Got Knee Pain? Back Liens and Wage Gar- PROMPT DELIVERY Performs month-end financial close duties including account reconcilia542-389-9663 CCB ¹204918 Pain? Shoulder Pain? nishments. Call The •Debris Hauling tions, journal entries and post-close account analyses and reports. Will Get a p ain-relieving Tax DR Now to see if participate in and support other team members during the design and brace -little or NO cost you WeedFree Bark implementation of new ERP and CPM solution. Requirements include Qualify FIND YOUR FUTURE For newspaper & FlowerBeds to you. Medicare Pa- 1-800-791-2099. BS in Accounting (MBA/CPA preferred), 5-7 years' related experience, Serving Central HOME IN THE BULLETIN tients Call Health Hot- (PNDC) delivery, call the proficiency with Excel and prior experience with large-scale ERP Oregon Since 2003 Circulation Dept. at line Now! 1systems or implementations is preferred. Lawn Renovation Residental/Commercial Your future is justa page Sell your s t ructured 541-385-5800 800-285-4609 Aeration - Dethatching away. Whetheryou're looking settlement or annuity Sprinkler To place an ad, call Overseed Staff Accountant forahatoraplacetohangit, (PNDC) payments for CASH 54'I -385-5809 Activation/Repair Compost The Bulletin Cl a ssified is NOW. You don't have or email Back Flow Testing Top Dressing Performs month-end financial close duties including account reconciliayour best source. to wait for your future clsssified@bendbulletimcom tions, journal entries and account analyses and reports. Will participate Maintenance Every daythousandsof payments any longer! The Bulletin Landscape in and support other team members during the design and implementa«Thatch & Aerate Call 1-800-914-0942 buyers andsellers of goods HEALTHCARE JOBS. Serving Cencrel Oregonsince sgla tion of new ERP and CPM solution. Requirements include BS in Maintenance • Spring Clean up (PNDC) and services dobusiness in Now hiring: R N 's, Accounting, 3-5 years' related experience, proficiency with Excel, and Full or Partial Service eWeekly Mowing these pages.Theyknow LPN's/LVN's, CNA's, Prior experience with large-scale ERP systems or implementations is •Mowing nEdging & Edging you can' t beat The Bul l e tin Med Aides. $2,000 preferred. • Pruning eWeeding •Bi-Monthly & Monthly Classified Section for Bonus - Free Gas. Water Management Maintenance selection andconvenience Call AA C O O Accountant (entry) •Bark, Rock, Etc. - every item is just a phone 1-800-656-4414 EXL Fertilizer included call away. 26. (PNDC) nsnsle nn Isne This position involves general ledger accounting, fixed assets, payroll, with monthly program ~Landsca in nsgesergne,ongeogese' •Landscape The Classified Section is Meet singles right now! internal audit and financial reporting and analysis. Will contribute to the BowTech, Elite, Hoyt, Matthews, PSE easy to use. Every i t em overall success of new ERP solution. Recent Accounting Business Weekly, monthly Construction No paid operators, • Water Feature i s categori z ed and every Admin/Finance graduates or candidates with a few years' experience are or one time service. just real people like caitegoiyisindexed onthe • High Quality Bows & Accessories encouraged to apply. Requirements include BS in Accounting, 0-2 years' Installation/Maint. you. Browse greet•Pavers section's front page. • Bow Tuning and Service related experience and proficiency with Excel. Managing ings, exchange mes•Renovations sages and connect • 30 Yard Indoor Range Central Oregon Whether you are l o oking for •Irrigations Installation live. Try it free. Call Landscapes • Lessons for Beginners and Adults a home or needaservice, •Synthetic Turf Les Schwab has a reputation of excellent customer service, with over now: 8 77-955-5505. Since 2006 • Archery Leagues your future is in thepagesof 450 stores and 7,000 employees in the western United States. (PNDC) The Bulletin Classified. Senior Discounts Pleasego to www.lesschwab.com toapply.N o phone calls please. Senior Discounts Thank you St. Jude & Bonded & Insured 1611 South 1st Street, Redmond 541-390-1466 541-815-4458 Sacred H e ar t of The Bulletin 541-316-1784 Les Schwab is proud to be an equal opportunity employer. SavingCeneecCneon since Sgcg Same Day Response LCB¹8759 Jesus. j.d.
Monday • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Tuesday.••• • • • .Noon Mon. Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tues. Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed.
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The Bulletin
The Bulletin
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DAILY BRI DG E C LU B Saturday,June20,2015
Millard third to play By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency Millard Pringle played in a team game at my club today. He's a quiet little man who gets lost in the maze of defensive "rules." At both tables, West led the queen of spades against four hearts. At one table, West continued with the jack and a third spade. South ruffed and played carefully: He took the K-Q of trumps next. If trumps had split 3 -2, South would have claimed. When West d iscarded, d e clarer s t a rted t h e diamonds. East ruffed the second diamond and led a club, but South took the ace, drew East's last trump w ith th e a ce , a n d f i n i shed t h e diamonds to p i tch hi s r emaining clubs. Making four.
ACROSS i Coffee-brewing device s "I haven't the foggiest" is Parole board consideration is Like news blogs, typically iz Swedish university where Anders Celsius taught is Faulty, as a tank io Natural shelter 2oHall-of-Famer with exactly 3,000 hits u Goddess of magic u Expert in calculating u Big Florida export z4 Sixth in a series
heart, and your partner responds two diamonds. The opponents pass. What do you say? ANSWER: You must rebid two hearts. In m ost partnerships, this rebid doesn't promise more than five hearts (as would a rebid of two hearts after a response of one spade). Your hand isn't strong enough for a "high reverse" to three clubs, nor is a bid of 2NT attractive with a weak spade holding. North dealer Both sides vulnerable NORTH 4K9 4
9A63 0 AQ J107
A62 SECOND TRICK Millard was East at the other table, and at Trick Two West led the ten of spades. When dummy played low, Millard paused. He should h ave known West held the jack; South would have covered the queen with the king if he had it. But "third hand high" won out: Millard put up the ace! Millard then led a club, and South was doomed: He had to lose a club plus a trump.
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Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Findfive gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO
u Off the ground zz Ones skewered in P.J. O'Rourke's "Parliament of Whores" zs Moves toward the middle si Children of American Communists ss Started a movement, metaphorically u Barbera d' (Italian wine) 4i Hole in the head 4z Former Jordanian queen 4BExactly, informally -com 4s 4BBygone Finnish coin 4z Deva, for one
4BBig name in oil so Poet who won three Grammys for Best Spoken Word Album si Tufted songbirds sz Brush up on ss Being tracked, in a way B4Swore ss Tail waggers?
NO. 051 6
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ss Rubylike gem so Wrestle 4oVerily 44 Place bereft of happy campers? 4B Rock: Prefix 4s Cause for an R rating
4o Lush si Barnyard male
Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 7,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Read about arId comment on each puzzle: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/studentcrosswords.
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Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains everydigitfrom1 to9 inclusively. SOLUTION TO YESTERDAY'S
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LOS ANGELES TIMESCROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis
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17 Msg. after an escape, perhaps C 2015 by King Features Syna 9, Inc. World rights reserved
E-mail: bholbrook1@gmail.com
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27 Hearty pastry 29 Patient of Dr. Liz 30 Ready to roll 31 Org. with a Retirement Estimator web
A l.ll7LF 4KZ'C
THAT SCRAIIIBLED WORD GAME Oy David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Unscramble these four Jumbles,
Relox! It |Nlo oo oa rloha We'8 run to the market around the eorner.
ono letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.
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"Stepford Wives"
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DOWN 1 Developmental version 2 Praised 3Whata
screenwriter may take with a novel 4 Stylish 5 Pretentious 6 Bit of support 7 Reason for a baseball manager's challenge B Overlay material 9 Best-selling 2011 comedic
autobiography 10 Dedicated work 11 Fail to deliver 12 Online shopping mecca 13 Pi, but not rho 14 Drained 20 Direct 241/100 of a Cambodian riel 27 Picture frame feature 28 Hot condition 2
31 One sitting on a board 32 Consciousness 33 Airer of classic shows 35 Bass, for one 37 "Ragged Dick" author
4 6N o bility 47 Grain disease 4B W a tson's creator 50 "Crossworlds" actor Rutger 53 T a b u creator 55 Word after 40 Hodgepodge "open," in store 4 1 Wreck initiator? signs 42 Like some stares 5 6 Animated 44 Fuss barkeep
S M F C A L E L E N T S E S T H T A U E L BO W B O T U R N O V E R A L EC E RO S U L L E N E X E C U E P A C E O S B E T T E R H A B RO I L E G S I Z E S N E xwordeditorleaol.com 5
A P L L O 0 G A L B A U L E B E E U N R H R E A N E W S L E A G E T I V E S A V L T E O E N T S T
C H E I O R N T 0 D E D Y L E 06/20/15
16 18
22 25
36 40
scenes were 46 4 7 4S filmed 54 Spotted cat 51 57 Bio subject 58 1950 Muddy 54 Waters song ss 59 Calendar abbr. 60 Brand of 60 protective clothing 61 Seventh-largest st. By Barry C. Silk
52 55
O2015 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
53 56
57 59 61
06/20/t 5
18 7 6 2 5 8 5 2
SutIoku High Fives
How to play:
9 7
7 3 8 4 1 2 7
set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the individual Sudokus.
The Bulletin
9 6 1 9 2
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2 5 6
7 5 3 6 4 6 1 9
6 1 9 2 5
Serving Central Oregon since f903
7 5 2 9 4
4 8
bers in any shared
6 1
7 5 21 4
2 9 4
Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. The num-
9 5 7
3 6
3 5
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6 3 4 8 2 snans
@20132013 UFS, Dist. b Univ. Uciickfor UFS
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at 1-503-378-4320
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The Bulletin 541-385-5809
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Where can you find a helping hand? From contractors to yard care, it's all here in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory
Construction D ID YO U KNOW Education Concrete Finishers JAL Construction is a Newspaper-generFull Time high school Wanted! locally owned com- a ted content is s o English/Social Studies Roger L a ngeliers pany who specializes valuable it's taken and teaching position at Construction Co. is in heavy civil highway repeated, condensed, Mitchell School. Sallooking for experiand bridge construc- broadcast, t weeted, ary $33-57k. 4-day enced concrete fintion in the State of discussed, p o sted, school week. Contact ishers. $23.00 per Oregon. We are hir- copied, edited, and Tim Wilson, (541) 462 hour base pay and ing excavator opera- emailed c o u ntless-3311 or email twil$ 6.00 p e r ho u r tors and a pipe layer times throughout the sonImitchell.k12.or.us Fringe pay on prilaborer. day by others? Disvate work. Current Competitive wage and cover the Power of BOLI w a g e of benefit package, local Newspaper Adveriis$ 28.97 pe r h o u r work. JAL Construc- ing in FIVE STATES base p a y and Get your tion is an equal op- with just one phone $13.43 Fringe pay portunity employer. call. For free Pacific business on public work, plus Contact JAL ConstrucNorthwest Newspafull benefit package tion at 541-389-1236. per Association Netincluding health inwork brochures call e ROW I N G surance, 401(k). We 916-288-6011 or are a drug free comSay "goodbuy" email with an ad in p any, EE O e m cecelia@cnpa.com to that unused The Bulletin's ployer, an d an (PNDC) E-Verify participant. item by placing it in "Call A Service Minorities, w omen The Bulletin Classifieds Check out the Professional" and veterans are classifieds online encouraged to apDirectory wfffNfr.bendbulletin.com ply. Interested appli5 41-385-580 9 cants apply at our Updated daily office:62880 Mercury Place, Bend. CUSTOMER Maintenance
Grand Opening $1000 Signing bonus available $4000-$6000 guarantee! Rare sales opportunity, must have talent, experience, and the desire to dress for success! Call Steve, 541-410-3701 or Greg, 541-240-1421
Tick, Tock Tick, Tock... ...don't let time get away. Hire a professional out of The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory today!
Auto -Sales Sales professional to Join Central Oregon's l a r gest new ca r de a ler Subaru of B e nd. Offering 401k, profit sharing, m e d ical plan, split shifts and paid vacation. Experience or will train. 90 day $2000 guara ntee. Dress f o r success. P l ease apply at 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. See Bob or Devon.
Good classified ads tell the essential facts in an interesting Manner. Write from the readers view -not the seller's. Convert the facts into benefits. Show the reader howthe item will help them insomeway. This advertising tip
brought toyou by
The Bulletin semns central oregon stnce rstB
SERVICE MANAGER Cascade Cleaners is looking for an organized, reliable computer literate manager with very strong people skills. Management e x p erience preferred, full time wage DOE. Submit resume with work references in person at 133 SW Century Dr. ¹ 2 00, Bend, OR 97702
II g&88IWItl
8 7 9 6 1 5 4 2 3
3 9
II,@glNNI Diesel Mechanic Les Schwab is looking for a Diesel Mechanic to join our Maintenance team! Responsibilities include preventative maintenance and repairs on tractors, trailers, dollies, corporate vehicles and forklifts. Also responsible for major component overhaul and diagnosis. Other duties include repair orders and cleaning and maintaining the shop area. Requirements include a high school diploma or equivalent, valid Class A CDL or the ability to acquire one within 3 months of hire (must meet DOT 3.96 regulations).
Take care of your investments with the help from The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory
Les Schwab is proud to be an Responsible for providing support services to equal opportunity employer. Company-wide IS users. D u t ies include responding to c a lls r egarding computer hardware and software related issues, training Home Delivery Advisor users on new technology and technical The Bulletin Circulation Department is seeking processes and providing technical knowledge a Home Delivery Advisor. This is a full-time to assist with position and consists of managing an adult carrier force to ensure our customers receive Requires a CIS or MIS degree and 1 year superior service. Must be able to create and experience or a minimum of 3 years' experiperform strategic plans to meet department ence working in technical support. Must have objectives such as increasing market share Graphic Designer Position strong knowledge of computer hardware, softand penetration. Ideal candidate will be a ware, terminology and iSeries. R equires self-starter who can work both in the office strong analytical and problem solving skills, and in their assigned territory with minimal Serving Central Oregon since r903 excellent verbal and written communication supervision. Early a.m. hours are necessary skills, ability to work in a fast paced environwith company vehicle provided. Strong The Bulletin is seeking a new member for our ment with multiple priorities and excellent customer service skills and management skills customer service skills. Creative Services Team. The ideal designer are necessary. Computer experience is possesses strong design skills, is practiced in required. You must pass a drug screening Les Schwab has a reputation of excellent the fine art of communication, comfortable and be able to be insured by company to drive with daily deadlines and has a passion for customer service, with over 450 stores and vehicles. This is an entry-level position, but we 7,000 employees in the western United States. creating visual communication solutions for a b elieve i n p r o moting f ro m w i thin, s o wide vari ety of local businesses. Profi- We offer competitive pay, excellent benefits, advancement within company is available to retirement and cash bonus. Please go to ciency using Adobe InDesign, lllustrator, and the right person. If you enjoy dealing with Photoshop is a must. The ideal candidate will www.lesschwab.comtoapply.No phone calls people from diverse backgrounds and you are please. work with a variety of local clients, sales exenergetic, have great organizational skills and ecutivesand other WESCOM newspapers. interpersonal communication skills, please Les Schwab is proud to be an send your resume to: For qualifying employees we offer benefits equal opportunity employer. The Bulletin including life i n surance, s hort-term & c/o Kurt Muller long-term disability, 401(K), and paid vacation. General Po Box 6020 Drug test is required prior to employment. The Bend, OR 97708-6020 Bulletin is a drug-free workplace, EOE. No or e-mail resume to: phone calls please. kmuller@bendbulletin.com No phone calls, please. Please send your resume to * The Bulletin isa drug-free workplace. EOE spetrus O bendbulletin.com / * Great Supplemental Income!! Pre-empioyment drug screen required. IThe Bulletin Mailroom is hiring for our Satur- I • day night shift and other shifts as needed. We• Advertising Account Executive • currently have openings all nights of the week.• ADVERTISING SALES ASSISTANT must work Saturday night. Shifts A position is available in The Bulletin AdverThe Bulletin is seeking a professional and / Everyone start between 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. and tising department for a Retail Advertising driven sales person to help local businesses / end between 2:00 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. AllpoSales Assistant. This position supports outsucceed through advertising in our Central Or- • sitions we are hiring for, work Saturday nights.• egon Nickel Ads weekly publication. Distrib- I Starting pay is $9.25 per hour, and we pay aI side sales representatives and managers with account and territory management, on-deaduted each Thursday throughout Deschutes, of 3 hours per shift, as some shiftsI line ad order entry, accurate paperwork, and Jefferson, and Crook counties, The Nickel is a I• minimum are short (11:30 - 1:30). The work consists of• with maintaining good customer service and classified shopper that delivers results for its / loading inserting machines or stitcher, stackAdditional duties include, but are not limited advertisers. ing product onto pallets, bundling, cleanup and to: scheduling and proofing ads, organizing / other tasks. attendant documents, taking photos, some ad This full time position requires a background in layout work, filing, and customer interaction in consultative sales, territory management and IFor qualifying employees we offer benefitsl support of their advertising programs. aggressive prospecting skills. Two years of I including life insurance, short-term & long-term media sales experience is preferable, but will disability, 401(k), paid vacation and sick time. The successful candidate should possess extrain the right candidate. cellent communication, multi-tasking, and ora completed application ganizational skills. Also essential are a posiCompensationpackage consists of base plus ~ Please submit attention Kevin Eldred. tive attitude, strong service/team orientation, commission. Full time, Mon-Fri. Applications are available at The Bulletin and problem solving skills. Proficient typing, front desk (1777 S.W. Chandler Blvd.), or computer entry experience, Google Docs and Pre-employment drug testing is required. an electronic application may be obtained Excel skills a plus. Must be able to function upon request by contacting Kevin Eldred via comfortably in a fast-paced, deadline oriented Please send your resume, cover letter and sal email (keldredObendbulletin.com). office environment. P e rsonal automobile ary history to: needed for occasional driving. Steve Hawes No phone calls please. Advertising Manager Full-time, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.. Mon-Fri. shawes@wescompapers.com * No resumes will be accepted * Pre-emplovment drug testinq is required. You may also drop off your resume in person Drug test is required prior to employment. at 1777 SW Chandler, Bend, OR 97702 or EOE. mail it to PO Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708.
I / / /
/ I
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Serving Central Oregon since 1909
EOE/ Drug Free Workplace
The Bulletin
servtng central oregon srnce r903
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The Bulletin
Serving Central Oregon since 1903
Please send resume to: shawes©bendbulletin.com EOE/Drug free workplace
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Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
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o0 0 850
4-place enclosed Interstate snowmobile trailer w/ RockyMountain pkg, $7500. 541-379-3530 860
Motorcycles & Accessories
Harley Road K i ng Classic 2003, 100th Anniversary Edition, 16,360 mi. $ 12,499 Bruce 541-647-7078 HONDA CV900C 1980 12K, as new, windshield, backrest, rack, call for details. 541-279-7092
Honda Magna 750cc motorcycle. 1 2 ,000 miles, $3250 . 541-548-3379
Moto Guzzi B r eva 1 100 2 0 07 , onl y 11,600 miles. $5,950. 206-679-4745
Two Twin Yamaha TW200 st o ck w ith fatty tires 2007 with 1155 miles, 2007 with 1069 miles.$3600 for one or $7000 for two obo. 5 4 1 -588-0068 cell, 541-549-4834 hm
loans. Call Pat Kellev 541-382-3099 ext.13.
Yamaha V-Star 250cc 2011, 3278 mi., exc. cond. $4700 OBO. little bit of everything. Business Opportunities Dan 541-550-0171. Call 541-480-8261. 870 DID YOU KNOW that Boats & Accessories not only does newsPersonalized Nutripaper media reach a 12' V alco alum. o n ents ( D ivision o f Metabolic Ma i nte- HUGE Audience, they trailer 9.9 J ohnson also reach an EN- 0/B, plus amenities, nance) in Sisters, OR GAGED AUDIENCE. exc. shape. $1250. has immediate openDiscover the Power of 541-549-8126 ings for a Quality ConNewspaper Advertistrol Technician and ing in six states - AK 16' 1976 Checkmate ski Blender/EncapsulaID, MT,OR & WA. For boat, 90HP Mercury tion Specialist in our a free rate brochure motor, restored; new Custom Blending Lab. call 916-288-6011 or seats, new c a rpet Our lab manufactures email floor, new prop, with custom aminoacid and cecelia@cnpa.com trailer. Have receipts. vitamin-mineral (PNDC) $2500. 541-536-1395 blends. We are seek-
Looking for a couple la-
ing highly motivated, energetic and organized members to join our team. Full time (no weekends) wit h benefits' package offered after 90 days. To be considered for either of these positions, please send resume to:
Smokercraft Lodge Want to impress the 16' SS 2001 h a s t i ller relatives? Remodel 40HP Yamaha, 6HP your home with the Yamaha 4 - s trokes, galv. Smokercraft trlr, help of a professional FishFinder and extras. from The Bulletin's current tags and lic. "Call A Service $8250. 541- 5 36Professional" Directory 3045, 541- 420-0959
** * * * * ~
9 2 1 6 3 5 8 7 4
seeking h o u seJust too many keeping positions. Reliable tr a n scollectibles? portation, w eeke nds an d h o l iSell them in days and being a The Bulletin Classifieds team player is a must! Starting at 541-385-5809 $11 hour to start. Come by for ap- LOCAL MONEyiWebuy secured trust deeds & plication 1430 NW note, some hard money Wall Street, Bend.
The Bulletin
~**** * * * * * *
1 6 3 5 8 2 9 4 7
Full-time Administrator n eeded for a n e w Looking for your next employee? Memory Care Facility opening s oo n in Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and Redmond, OR. Applireach over 60,000 cant must: Be at least 21 years of age, pos- readers each week. Your classified ad sess a high school diwill also appear on ploma or the equivabendbulletin.com lent, have at least 2 which currently years of professional receives over 1.5 or management expemillion page views rience within the last 5 every month at years, in a health or no extra cost. social service related Bulletin Classifieds field, OR possess an Get Results! accredited Bachelor's Call 385-5809 Degree in a health or or place social service related your ad on-line at field. To apply, please bendbulletin.com send your resume as a n a t tachment t o kathys©countrysideliving.com Rmmas GATEHOUSE ATTENW R@zm DANTS — P/T swing shift positions available imm ediately. A pplicants must b e flexible - willing to work weekends/holidays. Must have ex628 cellent customer service skills and either Loans & Mortgages possess or ability to obtain DPSST certifiWARNING cation. BTCA will pay The Bulletin recomall associated fees. mends you use cauMust be drug free and tion when you prohave valid OR Driver's vide personal License. S en d r einformation to compasume via email to nies offering loans or contactus©brokencredit, especially top.org. those asking for advance loan fees or Greenskeepers from out of needed at Tetherow companies state. If you have Golf Course. Duties concerns or quesincluding mo w i ng, tions, we suggest you raking bunkers, trim consult your attorney work and other simiCONSUMER lar r e s ponsibilities. or call HOTLINE, Pass pr e -employ- 1-877-877-9392. ment drug s creen. S end r e sume t o BANK TURNED YOU jobopenings.tgc@gm DOWN? Private party ail.com or apply in will loan on real esperson. tate equity. Credit, no problem, good equity is all you need. Call Housekeeping Oregon Land MortDowntown motel gage 541-388-4200.
Les Schwab has a reputation of excellent customer service, with over 450 stores and 7,000 employees in the western United States. Pleasego to www.lesschwab.com to apply. No phone calls please.
Help Desk Analyst
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4 8
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1 3 6
CAUTION: Ads published in "Employment O p portunities" include employee and independent positions. Ads for p o sitions that require a fee or upfront investment must be stated. With any independentjob opportunity, please i nvestigate tho r oughly. Use extra caution when applying for jobs online and never provide personal information to any source you may not have researched and deemed to be reputable. Use extreme c aution when r e s ponding to A N Y online employment ad from out-of-state. We suggest you call the State of Oregon Consumer Hotline
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A dcl co l o r
no calls please)
Sale Associate Bed Bath ttr Beyond is looking for enthusiastic, friendly, and outgoing sales associates for part-time, p ermanent work . Please come into the store and complete an application to be considered. The store is located at 63455 N. Highway 97, S u ite 113, B e nd , OR
p hoto s
s ell y o u r
s tuff
fa st .
In print and online with The Bulletin'8 Classifieds
Sales Person wanted for growing manufactured home dealership. Call 541-548-5511
r.=.-"-,.— ..a caution when pur~ chasing products or ~ • services from out of • f the area. Sending c ash, checks, o r f credit i n f ormation ~ may be subjected to ~ FRAUD. For more informa- I tion about an adver- • you may call / tiser, the Oregon State f Attorney General's t Office C o n s umer t I Protection hotline at I I 1-877-877-9392.
f f
/ f
GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES,we are three adorable, loving puppies looking for a caring home. Please call right away. $500
*Spscial private parly rates applyto merchandise and automotive categories.
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Boats & Accessories
Moto r homes
18' Bayliner 175 Capri, like new, 135hp I/O, low time, Bimini top, many extras, Karavan trailer with swing neck, current registrations. $8000. Fleetwood D i scovery 541-350-2336 40' 2003, diesel, w/all options - 3 slide outs, satellite, 2 TV's, W/D, etc., 34,000 m iles. Wintered in h eated shop. $78,995 obo. 541-447-8664 19' Bayliner 1998, I/O, great shape, call for info. $8500. In Bend 661-644-0384.
Travel Trailers
Antique & Classic Autos
Keystone dale
Sport Utility Vehicles Sport Utility Vehicles Sport Utility Vehicles
Auto m obiles
Sp ring-
201 0 , 2 1 ' ,
sleeps 6, DVD & CD player, 60 g a llon freshwater, 7 cu.ft. fridge. Leveling hitch & j acks, awning, spare tire, lots of storage. New cond., only 3,000 m iles. Priced below Blue Book, $9,900. Call Rick for more info. 541-633-7017 RV CONSIGNMENTS WANTED
00 Aircraft, Parts
& Service
CHEVELLE MALIBU 1971 57K original miles, 350 c.i., auto, stock, all original, Hi-Fi stereo $15,000 541-279-1072
Toyota FJ Cruiser 2012, 64K miles. all hwy, original owner, never been off road or accidents, tow pkg, brand new tires, very clean. $26,000. Call or text Jeff at
Ford Escape 2014, 2.0L 1-4 cyl VIN ¹A46674.$23,888.
BMW X3 35i 2010
Exc cond., 65K miles w/100K mile transferable warranty. Very clean; loaded - cold weather pkg, premium pkg8 technology pkg. Keyless access, sunroof, navigation, satellite radio, extra snow tires. (Car top carrier not included.) $22,500. 541-915-9170
(exp. 6/24/1 5) DLR ¹366
~OMQ» e
541-548-1448 smolichmotors.com
Chevy Malibu 2012, (exp. 6/24/1 5)
Vin ¹299392 Stock ¹44256A
$15,979 or $189/mo.,
$2500 down, 84 mo., 4 .49% APR o n a p proved credit. License and title i ncluded in payment, plus dealer installed options.
S US A R u
2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354
Toyota Sienna XLE 2012 4 door, 14,595 mi. ¹233979 $29,995 $125,000 (located O Bend) AAA Ore. Auto Source DID YOU KNOW 144 541-288-3333 corner of West Empire million U.S. A d ults Hyundai Veracruz Will haul small SUV 19' Pioneer ski boat, 2008, 63.8L V-6 cyl & Hwy 97. DLR0225 read a N e wspaper or toys, and pull a 541-598-3750 VIN ¹061266 $16,997. 1983, vm tandem Mustang print copy each week? trailer! Powered by (exp. 6/24/1 5) DLR ¹366 www.aaaoregonautotrailer, V8. Fun & Hard top 1985, BIG COUNTRY RV Discover the Power of 8.3 Cummins with 6 source.com. 6-cylinder, auto trans, fast! $5350 obo. Bend: 541-330-2495 SMOLICH PRINT N e wspaper speed Allison auto 541-815-0936. power brakes, power Redmond: Advertising in Alaska, trans, 2nd o wner. V O L V Q steering, garaged, BMylr X3 Sl 2007, 541-548-5254 Want to impress the Idaho, Montana, OrVery nice! $53,000. well maintained, Low Miles 68,500, 541-749-2156 FUN & FISH! relatives? Remodel egon and Washing541-350-4077 1/5 share in very engine runs strong. smolichvolvo.com AWD, leather Intet on with j ust o n e nice 150 HP Cessna 74K mi., qreat condiyour home with the rior, sunroof, blue- Jeep Grand Cherokee p hone call. Fo r a 150; 1973 C e s sna help of a professional tion. I12,500. tooth, voice comFREE ad v e rtising X 2013, 31K mi. 150 with L ycoming Must see! mand system, and Laredo from The Bulletin's VIN:640788 $30,988 network brochure call 0-320 150 hp engine 541-598-7940 too much more to list "Call A Service 916-288-6011 or AAA Auto Source conversion, 400 0 here. $15, 9 00. Corner of West Empire Professional" Directory email hours. TT airframe. Please call Dan at cecelia©cnpa.com RVision C r ossover Approx. 400 hours on F ord pickup 1 9 5 1 541-815-6611 & Hwy97 2006 Smokercraft 541-598-3750 (PNDC) Sunchaser 820 o a k b ox. Mercedes Sprinter 2013, 19ft, excellent 0-timed 0-320. Han- c ustom, 975 cond. Well equiped, gared in nice (electric AM/FM cassette, new aaaoregonautosource. model pontoon boat, Sportsmobile Automobiles com. DLR¹ 0225 75HP Mercury and $1 2 ,000. door) city-owned han- brakes, 289 V-8, '67 Camper Van, 2011, versatile, What are you electric trolling moV-6 turbo diesel, 11K 541-604-5387 gar at the Bend Air- Mustang engine in this. tor, full canvas and miles, fridge, microport. One of very few Edelbrock intake and looking for? Need to get an ad many extras. wave, shower, diesel C-150's t h a t has carb CFM. 10,461 mi. You'll find it in Stored inside in ASAP? furnace, solar panel, never been a trainer. on engine. $12,500. $19,900 a wning, p lu s lo t s $4500 will consider 541-610-2406. The Bulletin Classifieds Ford Fusion SEL2012, 541-350-5425 more. $68 , 000 trades for whatever. Fax it te 541-322-72% (exp. 6/24/1 5) 541-383-0014 Call J i m Fr a zee, Call a Pro BMyl/328i XDrive Vin ¹117015 9' L ivingston, 6 h p 541-410-6007 541-385-5809 2011, Springdale 2006 26' Whether you need a The Bulletin Classifieds Stock ¹44382A Evinrude motor. Very RV 3.0L 1-6 cyl bunkhouse, exc. fence fixed, hedges or $199/mo., good cond. $300/obo CONSIGNMENTS VIN ¹N81801 $23,995. $15,979 cond, 12' p o p-out, $2400 down, 84 mo., 541-480-6565 WANTED trimmed or a house (exp. 6/24/1 5) DLR ¹366 4 .49% APR o n a p stored in RV garage. We Do The Work ... Well cared for. Many Ads published in the built, you'll find SMOLICH proved credit. License extras. $12,000 obo. and title included in "Boats" classification You Keep The Cash! professional help in V Q L V Q On-site credit 5 41-588-0068, c e l l , payment, plus dealer ininclude: Speed, fishapproval team, 541-749-2156 stalled options. 541-549-4834 home F35 Bonanza. Aircraft The Bulletin's "Call a ing, drift, canoe, Chevy Tahoe 1995, 4 web site presence. smolichvolvo.com is in exc. cond., w/ Service Professional" house and sail boats. © s u a ARU. dr. 4x4, auto, tow pkg, Jeep Grand CheroWe Take Trade-Ins! For all other types of good paint & newer Directory leather, a/c, like new kee Overland 2012, interior. Full IFR. Auto 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. watercraft, please go tires. reg. to 10/16. 4x4 V-6, all options, BIG COUNTRY RV 877-266-3821 pilot, yaw d amper, 541-385-5809 to Class 875. Runs great, very good running boards, front Bend: 541-330-2495 engine monitor. Dlr ¹0354 541-385-5809 cond., $4800 . guard, nav., air and Redmond: 6485TT, 1815SMOH, 541-385-4790 heated leather, cus541-548-5254 692STOH. Hangered tom wheels and new Servin Centra( Ore on since 1903 in Bend. $29,500 or Unique R-Pod 2013 tires, only 41K miles, Buick LeSabre 2005 $13,000 for y2 share. Bayliner 185 2006 trailer-tent combo, Custom. Very clean, $31,995 Call Bob Carroll open bow. 2nd owner f ully l oaded, e x inside & out only has 541-408-7908 541-550-7382 — low engine hrs. tended service con96k miles. If you drive Mercedes 380SL 1982 arcarroll9Ogmail.com — fuel injected V6 tract and bike rack. it, you'll fall in love!! Roadster, black on — Radio & Tower. GEO Metro 1991 $17,000. 32 mpg hwy, 22-25 in HANGAR FOR SALE. black, soft & hard top, Great family boat 541-595-3972 or town. $ 4999 o b o 5 spd manual trans., 3 ChevyTracker 2003, 4 30x40 end unit T exc.cond., always gaMonaco Monarch 31' Priced to sell. 503-780-4487 Trade co n s idered. cyl., 40+ mpg, 151k 2.5L V-6 cyl hanger in Prineville. raged. 155K miles, 2006, F ord V 10, -( miles. Runs good. $11,590. Cash/credit/debit Dry walled, insulated, $11,500. 541-549-6407 VIN ¹914067. $7,998. 28,900 miles, 541-548-0345. Reduced again! (exp. 6/24/1 5) DLR ¹366 card. Call or Text Ron and painted. $23,500. Jeep Willys, m etal auto-level, 2 slides, $1199 obo O 541-419-5060 Looking for your Creek Comp a ny queen Tom, 541.788.5546 top, big tires, ps, new b ed & 541-419-5060, Ron next employee? ODC1220 2 man in- hide-a-bed sofa, 4k paint, tow bar, new flatable pontoon boat, gen, convection mi- Place a Bulletin help gauges, etcH. $5500. ad today and Honda Civic LX 2006, 541-233-7272 s eldom used, w as crowave, 2 TVs, tow wanted reach over 60,000 runs good, auto., new $ 2000, selling f o r package. CHECK YOUR AD readers each week. t ires, $ 3 85 0 ob o $1000 firm. PRICE REDUCTION! 541-548-1448 VW S unBug 1 9 74 on the first day of pubYour classified ad 541-408-'I 389 541-981-0230 lication. If a n e rror exc. cond. Total inte- smolichmotors.com $59,000. will also appear on rior refurbish, engine may occur in your ad, 541-815-6319 bendbulletin.com Save money. Learn OH, new floor pan, Dodge Durango SXT p lease contact u s to fly or build hours which currently replus lots more! Sun- 2 014 V6-auto, t o w and we will be happy ceives over 1.5 milwith your own airpkg. only 5000k mi. Lexus RX 3500 2012, to fix it as soon as we r oof. C l ea n ti t l e. c raft. 1968 A e r o lion page views ev¹345840 $ 3 1,495 $9500. 541-504-5224 3.5L V-6 cyl can. Deadlines are: Commander, 4 seat, Safari 1998 motorery month at no AAA Ore. Auto Source VIN ¹126992. $29,997. Weekdays 12:00 noon 150 HP, low time, home 30', low mileextra cost. Bulletin 933 corner of West Em(exp. 6/24/1 5) DLR ¹366 for next d ay, S a t. GREAT FUN two Ka- age, 300 HP MagClassifieds Get Refull panel. $21,000 Lexus ES350 2010, pire & Hwy 97, Bend. 1200's num Cat motor with 11:00 a.m. for Sunwasaki Pickups obo. Contact Paul at sults! Call 385-5809 Excellent Condition SMOLICH Dlr 0225 w averunners wit h turbo, always inside, day; Sat. 12:00 for 32,000 541-447-5184. or place your ad miles, $20,000 541-598-3750 trailer. Ready to go. Monday. V Q L V Q on-line at white leather inte214-549-3627 (in CAL LW www.aaaoregonautoLow hours. $6000.00 rior, like new, has 541-385-5809 541-749-2156 bendbulletin.com Bend) source.com. CASH* 541-390-4838 TODAY 5 The Bulletin Classified smolichvolvo.com m any extr a s . Chevy Pickup 1978, $50,000. S e rious Advertise your car! 882 long bed, 4x4, frame callers only. Add A Prcture! up restoration. 500 Fifth Wheels Reach thousands of readers! 541-548-8415 Cadillac eng i ne, Call 541-385-5809 fresh R4 transmisThe Bulletin Classifieds CHECKYOUR AD Superhawk N7745G sion w/overdrive, low Owners' Group LLC NEW Creek Company Winnebago mi., no rust, custom Cessna 172/180 hp, ODC1624 3 man inJourney interior and carpet, full IFR, new avionics, flatable pontoon boat. 2001 36' 2nd owner, GTN 750, touchn ew wheels a n d N ever used, w a s 300 Cummins Turbo screen center stack, tires, You must see $ 3000, selling f o r diesel, Allison 5 spd, exceptionally clean. it! $25,000 invested. $2000 firm. 80k miles. D r iver on the first day it runs Healthy engine $12,000 OBO. 541-981-0230 to make sure it is cors ide s l ide, g a s reserve fund. 541-536-3889 or rect. "Spellcheck" and Hangared at KBDN. stove, oven, 2 flat 541-420-6215. 875 human errors do oc2001Jeep 20lj7BMW One share screen TVs, refer, Watercraft cur. If this happens to available, $13,000. OrantlCherekee generator, inverter, X3 your ad, please conCall 541-815-2144 King Dome, tow bar. ds published in "Wa- N on-smoker, n o tact us ASAP so that tercraft" include: Kay- pets, no c h ildren. corrections and any 925 aks, rafts and motor- C lean, an d w e l l adjustments can be las Miles,Moon rool, Leather M-SportPkg,LikeNew! Utility Trailers Ized personal maintained, $47,500 made to your ad. VIN¹59a02 VIN¹F00371 watercrafts. For 541-390-1472. 541-385-5809 "boats" please see The Bulletin Classified Tow Dolly, new tires, 2 Dodge Ram 3500 2005 4 dr., quad cab sets of straps, exc. Class 870. c ond., capable o f VIN ¹851216.$27,888. 541-385-5809 ~ r a ~ R ~ 2 010Ne mmer /~ a ~ V 2005Chevy p ulling a f u l l s i z e (exp. 6/24/1 5) DLR ¹366 H3 pickup truck. If interSllveratle Z-ll Serv>ng Central Oregon since 7903 ested we will send pictures. $1000 obo. 880 951-961-4590 ~ I Winnebago Outlook Keystone Everest 5th Motorhomes Hard toFind,LikeNew! LowMiles, LikeNew! Wheel 2004, 929 2007 Class "C"31', VIM 120478 VIM 188385 541-548-1448 clean, non- smoking Model 323P - 3 slides, Automotive Wanted smolichmotors.com rear island-kitchen, exc. cond. Must See! fireplace, 2 TV's, Lots of extra's, a very ii YOUR CAR, CD/DVRNCR/Tuner DONATE good buy.$47,900 TRUCK OR BOAT TO w/surround sound, A/C, 2014 VW 2004Persche For more info call HERITAGE FOR THE custom bed, ceiling fan, 541-447-9268 Beetle TDI Bexster BLIND. Free 3 Day W/D ready, many extras. V acation, Tax D e Alfa See ya 2006 38' Winnebago Superchief New awning & tires. Price reduced to ductible, Free Towing, 1990 27' clean, 454 Exc. cond. Tow vehicle $68,500! Exc. cond., 1 All Paperwork Taken FordF-250 1990, C hevy, runs v e r y also avail. $17,900 obo. owner, 350 Cat diesel, Care O f. CALL Extended cab, I Owner,Only68,000 Miles, Like Only2000Miles, Save ood. g oo d t i r es, More pics. 541-923-6408 52,000 miles, 4-door 1-800-401-4106 long bed, New! VII44207959 Thousan ds! VIN¹050349 8500. 541-279-9458. fridge, icemaker, gas Just bought a new boat? (PNDC) VIN ¹A45362. $6,998. stove, oven, washer/ 881 Sell your old one in the (exp. 6/24/1 5) DLR ¹366 dryer, non- smoker, 3 classifieds! Ask about our Got an older car, boat Travel Trailers or RV? Do the huslides, generator, inSuper Seller rates! 2014Toyota mane thing. Donate it 2012 Jeep vertor, leather interior, 541-385-5809 Fj Crulser to the Humane Socisatellite, 7'4" ceiling. Wrallgler ety. Call 1Clean! 541-233-6520 , llillll' Laredo 31'2006, 800-205-0599 jdQg~ 5th wheel, fully S/C 541-548-1448 (PNDC) one slide-out. smolichmotors.com I Owner,LowMiles, Save! LowMiles, LikeNew, Save! i ~ • 931 Awning. Like new, Vlitf 12481 2 Vlitf!81771 Extra clean 2005 Forhardly used. The Bulletin's Automotive Parts, est River (Salem) 25' "Call A Service Must sell $20,000 Service & Accessorie travel trailer. Sleeps 6. or refinance. Call Professional" Directory Hard to find rear acALLEGRO 27' 2002 cess storage. Walk 541-410-5649 B and W Companion is all about meeting 2012IMW 20!2Aetli 58k mi., 1 slide, vaca5th wheel hitch. $550. queen size XS yourneeds. tion use only, Mich- around 541-279-9103 slide out. elin all weather tires bed. A/C. 1 refrigeraCall on one of the RV EAZ-Lift weight distriw/5000 mi., no acci- Microwave, A wning. professionals today! CONSIGNMENTS dents, non-smokers, tor/freezer. bution hitch system. N orth WANTED I oener,PanoRoof, Navigation 10wner, 5LinePkg, 7 14,000 Lb.- 1400 lb., Workhorse e n g i ne Level jacks. package. Must We Do the Work, Vlitf 74482C i Passenger Vlitf 000518 261-A, Allison Trans., West $85. 541-416-9686 $8,975. You Keep the Cash! backup camera, new see! 541-410-2707 On-site credit Snug Top white canopy refrig. unit, h eated for short bed pickup. approval team, mirrors, exc. cond., web site presence. L ike n ew , $3 0 0 . 2012eilW 2014Aetli well cared for. 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Audi • DR % ~ sssAvla to live in, but easy to 4.0L V-6 cyl queen bed, bathad in ASAP? duced price: $64,950. tow! 15' power awVIN ¹727615 $24,997. room, indoor/out503-781-8812 You can place it ning, power hitch & (exp. 6/24/1 5) DLR ¹366 *Coverageis effective for up to 12months from vehicle purchasedate, or12,000 milesfrom the odometer at sale.Forcomplete door shower, lots of B ounder, 1999, 3 4 ' , stabilizers, full s ize online at: storage, customSMOLICH i n formationregordingspecific detoils, limitationsasdresponsibilities, refer to theLimited PowerTrois Vehicle ServiceCostrod. Prices one slide, low mile- queen bed , l a r ge eized to fit newer www.bendbulletin.com and discountsgoodosis stock vehiclesonly.Pricesdosot includetitle, registration, licenseor575sdminfee. All fisancisgonapproved V Q LV Q age, very clean, lots shower, porcelain sink pickups,$4500 obo. credit, sot all will qualify. Subject topriorsale, seedealer for details. 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(ORS Chapter 475).
1 999 u nder R e c ording No. V O L
tect your rights in this appear and defend matter. To "appear" the Complaint filed you must file with the against you in the court a legal paper above entitled called a "motion" or cause within thirty "reply." The "motion" (30) days from the or "reply" must be date of service of given to t h e c ourt thissummons upon clerk or administrator you, and in case of within 30 days along your failure to do so, with the required fil- for want t h ereof, ing fee. It must be in Plaintiff will apply to proper form and have the court for the reproof of service on the lief demanded in the Plaintiff's attorney or, Complaint. NOTICE if the Plaintiff does not TO D E FENDANT: have a n at t orney, READ THESE PAproof of service on the P ERS CARE Plaintiff. If you have FULLY! You must questions, you should "appear" in this case see an attorney im- or the other side will mediately. If you need win a utomatically. help in finding an at- To "appear" you torney, you may call must file with the the O regon S t ate court a legal paper Bar's Lawyer Referral called a "motion" or S ervice a t (503) "answer." The "mo684-3763 or toll-free tion" or "answer" (or in Oregon at (800) "reply") must be 4 52-7636. The O r - given to the court egon State Bar's web clerk or administraaddress Is tor within 30 days of http://www.osbar.org. the date of first pubThis summons is is- lication s p e cified s ued p ursuant t o herein along with ORCP 7. Malcolm 8 the required filing Cisneros, A Law Cor- fee. It must be in poration, Nathan F. p roper form a n d Smith, OSB ¹120112, have proof of serNathanOmclaw.org vice on the plaintiff's Attorneys for Plaintiff a ttorney or, if t he 2112 Business Cen- p laintiff does n o t ter D rive, S econd have an attorney, F loor, I r vine, C A proof of service on 9 2612, P : (949) the plaintiff. If you 252-9400, F: ( 9 49) have questions, you 252-1032 PUBLISH: should see an attor6/20/2015, 6/27/2015, ney immediately. If 7/4/2015, 7/1 1/2015. you need help in finding an attorney, LEGAL NOTICE you may call the IN THE C I RCUIT Oregon State Bar's C OURT OF T H E Lawyer Ref e rral S TATE O F O R Service at ( 5 03) EGON FOR T HE 684-3763 or toll-free COUNTY OF DESin Oregon at (800) CHUTES. U.S. 452-7636. The reBANK NATIONAL l ief sought in t he ASSOCIATION, AS C omplaint is t h e TRUSTEE FOR foreclosure of t he MASTR A DJUSTproperty located at ABLE RATE 20641 Mary Way, MORTGAGES Bend, OR 9 7 701. TRUST 2006-OA2 Date of First PubliMORTGAGE c ation: Ma y 30 , PASS-THROUGH 2015. McCarthy & CERTIFICATES, Holthus, LLP, AnSERIES 2006-OA2, dreanna C. Smith, Plaintiff, v. T HE OSB¹ 131336, 920 UNKNOWN HEIRS SW 3rd Ave., 1st AND DEVISEES OF Floor, Portland, OR K ENNETH D. R I 97204, Phone: (855) CHARDSON; HAR809-3977, Fax: RIET E. RICHARD(971) 201 - 3202, SON AKA HARRIET E-mail: l l earomcELLEN RICHARDcarthyholthus.com, S ON; OCCU O f A ttorneys f o r P ANTS OF T H E Plaintiff. PROPERTY, Defendants. Case No.: egon. Co m monly 15CV0133FC. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! SUMMONS BY known as: 3147 SW Canal Bou l evard, PUBLICATION. To: Docr-to-dcor selling with U N K NOWN fast results! It's the easiest Redmond, OR 97756. THE HEIRS AND DEVINOTICE T O THE K E N - way in the world to sell. DEFENDANT: READ S EES O F R I C HT HESE PAP E RS NETH D . The Bulletin Classified C AREFULLY! Y o u ARDSON. You are 541 485-5809 must "appear" to pro- hereby required to LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E C I R CUIT COURT O F THE STATE OF OREGON I N AND FO R T H E COUNTY OF DESCHUTES REVERSE MORTGAGE SOLUTIONS, INC., its successors in i n terest and/or assigns, Plaint iff v. E STATE OF JEANE M. G I OVAN INI; ESTATE O F STELLA M . REI NOEHL; UNKNOWN HEIRS OF JEANE M. GIOVANINI, individua ls; UNKN O W N HEIRS OF STELLA M. REINOEHL, indiv iduals; DAVID W . GIOVANINI, an indiv idual; SELIN A P ALMER AND A L L OTHER PERSONS, P ARTIES, OR O C CUPANTS UNKNOWN Defendants. Case No. 14CV0706FC SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION T O D E F ENDANTS: ESTATE OF JEANE M. G I OVAN INI, ESTATE O F STELLA M . REI NOEHL, UNKNOWN HEIRS OF STELLA M. REINOEHL, UNKNOWN HEIRS OF JEANE M. G IOVANINI AND ALL OTHER PERSONS, P ARTIES, OR O C CUPANTS UNKNOWN: In the name of the State of Oregon, you are hereby required to a ppear and defend the complaint filed against you in the above entitled Court within thirty (30) days from the date of the first publication of this summons. T he date of first publication in this matter is June 20, 2015. If you fail timely to appear and answer, for want thereof, plaintiff(s) will apply to the court for relief demanded in the complaint. This is a judicial foreclosure of a deed of t rust in which the plaintiff requests that the plaintiff be allowed to foreclose your interest in t he f o llowing d e scribed real property: Parcel 1 of Partition P lat 1 9 96-37 r e c orded August 1 3 , 1996, pp1-522, Deschutes County, Or-
(1) $8,796.00 in US Currency, Case No. 15-00126146 seized May 11, 2015 from Kenneth Crutcher 8
Hailey Osborne.
If you have any interNOTICE est i n t h e s e i zed TLEGAL NOproperty d e scribed T RUSTEE'S ICE O F SA L E . below, you must claim NOTICE: THE that interest or you will R ESULT AS OF A N automatically lose that ORDER ENTERED interest. If you do not IN A BANKfile a claim for the UPTCY PRO property, the property R EEDING, N O R may be forfeited even C E. FORGEY if you are not con- MAN ND I N A M A R Y victed of any crime. A AKA To claim an interest, FORGEY I FORGEY you must file a written MARY MAY N O T BE claim with the forfeiLIture counsel named PERSONALLY BLE FOR T H E below, Th e w r itten A BALANCE claim must be signed UNPAID THE B E LOW by you, sworn to un- OF der penalty of perjury REFERENCED HOWEVER, before a notary public, LOAN. HE BENEF I and state: (a) Your T CIARY RETAINS A true name; (b) The DEED OF TRUST address at which you ESCRIBED B E will a c cept f u t ure D m ailings from t h e L OW WHICH I S TO court and f orfeiture SUBJECT FORECLOSURE IN counsel; and (3) A s tatement that y o u ACCORDANCE THE LAWS have an interest in the WITH THE STATE OF seized property. Your OF OREGON. deadline for filing the THE D AT EAS OF OF claim document with THIS NOTICE/LETforfeiture cou n sel T ER, T H E B A L n amed below is 21 TO PAY OFF days from the last day ANCE HE D EE D O F of publication of this T IS notice. Where to file a TRUST 180,993.13. I N claim and for more $ TEREST (PRESi nformation: D a i na E NTLY AT T H E Vitolins, Crook County RATE OF 7 .450% District Attorney OfANN U M), fice, 300 N E T h ird PER AND COSTS Street, Prineville, OR FEES WILL C O NTINUE 97754. ACCRUE AFNotice of reasons for TO THE DATE OF Forfeiture: The prop- TER THIS NOTICE/LETerty described below TER. UNLESS was seized for forfei- DISPUTE THE YOU VAture because it: (1) L IDITY O F TH E Constitutes the pro- DEBT O R ANY ceeds of the violation PORTION of, solicitation to vio- THEREOF WITHIN late, attempt to vio- 30 DAYS A FTER late, or conspiracy to ECEIVING N O violates, the criminal R T ICE O F THI S laws of the State of THIS Oregon regarding the DOCUMENT, WILL ASmanufacture, distribu- OFFICETHE DEBT tion, or possession of SUME BE VALID. IF controlled substances TO NOTIFY THIS (ORS C hapter475); YOU IN WRITand/or (2) Was used OFFICE ING WITHIN or intended for use in 30-DAY P ETHE RIOD committing or f aciliTHE D E BT tating the violation of, THAT ANY PORTION solicitation to violate, OR IS DISattempt to violate, or THEREOF V E R IFIconspiracy to violate PUTED, CATION OF T I LE the criminal laws of DEBT W I L L BE the State of Oregon OBTAINED AND regarding the manu- WILL BE MAILED facture, distribution or T O YOU. U P O N possession of con- WRITTEN trolled su b stances QUEST WITHINRE30 DAYS, THE NAME AND ADDRESS OF THE ORI G INAL
LOW. Reference is made to that certain trust deed made by Norman F Forgey a nd I n a Mar y Forgey, as Tenants by the Entirety, as g rantor, t o U. S . Bank National Association as s u ccessor by merger of U.S. Bank T r ust Company, National Association, as trustee, in favor of U.S. Bank National Association ND, as beneficiary, d ated July 7, 2 006, rec orded J ul y 1 4 , 2006, in the mortgage records of Deschutes County, Oregon, as Recording Number 2006-48357, covering the following described real property situated in said county and s tate, to-wit: L O T 8, B LOCK 6 , T A L L PINES, S E COND A DDITION, D E S CHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. Tog ether w it h t h a t c ertain 28' x 6 0 ' , 1 997 Redm a n manufactured home b earing VIN N o . 11824376A8 B, and more f u ll y de scribed in that certain Title Elimination document filed with the Recorder of Deschutes County, Oregon on April 30,
1999, PAGE 21223.
Both the beneficiary and t he trustee, David A. Weibel, will sell the
said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed a nd a n o tice of d efault has b e en recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statues 86.753(3); the default for which
the foreclosure is made is g rantor's failure to pay the following sums: 1. Monthly Payments: Delinquent Monthly Payments Due from 2/1 1/2012 through 3 /1 1/2015: To t a l Payments: $ 48,391.20. T H E S UM OW ING O N THE OBLIGATION SECURED BY THE T RUST DEED : $48,391.20. 2. Delinquent Real Property Taxes, if any. By reason of s aid d efault t h e beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said trust deed i mmediately du e and payable, said sums being the following, t o wit: Unpaid balance is $180,993.13 as of March 20, 2015. In addition there are attorney's fees and foreclosure costs. Interest, late charges and a dvances for t h e protection and preservation of the property may accrue after the date of this notice. WHEREFORE,
n otice hereby i s given that the undersigned trustee, David A. Weibel, on July 29, 2015 at the hour of 11:00 am, in a ccord wit h t h e s tandard of t i m e established by ORS 187.110, at the front e ntrance o f th e Deschutes County Courthouse, 1 164 N W Bond, in t h e City of Bend, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor has or had p o we r to convey at the time of the execution by grantor of the said trust deed together
should be aware of this potential danger before deciding to place a bid for this property a t the t rustee's sale. I n construing this notice, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest reasonable charge to the grantor as by t h e tru s tee. well as any other Notice i s fu r ther person owing an given t h a t an y obligation, the perperson named in formance of which is ORS 86.778 has the s ecured by s a i d right, at any time trust deed, and the that is not later than words "trustee" and five days before the "beneficiary" include date last set for the their res p ective sale to have this successors in foreclosure i nterest, i f any . proceeding DATED: March 25, dismissed and the 2015. D a vid A. trust deed reinstated Weibel, Tr u stee, by payment to the Oregon State Bar b eneficiary of t h e No. 082316. STATE entire amount then OF WASHINGTON due (other than ss. COUNTY OF such portion of the KING. On this 25 principal as would day of March, 2015, notthen be due had personally appeared no default David A. W e ibel, occurred), paying all who acknowledged advances that s/he signed the a uthorized u n d e r within foregoing int he t r us t de e d , strument as his/her including all costs free and voluntary and exp e nses act and deed for the incurred in enforcing uses and purposes the obligation and therein mentioned. trust deed, and by Darla Tr a utman, curing any o t her N otary Public f o r default complained Washington. o f therein that is Residing at: K ing capable of b e ing County. My Comcured by tendering mission Ex p ires: the pe r f ormance April 9, 2016. I, the required under the undersigned, certify obligation or t r ust that the foregoing is deed, a n d in a c o mplete a n d addition to paying exact copy of the said s u m s or original tr u stee's tendering the n otices o f sa l e . performance E sther Lee . F o r necessary to cure I nformation C a l l : the d e f ault, b y Bishop, Marshall & paying all costs and Weibel, P.S., 720 expenses actually Olive Way, S uite incurred in enforcing 1201, Seattle, WA the obligation and 98101, (206) trust deed, together 622-7527 or ( T oll with trustee's and Free ¹) attorney's fees not 1-866-961-9454. exceeding the amounts provided by s a i d ORS PUBLIC NOTICE 86.778. Wit h o ut PURSUANT TO ORS limiting the trustee's CHAPTER 87 disclaimer of Notice is hereby given representations or that the following vewarranties, Oregon hicle will be sold, for l aw requires t h e cash to the highest trustee to state in bidder, on 6/30/2015. t his n o tice t h a t The sale will be held some re s i dential at 10:00 a.m. by RM property sold at a M ACHINE INC. , trustee's sale may 63946 PIONEER LP., have been used in BEND, OR. 2010 Trimanufacturing umph Daytona M/C. methamphetamines, VIN the chemical SMTDOONS8AJ410750 . Amount due on lien components of which are known to $2005.00. R e puted be toxic. Prospecowner(s) Trevor Howtive purchasers of ell, SELCO Community CU. residential property with an y i n terest which the grantor or grantor's successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby s ecured and t h e costs and expenses of sale, including a
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