Bulletin Daily Paper 10-20-13

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Serving Central Oregon since1903 $1.50

SUNDAY October 20,2013

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Deschutes Brewery: to Asia and beyond


In Travel —Theoregon Coast has a lot to offer, even in

stormy weather.C1 II

GM salmon — TheFDAmay approve it soon, but activists haven't given up yet.A3


By Megan Kehoe

Joe Kline / The Bulletin

Plus: Asteroid —Astronomers warn one will be too

close for comfort — innearly 20 years.A3

The Bulletin

This weekend marks the 10th anniversary of the dedication of Bend's southern-most crossing over the Deschutes River. The bridge opened the following month. Bill Healy, the man the bridge honors, founded Mt. Bachelor ski area, where his statue stands outside Pine Marten Lodge. He died in1993.

E-COmmerCe —Amazon's newest challenger is a familiar

one: Wal-Mart.AS

By Sheila G. Miller The Bulletin

Write is wrongCommentary: From prompts

to grading, the SATessay portion is deeply flawed.F1 Nukes —Scientists question an expensive upgrade.A7 PluS: BOOkS —True stories of nuclear near misses.F4

JPMorgan —Dealmeansa record penalty.A2 u

And a Web exclusiveSlovenia's dormouse hunt is the continuation of a festival that dates to ancient Rome.

bendbulletin.com/extras L




Women in India's cities still bound by old rules



By Ellen Barry New York Times News Service

ROHTAK, India — Meena, 20, was a village girl herself, so she can recognize the changes that come when girls from the village arrive in this city as students and take their first

gulps of freedom. Blue jeans, forbidden at home, are crammed into a corner of the backpack for a middaycostume change. A cellphone is acquired and kept on silent. She always tells them: You never know who might be watching. If word gets back to the village that a

young woman has stepped across the village's moral boundaries — it could be something as simple as being spotted chatting with a group of male students after class — her life could

be upended in a day. "I tell them, we have to be careful," Meena said. "Maybe they are not aware that someone canwatch them and go and report back." As young Indian women leave rural homes to finish their education in cities, often the first women in their families to do so, they act like college students everywhere, feeling out the limits of their independence. But here in the farming region of Haryana state, where m edieval moral codes are policed by a network of male neighbors and relatives, the experience is a little different. SeeIndia /A8

Dean Guernsey/The Bulletin file photo

Construction of the Bill Healy Bridge, pictured in this Oct. 30, 2003, photo taken from the west facing Pilot Butte, focused on aesthetics as well as functionality, because some people were concerned the bridge might destroy a pristine canyon. The bridge was finished in the fall.

t might surprise thethousands of Bend residents who have moved here in the past decade that until 2003, the Bill Healy Bridge did not exist, and the canyon where hundreds of people walk and run along the river each day was an old log deck left behind when the mills shut down. While few quibble about the attractiveness of the bridge, the extension of Reed Market Road and construction of Farewell Bend Park, the development of that bridge and the surrounding area was not without controversy. And in many cases, those feelings of frustration remain 10 years later. Today, the two sides — those who sided with developers who believed rapid growth was unavoidable and those who wanted to slow the growth — remain divided. On the one hand: "Whether you like it or not, we were the sixth-fastest-growing community in the country," said Oran Teater, who served on the Bend City Council from 1996 to 2004. "We had to have a river crossing. Could we have put it further out'? Wherever we put it would have created controversy." SeeBridge /A4

Deschutes Brewery beer is available in the western U.S., much of the Midwest and in two Canadian provinces. But lesser known is that the brewery quietly entered several international markets on a small scale this summer. Deschutes beer is now officially available in Thailand, Singapore, Sweden, and later this fall, in Australia and New Zealand. But while the brewery has been building its global presence, international distribution at this stage never figured into Deschutes' game plan. "We always had a lot

of people approaching us to ship our beers to other countries," said Deschutes Brewery CEO Gary Fish. "But we felt like we didn't really need that. We're currently in not quite half the United States. The idea

of shipping beer overseas seemed a little silly to us, quite frankly." But when the quality of its beer came under threat because of unauthorized distributors in Singapore, Deschutes' plans changed. Company officials received reports earlier this year that a large supply of Deschutes beer was circulating in Singapore — beer that the company had not authorized for distribution to that country. The beer, brought

into Singapore legally by an unknown exporter based in California, was far past its "best by" date, meaning that consumers in the country were drinking stale beer. SeeBeer/A6

In Business • European brewers are crossing oceans, too — and into Amenca's craft beer market,E1

The caseof the missing bourbon By Trip Gabriel New York Times News Service

FromTheBuletin's accountofthededication day "Burly men swinging axes stood in contrast to sleek, spandex-clad runners asold met new at the Log Jam FestivlainBend on Sunday. Theevent, which organizers said was cobbled togetherinjust five weeks as away to commemorate (Not/ember's)opening of the Bill Healy Memorial Bridge over the DeschutesRiver, drew more than 7,000. 'It's the idealevent to bridge thepast to the future,'said John Hummel,a member of the Bend City Council t/t/ho helped organize the Log Jam. Hummel,an opponent of thebridge project, helped plan a 12-kilometer run, a5K walkand a timbercompetition that drew about 35 competitors to afield in front of the BendAthletic Club."

TODAY'S WEATHER Sunny High 67, Low 35

Page B6

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The Bulletin file photos

Ten years ago, people celebrated the area's past with timber games, as well as a run/walk. To see what the old log deck looked like after the mills were gone and before the bridge was built, see Page A4. And for a history of the bridge in photos, visitQo bendbulletin.com/healybridge.

4 P We use recycled newsprint

INDEX Business/Stocks E1-6 CommunityLife C1-8 Milestones C2 Pu zzles Calendar B2 Crosswords C6, G2 Obituaries B4 Sp o rts Classified G 1 - 6L ocal/State B 1- 6 Opinion/Books F1-6 TV/Movies

FRANKFORT, Ky. — America's decade-old romance with Kentucky bourbon, a drink formerly as plebeian as a Chevrolet, has come to this: High-end bar chefs and foodies everywhere have been abuzz sincesomeone stole65 cases of Pappy Van Winkle, one of the nation's most expensive and sought-after bourbons, from a warehouse here. The release of small batches of Pappy Van Winkle to bars and retailers eachautumn is tracked by connoisseurs who snatch it up as soon as it hits shelves. SeeBourbon/A7


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ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool...........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black ..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337

By Benjamin Protess and Jessica Silver-Greenberg

on the talks said. Under the terms of the preliminary deal, New York Times News Service the people said, the b a nk JPMorgan Chase and the would also have to assist prosJ ustice D e p artment h a v e ecutors with an investigation reached a tentative $13 billion into former employees who settlement over th e b a nk's helped create the mortgage questionable mortgage prac- investments. tices leading up to the financial The $13 billion deal, which crisis, people briefed on the could still fall apart over istalks said Saturday. It would sues like how much wrongdobe a record penalty that would ing the bank is willing to accap weeks of heated negotiat- knowledge, would represent ing and underscorethe extent something of a reckoning for of the bank's legal woes. Wall Street, whose outsize The deal, which the Justice risk taking in the mortgage Department took the lead in business nearly toppled the negotiating and which came economy in 2008. It m i ght together after a Friday night also provide a measure of cacall involving Attorney Gener- tharsis to the investing public, al Eric Holder and JPMorgan's which suffered billions of dolchief executive, Jamie Dimon, lars in losses from buying bad would resolve an array of state mortgage securities. and federal investigations into For the Justice Department, the bank's sale of t r oubled often criticized for being soft mortgage investments. That on big banks, the deal sugtype of investment, securities gests that the Obama admintypically backed by subprime istration's crackdown on Wall home loans, was at the heart Street has gained some moof the financial crisis. mentum in recent months. It While the deal would put comes less than three months those civil cases to rest, it afterfederal prosecutors and would not s ave J PMorgan the FBI i n M a n hattan anfrom a parallel criminal inqui- nounced a c r i minal i n dictry from federal prosecutors in ment of the hedge fund SAC California, the people briefed Capital, which was accused

OdamaCare enrOllment —Administration officials say about 476,000 health insurance applications have beenfiled through federal and state exchanges, the most detailed measure yet of the

problem-plagued rollout of President Barack Obama's signature legislation. However, the officials continue to refuse to say how many people have actually enrolled in the insurance markets. Without enrollment figures, it's unclear whether the program is on

track to reach the 7 million people projected by the Congressional Budget Office to gain coverage during the six-month sign-up period. Obama's advisers say the president has been frustrated by the flawed rollout.

of permitting a "systematic" i nsider-trading s c heme t o unfold from 1999 t o 2 010. The hedge fund, according to peoplebriefed on the case, is negotiating a plea deal that would force it to plead guilty to criminal misconduct and pay more than $1 billion in penalties. The cost to JPMorgan, the nation's biggest bank, goes beyond the bottom line. The settlement would deal a reputational blow to the bank and Dimon, who steered JPMorgan through the crisis without a quarterly loss or major g overnment s c u ffle. N o w Dimon's tenure is engulfed in turmoil, the consequence of fighting a multifront battle with federal authorities scrutinizing everything from a $6 billion trading loss in London last year to the bank's hiring of well-connected employees in China. In the mortgage case, the size of the penalty underpins its importance. The $13 billion penalty, according to one of the people briefed on the talks, would include about $9 billion in fines and $4 billion in relief for struggling homeowners.

U.S.-PBkiStell tieS —The United States plans to unfreeze more than $1.5 billion in assistance to Pakistan that was blocked because of tension between the two nations over events including the Navy SEAL raid that killed Osama bin Laden inside Pakistan. The decision

to release the money,expected to be discussed when President Barack Obama welcomes Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif to

theWhiteHouseonW ednesday,wasconfirmed Saturday bycongressional officials. The official notifications from the State Department to Congress, required to release the funds, were sent over the summer, long before the planned visit.

GOP 'Civil war' —The budget fight that led to the first government shutdown in 17 years did not just set off a round of recrimina-

tions among Republicans over whowas to blamefor the politically disastrous standoff. It also heralded a very public escalation of a far more consequential battle for control of the Republican Party, a

confrontation between teaparty conservatives and establishment Republicans that will play out in the coming congressional and presidential primaries in 2014 and 2016. "It's civil war in the GOP,"

declared Richard Viguerie, the veteran conservative warrior who helped invent the political direct mail business.

SOmalia dlaSt —More than a dozenpeople, including at least four Ethiopian soldiers, were killed Saturday in a suicide attack on a cafe in western Somalia, near the border with Ethiopia. AI-Shabab,

the militant Somali Islamist group, claimed responsibility. The attacker, strapped with explosives, blew himself up around11 a.m. in Beledweyne, a city about 200 miles northwest of the capital, Moga-

dishu, officials said. Col. Isack Ali Abdulle, a police commander in Beledweyne, told local reporters that15 people were killed in the attack.Through a spokesman, al-Shabab said thesuicide bomber had

been targeting soldiers from Ethiopia and Djibouti. Tl'BIISit deethS —A commuter train that is part of a SanFrancisco Bay Areasystem whoseemployees are on strike hit and killed two maintenance workers Saturday afternoon, officials said. The accident that killed one system employee and one contractor in the

DEPARTMENT HEADS Advertising Jay Brandt..........................54t -383-0370 Circulation andOperations ............................................54t-385-5805 Finance Holly West ...........541-383-0321 Human Resources

East Bay city of Walnut Creekoccurred shortly before 2 p.m. asthe train was on a routine maintenance run operated by amanager, Bay


Area Rapid Transit officials said. Officials from the two unions rep-

resenting BARTworkers, who have been onstrike since Thursday, have warned of the danger that could come with allowing managers to operate trains. — From wire reports

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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.powerball.com and www.oregonlouery.org

POWERBALL The numbers drawn Saturday night are:


4Oss O sv OsOuOs

The estimated jackpot is now $216 million.

MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Saturday night are:

g32 g4 g6g9g11 g28 The estimated jackpot is now $2.8 million.

Security officials examine the site of a car bomb

work after the major Muslim holiday of Eid al-Adha.

Security officials said part of the compound's wall Six soldiers were wounded in a military intelligence collapsed and anearby commercial building, belongcompound, security officials said, as militants appear ing to the Suez Canal Authority, was damaged. to be expanding the scope ofattacks beyond the resIsmailia borders the restive Sinai Peninsula, where tive Sinai Peninsula. The blast in Ismailia came as some returned to

New York Times News Service BEIRUT — A flurry of backroom Middle East diplomacy led to an ambitious international prisoner swap on Saturday that freed Lebanese citizens held by Syrian rebels and Turkish pilots kidnapped by Lebanese gunmen. Late Saturday, a plane carrying the nine freed Lebanese captives arrived in Beirut from Istanbul while a plane from B eirut to I stanbul took t h e Turkish pilots home. The swap was brokered and carried out by Lebanese, Turkish, Qatari and Palestinian officials, underlining the strong links between the w a rring parties in Syria and foreign powers, some of which have actively sought to influence the course of the war. Some local reports said the Syrian government was expected torelease a number of femaleprisoners as demanded by the rebels in exchange for the captives from Lebanon, which is home to Hezbollah, a Syrian ally. Some women were recently released, but it was unclear if that was part of the larger deal. The full conclusion of the deal would be a rare bright spot in Syria's civil war, which has left more than 100,000 dead.


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The Associated Press

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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day

It's Sunday, Oct. 20, the 293rd day of 2013. There are 72 days left in the year.



HISTORY Highlight: In1973, in the

so-called "Saturday Night Massacre," special Watergate prosecutor Archibald Cox

was dismissed andAttorney General Elliot Richardson and Deputy Attorney General Wil-


Scientists warn of asteroid — in 2032

n inu

The AquAdvantage salmon, which is genetically engineered to grow faster than other fish, hasn't yet been approved by the FDA. But activists are already pressuring retailers to stay away.

liam Ruckelshaus resigned. In1740, Maria Theresa be-

came ruler of Austria, Hungary and Bohemiaupon the death of her father, Holy Roman Emperor Charles VI. In1803, the U.S. Senate ratified the Louisiana Purchase. In1903, a joint commission ruled in favor of the United States in a boundary dispute between the District of Alaska

and Canada. In1944, during World War II, Gen. Douglas MacArthur

stepped ashore at Leyte in the Philippines, 2/~ years after

saying, "I shall return." In1947, the House Un-American Activities Committee

opened hearings into alleged Communist influence and infiltration in the U.S. motion picture industry. In1964, the 31st president of the United States, Herbert Hoover, died in New Yorkat

age 90. In1967, seven menwere convicted in Meridian, Miss., of violating the civil rights of three slain civil rights workers. In1968, former first lady

Jacqueline Kennedy married Greek shipping magnate Aristotle Onassis. In1977, three members of the

rock group Lynyrd Skynyrd were killed in the crash of

a chartered plane near McComb, Miss. In1979, the John F. Ken-

nedy Presidential Library and M useum wasdedicatedin

Boston. In1987, 10 people were killed when an Air Force jet crashed into a Ramada Inn hotel near Indianapolis International Airport after the pilot, who was

trying to make anemergency landing, ejected safely. In1990, three members of the

rap group 2 Live Crewwere acquitted by a jury in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. of violating obscenity laws with an adults-

only concert in nearby Hollywood the previous June. In 2002, with a U.S. invasion looming, Iraqi President

Saddam Hussein issued an amnesty decree releasing everyone from pickpockets to political prisoners from prison. In 2011, MoammarGadhafi, Libya's dictator for 42 years, was killed as revolutionary

fighters overwhelmed his hometown of Sirte and captured the last major bastion of

resistance two months after his regime fell.

Ten years ago: President George W. Bush pushed North

Korea's nuclear threat to the forefront of a 21-nation AsiaPacific summit in Thailand.

Israeli warplanes andhelicopters pounded Palestinian targets in the Gaza Strip, kill-

ing 10 people. Character actor Jack Elam died in Ashland,

Oregon, at age 84. Five years ago: A rising wave of optimism lifted Wall Street,

propelling the DowJones industrials up more than 400

points on more signs of a reviving credit market and hints from Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke that the

government would take more steps to help the economy.

One year ago: President Barack Obamaand Republican Mitt Romney left the campaign trail to spend the weekend preparing for their

third and final debate, focusing on foreign policy.

BIRTHDAYS Japan's EmpressMichiko is 79. Former actress Rev.

Mother Dolores Hart is 75. Singer Tom Petty is 63. Movie director Danny Boyle is 57.

Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is 56. Actor Viggo Mortensen

is 55. Rapper Snoop Lion (formerly Snoop Dogg) is 42. Actor John Krasinski is 34. — From wire reports

By Brady Dennis The Washington Post

Consumer an d e n v i ronmental activists, facing likely defeat in their bid to block government approval of the first genetically engineered salmon, are trying a different tack to keep the fish off America's dinner plates: Getting retailers not to sell it. A nd th e y ' r e mak i n g headway. Some of the nation's most recognizable chains — including Whole Foods, Trader Joe's and Target — have agreed in recent months to steer clear of the fish. A spokeswoman for Safeway, the nation's secondlargest grocery chain, said the chain doesn't have "any plans to carry GE salmon." Activists are pressing Kroger, the country'slargest grocer, to make a similar commitment. "The goal is to make sure there is not an available market for genetically engineered seafood," said Dana Perls, food and technology campaigner at Friends of the Earth, an international network of environmental organizations helping to lead the effort to make the fish unwelcome. "People don't want it, and markets are going to follow what people want." The Food and Drug Administration, which has been reviewing the genetically modified salmon for y ears, has strongly signaled it intends to approve the fish, making it the first genetically modified animal clearedfor human consumption. The decision, which could come this fall, would be a milestone not only for the decades-longfish controversy but also for the heated debate over the d evelopment and marketing of other genetically modified foods.

Faster growth AquaBounty Technologies, based in Massachusetts, first applied for permission to sell its genetically altered salmon in 1995. Its A q uAdvantage salmon consists of an Atlantic salmon containing a growth hormone from a C h i n ook salmon and a gene from the ocean pout, an eel-like fish. The result: A fish that grows to market size in about half the time as regular salmon. For years, opponents have argued there's not e nough data to prove the salmon is safe to eat. They have also warned there could be devastating environmental consequences if the fish were to escape confinement and breed with wild salmon. The FDA ha s concluded, however, that the genetically modified salmon does n ot pose a threat to the environment and is "as safe as food from conventional A t lantic salmon." With the agency close to approving the fish, critics want to make it hard for consumers

to find. They are urging supporters to "create a tsunami of messages"— via socialmedia, emails and telephone calls — to pressure retailers not to stock it, and they have promised to reward companies that

AquaeountyTechnologiesvia The Washington Post

An AquAdvantage salmon dwarfs a non-transgenic Atlantic salmon sibling of the same age. The AquAdvantage salmon are infused with genetic material from two other types of fish, allowing them to reach full size twice as quickly as ordinary salmon. on populations, bolster the world's food supply and use fewer resources. "What we've been seeing for a long time is dishonesty, fabrication and malicious acts from these groups.... It's really frustrating," Stotish said in an interview. "What these g roups are trying to d o i s prevent people from having the right to choose. Frankly, I think that's wrong." Stotish said c r itics have tried to create an impression not only that his company's product is unsafe but also that it will flood the market immediately after approval by the FDA. In reality, he said, it could take years for the small company to ramp up production to a level that would affect the market in any noticeable way. He also said quashing the market for AquAdvantage salmon in the United States could drivebusinesses developing other types of genetically altered fish to countries with d i f f erent f o o d-safety standards. A quaBounty h a s fl i r t ed with bankruptcy during the many years it has waited for the government to rule on the salmon. Aside from a i r ing his frustrations, Stotish said his company has little legal recourse, and few r esources, to fight back against its

many opponents, who include the nation's salmon fishing industry. "These ar e c o o r dinated campaigns. ... We're facing these organizations that are well-financed, we l l -funded and s p ending s i g n ificant amounts of money," he said. "We're 12 people, and eight of them arefeeding fish."

Opening the floodgates? The eggs for the salmon are produced at a f a c i lity on Prince Edward Island in Canada and shipped to a facility in Panama, where they are harvested and processed in a mountainous region high above sea level. AquaBounty h as said that even if i t e x pands, its sterile, all-female fish would be raised in landbased facilities, eliminating the possibility that they would escape containment and reproduce in the wild — an assessmentthat the FDA agreed with. Late last year, the FDA lifted one of the final regulatory hurdles to approval, saying that the altered salmon posed no more risks to the environment than conventional salmon. Since then, the agency has received nearly 2 million public comments on its findings, a large number of which urged the FDA to reject AquaBoun-


ty's application. An FDA official declined to comment. For both sides, the stakes are high. Critics argue that if AquaBounty's salmon wins FDA's blessing, it could open the floodgates for other genetically engineered animals, each with its own health and environmental concerns. Hence the urgency in undercutting the marketfor such products before it even exists. "This is a precedent-setting approval, should it occur," Perls said. "The fewer the opportunities for sale, the better." Kroger didn't respond to a request for comment on whether it would sell the fish. For AquaBounty, it's partly a matter of economic survival. But Stotish said FDA approval also could eventually lead to a more efficient food supply and create jobs in states such as South Dakota, where the governor has said o f ficials "are making concerted efforts to be the home to future animal biotechnology companies, including AquaBounty Technologies." Despite the pledges some retailers have made not to sell his salmon, Stotish said he believes the companies will reconsider in coming years if the price is right and consumers regard it as safe and healthy. "If it's not a good product, people won't buy it," he said. "All we're asking for is the opportunity."





ple of decades. Space watchersfrom the observatory in the Crimean peninsula said they discovered an asteroid about 1,345 feet in diameter, which they call 2013 TVI35, that is approaching Earth at a potentially dangerous trajectory. The astronomers calculated the date of a potential collision as Aug. 26, 2032, but they acknowledged that the odds of an impact as I in 63,000. The force of such a possible collision could be 2.5 megatons. The discovery was confirmed b y t w o R u ssian observatories and by Italian, British and Spanish astronomers. "A 400-meter asteroid is threatening to blow up the Earth," Russian Vice Premier Dmitry Rogozin, in charge of his nation's space research, wrote Wednesday on Twitter. "Here is a super target for the national cosmonautics." Meanwhile, divers working last week in Chebarkul Lake in Russia's Ural Mountains raised what could be a large piece of the meteor that exploded over the region in February.

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ST. PETERSBURG, Russia — Ukrainian astronomers say an asteroid might collide with Earth in a cou-

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Los Angeles Times



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go along by praising them "on our websites, in social media, and in the press." Besides Friends of the Earth, groups such as the Center for Food Safety and Consumers Union are involved in the effort.

"Companies are going to

follow what other companies do," said Perls, who added that organizers have also begun approaching some chefs and restaurants about taking the anti-AquAdvantage p l edge. "No one wants to be seen as an outlier." The campaign i n f uriates AquaBounty c h i e f e x e cutive Ron Stotish, who says that critics are engaging in " fear-mongering" an d t h a t his salmon could help reduce the over-fishing of wild salm-


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"We were going to site both High Lakes and Summit on This Bulletin photo from1998, taken from theeast facing Mount Continued from A1 the west side and we were just Bachelor, shows the river canyon, where a log deck was left behind On the otherhand: "To me, right in the thick of those issues after the mills closed. This area wasn't easily accessed by the public, what we got was a much larger with the threatened moratori- and some peoplewanted to keep it that way. city with a few new amenities um, m he said. "So we worked in but an overall decline in our conjunction with the west-side quality of life, and a financial consortium." collapse that caused considerBefore Summit High w as able harm to most people in built, Rexford said all westBend, as well as all across the side high schoolers attended country," said John Schubert, a Mountain View High on 27th former city councilor, member Street. "So all that traffic was priof the city planning commission and founder of Commute m arily d umped r i ght o n t o Options for Central Oregon. Newport a n d Gr e enwood, "As many of us predicted, to- with a little coming off the day in Bend we're left facing back side of the butte through huge infrastructure and staff- Archie Briggs,m Rexford said. 'r,, ing costs ... that we would "Newport, as a corridor, was " -j~ * , ~ + % M not face if we had managed to a failure. At times during peak agreetogrow more gradually, hours it would gridlock down." with more attention to quality Without the west-side conthan quantity." sortium, Garzini said, "there When the City Council au- was no way to fund the bridge thorized a study for a southern and the park, because without crossing in 1997, Bend had an the consortium we did not have estimated 35,635 residents. By forecastable revenues. It would 2003, when the $6.7 million have had to be a (general obli~~ .; i p bridge was completed, it was gation) bond. If we had to try more than 59,000. to sell a bond for the southern In 2000, according to previ- river crossing, the vote would ous reports in The Bulletin, have been really close." approximately 14,000 vehicles traveled acrossthe Newport Opponents collect P; Avenue bridge every day, while petition signatures nearly 12,000 did the same on But for opponents of t he the Colorado Avenue Bridge. bridge and fast-moving develMeanwhile, the west side of opment in that part of Bend, Bend was growing: the plan the consortium was a d i rty for NorthWest Crossing was deal. l unveiled in 2000, and other Paul Dewey heads Central subdivisions were proposed at Oregon LandWatch, which the same time. High Lakes El- at the time was called Sisters The Bulletin file photo ementary opened in 2000, and Forest Planning Committee. Summit High School opened in Dewey and Friends of Bend i n g , areincidental. he wrote. "We gave a lot away, and 2001. But the traffic infrastruc- opposed t h e co n sortium's ture to deal with that growth agreement with the city, and w e essentially got nothing," he 'Slow-growth' councilors elected hadn't been built, and the city, c ollected thousands of signa- s a i d. according to developers, was tures on a petition asking that Whi l e i t 's easy to call him Bruce Abernethy was one of threatening a moratorium on the consortium agreement be a n d o t h e r o p ponents anti- three councilors — along with the area. subject to voter approval. growth, De w e y s a i d the John Hummel and Kyla Mer"That was a very bad deal p e ople hired to work on the win — elected in 2000 as part Consortium addresses for the city," Dewey said of the s t udy were well-known, top- of the "slow-growth" platform. traffic "Growth was a really hot, agreement to repay the west- l e vel transportation and urban Ron Garzini served as the side c o nsortium planners. controversial issue," he said. " It wasn't o p "It was not healthy, and we felt assistant city m anager and its d e v elopment chief operating officer from charges. "They "It WaSn't p osition. I t w a s the negatives outweighed the 'Let's slow down, positives.m 1997 to 2001 and also served would never do pp p p S jtjpn(tp let's build what we during that time as an interim that again." But Abernethy said as he city manager. He said trafThe consortium g r p w N). It WBS need, let's get as learned more about the ur'Let'S SIOW fic analysis of the west side of went to the Desmany bikers and b an-growth b o undary a n d Bend without a southern river c hutes County Cir- d p w n l e t ' s walkers and build Oregon's land-use laws, he discrossing showed the bridges cuit Court to fight community cen- covered there wasn't much he ' h t at Colorado and Newport av- t he petition a n d ters close to where could do to limit growth inside enues would be overwhelmed. the vote. Dewey ne e d , I et S get peop le can walk,'" the city limits. "The whole east-west system saidtheopposition gS m gny b jker S "We felt if you build a big D e wey said."It's fails," he said. "There would be agreed to give up so easy to margin- bridge you're not putting up d lk intolerable time delays." the vote, as well alize us as 'anti- a fight and just encouraging t3nd build growth, ' b ut if the even more auto use," he said. I n 1998, the city put t h e as all appeals to bridge on a 20-year land use the west-side sub- C pmmunjty development comAs a result, the City Council plan, and in 1999, the City divisions hinging munity could get sent the choice to voters, who t " I C ouncil b ought l a n d t h a t on the consortium off of that, (these in September 2001supported would pave the way to build deal, if the city and tp W here ideas) could really the bridge, 61 percent to 38 the bridge. But opposition had the Oregon De- p e p p l e Cg n benef i t them." percent. Councilors upheld the already begun to build, with a partment of Land S chubert s a i d result in October, voting 6-1 to Save the River Canyon Com- C ons e r v a t i o n t he i s su e w a s construct the bridge. mittee and a committee called and Development Opponents argued The Bul— paul Dewey much more than Friends of Bend. And those agreedto fund and letin, as well as developers Central orego"' j u st a bridge OPgroups made headway: in No- implement a study LandWatch P onents fe a r ed with deep pockets, skewed the "loss of small-town information and i n f luenced vember 2000 three new city called Use of Land councilors were elected after for Transportation character and the vote. Abernethy said he being endorsed for supporting Alternatives. overall d eclining was surprised when the majorslow growth, and that council The ULTRA report, issued q u a lity of life due to increas- ity of Bend voters supported ultimately fired longtime City in 2003, called for changing i n g t r affic, crime, overcrowd- the bridge. "I think I thought Manager Larry Patterson. land use patterns and devel- i n g in schools, and loss of open there was a lot more opposiBeginning in 2 000, slow- oping more livable neighbor- s p ace, among many other liv- tion to the southern crossing growth supporters had anoth- h oods w i t h "multi-modal a b i l ity issues," Schubert wrote than ended up existing." er issue to deal with in addition transportation plans" for some i n a n email. And transportaGarzini said early in the proto the southern river crossing. roads and street designs that t i o n planning was particularly cess, the city did a community Facing a m o ratorium on would accommodate bikes, i m p ortant, "because more and survey through Portland State building, Brooks Resources mass transit and other modes w i der arterial roads make cit- University. The top issue? EastCEO Mike Hollern helped or- of transportation. ies more auto dependent, thus ganize the West Bend Traffic Dewey said hundreds of ge n erating even more traffic." Consortium, a group of 13 de- people participated in the proSchu b ert, who called the velopers, businesses and other cess, but the bulk of the recom- s o uthern river crossing "the parties that forged a develop- mendations in the report were l i n chpin i n c ontinued rapid ment agreement with the city. never implemented. growth on the west side of "The city essentially re Members of the consortium Be n d," said opponents of the included Brooks Resources, neged on it," he said. "I doubt b r i dge b elieved the b r idge Tennant Development, Bro- they could even find the study w o u l d "severely compromise ken Top LLC, Bend-La Pine on the shelf." the chance to create a worldSchools and Central Oregon Dewey believes any aspects c l ass urban open space," and Community College. The Bul- of the study that may have s p eed up growth in Bend that letin's parent company, West- been implemented on the west w o uld lead to a housing crash ern Communications Inc., was side, like some of the livability t h a t would harm the commualso involved, and committed aspects in NorthWest Cross- n i t y. "All three came to pass," up to $90,000 to help build the

What theareawould decome This satellite photo from 2000 shows southwest Bendyears before the bridge spanned the river. Several prominent sites, which are accessed by the bridge, would be built in the following decade. Today, the river canyon

is some of the most heavily used parkland in Bend.

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west transportation. "It was real apparent to me that a p r operly constructed ballot measure would pass," he said. And he was no fan of how opponents to the bridge looked at the issue. "Some of the folks who want to slow growth think that if you don't provide critical inf rastructure, g r owth w o n ' t

occur," he said. "The problem was growth was going to occur and then people would be upset about the east-west traffic." Schubert disagrees. He believes other cities, like Corvallis and Ashland, used political will to force growth to slow down, and Bend could have done the same thing.

Continued next page


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bridge. Under a development agreement with the city, the consortium pledged $7.7 million to build e ight r o undabouts throughout the west side and help fund the southern river


• • •


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crossing. The city pledged $4.4 million to extend Reed Market Road and buy up rights of way for the areas in question. In exchange, they were repaid a portion of system development charges, and with the traffic infrastructure in place, were able to move forward with developing the west side of Bend. "It solved the traffic problem up front," Hollern said, and he believes the southern river crossing was a necessary component. "If we didn't do it, the congestion on the west side would have been tremendous." Bend-La Pine Schools provided about$210,000 to pay for the approaches to the bridge, according to John Rexford, now the s uperintendent of High Desert Education Service District who at the time was in charge of facilities for BendLa Pine Schools. The district supported the planned bridge, Rexford said.

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newcomei to iicon a e sta s mazon: a- ait By Claire Cain Miller and Stephanie Clifford

just Internet shopping but all shopping. Even as Wal-Mart New York Times News Service pours money into technology, SAN BRUNO, Calif. — A Amazon is building a physiplucky Silicon Valley com- calpresence across the nation, pany, forced to compete for adding warehouses and picktalented engineers, is trying it up locations. Both companies' all — recruiting billboards on moves indicate that they beHighway 101; workplace perks lieve the future of commerce is like t readmill w o r kstations not stores and not online but a and foosball tables; and con- combination of the two. ference rooms named after For the first time in decades, celebrities like Rihanna and Wal-Mart, which drove comJustin Bieber. pany after company out of The name of that arriviste business, has a competitor it company? Wal-Mart. sounds a little scared of. "Don't think for a second The country's largest retailer, which for years didn't blink that Jeff Bezos is not a capitalist," Neil Ashe, chief executive at would-be competitors, is now under such a threat from of Wal-Mart Global E-ComAmazon that it is frantically merce, said of the belief of playing catch-up by learning Bezos, founder and chief execthe technology business, in- utive of Amazon, in low priccludingstarting WalmartLabs, es and paper-thin margins. "They're just playing a game, its dot-com headquarters. The two retail behemoths, which is, 'We're just going to one the king of the physical wait out the world.'" store and the other the conA mazon dec l i ne d to queror of the online world, comment. are battlingover e-commerce Although the fierce compe— competing for th e m o st tition between Wal-Mart and talented engineers, trying to A mazon is occurring in a l l gain the upper hand in t h e areas, to get the technological new frontier of same-day de- edge Wal-Marthas to succeed livery and warring over online in San Bruno. pricing. The company has had a They want to control not small presence near Silicon

From previous page But Patterson, who served as city manager from December 1986 to January 2001, said he believes growth had already arrived. "It represented c h ange, which is always unsettling to folks," Patterson said. "For a lot of folks, the growth issue was a big piece of it. It's the old adage, 'If you build it, they will come.' But they were coming anyhow. If that was really the key to growth, some towns in Eastern Oregon would just build a street." The southern river crossing is likely what ended Patterson's time in Bend. After t hree seats turned over t o "slow-growthers" on the City Council in a 2000 election, Patterson was fired by the council in early 2001. "They made it pretty well known that they needed to have a change in leadership at city hall," he said. "It's any council's prerogative to make that decision, so when you're set in a position as long as I did, you fight a lot of battles. They saw me as an extension of the old council." That didn't stop the bridge

from going up, though.

Paying for aesthetics Bill Smith, who developed the Old Mill District, wanted the bridge to cross the river downstream, closer to the Old Mill. "It would have been cheaper for the community," he said.

"(Bill Healy) was a very expensive bridge to build because o f aesthetics. We p aid f o r aesthetics." Smith describes himself as reluctantly part of the consortium, and his property company paid for the roundabout at Colorado and Simpson avenues. "All I wanted to do was get traffic across the river," he said. But he compares the southern river crossing, and the choices the city made in 2003, to an issue the city is currently dealing with: a new water treatment plant with two options that have very different price tags. If s avings were realized, the city would have money left over to pay for other things, he said. In the end, Smith describes himself as ambivalent. He suggested other locations, but "we needed a bridge." Some opponents were concerned the bridge would destroy a beautiful, pristine open space. The canyon at the time contained a log deck left over from the mills and was not easily accessed by the public. "The proposed major road a long the river and a n e w bridge in a lovely, quiet canyon embodied every aspect of the conflict about how Bend should grow: as a modestly growing small town valuing open space, or as a no-holdsbarred, f a st-growing c i t y," Schubert wrote. D evelopers and t h e c i t y weren't convinced. "People said this canyon had never been touched," Hollern said. "But they stored logs there. Nobody could go there." Smith argued the canyon wasn't as pristine as some

bit, OneOps, Tasty Labs and Inkiru — that build things like tools to crunch data and speed up websites. The acquisitions included some of the startups' founders and engineers, the time-honored way for Silicon Valley companies to hire the talented employees they need to build better Web and mobile tools. Wal-Mart h a s h u n d reds of open jobs at its office here. This summer, the company hired 150 people from companies like Yahoo and eBay. T he company's pitch t o engineers is that W al-Mart moves quickly and has huge problems to solve, even if it is not a nimble newcomer or a buzzworthy startup. "There's bi g da t a an d there's Wal-Mart big d ata," said Ravi Raj, vice president for mobile and social products at WalmartLabs. "Every week we release half a dozen features." Amazon, which i s b ased in Seattle, also has a Silicon Valley presence; its Lab126 researchcompany, located a few miles from Apple's headquarters, developed the Kindle and is working on other mobile devices. Amazon is a much big-

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Peter Dasilva/The New YorkTimes

Neil Ashe is the chief executive of Wal-Mart Global E-Commerce, the company's dot-com headquarters in San Bruno, Calif. Valley for more than a decade, but until recently, engineers in the area barely knew it existed. It signed a lease three years ago for the San Bruno office, north o f t h e v a l ley — and acrossthe street from YouTube — and is opening another this fall in Sunnyvale, home of Yahoo, in the heart of the valley. It is trying hard to prove it is one of the cool kids. For example,atpress events i n Bentonville, A r k., W a l Mart's headquarters, the menu tends to be ham sandwiches,

chips and iced tea. At a recent event in San Bruno, it was white asparagus panna cotta with house-smoked salmon tartar, morel mushroom macaroons and charcuterie from a whole pig. Borrowing a page from Google and Twitter, the company offers hack d ays when engineers can work on whatever they want. The changes are more than cosmetic, though. This year, WalmartLabs has gone on a

startup shopping spree, buying four companies — Tor-

ger player online, with $74.4 billion in revenue expected for 2013. While Wal-Mart's total revenue is close to $500 billion, it has said it expects just a fraction of that, $10 billion, in e-commerce revenueforthe year ending January 2014. Walmart.com had 62.5 million unique visitors in August, compared with Amazon's 133 million, according to Compete, which tracks Web use. "Amazon is the Wal-Mart of the post-2000 period," said Matt Nemer, an analyst at Wells Fargo. Wal-Mart was slow to embrace online shopping, keeping its Web operations separate and haltingly adopting new technology. These days, t hough, it is t r y ing to t u r n its 4,100 stores in the United States and many of its 6,200 stores overseas into e-commerce assets. Two-thirds of the U.S. population is within five miles of a Wal-Mart, according to the company, and more than 10 percent of items ordered online are shipped from stores. Countries in which it has a

physicalpresence for e-commerce include Brazil, China and Britain.


would like to paint it. Old photos show the area full of floating logs, and Smith, a birdwatcher, said there were few songbirds along the banks. "It was an armored bank with hard r o cks," he s aid. "They had been placed there to keep the logs from eroding banks." That, he said, isn't pristine.


Extensive design process To try to make the design p rocess palatable for all i n volved, the city held a series of charrettes, a design process in which large groups can try to come up with a solution and defuse confrontations. "They led to the design of a curved bridge,the raised bike lanes, the roundabouts that deliberately slowed traffic and a park next to the road," he said. "It really was a proverbial win-win." The council, Teater said, wanted to build something attractive. Garzini agreed. "The plan all along was to do something really beautiful because it was so contentious, but it was a shock to me how great it came out," Garzini said. "Yeah, it was expensive, but when you build all those roundabouts to slow traffic, the whole theory is high-aesthetic, slow-moving but progressively moving. And it was designed to be attractive." Dewey said the final design was nice, and he believes the quality result is due to elevated public scrutiny. "Because of the good design there's still a certain amount of character to the area." But, he said, he still longs for the days when the sounds echoing in that canyon were rapids, not cars. "You have to go a significant way upstream to find that again," he said. Ten years later, Schubert feels the same way about the bridge. He b elieves citizen and council opposition forced a design process that resulted in a better road and park. But he believes the area's public lands have been d egraded by increased use and he isn't inspired by the area's urban








design. Abernethy, who was initially opposed to the bridge, thinks he was on the wrong side of history. "Our worst fears didn't even come close to being realized," Abernethy said. "It's a wonderful structure.... It is a huge win for the community on a whole bunch of fronts.... It's been a huge win, and you look back and what we were afraid of, that didn't come close to

happening." And Patterson, whohasbeen gone from Bend for years, said while he didn't see the process from start to finish, he's proud of the finished product. "I don't think t his would be as nice a town if we hadn't done those things," Patterson said. "What was therebefore that was an old log deck. The public couldn't get down there at all, it was an environmental issue. Now it's a beautiful park, people definitely have the access and more people enjoy that river than ever before." — Reporter: 541-617-7831, smiller@bendbuiietirt.com


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Barrels of U.S.deer exported Exports remain asmall part of the craft beer market — just1.4 percent in 2012 —but exports havegrown rapidly in recent years. 220K

189,000 barrels in 2012 165K



0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 Source: Brewers Association Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin


retailers and consumers that it's safe to drink, even after Continued from A1 the best by date," Kwang said. According t o S i ngapore's " People s ometimes w o r r y Beerstyle Distribution owner about that, and I can't blame Winston Kwang, the distribu- them. I have to get letters from tor's identity was unknown, al- the breweries that reassure though it may have been based them, saying, 'Don't worry, it's in California. not going to kill you. It's just "Many consumers thinkthat that the taste is downgraded beer can be stored any old how after that date.'" and that it can be kept anyKwang said S i ngaporean where," said Kwang, whose beer drinkers responded encompany is now the official thusiastically to the Deschutes distributor of Deschutes beer labeL Every month, he sells in Singapore. "There's a total out, and the brand continues disregard for the transporta- to gain popularity, especially tion of beer in Asia." now that customers are able Fish noticed this when he to taste it the way its brewers visited Thailand in June and intended. "The funny thing i s t h at saw a truckload of domestic beer left in the sun. when (grey market) Deschutes "Nobody's under pressure first got here, people were alto look after it," Fish said. "We ready going gaga over their saw beer sitting on the side- beer," Kwang said. "But when I walk on a 90-degree day with started distributing mine, peohigh humidity. Those are bru- ple were shocked that it was tal conditions that our beer the same beer. They'd say, 'I would fare very poorly under." can't understand. This is easily Kwang said the unknown 10 times better than the other distributor most likely used one I had.'I'm happy when I the cheapest method to ship hear that because I know the Deschutes beer, which meant money I spent on shipping is the casestraveled around the well worth it." worldformonths before reachBecause of high shipping ing Singapore, where they costs,a pint of craft beer genwere left in direct sunlight and erally goes for $13 in Singaheat. According to K w ang, pore, a fe w d o llars higher Deschuteswasn't the only beer than a European export. So that was being shipped to Sin- far, Deschutes has shipped gapore under these practices. 1,200 cases of beer to Singa"Stone (Brewing Co.) was pore. In that time, Kwang said actively searching for the way- the grey market has virtually ward distributor," Kwang said. disappeared. "But that's like looking for a Andbeyond needle in a haystack." Deschutes is also braving Perishable product new territory i n T h a i land. Concerned about the repu- A aron Grieser, a University of tation of its beer, Deschutes Oregon law school graduate finally decided to address the and co-founder of Beervana, problem head on. the official Deschutes distribu"The strategy for us was to tor in Thailand, said that until have our beer available to peo- recently, the craft brew scene ple who want to buy it while there was practically non-exisalso eliminating that grey mar- tent. Strict laws controlled the ket," said Michael LaLonde, importation of alcohol into the Deschutes Brewery president. country. " It was kind o f h o w t h e Kwang, also the Singapore distributor for Rogue Ales and craft beer scene was 30 years Stone Brewing Co., started ago in America," Grieser said. "There was really only borimporting Deschutes beer in June. Each month, he imports ing, bland beer available and one or two pallets of Deschutes just a handful of hard-to-find beer cases, which adds up craft beers. I saw this amazing to about 60 cases of beer per opportunity." pallet.To ensure freshness, Grieser grew up in Eugene, Kwang contracts with a wine and said that he always considexporter from Napa Valley, ered Deschutes' Mirror Pond Calif., which keeps the beer Pale Ale his "converter beer," refrigerated during shipment the brew that changed his perand away from direct sunlight spectiveon the beverage. His from the moment it l eaves love for craftbeer spurred the the brewery until it r eaches founding of Beervana, which retailers. Refrigeration is an imports American craft beer absolute must, Fish said, and into Thailand. Grieser was is a step required of all of Des- working in Thailand's renewchutes' distributors. able energy field when, miss"Beer is perishable," Fish ing home and its abundance of said. "Heat can damage it se- craft beer, he decided to start verely. I mean, you wouldn't his own import company. He cook a bottle of w i ne. You took a two-year driving trip wouldn't do that w ith beer, down the U.S. West Coast, either." stopping at almost every brewThe logistics of s hipping ery along the way to ask them craft b eer o v erseas w h ile if they would export their beer m aintaining its quality is a to Thailand. He begged Deschallenge unto itself. Kwang chutes for nearly two years said the beer travels for a little before company officials came over amonth before it arrives around. "I had to do a lot of due diliin the country, leaving him with a limited time to distrib- gence for those guys," Grieser ute to local retailers before the said in a Skype interview. "I beer's "best by" date is up. had to make sure that the beer Unlike E u r opean b e ers, tastes here exactly how it does which have generous expi- when you pop off a bottle cap ration dates of up to a year, in Bend." American craftbeer is generGrieser, who also imports ally marked with "best by" beer from Rogue Ales, Lagunidates, which tell consumers tas Brewing Co. and Anderson when a beer should be con- Valley Brewing Co., follows sumed fo r o p t imal fl a v or. D eschutes' st ringent s h i p For Deschutes,most best-by ping practices, paying almost dates range between four and double shipping costs for resix months from the time it is frigeration. In June, Beervana brewed. Deschutes routinely brought its first pallet of Destaste tests its beer to deter- chutes beer to Thailand. The mine these dates, which vary entire shipment sold out before depending on the category of it arrived in Bangkok. beer, said LaLonde. S ince then, G r ieser h a s The discrepancy between increased his imports by an American craft beer "best by" additional pallet of beer per dates and European standard month. He imports most Desexpiration dates have been chutes varieties, including Mirsomewhat of a challenge, said ror Pond Pale Ale, Black Butte Kwang, because Singaporeans Porter, Chainbreaker White are used to the expiration dates IPA and Deschutes River Ale, on more familiar European along with seasonal varietbeers. ies. Mostly, the beer is distrib"I really have to stress to uted to high-end restaurants at

about $8 to $12 a bottle, catering to a large audience of expatriates and locals alike. "There's a surging demand for craftbeer here," Grieser said. "There's so much excitement forDeschutes." Grieser often hears from Americans who are surprised to find Deschutes beer in Thailand, as they can't even find the beer in their own home states. Grieser said distributing craft beer in a foreign country in some ways is easier than distributing it back home. "I think we're at a bit of an advantage than some American states, even though we're on the other side of the world," Grieser said. "Here, the beer is culturally original. You're not just selling liquid, your translating a culture." And with that translation sometimes comes confusion. In terms of marketing, Grieser said Thais, the ma-

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rediscovering beer. Special Deschutes Brewery benches, constructed from the beer's shipping pallets, will be placed around the city as part of the campaign. So far, 1,000 cases of Deschutes beer have been exported to Thailand.

Swedish tastes

Submitted photo

Singapore locals celebrate at a launch party for Deschutes Brewery beer that took place in June. To protect the reputation of its beer, Deschutes Brewery entered into several countries this past summer where the brewery's beer was being distributed without the company's authorization. jority of whom live in urban settings, don't quite grasp the independent, outdoorsy spirit that Deschutes portrays on its labels. He said he's working to translate the brand image to

something more easily understood by urbanites. In January 2014, Grieser said, he will help implement a b r ewery campaign around the idea of locals rediscovering Bangkok while

Deschutes' largest overseas shipments have gone to Sweden, which has been on the receiving end of 2,000 cases this year. Part of the reason for this, Fish says, is that the American craft beer market is better established in Scandinavia, with many East Coast breweries having distributed in that country for a long time. Canada is the largest international market for Deschutes, with about25,000 cases being shipped to British Columbia and Alberta this year.

Continued next page

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Beer exports

Scientists raiseconcernsabout $608 nuclearweaponsplan

Exports of craft beer to international markets

grew from anestimated 14,000 barrels in 2003, to 189,000 barrels in 2012, said Bart Watson, staff

By Ralph Vartabedian

across the nation and fundamentally reconfigure exist-

reliability of t h e w e apons. In recent years, funding for ing weapon designs. surveillance has increased A report last week by the and is scheduled to grow. Union of Concerned ScienThe U.S. stopped making tists raises new objections nuclear weapons i n 1 9 90, that the plan would require meaning that all stockpiles construction of unnecessary are at least 23 years old and facilities and introduce un- in many cases 30 or 40 years tested combinations of parts old. The Energy Department inside the bombs — which has proposed and withdrawn could erode confidence in a number of plans to deal their reliability and safety. with the aging stockpiles. At the same time, the reAfter those earlier plans port confirmed long-stand- were criticized, the Nuclear ing concernscited by nuclear Weapons Council, a high-levw eapons experts that n o t el board of officials from the enough routine testing and Energy and Defense departsurveillance of the nation's ments, proposed a 25-year stockpile is being conducted plan to mix old and newly at bomb plants to assure full manufactured parts from the

Los Angeles Times

economist for the Brewers Association. That is an

increase of1,250 percent. However, it remains a small piece of the craft beer market. U.S. craft

brewers produced 13.2 million barrels in 2012 and exported just1.4 percent

of that, according to the Brewers Association.

The association does not track exports by state or brewery. From previous page D eschutes ha s b ee n i n Canada for five years. This fall, the brewery plans to expand into Australia and New Zealand, two countries Fish said are already familiar with Deschutes beer via unauthorized distributors. Aside from Rogue Brewery, which is in over 20 countries and has been exporting beer internationally s i nc e 1 994, few, if any, Oregon breweries have officially ventured outside the U.S., according to Brian Butenschoen, executive director of th e Oregon Brewer's Guild. That may be

changing. "If you asked me a year ago, I would have said zero (breweries d i s t ributing o u t side of North A m erica) besides Rogue," said Butenschoen. "I guess when it gets to the point where it makes as much sense to send a container of beer to Asia as much as it does to send stuff on railcar to the eastern part of the U.S., that's p robably t h e p o i n t w h e n breweries might consider going international." Bart Watson, staff economist forthe Brewers Association, said only a small subset of American breweries exports their product. "Most craftproducers are doing everything they can to fill demand in local and regional markets," Watson said. "It's still such a small percentage of craft that we haven't tracked it systematically." Altogether, i n t e rnational exports account for a minor portion of Deschutes' profits, though the market has grown by over 11,000 cases from 2012. So far this year, 29,200 cases of Deschutes beer have s old i n t ernationally, w i t h combined sales domestically and abroad equalling 2.8 million cases. Fish described Deschutes' i nternational endeavors a s "dipping a toe in the water," though the brewery is often approached by d i s tributors around the world who want to importDeschutes beer.T he brewery, which will primarily focus on growing domestically, plans on expanding slowly into other countries, with an emphasis on markets where their beer has already been distributed without brewery

approval. "The priority is to kill this bootleg market that cropped up, because it's very bad for the brand," Fish said. "People a ren't going t o b l am e t h e bootleggers when they taste b ad beer, they're going t o blame us." — Reporter: 541-383-0354, mlzehoe@bendbulletin.com

The Energy Department's plan to modernize its aging nuclear weapons complex and update the seven hydrogen bomb designs in the n ation's arsenal would r equire massive investments at a time of severe budget pressure. As a result, the plan is getting a tough assessment by outside groups, who say congressional Republicans and Democrats are not fully on board with what the Obama administration has proposed over the last year: a $60 billion effort that would transform industrial arms sites

seven existing weapons de- more National Laboratory, signs into five new packages and until 2011 served as asat a cost of $60 billion. sociate director for national The new report from the security and international afscientists group faulted that fairs in the White House Ofplan, because it would comfice of Science and Technolobine plutonium triggers from gy Policy. Coyle said the curo ne type of w e apon w i t h rent plan essentially violates thermonuclear components the Obama administration's from other types. That kind pledge against developing of combination was never new nuclear weapons. "Itsends the wrong mestested by detonation before the end of full-scale under- sage to the rest of the world," ground tests i n t h e e a rly he said. 1990s. The Energy Department Among the authors of the and its National Nuclear Sereport was Philip Coyle, who curity Administration, which at one time ran the nation's runs the weapons complex, nuclear testing program in did not respond to Times reNevada, later was deputy di- quests for comment on the rector of the Lawrence Liver- report.

Hood River Fruit Loop's



October 26 8 27in Hood River

Continued from Al "We get phone calls from people asking, 'Do you have Pappy in stock?'" said Bill Thomas, owner of the Jack Rose Dining Saloon in Washington, where a 2ounce shot of 20-year-old Pappy Van Winkle costs $65, and the even rarer 23year-old is $75. "It's the Christmas toy that's been hot now for multiple Christmases." The disappearance, considered a theft by Sheriff Pat Melton of Franklin County, was reported Tuesday, the sheriff said. He suspects an inside job that took place in the past month or two, after the white-oak barrels, aging on the cooler lower floor of a warehouse, were debunged and the amber bourbon bottled and labeled before the annual deliveries. Melton said the culprit stole 195 bottles in threebottle cases of Pappy Van Winkle 20 Year, whose recommended retail price is $130 a bottle, and nine cases of 13-year-old Van Winkle Family Reserve Rye, with a

Many varieties of fruits andvegetables are at the peak of perfection. Join us as we~ celebrate our harvest of summer fruit with BBQ's, U-pick, baby alpacas, ciders, jams and more. Many farms have picnic areas. For more information visit our uebsite, wwmhoodriverfruitloop.com or call 541-386-7697


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Lots of u-pick apples, hot apple cider and apple cider donuts. Try our non-pasteurized apple, pear and cherry ciders. We have a great selection of jams,jellies, gifts and antiques. Nothing compares to our famous cinnamon- sugar dried apples! Come pick out a pumpkin, sit in the giant swing and watch the new baby goats frolic in the petting zoo.

6200 Hwy 35 541-352-6625 Farm Stand ¹16

Rasmussen Farms -Fruit Loop ¹8: Pumpkin Funland Luke Sharrett/ New York Times News Service

Matt Calvert moves used bourbon barrels at the Buffalo Trace Distillery in Frankfort, Ky. Someone stole 65 cases of Pappy Van Winkle, one of the nation's priciest and most sought-after bourbons, from a warehouse at the distiller.

Open Oct. 1- Nov. 11, free admission - 39 whimsicalscenescreated from pumpkins and gourds. Free Corn Maze too! 14 acres u-Pick Pumpkin Patch. Large selection of apples. Natural fall decor & gourds galore. Fruit & lun undercover. Open 9-6everyday. Fruit Loop ¹8 - 3020 Thomsen Rd (541) 386-4622 www.RasmussenFarms.com

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74 cases of bourbon," Melton said, citing security measures at the 119-acre distillery. Workers at t h e d i stillery, where awater tower looms over century-old b r ick b u i ldings turnedblack over the course of many hot Kentucky summers, did not want to discuss the matter as they came off their shift Thursday. "It's the talk of the town," is all one bottling line worker would say, declining to give his name. Carey Graham, who guides tours of the distillery and the recommendedpriceof$69. warehouses holding what he The thief had an obvirefers to as "hooch," said visious motive: The secondary tors always ask to buy Pappy at market for the scarce whis- the gift shop. "I say, 'You might as well go key is hot. A single bottle of 20-year-old Pappy, as aficio- chase your tail."' "Pappy" is named for Julian nados know it, sold at Bonham's auction in New York P. Van Winkle, whose roots recently for $1,190. in the bourbon business date "It's the most complex to the late 1800s and who sold bourbon you've ever tasted, bourbon named Old Fitzgerbut it's smooth as silk," said ald and Rebel Yell. In 2002, the Sean Brock, the owner of third and fourth generations of Husk Restaurants in Nash- the Van Winkle family formed ville, Tenn., and Charleston, a partnership with B u ffalo S.C. "That's why people go Trace, a sprawling operation crazy for it." on the Kentucky River where The day the theft was re- whiskey has been made for ported, Brock's email and more than 200 years. It was the Twitter feed pinged con- first to commercially market a stantly with c hatter and single-barrel bourbon — one speculationaboutwhomight not blended from d i fferent have been responsible. batches — in 1984, when it inHe has a theory of his troduced Blanton's. ovm: "I'm pretty sure it was There are other super-preGeorge Clooney and the mium bourbons made in small boys from 'Oceans 11.'" batches, some that cost even The sheriff said the theft more than Pappy Van Winkle. occurredfrom one ofthe 13 But none, according to bar warehouses at the Buffalo owners and retailers,have the Trace Distillery in Frank- cachet of Pappy, thanks to its fort, which makes and ages taste and evocative history. A the Van Winkle brand in portrait of "Pappy" on the label partnership with the origi- shows a w h ite-haired bournal family owners. He sus- bon baron wreathed in cigar pects the thief or thieves smoke. "It's definitely the No. I whissmuggled it out a case or two at a time. "I don't think key people request," said John anyone could walk out with W iseman, an owner of t h e • Qt


Whiskey Shop in B rooklyn, NY., who counts himself lucky to be allocated a few bottles at a time from his distributor. They sell out instantly. Two weeks ago, Wiseman was contacted by an executive assistant who had called shops all over the country and as far away as Europe trying to buy some for her boss' birthday. "She was pleading with us to get a bottle of Pappy 23," Wiseman said. "I was like, I would love to help you, but I don't have any."

Come stir the pot! Peelapples and stir the giant copper kettle and learn how to make apple butter the old fashioned way over an open fire. Fried biscuits and hot apple butter! 50+ varieties of jams, syrups, pepperjellies and pie fillings. Fresh bakedpies and pumpkinmilk shakes. Lastweekend for cherry wood smoked BBQ pulled pork and chicken sandwiches, pork ribs and bratwurst served with cider baked beans and pear coleslaw. 2363 Tucker Rd. Hood River, or. 97031 (5411386-19?1 info©applevalleystore.com

Packer Orchards R. Bakery 4

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Products bearing these trademarks have no connection with The American National Red Cross.

JOINT RECONSTRUCTION ©DePuy Synthes Joint Reconstruction, a division of DOI 2013


Pope starts cleaning upVatican bureaucracy By Anthony Faiola

is seen as key to restoring the faith of the world's I billion Catholics in the Vatican's administration. In a place where change is often measured in decades if not centuries, Francis personally moved to oust top officials of the secretive Vatican bank only days after a fresh corruption scandal engulfed the institution, officials say. Francis has also backed a push for g r eater f i nancial transparency, while moving faster than many expected to replace Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone — Benedict's secretary of state, who once wielded the power of a vice pope. Bertone, who allegedly stymied efforts to clean up Vatican City, was seen by many observersas a big part ofthe Holy See's problem. More reforms arecoming. Two Vatican officials with direct knowledge of the situation said the pope is preparing to consolidate the Curia's myriad operations, with the

The Washington Post


Kuni Takahashi / New York Times News Service

Meena, 20, who left her village after refusing to marry a man when she was 14, looks out a school window in Rohtak, India.


den at home. But for many, the changes are modest ones. "In the cities, the girls have Continued from A1 There is always the danger phones, because parents prothat someone is quietly gath- vide them, but in the village ering information. we are not g i ven phones," The old and new are con- said Sunita Meham, 23. "She tinually rushing at each other comes to college and sees that in India, most starkly in places other people are using phones, like Haryana, a largely rural, so she also wants to use one. If conservative state abutting her parents agree, and if her New Delhi whose residents friends call her on that phone, c an commute 20 m i les t o they say, 'Why do you have so work in nightclubs and office many friends?'To save herself buildings. But their home vil- all these questions, she has a lages are sleepy places, whose secret phone." main streets are patrolled by Satish, who runs a photoglossy, lumbering black water copy shop next to the college, buffalo. said the khaps are simply too far away to monitor students' Controlling behavior behavior. Phones are often The villages are ruled by exchanged as gifts and kept khap panchayats, unelected secret from the family, he said. "he said,"everyone all-male councils that wield "Generally, strong control over social life, around here has two mobiles including women's behavior. at least." That job becomes much hardSonal Dangi, 20, shrugged er once thewomen have left off the talk of tighter controls. for the city. When one khap Socialchange had taken hold leader listed city shops that in Haryana, she said, and it were allowing young women could not be halted. "Everything has its positive to store mobile phones and change into Western clothes, and negative sides," she said. another suggested p osting "But they can't stop it." informers outsidethe shops with cameras to capture pho- Fear of violence tographicevidence as women But others were far more came and went. wary. The moral arbiters from Om Prakash Dhankar, a the village have informers evkhap leader who voiced his erywhere, Meena said.Police support for this approach, said officers often work with the measureslikethese would pro- khap, many said. Ayoungman tect young women from much from the same village might worse dangers that might fol- report back to a woman's famlow if they freely cultivated ily if he spotted her walking friendships with men. with a man, others said. So "The mobile plays a main could the rickshaw driver who role," he said in an interview. drove her to the city. "You will be surprised how All the young women interthis happens. A girl sits on a viewed in Rohtak could reel bus, she calls a male friend, off stories of classmates who asks him to put money on her simply disappeared, withdrew mobile. Is he going to put mon- from school and were swiftly ey on her mobile for free? No. married to men of their parHe will meet her at a certain ents' choosing after word of a place, with five of his friends, moral infraction reached their and they will call it rape." village. A generation ago, women The possibility of violence here lived in complete seclu- ran like a thin blade through sion from men, and could ap- their chatter: Just last month, pear in public only wearing a young man an d w o man a lightweight cloth that com- s tudying i n R o h ta k w e r e pletely covered their head and killed in public by the womface. Though that tradition is an's relatives after they were fading, many women are still discovered violating the ban not allowed to leave the house on same-village romance. The without permission from a fa- man was beheaded. "You know," said Puja, a ther or husband. H aryana's k h ap s f o c u s 19-year-old student, "the first much of their energy on de- time the parents hear that the fending a single ancient pro- girl is roaming around, either hibition: Men and women are they take her home and get her not allowed to marry anyone married or else they kill them." from the same village. The Even within the khap panlocal interpretation of ancient chayats, there seemed to be Hindu texts holds villagers to little consensus on how, or be brothers and sisters, ren- whether, to keep an eye on dering their unions incestu- young women away from ous. Young people defy the home. In interviews, numerban very rarely, but those who ous local khap leaders scoffed do are sometimes murdered at Dhankar's notion of placing by a gang of male relatives. surveillance units at p l aces As much as the khaps con- where young women change demn these "honor killings," out of their traditional, billowthey are just as adamant about ing clothes. preventingthese romances, a But Dhankar was undauntquest that involves tight con- ed, saying the photographs trol over women. could be shown to the girls' Meena, who left her village parents, or to friendly police several years ago to escape officers, who could threaten an arranged marriage, said to press trumped-up criminal young women there were ter- charges unless the behavior rified of the elders in the khap, stopped. Great dangers await, who scrutinized their behav- Dhankar said, when a young iorand issued a steady stream woman keeps secrets from her of criticism. The criticism, in family. "It starts with a small lie," turn, terrified her parents, who fearedbeing ostracized. he said. "Then they get into "They would say, 'Why is borrowing money and other your daughter going around bad things. The end result is in the village with her head that she will commit suicide or naked?'" she said. "If you someone else will kill her." w ere w a l k in g w i t h yo u r As he was explaining this, head straight, the khap guys his daughter, a high school would say, 'Look down at the science teacher in her early ground, don't make eye con- 40s, chimed in with a robustly tact. Don't h ave i r r elevant dissenting view, and Dhankar conversations.'" admitted cheerfully that the Whether t h ei r i n f l uence women in his house generally extends to college women in ignore what he says. Rohtak, one of Haryana's largGrowing serious, he added est cities, is another matter. that it was misguided to see As young women poured any collision of interests beout of the gates of Maharishi tween young women and the Dayanand University recent- traditionalists in the village. ly, walking down the road in They are, he said, on the same the golden light of afternoon, team. "As long as the girl lives withthey described the alchemy that takes place when young in moral codes, she can have as women from the village mix much freedom as she wants," with classmates from big cit- he said. "If they are going after ies. Some begin illicit romanc- love affairs or extra freedom, es, something strictly forbid- then they are killed."

VATICAN CITY — Seven months after ascending the throne of Saint Peter, Pope Francis is in the midst of a crusade against the sins of Vatican City. Since succeeding Benedict XVI, Francis has p ublicly sought to transform the tone of his office, extending surpriseolivebranches toeveryone from gays and lesbians to professed atheists. But much more quietly, Vatican officials and observers say, the new pontiff has also begun to alter the atmosphere inside the Holy See, taking steps to shed light on the notoriously opaque Vatican Curia. Before Benedict stepped down, documents leaked to the Italian news media detailed a lurid opera of rivalries and corruption inside the sprawling bureaucracy of 2,900 clerics and lay functionaries operating in the shadow of St. Peter's Basilica. Reform

aim of reducing the size of the b u r eaucracy. F r ancis has recently suggested that clerics should focus on their home dioceses rather than

tive has taken root. Bishops who were once chatty with journalists have clammed up. And after Bertone's exit, the question floating around the ancient walls of the city-state is: Whose dome-hatted head could roll next'? Francis is also feeling the beginnings of a b a c klash. Last week, two leading Italian commentators from the same camp as conservative members of the Curia unleashed a front-page tirade in the Foglio newspaper under the headline: "We don't like the new pope." The outburst immediately led to the cancellation of both men's shows on the Italian Catholic radio station, Radio Maria. Though their commentaries had largely targeted what they called the new pope's embrace of modernity and his everyman approach to his lofty office, analysts here also read them as partof a pressure campaign against too much reform, too quickly.

angle for prestigious postings in the Holy See. His new advisory board of eight cardinals from around the globe is seen as a counterweight to the power of Vatican-based authorities. " Is this g oing t o m e a n real change? We do not yet know," said M a ssimo Teodori, a former Italian senator and longtime critic of the Holy See who penned a tome titled "The Greedy Vatican." "But something may be happening. There h ave b een a nnouncements an d p r o nouncements, and under this pope, the power of the Curia around Cardinal Bertone is already no more." Inside the Vatican, a sense of apprehension similar to that of company management after the arrival of a crusading new chief execu-






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Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B4

Weather, B6




Prescribed burns coming this week Up to four prescribed burns are likely to begin this week in forests

across Central Oregon, according to anews release from the Central

Oregon Fire Management Service.

Monday, crewsexpect to start a138-acre burn about12 miles southeast of Bend

near CompanyButte. Tuesday, crews planan 80-acre burn inside the

Lava CastForest 7 miles east of Sunriver. Later in the week, a 123-acre area about1/a miles northeast of the

Camp Shermanstore is likely to be burned, fol-


m racin i i a ins ruc ion By Tyler Leeds The Bulletin

In an Oregon State University-Cascades Campus section of Wildland Fire Scienceand Management on Thursday, students discussed the end to the government shutdown as their professor tried to get ready. But the task for OSU associate professor John Bailey was more complicated than finding a piece of chalk — the feed connecting his image and voice from OSU's main campus in Corvallis to a large flat screen in Bend wasn't quite working. Color

bars appeared intermittently and sometimes the screen went black. After about five minutes and a visit from the IT department, both sides could see each other.

lll (ascad aa

"Oh, you guys look great,"

Reservoir about18 miles


The Bulletin Andy Tullis/The Bulletin

Oregon State University professor John Bailey, pictured on the left screen, delivers a lecture Thursday in Corvallis that is transmitted to a classroom for students attending an OSU-Cascades class, shown on the right screen, at the Central Oregon Community College campus in Bend.

'' ~ e~ /'

month, crews burned approximately100 acres of the 428-acre area

slated for burning near Wickiup Reservoir. Plumes of smokeare likely to be visible from

communities near the burn locations. — Bulletin staff report

j~ -






4~ i g



• Portland:South

Korean shipping line plans to leave the Port of Portland.


. an

c ,. O'V

• Salem:Questions about testing, security

remain for Oregon's medicinal marijuana

dispensary program. • Medford:Southern Oregon manhonored for using CPR to save a life. Stories on B3

Photos by Joe Khne /The Bulletin

Evan Case, right, kicks Rocky Clevenger during the final round of the 10- and 11-year-old intermediate boys sparring competition Saturday at the United States Karate Alliance Oregon State Martial Arts Championships at Cascade Middle School in Bend.

ists an eet at arate tourne

NOV. 5 ELECTION Ballots are in the mail.

Here are the issues: City of Bend

"I'm hoping we made a good impression, because this is not The thump of fists on flesh o n l y t h efirststatetournament,it's mixed with shrill shouts at Cas- a l so going to be the first annual," cade Middle School he said. on Saturday, at the K arra Col g a n , f irst-ever Unit e d "I'm hOPing We Mark Colgan's wife StatesKarateAlliance m~de ~ gOOy and co-owner of the Oregon State Martial karate school, said Arts Championships. ™ ~ " Saturday's t o u rnaBy Scott Hammers

• Measure 9-94: Increase the temporary

The Bulletin

lodging rate from 9 to

10 percent, then to 10.4 percent.

Deschotes County • Measure 9-96: In-

crease the transient room tax outside incorporated areas by 1 percentage point, from 7 to 8 percent.

R~ i '

Deschutes andCrook counties • Measure 9-95: Form Alfalfa Fire District and

create a permanent of $1.75 per $1,000 assessed property value. Deschutesand Jefferson counties • Measure 16-69: Re-

Mark Colgan, or- t) e C BUSe tl7IS ganizer of the event IS ripp pri/y

ment d r ew roughly 120 c o mpetitors from

and owner of Victory MartialArtsinBend,

a ll corners of t h e state,from 4 years old up to 67. E ntrants fac e d off in t h ree different events — forms, a series of choreo-


said the USKA didn't

ta u r nament,

have much of a presence in the state when he moved up f r om California a little over

1~ S glSp gptrlg tO ~e t


three years ago. He

taxing district at a rate Dan Bluhm, of Eagle Point, performs a routine with a 16th-century Perrins war ax weapon Saturday during the United States Karate Alliance Oregon State Martial Arts Championships tournament in Bend.


BY Sheila G. Miller

lowed by the resumption of a burn near Wickiup west of La Pine. Late last

Wirkkala focus on Miranda rights, BAC

ttllCascades ar

Bailey joked to his Bend students as the two-way audiovisual connection stabilized. A traditional "hybrid" course contains a mix of direct and online instruction, but Bailey's course offers the added twist of a livestream transmission that allows him to teach the class remotely. See Digital/B2


graphed moves per-

— »rkColgan formed solo; weaptook it upon himself eventorganizer ons, a similar event to create a foothold for the country's oldp erformed w it h a est karate organizastaff or other weaption, an effort that culminated o n ; and one-on-one sparring. with Saturday's tournament. See Karate /B6

More than 11 hours after he allegedlyshotandkdledhls houseguest, Luke Wirkkala's blood-alcohol level was.08 percent, according to an attorney affidavit filed in September. Several motions filed in the case provide new details on the events surrounding the Feb. 4 death of 31-yearold David Ryder. Wirkkala, who has been held at Wirkkala the D eschutes County jail since his arrest the day of Ryder's death, is due to go to trial in January. Police were called to 20753 Will Scarlet Lane in southeast Bend around 2:30 a.m. Feb. 4, where they found Ryder dead of a gunshot wound. Wirkkala allegedly fired one round from a 12-gauge pump-action shotgun into Ryder, who was married with a 2-year-old son and worked as a software engineer at G5 Search Marketing in Bend. Wirkkala, 33, pleaded not guilty in June to one count of murder. According to a motion filed by Wirkkala's attorneys in September, Wirkkala was not "validly advised" of his Miranda rights before he was interrogated and denied his right to counsel. The motion asks that all statements made by Wirkkala to law enforcement be suppressed, and also asks for suppression of any other evidence that might have been obtained because of illegalsearch and seizure,which occurred because his Miranda rights were not adequate, attorney Walter Todd said. In an affidavit filed in support of the motion to suppress Wirkkala's statements, Todd states Wirkkala was detained for hours by authorities, and during questioning said, "I appreciate the hospitality here fellas, but I think I'm gonna need a lawyer." "(Wirkkala) did not initiate further communication with the police after requesting an attorney," the motion states. In another affidavit, Todd states a blood sample drawn from Wirkkala was.08 percent alcoholat2:25 p.m. on Feb.4, nearly 12 hours after police were called to Wirkkala's residence. Prosecutors apparently plan, according to Todd, to introduce scientific evidence of retrograde extrapolation, which is a math equation in which an expert determines absorption rates, elimination rates and other factors to determine what a person's blood-alcohol content might have been hours before. A hearing is scheduled for Oct. 28 to discuss all motions currently pending in court. A search warrant executed in the wake of Ryder's death remains sealed. — Reporter: 541-617-7831, smiller@bendbulletinicom

new operations levy for Crooked River Ranch Rural Fire Protection District at a rate of 69

cents per $1,000 assessed property value.

'Fistic encounter' between county clerk, judge in1913

Jefferson County • Measure 16-70: Levy a

five-year jail operations tax of $1.24 per $1,000 assessed property

Compiled by Don Hoiness from archived copies of The Bulletin at the DesChutes Historical Museum.


• Measure 16-71: Approve $8 million inbonds for repairs and improvements to schools in the Culver School District.

Read ourstories Coverageleading up to the election is at

denddulletin.coml election2013

100 YEARS AGO For the weeh ending Oct. 19, 1913

Warren Brown and Judge mix Dissension in Judge Springer's official family culminated at the court house last Thursday in what the refined would call a "fistic encounter" and

YESTERDAY the sporting writers might term a "spirited one-round mill." However, no one took the count and the furniture in the county clerk's room, which served as the "squared circle" seems not to have been materially damaged. Warren Brown, county clerk, was the victim of judicial wrath this time, but it is not clearly established just who started physical hostilities, although it is said by eye-witnesses once-removed

that the judge really began the fracas by calling Warren some unpleasant things. Anyway, whatever the judge called Mr. Brown, the county clerk, although weighing in many pounds lighter than his honor, took a swipe or two at the judicial physiognomy. In fact, it is said that Mr. Brown told Springer to get out of his office, immediately after each gentlemen had aired the opinion that the other was a falsifier, and as Mr. Springer didn't appear willing to do this, Mr. Brown tried to put him out.

The row occurred over an order which the judge stated he had made in his now-famous "butcher book," wherein supposedly is kept, in his honor's penciled script, the sacred records of the court's proceedings. At all events, the smoke of battle has drifted away from the court house corridors and no warrants have been sworn out. Those who are not classed as Springer supporters are wondering what will be the outcome of the judge's announced intention of attend-

ing a good roads convention in St. Louis in a few weeks. He got an appointment, in some way, from the Governor, making him a representative to said affair, and now it is stated on good authority that he intends to go there and, which is more important to the taxpayers, to charge his traveling expenses to the county.

Old Maids convene Friday Are you anold maid? Better, are you a bachelor? See Yesterday/B5



E VENT TODAY CORN MAIZEAND PUMPKIN PATCH:An 8-acre corn maze with pumpkin patch and market featuring pumpkincannons,zoo train,pony rides and more; $7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 andyounger for corn maze; $2.50 for most other activities; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Co., 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-5041414 or www.pumpkinco.com. KNOW CULTURA:MAKING SALSA: Explore the history of salsa and learn how to make it at home; free; 1 p.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-312-1034 or tinad@ deschuteslibrary.org. CENTRAL OREGONSYMPHONY FALL CONCERT: An orchestral performance, featuring the 2013 Young Artist Competition winners; free but a ticket is required; 2 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-317-3941 or www. cosymphony.com. REDMOND COMMUNITYCONCERT ASSOCIATIONPERFORMANCE: "Jump" features the pianist-vocalist Diane Line backed by a five-piece band; $60, $25 for studentyounger than18, $125 for family, season subscriptions; 2 and 6:30 p.m., doors open 45 minutes prior to show;Ridgeview HighSchool,4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave.; 541-350-7222, redmondcca@hotmail.com or www. redmondcca.org. HOUSE CONCERTSINTHE GLEN: Two Portland musicians perform, Anna Tivel and Jeffrey Martin; bring dish or beverage to share; $10-15, reservation requested; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; The Glen at Newport Hills, 1019 N.W. Stannium Drive, Bend; 541-480-8830 or ja@prep-profiles.com.

AL E N D A R Sixth St.; 541-317-3941 or www. cosymphony.com. HOPELESSJACK& THE HANDSOME DEVIL: The Portland blues band performs, with Grit and Grizzle; $5; 9 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www. volcanictheatrepub.com. THE WEEKENDERS:The Salt Lake City, Utah-based rock-n-roll band performs; free; 9 p.m.; The Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116 or www. astroloungebend.com.

TUESDAY PUMPKIN PATCH AND MARKET: Pick a pumpkin or visit the market; free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Co.,1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-5041414 or www.pumpkinco.com. "FRIDA: UNRETABLO":The Milagro Theatre Group presents a bilingual play; free; 3 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-318-3726. SHAKEN: BEPREPAREDFORTHE GREATCASCADIA EARTHQUAKE: Chris Goldfinger, a marine geologist and geophysicist at Oregon State University, discusses the science behind theories that a major earthquake will hit the Oregon coast in the next 50 years; free, tickets required; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. TRAPDOOR SOCIALAND MYSTERYSHIP: The Los Angeles alternative-rock band performs, with Seattle's Mystery Ship; $5; 9 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www.volcanictheatrepub.com.

MONDAY PUMPKIN PATCHANDMARKET: Picka pumpkin or visit the market; free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Co., 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-5041414 or www.pumpkinco.com. CENTRAL OREGONSYMPHONY FALL CONCERT: An orchestral performance, featuring the 2013 Young Artist Competition winners; free but a ticket is required; 7:30 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E.



he doesn't see you raise your hand." Despite the issues, both students said they are happy with the class overall, emphasizing that it is an improvement over a st r ictly o nline course, the other path open into Bailey's course. Bailey is eager to hear the criticisms, and acknowledged that, on average, his students in Corvallis seem somewhat more engaged than his distance-learners. One of the issues is the tiny lag time that accumulates as voices and faces travel between the campuses. "Something I worry about, and we've talked about, is making sure the Bend students feel comfortable speaking up, even though it may be awkward or they feel like they're interrupting," Bailey said. "With so much more to pay attention to, I can get rolling and miss something. But we're on the leading edgewith this course." Bailey said he embraces thechallenges,and sees them as a way to make this format better. "There is a challenge but also a fascination to it," he said. "It's something that has to be done, the need is there, and someone needs to test it and work the kinks out. We'll work to smooth the kinks out and find what works in or der to build a critical mass of people doing it who can share ideas." The fusion of online with face-to-face instruction adds an additional dynamic to Bailey's class with its own opportunities and challenges. "Nobody needs to sit in a classroom and j u st si m ply hear a le cture these days," said Becky Johnson, an OSU vice president and the highest ranking administrator at OSU-Cascades. "Now students can more often meet in small groups and really interact with the professor during class time." Ron Reuter, an OSU-Cascades associate professor of naturalresources, reinforced this sentiment. "We don't waste student and instructor time by showing up to class and then watching a video that they could have watched from the comfort of their house and have them fall asleep in the classroom," Reuter said, referencing his own hybrid courses. "With the

Contlnued from B1 Overall, there ar e t h r e e cohorts of st udents, one in Bend, one in Corvallis and an "Ecampus" group focused on Internet instruction that is literallyspread across the world. The university has plans to grow its hybrid and transmission offerings as a means to provide its growing student body with mo re variety. Of approximately 200 OSU-Cascades courses a year, about five are transmitted and 10 use a hybrid approach. "These students get an experienced OSU forestryprofessor, and that department is sort of the Yankees of forestry," said OSU-Cascades Communications Director Christine Coffin. "Hiring our own faculty is something we want to do right, and that takes time. Hybrid classes allow us to grow sustainably as we can bring in quality professors without having to bring someone fresh into the OSU world." Two university classrooms at Cascades Hallonthe Central Oregon Community Co llege Campus have vi d eo-confer-

encing technology, including a series of microphones that allow students in all corners of the room to ask questions.At the univcrsity's Graduate and Research Center on Colorado Avenue,a mobile video-conferencesystem can travelfrom one classto another. The university offers i n structors training for hybrid and distance-learning, but as Bailey himself admits, managing the technology involved while also adjusting one's ped-

agogycan be challenging. "An analogy maybe the added work required to go out of your way to pick up extra kids to take to the football game," Bailey said. "It's more work, but you have more personalities in the car and at the game, and that's what matters." Bailey's students had complaints a few weeks in, but overall remained optimistic. "The first week was pretty good," said A l l an Sa nford, 48, a student in the natural resources program. "But the last two weeks it's been kind of bad. One day,he couldn't hear us." Michale Slater, a 26-yearold in th e s a me pr o gram, complained that "sometimes

LUNCH AND LECTURE: Learn about ranching in the High Desert; bring a sack lunch; included in the price of admission; $15 adults, $12 ages 65 and older, $9 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; noon-1 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. PUMPKIN PATCH AND MARKET:

Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communitylifeibendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at vvvvw.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

Pick a pumpkin or visit the market; free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Co., 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-5041414 or www.pumpkinco.com. KNOW CULTURA:SUGARSKULLS: Prepare and decorate the traditional Day of the Dead treat; grades 612; free;1:30 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1034 or tinad@ deschuteslibrary.org. "THE TREMBLINGGIANT":A screening of the feature-length documentary about the beauties of elk camp and the passion for hunting followed by a Q-and-A with the filmmakers; $6 in advance, $8 at the door; 6:30 p.m., doors at 5:30 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com. "MERRILYWE ROLL ALONG": A screening of Stephen Sondheim's play from London's West End; $15; 7 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-312-2901. IGNITE BEND 11: Presenters have five minutes to talk about 20 PowerPoint slides that are rotated every15 seconds; free; 7 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St.; 541-3170700 or www.towertheatre.org. WORLD'S FINEST:The Portland Americana reggae band performs; free; 7-10 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com.

THURSDAY PUMPKIN PATCHAND MARKET: Pick a pumpkin or visit the market; free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Co.,1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-5041414 or www.pumpkinco.com. KNOW CULTURA:SUGARSKULLS: Prepare and decorate the traditional Day of the Dead treat; ages 9-12; free; 3:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1034 or tinad© deschuteslibrary.org. HISTORICALHAUNTS OF DOWNTOWN BEND:W alkto historical buildings that are said to have experienced paranormal

availability of media in th i s age, face-to-face time should be betterused for discussion and debaterather than watching a video. In the long run, the university can makemore efficient use of time and space." Reuter also n o ted h o w courses with online components are more flexible, as some of the class time is replaced by self-directed work. Because of this, Reuter said, students " can commit to a work schedule if they need financial support and take care of the online component when that fits their schedule." Still, students in Ba i ley's class said they were wary of courses that overemphasize online instruction. "I like being able to talk and ask questions and actually be in a classroom," Slater said. Marla Hacker, OSU-Cascades' associate dean of academic programming, said that while the university is training

events and hear their ghostly tales; $10, free for museum members and ages 12 and younger; 4-7:30 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 N.W. Idaho Ave.; 541-389-1813 or www.deschuteshistory.org. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Gregory Nokes will present from his book, "Breaking Chains: Slavery on Trial in the Oregon Territory"; $3, free for members, reservation requested; 68 p.m.;High DesertMuseum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-3824754 or www.highdesertmuseum. Ol'g.

"THE TREMBLINGGIANT":A screening of the feature-length documentary about the beauties of elk camp and the passion for hunting followed by a Q-and-A with the filmmakers; $6 in advance, $8 at the door; 6:30 p.m., doors at 5:30 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com. JON WAYNE ANDTHE PAIN: A CD release show for the Minnesota reggae, acoustic rock band performs; free; 7-10 p.m.; McMenamins Old St, Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174. NIHILITUS:The Los Angeles metal band performs; free; 7 p.m.; Third Street Pub, 314 S.E.Third St., Bend; 541-306-3017 or www. reverbnation.com/venue/868557. RIFFTRAXLIVE,"NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD":The stars of Mystery Science Theater 3000 give their take on the zombie movie; $12.50; 8 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-312-2901.

FRIDAY CORN MAIZEAND PUMPKIN PATCH:An 8-acre corn maze with pumpkin patch and market featuring pumpkincannons,zootrain,pony rides and more; $7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 and younger for corn maze; $2.50 for most other activities; noon-7 p.m., pumpkin patch open until 6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Co., 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-5041414 or www.pumpkinco.com. HISTORICALHAUNTS OF DOWNTOWN BEND:Walkto

more and more professors in hybrid education, the traditional classroom will continue to be the dominant mode of instruction. "There's still a large number, a majority even, that really want and need classroom learning," she said. "The cool thing is that higher education is starting to realize that there are different learning preferences,just like in other areas, peoplewant more choices." Hacker said the university's efforts at training faculty in

hybrid teaching does not signal a seachange, but is merely meant to provide teachers with more skills. "We're just starting to retool the faculty in this new way of teaching so that they may apply it where appropriate," she said. "It won't be across the board, but it in creasestheir toolbox of teaching." — Reporter: 541-633-2160, tleeds@bendbufletin.com

historical buildings that are said to have experienced paranormal events and hear their ghostly tales; $10, free for museum members and ages 12 and younger; 4-7:30 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 N.W. Idaho Ave.; 541-389-1813 or www.deschuteshistory.org. VFWAUXILIARYANNUAL CABBAGE ROLL DINNER: A community dinner; $9; 5 p.m.; VFW Hall,1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. HAUNTEDHOUSE:Featuring scares, candy, prizes and hot chocolate; free; 6-9:30 p.m.; Terrebonne Grange Hall, 828611th St.; 541-788-0865 or myrna© threecreekscomputing.com. THE HARVEST MOON DINNER DANCE:Featuring a buffet dinner and dancing to music by "The Notables"; $12, registration requested; 6 p.m. dinner, 7 p.m. dance; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-3881133 or www.bendparksandrec.

Featuring comedians Todd Armstrong and Adam Norwest, live and silent auctions, raffle and more; $50 or two tickets for $80; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-312-6047 or www.bit. ly/1 cdJG3Q. BENEFITCONCERT:Local bands featuring The Quons, Hilst and Coffey and more; proceeds benefit Feed The Hungry; $5 suggested donation; 7 p.m .;Bend'sCommunity Center, 1036 N.E. Fifth St.; 541-312-2069. THE SCAREGROUNDS:A haunted house; recommended onlyforages 12 and older; $12 for one haunt, $20 for two haunts, $25 for three haunts; 7 p.m.,gates open at6:30 p.m.;old Parr Lumber buildings, 443 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; 541-5484755 or www.scaremegood.com. TRIVIANIGHT AT "THE CAFE": Play three rounds of trivia with prizes; theme is holiday movies from the '80s,'90s and today; up to four people a team; free, registration requested; 7-8:30 p.m.; Barnes 8 Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242. AN EVENINGWITH EDGAR ALLAN POE:Alastair Morley performs theatrical readings from the author; $10 in advance, $12 at the door; 8-10 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or www.belfryevents.com. JAZZ AT THE OXFORD: Featuring the Javon Jackson Band and Les McCann; $49, $248.40 for series pass,plusfees;8 p.m .;TheOxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436 or www. jazzattheoxford.com.


"ARSENICANDOLDLACE": Sunriver Stars Community Theater presents the play; proceeds benefit scholarships to Fastcamp for Three Rivers schools; $5, $25 for dinner theater (Saturday only); 6:30 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road; 541-593-4150 or www. sunriverstars.org. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Jon Bell presents a talk and slideshow basedon his book"On Mount Hood: A Biography of Oregon's Perilous Peak"; $5; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 422 S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; 541-526-1491. "THE PEOPLINGOF THE AMERICAS" SERIES: Wilson Wewa, a Northern Paiute elder and historian, explains how traditional legends, oral histories and observations support the idea that Native Americans have always been here and did not originate elsewhere; free, $5 day-use pass permit; 7-8:30 p.m.; Smith Rock State Park Visitor Center, 10260 N.E. Crooked River Drive, Terrebonne; 541-923-7551 ext. 21 or www. oregonstateparks.org. 16TH ANNUALCOMEDYBENEFIT FOR BIGBROTHERS BIG SISTERS:

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anin ans o eave o an The Associated Press PORTLAND — A South Korean shipping line that badly needs to cut costs plans to leave the Port of Portland, threatening the Northwest economy, increasing costs to big importers and putting at risk the viability of the port's international container terminal. Hanjin Shipping Co. Ltd., the Port of Portland's biggest trans-Pacific container carrier, has made plans to pull out of Portland, The Oregonian reported. The move wouldjeopardize the i nternational c ontainer terminal because prices could increase substantially for the remaining two carriers. Port of Portland managers

said Friday the decision may not be final, and pledged to do what they could to retain Hanjin or find a replacement. "They have reached out to us," said Sam Ruda, Port of Portland director of m arine and industrial development. "Their senior vice president of sales, marketing and operations wants to come out here within the next two weeks and certainly talk to the Port and (ICTSI Oregon Inc., which operates the terminal.)" Hanjin's service represents about 80 percentof the container terminal's volume, said Josh Thomas, a Port spokesman. He said the service supports an estimated 771 jobs in the region.

A Hanjin letter sent to customers Thursday and obtained by The Oregoniandid leave an opening for reconsideration. " Hanjin Shipping wil l c o ntinue to review the resumption of direct call service based on changing circumstances," it sa>d. H anjin, which b egan i t s Portland-Asia service in 1994, pulled out at one point in 2001 and returned three or f our months later. Portland has always been an expensive port, as shipping companies have to hire pilots and take the time to bring their vessels 100 miles up the Columbia River for relatively low container volumes. But a festering longshore labor dis-

AROUND THE STATE AShland Slaying —A suspect in the slaying of a 62-year-old Ashland man hasbeenarrested at aVancouver grocery store. KGW-TV reports U.S. Marshals swarmed anIGAgrocery store and arrested

pute and increased terminal charges also appear to have taken a toll on Hanjin. Jeff M c E wen, P o r t land manager for the South Ko-

Othon Robert Campos, Jr., of Medford, on Saturday morning. Cam-

rean shipping line, said con-

arrested Tuesday.Campos isaccused of aggravated murder.

tainer handling costs and low longshore labor p r o ductivity helped make Portland too expensive. "The actual charges have substantially increased, and when p r oductivity d o esn't meet our n orms," McEwen said, "the cost goes up even more." The longshore union and the port operator, locked in a contract dispute, blamed each other for Hanjin's decision. Hanjin has lost more than $100 million this year.

pos has beenindicted on murder, robbery and burglary charges in connection with the death of FrankRonald Damiano, also knownas Tony Della Pena. Police say Campos and Merlin Elmo Bound III broke into Damiano's home at a mobile home park to rob him. Bound was

POrtland ShOOting —Police say two people were shot and wounded Friday night in north Portland. Officers say witnesses reported hearing multiple gunshots just after 9:30 p.m. KATU-TV reports both victims were taken to hospitals. They were found about 70

feet away from eachother. Their conditions were not known. ROSOborg ICij —The intensive care unit at the Roseburg Veterans Affairs Medical Center won't reopen, despite federal lawmakers' requests. The ICU at the hospital closed in 2009. The Roseburg NewsReview reports the hospital even stopped performing surgeries that

require an overnight stay after a 61-year-old retired Army sergeant fell ill following a hernia operation and died of cardiac arrest in an ambulance en route to a Springfield hospital. The Roseburg VA Health

Care System serves 26,000 veterans. — From wire reports

Questions SouthernOregon ma n honored cc McKenzie remain for for savinga life byusing CPR SHOES & APPAREL

pot shops

By Chris Conrad MEDFORD — Not a day goes by in which Greg Johnson doesn't think of the name John Bowling. It's understandable, seeing as how Johnson would not be here if not for a chance encounter between the two this summer. Johnson was out for his regular bike ride when he suddenly felt dizzy and lost consciousness. A 70 percent blockage in a main artery to his heart had caused him to dive into cardiac arrest. The Medford resident and his bike hit the ground and he soon found himself surrounded by a crowd of people, none of them knowing what to do. F ortunately, D r . Joh n B owling was o n h i s w a y home to Jacksonville when he noticed the commotion. "I didn't know if what I was going to do would work, but I felt I had to do something," Bowling said. He jumped from his car and began aggressive CPR on Johnson's lifeless body. "He wasn't breathing and didn't have a pulse," Bowling said. "My first thought was, what if I do it wrong'?" Bowling, a doctor of psy-

The Associated Press SALEM — The committee tasked with drawing up the rulesfor Oregon's medical marijuana dispensary

program is facing questions about security, mari-

juana testing and paying for oversight. Oregon's l egi s lature passed House Bill 3460 during the 2013 legislative session that approved medical marijuana retail establishments and createda registry for potentially hundreds of businesses that want to sell medical marijuana. Oregon's Medical Marijuana DispensaryLaw Rules Advisory Committee met Friday with several fundamental questions about the program stiII looming beforethe dispensary law goes into effect on March 1, The Statesman Journal reports. Proposed securityrules for the d ispensaries include round-the-clock r e corded surveillance and where the dispensary's marijuana and cash will be kept while the business is closed. "No cash or stash is a great way to keep all your windows," Noel B u llock, owner of Cherry City Compassion dispensary in Salem, said. "A safe suggests that's not an option." Shannon O'Fallon,an Oregon Department of Justice attorney, warned that dispensary owners might not get legal protection if they kept their product off the grounds of a registered facility. The panel was also frustrated by the lack of literature on marijuana testing.

compressions early. Don't be afraid that you're not performthem perfectly, the goal is was going to do would ing to get blood moving through work, but I felt I had to the body anyway possible. "Don't be afraid to get in do something." there and do it," Bates said. — John Bowling "Many people freeze because they might not feel they can do it correctly." Cheryl Johnson, his wife, Bowling learned CPR as doesn't dwell on what could part of his ski patrol training have happened had Bowling on Mount Ashland. As part of not sprung to action that day. the award, he received an au"We focus on the fact that tomated external defibrillator he's here with us now," she (AED), which performs comsard. pressions in case of a heart atThe couple have two chil- tack. He will donate the AED dren. They also have made to Mount Ashland. Bowling an honorary member M eanwhile, three city o f of their family. Medford workers were award" I wouldn't go so fa r a s ed lifesaving awards for their to call us friends, but we've work performing CPR on a kept in touch," Johnson said. man who suffered cardiac ar"I think about the name John rest on Laurel Street earlier Bowling every day." this year. The Johnsons hope to spend Lani Sang, Nate Warner some time with Bowling and and Ryan Clark were at work his family later this year. on Laurel Street when they For his efforts that d ay, heard a cry for help from a Bowling was given a lifesav- nearby home. They quickly ing award Thursday at the rushed to the house, where Southern Oregon Safety and they found a mother unable to Health Conference held at open the front door because Central Medford School. her adult son had collapsed in S en. Alan Bates, who i s front. They began CPR before himself a m e d ical d o ctor, paramedics arrived. The man praised B owling's w i l l ing- later died, but their efforts in ness to act quickly in a chaotic trying to revive him were honsituation. ored regardless. "I want t o p r a ise t hese The key to successful CPR, B ates said, i s j u m ping i n people for stepping up," Bates and getting busy with chest satd.

"I didn't know if what I

Medford Mail Tribune

chology and a professor at Southern Oregon University, continued chest compressions for s everal m i nutes until a pulse and oxygen returned to Johnson's body. Johnson was rushed to the hospital and underwent lifesaving surgery and is on his way to a full recovery. "I'd say I'm about 80 percent back," Johnson said. "But if i t w a sn't for John Bowling, I wouldn't be here."


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ro e s s iona PAT LYNCH c/0The Bulletin,P.O.Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708


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WILLS/PROBATE/ESTATE At the time my father passedawayall of his assets

If my spouse needs to move to a nursing

home can I continue to reside in my ramily home and still have my spouse qualify for

were in savings and money market accounts held in his name alone. My two siblings and I are the named as the POD (payable on death) beneficiaries. Do I


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Don't wait untilit's too tate. Start now.

No . You only need to open a probate if your father has assets that do not transfer to you and your siblings as beneficiaries. You can submit a certified copy of his death certificate to the bank and the bank will Metissa P. Lande distribute the assets from his account in equal shares to Auorney at Lau the named beneficiaries. Assets that can be transferred BRYANT, LOVLIENwithout a probate are: assetsheld with another with right of & JARVIS, P.C. survivorship; assets held in a revocable living trust; certain bank andbrokerage accounts with a payable on death ATTORNEYS AT LAW 591 S.W. Mill View Way designation; stocks and bonds with a transfer on death Bend, Oregon 97702 designation and life insuranceand retirement accounts that name a beneficiary. If an asset doesnot pass by one of these 541-s824331 methods, then it will likely be subject to probate.

REAL ESTATE What is title insurance, and why do I need it?

Title insurance protects owners and lenders rrom financial loss arising from defects in the title to real estate, liens of record, and other matters of public record that threaten an owner's interest. In exchange for the payment or a premium, a titleinsurance company researches public records Cratg Edwards to determine who OwnS the property, what liens are claimed, and what rights or interests others may claim Anorney ai Larc —such aseasements. Au clouds on the title are disclosed EDWARDS LAIN in a"Preliminary Title Report,"alerting a prospective OFFICES PC buyer and its lender to the title derects and claims that 225 N.W. Franklin Ave. exist, and which may cause the buyer to lose its interest and entire investment ir not removed before or at Suite 2 real estate without considering Bend, Oregon 97701 closing. Never purchase 541-318-0061 the need for title insurance.

Medicaid assistance to pay for his care?

Un d er the Deficit Reduction Act ro2005, up to $500,000 in equity value in a home is exempt from thedetermination of eligibility for Medicaid. There are several exceptions to this rule. One exception is if the Medicaid recipient's Lisa Bertalan spouse continues to reside in the home. Thus, in your case, depending on the equity value in the e> ~>» r>>< home, you could conunue to reside in 1he home R Bertalan, L L P and the home would not be counted towards your husband's Medicaid eligibility. other excepuons •~•

7] s Nw Hgpe~gg st apply if the Medicaid reciPien< is unable to convert

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the excess value to cash or if the property is counted

as income producing under Medicaid law.



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Do be careful about saying that now! Some background: An employeecomplaint that he/she is being harassedoften triggers a duty to investigate. During an investigauon, it's a common practice to tell interviewees to"keep this confidential'"to help protect the integrity of the investigation and the confidentiality of those involved. But the National Labor Relations Board recently held that an instruction or Kurt Barker policy not to discuss anongoing investigation with co-workAitorney ai Lau pI y ' "~ ld I i " igh h . Karnopp (Those rights apply in union and non-union workplaces a Petersen LLP An EEOC field oAice recently indicated support for a similar 1201 N.W.Wall Street position, too. Suite 200 The NLRB's decision doesleaveroom for some careful instrucBend, Oregon 97701 uons to interviewees,especially where a businessjustification 541-s82-3011 outweighs concerted activity rights. Work with your employwww.karnopp.com ment lawyer for guidanceduring any employeeinvestigation.




BITUARIES JoAnn 'Jodi' Boyer Kloos

DEATH NOTICES Dianne L. Gribble, of Bend

Laurel Harriett Griffiths, of Redmond

July 6, 1937 - Oct. 11, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend is honored to serve the family. 541-318-0842 www.autumnfunerals.net Services: Celebration of life at Cascade Village Club House, 63700 Cascade Village Dr., Bend on Oct. 26, 2013 at 2 PM Celebration Of life at Vista Del Rio Club House, 17401 SE 39th St., Vancouver, WA on Nov. 16, 2013 at 2 PM.

Mar. 31, 1929 - Oct. 16, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond, (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: No services are planned at this time.

Doris "Dot" Katherine Withers, of Redmond Oct. 15, 1924 - Oct. 16, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond, (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: No Services are planned at this time.

Harlan Burdett Larson, of Bend Oct. 11, 1922 - Oct. 10, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 www.autumnfunerals.net Services: Private Services were held.

James Thomas Hudspeth, of Redmond Dec. 25, 1944 - Oct. 17, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, November 2, 2013, at 11:00 AM with a luncheon to immediately follow at First Missionary Baptist Church, located at 21129 SE Reed Market Road in Bend, Oregon. Contributions may be made to:

Partners In Care Hospice 2075 NE Wyatt Court Bend, Oregon 97701 www.partnersbend.org

Jerry Abner Williams, of Redmond Aug. 24, 1944 - Oct. 16, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: A Memorial Service will be held Thursday, October 24, 2013, at 11:00 a.m. at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, located at 450 SW Rimrock Way in Redmond, Oregon. A luncheon will immediately follow.

Larry L. Morris, of Bend Aug. 9, 1923-Oct. 17, 2013 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds is honored to serve the family. Please visit the online registry at www.niswonger-reynolds. com 541-382-2471. Services: Private family services will be held.

Russell Albert Carson, of Bend Nov. 9, 1954 - Oct. 9, 2013 Arrangements: Redmond Memorial Chapel is honored to serve the family. 541-548-32'I 9. Please sign our online guest book www.redmondmemorial.com

Services: No service is planed at this time. Contributions may be made to:

A charity of ones choice in Russell Carson's name.

Stephen Thomas Peccia, of Redmond Dec. 15, 1946 - Oct. 13, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, November 9, 2013 at 1:00 PM at River Run Lodge at Eagle Crest Resort in Redmond, Oregon. Contributions may be made to:

Bladder Cancer Advocacy Network, 4915 St. Elmo Avenue, Suite 202, Bethesda, MD 20814, www.bcan.org or Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Court, Bend, Oregon 97701, www.partnersbend.org

Judy May Heald, of Sunriver Dec. 20, 1941 - Oct. 5, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 www.autumnfunerals.net Services: Private family services were held.

Laurel Griffiths Mar. 31,1929- Oct.16, 2013 L aurel H . G r i f f i t hs, f o r m erly o f Re d m o nd , O r egon, passed away peacefully on O ctober 16, 2013. She was 84. L aurel wa s b o r n M a r c h 31, 1929 in Redmond, Ore gon, to Owen an d A n n a (Hein) B r o w n . S he at tended Redmond schools, graduating from Redmond High in 1947. I n 1 9 4 8 s he m ar r i e d J ames L . G r i f f i t hs. T h ey r aised t h ei r f a m i l y and d airy-farmed west of R edmond u n t i l t h e i r r e tirement. Laurel is survived by her t hree d a u g h t ers , L i n d a A pperson an d K at hy V aughan b o t h o f Pr i n e v ille, an d D e b r a E r l a n d sen of Madras. Other surv ivors i n clude si x g r a n d children , ten g r eat r andchildren a n d th r e e r others, R i c h a rd , G l e n and Clifford Brown. L aurel wa s p r e ceded i n death by her parents, husband and b r other, Burton Brown. A t L a u r el's r e quest, n o services will be held. A utumn Fun e r a l s of R edmond h a s b e e n e n trusted with arrangements; (541) 504-9485; www.autumnfunerals.net

Wayne Donaldson July 21, 1945 - Octoder 10, 2013 Wayne Donaldson is surv ived by h i s l o v ely w i f e , B essie D o n a l dson; c h i l d ren, Marianne an d M a t t hew D o n aldson; an d 1 0 year-old grandson, Jordan Donaldson. With many y ears i n t he car j b u s iness, $4) ' anyone w ho e v e r knew Wayne w as al .~t. / ways Wayne greeted Donaldson s mile a t B ob Th oma s Chevrolet. He loved riding dirt b i k es , s n o w m obiles, a nd a n y t h in g e l s e f a s t ! Wayne also loved to camp and travel in his RV. He was diagnosed with p ancreatic cancer in J u l y , 2013 and lost his battle to cancer October 10 , 2 0 13. He will truly be missed! Autumn Funerals of Bend is i n c h a rg e o f a r r a ngements - (541) 318-0842. www.autumnfunerals.net

July13, 1935 - Oct. 13, 2013 W ith he r f a m il y b y h e r side, Jodi p a ssed q u i etly f rom l if e t o L I F E , i n t h e early morning hours of October 13. Jodi was born to Charles and Edna B oyer i n Salem, Oregon July 13, 1935. She graduated from Salem High JoAnn Kloos S chool i n 1953, and attended Oregon State University, g r aduati ng wit h a d e g ree i n E l ementary Edu c a tio n i n 1958. W h il e going to college, she was a member of Gamma Phi Beta sorority, and helped pay her college e xpenses by m o d eling a t Meier & Frank in Portland, and at various department stores in Salem. She part icipated i n t h e M i s s O r egon pageant in1956, being voted Miss Congeniality. On February I, 1958, Jodi was joined in m a r r iage to the love of her life, Charles (Chuck) Kloos, who she aff ectionately referred to a s " Carlos". Moving t o B e n d i n 1964, she taught for 2 7 y ears i n Be n d at Bea r Creek, Kenwood, and R.E. J ewell schools, retiring i n 1993 from a 30-year teaching career. A f ter r e t i ring, Jodi and Chuck traveled in t heir motorhome to A ri zona and California during the winter months. She enjoyed g o lfing a n d c r o s sword puzzles, was an avid reader, an excellentseams tress, and d o ted o n h e r a dored dog, Buffy. But o f u tmost importance to h e r was her family. J odi i s s u r vived b y h e r h usband of 55 year s , Charles Kloos; her daught er, Collene Nagelhout o f Bend; her son and daught er-in-law, T ra c y an d Rhonda Kloos of B e nd; a brother an d s i s t er-in-law, Keith and Jan Boyer of Sal em, O r e g on ; a si st e r in-law, Alberta Galaway of Portland, Or e g on ; fou r grandchildren; f ou r g r e atgrandchildren, and numerous nieces an d n e phews. An infant daughter, Christine, preceded her in death. A private f amily s e rvice was held at Deschutes Memorial Gardens Friday, Oct ober 18, 2013. In l i e u o f f lowers, t h e f a m i l y s u g gests donations to Hospice H ouse, o r th e SMA R T reading program.

Reporter SaraFritz wasregarded asone of political journalism's'unsung heroes' By Adam Bernstein

smoking liberties improved after she moved to WashingWASHINGTON — S a r a to n i n the early 1970s to cover Fritz, a Wa s h ington-based t h e labor beat for the United journalist who worked Press I n t ernational

Angeles Times for much of the 1980s and 1990s, she covered the Reagan-era armsfor-hostages scandal known as Iran-contra and the Whiteon early computer-as- FEATURED w i reservice. water real estate investigasisted investigations, OBp UARp She later worked for tion involving Bill and Hillary won awards for h er U.S. News 8 W o r ld Clinton. coverage ofthe White Report a s Wh it e Besides her husband of 38 House and C o ngress, an d Ho u s e correspondent during years, of Washington, surviwrote searchingly about the t h e early years of the first Rea- vors include a daughter, Mary suicide of her 12-year-old son, g a n administration. Kidney of Chicago; and two died Wednesday at George A s a reporter for the Los sisters. Washington University Hospital in Washington. She was 68. <o> The cause was complications from a l ung i nfection August 5, 1936 — October 10, 2013 ~ '~ P after hip surgery last month, Mother, grandmother, wife, community volunteer, and life-long Oregonian, said her husband, James Kid"!". Kay Lammers was born in Portland, Oregon to Mercedith and Willard ney. She was a District of Co'4 Burton. After a life of warmth, generosity, great cooking, and love, she lumbia resident. passed from us, surrounded by family, on October 10, in Bend, Oregon. American Journalism Rer view described Fritz as one «;i Kay grew up in southeast Portland, attended Marysville Grade School, of the " unsung heroes" of and graduated from Franklin High School in 1954. Her children were born political reporting — r arely o to her within a marriage to Reuben Reid Miller, whom she later divorced, I'.I a schmoozer or schmoozee, and was a successful single mother before she married Walter Ralph never landing on trendy lists of I";.~r, 'Lammers . on March 20, 1970, in Portland, Oregon, which resulted in a star journalists, and seldom on happy blended family with four children. the receiving end of calculated Kay worked in various clerical/administrative assistant positions for leaks by powerful people. But if she was largely unMaytag, Jantzen, and Boyd's Coffee plus some time doing administrative feted by the Washington saoffice work for a dental office. After all of their children were raised, Walt lon crowd and general public, and Kay moved to Zig Zag, Oregon, where she became a merchant store Fritz earned a reputation for owner of the Sears Catalog Store in Welches, which later moved to Sandy, d ogged investigative w o r k before retiring and moving to Crooked River Ranch, Oregon. Volunteering that brought her some of the for the Crooked River Ranch Fire Department kept Kay busy as she profession's highest honors. served on the fire board and helped to pass the bond resulting in the new Her career began inauspifire station that now serves the community. Kay will be missed by many ciously in 1966, as a $115-a friends and family. week copy editor at the PittsI She is survived by her husband, Walter Ralph Lammers II; her daughter, burgh Press. It was a newsLinda Bauman (Tony Bauman); sons, Lane Miller (Julie Miller), Lee room larded with spittoons, Miller (Kathy Miller), Walter Ralph Lammers III (Lesley Lammers); and the few women on staff grandchildren, Brandon Kerbs(Iticki Kerbs), Brenda Webster, Anneka had to smoke in the bathroom. 0 Miller, Hannah Miller, Alana Lammers; and great- grandchildren, Tayler Her career trajectory and The Washington Post


Webster, Gavin Kerbs, Tyson Kerbs and Aiden Webster. ',;>tl

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around theworld: Roger Richman, 69: A celebrity agent who is w idely credited with helping to invent the dead-celebrity industry, a multimillion-dollar r ealm built on licensing the rights to images of the prominent posthumously. Died Oct. 9 in Los Angeles. Kumar Pallana, 94: An Indian character actor with small parts in movies such as "The Terminal" and " T h e R oyal Tennenbaums." Died Oct. 10 in Oakland, Calif. — From wire reports

Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They maybesubmitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.


Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication, and by 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details.

Memorial Service will be held at Zion Lutheran Church in Redmontfon h, October 26th at 1:00 pm. Memorials may be given to Zion Lutheran,k. i L~ ~®z~~ Church or Partners In Care Hospice House in Bend "' v.jg>t'." aiq.' +

STEVE PECCIA December 15, 1946 - October 13, 2013 StevePeccia,loving husband, father and grandfather,died O ctober13,2013, after a 2'A year courageous battle with bladder cancer. He was 66 years old. Stevewas born in Portland, Oregon on December 15, 1946. He graduated from Central Catholic High School in 1964. H e attended Portland State College and served four yearsin the U.S. Air Force. He retired as the General Manager from Western Wire Works in 1993. Stevewas an avid golferand was the Eagle Crest Men's Club Champion in 2007 and 2012.

He volunteered for Hospice, delivered Meals on Wheels and was always the fi rstperson to step forward to help family and friends when there was a need. Steveissurvived by hisw ife,Nancy; and daughters,Karen Rogers (Gary), Kim Gill (Eric), stepdaughter, Lisa Williams (Lane);grandchildren,Owen and Jayna Rogers, Riley,Carter and Dylan Gill, Connor and Tristan Williams. He is also survived by his sister, Carole Messuri (Tom); nephews, Andrew and Matthew Messuri. Steve was preceded in death by his first wife, Carol; granddaughter, Carly; his mother, Yvonne; and father, Norman. The family suggests remembrances to Bladder Cancer AdvocacyNetwork, 9415 St.Elmo Ave.,Suite 202, Bethesda, MD 20814 or to Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Court, Bend, OR 97701.

A Celebration of Life will be held November 9, 2013, 1:00 p.m., River Run Lodge at Eagle Crest Resort.

JAMES FRANKLIN PHILLIPS, SR. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254

Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

June 18, 1985 - October 3, 2013 Our belovedonepassed away suddenly on the morning of Oct, 3, 2013, Lynsey was lifted by God with pure serenity and peace,

She was bornJune 18, 1985, in La Jolla, Californiato Michael and Brenda Baron, She movedto Oregon with her family in 1996, Upon graduation from Redmond High School in 2003, sheattended school to become a dental assistant, She worked as anendodontic assistantuntil the birth of her daughter, Audreyin 2008, At that time she and her husband, Dan decided she should become a stay-at-home mom,to raise and nurture their children, They wereblessedwith a second daughter, Brooklyn in 2011, She was compassionate about this commitment and did it with all her heart, So many based theirexistence on Lynsey'slove, Lynsey was a beautiful soul that has made an everlasting imprint on our hearts, We can thank Lynsey for coming into our lives, making us laugh, and showing us howto love unconditionally, We may not understand why she wastaken from us, but that isnot for us to reason, She was a gift to us all, devoted wife and mother to her beautiful daughters, her joy was caring for her family. She had astrong faith and taught her sweetchildren about God and His plans. We will miss our dear Lynsey every day and carry her in our hearts forever,

She is survived by her parents, Michael and Brenda Baron of Redmond, OR; husband, Dan Nolan; daughters, Audrey and Brooklyn of Gresham, OR; lovingsisters, Tanya Baron of San Diego, CA and Amy and her husband, Adam Tessin of Irvine, CA; niece, Addison Grace Tessin; father-in-law, Kevin Nolan and mother-in-law, Patty Nolan, of Gresham, OR; sister-in-law, Cori and her husband,James Strand of Albuquerque, NM; as well as many loving aunts, uncles, and cousins,

Thosewho preceded her to the heavenly city are her grandmothers, Mary Viola Halsey, Evelyn Gail Simmons, and Grandma Oma Baron; grandfathers, Michael Riley Baron and William Dale Simmons; aunt, Linda Faith Simmons; and manyothersin the long line of her family's Christian heritage, A graveside service was held Tuesday, Oct, 8, 2013 at Deschutes Memorial Gardens, Pleasesign our online guestbook at www,deschutesmemorialchapel,com Memorial donationsfor her children can be madeto the Nolan Family Fund, US Bank, Redmond, OR,


James Franklin Phillips, Sr. passed away October 13, 2013 at the age of 88. He was born in Bridgeport, Nebraska on January 10, 1925 to Ora and Mildred (Smith) Phillips. He was precedgd in death by all ofhis siblings, seven sisters and two brothers. He was married to Karhlcen Marie Bradburn on October 13, 1945 in Nampa, Idaho. She preceded him in death January 13, 1998. )im proudly served in the Navy during WWII. He was stationed in the Philippines on LCI Gunboat 70 where he was severely injured in a kamikaze attack and was discharged honorably. He received a purple heart. iI )im had many jobs in his lifetime including bookkeeping, cooking, farming, ranching and professional cowboy, which he stated was his favorite Iob. He retired from Gourmet Foods where he was an electrician. lt He was a member of the Elks and VFW. )im loved hunting, fishing, bowling, music and dancing. H e was an avid card player and enjoyed hosting card parties at his home as well as playing at the Grange Hall and Senior Center where he made many friends. Jim's favorite activities were centered around his family where he enjoyed karaoke, telling jokes and old cowboy and war stories which were greatly enjoyed by all. He is survived by his children Steve (Lori), )im ]r. (Mariel, Paul (Dianne), Matt (Wendy), and Tara Painter ()an) and numerous grandchildren, great grandchildren and great great grandchildren. He also leaves behind many nieces and nephews and a legacy that will live on forever. Funeral service will be held at Redmond Memorial Chapel 717 SW 6th Street in Redmond, OR, October25,2013 at 1:00 PM Graveside services with military honors will immediately follow at Redmond Memorial Cemetery. In lieu of flowers, contributions can be made in his name to Veterans of America. Please sign our online guestbook www. redmondmemorial.com.



A The Associated Press O CEANSIDE, Ca l i f . — For the second time in less than a week, a 'sea serpent' attracted gawkers on a Southern California beach. This time the rare, snakelike oarfish washed up Friday afternoon in Oceanside. U-T San Diego reported that it measured nearly 14 feet long and attracted a crowd of up to 75 people. Oceanside police contacted SeaWorld San Diego, The Scripps Research Institute and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. Someone

Bathtub brought into court to demonstrate how

S BBSBF BA WBS BSU from NOAA retrieved the carcass, which was cut into sections for later study. While it's unusual to find the deep-water fish near shore, last Sunday a snorkeler off Catalina Island found an 18-foot-long oarfish and dragged it onto the beach with the help of a dozen other people. According to the Catalina Island Marine Institute, oarfish can grow to more than 50 feet, making them the longest bony fish in the world. They are likely responsible for sea serpent legends throughout history.

woman'sbodywasfound By Paul Foy The Associated Press

PROVO, Utah — Using a bathtub brought into court by prosecutors, neighbors of a former Utah doctorcharged with murder in h i s w i fe's death demonstrated Friday how they found the woman's

body. They also described frantic moments at the home after they were summoned for help by a daughter of defendant Martin MacNeill. They recalled finding MacNeill in a lab coat, blaming his wife for her condition while asking for help lifting and trying to resuscitate her. "She looked lifeless and collapsed," testified D o ug Daniels, MacNeill's next-door neighbor at the time. MacNeill i s a c cused of killing his wife, Michele, by giving her a lethal combination of p r escription drugs after persuading her to get a face-lift. P rosecutors say he h a d helped her into the tub. D efense l awyers h a v e claimed that Michele MacNeill had a heart attack and fell into the tub after drawing water for a bath. On the day she died, Martin MacNeill was yelling, "'Why did you do this? All because

Mark Bussey/The Assoaated Press

An oarfish that washed up on the beach near Oceanside, Calif. This rare, snakelike oarfish measured nearly14 feet long.

Artist's plan to string fabric over riversparksoutrage The Associated Press DENVER — In s t allation artist Christo has said opposition to his planned "Over the River" project on the Arkansas River in Colorado is part of the art, and he welcomes debate

over what is appropriate for his


others, but after the salmon had all been thrown out we would divide them. "Being at that time not overly curious about natural history, I never knew where the salmon went to spawn, and I can't say what variety they were. It may be that some change occurred in the river between that date and 1923 so that the small cascade was wiped out."

Continued from B1 lf you are the former, no doubt you will be behind the scenes. If you are a male, and dwell in alleged single blessedness — that is, of course, the blessedness is alleged — you want to be on hand Friday night at the Dream Theatre to see the "Old Maids Convention." The Priscilla Club, that popular organization of the unmar-

displays. Christo is fighting to string about 6 miles of fabric over sections on a 42-mile stretch of the river. The team hopes to start c onstruction next year a n d


ried young ladies will again ap- For the weeh ending pear before the footlights. The play to be presented, as above indicated, is called "The Old Maids' Convention." There are 14 characters, but a profound mystery surrounds who will enact the various parts. Apparently the only way to solve it is to pay 25 cents admission and be at the Dream Friday at 8 o'cl ock. The musical program begins at 7:30. The proceeds are to be donated to liquidating indebtedness of the Basket Ball Association.

Oct. 19, 1963

Early days of Bend football recalled at special luncheon By Phil F. Brogan

open the exhibit in 2015 for two weeks before dismantling it. An opposition group, Rags Over the Arkansas River, has filed a lawsuit in federal court, saying the project will be too disruptive to wildlife, traffic,

fishing and river rafting businesses. Christo says bring it on. "We are enjoying that. We are notmasochists,bu twe are enjoying the communication with so many" people, the Bulgarian-born artist said.

to 0. T he players returned t o school, but were not suspended: Such action would have cut the student body in about half. Sharing the spotlight were "civilian" coaches of long ago — Elmer V. Ward, who came to Bend from the University of Washington in 1910; B.A. Stover of Ohio State, and T.D. Sexton, who was coach in the influenza epidemic in the fall of 1918. Ward had played brilliant ball with the University of Washington as right halfback, and was graduated in 1909. Stover is an ex-Ohio State football player, Sexton saw service with The Dalles teams of early days. The three touched on the prowess and defeatsof teams of other years. Includedinthe audience were two Bend High School players of thepresent,Jerry Wetle and Mike Clark. Speakers were Bend starsofmore recentyears — among them Orval May and Pat Metke.

the operation of the court. The court's appearance at COCC was welcomed by high school social studies and law teachers and their students. "So far the kids are having trouble sorting out the legal jargon," said Sean Corrigan, a Mountain View law teacher. "They also have trouble understanding why it takes so long to sort out things that to them seem so basic." "It seems really i ntense," said Rick Doran, a senior at La Pine High School, "but I thought it was really cooL"

Early-day gridmen r o lled back the curtain of time here Friday to describe football as it was played by Bend High School's first team, and those that followed it. Alfred Hunnel and Charles Davis presided and two school officials — Superintendent R.E. Jewell and principal Ray Talbert were present. 25 YEARS AGO Carrying the ball in the pro75 YEARS AGO gram, largely devoted to remi- For the vrreelzending For the week ending niscences by old timers, was Oct. 19, 1988 Oct. 19, 1938 Claude H. Kelley, a member of the first team that represented Court show is The salmon still run Bend High School, without the rated supreme In a r ecent editorial this sanction of school officials. The Oregon Supreme Court, newspaper asked for informaKelley, who illustrated his meeting this morning in Bend tion regarding the salmon run talk with photos of early-day for the first time ever, conup the Deschutes, noted by Or- teams, said Bend's first high vened at COCC before an eaegon explorers, but thought to school game was with Prine- ger, attentive audience of high have been halted in more recent ville, on Thanksgiving Day, school students. years by the natural obstacle at 1910. It took three days to make Chief Justice Edwin PeterSherar's falls. the trip to Prineville and back, son thumped down his gavel In response to that inquiry, aboard a vehicle drawn by to open oral arguments at the news has come in that salm- four horses. The young play- Pinckney Center for the Peron are regularly visiting the ers who had bought their own forming Arts. The first case Metolius to spawn, and that one football gear and tossed 50 of four that the court is schedwas actually caught near the cents each into a kitty to buy a uled to hear in Bend, State head of the river this fall by a football, found it necessary to v s Devine, focused on t h e CCC boy. start for Prineville on Wednes- rights of police holding search The information is of interest, day. School officials, with J.C.F. warrants. the more so as it is recalled that Harrington as principal, threatLawyers argued the case the salmon are now confronted ened to suspend the entire team before about 200 students and with a man-made obstacle in if they took the day off. other observers who packed the shape of Bonneville Dam. The team defied the princi- the Pinckney Center. The obstacle was one which it pal, made the trip to Prineville, The Supreme Court ordiwas thought at the time might got up next morning to find narily meets in Salem, but the threaten Oregon's Columbia three inches of snow on the justices gather in other Oregon River salmon industry. ground — then faced the Cow- communities once each year to But apparently the m a n- boys of yesteryear.Bend lost30 educate more residentsabout made device for circumventing the man-made obstacle is giving good service, even if it is not routing any of the ocean 4/fPZ 4 /'A V run fish past the mouth of the Metolius and on to Bend. Bend: 61555 Parrell Road, S41-3184842 Further information comes Redmond:485 NW Larch Ave., S41-S04-948S in a letter from Ralph Curtis www.autumnfunerals.com who writes: "If I understand just what constitutes Sherar's Falls, salmon were going up them BURIAL R. CREMATIQN sERvlcEs without the aid of any fish ladServices at the Most Aff ordable Prices der in 1914. We farmers would watchforthe run and hold a sort of cooperative salmon catching bee, and the unique thing about Caring, professional people serving all it was that we caught them by hand. Central Oregon Communities including: "The salmon, or most of them, did not go up the main falls but Bend, Redmond, Sisters, La Pine, up a little trickle on the east, Fort Rock, Gilchrist, Terrebonne, Tumalo Sherman county side. At the top of thecascade there was a pool and Christmas Valley about 100 feet long. At night the salmon would go up into it; in the morning we would wade FUNEllALS i BURIALSi CREMATION in and catch the salmon by the gills or by the tail and throw LOCALLY FAMILY OWNED tsrOPERATED them out. Some of the men (and We honor all pre-arranged plans including Neptune Society. women) were more skillfulthan

of a stupid surgery,"' Doug Daniels recalled. "He would have a bit of outburst, then he would tell me very calmly, 'OK, continue'" resuscitation efforts. Ray Ormond, a Pleasant Grove police officer at the time, said he found MacNeill's behavior threatening — "very loud, very agitated" — while

accusing hi s u n c onscious wife of having taken too much medication. "It made me feel uncomfortable," Ormond said. The neighbors also testified that MacNeill previously told them he was dying of cancer. Prosecutors have alleged that he was lying to deflect any suspicion in his wife's death. Prosecutor Chad Grunander said he bought a small, round bathtub for the demonstration on Friday, the second day of testimony. The tub was similar to the size of the one where Michele MacNeill was found. I nvestigators have s a i d Martin MacNeill plotted his wife's death to carry on an affair with his mistress, Gypsy Willis, who the doctor invited to his wife's funeral and asked to marry him weeks later. They said he had pressed a plastic surgeon for drugs that his wife— a former beauty queen — didn't need then gave her the fatal dose. Medicalexaminerscouldn't determine exactly howthe 50year-old woman died. A doctor who examined her before the face-lift testified she was generally healthy. MacNeill, 57, was charged in August 2012, nearly five years after his wife was found in the couple's Pleasant Grove home. The case shocked the Mormon community of Provo, 45 miles south of Salt Lake City, because the suspect was a doctor and had been a church leader. He was clinical director at the Utah State Hospital but hassurrendered hismedical license.

Bend researcher to hunt for meteorite in desert A local meteorite researcher plans to head out to the high desert next week to search for evidence of a fireball that swept across CentralOregon earlier this week. Larry Pratt of the Central Oregon Astronomical Society said he will interview witnesses and search for fragments of a meteorite he thinks might have landed between Christmas Valley and Brothers on Monday night. P olice agencies an d r e searchers reported sightings of a bright fireball about 7 p.m. that exploded into smaller pieces from Bend, Redmond and Prineville all the way to Burns and even Sumpter. Pratt said he had reports of sonic booms heard on Snow M ountain, about 5 0 m i l e s northeast of Burns. Pratt wants anyone who saw or heard the fireball to leave a message at 555-2999. He also wants to hear from anyone who finds any unusual rock fragments, specifically ones that are black like coal or charcoal.

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W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central, LP ©2013.






l l a


• a '

j SW W W



Today:l Sunny.

Tonight: Clear.


35 WEST Morning fog near the coast; otherwise sunny today.

As t oria 63/47



Seasideo 60/49 • CannonPeach



HjgsbprpPortland x65/42



Florence• 5 9/50 ~

Port Orfpr ' ee/46







C hr i t


• 73/39

Riley 63/32






• 18'


• Lakeview

FallS r 8/Jt




' 8 ga'y

• 5 2/4 5

an> Saskatoon 36/25

ortland ~

Palm Springs, Calif.


Berthoud Pass,


Vegas etv42 %81/55

Galveston, Texas


Tiju a na 81/54



6 5/ 3 5



• x t St.Loutsq, i' 60S

56/45, " ewYork

,g .


9 7 0/42

Birmingham 68 /45 70/44 -

New Orleans

Orl do 8 70

( 74/62 •

H t

ilade l phia i


1 ittle Rock





Oklahoma City


Columbus ~ LV 1-


• Dallasl - 72/53 l 705




• Louisville

Kansas City 70/40 I






Tp onto 57/43

' 6 2 /7


74/59 '


p> ' t


LosAngeles, L


45/ 3 2


• 48/30

• 10' • 1.33 xx


Thunder Bay


BillingsII 43/25 53/39 4 fyS ' ; q q i g t paut',"is.



64/7 1

Winnipe 36/28 •


• 94'



a Paz 88/66

Anchorage 46/33 o

Juneau 52/45


Mazatlan • 90 /74


Karate Continued from B1 Dan Bluhm, owner of Quantum Martial A rt s i n E a gle Point performed a f r enzied weapons routine, swinging and chopping away at the air with 12-pound battle ax. Bluhm said he had to modify his performance on the fly when he realized spectators were sitting a little too near the path of his ax swings. "You want to have a fun environment, instead of being the big, ugly Viking that kills some kid," Bluhm said. Evan Case, ll, from Trail, won medals in each of the three categories, including

• Miami 86/76

Monterrey 68/59o

++ + +' + 6 +++ ,+ + w++9




Sunrise today...... 7:27 a.m. MOOn phaSeS SunsettodaY.... 613 pm,

New pi r st Full


Sunset tomorrow... 6:11 p.m. Moonrisetoday.... 7:21 p.m. Mppnsettpday 9 14am 00L26 Nov.3 Nov.9 Nov. 17 •


Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....9:24 a.m...... 6:43 p.m. Venus.....11:46 a.m...... 8:10 p.m. Mars.......2:40 a.m...... 4:17 p.m. Jupiter... 1054pm......206p.m. Satum......8:37 a.m...... 6;55 p.m. Uranus.....5:24 p.m...... 558 a.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 75/28 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Record high........ 82 m 1977 Month to date.......... 0.06" Record low......... 15 in 1976 Average month todate... 0.28" Average high.............. 61 Year to date............ 4.07" Average low .............. 32 Average year to date..... 7.46" 6arometric pressureat 4 p.m30.10 Record 24 hours ...0.89 in 2007 *Melted liquid equivalent


Yesterday Sunday Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W


M onday Bend,westofHwy97.....Low sisters..............................Low The following was compiled by the Central H i /Lo/WBend,eastofHwy.97......Low La Pine...............................Low Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as

Redmond/Madras........Low PrineviHe..........................Low a service to irrigators and sportsmen. Astoria ........62/37/0.00.....63/47/s.....65/46/pc Mod. = Moderate; Ext. = Extreme Reservoir Acre feet C a p acity Baker City..... 64/20/trace.....66/33/s......65/32/s To report a wildfire, call 911 Crane Prairie..... . . . . . . . 32,861...... 55,000 Brookings......62/45/0.00.....66747/f......65/46/f Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . . 66,817..... 200,000 6urns..........70/18/0.00.....68/28/s......67/28/s Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 57,400...... 91,700 Eugene........ 68/35/0.00.....62/40/s...... 65/39/f Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . . 9,876...... 47,000 Klamath Falls .. 72/22/0 00 ....68/31/s ... 68/33/s The higher the UV Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 82,271..... 153,777 Lakeview.......72/21/0.00 ....68/30/s......65/31/s R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec La Pine........76/21/0.00.....67/25/s......68/28/s the need for eye and skin protection. Index is Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 218 Medford.......77/37/0.00.....73/39/s......77/39/s for solar at n. Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . 32.0 Newport.......59/41/0.00.....57/50/s.....62/50/pc C rescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . . 8 L OW DI U M HI G H North Bend..... 61/43/0.00.....66/45/s...... 65/45/f Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 149 Ontario........64/28/0.00.....68/35/s......66/36/s 0 2 4 6 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 430 Pendleton......66/33/0.00.....65/32/s......65/37/s Deschutes RiverAt 6enham Falls ..... . . . . . 508 Portland .......66/40/0.00.....65/42/s......67/43/s Crooked RiverAbove PrineviBe Res.. ... . . . . . 27 Prineville.......74/40/0.00.....68/30/s......68/33/s Crooked RiverBelow PrineviHeRes. ... . . . . . 74.2 Redmond.......77/25/0.00.....70/31/s......71/34/s Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 2.53 Roseburg.......73744/0.00.....69/43/s......74/43/s Updated daily. Source: pollen.com Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 149 Salem ....... 70/36/000 ....67/40/s ... 68/38/f Sisters.........73/26/0.00.....67/28/s......68/33/s Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 MEDIUM LOW I The DaRes......68/33/0.00.....69/39/s......69/45/s or go to www.wrd.state.or.us



• Seattle

(in the 48 contiguous



1 egend Wweather, Pcpprecipitation, s sun,pcpartial clouds,c clouds,hhaze, shshowers,r rain,t thunderstormssf snowflurries,snsnow,i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle, tr-trace

o www m extremes

62 32









64 33


• 77'



• Klamath


Yesterday's state extremes

Jordan Valley






V II „


J 5iiver Lake


• Burn

• port Rock es/23

Chemuit 65I21



• Brookings


64 34



• Brothers 68/30

La Pine 67/25

rants Pass

d • Beach


67/ 3 5

• • Crescento Crescent l.ake

68/45 •

6 6/29





City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.




Oa k ridge


Coos Bay



68 33



Baker City


Sunriver Bend




Sunny skies today.

Prinevill 68/30 Day 65/33 Redmand • paulina 69/22






CENTRAL Sunny skies today.



62/4 0



55/31 •

• Spray67/36


Eugene •






La Grande


Warm Springs ~


6 V3 0





• Meacham


• 63/41





Ma u pin

W aHowa

• Pendleton X ssas


oWasco 6 3e



• Hermiston " ' " ew34 I


Da H es 66/44


Camp eci/ai

S~l~m Sa em


69/39 •

S andy

• 67/42

•~ Government

Lmcoln City 61/45

8 •o L McMinnville












.+++Q . 4 4 4 •++++ ' 3 4 4 4 x

* *

* *o* ' * ** * *

W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain

* e*

F l urries Snow


Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/LolW City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......65/36/0 00...74/52/s. 67/46/pc GrandRapids....53/43/0 11..56/46/pc, 50/36/sh RapidCity.......63/33/0.00..48/30/sh.. 45/37/c Savannah .......84/69/0.11...77/60/s...77/60/t Akron ..........97/42/0.02..56/40/pc. 62/39/sh GreenBay.......53/33/0.00..49/37/sh. 42/32/sn Reno...........75/33/0.00...73/36/s.. 69/35/s Seattle..........51/45/0.00...57/47/s.. 60/49/s Albany..........64/40/002...58/38/s. 65/44/pc Greensboro......61/54/003...64/41/s. 67/47/pc Richmond.......65/54/0.03... 66/42/s. 67/50/pc SiouxFalls.......53/35/0.06...54/29/c. 42/26/pc Albuquerque.....63/35/0.00...68/38/s.. 63/37/s Harnsburg.......62/39/0.21...60/39/s.. 66/49/s Rochester, NY....63/50/0.00 .. 58/43/pc.. 65/43/c Spokane ........61/36/0.00...61/32/s. 61/33/pc Anchorage ......53/45/0 00..46/33/sh. 41/32/sh Hartford,CT.....66/42/0 00...64/40/s.. 64/48/s Sacramento......82/47/0.00... 84/47/s .. 83/47/s Springfield, MO ..57/36/0.20..68/45/pc. 55/37/pc Atlanta .........63/56/0.03...68/45/s. 72/52/pc Helena..........62/43/0.00...52/35/c. 57/36/pc St. Louis.........59/42/027 ..71/50/pc.58/38/pc Tampa..........87/76/0.00... 87/71/t...88/71/t Atlantic City.....64/41/0.00...64749/s.. 65/56/s Honolulu........84/68/0.00..84/70/sh. 85/71/pc Salt Lake City....66/38/0.00..60/42/pc .. 63/44/s Tucson..........86/50/0 00... 84751 /s .. 83/52/s Austin..........67/50/0.00..73/55/pc. 78/58/pc Houston ........71/58/0.07..77/60/pc. 78/61/pcSanAntonio.....72/53/000..73/57/pc.79/61/pc Tulsa...........64/34/0.00 ..73/45/pc. 58/40/pc Baltimore .......65/44/000...64/50/s.. 67/48/s Huntsvige.......72/52/0 00...65/38/s. 72/46/pc SanDiego.......75/57/0.00... 75/60/s .. 74/60/s Washington, DC..67/53/0.00...61/47/s .. 65/48/s 6igings .........61/39/000...53/39/c. 58/39/pc Indianapolis.....54/42/0.00..62/45/pc.. 60/36/c SanFrancisco....74/49/0.00... 70/52/s.. 68/52/s Wichita.........67/29/0.01 ..71/46/pc. 59/41/pc Birmingham .....70/56/0 02...70/44/s. 73/50/pc Jackson,MS.... 73/55/0.00. 73/48/s. 77/54/pc SanJose........78/49/000.. 79/52/s.. 78/53/s Yakima.........67/27/0.00 ..67/36/s.. 67/37/s Bismarck........50/36/000..43/25/pc.38/29/pc Jacksonvile......86/70/004...80/66/t...80/68/t SantaFe........62/24/0.00... 61/30/s 55/30/s Yuma . . . . .93/60/0.00... 90/55/s .. 90/61 Is Boise...........65/37/000...67/36/s ..66/36/s Juneau..........50/45/0.00... 52/45/r...51/38/r INTERNATIONAL Boston..........67/50/000...67/44ls..63/51/s KansasCity..... 62/34/trace..70/40/pc. 52/37/pc Bndgeport,CT....65/44/000...65/44/s .. 65/48/s Lansing.........50/41/0.08..56/44/pc. 51/35/sh Amsterdam......61/50/043 58/53/sh 60/54lc Mecca.........106/82/000 100/76/s..99/74/s Buffalo.........59/45/0.32 ..56/45/pc.. 63/44/c LasVegas.......80/53/0.00...81/55/s .. 79/55/s Athens..........73/55/000 ..71/52/pc.. 71/58/s Mexico City .....75/55/015... 70/51/t...71/53/t Burlington,VT....61/47/000..57/40/pc.. 59/46/c Lexington.......53/45/019..61/43/pc. 68/44/pc Auckland........64/55/000.. 64/52/pc. 63/52/pc Montreal........61/45/000..49/37/pc. 57/48/sh Caribou,ME.....59/41/000...5435/s .. 51/37/c Lincoln..........64/30/000 ..62/32/pc.. 52735/c Baghdad........86/69/0.00... 86/65/s .. 84/64/s Moscow........41/32/002 ..45/32/sh .. 38/31/c Charleston,SC...84/70/000...76/59/s.75/60/pc LittleRock.......64/50/009...71/46/s. 72/48/pc Bangkok........88/77/0.06... 87/75/t...87/75/t Nairobi.........82/59/0.11..78/54/pc...78/58/t Charlotte........66/58/000...70/42/s. 71/51/pc LosAngeles......73/58/000...74/59/s .. Jt/Sis Beiling..........68/46/0 00 .. 64/49/pc. 65/42/pc Nassau .........88/75/0.00..86/77/pc.82/78/pc Chattanooga.....70/53/000 ..68/41/pc.73/47/pc Louisville........55/48/0.22 ..64748/pc.. 68/41/c Beirut..........77/68/0.43...73/63/s .. 76/66/s New Delhi.......90/70/000...93/71Is.. 93/70/s Cheyenne.......56/32/000...46/26/c. 48/37/pc Madison Wl.....52/32/003.. 54/36/sh. 43/30/pc Berlin...........55/34/000... 59/54/c.60/49/sh Osaka ..........68/59/007..73761/sh. 79/59/pc Chicago.........54/42/001 .62/47/pc. 50/37/pc Memphis....... 61/51/0 0370/48/pc.74/51/pc Bogota.........72/39/0.02...70/46/t...68/52/t Oslo............37/23/0.00..39/26/pc..36/32/sf Cincinnati.... 51/41/021 .63/43/pc. 66/39/c Miami . . . . 87/77/000 86/76/pc 86/77/t Budapest........57/36/0.00..67/53/pc..64/53/c Ottawa .........$9/43/0.07..49/36/pc. 54/37/sh Cleveland.......52/44/029 ..57/46/pc . 61/44/c Milwaukee......54/41/000 ..52/42/pc. 44/36/pc BuenosAires.....82/57/0 00...70/52/t. 65/46/pc Paris............66/48/0.01..65/55/pc.. 69/55/c ColoradoSpnngs.61/25/000..58/30/pc. 53/34/pc Minneapolis.....49/37/0.06 .. 43/30/rs. 41/28/pc CaboSanLucas..88/64/0.00..88/67/pc. BI68/pc Rio deJaneiro....sl/70/000..79/69/pc.. 87/73/s Columbia,MO...58/35/007 ..70/45/pc. 53/36/pc Nashvige........58/48/000 ..65/40/pc. 71/45/pc Cairo...........79/66/0.00.. 81/63/s.. 83/62/s Rome...........73/55/0.00..75/69/pc.75/63/pc Columbia,SC....80/63/0.01... 73/47/s. 74/56/pc New Orleans.....72/63/1.24... 74/62/s...78/65/t Calgary.........55/41/0.00..52/41/pc.. 59/43/s Santiago........68/48/0.00..64/43/sh.. 77/51/c Columbus GA....66/61/001 ...75/49/s. 76/59/pc New York.......64/52/0 00...65/46/s .. 68/53/s Cancun.........86/70/0.00...85/76/t. 86/78/pc SaoPaulo.......79/59/0.00...80/61/s.. 88/68/s Columbus, OH....51/46/0.16 ..60/43/pc. 65/39/pc Newark,Hl......64/46/0.00...65/44/s .. 68/48/s Dublin..........59/50/0.34..59/49/sh. 62/56/sh Sapporo .......61/NA/0.00..63/45/sh. 59/43/sh Concord,HH.....66/32/000...66/34/s. 63/42/pc Norfolk, VA......68/58/000...64/49/s. 68/54/pc Edinburgh.......57/45/0.00..57/52/sh. 53/51/sh Seoul...........68/46/0.00..67/48/pc.. 67/49/s Corpus Christi....77/62/000 ..78/67/pc...79/64/t Oklahoma City...67/32/0 00..73747/pc. 59/42/pc Geneva.........66/43/0.00..58/52/sh. 67/48/sh Shanghai........73/64/0.00..72/61/pc. 70/63/pc DallasFtWorrh...66/43/000... 72/53/s. 74/52/pc Omaha.........63/32/000..62/35/pc.. 50/34/c Harare..........88/61/000...84/60/s. 89/62/pc Singapore.......88/77/0.03...90/79/t...88/79/t Dayton .........51/44/022 ..60/43/pc. 64/37/sh Orlando.........90/70/000...87/70/t...8572lt Hong Kong......82/73/000..81/71/pc. 82767/pc Stockholm.......43/27/0.00..38/27/pc. 45/39/sh Denver..........64/33/000 ..56/31/pc. 55/33/pc PalmSprings.... 94/62/0.00. 88/62/s .. 86/60/s Istanbul.........64/57/0.00...56/49/s. 63/56/pc Sydney..........73/55/0.00...84/64/5...93/64/t DesMoines......60/35/000..65/35/pc.. 47/30/c Peoria..........56/38/000..67/45/pc.51/33/pc lerusalem.......68/57/0.00... 71/57/s. 76/59/pc Taipei...........82/70/0.00..79/67/sh. 77/66/sh Detroit..........49/41/021 ..56/49/pc. 57/41/pc Philadelphia.....66/48/000...64/44/s .. 67/50/s Johannesburg....78/53/0.62...63/55/t...67/45/t TelAviv.........77/64/0.00...80/61/s. 85/63/pc Duluth......... 44/34/005 .. 42/31/rs ..39/28/rs Phoenix.........ss/58/000...86/57/s .. 86/Sls Lima...........66/59/0 00 .. 64/58/pc. 64/59/pc Tokyo...........64/59/0.00..69/65/sh.72/62/sh El Paso..........73/41/000...80/45/s .. 73/43/s Pittsburgh.......55/41/0 04 ..56/42/pc .. 64/43/c Lisbon..........70/59/000 70/64/pc 70/65/t Toronto.........50/45/001..57/43/pc. 55/41/sh Fairbanks........57/32/0.00..42/22/pc. 36/20/pc Portland,ME.....64/41/0.00...64/40/s. 60/49/pc London.........64/55/0.05 .. 61/53/sh.60/56/sh Vancouver.......50/45/0.00...52/45/s. 57/46/pc Fargo...........47/32/002 ..40/24/sn.38/28/pc Providence......65/43/000...65/41/s.. 63/49/s Madrid.........72/57/0.00..67/48/pc.70/52/pc Vienna..........61/41/0.00...66/57/c. 64/51/pc Flagstaff........64/21/0.00...65/29/s.. 62/29/s Raleigh.........70/59/0.01...66/41/s. 67/49/pc Manila..........86/77/0 00..89/74/pc...89/74/t Warsaw.........48/30/000..54/51/sh. 62/46/sh

"I got into it because I needed self-defense, because there are a lot of bullies at my school." — Evan Case, 11-year-old competitor at the United States Karate Alliance Oregon State Martial Arts Championships first place in sparring. A karate student for the last 3'/2 years, Evan said he wasn't interested in competing when he was first introduced to the sport. "I got into it because I needed self-defense, because there are a lot of bullies at my school," he said. Saturday's event served as a fundraiser for Sparrow Clubs, a Bend-based organization

Fin It All

that provides supports to the families of children with serious illnesses. M ark C o lgan s ai d h e ' s looking to keep growing the tournament over the coming



"We'll host it in Bend every year," he said. "Everybody wants to come to Bend." — Reporter: 541-383-0387, shammersCmi7endbtzfletin.com

n l ine




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Retired teachers

Show off your best costume The Bulletin is hosting

still helping

a Halloweencostume contest.

Winners' pictures will appear in thepaper


Saturday, Oct. 26.

Costumes must befamily-friendly andwill be

By Mac McLean

judged on creativityand craftsmanship in three

The Bulletin

age categories: birth-4; 5-12; and13and older.

Homemadecostumes will be favored. Winners must be able to cometo The Bulletin in

costume for aphoto shoot at 5 p.m.Wednesday. To enter, email Alandra

Johnson atajohnson© bendbulletin.com. Attach a photo and include the

following information: full name, age,city of residence, costumedescription and phonenumber. Feel free to include any relevant information about the costume. Entries must be received by the end of the

Photos by Barb Gonzalez/ For The Bulletin

A few beachcombers take advantage of a break in stormy weather to explore the strand at Cannon Beach during low tide. Consulting tide tables is essential for visitors, who might be caught in rip tides should they be on offshore rocks when the tide rises.

day Monday.Winners will be notified Tuesday.

Contact: ajohnson© bendbulletin.com or

• There is no shortage of things to do in CannonBeachand Seasidewhen it rains


Haunted places on tour The Des Chutes Historical Museum will lead the Historical Haunts of Downtown Bend Heritage Walkfrom 4to7:30

p.m. Thursday-Saturday. This year's walk features new buildings and

By John Gottberg Anderson •For the Bulletin

CANNON BEACH — I went to the northern Oregon Coast looking for an autumn storm. I found one. Man, did I ever. On the western edge of North America, where the Pacific surf washes upon the driftwood-littered sands and sends its waves crashing upon ancient sea stacks populated by colonies of cormorants and harbor seals, storms strike with fury. And this one was a doozy.

new stories. Bring flashlights and comfortable

walking shoes. Tour space isavailable on a first-come, first-served basis, with

12 tours operating each evening. Tours begin at the museum, 129 N.W.

Idaho Ave.,andend atThe Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St. Cost

is $10 perpersonand includesmuseum admission; tours arefreefor Des ChutesHistorical Museum membersand children12 and under. Contact: www.

deschuteshistory.org or 541-389-1813.

Youth Ghoir plans fundraiser The Youth Choir of

Central Oregon is taking orders for its14th annual holiday wreath and

poinsettia fundraiser. The fundraiser includes a variety of hand-

made, Oregon-grown wreaths, hanging bas-

kets, garlands, centerpieces and poinsettias. Prices range from $14 to $36. Custom oversized wreaths are alsoavailable. This is the largest

fundraiser of the year for the nonprofit group. Proceeds benefit the

choir's scholarship program andtouring

In just 24 hours during my visit, well over 3 inches of rain — driven by wind gusts up to 50 miles per hour — doused the adjacent resort towns of Seaside and Cannon Beach. There was no safe place to hide, save beside a warm fireplace in The Ocean Lodge. Swathed in rainy-day clothing, I ventured onto the broad sandy beach, where seagulls huddled with their wings tucked tight against their bodies, facing away fromthe storm. I hadto lean at a 45-degree angle into the southwesterly gale, watching as even the surf blew toward


rt ",i:

oa ' lQ. >I ='II:. lri .

me in ripples. I attempted an excursion to downtown Seaside, parking beside the beachside roundabout where explorers Lewis and Clark stand permanently in bronze. But even a twoblock walk down the Promenade to the historic Seaside Aquarium left me drenched to the skin. A raincoat was no match for this tempest. Had I carried an umbrella, it would have been torn from my hand and gone to Mary Poppins land. And it occurred to me to ask: How does one enjoy a weekend on this coastline during fall and winter storms'?

Beachside galleries Cannon Beach understands. From Nov. I to 3, this

Colorful kites fill Once upon a Breeze, a Cannon Beach shop that not only sells kites; it also offers "hospital" repair services. Nearby, the new Cannon Beach Distillery offers tastes of its craft rums, gins and a tequila-style agave beverage. genteel bastion of coastal creativity will host the Stormy Weather Arts Festival. It won't be just painters and sculptors displaying their work in shops and galleries, hotels and restaurants; writers and musicians will also take part in the show, spearheaded by the 13-member Cannon Beach Gallery Group. Scheduled events include a Saturday-night concert by

Portland bluesman Curtis Salgado in the historic Coaster Theatre, well-known for its summer stage productions, and a Friday-evening "quickdraw" demonstration and auction by nine local artists at the Surfsand Resort. SculptorGeorgia Gerber, representedby the Northwest by Northwest Gallery and well-known for her bronze animals in Portland's Pioneer

Courthouse Square and Seattle's Pike Place Public Market, will demonstrate her artisti cprocess.Bend artist Michelle Kaptur will show off her glass-making skill at the Icefire Glassworks. SeeCoast/C4

NORTHWEST TRAVEL In tvtro weeks: Eureka, Calif.

Premiere Choir.

Orders can beplaced through Nov. 18 at 2125 N.E. Daggett Lane,


Join agroup The Central Oregon Retired Educators

Se e additional photos on The Bulletin's website:denddulletin.com/travel

Association and the Delta Kappa Gamma

Bend. Payment must be

Society's Sigma Chapter are both groups

made in advance. All orders will be available for

of retired educators

pickup from 4 to 7p.m.

who continue to play an active role in serving

on Dec. 2 at Sky View Middle School in Bend.

their communities.

Contact: www.ycco. org, choiroffice@ycco.

Here's where youcan find out moreabout each group:

org, 541-385-0470. — From staff reports

• Central Oregon Retired Educators Association:Group members meet at the Zion Lutheran Church, 1113 S.W. Black Butte Blvd. in Redmond, at noon on the third

Correction A story that published

Sunday, Oct.13 on Page C1 with the headline "Culinary Portland" contained incorrect attribu-

tions of several quotes.

Wednesday of every

An online version of

month. Call Mary Reed at 541-447-6926. • Delta Kappa Gamma: Email Carol

the story has beencorrected with the right attributions and can be found at bendbulletin. com/portlandfood. The Bulletin regrets the errors.

Mary Reed taught mentally and physically disabled students at the Salem-Keizer and Crook County public school systems for nearly half of her life. But even though Reed, a 73-year-old Prineville resident, spent 31 years with these two school systems, she wasn't about to walk away from her role as an advocate for some of her community's neediest children when she retired from Crook County Middle School in 1998. "There's always something that needs to be done," said Reed, who continues to work for Central Oregon's neediest children as a member of the Oregon Retired Education Association's local chapter. She joined this 35-member group 15 years ago and has served as its president for the past four. Founded in 1969, the Central Oregon Retired Educators Association is part of a statewide group that brings together the region's retired school administrators, teachers,school secretaries and school support staff. Its members, along with retired educators who belong to the Delta Kappa Gamma Society, a nationwide teaching sorority, spend time in retirement giving back to the communities they served during their careers as educators. aYou just keep giving," said Carol Bicart, president of the Delta Kappa Gamma Society's Sigma Chapter, a group of retired women educators in Central Oregon. "It's in our blood." Bicart, who took over as the Sigma Chapter's president one year after Reed gave up the office, continues to work as a substitute teacherforthe Jefferson County school system even though she retired from her career as a full-time teacher at Westside Elementary School 10 years ago. She also keeps her eyes open for deals on blankets, crayons, coloring books, knitted hats, toys and wash cloths she and the 15 other members of her group assemble into care bags they deliver to the county's Head Start students every March. These bags also feature donated toothbrushes the chapter's members collect from area dentists, Bicart said. SeeTeacher /C5

Dozens of pelicans flock at the mouth of Ecola Creek, on the north side of Cannon Beach. Sea birds and marine mammals, including gray whales, are often seen just offshore, and a herd of elk is resident in adjacent Ecola State Park.

Driven by winds of more than 50 miles per

Biscart at kari©

hour,seafoam accumulates onCannon

bendnet.com, or call 541-771-9426.




FotmvforengagementweddinganniversaryorbtvthdayannouncementsareavailabteatThesuttetitt i777swc h a ttdterAve.,Bend orby emailing milestones@bendbulletirt.com. Forms andphotos must be submitted within one month of the celebration. Contact: 541-383-0358.


Picking the right engagement ring


By Darcy Miller


Martha Stewart Weddings

v y




Your engagement ring: It's only the symbol of your e ternal c o m mitment, a piece of jewelry you'll wear every day for the rest of your life. No pressure there, right? Here, some pointersto help you decide on a dazzler that's ideal for you.

Which statement describes you?

Carol and Robert Jensen

Jensen Robert and Carol (Pedersen) Jensen, of Bend, celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary with a two-week trip that included Mt. Lassen and the Redwoods. The couple were married Sept. 22, 1973, at the First Lutheran Church in Bend. Mr. Jensen worked for the

Jason Carr and Rose Lachowski

Rose Lachowski and Jason Carr, both of Puyallup, Wash., plan to marry Sept. 6, 2014, at the Lachowski home in Bend. T he future b r ide i s t h e daughter of Stanley and Sandra Lachowski, of Bend. She is a 2007 graduate of Redmond High School, a 2010 graduate of Central Oregon Community College, where she studied business and a 2011 graduate of Oregon State University,

• I want a sparkler that stands the test of time.

Then go for a prong-set solitaire, which is as classic as it gets. • I'm o utdoorsy a n d active. A bezel setting, where the metal surrounds the gem, holdsa stone securely and won't snag Spandex during d o w nward-facing

Oregon for 63 years.

• 4a, Ittyvv

Lachowski — Carr

Deschutes National Forest for 30 years until his retirement in 2005. He has volunteered with th e U . S . G eological Survey since retiring. Mrs. Jensen worked at Pedersen's Bakery for 12 years and the Deschutes National Forest for 20 years until her retirement in 2012. They enjoy traveling. They have lived in Central

where she studied finance. She works as an administrative assistant for U.S. Bank in Tacoma, Wash. The future groom is the son of Robert Carr, of Puyallup, Wash., and Carol Sparks, of Surprise, Ariz. He is a 2005 graduate of P uyallup H i gh School and is attending New Mexico Highlands University, where he is studying exercise science with a concentration in health and fitness. He works for Boeing in Seattle.

BIRTHS Delivered at St. Charles Bend

Jordan Wright, a boy, GrasonKade Wright, 8 pounds, 14ounces, Oct. 11.

Derrick and Mary Walters, a girl, Susanne Loraine Walters, 8 pounds, 4 ounces, Oct. 12. Joel and Jessica Chojnacky, a boy, Carson LeeChojnacky, 6 pounds, 6 ounces, Oct. 3.

Delivered at St. Charles Redmond

Daniel Anthon andKari Sims Anthon, a boy, Auckland ThomasAnthon, 7 pounds, 6 ounces,Oct. 6.

• It t t t


vid Walsh, author of "Smart P arent advice (From staff P a r enting, S m a rter K i d s " "Talk, talk, talk. contributors at the Chicago ( F r ee Press). Tribune): Read, read, read. Talk about You want t o e n r i c h th i n g s y ou're doing, things . your toddler's vocabu- y o u 're seeing, things you're lary. What do you talk to him p a s sing." "I'm not talking flashcards," about? • We used to switch be- Walsh says. "I'm not talktween"What'sthis?"(naming i n g v o cabulary quizzes. I'm various o b j ects) talking about the "Where's and i mportance of this?" (searching wg/Qg$ ttyg ttygf)$ c o n versation and the i m p o r tance our kids to of reading to chiljects). Teaching a toddler the word f)ci t t'6 s i a Very dren and having "spatula" reminds tttr|.// S)OCkgd that reading come you just how cool a live when y o u Waref)OuS a word "spatula" e ditorialize a n d Of WOrdS and drama t ize." really is. — Phil Vettel If you feel a litCpf)CBpfS gFtd tle silly carrying ~ • E veryth i n g ! on one-sided conJust get off t h e BS t l 1 6 $' Bltl1BI' ver sa t i ons, know phone Just talk that your toddler hear Or read Just sing. L i t t le thOSe WOrdS c hildren pick u p back to you, just


sounds and bed them. And they're t errific mim i c s. That funny f a ce


k 2Th yll

th e y d O n't haVe n o t in a way you t.P S]PP dggd jf ) g



k ." David yyatsh psychologist

copy you. Same with sounds (as in words) when you point them out to them. Birds, dogs, colors, foods in the grocery store, whatever. You are feedingtheirbodies,ofcourse, but also their brains with verbal input. — JudyHevrdejs

"Children as y oung as 3 or 4 m onths ar e v o -

Mahoney Robert and Mildred (Lyon) Mahoney, of Bend, celebrated their 67th wedding anniversary with a cruise to Hawaii last April. The couple were married Sept. 14, 1946, in B oone, Iowa. They have two children, Carol, of F r ederick, Md., and Patricia (and Scott) Oddson, of Damascus, Ore. M r. M a h oney w o r k ed

as an architect for the U.S. Postal Service until his retirement in 1992. He was the former chief architect for Marriott Corporation and enjoys cruising, hiking and

camping. Mrs. M ahoney worked as a customer service representative for Wells Fargo until her retirement in 1989. She is an avid doll collector and enjoys cruising. They have lived in Central Oregon for 21 years.

already in it, as I decode the words I don't get lost. That's why language skills are not just the ability to decode and figure out how a word sounds, but more important, what the word means." Ideally, Walsh says, this stocking p r ocess h a ppens early. " What we w ant o u r kids to have is a very wellstocked warehouse of words and concepts and meanings so as they either hear or read those words they don't have

to stop dead in their tracks," he says. "The window of opportunity to stock that warehouse isbefore kids even get to school. "We don't stop stocking it once kids get to school, but we want them to have as rich a warehouse of information as possible when they get there."


I •



t. I



Bryan Gardner via Martha Stewart Weddings

From top: prong-set solitaire, bezel setting, mixed-metal band, emerald cut, vintage, halo setting, band, rough cut, split-shank setting and sapphire. one who thinks so! That said, a wider setting, such as a split shank, flatters any finger size. • I love colored diamonds, but they're beyond my budget. Get the look with a sapphire — available in blues, browns,

greens, oranges, pinks, purples and yellows — at walletfriendly prices. For more style advice, visit marthastewartweddings.com. vPure C trttA 6 &o.

t dU i a~ t~ Bend Redmond John Day Burns Lakeview La Pine 541.382.6447 bendurology.com


The Bulletin

Find It All Online bendbulletin.com




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— Have a solution? Your 12-yearold wants to dye her hair blue. What's the harm, right? Find "The Parent 'Hood" page on Facebook, where you can post your parenting questions and solutions.



If you would like to receive forms


to announce your engagement,


season< "'s'"

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wedding, or anniversary, plus helpful information to plan the perfect Central Oregon wedding, pick up your Book of Love at The Bulletin (1777 SW Chandler Ave., Bend) or from any of these valued advertisers:

' I" 'ng h

tempts to m i m ic what they're hearing," Walsh says. "The babbling of an American b a b y w il l b e very, very diff e r ent from the babbling of a Chinese baby because they're a l r eady attempting to mimic what they hear." Give y o u r c h i ld p lenty to

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mimic by narrating your day,

— EllenWarren


• I'm a t r aditionalist b ut don't want a r o u nd diamond. With i t s r e c t angular shape and history dating back to at least 1477, an emerald-cut diamond engagement ring is time-honored yet unexpected. • I love vintage, and I'm wondering where to look. Surf ant i q ue-jewelry sites to see vintage offerings. Browse by decade to learn about the styles of each era. • I want a major rock on a minor budget. A halo setting imparts the illusion that you have a larger stone. Small diamonds encircle — and augment — the center gem. • I'd like to just wear a band. Sounds great! Just remember that, if going the band-only route, opt for a piece that works twice as well at e x pressing your sense of style. • I'm not really a supersparkly type of gal. Countless varieties of rough-cut diamonds embody cool-chic while remaining as stunning and special as their polished counterparts. • I have large hands. I suspect you're the only

Robert and Mildred Mahoney

simple," says psychologist Da- words and a lot of concepts

Chicago Tribune

t~y g

• I like to wear gold on some days,silveron others. Select a band that combines d i f f erent m e t als, or choose a setting with a single metal and mix it confidently with your other


Somewaysto enrichyourtoddler's vocabulary By Heidi Stevens


giving voice to your thoughts, reciting rhymes, singing along to the radio. The payoff can't be overestimated. "If kids can decode words but they haven't got the wareho u s e of vocabulary so that all those decoded words make sense, they g e t f r u strated and their brains disengage," Walsh says. "If I have a warehouse with a lot of vocabulary

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AAA Travel Awbrey Glen Golf Club Bend Metro Park S Recreation District The Bend Trolley Bend Wedding &Formal Black Butte Ranch Central Oregon Event Professionals Assoc.

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ewis omo

e w a ermen

By Christine DellrAmore Special To The Washington Post

Ten minutes into my tour with Chesapeake Bay watermen, and I'd just asked the l andlubber question of t h e century: What's the difference between a male and a female blue crab? "How could you stand there and say that?" joked Calvin "Pee Wee" Matthews, a thirdg eneration w aterman w h o had just hauled up a net of wriggling crabs from his boat on Maryland's West River, a tributary of the bay, which is surrounded by Maryland and Virginia and is the largest estuary in the United States. "She's from D.C.," my tour guide, John VanAlstine, said helpfully from our boat, the Patricia Anne, w hich w e 'd brought alongside Matthews' Little Rascal II. The matter was soon cleared up, thanks to some Washington landmarks, no less: VanAlstine showed me that the female crab has a r ounded abdomen — the shape of the C apitol dome — w h il e t h e male's is needle thin — think the Washington Monument. It's not every day that you can shoot the b reeze with some watermen — the shrinking group ofmen and women who make a living oystering, crabbing and fishing on the bay — but the Watermen Heritage Tours program has made it possible.






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By Freda Moon

Photo by Christine Dell' Amore/ For The Washington Post

Third-generation waterman Calvin uPee Wee" Matthews crabs on his boat, Little Rascal II, on the West River in Maryland in September. Matthews is one of the dwindling number of watermen, or the men and women who make their living oystering, crabbing, and fishing the Chesapeake Bay. tory, I found myself one chilly September morning on such a workboat, turning the key to start the steady rumble of the Patricia Anne's engine.

Life of a waterman I'd met VanAlstine in Galesville, a small riverside town south of Annapolis where he has moored his boats for 15 VanAlstine gave me a quick orientation of the 40-foot-long vessel — the "house" is the little room that contains the steering wheel and two seats, for instance — and then we chugged north across the flat bluish-gray river, where silhouettes of watermen at work speckled the horizon. Whilesteeringtheboat, VanAlstine filled me in on the life of a waterman — unpredictable harvests, rough weather, u nreliable p aychecks, b a d backs and knees — all balanced bythe freedom of working for y ourself, continuing old traditions and just the joy of being out on the water. "Doing this job isn't to get rich. It's a quality of life. Fifty percent of my paycheck is the enjoyment of what I do," said VanAlstine, 47, who was born in landlocked Howard County in Maryland but became a waterman in his 20s and eventually earned the community's respect. Matthews, 68, feels the same way. He's now retired from full-time work — a sign on the front of his boat reads "Hardly Working" — but he still crabs in the summer. "I love it," he told me. "I used to work on land, and it was the most boring job I've ever had in my life." Unfortunately fo r w a t ermen, 2013 is a bad one for crabs — the crustaceans are down in number by 60 percent, the worst in VanAlstine's

E M S S E I R U S N E O T F 0 F F R E E S E S






















18-year career. Part of the reason may be that a 2012 spike in numbers caused young crabs to eat one another, according to state officials. Most of VanAlstine's crab pots — square metal cages with a pocket in the center for bait — were onshore due to the poor crab season, but we headed for the more open waters of the bay to check on the few that he did have out. W hen we a r rived at h i s pots, VanAlstine donned orange overalls, work gloves, a long shirt to avoid jellyfish stings and then, with surprising speed, started yanking the pots into the boat. Only a few crabs scuttled out of each pot. He separated, or "culled,t"he creatures based on factors such as size and sex and then threw the pot back with a fresh bait fish. (People on longer tours can participate in crabbing and take some of the catch home to eat.) VanAlstine proudly s ays that he's known for having some of thebest crabs: Each has to pass his "squeeze test," which means pinching the corner ofeach crab's shell to feel whether it's hard. This means that the crab is mature and thus has more meat. He'll latersellthese beefiest crabs directly to buyers at a retail price.

The oyster grounds Our next stop was VanAlstine'soyster grounds, which he leases from the state. The oyster population is still less than one percent of its historic numbers in the Chesapeake Bay, but the numbers are climbing slowly due to oyster sanctuar-




If you could ask Gen. George Armstrong Custer about his last battle, he'd say he-


ies and habitat restoration. Each year, VanAlstine buys oyster larvae from the state hatchery, puts them on oyster shells and releases them into

his oyster grounds, hoping that the babies, called spats, will grow on the shells and become marketable adult oysters in a few years. He idled the boat over an oyster ground that he'd seeded earlier this summer and pulled out the 16-foot-long oyster t ongs, essentially tw o l o n g wooden poles with a m etal basket attached to the bottom that opens and closes like toothy jaws. VanAlstine stepped up onto the edge of his boat, lowered the basket into the oyster bed and opened and closed the poles with rapid, scissorlike movements, scraping up the oysters. "What I'm doing now you could do 100 years ago," he said, pulling up the tongs and spilling a mess of oysters onto the boat. He picked through the pile and showed me the rough shells on which babies are growing. And then it was my turn to oyster. I struggled to maneuver the heavy tongs, managing to heft a few oysters onto the boat. I couldn't imagine doing this for hours at a time, much less in sleet and snow in the dead of winter. But then I thought of all us office workers "on land," spending our days indoors sitting at computers, and I understood what Matthews had said: "If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't change a thing." — Dell'Amoreis afreelance writer in Washington. Her Web siteis christinedellamore.com.

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At the top of Midtown and one block east of the area's As Nevada's second city, main artery, South Virginia Reno was once a boomtown Street, 3-year-old Old Granite of gambling, vice and quickie Street Eatery (243 S. Sierra divorces. The city struggled St.; 775-622-3222; oldgranite as tribal casinos proliferated streeteatery.com) is an adin neighboring C alifornia vantageous starting point for in the past decade, sapping an evening out. The weekday the demand forjust-across- happy hour includes the resstate-lines slot machines and taurant's entire list of craft blackjack tables. beers, a well-considered seNever as cosmopolitan as lection of wines by the glass its "Biggest Little City" motto and a menu of s atisfying suggests, Reno has long had three-for-$10 small plates. a night life dominated by secBrasserie Saint James (901 ond-rate casinos, strip clubs S. Center St.; 775-348-8888; and the diviest of dive bars. brasseriesaintjames.com) Those days, however, are opened in a nearby historic disappearing. building in 2012. Its massive, Nowhere is that change high-ceilinged interior has more apparent than in the b een converted into a m i M idtown District, a m o d - crobrewery with a roof deck that's hard to resist on a clear est neighborhood south of d owntown where a h a l f - desert night. dozen lounges, gastro pubs, On first glance, Craft Wine craft breweries and cocktail and Beer (22 Martin St.; 775bars have recently opened. 622-4333; craftreno.net) is, This Midtown, as such, has in essence, a glorified liquor existed for only a handful of store. With a 9 p.m. closing years. Previously, the district time, a bedroom-size walk-in was known as the Bungalow beer refrigerator and wooden District for its many small bins of wine from around the Craftsman homes. world, Craft is more bottle The making of this new shop than bar. But this being Midtown was the work of the Nevada, the usual rules don't small-business owners be- apply, and this shop is actuhind Midtown District Reno ally both. (midtowndistrictreno.com) For something stronger, — vintage boutique, hard- walk south to Chapel Tavern ware store and tattoo parlor (1099 S. Virginia St.; 775owners. Another group, the 324-2244; chapeltavern.com). C reative Coalition of M i dThere's a lively pool table and town (creativecoalitionreno. a D.J. station for late nights, but com), was started this year more than anything, Chapel is to host events and bolster the an enthusiast's cocktail bar. area's creative community. A bit more affected, Death "It has taken off," said Am- and Taxes (26 Cheney St.; ber Solorzano, a 31-year-old 775-324-2630) is the n ewartist and coalition co-found- est project by the owner of er. "We saw a hole, with the the popular Midtown Eats Midtown growing so fast, and restaurant. The bar is dark, it becoming a place where with elaborate chandeliers people want to be, where peo- and superb drinks — and the ple want to live, where people stiff prices and aloof service want to come to hang out." to match. New Yorh Times News Service



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The patio of the Chapel Tavern in Reno, Nev. New lounges, gastro pubs, craft breweries and cocktail bars in the Midtown District represent a continuation of a boozy nighttime tradition and a break from Reno's seedy past.


In 2008, after a decade of plummeting crab populations, the federal government declared afishery disaster,and Congress designated money to support the bay's 5,200 licensed watermen — a group that's far smaller than in the past, although historical numbers are unknown, according to the Maryland Watermen's Association. Some of those funds went into a tourism-training program, led by the Chesapeake Conservancy in p artnership with th e C o astal H eritage Alliance and other bay organizations, which since 2010 has certified 80 watermen to lead trips throughout the bay. (Another training course may take place in 2014.) The idea is this: Tourism opens up another source of income for watermen while giving the public a chance to experiencesuch centuries-old practices as baiting crab pots and tonging oysters. Or, if you're the less hands-on sort, listening to a fish tale or two on a sunset cruise or a kayak trip. "When Ithink of the Chesapeake Bay, there's nothing more iconic than a w a t erman on the water in his white workboat," said Joanna Ogburn,director of programs for the Chesapeake Conservancy, when we chatted before my tour. And so, as a M arylander curious about my state's his-


Frank Haxton / Digiman Studio via The New York Times


Plummeting populations





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:I II::-


Photos by Barb Gonzalez/ For The Bulletin

The Ocean Lodge, one of several luxury lodgings on the south side of Cannon Beach near Tolovana Park,overlooks the beach and Haystack Rock. Rooms feature fireplaces where guests can get warm after a day of braving the coast's stormy weather.

Coast Continued from C1 Dozens of other artists will mount exhibits and demonstrations throughout the town. And at the Modern Villa Gallery, David Jonathan Marshall will open his new show. Marshall, 45, opened the Hemlock Street gallery with his wife, Molly, in 2004. "Our goal was always to be a city gallery at the beach," she said. "By representing only a dozen artists, we can show more of their work." None more so than David Marshall, whose varied body of work, from surrealism to literary portraiture, is reflective of Rene Magritte. "I've tried to bend the lines, as far as my style," Marshall said. "I never wanted to be pigeon-holed. If art is not challenging enough, it is boring to me." T here is a n e l ement o f mystery in works like "Riding Horseradish" and "Indian Summer," i n ps e udo-landscapes such as"White Forest at Dawn" and "Remember the Bonsai." Bicyclists fly off toward the horizon, giant apples fall from twisted trees, piano keyboards twist and curve like the frame of a baby grand. "If I can get you in the paint-

ing and feeling something by

northern Italy. My recent meal featured a three-cheese ravioli du jour, agrilled romaine salad and Columbia River sturgeon, pan-seared and served with a wild-mushroom risotto cake. Even in stormy weather, I couldn't deny myself a visit to Ecola State Park, which embraces forestedTillamook H ead immediately north of Cannon Beach. It's reached by driving a narrow but wellmarked strip of blacktop for a couple of miles through a dense growth of spruce and h emlock. A m p l e p a r k i n g encourages a short stroll to a p i cture-postcard l o okout point, with views south across the Bird Rocks to the town of Cannon Beach, and northwest to isolated Tillamook Rock lighthouse, battered by waves a half-mile offshore.

Around Seaside Nine miles north of Cannon Beach, Seaside is Oregon's quintessential beach r esort town. Oregon's answer to Atlantic City (minus the casinos), Seaside was the Northwest's first oceanfront resort in the late 19th century. Bumper cars and miniature golf, carousels and cotton candy share amusement halls on Broadway with video-game parlors. Despite the weather, I set out for the Seaside Aquarium,


a sa ggg ~



Angry surf crashes upon a pair of sea stacks on a stormy day at Cannon Beach. Through the autumn and winter months, and often well into spring, strong winds carry ample rains off the Pacific Ocean and drench the Oregon Coast. which has been around since 1937 — when it moved into a saltwater natatorium (swimming pool) c onstructed in 1924. It's a tiny place, especially by comparison to Newport's Oregon Coast Aquarium, but it's definitely worth a visit. "We try to get people to have a good time and learn something along th e w ay," said general manager Keith Chandler. A Seaside native, Chandler has worked at the aquarium for 34 years. Among the facility's 32 tanks, he proudly showed me a small red "Rubescens" octopus nursing a pod




l)p '



Artist David Jonathan Marshall poses with two paintings from his "Bicycle Series" at his Modern Villa Gallery in downtown Cannon Beach. "I've tried to bend the lines," said Marshall, who will launch a new show for the Stormy Weather Arts Festival, which begins Nov. 1.


of eggs, and a striped beakfish that had stowed away in a fishing boat that was carried more than 4,000 miles across the Pacific after the 2011 tsunami in Japan.


Continued next page


it, that's what I'm striving for as an artist," said Marshall. "I want to be an artist where it's a constant journey, and we're going on that journey together. I like to create a scene that I can pull people into."


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Sand and shops A seaside community of 1,700 permanent r esidents, Cannon Beach stretches down the Pacific shore for more than three miles. The 235-foot monolith of Haystack Rock, rising like a pyramid from t h e o f fshore surf, is the first thing to catch any visitor's eye. A rookery fortufted puffins, cormorants, guillemots and other sea birds, the massive rock and its colorful tidepools can be reached by foot at low tide. Beach walkers searchfor shells,sand dollars sea stars and other marine denizens. Others walk their dogs or fly colorful kites when the weather cooperates. In any weather, though, consulting a tide table is essential: If the tide comes in before you do, you may have to brave the rip tide — not recommended — or wait 12 hours for the next lowtide. There weren't many hardy souls on the beach during my rainy weekend. I spent hours, h owever, beside the fire i n my Ocean Lodge hotel room, watching the tide roll in and out on Haystack Rock. When I tired of that, I descended a half-flight of steps to the mezzanine library, where books and videosare free for guests' use, and where a fine continental-style breakfast is served each morning at no additional

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Art galleries and small cafes dominate a three-block stretch of South Hemlock Street in downtown Cannon Beach. The13-member Cannon Beach Gallery Group is spearheading the town's annual Stormy Weather Arts Festival, which this year is Nov. 1-3.

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charge. When I ventured out, it was to the three pedestrian-friendly blocks of downtown Cannon Beach.Besides the galleries, there are shops aplenty, including Once Upon a Breeze, which sells colorful kites and offers "hospital" services for the flying toys. The Cannon Beach Book Co. is the hub of a literary scene that draws noted N o r t hwest wr i t e r s for workshops and getaway weekends. And the brand-new Cannon Beach Distillery is offering tastes of its craft rums, gins and a tequila-style agave beverage. The town has several fine r estaurants. My f a v orite i s Newman's at 988, which occupies a bright and tiny yellow house in the heart of Cannon Beach's midtown district. Here, chef-owner John Newman — who also operates the Japanese-influenced Fishes in downtown Cannon Beachfocuses onthe Mediterranean cuisine of southern France and

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Expensesfor two Gas, Bend toSeasideand Cannon Beach, 496 miles


S. Hemlock St., Cannon

Rates from $72 The Inn at Seaside. 441

Beach; 503-436-1151, www.

Second Ave.,Seaside;503-738-

(round-trip) at $3.50/gallon

9581, 800-699-5070, www.

$69.44 Lodging (two nights, with

innatseaside.com. Rates from $99

breakfast), TheOceanLodge, Cannon Beach $404.46 Dinner, Mo's, Cannon Beach $48 Lunch, Norma's, Seaside $35 Admission, Seaside Aquarium $16 Dinner, Newman's at 988, Cannon Beach $112 Lunch, Local Grill8 Scoop,


7243, www.pignpancake.com. Three meals daily. Budget and

Surfsand Resort. 148 W. Gower St., Cannon Beach; 503436-2274, 800-547-6100, www.

TOTAL $706.90

If you go

surfsand.com. Ratesfrom $119 DINING

INFORMATION Cannon Beach Information Office. 207 N.Spruce St.,

The Local Grill & Scoop. 156 N. Hemlock St., Cannon Beach; 503-436-9551, www.facebook.

Cannon Beach;503-436-2623, www.cannonbeach.org Seaside Visitors Bureau. 7 N. Roosevelt St., Seaside; 503738-3097, 888-306-2326, www.


com. Threemeals daily. Budget and moderate. Maggie's on the Prom. 581 S. Promenade, Seaside; 503-738-

6403, www.theseasideinn.com.

LODGING Ecola Creek Lodge. 208 E. Fifth St., Cannon Beach; 503436-2776, 800-873-2749, www.

ecolacreeklodge.com. Rates from $59

Three meals daily. Moderate Mo's Cannon Beach at Tolovana Park. 3400 S.

Hemlock St., CannonBeach; 503-436-1111.Lunch anddinner. Moderate Newman's at 988. 988

Hillcrest Inn. 118 N. Columbia St., Seaside; 503-738-6273,


4331, www.normasseaside.com. Lunch and dinner. Moderate Pig 'N Pancake. 323

net. Rates from $59 (private room), $27 (dorm).

Cannon Beach $32

Norma's Seafood & Steak. 20 N. Columbia, Seaside;503-738-

The Ocean Lodge. 2864 S. Pacific St., Cannon Beach; 503436-2159, 888-777-4047, www. $189 Seaside Lodge & International Hostel. 930 N. Holladay Drive, Seaside; 503738-7911, www.seasidehostel.

ean vaca ion, c a ere us or ou ari

newmansat988.com. Dinner only. Moderate toexpensive

The Washington Post We want t o c h arter . a private boat in the Caribbean this summer. Are there travel companies that specialize in this? My parents often char• ter sailboats through the Moorings. Depending on your sailing skills, you can bareboat or hire a captain and cook. Itineraries start from various island bases, such as Tortola, Grenada, St. Lucia and St. Martin. Horizon Yacht Charters and Sunsail are also well-known companies in the field. — Andrea Sachs

Broadway,Seaside; 503-738-

ATTRAGTIONS Ecola State Park. Ecola Park Road, Cannon Beach; 503-436-

Modern Villa Gallery. 224 N. Hemlock St., Suite 6, Cannon Beach; 503-436-2428, www.

modernvillagallery.com Northwest by Northwest Gallery. 232 N.Spruce St., Cannon Beach;503-436-0741,


Seaside Aquarium. 200 N. Prom, Seaside; 503-738-6211,


Seaside Carousel Mall.

300 Broadway,Seaside; 503-738-6728, www.


seasidecarouselmall.com Seaside Museum & Historical Society. 570

Necanicum Drive,Seaside; 503-738-7065, www.



Barb Gonzalez / For The Bulletin

— Reporter: jandersonC< bendbulletin.com



~ QS

Se a side



Cannon Beach QREG halem


To rtland

'~ La nnoh Bea Portland

Till oo


• Bend I'


Continued from C1 "For so few people, we're doing a lot," Bicart said, exp laining members of h er group also volunteer with other community organizations in need of help. "There just seems to be so much

Greg Cross/The Bulletin

Another great place to escape the rain is the Seaside Carousel Mall. ... Children delight in contemplating what they should ride: It could be

more demand (for help) these days." Members of Reed's group run a series of similar projects, collecting granola bars for school breakfast programs and peanut butter for a meal program run by Jericho Road in Redmond. The association's members also put together handw ritten C h r i stmas a n d birthday cards for disabled people who are servedby the Opportunity Foundation of

a horse, of course, but there are also rabbits, cats, reindeer, ostriches,

a pig, bear and other creatures,some of them mythical.

Central Oregon, and lap blankets that help chemotherapy patients at the St. Charles Cancer Center in Redmond stay warm during their treatments. "There's a lady in Bend who knits stocking caps for us," Reed said,describing another project the association's members work on each year. Both groups also make sure there will be another group of teachersand educators to take their place by issuing scholarships to students who study education. The retired educators association gives $1,000 to the Central Oregon Community

CollegeFoundation each year to help students who are studying education while the Delta Kappa Gamma's state and national offices dole out dozens of scholarshipseach year to women who pursue an education degree. — Reporter: 541-617-7816, mmclean@bendbulletin.com

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Q . are going t o S cottsdale for a wedding and will



ideas of what goes on'? A ccording to the . London tourism site, there arefireworks over the Thames, a New Year's Day parade anda Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park. I think it would be so cool to ice-skate at the Tower of London. — Becky Krystal M y husband an d

My husband and I are . planning our first trip to Italy in early March. After Rome and Florence, we'd like to splurge for one night on the coast or in the countryside. What town and/or accommodations would you


A harbor seal, one of 10 in residence at the Seaside Aquarium, climbs onto a platform in its tank. The oldest privately owned aquarium on the West Coast opened in 1937, when it moved into a former saltwater natatorium on Seaside's Promenade. purchase here, a rain-deterrentwoolen driver'scap from Seaside Mostly Hats. ("Keep it covered," said the sign, so I did.) In this mall, I could also have had an old-time photograph shot or a portrait painted. I could have sipped a latte or ordered a chocolate shake from the Flashback Malt Shoppe. I could have eaten Chinese food at the Golden Horse. I could have bought jewelry, leather goods or home-decor items. I could have found children's toys Under the Big Top, or picked up gift items at The Old Crab or The Purple Palace. Given the weather conditions, I could more likely have been lured into The Aspirin Shop. At one time, a clerk told me, that's all it was. And a selection of Bayer, Tylenol, Advil and other headache remedies are still prominent behind the counter. But it is now an expansive gift shop with a name that requires a second take. And why not? When the rains of fall and winter force visitors inside, it's always nice to have something new to ponder.

My husband and I will

Q • be in London on New Year's Eve and D ay. A ny



But the aquarium's big attraction is its tank of 10 harbor seals, including two that were born eight days apart in late May. Visitors receive a free bag of seal food with family admissions, and children love tossing the tidbits over a protective screen to the marine mammals, who are notorious for splashing if they think they deserve more. Another great place to escape the rain is the Seaside Carousel Mall, built in 1985 on the site of an old big-band dance hall. There was no permanent merry-go-round here during Seaside's downtown renovation, despite a perfect location beneath a central skylight with shops radiating out. That was remedied in 1990, with classic carved menagerie animals p urchased from t h e S a n Francisco Carousel Museum. Children delight in contemplating what they should ride: It could be a horse, of course, but there are also rabbits, cats, reindeer, ostriches, a pig, bear and other creatures, some of them mythical. I made my big weekend

My husband and I are • i n o ur 2 0s a nd w i l l be visiting relatives in Orlando for Christmas. We'd l ike to spend one day a t Disney World or Universal Studios. Which park do you recommend? My typical answer for . anyone with just one day is to do the Magic Kingdom, because it's the quintessential Disney experience. It's nicely decorated for the holidays, and if you stay into the evening, it feels — yes — magical, especially when they make it "snow." Epcot also has great holiday decorations, and you can find international flair throughout the World Showcase. — Becky Krystal

Airways also fly nonstop to Nassau in the Bahamas, and the Atlantis resort on Paradise Island makes kids and adults alike squeal. If you have more time, I recommend Puerto Rico. You can stay in Old San Juan or venture west to smaller beach towns. — Andrea Sachs

have three days to ourselves. We'd love to do outdoor activities and see great scenery. Should we stick to the Phoenix/Scottsdale area or move around? We were thinking suggest? about Sedona. You might try someSedona's beautiful and . thing in the Maremma • a good idea. It's about region, which is p opular two hours from Scottsdale. among Italians in the know But what about the Grand but still rather undiscovered Canyon, too? It's only three by tourists. The beaches are hours or so away, and you go shopping along Stroget, beautiful and unspoiled. You have three days. the long pedestrian street in could stay in a lovely old villa — Zofia Smardz the city center. Nyhavn, the such as Villa Bengodi in FonI'm coming to D.C. and renovated old port area, has teblanda, or there are many lots of great restaurants. great boutique hotels. There's • w as planning to d o — Zofia Smardz also the Cinque Terre, five some hiking. Any ideas on beautiful coastal villages that good hiking spots that will be I want to go to the Gala- have come roaringback after open'? I need a hotel recom. pagos next year. When some awful floods a couple of mendation, too, something is the best season? years ago. midrange. The Galapagos are a — Zofia Smardz I really like Sky Mead• year-round d es t i na• ows State Park n ear We're looking to make Paris, Va. The Ashby Inn is tion. Peak season is f r om June through early Septem• our first trip with our lovely and adjacent to t he ber and over the winter holi16-month-old i n Ja n u ary, park; rooms start at $ 165 days. The park sets limits on hoping for something beachy. weekdays. There are chain the number of visitors to pro- Can you suggest any areas hotel options in nearby Front tect the ecosystem, so boats that will be warm enough? Royal, as well as the charmI f you're l i mited o n fill up fast. The park also roi ng L a ckawanna Be d 8 tates islands to give the crit• time, look for a n on- Breakfast. There are plenty ters a break from tourists. If stop flight, such as to Miami, of choices in an d a r ound you have your heart set on Fort Lauderdale or Tampa. Winchester, too. I'd look into specific islands, check cruise From Tampa, you can cross the George Washington. — Becky Krystal itineraries to be sure the boat the bridge to St. Petersburg,


From previous page


I 'll b e t r a veling t o • Copenhagen o ver Thanksgiving and would like help with planning. Here are some things • to do in C openhagen and environs: Visit T i voli Gardens, or Bakken, supposedly the world's oldest amusement p a rk ; R o senborg Castle and grounds; the Little Mermaid statue; Christiania, the city's hippie enclave; the National Museum and National Gallery; the Open Air Museum; the Royal Reception Rooms and Stables at Christiansborg Palace; the Botanical Garden; the Viking Ship Museum in Roskilde; Kronborg Castle in Elsinore; the Carlsberg brewery; and Frederiksborg Palace in Hillerod. You can




great source of info. — Andrea Sachs


2844, www.oregonstateparks. org

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by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

co mpletethegrid

Unscramble these six Jumbles one letter to each square, to form six ordinary words.

so that every row, column and3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

By Seth Sherwood


New York Times News Service

Ogoi3rnboneContentAgency,LLC All n hteneeenten



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Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.






Road to success By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency


A reader asked my opinion on what

high diamondfrom dummy, and on

determines success at b ridge. He wanted to know which matters more:

his ace of spades he unblocks the last high diamond. South then forces out

knowledge gained through study,

the jack of diamonds, ruffs the club

judgment acquired from experience, or natural ability. All are v i t al. On e can become

return and wins the last three tricks with good diamonds. Would you visualize the winning rg

proficient by reading; bridge is less play? intuitive than, say, chess. But good

North dealer

bridge players have "card sense,"

N-S vulnerable

which is as real as a sense of humor or a sense of proportion that fosters artistic talent. This w e e k ' s de a l s f ea t u red blocking and unblocking plays that r equire manipulating an a r ray o f cards in two hands. Such plays can be learned, but the winning play today would be easier for someone with inborn talent. Against six hearts, West leads the ten of clubs: jack, queen, ruff. South cashes the ace of trumps — and has a problem when West discards. Say South unblocks dummy's ten and picks up East's trumps; South then has one trump left. He takes the top diamonds, but East discards. South








9Q 104 () AKQ


sigK J 54 3 2

WEST 4 J9874 2 9 None ( r J76 4 4 10 9 S


EAST 4Q1065 9 J8 7 6



ro 3

4 AQ 7 6


SOUTH 4A3 Q AK 9 5 3 2 0 1098 3 2 4None

can then cash the king of spades, ruff

Ea s t Pass P ass P ass


a club and take the ace of spades, but he loses the last two tricks to the jack of diamonds and ace of clubs. South succeeds thus: He cashes the ace of diamonds at Trick Three, takes

North 1 4 20 4 twf

South 19 40 69

West Pass Pass All Pass

On the fourth trump he unblocks a

(C) 2013 Tribune Content Agency, LLC


Opening lead — gog 10

the king of spades and draws trumps.

Lisbonmore than just fado Eeva Tuuhea remembers the precise moment when she received a friend's phone call telling her that the Hot Clube de Portugal, an iconic Lisbon jazz joint since the 1940s and her beloved regular hangout for two decades, was on fire — literally. "It was a rainy night, the 22nd of December, 2009, at 3 a.m., n recalled Tuuhea, a blond, middle-aged Finnish expat who said she has been "part of the furniture" at the Hot Clube since the late 1980s. nI was called and c ame down to see it; 8,500 hearts broke on Facebook, and God knows how m a n y b e sides that," she said. The fire an d s ubsequent flooding by the fire department destroyed the building. But the mourning period was short. The city government pledged to help, putting up money and installing the club in a small building just a few doors from the original. Completed in 2011 and reopened officially last year, the relaunched Hot Clube de Portugal is back in business with a full assortment of local and international live acts. On a balmy fall evening last year, any fears that Hot Clube 2.0 wouldn't match the heat of its predecessor had apparently been assuaged. "They recreated the space b ut they b rought over t h e spirit from the old place," Tuuhea said, sipping red wine at the club's bar and awaiting a performance byCarlos Bica, a Portuguese bassist with a cult following. Over the past couple of years, innovative new music

spots have been popping up

around Lisbon, and defunct and departed iconic music venues have been rising from their ashes, literally or figuratively. From intimate supper clubs to warehouse dance halls, the new generation of hangouts is enriching the Portuguese capital's sonic spectrum and expanding the array of places where music aficionados and bands of all stripes can converge. These days, a

Francisco Seco/The New York Times

Gonqalo Prazeres, with the jazz band TRiSoNTe, performs on the stage of the Hot Clube de Portugal jazz club in Lisbon, Portugal, earlier this month. A tour of contemporary Lisbon's music venues is a journey across continents and styles a world apart from the melancholy fado folk music for which the city is best known. spin around town is a journey across continents and styles, from indie jazz t o A f r ican beats toAmerican retro rock to electronic experiments. "Everyone thinks that Lisbon is only fado," said Luis Rodrigues, music editor for Time Out Lisbon, referring to the homegrown melancholy folk music that has become almost a cliche of Lisbon. nBut there's so much more going on." For instance, if you're seeking a classy evening of global sounds (from jazz to folk to ethno-groove) an d r e f i ned neo-Portuguese cuisine, the airy and angular Vinyl caferestaurant began serving dinner and hosting concerts last year. And if yo u absolutely must hear fado, you can find the music reborn in unexpected, avant-garde forms (as well as other Portuguese music, both traditional and experimental) at Can the Can, a new g allery-like r estaurant a n d «Fado laboratory" started by Rui Pregal da Cunha, singer for afamous 1980s Portuguese rock band called Herois do Mar — Heroes of the Sea. The same week as the Carlos Bica show at Hot Clube de Portugal, an eclectic crowd ambled into B.Leza, a bubblegum-pink warehouse amid the dingy docklands next to Cais do Sodre train station. African immigrants and native

Portuguese from allreaches of Lisbon society paid the 10euro covercharge and milled around the soaring neo-industrial space. Along the w alls, colorful posters announced past and future concertsby a bevy of prestigious African artists, including Bombino, the Tuareg guitarist from Niger, and the legendary Cape Verdean singer-guitarist Tito Paris. Ask any Lisbon music fan about B.Leza and you'll get a nostalgic sigh and a wistful tale about the beauty and character of the original space, an 18th-century palace that the club had to abandon in 2007. While the shiny contemporary B.Leza, which opened last year, might lack the faded grandeur of its forefather, it certainly retains its pan-African

programming and remarkably loyal, diverse fan base. B.Leza isthe Lisbon club where you're most likely to run into your mom or incognito A-listers like Jeremy Irons and Pierre Casiraghi of Monaco, both of whom stopped in last year. "They come here like normal people," said Sofia Saudade e Silva, whose father, a Portuguese lawyer in love with African music, founded the club and then left it to Saudade and her sister when he died. "Here everyone is equal: rich, poor, black, white."


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Now is the time to snag

a deal on that cruise By Tom Parsons The Dallas Morning News

If you are thinking about taking a cruise, October is a great month to look. There are deals and perks available because the cruise lines want to entice people into booking cabins for travel in the next few months and

beyond. A lso, there will s oon b e more cruise options from Texas ports. Princess Cruises will b egin sailing from Houston on Nov. 5, saving an hour in the car from Dallas vs. departing from Galveston. Norwegian C r uise L i n es will also offer Houston cruises starting in October 2014. Spots on a se v en-night cruise on the Caribbean Princess, sailing from H ouston on Nov. 9, were available for as low as $449 for an inside cabin, $479 for an oceanview,

$699 for a balcony and $929 for a suite. The ship will stop in Cozumel, Mexico; Mahogany Bay and Roatan Island, Honduras; and Belize City, Belize, before returning to Houston. Princess also offers fournight cruises wit h s l ightly lower prices. Florida is a good departure point for Caribbean cruises, and we've been seeing airfares from Dallas to Fort Lauderdale for as low as $199 nonstop, with the average price around $299 round trip. There are also deals with unlimited wine, beer, spirits and soda on select sailings. Royal Caribbean is offering a free beverage package for Transatlantic sailings when you book by Tuesday. Holland America is also offering a free Signature Beverage Package or free Beverage Card on select sailings. Sometimes these offers are r estricted to o c eanview o r higher cabins, so look at the fine print before you book. These deals can be worth up to $55 per person per day, and if you calculate the cost of drinks on the ship, you might find the balcony cabin is a lot more reasonable when you add that perk. To celebrate Veterans Day, several cruise lines, such as Carnival and R oyal C aribbean, offer military discounts d uring November for a n y one who has served in the military. They can be deep discounts, and some cruise lines allow you to extend the discounts to two or three cabins so you can bring friends and family along at the discounted rates. Keep in mind that you may have to show discharge papers, called D D F or m 2 14 documents, if you are not an active-duty military member. If you qualify, look for offers next month. If yo u need a copy of your DD 214, visit archives .gov/veterans/militaryservice-records. Other discounts to look out for are seniordiscounts for those 55 and older. As long as one person in the party is 55 or older, anyone else in the cabin can usually get the discounted rate.There are also past-cruiser discounts and discounts for residents of select states. Make sure you enter all categories that you qualify for so you get the best deals. Otherperks available are free

upgrades and onboard spending credits. Some cruise lines, such as Carnival and NCL, are offering reduced deposits. They are doing what they can to get you to book not only for now but also for 2014 sailings. Most cruise lines allow you to book up to two years in advance. You won't always see deals very far out, but we are seeing some great deals on the upcoming start of Norwegian cruises from Houston for sailings from Oct. 11, 2014, through Feb. 7, 2015. Rates for a seven-night Western Caribbean cruise from Houston are as low as $68 per night for an inside cabin, $78 per night for an oceanview, $118 per night for a balcony and $143 per night for a suite.

a a

a c i w i t i t s e a to t e meta

By Josh Noel

If you go

Chicago Tribune

CALGARY, A l berta Cranes tower above the heart of Canada's third-largest city. They're white and red and yellow, and some hang 25 stories in the sky. Others sit low to the ground, just beginning their work. Though best known for its annual Stampede rodeo, hosting th e 1 988 W i nter Olympics and being the place to pick up your rental car on the way to Canada's Rocky Mountains, Calgary is a city in remarkable transformation. You see it in its culinary explosion, the enthusiasm of its youthful population, and that f a st-growing s k y line sprouting from the brown Canadian plains. Over dinner one night at Charcut, a restaurant that has wowed the city with its spirit of culinary adventure, I met a business traveler from Toronto who visits Calgary every few months. Kyle Winston, 34, wh o owns an insurance adjustment firm, marveled at the five glassy office towers and half-dozen apartment b u i ldings

Getting there: Nonstop flights to Calgary from the United States generally originate from the West ' WC

including United and Air

Canada. Thereare many daily options. Staying there: Highlights

beyond the usual chains include Hotel Arts (119 12th Ave. SW, 403-2664611, hotelarts.ca), which boasts funky, modern touches such as darkwalled rooms; rates start at about $149 plus tax.

Kensington Riverside lnn Tom Day/ChicagoTribune

Bow Tower rises above the skyline of Calgary, Canada's third largest city.

SC I IOOI WeSt CB n B gjBn gl j$-


t own, which i s the heart of the

rest and play. The COSmppplltBn

week e nd action.

growth, Winston sald seems more pronounced with

The city was out ln droves Ilnlng uptogetintobars,

rooms start at $209 per night plus tax. Part of a Canadian hotel chain, Hotel

Le Germain (899 Centre St. SW, 403-264-8990,

germaincalgary.com) is considered one of the higher-end properties in town, with rates beginning at $209 plus tax.

Note: Weekdayhotel rates are significantly more

expensive becauseof Calgary's high volume of business travel. www.visitcalgary.com via McClatchy News Service

Peace Bridge, which crosses into Calgary, rises over the Bow River.

The art includes such mustsees as the 40-foot white wire head outside th e r e cently opened Bow skyscraper, and talki n g, l a u gh- Spanish architect S antiago »g and pack»g Calatrava's red Peace Bridge, businesses of all which surges across the Bow stripes: coffee River. shops, pizzerias, And as much as it likes a par-

enpugII fpr ~12 ~ I i f

every visit. IOCBII y m BCfe desp>« rpBSted-beet t hose gleaming b I .C . e t owers, he w a s

far more excited CI'eBm fp Slf. about the restau- jn ~Qeff eeZef r ant where w e sat, where I was

near downtown, and

17th A venue, just sou t h of d ovm-

uses those buildi ngs for w o r k , Bf ieBSf' j~ IS

ethni c

g '"





hau n ts ty, Calgary enjoys healthy liv-


and l a t e-night ing. Amongthe best of the city's burger joints. It outdoor adventuresisPrince's picking at a plate N a t u r a l had the energy Island, a park nestled within of Pig-head mort- MB r k e f, jn of a college town, the curve of the Bow River, beadella (which is though the peo- tween downtown's skyscrape ssentially th e ple in the streets ers and the largely chain-free best b o logna Ke nSingtpn ranged in age Kensington neighborhood. ever). from their 20s to Prince's Island is as calm and area. "For a while 50s. pretty as an urban park gets, there were just Even the with acres of rolling grass and the s a m e ol' street musicians gently curving pathways for steakhouses that my father s e emed to be flying. On one couples strolling hand in hand, went to," Winston said. "All street corner, three guys with young families, runners and of a sudden you see these res- long hair banged on a banjo, skateboarding teens. taurants popping up, doing a c oustic guitar and steel gui- A rocky shore lines the river different things." tar. When one wandered off, within the park, which makes So Calgary can claim a an o t her h ollered, "Thanks for an easy escape to watch growing skyline and a robust f o r the jam, brother!" the pedestrian and bike traffic food scene, both elemental I w al k e d on to find a pou- crossing Calatrava's wormlike to an urban boom, but that t i n e shop jammed with hun- bridge. On a warm weekend alone does not tell the story g r y y o uth digging into the afternoon, I did just that, leanof this lively city of more than n a t ional dish of French fries ing back to watch Calgary go a million, which tourism offi- t o p ped with gravy and cheese by. At first that Space Age tube cials say has largely returned c u r ds. seemed a bit out of place, but in tonormalsincebeinghithard Dur i n g the course of the ever-changing Calgary, it came by June flooding. (I visited w e ekend, I also cametolearn to seem right at home. justbeforethefloods.) t hat the r e is relatively open Calgary is c osmopolitan u s e of marijuana in Calgary, touches on old-school West t h o ugh not in a flashy way; Canadian grit; at least, it is i t u s ually was as simple as c osmopolitanenoughfor$12 a m a n w a l k ing down t he pints of locally made roasted- s t reet while smoking a joint. beet balsamic ice cream to sit ( T h ough pot is illegal in Canin the freezer of Sunnyside a d a, the prohibition is only Natural Market, in the quaint m o d erately enforced). Kensington area. Yet the city is alive and raw and ethnically diverse; you hear French But t h e t imidneedn'tworry; speakers, British accents and C a lgary is far from raucous. It African languages. also is home to healthy living and ample Canadian civilThe 'Canadian Denver' ity. The city's metal sidewalk It often is said that Calgary, g r ates have foot cutouts for sitting a mere 50 miles from e a sier passage, residents are Canada's Rocky Mountains, v i sibly uncomfortable with is th e C a nadian D enver. j a y walking, and there's an obThat's not quite true. It's more v i ous affection for public art.


(1126 Memorial Drive NW,403-228-4442, com) sits at the edge of the Kensington neighborhood

a b l end of Denver's borderi n g -the-mountains vibrancy a n d a d ashof Portland'sedgin e ss. At other times, it seems m o r e l i k e Western Europe than its neighbor to the south. Resi d ents are excited to l i v e there,andthatwasnever c l e arer than when I watched t h e c ity burble deeply into t he n i ght. O n the Friday I arthat have risen Ca l g ary iS rived in Calgary, in recent years, COSmpppij)Bn I headed out into l argely in r e the brisk evening I I sponsetoarobust < for a stroll along

Alberta oil and gas industry that

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Meyers brings'Dramla'to life — sort of — onNBC TV SPOTLIGHT By Kate O'Hare © Zap2it

A s Kin g H e nr y V I I I i n Showtime's "The Tudors," Irish actor Jonathan Rhys Meyers took on an English king with a taste for fancy dress, pretty women, power, and lopping the heads off u nfaithful w i v e s a n d i n discreet o r u n c o operative courtiers. F riday, o n N B C , R h y s M eyers t a c k le s an o t h er iconiccharacter, an Eastern European king-turned-vampire with a taste for understated dress, pretty women (with an d w i t h out b l o odl etting), p o wer, a n d t a k ing down rivals as rich and powerful as himself. F rom th e p r o d ucers o f PBS' "Downton A b b e y," "Dracula" returns Irish author Bram Stoker's creation — adapted in ways ranging from the sexy to the comic and from the past to present day — to his native 19th century. Having been revived from a desiccated imprisonment by a fresh infusion of blood — from a surprising source, for those who know the original story — the former Vlad th e I m p aler assumes the guise of American entrepreneur Alexander Grayson.

He makes a grand appearance in London with the goal of bringing a n a b u n dant, wireless source of e n ergy to the world, upsetting the

ters, journal entries, ship's log entries, news clippings, etc.) is now considered literature, that wasn't always the case. "Bram Stoker's book was extraordinarily s u c cessful h pulp fiction," he says. "So, I don't view Dracula the novel as great literature. I feel it as the Dan Brown of it s day. It's very exciting, and that's w hat p e ople l i k ed . L i k e Dracula, a penny dreadful, they l oved r e ading t h e se gory stories. " So the t h i n g i s , w h a t makes h im i nte r e sting, when they change him into Jonathon Hession /NBC a monster, they make him "Dracula" premieres Friday on NBC. immortal. There's one small part of him that's humanbecause all monster would nascent Industrial RevoluKretschmann as A b raham b e bliss. But h e's no t a l l tion and the energy interests Van Helsing, Nonso Anozie monster; there's one small, fueling it. At the same time, as R.M. Renfield, Katie Mc- tiny part of hi m t h at's still he seeks revenge against an Grath a s L u c y W e stenra, human, and that's the thorn, ancient order that wronged V ictoria Sm urfit a s L a d y that's what causes the pain. " It's t h e s park of h u h im, killed the w oman h e Jayne Wetherby, Ben Miles loved and cursed him with as Mr. Browning and Robert man that brings a conflict undead immortality. Bathurst as L or d T h o m as in a vampire. If it w ere all But when he puts his plan Davenport. monster, it would be bliss, "I play him as a dead man in motion, the sudden apb ecause it would be all o f pearance of a woman who pretending to be alive," says something. There's a duality is, ahem, a dead ringer for Rhys Meyers o f D r a c ula. there. There's a small, tiny "That's pretty much how I his late wife, throws, as the desire for life and death." British would say, a spanner approached it, that he's dead. A s to w h e ther t ha t i n in the works. There's no spirit; there's no h erent tragedy m akes th e Daniel Knauf ("Carnival") blood pumping through his vampire such a compelling is the writer and one of the veins. So every emotion is a figure, Rhys M eyers says, "I think it probably is, and producers, along with Tony pretend emotion, but when they've made vampires an Krantz, C o l i n Cal l e nder you see him s ometimes, I a nd Gareth N e ame. A l s o wanted that image that he's attractive thing. But I'm not starring are Oliver Jacksoncompletely dead inside." sure how attractive sleeping Cohen as Jonathan Harker, Rhys Meyers also keeps with somebody who's been J essica De Gouw as M i n a in mind that, while Stoker's dead for 400 years would M urray/Ilona , Th omas epistolary novel (told in let- be."

owto e a omeesssi in?

Nevertheless, there is an erotic edge to "Dracula." "Of course," Rhys Meyers says, "there's sex involved. Vampires are associated w ith such t h i ngs. But t h e o ne thing I d i d n't w ant i s this q u i t e pr e t t y -looking vampire. So I made certain choices. I went for lighting quite harshly in parts. I had my hair slicked back, and it gave me a more severe look. "There's variety. I d i dn't w ant e v erybody w a l k i n g around as pretty vampires. That gets boring very quickly. So I wanted him to sometimes appear a bit attractive, charming, and sometimes to appear quite monstrous and afflicted." A lthough R h y s M e y e r s d id 10 episodes in al l b u t one season of "The Tudors"

(Season 3 was eight), and he's doing 10 episodes of "Dracula," he noticed a big

difference going from a paycable series with a large cast to a broadcast network one where he's playing the title character. "It was, all in all," he says, "a long time to stay at that l evel of i n t ensity. So t h at was a little bit difficult."

One might say Rhys Meyers graduated from college football to the NFL. "Yeah," he says, "it is the f ... N FL , I' m t e lling y ou. And I feel like a bruised and b usted-up h a l f back r i g h t now. By next year, I'll be a member of t h e P i ttsburgh Steelers."

MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may beanadditional fee for 3-0 and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to changeafter press time. t

Dear Abby:I have two sisters and three brothers, ranging in age from 52 to 69. All of us except one are comfortable financially. The exception is our brother "Jerry," who is homeless. He lives in a park and does odd jobs. He owes money for old student loans DEAR and probably back ABBY taxes, so he's hesitant about finding a "real" job and having to fill out a W-4 form. I believe he uses alcohol and marijuana, but not often. I am the only family member who is in contact with him, and I give him money occasionally. The others may not be aware of how bad his living situation is. I have no room for him in my house because my adult daughter and grandson moved in. Wearenot aclosefamily, although we have no animosity. Should I send an email or letter to my siblings about our brother? Should I ask for suggestions on how to help him? How should it be worded? — Sensitive Sis in California Dear Sensitive Sis: The answer to both questions is yes. Your message doesn't have to be long or fancy. If I were writing it, I would put it this way: "Are you aware that our broth-

er Jerry is homeless, living in a park and surviving on odd jobs? This is a disgrace to our family. Do you have any suggestions about how to help our brother?" People who live on the streets (or in parks) usually have more problems than unpaid student loans and backtaxes. There is often a significant mental health or substance abuse issue. My suggestion would be to involve a social worker in steering your brother toward the help he needs to get his life back. Dear Abby:I am a senior citizen and an above-the-knee amputee. I wear a full-leg prosthesis and use crutches. I love being out and about, going to theaters, restaurants, outdoor markets, etc. How should I respondtothe many people who ask me what happened? Did I breakmy ankle, have knee surgery or what? I know telling them the truth would embarrass them. Abby, please ask your readers to think twice before asking a stranger such a personal question. — Amputee in New Jersey Dear Amputee: OK, I'll try. Readers, I have advised many times that



OCT. 20, 2013:This yearyou could run into several obstacles. How you look at these hassles defines your success or your failure. You often test boundaries and ask a lot of questions. Financial ties will be important, and they Stars show the kind could be an issue of dayyou'll have i n a relationship. ** * * * D ynamic You can count on ** * * P ositive a n older friend or ** * A verage fam i ly member. If ** So-so you are single, be * Difficult aware that money could be a difficult issue when dating potential suitors. Once you get past negativity, nearly anything will be possible. If you are attached, consider getting separate bankaccounts. TAURUS might seem tougher than you are, but he or she is gentle. ARIES(March21-April 19) ** * * D eal with an edginess or a fleeting mood that is uncomfortable. Try to work it out by going to the source of what triggered you. Actually, this might be nothing more than your own mood. A misunderstanding could be hard to put the kibosh on. Tonight: Enjoyafun friend.

TAURUS (April 20-May20) ** * * * Y ou wake up on top of the world, until you run into someone who is acting like Mr. Scrooge. Your empathy allows a great deal of understanding, but don't allow your feelings to entangle with the other person's. Choose fun people to hang with. Tonight: With a favorite person!

GEMINI (May 21-June20) ** * * You might question plans and get no answer. How you see aloved one could become tainted because of this lack

By Jacqueline Bigar

of response. The issue of trust emerges. Tonight: Indulge a little.

CANCER (June 21-July22) ** * * L isten to news with openness, even if you would prefer to slam the phone down or hiss the messenger away. Focus on resolution and clearing out a space for some Sunday time with a child or loved one. Tonight: Where the action is. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22j ** * S tay on top ofa situation, as you might have some responsibility in determining how it unwinds. You will go to extremes if you feel as though a family member is raining on your parade. Stay centered, and you will land well. Tonight: Be spontaneous with your choices.

VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) ** * * You might wonder what to do with a situation that seems to be dissolving in front of you. The answer is easy: Do nothing. Your sense of direction will come out after you detach and let go of some stress. Tonight: Escape to a movie.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct.22) ** * * You could be wondering exactly which direction to head in. Choose your companyfirst, and then the decision will be natural. The person with whom you sometimes experience misunderstandings could be around as well. Tonight: Opt for togetherness.

SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov. 21j ** * *

L isten to what is being shared.

you not ask s trangers personal questions, and this is yet another example. Now that I have repeated that advice, I'll offer some to you: Please do not worry about embarrassing the questioner. Feel free to tell the truth if you wish. Dear Abby: I'm getting married next year, and in my excitement, I asked four of my good friends to be my bridesmaids. As the date grows closer, I am realizing just how much a wedding really costs. Would it be wrong for me to change my mind about having bridesmaids? The girls haven't paid for anything yet or wasted any time during the planning process. Please help me. I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, but I can't afford to have a wedding party. — Southern Belle Dear Southern Belle: Contact your good friends individually and explain the situation just as you have explained it to me. Once they understand that financial constraints prevent you from having the wedding you fantasized about, none of them should feel slighted that you need to scale back. — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com

or P0. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069

Someone who tends to be quiet most of the time might decide to open up. You could be surprised by what you are hearing. Use care whenasking questions. You don't want to stop the flow of this conversation. Tonight: As you like it.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21) ** * * Remain sure of yourself, and be willing to put in the extra effort that can define success from failure. This quite possibly might take place in the emotional realm. Join family and/or friends at a favorite restaurant or spot. Be spontaneous. Tonight:Don'tpush.

CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan.19) ** * * You might want to rethink a choice or situation that revolves around a child. Lean toward plans that allow your creativityto emerge. Be willing to compromise with a partner, especially if you don't agree and/or feel that he or she is off base. Tonight: Emphasize what is possible.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fed.10) ** * * You might want to stay close to home anddowhatyouwantforachange. Someoneclosetoyoucould giveyou a lot of flak just because he or shecan. This person might think that he or she has more control over you than you do. Tonight: Make afavorite dinner.





McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • THE CONJURING (R) 9:15 • PACIFIC RIM(PG-13) 6 • PERCYJACKSON: SEAOF MONSTERS (PG-13)2:30 • PLANES (Gj 11:30 a.m. • After 7 p.m., shows are2f ando/der only. Younger than 2f may attend screenings before 7p.m.ifaccompanied by a legal guardian. • j


Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • GRABBERS (no MPAA rating) 7:15 • TOUCHYFEELY(R) 5 I

©20t3 by King Features Syndicate

5:20 p.m. onH f3, "NFL Footdall" — The new guard meets the old tonight at Lucas Oil Stadium in Indianapolis, where Andrew Luck and the Colts will face the manhe replaced in Indy, Peyton Manning, and the Denver Broncos. Manning, the NFL'stop-rated passer at this writing, led the Broncos to an undefeated record through five games and a first-place standing in the AFC West. Top overall 2012 pick Luck similarly has theColts on top of the AFC South after an impressive rookie campaign last year. 7 p.m. onH Rl, "America's Funniest Home Videos" — Kids say the darndest things, as Art Linkletter and Bill Cosby have remindedus.Thisnew episode includes a montage of hilarious utterances by youngsters, along with footage of a dadgetting a makeover from his daughter, a family surprised by a llama at a drive-through zoo and awoman playing a gruesome practical joke on her mom. Host TomBergeron plays a game of"W ho's Makin' That Racket?" 9 p.m. onH gl, "Revenge" — Emily (Emily VanCamp)gets help from an unlikely source in investigating why her biggest takedown so far went wrong. Victoria (Madeleine Stowe) takes abold step to secure her independence and protect her future in the new episode "Mercy." Henry Czerny also stars.



9 p.m. on LIFE, "Drop Dead Diva" — Jane (Brooke Elliottj represents a womanwho wasforced to enter witness protection after being caught in the wrong place at the wrong time — the middle of a drug bust. Owen(Lex Medlinj takes on the case of ateen star whose reputation is on the line because of a risque photo. A newlywed lguest star Richard Kind) hires Grayson (Jackson Hurst) to draft an unusual "love contract" between him and his wife in the new episode "OneShot." ©Zap2it

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Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I-548-8777 • CARRIE(R) Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9 • CLOUDYWITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2(PG)1I a.m., 1 • ESCAPE PLAN(R) 11:30 a.m., 2, 4:30, 7, 9:30 • GRAVITYiPG-13j 11:30 a.m., 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30 • MACHETEKILLS iRj4:I5,6:30,8:45

1302 NE 3rd St. Bend www.mtmedgr.com

Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • CAPTAINPHILLIPSlPG-13) 1, 3:45, 6:30 • CLOUDYWITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2(PGj2,4 • GRAVITY(PG-I3) 2:30, 4:30, 6:45 • PRISONERS (R) 3:15, 6:15 • RUNNING WILD — THE STORY OF DAYTON 0.HYDE (PG) 1:15, 6

721 SW 10th • Redmond •(541) 548-8616 www,redmondwindowtreats.oom

Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • CARRIE(R) 12:35, 2:50, 5: IO,7:30 • CLOUDYWITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2(PG)12:10, 2:30,4:45, 7 • GRAVITY(PG-13) 4:50 • GRAVITY 3-0iPG-13j 12:30, 2:40, 7:10 • MACHETE KILLS iRj I2:15, 2:35, 5, 7:20 • PRISONERS (R) 1:30 • RUNNER RUNNER(R) 4:40, 6:50 Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 • GRAVITY(PG-I3) 1, 3, 5, 7:10 • RUNNER RUNNER(R) I, 3:20, 6, 8: IO • Theupstairs screening roomhaslimited accessibility.

PISCES (Fed.19-March20j ** * * S haring your feelings is important in the long run. This discussion might revolve around helping someone make a sound decision. Ultimately, it will help you make the right choice as well. Reach out to someone at a distance. Tonight: Favorite people, favorite place.

11 a.m. on ESPN,"NASCAR Racing" — Expect the phrase "the big one" to be oneverybody's lips today atTalladegaSuperspeedway, asChasefor the Sprint Cup contenders do battle in the Camping World RVSales 500. The 2.66-mile Alabamatri-oval is famous for multicar crashes such as the 25-car pileup that Matt Kenseth managed toavoid onthe last lap of last year's race on his way to his second victory of 2012. He'll be challenged this year by Jimmie Johnson, Kyle Busch, Jeff Gordon and others.


Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX,680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • CAPTAINPHILLIPS(PG-13) 12:30, 2:30, 3:35, 6:30, 7:30, 9:35 • CARRIE(R) 1:10, 4:15, 7:25, 10:05 • CLOUDYWITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 2(PG)12:25, 6 • CLOUDYWITH A CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 23-0 (PG) 2:45, 8:50 • ENOUGH SAID lPG-13j 12:50, 3:10, 7:10, 9:40 • ESCAPE PLAN(Rj 1, 3:50, 6:35, 9:20 • THE FIFTHESTATE(R) I2:35, 3:45, 6:45, 9:45 • GRACEUNPLUGGED (PG)3:20,9:05 • GRAVITY(PG-I3) 12:30, 6:10 • GRAVITY3-0(PG-13) 12:55, 3, 3:15, 4:25, 7:50, 9, 10:10 • GRAVITY IMAX3-D(PG-13) I:25, 4, 7, 9:30 • INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER(PG-13) 2 1:30, 4:45, 7:40, 10:15 • INSTRUCTIONS NOTINCLUDED (PG-13) 12:40, 3:30, 6:20, 9:15 • MACHETE KILLS iRj 1:20, 4:35, 7:15, 9:55 • ROMEO & JULIET (PG-13) 1:15 • RUNNER RUNNER(Rj 6:05, 9:10 • RUSH(R) I2:45, 3:55, 6:55, 9:50 • WE'RE THE MILLERS(R) 12:40, 6:25 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies.



• Find a week's worth of movie times plus film reviews in Friday's

0 G O! Magazine




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Timbers draw, make playoffs

Beavers start fast,

PORTLAND — The Portland Timbers and Real Salt Lake played to a 0-0 tie Saturday night that left the top of the

Western Conference standings unchanged.

cruise past Cal for sixth straight win

Portland leads with 54 points and Real Salt

Lake is second, one point back. The Timbers clinched

a playoff spot earlier in the day when Seattle lost to FC Dallas. It marks the first time Portland has made the

By Steve Gress

playoffs since joining

The Corvallis Gazette-Times

MLS in 2011.

Timbers headcoach Caleb Porter is proud of the accomplishment, but doesn't want to stop there. "Itisa big thing for this club, it's a milestone that we're happy about," Porter said. "But it's not just about being in the playoffs. There's still a lot of work to be done andwewanttobea club that's not just in the

Don Ryan/TtteAssociated Press

Oregon running back Byron Marshall (9) runs for a touchdown during the first half of Saturday night's game against Washington State in Eugene.

playoffs, but making a run to win it." The Timbers had the best opportunities in a match that featured plenty of attacking, first

when a pass byJose

Adolfo Valencia barely eluded Kalif Alhassan just in front of goal in the 43rd minute. Then in the 65th

minute, Alhassan was denied by Real Salt

Lake goalkeeper Nick Rimando with a diving save to his right. And in

second-half stoppage time, Rimando made a fantastic point-blank

double save to deny

uc saren' U

I I' U

• After leading by just 10 points at halftime, No. 2 Oregonbeats Washington Stateeasily

Saturday'sscoreboard A rundown of the Pac-12 and Top-25 games; coverage,D4-05:

PAC-12 20regon WashingtonState

62 1 Alabama 38 Arkansas

52 14 Missouri 0 22 Florida

36 17

OregonState Cal

49 5 Florida State 17 3 Clemson

51 Vanderbilt 14 15 Georgia

31 27

13 Stanford 9UCLA

24 4 Ohio State 10 lowa

34 16 TexasTech 24 West Virginia

37 27

ArizonaState 20 Washington

53 Ole Miss 24 6 LSU

27 17 FresnoState 24 UNLV

38 14

t The ball game. Ducks win easily, but look

Arizona Utah

35 24Auburn 24 7 Texas A8M

45 180klahoma 41 Kansas

34 19

beatable at times, and everybody wants to try to poke holes in the No. 2 team in the country. Saturday, on a nearly perfect fall night in the Willamette Valley, the Ducks were nowhere near perfect. Clad in sparkling pink helmets to promote breast cancer awareness, Oregon limped its way through the first half in an eventual 62-38 rout of resurgent Washington State. Afterward, it was more of the same nitpicking. But for the first time this season, there was some

Colorado Charleston Southern

43 Tennessee 10 11 South Carolina

2 3 21 Oklahoma State 2 4 21 TCU 10

Notre Dame USC

14 12 Baylor 10 lowa State

7 1 23 Northern lllinois 7 Central Michigan

38 17

25 Wisconsin lllinois

56 32

Portland a late winner. Both teams will

close out the regular season against Chivas USA. Real Salt Lake will host the last-place


team Wednesday,and Portland travels to Los

Angeles on Saturday. — The Associated Press


Velasqnez retains heavyweight title HOUSTON — Cain

Velasquezstopped Junior Dos Santos in the fifth round Saturday night at UFC 166 to retain the heavyweight title.

Dos Santos cameout firing to start the final

round, but Velasquez (13-1) worked him down

TOP 25

EUGENEt happens now after nearly every University of Oregon foot-

serious cause for concern. Marcus Mariota finally committed his first turnovers of the season, losing two fumbles to the Cougars in the second quarter — Oregon lost

three fumbles in the first half — and the Duck defense gave up some significant passing yards, 557 to be exact. SeeDucks/D6

BERKELEY, Calif. — Oregon State did exactly what it was supposed to do on Saturday night at Memorial Stadium: Jump on California quick — and never let up. The Beavers opened up a 28-3 halftime lead and never looked back in picking up a 49-17 Pac-12 Conference win in front of a crowd of 44,671. The Beavers (6-1, 4-0) won their sixth straight game to become bowl eligible. Cal falls to 1-6, 0-4. OSU is now 4-0 on the road, the first time since 2009 the Beavers have won four road

games. Once again,quarterback Sean Mannion and wide receiver Brandin Cooks were at the forefront of an offensive explosion, especially in the first half. Cooks caught nine passes for 197 yards and one touchdown. He also carried the ball once — on a fourth-and-2 play — for 14 yards that put the Beavers up 21-3 with 8:32 left in the first half. Cooks easily got to the outside on the play and outran the Cal defense. He finished with 13 catches for 232 yards and left in the fourth quarter after trying to make it 14 catches. He had to be helped off the field and stayed on the bench for a while and reportedly had the wind knocked out of him. Mannion completed 21 of his 29 passes for 315 yards in the first half with two touchdowns. He finished with 35 completions on 45 attempts for 481 yards and four touchdowns, giving him 29 touchdowns for the season and tying Derek Anderson for the school record for most TD passes in a single season. Anderson set the mark in 2004. SeeBeavers/D6

TonyAvelar/TheAssoctated Press

Oregon State wide receiver Victor Bolden (6) runs over California defensive back Adrian Lee (15) during the first quarter of Saturday night's game in Berkeley, Calif.

to the mat only to have

Dos Santos (16-3) get


back up against the


Octagon walls. The two traded lefts before Velasquez landed a left

and took DosSantos down head-first to the mat, causing the referee to stop the bout at 3:09. "It was a pretty tough fight," Velasquez said. "It was very difficult. It was a tough night. I give him a lot of credit, he is a tough fighter. We were

By Tyler Kepner

ready for everything.

New York Times News Service

We trained hard in camp

ST. LOUIS — Through the first five games of the National League Championship Series, one run separated the St. Louis Cardinals and the Los Angeles Dodgers. By the end of the series, the teams seemed worlds apart.

and prepared for everything. I tried to get him down this time. I was trying to throw crisper punches this time. I love the competition." The fight was the third between the two. Dos Santos beat Velasquez in1:04 in the first meeting in 2011, and Velasquez won the

second by unanimous decision in 2012. "I'm definitely satisfied," Velasquez said. "I just hope there are no

more excuses onhis part. That's it. We don't look for the finish. We

just put more pressure on and when it happens, it happens." — The Associated Press

At 6-1, Seattle istheclassof the NFC sofar

Cardinals' latest wave of power replaces big names with ingenuity

The Dodgers wrapped up their 25th consecutive season without a World Series appearance. The Cardinals, with an emphatic 9-0 victory in Game 6 on Friday night, captured their fourth pennant in 10 years. They won the championship in 2006 and 2011 and could soon add their 12th title. "They have a system, and it works," said A.J. Ellis, the Dodgers' catcher, admiring the Cardinals in defeat. "If somebody gets hurt or somebody falls by the wayside, they have replacements. They

Inside • Boston takes ALCS to reach World Series,D3

By Tim Booth The Associated Press

have an organizational philosophy that's obviously work-

ing, and these guys just keep coming, in waves and waves and waves." Ellis continued: "Carlos Martinez, you've never even heard ofhim before, and he shows up throwing 99 miles an hour. Shelby Miller didn't even touch a baseball this entire series, and he's one of the best young arms in all of baseball. It's just a testament to their depth and what they're doing over there and how committed they are to staying the course. It's proving dividends, because they're playing every October." SeeCardinals/D4

David J. Phillip / The Associated Press

St. Louis Cardinals catcher Yadier Molina reacts after Game 6 of the National League championship series against the Los Angeles Dodgers on Friday in St. Louis. The Cardinals won 9-0 to reach the World Series. St. Louis is back in the Fall Classic because a lot of shrewd decision-making in the front office.

RENTON, Wash. — The Seattle Seahawks' dominance isn't j us t a ho m e -field t h i ng anymore. That point was emphasized on Thursday night after the Seahawks improved to 6-1 for the first time in franchise history after winning at Arizona 34-22. They've won as many road games this season — three — as they did all of last year when they won 11 games total. With New Orleans on a bye, the Seahawks can lay claim for at least a week to being the best in the NFC without question. Most promising for Seattle, though they continue to show flaws, they find ways to overcome the mistakes and continue to win. "It feels like we are still growing," Seattle coach Pete Carroll said after the win Thursday night. "We are still a very young team and it feels that way. We have enough firepower in a lot of areas to overcome the things that are going in the wrong direction but we are playing good, solid football." See Seahawks/D6


COREBOARD ON DECK Monday Boys soccer: La Pineat Sisters, 4 p.m.; Central ChnstianatSistersJV,4p.m. Girls soccer: Sistersat LaPine, 4 p.m. Volleyball: Condon Wheeler andMcKenzieatTrinity Lutheran (doubledue), 4:30p.m. Tuesday Volleyball: Ridgeview at CrookCounty, 6:30p.m.; Sisters at CottageGrove, 6:45 p.m.; Molalla at Madras,6p.m.,JunctionCity atLaPine, 6:45p.m.; Summiat t MountainView,6:30 p.m.; Redmond at Bend,6:30p.m. Boys soccer: NorthMarionat Madras,4:30p.m.; Summit atCrookCounty, 4:30p.m., Redmond at Ridgeview, 4:30 p.m. Girls soccer: Redm ondat Ridgeview,3p m.; Madras at North Marion, 4 p.m.; Summit JV at Crook County, 3p.m. Boys water polo: Madrasat Mountain View,TBA


PostseasonGlance All Times POT


AmericanLeague Boston 4, Detroit 2 SaturdayOct.12. Detroit1, Boston0 Sunday,Oct.13: Boston6, Detroit5 Tuesday, Oct.15: Boston1,Detroit 0 Wednesday, Oct.16: Detroit 7, Boston3 Thursday, Oct.17: Boston4, Detroit 3 Saturday, Oct 19:Boston5, Detroit 2 National League St. Louis 4, LosAngeles 2 Friday,Oct.11:St.Louis 3,LosAngeles2,13 innings Saturday, Oct.12: St. Louis1, LosAngeles0 Monday, Oct.14:LosAngeles3,St.Louis0 Tuesd ay,Oct.15:St.Louis4,LosAngeles2 Wednesday, Oct.16: LosAngeles6, St.Louis4 Friday,Oct.18:St.Louis 9,LosAngeles0 WORLDSERIES

(Best-of-7; x-if necessary) All games televised byFox St. Louis vs. Boston Wednesday, Dct. 23:St. Louis(Wainwright 19-9)at Boston(Lester15-8), 5:07p.m. Thursday, Oct.24:St. LouisatBoston, 5:07p.m. SaturdayOct.26:BostonatSt.Louis, 5:07p.m. Sunday,Oct.27 BostonatSt. Louis,5:15p.m. x-Monday ,Oct.28.BostonatSt.Louis,5:07p.m. x-Wedne sday,Oct.30:St.LouisatBoston,5:07p.m. x-Thursday,Oct 31:St.Louis atBoston, 5:07p.m. Boxscore Saturday'sGame

Dallas Philadelphia Washington N.Y.Giants

3 3 0 .500 183 152 3 3 0 .500 166 179 1 4 0 .200 107 143 0 6 0 .000 103 209 South W L T Pct PF PA 5 1 0 .833 161 103 2 3 0 .400 109 68 1 4 0 .200 122 134 0 5 0 .000 64 101

NewDrleans Carolina Atlanta TampaBay

Indiana102,Cleveland79 L.A. Clippers118Denverlll OT Today's Games MemphisatAtlanta, noon DetroitatDrlando3pm Bostonvs. Minnesotaat Montreal, Quebec,3p.m. Utah at OklahomaCity,4 p.m Sacramento at Portland, 6p.m.



W L T Pct PF PA Detroit 4 2 0 .667 162 140 MLS Chicago 4 2 0 667 172 161 MAJORLEAGUESOCCER GreenBay 3 2 0 .600 137 I14 AU TimesPOT Minnesota I 4 0 .200 125 158 West EasternConference W L T Pct PF PA W L T P t sGF GA Seattle 6 1 0 .857 191 116 x-Sporting KansasCity 16 10 7 55 45 29 SanFrancisco 4 2 0 .667 145 118 x-NewYork 1 5 9 8 5 3 50 39 St. Louis 3 3 0 .500 141 154 1 4 12 7 4 9 50 48 Arizona 3 4 0 .429 133 161 Montreal Chicago 1 4 12 7 4 9 45 47 NewEngland 13 1 1 9 4 8 48 38 Today's Games Houston 1 3 10 9 48 39 37 TampaBayat Atlanta, 10a.m. P hiladel p hia 12 11 1 0 46 41 42 ChicagoatWashington,10 a.m. Co umbus 1 2 16 5 4 1 42 45 Dallas atPhiladelphia,10 am. TorontoFC 5 17 11 26 29 47 NewEnglandatN.Y.Jets,10 a.m. D.C. 3 23 7 1 6 21 57 BuffaloatMiami, 10a.m. Western Conference St. LouisatCarolina,10 a.m. W L T P t sGF GA Cincinnati atDetroit,10 a.m. x-Portland 13 5 15 54 49 33 SanDiegoatJacksonvi le, 10a.m. R ealSalt Lake 1 5 1 0 8 5 3 55 40 SanFranciscoatTennessee,1:05 p.m. Los Angel e s 15 11 6 5 1 52 37 HoustonatKansasCity,1.25 p.m. Seattle 1 5 12 6 5 1 41 41 ClevelandatGreenBay,1:25 p.m. Colorado 1 4 10 9 5 1 45 35 Baltimoreat Pittsburgh,1:25 p.m. San Jose 1 3 11 8 4 7 33 41 DenveratIndianapolis, 5:30p.m. Vancouver 1 2 12 9 45 50 45 Open:NewOrleans Oakland FC Dagas 11 11 11 44 47 50 Monday'sGame ChivasUSA 6 18 8 2 6 29 60 Minnesotaat N.Y.Giants, 5:40p.m. NOTE: Threepoints forvictory, onepoint for tie. x- clinched playoff berth

Betting line



(Hometeamsin CAPS) Favorite Opening Current Underdog Today Patriots



Broncos GIANTS

4.5 7.5 5.5 2.5 8 I 3 6.5 7.5 4.5 1 0.5 1.5 6.5 3

3. 5 7.5 6 2.5 7 PK 3 7 7 3. 5 10 2. 5 6. 5


Texans Bengals

Bigs Bears Cowboys Rams Buccaneers




Browns Ravens COLTS

Montreal2,PhiladelphraI FC Dallas2, SeaffleFC0 Colorado 3, Vancouver2 NewEngland3, Columbus2 Chicago 1, Toronto FC0 Portland0, RealSalt Lake0,tie Today's Games NewYorkat Houston,1 p.m. SanJoseatLosAngeles, 6pm. Wednesday'sGame ChivasUSAat Real Sait Lake,6 p.m. Saturday,Oct. 26 SportingKansasCity atPhiladelphia, noon MontrealatToronto FC,1 pm. FC DallasatSanJose,2:30p.m. PortlandatChivasUSA,7.30 p.m.





Red SOX 5, TigerS 2



Boston ab r hbi ab r hbi T rHntrrf 3 I I 0 Effsurycf 3 I I I MiCarr3b 4 1 1 0 Victornrf 3 1 1 4 Fielderlb 3 0 0 0 Pedroia2b 3 0 1 0 VMrtnzdh 4 0 1 2 D.Ortizdh 3 0 0 0 Detroit

Kremlin Cup Saturday At OlympicStadium Moscow Purse: Men,$823,550(WT250);Women, $795,000 (Premier) J hPerltlf 3 0 0 0 Napolilb 4 0 0 0 Surface:Hard-Indoor D.Kellypr-lf 1 0 0 0 Sltlmchc 4 0 0 0 Singles A vilac 4 0 0 0 JGomslf 4 1 1 0 Men I ntante2b 4 0 I 0 Drewss 3 0 0 0 Semifinals AJcksncf 3 0 2 0 Bogarts3b 1 2 1 0 RichardGasquet(1), France, def. Ivo Karlovic, Iglesiasss 4 0 2 0 Croatia,6-4,7-5. T otas 3 3 2 8 2 Totas 2 85 5 5 Mikhail KukushkinKa , zakhstan, def.AndreasSeppi Detroit 0 00 002 000 — 2 (2), Italy,6-1,1-6,6-4. Boston 000 010 40x — 6 Women E—Iglesias(2), Workma n(1). DP—Detroit 1, BosSemifinals ton 2. LOB —Detroit 7, Boston5 2B—J.Gomes(1), SamanthaStosur (7), Australia, det. Svetlana Bogaerts(3). HR —Victorino (1). CS—Effsbury(1). Kuznetsova (8), Russia, 6-2, 6-4. IP H R E R BB SO SimonaHalep(5), Rom Detroit ania, det. Anastasia PavlyScherzerL,O-I 61 - 3 4 3 2 5 8 uchenkova, Russia, 6-2, 6-1. Smyly 0 0 1 1 0 0 VerasBS,1-1 1-3 1 1 1 0 1 LuxembourgOpen 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Coke Saturday Alburquerque 1 0 0 0 0 3 At CKSportcenter Kockelsheuer Boston Luxembourg Buchholz 5 4 2 2 2 4 Purse: $235,000(Intl.) FMoralesBS,1-1 0 I 0 0 I 0 Surface: Hard-Indoor Workman 12-3 2 0 0 0 1 Singles Tazawa W,1-0 13- 0 0 0 0 0 Semifinals BreslowH,3 1 0 0 0 0 I AnnikaBeck,Germany, def. StefanieVoegele, Swit UeharaS,3-3 1 1 0 0 0 2 zeriand,7-5,1-0,retired. Buchholzpitchedto 2baters inthe6th. CarolineWozniacki (1), Denmark, def. SabineLis FMoraespitchedto 2baters rnthe6th. icki (3),Germany,6-4, 6-4. Smylypitchedto1 bater inthe7th.

HBP—byScherzer(Victorino). WP —Scherzer. T—3:52.A—38,823(37,499).

FOOTBALL NFL NATIONALFOOTBALL LEAGU All Times POT AMERICAN CONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA NewEngland 5 1 0 8 33125 97 Miami 3 2 0 .600 114 117 N.Y.Jets 3 3 0 .500 104 135 Buffalo 2 4 0 3 33136 157 South W L T Pct PF PA Indianapolis 4 2 0 .667 148 98 Tennessee 3 3 0 5 00128 115 Houston 2 4 0 .333 106 177 Jacksonvile 0 6 0 .000 70 198 Norlh W L T Pct PF PA Cincinnati 4 2 0 .667121 111 Baltimore 3 3 0 5 00134 129 Cleveland 3 3 0 .500 118 125 Pittsburgh I 4 0 .20088 116

KansasCity Denver San Diego Oakland

West WL T Pct PF PA

6 0 0 1.000 152 65 6 0 0 1.000 265 158 3 3 0 5 00144 138 2 4 0 .333 105 132 NATIONALCONFERENCE



Erste BankOpen Saturday At WienerStadthaUe Vienna, Austria Purse: $775,000(WT250) Surface:Hard-Indoor Singles Semifinals RobinHaase,Netherlands, def. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (1), France,7-5,7-6(4). TommyHaas (2), Germany, def. LukasRosol (8), CzechRepublic, 3-6, 6-4,7-6(0). Stockhol m Open Saturday At Kungliga TennishaUen Stockholm, Sweden Surface: Hard-Indoor Purse: $814,400(WT260) Singles Semifinals David Ferrer(1), Spain, def. ErnestsGulbis (5) Latvia,3-6,6-4,6-1. GrigorDimitrov(7), Bulgaria,def. Benoit Parre(6) France,4-6,6-2,6-2.

Detroit Toronto Boston Montreal TampaBay Ottawa Florida Buffalo

Eastern Conference Atlantic Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA

9 6 3 0 12 24 23 9 6 3 0 12 30 22 7 5 2 0 10 20 10 8 5 3 0 10 26 15 8 5 3 0 10 26 21 8 3 3 2 8 21 24 9 3 6 0 6 20 32 10 1 8 1 3 13 28 Metropolitan Division GP W L OT PtsGF GA Pittsburgh 8 7 1 0 14 31 19 Carolina 9 4 2 3 11 22 26 N.Y. Islanders 8 3 3 2 8 25 23 Washington 8 3 5 0 6 21 25 NewJersey 8 I 4 3 5 17 26 N.Y.Rangers 7 2 5 0 4 11 29 Coumbus 7 2 5 0 4 16 21 Philadelphia 8 I 7 0 2 11 24

WesternConference Central Division

GP W L OT 8 7 1 0 8 5 1 2 7 5 1 1 8 4 3 1 9 3 3 3 8 4 4 0 7 3 4 0 Pacific Division GP W L OT SanJose 8 7 0 1 Anaheim 7 6 1 0 Phoenix 9 5 2 2 Los Angeles 9 6 3 0 Vancouver 9 5 3 1 Calgary 7 3 2 2 Edmonton 9 2 6 1

Colorado Chicago St. Louis Nashville Minnesota Winnipeg Dallas

PtsGF GA 14 27 12 12 23 19 11 27 19 9 16 21 9 19 22 8 21 22 6 17 22

Pts GF GA 15 39 16 12 24 16 12 27 26 12 24 22 11 26 26 8 23 26 5 26 36 NOTE:Tw opointsfor awin, onepoint forovertime loss.


Pittsburgh 4, Vancouver3, SO Florida 2,Minnesota1, SO Edmonton 3, Otawa1 Colorado 4, Buffalo2 Nashville 2,Montreal1 Boston5, TampaBay0 NewJersey4,N.Y.Rangers0 Carolina4, N.Y.Islanders 3 Washington 4, ColumbusI Chicago 3,Toronto 1 Phoenix 5, Detroit 2 SanJose6, Calgary3 Los Angele5, s Dalas 2


VancouveratColumbus, 3p.m. Nashville atWinnipeg,5p.m. Dallas atAnaheim,5 p.m.



PGA Tour


Shriners Hospitals for ChildrenOpen

PreseasonGlance All Times PDT Saturday'sGames NewOrleans93,Washington89 Dallas89,Charlotte 83 Miamr121,SanAntonio 96


At TPC Summerlin Las Vegas Purse: $6million Yardage:7,243; Par:71 Third Round 64-63-67—194 WebbSimpson

ChessonHadley Jeff Overton JasonBohn SeanO'Hair WilliamMcGirt Ryo Ishikawa RyanMoore RussellKnox J.J. Henry AndrewSvoboda BrendonTodd DanielSummerhays JohnSenden JimmyWalker StuartAppleby CharlesHowell ffl CharleyHoffman Jhonattan Vegas BrianStuard Briny Baird RickyBarnes JoseCoceres TroyMatteson GregChalmers KevinStadler Carl Pettersson LukeGuthrie StephenAmes NickWatney Billy Hurleyffl RobertGarrigus DavidTom s JonathanByrd FreddieJacobson BrianDavis MorganHofmann RichardH.Lee Will MacKenzie KenDuke Cameron Tringale BrianHarman Vijay Singh HarrisEnglish JamesDriscol Seung-YulNoh MaxHoma HudsonSwafford ChadCampbel JohnHuh JohnMerrick Chris Kirk

MarcTurnesa GeorgeMcNeiff Ky eReifers BenCrane Justin Hicks KevinPenner BriceGarnett BrendanSteele ZachJohnson Davis Loveff l Jim Herman TyroneVanAswegen SpencerLevin BryceMolder TedPotter,Jr. BenCurtis Will Claxton JoshTeater GeoffOgilvy

65-66-67—198 63 68-68 199 67-64-69—200 66-72-63—201 71-66-64—201 67-66-68—201 69 63-69 201 67-65-69—201 60-71-70—201 68-67-67—202 67-68-67—202 66 68-68 202 65-66-71—202 71-68-64—203 70-68-65—203 67-69-67 —203 66-70-67 203 68-67-68—203 68-65-70—203 70-69-65—204 66-71-67 —204 67-70-67 —204 67-69-68—204 67-68-69—204 70-65-69—204 68-67-69—204 69-64-71 —204 65-68-71 —204 73-66-66—205 69-70-66—205 69-70-66—205

68-68-69—205 63-72-70—205 67-67-71—205 68-66-71 —205 67-67-71 —205 70-69-67 —206 70 68-68 206 73-65-68—206 66-71-69—206 70-67-69—206 67-69-70—206 69 67 70—206 63-72-71—206 69-65-72—206 69-70-68—207 68-69-70—207 71 66 70—207 69-70-69—208 71-67-70—208 68-70-70—208 68-69-71—208 70 67-71 208 69-68-71—208 68-68-72—208 71-65-72—208 71-65-72—208 67 68-73 208 67-67-74—208 69-70-70—209 69-70-70—209 70-69-71—210 70-69-71 210 69-69-72—210 65-73-72—210 69-68-73—210 71-68-72—211 66-73-73—212 69-69-74—212 71-67-75—213

LPGA Tour KEB HanaBankChampionship Saturday At Sky 72Golf Club, OceanCourse Incheon, SouthKorea Purse: $1.9 million Yardage:6,364; Par:72 SecondRound KatherineHull-Kirk 67-70 — 137 AnnaNordqvist 67-70 — 137 SuzannPetersen 69-69 138 Ju Young Pak 67-71—138 AmyYang 67-71 — I38 Sei YoungKim 71-68 —139 HeeKyungSeo 71-68 —139 AlisonWalshe 71-68 139 Ha-NeulKrm 69-70 — 139 Jiyai Shin 69-71 — I40 ChellaChoi 73-68 — 141 Se RiPak 73-68—141 HaejiKang 72 69 141 HyoJooKim 71-70—141 JessicaKorda 71-71 —I42 BrittanyLincicome 71-71 —142 JanePark 70-72 — 142 So Yeon Ryu 70 72 142 GiuliaSergas 70-72—142 MichegeWie 69-73—142 CarolineHedwaff 68-74—142 Na YeonChoi 71-72 — 143 Jodi Ewart Shadoff 71-72 143 Eun-Hee Ji 71-72 — 143 InbeePark 70-73—143 NatalieGulbis 70-74—144 JennyShin 69-75 — 144 YaniTseng 75-70 — 145 HaNaJang 74-71—145 Cristie Kerr 73-72—145 CarolineMasson 73-72—145 KarineIcher 72-73 — 145 Bo KyungKim 72-73 — 145 SunYoungYoo 72-73—145 MeenaLee 71-74 —I45 Pernilla Lindberg 71-74—145 Lexi Thom pson 71-74 — 145 AyakoUehara 71-74 145 CarlotaCiganda 69-76 — 145 MoriyaJutanugarn 74-72—146 AzaharaMunoz 72-74—146 VickyHurst 71-75 —146 BrittanyLang 69-77—146 YoonKyungHeo 76-71—147 I.K. Kim 76-71—147 f heeLee 75-72—147 DewiClaireSchreefel 75-72 — 147 CandieKung 74-73 — 147 JeongEunLee 73-74 147 Soo JinYang 73-74—147 PaulaCreamer 72-75—147 Mo Martin 71-76 — 147 77-71 — 148 In Gee Chun SandraGal 76-72 148 73-75—148 Yoo LimChoi HeeYoungPark 73-75 —I48 LizetteSalas 73-75—148 MinaHarigae 75-74—149 JenniferJohnson 73 76 149 73-77—150 MorganPressel

Shin AeAhn IreneCho Ji HyunKim JulietaGranada GerinaPiler BeatrizRecari JeeYoungLee DanieffeKang HyunMinByun MariajoUribe Min Young Lee Pornanong Phatlum SungWoonLee CatrionaMatthew GracePark Mi HyangLee ChieArimura JacquiConcolino

77-74 — 151 74-77—151 73-78 — 151 79-73 — 152 76 76 152 76-76—152 77-76—153 76-77 153 75-78—153 75-78—153 82-72—154 80-74—154 76-78—154 77-80—157 76-81—157 79-82—161 76-85—161 79-86—165

Cham pions Tour GreaterHickory Classic Saturday At RockBarnGolf andSpa,JonesCourse Conover, N.C. Purse: $1.6 million Yardage: 6,846;Par70 SecondRound BernhardLanger 64-66—130 MichaelAllen 67-65 — 132 66-66 — 132 BradBryant 65-67—132 JohnRiegger 71-62 — 133 BruceVaughan 65-68—133 Dlin Browne 68-66—134 Jim Gallagher, Jr. 67-67—134 RussCochran 64 70—134 AndersForsbrand 67-68—135 John Inman 67-68 — 135 MarkBrooks Jay Delsing 70 66 136 TomKite 69-67—136 67-69 — 136

Willie Wood DavidFrost

MikeGoodes ChienSoonLu SteveLowery LarryNelson KennyPerry LorenRoberts Nick Price Gil Morgan SteveElkington TomPerniceJr. Joe Daley Dick Mast Jay Haas PeterSenior BrianHenninger TomByrum BobTwa y Esteban Toledo MarkWiebe AndrewMagee Joel Edwards Jeff Hart LarryMize SteveJones DuffyWaldorf MarkCalcavecchia FredFunk MarkMcNulty Jeff Sluman Colin Montgomerie Scott Simpson DonPooley StevePate BradFaxon Scott Hoch Kohkildoki Morris Hatalsky BruceFleisher TomPurtzer RoccoMediate GaryHallberg BobbyWadkins CraigStadler RodSpittle Tommy Armour ffl DanForsman Jeff Freem an WayneLevi Bob Gilder BobbyClampet JoeySindelar Jim Rutledge RogerChapman DavidEger Biff Glasson Rick Fehr MarkMouland TedSchulz Jay Don Blake BarryLane John Harris R.W.Eaks MarkBucek ChipBeck Jim Thorpe Allen Doyle

67-69—136 66-70 — 136 70-67—137 70-67—137 69-68 — 137 68-69—137 68-69—137 71-66 — 137 68-69—137 68-69—137 67 70 — 137 67-70 — 137 64-73 — 137 69 69 138 71-67—138 71-67 — 138

69-69—138 67-71—138 70-69—139 69-70—139 69-70 — 139 67-72 — 139

70-70 — 140 69-71 — 140 69-71 — 140 71-69 — 140 68-72 140 67-73—140 67-73—140 72-68 140 67-73—140 73-67—140 70-71 — 141 70-71—141 70-71—141 71-70 — 141 71-70 — 141 72-69—141 72-69 — 141 72-69 — 141 72-69—141 72-69 — 141 73 68 141 73-68 — 141 70-72—142 70 72 142 71-71—142 71-71—142 70-73 — 143 70-73—143 71-72 — 143 71-72 — 143 71-72 — 143 72-71 — 143 72-71 — 143 73 70 — 143 75-68 — 143 69-75 — 144 71 73 144 72-72 — 144 72-72 — 144 70-75 — 145 69-76 — 145 72-74—146 74-75—149 74-77—151 77-WD


Contact. 13. (13) SimonPagenaud, Dagara-Honda, 217, Mechanica. 14.(21)AlexTagliani, Daffara-Honda,209,Contact. 15. (22)GrahamRahal, Daffara-Honda,200, Mechanical. 16. (2) A J Affmendinger,Daffara-Chevrolet, 188, Contact. 17. (25)Takum a Sato, Daffara-Honda,144, Mechanical. 18. (18)JustinWison,Daffara-Honda,110, Contact. 19. (14)Oriol Servia, Dallara-Chevrolet,110,Contact. 20. (20)JosefNewgarden,Daffara-Honda,110, Contact. 21. (23)TristanVautier, Daffara-Honda,110, Contact. 22. (5)JamesJakes,Daffara-Honda,110, Contact. 23. (10)CarlosMunoz, Dagara-Chevrolet,100, Contact. 24. (24) SebastianSaavedra, Daffara-Chevrolet, 69, Contact. 25 (19)PippaMann Daffara-Honda68 Contact Race Statistics Winnersaveragespeed: 154.867. Time ofRace: 3:13:42.8699.

Margin ofVictory: 1.4883seconds. Cautions 7for55laps. LeadChanges: 28among11drivers. LapLeaders:Power1-11, Bourdais12-31, Hunter-Reay 32-34,Power35-38, Jakes39,Hunter-Reay40-81, Castroneves 82, Andretti 83-84, Castroneves8586 Kanaan87-89, Bourdais 90-102,Castroneves 103-126,Tagliani 127-128,Bourdais129, Tagliani 130-131,Andretti 132,Tagliani 133,Power134-

160, Kimbaff161163, Power164-193, Carpenter 194, Dixon195-198,Power199-215, Kimbaff216, Dixon217,Kimbaff218-227, Bourdais228, Kimball 229-236,Power237-250. Points :Dixon 577,Castroneves 550,Pagenaud 508, Power498,Andretti 484, J.Wilson472, HunterReay469, Hinchcliffe 449,Kimbaff427, Franchitti 418.

NASCAR Sprint Cup CampingWorld RVSales 500Lineup After Saturdayqualifying; race today At TaUadegaSuperspeedway TaUadega,Ala. Lap length: 2.66 miles

(Car number inparentheses) 1. (43)AricAlmirola,Ford,Owner Points. 2. (31)JeffBurton, Chevrolet, Owner Points. 3. (9) Marcos Ambrose,Ford, Owner Points. 4. (56)MartinTruexJr.,Toyota,Owner Points. 5. (99)Carl Edwards,Ford, Owner Points. 6. (16)GregBiffle, Ford,Owner Points. 7. (34)DavidRagan,Ford, Owner Points. 8. (88)DaleEarnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, Owner Points. 9. (1)JamieMcMurray,Chevrolet, Owner Points I0.(13) Casey Mears, Ford, Owner Points. 11. (48)JimmieJohnson,Chevrolet, Owner Points. 12. (20)MattKenseth, Toyota, Owner Points. 13. (2)BradKeselowski, Ford,Owner Points. 14. (35)JoshWise,Ford, Owner Points. 15. (11)DennyHamlin,Toyota,Owner Points. 16. (14)AustinDilon, Chevrolet, Owner Points. 17. (39)RyanNewman, Chevrolet, Owner Points. 18. (22)JoeyLogano, Ford, Owner Points. 19. (24)JeffGordon,Chevrolet, Owner Points. 20. (15)Clint Bowyer, Toyota, Owner Points. 21. (17)RickyStenhouseJr., Ford, Owner Points. 22. (55)MichaelWaltrip, Toyota, Owner Points. 23. (10)DanicaPatrick, Chevrolet, Owner Points. 24. (38)DavidGiffiland, Ford,Owner Points. 25. (83)DavidReutimann, Toyota, Owner Points 26. (21)TrevorBayne,Ford, Attempts. 27. (18)KyleBusch, Toyota Owner Points. 28. (5)KaseyKahne, Chevrolet, Owner Points. 29. (47)BobbyLabonte,Toyota, Owner Points. 30. (78)KurtBusch,Chevrolet, Owner Points 31. (30)ColeWhitt, Toyota,Owner Points. 32. (42) Juan Pablo Montoya, Chevrolet, Owner Points. 33.(29)KevinHarvick, Chevrolet, Owner Points. 34.(27)PaulMenard, Chevrolet, Owner Points. 35.(51)Justin AffgaieCh r, evrolet, Owner Points. 36. (98)MichaelMcDowell, Ford,Attempts. 37. (36)J.J.Yeley, Chevrolet, Owner Points 38. (93)TravisKvapi, Toyota,Owner Points. 39. (7)DaveBlaney,Chevrolet, Owner Points. 40. (32)TerryLabonte,Ford, Past Champion. 41. (40)TonyRaines, Chevrolet, Attempts. 42. (87)JoeNemechek,Toyota, Attempts. 43. (33)LandonCassil, Chevrolet,Attempts. Failed to Qualify 44. (12)SamHornish Jr., Ford.

DEALS Transactions BASKETBALL National Basketball Association MILWAU KEE BUCKS—Exercised the third-year contractoptionon0JohnHensonand thetourth-year contractoptiononGBrandonKnight. UTAH JAZZ—SignedF-CDerrick Favorsto afouryearcontractextension FOOTBALL National Football League DENVER BRONCOS— Activated LBVonMiler. WaivedWRTavarresKing. HOCKEY

National HockeyLeague

Saturday At Auto ClubSpeedway Fontana, Calif. Lap length: 2miles (Starting position in parentheses) 1. (1)Will Power,Dagara-Chevrolet, 250, Running. 2. (7) Ed Carpenter, Daffara-Chevrolet,250, Running. 3.(9)TonyKanaan,Daff ara-Chevroet,250,Running. 4. (8) James Hinchcliffe, Daffara-Chevrolet,250 Running. 5. (17)ScottDixon,Daffara-Honda,250, Running. 6. (12) Helio Castroneves,Dallara-Chevrolet 249 Running. 7. (6) MarcoAndretti, Dalara-Chevrolet, 248, Running. 8. (16) SimonadeSilvestro, Dagara-Chevrolet, 247, Running. 9. (11) RyanHunter-Re ay, Dagara-Chevrolet, 242, Running. 10. (4)CharlieKimbaff,Dalara-Honda,238, Mechanical. 11. (15) J.R Hildebrand,Daffara-Honda 237,Mechanical. 12. (3) SebastienBourdais, Dalara-Chevrolet, 229,

BUFFALO SABRES—AddedDNikita Zadorovtothe active roster.SentDRasmus Ristolainen to Rochester

(AHL). CHICAGO BLACKHAWKS—Agreedto termswith DViktorSvedbergonatwo-year contract. WINNIPEG JETS—PlacedDJacobTroubaon injured reserve.Recalled DAdamPardy fromSt. John's (AHL).

FISH COUNT Upstream daily movement ofadultchinook, jackchinook,steelheadandwild steelheadatselectedColumbia RiverdamslastupdatedonFriday. Chnk Jchnk Stlbd Wstlhd McNary 1 , 937 1 3 9 353 132 Upstream year-to-date movement of adult chinook, jack chinook, steelheadandwild Fridayat selectedColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonFriday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Bonneville 1,117,468 169,184 232,115 98,423 The Dages 745,470 139,308 118,811 79,649 John Day 559,728 135,904 148,323 62,512 McNary 569,646 90,113 141,463 54,506

Summit girls souer rallies for late win over North Medford Bulletin staff report In the final game of its regular season, Class 5A Summit logged a second-half comeback to win a nonleague girlssoccer matchup over 6A North Medford, 4-3. In the final minute of the game, the Storm's Camille Weaver crossed the ball to forward Marina Johannesen, who cashed in with the game-win-


racked up 41 assists and was 39 for 42 from the service line, Aspen Christiansen had 56 digs and was 46 for 49 ford scored in the 42nd minute. But serving, and Abby Smith racked Up Summit's Megan Buzzas assisted 64 assists. Edwards' second goal of the game, Ravens fal l in cha m pionship: evening the score at 3-3. PHILOMATH — Looking to defend Summit goalkeeper Rachel Esto- its 2012 Philomath Tournament title, pare made a game-saving stop with a Ridgeview fell one set short in the diving save in the 75th minute. championship, losing to Banks 18-25, ning goaL 25-21, 16-14. The Ravens went 5-1 in "It was a rare oppozq:unity to come In other Saturday action: pool play, with only Glide winning a from behind," Summit coach Jamie VOLLEYBALL game against them. In the first round Brock said. "We changed our sysCrook County takes third: WEST of bracket action, the Ravens cruised tem of play to punch through their LINN — T h e C owgirls advanced past La Pine25-8, 25-6, before disdefense." to the gold bracket of the West Linn patching Philomath 25-22, 25-21. Hadlie Plummer scored in the 13th Tournament after beating SL Mary's, Ridgeview took the first set against minute off a pass from Mya Fraley to Oregon City and Jesuit in pool play. Banks, but the Lady Braves respondput the Storm on the board. Five min- Crook County faced McMinnville ed by taking the second 25-21. In utes later, Christina Edwards crossed in its first match in the gold bracket, the deciding set, Ravens coach Debi the ball to Sofia Ellington for a goal, winning 25-17, 25-15. But the Cow- Dewey said Banks jumped out to an giving Summit (12-0-2 overall) an girls lost to Central Catholic in a early advantage, only to have Ridearly 2-0 lead. three-game battle 24-26, 27-26, 25-10 geview battle back. After exchangBut the Black Tornado (7-4-1) re- to finish third. Senior Hannah Trout- ing leads, the Lady Braves sealed the sponded with two goals to head into man led Crook County with 58 kills, tourney title by winning 16-14. Dewey the half tied up 2-2. six aces and nine blocks in the tour- said stepping up from the service line "We started off c o n fident and nament. "The whole day was a huge for the Ravens was Shelby Abbas, strong," Brock said. "Then they found team effort," Cowgirls coach Rosie who was their strongest server on Honl said. "But Hannah was on fire the day. Katie Nurge impressed the ways to get through our defense." and probably had one of the best Ridgeview coach defensively ("She The Storm quickly fell behind in the second half when North Med- games of her career." Kayla Hamilton always keeps us going," Dewey said),

and Katrina Johnson logged a solid tournament as the top hitter. Trinity Lutheran 3, North Lake 0: SILVER FALLS — Despite committing more errors than kills (30-28), the Saints survived to sweep the Cowgirls 25-21, 25-21, 25-18 for their ninth straight Mountain Valley L eague victory. Katie Murphy tallied ll kills to pace Trinity Lutheran (9-1 MVL), and Allison Jorge was credited with 16 assists. The win maintains the Saints' status in a tie atop the MVL with Hosanna Christian, which defeated Prospect on Saturday. Trinity Lutheran closesits regular season with matchups against visiting Condon/Wheeler as well as McKenzie of Blue River on Monday. Paisley 3, Gilchrist 2: PAISLEYThe Grizzlies held a 2-1 lead heading into the fourth set, but they dropped the last two en route to a 25-16, 2325, 23-25, 25-16, 20-18 Mountain

Valley League loss. Sierra Shuey led Gilchrist with 31 digs, six kills, a block and two aces, as the Grizzlies went 90 of 99 from the service line. Sydney Longbotham finished with 25 digs and five kills, and Cassandra Blum had 27 digs, two kills and

an ace. Gilchrist's season ends with a sixth straight loss to finish 2-8 in

league play.

FOOTBALL Gladstone 48, Madras 19: CULVER — Even with its team intact, Madras figured to struggle against the coleader of the Tri-Valley Conference. But with a roster depleted by injuries, the White Buffaloes fell behind early and could not catch up in their final home game of the season at Culver High School. "I think we had nine

guys out (with injuries) for this game, a lot of guys who play a lot of football," said Madras coach Rick Wells. "But," he added, "we actually played our best football game, probably of the entire year, against a really good football team." The Buffs (0-4 TVC, 26 overall) fumbled on its first possession to set Up a Gladstone touchdown. They lost the ball again on a fumble on the ensuing kickoff, setting up another TD for the Warriors (4-0, 6-2). Madras scored its touchdowns on a pass from Chad Lindgren to Howard Bell-Raines and runs by Jered Pichette and Ethan Short. The White Buffaloes conclude their season Friday at Estacada.





TODAY MOTOR SPORTS MOTO GP,Australian Grand Prix NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Camping World RV Sales 500 SOCCER English Premier League, Aston Villa FC vs. Tottenham Hotspur FC Women's international friendly, United States vs. Australia

Time 6 a.m.

MLS, SanJose at LosAngeles

6 p.m.

GOLF LPGA Tour, Hanabank Championship

8 a.m.

Champions Tour, Greater Hickory Classic

11 a.m.

Golf Golf

2 p.m.


10 a.m. 10 a.m.


PGA Tour, Shriners Hospitals for Children Open FOOTBALL NFL, New England at New York Jets NFL, Dallas at Philadelphia


8 a.m.


10:30 a.m.

NFL, Houston at KansasCity

1:25 p.m.

NFL, Denver at Indianapolis VOLLEYBALL

5:20 p.m.

Women's college, Utah atOregon


The Associated Press





1 p.m.

BASKETBALL NBA, preseason, Boston at Minnesota BASEBALL MLB, ALCS, Detroit at Boston




Women's college, Stanford at Washington 4:30 p.m. FIGURESKATING

ISU Grand Prix (tapedj

Simpson holds onto Vegas lead

TV/ R sdio F o x Sports 1

11 a.m.


rPK~ s

3 p.m.


5 p.m. F ox, 940-AM

Charlie Riedel /The Assoaated Press

Boston's Shane Victorino, second from right, celebrates his grand slam with Jonny Gomes, left, Xander Bogaerts, second from left, and Jacoby Ellsbury, right, in the seventh inning during Game 6 of the American League championship series against the Detroit Tigers on Saturday night in Boston. Boston will play St. Louis in the World Series.




English Premier League, Crystal Palace vs. Fulham

Men's college, UCLAat Washington HOCKEY NHL, Colorado at Pittsburgh FOOTBALL NFL, Minnesota at New York Giants

noon 7 p.m.


4 :30 p.m.


5:25 p.m.



Listings are themostaccurateavailable. The Bulletinis not responsible for latechangesmade by TVor radio stations.


players will show up. Grambling players refused to travel from

TitanS to Start LOCker-

their Louisiana campus for

Jake Locker will start at quarter-

Saturday's game atJackson State because of issues they

back for the TennesseeTitans today against the San Francisco 49ers, a person familiar with the

situation said. Titans coaches and trainers met Saturday and decided Locker should

start rather than backup Ryan Fitzpatrick, the person told The

Associated Press on condition of anonymity because theTitans

have with leaders of the athletic department and the university. ESPN reported Saturday that it had obtained a letter detailing

player complaints, which included mold in the locker room and improperly cleaned uniforms contributing to an increased

likelihood of staph infections.

did not announce the decision. Locker sprained both his right

hip and kneeSept. 29 against the Jets. He returned to practice


Wednesday with a brace on his sprained right knee anddid

GliniC SaleS to minOrS not MLB COnCern —Major

more each day, and the Titans gave him a slight majority of the

League Baseball's No. 2 ex-

work Friday.

ecutive testified that the sport

wasn't concerned if the head of a Florida clinic distributed

Miller rejoinS BranCOSThe Denver Broncos haveac-

performance-enhancing drugs to minors because MLB's sole

tivated All-Pro linebacker Von Miller following his six-game

interest was his relationship with players under investigation,

drug suspension. Tomake

a person familiar with the Alex Rodriguez grievance hearing

room, the Broncos waived wide

receiver Tavarres King, whom they'd promoted from their

told The Associated Press. MLB

practice squad earlier in the

fred testified this week and was

returned to practice Wednesday after serving his ban for violat-

Anthony Bosch had given PEDs

week to keep him from joining the Green BayPackers. Miller ing theleague's drug-abuse policy. Miller has 30 sacks in his

first two seasons andguaranteed a Super Bowl victory in the offseason.He makes hisdebut Sunday night when the Broncos

(6-0) visit the Colts (4-2).

chief operating officer Rob Manasked by Rodriguez's lawyers about documents indicating Biogenesis of America founder to high school students, the person said Saturday, speaking on condition of anonymity because the testimony is confidential. Manfredsaidheassumed, basedon documents inMLB's possession and media reports,

Late ran sam I s

Boston to Wor eries By Jimmy Golen

lofted a hanging curveball over the Green The Associated Press Monster to set off a celebration in the Red BOSTON — W h e n S h ane V i ctorino Sox dugout and in the Fenway Park stands. "It's been a special ride, and we're still gosigned with the Boston Red Sox as a free ing," second baseman Dustin Pedroia said. agent in the offseason, they were coming off a last-place finish that was their worst in "We're not going to stop. We know what our almost half a century. They had fired their goal is. We want to win the World Series." manager for the second year in a row. Junichi Tazawa got one out for the win, He believed they could turn it around. Craig Breslow pitched a scoreless eighth And quickly. and series MVP Koji Uehara got the last Victorino brought the Red Sox one big three outs before the Red Sox poured out of step closer to completing their comeback, the dugout to begin their now-familiar celsending them to the World Series with a ebration on the mound. "The way I would sum it up is that I seventh-inning grand slam that gave Boston a 5-2 victory over the Detroit Tigers in thought their starters were good," Tigers Game 6 of the AL championship series Sat- manager Jim Leyland said. "I thought their urday night. bullpen was great." The Red Sox will open the Series on Uehara, who inherited the closer job Wednesday night against the St. Louis Car- after the team's first two choices were indinals, the team they swept in 2004 to end jured, posted three saves and a win in the their 86-year title drought. The Cardinals series. Then he joked about pitching so well won the NL pennant on Friday night by under pressure. eliminating the Los Angeles Dodgers in six "To tell you the truth, I almost threw up," games. Uehara kidded through a translator. "It's one of those moments you live for," It's the 13th AL pennant for the Red Sox Victorino said as he wandered around the and their first since 2007, when they swept Fenway Park infield while Red Sox fans the Colorado Rockies to win it all for the serenaded him with his theme song, Bob second time in four seasons. Boston swept Marley's "Three Little Birds," and its cho- the Cardinals in '04, winning Game 4 in St. rus, "Don't worry about a thing, 'Cause ev- Louis to clinch the title that put an end to ery little thing is gonna be all right." generations of disappointment. "Just listen to the crowd," Victorino said, The latest trip comes one year after a referring then to t h e B oston Marathon 69-win season that prompted the team to bombings that left the city reeling during jettison its high-priced stars, rebuild the the first month of his first season in town. roster and bring in manager John Farrell to "The one thing I came here to do is to be a replace Bobby Valentine. Victorino was one part of this city. With all we went through of the biggest additions, and he delivered on as a city, there's definitely a bond." Saturday as he did for much of the season. "Since the first day of spring training, Detroit took a 2-1 lead in the sixth and 21-game winner Max Scherzer protected it there wasn't on e p erson more i m poruntil the seventh, when Boston loaded the tant than the next," said outfielder Jonny bases on a double, a walk and an error by Gomes, another newcomer, who doubled to rookie shortstop Jose Iglesias, traded by lead off the seventh, missing a homer over the Red Sox in July. the Green Monster by no more than a foot. Victorino fell behind Jose Veras 0-2 but "We're all pulling in the same direction."


Pens top Canucks inshootout

that Bosch had distributed il-

Former Oilers coachPhil-

IIPS —Bum Phillips, the folksy

legal substances to minors, but he never askedBoschabout it.

Texas football icon who coached Manfred also said MLB was inthe Houston Oilers during their terested only in possible crimi-

Luv Ya Blueheyday and later

nal activity involving players,

led the New Orleans Saints, died Friday. He was 90. "Bum

the person said. Also, The Daily News reported Saturday that

is gone to Heaven," son Wade

Rodriguez paid $305,000 for ev-

Phillips tweeted Friday night. "Loved and will be missed by all

idence related to the Biogenesis

— great Dad, Coach, andChristian." Phillips died at his ranch in Goliad. Wade Phillips is the

Houston Texans' defensive co-

case, an allegation denied by a spokesman for the three-time AL MVP. The newspaper said

Rodriguez and his representatives confirmed the payments

ordinator. Phillips took over as coach of the Oilers in1975 and led Houston to two AFC Cham-

Wife Of I'S Player

pionship games beforehewas

fleeCed FeliX? —The wife

fired in1980. He was responsi-

of Seattle Mariners outfielder

ble for drafting HeismanTrophy

Carlos Peguero has beenaccused of making $180,000 in

winner Earl Campbell, the player who was largely credited with

the success of the franchise.

during testimony.

unauthorized purchases with

a debit card belonging to another person in the Mariners

Gramdling officials meet- organization, federal court ing to reSOIVe diSPute-

documents showed. Citing an

Grambling State University officials are meeting this weekend

anonymous source familiar with the investigation, The Seattle

in an effort to reach a resolution

Times reported Saturday that

with disgruntled football play-

the unnamed victims described

ers and avoid any more forfeits. University spokesmanWill Sut-

in court documents are star pitcher Felix Hernandezand his wife. Maria Jacqueline Peguero

ton said Saturday that players were given the weekend off but that officials were in touch with some of them by phone. Sutton

says a practice is scheduled for Monday, though it is unclear if

was charged earlier this month

with three counts of wire fraud, according to the federal court


— From wire reports


The Associated Press PITTSBURGH — Evgeni Malkin scored in the third round of the shootout, Marc-Andre Fleury made the deciding stop on Ryan Kesler, and the Pittsburgh Penguins remained unbeaten at home with a 4-3 victory against the Vancouver Canucks on Saturday. Sidney Crosby moved into a tie atop the NHL leaderboard with his seventh goal of the season, and had two assists. Chris Kunitz netted his fourth goal and added two assists, and rookie defenseman Olli Maatta scored his first NHL goal for the Penguins, who won for the 20th time in 22 home games. Crosby extended his point streak to eight games, his longest stretch to start a season. Crosby, who leads the NHL with 17 points, has recorded multiple points in four consecutive games. Zack Kassian scored in the third period, and Alexander Edler and Brad Richardson added goals for the Canucks. Kevin Bieksa had three assists. Also on Saturday: Kings 5, Stars 2:LOS ANGELES — Drew Doughty scored the tiebreaking goal early in the third period, and Justin Williams had two goals and an assist in Los Angeles' victory over Dallas. Sharks 6, Flames 3: SAN JOSE, Calif. — Joe Pavelski scored two-play goals, helping to keep San Jose unbeaten at home with a victory over Calgary. Coyotes 5, Red Wings 2: GLENDALE, Ariz. — Coyotes goalie Mike Smith scored a goal from his own crease with just over a second left to punctuate Phoenix's victory over Detroit, as Mike Ribeiro scored twice

for the Coyotes. Oilers 3, Senators 1: OTTAWA — RyanNugent Hopkins scored two goals, including one into an empty net, to help Edmonton beat Ottawa and snap a five-game losing streak. Devils 4, Rangers 0:NEWARK, N.J. — Cory Schneider made 22 saves for his first shutout with New Jersey, and the Devils became the last NHL team to win a game this season by beating the New York Rangers. Hurricanes 4, Islanders 3: UNIONDALE, N.Y. — Jiri Tlusty scored his first two goals of the season, and Cam Ward made 22 saves as Carolina held on for a win over the New York Islanders. Bruins 5, Lightning 0: TAMPA, Fla. Tuukka Rask stopped 23 shots and five Boston players scored against Tampa Bay. Capitals 4, Blue Jackets 1:WASHINGTON — Braden Holtby made 37 saves, and Martin Erat assisted on three Washington goals in a win over Columbus. Blackhawks 3, Maple Leafs 1: CHICAGO — Bryan Bickell sparked Chicago's big second period with his first goal of the season, helping the Blackhawks beat Toronto. Predators 2, Canadiens 1: MONTREAL — Seth Jones' goal with I:27 left spoiled a 35save performance by Montreal's Carey Price and helped Nashville to a win. Panthers 2, Wild 1:SUNRISE, Fla. — Brad Boyes and Jonathan Huberdeau scored in a shootout, lifting Florida over Minnesota and snapping a three-game losing streak. Avalanche 4, Sabres 2: BUFFALO, N.Y. Matt Duchene, Gabriel Landeskog and Ryan O'Reilly each had a goal and an assist to lead Colorado past Buffalo. -


LAS VEGAS — Webb Simpson was far from comfortable with a four-stroke lead at TPC Summerlin. "This is a golf course where guys can shoot, as we've seen this week, 8, 9, 10, 11 under," Simpson said. "So, I have to go out with a mindset of attacking and trying to make birdies." Simpson maintained his fourshot advantage Saturday in the Shriners Hospitals for Children Open, birdieing four of the last seven holes for a 4-under 67. "I think the key tomorrow is to, No. I, stay patient again in case I do get off to another slow start," said Simpson, who missed a playoff — that Jonathan Byrd won with a hole-in-one on the fourth extra hole — by a stroke in 2010 after making a double bogey on the par-3 17th. Making his f irst start since helping the U.S. win the Presidents Cup, the 2012 U.S. Open champion was 19 under overall. He opened with rounds of 64 and 63. "The conditions were perfect," Simpson said. "I knew guys were shooting low numbers. I felt like

I was playing good enough. I j ust was shooting pretty b ad — parred 9, dropped the shot at 11. So, it was frustrating. But my caddie just told me to stay patient and let the birdies come. And that's what happened. I made some putts coming in." Chesson Hadley was second after a 67, birdieing the short par-4 15th and following with a hole-out for an eagle on the par-5 16th. "They waved us up on 15 and I just roasted a driver up there," Hadley said. "I think it hit perfectly into the hill and dribbled up there to about 10 feet. I hit a good putt. It was just a little to the left, so it was a nice tap-in birdie. So that was good. "Then I drove it right on 16, and I laid up to the perfect number. And my first thought when I hit it was, 'Please go a little.' Then I saw it take the first bounce and it looked like it just one hopped right in the bottom of the stick. That was huge." The Web.com Tour Championship winner last month, Hadley is making his fourth career PGA Tour start. He and Simpson are both from Raleigh, N.C.

"Webb and I grew up playing

together," Hadley said. "He's always been more successful earlier than I have been. And you know, he's been such a good role model and just influence for the game as faras his faith is concerned. I'm just looking forward to playing with him tomorrow." Jeff Overton was third at 14 under after a 68. Jason Bohn had a 69 to reach 13 under, and Sean O'Hair shot a 63 to join f i rst-round leader J.J.Henry, defending champion Ryan Moore, William McGirt, Ryo Ishikawa and Russell Knox at 12 under. O'Hair eagled the 15th.

"I've been playing some nice

golf, and it was nice to come out today and get started off quick," O'Hair said. "I was 3 under pretty quickly and turned at 4, and kind of started off slow on the back nine, but that eagle helped on 15. So, it was just all in all a great


Henry has shot 71-70 after opening with a course-record 60. McGirt shot 64, Ishikawa had a 68, and Moore and Knox shot 69. Also on Saturday: N ordqvist t ie d f or lea d : INCHEON, South Korea — Sweden's Anna N ordqvist shot a 2-under 70 to remain tied for the lead with Australia's Katherine Hull-Kirk after the second round of th e KE B H a naBank

Championship. Langer on top:CONOVER, N.C. — Bernhard Langer overcame a bad start to take a two-stroke lead after the second round of the Champions Tour's Greater Hickory Classic. Michael Allen, Brad Bryant and John Riegger were tied for second.

Local leads Down Under: PERTH, Australia — Local West Australian player Brody Ninyette shot a 5-under 67 in rainy conditions to take a one-shot lead after the third round of the Perth International. Els lurks: MACAU — Australia's Scott Hend shot an 8-under 63 to take a four-stroke lead over South African star Ernie Els and Bangladesh's Mohammad Siddikur in the Macau Open.





Dixon takes IndyCarchampionship No. 13 Stanford smothers The Associated Press FONTANA, Calif. — Scott Dixon became the latest driver to deny Roger Penske an In-

dyCar championship, wrapping up his third title Saturday night in a race of attrition at Auto Club Speedway. Will Power won the season finale — a year after he crashed in this race to blow his own title chances — to salvage the night for Penske Racing. But it was Dixon and Chip Ganassi celebrating on the big stage as the New Zealander won his third series title, and Target Chip Ganassi claimed its 10th championship since 1990. Dixon wrapped it up with a fifth-place finish. He was the final car on the lead lap, and beat HelioCastroneves by 27 points for the title. "When you've won a couple, they are all very different," Dixon said about his three titles. "This year has been far different in that midyear we didn't think we had a shot at the championship." It wasn't incident-free. Dixon, also the series champion in 2003 and 2008, nearly overheated late in the race. "We were f reaking out," admitted team manager Mike HulL Penske has now been denied in the season finale six times since Sam Hornish won the organization its last IndyCar championship in 2006. Ganassi has won five championships in that span. "I feel for Helio," Dixon said. "He ran a strong year. He's a hell of a competitor." This one slipped away in spectacularfashion as Castroneves led the points after 14 races this season and took


a 49-point lead over Dixon into the Houston doubleheader two weeks ago. But a gearbox issue in the first race, which Dixon won, saw his lead sliced to just eight points. Then in the second race, C astroneves drove over a bump in the track to cause a catastrophic failure to his gearbox. Dixon finished second and left Houston with a 25-point lead. "One weekend for us, unfortunately for us cost us a lot of points," Castroneves said. "We did everything we could to avoid any kind of mechanical failure and the only time all season we had any kind of mechanical failure, that's what cost us the season. This is the

wing. The stop to replace it dropped him a lap down, and Castroneves was the firstcara lap down with his sixth-place finish. "I feel for Helio," said Dixon. "He ran a strong year. He's a hell of a competitor." For Power, who was racing as much to help Castroneves win the title as he was for himself, ended the night with what he called "the most satisfying win of my l i fe." Power had gone into the finale three years in a row with the championship on the line, but hit a seam in the speedway last year and crashed.He's struggled most of this year and didn't pick up his first win of the year until Sonoma in August. He then addtough part of racing." ed another victory two weeks It backed Castroneves into ago at Houston, and Saturday night's win was his second caa position of almost certainly needing to win Saturday reer victory on an oval. night's finale to salvage the "I wanted to do it so badly title. But with the big boss on all year," Power said. "I knew his pit stand calling the race in the early ovals, I just was — Penske told The Associ- kind of conservative because I ated Press before Houston he'd just wanted to finish every lap. call the final three races of And this time I'm going for it." the season and "if there's any Also on Saturday: Talladega qualifying rained mistakes, any issues, you can blame it on m e" — Penske out: TALLADEGA, Ala . made a mistake. Qualifying for the NASCAR He called Castroneves to Sprint Cup race at Talladega pit lane before the pits were Superspeedway was r a ined open during a late caution, and out. The 43-car field for toCastroneves was penalized by day was set based on speeds IndyCar. He went from fourth from the first practice session to eighth after the drive-thru on the 2.66-mile trioval. That means Aric Almirola will start penalty. "I'm so sorry," P enske from the pole, with Jeff Burton claiming the outside spot on radioed. Castroneves d o w nplayed the front row. Almirola's teamthe mistake. mate, Marcus Ambrose, took "That was just a blip on the the third spot. Series leader radar," he said. Matt Kenseth will start from Instead, contact later with the 12th spot. His closest chalDixon teammate Charlie Kim- lenger, Jimmie Johnson, is in ball broke Castroneves'front the 11th position. -

through the minor leagues. Scouting, player development

Hundley, No. 9UCLA24-10 T he Associated Press STANFORD, Cahf. Don't count Stanford out of the Pac-12 race just yet. The Cardinal's physical ground game and dominant defense — which disappeared in a loss at Utah last week — showed they can still shut down newage offenses the old-fashioned way.


Tyler Gaffney ran for a career-high 171 yards and two touchdowns, and No. 13 Stanford smothered Brett Hundley and No. 9 UCLA 24-10 on Saturday with a p h y sical p erformance on both sides of the ball. "You hear the expression, 'Offense is your best defense.' You keep them o ff. They can't d o a n y thing," said Gaffney, who also carried the ball a career-most 36 times. The Cardinal outgained UCLA 419 yards to 266, won the time of possession 37:11 to 22:49 and again made the big plays when it mattered most. Kevin Hogan threw for 227 yards and a spectacul ar touchdown t o K o d i Whitfield as the Cardinal

I. ~ ' MarcioJose Sanchez/The Associated Press

Stanford wide receiver Kodi Whitfield, center, makes a one-handed touchdown catch next to UCLA cornerback Ishmael Adams, right, and cornerback Anthony Jefferson during the second half of Saturday's game in Stanford, Calif.

us offensively." T he Cardinal c am e o u t on top again in a r e match of last season's Pac-12 title game with a "back-to-basics" formula. With UCLA's offense taking the field with 2:57 remaining, the Cardinal harassed Hundley into two incompletions before Richards dived for his second interception at the Bruins' 32-yard line after receiver Thomas Duarte fell down. Then Gaffney capped (6-1, 4-1) regrouped the off a q u ick Stanford drive way they always seem to with a 4-yard TD run that put over the past four years. the game out of reach. "He holds the key to their Stanford has not lost consecutive games since Octo- offense," l i nebacker T r ent Murphy said of Hundley, getber 2009. "It's been a staple of ours ting Stanford's fourth sack of for some time now," CarHundley on the final play for dinal coach David Shaw an exclamation point. "We sa>d. wanted to stop him." The B r u i n s e n t ered Also on Saturday: Arizona State 53, No. 20 the game averaging 45.8 p oints pe r g a me . T h at Washington 24:TEMPE, Ariz. ranked second in the Pac- — Taylor Kelly accounted for 12 behind Oregon, which 352 yards and f our t ouchhosts UCLA n ex t w e ek downs, Marion Grice scored before traveling to North three t i mes a n d A r i z o na Division rival Stanford on S tate's defense bottled u p Washington's Bishop Sankey. Nov. 7 in m atchups that will likely decide the Pac- Arizona State (5-2, 3-1 Pac12's championship game. 12) has struggled against the Just asthey slowed down run the past two seasons and Marcus Mariota and Or- Sankey entered the game as egon last season, Stanford the nation's leading rusher at nearly 150 yards per game. hurried Hundley all afternoon to put the brakes on The Sun Devils flipped the UCLA's up-tempo offense. tables with a dominating deHundley completed 24 fensive performance, limitof 39 passes for 192 yards, ing Sankey to 22 yards on o ne touchdown and tw o 13 carries while holding the interceptions b y J o r d an nation's eighth-best offense Richards — t h e s econd to 212 total yards. Grice ran for 161 yards and added to his with a little more than 2 minutes remaining, lead- nation-leading scoring total ing to a nother Stanford with a spectacular touchdown t ouchdown that pu t t h e catch and two more scores on first blemish on U CLA's the ground. Kelly threw for season. The Bruins (5-1, 268 yards and two scores and 2-1) have not started 6-0 Zane Gonzalez kicked four since 2005. field goals in Arizona State's "That was just a really e ighth s t r aight w i n ov e r difficult loss for this team," Washington (4-3, 1-3). Notre Dame 14, USC 10: U CLA coach Ji m M o r a said. "We struggled to get SOUTH BEND, Ind. — Tomthings going the way we're my Rees threw two t ouchd owns before l eaving t h e capable of getting things going, and that's not like game with an injury and

Notre Dame snapped a fivegame home losing streak to USC. Rees was 14 of 21 passi ng for 166 yards with T D throws to Troy Niklas and TJ Jones in the first half. Rees left the game when he was sacked by USC l i nebacker Lamar Dawson in the third quarter and didn't return. USC managed just 121 total yards of offense in the second half. After converting both t hird-down conversions on t heir o pening scoring drive, the Trojans went 0-of-11 the rest of the

game. The Irish (5-2) beat the Trojans (4-3) for the third time in the past four games. Arizona 35, Utah 24: TUCKa'Deem S ON, A r i z . Carey rushed for 236 yards in a school record 40 carries, capping off his night with a 44-yard touchdown run with I:30 to play to seal Arizona's win. B.J. Denker ran for two touchdowns and passed for another for the Wildcats (4-2, 1-2 Pac-12) in their first conferencevictory of the season.

dium, in uniform, behind the cage. Two of the game's more — everybody's pulling in the revered coaches — Hub Kittle, Continued from 01 Utah (4-3, 1-3), coming off its It would be easy to call the same direction. They all un- who died in 2004, and George stunning upset of t h en-No. Cardinals the New York Yan- derstand what we're trying to Kissell, who died in 20085 Stanford, lost quarterback kees of the National League, do. That's a big part of it." were Cardinals. Travis Wilson with an injury for their frequent visits to the "They embraced so many The Cardinals' 2011 chamto his right hand late in the postseason and their tradition pionship caught the attention things that we still try to teach first half. of excellence. Only the New of Jim Crane, who had recent- our young players," Mozeliak Colorado 43, C h arleston York Yankees, with 27 titles, ly bought the Houston Astros. said. "That's not something Southern 1 0 : BO U L D ER, have won more than St. Louis. Crane grew up in St. Louis you can buy. It's not packaged Colo. — Quarterback Sefo But it would also be inac- and had caddied for Cardisomewhere that you can go Liufau won his f irst career curate,because the Cardinals nals players at a golf course get. We're smart enough to start thanks to fellow freshhave won lately by abandon- near his high school. He hired know to grab that, but I think man Michael Adkins' f our ing a philosophy of chasing Luhnow as his general man- we also still have an element of touchdown runs in Colorado's big names. Instead, they de- ager in December 2011 and innovation and creativity that rout of lower-tier Charleston velop names that most have has expressed admiration for allows us to be successful." Southern in a rare mid-Octonever heard of — like Marti- DeWitt. The Cardinals reached the ber breather for the Buffaloes "He's a great owner," Crane playoffs once from 2007 to nez, their sudden setup man (3-3). — and unleash them on the said last year, in an interview 2010 as they made the transiopposition. at his office in Houston. "That tion from one philosophy to While the Cardinals' suc- organization runs very well." another. DeWitt said he never cess since 2000 — eight trips The Cardinals lost m ore questioned the approach, and to the NLCS — seems like one than L u hnow t h a t w i n ter. the proof is in the pennants. "I knew it w a s th e r ight sustained run, it i s actually Their longtime manager, Tony two. In their first five visits, La Russa, resigned. Their star strategy, but you have to exethrough 2006, most of their first baseman, Albert Pujols, cute the strategy, too," he said. left for a $240 million contract "Fortunately, our guys did that. starscame from trades.Under general manager Walt Jock- in Anaheim. The Cardinals They have a really good staff, etty, the Cardinals dealt young simply kept going, hiring their and I give them a lot of credit Elevation Capital Strategies players for veterans like Mark former catcherMike Matheny for doing that. But you have to 775sw Bonnetw ay suite lzo Bend McGwire, E dgar R e nteria, as manager, and signing Car- plan it, and when it plays out Main: 541-728-0521 Darryl Kile, Jim Edmonds and los Beltran for two years and the way it has, it's really pretty www.elevationcapital.biz Scott Rolen. $26 million. rewarding." "We had great teams in that They also re-signed catcher era, but I knew that that wasn't Yadier Molina (five years, $75 sustainable because as that million) and s t arter A d am L%E W group aged, we would need Wainwright (five years, $97.5 VOTE g; ~ on MEAS U RE 9-94 younger players," said Wil- million). With the compensaliam DeWitt Jr., the Cardinals' tion draft pick they received owner, in the clubhouse after for losing Pujols they selected Game 6. a college pitcher, Michael Wa"With the new labor agree- cha, who is 3-0 with a 0.43 8 E N D T A P 5 . C 0 M m ent that wa s c oming i n , ERA this postseason and was teams were holding on to their the most valuable player of the Measure 9-94 will boost Bend'seconomy and vital public services through a 1.4% increase in the players," he said. "We were op- NLCS. rOOm taXgueStSPay to Stay in Bend hOtelS,mOtelS,and VaCatiOn rentalS.TheSe fundSW illSuPerCharge portunistic prior to that by getThe Cardinals' left fielder, Bend' s economy by supporting local businesses, the arts, police, firefighters, and tourism promotion. Bend's current lodging ting players from other clubs, Matt Holliday, came in a trade but we made a conscious de- for prospectsin 2009. Other taX rate iS belOWmany Similar CitieS. MeaSure 9-94 Will bring uS uP to Par and Will benefit eVery Segment of our COmmunity. cision back in the '03 and '04 than him and Beltran, the team time frame that we were go- is almost entirely developed ing throw a lot of resources from within. The Cardinals and make every effort to build have used seven homegrown Bill Smith Mlke Hollern Amy Tykeson PamelaHulseAndrews DaveRathbun Bob Nosler from within. So we had a strat- pitchers this month who were Old MIII District BrooksResources BendBroadband CascadePublications Mt. Bachelor Nosler, Inc egy to do that. Rather than giv- not on the postseason roster Matt Williams Erick Trachsel Annie Goldner Ben Perle Brent McLean David Bafford ing up draft choices, we tried two years ago. Neither were Pine RidgeInn Phoenix Inn Hillside InnBed8 Breakfast OxfordHotelGroup BrasadaRanchand Eagle Crest MIII Inn to accumulate draft choices." three starting infielders: first julloOngpin Scott Woods Bend Dutch Les Stiles Bruce Abernethy Kathie Eckman DeWitt hired Jeff Luhnow baseman Matt Adams, second TowneplaceSuites Greyst oneHotels Vacati onRentals Desch.CountySheriff (ret.) FormerBendMayor FormerBendMayor in 2003 as vice president for baseman Matt Carpenter and baseball development. Luh- shortstop Pete Kozma. Jim Clinton Jodie Barram Doua Knight Sally Russell Mark Capell OranTeater Mayor ofBend BendMayorProTem BendCit'yCouncilor Bend 0ty Councilor Bend CityCouncilor FormerBendMayor "If you watch them, they now had an MBA from Northwestern, experience in busi- get a whole bunch of the same Cristy Lanfri Jody Ward Sue Hollern RaySolley Frank Groundwater Arts & CultureAlliance Art in PublicPlaces Art in PublicPlaces Art in PublicPlaces TowerTheatre BendFilm ness and a knack for analyt- type of guy," said Ellis, the ics. He had no background in Dodgers' catcher. "They get a Arts, Beautifi cation5 Cate O'Hagan Kelly Cannon-Miller Amy Mentuck ReneMitchell Jade Mayer baseball but soon oversaw a great group of college position Culture Commission Arts Central DeschutesHistorical Society The Nature ofWords Scalehouse BrooksResources seriesof deep and successful players who know how to play ChuckArnold Noelle Fredland Ieague Hatfield Doug La Placa Dennis Oliphant DaveNissen drafts for the Cardinals. the game coming right out of DowntownBendBusiness Old Mill District Footzone Vis>tBend Sun CountryTours WanderlustTours Assoc. Luhnow clashed with Jock- the draft. They sprinkle in a etty, who was fired in 2007 few top prospects — guys like and has since built three play- Kozma, some guys they have Also Endorsed by: off teams as general manager coming up — and they draft Bend Cha m be r o f C o m m e r ce , B u l l e t i n E d i t o r i a l B o a r d , C a scade B u s i n ess New s, of the Cincinnati Reds. DeWitt power arms and develop these promoted Jocketty's assistant, guys." C entral O r e g o n A s soci a t io n o f R e a l t o r s , D o w n t o w n B e n d B u s i n ess Associat i o n , John Mozeliak, and said he T he foundation for i t a l l , Visit Bend Board of Directors, Old Mill District, Police Chief's Advisory Board had unified the front office. said Mozeliak, who joined the "I think w hat M o's done organization in 1995, is the is really bring the organiza- legacy of success. The Hall tion together," DeWitt said. of Famer and former Cardi'THE RATEINCREASES IN MEASURE 9-94 AND 9-96 ARE NOT ADDITIVE TO EACH ANOTHER. The 1.4% increase in Measure 9-94 applies only to "He's brought everybody on nals player and manager Red hotels within the city limits Of Bend. The 1% increase in Measure 9-96 applies only to hotels in the unincorporated areas of Deschutes County. the same page, from the ma- Schoendienst, 90, still watches PAID FOR BY: The BendTAP5 PAC - www.bendtaps.com jor league staff all the way batting practice at Busch Sta-




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ins on, o. The Associated Press

e m son,


a school record with its 10th straight win. The Bears led 37-0 at halftime and narrowly missed their first shutout win might be the best team in the in the Big 12. Baylor (6-0, 3-0 country." Big 12) matched its 10-game Tajh Boyd threw two interwinning streak from 1936-37. No. 14 Missouri 36, No. 22 ceptions for Clemson, and his Florida 17: COLUMBIA, Mo. first-quarter fumble was re— Maty Mauk threw for295 turned 37 yards for touchdown by Mario Edwards. Clemson yards in his first career start and Andrew B aggett con(6-1, 4-1) turned it over a season-high four times, the first verted five field goals to help Mike Stewart/The Associated Press one on the f irst play f r om Missouri defeat Florida and Florida State wide receiver Rashad Greene (80) tries to escape the open a two-game lead in the scrimmage. "We know we'rebetter than grasp of Clemson defensive back Bashaud Breeland(17) during SoutheasternConference East the first half of Saturday's game in Clemson, S.C. Division. Missouri (7-0, 3-0) how we played, but nobody outgained the Gators (4-3, 3cares about that," Swinney said. 2) 500-151 and became the Rashad Greene caught eight Hyde ran for 149 yards, includ- Ford on fourth down to secure first conference opponent in passes for 146 yards and two ing 106 yards and two touch- the win. Manziel threw for 454 14 games to score at least 21 scores, including a 72-yard downs in the second half, to yards and four touchdowns points against them. sprint that made it 24-7 Florida lead Ohio State (7-0, 3-0 Big and ran for a fifth score, but Vanderbilt 31, No. 15 Georgia State in the second quarter. Ten) to a victory over Iowa. But also had two interceptions and 27: NASHVILLE, Tenn.— JerThe Seminoles broke a five- it didn't come easy. The Hawk- missed a series in the fourth ron Seymour ran for a 13-yard as maybe the league's biggest game losing streak at Memori- eyes (4-3, 1-2 Big Ten) dominat- quarter with an apparent inju- touchdown with 2:53 left, and game ever,quickly became a al Stadium, scored more points ed offensively in the first half ry to his right arm or shoulder Vanderbilt rallied from a D Seminoles' seminar on how to than any opponent ever has in and led 21-14 at the break. before returning. point deficit by scoring 17 unMississippi 27, No. 6 LSU 24: Tennessee 23, No. 11 South answered points in the fourth take apart a top-five opponent Death Valley and gave fourthon its hostile home turf in front year coach Jimbo Fisherhis OXFORD, Miss. — Andrew Carolina 21: K N O X VILLE, quarter to upset Georgia. The of 83,428. biggest victory since taking Ritter made a 41-yard field Tenn. — M i chael Palardy Commodores (4-3, 1-3) got "We don't p l a y a g a inst over for Bobby Bowden. their first Southeastern Congoal with 2 seconds remaining made a 19-yard field goal noise. We're playing against Florida State is also perfect to lead Mississippi past LSU. as time expired to give Ten- ference win thisseason and the Clemson Tigers," Winston through six games for the first Ole Miss (4-3, 2-3 Southeastern nessee a victory over South their first victory over Georgia said. "It was amazing, when time since 1999, the last time Conference) led by as many as Carolina that ended the Volin Nashville since 1991. Geor17 points and was ahead near- unteers' 19-game losing streak gia (4-3, 3-2) lost its second we were out on the field that Bowden's 'Noles won the nafirst snap. It was loud and we tional championship. ly the entire game until late in against r a nked o p ponents. straight after failing to hold a started smiling because we Maybe after all these years, the fourth quarter when LSU's South Carolina (5-2, 3-2 SEC) 27-14 lead. don't play against noise." the Seminoles are finally back Zach Mettenberger hit Jarvis quarterback Connor Shaw left No. 16 Texas Tech 37, West The game started with two to that level? Landry for a4-yard touchdown the game after being sacked Virginia 27: MORGANTOWN, "They're mature, they're to tie it at 24 with 3:19 remain- by Marlon Walls and Daniel Heisman Trophy c ontender WVa. — Davis Webb threw quarterbacks. It ended with growing, they're older, they un- ing. But the Rebels responded McCullers with less than five two touchdown passes and one. derstand the moments," Fisher with a methodical drive that minutes remaining. Tennes- Texas Tech scored 21 unanPlaying in one of the loudest said of his team. ended in Ritter's field goal. see (4-3, 1-2) got into field-goal swered points in the second No. 24 Auburn 45, No. 7 Texas range on a spectacular 39-yard half to beat West Virginia. In stadiums in the country, WinAlso on Saturday: ston was unfazed, going 22 for No. 1 Alabama 52, Arkansas A&M 41: Nick Marshall ac- catch by freshman Marquez his first road start, Webb com34 for Florida State (6-0, 4-0). 0: TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — AJ counted for four scores and North. Four consecutive runs pleted 36of 50 passes for 462 His first throw was a 22-yard McCarron threw three touch- Auburn battered Johnny Man- by Marlin Lane got the Vols to yards. The Red Raiders (7-0, touchdown to Kelvin Benja- down passes and K e nyan ziel in a win over Texas A&M. the South Carolina 2 and set 4-0 Big 12) moved into sole Drake rushed for 104 yards Tre Mason's 5-yard score with up the field goal. min, and he scrambled for a possession of first place in the 4-yard touchdown that made and two scores to lead Alaless than two minutes to play No. 12 Baylor 71, lowa State 7: conference. it 41-7 with 4:04 left in the third bama. The Crimson Tide (7-0, was first ruled down at the I, WACO, Texas — Bryce Petty No. 17 Fresno State 38, UNLV 4-0 Southeastern Conference) but it was reviewed and ruled threw for 343 yards and two 14: FRESNO, Calif. — Derek quarter. "They took advantage of rolled to a 28-0 halftime lead. a touchdown. A&M (5-2, 2-2 touchdowns, Antwan Goodley Carr threw f o r 4 1 2 y a r ds our mistakes," Clemson coach No. 4 Ohio State 34, lowa 24: SEC) had a last chance, but had 182 yards receiving and and connected with Davante Dabo Swinney said. "They COLUMBUS, Ohio — Carlos Manziel was sacked by Dee two scores, and Baylor tied Adams on f our t ouchdown CLEMSON, S.C. — Jameis Winston and F l orida State didn't take long to hush Death Valley, making a s t atement that that could be heard from Alabama to Oregon. The Seminoles' remarkable redshirt freshman threw for 444 yards and three touchdowns and No. 5 Florida State crushed No. 3 Clemson 51-14 Saturday night. When the first BCS standings of the season come out Sunday, Florida State should be right there with the top-ranked Crimson Tide and second-ranked Ducks, fighting for the top spots. "Do we deserve to be in the top two? We deserve to be No. 1," Florida State linebacker Telvin Smith said. The Atlantic Coast Conference's game of the year, billed

passes on a r e c ord-setting homecoming night as Fresno State reached its best start in

12 seasons. The Bulldogs (6-0, 3-0) equaled their start in 2001 when Carr's older brother, David, led the team to six straight victories to open the season. Carr completed33 of 46 pass-

es, breaking Paul Pinegar's career school records for completions and touchdowns with 849 and 85, respectively. No. 18 Oklahoma 34, Kansas 19: LAWRENCE, Kan. — Blake Bell threw for 131 yards and two touchdowns, and Oklahoma finally awoke from its Red River rout hangover to beat lowly K ansas. The Sooners (6-1, 3-1 Big 12), whose national championship aspirations were cast aside by Texas last weekend, stumbled through the first quarter and found themselves in a 13-0 hole. No. 21 Oklahoma State 24, TCU 10: STILLWATER, Okla. — Clint Chelf completed 10 of 25 passes for 178 yards and an interception and Oklahoma State used a quarterback change to earn a w i n o v er TCU. Josh Stewart added 10 catches for 141 yards and had a 95-yard punt return for a touchdown, giving the Cowboys (5-1, 2-1 Big 12 Confer-

ence) enough offense to celebratea homecoming victory. No. 23 Northern Illinois 38, Central Michigan 17: MOUNT PLEASANT, Mich. — Jordan Lynch rushed for 316 yards, an FBS record for a quarterback, and Northern Illinois 7-0, 3-0 M id-American) stayed u n beaten with a victory at Central Michigan. No. 25 Wisconsin 56, Illinois 32: CHAMPAIGN, Ill. — Melvin Gordon rushed for 142 yards and three touchdowns to lead Wisconsin to a rout of Illinois.

COLLEGE FOOTBALL SCOREBOARD Orst — Cooks 34 passtromMannion (Romaine

Pac-12 North

Oregon Oregon State Stanford Washington State Washington California ArizonaState LICLA Ar>zona IJSC

utah Colorado

Conf. 4-0 4-0

Third Guarter Orst — Woods 28 pass fromMannion (Romaine

Overall 7-Ij

6-1 6-1 4-4 4-3 1-6

4-1 2-3 1-3 0-4


Conf. 3-1 2-1 1-2 1-2 1-3 0-3

at SouthFlorida,Saturday. No. 9UCLA(5-1) lost to No.13Stanford24-10. Next at No.2Oregon,Saturday No. 10Miami(6-0) beatNorth Carolina 27-23,Thurskick), 10:4z day. Next:vs. Wake Forest, Saturday. Cal — Ervin 7 pass from Kline (O'Amatokick), No. 11SouthCarolina (5-2I lost toTennessee 23-21. 3:39. Next: atNo.14Missouri, Saturday. Orst Mullaney15passfrom Mannion (Romaine No. 12 Baylor (6-0) beatlowaState71-7. Next:at kick), 1:01. Kansas,Saturday. Fourth Quarter No. 13Stanford(6-1)beatNo.9 UCLA24-10. Next: at Orst — Ward1run (Romainekick), 9:26. Oregon State, Saturday. Cal — Wark 1 passfrom Kline (O'Amato kick), No.14 Missouri(7-0) beatNo.22Florida 36-17. Next. 3:44. vs. No.11SouthCarolina, Saturday. No. 15Georgia(4-3) lostVanderbilt 31-2t. Next: vs A 44,671 O rst Cal No. 22FloridaatJacksonville Nov.z First downs 31 19 No. 16 TexasTech(7-0) beatWest Virginia 37-27. 28-74 30-75 Rushes-yards Next: atNo.18Oklahoma,Saturday. Passing 496 291 No. 17FresnoState(6-0) beatUNLV38-14. Next: at Comp-Att-Int 36-46-0 32-47-2 San Diego State, Saturday. ReturnYards (-~) (-~) No. 18oklahoma(6-0 beatKansas34-19. Next vs 3-4z t 3-4zo Punts-Avg. No.16TexasTech,Saturday. 2-2 2-2 Fumbles-Lost No. 19virginiaTech(6-0 didnotplay. Next: vs. Duke, 8-80 8 - 100 Penalties-Yards Saturday. Time ofPossession 33.28 26:32 No. 20Washington (4-3) lost toArizonaState53-24. INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS Next:vs.Califomia,Saturday. RUSHING —Oregon State: Brown6-36, Ward No. 21OklahomaState(5-1) beatTCU24-10. Next: at 9-34, Woods7-23, Cooks2-10, Bolden1-0, Vaz1lowa State,Saturday (minus10),Mannion2-(minus19). California: Ervin No. 22 Florida(4-3) lost to No. 14Missouri 36-17. 0-40, Kline 4-28, Coprich4-15, Muhammad 6-6 Next: vs.N0.15Georgia atJacksonville Nov. z Bigelow1-3,Rodgers1-0,Goff3-(minus17). No. 23Northernlllinois (7-0) beatCentral Michigan 37-17.Next:vs. Eastern Michigan,Saturday. PASSING —Oregon State: Mannion 35-45-0481, Vaz1-1-0-15 California: Goff 21-31-1-220, No. 24 Auburn(6-1) beat No.7 Texas A8M45 41 K ine 0-16-1-71. Next: vs.FAU,Saturday. RECEIVING —Oregon State: Cooks 13-232, No. 25 wisconsin(5-2) beatlllinois 56-3z Next:at Woods6-63,Smith 3-39,Ward 3-32, Clute 2-33, lowa,Nov.z Hatfield 2-21, Mullaney2-17, Gilmore 1-19, Cummings 1-13,Anderson1-0, Bolden 1-8, perry 1-8. Scores California: C.Harper 793, Rodgers6-68, Bigelow 6-22, Treggs 5-36, Powe3-33, Coprich 1-16, Lawler EAST 1-9, Ervin1-7,Harris1-6, Wark1-1. Bucknell17,Dartmouth14 Buffalo32,UMass3 Colgate28, HolyCross24 Top 25 Duquesne 21, Robert Morris 20 No. 1 Aabama (7-0) beatArkansas52-0. Next:vs Fordham 5z Yae31 Tennessee, Saturday. Harvard35, Latayette16 No. 2 Oregon(7-0) beat WashingtonState 62-38. Lehigh45, Georgetown24 Next: vs.No.9UCLA, Saturday. Maine34,Wiliam8 Mary20 No. 3Clemson(6-0 lostto No.5Florida State51-14. Monmouth (NJ)48, Cornell 23 Next: atMaryland,Saturday. NewHampshire 29,Vilanova28 No.40hio State (7-0) beatlowa34-24. Next: vs. Penn Penn21, Columbia7 State,Saturday. Pittsburgh35,OldDominion 24 Princeton39, Brown17 No. 5 FloridaState(6-0)beat No.3 Clemson 51-14. Next: vs.N.C.State,Saturday. Rhode Island12, Richmond10 No. 6 LSU(6-2j lost to Mississippi 27-24.Next:vs. Sacred Heart 56, Bryant2B Furman,Saturday. Temple33,Army14 No. 7TexasABM(5-2) ost to No.24Auburn 45-41 Texas Tech37,West Virginia 27 Next: vs.Vanderbilt, Saturday. Towson 44,Albany(NY) 17 No. 8Louisville(6-0 lost toUCF38-35, Friday.Next: SOUTH kick), 3:44.

Standings All Times PDT

Overall 52 5-1 4-2 4-3 4-4


Saturday'sGames oregon 6z washingtonstate38

Oregon St 49,Californ>a17 Arizona35,Utah24 ArizonaSt.53, Washington 24 Colorado 43 CharlestonSouthem1II Stanford24,UCLA10 NotreDame14, Southern Cal10 Saturday, Oct. 26 Utah atUSC,1 p.m. UCLAatOregon,4p.m. Arizonaat Colorado, 5p.m. Stantordat OregonState,730p.m. CaliforniaatWashington, 8p.m.

Saturday's Summaries

No. 2 Oregon62, Washington State 38 Washingtonst. 7 17 0 1 4 — 3 8 Oregon 20 14 14 14 — 62 First Quarler Ore —Mariota57run(passfailed), u:26 Ore —Marshal 1run(Wogankick), 8:43. WSU —D.Williams11 passfromHaliday (Furney kick), 6.36. Ore —Marshall 26 run(Maldonadokick), 5:47.

SecondOuarter Ore —Tyner 1run (Wogankick),1321. WSU —Cracraft 12 passfromHalliday (Furney kick), 6:10. WSU —Cooper 29 fumble return (Lrney kick), 5:35. Ore Tyner 66 Nn(Maldonadokick), 4:40 WSU —FGLrney49, 00

Third Guarter Ore —Lowe 10 pass from Mariota (Wogankick),

Alabama 52, Arkansas0 Bethune-Cookman 48, SavannahSt 21 Chattanooga 20, Eon9 CoastalCarolina55, Liberty52,20T DelawareSt12, NCABT7 Duke35,Virginia 22 E. Kentucky24, TennesseeTech10 EastCarolina55,SouthemMiss. 14 F oridaSt.51, Clemson14 Furman 27, Appalachian St. 10 GeorgiaTech56, Syracuse0 Hampton27,Norfolk St17 Howard21, FloridaA8M10 Jacksonville52,Campbell 45 Marist 42,Davidson14 McNeese St.31, SamHouston St 23 Mercer54,Carnegie-Mellon 21 Mississippi 27LSU24 MorganSt.34, NCCentral 22 MurraySt. 31,Austin Peay3 NorthTexas28, l.ouisianaTech13 Presbyterian49,VMI35 SE Louisiana 37, NorthwesternSt.22 SMU34,Memphis 29 SouthAlabama38,KentSt. 21 Tennessee 23, SouthCarolina 21 Tennessee St 29,UT-Martin 15 Vanderbilt 31,Georgia 27 WakeForest34, Maryland10 Wofford21,W.Carolina 17 MIDWEST Akron24, Miami(Ohio) 17 Ball St 38, WMichigan17 Butler 24,Drake14 Cincinnati41,UConn16 Dayton45,SanDiego38, 20T E. Illinois55,SEMissouri 33

l linois St.55,IndianaSt14 Michigan63,Irrdiana47 MichiganSt.14, Purdue0 Minnesota 20, Northwestern17 Missouri36,Florida17 MissouriSt.35, S.DakotaSt.21 Morehead St. 42,Valparaiso28 N. DakotaSt.31,S.Illinois10 N. II inois38, Cent.Michigan17 NotreDame14, Southern Cal10 Ohio 56,E.Michigan28 Ohio St 34 lojNa24

Oklahoma34, Kansas19 Sacramento St.31, North Dakota7 SouthDakota38,N.lowa31,20T Toledo45,Navy44, 20T Wisconsin 56, llinois 32 Youngstown St.24, W.Illinois14 SOUTHWES T AlcornSt. 20,TexasSouthern13 Auburn45,TexasAB,M41 BYU47,Houston46 Baylor t1, lowa St 7 Cent.Arkansas26, Lamar24 Oklahoma St. 24,TCU10 Prairie View 51, MVSU14 Southern U.29, Ark.-PineBluff 21 Stephen F Austin 55, Nicholls St 41 Texas St. 24,Georgia St17 FAR WEST Arizona35,Utah24 ArizonaSt.53,Washington 24 BoiseSt. 34 Nevada17 Colorado 43, Charleston Southern10 Colorado St. 52,Wyoming 22 E. Washington 34,S.Utah10 FresnoSt. 38,UNLV14

Lintield 51,Whitworth17 Montana21,CalPoly14, OT MontanaSt 34, Weber St.16 N. Arizona 39, IdahoSt. 30 Oregon 62,WashingtonSt38 OregonSt.49,Califomia17

Pacific Lutheran1t,Pacific16 Rice 45,New MexicoSt19 RockyMountainCollege45,EastemOregon13 SouthernOregon55, MontanaState-Northern 28 Stanford24, UCLA10 UC Davis34, N.Colorado18 Utah St 45NewMexico10 WesternOregon46,Dixie State34 Willamette56,Lewis8 Clark30











Ore —Marshall 30 run(Maldonadokick), 9:31. Fourth Ouarter Ore —Huff 17passfrom Mariota (Wogankick),

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13:36. Ore—Mitchell 51 interception return(Maldonado kick), 13:01

WSU —Marks 8passtromHaliday (Fumeykick),

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WSU —Ratliff 3 passfrom i alliday (Furneykick),

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First dowvs Rushes-yards Passing Comp-Att-Int ReturnYards

W SU 35


32 12-2 44-383 5 57 33 6 58-89-4 24-33-0 10 81 Punts-Avg. 5-37.6 4-34.8 2-1 3-3 Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards 4 -35 9 - 75 35'39 2 4;21 Time ofPossession INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS

RUSHING —Washington State: Mason 4-15, Caldwell 3-6, i alliday5-(minus19). Oregon: Marshall 21-192,Tyner7-99, Mariota8-67, Forde4-14, Bassett2-9,Roseberry 2-2 PASSING —Washington State: Haliday 5889-4-57 5 . Oregon: Mariota 23-32-0-327, Lockie 1-1-0-9 RECEIVING —Washington State:Marks 13143, Mason8-55, Mayle 7-79, D.Wiliams 7-59, Myers 5-72,Cracraft 5 65, Galvin 5-37 Ratliff 4-23, Caldwel3-3,Laufasa1-8,Brooks0-13. Oregon: Huff 5-75, Addison5-41,Lowe4-48, Tyner3-42, Marshal 2-54, Mundt2-35, Hawkins1-19, Kelley1-13, Forde 1-9.

Oregon State 49, California 17 OregonSt California

1 4 14 14 7 — 49 3 0 7 7 — 17

First Quarler Orst — Ward1 run(Romaine kick), 7:53. Cal — FG D' Amato22,6:32 Orst — Smith 14 passfrom Mannion(Romaine kick), 09 SecondOuarter Orst — cooks14run(Homainekick), 8:3z

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Ducks Continued from D1 "We got off to a little bit of a sloppy start in every phase," said Oregon head coach Mark Helfrich. "We took care of the ball better in the second half. We thought we could wear them down with our conditioning, and that showed up in the third quarter." In the end against Washington State, Oregon's sloppiness did not really matter. But it certainly could matter in the Ducks' next two games, against UCLA and Stanford. T he Cougars, f r esh o f f a f o u r th-quarter c o l l apse against Oregon State last week when Connor Halliday threw three interceptions, were no d oubt looking f r o m s o m e redemption. Oregon handled pass-heavy Cal easily last month, but that came in a raging downpour. How would the Duck second-

ary fare against a passing attack in fair weather? Not terribly well in the first

half, giving up 319 passing yards, but it didn't matter. Behind the stellar play of Mariota and running back Byron Marshall, Oregon handled Washington State with relative ease in thesecond half,after leading just 34-24 at halftime. It was the first time this season the Ducks had to be seriously disappointed with their play in the first half of a game.

The Cougars hung around during the first two quarters, like they have the last few seasons against the Ducks. On the opening drive of the second half, a determined Mariota marched the Ducks 80 yards in just two minutes, finding Keanon Lowe for a 10-yard touchdown and a 41-24 lead. You just had a feeling that the floodgates had opened — and indeed they had. Avery Patterson's interception of a Halliday pass would lead to a 30-yard touchdown run for Marshall and give the Ducks a 48-24 lead. Mariota's scrambling 1 7-

Don Ryan /The Associated Press

Oregon running back Byron Marshall, right, celebrates his touchdown with teammates, from left, Tyler Johnstone, Hamani Stevens and Hroniss Grasu during the first half of Saturday night's game against Washington State in Eugene.

The energy was sucked out of the Autzen Stadium crowd, but not for long. Tyner used some perfectly executed blocks from receivers tozip 66 yards for a touchdown and put Oregon back in control, 34-21, late in the second quarter. Now more than h alfway through the season, the Ducks are on trackfor their second appearance in the BCS National Championship — even without the services of Thomas for the past four games. The first BCS standings of the season will be r eleased later today, and Oregon (No. 2 in both the Associated Press and USA Today polls entering

Saturday's play) figures to be

No. 2 in the only standings that really matter, likely behind Alabama. yard touchdown pass to Huff on a 26-yard touchdown run to Oregon is doing all this durearly in the fourth quarter put give Oregon a 20-7 lead in the ing a season in which many Oregon up 55-24 and put the firstquarter. say the Pac-12 is the strongest game away. T homas, the s t a r D u c k it has ever been. Oregon finished with 719 running back who is nursing But the next tw o g ames an ankle injury and has not on the Ducks' schedule are yards of offense. His four interceptions aside, played since the opening kick- among the m ost d aunting: and Halliday was brilliant. He off against Cal three weeks UCLA in Eugene next Saturbroke the Pac-12 record for ago, warmed up before the day and then at Stanford on both pass attempts and com- game in full pads but did not Thursday, Nov. 7. Stanford pletions, connecting on 58 of play. I have a feeling we will defeated UCLA 24-10 on Sat89 passes and throwing four see him against UCLA next urday afternoon before the touchdowns. Saturday, but who knows? Ducks' drubbing of the Cougs. "Up front, we got to him a Oregon might be just fine T he earlier game was a little bit with our defensive line without him, though, judging bit more entertaining, and it rotation," Helfrich said. "Every by the play of Marshall and showed just how solid the Brupick was forced by the defen- freshman Thomas Tyner. ins and Cardinal are this seaMarshall gained 192 yards son and the challenge they will sive line. He threw the ball 89 times. Something good is go- on 21 carries and scored three pose to Oregon. ing to happen at some point." touchdowns. Every home game for the Mariota, a frontrunner for "I think today was the best Ducks so far this season had the Heisman Trophy at this game I ever had," Marshall been an a b solute blowout, point, still has not thrown an said. "The team got off to a over by halftime, until Saturinterception this season. And little bit of a slow start. But we day night against Washinghe just plain looks faster than pickeditup and played a much ton State. Oregon is up for an anybody else on the field. better second half. We had a even stiffer test next Saturday On the Ducks' first drive lot of turnovers in the first half, against a UCLA team with of the game, he cut back at and that's unacceptable, no a talented quarterback of its the line of scrimmage, broke matter who we're playing." own, a team that was ranked Tyner finished with 99 yards in the top 10 before falling to a tackle, then hit the afterburners on a 57-yard touch- and two TDs. Stanford. down run. He finished with But Mariota's two fumbles But watching these Ducks 23 completions on 32 pass at- would lead to t w o C ougar — even when they play a sloptempts for 327 yards and two touchdowns. The second Mari- py half against an inferior optouchdowns. ota fumble was recovered by ponent — it's just hard to picM arshall s h owed s o m e Xavier Cooper and returned ture them losing to anyone. De'Anthony Thom a s-like 29 yardsfor a score to cutOr— Reporter: 541-383-0318, moves as he weaved in and out egon's lead to just 27-21. mmoricaICbendbulletin.com.

Oregon pulls away late to beat Washington State By Anne M. Peterson

came within 27-21 in the sec- drew Furney kicked a 49-yard ond quarter. field goal for the Cougars as EUGENE — Marcus MariThe Ducks cleaned up the ota passed for 327 yards and mistakes in the second half two touchdowns and ran for and pulled away, racking up another score as No. 2 Oregon 719 yards in t o tal o f fense. overcame the prolific passing F reshman T h o ma s T y n er of Connor Halliday for a 62-38 r an for 9 9 y a rds and t w o victory over Washington State touchdowns. After M a r i ota's o pening on Saturday night. Mariota kicked things off touchdown, Marshall plowed with a 57-yard scoring dash across the line for a 1-yard on the first series of the game touchdown midway through for the Ducks. Byron Marshall the first to up Oregon's lead to ran for 192 yards and three 13-0. Halliday found Dom Wiltouchdowns for Oregon (7-0, liams in the corner of the end 4-0 Pac-12). zone with an 11-yard scoring Halliday completed 58 of 89 pass, but Marshall answered passes for 557 yards and four with a 26-yard scoring run to touchdowns for the Cougars make it 20-7. (4-4, 2-3). His attempts broke Tyner made an acrobatic t he FBS-level record of 8 3 catch to get to the Washington set by Drew Brees of Purdue State I, then powered into the on Oct. 10, 1998. His total at- end zone for a touchdown eartempts and completions also ly in the second quarter. broke the Pac-12 records set Mariota was sacked and by Arizona's Matt Scott last his fumble was recovered by season, and his total yards set Washington State, leading to Halliday's 22-yard pass to Riva Washington State record. But Halliday also t h r ew er Cracraft for the freshman four i n t erceptions, i n clud- receiver's first touchdown. ing one that wa s r eturned Mariota was sacked and 51 yards for a touchdown by fumbled again on th e next Terrance Mitchell early in the series, and X a vier C ooper fourth quarter. The WSU ju- scooped up the ball and ran it nior leads the nation with 18 in to narrow the score to 27-21 interceptions thrown. with 5:35 left before halftime. Thanks to three first-half Tyner scored on a 66-yard Oregon fumbles, the Cougars run for the Ducks before AnThe Associated Press

t i m e ran out in the first half to m a k e it 34-24.


Cal looked to answer, but two holding calls forced a 45Continued from D1 yard field-goal attempt but In his l ast tw o g ames, D'Amato, who missed to keep Mannion has passed for 974 the Beavers up 14-3. yards. The Beavers drove to the It could have been even Cal 14 and, facing a fourthbetter for the Beavers in the and-2 situation, coach Mike first half, but Trevor Romaine Riley decided to roll the dice missed a 31-yard field goal and go for it. That's when and Caleb Smith fumbled at Cooks took the sweep 14 the goal line when it appeared yards for the score and 21-3 he was about to score in the lead. final minute of the half. After th e B e ars d r ove The Golden Bears could downfield, the defense stiffnot come close to matching ened and made the stop on OSU in the first half. The fourth down to give OSU the Bears punted three times, ball back. Mannion capped a 74-yard threw an interception, lost a fumble, missed a field goal, drive with a 34-yard flanker turned the ball over on downs screen to Cooks, who broke and had the half end their fi- inside, then bounced outside nal drive. and cruised down the left Cal freshman quarterback sideline for the score and a Jared Goff did complete 21 of 28-3 lead with 3:44 left in the 31 passes in the first half for first half. 220 yards, but he did most of OSU looked to add to its his damage between the20- lead after forcing a punt, but yard lines. Smith fumbled at the goal Meanwhile, the Beavers line. The Beavers started the scored on five of their eight first-half drives. second half the way t h ey Oregon State punted on its finished the first, driving for first series, then Mannion got a score. Only this time, the the Beavers out of the shadow Beavers converted as Woods of their own end zone, hitting went 28 yards on a screen Cooks for 50 yards to the Cal pass to cap a 75-yard drive 41 to open their second pos- for a 35-3 lead with 10:42 left session. He later hit Cooks for in the third period. 14 yards to the I and Terron Dylan W yn n r e covered Ward carried it over for the Goff's fumble at the Cal 18 score to put OSU up 7-0 with on the next drive, but OSU 7:53 left in the first quarter. was unable to take advantage The 91-yard march was the as Mannion was sacked on longest scoring drive of the a third-and-long play after a season for the Beavers. personal-foul penalty on the The Bears made it 7-3 with Beavers. 6:32 left in the first quarter on That defensive stop, and a 22-yard field goal by Vin- the insertion of Zach Kline at cenzo D'Amato. The drive quarterback, gave the Bears started with a 15-yard pen- some life. Kline led the Bears alty on the kickoff and Goff on a 15-play, 88-yard drive for hitChris Harper for45 yards their first touchdown as he to the 12 before the Beavers' connected with Darren Ervin from 7 yards out to make defense forced the field goal. Rashaad Reynolds came it 35-10 with 3:39 left in the up with his fourth intercep- third quarter. The Beavers quickly stole tion of the season to give the Beavers the ball at the Cal t he momentum b ac k a s 34. But Romaine hit the right Mannion capped a six-play, upright from 31 yards out and 65-yard drive with a 15-yard the game remained 7-3. TD pass to Richard Mullaney Scott Crichton, who had a and a 42-10 lead with 1:01 left in the third. strong game, forced a Goff fumble and Mana Rosa reWard got his second I-yard covered at the Cal 15. This rushing touchdown with 9:26 time, the Beavers converted to play to put the Beavers up as Mannion hit Smith from 49-10. 14 yards out for a 14-3 lead Oregon State is at home with nine seconds left in the next Saturday night against quarter. Stanford.


Seahawks Continued from D1 S eattle's d e fensive l i n e caused havoc with seven sacks of Arizona quarterback Carson Palmer and 13 QB hits. The seven sacks were the second-most for Seattle in any game since 2008. While Palmer wasunder siege most ofthe night, the Seahawks were just as good at stopping the Cardinals' ground attack. Arizona finished with 30 yards rushing and its longest run went for six yards. The 30 yards were the fourth fewest allowed by a Seattle defense in the past 25 seasons. Offensively, Russell Wilson threw a t r i o o f t o uchdown p asses, M a rshawn L y n c h continued to run with the intent of b a ttering defenders and Seattle converted 7 of 12 third-down opportunities after struggling to sustain drives recently. "That is how we kind of separated ourselves," Wilson said. "That is what we need and we

did a great job in the red zone." W hat Seattle has o n i t s side is rest. Carroll gave the Seahawks four days off with the team no t c o ngregating again until T u esday w hen they'll start preparing for their Monday night matchup on Oct. 28 at St. Louis. The game against the Rams begins a favorable four-game stretch against opponents who currently are a combined 5-16. Then comes Seattle's bye. While that stretch includes road trips to St. Louis and Atlanta, it's not unrealistic to envision the Seahawks being 10-1 or 9-2 by the time of their highly anticipated Week 13 matchup at home against New Orleans. And the Seahawks are only going to get better during the upcoming stretch. Wide receiver Percy Harvin, whom the Seahawks traded for in the offseason but have yet to use due to hip surgery, could return to practice next week. Seattle has been cautious about a timeline with Harvin.


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© Jack Challem

significant improv ement in sympt o ms, based on a fibromyalg'ia assessment questionnaire

A p crson w i t h fi b r o m y a l gi a w i l l o f t e n s a y shc has pain all o ver hc r b o dy, and that any type of touch — light or firm — exacerbates the p ain. Other co m mo n s y m p t om s i n c l ude j o i n t stiAness, dry eyes and skin, brain fog, moodiness, depression, and anxiety. Fibromyalgia is also associated with sleep problcms, irritablc bowel syndrome, headaches, facial pain, and sensitivity to o d ors and no i ses.

Glutathione Precursors. I t's crucial that fibro m yalgia paticnts boost t h ci r b o d i cs' I c v cl s o f t he ant i o x i d an t g l u t a t h i o ne. N u t r i t i o n a ll y o r i ented doctors may a d m i n i ster intravenous glut athione because oral s u p p l ements are p o o r l y absorbed by the body. However, two precursors of g l u tathionc — N-acctylcystcinc (N A C ) a n d alpha-lipoic acid — are very w e l l a b sorbed and b oost th e b o d y ' s l e v el s o l g l u t a t h i o ne. N A C c ontains both sulfur and the am ino acid L - c y s t eine, which are key b u i l d ing b l o cks of g l u t at hionc, and alpha-lipoic acid i s r i c h i n s u l f u r . Other fo rm s of n u t r i t i o nal su l f ur, such as methylsullonalmethane (M S M ) , m i g h t also be helpful. 'I ry 500 to 1 ,800 mg of NA C ; 1 0 0 to 3 0 0 m g of alpha-lipoic acid; or 1,000 mg of M S M .

Although nutritional deficiencies are common in fibromyalgia, conventional physicians routinely ov er l ook t hem and g enerally p r escribe v arious m e d i c a t i o ns. H o w e v er , n o d r u g c a n correct a nutritional deficiency. Foll o w i n g are s ome of th e m o s t i m p o r t ant n u t r i t i o nal s u pplcmcnts for pcople with fi br o m y a lgia.

a rr

wh i c h a l r e c ts a n e s t i m a ted 10 mill ion A m e r i c ans, w it h 7 5 t o 9 0 p e r cent being w o m en , c o m m o n l y f r u s t rates patients. a nd phy sicians a l i ke . F i b r o m y a l gi a ca n b c d ifficult t o d i a g n ose and o f ten h ard t o d i s t i n guish irom Chronic I"atigue Syndrome (CFS), i n part b e c a use b ot h i l l n e sses share m a n y c ommon sy m p t oms — and a few p e o ple w i l l have both illncsscs. The distinguishing sympt om of fi b r o m y a l g ia, ho w e v er, is ov er w h e l m ing musculoskeletal pain rather than Iatig ue.

e orer

Vitamin 0CanHelp WhenBack Surgery Fails toEasePain

Vitami n D . Re l a t i v e ly l e w s t u d i es have tested the etTects of high-dose vitamin D supplem ents on fi b r o m y a l gi a p atients, and m ost o f t hc b c ncfit s o f t h e s u p p l c m c nt s h av e b e e n f ound i n c l i n i ca l p r a c t ice; h o w e v er, a 2 0 0 9 study p u b l i s he d i n E nd o c r i n o l o gy P r a c t i c e did find t hat v i t a m i n D s u p p l e m ents reduced fibromyalgi a s y m p t o m s . R e searchers t ested thc effects of v i t a mi n D s u p p l c m c nts against p lacebos o n 6 1 0 p a t i e nts. P eopl e r e c e i v i n g v itamin D I o r e i g h t w e e k s b e n e fi ted I r o m a

There'SStill hOPeIf you haVehadbaCk Surgery to relieVePain andnOWSuffer frOmwhat

somedoctorscall "failed back surgery syndrome."Thesolution, vitamin D, costsonly pennies a day.

878Prr7 dl Irra fromrarartdrdrrr'



adadda aaraadd Rap4aa

Previousresearchhasshownthat vitamin Dcanoften relieve chronicbackpain, evenwhen surgery fails. In thelatest rePort, SaranatraWalkakul, MD,of Slrlraj HosPital, Bangkok, Thailand,describedhis treatmentof slx menandthreewomenwho hadback surgery,


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depre ssion.Hecomparedthem to seven patientswho hadundergonesuccessfulback surgery. All of thePatientS,whoranged frOm27to 35yearSOfage, hadblOOd levelSof vitamin D leSS than30 ng/ml, indiCating defiCienCy.Walkakill gaVethe PatientS20,000 IU of Vitamin


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D2 daIlv for 10da~'s, then600IU daily of vitaminD3for maintenance,

Aeetyl-L - C a r n i t i ne. A c ety l - L - c a r n i t i n e, a i orm of th e a m in o a ci d L - c a r n i t i ne, may b e o f p articular benefit t o p e o pl e w i t h fi b r o m y a l g i a . Researchers at the U n i v ersity of V e r ona, Italy, g avc fi b r o m y a l gia p a t i cnts a c o m b i n ation o f 1 ,000 to 1 , 5 0 0 m g o f o r a l a c e t y l - L - c a r n i t i n e d aily, plus a single 500 m g i n j e c t ion o l i t o v e r ten weeks. I'atients receiving acetyl- L - c arnit in e had significant r e d uctions i n p a i n , c o m p ared with paticnts rccciving placcbos. Acctyl - L - carn itine and o t her f o r m s o f t h i s n u t r i ent p la y e s s ential roles in no r ma l m i t o c h o n d r ial f u n c t i o n .

Coenzyme Q I O. So me r esearch also suggests that c o c n zym c Q I 0 ( C o Q I 0 ) s u p p l c m cnts might help people with fi b r o m y a l g ia. L ike various carnitine com p o u nds, Co Q I 0 p l a y s cr u cial roles in how every cel l a n d t h e refore the body as a whole — produces energy. Researchers have r cportcd t h a t fi b r o m y a l gi a p a t i c nt s h av c l o w l evels of C o Q I O . A n o t her r e p or t f o un d t h a t a combination of 200 m g o l C o Q I O and 200 m g of th e h e rb gi n k g o b i l o b a fo r a p p r o x i m a t e ly three months led to a reduction in fi b r o m y a l g ia symptoms.


Bo l'


L ow l ev els of v i t a mi n D h a v c b c c n l i n kc d t o a variety o f o t h e r p a i n i s s ues, i n c l u d in g l o w b ack pain, rheumatoid and o t her f o rm s o f a r thritis, migraines, and neuropathy. In one study, researchcrs found that people with low levels of v itamin D w c r c p a r t i c u l arly s c n sitiv c t o p a i n . T ake 10,000 I U d a i l y f o r o n e m o n t h , t hen r e duce the dose to 5,000 IU daily.

S AMe . S e v eral h u ma n st u d ies have f o un d t h a t SAMe ( S -adenosylmethionine) can r e duce fi bromyalgia sym ptoms. I n D e n m a rk, researchc rs found t hat 80 0 m g o f S A M c d a i l y l c d t o i mprovements i n fi b r o m y a l g i a d i s ease a c t i v i ty, pain, fatigue, mor n ing st iiTness, and mood . SAMe plays an important role in a biochemical p rocess called methylation, w h ic h i s i n v o l v e d in regulating g enes and p r o d u c ing n c u r o transm itters. Try 600 mg o f S A M e d a i l y . B-Com p le x V i t a m i n s. T h e B -c o m p l e x v it a mins play a variety of roles in normal mi t ochon-

EDAP S14.19

drial function and energy production. 'I'hey are also critical for proper brain functioning, which m ay bc e s pecially i m p o r tant t o fi b r o m y a l g i a patients who also suAer from b r ain f og . Several o l th e B v i t a m i n s spe c i f i c a l ly , v i t a m i n s B l , B 6, and B1 2 ha v e a n a l gesic properties. I t i s very l i k ely t hat m a rginal i n take of t h ese vitam ins incrcascs scnsitivity t o p a in . Tr y a d a i l y high-potency B c o m p lex supplement. Omega-3s. I n f la m m a t i on p l a ys a b i g r o l e i n fibromyalgia pain, and there are several natur al anti-infl a m m atory c o m p o u nds that ma y b e helpful. Th e o m e g a-3 fish o i l s c o n t ain ei cosapentaenoic a c i d ( E P A ) a n d d o c o s ahexaenoic acid (DH A ) , w h ich increase the body's production of prostaglandin E3, an anti-inflammatory hormonc-likc compound. Fish oils can bc combined w i t h s u p p l e m ents o f g a m m a - l i n o l enic, acid (G L A ) , d e r i ve d I r o m b o r ag e seed, bl ack c urrant, an d e v e n in g p r i m r ose o i l s . GSLA i n creases production of a synergistic anti-inflamm atory c o m p o u nd , p r o s t aglandi n E I . B oth p rostaglandin E l a n d E 3 s u p p r ess activ ity o f p rostaglandin E2, wh ich is strongly pro- in fl am m atory. For fi b r o m y a l g ia, I r e c o m m en d 1 , 0 0 0 t o 5,000 m g o f fi s h o i l s c o n t aining EPA a n d D HA c o m b i ncd w i t h 2 0 0 t o 4 0 0 m g o f G L A daily. Diet and L i festyle Adopting a diet r ich i n q u a l ity p r oteins, along with l arge am o u nts o f n o n - starchy v c g c t ablcs i s an im p o r tant step in m i n i m i z i n g fi b r o m y a l gia symptoms. N o n -starchy vegetables include virtually al l v e g etables except potatoes, and a diversity of vegetables is ideal. It is also important to mi n i m iz c or c o m p l c t cly c l i m i n ate foods containing refi ned sugars, grains, and starches, i ncludin g b r e a d , b a g e ls , c r a c k e rs, c o o k i e s, pasta, etc. Such refined foods can lead to blood sugar problems c h aracteristic o f p r e d i abetes, including fatiguc and mcntal fog. Finally, a study by d o c t o rs at the M a yo C l i n i c in Rochester, M i n n esota, fo und t hat a c upuncture led to signifi cant reductions in f at igue and a nxicty i n 5 0 p a t i c nts w it h fi b r o m y a l g ia . T h e benefits were apparent after just one month. Rel ated therapies, such a s m e d i t a t i on, y o g a , a n d tai chi, might also be helpful. D caling w i t h f i b r o m y a l gi a c a n b c c x t r c m c l y f rustrating, a n d i m p r o v e m e nt s a r e o f t e n i n cremental. F aced w i t h a i i b r o m y a l g i a p a t i e nt, c onventional d o c t or s o f t e n r e s or t t o w r i t i n g prescriptions f o r a n t i d e pressants or a n a l gesic d rugs, which ma y p r o d ucc u n w antcd sidc c f fects. A n u t r i t i o n a ll y o r i e n ted o r n a t u r o p athic, p hysician i s m o r e l i k el y t o t a k e a " b i o c h e m i c al" l o o k a t a p a t i e n t t o i d e n t if y u n d e r l y i n g p roblems that ca n b e c o r r ected b y n u t r i t i o n a l thcrapics. F i b r o m y l a gi a i s a c o m p l c x d i s ease w ith no easy an sw er; h o w e v er, w he n y o u t a k e a whole body approach w ith supplements, diet, a nd lifestyle, yo u can best support y ou r b o d y ' s natural healing abilities. $

Slx monthslater, thePatients' averagevitamin D levels hadincreasedfrom 17to 42.5 ng/ ml, Overall, thexe~Perienced a54Percent decreaseIn Pain, andtheir low-backdisability WaSreduCedbVaiI aVerageof32 PerCent.



ttrrmyr rttdrtarafy ae.

"Vitamin Ddeficiency Isfairly commonIn patients with chronicpain syndromeand/or musculoskeletalPain," wroteWalkakul. Reference: V'aikakul S.Serum25hidroslcalciferol levelandfailedbacksu~err syndromeJournalof OrihopeC hcSurgery, 20I220 I822.

IMaylass Organic Garlic SupplassR

Hlue OiirBBI

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DOCtOrS In Ireland haVerePOrted that Only 15PerCent of PatientSWith fibromyalgia have

Glucosamine Chondroitin

normal bloodlevels of vitamin D.Thecondition Is characterizedby muscular Pain,and vitamin Ddeficiencyhasbeenlinked to muscular PainIn other studies.Theresearchers




Vitamin0LevelsLowinFibromyalgia Patients

Aado r E rnd L nrlr


Plus MSM

Glucosamine8, Chondroilin Sullak Dietary Supplement

nOted that 62PerCent of PatientShad bOrderline defiCienCieSand28 PerCent hadOutright defiCienCieS ofthe Vitamin.


SEI WII4.I OZ(40g)

120 VcaPB 4

Jan A.BritishSDcietyfor Rheumatolop meeting, Mai 1-3.Glasgoa; Scotland: abstract ¹231.

Vitamin K2 Involved in EnergyProduction CoenZyme Q10(COQ10j iSwell knOW n fOr ItSrOle In furthering energyPrOduCtiOn in cells' mitochondrla,often describedasthe Power Plantsof cells. An exPerimental studP bv researchersIn Belgiumfoundthat vitamin K2 alsoplaysarole In energvproduction.


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Formula 104 Garlic and Lecithin


8 29

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BOth nutrlentS helP tranSfer energy-CO ntaining eleCtrOnS In mltoChondria, leading tO mOre effiCient PrOduC tiOn of adenOSIne triPhoSPhate (ATPj, the majOenerg r V-Carrylng

comPound In cells, In addition, COQ10andvitamin K2aremembersof achemical family



of COmP OundSCalled quinOIIeS.ThereSearCherSWrOtethat Vitamin K2 might helPPrOteCt againStParkinSOn'SdiSeaSe. COQ10 haS alreadVbeen dOCumented to haVethiSbenefit in

I ra

people. VDS M.Science.2012: IO.I126/SC ienCe.l218632

Katural Grocers Book Club


The FatigueandFibromyalgia Solution $ By Jacob Teitelbaum, MD (Avery Trade, 2013)



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The FatigueandFibromyalgia Solution offers the latest advances in treating chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and thebaffling, often dismissed symptoms associated with these debilitating conditions. From the best StrategieS fOr uSing mediCationS and nutritiOnal SuPPlementS tO the

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© www.bendbulletin.com/business


Online and maybe illegal ways to be aconsumer

eer,recan tec viavi eo

Pro ram rovi es incentive to save

By Ameet Sachdev Chicago Tribune

By Elon Glucklich

Traveling to New York for a few days but don't want to stay at an expensive hotel? The onlineservice Airbnb can find you a room to rent in a private home. At a bar at 2 a.m. but don't want to go outside and wait for acab? Uber's mobile carservice application will send a limo to you within minutes. Want to watch the local news live while you're on the train home from work? Aereo has an app that streams localTV signals over the Web. Consumers love the convenience and efficiency of these apps. The problem is all of them may be illegal. The digital era has redefined how consumers shop, travel and watch TV, a stunning pace of innovation that has improved the quality, priceand variety ofproducts and services available on the market. But regulating in a time of such rapid change has

The Bulletin

been challenging. New mobile platforms that facilitate consumer services in long-established industries have brought the tension at the intersection of law and technology into sharp relief. The new tech companies describe their business models in revolutionary terms, calling themselves the leaders of a new movement known as the

Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Scott Elnes, production manager for Flick Five Films in Bend, plans to create a humorous hip-hop spoof promoting Central Oregon's lifestyle that features beer, recreation and high-tech, but the film hasn't been endorsed by area economic development officials.

• Bend producer'proj s ect touting Central Oregonlacking support from officials

"sharing economy."

By Rachael Rees

They often shoot first, ask questions later. They hope their platforms will become so popular regulators will leave them alone, or at least do no harm. See Online/E5

The Bulletin

"I would never expect them to put an official stamp of

end video p roducer Scott Elnes wants to create a humorous music video promoting Central Oregon's beer, recreation and high-tech attributes, but he may have to make it without support from Bend economic development officials. Elnes hopes to strengthen existing businesses,encourage others to relocate to the area, promote its lifestyle and increase tourism with the video, featuring a hip-hop spoof he hopes will go viral. A rough version posted online contains a rap song with lyrics that include: "Apps are built and we're cranking out the code, Silicon minds are about to ex-

approval on something when they weren't completely

Missing motivation? There's an

app for that By Anne Flaherty The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Ever suspect you do more housework than your spouse? Or that certain tasks at work raise your blood pressure'? Maybe you wonder why you're sneezing more lately, or if carbs are really what is making you tired after lunch? Turns out, there's an app or gadget to test all of that. Advancements in wearable body sensors, mobile applications and other gadgets mean that nearly everything we

do can be captured, logged and analyzed. And everyday consumers are jumping at the chance to conduct their own experiments — tracking sleep, caffeine intake, kids' studying habits, household chores, even whether a baby is nursing more frequently on Mom's left breast versus her right. "I don't know if I'd use the word 'obsessed,'" said Ernesto Ramirez,a self-tracking devotee who helped to organize a two-day conference on the subject last week in San Francisco. Speakers at past "Quantified Self" conferences have included a man who developed his own app to see if he could walk every street in Manhattanand a dad who used trackers on his kids to monitor chores. "I think there's an overall trend toward curiosity and proving knowledge of one's self in the world," Ramirez said. SeeSelf-tracking/E5

plode ... We got thefinest beers, we're a mecca forthe outdoors So bring your tech company here and come and get yours." But while Bend officials appreciate the effort, they do not support it, based on what they've heard. "The music and lyrics are not in

sure of the content." — Scott Elnes, Bend video producer line with the city's economic development vision, and as such we don't support the content of the lyrics or the music," Bend Business Advocate Carolyn Eagan said Thursday. She was expressingthe decision made Wednesday by the marketing subcommittee of the Bend Economic Development Advisory Board. "However, we like the idea of people trying to find ways to market Bend creatively." Elnes said he understands the city's perspective. "I've never tried to get an endorsement from any city entity because I figured they wouldn't do so," he said. "I was hoping to get more support in spreading the word and guidance on the video's development ... I would never expect them to put an official stamp of approval on something when they weren't completely sure

of the content." Elnes had been meeting with local business leaders, and he had support from Economic Development for Central Oregon, he said in an Oct. 10 email. The email included a letter of support from Nate LiaBraaten, Bend manager for EDCO, dated Oct. 9. "This video will ... reach an audience in ways that most official entities (Iike EDCO) cannot," the letter states. "We see its edginess and independence as a major benefit in reaching a young demographic ...." But on T h u rsday, LiaBraaten said, EDCO cannot say whether it endorses the video because it's not finished. However, he said EDCO is "happy tosee the effortof a creative person from the film industry loving Bend enough to want to promote it to businesses and individuals." SeeVideo /E2

Photography has always been a passion for Bend resident Lindsey Brunsman. She's managed to make a career out of it, taking photos for nongovernmental organizations that chronicle povertyrelated issues in Cambodia, Rwanda and other countries. As fulfilling as she's found the work, it hasn't always returned big paychecks. So whenthe time came last year to buy new photo equipment, Brunsman was short of options. The solution came from a state program that has helped more than2,000 Oregonians save money for their businesses,college educations and firsthome purchases over the last 14 years. The Oregon Individual Development Account helps entrepreneurs and aspiring homeowners reach their financial goals by offering matching funds when they save money. Qualified applicants work with local nonprofits to create plans and save for specific goals up to$3,000.The nonprofitthen matches the funds, at a ratio as high as 3-to-l, depending on how much funding is available. Someone saving $2,000 could get $6,000 in matching funds, for a total of $8,000. "This is the hot ticket in the world of asset building," said Lynne McConnell, HomeSource manager for the Central Oregon nonprofit NeighborImpact. "The program has been wildly successful." Created by the state Legislature in 1999, the Individual Development Account program is funded by the generosity of fellow Oregonians: Individuals and businesses can make voluntary contributions to the state's Individual Development Accountfund,with 75 percent of the donations eligible for statetax credits. SeeMatched /E3

Individual Development Accounts Central Oregon residents may be eligible for matching funds through the state's Individual Development

Account Initiative. Anyone with questions about eligibility may contact

the Neighborlmpact HomeSource office for more information at 541318-7506, ext. 309. They

can also log on towww. oregonidainitiative.org.

• .cra rewscac uro e'S an By Stephanie Strom New York Times News Service

As European interest in U .S. craft beers begins to mirror the mania for them stateside, the Duvel Moortgat Brewery of Belgium announced a deal on Thursday to buy the Boulevard Brewing Co., a craft brewery in Kansas City, Mo. The acquisition of Boulevard will give Duvel ownership of a large U.S. craft brewer that is well known in the Midwest and produces a wide varietyof beers under its own name and others. Boulevard's brands range from 80-Acre Hoppy Wheat Beer, described as citrusy with a slightly sweet flavor and light bitterness, to Dark

Truth Stout, an "inky" beer with hints of chocolate, coffee and fruits. "I see here in Europe that consumers are getting more and more interested in American craft beers," Michel Moortgat, one of three brothers who own Duvel, said in a telephone interview from Belgium. "In the future, with this partnership, we will be able to develop the taste for those beers more substantially here and in other countries like Japan and China." Boulevard, the 12th-largest craft brewer in the United States, has distribution approaching 180,000 barrels this year. SeeBrewery /E3


An employee pours a wheat beer from the tap during a tour of the Boulevard Brewery Co. in Kansas City, Mo. Belgium's Duvel Moortgat Brewery is buying Boulevard, a large U.S. craft brewer. Steve Hebert New Yerk Times News Service



DEEDS Deschutes County • Cara P. Townsendand Robert P. Doyle to Arthur O'Sullivan, Bend View Addition, Lots17-19, Block 2, $380,000 • Joseph and Christy Myers to Ryell Masood, Running Ridge,Lot4, $385,000 • Christiana Trust, a division of Wilmington Savings FundSociety FSB, as trustee for Stanwich Mortgage Loan Trust, series 2012-13, to Paula D. Hawes,Township16, Range11, Section 35, $849,900 •JackR.Rocheldto RochelleW oods, Fairway Crest Village, Phase 2, Lot18, Block1, $350,000 • William D. Gaeth, trustee of the Revocable Trust of William D.Gaeth, to Lindsi Beard andScott B. Bilyeu, Tamarack Park East, Phase 8, Lot15, Block 2, $176,000 • John M. and SusanG. Morrell to Patrick J. Matthis and Jennifer C. Blechman, Providence, Phase1, Lot7, Block1, $282,000 • Thomas R. and Janet H. Schmitt, trustees for the Schmitt Family Trust, to Mark W.andDanaK. Hagenbaugh, Lane Knolls Estates, Phase 2, Lot 37, $275,000 • Yelas Development Inc. to Mistilyn Gebow, MarkenHeights, Lot 3, $499,500 • Stanton M. and Suzanne Brodie to James D. andKristen D.Cutshall, Wiestoria, Lot 3, Block11, $153,000 • Robert W. and Debra J. Northup to Sam andEilaOvercash,LavaRidges, Phase 5, Lot170, $300,000 • David W. Jakobs and Deborah D. Maerki to Jamie L.James, Vista Ridge, Lot 35, $157,000 • David D. andSandra R. Bates, trustees for the Bates Family Trust, to Katharina and Donald C.Atwood, Tollgate, Fourth Addition, Lot174, $225,000 • Hugh L. Clevenger to Kirsten M. Naito, Deschutes, Lot 8and 9, Block 7, $283,000 • Gerald L. and Glaphre S. Daniels to Cynthia A. Robinson, Crescent Creek No. 2, Lot 72, $239,000 • Adam M. and Hilary S. Diskin to Christopher W. BreemerandMary A. O'Connell, River Wild at Mount Bachelor Village P.U.D.,Phase1, Lot 7, $470,000 • Rivers N.W.Enterprises lnc. to Robert C. andVirgilia A. Collins, Renaissance atShevlin Park, Lot 28, $518,347.36 • Herbert D. and Linda J. Crew, trustees for the CrewJoint Trust, to Brian C. andJeffrey Lake, Glaze Meadow Homesite Section, Twelfth Addition, Lot 407, $662,000 • Donald J. Baxter Jr. and Terri L. Baxter to Jonathan D.Cermak, Cimmaron City, Lot 7, Block 3, $189,800 • John F. White III and Elizabeth White to Cory D. CraddockandMindy Ladd, Edgewood South, Lot 20 Block 2, $200,000 • Rivers Edge Property Development LLC to Pahlisch Homeslnc., Rivers Edge Village, Phase14, Lot7, $270,000 • Innovative Developments LLC to Grant E. Mills, La Pine Homesites Tracts, Lots 55-57, Range10, Section 14, $200,000 • Ryan D. andAlison A. Cantrell to Parke Miller, Sun Meadow, Lot16, $185,000 •Joan F.and Kevin N.DanieltoDan G. and Diane V.Cox, Canyon RimVillage, Phase 4, Lot 81, $275,000 • Edward F.and Belinda E. Nelson to Christine M. and Joseph F.Myers, Pine

Ridge Estates, Lot5, $374,000 • Jesse J. and Ashley J. Rogers to Patricia M. Hutchinson, Deschutes River Recreation Homesites lnc., Unit 4, Lots 4 and 5,Block 35, $160,000 • Kevin J. and Erin M. Hoar, who took title as Erin M. Swanson, to Raymond L. Hendon, Marea I, Lot12, $209,000 • Steven and BrendaBrewer to Leslie and Anthony Angelo, OregonWater Wonderland, Unit 2, Lot18, Block 58, $188,000 •Lon M.andTinaM .Frenchto Kimberly G. andDennis R. Nisbet, Tollgate, Eighth Addition, Lot 387, $242,550 • Scott and Kristen McBride to Robert C. and Doreen M.Murdock, Lazy River South, Lot5, Block16, $250,000 • Eldonna S. andLarry G. Reed, trustees for the EldonnaSharrie Reed Revocable Living Trust, to Darryl C. and Kerry A. Crank, OregonWater Wonderland, Unit 2, Lot 76, Block 31, $580,000 • Joel C. and Lois L. Dasenkoto Floralei R. Darcey, trustee for the Floralei R. Darcey Revocable Living Trust, Plainview Ranch, Lot 5, Block 3, $427,000 • John M. and Kristin P. Harder to Robert W. andDianne M. Cihak, trustees for the CihakRevocable Living Trust, Crosswater, Phases1 and 2, Lot 40, $169,521.69 • Chris D. and Lianna R.Muhleman to Summer Stehly, Village Pointe, Phases 2 and 3, Lot 68, $195,000 • Andrew W. HowetoAaron J. and Angela D. Switzer, Wiestoria, Lot14, Block 35, $165,000 • Bruce A. and Diane L. Caston to Thomas F.and DianeSkinner, Silver Ridge P.U.D., Lot 4, $339,900 Crook County • Rachel D. Rhoden, who acquired title as Rachel D.Carnahan, to Robert R. Reinhard Jr. andCarol Reinhard, Partition Plat1995-45, Parcel 3, $355,000 • Zelpha I. Beeverto Sandra Erickson, Barnes Butte Estates, Lot 2, Block 2, $185,500 • Marion R. Barker andV. Lucile Barker to Robert F. andMargret A. Boyce, High Desert Estates Subdivision, Phase 5, Lot129, $265,000 • O. Virginia Petty,trustee ofthe A. Joseph Petty Family Trust, to Chris D. and Lianna R. Muhleman, LomaVista Subdivision, Lot 2, Block 3, $165,450 • Jody L. and JanaL. Laney to Sarah M. Jamison and M.DianeAnders, Barnes Butte Estates, Lot1, Block3, $195,000 • Kim A. Palin-Denfeld, trustee of the Kim A. Palin-Denfeld Living Trust, to Ryan and Kristi Cross, Crestview Subdivision, Lot 2, $360,000 • Carrie A. Totten, who acquired title as Carrie A. West, to RayW. Graves, Township14, Range15, Section 25, $165,000 • James T. Peterson to Jack D.Lagow Jr., Ochoco Heights, Lot 2, Block 6, $170,000 • Robert W. McCasland to Sunny Dene Ranch LLC,Township16, Range14, Section 9, $510,000 • Julie A. Mogen, who acquired title as Juli eA.Grand,to Kenny L.and Lisa J. Smith, Township16, Range17, Section 20, $159,900 • Richard and Sharon Leasyto Kenneth R. andBonnie J. Braukman, Township14, Range15, Section 23, $192,500 •SteveE.andJudyC.Maryanskito Bradley K. Nickelsen, Partition Plat 2005-18, Parcel 2, $153,500

BUSINESS CALENDAR Email events at least10 days before publication date to business©bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit anEvent" at www.bendbulletin.com. Contact: 541-383-0323.



25th Anniversary Celebration: Celebrate the sustainability movement in Bend with live music, food and beverages, and a raffle; $50; 4-7 p.m.; The Environmental Center, 16 N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend; 541385-6908, ext. 10, or www. envirocenter.org.

How to TakeControl of Your Time and Get More Out of Life: Learn strategies and solutions to help productivity, focus and efficiency, registration required; $65; 8-9:30 a.m.; webinar; info@simplifynw.com.


Oct. 28

Central Oregon Retired Educators Association Meeting: Open to all interested in education within the community; free, $8.50 for lunch; 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.; Zion Lutheran Church, 1113S.W. Black Butte Blvd., Redmond; 541-382-7044.

TUESDAY MS Project Basics: Learn to manage tasks, timelines and resources using MSProject Basics, work with tracking and reporting features to accurately monitor your projects and prepare professional estimates, registration required; $159; Tuesdays andThursdays through Oct. 29, 8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.; COCC Chandler Building, 1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend; 54 I -383-7270. Professional Enrichment SeriesEcenomics101, Fine TuneYour Vocabulary: Brush up onyour economic vocabulary, learn about the relationship between interest rates and inflation to the definition of unemployment, registration required; $20 for members, $30 nonmembers; 7:30 a.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www.bendchamber.org. SCORE Small Business Counseling: Free, confidential business advice from professionals, no appointment required; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7050.

WEDNESDAY Resume Workshop: Learn how to update your resume during an interactive workshop with staff from Goodwill Job Connection and Deschutes Public Library system; registration recommended; free; 1:30-3 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. Business After Hours - Business Showcase: Registration required; free; 5 p.m.; Seventh Mountain Resort, 18575 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; 541-382-8711 or www. bendchamber.org.

MONDAY Conversation with National Tour Association Chairman: Discuss the changing needs and demographics of travelers, how tour groups are becoming smaller in size and working with tour operators to increase business, registration suggested; 10-11:30 a.m.; Phoenix Inn Suites Bend, 300 N.W. Franklin Ave.; 541-317-9292, kristine@ VisitCentralOregon.com or www. visitcentraloregon.com.

own games, learn animation, graphic elements and troubleshooting to make your game fun andexciting, advanced knowledge of Xcode and Objective-0 or iOS App II, registration required; $179; Wednesdays through Nov. 20, 6-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7270. Launch Your Business: COCC's Small Business Development Center is offering a course in Bendfor local companies who are just starting up, designed to help business owners get off to a good start and develop a working plan, four one-hour coaching sessionswith Wednesday evening classes from Nov. 6 to Dec. 4, preregistration is required; $199; 6-9 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building, 1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7290.

site; registration required; $49; 1-4 p.m.; Central OregonCommunity College, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-383-7270.

THURSDAY Nov. 14 Think Forward Marketing Mastery Series: Experience branding and marketing guidance in action as panel members analyze several participant business brands, websites and marketing on screen, registration suggested; $99; doors openat 8:30 a.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541323-1881 or www.intrepidforward. com/workshops/register. Fall Lecture Series, Parking Plays a Big Part: Rick Williams will present, discussion of creating great business districts; free; 6:30 p.m.; Discovery Park Lodge, 2868 N.W.Crossing Drive, Bend; 541-312-9940.


TUESDAY Oct. 29 Build a Professional Website for Your Business 2: Takecontrol of your WordPress site and learn what changesyoucan maketoimprovethe look and feel of your site, registration required; $129; Tuesdays through Nov. 19, 6-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way,Bend; 541-383-7270. SCORE Small Business Counseling: Free, confidential business advice from professionals, no appointment required; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7050.

WEDNESDAY Oct. 30 Steps to Economic and Personal Success: Four-part series on employment readiness and empowering change, registration suggested; $88 for series; 5:30-8:30 p.m.; Eastlake Village Apartments, Community Room, 675 N.E.Bellevue Drive, Bend; 541-923-1018. How to Start a Business: Workshops for people contemplating business ownership, registration required; $29; 6-8 p.m.; Central OregonCommunity College, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-383-7290.

WEDNESDAY Nov. 6 IOS App Development 3- Game Development: Last class of the series will have you building your

Oregon Alcohol Server Permit FRIDAY Training: Meets the minimum requirements bythe Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain an Nov. 15 alcohol server permit; registration How to Gualify for a Habitat for required; $35; 9 a.m.; RoundTable Humanity Home andHowWeCan Pizza,1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541- Help Humanity: Environmental 447-6384 or www.happyhourtraining. Protection and updates in Central com. Oregon, 8:45a.m.Networkingand Breakfast, RSVP to phyllis.mageau@ gmail.com; $15 for first-time guests and members, $20fornonmembers; FRIDAY 9:15-10:30 a.m.; St. Charles Bend conference center, 2500 N.E.Neff Nov. 8 Road; 541-382-4321. Leading in Times of ChangeLeadership Development Event: Dr. Jerry Jellison from the University of SUNDAY Southern California will present on knowledge and skills for successful managers, registration required by Nov. 17 Oct. 25; $69; 8-11:30 a.m.; Central Oregon Alcohol Server Permit Oregon Community College, 2600 Training: Meets the minimum N.W.CollegeWay,Bend;541-383requirements by the Oregon Liquor 7270, ceinfo©cocc.edu or www.cocc. Control Commission to obtain an edu/continuinged/leadership. alcohol server permit; registration Strategies for Email Success: required; $35; 9 a.m.; RoundTable Learn strategies and solutions to Pizza,1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541help productivity and efficiency, 447-6384 or www.happyhourtraining. registration required; $45; 8-9 a.m.; com. webinar; info@simplifynw.com.



I W2

WILSONSof Redmond

Nov. 12


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"This project is my love letter to Bend. This is my passion. 1'm not doing this to make money, I'm doing it

He launched a crowdfunding campaign Oct. 3 on InContinued from E1 diegogo, but said he plans to Elnes' project was directly make a push for support on inspired by a m u si c v i deo Nov. 4, which he's calling Socreated several years ago for cial Media Monday. "This whole campaign is deLeavenworth, Wash., a B abecause I am head varian-themed tourist t own signed around social media," on the eastern slopes of the over heels in love with he said. "When Leavenworth Cascades. Itfeatures scenes did their video, social media Central Oregon and wasn't as mainstream as it is of recreational activities, as well as dancers, and "Woody I want to give back today and they got half a milGoomsba," a nutcracker that in the biggest way I lion hits." raps about the city and has The deadline for donations since become Leavenworth's possibly can." on Indiegogo is Thanksgiving. mascot. — Scott Elnes For those who donate, he said, To date, the video has reincentives include appearing ceived nearly500,000 hits on as an extra in a location shoot, YouTube, and it gained the city contain an element of shock mentioning a local business in national media attention, said factor. the lyrics or showing it in the "It's certainly a fine line," video, or having logos or prodJamie Howell, owner of Howell at the Moon Productions, she said, which is why an inucts featured. "It's an opportunity for us which created the video. Typi- dependent producer w o uld cal tourism videos he's done have much more latitude than to show off a lot of local busihave receivedabout 6,000 hits a visitors association w i t h nesses and products," he said. over their lifetimes, he said. stakeholders." Hughson said Regardless of how m a ny "The community was a little she has a meeting with Elnes contributions and s p onsors wary at first. After we finished scheduled for Tuesday to learn Elnes gets, he said, the video t he commercial, it t ook u s more. will get produced. "If we get no money, we will three months to get it cleared. Elnes expects to launch his The city council and tourism video in the fall of 2014. The use every free talent, location, promotion committee were music has been written, and etc. that we can and do our concerned it would be a little he plans to film scenes in a va- best during our spare time," too much," Howell said, not- riety of locations throughout he wrote. "If we get sponsors, ing he had previously created Central Oregon in the upcom- we will use their locations and more traditional tourism vid- ing winter and next summer. have a budget for wardrobe, "Our plan is to use humor to c horeographer, t a lent a n d eos for Leavenworth. "It drewnews coverage from make it go viral," Elnes wrote marketing." all over, so that amounted to a in an email. "We will be doing He said he hopes to get paid, lot of immediate regional cov- directspoofs of many classic but just enough to justify takerage. And that's the kind of music video moments. While ing time away from the comthings those tourism groups yes, we will have dancers and pany he works for and to pay are seeking." people drinking, etc., it's not his bills. "I just want to make sure I Visit Bend, the city's tour- so much 'shock' that we are ism promotion agency, is not going for as hilarity." can keep my lights on and my involved with E l nes' video, For example, he said the rent paid and my business in Doug La Placa, CEO and pres- opening scene of his video will the black," he said. "This projident, wrote in an email. He be a direct play off the open- ect is my love letter to Bend. suggested seeking comment ing scene of "Baby Got Back," This is my passion. I'm not from Central Oregon Visitors the 1992 song and video by Sir doing this to make money, I'm Association and EDCO. Mix-A-Lot. doing it because I am head over Alana Hughson, president But first he hopes to raise heels in love with Central Orand CEO of COVA, said there's about $40,000 to make the egon and I want to give back in no question that the L eav- video. And to do so, he's de- the biggest way I possibly can." enworth video stepped out- pending on the power of social —Reporter: 541-617-7818, side the box, but viral videos media and crowdfunding. rreesC<bendbufletin.com

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The biggest ofthesmaller breweries

Continued from E1 The acquisition will give it access to wider distribution in the domestic market and an avenue into international markets using Duvel's worldwide system. John M cDonald, B oulevard's founder and owner, said he had been pondering an exit strategy for the last few years. "I talked to several other breweries and different types of financial institutions that might be interested in partnering with us, and about three months ago I decided to go talkto Duvel," said McDonald, who recently turned 60. He said he liked the way his company could mesh with the Belgian brewery and the cultural alignment between the two businesses. "I was looking to give up control of my brewery, and to do that, I had to feel really good about the people I would be giving control to," McDonald said.

A beermaker is considered a craft brewer if it produces 6 million barrels

or fewer ayear anda noncraft brewer owns lessthan 25percent of it. 2012 sales ln barrels*

1. Boston Beer

Share of craft brewers

2,125,000 16.1%

2. Sierra NevadaBrewing 966,007


3. New Belgium Brewing 764,741


4. Gambrinus



5. DeschutesBrewery 2 5 5,093


6. Lagunitas Brewing



7. Bell's Brewery

2 l6,316


8. Matt Brewing



9. Harpoon Brewery



10. Stone Brewing



11. Brooklyn Brewery



12. BoulevardBrewing



Top domestic craft beer brewers in 2012

*One barrel equals 31 gallons

Source. Brewers Association

New York Times News Service

cersare making space in their refrigerated cases for craft beers. "No longer does a l i ght American lagersatisfy every The craft boom beer lover," said Julia Herz, the While bi g b ee r b r ands craft beer program director at like Budweiser and Coors the Brewers Association, the have struggled with stagnant tradegroup forthe craftbrewsales, craft beers have grown ing industry. "Light beer sales increasingly popular. N ew are down, and the majority of breweriesopened lastyear at the top 10 brands are losing the pace of one a day. There market share." are some 2,600 craft brewerThat is not to say that comies in the U.S., and volume panies like Anheuser Busch, sales of their beers grew 11 Molson Coors and SABMiller percent in 2011 and 14 percent are absent from the fray. The in 2012, according to the mar- Tenth and Blake Beer Co., ket research firm Technomic, owned by a j o i n t v enture reaching almost 13 million between Molson Coors and barrels. SABMiller, p roduces B lue Technomic expects simi- Moon and Leinenkugel's, and lar growth this year and puts the Goose Island Brewery in craftbeer's share ofthe over- Chicago was bought by Anall beer market at 63 percent. heuser Busch, owned by giant Donna Hood Crecca, senior InBev, in 2011. But the major director of the adult beverage beer companies' names are resource group at Technomic, nowhere to be found on those said the craft boom today dif- units' websites or on bottles of fered from the micro-brewing the beer they make, which has craze of the early 1990s,whi ch been a source of controversy fizzled except for a handful of in the craft beer world. breweries like the Boston Beer Co., maker of Samuel Adams, Defining a craft brewer and the Brooklyn Brewery. The Brewers Association, "The consumer palate has which has called on the beer evolved and is more interested giants to put their names on intheflavor nuances and comtheir craft beer bottles, defines plexities inherent in craft beer a craft brewer as "small, indestyles," Hood Crecca said. "In pendent and traditional." That addition, there is the overall in- means, Herz said, a brewery terest in local and handcrafted producing 6 million or fewer food and drink products, and barrels a year — a lower limit craft beers fit those bills to a was dropped when Samuel T, often with an interesting or A dams exceeded it — a nd unique back story and sense can include partial ownership of authenticity." of less than 25 percent by an Consumption of craft beers alcoholic beverage company is growing quickly among that is not a craft brewer. If a Hispanic consumers, whose brewery does not meet the palates favor the kinds of spice trade group's classification, it and fruit flavors that are hall- cannot be a voting member of marks of craft beers. the association. "By traditional, we mean Women, who have long preferredwine tobeer, also have all malt-based, using adjuncts jumped on the bandwagon, such as corn and rice only to forming craftbeer-drinking enhance flavor, not to lighten groups with names like Crafty it, which is how th e mass Ladies in Denver and Barley's domestic brewers use those Angels, which has chapters grains," she said. around the country. Although Duvel is Belgium's "Anytime you go to a tasting second-largest brewer afterInroom or any bar with more Bev, Herz said its ownership of than 10 taps, 30 to 40 percent Brewery Ommegang, a craft of the patrons are women," beer maker in Cooperstown, said Carol Dekkers, who start- NY., had not cost Ommegang ed the second Barley's Angels its craft status under the assochapter in Tampa, Fla. "Drink- ciation rules. ing craft beer is like being inMoortgat said he was sometroduced to really fine Italian what concerned that Boulefood when you've only ever vard would not be considered had pizza from Pizza Hut." a craftbrewery by the associRestaurant chains like the ation's members because ofits Cheesecake Factory and Ruby new ownership. "But first let Tuesday are installing taps me say that, if you look at barbehind their bars, and gro- rels sold, InBev sells 500 times

the number of barrels we do," he said. Duvel and its other European breweries, which include La Chouffe and De Koninck, will sell about 700,000 barrels of beer this year, he said, while Ommegang will sell about 45,000. Moortgat said sales were on track to reach around 200 million euros ($270 million) by the end of this year, up from about 180 million euros at the end oflastyear whenthe company went private, with profits increasing at roughly the same rate. "We have made acquisitions in the past and always really, really made sure that we respect their specificity, their traditions, their authenticity," he said. "Instead of chasing synergies and cost-efficiencies, we try to develop them along the lines they would have if we were not involved." He said that Duvel would continue to invest in Boulevard's production f acilities a nd equipment, an d t h a t Boulevard's sales team would market Duvel's beers in its regions while Duvel USA's team would sell Boulevard beers on the East and West coasts of the U.S. "One of the things we have come to realize is that American craft brewers are more creative, more daring than we are in Europe, and we don't want to change that," he said.

Creative brews

Continued from E1 A Portland-area nonprofit distributes those funds to other nonprofits around the state to use in their communities as needed. In Central Oregon, 260 residents have "graduated" from the IDA program since NeighborImpact debuted it here in 2002, said Yolanda Vanderpool, a NeighborImpact housing specialist. In the last four years, Neighborlmpact h as distributed nearly $900,000 in funds through the program. It's far more complex than mere charity. To get the matching funds, applicants have to commit to a savings timeline, and develop plans to use the funds. Savers putting money away for a business or job training also have to complete financial skills workshops offered by NeighborImpact, and a class on starting a small business at Central Oregon Community College. Prospective homebuyers have to complete firsttime homebuyer and financial skills workshops. Applicants have to earn 80 percent orless of their area's median income — $37,200or less for an individual in Deschutes County. He or she also has to have a net worth less than $20,000. "We feel one ofthe most important reasons for this pro-

Andy Tuns/The Bulletin

Lindsey Brunsman used Oregon's Individual Development Account program to save $2,000, making her eligible for $6,000 in matching funds. She used the money to buy new gear for her growing photography business.

gram is for people to develop a pattern of saving," Vanderpool said. In A m erica, people just aren't saving like they used to. The average American saved between 8 and 11 percent of his or her income after taxes annually between 1960 and 1985, according to U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis

But they also learn how to cushion themselves against trouble in the future. "Once they purchase their home or start their business, they will have to be prepared for whatever life throws at them," Vanderpool said. "One of thepurposes is for people to prove to themselves that figures. they can save continuously as Personalsavings rates then well." started to dip, bottoming out The 260 Central Oregon resat 1.5 percent in 2005. The fiidents to get matching funds nancial crisis caused people have made f i rst m o r tgage to save more, but the rate was payments, financed home-imstill in the 4 percent range late provement projects, started last year. businesses or bought muchThe I n dividual D evelop- needed equipment. ment Account program's benBrunsman heard about the efits are two-fold, Vanderpool Individual Development Acsaid. Qualified O regonians count program from a friend are able to get financing for who had used it for a business big projects, improving their venture. financial prospects and qualBrunsman managed to save ity of life. $2,000 between October 2011

In a nod to U.S. creativity, Duvel three years ago started a fruit beer made from things like strawberries, raspberries and elderberries. The company wanted to suggest serving it over ice to make it more refreshing, Moortgat said, but was worried "that the whole industry would be shouting at us — 'You can't put ice cubes in beer.'" Leifman's Fruit Beer over ice turned out to be a hit in Europe, but what about Coconut Banana Cream Pie Ale? "One of the things I like best about craft beer is the collaboration you get between breweries," Dekkers s a id. "Like last year, a brewer from Angry Chair got together with his roommate, who brews for Cigar City, after they saw a recipe for coconut banana cream pie on a food show and brewed a c oconut banana cream pie beer." "I don't like dessert," she said, "but oh, my, it was so

and October 2012, making deposits of about $160 each month. After r eaching her savings goal and completing the courses,Neighborlmpact providedher $6,000 in matching funds. She used the money to buy a new camera, two lenses and a laptop. She's getting ready for a return trip to Cambodia next year. " The p r ogram w a s re ally helpful," Brunsman said. "You're required to go through the classes, and you l earn about banks, savings, credit cards, loans, all that stuff. It helped me to get all the photography gear that I needed." And the skills she's added will help as she looks to grow her photography business, she sa>d. — Reporter: 541-617-7820, eglucklich@bendbufletin.com

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MutualFunds Forthe weekending Friday, October 18, 2013 FUND


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1 . 0 4 69.77 a2.55 a48.4 u18.09 a1 14 +31.8 u36.65 +1 09 +11.1 9.74 + 80 +203.4 u33.57 +4.57 +497.3 1.41 —.07 -7.8 34.67 r1.16 r22.3 27.30 +1.43 +31.8 u7.39 -.82 +199.2 25.39 + 31 +34.9 u54.05 +6.28 +89.3 3.39 +.04 +38.4 32.07 —.15 +2.2 u28.67 r2.00 +70.6 u27.06 —.13 a36.5 u57.77 a2 20 +36.1 19.08 +.99 +11.2 17.22 +.38 +56.4 12.15 —.14 +7.2 T arget 1.7 2 64.67 r'l.46 + 9.3 TelefEsp .47e u17.74 r.95 r31.5 T ellabs . 0 8 a 2.35 +.05 +3.1 TempurSly 39.29 -2 23 +24.8 Teradata 942.64 -10. 31 -31.1 Terex 34.09 — 40 +21.3 TeslaMot 183.40 +4.70 +441.5 Tesoro 1 . 0 0f 49.13 r3.94 r11.5 TevaPhrm 1.21e 40.00 -1.04 +7.1 T exlnst 1 . 2 0 40.71 +.33 +31.8 Textron .08 28.25 +.94 +14.0 ThermoFis .60 u96.12 +3.16 +50.7 3D Sys s u56.77 +2.98 +59.6 3 M Co 2. 5 4u122.84 +2.12 +32.3 TibcoSft 25.97 —.23 r18.2 TW Cable 2.60 118.20 r2.41 r21.6 TimeWarn 1.15 u68.73 +.81 +43.7 Tiyo Inc 12.68 +.35 +3.0 -.1 TollBros 32.29 + 82 TowerGp If .66 4.19 —.30 -73.3 Transocn 2.24 45.89 +.70 +2.8 TrimbleN s 30.11 +.11 c7 TrinaSolar u16.56 —.08 r281.6 TripAdvis 71.87 -2.14 +71.4 TriQuint 8.46 +.08 +75.1 TurqHIBRs 4.46 +.34 -41.4 21stCFoxA .25 u34.26 a1.03 +52.1 TwoHrblnv 1.42e 9.60 + .10 a . 5 Tycolntl .64 u35.96 r.35 r22.9 Tyson .20 28.45 -1.31 r46.6 US Airwy u21.14 +.42 +56.6 U S Silica . 5 0 u33.55 +2.47 +100.5 USG 26.65 -1.60 -5.1 UltraPt g 20.90 —.09 +15.3 UnionPac 3.16f 152.10 -5.27 +21.0 Utdcontl 30.92 r.80 r32.2 U PS B 2 . 4 8 u93.00 +2.23 +26.1 UtdRentals u64.89 +7.16 +42.6 US Bancrp .92 37.92 + 87 +18.7 US NGas 19.32 — 10 +2.2 US OilFd 36.45 —.30 +9.2 USSteel .20 23.98 + 2.01 + . 5 UtdTech 2.36f 107.74 +.73 r31.4 UtdhlthGp 1.12 68.76 -5.51 a26.8

Molycorp 5.36 -1.68 -43.2 ProctGam 2.41 79.41 +1.53 +17.0 StlDynam .44 Mondelez .56f 32.45 r1.59 r27.5 Progsvcp 1.28e 27.14 +.40 v28.6 Suncor gs .80 Monsanto 1.72f 105.74 —.84 r12.2 ProUShSP d33.85 -1.65 -37.4 SunEdison MorgStan .20 u29.69 a1.74 r55.3 ProUShL20 73.78 -2.40 v16.3 SunPower -17.7 Mosaic 1.00 46.61 a1.14 ProUSR2K d13.36 -.78 -47.3 Suntech MotrlaSolu 1.24 60.81 +.29 +9.2 PUSSP500 [I18 40 -1 39 -51 3 SunTrst .40 Mylan 38.55 -1.36 +40.4 PrUPShQQQ il18.03 -2.13 -55.5 SupEnrgy MyriadG 24.99 +2.22 -8.3 Prospctcap 1 32 11 31 +14 +40 Supvalu NCR Corp 40.60 +.28 +59.3 pSivida 2.87 1.74 +137.2 Symantec .60 Nll Hldg 5.63 -.37 -21.0 PSEG 1 44 33 91 +10 8 Synaptics NPS Phm 30.05 +.31 +230.2 P ulteGrp . 2 0 16.58 a.47 -8.7 S ynovus . 0 4 NQ Mobile u24.92 +4.82 +312.6 Q EP Res . 0 8 31.22 +1.76 a3.1 S ysco 1.1 2 NRG Egy .48 u29.30 a1.17 r27.4 Qihoo360 94.67 +11.75 +218.9 TD Ameritr .36a TIM Part . 7 4e NV Energy .76 23.70 —.02 r30.7 QlikTech 33.30 e02 r53.3 .58 NXP Semi 37.91 —.27 r44.0 Qualcom 1.40 68.40 a.85 v10.6 TJX Nabors .16 17.80 +.71 +23.2 QntmDSS 1.38 -.14 +11.3 TaiwSemi .50e —.6 TakeTwo NBGrce rs 5.85 +1.00 -67.3 Q stDiag 1 . 20 57.92 -.20 NOilyarco 1.04 82.16 +2 84 +20.2 QksilvRes 2.58 + 09 -98 TalismE g .27


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a.34 a115.0 GenMotors .. . 3 5 . 89 +.54 +24.5 +31 -120 Genworth .. u1 3 .89 +.76 +85.0 G erdau . 0 3 e 7.7 0 —.48 -14.3 Geronop . . . u4 . 28 +1.20 +203.5 DCT Indl 28 7 74 +.30 +19 3 GileadSci s .. . u 68.21a5.52 +85.7 DDR Corp .54 16.71 a.51 a6.7 G luMobile . . . 3.3 0 +.30 +44.7 DR Horton .15 19.02 e37 -3.8 GoldFLtd .20 r d 4 . 48 +.18 -58.3 D anaher . 1 0 u72.00 +2.56 r28.8 Goldcrp g .6 0 2 4 .35 +.76 -33.7 D arden 2 . 2 0 52.07 +1.57 +15.5 GoldStr g .. .44 +.03 -76.0 D eere 2.0 4 84.19 +1.88 -2.6 GoldmanS 2.20f 158.69 1.31 r24.4 D ell Inc 32 a 13 83 - 01 +36.4 G oodrPet . . . 27 . 22 +.27 +192.1 DelphiAuto 68 u60 00 +2 69 +56 9 Goodyear .2 0 2 2 . 63 - 01 +63.9 DeltaAir .24 25.01 +.61 +110.7 Google ...u1911.41+139.42 +43.0 DenburyR 19.01 e65 r17.3 G raphPkg . . . 8.7 5 +.10 a35.4 Dndreon d2.44 -.21 -53.9 GreenMtC . . . 64 . 41 3.85 +55.8 D evonE . 8 8 u63.21 +2.41 +21.5 Groupon ... 10.65 — 47 +119.1 D iamRk .3 4 u11.65 +.43 +29.4 G ulfRes ... u2. 3 5 +.63 +102.6 DirecTV 61.65 +1.00 +22 9 GulfportE . . . u 6 7.74 -.72 +77.2 DirSPBr rs d40 65 -311 -51 9 HCA Hldg 4.50e u48.54 +1.98 +60.9 DxGldBH rs il45.30 +6.65 -91.7 HCP Inc 2 .1 0 4 2 . 57 a1.03 -5.7 DxFinBr rs (I25.32 -2.49 -58HI HD Supp n .. . 2 0 . 96 —.04 r12.3 DxSCBr rs (I20.01 -1.77 -62.9 H alconRes .. . 5.4 6 +.58 -21.1 DxEMBB s .09e 31.76 a.96 -12.8 Hallibrtn . 5 0 u 5 2.47+1.80 +51.3 DxFnBull s u79.09 +6.63 +97.9 Halozyme . . . u 1 2.05+1.95 +79.6 DirDGdar s 35.26 -7.72 +123.8 HanwhaSol .. . u 5 . 36 20 +430.2 DxSCBull s u69 61 +5 31 +117 7 H armonyG .12e 3 . 32 +.26 -62.9 DxSPBull s u53.28 +3.56 +82.4 HartfdFn . 60 f u 34.00a1.17 a51.5 D iscover . 8 0 u53.95 +2.17 r39.9 Hasbro 1 . 6 0 4 7 . 24 +.52 a31.6 D isney .7 5 f 67.15 e94 r34.9 HatterasF 2.65e 18.72 +.70 -24.5 DoleFood 13.73 +.07 +19.7 H ltMgmt ... 12. 9 9 —.05 a39.4 DollarGen u58.89 +1.06 +33.6 H eclaM . 0 4 e 3.2 6 +.22 -44.1 DomRescs 2.25 u63 68 a.73 +22 9 H ercOffsh . . . 7.3 9 +.05 +19.8 DonlleyRR 1 04 16 70 +.33 +858 Hersha . 24 5 . 8 8 +.01 +17.6 Dowchm 1.28 u41.31 +24 +278 Hertz ... 2 3.66 +.20 a45.4 DryShips 3.43 <.01 r114HI Hess 1.0 0 f u 84.06+2.96 a58.7 D uPont 1 . 8 0 59.62 +1.69 r32.6 H ewlettP . 5 8 23 . 48 +.68 +64.8 DukeEngy 3.12f 70.08 +1.23 a9.8 HimaxTch .25e 1 0.69 +.01 +345.4 D ukeRlty . 6 8 16.76 +.98 +20.8 HollyFront 1.20a 44.92 a2.17 -3.5 E-CDang 11.35 +1.07 +173.5 Hologic ... 2 2.28 +.13 a11.3 E-Trade 17 49 +49 +954 HomeDp 1.56 7 4.69 -1.63 +20.8 eBay 52 20 - 217 + 2 4 Honwlllntl 1.64 8 4 .58 -1.88 a33.3 E MC Cp . 4 0 25.08 -.22 -.9 HostHotls .48f 1 8 . 58 +.67 a18.6 EOG Res .75 u183.79 +4.99 r52.2 HovnanE .. 5.23 +.14 -25.3 E aton 1.6 8 68.73 -.57 +26.9 H udscity . 1 6 9.3 0 —.04 a14.4 Elan u16.24 a.23 +59.1 Humana 1.08 9 1 .23 -4.42 r32.9 EldorGld g .12e 610 +31 -526 HuntBncsh .20 u 8.90 +.43 a39.3 ElectArts 25 03 +31 +724 Huntsmn . 5 0 u 22.30 +.57 +40.3 Emrld0 rs u8.62 +1.22 +64.5 IAMGld g .25 4.76 +.38 -58.5 EmersonEI 1.64 65.64 +.29 r23.9 ICICI Bk . 75 e 3 5 .24 a1.73 -19.2 Encana g .80 17.88 e20 -9.5 ING .. u12.96 +.76 +36.6 Ericsson .43e 13.19 +.04 +30.6 i ShGold ... 12. 7 6 +.44 -21.6 E xcoRes . 2 0 6.91 +.01 +2.1 iShBrazil 1.36e 5 0.70 +.93 -9.4 E xelon 1 2 4 d28 75 -1 59 -3.3 iShEMU . 92e u39.82 a1.10 +19.0 E xpedia 6 0 f 48 43 -3 30 -21 2 iShGerm .44e u28.98 +.67 a17.3 ExpScripts 63 76 + 70 +18.1 iSh HK .5 6 e 2 0 . 73 +.19 +6.7 ExxonMbl 2.52 87.55 e 60 r K 2 iShJapan .15e 1 2.08 +.14 +23.9 FAB Univ 6.68 +1.61 +1 07.5 iSh SKor .37e u65.52 +1.65 +3.4 F LIR Sys . 3 6 29.43 -3.24 +31.9 iShMexico .63e 6 5.59 —.24 -7.0 Facebook u54.22 +5.11 +103.7 iSTaiwn . 2 7 e u 14.64 +.07 +7.5 FairchldS 12 48 - 82 -13 3 i ShSilver ... 21 . 1 1 +.59 -28.1 F edExcp 6 0 u126 44+10 57 +37 9 iShchinaLC .93e 38.15 —.21 -5.7 F ifthThird . 4 8 19 28 +1 08 +268 iSCorSP5003.32e u175.33 r4.13 r22.5 Finisar u25.73 +1.41 r57.9 iShEMkts .77e 4 3 .31 +.48 -2.3 FstHorizon .20 11.01 -.33 r 1 K1 iSh ACWI 1.11e u56.03 +1.27 +16.5 FstNiagara .32 10.87 a.16 +37.1 iSh20 yrT 3.17e 107.04 a1.59 -11.7 FstSolar 49.97 +6.66 +61.9 iS Eafe 1.76e u66.08 a1.64 a16.2 37 94 +.03 -9.1 iShiBxHYB 6.27e 93.42 a1.24 FirstEngy 2 20 a.1

u5.74 4 4 d9 54 I

34.68 a.87 +36.7 +18.8 30.23 a.79 +37.5 +19.7

40.65 +1.11 +25.6 r13.2 41 15 +1.12 +26 0 +13 5


12.60 c32 +25.9 r8.1 19 42 +.53 +292 +101 19.61 a.49 +25.7 a6.3

9395+1.84 +22.4 +14.5 1 3.59 a.08 a0.6 r 4 . 2 42 28 +1.00 +27 5 +8 2 157.57+3.99 +30.8 +18.1

11 00 +.06 +1.4 +6.3 49 92 +1.12 +11.5 +12 9 2'l.13 c40 +22.9 r15HI

32.77 +.44 +18.1 +11.3 10.33 +.01 a0.8 a1.7 ils 4'l.59 +1.4'I +28.0 rfK2 5.73 a.12 +14.0 +13.6

13 56 +.11 18.14 c28 22 20 +.42 60.70 +2.05 37.05 c93 9 72 +.11 97.53 r3.73 34 41 +.83 35.82 +1.06 56.64 c90 23 45 +.50 12.84 +.20 13.47 +.29 9 48 +.20 41.22 +1.04 9 95 +.01 15.38 +.22 15.72 +.25 13 37 +.25 16.22 c32 1138 +.06 122.61 +4.24 26.55 +.65 9.37 +.08 39.67 +1.04 7.76 +.05 48 35 +.89 93.02 r2.98 3846 +.99 12.71 -.02 16.23 +.19 76 50 +2.35 20.86 c41 858 +.01 31.01 +.88 11.06 c09 1053 +.06 11.51 +.06 11.51 +.06 99 71 +2.24


+ 47 + 5 0 +11.9 r8.5 +15 2 +11.5 +30.3 +17.8 +25.6 r17HI + 85 +8 0 +25.4 r15.9 +243 +14.1 +23.3 a8.5 +20.5 r13.8 +19 3 +13 7 a9.6 a7.7 +16.4 +10.4 +16 7 +10 5 +19.6 r14.6 +3 6 +4.4 a9.2 a7.5 +10.6 r8.2 + 133 +9 4 +14.1 r9.7 -1 0 +29 +29.0 +19.4 +25.4 r18.3 + 63 +8 2 +24.4 +8.9 -0.6 +3.8 +31 3 +175 +25.8 r12.9 +32.0 +180 -2.7 a3.3 -2.7 a6.1 +38 4 +18 7 +15.1 r1 K6 +0 7 +1.4 +39.0 +23.1 a1.6 r4.9 00 +40 - 1.1 N A -1.2 a2.7 +33.4 +173

28 92 +1.17 +25 6 +15 4

+25.9 a15.7 +1.3 +4.6 r50.1 a37.5 +22.3 r22.3 +22.3 +34.6 +24.0 +24.5

+16.2 NA +16.2 +18.5 +8.1 a16.7

+14.2 +10.1 a13.8 +7.7

4.2 +3.2 -4.1 +22.0 -6.4 +10.4 +10.6 +10.8 -5.0 r24.3 +4.1 -0.7

+3.1 a13.2 v2.9 +9.6 +10.1 +10.4 +1.7 a15.1 +5.8 +2.3

+21.3 r20.9 +22.3 a21.9

+11.4 r11.1 +13.6 a13.3

+4.0 +4.3 +4.6 +28.9 r28.8

+4.5 +4.9 +5.2 a13.9 +14.0

+26.0 a16.1 +3.4 -0.1 r26.7 +8.4 +15.5 +14.6 +7.7 +8.5 +29.5 a15.7 +0.1 +27.0 r19.6 +19.1

+3.2 +16.9 +8.2 +7.8

+37.5 a13.5 a33.7 a14.2

+23.0 +14.2 a25.3 a16.5 +18.8 a12.4 +24.2 a15.4 +23.2 +10.7 +22.2 +9.9

-0.4 +3.4 -0.8 +3.0 -0.6 +3.2

+7.4 +8.2 r22.8 +15.9 +23.0 +16.1

JPMorgCh 1.52 54.30 +1.79 +24.3 u7 28 +.29 +27.3 JetBlue J ohnJn 2 6 4 9163 +2.18 +307 Johnsnctl .76 43 11 +1 01 +40 6 JnprNtwk 2 0.82 +.64 + 5 .8 K B Home . 1 0 1 7HI7 e1 8 r8 . 7 K KR 1.6 3 e u22.84 rf.83 r50.0 KandiTech 7.68 a .39 +92.5 KeryxBio u11.26 +1.92 +329.8 KeyEngy 7 62 + 3 2 + 96 K eycorp 2 2 u12 60 + 72 +49 6 Kimco .84 20.86 +.47 + 8 .0 KindMorg 1.64f 35.33 -.16 Kinross g 4 .86 w 2 1 -50.0 KodiakO g u13.50 +1.03 +52.5 Kohls 1 40 53 93 +2 48 +25.5 KraftFGp 210f 5369 +135 +181 Kroger 66f u4238 + 6 7 + 62.9 L Brands 1.20 59.23 +2.92 +25.9 L&L Engy 1.66 -.06 -12.6 LDKSolar 1.63 -.12 r13.2 L SI Corp . 1 2 7.99 + .30 +13.0 LamResrch u53.85 +1.02 +49.0 LVSands 1 40 u72 52 +4 19 +57 1 L ennarA 1 6 3 504 + 6 9 -94 LexRltyTr .66f 11.41 -.19 +9.2 LibGlobA 77.35 e2 2 +22.9 LibtylntA u27.10 r2.38 +37.7 L illyEk 1.9 6 49.56 +.6 8 +.5 LincNat .48 u45.46 +1.66 +75.5 LinearTch 1 04 3927 -40 +145 Linkedln 250.21 +23.59 +117.9 LloydBkg 5.03 + .08 +57.2 Lorillard s 2.20 u47.73 +1.62 +22.7 LaPac 17.61 -.27 -8.9 Lowes .72 47.66 -1.14 +34.2 lululemn gs 72.75 -2.20 -4.6 LyonBas A 2 00 u7791 +1 94 +365 I

MBIA MFA Fncl .88a MGIC MGM Rsts M acys 1. 0 0 MagHRes Manitowoc 08 MannKd Marathno .76f MarathPet 1.68f MktVGold .46e MV OiISvc .41e MktVRus 7 3e MarlntA 68 MarshM 1.00 M arvellT . 2 4 Masco .30 M attel 1.4 4 McDrm lnt McDnlds 3 24f McEwenM Medtrnic 1.12

1088 a 8 1 +386

7.48 + .22 -7.8 u8.27 +. 77+210.9 u20.69 a.23 +77.7 44.39 +1.75 +13.8 u 782 + 6 4 + 9 6 0 18 94 +.15 +20 8 5 28 +.17 +128 6 35.28 +.42 +15.1 70.74 +3.49 r12.3 24.38 +1.33 -47.4 u50.20 +1.91 +30.0 29 93 a.5 1 +.1 43 50 +1.20 +16 7 u45 53 +2 27 +32.1 11.75 a.47 +61.8 19.98 -.57 v20.5 42.69 +.94 +16.6 7.61 +.34 -30.9 9520 + 4 6 +7 9 2.32 +.26 -39.4 u5659 +1 60 +380 Melcocrwn u36.51 +2.57 a116.8 M erck 1.7 2 46.61 -.68 v13.8 M etLife 1. 1 0 49.45 +.71 +50.1 MKors 75.24 +2.36 +47.4 MicronT 17.03 +.19 +168 6




NwGold g NY CmtyB 1.00 Newcastle .40 NewellRub .60 NewfldExp NewLead rs NewmtM 1.00m

NewscpA n

41.37 —.05 +23.3 u333.50 +32.65 +269.2 5.79 +.27 -47.5 u15.82 +.19 +20.8

NielsenH .801 NikeB s .84 Noblecorp 1.001 NobleEn s .56 Nokiacp NortlkSo 2.081 NorTrst 1.24 NStarRlt .801 Novartis 2.53e Nuancecm Nucor 1.47 Nvidia .30 OasisPet OcciPet 2.56 OfficeDpt OfficeMax .08a Oi SA .45e OnSmcnd OpkoHlth Oracle .48f Organovo

5.90 +.14 +45.0 u29.02 r1.21 r30.3 30.34 r1.17 r13.3 EI1.69 +.21 -71.8 (I26.92 a1.30 -42.0 16.85 +.44 +6.6 u38.44 +1.20 +25.7 u75.93 +2.47 a47.2 37.98 r.28 a9.1 u72.56 r5.56 r42.6 u7.15 +.50 +81.0 79.89 a1.14 +29.2 56.52 +1.73 +12.7 9.50 +.03 +34.9 75.02 +.07 +18.5 (I17.14 -1.18 -23.2 51.09 r2.16 r18.4 15.81 +.55 +29.0 u56.72 +4.40 +78.4 u98.29 +2 80 +28.3 5.46 +.44 +66.5 u14.65 +1.41 +70.0 1.89 +.02 -52.9 7.16 —.02 r1.6 u11.60 +1.53 +141.2 32.90 -.36 -1.3 6.13 + 23 +135.8 I

41.22 —.13 +2.6 75.04 +2.08 +28.7 30.30 —.20 r5.8 7.10 +.80 -10.6 .50 10.61 +.72 -43.4 u28.17 +3.27 +206.9 u6.39 +3.94 +214.8 .20 24.02 + 86 +28.9 .34 18.50 +1.10 -30.5 57.65 +2.13 r17.4 -8.4 .. ud13.66 EI7.00 -1.00 -64.5 .65 14.37 -.41 +18.9 Pepsico 2.27 83.01 +2.18 +21.3 PetrbrsA .77e 16.60 —.13 -14.0 Petrobras .27e 15.53 —.08 -20.2 Pfizer .96 30.51 a1.79 r21.7 PhilipMor 3.76f 86.93 a1.90 +3.9 Phillips66 1.56f 63.48 a3.55 a19.5 Pier 1 .20 21.05 +1 00 +5.3 PioNtrl .98 u224.95 +29.95 +111.0 PitnyBw .75 u19.90 +.73 +87.0 PlainsGP n .. ud21.90 -.5 PlugPowr h .63 —.06 r25.0 —.13 Polycom 10.77 +3.0 P otash 1 . 4 0 32.14 +.75 -21.0 PS SrLoan 1.13e 24.71 +.08 -1.1 PwShs QQQ .98e u82.15 +2.92 +26.1 ProLogis 1.12 39.82 + 72 +9.1 ProShtS&P (I26.93 —.66 -20.9 ProUltQQQ .22e u86.72 r5.99 r58.2 PrUShQQQ d17.42 -1.34 -41.2 ProUltSP .27e u90.90 +4.21 +50.6 PUltSP500 s .08e u80.40 a5.33 +82.2

PG&E Cp PNC PPL Corp Pactera PanASlv Pandora ParkerVsn PattUTI PeabdyE PnnNGm PenNGmwi Penney PeopUtdF

1.82 1.76 1.47

+.60 +25.2 +18.6 ABAuthln +.01 +0.2 + 1.0 ComRIRStl +.65 +261 +15.7 Divlnclnst

10.48 +.09 -0.9 580 + 06 -15.9 11 67 +.08 +0.7 EMktcurl 10.35 +.05 +0.2 a.48 +21 0 +11 8 EmMktslns 11.41 +.10 -3.3 ForBdlnstl 10.58 +.02 +1.9 a.28 +14.3 r9.4 Hiyldls 960 + 07 + 6 5 a.35 +194 +11 0 LowDrls 10.34 +.02 +0.6 RealRet 11.32 +.05 -5.7 a.42 +9.1 +2.2 ShtTermls 9.86 +.01 +1.3 TotRetA m 1 0 87 + 05 -0.5 +.84 +22.7 +14.8 TotRetAdm b 10 87 +.05 -0.3 TotRetc m 1 0 .87+.05 -1.2 +.20 +7.2 + 8.1 T otRetls 10.8 7 +.05 -0.1 +.20 +6.8 +7.7 TotRetrnD b 10 87 +.05 -0.4 TotlRetnP 10 87 +.05 -0.2 +.34 +23.4 +13.5 Parnassus a.07 a7.5 + 8.3 Eqlnclnv 36.61 r.94 r24.8 a.01 a2.0 a 3.6 Permanent a.ol a1.3 a2.9 Portfolio 48 23+1 08 -1.7 Principal c44 +20.8 r 9 .2 LCGrllnst 12.76 +.46 r25.9 a.65 +25.1 +15.7 Prudential Investmen a.65 +25.4 +16.0 JenMidcapGrZ 39.89+1.04 +23.2 Putnam + .23 +215 + 6 0 GrowlncA m 18.86 +.44 r27.6 +.03 +4.0 +2.9




+5.5 +0.4 +4.7 +5.1 +7.9 +2.3 +3.1 +1.4 +3.2 +3.4 v2.5 +3.6 +3.3 +3.5 r16.1 +4.1 +17.0 +17.0 r15.9

PAMutlnv d 14.66 +.33 +32.0 Premierlnv d 23 02 +32 +23.7 + .06 r2.0 r 5 . 4 Schwab +.06 +1 8 +5 2 1 000lnv d 4 8 . 05rf.18 r23.3 S&P500Sel d 27.58 +.66 a22.3 +1.05 +33.5 +13.1 Scout 36 77 +.71 +16.1 a .15 r2.1 r 5 . 7 Interntl

a15.6 +14.3

a .28 +106 +8 8 Sequoia +5.47 +30.6 a.27 a9.7 a 7.9 T Rowe Price21 5 . 18 lchpGr 60 0 2+239 +30.8 +1.42 +315 +185 B CapApprec 26.24 +.46 +19.2 a.05 a7.3 a 8.4 EmMktStk d 33.76 +.47 +3.6 d 47.04 +1.11 +22.1 a.51 +21 2 +16.1 Eqlndex Eqtylnc 3218 +65 +22.2



+.61 +189 +11 2 GrowStk a.47 +37.9 +13.7 HealthSci +1.57 +28.5 +18.3 Hiyield d


49 06+1 92 +29.4 58.28 rK33 r37.6 7.11 +.06 +9.1

25 44 +1.09 +35.0 973 +.13 -2.5 15.45 +.33 +22.9 16.24 +.32 r16.4 70.90 +3.00 +29.8 +.69 +12.4 r4.6 30 06 +64 +24.6 + .68 +127 + 4 9 Midcapya 73.47 +1.59 +32.6 +1.67 +26.8 +12.1 MidcpGr 'I 6.98 +.15 r5.7 a.06 -2.1 a0.8 NewAsia d NewHonz 46.69 a1.26 a41.3 a.77 +24 7 +12 3 a.99 +21.0 v14.9 Newlncome 946 +.05 -1.3 a.44 +18 9 +13 9 OrseaStk d 10 08 +.25 +22.3 14.47 r.25 r12.9 a.40 +17.8 +12.9 R2015 15.33 +.33 a17.7 a.40 +18.1 +13.1 R2025 -8 5 +1.5 R2035 16.08 +.39 a21.1 a.17 18 07 +26 +10.2 +1.06 +34.8 v13.5 Rtmt2010 a.89 +337 +12.5 Rtmt2020 20.51 +.40 +15.4 22.47 +.52 r19.6 a5.7 a6.2 Rtmt2030 23.10 +.58 +21.9 a .03 rK 5 r4 . 1 Rtmt2040 SciTech 35 51 +.90 +33.0 479 +0.2 +.04 +6.9 +6.4 ShTmBond SmcpStk 44.75 rf.14 r33.9 +.09 -1 1 +4.6 SmCpyal d 49.32 +1.31 +29.8 a .16 r3.6 r 6 . 2 Speclnc 12 98 +.12 +3.3 +.09 -1 5 +4 3 Value 34.17 +81 +29.0 +.43 +25.4 rf K4 +.33 +22.6 +7.0

IntlBnd d IntlGrlnc d IntlStk d MediaTele

r16.1 +16.1 +7.1

+19.1 +14.0 -0.2 +15.9 +15.6 a17.7 r30.0 +9.0 +18.9 +0.9 +7.6 +6.3 +20.3 +15.4 a17.8 a3.2 +26.0 +2.9 +8.9 +9.8 +11.8 +13.2 +8.6 +10.9 r12.6 a13.4 a13.2 +1.3 r20.1 a17.7 +5.7 +18.1


7.45 u6 05 RadianGrp 01 14 39 RealGSolar 3.63 Realogy 43.33 RedHat (I43.29 RegionsFn .12 10.11 ReneSola 5.21 RF MicD

Renren Resrcecap 80

RioTinto 1 78e RiteAid RiverbedT RockwllM RylCarb 1.00f

377 603 51 87 u5.30 14.41 12.12 39.28

a.37 +75.3 + 08 +35 0 + 72 +135 5 +.96 +377.6 -.39 a3.3 e47 -18.3 e52 r41.8 -.33 a238.3 a 03 + 9 3 - 01 + 7 7 +2 59 -10 7 +.31 +289.7 +.06 -26.9 +1.23 +50.6 +1.97 +15.5

SLM Cp 60 25.79 + 70 +50 6 SpdrDJIA 3 52e 153 60 +1 60 +17 6 SpdrGold 126 85 +4 25 -21 7 SP Mid 2 .21e u234.60 r5.06 v26.3 S8 P500ETF3.39e u174.39 r4H3 v22.5 SpdrHome .16e 29.88 -.33 +12.3 -.4 SpdrLehHY 3.04e 40.54 a.46 SpdrSSPRB 63e 37 49 + 84 +34 0 S pdrRetl 9 6 e u83 85 +2.10 +34 4 SpdrOGEx 82e u72 72 +4.21 +34 5 SpdrMetM .60e 38.54 +1.21 -14.6 S afeway . 8 0 u33.36 -.39 +84.4 S tJude 1 . 0 0 56.84 +1.68 +57.3 Salesforc s 54.10 +3.03 +28.7 S anDisk . 9 9 u68.73 +6.56 +58.0 SandRdge 6.90 +.67 +8.7 Schlmbrg 1.25 u93 99 +3 97 +35 6 Schwab .2 4 u23.77 +1.99 v65.5 ScorpioTk .14f u11.27 +1.14 +58.5 SeagateT 1.52 u50.04 +3.77 +64.5 SelCmfrt 18.60 -7.42 -28.9 Sequenom d2 42 -18 -48 6 SiderurNac .38e 5.48 +.54 -7.1 SilvWhtn g 43e 23 05 + 93 -36 1 Sina u91.07 r4.49 v81.3 SiriusXM .05e u4.05 a.17 +40.0 SkywksSol 24.92 -.13 +22.8 Solarcity n u59.46 +12.28 +398.4 S onycp 2 8 e 19 61 -35 +75 1 Southnco 2 03 41 94 + 25 -20 SwstAirl .16 u16 07 + 84 +56 9 SwstnEngy 36.47 a.57 r9.2 SpectraEn 1.22 35.31 e47 +29.0 SpiritRC n .66 9.60 a.22 a2.9 Spnnglf n ud20.20 a4.9 Sprint n 6.40 +.40 +15 3 SP Matls 1 01e 43 56 +1.01 +16 0 SP Hlthc 8 2e U52 55 +1 32 +31 8 SP CnSt 1.10e 41.49 +.92 v18.9 SP Consum .82e u62.04 +1.25 v30.8 SP Engy 1.49e u86.94 +2.65 +21.7 SPDR Fncl .32e u20.91 +.60 +27.6 S P Inds 8 9 e 47 69 + 89 +25 8 S P Tech 6 1 e u33 24 + 79 +15 2 SP Util 1 . 4 6e 38 43 + 32 +10 0 StdPac 7.79 +.02 r6.0 StanBlkDk 2.00 77.16 -14.14 +4.3 Staples .48 15.91 a.99 +39.6 StarScient 1.97 -.33 -26.5 Starbucks 84 u79 31 +1 49 +47 9 MuLTAdml +6.2 MuLtdAdml MuShtAdml 13.59 a.33 r24.6 r16.7 Prmcp 10.11 +.06 +3.3

22.87 +.58 +21.1 a7.5

20 82 +.45 +138 +89 30.66 a.51 +15.6 a5.2 31.32 a.52 +16.1 a5.7


27.03 a.46 +19.4 rf K3 160.99 +3.84 +22.3 160.98+3.84 +22.2 26 78 a.46 +139 26.78 a.46 +13.9 11.29 -.01 -0 7 45.62 +1.13 +39.4 'I 05.41 +2.62 +39.6 P 120 45+2.92 +247 20.36 +.31 +20.6 35.50 +.50 +4.1 129.54 +3.54 +12.2 68.98 +1.88 +12HI 29 14 +.60 +207 61.07 +1.25 +20.8 101.17 +2.69 +40.6 108 64 +2.88 +404 60.60 +1.67 +35.0 60 60 +1.67 +351 149.58 +4.14 +35.1 99.30 r2.2'I +18.3 10.59 +.06 -0 8 10.59 +.06 -0.7 22 71 +.49 +242 45.12 +1.23 +22.9 45.12 +1.23 r23.0 6 01 + 04 +49 78.53 +1.31 +30.5 186.08+3.10 +30.4 11.38 +.09 -1 4 9.86 +.07 -0.5 26 32 +.12 -5 8 10.72 +.05 -5.7 13.41 +.06 -5.8 159 93 +3.81 +224 159.94 +3.82 +22.4 40 12 +.99 +248 22.96 +.59 +24.0 73.10 +1.87 +24.2 m 2799 +.63 +187 111.92 +2.53 +18.7 111.94 +2.53 +18.7 n 33 57 a.76 +187 37.21 a.95 +25.5 984 +.15 -5 0 17.99 +.23 +8.1 27.02 a.55 +17.7 22 85 a.38 +128 143.02 +3.38 +30.5 28.90 +.69 +302 131.25 +3.10 +30.4 28.99 +.68 +30.4 41.42 +.98 +304 25.09 +.69 +25.3 77.83 +2.13 +25.5 10.53 -.01 -2.8 13.73 -.01 -1.7 13.73 -.01 -1 6

+16.2 +16.1 +11 3 v11.4 +37 +18.0 v18HI NA +16.1 -0.4 a9.5 r9.4 +17 8 +17.9 +19.8 +19 6 v18.8 +18 8 NA r5.8 +28 a2.9 +11 2 +16.8 r16.8 +84 +19.8 +19.8 +38 r4.3 +31 a3.1 r3.0 +16 2 r16.3 +16 9 a8.2 r8.3 NA NA NA NA r7.4 +68 a6.8 +11.1 +91 NA +17 1 +17.2 v17.2 +17 2 +15.5 +15.7 +36 r3.0 +31

11.02 -.01 -2.9 +3.2 11.01 +0.1 +1.6 15 84 +0.4 +0.9 90.68 a2.72 a31.1 a16.3 PrmcpAdml 94.12 r2.83 r31.2 rt6.4 Prmcpcorl 19.23 +.54 +29.6 +16.1 REITldxAd 98 95 +2.71 +9.8 +12.2 STBondAdm 10.54 +.01 +0.5 + 1.4 STBondSgl 10.54 +.01 +0.5 + 1.4 STCor 10 73 + 02 +1.0 + 2.2 STGradeAd 10.73 +.02 +1.1 + 2.3 'I 0.73 r.02 r 1.2 + 2.4 STIGradel STsryAdml 10 71 +.01 +0.3 +0.8 Selyalu 27 83 +.50 +33.2 +18.4 Smcapldx 50.76 +1.30 r33.8 r18.5 SmcpldAdm 50.84 +1.30 +34.1 +18.6 Smcpldlst 50 84 +1.30 +34.1 +18.7 SmCplndxSg nl 45.80 +1.17 +34.1 +18.6 Star 23.61 +.45 r15.6 +10.7 StratgcEq 28 53 +81 +35.9 +20.4 TgtRe2010 25.94 +.31 +8.1 + 7.7 TgtRe2015 14.81 r.22 r11.2 +8.9 TgtRe2020 26 91 + 45 +13.5 +9.8 TgtRe2030 27 26 +.53 +17.2 +11.3 TgtRe2035 16.69 +.35 a19.0 a12.1 TgtRe2040 27.73 +.61 a20.2 a12.5 TgtRe2045 17 41 +39 +20.2 +12.5 TgtRe2050 27.61 +.60 +20.2 +12.5 TgtRetlnc 'I 2.63 a.13 +5.3 + 6.3 Tgtet2025 15 60 +.29 +15.4 +10.6 TotBdAdml 10 70 + 06 -0.9 +2.8 TotBdlnst 10.70 +.06 -0.9 +2.9 TotBdMklnv 10.70 +.06 -1.0 +2.7 TotBdMkSig 10 70 + 06 -0.9 +2.8 Totlntl 16.73 +.37 a18.6 +5.5 TotStlAdm 44.26 +1.09 r24.6 r16.8 TotStllns 44 27 +1 09 +24.7 +16.8 TotStlSig 42.72 +1.05 +24.7 +16.8 TotStldx 44.25 r K09 r24.5 r t 6.6 TxMCapAdm 89 32+215 +24.1 +16.7 USGro 26 83 +.74 +26.4 +17.1 ValldxAdm 28.31 +.62 +23.6 +16.0 Valldxlns 28.31 +.62 +23.6 +16.0 Wellsl 2519 + 31 +6.7 + 9.0 WellslAdm 61.03 +.76 +6.8 + 9.1 Welltn 38.26 +.56 r14.5 +11.6 WelltnAdm 66 08 + 96 +14.5 +11.7 WndsllAdm 63.90 a1.34 a23.0 a16.5 Wndsr 19.40 +.40 r31.1 r17.6 WndsrAdml 65 46+1 36 +31.2 +17.7 Wndsrll 36 00 +.75 +22.9 a16.4 Virlus EmgMktsls I0.05 +.19 +0.8 + 4.7 Yacklman Focused d 25.06 +.40 +20.8 +14.7 Yacktman d 23.48 r.38 r21.6 r15.2 Fund Footnotes: b - Feecovering market costs is paid from fund assets. C - Deferred sales charge, or redemption fee. f - front load (sales charges) m - Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redemption fee NA - not available p - previous day's net asset value s - fund sputsharesdunngtheweek.x-fund paida distribution dunng the week. Source: Mornmgstar.


Self-tracking Continued from E1 When Tim Davis of Beaver, Pa., tipped the scales at 318 pounds two years ago, he bought a Fitbit gadget to track his physical activity and the Lose It! app on his phone to track calories. He bought a WiFi-enabled scale that published his daily weight on his Twitter feed and turned to other apps to trackhispulse,blood pressure, daily moods and medications. At one point, Davis said he was using 15 different apps and

gadgets, which he said helped him drop 64 pounds by that fol-

lowing year.

"It's the second-by-second, minute-by-minute changes that really did it," said Davis, 39. "If you're the type of person who likes gadgets and devices and to collect metrics, you're also the kind of person who does not like gaps in data." A pediatrician in K a nsas City, Mo., Natasha Burgert, said apps that track newborn feedings and sleep patterns have become wildly popular among her patients and she now encourages parents to send her the data before their appointments. "In the first few weeks, parents are so tired. It's really hard for them to give you objective data," Burgert said. Public health advocates and researchers say tracking technology could be used to encour-

age people to use less gasoline, conserve water or drive slower by giving them real-time feedback on their daily habits. It also could expose causes of medical conditions that baffle doctors. HopeLab, based in Redwood, Calif., is one nonprofit looking to harness technology to improve health. It has developed a $30 movement-tracking device for kids called a "Zamzee," and a website that rewards activity with online points and badges. HopeLab ha s d e v eloped video games for young cancer patients that lets them pretend to blast cancer cells. Researchers there say t heir s tudies

Arsrsmwg IBvBs 'D t


If r tyk


have shown that the game improved patients' moods and encouraged them to stick with treatment. "When you give people a sense of autonomy, a sense of agency, that can actually be very transformative to their health," said HopeLab spokesman Richard Tate. Ramirez said he thinks the next step will be embedding sensors in nearly everything a person encounters throughout the day and linking that information together. Think of a car that won't start if you've consumed too much alcohol or a light bulb that changes colors when it's time to go to bed. Industrywatchers say these kinds of data-driven apps are finding their place in a market that has struggled to profit from advertising. Raj Aggarwal, CEO of Localytics, a Boston-based analytics firm, says mobile games are still by far the most popular among consumers, but their fan base can be fickle. If a datalogging app is useful enough, it can convince consumers that they should pay for upgraded subscriptions or premium services that earn the developers money. One mobile a p p c a l l ed "GymPact" has found a novel way of making money off its consumers' data. The app lets people bet against one another as to whether they will go to the gym. The non-exercisers have to pay the exercisers, with GymPact taking a cut. But what becomes of all this data2 In theory, most apps let you delete your information. But programs such as the FitBit reservethe right to keep and analyze your information, and possibly pass along the data to third parties to make sure the program works as promised.


cially licensed. In October of last year, a Continued from E1 group of taxi and livery comBut history shows that panies in Chicago sued Uber, upstarts often face opposi- accusing the San Franciscotion when the established based company of violating order is t hreatened, and multiple local laws designed that is no different here. En- to protect public safety and entrenched competitors have sure fair competition. The taxi filed lawsuits and promot- and limo operators challenged ed their interests through Uber's right to operate in sevproposed legislation. eral ways, including the claim P olicymakers h av e a that regulations prohibit limos tricky balance, trying to from charging fares based on encourage innovation and mileage. Uber has said that its e ntrepreneurship wh il e technology is legal and that alsosupporting businesses the company gives customers that are the bedrocks of and drivers another option. their economy, contributUber and other new softing jobs and much-needed ware apps g eared t oward tax revenues. consumers have to navigate a "The regulations were maze of city and state reguladesigned for the analog tions. Slight differences bew orld," said A r u n S u n - tween jurisdictions make for a dararajan, a professor at legal nightmare and may help New York University who explain why s tartups often studies digital economies. forge ahead without asking "Now t h ere a r e d i g ital for permission. ways of p r oviding these Square, a San Franciscoservices that have created based mobile payments comnew forms of consumption. pany, got into regulatory hot The conflict is natural." water in Illinois earlier this In Chicago, Uber ruffled year for operating without a the feathers of the taxicab money transmission license. industry when it entered The cease-and-desist order is the city in 2011. Its on-de- still pending, and the compamand limo-style car service ny recently resolved a similar shook up the notion that complaint in Florida by paying black cars were only for a $507,000 fine. Square has arspecialoccasions or forthe gued that it is only facilitating wealthy. After a customer transactions handledbybanks orders a ride via Uber's or creditcard companies, yet app, drivers use Uber to calculatefares based on the time and length of the trip, much like a taxi. InA fabulous pointer, stead of a meter, though, . Carson is fun, nice, drivers use a GPS-enabled and already partially smartphone t o m e asure trained. His sit is the length of t r ip. Uber the stuff of legends, has expanded its business his attention to to include taxis and ridepeople is laudable, sharing, which c onnects his "off" is ... well, nonexistent right passengers to drivers who now. At 47 pounds, he is just right. use their own vehicles and And he fetches! This wonderful, currently aren't commerhigher energy dog should find a

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1-week change+ $139.42 or16.0%

29. 9 5




509 7 4

66 13

1 49

2z 8


Core Laboratories



23.5 1




Friday close: $1,011.41>

Netflix Inc


333 . 5 0

32. 6 5


6 .3


Cimarex Energy Baker Hughes sanDisk corporation



Abbott Labs


Linkedln Corp Facebook Inc


L iberty lnteract A

110. 4 3

13 9 .4 2

10. 8 3

16 . 0





6 7.8

5 5.55





68. 73





3 7.29




14 2

25 0 .2 1

23. 5 9









)gp g




9 .6


Concho Resources


120. 7 2

10. 4 3

9 .5


Best Buy Co






schwab corp


23. 7 7







1 0.4






173. 7 8





Cigna Corp CI G reen Mount Coffee G MC R Exelon Corp EXC




64. 4 1


-4.6 -23.5

28.7 5

-3.85 -1.59



-1 7.2

ASML Holding NV


92.8 4







133 . 43





Cobalt lntl Energy









91.2 3





Unitedhealth Group




The power to borrow„„;„„ Maybe borrowing isn't so bad. During the financial crisis, companies with the least debt looked the most attractive. But now that the global economy is growing so slowly, taking on debt may offer an easier way to boost growth, some analysts say. Companies could Use the debt to buy back their own stock, reduce the number of shares that they have trading in the market and subsequently boost earnings per share. Or they could use the cash to buy other companies to raise their revenue. This screen from Citi Research shows companies that it says have the capability to bulk up their borrowing. It looked for companies that have strong cash flows, revenue growth and moderate to low debt levels, among other factors.

Nasnaa~1 2 2 41 3,914.28

Spaceis limited so please RSVP at

Parkervision Inc MacGray Corp Z hone Technologies


% C H G % RT N 1MO 1YR


3 .94

160. 8

8 7.9






4 .03



1 7.8


GeronCorporation G ER N Real Goods Solar R S O L

4.28 3.63

1.2 0 0.9 6

39. 0 36. 0

73. 3 51. 3

204 . 2 624 . 1





ModusLink Globalsol MLNK

3. 6 4

0.9 3

34 . 3

30. 5


7 .59





FAB Universal Corp



1.6 1

3 1.8




Internet Gold-Golden



3 0.4




QuickLogic Corp



0.8 6


4z 0


Pingtan Marine Ent


2 .64





Anacor pharma Brigus Gold Corp


13. 8 3





0 .65





6 .45









52-week range $ 636.00~

$1,015.4 6

Stanley B & D


The maker of power tools cut its forecast for full-year earnings per share, citing weakening economic growth in emerging kets among other factors. Friday close:$77.16



USA Truck

11. 0 3



8 zo









Catalyst Pharm






A cacia Research Tech ACTG

15.4 8




56.3 -19.1

Travelzoo Inc

21.8 1



- 19.5

17. 0





1 48 . 0

25. 4 8 4.48









T Z00

Vanda Pharmaceutical VNDA

5s.o 1 6 2. 8






52-week range $66.18 ~


Wk. vol.:23.0m (3.5x avg.) PE: 27.6 Mkt. Cap:$12.35 b Yie l d:z6%



Lear(LEA) International Paper(IP) Comcast(CMCSA) AES(AES) Gannett(GCI) Cisco Systems(CSCO) Jabil Circuit(JBL) Oracle(ORCL) Tyson Foods(TSN) Macy's (M) Peabody Energy(BTU) Vaiero Energy(VLQ) Time Warner Cable(TWC) Kroger(KR) CenturyLink(CTL)



41 3Q

s UR

c E c E N TER


Callon Petrol

$10 0 0






$74.47 45.28 47.47

14.06 26.95 22.78 22.06 32.87 29.77 44.46 18.58 38.39 118.63 42.21 33.25

Ultratech lnc Immunmedc


Prosensa Hldg NV







SFX Entertainment







Star Scientific Inc









$40 33 35 10 16 17 16 30 16 36 14 25 85 24 31

$75 50 48 14 27 26 24 36 32 51 30 45 121 43 42


80.2% 19.5 26.4 27.9 47 2 24 2 29.3 5.8 70.7 9.4 -32.4


0.9% 31 1.7 1.1 29 29 1.4 1.5 0.7 2.3 1.8

1.3 13 1.3 1.3 14 14 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5

42.5 2.3 1.5 18.0 2.2 1.5 68.4 1.6 1.6 -15.7 6.5 1.6 *1=buy; 2=hold; s=sell Data through oct. 17 source: Factset


1,114.77 +

Ajury in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Florida ruled in the company's favor in a patent battle with Qualcomm. Friday close:s6.39


$6 4~ 2





52-week range $ 1.48 ~


Wk. Vol.:30.3m (4.3x avg.) PE: ... Mkt. Cap: $590.58 m Yie l d: ...

Ariad Pharma.


1-week change W $1.59 or -37.3%

The pharmaceutical company said that it is ending a latestage trial of its cancer drug Iclusig because of recently disclosed side effects. Friday close: $2.67






52-week range $p gp ~

$p4 59

Mkt. Cap: $494.24 m

Yield : ...

Note: Stocks classified by market capitalization, the product of the current stock price and total shares outstanding. Ranges are $100 million to $1 billion (small); $1 billion to $8 billion (mid); greater than $8 billion (large).

Index closing and weekly net changes for the week ending Friday, October 18, 2013


75.2 1 - week change + $14.14 or -15.5%


77. 1 6


BRD 29.8 W k. vol.:10.4m(1.1x avg.) PE:31.0 Mkt.Cap:$277.06b Yield: ... M idstates Petroleum M P O

10 WORST LARGE-CAP STOCKS S tanley Black & Deck SWK

• •


1-week change+ $3.94 or 160.8%

224. 9 5

GOOG 1011.41

• 0



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The lnternet giant's stock rose above $1,000 for the first time after it reported stronger quarterly earnings than analysts expected.


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they wouldn't earn a return on the other titles that typically fill an album. Rental car companies opposed car-sharing services like Zipcar on consumer safety grounds. There's a long list of companies that have fought progress that have ended up on the wrong side of history.

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A ®.

A~ Io,

owner Tribune Co., have gone to court to block the company from streaming their local-TV signals without their permission. Broadcasters earn big fees selling carriage rights to pay-TV operators. Last week, the four major TV networks took their complaint to the Supreme Court, hoping to shut down Aereo while litigation continues. The incumbents in these industries protest that the startups are operating outside the r egulatory f r amework a n d undermining their businesses. But their resistance to change is an old story, regulators say. When Apple initiated conversations in the music industry about selling individual songs for 99 cents, producers howled that consumers would

How lo NaulSale


Reartlaqd Paiqtiqg 4

their competitors like P ayPal and Google are licensed in Illinois. Airbnb members have come under fire for allegedly violating residential zoning laws in some cities that prohibit rentals shorter than 30 days. A New York man was fined $2,400 for renting a room in an apartment, but the city later reversed the penalty. A law in New York makes it illegal to rent an apartment for less than 30 days if the owner is not around. Airbnb said the vast majority of its "hosts" in New York are everyday people who occasionally rent out the homes that they live in, not landlords trying to make a quick buck with short-term rentals. More important, the company said it has made the exchange, which has been going on for years on websites like Craigslist, open and transparent. Yet New York state's attorney general earlier this month demanded data about Airbnb's members in the city. Web TV startup Aereo also has faced massiveresistance. Major TV b r oadcasters, including C h i cago T r i b une


3() 46




GlobalMarkets INDEX

s&P 500 Frankfurt DAX London FTSE100 Hong KongHangseng Paris CAC-40 Tokyo Nikkei 225 SOUTHAMERICA/CANADA Buenos Aires Merval Mexico City Bolsa

sao paolo Bovespa Toronto s&p/Tsx EUROPE /AFRICA Amsterdam

Brussels Madrid Zurich Milan

Johannesburg Stockholm

ASIA Seoul Composite Singapore Straits Times Sydney All Ordinanes 463 QQ Taipei Taiex Shanghai Composite

LAST FRI. CHG 1744.50 +11.35 8865.10 +53.12 662z58 +46.42 23340.10 +245.22 4286.03 +46.39 14561.54 -24.97

FRL CHG WK MO QTR +0.65% +0.60% L +0.71% j j +1.06% j j +1.09% -0.17%

YTD +22.32% +16.46% +12.29% +3.02% +17.71% +40.08%

5465.85 +79.68 40412.69 t213.22 55378.47 +95.56 13136.00 +99.64

+1.48% +0.53% +0.17% +0.76%

+91.50% -7.53% -9.14% +5.65%

385.73 +3.22 2895.12 +14.81 1021.85 +8.25 8084.65 +52.25 19271.02 +72.92 44689.29 t175.17 1283.90 +16.99

+0.84% +0.51% +0.81% L +0.65% +0.38%


2052.40 3192.90 5321.00 8441.19 2193.78

+11.79 +6.28 +39.10 +66.51 t5.24

+16.94% +23.91% +18.50% +1 8.42% +13.86% +16.22%

+0.39% +1.34%


+0.58% +0.20% j


+0.74% +0.79% +0.24%



+0.82% +14.07% +9.63% -3.32%




j'j gg jeyeg g g gge Jeep's windshiwi elp ders have mind of their own

By Mark Phelan Detroit Free Press

By Paul Brand

Call me G o ldilocks. The 2 013 Lincoln M K Z h y b r i d luxury sedan's fuel economy, technology, features and price are just right. It's the car to b eat for d r ivers aiming t o minimize their carbon footprint and maximize comfort behind the wheeL The hybrid delivers a clear advantage in technology and

(Minneapolis) Star Tribune



REQ)EW efficiency.

Lincoln MKZ h ybrid pr i c e s start at $35,925. That's also the base price for a gasoline-powered MKZ, which offers more power,but uses more fuel. The MKZ hybrid has a 2.0liter, four-cylinder engine, continuously variable automatic transmission, electric motor and lithium-ion battery. The system producesa modest 188 horsepower. I tested a w e l l-equipped MKZ hybrid with leather upholstery, adaptive cruise control, navigation, voice recognition, Bluetooth compatibility, blind-spot and c r oss-traffic alerts, backup video and more. It stickered at $41,520. Prices exclude destination charges. C ompeting m o d el s ca n ' t match the MKZ's features and price. The MKZ hybrid's key competitors are luxury h y brids such as the Acura ILX, BMW Activehybrid 5, Infiniti M35h, Lexus ES 300h and MercedesBenz E400. The Buick Regal and LaCrosse — whose base models have a less-powerful, less-expensive hybrid system — and BMW328d and Mercedes E250 Bluetec diesels also combine luxury with frugal fuel use. The MKZ beats them all on that count, with an EPA rating of 45 mpg in city driving, 45 on the highway and 45 incombined driving.

cleaning the w iper m otor electrical connector. The mo• I h ave a 2 0 08 Jeep torand connector are located • W rangler t h a t has under the cowl at the base of a weird problem with t he the windshield. windshield w ipers. W h en If no fault codes are found I shut the Jeep off, the wip- and cleaning the connecers are tucked down in the tor doesn't help, I'd suggest normal "park" position, yet living with the issue until most of the time when I re- symptoms are more severe. • I'm having a problem turn, the wipers are about a third of the way up the wind• with the ignition, or shield. This happens during more specifically the keys, short stops and overnight on my 2007 Saturn Vue. The in the garage even on days keys are being worn down when I don't use the wipers. to the point they no longer It has happened much more work, which forces me to get in the past two years. Other- a new key made. The key wise the wipers act normal. does not have a microchip so What's going on? I got smart and had a local • C ould your J eep b e locksmith make several cop"Christine" in disguise? ies costing a few dollars each. When I read through the All- My key surplus is now down data service information cov- to one. I fear being stranded, eringthe front wipers on your as I travel a lot and I'm never vehicle, I was stunned by the quite sure when a key will system's complex electron- finally be worn down and ics. Yet the wipers provide not work. I t hought about the exact same functions as replacing the ignition with older-generation electrome- a push button start, but was chanical systems. turned away by the cost. Do In your vehicle, when the you have any suggestions for wipers ar e e n gaged, the long-term fixes? SCM (steering control mod. GM/Saturn service bulule) sends a signal to the . letin 06-02-016C dated EMIC ( e lectro-mechanical October 2007 describes how a instrument cluster) over an lack of lubrication in the igniLIN (local interface network) tion lock cylinder can lead to data buss to the TIPM (to- wear of metal surfaces and tally integrated power mod- bind the cylinder. I suspect ule) over the CAN (control- this is what's happened to ler area network) data buss your vehicle, thus the "fresh" requesting the appropriate keys are only a Band-Aid fix. wiper and washer system The bulletin describes a disoperating modes. assembly/lubeprocess requirDid you follow all that? ing two different lubricants The answer is a scan tool to which may fix the problem. search for DTC fault codes in But I can't help but notice that the front wiper system. a replacement lock cylinder Chrysler did issue a recall costs about $70 and takes on the wiper motor of certain about 30 minutes to replace. 2008 Jeep Liberty models, Seems like a simple fix to me. — Brandis an automotive but there are no specific recalls or service bulletins on troubleshooter and former race the Wrangler. With that said, car driver. Email questions to I'd try d i sconnecting and paulbrand@startribune.com.


A •

Lincoln via Mcclatcby-Tribune News Service

The 2013 Lincoln MKZ hybrid has an EPA rating of 45 mpg in city driving, 45 on the highway and 45 in combined driving, beating out other key competitors in its class.

2013 Lincoln MKZ hybrid

The hybrid system functioned beautifully in my test. The engineshut offimperceptibly when it wasn't needed — at stoplights, off-throttle on the highway and at speeds up to about 50 mph. The hybrid system has enough power to propel the car short distances in battery mode. The engine seamlessly res umes operation when t h e MKZ needs more power. The brakes send energy back to the battery. A readout on the dash shows how much energy was reclaimed at every stop. Another display f eatures green leaves that wither or grow depending on the driver's fuel efficiency. It's a gimmick, but an effective one. I felt a sense of accomplishment whenever I saw the eco-leaves flourishing. The MKZ's 188 horsepower is adequate for everyday driving. The car handles well, re-

Base price:$35,925 As tested:$41,520 Type:Front-wheel-drive,

five-passenger midsize luxury sedan Engine:188 horsepower from a 2.0-liter,

four-cylinder engine, continuously variable

automatic transmission, electric motor and lithiomion battery. Mileage:45 mpg city, 45 mpg highway

While Ford shamelessly exploited a loophole in the EPA test procedure to claim figures few, if any, drivers could match for the C-Max hybrid, there's been no suggestion the MKZ hybrid's fuel economy rating is inflated.

maining composed on curving country roads. The cabin is quiet on the highway, but the engine generatesa low- frequency groan when accelerating hard. The stylingreflects Lincoln's new direction. The grille looks like a bird's wings spread in flight. The body is low, sleek and wide. Look for elements of this design to show up on future Lincolns. The interior is roomy and modern, with flowing shapes, leather, wood and other appealing materials. Diesels don't surrender luggage room to a battery pack, and they generate outstanding torque for good performance. They may be th e best allaround combination of luxury, performance and fuel economy, but they can't equal the hybridsin sheer fueleconomy. By that measure, the 2013 Lincoln MKZ hybrid is just right.


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INSIDE: BOOICSW Editorials, F2

Commentary, F3 O» www.bendbulletin.com/opinion




What did Madison want? uch is wrong with Washington these days, including much of what is said about what is wrong. Many Americans say there is "too much politics" in Washington. Actually, there is too little. Barack Obama deplores "politics as usual." But recently Washington has been tumultuous because politics, as the framers understood it, has disintegrated. Obama has been complicit in this collapse. His self-regard, the scale of which has a certain grandeur, reinforces progressivism's celebration of untrammeled executive power and its consequent disparagement of legislative bargaining. This is why Obamacare passed without a single vote from the opposition party — and why it remains, as analyst Michael Barone says, the most divisive legislation since the 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act. Obama and his tea party adversaries have something important in common — disdain for the practice of politics within the framers' institutional architecture. He and they should read Jonathan Rauch's "Rescuing Compromise" in National Affairs quarterly. "Politicians," Rauch notes, "like other people, compromise because they have to, not because they want to." So Madison created a constitutional regime that by its structure created competing power centers and deprived any of them of the power to impose its will on the others. The Madisonian system, Rauch says, is both intricate and dynamic: "Absent arare ...supermajority, there is simply not much that any single faction, interest, or branch of government can do. Effective action in this system is nothing but a series of forcedcompromises." Oklahoma Rep. Tom Cole, who has a Ph.D. in British history and studied at the University of London, says some of his colleagues in the House of Representatives "think they are in the House of Commons." That is, they have not accepted the fact that, in the Madisonian system, legislative and executive powers are separated. By this separation, Rauch writes, Madison built "constant adjustment into the system." His Constitution is a "dynamic political mechanism" under which no faction ever prevails with finality. This is because there is no finality: "Forcing actors to bargain and collaborate slows precipitous change while constantly making negotiators adjust their positions.... The requirement to bargain and find allies provides new ideas and entrants with paths into politics and ways to shake up the status quo. But that same requirement prevents upheaval by ensuringthatno one actorcan seize control, at least not for long." Obama, who aspires to be Washington's single actor, has said of his signature achievement: "I would have loved nothing better than to simply come up with some very elegant, academically approved approach to health care." Obama wanted something simple rather than a product of Madisonian complexity. He wanted something elegantly unblemished by "any" messy legislative involvement, other than Congress' tug of the forelock at final approval. It is, Obama thinks, unfortunate that he had to talk to many people. He and some of his tea party adversaries share an impatience with Madisonian politics, which requires patience. The tea party's reaffirmation of Madison's limited government project is valuable. Now, it must decide if it wants to practice politics. Rauch hopes there will be "an intellectual effort to advance a principled, positive, patriotic case for compromise, especially on the right." He warns that Republicans, by their obsessions with ideological purity and fiscal policy, "have veered in the direction of becoming a conservative interest group, when what the country needs is a conservative party." A bull in a china shop has consequences, but not power, because the bull cannot translate intelligent intentions into achievements. The tea party has a choice to make.


— George Will is a columnist for The Washington Post. John Costa's column will return.

Matthew Malady ~Slate

arlier this month, several hundred thousand prospective college students filed into schools across the United States and more than 170 other countries to take the SAT — $51 registration fees paid, No. 2 pencils sharpened, acceptable calculators at the ready. And as part of the three-hour-and-45-minute ritual, each person taking the 87-year-old test spent 25 minutes drafting a prompt-based essay for the exam's writing section. This essay, which was added to the SAT in 2005, counts for approximately30 percent of a test-taker's score on the writing section, or nearly one-ninth of one's total score. That may not seem like much, but with competition for spots at top colleges and universities more fierce than ever, performance on a portion of the test worth around 11 percent of the total could be the difference between Stanford and the second tier. So it's not surprising that students seek strategies and tips that will help them succeed on the writing exercise. Les Perelman, the recently retired former director of MIT's Writing Across the Curriculum program, has got a doozy. To do well on the essay, he says, the best approach is to just make stuff up. "It doesn't matter if what you write is true or not," says Perelman, who helped create MIT's writing placement test

and has consulted at other top universities on the subject of writing assessments. "In fact, trying to be true will hold you back." So, for instance, in relaying personal experiences, students who take time attempting to recall an appropriately relatable circumstance from their lives are at a disadvantage, he says. "The best advice is, don't try to spend time remembering an event,"Perelman adds, "Just make one up. And I've heard about students making up all sorts of events, including deaths of parents who really didn't die." This approach works and is advisable, he suggests, because of how the SAT essay is structured and graded. The following assignment is a typical essay prompt taken from the College Board website. It follows a three-sentence passage noting that people hold different views on the subject to be discussed:

Assignment Do memories hinder or help people in their effort to learn from the past and succeed in the present? Plan and write an essay in which you develop your point of view on this issue. Support your position with reasoning and examples taken from your reading, studies, experience or observations. SeeSAT/F6


"What they are actually testing is the ability to (B.S.) on demand. There is no other writing situation in the world where people have to write on a topic that they've never thought about, on demand, in 25 minutes. Lots of times we have to write on demand very quickly, but it's about things we've thought about. What they are really measuring is the ability to spew forth as many words as possible in as short a time as possible. It seems like it is training students to become politicians." — Anne Ruggles Gere, professor at the University of Michigan and director of the Sweetland Center for Writing



The Bulletin



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edmond has changed its look dramatically in recent years, or at least most of it has. The U.S. Highway 97 bypass that opened in the summer of 2008 took most traffic out of downtown Redmond, and since then the city's core has undergone a sprucing up of its own. Whatremainslargelyunchanged is the stretch of U.S. Highway 97 south of the bypass to the south end of the city. Now it, too, may undergo a facelift that will make it safer and more attractive. City officials have dusted off a plan shelved in 2010 that would enhance all sorts of travel on the three-mile stretch of road, even as it helped improve the economy of the area. It would do so by adding landscaping, sidewalks and medians, changing highway entrances and parking, and creating rear access and frontage roads. For now, nothing is set in stone. The original plan was put on hold because businesses in the area weren't sold on what was included. The first task now is to see just what those businessmen and women want. Medians, as one example, are controversial. Though there may be agreement on the need to slow traffic on 97, at least some business owners object to them, and they do restrict access to businesses from the opposite side of the highway.

Then there's financing. The project is expected to cost anywhere from $26 million to $40 million, money that neither the city nor the Oregon Department of Transportation have lying around unused. One option would be to create an urban renewal district, which would capturetaxes on increased property value within the district for use on the improvements. Another would be some money from ODOT if plans for extending the bypass were put on hold. Either way, don't expect big changes overnight. Members of the advisory group working on the plan will meet with architects Oct. 28and 29, and there will be time for public comment after each session. No one knows yet what the final plan will look like or how it will be financed. One thing is clear, however. In a city that has seen major visual improvements to much of its business area, the three miles of highway on the south end of town are due for the same sort of treatment.

Report cards' new data adds valuable context s it fair to judge a school with only a few poor kids against one with many'? Educators say no, and to help provide better comparisons, they've identified schools with similar demographic profiles in the report cards released earlier this month. The profiles consider what percentage of students come from poor homes or are English-language learners, among other factors, and then compare schools with similar rates. The schools are judged to be above average, average or below average compared with comparable schools. The idea is to compensate for factors beyond the schools' control in order to better judge the effectiveness of the education they provide. But beyond the question of fairness, a valuable use of the information is that it lets schools learn from each other. A school that sees


a comparable school getting better results in a specific area — say third-grade math — could seek to learn what methods they've used. For example, recent results showed Bend-La Pine Schools achievement test scores above average for comparable schools. Bend's results in some areas, such as most third grade results, were sharply higher. Other districts may want to learn something from Bend's methods. Similarly, Culver was far above its similar districts in elementary and middle school reading. The issue of poverty and other demographic issues has taken center stage in recent years as educators seek ways to judge and improve their effectiveness. It's central to closing achievement gaps and to refiningteacher evaluations. That's all good, but it requires parentsand taxpayers to delve deeper to understand what the latest set of numbers actually means.

Bulletin endorsements Ballots for the Nov. 5 election were mailed last week. B elow i s a s u m m ar y o f T h e B ulletin's e n d orsements, w h i c h can b e s e e n at ben d b ulletin. com/endorsements.

• Bend lodging tax hike: Yes • Deschutes lodging tax hike: Yes • Crook RiverRanch firelevy:Yes • Alfalfa Fire District levy: Yes • Jefferson County jail levy: Yes • Culver school bond: Yes


l5 II

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Books can improve children's future By LewIs W. DIuguId

ship with thousands of multicultural, multinational passengers and hen most of the people on crew. But as excited as I was to learn the Norwegian ship Sky more aboutthem, they were appropartied, swam or ate at priately wary about me. endless buffets, I settled in at the The older boy quickly asked why ship's library to do some reading. I was asking so many questions. He The cruise earlier this year from also responded that he would have Miami to three ports in the Baha- to talk with his dad before he or his mas was packed with a ctivities brother could say more. and fun, but the nerd in me sought They were clever kids with the right "stranger danger" concerns. a quiet place to study and write. I wasn't the only person seeking ref- I would've wanted my daughters to uge. Not long after I sat down at a be as apprehensive. library table to read, two AfricanI dug into my wallet and gave American boys entered to check out the oldest boy one of my business the library. They were brothers ages cards, showing that as a journalist 12 and 8. I ask questions for a living. What They were dressed alike and had intrigued me about the boys was short haircuts. The older boy wore knowing they were being raised by horn-rim glasses like my brothers parents who had a library of books, and I wore when we were that age. and they demonstrated a great value These kids looked as nerdy as my for reading and education. brothers and I did. As it was for us Talking to the boys made me reand our children, any library was call the "Horatio Alger Exercise" always an inviting, safe place. used often in diversity training to I looked up when one of the boys help people understand that books said to the other, "There are a lot and reading can greatly improve more books here than I t hought one's future. But the pull-yourselfup-by-your-own-bootstraps no there'd be." The other b r other r esponded, tion is affected by race, ethnicity, "Yes, but not as many books as Dad sexual orientation, socioeconomic has." status, education, an d w h e ther That got my attention so I said one's parents are poor, middle- or hello and started to ask them ques- upper-class. tions.They were very smart kids. Participants in the Horatio Alger The older boy was in seventh grade. Exercise line up shoulder-to-shoulHis brotherwas a third-grader. der and take a step forward or backIt seemed incredibly cool to be ward in response to the trainer's speaking to a younger generation questions. They include: of African-Americans who w ere If your ancestorsever learned like me more than a thousand miles thatbecause of your race,skin color from home and aboard a multistory or ethnicity you were ugly or infeThe Kansas City Star

rior, take one step back. If you turn on the television or open the front

page of the paper and see people of your ethnicity or sexual orientation widelyrepresented,please take one step forward. If youhave ever been called bad names because of your race, ethnicity, gender or skin color, take one step back. All those who went to school where the majority of teachers were of your race or ethnicity, take one step forward. If you were ever told you must dress or act in a proper way because it reflected on your whole racial or ethnic group, take one step back. If as a child, your parents kept more than 40 books in your home, take one step forward. All those who have a parent who completed college, take one step forward. All those who were raised in a rented apartment or house, take one step back. T he boys reminded me of t he privileges parents afford children. We then pass on the advantages to our kids. The boys' father joined them in the library. I shook his hand, learned that he was a college-educated professional on vacation with his extended-family from Florida. I praised his sons and wished the family well, saying they helped make my vacation richer and morememorable. — Lewis W.Diuguid ts a member of The Kansas City Star's editorial board. Readers may write to him at: Kansas City Star, 1729Grand Blvd.,

Kansas City,Mo. 64108-1413,or by email at Ldiuguid@lzcstarcom.

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Prevent further takeover of government by oligarchy By Billy HardIn he framework of our Constitution was wrought by vigorous debate on how to build a country that respected individuals and protected the rights of small states. Hencethe creation of a Sen-


freedom and protecting the citizenry from the "savagery of government": all government is bad; regulations strangle citizens; giveaway programs are taking bread from our own tables, etc. Look carefully where this oligarchical minority has

a te that gave equal powers I N M Y VIEW to each state and a House of Representatives who reflected the voice ofthe masses, sharing power for the protection of all. Now we must arm ourselves at the polls to prevent further takeover of government by

oligarchy. America is now in the throes of a revolution, an effort by the oligarchy to overtake constitutional government and evento abrogate Supreme Court rulings. In short, the oligarchy is at our gates, and we have been duped into inviting them in. Under the banner of championing personal

in v ested its capital.

First and foremost, they have used their financial affluence to influence local, state and federal elections and laws. The greatest impact on t oday's political scene is the growth of corporate power, and the growth of corporate propaganda as a means of protecting corporate power against government's control, the only power standing in their way. Their propaganda efforts are reminiscent of other national campaigns to promote public acceptance of political aims. Not by telling lies, but rather by selecting

the truth that supports their purposes and then presenting it mixed up with some truths the audience wants to hear, either scoffing at or denying inconvenient truths. This propaganda enables them to persuade the duped public to loyally support their bogus aims. Identifying their aims is not difficult; they enrich the rich and make the poorer pay for it. For examples, go to the ALEC compilation of laws they peddle to every level of government: Google ALEC, American L e g islative E x c hange Council,on the Web. Read the description and criticism such as www .commoncause.org. Congressmen actually boast of their membership in ALEC because legislation arrives at their desks all prepared for passage and individual legislators don't have to do their own work. ALEC is only one of the many

groups funded by the super rich such as Koch brothers, Exxon Mobil and AT8 T. Their aim is clear and increasingly successful. Increases in wealth over thepast decade have benefited the top 10 percent (mainly the top I percent) and very little has accrued to the other 90 percent. The corporate assault on our constitutional government seeks to subvert electoral and judicial processes. Their "tweak-and-pass" directives for legislatures, at all levels, promote shrinking social programs that feed, house and provide care for our young, elderly, poor and other needy citizens. They want middle and lower economic groups to carry disproportionate tax burdens, preferring to think of themselves as "deserving" to keep profits they have garnered, mainly by shuffling paper assets, assets made

possible by those who actually produce goods and services. The tea party influence now dominating Republicans in the House of Representativesis a good example of the oligarchy's power. The U.S. found itself held hostage over a political fight about the Affordable Care Act. Who benefits from the law'? Not the rich, who have no need of insurance; it's the commoner 98 percent bearing heavy insurance obligations, or without care,many of whom are bankrupted by failing health and loss of insurance. Who has whipped voters into a frenzy offear and hate of HObamacare"'? Where does the disinformation originate, and where does the mega-financing come from? ALEC, and its many cohorts fueling the oligarch's thirst for power! — Billy Hardin livesin Terrebonne.




e icare a m ess ro out,too Stephen Mihm Bloomberg News.

here are rumblings that the glitches attending the rollout of the Affordable Care Actalong with the relentless campaign to sabotage or delay it in numerous states — mean the program is dead on arrival. But the history of an equally controversial and vast government effort, Medicare, indicates that predictions of Obamacare's demise aregreatly exaggerated. Medicare became law July 30, 1965, after a decades-long legislative struggleto create government-sponsored health care for all Americans 65 and older. Like the Affordable Care Act, Medicare required that people register for it. Then, as now, problems i m mediately s u r faced, threatening to imperil the program. For starters, few in the government seem to have realized that more than 45 percent ofthose born between 1890 and 1920 couldn't prove their age because they lacked birth certificates. While the government accepted other documentation such as military records or n aturalization records,some pretty unorthodox records ended up being used. The New York Timesreported that in one case, a man "bared his chest as a last resort. Tattooed there was the date of his enlistment in the Navy and the date of his birth." Another applicant dug up his mother's tombstone and carted into the local office, arguing that it constituted proof of his age.


This, too, was accepted. In the fall of 1965, millions started to enroll, no doubt aided by the reasonable ease of proving one's age. But ignorance of how the law actually worked became a serious problem by that time. More than 700,000 of those eligible for supplemental cover-

age refused to sign up in the opening months. Despite an elaborate publicrelations campaign featuring celebrities such as Jimmy Durante and Bob Hope, and a door-to-door effort by canvassers who sought out the elderly at home, many older people believed that signing up for Medicare meant they would cease receiving Social Security. Others thought they couldn't afford the $3 monthly premium, even though the law had provisions to assist low-income enrollees. As the date for Medicare's formal beginning approached, more serious problems cropped up. The most serious was a campaign by many doctors to boycott the program. In the months leading up to the final legislative debates, and after, the American Medical Association faced a revolt in its ranks over the issue, though it reluctantly endorsed cooperation. The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, organized to combat "socialized medicine," came out against the law, urging "nonparticipation." Most doctors didn't end up boycotting Medicare. The real threat came from elsewhere. Because Medicare involved federal aid to the states, par-

ticipating institutions had to comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which banned racial discrimination. Hospitals in the South, which segregated patients by race, initially refused to comply with the law. As conflicts between hospital administrators and the federal government intensified, the president of the Louisiana Hospital Association put the matter bluntly: "It's the requirement that Negroes and whites be permitted to share the same hospital room," he warned. "I don't know what the hospitals will do but I hear that some of them don't see how they can comply." Some hospitals didn't: when Medicare began on July 1, 1966, large swaths of the hospital system in the South remained segregated.Despite appeals by President Lyndon Johnson on television and radio, threefourths of the hospitals in Mississippi couldn't accept Medicare patients when the program went into effect. During the summer of 1966, more problems had piled up. Although predictions that hospitals would be overrun with elderly patients on July I proved unfounded, a key portion of the Medicare program — nursing home care — had yet to go into effect. Nor had the program weathered the more difficult winter months, when many elderly came down with infectious diseases. Predictions of doom soon filled the nation's papers, with eminent voices from both sides of the politi-

cal spectrum warning of the coming disaster. In the end, the nation's health care system weatheredthese crises,even as new ones materiali zed. Under Medicare, doctors could either bill participating i nsurance providers or patients, who would then need to submit receipts for reimbursement. In the first years of the program, the majority of doctors billed their patients. When these patients — many of them on fixed incomes, with little cushion of savings — submitted their bills, it took them an average of two months to receive reimbursement. Stories of much longer waits became commonplace in the media. Eventually, the government and the private insurers worked out most of the kinks, and by the late 1960s the system was working reasonably well. It was far from perfect. Fraudulent claims became agrowingproblem, as did increasingly burdensome paperwork for doctors. But in general, the program worked as planned, even if it was less efficient, more expensive and a bit more troubled than its most enthusiastic boosters predicted. Similarly, Obamacare is probably here to stay. But judging from the history of Medicare's missteps, the new health insurance program will spend much more time in intensive care than anyoneimagined. — StephenMihm, an associateprofessor of history at the University of Georgia, is a contributor to Bloomberg View's Ticker.

Even without Nobel, Malala matters By Fouad Ajami Bioomberg News

he picture on the front page of a recent New York Times was worth a thousand words. Young Pakistani girls, one of them clutching a notebook, were awaiting the news from Oslo. Their heroine, Malala Yousafzai, was in the running for the Nobel Peace Prize. They were to be disappointed. The Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons was given the honor. True to f o rm , t h e c o m mittee awarding the prize was back at it, supremely political in the picks it makes. There had been the anti-Bush awards — Jimmy Carter, Al Gore and Mohamed ElBaradei and the International Atomic Energy Agency he presided over. A nd in 2009 came the baffli ng choice of President Barack Obama. He hadn'teven had time to unpack his luggage at the White House; he hadn't brokered peace deals or ended wars. But the folks in Oslo were keen to make a splash. On the face of it, the choice of the chemical weapons watchdog seems perfectly benign. After all, the 2012 award had been given to the European Union. But the Nobel Committee has its sly ways. This year, the award went to an organization whose inspectors have been dispatched to Syria to find and destroy chemical


New York Times News Service file photo

weapons. As with Obama, the prize was given before the mission had borne fruit. There is no guarantee of success in Syria. What girls in the Muslim world thought and hoped for was of no concern to the selection committee, which knew what it was doing. But let us — in the fashion of The Tablet magazine, which, unimpressed with the selection of Alice Munro for the Nobel in literature, "gave" the award instead to Philip Roth — announce that Malala won. The news release would have been stirring. It would have celebrated the recipient's age — Malala is 16; the average age of the winners had been 62. It would have hailed the schoolgirl's courage and resilience. It was only a year ago that a would-be assassin boarded Malala's school bus in the Swat Valley in Pakistan and shot her point blank in the head. The shooter had asked for her by name. She had

given an amazing answer: "I am Malala." (This would become the title of her memoir.) Tranquil, wealthy Oslo would have done a world of good for modern Islam, because Malala had come to embody the cause of freedom for young Muslim girls. Upon reaching puberty, girls throughout the Muslim world enter into a kind of bondage. What freedom they knew is taken away. Theybecome temptresses, the enforcers of misogyny maintain, and social virtue demands their seclusion. As her biography has it, Malala, the daughter of an enlightened educator, ran afoul of the Taliban by speaking out in favor of the education of girls. At ll, she kept a diary for the BBC about her hopes and daily routine. She was articulate, and foreign reportersand dignitaries were drawn to her. The assailant who boarded her school bus had been dispatched to serve a warrant on the very idea of modernism. Malala would not be silenced. She was taken to a British military hospital in Birmingham and she recovered. Last July she turned up at the United Nations, delivering a speech with startling composure. "So here I stand, one girl among many," she said. By then, she knew she had become the standard-bearer in the fight against the afflictions that torment Islam. She didn't want to be herded into an early marriage; she

didn't want to be silenced. She sought the company of books and the joys of learning. There is something odd about the place of women in the Islamic world today. Things were a good deal better for them in the early and middle years of the last century. This repression, this phobia, has come with the rise to power of the Islamists — halfeducated men who take the faith literally and employ the techniques of modernity in their war against it. Malala's birthplace, Pakistan, was once freer than it is today. The first three decades of its national life (1947 to the late 1970s) were dominated by a secular culture. The nation's founder, Muhammad Ali Jinnah, had meant Pakistan to be a state for the Muslims but not an Islamic state — a crucial distinction. A stern soldier, Muhammad Zia-ul-Haq,seized power and imposed a stultifying mix of despotism and religious conformity. Malala matters. Onto her, untold millions can project their hopes for a dignified life within the faith. If Islamic modernity is to have a chance, Malala should be embraced by Muslims from Morocco to Indonesia. In her modesty and dignity, she should be Islam's beloved daughter, her journey a return to the early promise of Muslim modernism. — Fouad Ajami is a senior fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution and the author of "The Syrian Rebellion."

The U.S. food-aid program is in need of rescue By Charles Lane The Washington Post

eviewers are r aving about "Captain Phillips," the new film that tells the real-life story of an American cargo-ship captain taken hostage by Somali pirates. Having seen it, I can confirm that this flick's got everything: suspense, highseas adventure and brilliant acting by Tom Hanks. Critics also praise "Captain Phillips" for evoking the common humanity of both its American hero and the Somali authors of his ordeal. Theirs is a clash of vastly different individuals and cultures — brought into collision by global commerce and the tremendous inequalities of wealth and power that it creates. But if capitalism is at work in "Captain Phillips," it's a cronyistic version, not the free-market kind. Thanks to the exertions of powerful lobbies, U.S. laws protect shipping and agribusinessat the expense of both American taxpayers and the

world's hungry. Specifically, the largest U.S. food aid program must distribute only U.S.-produced commodities. And at least half of that food must travel on U.S.-flagged vessels. You don't need a degree in economics to understand who profits from these rules: the American farmers,food processors, maritime unions, ship-owning com-

panies and ports that enjoy a guaranteed flow of government business. USA Maritime, a lobbying coalition, estimated this spring that international food aid accounts for 44,000 jobs in 28 states. So it was that when pirates seized the 500-foot Maersk Alabama in April 2009, the ship — flying the Stars and Stripes, with Capt. Richard Phillips in charge of an American crew — was carrying, according to a spokesman, 8,000 metric tons of American-made vegetable oil, bulgur wheat, corn soya blend and dehydrated vegetables to the United Nations' World Food Programme in Mombasa, Kenya. Of course,the domestic rewards of international altruism have been invoked in favor of food aid since President Dwight Eisenhower said that global distribution of America's bounty would "lay the basis for a permanent expansion of our exports of agricultural products with lasting benefits to ourselves and peoples of other lands." The problem is that special-interest carve-outs result in programs that feed fewer people at greater cost than might otherwise be the case. The set-aside for U.S.-flagged vessels jacks up transportation costs. If there were no buy-American rule for the food commodities, the United Statescould purchase fromthe cheapest,most convenient source — pos-

sibly in Africa. Instead of dumping our bumper crops on their markets, Washington could provide an incentive for African farmers to invest and produce, improving selfsufficiency on that continent. Under current law, at least 15 percent of U.S. food aid (and, in practice, usually more) must be "monetized." This means that once a U.S.-flagged vessel gets the commodities to Africa, they are resold on local markets by nongovernmental organizations, which use the cash to fund development projects. "Monetization" makes about as much sense as mailing your temporarily broke pal a large parcel of food with instructions to sell it and spend the proceeds on job training. In 2011, the Government Accountability Office found that, over a three-year period, the program resulted in $219 million being spent on commodities and shipping that otherwise would have been available for development projects. For all these reasons, President Obama proposed a wide-ranging reform of U.S. food aid programs in his 2014 budget, which was unveiled in April with bipartisan support in the form of a strong endorsement from House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Ed Royce, R-Calif. The plan would have eliminated "monetization," permitted g reater purchases of locally grown commodi-

tiesand reduced the "preference" for

shipping on U.S.-flagged vessels. The idea was to help an additional 2 million to 4 million people, at about the same cost as the current programs. Alas, there is no Hollywood ending to this story. Reform legislation has been blocked by the farm and maritime lobbies and the lawmakers from rural and coastal states who do their

bidding. Supporters of the status quo certainly can't win the policy arguments. U.S. agriculture's case against reform is especially weak; that heavily subsidized sector is booming, thanks in large part to commercial exports. The maritime industry says that the cargopreference forU.S.-fl agged vesselspreserves a merchant marine fleet for use in a military crisis. But the Defense Department does not consider most of the relevant ships militarily useful. The Pentagon's top logistics official, Frank Kendall, has said that the proposed reforms "will not impact U.S. maritime readiness and national security." See "Captain Phillips." Thrill to the action; ponder its message. And consider the wasteful folly of U.S. foodaid policy, without which this gutsy seafarer and his men might not have been plying the dangerous waters off East Africa. — Charles Lane is a member of The Washington Post's editorial board.


Sorry, kids, we spent

it already ventually the two parties will make another stab at a deal on taxes, investments and entitlements. But there's one outcome from such negotiations that I can absolutely guarantee: Seniors, Wall Street and unions will all have their say and their interests protected. So the most likely result will be more tinkering around the edges, as our politicians run for the hills the minute someone accuses them of "fixing the deficit on the backs of the elderly" or creating "death panels" to sensibly allocate end-of-life health care. Could this time be different? Short of an economic meltdown, there is only one thing that might produce meaningful change: a mass movement for tax, spending and entitlement reform led by the cohort that is the least organized but will be the most affected if we don't think long term — today's


young people. W hether they realize it o r n o t, they're the ones who will really get hit by all the cans we're kicking down the road. After we baby boomers get done retiring — at a rate of 7,000 to 11,000 a day — if current taxes and e ntitlement promises are not r e formed, the cupboard will be largely bare for today'sFacebook generation.

Too bad young people aren't paying attention. Or are they? Wait! Who i s t hat speaking to crowds of students at Berkeley, Stanford, Brown, USC, Bowdoin, Notre Dame and NYU — urging these "future seniors" to start a movement to protect their interests? That's Stan Druckenmiller, the legendary investor who made a fortune predicting the subprime bust, often accompanied by Geoffrey Canada, the president of the Harlem Children's Zone, of which Druckenmiller is the biggest funder. What are they doing on a Mick Jagger-like college tour where they don't sing, don't dance, and just go through a set of charts showing young people how badly they'll be hammered if our currenttaxes, growth rates,defense spending and entitlements stay where they are? "My generation — w e b r ought down the president in the '60s because we didn't want to go into the war against Vietnam," Druckenmiller told an overflow crowd at Notre Dame last week. "People say young people don't vote; young people don't care. I'm hoping after tonight, you will care. There is a clear danger to you and your children." With graph after graph, they show how government spending, investments, entitlements and poverty alleviation have overwhelmingly benefited the elderly since the 1960s and how the situation will only get worse as our over-65 population soars 100 percent between now a n d 2 0 50, while the working population that will have to support them — ages 18 to 64 — will grow by 17 percent. This imbalance will lead to a huge burden on the young and, without greater growth, necessitate cutting the very government investments in i n f r astructure, Head Start, and medical and technology research that help the poorest and also create the jobs of the future. Druckenmiller is not looking to get his taxes cut. He considers Social Security and Medicare great achievements for how they've reduced poverty among the elderly. He and Canada are simply convinced that only a Vietnam-war-scale movement by the young can break through the web of special interests to force politicians to put in place the reforms that would actually secure both today's seniors and future seniors, today's middle class and the wanna-be middle class. At the Harlem Children's Zone, explains Canada, "we have made a promise to all of our children: You play by the rules, do well in school, avoid drugs, gangs, crime and teenage pregnancy, and we will get you into college and on your way down the path of the middle class" and toward a future of financial security. But, he adds, "the current spendingon my generation — I'm 61 — if it continues unabated, will erase any chance my children will have the safety net of social, education and health services they will need. It seems deeply offensive to me that we will be asking these poor children from Harlem to subsidize a generation that is, by and large, more well-off than they are, and then leave them deeply indebted in an America that had eaten the seed corn of the next generation." — Thomas Friedman is a columnist for The New York Times.

F4 © www.bendbulletin.com/books


A survivor who refuses to remain a victim


Riveting true story of U.S. nuclearmistakes

' e, Qgg lKR

"Command and Control:

planes, crashed B-52 bomb-

Nuclear Weapons, the Damas- ers containing nuclear weapcus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety" by Eric Schlosser (Penguin,

"The Edge of Normal"

632 pgs., $36)

by Carla Norton (Minotaur, 320pgs., $25.99)

onry, failed to extinguish fires that roared through aircraft and storage rooms containing thermonuclear devices, and allowed warheads to go

By Tod Robberson

missing and wind up being

By Oline H. Cogdill

The Dallas Morning News

Sun Sentinel (Florida)

One of my earliest kindergarten memories from 1963 was the nuclear-bomb drill at McMeen Elementary in Denver. With an awful alarm blaring, the teacher would herd us into the cloakroom, where we crouched with heads tucked between knees. Bad people called Soviets wanted to blow us to bits with atomic bombs. But the drill always confused me: What was the special power of knees and coats that protected you from a nuclear attack? Well, that's what grownups did back then to make us feel safe. What nobody knew, however, was that America's own nuclear weaponry posed a far greater danger to us than Soviet bombs. Eric Schlosser's "Command and Control" is a sobering and frightening yet fascinating account of the unbelievable peril posed by repeatedly m ishandled American nuclear weapons. Schlosser documents in shocking detail hundreds of occasions when U.S. military personnel accidentally pulled levers and dropped n uclear bombs out of a i r-

shipped erroneously and undetected, to a foreign country. Because bored Air Force crewmen hadabused orfailed to maintain loading equipment, they managed to drop tactical nuclear missiles onto concrete — not once but twice — at Barksdale Air Force Base outside Shreveport. Schlosser obtained an official list of accidents and incidents involving nuclear weapons from 1957 to 1967 that ran 245 pages and documented hundreds of j a w -dropping cases in which warheads fell, flew, toppled or tumbled onto hard surfaces or got dropped to the bottom of the ocean. These incidents happened with astonishing regularity, sometimes several times in a single month. He uses one case to illustrate the military command's unpreparedness for nuclear accidents and disasters: the Sept. 19, 1980, explosion of a Titan II missile inside a silo near Damascus, Ark. "Command and Control" is nonfiction that reads like an edge-of-your-seat thriller. "Command and Control" is Pulitzer-quality work.

Carla Norton's enthralling "The Edge of Normal," about a young woman rebuilding her life after be-

ing held by a kidnapper for years,offers more than a ripped-from-the- headlines pastiche. This fiction debut delivers an emotional story of a woman fighting to r egain her sense of self, to reach, at least, an edge of normal w i t hout f a l l ing. Reeve LeClaire, who was kidnaped when she was 12 and held for four years, doesn't want people to see her only as a victim but as a survivor. Now 22 and living on her own in San Francisco, Reeve forces herself to deal with traumatic stress that will always linger because ofher ordeal. She maintains a precise routine and sessions with a compassionate therapist who is an authority on "captivity syndrome." Reeve also has become a self-educated expert on longtime captivity, having read everyarticle an d study published so she can better understand herself. She is willing to put her emotional well-being at risk when her therapist asks her help in treating Tilly Cavanaugh, a 13-year-old found a year after being kidnapping.Reeve may be able to help Tilly because of their shared experiences. While Reeve's captor was caught, Tilly's kidnapper is still a threat. Norton expertly guides "The Edge o f N o r m al" through myriad surprises and suspense-laden twists. Norton has been down this road before. In 1988, she co-wrote the true-crime book"Perfect Victim" about Colleen Stan, a young hitchhiker who was picked up in California by a couple who kept her captive as a sex slave for seven years. "The Edge of Normal" continues Norton's compassionate view of victims.

BEST-SELLERS Publishers Weekly ranks the bestsellers for weekending Oct. 13. Hardcover fiction

1. "Doctor Sleep" by StephenKing (scribner) 2."TheLongestRide"by Nicholas Sparks (GrandCentral) 3."Storm Front" by John Sandford (Putnam) 4."Gone"byPatterson/Ledwidge. (Little, Brown) 5. Starry Night. Debbie Macomber Ballafftiffe ($18) 6. "Doing Hard Time" byStuart woods (Putnamj 7. "The Signature of All Things" by Elizabeth Gilbert (Viking) 8. "The Circle" by DaveEggers (Knopf) 9. "Never GoBack" by LeeChild (Delacorte) 10. "W Is for Wasted" by Sue Grafton (Putnam) Hardcover nonfiction

1. "Killing Jesus" by O'Reillyl Dugard (Henry Holt) 2. "David and Goliath" by Malcolm Gladwell (Little, Brown) 3."My Story" by Elizabeth Smart (st. Martin's) 4. "1Am Malala" by Malala Yousafzai (Little, Brown) 5. "Si-Cology1" by Si Robertson (Howard Books) 6. "The Reason Jump" I by Naoki Higashida (RandomHouse) 7. "Break Ottt!" by Joel Osteen (FaithWords) 8."Eatto LiveCookbook"by Joel Fuhrmaff (HarPer0ne) 9. "Guinness World Records 2014" by Guinness World Records (Guinness World Records) 10. "Dog Songs" by Mary Oliver (Pengtfin Press) — McClatchy-TribuneNewsService

David Bohrer/The White House file photo

Former Vice President Dick Cheney, pictured with National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice, disclosed in his new book that as he was managing the response to the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, his doctors had just told him he was at risk of a heart attack.

Cheney recalls his rush with eath in vivi etail

By Peter Baker and Julie Bosman received indications that he awaited the Florida recount; was in serious risk of a heart he checked into the hospital WASHINGTON — Former attack. under the pseudonym Red Vice President Dick Cheney A blood test that morning Adair. was so close to death in 2010 had showed Cheney with a Cheney says his survival "potentially lethal" level of po- was possible only b ecause that he said farewell to his family members and instruct- tassium that suggested hyper- of medical innovation: "The ed them to have his body cre- kalemia, which could trigger health care system that promated and the ashes returned cardiac arrest that even the duced such rapid development to Wyoming, he writes in a defibrillator in his chest would and has driven the dramatic new book on his long battle not stop. reduction in the incidence of with heart disease. As Cheney left the White death from heart disease over Cheney ultimately survived House by helicopter that night the past 40 years is a national the emergency surgery that for an undisclosed location, treasure and deserves to be night and went on to have a later revealed to b e C a mp preserved and protected." heart transplant at age 71 that David, a doctor handed him a has left him re-energized five note asking to take more blood years after leaving office. But to confirm the result. Cheney for the first time, he describes put him off until the morna four-decade medical strug- ing, when the new test came gle that he kept generally priback with a healthier potasvate in vivid personal detail. sium reading. The d octors "If this is dying, I remember concluded that the Sept. 11 test thinking, it's not all that bad," was so high because of the deCheney writes in "Heart: An lay in processing it caused by American Medical Odyssey," the evacuation of the White to be published Tuesday. His House. kidneys were starting to fail, Cheney has struggled with and doctors were rushing him coronary disease since 1978, to emergency surgery to im- when as a 37-year-old congresplant a device in his chest. "I sional candidate in Wyoming believed I was approaching the he had the first of five heart atend of my days, but that didn't tacks. He quit smoking but, he Attend one of our free seminars to learn about frighten me," he recalls. "I was writes, viewed it "as a one-off pain free and at peace, and I event" and "was in denial to Medicare Advantage Plans starting as low as $25. had led a remarkable life." some extent." Then he had two He was so convinced of it more heart attacks while in that he gave his final wishes Congress, in 1984 and 1988. Bend to his wife, Lynne, and daughThere were other episodes Monday, October28, 2:30pm t ers, Liz an d M a r y . "They as well. One day in 1987, he felt weren't eager to discuss it," bad and headed to the Capitol Hilton Garden Inn, 425 SW Bluff Drive he writes. "For them, talking physician's office when he colabout it made an already diflapsed in front of a Capitol poficult situation even worse. But lice officer's desk. 541-241-6926 "Member down!" the officer I needed them to know. And I needed to say goodbye." called out as Cheney lay unwww.Medicare.PacificSource.com T he ne w b o o k , w h i c h conscious,his shirtopened, on MedicareRSVPOPacificSource.com p Cheney wrote with his car- the marble floors and fellow 800-735-2900 (TTY) diologist, Jonathan R einer, House members kept walking Medicare represents a rare glimpse into by. the personal side of a former He recalls watching the elFor accommodation of persons with special needs at sales meetings call 541-241-6926 or vice president better known der George Bush deliverhis " read my l i p s " 711 TTY. PacificSource Community Health Plans, Inc. is an HMO/PPO plan with a Medicare for his tough-minded views of convention national security and his stoic speech in 1988 from a hospital contract. Enrollment inPacificSourceMedicare dependsoncontract renewal. A salespersonwill be demeanor. Never an emotive bed as a nurse shaved off his present with information and applications. You must continue to pay your Medicare Part B figure, Cheney has long been body hair for bypass surgery. premium. Limitations, copays and restrictions may apply. Premium maychange on January1 reticent to talk in much depth He sufferedhis fourth heart of each year. about the five heart attacks attack i n N o v ember 20 0 0 and multiple surgeries he has as he and George W. Bush Y0021 MRK2149 endured. But with his political career behind him an d th e t r ansplant asuccess, he decided to open up in a way he never had before. Cheney and Reiner will appear on "60 Minutes" C ENT RA L O R E G O N ' 5 PR E M I E R LITERARY E V E N T on CBS today to discuss his health travails with Sanjay Gupta, and he will give interviews to NBC's "Today" show and the "Dr. Oz Show." He also has agreed to partic2013 Literary Festival Guest Authors ipate in an event at the Smithsonian Institution on Nov. 14 LAWSON INADA with Reiner and the historian PQETRY; OREGON POET LAUREATE 2006-2010 Michael Beschloss. KAREN FINNEYFROCK The book, p ublished by SLAM POETRY AND YOUNG ADULT FICTION Scribner, will not be officially JAMES PROSEK released until Tuesday, but a CREATIVE NONFICTION copy was obtained in advance by The New York Times. JIM LYNCH FICTION Written with the help of Liz Cheney, now a candidate for ELLEN WATERSTON Senate in Wyoming, it goes far POETRY beyond his 2011 memoir, "In EMILY CARR My Time," in chronicling his POETRY life of health difficulties. Among other things, the Tickets & Info: www.thenatureofwords.org book discloses that on Sept. 11, 2001, as Cheney, in President The 2013 Literary Festival is supported by many generous sponsors including George W. Bush's absence, was effectively managing the response to the terrorist atTHE I DANA AND GERALD tacks on New York and WashCoLLINS Serving Central Oregon since 1903 M J MurdOCk ART W ORKS. BARRON ington from the White House rDUfvt)ATIDH ofs gov Chantabte Trust bunker, his doctors had just New Yorh Times News Service


the NatureofWords NOV. 7-10, 2013

The Bulletin


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n ex e 's an an's Is 0 e musica "Anything Goes: A History of

examining t h e Br o a dway musical decade by d ecade, reviews this familiar ground with a lighter touch than that of L a rr y S t e mpel, w h ose "Showtime: A History of the Broadway Musical Theater"

American Musical Theatre" by Ethan Mordden (Oxford,

346 pgs. $29.95) By Charles McNulty Los Angeles Times

If you were to sum up the history of the American musical, the tale would go something like this: Over time, patchwork e n tertainments featuring l o osely s t r u ng t ogether m u s ical nu m bers became integratedby book writers. A golden age gleamed during the postwar boom, when popular radio and Broadway were still in sync. The invasion of the Beatles would change all that, but the whole glorious enterprise would really come undone by a decadent commercialism, leaving Broadway at the turn of the millennium awash in jukebox nostalgia and theme park kitsch. T he historical r ecord i s , o f course, i n f initely m o r e various, as Ethan Mordden never lets us forget in his latest chronicle of the American musical, "Anything Goes: A History of American Musical Theatre." For every pattern that can be discerned, there's an unf orgettable exception. T h i s makes the history inherently c hallenging t o w r i t e , a n d Mordden, an extraordinarily knowledgeable guide, can't help disrupting categories the moment he establishes them. His book is divided into four eras: The first concentrates on the European prehistory, the second on the American pond out of which Jerome Kern crawled, the third on the glory days that stretched from Oscar Hammerstein to Stephen Sondheim, and t h e f o u r th on the deliquescence and decline that are our unenviable inheritance.

offersa more rigorously synthesized history. It's the work of an expert who is also an unabashed fan, an inveterate theatergoer who can deconstruct a score and

reel off sparkling backstage s\ V" wP

anecdotes all in the same para-

graph. (The book includes a strikingly candid discography that brings out both sides of Mordden's character)

gressive in an y c o ntinuous Magnificent almanac sense, for if they were, how One section stands out: The would you explain Andrew chapter titled "The Rodgers Lloyd Webber, pop opera's and Hammerstein Handbook" vintage sentimentalist, sucm agnificently d i stills w h a t ceeding Sondheim,who made made this composer-lyricist/ his name perfecting the radi- book-writer team so groundcal experiment taken up by breaking — chiefly, the central Rodgers & Hammerstein in importance they placed on "Allegro"? "character traction" in the score and the way they proved to evCorrecting myths eryone that the musical could "Anything Goes" corrects pursue tragic or "romantically many false assumptions, ininconclusive" stories without cluding the notion that t he sacrifi cing broad audience American musical is a purely appeal. homegrown invention. It's true There's a Sondheim handthat this category discovered its book as well, but it's a bit of a potential in the polyglot churn ruse, focused mostly on dispelof New York's immigrant com- ling the false notions that have munities. But the operettas of accumulated around his work, the British duo Gilbert 8 Sul- humorously encapsulated in a livan and the Continental ofsingle sentence: "If Sondheim ferings of Jacques Offenbach had written 'Oklahoma!', the were formatively influential. farmer and the cowman would The Irish-born, German- still be fighting." "Anything Goes" reads too raised American composer Victor Herbert, a figure usu- much like an almanac in its fially given cursory treatment, nal chapters.Mordden singles is credited here with being the out shows hebelieves are sigD.W. Griffith of the American nificant for advancing a develmusical. In addition to his role opment in the musical's history as "grammarian, innovator or enshrining a trend. But the and debate-club coach," he inventory begins to crowd out is said to have "reshaped the insight. very structure of the AmeriMordden's ardor sometimes can song, shortening the verse dulls his critical faculties. He This chronology suggests an and lengthening the chorus till thinks "Titanic" got a bad rap orderly evolutionary march, his heirs, from Irving Berlin from critics who wanted to but Mordden's title indicates and Jerome Kern to Rodgers make sinking ship jokes and his awareness that musicals and Hart and the Gershwins, heaps undue praise on "Wicked" for its dramatic substance exist to please a fickle audi- had a more dramatically proand "melodious" score. But ocence,and no matter how much tean format to work with." artists may wish to push the Naturally, it's those latter casionaloverzealousness is a envelope creatively, staying names that will cause musical pardonable offense from an open for business is a show's aficionados to prick up their author who never runs out of primary concern. ears. Mordden, who has alinteresting things to say about The arts clearly aren't pro- ready writtena seriesofbooks his lifelong passion.


Hero, villain reflect eachother • 'TheDouble' is a crimenovel that delves into acomplexworld andstoryline

"He would have killed me." This too is what Pelecanos has in mind with his title, the idea that Spero and Billy are doubles,cut from the same "The Double" on thestreets," he observes of elusive cloth. by GeorgePelecanos (Litone up-and-coming neighborWhen, late in t h e n ovel, tle,Brown, 292 pgs., $26) hood, "and new coffee shops, they confront e ach o t h er, bars, restaurants, and condos Billy makes it explicit: "You By David L. Ulin opening on the Avenue. Lucas are me, fella. You're as close Los Angeles Times couldn't decide if the changes to me asI' ve come across in a It's tough to be a writer were positive. Maybe it was long while." And yet that's not of crime fiction. Not be- just a cultural and economic true, not exactly, for if Spero cause of the genre but be- evolution. Neither good nor is remorseless, he is not withcause of the expectations: bad, j u s t different." out conscience,which leaves a book a y e ar, Here, we see Spe- him to question his own vioro's personality, en- lent tendencies, his willingpreferably part of a series, the gaged but also dis- ness to do anything and, on a same c h aracter tant, as if h e w ere larger scale, the kind of pero ver a n d o v e r standing half a step son he has (or wants to have) 1 again. back from the world. become. I It's a lot for a crime novel This is why, say, This may or may not — any novel — to get into, but Walter Mosley and be fallout from his Michael Connelly military service as Pelecanos pulls it off because have branched out; a psychiatric thera- he understands that story is Mosley set a side pist at Walter Reed just a frame. More important, h is h e r o , Ea s y Medical Centertells where we find connection, is Rawlins, for six years be- him, "You seem disturbed." the inner life of the characfore bringing him back in What that means, for both ters, their struggles and their 2013. Spero and the people around failings, their small solaces T he same i s t r u e o f him, becomes increasingly and their mistakes. G eorge P elecanos, t h e complicated as he is drawn For Pelecanos, we are all Washington-based au- into a strangely brutal game just people, desperate to find thor of the "D.C. Quartet" of cat-and-mouse with a so- a way through the murk of and a dozen other novels, ciopath whose amorality re- e xistence, investigator an d who has written about a flects his own in many ways. criminal, perpetrator and vicvariety of d e tectives as That, of course, becomes tim, two sides of an irreconwell as for television ("The the heart of th e novel, the cilable coin. Wire," "Treme"). Peleca- interplay between Spero and By rendering his characnos is a restless talent, but Billy King, who has stolen a ters equally self-aware and his books share a goal in painting called "The Double" damaged, he affirms somecommon, which is to of(hence, the name of the book) thing about them while also fer "a good story told with f rom a w o man w h o h i r e s making us complicit in their clean, efficient writing, a Spero to get it back. What he acts. What does it mean if we plot involving a problem discovers in the process are sympathize with Billy, even to be solved or surmount- some difficult truths. Like Bil- as we know that what he does ed, and everyday charly, Spero does not shy away is wrong? acters the r eader could f rom violence, even to t h e Only that, like Spero, he is relate to." This too is part point of killing if he deems it tangled, empty: a dangerous of the challenge, and the necessary; at the end of one man, yes, but also a broken strength, of his writinggun battle he reflects, with one, as trapped by his behavthat he does all that while no emotion, of his antagonist: ior as any one of us.




also managing to give us more. Pelecanos' new n ovel, "The Double," is a c a se in point, his second book about Spero Lucas, a former Marine turned legal investigator wh o m o o nlights by taking cases for himself. In s ome sense, Spero is a detective in the classic mold, an outsider with a code of honor that doesn't always jibe with the law. At the same time, he's a very contemporary protagonist, an Iraq War veteran and D.C. lifer concerned that his gentrifying city is losing its soul. "There w e r e wh i t es, blacks, and Hispanics now


'LighthouseIsland' projects ableak future "Lighthouse Island" by Paulette Jiles (William Morrow, 392 pgs., $26.99) By Liz Cook The Kansas City Star

Paulette Jiles' dystopic new novel, "Lighthouse I sland," projects a future that may hit a little close to home for farmers and those dependent on their work: a Midwest racked by ceaseless drought. Jiles grew up in Salem, Mo., and that background seems to have influenced the landscape both here and in her first novel, "Enemy Women," a Civil War-era chronicle of an Ozarks family. But "Lighthouse Island" tills new literary ground for the author, whose three previous novels delivered meticulouslyresearched elegies to the places of the past. Her latest stretches that timeline far into a future deliberately unmoored from time and place. Characters allude to the "Urban Wars," a mysterious conflict thatforced cartographers to destroy old maps and historians to stop numbering the years as they passed. Much of the novel takes placein "Gerrymander Eight," a massive urban district stretching from the former Kansas City to Detroit. References to the Missouri River and Blue Springs Lake abound, though both are nothing more than cracked, parched beds in Jiles' desolate future world. Fans of dystopian literature will recognize some of its classical tropes here: televised executions; a resourceful, silvertongued heroine on the run; an elite ruling class that swims in pristine pools while the poor subsist on a pint of cloudy watera day.There'sthe promise of a distant sanctuary untouched by war and drought as well: Lighthouse Island, a coastal Pacific colony lionized in anes-

thetictelevision commercials as a place of peace and plenty. Lighthouse Island becomes protagonist N adia S t epan's Moscow, the faint hope at the backbone of her quest. Like Margaret Atwood's Offred (in "The Handmaid's Tale"), Nadia is a shrewd observer and chronicler of the broken world around her. Like Suzanne Collins' Kat-

ing prose. When Nadia ven- bureaucracies. • I tures outside of urban territory, Serious lawbreakers are sent the language takes on a harsh, to the "dryers," traveling execuhaunting beauty:"The mountion chambers that dehydrate tains rose straight up all around already-parched occupants into them in a still and silent wrath, so much human jerky. hackled with dead fern." Thoughpost-modern authors One of dystopian literature's have attempted to dismantle basic functions is to r eflect romantic notions of narrative, • • s • • • currenttrends in a fun house "Lighthouse Island" makes a mirror, distorting recognizable bewitching case for their presniss ("The Hunger Games"), she shapes into grotesqueries. In ervation.In a parched, austere proves unflaggingly brave and Jiles' novel, tyrants wield pow- world, stories are all we have to skillful under fire. er in the form of weaponized sate us. Nadia's weapons, however, are those of charm and deceit. She eludes capture through quick wit and confidence, seamlessly transitioning between invented aliases and identities as she What we do now i nches closer to h er destination. determines the future. Perhaps because of those fluctuations, the novel suffers from an occasionally unUnited Way is here for families who need us steady psychic distance. We feel securelyentrenched in Nadia's because you're here for United Way. perspective in one moment only to shrink to an arm's-length omniscience in the next, graspBy giving today we CAN change tomorrow. ing a single thought from a new character's point of view before Right here. Right now. Right where we live. darting back to Nadia again. The effect is disorienting, but LIVE UNITED that's only a minor concern for a Each of us has the ability, novel driven more by landscape and language than character. the compassion,and the courage Jiles' lyrical prose hangs as a weighted contrast to the scarcito do something amazing ty of the drought, and her lush, for our neighbors. drunken images seem particularly attuned to visual detail. Inside the Ritz Carlton, the "pool water glistened like a We invite you to be a part of the change. lipid, the reflections from the television shone and ran and drowned Outside, printer tonEverybusiness can make a BIG diff erence. er drips from electronic waste heaps into elaborate marble SPONSOR A WORKPLACE CAMPAIGN. swirls, and mountain peaks Combine your gift with that of others loom like "white lamps in the and help over 30 local programs and nearly 70,000 area residents. moving, queasy clouds." Jiles knows when to exercise United Way restraint, and she punctuates We make it easy to give! Learn more by calling United Way at (gzp) 389-6507. of Deschutes County looser,more lyricalpassages Flhd US.FOllOW US. Llk8 US. @llVeUhlt8dCO PO bOX 5969 Bend, OR 97708 with stark images and arrest•



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SAT Continued from F1 After spending a few moments reading a prompt similar to that one, test takers have 25 minutes in which to draft a submission that will be scored on a 1-to-6 scale. (No scratch paper is provided for outlin-

'Big S Wedding' is almost romantic



r i

"Big Sky Wedding" by Linda Lael Miller


(HQN, 384 pgs., $7.99)

ing or essay planning.) Most students choose to write what is referred to as "the standard five-paragraph essay": introductory a n d c o n clud-

McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Linda Lael Miller's "Big Sky" series definitely follows a pattern. Some readers will be happy about this. Some will be annoyed. Some will

three paragraphs of support in between. Each essay is later independently graded by two readers in a manner that harkens to the famous "I Love Lucy" scene wherein Lucy and Ethel attempt to wrap chocolate candies traveling on an unrelenting conveyer belt.

be happy and annoyed. Miller once again uses a "mega star" as one of her protagonists. This time it's Zane, a rodeo champ turned "accidental" movie star. The heroine is Brylee, the woman left just short of the altar (literally) by Hutch in one of the early books in the series ("Big Sky Mountain"). Too much of t hi s b ook is spent inside Zane and Brylee's heads, and too little time is spent with the two of them together.

New York Times News Service file photo

Graders in Parsippany, N.J., score essays written by students who took the SAT II writing test in 2003. Essays have since been incorporated into the standard SAT test. Test graders have about two to three minutes to read and score an essay on a 1-to-6 scale.

Anne Ruggles Gere, a professor at th e U n iversity of Michigan, serves as director of the Sweetland Center for Writ- "In our placement ing, which oversees first-year tests, you see this writing at the university. She speaks with SAT essay-grad- all the time, where ers often. "What they tell me people continue the is that they go through a very B.S., because they regimented scoring process, just assume that's and the goal of that process what works. I think is to produce so many units of work in a very short period of the SAT essay creates time," she says. "So if they take more than about three minutes damage, that it's to read and score these essays, harmful." they are eliminated from the — Les Perelman, former job of scoring." According to Perelman, especiallyspeedy director of MIT's Writing Across the Curriculum program graders are rewarded for their efforts. "They expect readers to read a minimum of 20 essays an hour," he says. "But teachers. He says throwing readers get a bonus if they around "big words" in an atread 30 essays an hour, which tempt to influence essay readis two minutes per essay." ers is an unnecessarily risky Gere and Perelman aren't endeavor. He insists that the the only ones who know about scoring model is a holistic one the demands placed upon SAT that focuses on the overall imessay graders. Many students pression of one's writing skills. d o, too. Those with a f i r m "The point is to demonstrate grasp ofwhat time-pressured that you have command of the e ssay-readers c a r e ab o u t language, that you are able, in — and, to be sure, what things a pressure environment, to sit they don't care about — can down and formulate coherent increase their chances at a and persuasive thoughts," he high score by resorting to all says. Students need to include sorts ofapproaches that are, certain components, he notes. shall we say, less than ideal. "But that's not a trick. That's For starters, facts don't just not a g i mmick. That's just take a back seat when it comes good education." to describing personal experiW hether v e r ifiably t r u e ences on the SAT essay; they facts, or an argument that supdon't matter in general. ports a position one actually "There's really no concern believes in, are among those about factual accuracy," says necessary components is unGere. "In fact, the makers of clear. What if, for instance, a the SAT have indicated that in student comes across an essay scoring it really doesn't matter prompt that she has a strong if you say that the War of 1812 opinion about, but can think occurred in 1817. The complete of better arguments for the lack of attention to any kind of opposing position'? "The posiaccuracy of information con- tive side to writing what you veys a very strange notion of believe is that you are more what good writing might be." likely to be enthusiastic and That's one way of putting passionate," Gruenwald says. it. Perelman, who has trained "The ideas may come more SAT takers on approaches for smoothly. You may be able to achieving the highest possible make a very compelling arguessay score, has another. ment. But if you find that there "What they ar e a c tually is the side you agree with, but testing," he says, "is the abil- then there is the side that you ity to (B.S.) on demand. There can come up with a list of realis no other writing situation in ly good points for, take the side the world where people have that you can come up with the to write on a topic that they've list of really good points for. never thought about, on de- That's just good demonstramand, in 2 5 m i nutes. Lots tion. Because what you are tryof times we have to write on ing to do is demonstrate that demand very quickly, but it's you have the writing compeabout things we've thought tency to succeed at the college about. What they are really level. That's not really depenm easuring is th e ability t o dent upon your opinion of the spew forth as many words subject." And, he admits, "It's as possible in as short a time not even related to your grasp as possible. It seems like it is of the facts, necessarily." training students to become Trickle-down problems politicians." Graders don't have time to For university e d ucators look up facts, or to check if an like Perelman and Gere, such especially uncommon word r ealities become part o f a actually exists, or p e rhaps trickle-down-type p r o blem. even to do anything more than Because of the great imporskim an essay before making a tance students, parents, and grading determination. Score- college admissions officers savvy essaywriters can figure place on the SAT — as well as out what might catch the eye the large sums of money that of a skimmer. many families spend on out"I tell students to always side test prep — high school use quotations, because the writing instructors are placed exam readers l ove q u ota- in a bind. "Teachers are untions," Perelman says. "One of der a huge amount of presthe other parts of the formula sure from parents to teach to is use big words. Never use the test and to get their kids many, always use myriad or high scores," Perelman says. plethora. Never say bad, al- They sometimes have to make ways use egregious." a choice, he adds, between teaching w r i t in g m e t hods 'Not a gimmick' that are rewarded by SAT esOf course, according the say-readers — thereby sendCollege Board website that ing worse writers out into the millions of students have used world — or training pupils to to prepareforthe exam, "there write well generally, at the risk are no shortcuts to success on of parent complaints about the SAT essay." And the coun- their kids not being sufficienttry's largest test prep com- ly prepared for the SAT. "And pany, Kaplan, does not teach

sometimes when they get that pushback, that means they don't get a promotion, or get a lower raise. So it actually costs them to be principled. You're putting in negative incentives to be good teachers." G ere saysthe end resultof that dynamic shows up when students arrive at college. "I think it's a very large problem, one that I'm concerned about, and one that we deal with a lot here," she adds. "What happens is in first-year writing, the typical pattern is that students come in pretty well equipped to writethe five-paragraph essay, and much of first-year writing is a process of undoing that."

College professors, according to Gere, expect their students to be able to demonstrate evidence-based argument in their writing. This i nvolves reading and synthesizing materials that offer multiple perspectives, and writing something that shows students are able to navigate through conflicting positions to come up with anuanced argument. For those trained in the five-paragraph, non-fact-based writing style that is rewarded on the SAT, shifting gears can be extremely challenging."The SAT does studentsno favors," Gere says, "because it gives them a diminished view of what writing is by treating it as something that can be done once, quickly, and that it doesn't require any basis in fact." The result: lots of B.S. "In our placement tests, you see this all the time, where people continue the B.S., because they just assume that's what works," says Perelman. "I think the SAT essay creates damage, that it's harmful."

the SAT essay may be less about using a model that better lends itself to more valid assessments of students' writing skills, or turning out better writers, and more about saving money and time byeventually replacing human essay graders with machines. "It seems to me pretty clear that's where the SAT is headed,"Gere says. "So itgoesfrom bad to worse, actually." And although other standardized tests — such as the LSAT and certain Advanced Placement exams — include essay components that differ from the SAT in terms of what skills are being tested and how writing submissions are scored, those alternative methods are not without their critics. So there would appear to be no standardized-test-essay panacea. Kaplan's Gruenwald notes that there have been rumblings about making the SAT essay optional. And some, he

ling young boy, another dog and a f e isty h ousekeeper — sound familiar at all'?) and the promise of a pivotal moment that will cement Brylee and Zane's bliss compel readers tokeep turning the pages. Unfortunately, the last one

barely happens.

i.iiilit fOI'llm

Itlei'V SllnliaVil Tita II|eiiii ur weekly rtationa ycfUr ocl erttertainment, fo Iifestyle rrtagazine • • s

says, have suggested doing away with it altogether. Perelman would have no problem with that option. He notes that there's one thing he tells every student working to a chieve a high score on the SAT essay. "Use this approach on the exam," he says, "but never write like this again."


( s •



Changes in store? College Board P r esident David Coleman just m i ght agree.In September, Coleman seemed toconcede that something is amiss with the essay. He raised the possibility of an essay revamp as part of a 2015 SAT overhaul that would focus the writing exercise more on students' ability to critically analyze a piece of text and craft an essay that draws on the information provided. That sort of change may seem like a g ood place to start. (Would it be too much to ask for some scratch paper, too?) But Gere says we should watch what we wish for with respect to changes to the essay format. She notes that as rushed and crazy-seeming as the SAT essay-scoring process is, the fact that real-live humans are reading and grading the essays is a positive. Computerizedscoring isnow used to grade writing submitted as part of the GMAT and TOEFL exams, among others. And that method of essay-scoring has come under fire from the National Council of Teachers of English and others for an array of alleged deficiencies — including an overemphasis on word lengths and other measurables,inaccurate error recognition, and a failure to reward creativity. An SAT essay based on a longer passage with more detail and a constrained set of acceptable response options would likely result in written works that are much more amenable to machine scoring than the current essays. The forthcoming attempt to "fix"

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such approaches. (Disclosure: Kaplan is owned by the soonto-be-renamed W a s hington Post Company, which al so owns Slate.) K aplan's director of S A T and ACT p r ograms, Colin Gruenwald, tutors students, helpswritethe company's curriculum, and trains Kaplan

see that couple enmeshed in their "happily-ever-after." In fact,there could be more romance between Walker and Casey in this book, than between Zane and Brylee. The problem is, the almosts. Several times, there seem to be scenes setting up that will provide some great romance. But they fizzle and never really happen. The town, the support cast (which included one rescued dog, an abandoned half-sib-

By Lezlie Patterson

ing paragraphs bookending

The grading process

Those who read Walker

and Casey's story ("Big Sky Summer") will be happy to

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"dealer" in their ads. 541-280-7355 Fax 541-385-5802 541.508.0429 ads from The Bulletin 541-389-1392 Private party advertisHavanese puppies AKC, newspaper onto The Tournament Air Hockey Classic Stallion Dewclaws, UTD shots/ Bulletin Internet web- Iver-Johnson Skeeter, 12 ers are defined as table, $175. Call James Boots wormer, nonshed, hythose who sell one site. ga SxS double barrel computer. for photos,541-948-5002 Ladies size 7i/2, p oallergenic, $85 0 shotgun (project), $300. seldom worn, 541-460-1277. Tuna Coming Soon! The Bulletin 541-548-3408. Serppg Central Oregon ppce l903 $290. Fresh frozen whole Heeler Puppies! Adoriif/I/// ip, Oak gun cabinet, 541-480-1199 Travel/Tickets Albacore Tuna Chihuahua puppies, tea- able red and blue, males .dh 4p 241 8-place, $185. from Astoria. Great for and females!! More info cup, shots 8 dewormed, Antique 541-382-0598 fish-n-chips, BBQ 8 Advertise V A CATION Bicycles & and pictures available. 8 $250. 541-420-4403 COWGIRL CASH DIn!ng Set canning. $ 3 . 50/lb. SPECIALS to 3 m i lI $5 0 ea. Please call Accessories Reloaders: new R EM avg, fish @ 15/lbs. 18th century legs, lion P acific N o rth-We buy Jewelry, Boots, Diana (541) 977-2591 . 223 brass, 10 0 @ Vintage Dresses 8 $3/lb. for large order mahogany topwesterners! 29 daily More. 924 Brooks St. GT Karakoram kids mtn $20. 541-389-1392 (75/llbs.+) Ask about Oriental shorthair fe95"x46"x29"; newspapers, six bike, like new, $200. 541-678-5162 Located in male, $100 obo; ex6 Chippendale style Ruger Mod. 10/22 car- states. 25-word clas- www.getcowgirlcash.com delivery. 541-379-3530 Prineville - 3rd St. otic shorthair female chairs, $2770. bine, bull barrel, 22LR, sified $540 for a 3-day a cross f ro m Le s $25 541-279-3018 541-639-3211 Ca l l (916) GENERATE SOME Specialized Rock Hop- Bushnell scope, laminate a d. Schwab Retail store, vis i t per mtn b ike, exc. wood stock, like new, 2 88-6019 o r EXCITEMENT look for signs. $500. 541-419-9961 www.pnna.com for the $200. 541-379-3530 IN YOUR Couch, very nice, Fri. Sat. & Sun. Pacific Nor t hwest NEIGBORHOOD. print fabric, $75. Savage 110 left hand Oct. 25-27, from 8-4. Daily Con n ection. Plan P eople g i ving p e t s 242 a garage sale and 541-270-8294 Call 541-233-3093. 243,$300. away are advised to (PNDC) 286 don't forget to adverExercise Equipment 541-647-7479 be selective about the Wantedpaying cash tise in classified! Sales Northeast Bend new owners. For the SIX DAY VACATION in for Hi-fi audio 8 stu541-385-5809. Proform Crosswalk 380 Thompson Center Arms Orlando, Flor i da! protection of the anidio equip Mclntosh treadmill, like new, $325 muzzleloader, 50 cal Regularly $1,175.00. mal, a personal visit to New Englander, exclnt BL, Marantz, D y obo. 541-408-0846 ** FREE ** Yours today for only GET FREE OF CREDIT Jnaco, the home is recomHeathkit, Sanshape, $295. CARD DEBT NOW! $389.00! You SAVE Garage Sale Kit mended. 541-419-1604 sui, Carver, NAD, etc. 243 Cut payments by up 67 p ercent. P L US Place an ad in The to half. Stop creditors Call 541-261-1808 Drexel Heritage The Bulletin One-week car rental Ski Equipment Bulletin for your gaWanted: Collector sep pp central 0 eppp p npe pppp calling. Women's Harley Davidcouch. 7 feet long. included. Call for de- from seeks high quality rage sale and reVery good conditails. 1-800-712-4838. 866-775-9621. Eddie Bauer women's ski son cowboy boots, sz ceive a Garage Sale POODLE puppies, AKC. fishing items. (PNDC) ALSO-7mo. M, $200; tion, $400. jumpsuit, never worn, sz Call 541-678-5753, or (PNDC) 9, $75. 541-382-1988 Kit FREE! F, $250. 541-475-3889 Call 503 781 5265 8, $100. 541-678-5407 503-351-2746 KIT I NCLUDES: W IN .375 H& H m a g • 4 Garage Sale Signs 245 ammo, 3 boxes I • $2.00 Off Coupon To Golf Equipment $40. 541-389-1392 •

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P oodle-Retriever m i x Commercial Puppies 4 m o n ths upright Delfield PICK UP YOUR black, $1000 (dis6000 Series GARAGE SALE KIT at count for cash), have freezer, 20 cubic 1777 SW Chandler had shots and basic 541-385-5809 or feet, stainless, Ave., Bend, OR 97702 obedience and crate email $1200. training. Photos at faclassified@bendbulletin.com 541-325-2691 cebook.com/Szmoo282 dles. 503-623-5282 or hundwaldOaol.com Sales Northwest Bend 290 Puppies! maltese poodle Multi-family: Sat. & Sun. Sales Redmond Area - also 1 female yorkie/ Dastà @ 8 a.m. Kids ski maltese. Male $ 250 Visit our HUGE equip., athletic gear, Garage/Estate Sale, 54 Female $300. C a sh home decor 2023 NW Shiraz year accumulation! only. 541-546-7909. Fri-Sat. 9-5, Sun, 10-5 consignment store. New items BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS 533 NE Shoshone Dr. Queensfand Heelers Standard & Mini, $150 arrive daily! Search the area's most & up. 541-280-1537 930 SE Textron, comprehensive listing of Huge Sale-Oct. 18Bend 541-318-1501 classified advertising... 20 (8am - 4pm) www.rightwayranch.wor www.redeuxbend.com dpress.com real estate to automotive, 2902 SW Cline Falls merchandise to sporting Hwy. Tools, tools, Rodent issues? Free goods. Bulletin Classifieds tools. SOM E Busi n ess adult barn/shop cats, G ENERATE appear every day in the EXCITEMENT in your closing. Everything fixed, shots, s o me print or on line. f rom s p atulas t o friendly, some n o t. neighborhood! Plan a garage sale and don't c lassic cars. 5 4 1 Call 541-385-5809 Will deliver. 389-8420 forget to advertise in www.bendbulletin.com 420-5365 for details. classified! 541-385-5809. Need to get an Moving Sale, 5135 NW servingcepapi oregon ppcp fp03 Lone Pine Rd., Terread in ASAP? Great Pyrenees/St. Ber284 bonne, Sat. 8 S un., nard female puppy, 3i/2 You can place it mos old, $100 cash, obo. Sales Southwest Bend 8-4. Covered if rains. online at: 541-546-7909 292 www.bendbulletin.com Lots of tools, automotive, Hidebed, full-sized, like Sales Other Areas tires, household, bikes, new, rust brown color, baby items, clothes 8 541-385-5809 $500 obo. 541-408-0846 accessories, an t i que PRINEVILLE SELF trunk, vintage oil lamps 8 STORAGE - 2 UNITS St. B ernard Puppies, Kenmore refrigerator, 30" much more! Fri-Sat 9-5, 1350 NW Harwood. 1 st sh o ts , w o rmed. W x 65" H, works perfect, Sun 9-2. 60872 Onyx St. Oct. 19 8 20, 9-5. $40 0 . 541-977-4686 $150 obo. 541-388-8144

The Bulletin


The Bulletin

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