Bulletin Daily Paper 06-21-14

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Serving Central Oregon since190375

SATURDAY June 21,2014 I

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i'Ig '? Summer fun








Ambitious projects on countys list of priorities


mOre green —It's raising prices on some ofits drinks next week, andyoucan expect to pay $1 morefor its packaged coffee in supermarkets soon.CB

— In Spain, humanseven older than Neanderthals lived asthey do on "Gameof Thrones." And at the Smithsonian: Martha, the last passenger pigeon.A3

• Retirement is creeping upon the area's first mixed-breed drug detector

Plus: Sagegrouse —The

By Hillary Borrud

events on rural land and

federal government has plans to help keep at least onepopulation off the threatened list.A6

The Bulletin

streamlining permits for renewable energy projects

Gone butnotforgotten

By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

Deschutes County's development priorities for

the next year are diverse in scope and region, from sewer fixes in the La Pine

area to airport planning in Bend, defining acceptable

Narc might look like the family pet, but

4 gL

the 11-year-old Lab-

Odituary —Stephanie Kwo-

rador retriever and border collie mix has a

lek, the inventor of Kevlar.B5

nose for heroin.


across the county.


Deschutes County Commissioners this week approved a list outlining dozens of tasks and projects, pieced together throughout the year by the county planning commission and


"I 'vj:

The 53-pound drug-detection dog

And in national news-

routinely sniffs out a

The White Houseacts to ease the migrant crisis along the border with Mexico: detain more and deport more.A2

range of drugs and

Community Development Department.

money, in total worth

more than $1 million, according to his handler at the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office. Narc's career is


,:i,iirg: i.„~:

They're outlined in a wide-ranging, 48-page document covering dozens of community development


projects for the next fiscal

year, which starts July 1. The projects are prioritized by how important each is and how quickly the county wants to get them done. Community Develop-


unusual for a mixed-

Dronesare falling from the skiesin droves

breed dog. Ten years ago, he was at the Humane Society of the

Ochocos in Prineville. Handler Stacy Crawford, 44, a Deschutes

ment Department Director

Nick Lelack outlined some

County sheriff's depu-

of the major initiatives at 'I

ty, showed up to test a

the County Commission meeting. See Development/A8

i fytI's

purebred Labrador retriever but wound up choosing the mutt.

"Narc, he doesn't look like much, but we

By Craig Whitlock


tested about 200 dogs to find him," Crawford said in an interview earlier this month. "He has that drive set. He'll

The Washington Post

More than 400 large

U.S. military drones have crashed in major accidents


2001, a record of calamity that exposes the potential dangers of throwing open American skies to drone

'No combat' vow may be hard to keep

Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Deschutes County Sheriff's Deputy Stacy Crawford holds Narc, a Labrador/border collie mix and drug-detection K-9, on Tuesday. Crawford adopted Narc, now11, from the Humane Society of the Ochocos more than 10 years ago; he beat out 200 other dogs, including purebreds.

Q See Narc sniffing out drugs in training at bendbulletin.csm/narc

See Narc/A8

traffic. Since the outbreak of


climb anything, go to anywhere he needs to go to find drugs. A very confident dog."

around the world since


By James Rosen

"He doesn't look like much, but ... (Narc will) go to anywhere he needs to go to find drugs."

the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, military drones

McClatchy Washington Bureau

have malfunctioned in

Given how quiddy Iraqi security forces have ceded

myriad ways, plummeting from theskybecause of

large chunks of territory to Islamist militants in the last

— Deputy Stacy Crawford, Narc's handler

mechanical breakdowns,

week, Americans who've fought in Iraq say President Barack Obama's insistence that the up


human error, bad weather and other reasons, according tomore than 50,000 gation reports and other

New generation revisits acivil rights fight

records obtained by The Washington Post under the

By Liz Willen

pages of accident investi-

a mission: to mentor both

The Hechinger Report

Freedom of Information Act.

black and white teenagers


Commercial drone


flights are set to become

Emily Dannenberg stepped off an air-conditioned tour

a widespread reality in

bus into oppressive Missis-

the United States, starting next year, under a 2012 law

sippi heat. The white Columbia University graduate stu-

passed by Congress. SeeDrones/A4

dent had come to this steamy rural town on Monday with

Andrew Goodman, James Earl Chaney and Michael

and help them make sense of their state's violent and racist

Schwerner, who were arrest-

past. "I'd always been biased against this state, without ever visiting it," said Dannenberg,standing near amemorial to civil rights workers

during the massive volunteer

ed, kidnapped and murdered effort known as Freedom Summer 50 years ago. In fact, years after the mur-

ders, a massive, multiracial call for justice in Philadel-

to 300 mili- ANALYSIS tary advisers headed there will avoid combat

phia, Miss., an insular community of lumber mills and pecan trees — and a place

could easilybe broken. The president's national

security aides say the advisers will be "special operators" — military lingo for Special Operations forces. While those troops include

Martin Luther King Jr. once called "the worst" — gained traction, with additional pres-

sure from politicians, journalists and family members of the three men.

the Army's Delta Force, Navy SEALs, and Marine


Corps and Air Force units, defense experts say most, euiietin

Q I/I/e userecycled newsprint



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Business Calendar Classified

Page B6

and perhaps all, of the advisers en route to Iraq will

I1VDEX C7-8 Comics/Puzzles F3-4 Dear Abby D5 Obituaries B2 Community Life D1-6 Horoscope D5 Sports Ff-8 Crosswords F 4 L o cal/State Bf-6 IV/Niovies

be Army Green Berets, be-

B5 Cf -6 D5

cause of their expertise in training foreign fighters. See Troops /A5

Wnen ee tent Soesup.ZEKB-SR ' l2RQKtif il


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The Bulletin


How to reachus New denefitS fOr gayS —TheObamaadministration granted an arrayof new benefits Fridayto same-sexcouples, including thosewho live in stateswhere gaymarriage isagainst the law.Thenewmeasures range from Social Securityand veterans benefitsto workleave forcaring forsickspouses. Theyare partof President BarackObama'sefforts toexpand whatever protections hecan offer to gays andlesbianseven thoughmorethanhalf ofthe states don't recognizegay marriage.


541-385-5800 Phonehours:5:30a.m.-5p.m. Mon.-F ri.,6:30a.m .-noonSat.-eun.


Ukraine CeaSe-fire —Ukraine's presidentorderedhis forces to cease fire Fridayandhalt military operations for a weekagainst pro-Russian separatists in the country's east — the firststep in a peace planhe hopeswill end the fighting that has killedhundreds. Petro Poroshenko, making his first trip to the eastas Ukraine's president, said that the cease-firewill rununtil Friday morning andthat histroops reservethe right to fire backif separatistsattackthem or civilians. The Kremlin dismissed the plan, saying itsounded like an ultimatum and lackedany firm offer to open talks withinsurgents.

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VA bOBHSSS — About 65 percent of senior executivesat the Veterans Affairs Department got performance bonuses lastyear despite widespread treatment delays andpreventable deaths at VAhospitals and clinics, the agencysaid Friday. More than300VAexecutives were paid a total of $2.7 millioninbonuses lastyear, said GinaFarrisee, assistant VAsecretary for human resourcesand administration. That amount is down from about$3.4million inbonuses paid in 2012, Farrisee said. Thetotals do not include tens of millions of dollars in bonuses awarded to doctors, dentists and other medical providers throughout the VA'snearly 900hospitals and clinics.

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Children sleep on the floor of a U.S. Customs and Border Protection center for minors entering the country illegally and alone in Brownsville, Texas, this week. Since October,47,000childrenhave been caughtcrossing thesouthernborder by themselves, a more than 90 percent increase fromlastyear.

Anthrax exposure at CDC — At least52workersat the Centers

U.. to ste u etention, e ortation ami crisis

for DiseaseControl and Prevention aretaking antibiotics asa precautionbecause of alabsafety problem that may haveaccidentally exposed them toanthrax. Thefederal agency on Friday raisedits estimate of potentiallyaffected workersfrom 75to 86and said the number could rise again asadditional workers such asjanitors and support staff come forward. Thesafety lapsewas discovered last week. It occurred when ahigh level biosecurity lab failed to completely inactivate anthraxsamples sent to three lesssecure labsthatwere researching newways to detect the germs inenvironmental samples.

Si sil.rw Drserirs'

New YorkTimes NewsService McALLEN, Texas — White

House officials, saying that misinformation about adminADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool..........541-363-0374 Publisher Gordon Black.................... Editor-in-Chief JohnCosta........................541-383-0337

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istration policies helped drive a surge of illegal migrants from Central America across the SouthTexasborder, on Fridayannouncedplansto detain

m ore ofthemandtoaccelerate their court cases so as to deport themmore quickly. Also Friday, Vice President Joe Biden met in Guatemala with senior leaders of the

three countries where most of the migrants come fromEl Salvador, Guatemala and

Security officials are rushing of migrants who are detained toopenmore detentioncenters intendedforfamilieswithchil-

sidering the trek will be disdren caught coming illegally suadedfromdoingso. to this country and will also Bidenannounced $255 milexpand the use of monitoring lion for Central America to devices, such as electronic assist repatriation programs ankle bracelets, to keep track fordeportees,improve proseof migrantsafterthey are re- cution of criminal street gang leased, the officials said. members, and expand youth Immigration officers and programs to reduce gang judges will be reassigned on recruitment. an emergency basis to speed Untilnow, White House officases in the Rio Grande Val-


ley of Texas, where most of the migrants are entering illegally. The administration is trying toquellrampantrumorsreach-

poverty and an epidemic of gang violence in those Central

Honduras — to secure their help in conveyingthe message ing Central America that U.S. that there are no new legal border authorities are offering channelsto cometothe United entry permits to parents travStates and thatillegal crossers eling withyoung children after willbe deported. they are caught. Officials hope Department of Homeland thatbyincreasingthenumbers

A heated hearing inD.C. as IRS offers noapologies takes were based on bureau-

Koskinen declined Friday to those of former official Lois

ical motivations. The agency alerted Congress to the missing emails June 13, raising morered flags for some.

Home deliveryandE-Editien:

Lerner, a central figure in the controversy over the agency's

Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., notedthat theIRS satontheemail

One mOnth: $17 <Printonly:$16)

extra scrutiny of te a party

By mail in DeschutesCounty: One month: $14.50 By mail outsideDeschutes County:Onemonth: $18 E-Editien only:Onemonth: $13

groups. "I don't think an apology is

information until congressional investigators specifically

The Bulletin's primaryconcernisthatall storiesareaccurate. Ifyouknowofan errorinastory, callusat541-363-0356.


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Oregon Lottery results Aslisted atwww.oregonlottery.org andindividuallotterywebsites

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawnFriday nightare:

Q>(®Q 2sQ2s Q ssOO The estimated jackpot is now $25 million.

Church joins Israel doycott —ThePresbyterian Church(USA) voted Fridayat its general conventionto divestfromthree companies that it says supply Israel with equipment usedin the occupation of Palestinian territory. Thevote, bya countof 310-303, was watched asa sign of momentum fora movement to pressure Israel with acampaign known as BDS,for Boycotts, Divestmentsand Sanctions. ThePresbyterian ChurchUSA— a Protestantdenomination and thechurch of many U.S. presidents — is the largestyet to endorse divestmentata churchwide convention, andthe vote follows a decadeof debate.

American countries were the

maincauses oftheunanticipatedspikeinillegalmigration. But many migrants told Border Patrol agents they de-

TraCy MOrgaO releaSed — Tracy Morganwasreleasedfrom the hospital on Friday, twoweeks after the comedianwas seriously injuredin a deadly highwaycrash. Morgan was being relocated from the Brunswick, N.J., hospital to anundisclosedrehabilitation center.

cided to set out for the United States afterhearingthatitwas

offering some kind of entry

— Fromwirereports


HunterQouglas e •

TheWashingtonPost IRS Commissioner John


General demOted —Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Sinclair, whose extramarital relationship with a subordinate officer led to charges of sexual assaultand a prosecution that ultimatelycollapsed andembarrassed the military, will retire as a lieutenantcolonel, two grades lower than his current rank, the Armysaid Friday. Sinclair, a former deputy commander of U.S. forces in southern Afghanistan, will leave theArmy this summer. Hewillbe the first general officer in a decade to havehis rank reducedby two grades before retirement.

and then deported, others con-

apologize for years of missing employee emails, including


cratic confusion and not polit-

asked about it. The panel has

requested all IRS emails relatof lawmakers, saying the loss edtothetargetingmatter. "I am sitting here listening was attributable to technical glitches. to this testimony — I d on't Testifying at a contentious believe it," Ryan said. "That's House Ways and M eans your problem. Nobody beCommittee hearing, Koskinlievesyou." en faced sharp criticism from The IRS said it lost many Republicans, with one all but of Lerner's communications calling him a liar, while Dem- when her computer crashed in ocrats defended the agency June 2011. The agency said it owed," Koskinen told a panel

anditsboss. The Internal Revenue Ser-

destroyed her hard drive as a

vice has been embroiled in


matter of protocol after trying

The IRS has given congrestiny of tax-exempt advocacy sional investigators thousands groups since last year, facing of emails relating tothetargetRepublican outrage as Dem- ing controversy and plans to ocrats insist the agency's mis- providethousands more. the controversy over its scru-


' •

House votes to limit NSA TheWashingtonPost ware products to assist the The House on Friday passed NSA or CIA with electronic a defense bill with an amend- surveillance. mentthatwouldbartheNation-

The two-thirds bipartisan

al Security Agency from con- vote, sponsors say, is a signal ducting warrantless searches to the intelligence community ofit sdatabases forAmericans' and its House supporters that communicationsrecords. a reform package passed in Although the NSA is per- Maydidnotgo farenough. mitted to acquire without Despite opposition from individualized warrants the Intelligence and J udiciary communications of foreigners committee leaders, the amendoverseas, it has also been al- ment's liberal and l ibertarilowed to search those records an sponsors marshaled 293 for the communications of votes in favor of the amendAmericans in what some lawmakers have called a "back-

door searchloophole." The amendment, adopted late Thursday night by a wide margin, would ban that practice. The provision would also prohibit the government

ment to the 2015 Defense Ap-




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propriations bill. The overall billpassed 340-73 Friday and heads tothe Senate, where the

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• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day

It's Saturday, June21, the 172nd day of 2014.There are 193 days left in the year.



Summer SOIStiCe — The

Neanderthalancestors point to cold, harsh 'Game ofThrones' era

season turns today, the longest day of the year.

By Joel Achenbach

derthal lineage is tied to an

The Washington Post

adaptive trait associated with

In a cave in northern Spain a team of scientists has retrieved the remains of 28 pre-

chewing. Although the paper in Science does not speculate

HAPPENINGS Gay marriage —U.S. House Rep.SeanMaloney, D-N.Y., will be amongthe first gay members of Congress to be legally married when he weds partner RandyFlorke.

HISTORY Highlight:In1964, civil rights workers Michael Schwerner, Andrew Goodmanand James Chaney were slain in Philadelphia, Miss.; their bodies were found buried in anearthen dam six weeks later. (Sevenpeople were convicted of conspiracy in the case; noneserved more than sixyears in prison. Edgar Ray "Preacher" Killen, a former Ku Klux Klansman,was convicted of manslaughter on June 21, 2005, and is serving a 60-yearsentence.) In1788, the United States Constitution went into effect as New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify it.

In1834, Cyrus Hall McCormick received apatent for his reaping machine. In1913,Georgia "Tiny" Broadwick becamethefirst woman to parachute from anairplane as she jumpedover Los Angeles. In1942,German forces led by Generaloberst (Colonel General) Erwin Rommelcaptured the Libyan city of Tobruk during World War II. (Following his victory, Rommel waspromoted to Field Marshal; Tobruk was retaken bythe Allies in November1942.) In1943, Army nurse Lt. Edith Greenwood becamethe first woman to receive theSoldier's Medal for showing heroism during a fire at a military hospital in Yuma, Ariz. In1955, the David Leanmovie "Summertime" starring Katharine Hepburn andRossano Brazzi opened in New York. In1964,Jim Bunning of the Philadelphia Phillies pitched a perfect game, 6-0, against the New York Mets at SheaStadium; it was the first "perfecto" in the National Leaguesince 1880.

In1982, a jury in Washington, D.C., found John Hinckley Jr. not guilty by reason of insanity in the shootings of President Ronald Reaganand three other men. In1989, a sharply divided Supreme Court ruled that burning the American flag as aform of political protest was protected by the First Amendment. Ten years ago: The rocket plane SpaceShip0ne punched through Earth's atmosphere, then glided to a landing in California's Mojave Desert in the first privately financed manned spaceflight. Five years ago:Newsweek reporter Maziar Bahari was among hundreds of people arrested during the Tehran government's crackdown on nationwide protests over Iran's disputed presidential election. (Bahari was releasednearly four months later.) One yearago:Aone-page criminal complaint unsealed in federal court accusedformer National Security Agency contractor EdwardSnowden of espionageandtheft of government property in theNSA surveillance case.TheFood Network said it wasdropping Paula Deen,barely anhour after the celebrity cook posted the first of two videotapedapologies online begging forgiveness from fans andcritics troubled by her admission to having used racial slurs in thepast.

BIRTHDAYS Composer LaloSchifrin is 82. Actress Meredith Baxter is 67. Actor MichaelGross is67. Rock musician JoeyKramer(Aerosmith) is 64.Actress Sammi Davis is 50.Actress Juliette Lewis is 41.Rockmusician Mike Einziger (Incubus) is 38.Actor Chris Pratt is 35. Britain's Prince William is 32.Popsinger Kris Allen ("American Idol") is 29. Actor JaschaWashington is 25. Pop singer RebeccaBlack is17. — From wire reports

historic humans, members of an enigmatic species that

could be described as a little bit Neanderthal. They had Neanderthal fac-

about what, exactly, drove the evolution of specialized fea-

thousands of years earlier had split from the ancestors of modern humans. An in-

ternational team of scientists published the description of the Spanish fossils Thursday inthe journal Science, but has not yet given this population a new species name. That will come later, the scientists said, after consultations with

colleagues. The discovery does not dramatically change the general picture of human evolution, but it complicates it a bit, providing new evidence that there were many distinct, and largely isolated, human species existing simultaneously, and competing with one another in a harsh environment marked by advancing and retreatingice sheets. The lead author of the new

a single hand ax.

The Associated Press

W ASHINGTON — It w a s the moment that h umanity

learned we had the awesome power to erase an entire spe-

colored mud that sits atop the red mud in which the fossils

cies off the face of the Earth in the scientific equivalent of a blink of an eye: The passenger pigeon went from billions of birds to extinct before our very eyes. It was one bird's death after many. But a century ago, Martha, a red-eyed, gray-andbrown bird famous as the last surviving passenger pigeon, keeled over, marking an extincSusan Walsh/TheAssociated Press tion that shook science and the Smithsonian ornithologist Brian Schmidt stands with Martha, public. who was the last surviving passenger pigeon until her death ln

are embedded. This precise dating makes

tha's back, in a way. She is

at the bottom o f

s h allow

pools. Another dated the light

the Sima fossils the oldest in

the Neanderthal lineage and confirms that the ancestors of

modern humans and the ¹ anderthal line diverged more than 430,000 years ago. Arsuagaandhis colleagues believe these proto-Neanderthals possessed the power

of speech and lived in social groups. The fossils in the Sima pit come from people who lived close to one another in time and were possibly members of a clan, the scientists said.

An intriguing ancestor There are few human ancestors more intriguing than the Neanderthals, who

admixture of

g enes, with

The Neanderthals, Tattersall said, "obviously were

very intuitively smart. They were great tool makers. They The first bones were first were ingenious. They were found at the Sima site many resourceful. They were living years ago, and Arsuaga and through difficult times." his colleagues originally But they did not create lumped them together with symbolic objects, such as artanotherearl y human species work, and presumably their called Homo heidelbergensis. speech did not include symBut the new analysis, which bolic language, he said. They includes the description of 17 may not have imagined the skulls, concludes that these future orcreated narrations early humans were physically of the past the way we do. distinct from their heidelber- Tattersall said the first symgensis contemporaries. bolic objects are geometrical "This is a big advance. engravings on smooth ochre I'm sorry that it's still sort of plaques in southern Africa, swinging out there in taxo- dated to about 80,000 years nomic limbo instead of hav- ago. ing been given its own desThe new d iscoveries in ignation," said Ian Tattersall, Spain add to the mounting a paleoanthropologist at the evidence that human preAmerican Museum of Natu- history was a complicated ral History, who was not in- period with a diverse cast of volved inthe new research. human species. "We tend to think it's norArsuagaandhis colleagues believe the fossils show that mal for there to be only one the Neanderthals' lineage did kind of Homo in the world," not get all its distinctive ana- Tattersall said. "But if you tomical features as a complete look back on the fossil reset,butratherthese appeared cord, you realize it's totally individually, in "a mosaic pat- routine to have several differtern of evolution, with differ- ent types of species of Homo ent anatomical and functional in the world, trying to exist modules evolving at different at the same time. What is rates," in the words of the Sci- unusual is for us to be on our encepaper. own. I think that says someThe scientists suggest that thing very specific about the evolution of the Nean- how different we are."

'A big advance'

of humans. By Seth Borenstein

shaft. Arsuagabelieves it was modern humans outside of a mortuary — a repository for Africa having roughly I to 3 the dead. There are alsomany percent Neanderthal DNA. fossil ized bones ofbears,and But as a species, the ¹ claw marks on the wall. The anderthal vanished. In their bears may have fallen into the place c am e an a t omicalpit andbecome trapped. ly modern humans, who Archaeologists have bones evolved in Africa and are the but not much else to work ancestors ofeveryone alive with — there are no cultural today. artifacts in the pit other than

Smithsonian as part of an exhibit on species that have gone extinct because

believes these Neanderthal

paper, paleoanthropologist could be described as the Juan Luis Arsuaga of the Uni- best example in the history versidad Complutense de Ma- of the planet of an intelligent drid, refers to this as "a Game species that has gone exof Thrones scenario." tinct. They had large craniAs he put it, there was no ums, and larger brains than Middle Pleistocene kingdom modern humans (though ruling over everything, but that doesn't mean they were rather many competing hous- smarter). They existed as rees vying for the same land. cently as about 30,000 years "Hominin evolution was ago, when their kind disapnot a peaceful, boring pro- pearsfrom thefossilrecord. cess of very slow change over How they died out, and time," Arsuaga said during a why, and to what extent they teleconference with reporters. mayhave interbred with anaThe fossil site, in a cave tomically modern humans, is called Sima de los Huesos an ongoing source of debate. ("Pit of Bones"), is in a cham- Recent research shows some ber at the bottom of a vertical

The remains of Martha, the last passenger pigeon, will be on display at the

tures for chewing, Arsuaga in the teleconference said he

ancestors could have used es, withheavybrows andpro- their teeth to grip meat or othtruding noses. They had pow- er objects. "We could speculate that erful mandibles and mouths that could open extremely Neanderthals had t h r ee wide, indicating they used grasping organs instead of their teeth as gripping tools. two," he said. But they didn't have the large A key finding is the date of skulls or other robust skele- the fossils: Six distinct techtal features seen in the pro- niques converge on an estitotypical Neanderthals who, mated age of roughly 430,000 hundreds of millennia later, years old. One technique datroamed Ice Age Europe. ed cryst alsofcalcium carbonThese were apparently an- ate that had built up on skulls cestors of Neanderthals, inhabitants of a line that many

emem enn een assen er i eon

Now, a century later, Mar-

being taken out of the file cabinets of history in a new Smithsonian Institution exhibit this

September 1914 at the Cincinnati Zoo. Some geneticists are now

working on the long-shot hope of reviving the passenger pigeon from leftover DNA in stuffed birds.

month, reminding the public of ly think of species becoming her death, and of other species extinct." that have gone extinct because But they did. And Martha, of man. A new scientific study the last of her kind, was put in this week shows how pigeon a 300-pound block of ice and populations fluctuated wild- shipped to Washington, D.C., ly, but how people ultimately and the Smithsonian. She was killed off the species. stuffed and mounted, continuAnd some geneticists are ing as a star. When she traveled even working on the long-shot back to Cincinnati or to San Dihope of reviving the passenger ego for a big conservation conpigeon from leftover DNA in ference, she flew in a first dass

comeback in the offing. The passengerpigeon is the prime candidate for something new:

stuffed birds.

them. It would cost millions

"Here was a bird like the robin that everybody knew and within a generation or two

seat. But her star faded. For the

last 15 years, she has been in a drab metal filing cabinet in

it was gone — and we were its the bowels of the Smithsonian, cause," Duke University ecolo- stuck on the same stick with an gist Stuart Pimm said. older stuffed unrelated pigeon In the 18th and 19th centu- named George. On Monday, ries, the passenger pigeon was they were separated — George the most abundant bird species was put back in storage and a on Earth. In 1866 in Ontario,

justone flockofbillions ofbirds, 300 miles long and I mile wide, darkened the skies for 14 hours as they flew by overhead. Unlike the domesticated carrier

pigeon used for messages, these were wildbirds.


Some top geneticists in a nonprofit are looking to see if they can create new living versionsof the passenger pigeon, by editing the DNA of the dosely related band-tailed

pigeons, growing those birds from embryo and breeding and take at least a decade, said Ben Novak, lead researcher of the group, Revive 8t Restore of

San Francisco. Pimm and Zinkdon't likethe

idea ethically or practically. Novak sees a world on the verge of a mass extinction of many species and feels someprettied-up Martha was ready thing has to be done about it. for a comeback. An exhibit on Reviving some long-lost speher extinction and the 100th cies may offer "a type of justice anniversary starts Tuesday at for what we're doing now" and the Smithsonian. also teach people "it's so much And if scientists can figure easier to keep something alive it out, there may be a bigger than tobringit back to life."

They were easy to catch

Pure. &rro/6 Co.

because they stayed together. They were considered a poor man's food; domestic workers complained about eating too much passenger pigeon. "Nobody ever dreamed that a bird that common could be

aj. B~ dU Bend Redmond

John Day

brought into extinction that

Burns Lakeview


quiddy," said University of Minnesota evolutionary biologist Bob Zink.

SINCE 1980

La Pine

Examination of the passen-



gerpigeon's genetic code shows that their population pingponged regularly from as many as 5 billion to as few as tens of millions, said a study co-authored by Zink in the journal Proceedings of the National


Academy of Sciencesreleased

Monday. Still, the chief causes of the extinction — cutting down Eastern U.S. forests and

hunting — were man-made, Zink said. "Passenger pigeons always reached lows like this, it's just this time their luck ran out because we were around," Zink


By 1900, there were no pas-

senger pigeons left in the wild. By 1914, there was just 29-year-

s •

old Martha at the Cincinnati

Zoo. People lined up to see her. She was a star. Then on Sept. I, 1914, Mar-

tha was found lying on the bottom of her cage. The passenger pigeon was now extinct. It had

gone from billions of birds to zero in about one century, probably less. It was the first public extinc-

tion, something people used to think happened only to relics of the past like dinosaurs, or critters stuck on islands like dodos, Pimm and other scientists said.

"This was a real wake-up c all for the public and ~ y for scientists too," said Helen James,curator ofbirds atthe Smithsonian Natural History

Museum. "Ornithologists studied birds and they didn't real-

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went into a nose dive. On Aug. 16, 2010, neither the

Continued fromA1 And drone flights by law enforcement agencies and the military, which already occur


pilot nor the camera operator

noticed the bright red warning lights on the video screens in front of them when their Pred-


on a limited basis, are project-

ator took off from Balad air base in Iraq with the stabilizer

ed to surge. The documents obtained by

turned off.

The Washington Post detail

"That's freaking us!" the camera operator yelled as the drone crashed, leaving a hole three feet deep near the runway. "What in the hell hap-

'| p'..

scores of previously unreported crashes involving remotely controlled aircraft, challeng-


ing the federal government's c assurances that drones will be able to fly safely over populated areas and in the same airspace as passenger planes. A Predator drone that crashed into the Kandahar air base in AfghanM ilitary

dr o n e s

h av e

and 2012, Air Force officials determined that pilots' mis-

• Pilot error.Despite popuForce C-130 Hercules trans- lar perceptions, flying a drone port plane in midair. No one is much trickier than playing has died in a drone accident, a video game. The Air Force but the documents show that licenses its drone pilots and many catastrophes have been trains them constantly, but narrowly averted, often by a mistakes are still c ommon, few feet, or a few seconds or particularly during landings. pure luck. In four cases over a three-year "All I saw were tents, and I was afraid that I had killed s omeone," Ai r F o rc e M a j . R ichard Wageman told i n -

period, Air Force pilots com-

vestigators after an accident

• Persistent mechanical defects.Some common drone

mitted errors so egregious that they were investigated for suspected dereliction of duty. models were designed without

plowed into a U.S. base in Afghanistan. "I felt numb, and I am certain that a few cuss words came out of my mouth."

new law, predicts $82 billion in economic benefits and 100,000 new jobs by 2025. Public opposition has centered on civil-liberties con-

multitude of costly mistakes by remote-control pilots. A

a quarter of the worst crashes.

Among the models that crashed most often is the MQ-I Predator, the Air Force drone

world b e tween S eptember 2001 and the end of last year.

That figure is almost equivalent to the number of major

manufactured by General crashes incurred by the Air Atomics Aeronautical Systems, Force's fleet of fighter jets of San Diego. Almost half the and attack planes during the cause the pilot did not realize Predators bought by the Air same period, even though the she had been flying the air- Force have been involved in a drones flew far fewer missions craft upside-down. Later that major accident, according to and hours, according to Air year, another armed Predator purchasing and safety data. Force safety statistics. a Hellfire missile cratered near Kandahar in January 2010 be-

did not notice he had squeezed the wrong red button on his joystick, putting the plane into a spin.

Frank Pace, president of aircraftsystems for General

Atomics, the leading producer of large military drones, said the Predator has exceeded ex-

pectations for reliability. It was designed to be lightweight and While most of the malfunc- inexpensive, costing less than tioning aircraft have perished $4 million apiece. During the in combat zones, dozens have early years of the wars in Afbeen destroyed in the United ghanistan and Iraq, he said, States during test and training nobody expected the Predator flights that have gone awry. to last very long. "It was more of a mindset In April, a 375-pound Army drone crashed next to an ele- that you were going to get shot mentary-school playground in down or have other losses, so Pennsylvania, just a few min- you don't want to put all this utes after students went home money into a redundant sysfor the day. In upstate New tem," Pace said, referring to York, the Air Force still cannot backup systems designed to find a Reaper that has been kick in when a failure occurs. missing since November, when He emphasized that none it plunged into Lake Ontario. In of the Predator accidents have June 2012, a Navy RQ-4surveil- been fatal. "We've never relance drone with a wingspan ported a loss of life," he said, as wide as a Boeing 757's nose- "so we're doing pretty good." dived into Maryland's Eastern Pent-up demand Shore, igniting a wildfire.

Not just war zones

Defense Department offi-

Drones have revolutionized

cials said they are confident in warfare. Now they are poised the reliability of their drones.

to revolutionize civil aviation.

Accident investigations

the Pentagon. "I can look you square in the eye and say, absolutely, the (Defense Department) has got an exceptional safetyrecord on thisand we're getting better every day."

Fundamental problems The Washington Post's analysis ofaccident records, however, shows that the mili-

taryand drone manufacturers have yet to overcome some

fundamental safety hurdles: • A limited ability to detect and avoid trouble. Cameras and high-tech sensors on a drone cannot fully replace a pilot's eyes and ears and nose in the cockpit. Most remote-

ly controlled planes are not equipped with radar or anti-collision systems designed to prevent midair disasters.

for up to 24 hours straight. Businesses see profitable

The military d i vided the

In most instances, military

intohomes, highways and,inonecase, a plane in midair.

der military law.

of duty, a criminal charge un-

Lost links small, hand-launched drone in

Drones depend on wireless

Iraq a decade ago. Close calls on the ground

links for navigation and control. Pilots and camera oper-

have been more frequent. "Where the hell is - where

ators issue directions to the

is the runway?" screamed Air

drone by a command link, usually by satellite. Data about

Force Capt. Matthew Scardaci

the aircraft's movements and

as his engine conked out and internal operations returns via hisPredatorcrashed intoKan- a separate link. dahar air base on May 5, 2011, The links can be easily inaccording to a voice-recording terrupted by various forms of transcript. "Oh s--, oh damn, interference. Usually, the outoh my God what is that!? ... ages last only a few seconds What was all that stuff that I and areharmless.Justin case, It was an unmanned aerial just hit?" drones are programmed to fly vehicle, or UAV in military jarA row of empty shipping in a circular pattern until the gon. An RQ-7B Shadow, flown containers, it turned out. No- links are restored. In worstby an Army ground crew, had body was hurt. Scardaci did case scenarios, they are supsmashed into the cargo plane's not respond to a request for posed to return automatically left wing between two propel- c omment through an A i r to their launch base. lers.Jetfuelcascaded out of a Force spokeswoman. Records show that does not gash in the wing. In e a stern A f g h anistan, always happen. In more than The Hercules crew shut Predators armed with Hellfires a quarter of the accidents exdown one engine and radioed crashednear residentialareas amined by The Washington to clear the runway. Within

in the city of Jalalabad twice in

sitive that the military classi-

sored, but some of the docu-

Two hundred and twenty-four drones crashed in


Military officials said there

has been only one other case of a midair drone collision, involving a helicopter and a

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plied for d r one l icenses to

Iran in December 2011.

cover the news. Amazon.com chief executive Jeffrey Bezos 'Hit by a UAV!' wants his company to use auAs the military dispatched

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drone after drone to Iraq and

small packages to customers' Afghanistan in the mid-2000s, doorsteps. (Bezos also owns some Air Force commanders The Washington Post.) saw the potential for trouble in The military owns about the increasingly crowded skies. 10,000 drones, from one-pound Air Force leaders circulated Wasps and four-pound Ravens briefing materials that quoted to one-ton Predators and 15- an unnamed general as sayton Global Hawks. By 2017, the ing, "What I worry about is armed forces plan to fly drones the day I have a C-130 with a from at least 110 bases in 39 cargo-load of soldiers, and a states, plus Guam and Puerto (drone) comes right through Rico. the cockpit window." The drone industry, which The general's worries were lobbied Congress to pass the well founded. On Aug. 15,



the CIA.

The CIA also flies highly advanced RQ-170 Sentinel surveillance drones, including one that U.S. officials have acknowledged went down in


gar n <shmenfs

Lawsuifs/llarassment STOP I Foreclesnles I


tor whose name was redacted,

fied the names of the countries was temporarily demoted and where they occurred and de- given remedial training. tails of what happened.

Post, links were lost around

two minutes, the plane landed, the space of six months. the time of the crash. smoke pouring from the left In one instance, on Aug. 20, On July 21, 2008, chaos side."There's abig frickin'hole 2011, a drone "began falling erupted inside an Air Force in the airplane," the pilot said, out of the sky" after its propel- ground-control station where according to the cockpit voice ler broke. "I looked below us, crew members were flying recorder. No one was hurt. and there were houses every- three Predators simultaneousAbout 50 seconds later, the where," the camera operator ly over Afghanistan. The staunwitting drone operator radi- told investigators. tion lost its power supply, and oed the control tower to confess The Predator smashed into all its screens went black. he had lost track of his aircraft. two Afghan housing comAfter several minutes, pow"We had a, ah, C-130, um, pounds and sparked a fire. er was restored and pilots that hit a UAV," the air-traffic No one was hurt. The military regained control over two of controller responded. "I'm sus- compensated the homeowners the Predators that had f olpecting that it's yours." with an undisclosed amount lowed their programmed flight The collision pulverized of money. patterns and were flying in the Shadow. As word spread, Inside ground-control sta- circles. it left d rone manufacturers tions, there's a recurring misThe third disappeared. and drone advocates in the take: forgetting to turn on the military o n t e nterhooks. If Stability Augmentation Sysinvestigators determined the tem, which prevents the drone drone crew was responsible from going wobbly or into a for a midair disaster, it would spin. In at least five cases, pi' NQRTHWEsT undermine plans to fly robotic lots did not switch it on, or acCROSSING aircraft not just overseas but cidentally switched it off, then back in the United States. sat perplexedas the aircraft Aauard-aeinning The military has never pubneighborhood licly disclosed the outcome of

officials convened an accident ments suggest the air-traffic investigation board to deter- controller was at least partly mine the cause. In 18 cases, blamed. The records show the the drone crashes were so sen- controller, a civilian contrac-

possibilities for drones, to tend crops, move cargo, inspect real estate or film Hollywood movies. Journalists have ap-

tonomous drones to deliver

tion for suspected dereliction

major accidents into two categories of severity, based on the amount of damage inflicted to the aircraft or other property. (There are three other categories for more minor accidents.) the investigation. Two PentaAccording to the records, 194 gon officials said in interviews drones fell into the first catego- that the drone operator was ry — Class A accidents that de- not at fault, but they did not stroyedthe aircraftorcaused, give further details. under current standards, at In response to a FOIA releast $2 millionin damage. quest from The Washington II Slightly more than half of Post, the Air Force released I those accidents occurred in hundreds of pages of docuAfghanistan and Iraq. Almost ments from its safety probe. II a quarter happened in the The official finding of what United States. caused the crash was cen-

Most ofthe crashes occurred Under the law passed by Con- Class B accidents that, under in war, they emphasized, under gress, the Federal Aviation current standards, cost beharsh conditions unlikely to be Administration is scheduled to tween $500,000 and $2 milreplicated in the United States. issuerules by September 2015 lion. Officials withheld basic Military s t a tistics s h ow that will begin the widespread details about those mishaps, the vast majority of flights integration of drones into ci- such as the dates and locago smoothly and that mishap vilian airspace. tions, on the grounds that the rates have steadily declined Pent-up demand to buy and lesser damage totals did not over the past decade. Officials fly remotely controlled aircraft warrant a public investigation. acknowledge, however, that is enormous. Law e nforceThe military documents do drones will never be as safe as ment agencies, which already not include information about commercial jetliners. own a small number of cam- drones operated covertly by "Flying is inherently a dan- era-equipped drones, are pro- the CIA. The spy agency has gerous activity. You don't have jected to purchase thousands its own fleet of about 30 armed to look very far, unfortunately, more; police departments covet Predator and Reaper drones to see examples of that," said them as an inexpensive tool to overseas, all flown remotely Dyke Weatherington, direc- provide bird's-eye surveillance by Air Force pilots assigned to tor of unmanned warfare for

compound in 2011. It's not just a war zone problem: A Washington Post investigation has found thatmilitary drones have slammed

and legality of using drones 2011, a C-130 Hercules weighto spy on people in their back ing about 145,000 pounds was yards. There has been scant descending toward Forward scrutiny of the safety record of Operating Base Sharana, in remotely controlled aircraft. A eastern Afghanistan. Sudreport released June 5 by the denly, a quarter-mile above National Academy of Sciences the ground, the huge Air concluded that there were "se- Force plane collided with a rious unanswered questions" 375-pound flying object. "Holy s--!" yelled the Herabout how to safely integrate civilian drones into the nation- cules' navigator, according al airspace, calling it a "criti- to a transcript of the cockpit cal, crosscutting challenge." voice recorder. "We got hit by Nobody has more experi- a UAV! Hit by a UAV!"

$3.8 million Predator carrying

crashed nearby after the pilot

Another drone crash, in Jalalabad, destroyed an Afghan housing

cerns, such as the morality

backup safety features and rushed to war without the benefit of years of testing. Many accidentswere tri ggered by basic electrical malfunctions; ence with drones than the U.S. Why? others were caused by bad military, which has logged Investigators were unable weather. Military personnel more than 4 million flight to pinpoint a definitive cause blamed some mishaps on inex- hours. But the Defense Defor the accident but said wind plicable problems. The crews partment tightly guards the and an aggressive turn by the of two doomed ~ d a tors that particulars of its drone operapilot were factors. Wageman crashed in 2008 and 2009 told tions, including how, when and did not respond to a request investigators that their planes where most accidents occur. for comment through an Air had been "possessed" and The Washington Post filed Force spokeswoman. plagued by"demons." more than two dozen Freedom Several military drones have • Unreliable communica- of Information Act requests simply disappeared while at tions links. Drones are de- with the A i r F o rce, Army, cruising altitudes, never to be pendent on wireless trans- Navy and Marine Corps. Reseen again. In September 2009, missions to relay commands sponding intermittently over an armed Reaper drone, with a and navigational information, the course of a year, the mil66-foot wingspan, flew on the usually via satellite. Those itary released investigative loose across Afghanistan after connections can be fragile. files and other records that its handlers lost control of the Records show that links were collectively identified 418 maaircraft. U.S. fighter jets shot it disrupted or lost in more than jor drone crashes around the The documents describe a

takes were willfully negligent, placing them under investiga-

Photos courtesy the U.S. Air Force via The Washington Post

ways and, in one case, an Air

down as it neared Tajikistan.

pened?" Investigators blamed " pilot i n attention" f o r t h e accident. In four cases between 2009

istan left this wreckage in 2011.

slammed into homes, farms, runways, highways, water-

in November 2008, when he lost control of a Predator that


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Continued from A1

UnstableIraqmayhit gasprices

"These special o perators will be advisers, but they will

be with Iraqi units, and if those units get engaged by the enemy, they will defend themselves," said Fred Wellman, a former Army lieutenant colo-

By Sean Cockerham

port of Basra to tankers in the

McClatchy Washington Bureau

Persian Gulf for export, with China and India the biggest customers.


nel who served as spokesman

markets are watching in

for Gen. David Petraeus when he commanded U.S. and allied

alarm as Sunni militants

troops in Iraq. Andrew van Wey, a former

Marine Corps sergeant who fought in the Second Battle of Fallujah and other parts of

New York Times News Service

bar province in 2004 and 2005, said widespread public oppo-

Iraq's most powerful Shiites — Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki, left, and the country's top spiritual leader, Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, pictured above in a poster at a rally this week

sition to a resumption of direct

— are now at odds.

Iraq's Sunni-dominated An-

U.S. combat in Iraq requires

Iraq's top cleric wants newleadership

Obama to say that the advisers

won't see fighting. But he said such assurances can't be tak-

BAGHDAD — Wading into the debate over Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's political future, Iraq's top Shiite Muslim cleric on Friday urged lawmakers to form "an effective government" that would lead the country out of its gravest crisis since the departure of U.S. troops in 2011. Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani said political parties must create a government "that enjoys broad national acceptance (and) that reverses past mistakes," a veiled rebuke ofal-Maliki, a Shiite hard-liner whose marginalization of minority Sunni Muslims has stoked an insurgency that has driven government forces out of much of northern andwestern Iraq. Al-Sistani did not call for al-Maliki to step down. However, he said a newgovernment, to be formed after a court this week certified the results of April parliamentary elections, must be inclusive. "We call on the politicians to put all Iraqis on the samelevel, to stand against" the insurgents, al-Sistani said in his weekly Friday sermon, read by anaideand broadcast from the holy city of Karbala. He referred to the insurgents as "apostates." The comments by Iraq's most influential religious leader were the latest sign of pressure onal-Maliki, who has shown no indication of giving up anoffice he has held for eightyears. President Barack ObamaonThursday urged the prime minister to make serious concessions to his political rivals, including Sunni Arabsand ethnic Kurds. U.S. officials havealso begun meeting privately with al-Maliki opponents in Baghdad, the Iraqi capital, in a sign that the Obama administration may belooking for ways to promote a new prime minister.

en at face value. '"Combat' is an elastic term

when you talk about special operations guys, because you never know what they're going to bedoing,"van Wey, who now does marketing for a military apparel firm in Fort Worth, Texas, said in an interview. "The nature of these

guys' jobs is covert. When you send in special operations, they leave a smaller footprint

than infantry or other conventional forces. That's how they get around violating the spirit of 'no boots on the ground.'" Others who served in Iraq said that once the new U.S.

troops are embedded with their Iraqi counterparts, all bets are off, because there are

few safe havens in a very dangerous country. "It's a stretch to say they

won't see combat," Eric Young, a former Marine corporal who fought in Fallujah during two deployments to Iraq, told McClatchy. "More than likely cus on helping protect Bagh-

— Los Angeles Times

Iraqi soldiers for a year after those Green Berets will take d ad from assault from t h e the March 2003 U.S. invasion, up leadership roles in the Iraqi insurgent group, the Islamic said the advisers are going into military. They may not be do- State of Iraq and Syria, known a highly risky environment in ing a lot of fighting, but they as ISIS. Its fighters captured a newlybeleaguered country. won't just sit back and call for the cities of Mosul and Tikrit support.They're there to lead last week on their southward If violence breaks out "I would never expect any from the front. You don't lead sweep toward the capital. "We're going to start small leader of the United States to from the back." with just several small teams send men into a dangerous sitAvoiding another Saigon of about a dozen each," a se- uation without giving them the The last U.S. combat brinior administration official right to respond (to attack) with gades left Iraq at the end of told reporters Thursday in a everything they've got," Eaton 2011. Obama last weekend conference call. "And they will said in an i nterview. "They dispatched 170 troops to help mostly be at the higher (Iraqi must have the right to defend move some staff from the U.S. securityforces) headquarters themselves with what they carEmbassy in Baghdad, with level, perhaps down at the bri- ry in, and to respond with other 100 additional troops stationed gade level." assets that can be brought to outside Iraqin casem oreevacWhile the Obama aides on bear to make them safe." uations are necessary. the call, who declined to be W hen President John F . Wellman said that with the identified so they could speak Kennedy sent military advisUnited States having spent about the operation, said they ers to Vietnam, his assurances billions of dollars and lost "typically don't talk about spe- that they did not have combat thousands of lives in its almost cific rules of engagement," the missions were quickly overnine-year military engage- aides made it clear that the ad- taken by violence, with 52 slain ment in Iraq, Obama and his viserscould see some sort of by the end of 1962. A speech top commanders are deter- military engagement, despite Kennedy gave about Vietnam mined not to see a repeat of Obama's public a s sertions in September1963 bears eerie the horrors of 1975, when U.S. military helicopters had to res-

that they won't have a combat

mission. "The president is focused cue Americans from the roof of the U.S. Embassy in Saigon on a number of potential conas the capital of South Viet- tingencies that may demand nam fell to the communists. direct U.S. military action," "We can't afford to let Bagh- said an administration aide dad fall to extremists," Well- on the call. "One of those (conman said. "There is no way tingencies) is the threat from this president is going to allow (ISIS) and the threat that it the world's biggest embas- could pose not simply to Iraqi sy (in Baghdad) to look like stability, but to U.S. personSaigon." nel and to U.S. interests more Top Obama aides from the broadly, certainly including Pentagon, the National Securi- our homeland." ty Council and other agencies Retired Army Maj. Gen. said the new advisers will fo- Paul Eaton, who helped train 4


U.S. impact

sweep through northern Iraq, creating havoc and endangering the country's revival into a leading oil producer and major contributor to the stability of

The U.S. imports only about 300,000 barrels a day from Iraq, but disruption in Iraqi production would f u r ther spike global oil prices and

global energy prices. The chaos already has

raise gasoline costs in Ameri ca. The motor club A A A ,

which monitors gasoline pricing, as government forces es, says U.S. drivers already and militants battle over are seeing an impact at the the country's largest refin- pump and that what happens ery. Iraq's big oil fields are in Iraq will influence the sumfar from the fighting in the mer driving season.

"Drivers (might) pay relatively high prices this summer, ranging from $3.55-$3.70 per gallon. However, this range may be higher." — AAA, in a statement

The southern oilfields are

sent world oil prices ris-

"AAA has predicted that

Shiite south, but there are

fears that the fractured na- drivers will pay relatively high tion could struggle to help prices this summer, ranging meet future world demand. from $3.55-$3.70per gallon. "Iraq has always mat- However, this range may be tered to the oil market, not higher if unrest in Iraq escaonly because of its current lates or disrupts oil producproduction and exports tion in the region," the auto — it is the second-largest club said in a statement on the OPEC crude exporter to-


day — but also because of

Sen. Bernie Sanders, a Verits huge reserves and unmont independent, said spectapped potential," said Ma- ulators are using the Iraq criria van der Hoeven, execu- sis as an excuse to artificially tive director of the Interna- drive up oil and gasoline prices. "I am getting tired of big tional Energy Agency. The IEA this week cut oil companies telling us that its forecast for Iraqi oil pro- gasoline prices are going duction growth, citing the up because of the turmoil in beleaguered country's "pre- Iraq," Sanders said this week. vailing security, institution- "The truth is that big oil will al and investment risks." never miss an opportunity to The militant offensive is increasethe price ofgas.The taking a toll on the coun- fact is that high gasoline prictry's oil infrastructure, halt- es have less to do with supply ing repairs on the export and demand and more to do pipeline from Kirkuk to the with Wall Street speculators port of Ceyhan in Turkey, driving prices up in the energy which was shut down by futures market." sabotage in March. There also has been heavy fight- Where the oil is ing between Iraqi security White House spokesman forces and militants over Jay Carney said the Obama the oil refinery in Baiji, administration is w atching Iraq's largest, which pro- closely "and at this point, we vides fuel and electricity to have not seen major disrupthe country's northern and tions in oil supplies in Iraq."

deep in Shiite territory and are

protectedby government forces and local militias hostile to the Sunni militants operating

under the banner of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. Oil companies are getting nervous,though, and are pulling foreign workers out. While experts said the big oilfields are secure, at least for now, they cited the risk of guerrilla attacks and sabotage of pipelines and other infrastructure, as well as the possibility ISIS could at least make

an attempt to extend the fight with a m i litary assault into

Baghdad and further south. The Iraqi crisis comes as the global oil inventory is already stretched thin by unrest that's

halting production in Libya, Sudan and Nigeria, as well as sanctions on Iran and Syria

and high demand for petroleum in China, according to firms that monitor the global

petroleum markets. Analysts said Iraq's impressive oil revival, along with booming production in the U.S. and Canada, has pro-

vided an important source of supply.

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The violence so far has not approached the southern oilfields, which account for at least 75 percent of

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• aa

resemblances toObama's recent remarks about Iraq.

"In the final analysis, it is


their war," Kennedy said of the

South Vietnamese. "They are


the ones who have to win it or lose it. We can help them, we

can give them equipment, we can send our men out there as




advisers, but they have to win

it — the people of Vietnam." Kennedy spoke at the start of what would become a long, deadly war. Obama's words have come30 months afterhe



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Firststeptokeepin sa e rouseo en an ere list By Scott Sonner RENO, Nev.— The Obama

administration is launching an effort to accelerate protection of sage grouse along the California-Nevada line with $31 million in spending through 2024 to help ranchers

population of sage grouse," A griculture Secretary T o m

Vilsack said Friday in formally announcing what he said was a "groundbreaking commitment" to provide $25.5 million over the next five to 10 years to help buy

"We are trying to address versity in San Francisco. "But these are v oluntary that uncertainty," Weller said. "It's all hands on deck. We are measures, and we don't know committing the money. This if they will follow through with is about as concrete as we can them," she said Friday. "They get." kind of gloss over the fact the The leader of a national threats are actually increasing. group representing ranchers There are a number of utility who graze sheep and cattle lines andwindprojects planned The Associated Press file photo on public lands said Friday in the area with the bistate popit is "a positive move by the ulation, and without a listing we The sage grouse is found in11 can't assure those will be evalstates, including Oregon, and administration." "Listing the sage grouse uated in a way that really takes may be declared a species wor-

and others improve habitat in what one top official says may conservation easements in arbe the best, last chance to keep easwithkeyhabitats. the bistate population off the The U.S. Bureau of Land list of threatened species. Management also is commit"This is the last train out ting $6.5 million over 10 years of the station," Jason Weller, to finance a wide range of imchief of the U.S. Department provements for the bistate pop- thy of broad federal protections. would cause ranchers to lose of Agriculture's Natural Re- ulation, which the U.S. Fish and property rights and hinder sources Conservation Service, Wildlife Service has proposed their ability not only to raise told The Associated Press. be granted protection under the "There are no promises here, cattle, but to continue to imWhile the multiagency ef- Endangered Species Act. but hopefully it will make a plement conservation efforts, fort targets grouse habitat in The service estimates there difference in the ultimate list- assuring viable habitat for the California and N evada, of- are only about 5,000 of the ing decision." varied species of the West," ficials said they hope it will birds left. A final decision is said Dustin Van Liew, execCalifornia and Nevada spreadinyearsto come to the expected in April. utive director of the Public "The biologists that work overall habitat of the greater In proposing last year to Lands Council. sage grouse across 11 Western for NRCS and our partners list th e b i state p opulation C onservationists said t h e states, including Oregon. were concerned that absent an as threatened, the Fish and new initiative should not pre"With proactive conserva- accelerated action, staying the Wildlife Service agreed with clude a federal listing. "That is clearly the admintion investments, we're helping course we are on, all signals conservationists who r aised farmers and ranchers who are were it's likely going to be list- concernsabout thelack ofcer- istration's desire," said Lisa improving habitat through vol- ed," Weller said in a telephone tainty and funding for future Belenky, a senior attorney for untary efforts to stabilize this interview from Washington. efforts to protect the bird. the Center for Biological Di-


being dragged from the Bogue

Continued from A1 Those efforts led to revela-

phia on June 23, 1964.

Chitto swamp near Philadel-

tions that allowed prosecutors

Riding south

to bring new charges against an 80-year-old Klansman, Edgar Ray Killen, a preacher and sawmill operator whose 1967 trial ended in a deadlocked

A horrified nation k n ew that instant that the men were likely dead. Scores of students,

who were about the age Dannenberg is now, were told that if they cared about democra-

ting up schools and registering

cy, they had to come southeven though in Mississippi, at

blacks to vote in the Jim Crow

that moment, they faced immi-

South when they encountered fierce resistance from the Ku

nent danger.

Klux Klan and local law en-

ter the grim discovery of the station wagon for the badly beaten bodies of Goodman, 20,

The three activists were set-

It took another 44 days af-

forcement. In 1964, resentment of Northerners invading their home turf on a mission

Kayleigh Skinner/Hechinger Report/MCT

to expose brutality and dis-

Students place rocks on the ground in Philadelphia, Miss., where

crimination reached a deadly crescendo. In the tiny town of Philadel-

Andrew Goodman, JamesChaneyand Michael Schwerner were murdered in June1964. The trip was part of a FreedomSummer

phia, Dannenberg and a busload of high school students from the William Winter Institute for Racial Reconciliation summer youth institute con-

constructed earthen dam on a

privately owned farm.

tour this month, 50 years after the murders, which marked a turning point in the fight for civil rights in Mississippi. tute, who stood in the front

Chaney, 21, and Schwerner, 24,

to be found — down a dirt road and buried beneath a newly Seven years later, the federal government took the case

over from reticent state prosdescribed were new to the stu- ecutors, convicting just seven

of the tour bus and described dents, who acknowledged that fronted the Magnolia State's cross and church burnings, ra- their civil rights education oftormented legacy, including the cial intimidation and the mur- ten extended no further than so-called "Mississippi Burn- ders in meticulous detail. King and the refusal of Rosa ing" murders, 50 years later. "There were separate bath- Parks to give up her bus seat to Activists from all over are rooms for blacks and whites," a white passenger. visiting Mississippi to com- Glisson said. "There were sepMiracle Clark, a 16-year-old memorate the events and arate black and white Bibles black high school student from "teach greater moral b and- and black and white drinkCleveland, Miss., said she was width for anewgeneration," ac- ing fountains. Every part of unaware that so many Freecording to organizers of Free- Southern life was segregated. dom Summer volunteers were dom50 events. ... Fifty years later, folks are white. "I never really knew Many students on Dannen- still dealing with the pain and that white people could be on berg's tour said they grew up trauma of that time." blackpeople's side," Clark said. "When I go back to my town, I in the shadow of horrific historic events, but they knew 'A terrible town' want to tell everyone about it." little about Freedom Summer The Rev. M artin L u ther Before the bus tour, the 27 and the sheer racist terror that King Jr. called Philadelphia students and their 14 mentors "a terrible town." His words: watched "Neshoba," a docucharacterized the era. "It's hard for all of us to "This is the worst I've ever mentary about the murders of imagine just how bad it was," seen. There is a complete reign the three civil rights workers, said Susan Glisson, executive of terror here." chilled by footage of the trio's director of the Winter InstiMany of the events Glisson burned-out blue Ford Fairlane

out of 18 indicted Klan mem-

bers of conspiring to violate the men's civil rights. But on June 21, 2005, a jury

of nine whites and three blacks convicted Killen, then 80, of

manslaughter. He was sentenced to serve three consecutive 20-year terms in prison.

'Not done' telling the story Myeisha Jones, 18, grew up in Philadelphia not far from the Mt . Z ion Church,

which was burned down by

the sage grouse into account." In addition to the Natural Resources Conservation Service, the USDA's Forest Ser-

vice will focus efforts to stem the invasion of juniper and other conifers into the sagebrush habitat grasses that grouse need for nesting and protection from predators. "I applaud the NRCS, USFS and the BLM for their very sig-

&20~1~4 0 ,

posed protecting the distinct

population along the Nevada-California line under the Endangered Species Act. The proposal would d esignate about 1.8 million acres as critical habitat.

Elsewhere The bistate population is separatefrom the greatersage grouse population, which is also underconsideration for protection. The service plans to make a decision by late 2015 on

state population," he said. "It

that important conservation actions in key areas of the

puts a marker in the ground for the overall sage grouse

bird's habitat will continue to population across the West."

"My father brushed me

someone speaks out against

racism, he said, his hometown talk about it," Jones recalled. changes for the better. "Whenever I talk about it, my "We live in a t ime where grandmother says, 'Get out of voices need to be heard with the room,' and shuts the door." clarity and strength," Molpus Jones doesn't defend her said. "In the '60s, the dark side town, but she does want the had arisen. We could see that off and said we don't need to

next generation to know that it

dark side come back, so it be-

has grown. "I feel like it's the hooves all of us to speak out." responsibility of every one of After his talk, Molpus posed us to tell the story," she said. for a photo with an unexpect"We are not done telling the ed elderly listener: Byron De Mississippi story." La Beckwith Jr., whose faDick Molpus, a former Mis- ther's conviction in 1994 for sissippi secretary of state who the 1963 killing of Medgar famously apologized to the Evers symbolized a transfamilies of the slain workers formed Mississippi. In another 25 years ago, is also not done. sign of change, De La BeckMolpus toured Freedom with Jr. said he has attended Summer sites on Monday with several F r eedom S u m mer David Goodman, watching talks this month. as the younger brother of the For her part, Dannenberg slain civil rights worker gath- will leave a state that once ered stones to place at Rock scared her too much to visit Cut Road on his first visit to with new hope for the next the murder site. He was also generation of activists — and among the activists, family newfoundrespectforFreedom members and politicians hon- Summer volunteers 50 years ored in a 50th anniversary ago. "Would I have come to prayer ceremony at the rebuilt Mt. Zion Church on June 15. Mississippi?" wonders DanA day later, Molpus ad- neberg, who is studying race dressed th e W i n ter I n s t i- relations and human rights. tute students. He touted the "WouldIhavehad thecourage town's progress: desegregated to stay? Absolutely." schools, apologies, memorials, a black mayor. "People have a vision of PhilSee us for retractable adelphia as a hellhole of the awnings, exterior solar world," Molpus said, in another screens, shadestructures. talk a day later in the state capital of Jackson. Yet each time


ing a summer seminar at the Winter Institute, where she is


Fish and Wildlife Service. The service in October pro-

nificant commitments, which

Schwerner. She didn't know about the case before attend-

her own family shuts out the

Land Management and the

will help provide certainty

the Klan in their effort to find

now a junior mentor. She says

Secretary Sally Jewell, who oversees both the Bureau of

whether greater sage grouse also warrant protection. Weller said Friday's announcement should help spur similar efforts in the nine states beyond Nevada and California with greater sage grouse. "It's bigger than just the bi-

Sun ehen youwantit, shade whenyou needit.


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be implemented," said Interior

• Feds announce protections for bird in 2 states; action on wider population could benext

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A freer Internet inCuba,for onenight By Juan O. Tamayo

dents and Miami contacts.

an American serving a prison

Ei Nuevo Herald

Raul Castro's government never said a word, and Cu-

sentence in Cuba for covert-

unblocked access to several

if Havana had taken a step

doubtful her son will be al-

websites censored for years

forward in a llowing more freedom of information in

lowed to return for her funeral despite the urging of U.S. officials. The family of 92-year-old Evelyn Gross said Wednesday

MIAMI — For a brief moment, it seemed that Cuba had

ly setting up Internet access ba-watchers began wondering there has died, and it seems

because of their criticisms of the government, including the the communist-ruled island U.S. government's Radio/TV Marti.



Nope. On Thursday afternoon, By Friday afternoon the she died in Plano, Texas. Her Cuba's Web surfers began blocks were back in place, and son, Alan Gross, was arrested noticing that they had access there were unconfirmed re- in Cuba in 2009. The Maryto Radio/TV Marti, Cubanet ports that their brief removal land man had been setting up in Miami, which publishes in- had been the result of a mis- hard-to-detect Internet n etdependent and dissident jour- take on the part of a Cuban works for the island's small nalists, and the Spain-based government technician. Jewish community as a sub"Everything seems to in- contractor for the U.S. governCubaencuentro, also critical of the government. dicate that it was an error," ment's Agency for InternationAlso unblocked were Twit- wrote Alejandro Ulloa, who al Development. Cuba considter, Skype and Revolico, a first reported the lifting of ers such programs to be an portal for Cuban classified ads the blocks, in a tweet Friday affront to its sovereignty and blocked apparently because it around 5 p.m. "In other word, sentenced Gross to 15 years competes with state-run stores yes, these sites are prohibited for crimes against the state. on the island nation, accord- for Cubans." — The Associated Press ing to several Havana resi-

Meanwhile, the mother of



9~j' h/j' Jl

® -r

contributed to this report.

, 4& M ~ •I

Narc Continued from A1

'I '

Narc is t h e f i rst m i x ed-

breed drug-detection dog in Central Oregon, but Oregon Police Canine Association

I •

trainer Mack Reid, 62, has



trained many such dogs to finddrugs during his career at the Oregon Department of Corrections. Reid is now retired and lives in McMinnville,


but he still trains K-9 teams.


"I've had great luck with the

Humane Societies in Oregon," Reid said earlier this month. "I get calls from all over when they get a dog.... Typically the dog I want is going to be diffi-

trained in the 1990s to work

with canines at a prison in



r I


. $22,995 I

$22,995 •I


• • J

' JI I




Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Deputy Stacy Crawford plays with Narc while letting him stretch

his legs on patrol in Redmond on Tuesday. "You've got your partner with you every day," Crawford said of his K-9. I worked at the Sheriffs Office, and he's by far the best,"

one let an aggressive dog loose on him, and (I) basically had to pick him up and run

Handlers even use German, Dutch or Czech commands,

around without one."

dependingupon where the dog one of the reasons they don't

Back when Crawford was searching for a new canine partner, he tested any dog he could. He found some dogs through ads on Craigslist, and others were offered up by friends of friends. "We're looking for a specific drive," Crawford said. "They have to have huge hunt drive. They want to go; they

was trained.

him and donated him to the department," Crawford said.

- $25,995

$26,995 I


' •









I• •

make the best house pets."

Narc does live in Crawford's K-9 team is the most reward- house, though, unlike some ing assignment he has had. patrol dogs that live in outdoor "You've got your partner with kennels. Crawford said Narc you every day," Crawford said. is not a risk to anyone, "unless "You've got a purpose, a goal. they're afraid of getting licked

I ' I


• I •

Crawford said working on a

... It really hits home when

to death."

gt• •t

• tt •


$1-3,995 . I

ly dampening the real estate

er priorities include require-


ments for new subdivisions to

"All you're going to do is Continued from A1 Three projects top the list: penalize homeowners," Andy finding sites in the county con- High, the Central Oregon


to bring up to code through federal grants; working with the state to allow sewers on ru-

lating to stormwater manage-

"You already have a wayto peral land outside of La Pine city nalize code violations. You're limits; and applying for grants just adding another layer of to preserve historic sites in the bureaucracy." county. Bill Robie, the Central OrT he public also had a egon Association of Realtors' chance to provide input at the government affair s director, meeting. While just six peo- called the proposal "a solution ple took advantage of the op- in search of a problem." portunity, two local building At County Commissioner and real estate officials spoke Tammy Baney's urging, the out strongly against one of proposal was tweaked to say the lower-level proposals: an the county would "consider" amendment to the county's the amendment, rather than building rules, prohibiting the "initiate" it, and take the issue issuance of any land use and up at a later date. buildingpermits on a property The county also plans to with a pending code violation. work closely with the city of That proposal may not Bend as it prepares to expand sound controversial, but it had the urban growth boundary, local building and real estate and with Redmond as it tries o fficials questioning if t he to develop land on the east county was needlessly add- side of town into an industriing regulations and potential- al campus, Lelack said. 0th-

ment practices and the need to

preserve open, scenic views. But the 52 county priorities represent a more ambitious

project list than any time in recent memory, as the recession

levels constant ... while main-

taining high levels of customer service." — Reporter: 541-617-7820, egluci'zlich@bendbulletin.com

I I•

II '

• I

'24,995 • • J

II •t


$25,995 I



' ' l I


cut community development

staffing from 48 a few years ago to 30 this year. "We're certainly feeling the return of the economy, which certainly has been a bright light for everyone," Lelack told commissioners. For the Community Development Department, "it's a significant increase in demand on staff. We're trying to hold staffing

' ll


meetfir esafety standards and defining the types of recreational events appropriate on rural land.

Builders Association's Vice President of Government AfSome of the proposals are fairs, t o l d c o m m issioners. minor and highly technical, re-



' $18,995 taminated by industrial waste


"He'll use me as a human

ladder," Crawford said. "That's

Narc's career is drawing to you put the time into it. It all comes together and pays off." a close.Crawford said the dog Crawford said he some- will soon retire, perhaps in Janwant to hunt. They're one of times fears for Narc's safety, uary. Crawford will once again those dogs that usually drives just as he would with any law be in the market for a foure veryone else nuts i n t h e enforcement partner."You legged partner, and he hasn't backyard." worry about people who don't ruled out another mutt. "Who Narc turned out to be a great want drugs detected hurting knows, we might do it again." bargain for the Sheriff's Office. your dog," Crawford said. "I — Reporter: 541-617-7829, "I've had three drug dogs since had a situation where somehborrud@bendbulletin.com




I was doing. I could hardly imagine pushing a patrol car

and found Narc and trained



"I just loved K-9s, loved what

department couldn't afford a dog at the time, so I just went


Crawford said. "He's (got) over $1 million in drug and cur- with him." rency seizures." Crawford's Hazards for K-9 drug-detecprevious drug-detection dogs tion teams also include neewere Labrador retrievers. The dles, glass pipes and the actual patrol dogs that officers use to drugs, but Crawford said the apprehend suspects are often dog has only received minor Belgian malinois and German injuries, "like crawling on a shepherds, and many of them semi (truck) and twisting an come frombreedersin Europe. ankle, or getting a toe caught."

in unconventional places. "My



McNeil Island, Wash., and the

sergeant who taught him had found many of the prison's working dogs through local animal rescue groups. Financial constraints drove Crawford to search for dogs



cieties. "Probably the best one

was a pit bull mix," Reid said. "Chinook was his name." Reid



cult to adopt, because I want

a very busy and energetic dog, and typically those don't do well in somebody's house. Theyneed to have a job.... The first thing I do when I get a dog is make sure it will jump up on the kitchen table because we want dogs to go everywhere." Reid had four canine partners he worked with to find drugs in Oregon's prisons, and only one was a purebred. The rest came from Humane So-



$29 995

$30,995 •







ages 50andoldercompete in oneof 16 sports; free for spectators; June 19-22, events scheduled throughout the day; Bend location; www.j.mp/ SrGames or 541-382-8048. BENEFITYARDSALE: Proceeds benefit the BendGenealogical Society; free; 8 a.m.-3 p.m.; Williamson Hall (behind Jake's Diner), Rock Arbor Villa, 2200 Northeast U.S. Highway 20, Bend; www.orgenweb.org/deschutes/ bend-gs or 541-317-9553. CENTRAL OREGONSUMMER MARKET:Featuring a street fair, flea market, farmers market, live

ENm a gate; 9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Rockin' A Ranch, 19449 Tumalo Reservoir Road, Tumalo; www 4peaksmusic.com. CENTRAL OREGONWILDFLOWER SHOW:Featuring native plants, wildflowers, lichens, shrubs, grasses and mosses, plus a native plantand

148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend;

Nickernut Court, Redmond; www.

www.cascadestheatrical.org or


541-389-0803. "SWEENEY TODD:THE DEMON BARBEROFFLEETSTREET": Stephen Sondheim and Hugh Wheeler's humorous musical about

541-548-0749. CENTRAL OREGONWILDFLOWER SHOW:Featuring native plants, wildflowers, lichens, shrubs, grasses and mosses, plus a native plant and

ponderosaseedling sale; $8for

a murderousbarberandculinary

ponderosaseedling sale; $8for

adults, $6 for ages 2-12; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunriver Nature Center 8 Observatory, 57245 River Road;

crime; $22 for adults, $19 for students/seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E Lafayette Ave., Bend; www.2ndstreettheater.

adults, $6 for ages 2-12; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sunnver Nature Center 8 Observatory, 57245 River Road; www.sunrivernaturecenter.org or 541-593-4394. 4PEAKS MUSICFESTIVAL: Roots, funk and jams, with Railroad Earth, Dumpstaphunk, Pimps of Joytime and more; $135 plus fees; $150 at gate; 10 a.m.; Rockin' A Ranch, 19449Tumalo Reservoir Road,


541-593-4394. HOGS FORDOGS RESCUE POKER RUN:Poker run benefiting Brightside Animal Center, $250 prize for highest hand; $15 first hand, $5 for additional hands; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Steelhead Custom Cycles, 2122 S.W. Deerhound Ave., Suite 4, Redmond; music andmore;free; 8a.m.-4 www.steelheadcustomcycles.com, p.m.; Deschutes CountyFair8 Expo gfranklin1©bendbroadband.com or Center, 3800 S.W.Airport Way, 541-526-5770. Redmond; www.streetfair2014. IN THEDARK EXHIBIT OPENS: com, bill©streeffair2014.com or 541-385-3364. Explore the nocturnal world of the High Desert, traveling exhibit from GARAGESALE:Benefiting the Central Oregon Chapter of the Rocky the Cincinnati Museum Center; 9 a.m.; High Desert Museum, Mountain Elk Foundation; 8 a.m.-3 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97,Bend; p.m.; private residence,1947 N.W. www.highdesertmuseum.org or Nickernut Court, Redmond; www. facebook.com/rmefcentraloregon or 541-382-4754. 541-548-0749. MADRASSATURDAYMARKET: 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sahalee Park, Seventh SMITH ROCK PAINT OUT:Featuring and B streets; 541-546-6778. a plein-air paint out with family art activities and artist demonstrations; CENTRALOREGONSATURDAY free; 8 a.m.-3 p.m.; Smith Rock State MARKET:Featuring local artists and Park, 9241 N.E.Crooked River Drive, crafters; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; parking Terrebonne; www.smithrockpaintout. lot across from Downtown Bend Public Library, 600 N.W.Wall St.; com or 541-980-7349. 541-420-9015. 4 PEAKSMUSIC FESTIVAL:Roots, funk and jams, with Railroad Earth, LLAMA O'RAMAPLAYDAY: Dumpstaphunk, Pimps of Joytime Featuring displays, demonstrations, and more; $135 plus fees; $150 at hands-on activities for kids and


Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communityli feibendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

com, 2ndstreettheater©gmail.com

Courtesy Erin Mills

Railroad Earth is headlining the 4 PeaksMusic Festival near Tumalo this weekend. adults, petting pens, obstacle courses and more; free; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Crooked River RanchGolf Course, 5195 S.W.Clubhouse Road; www.centraloregonllamas. net, lamabetty©aol.com or 541-548-4758. NORTHWEST RUN/WALK FOR EPILEPSY:Annual awareness walk,

system. Nearly 79 percent

the desired date correct-

of the clinic's 6,830 patients

ly, which, in c ertain cases, "Some of th e s chedulers would have resulted in a rehad questions about sched- p orted wait t im e t hat w a s uling, because obviously na- shorter than the patient actu-

were able to get appointments within seven days of their

tionwide, it's a confusing system and everybody is working really hard now to make sure that we're doing everything exactly right," she said. Reached by phone, John Shea, operations manager of the Bend VA clinic, referred

questions to the Portland VA's media relations staff. The VA r eport, i n a d d ition to a G o v ernment Accountability Office report in

request, and the clinic's average wait time for the third

ally experienced for that ap- next available appointment pointment," the report stated. was 6.2 days. The VA uses The GAO report said some

facilities complained of problems with scheduling timely

the third next available ap-

pointment as a systemwide

appointments due to the "out-

measure of wait times. New patients in Bend wait an aver-

dated and inefficient" software and staff shortages.

age of 12 days to see a primary care physician, according

At a June 10 Senate hear-

ing on veterans' wait times, Stephen Warren, who oversees the VA's

org, happytails©dogpac.orgor

541-203-0274. BRING HALOHOME — DIABETIC ALERT DOG FUNDRAISER: Help a10-year-old Type1 diabetic boy sponsored byEpilepsy Foundation obtain a Diabetic Alert Service Northwest; $25 per runner, $20 per Dog; $30; 6-10 p.m.; Elks Lodge, walker, registration required; 10 63120 N.E. BoydAcres Road, a.m.; Bend Sync Lim ited,920 S.W . Bend; www.bendelkslodge. Emkay Drive; www.nwrunwalk.org. org, bendelksoffice1371O bendbroadband.com or AUTHORPRESENTATION:Darlene 541-389-7438. Crowley will present on her book "When Hope Arrives..";1-3 p.m.; "COMMUNICATINGDOORS": Dudley's Bookshop Cafe, 135N.W. A time-traveling comic thriller by Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-749-2010. Alan Ayckbourn about a woman who stumbles into a murder plot; SOLSTICERUN: Fun run/walkon forest trails with your off-leash $19, $15 seniors, $12 students; dog, 5K and 9Koptions, day-of 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse,

GAO visited did not record

Continued from B1

registration starts at 3:30 p.m.; $20, registration required; 4:30 p.m.; Wanoga Sno-park, Cascade Lakes Highway, Bend; www.dogpac.

to the VA. The Portland VA Medical Center has brought on sev-

Tree Contlnued from 61 According to court documents, the value of the tree is

estimated at $1,000.

or 541-312-9626. NECKTIEKILLER:Ska,with No Cash Value and Calif. band Pushing the Sun; $5; 9 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; wwwvolcanictheatrepub.com or 541-323-1881.

SUNDAY OREGONSENIORGAMES:Athletes ages 50and older compete in one of 16 sports; free for spectators; June 19-22, events scheduled throughout the day; Bend location; www.j.mp/ SrGames or 541-382-8048. CENTRAL OREGONSUMMER MARKET:Featuring a street fair, flea market, farmers market, live music and more; free; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; Deschutes CountyFair8 Expo Center, 3800 S.W.Airport Way, Redmond; www.streetfair2014. com, bill©streeffair2014.com or 541-385-3364. GARAGESALE:Benefiting the Central Oregon Chapter of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation; 8 a.m.-3 p.m.; Private Residence, 1947 N.W.

Whitcomb said he has start-

— Lost Tracks Golf Course owner Brian Whitcomb ed looking into getting a tree transplanted into the area. "I designed the golf course. I built the golf course. I feel the beauty and there's no way Laskin is scheduled to be like I'm a pretty big conser- to tell how much damageis arraigned Thursday. vator of the land," Whitcomb done as far aspeople's appre— Reporter: 541-633-2117, said. "The trees are part of ciation of the scene out here." mwarner@bendbulletirt.com

Find It All Online bendbulletin.com

I n f ormation en new physicians — five of

NEws OF REcoRD 4:19p.m.— Brush or brush-andgrass mixture fire, 60650 ChinaHat Road. The Bulletin will update items in the 4:43p.m.— Building fire, 61140 Police Log whensuch arequest Billadeau Road. is received. Any newinformation, 22 —Medical aid calls. such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more Thursday information, call 541-633-2117. 5:11a.m.— Forest, woods or wiidland fire, in the area ofBessie Butte. BEND POLICE 8:37 a.m.— Unauthorized burning, DEPARTMENT 60213 CheyenneRoad. 10:19 a.m.— Natural vegetation fire, Theft —Atheft was reported and an 1180 S.E.Third St. arrest made at5:30 p.m. June10, in the 300 block of Southeast Woodland 10:32 a.m. —Authorized controlled burning, 500 S.E.ReedMarket Road. Boulevard. 27 —Medical aid calls. DUII —Jeffrey Lyle Martin, 36, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 3:17 p.m. June11, in thearea of Northwest CIVIL SUITS Portland Avenueand Northwest Wall Street. Filed May 23 Theft —Atheft was reported and an 14CV0391 —Farmland Preservation arrest made at11:33 a.m. June18, Group, LLC v.The Halligan Ranch, in the 600 block of Northeast Third Inc. also known as Halligan Ranch, Street. Inc., complaint, at least $200,000 Theft —A theft was reported at 7:05 14CV0392 —Columbia State p.m. June18, in the 20100block of Bank v. Larry Groves, complaint, Caddisfly Way. $263,014.52 Theft —Atheft was reported at12:21 Filed May 28 p.m. June19, in the 20500 block of 14CV0396 —Kim A. Mortenson Sierra Drive. v. Bend — La Pine School District, complaint, 898,000.00 PRINEVILLE Filed May 29 POLICE 14CV0395 —Jerry L. Johnson, DEPARTMENT by and through his guardian ad litem, Andrea Johnson andAndrea Criminal mischief —Anact of Johnson, individually v. Bright Wood criminal mischief and atheft were Corporation, complaint, at least reported at12:31 p.m. June19, in the $500,000 area of Northwest Meadowlakes Drive. 14CV0400 —Steven and Rebecca Baker v. Robert Hartmann, complaint, at least $100,000 OREGON STATE 14CV0402 —James W.Gernhart v. POLICE Kim Goin, at least $100,000 14CV0403 —Michael Lehne and Vehicle crash — Anaccident was Suzanne Lehne v.William T. Cook reported at 3:30 p.m. June19, in the and Underground Customs, Inc., area of U.S. Highway 97near milepost complaint, at least $20,000 106. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was Filed June 2 reportedat4:30p.m. June19, in 14CV407 —John A. Morrow and the area of U.S.Highway126 near Marise D. Morrow, trustees of The milepost 3. Morrow Revocable Living Trust v. Corey's Custom Homes, Inc. and Rex Corey, complaint, $375,000.00 BEND FIRE RUNS 14CV0408 —Portfolio Recovery Wednesday Associates, LLC v.Evelina V. Davidson, complaint, $11,767.87 3:29p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 19592 Manzanita Lane. 14CV0409 —Portfolio Recovery

Associates, LLC v. Donna M.Guthrie, complaint, $21,752.60 14CV0410 —Security Credit Services, LLC v. PHC Solutions lnc. and Paul Colburn also known as Paul H Colburn, complaint, $26,588.21 Filed June 3 14CV0412 —Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. v. Brian L. Grant, Stephanie D.Grant and Capital One Bank(USA), N.A., complaint ,$273,963.02 14CV0413 —Christiana Trust, a division of Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, not in its individual capacity but as trustee of ARLPTrust 2 v. Jeni Gallacher and JonGallacher, complaint, $263,831.19 Filed June 4 14CV0414 —Credit Associates, Inc. v. Joyce A. Haigler, complaint, at least $10,000 14CV0415 —Tyler J. Higbee v. St. Charles Health System, Inc. doing businessas St. Charles Medical Center — Bend, complaint, $6,000,000.00 Filed June 9 14CV0419 —Credit Associates, Inc. v. Richard Paul Chilton and Natalie Danien Chilton, complaint, at least $10,000 Filed June 10 14CV0422 —Michelle Dean v. ShannonScharkey,com plaint, $56,401.06 Filed June 11 14CV0423 —Credit Associates, Inc. v. David L. Boyce andDenise Boyce, complaint, at least $10,000 14CV0427 —Cach, LLC v. Steven D. Spain, complaint, $42,972.32 Filed June 12 14CV0425 —Main Street Town Center, LLC v.Steven Smith and Q 16, LLC andSubway Real Estate Corp., complaint, at least $25,000 Filed June 13 14CV0430 —Green TreeServicing LLC v. Karol S. Schaadand Katie L. Ringseth formerly known as Katie L. Schaad, complaint,$245,526.54 14CV0433 —Robert L. Riemenschneider, Lorene Riemenschneider, Arland Keeton andImaJean Keetonv.Ronald L. Riemenschneider, Ronda G.Avery and Randall S. Avery, complaint, at least $2,000,000.00

"COMMUNICATINGDOORS": A time-traveling comic thriller by Alan Ayckbourn about a woman who stumbles into a murder plot; $19, $15 seniors, $12 students; 2 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; www.cascadestheatrical.org or 541-389-0803. TIBETANMONKS: Tibetan Monkson ayearlong peace tour visit the library and share cultures and rituals; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; www.deschuteslibrary. org/bend, lizg©deschuteslibrary.org or 541-312-1032. NATURAL VIBRATIONS: The Hawaii reggae band performs; free, 21 and older; 2:30 p.m., gates open at1 p.m.; Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; www.bendconcerts.com or 541-322-9383.

"The trees are part of the beauty and there's no wayto tellhow m uch damage isdone as far as people's appreciation of the scene out here."

and Technology systems, told them temporary — since last March, blamed the software senators the VA is actively fall, which allowed thefacilifor many of the agency's looking for a new scheduling ty to reduce its wait list from scheduling issues. The March software system. 1,506 at the end of May to 467 GAO report said the wait On Friday, Deazley said he today, Deazley said. "So we're doing lots of times themselves are unreliwas not familiar with plans able when the VA's schedul- for new scheduling software. good things," he said. "Are we ers aren't recording informaData from th e V A s h ow perfect? No, but we're maktion consistently. that wait times at the Bend ing great strides every day." "Some schedulers at VA VA facility are shorter rel— Reporter: 541-383-0304, medical centers (VAMC) that ative to other clinics in the tbannow@bendbulletirt.com


Tumalo; www.4peaksmusic.com.

At BOyS & GirlS Club, We're aSked to Create SOlutiOnS fOr ajj kindS ofiSSueSthrOugh COmmunity SerViCe. We

COllabOrate in grOuPS or Create our 0WnPrOjeCtS — juSt like in real life. I'Ve learned reSpeCt,reSpOnSibility and empathy. Volunteering has changed the way j view the world — and myself. For more information or to take atour, email info@bgcco.org SOUTHEASTBEND DOWNTOWN BEND REDMOND TERREBONNE



REGON 5oLithern


taps interim

By Jonathan J. Cooper


Democratic Sen. Jeff Merkley went af-

The Associated Press




state Board of Higher Education on Friday appointed Roy Saigo as interim president of Southern Oregon University, the Ashland-based school that's cutting acad emic p r og rams b e cause of budget woes. Saigo, 73, Saigo was president


candidateMonica Wehby on taxes. Wehby hired a new c ampaign manager. A n d Gov. John Kitzhaber hauled in the dough. Here's a look

House Republicans launch website Kitzhaber's has had to answer for the problems at Cov-

er Oregon, and House Republicans think their Democratic

over to run Republican Dennis Richardson's campaign for governor.Wehby chose MichaelAntonopoulos as Pearce'ssuccessor.

counterparts should too. The Republicans' political website this week aiming to tarnish legislative Democrats with the same Cover Oregon

backor.com,features a video mashing up optimistic

plan that reduces the scope of the university, Saigo will

statements by Kitzhaber and

oversee SOU as it and the other six public universities

Portland Democrat, with last

ulty voted that they were not confident in Cullinan's

leadership. The vote came weeks after faculty mem-

bers accepted a labor contract that did not include

cost-of-living raises. "I know these are challenging times, but they also present a unique opportunity to strengthen Southern's role in serving students and the region in ef-

fective, creative ways that move us forward toward institutional governance,"

Saigo said in a statement. "I will work with everyone on

campus to listen carefully, renew relationships and reconnect our vision."

Saigo signed a two-year contract for $205,236 a year. His successor will be appointed by the university's independent board, which will be formed over the coming year and assume power next summer. "Dr. Saigo is absolutely the right guy for this job," Melody Rose, chancellor the Oregon University System, said in a phone interview. "He has a national reputation for s tabilizing institutions during difficult

transitions or challenging financial environments."

Steve Dykes/The AssociatedPress file photo

SenatehopefulMonica Wehby, a Republican,gota new campaign manager this week after her former one, Charlie Pearce, moved

Kitzhaber. Their website, www.take-

ern Washington Universi-

authorities say therewas abeating in the countryside overthe booming of devices aimed atshooing birds away. Sheriff's Sgt. Chris Baldridge said a neighbor of ablueberry farmer got angry about the noisefrom "bird cannons," propane-powereddevicesthat emit asound likegunfire. Baldridge saidcannonswere going off Thursdayevening when 37-year-old LukeAdamChapmanfired his shotgun over the headofthe farmer and thenbattered thefarmer with theweapon. Thefarmer was not seriously hurt. Chapmanwasbooked oncharges of unlawful use of aweapon,assaultandrecklessendangerment.

ing developments in Oregon politics:

political stain that's dogged

ty. In March, 63 percent of the Southern Oregon fac-

Neighdor accused in 'dird cannon' deef —MarionCounty

at the week's most interest-

as a turnaround expert by

gain independence from the Board of Higher Education by establishing their own governing boards. Saigo replaces Mary Cullinan, who resigned to become president at East-

University archivist has uncovered abox of reel-to-reel recordings ofcampus speechesbyfiguressuchasRobertF.KennedyandAllan Ginsberg. Therecordings werewarehoused after the format went out of use. Theschool has gotten a$10,000 grant to convert 275 hours to a digital format.

ter Republican U.S. Senate

sultant. He's being touted

r e t renchment

School finds reels of famous figures — APortland state


action committee launched a

menting a

Portland restaurant madeoff with 16 bottles of tequila worth morethan $3,000. Officers saythe mansmashedthe front glass door of the Casa del Matador Restaurant 8 Tequila Barearly Thursday, thenkicked out a wood panel in thedoor to astorage room wherethe bottles are kept.

The Associated Press

of St. Cloud State University in Minnesota from 2000-07, and has more recently been a con-

Oregon University System officials. Besides imple-

Intruder targetS tequila —Policesayamanwho broke into a

us wee in 0 i iCS


By Steven Dubois


— From wire reports

"I'm looking forward tojoining Dennis' team and doing all that I can to make sure his general election effort is successful."


Insecticide thought to be

— Charlie Pearce, Monica Wehby's former campaign manager, on joining Dennis Richardson's campaign for governor

the culprit inbeedie-off The Associated Press

year's cheery Cover Oregon commercial and news re-

Pearce will be w orking Kitzhaber increases his g advantage in his new gig with a former fundraisin rival. Jordan Conger, who K itzhaber has hauled i n started this week as Richard- big checks from labor unions

ports about the Cover Oregon

son's field director, ran his

and a Native American tribe

problems. The GOP site calls Cover Oregon a "national embarrassment" and says "Salem Democrats have failed Oregonians for too long." Cover Oregon's online enrollment system n ever launched for th e g eneral public and is the subject of investigations by the FBI and

father Jason Conger's campaign for U.S. Senate, which

in the past week, helping him widen his fundraising advantage over Richardson.

make a sticky mess on ve- Arkin, e xecutive d i rector hicles in parking lots is sus- of a group based in Eugene, pected in a bee die-off at a Beyond Toxics. "Some ofthem were quivEugene apartment complex, a state Agriculture Depart- ering and in convulsions," ment spokesman says. she said. "It was awful to beInvestigators found hun- hold. We didn't know whethdreds of dead bumblebees er to put them out of their and honeybees after a tree misery or just walk on." care company sprayed 17 G lass Tree C a r e a n d lindens in bloom 'Itresday for SprayServiceiscooperating an aphid infestation. in the investigation. "We hold ourselves to the The company used a pesticide of the type that killed highest business and applithousands of bees last year cator standards, and take around a Wilsonville park- this matter v er y s e riousing lot, spokesman Bruce ly," company President J.P. Pokarney told The Regis- Mischkot said in an email to t er-Guard. After t hat, t h e the newspaper. state toughened restrictions Pokarney said i nsection the chemicals. c ides have been used i n T he Eugene t r ees a r e parking lots to keep aphids heavy with yellow blossoms, from dropping onto vehicles, and bees can be expected where the pests can create to keep returning to them, what Pokarney called "resaid arborist and beekeeper ally kind of an unsightly Doug Hornaday. thing."

House Speaker Tina Kotek, a

he lost to Wehby.

Michael A nt o nopoulos is taking over as campaign manager at Wehby's operation. Antonopoulos was previously the manager of Matt Whitaker's run for the GOP Senate nomination in Iowa.

The Cow Creek Band of

the Umpqua tribe contributed $50,000. Unions representing firefighters and laborers combined to chip in $80,000. All told, Kitzhaber's bank a ccount h a s

s w e l le d b y

Whitaker f i nished fourth

$175,000 since last Friday. He a GOP-controlled congressio- in a field of five candidates. has about $845,000 to spend. nal committee. Before the Iowa race, AntoRichardson's c a mpaign "Leadership at all levels nopoulos worked in GOP pol- reports $77,000 in available should be held accountable itics in California. cash, about $4,200 of which He'll face the task of get- was raisedover the lastweek. for what's going on in the state," said Kara Walker, a ting W e hby's c a mpaign campaign spokeswoman for the House back on track and ensuring Richardson's Republicans. she has enough money to uses email list All House Democrats and overcome the fusillade from Richardson's c a mpaign more than half of the Repub- Merkley's team. is using an extensive list licans voted for the 2011 legof email addresses that his Merkley slams islation that c reated Cover legislative office obtained Wehby on taxes Oregon. through public records reMerkley is continuing his quests of state agencies. Campaignsplay effort to keep Republican riWhen Richardson commusical chairs val Wehby from gaining any piled his list two years ago, Wehby'scampaign manag- traction in the race. Democrats complained that er, Charlie Pearce, is moving Merkley's campaign fo- he was sending unsolicitover to run Dennis Richardcused this week on attack- ed spam to a large swath of son's campaign for governor. ing Wehby's past statements the public who had given Pearce takes over for Tom on economic issues and their email address to state Maginnis, who steered Rich- taxes. Merkley links his op- agencies. ardson through his not par- p onent's statements on t ax One Richardson newsletticularly competitive primary policy to Mitt Romney's po- ter that included four large as a volunteer, said campaign sitions during the 2012 pres- attachments caused so much spokeswoman Meredith Gla- idential campaign, charging trafficthat a server crashed, cken. Maginnis had planned that Wehby would lower slowing Internet access in all along to become a senior taxes for millionaires and the Capitol and limiting pubadviser during the general, corporations. lic access to the Legislature's Glacken said. Antonopoulos said Merk- website. "I'm looking forward to ley's trying to "shift blame The Oregonian reports that joining Dennis' team and do- from his own failed record," Richardson's campaign filed ing all that I can to make sure and Wehby's economic poli- a public records request to his his general election effort is cies are guided by making it legislative office, obtaining successful," Pearce said in an easier for Oregonians to live the emailaddresses of more email. and work every day. than 420,000 people.

Considering more bees likely died after they flew chemical used to kill aphids away, the toll is likely higher EUGENE — A restricted

so they and their waste don't


than was evident, said Lisa


i •


i •

I• 5.

BB •

Yachaa; Oregon . ,

Fire Continued from B1 Crews on Friday were bat-

tling a growing fire in a logging operation on private lands outside Bonanza in Klamath

County. The Bryant Fire had grown to more than a square mile, and the Department of

Forestry said gusty winds and rough terrain made it likely the fire would grow larger. To the west, hikers on Upper Table Rock, a landmark in Jackson County, headed back

to the trailhead early Thursday afternoon when fire broke out in a mowed hayfield. Bulldozers and fire crews dug lines around the fire, which burned nearly to the rim of the

volcanic plateau, the Medford Mail Tribune reported.

The fires are early in a season that has given fire bosses reason for concern. District Forester George Pon-

te said restrictions would go into effect this morning in Central

Oregon, much of the land east of the Cascades, on the Columbia Plateau and along the western end of the Blue Mountains.

He said live trees and downed logs are both quite dry forthe time ofyear,so fire restrictions typical of July or August are going into effect now. "We're basically three to four weeks ahead of schedule," he sald

A perfecttime to enjoy the coast beforethe summer surge.

Find It All

Fire restrictions The Oregon Department of Forestry tightened public fire restrictions beginning today in its Central Oregon District affecting private and nonfederal public forestlands in 12counties: Deschutes, Jefferson, Crook, Harney, Morrow, Grant, Wheeler, Gilliam, Hood River,Wasco, along with small portions of Umatilla and Lake counties. Deschutes County commissioners on Wednesdaywill consider adopting the samerestrictions for lands in the county not protected by other wildland agencies and to protect county-owned land. The following activities are restricted or prohibited by the state: • Smoking is prohibited while traveling, except in vehicles on improved roads. • Open fires are prohibited, including campfires, charcoal fires, cooking fires andwarming fires, except in designated areas. Portable cooking stoves using liquefied or bottled fuels are allowed. Open fires are allowed in compliance with a valid burning permit. • Chainsaw use is prohibited from 1 to 8 p.m. Chainsaw use is permitted at all other hours, with this equipment: oneax, one shovel, and one8-ounce or larger fire extinguisher. • Cutting, grinding and welding of metal is prohibited from 1 to 8 p.m. At all other times the area is to becleared of flammable vegetation and the following fire equipment is required: oneax, one shovel, and one2t/2-pound or larger fire extinguisher. • Use of motor vehicles, including motorcycles and all-terrain vehicles, is prohibited, except on improved roadsand except for vehicle use bylandowners and their employees. • Possession of the following firefighting equipment is required while traveling in a motorized vehicle, except on federal and state highways, county roads anddriveways: one shovel and 1 gallon of water or one 2t/~-pound or larger fire extinguisher, except all-terrain vehicles andmotorcycles, which must beequipped with an approved spark arrestor. • Mowing of dried grass with power-driven equipment is prohibited from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m., except for the commercial culture and harvest of agricultural crops. • Use of fireworks and releasing sky lanterns are prohibited. — Bulletin staff report






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EDj To

The Bulletin


oun s ou res ric ions on irewor s eschutes County Commissioners are considering a ban on shooting fireworks in the county's unincorporated areas. It's a step the county should take to

reduce fire danger. The specifics have not been worked out, but the county doesn't have any limits on fireworks now other that what exists under state law. The ban discussed would apply only to areas outside of city boundaries. It's already illegal to shoot fireworks off in the national forest. Some towns in Deschutes County have their own restrictions. For instance, in Bend people have to be 18 to buy, sell, possess or use fireworks. A state law also makes certain fireworks illegal in Oregon. That includes those that fly, explode, launch balls of fire or move more that 6 feet across the ground or into the air more than 12 inches. Those aerial "sky lanterns" are also illegal.

It's not hard to find someone violating the law near the Fourth of July or New Year's. There is not enough law enforcement to chase after everyone setting off illegal fireworks. A county ban won't be possible to fully enforce. But commissioners are thinking about this because of where we live. A new county restriction sends a message that many will abide by. It should not take the 7wo Bulls Fire to remind us all about the danger. The fireworks display on Pilot Butte every year, which is sponsored in part by The Bulletin, is usually spectacular. It's done by professionals. Fire personnel are on alert. That's the way fireworks should be handled in such a fireprone region.

M 1Vickel's Worth

Give publicmore time to respondto proposal


he public has been given only 60 days to respond to significant proposed changes in the Endangered Species Act's definition of critical habitat. It's not

One of the proposed changes would require attention to a species' "recovery," not just its "survival." It involves a new definition of adverse modification, a concept enough. that allows restrictions on a variety Rep. Greg Walden, R-Hood of activities. Under the new definiRiver,and 42 other members of tion, adverse modification would Congress have asked the Obama include any action that would inadministration to extend the com- terfere with a listed species ability ment period.They say the chang- to recover, not just its ability to sures, released May 12, could have a vive. Critics say the change would amount to a vast expansion of big economic impact. federalpower and could mean far "As written, these rules could greater restrictions in current and dramatically increase the amount future areas designated as critical of private and public lands des- habitat. ignated for habitat," the group The letter, written to the U.S. wrote, "which in turn could result Fish and Wildlife Director Dan in blocking or slowing down an array of agricultural, grazing, en- Ashe and NationalOceanic and ergy transmission and production, Atmospheric Administration Adtransportation, and other actim- ministrator K a t hryn S u l l ivan, ties on the more than 680 current whose agencies administer the habitat designations and hundreds ESA, requests a six-month exmore slated to be finalized in the tension in the comment period to allow all those impacted to study next few years." The West is no stranger to the and understand th e p r oposed power of the ESA, with timber har- regulations. vests down more than 90 percent in Whatever the conclusion about the last 30 years, due largely to the the regulations themselves, it's designation of northern spotted owl clear the time extension is the right habitat under the act. Current con- move. The ESA has had enormous cerns about the sage grouse have impact —forgood and bad — and spurred considerable eff ort to pre- those aff ected by changes are envent ESA action that some say could titled to the chance to effectively lead to similar losses in ranching, respond before significant alternafarming and other businesses. tions are made.

Roundabouts are not a panacea

to show support for solar energy. For Pew Research study, rightly sug-

Reed Market and Bond, near the Old Mill. There is a lot more traffic on Reed Market than Bond Street. At rush hour, the traffic on Bond can

installed in Oregon to power 9,100

10 years. On the reverse side, lib-

homes with potential for much

erals have either increased more

more. Local solar installers, and the

slowly or not at all when asked the

Oregon, the day serves an important

gests that conservatives and liberals

reminderthatdean energy isafford- are moving further away from the Bend is making a mistake by pro- able, available and ready to replace center. What the editorial does not posing to put a roundabout at Reed 19th century fuels like coal. highlight is that the report shows Market Road and 15th Street, where Solar energy generation account- the move to the right by conservathere is now a traffic light. Round- ed for nearly half of the new elec- tives has been more pronounced. abouts do not solve all problems. In tricity-generating capacity in the In all the questions from the surparticular, they work poorly when United States during the first quar- vey of people who identify as consisthere is a lot of traffic, especially teroflastyear,and more solarhas tently conservative or mostly conwhen one of the roads has signifi- been installed in the U.S. in the last servative, their anger and animosity cantly more traffic than the other(s). year and a half than in the 30 years toward Democrats and liberals has A case in point is the roundabout at prior. There is enough solar energy grown substantially over the past

jobs they provide, are on the rise. same questions. Conservatives are At the same time, new analysis far more trusting of the Fox News

back up for several blocks; it can take 5-10 minutes to get through the from the investment bank Citigroup roundabout if you're on Bond. That is shows that solar and wind powthe situation at Reed Market and 15th er are already competing on costs too; Reed Market is the heavier road. with dirty fuels like coal, which is The result is likely to be the same. good news for anyone who wants to If the highway planners were breathe clean and address climate thinking clearly, they would leave pollution. the stoplight at Reed and 15th, take

Unfortunately, P acific

Polarization worse on the right

Here comes the sun

Perhaps most concerning of all is that compromise — something you would expect to be disliked by both ends of the ideological spectrumis actually preferred by consistent

P o wer, liberals. More than 80 percent say

out the roundabout at Reed and which serves Bend and half a milBond, and put in a stoplight there lion Oregonians statewide, still gets too. Instead, in the future both inter- over two-thirds of its energy from sections will have roundabouts, and coal. It's time for Pacific Power to both will suffer traffic delays at rush build up on 21st-century energy hour. This will not be an improve- and join with communities across ment. In fact, residents have already America to ¹Putsolaronit. submitted a petition opposing the Amy Hojnowski new roundabout, which has apparPortland ently been ignored by the city. David Smith Bend

network and distrusting of MSNBC than the other way around.

compromise is a preferred solution to political challenges. Nearly two-thirds of consistently conser-

vative people want their politicians to stick to their positions without

compromise. With one party running scared that a low-turnout primary can un-

seat anyone, even a standing majority leader, I'm afraid our country's challenges may continue to be tossed aside as politicians try to stay in power without regard to what's

The Bulletin's political polariza- good for the country, and that this attitude will be rewardedby ever-inToday, the longest day of the year, esting points about challenges we creasing partisan voters. groups across the country will come now face governing this country. Jim Roberts tion editorial brings up some inter-

together for a National Day of Action

The editorial, based on an updated


Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcomeyour letters. Letters should be limited to oneIssue, contain no more than 250words and include the writer's signature, phonenumber and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhereandthose appropriate for other sections of TheBulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

In My View submissions should be between 550and 650 words, sIgned and include the writer's phone number and address for verification. Weedit submissIons for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject those published elsewhere. In My View pIeces run routinely in the space below, alternating withnational columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

Please address your submission to eIther My Nickel's Worth or In My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Email submissions are preferred. Email: letters©bendbulletin.com Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View

P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804

Obama created the tough situation he now faces in Iraq WASHINGTONes, it is true that there was no


Minister Nouri al-Maliki turned the

Iraqi army against radical Shiite mi-

al-Qaida in Iraq when George litias from Basra all the way north to W. Bush took office. But it is Baghdad.

equally true that there was essentially

no al-Qaida in Iraq remaining when Barack Obama took office. Which makes Bush responsible for the terrible costs incurred to defeat the 2003-09jihadistwar engendered by his invasion. We can debate forever whether those costs were worth it,

but what is not debatable is Obama's responsibility for the return of the Isla-

mist insurgency that had been routed by the time he becamepresident. By 2009, al-Qaida in Iraq had not just been decimated but humiliated by the American surge and the Anbar Awakening. Here were aggrieved Sunnis, having ferociously fought the Americans who had overthrown 80

years of Sunni hegemony, now reversing allegiance and joining the infidel invader in crushing, indeed extirpating from Iraq, their fellow Sunnis of al-Qaida. At the same time, Shiite Prime

The result? "A sovereign, stable and



tions and providing both intelligence and tactical advice to Iraqi forces now operating on their own. The resultwaspredictable. Andpredicted. Overnight, Iran and its promo-

self-reliant Iraq." That's not Bush contion of Shiite supremacy became the gratulating himself. That's Obama in everywhere. The real problem was dominant influence in Iraq. The day December 2011 describing the Iraq we Obama's reluctance to maintain any after the U.S. departure, Maliki orwere leaving behind. He called it "an significant presence in Iraq. dered the arrest of the Sunni vice presextraordinary achievement." He offered toleave about 3,000- ident. He cut off funding forthe Sons of Which Obama proceeded to throw 5,000troops,aridiculousnumber.U.S. Iraq, the Sunnis who had fought with away. David Petraeus had won the commanders said they needed nearly us against al-Qaida. And subsequentwar. Obama's one task was to con- 20,000. (We have 28,500 in South Ko- ly so persecuted and alienated Sunnis clude a statusof-forces agreement rea and 38,000 in Japan to this day) that they were ready to welcome back (SOFA) to solidify the gains. By Such a minuscule contingent would al-Qaida in Iraq — rebranded in its Obama's own admission — in the case spend all its time just protecting itself. Syrian refuge as the Islamic State of he's now making for a status-of-forces Iraqis know a nonserious offer when Iraq and Syria — as the lesser of two agreement with Afghanistan — such they see one. Why bear the domestic evils. Hence the stunningly swift ISIS agreements are necessary "because political liability of a continued U.S. capture of so much of Iraq. after all the sacrifices we've made, we presence for amere token'? But the jihadist revival is the result want to preserve the gains"achieved Moreover, as historian Max Boot of a double Obama abdication: crebywar. has pointed out, Obama insisted on ating a vacuum not just in Iraq but in Which is what made his failure parliamentary ratification, which the Syria. Obama dithered and speechto do so in Iraq so disastrous. His ex- Iraqis explained was not just impos- ified during the early days of the Syrcuse was his inability to get immunity sible but unnecessary. So Obama or- ian revolution, before the jihadists had for U.S. soldiers. Nonsense. Bush had dered a full withdrawal. And with it arrived, when the secular revolt was worked out a compromise in his 2008 disappeared U.S. influence in curbing systematically advancing on the DaSOFA, as we have done with allies sectarianism, mediating among fac- mascus regime.

Hezbollah, Iran and Russia helped the regime survive. Meanwhile, a jihadist endave (induding remnants of the once-routed al-Qaida in Iraq) developed in large swaths of northern and eastern Syria. They thrived on massive outside support while the secular revolutionaries foundered waiting

vainly for American help. Faced with a de facto jihadi state spanning both countries, a surprised Obama now has little choice but to try to re-createovernight, from scratch and in miniature, the kind of U.S. pres-

ence — providing intelligence, tactical advice and perhaps even air support — he abjured three years ago. His announcement Thursday that he is sending 300 military advisers is the beginning of that re-creation — a pale substitute, but the only option Obama has left himself. The leverage he forfeitedwillbehardtoredaim. But

it's our only chance to keep Iraq out of the hands of the Sunni jihadists of ISIS and the Shiite jihadists of Tehran. — Charles Krauthammer Is a columnist for The Washington Post Writers Group.




Hot air balloonlandsat women's prison


The Associated Press

Obituary policy

Nancy 'Nan' R. Miller, of Sisters Sept. 21, 1926 - June 17, 2014 Arrangements: Redmond Memorial Chapel, 541-548-3219 www.redmondmemorial.com Services: Nan made it clear that she did not want any big "gathering". Rather when together with others just

raise a cup of coffee to

Nan. Contributions may be made to:

In Nan's name to Hospice of Redmond, 732 SW 23rd St., Redmond, OR and or to Sisters Habitat for Humanity,P.O. Box 238, Sisters, OR 97759

Death Notices are freeand will be run for oneday, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. Theymay besubmittedby phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.

Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second dayafter submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication, and by 9 a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; pleasecall for details.

Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.com

Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR 97708

Fax: 541-322-7254

Harriet 'Jane' Nisbet, of Redmond Jan. 17, 1928- June18,2014 Arrangements: Redmond Memorial Chapel, 541-548-3219 www.redmondmemorial.com Services: No services will be held. Contributionsmay be made to:

Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701 or to the Alzheimer's Foundation of America, 322 Eighth Ave., 7th Floor, New York, NY 10001

ing part in a nearby balloon festival but was running low egon prison spokeswoman on fuel and battling strong

The spokeswoman says inmates who were in the rec-

says inmates were sent in-

where they stayed for about a half hour as the balloon was



DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around

in 1946. Died Thursday in Tel



Avraham Shalom, 86:Helped

Lorna Wing, 85: A British

track down Adolf Eichmann andledIsrael's internalsecurity

psychiatrist who was instru-

mental in identifying autism as amentaldisorderofm any gradations, affecting people across the spectrum of intelligence — and who gave autism in its lom was recruited by the Shin mildest form the name AspergBet in 1950as a formermember er's syndrome. Died June 6 in of the elite Jewish fighting force Kent, England. Palmach, which he had joined — From wire reports agency in a long spying career for his countrybefore resigning under a cioud over the killing of two Palestinian hijackers. Sha-


doors when a hot air balloon landed in the parking lot of

tional Facility spokeswoman Vicki Reynolds says the pilot a women's prison at Wilson- decided the prison parking ville, but it wasn't an escape lot was the safest place to attempt. land Thursday morning. The Oregonian reports Reynolds says the pilot that the balloon pilot told and two passengers were prison officials he was tak- unhurt.

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the main prison that officials

"felt confident in assuming this wasn't an inmate escape attempt."

Continued from Bt

Vehicle soughtthat was near fatal crash

the car at the time; the driver was the NorthWest Crossing area. described as a white male with a Closures anddetours will be in shaved head or receding hairline. place from 6:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Oregon State Police areseekMonday through Thursday, with ing help from the public finding Roadwork inwest Bend one night closure starting at the driver of a vehicle that was causes delays, clesures midnight Tuesday.Theclosure is near a fatal crash south of Bend necessary so crews can dowaConstruction projects on in May. Shevli nParkRoadand Mt.Wash- terline work in preparation for a On May22,LisaMichele new medical center construction ington Drive will cause delays Tomlin Grall, 53, of Portland, project. and street closures next week. was killed when themotorcycle Chip seal road repair work will A section of Shevlin Park Road she was riding on crashed into a between the Northwest Crossing also take place starting Monconcrete barrier on U.S.Highway Drive and Shevlin Park roundday on Mt. Washington Drive 97 near LavaButte after colliding north of the Shevlin Park Road about and the Mt. Washington with another vehicle. roundabout. Onelane of the Drive and Shevlin Park road State police are trying to locate roundabout will be closed from road will be closed during this the driver of a greenmid-'90s Monday to Thursday, according construction, and flaggers will be Honda Accord with Oregon to a news release from the city present to direct traffic around plates that was nearthe scene of Bend. During the closure, the roadwork. of the crash. Twopeople were in traffic will be detoured through — Bulletin staff reports


to Rachel Lee, or may be her

Continued from 61 Rachel Lee and Porsha

dictment — used the funds The defendants in the case they'd obtained from the liq- face multiple charges of conuidation of the Raines' assets spiracy, wire fraud and monto purchase other proper- ey laundering. ties, take trips to Las Vegas Lee had her bags packed casinos and California, and and $40,000 in cash in her to buy a new Ferrari, a new underwear when officers ar-

themselves, according to the indictment.

brother, according to the inc o ntrol

Raines Jr. he would need to


Reynolds says the parking lot is far enough from

of the tree farm's financial and business affairs by 2011, when Ralph Raines Sr. died. Through misrepresentation, the women convincedRalph Bentley, a

>•• • •0••



Lee assumed ful l • a44


reation yard were sent inside,

winds. Coffee Creek Correc-

n e w M e r cedes rested her last month at her and a 1955 Chevrolet Bel Air home inBend, according to

sell tree farm properties to convertible. pay inheritance taxes, and In 2013, the sisters falsely while posing as Mary Marks, told Raines he would need to Porsha Lee negotiated the filefor bankruptcy because sale of nearly the entire farm, he was out of money, as they netting more than $12 mil- were continuing to transfer lion, the indictment said. money from accounts assoRachel Lee and Blancey ciated with the tree farm to Lee — who may be married accounts fully controlled by

The Associated Press. A federal magistrate in

Portland released Lee to a halfway house while she awaits trial, the AP reported.

The case is scheduled to go to trial July 15. — Reporter: 541-383-0387, shammers@bendbuIIetin.com

0 1.

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Jennifer Corbett /The News Journal /The Associated Press file photo

Stephanie Kwolek, pictured at age 83 in 2007, displays gloves made with the Kevlar she had invented in 1965, when she wae a chemist for DuPont Co. Kwolek died Wednesday at age 90 in a hospital in Wilmington, Del.

ne ucon-

Presented by Kirby Nagelhout Construction Company

te anie woe, inventor o t e i esavin i eI evar By Randall Chase The Associated Press

"I didn't shout 'Eureka,' but I was very excited,

iber slugs to the chest and arms at point-blank range and lived

as was the whole laboratory excited, and managementwas excit ed because we were looking for something new, something different,

to tell about it. Like thousands

and this was it."

DOVER, Del. — Police Lt. David Spicer took four .45-cal-

of other police officers and soldiers shot in the line of duty,

— Stephanie Kwolek, on inventing Kevlar

he owes his life to a woman

in Delaware by the name of Stephanie Kwolek. Kwolek, who died Wednes-

day at 90, was a DuPont Co. chemist who in 1965 invented

Kevlar, the lightweight, stronger-than-steel fiber used in bulletproof vests and other body armor around the world.

his vest, leaving a 10-inch tear.

"If that round would have entered my body, I wouldn't be talking to you right now," the Dover police officer said. While recovering from his wounds, Spicer spoke briefly by telephone with Kwolek and

put the solution into a spinneret, which turns liquid polymers into fibers.

"We spun it and it spun beautifully," she recalled. "It was very strong and very stiff, unlike anything we had made before."

A pioneer as a woman in thanked her. The exceptionally tough fi"She was a t remendous bers she produced were several a heavily male field, Kwolek made the breakthrough while woman," he said. times stronger by weight than working on specialty fibers at In a statement, DuPont CEO steel. So strong, according to a DuPont laboratory in Wilm- and Chairwoman Ellen Kullfriend and former colleague ington. At the time, DuPont man described Kwolek, who re- Rita Vasta, that DuPont had to was looking for strong, light- tired in 1986, as "a creative and get new equipment to test the weight fibers that could replace determined chemist and a true tensile strength. "DuPont was big in Nylon, steel in automobile tires and pioneer for women in science." improvefueleconomy. Kwolek is the only female Dacron," Vasta explained. "I knew that I ha d made employee of DuPont to be "This was way stronger than a discovery," Kwolek said in awarded the company's Lavois- any of those types of fibers." an interview three years ago ier Medal for outstanding techSpicer and more than 3,100 as part of the Chemical Her- nical achievement. She was other police officers are memitage Foundation's Women recognizedas a "persistentex- bers of a " S urvivors Club" in Chemistry" series."I didn't perimentalist and role model." formed by DuPont and the "She leaves a wonderful leg- International Association of shout 'Eureka,' but I was very excited, as was the whole lab- acy of thousands of lives saved Chiefs of Police to promote the oratory excited, and manage- and countless injuries prevent- wearing ofbody armor. ment was excited because we ed by products made possible While Kevlar has become were looking for something by her discovery," Kullman synonymous with protective new, something different, and sard. vests and helmets, it has bethis was it." During the " Women i n come a component material Spicer was wearing a Kev- Chemistry" interview, Kwolek in products ranging from airlar vest when he was shot by recounted th e d e velopment planes and armored military a drug suspect in 2001. Two of Kevlar. She said she found vehicles to c e llphones and rounds shattered his left arm, a solvent that was able to dis- sailboats. ripping open an artery. A third solve long-chain polymers into Vasta said Kwolek had been was deflected by his badge. a solution that was much thin- ill about a week, although she The last one hit his nametag, ner and more watery than oth- didn't know the cause of death. bending it into a horseshoe er polymer solutions. She con- Vasta said a Catholic funeral shape, before burrowing into vinced a skeptical colleague to Mass is scheduled June 28.


Our deepest gratitude to the sponsors, donors, artists, volunteers, and friends whose generosity raised over $145,000 for Deschutes Children's Foundation at the 22nd Annual Art & Wine Auction on Saturday, May 3, 2014. Sponsors Kirby Nagelhout Construction Company Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt SELCO Community Credit Union

Les Schwab Tires Bobbie Strome Advanced Energy Bank of the Cascades

Bend Research Bigfoot Beverages Bryant, Lovlien & Jarvis Knife River Morgan 5tanley, Payne/Brewer/Harding Structus Building Technologies

Contrfbuting Artists Kaycee Anseth Cindy Briggs Helen Brown Nate Crabtree

Tom Crabtree Elyse and 5teve Douglas Janice Durian Annie Ferder Rod Frederick

Dorothy Freudenberg Belinda and Kevin Fulton Michele and Michael Gwinup

Umpqua Bank NHH Foundation

Susan Luckey Higdon Alisa Huntley Bruce Jackson

Brooks Resources Corporation

David Kinker

Central Oregon Radiology Associates, PC

Avlis Leumas

Capital Pacific Bank


Bend Garbage 6 Recycling

Mary Marquiss

Brown & Brown Northwest Miller Lumber Company Miller Nash LLP Foley Family Wines The Riverhouse Cascade Publications Inc.

Keith Masters Kim McClain Peter McCracken Vivian Olsen Denise Rich Joshua Rodine Taylor Rose

Horizon Broadcasting Group BendBroadband

BarbaraSlater Carla Spence

The Bulletin

Framing Donors

Marty 5tewart Shelli Walters Roland White

Eastlake Framing Phoenix Framing & Art Supply Sage Custom Framing Bits & Pieces Custom Picture Framing

Thanks to local businesses and individuals for your support. For a full list, please visit www.deschuteschildrensfoundation.org

SunNest Builders

High Desert Frameworks!

IN THE BACK BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NEWS W Scoreboard, C2 G o lf, C4 Sports in brief, C2 Tennis, C5 MLB, C3, C4 Soc cer, C6 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 2014

GOLF Mirror Pondto tee off for 61st time One of the oldest traditions in Central Oregon golf will tee off today at BendGolf and Country Club. The annual Mirror Pond Invitational, which was first played in1953, will feature a full field of nearly120 amateurs, including some of the top players from around the Pacific Northwest

and beyond. The field for the twoday, 36-hole stroke-play tournament features 23 golfers who hold a handicap index of 4 or less, according to tournament organizers. Among those players will be Bend's Charlie Rice, a 49-year-old who

O www.bendbulletin.com/sports


Murray couldface Djokovic in Wimbledonsemifinals Inside

By Samuel Petrequin The Associated Press

LONDON — The draw for Wimbledon was

relatively kind to defending champion Andy Murray. It was a lot more daunting for topranked Rafael Nadal. Murray, who last year became the first Brit-

ish man to win Wimbledon since Fred Perry in 1936, was drawn Friday to open the defense of

• A breakdown of players and stories to watch when WimbledonbeginsonMonday,CS his title against 104th-ranked David Goffin of Belgium, who will be playing in the main draw of the grass-court tournament for only the third time.


Alastair Grant/The Associated Press file

Serena Williams will be the No. 1 seed in the women's bracket at Wimbledon,which begins Monday inLondon.


will be attempting to

win a third consecutive Mirror Pond title. He will be joined by top local amateurs such as Tom Carlsen, of Bend, and CareyWatson, of Sunriver. Play begins both today and Sundayat approximately 8 a.m. First-round leaders are scheduled to teeoff at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday. Spectators are welcome to attend the eventat no charge; proper golf attire is required. — Bulletin staff report

Bend golfer falls at OregonAm WOODBURNRosie Cook's run in the Oregon Amateur Championship endedFriday in the quarterfinals. Cook, a 43-year-old from Bend, dropped her match,6and4, to Gigi Stoll, of Tigard. Cook played well early, drawing evenwith a birdie on the fifth hole at OGAGolf Course. But Stoll, a senior-to-be at Beaverton High, won five of six holes beginning with the seventh hole to put the match out of reach. The women's 36-hole championship match between Stoll, who beat future Arizona teammate Kendall Prince, and Monica Vaughn, anArizona State golfer from Reedsport and the 2010 Oregon Amchampion, is scheduled to teeoff at 8 a.m. today. Themen's championshi pbetween Thomas Lim, a University of Oregon golfer from Moorpark, Calif., and Austin Landis, the reigning Class 4Astate champion from Gladstone High, is scheduled for 8:10 a.m. For full results, visit www.oregonamateur. Ot'g.

— Bulletin staff report

WCL BASEBALL Elks take 2-1 win over Bellingham BELLINGHAM,

Wash.— Two runs in the top of the eighth inning helped Bend earn a 2-1 victory over Bellingham in Friday night's West Coast League game. Starting pitcher Austin Guzzonand reliever Jesse Pratt combined to hold the Bells to just three hits with 14 strike-

outs on the night as Pratt picked up his first victory of the season. Jake Peeveyhouse and Nick Lopezscored for the Elks in the eighth inning. Bend (5-9 WCL)and Bellingham (8-4) play the second gameof their three-gameseries tonight at 7:05 p.m. — Bulletin staff report

Photos by Andy Tullis/The Bulletin

From left, Bruce Schafer, of Bend, and his partner Malcolm Derr, of Gig Harbor, Wash., play against Buzz Summers, of Eugene, and his partner Joe Tollenaar, of Sunriver, in the 65-69 men's doubles division of the Oregon Senior Games picklebell championships at Pine Nursery in Bend on Thursday morning.

• The Oregon Senior Gamesin Central Oregoncouldbe the beaconthat helpsthe sport of pickleball find alargerfollowing



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By Emily Oller The Bulletin

• s s

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A throng of pickleball enthusiasts may just make Benda pickleballmecca. This weekend Visit Bend is hosting Central Oregon's first Oregon Senior Games, a series of events that includes a pickleball tournament that runs through Sunday at the Pine Nursery pickleball courts in Bend.

• I


s e I

With 170 pickleballers in the tournament

and brand new courts to play on, the Bend Pickleball Club sees an opportunity for the

region to grow as a pickleball destination. C


"This took no less than 50 volunteers," says tournament director Christie Gestvang.

Pickleball has exploded in popularity in Central Oregon over the past four years. The Bend Pickleball Club currently has around300 members, and therearemore than 600 players in the area, says Gestvang, who has been a member of the club for three

years. In this weekend's tournament, about half of

the competitors are from Central Oregon. In all, nine states are represented in the tourney, as is British Columbia.

"We knew we'd get a lot of people to play this weekend because pickleball is truly the fastest growing sport in America," Gestvang says."There areplayersfrom La Pine,Sisters, Redmond. So with that kind of a depth

Kim Jones, of Bend, takes on Darla Farstvedt, of Bend, while competing in the women's 50-64 division in the Oregon Senior Games pickleball competition at Pine Nursery Park in Bend Thursday morning.

"There's an incredible team of people here. The Bend Pickleball Club has embraced these of participation locally — and we know that new courts. They're thrilled about that and pickleball people like to travel to events — we wanted (the Oregon Senior Games) to be the knew we'd have a full venue." first major tournament on these courts." SeePickleball /C6



Hydration, nutrition and

Kelly more thanX'sand 0's

rest keyfor U.S.in Brazil By Janie McCauley The Associated Press

SAO PAULO — Kyle Becker-

man is counting on all his experienceplayingMajor League Soccer games in the heat and humidity to

prepare him for what he will face in the World Cup on Sunday. Hydration and planning are paramount for weathering the challenging tropical conditions of the Amazon rain forest, where

the Americans are headed for their weekend showdown with Cristiano Ronaldo and Portugal.

The world players' union on Friday called for teams to be more cautious before and during matches in the steamy climates of Manaus and Fortaleza.

SeeHydration /C6

WorldCup All TimesPDT Friday's Games Costa Rica1, Italy 0 France 5, Switzerland 2 Ecuador 2, Honduras1 Today's Games Argentina vs. Iran, 9 a.m. Germany vs. Ghana,noon Nigeria vs. Bosnia-Herzegovina, 3 p.m. Sunday's Games Belgiumvs.Russia,9a.m. South Koreavs. Algeria, noon United States vs. Portugal, 3 p.m.

• The Philadelphia coach offers words of wisdomto his team By Rob Maaddi The Associated Press

PHILADELPHIA — Chip Kelly is turning into the Aristotle of the NFL. Already known for his innovative

coaching ideas, Kelly offered some deep philosophical thoughts during the Philadelphia Eagles' minicamp this week. The defending NFC East champions had full participation at all offseason

K ell y

practices and workouts for the second year in a row, prompting a reporter to ask Kelly if his program is starting to run itself.

"We had full attendance last year, but just depends on what model of organization you want," Kelly said. "Do you want blind obedience or informed acquiescence or self-governance. If you have self-governance, I think

the individuals have more invested in what's going on because they have a say and they have a stake in it, and we are moving toward that model, but I don't know if we are totally there right now."

That's no ordinary coach speak. A day later, Kelly was asked if those wordsrepresented his"credo" orifhe learneditfrom someone else. "I've learned things across, over time," he said. "I didn't make that stuff

up, so I think there are different organizational models you can look at to

how you want your organization to run, and I said we're moving toward that. I didn't say we're at that. In my many years of experience

and studying high-performance operations, I couldn't tell you exactly where that one came from, but it's always resonated with me."

SeeKelly /C6



Toronto NewYork Baltimore Boston Tampa Bay Detroit Kansas City Cleveland

Chicago Minnesota Oakland Los Angeles Seattle Texas Houston

AMERICANLEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB 42 33 39 33 37 35 34 40 29 46

Central Division W L 38 32 39 34 37 37 35 39 34 38

West Division

W L 46 28 39 33 38 36 35 38 33 42

Milwaukee Estrada W,6-4 5 2 - 3 10 7 7 1 Duke 0 1 1 1 0 KintzlerH,6 11-3 3 2 2 0 WSmithH,17 1 2 0 0 0 F r.Rodriguez S,24-26 1 0 0 0 0 Colorado BergmanL,0-2 3 9 7 7 0 Kahnle 2 1 1 1 3 C.Martin 1 5 3 3 0 Belisle 1 2 1 1 0 Brothers 1 0 0 0 0 Ottavino 1 2 1 1 0 Dukepitchedto1batter in the6th. T—3:59.A—41,238 (50,480).


All TimesPDT



542 0/t .514 3'/t

459 71/2

.387 13

Pct GB .543 534


.500 3 .473 5 .472 5

PHOENIX —Josh Collmenter fought his way through five innings, Aaron Hill drove in two runs, and Arizona sent SanFrancisco to its sixth straight loss. The Giants still lead the NL West, but have lost nine of10 to see alead that was once g l/z games dwindle to less than four.

.479 tg'/t .440 13'/t


N.Y.Yankees5, Baltimore3 Detroit 6,Cleveland4 Houston3, TampaBay1 Toronto14, Cincinnati 9 Minnesota 5, ChicagoWhite Sox4 Seattle 7, KansasCity 5 Oakland 4, Boston3 L.A. Angel7, s Texas3 Today'sGam es

NATIONALLEAGUE East Division W L Atlanta 38 35 Washington 37 35 Miami 37 36 Philadelphia 34 38 NewYork 33 41 CentralDivision

Charlie Riedel/The Associated Press

Seattle's Brad Miller hits a solo home run during the ninth inning of Friday night's game in Kansas City, Mo. Miller's homer helped the Mariners beat the Royals 7-5.

eight home games.Josh Hamilton and ErickAybar had RBIsingles in the fifth inning as theAngels openedasix-game homestand with just their fourth win over the

Pct GB

.521 .514 r/t .507 1

3 1 1 0 0 2

Dtamondbacks 4,Gtants1 ie

Pct GB .622 .542 6 .514 8

Baltimore(B.Norris 6-5) atN.Y.Yankees (Nuno 1-3), 10:05a.m. Chicago WhiteSox(Rienzo4-4) atMinnesota(Correia 3-8),11:10a.m. Seattle (C.Young 6-4) at KansasCity (Vargas7-2), 11:10a.m. Boston(R.DeLaRosa2-2) atOakland(J.chavez6-4), 1:05 p.m. Houston (Peacock2-4) atTampa Bay (Odorizzi 2-7), 1:10 p.m. Toronto(Happ6-3) at Cincinnati (Leake4-6), 1:10 p.m. Detroit (Verlander 6-7) at Cleveland(Bauer 2-3), 4:05 p.m. Texas(N.Martinez1-4) at L.A.Angels(Weaver 7-6), 4:15 p.m. Sunday'sGames Detroit atCleveland,10:05a.m. TorontoatCincinnati,10:10a.m. Housto natTampaBay,10:40a.m. BaltimoreatN.Y.Yankees,11;05 a.m. Chicago WhiteSoxat Minnesota,11:10 a.m. Seattle atKansasCity, 11:10a.m. Bostonat Oakland, 1:05p.m. Texasat L.A.Angels, 5:07p.m.

7 0 0 2 2

QuagsS,9-11 1 2 1 0 0 2 TampaBay PriceL,5-7 8 6 2 2 3 12 Oviedo 1 1 1 1 1 0 T—2:59.A—13,961(31,042).

AL West-rival Rangers in their past Twins 5, WhiteSox4 18 meetings. MINNEAPOLIS —Brian Dozier's RBI-single with two outs in the Texas LosAngeles bottom of the ninth inning lifted ab r hbi ab r hbi LMartncf 3 1 1 0 Cowgigrf 5 0 2 0 Minnesota to a victory over the A ndrusss 4 0 2 1 Troutcf 3 1 0 0 Chicago White Sox. Kurt Suzuki Choodh 5 0 1 0 Puiols1b 2 1 0 0 ABeltre3b 4 0 1 0 Green1b 1 0 0 0 had three hits and anRBIandthe R iosrf 3 1 1 0 JHmltnlf 3 2 2 1 Twins picked up closer GlenPerSnyder1b 4 0 1 0 HKndrc2b 4 1 1 0 Chirinsc 4 0 0 1 Aybarss 4 1 1 1 kins (3-0), who gave uptwo runs C hoicelf 3 1 1 1 Crondh 4 1 2 1 in the top of the ninth to blow his Sardins2b 3 0 0 0 Freese3b 4 0 2 2 third save in 21chances. Odorph-2b 1 0 0 0 JMcDnl3b 0 0 0 0

VMrtnzdh 3 2 1 2 CSantn1b 4 1 2 1 JMrtnzlf-rf 4 1 3 3 Chsnh83b 3 0 1 0 Cstgns3b 4 0 1 0 Swisherdh 4 0 0 0 D .Kegyrf 3 0 1 0 DvMrprf 4 0 0 0 RDavisph-If 1 1 1 0 YGomsc 4 0 1 0 H oladyc 4 0 1 0 Avileslf 3 1 2 0 Suarezss 4 0 1 0 Brantlyph 1 0 1 0 Totals 3 6 6 126 Totals 3 6 4 114 Detroit 000 200 031 — 0 C leveland 000 0 0 0 040 — 4 DP — Detroit 2, Cleveland 1. LOB—Detroit 5,

ahead run off Jerry Blevins (2-3). Andrelton Simmons followed with an RBI groundout that might have been an inning-ending double play had second basemanDanny Espinosa not bobbled the ball. Washington ab r hbi ab r hbi L aStell2b 4 0 1 0 Spancf 5 0 2 1 R.Pena2b 2 0 0 0 Rendon3b 6 1 1 2 B uptoncf 5 1 0 0 Werthrf 4 0 0 0 FFrmn1b 6 3 3 1 LaRoch1b 5 0 2 0 G attisc 6 1 2 1 Zmrmnlf 6 0 1 0 Heywrdrf 6 1 2 2 Dsmndss 6 1 2 1 CJhnsn3b 5 0 2 0 Espinos2b 5 1 2 0 A Smnsss 6 0 2 2 Loatonc 3 0 0 0 JSchafrlf 6 0 0 0 McLothph 0 1 0 0 Minorp 3 0 0 0 S.Leonc 2 0 0 0 Varvar p 0 0 0 0 Strasrg p 2 0 0 0 Doumitph 1 0 0 0 Storenp 0 0 0 0 Kimrelp 0 0 0 0 Hairstnph 1 0 0 0 Avil anp 0 0 0 0 Stmmnp 0 0 0 0 Jaimep 0 0 0 0 Dobbsph 1 0 0 0 Ugglaph 1 0 0 0 RSorinp 0 0 0 0 Buchtrp 0 0 0 0 Clipprdp 0 0 0 0 JWaldnp 0 0 0 0 Frndsnph 1 0 0 0 Blevinsp 0 0 0 0 Totals 5 1 6 126 Totals 4 7 4 104 Atlanta 1 0 0 120 000 000 2 — 6 Washington 010 000 102 000 0 — 4 DP — Atlanta 2. LOB —Atlanta 8, Washington 10. 2B — La Stella (3), Heyw ard (12), C.Johnson(14), Atlanta

San Francisco A r izona ab r hbi ab r hbi Blancocf 3 0 0 0 GParrarf 4 0 0 0 Pencerf 4 0 0 0 Owingsss 4 0 1 1 Span(22),Espinosa(9). 38—Span(5). HR—FFreePosey1b 3 1 2 0 Gldsch1b 3 2 2 0 man(12),Rendon(11), Desmond(14). SB—J.Schafer Sandovl3b 3 0 1 1 MMntrc 3 0 0 0 2(10),Espinosa(6). M orself 3 0 0 0 Hill2b 2122 IP H R E R BBBO Bcrwfrss 4 0 0 0 Prado3b 3 0 1 1 Atlanta H Snchzc 4 0 1 0 DPerltlf 3 0 0 0 Minor 7 7 2 2 2 11 Adrianz2b 4 0 1 0 Inciartcf 3 1 1 0 VarvaroH,6 1 2 0 0 0 1 Linccmp 2 0 0 0 Cllmntrp 1 0 0 0 KimbrelBS,4-25 1 1 2 2 2 0 Ariasph 1 0 0 0 Pachecph 1 0 0 0 Avilan 1 0 0 0 0 1 J.Lopezp 0 0 0 0 OPerezp 0 0 0 0 Jaime 1 0 0 0 1 2 JGutrrzp 0 0 0 0 EMrshlp 0 0 0 0 BuchterW,1-0 1 0 0 0 1 1 C.Rossph 1 0 0 0 J.Walden S,2-2 1 0 0 0 0 1 Zieglerp 0 0 0 0 Washington A.Reed p 0 0 0 0 Strasburg 6 9 4 4 0 8 Totals 3 1 1 5 1 Totals 2 84 7 4 Storen 1 1 0 0 0 1 San Francisco 100 000 000 — 1 Stammen 2 0 0 0 0 2 Arizona 000 211 ggx — 4 R.Soriano 1 0 0 0 0 1 DP — San Francisco1, Arizona1. LOB—SanFran- Clippard 1 0 0 0 0 2 cisco 7, Arizona 2. 28—Adrianza(3), Goldschmidt BlevinsL,2-3 2 2 2 2 2 2 28), Prado(13). 38—Sandoval (2), ) Owings(5). PB—Gattis. 8—Blanco(7), Goldschmidt(7). SF—Hill. T—4:34. A—36,608(41,408). IP H R E R BBSO San Francisco Lincecum L,5-5 6 7 4 4 1 1 Ctibs 6, Pirates 3 11-3 0 0 0 0 0 J.Lopez J.Gutierrez 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 CHICAGO — Starlin Castro hit a Arizona CollmenterW5-4 5 4 1 1 4 4 three-run homer andEdwinJackO.PerezH,7 1 1 0 0 0 0 son finally got the better of Charlie E.MarshallH,B 1 0 0 0 0 0 Morton, leading the ChicagoCubs ZieglerH,17 1 0 0 0 0 0 A.Reed S,17-19 1 0 0 0 0 3 to a victory over Pittsburgh. Chris T—2:52.A—29,295 (48,633). Coghlan addedasoloshotasthe

Cleveland 6.28—Kinsler(22), J.Martinez(10), D.KelI (3), R.Davis(12). HR—VMartinez ((18), J.Martinez Cubs opened a10-gamehome7), A.cabrera(8), C.Santana(10). CS—D.Kelly (1), Phitltes 5, Cardinals1 stand with their fourth win in five Holaday (1). W L Pct GB IP H R E R BBSD ST. LOUIS — games. Last-placeChicagoalso A.J. Burnett Milwaukee 45 30 .600 Detroit improved to18-13 since May17 St. Louis 39 35 .527 5'I~ PorcelloW,9-4 6 6 0 0 1 3 scattered sevenhits for his first Cincinnati 35 37 .486 Br/t Alburquerque H,10 1 0 0 0 0 2 complete game of theyear and for the best record in the NL inthat Pittsburgh 35 38 .479 9 Krol 2-3 4 4 4 0 1 stretch. Chicago 31 40 .437 12 ChamberlainH,14 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Philadelphia won its season-high West Division NathanS,15-19 1 1 0 0 0 2 fifth in a row, beating St. Louis. W L Pct GB Pittsburgh Chicago Cleveland SanFrancisco 43 3tl .589 ab r hbi ab r hbi lannettc 4 0 1 0 KluberL,6-5 7 8 2 2 1 6 The Phillies' winning streak has LosAngeles 40 35 .533 4 Polancrf 4 0 1 0 Valuen2b 5 1 1 0 Totals 3 4 3 8 3 Totals 3 47 115 Chicago Axford 2-3 2 3 3 1 1 Minnesota come on the road. Theyhavewon Colorado 34 39 .466 9 S Martelf 4 0 0 0 Coghlnlf 3 2 2 1 Texas 0 01 000 110 — 3 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Pestano SanDiego 32 42 .432 I 1r/t LosAngeles 001 AMcctcf 4 0 0 0 Rizzo1b 3 1 1 2 330 ggx— 7 Eatoncf 4 0 2 1 DSantnss 5 0 0 0 Rzepczynski 1-3 1 1 1 0 0 nine of 11 overall. Arizona 32 45 .416 13 I.Davis1b 4 0 2 0 Scastross 4 1 1 3 E—Snyder (1). DP—Texas 1, LosAngeles 1. GBckh2b 4 1 1 1 Dozier2b 5 0 1 1 2-3 1 0 0 0 2 Carrasco Philadelphia St. Louis RMartnc 2 0 1 0 Sweenycf 4 0 1 0 LOB —Texas9,LosAngeles6. 28—Snyder (1), Cow- Gigaspi3b 5 0 2 0 Mauer1b 4 1 1 0 WP — Axford. Friday'sGames ab r hbi ab r hbi J Hrrsn2b 3 1 0 0 Stropp 0 0 0 0 ill (8), H.Kendrick(13). HR —Choice(8), Cron(4). J Areu1b 4 1 1 1 Wlnghlf 3 0 1 0 T—3:22. A—33,545(42,487). Chicago Cubs6, Pittsburgh3 Rollinsss 4 0 1 2 Mcrpnt3b 2 1 0 0 PAlvrz3b 3 1 1 0 HRndnp 0 0 0 0 8—L.Martin (16), Andrus2(18), Rios(13). A.Dunndh 3 0 1 0 KMorlsdh 3 1 0 0 Atlanta6, Washington 4, 13innings R uizc 4 0 1 0 Jaycf 3 0 1 0 Mercerss 3 1 1 3 Schrhltrf 4 0 0 0 IP H R E R BBSO AIRmrzss 4 0 0 0 KSuzukc 4 1 3 1 Miami 3,N.Y.Mets 2 National Lea ue Utley2b 3 0 1 0 Hollidylf 4 0 2 1 M ortonp 2 0 1 0 Olt3b 3000 Texas V iciedorf-If 3 1 1 0 Arciarl 3100 Toronto14r Cincinnati 9 H oward1b 5 0 1 0 Craigrf 4 0 1 0 Sniderph 1 0 0 0 JoBakrc 3 0 1 0 J.Saunders L,0-3 42-3 10 7 4 3 3 DeAzalf 3 0 0 0 EEscor3b 3 1 1 2 Philadelphi5, a St. Louis1 Padres 6, Dodgers 5 Byrdrf 4 1 1 1 MAdms1b 4 0 0 0 JuWlsnp 0 0 0 0 EJcksnp 1 1 1 0 Rowen 31-3 1 0 0 0 3 K onerkph 1 0 1 1 Fuldcf 2001 Milwaukee13,Colorado10 D Brwnlf 4 1 1 0 YMolinc 4 0 2 0 Grillip 0 0 0 0 Schlittrp 0 0 0 0 LosAngeles Sierrapr-rf 0 1 0 0 Arizona 4, SanFrancisco1 Mayrry cf 4 2 2 1 JhPerlt ss 4 0 1 0 T abataph 1 0 0 0 Wrghtp 0 0 0 0 RichardsW,7-2 6 4 1 1 3 7 Flowrsc 4 0 1 0 SAN DIEGO — Everth Cabrera's SanDiego6, L.A.Dodgers5 Asche3b 4 0 0 0 Wong2b 4 0 0 0 Rugginph 1 0 0 0 Morin 1 3 1 1 0 2 LeGarcpr 0 0 0 0 sacrifice fly cappedSanDiego's Today'sGam es A Brnttp 3 1 1 1 JGarcip 2 0 0 0 Cor.Rasmus 0 1 1 1 1 0 N ieto c 0 0 0 0 NRmrzp 0 0 0 0 Milwaukee(W .Peralta7-5)atColorado(Friedrich 0-0), Jepsen Manessp 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 Totals 35 4 10 4 Totals 3 2 5 7 5 L ake cf 1 0 1 0 three-run ninth inning that gave 1;10 p.m. SFrmnp 0 0 0 0 J.Smith 1 0 0 0 0 2 Chicago Totals 31 3 7 3 Totals 3 2 6 9 6 2 00 000 002 — 4 the Padres a victory over the N.Y.Mets(deGrom0-4) atMiami (Koehler 5-5), 1:10 Cor.Rasmuspitchedto 2 batters inthe8th. Descal s ph 1 0 0 0 P ittsburgh 0 0 0 0 3 0 000 — 3 M innesota 0 3 1 0 0 0 001 — 5 Neshek p 0 0 0 0 p.m. WP — Richards2. Los Angeles Dodgers. It was the Chicago 006 010 Bgx — 6 Twooutswhenwinningrunscored. Philadelphia(Ham els 2-3) at St. Louis (Wainwright T—3:23. A—41,637(45,483). Rosnthl p 0 0 0 0 LOB —Pittsburgh 7, Chicago7. 28—Rizzo (11). DP — Minnesota 1. LOB —Chicago 8, Minnesota Padres'third consecutive win and Totals 3 5 5 9 5 Totals 3 21 7 1 38 — Coghlan(2). HR —Mercer (5), Coghlan(2), S. 9-3),1:10p.m. 7. 28 — Eaton (9), K.Suzuki (14), E.Escobar(22). Philadelphia 000 023 000 — 5 Castro(11).S—R.Martin, E.Jackson. Toronto(Happ6-3) at Cincinnati (Leake4-6), 1:10 Athletics 4, Red 3B — Viciedo(2). HR —G.Beckham(6), J.Abreu(21). it snapped athree-game winning Sox3 S t. Louis 001 0 0 0 000 — 1 p.m. IP H R E R BBSO CS — Gigaspie(1). SF—Fuld. streak by the Dodgers. E—Ma.Adams(4). DP—Philadelphia 2, St. Louis Pittsburgh Atlanta (Teheran6-4) at Washington (Fister 5-2), 4:15 IP H R E R 0000 1. LOB —Philadelphia 8, St. Louis 7. 2B—Rollins p.m. OAKLAND, Calif.— Coco Crisp MortonL,4-8 6 8 6 6 2 6 Chicago LosAngeles San Diego Pittsburgh(Worley0-0) at Chicago Cubs(TWood drove in Kyle Blanks with a twoD.Brown (11),Mayberry(7), A.Burnett (2), Craig Ju.Wilson 1 0 0 0 1 1 Noesi 7 6 4 4 2 4 ab r h bi ab r h bi (11), 7-5),4:15p.m. (15), Y.Mol i n (13). a HR — B yr d ( 12). SF — R olli n s. Grilli 1 1 0 0 1 2 D.WebbL,4-1 11 - 3 0 1 1 2 1 DGordn 2b 4 2 1 0 Denorfirf 3 0 0 0 out single in the eighth inning IP H R E R BBSO LA. Dodgers (Becket4-4) atSanDiego (T.Ross6-6), Chicago SDowns 13 0 0 0 0 0 HRmrzss 3 1 1 0 Qcknshp 0 0 0 0 Philadelphia 7;10 p.m. E.JacksonW,5-7 5 5 3 3 2 8 andOakland beatBoston.Josh Belisario 0 1 0 0 0 0 Triunflss 0 0 0 0 Thayerp 0 0 0 0 A.BurnettW5-6 9 7 1 1 1 3 SchlitterH,9 SanFrancisco(Vogelsong 4-3) at Arizona(Mccarthy 2-3 2 0 0 0 0 Minnesota Puigrf 4 1 1 2 Riveraph 0 0 0 0 Donaldson hit a three-run home St. Louis 1-9), 7:10 p.m. W .Wri g ht H,7 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 51-3 6 2 2 2 2 BWilsnp 0 0 0 0 Ecarerss 4 0 0 1 Nolasco J.GarciaL,3-1 5 7 4 4 2 7 N.RamirezH,7 1 Sunday'sGames 0 0 0 1 1 run, his first in two weeks, to help GuerrierH,1 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 Jansenp 0 0 0 0 S.Smithlf 3 2 3 2 Maness 1 1 1 1 1 0 StropH,7 N.Y.MetsatMiami,10:10 a.m. 1 0 0 0 1 2 ThielbarH,4 2-3 0 0 0 1 0 AdGnzl1b 3 1 1 1 Grandl c 4 0 0 0 the A's extend their winning streak S .Freema n 1 0 0 0 1 0 TorontoatCincinnati,10:10a.m. H.RondonS,8-10 1 0 0 0 0 2 H,B 11-3 0 0 0 0 1 Kemplf 4 0 1 1 Medica1b 4 0 1 0 Neshek 1 0 0 0 0 1 HBP AtlantaatWashington, 10:35a.m. to four games. Oaklandalso owns Burton —byN.Ramirez(Mercer). PerkinsW,3-0BS,3-21 1 4 2 2 1 0 Ethier cf 4 0 0 0 Maybin cf 4 0 0 0 Rosenthal 1 1 0 0 0 0 Philadelphiaat St.Louis, 11:15am. T — 3: 0 3. A — 36,423 (41 , 0 72). Belisariopitchedto 1batterin the9th. the best record in the majors. JuTrnr3b 3 0 1 0 Amarst3b 3 2 2 0 J.Garciapitchedto 2battersin the6th. Pittsburgh atChicagoCubs,11:20a.m. HBP —byNoesi(Arcia). Howellp 0 0 0 0 Petersn2b 3 0 0 0 HBP —byA.Burnett (M.carpenter, Jay). L.A. Dodgers atSanDiego,1:10 p.m. T — 3:13. A — 32,071 (39, 0 21). Leaguep 0 0 0 0 Quentinph 1 0 1 1 Boston Oakland T—2:48.A—44,061(45,399). Interleague Milwaukee atColorado,1:10 p.m. VnSlykrf 1 0 1 0 Cashnrpr 0 1 0 0 ab r hbi ab r bbi SanFranciscoatArizona,1:10 p.m. A.Egisc 4 0 0 0 Kenndyp 1 0 0 0 Holtrf 4 0 0 0 Gentrycf 2 0 1 0 Yankees 5,Oriotes3 Blue Jays14, Reds 9 Marlins 3, Mets2 Harenp 2 0 1 0 Goeertph 1 0 1 1 Bogarts3b 4 1 0 0 Crispph-cf 2 0 1 1 Roias3b 2 0 1 0 Boyerp 0 0 0 0 American Lea Lge Pedroia2b 3 0 1 0 Lowriess 5 1 1 0 NEW YORK — Carlos Beltran hit a CINCINNATI —Edwin EncarnaVenaleph-rf 2 1 1 1 D.Ortizdh 4 0 2 1 Cespdslf 2 1 1 0 MIAMI — Left fielder Marcell Mariners 7, Royals5 Napoli1b 4 1 2 0 Dnldsn3b 3 1 1 3 three-run homer with two outs in Totals 34 5 9 4 Totals 3 3 6 9 6 Ozuna cut down the potential tying cion hit two three-run homers, and L os Angeles 20 0 0 3 0 000 — 5 Przynsc 3 0 0 0 DNorrsc 3 0 0 0 Toronto pulled off the second-big1 0 0 0 1 1 008 — 0 run at the plate in the eighth and 2 1 0 0 Vogtc 1 0 0 0 the ninth inning Friday night, lifting B an Diego KANSAS CITY, Mo.— Brad Miller JDGomslf the New York Yankees to a vi c tory Twooutswhenwinningrunscored. gest comeback in franchise historewss 4 0 0 0 Mossrf 4 0 0 0 ninth innings — including Kirk homered off Royals closer Greg E—Amarista (3), Peterson(4). DP—SanDiego1. BrdlyJrcf 3 0 1 2 Blanks1b 3 1 1 0 over Baltimore for their fourth ry, rallying from anearly eight-run LOB— LosAngeles5,SanDiego6.2B— Ad.Gonzalez Nieuwenhuis to end the gameCallasp dh 3 0 0 0 Holland to break aninth-inning straight win. Beltran connected off (18),Ju.Turner(9),S.Smith(16), Amarista(5), Quentin to help Miamibeat the NewYork deficit to a victory over Cincinnati. Punto2b 3 0 0 0 tie, and Seattle beat KansasCity Totals 31 3 6 3 Totals 3 1 4 6 4 Zach Britton (3-1) right after Brian (3), Venable(10). 3B—D.Gordon (8). HR—S.Smith Mets. Ozunathrew out NieuwenToronto hit four homers during Boston 0 21 000 000 — 3 2 (8). SB —D.Gordon (38), Amarista (4). CS—H. despite blowing anearly five-run McCann hit an RBIsingle. The its comeback, including the two Ramirez (3). S—Rivera. SF—Ad.Gonzalez,E.cabrera. huis, who was trying to score on Oakland 300 000 01x — 4 lead. Charlie Furbush (1-4) inherIP H R E R BBBD E—Bogaerts (10), Punto (5). DP—Oakland 3. Yankees struggled with runners in by the major leagues' home run Chris Young's fly ball to left field. LosAngeles ited a bases-loaded, one-out jam LOB—Boston 8, Oakland10. HR—Donaldson(18). scoring position until the ninth. leader. Encarnacion started the Haren 52-3 5 3 3 2 5 He also got David Wright in the SB—Gen t r y(13), Do na l d son(2). in the eighth, but the Mariners Howell H,16 2-3 0 0 0 1 1 comeback byconnectinginthe IP H R E R BBSO Baltimore NewYork reliever calmly retired Mike Mous- Boston LeagueH,3 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 eighth when theMets cut the defithird inning off Mat Latos and ab r hbi ab r hbi B.Wilson H,12 1 1 0 0 0 0 cit to 3-2. Doubront 42-3 2 3 3 4 4 takas on a lazypopup to shallow finished it with his 23rd homer Jansen L,0-3BS,3-23 2-3 3 3 3 0 0 Badenhop 2 3 0 0 0 2 M arkksrf 4 0 1 0 Gardnrlf 4 1 1 0 right field. Furbush then struck P earcedh 5 1 2 2 Jeterss 4 0 0 0 San Diego A.Miller L,2-5 1 1 1 1 0 2 NewYork Miami off Sam LeCureduring a five-run Kennedy 5 7 5 4 2 5 Tazawa 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 A.Jonescf 5 0 1 1 Ellsurycf 4 1 1 0 out Alcides Escobar to silence a ab r bbi ab r hbi ninth inning. C.Davi s 1b 5 0 1 0 Teixeir1b 4 0 1 1 Boyer 2 0 0 0 0 0 Oakland EYonglf 4 1 1 0 Furcal2b 4 1 1 0 sellout crowd of 38,475 andkeep Quackenbush 1 0 0 0 0 1 DnMrp2b 4 0 2 0 Hchvrrss 4 0 1 2 Mills 4 4 3 2 4 4 N.cruzlf 3 0 1 0 KJhnsnpr 0 1 0 0 ThayerW,3-2 1 2 0 0 0 0 DWrght3b 4 0 2 1 Stantonrf 4 0 1 0 Toronto Cincinnati the game tied S-all. Ji Johnson 1 2 0 0 1 2 JHardyss 4 0 1 0 Mccnnc 5 0 2 1 WP — Kennedy2. ab r hbi ab r hbi Cook 2 0 0 0 0 3 Machd3b 4 0 1 0 Cervellipr 0 1 0 0 Grndrscf-rf 3 0 1 0 McGeh3b 4 0 1 0 Flahrty2b 2 0 0 0 Beltrandh 4 1 2 3 T — 3:12. A — 31,1 19 (42 , 3 02). Reyesss 6 0 0 0 BHmltncf 511 1 AbadW,2-2 1 0 0 0 0 1 BAreurf 3 0 1 0 Sltlmchc 4 0 2 0 Seattle KansasCity Schoopph-2b1 1 0 0 ISuzukirf 3 0 1 0 Mecarrlf 4 2 2 1 Frazier3b 5020 D oolittle S,10-11 1 0 0 0 0 2 Campgph-1b1 0 1 1 GJones1b 2 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r bbi HBP —by A.Miler (Blanks,Callaspo), byDoubront Hundlyc 3 1 1 0 ASorinph-rf 1 0 1 0 Brewers13, Rockies10 Duda1b 3 0 0 0 JeBakrph-1b 2 0 0 0 B autistrf 2 2 0 1 Votto1b 4 1 0 0 Enchvzrf 5 1 2 0 JDysoncf 5 0 2 0 BRorts 2b 4 0 2 0 (Gentry), byMils (Holt), byAbad(Pierzynski). F loresph 1 0 0 0 Ozunalf 3 0 0 0 Encrnc1b 5 3 2 6 Phillips2b 5 1 1 2 J.Jonescf 4 2 3 0 Infante2b 4 0 0 0 Solarte3b 2 0 0 0 D Navrrc 5 0 2 1 Brucerf 3 3 2 2 T—3:21. A—28,602(35,067). Familip 0 0 0 0 Mrsnckcf 2 1 1 0 Cano2b 3 1 2 2 Hosmer1b 5 0 2 0 Totals 36 3 9 3 Totals 3 5 5 115 DENVER — Jean Segura homered Stromnpr 0 0 0 0 Mesorcc 4 1 2 2 Reckerc 3 0 1 0 HAlvrzp 2 0 1 0 Seagerdh 4 0 0 0 BButlerdh 4 1 3 0 B altimore 000 0 0 2 001 — 3 McGwnp 1 0 0 0 Schmkrlf 4 1 1 0 Niwnhsph 1 0 1 0 ARamsp 0 0 0 0 Morrsn1b 5 1 2 3 Ciriacopr-dh 0 0 0 0 Astros 3,Rays1 twice and RyanBraun hadthree N ew York 100 0 0 0 004 — 0 Janssn p 0 0 0 0 Cozart ss 4 1 1 0 T eiadass 3 0 1 0 Bourph 0 1 0 0 A ckleylf 3 0 0 0 Aokiph 1 0 0 0 Two outs when w inni n g run sc o red. hits in his 1,000th career game, L awrie3b 5 1 3 1 Latosp 2 0 0 1 M atszkp 1 0 0 0 Greggp 0 0 0 0 Zuninoc 4 1 1 1 AGordnlf 5 1 2 0 E — Je ter (6), Sol a rte(5). DP — B alti m ore1. LO B C IRsmscf 4 2 2 0 MParrp 0 0 0 0 ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Jarred helping Milwaukee hold off ColEdginp 0 0 0 0 MDunnp 0 0 0 0 BMigerss 4 1 2 1 S.Perezc 4 1 2 2 Baltimore10, NewYork11. 28—Pearce(10), Hundley Kawsk2b 3 2 2 0 Ondrskp 0 0 0 0 Black p 0 0 0 0 Cishek p 0 0 0 0 B lmqst3b 4 0 0 0 Lcainrf 3 1 1 1 Cosart pitched eight shutout orado. Khris Davis also homered (1), Teixeira (5), Beltran(14). HR —Beltran(7). SBHndrksp 0 0 0 0 Berndnph 1 0 0 0 CYoung ph-cf 1 1 0 0 Mostks 3b 4 1 1 2 i n nings to beat Tampa Bay G ardner (15), Egsbury (21), B.Rob e rts (7). CS — I. Rdmndp 1 0 0 0 Ju.Diazp 0 0 0 0 andCarlosGomez extended his Totals 32 2 112 Totals 3 1 3 8 2 AEscorss 4 0 1 0 Suzuki (2). S — F lahe rty, H un dl e y. N ew York 000 0 0 0 020 — 2 Lindph 1 0 1 1 Broxtnp 0 0 0 0 Totals 3 6 7 127 Totals 3 9 5 145 once again, and rookie George hitting streak to 16gamesas the IP H R E R BBSO — 3 Htchsnpr 0 0 0 0 B.Penaph 1 0 0 0 Miami 100 000 20x Seattle 1 00 130 002 — 7 Springer's two-run homer helped Baltimore Brewers scored their most runs E—Recker (1). DP—NewYork1, Miami3. LOBJenkinsp 0 0 0 0 Achpmp 0 0 0 0 K ansas City 0 0 0 0 8 2 000 — 6 52-3 6 1 1 6 3 U.Jimenez Houston defeat the Rays.Cosart NewYork7, Miami6. 28—D.Wright (16), Nieuwen- JFrncsph 1 1 1 2 Lecurep 0 0 0 0 DP — Seattle 1, Kansas City 1. LOB—Seattle of the year andtied a season high M cFarl a nd H,3 2 0 0 0 0 0 huis (2), Hecha varria (10), Saltalamacchia 2 (10). Santosp 0 0 0 0 7, KansasCity 9. 2B—En.chavez (5), Cano(16), (7-5) gave up six hits in winning O'DayH,10 1-3 2 0 0 0 0 with 19 hits. 38 — Furcal (1). SB—Marisnick 2 (4). S—Teiada, K ratzc 1 1 1 1 Lcain (11). HR —Morrison (2), Zunino(8), B.Miler .Britton L,3-1BS,2-112-3 3 4 4 Totals 39 141614 Totals 38 9 108 Matsuzaka. (6), S.Perez (8), Moustakas(8). SB—J.Jones (12). his third straight start. He walked Z York Milwaukee Colorado 003 002 315 — 14 IP H R E R BBSO Toronto CS — J.Dyson(4). S—J.Jones. one and struck out two, retiring 12 New Kuroda 6 4 2 2 1 6 C incinnati 080 0 1 0 0 00 — 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi NewYork IP H R E R BBSO straight at one point. Kelley 1131 0 0 1 2 Gennett2b 5 3 3 0 Blckmncf 5 1 2 0 E — R ey es (7), Encarna cion (7), Kawasaki (2). M atsuzaka L, 3 -1 51-3 6 1 1 1 4 Seattle 1 -3 2 0 0 0 0 Thornton Toronto1, Cincinnati 2. LOB —Toronto 9, CinBraunrf 6 2 3 2 Dickrsnlf 5 3 4 3 Edgin 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 DP — Iwakuma 5 9 5 5 1 5 1 -3 0 0 0 0 0 Betances —Me.cabrera(17), D.Navarro (8), Col. TampaBay Lucroy c 5 1 1 1 Tlwlzk ss 4 2 3 0 Black 1 2 2 1 1 2 cinnati 4. 28 LeoneBS,2-2 1 - 3 1 0 0 0 0 Heuslon Huff W,1-0 1 2 1 0 0 2 R asmus (11), Kral z (2), B.Ha m i l t on (12), Mesoraco ab r hbi ab r bbi T—3:38.A—46,197(49,642). CGomzcf 6 2 3 1 Mornea1b 5 1 2 5 Familia 1 0 0 0 0 1 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Beimel ArRmr3b 5 2 3 3 Rosarioc 5 1 3 0 Miami (10). HR —Encarnacion2(23), Lawrie (12),J.Francis11-3 0 0 0 0 1 Fowlercf 3 0 0 0 DJnngscf 4 0 0 0 Wilhelmsen KDavislf 5 1 2 3 Barnesrf 5 1 1 2 H.AlvarezW,4-3 6 1-3 7 0 0 0 5 co (12),Bruce(6), Mesoraco(11). SB—B.Hamilton 1-3 2 0 0 1 0 Altuve2b 5 1 3 0 Kiermrrf 3 0 0 0 Farquhar Overay1b 4 0 0 0 Rutledg3b 5 0 0 0 A.RamosH,11 2 - 3 0 0 0 0 0 (30), Bruce (8). S—Kawasaki, Redmond. FurbushW,1-4 2 - 3 0 0 0 0 1 Springrrf 4 1 1 2 Longori3b 4 1 0 0 Tigers 6, indians 4 IP H R E R BBSO MrRynlph-1b1 0 0 0 LeMahi2b 5 1 1 0 Gregg H,1 1-3 2 2 2 1 0 RodneyS,19-21 1 2 0 0 0 2 Singltn1b 3 0 0 0 Loney1b 4 0 1 0 Toronto MDmn3b 3 0 0 0 Sandsdh 3 0 1 0 Segurass 5 2 3 3 Brgmnp 1 0 0 0 M .Dunn H,11 2 3 1 0 0 1 1 KansasCity CLEVELAND — J.D. Martinez hit a Estradp 3 0 1 0 Kahnlep 1 0 0 0 12-3 6 6 6 1 0 CishekS,17-18 1 1 0 0 0 0 Hendriks Shields 7 9 5 5 1 4 Jcastroc 4 0 1 0 Joyceph 1 0 0 0 T—3:19.A—19,725 (37,442). Redmond 31-3 3 3 3 1 3 Dukep 0 0 0 0 CMartnp 0 0 0 0 W.Davis 1 0 0 0 1 2 C arterdh 4 0 0 0 Guyerlf 3 0 2 0 three-run homer, Victor Martinez Kintzlrp 0 0 0 0 KParkrph 1 0 0 0 Jenkins 1 0 0 0 0 0 G.HollandL,0-2 1 3 2 2 2 1 Guzmnlf 3 0 1 0 Zobristph 1 0 0 0 added a two-run shot and Detroit Santos 1 1 0 0 0 0 Presleylf 1 0 0 0 YEscorss 4 0 1 1 W Smi t hp 0 0 0 0 Belislep 0 0 0 0 Iwakuma pitched to2 batters inthe6th. Braves 6, Nattonats4 (13 inns.) McGowanW,4-2 1 0 0 0 0 0 Vigarss 4 1 1 1 JMolinc 3 0 2 0 held on for a victory over CleveRWeksph 1 0 0 0 RWhelrph 1 0 0 0 WP — Shields. SRdrgzpr 0 0 0 0 FrRdrgp 0 0 0 0 Brothrsp 0 0 0 0 Janssen 1 0 0 0 0 1 T—3:31.A—38,475 (37,903). land. Rick Porcello (9-4) pitched Hanignc 1 0 0 0 Ottavin p 0 0 0 0 WASHINGTON —Atlanta survived Cincinnati six scoreless innings for the Tigers Totals 4 6 131913 Totals 4 3 101610 Craig Kimbrel's two-out blown 52-3 9 5 5 3 2 Forsyth2b 3 0 1 0 Latos Angels 7, Rangers 3 T otals 3 4 3 7 3 Totals 3 41 8 1 and Joe Nathan Milwaukee 3 1 3 1 0 3 101 — 13 M.Parra 0 0 0 0 1 0 worked the ninth Houston 002 000 001 — 3 Colorado 240 0 0 2 200 — 10 save in the ninth inning by scoring OndrusekH,3 1 - 3 0 0 0 1 0 T ampa Bay 0 0 0 0 0 0 001 — 1 for his 15th save. LOB—Milwaukee9, Colorado7. 28—Gennett twice in the 13th, topping WashJu Diaz 1 3 3 3 0 0 ANAHEIM, Calif.— Garrett RichE—Vilar (11), Kiermaier(1). DP—Houston 1. 2 (20), Braun2 (14), Lucroy(26), ArRam irez (8), BroxtonBS,2-7 1 1 1 1 2 0 ards pitched six innings of four-hit LOB —Houston 8, TampaBay7. 28—J.castro (12). Detroit Cleveland Blackmon (13), Tulowitzki (15), Morneau(18), Rosario ington to flip-flop the standings A.chapman L,0-2 2-3 2 4 4 2 1 HR — Springer(13), Vilar (6).SB—J.Molina(1). 1-3 1 1 1 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi (11). HR —K.Davis(13), Segura2 (4), Dickerson(9), atop the NLEast. EvanGattis, who Lecure ball, David Freesedrove in two IP H R E R BBSO Kinsler 2b 4 0 1 1 Bourn cf 5 1 2 0 Morneau(12), Barnes(3). SB—Braun(7), Dickerson earlier extended his hitting streak M.Parrapitchedto1 batter inthe6th. runs, and the LosAngeles Angels Houston AJcksncf 5 0 1 0 Acarerss 4 1 1 3 W P — A.cha pm an. P B — D .N av arr o. (5), Rosario(1), LeMahieu(6). beat Texasfor their seventh win in CosartW,7-5 8 6 0 0 1 2 Micarr1b 4 2 1 0 Kipnis2b 4 0 1 0 IP H R E R BBSD to 19 games, singled in the goT—4:00. A—33,103(42,319). .472 3r/t

.446 5'I~





No-hitter stands out as one of the greats for Kershaw

ie u s a ea at omens en The Associated Press

67, picked up a bogey on her

PINEHURST, N.C. — For all the interest in the men

first hole in a wild round of

hurst No. 2 i n c onsecutive

By Tyler Kepner

walk, 2 for each hit, 2 for each

weeks, Michelle Wie and Lexi Thompson made the

New Yorh Times News Service

unearned run and 4 for each

U.S. Women's Open more

earned run.

closely resemble the first LPGA Tour major of the year.


ears from now, Charley Steiner said, when he recalls one of the great-

est pitching performances in major league history, he will first remember Clayton Kershaw the hitter. In the bottom

of the eighth inning Wednesday night,when he came to bat with an eight-run lead, Kershaw, the ace of the Los Angeles Dodgers, competed with everything he had. "He grounds routinely to the shortstop, and he's sprinting every step of the way to the bag," Steiner said Thursday. "And I'm thinking, 'Who on earth could possibly be wired

Three games scored 101Matt Cain's perfect game in 2012, Nolan Ryan's no-hitter

in 1991 and Sandy Koufax's perfect game in 1965. Six scored 100 — Randy John-

son's perfect game in 2004; no-hitters by Ryan in 1973 and Warren Spahn in 1960; and

shutouts by Brandon Morrow (2010), Curt Schilling (2002) and Ryan (1972). The metric does not quantify degree of difficulty or circumstance. T hus,

b a se-

ball's two postseason no-hitters — Don Larsen's perfect game in the 1956 World Series

and Roy Halladay's no-hitter in the 2010 playoffs — score perfect game, and there is no only a 94, ranking below 133 governor on his engine." regular-season efforts and in such a way?' He's three outs and one error away from a K ershaw finished off t h e

two others in the postseason,

Colorado Rockies in the ninth, by Roger Clemens and Tim retiring Corey Dickerson with Lincecum. a vicious slider for his 15th

Kershaw, who w on ,

8 - 0,

off three straight birdies to

match Wie for the lowest score Friday. They were the only players still under par going into the weekend, perhaps setting up

A rea started wit h a

ble bogey for the second straight day and shot anoth-

soundly beat Wie in the final round at the Kraft Nabisco

elers: CROMWELL, Conn.

— Scott Langley took the sec-

played, especially at a U.S. Women's Open."

ond-round lead in the Travel-

For now, Wie had control with a three-shot lead.

she relied on her table-top

the 13th complete game of his ters in the same season since seven-year career. Burt Hooton and Milt Pappas Ranking greatness makes of the 1972 Chicago Cubs. for good debate, but ultimateBut there are no-hitters and ly it is futile. While it was certherearegames fortheagestainly the best game for Kerand Kershaw's ranks among shaw, a two-time Cy Young the greatest singular perfor- Award winner, it was not too mances in history. His effort far from his norm. It was the computed to a game score of

102, ranking second only to

fifth t ime t hi s season that Kershaw has struck out at

Kerry W o od's 2 0-strikeout least nine without allowing a one-hitter for the Cubs in 1998, walk. "The thing about Kershaw which registered 105.

Game score, developed by

is that almost every start, he's Bill James, follows this formu- capable of doing this," Steiner la: start with 50 points; add 1 said. "So it wasn't like, 'Oooh, point for each out, 2 for each he's bringing something spec ompleted inning after t h e cial tonight.' Because every fourth and 1 for each strike- night he pitches, he's bringing out; subtract 1 point for each something special."

T he 24-year-old f r o m Hawaii tw ice t hought her

shots were going off the turtleback greens, and twice

a 6-iron that set up a 12-foot

The cut was 9-over 149. Also on Friday: Langley sets pace at Trav-

John Bazemore/The AssociatedPress

Michelle Wie chips to the first green during the second round of the U.S. Women's Open in Pinehurst, N.C., Friday. Wie holds a three-stroke lead over Lexi Thompson heading to today's third


ers Championship, following his opening 64 with a 65 to reach 11 under 129. Winless in two seasons on the PGA

Tour, the 25-year-old Langley had eight birdies, a double bogey and a bogey in the second round at TPC River

Woods toreturntocompetitionnext week

Highlands. Michael Putnam, Harris English and K.J. Choi were a stroke back. Lehman tops Champions

this had the trappings of an-

Feeling rusty but ready to playagain, Tiger Woods said Friday he would return to competition next week atCongressional in the Quicken LoansNational. Woods last played onMarch 9 at Doral, where hedealt with pain in his lower backandclosed with a 78 for his highest final-round score on the PGATour. HehadbacksUrgery March 31, forcing him to miss the Masters for the first time. Healso missed the U.S. Openlast week at Pinehurst No. 2. The announcement on his Facebookpagedelivered a jolt of goodnewstogolf.Woodshasbeenthegame'sbiggestdraw since he turned pro in1996, and with limited information about his recovery, speculation was starting to build that he might not make it to any majors this year. "After a lot of therapy, I haverecovered well and will be supporting my foundation next week atthe Quicken LoansNational," Woods said onFacebook. "I've just started to hit full shots, but

o ther runaway —

it's time to take the next step. I will be a bit rusty, but I want to

15-footer on the par-3 sev-

play myself back into competitive shape.Excited for the challenge ahead." This is the first year for a newtitle sponsor at the PGATour event that donates its charity money to the TigerWoodsFoundation, and the tournament earlier this year secured anagreement to return to Congressional every other year through 2020. This is the second-longest breakWoods hastaken from golf because of injury. He missed thesecond half of the 2008 season when he hadreconstructive surgery on his left knee just aweek after winning the U.S.Openfor his 14th major.

enth. He won the last of his seven Champions Tour titles

birdie putt, and a 15-foot birdie on the par-5 ninth to reach 4-under 136.

"End of the day yesterday, I was thinking if I just did this again, that would be

nice," Wie said. "Finishing with two birdies is always great. It's a grind out there.

It's not easy. Really grateful for the par putts that I made and some of the birdie putts

that I made. I can't complain. I'll take it." Just when it looked as if M a rtin

Kaymer led by at least four shots over the final 48 holes to win the U.S. Open — along came Thompson with a shot reminiscent of what Kaymer did last week. From the sand and bush-

es left of the fairway on the par-5 fifth hole, Thompson blasted a 5-iron from 195 yards just off the green, setting up two putts for birdie from about 60 feet. Kaymer was in roughly the same spot

— The Associated Press

Tour field: GLENVIEW, Ill.

— Tom Lehman birdied four straight holes and finished with a bogey-free 7-under 65 to take the first-round lead in th e

C h ampions Tour's

Encompass Championship. Finishing on the front nine, L ehman birdied N os.


and closed with two pars at North Shore Country Club. The 55-year-old Minnesotan

nearly holed out for an eagle on the par-5 sixth, leaving a 6-inch putt, and ran in a

in 2012. Doug Garwood and England's Roger Chapman were a stroke back at 66.

Ilonen up two in Ireland: CORK, Ireland — Finland's Mikko Ilonen opened a twostroke lead in the Irish Open, while N o r thern I r e l and's

Rory McIlroy missed the cut by a stroke. Ilonen had a 3-under 68 to reach 10 under at Fota Island. Northern

Ireland's Graeme McDowell (66), England's Robert Rock 5 feet, that pin position more much of agiving mood on (66) and France's Romain toward the front. a nother warm day i n t h e S tacy Lewis, the No . I Wattel (65) were tied for secThat was her third straight North Carolina sandhills, player in women's golf who ond. McIlroy followed his birdie, and she closed with with a brief shower in the opened with a bogey-free opening 74 with a 69. in the third round when he hit 7-iron from 202 yards to


er 78 to miss the cut.

jor, that's a lot of golf to be

putting stance to make long par saves. She finished with

1965; Kershaw's no-hitter was


Championship. "Definitely t o o e a r ly," Thompson said with a laugh. "Thirty-six holes in a ma-

out in his perfect game than

ett are the first teammates to throw complete-game no-hit-

playing any more golf. The sixth-grader from the Bay

a rematch from the first ma-

recorded one fewer strike-

It was the second no-hitter

i sn't l e aving t o w n u n t i l Monday. She just won't be

jor of the year. Thompson

time in major league history that a pitcher struck out at

ofthemajor league season and and the final score was 1-0. the second by a Dodger: Josh Then again, Koufax was Beckett stymied the Philadel- conditioned to throw nine inphia Phillies on the road last nings. The perfect game was month. Kershaw and Beck- his 23rd complete game of

who played bogey-free on the back nine to salvage a 71. Lucy Li, the precocious 11-year-old and youngest qualifier in the history of the U.S. Women's Open,

son powered her way out of the sand and weeds and ran

and Carlos Gonzalez. Koufax

Famers — Ernie Banks, Ron Santo and Billy Williams -

old amateur from Australia

ies for a 2-under 68. Thomp-

Ramirez in the seventh. But it was one of a kind: the first

or a walk.

even-par with Amy Yang (69) and Minjee Lee, the 18-year-

two key par putts and finished with back-to-back bird-

faced a Rockies lineup that was missing the injured Nolan Arenado, Michael Cuddyer

least 15 without allowing a hit

what you've got to do at this tournament," said Lewis, at

Wie held it together with

strikeout. It was not a perfect game because of a throwing error by shortstop Hanley

Kershaw did Wednesday, but he faced three future Hall of

six bogeys, three birdies and a tough 73. A two-time major champion, she saw the big picture. "I hung around, and that's

and women playing Pine-

four pars to reach 139. Pinehurst No. 2 wasn't in

middle of the afternoon that

didn't do much to soften a dry, crusty golf course.


Ambrose lookingfor first career Sonomawin The Associated Press SONOMA, Calif. — Mar-

cos Ambrose wants nothing more than to break Hendrick

"We know that the race

here this weekend and in Watkins Glen, the two road races, are our best chance

road courses. Gordon is proud of his success rate at Sonoma, where he's the all-time leader with

Eric Francis/The Associated Press

(48) and Jacob Felts, left, after scoring against Vanderbilt in Friday's game in Omaha, Neb.

Texas shutsout Vandy The Associated Press OMAHA, Neb. — Augie Garrido's Texas baseball teams are always built on pitching and defense, and the Longhorns sure are showing it at the College World Series. Nathan Thornhill and John

Curtiss combined for Texas' second straight shutout, and the Longhorns forced a second-bracket final against

T hornhill

l ef t a f t e r t h e

eighth inning, having thrown 131 pitches on an 88-degree afternoon against a Vander-

bilt team that was set on going deep into counts. "It was a dominating performance," Garrido said. "I do think they were trying to run his pitch count up because of

season, you get a chance to

win a Sprint Cup race, which you don't get to do very of-

that RPM are on the right

in the Truck Series. He won

J immie Johnson's wi n


said. "It suits my style, suits

ten," Ambrose said. "What I do this weekend is not try

to think about it, be normal, try to relax leading into this

week. The more you think about it, the worse you tend to go." Also on Friday: Biffle still working on extension with Roush:SONOMA, Calif. — Greg Biffle said he is still working on a new contract to stay at Roush Fenway

Racing. Biffle admitted he has talked to other teams in

the garage, but he was presently negotiating with Roush, the only team he's driven for since his 1998 rookie season

path and I'm going to do ev- Charlotte on May 25. Since the way I like to drive a race the Truck Series championerything I can to make sure I that race, Johnson has won car. I get a lot of good feed- ship in 2000 and added a Na-

the heat to get him out of the game. He has the kind of com-

help them do that."

Vanderbilt with a 4-0 victory

mand where he can capitalize

on something like that." Also on Friday: Virginia-Ole Miss game suspended by rain:OMAHA, Neb. — The College World Series game between Virginia and Mississippi was suspended after a 93-minute lightning

season driving for the Petty o rganization, and hi s t w o

once. Back it up to Jeff Gor-

Friday. The Longhorns (46-20) and Commodores (48-20) will meet again today, with the winner advancing to the best-of-three finals against Virginia or Mississippi. For the second game in a

career Sprint Cup victories

teams powered by Hendrick engines have won the past six races, including Jamie

row, Texas pitchers didn't allow a runner past second base.

and rain delay at TD Ameritrade Park. The game, tied

The Longhorns have held op- 0-0, will resume today at noon ponents scoreless 19 straight with Virginia batting in the innings and have given up top of the second inning. The four runs in their four games Cavaliers have runners on in Omaha. first and second base.

yourself into th e C hase, which would make your

to win a race this year," he five wins. Gordon hasn't finning streak and his best shot said. "That will autoished lower than ninth comes on the road course matically lock us into at Sonoma since his a t Sonoma Raceway t h i s the Chase. Clearly 2006 victory, a span of weekend. there's a lot to race for eight consecutive topA win Sunday could earn at these two tracks for 10 finishes. "We've worked hard the Australian his first berth us. We've put a lot of in the Chase for the Sprint energy and effort into A m rose b as a team to be comCup championship and so- Sonoma." petitive on road courslidify his future at Richard Ambrose is 23rd in the es and we've had a lot of sucP etty M o t o rsports. A m - Sprint Cup standings, and cess at Sonoma. But it's not brose's current deal with the there are 11 races remaining an easy track to conquer," organization is up at the end to set the Chase field. To be said Gordon, who grew up in of the season. one of the 16 drivers, he'll nearby Vallejo. "I'm in a r enewal year likely need the berth t h at Ambrose, considered one with Richard Petty for 2015," comes witha regular-season of the best road course racAmbrose said. "I'm not re- victory. ers in NASCAR, still likes ally thinking about myself But standing in his way his chances. "My t a lents a r e r e a l ly here. I just want the best for Sunday is the Hendrick MoRPM. They have decisions to torsports juggernaut, which good on road racing in these make ... I want to make sure has been unstoppable since big, heavy stock cars," he Motorsports' four-race win-

Texas' Ben Johnson, center, is greeted at the dugout by Ty Marlow

ing, there's a chance to lock

Ambrose is in his fourth

are with the team. Both of

three times and teammate D ale E arnhardt J r . w o n don's win a t

back for the wheel. I think

it's a natural skill set for me."

tionwide Series title in 2002. Hight leads NHRA Fun-

S ince Petty t o o k o v e r ny Car qualifying: EPPING, K a n sas and sole ownership of the team N.H. — Robert Hight broke

his wins were on the road course at Watkins Glen. M cMurray's A l l -Star r a c e He's still looking for his victory. first victory a t S onoma, The all-time record for where Ambrose is always consecutive car owner victoc onsidered one of t h e f a - ries is 16 by Carl Kiekhaefer vorites but hasn't managed in 1956. The Hendrick orgato grab the checkered flag. nization won six consecutive Ambrose has five fi nishes races in 2007 to set the modof eighth or better in six ca- ern era record and its best reer starts at the picturesque bet for a tie could be Gordon, 1.99-mile track. who has nine career wins on

in 1993, more than a dozen New England Dragway's drivers have driven for him Funny Car time record with a and Ambrose ranks among 3.988-second pass in qualifythe best with two wins and three poles. Hi s v i c tories match the late Bobby Hamilton and Kasey Kahne. With one more top-10 finish, Ambrose wil l t i e H a m i lton's

ing for the Auto-Plus NHRA New E n g land N a t i onals. Hight, a four-time winner this

mark of 28.

mph on the final pass of the night. Antron Brown led in Top Fuel, Shane Gray in Pro Stock, and Hector Arana Jr. in Pro Stock Motorcycle.

Ambrose doesn't focus on statistics and instead has his

eye on making the Chase. "There's pressure build-

season and the series points leads, powered his Ford Mustang to a top speed of 321.58


Wimbeldon: Players to watch Topmen'splayers



ra SERENA WILLIAMS Seeded:1 Age:32 Country:United States 2014 Match Record:24-4 2014Singles Titles:3 Career Singles Titles: 60 Major Titles:17 — Wimbledon ('02, '03, '09, '10, '12), U.S. Open ('99, '02, '08, '12, '13), Australian Open('03, '05, '07, '09, '10), French Open ('02, '13) Last 5 Wimhledons13-Lost in 4th Round, '12-Won Championship,

Seeded:1 Age:27 Country:Serbia 2014 Match Record: 30-4 Djokovic 2014 SinglesTitles: 3 Career SinglesTitles: 44 Major Titles:6 — Wimbledon ('11), U.S. Open('11), Australian Open ('08, '11, '12, '13) Last 5 Wimhledons13-Lost in Final, '12-SF,'11-Won Championship, '10-SF, '09-QF

Topspin:Third year in a row seededNo. 1 at the All England Club; was elevated from No. 2 ranking based ongrass-court results, including runner-up showing at Wimbledon in 2013.... Has made it to the semifinals or better each of the past four years, including winning the title in 2011... Has a chance toovertake Rafael Nadal at No. 1 inthe rankings by the end of the tournament. RAFAEL NADAL Seeded:2 Age:28 Country:Spain 2014 Match Record: 41-7 2014 SinglesTitles: 4 Career SinglesTitles: 64 Major Titles:14 — Wimbledon ('08, '10), U.S. Open('10, '13), Australian Open ('09), FrenchOpen('05, '06, '07, '08, '10, '11, '12, '13, '14) Last 5 Wimhledons13-1st, '12-2nd, '11-F, '10-W, '09-Did Not Play Topspin:After reaching the final in five consecutive appearances at Wimbledon, including titles in 2008 and2010, hasbowed out in the second round (against100th-ranked LukasRosol), then the first round (against 135th-ranked SteveDarcis).... Add in anopening loss on grass at Halle, Germany, this month, andNadal takes athree-match losing streak on the surface into Wimbledon.... Leads the tour with 41 match wins andfour titles, including his record-extending ninth at the FrenchOpentwo weeks ago.

ANDY MURRAY Seeded:3 Age:27 Country:Britain 2014 Match Record: 27-11 Murray 2014 SinglesTitles: 0 Career SinglesTitles: 28 Major Titles:2 — Wimbledon ('13), U.S. Open('12) Last 5 Wimhledons13-W, '12-F, '11-SF,'10-SF, '09-SF Topspin:Endedthe host country's 77-year wait for a British men's champion at Wimbledon bybeating Djokovic in the 2013final.... Has grown comfortable in the intense spotlight that shines on himfor these two weeks every year.... No worse than asemifinalist each of the past five years at the All EnglandClub, including a runner-up finish to Roger Federer in 2012.... Now coached byformer women's No. 1 Amelie Mauresmo. ROGERFEDERER Seeded:4 Age:32 Country:Switzerland 2014 Match Record: 34-7 Federer 2014 SinglesTitles: 2 Career SinglesTitles: 79 Major Titles:17 —Wimbledon ('03, '04, '05, '06, '07, '09, '12), U.S. Open ('04, '05, '06, '07, '08), Australian Open('04, '06, '07, '10), French Open ('09) Last 5 Wimhledons13-2nd, '12-W, '11-QF,'10-QF,'09-W Topspin:Won his record17th and, to date, last Grand Slam title at Wimbledon in 2012, tying PeteSampras andWillie Renshaw (who played in the1880s) with No. 7 atthe All England Club.... His surprising second-round exit at Wimbledon last year (against116th-ranked Sergiy Stakhovsky) endedFederer's streak of reaching at least the quarterfinals at a record 36 consecutive majors.... He's now lost before the quarterfinals at three of the past four majors.... Playing in his 59th consecutive Grand Slam tournament, a record for men. JOHN ISNER (;:. Seeded:9 Age:29 Country:United States 2014 Match Record:19-10 Isner 2014 SinglesTitles:1 Career SinglesTitles: 8 Major Titles:0 — Best: QF,at U.S. Open('11) Last 5 Wimhledons13-2nd, '12-1st, '11-2nd, '10-2nd, '09-DNP Topspin:Madeit to the fourth round at the French Open, something he's still never done atWimbledon, despite his booming serve.... Will always be linked to winning the longest match in tennis history — an11-plushour marathon that ended70-68 in the fifth set against Nicolas Mahutat Wimbledon in 2010.... Only American manranked in the top 50. GRIGOR DIMITROV Seeded:11 Age:23 Country:Bulgaria 2014 Match Record:30-9 2014 SinglesTitles: 3 Career SinglesTitles: 4 Major Titles:0 — Best: QF,at Australian Open ('14) Last 5 Wimhledons13-2nd, '12-2nd, '11-2nd, '10-1st, '09-DNP Topspin:Widely considered the next big thing in men's tennis, even earning the nickname "BabyFed" because of his Federer-esquestyle of play. ... Won the trophy at Queen'sClub ongrass last week, giving him three titles on three surfaces in 2014. — The Associated Piess

'11-4th, '10-W, '09-W

Topspin:Coming off two early-for-her Grand Slam exits — fourth round at Australian Open,second round at FrenchOpen.The last time she failed to get past the quarterfinals at either of those tournaments was 2012, whenshewentontowinW imbledonandtheU.S.Open. ... If Williams wins four matches this year, shewill equal seven-time champion Steffi Graf with 74 victories at Wimbledon, fourth-most in the Openera, behind Martina Navratilova (120), Chris Evert (96), Billie Jean King (95).... Winning 81.2 percent of her service games this season, by far the best on tour.

SIMONANALEP Seeded:3 Age:22 Country:Romania 2014 Match Record:25-8 2014Singles Titles:1 Career Singles Titles: 7 Major Titles:0 — Best: F,at French Open('14) Last 5 Wimhledons13-2nd, '12-1st, '11-2nd, '10-Did Not Play, '09DNP

Topspin:Retired from a match because of a right shoulder injury Wednesday at a grass-court tuneup tournament.... Coming off a runner-up finish at the FrenchOpen, the first Romanian womansince 1980 to reach aGrand Slamfinal.... Had never made it past the third round at a major tournament until last year's run to the fourth round at the U.S.Open.Haskept improving, getting to the quarterfinals at the Australian Open,followed by her final in Paris.... All seven of her WTA titles cameover the past two seasons. MARIA SHARAPOVA Seeded:5 Age:27 Country:Russia 2014 Match Record: 31-6 Sharapova 2014Singles Titles:3 Career Singles Titles: 32 Major Titles:5 — Wimbledon ('04), U.S. Open('06), Australian Open ('08), French Open('12, '14) Last 5 Wimhledons13-2nd, '12-4th, '11-F, '10-4th, '09-2nd Topspin:Earned fifth major trophy at French Open;first Grand Slam title she's won morethan once.... Will try to becomethefirst woman since SerenaWilliams in 2002 to win French OpenandWimbledon in same year.... Won her first Grand Slamtitle as a17-year-old at Wimbledon, beating Williams in the final. Since then, though, Sharapova has returned to the championship match at the All EnglandClub only once in nine appearances. I

PETRA KVITOVA Seeded:6 Age:24 Country:CzechRepublic 2014 Match Record:16-10 Kvitova 2014Singles Titles:0 Career SinglesTitles:11 Major Titles:1 — Wimbledon ('11) Last 5 Wimhledons13-QF, '12-QF,'11-W, '10-SF,'09-1st Topspin:Left-hander consistently produces her best Grand Slam results on the grass at theAll England Club, making it to at least the quarterfinals each of the past four years.... Still, as18-time major champion andESPNanalyst Chris Evert put it, Kvitova is "somewhat under the radar right now." EUGENIE BOUCHARD Seeded:13 Age:20 Country:Canada 2014 Match Record:0 Bouchard 2014Singles Titles:0 Career Singles Titles: 0 Major Titles:0 — Best: SF,at Australian Open ('14), French Open

('14) Last 5 Wimhledons13-, '12-QF, '11-3rd, '10-3rd, '09-2nd Topspin:Only womanto reach the semifinals at each of this season's first two major tournaments, although she lost at that stage both times.... Wimbledon will be only the sixth GrandSlammain-draw event of her career; shewonthe girls'title at the All England Club in 2012.... Winning 60.4 percent of points on second-serve returns this season, which ranks fourth on tour. Converting 51.8 percent of break points, which ranks10th.

SLOANESTEPHENS Seeded:18 Age:21 Country:United States 2014 Match Record:17-14 Stephens 2014Singles Titles:0 Career Singles Titles: 0 Major Titles:0 — Best: SF,at Australian Open ('13) Last 5 Wimhledons13-QF, '12-3rd, '11-DNP,'10-DNP, '09-DNP Topspin:Hasreached at least the fourth round at each of the past six Grand Slam tournaments, the longest active streak amongwomen.... For her career, shehas a31-12 record at majors (a.721 winning percentage), but is only 55-54 in all other main-draw matches (.505). — The Associated Press


Things to watchthis year at Wimbeldon By Howard Fendrich

al's ninth French Open title

The Associated Press

was followed quickly by his

Last year's W i mbledon

third consecutive loss on

was the most unpredictable in memory. Roger Federer, Rafael Nadal and Maria Sharapova — owners of a combined 10

grass; the stuff is rough on his knees. If Federer, now 32 and a father of four, is going to seriously contend for an 18th major title, it figures to

titles at the All England Club

come at Wimbledon, because

— were all gone by the end of he excels on grass, lastyear's the second round. Five-time stunning second-round exit champion Serena Williams notwithstanding. left in the fourth. Add in the Serena's reaction: Wilrecord-equaling withdraw- liams is ranked No. 1 and als or mid-match retirements

seeded No. 1. But she's lost

because of health problems. And to cap it all, Andy Murray finally gave Britain the men's champion it

before the quarterfinals at threeofthe pastfourm ajors, including at Wimbledon last year and a second-round exit at the French Open last

had wanted for more than three-quarters of a century. What might 2014 have in store? Here are five things to watch at Wimbledon, where

month. With her best-in-the-

women's-game serve and ability to bounce back from setbacks, a strong showing from Williams on the grass wouldn't shock her coach,

play begins Monday: 'Murresmo':The pairing of Murray and his new coach, Patrick Mouratoglou. "She's A melie M a u resmo, w a s definitely the kind of person quickly dubbed "Murres- that, when something bad mo," and their partnership happens to her, is always is sure to draw a lot of no- able to react." tice. For one thing, Murray Sharapova's decade:Hard won the grass-court Grand Slam tournament — the first

to believe, perhaps, but it's

so — with Ivan Lendl in his

17 for her first Grand Slam

been a decade since SharaBritish man in 77 years to do pova wonWimbledon atage corner a year ago. For anoth- title. Now she's got five major er, it's unusual for a top male trophies, but is still stuck on

tennis player to be coached

one at the All England Club.

by a woman. But Murray was coached for years by

Time to make a mark:Men who might make a breakthrough include Grigor Dimitrov of Bulgaria, who won a grass-court tuneup title last week, or Canada's big-serving Milos Raonic. Also will be fun to see how a trio of u p-and-coming wom e n who took center stage at the French Open fare at Wimbledon:Simona Halep,coming off her first Grand Slam final appearance; Eugenie

his mother, current British

Fed Cup captain Judy, and he said of Mauresmo: "I hope it works out long-term, be-

cause I like her." The usual suspects: A member of the so-called Big 4 has won each of the past 11

Wimbledon titles — seven for Federer, two for Nadal, and

one apiece for Murray and Novak Djokovic — and few would be surprised if some- Bouchard, a semifinalist at one in that quartet makes it the Australian Open and Roan even dozen. The top-seed- land Garros; Garbine Mugued Djokovic, champion in ruza, who stunned Williams 2011, is a popular pick. Nad- in Paris


Roger Federer. Federer will start against

Continued from C1

Paolo Lorenzi of Italy and In the women's draw, top- Djokovic will play his first ranked and five-time cham- match against Andrey Golpion Serena Williams is in the ubev of Kazakhstan. same quarter as French Open D jokovic c ould m e et champion MariaSharapova. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga in the The two could face each other fourth round and former fiin the quarterfinals. nalist Tomas Berdych in the Murray, who is seeded last eight. third this year, has admitted Federer, who has lost behe does not know how he

fore the quarterfinals at three

will cope with the pressure of walking onto Centre Court as the defending champion on Monday. At least he has a relatively

of the past four Slams, might face third-ranked and Davis

smooth path in the draw un-

Sharapova, who defeated Serena Williams in the 2004 final at the age of 17 to win her only W i m bledon title and first Grand Slam cham-

til the quarterfinals, where he could play seventh-seeded David Ferrer or Grigor Dmitrov, who won last week's warm-up at Queen's Club. Then looms a potential semi-

Cup teammate Stan Wawrinka in an all-Swiss encounter

in the quarters.

pionship, will open against Samantha Murray. Williams

final against top-seeded No- will take on Anna Tatishvili. vak Djokovic — a rematch of If Williams and Sharapolastyear's final. va get to the quarterfinals, it "It will be a proud moment will set up their 19th career to come back as defending meeting. Williams leads 16-2 champion," said Murray, who and has not lost to her Rusis now coached by former sianrival since the 2004WTA Wimbledon champion Ame- Championships. lie Mauresmo after parting The other potential women's quarterfinals are: Simoways with Ivan Lendl earlier this season. "I don't know na Halep vs. Jelena Jankovic, how I will feel, I have no idea.

Victoria Azarenka vs. Ag-

feel some pressure, but I'll try

tra Kvitova vs. Li Na.

to enjoy it. It's a new experience for me."

Williams is coming off a second-round loss at the French Open, where Shara-

I'm sure I will be nervous and nieszka Radwanska, and Pe-

For Nadal, it's a lot tricki-

er. The Spaniard, who holds pova won her fifth major titwo Wimbledon titles, has tle. After Williams' previous not fared well on the grass

early exit at the French Open

the past two years, losing in in 2012, when she lost in the the second round in 2012 and first round, she went on to the first round last year. He's

win Wimbledon and the U.S.

also coming off a loss in his Open. first match at the Halle grassWilliams could face an incourt tournament. triguing fourth-round match The top-ranked Nadal, against Eugenie Bouchard, who is seeded No. 2, will start the 20-year-old Canadian against No. 57 Martin Klizan

who has reached the semi-

of Slovakia. The Spaniard,

finals of both Grand Slams so far this year. But the

who won his ninth French Open title earlier this month,

13th-seeded Bouchard faces a

could then face Lukas Rosol, challenging first-round oppo-

Wimbeldon: At a Glance A look at Wimbledon, theyear's third GrandSlam tennis tournament: Surface:Grass courts. Site:The All England Lawn Tennis Club. Schedule:Play begins Monday. Thewomen's singles final is July 5; the men's singles final is July 6. Thereare no matches scheduled for the twoweektournament' smiddleSunday,June29. Forecast:Week1 is expected to be dry with the temperature in the 70s (low-to-mid 20s Celsius). 2013 Men's SinglesChampion:Andy Murray of Britain. 2013 Women'sSingles Champion:Marion Bartoli of France. Last Year:Murray ended the host country's 77-year wait by becoming

the first British man since FredPerry in 1936 to win Wimbledon, beating Novak Djokovic 6-4, 7-5, 6-4. Hitting with two hands off both wings, seeded only15th, and without a title from any tournament in more than 1 ~/~years, Bartoli beat Sabine Lisicki 6-1, 6-4. It was Bartoli's first Grand Slam trophy — andher last, becauseless than six weeks later, shesurprisingly announced her retirement at age28. Key Statistic:3 — Consecutive losses on grass courts for No. 1-ranked Rafael Nadal, a two-time champion at Wimbledon. Prize Money:Total is 25 million pounds (about $42.5 million), an increase of more than 10percent from ayear ago, with 1.76 million pounds (nearly $3 million) each to the men'sand women's singles champions. Online:www.wimbledon.org

who beat him here two years

ago. Nadal, the only man with at least one Grand Slam title in 10 consecutive years,

nent in Daniela Hantuchova. In the absence of defend-

ing champion MarionBartoli, who retired less than six weeks after winning her

could then be pitted against sole Grand Slam title, last big-serving Ivo Karlovic in year's runner-up finalist Sathe third r o und. W a iting bine Lisicki will open Cenin the quarterfinals could tre Court play on 'Ittesday be another bi g h i t ter against Julia Glushko. eighth-seeded Milos Raonic T he t h i r d-seeded H a of Canada. lep, who achieved a breakFriday's draw put Murray through performance at the in the top half with Djokovic, French Open by reaching who won Wimbledon in 2011. her first major final, is in the Nadal is in the bottom half same quarter asformer No. 1 with seven-time champion Ana Ivanovic.




Costa Ricacontinues to surprise The Associated Press

although only in 2010 did the

RECIFE, Brazil — C o sta Rica has turned the tables o n the t eam's World C u p

Azzurri not advance.

"We'll play a great match against Uruguay," second-half Italy substitute Antonio Cas-

expectations. Or at l east o n

e v eryone

sano said.

else's expectations. Costa Rica followed up its surprise win over Uruguay

"I'm convinced

we will.... If we regain our energy we ca n ( advance) comfortably."

with another World Cup stun-

While it was nowhere near

ner on Friday, beating four-

as hot as Italy feared at the

time champion Italy 1-0 to se-

Arena Pernambuco — 29 C

cure a spot in the next round and eliminate England in the process.

(84 F) and 70 percent humidity according to FIFA — the Az-

zurri still struggled to keep up with the speedy Ticos for long stretches.

After entering the tourna-

ment as an expected underdog in a group featuring three former world champions, Costa Rica is now on top. "Maybe there are a lot of


l I

I L t

r r I II I I r I I I I I I I

I I • \

I •

\ 1


I • l l I I I I

II • • I I• I• I II • I I

• I


Costa Rica coach Jorge Luis

Pinto lined up five defenders but his squad was able to Petr David Josek/The Associated Press

people who didn't have faith

Costa Rica's Cristian Gamboa

in us because we were in the 'Group of Death,' said Costa

and Keylor Navas celebrate

Rica captain Bryan Ruiz, who

$r '

after the team's1-0 victory over Italy in Recife, Brazil, Friday.

scored the key goaL "But the

other guys are the ones who are dead and we're going to beat Sweden and Scotland the next round." under experienced coach Ruiz gave his side the lead Bora Milutinovic before ultiin the 44th minute, heading in mately getting eliminated by off the underside of the cross- Czechoslovakia. "Those who haven't supbar following a cross from Junior Diaz. Goal-line tech- ported us may believe in us nology was used to show that right now," Ruiz said. the ball bounced down and in Italy, meanwhile, can still after hitting the bar. advance with a win or even a There was a frenetic end draw with Uruguay, since it to the first half, as moments leads on goal difference which before Ruiz's goal Costa Rica is the first qualifying criteria. "We gave our all. They did had a penalty appeal waved away when striker Joel Camp- well to block every pass," Itbell was bundled over by Gior- aly coach Cesare Prandelli gio Chiellini. said. "There's no worry now. Costa Rica leads Group D We just need to regain our with six points, while Italy energy." and Uruguay have three each It was exactly 24 years ago before Tuesday's showdown. to the day that Costa Rica beat England has zero points after Sweden 2-1 to advance at the losing to Italy and Uruguay. tournament in Italy. "There are no more CinderItaly (1934, 1938, 1982, 2006), Uruguay (1930, 1950) ellas in football, especially in and England (1966) have won a competition like the World a combined seven World Cups. Cup," Italy captain Gianluigi

a dvance forward w it h


swift, sweeping movementjust like in the 3-1 win over Uruguay. "We did what we needed to do, we took away the game

Andy Tullis/The Bulletin

Malcolm Derr, of Gig Harbor, Wash., left, watches as his partner Bruce Schafer, of Bend, returns the ball during a doubles pickleball match at the Oregon Senior Games in Bend Thursday.

from the Italians," Pinto said.

Also on Friday: France 5, Switzerland 2: SALVADOR, Brazil — F or-

wards Olivier Giroud and Karim Benzema each scored one goal and created another

as a rampant France thrashed Switzerland to t ake control of Group E and all but seal

a place in the next round. France has six points with a game remaining against Ecuador, which moved into second place — edging Switzerland on goal difference — with a win over Honduras. Ecuador 2, Honduras 1: CURITIBA, Brazil — Ecuador forward Enner Valencia

scored two goals in a comeback victory over Honduras that kept his team in conten-

tion at the World Cup. Ecuador moved into the second spot

in Group E on three pointsahead of Switzerland on goal difference — with a game reCosta Rica's only o t h er Buffon said. maining against group-leadappearance in the k nockIt marked the fourth consec- ing France, which has tallied out phase came in its World utive World Cup in which Italy eight goals and conceded two Cup debut in 1990, when it failed to win its second match, in a pair of dominating wins.

Pickleball Continued from C1 The Bend Park 8r. Recreation District finished the construction of th e eight

"I'm hoping that the

that he helped start the Bend

Oregon Senior Games

Pickleball Club four years ago. "I watched her for a while,"

runs smoothly so that

we can have more pickleball participants, courts at Pine Nursery three weeks ago, giving the and so that we can be recognized as one of event a new venue. The courts are still a the major pickleball workinprogress. "That's why it looks like places to come in the we're in a c onstruction country." zone," says Gestvang, adding that eight more courts are planned.

— Bend resident Lee Moore

Moore says. "Then I went out and tried it and it is the best

sport there is — better than tennis, better than racquetball.

There is so much strategy and you can play this until you're 90 rr

The tournament is played in a d ouble-elimination format and the top four teams left

standing in each division qualify for the United States Pickleball Association's national

tournament, which willbe held

But the Bend Pickleball

Club, which uses the courts said 67-year-old Lee Moore, every morning except on a Bend resident who is comSundays, hopes the Pine peting in the men's 65-69 douNursery courts will help bles division of this weekend's spur interest in the sport. tournament. That i ncludes hosting Moore knows well how more tournaments such as quicklypickleball can grow. the Oregon Senior Games He began playing pickleball that a t t r ac t pi d d ebal- 10 years ago, only after his lers from outside Central wife picked up the sport. But Oregon. he became such anenthusiast

in November in Buckeye, Ariz.

"Everything i s r u n ning smoothly so far," Gestvang says. "Everyone is really appreciative. A lot of that is be-

cause of the great group I work with. These people are just well organized. They know

their jobs."

"I'm hoping that the Or-

— Reporter: 541-383-0375, eoller®bendbulletin.com.

egon Senior Games runs smoothly so that we can


during last summer's winning run in the CONCACAF Gold Cup, and the Americans won't change much heading to Manaus: hydration,

Continued from C1 The union

have more pickleball participants, and so that we can be recognized as one of the major pickleball places to come in the country,"

541 382-6447 ~ 2090 NE Wyatt Court ~ Suite 101 Bend OR 97701 ~ bendurology.com

r e acted t o c o m plaints t h at nutrition and rest.

there just aren't adequate chances for players to catch their breath or rehydrate to avoid cramping. "Well, I think a lot of us, we play in the MLS and we go to Houston, go to Dallas, and the Midwest is hot and steamy in the summer, the

"To me, these conditions are very similar to

the States in July," U.S. sports performance di-

etitian Danielle LaFata said Friday, before the Americans departed from Sao Paulo Futebol Clube. "The guys, I've been having talks with them about keeping up on their fruit and vegetable intake because fruits and vegetables are

East Coast is," said Beckerman, a U.S. midfielder. "And guys who play in Europe, they've 80-90 percent water." played in the MLS and played in these temperaLaFata is having the kitchen staff use additures, so I'm hoping when we get there it will tional salt in team meals. She's also encouragseem familiar and seem like one of those MLS ing players to eat plenty of carbohydrates and cities and it won't be too big of a deal." will be adding electrolytes to sports drinks. Germany andGhana face offtoday in anothShe plannedtogothrough theaislesevery30 er Group G match at Fortaleza. minutes during the team's 4-hour flight to enFIFA allows cooling breaks when the tem- courage hydration. "We heard about the conditions and we tried peratureis above 90 degrees Fahrenheit (32 Celsius). FIFPro Chief Medical Officer Vincent to prepare for that in Florida to try to face the Gouttebarge insists FIFA's introduction of those weather," right back Fabian Johnson said. "I short breaks — 3-4 minutes each — at the 30th think we'll take a few days to adjust to this and and 75th minutes do not suffice for "optimal hopefully be ready for it." re-hydration." No Europeanteam has ever won a World "Sports science shows that the amount of Cup played in South America. fluid an athlete can ingest and digest during exPhysicist Stephen Hawking, Britain's most ercising is up to 200-250ml every 15 minutes," famous scientist, offered his conclusion last Gouttebarge said in a statement. "Consequent- month that one factor England needed to win in ly, an optimal re-hydration strategy could rely Brazil was to avoid high temperatures and the on two short water breaks every 15 minutes environmental effects. The Three Lions opened during each half of a match, rather than on a with a loss to Italy in Manaus, then were elimisingle four minute water break during each nated from advancing out of group D on Friday half." when Costa Rica beat the Azzurri — a day after Italian midfielder Claudio Marchisio said he England's 2-1 loss to Uruguay. felt as if he were having "hallucinations" during The Americans are trying to put the heat and a 2-1 opening victory against England at the elements at the back of their minds. Stopping Arena da Amazonia due to the conditions. And if he thinks this is hard, if the 2022

Ronaldo is a main focus.

"It's going to be hot," forward Chris WonWorld Cup in Qatar is played in June, the tem- dolowski said. "You get to play 90 minutes in a peratures are likely to reach 100-plus. World Cup game. It doesn't matter how hot it is. The U.S. team had no cases of cramping We'll be ready."

R IR T E R 'R F Q Q T B A L L C A M P July 22-25 ) 9 a.m. to Noon $75 per child At Reed Stadium (Outlaws Home Field) 1st through 5th grade (entering 2014) Flag Football 6th through 8th grade (entering 2014) Tackle Football Call Sisters Park & Recreation District

to register, 541-549-2091 Camp t-shirt, camp photo and camp awards included.

Tony Graziani AII-time great Oregon Quarterback. Former NFL and Arena Quarterback.

SteVe GreatwOOd Former NFL player and current Assistant Head Coach and Offensive Line Coach at UO.

Dan Fouts


from rookies to established veterans. "When we talk about in-

bile Michael Vick at first and

thenpocket-passerNick Foles. But beyond the X's and vesting in yourself, we are 0's, Kelly also had an unchallenging them to under- conventional approach. He stand every action you have introduced sports science to has consequences to it," Kelly the Eagles, stressed propsaid. "They can be positive or er nutrition and better sleep they can be negative. If at the habits. He held practices on end of the day, your goal is Tuesdays, an off day for every to make this football team or other team in the league. And your time or invest your time your goal is to be a starter or thosepractices are fast-paced and that's what we are trying your goal is to be an All-Pro, and run with loud music blarto get our players to under- you have a say in that matter. ing through speakers on the stand," he said. "It's how you And that's what we are trying field. allocate your time. We all to get across to our guys in Players quickly bought into have 24 hours in the same day terms of that." everythingKelly preached, a and it's what you want to do. Kelly arrived in Philadel- major reason why the Eagles "If you want to go play phia with a reputation for be- went from 4-12 under Andy video games and watch TV ing an offensive genius after Reid in 2012 to 10-6 and diviand do all those other things, a successful stint at Oregon, sion champs last year. "There was just a culture you're going to get beat out by where he led the Ducks to a the guy that is doing the little 46-7 recordand four straight change," Foles said. "I think things that are going to make BCS bowl games in four that the young guys are really the difference between mak- years. doing a good job following the ing the team and not making He brought his fast-flying, guys that were here, and the the team." up-tempo offense with him, guys that were here last year Sounds like strong words but adjusted his system to fit are really doing a good job of wisdom fo r e v eryone his quarterbacks — the mo- stepping it up." Continued from C1 Kelly also shared valuable advice that not only can help his players improve, but would benefit people in any walk of life. "Everybody has the same amount of time during the day and you can either spend

Hall of Fame NFL Quarterback for the San Diego Chargers from 1973 to 1987.

Ryan Depalo ";, UO Defensive Back, 2004-2008

Keith Lewis UO Defensive Back, 2000-2003 NFL experience: San Francisco 49ers, Arizona Cardinals, Carolina Panthers

Brent Haberly UO Linebacker, 2002-2005

Brent DeLaGrange UO Offensive Lineman, 2000-2003

Rasuli Webster UO Defensive Back, 1999-2002


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BRIEFING Bonusesmaking a comeback A new survey data from WorldAtWork, a nonprofit association for human resources professionals, offers promising news for workers looking to pull down more cash. According to the report, companies are implementing bonus programs in 2014more frequently than they were in 2010, the last

time the organization surveyed employers about this topic.

Use of all varieties of bonuses — referral, spot, signing and retention — have increased, with particularly dramatic upticks in the use of signing bonusesand retention bonuses.

RadioShackstock hits a record low RadioShack's stock closedbelow$1 per share Friday for the first time in its history, reflecting investors' concern over what lies in store for the long-struggling consumerelectronics chain. Shares of RadioShack Corp. fell11 cents, or 10 percent, to closeat 92 cents. TheNewYork Stock Exchangecould delist the stock if it closes below $1 persharefor 30 consecutive trading days. The stock is well below its all-time highof $79.50, set in December 1999. Theshares' sharp divesincethencomesas RadioShackstruggles to find its place inthe evolving retail andtechnology landscape.

Starbucksplansto raisesomeretail prices P

By Angel Gonzalez

its rivals and pricing itself accordingly. Starbucks is somewhat shielded from green-coffee

The Seattle Times

Time to stock up on

Starbucks packaged coffee.

according to Wells Fargo analysts. Starbucks says that the K-cups, its VIA instant-coffee products and its

Seattle's Best Coffee line will not see price changes. coffeefarinadvance. Some coffee beverages The company has all sold in Starbucks' sprawling the coffee it needs U.S. coffeehouse empire will for its 2014 fiscal also see a spike in price, efyear and has 40 fective Tuesday. percent of its The changes will vary by / 201 5 require- market and will only hapments under pen at stores directly run by contract, Hutson the company. Overall, the said. average amount consumers But if the drought spend in a Starbucks run will

price volatility because

it generally buys its

The Seattle coffee gi-

ant says it's raising the suggested retail prices for packaged coffee, as well as for some beverages at its company-operated U.S. stores. The list price for Starbucks


>4P' ;



man said. The move returns

increase less than 1 percent,

New York Times News Service

and the most popular drinks, such as tall brewed coffee or grande lattes, will not change

Agriculture is a small part of the U.S. economy, but last

ny had made a 10 percent cut.

aged-coffee prices. curtails Brazil's bean Since the beginning of expo r ts, Starbucks will likely the year, coffee prices have fa c e higher prices next time been emerging from a slump, it hits the market for green

Now the 12-ounce bag will have a suggested retail price

thanks to fears that a drought in Brazil, the commodity's

in most markets, said Hutson.

The output of the agriculture sector grew 16.4 percent

of $9.99 and the 20-ounce

largestproducer,ma y reduce arabica beans,thevariety brewed coffee will increase 10 this year's harvest. prized by Starbucks and oth- to 15 cents in most areas, and Starbucks spokesman er specialty retailers, usually tall and venti latte and mocha Zack Hutson said higher begi n s around June. drinks will get a 15- to 20-cent coffee prices are a factor, but St a r bucks owns about 11.5jolt. Most increases will be one among many, including p e r cent of the U.S. market forbetween 5 and 20 cents, Star"competitive dynamics" in pac k aged coffee, which in- bucks says, adding that 80 the marketplace. That's corc l u des the sale of single-servepercent of customers will not porate-speak for watching coff ee pods such as K-cups, be aff ected by thechanges.

prices to what they were in April 2013, before the compa-

bag will list at $13.99. The move follows similar

increases by competitors such as J.M. Smucker Co., which sells Dunkin' Donuts

and Folgers coffee.Smucker this month said higher green-coffee costs led to a 9



crease in its

many coffee products. Kraft Foods also raised its pack-

c o ff ee. The harvest season for B r a z il's smooth-tasting

But grande and venti-sized

By Floyd Norris

year it was the best part. after inflation last year, the

fastest rise for the sector since at least 1998 and far faster than any other part of the

economy. The nation's gross domestic product grew just 1.8 percent, while the sec-

ond-fastest growing sector, the information industry, rose 3.2 percent.

Last week, the government released its estimates of state economic growth in


2013. North Dakota led the pack with a growth rate of 9.7 percent. Alaska was the

only state whose economy declined, shrinking 2.1 percent, largely because of declining oil production.

St. Charles Bend N ffnd.

The economy of the District


of Columbia also declined, but that was because of cuts in government spending.

cush Dr.

North Dakota benefited

Neff Place location

from its rising production of shale oil, but it was also

helped by the fact that its agriculture sector amounts to 12.9 percent of the state's economy,

GregCross i The Bulletin

more than that of any other state except South Dakota. By contrast, agriculture ac-

counted for just 1.6 percent of the country's overall output in

1500 N.E.Cushing Drive

2013. But that was the largest


• For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or visitbendbulletin.com/bizcal

rise in

percent in-

Neff Place TUESDAY • Professional Enrichment Series — Jump into Video: Learn about the role of video in weband social media andthen shoot and produceyour own. Register online; $25 BendChamberof Commerce members, $30 nonmembers; 11:30a.m.; Bend Golf andCountry Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-382-3221 or www.bendchamber.org. • Women & Money, Are You Ready for Change?: Financial workshop; call to reserve a seat; free; 6 p.m.; Mid Oregon Credit Union, 1386 N.E Cushing Drive, Bend; 541-382-1795. WEDNESDAY • Business After Hours: Register online; free; 5 p.m. Jones 8 Roth CPAsand Business Advisors, 300 S.W. Columbia St., Ste 201, Bend; 541-382-3221 or www.bendchamber.org. THURSDAY Nosacredcows:Howa beloved brandstayed true to its purposewhile rethinking everything else: AdBite by the Advertising Federation of Central Oregon presents a discussion on Kombucha Mama's change to humm kombucha. Register online; $25 students and AdFed Members; $45 nonmembers; 11:30a.m.-1 p.m.; St. Charles Bend, 2500 N.E Neff Road; 541385-1992 or https://events. r20.constantcontact.coml register/eventReg?Ilr= wjiggocabgoeidk= a07e9eg5ec16aeab646 ~SundanceMeadows industry preview: Montevista Homesinvites realestateindustry professionals to preview Sundance Meadows, anew neighborhood in southeast Bend; free; 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. SundanceMeadows model home, 21 146 Kayla Court, Bend; lukep@ mtvistahomes.com. SATURDAY • Sundance Meadows public grandopening: Montevista Homes celebrates the opening of Sundance Meadows, in southeast Bend; free; 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; Sundance Meadows model home, 21146 KaylaCourt, Bend; lukep©mtvistahomes. com.


Corp.'s roast and ground coffee at the grocery store will go up by 8 percent on average, or about $1per bag, on July 21, a company spokes-

— From wie reports



Andy Tullis/The Bulletin

Owner:KNSTPTIC Architect:BLRB Architects General Contractor:SunWest Builders Contact:541-548-7341 The frame is upfor Neff Place, a new retail and restaurant development betweenSt. Charles Bend and BendMemorial Clinic. Construction on the building beganin Marchand isexpected to be completed bySeptember, Tessa Cox ofSunWest Builders wrote in an email. SteveToomey ofCompass Commercial RealEstate, who is a

developer aswell as aco-owner of Neff Place, said hehopes to deliver spaces to the tenants in August. About 75 percent of the building has beenleasedout, with another 2,000 squarefeet remaining for one or two tenants, he said. Neff Place will house two confirmed tenants: Jackson's Corner, as well asanother restaurant, whosename Toomey could not release. Jackson's Corner will be the anchor tenant, filling about half the 8,000-square-foot building. "It really has the best one-mile demographic radius that I've

ever seen in Bend," hesaid. "The combination of employeesand rooftops is unmatched." The vision for Neff Place is to create an intimate, local setting instead of a commercial environment, Toomey said. "We're building it out of brick, rather than concrete block ... we've over-landscaped it. We have a private patio setting with a fire pit," he said. "You know the feel whenyou goto10 Barrel (Brewing Co.)? It's more than just going out, grabbing something to eat and leaving. It's a place where people want to hangout ... It's part of the neighborhood."

sharein recentyears,up from a recent low of 0.9 percent in

Toomey estimates the first phase of the project will cost about $2.5 million. The second phasewill be the development of a10,000- to 12,000-square-foot building on the east side of the building now being constructed. "We have beenhaving conversations with a couple potential tenants about that phase, but we will not start construction on that building until we have atenant," he said, adding there's no timeline set. "We don't even have a building design ... It'saboutfinding the right tenant."

2006.The agriculture sector

— Rachae/Rees, The Bulletin

Department, said the strong

includes forestry, fishing and hunting as well as farming, but farming is much larger than the other categories. Last year, the government changed the way it calculated GDP figures, including countingresearch and development spending as investments rather than as consumption. It revised figures only back to 1997, so earlier years' output and growth figures for agriculture are not comparable. Mitch Morehart, an econ-

omist with the Agriculture growth in agriculture reflected a recovery in production forsome crops aftera drought

Next Mustang to feature new kneeair bag By Alisa Priddle

traditional fabric air bag and

Detroit Free Press

is sandwiched between the

Ford has a way to protect knees in a crash with an inflatable air bag that will debut on the 2015 Mustang later this

year. The new air bag is smaller and lighter, which makes for a roomier interior. The key is an inflatable plastic bladder

integrated into the glove box doorinstead oftheusualknee

inner and outer panels of the glove box door. When the car's sensors detect a crash is imminent, an inflator fills the bladder, extending the entire

glove box outer door panel toward the front passenger's legs, providing a protective cushion. The location is ideal. The glove box is closer to the

air bag mounted under the

knees, so the bag does not

instrument panel. The injection-molded plastic bladder replaces a

have to travel as far, and the glove box door distributes

the impact load over a larger

in 2012, as well as strong production and rising prices for livestock. This year, he said, it

appears that agriculture is not doing nearly as well.

area. "With this innovative

or air bag cover for a more

Overall, the economies of the 10 states that are most de-

attractive interior. Without

pendent on agriculture grew

air bag design, we have developed technology that provides protection for vehicle occupants while also reducing weight and enabling greater design flexibility," said Sean West, Ford's re-

having to worry about the logistics of the air bag in the dashboard, it can be pushed closer to the windshield for a

at an average annual rate of 3.4 percent in 2013, while the

roomier feel to the cabin.

grew at an average rate of 1.3 percent. California is by far the largest agricultural producer, accounting for $46.7 billion, or

straints manager.

It is part of a larger safety system with more sensors, the addition of seatbelt pre-

The smaller packagingit is 75 percent smaller and 65 percent lighter — allows designers to think differently about where they can place

tensioners that tighten the belt before a crash, and a doubling of the total number of air bags to eight in the pony car.

air bags in cars in the future.

system so far, and applications for more have been filed.

There are no visible seams

Ford has 15 patents on the

10 states that are least dependent on the farm economy

17 percent of the total national

agricultural output of $269.1 billion. But the state is so large that agriculture makes up

only 2.1 percent of its output, lessthan 16 other states.

PEOPLE ON THE MOVE • Bend Spay and Neuter Project recently hiredKatle Bahras its new medical director. Bahr graduated from the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine in 2011 andcompleted a one-year small-animal rotating internship at Texas A8 MUniversity. • Jessie Stevensrecently joined Step 8 Spine Physical Therapy in Redmond. Shespecializes in outpatient orthopedics with a focus in manual therapy. Stevens earned her Manual

director for the Central Oregon Association of Realtors. Ortega received a degree in business administration and marketing management from Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Bahr Stevens Green Ortega Eager • Jeff Eagerreceived the Therapy Certification, as well as • Morgan Stanley recently hired inaugural Outstanding Young her doctorate in physical therapy, Mont Greenas afinancial advisor Alumnus Award from the Unithrough the University of St. at its Bend branch. versity of Oregon School of Law. Augustine for Health Sciences • Sherry Ortegarecently After graduating from law school in Florida. Before joining Step became amember of the Family in 2004, he served ascampaign & Spine Physical Therapy, she Kitchen board of trustees. She manager for Walden for Congress worked as anoutpatient physical is a principal broker with Bend and worked for Karnopp Petersen therapist in Roseburg. Premier Real Estate and alocal LLP in Bend. Hewas elected to

Bend City Council in 2008 and appointed mayor in 2011. Hecurrently practices business lawand litigation at Balyeat & Eager LLP, and he recently founded localgov affairs.com. • Local tourism bureau and sports commission Visit Bend recently added three newboard members:Alan Dietrich,CEO of Bendistillery;Matt Williams, owner of Pine Ridge Inn; and Brent McLean,vice president of sales and marketing at Northview Hotel Group.

IN THE BACK ADVICE Ee ENTERTAINMENT W Religious services, D2-3 Volunteer search, D2 Support groups, D4 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 2014

O www.bendbulletin.com/community


Rhythm and Boobs, a fundraiser for Stephanie O'Brien, who is fighting breast cancer, is being held at Bend's GoodLife Brewing from 4 to 8 p.m. Sunday. The event will feature live music by The Sweatband and Strive Roots, a silent auction, head-shaving station, photo booth, face painting, food carts, beer and more. The auction features original pieces by Maya Moon Designs, Nashelle and other artists, and a wine raffle. Tickets are available at GoodLife for $10 in advance, $20 at the door.

By Angela Hill Oaidand (Calif) Tribune

Groom-to-be Conor





said I wanted blue ties. But it was a lot harder than I



thought to get a certain shade of light blue," says

•0 '


the San Ramon, Calif.,

Vilhauer, who fortunately


eyes, was amazed at his


highly specific azure ambitions, taking him through

The Bulletin

multiple floors of Britex

oday is the longest day of the year. CAaled the summer solstice, this day also marks the first day of summer. Those of us in Bend will be eligible to receive 15 hours, 30 minutes of sunlight (in Madras, you'll get four more minutes, and in La Pine you'll get three minutes less).

Fabrics in San Francisco

~ But howbest to soakin all that sun?

flower girls, not to mention the table linens and decorations for their event. "It kind of dominoed,"

to find the perfect shade. It was a decision that would

naturally affect the color of the dresses for the seven

bridesmaids, two junior bridesmaidsand three

Come dark, dreary November, you'll be happy to remember you captured as much sun as you could today. We've outlined a perfect plan. 0ther than bathroom breaks, try to spend the whole

he says, "soIgetteased for therefore having chosen

day outside, sapping up that good Vitamin D. (But wear some sunscreen, OK?)

the colors and the flowers."


outside, coffee cup in hand, and nod in the

to the top. The bright sun will be lighting up the Cascade moun-

Yet as relationships evolve and more couples pay for

keep moving or else you're likely to

their own celebrations, the

get a chill. Temperature is still just

notion of the "Bride's Day" may be fading away into the figurative photo album of the past Now instead of merely getting fitted

It's time to grab some quality coffee and a bite for breakfast. To keep in the sun, head

to feel much warmth. It is probably abou t 45 degrees out there,so get back in and bundle up.

for the tux and just plain

showing up on time, more grooms are helping choose

to Looney Bean Coffee, which has some of the

best outdoor seating in Central Oregon, right

s. y


sun is out doesn't mean you're likely

f j"

eredthe bride's domain.

tains in lovely form. You'll want to

direction of the rising sun. Either way, topping 50. Hiking time: 45 minutes. head back in quickly. Just because the • Q

Indeed, such vital decisions usually are consid-

sky. Head to Pilot Butte and walk

The sun is just peeping out over the horizon. Quick, grab your yoga mat, head outside C andperform sun salutations to greet the day. Not a yoga fan? You can also just saunter

Dressed in fleece and ready to catch some lovely morning

light, it's time to get a good view of the rising orb in the

on the Deschutes River in downtown Bend. While it's starting to warm outside, it's still not 60 and won't likely be until about 8 a.m.

the cake, the location, the

music and more. Many brides think it's a turn for the better, not



"It's fun that he's so ex-

Head to Smith Rock State Park. Travel time: 35

cited," says Vilhauer. "We talk through all these decisions, and it helps it go a lot more smoothly."


1 It's finally warmed up a tad and you may be





~qE4 8 CHf/~

able to shed your fleece at the car — so long as


you stay active.

1 8ee Solstice/D4


a •

Major shifts Jolene Rae Harrington of the "Here Comes The

qOCK Slgp

Guide" wedding-planning resource says she's actual•


ly seen two major shifts in

bridal decision-making. "When I started 18



• Pilot Butte Neighborhood Park, 1310N.E. Hwy 20, Bend, 11:15 a.m. to12:15 p.m. • Sun MeadowPark, 61150 Dayspring Drive, Bend,11:45 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. • Finley Butte Park, Finley Butte Roadand Walling Lane, LaPine,

years ago, back when most parents were paying for weddings, the mother of

!' I


the bride had a lot of in-

fluence," she says. "Then we started seeing working women showing their independence and taking more control. "Now, as relationships

~@siv ER /y~

have evolved and both brideand groom areoften contributing financially, weddingplanners aren't dealing with the dynamic between the bride and mother or mother-in-law


as much as a dynamic between the bride and


11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

— From staff reports

likes the hue, too, because will it match her groom's


N.E. Sixth St., Bend, 11:30 a.m. to12:30 p.m.

• La Pine Community Center, 16405 First Street, La Pine, Breakfastfrom 9to 9:30a.m., (The Community Center will be closed from June 30 to July11; lunch will not be available) The Lunch andLearn program takes place at Al Moody Park, Bear CreekElementary School, Orchard Park, Pilot Butte Neighborhood Park andFinely Butte Park from Monday through Aug. 1 from 11 a.m. to1 p.m.

banker, who has been eagerly engaged in every organizational aspect of his July wedding. His fiancee, Heather

gdiflB PII p~ >

13th St., Bend,11 a.m.

to noon • Boys & Girls ClubAriel (breakfast only), 1700 S.E.Tempest Drive, Bend,9to9:30 a.m. • Boys & Girls Club, Bend-La PineSchools Education Center front lawn, 520 N.W.Wall St., Bend, 11:45a.m. to 12:45 p.m. and 3p.m. snack • Elk Meadow Elementary School, 60880 Brookswood Blvd., Bend, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. (This site opens on July 28) • Harmon Park, 1100 N.W. HarmonRoad, Bend, noon to1 p.m. • Larkspur Park, 1700 S.E. ReedMarket Road, Bend, 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. • Orchard Park, 2001

Healy has what he calls an "expansive" definition of something blue. "It all started because I


Summer lunch program begins Local children are invited to participate in the annual free lunch program at12 sites in Bend and LaPine. The program is underway in Bend and begins Monday in La Pine. Bend-La Pine Schools will also host a learning program, Lunch and Learn, at five locations beginning Monday, in which students can earn books and other incentives by reading. Free lunch is provided by the United States Department of Agriculture andit is open to all children age18 and younger. Parents may purchase ameal for $3. No registration is required. It takes place Monday to Friday (closed July 4) through Aug. 22 at the following locations: • Al Moody Park, 2225 N.E. Daggett Lane, Bend, 11:15a.m. to 12:15 p.m. • Bear CreekElementary School, 51 S.E.

Grooms becoming hands-on wedding planners


Fundraiser for cancer patient

Harrington has noticed

a % i




a trend of grooms' engagem ent ngs, ri and men are stepping up to the plate at bridal fairs, actually asking questions instead of grudgingly following their fiancees around to carry brochures and samples. She even had one groom who wrapped the "Guide" book in pretty paper and gave it to his sweetie at

Y~ lllustrationby Greg Cross l The Bulletin

Christmas to pop the big question. "Using a planning resource as a way of proposal? That's a pretty good sign he's gonna be involved," Harrington says. See Grooms/D4



VOLUNTEER SEARCH Volunteer Search is compiled by the Department of HumanServices Volunteer Services. The organizations listed are seeking volunteers for a variety of tasks. Tosee afull list, and for additional information on the types of help needed, go online to www. bendbulletin.com/volunteer. Changes, additions or deletions should besent to1300 N.W.Wall St., Suite103, Bend 97701, email Therese.M.Helton© state.or.us or call 541-693-8988.

CHILDREN, YOUTH AND EDUCATION SERVICES ADULT BASICSKILLS DEPARTMENT (COCC):Margie Gregory, mgregory@ cocc.edu or 541-318-3788. AFS-USA: www.afsusa.org or Caitlin Krutsinger, 503-419-9514. ALYCEHATCHCENTER: Andy Kizans, 54 I-383-1980. BEND PARKA RECREATION DISTRICT:Kim, 541-706-6127. BIGBROTHERS BIGSISTERS OF CENTRALOREGON:541-3126047 (Bend), 541-447-3851, ext. 333 (Prineville) or 541-325-5603 (Madras). BOY SCOUTSOF AMERICA: Paul Abbott, paulabbott©scouting.org or 541-382-4647. BOYS &GIRLS CLUBS OF CENTRAL OREGON: www.bgcco.org, info© bgcco.org or 541-617-2877. CAMP FIREUSA CENTRAL OREGON: campfire©bendcable.com or 54 I-382-4682. CASA (COURT APPOINTED SPECIALADVOCATES): www. casaofcentraloregon.org or 541-389-1618. CHILDREN'SVISION FOUNDATION: Julie Bibler, 541-330-3907. CIRCLE OF FRIENDS: Beth, beth© acircleoffriendsoregon.com or 541-588-6445. DESCHUTES COUNTYSHERIFF'S OFFICE— CENTRALOREGON PARTNERSHIPSFORYOUTH: www.deschutes.org/copy, COPY© deschutes.org or 541-388-6651. FOSTERGRANDPARENTS PROGRAM:Steve Guzanskis, 541-678-5483. GIRL SCOUTS:541-389-8146. GIRLS ONTHE RUN OF DESCHUTES COUNTY: www.deschutescountygotr. org or info@deschutescountygotr. org. GRANDMA'8 HOUSE: 541-383-3515. HEALTHYBEGINNINGS:ww w.myhb. org or 541-383-6357. HIGH DESERT TEENS VOLUNTEER PROGRAM:www. highdesertmuseum.org or 541-382-4757. IEP PARTNERS: Carmelle Campbell at the Oregon Parent Training and Information Center, 888-505-2673. J BAR JLEARNINGCENTER: Rick Buening, rbuening©jbarj.org or 54 I-389-1409. JUNIPERSWIM A FITNESS CENTER: Kim, 541-706-6127. KIDS CENTER: Lisa Weare, Iweare© kidscenter.org, 541-383-5958. LA PINEHIGHSCHOOL:Jeff Bockert, jeff.bockert©bend.k12.or.us or 541-355-8501. MEADOWLARK INDEPENDENT LIVING PROGRAM: Teal Buehler, 541-617-9576. MOUNTAINSTARFAMILY RELIEF NURSERY:541-322-6820. NEIGHBORIMPACT: 541-548-2380, ext.115. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE: 541548-6088, 541-447-6228 or 541-475-3808. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY MASTERGARDENERVOLUNTEER PROGRAM:http://extension. oregonstate.edu/deschutes or 541-548-6088. READ TOGETHER: 541-388-7746. REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL: 541-923-4807. REDMOND LEARNINGCENTER:Zach Sartin, 541-923-4854. REDMOND YOUNGLIFE: 541-923-8530. SCHOOL-TO-CAREER PARTNERSHIP:Kent Child, 54 I-355-4 l58. SMART (STARTMAKING A READER TODAY):www.getsmartoregon.org or 54 I-355-5600. TRILLIUM FAMILYSERVICES: 503-205-0194. VIMA LUPWA HOMES:www. lupwahomes.org or 541-420-9634. YOUTH CHOIROF CENTRAL OREGON: 541-385-0470.

PACIFICCREST TRAIL ANGEL: 541-604-4494. PRINEVILLEBLM:www.blm.gov/or/ districts/prineville/recreation/host. php or 541-416-6700. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLE BAGGING:LexaMcAllister, Imcallister©cocc.edu or 541-914-6676. SUNRIVERNATURECENTER8E OBSERVATORY: 541-593-4442. VOLUNTEER CAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS:TomMottl, 541-416-6859.

ARTS, MUSIC, CULTURE AND HERITAGE 88.9KPOV, BEND'S COMMUNITY RADIO STATION:info©kpov.org or 541-322-0863. ART COMMITTEEOF THE REDMOND FRIENDS OFTHE LIBRARY: Linda Barker, 541-312-1064. ARTS CENTRALSTATION: 541-6 l7-l3 l7. CASCADESTHEATRICAL COMPANY: 541-389-0803. CENTRALOREGON SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION:Julie, 541-383-7779. DES CHUTESHISTORICAL MUSEUM:541-389-1813, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesdaythrough Saturday. DESCHUTESPUBLICLIBRARY SYSTEM:541-312-1032. FRIENDS OFTHE BEND LIBRARIES: www.fobl.org or Meredith Shadrach at 541-617-7047. HIGHDESERT CHAMBER MUSIC: www.highdesertchambermusic. com or Isabelle Senger at info© highdesertchambermusic.com or 541-306-3988. HIGH DESERTMUSEUM: 541-382-4754. LA PINEPUBLICLIBRARY:Cindylu, 541-317-1097. LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Brad, volunteer©latca.org or 541-382-4366. THE NATUREOFWORDS: www.thenatureofwords.org or 541-647-2233. REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY:541-312-1060. REDMONDINTERCULTURAL EXCHANGE (R.I.C.E.): Barb, bonitodia©msn.com or 541-447-0732. TOWER THEATREFOUNDATION: 541-3 I7-0700.

HUMAN SERVICES ABILITREE:volunteer©abilitree.org or 541-388-8103, ext. 217. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL:Philip Randall, 541-388-1793. ASSISTANCE LEAGUEOFBEND: 541-389-2075. BEND COMMUNITYCENTER: volunteer©bendscommunitycenter. org or 541-312-2069. BETHLEHEMINN:www. bethleheminn.org or 541-322-8768. BRIDGINGGAPS: bendbridginggaps©gmail.com or 541-3 l4-4277. CENTERFOR COMPASSIONATE LIVING (PREVIOUSLYPEACE CENTER OFCENTRAL OREGON): www.compassionatecenter.org or Beth Hansen, 541-923-6677. CENTRALOREGONVETERANS OUTREACH: covo.org©gmail.com or 541-383-2793. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES: Therese Helton, Therese.M.Helton@ state,or.us or 541-693-8988. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES CROOKCOUNTY:Valerie Dean, 541447-3851, ext. 427. DISABLEDAMERICAN VETERANS (DAV):Don Lang, 541-647-1002. FAMILY KITCHEN: Cindy Tidball, cindyt©bendcable.com or 541-610-6511. FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER: 541-389-5468. HUMAN DIGNITYCOALITION: 541-385-3320. HUNGERPREVENTION COALITION:Marie, info@ hungerpreventioncoalition.org or 541-385-9227. LA PINECOMMUNITY KITCHEN: 541-536-1312. NEIGHBORIMPACT:chrisq© neighborimpact.org or 541-548-2380, ext. 106. PEACEBRIDGES, INC., BEND: www.abridgetopeace.org or John C.

RELIGIOUS SERVICES Schwechten at 541-383-2646. PFLAG CENTRALOREGON: www.pflagcentraloregon.org or 541-3 I7-2334. RONALD MCDONALDHOUSE: Teresa, 541-318-4950. SAVINGGRACE:541-382-9227 or 541-504-2550. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF BEND:www.sibend.org, president@ sibend.org or 541-728-0820. ST. VINCENTDEPAUL SOCIAL SERVICES:541-389-6643. VOLUNTEER CONNECT:www. volunteerconnectnow.org or 541-385-8977. WINNINGOVER ANGER A VIOLENCE: www.winningover.org or 541-382- I943. WOMEN'S RESOURCECENTER OF CENTRALOREGON:541-385-0750.


GOVERNMENT, CITY AND COMMUNITY THE CITIZENREVIEWBOARD(CRB): crb.volunteer.resources©ojd.state. or.us or 888-530-8999. CITYOF BEND:Cheryl Howard, choward©ci.bend.or.us or 541-388-5505. DESCHUTESCOUNTY VICTIMS' ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Diane Stecher, 541-317-3186 or 541-388-6525. DESCHUTESRIVER WOODS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www.drwna.org or Barbara at info© drwna.org or 541-382-0561. JEFFERSONCOUNTY CRIME VICTIMS' ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Tina Farrester, 541-475-4452, ext. 4108. JEFFERSONCOUNTYVOLUNTEER SERVICES:Therese Helton, 541-4756131, ext. 208. LA PINERURAL FIREPROTECTION DISTRICT: Volunteer Coordinator, 541-536-2935. ORCHARDDISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www.orcharddistrictneighborhood. com. SCORE:Bruce Michalski, www. scorecentraloregon.org or 541-316-0662. SUNRIVERAREACHAMBER OF COMMERCE: 541-593-8149. VISIT BEND: www.visitbend.com or 541-382-8048.

To submit service information or announcements for religious organizations, email bulletin© bendbulletin.com or call 541-633-2117.

SERVICES BEND CHRISTIANFELLOWSHIP: Pastor Dave Miller; "Honor"; 10 a.m. Sunday; 4twelve youth group, 7 p.m. Wednesdays; 19831 Rocking Horse Road, Bend; 541-382-6006 or www. bendchristianfellowship.com. BENDCHURCHOFTHE NAZARENE:Pastor Virgil Askren; "Intercession Incentives," based on1 Timothy 2:1-7; 9 a.m. (Hispanic) and 10:15 a.m. Sunday; 1270 N.E.27th St., Bend; 541-382-5496 or www.bendnaz. org. COMMUNITYBIBLECHURCH AT SUNRIVER: Guest Pastor Mike Coughlin; "A Personal Conversation with Jesus," based on John 4:1-42; 9:30 a.m. Sunday; 1 Theater Drive, Sunriver; 541-593-8341 or www. cbchurchsr.org. COMMUNITYOFCHRIST:Elder Shelby Lettenmaier; "TakeUp Your Cross," based onMatthew 10:24-39; 10:0 0a.m. (continental breakfast) 10:30 a.m. (worship) Sunday; 20380Cooley Road, Bend; 541-388-1011. CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION:The Rev.Willis Jenson; "The Gift of the Gospel is Life Eternal in Christ Jesus," based on Romans 6:23; 11 a.m. Sunday; 10 a.m.Sunday School,Revelation Chapter Four; Terrebonne Grange Hall, 828611th St., Terrebonne; 541-325-6773 or www.lutheransonline.com/ concordialutheranmission. DISCOVERYCHRISTIAN CHURCH:Minister Dave Drullinger; "TheOnesSent," based on Matthew10:5-14; 9a.m. adult Bible study, 10a.m. worship service Sunday;334 N.W.Newport Ave., Bend; 541-382-2272 or discoverychristianchurch.com. EASTMONTCHURCH:Pastor John Lodwick; "REALCHURCH: Sharing in Real Church," based on Acts 4:32-37; 9 a.m. (classic) and10:45 a.m. (contemporary) Sunday; 62425 EagleRoad, Bend; 541-382-5822 or www. eastmontchurch.com. FATHER'SHOUSECHURCHOF GOD:Pastor Randy Wills; "The Law of Love: part1"; 9 and10:45 a.m. Sunday; youth group, 7 p.m. Wednesdays; 61690 Pettigrew Road, Bend; 541-382-1632 or www.father shouseinbend.com. THE FELLOWSHIP ATBEND: Pastor Loren Anderson; "Playing it Safe?," based on Ecclesiastes 11:1-8; 10 a.m. Sunday; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; www. tfab.com.

FIRST PRESBYTERIANCHURCH: Pastor Jenny Warner; "It Boils Down To This: Walk Humbly," based on Micah 6:8; 9 and10:45 a.m. and 5:01 p.m. Sunday; 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-382-4401 or www. bendfp.org. FOUNDRYCHURCH:Al Hulbert; "I Am the Door" part of the "I Am" series; 10:15 a.m. Sunday; 60 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-382-3862 or www.foundrybend.org. HOLY COMMUNION EVANGELICAL CATHOLICCHURCHOFBEND: Bishop JamesWilkowski and Father James Radloff; 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. Sunday; BendSenior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road, Bend. JOURNEYCHURCH:Pastor Alex Mutagubya; "Transforming Truth"; 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday; 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-647-2944 or www.journeyinbend.com. MOST SACREDHEART,ROMAN CATHOLIC CHAPEL:Father Bernard; Traditional Latin Mass; 8:30 a.m. (confessions) 9 a.m. Sunday; 1051 S.W. Helmholtz Way, Redmond; 541-548-6416. NATIVITY LUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Chris Kramer; "Season of Pentecost" based onJeremiah 20:7-13, Psalm 69:7-10, 16-18, Romans 6:1b-11 andMatthew 10:24-39; 9 a.m. (informal service) 10 a.m. (fellowship hour) 10:15 a.m. (memorial service) and11 a.m. (formal service) Sunday; 10 a.m. Bible study Wednesday;60850 Brosterhous Road, Bend; 541-3880765 or www.nativityinbend.com. NEWPORTAVENUECHURCHOF CHRIST:Minister Dean Catlett; "Making Every Effort," based on Ephesians 4:1-16; 10:45 a.m. (morning service); adult Bible study group 6 p.m. Wednesday; 554 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend. 541-382-5242 or www.churchofchristbendoregon. com REAL LIFECHRISTIAN CHURCH: Pastor Mike Yunker; "Jesus 2nd Coming," basedon Matthew 24:1-51; 8, 10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday; 2880 N.E.27th St., Bend; 541-312-8844. ST. PAUL'SANGLICANCHURCH: Father John Pennington;"W eLove Because," based on1 John 4:7-20; 10:30 a.m. Sunday; 1108 W.Antler Ave., Redmond; 541-604-1029. TRINITY LUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor David Carnahan; "Tugof War," based onJeremiah 20:7-13; 8:15 a.m. Education hour, 9:30 a.m. worship, 6 p.m. high school youth group Sunday; 2550 N.E Butler Market Road; 541-382-1832 or www. trinitylutheranbend.org. WESTSIDECHURCH: PastorSteve

EVEMTS, MEETINGS TODAY THE ABRAHAM INSPIRATION GROUP:Featuring a seminar video with Abraham, Jerry and Esther Hicks; 5-8 p.m.; Rosie Bareis Community Campus, 1010 N.W. 14th St., Bend; 541-389-4523. TUESDAY, JULY 1 GREEN TEAM MOVIENIGHT: A screening of the film "Inequality For All" about how the widening income gap is affecting the American economy; free; 6:308:30 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E Ninth St., Bend; 541-815-6504. MONDAY, jULY 14 VACATIONBIBLESCHOOL: "W eird Animals: Where Jesus' Love is one-of-a-kind," open to ages four through fifth grade; free; 9 a.m.noon; Community Presbyterian Church, 529 N.W. 19th Street, Redmond.

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MISCELLANY CENTRALOREGON LOCAVORE: www.centraloregonlocavore.com or Niki at info©centraloregonlocavore. com or 541-633-0674. HIGHDESERT SPECIAL OLYMPICS: 541-749-6517. OREGON ADAPTIVESPORTS: www.oregonadaptivesports.org, info©oregonadaptivesports.org or 541-306-4774. SACRED ARTOF LIVING CENTER: 541-383-4179.

1010 NE Purcell Blvd. Bend, Oregon 97701

AMIMALS AMD E MVIROMM E M T BENDSPAY& NEUTERPROJECT: 541-617-1010. BRIGHTSIDEANIMAL CENTER: volunteer©brightsideanimals.org or 54I-923-0882. CAT RESCUE,ADOPTION A FOSTER TEAM (CRAFT):www.craftcats.org, 541-389-8420 or 541-598-5488. CHIMPS, INC.:www.chimps-inc.org or 541-410-4122. DESCHUTESLANDTRUST: www.deschuteslandtrust.org or 54 I -330-0017. DESCHUTESNATIONALFOREST: Jean Nelson-Dean, 541-383-5576. EAST CASCADES AUDUBON SOCIETY:www.ecaudubon.org or 541-241-2190. THE ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER: www.envirocenter.org or 541-385-6908. EQUINEOUTREACH HORSE RESCUE OF BEND: www.equineoutreach. com or joan©equineoutreach.com or 541-419-3717. HEALINGREINS THERAPEUTIC RIDING CENTER: Darcy Justice, 541-382-9410. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON: Jen, jennifer©hsco.org or 541-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOF THE OCHOCOS: 541-447-7178. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRA CLUB: 54I-389-91I5.

Mickel; "Ephesians: Stand up for Yourself"; 6:30 tonight; 8, 9 and 10:45a.m. Sunday; 2051 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-3827504 or www.westsidechurch.org. WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: Pastor Steve Mickel; "Ephesians: Stand up for Yourself"; 10:30 a.m. Sunday; 1245 S.E Third St., Bend. WESTSIDESISTERS CAMPUS: Pastor Steve Mickel; "Ephesians: Stand up for Yourself"; 10:30 a.m. Sunday; 442 Trinity Way, Sisters. WESTSIDEONLINE CAMPUS: Pastor Steve Mickel; "Ephesians: Stand up for Yourself"; 6:30 tonight and 8, 9 and10:45 a.m. Sunday; 2051 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend; www. westsidelive.org. WESTSIDERADIO CAMPUS: Pastor Jerry Kaping; "Ephesians: Know Where YouStand"; 8:30 a.m. Sunday; Heirborne radio show onKBND,AM I1IO. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH: Pastor Eric Burtness; "How Do Hear I God Speak to Me?," part of the series "Just Wondering, Jesus..."; 10 a.m. Sunday; 1113S.W.Black Butte Blvd., Redmond; 541-923-7466 or www. zionrdm.com.

Saturday • June 28th I



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Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! at the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th Sunday Services 8 am


(No child care) 0

10:00 am Contemporary Worship Service (Full children's ministry) Sunday Night Church 6:30 pm For information, please call ... Senior Pastor - Mike Yunker541-312-8844 Associate Pastors Mike Sweeney 8 Jeff Olson "Loving people one at a time." www.real-lifecc.org



YOu Are The IvtOSt imIIOrtant

Part ofOur Services

"Yin/Yang" Taoist/ Confuoanism

"Star 8 Crescent" Islam

Do we have your summer schedule? •


This Sunday at Faith Christian Center Pastor Brian Mercer- interim pastor, will share his message titled "Four Signs of a Sensible Steward" in the Sunday moming service beginning at 10:30 AM.

Childcare is provided. FCC Youth Ministries and Family Night is on Wednesdays at 7 pm. A number of Faith Joumey Groups meet throughout the week in smaff groups, please contact the church for details and times. The church is located on the comer of Greenwood Avenue and NE 11th Street. www.bendfaith.com REDMOND ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1865 W Antler• Redmond 541.548.4555 SUNDAYS Moming Worship 8;30 am 8 10:30 am

Life groups 9 am Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am Evening Worship 6 pm WEDNESDAYS FAMILY NIGHT 7 PM

Adult Classes Celebrate Recovery Wednesday NITE Live Kids Youth Group Pastor Duane Pippitt www.redmondag.com •


"Offering hopethroughthe proclamation ofthe gospel" JOIN us for WORSHIP

Sunday (downtown at the Boys 8 Girls Club, 500 NW Wall St.) 9:30 AM — Bible Study 9:30 AM — Children's Class 10:30 AM — Worship Service 10:30 AM — Primary Class

Wednesday (up the hill from the Old Mill, 500 SW Bond St.) 7:00 PM — Prayer Meeting 8 Growth Groups 7;00 PM — Kids 4 Truth

www.centraloregonbaptistchurch.org 541-617-2814

EASTMONT CHURCH "Displaying theRealilg of Christin Undeniab(eWays"

62425 Eagle Road, Bend 541-382-5822 www.eastmontchurch.com Sunday Services Classic (Blended) Service 9:00 am Contemporary Service 10:45 am Hispanic Service 6:0 0 pm For more information about weekly ministries for the whole family, contact 541-382-5822 or email info@eastmontchurch.com FOUNDRY CHURCH (FORMERLY FIRST BAPTIST)

"A Heart for Bend in the Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862 Pastors Mike Coughlin 8 Al Hulbert SundaySchoolclassesare at9:00am and our Worship Service at 10:15 am

"Educating and Developing the Whole Child for the Glory of God" Pre K• 5th Grade 62425 Eagle Road, Bend• 541.382.2049 Principal Lonna Carnahan www.eastmontcommunityschooLcom

HOLY COMM U N ION CHURCH "In the Evangelical Catholic Tradition"

FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1551 NW First St.• 541-382-6100

Rev. JamesRadloff, Pastor

is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism. Our members represent a wide range of Jewish backgrounds. We welcome interfaith families and Jews by choice. Our monthly activities include: Services, religious education for children 8 adults, Hebrewschool, Torah study, social action projects and social activities

Rabbilohanna Hershenson

Reading Room: 115 NW Minnesota Ave. Mon, through Fri.; I I am - 4 pm Sat. 12 noon - 2 pm

All services are held at the First United Methodist Church 680 NW bond Street 541.388.8826



Childcare provided.

www.holyredeemerparish.net Parish ONce: 541-536-3571 HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN CATHOLIC, LA PINE

16137 Burgess Rd Tuesday, Wednesday F Friday Mass 9:00 am Sunday Mass - 10:00 am Confessi ons:Saturdays-3;00-4:00 pm HOLY TRINITY ROMAN CATHOLIC,SUNRIVER

Lightand Sound ofGod

"The Creative Power of Soul" Saturday, August9th2:00pm-3:00pm at the Sisters Public Library 110 N. Cedar Street, Sisters

OUR LADY OF THK SNOWS ROMAN CATHOLIC, Gilchrist 120 Mississippi Dr Sunday Mass - 12:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 12:00• 12:15 pm

For more information www.eckankar.org www.eckankar.oregon.org 541-728.6476

57255 Fort Rock Rd Sunday Mass - 3:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 3;00-3:15 pm ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH

Rev. Julian Cassar Pastor Rev. Joseph K. Thalisery 541-382-3631


All arewelcomethroughourreddoors Sunday Services St. Helens Hall, 231 NW Idaho Ave 8 am and 10:15 am The Rev. Roy D. Green, Interim Rector www.trinitybend.org I 541-382-5542 Mail:469 NW Wall St Magwe haveeyestoseethat no visitor arriveswithout a gift and no guest(eaveswithout a blessing.


541 NE DeKalb Ave., Bend 541-389-8888

Masses Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM Domingo 12:30 PM• Misa en Espanol Reconciliation Saturday 3:00 PM - 4:45 PM

www.lutheransonline.com/ concordialutheranmission Facebook: Concordia Lutheran Mission Phone: 541-325-6773 2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend 382-6862


Invites you to join us at any of our weekend services. No matter what your expectations are, we hope your time spent with us brings you a little closer to understanding, knowing and growing in a relationship with Jesus Christ. In our opinion, that's what really matters. Contact us at 541-382-7504 or www.westsidechurch.org

June 22, 2014 at Westside Church-

Sunday Life Groups 9:30 am 8 11:00 am Saturday Worship 7:00 pm Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor For complete calender: www.hbcredmond.org


20225 Cooley Rd. Bend Phone: (541) 383-5097 Web site: ccbend.org Sundays: 8:30 8 10:30 am Wednesday Night Study: 7 pm Youth Group: Wednesday 7 pm Child Care provided Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry are available, call for days and times.

"Teaching the Word of God, Book by Book"


536 SW 10th, Redmond 541-548-2974

www.redmondchristian.org Sunday Worship 9:00 am8 10:45 am

Sunday School for all ages Kidmo• Junior Church Greg Strubhar, Pastor Darin Hollingsworth, Youth Pastor POWELL BUTTE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 8:30 Worship Center 10:30 Contemporary Service


Pastor Steve Mickel will share the message "Ephesians: Stand up for Yourself' at 10:30am at the Westside Church Sisters Campus, 442 Trinity Way, Sisters.

June 21 8 22, 2014 at Westside ChurchONLINE CAMPUS

Join us at our online campus where Pastor Steve Mickel will share the message "Ephesians: Stand up for Yourself" at 6;30pm Saturday and at 8, 9 and 10;45am on Sunday atW estside Church, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Rd, Bend.

Worship Center 10:30 Traditional Service Historic Chapel June 22, 2014 Westside ChurchNursery8 Children's Church ON THE RADIO Pastors: Chris Blair, Trey Hinkle, Pastor Jerry Kaping will share the and Ozzy Osbome message "Ephesians: Know Where You 13720 SWHwy 126, Powell Butte Stand" on the Heirborne radio show at 541-548-3066 8:30am Sunday moming on KBNDwww.powellbuttechurch.com AM (110





I •

CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTKR 2(720 E. Hwy. 20• 541.389.8241

SundayMoming Worship 8:45 am 8 10:45 am

June 22 at 10:00am

"Out of the Silence — Mental Illness and Compassion" - Lay-Led Service

Representatives of the National Alliance on Mental lllness (NAMI) speak out about having a family member affected by a mental illness and how NAMI helps them and others in the community. Marge Kocher, Leader


Mail:P.O. Box 428, Bend OR 97709

www.uufco.org (541) 385-3908 •


21720 E. Hwy. 20 541.389.8241

(In the Heart of Downtown Bend)


680 NW Bond St. / 541.382.1672


(3/4 mile north of High School) Redmond, OR 97756 (541) 548-3367

9 00 am Contemporary Worship 9:00 am Nursery Care 9:15 am Children 8 Youth Sunday School 9:30 am Adult Education 11:00 am Traditional Worship

Pastor Joel LiaBraaten Evangelical Lutheran Church in America www.gracefirstlutheran.org

Rev. Thom Larson "What's Our Next Act" Scripture: Acts 2:1-21

9:00 am Contemporary Service

Sunday School during 9:00 amservice I I:00 am - Traditional Service

Childcare provided

*During the Week:

Women's Groups, Men's Groups,

Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA

M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am Wed. Bible Study at noon 3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study I:00 pm 3rd Tues. Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner Youth and Family Programs Active Social Outreach 1113 SW Black Butte Blvd. Redmond, OR 97756 - 541-923-7466 Pastor Eric Burtness www.zionrdm.com


Sunday Worship Services:

• •

Men's Bible Study, Wednesday 7;30 a.m.


Messianic Synagogue Mass Schedule: Est. 1994 Weekdays 8:00 am We provide a congregational setting This Sunday at Foundry Church, (except Wednesday) for Jews and Christians alike. If you're Al Hulbert will continue speaking on the interested in learning the Bible from a I AM series with "I Am the Door". Wednesday 6:00 pm Hebrew perspective, come join us at: Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm For Kidztown, Middle School and June 22, 2014 at Westside ChurchFirst Saturday 8:00 am (English) SOUTH CAMPUS High School activities Call 541-382-3862 Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am(English) Bear Creek Center Pastor Steve Mickel will share the www.bendchurch.org 21300 Bear Creek Rd. 12:00 noon (Spanish) message "Ephesians: Stand up for Bend, OR. 97701 HIGHLAND BAPTIST Yourself" at 10:30am on Sunday at the Confessions on Wednesdays from CHURCH, SBC Our Shabbat Services are on Westside Church South Campus, 1245 SE 5:00 to 5:45 pm 3100 SW Highland Ave., 3rd St., Bend. Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 pm Redmond• 541-548-4161 Our ministries include: 8;00am,9:30 am, 11:00 am

We are a Welcoming Congregation

Our Religious Education classes:

Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor

June 21 8 22, 2014 at Westside Church-

Pastor Steve Mickel will share the message "Ephesians: Stand up for Yourself" at 6;30pm on Saturday and at 8, 9and 10:45am Sunday atW estside Church, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Rd, Bend.


"Diverse Beliefs, One Fellowship"

K-4 will be talking about following their Meeting at the Golden Age Club intuition ("gut") 40 SE 5th St., Bend Just 2 blocks SW ofBend High School 5-8 will be working on a mural of UU faith Sunday Worship 10:00 am traditions Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated to worshiping God and teaching the Bible truths recovered through the Childcare for infants and toddlers is Reformation. CaIl for information about provided downstairs. other meetings 541-420-1667 www.sovereigngracebend.com Meeting place:

Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (Child Care Available) Education Hour 10:45 a.m.

Children's Room available during services Come Experience a warm, friendly family of worshipers. Everyone Welcome - Always. A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich and diverse music program for all ages Coffee, snacksandfellowship after eachservice

Exposition 8 Benediction


Everyone isWelcome!

Major's Robert8 Miriam Keene

Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am, Pastor Randy Myers


Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur

Sunday Worship Services at 10:00 am

Saturday 8:00 AM Sunday 4:30 PM Monday- Friday 7:00AM F 12:15 PM

ST. THOMAS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 1720 NW 19th Street Redmond, Oregon 97756 541-923-3390 Father Todd Unger, Pastor

The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor 8286 11th St. (Grange Hall) Terrebonne, OR

Sunday School 9:45 am Children 8Adult Classes Worship Senrice — 11:00 am

Celebrate New Life at New Hope Church!

Wednesday Mid-Week Service Children 8 Youth Programs 7:00 pm Nursery Care Provided for All Services

Worship in the Heart of Redmond


Reconciliation Tuesday 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM

10 am Sunday School I I am Divine Service


NEW HOPK EYANGELIGLL 20080 Pinebrook Blvd.• 541-389-3436

Corner of NW Franklin8 Lava

Monday-Friday after 7:00 AM Mass to 6:00 PM Tuesday (Family Holy Hour) 5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

MISSION (LCMS) ThemissionoftheChurch islo forgive sins through theGospelandthere&g grant eternal (ife.


NEW CHURCH 2450 NE 27th Street


F Events go to; www.bethtikvahbend.org



XXVIII.8, 10

"If you can achieve an improvement over yesterday, even if it's small, you have gained significantly. You are taking charge of your own world. You are becoming a creator." Harold Klemp "Language of Soul"

near Christmas Valley

For the complete schedule of Services

Life Groups Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages. www.bendnaz.org

Worship Service Listen to a reading, Experience a HU song and quiet contemplation, followed by a talk and discussion, refreshments and fellowship (St. John 20:22-23, Augsburg Confession

18143 Cottonwood Rd. Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm Sunday mass 8:00 am Confessions: Thurs. 9:00 - 9:15am



Saturday, June 28 at 10:30 amTorah Service Bat Mitzvah of Abi Hershenson Congratulations to Abi and her family

Info@ho(ycommunionbend.org •

Nursery Care F Children's Church ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all Worship Services "Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM 8:30 am Sunday WEDNESDAY 6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study THURSDAY 10:00 am 50+ Bible Study

Friday, June 27 at 7:00 pmErev Shabbat Service

(South of Portland Ave.) Church Service F Sunday School: 10 am Wed. Testimony Meeting: 7:30 pm

9:00 am Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am Hispanic Worship Service 10:15 am Worship Service

Saturday, June 21 at 9:00 amTorah Study Saturday, June 21 at 10:30 amTorah Service

Sunday Mass Schedule 9a.m,and 5p.m. atthe Bend Senior Center 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road


BEND CHURCH OF THE NAZARKNK 1270 NE 27 St.• 541-382-5496 Senior Pastor Virgil Askren SUNDAY



"Omkar" (Aum) Hinduism


• Davidic dance and worship • Children's ministry and nursery • Hebrew classes • Home groups • Teaching from the Torah and the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) • Biblical Feasts • Lifecycle Events • End-times prophecy Visit us on the web at www.houseofcovenant.org or contact us at 541-385-5439

Wednesdays 5:30 pm Prayer Service Small Groups Meet Regularly (Handicapped Accessible) Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages. www.redmondcpc.org FIRST PRESBYTKRIAN CHURCH 230 NE Ninth, Bend (Across Ninth St. from Bend High) All Are Welcome, Always!

Music 8 Fellowship

Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors.

Rev. Thom Larson firstchurch@bendumc.org


Lead Pastor: Steven Koski

Effective May l, 2014

It Boils Down To This: Walk Humbly Sunday, June 22 Pastor Jenny Wamer leads the service 9:00am contemporary 10:45am traditional 5:01 pm peaceful 8 prayerful Nursery-care provided

4 Saturdays and TMC:

Summer Worship July and August One morning worship at 10:00am Coffee and donuts at 9:30am One evening worship at 5:01pm A great opportunity to try something new, Meet new friends And live into the beauty of a Central Oregon summer. Nursery care is provided at both services.

Vacation Bible School Time To Register! July 21-July 24, 9:00am — 12:00pm This year's theme: Weird Animals Where Jesus' Love Is One-Of-A.Kind Registration is underway for kids age 4 through 5th grade http://www.bendfp.org/Connect/ Vacation Bible School

$120 5 Saturdays and TMC:

$l44 The Bulletin: Every Saturday on the

church page. $24 Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday

CO Marketplace: The First Tuesday of each month. $24 Copy Changes:

by Monday 1 week prior to publication


Food/Fellowship Hebrew Roots Fellowship worshipping in Spirit and Truth 541-410-5337 Children Welcome www.livingtorahfellowship.com


Mondays 6:30 pm Centering Prayer

Youth Events http://www.facebook.com/

LMNG TORAH FELLOWSHIP @ La RocaChurch (155 SW Division, ¹D8, Bend Saturday 12:00• 3:00 pm Worship/Dance - Study-


Youth Groups High School - Sunday I I:00am-12:30pm Middle School - Wednesday 6:00-7:30pm

Choirs, music groups, Bible study, fellowship and ministries every week

Call Pat Lynch

230 NE Ninth Street, Bend


www.bendfp.org http;//www.facebook.com/bendfp 541.382.4401







SUPPORT GROUPS The following list contains support group information submitted to The Bulletin. Submissions must beupdated monthly for inclusion. Tosubmit, email relevant details to communitylifeO bendbulletin.com. ABILITREEPEER GROUP FOR PERSONSAFFECTED BYA DISABILITY: 541-388-8103. ABILITREE YOUNG PEER GROUP: 541388-8103 ext. 219. ABILITREEBRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-388-8103. ADHDADULTSUPPORTGROUP: 541-420-3023. ADOPTIVEPARENTSUPPORT GROUP: 541-389-5446. ADULTCHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS: 541-633-8189. AGE WIDEOPEN (ADULT CHILDREN SUPPORT GROUP): 541-410-4162 or www.agewideopen.com. AIDSEDUCATION FOR PREVENTION, TREATMENT, COMMUNITY RESOURCES ANDSUPPORT (DESCHUTES COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT): 541-322-7402. AIDSHOT LINE:800-342-AIDS. AL-ANON: 541-728-3707 or www. centraloregonal-anon.org. ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS (AA):541548-0440 or www.coigaa.org. ALS SUPPORT GROUP:541-977-7502. ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION: 541-548-7074. ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-330-6400. ALZHEIMER'S/DEMENTIA CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-948-7214. AUTISMRESOURCE GROUP OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-788-0339. BENDATTACHMENTPARENTING: 541-385-1787. BEND S-ANONFAMILY GROUP: 888-285-3742. BEND ZENMEDITATION GROUP: 541382-6122 or541-382-6651. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORTGROUPS: 541-382-5882. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORT GROUP/ADULTSAND CHILDREN: 541-383-3910. BEYOND AFFAIRSNETWORK: A peer group for victims of infidelity, baninbend@yahoo.com. BRAININJURY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-382-9451. CANCERFAMILYSUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-5864. CANCERINFORMATIONLINE: 541-706-7743. CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-536-7399. CELEBRATE RECOVERYBEND: Faith Christian Center,541-383-5801; Westside Church,541-382-7504; centraloregoncr.org CELEBRATE RECOVERYLAPINE: Grace Fellowship, 541-536-2878; High Lakes Christian Church,541-536-3333; Living WatersChurch, 541-536-1215; centraloregoncr.org CELEBRATE RECOVERYMADRAS: Living HopeChristian Center,541-4752405 or centraloregoncr.org. CELEBRATE RECOVERYREDMOND: RedmondAssembly of GodChurch, 541-548-4555 orcentraloregoncr.org. CENTRALOREGON ALZHEIMER'S/ DEMENTIACAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP: 541-504-0571. CENTRALOREGONAUTISM ASPERGER'S SUPPORTTEAM: 541-633-8293. CENTRALOREGON AUTISM SPECTRUM RESOURCEAND FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP:541-279-9040. CENTRALOREGON COALITIONFOR ACCESS(WORKING TO CREATE ACCESSIBLE COMMUNITIES): 541-385-3320. CENTRALOREGON DEPRESSION AND ANXIETYGROUP:541-420-2759. CENTRALOREGON DISABILITY SUPPORT NETWORK:541-548-8559 or www.codsn.org. CENTRALOREGON FAMILIESWITH MULTIPLES: 541-330-5832 or 541-388-2220. CENTRALOREGONLEAGUE OF AMPUTEESSUPPORT GROUP (COLA):541-480-7420 or www. ourcola.org. CENTRAL OREGONRIGHT TO LIFE: 541-383-1593. CHILDCAR SEAT CLINIC (PROPER INSTALLATIONINFORMATION FOR SEATAND CHILD): 541-504-5016. CHILDREN'S VISION FOUNDATION: 541-330-3907. CHRISTIANWOMEN OF HOPE (WOMEN'SCANCER SUPPORT GROUP):541-382-1832.

Grooms Continued from 01 L isette Saavedra, who i s

marrying her best friend and "best thumb-war opponent,"

Anthony Spizuoco, in mid-July, says the shift toward mutual responsibilities may be a reflection of the way we operate in society today. "Women are having increasingly important career lives, relationships are partnerships, and it's increasingly important to have a partner to meet you half way on this aspect, too," says Saavedra, who works in

property management. The San Francisco pair will celebrate their union with a barn

danceand feaston afarm near Portland. They realized early on theyneeded to divvy up the tasks according to individual talents. "Lisette is great at decorat-

ing and designing and working out the vision of the whole

541-514-9907. CLAREBRIDGEOFBEND (ALZHEIMER'8 SUPPORT GROUP): MOMMY AND MEBREAST541-385-4717 or rnorton1© FEEDINGSUPPORT GROUP: Laura, brookdaleliving.com. 54 I-322-7450. CO-DEPENDENTSANONYMOUS MULTIPLESCLEROSIS SUPPORT BEND:541-610-7445. GROUP: 541-706-6802. CO-DEPENDENTSANONYMOUS NARCONON: 800-468-6933. REDMOND: 541-610-8175. NARCOTICSANONYMOUS (NA): COFFEEAND CONNECTION CANCER 541-416-2146. SUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-3754. NATIONALALLIANCEONMENTAL COMPASSIONATEFRIENDS (FOR ILLNESSOFCENTRALOREGON(NAMI): THOSEGRIEVING THE LOSS Email: namicentraloregon©gmail.comor OF ACHILD):541-480-0667 or www.namicentraloregon.org. 541-536-1709. NAMI BEND — EXTREME CREATIVITY & WELLNESS — MOOD STATES: 541-647-2343 or www. GROUP:541-647-0865. namicentraloregon.org CROOKED RIVER RANCHADULT NAMI BENDCONNECTIONS:541GRIEFSUPPORT:541-548-7483. 480-8269, 541-382-3218 orwww. DEFEATCANCER: 541-706-7743. namicentraloregon.org NAMI BENDFAMILY SUPPORT DESCHUTES COUNTYMENTAL GROUP: whitefam@bendcable.com or HEALTH24-HOUR CRISIS LINE: www.namicentraloregon.org. 541-322-7500. NAMI MADRASCONNECTIONS:For DEPRESSIONAND BIPOLAR SUPPORTALLIANCE:541-549-9622 peers, 541-475-1873 orNAMlmadras© or 541-771-1620. gmail.com. NAMI MADRASFAMILY SUPPORT DEPRESSIONAND BIPOLAR GROUP: 541-475-1873 or SUPPORT: 541-480-8269 or NAMlmadras©gmail.com. suemiller92@gmail.com. NAMI MADRASFAMILY-FAMILY DEPRESSIONSUPPORT GROUP: SUPPORT GROUP:541-475-3299 or 541-617-0543. www.namicentraloregon.org DIABETESEATFOR LIFE!:54I-3066801, www.centraloregonnutrition.com NAMI REDMONDFAMILYSUPPORT or Ibrizee©centraloregonnutrition.com. GROUP:namicentraloregon©gmail. com. DIABETICSUPPORT GROUP: NAMI REDMONDCONNECTIONS:541541-598-4483. 382-3218 or541-693-4613. DISABILITY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-388-8103. NEWBERRY HOSPICE OF LA PINE: 54 I-536-7399. DIVORCECARE:541-410-4201. OREGON COMMISSIONFOR THE DOUBLETROUBLERECOVERY: BLIND:541-447-4915. Addiction andmental illness group; OREGON CURE:541-475-2164. 541-317-0050. OREGON LYMEDISEASE NETWORK: DYSTONIASUPPORT GROUP: 541-312-3081 orwww.oregonlyme.org. 541-388-2577. OVEREATERSANONYMOUS: 541ENCOPRESIS (SOILING): 541-548306-6844 or www.oa.org. 2814 or encopresis©gmail.com. PARENTS/CAREGIVERSOF EVENINGBEREAVEMENTSUPPORT CHILDREN AFFECTEDBYAUTISM GROUP:541-460-4030 SUPPORT GROUP:541-771-1075 or FAITHBASED RECOVERY GROUP: http%/oregondevdisgroupaso.ning. Drug andalcohol addictions; com. pastordavid@thedoor3r.org. PARENTSOFMURDEREDCHILDREN FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: (POMC)SUPPORT GROUP: 541-389-5468. 54 I-410-7395. GAMBLERSANONYMOUS: Redmond PARISHNURSESANDHEALTH 541-280-7249, Bend541-390-4365. MINISTRIES: 541-383-6861. GAMBLINGHOT LINE:800-233-8479. PARKINSON'SCAREGIVERS GERIATRICCARE MANAGEMENT: SUPPORTGROUP:541-317-1188. info©paulbattle.com or PARKINSON'SDISEASE SUPPORT 1-877-867-1437. GROUP: 541-280-5818. GLUCOSECONTROL LOW CARB DIET PARTNERS IN CARE: Homehealth and SUPPORTGROUP:kjdnrcd©yahoo. hospice services; 541-382-5882. com or 541-504-0726. PAUL'S CLUB:Dadsand male caregiver GLUTENINTOLERANCEGROUP support group; 541-548-8559. (CELIAC):541-390-2399. PFLAGCENTRALOREGON: For GRANDMA'SHOUSE:Supportfor parents, families andfriends of lesbians pregnant teensandteenmoms; and gays; 541-317-2334 orwww. 541-383-3515. pflagcentraloregon.org. GRANDPARENTSRAISING OUR PLAN LOVINGADOPTIONS NOW CHILDREN'SKIDS:541-306-4939. (PLAN):541-389-9239. GRANDPARENTSSUPPORTGROUP: PLANNEDPARENTHOOD: 541-385-4741. 888-875-7820. GRIEFSHAREGRIEF RECOVERY PMS ACCESS LINE: 800-222-4767. SUPPORT GROUP: 541-382-1832. PREGNANCYRESOURC ECENTERS: GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP:541-306Bend, 541-385-5334; Madras,5416633, 541-318-0384 or mullinskiO 475-5338; Prineville, 541-447-2420; bendbroadband.com. Redmond, 541-504-8919. GRIEFAND LOSS SUPPORT GROUP: 541-508-4036 orwww.gohospice.com, PULMONARYHYPERTENSION SUPPORT GROUP:541-548-7489. GRIEFSHARE (FAITH-BASED) SAVINGGRACE SUPPORT GROUPS: RECOVERYCLASS:541-389-8780. Bend, 541-382-4420; Redmond, HEALINGENCOURAGEMENT FOR 541-504-2550, ext.1; Madras, ABORTION-RELATEDTRAUMA 541-475-1880. (H.E.A.R.T.): 541-318-1949. SCLERODERMASUPPORT GROUP: HEALTHYFAMILIESOFTHE HIGH 541-480-1958. DESERT:Homevisitsforfamilies with SEXAHOLICSANONYMOUS: newborns; 541-749-2133 541-595-8780. HEARINGLOSS ASSOCIATION:541SOUPANDSUPPORT:For mourners; 390-2174 orctepper©bendcable.com. 541-548-7483. HEARTSOFHOPE:Abortion healing; STEPMOM SUPPORTGROUP: 541-728-4673. 541-325-3339 orwww. IMPROVEYOUR STRESS LIFE: insightcounselingbend.com. 541-706-2904. SUPPORTGROUP FOR FAMILIES INFERTILITY SUPPORT GROUP WITH DIABETICCHILDREN: (RESOLVE): 541-604-0861. 541-526-6690. LA LECHE LEAGUEOFBEND: TOBACCO FREEALLIANCE: 541-317-5912. 541-322-7481. LIVINGWELL(CHRONIC TOPSOR:Bend, 541-633-7399; CONDITIONS): 541-322-7430. Culver, 541-546-4012;Redmond, 541-923-0878. LIVING WITHCHRONICILLNESSES SUPPORTGROUP:541-536-7399. TYPE2DIABETESSUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-4986. LUPUS &FIBROMYALGIA SUPPORT GROUP:541-526-1375. VETERANS HOTLINE: 54I-408-5594 or 818-634-0735. MADRAS NICOTINE ANONYMOUS GROUP:541-993-0609. VISIONNW:Peersupportgroup; 541-330-0715. MATERNAL/CHILDHEALTH PROGRAM(DESCHUTES VOLUNTEERSINMEDICINE: COUNTYHEALTHDEPARTMENT): 541-330-9001. 541-322-7400. WOMEN'SRESOURCE CENTER OF MEMORY CARESUPPORT GROUP: CENTRALOREGON:541-385-0747 541-848-4144 oracs©touchmark.com. WOMEN SURVIVINGWITH CANCER MEN'SCANCER SUPPORT GROUP: SUPPORT GROUP:541-706-5864. 541-706-5864. YOUNG PEOPLEWITH DISABILITIES MENDED HEARTSSUPPORT GROUP: PEERGROUP:831-402-5024. 541-706-4789. ZEN MEDITATIONGROUP: MISCARRIAGESUPPORT GROUP: 54 I-388-3 I79.

the invites, I designed the web- she says. "Now men are into site — my first time, which was food choices and music. One excruciating, by the way." groom I had recently rememThey're also viewing the bered table linens from anothevent as a way to express their er wedding I did — they were own identities rather than fol- an upscale gray, more maslow a cookie-cut ter scenario. culine — and he reminded his A friend is officiating, they'll bride of that. "It used to be guys would have abuffet-style country dinner and the daybefore the wed- only say what kind ofbeer they ding they'll get the keys to the want." barn to go in and decorate. Katrina Rozelle Topp, own"Everyone in our wedding er of K atrina Rozelle Pasparty is gonna get in there tries & D esserts in A l a mo and work on it, everyone's and Oakland, Calif., has also involved," Saavedra says. "I noticed m o r e e n t h usiasm didn't want it to be my thing about cakes from the male or his thing. We're basically perspective. "We'll see the guys coming throwing an epic party for our family and friends." in with photos on their phones Most wedding planners of what they want, or actually see this as a good thing. Moi- sketching out what they want a ra Gubbins, longtime owner cake to look like," she says. "It's of Parties, Parties, Parties in really fun when a groom is an San Francisco, says most of her clients are in their 30s and

artist or architect."

40s, well-established and know

are very vocal about what

what they want in an event. She thinks it's great to get both

they like," she says. "We'll do

As to cake flavors, "Grooms tastings with 12 to 15 differ-

thing," Spizuoco says. "I have participants' views. ent plates and the grooms are "More and more, it's not the plowingthrough it, andit's alot no concern about flowers, the colors. So I chose to work on woman driving everything," of fun."

these huge storms as sometimes looking like large loops Continued from 01 or golden arches coming off Smith Rock State Park is a the sun. "It's a veryunique opportuplace of beauty, best enjoyed when it's not blazing hot. And nity," said Grossfeld. now that summer is here, He said the sun has been that means hittingup the red- fairly active in the past few rocked wonder early in the weeks and has generated day. some solar flares. The sun Hikingtime: 90 minutes has also experienced solar storms, which occur when

9:35a.m. Backto the car.

Terrebonne Depot isn't open yet, which is a shame b ecause that deck i s a sun-lover's paradise. Instead check out One Street Down

Cafe in downtown Redmond. This cute cafe has great outdoor seating.

11 a.m. After a hearty brunch in the sunshine, it's time to get

6:15p.m. Roll into Anthony's (and miraculously find an empty table outside along the riv-

er). You made it just in time to catch the tail end of happy hour, which runs until 6:30.

This is one of the loveliest patio spots in Bend, with views of the slow-rolling river and sunkissed mountains in the background. (Might I recommend

large amounts of plasma par- you order the mussels and ticles are beingpushed off the fries, with a side of Boneyard sun, said Grossfeld. This can RPM'?) generate Northern Lights or can even affect satellite or ra- 7:30p.m. dio communications. Take a short stroll along Grossfeld said there is not the river path. The light is often a long wait to use the so- beginning to soften and the lar telescopes. temperature has cooled a bit. You'll probably want to grab 1:30p.m. that light fleece from the car. It's time for lunch. A lot of But the sun is far from setting. places that offer outdoor din-

serious about the sun. You

ing in Sunriver. Base Camp 8:15p.m. Grill is close to your next desSatisfied, but not yet full,

need some facts. Here's one

tination, so consider fueling

place that can deliver the solar scienceyou're after: The Oregon Observatory in Sunriver.

up there. You can sit at one of lishment. We know just the its tables outside, or grab the place. Head to nearby Crux

Drive time: 45 minutes

Noon The Oregon Observatory in Sunriver gives people

meal togo and head down to

it's time to find another estab-

Fermentation Project and find

the nearby Deschutes River.

a spot outside. Crux is the perfect place to end up, thanks to 2:30p.m. its unique happy hour. Called The weather i s h i t t i ng Sundowner, this happy hour peak loveliness. It's about begins 30 minutes before the 75 degrees. It's time to commune with an element that

sun sets and ends 30 minute

observatory has two tele-

after it falls behind the mountains. There's a reason this sun: the water. Time to get a place bases its happy hour on buddy on the phone to help the sun. From the patio, you with a river float trip. If you can take in beautiful views of

scopes set up to allow visitors

didn't bring a canoe or raft,

a chance to do just what our

parents always told us not to: perfectly complements the stare at the sun. Every day from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., the

the chance to gaze at the sun rent one from Sunriver Mawithout incurring any eye rina (canoes cost $85; small damage. Instead visitors will rafts are $125). Tell the friend be treated to rare sights. to park at the marina as a Bob Grossfeld, the man- shuttle. Drive the other car to ager of th e o bservatory, Harpers Bridge off of Spring says one telescope has a River Road. full-spectrum filter that alThere's no better way to lows viewers to look at sun

the Cascades in the distance.

Watch as the sky shifts colors and softens.

8:52p.m. Sip your beer with pride, knowing you spent today honoringthe sun.

soak up the sun than to bask

— Reporter: 541-617-7860, ajohnson@bendbulletin.com

spots. Through the telescope, in the rays as they bounce off Grossfeld says, you can see the rolling river. the sun's true color and ex-

Float and drive time: 2.5

amine spots, many of which are bigger than our entire planet. The grand scale of it is fun to think about "over a


step up to Boscht

5 p.m.


million Earths could fit inside the sun," said Grossfeld.

tired. It's been a long day of

The other telescope for solar viewing has a different filter on it, a hydrogen alpha filter. This one allows viewers

river, find a cozy spot along the river under a tree and take a catnap to revive and refuel. After a 4 5-minute snooze,

to see storms on the edge of

hit the road back to Bend, in

the sun.Grossfeld describes

search of sustenance.

Let's be

Stainless steel 4 wash cydes

h onest. You're

Holds 14 place settings


sun. After you take out of the

Plus • ¹SHEBAR52while Aant, $499 Imited uanNies


Saturday, July 12th High Lakes Elementary School THE RIDE -Join hundreds of other cyclists for the largest scenic tour event in the region, with five routes from 7 to 100 miles. THE RUN -New this year: COPA Family 5K through Northwest Crossing neighborhood, inspired by Johanna Olson. THE INSPIRATION -Founded by Gary Bonacker,the Tour des Chutes supports local children and adults with cancer by funding St. Charles Cancer Survivorship Programs and Pediatric Foundation. THE CELEBRATIONS -Cyclists and runners — before and after the event enjoy food, music and free beer.

TdC Has Caring Sponsors




Let'sturn the answers on.





5 BR A I N


iVi EDlV4TION Driven by science. Focused on life

Central Oregon Radiation Oncology Assc., Clear 101.7, KOHD, Les SchvabTire Centers, Microsemi, Paul B. Leighton Design, REI, Robberson Ford-Mazda, Suntrack Sound Supporting cancer care and survivorship for children and adults in Central Oregon

For route maps, party info and registration, look online at TourdesChutes.or



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El Dorado. Shangri-La. Brigadoon. Some legendary mystical places may always remain undiscovered. But you don't have to be a great explorer to find one such hidden setting right here on the outskirts of Bend. Just venture slightly off Century Drive to the top of a ridge on Skyline Ranch Road. And there you are at Tetherow. Spread out over 700 acres of Cascade Foothills at the edge of the Deschutes National Forest, Tetherow is Bend's only true destination resort community. In the heart of the community, the links-style Tetherow Golf Course designed by David McLay Kidd, is consistently rated one of the top public courses in the country. Yet that's just the beginning of the recreational pursuits that await at Tetherow. For mountain bikers, the ever-popular Phil's Trailhead is right next door. World-class fly-fishing and kayaking arejustfive minutes away onthe Deschutes River.The slopes and trails of Mt. Bachelor and the Cascade Lakes area are an easy 20-minute jaunt up Century Drive. And, when you're ready to shop, dine or take in a concert, you're just three roundabouts from downtown and the Old Mill District.

More Than Just a Neighborhood Even with so much activity nearby, nothing quite compares to home sweet home at

days, inter-club play, clinics and unlimited golf. A host of other community activities highlight the calendar all year round, including a 100foot Slip 'N Slide on the range, wine and beer events, fitness classes and holiday celebrations. For the young at heart, Wee Links par-3 nights offer family time with golf and dinner, and campouts on the range feature fire pits, movies, glow golf and incredible stargazing.

The Row hasquickly become one of Bend's favorite places to sip and socialize. And the Lodges are quite simply Bend's most immaculate overnight accommodation, offering 50 generously appointed boutique-style rooms.

Seizing the Moment

Tetherow, especially when many sites feature sweepingviews of the Cascades and the golf course. The homes organically embrace a wide range of modern styles with clean lines and thick beams that reflect the area's rich timber resources. Homes on the eastern edge of the community are nestled among large Ponderosa pines. On the southern side, Tripleknot Townhomes offer luxurious maintenance-free living in spacious one- and two-story floor plans along the 11th fainjvay.

With so much to offer for all ages, and a vanety of ownership and membership options, it's no wonder Tetherow is experiencing robust growth and leading Bend's real estate rebound. In the past 12 months, Tetherow has sold 73 properties, including 31 homesites sold or pending in this year alone.

While the magic of Tetherow is more palpable than ever, the value is almost beyond belief. Available completed homes at Tetherow start at $900,000 and half-acre sites start at just $209,000. So, come visit the Tetherow sales center any day of the week. You'll discover that you don't have to keep searching for your paradise. It's already here.

With 36 homes currently under construction and more than 100 new members recently joining, more people will be enjoying the club's cross-generational membership that offers club toumaments, mens' and ladies'

Just up the hill at the southern entrance, Tetherow Grill, The Row - ( a casual, family-friendly pub) - and Tetherow Lodges preside over a breathtaking view of the community and roll out the welcome mat for residents and visitors. The Grill is open for breakfast, lunch and dinner and specializes in Northwest cuisine with local ingredients. With 12 beer taps and a menu that offers both American and Scottish-inspired items,








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1 Acre In La Pine ( $159,900 • 1512 sq.ft. manufactured • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 24x36 detached garage,shop • MLS 201404900 Lynne Connelley, Broker, CRS 541-408-6720



~ ap



Door-to-door selling with fast results! It's the easiest way in the world to sell. The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809

2.5 Acres ( $827,900 • 3574 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath • RV garage, Cascade Mountain views • MLS 201404660 Megan Power, Broker, GRI, CDPE 541-610-7318



~ ~



Cascade Nlountain Views [ $2,125,000 • Custom 4853 sq.ft. home • 4 bedroom+ office, 3.5 bath • Barn, indoor & outdoor arenas • MLS 201404428 Virginia Ross, Broker, ABR CRS, Rl, Eco Broker, Previews 541-480-7501


La Pine 1A5 Acres ( $225,000 • 1842 sq.ft. manufactured • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 2 storage sheds, shop & greenhouse • MLS 201405148 Pat Palazzi, Broker 541-771-6996


Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809

NE Bend ( $219,900 • 1393 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Covered front porch, fenced • MLS 201405104 Judy Meyers, Broker, GRI, CRS, SRES 541<80-1922



Commercial/lnvestment Commercial/lnvestment Properties for Sale Prop e rties for Sale

Homes for Sale


• H o mes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Remarkable Deschutes $379,000• Old Mill area Gorgeous home with $247,000• Gated R iver & Can y o n•3 Bdrm, 2.5 bath, open upgraded f i n ishes Community 51540 Huntington Rd., New Listing, .88 acre floor plan throughout. 3 bdrms, ~2 bdrm + den La Pine ca r w a sh commercially zoned Views! AD¹1222 2y2 baths, great floorp •Open floor plan, wide business opportunity. p roperty wit h t w o TEAM Birtola Garmyn •Master on main, gran High Desert Realty ite and hardwoods lan with gas fireplace, hall, tile roof and cov AD¹1512 s tick-built home s 541-312-9449 • Entertainment deck granite counters and ered patio TEAM Birtola Garmyn rented at $575 and www. BendOregon Mike Wilson, Broker hickory cab i n ets,•HOA managed land High Desert Realty $850. You also get an RealEstate.com 541-977-5345 stainless appliances, scaping 541-312-9449 additional tax lot in the Windermere tiled baths, distressed Diana Barker, Broker www.BendOregon deal. This location is $339,000• 9 Acre Central Oregon hardwood flo o r s, 541-480-7777 RealEstate.com off of the Madras Hwy Ranch Real Estate beautiful fenced and Windermere in Prineville, and there •3-4 bdrm, 2 bath l andscaped ya r d . Central Oregon 14 acres zoned resi- have been some new •1959 sq.ft. home 2738 Great H o rned dential, divided into 4 b usinesses i n th e •craftsman, is in immacu Real Estate rustic Place, Custom and home tax lots. Canyon City, area. late condition a nd 9040 SW S a ndridge MORRIS Asking design interior beautifully maintained move-in OR. $99,900. MLS $ 210,000. ready. Rd. Ready to build, REAL ESTATE Agen t •3 bay shop NE Bend home. 201207884 J u niper owned property. $287,000. Text •Mtn views, b o rders 1.12 acre lot in CRR. Ad ¹1082 Realty 541-504-5393 Heather Hockett, BroVIEW7871TO 878787 BLM land Power and water at TEAM Birtola Garmyn then call Tina Rob NE Bend ( $264,900 Business Opportunities ker, 54 1 - 420-9151 Dave Disney, Broker the street with some High Desert Realty erts, Broker, • 1692 sq.ft. single level C entury 2 1 Gol d 541-410-8557 Cascade mtn views. 541-312-9449 I $235,900 541-419-9022 • 3 bedroom+ den, 2 Country Realty. Windermere Central MLS ¹ 20 ' I 403978. www.BendOregon • Turnkey business opTotal Property bath Oregon Real Estate $37,900. RealEstate.com Own a Piece of History Resources • New flooring & exte- • 2portunity Juniper Realty, bedroom, 2 bath liv- Fort Rock Tavern & $719,900• Golf Course 21920 Obsidian Ave., rior paint 541-504-5393 ing quarters Grill. Recently remodHome • MLS 201404970 Bend. 30+ acre para 16306 Bate Street, to 20250 Birdsong Lane, 97 frontage eled. 4 p o ker m a- •3 Bdrm, 3.5 bath, open dise David Gilmore, Broker •• Hwy with huge Cas tally renovated single one of a kind Tumalo MLS 201203037 chines and lottery, full floor plan 541-312-7271 cade views. Ad ¹1552 level with huge shop. home on 5 acres and Rookie Dickens, Broker, bar, pool table and •Gourmet K itc h e n, TEAM Birtola Garmyn Ad ¹1182 GRI, CRS, ABR much more. 4 full RV wood floors, outdoor views. Ad ¹1602 High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-815-0436 hookups f o r RV. kitchen 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty $200,000. Mike Everidge, Broker High Desert Realty www.BendOregon 541-312-9449 MLS201306884 541-390-0098 541-312-9449 RealEstate.com MORRIS www.BendOregon 0 Duke Warner Realty Windermere www.BendOregon REAL ESTATE RealEstate.com 541-382-8262 Central Oregon RealEstate.com Where can you find a dOp ~ Real Estate MORRIS 65174 76th Street. NW 738 $375,000• Raven helping hand? Bend home on 206 REAL ESTATE • Turnkey Ranch NW Bend ( $349,000 Multiplexes for Sale •2 $224,500 From contractors to Bdrm, 2 b ath and acres. AD¹1062 ~3 Bdrm, 2.5 bath. 1384 • 2184 sq.ft. condo TEAM Birtola Garmyn 1168 sq.ft. yard care, it's all here sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath Commercial Building ( 2 Unit duplex in NW •double car garage High Desert Realty •60 f t rou n d pe n , in The Bulletin's • Fully finished baseBend. Ad ¹1332 $375,000 541-312-9449 60'x180' arena Crest townhome ment TEAM Birtola Garmyn ••Eagle "Call A Service • 1927 sq.ft. www.BendOregon •Irrigation pond and 3 9th fairway and mtn • MLS 201404868 High Desert Realty • Recent remodel Professional" Directory RealEstate.com views. acre irrigation Scott Huggin, 541-312-9449 • Excellent visibility Jeanette Brunot, •Loafing s h ed a n d Broker, GRI www. BendOregon $625,000 • Smith Rock • MLS 201403245 $225,000 • Dream Yard Broker more, 541-322-1500 RealEstate.com .4 Bdrm, 3 bath, 3618 Rinehart, Paula Vanvleck, Broker • 1526 sq.ft 541-771-1383 Dempsey and sq.ft. 541-280-7774 •3 bdrm, 2 bath 740 Windermere Phelps, Brokers ~4+ acres near Smith •Wonderful outdoor livCentral Oregon 541-480-2100 Condo/Townhomes Rock ing in a small space •30'x48' 541-480-5432 Real Estate dream shop for Sale Carol Armstrong, 541-408-4770 MORRIS Diana Barker, Broker Need to get an Broker 541-419-8758 Windermere 541-480-7777 REAL ESTATE Lakefront townhome 2 Windermere Central Oregon MORRIS ad in ASAP? Windermere bdrm, 2 bath 1410 sq. Central Oregon Real Estate REAL ESTATE You can place it Central Oregon ft., sgl level. Great Real Estate 310 Willis Lane, Real Estate Redmond Duplex ( r oom f l oo r pl a n , online at: incredible NW style es$189,900 akefront & Sm i t h $199,000• Quebec C ommercial Lots I n L $199,000 • La Pine tate on almost 90 • 3 bedroom, 2 bath Rock view. $219,500 www.bendbulletin.com Court Crooked River Ranch: Home acres. Ad ¹1362 units •One of the last avail •3 bdrm, 2 bath MLS¹201401507 Great opportunity to TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-385-5809 • Single car garage Lynn Johns, Principal able properties in start a business or • 1702 sq.ft, 97 a c re High Desert Realty each Sundance 541-408-2944 relocate an existing Broker, lot, private well 15016 Fall River Dr., •Great price 541-312-9449 • Close to schools & Central Oregon business. Near res• MLS ¹201404817 Spectacular Fall River www.BendOregon • Flat 3.65 acre parks Resort Realty t aurants, hotel a nd Home. Ad ¹1662 RealEstate.com • MLS 201403633 your dream home Steve Walterscheid, golf course. Owner 6 0504 S e venth M t . TEAM Birtola Garmyn ••Build Broker Sue Conrad, On cul-de-sac $55,000 • 17780 Wilt terms avail. Business 541-480-0376 Drive. 2 bdrm, 20189 High Desert Realty Broker, CRS Pam Bell, Broker Rd Circle, Lot 82:- 1.05 bath, slate and tile, Windermere 541-312-9449 541-480-6621 541-848-7590 •11.25 acres, secluded acres, $25,000. Lot 50 end unit. Extra yard. Central Oregon www.BendOregon Susan Pitarro, Broker parcel near Sisters -1.30acres & Lot 51- $ 329,000. Pami r Real Estate RealEstate.com 541-410-8084 •Recreational property 1.23 acres, still avail- Properties, Inc., Mara Windermere 65440 Tweed Rd., $340,000 • Single level, off the grid able at $35,000 each Stein, Broker Central Oregon Bend. Immaculate •Please call listing bro SE or purchase both for 541-420-3400. Real Estate •3 Bdrm, 2.5 bath. 2529 20 acre estate with MORRIS ker for directions. $60,000. Juniper Re6 0523 Seventh M t . sq.ft. Cascade views and Bill Kammerer, Broker REAL ESTATE alty 541-504-5393 $338,000 • Overlooks Drive. 10 % E q uity •Large lot, RV parking guesthouse. 541-410-1200 d~ A River Ad ¹1102 Downtown Of fice Shares. 3 bdrm, 3 and sun porch Windermere •Views of the mtn bath. $58,500. Pamir Building 1456 sq ft • Formal living and din TEAM Birtola Garmyn Central Oregon SE Bend ( $237,900 • Passive solar High Desert Realty r emodeled off i c e. Properties, Inc., Mara ing rooms Real Estate • 1639 sq.ft. •Sits on 2 a c res, 3 Stein, Broker • Fenced backyard 541-312-9449 7000 sq ft commer• 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath bdrm, 2 bath + more 36 Acre estate, Bend www.BendOregon cial zoned lot. Excel- 541-420-3400. Rinehart, Dempsey and Shannon Hall, Broker • Paver deck, landCascade Nursery. lent parkway expoPhelps, Brokers RealEstate.com scaped Creekside Townhome541-788-9027 Ad ¹1122 541-480-2100 s ure. 4 park i ng 3 bdrm, 2y~ bath, • MLS 201405087 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Windermere 541-480-5432 spaces inc l uding 1871 sq. f t., g reat Just too many Marci Bouchard, Central Oregon High Desert Realty 541-408-4770 h andicap spa c e . room floor plan. main Broker, CRS, SRES collectibles? 541-312-9449 Real Estate Windermere $435,000. 541-977-1230 level master. MLS www.BendOregon MLS¹201404318 Central Oregon 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, Almost 201404647 $252,900. RealEstate.com Sell them in Call Larry Jacobs, Real Estate 1600 sq.ft. Nestled in Lynn Johns, Principal 541-480-2329 The Bulletin Classifieds People Lookfor Information the Pines, AD¹1672 Broker, 541-408-2944 $425,000 • NW Bend Duke Warner Realty About Products and TEAM Birtola Garmyn Central Oregon • 6 Bdrm, 3.5 bath 541-382-8262 High Desert Realty Services EveryDaythrough MORRIS Resort Realty •Master with p r i vate 541-385-5809 541-312-9449 REAL ESTATE The Bvlletie Cleeeittede Excellent Commercial Fairway Vista t own- deck and hot tub www.BendOregon l~ ~ d Op mB 60462 Elkai Woods Dr. Bring Your horses! 3 L ocation! O n 1 1 t h home with g arage.•2450 sq.ft. and 3 car RealEstate.com garage 3 b d rm, 3 bat h . bdrm, 2 bath, 1635 Street between High- 10th tee box resort SW Bend [ $279,000 Builder's own. Bam sq. ft. home with inland & G l a cier in course, 1447 sq. ft., •Large lot 64960 Hunnell Rd., • 1588 sq.ft. Dave Disney, Broker Redmond. Perfect for d bl. g arage, g o l f Large Tumalo home boo floors, lots of ex credible mou n tain 541-410-8557 • 3 bedroom, 2 bath tras. $495,000. Pamir views, 9.74 acres with s mall business o r c ourse a n d mtn . on 1.2 acres. • Near Old Mill District Properties, Inc., Mara continue to lease with views. 3 bdrm, 2bath. Windermere Central ¹1192 6 acres of COI irrigaOregon Real Estate TEAMAd • MLS 201404431 Stein, Broker t ion, 2 2 x4 8 s h o p , current tenant. Cute $280,000. MLS Birtola Garmyn John Snippen, Broker, 541-420-3400. boutique-style build- 201307174 $129,500• 1.49 Acre High Desert Realty 24x24 garage, hot MBA, ABR, CRS, GRI ing would be great for Lynn Johns, Principal Homestead 541-312-9449 tub, and more. MLS 14266 Whitewater 541-312-7273 C4 zone b usiness Broker, 541-408-2944 •3 Bdrm, 2 bath www.BendOregon ¹201404593 Lane, northwest 541-948-9090 professional, hair saCentral Oregon •Private master bdrm RealEstate.com $349,999 Deschutes riverfront lon, b arber s h op, Resort Realty •Wrap around decks Call Pam Lester, Prinhome. Ad ¹1592 flowers, coffee shop. La n e , kitchen and din 1 8907 R ut h cipal Broker Century Birtola Garmyn the •Large Separate garage oi Townhome o n Crescent Lake, OR. TEAM ing area 21 Gold Country ReHigh Desert Realty storage building. With Creek in Eagle Crest. •Turn around driveways Gorgeous views, new Inc. alty, 541-312-9449 MORRIS a little TLC this prop- 3 bdrm, 2y~ b ath, Dave Disney, Broker appliances, RV pad 541-504-1338 www.BendOregon REAL ESTATE erty and location can 1471 sq. f t. , m a in with hook ups, 48x30 541-410-8557 RealEstate.com 80' RV pa r k ing! work for you! level master, backs to Windermere Central RV garage, covered Creek and w alking e ntertaining de c k , 2 3190 R ickard R d . , $184,900. 1616 sq.ft. $125,000 Oregon Real Estate path. Luxury upgrade ¹201404633 wood stove, g reat Three Rivers South ( Custom home on pri 3 bdrm, 2 bath home Dennis Clark, Principal package. $ 2 54,900 16707 Old Military Dr., room, master bdrm v ate 5 a c res w i th with dbl. garage, gas $72,000 custom built, Broker, 541-771-8730 MLS¹201400034 has slider to deck with great Cascade views. fireplace, pantry, split • Fenced .48 acre Lynn Johns, Principal spectacular views, bedroom f l o orplan • Storage building Century 21 fabulous views, wood Ad ¹1232 Broker, 541-408-2944 complete privacy. with great room con shed with easy ac TEAM Birtola Garmyn • Water, power 8 sewer Gold Country Realty Central Oregon Ad ¹1032 cept. ¹ 20 1 309527 • MLS 201404875 cess in winter. Min High Desert Realty Resort Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn Pam Lester, Principal Fully Rented, L ongutes from Willamette Sue Conrad, 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty Broker, Century 21 Term Leases - Great Ski Pass, Crescent Broker, CRS www.BendOregon 744 54'I -312-9449 Gold Country Realty, income pr o ducing Lake, Odell Lake or 541<80-6621 RealEstate.com Open Houses www.BendOregon Inc. 541-504-1338 property. 2 buildings, snowmobile from your RealEstate.com main b u i lding is y ard on m i les o f 8356 SW Pumice Ct. 70' RV parking! New 3 Sat. & Sun., 12-3 19,429 sq ft with very r oomed trai l s . Ready to move in. 3 bdrm, 2 bath 1590 sq. $439,000 • Willow large parking lot. Sec- 63426 Vogt Road, Bend 249,000 MLS Bdrm, 2 bath home ft. home coming soon! Creek Loop Room for all your toys ond building is 6420 20131681. Call Kerry located in the heart of Pick your colors! Gas •2437 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 MORRIS on .78 acres 2 bdrm, sq ft. Great location. CRR on 1 acre. Large fireplace, u p graded 541-815-6363 bath REAL ESTATE 1 bath, newly painted •Granite $1,500,000. garage/shop. Located appliances and cabi Cascade Realty countertops New floor coverings, •Wood and Call Candy Yow at on a cul-de-sac which nets, tile floors t i l e flo o rs, stove, f ridge i n cl.,•New roof, furnace 541-410-3193. 2545 SW 43rd. Luxuriprovides privacy. MLS f enced an d and la n d 732 oversized single gaous home with stunMLS201304214. ¹201404446. hot water heater scaped, and more! rage with shop area. ning views. Ad ¹2102 ommercial/Investmerg, Duke Warner Realty $132,000. Pam Bell, Broker $259,900. too new for 541-382-8262 $167,500. TEAM Birtola Garmyn Juniper Realty, Properties for Sale • 541-848-7590 MLS¹201400132 Grossman & Assoc. High Desert Realty 541-504-5393 Susan Pitarro, Broker Pam Lester, Principal Industrial Site 541-388-2159 541-312-9449 PRIME COMMERCIAL Madras 541-410-8084 Broker, Century 21 located close to air3 Bdrm, 2 bath, 2456 www.BendOregon PROPERTY. Charrn port with possible Windermere 745 sq.ft. with 14.66 acre Gold Country Realty, RealEstate.com ing updated Madras r ail access. O l d Central Oregon Homes for Sale and 13.2 acre COI ir Inc. 541-504-1338 building, located on wooden grain storReal Estate 3357 NW W i ndwood ngation, bonus room 17892 Kodiak Lane, Hwy. 97, Cat 5 wire building to CLA. 50141 Collar Dr., home 16755 Derringer D r . Way, Aubrey Butte with separate entry, large custom home system, h a r dwood age Call for details. MLS on 5 acres, backs to Builder's own custom f ine living and b i g solar design gener on 1+ acres backing floors & off s t reet201401462 $50,000 hundreds of acres of single level h ome. Cascade views. Ad ates 20% e l ectric. private wildlife. parking. $ 1 29,900. Call Virginia, Princi¹'I 292 public land. AD¹1652 MLS 2014 0 3830 AD¹1572 Ad ¹2042 ¹ 201305319 Pam pal Broker TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn $488,888. Call Pam TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn Lester, Principal Bro 541-923-0855 RedHigh Desert Realty High Desert Realty Lester, Principal Bro High Desert Realty High Desert Realty ker Century 21 Gold mond Re/Max Land 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 ker Century 21 Gold 541-312-9449 Country Realty, Inc. & Homes Real Eswww.BendOregon www. BendOregon Country Realty, Inc. www. BendOregon www. BendOregon 541-504-1338 tate. RealEstate.com 541-504-1338 RealEstate.com RealEstate.com RealEstate.com







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Homes for Sale $389,000• 1st Time on Market •Custom Built h o m e with great mtn views •5 bdrm, 3 bath •great and family rooms plus office •3 car garage. Barbara Myers, Broker 541-923-4663 or 541-480-7183 Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate $675,000 • Sisters .Wonderful retreat •Open kitchen, dining room and deck •Large barn/shop and storage sheds Bill Kammerer, Broker 541-410-1200 Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate 16353 Whitetail Lane, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, almost 1600 sq.ft. nestled in the pines. Ad¹1672 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon RealEstate.com $225,000• Awbrey Lot •0.47 acre lot on Aw brey Butte •Gentle slope •Mountain views •Very low HOA Clair Sagiv, Broker 541-390-2328 Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate $272,000• Big home, big lot ~2615 sq.ft. single story home • 1/2 acre lot, RV park ing, 3 bath garage with shop •lots of storage Bob Ahern, Broker 541-420-3891 Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate $147,000 - $167,000• Desirable Condos • 10 Bend W condo's •2 bdrm, 1 bath, 680 sq.ft. •Professionally managed and maintained. Jake and Loretta Moorhead, Brokers 541-480-6790 541-480-2245 Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate $319,000• Impressive • 1920 sq.ft. single level on 4.58 acres ~4 bdrm, 2 bath •Great room layout •Vaulted ceilings •(aver patio, firepit, hot tub, RV hookup Barbara Myers, Broker 541-923-4663 or 541-480-7183 Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate $859,000 3158 Shevlin Meadows, Bend •R.D. Building & design •Newly completed con struction •3553 sq.ft. & 42x16 RV




Homes for Sale

• H o mes for Sale •

Home s for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

173 Highland Meadow 3419 N W Fai r way 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 3 bedroom, 2 b a t h,5 Acres w/shop, well Loop. 2321 sq. ft.,3 Heights Dr. - This 1 876 s q f t . Li v e 1906 sq ft. Outstand- and septic installed, Beds, 2~/~ Baths, of4670 sq ft home fea- among the pines in ing mountain views C ascade mtn a n d fice and formal dining. tures top quality wood Sunriver! This strate- and a custom built Smith Rock v iews. Great room plan. All finishes in a g r eat gic and well-placed home that you will fall 1 200 s q .ft . sh o p premium fi n ishes. room that i ncludes home is e x tremely in love with! Enjoy w/13x13 RV d o o rs MLS¹ 201 3 00723 gourmet kitchen. Only private and yet the Central Oregon eve- and 400 amp service. top quality appliances many windows bring nings while relaxing Located in $410,713 Lynn Johns, Principal with beautiful s l ab the beauty of the sur- on the 2000 sq ft red- Redmond/Tetherow Broker, 541-408-2944 granite countertops in r ounding pines i nwood deck, plumbed Crossing. MLS Central Oregon this home. Upstairs doors, Very well kept with gas for your BBQ ¹201405423. Resort Realty includes the master and ideally located and extensive accent $214,000. Call Pam suite, office, g reat near shopping, dining, lighting inside and out. Lester, Principal Bro1.8 Acres with Casroom, formal dining golf, bike paths, end- Custom c a b inetry, ker, Century 21 Gold cade Mtn Views area, large laundry less outdoor recre- high-end appliances, Country Realty, Inc. $ 189,900. 3 bed - room and half bath- a tion. Recent u p - fireplace, central vac 541-504-1338 rooms, 2 bathrooms, room. Downstairs in- grades: covered patio, system, even a built-in 1716 sq ft. New con- cludes 3 large bed- newer exterior paint, dog house under the 5 Bedrooms in Riverrim! struction, interior color rooms, 2 full baths, c omposition roof i n entry stairs! $298,900 2172 sq ft, main level package options avail. wine cellar, fully laun- 2003. Furnishings ne- ¹201403366 master, den/office, 3 MLS¹201401007. dry room & large fam- gotiable. $369,000 ¹ Dennis Clark, Principal car garage, A/C, storCall Gail Day, ily/media room. You 201402798 Broker, 541-771-8730 age, shed/private pa541-306-1018 tio. Close to Brookwill love the private Dennis Clark, Principal Century 21 Central Oregon Realty v iews from 2 v e ry Broker, 541-771-8730 Gold Country Realty swood Plaza, river Group, LLC t rail & parks . l arge decks. T h is Century 21 4.77 Acres in Tumaloalso includes Gold Country Realty $375,000. 190 Acre Horse Prop- home Green past u res, Call Katrina Swisher, storage space erty - Less than 1 mile large views, pond, 541-420-3348 or Rob bedroom, 2.5 bath, mountain from city limits. 2160 under the home, and 3 1900 barn & lovely home. sq ft. Beautiful Eggers, 541-518-9780 3-car g asq ft 2 bedroom, 2 attached desirable locaMLS¹201403085 Easy y a r d custom home on the Highly bath home. Several rmage. tion. $569,000. nicest lot in Summit Duke Warner Realty aintenance on a outbuildings including large Call Kit Korish at 541-382-8262 lot. $879,000. C rest. Home h a s barn wit h o u tdoor 541-330-2120 t op-of-the-line fin arena. 3 tax lots, 120 MLS¹201401762. MLS¹201308768 60552 Elkai Woods Dr. David Dunn, Broker ishes including gas acres in the Urban Warner Realty 3 bdrm, 3 bath. Ex fireplace with custom Duke ReMax Key Reserve. $495,000. 541-382-8262 quisite oak floors, pri Properties. mantle, huge master Call Kris Warner at 541-390-8465 Cell with French doors and 4 Bedroom, 2.5 Baths + vate deck overlooking 541-480-5365 541-728-0033 Off ice coffered ceil i ng, Office! Island kitchen, golf course, $478,000. MLS¹201206667 walk-in closet, stain- tile, pantry. Separate Pamir Properties, Inc., Duke Warner Realty less appliances, up- utility, oversized Mara Stein, Broker 541-382-8262 Take care of graded fixtures. Ex- double garage, large 541-420-3400. your investments tensive landscaping patios, flower beds, BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS boasts curb appeal fenced yard. Corner Acreage Close to Town with the help from Search the area's most and east facing back- lot close to shopping - 9.5 acres w/7.5 irricomprehensive listing of 32x36 shop, 5 The Bulletin's yard is p erfect for & restaurants. Call gated, classified advertising... evening BBQs and Peggy Lee Combs, 12-ft doors, fenced & "Call A Service real estate to automotive, family time. $258,400. Broker, GRI, C RS, cross fenced outdoor merchandise to sporting Professional" Directory area, 3 bedroom, 2 ¹201402401 541-480-7653 goods. Bulletin Classifieds bath, 1584 sq ft. Jodi Clark, Principal John L. Scott appear every day in the 360' M t n and Smith Broker, 541-771-8731 Real Estate, Bend Candice Anderson, print or on line. Century 21 www.johnlscottbend.com Broker, 541-788-8878 Rock views, pave John L. Scott Call 541-385-5809 Gold Country Realty road, 4.92 acres in 4 bedroom, 3 b a t h, Real Estate, Bend www.bendbulletin.com Tetherow Crossing, sq ft in great lo- www.johnlscottbend.com septic fees approved. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2496 The Bulletin sq ft. Rare 2.58 c ation with lots o f Serving Central Oregon since 19ta MLS ¹ 20 1 404802. 2492 P e r sonal acre ranchette with room for your pets 8 Add y ou r $189,999. Call Pam 1.5 acres irrigation; toys! Large spacious T ouch. 3 B d rm, 2 1 90-Degree View o f Lester, Principal Bro- fenced bath, 1877 sq.ft., on & cross-fenced home with separate Ochocos - One of a ker, Century 21 Gold & family rooms, 8.93 acres. Upon sale kind home with beau- Country Realty, Inc. with irrigation pond, living vaulted ceilings and the home will be a 3 6x36 shop with 3 tiful cherry cabinets, 541-504-1338 bays and 12-ft door, spacious kitchen. This shell, ready for the tile counters, very living floor buyer to c o mplete. large custom master 3802 NW Summerfield- 12x26 lean-to. Farm- reverse house was entirely plan has forced air Seller has estimated with office attached. Light, bright & spaand air condi- $35,000 to $40,000 to Fully expansive deck cious family home on r emodeled in 2 0 0 7 heating and has many up- tioning with additional complete the home. A off master and kitchen 0.7 peaceful acre in and living FHA 203K loan might for viewing or enter- Wyndermere. Light & grades & amenities. bedrooms d o w nstairs. w ork well f o r t h i s taining. 5-car garage b right with log a c - Main floor m aster, space so check with with 220 for those se- cents and expansive separate living 8 fam- Large w r ap-around home, storage a nd your lender. Seller is rious mec h anics, mahogany decks. Ar- ily rooms, lots of stor- deck, e x t erior double garage. 30x36 selling because of large enough for RV, chitecturally designed age ne w large shop; fenced pasture health problems from boat, sled or camper. 5 bedroom home has decking, $229 , 000 car accident. Lateral Quality home is very vaulted ceil i ngs, mud/laundry r o o m, area. ¹201404040 irrigation pipe and 3 lovingly d e c orated c omfort s tyle a n d white vinyl fencing. Dennis Clark, Principal phase pump in pond with the best items, space. 2 masters pro- $359,000 Broker, 541-771-8730 are included and the 3 and it shows. 6 sky- v ide f l exibility f o r ¹201404392 big guns are negoCentury 21 lights throughout for family's needs. Radi- Dennis Clark, Principal tiable. Green panels natural ligh t ing. ant heat i n m aster Broker, 541-771-8730 Gold Country Realty stay. Building will be Century 21 ¹201310264 bath and A/C Check out the empty and debris and John L. Scott Real throughout. Remod- Gold Country Realty classifieds online personal p r o perty Estate 541-548-1712 eled kitchen has slab www.bendbuNetin.com hauled away prior to granite, gas cook top close of escrow. ExGet your Updated daily and beautiful slate Call a Pro isting bone pile will floors. Views to the business 5 A cres w / Mountain remain. $ 4 5 0,000. Whether you need a east, garden beds and Views - 3 bdrm, 2 MLS ¹201402830 r oom for an T V o r fence fixed, hedges bath, 1620 sq ft, irriBobbie Strome, boat! Come have your e ROWI N G trimmed or a house gated, 36x40 shop, Principal Broker private tour t o day! fenced, ext e nsive John L Scott Real built, you'll find $639,000. with an ad in sprinkler sys t e m. Estate 541-385-5500 MLS¹201403999 professional help in M LS¹ 2809 2 2 5 . The Bulletin's Debi Corso, Broker The Bulletin's "Call a $265,000. Pam Call The Sulletfn At "Call A Service ReMax Key Lester, Principal Bro541-385-5809 Service Professional" Properties. Professional" ker, Century 21 Gold Place Your Ad Or E-Mail 541-280-3309 Cell Directory Country Realty, Inc. At: www.bendbulletin.com Directory 541-317-1876 Direct 541-504-1338 541 -385-5809

• 3 Bdrm, 2 full baths and 2 half baths, bo nus room plus office 191 Highland Meadow Jake Moorhead, Broker Loop. 2321 sq. ft., 3 bdrms, 2~i2 baths, of541-480-6790 fice and formal dining. John Taylor, Great room plan. All Broker premium fi n i shes. 541-480-0448 $397,097 Windermere Lynn Johns, Principal Central Oregon Broker, 541-408-2944 Real Estate Central Oregon C ustom home. O u t Resort Realty standing CASCADE VIEW! 1878 sq. ft. 3/2 20 Acres In Sistersj + bonus room (not in $749,500 c luded in s q . f t . ) • 2272 sq.ft. farmhouse cherry cabi n ets,• 3 bedroom, 2 bath hardwood 8 s l a te,• Breathtaking Cascade Oversized garage, ad views jacent to public land. • MLS 201307141 $279,900 MLS Becky Brunoe, Broker 2014028071 Call 541-350-4772 Nancy Popp, 541-815-8000 Crooked River Realty $180,000• Cozy Home MORRIS ~3 Bdrm, 2 bath ~Workshop space, sun REAL ESTATE room and hot tub I&g M Q y ~ ~ 0~ 4 •Private, large lot with grapes, berries and 26695 Horsell RoadRecently remodeled apples. 3bd, 2 bath, 2070ysf Diana Barker, Broker farm house on 67.9y 54'I-480-7777 a cres w it h 39 . 7 y Windermere acres o f i r r igation. Central Oregon 1344ysf building for Real Estate Office/Recreation/Stu2,240 sq ft, 4 bdrm, 2 dio, 4502y sf building b ath home i s i m - with 12' door & man maculate and g o r- door for shop/RV/Toy geous. Master Suite /Boat storage & inincludes a secluded door gardening. New s itting r oo m an d 750y deep well being Master Bath. A fire- drilled to provide a place in the Living year-round source of Chef"s domestic water. New Room, M , EA 0 Kitchen, Bar, vaulted gas log fireplace will ceilings and f ormal be installed. $625,000. dining room were built MLS¹201401400 for entertaining. InBobbie Strome, door laundry room, Principal Broker attached garage, ceJohn L Scott Real dar deck, landscaped, Estate 541-385-5500 good neighbor fence and garden are just a 26 acres with Timber - 4 few of t h e s p ecial b edroom, 2 bat h , 15 yr fixed= 3.375% APR- 3.668% P&l pmt= $1984.53 touches. Just minutes 2464 sq ft home with from skiing, snowmo- 4-car qarage. biling, clear mtn lakes 30 yr fixed= 4.250% APR- 4.426% P&I pmt= $1377.43 $419,000. yet close to schools MLS20120827 and shopping Call Duke Warner Jumbo 30 yr = 4.375% APR- 4.583% P&l pmt= $3195.43 $185,000. MLS Realty Dayville at 201404258 541-987-2363 Purchaseprice $350,000,20% down, Loan amount $280,000,30yearfixed. Cascade Realty, Dennis Haniford, Princ. 2 Bedroom, 1 b a t h, Jumbo purchaseprice /value $800,000 — 20% down /equity,$640,000 loan amount. Broker 541-536-1731 1368 sq ft, this creekOffer valid as of 06/13/2013, restrictions may apply.Rates/fees subject to change. OnApproved Credit. side property has so 1.36 Acres In La Pine j many options as ei$264,900 ther a great investor • 1731 sq.ft., 3 bedroom property or p erfect I , I • ' I I'I • Open cathedral great I I s I ' I commercial location room for a variety of uses• Insulated 3-bay shop or as a comfortable • MLS 201306446 and well-maintained Sherry Perrigan, Broker home close to all the downtown c o n veniences. Open living n o ure never atone when were doiny yom E a n and dining a reas, hardwood floors, RV parking with hookup MORRIS and natural gas. ExREAL ESTATE tensively remodeled in %P T the '90s. Easy access IM~ rl y~ ~ Op « 0 / to Madras Hwy/Hwy 16160 SW Dove Rd. M ORTGAG E C O R P O R A T I O N $129,900. 6.1 acre corner lot w/ 126. ¹201309248 access from paved Dennis Clark, Principal Casey NMLs189449 jennifer NMLS 288550 st., power installed, 541-771-8730 terrific mtn. & green Broker, Century 21 v alley views, n e ar CORP OR LIC.tt ML-2421 CORP NMLS tt3113 Steelhead Falls and Gold Country Realty D eschutes Riv e r . Find exactly what $79,900 MLS 201205646 you are looking for in the EQUALHOUSING Juniper Realty 371SW UPPer TerraCe Dr., Suite 1, Bend, OR 97702 CLASSIFIEDS LENDER 541-504-5393


• •


The Garner Group Real Estate Greater client service. Global marketing. Same local owners.


:= -pgli




$3 95 QQQ $8299QQ 1385 NW Fort Clatsop St. • Classic Tudorstyling • Formal living room • Exposedwoodenbeams • Large kitchen,two sinks • Inglenook with gas stove • Priced at$495,000 DIRECTIOIIS:Weston Shevlin Park Rd., left on Mt. Washington Dr., left on NWLemhi Pass 0r., right on NWFortClatsop St.



61080 Ruby Peak Ln. • Master on main level • Loft overlooking stairwell • Front to rear great room • Green building features • Priced at$369,900 DIRECTIONS: South on Brosterhous Rd., left on Marble Mountain Ln., left on Ruby PeakLn.


p eI N T E •


20783 Hollis Ln. • Optional den or formal DR • Enclosed bonus room • Open greatroom plan • Island kitchen • Priced at$329,900 DIRECTIONS: From Parkway exit Reed Market Rd. eastbound, right on SE15th St., right on SEHollis Ln.

1471 NE Hudspeth Rd. • Hand crafted finishes • Formal living room • Cabinets built in place • Heat pumpwith AC • Priced at$289,000 DIRECTIOMS:Eastthrough town on NE 3rd St. (Hwy. 26), left on NEJuniper St., right on NELaughlin Rd., left on NE Hudspeth Rd.

61684 Broken Top Dr. • Vaulted living room • Hardwood floors • Upstairs bonusrooms •Three-car garage • Priced at$779,900 DIRECTIONS:From Mt. Washington Dr., •


enter main gate onBroken TopDr., follow BrokenTop Dr. to the end. Homeia second housefrom the end on the left.

19492 Century Dr. • Striking architecture • 11.5-ft great room ceiling • Master on mamlevel • Frontage roadnewly paved • Priced at$537,900 DIRECTIOMS: From BendParkway, exit

ColoradoAve.westbound, left on SIN Century Dr., continue toward Mt. Bachelor, watch for frontage road onright past Campbell Way.

19956 Brass Dr. • Spacious rooms

„: jol






• Formal LR &DR • Family room w/ fireplace •Tile countertops • Priced at$379,900 DIRECTIONS: South on Brookswood Blvd.,

right on BronzeMeadowLn., continue right on Bronze Meadowat I, left on Brass Dr.

62938 Fresca St. • Fenced entry courtyard • Premium finishes • Open greatroom • Master on main level • Priced at$399,900 DIRECTIONS:North on 0.8. Riley Rd., left on BronzeSt., left on FrescaSt.

1184 Silver Lake Blvd. • Den & bonusroom • Exceptional backyard • Open greatroom • Near OldMill shops • Priced at$379,900 DIRECTIONS:From Parkway, exit Reed Market Rd. westbound, left on SWSilver Lake Blvd.




The Garner Group Real Estate

Reattor of the yeqr

I IRMR1 0f llK NRaenaemt

E4 SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 2014 • THE BULLETIN Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


Ho m es for Sale•




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


Ho m es for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

A LIFE IN Beautiful Custom Home Beautiful home in desir- Beautiful, luxurious 2 BEND PARK Park-like Convenient NE Bend Custom Cra f tsmanC ustom h om e w i t h Deschutes Riverfront j PARADISE! Backs to canyon with able Greens subdivi- bedroom 3 bath 2911 setting. Main dwelling Location - 4 bedroom, Style Home - Large beautiful views in a $499,900 2 Bdrm, 1 bath, 800y access to w a l king sion with golf course sq ft home features plus guest 2.5 bath, 2485 sq ft, 1/4 acre corner lot in desirable location just • 1652 sq.ft. Sq.ft., rustic cottage trails. Large master & c l ubhouse v ery extensive rock exte- house/rental on a to- 0.18 acre lot, fenced SW Redmond. 2200 minutes from town & • 3 bedroom, 2 bath on a 2.99y acre par- suite w it h w a l k-in close! 3 bedroom, 2 rior. Large waterfall in tal of 0 .55y acres. backyard, $259,000. sf home features 3 Tumalo! 3 bedroom, 2 • .57 acre, 160 feet river cel. Come view this closet 8 outdoor deck bath, 1469 sq ft. Ex- f ront yard w it h 3 Main dwelling floors Call Ellen C lough, bedrooms, 3 baths, bath, 1694 sq ft. Pri- frontage a mazing piece o f access. Hickory wood tremely low mainte- ponds. Slate entry, are engineered hard- ABR, CRS, Broker, m aster o n mai n , vate well, 3000 sq ft of • MLS 201403149 thr o ughout nance and move-in cathedral c e i lings, wood in living, dining, 541-480-7180 beautiful custom me- deck with c overed Lisa McCarthy, paradise on the out- floors skirts of R edmond. h ome. Large w i n- ready. Open f l oor walnut floo r ing, & bedrooms. MitsubJohn L. Scott dallion t il e en t ry, area, upgraded cabiBroker, ABR Built on the curve of dows so home shows plan, gas fireplace, hickory cabinets. ex- ishi electric heating 8 Real Estate, Bend granite kitchen nets, custom t rim, 541-419-8639 the Deschutes River, very bright. Custom vaulted ceiling, gran- posed pillars, arched c ooling syst e m . www.johnlscottbend.com counters, slate floors, v aulted mast e r , this p e rfect s m all stone gas fireplace in ite kitchen counters, walkways, d o u ble- Kitchen has fantastic Cherry cab i nets, arched w a l k-ways, home has amazing living room. Jenn-Air new interior/exterior sided see-thru fire- cabinets with Corian stainless appliances, built-in BBQ, p ellet Say "goodbuy" views of the moun- gas cooktop in kitchen paint, tile bathroom place. Beautiful mtn countertops. Adjacent radiant floor h e at, stove, garage/shop to that unused tains and the river. with bay window in counters, bonus room views, ultimate floor- guest house and main media room w/sur- and carport, chicken MORRIS Detached garage has dining area. Large and/or office above ing in garage, wet bar, h ome together f o r round sound, over- coop/dog house & item by placing it in REAL ESTATE $5'I 0,000 a studio-type room formal dining room for garage. New air con- theater room, s u rsized 3-car garage, f lowerbeds w/ d r ip I A ~ m l y yy The Bulletin Classifieds RV parking, and the system. Fully fenced with an extra bath and great get togethers ditioning. $194,000 round-sound speak- MLS¹201309647 shower att a ched. with friends or family. ¹201401863 ers, fenced, sprinkler Bobbie Strome, list goes on! with e lectric g a te. 3-car oversized gaJodi Clark, Principal system. $4 4 4 ,500 Principal Broker $425,000 $337,900. MLS¹ $293,000 ¹20140814 Want to impress the 541-385-5809 MLS¹201309622 rage with RV parking Broker, 541-771-8731 ¹201403611 John L Scott Real 201402637 Jodi Clark, Principal relatives? Remodel Bobbie Strome, in b a ck. L o v ingly Century 21 Jodi Clark,Principal Estate 541-385-5500 John L. Scott Real Broker, 541-771-8731 your home with the Principal Broker maintained by current Gold Country Realty Broker, 541-771-8731 Boulder Brook - 3 bed- Custom Built Home on Estate 541-548-1712 Century 21 help of a professional John L Scott Real owners, this h o me Century 21 69 Acres - 2692 sf, 4 Gold Country Realty room, 2.5 bath, the bed, 3 bath home with Estate 541-385-5500 shows extremely well. Need help fixing stuff? Gold Country Realty from The Bulletin's best of t o wnhouse lots of windows pro¹201403490 Call A Service Professional "Call A Service living! Good classified ads tell $129,000. John L. Scott Real find the help you need. Beautiful P o n derosa MLS¹201405253. Call viding great Cascade Garage Sales Cute & A ffordable Professional" Directory the essential facts in an Estate 541-548-1712 m ountain 8 Sm i t h Estates Home - SE www.bendbulletin.com L. Hannan, PC, Rock views. Only 6 Garage Sales interesting Manner.Write Corner Lot! 3 b e dBend on .49 acre lot, Travis E q u estrian Principal Bro k e r, miles from Redmond. from the readers view - not Beautiful room, 2 bath, close to D esirable SW B e nd 3 bedrooms on main Beautiful like-new home Facility - Custom 3 541-788-3480. Garage Sales the seller's. Convert the 40 acres of flood & schools 8 shopping, Neighborhood - 3 floor, bonus space on spacious corner b edroom, 2 ba t h , Re/Max Land wheel line irrigation. great for first time b edroom, 2 facts into benefits. Show upstairs, wood floors Redmond lot. 3 bdrm/2~/2 bath bat h , 1950 sq ft home on & Homes Real Estate. Find them All set up for cattle home buyer or inves- $49,900. 1485 sq the reader howthe item will 1766 sq. ft . G reat 8 g ranite. Melissa ft, 4.36 acres. Barn, hay tor. $155,000. Call w/cross fences & corhelp them in someway. B eaver, Brok e r , Buildable lot in Wagon in storage and 3 6x36 room floorplan with lot, Charlie or V i rginia, corner rals. Private p ond. 541-350-8685 This Trail Ranch. Almost MLS¹201404474. shop. $38 ; 6,000. gas fireplace, cof The Bulletin Principal Bro k e r, Teresa John L. Scott an acre, stick built or Seclusion 8 privacy + advertising tip fered and 9' ceilings. Brown, Broker, MLS¹201400240. 541-350-3418 wildlife on this propReal Estate, Bend Classifieds manufactured, brought to you by 541-788-8661 New stainless appli www.johnlscottbend.com Call Candy Yow, Redmond Re/Max Land e rty $560 0 0 0 private little Deschutes ances incuding fridge. John L. Scott 541-410-3193 ¹201301950 & Homes Real Estate. The Bulletin 541-385-5809 access,community Upgraded tile Real Estate, Bend yyy iyg yyyt I oreyyy yhcy lyyyy Duke Warner Realty John L. Scott Real TheBulletin clubhouse and throughout. H i ckory www.johnlscottbend.com 541-382-8262 Estate 541-548-1712 swimming pool. Aspen Rimj $489,900 To Subscribe call h ardwood floors i n Look at: Faye Phillips, • 3056 sq.ft. Renaishall, kitchen and din 541-385-5800 or go to sance built Bendhomes.com ing. Near Pine Nurs www.bendbulletin.com Broker 541-480-2945 John L. Scott • 4 bedroom, 3 bath ery Park. $278,000. for Complete Listings of • Chef's kitchen, outReal Estate, Bend Text V I E W7872TOBeautiful Area Real Estate for Sale Sunr i ver door stone FP 878787 then call Tina Home - Exceptional www.johnlscottbend. • MLS 201402046 com Beautiful Family Home- Roberts, Bro k e r, quality & detail, being Matt Robinson, Broker 4 bedroom, 3 bath on 541-419-9022 sold furnished. Must Canyon C r eek, 13 541-977-5811 over 4 acres. Double Total Property see! Call John Stem- Acres - View elk and attached plus doubled Resources b ridge, Brok e r , deer from your living detached garage and room with breathtak541-601-8881 large shop. Beautiful Beautiful Lodge style John L. Scott ing views of Canyon estate. 5 a res with yard, country living M tn from t his s e Real Estate, Bend close to town, Cascade Mt. views, MORRIS www.johnlscottbend.com cluded, newer 5 bed5398 sq.ft., 6 bdrm, 4 $465,000. REAL ESTATE room, 3 bath home MLS¹201304219 bath, 3200 sq.ft. shop Beautiful Views - Enjoy nestled in the timber. Call Candy Yow, w/ large office, 24'x36' summer in this beau- 3 acres irrigated and 541-410-3193 barn, 4 acres irriga- tiful TURN THE PAGE ga r age/ cabin in Oregon detached Duke Warner Realty tion. Granite, Traver$39 9 ,999. Water W o nderland shop. For More Ads 541-382-8262 tine, marble finishes. MLS¹201305978 with your own dock Shelly Arnold, The Bulletin Call Duke Warner Beautiful Harney Broker 541-771-9329 and canal leading to Dayville, County Home on 40 the Deschutes River. John L. Scott Awbrey Butte j 541-987-2363 Acres - Wide open $340,000. Real Estate, Bend $700,000 views from this cus- www.johnlscottbend. Call Terry Skjersaa, Canyon Creek - Execu• 3129 sq.ft. Craftsman 541-383-1426 tom 3 b e droom, 2 • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath com t ive home o n t i m bath, 2384 sq ft home MLS¹201403452 bered acres just south • Coffered ceilings, built in 2006. Open Duke Warner Realty Beautiful Log Home in of John Day. 3 bedwooden archways floor plan with hard541-382-8262550 CRR $370,000. 3 • MLS 201402203 room, 2.5 bath, 2801 wood floors, vaulted oversized bedrooms, ft, bonus room, Michelle Tisdel PC, ceilings, s u n room, 2.5 bathrooms, 2060 Bend Park - 3 bed, 2 sq loads of storage and Broker, ABR, E-pro attached garage and bath, 2114y sf home sq ft, several out541-390-3490 gar a ge. s o m u c h mo r e . buildings, main floor in park-like setting. attached $419,000. $345,000. Main dwelling plus m aster Ko i p o n d. MLS¹20130408. Call Duke Warner guest house/rental on MLS¹201402993 Call Duke Warner Realty Dayville, Call Jeanne Scharlund, a total of 0.55 acre. Dayville, 541-987-2363 The 1440 N E 1 0 th 541-420-7978 541-987-2363 MLS¹201401285 MORRIS dwelling has e n g iCentral Oregon Realty REAL ESTATE neered ha r dwood Cascade Views j Group, LLC Beautiful Home in Asfloors in living, dining l~ ~ ~ yyy m 1 $425,000 pen Rim - Beautifully 8 bedrooms; Mitsub- • 2736 sq.ft. Iog home BANK OWNED /PRE appointed R e n ais-Beautiful log home on 3 ishi electric heat & • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath LISTING. 3.4 acres, 3 sance home in Aspen acres. 1718 sq.ft., 2 cool system (along • 4.49 acres, backs •> s • s se • Rim! Spacious home b drm, 1 b a th, d e - with bdrm, 2.5 bath, + 2 other heating op- state land 28x50 bonus rooms, granite with plenty of room for tached RV tions); and fantastic • MLS 201401158 counters, tile f l oor, f amily, g uests o r garage/shop, w/ C o rian Patti Geraghty, Broker bdrm+ office on main home office. 4 bdrm, storage, full hookup, cabinets 541-948-5880 ountertops i n t h e level, 2810 sq.ft., built 2.5 bath. $499,900. park setting, 1 build- c kitchen. Adj a cent able lo t. MLS in 2002, 1764 sq.ft. MLS¹201402991 guest house 8 main ¹201404378. shop w/full g u est Call Debbie McCune, $279,900. Pam h ome together f o r Principal Broker quarters. Pam Lester, S S A P Lester, Principal Bro- $510,000. • I g Principal Bro k e r, ReMax Key MLS¹201309647 ker, Century 21 Gold MORRIS Properties. C entury 2 1 Gol d John L. Scott Real Country Realty, Inc. 541-647-0052 Cell REAL ESTATE Country Realty, Inc. Estate 541-548-1712 541-504-1338 541-504-1338 541-728-0033 Office ~ y~ ~ ~ d •












Excellent Service... 'eyf





• 3bd + 2.5 ba,mastermain,den/4th bedroom • Canyon & pond views • .2 Iac w ith fenced yard • Brazilian cherry wood floors • Great location, SW Redmond • theresaramsay @johnlscott.com

Theresa Ramsay, Broker 54I -8 I 5-4442 'yf


• 40 acresw ith39 irrigated • 7851 SF custom ICF built home • Chef'skitchen isentertainer'sdream • Guest quarters,3 bedroom apr. • Pr!vate well • 20x60 shop with 14x60 covered area

Candice Anderson, Broker 54I -788-8878


'. '

' yl

$6I 9,000

jjljjll II I,,' ' %




i l '

• .48 acre lot

• Oversized 2-car Garage Danielle Snow, Broker 54 l-306-I0I 5

' I y

,. f j

• 3 bdrms,2.5 baths,2584 SF • Cherryfloors,custom aldercabinetry,tile • Gas fireplace, bonus room, stone pillar • Fenced yard, large patio • Close to schools, medical & shopping • www.johnlscott.com/24245

Peggy Lee Combs, Broker 54I-480-7653 •




l l

• Awbrey Glen • 3 bedrooms,3.5 baths • Views of 2nd fairway • Traditional Craftsman design






• 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, plus office • 3148 SF with bonus room • 1.30 acres, quiet hillside location • Travertine, bamboo hardwood floors • Red oak cabinets,granite counters • Custom built in 2011 • www.johnlscott.com/10043 Gregg Hayden,Principal Broker 54 l-390-6 I39

5 fenced acres /4 acres irrigation 5398 SF,6 bedrooms,4 baths 3200 SF 3-story shop 24'x36' barn with loft Granite, travertine,marble finishes 2 heat pumps,2 bonus rooms www.johnlscott.com/96070 Shelley Arnold, Broker 54I-77 I-9329



l y

t t '

l l

• 3 bedrooms,2.5 baths

• 4 bed,3.5 bath • 1988 SF

• Master on main level

• 2 master suites, one on main level • Stainless steel appliances • Large deck off kitchen, gas fireplace

• 2588 SF • Parking for RV & Boat • Stainless steel appliances • www.johnlscott.com/22342

• $3000 carpet allowance • wwwjohnlscott.com/65895

fyfaralin Baidenmann,Broker 54I-325-I096


$I 30,000




M aralinBaidenmann, Broker 54 I-325-I096




Priority Home Lendlny, LLC.

! • NLS 20!401805 • 6.85 acres • Near Brasada • Panoramic Cascade views Gary Fiebick, Principal Broker 54I-390-I602

• Peace & quiet on this .28 acre lot • Easy drive from Cottonwood • This is a flat lot with pines • www.johnlscott.com/73915

Susarma Robinson,Broker 54 I-5I0-8039

CHARLES "CHARLIE" SANFORD Home Mortgage Consultant Branch Manager Nfv j iLS403898 Direct: 541.693.8786

• 3 bedroom,2 bath, mobile only • Open floor plan,vaulted ceilings • Fenced backyard with shed • Community park & clubhouse • Landscaped, sprinklers & carport • www.johnlscott.com/33076

Cell: 54'!.788.8870 csanfordOprioritylending.com vvvvvv.CSanfovvf.net

Kathy Denning, Broker 54I-480-4429

• '




To PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 745

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

• H o mes for Sale •



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Detroit Lake - Perfect Extremely rare opportu- Great home in very de- J ust Completed - 3 Like new and vacant, 2 for entertaining or just n ity to own a s e - sirable location at the bedroom, 2.5 b ath, bdrm, 2 bath, 1262 enjoying the q uiet. cluded 40-acre farm in base of Pilot Butte. 3 1 510 sq f t h o m e. sq.ft., built in 2001, This lake retreat has Bend with 29 acres of bedroom 1 bath 1050 Great room floor plan very clean, well cared room for you, your i rrigation an d j u s t sq ft. Extensive cus- with laminate wood for home on corner toys and all your fam- minutes from Costco! tom tile work includ- floors, crown molding lot, island k itchen, ily or 50 of your clos- 2 houses, rustic barn/ ing granite tile kitchen throughout. Nice pantry, double gaest friends! 3 bdrm, 4 4 covered stalls, tack and bath countertops master with full mtn rage, central air, rain b aths, 3300 s q f t . room, corral, large and backsplash, cus- views. $219,900. gutters, large deck. shop with 12-ft roll-up tom t i l e flo o ring Call Jaynee Beck, MLS ¹ 20 1 405419. $525,000 541-480-0988 MLS¹201308216 door & attached ga- t hroughout most o f $127,000. Call Pam Call Debbie McCune, rage, al l fa r ming home, large pantry MLS¹201401864 Lester, Principal BroPrincipal Broker equipment included back deck, f enced Duke Warner Realty ker, Century 21 Gold ReMax Key w/acceptable o ffer. yard. Extensive park541-382-8262 Country Realty, Inc. 541-504-1338 Properties. Extensive wil d life, ing w it h d e tached 541-647-0052 Cell COID canal behind 2-car g a rage/shop, Knock your socks 541-728-0033 Offi ce h ouse, f e nced & attached 1 car g aoff views! Need to get an ad cross-fenced with 4 rage 8 carport, RV •38 acres, irrigated separate p a stures. parking. $ 2 18,500.•Beautiful 2600 s q .ft. in ASAP? Tick, Tock ¹201310366 $635,000 home ¹201402376 Jodi Clark, Principal • 120x64 barn with shop Tick, Tock... Jodi Clark,Principal Broker, 541-771-8731 and stalls Fax it to 541-322-7253 Broker, 541-771-8731 Century 21 ...don't let time get •20 minutes to Bend Century 21 Gold Country Realty www.johnlscott.com/74 The Bulletin Classifieds away. Hire a Gold Country Realty 510 professional out H o m e on Jean Nelsen, Broker Like new immaculate French Style river view Great 541-420-3927 Home w/River-Bank Close-in Small Acreof The Bulletin's home. 4 Bdrm, 3.5 John L. Scott Setting! Exquisite ac- age - Perfect location "Call A Service bath, 2237 sq.ft., dbl Real Estate, Bend coutrements: Granite, just east of town, 3 mtn views, Professional" hardwood, m a rble, bedroom, 2.5 b a th www.johnlscottbend.com garage, hardwood floors, tile tile, Venetian plaster, home is 3897 sq ft Directory today! counters, masstone & st a i nless. with all of the bed- Large triple wide home, ter bdrm,huge on main, W ood-burning f i r erooms on the main 3 bdrm, 2 bath, dbl Down a Country Lane, and formal place, top line appli- l evel. Private lot i s 3+ acre, fenced with car garage. Family dining-room. MLS 2.19 acres with large ances, metal c l ad irrigation and barn. 3 room, living r oom, ¹201404328. shop . Warm Bdrm, 2 bath. Offered windows and so much detached inviting colors. $229,500. Call Pam $615,000. more! Listen to the Large covered patio Lester, Principal Broat $449,000. Call Kris Warner, tranquil ripple of the Cate Cushman, area. Big mtn. views. ker, Century 21 Gold 541-480-5365 river below. while enNear the golf course Country Realty, Inc. Principal Broker MLS¹201404757 joying this Exquisite 541-480-1884 and firehall. Come 541-504-1338 Duke Warner Realty home. $65 9 ,000. enjoy everything the www.catecushman.com 541-382-8262 MLS20'I404694. ranch has to offer. Like New - Located on Drake Park Neighbor- Nancy Popp, Principal Priced to sell. MLS a dead end street, 3 hood - Feel the hisBroker 541-815-8000 Home Sweet Home - 3 201405066. b edroom, 1.5 b a t h tory in t hi s s tately Crooked River Realty b edroom, 2 bat h , $249,900. Call Linda refurbished home on home on a beautiful Go On Vacation! 5 bed- 1208 sq ft home in Lou Day-Wright. large lot. Plenty of RV double lot. Short stroll room home in Sunri- quiet n eighborhood. 541- 771-2585 Crooked parking, fenced, landto downtown or Mirror ver. G r eat River Realty scaped, priced right! r e n tal Large master bedPond. $968,000. $259,900. h isotry. Enjoy t h e room, open l i ving Call Kit Korish, SHARC pool and all room and a nice back Lava Ridges - Great MLS¹201404023 541-480-2335 Call Carolyn Emick, that Sunriver offers. d eck to e n joy t h e neighborhood, comMLS¹201402653 541-419-0717. summer days. munity pool, stainless $399,000. Duke Warner Realty Duke Warner Realty $185,000. Call Jacquie Sebulsky appliances, p r ivate 541-382-8262 541-382-8262 MLS¹201403962 at 541-280-4449 or yard. Call Jim King, Call Brook Criazzo, Michele Anderson at Principal Bro k e r, Elegant, Private LivingLike New, Upgraded 541-550-8408 or 541-633-9760. 541-693-8761 Immaculately deHome - 3 bedroom, Aubre Cheshire, MLS201310062 John L. Scott signed an d m a i n2.5 bath in Crescent 541-598-4582 Warner Realty Real Estate, Bend tained 3 bedroom, 2.5 Duke Creek. C o mpletely Duke Warner Realty 541-382-8262 www.johnlscottbend.com b ath home sits o n upgraded throughout. 541-382-8262 0.96 acres on Awbrey Hickory floors & cabiWhat are you Butte. Spacious floor nets, slate and SS LAZY RIVER SOUTH I ncredible Cus t o m plan is perfect for enlooking for? emodeled 3535 y appliances, $219,000. Home on Acreage- RSq.ft. tertaining. $735,000. Call Candy Yow, with 4 You'll find it in This home is made bdrm +home Call Terry Skjersaa, 541-410-3193. office and 3 541-383-1426. MLS The Bulletin Classifieds with love and custom baths. Master bath MLS¹201402864 f eatures m eve r y 201402446 large jetted tub & Duke Warner Realty room. Looking f or with Duke Warner Realty 541-382-8262 new tile shower. Melodge-style home sur541-382-8262 room, family room, 541-385-5809 rounded by w i ldlife dia Live in Redmond's fah uge kitchen w i t h Enjoy dramatic views of Great home in the heart this is it. 4 bedroom, handcrafted cabinets vorite neighborhood, the Crooked River of town, with updated 2.5 bath, $899,900. 8 granite counters, Canyon Rim Village. Canyon while perched interior within the past Call Candy Yow, With 3 bedrooms, 2.5 walk-in pantry, suncliff-side where the 4 years. 3 bedroom, 2 541-410-3193 room with hot t ub. baths, 2429 sq ft, this eagles fly. 3 bedroom, bath 1232 sq ft home MLS 201304445 home Home has cedar eves desirable 2.5 bath, 3000 sq ft., features newer carpet, Duke Warner Realty with copper accents. boasts an awesome 541-382-8262 impressive c ustom- paint, stainless steel floor plan, including E xterior siding o n b uilt log h ome & kitchen a p pliances, the master suite on home, garages & unique barn with a water heater, heat In the Path of Progress storage bldg have just the main floor and little Dutch flair. Large pump with air condi- in Prineville City Lim- been painted. Watch extensive upgrades deck and maintained t ioning, d ec k w i t h its - 3 bdrm, 2 bath the wildlife from the throughout. Slate tile, grounds. Pri v a te covered patio. Good home on 1.29 acres wrap-around deck or hardwood floors, cofstreet away from traf- location with easy ac- zoned R2 (can be split go to your private ac- fered ceilings, gas fic and noise. The cess to all parts of into more lots). Across c ess to 300y ft o f fireplace, h i g h-end many upgr ades town. Perfect invest- from State Park and 2 Little Deschutes River window t reatments, throughout the home ment property, ten- minutes to Meadow frontage for fishing, extensive landscap& great floor plan ants want to sign at Lakes Golf Course. swimming or floating. ing. Attention to detail make this home a least a 2-year lease. $70,000 shines inside & out! MLS $495,000 winner! $649,000. $117,500 $292,000 20142793 MLS¹¹201309267 ¹201305070 ¹201306626 ¹201403977 Pam Lester, Principal Bobbie Strome, Dennis Clark, Principal Dennis Clark, Principal Jodi Clark, Principal Broker, Century 21 Principal Broker Broker, 541-771-8730 Broker, 541-771-8730 Broker, 541-771-8731 Gold Country Realty, John L Scott Real Century 21 Century 21 Century 21 Inc. 541-504-1338 Estate 541-385-5500 Gold Country Realty Gold Country Realty Gold Country Realty

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To receive your FREECLASSiFiED AD, call 541-385-5809 or visit The Bulletin office at: 1777 SWChandler Ave. (on Bends west side) *OI!erallowsfor 3lines0! textonly. Excludesall service,hay,wood,pets/animals, plants,tickets,weapons,rentals andemployment advertising, andall commercial accounts. Mustbeanindividual itemunder$200.00andprice 0!individual itemmust beincludedinthead. Ask yourBulletin SalesRepresentativeaboutspecial pricing,longerrunschedulesandadditional features. um!I I adperitemper 30daysto besold.

E6 SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 2014 • THE BULLETIN Homes for Sale


• H o mes for Sale •

Homes for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Private Sanctuary on Redmond 16.25 Acres Remodeled Contempo- Rivers Edge Village j Deschutes River - 70+ rary Style - Located in j $795,000 $610,000 acres on the Big Des- • Prime development the Old Mill District, 4 • 3125 sq.ft. c hutes R iver w i t h parcel b edroom, 3 bat h , •3 bedroom + offi ce, Cascade M o untain• Utilities on site 2098 sq ft. $330,000. 3.5 bath v iews. 5000+ sq f t • 2139 sq.ft. Iog home Call Aubre Chesire, • Beautiful .37 acre lot log-style home fea- • MLS 201404039 541-598-4583 or • MLS 201402483 tures 40x40 g r eat Lisa Campbell, Broker Brook Criazzo at Rosemary Goodwin, 541-550-8408, room, 2 master suites 541-419-8900 Broker, Certified on main level, gourMLS¹201403010 Negotiator met kitchen, u nfinDuke Warner Realty 541-706-1897 ished rooms in a day541-382-8262550 light basement. Triple car garage with storMORRIS River Rim j $495,000 age above. A t ruly REAL ESTATE • 3000 sq.ft. beautiful pr o perty! I&~ dy~ ~ d y d MORRIS • 4 bedroom, 3 bath $1,395,000. REAL ESTATE • .22acre, fenced yard MLS¹201404855 • MLS 201405476 I~ ~ d dd mB Find exactly what Ainslie Reynolds, Langhaim, Broker Principal Broker you are looking for in the Greg541-316-5903 Need to get an ReMax Key CLASSIFIEDS Properties. ad in ASAP? 541-410-1054 Cell You can place it 541-728-0033 Offi ce Red Rock R anch Spectacular setting online at: Rare Metolius River- with view of the CasMORRIS www.bendbulletin.com front property with c ades an d S m i th REAL ESTATE cabin in Camp Sher- Rock. 79.56 acres, 541-385-5809 63.2 acres of irrigaman, w/paved roads. 1 bdrm, 1 bath plus tion. 3502 sq ft 4 bedloft, sleeps 6, granite room, 2.5 bath home USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Room for EveryoneS pacious home i n counters, huge deck, including guest quarEagle's Landing. 3 u nobstructed r i v e r ters. Great h o rse Door-to-door selling with views & access. Fully barn, hay barn & out- fast results! It's the easiest bedroom, 2~/~ bath, 2387 sq ft. Offered at furnished. $399,000. door arena. $824,000. way in the world to sell. Call Kris Warner, $335,500. MLS 201402947 Cate Cushman, Pam Lester, Principal 541-480-5365 The Bulletin Classified MLS ¹201402156 Principal Broker Broker, Century 21 541-480-1884 Gold Country Realty, Duke Warner Realty 541 485-5809 541-382-8262 www.catecushman.com Inc. 541-504-1338 •


• H o mes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Room for Family and Single Level in Stone- Spacious and afford- Spectacular home on Hobbies. Large .48 hedge - Roomy home able living! 2 b e dacreage. acre fenced lot with on large lot with open room, 2.6 bath, 1416 •SE Bend on 4.81 acres plenty of r oom f or floor plan, vaulted liv- sq ft home has gas - $519,900 your family and their ing room plus a fam- fireplace, vaulted ~ 4 Bdrm, 3 b a t h & hobbies. Living room ily room. Kitchen fea- ceilings, slate in the den/office main, with 2 skylights. Fam- tures pl e nt y of guest bathroom and •M aster o n ily room has a gas cabinetry, eating tiled cou n tertops. triple-car garage & f ireplace w it h ti l e counter, large pantry, Master bedroom has barn/shop hearth and surround. dining area with ac- private access to the www.johnlscott.com/45 Seller will give credits cess to the huge back o utside an d l a r ge 436 for new dishwasher deck. Master bedbathroom with plenty Kellie Cook, Broker 541-408-0463 and a new range/oven room separated from of closet space. Great at close of escrow 2 a d ditional b e d - floor plan includes a John L. Scott (CLA). Storage build- rooms. 2 offices or double attached gaReal Estate, Bend ing and dig pen in- hobby rooms. Land- rage. Large patio over www.johnlscottbend.com cluded. The home has scaped front & back the garage is w ell fresh interior paint. with fenced backyard shaded in the after- Call The Bulletin At MLS ¹ 20 1 4 04338 and lots of trees for noon for entertaining. 541-385-5809 $325,000. privacy. Forced air $119,900 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Bobbie Strome, gas with central air ¹201404958 Principal Broker conditioning. Dennis Clark, Principal At: www.bendbulletin.com John L Scott Real $199,900 Broker, 541-771-8730 Estate 541-385-5500 ¹ 201310177 Century 21 Spectacular Views j John L. Scott Real Gold Country Realty $1,589,000 Check out the Estate 541-548-1712 • 10 acres, 8 mountain classifieds online views www.bendbnffetin.com • 8000 sq.ft. home Spacious HomeUpdated daily bedroom, 2.5 bath, • 5 bedroom, 6 bath Where can you find a 3 2207 sq ft on .19 acre • MLS 201401911 RV Parking! Large Lot! helping hand? corner lot, tile kitchen Karin Johnson, Broker 3 bedroom, 2 bath 541-639-6140 From contractors to c ountertops, l a rge home, Northeast side bedrooms. B arbara yard care, it's all here of town. MLS Jackson, Bro k e r, 201405258; in The Bulletin's 541-306-8186 $185,000. Call Don "Call A Service John L. Scott Chapin, Broker, Real Estate, Bend MORRIS Professional" Directory www.johnlscottbend.com 541-350-6777. REAL ESTATE Redmond Re/Max Land & Homes Real Estate.


S TUNNING Widg i Creek sign ature home! 3 bdrm, 3 bath, 3281 sq. ft., Master with fireplace a nd gym, vaulted ceilings, maple inlaid f l oor magnificent rock wall fireplace, s p acious light kitchen, central island eating bar seating for 6., Tile roof, pavered drive-

way, triple garage w /storage. Dec k s overlooking 11th Tee, and lake, and private fenced pavered deck. $ 797,500. Pami r Properties, Inc., Mara Stein, Broker 541-420-3400.

BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Call 541-385-5809 www.bendbuffetin.com

The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon since ydtd


I Ls i l

Fabulous home, completely updated inside and out, dream kitchen, master on main, 4 bedrooms, 3559 NW Braid Drive 3.5 baths plus office with Directions: Mt. Washington to closet. Formal dining, Putnam, le ft on Champion, right private, flat backyard aod on Braid best garage in Bend.


Hosted 6 Listed by: BETH DAVIES Broker

R E A t. Y 0 R S

541-480-5758 •




SAT. R SUN. 12PM - 4PM

Personality & charm greet you! Covered front porch, mature landscaping. Single level, 4 bedroom, 3 bath Craftsman home. Vaulted 1600 NWAlbany ceiling, great room plan, hardwood floors. Blg Directioosr/y/W GaluesronArye, left corner lot. First time for on 14th St, r/ght on Albany Aoe. resale. MLS¹201405356

• I



Principal Broker





541-420-2950 R E A L


l • •

• ~



R 8

• • '

l •


4 •


• ~





I. T 0 R s



starting in the low

more information and plans.



Real Estate


Come by the model home for


Pr/ncipal Broker


Homes starung m the Iow $200,000s. Brand new homes in Bend with the quality Pahlisch is known for stainless steel appliances, laminate wood floors, solid surface Chroma q u artz counters (even in baths) with 20781 NE Comet I.ane under-mount stainless steel sink in kitchen, extra attention Directions: North on Boyd Acres, given to allow for tons of Right on Siena, Ie fi on Black Powder, natural light a much more. Right on Cometlane.Lookfor signs.

Hosted & Listed by: RHIANNA KUNKLER




Charmingdaylight basem ent home offer s3bedrooms,Ibathsin 2136 sq. ft. Oak and tile floors, new carpet with updatedbathrooms& kitchen including aII appliances. Newer wood stove and forced air gas furnacekeepyour home 81 SE Cessna Street warm& cozy.Outside entranceto Directions;Bear CreekRoad, south of roundabordl ro 81sEcessna finished basem ent with bedroom, bath & family room adds Io $245,000 possibilities!Upperlevel deck plus patio for BBQsenjoyed is nicely lands caped yard.Be the FIRST to see thishome!

Homes Starting Mid-$200s

HOSted & LiSted byr


SAT. 8r. SUN. 12:OOPM - 5:OOPM

Popular Pahlisch Homes community featuring resort-like amenities: pools, clubhouse, gym, hot Golden GatePlace, Bend tub, sports center, 5 miles 2IW78 SE of walking trails. Tour a 1NtectionsrFrom theparkway, east variety of single level and on ReedNar/ret, south on 15th, then 2 story plans. follon signs,


HOSted & LiSted byd





• ~


• 9


• ~




l •

* y

'fill ~PR~ 2989 NE HOPE - $299,900 • 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths • Bonus Room • Hardwood Floors

W ' ' ~"lgg n d.m


2998 Rainier Dr - $259,900

2750 Great Horned Place - $264,900



Home will be similar to home pictured.

Home will be similar to home pictured.

• One Level • 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths

• Master On Main • 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths

• 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths • Bonus Room Upstairs

•' l l l

J •

3 Bedrooms • 2 Baths 1460 Sq Ft • Va ulted Ceilings •

• • • •

2 Car Garage with Shop Area CentralAjr Fully Fenced

Rachel Kahler, Broker 541-815-3658

• • • •

COMING SOON Home will be similar to home pictured.

• • • •

3 Beds, 2 Baths

Open Floor plan Fenced and Treed 1Acre Lot

Extra Wide 2 Car Garage Dianne Middle, Broker 541-480-9172


3 Beds, 2.5 Baths, + Office

Open Floor Plan Mountain Views

Alley Access 2 Car Garage Rachel Kahler, Broker 541-815-3658

.I }

$109,250 • 24865 Elk Lane, Bend 97701 • 3 Beds, 2 Baths • 1026 Square ft • 4. 9 Acres • 6150 Square Ft • 6 Bedrooms • 4.5 Baths

• 2.4 Acres • Gated Community • Huge Mountain Views

Central Oregon Living at jts Finest.... Custom built luxury. Recently updated inside & out.. 300 manicured acres of common irrigated acres surrounded by National Forest. Community Clubhouse, Stables, Indoor and 2 outdoor riding arenaS, paddOCks,RV/BOat StOrage COmpOund, and muCh more. Only 2 miles west of Sisters. Fire Wise neighborhood with highest rating. Possible owner carry. Please Call Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107 •

$102,414 •1M4 Hackett Df, LaPine • 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 Baths • 1782 Sq Ft • • • • •

2852 Square Ft 4 Bedrooms, 2.5 Bath Granite Counters Hard Wood FIOOrS Luxurious Master Suite with Gas Fireplace and Private Patio


PleaSeCallDOnna R8mSay, Principal Broker 541-420-6267

Please Call Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107 •




$• •

$134,473 • 16326 Carrington Ave, Bend, 97707 • 3 Beds, 2 Baths• 1404 Square Ft• 1.17 Acres Please Vjsjt HUDHomstore.com for more Info and availability.

• Triple Car Garage

• •

$102,838 • 52674 SE Ammon Rd, LaPine • 4 Beds, 2 Baths • 1728 Square ft








$• 5


@NLS„, „.



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

S unburst Park - I m The Davis, NW Red- Timber Ridge Remodel Turn-Key C r aftsmanUnder a Mile to Old Mill West Hills. 4 Bdrm, 3.5 West Side Cottage - 2 Wonderful Home SW Redmond j maculate single level $374,900 mond 3 bdrm (den or Park-like setting, 2 Br, 2 Home - Located in $209,900. 3 Bedbath, in 4040y sq.ft., bedroom located one Plenty of privacy and • 3540 sq.ft. 4th bdrm), 2d/2 bath, bth, liv rm, din rm, fam rm, one o f P r i neville's room, 2.5 bath, 1504 delightful w e s tside block from the Des- room to park your RV. 3bd, 2ba, 1630 sq ft home on nearly 0.46 • 4 bedroom, 3 bath 1929 sq f t . h o me. bonus rm,lg pvt deck, premiere n e ighbor- sq ft., great room with home with panoramic chutes River, 3 blocks Wraparound deck has acre featuring pan- •Ochoco & & Smith Open great r oom,Open 1-4 Sat-Sun6/21-22 hoods. This h o me fireplace, 2-car ga- C ascade an d c i t y from Drake Park foot- just been restained 20411 Mainline Rd. oramic Cas c a de Rock views tons of cabinet space features a great room rage with alley ac- views on a spacious bridge. Corner l ot. and is ready for en$335,000 by owner. views. Rear yard is • MLS 201402758 in kitchen, 2nd floor layout, kitchen pantry, cess. Call Ed Green, lot with high desert Detached garage. It's tertaining and relax970-430-1 503 fully fenced; includes Lester Friedman PC, laundry rm, $289,900. stainless appliances, Broker, 541-598-5666 natural landscaping. all a bout l o cation! ing. 3 b e droom, 2 a paved RV parking Broker, ABR,CSP, ¹ 201307047. Jim formal dining room John L. Scott Two gas fireplaces, $329,900. bath, 1745 s q ft. Top of the world views site with (2)-30-amp EPRO, S.T.A.R. Hinton, 541-420-6229 main floor master & Real Estate, Bend one in living room and MLS¹201403862 $205,000 plug-ins & a sewage 541-330-8491 Central Oregon Realty of the Cascade Mtns upstairs master suite. www.johnlscottbend.com one in master bedCall Larry Jacobs, MLS¹201404961 on 4.5 very private 2 downstairs guest 541-480-2329. dump. Great room is Group, LLC room. Master bedCallJasen Chavez, acres, backing miles b edrooms, vaulted and light & do w n -Views of Smith Rock - 3 room has c offered Duke Warner Realty 541-891-5446 b edroom, 2 bat h , of public lands! 2 bright with a woodNeed help fixing stuff? stairs guest bathroom, ceiling and slider to 541-382-8262 Duke Warner Realty 1431 sq ft home on bat h , bonus room, utility stove (also plumbed upper deck with hot 541-382-8262 Call A Service Professional b edroom, 2 a c r es . Thi s tub. Master bath has 1 562 sq f t , c o m - r oom w / sink, a t - 6 .9 for gas if a g aslog find the help you need. MORRIS well-maintained home pletely remodeled in fireplace is desired). tached double garage, deep soak tub, large Woodlands Golf www.bendbulletin.com REAL ESTATE has multiple outbuild- t iled s h ower a n d Whispering Pines. 3 2011 including very central gas heat & Kitchen & utility room Course; open great IA~ A d y~ ~ ~ d ings and room for double sinks. Great bdrm, 2 bath property room with mountain new laminate wood are also plumbed for heat pump. Fenced, The Highlands - Gated, flooring in the living horses. room is light and airy has complete perim- and lake views, 4 gas, if that is your Terrango Glen. 4 Bdrm, m ountain views. 2 s prinkled 8 nic e ly your with expansive city eter fencing and is bdrm, 6 bath, 5,096 preference for cook- 2 bath, 1501 sq.ft. on 10-acre parcels. Of- room k itchen, cus- landscaped backyard $349,500. MLS¹201403555 t om tiled b aths 8 ing or clothes drying. .2 acre. Light and fered at $550,000. w/excellent privacy & and Cascade views. neat and well main- s q.ft., o ffered a t Duke Warner Realty natural wood accents large patio, RV parkJenn-Air range, May- bright single level in Kitchen is efficiently tained with trees and $1,195,000. Cate Cushman, 541-382-8262 throughout. Loft third ing along with interior t ag r e frigerator 8 laid out with granite shrubs. Home has Cate Cushman, Principal Broker Terrango Glen. Corguest room or den Amana d i shwasher ner lot with beautiful & e x t erior p a i nt.West Hills - 4 bd, 3.5 ba tile counters, newer been lightly lived in Principal Broker 541-480-1884 makes the open floor 541-480-1884 were installed in 2007. front yard landscap- www.catecushman.com $269,900. p a n t ry and has a wonderful in 4040y sf delighfful appliances plan w it h v a u lted ¹201400977 Large walk-in pantry ing, incl. trees, shrubs and hardwood floorwww.catecushman.com sunroom and appealwestside home. Pantoo! MLS¹ 201401439 and plants. L arge The Ridge at E a gle ceilings work for all of John L. Scott Real oramic Cascade & city ing. Triple garage with ing floor plan with living n eeds. Estate 541-548-1712 $317,300. fenced rear yard with Crest. Perfect vaca- your views on spacious lot. Ultimate floor. Wired l arge d eck, s h o p Take care of Bobbie Strome, tion getaway. 1822 $167,900 2 gas fireplaces, 1 in for security system. building is a p prox. Trex deck and paver ¹201400568 Principal Broker Wired for stereo with 4000 sq.ft. w/ 4 12x12 your investments sq.ft. home, 3 bdrm, patio just a w aiting living rm, 1 in master Jodi Clark, Principal The Bulletin John L Scott Real s peakers on m a i n d oors and a m a n with the help from 2.5 bath, w/triple tanyour final t ouches. b edroom that f e a Broker, 541-771-8731 Estate 541-385-5500 To Subscribe call Hardiplank siding and dem garage, open tures coffered ceiling floor i n 4 zo n e s. door. The is a comCentury 21 The Bulletin's 541-385-5800 or go to 8 slide to upper deck 5-zone heating sys- plete office w/bath, gutters. Large great living space with lots Gold Country Realty Super Nice & Quiet NW room has a gas fire- of windows to enjoy www.bendbulletin.com w/hot tub. Light 8 airy tem. Two levels of ce- r ec, k i tchen a n d "Call A Service Redmond Property - 3 place with tile sur- the s unrises. M LS Tumalo Home/Views! j great room, efficiently d ar d e cking p l u s m eeting roo m i n - Professional" Directory b edroom, 2 bat h , round and attractive ¹201404270. laid o u t kit c h en paver patio. Plumbed cluded in the 4000 $615,000 1 576 sq f t o n 2 . 8 wood mantel. Four $339,222. Call P am • 4 bedroom, Ultimate Home - 5 bed- w/granite c o unters, in humidification sys- sq.ft. This property is 3.5 bath, $599, 0 00 a must preview, must acres. Beautiful, ma- bdrm so one could Lester, Principal Broroom, 6 bath with of- newer a p pliances, tem. 2606 sq.ft. see facility. The shop ture landscaping and easily be a den or of- ker, Century 21 Gold • 6.4 fice, family room, rec pantry & h a rdwood MLS¹ 201301639 acres Bobbie Strome, yard. 48x24 2-bay in- fice. This is definitely Country Realty, Inc. • Huge Cascade and dwelling h ave Northwest Bend Homes room and 2 master flooring. Triple gaPrincipal Broker separate electric sulated & heated shop a must preview home. 541-504-1338 suites. Other features rage w/ultimate floor. Mountain views & 220 volt. Recent $255,000. m eters. Shop a n d +Exceptional NW + include su n r o o m, Wired fo r s e curity John L Scott Real MLS • MLS 201307561 location, skyline Estate 541-385-5500 d welling share the paint, too! Plenty of ¹201404904 T he W i ndsor, N W solarium and an awe- system & for stereo Odette Adair, views and privacy. Avion water meter, room for horses, RV Redmond - Main floor some greenhouse all Bobbie Strome, with speakers on main Broker, S.T.A.R. 2nd gar a ge/shop Custom craftsman and toys! ¹201308783 den/4th bedroom, lots on over 10 acres with floor in 4 z ones. 2 Just too many Principal Broker 541-815-4786 Tour Home borders John L. Scott Real of natural light, eating 1025 sq.ft. $499,500. mountain views. levels cedar decking + John L Scott Real collectibles? Quail Park by Awbrey MLS ¹201400070 Estate 541-548-1712 bar in kitchen, land$999,000. Estate 541-385-5500 paver patio. Golf. Interior upscaping, 3 bdrm, 2 d/2 Bobbie Strome, MLS¹201403687. Plumbed-in humidifiSell them in grades, Courtesy to Principal Broker bath, 2235 s q ft. Call Candy Yow, cation system. Look at: TURN THE PAGE Realtors. $575,000. John L Scott Real $309,900. Call Jim 541-410-3193 The Bulletin Classifieds $610,000. Bendhomes.com 2772 NW Rainbow MORRIS Estate 541-385-5500 For More Ads Hinton, 541-420-6229 Duke Warner Realty MLS¹201301639 for Complete Listings of Ridge Dr Central Oregon ReREAL ESTATE 541-382-8262 John L. Scott Real The Bulletin 541-385-5809 541-848-0040 Area Real Estate for Sale alty Group, LLC Estate 541-548-1712








' '

Sweeping views of the lake and the 17th fairway in this exceptional custom home. High q u a lity finishes, expansive main level living, exquisite 19558 Green Lakes Lp master suite, library, wine Directions: Broken Top Drive, room, two fireplaces, and right on GreenLakesLoop. hardwood floors.


Hosted 6 Listed by: DAWN ULRICKSON

2780 SF home. Vaulted living room, hardwood floors and gas fireplace. All bedroom and living

space on main level. 61684 Broken Top Dr. Large mastersuite on Directions: Follow Broken ToP opposite side of living for Drive Past thegate houseto theend maximum privacy. of the road.





3565 SF house with 3 b e d r o om s a n d 3.5 baths. Has main l evel m a ster s u i t e a nd ov e r l o o k s t he 3 r d f ai r w a y . 61668 Tam McArthur Lp. MLS0201400980 Directions: SW Mt. Washington Dr, to Broken TopDr., left on Tam McArrhddrLP.

HOSted & LiSted byd



2 753 sq. ft . h o m e w ith 3 be d r o o m s and 2.5 baths. Main level master suite and overlooks 1st fairway. 61715 Tam McArthur Lp. Directions:SWMt. Washington Dr. MLSdd201400981 to Broken TopDr., turn left on Tam Hosted by: McArthur IP.









Brokers LiSted byd

on thecorner of GreenLakesLp.


Enticing 2-story custom h ome offers a c h i c outdoor living area for entertaining guests during those lazy summer nights.

~d d



This4 bed/3.5 bath home provides3200+ sq.ft., of 19524 Soda Springs Drive generous space to move Ditmtfords:Broken TopDr/dyeyright about (yet still conveys a on Soda SPrings Dive, Proceed to cozy atmosphere when end, home is onIherighI, it's time to cuddle up by

the fireplace with a good book).


HOSted & liSted byd

LYNNEA MILLER Principal Broker


541-408-5441 541-408-3464


Principal Broker

R E A L T 0 R 8


S ingle level h o m e with a 3-car garage on the 8th fairway in Broken Top. Private setting on nearly half 61553 Tam McArthut Lp. an acre. Directions: From the Clubhouse, Hosted & Listed by. continue on BrokenTopDr. Turn left at Tam/IfcArthur Lp. Home is on Ie/I. THE NORMA



3 750 sq. ft . h o m e w ith 4 be d r o o m s and 4.5 baths. Single level and overlooks t he 1 2t h f a i r w a y . 19341 Soda Springs Dr. IVILS¹201403535


patio access, Jr. suite, offlce & a d d itional 61562 Tam McAtthur Lp. bedroom. Entertain DfrectiorrsrBroken Top to Tam outdoors under the /IfcArthur c overed patio a n d enjoy the beautiful $737,000

landscaped yard. Hosted 6 Listed by:



HOSted byd

DirectiordsrSW Mt. Washington Dr, to Broken Top Dry tunt right on

Soda Springs Dr.

R E A L T 0





Cascade Mtn and golf course views from this elegant single level Broken Top home. 4633 SF open floor plan, soaring ceilings, two 19251 Moraine Court full separate his/hers Directions:Broken Top Drive to bathrooms, spacious Green lakes loop to Moraine Court. office, stunning gourmet kitchen and covered $1,500,000 outdoor cooking!

brundage smith

i -- -

tatal praperty yeddyuyeed IIC

S un Forest buil t & remodeled. Wonderful decks overlooking the 17th fairway. Vaulted ceiling, light 8d bright, 19562 Green Lakes Lp. elegant finishes. Great Directions:Broken ToP Dr, to Ihe kitchen. Bonus room, first Green LakesLoop.Turn right,

3 b e d r o oms , 2 . 5 home onlePside. baths, 3-car garage.

$895,000 HOSted 6 LiSted byd



level master suite and overlooks th e 1 2 th green. IVILS¹201401768 19196 Green Lakes Lp. Directions: SW/Ift. Washington HOSted byd Dr, to Broken TopDr., turn right on ROSEMARY 2nd GreenLakesLooP.

541-706-1897 LiSted byd



E xquisite N o r m a n Building & D e s i gn Home with views to the 15th fairway at Broken Top and p r o tected

open space beyond. 19366 Green Lakes Lp. Beautiful k i tchen & 5 bedroom suites.

Hosted 6 Listed by: THE NORMA DuBOIS R JULIE MOE TEAM Brokers





2 649 sq. ft . h o m e w ith 3 be d r o o m s and 2.5 baths. Main




Principal Broker

Broken Top Drive 8 homeis on right.





Dridye, through the gate, stay on



Hosted 6 Listed by: MOLLY BRUNDAGE

61737 Broken Top Dr. Directions; Off /Ilr Washington





Hosted 6 L 'sted by: CARRIE DITULLIO



LiSted byd


Stunning home wlth a floor plan you will love. Two masters on main level, top notch finishes, elegant & sophisticated with a wonderful family feel. Gourmet kitchen wtth professional series range, views of the 12th fairway 8d much more! HOSted 6 LiSted byd




foot in Broken Top! T his 4 bed r o o m home has it all with a master on the main, offlce, bonus room 19545 Green Lakes Lp. and gourmet kitchen Dfrvdions:Take Brok~ Top Drive with lots of storage. to GreenLakesLoop. See you on Saturday!


Sophisticated one level living wit h v aulted c eili n gs , p r i v a t e m aster s u i t e w it h



Best price per square





• I




Fabulous I level new c onstruction, 3 b e d , 3 bath+ office & separate master suite.Greatroom,3-car garage,easycare landscaping, 19316 Soda Springs Dr. built-in refrigerator, A/C & Directions: Mt. Washington Io customsapelewoodcabinets. Broken TopDr. to SodaS prings. House HOSted byd






LiSted byd




Principal Broker





Broker, ABR, CRS,GRI



4 bed, 3.5 bath and

Hosted 6 Listed by:





Directions: From the Clubhouse, continue on Broken Top Dr.Turn right on Gree nlakes/p.Home¹ on the left.

$1,385,000 Cascade Sotheby's INTERNATIONALREALTY


L ocate d o n t h e 1 8th f a i r w ay , t h i s t ownhom e h a s a spectacular setting. Main l e ve l m a s t er suite and two junior 61901 Broken Top Dr. suites upstairs. Drrddrriordrr From Broken TopClubhouse follow BrokenTop Dr. to Wbisle'/Itdge 6 HOSted & LiSted byd turn rigbr House ontheleft.



$515,000 Cascade Sotheby's INTERNATIONAL REALTY








' '




, 541-604-1649 GAILROGERS BROKER

• 3021 SF on Awbrey Butte • Private • 4 bed 8 2.5 bath • 2 fireplaces • Formal dining room

• R.D. Building & Design • New construction • 3553 SF & 42X16RVgarage • 3 bed (2 full) & 2.5 bath, bonus room plus office






• Fairhaven Community : • Open floor plan I k , • Large kitchen & dining bar • Great room & gas fireplace • 1865 SF, 3 bed & 2.5 bath • Near schools, park & 541-280-1543 shopprng LORISCHNERINGER





• Golf course home • 3 bed, 3.5 bath • Open floor plan • Gourmet kitchen • Wood floors • Outdoor kitchen

541-974-4750 MICHELLEWllT BROKER • 2 bed plus large den • Lots of storage • Private shaded patio • HOA managesall landscaping • The good life!


') «~ 541-480-7777 DIANA BARKER ~)' BROKER



$150,000IRIVER AND EAGLE VIEW HOMESITE • Almost 6 AC • Recreational paradise • Private well drilled • Septic approved • House plans available

• 3bed,2bath &1008SF • Well maintained

• Across from Hayden Park • Landscaped front yard • Freshly painted • 3409 SW Quartz, Redmond


cp Jv

541-480-7777 , DIANA BARKER . BROKER

$154,900ICOZY COTTAGE WITH COMMUNITY POOL! • 2 bed • 1.5 bath

• Open floor plan • Side patio area • Forced air gas furnace • Fenced & landscaped • Community pool

541-480-9883 AUDREYCOOK BROKER $179,900 I QUEBEC COURT • One of the last available propertiesin Sundance • Great price • Flat 3.65 AC • Build your dreamhome

541-410-8084 SUSAN PITARRO BROKER • 1920 SF single level on 4.58 AC • 4 bed & 2 bath with great room layout • Vaulted ceilings, tile, light & bright • 2900+ SF of paver patio, fire pit & hot tub • Multiple RV hookups & private well

$579,900 I 21420 BELKNAPDRIVE, BEND

$134,999IGREAT SW REDMOND HOME 3-car garage • 2 masters, office & bonus room • Kitchen with granite • 0.41 AC lot with fenced backyard

• 5 acres, 3 bed, 2.5 bath • Great location & open living • Vaulted ceilings & great room • 3-car garage with shop & storage • Professionally landscaped • Huge entertainment deck • MLSrf201405015



• 3224SF,3bed,3bath&

irrigation • Two dwellings, both are nice • Great CascadeMountain views • Barn, corrals, machine shed • Just north of Terrebonne






• 3 bed • 2 bath • 2180 SF • Double attached garage • 27X15 living room • 19X19 family room



• 6.4AC in Crooked River Ranch • Borders BLM land • Septic feasibility approved • Private & on a cul-de-sac






• 2124 SF homeon 4.89 AC • 30X48 heated shop • 24X36 barn with loft, tack room &wash rack • Round pen, hot tub, pool table & washer/dryer • Nice house

;.„i) 541-480-7183 BARBARAMYERS BROKER



$499,900 I 1640 NW77TH STREET, REDMOND




• Builder's home in great home style • Master suite with mountain views • Wonderful landscaping & 4 AC of irrigation • Less than a half mile to the Deschutes River & many hiking & biking trails

• 35 AC with 27 AC

1.5 bath

• Tuscany style luxury in Bend • 2910 SF • Single level living • Stunning kitchen • Two master suites • 0.46 AC fenced lot • Gorgeous open floor plan



•Two homesononelotin Midtown • Tenant occupied & professionally managed • Long term rental history • 3 bed, 1 bath & 2 bed,





541-977-7756 DEE BAKER BROKER


$579,900 I 21420 BELKNAPDRIVE, BEND


jlI ) I ~

• New on the market • Great starter or retirement home. • 1460 SF, 3 bed & 2 baths • Private backyard • Extra parking space • Central air


• 3-car garage

541-974-4750 MICHELLEWllT BROKER

• Spectacular limitless views • 3400+ SF & quality throughout • Light, bright & beautiful • Low maintenance 6.76 AC • Gated & very private



$609,900I1639 NW FAREWELL DRIVE,BEND ,. I% •


541-891-9441 DON ROMANO BROKER

$259,000 I 2180 NECASTLEAVENUE, BEND • Location, Location! • Just off of Butler Market corner lot in small 'hood • Close to Pine Nursery Community Park • 1559 SF, 3 bed, 2.5 bath & master on main level • Gotta see this affordable home today!

• Amazing views • Separate bedrooms & bath room • 3 bed, 2 bath • Fireplace & gasstove • Mature pines & fruit trees • Separate shop & storage building

$549,000ICLOSE TO THE OLD MILL • 4 bed, 3 bath • 2628 SF

• Backs to canal • Large lot with water feature • Quiet cul-de-sac • Minutes to Old Mill & downtown Bend


$800,000ICUSTOM HOME WITH VIEWS! • 4 bed, 3 bath & 3915 SF •BigCascade Mountain views • Majestic great room with lots of light • Gourmet kitchen with granite & birch cabinets

• Tuscany style luxury in Bend • 2910 SF • Single levelliving • Stunning kitchen • Two master suites • 0.46 AC fenced lot • Gorgeous openfloor plan



• Horse property near public lands



$540,000I3867 NORTHWEST WAY, REDMOND • 19.55 AC property with 12 irrigated acres • Updated 2052 SFranch style home • 3 bed, 2 bath • SS appliances, new furnace & newseptic • Horse property with indoor arena & 5/6 stall barn • Gorgeous mtn views


'i II, , Fil





. ~

• 3 bed, 2.5 bath • 3030 SF of living space • Large 7500 soft lot • Downstairs office or 4th bedroom

.* .


• Built by award winning R.D. Building & Design • 2735 SF, 4 bed, 2.5 bath • Exceptional builder package with designer finishes

• 2 bed, 1 bath each • 1834 SF total • 0.36 AC lot • Fully rented duplex • 2731 SW Umatilla Court, Redmond

$435,000IBEAUTIFUL HOME IN SUNRIVERI • 4bed,3bath&1908SF

• 3167 SF triple wide • 2.39 AC • Smith Rock views

~+~+ 'Yr.



home • Beautiful, extensively remodeled homeon north end of Sunriver • Brand newenergy efficient furnace, new roof & newgasfireplace • Large private deck with new hot tub!

• Open floor plan • Huge garage • Massive bonus room • Formal dining room • Office


us':~.- -'.




• Backs to BLM • Peek-a-boo Paulina views • 16+ level acres • Fully fenced • 1700 SF home • Numerous outbuildings

Rinehart, Dempseg EtPhelps E*p r t l s e

$215,000IA M UST SEE GEM


JAKE MOORHEAD 541-480-6790 MICHELLE WHITE 541-390-5286 LORETTAMOORHEAD 541-480-2245

• 2900 SF • 4 bed, 4 bath • Near the river and national forest • Formal living & dining

• 4 bed • 2.5 bath • 2067 SF




• Bonus room • TriPle Cargarage • 2917 SW Deschutes

• Sun room & family room • Art studio & RV garage I

541-977-1852 , TONY LEVISON BROKER

Y u T r u s t I C o m m l t m e nt Y ou V a l u e



• MLS4 201402944

Patty Dempsey • 541-480-5432 Andrea Phelps 541-408-4770 Cleme Rinehart 541-480-2100 WWW. RINEHARTDEMPSEY. COM



F or homes online WWW b e n d h o m e S . C o m



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Living at its BestLooking for a home with Modern Architecture + Move-in Ready - Clean New Custom Home Northwest Cr o s sing NW Bend I $749,900 Panoramic C a scadePowell Butte Jewel - 3 Located in the heart of secluded tranquility? Quaint Farmhouse 3 bedroom, 2 b ath Beautiful finishes, 9' Home - Wonderful 3 •4 bedroom+ offi ce, View - Beautiful & bdrm, 2.5 bath home, the Old Mill District. 3 Well look no further! Rastra block c o n- mobile only. Vaulted ceilings, Crown moul- bedroom, 2.5 bath tu- 3.5 bath peaceful Powell Butte 2352 sq ft. Granite & m aster suites, 3 . 5 Custom home is sur- struction, passive so- ceilings in living 8 ding thro ughout. dor-style home with • Custom 4105 sq.ft. home on 10.36 acres frosted glass walk-in baths, 3070 sq ft with rounded by m ature lar, 4 b e droom, 3 master, fenced yard, Master suite has sev- master on the main, • .25 acre, city 8 east2/89.33 acres of irri- shower is just one of views of the river and pine trees, 3/4 mile off bath, 2954 sq ft. Ra- storage shed, land- eral custom features located on a corner lot erly views gation. Rebuilt in 2004 the many custom demountains. S t a n d- main road. BLM on 2 diant floors and rescaped w / s prinkler and nice mtn views. from Compass Park. • MLS 201403887 (original house built in tails this home has to alone unit. $829,000. sides & no neighbors cycled timbers keep system, carport. Landscaped, fenced $619,000. Dana Miller, 1975 pe r co u nty offer! Don't miss the MLS¹201400102 f or about a mi l e . t his ho m e eco - C ommunity park 8 yard, gutters & 8' ga- MLS¹201404282. Principal Broker records). Open loft outdoor sauna on the CallJaynee Beck, Vaulted ceilings, all friendly. Sits on nearly clubhouse. $43,000. rage door. $224,900. Call Terry Skjersaa, ABR, AHWD den overlooks the liv- deck. $500 , 0 00 541-480-0988 54'I -383-1426 appliances included, 19 acres of Cascade Kathy Denning, Broker MLS¹201401861 541-408-1468 ing & dining areas MLS¹201405135 Duke Warner Realty extensive tiled floors, view pastoral farm541-480-4429 Call Jaynee Beck at Duke Warner Realty w/soaring va u l ted Scott McLean, 541-382-8262 541-480-0988 541-382-8262 new pellet stove, sky- land. $899 , 000. John L. Scott ceilings. S p a cious Principal Broker lights, huge covered MLS¹201404611 Real Estate, Bend Duke Warner Realty kitchen and utility/mud 541-408-6908 www.johnlscottbend.com 541-382-8262 Location Location, Lo- porch with hot tub, Call Terry Skjersaa, room with tile flooring. Realty Executives NOTICE 541-383-1426 Wrap-around porch, c ation! 5 B d rm, 2 water feature w ith All real estate adverMORRIS detached 2-car Pristine country setting b ath, 1 6 0 0 sq . f t. pond, large front deck, Duke Warner Realty Must See Widgi Home- New Custom Solar/ADA tised here in is subREAL ESTATE 541-382-8262 drive-through garage with beautiful r o ck manufactured home paver patio, fenced, Completely r e mod- Home - 3 master ject to the Federal with add-on's nestled sprinkler sys t e m, & 1008 sf barn/shop outcropping & valley eled, located on 17th suites, 3.5 ba, 3022 F air Housing A c t , NW t emporary, with a 720 sf lean-ton views. 3 bedroom, 1 $262 , 500 Mountain High I on 6.5 acres. Living shop. f airway o f Wid g i s f, 0.5 A C i n g o lf which makes it illegal Stellar Con L ocation room, dining room, ¹201307111 $320,000 Creek Golf Club. Call course comm., sun- to advertise any pref- 4018 sq ft, 4 b e d- fenced pasture, pond, bath, 1134 s q ft Jodi Clark, Principal • 1894 sq.ft. l andscaped ya r d . single-level home is kitchen and master John Ste m bridge, room, spa, wood & tile erence, limitation or oom, 3.5 b ath, 2 $472,500. on a large, immacusuite hav e n e w er Broker, 541-771-8731 • 2 bedroom+ den, 2 Broker, 541-601-8881 floors, RV park, mtn discrimination based rmasters - one on the MLS¹201402783 Century 21 lately landscaped lot, laminate flo o ring. bath view 8 more. on race, color, reliJohn L. Scott and has tons of charIdeal for starter home, Gold Country Realty • Golf course views John L. Scott Real $469,000. MLS ion, sex, handicap, main w/deck. AddiReal Estate, Bend acter. Ne w pa i n t, rental property, tem• MLS 201404656 201302802 jamilial status or na- tional theatre room Estate 541-548-1712 www.johnlscottbend.com Advertise your car! porary home, while Julia Buckland, Pam Lester, Principal tional origin, or inten- and music s t udio.Peaceful Living - Beau- great shop with carAdd A P>cture! Westside lo c ation, front building a new home. Broker, ABR, ALHS, Broker, Century 21 tion to make any such thousands of readers! custom home ap- port, finished NE Bend I $359,500 to trai l s . tiful covered back A great private county Reach CRS, GRI Gold Country Realty, preferences, l i mita- c lose prox 3253 sq ft on 4.5 deck, Call 541-385-5809 • 2300 sq.ft. $529,000. Call Angie patio, fire pit, mature setting. Shared well, 2 The Bulletin Cfassfffeds 541-719-8444 Inc. 541-504-1338 tions or discrimination. with 5 acre ir • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Broker, acres andscaping. O nly storage buildings, 400 will not knowingly Cox, rigation. Private well, lblocks • One year home war- Newer home near park. We 541-213-9950 to P r ineville AMP service to home L ovely accept any advertisho m e w i t h pond, close-in, priranty John L. Scott ountry Club a n d and 100 AMP service beautiful ing for real estate fin i shes 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, + vate and s e cluded C • MLS 201404531 Real Estate, Bend minutes from the resto pump house. This throughout. 3 bdrms, den or 4th bdrm, 2382 which is in violation of with too many extras Susan Agli, Broker, $132 , 500 is a m ust p review 2~/~ baths, 2063 sq. ft. sq.ft., built in 2008, this law. All persons www.johnlscottbend.com to mention. $672,900. ervoir. MORRIS ABR, ALHS ¹2014047'I3 property, if you do, o pen g reat r o o m master on main level, are hereby informed Just bought a new boat? MLS¹201304783. REAL ESTATE 541-408-3773 Jodi Clark, Principal you will see its poten- f loorplan with g a s island kitchen w/gran- that all dwellings ad- Sell your old one in the Call Carolyn Emick, Broker, 541-771-8731 tial. $189,000. MLS fireplace, office/den ite counters, hard- vertised are available classifieds! Ask about our 541-419-0717 Century 21 ¹201400038 Super Seller rates! w ith b u ilt-in b o o k wood floors, water on an equal opportuDuke Warner Realty 541-385-5809 Gold Country Realty Bobbie Strome, feature and pond, RV nity basis. The Bulleshelves on main level, Find It in 541-382-8262 Principal Broker custom knotty Alder The Bulletin Cfassifieds! parking fenced. MLS tin Classified One Acre Buildable lot. Peace & Quiet - 3 bed- P rivate 1 . 2 5 acr e John L Scott Real MORRIS ¹201405420. cabinets, gra n i te 541-385-5809 B eautiful treed l o t room, 2 bath, 1344 sq cul-de-sac l o cation Estate 541-385-5500 REAL ESTATE countertops and stain $225,000. Call Pam NW Bend I $314,900 ready to build. Newer home on 10 acres with Cascade views. Lester, Principal Bro- • 1532 sq.ft. less appliances, tiled septic and well. close ft with oversized deck in Septic in with 100 gal. FIND IT! b aths, B irch h a r dMountain Views - Perker, Century 21 Gold • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath to L a P i n e r e creand back, and tank Connection to Country Realty, Inc. • Fenced backyard, gQQ /TI wood floors, central fect Central Oregon New Construction ational areas, lakes, front 2-car garage underground s prin- CRR water, 30x40 gaair conditioning, cov location! Log home 1425 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 541-504-1338 hunting and mounSELL ITI • MLS 201404467 $340 , 000. rage shop with conered porch and lovely surrounded by views bath, private neightains. MLS klers. The Bulletin Classifieds MLS¹201403958. crete floors, windows Mark Valceschini PC, l andscaped ya r d . of t h e Cas cade borhood, landscaped, Newport Landing. 3 201401875. and 16x10 overhead Broker, CRS, GRI Call Karolyn Dubois, $379,900. Text M ountain range & with Bdrm, 2.5 bath, 1550 Jayci Larson, Broker sprinklers. dooi'. 541-390-7863 MLS Looking for a home that VlEW7873TO 878787 Smith Rock. Very pri541%83-4364 sq.ft. on 2049 sq.ft lot. 541-325-3955 $134,900. 201302066. $85,900. has it all? Charming then call Tina Rob vate property is 2.65 Duke Warner Realty Storage space for evJohn L. Scott MLS¹201402230 541-382-8262 Nancy Popp, Princiolder home that has erts, Broker, acres. Enjoy g o r- Pam Lester, Principal erything. West side Real Estate, Bend -e Broker many upgrades over 541-4'I 9-9022 geous sunrise and living with Pahlisch www.johnlscottbend. Pick Your Colors - New pal Broker, Century 21 541-815-8000 t ime. 3500y sq f t . Total Property sunset from deck that quality t h r oughout. com home on 0.15 AC in Gold Country Realty, Crooked River Realty $159,900. MORRIS Resources surrounds every side Inc. 541-504-1338 Terrific central locaprivate neighborhood. ¹201401406. tion. Close to restauREAL ESTATE The Bulletin's of the house. Follow 1425 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 John L. Scott Real Lookfor Information Midtown Bend I the sun or relax unrants, shopping, "Call A Service IA p A Qy ~ M ~ bath 8 2-car garage. People Estate 541-548-1712 Cus to m 3 downtown Bend and About Products and $259,900 der the 2 c o veredNew $139,900. Professional" Directory • 1424 sq.ft. Services EveryDaythrough porches. Outbuilding Bdrm/2.5 Bath, 2024 COCC. Solid quartz NW Bend I $420,000 MLS¹201402233 is all about meeting Pam • 3 bedroom, 2 bath with power 8 water. sq.ft., home on large countertops, stainless • 1637 sq.ft. 3 bedLester, Principal The Bvlletin Classiffeds Have an item to • Hardwood floors, lot w/R V p a rking. appl. walk-in closet, room, 2 bath your needs. P lenty of r oom f or Broker, Century 21 sell quick? Granite slab counter fireplace. built-ins Pri v a te• Paver patio, water parking. 2 berms, 1 Gold Country Realty, P rivate Broken T o p Call on one of the • MLS 201404209 tops, professions sebath (2nd bdrm is a backyard loaded with feature If it's under Inc. 541-504-1338 Estate - Custom built, ries SS appliances, professionals today! MJ DeWolf, Broker, • MLS 201405084 warmth and charm. loft). This home sits 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, '500 you can place it in Picturesque Ponderosa pantry, wood & tile CNHS,RCC Robert Farrell, Broker on a cliff with an inFront yard landscapsq ft home with Opportunity Knocks! 5 Setting - B eautifully 3541 541-420-7080 541-948-9606 The Bulletin credible 360 degree floors, gas Fireplace, ing and rear y ard great room floor units on one lot, all landscaped, RV open view and is minutes fenced & central air. fencing and p a tio. and radian floor Classifieds for: $225,900 rented out. They are parking. 3 bedroom, plan away from the f a$375,000. MLS $949, 9 00. all manu f actured 2.5 bath, 2443 sq ft. heat. mous Des c hutes MLS¹201402794 ¹201404506 MLS¹201300357. Call homes, on city ser- Offeredat$469,500. '10 - 3 lines, 7 days River. $349 , 900 Pam Lester, Principal Bobbie Strome, Tammy S e t tlemier, vices. $289 , 900. Cate Cushman, Broker, Century 21 MLS¹20143147 Principal Broker '16 - 3 lines, 14 days MORRIS MORRIS 541-410-6009. Gold Country Realty, ¹201403281. Principal Broker John L Scott Real John L. Scott Real Duke Warner Realty REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE (Private Party ads only) John L. Scott Real 541-480-1884 Inc. 541-504-1338 Estate 541-548-1712 Estate 541-385-5500 541-382-8262 IA~ A Qy~ ~ ~ d IA~ Sy ~ ~ ~ Estate 541-548-1712 www.catecushman.com



• 0

I •








A rare opportunity to purchase a family estate on 20 lushacres. 5 bd/3.5 bo. Main home full of designer touches.Separate guest quarters, 4-boy garage, greenhouse,barn, ond more!!


Custom main level home w/southem views, spaciouskitchen, 3-cor garage, backs to 38 acres open space. Great room w/womj fireplace. 4 bd/3.5 ba. passivesolar amenities. www.1360promontory.hasson.com

perfect location and move-in ready w/additionaj studio Lovely, jivob(e, light filled home. 3422 SF with 3 bd/3.5 above garage. Large sun-fijjed kitchen w/breakfast nook. ba, den, office. Heated floors in kitchen ancj master bath. Paver patios for entertaining, mature landscape 8 hot tub. www.60535diamondt.hasson.com www.282Jefferson.hasson.com

lesl1 Fox

C I n dy King

T e a m Delay







10 acres adjacent to BL!VI. Cascade 8 Powejj Butte views.


Ka r e n Malanga






Passive solar homebuilt in 2013 offers triple pane windows, extra insulation, bamboo floors, dual stage heat pump. 4.89 acres, 2 irrigated, pond, mln. views, greenhouse, fenced. www.62750dixon.hasson.com

Stunning 4 bd home with access to clubhouse, fitness center and miles of walking trails. Beautiful canal view with great floor plan/upgraded finishes. www.20872tamar.hasson.com

Hard!o find property in Tumojow/fujjy remodeled 1,242 SF rustic lodge-style jog home,openfloor plan, detached garage, shop, greenhouse 8views.....Must see21001 YoungAve. www.buccolagroup.com/listings

Spacious homehas 3 bcj/2.5 ba. Terrific floor plan/master on main, amazing storage & large bonus area. Central location convenient to schools, shopping, activities, e!c. www.20352Sonata.hasson.com

Melody Luell1ng

P r 1scilla Martin

R y a n Buccola

Ka r e n Malanga







Home is 3 bd/2.5 ba with bonus room 8 ofjice. Includes fridge, washer, dryer, A/C 8 blinds. Sits on a large corner jot with great outdoor entertaining space. www.280549th.hasson.com

The Eastwood plan features 3 bd/2.5 ba, master on the Low maintenance townhome with 3 jxj /2.5 ba 8 main 8 upstairs loft. Open great room with entertaining additional loft. Ajj of the quality finishes youwould expect bar and superior finishes pahjisch is known for. from Pahlisch. Covered patio, porch, nice sized backyard. www.324428th.hasson.com www.2983antler.hasson.com

Rhianna Kunkler

Mi c helle Gregg




Mi c helle Gregg



• ' e




Furniture an Appliances DININ E T . Top brand name. Perfect for family gatherings. Seats up to 12 people, 2 leaves. Very nice condition. Start making memories here! $300


ere's oo s U in ere. Shou n't YOU

e oo ing. The Bulletin





Northeast Bend Homes R e d mond Homes


• Redmond Homes •

Red m o nd Homes R



edm on d Homes R

edm on d Homes

• Redmond Homes S


un r i ver/La Pine Homes Sunriver/La Pine Homesj

'I6772 Elk Ct., $99,000. 65390 NE Stacy Lane- 1525 Murrelet Drive 8434 Forest Ridge Loop Adorable Cottage in the Golf course chalet with Single Level custom 3 151628 Hackamore 3 bdrm, 2. 5 b a t h 2681 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, Heights. $ 1 24,400. garage. New hard- bdrm, 3 bath, 2356 Looking for your next Custom 1325 sq. ft. 4 bdrm, 2 bath, 1620 $349,900. emp/oyee? 2i/s baths, o ff ice & home with 1921 sq ft MLS¹201401476 Arched e n t ryways, wood flooring. New sq. ft. home, built in h ome wit h wor k - sq. ft. 1 acres. High of living space. Large formal dining. 3-car Fabulous, highly up- oak hardwood floor- heat pump, 3 bdrm, 2 2011. Fabu l o us Place a Bulletin help shops. $24 4 ,900. Lakes Realty & Propwanted ad today and m aster s uite w i t h garage. Great room g raded 1-level, 3 ing, large lot w/RV ac- bath, 18th fairway of kitchen great room High Lakes Realty & erty Man a gement reach over 60,000 soaking t u b and plan. All premium fin- bdrm, 2.5 bath, For- cess, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, R idge Cour s e . plan, triple garage. Property M a nage- 541-536-0117 readers each week. walk-in closet. Close ishes. $494,550 est Ridge townhome 1227 sq. ft., 500 sq. ft $269,000. MLS $479,000. MLS ment 541-536-0117 1 7050 W h ittier D r . , Your classified ad to schools & shop- Lynn Johns, Principal on The Ridge Golf b asement. MLS ¹ 201400035 201401643 $88,900. 3 bdrm, 2 will also appear on 15468 Ferndale Ct. 3 ping.MLS¹201404922 Broker, 541-408-2944 Course at Eagle Crest 201308245. Vicci Bo- Lynn Johns, Principal Lynn Johns, Principal bath, all appliances, bdrm, 2 bath, 1762 bendbulletin.com Central Oregon R esort. F ully f u r - wen 541-410-9730 Broker, 541-408-2944 Broker, 541-408-2944 $239,000. which currently resq. ft., 1.61 acres. one acre. High Lakes Scott McLean, Resort Realty n ished-turnkey w i t h Central Oregon Realty Central Oregon Central Oregon P r o perty $255,000. High Lakes Realty & ceives over Principal Broker 2-car garage, utility Group, LLC Resort Realty Resort Realty 1850 Murrelet Drive 1.5 million page Realty & Pr o perty Management 54'I -408-6908 area & epoxy floor. 541-536-0117 Management 2020 sq ft, 3 bdrm, 2 Morning sun and af- Bank owned, 3 bdrm, Harrier Ct. & Cooper views every month Realty Executives SW Redmond - 2.4 541-536-0117 bath, great room plan, ternoon shade on the 2.5 bath, 2080 sq.ft., Hawk Eagle C rest at no extra cost. 51460 Lasso Lane, La acres with Cascade 750 all premium finishes.. expansive, p a rtially home built in 2 0 06 Resort. 2681 sq. ft., 3 Bulletin Classifieds 15715 Sunrise Blvd. 2 Pine Charmer - 3 views. Irrigated horse Get Results! $386,290. Redmond Homes bdrm, 2 bath, 1160 sq covered deck with golf and located on 1 flat bdrms, 2~/2 baths, ofbdrm, 2 b a th, 1276 property. 4 bedrooms, Lynn Johns, Principal Call 385-5809 or course and Ochocco acre, new carpet and fice and formal dining. sq. ft., 2-car garage. ft home. Gas f i re2.5 baths. place your ad on-line Brand new C u stom Broker, 541-408-2944 Mtn v iews. L a r ge vinyl. Extended front RV-Bay + 2-car ga$179,000. High Lakes place, large kitchen MLS¹2012307823 or Wes Johns, Broker r age. Great r o o m at home 1032 Trail creek k itchen w i t h til e and rear decks. MLS Realty & Pr o perty i sland with l ots o f Call Don Chapin Bro541-408-2945 201404793. plan. All premium finbendbulletin.com Drive. Frank Lloyd storage. Open greatcountertops, pantry, Management ker 541-350-6777 Central Oregon ishes. $513,380 Wright inspired home, $194,900. Call Pam r oom c o ncept & central vacuum. Cus541-536-0117 Redmond Re/Max Land Resort Realty Lynn Johns, Principal Lester, Principal Brobacking to the creek double rear entry gatom slate f i replace 8 Homes Real Estate. 755 in Eagle Crest Resort Century 21 Gold Broker, 541-408-2944 15921 Jacobsen Road, rage. Large lot, built in N W 1 8 t h S t . w ith b u ilt-ins a n d ker, Central Oregon Sunriver/La Pine Homes 3 bar, 2 bath, 1863 2005. $137.500 with mtn. views! 2681 1 908 s eating. Cus t o m Country Realty, Inc. $279,900. 3 Bdrm, 2 541-504-1338 Resort Realty Updated Single Level Sq Ft, 3 B drm, 2.5 sq. ft., 35x52 shop, MLS¹201404934 2152 sq.ft., The shower an d e x t ra 189,900. High Lakes Bath + office. Formal bath, Scott McLean, storage in the large Cascade View Estates, Killer views of Smith on Large Lot - SW 51377 Walling Ln., Cliffs. Handsome fireRedmond. Offer i ng 3 La Pine. cabin on 1.24 dining, 3-car garage. place, built ins, huge master with walk-in Realty & Pr o perty Principal Broker Rock. SW Santa Fe Redmond 4 bdrm, 3 bedroom, 2 bath, for acre, pole barn, city Management 541-408-6908 Luxury fini s h es C a l l D iane 2 car tandem closet. stucco home on $178,500! Charming utilities. $69, 0 00. 541-536-0117 throughout. $469,900. pantry, Realty Executives Burns, 541-815-2712, bath home with 2046 style garage. MLS ft of living. Amaz- 5 acres, 3 bdrm, 3 ranch home on .32 High Lakes Realty & MLS ¹201308237 or N ancy M a tson, sq ¹201308975. 2399 sq.ft. Irri- acre lot, 1424 sq ft, Property M a n age-16066 Snowberry Lane, 5 1884 Fordham D r . Lynn Johns, Principal 541-420-3123, Princi- ing Northeast view bath, Vicci Bowen, Broker Stick built 4 bdrm, 2 $249,500 4 bdrm, 3 gated, shop and prijust a b ove V a l ley greenhouse, s h ed, ment 541-536-0117 Broker, 541-408-2944 pal Brokers 541-410-9730 b ath, 1352 s q . f t . b ath, 2206 s q . f t . View Park. v ate c o u rt . ML S new electrical, wood Central Oregon Heartland Realty LLC Central Oregon ¹201405248 MLS¹201404003, floors thr o ughout,Great Horse property. 4 $139,900. High Lakes h ickory, tile. H i g h Resort Realty Realty Group, LLC www.heatlandrealtypros.com $254,900. $489,900. Call Pam newer wood stove, stall loafing shed with Realty & Pr o perty Lakes Realty & Property Ma n agement $189,001 • NW 940 Cinnamon Teal Dr. Lester, Principal Bro- newer windows. Laura auto watering opens Management Scott McLean, 227 Highland Meadow 541-536-0117 Redmond 541-536-0117 $479,000 ker, Century 21 Gold Principal Broker Hilton, Broker, GRI, to fenced area ap Loop. 2681 sq. ft., 3 •Open floor plan MLS¹201403685 541-408-6908 Country Realty, Inc. ABR, 541-306-1800 prox. 40x80 shed for 16206 Hawks Lair. 4 51958 Mowich Lane, 3 bdrms, 2~/s baths, of- G reat home o n t h e •Large kitchen with din 54'I -504-1338 Realty Executives John L. Scott hay or what have you bdrm, 2~/s bath, 3304 bdrm, 2~/s bath, 1765 fice and formal dining. ing bar Ridge Golf Course ¹2 Real Estate, Bend This p r o perty is sq. ft . 2 gar a ge. sq. ft., 1 .22 a c re, 3-car garage. Great tee. 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath Custom built Beauty! 5 M eticulously •Great room & gas fire mai n - www.johnlscottbend.com fenced an d c r o ss $319,900. High Lakes $214,900. High Lakes room plan. All pre- + den 8 bonus rm off bdrm/ 3~/s bath, plus tained golf c o urse place f enced with m a ny Realty & Pr o perty finishes. master Pr o perty Realty & • 1865 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2.5 mium bed r oom. bonus room and of- home in 55+ active areas. Home Management Management $443,708 bath com m unity,Well Kept home in SW separate 3-car garage, 3rd bay fice. 4895 sq. ft. Tons adult 541-536-0117 has 2 bed r ooms, Lynn Johns, Principal $212,000. 541-536-0117 Lori Schneringer, walled off & has 220 f c u s tom wo r k . 2381 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, 3Redmond. Broker, 541-408-2944 electric. Tile, granite o Bdrm, 2.5 b ath, 2baths both have sky 2~/2 bath. Upgrades Broker 541-280-1543 Polar R d., 3 $749,000. MLS lites, both bedrooms 16559 Daisy Place 3 5 2252 Central Oregon 2414 sq.ft. new cargalore & mtn. views. bdrm, 2 bath, 1651 Windermere on kitchen counters. 201401829 have walk in closets, bdrm, 2~/~ bath, 1397 Resort Realty pet throughout, large Central Oregon $532,6400. MLS s q. ft. , s h op, R V Tile floors from entry Lynn Johns, Principal upstairs bonus room. dining area has built sq. f t . , gar a ge. cover. $216,000. High 201405179 Real Estate t hrough hallway t o Broker, 541-408-2944 244 Volunteer Lane in hutch. large living $174,000. High Lakes MLS ¹ 20 1 402581. Lynn Johns, Principal Lakes Realty & Propkitchen. Slate rock Central Oregon $339,000 • On the $335,000 room and a w o od Realty 8 Pr o perty erty Broker, 541-408-2944 Jeanne S c harlund, stove Ma n agement fireplace. East facing Resort Realty Canal MLS¹201401867 to keep you Management Broker 541-420-7978 541-536-0117 Central Oregon •Greens at Redmond 541-536-0117 Wonderful views from back deck with per- FIND IT! cozy. Must see this Central Oregon Realty Resort Realty •Picture perfect this 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath gola. Pullouts in lower property to a ppreci 5 5849 W oo d D uck Group, LLC cab i nets. BCIY IT! •Great curb appeal Drive. Riverfront 5 Highland Parks home kitchen ate all it has to offer. 16563 Daisy Place, 2 Single Level Charmer in Great room. Master bdrm, 1~/s bath, 1041 •Open floor plan with 3-car garage. SELL IT! MLS sq. ft., gas fireplace bdrm, 2~/2 bath, 3587 has a v e r y l a rgeThe Bulletin Classifieds NW R e dmond Well-Kept Home in SW $179,900. •RV parking s q. ft. home . H ardwood floors in $ 31 5,000. 4 be d - Redmond - $212,000. 201108032 w alk-in closet. I n $149,900. High $547,000. High Lakes Dee Baker, Broker hallway into kitchen. rooms, plus office/ 3 bedrooms, 2.5 bath- Cascade Realty, cludes washer, dryer Lakes Realty & Prop541-977-7756 Realty & Pr o perty Built-in hutch, maple and refrigerator. En- Desert Sky 2 bdrm, 2 den, 2.5 baths, 2410 r ooms, 2414 sq f t . Dennis Haniford, Princ. erty Man a gement Management Windermere Central cabinets, gas cook Broker 541-536-1731 bath home, 1792 sq. sq ft. Brand new conall the amenities ft. Great room floor struction, carpet through541-536-0117 Oregon Real Estate 541-536-0117 stove and fireplace. joy fe n cing, Newlarge upstairs bo- 16404 Burgess Road, O pen f l oor p l a n. Eagle Crest has to plan, Cascade views. front lan d scaping, out, $275,000 • NW 16650 Apache Tears. 55918 Snow Goose. o ffer! C a l l Di a n e nus r o om . ML S Sunny dining area. Burns, 541-815-2712, Garage. La Pine. 2 bdrm, f~/2 3bdrm, 2 ~/s bath, of- $229,000. 3 bdrm, 2 $ 2 5 9,900 custom tile. 201402581 Redmond Window c o verings bath, 1354 sq. ft. 1.37 f ice, c e ntral v a c . MLS¹201401138. MLS¹201310781 •3 bdrm, 2 bath near river and or Nancy M atson, Call Jeanne Scharlund, throughout. Brushed 541-420-3123, Princi- Lynn Johns, Principal acre. $89,900 High $209,900. High Lakes bath Call Jim Hinton, •Open floor plan Sunriver. High Lakes 541-420-7978 bronze fixtures. Baths Lakes Realty & Prop- Realty 8 Broker, 541-408-2944 541-420-6229. •New paint inside and Pr o p erty Realty & Pr o perty pal Brokers Central Oregon have tile floors. Mas- Heartland erty Man a gement Management Central Oregon Central Oregon Realty out Management Realty LLC Realty Group, LLC ter bath has double www.heatlandrealtypros.com 541-536-0117 Resort Realty Group, LLC 541-536-0117 •3 car garage, RV park541-536-0117 sink vanity. Raised ing, XL paver patio Trex deck. A lot of Cheryl Tanler, Broker storage. Enjoy all the 541-410-7434 amenities Eagle Crest Windermere Central has to offer - 3 sport Oregon Real Estate I a g • a centers, 3 golf courses, indoor/outDesert Sky sgl level door swimming, ten1386 sq. ft. 2 bdrm, 2 nis & basketball. Miles b ath home, o p e n of biking and walking. great room floor plan, Call D iane B u rns, hot tub and many up 541-815-2712, or grades. $2 3 2,900. N ancy Mats o n , MLS201402779. 541-420-3123, PrinciLynn Johns, Principal pal Brokers Broker, 541-408-2944 Heartland Realty LLC Central Oregon www.heatlandrealtypros.com Resort Realty 9AM-I PM I-3PM Large corner Lot in $540,000• 3867 NW Gayle Larson Redmond w / 4 Kim Warner Way, Redmond 2 bath home. Broker • 19.55 acre p roperty bdrm, Broker MLS with 12 irrigated acres $229,000 54 I -382-8262 2 01310490. Cal l 54 I -4 I 0-2475 •Updates 2052 s q.ft. Chapin, Princiranch style home in- Don Broker, cludes 3 bdrm, 2 bath, pal 541-350-6777 ss appl, new furnace Redmond RE/MAX and new septic L and & Hom e s •Gorgeous mtn views Real Estate s •Horse property, 5/6 stall barn, arenas and Say "goodbuy" outbuildings JML Realty Group to that unused 541-480-6790 I IAM-IPM item by placing it in 541-390-5286 Larryjacobs 541-480-2245 The Bulletin Classifieds Windermere Broker Central Oregon Real Estate 5 41-385-580 9 54 I -480-2329 Custom built in 2005, 2615 Cliff Hawk Court 2356 sq. ft. 3 Looking for that unbdrm/2i/sbath, single level with mtn view usual property with the WO W f a c tor? from bonus room. Look no further... LoMany upgrades. cated on the Des$419,777. chutes River with a MLS 201404253 spectacular view from Lynn Johns, Principal Broker, 541-408-2944 the deck, this home has 4 bedrooms and Central Oregon Resort Realty 3.5 bathrooms. There is a walking trail to the $350,000• Redmond river for swimming, EAGLE CREST TOWNHOME WONDERFUL YIEW.... •3.84 acre - 2 acre wa picnicking and hiking. tered Stunning and spacious 3 bedroom, Ofthe city andSmith Rock. One level living, you like to entertain, •Main house is 3 bdrm, If this house is perfect. 2.5 bath toWnhOme on the Eagl e CreStgOlf :' 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1756 sq.jt. painted 3 bath is designed so that it •2 rentals bring $1K per It could i n c lude a course could be yours! $359,000 CALL: 2013. Extra largegarage. $220,000 CALL month. mother-in-law or re•Fenced and pond TERRY SKJE R S AA AT 541-383-1426.:: KAROLYN DUBOIS AT 541-390-7863 turning older c h ild Bob Ahern, Broker apartment. Property is 541-420-3891 MLJ: 201405387 NLS: 201405767 fenced and c r o ss Windermere Central fended, with a barn & Oregon Real Estate shop. Water f eature/pond is b i g 10085 Juniper G l en Circle - 2321 sq ft, 3 enough to keep the bdrm, 2.5 bath, office kids thinking they are or formal dining. Great in heaven on those room plan, all pre- warm summer aftermium finishes. noons. All on 10 acres with 7.5 a cres i rri$392,198. Lynn Johns, Principal gated from irrigation Broker, 541-408-2944 well. Come take a or 541-408-2945 look - you may just Central Oregon decide to stay ! Resort Realty $850,000. BUILD YOUR DREAMHOMEHERE CUL DE.SACLOTIN BROKENTOP Y.SNLE INCRED RENODE LED,CONTEjijPORAR IBLECUSTONHOMEONACREAGE LIKE NEW 10235 Sundance Ridge MLS¹201403099 10 acres at The Highlands at BrokenTop. Just over half sn acre, this heavily treed, Kathy Hansbrough, l o cated in the Old Mill District. 4 bedroom, This home is made with love and custom L ocate d o n a d e a d e n d s t r e e t , 3 b e d r o o m,1 . 5 Loop 2681 sq. ft., 3 Broker ted lotfeaturespeek-a-boo mountainand 3 bath, 2098 sq. ft. $330,000 CALL features in every room. Lookingfor a lodge bath refurbishedhomeon largelot. Plenty of $525,000 CALL jACQUIESEBULSKY AT eleva bdrm, 2~/s baths, ofReMax Key ANDERSON golf courseviews Quietstreetwithtonsof fice & formal dining. AUBRECHES HIREAT 541-598-4583 OR style homesurroundedbywildlife,this is it. 4 RV parking,fenced,landscaped.Pricedright!Just 541-280-4449 OR HICHELE Properties. 3-car garage. Great AT 541-633-9760.MLS:201310547 privacy.$273,500CALLTAMMYSETTLEMIER BROOK CRIAZZO AT 541-550-840& bedroom,2.5bath. $899,900CALLCANDY waiting foryou. $253,900 CALLCAROLYN 541-408-2998 Cell room plan. All pre- 541-781-0033 AT 541-410-6009,hILS:201403100 Direct MLS:201403010 YOW AT 541-410-3193. MLS: 201304445 E MICK AT 541-419-0717. MLS 20 : 140402 3 mium finishes. $495,800 7011 Robin Court, Lynn Johns, Principal $297,500 Broker, 541-408-2944 MLS¹201309021 Central Oregon Fabulous Fairway Vista Resort Realty 3 bdrm, 2 bath townhome on the 9th fair1036 SW Rimrock way of t h e R e sort Way Redmond New C ourse a t Eag l e construction to be Crest. Fully furnished LOTFORYACATIONORYEARROUNDLIYING CLOSE TO LAPINE STATEPARK BEAUTIFUL 20ACREHOMESITE INPEC PRIfvjE LOCATION CABLECUSTOMHOMEON23ACRES Built, 1800 Single with double garage. Treed .64 Acre lot just a block off Foster AND THE DESCHUTES Story, 3 bdrms., 2 HOA's include water, RIYER with10acres irrigation. $349,900 CALL NW Tuscan design with mountain views Great Providencelocation atthe endofa cul-de-sac baths, 2 car garage sewer, deck & roof Road,closeto DeschutesRiver, skiing,fishing, Build your dreamhomeonthis nicelywooded lot. TAHHY SETTLEHIERAT 541-410-6009. Great room, main level master, wine cellar 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1834 sq.it Large lot with with RV parking and andpavedandgated RVparking. m aintenance, l a w n LapineState Park and recreation. $22,500 Septic feasibility hasbeenapproved. $29,950 CALL MLS:201401808 and more. Pondandirrigation completethe mature landscaping Canyon View. Call c are an d a l l th e $244,000CALLKIMWARNERat 511-410-2075. CALL BECKY OZR E LI C AT 541-480-9191, IAsEN CHAYE z AT 541 -891-5446. MLS : 201 4 036 68 package. $1,286000 CALLj A YNEE B E C KAT Kevin 541-948-8700 amenities at E a gle NLS:201405854 MLS:201403352 541-480-098&MLS:20I310033 $259,000. Crest Resort including pools, golf, tennis, and much more! 1151 Trail Creek Drive gyms D iane B u rns, 2681 sq. ft., 3 bdrms, Call or ;c.g( 2~/s baths, office and 541-815-2712, Mats o n , formal dining. 3-car N ancy h II , garage. Great room 541-420-3123, Principal Brokers plan. All premium fin- Heartland Realty LLC • • ' I ishes. $512,550 Lynn Johns, Principal www.heatlandrealtypros.com I 9555 BALL BUTTE CT. WEST SIDE COTTAGE RED ROCK RANCH FANTASTIC SISTERSSETTING LIYING AT ITS BEST Broker, 541-408-2944 2 bedroom located one block from the Spectaculasetting r w¹t view of theCascades and Smith Tucked in a quiet cul-de-sacthis 3 bedroom suite Custom 2,177 sq, ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath Located in the heart of the Old Hill District, Central Oregon Call a Pro Resort Realty Deschute s River,3 blocks from Drake Park Rock, 79.56 acres,63.2 acresof irrigation. 3502sq.R., 0 Craftsman home has 3.5 bath expansive main home onan acre l otwi th a21x40 shop that 3 mastersuites,3.5 baths,3070 sq.ft.wi th Whether you need a level master suite. Seller is a licensed realtor n footbr idge.Cornerlot.Detachedgarage.It's bedroom, 3.5 bathhomeincludingguest quarters. Great incl udesa600sq,ft.guestquarters.$419,000 viewsofthe riverand mountains, Stand1272 Trail Creek Drive fence fixed, hedges the State of Oregon. $625,000 CALLHEATHER all about location. $329,900 CALL LARRY horsebamhaybamandoutdoorarena $824,000CALL FREDER BECK 2681 sq. ft., 3 bdrms, trimmed or a house ICSON AT541-639-9102 NLS:201404505 CALL KIM WARNERAT 541-410-2475. alone unit. $829,000 CALL jAYNEE 2~/s baths, office and JACOBS AT541-480-2329. MLS:201403862 KR5WAR NERAT541-0805365 NLS:201%2156 MLS:201404876 AT 541-480-0988HLS:201400102 built, you'll find formal dining. 3-car garage. Great room professional help in plan. All premium fin- The Bulletin's "Call a ishes. $466,212 Service Professional" Lynn Johns, Principal Broker, 541-408-2944 Directory Central Oregon 541 -385-5809 Resort Realty











Including the

es on our ven Ui e The COBA Tour of Homes™ will add a Chefs On Tour to the event this year. The idea is to bring a "food" element to the event that will attract a different audience to the Tour homes. Each house will feature a guest chef serving their personalized dishes. Home builders will also be at the homes during the event to talk about their wonderful home and even more wonderful kitchen!



To be held Wednesday,July 17 4-9 pm The special feature will include pages featuring chef bios, kitchen bios, home and builder bios. We'll expand upon this coverage with special editorial emphasis on kitchens -"Top 10 Simple Ways to Make Your Kitchen More Chef Friendly" "Outdoor Kitchens""What's on the Menu". Other stories in this upcoming edition will include Vertical Gardens, Lost Art of Sun Tea, Personality Feature on a local Surf Board artist, Heart Nursery spotlight and more!

• -

)- • •

"Ii'• "'~ l%1f •


The Bulletin bendbulletin.com




• '








II ssssQI

g 60284 Patriot Lane - Lot 19

• One of largest homesites in Brasada Ranch

• Quiet neighborhood in NE Bend • Level lot — easy to build on • Easyaccess to Cascade Village Shopping and nearby schools • .12 acre lot in a great location for only $65,000 MLS¹201400087

• Build your dream home later • Enjoy forever Cascade Mountain views and the privilege of a resort lifestyle • Just 20 minutes from Downtown Bend MLS¹201306999

Call Myra Girod, Proker i 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker i 541-788-6767

Contact Brian for more information or a private tour. www.Tetherow.com

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSi 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

myra. amteamOcascadesir.com

• Only 7 minutes from downtown • Tetherow is a planned 700 acre community backingto national forest and is the perfect home base for discovering the best of Central Oregon from biking and hiking, rafting and kayaking, or dining and shopping




New Master Planned Townhome PahlischHomes Development in Midtown! • 3 bedroom townhomes starting at $252,500 • 4 units now under construction • Price includes custom level finishes with full landscaping, slab quartz countertops and energy efficient construction • Locationsupportsthe active Bend lifestyle with easyaccessto parks, trails, river and downtown www.athStreetCottages.com H

Call Briannadd, Principal Broker, Director of Lot Sales

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker I 541-408-3912

541-408-3912 I brian@bendpropertysource.com


• •


s •


• • •



• Build your dream on this 1.52 acre Westside home sitefeaturing mature landscape & impressiveCascade Mountain views • Generous oversized lot offers privacy & flexibility for many design options • Situated in a cul-de-sac location with expansive views • Close proximity to river trail, neighborhood park & downtown Bend

• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Family Room w/ Fireplace • Butler pantry off kitchen • Central AC, fenced yard • Immaculate inside and out • Huge RV parking area

MLS¹201405234 Call CJ Neumann, Broker 54 - 10-3710 or Lisa Lamberto, Broker 541-610-9697 www.CJLisa.com

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker i 541-408-0086


• Don't miss this wonderful one owner craftsmen home in quality neighborhood • No HOA's • 3 bedrooms, with a nice office/den with built-ins, 2.5 bath, 2293 SF. • RV/ boat parking, open floor plan, granite counters, wood floors, huge backyard, open great room • Storage shed and so much more • Call for private showing! MLS¹201405529

II ar y

t r a t ton, r o ker, i maryselhms@gmail.com

• •

• 53557 Kokanee$490,000 Stunning custom home and lot with panoramic/river views. Large

shop. MLS¹201304072 • 53610 Brookie - $420,000 Mature forest setting, private river access. Eco-conscious, Scandinavian inspired home. MLS¹201303936 • 14234 Whitewater Lp - $425,000 Quality custom home with incredible workmanship: hickory cabinets, oak rails & floors. MLS¹201305640 Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker i 541-408-3912 brian@bendpropertysource.com



Call Kelly Horton, Broker i 541-508-9163

• Stunning Shevlin Ridge one level home, large 3-car garage • 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 3456 SF • Mountain inspired custom home • Upscale popular neighborhood • Gorgeous craftsm anship • Large kitchen, living space • Expanded deck & landscaping for rear privacy MLS¹201310941 Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker i 541-408-3912


www.bendpropertysource.com• brianC!bendpropertysource.com

• 45 acres • 4100 SF, home, barn, shop • lrrigation • Magnificent views • Shown by appointment MLS¹201405310

60699 Golf Village Loop • 3672 SF on 1.04 acre • 4 bedrooms, 3 full & 2 half baths • Large office, bonus room • Two living areas • Floor to ceiling stone fireplace, Persian carpets • Australian cypress hardwood flooring • Well maintained • 5-car garage MLS¹201400563

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker I 541-408-3912

541-788-4861 I bendluxuryhomes©gmail.com



riverfront • Great accessibility to Old Mill • State-of-the-art security & lighting • Custom upgrades: wood & brick work MLS¹201404903

Call Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR,GREEN

• Three-story, 3 beds, 3.5 baths • Views from every floor, 2 decks • FantasticDeschutes

8• •

8 • 8• 8


• 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3167 SF • Rooftop terrace Cascade View • Gourmet kitchen, built-ins • Walking access to town/trails • Upgrades throughout • 2-car garage, personal elevator

• Open spaces,the high desert at its finest,

championship golf course • Wild sunsets, breathtaking andendlesswesterlymtn views, equestrian center, spa and fitness center • 5400 SF green built estate home is situated on .75 acre • 3 stunning suites with balconies, a butler pantry, wine cellar, complete outdoor kitchen, hot tub, energy efficient solar system, truly a legacy property! MLS¹201402853

MLS¹201311003 see video at http://www.36swwallstreet.com/ Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker i 541-408-3912

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS i 541-408-0406 robin.yeakel©sothebysrealty.com

www.bendpropertysource.com• brian©bendpropertysource.com


• 5 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 5157SF • 2.13 acre extremely private compound,in-town . • Custom hickory cabinets & built-ins throughout, solid teak floors & 4 fireplaces • Oversized 2 cargarage plus 2,925SFRVbuilding/shop w/RV hookups • Separate 3 bed, 2 bath, 1600 SF guest cottage MLS¹201405665

I8i p' • Stunning Cascade Mountain views • 5 acres bordering BLM • Beautiful home: 4220 SF, 4 bed, 3 bath • Brazilian cherry/travertine, radiant floors, gas fireplace, gourmet kitchen • 1596 SF shop/garage with bath & office • Landscaped,gated/fenced,m inutesfrom tow n MLS¹201310701

Deb Tebbs, Broker/President i 541-4194553 debtebbs group@bendluxuryhomes.com I www.debtebbsgroup.com

Call Pam Mayo-Phillips, or Brook Havens, Principal Brokers

17940 Parkway Lane ( $335,000

Cottage in TheParks at BrokenTop ( $340,000

• Permitted GP building w/living quarter/loft

8 • 8• •

541-923-1376 i www.desertvalleygroup.com

• Views of Mt. Bachelor from the front porch anddining room • Single Level greatroomfloorplan • Garden-like landscaping • Tile floors in kitchen and bath • Granite tile counters in kitchen • 2 Bed, 2 Bath, 1,479 sq.ft. MLS¹201405785

• Bath, laundry area, septic, well & pumphouse

• RV hookups inside & ou s 100 amp breaker in shop • Great location between Sisters & Bend

• Build your dream home while you live in loft area or your RV MLS¹201301490

Call Joanne McKee, BrokerI 541-480-5159

• • • • • •

7991 SF 2.8 acres with 400' of private river frontage 800 SF guest cabin 4 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, indoor lap pool River & golf front property Adjacent 3.49 acre lot available at $799,000


• On The Crooked River • 579Acres,503Acres irrigation - ~ z • Beautifully restored 6,168SF.Home • 4 bedroom, 4 baths • Spectacular Cascadeviews • Large horse facility under cover •100x300heatedarena,30 stalls,show barn,mare barn MLS¹201208934


Call The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers 541-312-4042 I www.TeamNormaAndJulie.com

56458 Eclipse Dr, Bend ( $349,000

Close to Town Country Living ( $815,000

• Amazing riverfront property offers 2 bedroomsand 2 bathrooms • Detached two-car garageand guest bungalowwith full bath • The property offers its own privat edock,yard and hottub • Only minutes to Sunriver Resort MLS¹201303837

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker i 541-408-3912

Call Ron Davis, Principal Broker i 541-480-3096

Call Chris Sperry, Principal Brokeri 541-749-8479



chris@chrissperry.com www.chrissperry.com





I •




l s

• •


• i



• 4 bed, 3 bath, 3381 SF • 10 irrigated acres w/wheel line • Cascade views • Shop,1-2car garage+ office

~+z -" & den • Shop, 2 - 5 cargarage • 2 ponds MLS¹201308637

Call Bobby Lockrem, Broker i 541-480-2356 blockrem©gmail.com





• •




• •


•5 *

• 3 bed, 2 bath • Single level • Double car garage with alley access • NW Crossing Amenities just around the corner • Fun location MLS¹201404974

20030 Millcrest Pl. • • • •

4 bed, 2.5 bath Large kitchen a Main level master Outstanding Old Mill location!

Directions: Brookswood to McClellan to Sunny Breeze to Millcrest

Glenda Mackie, Broker l 541-410-4050 Natalka Palmer, Principal Broker l 541-480-1580 www.cascadesothebysrealty.com

I • •

15 NWPortland Ave¹109 • Downtownriverfront condo • Recentcontemporaryrenovation •Walk torestaurants,shops& enter tainment • River andmountainviewsfrom deck& most rooms • 2 bed, 2 bath with bonusalcove, homeof8ce area& openfloor plan • Low HOAs include sewer,water andtrash • 1car detachedgarageplus assigned carport andadditional secured storage MLS¹201308451

Car A . Cook, Lic Ore nBroker l 541-480-6491 carmsells@att.net


Call ura Blossey, Broker 949-887-4377 www.experiencebendliving.com

8• 8

• •

19134 Chiloquin Drive • Desirable Westside single level home situated on one of the largest home sites in Shevlin Pines • Meticulously maintained with sleek high-end interior finishes throughout • Beautifully designed 3 bedroom plus den/office offering lots of light • Covered outdoor living spaces create a perfect area for entertaining • Close proximity to Shevlin Park, schools, shopping and downtown Bend

Call Shelly Swaanoo, Broker l 541-408-0086


f vz

el II!I f 'I,







• 4 bedrooms (2 main level suites), 3 baths • 3299 SF, .24 acre • One owner custom home with many quality features • Open, inviting great room, additional family room • 3-car tandem garage /2 with storage • Surround sound, radiant in-ffoor heat, heat pump, central A/C, wired for security. Call for more info! MLS¹201400474

1625 NW Overlook Ddive • Northweststyle, 4 bedrooms, 4+ bathson.71 acres • Open floorplan • Vaulted ceilingswith exposed beams • Master and homeoffice onmain • Large recroomaddition could also beguest suite with kitchen &bath • Bonus room downwith built-ins andmurphybed • Mt. Jeffersonviewsfrom master &homeoffice MLS¹201307593

' Pf I I

Call The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers 541-312-4042 l www.TeamNormaAndJulie.com

Call Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR,Green l 541-788-4861 www.silviaknight.com bendluxuryhomes@ gmaiLcom



Call Pam Mayo-Phillips, or Brook Havens, Principal Brokers 541-923-1376 l www.desertvalleygroup.com

16076 Lower Cattle Drive Sisters( $295,000

60445 Snap Shot Loop ) $469,750

61330 Tam McArthur Loop ( $734,500

3185 NW Fairway Heights Dr. ( $739,000

• Hickory floors throughout "If rs!':.

main level • New carpet and fresh paint • Great room plan • 3-zo neheatingsystem withA/C • Extra storage off the master walk -in closet • 3 bed, 3.5 bath, 2,848 SF MLS¹201405613 R





• New construction,luxurytownhome • 4bedroom,3.5bathroom • 2540 SF &2-car attached garage • Granite, hardwood &tile throughout

• 3 bed, 2 bath • Single- level Living on spacious 1.47 acres • Room for RV parking • Great first home or vacation getaway


l Maura Blossey, iIrokegr 949-8874377





• Be autiful single story

• 3 car garage • On 4th fairway in Broken Top • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath plus den • Vaulted ceilings • 2 fireplaces

• Easy living inapark-like setting • Ownerprivilegesat Seventh Mountain Resort • Nextto WidgiCreek&theDerchutes

I I hf



RiverTrail MLS¹201307670

Call Jordan Grandlund, Principal Broker 541-420-1559 or Stephanie Ruiz, Broker

Patty Cordoni, Brokerl 541-771-0931 patty.cordonlOsothebysreal ty.com

Brand New Construction In Tetherow


Eagle Crest ( $219,500

1450 NW17th St. Redmond( $227,000

• CascadeMountainviews! • ChristianGladuDesignhomeand Timberline Construction collaborated to design thisspacious&efficient homeinTetherowGolf Club • Homepositionedfor passivesolar gainsand2ndfloor viewsof Cascades • Currentlyunderconstructionand slated tobecomplete thissummer! Call formoredetails!

' -




Call Jodi Kearney, Broker l 541-693-4019 jodirebrokerfNhotmail.com

20366 (Lot 3) Chase Road, Bend( $274,000 • 1552 SF, 3bed, 2.5 bath, new construction • Master on main level vaulted ceilings,openfloor plan IB •I

v Quaiftlf finishes: tile countertops &

g i•

:8 8f

loor s, engineered woodfloors • Fencedyard, landscaped, acrossthe street frompark • Additional homes &floor plansavail. MLS¹201310968

Call Rod Hatchell, Broker l 541-728-8812

Call Bruce Boyle, Broker l 541-408-0595



60611 Tekampe Road l $364,900

"The Cliffs" l $379,900

20755 Snow Peaks Dr. l $384,900

• 5 acres • 2.5 acres irrigation

• Located in desirableProvidenceat end of cul-de-sac • 1812 SF, 3bed, 25 baths,RVparking • Both formal living ¹f family rooms, dining area andopen kitchenonthe first level • Upstairs master w/2 additional bedrooms, afull bath plusabonus spacethatcould bean off ice MLS¹201404221

1649 NW Cliffside Way • 3 bed, 2 bath-openfloor plan • Single level 2361SF"VIEWS" • 10' ceilings - crownmolding • Fireplace in living room and

• Outstanding/ easy building site • Minutes to Downtown Bend

• Cascade Mtn. Views

chris¹¹chrissperry.com www.chrissperry.com

Call Carmen Cook, Broker l 541 480-6491 www.cascadesothebysrealty. com

Superb Sunriver l $498,000

Bend River Front Lot l $499,000

master •Upgradefinishesthroughout • 3-car garage MLS¹201404350 Call Rod Hatchell, Broker l 541-728-8812 rodhatchell©gmail.com

• Large bonus room • Meticulously maintained MLS¹201404719

Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222

Call Chris Goffrier, Broker l 541-788-8105 crgoffriereyahoo.com


' II I

Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222 www.gregsellscentraloregon.com




• Great outdoor living!

Call Melanie Maitre, Broker l 541-480-4186

Nestled Below The Mountains l $685,000

• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2679 SF


• Custom built home • 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2903 SF • Updated kitchen • Mountain views • RV parking with hook


2968 Chianti l $519,000

• Unmatched river setting • Private section of river • .47of an acre • Engineered/prepped for build • 63091 CaseyPl. MLS¹ 201405626

26 Siskin Lane • 4 bed, 2 full baths, 2 half baths • 3346 SF • Gorgeous master • Near the river MLS¹201304990


• 3 beds, 3.5 baths, 3316 SF • .47acre private lot • 3-car garage & 82 woodwrapped windows • True Craftsman style • Incredible quality throughout!! MLS¹201402349


Call Chris Sperry, Principal Broker l 541-749-8479



Call Ken Renner, Principal Brokerl 541-280-5352

3025 NE Raleigh Ct - Bend ~ $282,000


• 4 Bed, 2.5 bath 2188 SF • Lots of upgrades • Master on main • Large bonus room • Fireplace, tile counters • Fenced backyard •Closeto shopping and diycanyon MLS¹201405411

• Eagle Creek Chalet • Sold furnished • Backs to common area ' • Nice upgrades • Good rental potential • 2 bed, 2 bath, 1361+ SF MLS¹201402559

Call Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086


Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker l 541-508-9581

541-948-5196 www.Pointswestaend.com


CrookedRiver,MonkeyFaceand Smith Rock • Custom 4,527SF,homefeatures: gourmet kitchen, formaldining, theater room,wine cellar,library,wood,tile andstoneIloors • Three cargaragewith gearroom • Property is landscaped with num erousdeckandpatiosto enjoytheoutdoor living • Ranchamenities include: Clubhousewith pool, stables, andVineyard • 1,700 acres of meadows,farm, vineyard, river canyon,stockedponds, and hiking trials MLS¹201405586

• • 8 •

• Exquisitefull CascadeMountainViews • 5acresand4.5acresol irrigationrights • Single level 3bed, 2 bath • Great room living • Quality built 4 stall barn •Haystorage,corals,loafngsheds • Ride outto foresttrails ~4 . '." :." MLS¹201405373 Carol Osgood, Broker & Korren Bower, Broker (541) 323-4804 l www.carolosgood.com

I a


• Lot 298 Esperanza ct.- $69-000 • Lot 39 Wooden Trestle ct.-$299,000 • Cascade MountainViews, golf courseviews

• Good building sites, gated community • Private 18-hole golf course, equestrian center • Athletic center, pools, tennis, trails, restaurant

MLS¹201402365 and MLS¹201306095

• Perfect View of Mt. Bachelor and expansive forest views • Closetobroken top,proposed cam pus,& NW Xing • Area of quality custom homes • Plans available for a stunning 3,000 SF. contemporary home • Corner of NW Troon 8< Gleneagles MLS¹201403443

Ca San y Kohlmoos, Bro er, CRS 541-408-4309 www.bestbendhomes.com

• 4


Sue Price, Bro er, GRI 541-408-7742 Sue.price@sothebyrealty.com

• 5 beds, 3.5baths and self-contained guest suite • 4100 SF on .29 acres • 2-car garage, fenced yard • Lightly lived in and directly across from neighborhood park and river trail access

MLS¹201403317 all Silvza Knzg t, Broker, ABR, F R, r e e n 541-788%861 l bendluxuryhomes©gmail.com

5 •

• •




) • •


• Inspired mountain contemporary home • Master suite 8< junior master • Dramatic architecture • High ceilings • COBA Tour-level finishes/upgrades • Premium lot includes golf membership Call Brlan Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912 brian@bendpropertysource.com




i i

i i '


' I I



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• •




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1187 ACR ERANCHI $14L95~

HILLSIDE PARK I $1,149,000

BRAH BQHFJNMHKS • 142 acresirrigation, borders BIM NpKERSRES GRI ' • Year round Bridge Creek • 2 homes, barn, newer shop CDPE

541-383-4344 • MLS 201404404

Builders built COREY CH ARONPE, ' 3732 sq.ft. Norman BRQKER • 5 bedroom + office, 3.5 bath • .BBacre, cily views

541-280-5512 • MLS 2Q14Q4977


RIVERFRONT I $949,000 • 3962 sq.ft., 13+/- acres • 1437 ft. Deschutes River frontage

541-548-3598, • Cherry cabinets 5hardwoodfloors 541-306-9646 • MLS 201404263


DESC HUTESRIVERVINS I $799,900 • 2700 sq.ft. brick home • 3bedroom,2bath 3

I block fromdowntown 541-410-5280 • MLS 201403384

FNDRME CCASCNIYIINI SNEJRB • 5004 sq.ft, 4 bedroom


• Gourmet kitchen, theater room • 2.18 acres, extensive decking

541-948-0997 • MLS 201400616






AWBREYBUlTE I $569,000 DIANEROBINSPN, • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath BRpKER ABR


541-419-8165 • MLS 201405335

541-390-9598 • MLS 201402766


• .41acre culdle-sac lot

NORTH WESTCROSSINGI $552,250 2100 sq ft

• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Open floor plan, huge windows

TUMALO RANCH I $549,000 DARRIN KELLEHER, • 2 homes,multiple outbuildings • 33.12 acres, fenced, cross-fenced BROKER 'C d M • MLS 201400239 541-188-0029

NW BENDI $524,500 EBBIE JOHNSON • 2168 sq.ft. Pahlischbuilt • 3 be dioom 3 bath BROKER • Hardwood floors, granite kitchen 541-480-1293 • MLS 201401052

SUNRIVER I $499 000

• 2264 sq.R JACKJOHNS BRQKERGRI • ' 4 bedroom,3.5 bath • .30acre 541-480-9300 • MLS 201400042

NEE /k

CUSTOMHOMEI $499,000 • Beautiful 3439 sq,ft,


gREgMEJERK BRQKER , CRS, GRI 541-408-1511 '

BROKER, ABR,GRI ' 5 bedroorn,3 both • I acre

541-948-7998 • MLS 201402295

SW BENDI $489,900 • 2936 sq.h. NW style • 3 bedroom,2.5 bath • Vaulted ceilings,hardwoodfloors

• MLS 201403256


NW BEND I $435,000 • 1844 sq ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .21acre, private yard

• MLS 201405226

NW BENDI $420,000 DEB ORAHEENSQHPC • 1637 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom 2 bath BROKERGRI PREVIE WSPECIALIST • Paver patio, water feature

541-480-6448 • MLS 201405084

NW BEND / $399,500 • 1841 sq.h. I le~el • 3 bedroom, 2 bath


• .32acre with Pine trees

541-322-2417 • MLS 201405581

Tg gtf


PRINEVILLE I $319,900 • 2208 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom,2.5 bath



• 10 acres

541-588-0687 • MLS 201403825


• New1853 sq.ft. construction • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .23acre, RVparking

541-390.534'9 • MLS 201404914

9.55 ACRES I $345,000


• 1763 sq.ft. townhome • 3 bedroom, 3 bath • Cornerlot,fenced backyard

541-383-4334 • MLS 201403302




541-383-4350 • MLS 201404734

541-633-0255 • MLS 201405702

• Close to BLM land


• 3 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Near DeschulesRiverTrail



t, l,~lfi~~lfII!. l~j~i~j




• NEW Fanklin Brothers built • 1851 sq.ft, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Quartz counters, SS appliances

541-556-1804 • MLS 201400554


541-480-1647 • MLS 201404753

TUMALOI $215,000

• 1120 sq.ft. • 2 bedroom, I bath • .41acre, fencedyard 541-188-3678 • MLS 201403890


• 1579 sq.ft. craftsman • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Close to river trails 6 parks


NE BENDI $249,500 • 1728 sq.ft.

• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • .16acre corner lot 541-410-9045 • MLS 201309188

~ MIRADAI $219,900


• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath unit • 2 bedroom, 1.5 bath unit • Close to Old Mill 6 river trail • MLS 201402883



• 1541 sq.ft, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath M

l l


, Id 541-480-1911 • MLS 201400412


JANLAIJGHUN, BROKE RABRCRS• ' 4 bedioom, 2 5 b«h • Paver deck, landscaped Rl CSP 541-350-6049 • MLS 201405087

• 2 bedroom,westside bungalow

• Close to parks trails restaurants • Good investmentor fun living

541-480-2269 • MLS 201405528

SE BEND I $231,900


CHRISNHARTMAN. • .44acre lot on cukle-sac • Partial golf course view DECOU RCEY PRINCIPAL BROKER • Levelsite with pine trees 541-312-7263 • MLS 201402848

3Franklin Brothersnewconstrudion


• 1336 sq.ft. custom built ' 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 1.88 acres

541-480-2102 • MLS 201405124


• 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .2acre, golf course community

BROKER , GRI 541-280-6148 • MLS 201405267


• 1255 sq.ft. townhome • 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Cascade Mountain views

541-480-8196 • MLS 201401764


THREE RIVERSSOUlH I $159900 • 1536 sq.ft. • 2 bedroom, I bath • I acre

541-588-0681 • MLS 201403434


• 1792 sq.ft. manufactured • 3 bedroom 2 bath • .62acre

41-896-1263 • MLS 201405430

• LA PINE LOTI $64 500 COREY CHARONPE, • 3 Well, power, septic BRQKER • Build your Central Oregongetaway 541-280-5512 • MLS 201403628


Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, JUNE 21, 2014 •


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o re g o ~


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e 7 7 0 2



Furniture 8 Appliances

Bicycles & Accessories

Donate deposit bottles/ G ENERATE SOM E cans to local all vol., EXCITEMENT in your non-profit rescue, for neighborhood! Plan a feral cat spay/neuter. garage sale and don't Cans for Cats trailer forget to advertise in 280 282 286 286 290 at Jakes Dlner, Hwy classified! 20 E & Bend Petco 541-385-5809. Estate Sales Sales Northwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Redmond Area 202 near Applebee's, do- NEED TO CANCEL RANS Wave recumnate M-F a t S m ith Estate/Garage Sale First time yard sale for Annual Snowberry Village M OVING SALE Sat. 8-4 GARAGE SALE! b ent bike. Ol d e r Want to Buy or Rent YOUR AD? Update: La Pine 6/27-28, multiple households! a 55+ Senior Retirement fridge, glasstop range, Fri-Sat, 6/20-6/21, 9-3 Sign, 1515 NE 2nd; or model, easy to ride. The Bulletin 8-4. We have vintage T ons of c l othes & ommunity) Garage Sale! dryer, redwood picnic CRAFT, Tumalo. Lv. 1360 NW 101st St. Well maintained. InCASHfor wood dresshas an items, collectibles, nice books, original hand9am-4pm Satonly. table. lots of housein Redmond. msg. for pick up large Classifieds cludes Cateye Velo 7 ers and wood di"After Hours" Line furniture, a piano, elec- thrown pottery. 5 bikes. 1188 NE 27th in Bend hold! 62815 Snowcap odometer/speedomnettes. 541-420-5640 amts, 541-389-8420. Call 541-383-2371 tronics, file cabinets, C t. No. on 2 7th t o Vintage H i rsch-Weis www.craftcats.org eter, new chain rings, TURN THE PAGE Creek Town- Keyte, rt. to Snowcap 24 hrs. to cancel clothes, housewares, canvas "auto t e nt" Cedar new tires with extra Wanted: $Cash paid for English Bulldog 2 yrs For More Ads your ad! records, books, crafts, lean-to style, 7 ' x9'. homes 19th annual tube, new seat cushvintage costume jewmulti family garage old, red 8 white, good Call The Bulletin At sewing, jewelry, recre- Yard, patio and houseThe Bulletin elry. Top dollar paid for with children, must be Old c haise l o unge, ion and 2 water bottle sale. Fri. & Sat., June 541-385-5809 ation items, table saw, hold goods. and eclecGold/Silver. I buy by the only dog in home. white brocade, $95 holders. Adjustable 2 0th & 21st. 8am garage"stuff "and m uch, seat and back. AskRocky Mountain Elk Estate, Honest Artist $500. 541-382-9334. obo. 541-480-3893 mix. NW Saginaw, 5pm. 1050 NE Butler Place Your Ad Or E-Mail much more! See next tic ing $375. Call Elizabeth,541-633-7006 corners of 7th St. and Foundation Fundraiser At: www.bendbulletin.com week's ad for directions! M kt., corner of 8 t h 541-504-5224 English Springer Spaniel Twin E rgo-motion Rummage Sale! Hunting, Eastes. Sat. 9-2, Sun, and Butler Mkt. Multi-family Sale, some- fishing, camping & misc 203 puppies. AKC, field 9-1. No early birds! ESTATE/ automatic bed champion blood lines, 500 Sale! Tools, thing for everyone! Camp- household items; XL& MOVING SALE Holiday Bazaar with memory foam 245 Garage Sale Sat 6/21/14, Downsizing ing gear, antiques, pottery, XXL clothing & hunting liver & white, avail. 7/1. furn., household, garLLama farm & l arge 8-3, 2935 NW Shevlin & Craft Shows like new, dishes, toys, bike... Sat. Golf Equipment ear. Sat-Sun, $800/ea. Beaver Creek mattress, home - Leather sofa & Meadows Dr. Home de- den. 8:30-4:30, Fri & 8-12, 62661 Hawkview Rd. June 21-22, 8-3, Kennels. 541-523-7951 only used for a short loveseat 8 sofa / cor, mountain bike, baby Sat.20628 Obie Way. 40th Year of Central t ime $ 7 5 0 o b o 1947 NW Nickernut Ct. armnjamOq.com CHECKYOUR AD sleeper, beautiful din- clothes, housewares & Stonebrook NeighborOregon Sat. Market! 541-383-7603 ing set, side chairs, treasures for everyone! hood Community GaOpen Sat., 10am-4pm French Bulldog pups, ** FREE ** Seasonal Garage Sale! king poster bed, queen rage Sale, 6/208 21, June 19, 20, 21, 8 to 4 Downtown Bend, beautiful cream, avail. bed, teak d r essers,Huge garage sale! 6/20, Garage Sale Kit 7-4. Follow signs from Antiques & collectibles across from library. now $2000, Pet qual- The Bulletin glass top tables, oak 9-5 6/21, 9-12. 65383 Place an ad in The ity. 541-382-9334 Butler Mkt. Rd. western, 4th of July, lin- Greyhound Adoptions recommends extra off Bulletin for your gabookcases, full office, K iowa Dr. n. , this Sat., June 21st! www.enchantabull.com I ca «on « en p r ens, handmade crafts, fridge, lamps, artwork, Old/Bend-Rdmnd Hwy rage sale and re- Yard Sale Benefit for glassware, Where the Maker on the first day it runs artwork, lots Greyhounds - Rescued chasing products or I Bend Genealogical of old & new S inger knitting m a ceive a Garage Sale ls theSeller!! to make sure it is corfurniture, Check out the ex-racers for adoption at services from out of I Society chine & sewing maKit FREE! 541-420-9015 rect. "Spellcheck" and silverware & copper, C.O. Saturday Market, l the area. Sendingl classifieds online Sat. 6/21, 8-3, chine, designer men's human errors do ocgarden decor. this Sat 6/21, across from ' cash, checks, o r ' KIT INCLUDES: Williamson Hall 8 ladies clothing, sil- www.bendbullefin.com 205 cur. If this happens to No clothes, no junk! downtown Bend Library! i credit i n f o rmation • 4 Garage Sale Signs (behind Jake's Diner) ver jewelry, kitchenUpdated daily Items for Free your ad, please conmay be subjected to • $2.00 Off Coupon To 2200 NE Hwy 20 (turn 4504 SW Minson Rd., ware, Irg screen HD tact us ASAP so that Garage Sale Use Toward Your Powell Butte. Find exactly what at Chevron). Lots of i FRAUD. For more TV, electronics, Ori- Multi-Family 17x17 combination lock you are Iooking for in the information about an l corrections and any Sue, 541-416-8222. Next Ad great stuff! For info ental rug, sterling & Fri-Sat-Sun, 8-5, 21120 adjustments can be call 541-317-9553 advertiser, you may i collectibles, Roseville, Gift Rd. Tools, antiques, • 10 Tips For "Garage CulsSIFIEDS Yard Sale Printer, cofmade to your ad. Denby dishes, Spode household items, vintage Sale Success!" t call t h e Ore g ont fee tables, lamps, other light fixture, paint 288 541-385-5809 Atto r ney ' C hristmas tree, 2 8 sprayer, new kitchen misc. househo!d items. Oak patio table + 6 match- Help needed by local ' State The Bulletin Classified L ifetime chairs, g a Sales Southeast Bend i General's O f f i ce Sat 9-4, 2210 SW 19th nonprofit rescue! Just in canvas-back & seat PICK UP YOUR rage & outdoor, lots of sink& newdoor,8 misc. GARAGE St. Apt ¹25, Redmond. chairs, free! 541-389-2919 took in 57 cats/kittens Consumer Protec- • For sale 1 gas golf cart SALE KIT at LLama 8 farm items, 751 SE Airpark Dr., Sat. from one place. Need tion h o t line a t I choice of two. For in1777 SW Chandler Remodel Sale: fencing, over 100 steel 8 -2, K a yak, d o g 292 208 6 foster homes for i 1-877-877-9392. Ave., Bend, OR 97702 formation call Sat., 8-11a.m 4 fence panels, 1996 crates, bike, r abbit kittens or cats w/kitSales Other Areas Pets & Supplies 541-576-2477 John Deere Gator 6x4, antiques+ contemhutch/chicken coop, l TheBulletin l The Bulletin tens, for 2 to 6 wks, Serving Centra«Or« «««n since «903 porary furniture, t ools, c h ai n sa w , 5«n int«Central Oregon since«9IB clothes, etc. we provide food, litter, B IG G a rage S a l e Sun Mountain bag-pull mower, lots m o r e! decor+ Wii, boys Fri.-Sun., June 20-22, The Bulletin recom vet care, etc.; you Just bought a new boat? cart 3 w h lsi p neubike.1137 NW Clark Take Hwy 20 to TuFri. 8 Sat., June 20th 839 SE Brlarwood Ct. mends extra caution 9-5. home d e cor, provide a safe & lovmatic tires, like new Sell your old one in the Multl-FamilyGarage malo Feed Co., turn on Ct, Awbrey Butte. & 21st, eam - 5 m purc h as ing temporary home. classifieds! housewares, t o ols, w hen Ask about our $55. 541-647-1819 Fri & Sate-3pm B ailey Rd, t urns t o Multi Family garage Sale ing products or ser clothes, lots of xmas, www.craftcats.org, Super Seller rates! Clothing, household Tumalo Reservoir Rd, Sat. 8am-noon, 1122 NW sale. Collectables, 541-815-7278. many new vices from out of the 541-385-5809 246 items, toys, bar stools, games, stay straight to Pine- Constellation Dr. Furnifurniture, housewares, items. 16985 SW Chi- area. Sending cash, h urst, then right t o Kittens 1/2 Siamese fems, Guns, Hunting 212 ture, kids toys, tools, e iectronics, too l s , Barbie House, checks, or credit in nook Dr., CRR 18380 Pinehurst Rd., Porta-crib, books & tortoiseshell, $10 ea; sports 8 office equip. & Fishing clothes, DVD's and f ormation may b e 2black Antiques & Fri. -Sat., 9-4; crowd lots more free. 541-977-7019 Crescent Community 1'050 NE Butler 541-647-2211 subjected to fraud. control ¹'s Fri. © 8am. Shop 8 Yard Sale! Sat. more Collectibles Center June Flea Market For more informa Lab Pups AKC,black & Bend local pays CASH!I ¹48, corner of & Sun, 9-5, 65265 Mkt., For more info go to June 27-28, 8am-6pm. for all firearms & 8th and Butler Mkt. tion about an adver yellow, Master Hunter A Huge Multi-family Sale! 73rd St. Power tools, www.atticestatesand Antiques wanted: tools, Good assortment! Gun tiser, you may call sired, performance pedi- furniture, marbles,early ammo. 541-526-0617 ar a s als.com camping, Intex swim- Garage Sale-Palooza! Fri-Sat, 8-3, 20906 King accessories, art, black ~ the O r egon State ree, OFA cert hips & elming pool, 7" tablet, Home decorators dream David Ave. (Iollow signs powder items motor B/W photography, 541-350-6822 CASH!! Attorney General's ows, 541-771-2330 meat slicer, and more! yardsale, Sat.93oni„ f « m 1 5th). Bar stools, home gas appliances beer cans, jewelry. www.kinnamanretrievers.com For Guns, Ammo 8 Office C o n sumer safe, crafts, j ewelry, valuable treasures & 541-389-1578 Macy Estate Sale Tumalo Multi-Family no earg l sales-3392 i 4E women's Reloading Supplies. clothintf sizes Protection hotline at Maine Coon kittens, 9 by Farmhouse more. 420 Cres541-408-6900. Sale! Gate opens 8am sml to plus, mens cloth- much 1-877-877-9392. wks, 1 female, 1 poly- The Bulletin reserves cent Cut Off Rd, CresEstate Sales until 4pm Fnday, and Good stuff! Furn., book- ing, Pier 1 hanging lamp, the right to publish all dactyl male, $125 ea., OR. Don't miss out The Bulletin 14950 Ironbark, in 8-12 noon Sat. Quality ads from The Bulletin CCI 22LR, 100 rds, $15; household,pa- holiday decor,wine room cent, 541-389-0322 on the great deals! La Pine, Fri.-Sat. 9-4 antiques from around the cases, .380 ammo, 125 rounds. chiller, art, vintage, toys, newspaper onto The $60. tio, Fri. 8, Sat. 8-4 Tons of stuff, and well U.S.; collectibles, dishes, 2552 NE Rosemary Dr. youth golf set & printers. 541-306-0166 POODLE,pups, toy. Bulletin Internet webMOVING SALE: worth the drive! Antiques, tools; furniture including older pup to adopt. 7-mo.-old pups, lots of site. Gilchrist. Good clean primitives, collectibles, Yard S a le, swivel chairs, dining HOUSEHOLD ITEMS, Benefit pups also. snow white w/black Schnoodle electronics, tools, car hauler trailer, room table & captains 541-475-3889 all in exc. cond. Sat., 61445 SE 27th St., furniture, The Bulletin highlights, great famchop saw, band saw, Serving Central O«« space ¹1, Fri. & Sat., two 50" plasma TVs, ««onsin««« «9«« « chairs; wicker patio set, 6/21 8-12. 1041 NE sou n d , ily dogs, ~arents on Queensland Heelers lumber, craft wood, too vintage light fixtures, lots Rambling Lane 9-5. Something for s urround household, clothing, site. 3 O 150 each. Standard 8 Mini, $150 215 DO YOU HAVE many shop/garage items of decor, games & everyone. Don't miss! & up. 541-280-1537 fishing, sporting, 541-447-1323 SOMETHING TO to list. Prints, Lockheed & puzzles, wooden doll MOVING! Golf bags, Coins & Stamps SELL Skunk Works items, furbikes, h o usewares. Sat. only 8-1, 20880 camping, knives, En- Adopt a rescue cat or www.rightwayranch.wor house, bedding, TV/ dpress.com niture, shelving, desks, VCRs, too much to list! FOR $500 OR saddles, antiques, row Westview Dr., off 15th g lander king b e d , kitten! Altered, vaccikitchen/canning, steins, fur n iture, LESS? boat, e t c . 61 9 8 0 C o u ches l o veseats, Ashley 64885 Old Bend-Rednated, ID chip, tested, Non-commercial too much to list! mond Hwy. (close to Tu- Bronco Ln, Sat., 9-2. di n ing table, armoire, washer/dryer, tons of more! CRAFT, 65480 Children not allowed items all good and advertisers may malo Rd & OBR Hwy) in u stairs area. Mike OrenESTATE SALE clean, many n e w. 78th St, Bend, 1-5 PM place an ad 284 ee pixat 2008 32 ' C a rdinal Sat/Sun. 389 8420, with our farmhouseestatesales.com Sales Southwest Bend Pat Oren MOVING SALE "QUICK CASH t ravel t r ailer w i t h www.craftcats.org. 3393 WILD RIVERS LOOP HELP YOUR AD tipouts. 140528 Ko- Aussie, Mini AKC, blue SHIH-TZU PUP born SPECIAL" 282 Friday June 20 • Saturday June 21 stand out from the Garage Sale-10 am to 3 kanee Ln, left before merle, black tri, m/f par1 week 3 lines 12 4-23. Female, $500 9 a.m. to 5 p. m. onl y rest! Have the top line Sales Northwest Bend OI' bridge north of Gil- e nts o n pm June 21/22nd si t e . C a l l 541-589-1124 in bold print for only rrAKEBUTLER MARKET ROAD EAST TO PUR61486 Diamond Lake christ onto Creel In., ~2 e ek s 2 | « blossomhutOgmail.com 541-788-7799 /598-5314 CELL BLVD.,FOLLOW NORTH THREE BLOCKS $2.00 extra. 2 Household Moving/ right on K o kanee, Ad must Drive 97702 TO WILDRIVERS LOOP) Garage Sale. Sat. 6/™ 21 Terrier, female, follow signs. include price of TV - free, weed Boxers AKC & Va lleySilky The Bulletin only, 8am-4pm, no early- Old Crowd control admittance numbers 8 a.m. Fri. ServingCen««alOregon since «9«8 June 13-30, 9 a.m.-? Bulldogs CKC puppies. born 4/24/14. 2 l bs trim, bird bath, etc. s~nle tem of «5DO birds! Gardening equipbo r n Nice Sale -Nice Variety! Stark spinet Piano; Red 54'I -480-1996 $700-800. 541-325-3376 $ 250; m a l e 541-385-5809 or less, or multiple ment, power tools, • Garage Sale• leather sofa; Wool handmade small rug; Broy9/1 6/1 3, 6lbs, $150 items whose total kitchen appliances, art707 - 350-1981Private collector buying 61344 Elkhorn St., hill dining table, Broyhill Buffet; Silver-p!ate flat- MOVING SALE: Thurs. Cat, free to good home. Jeff does not exceed work, fabnc, tires, golf postagestamp albums 8 Fri-Sat, 6/20 & 6/21, ware set; 70+ pieces of Pfaltzgraf stoneware; thru Sun., 9-3. Ev- Mature calico female, Christmas Valley. $500. equipment (lefty/righty), set of China; Electrical appliances; Linens; Paerything must go! New has been fixed & shots. Vari Kennel, medium collections, world-wide 8am 3pm. adult clothing/jackets, too and U.S. 573-286-4343 tio Table and umbrella and four chairs; King size items daily. 1 5787 Litterbox trained, a real Call Classifieds at sized, like new, $35. (local, cell phone). many to name! 3274 NW Garage Sale Sat. 6/21 bed; Triple dresser: 5 drawer chest; Two night T rapper Point R d , lover! 541-480-7793 541-385-5809 541-382-3076 Fairway Heights Dr. 8-3, Lots of new women's stands andlamps; Kenmore Sewing machine Sisters. www.bendbulletin.com 241 clothes (tags on), elecDachshund AKC mini pup Yorkies, small females, Antiques * Collectibles tronics, tools, housewares. and older Singer machine; Older Projection TV; * Yard Sale Lots of good $100 down.541-508-4558 Bicycles & and older Game TV; Set of Great speakers; cute, playful, shots & Furniture Lots of 59700 Cheyenne Rd. Metal outdoor bench; Plant stands; Books; stuff. Friday June 20th & go tobendweenies.com docks, parents on site. Accessories Fish Cat 8' pontoon boat, misc. * Scrubs. Sat. June 21st, 9-5. $550. 541-536-3108 or $250. Caddis float tube, 8-3, 311 NW Riverside Home and holiday decor, Costume jewelry; Diamond Back Ladies Bicycle; Saturday 295 H Ave, Terrebonne. text to 541-915-5754. dolls and housewares- Bookshelves; Stands and table; Lifting top cof$50. Both excellent! Awbrey Butte, Sat. 8-1; Something for everyone! fee Table; Card Table and chair set; Electrical 541-280-0570 210 1641 NW Promontory 19575 Greatwood Lp (off tools and hand tools; Troy Built Nice lawn NOTICE Remember to remove Dr. Something for ev- River Rim Dr.) Fri. 6/20 & Mower; Hedge trimmer; Weed Eater; Lawn Furniture & Appliances H & H FIREARMS eryone, 1/2 price noon. Sat 6/21, 9am - 2pm. Edger; Hose Reel; Lots of garden equipment; your Garage Sale signs Buy, Sell, Trade, Ice Chests; Garden chemicals; Clothing; Xmas (nails, staples, etc.) 2 Queen Anne style Consign. Dachshund mini chocoItems; Kitchen misc; New stemware in boxes; after your Sale event late dapple male, $375, chairs, $50 each obo. Cycling Clothes Sale! LET'S MAKE A DEAL Across From Two ladders; Candles; Small stands; Lots of silk is over! THANKS! 541-480-3893 Pilot Butte Drive-In Private party is selling complete Bend New, brand name jeravail 6/21. Pics avail. plants; Small electronic items; Dorm refrigerator From The Bulletin seys, shorts & more! 541-382-9352 Household. Furniture, accessories, artwork, 541-416-2530 and microwave; Recliner; Chair and ottoman; and your local utility June 20-21 8 a.m. TV, BBQ, patio furniture, glassware, garage A1 Washers&Dryers Computer desk unit; Pictures and prints, CD's; companies. Mother's Juice Cafe New in boxes, Ruger racks, plus much more. Purchased new for People Look for Information $150 ea. Full warMisc. office supplies; Lots of other small items1255 NW Galveston SP101 22LR w/500 rds owners vacation home in 2012. Lightly used, ranty. Free Del. Also About Products and The Bulletin Services EveryDaythrough wanted, used W/D's Handledby Deedy's Estate Sales Co. Ave., in Bend. 22 ammo, $540. Glock offeredas a complete package. Shown by se««lng centraloregon vnce«$8 541-419-4742 days • 541-382-5950 eves Credit cards welcome. 27 w / extras, $ 5 0 0. appointment. Call Ken at 760-275-8450 541-280-7355 www.deeedysestatesales. com www.bendbulletin.com The Bulletin Classifieds 541-306-0166 (760)-518-4085



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saturday, June21,2014

Secondhand Rose

ACROSS 1Gallop 9 "Dur Town" family 14Three-to sixyear financial commitment,

By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency The player we call Secondhand Rose showed up at the club today. When the lesson about "second hand low" on defense was taught, Rose must have been out with Jiggs the plumber. Rose was East, and West led the five of spades against South's 3NT. Rose took the ace and returned the nine, and when South played the queen, West followed with the three to keep communication. Declarer next led a heart to dummy and returnedthe jack of clubs for a fake finesse, but East was having none of that: Secondhand Rose ... with the ace! She then led her last spade, and West took the king and two more spades for down one.

If Rose plays low on the first club, South has nine tricks: four diamonds, three hearts, a spade and a club. To grab the ace of clubs would also be c orrectifWestheld J1085 3 , 9 8 6 5 , A 9, 7 4. Principle: When your partner leads a long suit against notrump, win a trick at your 6rst opportunity and return his lead. Set up his suit while preserving his entry. DAILY QUESTION Y ouhold: 4 9 7 6 9 A Q 4 0 K J 3 2 A J 10 9 8. The dealer, at

your left, o pens one c l ub. Your partner doubles, and the next player passes. What do you say? ANSWER: You may have a game. Partner's double promises opening values or more with support for the u nbid suits. (H e m i g h t h a v e a powerful hand — 17 or more points — with a long suit of his own, but that is unlikely here.) Jump to 2NT, s howing 1 0 o r 11 po i n t s w i t h balanced pattern, inviting game. South dealer Both sides vulnerable NORTH 476

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EAST 43 A94

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Opening lead — 4 5 (C) 2014 Tribune Content Agency,LLC

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO

53 It's often chicken, e.g. canned 54 Composers 32 Italian artist with the largest Bruckner and painting in the Webern Louvre 55 Couldn't keep 35 "Guys and Dolls" cool number that usually 56Anthemsingers ends with the at the closing 1SEponym for a rolling of dice ceremony of the day of the week Salt Lake City 36 Gray ones spark 16 Livid Olympics debate 17Where Mozart's 37 Umpire'5 call 57 Lengthy "Don Giovanni" undertakings premiered 3$ "Bonanza" DOWN brother 18Infamous settler 1 Denali National on Galveston 42 Like poodle Park sits on one Island, 1817 hair 19Fail at stoicism, 43 "The Marshall 2 One who puts others to sleep? say Mathers LP" co-producer 3 Suppress 20 Dating inits. 4Showtime, in 21 Result of pushing 45 Home of too hard? Utah Valley some ads University 22 Revlon brand 5 duj our 47 Parlor with 24 Road sign 6 Trunk line simulcasts, silhouette 7 Once-common briefly 25 Natural barrier desert fighting 48 Seabiscuit, force 27 Domain name notably element 8There are three in an inning 2$ Tree-dweller that 49 Urge sleeps 20 or so 51 Cousin of a 9 Not easily taken hours a day zombie 10Air ticket info 11Sources ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE of chronic annoyance Z AC H M A M A A MA Z E I L I E O V I D P U T O N 12 Many watch his movies for kicks N OG S L E T I T B L E E D 13 Run down C OA S T T O C O A S T F R E R E H S T I R R 15Quick ANS S PE E 19Standfor a photo H 0 5 T I L E T A K E 0 V E R 23 Posed A TE E N A G E R I N L 0 V E W H A T E V E R I T T A K E 5 24 Number of signos del zodiaco G ENER A L I N T ER ES T 26 Ballistics test R CA S GEN units: Abbr. S E T S A G N C A A S 28 Country whose E NT R A N C E F E E S currency is the L AS T H U R R A H I SN T shilling A SN E R OT T O R OS Y of 1960s X HOS A WH EW E P E E 30 Tommy pop 29 Recipe for KFC








No. 0517





















29 30 32 3 3




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31 Stuff sold in rolls 32 Group living at zero latitude? 33 Tartness 34Allow 35 Classic Doors song in which Jim Morrison refers to himself anagrammatically as "Mr Mojo Risin'"

39 Exercise in a pool, say


40 Kindle

48 French seat

41 River crossed by if that weren't a ferry in a 1965 50 "As enough ..." top 10 hit 43 Recitation station

44 It's dangerous to run on 53 Opposite of hence

Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.


SUDOKU I love being a redlWe, but BJDLL wouldYL't believe how Clow tke IYL>rYLet i~ here.

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Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains everydigitfrom1 to9 inclusively.









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Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis







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WUMO Your mother didn't love you...



The most efFective trick In any martial arI:

6/2 1


WHATe~ Y o à p Ao je PiifigQZF'

the antioxidant lyCOpene

15 Rock genre


© 2014 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved

1 Image on many Oregon license plates 4 Drink containing




THAT SCRAafiBLED WORD GAME Oy David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

ef Unscramble these four Jumbles,

ono letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.



TBOOR OO014 TOOUne Content Agency, LLC

All Riohls Reeenred.

xcellont. Aoqulrlno YOUf dl'Ihklho f can really ootsoffohmonf ror a oooh dlooount makes thls deal oefo:r for me.=



3 Support

36 More, in Mexico

4 8 2 011 revolution

4 Fibula

3 7 Title for Obama:

loc a l e 49 Diligent worker

neighbors 5 Astrologer

Sydney 6 King's demise 7 CIA employees 8 Up to, in ads 9 Most fit to serve


10 Lynne of ELO

17 Male 18 Fight site 19 Doesn't start

11 Not worthless 12 "Gotcha" 13 Element ¹20 14 JFK

well? 21 Georgia-based insurance giant 22 One way to shrink 23 "Lassie ComeHome" author

HE BOLfGHl ME rAVHZN BECAU5E Il WA5 AN0W arrange the CirCled letterS

to form the surprise anowoa ao suggested by the above cartoon.

Print answer here: ~



~ (Anowors Monday)

"What accident? I told you I waa making bookends."

Yootoda 4

Moselle 52 Ba r in the kitchen 53 Camaro -Z 54 Sta t i stic ifI

bygones 4 3 Shade of green

baseballand hock e y 55 Mil. honor


56 Fifth-century date


H A H A P A U L E D A M C C N Y 24 Pro concerned R O B E B E T C with losses I N C I R 26 Military N A T I O N A L A nickname Knight O RA T I O N 27 20th-anniversary 25 Nautical units D U T Y F R E E S gift 26 Soup served with 28 Czech diacritical E M S R O E sour cream sometimes 31 'YOU betCha" RO M A N T called an 32 Bring in OR O S C O A inverted 33 Cocktail with rum Do h i T R O C K T circumflex 35 Cocktail with D T S R A Y sweet vermouth 2 9 Make d a s h E A T J U S T O N 30 Police vehicle 37 Crusaded 33 " Green": S T A R K E T A 40 Old Venetian Kermit's song T E R S E RO B lUclge 34 Today xwordedltorOaol.com 44 Food franchise initials i 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10


45 Enjoy on the sly 46 Rancor 47 Magazine fig. 49 Menace at sea 50 Words to Un caro 53 Nassau Coliseum player


55 First Bond actor

born after the Bond films began 57 Charlton's























31 34

a s 36


58 Redealt, say


59 No. With a prefix 60 It includes the












61 Close


HERMAOf~ 0 LIUOhfngoOck LicenefnO Inc., ofoo Oy Universal Udfck, 2014

41 Out, perhaps 42 Didn't let bygones be

20 Brand used with



51 City on the

39 Mooring areas

46 Levitra


Jurassic period


Abbr. 38 Shake up

Jumbles: WINCE


) Answer. Sho planned to work in hor garden until ohoGREW TIRED


1 Budgetsqueezing announcement 2 Response to "Did eo



53 56

S4 57

59 61

yOU Clean yOur

room yet?"

By Barry C. Silk (c)2014 Tribune Content Agency,LLC




9 5 4 4 6 5 3

Sudoku High Fives How to play: Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. The num-

bers in any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the individual Sudokus.

The Bulletin

1 7 4 8 9

7 6

9 6 4 8 2 1 3 2 6 9 5 4 7 5 4 8 7 5 3 7 9 2 8 5 2 7 1


9 2 4 3 7

5 9

4 9 1 4 2 9 7 4 3 9 6

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Serving Central Oregonsince f903


7 3

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3 7


2 2 9 8


2 1

1 6 9 6



O 20132013 UFS, Dist. b Univ. Uciick for UFS







Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Business Opportunities

Houses for Rent General

Motorcycles & Accessories

DID YOU KNOW 144 MENTAL HEALTH million U.S. A d ults Mental Wellness

DID YOU KNOW 7 IN 10 Americans or 158 million U.S. A d ults

The Bulletin

read a N ewspaper Centers, Inc. caution when purprint copy each week? Discover the Power of is in an evaluation stage I chasing products or tI of opening a compreservices from out of PRINT N e wspaper Advertising in Alaska, hensive outpatient / I the area. SendingI c ash, checks, o r Idaho, Montana, Or- community-based egon, U t a h and m ental health/ s u b- I credit i n f ormationI Washington with just stance abuse treatment I may be subjected to I one phone call. For a program in Bend, Or- FRAUD. FREE adv e rtisingegon. We are seeking I For more informa- t tion about an adver• network brochure call an Executive Director to 916-288-6011 or oversee the daily op- I tiser, you may call I erations of the facility. the Oregon State email They must hold an ac- I Attorney General'sI cecelia@cnpa.com Office C o n sumer g tive masters-level li(PNDC) cense in the State of I Protection hotline at I DID Y O U KNO W O regon such a s a I 1-877-877-9392. I L CSW or L PC, a n d Newspaper-genera ted content is s o have clinical supervi- LThe Bulletin valuable it's taken and sion/ executive experirepeated, condensed, ence. We prefer somebroadcast, t weeted, o ne wh o h o ld s a Looking for your next discussed, p o sted,certification in addiction employee? copied, edited, and counseling along with Place a Bulletin help emailed c o u ntless the LCSW/ LPC, but it wanted ad today and times throughout the is not mandatory. The reach over 60,000 day by others? Dis- position will be salary, readers each week. DOE. In addition MWC cover the Power of Your classified ad Newspaper Advertis- offers a f u l l b e nefit will also appear on ing in SIX STATES package. Furthermore, bendbulletin.com with just one phone the person hired will rewhich currently call. For free Pacific ceive growth incentives receives over 1.8 Northwest Newspa- in addition to their salmillion page views per Association Net- ary. If you are interevery month at work brochures call ested please email reno extra cost. sume to 916-288-6011 or Bulletin Classifieds email e ettin ill@mwcid.com Get Results! ax to 08-528-2945 or cecelia©cnpa.com Call 385-5809 for questions call (PNDC) or place 208-542-1026 and ask to your ad on-line at speak with Eric. bendbulletin.com



Class A and Class B CDL Drivers needed. Must be able to work hard, pass U/A and background check. No experience necessary.

Call Bill, 541-383-3362

for more info. ELECTRICIAN

Journegman Electricians

Garage Sales


Garage Sales Garage Sales

Independent Positions

Find them in The Bulletin Classifieds


Earn over

$1,000 a week!

Welcome toYOUR NEIGHBORHOOD 541-385-5809 PUBLICATIONS. We are establishing a branch in Resort Housekeeper Central Oregon. wanted for small co. We are looking for Exp'd only; $10/hrto responsible and start. Send work history ambitious individuals to to resorthk©gmail.com sell subscriptions to The Bulletin at established sales locations. j ( s MW I RAE LRE S T ' S

neede ASAP. Work will be residential, custom and production homes, All work in the Bend area. Residential experience preferred. New hire bonus. Please send a resume 8 copy of Jour- Sales Control what you earn neyman Electrical Li- 2014 is our 5th year as by working a cense to: designated local O regon's 100 B e s t offI cehawkIns and essentially Companies To yi/ork territory electric© mail.com build your own For! We h i r e the or mail to: business! " Smartest an d th e P.o. Box 8282, Bend, Brightest" salespeople OR. 97708. that are capable of de- To learn more about (541)-678-5447 this new livering an exceptional customer experience. employment Good classified adstell mart W i reless i s opportunity the essential facts in an Sseeking full time Retail please call us at interesting Manner.Write Sales associates to be 458-206-0905 from the readers view not part of our high peror email us at the seller's. Convert the formance sales team paperman09Ohotmail.com facts into benefits. Show f or our ATBT R e d the reader howthe item will mond location. Your Neighborhood help them in someway. Hourly base + commisPublications sion, work 20 hours This and above and get advertisingtip exc. benefits including brought to you by medical, dental, vision, Rm(jice) The Bulletin tuition reimbursement ® l3zdlzcm and employee dealer phone program. Wlldland Apply at: www.smartwireless.com/jobs Firefighters To fight forest fires must be 18yrs old & Drug Bt&t free! Apply gam-3pm aeetettaee eelaller Mon-Thurs. Bring two 628 forms of ID fill out Loans 8 Mortgages Federal 1-9 form. No ID = No Application WARNING TV & APPUANCE The Bulletin recommends you use cauSales Support / tion when you proCustomer Service vide personal (part-time) P ATRlc K information to compaComejoin our team! PatRick Corp. nies offering loans or Standard TV 8 Appli1199 NE Hemlock, credit, especially ance is the largest, Redmond those asking for adindependently owned 541-923-0703 EOE vance loan fees or appliance retailer in companies from out of the Pacific Northstate. If you have west. We need proconcerns or quesfessionals who have tions, we suggest you experience deliverBend Park@ consult your attorney ing excellent cusRecreation or call CONSUMER o et n e t tomer service both in HOTLINE, Is Accepting person and on the 1-877-877-9392. Applications For: phone. Must have strong ten-key and •Swimming Coach data entry s k ills, BANK TURNED YOU (Novice & Masters) DOWN? Private party great attitude and will loan on real esprofessional appearForcompletejob tate equity. Credit, no ance. Varying shifts announcements problem, good equity including nights and or fo apply go to is all you need. Call bendparksandrec.org weekends. Apply in person at 6 3 7 36 Oregon Land MortEqual Opportunity gage 541-388-4200. Paramount D r ive, Employer Bend, OR 97701 or LOCALMONEyrWe buy online at TURN THE PAGE hes/t d dt d secured trust deeds & ~ al iance. For More Ads note,some hard money ~ a licant ro.com/'obs/ loans. Call Pat Kellev The Bulletin 541-382-3099 ext.13.


5 3 8 2 1 7 9 6 4

4 2 1 3 9 6 5 8 7

9 7 6 4 5 8 2 3 1

6 1 2 9 7 5 8 4 3

3 9 4 8 2 1 7 5 6

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5 3 4 1 7 8 9 2 6

8 9 1 7 3 6 4 5 2

541-385-5809 Small clean studio close to library, $550 mo., $525 dep. All util pd. No smoking/no pets. 541-330-9769

Have an item to sell quick? If it's under 6500 you can place it in The Bulletin Classifieds for:

FXSTD Harley Davidson 2001, twin cam 88, fuel injected, Vance & Hines short shot exhaust, Stage I with Vance & Hines fuel management system, custom parts, extra seat. $10,500OBO. Call Today 541-516-8684

Harley Davidson 2003 Anniversary Road King, Stage 1, pearl white, excellent condition, lots of chrome & extra s . $13,999. 541-279-0846

Apt./Multiplex NE Bend

Call forSpecials! Limited numbers avail. 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. W/D hookups, patios or decks. MOUNTAIN GLEN, 541 -383-931 3 Professionally managed by Norris & Stevens, Inc.

Harley Davidson 2011 Classic Limited, Loaded! 9500 miles, custom paint "Broken Glass" by Nicholas Del Drago, new condition, heated handgrips, auto cruise control. $32k in bike, only $20,000or best offer. 541-318-6049

16.2' 1987 Barron Marine, i/o, top cover, $4,500 obo 541-419-5731


18'Maxum skiboat,2000,

inboard motor, g reat cond, well maintained, $8995obo. 541-350-7755

6 1 5 9 2 4 3 7 8

2 3 9 6 7 8 4 1 5

3 2 7 4 5 9 6 8 1

1 5 4 8 6 2 7 9 3

9 8 6 7 3 1 5 4 2


4 8 2 9 1 7 5 3 6

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8 1 9 6 7 2 4 5 3


ds published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of FLEETWOOD watercraft, please go PACE ARROW, 1999 to Class875. Updated interior, 36', 2 541-385-5809 skdes, 42,600 miles, V10 as, 5000 watt generator, Serving Central Oregon since 1909 hydraulic levelers, auto steps, back-up camera, 876 washer/dryer, central vac, ice m aker, l o aded, Watercraft excellent condition. $27,500 541-620-2136 16' Old Town Canoe, (SeeCraigslisl spruce, cedar & can¹4470374489) vas, Lake model, 1 owner, very good condition, comes with extras. $1000. 541-388-3386

The Bulletin

Beaver Marquis, 1993 40-ft, Brunswick floor plan. Many extras, well maintained, fire suppression behind refrig, Stow Master 5000 tow bar,

12' aluminum fishing boat, t r ailer, motor, fish finder, accessories, $1200.

obo. 541-408-3811

4 7 8 3 1 5 9 2 6



spare tire, access., good cond. $1200

7 9 1 5 8 6 2 3 4 7 6 9 1 5 8 3 9 6 7 2 4



15' tri-hull fiberglas fishing boat, 1971 walk-thru, fish finder, full top cover, 45 hp Evinrude, tr a i ler,

5 4 2 1 9 3 8 6 7 5 1 2 9 3 4 7 2 5 6 8 1




Brake Buddy, $500; Guardian rock shield, $200; Roadmaster 5000 tow bar, $450; OR $900 forALL. Call 541-848-1422



1994 37.5' motorhome, with awning, and one slide-out, Only 47k miles and good condition.

Winnebago Aspect


2009- 32', 3 slide-

541-848-0318 (photo aboveis of a

outs, Leather interior, Power s e at, locks, win d ows, Aluminum wheels. 17n Flat Screen, Surround s o u nd, camera, Queen bed, Foam mattress, Awning, Generator, Inverter, Auto Jacks, Air leveling, Moon roof, no smoking or p ets. L ik e n ew, $74,900

similar model & not the actual vehicle) n

Say egoodbuy

to that unused item by placing it in The Bulletin Classifieds

5 41-385-580 9


Winnebago Sightseer 30' 2004

Providence 2005 Fully loaded, 35,000 miles, 350 Cat, Very clean, non-smoker, 3 slides, side-by-side refrigerator with ice maker, Washer/Dryer, Flat screen TV's, In motion satellite. $95,000 541-480-2019

For Sale

Roadmaster Stowmaster 5000 tow bar & accessories, $200. Roadmaster Even Brake s y stem, $500. Both used, but in good cond. Cash only. 541-389-9292 RV CONSIGNMENTS WANTED

We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond:

Dodge Brougham 1978, 15', 1-ton, clean, 69,000 mlles. $4500. In La Plne, call 541-602-8652

Tioga 24' Class C Motorhome Bought new in 2000, currently under 20K miles, excellent shape, new tires, professionaly winterized every year, cutoff switch to battery, plus new RV batteries. Oven, hot water heater & air conditioning have never been used! $24,000 obo. Serious inquiries, please. Stored in Terrebonne.

HOLIDAY RAMBLER VACATIONER 2003 8.1L V8 Gas, 340 hp, workhorse, Allison 1000 5 speed trans., 39K, NEW TIRES,2 slides, Onan 5.5w gen., ABS brakes, steel cage cockpit, washer/dryer, firelace, mw/conv. oven, ree standing dinette, was $121,060 new; now, Ready to make memories! $35,900. 541-836-1008 Top-selling Winnebago 31 J, original owners, nonsmokers, garaged, only 18,800 miles, auto-leveling jacks, (2) slides, upgraded queen bed, bunk beds, micro, (3) TVs, sleeps 10! Lots of storJsyco Greyhswk age, maintained, very 26SS 2005 clean!Only $67,995! Ex6K miles, 1 slide, tended warranty and/or fisleeps 4, full bath in avail to qualified rear, no bdrm, outside nancing buyers! 541-388-7179 shower & BBQ, back-up camera, awning, solar panel, brand new tires, new engine battery, protective sealants in/out, lots more! Exc. cond, $38,000 541-81 5-2737 Winnebago Adventurer 2005 351/6', gas, Need help fixing stuff? less than 20,000 miles, Call A Service Professional excellent condition, 2 find the help you need. slide-outs, work horse www.bendbulletin.com chassis, Banks power brake system, sleeps 5, with a l l o p tions, $62,000 / negotiable. Call 5 4 1-306-8711or email a i kistu@bendcable.com



'10 - 3 lines, 7 days '16 - 3 lines, 14 days (Private Party ads only) 634

12' Aluminum boat with trailer, 3hp motor, good cond, $1200.. 503-307-8570

8 6 3 2 4 7 1 5 9 4 3 8 2 7 6 8 4 1 3 9 5


The Bulletin

Sell them in The Bulletin Classifieds

7 6 5 1 4 2 3 7 5 9 9 8 4 2 8 1 3 6 1 6 2 8 2 4 9 7 6 3 1 5 7 5 6 4 4 2 8 1 5 9 7 3 9 2 1 3 6 8 6-15-14

Boats & Accessories

HDFat Bo 1996 PUBLISHER'S NOTICE read content f rom All real estate advern ewspaper m e d i a tising in this newspaeach week? Discover per is subject to the ds published in eWa tercraft" include: Kay the Power of the Pa- F air H o using A c t cific Northwest News- which makes it illegal aks, rafts and motor Completely Ized paper Advertising. For to a d vertise "any personal a free brochure call preference, limitation Rebuilt/Customized watercrafts. Fo 916-288-6011 or or "boats" please se disc r imination 2012/2013 Award email Winner Class 870. based on race, color, Showroom Condition cecelia©cnpa.com 41-385-5809 religion, sex, handiMany Extras (PNDC) cap, familial status, Low Miles. DID YOU KNOW that marital status or na$15,000 origin, or an innot only does news- tional 541-848-4807 to make any paper media reach a tention Take care of pre f erence, HUGE Audience, they such your investments also reach an EN- limitation or discrimiFamilial staGAGED AUDIENCE. nation." with the help from Discover the Power of tus includes children The Bulletin's under the age of 18 Newspaper Advertis- living with parents or ing in six states - AK, "Call A Service legal cus t odians,HD Sportster, 2001 exc ID, MT, OR, UT,WA. For a free rate bro- pregnant women, and cond, 1 owner, maint'd, Professional" Directory securing cus- new t i r es , cu s t om chure call people 880 918-288-6011 or tody of children under chrome, leather saddle 18. This newspaper bags, 32,400 mi, $4200. email Motorhomes will not knowingly acTom, 541-382-6501 cecelia@cnpa.com cept any advertising (PNDC) for real estate which is Piaggio/Vespa 3-wheel in violation of the law. MP3 scooter 2009 O ur r e aders a r e with only 400 miles. Tick, Tock hereby informed that Not a scratch! Like all dwellings adver- brand new! $5900. Tick, Tock... tised in this newspa- 520-360-9300, owner ...don't let time get per are available on 2007 Winnebago an equal opportunity away. Hire a Outlook Class "C" basis. To complain of 31', solar panel, Cat. professional out d iscrimination ca l l heater, excellent of The Bulletin's HUD t o l l-free at condition, more ex1-800-877-0246. The tras. Asking $58K. "Call A Service toll f ree t e lephone Ph. 541-447-9268 Professional" number for the hear- Triumph Daytona Can be viewed at ing im p aired is 2004, 15K m i l e s, Directory today! Western Recreation 1-800-927-9275. (top of hill) perfect bike, needs in Prinevi//e. nothing. Vin 658 ¹20'I 536. Houses for Rent $4995 Redmond Dream Csr Auto Sales D esirable sg l le v e l 1801Division, Bend 3br/2ba, lots of upDreamcarsBend.com grades, pets neg. No 541-678-0240 smoking $1200 mo Dlr 3685 Alfa See Ya 2006 36' 415-596-2006 Excellent condition, 1 630 Vespa GTS 250 2007, owner, 350 Cat diesel, red, just over 4k mi., 51,000 miles, 4-dr frig, Rooms for Rent exc. cond. $ 3100. icemaker, gas stove, 541-419-3147 oven, washer/dryer, Furn. room i n q u iet non-smoker, 3 sltdes, home no drugs, alcogenerator, invertor, hol, smoking. $450 leather interior, satel1st/1st. 541-408-0846 lite, 7'4n ceiling. Clean!$74,500. Look at: 541-233-6520 Bendhomes.com for Complete Listings of 860 Area Real Estate for Sale Victory TC 2 0 0 2, Snowmobiles 40K mi., runs great, 632 s tage 1 kit, n e w Arctic Cat 580 1994, Apt JMultiplex General tires, rear brakes & EXT, in good more. Health forces condition, $1000. CHECKyOUR AD s ale. $4,5 0 0 . Located in La Pine. Allegro 28' 541-771-0665 Call 541-408-61 49. Class A 2008 Ford V10 gas, 50K 860 866 miles, 2 slides, satelMotorcycles & Accessories lite, 2 Tvs, Onan gen, ATVs rear & side cameras, on the first day it runs hydraulic levelers, A rcticcat AT V 7 0 0 300w solar panel to make sure it is cor- 2006 H-D Ultra 2008 t w o-rider veeSpellcheck n and Classic. Twin Cam with inverter. rect. h icle, EFI LE . L o w 88 w/ Stage One Original owner. human errors do ochours, high perfor$55,500. cur. If this happens to Kit. Screaming mance. Nice wheels, 541-420-4303 your ad, please con- Eagle exhaust. 28k winch, extra equip., miles. Lots of extact us ASAP so that $8000. Moving causes tras. Excellent. corrections and any sale. 541-447-3342. $12,999 OBO. adjustments can be 541-280-8074. made to your ad. 870 541-385-5809 Boats & Accessories The Bulletin Classified Just too many collectibles?

2 8 9 7 6 3 4 1 5 9 8 7 3 6 2 5 8 4 1 9 7

TIFFIN ALLEGRO BUS 2010 - FULLY LOADED 40QXP Powerglide Chassis / 425HP Cummings Engine / Allison 6 Spd Automatic Trans / Less than 40K miles / Offered at $199K. Too many options to list here! For more Fleeftgrood Discovery information go to 40' 2003, diesel, w/all ww.m new w~ options - 3 slide outs, elle ~ robus.com satellite, 2 TV's, W/D, or email etc., 32,000 miles. trainwater157@ Wintered in h e ated gmail.com shop. $82,000 O.B.O. or call858-527-8627 541-447-8664

with living r oom slide, 48,000 miles, in good condition. Has newer Michelin tires, awning, blinds, carpet, new coach battery and HD TV. $31,000 Call Dick at 541-408-2387 881

Travel Trailers

Fleetwood Wilderness NW Edition 2002, 26'

1 slide, electric tongue jack, stabilizers, new brakes, waste tank heaters, ducted heat/AC, micro/stove/oven, tub/shower, couch, elec/gas hot water tank. Sleeps 6. Includes Eaz Lift hitch, storage cover and accessories. $10,500. 541-447-3425

Keystone Cougar 31' 2 004 2 sl i des, 2 bdrms, sleeps 7 with r ear bunks, tub 8 shower combo, elect. tongue jack, s o lar pkg. all the bells & whistles, and lots of storage, immaculate c ond., always g a raged. Great for family v a c ations or part-time home. $16,400 obo 541-480-9876












Travel Trailers

Travel Trailers

Fifth Wheels

Fifth Wheels

Canopies & Campers

Aircraft, Parts & Service

Aircraft, Parts & Service

Aircraft, Parts & Service

Trucks & Heavy Equipment




2013 R-Vision 23RBS Keystone Laredo31' on the first day it runs Trail-Lite Sportby MoRV 20 06 w i th 1 2' to make sure it is cornaco -Expedition pkg, slide-out. Sleeps 6, rect. "Spellcheck" and Sport Value pkg, conyequeen walk-around nience pkg, elec. awning, human errors do ocbed w/storage undercur. If this happens to spare tire, LED TV/ent. neath. Tub 8 shower. system, outside shower, your ad, please con2 swivel rockers. TV. tact us ASAP so that elec. tongue jack, black Air cond. Gas stove & flush sys, beautiful intecorrections and any refrigerator/freezer. rior, huge galley, great adjustments can be Microwave. Awning. storage, 1/2-ton towable, made to your ad. Outside sho w er. alloys, queen bed. 541-385-5809 Slide through stor- Like new,asking $22,000 The Bulletin Classified a ge, E a s y Li f t . Gordon,541-382-5797 $29,000 new; Asking$18,600 RV 541-447-4805 CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit Fleetwood Prowler approval team, 32' - 2001 web site presence. 2 slides, ducted We Take Trade-Ins! heat & air, great Komfort Pacific Free Advertising. condition, snowbird Ridge Perfect ConBIG COUNTRY RV ready, Many updition! Like NEW Bend: 541-330-2495 grade options, fiRedmond: 27ft deluxe NW denancing available! 541-548-5254 sign, 15' Super $14,500 obo. Slide, priv bdrm, power jack, electric Call Dick, Looking for your awning, solar panel, 541-480-1687. next employee? 6-volt, led lights, alPlace a Bulletin help ways stored inside. wanted ad today and A MUST see! reach over 60,000 $26,000 obo!Call readers each week. Pam 541-788-6767 Your classified ad or Bill 541-480-7930 will also appear on bendbulletin.com Komfort Ridgecrest 23', which currently re2008, queen bed, ceives over 1.5 milHoliday Rambler sleeps 6, micro & AC, Alumascape 28' lion page views evfull awning, living ery month at no 2003, 1-owner. room slider, yule Self-contained, extra cost. Bulletin tables, outside 13' slide, 80W solar Classifieds Get Reshower, 4 closets, panel, walkaround sults! Call 385-5809 fiberglass frame, as ueen + sofa/bed, or place your ad new, $11,500. La Pine oads of storage on-line at call 541-914-3360 throughout. Excellent bendbulletin.com cond., licensed 2015. Must see!$15,700. Get your 882 541-389-9214 business Fifth Wheels

a ROW I N G with an ad in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory

Canopy fiberglass both side and front windows slide, fits short box, 68x80. $200


5th Wheel Transport, 1990 Low miles, EFI 460, 4-spd auto, 10-ply tires, low miles, almost new condition, Sell for $3500. OR For Hire

Kit Companion 1994,

good cond. 26' with one slide, $4500 obo. 541-389-5768

Laredo 30' 2009

Call for quote

'! ii Q

Ask for Theo,


Like NEW! Trail-Lite 2011 Crossover 21-ft. A/C, awning, AM/I-M CD, custom queen bed, custom drawer pullouts. Dry axle wgt 2,566; dry unloaded wgt 2,847. EquaFlex suspension, exterior shower, indoor tub/ Arctic Fox 29' 2003, shower combo, stabilizer covered storage, slidejacks, 2 batteries, plus out, exc. cond inside 8 MORE!$12,995. outside 2016 tags, $14,500. 541-678-1449 info, or to see - in Bend. or 541-410-8649




54'I -416-0970

- jt[l

MONTANA 3585 2008,

exc. cond., 3 slides, king bed, Irg LR, Arctic insulation, all options $35,000 obo. 541-420-3250

OPEN ROAD 36' 2005 - $25,500 King bed, hide-a-bed sofa, 3 slides, glass shower, 10 gal. water heater, 10 cu.ft. fridge, central vac, s atellite dish, 2 7 " TV/stereo syst., front front power leveling jacks and s cissor stabilizer jacks, 16' awning. Like new! 541-419-0566

Recreation by Design 2013 Monte Carlo, 38-ft. Top living room, 2 bdrm, has 3 slideouts, 2 A/Cs, entertainment center, fireplace, W/D, garden tub/shower, in great condition.$36,000 obo. Call Peter,

Columbia 400,

Financing available. Eagle Cap 850, 2005 with slideout, AC, micro, frig, heater, queen bed, wet bath, exlnt cond, $16,900. 541-388-3477 leave message.


(located @ Bend) 541-288-3333

Fuel Flow Monitor, digital density, temp & amp monitor. Nice paint & upLEAR CANOPY 2003 holstery w/memory foam blue, fits Ford F-350 seat bottoms. Oil filter 8 Find exactly what s hort b ox , $5 0 0 . block htr. 1 owner past 541-410-4354. you are looking for in the 14 yrs; always hangared, 1/3 interest in wellno damage history. CLASSIFIEDS N9475U.$26,000. Northland 1997 990 Polar, equipped IFR Beech Bo541 -480-4375 camper very clean, s/c nanza A36, new 10-550/ prop, located KBDN. $4000. 541-617-0932 $65,000. 541-419-9510 www. N4972M.com 3000 sq. ft. Han4 gar Bend Airport SNUG TOP west side. 60' wide Pickup canopy for by 50' deep with 55' F250 short bed, wide by 16' high white in color, bi-fold door, 14'x14' like new, 1974 Bellanca door rear side. Up$675. 1730A graded with painted 541-416-9686 floor, windows, sky 2180 TT, 440 SMO, lights, 240V/50 amp 1/5th interest in 1973 180 mph, excellent outlets. Cessna 150 LLC $195,000. 150hp conversion, low condition, always o hangared, 1 owner (520) 360-9300, time on air frame and Owner engine, hangared in for 35 years. $60K. Bend.Excellent performance & affordIn Madras, T-Hangar for rent able flying! $6,000. call 541-475-6302 at Bend airport. 541-410-6007 Call 541-382-8998.


2009Subaru Imprez» AWD

2008iord Esccape XLT


$12,975 EconomicalAWOsafety! Hurry, this onewon't last! VINI 501533

$14,975 Low milesandlike new,giu! AWDvalue!VINID05858

2012$8Zukl KiZashl AWD

2008BNW 328i



Arctic Fox camper

Model 860, 2003 • Full slide-out

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200f DODGE RAN 3$00 SL'K

s15,995 Sale Price

VIN: 197379

2004 CHEVY 2500 LT CREW CAB 4x4 Duramax





Sale Price VIN:225721



C onfi d e n c e in M o t i o n

2014 u a ru O ut b a c k 2 .5 i P remium CV T

2014 ub a tu O ut b a c k 2 .5 i P remium CV T

Option PKG 2,All-Weather Package.HeatedFront Seats, WindshieldWiper De-lcer, HeatedSideMirrors, Popular Package ¹1 B. Auto-DimMirror/Comp/Homelink, SplashGuards, Rear BumperCover,Floor Mats/All Weather

Option PKG 2, Heated Front Seats, WindshieldWiper De-lcer, HeatedSideMirrors, Rear BumperCover, Rear Seat Back Protector,CargoNet -Rear- Outback, Auto-DimMirror/Comp/Homelink,FloorMats/All Weather

Low Miles, GreatCondition

s17,995 Sale Price

e vr

I .eh O'T VIN:525567


Sale Price

VIN: A47397

2008 FORD F-350 CREW CAB LARIAT 4X4, Moooroof, Longgox. -

MSRP $28,515. VIN: ¹E3260634 EDD-02 Subaru of Bend Discount $2,016.







MSRP $28,657. VIN: ¹E3271726 EDD-02 Subaru of Bend Discount $2,158.

201 4 S ub a r u O ut b a c k 2 .5 i P remium 6 M T

2014 S u b a r u O ut b a c k 2 .5 i P remium CV T

Option PKG 2,All-Weather Package.HeatedFront Seats, WindshieldWiperDe-lcer, HeatedSide Mirrors, RearBumper Cover,SplashGuards,Auto-DimMirror/Comp

Option PKG 2,All-Weather Package.Heated FrontSeats, WindshieldWiperDe-lcer, HeatedSideMirrors, RearSeat Back Protector, RearBumperCover, Puddlelights, CargoNet, Auto-DimMirror/Comp/Homelink,FloorMats/All Weather

MSRP $27,352. VIN: ¹E1272914 EDC-02 Subaru of Bend Discount $1,853.

MSRP $28,759. VIN: ¹E3272267 EDD-02 Subaru of Bend Discount $2,260.

Sale Price

VIN: D66105



s18,995 =


Sale Price VIN: E61489


201 4 S ub a r u O ut b a c k 2 .5 i P remium C V T

2014 S u b a r u O ut b a c k 2 .5 i P remium CV T

Option PKG 2,All-Weather Package.HeatedFront Seats, WindshieldWiperDe-lcer, HeatedSideMirrors, RearSeat Back Protector, RearBumperCover, CargoNet, Auto-DimMirror/Comp/Homelink,FloorMats/All Weather

Option PKG 2, HeatedFront Seats, Windshield Wiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors, RearSeat Back Protector, Rear BumperCover,CargoNet,Auto-DimMirror/Comp/Homelink, Floor Mats/AllWeather

MSRP $28,515. VIN: ¹E3266153EDD-02 Subaru of Bend Discount $2,016.

MSRP $28,515. VIN: ¹E3266162EDD-02 Subaru of Bend Discount $$2,016.



Sale Price

~28 499


2007 CHEVY SILVERADO 3500 LT CREW 6.0 L, Auto,4X4,Dually, 44KMiles.



Sale Price




VIN: 546358

2014 B RZ 2 . 0 Limited 6M T

2012 VW TOUA REG V6TDi Leather,Moonroof,Navigation, GreatCondition.


MSRP $28,888. VIN: ¹E9602327EZC-02 Subaru of Bend Discount $1,889.

Sale Price










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I t o I

I• Sale endsJune24, 2014


OptionPackage01, StandardModel, Popularpackage¹1a, Auto-DimMirror/ Comp/Homelink,RearBumperApplique, WheelLocks-Alloy Wheels, CargoTrayBlack

VIN: 004148







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