FRIDAY September21,2012
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Firefighters hope to keep— Po reek Fire f ames fromwatershed
Ittce starting on Sept. 9, the Pole reek Fire has burned nearly 25,000 ~ a cres southwest of Sisters.
By Dylan J. Darling The Bulletin
SISTERS — Fire lines should stop the Pole Creek Fire from burning closer to Sisters or into the Bend watershed, but it will likely continue to spread through wilderness at the foot of the Three Sis ters, fire bosses said Thursday. "Truly the only thing that will put this out is some rain," said Brian Watts, the incident commander for the fire. "And there is none of that in the fore cast for the near future." The largest fire in Central Oregon this year had burned through 24,392 acres, Watts told about 125 residents at a public meeting at Sisters Elementary School. The Pole Creek Fire is now 45 percent contained, he said, more than twice the area contained a couple of days ago.
Sisters R
• A plan to reduce fire risk in Whycus Canyon has been delayed by a dispute over grant money,C1
Fire origin While more than 1,200 firefighters re main assigned to the fire, Watts said, some crews have already been released as firefighting winds down. Crews strengthened fire lines in recent days by burning forest along Three Creeks Road, between the con tainment line and the wildfire, hoping to bar the fire's advance to the north and east, Watts said. That should pre vent it from reaching the Bridge Creek watershed, which supplies water for Bend, or subdivisions near Sisters. See Fire/A5
North Sister
Pole Creek Trailhea
i Middle Sister
k South Sister Green Lakes
Perimeter of fire ou Thursday
Complete dulldozer line
Three Creek + Lake
Br o ken Top
Sources: LLS. Forest Senrice
Greg Cross/The Bulletin
• Work on the water project is set for octoberafter theForest Servicerejectsanappeal to delayit By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin
The city of Bend is preparing to break ground in October on a $20.1 million upgrade of the city system to capture and deliver water from Bridge Creek following a favorable decision from the Forest Service earlier this week. Pacific Northwest Regional Forester Kent Connaughton on Tuesday upheld an earlier de cision by the Deschutes National Forest that the city water project will not significantly impact federal lands. Bill Smith, Clarence Sanders and Central Oregon LandWatch had appealed the Forest Service decision on the project over the summer. Connaughton denied the appeal, paving the way for the Forest Service to issue the city a special-use permit for the water project. "Our intent is to move forward with construc tion," City Manager Eric King said Thursday. "If we were to wait, we would have to essentially rebid out the project, as well as the resequenc ing of rebuilding Skyliners Road." The city plans to replace sections of wa terline beneath Skyliners Road before Des chutes County begins a road rebuilding proj ect in spring 2013. Fall construction plans are part of a larger city surface-water project that could ultimately cost $68.2 million. Work in the fall would include a new water intake facil ity at Bridge Creek and a 10-mile-long pipeline through Forest Service land. If the project were delayed, the cost would be "significant," King said. See Water /A6
Reb Kerr /The Bulletin
Elevation Tents and Events employee James Steel, 22, sets upone of several tents Thursday in Bend's Old Mill District in preparation for the Leadman triathlon, scheduled for Saturday. The triathlon's organizers are seeking volunteers to help with the event. Anyone interested should email rmansour©bendbroadband.corn.
Mexican ganggets inside help to stage
Florida coun a 'perfect storm' of human trafficking
By Tim Johnson McClatchy Newspapers
By Brett Clarkson
MEXICO CITY — Needing to replen ish its ranks, Mexico's brutal Los Zetas crime gang has refined the tactic of spring ing hundreds of it s m embers in m a ss jailbreaks. But unlike the Hollywood version, the jailbreaks don't involve overcoming guards, crawling through dingy tunnels and scatter ing once outside the fence. Instead, scores of dangerous inmates sim ply walk or drive out the gates in cahoots with wardens and prison guards. The jailbreaks, including one this week in which 129 inmates fled a state prison near Piedras Negras, across from Eagle Pass, Texas, lay bare Mexico's broken peniten tiary system, where wardens either bend to organizedcrime or face death. See Jailbreaks /A6
Fort Lauderdale Sun Sentinel
Weu serecycfed newsprint
' IIII o
88267 02329
The Bulletin An Independent Newspaper
Vol. 109, No. 265, 6B pages, 7 sections
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Recruited from the Philippines and other devel oping nations, the workers were promised jobs that paid $7.50 an hour as serv ers at the Polo Club of Boca Raton. It was a lie. After arriving in the U.S. with temporary work visas, they were shipped out in a pickup truck to a grubby trailer on the edge of the woods in Purvis, Miss., where they would work 12 hours a day, six days a week picking pine
straw, which is used to make mulch. At night, they slept in a filthy, unheated trailer with no potable wa ter. It was November 2009 and there was snow on the ground. "We were afraid,"said Regie Tesoro, 35, one of the victims. "We didn't even know about why these people were doing this to us — just for money." Tesoro is one among thousands of victims of hu man trafficking, a crime federal investigators say is growing across the country — and in South Florida. Palm Beach County, with
its agriculture and tourism industries always on the lookout for low-cost labor, is a "perfect storm" for human trafficking, investigators say. "It's a multibillion-dollar business," said Carmen Pino, assistant special agent in charge of the Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Office of Homeland Security Investigations in Miami. "It' s everywhere." Pino said the crime is creeping into everyday life in South Florida, even though many people might not real ize it. See Trafficking /A6
INDEX B usiness Et -4 Crosswords B5, F2 Local News Ct -B Sports C alendar B 3 E d itorials C6 M o vies GO! 23 Stocks B t-6 Obituaries C 7 T V Classified Ft-4 Family
Unproductive, un ovedCongress sinks out oftown By David Lightman and William Douglas McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON — The most disliked, unpro ductive Congress in decades planned to leave Washington this week until after the Novem ber election, departing without agreements on virtually every big issue it deals with: taxes, de fense, spending, farms, even post office policy. Lawmakers spent Thursday pointing fingers and charging opponents with cynical political posturing. Among Congress' last decisions was a characteristic 2012 judgment: Punt action un til later. It will let the farm bill, a broad measure that sets the nation's agriculture and food and nutrition assistance policies, expire Sept. 30. Congress also exits without any serious ef fort to edge away from the "fiscal cliff," the prospect of economy-damaging budget chaos if it doesn't act by year's end. Bush-era tax cuts are due to expire, and au tomatic spending cuts will take effect unless alternatives are passed. The public is noticing, as the legislative fail ures stir uncertainty and further roil an al ready-weak economy. See Congress/A5
TODAY'S WEATHER D -t 6 E2 - 3 B2
Sunny High 82, Low 43
Page CS
TOP NEWS SYRIA: Bombs kill at least 30, A3 CHINA: Orchestrated protest? A4
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Romneyjust latest to trip over his tongue By John Harwood
Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you need to know to start your day. Until Election Day, this page will focus on politics.
As critics pummel Mitt Rom ney over his secretly recorded comments at a fundraiser, he can at least take comfort in this: he's not the first. Presidential campaign his tory overflows w it h c andi dates who tripped over their own loose tongues — some obscuring their actual mean ing, others accidentally reveal ing it. Even a cursory statisti cal analysis shows that well over 47 percent of races for the White House have seen a candidate suffer self-inflicted wounds. In Romney's case, he has stood by his remarks, but nev ertheless acknowledged he spoke inelegantly. Here's a list of verbal mis fires under the pitiless glare of the national political stage: Sen. John Mccain, 2008: " The fundamentals o f t h e economy are strong." This off-key attempt at reas surance, delivered in mid-Sep tember as Lehman Brothers
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draft "to preserve my politi cal viability." Gov. Michael Dukakis, 1988: "I think you know that I' ve op posed the death penalty dur ing all of my life." This emotionless response, to a debate question whose hypothetical premise involved the rape and murder of his wife, fixed Dukakis' image as a governmental technocrat at odds with most Americans on the high-voltage issue of crime and punishment. Walter Mondale, 1984: "Mr. Reagan will raise taxes and so will I. He won't tell you. I just did. Intending to impress with candor, Mondale handed the Republican incumbent, Ronald Reagan, a weapon with this stunner in his speech accept ing the Democratic presidential nomination. Reagan's celebra tion of "Morning in America" and warnings against tax-and spend liberalism produced a landslide. President Gerald Ford, 1976: "There is no Soviet domina
tion of Eastern Europe, and there never will be under a Ford administration." The misstatement, intended to signal solidarity with those under t h e S o v iet U n i on's t humb, allowed C a rter t o question the incumbent's for eign policy acumen. Carter won a close race despite his own awkward confession to Playboy magazinethat he had " committed adultery i n m y heart many times." George W. Romney, 1968: "When I came back from Viet nam I just had the greatest brainwashing anybody c an get." This summer 1967 remark, about R omney's conversa tions with U.S. diplomats and military leaders on the war in Southeast Asia, led to the collapse of his challenge to Richard M. Nixon for the Re publican nomination. It also prompted this lacerating re sponse from the Democratic candidate Eugene McCarthy: "A light rinse would have been sufficient."
The Ohiovote
Elizabeth C. McCool ...........541-383-0374
Publisher Gordon Black ..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337
was collapsing, helped seal the fate of a losing campaign. Sen. John Kerry, 2004: "I actu ally did vote for the $87 billion, before I voted against it." The unfortunate comment about money to pay for opera tions in Iraq and Afghanistan, made by Kerry in March dur ing a college event in Penn sylvania, helped cement his reputation as an equivocat ing politician after President George W. Bush's campaign exploited it in mocking televi sion ads. President George H.W. Bush, 1992: "Message: I care." Stung by accusations that he was disconnected from the economic struggles of average A m ericans, B u sh fueled them by giving New Hampshire voters this piece of political stage direction. Bill Clinton's "It's the econo my, stupid" campaign proved resonant enough to withstand publication of a 1970 letter in which he acknowledged hav ing avoided fighting in Viet n am w ithout r esisting t h e
In town hall, Obamasays Romneyis
Ohio has backed the winner of every presidential election since 1964. But different regions of the state vote very differently, as shown by the vote in the past two presidential elections- George W. Bush's win in 2004 and BarackObama's win in 2008.
+ S olid Democrat
+ S olid Republican
20 04 20 0 8 Dem. 43.5% 48.9% Rep. 56.1% 4 9.3% Votes 722,828 728,449
Leaning Republican
2004 2008 Dem. 56.1% ~ 57.6% R ep. 43.4% 40 . 8 % Votes 2,221,557 2,219,269
out of toUch
By Mark Landler New York Times News Service
CORAL GABLES, Fla. President Barack Obama took aim Thursday at Mitt Romney's observation that 47 p ercent of Americans are dependent on government handouts, do not pay income taxes and will vote for Obama, suggesting it showed how Romney is out of touch with most Americans. "When you express an atti tude that half the country con siders itself victims, that some how theywant to be dependent on government," Obama said, "my thinking is, maybe you haven't gotten around a lot." The president's remarks came as Obama and Romney both campaigned in Florida. While Obama concentrated on the southern part of the state, Rom ney campaigned in Sarasota. Speaking at a t own h all style interview sponsored by Univision, where Romney ap peared Wednesday, Obama said he was convinced that "the American people are the hardest-working people there are. And their problem is not that they' re not working hard enough, or t hat t hey d on' t want to work, or they' re be ing taxed too little, or they just want to loaf around and gather government checks." Obama gave his most ex tensive response to Romney's comments, which were video taped in May at a Republican fundraiser in Florida. The pres ident acknowledged that some people abused government lar gesse, but he noted that "there are a whole bunch of million aires who aren't paying taxes." His remarks came during a lively, occasionally combative, interview in which Univision anchors Jorge Ramos and Maria Elena Salinas pressed the president on his failure to enact i m migration r e form, reports of abuses in the Fast and Furious gun-trafficking program and security at U.S. embassies in the Middle East, in light of the recent attacks. Ramos reminded Obama that during the 2008 campaign he promised that, if elected, he would push for comprehensive immigration reform. "With all due respect, you didn't keep that promise," Ra mos said. Obama replied that he ac cepted responsibility for fall ing short of that goal. In Sarasota, Romney de scribed the president's remarks as an admission of failure. "The president today threw in the white flag of surrender," Romney said at a rally. "He went from the president of change to the president who can't get change."
2 004 2 0 0 8 Dem. 47.3% 52.1% Rep. 52.2% 4 6 .5%~ Votes 843,512 901,385
It's Friday, Sept. 21, the 265th day of 2012. There are 101 days left in the year.
HAPPENINGS • Los Angeles International Airport is today's stop for the space shuttle Endeavour as part of its farewell tour.C4 • Two major rallies are scheduledin Benghazi,Libya — one supporting the U.S. and its ambassador, killed last week in an attack on the U.S. consulate; the other supporting the Muslim militia suspected of involvement in the attack.
IN HISTORY Highlights:In 1792, the French National Convention voted to abolish the monarchy. In 1893, one of America's first horseless carriages was taken for a short test drive in Springfield, Mass., by Frank Duryea, who had designed the vehicle with his brother, Charles. In 1937,"The Hobbit," by J.R.R. Tolkien, was first published by George Allen 8 Unwin, Ltd. of London. In 1970,"NFL Monday Night Football" made its debut on ABC-TV as the Cleveland Browns defeated the visiting New York Jets, 31-21.
Ten years age:A defiant iraq said it would not abide by a U.N. resolution imposing new conditions in the weapons inspections issue or threatening war.
Five yearsage:Onestudent was mortally wounded, another injured, at Delaware State University. A suspected gunman was indicted for second-degree murder, but the case was dismissed because prosecutors withheld evidence.
Canto •
One year age:Josh Fattal and
Shane Bauer, two Americans jailed in iran as spies, left Tehran for the Gulf state of Oman, closing a high-profile drama that brought more than two years of hope and heartbreak for their families.
C umbus
2 004 2 008 Dem. 46,8% 4 6,8% Rep 52 6% 5 1 0/ Votes 413,619 405,972
2004 200 8 D em. 41.3% 4 4 . 4% R ep. 58.3% 54 . 2 % Votes 1,426,393 1,453,271
IP +
Source: Dayton Daily News analysis of results from Ohio Secretary of State
© 2012 McClatchy-Tnbune News Serwce
Actor Larry Hagman is 81. Poet-songwriter Leonard Cohen is 78. Author-comedian Fannie Flagg is 71. Producer Jerry Bruckheimer is 69. Musician Don Felder is 65. Author Stephen King is 65. Basketball Hall of Famer Artis Gilmore is 63. Actor-comedian Bill Murray is 62. Hall of Fame jockey Eddie Delahoussaye is 61. — From wire reports
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Air raid on gas
Senate groupeyesdeal to rein in budgetdeficit
By Heidi Przybyla
kills at least 30
/ /
By Kareem Fahim New York Times News Service
BEIRUT — At least 30 people, and possibly doz ens more, were killed in Syria on Thursday in the northern Raqqa province, w hen g overnment w a r planes bombed a gas sta tion crowded with cars and people, according to a wit ness at the scene and activ ist groups. One man who witnessed the aftermath said the gas station was on the outskirts of the town of Ayn Issa, near a border post with Turkey that Syrian opposi tion fighters had stormed two days ago. The Syrian O bservatory fo r H u m a n Rights, a group based in Britain with a network of contacts in Syria, said 110 people were either killed or wounded. If verified, the bombing would be one of the worst casualty tolls from the Syr ian military's use of air craft in its effort to crush the a r me d i n s u rgency. Stretched thin by a persis tent, far-flung rebellion, and facing greater challenges from improvised bombs on Syria's roads, the military has increasingly relied on warplanes and helicopters to extend its reach. O n Thursday, one o f those helicopters crashed in a suburb of Damascus that has been the site of persistent fighting between insurgents and government forces, according to Syrian officials. The official Syrian news agency said the helicopter's rotors had clipped the tail of a Syrian Air passenger jet with 200 people aboard. It said the jet had landed safely at the Damascus air port and no one had been injured. But an activist in Damascus said a rebel bat talion shot down the heli copter, which crashed near a salt factory near the town of Douma. It was unclear whether anyone aboard the helicop ter as killed or injured. W hile rebels claim t o have brought down planes in the past, the authorities routinely blame such crash es on mechanical failures. At the gas station near t he Turkish b o rder, a n a ctivist who went to t h e scene said that the station, called the Hisham station, had been crowded with cars when the bombs were dropped. He said the war planes dropped so-called barrel bombs, an impro vised government weapon filled with TNT that oppo sition fighters have claimed the military is deploying with greater frequency.
ing considered by the group of senators, Congress would WASHINGTON A be given six months to over group of senators is quietly haul U.S. tax law and entitle attempting to do something ment programs such as So almost unthinkable in Wash cial Security. If lawmakers ington: craft a bipartisan so can't agree, the deficit panel lution to the nation's growing leaders' plan would be trig deficit in an election year. gered, Conrad confirmed in The group — which in an interview yesterday. "We have automaticcon cludes Lama r A l exander, R-Tenn., and Michael Ben sequences that go into effect" net, D-Colo. — hasn't been in place of th e automatic given a name like the "Gang spending cuts, Conrad said. of Six," and members might "We' ve spent an enormous fail like others before them. amount of t im e o n o t her That hasn't stopped them consequences for failure," he from joining forces when said. "I'm all for that, I wanted most lawmakers are focused on campaigning. Bowles-Simpson," said Sen. They are looking at reviv Tom Coburn, an Oklahoma ing a proposal by the leaders Republican participating in of President Barack Obama's the Senate group's talks. As failed 2010 d eficit-cutting a member of the president's commission to require Con debt commission, Coburn gress to act on a long-term voted in December 2010 for plan, said Sen. Kent Con the proposal by Republican rad, D-N.D. The lawmakers former senator Alan Simp want to offer a proposal dur son of Wyoming and Erskine ing the lame-duck session Bowles, former President Bill of Congress after the Nov. 6 Clinton's White House chief election. of staff. "The thing that has the S till, Coburn c i ted t h e greatest potential to succeed Simpson-Bowles plan's lack is, in the lame duck, a frame of a full overhaul of Medicare work agreement is reached as a potential concern. "It makes for a more ra on a grand bargain to reduce deficits and debt by at least tional cliff," he said. "Letting $4 trillion over 10 years," said the cliff go into effect is sim Conrad, the Senate Budget ply not good policy." Committee chairman and a The Simpson-Bowles plan member of the new group of would cut individual and cor eight senators. porate tax rates, curtail hun The U.S. faces a so-called dreds of tax deductions and fiscal cliff in January, when credits, reduce Social Secu $1.2 trillion i n a u t omatic rity benefits and Medicare, spending cuts over 10 years raise the gas tax and cut fed will start and the George W. eral discretionary spending. Bush-era tax cuts will expire, It didn't win enough sup unless Congress breaks its port among the debt commis deadlock on a plan to replace sion members to be sent to it. Democrats propose letting Congress for a vote. Among tax cuts expire for top earn the commission members ers, while Republicans want who opposed the proposal spending reductions instead was Rep. Paul Ryan of Wis of more tax revenue. consin, now the Republican Under one alternative be vice presidential nominee. Bloomberg News
3.Scott Applewhlte/ TheAsssociated Press
Michael Horowitz, the Justice Department's inspector general, testifies Thursday before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. Parts of his 470-page report on "Opera tion Fast and Furious, seen on the witness table, were redacted for public release.
Re ortcou esi na 0 Fast an Furious'en By Charlie Savage New York Times News Service
WA SHINGTON — Repub licans and Democrats sparred T hursday over w h ether a new report by the Justice De partment's inspector general about the botched gun-track ing case known as Operation Fast and Furious meant that it was time for lawmakers to start wrapping up their own investigation. Members of both p arties on the House oversight com mittee, which has been deeply divided during a long inquiry into the matter, praised the 471-page report by the inspec tor general, Michael Horowitz, as comprehensive and fair even as each side sought vin dication in different aspects of his findings. A major outstanding issue is a lawsuit by the House over a subpoena for internal Justice Department emails from 2011, after the operation had ended. President Barack Obama as serted executive privilege over
the documents. The chairman of the commit tee, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., engineered a House vote this summer to cite Attorney General Eric Holder for contempt for re fusing to turn over the materials. But the new report quoted from the emails at length, and the Jus tice Department on Wednesday gave Congress more than 300 pages that it cited. "Although this report will not bring a complete end to the need for us to work with Jus tice to bring genuine reform to their process, it goes a long way toward that," Issa said, adding, "Some materials con tained in this report do help us because they are, in fact, many of the items that we wish we had received." The r a n kin g D e m ocrat, R ep. Elijah C u mmings o f Maryland, said the disclosures raised the possibility of resolv ing "any lingering issues with out further conflict." "With this action by the de partment, I urge the commit
tee to reconsider its position and settle the remnants of this dispute without resorting to unnecessary and costly litiga tion that nobody in this coun try wants," he said. But there were also signs of a continuing appetite by some Republicans to keep the inves tigation going. Fast and Furious was an investigation from late 2009 to early 2011 into an Arizona b ased gun-trafficking r i n g linked to a M e x ican d r ug gang. During its course, Bu reau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Fire arms and Explosives agents used the tactic of gun-walk ing — not interdicting illegal weapons in hope of identify ing more criminals and build ing a bigger case. In Decem ber 2010, two guns linked to the case were found after a shootout where a Border Pa trol agent was killed.
Penn Statefights against efforts to openits records ' I '
By Michael McDonald Bloomberg News
Penn State is standing fast against efforts to open its re cords to public scrutiny as it overhauls its administra tion after the Jerry Sandusky child-sex case, President Rod ney Erickson says. Lawmakers and Republican Gov. Tom Corbett, who sits on the school's Board of Trust ees, say they want to make it subject to all the provisions in the state's Right-to-Know law, which permits people to seek emails, contracts and other re cords from government insti tutions. While almost all U.S. public universities are subject to such statutes, Penn State was excluded when Pennsylva nia overhauled its law in 2008. Penn State, which was es tablished by the Legislature in 1855 and got about $280 mil
lion in state support last year, has been assailed for a culture of secrecy. Investigators found university leaders sought to protect the football program by covering u p a l l egations more than a decade ago that Sandusky, a f o r mer a ssis tant football coach, sexually abused children on campus. A grand-jury r eport l a st year revealed the scandal, leading to p e rjury c h arges against two a d ministrators, the resignation of President Graham Spanier and firing of football coaching legend Joe Paterno. Sandusky was found guilty on 45 counts of sexual abuse in June and will be sentenced next month. The university is also the subject of investiga tions by the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. at torney in Harrisburg, Pa.
Use of IUDs, implants urged for teen girls' birth control in updating its guidance for for up to 10 years. An implant teens. is a matchstick-size plastic rod CH ICAGO — Teenage girls Both types of contraception that releases hormones. It is may prefer the pill, the patch are more invasive than the placed under the skin of the or even wishful thinking, but pill, requiring a doctor to put upper arm and usually lasts their doctors should be recom them in place. That, and cost, three years. mending IUDs or hormonal are probably why the pill is The new guidelines don't tell implants — long-lasting and still the most popular form of teens not to use other methods, but "if your goal is to prevent a more effective birth control contraception in the U.S. that you don't have to remem But birth control pills often pregnancy, then using an im ber to use every time, the na must be taken at the very same plant or an IUD would be the tion's leading gynecologists time every day to be most po best way to do this," said Dr. group said Thursday. tent. And forgetting to take Tina Raine-Bennett, head of The IUD and implants are even one can lead to pregnancy, the committee that wrote the safe and nearly 100 percent which is why the pill is some recommendations. effective at preventing preg times only 91 percent effective. The s previ nancy, and should be "first An IUD, or intrauterine de ous guidelines, issued in 2007, line recommendations," the vice, is a small, T-shaped piece also encouraged the use of American College of Obstetri of plastic inserted in the uterus I UDs and i mplants among cians and Gynecologists said that can prevent pregnancy teenagers.
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Muslim Brotherhood
finds powerbrings new challenges By Michael Birnbaum
Last week, it was the ultra c onservative Salafist N o u r CAIRO — For decades, the Party, a rival to the Brother M uslim B r o therhood w a s hood, that took the lead in forced to operate in Egypt's calling for p r otests against shadows. Now i t s l e aders, the anti-Islam video. The dem closely allied with President onstrations at t h e f o r tress Mohammed Morsi, are quick like U.S. Embassy helped to ly finding that opposition tac spark a week of anger toward tics don't always work when U.S. targets across the region — and it also put pressure on they are in charge. In the most recent episode, Morsi and his circle. "They were basically forced the Brotherhood's calls last week f o r dem o nstrations t o choose between the I s against an anti-Islam YouTube lamists and the United States," video drew an unhappy phone said Michele Dunne, a former call from President Barack Middle East specialist at the Obama and led to a halt in National Security Council who aid negotiations crucial to the is now at the Atlantic Council. "Their initial response was to Egyptian economy. Top Brotherhood officials try to outflank the Salafis to say they are maturing as they show that they, the Brother grow into their new role as hood, were the real defenders Egypt's d ominant p o l itical of Islam." power under Morsi, a former After protesters stormed the head of the group's political embassy on Sept. 11, breach wing. But they say they also ing the compound and pull find themselves caught be ing down and destroying an tween the moderating force of American flag, Morsi waited office and a sharp tug toward 24 hours, then posted a mild religious and social conser condemnation on Facebook. vatism from Islamist groups The political wing of the Mus that sparked the protests at the lim Brotherhood, meanwhile, U.S. Embassy here. called for more demonstra A top Morsi adviser, Essam tions against th e Y ouTube el-Erian, said this week that video. the newness of democracy in Protesting is "both the right Egypt has compounded the and the duty of all Egyptian challenges the group faces in people," it said in a statement a country ruled by autocratic last Thursday. military leaders since the top Only after a stern phone pling of the monarchy in 1952. call from Obama did Morsi "In any democratic country, get tough on the protests, dial you have a rotation of power," ing down the calls for massive said Erian, the interim chair turnout around the country man of the brotherhood's po and, on Saturday, cracking litical wing. But in Egypt, he down on t h e h u ndreds of said, those who are now poli people who remained in Tah ticians have spent 60 years in rir Square, 350 yards from the opposition. the embassy. Now Tahrir has been swept clean, and govern Critical balance ment workers are putting in Failure to f i n d t h e r i g ht new plantings in place of per balance could lead to a split manent encampments. between moderate and con Brotherhood officials say servative forces in a nation of that they are learning. "This is a new administra 83 million whose long-term success is critical to the Arab tion in place," said Gehad el world, officials and analysts Haddad, a senior adviser to say. the Muslim Brotherhood. He "It's going to be very diffi said the Freedom and Jus cult to find a way forward and tice Party, the political wing keep it all together," said Elijah of the Brotherhood, "is a new Zarwan, a Cairo-based expert party, less than two years old, on Egyptian politics at the Eu and the Muslim Brotherhood ropean Council on Foreign Re has a very new role that they lations. Morsi "is really walk have not been accustomed ing a very delicate tightrope." to after many years of being The Muslim Brotherhood, a underground." moderate Islamist group, has said that it wants an expanded The long-term question role for religion in Egyptian Whether the new modera life but has tried to be inclusive tion will work in the long term in the 19 months since mas is another question. Before sive protests forced Mubarak parliament was dissolved over to stepdown after decades in the summer, ultraconservative power. The movement was Islamists held about a quar f ounded in 1 928 an d w a s ter of the seats, making them banned and repressed almost the second-largest bloc in the continuously until Mubarak's legislature. The more compro departure, drawing popular mises the Brotherhood has to support by providing social make, some analysts say, the services to some of Egyptian harder it will be to retain its society's most vulnerable in a current level of support. country with sharp divides be And if l eaders don't suc tween rich and poor. ceed in addressing Egypt's The revolution transformed cripplingly high poverty lev the Brotherhood's status over els and unemployment rate, night. Leaders, some of whom they also run the risk of losing h ad been i m p r isoned f o r broad-based support. For now, years, suddenly became the aid and investment will have heads of the biggest, best-or to come from outside Egypt — the country's $10 billion ganized civil organization in the country. They have slowly funding gap and dwindling ramped up their engagement foreign c u r rency r e serves in political life, first capturing are too hard to handle alone. nearly half the seats in parlia Many Brotherhood officials ment and then winning the sound above all l ik e h ard presidency after first saying nosed businesspeople. " We' re working w it h t h e they would limit their parlia mentary presence and skip American community," said the presidency altogether. Hassan Malek, a top Muslim Now leaders say they would Brotherhood bus i nessman contest every single parlia who advises Morsi on inter mentary seat if elections are n ational investment, in a n held again. interview shortly before the "The people are in a hurry protests last w eek. "We' ve for democracy," Erian said. decided to be exposed to the whole world because we really Morsi tightens hisgrip need investment." Morsi further strengthened F or the t im e b e ing, t h e his control over the country Brotherhood has successfully in mid-August when he dis quieted the protests. Even the missed some of the military's Nour Party has issued concil top leaders, enshrining civil iatory statements condemn ian control over an army that ing the violence outside the has long dominated Egyptian embassy. But leaders say they political life. In a move toward will need to remain vigilant inclusiveness, he appointed a to hold their disparate wings cabinet comprised mainly of together. technocrats, with a few Mus Across the A r a b w o r l d, lim Brotherhood affiliates in Erian said, newly democratic key positions. countries are f acing "enor But with leadership comes mous and difficult challenges" new responsibilities, and the and need to work to ensure Brotherhood has been evolving that "society does not split up quickly, sometimes day by day. into sects or factions." The Washington Post
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inawie s roes ower By Barbara Demick and Julie Makinen Los Angeles Times
BEIJING The p a st week's anti-Japan demon strations in China have been a spectacular display of just how easily the ruling Com munist Party can harness the power of protest. In the aftermath of nation wide protests, in which mobs trashed Jap a nese-owned b usinesses and set f ir e t o Japanese-model cars,critics are questioning the degree to which the Chinese govern ment fanned the flames as part of its dispute with Japan over an island chain both na tions claim. "It is obvious that this was planned," said Ai Weiwei, a dissident artist who v ideo taped some of the protests. The 1 989 p r o -democracy demonstrations in T i a nan men Square were "the last time that the people them selves organized a real pro test and then the government sent in tanks to crush them," he said. Although there has been no evidence that police officers participated in the violence, in many cities they directed the public where to protest and cleared streets to allow tens of thousands to mass. Many protesters interviewed Tues day, a traditional day of pro test timed to the anniversary of the Japanese invasion of Manchuria in 1931, said they had been given the day off by employers to demonstrate. "I need to lead the crowd and guide them to march in
Alexander F. Yuan /The Associated Press
Anti-Japan protesters hold portraits of the late Communist leader Mao Zedongand wave Com munist party and national flags Tuesday while marching on the street outside the Japanese Embassy in Beijing. an orderly fashion," wrote a police officer in Jiangxi prov ince in a microblog posting that was later removed. Han Deqiang, a p r o mi nent Maoist professor, wrote that he demonstrated in Bei jing on Tuesday with 500 to 600 farmers who had come from Hebei province, which raised the p ossibility t h at buses had been organized for the demonstrations. (" The farmer brothers were hold ing Chairman Mao's portraits and they kept on chanting, 'Down w it h t h e J a panese Imperialists! ' "he wrote.) "It is obviously there was a
government hand in organiz ing this. How else could 500 farmers come from the prov inces?" said Wen Yunchao, a prominent blogger from Guangzhou. The protests evaporated by midweek. In Beijing, the subway station near the Jap anese Embassy was closed Wednesday and buses were refused permission to stop on the main street nearby. Transportation was up and running again Thursday, but the area was deadly quiet, with police and p a ramili tary officersposted at every intersection. Security forces
were so pervasive that even a hot dog v endor outside the subway stop wore a red a rmband showing he w a s a member of the volunteer patrol. The official New C h i na News Agency removed a slide show it had posted of the top 10 "anti-Japanese film" and ran editorials urging restraint. In Tokyo, Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura told reporters Thursday that the Japanese government will ask China to pay for damages to diplomatic missions caused by protesters, but it did not specify an amount.
WitneSSSaySO.J. WaSguilty Ot killingS — Oi dOeShe'? Los Angeles Times LOS ANGELES — O . J. Simpson killed Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Lyle Gold man, says one of the more prominent witnesses in the criminal trial in which the for mer football legend was acquit
ted in the 1994 double murder. Brian "Kato" Kaelin, who lived i n S i m pson's g uest house at the time of killings and whose story has changed repeatedly over th e y ears, i dentified Simpson a s t h e killer in an interview with the
New York Post. "The statute of limitations has nowpassed. so I can now say yes, he did it," Kaelin told Cindy Adams of th e Post. Asked why his testimony did not help convict Simpson, he replied, "I was too scared. I
was terrified." But Kaelin, in a separate interview w i t h T M Z . corn, denied the statute of limita tions comment and then said he only thinks O.J. Simpson did the killings and does not have specific knowledge.
first community c r ed i t
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Air pollutionindex Air quality in Sisters continues to be hazardous as winds blow smoke from the Pole Greek Fire into town. After Department of Environmental Quality engineers on Monday recalibrated a Sisters sensor to be able to record higher pollutant levels, measurements exceeded four times what is considered hazardous. The sensor originally went to 482.
f20 94.2 40
Source: Oregon Department of Environmental Quality
Fire Continued from A1 The fir e i s e x p ected to spread deeper into the Three S isters W i lderness t o t h e south and west, until it runs into a change in terrain near the mountains. "It is going to burn into the rocks and run out of fuel," said John Allen, supervisor for the Deschutes National Forest. Firefighters aren't aggres sively fighting the fire in the wilderness because of the dan gers posed by falling snags, Watts said. While the weather forecast doesn't call for rain, dry thun derstorms are expected to rumble around the Pole Creek Fire during the next couple of days, said Jon Bonk, a Na tional Weather Service me teorologist working with the interagency team. "Fortunately I don't see a lot of wind coming with these thunderstorms," he said. Wind with the storms could fan sparks into wildfires, Bonk said. Still, Watts said he has fire crews and helicopters ready to respond to any reports of new fires. The Pole Creek Fire started Sept. 9, and when conditions are right it sends a column of smoke into the sky over Sisters. It has also regularly shrouded the town in morning smoke, prompting air-quality warnings from the state and Deschutes County. Two daysafterthe fire start ed, U.S. Forest Service inves tigators determined it began near the Pole Creek Trailhead southwest of town.
Greg Cross/The Bulletin
Cookiedrive athank-you for firefighters Student clubs at Sisters High School are holding a community drive to show their appreciation for fire fighters battling the Pole Creek Fire. The Key Club and the Associated Student Gov ernment hope to collect at least 1,000 cookies for the firefighters. The students also are gathering supplies to help the firefighters stay comfortable, including baby wipes, toothpaste and beef jerky. The first delivery of cookies and supplies to firefighters is expected to day, with at least one more delivery planned Sept. 28, said Michele Hammer, the student leadership advisor at Sisters High School. The public can drop off donations between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on school days at the front of fice of Sisters High School, 1700 W. McKinney Butte Road. For more information or to make other arrange ments, call the school at 541-549-4045.
Continued from A1 This Congress' approval ratings were stuck at 13 percent in a Gallup survey Sept. 6-9, the lowest the pollster has ever logged this late in an election year since such measurements began in 1974. Yet l a w m akers ar e slinking out of town, after a September session that was on and of f fo r l e ss than two weeks, following a summer recess that ran from Aug. 3 to Sept. 10. Congress is expected to re turn Nov. 13. " Leaving town i n d i s grace," said Sen. John Mc Cain, R-Ariz., a 3 0-year congressional veteran. "This is the most dys functional Congress I can remember," said Craig Hol man, government affairs lobbyist for Public Citizen, a nonpartisan consumer advocacy group. "I' ve nev er seen Capitol Hill work so poorly."
"This is the most dysfunctional Congress I can remember.I've never seen Capitol Hill work so poorly."
How lowcan they go?
The approval rating of the U.S. Congress in 2012 could be the lowest ever in an election year; the trend:
— Craig Holman, government affairs lobbyist for Public Citizen, a nonpartisan consumer-advocacy group
• Congressional job approval rating in election years 33 percent is the historical
50 40 30
20 10 0 '86
When therehasbeen a high turnover ofseats • Low lob approval in months leading up to Election Day • Election is after redistricting of all 435 seats following the Census; in 1992, 100 new members elected; in 2002, 53
able than what we previously believed," the credit r ating agency Standard 8 P o o r 's explained. Prospects for a new agree ment h av e b e e n e l u sive, and no one is going home optimistic. "If you kick the can down the road you continue to fur ther uncertainty, and inconsis tency, and a lack of predictabil ity. That's what this Congress has done, because it's refused to deal with issues," said Sen. Ben Nelson, D-Neb.
Even routine bills stall
House Republicans wanted further reductions, however. Perhaps the most obvious victims of this war have been post offices. The 112th Congress has ap proved renaming more than 25 postoffices so far but has failed to agree on an over haul measure to rescue the financially strapped Postal Service. The agency reported los ing $57 million a day in the last quarter, and it defaulted last month for the first time on health benefits payments for future retirees. It's set to miss a second payment of $5.6 billion at the end of this month. The Postal Service has been pressing Congress to allow it to do away with Saturday de livery and reduce its annual health payments. The Senate passed its ver sion of a Postal Service bill in April, but the House has failed to act. Postmaster General P at rick Donahoe recently may have inadvertently summed up not only the plight of the post offices, but also the entire Congress. "This is no way to run any kind ofbusiness," he said.
It's not just the major battles. This Congress also struggled to pass what's usually routine Source: Gallup poll of t.of 7 adults, legislation. Sept. 6-9, 201 2; margin of error: +/-4 percentage points F ights stalled action o n Graphic: Judy Trefhfe highway legislation, extend Hostile partisanship ing domestic violence laws, © 2012 McClatchy-Tribune News Sertnce Republicans and Demo p roviding disaster aid a n d crats agree on this much: keeping interest rates low on The inertia was spawned student loans. by the unusually hostile sis-level issues to deal with. The lengthy summer recess partisanship that's come to And ye t D e m ocrats d on' t didn't cool passions; if any dominate political dialogue want to do a thing," Senate thing, it inflamed them. No and debate. Republican leader Mitch Mc new 12-month budget would The result of yearslong C onnell o f K e n tucky s a i d be considered. trends, the parties have Thursday in a floor speech. Instead, lawmakers were b een all b u t p u r ged o f "Never before has a president eyeing a six-month stopgap philosophical outliers. New and a Senate done so little that funds the g overnment England and mid-Atlantic to confront c h allenges so through early next year. Republican moderates have great." The farm bill got stuck be nearly vanished, and the Efforts are quietly afoot to cause of disagreements over centrist Democratic Blue find some common ground. how to reduce spending on Dog caucus shrank from The farm bill is expected to food stamps. The Senate ad Providing unparalled roughly 54 members in the p ass later this year. In t h e opted, in a bipartisan vote, a service across a variety of last Congress to fewer than Senate, a bipartisan "Gang of plan to cut billions from farm industries since 1983. Eight" has been talking regu and food programs over the half that now. T hat's h a r dened t h e larly about fiscal compromise, next decade. 541-389-1505 ideological lines, and lead holding dinners and bringing 400 SW Bluff Dr Ste 200 ers have had to become de in dozens of other senators. Bend, OR 97702 fenders ofthose ideologies Congressional leaders are not instead of the consensus involved. "The whole idea is to come builders they' ve been in ENPLoyrrrErrrrPRoFEssloN/fLs the past. They' ve also spent up with an outline," said Sen. HOME INTERIORS much of the year blaming Mike Johanns, R-Neb. 70 SW Century Dr. Sultet 45 Bend, OR 97702 r, 541-322-7337 the other side. Such talk has been going www.expresspros.corn www.complementshome.corn on for months, though, and it' s Mutual blame produced no tangible results. "I have always said the Last year, it took a summer' s sooner we can do it, the worth of h i gher-level nego better. There is no reason tiations between the W h ite why we should inch closer House and congressional lead to a cliff," said California's ers before a last-minute agree Nancy Pelosi, the Demo ment was reached to r aise cratic leader in the House the nation's debt limit and cut of Representatives. spending. "The sooner that we can The turmoil was a major fac i nstill confidence in t h e tor in pushing financial rating economy that we can get agencies to lower the nation's this job done. And Presi c redit rating below AAA i n dent Obama s u pported August 2011 for the first time that one year ago, and in 70 years. "The political brinksman the Republicans walked away." ship of recent months high No, t h e Re p ublicans lights what we see as Amer counter, it's the Democrats ica's governance and policy + FREE MOTOR with Eclipse who are stubborn. making becoming less stable, "We' ve got multiple cri less effective and less predict
SALE EVENT Saturday, Sept. 22 9 AM to 5 PM
But officials said the cause remains unknown. "It was just burned signifi cantly so it has been a tough one t o i n v estigate," A l l en said. — Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarlingC~bendbulletirLcom
Man pleadsguilty to threatening Obama The Associated Press PORTLAND — A Portland man accused of threatening to kill President Barack Obama has pleaded guilty. Darryl J a me s S w a nson told U.S. District Judge Anna Brown on Thursday that he was "in a terrible mental state" when he made the threats last year. The O r egonian r e p orts S wanson pleaded guilty t o
one count of threatening the president. The charge carries a maximum sentence of five years in prison. Prosecutors say the 46-year old made multiple phone calls to government officials and news organizations. Swanson ac k n owledged he is being treated for mental illness. Sentencing is set for Dec. 12.
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Water Continued from A1 He would not provide an estimate of what the delay might cost, but he said it could range from hundreds of thousands to millions of dollars. On Thursday, Central Oregon LandWatch Exec utive Director Paul Dewey said the nonprofit might appeal the Forest Service decision in federal court. L andWatch a l s o a p pealed the city water proj ect to th e O regon Land Use Board o f A p p e als, which has not yet issued a decision. "The city is talking about starting construction be fore the legal review is even done," Dewey said. Project Manager Heidi Lansdowne said the city al ready spent from $5 million to $6 million on engineering and other services for this portion of the project. Due to a temporary stay that is part of the Forest Service process, the city cannot begin work before Oct. 10, said Susan Skakel, forest planner and envi ronmental coordinator for the D eschutes N a tional Forest. "It just allows time for the appellants to r eceive the decision, to have any c onversations they w a n t to have with us about the decision and then it allows them time to file a lawsuit before the project begins to be implemented," Skakel said. S mith, S a n ders a n d C entral O r e go n L a n d Watch challenged the For est Service decision on the grounds that the f ederal agency did not adequately consider the project's im pact on fish, that the deci sion was based on incor rect information about the city's water system and that the Forest Service ig n ored i n formation f r o m the Department of State Lands about p e rmanent impacts on wetlands. Although Connaughton upheld the earlier Forest Service decision, he asked local forest officials to re e xamine information o n wetlands and c ity w a ter withdrawals in case they need to include certain con ditions in th e special-use permit. Reporter: 541-817-7829, hborrud@bendbulletin.corn
Amish leader,15 othersconvicted of hate crimes terms. The verdicts were a vindication for federal pros Samuel Mullet Sr., the domi ecutors, who made a risky de neering leader of a renegade cision to apply a 2009 federal Amish sect, and 15 followers hate-crimes law to the sect's were convicted Thursday in violent efforts t o h u m iliate Cleveland of federal conspir Amish rivals. acy and hate crimes for or Defense lawyers in the case chestrating a series of bizarre and an independent legal ex beard- and h a ir-cutting at pert had argued that the gov tacks last fall that spread fear ernment was overreaching by through the Amish of eastern turning a personal vendetta Ohio. within the Amish community, The convictions of Mullet and related attacks, into a fed along with several relatives eral hate-crimes case. But the and others from his settlement jury accepted the prosecutors' who carried out the assaults description of the attacks as could bring l engthy p rison an effort to suppress the vic
tims' practice of religion, find ing Mullet and the other defen dants guilty on nearly all the multiple charges they faced of conspiracy, hate crimes and obstruction of justice. M ullet, 66, founder of a community n ea r B e rgholz, Ohio, and 15 followers, includ ing six women, were tried for their roles in five attacks last fall involving assaults on nine people whom Mullet had de scribed as enemies. T he jury, w hich ha d n o Amish members, heard three weeks of testimony and de liberated more than four days
before reaching a verdict at midday Thursday. The high-profile nature of the case, and the stakes for the defendants, were raised when Steven Dettelbach, the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Ohio, stepped in to charge Mullet and 15 others with federal conspiracy and hate-crime charges that carry potential sentences of 10 years per count. To prove the most serious charges, the jurors had to be convinced that the defendants had caused "bodily injury," which could mean "disfigure
ment," and that the attacks on nine of the victims were based mainly o n r e l igious differences. Lawyers for the defense ar gued that cutting hair was not disfigurement and that the at tacks resulted from family and personal differences, includ ing a bitter custody battle in volving a daughter of Mullet's, as well as disputes over the "true" Amish way. Edward B r y an , M u l l et's lawyer, said Mullet plans to appeal the convictions, in part on the ground that the federal law had been misapplied.
human trafficking cases from Fort Pierce to Key West, said Mexican drug cartels traffic farmworkers and prostitutes in the western parts of Palm Beach County. Closer to the beaches, workers ar e t r a f ficked for hotels, restaurants, and as servants in the homes of wealthy residents, he said. In Broward, especially the central part o f t h e c ounty, there are the massage parlors run by Asian organized crime groups, he said. In Miami-Dade, Pino said Israeli and Russian criminal groups traffic high-end prosti tutes in South Beach. Then there are the brothels in suburban homes, he said, where Mexican women and girls are forced into prostitu tion and sold to make money for the cartels. Often the girls will be kept on high dosages of antibiotics to stop their men strual cycles and keep them working.
"It's truly hidden in plain sight," he said, urging South Floridians t o be on the lookout. Tesoro, now living in New Orleans on a four-year visa granted to victims of traffick ing, did what many victims don't do and came forward af ter escaping from the trailer. Along with close to 40 oth er victims, he is suing West Palm B e ac h i m m i g ration fraudster Michael Lombardi and more than a dozen other defendants. "Lombardi, with the assis tance of local recruiters in the Philippines, was bringing the workers over and perpetuat ing visa fraud," said the plain tiffs' M i s sissippi a t t orney, John Davidson. According to a grand jury indictment brought a gainst Lombardi in 2011, Lombardi applied for the foreign work ers to be granted temporary work visas that would allow them to work in Boca Raton.
The workers were granted the visas. When the workers arrived in the U.S., they were instead sent to Purvis, Mississippi, in violation of their visas, accord ing to the indictment. Davidson said the Polo Club of Boca Raton was dropped from the civil lawsuit. Doug Green, president of the club, declined to comment. "I don't have any response because I'm not involved in this whatsoever," Green said. L ombardi, 41, w a s s e n tenced in August to four years and three months in prison after pleading guilty to visa fraud. "It's really trafficking," Tes oro said.
By Erik Eckholm
New Yorh Times News Service
Continued from A1 "The possibility of anybody at any time encountering a victim of human trafficking in South Florida is very pos sible," he said.
Akin to slavery
Locally, Pino and Yglesias point to other indicators be sides statistics. They say au thorities are receiving more investigative leads from both average citizens and law en forcementofficers. F or instance, it w a s a n anonymous tip in March 2010 that led to the arrest of Veron ica Martinez, who was sen tenced to 87 months in prison after smuggling two Mexican women into the country and forcing them to work at a Palm Beach County bar to pay off their smuggling debt. In November 2010, two Boca Raton residents pleaded guilty forcing 39 Filipino workers to work in local country clubs. A year later, in November 2011, a Miami Gardens woman was sentenced to eight years after trying to smuggle 31 foreign workers into the U.S. by boat. That same month, t hree Mexicans got 15 years each af ter forcing Mexican women to work as prostitutes. More recently, in A u gust 2012, four migrant workers who entered the country il legally launched a civil suit against a Cape Coral staff ing company and three of its workers, all of Belle Glade, for allegedly abusing and threat ening them while they worked in the fields. They also said they lived in squalid conditions and were paid a fraction of what they had been promised. In April 2012, one of the three Belle Glade farm man agers pleaded guilty to crimi nal charges.
Human trafficking is akin to slavery and involves people, often foreign workers, being f orced to perform work f or little or no pay, usually by or ganized crime groups. Whether it be prostitution, farm work, the hotel and res t aurant i ndustry, n ai l a n d beauty salons o r d o mestic help, the fields in which ex ploited people are working are many and varied, agents say. Because of its tourism and a gricultural s e ctors, P a l m Beach County is a " p erfect storm" o f h u m a n t r a f fick ing, said Nestor Yglesias, ICE spokesman. "We have seen a huge in crease in human trafficking in Palm Beach," Yglesias said. Pino and Yglesias said there were no state-by-state num bers available for human traf ficking investigations to quan tify the rise in South Florida. There are, however, nation al numbers: • In 2010, there were 651 human trafficking investiga tions, 151 indictments and 144 convictions. • I n 2 011, there w a s a marked increase on all fronts: 722 human trafficking investi gations, 444 indictments and 271 convictions. Those numbers come from ICE, which initiated the inves Pervasive problem tigations that led to the indict Pino, who heads up an in ments and convictions. vestigative team that probes
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CO! The Bulletin
But Pino also talked about something a little less crimi n ally a p p arent, l i k e n a i l salons. The way he explained it: say a customer notices that every single day, the same person is working at the nail salon. The customer might try to spark a friendly conversation with the worker, who seems evasive. The boss will then come over and put a stop to the chat, act ing like a gatekeeper. That' s probably a sign the worker might be a victim of human trafficking, Pino said.
ward equivalent to $ 15,500 1 5 , 201 I), Lazaro Cardenas each offered by the Coahuila (March 18, 20II) and Saltillo Continued from A1 state government. (Dec. 13, 201 I), as well as slay Prosecutors Wednesday ar One o f t h o s e c a ptured, i n g f a mily members of war rested the warden, the security Pablo Sanchez Campos, who d e ns in several other cities. chief and 14 watchtower and was awaiting trial o n r ob A mon t h ago, the warden of cellblock guards for allegedly bery charges, told authoria p r i son in Zacatecas, Fabiola letting the prisoners escape on ties that he saw Quiroz Zarate, or Monday. o ther in ma t es dered the transfer ~~IIP~O~~Sr A crude 23-foot-long tunnel leave through the of dozens of danger was found in the prison's wood prison's main gate pfOS/gU/gS, ous inmates to other working shop leading outside and decided to d fU @ ~1>S~ > jai l s. A broke day into later, the wall. But prosecutors say join them. gunmen the tunnel was just a cover and A nalysts d e T~S YOU ~dlTI~ her house and kid that inmates walked out or scribe the situa- t$. If ypU / city nappedherandtwo were driven out of the prison in tion in some of p p p Ug p ~ p p p y fa m il y m e mbers. connivance with guards. M exico's sta t e Neither the 43-year "It is impossible that they and federal pris- YOU Can IIV~ old Quiroz nor her all left through the tunnel at ons as "self-gov- jg S jdg $Qg family me m bers once, as the (prison) authori e rnment," w i t h p f tS p g g S >rp U have be e n s e e n ties argue," said Homero Ra inmates in charge since. mos, the a t torney g eneral and guards enter +OUld OUtS~d~ Unable to bear for the surrounding state of ing at their own $Qg pftSpg " the threats, or en Coahuila. "They'd probably risk. ticed by bribes, or — Alherto ielae, both, some w a r been leaving for days until In the Piedras this blew up and they couldn' t Negras p r i s on, a secu r ity analyst de n s go to the dark hide it anymore." said Raul Benitez at Ri s k Evaluation si d e. Perhaps the "They definitely didn't leave Manaut, a po inc , a I Vlexioo CitY mo st extreme case ooneulting firm o c c urred in J u l y through the tunnel," echoed litical scientist at Jorge Luis Moran, the state' s the National Au 2010, when pros public security chief, adding tonomous Univer ecutors said a pris that the escapees are believed sity of Mexico, in on warden in Du to have gone to neighboring mates "had total control" and r a n go state allowed inmates to Tamaulipas state, a stronghold hadgained"the support of the g o f ree at night, handed over of Los Zetas. guards and the warden." weapons and official vehicles "It was really a center of op- a n d allowed them to carry out Los Zetas have regained hundreds of gang members erations for Los Zetas," Benitez t h ree contract killings that left in jailbreaks in recent years. said. 35 people dead. E l Economista, a Me x i c o The prison had no functionBen i t e z said the faltering City newspaper, said it had ing closed-circuit television p e n itentiary system would be reviewed prison records and system, and unauthorized ve- o n e of President-elect Enrique found that 546 accused Ze hicles were seen entering the P e na Nieto's challenges when tas gangsters or sympathiz prison earlier Monday. he takes office Dec. 1. ers have gone free since May At least 23 significant prisSi nc e f ederal prisons can 2008. on breaks have occurred since n o t h ol d al l t h ose charged "The risk is very low and President F elipe C a l deron w i t h federal crimes related to the benefits are very high for came to office in late 2006. All d r u g trafficking, thousands of Los Zetas," said Alberto Is have been at state prisons. dange r ous inmates are hand las, a security analyst at Risk Monday's was the largest e d d own for incarceration in Evaluation Inc., a Mexico City jailbreak since 141 inmates l e ss-secure state prisons, he consulting firm. "You' re get b roke out of the prison in Nue- s a i d. ting people out of jail who are vo Laredo on Dec. 17,2010. The lax security is evident already trained. Serving as prison warden i n p eriodic news reports about "This is a way for them to is one of the most dangerous j a ils with cellblocks equipped regain an d r e i nforce their jobs in Mexico, and numerous w i t h cantinas and apartments movement." wardens have either been as- w i t h creature comforts. "Cellphones, pr o s titutes, Law enforcement authori sassinated or bent to the will of ties rarely r e capture f u gi gangsters. drugs, plasma TVs, you name tive inmates. Four days after In the past two years, hit i t . If you have enough money, the Piedras Negras incident, squads have k i l led p r i son y o u can live inside the prison agents have recaptured three wardens in Hermosillo (Jan. a s you would outside the pris of the fugitives, despite a re 3, 201 I), Nuevo Laredo (March o n ," Islas said.
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Individual Sessions sz>.5o NAOMembers
sing Nonmembers LOCATION St. CharlesMedical Center >5oo NE Neff Road Bend, Oregon g77ox
REGISTER Registeronline at
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Each session of theNon profit Network of CentralOregon isdesigned to strengthen your managementskills while providing field-tested conceptsand toolsto take back to your organization for implementation. Inaddition to skills development,each session allows for networking andpeer coaching in a collaborativelearning environment.
QUESTIONS? Call go3-zg9-goo~, ext.123
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Become a Season Pass Holder Weencourageorganizations and individuals to attend the entire series by purchasing a season pass. Season passholders receive upto $3o off of the individual session registration fees andpre-registration to all six network sessions.
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© www.bendbulletin.corn/family
IN BRIEF Poll describesgood teachers, students KidsHealth, a national website for children' s health and development, recently released results of a survey about what makes a good teacher and what makes a good student. Of the 9,000 kids and teens surveyed, 33 per cent said a good teacher explains subjects well and makes them inter esting; 25 percent said the teacher is funny and has a lot of personal ity; 9 percent said the teacher is interested in what students have to say. Among high school students, 13 percent appreciated teachers who helped with things beyond the classroom, such as career planning. A quarter of elementary students, meanwhile, reported liking a teacher who is understanding, patient and willing to answer questions. Of the 3,600 teachers who responded to the poll, 26 percent said a great student is willing to try his or her best every day; 14 percent said a student is willing to ask questions when he or she doesn't under stand; and 14 percent a student is polite and re spectful to the teacher.
Pregnant drinkers more likely older A recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed information about pregnant women who drink. The report, which was based on data of more than 13,000 preg nant women from 2006 10, found that 7.6 per cent of pregnant women reported drinking and 1.4 percent reported binge drinking. Older pregnant women were the most likely to drink — 14.3 per cent of those age 35-44, compared with 4.5 per cent of those age 18-24. Pregnant white women were more likely to drink
• Aggressivebehavior, personality changes are hallmarks ofAlzheimer'sdiseasethat many caregiverstry to copewith
By Mac McLean • The Bulletin
PRINEVILLE rancine was worried her Submitted photo
longtime companion,
Local therapist Sharon Richards, seated, delivers questions to a boy to create a Professor Child video.
Walter, wasn't getting enough to drink one
Videos for kids, by kids
afternoon, so she poured him a glass of water and set it down in front of him at a table. He didn't react to this gesture very well. "He had an outburst because he did not want to drink any water," said Francine,
• Local business makes videos toshare children's perspectives on tough issues
who asked that only her middle name be used and that Walter be referred to by his first name only. During the outburst, Walter screamed
Editor's Note:The Bulletin's Family section profiles local organizations designed to
at the woman he's been living with for m ore than 20 years,threw things ather
help families. To suggest
around the house. His behavior got
an organization, contact Alandra Johnson at ajohnsonC~bendbulletin.corn or 541-617-7860.
so aggressive, Francine thought she
By Alandra johnson
Illus tration by
and against thewal ls,and chased her
Greg Cross The Bulletin
The Bulletin
had no other choice but to call the local
A few years ago, Jenni O'Keefe's nephew died and she wanted to find something for her niece to help her deal with the grief of losing her brother. "I wanted to give her mes sages from other kids who had gone through it and survived," said O'Keefe, who lives in Bend. She didn't have a precise idea what she was looking for, but O'Keefe knew she wasn' t finding it. Through this experience, O'Keefe — who has a market ing background — saw a need. She joined up with other local moms, a therapist and a teacherto create Professor Child. The business creates short films in which children explain their feelings on a certain topic. The goal is for kids to express, in their own words, how events have af fectedthem and to offerad vice to kids whomaybe going through something similar. SeeVideos/B6
sheriff's office for help.
(8.3 percent) thantheir black (7.3 percent) or Hispanic (5.7 percent) counterparts. Pregnant college graduates were more likelyto drink(10 percent), compared with those who had a high school diploma or less
(5 percent). Drinking pregnant women were also more likely to be em
ployed (9.6 percent com pared with 5.2 percent of
unemployedwomen)and just as likely as not to be married. — Atandra Johnson, The Bulletin
" When I got there and I realize h o it was, it kind of surprised me and it saddened me," Crook County Sheriff Jim I
Hensley said. He said he knew Walter
personally, had looked up to him as a child
Hey, mister, is that your biological clock ticking?
and was so shocked by his behavior that BEST BETS FOR FAMILY FUN Details, B3
Oktoberfest Who doesn't want to watch wiener dogs race? Families can check out this fun and more Saturday during this free event in Bend.
Parade of Champions Celebrate Olympic decathlon winner Ash ton Eaton with a parade in down town Bend on Sunday. The event also includes a kids' fun run with Eaton.
Day of Play The Bend Park 8 Recreation District hosts a day dedicated to sport, games and much more in Riverbend Park on Saturday.
he gaveFrancine hiscellphone number to
call if she needed help.
It was a simple glass of water. But for Walter, who was diagnosed with A lzheimer's disease 2' /zyears ago and is
By Armin Brott McClatchy-Tribune News Service
going through a stage of the disease whe I
his personality changes, it was enough to prompt a reaction so aggressive it caused the woman he loves to fear for her life. See Alzheimer's/86
Tips fordealingwith aggressivedehavior aggre sivse
The Alzheimer's Association has thefollowing tips for peoplewho care for a dementia sufferer who exhibits behavior: • Don't get uPset, other similar • Try to identify • Rule out pain • Ratherthan • Shift the focus to another activity the immediate as a source of focusing on be positive and sit u ations. because the immediate situation or cause, think st re s s because specific details, activity may have unintentionally about what consider pain can cause • Try a relaxing c au s ed the aggressive response. happened right a p e rson with the person' s soft tone. activity and use Note: Alzheimer's Association staff before the dementia to act emotions and • Examine music, massage members also stress that people reaction that may aggressively. look for the t"e Person s or exercise to should call 9]g the moment they feel have trig gered the feelings behind s««und»gs helP soothe the their personal safety is threatened. behavior. the words or and adapt person actions. them to avoid Source: Alzheimer's Association
• My husband and I have • been trying to get preg nant for quite some time. He' s 45 andI' m 40.We both had ex tensive testing and it turns out that he has some sperm issues. Our fertility specialist has sug gested a number of expensive treatments, including surgery. Aren't there any natural op tions we can try first? • We often think of women • as the only ones with ticking biological clocks, but men have them, too. Starting in their mid-40s, men start developing the "sperm issues" you referredto.In m ost cases that means one or more of the following: the total number of sperm decreases, they don' t move as quickly or as efficient ly, and the number of damaged sperm increases. SeeMr. Dad/B6
Find local movie times and film reviews inside today's GO! Magazine.
Actor lovesbeingthe big 'Meaney' "Hell on Wheels" 9 p.m. Sundays, AMC
Colm Meaney plays Doc Durant in the post Civil War Western TV series "Hell on Wheels."
By Luaine Lee McCtatchy-Tribune News Service
BEVERLY HI LLS , C a lif. — Actor Colm Meaney is a man without a country. Sure, the Dublin-born actor, who played Chief O' Brien on both "Star Trek: Deep Space Nine" and "The Next Generation," has lived in Beverly Hills for 15 years. B ut when yo u a s k h i m where home is, he pauses. "It' s becoming Spain, I think. It' s kind of happening that way; we' re building a new house there so I think that's going to become our main base. I still have my house here ... and I love the house here and my wife loves the house here, too." If Meaney finds himself all over the globe, he's also all over the screen in shows like "Soldiers of Fortune," "The C ommitments" a n d "The Damned United." Currently he's c o-starring on A M C ' s "Hell on Wheels" as the cun n ing r a i lroad b a ro n D o c Durant. "I'd heard about the pilot. Everybody in town heard this was a great pilot," he said. "Then my agents and man ager got it to me, and I loved it from the get-go. I loved it from the audience perspective, read ing the script I took such great pleasure out of it and I loved the character. I don't think I' ve ever seen a character as well written as this. Certainly in the last 10 or 15 years I haven' t seen writing that has such a depth and such a clarity, and the vocabulary! "To have this vocabulary where you use words like, 'There will be perfidy of epic proportions.' That's Shake spearean, t h at's b e autiful. What struck me about it, it re minded me of films like 'Trea
AMC via
Mcc latcny Tnbune News Service
TV SPOTLIGHT sure of the Sierra Madre'when films were dialogue-intensive, when actors g av e p e r for mances and they moved ata clip, apace — Walter Brennan, Walter Huston, those kind of guys. Rat-a-tat-tat like that. That's what this reminded me of. I thought this was magic; I wanted to do this desperately." Years on both the London and New York stages sea soned Meaney for a variety of roles. But when he first moved to L.A. from New York, it was a massive adjustment. "I'd done some film and tele vision in Ireland and the U.K., butwhen I went to New York it was predominately theater, re gional theater. In a funny way, it was more of a culture shock coming to Los Angeles than it was coming to New York from Europe. "I was working in the the ater in New York. I began to understand that unlike Lon don where you have film, tele vision, theater — everything is centered in London. Whereas in the U.S., if you wanted to work in f il m an d television — especially in the '80s — you had to come to Los Angeles." H e longed t o c r ash t h e film world. "You can work 52 weeks a year in the theater
and still not make a living — so I had a young daugh ter, a family to support, this is why I came out here. I loved being here ... I wasn' t suffering any hardship, but it was a difficult time," he said. For now, Meaney, 59, is relishing the chance to tunnel under Doc Durant's thick skin. "The thing about playing villains is you get to play extremes, and to make those extremes believable is an acting challenge, in a way," he said. "This guy can go from anger, rage, to a kind of cunning — 'Oh, I should've done that.' It's the great flips that they do, which I suppose would be called bipolar or manic depres sive in other situations," he laughed. "As an actor you have to be very dexterous in the way you go from the rage to the contemplative very quickly. And I love those challenges."
PARENTS GUIDE TO MOVIES This guide,compiled by Orlando (Fla) Sentinel film critic Roger Moore, should be used along with the Motion Picture Association of America rating system for selecting movies suitable for children. Films rated G, PG or PG-13 are included in this weekly listing, along with occasional R-rated films that may have entertainment or educational value for older children with parental guidance.
'TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE' Rating:PG-13 for language, sexual references, some thematic material and smoking. What it's about:An aged baseball scout's reluctant daughter comes to help him through one last draft. The kid attractor factor:Glint Eastwood, plus Amy Adams and Justin Timberlake as the love interest.
Goodlessons/bad lessons: Violence:Punches are thrown.
Language:Curses are thrown.
Violence:Almost nonstop.
Sex:Justin is thrown — at Amy.
Drugs:Alcohol and cigars. Parents' advisory:A genial
Sex:Barely time for it, what with all the violence and all.
baseball comedy that meanders, rather like the game itself. Suitable for 10 and older.
Drugs:Hallucinogens. Parents' advisory:Incredibly
'DREDD' Rating:R for strong bloody violence, language, drug use and some sexual content. What it's about:In a crowded, crime-riddled radioactive future, "judges" are armed and dangerous.
The kid attractor factor:A comic-book movie starring Karl Urban ("Dr. McCoy" from the "Star Trek" reboot) and Olivia Thirlby.
violent, graphically so, and in slow motion to boot. Unsuitable for 15 and younger.
talking fish, action, frights, glorious animation.
Goodlessons/bad lessons:"Just keep swimming" and "You can' t hold onto them forever" and many others. Violence:Fish-on-fish violence, scary sharks, menacing fishermen.
Language:Disney clean
Sex:Nary a hint.
Drugs:None. Parents' advisory:Oneof the
Rating:G What it's about:A clownfish swims far from the comfort of his coral reef in an effort to rescue his fish-napped only son.
The kid attractor factor:Funny
best 10-and-younger movies ever made, and adult fans of Ellen DeGeneres will laugh and laugh and laugh at her antics. Suitable for all ages.
Goodlessons/bad lessons: Investigate, file charges, prosecute, convict and shoot — all in one easy package.
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HAVEN HOME STYLE Al st rharlvs vr«rhcnr i nt«r I Henri
Warner Bros Pictures via Mcclatcny-Tnbune News Service
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Amy Adams and Glint Eastwood star as an estranged daughter and father in "Trouble with the Curve." See the full review in today's GO! Magazine.
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*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-La Pine
ll g g ~l l ~ i~ l i ~lg g l ~ l l g g l i ~ l g g ~l l g g i~ l KATU News World News K A TU News at 6 (N) n « Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Shark Tank (N) n 'PG' « Primetime: WhatWould You Do? 20/20 (N) n « KATU News School Blitz Nightly News Newsohannel 21 at 6(N) « Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune 2012 NCLRALMAAwards 'pG' G r imm Bad Moon Rising n 't4' Da t eline NBC (N) n « News Jay Leno I KTVZ 0 0 0 0 News News Evening News Access H. Old Christine How I Met 30 R ock n 't4' Undercover Boss n 'pG' « CSI: NYNearDeath n 't4' « Blue Bloods Mother's Day n 't4' News Letterman KBNZ 0 Primetime: WhatWould You Do? 20/20 (N) n « KEZI 9 News (11:35) Nightline KoHo O O O O KEZI 9 News World News K EZI 9 News KEZI 9 News Entertainment The Insider (N) Shark Tank (N) n 'PG' « Big Bang Bon e s The Future inPast the't4' The Mob Doctor Pilot n 't4' News TMZ (N) n 'PG' The Simpsons Family Guy 'PG' KFxo fK! S S S America's Funniest HomeVideos TwoiHalf Men TwoiHalf Men Big Bang Busi ness Rpt. PBS NewsHour (N) n « Washington W'k Country Pop Legends(MyMusic) n 'G' « Leonard Cohen Live in London n 'pG' cc Koae Q B Q B Wild Kratts 'Y' Electric Comp. Passport Newsohannel 8 Nightl y News Newsohannel 8 News Live at 7 (N) I n side Edition 2012 NCLR ALMA Awards 'pG' G r imm Bad Moon Rising n 't4' Da t eline NBC (N) n « Newsohannel 8 Jay Leno KGW 0 Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' 'Til Death 't4' 'Til Death 'PG' KTvzDT2fEl 0 B S We ThereYet? We There Yet? King of Queens King of Queens Engagement Engagement A merica's Next Top Model 'PG' Nikita Crossbow n 't4' « Ciao Italia 'G' Nick Stellino T he Return of Sherlock Holmes Masterpiece Mystery! n 'pG' «(DVS) On Story n 'G' Need to Know Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « OPBPL 175 173
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Crim inal Minds n 't4' « Criminal Minds n 't4' « Criminal MindsEpilogue n 't4' (1 1:01) Criminal Minds 't4' « (3:30) "Crocodi l e ** "Crocodile Dundee II" (t988, Comedy) Paul Hogan, Li n da Kozl o wski , Charl e s Dutton. Out** "Nacho Libre" (2006) Jack Bl a ck, Ana de l a Reguera. Premi e re. A Mexi ** "Back to School" (t986, Comedy) Rodney Dangertield. Premiere. Campus I *AMC 102 40 39 Dundee" back he-man andgirlfriend faceColombian drug dealers. « can cookmoonlights as aprofessional wrestler. « life is turnedupsidedownby an obnoxious tycoon. *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Swamp Wars n 'PG' « Call-Wildman Call-Wildman Tanked: Unfiltered n 'pG' « Tank ed: Unfiltered n 'pG' « Tank ed: Unfiltered n 'pG' « Tank ed: Unfiltered n 'pG' « Tank ed: Unfiltered n 'pG' « ** "The WeddinPl ganner" (200t) Jennifer Lopez. Meet-Parents BRAVO1 37 4 4 HousewivesiNJ HousewivesiNJ (9:07) *** "Meet the Parents"(2000,Comedy)Robert DeNiro, BenStiler. CMT 190 32 42 53 Roseanne'G' Roseanne 'G' Reba 'pG' «Reba 'pG' «Reba 'pG' «Reba 'pG' «Reba 'pG' «Reba 'pG' «Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Cheer (N)n 'pG' Dallas CowboysCheerleaders CNBC 54 36 40 52 Target: Inside the Bullseye Ultimate Factories 'PG' American Greed Mad Money Ultimate Factories 'PG' American Greed Quit Your Job! Teeter Hang CNN 55 38 35 48 Anderson Cooper360 (N) « Pie r s Morgan Tonight (N ) Ande r son Cooper 360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers Morgan Tonight Anderson Cooper 360 « Erin Burnett OutFront COM 135 53 135 47 (4:59) Futurama Always Sunny (6:02) Tosh.0 Colbert Report Daily Show (7:44) Tosh.0 't4' « (8:17) Tosh.0 (8:50) Tosh.0 (9:23) *** "The 40-year-Old Virgin"(2005)SteveCarell, Catherine Keener. « COTY 11 Dept. /Trans. C ity Edition Ta l k of the Town Local issues. (6:50) HighSchool Football Henley atRedmond(N) (Live) TheYoga Show The Yoga Show Talk oftheTownLocalissues. I csPAN61 20 12 11 Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today *DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie Good-Charlie p hineas, Ferb Good-Charlie Austin & Ally n My Babysitter A.N.T. Farm 'G' Code 9 (N) 'G' Fish Hooks 'G' Gravity Falls n A.N.T. Farm 'G' Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Good-Charlie *DISC 156 21 16 37 Yukon MenHunt orStarve 'pG' Y u kon Men TheRacefor Fur'pG' Yukon Men Revealed Spring brings challengesand dangers. (N) 'pG' Ber ing Sea Gold: Under the Ice Yukon Men Tragic Spring(N) 'pG' Bering Sea Gold: Under the Ice *E! 1 36 2 5 Jonas Jonas Carly RaeJep The Soup 't4' E! News (N) Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping Up With the Kardashians Fashion Police (N) 't4' Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 College Football Baylor atLouisiana-Monroe(N)(Live) Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Live) cc Sportsoenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Interruption H i gh School Football Trinity (Ky.) Cathedral at (Ind.) (N)(Live) SportsNation Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)« NFL Live (N) « NFL Kickoff « EspNC 23 25 123 25 Friday Night Lights 't4' « Friday Night Lights 't4' « The Real Rocky cc 26 Yrs.: DeweyBozella The Real Rocky cc 26 Yrsn DeweyBozella 30 for 30 cc H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 12420 Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Re b a 'pG' « ** "Miss Congeniality"(2000, Comedy)Sandra Bullock, Michael Caine. ** "Miss Congeniality 2: Armed andFabulous" (2005) SandraBullock, Regina King. FAM 67 29 19 41 Reba 'pG' « The 700 club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 The O'Reilly Factor (N) « Hannity (N) On Record, Greta VanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor « Hannity On Record, Greta VanSusteren The Five *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Best Dishes P a ula's Cooking Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Best Thing Ate Best Thing Ate Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Fx 131 H owluet How l u e t Two i Halfuen T woiHalfuen TwoiHalfuen TwoiHalfuen * * *"Salt"(2010,Action)AngelinaJolie,Lievechreiber. T he Ultimate Fighter (N) n 'PG' * * * "Salt"(2010, Action) I HGTV 176 49 33 43 Property Bro Property Bro H unters tnt'I H u nters tnt'I H u nters tnt'I H u nters tnt'I T h e White Room Challenge 'G ' Y o u Live in What? 'G' « House Hunters Hunters tnt'I H u nters tnt'I H u nters tnt'I *HIST 155 42 41 36 Mountain Men 'PG' « Mountatn Men PG « Mountatn Men PG « American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc (11 02) American Pickers PG "Murder onthe 13th Floor" (20t2) Sean patrickThomas. « ** "Orphan"(2009,Horror) VeraFarmiga, peter Sarsgaard, Isabelle Fuhrman.« LIFE 138 39 20 31 Wife Swap n 'PG' cc Project Runway Get I aKickOut of Fashion 'PG' MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Ed Show(N) TheRachelMaddow Show (N) Lockup Orange County Lockup OrangeCounty Lockup OrangeCounty Lockup OrangeCounty Lockup OrangeCounty MTV 192 22 38 57 (4:50) TeenMom'PG' « Teen Mom n 'PG' « The Challenge: Battle of the Seasons n 't4' Awkward. 't4' Awkward. 't4' A wkward After *** "Drumline"(2002)NickCannon,Zoe Saldana. n NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob S pongeBob Drake &Josh Drake & Josh Victorious'G' Victorious 'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' The Nanny 'PG' TheNanny 'PG' Friendsn 'PG' (t t:33) Friends owN 161 103 31 10 Police Womenof Memphis 't4' P o l ice Women of Memphis 't4' P o l ice Women of Memphis 'PG' Police Women Memphis of 't4' P o l ice Women of Memphis 't4' P o l ice Women of Memphis 'PG' Police Women of Memphis 't4' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 (3:30) High School Football Curtis at Puyallup Mariners pre. MLB Baseball TexasRangersat Seattle Mariners FromSafeco Field in Seattle. (N) (Live) Mariners Post. The Dan Patrick Show MLB Baseball SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (447) Gangland Street Law 't4' ( 5 5 3) Gangland Devil's Fire 't4' *** "Jurassic park"(t993) SamNeil, Laura Dern.Cloned dinosaurs run amokat an islandjungle themepark. n (10:17) **"Jurassic ParkIII" (200t) sam Neil. SYFY 133 35 133 45Haven ~c Haven Secrets fromthe past. Hav en Sins of the Fathers « WWEFriday Night Smackoown! (N) n « Haven 30t (N) Alphas Falling TBN 205 60 130 Behind Scenes Hal Lindsey 'G' The Harvest P e rry Stone P r aise the Lord « Ever Increasing Israel: Journey of Light « Creflo Dollar M i racles Around Us « *TBS 16 27 11 28 Friends n 't4' Friends n 't4' K ing of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld n 'G' Seinfeld 'PG' House of Payne House of Payne Better Worse Better Worse * * "The MummyReturns" (200t, Adventure) BrendanFraser. « ** "Easy to Love" (t934, Comedy) (6:15) **** "Paths otGlory" (t957) Kirk Douglas,Ralph Meeker. Ageneral *** "The Hucksters"(t947, Drama)Clark Gable, DeborahKerr. A warvet- ** "Journal ot a Crime"(t934) Ruth (11:15) ** "TheTownThat Dreaded TCM 101 44 101 29 Genevieve Tobin. « uses a court-martial to cover abotched attack. « eran fights for businessethics on MadisonAvenue. « Chatterton. « Sundown" (t976) « *TLC 178 34 32 34 Brides-Hills B r i des-Hills Br i des-Hills Br i des-Hills I F ound-Gown I Found-Gown Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Secret Princes (N) n 'PG' « Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL ** "Meet the Fockers" (2004)Robert DeNiro. Future in-lawsclash in Florida. ** "The Bucket List"(2007) Jack Nicholson. *TNT 17 26 15 27 Law & Order Harm n 't 4' The Mentalist n 't4' « The Mentalist n 't4' « *TOON 84 MAD 'PG' Ann oying Reg u lar Show Adventure Time Wrld, Gumball NiniaGo: Metre Dragons: Riders Level Up 'PG' King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy 't4' Family Guy 't4' *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Bourdain: No Reservations Bizarre Foodsizimmern Ghost Adventures 't4' « Ghost Adventures 'PG' cc Ghost Adventures (N) 'PG' « The Dead Files 'PG' « The Dead Files 'PG' « TVLND 65 47 29 35 (4:30) Bonanza (5:40) M'A*S*H Deluge 'pG' « (6:17) M'A*S*H Home Improve. HomeImprove. CosbyShow Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King ofQueens usA 15 30 23 30 Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law & Order: SVU CSI: Crime SceneInvestigation ** "40 Days and 40Nights" (2002)Josh Hartnett. Premiere. n Rehab With Dr. Drew Intake 't4' 1 0 0 Greatest Songs of the '90s 1 00 Greatest Songs of the '90s VH1 191 48 37 54 (4:30) *** "MeanGirls" (2004,Comedy)Lindsay Lohan. n *A&E 130 28 18 32 Gangsters: America's Most Evil Criminal Minds public Enemy 't4' Criminal Minds t00 n 't4' «
"The TexasChainsaw Massacre" (5l50) ** "Tron:Legacy" 20t 0 Jeff Bridges. n 'PG' « Shogun(Partsofe) t4 « (9:40) **"Priest"20t t Paul Bettany.n 'PG-ts' ENGR 106401306401(sl50) *"Jack"t 996 n 'PG-t 3' * "TheAnimal"200t,ComedyRob Schnei der.'pG-ts' « * "Gent lemen Broncos"2009 MichaelAngarano.'pG-ts' « FMC 10420410412 Dude-MyCar FX M presents * "The Animal" 200t, ComedyRobSchneider. 'pG-ts' « * "Children ot theCorn" (t984, Horror) Peter Horton. Premiere. *** "The LostBoys" (t 987)Jason Patrie, CoreyHaim.Premiere. *** "BladeRunner" (t982, ScienceFiction) Harrison Ford, Rutger Hauer. The LostBoys FUEL 34 Golf Central (N) 19th Hole (N) School of Golf I GOLF 28 301 27 301LpGA Tour Golf pGA Tour Golf TheTour Championship, SecondRoundFromEast LakeGolf Club inAtlanta. Litt l e House on the prairie 'G' Li t t le House on the prairie 'G' *** "Back toyouandMe" (2005) Lisa HartmanBlack. 'pG' « Frasier n 'pG' Frasier n 'pG' Frasier n 'pG' Frasier n 'pG' HALL 66 33 175 33 The Waltons TheTownie 'G ' Sports With Bryant Gumbel ** "Unknown" 20t t, Suspense LiamNeeson, DianeKruger. An accident Real Time With Bill Maher Editor Real Time With Bill Maher Editor HBO 25501 25501(4:30) 2012Rock andRoll Hall of FameInduction Ceremony n 't4' « R E AL n 'PG'~c victim finds amanusing his identity. n 'PG-t3' « Rana Foroohar.(N) n 'MA'« Rana Foroohar.n 'MA' « ** "The Libertine" 2005, Historical DramaJohnny Depp, SamanthaMorton. tRr *** "The LastKing otScotland" 2006Forest Whitaker. tRr I FC 105 1 0 5 *** "The Last King otScotland" 2006, BiographyForest Whitaker. tRr M AX 00 508
** " Hatt Pass"20t t OwenWilson. Twomarried menget (7:15) *** "Troy" 2004, AdventureBrad Pitt, Eric Bana,Orlando Bloom.Achiles leads Greekforces in theTrojan Strike Back The Section 20crib is Skin to the Max Strike Back n
5 0 Stupid,Love." one week to do whateverthey please. 'R' rt 'MA' War rt R ~c raided. (N)n 'MA'cc MA „ N GC 157 1 5 7 Abandoned' PG' Abandoned 'PG' BostonMetal(N)'PG' Abandoned Abandoned Boston Meta l'PG' Abandoned'PG' Abandoned 'PG' Abandoned Abandoned Alien Deep With BobBallard'PG' W i ld Grinders planet Sheen Dragonball GT Odd parents R obot, Monster Odd parents W ild Grinders planet Sheen Dragonball GT Avatar: Air. Dr a gon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor I NTOON 89 11518911 Odd parents Odd parents OUTD 37 307 43 307L.L. BeanGuide Fear No Evil O u tfitter Boot Sasquatch Dri ven TV Bas smasters Jimmy Big Time Hunt., Country Bone Collector Profess. Flyrod Magnum TV Huntin' World S HO 500
SPEED 35 30312530 STARZ 30040830040 T MC 525
NBCSN 27 58 30 20 *WE 143 41 17411
(430) ** "Shakespeare High"20t t, ** "How to Lose a Burin 70 Days" 2003 KateHudson.A writer bets shecan *** "Melancholia"20t t, DramaKirsten Dunst, Charlotte Gainsbourg, AlexanderSkarsgard. All Access (N) Boxing Jhonatan Romerovs. Efrain 't 4' Documentaryn 'NR' « seduce amanandthen drive himaway. n 'PG-ts' « premiere. Twosisters dealwiththe approachof theworld's end. tRr Esquivas(N) (4:30) NASCARRacing CampingWorldTruck Series: Kentucky225 NAS CAR Racing SpEEDCenter NASCAR perfor. Formula 1 Debrief (N) Countdown to UFC152 Unique Whips ** "Bad Teacher"20t t n tR (4:20) **"Cars 2"20t t n 'G' (6:15) *** "The Ides ot March"20t t Ryan Gosling. n tRr« (8:05) Camelot ThreeJourneys n Boss Backflash (N) 'MA' « Boss Backflashn 'MA' « r (4:40) *"Route666" 200t Lou Dia- (6:15) ** "Camouflage"t999, Action Leslie Nielsen. Astruggling actor be- *** "The Help"20t t, DramaViola Davis, EmmaStone, BryceDallas Howard.Anaspiring writer ** "High Heels andLowtiles" 200t, DramaMinnie • mond phillips.n tRr cc comes acrusty detective's assistant. n 'R' « captures theexperiencesof blackwomen. n 'PG-t 3' « Driver, MaryMccormack n tRr « Caught Looking 'pG' Boxing GabrielRosadovs. Charles Whittaker (N) (Live) NFL Turning Point Boxing Gabriel Rosado vs. CharlesWhittaker ** "ps.I Love you" 2007,RomanceHilary Swank. 'pG-t 3' ** "ps. i Love you" 2007,RomanceHilary Swank,GerardButler A widow gets messagesleft by herhusbandto help hercope. 'pG t 3' My Fair Wedding
Weekendgardenernurtures plants morethan family Dear Abby: I am a 31-year old wife and mother. My hus band, "Jake," works 40-plus hours a week, while I am a stay-at-home mom. My daugh ter, who is almost 3, keeps me on my toes. In the evenings and on week ends, Jake does yard work or works in the garden. I hate it because I'm with our daugh ter all day, every day, and he expects me to watch her while he's outside working. I dislike yard and garden work and d on't l ik e b eing outside unless I am complete ly comfortable. I also have h ealth/physical i ssues t h at keep me from being as active as I would like. Every week end I feel my resentment and anger growing over this issue. Jake says it i s n ecessary for us to have a garden, and I agree. But why must I have all the responsibility of caring for our daughter even on week ends? I'd like it if Jake would stay in with us and give up on some of the outside activities. This is something we argue about at least once a week. What do you suggest? — Second to a Shrub in Oregon Dear Second to a Shrub:While tending to the yard and the gar denmaybenecessary, it is also very important for your husband to devote some time to nurturing his relationship with his daugh ter. You should not be saddled with all the child care responsi bilities 24/7. Marriages are like gardens. If they' re not given care and feeding, they will wither as yours appears to be doing. Dear Abby: I'm engaged and being married soon. I have always had very close non romantic relationships with males. I was raised around guys, so it's natural for me. People told me that when I fell in love with someone it would be easier to let my male friendships fall by the wayside.
ABBY This hasn't been the case. These friendships are the ones I prefer now more than ever. I find men more emotion ally stable than women. They also let me talk without inter rupting to give their opinions as women do. I love my fiance dearly and he has been incredibly under standing about this, but I can tell it upsets him. I have been known to talk all night with friends, especially when I'm overwhelmed. My fiance is hurt that I don't come to him with these issues, but he's in medical school and has his own stress. Do I need to eliminate these friendships for the sake of my husband-to-be? Is it inappro priate for me to have close male friends after I'm married? — Prefers Men Dear Prefers Men: Why are you presenting the issue as all or nothing? It's not. Nor is it inappropriate for you to keep close male friendships after you marry. However, I do think some behavior modification is in or der. The first thing you should do is cut out the all-night dump sessions with these men. For one thing, the man you marry should be your BEST friend and the person you go to first to express your concerns when you' re overwhelmed. This is part of intimacy, and he may be feeling hurt and shut out be cause you are denying that to him. For another, he may have concerns of his own that he' d like to discuss with you. Being on the phone all night talking to someone else is really ne glectful of the man you love. — Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.corn or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Friday,Sept. 21,2012 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) By Jacqueline Bigar Center yourself, and This year you focus on your domestic ** * * you will open the door to many and personal life, though all aspects more opportunities. Someone in are important. Excitement comes your personal life — or someone in from a close friend or loved one who is a walking jack-in-the-box; you who wants to become a part of it — shares some deeper feelings. A never know what will happen next. friend you look up to also gives you Hopefully, you candeal with a little positive feedback. Tonight: Head stress. Others would like you to be more active, and they will not hesitate home early. to let you know. If you aresingle, you LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) will gain a sidekick. Whether you let ** * * * How you say what you more than that develop is your call. think has much to do with the If you are attached, the two of you manner in which the words are needto loosen up more and enjoy received. You, more than most the moment. SAGITTARIUSloves to other signs, understand the art of romp with you. diplomacy and the need to use it in a difficult situation. Touch base with a The Stars Show the Kind of Day You' ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; dear friend or loved one. Tonight: To yourfavorite haunt. 3-Average; 2-So-so; l-Difficult SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * * L et your imagination lead ** * * Y ou might want to reconsider an option that could the way. Be ready to take off at the encourage less stress. In order for drop of a hat. Others tap into your that to happen, you' ll need to trust ideas and use you as a resource. a partner or close friend. A boss You might want to break free, and perhaps you' ll do just that. Maintain likes what he or she sees. You likely will see the benefits soon enough. a high level of detachment, or you Tonight: Allow someone to treat you. could feel drained. Tonight: Go for something unique. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ** * * * Y ou are nearly TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ** * You deal with others directly, unstoppable. A few associates also could have a similar amount particularly a key person in your of energy pushing them forward. life. You could enhance a financial Others seem ready to jump in option through a discussion. A and make what you need happen. family member lets you know how You might be toying with the idea much you mean to him or her. If of taking a mini-vacation soon. there has been a rocky element in Tonight: Whatever you want. your domestic life, attempt to fix it. Tonight: Make it cozy. CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * Something is going on behind GEMINI (May 21-June 20) the scenes. Rather than snoop ** * * * R ealize where you are around, as others might expect you heading and defer to someoneelse. You understand that not everything is to do, just go about your business as usual. You will reverse the trend and one way or the other. This realization make others wonder what is going helps you to loosen upyour on. A friend or loved one gives you a relationships with some potentially gift. Tonight: Not everyone needs to difficult people. Tonight: Play away. know what you' rethinking. CANCER(June 21-July 22) AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * * You are one of the few people whose focus is less on getting ** * * * M eetings charge you with enough energy to complete into the weekend and more on completing errands and/or a project. a project, but a call from a friend also encourages you to take a bold For those of you who are working Moon Children, you will want to clear step. You are the sign of friendship, and you' re only too pleased to go out your desk. Think about being along with this person's sug gestion. totally free this weekend. Tonight: Tonight: Where people can be found. Only what you want. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * * * A l low more creativity to ** * * Y ou might want to take that extra step toward helping a special come forward. Through a meeting, person in your life. This person will you' ll see many possibilities. be very grateful, even if he or she Opportunities arise from this group does not express the gratitude you of peers, especially through one person who is unusually upbeat. You might like. Remember, everyone has a different style. Tonight: You are the emanatecompassionand concern. How can anyone resist you? Tonight: lead actor. Start the weekend right. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate
A weekly compilation of family-friendly events throughout Central Oregon.
Please email event information to communitylifeC~bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.corn. Allow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
Find afull community eventscalendar insidetoday's GO!Magazine. TODAY BEND FARMERSMARKET: Free admission; 2-6 p.m.; St. Charles Bend, 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-408-4998, bendfarmersmarket@gmail.corn or www.bendfarmersmarket.corn. NPRA FINALS RODEO:A Northwest Professional Rodeo Association performance, with roping and pageants; $10, $5 ages 6-11, free ages 5 and younger; 7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; ccrodeo@hotmail .corn or www.nwprorodeo.corn. "EXTREMELY LOUD5 INCREDIBLY CLOSE":Ascreening of the PG-13-rated 2011 film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. E St., Madras; 541-475-3351 or LINCOLNBREWSTER:The Christian singer-songwriter performs, with Elliot; $20 in advance, $30 at the door; 7:30 p.m.; Christian Life Center, 21720 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-389-8241, info@clcbend .corn or www.clcbend.corn. "THE PRODUCERS": CatCall Productions presents the musical satire about two people who set out to produce the worst show in Broadway history; $30 or $35; 8 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or
4K 4i
Submitted photo
Dogs will compete during the Agility Trailput on by Bend Agility Action Dogs at Ponderosa Elementary School in Bend this weekend. The event is free for spectators.
free; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; Ponderosa Elementary School, 3790 N.E.Purcell Blvd., Bend; 541-323-4300 or www .benddogagility.corn. PRINEVILLEFARMERS MARKET: Free; 8:30 a.m.-l2:30 p.m.; Prineville City Plaza, 387 N.E.Third St.; 503 739-0643 or prinevillefarmers market@gmail.corn. PROJECT CONNECT:Event features medical and dental services, social SATURDAY services for low-income individuals, food and more; free; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; LEADMAN TRI: Featuring 250K Deschutes County Fair & Expo and 1 25K triathlons, finish-area Center, Hooker CreekEvent Center, festivities and live music; freefor 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; spectators; 250K at 7a.m., 125K 541-385-8977 or www.project at 8 a.m.; live music from 4-9 p.m.; Old Mill District, 661 S.W. Powerhouse Drive,Bend;541-312 NORTHWEST CROSSING 0131 or www.leadmantri.corn. FARMERSMARKET:Free; 10 a.m. REDMOND GRANGE 2 p.m.; NorthWest Crossing, Mt. Washington and Northwest Crossing BREAKFAST: A community breakfast benefiting the Redmond drives, Bend; 541-382-1662, valerie@brooksresources.corn or Future Farmers of America; $6, www.nwxfarmersmarket.corn. $3 ages 12andyounger, 7-10:30 a.m.; Redmond Grange, 707S.W. DAY OF PLAY: With sports, games, Kalama Ave.; 541-480-4495. activities and more; free; ll a.m. AGILITY TRIAL:BendAgility 3 p.m.; Riverbend Park, Southwest Action Dogs presents a dayof Columbia Street and Southwest dogs navigating obstacle courses; Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; 541-389
7275 or BENDOKTOBERFEST:Event includes music, kids activities, wiener dog races, a yodeling contest and more; free; noon-10 p.m., all ages until 6 p.m.; downtown Bend; 541-788 3628 or VFW DINNER: A dinner of chicken fried steak; proceeds benefit local veterans; $8, $7 seniors and children ages 6 and younger; 5-7 p.m.; VFW Hall, 1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. NPRA FINALSRODEO: A Northwest Professional Rodeo Association performance, with roping and pageants; $1 0, $5 ages 6-11, free ages 5 and younger; 7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; ccrodeo@hotmail.corn or www.nwprorodeo.corn. "THE PRODUCERS": CatCall Productions presents the musical satire about two people who set out to produce the worst show in Broadway history; $30 or $35; 8 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or
AGILITYTRIAL:Bend Agility Action Dogs presents a day of dogs navigating obstacle courses; free; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; Ponderosa Elementary School, 3790 N.E. Purcell Blvd., Bend; 541-323-4300 or www.benddogagility.corn. BROOKSWOOD BIG BLOCK BASH: Old-fashioned style block party featuring live music, activities and food; free; 1-6 p.m.; Brookswood Meadow Plaza,19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend;541-306-1636 or www .brookswoodmeadowplaza.corn. BROOKSWOOD PLAZAFARMERS MARKET:Freeadmission; 1-6 p.m.; Brookswood Meadow Plaza, 19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-323-3370 or farmersmarket@ brookswoodmeadowplaza.corn. FIDDLERSJAM: Listen or dance at the Oregon Old Time Fiddlers Jam; donations accepted; 1-3:30 p.m.; VFW Hall, 1836 S.W.Veterans Way, Redmond; 541-647-4789. PARADE OFOLYMPIANS: A parade honoring Olympic decathlon champion Ashton Eaton, featuring other Central Oregon Olympians; followed by a kids "fun run with Ashton" from the Tower Theatre down Wall Street; free; l p.m.; downtown Bend; 541-388-5517 or THE SPEAKEASY: An open mic storytelling event; stories must be no longer than 10 minutes and should be about going back to school; $5; 6 p.m.; Innovation Theatre Works, 1155 S.W. Division St., Bend; 541-504-6721 or brad@
MONDAY No Family event listings.
TUESDAY No Family event listings.
WEDNESDAY BEND FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 3-7 p.m.;Brooks Alley, between Northwest Franklin Avenue and Northwest Brooks Street; 541-408-4998, bendfarmersmarket@gmail.corn or www.bendfarmersmarket.corn.
THURSDAY TUMALOFARMERSMARKET: Free admission; 3-6 p.m.; Tumalo Garden Market, off of U.S. Highway 20 and CookAvenue; 541-728-0088, earthsart@gmail.corn or http: // tumalogardenmarket.corn.
It's vital to stay engagedwith your teen By Dr. Gregory Ramey
child as he or she asserts her in dividuality? Here are some tips: DAYTON, Ohio — Par 1. Communicate.Avoid both ents are the most impor lecturing and i n terrogating. tant influences in the lives Permit yourself to suspend of their kids, regardless of judgments and try to under whether their child is a tod stand a world that is so dif dler or teen. Parents who ferent than what you experi spend time with their teen enced. I' ve found that teens are agers are more likely to raise really interested in our lives, competent, caring and well so be prepared to talk about adjusted kids who success work and personal things that fully navigate the path to are important to you. independence. How can you 2. Have a teen-friendly house. stay connected with your Be nice to your teen's friends Cox Newspapers
when they come over. Don' t intrude in their activities, but introduce yourself, ask ques tions and to have lots of food in the refrigerator. 3. Stay involved in school activities. Volunteer at school, and be certain to attend your teen's sporting or other events. 4. Maintain family traditions, but make adjustments. Rituals are the emotional glue that connect us. Be flexible for your adolescent's interests. Bring a friend along during the family
vacation. Eat meals together. 5. Search for shared inter ests. Look for opportunities to do things together, such as shopping, attending sporting events, travel and movies. 6. Encourage your child' s passions. Each of my children developed different interests. I interpreted that as a sign that maybe I did something right in encouraging their individuality. 7. Lighten up. This is most important. Develop a g o od sense of humor.
S TORY TIMES AND LIBRARY YOUTH EV EN T S For the week of Sept. 21-27 Story times are free unless othenvise noted. Barnes L Noble Booksellers 2690 N.E. U.s. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242
ONCE UPONA STORY TIME:AII ages; ll a.m. Friday. C.E. Lovejoy's Brookswood Market 19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-388-1188
STORY TIME:All ages; ll a.m. Thursday. Crook County Public Library 175 S.W. Meadow Lakes Drive, Prineville; 541-447-7978
PRESCHOOL STORYTIME: Ages 3 and older; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday and ll a.m. Thursday. WEE READ: Ages 0-3; 10 a.m. Monday and Wednesday. Downtown Bend Public Library 601 N.w. Wall st.; 541-617-7097
BABY STEPS:Ages 0-18
months; ll:30a.m .W ednesday and l:30 p.m. Thursday. TODDLIN'TALES: Ages 18-36 months; 10:15 a.m. and ll a.m. Tuesday and 10:15 a.m. Wednesday. PRESCHOOL PARADE:Ages 3-5; 10:30 a.m. Fridayand l:30 p.m. Tuesday. MUSIC 5MOVEMENT STORIES: Ages 3-5; 10:30 a.m. Thursday.
BACKPACK EXPLORERS:Ages 3-4; explore museum's animal habitat, share stories and songs; 10 to ll a.m. Thursday; $15 perchild nonmembers, $1 0 per child members. TOTALLY TOUCHABLETALES: Ages 2-5; storytelling about animals and people of the High Desert; 10:30 a.m. Tuesday.
East Bend Public Library
241 S.w. Seventh st., Madras;
62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-330-3760
TODDLIN'TALES: Ages 0-3; 9:30 a.m. Wednesday. PRESCHOOL PARADE: Ages 3-5; 9:30 a.m. Thursday. SATURDAYSTORIES:Ages 0-5; 10 a.m. Saturday. ESUCHEY CANTECONMICHELE: Ages 0-5; ll a.m. High Desert Museum 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; www.; 541-382-4754; unless noted, events included with admission ($15 adults, $12 ages 65 and older, $9 ages 5-12, free ages 4and
WILD WEDNESDAYS: Ages 7-12; treasure hunt; 12:30 p.m. to close Wednesday.
Jefferson County Public Library
BABIESANDTODDLERSSTORY TIME:10:10 a.m. Tuesday. PRESCHOOL ANDOLDER STORY TIME:Ages 3-5; 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. SPANISHSTORYTIME: All ages; l p.m. Wednesday. La Ptne Public Library 16425 First st.; 541-312-1090
FAMILY STORY TIME: All ages; 10:30 a.m. Thursday. TECH LAB: Ages 12-17; 3 p.m. Monday.
Redmond Public Library 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1 054
BABY STEPS: Ages 0-1 8months; ll a.m. Thursday. PRESCHOOL PARADE: Ages 3-5; 10:15 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Wednesday. TODDLIN'TALES:Ages 18-36 months; 10:15 a.m. Thursday. BLOCK PARTY:Ages 6-11: Lego Universe; 2:30 p.m. Wednesday. Sisters Public Library 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1 070
FAMILY FUN STORYTIME: Ages 0 5; 10:30 a.m. Thursday. Sunrtver Area Public Library 56855 venture Lane; 541-312-1 080
FAMILY FUN STORYTIME: Ages 0 5; 10:30 a.m. Tuesday.
Find It All Online bendbulletin.corn
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Losing arguments By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services
Avoid arguments. Few things are worse than the moment during an argument when you realize you' re wrong. In today's deal, South went down at six diamonds — and then argued for her line of play. She took the ace of clubs and led a trump to dummy's ace, declining the finesse. South next tried a heart to her queen, hoping to throw dummy's last club on the ace. West produced the king, and South went down two. "After you take the ace of trumps," North said, "start the spades. When spades break 3-3, you get rid of your last club on the fourth spade as East ruffs." 50 PERCENT
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"My play was best," South argued. " Spades will b reak 3- 3 o nl y 3 6 percent of the time. The heart finesse was 50-50." "True," North said, "but you also succeed when the defender with the king of trumps has four spades. You can ruff the fourth spade, take the ace of hearts, ruff a heart and discard your last club on the fifth spade. Your chances are almost 60 percent." And South had to admit she was wrong. DAILY QUESTION
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© 20I2 by King Features Syndicate Inc World Egsts reserved
Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis
hearts. What do you say? ANSWER: You have a minimum opening bid — 12 high-card points and partner's response hasn' t improved it, hence you must prefer a minimum, non-encouraging second bid. Rebid two spades. A bid of three diamonds would be a so-called "high reverse" and would promise much more than minimum strength. South dealer Neither side vulnerable
Youhold: 4 A Q 8 6 2 9 8 Opening lead — 4 K 0 A Q 9 4 3 4 10 2. Y o u open one spade, and your partner responds two (C) 2012 Tribune Media Services, lnc.
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Jumbles: SENSE ADAGE LETTER LOCKED Answer: When it came time to exPlain the team'8 defeat, the coachwasthis — ATALOSS
DOWN 38 One might keep 4 9 Pitch a tent, maybe 1 Andy of comics you awake at 2 Soothing agent night 50 Enclosed in 3 Bird symbolizing 40 Fishing gear 51 TV h ost with a 41 By the book large car daybreak no longer in use 4 '70s TV teacher 43 Prehistoric collection 15 Eponymous predators 52 Circular treat 5 Idle William's 44 Like Everest, vis- 53 Bupkis 6 Farm unit birthplace a-vis K2 54 David 7 Sports gp. with 16 Gospel writer 47 Musical with the Camer o n's alma divisions song "Another mater 17 One who illegally 8 Garfield, for one brings home the Pyramid" 57 Early Beatle 9 Budding bacon? 48 Hebrew prophet bass i st Sutcliffe 10 Blossom 19 God in both 11 European wheels ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: Eddas 12 Crispy roast 20 The orange kind HO W E E M I R H O B O chicken part is black 13 Take care of I PA S S X E N A A P O P 21 Tape deck button 18 1996 Reform S E R T A P A S T R I O T 23 Uno e due Party candidate C H E V R O L E T C R U Z E 24 Fairy tale baddie 22 Messes up OL E O S C L A IM E D 25 Mistakes in 24 Short tennis Dickens, say? A I R L I N E C R EW S match 33 Sound, perhaps U P S E T H E R S C F L 25 Biker helmet 34 Insect-eating R O E S C A T S O R E feature singers A D S R U H R S A R A N 26 Provoke 35 Rapper Jon 27 Nurse Barton P EN E LO P E C R U Z 36 Lasting 28 Willing words D I S R OB E X A C T O impression 29 Stand P L E A S U R E C RU I S E 37 Just a bit wet 30 Not just mentally 38 Stove filler L O A N R I T A R O I L S 31 Papal topper 39 " American U SM C N L E R E N V O Y 32 Soothe Cousin," play S T Y E S Y S T S E N D 37 Lauded Lincoln was 09/21/1 2 xwordeditor@aol.corn Olympian viewing when I 2 3 4 10 1 1 I2 IS 5 6 T e g assassinated 40Go green, in a
way 41 Linney of "The Big C" 42 When to send an erotic love note? 45 English class assignment word 46 Ottoman title 47 Remote insert 50 By oneself 55 Big-screen format 56 "Something's fishy," and a hint to this puzzle's theme 58 Pantheon feature 59 "Fear Street" series author 60 Modernize 61 Tools for ancient
23 25 2 6
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executions 62 16th-century 61 62 English architectural style By Nevilte L. Fogarty 63 Zombie's sound (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
60 63
09/21/1 2
Mr. Dad
Continued from B1 The first v ideo Professor Child created, which is avail able, focuses o n di v o rce. Another film about being a sibling of someone with au tism will be available in early October. Two more films are also in the works and should be completed by the end of the year — one is about children who have parents serving in the military overseas and an other is about children who have experienced a death in the family. "It's more powerful to pro duce tools for children, by chil dren," said O'Keefe. The videos are intended for use by therapists, teachers and parents.
How it works O'Keefe said she and her business partners decided to make the first film about di vorce because it is an event that affects many children. They thought it would be eas ier to find children who could talk about it. For the first film, they were able to find enough children through acquaintanc es and other contacts. On the day of filming, all of the children, typically age 7 to 16, gather together. Each child talks with the therapist, Sharon Richards, one-on-one. The approximately 30-min ute sessions are unscripted, although the questions are prepared in advance. O'Keefe said they have no agenda and are "not putting our own spin on it." At the end, the team works w it h a p r o f essional v ideo producer to e dit t h e interviews down to 30 to 45 minutes. While one child is being in terviewed, the teacher, Rory Kidder, runs a group with the
Alzheimer' s
Submitted photo
Bend residents Sharon Richards, from left, Rory Kidder, and Jenni O'Keefe helped create Professor Child, a local business that creates short documentary films in which children talk about issues affecting their lives.
To learnmore Get to know Professor Child and watch the trailer for "Children and Divorce:" http: //professorchild.corn/
other children. O'Keefe said one side benefit to the proj ect is watching the children from similar backgrounds in teract. This was particularly apparent during the session involving children with sib lings who have autism. "It was fascinating to listen to these kids talk to each other," said O'Keefe. Some shared feelings they had never talk ed about before — and they realized there w er e o t h er kids out there who felt just the same way. That was pow erful, O'Keefe said.
ing and eliminating the pain ful or environmental stimuli — for instance, by giving a Continued from B1 " Everybody says i t's t h e h ungry person a s nack o r disease talking so don't take helping a person use the bath it personally," said Francine, room — these strategies may who, like other caretakers of not work for people who start Alzheimer's patients, must to exhibit negative behaviors deal with this type of person because they are in the middle ality change daily. "Well, you and late stages of the disease. don't have any other choice People with m i ddle- and but to take it personally." late-stage Alzheimer's can be According to the Alzheim given anti-psychotic medica er's Association, a national ad tions to control their behavior, vocacy group, aggression and a treatment the Alzheimer' s other negative behaviors ex Association recommends only hibited by dementia sufferers in the most severe situations, often happen when they start such as when behavior threat feeling uncomfortable and get ens someone else' s life or safe frustrated because they can ty, interferes with the patient' s not clearly communicate their ability to eat or when the pa needs. tient experiences the terminal These behaviors — which delirium that can come with also include suspicion, anxiety the disease's final stages. "It's really important (to dis and confusion — also can be a direct result of the progressive cuss) these behaviors with the deterioration in b r ai n c e lls doctor," Grandal said. It might that people experience when also help to have the person' s they enter the disease's middle diagnosis double-checked, she and late stages. added, because a case of frontal Because these behaviors lobe dementia or another, less can have a severe effect on common form of dementia can caregivers, who are most often be mistaken for Alzheimer' s family members or loved ones, disease during its early stages, and on patients' ability to get and may require a completely long-term care, the associa different treatment regimen. tion stresses the importance of Francine is certain Walter' s learning how to manage these aggressive behaviors are the situations and planning for result of his physical condi them before they start show tion because they' ve been ing up (see "Tips for dealing escalating. with aggressive behavior"). In addition to calling Hens ley when Walter had the wa Identify the cause ter-related outburst, she's had Dealing with aggressive be to call the sheriff when Walter havior is one of the most diffi started yelling at her when she cult challenges people can face tried to stop him from putting when they care for someone the wrong spread on a ham who suffers from Alzheimer' s sandwich. She a lso c a lled diseaseor another form of de the fire department when he mentia, said Kristrun Grandal, threatened to burn some brush program director for the Ore on his property during a dry gon chapter of the Alzheimer' s spell and a county ditch crew Association. when he threatened to dump Grandal said most aggres debris in an irrigation ditch. "Every person has a unique sive behaviors occur when the dementia sufferer experiences trait that comes out with this pain, hunger, or another un disease," she said. "(Walter) comfortable stimuli, such as has a lot of unresolved anger needing to use the bathroom, and it shows up big time." and can't express his or her needs because of the disease. Building a response Urinary tract infections, which H ensley said h i s o f f i c e can cause severe discomfort has received callsfrom four if they' ve been around for a homes, including F r ancine while, are a fairly common and Walter' s, where a person cause of negative behaviors, has Alzheimer's disease or an and they can easily be treated other type of dementia. Some with antibiotics. times it's a c a regiver who "Try to p r oblem s o l ve needs help dealing with the first," Grandal said, adding a Alzheimer's sufferer, he said, person's caregiver can often while other times the person figure out what caused an out with the disease is on the line burst by paying close attention and is panicking because they to what happened right before don't recognize their caregiver it occurred. Environmental or loved one. stimuli such as loud noises, He said so far his officers clutter or crowds of unfamil have been able to calm patients iar people can also trigger an having outbursts by working outburst, she said, and should with their caregivers to figure be paid attention to when the out what's been causing the caregiver is playing detective. problem, talking out the situa But while these outbursts tion, or keeping the patients in can be addressed by identify a safe environment until they
O'Keefe said most children seem happy t o p a r ticipate. "They are so honest and so happy to have a venue to tell their story." This is w or k t h e g r oup members are passionate about and have worked on in their spare time — O 'Keefe said they have met up a few times a week over the course of more than a year to make Professor Child a reality.
Content In the divorce film, some children talk about how they are still sad, while others say they are happy that their par ents aren't fighting anymore. O'Keefe said the hope is for a child watching to find a nug get that is relatable. She loves seeing the variety of respons es and also that the film feels
wore themselves out or were able to relax. Sheriff's depu ties haven't had to arrest any Alzheimer's sufferer because of their negative behaviors, he said, adding that's something he'd like to avoid. "It's hard to arrest some body when they' re not mental lycapableand they don'tknow what's going o n," H ensley said. "It's not a crime to be ill ... People with an illness don' t belong in jail, they belong in a setting where they can get the assistance that they need." Finding that setting, though, can be a little difficult. If hisofficers ever reached a point where an Alzheimer' s sufferer was exhibiting a clear danger to themselves or others and could not be brought un der control, Hensley said their only option would be take the person to a local emergency room where a doctor could try treating their behavior, much like they would treat someone who was suffering a psychotic break. That doctor may end up sending the Alzheimer's suf ferer to a psychiatric hospital. But these solutions are tem porary ones, said G randal with the Alzheimer's Associa tion. Many people who suffer from Alzheimer's disease end up needing to be placed in a long-term care setting like a nursing home or an assisted living facility because their condition may reach a point where they can no longer care for themselves and need help performing the basic activities of daily living, she said. But finding that facility can also be difficult, she said, be cause some places may not admit a person who exhibits negative behavior because of the risk he or she poses to the facility's other residents, the staff members or to themselves. There also have been situations where dementia sufferers were forced to leave a facility be cause of their behaviors and the risks they posed. Grandal said the trick to placing a dementia sufferer in long-term care is making sure the facility is properly equipped to meet their needs. This means they must have staff who are specially trained to deal with a person who has Alzheimer's disease, and the facility must h ave features such as locking doors or fenc es that can keep a person from wandering away. "We have f a cilities t hat are certif ied as memory care units," said Jane-Ellen Wei denz, the O r egon S eniors and People with Disabilities program's Medicaid long-term care manager. She added there are currently 148 memory care units in the state, which have a total of 4,962 beds. But while these facilities
hopeful in the end. "I want there to b e t h at feeling of hope and of know ing you' re not alone," said O'Keefe. So far, the divorce video has been purchased almost equal ly by parents and therapists, according to O'Keefe. She said one therapist is showing it not to children, but to a group of divorced parents. The DVD costs$34.95 and comes with a corresponding workbook with m ore than 30 pages of related material, designed by Profes sor Child. "This is a dream come true," said O'Keefe. Ideally the group will pro duce three to four films a year and, as O'Keefe sees it, the ma terial is endless. — Reporter: 541-617-7860, ajohnson@bendbulletin.corn
have specially trained staff members and o t her q u ali ties that earn them the state' s memory care unit certifica tion, Weidenz said they are not without their problems. All of these facilities are privately owned, she said, which means people who rely on Medicaid for their long-term care have to compete with more affluent, p rivate-pay i n dividuals f o r space in them.
vitamin B s upplements bee pollen, and/or flower pollen. Continued from B1 • Get more a n t ioxidants. According to Dr. Brian Middle-age and older m en Clement, c o -author of who consumed antioxidant "7 Keys to Lifelong Sexual rich foods and supplements Vitality," sperm count in had better quality sperm than the current generation of men who consumed less, ac men is only 40 percent of cording to Andrew Wyrobek, what it was just a genera who led a team of research tion ago. ers at the Lawrence Berke To answer your ques ley National Laboratory and tion, you shouldn't even be the University of Bradford in considering surgery unless England. you' ve exhausted all your Of course, it's hard to prove n onsurgical o ptions, i n that the antioxidants are di cluding as many of the fol rectly involved in improving lowing as you can: sperm quality. In a n i n ter • Quit smoking and drink view with Reuters, Wyrobck less alcohol. Both reduce said, "People who eat well the quality and quantity of are probably doing a bunch a man's sperm. The same of other healthy things, too." goes for illegal drugs like Nevertheless, Wyrobek and cocaine and heroin. his colleagues believe that • Watch his weight. In "consuming more micronu some studies, obesity has trients such as vitamins C been shown to reduce sperm and E, folate, and zinc helps count andmovement. turn back the clock for older • Relax. Stress can inter men. We found that men 44 fere with sperm production. and older who consumed at • Keep cool. Warm tes least the recommended di ticles produce less — and etary allowance of c ertain less healthy — sperm. Your m icronutrients ha d s p e r m husband should stay out w ith a s i m i lar a m ount o f of hot tubs, wear boxers DNA damage as the sperm of instead of briefs, and if he younger men." uses a laptop, should not Of all the antioxidants, vi put it directly on his lap. tamin C produced the most • Keep away from toxins. i mpressive results. Men 4 5 Pesticides and other chemi and older who got the most cals can hurt sperm pro had about 20 p ercent less duction and quality. DNA damage than those who • Have more sex. Yes, took less. But before you go to a few days of abstinence Costco and load up on supple will increase the amount ments, consider this. The guys of sperm your husband is in the high-intake group took carrying, but those sperm 700 milligrams per day. The won't nearly as healthy or U.S. Recommended Daily Al as speedy as fresher ones. lowance is 90 mg, but it's con • C hange his d iet. D r . sideredsafeto take asmuch as Clement r eco m m ends 2,000 mg/day — nearly three more green, leafy veggies, times what the "high-intake" oats, ginger and sunflower guys were taking. seeds (and other foods with Read Armin's blog at the amino acid arginine). DadSoup.cornand follow him on He also suggests taking Twitter mrdad.
These facilities also do not nearly have enough space for the 70,000 Oregonians who suffer from Alzheimer's dis ease now, let alone the I 10,000 who are expected to have the disease in 2025. Because of this capacity issue, Weidenz said the state is actively work ing to increase the number of long-term care personnel who k now how to deal with A l zheimer's disease and the neg
ative behaviors it can cause. "We can help them improve the system," she said, adding this option would be far better than building new facilities. " We definitely need to i m prove the standard of care that people receive." — Reporter: 541-617-7816, mmclean@bendbulletin.corn
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FIRE UPDATE Reported for Central and Eastern Oregon. For the latest information, visit www.nwccweb .us/information/ firemap.aspx.
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1. Pole Creek Fire • Acres: 24,392 • Containment: 40% • Cause: Under investigation 2. Trail 2 Fire • Acres: 109 • Containment: 0% • Cause: Lightning 3. Bear Slide Fire • Acres: 1,680 • Containment: 90% • Cause: Lightning
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By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin
The 93 Warm Springs For est Products workers to be laid off in November are ex pected to get their jobs back in late February, company officials said Thursday. The upcoming layoff of nearly 75 percent of the mill's workforce, scheduled for mid-November, comes as this year's supply of logs on tribal land dwindles, said Warm Springs Forest Products Chief Financial Officer Lou Torgeson. No new logging is expected until December, he said. That would put the mill on track to produce new lumber around the end of February. "We are expecting to start back up in the first quarter" of 2013, Torgeson said. "But that depends on the log supply." The company hopes to
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Pete Erlckeeni The Bunet>n
The Warm Springs Forest Products facility announced that it will start laying off 75 percent of its workforce beginning in Novem ber, but said it hopes to rehire the workers in late February. rehire all of the workers, he said. Warm Springs Forest Products submitted Worker Adjustment and Retraining
Notification Act, or WARN Act, paperwork to the state Tuesday, revealing plans for the upcoming layoffs. Federal law requires notifi
cation of large-scale layoffs to be submitted to the state 60 days in advance, giving officials a chance to help em ployees retrain and find new employment. About $4.6 million in main tenance work on the mill is planned during the down time, Torgeson said, including repair work and an upgrade of the company's boiler, which could better prepare the mill for biomass produc tion moving forward. Employees have known for several months about the planned layoffs, said Urbana Ross,chiefoperations officer for the tribes. About 80 per cent of the mill's employees are tribal members, she said. "We had hadsome indica tion that (the mill) was going to close earlier" than Novem ber, Ross said. See Mill /C2
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Large medical pot suppliers shut down by federal raids. Stories on C3
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Bend ................ 54f-ef7-7829 Redmond........ 54f-977-7f 85 Sisters.............54f-977-7f85 La Pine ........... 54f-383-0348 S unriver......... 54f-383-0348
Ryan Brenneckei The Bulletin
Deschutes Land Trust Executive Director Brad Chalfant, right, on Thursday discusses a plan to thin an area of Whychus Canyon with, from left, county forester Ed Keith, land trust stewardship director Amanda Egertson and county Commissioner Alan Unger.
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By Dylan j. Darling The Bulletin
SISTERS — Thick juniper and pon derosa pine in Whychus Canyon north east of Sisters leaves the homes along the rim at risk of wildfire. The Deschutes Land Trust wants to lower that danger by thinning out the trees and surrounding brush. But the chainsaws are quiet for now as the trust waits for Deschutes County to clear up a dispute over grant money with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. "We are ready to go and anxious to get that treated as quickly as we can," said Brad Chalfant, executive director of the Deschutes Land Trust. Depending on when FEMA releases the funding to the county, he said, the thinning could happen as early as this
i nnin e o r s Whychus Canyon Preserve Whychus Creek
' Sisters
Goodrich Rd.
/I e
Source Deechutee Land Trust
r George Cyrus Rd. Greg Cross/The Bulletin
winter or spring. The project is one of 15 thinning proj ects on hold while the county waits for a $3 million FEMA grant the agency approved in 2010, said county forester Ed Keith. Homeowner associations and other groups are behind pending proj ects in communities such as Black Butte
The Bulletin
The Bend lawyer accused of misconduct by the Ore gon State Bar has answered its complaint, denying he violated rules of profession al conduct and saying he believes he did right by his client and ethically handled a difficult case. In August, the bar filed a formal complaint against Anthony Albertazzi, alleg ing he violated three rules of professional conduct in his dealings with former Bend real estate broker Tami Sawyer, who faces federaland state charges for allegedly mismanaging investor money. The bar's complaint spe cifically relates to Sawyer's relationship with Thomas Middleton Sr., for whom Albertazzi prepared a trust. Richard Braun, a Portland attorney representing
Middleton's three sons,
• SouthernOregon:
Call a reporter:
By Sheila G. Miller
brought the original com plaint against Albertazzi to the state bar. In 2006, Albertazzi rep resented Middleton as he createdand executed estate documents, and in 2008 pre pared the Middleton trust shortly before the man died by assisted suicide. Middleton invested at least$250,000 in a com pany called Starboard LLC, which was owned by Saw yer, and received monthly interest payments prior to his death. He also named her successor trustee, in charge of overseeing his trust after his death. Shortly before his death, Middleton transferred his home to the trust with in structions to rent or sell it according to market condi tions. But according to court documents, Sawyer im mediately sold the home for $202,000 in net proceeds, and bank records show Sawyer then put that money in Starboard's bank account before transferring it to her other companies to pay per sonal and business debts. After Middleton's death, Albertazzi represented Sawyer in her capacity as trustee. The bar's formal com plaint alleges Albertazzi should have known Saw yer's interests were adverse
sauna" helps prevent infestation in housing projects. • Eugene:Affidavit reveals details of double slaying.
complaint defends conduct
Ranch and Deschutes River Woods. The agency put the grant on hold two years ago after it questioned how the county had used money from a pair of previous grants, saying the county con ducted clearing outside of agreed-upon areas. Keith said the dispute is nearly settled, but in the meantime, the 2010 grant remains suspended. He said he is hopeful the money will be available by the end of the year, once it also passes environmental review by FEMA. "I think we are getting closer," Keith said. "It is just slow." The county reported Sept. 12 that it would receive a $4,705 payment from FEMA for a grant issued in 2008. The grant paid for fire suppression across the county. See Thinning /C2
to Middleton's desire that the trust be administered with "sound fiduciary prin ciples and for the ultimate benefit of his sons." It also alleges he knew she put the money into her own ac
count against Middleton's wishes, and that he knew Sawyer wasn't properly managing the trust assets. But, the complaint states, he continued to represent Sawyer after discovering these facts. See Attorney/C2
St.Francisschoolseesnew faces By Ben Botkin The Bulletin
New administrators are at the helm of St. Francis of As sisi School in Bend this fall. Dennis Dempsey is the principal of the parochial school and superintendent of schools for the 66,826-square mile Diocese of Baker, which stretches from the Cascade Mountains to the eastern border of Oregon. Dempsey joined the parochial school system after retiring this sum mer as the superintendent of
the High Desert Education Service District. At the school, Lauren Hous let is the newly promoted head teacher. She's taught middle school math at St. Francis since 2008 and previously taught computer classes at the school. She' ll continue teaching math, and also have a hand in administrative tasks like coordinating schedules and dealing with any student dis cipline issues. "I really like the community
that we have here with the families and the students," Houslet said. "Everybody knows every body. The different families are looking out for all the kids. It's a really tight-knit community." The elementary school has nearly 200 students, and class sizes that typically range from 15 to 20 students. The school accepts students from Catho lic and non-Catholic religious backgrounds. See St. Francis/C2
Illil' .„: ::rr
Andy Tulllei The Bunet>n
St. Francis of Assisi School has a new principal,Dennis D empsey, andnew head teacher,Lauren Houslet,seen to gether Monday at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Bend.
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Thinning those acres would cost about $80,000. Continued from C1 Chalfant and Egertson led A FEMA r e presentative Keith and Deschutes County was not immediately avail Commissioner Alan Unger able Thursday for comment. on a brief tour Thursday of The Deschutes Land Trust, the preserve, showing them a Bend-based conservation how close some homes are to group, is restoring Whychus the canyon. Creek near Sisters. The 450 There are 23 homes along acre Whychus Canyon Pre the rim an d a n other 123 serve is among its holdings houses in the nearby Squaw and is the focus of its thin Creek Estates subdivision, ning efforts. Keith said. State and federal grants It was Unger's first visit to have helped the group thin the preserve, which he called about a quarter of the pre a beautiful place. He said serve earlier this year and thinning there would protect the FEMA funds would pay the preserve as well as the to clear much more, includ nearby homes. "The potential for wildfire ing 200 priority acres close to homes, said Amanda Egert is great," Unger said. son,stewardship director for — Reporter: 541-817-7812, the Deschutes Land Trust. ddarlingC~bendbulletin.corn
Can you work a camera, and capture a great picture? And can you tell us a bit about it? Email your color or black and-white photos to readerphotosC~bendbulletin.corn and we' ll pick the best for publication in the paper and online. Submlsslon requirements:Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.
~~ cs ct
St. Francis
i n B e nd , R e dmond, L a G rande, Ontario and T h e Continued from C1 Dalles, numbering n early Dempsey had a 37-year 600 students total. career in public education One difference in parochi before coming to St. Francis. al education compared to the The last 12 of those years public sector is working with were at th e H ig h D esert parishes and their schools, ESD. The ESD provides ser Dempsey said. "Part of it's just learning vices, particularly special education, to school districts those dynamics," he said. in Deschutes and C r ook "They' re integral to the suc counties. cess of the schools." By contrast, the diocese — Reporter:541-977-7185, has five elementary schools bbotkin@bendbulletin.corn
DAISY STRUGGLE Kathy Gilbert, of Redmond, took this photoof a spider and fly struggling on the head of a daisy with a Canon PowerShot SD600 on macro setting. "What I thought was most amazing was the clever disguise of this spider — what better platform for a white spider than a shasta daisy?" she wrote.
company bank account. a ssets were i n vested w i t h Albertazzi said the steps "Mr. Middleton had invested Sawyer or her business entities Middleton had to take in order Continued from C1 significant amounts of money and that continued investment to finalize his physician-as In an interview Wednesday, with Mrs. Sawyer," Albertazzi and use ofMiddleton's assets sisted suicide seemed to be the Albertazzi said it wasn't so said. "Giving her free rein with were necessary to preserve man's focus. "In retrospect, my role at simple. (the home's proceeds) was that investment," he wrote in "I was really hired for a consistent with someone try his response. that point went above and limited purpose b y s o m e ing to protect his investment in Albertazzi denies he should beyond protecting his prop one who was very particular a down market, and consistent have known about Sawyer's erty, or what different clauses and controlling," Albertazzi with his desire that the money financial troubles by October I should put in his contract," said, pointing out his client not go out immediately to the 2008, or that she wasn't man Albertazzi said. "I saw what was Middleton, not the man' s children." aging the trust assets properly. happened between (Sawyer sons. The advice his office gave He said Sawyer told him she and Middleton), I saw how He said it was clear from Sawyer was designed to make had "extensive business inter comfortable he was with her, the beginning that M i ddle it easier to track funds for fu ests and enterprises that had and their i nteractions, and ton trusted Sawyer, and that ture tax preparation, and to great potential, and that these that cemented my view of the Middleton described their re reduce the likelihood of litiga enterprises would g enerate case." lationship as like family. tion by showing clearly where income." Bar spokeswoman Kateri In his answer filed with the the money went. O n Wednesday, h e d e Walsh said a trial panel hear bar, Albertazzi wrote that he He wrote in his response scribed Middleton as a person ing will likely take place in was not retained to prepare that during a January 2009 not at peace, "and (his relation early 2013. If A l bertazzi is the Starboard note and didn' t meeting with Sawyer, she said ship with the Sawyers) was found guilty of the violations, believe the note was the "en the proceeds from the home one thing that he was comfort the panel can recommend tire agreement" between Mid sale went into the Starboard able with and even proud of." sanctions ranging from a pub dleton and Sawyer. account by accident, "and was A lbertazzi said when h e lic reprimand to a license sus "Middleton specifically di physically done by a n other writes up wills and handles pension or disbarment. rected that he would (prepare person who took the check to probate cases, he often finds The bar or Albertazzi can the Starboard note) in coopera the bank and perhaps depos himself in the midst of a per appeal the panel's decision to son's end-of-life d e cisions. the Oregon Supreme Court. tion with Sawyer," the answer ited it in the wrong account." "I would say that I think I states. "(Albertazzi) d enies And Albertazzi wrote that Those decisions, he said, often that the Starboard note em Sawyer and M i ddleton did change when someone knows was very loyal to my client," bodied a complete statement not have adverse interests, the end is near. Albertazzi said. "And not only of intent regarding Middleton's and if they did he had no way The fact that Middleton had to Mr. Middleton. As lawyers intent with respect to Sawyer of knowing it. He didn't know chosen physician-assisted sui we sometimes need to rep and Sawyer's business entities Sawyer's business finances cide, Albertazzi said, made resent people whether or not including Starboard LLC." in July 2008, and so couldn' t these decisions more challeng we agree with them. I believe The relationship, Alber tazzi have known that her business ing. "He had chosen to take his I conducted myself ethically. said, was clearly not simply a interests were adverse to the life, he knew he was going to It was a difficult situation and business deal. And he doesn' t Middleton's trust. die, and he had a lot anxiety," I hope that I'm cleared of any "For purposes of clarifica he said. "I felt I should honor charges." believe it was necessarily ille gal for Sawyer to put the pro tion, Middleton expressed to and respect what he wanted — Reporter:541-817-7831, ceeds of the house sale in her (Albertazzi) that Middleton's to do." smillerC<bendbulletin.corn
For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit www.bendbulletin.
cor n/officials.
Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.: 107 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-3753 Web: http: I/merkley.senate. gov
2182 RayburnHouseOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone: 202-225-6730 Web: ht tp:// Bend office: 1051 N.W. Bond St., Suite 400 Bend, OR 97701 Phone: 541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452
Bend office: 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite 208 Bend, OR 97701 Phone: 541-318-1298 Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. 223 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-5244 W eb: tp: htI/yyyden.senate.goy Bend office: 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite 107 Bend, OR 97701 Phone: 541-330-9142 U.S. House of Representatives
Rep. Greg Walden,R-Hood River
HWY20E & Dean SwiftRd. (1 block West of Costco)
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Warm Springs Forest Prod But even when production ucts has laid off most of its resumes, the company still has Continued from C1 workforce before, only to re to contend with a weak market "We were fortunate to be hire the workers later. for wood products. able to notify t h e w o rkers The mill let go 58 of its 115 Worldwide timber p r ices in advance that it would be employees in 2008, citing a are down about 8 percent from c losed from N o vember t o slumping timber market and five years ago, according to a February." falling lumber prices. report this month from Stan Layoffs ar e e x pected to But they were brought back dard and Poor's Global Tim take place over a four-week in December, when the mill ber and Forestry Index, which span from Nov. 16 to Dec. 14, struck a deal with a regional tracks prices at the world's 25 according to the company's wood export company to sell biggest timber companies. WARN Act paperwork. The its products in Asia. D emand from C h ina f o r temporary cuts cover most of The upcoming layoffs are U.S. timber exports, which the mill's operations, including expected to bring employment had stayed largely strong be log-yard workers, sawmill em at the mill down f rom 126 tween 2007 and 2010, now also ployees and planers, according workers to 33 until production shows some signs of slowing, to its WARN Act documents. starts up again. though it's uncertain whether
that is due to a w eakening market there or due to price competition from other coun tries, according to a December 2011 report from Global Wood, a tracker of international tim ber markets. Torgeson saidthose factors would likely play the biggest role in Warm Springs Forest Products' long-term plans. " We' re dependent on t h e global (timber) market," he said. "Everyone knows what the business climate is like right now." — Reporter:541-817-7820, eglucklichC~bendbulletin.corn
NEWS OF RECORD Theft —A theft was reported at 5:09 p.m. Sept. 18, in the 800 block of Northeast Sixth Street. The Bulletin will update items Unlawful entry —A vehicle was in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any reported entered at 7:55 a.m. Sept. new information, such as the 19, in the19800 block of Hollygrape dismissal of charges or acquittal, Street. must be verifiable. For more Unlawful entry —A vehicle was information, call 541-383-0358. reported entered at 8:44 a.m. Sept. Bend Police Department 19, in the 300 block of Northeast Burglary —A burglary was Dekalb Avenue. reported at12:51 p.m. Sept. 2, in the Theft —A theft was reported at 20400 block of Whistle Punk Road. 9:54 a.m. Sept. 19, in the 800 block of Northeast Hidden Valley Drive. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at 9:06 p.m. Sept. 11, Theft —A theft was reported at in the 600 block of Northeast Third 1:57 p.m. Sept. 19, in the 300 block Street. of Northwest Delaware Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at Criminal mischief —An act of 3:22 p.m. Sept. 13, in the 20100 criminal mischief was reported at block of Pinebrook Boulevard. 3:56 p.m. Sept. 19, in the 63400 Theft —A theft was reported at block of North U.S. Highway 97. 11:17 a.m. Sept.18, in the 1700 Unlawful entry —A vehicle was block of Northeast Mark Court. reported entered at 4:37 p.m. Sept.
19, in the 1700 block of Wells Acres Road. Prineville Police Department
Theft —A theft was reported at 11:21 a.m. Sept. 19, in the area of Northwest Fifth Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 12:03 p.m. Sept. 19, in the area of Northwest Pinkard Lane. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 3:10 p.m. Sept. 19, in the area of Northeast Third Street. DUII —Brandi Gregor, 39, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 9:29 p.m. Sept. 19, in the area of Northeast Third Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 2:12 p.m. Sept. 19, in the area of Southeast Lynn Boulevard. Oregon State Police
DUII —Joseph Lee Begin, 44, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at10:26 p.m. Sept. 19, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 and Pinebrook Boulevard in Bend. DUII —Gary W. Wirt, 67, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 11:17 p.m. Sept. 19, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost 139. DUII —Scott Leein Adame Renteria, 18, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at12:37 a.m. Sept. 20, in the area of Southwest Quartz Avenue and Southwest 16th Street in Redmond.
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Portlan housin project prevents Raids shutdown in estation with' e u sauna' large suppliersof The Associated Press PORTLAND — A new pub lic housing complex for Port land residents who have been homeless has a "bedbug sauna" to prevent infestations of the pest. It's a room the size of a closet that heats the possessions of all new residents to about 130 degrees for several hours to kill bedbugs. The sauna has reduced out breaks at Bud Clark Commons, a 130-unit complex operated by Home Forward, formerly the Housing Authority of Portland. But it's just a tiny victory in the city's continued battle against the rust-colored nuisance. It's a battle being waged not just in apartments for the poor, but in homes, hotels and high end condos. "It's a huge problem," said Amanda Clark, a p o r t folio manager for Guardian Real E state Services, one of t h e county's largest property-man agement companies. "We spent closeto $50,000 in a 12-month period for in spections and treatment in a 100-unit project that's all one bedroom apartments in an ur ban setting," Clark said. "Fortu nately, a company our size can afford that. But if you own a 24-unit building that's your sole
medical marijuana
treatments that can i nclude heating a unit high enough and long enough to kill adults and • i, eggs; placing c ontaminated items in a freezer or, alterna tively, washing and d r y ing them; and applying bug-killing products. A Multnomah County work group that's been mulling the bedbug problem for the past year said public education ef forts, combined with early de tection campaigns, have helped limit outbreaks in public-hous ing facilities. Beth Nakamura The / O regonian The sauna at Bu d C lark Rachael Duke, manager of operations and partnershipsat Bud Commons in northwest Port Clark Commons, talks about a process at the affordable-hous land cost about $35,000, but has ing complex built a little more than a year ago, that uses a significantly reduced reports of closet-sized "sauna," at right, in which all newcomers' posses outbreaks. sions are heated to about 130 degrees for a few hours. This In southeast Portland, Of kills adults bugs and their eggs as a bedbug precaution. ficials at REACH Community Development say bedbug-relat ed costs are about half of what source of income, you' re going continue, both in public and they were before an aggres to be looking either at bank private accommodations. sive tenant-education program "It remains a growing prob that urged people not to share ruptcy or simply not treating at all because you can't afford to." lem," said Steve Keifer, tourist clothing and furniture and en Bedbugs first appeared in facilities specialist for the Or couraged immediate reports of significant numbers here in egon Health Authority, which infestations. "Early detection and quick 2008. The following year elder oversees licensing of the state' s ly residents in downtown Port lodging facilities. "Itmaybe due action are what's important," land high-rises starting seeing to better reporting, but there said Margaret Mahoney, the "an enormous outbreak ofbed are more documented cases agency's propertymanagement bugs," said Roger Moore, assis today than there were several director. "We' ll never complete tant director of property man years ago." ly get rid of these things, but we agement for Home Forward. Pest-control operators rec do think we can scale the prob Reports of new infestations ommend a c o mbination of lem way back."
By Jonathan J. Cooper The Associated Press
SALEM — Hundreds of medical marijuana cardhold ers in Eastern and Southern Oregon will have to find a new way to get their pot after authorities raided two of the state's best-known suppliers and shut them down. Federal agents raided the High Hopes Farm in Jack son County this week, where James Bowman has said he grew marijuana for 200 medical m a r ijuana c a r d holders. State authorities last week shut down 45th Paral lel, a marijuana cooperative in Ontario that supplies the drug to people with marijua na cards. Bowman is w idely con sidered the m ost p r o lific a nd outspoken grower i n Oregon, but large grow sites like his have proliferated un der a quirk in Oregon's medi cal marijuana law. Instead of getting marijuana from dispensaries like they do in most other medical marijua na states, patients in Oregon must grow it themselves or designate another person to do it for them. Growers can have up to six mature plants per patient. B owman could no t b e reached Thursday. He told T he Associated Press i n April that h e p l anned to plant about 400 plants this year for 200 patients. That' s just two plants per patient in stead of the six he's allowed, but enough to give each pa tient the 1.5 pounds they' re allowed by law. He said he wants to minimize the risk of coming under scrutiny by authorities wondering what
Affidavit detailschargesagainst Eugenemanin deaths The Associated Press EUGENE — The girlfriend of a man charged in the death of his father and his father' s domestic partner told an inves tigator that he acknowledged killing the pair during a fight, according to newly obtained
court documents.
had used a "wrench or some by The Register-Guard. Johan Gillette, 36, is being County sheriff's Detective Carl lette, 73, after the elder Gillette held in the Lane County Jail on Wilkerson that Johan Gillette reached for a gun. aggravated murder charges. He said he had gone to his father' s The disclosure was included has pleaded not guilty to killing home to get water, only to get in Detective Aaron Hoberg's his father and Anne Dhu McLu into an argument. Seaton told sworn affidavitfor a search cas, 71, a former University of Wilkerson that Gillette said he warrant, which was obtained Oregon music school dean.
Asia S eaton told Lane thing" to fatally beat James Gil
he does with the excess. " There are not a lo t o f ways for people to do this completely legal, so if they are not willing to tread in that gray area, this is not for them," Bowman said in April. He has not been charged with a crime. The U.S. At torney's Office in Portland declined to comment on the raid at his farm. Federal law enforcement officials have said they' re not interested in going after people who are in compliance with state medi cal marijuana laws but will prosecute people using those laws as cover for illegal drug trafficking. S outhern O r egon a n d Northern California form a prime region for marijuana growing. In Eastern Oregon, author ities last week raided and shut down on Ontario mari juana c ooperative, w h ich supplied the drug to medical marijuana patients. Malheur County Sheriff Brian Wolfe told The Argus Observer that several people would likely face charges related to drug racketeering and the possession, delivery and manufacture of mari juana. The sheriff said au thorities began investigating after someone complained the 45th Parallel was selling marijuana at street prices. Oregon law allows marijua na suppliers to charge only for the cost of producing the
drug. Owner
B i l l Es b e nsen c ouldn't i m m ediately b e reached on Thursday, but he told the Ontario newspaper he did nothing wrong.
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By Lee Romney and Cindy Chang Los Angeles Times
Jae C. Hong / The Associated Press
The space shuttle Endeavour sitsatop NASA's Shuttle Car rier Aircraft on Thursday at the NASA Dryden Flight Research Center at Edwards Air Force Base, Calif.
Shuttle En eavour
egins inal journey to L.A. restingplace By Alicia Chang and Paul Davenport The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES — Space shuttle Endeavour returned to its California roots Thursday after a wistful cross-country journey that p ai d h o mage to NASA w orkers and for mer Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and her a stronaut husband. "That's my spaceship," said Endeavour's last commander, Mark Kelly, as t h e c ouple watched the shuttle loop over Tucson, Ariz. Later in the day, a 747 jet carrying Endeavour swooped out of the desert sky and glid ed down a concrete runway at Edwards Air Force Base, 100 miles north of Los An geles, not far from where the now-retired shuttle fleet was assembled. The shuttle and jumbo jet take off again after sunrise today to make low, sweeping passes over Sacramento, San Francisco, Silicon Valley and Los Angeles. Next stop: Los Angeles In t ernational A i r p ort, w h e re Endeavour will be prepped for a slow ride on a special flat bed trailer through city streets next month to its final destina tion as a museum showpiece. Endeavour's highly antici pated homecoming was twice delayed by stormy weather along the Gulf o f M e x ico. Early Wednesday, it departed from its Cape Canaveral, Fla., home base, soared over NASA centers in M i s sissippi and Louisiana, and made a layover in Houston, home of Mission Control. Crowds craned their necks skyward as the shuttle circled lo w o v e r F l o r ida's Space Coast and Houston. After refueling in El Paso, Texas, Thursday, it flew over the White Sands Test Facility in New Mexico, an emergency
shuttle landing site used once. Kelly requested that Endeav our pass over Tucson to honor Giffords, who i s r ecovering after suffering a head wound in a shooting rampage last year. Before retiring from her House seat, she was a member of the House committee on sci ence, space and technology. The couple watched from the roof of a University of Ari zona parking garage. Former Giffords aide C.J. Karamargin said Giffords was "elated" and started "hooting and hollering" when she spot ted Endeavour. Kelley said seeing the shut tle reminded him how difficult it was to land. "Landing a space shuttle is not easy," he said. "It doesn' t glide very well." Endeavour's maiden voy age into space two decades ago ended with a p l a nned touchdown at NASA's Dryden Flight Research Center based at Edwards. Unlike a return from orbit, n o e a r-splitting twin sonic booms accompa nied the latest return. Known as the baby shuttle, Endeavour replaced Challeng er, which exploded during lift off in 1986. NASA lost a sec ond shuttle, Columbia, which broke apart during re-entry in 2003. A replacement was not built. Fourteen astronauts died in the accidents. Six years after the Chal lenger tragedy, during Endea vour's first flight, three space walking astronauts made a daring rescue of a stranded communications satellite. A year later, it was launched on a service repair mission to the Hubble Space Telescope. Endeavour flew 25 times, mostly to supply the Interna tional Space Station. It spent 299 days in space and circled Earth nearly 4,700 times, log ging 123 million miles.
SAN JOSE, Calif. — When customers enter Mi Pueblo Food Center to do their week ly shopping, the goal is to make them feel at home. Each of the grocery chain's 21 outlets, which are scat t ered throughout th e B a y Area, Monterey Bay region and Central Valley in Cali fornia, is styled to emulate a distinct Mexican region. Boisterous rancheras stream from the stores' speakers. Vivid primary colors and ar chitecturalreferences cover the walls: the adobe church of San Juan Nuevo, Michoa can, in San Jose's flagship store; the Mayan pyramid of Chichen Itza in the Salinas market. Mi Pueblo's employees, all bilingual, wear name tags that list their hometowns. It's a formula that helped turn the business founded more than two decades ago by an illegal immigrant from the town of Aguililla into a $300 million enterprise. "Those of us w h o d on' t speak English, we come here because we' re comfortable," Y oselina Acevedo, of S a n Jose, a 53-year-old immigrant from Michoacan, said while shopping one recent day. S o th e c o m pany's a n nouncement late last month that it was participating in a voluntary federal program that checks th e i m m igra tion status of all new hires elicited anger and confusion from workers and customers alike. C ompany o f f icials s a id t hat, although t hey w e r e critical of E-Verify, they felt "tremendous pressure" from immigration officials to sign
LeoraRomney/ Los Angeles Times
This Mi Pueblo store in San Jose, designed to evoke memories of the Mexican state of Michoacan, where founder Juvenal Chavez was born. The corporate headquarters are nearby and the store was the site of the recent protest against the company's decision to join E-Verify.
As f o r the com p any, spokeswoman Perla Rodri guez would say only that Mi Pueblo signed up for E-Verify at the recommendation of the U.S. Department of Home land Security. "We don't want to create fear in our community, and we recognize this is a d i f ficult move to understand," Rodriguez said. "It was a d e cision that weighed very heavily on us." The controversy has high lighted long-standing ques tions about how Immigration and Customs Enforcement, an arm of the Department of Homeland Security, decides which businesses to audit and how a g g ressively agents are pushing the com puterized E-Verify program behind the scenes. In 2009, the Obama ad m inistration announced i t would shift its emphasis from deporting u nd o c umented workers to punishing firms up. that hire them. Although less Community or g a n izers splashy than workplace raids have pledged to l aunch a that resulted in deportations, s hoppers' boycott Oct. 8 i f the reach of the investiga Mi Pueblo founder Juvenal tions arguably was broader. C havez, who is now a l e According to I CE, t here gal U.S. resident, does not have been 3,764 workplace change his mind. probes in fiscal year 2012 "He says he has suffered so far, more than double the the pain of being an immi number in 2009. In the last grant. I don't believe it," said year, ICE has fined employ Rogelio Marquez, 37, who ers nearly $20 million; 133 said he was laid off from the c ompany m a nagers w e r e Gilroy store after becoming convicted of immigration-re active with a workers union. lated crimes. "We support the economy Sometimes, however, ICE of this country. Why is this officials said they were sat man now checking papers?" isfied if a company merely
fires its illegal workers. E Verify can be a bargaining chip, with an employer sign ing up as part of an informal agreement to dismiss a case without further penalty. L aunched i n 2 0 0 7 a n d a dministered by t h e U . S . Citizenship and Immigration Services, E-Verify has been touted by officials as a way for businesses to make sure they are hiring legal workers. By law it cannot be used to screen existing employees. Virginia K i ce , a n ICE s pokeswoman, ack n o w l edged that the federal govern ment cannot force employers to participate. "It's a voluntary program," she said. "Do we encourage but not compel? Absolutely." But immigrant rights ac tivists have complained that ICE has not been transparent about how it selects its inves tigative targets and negoti ates deals with them. Critics also contend that the probes hurt businesses that depend on low-wage immigrant la bor, forcing them to scrap en tire workforces. " ICE is engaging in t h i s broad, sweeping enforcement campaign, yet no one knows how they' re doing it," said Francisco Ugarte, an attor ney with the San Francisco based Dolores Street Com m unity Services. The i m migrant rights group is part of a statewide coalition that has filed a Freedom of Infor mation Act request seeking details on the enforcement program.
Federal officials declined to comment on whether Mi Pueblo was the focus of an audit or investigation. Yet Ro driguez noted that the compa ny was urged to join E-Verify at a time when immigration officials have been exerting "pressure" on a number of supermarket chains in Cali fornia that serve the Latino immigrant market. "We r ecognize that E Verify is a flawed program," Rodriguez, the M i P u eblo spokeswoman, said. "We re alize that as a company, we have to take a much larger role in immigration reform. That's really where the solu tion lies." A 2010 audit by the Gov ernment Accountability Of fice detailed some problems with E-Verify. Foreign-born i n d ividuals with hyphenated names or multiple surnames are es pecially vulnerable to being flagged mistakenly, the audit said. And although the vast majority of people identified by the system last year were undocumented, more than 46,000 people with legitimate papers were erroneously sin gled out. Despite the possibility for errors, several states — Ala bama and A r izona among them — require that all busi nesses enroll in E-Verify. Fed eralagencies and contractors also must participate. In 2011, California legisla tors passed a law that forbids local governments from insti tuting E-Verify requirements. Yet pressures nevertheless are mounting for companies with immigrant labor pools to sign up. Julie Pace, an Arizona at torney, said that even in states where E-Verify is voluntary, ICE agents conducting audits have dinged businesses that aren't on board — and prom ised leniency to those who agree to sign up. Statistics show that enroll ment has grown to n early 400,000 employers nation wide, about 7 percent of U.S. businesses. I n C a l i f ornia, about 30,480 firms are en rolled, up from 11,514 in 2009. In response to a recent U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services survey, 14 percent of participants said they had signed up in hopes of avoid ing an ICE audit.
Quake monitors on Mount Rainier ready By Lynda V. Mapes The Seattle Times
SEATTLE — Bet you didn' t know there was an earthquake on Mount Rainier last week. But e quipment i n s talled high on the mountain's snowy flanks can detect even the ti niest of disturbances, includ ing the mountain's recent little shake, registering a magnitude of just 0.1 — puny as far as earthquakes go. And it mea sures the location with pinpoint accuracy. N ew equipment was i n stalled about five years ago to provide a continuous stream of data to scientists in real time, so they can monitor what is one of the most seismically active vol canoes in the Cascades. S cientists were up on t h e mountain this month between 7,000 and 11,000 feet in eleva tion to perform the normal, pe riodic service and replacement ofbatteries, antennas and other equipment in the detection ar ray. Fourteen people helicop tered and hiked in for the work on six different sites on the mountain. The range of instruments helps provide a detailed en gagement with the mountain's
many m o ods. A n y s l i g ht tremor is registered by seis mometers. Tilt meters track the tiniest bulge or cratering of the mountain's surface. And a GPS network enables scientists to pinpoint more exactly the loca tion of any activity the sensors detect. Why bother? Because the mountain and its deadly po tential are so close to so many people. Mount Rainier carries as much snow and ice on its flanks as all the other Cascades volcanoes combined. With all that loose rock and surface wa ter, even a small amount of ac tivity can mobilize a devastat ing mud flow, called a lahar. The mountain's most recent eruption was about 1,000 years ago, a blink of an eye in geolog ic time. Now that the detection equipment has been serviced, it should be good for another five years. The first sensing equipment on Mount Rainier was installed by the Pacific Northwest Seis mic Network at the Univer sity of Washington in 1969, and more has been added since. Today, there are hundreds of remote sensors deployed on Pa cific Northwest volcanoes.
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By Lee Romney Los Angeles Times
MODFSTO, Calif. — To pamax. Depakote. Phenobar bital. The list goes on. Before Jayden David turned 5, he had tried a dozen powerful medi cationsto tame a rare form of epilepsy. The side effects were devastating. There were grand mal sei zures that lasted more than an hour. Hundreds of times a day, muscle twitches contorted his impish face. "If he wasn't sleeping, he was seizing," said Jayden's father, Jason David. Feeling helpless, David said, he contemplated suicide. He prayed. Then one day he heard a bout a teenager who w a s expelled from school for us ing marijuana to help control seizures. So began the pair's journey into California's medical can nabis culture. LuluSince/ rosA ngeles Times In the 14 months since, the Jason David administers oral drops of a medical marijuana tincture that he says has greatly little boy has been swallowing helped control the symptoms of his son Jayden's severe epilepsy, in Modesto, Calif. droppers full of a solution made mostly of cannabidiol, or CBD, the second most prominent of leptic teenager seemed to offer a non-psychoactive, CBD-in down last fall, federal prosecu marijuana's 100 or so canna one. Scouring the Internet, he fused solution that the dispen tors have closed hundreds of binoids. Unlike the dominant came across decades of re sary had in stock. California dispensaries. Call THC, cannabidiol is not psy search documenting the thera Jayden got his f irst dose ing Harborside a "superstore" choactive, so the sweet-tast peutic effects of CBD. June 4, 2011. Days turned into for its 108,000 members, they ing infusion Jayden takes four It has been shown to relieve, months that were largely sei targeted the building's land times a day doesn't make him among other things, spasms zure-free, David said. But the lords with civil forfeiture ac high. from multiple sclerosis, anxiety second batch didn't work. Test tions — a move the dispensary Down from 22 prescription and symptoms of schizophre ing showed the CBD content is fighting. pills per day to four, he now nia. Animal studies related to was too low. But medical marijuana advo eats solid food, responds to the treatment of rheumatoid ar David took to the Internet cates hold out hope for a favor his father's incessant requests thritis, Alzheimer's and cancer again and found Al Coles, a for able ruling from the U.S. Court for kisses and dances in his have proved encouraging. mer investment adviser turned of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, Modesto living room to the "Yo In an application for a pat cannabis consultant who works which will h ear oral a rgu Gabba Gabba!" theme song. ent awarded in 2003, the U.S. out of his Stinson Beach home. ments next month in a lawsuit The frequency and intensity of D epartment of H e alth a n d Coles had initially experiment challenging the classification his seizures have been greatly Human Services deemed non ed with remedies for his own of marijuana as a Schedule I reduced. psychoactive ca n n abinoids depression, then took up the substance — a dangerous drug "particularly advantageous to cause for others. But this summer, federal with no medicinal value. prosecutors moved to c lose use" as antioxidants and neu Since meeting Jayden, he Although David and his son Oakland's Harborside Health roprotectants because they can has spent thousands of dollars have become celebrities of sorts Center — the nation's largest be administered in high doses of his own money formulat in the cannabis movement and dispensary and the place David without risk of toxicity. ing and testing various con among families of Dravet suf has relied on most for help. As for epilepsy, tales of can coctions. His method involves ferers, who follow their journey The public debate over medi nabis use date to ancient Chi using ethanol to extract the on Facebook, some in the medi cal marijuana — which vio nese and Ayurvedic traditions. CBD from high-content leaves cal establishment balk at their lates federal law but is legal in Studies have shown THC is or flowers, with ethanol, then choices. "The drugs that come to mar California, 17 other states and "overwhelmingly a n ticonvul evaporating it and reinfusing the District of Columbia — for sant" in animals, said Dr. Ben the substance with glycerin ket have been well screened the most part has pitted those Whalley, a researcher at Brit and creamed honey. The op for safety," said Dr. Donald who praise its health ben ain's University of Reading, but timal ratio of THC to CBD for Olson, who directs the pediat efits against those who say it is CBD and some other non-psy Jayden, his father said, appears ric epilepsy program at Lucile merely an excuse to get high. choactive cannabinoids have to be about I to 19. Packard Children's Hospital Lost in the discussion has been shown similar effects without For legal reasons, Coles can' t at Stanford University. "With the fact that marijuana has the mind-altering downside. provide the mixture directly to alternative medicines like this, myriad components that affect In a human trial during the Jayden, so he takes it to Steep you are on very shaky ground. the body in a number of ways. 1970s, researchers found that Hill to ensure the CBD content If the patient gets better, God CBD, for instance, was vir four of the eight subjects who is high enough before hand bless them. I'm happy for them. tually bred out of U.S. plants received large doses of CBD re ing it over to Harborside to be But it's not something I can eth decades ago by growers whose mained almost free of epileptic dispensed. ically recommend." customers preferred the mind seizures, while three others im Coles a n d Harb o rside As for Jayden, he is now 6 altering properties of high-THC proved. More recently, Whalley — which oversees customized years old and, in many ways, varietals. Yet it is experiencing and his colleagues published treatments for about three doz flourishing. a resurgence, having shown results of a n a n imal study en severely ill patients — are Speech therapy s essions promise as an anti-inflamma that strongly supported CBD not charging for their services, provided by the school district tory, anticonvuls ant, neuro "as a therapeutic candidate citing the severity of Jayden's have tripled in length due to his protectant and cancer-fighting for a diverse range of human condition and his father's pre progress and he is being main agent. epilepsies." carious finances. But locating streamed this fall for an hour "Nobody is going to a dispen The long-term effect on chil the scarce raw material has a day. While on his heavy pre sary for this to get high," said dren is unknown, but studies fallen largely to David, who has scription cocktail, Jayden stum Martin Lee, a San Francisco show CBD is w ell tolerated visited as many as 50 dispensa bled frequently and was unable area writer who has reported by adults and animals, Whal ries around California. Most, to enter the church sanctuary on cannabidiol for years. "With ley said.As for side effects,he he learned, don't even know but now takes Communion and CBD, it's clear that it's just about said, "I would be very surprised what high-CBD strains are. sits for long periods cradled un medicine." to find it to be any worse than He has paid $310 to $450 for der his father's arm. He hugs either Depakote or clobazam" an ounce of marijuana, which everyone who asks. A difficult journey — the anticonvulsants Jayden can make up to a month's worth " The difference i s f r o m A photo in the kitchen shows still takes. of solution. David, who focuses Earth to heaven," said Serkes a beaming David nuzzledup When David consulted his on his son and is no longer Rasho, a St. George parish se against his newborn son. But doctor about the p ossibility working, depends on donations curity guard whom a boister the family's joy soon clouded. of treating Jayden with medi from friends and his parish in ous Jayden greeted with an Jayden had his first grand mal cal marijuana, he was told: nearby Ceres. embrace. "Before, he couldn' t at 4'/~ months. The muscle jerks "If I w ere you, I w ould try walk. He didn't have eye con A positive result followed, as did seizures that anything." tact. Now he smiles. He recog cause sudden collapse. Since launching a c r ack nizes everyone." Finding a treatment At I'/~, the blue-eyed boy was diagnosed with D ravet Soon after Steve DeAngelo syndrome, a form of infant epi co-founded Harborside in 2004, lepsy described in medical lit he went in search of a lab to eratureas catastrophic — and test his marijuana's potency, as c potentially fatal. well as screen it for pesticides, David and Jayden's mother, mold or other impurities. None whose marriage failed under would. So he invested in what the stress, consulted top ex would become Steep Hill Can perts, resulting in "more drugs nabis Analysis Laboratory. and more ambulance trips," W hile hunting f o r C B D wasn't the original mission, it David said. g /' l I I I I ~, By late 2010, Jayden had tried became a Holy Grail. I J ., I I 11 medications. The 12th was The British company GW stiripentol, hailed as a potential Pharmaceuticals was market Dravet breakthrough. But after ing a drug for multiple sclerosis six months, Jayden's seizures patients outside the U.S. that and side effectswere worse. contained equal parts of THC David said his son rarely re and CBD, and was probing the sponded to those around him, compound for f u rther uses. had difficulty chewing and of Clearly, in addition to the medi ten screamed in fear. cal benefits, there was money "I was going crazy," David to be made in CBD — for grow said. The onetime jewelry store ers, the dispensaries that sell manager recalled stepping out sought-after strains and the in YOIIhaVearight tOknOWW hat yOur gO Vernment iSdOing. onto his front lawn in April 2011 dependent testing labs. Current Oregon Iaw requires public notices to be printed in a newspaper to make a phone call: "Mom," he Lee, who has tracked the re whose readers are affected by the notice. But federal, state, and local govern said. "I'm going to shoot myself search, said efforts to breed it ment agencies erroneously believe they can save money by posting public in the head. I can't stand seeing back to prominence have pro notices on their web sites instead of in the local newspaper. If they did that,you'1 have to know in advance where, when, and him this way." duced about two dozen CBD how to look, and what to look for, in order to be informed about gov That Sunday, David, a de rich strains in California. ernment actions that could affect you directly. vout Assyrian Christian, and But those sold over Har Less than 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a government web site his girlfriend brought Jayden to borside's retail counters still daily,* but 80% of all Oregon adults read a newspaper at least once during an *" averageweek, and 54% read public noticesprinted there. their parish. "We were asking contained too much THC for God for signs," David said. Jayden. Andrew D eAngelo, The TV news story David Steve's brother and a patient 'US CensusBueou Moy 2009 "Amerrun Opccn Re<arch, euuton N/, September2010 saw the next day about the epi liaison, helped direct David to
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Keeppublic noticesinthenewspaper!
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The Bulletin
BESETMccooc Gonoon BEAcE
Chainoornan Pahtisher
Editor-in- Chief Edi tor of Edaori als
o ein ra am, en anni an In
or e mon nne Graham offersRedmond voters a chance to bring critical expertise and a fresh eye to its City Council. We urge voters to elect her and incum tc
bentsJoe Centanni and Camde n King. Graham has been serving on the city's planning commission since 2011 after retiring from a manage ment career in the solar and semi conductor industry, including Intel Corp. and SolarWorldindustries America. She's particularly knowledge able about corporate building projects and finding locations for new and expanding businesses, a skill that could benefit Redmond as it seeks to develop its industrial lands and attract jobs. The city has five candidates running at large for three open ings. The three with the most votes will take the seats for four-year terms. The council includes six councilors, plus Mayor George En dicott, who is unopposed in his bid for another two-year term. Joe Centanni is in his second stint as a councilor, having won election in 2006 and served a four year term before stepping down because of a busy life. He was ap pointed to the council in July af ter the departure of Councilor Ed Boero, who resigned because he moved to Bend. A certified public accountant, Centanni says Redmond has been
blessed by having a good council that works together for the good of the city. Redmond is on the cusp of big things, he said, although it must manage carefully in the short term because of the debt caused by development of the airport, waste water treatment facilities and golf course undertaken just before the economy deteriorated. He believes Redmond is taking the right steps and will prosper as business picks up with an improving economy.
jjjs t "
St. Charles experience was top-notch
Bend is onright track to improve communication A
changes to make it eas- gpljemmefIt.
meeting may have to ier for citizens to com That can't hei P wat c h the whole ses ment on matters that will ion to find that part. come before the council, but be gOOd. s When changes are says Justin Finestone, complete, a would-be the city's communica viewer will be able to tions manager. Though city staff click on an item on the attached is still working on the project, Finestone says when it is corn agendaandgostraighttothepart piete citizens will be able to make of the meeting in which that item comments on individual council agenda items simply by clicking Neit h er change is of the earth on them at the city's website. They shaking variety, but together they can agree with or disagree with s h ould allow Bend residents to proposed actions if they wish, or k eep in closer touch with city gov remain neutral if they choose. In e r nment. That can't help but be addition, they will be able to make good.
M Nickel's Worth
Camden King is just finishing a four-year council term. He owns a small business — Bluespeed Ex ecutive Search — and is a fourth generation Redmondite. He previ ously served on the planning com mission. Adding to that wealth of knowledge, he sees himself as a good collaborator. He thinks the city has done well in reining in ex penses and making smart invest ments in economic development. All three candidates express a warm appreciation for Redmond, its small-town feel, constructive citizens and business-friendly atti tude. By electing these three candi dates,voters can preserve the best of what it has, plus add a valuable new perspective and skill set.
s Bend grows, it becomes w r i tten comments. more difficult 'for ordinan' City staff will collect the infor citizens to make their voic mation and make it available to es heard. Nowcitygovernmentis council members at their meet working on a couPle of things that ings, Finestone says, and the new should imProve the situation. feature likely will give the public a It probably should come as no senseofhowothersinthecommu surprise that both those things n i ty feel about the same issue. involve the Internet. City officials are working on a two t hose who find a 7 pronged approach that p.m. meeting impos will not. only make it. g g gfIgeS sible to attend, the city slmPler to comment on StlOuld allOW wllladd anew feature items the council plans its archived videos Bend reSidentS to I discuss butI to to I th t en, a f of council meetings. ter the fact, watch video $0 ke ep IA Currently s o meone ofthatdlscusslon. CIOSertOuCh w anti n g t o wat c h the discussion about Mf~t~ C~tY F irst, there will b e
but ignores Obama's economic poli cies, which created or exacerbated that laundry l ist. A ttacking and After reading two negative arti threatening businesses scares them cles published recently in The Bulle from h i ring A m erican w o rkers. tin about patient safety at St. Charles Our overregulated environmental hospitals, I feel compelled to offer standards drive up costs. The atril another viewpoint. lion borrowed dollars" is about the I am a long-term resident of Bend, amount of Obama's stimulus plan, having lived here over 20 years. This which raised our national debt by 50 summer I went to St. Charles Bend percent and produced no discernible for surgery. This was my first-ever results, etc. Under Obama, I see eco inpatient visit to any hospital. The nomic destruction, not recovery. surgery went well, and I'm recover However, I am most concerned ing nicely. about the ignorance of voters who In my personal opinion, the St. believe that Bain Capital did not cre Charles facility, the physicians, the ate jobs (over a dozen CEOs of com nurses and all the caregivers were panies turned around by Bain have truly remarkable. From admissions come forward regarding the thou to the operating room, intensive care sands of jobs Bain created). Or who and recovery room, the treatment believe that Mitt Romney — who left and careIreceived was professional Bain to turn around the bankrupt and wonderful in all regards. Salt Lake City Olympics, donated In my opinion, it would be a ter his entire inheritance to a university rible shame if patients going to St. scholarship fund, and whose tax rate Charles had preconceived negative is lower in part because of the gener attitudes based upon your articles ous amounts of his charitable dona and an a n onymously submitted tions — has no core values. survey with an average of 10 respon Accordingly, I will be voting for dents per question. Romney. Bill Kurtz Karla Burton Bend Sunriver
This indicates that our current form of democracy may no longer be workable. A parliamentary demo cracy might be superior. Here, the legislative and executive functions are combined. This means changes can be made eventhough "the loyal opposition" might not like the chang es. Being able to achieve change is superior to gridlock, since refine ments can be made as issues arise. T his p ersonal o bservation i s based on there being only two major parties for both types of democracy. More than two major parties would destabilize both forms of d emo cracy. However, it is unlikely that a third major party will arise in the United States in the foreseeable fu ture. Even more unlikely is a funda mental change in our current form of democracy. Wil Nagel Bend
Choose Bagley for judge
Beth Bagley and I have served to gether on the Bend-La Pine School Board the past four years. I always value Bagley's opinion and perspec tive as we discuss and make deci sions about education. Now the larg er Deschutes County community Obama policies at fault Maybe parliamentary has an opportunity to benefit from method is better Bagley's leadership; we are fortunate Regarding the Aug. 27 aln My View" column by John Cushing, I We have a divided federal gov to have such a well-qualified candi am compelled to respond. The fu ernment. No one of the two parties date for judge. Bagley is thoughtful, ture of our nation is at stake in this controls the presidency, Senate and analytical, a problem solver and a election. I agree with Cushing that the House of Representatives. This good listener. Her years of volunteer no president can fix this economy by results in gridlock since the oppos service to our community, combined himself. However, Obama had both ing parties seldom agree on a course with her bright mind and legal ex houses of Congress falling all over of action, and needed legislation perience, have prepared her well for themselves to implement his agenda does not receive approval. Desper this vitally important leadership role during his first two years, which can ately needed changes or new legis in the local justice system. This No make the difference between recov lation are not being achieved under vember, please join me in choosing ery and destruction of the economy. this government division. Both par Bagley to be our newest Deschutes And make a difference it did. ties seem only to desire destroying County Circuit Court judge. Cushing has a laundry list of rea the other, to the detriment of the Peggy Kinkade sons our economy is in bad shape, country. Bend
Letters policy
In My Viewpolicy How to submit
We welcome your letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250 words and include the writer's signature, phone number and address for verification. We edit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We reject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhere and those appropriate for other sections of The Bulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.
In My View submissions should be between 550 and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification. We edit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We reject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating with national columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.
Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or ln My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.corn
Walmart's bad reputation not supported by facts T here's nothing like a prolonged tant, it was the kiss of death for many
economic downturn to get you thinking about old ideas in new ways. For me, lots of that thinking has been about Walmart. Back in 2006, when the economy w as booming and W a lmart w a s working to built a huge new store at the U.S. Highway 97 intersection with Cooley Road, The Bulletin sup ported that effort, and while I agreed with our decision, I' ll admit I had res ervations about the plan. I'd heard all the usual allegations about the nation's biggest retailer. It paid poorly. It denied employees ac cess to health insurance. It fought those who would unionize its work force tooth and nail. It used its consid erable purchasing power to push its suppliers into decisions they did not want to make. Perhaps most impor
small, locally owned businesses. Maybe, just maybe, Bend would be better off without such an economic Goliath in our midst. All that sounds incredibly snotty to me today. It smacks of the very worst kind of elitism, the kind I'm embar rassed to admit I ever indulged in, even quietly. It says, in effect, those whose bud gets are stretched the thinnest in our region must be forced to pay more than they might for the necessities of lif e so the rest of us can feelgood about ourselves as we plunk down $7 a pound for ground beef. It may well be that Walmart is not the most lucrative place to work. Re tail stores, in general, tend to come in at the low end of the pay scale, and Walmart is no exception. Yet ask em
ployees, as I have in the last couple of years, and they say it's a good place to work. Moreover, look at websites like glassdoor.corn and payscale.corn, and it's clear that while Walmart doesn' t pay terribly well, it's competitive with other big-box stores like Target. As for killing off small retail, the admittedly conservative Cato Insti tute makes a couple of valid points, it seems to me. Among them: Often the research about the im pact of Walmart on other retailers includes such giants as, again, Tar get, hardly a mom-and-pop outfit. And, while some small retailers do
go under after Walmart arrives on the scene, other small retailers are likely to set up shop in the following months. In the end, though, it comes down to price. Walmart often sells less ex pensively goods that are available for more elsewhere. I am not sure, for example, why I should have to pay $8 for a bottle of olives at either of Bend's largest grocers when I can get the same bottle for $6 at Walmart. Moreover, the company that produc es the olives clearly believes it will make money on those $6 olives or it wouldn't sell them to Walmart in the first place. Central Oregon, Bend included, has always been a blue-collar region, and Walmart is a blue-collar store. Fine. It knows its niche and fills it well.
Far less fine is the notion that those who need Walmart because money is tight should be denied it because their neighbors don't want "that kind of store" in the community. I think it's wonderful that Bend is home to two small butcher shops featuring locally raised meat. Those who can, should support them. At the same time, not everyone can pay $40 a pound for steak or an equally steep price for a pork chop, and if Walmart offers steak and chops at prices they can afford, that's good. We do our neighbors no favor when we say they must pay more because we don't like the company that offers things for less. It's an incredibly arro gant attitude, it seems to me, and I'm sorry I ever indulged in it. — Janet Stevens is deputy editor
of The Bulletin.
Nov. 22, 1933- Sept. 17, 2012
Cecil Ray Allen, of Bend Oct. 1, 1962 - Sept. 16, 2012 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, 541-382-5592 www.descttutesmemoiialcttapehcom
Services: A visitation will be held for family and friends 1:00 3:00 pm on Friday, September 21, 2012 at Deschutes Memorial Chapel. Interment will take place at Fort Leavenworth National Cemetery, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Contributions may be made to:
The family, c/o Pearlie M. Allen, PO Box 11362, Kansas City, Missouri 64112.
James William McCulloch, of Bend Feb. 21, 1926 - Sept. 12, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-31 8-0842 www.autumnfunerals.corn Services: Private family services will be held at a later date. Contributions may be made to:
The Humane Society of Central Oregon, 61170 Southeast 27th Street, Bend, Oregon 97702.
Lawrence Eldon Keele, of La Pine 8 Salem Feb. 7, 1925 - Sept. 12, 2012 Services: A memorial service will be held at Peoples Church, 4500 Lancaster Dr. N.E., Salem, Oregon, Friday, 9/21/1 2 at 11:30am. Private internment at Willamette National Cemetery. Contributions may be made to:
The Union Gospel Mission, 345 Commercial St. N.E., Salem, Oregon 97301.
Leland Conley Landers, of Bend Nov. 5, 1930 - Sept. 14, 2012 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, 541-382-2471, www.niswonger-reynolds.corn
Services: A memorial service will be held at 1:00 pm on Saturday, September 22, 2012 at Christian Life Center, 21720 U.S. 20, Bend, OR. Contributions may be made to:
Partners In Care, 2075 NE Wyatt Court, Bend, OR 97701.
Martha Bernice Gregg, of Redmond Dec. 4, 1979 - Sept. 17, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals Redmond (541-504-9485) Services: Graveside: 10:00 am, Monday, Sept. 24, 2012 Redmond Memorial Cemetery, 3545 S. Canal Blvd., Redmond.
Ruby Ann Bass, of Redmond Sept. 19, 1959 - Aug. 24, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals Redmond (541-504-9485) Services: Per Ruby's wishes, no services will be held. Rudolph uRudy u L.
Quintana, of Bend Sept. 28, 1941-Sept. 18, 2012
Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home (541) 382-0903 www.bairdmortuaries.corn Services: A private gathering will be held at a later date. Contributions may be made to:
Partners In Care 2075 NE Wyatt Court Bend, Oregon 97701
Vernon Lee Harley, of Bend July 26, 1924 - Sept. 16, 2012 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, 541-382-2471 www.niswonger-reynolds.corn
Services: Celebration of Life, 10:30 AM October 1, 2012 at the Nativity Lutheran Church, 60850 Brosterhous Rd., Bend, OR.
Ann Pauline Smolenski Follansbee Nov. 23, 1917- Sept. 19, 2012 A woman beloved by all w ho knew h er , An n l i v e d 94 remarkable years. A t t h e u r g i n g of her m other, she arrived in t h e U nited St ates f r o m A u s t ria i n 1 9 33, j ust m o n t h s before Hitler marched into her country. She became a US citizen in 1938, and in 1 946, m a r r ie d h e r hu s band, Don, wh o p r eceded her in death. Theirs was a s torybook l i f e f i l le d w i t h hard w o r k , a c h i evement, a nd a l o v e o f out d o o r sports. A nn an d D o n m o ved t o Sunriver from Lake Tahoe i n 1972, an d b e came a c t ive in t h eir ne w c o m mu nity. She was on th e f i r st board of directors and was a signer of the A r t i cles of I ncorporation i n 1 9 73. I n 1995, Ann was recognized for 22 y e ars o f v o l u nteer service in Sunriver. Under her stewardship as c h air person of the environmen tal c o m m i ttee, r e c y cling was increased by 303%. A nn w a s a w on d e r f u l athlete. At age 55, she won the NA STA R c o mpetition f or downhill sk i ing i n t h e 40 and over category and then went on t o p l ace 5th n ationally. S h e w a s a m ember o f t h e O v e r t h e Hill Gang at M o unt Bach elor and skied into her 80s. She also won many tennis tournaments i n S u n river. A nn a n d her hu s b a n d s pent m a n y h o u r s tr a i l r iding o n t h ei r A ra b ian horses until they moved to W hispering W i nd s t o e n j oy t h e f i n a l c h a p ter o f their life. A c elebration o f A n n ' s l ife wil l b e h el d a t W h i s pering W i n d s R e t i rement Center, 2920 N.E. Conners Ave., Bend, on September 26, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Memorial co n t r i b utions may be made to Hospice C enter, 2 07 5 N E W ya t t Court, Bend, OR 97701.
E d Manion wa s b or n i n L ander, Wyoming o n N o vember 22, 1933, to J o hn a nd M ab e l (Williams) Manion. Ed p a ssed aw ay on September 17, 2012, at the family home in Tenino V alley, i n W a r m S p r i n g s w ith hi s loving w ife, U r bana, and children by hi s side. Ed grew u p in t h e Madras, Oregon Ed Manlon a rea a n d a ttended M a d r a s Un i o n High School. Ed married Urbana Bru noe of W ar m S p r i ngs, on September 21, 1956. At the age of 2 0 , h e p u r c hased The Rainbow M a r ket out side of Warm Springs. He r an the store until h e l e f t f or m i l i t ar y s e r v i ce . E d s erved in t h e A r m y f r o m 1956-1958. In 1 9 61 , the W arm Springs T r ibe p u r c hased K a h - Nee-Ta H o t Springs and Ed was hired b y the T r ib e a s t h e f i r s t K ah-Nee-Ta Resort M a n ager. This was the begin ning o f E d ' s p r o fessional c areer o f m o r e t h a n 5 0 y ears w o r k i n g for the W arm Sp rings T r ib e a n d the Warm Springs people. He held m an y p o s itions with the Tribe. In addition to Kah-Nee-Ta's first Gen eral Manager, he served as P ublic U t i l i t ie s G e n e r al Manager and was the Con s truction Manager on m a j or b u i l d in g p r o j e ct s i n Warm Springs. Ed contin u ed to w o r k a c t i v ely o n p rojects for th e T r i be, in cluding the G orge Casino project, un ti l r ecen t m onths w h en i ll n e s s forced him to retire. Ed always believed that he was blessed to be part o f t h e W arm Spr i n g s community and to have the opportunity t o c o n t r i bute t o the development of t h e community , w he r e he l ived. H e r e s p ected t h e Warm Springs community a nd was g r ateful f o r t h e opportunity to be involved i n constructing an d m a n aging projects such as the K ah-Nee- Ta l o d g e an d Village redevelopment, the Warm S p r i ng s M u s e um, the Warm Springs domes tic w a t e r sy s t e m , the Health and Wellness Cen t er and m an y o t h e rs. E d was also appointed by the W arm Spr i n g s Tr i b a l C ouncil t o s e r v e o n t h e Board o f Di r e c t or s of K ah-Nee- Ta R e s ort . Ed also served on other vari ous boards both on and off the reservation. Aside f ro m h i s d e d i c a t ion to serving the W a r m Springs c o m m u n i ty , Ed w as devoted t o a n d w a s always busy with his fam i ly. H e e n j o ye d w o r k i n g with his hands, and farm
to appear in movie By John Sowell The News-Review
— ' I'ii
vt .
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lt Vlc OeLuclai New York Times News Service
Louis Simpson stands at his home in 1996 in Old Field, N.Y. Simpson, a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet who told characteristi cally American tales of common people, died on Friday at his home in Stony Brook, N.Y. He was 89.
im sonwon ui zer rize
or oe
Scottish descent, whom she later married. Louis Simpson, a Pulitzer Louis attended a Jamaican Prize-winning poet who told boarding school, modeled on characteristically A m e r ican those in England "except tales of common people and that we could never be truly often cast a skeptical eye on English," he told Th e N ew the American dream, died York Times in 1996, "so we felt Friday at his home in Stony we were pale carbon copies." "We were without a r eal Brook, N.Y. He was 89. His death was confirmed by identity," he said. his daughter, Anne Simpson. That sense grew stronger Louis Simpson had Alzheim when, visiting New York as er's disease and had been a teenager, he was surprised bedridden for some time. He to find his maternal grand taught at the State University mother lighting candles for the of New York at Stony Brook Jewish Sabbath. Although he for many years. had often been told about his Simpson sought the poetry mother's Russian childhood — stories full of poverty and in everyday life, writing in a rats — she had never men simple, unadorned style with specifically American settings. tioned being Jewish. Nor had The poet and critic Edward his father ever mentioned that Hirsch called him "the Chek his own mother was black, a hov of contemporary Ameri fact he would not learn until can poetry." years later. "It's complicated, being an His parents became es American," Simpson wrote in tranged — perhaps in part, the poem "On the Lawn at the he later theorized, because Villa." "Having the money and his mother found out about the bad conscience, both at the her husband's black ancestry — and eventually divorced. same time." His collection "At the End When he was 16 his father died of the Open Road," for which suddenly and his stepmother he won the Pulitzer in 1964, disinherited him. Shortly after painted a grim picture of the that he moved to New York. American temperament in the By then he had already been last half of the 20th century in writing for a few years. "I did not intend to be a poems like "In the Suburbs": There's no way out. poet," he wrote in The New You were born to waste your York Times Magazine in 1965. "I wanted to tell stories." life. You were born to this mid Writing, he said, "came as dleclass life naturally as playing games." As others before you His earliest published writ Were born t o w a l k in ing was for Public Opinion, the July 7, 1923- Sept. 14, 2012 procession newspaper of the Jamaican in Ruth Turner, 89, of Bend, ing and r a n ching w e re To the temple, singing. dependence movement. passed a w a y pe a c e fully some of hi s f a v orite h ob In later years Simpson's po Simpson attended Columbia w as an avi d ems displayed less pessimism University, where he studied l ast Friday. Sh e w e n t t o bies. H e j oin h e r h u s b an d o f 60 c raftsman a nd enj o y e d and more of an acceptance of with Lionel Trilling and Mark b uilding f u r n iture fo r t h e years, James Turner, and world as it is. In a valedic Van Doren, but left to serve h er s on , R o g er , w h o f amily. A l l t he ch i l d r en the a nd g r a n d children h a v e tory poem, "A Farewell to His as an Army combat infantry preceded her in death. Muse," he reflected: man in World War II, first with Ruth was b orn i n P o c a something t h a t he has All you really know is given the tank corps and then with made in their homes, from tello, Idaho, to Clifford and h ope c h e st s to ch in a at moments when you' re the 101st Airborne Division in Bessie Wells. R uth an d J i m en j o y e d hutches. H is l a st bi g seeing France, the Netherlands, Bel m any y e a r s o f tr av e l , project was m a k in g d e ck and listening. gium and Germany. Injured s quare dancing, g ol f a n d chairs for the patios of his Being in love in battle, he later wrote exten family. bowling. Ruth was an avid is a great help. sively about his experiences in Ed i s s u r v i ve d b y hi s knitter , mak i ng and Oh yes, but keep a dog. both poetry and prose. wife, Urbana, and their six donating over 300 hats for "To remember a battle in Louis Aston Marantz Simp children; Eddie Manion of H ead Start c h i l dren. S h e son was born on March 27, which he has taken part," he a lso m a d e ma n y di s h Warm Springs, Kim P i tts 1923, in Kingston, Jamaica. wrote in 1964, "a man must c lothes that s h e g a v e t o ley (Eric) Keizer, OR, Jim Manion (Donna) and Doug His mother, the former Ro make himself innocent again anyone that wanted them. — innocent of n ewspapers, S he is s u r v ived b y h e r Manion (Kim), both of Ma salind Marantz, was born in sons, S t ev e ( D i a ne ) o f d ras, L yn n ( a n d R a n d y ) Russia but left when her father books and movies. He must re T homas o f Ben d, a n d died and immigrated to New Bend and Gary (V i cky) of member his actual life, the life Lebanon, O R ; g r a n d chil Jenny (and Wayne) Frye of York. She was working in the of the body. Everything else is Bellingham, W A . He i s dren, Tracy, Shawn, Feli garment district when a man journalism." c ia, A n d r ew , A m y ; an d also survived by 13 grand After the war he suffered children an d t h r e e g r eat asked if anyone in the shop three great-grandchildren. grandchildren; t w o b r o t h wanted to be in the movies. She a breakdown, attributable to No service is planned. W e would l i k e t o t h a n k e rs, B o b an d G or d o n raised her hand, and was hired what is now known as post traumatic stress syndrome. the w o n derful c a r egivers Manion, and a sister, Ma to travel to Jamaica to work bel Williams. He was pre with the swimmer and movie at the Leisure Club and at A fter r ecovering h e r e ceded in death by his par actress Annette K ellerman, turned to writing and to Co the Hospice House. Contributions m a y b e ents and three brothers. who was shooting a film there. lumbia, receiving a bachelor' s In lieu of fl o w ers, dona made to: Partners In Care, When Marantz refused to degree in 1948. The next year, tions may be made to Ma 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, wear the risque body stock while studying at the Univer dras Gospel Mission. OR 97701. ing the part required, she was sity of Paris, his first book of fired. But while there she met poetry, "The Arrivistes," was Aston Simpson, a lawyer of published.
Ruth Lavern Turner
By Mervyn Rothstein
New Yorh Times News Service
Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.corn Fax: 541-322-7254
P.o. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708
Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and noon Saturday. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details.
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: Joshua Morse, 89: Dean of the University of Mississippi School of Law in the 1960s who admitted th e s chool's first black students, a move that led to the desegregation of Mississippi's legal profes sion and judiciary. Died Fri
day at his home in Tallahas see, Fla. James Medoff, 65: Harvard professorof labor economics known for making complex problems easy to understand in the news and before Con gress as well as in the class room. Died Saturday. — From wire reports
AZALEA — G alesville Dam will be blown up next month unless a f e deral judge in Los Angeles steps in and throws a monkey wrench into the works. Cut! The D ouglas C o unty dam will stay intact. Its de struction will only be a cin ematic sleight of hand. The dam and the Gales ville Reservoir have been chosen to play a starring role in a Hollywood film about a crazed Marine vet eran and his cohorts hell bent on destroying a dam. Douglas Countycommis sioners signed a contract Wednesday with Tipping Point Productions giving the company permission to film "Night Moves" at the dam and reservoir. Production is scheduled to take place in mid-Octo ber and is expected to take several days. The county will be paid $2,000 per day. "They' re going to blow up the dam, and there will be people scurrying up the hillside toward the road," Public W o rk s Di r e ctor Robb Paul said. "They' ll also have some boats on the water." The movie stars Dakota Fanning, Jesse Eisenberg and Peter Sarsgaard. It is to be directed by Kelly Reichardt, who has filmed her last three movies in Oregon: "Meek's Cutoff," "Old Joy," and "Wendy and Lucy." "They' re really jazzed about shooting in Southern Oregon," said Vince Porter, e xecutive director of t h e Governor's Office of Film 8 Television. "They scout ed all over the state." The judge who will play a part in " N ight Moves" isn't part of the Hollywood script. A c ompeting film company last week filed suit in U.S. District Court in the Central District of Cali fornia seeking an injunc tion to stop "Night Moves" in its tracks. In its lawsuit, the Ed ward R. Pressman Film Co. claims that "Night Moves" steals its plot from Edward Abbey's 1975 novel "The Monkey Wrench Gang." The novel follows the trail of four environmental sab oteurs who take on a dam, clear-cutters, strip-miners and road builders. The novel inspired the Earth First! movement and led to the use of the term "monkeywrench" for acts of eco-terrorism,according to Derek Wall in his 1999 book "Earth First and the Anti-roads Movement." Abbey's widow, Clarke Abbey, is a co-plaintiff in the lawsuit filed against Reichardt, a New York City resident, screenwriterJona than Raymond, of P ort land, and three film compa nies producing the movie. Clarke A b bey a s signed film rights from the book to the Pressman Film Co. "Both works feature the targeting of a dam for de struction by means of am monium fer t i l izer-laden boats. In t h e n ovel, the principal bomb-maker is a b eer-guzzling v eteran who served overseas as a Green Beret, where he ac quired his knowledge of explosives," Pressman Film claims in court documents. The lawsuit claims both films feature a 20-some thing woman who starts out as a companion of another member of the group and then develops a relationship with the bomb-maker. The suit asks that Reich ardt and her partners be prohibited from producing, promoting and selling the film. If "Night M oves" isn' t stopped, filming will take place exclusively in South ern Oregon, Porter said. Locations in the Medford area also will be used, he said.
W EA T H E R F O R E C A ST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.
• IA
Today: A warm and nice last day of summer.
Tonight: Clear skies through the night, stay
K TII2' ooM
82 63/53
L' '
Lmcoln City 57/46
Sa ndy
• 72/52
RedmOnd 84/45 Sunriver• Bend
5 4ms ~
71/ 5 0
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Ashland 78/51 ~
• Brookings
• 93'
Yesterday' s state extremes
Jordan Valley
• sac
• BurnS
Lake rants ~
Chnstmas Valley
Port Orford
• 65/51
• Pauhna 77/72
• Fort Rock 82/43
o Bandon
EAST Expect mostly Pg sunny skies across ntariO the region. 87/52 Vale•
Baker Cit
~r e scento • Crescent Lake
%/49 •
Grani e
• Brothers 81/41
Coos Bay
88/44 U n ion — r 86/46
CENTRAL Mostly sunny skies will be the rule.
La Grande•
o MadraS • dh I I
82/33 \
• 85I50
Wagowa • Ente rpns • Meacham • 86I43
• PendletOn as/do
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71 I51 •
• Hermiston 90/49
Camp 69/51
B,gg, •
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•~ Government
McMinnvige 69/50
River The
H,g,b,m• Portland 5 70/56
60I53 •ocannon each
WEST Eog and low clouds early along the coast; other wise, mostly sunny.
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Jacksonville, Fla.
D e nver
Los Angel ~
Ibuque rque
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83/Sqi Atlanta
Little Rock oxxSP
BB/58 ~
95/67 I
New Orleans
+ % 82/60
104/ 6
N h'H mug Nashville
Honolulu ImH, 85/72
87/69 •
lando 9/71
Anchorage 54/48
79 43
74 42
J.a Paz $ 94/79
90 /77
Monterrey Mazatlan
» » » '
Cold W arm Stationary
4 4 4 4 4
+++We 4 4 4 d
Showers T-storms Rain
+ eh ev
ae + Flurries Snow
'I I
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....744am......724pm. Venus......3:1 3 a.m...... 5:22 p.m. Mars......11:1 8a.m...... 854 p.m. Jupiter.....1020 p m...... 1:32 pm. Saturn......918 a m...... 814 p m. Uranus..... 7:11 p.m...... 7:35 a.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 88/46 24hours ending 4p.m.'.. 0.00" Record high........ 90in1936 Monthto date.......... 0.00" Record low......... 25 in 1958 Average month todate... 0.28" Average high.............. 72 Year to date............ 6.61" Average low............... 38 Average yearto date..... 7.04" Barometncpressure at 4 p.m.30.03 Record 24 hours...1.16 in 1982 'Melted hquid equivalent
F r i day Saturday Bend,westofHwy.97......Ext. Sisters................................Ext H i / Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Bend,east of Hwy.97.......Ext. La Pine................................Ext
Preapitati onvaluesare24-hourtotals through4p.m
Redmond/Madras.......High Prlnevile...........................Ext
Astona ........60/52/0.00 ....63/53/pc... ...63/53/c Baker City...... 75/36/0.00 .....86/43/s... ...88/44/s Brookings......56/51/0.00 ....56/50/pc... ..62/52/pc Burns..........88/41/0.00 .....86/44/s... ..84/45/pc Eugene........66/51/0.00 ....71/50/pc... ..72/49/pc Klamath Falls...88/40/0.00 .....83/46/s... ..81/42/pc Lakeview.......88/37/0.00 .....85/46/s... ..82/42/pc La Pine........91/34/0.00 .....84/37/s... ..80/31/pc Medford.......93/52/0.00 .....86/54/s... ..87/52/pc Newport.......55/52/0.00 ....59/50/pc... ...59/50/c North Bend.....57/52/0.00 ....54/49/pc... ..64/49/pc Ontano........ 78/46/0.00 .....87/52/s... ...89/55/s Pendleton......90/53/0.00 .....90/49/s... ...88/48/s Portland ...... 63/55/trace ....70/56/pc... ..73/56/pc Pnneville.......92/48/0.00 .....81/46/s... ..83/45/pc Redmond.......90/41/0.00 .....86/43/s... ..82/45/pc Roseburg.......72/53/0.00 ....76/49/pc .....79/49/pc Salem .........70/48/0.00 ....71/51/pc .....73/51/pc Sisters.........89/36/0.00 .....81/41/s... ..79/37/pc The Dalles......88/51/0.00 .....85/55/s... ..83/53/pc
Med = Mederale,Exi. = Exlieme
The following was compiled by the Central Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as a service to irrigators and sportsmen.
Res rvo e ir Acrefeet Capacity Crane Praine..... . . . . . . . 34,157...... 55,000 Wickiup..... . . . . . . . . . . 107,694..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 70,567...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir.... . . . . 19,733...... 47,000 The higher the UV Index number, the greater Pnneville..... . . . . . . . . . . 93,365..... 153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow Stat i o n Cubic ft./sec for solar at noon. Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Praine ...... . 367 Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . 1,110 C rescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 27 L OW MEDIU HI G H Little DeschutesNear La Pme..... . . . . . . . . 104 0 2 4 6 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 125 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . 1,646 Crooked RiverAbove Pnnewge Res..... . . . . . NA Crooked RiverBelow Pnneville Res..... . . . . 222 Updated daily. Source: pollen.corn Ochoco CreekBelow Ochoco Res. .... . . . . . 14.4 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 104 Contact:Watermaster, 388-6669 MEDIUM or go to www.wrd.state. Legend:W-weather,Pcp-preapitation, s-sun, pc-parti al clouds,c-clouds, h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms, sf-snow flurnes snsnow, i ice, rsrainsnowmix w wmd,f fog, drdnzzle tr trace
To report a wildfire, call 911
Yesterday' s extremes
Sunnsetoday...... 6:52 a.m Moon phases Sunset today...... 7:03 p.m F irst Ful l La s t Sunnsetomorrow .. 6:53 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 7:02 p.m Moonnsetoday.... 1:32 p.m Moonset today... 10:57 p.m Sept. 22 Sept. 29 Oct. 8 Oct.15
A cooler and partly cloudy day.
79 45
Yesterday Hi/Lo/Pcp
A few clouds, still a chance for late-day thunder
Ast o ria
early eve ning thun derstorms are possible.
I '
A few clouds, iso lated storms in the after noon.
Late after noon and
Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday Gty Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pqi Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pqi Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pqi Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene, TX......92/64/0.00... 92/64/s.. 90/58/s Grand Rapids....69/55/0.11.. 66/44/sh. 60/42/sh RapidCity.......78/43/000... 76/39/s .. 68/38/s Savannah.......82/66/0 00.. 86/67/pc. 87/67/pc Akron..........72/44/0.00..72/53/sh. 67/42/sh Green Bay.......63/46/0.00..60/41/sh. 56/35/sh Reno...........91/53/0.00... 89/54/s .. 84/50/s Seattle..........67/50/0.00 ..65/52/pc. 65/53/pc Albany..........68/41/0.00 ... 73/57/s. 74/54/sh Greensboro......75/52/0.00 ..81/60/pc. 84/59/pc Richmond.......76/51/0.00...83/62/s. 85/61/pc SiouxFalls.......68/45/0.00..69/37/pc.. 59/32/s Albuquerque.....87/53/0.00 ... 88/53/s.. 84/53/s Harnsburg.......72/45/0.00 .. 77/60/pc...77/52/t Rochester,NY....72/41/000 .. 74/58/sh. 69/51/sh Spokane........86/52/000... 88/50/s .. 90/52/s Anchorage ......58/49/0.34 .. 54/48/sh...56/47/r Hartford, CT .....69/48/0.00 ... 74/54/s . 77/58/sh Sacramento......87/52/0.00... 89/54/s .. 88/59/s Spnngfidd, MO ..77/52/0.00... 79/51/c .. 71/44/s Atlanta .........79/64/0.00 84/66/pc .. . 83/61/pc Helena..........82/45/0.00 ... 80/47/s.. 80/47/s St Louis........ 79/63/trace... 76/50/t .. 70/44/s Tampa..........86/77/0.01... 88/74/t...90/73/t Atlanlc City .....73/48/0 00 ... 76/63/s . 81/63/sh Honolulu ........83/74/0 00... 85/72/s .. 86/73/s Salt Lake City....84/54/0.00... 83/60/s .. 85/60/s Tucson.........100/74/0.00..102/71/s. 102/72/s Austin ..........89/59/0.00 ... 90/60/s.. 90/63/s Houston ........88/59/0.00 ... 89/67/s.. 91/70/s SanAntonio.....88/65/000... 89/64/s .. 90/67/s Tulsa...........86/64/0 00.. 92/58/pc.. 83/51/s Ballmore .......73/49/0 00 .. 81/63/pc. 83/58/sh Huntsville .......80/48/0 00.. 84/58/pc . 81/50/pc SanDiego.......80/68/0.00... 79/69/s. 83/69/pc Washington,DC..75/54/0.00 .. 82/65/pc. 84/58/sh Billings .........83/52/0.00...77/41/s.. 75/43/s Indianapolis.....68/51/0.00..72/51/sh. 65/45/pc SanFranasco....64/54/0.00.. 68/53/pc.67/53/pc Wichita.........82/59/0.00... 83/52/s .. 74/43/s Birmingham.....81/51/0 00 .. 85/59/pc. 85/56/pc Jackson,MS.....81/50/000... 87/62/s. 87/58/pc SanJose........72/50/0.00..77/56/pc.. 77/56/s Yabma.........90/47/0.00... 90/52/s. 86/53/pc Bismarck........68/45/0.00..68/30/pc. 58/28/pc Jacksonvile......82/72/0.93... 84/68/t...87/67/t SantaFe........83/44/0.00..77/48/pc.80/48/pc Turns..........108/80/0.00..102/76/s. 102/76/s Boise...........78/56/000... 83/50/s .. 87/50/s Juneau..........56/48/0 08.. 61/43/pc .. 63/50/s INTERNATIONAL Boston..........62/51/0.00..69/57/pc. 76/60/pc Kansas City......76/52/0.00...76/49/s.. 65/42/s BndgeportCT....69/52/000... 72/60/s. 76/60/sh Lansing.........69/53/012 ..66/44/sh. 58/41/sh Amsterdam......61/45/000 ..60/52/pc. 60/49/sh Mecca.........111/86/0 00..108/84/s. 107/83/s Buffalo .........72/45/0 00 .. 73/57/sh. 67/49/sh LasVegas.......98/73/000... 99/73/s.. 98/73/s Athens..........86/67/0.00... 78/61/s .. 76/64/s Meaco City......72/55/0.00... 71/53/t...71/52/t Burlington, VT....67/39/0.00 .. 72/54/pc. 73/58/sh Leangton.......76/43/0.00 ..78/57/pc. 73/44/pc Auckland........61/48/000..61/54/pc. 60/52/pc Montreal........66/46/000...66/58/c...72/54/t Canbou, ME.....61/33/0 00.. 67/53/pc. 72/56/pc Lincoln..........77/44/000... 74/43/s .. 65/38/s Baghdad.......1 02/77/0.00..107/78/s. 109/80/s Moscow........72/50/0.00 .. 67/49/pc.. 65/51/c Charleston, SC...81/64/0.00.. 85/66/pc. 87/66/pc Little Rock.......82/53/0.00 ..87/61/pc.. 83/53/s Bangkok........91/79/0.00 ..91/75/pc...91/77/t Nairobi.........82/57/0.00... 81/57/s. 82/57/pc Charlotte........78/54/0 00 .. 82/60/pc. 84/60/pc LosAngdes......78/66/000... 76/63/s. 74/63/pc Beiyng..........82/57/0.00... 84/64/c. 83/62/pc Nassau.........88/81/0.00... 85/79/t...85/74/t Chattanooga.....79/55/0.00..85/60/pc. 83/54/pc Louisville........79/49/0.00... 76/57/t. 74/45/pc Beirut..........86/77/0.00...83/75/s.. 82/73/s NewDdhi.......88/77/0.00...95/78/s.. 97/75/s Cheyenne.......75/43/0.00...76/40/s.. 72/40/s Madison,wl.....68/51/0.00..63/41/sh. 56/34/sh Berlin...........61/39/0.00 ..64/50/pc. 60/43/sh Osaka..........84/70/0.00 ..78/68/pc. 79/68/pc Chicago.........72/51/0.00..66/46/sh. 57/43/sh Memphis........81/54/0.00..86/62/pc.. 82/53/s Bogota.........70/43/0.00... 65/51/t. 64/46/sh Oslo............54/32/0.00..54/36/pc.. 55/38/c Cinannal.......78/44/0.00..73/54/sh. 72/46/pc Miami..........91/77/0.00... 90/76/t...90/76/t Budapest........59/43/0.00... 64/42/s .. 68/54/c Ottawa.........66/36/0.00..70/55/sh. 67/46/sh Clevdand.......73/47/0.00..72/55/sh. 68/47/sh Milwaukee......69/50/0.0064/46/sh. .. 56/42/sh BuenosAires.....64/45/000..63/43/pc.. 66/50/s Pans............64/41/000... 64/51/r. 63/54/pc ColoradoSpnngs.82/44/000... 74/44/s.. 72/45/s Minneapolis.....66/50/000.. 60/40/pc. 55/37/pc CaboSanLucas ..91/77/0 00..94/76/pc.. 92/76/s Rio de Janoro....81/72/0 00... 90/70/r...75/62/t ColumbiaMQ...78/56/0.00... , 77/47/c .. 67/41/s Nashville........81/47/0.00 ..83/59/pc. 76/49/pc Cairo...........88/72/0.00...87/70/s.. 88/70/s Rome...........79/59/0.00...76/58/s.. 78/61/s ColumbiaSC....81/61/0.00..86/64/pc. , 88/62/pc New orleans.....84/69/0.00...87/69/s.. 87/69/s Calgary.........79/45/0.00... 75/49/s. 79/55/pc Santiago........64/41/0.00 ..66/56/pc. 69/54/pc Columbus GA....85/57/0.00.. 87/64/pc.. 89/63/s NewYork .......69/54/0.00... 75/64/s. 80/63/sh Cancun.........88/73/0.00... 87/78/t...88/79/t Sao Paulo.......72/66/0.00... 72/62/r. 63/54/sh Columbus OH....78/45/0.00..73/54/sh. 69/45/sh Newark, NJ......70/52/0.00... 76/63/s. 82/62/pc Dublin..........59/50/0 00.. 54/42/pc.. 55/47/c Sapporo...... not available ..70/61/pc. 75/59/pc Cancer/L NH.....67/34/0.00... 71/50/s. 75/54/pc Norfolk,VA......74/66/0.00... 81/62/s .. 84/63/s Edmburgh.......52/46/000..55/37/pc. 54/44/pc Seoul...........75/59/000...77/61/c. 78/61/pc Corpus Chnsti....91/70/000... 93/70/s .. 93/72/s OklahomaCity...93/59/000 .. 88/58/pc. 84/53/pc Geneva.........64/39/0.00 ..73/55/pc.. 75/57/c Shanghai........84/68/0.00.. 81/70/pc. 78/69/pc DallasFtworlh...94/62/000... 95/67/s .. 91/67/s Omaha.........73/47/000... 72/45/s.. 64/39/s Harare..........84/59/0.00... 82/56/s .. 84/60/s Singapore.......88/81/0.00 .. 87/79/pc.. 87/81/s Dayton .........73/50/0.00..70/51/sh. 67/43/pc Orlando.........89/73/0.00... 89/71/t...90/71/t HongKong......86/79/0.00... 87/76/t...87/78/t Stockholm.......57/43/0.00..53/41/sh. 55/45/sh Denver..........82/48/000... 79/49/s .. 77/50/s PalmSpnngs....109/79/000..102/78/s. 102/77/s Istanbul.........75/63/000 ..70/60/sh.69/62/pc Sydney..........72/54/0 00.. 74/49/sh. 69/47/pc DesMoines......73/51/0.00.. 69/46/pc.. 62/39/s Peona..........72/49/0.00 .. 70/45/sh. 62/38/pc Jerusalem.......83/68/0.00... 87/69/s .. 85/67/s Taipo...........82/70/0.00... 88/78/t...86/77/t Detroit..........69/52/0.21 ..69/51/sh. 63/45/sh Philadelphia.....75/55/0.00...79/64/s. 82/58/sh Johannesburg....79/54/000... 77/54/s. 78/49/pc Tel Aviv.........86/73/000... 86/73/s .. 85/73/s Duluth..........58/47/0 02 .. 55/37/sh. 51/32/sh Phoenix........104/79/0 00..104/76/s. 104/76/s Lima ...........72/61/0.00..68/61/pc.. 68/62/s Tokyo...........84/77/0.00... 83/68/t...83/69/t El Paso..........92/60/0.00... 91/68/s .. 91/64/s Pittsburgh.......74/41/0.0074/56/sh. .. 68/44/sh Lisbon..........79/63/0.00... 73/62/c. 75/64/pc Toronto.........63/54/0.00 ..66/56/sh. 63/45/sh Fairbanks........50/43/0 02 ..637427sh. 66/45/sh Portland ME.....63/40/0 00.. 66/54/pc. 71/54/pc London.........64/48/0.00 ..61/43/pc.60/53/pc Vancouver.......68/54/0.00.. 68/54/pc.. 66/53/s Fargo...........67/40/0 00 .. 61/36/pc.. 56/32/s Providence......67/52/000... 72/55/s. 75/61/pc Madnd.........84/66/000... 86/62/c .. 86/57/s Vienna..........61/39/000... 62/47/s .. 68/53/c Flagstaff........79/41/0.00... 77/37/s.. 78/43/s Raleigh.........76/53/0.00... 82/60/s. 87/63/pc Manila..........86/77/0.00... 83/76/t...85/76/t Warsaw.........55/43/0.00... 61/44/s. 55/46/sh
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Scoreboard, D2 Golf, D3 Football, D3
Prep sports, D5 Adventure Sports, D6
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GOLF Bend pro qualifies for PGA National WORLEY, Idaho — Jerrel Grow, a 31 year-old golf profes sional at Pronghorn Club in Bend, finished strong Thursday at the Pacific Northwest PGA Professional Champion ship and qualified for the 2013 PGA Professional National Championship. Grow, who earlier this year moved from North ern California to Bend to become an instructor at Pronghorn, shot a 2 under-par 70 in the final round at Circling Raven Golf Club to move into a tie for eighth place at 8 under par. The top eight golfers qualified for the National Championship, and Grow will not have far to travel from his new home to play in the tournament. The PGA's club pro championship is scheduled for June 23-26 at Crosswater Club in Sunriver. The top golfers from that tour namentadvance tothe PGA Championship, one of pro golf's four major championships. Chris van der Velde, the 47-year-old manag ing partner at Bend's Tetherow Golf Club, fell from seventh place after 36 holes to a tie for 28th place with a final-round 76. — Bulletin staff report
Ben Hi turns ac - win
Ri eview wit Bulletin staff report REDMOND — The Lava Bears used two first-half goals to separate themselves from Ridgeview in what Bend High coach Nils Eriks son called a "good team effort" en route to a 3-0 nonconference boys soccer win on Thursday. "We have things to work on, and that stands out," Eriksson said. "That's a good thing to see, what we need to work on. It was a good test be cause I thought Ridgeview played really well." Sophomore Scott Bracci got Bend (1-4-1) rolling with a 30-yard strike that Eriksson said
Inside • More prep sports coverage,D5
"may have surprised the goalkeeper." "There was 20-25 mile an hour winds from one side to the other," Ridgeview coach Keith Bleyer said. "Any shot that was within 40 or 50 yards was doing funny things." See Soccer /D5
Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
Ridgeview's Yalexis Brambila, left, and Bend's Bryant Jolma fight for possession of the ball during the first half of Thursday's game at Ridgeview High School in Redmond.
NPRA finals set to start
tonight in Prineville
Washington team leads in Sunriver SUNRIVER — A team of two Washington golfers opened up a six stroke lead Thursday in the second round of the Pacific Northwest Men' s SeniorTeam Champion ship. Bothell's Paul Hoevener and Wenatchee's Rob Mat son shot a 9-under-par round of Chapman at Sunriver Resort's Meadows course to move to 14 under par for the tournament and six strokes ahead of Pasco, Wash., teammates Keith Best and Hank Chafin. The Central Oregon team of Bend's Tony Battistella and Red mond's Mike Reuther is in a tie for eighth place at 4 under heading into today's concluding round after a round of 69. Jim Orr, of Bend, and Carey Watson, of Sunriver, have teamed up to shoot 2 under and are in a tie for 11th place. The field of 43 teams returns to Sunriver's Woodlands course to day for the tournament's final round, which will be four ball. Play for the Pacific Northwest Golf Asso ciation tournament is scheduled to begin today at 9 a.m. Specta tors are welcome and admission is free. For results, see Scoreboard onD2. — Bulletin staff report
Andy Tullla/ The Bulletin
With the Three Sisters in the background,Bend's Spencer Larson launches skyward while snowboarding near the North west Express chairlift on a sunny powder day at Mt. Bachelor this past January. While last season skiers and snowboard ers enjoyed a La Nina weather pattern that brought more than 500 inches of snowfall to Bachelor, an El Nino is predicted for this coming winter.
• El Nina Cauld mean leSS SnOWfOrSkierS and SnOW baarders in the PaCifiC NOrthWeSt n the past two years, skiers and s n ow MARK boarders have en joycd two of the snowt MORlCA est winters on record at Mt. Bachelor ski area. But they should not expect more of the same this winter. An El Nino weather pattern is ex pected to develop in the Pacific North west sometime within the next month, bringing with it above-average temper atures and below-average precipitation, according to Kathie Dello, deputy direc tor of the Oregon Climate Service at Or egon State University in Corvallis.
That translates to less snowfall, which is not exactly what ea ger snowriders want to hear. Dello said this week that the strength of El Nino will likely be "moderate." "Where we really see the signal is in the temperature," Dello said. "So, that' s bad for skiers because the temperature needs to be cool enough for the precipi tation to fall as snow." The past two winters were catego rized as La Ninas (lower temperatures, more precipitation) in the Northwest,
InSide A look at prices for season passes at Mt. Bachelor and Hoodoo Mountain Resort for the upcoming season, D5
Featsofendurance on display in Central Oregon this weekend By Amanda Miles
Rangers 3 Angels
Cardinals 5 Astros 4
Indians 4 Twins 3
Reds 5 Cubs 3
A's 12 Tigers 4
Padres 6 0'backs 5
Yankees t 0 Giants 9 Blue Jays 7 Rockies 2
Rays 7 Red Sox 4
Brewers 9 Pirates 7
Royals 4 Nationals 4 White Sox 3 Dodgers Phillies I 6 Mets
and the Cascades received a significant amount of snow. In winter 2010-11, Mt. Bachelor set a record with 665 inches of snowfall, more than 55 feet. Last win ter, the mountain was pounded with 528 inches of snow — and some 150 inches of that fell in March. After a relatively dry December (201 I), Bachelor was hit with so much snow at one point in Janu ary that it had to shut down for a day. Dello said it was one of the driest De cembers on record for the Northwest — and it had skiers and snowboarders who were expecting La Nina growing anxious. See Winter /D5
Bulletin staff report PRINEVILLE — Many of the best rodeo cowboys and cowgirls from around the region will be in Central Oregon this weekend for the 2012 Northwest Professional Rodeo Association Finals. The first of two performances at the Crook County Fairgrounds in Prineville is set for tonight at 7 o' clock. The second performance is scheduled for Saturday, also at 7 p.m. The NPRA is billed as the larg est regional rodeo organization in the western United States, sanctioning more than 40 rodeos each year throughout Oregon, Washington,Idaho, Nevada and California. Among the event standings leaders going into the finals are several from Central Oregon, in cluding Wyatt Bloom, of Bend, in bareback riding; Kayla Gregory, of Bend, in barrel racing; Shane Erickson, of Terrebonne, in both cow milking and tie-down roping; and Charlie Barker, of Terrebonne, in both saddle bronc riding and the men's all-around. Tonight is Can Cancer Night. Admission is $10 for adults (age 12 and older), $5 for children ages 6-11, and free for ages 5 and younger. Saturday is Military Apprecia tion Night. Admission prices are the same as for Friday night ex cept for active or retired military members, who will be admitted for $5. Tickets are available at the Crook County Fairgrounds, as well as at the Prineville-Crook County Chamber of Commerce, Prineville Men's Wear, Big R in Redmond, Round Butte Seed, and Boot Barn in Bend. For more information, visit www.nprafinals.corn.
The Bulletin
Long-distance events are commonplace in Central Or egon, but Saturday's events might give new meaning to the concept of going long, even by our standards. Early Saturday morning at Cultus Lake, about 400 participants will take to the water for the inaugural LeadmanTri Life Time Epic 250/125 Bend triathlon. And at roughly the same time at Dutchman Flat Sno-park, dozens of runners will hit the trails for the third annual Flagline 50K trail race (see story D6). LeadmanTri Bend is offering two races with some serious distance: the 250 and 125 numbers refer to the total distance of each race, in kilometers. The Epic 250 distance consists of a 5K swim (3.1 miles), a 223K bike ride (138.6) and a 22K run (13.7), while the Epic 125 has swim, bike and run legs of 2.5K (1.6 miles), 106K (65.9) and 16.5K (10.3). To give those distances some context, the LeadmanTri Bend races are cumulatively longer than Ironman- and half Ironman-distance triathlons by about 15 and eight miles, respectively, with swim and bike legs that are comparatively longer and run legs that are some what shorter. Participants may compete as individuals or on teams of two or three. See Endurance /DB
LeadmanTriLifeTime Epic 250/125Bend What:Triathlon event with total race distances of 250 (5K swim, 223K bike ride, 22K run) and 125 kilometers (2.5K swim, 106K bike ride, 16.5K
run) Where:Swim starts at Cultus Lake, bike leg takes place primarily on Cascade Lakes Highway, U.S. Forest Service roads and Century Drive, run leg starts and finishes in Old Mill District and goes through Tetherow Golf Club and west Bend in between When:First swim wave of Epic 250 distance begins at 7 a.m. Saturday, first swim wave of Epic 125 distance starts at 8 a.m.; first men's and women's finishers for Epic 250 distance expected to complete course at approximately 4 p.m. and 5 p.m., respectively Dn the web:leadmantri.corn
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TELEVISION Today GOLF 10a.m.: PGATour, Tour Championship, second round, Golf Channel. 3:30 p.m.:LPGA Tour, Navistar LPGA Classic, second round, Golf Channel. SOCCER 2 p.m.:Women's college, Washington at USC, Pac-12 Network. 4 p.m.:Women's college, Colorado at Oregon, Pac-12 Network. BASEBALL 4 p.m.:MLB, Los Angeles Dodgers at Cincinnati Reds or Oakland A's at New York Yankees, MLB Network. FOOTBALL 5 p.m.:College, Baylor at Louisiana-Monroe, ESPN. 5:30 p.m.:High school, Trinity
(Ky.) vs. Cathedral (Ind.), ESP N2. 6:50 p.m.:High school, Henley at Redmond, COTV11. BOXING 6 p.m.:College, Gabriel Campillo vs. Sergey Kovalev, NBC Sports Network. VOLLEYBALL 6 p.m.:College, Oregon at USC, Pac-12 Network. 8 p.m.:College, Oregon State at UCLA, Pac-12 Network. MOTOR SPORTS 7 p.m.:NASCAR, Sprint Cup,
Sylvania 300, qualifying (sarn day tape), Speed.
Saturday VOLLEYBALL Midnight:College, Washington State at Arizona State (sarn day tape), Pac-12 Network. 4 a.m.:College, Stanford at
Utah (same-day tape), Pac-12
Minnesota, Big Ten Network. 5 p.m.:College, Fresno State at Tulsa, CBS Sports Network. 7 p.m.:College, Utah at Arizona State, Pac-12 Network. 7:30 p.m.:College, Arizona at Oregon, ESPN. 7:30p.m.:College,Nevada at Hawaii, NBC Sports Network. 9:30 p.m.:College, Colorado at Washington State (same-day tape), Root Sports. RODEO 10 a.m.: Bull riding, Professional Bull Riders 15/15
Bucking Battle (taped), CBS. MOTOR SPORTS 6 a.m.:Formula One, Singapore Grand Prix, qualifying, Speed. 11 a.m.:Boat racing, Lucas Oil
Drag Racing (taped), CBS. 1 p.m.:NASCAR, Nationwide Series, Kentucky 300, ESPN. BASEBALL 1 p.m.:MLB, Los Angeles Dodgers at Cincinnati Reds, Fox. 6 p.m.: M LB,Chicago W hiteSox at Los Angeles Angels or San Diego Padres at San Francisco Giants, MLB Network. 6 p.m.:MLB, Texas Rangers at Seattle Mariners, Root Sports. MIXED MARTIALARTS 5 p.m.:UFC 152, preliminary bouts, FX.
Sunday MOTOR SPORTS Midnight:National Hot Rod Association, AAA Texas Fall
Nationals, qualifying (same-day tape), ESP N2. 4:30 a.m.:Formula One, Singapore Grand Prix, Speed. 11 a.m.:NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Sylvania 300, ESPN. 5:30 p.m.:National Hot Rod Association, AAA Texas Fall
Nationals (same-day tape),
SOCCER 2 a.m.: M en'scollege,Loyola Marymount at Stanford (sarn day tape), Pac-12 Network. 4:30 a.m.:English Premier League, Swansea City vs. Everton, ESPN2. 6a.m.:Women's college, Arizona at Cal (taped), Pac-12 Network. 5 p.m.:Major League Soccer, Portland Timbers at Real Salt Lake, NBC Sports Network. GOLF 9a.m.: PGA Tour, Tour Championship, third round, Golf Channel. 11 a.m.:PGA Tour, Tour Championship, third round, NBC. 11 a.m.:LPGA Tour, Navistar LPGA Classic, third round, Golf Channel. FOOTBALL 9 a.m.:College, Virginia at TCU, ESPN. 9a.m.: College, UTEP at Wisconsin, ESPN2. 9a.m.: College, Bowling Green at Virginia Tech, ESPNU. 9 a.m.:College, UAB at Ohio State or Central Michigan at Iowa, Big Ten Network. 9 a.m.:College, Maryland at West Virginia, FX. 9 a.m.:College, Mississippi at Tulane, Root Sports. 9 a.m.:College, Lafayette at Bucknell, CBS Sports Network. 10 a.m.:College, Yale at Cornell, NBC Sports Network. 12:30 p.m.:College, Missouri at South Carolina, CBS. 12:30 p.m.:College, Oregon State at UCLA, ABC. 12:30 p.m.:College, Temple at Penn State, ESPN2. 12:30 p.m.:College, Northern Arizona at Montana, Root Sports. 12:30 p.m.:College, Eastern Michigan at Michigan State or Idaho State at Nebraska or South Dakota at Northwestern, Big Ten Network. 12:30 p.m.:College, VMI at Navy, CBS Sports Network. 12:30 p.m.:College, East Carolina at North Carolina, ESPNU. 1 p.m.:College, Colorado at Washington State, FX. 1:30 p.m.:College, Harvard at Brown, NBC Sports Network. 3 p.m.:College, Cal at USC, Pac 12 Network. 4 p.m.:College, LSU at Auburn, ESPN. 4 p.m.:College, Rutgers at Arkansas, ESPNU. 4:30 p.m.:College, Michigan at Notre Dame, NBC. 4:30 p.m.:College, Kansas State at Oklahoma, Fox. 4:45 p.m.:College, Vanderbilt at Georgia, ESPN2. 5 p.m.:College, Clemson at Florida State, ABC. 5 p.m.:College, Syracuse at
SOCCER 12:30 a.m.:Major League Soccer, San Jose Earthquakes at Seattle Sounders (same-day tape), Root Sports. Noon:Men's college, UC Irvine at Oregon State, Pac-12 Network. 2 p.m.:Women's college, Arizona State at Stanford, Pac 12 Network. 4 p.m.: M en'scollege,Loyola Marymount at Cal (same-day tape), Pac-12 Network. GOLF 8:30a.m.: PGA Tour, Tour Championship, final round, Golf Channel. 10:30a.m.: PGA Tour, Tour Championship, final round, NBC. 10:30 a.m.:LPGA Tour, Navistar LPGA Classic, final round, Golf Channel. FOOTBALL 10 a.m.:NFL, Kansas City Chiefs at New Orleans Saints, CBS. 10 a.m.:NFL, San Francisco 49ers at Minnesota Vikings, Fox. 1 p.m.:NFL, Pittsburgh Steelers at Oakland Raiders, CBS. 5:20 p.m.:NFL, New England Patriots at Baltimore Ravens, NBC. BASEBALL 10 a.m.: MLB, Oakland A's at New York Yankees, TBS. 1 p.m.:MLB, Texas Rangers at Seattle Mariners, Root Sports. 5 p.m.:MLB, Los Angeles Dodgers at Cincinnati Reds, ESPN. BASKETBALL Noon:WNBA, Seattle Storm at Phoenix Mercury, ESPN2. RODEO 4 p.m.:Bull riding, Professional Bull Riders DeWalt Guaranteed Tough Invitational, NBC Sports Network.
RADIO Today FOOTBALL 7 p.m.:High school, Franklin at Bend, KBND-AM 1110, KICE-AM 940.
Saturday 12:30 p.m.:College, Oregon State at UCLA, KICE-AM 940, KRCO-AM 690.
5 p.m. (approximately): College, Cal at USC (joined in progress after Oregon State
game), KICE-AM940. 7:30 p.m.:College, Arizona at Oregon, KBND-AM 1110.
Sunday BASEBALL 5 p.m.:MLB, Los Angeles Dodgers at Cincinnati Reds, KICE-AM 940.
ON DECK Today Football: Franklin atBend,7p.m.; MountainViewat McNary, p.m.; 7 Summitat TheDagesWahtonka, 7 p.m.; HenleyatRedmond,7:30p.m.;Ridgeview at CottageGrove,7 p.m.; CrookCountyat Madras, 7 p.m.; Cascade vs. Sisters atBend's Summit High, 7 p.m.; LaPineat Burns, 7p.m.; PowersatGilchrist,
4 p.m.
Volleyball: NorthLakeatGilchrist, 5 p.m.
Saturday Cross-country: Bend, Mountain View, La Pine, Madras, Sisters, Crook County at 3 Course Challenge in Seaside, 10 a.m.; Redmond, Ridgeview, Summit atNorthwestClassic in Eugene, 11:30 a.m. Volleyball: Redmond,Ridgeview, Mountain View, Bend atRogueValley Classic in Medford, 8a.m.; Madras at Sisters tournamentat RedmondHigh, 8 a.m.; Culver at McKenzie tournament, TBA; Gilchrist atTriad,2p.m.; Central ChristianatSouth Wasco Countytourney,9:30a.m. Boys soccer: CentralChristianatUmatiga, I p.m.
GOLF Pacific Northwest Men's Senior TeamChampionship af Sunrlver Resort Meadows Thursday Par71
Chapman Second Round
I,PaulHouvener,Botheg,Wash./Rob Matson, Wenatch ee,Wash.,67 62 129.2,Keith Best,Pas co,Wash./HankChafin,Pasco,Wash.,68 67 135. 3, Larry Gilhuly, Gig Harbor,Wash./Jtm McNelis, Gig Harbor, Wash., 65 71 136. 4, Gary Goodi son, Roberts Creek, B.C./Greg Kocher, Gibsons, B.C., 69 68 137. 5 (tie), OgieLantela, Coquitlam, B.C./JamesOrr, Maple Ridge, B.C., 7167 138; Travis GambleGi , g Harbor,Wash./Ronald Petersen, Coquitlam,B.C., 69 69 138; Bill Hood,Beaverton/ Michael Kloenne,West Linn, 69 69 138. 8 (tie), Tony Battistega,Bend/Mike Reuther,Redmond, 70 69 139; John Gagacher,Burnaby, B.C./Gudmund Lindbjerg, PortMoody,B.C., 66 73 139. 10, Steve Berry, Vancouver, B.C./Lance MacGregor, Delta, B.C., 70 70 140. 11 (tie), SteveMacGeorge, Shoreline, Wash./Paul Reni, Shoreline,Wash., 71 70 141; Bernie Bolo koski, White Rock, B.C./Earl Macpherson,Surrey, B.C., 69 72 141; Jim Orr, Bend/CareyWatson, Sunriver, 68 73 141. 14 (tie), Barry Niles, Bend/ Paul Peterson, CameronPark, Calif., 72 70 142; Rich Evenson,Mercer Island, Wash./David Winter, Seattle, 71 71 142; MikeGustafson,Eugene/Jack Warren, Eugene,70 72 142. 17 (tie), Chris Indag, Richl and,Wash./Aktra Nozaka, Grandview,Wash., 69 74 143; ErikJensen,Bend/Greg Walsh,Bend, 67 76 143. 19, lanMiddleton,Victoria, B.C./Daryi Pollo ck,WestVancouver,B.C., 72 74 146. 20, Paul Harris, Vancouver,B.C./Allan Woo,Richmond, B.C., 69 78 147. 21 (tie), EdBartlett, Meridian, Idaho/JoePatrick, Vancouver,Wash., 76 72 148; John Carson, Se attte/Stetn Swenson,Bend, 72 76 148. 23 (tie), DaveMackenzie, Parksvige,B.C./DuncanMackenzie, North Delta, B.C., 74 75 149; DaveRalston, Bell ingham,Wash./Gary Russell,Ferndale,Wash.,74 75 149. 25, MikeKemppainen,Brier, Wash./Steve Palmer, Burien,Wash., 79 71 150. 26 (tie), Don Lloyd, Shoeline, Wash./Randy Russell, Kenmore, Wash., Bill Crisp, Kenmore,Wash./JtmRagsdale, Mill Creek,Wash., 76 75—151. 28, Jon Rawitzer, Begingham,Wash./Kirk Smith, Everett, Wash., 72 80 152.29, Brad Gunn,Bellevue,Wash./Steve Olsen, Shoreline,Wash., 76 77 153. 30(tie), John Poynor, Richland, Wash. /Rick Poynor, Richland, Wash., 78 77 155; Steve Ariens, LakeOswego/ DougRagen,LakeOswego, 76 79 155. 32, RalphEpling, Seattle/JtmLobdeg,Sherwood, 77 79 156. 33 (tie), BradfordMoore,LakeForest Park, Wash./JohnThorson,Lake ForestPark,Wash., 78 79 157; Al Reinikka, Begingham,Wash./Bil Roland,Weeki Wachee, Fla., 78 79 157. 35 (tie), GregoryHarlman, Port Orchard, Wash./Colin Mclnnes, Bremerlon,Wash., 79 79 158; William Robbins, Everett, Wash./Dan Shinn, Vancouver, Wash., 7682 158. 37, Randy Blumer, Victoria, B.C./Jim Sarkissian, Point Roberts, Wash., 76 85 161. 38, Clay Riding, Issquah, Wash. /Dave Sloan, Vancouver,Wash., 83 79 162. 39 (tie), Orv Patzwald, NewWestminster, B.C./Jerry Pietrasko, Coquitlam, B.C., 88 75 163; Walter Hubbard, Olympia ,Wash./GregoryJohnson,Bellevue,Wash., 80 83 163. 41, DanAngotti, Yakima,Wash./Bill Jones, Nam pa, Idaho, 83 81 164. 42, Ralph Hale, Lakebay, Wash. /Stephen Kay, Burien,Wash., 82 85 167. 43,Jerry Amundson,Blaine,Wash./Robed Tuthig, Blaine,Wash., 85 85 170.
PGA Tour
KatherineHull Haeji Kang JennieLee MeenaLee PernigaLindberg StephanieLouden PaigeMackenzie BelenMozo Jane Rah BeatrizRecari JennyShin Karin Sjodin Jacqui Concolino LauraDiaz Moira Dunn Katie Futcher HeeWonHan TiffanyJoh JenniferJohnson HannaKang BrittanyLang gheeLee Kristy McPherson SuzannPettersen PornanongPhatlum ReigeyRankin SamanthaRichdale Dewi ClaireSchreefel Yani Tseng Mariajo Uribe Kim Welch MichegeWie HeatherBowieYoung Christel Boeljon DianaD'Alessio MelissaEaton Julieta Granada Karine Icher DaniegeKang Christina Kim Yoo KyeongKim Brittany Lincicome AzaharaMunoz RyannO'Toole HeeKyungSeo ChristineSong Kris Tamulis TanyaDergal MeredithDuncan Lisa Ferrero AnnaGrzebien Maria Hernandez
Amy Hung
Mitsuki Katahira StephanieKono Min SeoKwak Jane Park Sun YoungYoo LaceyAgnew ChegaChoi CydneyClanton Sue Ginter NicoleJeray Eun Hee Ji SarahKem p Cindy LaCrosse Jee YoungLee AngelaOh Ji YoungOh Jin YoungPak CandaceSchepperle Elisa Serramia Allison Duncan NumaGulyanamitta Jamie Hugett AyakaKaneko RebeccaLeeBentham Amelia Lewis NaOn Min JenniferSong Victoria Tanco KathleenEkey MeaghanFrancega MarcyHarl Tzu Chi Lin HannahYun Jean Bartholomew IsabelleBeisiegel Ashli Bunch Kirby Dreher P.K. Kongkraphan Janice Moodie Kim Williams AudraBurks JaclynBurch MichegeDobek Carri Wood LeeAnnWalker Cooper
Fourth Quarter NYG A.Brown I run(Tyneskick), 9:40. NYG FG Tynes 27, I:09. A 73,951.
N YG First downs Total NetYards Rushesyards Passing Punt Returns Kickoff Returns InterceptionsRet. CompAtt Int SackedYardsLost Punts FumblesLost Penalties Yards Time ofPossession
Scott 6 9, Manning 2 5, Wilson I (minus 2). Caro Hna: D.Wigiams1150, Newton6 6, Tolberl 3 4. PASSING— N.y. Giants: Manning 27 35 0 288, Carr I 2 0 4. Carolina: Newton 1630 3242, D.Anderson3 3 0 46. RECEIVING —N.y. Giants: Barden9 138,Ben nett 6 73, Cruz 642, A.Brown 317, Hynoski 2 15, Randle I 4,Wilson I 3. Carolina: Olsen 798,Smith 4 86, Tolberl 4 47, D.Wigiams 2 23, LaFeg 127, Murphy I 7. MISSEOFIELD GOALS None.
34 32 66 33 33 66 33 34 67 33 34 67 33 34 67 34 33 67 35 33 68 36 32 68 34 34 68 36 32 68 36 32 68 33 36 69 32 37 69 36 33 69 34 35 69 34 35 69 35 34 69 35 34 69 36 34 70 36 34 70 36 34 70 36 35 71 35 36 71 34 37 71 37 34 71 36 36 72 36 36 72 35 37 72 35 39 74 37 38 75
LPGA Tour Navlsfar LPGA Classic Thursday Af Robert Trent JonesGolf Trail, Caplfol Hill, The Senator Praffvlne, Ala. Purse: $1.3 million yardage: 6,607; Par 72(36 36) First Round Lext Thompson 31 32 63 HeeYoungPark 32 33 65 LizetteSalas 33 32 65 AmandaBlumenherst 32 34 66 Mi HyangLee 34 32 66 StacyLewis 34 32 66 KarenStupples 33 33 66 WendyWard 34 32 66 Karlin Beck 34 33 67 Dori Carter 35 32 67 Lorie Kane 32 35 67 Sydnee Michaels 33 34 67 AlenaSharp 36 31 67 AngelaStanford 32 35 67 Beth Bader 32 36 68 SandraChangkija 35 33 68 SandraGal 34 34 68 Natalie Gulbis 35 33 68 MiJung Hur 34 34 68 Vicky Hurst 34 34 68 Mindy Kim 35 33 68 BeckyMorgan 33 35 68 AnnaNordqvist 32 36 68 Gerina Piller 37 31 68 Nicole Castrate 35 34 69 NicoleHage 34 35 69 Mina Harigae 35 34 69 Katy Harris 32 37 69 DandieKung 37 32 69 Mo Marlin 37 32 69 JenniferRosales 35 34 69 So YeonRyu 33 36 69 SarahJaneSmith 35 34 69 Alison Walshe 34 35 69 AmyYang 35 34 69 IreneCho 36 34 70 TaylorCoutu 34 36 70 VeronicaFeliberl 35 35 70 Maria Hjorlh 35 35 70
P c fPF PA .50 0 .50 0 .50 0 .50 0
0 0 0 0
58 52 45 63
55 33 43 65
South W L T Houston Indianapolis Tennessee Jacksonville
2 I 0 0
0 I 2 2
P c fPF PA 0 1. 0 0057 17 0 .50 0 44 61 0 .00 0 23 72 0 .00 0 30 53
North W L T
P c fPF PA
I I I 0
.50 0 .50 0 .50 0 .00 0
I I I 2
0 0 0 0
67 47 46 43
37 71 41 51
West W L T P c fPF PA 2 0 0 1.0 0 0 60 24
S an Diego Denver I I 0 .50 0 52 KansasCit y 0 2 0 .000 41 Oakland 0 2 0 .00 0 27 NATIONALCONFERENCE East W L T P c fPF Philadelphia 2 0 0 1. 0 0041 N.Y. Giants 2 I 0 .66 7 94 Dallas I I 0 .50 0 31 Washington I I 0 .50 0 68 South W L T P c fPF Atlanta 2 0 0 1. 0 0067 TampaBay I I 0 .50 0 50 Carolina I 2 0 .33 3 52 NewOrleans 0 2 0 .00 0 59 North W L T P c fPF I I 0 .50 0 45 I I 0 .50 0 46 I I 0 .50 0 46 I I 0 .50 0 51 West W L T P c fPF Arizona 2 0 0 1. 0 0040 San Francisco 2 0 0 1. 0 0057 St. Louis I I 0 .50 0 54 Seattle I I 0 .50 0 43
46 75 57 PA 39 65 44 63 PA 45 51 79 75 PA 40 50 46 44 PA 34 41 55 27
Thursday's Game N.Y. Giants36, Carolina 7
Sunday's Games
TampaBayat Dallas, 10a.m. St. Louis atChicago,10a.m. San FranciscoatMinnesota, 10a.m. Detroit atTennessee,10a.m. KansasCityat NewOrleans, 10a.m. Cinc innatiatWashington,10a.m. N.Y. Jetsat Miami, 10a.m. Buffalo atCleveland,10a.m. Jacksonville atIndianapolis, 10a.m. PhiladelphiaatArizona, I:05 p.m. Atlanta atSanDiego, I:05 p.m. Pittsburghat Oakland, I:25p.m. Houstonat Denver,I:25p.m. NewEnglandat Baltimore, 5:20p.m.
Monday's Game
GreenBayatSeatle, 5:30p.m.
Thursday's Summary
Giants 36, Carolina 7
Schedule All Times POT
(Subject Io change) Today's Games EAST
Georgetown at Princeton,4 p.m. SOUTH
Baylor atLouisianaMonroe,5p.m.
SecondQuarter NYG A.Brown I run(Tyneskick), 12:03. NYG FG Tynes 49, 3:13. Third Quarter NYG FG Tynes 30, 12:49. Car Newton I run(Medlockkick), 6:25.
France,63, 60.
6 2, 6 0. Maria Jose MartinezSanchez,Spain, def. Nadia
Pac-12 Sfandlngs All Times POT North Conf.
10 00 00 00 00 00
30 30 10 21 21 12
South Conf.
00 00 00 00 00 01
30 30 21 21 03 21
Stanford Oregon OregonState Washington Washington Slate California
UCLA ArizonaState Utah Colorado USC
Saturday's Games OregonStateat UCLA, 12:30p.m. Colorado atWashington State, I p.m. California atUSC,3p.m. Utah atArizonaState, 7p.m. ArizonaatOregon, 7:30p.m. StanfordatWashington, 6p.m.
Saturday, Sept. 29
ArizonaStateat Cal,TBA OregonStaleatArizona TBA UCLAatColorado,TBA OregonatWashington State,TBA
Betting line NFL
(Home teams lnCaps) Favorite Opening Current Underdog Sunday
85 7 7 3 4 3 95 3 3 4 3 2 5 3
7 7 65 35 3 25 9 3 3 35 3 25 4 3
Eastern Conference W L T S porting KansasCity 16 7 6 Chicago 15 8 5 NewYork 14 8 7 D.C. 14 10 5 Houston 1 2 7 10 Columbus 13 10 6 Montreal 12 15 3 NewEngland 7 15 7 Philadelphia 7 14 6 TorontoFC 5 17 7
Pfs GF GA 54 37 25 50 40 33 49 49 42 47 46 39 46 41 34 45 35 35 39 44 49 28 36 40 27 26 32 22 32 51
Western Conference
Thursday, Sept. 27
Pfs GF GA 57 60 35 Seattle 48 44 29 Los Angeles 46 50 40 RealSaltLake 46 38 33 Vancouver 37 29 38 FC Dallas 36 35 38 Colorado 29 36 43 Portland 29 30 49 ChivesUSA 28 21 44 NOTE: Threepoints for victory, onepoint for tie. x clinchedplayoffberth
x SanJose
Ram s Bucs
W L T 17 6 6 13 6 9 14 11 4 14 11 4 10 12 7 9 12 9 9 18 2 7 14 8 7 14 7
Thursday'sGame D.C. Unrted I, Phrladelphra0
Saturday's Games SportingKansasCity at Montreal, 1030am. NewYorkat NewEngland, 4:30p.m.
PortlandatReal Salt Lake, 5p.m.
Columbus atChicago,5:30p.m. DOLPHINS San Jose at Seatle FC,7:30p.m. Chiefs Toront oFC atLosAngeles,7:30p.m. BROWNS
Jaguars CARDS
Falcons BRONCO S RAIDERS Patriots
Eastern Conference
W L Pcf GB x Connecticut 24 9 727 x Indiana 2 0 1 2 625 3/v Baylor 75 7 UL MONRE O x Atlanta 19 14 576 5 Saturday 14 19 424 10 WAKEFOREST 75 7 Army NewYork 13 20 394 11 FLORIDA ST 13 14. 5 Clemson Chicago Washi n gton 5 2 7 156 Hy/v S Florida 11 9.5 BALL ST Western Conference DUKE 21 23. 5 Memphis W L Pcf GB MICHIGAN ST 32.5 33 EMichigan 26 6 813 VA TECH 19 18 BowlingGreen z Minnesota x Los Angel e s 2 4 1 0 706 3 IOWA 17 15. 5 CMichigan 20 12 625 6 OHIOST 37.5 37 Uab x SanAntonio 14 18 438 12 NCAROLINA 14.5 17 ECarolina x Seattle 9 2 3 281 17 PENNST 9 75 Temple Tulsa Phoeni x 7 2 5 219 19 WVIRGINIA 28 26. 5 Maryland playoffspot WISCONSIN 1 6 17. 5 Utep x clinched MIAMI OHIO 2 6.5 2 5 . 5 Massachusetts zclinchedconference GEORGIA 13.5 16 Vanderbilt Thursday's Games Utah St 14 13 COLORADO ST ARKANSAS 7 85 Rutgers Atlanta75,Chicago66 Tulsa78,NewYork 66 TULSA 6 6 Fresno St Marshall 25 3 RICE LosAngeles92,Minnesota76 Today'sGames NILLINOIS 9.5 9.5 Kansas OREGON 24 22. 5 Arizona IndianaatWashington, 4p.m. Minnesota at Phoenix, 7p.m. UCLA 1 1.5 7 OregonSt TCU 1 6.5 1 8 .5 Virginia San AntonioatSeattle, 7 p.m. USC 16 16. 5 California WASH ST 18 20 Colorado DEALS Lsu 1 7.5 2 0 .5 AUBURN GA TECH 13.5 14 Miami Florida Transactions IDAHO 1.5 (W) 2.5 Wyoming FLORIDA 24.5 24 Kentucky BASEBALL Connecticut I 1.5 WMICHIGAN AmericanLeague SCAROLIN A 10 10 Missouri KANSASCITYROYALS Si gnedaplayerdevelop NOTREDAME 6.5 5.5 Michigan ment contractwith Lexington(SAL)through the 2016 MINNESO TA 2 PK Syracuse season. OKLAHOM A 13.5 14 Kansas St National League NMEXICOST 7 65 NewMexico COLORADOROCKIES Rei nstated LHP JorgeDe TENNES SEE 35 33 Akron La Rosafromthe 60day DL. TransferredLHPChris 15 18. 5 TULANE tian Friedrich tothe 60day DL. M is sissippi ILLINOIS 2 25 La Tech HOUSTON ASTROS AcquiredLHPTheronGeith ARIZONA ST 7 7 Utah from Tampa Bayas theplayer tobenamed later inthe SAN DIEGO ST 3 3 San Jose St August 31trade involving OFBen Francisco. Air Force 12 10. 5 UNLV FOOTBALL Nevada 10 85 HAWAII National Football League ALABAMA 50.5 50 Fla Atlantic GREENBAY PACKERS Sig ned CB James Nixon WKENTUC KY 25 4 So Miss to the practicesquad. Troy PK 1.5 N. Texas SAN DIEGOCHARGERS Signe d WR Marques Louisville 1 2.5 1 3 .5 FLA INT'L Clark. MISS ST 35 34. 5 SAlabama TAMPABAYBUCCANEERS Re signed WRTi WWyomingopened as thefavorite quanUnderwood.ReleasedWRPrestonParker. COLLEGE DAVIDSON Named JoeyBeefer sports informa tion director. TENNIS FAIRLEIGH DICKINSON Named Thiago Dualiby men's andwomen'sassistanttenni scoach. Professional FAYETTE VILLE STATE Named Kevin Wilson assistant athletics director for development 8 mar Moselle Open keting. Thursday TEXAS ASM KINGSVILLE Announced theresig Af Les Arenes deMefz nation of director ofathletics BrianDeAngelis. Named Mefz, France D. ScottGinesinterim director of athletics. Purse: $590,700 IWT250) TEXAS TECH Announcedthe resignation of Billy Surface: Hard-Indoor Gigispie men'sbasketball coach. Singles
Hometeamsln Caps) Today
Second Round Ivo Karlovic, Croatia, def. MarcelGranollers (3), Spain,7 6(3),2 2retired. Jesse Levine,UnitedStates, def. Michael Berrer, Germany,6 3, 36, 6 0. Andreas Seppi (5), Italy,def.VincentMigot, France, 6 2,61.
10 10 6 10 — 36 0 0 7 0 — 7
NYG FG Tynes 47,3:46.
France,64, 63.
Urszula Radwanska(4), Poland, def. Chanelle Scheepers (5), SouthAfrica, 6 I, 7 5. Hsieh Suwei, Taiwan, def. Mathilde Johansson,
Thursday Af Olympic Park Seoul, South Korea Purse: $220,000 Ilnfl. I Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Second Round Caroline Wozniacki (I), Denmark,def. Caroline GarciaFrance,6 2,6 3. KlaraZakopalova(7), CzechRepublic, def. Magda lena Rybarikova, Slovakia 6 I, 7 6 (6). Ekaterina Makarova (8,), Russia, def. Jamie Hampton,UnitedStates6 3, 75. VarvaraLepchenko(6), UnitedStates, def. Anabel MedinaGarrigues,Spain6 4,6 1. TamiraPaszek,Austria, def. LeeSo ra, SouthKorea,
SOUTH Ark. PineBluff 24, AlabamaSt. 21 MIDWEST Wis. Plattevige49,Wis. EauClaire19 FAR WEST Boise St. 7,BYU6
NikolayDavydenko(8), Russia,def.GigesMuller, Luxembourg, 75, 6 4. First Quarter Gael Monfils (7), France, def. Nicolas Mahut, NYG Bennett 14 pass from Manning (Tynes France, 7 (4), 6 7 5. Philipp Kohlschreiber (2), Germany,def. Benoit kick), 11:38. N.y. Giants Carolina
GuangzhouInternational Open Thursday Af Tlanhe SportsCenter Guangzhou,China Purse: $220,000 Ilnfl. I Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Quarferflnals SoranaCirstea(3), Romania, def.Alize Cornet(8),
Korea Open
Thursday's Games
Texans Steelers
6 2, 6 7 (5), 63. RicardasBerankis, Lithuania,def.JurgenZopp (8), Estonia, 6 3,retired. Daniel Gimeno Traver, Spain, def. Lukasz Kubot, Poland, 6 4, 7 (5). 6 Roberlo BautistaAgut, Spain, def. TeimurazGab ashvili, Russia,6 3,6 4. Marlin Klizan (3), Slovakia, def. Simone Bolegi, Italy,6 3,6 3. Mikhail Youzhny (I), Russia, def. RajeevRam , United States, 6 I, 6 4. GuigermoGarciaLopez(7), Spain, def. Paolo Lorenzi, Italy, 6 I, 3 I, retired.
LauraRobson,Britain, def. PengShuai (7), China,
Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles SecondRound Fabio Fognini (4), Italy, def. Sergiy Stakhovsky, Ukraine, 7 (4), 6 6 4. Flavio Cipoga,Italy, def. GregaZemlja, Slovenia,
75,5 7,6 2.
East W L T
24 22 405 327 29 125 20 60 280 267 16 10 I 19 6 1 26 3 61 00 28 37 0 19 33 3 2 12 22 1 2 38.0 3 41.7 10 22 5 38 3 22 36:10 2 3:50
Purse: $8 million yardage: 7,319; Par70(35-35) First Round
Louis Oosthuizen Rickie Fowler WebbSimpson Carl Pettersson Luke Donald John Senden Ernie Els Lee Westwood John Huh Nick Watney
NYG FG Tynes 36,:50.
Af East Lake Golf Club Atlanta
Rory Mcgroy Keegan Bradley JasonDufner
70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 70 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 71 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 73 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 75 76 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 78 78 78 78 79 80 80 82 84
Tour Championship Thursday
Justin Rose TigerWoods Scott Piercy Bo VanPelt Matt Kuchar SteveStricker HunterMahan AdamScott RobertGarrigus Zach Johnson BrandtSnedeker RyanMoore Jim Furyk BubbaWatson SergioGarcia Dustin Johnson Phil Mickelson
35 35 35 35 34 36 34 36 35 35 34 36 35 35 36 34 35 35 35 35 34 36 36 34 36 35 35 36 35 36 36 35 35 36 37 34 36 35 37 34 33 38 35 36 36 35 36 35 37 34 35 36 36 35 36 35 35 36 36 35 35 36 36 35 36 35 34 38 37 35 35 37 36 36 37 35 37 35 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 35 36 36 36 36 38 35 36 37 35 38 34 39 37 36 36 37 34 39 35 38 36 37 35 38 34 39 38 36 38 36 40 34 37 37 36 38 35 39 33 41 37 37 37 37 36 38 38 36 38 36 36 38 36 38 41 34 36 39 37 38 36 39 37 38 37 38 38 37 40 35 39 36 37 39 40 36 36 40 37 39 38 38 36 41 40 37 39 38 39 39 42 36 37 41 37 41 36 43 39 41 41 39 39 43 39 45
Paire, France, 6 2, I 6, 6 1.
Sf. PetersburgOpen Thursday Af SCCPeferburgsky Sf. Petersburg, Russia Purse: $468,350IWT250)
FISH COUNT Upstreamdaily movement of adult chinook, jack chinook, steelheadandwild steelheadat selected Co lumbia Riverdamslast updatedonWednesday. Chnk Jchnk Sflhd Wsflhd B onneville 6,088 3,243 1,603 443 T he Dages 4,975 3,405 2,298 5 7 2 J ohn Day 5,132 3,606 1,898 5 6 5 M cNary 7 ,406 1 ,757 2,923 8 3 0 Upstream yearto datemovement ofadult chinook, jack chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonWednesday. Chnk Jchnk Sflhd Wsflhd Bonneville 531,170 103,444 210,512 78,187 The Dages 357,635 81,517 157,915 57,810 John Day 287,922 68,513 107,410 42,596 McNary 271,454 32,697 93,381 33,738
Woods, Rose
College football • Ne. 24 Boise State holds eff BYU 7-6:Nose tackle Mike Atkinson returned an intercep tion 36 yards for a touchdown and No. 24 Boise State held off BYU 7-6 on Thursday night in Boise, Idaho, in a game domi nated by defense. Boise State
share early 0
(2-1) forced five turnovers and held the Cougars (2-2) to 200 total yards. The Boise State offense wasn't that much bet ter, managing 261 total yards. Atkinson's big play came early in the third quarter when he dropped back into coverage, picked off Riley Nelson's short pass and rumbled into the end zone. Nelson was benched after throwing his third inter ception of the game on BYU's next possession. Freshman Taysom Hill replaced Nelson, and late in the fourth quarter led the Cougars to their lone score. Hill scored on a 2-yard run with 3:37 to go, but his pass attempt on the 2-point conversion was deflected and fell incomplete in the end zone.
• Arkansas' QB cleared te return against Rutgers: Arkansas coach John L. Smith says quarterback Tyler Wilson has been cleared by doctors to return to action. Wilson, last season's first-team All-South eastern Conference quarter back, missed the Razorbacks' 52-0 loss to No. 1 Alabama last week. The senior was injured late in the first half against Louisiana-Monroe the week before, a game Arkansas lost in overtime after leading by 21 points in the third quarter.
Arkansas hosts Rutgers (3-0) on Saturday.
Winter sports • Filing saysU.S. speed skater ordered te tamper: U.S. speedskater Simon Cho allegedly tampered with the skates of a Canadian rival at last year's world short track team speedskating champion ships in Poland on the orders of his coach, according to an arbitration filing. The charge is contained in the filing on behalf of 13 U.S. short track skaters seeking to have coach Jae Su Chun dismissed from his job as head coach of the national team. They allege that Chun allegedly asked Cho to sabotage a Canadian skater. Chun has yet to respond to the allegations in the request for arbitration document filed Tuesday. According to the fil ing, Cho later told a teammate in a written message,"It is my darkest secret and I regret it." Cho won a bronze medal in the
2010 Vancouver Oly
Basketball • Gillispie resigns asTexas Tech basketball coach:Texas Tech men's basketballcoach Billy Gillispie has resigned due to health concerns, the school said Thursday, ending a bizarre and disappointing one-year run at the program he took over with designs on building a West Texas powerhouse. The school and fans had hoped the 52-year-old Gillispie could or chestrate another remarkable turnaround like the ones he put together at UTEP and Texas AB M. Instead, after being out of coaching for two years, he led the Red Raiders to an 8-23 record last season that includ ed just one Big 12 victory.
• Warriors' Currymedically cleared te play:Golden State Warriors point guard Stephen Curry has received full medical clearance to resume all bas ketball-related activities. The announcementby theteam Thursday comes after Curry's surgically repaired right ankle was examined again by Dr. Richard Ferkel in Van Nuys, Calif. Curry missed 40 games last season because of re peated problems with his right ankle. Curry averaged career lows of 14.7 points, 5.3 assists and 3.4 rebounds last season.
• Suns' Frye eutwith enlarged heart:Phoenix
Suns forward Charming Frye will be out indefinitely after a preseason physical revealed an enlarged heart. The Suns said Frye has developed a dilated cardiomyopathy, a condition discovered during an echocardiogram by team car diologist Dr. Tim Byrne. Dilated cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscle, primarily af fecting the left ventricle, which becomes enlarged and can' t pump blood to the body with as much force as a healthy heart, according to mayoclinc. corn. — From wire reports
lead in Atlanta
'V. a ~lii' / Tom Gannami The Associated Press
Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III runs with the ball during the first quarter of a game against the St.Louis Rams on Sunday. The Redskins have scored 68 points in tw o games; NFL teams have com bined to score 1,556 points through Sunday, the most ever scored in the NFL over a two-week span.
'saeria irewor S S OWCOn inueSuna a e By Arnie Stapleton The Associated Press
With last year's lockout a dis tant memory, defenses had a full offseason tobetter prepare for the league's high-octane offenses. Yet, the NFL's mighty scoring machine roars on. Teams have combined for 1,556 points so far, the most ever scored over a two-week span in league history. "I guess it's good for people' s fantasy teams," said Detroit Lions defensive end Cliff Avril. Last year, there were 1,502 points scored over the first two weeks on the heels of the lockout that ended just in time for a crash course in training camp. This year, teams had all offseason, if fewer padded practices, to gel. Not that it's paid off for defenses. The rules and regulations that govern pro football have long tilted toward offense, resulting in an aer ial fireworks show that's good for ratings — of both the television and quarterback variety. Add to that a n e ruption this season of spread offenses and the no-huddle and you get panting pass-rushers and mismatches with smaller defenders trapped on the field to face towering tight ends and taller receivers who no longer think twice about going over the middle, certain they' ll get the ball or the call. Delivering those pinpoint passes are ever sharper quarterbacks. Six passers so far own a completion percentage of 70 percent or better, led by Minnesota's Christian Pon der at 75.8 percent, and four more quarterbacks are within an eyelash of that lofty new benchmark. The overall completion percent age so far is 62.6 percent. The NFL record for a season is 61.2 percent, set in 2007, according to STATS LLC. "What this league has turned into is a spread 'em out passing league," said New York Jets defen sive lineman Mike DeVito. Three yards and a cloud of dust is out. Now, it's more like 15 yards and move the chains. "That's what fans want to see: 'Oh my God, he had 187 receiv ing yards.' They don't want to see, 'Man, the defense held them to 67 yards the whole game,' " said
Chiefs cornerback Stanford Routt. "They want to see running backs and wide receivers dancing in the end zone." Defenses simply got too good for their own good. "The three yards and a cloud of dust philosophy is much harder to make work because you can put guys in the box and make it really hard to get those three yards," Chiefs coach Romeo Crennel said. "So offenses are saying, 'Rather than beat our heads against the wall, let's spread it out where may be I can get a matchup that's more space for one guy to work against another guy, and now if I make a play, that three yards becomes 15.' "And it would have taken me four plays to get that. Now I can get it in one." With f ou r r e ceivers running downfield and six men blocking, "the quarterback has all day to throw," Broncos safety Mike Ad ams said. "And then you' ve got freak athletes like Calvin Johnson now. They blow it up." When receivers are c overed d ownfield, th e q u a rterback i s checking down to the runningback who used to make a living pound ing the ball between the tackles but now catches a break sometimes by hauling in the short, high-percent age passes for bigger gains and less punishment. T he p r oliferation o f po i n t s really starts with the almighty dol lar, suggests former NFL player and head coach Herm Edwards, now an ESPN analyst. "You' re not going to pay a quar terback $15 million and tell him to turn around and hand the ball off," Edwards said. "You' re not going to pay the left tackle $8 million to run block. "So, let's not lose sight of the math." Or the replacement officials, for that matter. There have been 45 pass interfer ence flags thrown so far, compared with 31 through two weeks last year, 24 in 2010 and 18 in 2009, ac cording to STATS LLC. So, drives are staying alive. Even though they' re throwing plenty of flags, the replacements are also letting a lot of contact go, Edwards said. "It's great. I love watching it be cause they' re letting them play
football," he said. "They' re hitting receivers downfield a l i ttle lon ger, they' re holding onto to them, the receivers are pushing, corners grabbing a little bit. That's how the game used to be played." Other players point to the dearth of flags for offensive holding, al though L i ons d efensive tackle Ndamukong Suh isn't so sure the regular officials would do things any differently. "Holding has always been a part of this game and I' ve known that since an early age. At this level, as well as the college level, it's seldom called," Suh said. "It's just a part of the game." Nobody seems to expect the scoring will slow down anytime soon. Las Vegas casinos predict this weekend's NFL games will be the h ighest-scoring ever t h anks t o the replacement officials. Odds makers say casinos are changing their expectations as the rookie officials add new variables to the game, changing its pace and the approaches taken by players and coaches alike. Gambling expert RJ Bell of Pre game.corn says casinos expect an average of 46.1 points per game for Week 3 — the highest projected to tal ever for Las Vegas casinos. Edwards said t h i s o f f ensive explosion is bound to slow down eventually. He noted that defenders are just starting to build up their stamina after playing sparingly in the preseason, and they' ll adjust. And when the weather changes, the game will, too, he said. "When the leaves fall off t he trees and it gets a little colder, it slows down," Edwards said. "Guys get banged up and it's a long sea son. Early now, if you play spread offense, you' ve got a chance. Guys aren't in condition, keep the de fense on the field. But it's like any thing else, the great thing about football, we all adjust." Denver defensive coordinator Jack Del Rio isn't so sure the pen dulum will ever swing all the way back. "The way some of the rules have been put in place, I think they' re definitely there with the idea of making the game a little more ex citing and to create some scoring," Del Rio said. "But we' re going to do all we can to battle that."
The Associated Press ATLANTA — In the one week Tiger Woods had away from golf during the Fed Ex Cup play offs, Nick Faldo said he had lost his aura, Greg Norman said he was intimidated by Rory Mc Ilroy and Johnny Miller claimed that Woods once wanted lessons from him. "Nice week, huh?" Woods said, grinning. Even better was to be back on the course Thursday at the Tour Championship, where Woods had the final word for at least one day. He kept the ball in play at East Lake, chipped in for one of his six birdies and wound up with a 4-under 66 for a share of the lead with Justin Rose. It was the first step toward what Woods hopes is a third FedEx Cup title, and another $10 million bonus. "I probably could have gotten a couple more out of it," Woods said about his opening round. "But I was probably right on my number." Mcllroy, playing with Woods for the fifth time in these FedEx Cup playoffs, got up-and down from short of the par-3 18th hole for a 69. Mcllroy is trying to become the first player since Woods in 2006 to win three straight PGA Tour events in the same season, and he wasn' t overly alarmed by his start. "Wish I could have shot a couple shots bet ter," Mcllroy said. "But I'm in a good position going into tomorrow." The week began with Norman saying that Woods was intimidated by Mcllroy, a sugges tion that both players found amusing. While it' s doubtful that inspired Woods, he played as if he wasn't ready to let Mcllroy win a third straight playoff event and capture the Fed Ex Cup. Mcllroy, who has won three of his past four tournaments, and Woods are among the top five seeds at East Lake who only have to win the Tour Championship to claim the largest payoff in golf. Woods wasn't interested in what anyone else was doing. "Just winning," he said. "Winning takes care of everything." Jack Nicklaus even weighed in on Norman's comments to FoxSports.corn. Nicklaus was do ing a radio interview with ESPN 980 in Wash ington when told about Norman's remarks that Mcllroy intimidated Woods. Nicklaus said play fully, "Quiet, Greg. Quiet. Down, boy." "I think Tiger has a lot of wins left in him," Nicklaus said. "He does have a lot more com petition. During the couple of years when Tiger wasn't really there, all of a sudden you have Rory Mcllroy, Keegan Bradley and I could prob ably name a half-dozen other guys that have all won and learned how to win in Tiger's absence. They' re not scared of him anymore." Rose, who hasn't won since the World Golf Championship at D oral i n M a r ch, swiftly moved up the leaderboard late in his round with three birdies over the last five holes, and the last one was memorable. From the back of the green on the par-3 18th, Rose faced a 50-foot putt with some 20 feet ofbreak from right to left. It looked wide the whole way until it snapped back to ward the cup. Equally impressive was chipping in from some 20 yards short of the 14th green for the birdie that started his big run. Scott Piercy ran off three straight birdies late in his round until he stumbled in the rough be hind the 18th green and finished with a double bogey for a 67, tied with Steve Stricker, Matt Kuchar and Bo Van Pelt. Stricker was the only player in the 30-man field without a bogey. Hunter Mahan appeared to snap out of his funk from missing out on the Ryder Cup with a 68, tied with a group that included Brandt Snedeker, who is among the top five seeds. The others are Phil Mickelson, who opened with a 69, and Nick Watney, who brought up the rear with a 75. Also on Thursday: Teen Thompson fires 63 to lead on LPGA Tour PRATTVI LLE, Ala. — Lexi Thompson made a little more history in the Navistar LPGA Clas sic, opening her title defense with a career-best 9-under 63 to match the tournament record. Last year, Thompson became the youngest champion in LPGA Tour history at age 16, win ning by five strokes. Fifteen-year-old amateur Lydia Ko broke the record last month in the Ca nadian Women's Open. Lizette Salas and Hee Young Park were tied for second at 65.
Giants roll to victory overPanthers By Aaron Beard
with a neck injury. Ramses Barden caught nine passes for a career CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Eli Man high 138 yards in his first NFL ning didn't need a s cintillating start in place of Hakeem Nicks. fourth quarter comeback Thurs M anning completed 27 of 3 5 day night. p asses for 288 yards with o n e The two-time Super Bowl cham touchdown and no interceptions. pion quarterback, running back Cam Newton struggled all night Andre Brown and the rest of the and was pressured into three inter New York Giants were too good ceptions. The Panthers (1-2) had for the first three quarters to need five turnovers, including two by one. returner Joe Adams. Brown ran for a career-high 113 Mixing run and pass, the Giants yards and two touchdowns in his dominated the opening half, out first NFL start and the Giants rout gaining the Panthers 303-125. ed the Carolina Panthers 36-7. M anning completed 19 of 2 5 Four days after rallying from 14 passes for 208 yards in the first points down to beat Tampa Bay, half, including a 14-yard touch the Giants dominated the first half, down pass to Martellus Bennett scoring on their first four posses to cap the Giants' game-opening sions to build a 20-0 lead. drive and set the tone. It capped The defending champion Giants an eight-play, 80-yard drive and (2-1) were without three starters marked the third straight game the but it hardly mattered. Panthers have given up a touch Brown got the start in place of down on an opponent's first drive. Ahmad Bradshaw, who sat out Brown repeatedly bounced off The Associated Press
tacklers and Barden had little trou ble getting open against a Caro lina defense that failed to pressure Manning. Brown ran 13 times for 71 yards and a touchdown last week against Tampa Bay and surpassed that to tal by the end of the first quarter with 77 yards on seven carries. Barden had 123 yards on seven catches at halftime. B efore Thursday n i g ht, t h e fourth-year receiver had n ever managed more than nine catches for 94 yards receiving in a season. Any hopes that the Panthers would turn things around in the second half were slowed when rookie returner Adams fumbled trying to catch the opening kick off, resulting in another field goal for Lawrence Tynes. The Panthers didn't get on the board until midway through the third quarter when Newton leaped over the pile from a yard out.
John Bazemorei The Associated Press
Tiger Woods acknowledges the galleryafter making a putt for birdie on the third hole dur ing first round of the Tour Championship in Atlanta on Thursday.
AL Boxscores
Rays 7, RedSox4 Boston
Am erican Leag ue
AB R H BI 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 4 I I I 4 I 2 I 4 0 2 I 0 0 0 0 3 0 I 0 4 0 0 0 4 0 I 0 4 2 3 I 37 4 10 4
Ciriaco cf Effsburycf Pedroia2b C.Rossdh Lavarnway c M.Gomezlb Loney lb Aviles 3b Navarf Podsedniklf Iglesiasss Totals
Tampa Bay AB R De.Jennings lf 5 2 B.Upton cf 5 I Zobrtst ss 3 0 Longoria 3b 4 0 Joyce rf 4 I Keppinger2b 4 I
BB SO Avg. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 1
I I 0 I I I 0 I 2 0 0 6
. 2 94 . 2 77 . 2 86 . 2 74 .1 7 7 . 3 09 . 2 53 .2 5 0 . 2 38 . 2 95 . 1 28
NewYork Baltimore TampaBay Boston Toronto
Chicago Detroit
KansasCity Cleveland Minnesota
W L 86 63 85 64 80 70 68 83 66 82 W L 81 68 79 70 68 81 62 88 62 88
H B l BB SO Avg. 3 2 0 I .253 W L 2 3 0 0 .250 Texas 89 60 0 I 0 0 .26 5 Oakland 85 64 I 0 0 I .276 Los Angeles 81 69
I 0 0 0 I 0 0 I Scottdh 3 0 I 0 I 0 C.Pena lb 3 0 I I I I I Thompson pr 0 I 0 0 0 0 J.Molina c 2 0 0 0 0 0 a R.Roberts ph I 0 0 0 0 0 Lobatonc 0 0 0 0 0 0 b Vogtph 0 0 0 0 I 0 2 E.Johnson pr 0 I 0 0 0 0 Totals 34 7 10 7 3 4 Boston 000 002 011 — 4
.24 9 .321 .223 .196 .09 5 .20 5 .21 4 .22 8 .00 0 .24 3
Seattle 70 80 z clinchedplayoffberth
East Division Pct GB WCGB L10 Str .577 82 W5 .570 I 73 W4 533 ty/2 5I/2 3 7 W 2 .450 19 18 5 5 L 2 .446 19'/v I ty/v 3 7 L 3 Central Division Pct GB WCGB L10 Str .544 64 L2 .530 2 6 64 Ll .456 13 17 6 4 W 2 .413 19'/v 23/v 3 7 W l .413 19'/v 23/v 4 6 L I West Division Pct GB WCGB L10 Str .597 64 W2 .570 4 64 W I 540 ty/2 4I/2 4 6 L 2 ,467 19i/v 15i/v 3 7 L 4
IP H R ERBBSO NP ERA Buchholz 7 4 0 0 2 4 94 4.16 TazawaH,4 I I I I 0 0 13 1.62 A .BaileyL, I I 1 3 4 5 5 I 0 28 6.75 Padiffa 0 I I I 0 0 4 4 79 Tampa Bay IP H R ERBB SO NP ERA Price 7 138 3 3 I 7 119 2.58 W.Davis 23 I 0 0 0 I 9 2 60 Howell 2 3 I I I 0 0 11 3.08 B adenhopW,22 13 0 0 0 0 0 3 3.10 Padiffapitchedto I batter inthe 9th. T 3:12. A 12,963 (34,078).
Athletics 1 2,Tigers 4 AB R H BI 5 0 0 0 4 I 0 0 4 I I I 4 2 I I 4 0 0 0 0 I 0 I 4 3 3 4 5 2 3 2 5 I 2 2 3 I 2 0 36 12 12 11
S.Smith lf Donaldson3b Kottarasc Pennington2b
BB SO Avg. 0 I 0 I 0 I I 0 0 I 5
2 0 I 3 3 0 0 I I I 12
. 2 14 . 2 50 . 2 93 . 2 62 . 2 46 . 2 00 . 2 49 . 2 44 . 2 24 .2 1 5
Detroit AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. A.Jacksoncf 4 0 0 I 0 I .302 Infante2b 4 0 2 0 I 0 .25 5 Mi.Cabrera3b 4 I I 0 I I .333 Fielder lb D.Youngdh 4 Jh.Peralta ss 4 A.Garcia rf Dirks lf G.Laird c
3 0 I I I 0 .304 0 I 0 0 I .270 I I 0 0 0 .248 4 I 2 0 0 I .345 3 I 2 I 0 I .315 4 0 I I 0 I .285 Totals 3 4 4 11 4 3 6 Oakland 001 014 006 — 12 12 0 Detroit 020 011 000 — 4 11 1 E Infante (10).LOB Oakland5, Detroit 8. 2B
Moss (11), S.Smith(22), Donaldson(15), Infante 2 (6), Fielder (31). 3B Kottaras (I). HR S.Smith (14), off A.Sanchez; Dirks (7), off Blevins. SB Don aldson(4). DP Oakland1. Oakland IP H R E R BB SO NP ERA Milone 4 239 3 3 3 I 94 3.86 N eshek W,2 I I 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 055 BlevinsH,13 1 3 I I I 0 0 13 2.61 R .CookH,17 1 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 21 2.38 Doolittle H,13 I 0 0 0 0 2 14 3.26 Scribner I I 0 0 0 I 16 3.38 Detroit IP H R ERBBSO NP ERA A.SanchezL,36 5236 6 5 2 8 106 4.55 Coke 0 1 0 0 0 0 3 3.61 A lburquerque 2131 0 0 0 4 37 0.00 Dotel 2 3 2 4 4 2 0 20 3.76 Smyly 0 I 2 2 I 0 11 4.45 Putkonen I 3 I 0 0 0 0 4 525 Cokepitchedto I batter inthe6th. Smyly pitched to 2batters in the9th. T 3:14. A 34,635 (41,255).
Indians 4, Twins 3 (10 innings) Minnesota Spancf Revererf
AB R 5 0 5 I Mauer lb 4 0 Wiffinghamlf 5 0 Doumit c 4 0 Plouffe 3b 4 I I A.Casiffa pr2b 0 0 C.Herrmanndh 4 0 E.Escobar2b ss 4 0 Florimonss 2 I a Morneau ph 0 0 2 J.Carroff pr3b 0 0 Totals 37 3
H I I 0 I 0 2 0 0 0 I 0 0 6
BI I 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 2
BB SO Avg. 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 2
I I 0 2 2 0 0 2 I 0 0 0 9
. 2 89 . 2 92 . 3 21 . 2 61 . 2 78 . 2 38 . 2 28 . 0 00 . 2 03 . 2 40 . 2 74 . 2 61
Cleveland AB R H Bl BB SOAvg. Rottino rf 4 0 0 0 0 0 .11 1 b Chooph I I I 0 0 0 .276 Kipnis 2b 4 I I 0 I 0 .255 C .Santana dh 3 I 0 0 2 0 .25 2 Brantleycf 4 0 2 0 I 0 .283 Kotchman lb 5 I 3 2 0 0 .231 Liffibridge ss 3 0 I I 0 I .193 Hannahan3b 4 0 2 I 0 I .236 Neat lf 3 0 0 0 0 I .15 4 Carreralf I 0 0 0 0 0 .24 1 Marsonc 3 0 0 0 I 0 .22 3 Totals 35 4 10 4 5 3 Minnesota 0 0 0 111 000 0 — 3 6 0 Cleveland 0 0 0 201 000 1 — 4 10 2 Oneoutwhenwinning runscored. a was hit by a pitch for Florimon in the 9th. b doubledforRottino in the 10th. I ran for Plouffe in the9th. 2 ran for Morneauin the 9th.
E Hannahan(13), Liffibridge (8). LOB Min nesota 7, Cleveland9. 2B Span (36), Wiffingham (29), Choo(38), Kotchman(12). HR Plouffe (23),off Kluber. SB Revere (37). DP Minnesota3.
Minnesota Vasquez Waldrop BS, I I Fien Burton Swarzak L,3 5 Cleveland Kluber C.Affen Pestano C.Perez E.Rogers W, 3 I T 309.A
IP H R ERBBSO NP ERA 5 236 3 3 3 0 91 6.75 1 3 1 0 0 0 I 16 3.12 2 1 0 0 0 I 16 144 1 0 0 0 0 I 14 2.04 1 3 2 1 1 2 0 17 5.00 IP H R ERBBSO NP ERA 6 5 3 3 1 5 100 5.36 1 0 0 0 0 I 11 3.16 1 0 0 0 1 2 19 2.10 1 1 0 0 0 0 13 3.35 1 0 0 0 0 I 14 242 12,331(43,429).
Royais 4, White Sox3 Chicago De Aza lf Wise cf A.Dunn lb Rios rf Pierzynskic Youkilis 3b D.Johnsondh AI.Ramirezss Beckham 2b Totals
Kansas City Bourgeoiscf a Loughphcf A.Escobar ss A.Gordon lf Butler dh I J.Dysonpr
AB R H 5 I I 4 0 0 4 0 I 4 0 I 4 0 2 4 0 I 3 I 0 4 I 2 2 0 I 34 3 9 AB R 3 0 I 0 4 0 4 I 4 0 0 I
H 0 0 0 I 2 0
BI 0 I 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 2 BI 0 0 0 0 I 0
BB SO Avg. 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 1
0 I I I 0 0 0 I 0 4
. 2 79 . 2 77 . 2 11 . 3 00 . 2 82 . 2 31 . 3 57 . 2 69 . 2 39
BB SO Avg. 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 2 I 0 0
. 3 13 . 2 35 . 2 95 . 2 93 . 3 09 . 2 70
HomeAway 43 31 38 37 45 29 34 41 34 41 34 40 34 41 28 47 29 46 33 42
HomeAway 47 27 42 33 44 31 41 33 41 34 40 35 36 39 34 41
Today's Games Minnesota (Deduno 6 4) at Detroit (Porceffo 912),4:05 p.m. Oakland(J Parker11 8)at NYYankees (Sabathia 136), 4:05p.m. Baltimore(Mig.Gonzalez6 4)at Boston (Lester 912),4:10p.m. Toronto(Viffanueva7 5) at Tampa Bay (Shields 149), 4:10p.m.
Cleveland(M ast erson 1114)at Kansas
City (Mendoza79), 5:10p.m. ChicagoWhiteSox(Peavy 11 11)at L.A. Angels(E.Santana8 12), 7:05
46 29 40 34 42 32 43 32 41 34 39 36 33 43 35 40 36 38 30 44
Cleveland 4, Minnesota3, 10innings Oakland12,Detroit 4 N.Y.YankeesI 0,Toronto 7 Tampa Bay7,Boston 4 KansasCity4, ChicagoWhite Sox3 Texas 3,L.A.Angels I
10 1
E Effsbury (3), Price (3). LOB Boston 7, TampaBay 6. 2B C.Ross (33), Lavarnway(7), De.Jennings (19), B.Upton (26), Longoria (11), Scott (19). 3B M.Gomez (2). HR Iglesias (I), off Howell; B.Upton(24), off Padiffa. SB Scott (5), Thompson (6). DP Tampa Bayl.
Thursday's Games
Tampa Bay 0 0 0 000 016 — 7 10 1 Oneoutwhenwinning runscored. a flied out for J.Molina in the 7th. b walkedfor Lobaton inthe 9th. I ran for C.Penainthe 9th. 2 ran for Vogt in the
Oakland Drewss Reddickcf Cespedesdh Moss rf Carter lb Barton lb
Texas (M.Perez I I) at Seattle (Iwa kuma 65), 7:10p.m.
American League roundup •Yankees10, Blue Jays 7:NE W YORK — Streakin g IChirO SLIZLIki hit a gO-ahead, tVVO-FLIT) dOuble iit a SGVGIT-FLIT) fOurth inning CaPPed by NICk SVVISher'S grand slam, aitd the New York Yankees beat Toronto to open a one-game AL East lead over idle Baltimore. After struggling for much of the summer, the Yankees COmPleted a three-game SWeePOfthe Blue JayS aitd haVe VVOIT fiVe iit a FOVV , their lOngeSt Winning Streak since June 23-27. • Athtettcs12, Tigers 4:DETROIT — Seth Smith hOmered, dOubled aitd drOVe iit fOur runS, aitd Oaklandavoided a three-game sweep by beating DetrOit iit a matChuP Of AL PlayOff COI)teitderS. BOth teamS began the day iit SeCOndPlaCeiit their diViSiOnS, aitd Oakland held alt edge iit the Wild-Card race. • Rangers 3, Angels 1: ANAHEIM, Calif. — Adriait Beltre hit a tiebreakiitg tVVO-FLIT) hOmer Off AngelS CIOSer EFITG StOFrieri iit the ninth inning, aitd TeXaS dealt yet another blow to Los Angeles' fading playoff hOPeS. YLIDarVISh (16-9) held the AngelS tOfOur hitS aitd StruCk Otft nine iit a SCintillating eight-inning duel With ZGCkGreiitke, VyhOgaVe LIPfiVe hitS aitd StruCk Otft eight. • Rays 7, Red Sax 4:ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — B.J. UPtOn hit a game-ending, three-FLIT) hOmer Off VICeitte Padilla, CaPPing TamPa Bay'S SIX-FLIT) ninth inning aitd lifting the RayS tO aSOrely needed ViCtOry OVer Boston. Tampa Bay salvaged a split of the four-game SerieS aitd remained 5I/z gameS baCkOfOakland fOr the second AL wild-card slot. •Royats4,White Sax 3:KA NSAS CITY,Mo.— Alex RIOSVVG SthrOWn Otft at the Plate, AleXei RamireZ VVGS PiCked Off third baSe aitd the AL Central-leading ChiCagO White SOXagain failed tO COme LIPWith a ClutCh hit iit a lOSS tOKanSaS City. • Indians 4, Twins 3:CLEVELAND — Casey KOtChmait Singled With the baSeS lOaded iit the 10th inning, giving Cleveland a win over Minnesota.
S.Perezc 4 0 0 0 0 0 .30 0 Moustakas3b 4 I I 0 0 I .247 Francoeur rf 2 I 0 0 2 2 .23 3 Hosmer lb 4 0 I I 0 I .240 Giavote ff a2b 3 0 2 2 0 0 .241 Totals 33 4 7 4 2 7 Chicago 120 000 000 — 3 9 0 Kansas City 00 0 021 001 — 4 7 1 Twooutswhenwinning runscored. a poppedoutforBourgeoisin the8th. I ran for Butler inthe9th. E Guthrie (2). LOB Chicago 7, KansasCity 5. 2B Rios (36), Butler (27). 3B Giavoteffa (I). SB J.Dyson(27). Chicago IP H R E R BB SO ERA NP Liriano 5134 3 3 I 3 8 4 5.24 N.Jones BS,22 2131 0 0 0 2 3 0 2.52 Veal 1 3 0 0 0 0 I 3 0.7 7 C rainL,23 2 3 I I I I I 17 2 . 76 T hornton 0 I 0 0 0 0 3 3.2 1 KansasCity IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Guthrie 6 8 3 I I 4 10 7 3.00 Bueno I 0 0 0 0 0 6 2.0 3 Crow I 0 0 0 0 0 7 341 G.HoffandW,74 I I 0 0 0 0 11 2 .84 Thorntonpitchedto I batter inthe9th. T 2:41. A 14,710(37,903).
Rangers 3, Angels 1 Texas Kinsler 2b Andrusss Mi. Young 3b Beltre dh N.Cruzrf Dav. Murphylf Soto c Moreland lb Gentrycf Totals
AB R H 4 0 0 4 0 0 4 I 2 4 I I 4 I 2 4 0 I 3 0 I 3 0 0 3 0 0 33 3 7
BI 0 0 0 2 0 0 I 0 0 3
BB SO Avg. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 2 I I 0 I I I I 6
. 2 64 . 2 89 .2 7 7 . 3 16 . 2 59 . 3 08 . 2 11 .2 7 7 . 3 04
L os Angeles AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. Trout cf 4 0 0 0 0 2 .3 2 4 Tor.Hunter rf 4 0 0 I 0 I .30 5 Pujols lb 4 0 I 0 0 I .2 8 3 K.Moralesdh 4 0 0 0 0 I .27 6 Caffaspo3b 3 0 I 0 0 0 .2 5 2 H.Kendrick 2b 3 0 0 0 0 I .27 9 Aybarss 2 0 0 0 I I .29 4 Trumbolf 2 0 I 0 0 0 .2 6 5 I Bourjos pr 0 I 0 0 0 0 .2 2 7 VWeffs lf I 0 0 0 0 I .2 3 0 lannettac 3 0 2 0 0 I .2 5 4 Totals 30 1 5 1 1 9 Texas 000 010002 — 3 7 0 000 — 1 5 0 Los Angeles 0 0 0 001 I ran for Trumbo in the 6th. LOB Texas 4, LosAngeles3. 2B Pujols (44). HR Beltre (34),off Frieri. DP Texas2.
IP H R ERBBSO NP ERA DarvishW,169 8 4 I I I 9 108 3.90 NathanS,3436 I I 0 0 0 0 14 2.73 Los Angeles IP H R ER BBSO NP ERA Greinke 8 5 I I 0 8 109 3.51 FrieriL 32 I 2 2 2 0 0 15 2.63 T 2:39. A 38,205(45,957).
Yankees10, Blue Jays7 Toronto Lawrie 3b Rasmus cf McCoylf Encarnaciondh Lind lb Sierra rf K.Johnson 2b
AB R 5 0 3 I I 0 4 0 3 2 4 I 5 I
H I 0 0 2 I I 2
BI I 0 I 0 0 3 2
BB SO Avg. 0 0 0 I 2 0 0
2 I 0 I 0 3 2
. 2 74 . 2 26 . 1 80 .2 8 0 . 2 39 . 2 43 . 2 24
CapuanoL, 11 115 6 4 3 I 3 8 2 3.65 J .Wright I I 0 0 0 0 13 3.38 P.Rodriguez 2 3 0 0 0 I 2 1 5 2.08 Jansen 13 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 . 53 National League Choate I 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 . 11 East Division Sh. Toffeson 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 7 4 . 32 WL P c t G B WCGB L10 Str HomeAway Washington IP HR ER BB SO NPERA z Washington 91 58 .611 5 5 W I 4 6 28 45 30 DetwilerW,106 6 3 1 1 I 5 8 2 3.10 Atlanta 86 64 .5 7 3 5 ~/v 6 4 W I 4 3 32 43 32 C.Garcia H, 3 I 0 0 0 0 2 15 1.29 Phila delphia 76 74 .507 15~/v 4 7 3 W 3 38 37 3837 Mattheus H, 15 I I 0 0 0 0 13 2.49 NewYork 6 6 8 3 . 4 4 3 2 5 1 3 ~/v I 9 L 5 3 0 44 36 39 Storen S, 3 3 I 0 0 0 0 3 13 2.59 Miami 66 84 .440 25~/v 1 4 4 6 L I 35 40 31 44 T 2:55. A 30,359(41,487). Central Division WL P c t G B WCGB L10 Str HomeAway z Cincinnati 91 59 .607 73 W 4 4 7 284431 Brewers 9, Pirates 7 St. Louis 8 0 70 .533 1 1 5 5 W 4 46 29 34 41 Milwaukee 77 72 .517 13'/v 2/ v 8 2 W5 4 6 29 31 43 Milwaukee AB R H 6 I BB SO Avg. Pittsburgh 74 75 .497 I tz/v 5 '/ v 2 8 L 3 4 2 33 32 42 Aoki rf 6 2 2 I 0 I . 2 93 Chicago 58 92 .387 3 3 22 4 6 L 4 36 39 22 53 R.Weeks 2b 5 I I 2 I 2 . 2 32 Houston 48 102 .320 4 3 32 4 6 L 3 32 43 16 59 Braun lf 3 I 0 I I 0 . 3 11 West Division Ar. Ramirez 3b 5 2 3 3 0 0 . 2 97 WL P c t G B WCGB L10 Str HomeAway Hart lb 3 0 I 0 0 I . 2 78 San Francisco 87 63 .580 8 2 W 4 44 31 43 32 Ishikawalb I 0 0 0 I 0 . 2 55 Los Angeles 77 73 .513 1 0 3 3 7 L I 40 35 37 38 Lucroy c 4 0 I I 0 0 . 3 21 Arizona 74 75 .4 9 7 1 2/v 5~/v 6 4 L I 38 37 36 38 C.Gomez cf 5 2 3 0 0 I . 2 55 San Diego 7 2 7 8 . 48 0 1 5 8 73 WI 40 3 5 3243 Segurass 2 I I 0 2 0 . 2 74 Colorado 5 8 91 . 3 8 9 28~/v 2P/v 2 8 L 6 3 1 43 27 48 Fiers p I 0 0 0 0 I .1 0 0 a Farris ph I 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 00 Today's Games Thursday's Games Kintzlepr 0 0 0 0 0 0 St. Louis 5,Houston4 St. Louis(C.Carpenter0 0) at Chicago c T.Green ph 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 1 86 Cincinnati 5,ChicagoDubs3 Dubs (Volstad 310), 11:20a.m. d Bianchi ph I 0 0 0 0 0 . 1 75 San Diego6,Arizona5 Atlanta (Hanson12 8) at Philadelphia Loe p 0 0 0 0 0 0 San Francisco9,Colorado2 (K.Kendrick 911),4:05p.m. Veras p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Milwaukee 9, Pittsburgh 7 Milwaukee(Marcum5 4) at Washing M.Parrap 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 00 Washington 4, L.A.Dodgers I ton (E.Jackson 9 10), 4:05p.m. I Morganph I 0 0 0 0 0 . 2 44 Philadelphia16, N.Y. Mets I L.A. Dodgers(Blanton 9 13)atCincin FrRodriguez p 0 0 0 0 0 0 nati (Arroyo128), 4:10p.m. h L.Schaferph I 0 I I 0 0 . 3 33 Miami (Ja.Turner 12) at N.Y. Mets Axford p 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 00 (Niese 119), 4:10 p.m. Totals 39 9 13 9 5 6 Pittsburgh (Locke 01) at Houston (E.Gonzale2 z I), 5:05p.m. Pittsburgh A B R H B l BB SO Avg. Arizona (Miley 1510) at Colorado S.Marie lf 4 I 2 I I I .246 (D.Pomeranz I 9), 5:10p.m. Snider rf 4 I I I 0 0 .25 2 San Diego(C.Keffy2 I) at San Fran A.McCutchencf 5 I I 3 0 I .339 cisco (Vogelsong129), 7:15p.m. G.Jones lb 5 0 0 0 0 I .276 Walker2b 5 0 I 0 0 2 .27 7 PAlvarez3b 5 I 2 0 0 I .244 Barmesss 4 I 3 I 0 0 .230 Barajas c 2 0 I 0 I I .200 I d'Arnaud pr 0 I 0 0 0 0 .00 0 McKenry c I 0 0 0 0 0 .24 8 • Nattonats 4, Dodgers 1:WASHINGTON W .Rodriguez p I 0 I 0 0 0 .05 4 — Washington brought postseason baseball back b Presleyph I 0 0 I 0 0 .237 J .Hughes p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 tO the ItatiOIT'SCaPital fOr the firSt time SinCe 1933, Watsonp 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 earning a playoff spot with a win over the Los Angeles e Clement ph I 0 I 0 0 0 .15 8 2 J.Harrison pr 0 I 0 0 0 0 .23 1 the SCOrebOard aS DOdgerS."NatS ClinCh" flaShed OIT Griffi p 0 0 0 0 0 0 WaShingtOn enSured at leaSt alt NL Wild-Card SPOt Quaffsp 0 0 0 0 0 0 Resopp 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 behind ROSSDetyyiler'S SIX StrOng inningS aitd Ryan g Holtph I 0 0 0 0 I .30 4 Zimmermait'S RBI dOuble. Lerouxp 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 Totals 39 7 13 7 2 6 •Reds 5,Cubs 3:CH ICAGO — Cincinnatibecam e Milwaukee 301 000 041 — 9 131 the firSt team iit the majOrS tOClinCh a PlayOff SPOt Pittsburgh 003 103 000 — 7 13 2 a groundedout for Fiers in the 4th. b grounded thiS SeaSOn, beating the ChiCagOCtfbSWhile manager into a fielder's choicefor W.Rodriguezinthe 4th. c DuSty Baker remained iit a hOSPital after being was announced for Kintzler in the 6th. d fouledout diagnOSedWith alt irregular heartbeat. ACe JOhnny for T.Green in the6th. e doubledfor Watson in the 6th. I flied out for M.Parra in the 8th. g struck out CtfetO(18-9) aitd the NL Central leaderS enSured for Resop in the 8th. h singled for Fr.Rodriguezin themSelVeS Of at leaSt a Wild-Card SPOt. CinCinnati Ctft the 9th. I ran for Barajas in the6th. 2 ranfor Clementin itS magiC number tO tVVO fOr Winning the diViSiOn fOr the 6th. the SeCOndtime iit three yearS. E Segura(6), Barajas(6), Walker(9). LOB Mil waukee11,Pittsburgh 8. 2B Aoki (33), Ar.Ramirez • Phttttes16, Mets 1:NEW YORK — Jimmy (46), Lucroy (15), Clement (I). 3B R.Weeks(4). ROIIIITSaitd ChaSe Utley SParked alt eight-FLIT)firSt HR Ar Ramirez(25), off W.Rodriguez;A.McCutchen (30), off Fiers;Barmes(8), off Loe. SB Aoki (28), inning, Ryan HOWard added a late grand Slam aitd R.Weeks(15), Braun(28), C.Gomez(35), S.Marte2
National League roundup
Philadelphia routed the inept New York Mets before a feVVhundred fanS at quiet Citi Field. ROOkie right
hander Tyler Cloyd (2-1) pitched eight innings of three-hit ball aitd the PhillieS Stayed fOur gameS behind St. Louis for the second NL wild card. • Cardinals 5, Astros 4:ST. LOUIS — Pinch-hitter CarlOS Beltrait SnaPPed aSiXth-inning tie With a tVVO FLIT)dOuble aitd Allen Craig hit a three-FLIT)hOmer, POVVeriitg St. LOuiS tO aSeaSOn SWeePat hOme against Houston. • Brewers 9, Pirates 7:PITTSBURGH — Rickie WeekS hit a tying tVVO-FL IT) triPle aitd SCOred the gO-ahead FLIT) OITAramiS RamireZ'S Single, helPing surging Milwaukee rally for the victory. •Giants9,Rockies 2:SAN FRANCISCO — Pablo SaitdOVal hOmered frOm bOth SideS Ofthe Plate aitd the NL West-leading Giants reduced their magic number to clinch the division to four. • Padres6,Dtamondbacks 5:PHOENIX — Jesus GLIZmait hOmered tO helP Salt DiegO get the ViCtOry.
AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. Eatoncf 5 I I I 0 I .260 AHiff2b 5 I I I 0 2 .297 J.Upton rf 4 2 3 0 0 0 .27 8 Goldschmidt lb 3 I I I I I .284 M.Monter oc 4 0 I 0 0 0 .290 C .Johnson 3b 4 0 3 2 0 0 .28 0 R ansom ss 3 0 0 0 0 0 .21 3 d R.Wheele ph r I 0 0 0 0 0 .23 1 I Grahampr 0 0 0 0 0 0 Pollock lf 3 0 0 0 0 0 .23 7 e Kubelph 0 0 0 0 I 0 .253 Skaggsp I 0 0 0 0 I .00 0 a Elmoreph I 0 0 0 0 0 .18 9 B ergesen p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 Shawp 0 0 0 0 0 0 c G.Parra ph I 0 0 0 0 I .267 Albersp 0 0 0 0 0 0 I C.Young ph 0 0 0 0 0 0 .22 7 g Jacobs ph I 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 Totals 36 5 10 5 2 6 San Diego 310 002 000 — 6 11 1 Arizona 100 102 100 — 5 10 0
a groundedoutfor Skaggsinthe 5th. b grounded into a doubleplay for Richard inthe 7th. c struck out for Shaw in the7th. d reachedon error for Ransom in the 9th. e walked for Pollock in the 9th. I was announcedfor Albers in the 9th. g fouled out for C.Young in the9th. I ran for R.Wheelein r the9th. E Forsylhe (11).LOB SanDiego9, Arizona 6. 2B Denorfia (19),Forsythe(13), Headley(28), May bin (19), J.Upton(23). 3B J.Upton (4). HR Guz man (8),off Skaggs;A.Hiff (23), offRichard; Eaton(I), off Brach. DP San Diego2;Arizona l.
San Diego I P
H R ER BB SO NPERA 8 4 4 I 3 7 9 3.81 I I I 0 I 11 4 . 06 0 0 0 0 I 1 0 3.88 I 0 0 0 0 3 2 . 24 0 0 0 I 0 6 3. 3 8 0 0 0 0 0 9 2 . 08 0 0 0 0 0 3 277 0 0 0 0 I 4 4. 4 7 Arizona IP H R ER BB SO NPERA Skag gsL, I 3 5 7 44 3 2 9 35 . 83 Bergesen I 3 2 2 0 0 1 92 . 96 Shaw I I 0 0 2 0 1 93 . 98 Albers 2 0 0 0 0 1 17 2. 7 0 Gregersonpitchedto 2batters inthe 9th. Thatcherpitchedto I batter in the9th. T 2:51. A 17,821(48,633).
RichardW,1412 6 Brach H, 14 I Thayer H, 18 I Gregerson 0 T hatcher 0 Vincent H, 4 I 3 L ayne H, 7 I 3 Bass S, I I I3
Reds 5, Gobs3 Cincinnati Paul lf Cairo lb H.Rodriguez 2b Frazier3b Heiseyrf Phippscf Hanigan c Gregoriusss Cueto p a Votto ph I Leakepr Arredondop Marshall p d Bruceph Ondrusekp Simon p Totals
AB R H 6 I 4 I 2 I 5 0 I 0 4 0 I 2 5 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 4 I 2 0 4 I I 0 4 I I I 2 0 0 0 I 0 I I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 5 9 5
BB SO Avg. I 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 4
0 2 0 0 0 I I 2 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7
. 3 24 . 1 77 . 3 00 . 2 80 . 2 77 . 3 33 . 2 88 . 3 16 . 0 97 . 3 42 . 2 88 . 2 57 . 0 00
Chicago AB R H B l BB SO Avg. DeJesuscf 4 2 2 0 I 0 .261 Barney 2b 5 0 2 0 0 0 .267 (9) Rizzo lb 5 0 2 2 0 0 .29 6 DP Milwaukee1. LaHair lf 3 0 0 0 0 2 .25 7 c A.Soriano ph lf 2 0 0 0 0 I .26 0 Milwaukee I P HR ER BB SO NPERA S.Castro ss 4 0 2 0 I 0 .285 Fiers 3 5 3 3 I 2 8 1 3.38 Valbuena3b 3 0 0 0 I 0 .21 6 Kintzler 2 2 1 1 I 2 3 4 2.89 W.Castiffo c 3 I 2 I I 0 .275 Loe 13 4 3 3 0 0 13 4.22 Sappelt rf 2 0 I 0 2 0 .29 4 Veras 23 0 0 0 0 0 10 3.86 Berkenp 2 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 M.ParraW,23 I I 0 0 0 0 14 4.50 Corpasp 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 Fr RodriguezH,281 I 0 0 0 I 1 4 4.71 b Cardenas ph I 0 0 0 0 0 .20 8 AxfordS,31 39 I 0 0 0 0 3 19 4.76 Dolis p 0 0 0 0 0 0 P ittsburgh I P HR ER BB SO NPERA e B.Jackson ph I 0 0 0 0 I .16 8 W.Rodriguez 4 5 4 4 2 3 79 3.76 J.Chapman p 0 0 0 0 0 0 J .Hughes 1 13 I 0 0 I I 2 7 2.96 Totals 35 3 11 3 6 4 Watson 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 5 3 . 72 Cincinnati 0 00000500 — 5 9 0 Griffi H, 30 I 0 0 0 I 0 2 0 2.91 Chicago 000 000 111 — 3 11 0 Q uaffs H,14 I 3 3 3 3 0 0 12 5.48 a singled for Cueto in the 7th. b groundedout R esopL,14 2 3 2 1 1 I 0 1 8 3.66 for Corpas inthe 7th. c groundedinto adouble play Leroux I 2 1 1 0 2 16 7.00 for LaHair in the7th. d wasintentionally walked for T 4:07. A 14,697(38,362). Marshall in the 8th. e struck out for Dolis in the
Giants 9, Rockies 2 Colorado
AB R 5 0 4 0 I 0 4 0 4 I 4 0 3 I 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 4 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 37 2
H6I 2 0 I 0 0 0 I 0 3 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 3 I I I 0 0 0 0 13 2
Bt It.
I ran for Votto inthe 7th. LOB Cincinnati 8, Chicago 11. 2B Paul (4), H.Rodriguez (I), Phipps(I), Rizzo(12).3B S.Castro 0 0 . 2 92 (12). HR W.Castiffo(5), off Ondrusek. DP Cincinnati 2;Chicagol. I I .3 0 3
BB SO Avg.
Rutledge 2b Pacheco c C.Gonzalezlf 0 0 . 3 04 McBride rf 0 I .1 9 1 W.Rosario lb 0 0 . 2 59 Nelson3b 0 3 . 2 92 A.Brown rf lf 0 0 . 2 46 Moscosop 0 0 . 2 22 b Giambiph 0 I . 2 25 Arencibia c 5 I I 0 0 3 .22 6 Mejia p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Brothersp 0 0 . 0 00 H echavarriss a 4 0 I 0 0 2 .25 0 b Bayph I 0 0 0 0 I .153 R.Betancourlp 0 0 Gose lf cf 2 I I 0 2 I .21 7 R.Carson p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Colvin cf 0 0 . 2 85 Totals 36 7 1 0 7 5 1 5 Valdespin 2b I 0 0 0 0 0 .24 2 J.Herrerass 0 0 . 2 46 Totals 27 1 3 1 3 6 J.De La Rosap 0 0 . 5 00 New york AB R H B l BB SO Avg. Philadelphia 6 0 0 000 017 — 16 21 0 E.Escalona p 0 0 Jeter ss 4 I 2 2 0 0 .32 3 New york 000 010 000 — 1 3 0 Blackmon lf 0 2 . 2 53 Swisher rf lb 4 I I 4 I 3 .258 a grounded outfor McHughinthe 3rd.b struck out Totals 1 6 Cano2b 4 0 0 0 I I .299 for Mejia inthe5th. c singled for Cloyd inthe9th. AI.Rodriguezdh 5 0 I 0 0 I .27 3 I ran for Utley inthe9th. San Francisco AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. R.Marlin c 3 I 0 0 2 3 .205 LOB Philadelphia 7, New York 2. 2B Utley Pagancf 4 2 2 0 I 0 .29 3 Grandersoncf 3 2 I 0 I I .233 (14). HR Howard (12), off Edgin; Baxter (3), off Scutaro2b 4 I 2 2 0 0 .301 McGehee lb 3 I 0 0 I 0 .157 Cloyd. c Theriot ph 2b I 0 0 0 0 I .26 5 Dickersonlf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .25 0 DP Philadelphia 3;NewYork 3. S andoval 3b 4 2 2 4 0 0 .28 5 I.Suzuki lf rf 4 2 2 3 0 I .279 B.Crawfordss I 0 0 0 0 I .246 J.Nix3b 2 2 I I 2 I .246 Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Posey lb 4 I 2 I 0 0 .33 5 Totals 3 2 10 6 10 6 1 1 Cloyd W,2 I 8 3 I I 2 6 88 3.86 Mota p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Toronto 011 020 030 — 7 10 1 Rosenberg I 0 0 0 I 0 20 9.00 Hensleyp 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 New york 001 720 00x — 10 6 0 Newyork IP H R E R BB SO NP ERA Pennyp 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 E K.Johnson (11). LOB Toronto 9, NewYork HefnerL,2 7 0 6 6 6 I 0 30 5.67 Pencerf 4 0 0 0 0 I .257 7. 2B Lind (13),K.Johnson(18), G ose(5), Grand McHugh 3 3 2 2 0 0 51 4.34 H .San chez c 4 I 3 0 0 0 .27 6 erson (17),I.Suzuki(25), J.Nix(13). HR Sierra (5), Hampson I 0 0 0 0 0 10 3.86 Nady lf 3 I I 0 0 I .187 off P.Hughes;KJohnson (15), offWade;I.Suzuki (8), Mejia 1 3 0 0 0 0 21 9.00 G.Blanco lf I 0 0 0 0 0 .244 off Laffey; Swisher(21), off Lincoln. SB R.Martin R.Carson I 2 0 0 0 0 15 4.85 Arias ss 3b 4 0 I 0 0 0 .277 Acosta I I 0 0 0 0 11 7.13 Zito p (6) I 0 0 0 0 0 .06 3 DP New York1. EI.Ramirez I 2 I I I I 26 6.48 Kontosp 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 Familia 2 3 3 5 5 2 I 27 11.12 a A.Huff ph I 0 I 0 0 0 .191 Toronto IP H R ER BBSO NP ERA Edgin 0 I 2 2 0 0 9 4 5 6 I F.Peguero pr 0 I 0 0 0 0 .00 0 LaffeyL,36 3 2 5 4 5 3 86 4.80 R.Ramirez 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 3 4 2 7 Belt lb I 0 0 0 0 I .267 Lincoln I 2 3 3 I I 25 4.63 Hefnerpitchedto 7batters inthe 1st. Totals 37 9 14 7 1 5 Cecil I 3 2 2 0 I 21 5.56 Edgin pitchedto2 batters in the9th. Colorado 010100 000 — 2 13 2 Frasor I I 0 0 I I 19 348 T 3:07. A 20,010 (41,922). San Francisco 101 601 00x — 9 14 1 Carreno 2 0 0 0 I 5 32 5.68 a doubled for Kontos in the6th. b struck out for New york IP H R ER BBSO NP ERA Moscoso in the 7th. c struckout for Scutaro in the Hughes W,1612 5 4 4 4 3 9 102 4.05 Nationals 4, Dodgers1 881. D.Lowe 2 I 0 0 2 2 37 5.33 I ran for A.Huff inthe6th. Wade 13 3 3 3 0 I 15 6.51 Los Angeles AB R H BI BB SO Avg. E Nelson (12), W.Rosario(14), H.Sanchez(5). M.Effis 2b 4 I I I 0 I . 2 6 5 C hamberlain 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 15 5.51 4 0 0 0 0 I . 2 5 0 LOB Colorado 10, San Francisco 6. 2B Rut RobertsonS,25 I 0 0 0 0 3 12 2.93 Victorino lf Kempcf 4 0 I 0 0 2 . 3 03 ledge (16), A.Brown(6), Pagan(34), A.Huff (4). Laffeypitchedto 4batters inthe4th. Ad. Gonzalelb z 4 0 I 0 0 I . 2 4 5 HR Sandoval (10), off J.De La Rosa; Sandoval T 3:41. A 40,511(50,291). H.Ramirezss 4 0 0 0 0 2 . 2 52 (11), off E.Escalona; Posey (23), off E.Escalona. Ethier rf 3 0 0 0 0 I . 2 8 6 SB W.Rosario(4). DP Colorado I; SanFrancisco 3. L.Cruz3b 3 0 0 0 0 I . 2 97 NL Boxscores A.Ellis c 3 0 0 0 0 I . 2 66 Colorado IP H R ER BBSO NP ERA Capuano p I 0 0 0 0 0 . 1 00 Phiiiies 16, Mets 1 a E.Herreraph 0 0 0 0 I 0 . 2 49 De LaRosaL, 0 13237 6 5 I I 70 12.27 13 2 2 2 0 I 16 8.80 0 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 00 E.Escalona Philadelphia AB R H BI BB SO Avg. J.Wright p Moscoso 2 3 I I 0 0 24 6.50 P.Rodriguezp 0 0 0 0 0 0 Roffins ss 5 3 2 3 I 0 .254 Brothers I 0 0 0 0 0 9 4.13 Jansen p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Orr 2b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .306 2 0 0 0 3 15 2.38 c B.Abreuph I 0 I 0 0 0 . 2 43 R.Betancourl I Pierre lf 6 2 5 I 0 0 .318 San Francisco IP H R ER BBSO NP ERA Choatep 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rosenbergp 0 0 0 0 0 0 Zito W, 13 8 52310 2 2 I 6 99 4.18 p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Utley 2b 5 I 4 4 0 .266 Sh. Toffeson Kontos 13 0 0 0 0 0 I 2 . 75 Totals 3 1 1 4 1 1 10 I M.Martinezpr ssg I 0 0 0 0 .172 Mota I I 0 0 0 I 13 5.30 Howard lb 6 2 2 5 0 0 .228 I I 0 0 0 I 9 437 Mayberrycf 6 I 2 0 0 I . 259 Washington AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. Hensley Penny I I 0 0 0 0 11 5.76 Werlh rf 3 0 2 0 I 0 .30 0 D.Brownrf lf 5 0 3 I 0 0 .253 T 300.A 41,157 (41915). Harper cf 4 I 0 0 0 I .260 Frandsen3b 4 2 I I I 0 .329 I I 0 0 .284 Kratz c 3 2 I I I I . 256 Zimmerman3b 4 I LaRoche lb 4 0 0 0 0 2 .268 Cloyd p 3 I 0 0 I 0 .111 Morse lf 4 0 I 0 0 I .287 c Schierholtzphr f I I I 0 0 0 .242 Padres 6, Diamondbacks5 Storen p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 44 16 21 16 4 2 Desmond ss 3 I 2 0 I I .296 AB R H BI BB SO Avg. I I I 0 0 .253 San Diego New york AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Espinosa2b 3 5 I I I 0 I . 294 K.Suzuki c 2 0 0 I 0 0 .257 Denorfia rf lf F.Lewis rf lf 2 0 I 0 2 0 .200 5 0 I I 0 0 .290 Detwilerp 2 0 0 0 0 I .047 Forsylhe2b Dan.Murphy2b 3 0 0 0 0 0 .292 Headley 3b 4 I I I I 2 .284 C.Garcia p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Acostap 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grandal c 5 I 2 0 0 0 .280 ph I 0 0 0 0 I .27 8 R.Cedeno ss I 0 0 0 0 .267 b Lombardozzi lf 3 I I 3 I 0 .257 Mattheus p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 Guzman D.Wright3b 3 0 I 0 0 0 .309 I 0 0 0 0 0 .255 Bernadina lf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .29 6 Venablerf An.Torres cf I 0 0 0 0 0 .220 Alonso lb 4 0 2 0 I 0 .278 30 4 7 3 2 7 I.Davis lb 3 0 0 0 0 I . 224 Totals Maybin cf 4 0 I 0 0 0 .248 Los Angeles 0 0 0 100 000 — 1 4 1 El. Ramirez p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2 I 2 0 2 0 .221 Washington 0 0 2 200 00x — 4 7 1 Parrinoss Familia p 0 0 0 0 0 I I 0 0 0 0 .077 a walked for Capuano in the 6th. b struck out Richardp Edgin p 0 0 0 0 0 0I b Kotsay ph I 0 0 0 0 0 .250 for C.Garcia in the 7th. c singled for Jansen in R.Ramirez p 0 0 0 0 0 Brach p 0 0 0 0 0 Duda lf lb 2 0 0 0 I .243 the 8th. 0 0 0 0 0 0 E H.Ramirez(15), Zimmerman(18). LOB Los Thayerp Ju.Turnerss 3b 3 0 0 0 0 I . 2 73 Gregerson p 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Baxter cf rf 3 I I I 0 I . 258 Angeles 4,Washington 5. 2B Zimmerman(33), Es Thatcherp 0 0 0 0 0 0 Shoppach c 3 0 0 0 0 I . 220 pinosa(35). HR M.Effis (7),off Detwiler. SB Werlh Vincentp 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Hefnerp 0 0 0 0 0 0 .063 2 (7), Desmond (18). Laynep 0 0 0 0 0 0 DP Washington1. McHughp 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Bass p 0 0 0 0 0 .138 a Tholeph I 0 0 0 0 0 .239 Totals 3 5 6 11 6 5 3 Los Angeles IP H R ER BB SOERA NP Hampson p 0 0 0 0 0 0
Cincinnati CuetoW, 18 9 Arredondo Marshall Ondrusek Simon S, I I Chicago Berken Corpas L, 02 Dolis J.Chapman
I P H R ER BB SO NPERA 6 5 0 0 4 2 92 2.84 13 1 1 1 I 0 1 1 2.97 2 3 1 0 0 0 0 6 2 . 65 2 3 2 1 1 I 0 I 7 3.31 1 132 I I 0 2 26 2.48 I P H R ER BB SO NPERA 6 2 0 0 2 5 86 1.80 I 6 5 5 0 0 15 5.15 I I 0 0 2 I 2 3 6.48 I 0 0 0 0 I 1 6 1.08 T 308.A 25,891 (41,009).
Cardinals 5, Astros 4 Houston AB R H 6 I Altuve 2b 5 I 2 0 B.Barnescf 4 I 2 I e Wallaceph lb I 0 0 0 Dominguez 3b 5 0 3 0 2 J.Schaferpr 0 0 0 0 Maxwell rf lf 3 I I I J.D.Martinezlf 4 0 0 0 Ambriz p 0 0 0 0 J.Castro c I 0 0 0 B.Laird lb 2 0 I 2 W.Wright p 0 0 0 0 Bogusevic rf cf I 0 0 0 Corporan c 3 0 0 0 J.Valdezp 0 0 0 0 X.Cedeno p 0 0 0 0 Ma.Gonzaless z 2 0 0 0 a Greene phss I 0 0 0 c Lowrie phss 0 0 0 0 B.Norris p 2 0 0 0 S.Moore lb I I I 0 d M.Downsph rf 0 0 0 0 Totals 35 4 10 4
BB SO Avg. 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 I 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 I 6
I I I 0 0 2 2 0 I 0 0 I I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10
. 2 91 . 2 19 . 2 60 . 3 11 . 2 11 . 2 35 . 2 42 . 2 59 . 2 94 . 0 00 .2 0 5 . 2 57 . 0 00 . 2 32 . 2 25 . 2 52 . 1 06 . 2 43 . 2 03
St.Louis AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. Jay cf 4 0 I 0 I 0 .30 8 M.Carpenter rf 3b 4 I I 0 0 I .297 Hoffiday lf 4 I 2 0 0 2 .298 Craig lb 4 I 2 3 0 0 .30 7 Y.Mofina c 4 0 0 0 0 I .32 1 Freese 3b 3 0 2 0 I I .295 I Chambers pr rf 0 0 0 0 0 0 .24 4 Descalso2b I I 0 0 2 I .221 Kozmass 3 I 0 0 I 2 .257 J.Garcia p 2 0 0 0 0 I .235 b Beltran ph I 0 I 2 0 0 .26 8 Mujicap 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boggsp 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rzepczynski p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Salas p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 I Schumaker ph 0 0 0 0 I 0 .28 2 Motte p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 30 5 9 5 6 9 Houston 102 000 100 — 4 10 0 St. Louis 300 002 00x — 5 9 1 a groundedinto adouble play for Ma.Gonzalez in the 6th. bdoubledfor J.Garcia inthe6th. c walkedfor Greene in the8th. d walked for S.Moore inthe 8th. e struckoutforB.Barnesin the8th. I wasintentionally walkedforSalasinthe8th. I ran for Freesein the 8th. 2 ran for Dominguez in the 9th. E Freese (16). LOB Houston 11,St. Louis 8.
2B B.Barnes(3), Maxwell(11), Craig(33), Beltran (26). HR Craig (22), off B.Norris. SB J.Schafer (27), Jay(18). DP St. Louis 2. Houston IP H R E R BB SOERA NP B.NorrisL,513 5136 5 5 5 7 1 1 15.05 W .Wright 2 3 I 0 0 0 0 8 3.1 4 Ambriz I I 0 0 0 I 16 3 . 86 J .Valdez 2 3 I 0 0 I I 15 2 . 16 X .Cedeno 13 0 0 0 0 0 4 4.1 3 St.Louis IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA J.GarciaW,5 7 6 6 3 3 2 5 9 6 4 .25 M ujicaH,27 I 3 I I I 0 20 3 . 25 BoggsH,32 1 3 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 2.38 R zepczynski 0 0 0 0 I 0 8 4.3 7 S alasH,7 2 3 0 0 0 0 2 7 4. 0 2 Motte S,3845 I I 0 0 0 3 17 2 .94 Rzepczynski pitchedto I batterin the8th. T 3:27. A 34,788(43,975).
Ryan Brennecke/ The Bulletin
Bend's Kelly Gieber, center, fightsto keep control of the ball as Ridgeview defenders Nate Kandle, left, and Malachi Stalberg put on the pressure during the first half of Thursday's game at Ridgeview High School.
Continued from D1 Senior Steven Dougherty col lected a pair of goals — one at the end of the first half and another midway through the second — to put thegame away and deal Rid geview (I-I-I) its first loss of the season. S ophomore D a k ot a C u r t i s registered nine saves to lead the Ravens. "We c ould've been a l i t t l e more precise in ou r p a ssing, and I think we gave up the ball a few too many times," Eriks son said. "It wasn't like frustrat ing or anything. We just need to do better than that as we go in to play Summit and Mountain View. We' re working and going in the right direction, that's for sure." Both teams pick things up on Tuesday, with Bend traveling to Prineville for an Intermountain H ybrid m atchup w i t h C r o ok County an d R i dgeview v i sit ing Summit in a nonconference contest. "For a brand new (Class) 4A school, it's a crucible we' re go ing through during this n ine day span through the jungle," Bleyer said of the next two games against Summit and Mountain View. "We' re just going to hack our way out the other side."
Madras volleyball winsTri-Valley opener in five games Bulletin staff report MADRAS — After a strong start gave Madras a two-game lead, the White Buffaloes allowed Estacada to even things up in the teams' Tri-Valley Conference volleyball match on Thurs day. But Madras buckled down and took the deciding fifth set to earn a 25 23, 25-22, 21-25, 16-25, 15-12 victory. "They just p l ayed i nspired and wanted to protect home court," Madras coach Jamie Smith said. "They wanted to get this one to set the tone for our league schedule and ultimately conquer our goals." Sophomore Alexis Urbach recorded 21 kills and two blocks for the White Buffaloes, who fed off the end of the fourth game to take the decisive fifth, according to Smith. Senior Lauren Simmons registered 35 digs, and sophomore Elle Renault de livered 36 assists. Madras (1-0 TRC, 2-6 overall) visits Gladstone for a conference showdown on Tuesday. In other Thursday action: BOYS SOCCER Mountain View....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 C rook County....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 PRINEVILLE — The Class 5A Cou gars notched their first victory of the season, scoring three goals in the first eight minutes en route to an I nter mountain Hybrid road win over the 4A Cowboys. Takuro Nihei tallied four goals and Zach Emerson scored two for Mountain View, which also got one goal apiece from Bryce Tipton, Diego Martinez, Jacob Trask, Wyatt Lay, Phil lip Orellana and Clayton Crenshaw. The Cougars (1-3-1) open Intermoun tain Conference play Tuesday at home against Redmond. Crook County (1-3) plays Tuesday at home against Bend
High. S ummit....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 R edmond....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Senior Glenn Sherman's three goals and an assist in the first half set the tone for the Storm, who netted six goals before the intermission on their way to an Intermountain Conference victory. Sophomore Eli Warmenhoven collect ed two goals and an assist, while junior Austin Cole contributed with a goal and two assists. Redmond senior goalkeeper
entertains Redmond for an IMC contest on Tuesday. Crook County (1-2) hosts a nonconference battle on Tuesday Zachary Hanneman finished with eight against Bend High. saves. Summit (1-0 IMC, 3-1-1 overall) B end ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 hosts Ridgeview on Tuesday. Redmond R idgeview ........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 (0-1 IMC, 1-4 overall) continues league REDMOND — The Lava Bears piled play at Mountain View the same day. up seven goals in the first half to earn S isters ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 a nonconference win over the Ravens. Elmira ................................0 Sophomore Delaney Crook paved the ELMIRA — Powered by two goals way with two goals and an assist, while apiece from juniors Evan Rickards and senior Bailie Reinwald finished with Jake McAllister, the Outlaws earned two scores. Senior Alyssa Pease, junior a Class 4A Sky-Em League win, one Jenny Velasquez and freshman Amidee that saw Sisters net seven first-half Colleknon each tallied goals. Bend (4 goals. Senior Eli Boettner finished with I) visits Crook County on Tuesday for a goal and an assist, and senior Gabe an Intermountain Hybrid contest. Rid Rietmann registered two assists, as the geview (2-2) takes on Summit for a road Outlaws unleashed 39 shots. Sisters (I matchup the same day. 0 Sky-Em, 5-1 overall) picks up confer Summit....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ence play when it welcomes Junction R edmond........ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 City on Tuesday. Host Summit needed 24 shots to M adras...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 score three goals in the first half against E stacada ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Redmond, but the Storm found the net MADRAS — A goal by Carlos Gar with less difficulty after the break en cia with less than five minutes left in the route to the win in the Intermountain game gave the White Buffaloes a Class Conference opener for both teams. Me 4A Tri-Valley Conference victory. Da gan Buzzas and Shannon Patterson vid Madrigal picked up a goal early in each had two goals and two assists, and the second half, and after Sweet Home Marina Johannesen added two goals for evened the score, Uziel Garcia delivered the winners. Also scoring for Summit an assist to Carlos Garcia for the win were Christina Edwards, Presley Quon, ner. Madras (1-0 TRC, 1-4 overall) heads Sofia Ellington, Jordan Collinsworth, to Gladstone on Tuesday for a confer Hadlie Plummer and Sydney Parch ence matchup. man. Emma Malmquist was credited L a Pine....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 with two assists. The Storm (1-0 IMC, 3 0-2 overall) host Ridgeview on Tuesday. S weet Home....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 LA PINE — Sam Wieber scored three The Panthers (2-3 IMC, 0-1 overall) play goals to lead the host Hawks, the first at Mountain View on Tuesday. of which gave La Pine a 1-0 halftime S isters ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 lead. He tallied two more in the second E lmira...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 half, and Zach Smith also scored after ELMIRA — The Outlaws opened the break for the Hawks to account for up Class 4A Sky-Em League action in the final margin. La Pine (2-1) plays at winning fashion thanks to two goals home against Culver on Tuesday. by sophomore Elizabeth Stewart. Af GIRLS SOCCER ter netting a direct kick from just inside M ountain View....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 midfield in the first half, Stewart broke a 1-1 tie late in the second with another C rook County....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 PRINEVILLE — Hat tricks by se direct kick from 18 yards out. Sisters niors Maddy Booster and Courtney (1-0 Sky-Em, 3-1 overall) plays a confer Candella, as well as a five-goal second ence game at Junction City on Tuesday. half, guided the Cougars to an Inter S weet Home....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 mountain Hybrid w i n . S o phomore L a Pine....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 Sarah Bailey recorded the only two SWEET HOME — The Hawks "came assists, while freshman Madie Chof out flat and didn't distribute the ball fel and sophomore Aspen Crew each well," according to La Pine coach Scott picked up a goal. Mountain View (2-2-1) Winslow, as the Huskies jumped out
Seasonski andsnowdoard passes A look at prices at nearby resorts:
MT. BACHELOR Adult Ages 19-23 Ages 13-18 Ages 6-12 5 and younger Ages 65-69 70+ Midweek adult Midweek 65-69
12-day pass
ThroughOct. 1 After Oct. 1 $829 $1,029 $379 $469 $269 $339 $159 $199 $29 $29 $529 $569 $269 $339 $549 $679 $429 $529 $450 $550
HOODOO MOUNTAINRESORT Regular Adult Ages 6-12 Ages 13-18 65+ Ages 19-25 Midweek Nordic Contact:www.hoodoo.corn
$585 $290 $350 $290 $425 $199 $150
WILLAMETTE PASS Will announce season pass prices on Oct. 1. Contact:www.willamettepass.corn.
Preseason (Oct. 1-Nov.11) $499 $225 $299 $290 $325 $250 $130
Winter Continued from D1 "December was rough last year because ev eryone expected all this snow — skiers love La Nina," Dello said. "It was happening, it just wasn't happening the way we like it in the Northwest." The El Nino predicted for this year is ex pected to be in effect for the next three months, said Dello, citing forecasts from the National Oceanic and A tmospheric Administration's Climate Prediction Center (CPC). That means the weather could change later in the winter. "It's a little bit of a gamble, but the CPC is saying that the next three months look like be low-average precipitation," Dello said. Dello was quick to add that the El Nino of the 2009-10 winter in the Northwest still included a wet spring and significant snowfall in the Cas cades in late winter and early spring. So, could this all just mean another late win ter in Central Oregon? That's impossible to de termine at this point, even for the experts. "These things sometimes act differently than we expect," Dello said. "I think the temperature signal is still strong enough that I would bet on a warmer winter." The El Nino prediction is based on weather patterns in the Pacific Ocean, and the CPC makes its prediction for the entire Pacific Northwest, Dello explained. That means that the El Nino event could, for example, be stron ger in Washington than in Central Oregon. Mount Bachelor is located in a "transitional" area for the El Nino/La Nina weather patterns, Dello said. The mountain is just far enough
to a 2-0 first-half lead. One more in the second sealed the Class 4A Sky-Em League victory. La Pine (0-1 Sky-Em, I 4 overall) gets back to work on Tuesday, when the Hawks visit Elmira for a Sky Em contest. VOLLEYBALL Ridgeview....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25-25-25 Burns ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19-12-11 BURNS — In what coach Debi Dew ey describedas a "great team effort, "the Ravens powered their way to a sweep of the defending Class 3A state champion Hilanders. Katrina Johnson led with 11 kills, while Katie Nurge registered 17 digs. Nurge and Rhian Sage com bined for six aces on 34-for-34 serving. Ridgeview (6-2) heads to Medford on Saturday for the Rogue Valley Classic. Sisters..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25-25-25 Sweet Home....... . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-12-13 SWEET HOME — Senior Shannon Fouts recorded 40 assists, five kills, five digs and three assists to lead the Out laws to a Class 4A Sky-Em League win over the Huskies. Senior Megan Minke pitched in with 11 kills and five blocks, and sophomore Nika Lukens and ju nior Savannah Spear finished with 10 kills and 13 digs, respectively. Sisters (2-0 Sky-Em, 6-2 overall) hosts the Sis ters Tournament at Redmond High on Saturday. Culver....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25-25-25 Central Linn ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . 21-21-13 CULVER — The Bulldogs picked up their fifth win in Class 2A Tri-River Conference play thanks to 15 kills and seven digs by junior Gabrielle Alley. Sophomore Shealene Little and senior Cassandra Fulton chipped in with 12 and 10 kills, respectively, while senior Jahnie Cleveland delivered 26 assists. Culver (5-1 TRC, 8-5 overall) begins the McKenzie Tournament in Finn Rock against Glide on Saturday. Elmira...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25-25-25 La Pine....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-16-13 ELMIRA — La Pine coach Aaron Mallory lauded his team's competitive ness, but the Hawks came up short, fall ing to the Falcons in straight sets. Sen ior Holly Jackson logged six kills and five digs to lead the way, and senior Kel ley Terrell finished with seven assists. La Pine (0-2 Sky-Em, 0-6 overall) hosts Cottage Grove on Tuesday.
south that it could possibly be less affected by the El Nino than in places farther north, such as Washington and northwest Oregon. An El Nino in the Northwest means a La Nina in most of California. "(Mount Bachelor) doesn't always act like the rest of the Northwest in an El Nino year," Dello said. "El Nino will tend to split the jet (stream). It will keep Washington dry, but we don't see the signal as strong at somewhere like Bachelor." While September seems a bit early to start dreaming about carving smooth powder on Cascade slopes — autumn doesn't even offi cially begin until Saturday — those who have yet to purchase a discounted season pass to Bachelor have little more than a week to do so. Snowriderscan save as much as $200 offtheir season passes if they purchase them by Oct. 1. Hoodoo Mountain Resort (44 miles north west of Bend off U.S. Highway 20) will begin preseason pass sales on Oct. 1. Skiers and snowboarders can save as much as $86 off a Hoodoo season pass if purchased by Nov. 11. Willamette Pass Resort (70 miles southwest of Bend off state Highway 58) will announce sea son pass prices on Oct. 1. Despite the prediction of less snow this win ter, snowriders can always expect a fair share of powder days, when the daydreams of Sep tember and October finally turn into reality in December — or maybe March. "We get snow every winter," Dello said, "and there's always the chance of still getting those extreme days." — Reporter: 541-383-0318, mmoricalC~bendbulletirLcom
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Flagline 50Kset for Saturday
Please email Adventure Sports event information to sportsC~bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" on our website at bendbulletin.corn. Items are published on a space-availability basis, and should be submitted at least IO days before the event.
By Amanda Miles The Bulletin
Saturday's Flagline 50K will once again serve as the USA Track 8 Field 50K Trail Cham pionships, which means that overall, masters (age 40 and older) and age group national championships will be on the line, as well as a prize purse of $3,000. The race is scheduled to be gin at 8 a.m. at Dutchman Flat Sno-park, and the finish line is located at Sunrise Lodge at Mt. Bachelor ski area. "If you win, you get a shiny medal," race director Dave Thomason says. Between the Flagline 50K and accompanying High Al pine Half trail half marathon that both starts and finishes at Sunrise Lodge, Thomason is expecting more than 250 par ticipants, which could result in a considerable bump in the number of finishers compared with 2011, when a total of 125 runners completed those rac es. The Flagline 50K course is predominantly singletrack trail, including the Flagline and Metolius-Windigo trails. Bend residents Max King and Natalie Bak head up the list of n o table participants. King is the men's defending champion and will be attempt ing to pull off the first half of a weekend race double for the second consecutive year; on Sunday, he is scheduled to race in the Xterra Trail Run N ational C h ampionship i n Odgen, Utah, which he also won in 2011. Ryan Bak, Natalie Bak's
Endurance Continued from D1 "Their stance on it is, when you look at what really abuses the body and takes the most time to recover from, it's the run at the end, which makes a lot of sense," Visit Bend's Kev ney Dugan says of Life Time Fitness, the company that is putting on LeadmanTri Bend. "When you run a marathon, it just takes time to recover, period. And so their theory is you can lengthen some of the other legs that aren't going to have as much abuse on your body as the run does, and shorten the run. ... There' s not quite the wear and tear, by shortening the run, that you would have if you had a full marathon at the end." LeadmanTri Bend partici pants will cover a course that showcases much of Central Oregon. After the swim leg at Cultus Lake, Epic 250 partici pants will mount their bikes and ride south around Cas cade Lakes Highway and do a lap around Crane Prairie Res ervoir before heading north to begin a I '/~-lap circuit around Mount Bachelor via the high way and U.S. Forest Service roads.After theirsecond pass by the mountain, participants will c r u ise d ow n C e ntury Drive to the second transition, located in Bend's Old Mill Dis trict. (Fpic 125 racers will ride by the mountain just one time before proceeding to the sec ond transition.) The run legs will take participants along the Deschutes River, through Tetherow Golf Club and part
BEND ENDURANCEACADEMY AFTER-SCHOOL PROGRAM: Wednesdays,1:30 to 4 p.m., through Nov. 14; 10-week program designed for middle schoolers with little to no previous rock climbing experience; focus on proper climbing techniques and safety; transportation provided from area middle schools; contact or www. BEND ENDURANCEACADEMY DEVELOPMENT TEAM: Mondays and Wednesdays,4 to 6 p.m., through Jan. 30; ages 10-18; for the climber looking to develop a solid foundation of movement and technical climbing skills; contact or www.
Tyler Roemer/ The Bulletin file
Bend's Max King, right, runs on his way to a victory in the 2011 Flagline 50K race.
Flagline50K What: Ultramarathon trail race, serving as the USA Track 8 Field 50K Trail Championships Where:Start is at Dutchman Flat Sno-park, finish is at Sunrise Lodge, Mt. Bachelor ski area When:Starts at 8 a.m. Saturday, first men' s and women's finishers expected at approximately 11:30 a.m. and 12:20 p.m.,
respectively (based on
2011 winning times)
More info: flaglinetrailfest.corn husband, was second to King a year ago in the Flagline 50K and isalso scheduled to race
of west Bend, and finally to the finish line, located at the footbridge in the Old Mill Dis trict. Spectators should note that parking will not be per mitted at Cultus Lake on race morning, but a limited num ber of shuttle bus passes for spectators will b e available at packet pickup, which runs from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. today in the Old Mill District. L eadmanTri Bend i s a t tracting a considerable pro f essional field, w h ich w i l l kick off the event Saturday at 7 a.m. as the first wave of the swim. Epic 125 swim waves will begin at 8 a.m. "When you put $50,000 up as a prize purse, you' re prob ably going to a t tract some pretty serious athletes," notes Dugan, director of sales and sports development for Visit Bend, which h elped b r ing the event to Central Oregon. "Very few events that we' re going to host in this commu nity are going to have a prize purse that big." In the men's field, Jordan Rapp, the winner of several Ironman triathlon races — as well as the inaugural Lead manTri race i n N e vada in 2011 — is one of the headlin ers, as is Bend resident Matt Lieto. On the women's side, like Rapp, Angela Naeth is a p revious LeadmanTri w i n ner, w h il e L i n sey C o rbin won Ironman Austria earlier this year in one of her many top-five finishes in Ironman and Ironman 70.3 races. And M ackenzie M a d ison m a y sound familiar to Central Or egonians, as the Eugene resi
Saturday, as is Mario Men doza, another Bend stand out. For the women, Natalie Bak narrowly placed second — by only 35 seconds — in last year's 50K to fellow Bend r esident S t ephanie H o w e, whom Thomason says is cur rently injured and will not be competing. Says Thomason of that 2011 duel between Howe and Bak: eYou don't get races like that in ultras, usually. Usually, there's catastrophic failure at some point." For those hoping to catch the finish at Sunrise Lodge, based on last year's finishing times, the men's winner should ar rive at or shortly before 11:30 a.m., the fastest woman about 45 to 50 minutes later.
BEND ENDURANCEACADEMY AFTER-SCHOOL MOUNTAIN BIKING: Wednesdaysthrough Oct. 10; 2:45 to 4:15 p.m. for grades 3-5; 1 to 4:15 p.m. for grades 6-8; program encourages elementary and middle school kids to explore the trails and improve their cycling fitness and skills; contact or www.
HIKING FOREST RESTORATIONCELEBRATION!:Saturday, Sept. 29,3 to 7 p.m., at Skyliner Lodge, 10 miles up Skyliner Road toward Tumalo Falls; activities include informative hikes and bike rides, a short program about forest restoration, followed by music and refreshments; learn about forest restoration and collaboration; get involved in the Deschutes Collaborative Forest Project; contact 541-322-7129; klighthall@bendcable.corn; www.
— Reporter: 541-383-0393, amilesC~bendbulletin.corn.
LEADMAN TRI: Saturday, Sept. 22;7 a.m.; Bend; 250K distance is 5K swim, 223K bike, 22K run; 125 distance is 2.5K swim, 106K bike, 16.5K run; relay team option available; leadmantri.corn. RIDE ROWRUN: Sunday, Sept. 23; in Maupin; 1-mile run, 26-mile loop bike ride in north Central Oregon,3/~-mile kayak down the Deschutes River, and then 5-mile run along the river to finish; solo event costs $60, relay is $85; starts at Imperial River Company; xdog@xdogevents.corn; www. riderowrun.corn. THE URBANGPS ECO-CHALLENGE: Trips on paths and trails along Deschutes River through Old Mill District shops and Farewell Bend Parkdaily at 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.; like a scavenger hunt with clues and checkpoints ;$65,includesguide,GPS and
dent has won the long-course triathlon at the Pacific Crest Weekend Sports Festival in Sunriver every y ea r s i n ce 2009. The first epic 250 men' s finisher is scheduled to com plete the race at approximate ly 4 p.m. and the first female pro approximately one hour later. — Reporter: 541-383-0393, amilesC~bendbulletin.corn.
• Youngclimhers earn awards:Three members of the BendEndur ance Academy climbing team were recently recognized for their achieve ments in rock climbing. Five Ten, one of the largest climbing shoe manufacturers, awarded Bend climbers Olivia Brumwell, 13; Lukas Strauss-Wise, 12; and Abby Black, 16, with the Five Ten Youth Core Award. According to the award committee, the Youth Core Award is designed to support aspiring young climbers who embrace adventure and push their personal limits. Award applicants were required to submit an essay outlining their athletic achievements from the past year. The essays were then reviewed by the awards committee. "It's always great to see our athletes recognized for their hard work on such alargestage,"said Mike Rougeux,the Bend Endurance Academy climbing program director. — Bulletin staff reports
PADDLING KAYAKINGCLASSES: Sundays, 4-6 p.m.; for all ages; weekly classes and open pool; equipment provided to those who preregister, first come, first served otherwise; Cascade Swim Center, Redmond; $3; 541 548-7275;
RUNNING NOON TACO RUN: Wednesdays at noon; meet at FootZone; order a Taco Stand burrito before leaving and it will be ready upon return; teague@ footzonebend.corn; 541-317-3568. WEEKLYRUNS:Wednesdays at 6 p.m.; Fleet Feet Sports Bend, 1320 N.W. Galveston Ave.; 3 to 5 miles; two groups, different paces; 541-389-1601. PERFORMANCE RUNNINGGROUP: 5:30 p.m .on Tuesdays;with Max King; locations will vary; max@ footzonebend.corn; 541-317-3568. REDMONDRUNNING GROUP:Weekly runs on Tuesdaysat6:30 p.m.;meetat314 S.W .Seventh St. in Redmond for runs of 3 to 5 miles; all abilities welcome; free; pia@runaroundsports.corn; 541-639-5953. REDMOND OREGON RUNNINGKLUB (RORK): Weekly run/walk;Saturdaysat 8 a.m.; all levels welcome; free; for more information and to be added to a weekly email list, email Dan Edwards at rundanorun19@yahoo.corn; follow Redmond Oregon Running Klub on Facebook. TEAM XTREME'SRUNNING CLUB IN REDMOND: Meets at 8 a.m. onSaturdaysat Xtreme Fitness Center, 1717 N.E. Second St.; 2- to 5-mile run; free; 541-923-6662.
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BEND ENDURANCEACADEMY FALL CONDITIONING PROGRAM:Wednesdays, 1 to 4:15 p.m., Oct. 10 to Nov. 11;ages 11-14; five-week program aims to improve strength, coordination and flexibility for the upcoming nordic ski season; transportation provided from area middle schools; contact,www. or 541-678-3864. BEND ENDURANCEACADEMY NORDIC FALL LADIES: Tuesdays, 9:15 to 11:45 a.m., through Nov. 6;for women ages 18 and older; designed for women who wish to improve their overall ski fitness this winter through organized and professionally coached dryland training sessions; contact,www. or 541-678-3864. BEND ENDURANCEACADEMY COMPETITION PROGRAM:Tuesdays through Sundays through May 1, times vary; ages 14-23; athletes are instructed in varying activities to improve their strength, technique, coordination, agility, aerobic and anaerobic capacities with the end goal being to successfully apply these skills to ski racing; transportation provided; contact, www. or 541-678-3864.
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ADVENTURE SPORTS IN BRIEF • Bend man wins 100-mile race in Utah: Bend's Jeff Browning, 41,
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won the Wasatch Front 100 Mile Endurance Run, staged Sept. 7-8 in Utah. Browning crossed the finish line first among the 213 finishers with a time of 19 hours, 33 minutes, 30 seconds. The race, a point-to-point course from Kaysville to Midway along trails in the Wasatch Mountains, featured 27,000 feet of climbing and 26,000 feet of downhill. Browning'tsime was the fourth fastest in the 33 years of the race. George Grygar, of Salt Lake City, finished second in 20:51. Scott Wolfe, of Bend, finished ninth in 23:17:51. David Town, also of Bend, was 39th in 27:09:13.
instruction, water, materials; 541-389-8359, 800 962-2862; www.wanderlusttours.corn.
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Stock listings, E2-3 Calendar, E4 News of Record, E4 THE BULLETIN • FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2012
+ NASD AQCHArlGI'888 71./, IN BRIEF Wal-Mart drops Amazon products The nation's largest retailer has cut out the nation's largest e-tailer. Wal-Mart has an nounced it will stop selling Kindles and other Amazon.corn-branded products after it sells out of its existing stock. The Wal-Mart deci sion follows a similar move in May by rival Target, with that dis count chain saying it "continually evaluates its product assort ment" and would phase out Amazon-branded products in the spring of 2012. Although the retail be hemoth wasn't specific about its reasons for getting rid of the popular Kindle family, Wal-Mart might be worried about losing sales of physical media, such as DVDs and books, as consum ers use their Kindles to stream movies and download e-books from Amazon directly. And the two companies also compete heavily for sales of nonelectronics products, with analysts saying Amazon consis tently offers shoppers lower prices across several categories.
O www.bendbulletin.corn/business
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Goo y's to set upshop inPortlan By Rachael Rees The Bulletin
With plans to enter the Portland market and the start of caramel corn shipments to 44 Costco stores throughout the Northwest, Goody's, the Bend-based candy and ice cream maker, is expanding and tapping into new markets. It's part of the company's surge of growth during the past two years, when it opened a new factory, two additional stores and started franchising. Goody's Candy Store Inc., which began operations in Sunriver in 1984, expects to open its second franchise store in Beaverton in December,
said Dane Danforth, co-owner of Goody's. It will be the com pany's eighth store and the first in the Portland area. The first franchise, in Prineville, opened in May 2011. The company has not sought franchisees, beyond mentioning it on its website and napkin holders, Danforth said. People have approached the company aboutthe opportunities. It's possible the Beaverton store could be the first of several stores in the Portland area, as the company consid ers moving into other markets in Oregon and Washington in the future, Danforth said. SeeGoody's/E3
Yaris tops list of cars with highest injury rates
Goody's CandyStoreInc.openings 1984 —Sunriver store 1989 —Old factory and downtown Bend store 1996 —Boise store 1999 —East Bend store May 2011 — Prineville store, the first franchise May 2011 — Factory relocates to Reed Market Road near Division Street, with a store inside the factory June 2012 —Eugene store December 2012 —Portland area store, the second franchise, expected to open
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By Jerry Hirsch Los Angeles Times
LOS ANGELES — Don' t get in a traffic accident in a tiny Toyota Yaris. It has the most injuries per crash of any vehicle, according to an insurance AUTO industry study.
Courtesy Goody's Candy Store Inc.
Chocolates are among the more popular products Goody's Candy Store Inc. ships to customers.
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September looks
sluggishfor jobs September is look ing as if it's going be another sluggish month of job growth. New claims for job less benefits remained relatively high last week, confounding analysts' expectations for a siz able drop after a spike in filings the prior week because of Hurricane Isaac. The Labor Depart ment said Thursday there were 382,000 new applications for unemployment benefits filed last week. That was down just 3,000 from the week ended Sept. 8 and left the less-volatile, four-week moving aver age at about 378,000 compared with 368,000 a month earlier. — From wire reports
CentralOregon fuel prices Price per gallon for regular unleaded gas and diesel, as posted Thursday at AAA Fuel Price Finder
(www.aaaorid.corn). GASOLINE • Space Age,20635 Grandview Drive,
Bend............ $3.86
Jesslca Kourkounlsl New York Times News Service
Employees work on the factory floor at Gamesa, a major maker of components for wind turbines that has all but shut down its fac tory in Fairless Hills, Pa. Similar cutbacks are happening throughout the American wind sector.
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By Diane CardweD New Yorh Times News Service
FAIRLESS HILLS, Pa. — Last month, Gamesa, a major maker of wind turbines, completed the first significant order of its latest innovation: a camper-size box that can capture the energy of slow winds, potentially opening up new parts of the country to wind power. But by the time the last of the devic es, worth more than $1.25 million, was hitched to a rail car, Gamesa had all but shut down its factory here and furloughed
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92 of the workers who made them. "We are all really sad," said Miguel Orobiyi, 34, who worked as a mechanical assembler at the Gamesa plant for nearly five years. "I hope they call us back be cause they are really, really good jobs." Similar c u t backs a r e h a p p ening throughout the U.S. wind sector, which includes hundreds o f m a n ufacturers, from multinationals that m ake g iant windmills to smaller local manufacturers that supply specialty steel or bolts. In re cent months,companies have announced
almost 1,700 layoffs. At its peak in 2008 and 2009, the in dustry employed about 85,000 people, according to the American Wind Energy Association, the industry's principal trade
group. About 10,000 of those jobs have disap peared since, as wind companies have been buffeted by weak demand for elec tricity, stiff competition from cheap natu ral gas and cheaper options from Asian competitors. SeeWind /E4
way Loss Data Insti tute looked at insurance dataformodel year 2009 through 2011 vehicles and found that Yaris occupants filed personal injury claims 28.5 times for every 1,000 of the vehicles the industry insured. That's more than any other vehicle on the road and contrasts with the Porsche 911, which had the best rate — only 4.5 injury claims forevery 1,000 of the fancy sports car. "Toyota is committed to achieving the highest standardsforsafety and is proud of its industry-lead ing 18 Toyota, Lexus and Scion models, including the Yaris, named 2012 'Top Safety Picks' by the Insur ance Institute for Highway Safety," Toyota spokesman Brian Lyons said. The institute said its research demonstrated that the vehicles with the highest injury claims tend to be small cars and is an important supplement to the crash tests conducted by federal safety regulators and the insurance industry. "Injury claims data show something that crash test results can' t, and that's the role that vehicle size plays," said Kim Hazelbaker, H LDI senior vice president. "In most crash tests, the ad vantage of greater size and weight is masked by using a fixed barrier (in a test). As a result, crash test re sults are comparable only among similar vehicles." These numbers demon strate which vehicles' occu pants are the most likely to be injured in when it comes to real crashes, the institute said. "We know that in the real world, if all else is equal, a larger, heavier vehicle does a better job protecting occupants than a smaller, lighter one," Ha zelbaker said. The Suzuki SX4, a small crossover, had the second highest risk of injury to its occupants, posting 26.6 claims per 1,000 insured vehicles. SeeInjuries/E3
• Ren's Oil,62980 U.S. Highway 97,
Bend............ $3.93
• Chevron,3405 N. U.S. Highway 97,
As corn withers, biotechcompanies focus on drought-tolerant crops
Bend............ $4.04 • Chevron,1001 Rail
By Ricardo Lopez
• Chevron,2005 U.S. Highway 97,
Redmond ....... $3.99
Way, Sisters..... $4.04 • Texaco,2409 Butler Market Road,
Bend............ $4.06 • La Pine Mini Mart, 52530 U.S. Highway 97,
La Pine.......... $4.06 • Chevron,1210U.S. Highway 97,
Madras ......... $4.08 • Chevron,398 N.W. Third St., P rineville....... .
DIESEL • Chevron,1001 Rail Way, Sisters..... $4.36
• Chevron,1210U.S. Highway 97,
Madras ......... $4.44 • Texaco,178 Fourth St.,
Madras ......... $4.49 Ashley Brothersl The Bulletin
'r Los Angeles Times
WOODLAND, Calif. — The worst U.S. drought in half a century is withering the nation's corn crop, but it' s a fertile opportunity for mak ers of genetically modified crops. Agricultural biotechnology companies have been pour ing hundreds of millions of dollars into developing plants that can withstand the ef fects of a prolonged dry spell. Monsanto Co., based in St. Louis, has received regulato ry approval for DroughtGard, a corn variety that contains the first genetically modified trait for drought resistance. Seed makers, such as Pio neer Hi-Bred International Inc. of Johnston, Iowa, and Swiss company Syngenta,
t are already selling drought tolerant corn varieties, con ceived through conventional breeding. At stake: a $12 billion U.S. seed market, with corn com prising the bulk of sales. The grain is used in such things as animal feed, ethanol and food. The push is also on to develop soybean, cotton and
Renee Lafitte, a re search fellow at DuPont Pioneer, shows a plot where the company develops drought-tol erant corn.
Ricardo Lopez
Los Angeles Times
wheat that can thrive in a world that's getting hotter and drier. "Drought is definitely go ing to be one of the biggest challenges for our growers," said Jeff Schussler, senior research manager for Pio neer, the agribusiness arm of DuPont. SeeCrops/E3
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"LOCalSerVire — LOCal KnOttyleCfge"
commitment to safety and in novation and continues to ex Continued from E1 plore enhancements to safety Other vehicles that scored technology even beyond con poorly by the institute's mea ventional safety technologies. surement included the Chev We believe that the Nissan rolet Aveo, Mitsubishi Galant, Sentra and Versa provide ex Kia Rio, Nissan's Versa and cellent crash protection and Sentra, Hyundai Accent and safety to its occupants in the the Dodge Avenger. real world," the automaker "There are many factors said. that can influence claim rate Vehicles that scored well and we will study the results included the Chevrolet Cor to determine if the data can vette and S i lverado, Jeep provide us with useful in Grand Cherokee, Lexus LX formation for future safety 570, Mercedes-Benz SL-class d evelopments," Ni ss a n , convertible, Ford F-150, Land which had two cars on the Rover Range Rover and Ca list of the worst 10, said in a dillac Escalade. statement. The institute also looked "Nissan has a longstanding at the vehicles that sustained
the highest dollar amount of damage inflicted per incident. physical damage in a crash. The Lancer had 11.3 claims Not s u r p r isingly, the per 100 Lancers, averaging $200,000 Ferrari California $6,221. fared the w orst. A l though O ther vehicles that h a d there were just 2.6 claims per high claims and losses were every 100 of the Ferraris, each the Hyundai Genesis coupe, claim averaged $82,112. That the Suzuki K i z ashi f o u r was five times the second wheel drive sedan and the worst vehicle, the Maserati Subaru Impreza WRX. "For consumers concerned Granturismo, which suffered an average $16,150 of damage about insurance premiums, in a collision. this information is key," Ha Expensive c ar s t o p ped zelbaker said. "A lot of things the list, but the institute also go into your premium — your looked at the results for ve age, place of residence, driv hicles that are priced under ing record, sometimes even $30,000. Th e fo u r -wheel your credit history. The kind drive M i t subishi La n c er of vehicle you buy is the one ranked poorly both in claims factor that a consumer can frequency and the amount of control in the short term."
The roughly 300-acre cen ter, set amid flat farmland in the Sacramento Valley, is a hodgepodge of corn plots un dergoing stress treatments to see how well they fare under water-limited conditions. One well-watered corn plot is a lush shade of green, its 12-foot-tall plants heavy with thick corncobs. A couple of hundred yards away sits a plot denied water during the flow ering stage to see how drought might affect it. The result was c lear: stunted, yellow a n d withered plants with few ker nels per cob. But for all their efforts, re searchers say even drought hardy varieties are not guar anteed to survive an extended drought. "There's only so much you can do," said Renee Lafitte, a research fellow at Pioneer's Woodland research facility who has studied drought toler ance foralmost three decades. "This is not cactus." Monsanto is in the final stag es of field tests of its Drought Gard hybrid. About 250 corn growers in the western Plains planted about 10,000 acres of the seed this year to test its effectiveness. The harvest is now underway. Growers h av e r e p orted that the seed has performed relatively well compared with competitors' h y brid s, said Mark Edge, marketing lead for the product line. The new lines of corn "don' t have great yields, but they' re going to have yields," he said. "There is no silver bullet to these complex issues." DroughtGard, which was specifically engineered for the arid climates of Kansas, Texas, South Dakota and other states in the region, is expected to be
"Will we ever get to the point that corn
Continued from E1 "We are trying to create products for farmers to be pre pared for that." Their efforts come amid con cerns about genetically modi fied organisms, or GMOs, and the unforeseen consequences of this genetic tinkering. Cali fornians in N ovember will vote on Proposition 37, which would require foods to carry labels if they were genetically modified. The majority of corn seed sold is modified to resist pests and reap higher yields. Opponents say the l abel would unnecessarily dampen further development that is in tended to feed a growing glob al population dependent on the U.S., the largest exporter of corn and soybean. "Trying to create drought tolerant crops is not going to be easy to do," said Kent Bradford,director ofthe Se ed Biotechnology Center at the University of California-Da vis. "We certainly need all the tools (available) to do that, and that includes conventional breeding and adding trans genic traits. We don't need to stigmatize these approaches." To that end, Monsanto and DuPont, among others, have donated millions of dollars to the "No on 37" group, which has raised about $25 million to combat the labeling effort. Those in support of labeling say the law is merely intended to give consumers more in formation about the food they eat — and to draw attention to GMO ingredients. "I find it really funny that (opponents) are so scared of labeling," said Ignacio Cha pela, a University of Califor nia-Berkeley professor of mi
will thrive in a year like this? No. But I don't think there' s
false hopes that we' re going to improve the productivity of maize." — Mitch Tulnstra, agronomy professor, Purdue University
crobial ecology. "I'm not say ing that every GMO is deadly, but I'm also recognizing that we shouldn't be so glib about it and look the other way and hope for the best."
Full steam ahead D espite objections f r om anti-GMO activists, biotech companies are going full steam ahead on developing and pat enting drought-tolerant plants they can sell at a premium. "We as a research group are focusing on this 100 percent of the time," Pioneer's Schussler said. "A year like this, where you have this really wide spread drought over a large portion of the Midwest, is very unusual." Just outside Sacramento, in the small city of Woodland, Pioneer operates a research facility that helped develop its Optimum AquaMax line. The corn hybrids are touted to improve yields as much as 7 percent compared with other seeds. The facility, which looks like a largecorn farm, is dedicated largely to drought research. Here, researchers evaluate hundreds of genes yearly, look ing for ones they hope can be used in future product lines.
Div PE Last Chg%Chg Name
Div PE Last Chg%Chg
AlaskAir s Avista BkofAm BarrettB Boeing CascdeBcp CascdeCp
12 34.12 -.39 -9.1 1.16 16 25.64 +.18 -.4 .04 10 9 . 19-.10 +65.3 .44 38 2z47 -.41 +37.6 1.76 12 69.85 -.05 -4.8 4.69 -.51 +7.1 1.40 11 53.67 +.50 +13.8 .88 18 51.55 -.37 +10.7 1.10 29 10z64 +.76 +23.2 51 z70 -.12 +27.9 .28 14 21.10 +.14 -15.8 . 53 6 1 z 76-.34 -31.1 .24i ... 1 0.85-.32 +4.3 .90i 10 23.18 +.03 -4.4 . 20 9 8.9 8 -.06 +16.8 .60i 22 23.90 -.09 -1.3 10 4.20 -.05 -29.3 13.74 -.07 +70.3 .67 20 2z27 +.02 +3.8 14 16.50 -.07 +21.7 .92i 16 31.45 +.40 +21.1
1.44 20 1.08 18 1.78 21 .08 17 .80 12
Colsprtw Costco CraftBrew FLIRSys HewlettP HmFedlD Intel
Keycorp Kroger Lattice LaPac MDURes MentorGr Microsoft
NY HSBCBankUS NY MercGold NY MercSilver
$1768.50 $1767.70 $34.618
The new lines of drought tolerant crops are only the beginning. Scientists have no plans to let up on research to improve these first-generation seeds and develop a corn plant to protect corn growers' bot tom lines. U.S. farmers took advantage of an early planting season because of favorable weather conditions and planted 96.4 m illion acres of c or n t h i s spring, the most acreage since 1937. That led to huge profit gains forcorn-seed sellers:Monsan to saw itssecond-quarter corn seed business grow to $2.82 billion, up almost 18 percent from the year-earlierperiod. DuPont reported a 13 percent risein second-quarter sales for its agriculture division to $3.4 billion, led by its corn sales. But the intense heat of this summer's drought destroyed more than half the corn crop. The last time the harvest was expected to be this bad was in 1995. Corn prices have set records ahead of an expected short age that will ripple down to consumers, who will pay more for their food this fall and into next year. Improvements are slow to come because there isn't a single gene to fight drought's effects, said Mitch Tuinstra, an agronomy professor at Purdue University in Indiana. "Will we ever get to the point that corn will thrive in a year like this? No. But I don' t think there's false hopes that we' re going to improve the productivity of maize," Tuin stra said.
By Alan j. Heavens
Examination Council, which made the data available earlier PHILADELPHIA — If you this week. tried to get a mortgage last I n the a f termath o f t h e year and failed, or were put financial meltdown of Sep through the wringer first, you t ember 2008 and a s m o r e are in good company. home loans soured, lenders Of the 11.7 million mortgage tightened their underwriting applications received by lend requirements. ers in 2011, only 7.1 million To determine whether buy resulted in loan originations, ers could qualify for mortgag data on transactions covered es, real estate agents have been bythe Home Mortgage Disclo urging prospective clients to sure Act show. obtain prior approval of loan About 2.9 million loans were amounts needed to finance the purchased for sale to investors purchase of a house. on the secondary market. Before the meltdown, the The act, approved in 1975, typical buyer was "prequali requires lending institutions to fied," meaning that the loan report public loan data. officer of th e b ank w o uld, Mortgage lending actually using i n come i n f o rmation fell to a 16-year low, the data provided by the potential bor show. rower, detail the amount of the There also were fewer lend mortgage for which the appli ers in the market. In 2006, this cant qualified. data covered slightly m ore The 2011 data showed that than 8,900 lenders. In 2011, it 186,000 of 483,000 requests covered 7,632, according to the for these preapprovals didn' t Federal Financial Institutions result in a mortgage loan. The Philadelphia Inquirer
Goody's Continued from E1 G oody's growth ha s n o t only been in new stores. The company began shipping car amel corn to Costco Whole sale Corp. stores last month. Danforth attributes the re cent expansions to the compa ny's diversity of products — ice cream, chocolates, candy and caramel corn — and the fact that they are locally made. "We think there's a lot of po tential for growth in our indus try," Danforth said. "We have fairly good brand awareness, (so) we are going to be able to capitalize on that." Ruth L i ndley, m arketing manager of Economic Devel opment for Central Oregon, said opening a Portland loca tion will help bring dollars back to Central Oregon. While a company may cre ate jobs in another geographic area, she said, any profitability will return to the business own er in Central Oregon, where the company is headquartered. That could, in turn, lead to the expansion of local operations. Danforth a g reed, n oting that Goody's will have to hire more people at the Bend fac tory and fo r d eliveries. He said the new store could also
increase online sales, result ing in a need for even more employees. The company cur rently employs 75 people. Lindley said offering fran chises, in addition to c om pany-owned stores, is a good way for small companies like Goody's to grow quickly. "You are getting your brand out there," she said. "Your brand has a lot more exposure, and frequently the consumer makes no differentiation be tween a company-owned store and a franchise." Lindley said Goody's isn' t the first Bend company to en ter the Portland market, refer ring to D eschutes Brewery, which opened a pub in Port land in 2008. Along with increased expo sure, she said, expanding into a larger market often strength ens a company. Competing against a num ber of microbreweries in Port land and adapting its menu for the city brought innovation back to Deschutes Brewery's local operations. "Portland is a bigger, more competitive market," Lindley said. "It makes whatever com pany is going into that market sharpen their game." — Reporter: 541-617-7818, rreesC<bendbulletin.corn
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96.72 -.94 +.4 13,653.24 10,404.49 Dow Jones Industrials 13,596.93 +i 8.97 +.14 +i1.29 +26.67 5,390J1 3,950.66 Dow Jones Transportation 4,961.69 -141.39 -z77 -146 +1 9.56 56.56 -.30 +13.8 BkofAm 1040114 9.19 -.10 CheniereE 61930 24.10 -2.15 SiriusXM 11661 51 2.57 +.08 48.80 +.20 +1.8 499.82 40.54 Dow Jones Utilities 471.02 +z43 +.52 +1.36 +1 0.17 SKP500ETF 9731 22 146.71 +.01 NwGoldg 55043 12.M +.16 Facebook n 553323 22.59 -.70 8,515.60 6,414.89 NYSE Composite 8,37z91 -2z58 -.33 +i1.98 +24.47 8 . 03 +.06 +76.9 -.12 NovaGld g 36954 6.08 -.1 0 Microsoft 388495 31.45 +40 SprintNex 691950 544 -4.56 -48 + 9.04 2,50z21 1,941.99 Amex Index 2,484.34 +1 9.90 Paccar 41.96 -.33 +1zo SPDR Fncl 638042 15.95 -.09 Rentech 3 6346 2.M +.13 Micron T 373305 6.45 -.20 3495.67 2,298.89 NasdaqComposite 3,175.96 -6.66 -.21 +21.91 +29.33 Planarsy 1.40 +.01 -26.7 BariPVix 478625 8.75 -.10 CheniereEn 35909 16.40 -.36 Questcor 356072 30.33 +3.98 -.79 -.05 +1641 1,474.51 1,074.77 S&P 500 1,460.26 +29.28 PlumCrk 1.68 41 44.29 +.32 +21.1 Gainers (s2 ormore) Gainers (s2 ormore) Gainers (s2 or more) 15,43z54 0,208.42 Wilshire 5000 15,256.94 -27.60 -48 +15.67 +28.84 PrecCastpt .12 18 161.20 +1.73 -z2 -4.57 -.53 +14.93 Name L a s t Chg %Chg Name L a s t Chg %Chg Name L a s t Chg %Chg 868.50 601.71 Russell 2000 851.51 +3z34 Safeway .70 9 1 6 .40-.06 -2z1 Schnitzer .75 13 29.37 -.36 -30.5 AmrRlty 3 . 2 9 +.32 +10.8SDgopfA 27.38 +2.75 +11.2 Dialogic rs 3.50 +1.19 +51.5 Sherwin 1.56 30 148.09 -.96 +65.9 8 . 21 +1.22 +17.5 StancrpFn .89i 10 31.77 -.32 -13.6 MillMda n 15.25 +1.00 +7.0 MeetMe 2 . 7 5 +.22 +8.7 Nll Hldg ConAgra 27.24 +1.59 +6.2 IncopR 2 . 8 4+.20 +7.6 LibMedrt 13.45 +1.87 +16.1 Starbucks .68 28 51.19 +1.08 +11.3 CreXus 1 1.24 +.65 +6.1 MexcoEn 7.06 +.46 +7.0 Codexis Keycurrency exchange rates Thursday 3 . 5 9 +.48 +1 5.4 Hereis how key international stock markets TriQuint 5.57 -.24 +14.4 Cellcom 8 . 8 0 +.49 +5.9 IEC Elec 6 . 8 5 + .43 +6.7 Questcor 30.33 +3.98 +15.1 performed Thursday. compared with late Wednesday in NewYork. Umpqua .36 16 13.23 -.03 +6.8 Market Close % Change Dollarvs: E x change Rate Pvs Day Losers (s2 or more) Losers (s2 or more) Losers (s2 or more) US Bancrp .78 13 34.04 -.30 +25.8 L a s t Chg %Chg Name L a s t Chg %Chg Name L a s tChg %Chg Amsterdam WashFed .32 14 16.84 +.14 +20.4 Name 334.24 -.44 t AustraliaDollar 1.0442 1.0494 WellsFargo .88 12 35.20 -.05 +2z7 Brussels 2,459.46 +30 s Britain Pound 1.6211 1.6230 -.33 -1 3.1 HorizPhm 3.48 -1.10 -24.0 IHS Inc 94.77 -20.48 -17.8 USAntimny 2.18 WstCstBcp 12 20.39 -.06 +30.7 -.62 t Paris 3,509.92 CanadaDollar 1.0240 1.0265 XPO Logis 12.89 -2.71 -17.4 CheniereE 24.10 -2.15 -8.2 SkywksSOI 24.03 -5.45 -1 8.5 Weyerhsr .60 40 26.26 +.01 +40.7 Clarcor London 5,854.64 -.57 t Chile Peso .002129 .002129 43.75 -5.82 -11.7 HMG 4.60 -.40 -8.0 ChiCeraun 2.05 -.37 -1 5.3 7,389.49 -.02 ChinaYuan .1586 .1585 Penney 25.83 -3.26 -11.2 Espey 2 2 .75 -1.95-7.9 EducMgmt 3.23 -.39 -1 0.8 Frankfurt -1.20 HangKong 20,590.92 EuroEuro 1.2967 1.3063 NodlkSO 66.11 -6.58 -9.1 MastechH 4.74 -.29 -5.8 BedBath 62.08 -6.71 -9.8 Mexico -1.07 HangKongDollar .1290 .1290 40,501.38 Diary Diary Diary Milan 15,830.28 -1.68 JapanYen .012778 .012756 NewZealand 3,81 9.28 +56 s MexicoPeso .077702 .077941 Advanced 189 Advanced 905 1,181 Advanced Tokyo -1.57 t RussiaRuble .0319 .0321 9,086.98 1,828 Declined 243 Declined 1,517 Pvs Oay T ime period Percent Declined Seoul 1,990.33 -.87 Sa. KoreaWon .000891 .000897 Unchanged 124 Unchanged 33 Unchanged 131 -.42 t Singapore 3,062.61 SwedenKrona .1532 .1538 Last 3.25 Totalissues 3,133 Total issues 465 Total issues 2,553 $1770.50 -.46 t New Highs 138 New Highs 10 New Highs 97 Sydney 4,41 9.79 SwitzerlndFranc 1.0718 1.0782 $1769.00 Previousday 3.25 Zurich -.23 t Taiwan Dol l a r .0340 .0341 New Laws 12 New Laws 5 New Laws 23 6,071.67 $34.519 Aweekago 3.25
World markets
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Incremental improvements
Mortgage lending hit 16-year low in 2011
Market recap
Northwest stocks NikeB Nordstrm NwstNG Offi ceMax
commercially available next year, Edge said.
Prime rate
Selected mutual funds YTD Equ>tyov 2034+002+130 Name NAY Chg %Ret GlbAllocr 1982 -003 +95 Cohen &Steers: Amer CenturyInv: Eqlnc 8 0 2 +124 RltyShrs 6917 n 18 +150 Growlhl 2900 -005 +180 ColumbiaClassZ: Ultra 2 7 20 -006 +187 AcomZ 31 67 -026+163 AcomlntZ 3978 -013 +166 American Funds A: AmcpAp 2169 -006+157 Credit SuisseComm: A MutlAp 2877 +1 2 5 ComRett 843 -005 +31 BalAp 2038 -002+136 DFA Funds: BondAp 1293+001 +50 IntlCorEq 1022 -006 +130 CaplBAp 5373 -002+112 USCorEq11246 -002+171 CapWGAp3666 -016 +160 USCorEq21227 -003+171 CapWAp 2158 -002 +67 Davis FundsA: EuparAp 3999 -030+137 NYl/enA 3666 -026+128 FdlnvAp 4066 -009+160 Davis FundsY: GovtA p 14 59 +0 01 +2 0 NYl/enY 3710 -026 +130 GwlhAp 3429 -011 +194 DelawareInveslA: HITrAp 1125 -001 +112 D>verlncp 943+001 +57 IncoAp 1809 -001 +110 Dimensional Fds: IntBdAp 1378 +24 EmMCrEq1914 -013 +125 ICAAp 3118 -004 +166 EmMktV 2878 -018 +122 NEcoAp 2865 -011 +205 IntSmVa 1524 -007+141 NPerAp 3075 -011 +175 LargeCQ 1151 -001 +178 NwNlrldA 5238 -033 +136 USLgVa 2258 -005+195 SmCpAp 3943 -017+188 USSmall 2375 -012+165 TxExAp 1307 +002 +71 USSmVa 2731 -015+184 WshAp 3183 -005 +133 IntlSmCQ 1539 -006 +131 Rxd 1 0 3 5 +08 Arlisan Funds: Intl 23 7 6 -014 +198IntVa 1603 -010+116 IntlValr 2926 -013+166 Glb5Fxlnc 1124+001 +41 +08 M>dCap 3929 -056 +193 2 YGIFxd 10 12 M>dCapVal2157 -005 +95 Dodge&Cox: Baron Funds: Balanced 78 05 -0 13 +17 2 Growlh 5863 -039+149 Income 1391 +001 +66 IntlSlk 3333 -035 +140 Bernslein Fds: I ntour 1418 +4 3 Bock 121 73 -0 29 +210 D>vMu 1486 +002 +24 Doubleune Funds: TRBd I 11 41 NA BlackRockA: NA Eqtyo>v 2029+002+128 TRBd N p 1141 GIAIAr 1972 -003 +93 Dreylus: BlackRockB&C: Aprec 46 10 +0 05 +147 GIAICt 1834 -003 +87 Eaton Vance I: BlackRockInstl: AtgRt 9 1 0 +66
FMI Funds: LgCapp 1757 -003+152 FPA Funds: Newlnco 1069+001 +1 9 FPACres 2905 -003 +94 Fairholme 31 01 -053+340 Federated Instl: TotRetBd 11 59 +54 StrValDvlS 519+001 +97 Fidelity AdvisorA: Nwlnsghp2346 -006 +190 StrlnA 12 74 -0 02 +a4 Fidelity AdvisorI: Nwlnsgtl 2379 -006+192 Fidelity Freedom: FF2010 1441 -003 +103 FF2010K 1321 -002 +105 FF2015 1205 -002 +106 FF2015K 1328 -002 +107 FF2020 14 61 -0 03 +117 FF2020K 13 73 -0 02 +118 FF2025 1220 -003 +131 FF2025K 1391 -004 +132 FF2030 1454 -004 +135 FF2030K 1407 -003 +137 FF2035 12 07 -0 04 +146 FF2035K 14 19 -0 04 +1 48 FF2040 843 -002 +147 FF2040K 14 24 -0 04 +1 49 Fidelity Invest: AIISectEq 1329 -001 +183 AMgr50 1649 -002 +107 AMgr20r 1338 -001 +62 Balanc 2050 -002+137 BalancedK2050 -002 +138 BlueChGr 51 46 -019 +21 3 CapAp 3030 -012 +231 Cplncr 943 -003+133 Contra 8052 -020+194 ContraK 8053 -020+195 aSEq 2523 -001 +173 Divlntl 2934 -010 +150 DivrslntKr 2932 -010 +151 avGth 3065 -013 +193
Eq Inc 4782 +003 +174 TotMktAdr4240 -006+177 Harlford FdsA: EQII 1 9 92+001 +158 U SBondl 11 98 +3 6 CpAppAp 3322 -016 +153 Fidel 3 6 76 -005+187 First Eagle: Harlford HLSIA: RtRatear 995 +56 GlblA 4999 -026 +108 CapApp 4310 -019 +159 GNMA 1186 +001 +31 OverseasA 2250 -018 +105 HussmanFunds: -130 Govtlnc 1090 +23 Forum Funds: BSrowlh 1082 GroCQ 10011 -055+238 AbsBrlr 1122+002 +1 5 IVA Funds: FrnkA: Nlldwidel r1633 -006 +63 Grolnc 2162+002+197 Frank/Temp GrowCQF10013 -0 55 +239 FedTIAp 1269+002 +72 InvescoFundsA: GrowlhCQK1 00 11-055 +239 GrwlhAp 5084 -020+139 Chartp 1818 -002+133 aghlncr 933 -002+125 HYTFAp 1087 +002 +91 CmstkAx 1766 -004 +174 IntBd 111 1 +4 0 IncomAp 225 -001 +124 EqlncAx 926 -004 +128 IntmMu 1063+001 +39 BsovAp 3813 +002 +96 GrlnrApx 21 19 -003 +152 Intlasc 3203 -014 +160 Bratlncp 1070 +97 HYMuA 1005+002+114 I nvGrBd 1201 +4 7 U SGovAp 689 +1 9 hry Funds: InvGB 79 7 +52 Frank/TmpFrnkAdv: AsselSCt 2468 -016+141 LgCapVal 1155 -001 +147 GlbBdAdv 1332 -001 +11 6 AsselStA p2553 -0 16 +147 LowPr 3970 -013+163 Inc meAd 2 24 +1 3 2 AsselStrlr 25 79 -0 16 +149 LowPnKr 3967 -014+164 Frank/Temp FrnkC: JPMorganAClass: Magelln 7577 -008+206 IncomCt 227 -001 +119 CoreBdA 1209 +40 M>dCap 3043 -014 +165 Frank/TempMtl A&B: JP MorganInstl: Mumlnc 1349 +0 02 +6 2 SharesA 22 55 + 1 4 6MdCpVal 2804 -006+181 NwMktr 1753 -005+148 Frank/Temp TempA: JPMorgan RCl: OTC 6 376 -002+166 GIBdAp 1336 -001 +114 C oreBond 12 09 + 43 100lndex 10 55 + 1 9 6 GrwlhA p 19 10 -0 14 +172 JPMorganSel Cls: Puntn 20 04 +1 4 3 WorldA p 15 94 -0 11 +160 C oreBd 12 08 +42 PuntanK 20 04 + 1 4 4Frank/TempTmpB&C: H>ghYld 818 -001 +121 SAIISecEqF1330 -002+184 G IBdCp 1339 +1 1 1 S htourBd 1102 + 15 SCmdtyBrt 930 -002 +38 GE ElfunS&S: USLCCrPls2367 -004 +199 SCmdtyBrF933 -002 +40 US Eqty 4592 -009 +185 Janus TShrs: SrslntGrw 1176 -005+163 GMO TrustIII: PrkMCValT2237 -010+108 SrslntVal 923 -005+142 Qual>ty 2417+003+159 John HancockCI1: SrlnvGrdF 1202+001 +48 GMO TrustIV: LSBalanc 1366 -003 +127 STBF 8 5 9 +20 InentrVI 2059 -010 +102 LSGrwlh 1360 -004 +142 GMO Trust VI: Bratlnc 1141 -001 +87 Lazard Insll: TotalBd 1127 +54 EmgMklsr1142 -006+108 EmgMktl 1956 -013+164 Longleaf Parlners: USBI 11 99 +0 01 +3 6 GoldmanSachsInst: Value 7532 -011 +187 aYield 738 -001 +127 Parlners 3067 -018 +151 Fidelity spartan: M>dCapV 3899 -017+161 LoomisSayles: 500ldxlnv 51 98 -002+179 Harbor Funds: LSBondl 1509 -002+120 500ldxl 5199 -002+180 Bond 13 00 +0 01 NA BrlncC 1554 -001 +105 Fidelity SparlAdv: CapAplnst 4385 -019 +188 LSBondR 1503 -001 +11 8 ExMktAdr 4092 -026+167 Inenvt 5973 -026+149 BrlnrA 1546 -001 +111 500ldxAdv51 98 -002 +179 Intlr 604 2 -026 +152LoomisSayles hN:
InvGrBdY 1275 -001 +101 DvMktAp 3379 -022 +152 Permannt 4983 -013 +81 S&P Sel 2308 +179 TtlBAdml 1115 +35 Lord Ab bett A: GlobAp 6222 -027 +151 Pioneer FundsA: Scout Funds: TSlkAdm 3651-005 +177 A ff>IAp 1213 +15 9 G blBrlnrA 4 30 + 1 0 2 eonFdApx4274 -016 +11 6 Intl 3197 -014 +152WdlslAdm 59 69 +006 +92 BdoebAp 812 -001 +111 IntBdAp 652 -001 +80 Price Funds: Sequo>a 16443+018+130 WdltnAdm 5978 +003 +121 ShourlnrAp464 +53 MnStFdA 3812 -017 +185 Blchv 4677 -024 +21 0 TCW Funds: Windsor 50 35 -013 +181 Lord Ab bett C: R>angD> vAx1765-009 +133 CapApp 2340 -001 +135 TotRetBdl 1025+001 +109 WdsrllAd 52 84+003 +168 VanguardFds: ShourlncCt467 +47 S&MdCpVI31 40 -014 +60 EmMktS 3202 -032+123 TempletonInstit: Lord Ab bett F: Eqlnc 2658+002+165 ForEqS 1923 -020 +130 Capopp 33 75-0 13 +14 4 OppenheimerB: Eqlndex 3951 -001 +177 Thornburg Fds: D>vdGro 17 01+002 +116 S htourlnco 4 64 + 5 3 R>angD> vBx1597-005 +127 MFS FundsA: S&MdCpVI2655 -012 +53 Growlh 3874 -017+21 7 IntValAp 2652 -019+111 Energy 62 58-006 +61 TotRA 15 30 +1 0 9Oppenheimer C&M: HlthSa 43 93 +3 4 8 IntValuel 2713 -020+115 Eqlnc 24 67+007 +143 ValueA 2584 -001 +164 R>angovCpx1590-006+128 HiYield 692 -001 +121 TweedyBrowne: Explr 81 39 -052 +139 MFS FundsI: OppenheimerRoch: InstlCpG 1938 -012+202 GblValue 2501 -006+145 GNMA 11 09+001 +25 Admiral: Valuel 2597 -001 +167 RcNtMuA 751 +002 +150 IntlBond 1018 -001 +63 Vanguard HYCorp 6 06 +11 5 MainStay FundsA: OppenheimerY: IntlG&l 1279 -008+110 BalAdml 2415 -001 +120 HlthCre 14762+037 +148 CAITAdm 1169+003 +53 -003 +59 a YldBA 613 +10 8 Ds(MktY 3347 -022 +155 IntlStk 1400 -011+139 InilaPro 14 88 ManagersFunds: IntlBdY 652 -001 +84 M>dCap 5991 -056+136 CpopAdl 7798 -031 +144 IntlGr 18 68 -0 10 +14 3 Yacktmanp1939+005 +122 IntGrowY 2977 -017 +167 MCapVal 2532 -008+184 EMAdmrr 3527 -026+114 IntlVal 30 26 -0 19 +13 6 YacktFoc 2084+006+116 PIMCOAdmin PIMS: NAs>a 1600 -019+150 Energy 11752 -011 +62 ITIGrade 1040 +74 Manning&NapierFds: TotRtAd 11 56 +0 01 +8 6 Nev Era 4470 -015 +63 EqlnAdmn5172+014 +144 ufecon 17 43-002 +85 WldoppA 764 -002 +153 PIMCO Insll PIMS: NHonz 3681 -024+186 ExtdAdm 4595 -028 +168 ufeGro 23 80-006 +136 MergerFd 1600 +26 AIAsetAutrx1116-013 +139 Nlnc 99 2 + 001 +48 500Adml 13527 -005 +180 ufeMOd 21 10-0 04 +11 1 Metro WestFds: AIIAssetx 1267 -012 +123 OverSSF 834 -007+139 GNMAAd 1109+001 +26 LTIGrade 1085+002 +94 TotRetBd 1102+001 +94 ComodRRx702 -010 +99 R2010 1676 -003+116 GrwAdm 3800 -011 +202 Morg 20 65 -007 +182 TotRtBdl 11 01 +0 01 +94 D>vlnc 1217 -001 +116 R2015 1307 -003+129 HlthCr 6230 +016 +14 8 Mulnt 14 34+002 +45 MorganstanleyInst: EmgMkCur1048 -001 +68 R2020 1813 -005+140 aYldCp 606 +1 1 6PrmcpCor 1518 -006 +125 MCapGrl 3593 -033 +91 EmMkBd 1224 -002+123 R2025 1330 -005+149 InfProAd 2924 -005 +61 Prmcp r 70 31-007 +139 Mutual Series: aYld 959 -0 01 +11 7R2030 1913 -007+157 I TBdAdml 1211 +56 SelValur 21 09-009 +134 GblascA 3005 -004 +124 InvGrCp 1121 +001 +117 R2035 1354 -005 +161 I TsryAdml 11 77 + 23 STAR 20 83 -003 +122 GlbascZ 3049 -004 +127 Lowou 10 65 +0 01 +54 R2040 1927 -008+163 IntGrAdm 5946 -031 +144 STIGrade 10 85 +37 Shared 22 77 +0 01 +149 RealRtnl 1253 -002 +79 ShtBd 4 8 6 +2 5 ITAdml 1434+002 +46 BratEq 21 38 -007 +166 +75 TgtRetlnc 12 31-002 +76 Neuberger&BermFds: ShortT 989+001 +29 SmCpSlk 3690 -018+181 ITGrAdm 1040 Geneslnst 5039 -021 +85 TotRt 1156+001 +88 SmCapVal3939 -021 +142 LtdTrAd 1118 +001 +1 6 TgRe2010 24 55 -004 +95 Norlhern Funds: PIMCO Funds A: S pec ln 13 01 +8 7 LTGrAdml 1085+002 +95 TgtRe20151362 -002 +107 LTAdml 1174+002 +65 aYFxlnc 750 -001 +122 RealRtAp 1253 -002 +76 Value 2650 -001 +176 TgRe2020 24 22 -0 04 +11 7 OakmarkFundsI: MCpAdml10221 -049 +14 7 TgtRe20251382 -003 +126 TotRtA 11 56 +0 01 +8 5 Principal Inv: Eqtylncr 2943 -002 +88 PIMCO FundsC: 76 -005 +136 LgCGlln 1061 -005+195 MuHYAdm1121 +002 +75 TgRe2030 23 Intl Ir 19 45 -027 +175TotRtC t 11 56 +0 01 +7 9 Putnam FundsA: PrmCapr 7298 -007+140 TgtRe20351432 -0 04 +14 5 Oakmark 4981 -012+195 PIMCO Funds0: GrlnAp 1471 -002+170 Re>tAdmr 9418 -148+165 TgtRe20402355 -006 +149 Old WestburyFds: TRtnp 1156+001 +86 RoyceFunds: STsyAdml 1079 +06 TgtRe20451479 -003 +149 Globopp 7 52 -0 01 +119 PIMCO FundsP: PennMulr1203 -009+118 S TBdAdml1066 +17 USGro 21 65-007 +199 GlbSMdCap1492-0 07 +128 AslAIIAuthPx1115-0 13+13 8 Prem>erlr 2013 -015 +87 S htTrAd 15 93 +09 Wdlsly 24 63+002 +92 LgCapBrat 9 93 -0 05 +132 TotRlnP 11 56 +0 01 +8 8 SchwabFunds: STIGrAd 1085 +38 Wdltn 34 61+002 +120 OppenheimerA: Perm PortFunds: 1000lnvr 4152 -004+174 SmCAdm 3906 -023 +170 Wnd sr 14 92 -004 +179
Wndsll 2977+002 +168 Vang uardIdx Fds: ExtMktl 11341 -071 +168 MeCplstPI11137-0 53 +147 TotlntAdmr2462 -013 +127 Totlnenslr9846 -054 +128 TotlnePr 9849 -054 +128 500 1 3524 -005 +179 MeCap 2251 -010+146 TotBnd 1115 +34 Toentl 1471 -008+126 TotStk 3649 -006 +176 Vang uardInstl Fds: Ballnsl 2415 -002+120 DevMklnst 955 -005 +134 Extln 4 5 95 -028+168 Grwlhlsl 3800 -011 +203 InfProlnsl 1191 -002 +60 Insl
If you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323, email businessC~bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.corn. Please allow at least IO days before the desired date of publication.
DISPATCHES NAVIS in Bend has been named by The Oregonian as one of the 60 Top Workplaces in the state. NAVIS was ranked 22nd in the small-business cat egory and is the highest-rank ing small business in Central Oregon. NAVIS specializes in helping lodging providers in crease revenue through their reservation sales system. For information, call 877-916-2749 or visit www.thenavisway.corn. Mama Bear Oden's Eco Kidz Preschool and Kindergarten has a new l ocation at 222 S.F.. Reed Market Road, Suite 150, in Bend. For i nforma tion or to schedule a tour, call 541-390-0396. Cathy's Cleaners in B e nd now provides a new eco-friend ly garment cleaning process called Fnviro Cleaning. This process uses water, detergents
and conditioners, is safe for all C onference. Commute O p fabrics and produces no haz tions was recognized for work ardous waste, air pollution or in employee outreach, Safe chemical smell. For informa Routes to School, Drive Less tion, contact 541-306-3690 or Connect and regionwide pro visit ww w. c athys-cleaners. gram expansion. For informa corn. tion on Commute Options, call Cascade Sotheby's Interna 5 41-330-2647 or visit w w w . tional Realty, based in Bend, r ecently participated in t h e Schechter Architect in Bend 2012 Sotheby's International has announced that the Maddi Realty Leadership Forum. The gan-Morris home in Tumalo will three-day event provided op be featured in the Green+Solar portunities for brokers, own Home Tour on Oct. 6. The Mad ers and managers to network digan-Morris home features a and share best practices. Cas passive green climate system cade Sotheby's International and generates a total annual Realty offers services in Bend, utility bill of about $600, with Sunriver and Sisters. For in most electricity provided by formation, call 541-383-7600. solar energy. For more informa Commute Options in Bend tion on Schechter Architect, call recently received the Oregon 541-408-3638. For information Transportation Options Pro on the Green+Solar Home Tour, gram of the Year award at the visit www.greenandsolarhome Oregon Public Transportation tour.corn.
TODAY TOWN HALLFORUM: Fouryear university: What does that mean for education in Bend?; free; 7:30 a.m.; Bend Golf and Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-382-7437 or DESERTCONFERENCE:A forum for land managers, conservationists, academics and advocates to educate and collaborate on critical desert issues; includes Wild and Scenic Film Fest, live music and guest speakers; $50; 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Oregon Natural Desert Association, 50 S.W.Bond St.,Suite4,Bend; 541-330-2638. ENTRELEADERSHIPONEDAY SIMULCAST:Nationally syndicated radio talk-show host and NewYork Times best-selling author Dave Ramsey will teach companies how to take their businesses to the next level, in a live simulcast from Nashville to locations around the country; contact Jet Cowan at 541 788-3868 for more information or to register; 8:45 a.m.-4 p.m.; Bend Church of the Nazarene, 1270 N.E 27th St.; 541-382-5496. CENTRALOREGONREALESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile@windermere.corn. LEADERLUNCH:Reservations required, open to Bend Chamber members; noon-1:30 p.m.; Awbrey Glen Golf Club, 2500 N.W.Awbrey Glen Drive, Bend; 541-388-8526. KNOW CRAIGSLIST:Free; 1-2:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. FREE TAXFRIDAY: Freetax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax .corn; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 S.W.Simpson Ave.,Suite100,Bend; 541-385-9666. KNOW WORD II: Free;3-4:30 p.m .; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. REDMOND CHAMBER DINNER DANCEANDAUCTION: Theme: "The Great Outdoors"; 6-11 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way; 541 548-2711.
SATURDAY DESERTCONFERENCE:A forum for land managers, conservationists, academics and advocates to educate and collaborate on critical desert issues; includes Wild and Scenic Film Fest, live music and guest speakers; $50; 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Oregon Natural Desert Association, 50 S.W.Bond St.,Suite4,,Bend; 541-330-2638.
TUESDAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Starts at 7:15 a.m.; visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377. THE SIMPLEMECHANICS OF QUICKLYPERFECTING YOUR BUSINESS (ANDLIFE): Sam Carpenter, founder and CEO of Centratel, will get to the nuts and bolts of his best-selling book, "Work the System: The Simple Mechanics of Making More and Working Less"; registration required; $25 for Chamber members and $45 for nonmembers;11 a.m.; Bend Golf and Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-382-7437 or www KNOW INTERNETFOR BEGINNERS:Free;2-3:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. OPEN COMPUTER LAB: Free;2-3:30 p.m.; East BendPublic Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-330-3760. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Free; 3 4:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312 1050.
OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Free; 5:30 7 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312 1050. SMALL-BUSINESSCOUNSELING: No appointment necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-617-7080. SUSTAINABLEWASTEWATER SOLUTIONS,BETTER CHOICES FOR CITIES, DEVELOPMENTS 8 INDIVIDUAL HOMES:Morgan Brown, Whole Water Systems, will present; free; 7 p.m.; Bend Park & Recreation District Office, Community Room, 799 S.W. Columbia St.; 541-389-7275.
WEDNESDAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541 749-0789. UNDERSTANDINGINVESTMENTS: Learn about the costs of various, investment-related products; coffee will be provided; hosted by Miller Ferrari Wealth Management, securities and advisory services offered through Commonwealth Financial Network, member FINRA/ SIPC, a registered investment adviser; free; 8:30-10 a.m.; Starbucks, 61470 U.S. Highway 97, Bend. LEADER LUNCH,BEND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ADVISORYBOARD MARKETINGSUBCOMMITTEE MEETING:Opento the public; 3 p.m.; Bend Visitor Center, 750 N.W. Lava Road; 541-388-5529. BUSINESSAFTER HOURS PURECAREDENTALOFBEND: Registration required; 5-7 p.m.; PureCare Dental of Bend, 3081 North U.S. Highway 97, Suite105; 541-647-5555 or www.bend
THURSDAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES BUSINESSNETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Starts at 7 a.m.; visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; Bend Masonic Center, 1036 N.E Eighth St.; 541-610-9125. OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER PERMIT TRAINING:Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain the alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E.Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www.happyhourtraining.corn. GETTINGTHE MOST OUT OF SCHWAB.COM:Free;noon-1p.m.; Charles Schwab & Co.,777 N.W .Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541-318-1794. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Free; f 2:30 p.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-536-051 5. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Free; 2-3:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1 765. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF BEND:Deschutes County Commissioner Tammy Baney will speak at Soroptimist's autumn kick-off dinner program; RSVP is necessary by Sept. 26; $1 5dinner includes beverage and gratuity; 5:30-7 p.m.; Boston's, 61276 S. U.S. Highway 97, Suite 140; 541-728 0820 or LIVECONTRACTOR EDUCATION COURSE:The live course, taught by ML Vidas with Central Oregon Contractor Training, is approved by the Oregon Construction Contractors Board and satisfies the educational requirement to take the test to become a licensed contractor
BS 8 dedared 'fit and proper' to hold a broadcast license By Ravi Somaiya and Alan Cowell New York Times News Service
LONDON — British regu lators concluded Thursday that the country's biggest sat ellite pay-TV group, British Sky Broadcasting, or BSkyB, was "fit and proper" to hold a broadcastlicense, offering a victory for its biggest share holder, Rupert M u r doch's News Corp., after months of embroilment in t h e p h one hacking scandal engulfing M urdoch's B r i tish m e d i a outpost. In a lengthy and detailed ruling, the Office of Commu nications, known as Ofcom, appeared to exonerate Mur doch in the hacking scandal while raising questions about the "competence" of his son James, who oversaw his fam ily's British media holdings
in Oregon; course continues Sept. 28-29; $299 includestheOregon Contractor's Reference Manual; 6-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7290.
for manyyears. The regulator found that James Murdoch "fell short" in his handling of the hacking scandal and in his "attitude toward the pos sibility of wrongdoing in the companies for which he was responsible." The ruling spared BSkyB a potentially bruising and expensive legal battle to hold on to its license for broadcast ing operations that earned a net profit of $1.4 billion in the year ending June 30, making it one of the most lucrative Murdoch investments. Ofcom announced its con clusions in a statement after months of inquiries about the standing of BSkyB, in which News Corp. holds a 39 per cent stake. Murdoch had been promot ing a $12 billion bid to acquire full control of BSkyB when
the scandal involving phone hacking by newspaper jour nalists broke over other parts of his British media outpost, particularly The News of the World tabloid, raising ques tions about BSkyB's status as a broadcaster. It was not immediately clear whether the ruling would encourage a revival of the bid. "Ofcom considers that, on the evidence currently avail able and having taken into ac count all the relevant factors, Sky is fit and proper to hold its broadcast licenses," the regulator's statement said. But it cautioned: "Ofcom's duty to be satisfied that a li censee is fit and proper is on going. Should further relevant evidence become available in the future, Ofcom would need to consider that evidence in order to fulfill its duty."
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FRIDAY Sept. 28 EDWARDJONESCOFFEECLUB: Current market and economic update including current rates; free; 9 a.m.; Ponderosa Coffee House, 61292 S. U.S. Highway 97, Suite 105, Bend; 541-617-8861. SUSTAINABLEBUSINESS GROUP: Jennifer Letz, the sustainable operations specialist for the Deschutes and Ochoconational forests in Central Oregon, will be speaking about managing waste at a fire camp; 9-10:30 a.m.; American Licoric e Company,2796 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend. CENTRALOREGONREAL ESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile@windermere.corn. FREE TAXFRIDAY: Freetax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax .corn; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 S.W.Simpson Ave.,Suite 100,Bend; 541-385-9666. KNOW INTERNETFOR BEGINNERS:Free; 3-4:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050.
TUESDAY Oct. 2 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Starts at 7:15 a.m.; visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377. IS THERE ACUSTOMERBASE TO SUPPORT YOURBUSINESS?: Registration required; $15; 6-8 p.m.; COCC CrookCounty Open Campus, 510 S.E Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541 383-7290.
WEDNESDAY Oct. 3 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER WEEKLY MEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E Reed Market Road; 541 749-0789. GRANT WORKSHOP:Oregon Humanities Director of Programs Jennifer Allen and Program Officer Annie Kaffen will review guidelines for 2013 Public Program Grants and share best practices in preparing successful letters of interest; RSVP to a.kaffen@oregonhumanities .org; free; 11 a.m.-noon; Jefferson County Library, 241 S.E Seventh St., Madras; 541-475-3351. LAUNCHYOUR BUSINESS: Designed to help business owners get off to a good beginning and develop a working plan; pre registration is required; course combines four one-hour daytime coaching sessions starting Sept. 26, with three Wednesday-evening classeson Oct.3,Oct.17 and Nov. 7; $79; 6-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Madras Campus, 1170 E.Ashwood Road, Madras; 541-383-7290. MTA SECURITY FUNDAMENTALS: Discover whether a future in computers is for you with this Microsoft Technology Associate class on security; this class prepares one to pass the MTA exam in security; class meets W ednesdays, Oct.3-Oct.24; registration required; $99-$249; 6-9 p.m.; COCC-Crook County Open Campus, 510 S.E Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-383-7273 or http: // systech/.
Jesslca Kourkounls/ New York Times NewsService
Miguel Orobiyi, a mechanical assembler, guides a gear boxby remote control at Gamesa, a maker of components for wind turbines.
Wind Continued from E1 Chinese manufacturers, who can often underprice goods because of generous state subsidies, have moved into the American market and have become an issue in the larger trade tensions between the two countries. In July, the U.S. Commerce Department imposed tar iffs on steel turbine towers from China after finding t hat m anufacturers h ad been selling them for less than the cost of production. And now, on top of the business challenges, the industry is facing a big po litical problem in Washing ton: the Dec. 31 expiration of a federal tax credit that makes wind power more c ompetitive w i t h ot h e r sources of electricity. The tax b reak, w hich costs about $1 billion a year, has been periodically renewed by Congress with support from both parties. This year, however, it has become a wedge issue in the presidential c ontest. President Barack Obama has traveled to wind-heavy swing states like Iowa to tout his support for the sub sidy. Mitt Romney, the Re publican nominee, has said he opposes the wind credit, and that has galvanized Republicans in C ongress against it, perhaps doom i ng any extension or a t least delaying it until after the election despite a last ditch lobbying effort from proponents this week. Opponents argue t h at the industry has had long enough to wean itself from the subsidy and, with wind representing a small per centage of total electricity generation, the taxpayers' investment has yielded an insufficient return. "Big Wind has had ex tension a f te r e x t ension after extension," said Ben jamin Cole, a spokesman for the American Energy Alliance, a group partly fi nanced by oil interests that has been lobbying against the credit in Washington. "The government shouldn' t be continuing to prop up in dustries that never seem to
be able to get off their training wheels." Without the production tax credit in place, the wind busi ness "falls off a c l i ff," said Ryan Wiser, a staff scientist at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory who studies the market potential of renewable electricity sources.
Buyers needed The industry's precarious ness was apparent a few weeks ago at the Gamesa factory, as a crew loaded the guts of the company's new component, a device known as a nacelle, into its fiberglass shell. Only 50 completed nacelles awaited pickup in a yard once filled with three times as many, most of the production line stood idle, and shelves rated to hold 7,270 pounds of parts and equipment lay bare. "We' ve done a lot to get re ally efficient here," said Tom Bell, the manager of the plant, which was built on the grounds of a shuttered U.S. Steel fac tory that was once a bedrock of the local economy. "Now we just need a few more orders." Industry executives and an alysts say that the looming end of the production tax credit, which subsidizes wind power by 2.2 cents a kilowatt-hour, has made project developers skittish about investing or go ing forward. That reluctance has rippled through the supply chain. On Tuesday, Siemens, the German-based turbine-maker, announced it would lay off 945 workers in Kansas, Iowa and
Florida, including part-timers. Last week Katana Summit, a tower manufacturer, said it would shut down operations in Nebraska and Washington if it could not find a buyer. Ves tas, the world's largest turbine manufacturer, with operations in Colorado and Texas, recent ly laid off 1,400 workers glob ally on top of 2,300 layoffs an nounced earlier this year. Clip per Windpower, with manu facturing in Iowa, is reducing its staff by a third, to 376 from 550. DMI Industries, another tower producer, is planning to lay off 167 workers in Tulsa, Okla., by November. Wind industry jobs range in pay from about $30,000 a year forassemblers to almost $100,000 a year for engineers, according to the Bureau of La bor Statistics. The industry's contraction follows severalyears of sus tained growth — with a few hiccups during the downturn — that has helped wind pow er edge closer to the cost of electricity from conventional fuels. The number of turbine manufacturers grew to nine in 2010 from just one in 2005, while the number of compo nent makers increased tenfold in the same period to more than 400 from 40, according to the wind energy trade group.
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BUYING & SELLING ATTENTION DIABET NOTICE TO gold jewelry, silver ICS with M edicare. ADVERTISER Over 30 Million Women Alland gold coins, bars, Get a FREE talking Since September 29, GUN SHOW S uffer F r o m Ha i r rounds, Linn Co. Fairgrounds wedding sets, meter and d i abetic 1991, advertising for Loss! Do you? If So class rings, sterling sil testing supplies at NO used woodstoves has Albany, Oregon We Have a Solution! ver, coin collect, vin Sat. Sept. 22, 9-5 CALL K E RANIQUE tage watches, dental C OST, plus F R E E been limited to mod Sun. Sept. 23, 9-4 home delivery! Best els which have been TO FIND OUT MORE gold. Bill Fl e ming, of all, this meter elimi c ertified by the O r 420 tables 877-475-2521. 541-382-9419. Admission $5 nates painful finger egon Department of J Want to Buy or Rent (PNDC) our 541-504-0707 gerang Central Oregon trnre lggg Sponsored by Albany Call Environmental Qual pricking! "QUICK CASH USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Rifle & Pistol Club 888-739-71 99. ity (DEQ) and the fed Wanted: $Cash paid for FREE! Brown l e ather SPECIAL" 541-491-3755 (PNDC) eral E n v ironmental vintage costume jew 1 week 3 lines 12 recliner; Corner desk; TV, Stereo 8 Video Door-to-door selling with Coins 8 Stamps • Take 1-5 to exit 234 Ag e n cy elry. Top dollar paid for nighstand; TV a r m Golden brand p ower Protection k ka! k~ n fast results! It's the easiest (EPA) as having met Gold/Silver.l buy by the 51 Hitachi console, looks oire; king size b ed Private collector buying wheelchair, red, l ike Ad must include way in the world to sell. smoke emission stan Estate, Honest Artist w/mattress and box new, must see picture, new, used only 6 mos, of single item p ostage stamp a l HANDGUN SAFETY dards. A cer t ified Elizabeth,541-633-7006 price spring; BV weight set; $102. 541-536-3906 $3400 new; sacrifice CLASS for concealed li bums & c o llections, of $500 or less, or The Bulletin Classified $2000. 541-848-7755 w oodstove may b e exercise bike. Avail. world-wide and U.S. cense. NRA, Police multiple items WANTED: RAZORS, 255 identified by its certifi or 541-948-7518 for pick-up Sat. 9-3. 541-385-5809 Firearms Instructor, 573-286-4343 (local, Double or single whose total does cation label, which is 6 1287 K r isten S t . , cell ¹) Computers Mike Kidwell. Medical Alert for Se not exceed $500. edged, straight 541-389-2664. COWGIRL CASH Thurs., Sept. 27, niors — 24/7 monitor permanently attached razors, shaving Jewelry, Boots, the stove. The Bul T HE B U LLETIN r e 6:30-10:30 pm. ing. FREE Equipment. to brushes, mugs & Call Classifieds at GENERATE SOME ex will no t k n ow Buckles & Vintage quires computer ad Bicycles 8 Kevin at Centwise, for FREE Shipping. Na letin scuttles, strops, 541-385-5809 citement i n your Dresses. 924 Brooks ingly accept advertis vertisers with multiple reservations $40. shaving accessories www.bendbulletin.corn tionwide Serv i ce. neighborhood! Plan a Accessories ad schedules or those Street • 541-678-51 62 $ 29.95/Month C A LL i ng for the sale of 541-548-4422 & memorabilia. garage sale and don' t selling multiple sys www.getcowgirlcash.corn Medical Guardian To uncertified Fair prices paid. English Bulldogs, DOB forget to advertise in Roadmaster 26" mens woodstoves. H 8 H FIREARMS tems/ software, to dis GENERATE SOME Call 541-390-7029 day 88 8 - 842-0760. big white-wall tires, classified! 4 f e males, 3 Buy, Sell, Trade, close the name of the between 10 am-3 pm. 8/6/12, EXCITEMENT (PNDC) $35. 541-420-5855 Parabolic electric heat males, 1st shots, $2200. 541-385-5809. Consign. Across From business or the term IN YOUR 541-280-6268 Pilot Butte Drive-In "dealer" in their ads. Medline Push wheelchair, ers, Costco, 2 O $40 242 Hoover Floormate & Bis NEIGBORHOOD. 541-382-9352 Private party advertis Plan a garage sale and blue, new, u n used, ea. 541-948-4413 sel Spotbot, $175 for Items for Free Exercise Equipment Find exactly what ers are d efined as both. 541-948-4413 don't forget to adver $95, 541-306-0290 Rotating Safe h e at Hunters Sight-in Work tise in classified! Shower Seat, new, $50, heater w/c o ntrols, Concrete driveway pad, you are looking for in the Loveseat rocker, earth Home gym set & a c shop: Sept. 22nd-23rd those who sell one computer. CLASSIFIEDS 541-385-5809. please call $49. 541-948-4413 you tear up and haul, tones, floral print, $35. cessories, $149. Call COSSA Park. $7/gun 541-306-0290 free, 541-389-9268. Roy, 541-948-4413 non-members, $5 for 257 GET FREE OF CREDIT Free Kittens, part Manx, 541-678-5605 members. Bring eye & Musical Instruments CARD DEBT NOW! Check out the FREE Llama Manure please call Fuel 8 Wood NEED TO CANCEL ear protection. E. on Cut payments by up classifieds online Shovel ready, you haul! 541-382-6818. Commercial/Officeg YOUR AD? Hwy 20 toward Burns, to half. Stop creditors Call 541-389-7329 www.bendbulletin.corn /2 mi past MP 24. Info Grestch snare drum w/ from The Bulletin Golden Retriever pups, calling. Equipment 8 Fixtures stand, great for be WHEN BUYING Classifieds has an Updated daily call 541-389-1272 866-775-9621. Free moving boxes, all ready Oct. 13, Male & ginners! $100. Angle computer desk & FIREWOOD... Ca l l "After Hours" Line sizes, you haul. Call F emale l e ft . 541-610-8441. (PNDC) J C Hi g gens, Bol t Call 541-383-2371 541-848-2277. chair, you take apart & 541-306-6599. To avoid fraud, action,12 ga. shotgun, Jewelers/Watchmaking haul, $99. 541-948-4413 24 hrs. to cancel Guns, Hunting The Bulletin $150, 541-388-1192. avail. thru Piano/Organ/Guitar equip., 50 yrs. worth, Gray 4-drawer metal file your ad! Over 120 moving boxes Kittens/cats 8 Fishing recommends pay group. Tame, Lessons — all ages furnishings & p a rts, a nd s u p plies, a l l rescue Kahr CW40 semi-auto cabinet, legal s i ze, ment for Firewood shots, altered, ID chip, Patio furniture set, small and pro-piano tuning call 541-389-4079. sizes. 541-408-9328 only upon delivery more. Sat/Sun 1-5, call BBQ & 2 shelf units, 1 973 M a r li n 30 - 3 0 pistol. Carry case and special! 541-647-1366 $45. 541-678-5605 Large mirror, $99. 4 auto $350. Ruger Super 2 m a g s in c luded. re: other days. 65480 $150, 541-315-0022 and inspection. Misc office items, fold Redhawk 44mag w/ $350. 541-408-4662. rims, $15 each. OHSA • A cord is 128 cu. ft. 7 8th St ., Bend , ers, notebooks, etc. safety harness, $ 99. 4' x 4' x 8' I P ets 8 Supplies 389-8420; photos, etc. Sturdy wood r o cking scope an d h o lster. Mossberg 308 $ 3 00. Hampton Bay stand up $59 all. 541-948-4413 • Receipts should chair, excellent cond, at POR. 541-350-0325 Browning Bar II .338 3-spd fan, $99. Router, $49. 541-948-4413 include name, 7 42 Re m . 30- 0 6 $1150. Ruger.357 SS Mini & The Bulletin recom Labradoodles — $125. 541-948-4413 phone, price and semi-auto, butt pad, $350. 541-408-4844 Tools mends extra caution med size, several colors Washer & dryer, Ken MANTIS Deluxe Tiller. kind of wood pur 541-504-2662 when purc h a s m ore, r u n s go o d sling, 2 t/gx8 power OR & UT Carry Con chased. NEW! FastStart en www.alpen-ridge.corn $100. 541-279-0591 24' paint extension lad scope, exc . c o n d. ing products or ser Pfano, Steinway Model Handgun Li 0 Baby Grand 1911, gine. Ships F R EE. der, $125. Call Roy, • Firewood ads vices from out of the Labrador AKC puppies, Washer, Kenmore heavy $800; Rem. 3 0 -06 cealed Class Sat. 9/22 MUST include spe 541-948-4413 area. Sending cash, black & choc, dewclaws, duty, 7 yrs, exlnt cond, Birds eye maple stock cense gorgeous, artist qual One-Year M oney-Back G u a r cies and cost per & forearm, exc. cond, 10 am OR, 12:30 UT, ity instrument w/great checks, or credit in athletic parents, ready $150. 541-447-4078 2 Payload 8' toolside St. F rancis S c hool action & S t einway's antee when you buy cord to better serve $1250. 541-548-4459 f ormation may b e 9/25. 541-410-9000 t ruck b o xes, w a s our customers. Bend. OR $30, UT $40 warm, rich sound. Will DIRECT. Call for the subjected to fraud. Labradors AKC e x lnt Browning White Gold $499; now $399 both. 541-848-8999 adorn any living room, DVD and FREE Good 541-948-4413 For more i nforma bloodlines, choc & black, The Bulletin Medallion II i n . 270. Soil book! recommends extra ' tion about an adver $500. 1-541-231-8957 New w it h L e u poldPremfer Goose Gun, church or music stu 877-357-5647. gert ng Centra( Oregon trnre 1903 All Craftsman tools: wood l caution when pur V arX II s cope a nd Benelli Super Black dio perfectly. New re tiser, you may call (PNDC) lathe, $170; router & the O r e gon State Local animal r e scue chasing products or • original box. $ 9 99. Eagle, camo, custom tail $ 6 9 ,000. Sacri $50; chop saw, 269 Attorney General' s group seeks volunteers! services from out of I 541-280-3035 ported 28" barrel, re fice at $34,000 OBO, New Hytest Safety dress stand, call 541-383-3150. boots, 3pr, men's 9t/gEE $50; table saw, $75; all Gardening Supplies Office Co n s umer Fosters to care for kit the area. Sending ~ coil system, trigger work CASH!! obo. 541-548-5516 or tens, help at the sanctu c ash, checks, o r Protection hotline at and swing weight, exc. Saxophone Panamerican $50/p r. 541-678-5605 8 Equipment For Guns, Ammo & 541-548-6195 ary, off-site adoption l credit i n f o rmation 1-877-877-9392. c ond., $ 1350 f i r m, Alto, good cond., $395 New Hytest Safety dress Reloading Supplies. events, more. It's hard may be subjected to 541-385-3355. Graco airless sprayers, 541-408-6900. 5-shelf plastic stand, 1 541-388-9270 boots, men's size 9t/gE, 2 , work but very fulfilling, & l FRAUD. For more $15 0 0 bot h . $50. 541-678-5605 O $49; 2 f o r $ 8 9 . gerang Centra( Oregon trnre 1903 the animals need all the information about an t Compound bow, J en Remington Model 700, 541-949-4413 258 help they can get. nings, 60-75lb, 32" draw, 30-06, Leupold scope, Security camera monitor, Grizzly t/gn drill press, 541-948-4413 advertiser, you may I Travel/Tickets $500, 541-388-1192 Airedale purebred pup recorder, cameras & wall $100. Lathe tools, $45. / call t h e Or e gon /$120. 541-408-4528 Attor n ey ' Compound Bow, Martin, stand; you come unin 541-81 5-0665 BarkTurfSoil.corn p ies, born 7/30, 3 541/389-8420; 598-5488 ' State Remington Model 870 stall from my home, now male, 2 female, par Local animal r e scuel General's O f f i c e good shape, incl. set Express Super Mag + PBR W O RLD Paint step ladders, 3 O $250. 541-948-4413 ents on-site. No pa group seeks donation of Consumer P r otec- • of target arrows & PROMPT D E LIVERY ccessories, $ 3 4 9 . FINALS tickets, Oct. $20 each. Call Roy ho t l in e at I broadhead a r r ows, a pers, $300 ea. Red bldg w/basic utilities to t ion SOCIAL S E C U RITY 541-948-4413 541-389-9663 541-948-4413 24-28, 2 tickets for mond, 208-640-3904 sort deposit cans/bottles l 1-877-877-9392. target bag, all in great each of 5 rounds. D ISABILITY BEN as a fundraiser to cover or 541-923-5899. Rifles: Remington, Plastic extension tool EXCELLENT seats right shape, w/cammo soft EFITS. WIN or Pay bin w/Sears vet bills. Value of the ke B~llee Browning, Ruger, b ox on whee l s , Compost next to main bucking case, $350/all OBO, Nothing! Start Y o ur weedeater & spools, Aussie's Mini Toy, all space is tax deductible Mauser, Weatherby, chute! $1280. Call $19.99. 541-948-4413 541-420-4437. Application In Under $49 all. 541-948-4413 c olors $325 & u p , to you, & a great help to Mossburg, Howa, S&W. 541-475-6919 60 Seconds. Call To 264 parents on site. the animals. For into: CZ 75 B SA Cal 40 S&W Call for calibers & prices: day! Contact Disabil Craftsman lawn/ mulcher 541-598-531 4/788-7799 P istol, c a se , b ox, 541-447-4101 i ty Group, Inc. L i Snow RemovalEquipment mower, 6.75 hp, $49. 541-389-8420, or email 260 manual, 3 clips, ammo, censed Attorneys & 541-948-441 3 People Look for Information betsandbtll@ bendcable.corn S avage 1 1 1 30. 0 6 , $400, 541-647-7055 snow shovel, Misc. Items BBB Accredited. Call Costco 3nx12n scope, w/ 2.5 n About Products and $20. Call Roy, G arden t o ols, m i s c POODLE (TOY) PUPS 888-782-4075. bell, wooden stock, 2 air conditioners, great Services Every Day through Well-socialized & lov 541-948-4413 rakes, shovels, etc. DO YOU HAVE (PNDC) $350. 541-848-1921 The BulletinClassINeds able. 541-475-3889 SOMETHING TO deal, $ 99 both . $69. 541-948-4413 The Bulletin Offers 541-948-441 3 SELL Wanted: Collector Have Gravel, will Travel! Barn/shop cats FREE, Purebred Yorkie, 3 mos Free Private Party Ads Building Materials FOR $500 OR seeks high quality 2 hanging wall wood • 3 lines — 3 days Cinders, topsoil, fill mate some tame, some not. old. $350. 541-380-1655 LESS? fishing items. o r 541-280-4200. N O rial, etc. Excavation & magazine/mail holders, We d eliver! F i xed, La Pine Habitat • Private Party Only Non-commercial Call 541-678-5753, or $30 set. 541-948-4413 TEXTS! septicsystems. Abbas shots, etc. 389-8420 Antique 1929 Canadian • Total of items adver RESTORE advertisers may 503-351-2746 Construction CCB¹78840 M cClary's wood o r Queensland Heelers 9-pc quilted comforter tised must equal $200 Building Supply Resale place an ad Ca III541-548-6812 Boston Terrier Female, standard Quality at & mini,$150 & coal stove, restored, Wanted: Quality 28 Ga. set, floral print, $45. or Less with our unaltered, champ lines renickeled, like new LOW PRICES up. 541-280-1537 http: // Li it t d g t n "QUICK CASH Shotgun, call 541-578-5605 $850 OBO,541-610-8525 rtghtwayranch.wordpress.corn with pipes & chimney For newspaper • 3-ad limit for s a m e 52684 Hwy 97 541-408-0014. SPECIAL" blocks, $2000, delivery, call the BBQ, push button ignite, item advertised within 541-536-3234 Cat scratching tower, Rottweiler Pups, Reg., 541-389-4079. 1 week 3 lines 12 Weatherby MK V .357 extra burner, with tank, 3 months Circulation Dept. at Open to the public . OI' $39. Ca l l Roy , ready to go, 541-385-5800 mag, Burris s cope $50. 541-389-2028 Ca I I 541-385-5809 541-948-4413 503-798-6632 k eat Antiques wanted: tools, Prineville Habitat ~2 To place an ad, call 3x9, $1250. Weath Bend's Indoor Swap Fax 541-385-5802 furniture, fishing, Ad must ReStore 541-385-5809 erby .300 mag, Burris Cavachon, Pomachon, & Weimaraners AKC include price of marbles, old signs, Meet — A Mini-Mall full Tow bar, complete as Building Supply Resale scope 3x9, $ 1 250. or email Shichon beautiful pup 4 males, 3 females. toys, costume jewelry. it t $50 0 of Treasures! 1427 NW Murphy Ct. claggtfted@bendbullettn corn WIN model 88, .308 3rd St. 8 Wilson Ave. sembly for towing an pies, home raised, vet $575. 503-394-3486 / Call 541-389-1578 or less, or multiple 541-447-6934 auto, $85. 541-389-5233 503-871-01 75 checked, will be small lap Bushnell scope 4X, items whose total 10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat. Open to the public. dogs. Reasonable; can Yorkie Pups, 3 hand Extensive Collection of $400. 541-549-5490 gerang Centrat Oregon trnre l903 Wanted- pa ying cash does not exceed deliver. 1-503-598-6769 plates, w/cer Book Collection, Steven for Hi-fi audio & stu Roofing paper, 40" wide some purebred males, Collector $500. W EATHERBY MK V tificates, some solid King books, $40 OBO, x 24 0 s q f t , $ 1 5 . dio equip. Mclntosh, SUPER TOP SOIL DachshundAKC mini pup ready now, 1st shots ivory, 541-312-2951. Left Hand.240 WM New S port B o oks, $ 3 0 J BL, Marantz, D y 541-948-4413 www.herghe goilandbark.corn Call Classifieds at $375/$425.541-508-4558 & deworming, mom & in box — $1,300 Call OBO, 541-548-6642. 541-385-5809 naco, Heathkit, San Screened, soil & com on site, $500 ea. 266 541-251-0089 Redmond www.bendweenies.corn dad post mi x ed , no c ontact Krist i n a GRAND OPENING! www.bendbulletin.corn sui, Carver, NAD, etc. Buying Diamonds Heating 8 Stoves The Old Creamery 541-408-3211. Call 541-261-1808 rocks/clods. High hu Dog Kennel, 10x10x6 247 /Gold for Cash Antiques mus level, exc. for Behlen complete club Fly Rod, Scott 9', 8 wt, 2 Saxon's Fine Jewelers Women's eelskinheels, Diesel portable forced air flower 210 Sat., Sept. 22, 10-5 Sporting Goods beds, lawns, k ennel, l i k e ne w , 541-389-6655 Celebrate with us the piece, great cond $175 black, sz 8B, good cond, heater, 170T m o del, Furniture & Appliances - Misc. gardens, straight $450. 541-647-1 236 opening of OBO, 541-420-4437 $25. 541-678-5605 $199. 541-948-4413 s creened to p s o i l . BUYING Redmond's Newest Doxie,chocAKC mini pup, 2 very nice multi-task German 6.35 Mouser Camping & sports gear Lionel/American Flyer Wood sitting benches Fireplace screen, misc Bark. Clean fill. De Antique Shop! 4 wks, female,Sunriver, o ffice c h airs, $ 2 5 with shoulder holster. assortment, $159 all trains, accessories. w/backs, 2 O $25 ea. fireplace tools & items, liver/you haul. 526 SW 6th Street each. 541-678-5605 $375. 541-388-9270 or sep. 541-948-4413 541-408-2191. 541-948-4413 $89 all. 541-948-4413 541-548-3949. $425, 541-593-7606
DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO SELL FOR $500 OR LESS? Non-commercial advertisers may place an ad with
A1 Washers&Dryers
The Bulletin reserves the right to publish all ads from The Bulletin newspaper onto The 541-280-7355 Bulletin Internet web site. Couch, Vintage, good cond. Wine color. $40. $150 ea. Full war ranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's
The Bulletin
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The Bulletin
The Bulletin
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The Bulletin
541 e385-5809
Edited by Will Shortz ACROSS 1 Modern mail? 11 British 14 It ends at 12 15 Main part, often 16 The Bay of Fundy has the largest one in the world 1 7 Judicial administration? 18 Estadio call 19 Tall and thin 20 Complete, as a crossword 22 Like A through D 24 Having a bad trip, maybe 25 Examine
53 Hershey brand
30 Pitcher's stat 31 " out!"
54 What a drawer may hold 32 Somalia's locale 55 Animal in a in Africa comic strip title 33 Compromise of 56 Running too 1877 figure quickly? 34 To-do 35 Split, in a way DOWN 36 Southern writer 1 It controls the William Gilmore amount of light admitted 37 Split (up) 2 "The Pearl 38 Fighting directly Fishers" soprano 40 Nickname in 3 Altiplano locale classic jazz 4 Soul producer 41 "The Bourne 5 Kicks Identity" plot 6 Downright device 42 Makes sense of 7 Cho romantic carefully 46 Commercial interest for 26 QB who threw miscellany Harry Potter a record 47 Cartoonist Kelly 8 Twist tying seven 48 Bug -shaped 9 touchdown passes in a 49 Director-type 10 Moirai, in Greek single game myth 50 View from the (1962) Sydney Harbour 11 "Big Brother," for 27 W-2 figure Bridge example 12 It includes ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE provision for the admission of C HA RD S T E M A C D C new states H Y P O L A RA C OE U R C I G N AA K I N O D O R 13 "A stronger America" E S C AP E C O N T R O L sloganeer S T A T U R E L A T E L Y 15 "The Planets" C A NO L A S L OM O AGS A L T P R U E S HI S P A C E BA R 0 R AT E MA Y T A G SH I F T C A P D OE R L IL 0 R L E I DI P E E S A D E
N E 21 It controls the amount of light U admitted R 23 Kra m er, O 2010 Dutch
speed-skating gold medalist I D E A L 24 Gives in under T E S T Y pressure N O I S E
Monday • • • • •
Tuesday • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • z NOOn MOna
25 27
Lost 8 Found
Found garage door re mote at garage sale in August; call to iden tify, 541-382-4661
Place a photoin your private party ad for only$15.00 per week.
*UNDER '500in total merchandise
OVER '500in total merchandise
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you ... 39 Verizon, e.g.
Garage Sale Special
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4 lines for 4 days......................
missiles 43 Buddhist shrine 44 Big stinger 45 Dog-tired 47 "Now that you mention it ..." 51 Sugar 52 Vote (for)
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Auction Sales • •
Yard Bug riding lawn mower from Home De pot, just tuned up, $250. 541-389-9503 after 5pm
Wednesday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • z Noon Tuese T hursday.. . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N o o n Wed. Fr i d ay . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N o o n Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . . 1 1:00 am Fri. 0 Ffl • Saturday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 3a$0nn Sunday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 NOOn Sat z Starting at 3 lines
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Gardening Supplies 8 Equipment
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R EMEMBER: If you Unreserved Auction have lost an animal, Sun. Sept 23, 299 Stan don't forget to check ford Rd, Winston, OR,10 The Humane Society a.m. Heavy equip, trucks, in Bend 541-382-3537 trailers, pickups, classic cars, rock crusher, as Redmond, phalt plant, 100 Firearms 541-923-0882 & More. 541-643-0552 Prineville, www.l-5auctions.corn 541-447-7178; OR Craft Cats,
Poultry, Rabbits, 8 Supplies
Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
Serama's the smallest breed in world, 6 pair for sale, $50/pair w/2 free chicks, great for 4-H, FFA or showing, beautiful & show qual ity, laying & hatching
Composition Manager Be a graphic design
Sales Representative
Lincare, a l e a ding superstar. The Ma national respiratory dras P i oneer i s Hear Center company, seeks re mower w/bag, very good Bend Lodgepole/Honkers 325 seeking a composi s ults-driven s a l e s Cardiology cond, $75. 541-408-4528 area, 9/6. 541-330-8732 chicks, 541-433-2112. tion manager. Suc representative. Cre Hay, Grain 8 Feed cessful applicant will ate working relation 541-389-8420. Lost:GPS,between Crane be a n o r g anized, s hips w it h M Ds, 383 Premium 1st cutting Or Lost 8 Found Prairie Rock C r eek energetic team nurses, social work chard Grass hay, shed Where can you find a Produce 8 Food MA I LPN I Boat ramp & Sunriver, player at a business ers, and a rticulate stored, 7 0 -Ib b a l es, Bike found locked up at 9/9, 541-593-5279. Need to get an helping hand? where creativity and our excellent patient $225/ton. Call Ten Barr THOMASORCHARDS RN D octor's Park S u r new ideas are en care with attentive ad in ASAP? From contractors to Ranch, 541-389-1165 Kimberly, ORrU-Pick 8 gery Center. Call to Lost small white with c ouraged. Al o n g l istening skil l s . Ready Picked: Free You can place it yard care, it's all here Details at: Identify Wheat Straw: Certified & stone canning peaches with o u r we e k ly b rown & t a n J ack Competitive base + 541-382-2887. online at: in The Bulletin's Bedding Straw & Garden — Monroe & O'Henry, Russell female last newspaper, we cre uncapped commis heartcentercardlolo .corn Straw;Compost.546-6171 Plums, nectarines, Bar ate s e veral s l i ck "Call A Service sion. Drug - free on Jordan Ln. in www.bendbulletin.corn B lack bike f ound i n seen stock p u b lications w orkplace. EOE . tlett Pears, Gala d riveway 2 we e k s Redmond/Terreb Professional" Directory Wheat straw, small 50-Ib area. Reward for and products. Ability Please fax resume Apples. Ready Picked 541-385-5809 ago. Call to Identify. onne bales, in stack, $1.00 Remember.... info. 541-419-2495 to produce a large to 541-382-8358. Only:JonagoldApples 541-388-2887. ea. 541-546-9821 A dd your we b a d volume on deadline BRING CONTAINERS dress to your ad and Open 7 days/week, Bam is required. readers on The 6 pm only 541-934-2870 Bulletin' s web site Call a Pro Visit us on Facebook Salary based on ex will be able to click for updates perience. Good Whether you need a t Also we are at Bend through automatically benefits package in fence fixed, hedges to your site. Farmer's Mkt at Drake cludes health care, Park & St. Charles trimmed or a house life insurance, vaca tion an d 4 0 1 (K). Just too many built, you' ll find EOE. P r e-employ collectibles? professional help in ment drug screen The Bulletin's "Call a ing required. Sell them in Service Professional" Estate Sales Sale s Northwest Bend Sales Northwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Redmond Area To relate an interest The Bulletin Classifieds Directory in t h e pos i tion, BIG Garage Sale: ESTATE/MOVING "Christmas in Septem LARGE SHOP SALE! Foreclosure/Garage 541-385-5809 E-mail Pub l isher ber" garage sale 3 Fri. Sat. 8-5. Tools, Sale. Fri. only, 8-2, Sat. & Sun., 8-5, 541-385-5809 SALE Tony Aher n at 3131 41st Ave. participat tack, fishing, ladders, 21378 Puffin Dr. Quality living room and neighbors Tahe rn O madras ing. a crib with all ac garden items. 20950 Garage & household bedroom furniture, 2 pioneer.corn. Note offTumalo Rd. items, complete living Pro ram Su o r t S e creta -Bilin ual curios, cedar chest, cess; Raleigh tandem 89th ** FREE ** y our c urrent e m 541-385-331 3. room set, much more! bike (like new); guns; 421 S anish En lish small furniture, W/D ployment status and Garage Sale Klt Fri-Sat 10-4, 6460 NW SUPER SALE! set, kitchen, rolling framed western art; Schools 8 Training the software that you Place an ad in The 60th. Lg variety of items: Fri-Sat / 9-5 shelves, Gem organ, quality mens slacks Join one of the largest child education networks are proficient in. No Bulletin for your ga household, clothing, some many wom 65765 Hwy 20, electronics, yard (38x32); in Oregon preparing children for school. Year A IRLINES ARE H I R calls please. ens clothing items; rage sale and re in TUMALO antiques, sporting, 18' items. ANTIQUES in Arens snowblower like round full time position wl excellent benefits. ING — Train for hands ceive a Garage Sale Furniture, toys, house RV awning & much misc. on Aviation Mainte clude Louis XV desk, Please visit our website for full Kit FREE! new, $450;misc. items hold, books, misc. African tribal carvings g alore and l ot s o f Garage Sale: Sat.-Sun., nance Career. FAA description, requirements and to apply online. 541-420-3400 DO YOU NEED and paintings, 40's 9-4, tools, household, approved p r ogram. KIT INCLUDES: Or mail resume, apply in person to: Christmas decor items A GREAT Ebony furniture, 100s incl. high quality 8' 284 • 4 Garage Sale Signs & furniture, odds & Financial aid if quali EMPLOYEE books, wide v ariety flocked tree. Sat. 9-5. Sales Southwest Bend • $2.00 Off Coupon To fied — Housing avail ends, 808 NW 9th St Oregon Child RIGHT NOW? signed art, p e wter, Sun. 9-3.on NW Golf use Toward Your able. Call Aviation In Development Coalition, Hoarder's Yard S a le: Call The Bulletin clock, china & more. Next Ad stitute of ATTN: Human Resources Course Dr. S. off No. Art Salewood & glass Thur., Fri., & Sat. 8-4„ before 11 a.m. and • 10 Tips For "Garage 333 NW Cumberland Mt. Washington Dr., 659 NE uA u St. Fused Glass jewelry see Craig's List for de Maintenance. Sale Success!" get an ad in to pub enter on Cumberland (gates will open for you) 1-877-804-5293. art & functional pieces. tails, Riding & p ush Madras, OR 97741 lish the next day! sale in BACK HOUSE (PNDC) Sandblasted glass, mowers, fishing poles, Double Estate Sa le: 541-385-5809. Fri. & Sat. 9-4; mirror & wood. .22 rifle, tools, 6145 Equal Opportunity Employer PICK UP YOUR VIEW the Sporting goods clear Crowd control numbers ATTEND CO L L EGE Western, wildlife & Kingwood Ave. GARAGE SALE KIT at ance & c onstruction C lassifieds at Fri. at 8 a.m. ONLINE from Home. other images. 1777 SW Chandler Large variety of baby & *Medical, *Business, www.bendbulletin.corn surplus, Fri.-Sat. 9 19537 E Campbell Rd. www.atticestatesan Ave., Bend, OR 97702 c hildren's clothing & am., 901 Nyy Albany. *Criminal J ust i ce, Human Resource Representative (off Century Drive) dappraisals.corn toys, 10x10 dog run, *Hospitality. Job Attic Estates 8 Ap Estate/Garage Sale: Sat, Fri-Sun, 9/21-23, 10-5 dog kennel, misc. Fri placement assistance. Woodgrain Millwork is seeking a highly moti Op e rations praisals 541-350-6822 7am-close; Fri preview Huge Yard Sale: Furn, Sat, 9-3, 820 NE Oak Pl. Computer available. EMS vated Human Resource Rep at the Prineville, OK. Antiques, vintage clothes, appls, e lec Chief ne e ded for Estate Sale, 9/21-22, 23, clothes, furn. 63058 An Oregon location. In this role you will be re Sale Sat, 10-5, Moving Sa l e:Fri. & Financial Aid if quali non-profit busy rural 9-5. Household goods, gler Ave. 760-873-4761 tronics, exercise equip. Garage 20798 Renee Ct. Ev Sat., 627 S 14th, 54 fied. SCHEV certified. Oregon v o l unteer sponsible for providing comprehensive HR Fri-Sat, B-noon, 19077 horse t ack, o u tdoor expertise as well as ensuring compliance with erything priced to sell. years of stuff, old win Call 86 6 - 688-7078 ambulance service. tools, misc. 66200 White Games, toys, dolls, doll Choctaw Rd, DRW. www.CenturaOnline.c laws, policies, and procedures. Monitor and items, c o l dows, doll collection. See full job descrip Rock Loop Rd., off Cline house, doll c lothes,S UNDAY 9/23, 7 : 0 0 Holiday administer workers' comp claims and OSHA lectibles & more! om (PNDC) tion p o s te d on books, snow tires, kick am, 19483 Sugar Mill Falls Rd., N. of Tumalo. Multi-Family Sale:Fri, Sat recordkeeping. Must possess excellent com www.jems.corn job bag, easel, play struc Loop. Lightly u s ed Moving Sale: Sat. 9-4, & Sun 9-5, furniture, Estate Sale — Sat. 9/22, o pportunities. R e munication, interpersonal and decision mak ture, sandbox, rocking items from vacation 63276 Eastview Dr, c ollectibles & m u c h TRUCK SCHOOL 9:00, 2026 SW 35th PI. ing skills. Experience in recruiting, interview www. I IT sumes accepted by much more all furniture, household, more! 7075 NW West Redmond.Antiques, col horse, home. Cash only. ing, new hire orientation, benefit coordination, Redmond Campus mail at: PO Box 342, in top cond., 1804 NW lectibles, furniture. clothing & more! wood Ln, Terrebonne payroll. Proficient in Microsoft office (Word, Student Loans/Job Chiloquin, OR 2nd, 8-2, Sat. 9/22. 286 Excel, Outlook), SAP experience a p lus. Look What I Found! Waiting Toll Free 9 7624. Please n o Sat. 9/22 8-2, H U GE Redmond Assn. for Suc Garage Sale: Sat. 7-12 Sales Northeast Bend Bachelor's degree in related field preferred. You' ll find a little bit of 1-888-387-9252 Fund-raiser, baby/kids cessful Community Liv phone calls. O nly, 2442 NW 1 s t Minimum of 1 year experience in HR. We of ing GIANT Garage Sale, everything in St., household items, Estate Sale: Sat. & Sun. clothes/books, at NE Sat 9/22, 9-3 (no early fer competitive salary, benefits including The Bulletin's daily 4th & Kearney. 454 s ports e q uip, k i d s 9-4, 2051 NE Redbay Firefighters Needed. If medical, life, and dental insurance, and 401k. birds!) NW9th & Cedar. garage and yard sale items and furniture. Looking for Employment Sat. 9/22, 9-2,hand tools, Ln, off Conners, Qual you have been certi section. From clothes 292 f ied i n 20 1 2 an d To apply, please send resume to to collectibles, from Huge Multi Famiy Sale! ity furniture, twin mat pwr. tools, guns, camp Experienced cou p le haven't got to w ork gear, horse tack, Sales Other Areas jtoholsky@woodgrain.corn. We are an equal housewares to hard 1595 NW Galveston tress set, gun safe, lift ing avail. for housesitting and still want to work opportunity employer. ware, classified is A ve, Sat. & Su n . chair, KEF Speakers, mtn. bike, f urniture, Oct. 1. 541-410-4794 lots of household items. much more. 2.5 Mi. E. BIG Sale! Thurs-Fri Bam, call 541-934-2423. always the first stop for 7:30-1, Cash only! of Alfalfa store, 9740 until noon Sat. 16655 cost-conscious 476 SW Willard Rd, Bend. Fair Mile Rd off Wilt in Dick Ballentine E STATE S A LE consumers. And if Independent Contractor Employment you' re planning your Tools, books, clothes, Junipine Acres, Sisters. own garage or yard Valerie Ballentine M OVI NG S A L E vintage, household, & Opportunities sale, look to the clas more. Sat. 8-4, Sun. +Huge Multi-family+ 1167 NW ROCkwood, Bend Sale - Powell Butte sifieds to bring in the 8-2, 1128 NE 9th St. Sat-Sun, 9/22-23 9-5 Automotive buyers. You won't find Fri. 8 Sat.. • Se t. 21 8 22 • 9 to 5 ONLY! No early sales! a better place Crowd control admittance numbers I Lots of bi g t icket Diesel Mechanic at 8:00 a.m. Friday for bargains! 288 I items: camper, mo Good diagnostician? (Take Newport Avenue towards COCC, turn left Sales Southeast Bend t orcycles, guns , Good automotive Call Classifieds: background? Stick 541-385-5809 or (south) on Knoxville and go two blocks to I ammo & accesso email Rockwood, turn west and go to second house ler for done right the 3 Contractors, 2 house ries. Small t h ings classlfled@bendbulletln.corn on south side) 1st time? We have a holds, everything must I too: clothes, home decorations, art sup spot for you on our Pre-Estate furniture 8 Over 20,000 Baseball — football and basketball go! Tools, appliances, award-winning team! cards—Most in unopened box sets; X-Men recreation. 9-4 Fri, Sat, I plies. If you need it, misc. sale at Red Send resume with books; Comicbooks-new DCs: Die Cast cars; Sun,60450 Woodside Rd mond storage unit, verifiable work his Sports figures Collector Plates — lots of Michael Sat. 9/22 — Sun. 9/23. Facility Wide G arage tory to PO Box 6676, By appointment only . Jordan; Pokemon cards; Ninja Turtles cards; Sale at Bend Sentry Bend, OR 97708 Tempur-Pedic king size bed, complete; Two Some antique and S torage. Sat. O n ly dining room sets; one with matching buffet; Madras Moving Sale mid-century, 9/22, Gates open 9-5, Fri. & Sat., 8-6, Tools, Huge sectional sofa; Large gorgeous china get first pick! 1291 SE Wilson Ave. cabinet; All glass-front display cabinet; Oak tent trailer, skis, fishing Banking: Sterling Bank Call 541-408-6515 or Armoire'; Corner display cabinet; oak china Just bought a new boat? equip., coats, furniture, Customer S e r vice 541-408-6484 cabinet; Lamp; Trundle bed, no mattresses; Sell your old one in the table saw, yard tools, Representative- Bend We are looking for independent contractors to Queen size bed; Double Captains bed; classifieds! Ask about our chain saws, & misc. South b r a nc h 20 service home delivery routes in: refrigerator; Cross-top refrigerator; hours. Process trans Super Seller rates! ales Northwest Bend Side-by-side decor, 231 Nyy Elk Dr, Desks; computers; Hundreds pieces of clothing actions efficiently & 541-385-5809 1 mi. from Belmont on — men's xxx large; Ladies Med. to Large; Beer accurately. P r o vide 2-Family Yard Sale way to Pelton Dam. Mugs & Trail Blazer glasses; Hundreds of lovely Fri. 9/21, Sat. 9/22, 9-5, customer service in a Sat., 8-5 p.m. 1325 items; Hundreds of new DVDs CDs; 1042 SE Castlewood Dr. Multi-Family Barn Sale! confidential manner. NW Harmon B l vd. Christmas 4 upholstered bar stools, Fri.-Sat., 9-5. Antiques, Use accurate & effi VCRs; Books;Schwinn Sting Ray Bike; 80 lb. Lots of toys & misc. name brand boys cloth plus punching bag on stand; Three wheelchairs; vintage items, paintings, cient cash handling Must be available 7 days a week, early morning hours. SSBAG LADlES SS One fancy walker; Two mobility electric carts; ing, toys, misc hsehold. jewelry, household & p rocedures t o b a l MuSt have reliable, inSured VehiCle. of Union St. yard sale Several area rugs; Entry hall bench; Kenmore Fri. 8 Sat., 8-4, Furni many, many more items! ance & maintain cus All table items washer & dryer; Jewelry stands; Patio set; Lawn ture f ridge, c ement 6 7349 Gist R oad ( 7 tomer confidence. See Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 ONE DOLLAR! chairs; Waterfall dresser and vanity; Dishes and mixer, table saw, lots of miles before Sisters, just online job description Sat. 9-3, glasses; pots and pans; Two chain saws; Hun off Hwy 20 on Gist Rd.) during business hours for complete details. great items, no clothes, weather permitting. dreds and hundreds of other items; This is a Sterling offers a com apply via email at online © bendbulletin.corn SAT 9-5 & SUN 10-2 21057 Clairaway Ave 1319 NW Union St. Mini-Hoarder sale!!!! See you at the sale!!! 1082 SE Yarrow, petitive benefits pack HUGE MOVING SALE! age. Big Sale — Fri-Sat, 9am Handled by... MADRAS; near pool; Deedy's Estate Sales Co. 20106 Crystal M t n. Please apply online at 1pm, 928 NW Yosemite follow signs! Dr. Lots of k ids/baby 541-419-4742 days • 541-382-5950 eves L ane, Fr i . 9/ 21 , MANY items; check www.bankwithsterling.corn stuff & household items! www.deedysestatesales.corn 8:30-3, Sat. 9/22, 9-1 craigslist/Madras. EOE Member FDIC Lost cat, gray/tiger stripe
Yardman 4t/2 hp push F, white neck/chest, SW
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Loans & Mortgages WARNING The Bulletin recom mends you use cau tion when you pro vide personal information to compa nies offering loans or credit, especially those asking for ad vance loan fees or companies from out of state. If you have concerns or ques tions, we suggest you consult your attorney or call CONSUMER HOTLINE, 1-877-877-9392. BANK TURNED YOU
DOWN? Private party will loan on real es tate equity. Credit, no problem, good equity is all you need. Call now. Oregon L a nd Mortgage 388-4200. E ver Consider a R e verse Mortgage? At least 62 years old? Stay in your home & increase cash f low! Safe & Effective! Call Now for your FREE DVD! C a l l Now
REACH over 3 million a 3 bdrm, 2 bath, gas Pacific Northwestern heat, fenced yard, dbl. ers. $52 5 /25-word garage Near hospital, c lassified ad i n 3 0 no smoking/ no pets. daily newspapers for Call 541-388-2250, or 3-days. Call the Pa 541-81 5-7099. cific Northwest Daily Connection (916) When buying a home, 2 88-6019 o r em a i l 83% of Central elizabethOcnpa.corn Oregonians turn to for more info (PNDC) Sernng Central Oregon srnre l903 Advertise V A CATION SPECIALS to 3 m il to lion P acific N o rth Call 541-385-5809 place your westerners! 30 daily Real Estate ad. newspapers, six states. 25-word clas sified $525 for a 3-day Looking for your next employee? a d. Cal l (916) 2 88-6019 o r vis i t Place a Bulletin help www.pnna.corn/advert wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 ising pndc.cfm for the Pacific Nor t h west readers each week. Daily Con n ection. Your classified ad will also appear on (PNDC) bendbulletin.corn, Extreme Value Adver currently receiving tising! 30 Daily news over 1.5 million page papers $525/25-word views, every month classified, 3-d a ys. at no extra cost. Reach 3 million Pa Bulletin Classifieds cific Northwesterners. Get Results! For more information Call 541-385-5809 or call (916) 288-6019 or place your ad on-line email: at elizabethOcnpa.corn bendbulletin.corn for the Pacific North west Daily Connec tion. (PNDC) 652 SOCIAL S E C U RITY Houses for Rent D ISABILITY B EN NW Bend
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ds published in the "Boats" classification All real estate adver include: Speed, fish tised here in is sub ing, drift, canoe, ject to t h e F e deral house and sail boats. F air H o using A c t , For all other types of which makes it illegal atercraft, please see to advertise any pref 850 Class 875. erence, limitation or 541-385-5809 discrimination based Snowmobiles on race, color, reli gion, sex, handicap, familial status or na GENERATE SOME ex tional origin, or inten citement in your neig tion to make any such borhood. Plan a ga preferences, l i m ita rage sale and don' t tions or discrimination. forget to advertise in PACKAGE DEAL! We will not knowingly accept any advertis 2003 800 Skidoo Sum classified! 385-5809. ing for r ea l e s tate mit; 1997 Y a maha Ultr a -lite Serving Central Oregon smre 1903 which is in violation of Phaser. this law. All persons 2-place trailer. Only are hereby informed $4500. 541-815-4811. Used out-drive that all dwellings ad KoOaMore Pix at parts - Mercury vertised are available OMC rebuilt ma 860 on an equal opportu rine motors: 151 nity basis. The Bulle Motorcycles & Accessories $1595; 3.0 $1895; tin Classified
IIThe Bulletin
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ONLINE Reai Estate Auction Nominal Opening Bid: $1,000 Lot 134 Pronghorn Est Phase 2, Bend land Bidding starts
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Open Road 2004 37' w/ 3 slides W/D hook-up, Irg LR w/rear window & desk area. $19,750 Winnebago Class C 27' obo. 541-280-7879 1992, Ford 460 V8,64K mi., good cond., $7000 OBO 541-678-5575
Travel Trailers • Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th wheel, 1 s lide, AC, TV,full awning, excel lent shape, $23,900. 541-350-8629
Wate r craft 2007 Sea Doo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras.
I~I~=I sI
Fifth Wheels
Nu Wa 297LK H i tch Hiker 2007, *Snow * 32', bird Sp e cial t ouring c oach, l e f t kitchen, rear lounge, many extras, beautiful Southwind 35.5' Triton, c ond. inside & o u t , 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du $35,900 OBO, Prinev pont UV coat, 7500 mi. ille. 541-447-5502 days Bought new at & 541-447-1641 eve s. $132,913; asking $94,900. Call 541-923-2774
4.3 (1993), $1995.
• CRAMPED FOR+ CASH? Use classified to sell those items you no longer need. Call 541-385-5809
Motor h omes •
Komfort 20 Trailblazer, 2004, with all the extras, from new tires & chrome wheels to A/C! $8495. 541-447-3342, Prineville
Harley Davidson Soft Pilgrim In t e rnational Tail Deluxe 2 0 07, ROUADigorgio f 971 white/cobalt, w / pas 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, Sept. 21, 2012 $10,000 fridge, heater, propane RL DS-5 senger kit, Vance & 541-719-8444 & elec. lights, awning, Model¹M-349 Hines muffler system Fall price $ 2 1,865. williamsauction.corn 2 spares, extra insu 541-312-4466 & kit, 1045 mi., exc. 800-801-8003 Ads published in nWa lation for late season c ond, $19,9 9 9 , A Buyer's Premium tercraft" include: Kay hunting/cold weather EFITS. WIN or P ay 541-389-91 88. may apply. well maint, ~» • 4 : Nothing! Start Y o ur Clean, quiet 2 bdrm, nice aks, rafts and motor camping, Williams8 888-785-5938. '$ $ ized personal very roomy, sleeps 5, Application In Under yard, nR-6(7' insulation! Harley Heritage reat f o r hu n t ing, (PNDC) Williams watercrafts. For 60 Seconds. Call To $ 800+ l a st + de p . Softail, 2003 3200, 541-410-6561 JUDSON GLEN ' boats" please s e e $5,000+ in extras, day! Contact Disabil lease. No pets. Local Call The Bulletin At V ANNOY, $2000 paint job, i ty Group, Inc. L i refs. 1977 NW2nd. lass 870. Regal Prowler AX6 Ex 541-385-5809 30K mi. 1 owner, censed Attorneys & Williams8 Meet singles right now! • 541-385-5809 treme Edition 38' '05, 671 For more information BBB Accredited. Call Williams No paid o p erators, Place Your Ad Or E-Mail 4 slides,2 fireplaces, all please call Mobile/Mfd. Worldwide Real just real people like At: www.bendbulletin.corn 888-782-4075. maple cabs, king bed/ 541-385-8090 (PNDC) you. Browse greet LOCAL MONEY:We buy for Rent Estate, LLC. bdrm separated w/slide or 209-605-5537 ings, exchange mes secured trust deeds & Li c.¹ 200507303 glass dr,loaded, always S pringdale 2005 27', 4' sages and c o nnect note, some hard money Looking for your garaged, lived in only 3 Large mnfd home, 3 slide in dining/living area, mo,brand new $54,000, live. Try it free. Call next employee? HD FAT BOY bdrm 2 bath, fam rm, loans. Call Pat Kelley 750 sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 now: 8 7 7-955-5505. still like new, $28,500, Place a Bulletin help fenced yd, heat pump, 541-382-3099 ext.13. 1996 obo. 541-408-3811 will deliver,see rvt.corn, (PNDC) wanted ad today and w/s/g paid. $900/mo + Redmond Homes Completely rebuilt/ t Reverse Mortgages ad¹4957646 for pics. reach over 60,000 $900 sec. 541-383-8244 I customized, low P Sea Kayaks - Hi s & by local expert Mike Coty, 541-580-7334 readers each week. To the bicyclist who I miles. Accepting of Looking for your next Hers, Eddyline Wind LeRoux NMLS57716 invertantly cut off at Your classified ad ferss. 541-548-4807 Roadranger 27' 1993, Get your emp/oyee? Dancers,17', fiberglass Call to learn more. the Mill Mall round will also appear on A/C, awning, sleeps 6, boats, all equip incl., Place a Bulletin help 541-350-7839 bendbulletin.corn business about last Saturday, exc. cond., used little, wanted ad today and HD Screaming Eagle paddies, personal flo Securitv1 Lending which currently re my apologies. $4,495 OBO. NMLS98161 Electra Glide 2005, tation devices,dry bags, reach over 60,000 ceives over 1.5 mil n 541-389-8963 spray skirts, roof rack w/ readers each week. 103 motor, two tone a ROW I N G lion page views towers & cradles — Just slide, Bunkhouse style, candy teal, new tires, Your classified ad every month at add water, $1250/boat sleeps 7-8, excellent SPRINTER36' 2005, will also appear on 23K miles, CD player no extra cost. with an ad in Firm. 541-504-8557. condition, $ 1 6 ,900, $10,500 obo. Two hydraulic clutch, ex bendbulletin.corn Bulletin Classifieds 541-390-2504 slides, sleeps 5, The Bulletin's which currently re cellent condition. Get Results! Call queen air mattress, Highest offer takes it. "Call A Service ceives over 385-5809 or place Motorhomes small sgl. bed, couch 541-480-8080. 1.5 million page your ad on-line at Professional" folds out. 1.5 baths, views every month Call 54 I -385-5809 bendbulletin.corn Honda Elite 80 2001, 541-382-0865, ! Directory at no extra cost. to ro m o te ou r service 1400 mi., absolutely leave message! Bulletin Classifieds like new., comes w/ El Get Results! 675 c arrying rack for 2" ~Building/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care Call 385-5809 or RV Parking Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 receiver, ideal for use place your ad on-line 29', weatherized, like w/motorhome, $995, NOTICE: Oregon state N OTICE: ORE G O N at RV Space for rent, in Country Coach Intrigue n ew, f u rnished & 541-546-6920 law req u ires any Landscape Contrac bendbulletin.corn Smith Rock area, on 2002, 40' Tag axle. ready to go, incl Wine one who co n t racts tors Law (ORS 671) private property, nice 400hp Cummins Die ard S a t ellite dish, Taurus 27.5' 1988 for construction work r equires a l l bus i Softail DeluXe Everything works, sel. tw o s l ide-outs. lawn/trees, good credit 26,995. 541-420-9964 762 to be licensed with the nesses that advertise $1750/partial trade for req., 541-548-8052 4 1,000 m iles, n e w 2010, 805 miles, C onstruction Con to p e r form L a n d Homes with Acreage car. 541-460-9127 tires & batteries. Most Need help fixing stuff? Black Chameleon. tractors Board (CCB). scape C o n struction 687 options.$95,000 OBO Call A ServiceProfessional A n active lice n se which inclu d es: $17,000 616 f0+ Acres, 7 irrigated, 541-678-5712 find the help you need. Commercial for Call Don I means the contractor p lanting, decks , 2200+srf.ff. up dated Want To Rent www.bendbulletin.corn i s bonded and i n fences, arbors, Rent/Lease Canopies & Campers I home, oversized de 541-41 0-3823 s ured. Ver i f y t h e w ater-features, a n d Mature male, semi-retired tached garage,2 barns, 8' Leer canopy, miss contractor's CCB installation, repair of fenced & cross fenced, professional, no smok Spectrum professional beautiful setting, turn 865 ing rear door, $250 c ense through t h e irrigation systems to ing, drinking, drugs, building, 2 5 0 ' -500', 541-480-1536 CCB Cons u m er be licensed with the clean, solid refs, seeks $1.00 per ft. total. No key property, $525,000, ATVs Website Landscape Contrac w est side r oom i n N NN. C a l l An d y , 541-771-3290. Palomino Pop-up Camper Econoline RV f 9 89, www. nireaiiceneedcontractor. t ors B o a rd . Th i s townhouse, condo or 541-385-6732. Com fully loaded, exc. cond, Weekend Warrior Toy 1996, $2800, call after 773 4-digit number is to be home, 541-647-8121 5 pm, 541-279-7562. or call 503-378-4621. included in all adver 35K orig. mi., $19,750. Hauler 28'2007,Gen, Acreages fuel station, exc cond. The Bulletin recom tisements which indi Call 541-546-6133. 630 sleeps 8, black/gray mends checking with cate the business has Rooms for Rent i nterior, u se d 3X , the CCB prior to con a bond, insurance and CAN'T BEAT THIS! CHECK YOUR AD $24,999. tracting with anyone. workers c ompensa Furnished rm, $425 +sec Look before you 0 0 • 0 Honda TRX300 EX 2005 Please check your ad sport quad w/Rev, runs buy, below market 541-389-91 88 Some other t r ades tion for their employ dep; refs. TV, Wifi, mi on the first day it runs & rides great, new pipe & value! Size & mile also req u ire addi ees. For your protec cro, frig. 541-389-9268 to make sure it is cor paddies incl. $1700 obo. age DOES matter! tional licenses a nd Looking for your tion call 503-378-5909 rect. Sometimes in 541-647-8931 certifications. Class A 32' Hurri next employee? or use our website: Take care of s tructions over t h e cane by Four Winds, Place a Bulletin help www.lcb.state. to Debris Removal phone are misunder 2007. 12,500 mi, all your investments 870 wanted ad today and check license status 744 stood and a n e r ror Boats & Accessories amenities, Ford V10, reach over 60,000 before con t racting with the help from 908 can occur in your ad. Ithr, cherry, slides, JUNK BE GONE Open Houses readers each week. with t h e b u s iness. If this happens to your like new! New low Aircraft, Parts The Bulletin's I Haul Away FREE Your classified ad Persons doing land Smoker craft price, $54,900. ad, please contact us 13' Fri. 8 Saf. ff-3pm & Service For Salvage. Also will also appear on scape m a intenance "Call A Service 1985, good cond., 541-548-5216 the first day your ad Tour Award Winner! Cleanups & Cleanouts bendbulletin.corn do not require a LCB Professional" Directory 15HP gas Evinrude 1 9450 S t a fford L p . appears and we will M el, 541-389-8107 which currently re license. be happy to fix it as Gulfsfream S c en i c + Minakota 44 elec. Directions: C e n tury ceives over 1.5 mil Handyman Dr. to Tetherow en s oon a s w e ca n . motor, fish finder, 2 Cruiser 36 ff. 1999, Nelson Landscape Studios & Kitchenettes lion page views ev Deadlines are: Week Cummins 330 hp die Furnished room, TV w/ tttgrer trance, right on Meeks extra seats, trailer, ery month at no Maintenance days 11:00 noon for cable, micro & fridge. sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 ERIC REEVE HANDY Trail, to Stafford Lp on extra cost. Bulletin extra equip. $3500 Serving Utils & l inens. New next day, Sat. 11:00 in. kitchen slide out, left. Hosted by: SERVICES. Home & Classifieds Get Re Central Oregon a.m. for Sunday and obo. 541-388-9270 owners. $145-$165/wk Silva Knight, Broker new tires, under cover, 1/3 interest in Colum Commercial Repairs, sults! Call 385-5809 Residential 541-382-1885 Monday. hwy. miles only,4 door bia 400, located at 541-788-4861 Carpentry-Painting, 15' Smokercraff Alas or place your ad & Commercial 541 -385-5809 fridge/freezer ice Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. Pressure-washing, Cascade Sotheby's on-line at 634 kan 1998, 15HP 4 • Sprinkler Repair Thankyou! maker, W/D combo, Call 541-647-3718 Inf'I Realty H oney Do' s.O n-time bendbulletin.corn Stroke Joh n son, Interbath Apt./Multiplex NE Bend The Bulletin Classified • Sprinkler tub & promise. Senior 1 /3 interest i n w e l l electric start, trailer, shower, 50 amp pro Installation Open Saf. 8 Sun. 10-3 Discount. Work guar equipped IFR Beech Bimini top, fish finder, pane gen & m o re! $299 1st mo. rent!! * 1 9426Cart mill Dr., anteed. 541-389-3361 • Back Flow Testing B onanza A 36 , l o 775 center console, and GETTHEM BEFORE $55,000. Bend • $925,000. • Fire Prevention, Fifth Wheels • or 541-771-4463 cated KBDN. $55,000. THEY ARE GONE! extras. $3 9 9 5. 541-948-2310 Manufactured/ Bonded & Insured Lof Clearing 541-419-9510 541-316-1388. 2 bdrm, 1 bath CC B¹1 81 595 •Fall Clean up Mobile Homes $530 & $540 Executive Hangar • Weekly Mowing I DO THAT! Carports & A/C included! 17' 1984 Chris Craft at Bend Airport •Bark, Rock, Etc. FACTORY SPECIAL Home/Rental repairs Fox Hollow Apts. — Scorpion, 140 HP Hunter's Delight! Pack (KBDN) New Home, 3 bdrm, • Senior Discounts Small jobs to remodels (541) 383-31 52 inboard/outboard, 2 age deal! 1988 Win 60' wide x 50 ' d eep, $47,500 finished Reserving spots Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co Spectacular 4,362 +/ Honest, guaranteed nebago Super Chief, w/55' wide x 17' high your site,541.548.5511 depth finders, troll *Upstairs only with lease work. CCB¹151573 for sprinkler sq.ft. view home on on ing motor, full cover, 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 bi-fold door. Natural www.JandMHomes.corn Dennis 541-317-9768 winterization & snow the Westside of Bend by Carriage, 4 slide gas heat, office, bath Call for Specials! EZ — Load trailer, shape; 1988 Bronco II removal overlooking Tetherow Fleetwood 1997, 14x60, $3500 outs, inverter, satel Limited numbers avail. OBO. 4 x4 t o t ow, 1 30K room. Parking for 6 Home Improvement lite sys, fireplace, 2 Bonded & Insured and Broken Top Golf 2 bdrm, 1 bath., well 541-382-3728. 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. mostly towed miles, c ars. A d jacent t o 541-815-4458 Courses, Ca s cade flat screen TVs. W/D hookups, patios maint., $17,000 OBO, nice rig! $15,000 both. Frontage Rd; g r eat Kelly Kerfoot Const. LCB¹8759 mtn range, 3 bdrm/3.5 must be moved from $60,000. or decks. 541-382-3964, leave visibility for a viation 28 yrs exp in Central OR! 541-480-3923 bath, 3 car garage. MOUNTAIN GLEN, Tumalo loca t ion, 17' Seaswirl 1988 msg. bus. 1jetjock@q.corn Quality & honesty, from Call The Yard Doctor Too many amenities 503-523-7908. 541-383-931 3 541-948-21 26 carpentry & handyman for yard maintenance, open bow, r ebuilt to list. FSBO Professionally Itasca Spirit Class C jobs, to expert wall cov thatching, sod, sprin managed by Norris & Directions: Follow the Chevy V6 e ngine, Look at: ering install / removal. new uph o lstery, 2007, 20K miles, front kler blowouts, water signs. Century Dr. to Stevens, Inc. Bendhomes.corn entertainment center, Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 features, more! $4500 or best offer. E. C a m pbell, g o for Complete Listings of all bells & whistles, Licensed/bonded/insured Allen 541-536-1294 707-688-4523 636 straight on K emple, extremely good con 541-389-1413 / 410-2422 LCB 5012 Area Real Estate for Sale turn right on Cartmill. Apt./Multiplex NW Bend dition, 2 s l ides, 2 Fleetwood Wilderness First on the Hill area. HDTV's, $48,500 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, ONLY f OWNERSHIP LandscaplngNard Care BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS M i R 0 ~ Fully furnished loft Apt Casey & Kim Jones, OBO. 541-447-5484 rear bdrm, fireplace, $19,900 2 bdrm, 2 bath Search the area's most SHARE LEFT! o n W a l l S t reet i n 541-419-9766 AC, W/D hkup beau Economical flying in $23,900 2 bdrm, 1 bath comprehensive listing of 541-419-1243 Bend, with parking. All Lazy Daze 26' 2004, tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. your ow n C e s sna $38,900 3 bdrm, 2 bath classified advertising... u tilities p a id . Ca l l 14K m i. , $ 4 2 ,000. 541-815-2380 real estate to automotive, 541-389-2389 for appt Open Saf 8 Sun 12-4 $39,999 3 bdrm, 2 bath 172/180 HP for only Zor/dt z gaa8rip 61 9-733-8472. 541-548-5511 merchandise to sporting Newport Landing 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 $ 10 000i B a se d a t Za~gga e/,. 642 goods. Bulletin Classifieds Bends Newest West www.JandMHomes.corn Volvo Penta, 270HP, BDN. Call Gabe a appear every day in the Apt./Multiplex Redmond side neighborhood! low hrs., must see, Professional Air! Movers! $7,999 2 bdrm, More Than Service print or on line. 1800 NW Element 541-388-0019 Q $15,000, 541-330-3939 1 bath, $19,999 Office/ Peace Of Mind Call 541-385-5809 1 B d r m Do w ntown8 Floor Plans to choose Studio, $32,900 3 bdrm, www.bendbulletin.corn Redmond, remodeled from! Tour one today. 2 bath, 541-548-5511 K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 Trucks & slide, AC, TV, awning duplex, W/ D i n c l ., Karen Malanga, Fall Clean Up www.JandMHomes.corn Broker NEW: tires, converter, Don't track it in all Winter $450/ mo. Available Immaculate! Heavy Equipment gamingCanaal Oregonsince tgtg 20 5' 2004 Bayliner 54 1 -390-3326 • Leaves Now! 541-777-0028. Beaver Coach Marquis batteries. Hardly used 205 Run About, 220 FIND YOUR FUTURE • Cones Hasson Co. Realtors $16,500. 541-923-2595 40' 1987. New cover, Aeration/Fall Clean-up Duplex 3 bdrm, 2 bath, HP, VB, open bow, • Needles HOME INTHE BULLETIN new paint (2004), new BOOK NOW! 1260 sq.ft., 1 story, ga exc. cond., very fast • Pruning 745 inverter (2007). Onan Weekly/one-time service rage w/opener, fenced w/very low hours, • Debris Hauling Your future is just a page 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, Homes for Sale avail. Bonded, insured, yard, RV/Boat parking, away. Whether you' re l o oking lots of extras incl. parked covered $35,000 free estimates! fridge, dishwasher, mi for a hat or a pl a ce to hang it, tower, Bimini & obo. 541-419-9859 or COLLINS Lawn Maint. cro, walk-in laundry, 4270Sq.ft., 6/6, 4-car, Gutter The Bulletin Classified is custom trailer, 541-280-201 4 Diamond Reo Dump Ca/i 541-480-9714 W/S/G paid, front gard c orner, .83 acre m t n Cleaning your best source. $19,500. Truck f 9 74, 1 2 -14 v iew, by owne r . ner paid, $775+dep., Montana 3400RL 2008, 4 541-389-1 41 3 Maverick Landscaping 541-604-0338 yard box, runs good, $590,000 541-390-0886 Every day thousandsof I slides, no smokers or Mowing, weedeating, Compost See: bloomkey.corn/8779 buyers and sellers of goods pets, limited u sage, $6900, 541-548-6812 I yard detailing, chain 648 and services do business in 5500 watt Onan gen, Applications saw work & more! solar panel, fireplace, Use Less Water TURN THE PAGE these pages. Theyknow Houses for LCB¹8671 541-923-4324 you can't beat TheBulletin dual A/C, central vac, $$$ SAVE $$$ Rent General For More Ads Classified Section for 20.5' Seaswirl Spy Monaco Dynasty 2004, elect. awning w/sun Improve Soil Pet Services The Bulletin loaded, 3 slides, die screen arctic pkg, rear selection and convenience der 1989 H.O. 302, CRR- Nice and clean 2 - every item is just a phone sel, Reduced — now receiver, alum wheels, 2 285 hrs., exc. cond., 2012 Maintenance bdrm, 2 bath, custom $119,000, 5 4 1 -923 TVs, m an y ex t ras.Econoline OWNED HOMES! call away. t rail e r stored indoors for Package Available Gentle Giant ranch home with mtn BANK 8572 or 541-749-0037 $35,500. 541-416-8087 FREE List w/Pics! f 6-Ton 29' BedJ life $11,900 OBO. views, dbl. garage., weekly, monthly The Classified Section is www. BendRepos.corn Animal Care w/fold up ramps, elec/ 541-379-3530 RV CONS IGNMENTS N o s moking. O n e bend and beyond real estate and easy to use. Every item Central Oregon Best brakes, P i n tlehitch, WANTED small pet neg. $750. 20967 yeoman, bend or i s categorized and every one time service in-home animal care 541-548-4225. $4700, 541-548-6812 I We Do The Work, You 21'7 n Sun Tracker cartegory is indexed onthe s ervice. G oing o n F ixer Upper 7 5 S W Keep The Cash, section's front page. Pontoon Fishin' EXPERIENCED vacation? We provide Rented your prop Roosevelt Bend 3/2 + On-Site Credit A % E A T Barge, 2008, with low Commercial c ompassionate a n d erty? The Bulletin Bonus, Det a c hed Whether you are looking for Approval Team, II hours Mercury 90, top & Residential loving in-home ani Classifieds 3-car G arage-Work a home or need aservice, Web Site Presence, MONTANA 3585 2008, & cover. $16,000. mal care. Make it a has an "After Hours" exc. cond., 3 slides, shop, Lot over 9000 your future is in the pagesof We Take Trade-lns. 503-701-2256 Hysfer H25E, runs Free Estimates vacation for your pet The Bulletin Classified. Line. Call sq.ft., Bend Park-Old Free Advertising. king bed, Irg LR, Arc well, 2982 Hours, Senior Discounts too! Call today! 541-383-2371 24 Mill District, Z oned tic insulation, all op 2 boat seats, Fish-on, BIG COUNTRY RV $3500, call 541-390-1466 Tamron Stone hours to RM for Multi Units, fully adj pedestals, like Bend 541-330-2495 tions $37,500. 541-749-0724 Sening Central oregon sinceS903 Same Day Response 541-215-5372 0! Owner (541)390-5721 Redmond: 541-548-5254 541-420-3250 new, $160. 541-408-4528 •
The Bulletin
0Q~Q ~
X'DrjrD j
L@a ga
The Bulletin
m va t
The Bulletin
Trucks 8 Heavy Equipment
Antique 8 Classic Autos
Peterbilt 35 9 p o table w ater t r uck, 1 9 9 0, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp 9 p ump, 4 - 3 hoses, camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. 541-820-3724
Ford T-Bird 1966 390 engine, power everything, new paint, 54K original miles, runs great, excellent cond. in & out. Asking $8,500. 541-480-31 79
Uti l i ty Trailers
kYo~ Azr! Big Tex Landscap ing/ ATI/ Trailer, dual axle flatbed,
GMC SLE1500 4x42000,
exc. cond, 130K mi., absolute Best Buy at $5775 OBO, Richard, 541-279-9691
Sp o r t Utility Vehicles
Mercury Mountaineer 2000, auto, tow, 4X4, alloys, leather. Vin ¹J42745 $7,995
CAMRY SE 2002 4 cyl., 55,000 mi., power driver's seat, moonroof, spoiler, 4 studless snow tires on wheels. $12,500. 541-388-1112
International Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 ton dually, 4 s p d. trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950. 541-41 9-5480.
GMC VBton 1971, Only
Grandmother's Car! 93 541-504-8316 Chrysler LeBaron con vertible, 6 cyl, auto, red DLR4821 w/black top, gray/black Subaru Forester 2007, T turbo, auto, a l l N issan A rmada S E int, low miles, 6800 miles X 2 007, 4 W D , a u t o , /yr, air blows cold, new weather pkg., moon • l eather, D VD , C D . tires, beautiful wheels, roof, alloy w h eels, Vin¹700432. $14,788. nice interior, kept under multi disc. $ 17,999. cover, never damaged, Vin ¹730108 541-647-2822
$3200. 541-317-4985
$1 9,700! Original low Nissan Titan Crewcab 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 877-266-3821 LE 20 0 7 , auto , mile, exceptional, 3rd leather, nav., loaded. Dlr ¹0354 owner. 951-699-7171 Vin ¹210963.
The Bulletin
7'x16', 7000 lb. GVW, all steel, $1400. 541-382-4115, or 541-280-7024.
Subaru Forester 2004 Turbo, 5-spd manual, studded tires & wheels, chains, Thule ski box, 67K miles, perfect! $13,950.
S UB A R U .
To Subscribe call 541-385-5800 or go to www.bendbulletin.corn
Chrysler Sebring 2006 exc. cond, very low miles (38k), always garaged, transferable war ranty incl. $9,100
Leg a l Notices
LEGAL NOTICE In the Circuit Court S UB A R U . of the State of Or 9UBBRUOBBRtiD CQM 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend egon for the County of Deschutes: In the 877-266-3821 Matter of the Estate Dlr ¹0354 of Florence K. Jef Subaru Legacy 2009, fers, Dec e ased. 3.0 L, limited, auto, Case No. l oaded, leath e r, 12P B0089. NO moonroof, nav., rear TICE T O I N T ER spoiler, $25,999. Vin ESTED PERSONS: ¹217519 The un d ersigned has been appointed @gg SUBARU.
Legal Notices
days from the last day of publication of this notice. Where to file a claim and for more i nformation: Da i n a Vitolins, Crook County District Attorney Of fice, 300 N E T h i rd Street, Prineville, OR
Legal Notices of publication of this notice. Where to file a claim and for more i nformation: Da i n a Vitolins Crook County District Attorney Of fice, 300 N E T h i rd Street Pnneville OR 97754.
Notice of reasons for Notice of reasons for Forfeiture The prop Forfeiture: The prop erty descnbed below erty described below was seized for forfei was seized for forfei ture because it: (1) t ure because it ( 1 ) Constitutes the p ro personal represen 541-330-4087 Constitutes the p ro ceeds of the violation 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend tative of the above ceeds of the violation of, solicitation to vio 877-266-3821 estate. All persons Honda Accord EX 1997, of, solicitation to vio late, attempt to vio Dlr ¹0354 h aving claim s auto, moonroof, alloy Porsche Cayenne 2004, late, attempt to vio late, or conspiracy to Adjustable u n derside 86k, immac, dealer wheels, Vin ¹063075. Subaru Outback 2002, 1 against the e state late, or conspiracy to violates, the criminal must present them ball hit c h , $30. $3,999. maint'd, loaded, now owner, garaged, all op within four months RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L violates, the criminal laws of the State of 541-948-4413 $17000. 503-459-1580 tions except leather, hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, laws of the State of Oregon regarding the from this date to the S UB A R U . $7500, 541-318-8668. am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. Subaru Forester 2.5X Oregon regarding the manufacture, distribu personal represen 541-420-3634/390-1285 manufacture, distribu tion, or possession of Antique 8 2008, Black, 65K, exc. 2060 N E Hwy 20 • Bend Subaru Outback tative at the law of 877-266-3821 ond., $15,0 0 0 , tion, or possession of controlled substances Plymouth B a r racudaS ubaru B aj a W agon 2 0 07 , 2. 5 f ice o f J e r r y J . Classic Autos Tu r b o c541-389-5421. Dlr ¹0354 controlled substances (ORS Chapter 475); manual, alloy wheels, J aques, 20 5 3 r d 1966, original car! 300 Pickup 2006, manual, (ORS Chapter 475); and/or (2) Was used hp, 360 V8, center AWD, leather, pre Vin ¹ 3 35770. Street, Hood River, Jeep Grand Cherokee AWD. and/or (2) Was used or intended for use in $16,999. lines, (Original 273 OR 97031, or they mium wheels, moon Limited 20 0 5, fully or intended for use in committing or f acili eng & wheels incl.) roof, tonneau cover. may be barred. All loaded, sunroof, S UB A R U . committing or f acili tating the violation of, 541-593-2597 persons whose Vin ¹103218. heated leather seats, tating the violation of, solicitation to violate, Toyota 4Runner new tires, G PS, al 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend r ights may be a f PROJECT CARS: Chevy $16,988. solicitation to violate, attempt to violate, or fected by the pro 877-266-3821 ways garaged, 127K 1 2-dr FB 1949 & Chevy 4WD 1986, auto, attempt to violate, or conspiracy to violate S UB A R U . Chev Corvair Monza con Coupe 1950 — rolling ceeding may obtain Dlr ¹0354 owner miles, maint. 2 dr., $1200, conspiracy to violate the criminal laws of vertible,1964, new top & chassis's $1750 ea., 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend additional informa r ecords, $9900 , the criminal laws of the State of Oregon tranny, runs great, exlnt Chevy 4-dr 1949, com 541-923-7384 t ion fr om the 541-593-9908. 877-266-3821 Toyota Camry's the State of Oregon regarding the manu cruising car! $5500 obo. plete car, $1949; Ca records of the court, Dlr ¹0354 ~ ML 9 , 1984, $ 12 0 0 regarding the manu facture, distribution or 541-420-5205 Kia Optima 2010, the personal repre dillac Series 61 1950, 2 facture, distribution or p ossession of c o n OBO, 1985 $1400 sentative, or the at auto, great fuel saver. dr. hard top, complete 935 p ossession of c o n trolled sub s tances OBO, 1986 parts torney for the per Vin ¹377733 w/spare front c l i p., Sport Utility Vehicles trolled sub s tances (ORS Chapter 475). sonal car, $500; call for $3950, 541-382-7391 $14,225 IN THE MATTER OF: (ORS Chapter 475). representative. details, IN THE MATTER OF: One 2 00 7 Ni s s an 933 Dated and first pub 541-548-6592 DF BEND U.S. Currency in the Frontier, OLN Toyota 4-Runner 4x4 Ltd, lished on 9/21/2012. Pickups VIN 2006, Salsa Red pearl, 541-647-2822 Chevy C-2 0 P i c kup Personal Re p r e amount of $1,614.00, 715DTC, Case No. 12-011950 1N6AD07W27C401378 49,990 miles, exlnt cond, HertzBend.corn 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; sentative, Patricia J. professionally detailed, seized 1/12/12 from , Case No. 12-101998 DLR4821 auto 4-spd, 396, model Carter, 1115 2 1st CHECK YOUR AD seized 5/25/12 from Jason Faherty. CST /all options, orig. St., Hood River, OR Please check your ad Buick Enclave 2008 CXL $22,900. 541-390-7649 Lexus LS400 S edan R obert Battles a n d owner, $24,000, on the first day it runs AWD, V-6, black, clean, 97031. LEGAL NOTICE 1999, loaded leather, Peter Phillips. 541-923-6049 to make sure it is cor mechanicall NOTICE OF SEIZURE y sound, 82k LEGAL NOTICE Vans moonroof, p remium FOR CIVIL LEGAL NOTICE rect. Sometimes in miles. $23,900. wheels, lo w m i l es,Toyota Prius 2008 Tour NOTICE OF SEIZURE PUBLIC AUCTION structions over the Call 541-815-1216 FORFEITURE TO ALL FOR CIVIL very clean. $12,999. i ng w/leather, 6 C D / POTENTIAL T he units of : ¹ 1 5 8 phone are mis MP3, GPS, bluetooth, FORFEITURE TO ALL Chevy Astro Vin ¹145798 Chevy. 1985 K ailey Berg, ¹ 2 0 0 understood and an error snow tires on rims, new CLAIMANTS AND TO Cargo Van 20 01, POTENTIAL K-5 BLAZER S UB A R U . headlamps & windshield CLAIMANTS AND TO ALL UNKNOWN Adena Stuemke, ¹105 can occur in your ad. pw, pdl, great cond., Great Hunting Rig Helen Dettmer will be If this happens to your PERSONS READ THIS business car, well 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 47,700 miles, c l ean, ALL UNKNOWN Tow Package. V-8 Chevy Wagon 1 957, $18,200 541-408-5618 CAREFULLY sold at Public Auction ad, please contact us PERSONS READ THIS m aint, regular o i l 877-266-3821 $1,900. 4-dr., complete, on Saturday Septem the first day your ad c hanges, $4 5 0 0 , CAREFULLY Dlr ¹0354 Toyotas: 1999 Avalon 541-977-8696 $15,000 OBO, trades, If you have any inter b er 22nd, 2 012 a t appears and we will call please 254k; 1996 Camry, please call be happy to fix it Mitsubishi 3 00 0 GT If you have any inter est i n t h e s e i zed 11am at Bear Creek Chevy Equinox LT 2010, 541-633-5149 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of 541-420-5453. d e s c ribed Storage, 60 NE Pur as soon as we can. 1 999, a u to., p e a rl est i n t h e s e i zed property exc cond, well main miles left in these Blvd., Bend, for w hite, very low m i . Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe Deadlines are: Week tained, 21K mi, 1 owner, Ford Arrowstar 1989, property d e s c ribed below, you must claim cell cars. Price? You tell $9500. 541-788-8218. me! I'd guess below, you must claim that interest or you will non-payment of rent 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, days 12:00 noon for $19,500. 541-447-1624 $500. and other fees. Auc next day, Sat. 11:00 $2000-$4000. that interest or you will automatically lose that auto. trans, ps, air, 541-977-4391 automatically lose that interest. If you do not tion to be held in pur frame on rebuild, re a.m. for Sunday; Sat. Chevy Tahoe 1500 LS Your servant, Bob at s uant to r ules a nd 12:00 for Monday. If 2 004, a u t o , 4X 4 , 541-318-9999, no interest. If you do not file a c laim for the painted original blue, Vehicle? property, the property procedures available we can assist you, Vin ¹216330. $9,999. charge for looking. file a c laim for the original blue interior, Automobiles • Call The Bulletin please call us: property, the property may be forfeited even at the office. original hub caps, exc. and place an ad to Toyota Sienna 2000, S UB A R U . 54 1-385-5809 may be forfeited even if you are not con SALE IS CASH ONLY chrome, asking $9000 BMW X5 2011, 26k day! auto, loaded, or ma k e of fer . The Bulletin Classified 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend miles, white ¹4062132 if you are not con victed of any crime. NO CREDIT CARD OR Ask about our Vin ¹176708 CHECK 541-385-9350. 877-266-3821 victed of any crime. To claim an interest, "Whee/ Deal" ! $48,995 $7,995 you must file a written To claim an interest, Dlr ¹0354 for private party claim with the forfei So ~ trAST/ you must file a written advertisers Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 claim with the forfei ture counsel named Oregorr DF BEND below, Th e w r i tten C hevy 3/ 4 t o n 4 x 4 , 4x4. 120K mi, Power ture counsel named AEEloSource Chrysler SD 4-Door 541-647-2822 seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd extended cab, below, Th e w r i tten claim must be signed 541-598-3750 1930, C DS Royal 1995, HertzBend.corn long box, grill guard, row s eating, e x tra aaaoregonautosource.corn claim must be signed by you, sworn to un Standard, 8-cylinder, DLR4821 running boards, bed tires, CD, privacy tint by you, sworn to un der penalty of perjury body is good, needs rails & canopy, 178K ing, upgraded rims. Buicks! 1996 Regal, der penalty of perjury before a notary public, some r e s toration, m iles, $ 4 800 o b o . Fantastic cond. $7995 87k; 1997 LeSabre, Say Mgoodbuy before a notary public, and state: (a) Your runs, taking bids, 208-301-3321 (Bend) Contact Tim m at true name; (b) The 112k; and others! and state: (a) Your 541-383-3888, to that unused 541-408-2393 for info You' ll not find nicer address at which you true name; (b) The 541-81 5-331 8 Chevy Sil v e r ado or to view vehicle. Buicks $3500 & up. will a c cept f u t u re item by placing it in address at which you 1500 2000, 4WD, One look's worth a will a c cept f u t ure m ailings f ro m th e Find them in The Bulletin Classifieds auto, X-cab, heated thousand words. Call Nissan Altima 3 .5SR m ailings f ro m th e court and f o rfeiture l eather s e ats, t o w Bob, 541-318-9999. 2012, 13,200 mi., exc. counsel; and (3) A The Bulletin court and f o rfeiture for an appt. and take a cond., 6-cyl., 270HP, pkg, chrome brush Ford s tatement that y o u 5 41 -385-58 0 9 c ounsel; and (3) A Excu r s ion drive in a 30 mpg. car Classifieds! 8-way power driver guard, exc. c o nd., 2005, 4WD, diesel, s tatement that y o u have an interest in the runs great, 130K mi., exc. cond., $18,900, Cadillac CTS S e dan seat, 60/40 rear seat, seized property. Your have an interest in the $9500, 541-389-5579. leather steering wheel Volvo VTOXC 2000, seized property. Your deadline for filing the call 541-923-0231. 2007, 29K, auto, exc. FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, with audio controls, 3rd row seat, mounted deadline for filing the claim document with cond, loaded, $17,900 door panels w/flowers AM/FM/C D/AUX with studs, tow pkg, extras, claim document with forfeiture cou n s el OBO, 541-549-8828 & hummingbirds, $5000, 541.693.4764 Bose speakers, A/C, forfeiture cou n s el n amed below is 2 1 white soft top & hard GMC Denali 2003 Bluetooth, USB, back Cadillac DeVille days from the last day top. Just reduced to loaded with options. up camera, heated HertZ Car Sales n amed below is 2 1 1996, Auto, loaded, OF BEND $3,750. 541-317-9319 Exc. cond., snow front seats, p o wer Cream Puff! Only or 541-647-8483 tires and rims in moonroof & more. In 118K mi., Ford Lariat F-350 2001 cluded. 130k hwy B end, b elow B l u e Vin ¹104880 7.3 Diesel 4x4 X-Cab I• miles. $12,000. Book a t $22 , 955, Pickup T r uc k w/ $4,295 541-419-4890. (317) 966-2189 1 11,894 mi. See a t '96 Cadillac Deville Bend Park and Sell. FIND IT! AT, Loaded/CreamPuff only118 DF BEND P lease call Rod a t Hummer H2 2003, auto, BV Y IT! 11 04880 4 9295 541-647-2822 541-350-8603. 4X4, premium wheels, SELL IT! '00 Mercury Mountaineer Ford Galaxi e500 1963, HertzBend.corn 3rd seat, leather, grill An important premise upon which the principle of 2 dr. hardtop, fastback, The Bulletin Classifieds AT, 4X4, Tow,Alloys, Leather DLR4821 guard, lots of extras. //J42745 7 9995 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & Vin ¹113566. democracy is based is thatinformation about radio (orig),541-419-4989 Cadillac E l D or a d o PORSCHE 914 1974, '00 Toyota Sienna $17,988. 1 994, Total c r e am Roller (no e ngine), AT, Loaded government activities must be accessible in order Ford Model T Touring, S UB A R U . puff, body, paint, trunk lowered, full roll cage, 8558355 7 9995 1919, in good shape & for the electorate to make well-informed decisions. 5-pt harnesses, rac '09 Chrysler P/T Cruiser as showroom, blue running cond. Was rib 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend leather, $1700 wheels ing seats, 911 dash & Public notices provide this sort of accessibility fo Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, bon breaker at H i gh 877-266-3821 / LOWMileS 57KOnly w/snow tires although instruments, d e cent TOunng X- c ab , X L T , Bridge dedication! Call 7 1K, Dlr ¹0354 8558355 s1 1,999 citizens who want to know more about government car has not been wet shape, v e r y c o ol! a uto, 4 . 0L , $ 7 9 00 541-420-2478 '11 Hyundai Accent GLS OBO. 541-388-0232 in 8 years. On trip to $1699. 541-678-3249 activities. Automatic Ford Mustang Coupe Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., -i ~~ . I "itlt ' . ¹619037 1 3,995 1966, original owner, $5400, 541-593-4016. Read your Public Notices daily in The Bulletin '10 Chevy Aveo V8, automatic, great shape, $9000 OBO. classifieds or go fowww.bendbulletin.corn and AT, TOunng Cadillac Seville STS 94B 530-51 5-81 99 8118671 s1 3,995 2003 — just finished click on Classi%ed Ads Jeep Willys 1947,custom, $4900 engine work '10 Kia Optima LX small block Chevy, PS, AT, Great Fuel Saver Ford Ranchero by Certified GM me Ford Super Duty F-250 Porsche Carrera 1999 //L377733 '14,225 1979 2001, 4X4, very good OD, mags+ trailer. Swap chanic. Has every black metallic, 46k with 351 Cleveland '10 Nissan Sentra shape, V10 eng, $7900 for backhoe. No am calls thing but navigation. careful mi, beautiful, please. 541-389-6990 modified engine. Too many bells and OBO. 541-815-9939 upgrades, Tiptronic. 4 DR Sedan, Great Fuel Saver Body is in w histles t o l i s t . $20,000. 541-593-2394 1651104 1 4,695 1000 B /4-T 1985 4x4, 460 Lexus R X 3 5 0 , 2 0 10 bought a new one. Ford excellent condition, '10 Chevy Malibu eng, 4-spd, posi-traction, auto, AWD, silver, 35K Legal Notices • Legal Notices Oo • Leg a l Notices $2500 obo. $6900 firm. ~ 4 Dr, LT Sedan runs great, $2000 obo. loaded, no OR winters 541-420-1283 541-420-4677 s1 4,980 Call 541-420-2478 $35 ,2 5 0. 541-593-3619 MOre PiXatBendbulletiII CO m 8246671 LEGAL NOTICE '10 Ford Focus TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE '14,995 8293446 The Trustee under the terms of the Trust Deed described herein, at the '11 Suzuki SX-4 direction of the Beneficiary, hereby elects to sell the property described in 33 MPGi the Trust Deed to satisfy the obligations secured thereby. Pursuant to 8302264 1 4,995 ORS 86.745, the following information is provided: 1. PARTIES: Grantor: '10 Dodge Avenger KYLE L. JOYE. Trustee:FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COM R/T Sedan PANY. SuccessorTrustee:NANCY K. CARY. Beneficiary:WASHINGTON 37K Miles, LDaded~ FEDERAL fka WASHINGTON FEDERAL SAVINGS. 2.DESCRIPTION OF S159495 8177898 PROPERTY: The real property is described as follows: Lot Seven (7), '10 Mazda 6 Block Two (2), BUENA VENTURA, recorded May 25, 1978, in Cabinet B, AutDmatiC, LDaded Page 461, DeschutesCounty, Oregon. 3.RECORDING. The Trust Deed ¹M05673A s1 5,495 was recorded as follows: Date Recorded: November 30, 2010. Recording '12 Nissan Versa No.: 2010-47533 Official Records of Deschutes County, Oregon. 4.DE FAULT. The Grantor or any other person obligated on the Trust Deed and Automatic, 5-Door HB,Fuel Saver 8358909A s1 6,556 Promissory Note secured thereby is in default and the Beneficiary seeks to foreclose the Trust Deed for failure to pay: Monthly payments in the '09 Toyota Matrix AWD amount of $3,222.00 each, due the first of each month, for the months of Only 28K Miles April 2012 through July 2012; plus late charges and advances; plus any 1009276A 1 7,495 unpaid real property taxes or liens, plus interest. 5.AMOUNT DUE. The '11 Chrysler 200 Sedan amount due on the Note which is secured by the Trust Deed referred to TDunng Now you can add a full-color photo to your Bulletin classified ad starting herein is: Principal balance in the amount of $566,065.32; plus interest at ¹553592 s1 7,995 the rate of 6.000% per annum from March 1, 2012; plus late charges of at only $15.00 per week, when you order your ad online. '11 Subaru Impreza $614.24; plus advances and foreclosure attorney fees and costs. 6.SALE AWD OF PROPERTY. The Trustee hereby states that the property will be sold 8511600A 17 9995 To place your Bulletin ad with a photo, visit www.bendbulletin.corn, to satisfy the obligations secured by the Trust Deed. A Trustee's Notice of '11 KIA Sedona Default and Election to Sell Under Terms of Trust Deed has been re click on "Place an ad" and follow these easy steps: 40r, Blue corded in the Official Records of Deschutes County, Oregon. 7.TIME OF ¹371299 18 9650 SALE. Date:November 29, 2012. Time:11:00 a.m. Place: Deschutes '12 Hyundai Sonata Pick a category (for example — pets or transportation) County Courthouse, 1164 NW Bond Street, Bend, Oregon. 8. RIGHT TO 4 Dr Sedan, AT, LDBded REINSTATE. Any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time and choose your ad package. 8320628 B199461 that is not later than five days before the Trustee conducts the sale, to '09 Subaru Legacy Sedan have this foreclosure dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by pay H4 Special Edition Write your ad and upload your digital photo, ment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due, other than such ¹235780 1 99995 portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred, '07 Toyota F-J Cruiser by curing any other default that is capable of being cured by tendering the reate your account with any major credit card, Auta, LOaded, Only 44K MAIDS~ performance required under the obligation or Trust Deed and by paying all ¹085836 24,995 costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and Trust Through 9/26/1 2 Deed, together with the trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the All ads appear In both print and online. All RBhtCIBSSubiBCt tO ktOr Sale, dOeS amount provided in ORS 86.753. You may reach the Oregon State Bar's BOt tnCludBtRX, itCBBSBOrttlB Rnd rBg Lawyer Referral Service at 503-684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at Please allow 24 hours for photo processing before your ad appears In print and online tStrRttOB PrOCBSSmgf99 Of ti00. Vtnii'9 800-452-7636 or you may visit its website at: Legal as POSted Rt dBRIBrShtP.SBBHertZ CRr SR 199 of Bend for dBtRtls. Dealer 082i sistance may be available if you have a low income and meet federal pov erty guidelines. For more information and a directory of legal aid pro To place your photo ad, visit Us online at HertZ Car Sales grams, go to http: // Any questions regarding this OF BEND www.bendbulletin.corn matter should be directed to Lisa Summers, Paralegal, (541) 686-0344 541-647-2822 (TS ¹15148.30776). DATED: July 9, 2012. /s/ Nancy K. Cary. Nancy K. www.bendbulletin.corn or call with questions, 541-385-5809 535 NESavannahDr, Bend Cary, Successor Trustee. Hershner Hunter, LLP, P.O. Box 1475, Eugene, Mercury Mon t e rrey 1965, Exc. All original, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 877-266-3821 4-dr. sedan, in stor Dlr ¹0354 age last 15 yrs., 390 High Co m pression engine, new tires & li Automotive Parts, c ense, reduced t o Service 8 Accessories $2850, 541-410-3425. 9UBBRUOBBRRD CQM
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I HertZGarSales ~ The Bulletin ~
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The Bulletin
Show Y o u r
Stuff •
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OR 97440.
The Portland singer-songwriter is at the DominoRoom,PAGE3
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insi e
Cover photo courtesy Autumn de Wilde
Ben Salmon, 541-383-0377 bsalmon @ bendbulletin.corn
Elise Gross, 541-383-0351 egross @ bendbulletin.corn Breanna Hostbjor, 541-383-0375 bhostbjor@bendbulletin.corn David Jasper, 541-383-0349 djasper @ bendbulletin.corn Jenny Wasson, 541-383-0350 jwasson @ bendbulletin.corn
TALKS 8z CLASSES • 19 • A listing of upcoming events
• A reviewof NHL13"
• W hat's hotonthegamingscene
• Greek and Roman art on exhibit in Portland • A guide to out of town events
• A review of Pastrami in Bend
DESIGNER Althea Borck, 541-383-0331 aborck@bendbulletin.corn
SUBMIT AN EVENT GO! MAGAZINE is published each Friday in The Bulletin. Please submit information at least 10 days before the edition in which it is printed, including the event name, brief description, date, time, location, cost, contact number and a website, if appropriate. Email to: events @bendbulletin.corn Fax to: 541-385-5804, Attn: Community Life U.S. Mail or hand delivery: Community Life, The Bulletin 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, OR 97702
• COVER STORY: M. Ward returns to Bend, sansZooey • Communist Daughter plays TheHorned Hand • GeorgeW instonshow canceled • Rose'sPawn Shop atMcMenamins • Christian artist Lincoln Brewster in Bend
• • • • •
"Wrong Window" opens at CTC Photographer donates to hospital Chamber group plans youth auditions Young Artists Conservatory registrations Art Exhibits lists current exhibits
• "End of Watch,""Dredd,""The Master," "Trouble with the Curve," "Cosmopolis" and "House at the Endof the Street" open in Central Oregon • "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel,""The Cabin in the Woods,""Hysteria" and "The Babymakers" are out on Blu-ray andDVD • Brief reviews of movies showing in Central Oregon
• Great ways to enjoy the outdoors
GOING OUT • 7 • Check out Hobbs at Silver Moon • A listing of live music, DJs,karaoke, open mics and more
ADVERTISING 541-382-1811
Take advantage of the full line of Bulletin products. Call 541-385-5800.
CALENDAR • 16 • A week full of Central Oregon events
PLANNING AHEAD • 18 • A listing of upcoming events
•Tamia,BobDylan,David Byrne and more
~u l l eti
CASCADIA OREGON I High Desert Branch
EnergyTrust of Oregon
CENTRAL ORRRON co Itr college
Cam pus Center, 2600 College Way Bend •
K ick-off e v e n t s t a r t s a t 9 : 0 0 a m a t C O C C •
The Bullelin nendnulletln.corn
• Portland's M. Ward brings hisband to Bend's Domino Roomtonight By David jasper The Bulletin
Ward comes off in a phone in terview a lot like he does on his • albums: laid-back, good-na tured, earnest and reflective — all words, by the way, that Allmusic.corn uses to de scribe the indie-folk troubadour's sound. When GO! Magazine spoke with him Tuesday about his highly touted recent al bum, "A Wasteland Companion," he was in his childhood hometown of Los Angeles. Ward (born Matthew Ward) still keeps an apartment there, but he was prepar ing to fly bac later in the day to Portland, which the 38-year-old musician makes his primary home. Merge Records, Ward's longtime label, released "A Wasteland Companion" in April, and the bulk of touring for the al bum is largely complete. "We are now in the time where we just do festivals and weekends here and there, so we' ve been getting good time off," said Ward. Tonight, however, is not one of those times off: Ward and his four-piece band will perform tonight at the Domino
Room in Bend (see "If you go").
Ward, who steadily built his career over time by recording, touring and col laborating with other musicians includ ing Bright Eyes, has been busy the last several years. Continued Page 5 ~ X
If yougo tr
What: M. Ward When:9tonight,doorsopen 8 p.m. Where:Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend Cost:$22 in advance plus fees, $25 at the door Contact:www.randompresents.corn or 541 788-2989
George Winston cancels Tower show
, . X
We got news Wednesday that storied folk-piano mu sician George Winston has canceled hi s B en d s h ow, which was set for the Tower Theatre on Tuesday. Winston — w h ose been playing his brand of instru m ental keywork fo r m o r e than 30 years — canceled for unspecified medical reasons, a ccording to c o ncert p r o moter Bret Grier of Random Presents. Ticketholders can get re funds at the Tower. Contact: 541-317-0700.
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3rd Annaaul •
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Christian artist Brewster is in Bend
When it rains, it pours. T hat w a s p r o b ably a kitschy wooden sign t h at hung in the main quarters of Noah's ark. You know: Yellow letters on driftwood, with the hanging wire show ing. The kind of sign you make if you' re stuck on an ark for a while. Anyway, "when it rains, it pours" could also describe local concert options for fans Rose's Pawn Shop of contemporary Christian usic. Big names in t h at hops to McMenamins m world do roll t hrough our While "Los Angeles" and region, but not terribly often, "bluegrass" may seem like and when they do it seems s trange b e dfellows, t h e y l ike we get tw o o r t h r e e make a lot more sense to shows within weeks of each gether when you hear Rose's other. Pawn Shop play. For e x a mple: T o n ight The L . A .-based b a nd's brings pastor and Christian rollicking sound is rooted in musician Lincoln Brewster, the breakneck string-band creator of soaring, proudly style of Appalachia, for sure, Christ-focused pop - r o ck and fueled by f u rious fid songs that are popular with dling, the thrum of a banjo, worship bands across the and plenty of high-lonesome country. Christian radio lis harmonies. teners will recognize some But you don't have to lis of his hits: "God You Reign," "Salvation Is Here," "Today ten for long to hear bits and Is The Day" and "Fverlast pieces of the quintet's other influences popping up here ing God." and there. There are regular Brewster is th e w orship forays into Celtic music, a pastor at a megachurch near general punk-rock aesthetic, S acramento, Calif., but h e some rockabilly s w agger, also spent time on tour play and frontman Paul Givant ing guitar for Steve Perry, for delivers melodies that sound merly of Journey. His opening straight out of SoCal's sun act tonight will be the like kissed twang-pop scene of minded local band Flliot. the 1970s. This is modern And then o n S e pt. 28, stuff that sounds classic, but C hristian h i t m aker T o d d never traditional. Agnew will play The Sound Hear'emforyourselfatwww Garden in Bend, along with .rosespawnshop.corn. Jason Gray. For more infor R ose's Pawn S h op ; 7 mation onthat one,visit www p.m. Wed n e sday; free; .thesoundgardenstudio.corn or call 541-633-6804. Lincoln Brewster, with Elliot; 730 tonight; $20 in advance, $30 at the door; Christian Life Center, 21720 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; www.clc bend.corn or 541-389-8241.
McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N. W. Bond S t . , Be n d; www .mcmenamins.corn.
Get a taste of Food, Home 5 Garden In
— Ben Salmon
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Our certified home buyer coaches and low-cost
workshops are here to help yousave money, access safe mortgage loans, explore down payment assistanceand understand the home buying process. From Page 3 In 2008, he launched a w e ll timed duo with actor and winsome singer Zooey Deschanel (star of TV's "The New Girl" ), with whom he's released two studio albums as well as a 2011 Christmas album. In 2009, Ward, as part of the su pergroup Monsters of Folk, which includes members of Bright Eyes and Jim James of M y M o r n ing Jacket,released the "Monsters of Folk" album. He's also worked as a producer. Like we said: busy man. Given the many hats he wears and the musicians he's worked with, it may come as no surprise to learn that "A Wasteland Com panion" was recorded sporadically over three years, in eight studios, with 18 guest musicians. Getting the album to sound as cohesive as it does was a challenge, Ward said. "That was one of the challenges of the mixing and the mastering process, but we man aged to find some happy ground between all the songs." Asked about hi s s o ngwriting process, Ward replied that playing the guitar daily, along with experi mentation with guitar tunings, is what "turns into songs." F or i n stance, t h e e a r w o r m "Primitive Girl" grew from "a lot of different things, but it b egan with that melody that starts off the song," he said. "Normally, the way I write is I'm either on piano or guitar and a progression pres ents itself, and then a melody pres ents itself and then lyrics start just mysteriously happening. I don't re ally understand the process, to be honest." "Primitive Girl" will likely be on
time watching (many) online music videos. I'm much more interested in the quality of radio that makes it unique, which is the public is only allowed to use their ears. That' s something that I think is valuable for music, and people's imagina tions. I think there's no question about it: Y our i m agination has more room to play when you' re only listening to music as opposed — M. Ward to watching a music video." As for his other projects, Ward said that Monsters of Folk "are in the setlist tonight, as Ward said hibernation right now," partly due it's a favorite to play live and he to the different schedules of it s had planned more uptempo songs members. for the Domino Room. Fans will There's good news for fans of request songs from as far back as She 8 Him: "The project is alive 2003's " Transfiguration o f V i n and well," he said. "Zooey is al cent," he said. ways writing songs, and I think the If you' re planning on h olding next She 8 Him record is definitely your cellphone up all night, know around the corner, but we can't say that Ward had some interesting exactly when." things to say about the role of cam Deschanel makes his job easy eras and video in the music realm, as collaborator and producer, he be it from audiences and their cell added. "The songs she writes are phones or music videos. He'd rather great, and she's a great singer." people just use their ears. In the meantime, he' ll be playing "I want people's focus to be mu his own songs tonight in Bend. sic in whatever part of the music "This is going to be a room we' ve industry we' re talking about. Even never played in, and we' re looking just publicity, I want the music to forward to it," he said. "It' ll be our come first," he said. first time playing a proper music "There's a trend nowadays for venue in Bend, so we' re excited to radio sessions to be a video web come out." — Reporter: 541-383-0349, cast, which I think is just very bor ing," he said. "I don't spend a lot of djasperC<bendbulletin.corn
"Normally, the wayl write is I'm either on piano or guitar and a progression presents itself, and then a melody presents itself and then lyrics start just mysteriously happening."
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• Horned Hand in BendwelcomesMinneapolis group he Minneapolis band Com munist Daughter comes with a built-in story, one of not-quite success, crippling addiction, a retreat into the wilderness and, ultimately, redemption. At the center is Johnny Solomon, once an "it" songwriter in the Twin Cities scene. When his old b and Friends Like These imploded in the shadow of his various struggles, he split for a small town in Wisconsin, where, according to the band's bio, "he spent his nights writing and re cording what he thought would be his own eulogy, songs about lost love and lost chances." That's really sad for a line from a band bio, huh? Anyway, there's a happy ending here: Solomon eventually k i cked
his habits and formed Communist Daughter, a band that makes driv ing, likeable indie-folk-rock songs that fit snugly alongside the works of big-timers like The Shins, Fleet Foxes and Blitzen Trapper. Folks are certainly paying attention; that same bio includes kind words from Filter, The Fader and Rolling Stone, which praised Solomon's "songs that capture the old joy of classic records and do-nothing days, and the ache of knowing they' re mostly gone." F eel the ache yourself at w w w .facebook.corn/comdot. Communist Daughter, with T er ribleButtons; 8 p.m. Thursday; $5; The Homed Hand, 507 N.W. Colo rado Ave., Bend; www.reverbnation .corn/venue/thehornedhand. — Ben Salmon
Set A Taste For Food, Home 8I Garden •
TheB ulletin
Sept. 28 —Eleven Eyes(jazz funk),The Astro Lounge, Bend, www.astroloungebend.corn Sept. 28 —The Glazzies (alt-rock),The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. corn/venue/thehornedhand. Sept. 28 —Nathaniel Talbot (india),Silver Moon Brewing &Taproom, Bend, www. silvermoonbrewing.corn. Sept. 28 —ToddAgnewaad Jason Gray(Christian), The Sound Garden, Bend, www. thesoundgardenstudio.corn. Sept. 28 —Klover Jane (hard rock), Liquid Lounge, Bend, Sept. 29 —The Beautiful Train Wrecks (roots rock),The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. corn/venue/thehornedhand. Oct. 4 —Bigie Doa Burns (country),The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. corn/venue/thehornedhand. Oct. 4 —Greg Brown(folk), North Rim Lodge, Bend, www. northrimbend.corn. Oct. 4 —Jeff Crosby & The Refugees (Americana), McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www. mcmenamins.corn. Oct. 5 —Hank Shreve Band (soul-jazz),Liquid Lounge, Bend, Oct. 5 —Henhouse Prowlers (bluegrass),Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, Bend, www.silvermoonbrewing.corn. Oct. 5 —Jeff Crosby & The Refugees (Americana), The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. corn/venue/thehornedhand. Oct. 5 —Floater (acoustic), Domino Room, Bend, www. randompresents.corn. Oct. 5-7 —Steve Kimock, Radiation City and more at Bend Fall Festival, downtown Bend, www.randompresents.corn. Oct. 6 —Fred Eaglesmith (folk tales), HarmonyHouse, Sisters, 541-548-2209. Oct. 6 —The Horde & The Harem(india rock),The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. corn/venue/thehornedhand. Oct. 9 —Swansea (orchestral india-pop),The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. corn/venue/thehornedhand. Oct. 10 —The Generators (puak),The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. corn/venue/thehornedhand.
going out Looking for something to do? Check out our listing of live music, DJs, karaoke, open mics and more happening at local nightspots. Find lots more at tvtvtv.bendbulletin.corn/events. 2989. (Pg. 3) UNWOUNDBAND: 9 p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar & Grill, PAUL EDDY: Twang-pop; 10 a.m.-1 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; p.m.; Chow, 1110 N.W. Newport 541-325-1 886. Ave., Bend; 541-728-0256. HOBBS:Blues; $5; 9:30 p.m.; HELEOS:Classicrock;4:30 p.m .; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, Country Catering Co., 900 S.E. 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; Wilson Ave., Bend; 541-383-5014. 541-388-8331. CHRIS BELAND:Folk-pop; 6 p.m.; River Rim Coffeehouse, 9570 Amber DJ STEELE:10 p.m.; The Summit Saloon & Stage, 125 N.W. Oregon Meadow Drive, Suite 190, Bend; Ave., Bend; 541-749-2440. 541-728-0095.
PAUL EDDY: Twang-pop; 6-8 p.m.; Pisano's Pizza,2755 N.W. Crossing Drive, Bend; 541-312-9349. TEXAS HOLD'EM:$40; 6 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. ALLAN BYER:Folk and Americana; 7 p.m.; Green Plow Coffee Roasters, 436 S.W.Sixth St.,Redmond; 541-516-1128. LINDY GRAVELLE: Country and pop; 7 p.m.; Brassie's Bar at Eagle Crest Resort, 1522 Cline Falls Road, Redmond; 541-548-4220. PAT THOMAS:Country;7 p.m .; Tumalo Feed Co., 64619 U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-382-2202. LINCOLNBREWSTER:The Christian singer-songwriter performs, with Elliot; $20 in advance, $30 at the door; 7:30 p.m.; Christian Life Center, 21720 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-389-8241, info@clcbend. corn or www.clcbend.corn. DJ CHRIS:8 p.m.; Checkers Pub, 329 S.W. 6th St., Redmond; 541-548-3731. KARAOKE:8 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. KARAOKE:8 p.m.; Sandbagger Dinner House, 5165 Clubhouse Drive, Crooked River Ranch; 541-923-8655. LISA C. POLLOCK: Country, with Son-of-John; $10; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879. HOT TEACOLD:Classic rock; 8:30 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. THE AMES:The folk band performs, with Broken Down Guitars; $5; 8:30p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. M.WARD:Singer-songwriter; $22, $25 at the door; 9 p.m., doors open 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788
SATURDAY ALLAN BYER:Folk and Americana; 10 a.m.; Chow, 1110 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-728-0256. POKER TOURNAMENT:1 p.m .; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. HARLEY BOURBON: Roots-rock; 5 p.m.; Deschutes Brewery & Public House,1044 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-9242. MARIANNETHOMAS: 6 p.m.; Scanlon's, 61615 Athletic Club Drive, Bend; 541-382-8769. STRINGSATTACHED:6:30 p.m.; River Rim Coffeehouse, 9570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite190, Bend; 541-728-0095. PAUL EDDY: Twang-pop; 6 p.m.; Taylor's Sausage Deli & Pub, 913 N.E. 3rd St., Bend; 541-383-1694. TEXAS HOLD'EMTOURNAMENT: 6:30 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. LAURELBRAUNS: Folk-pop; 7 p.m.; portello winecafe, 2754 N.W. Crossing Drive, Bend; 541-385-1777. LINDY GRAVELLE:7 p.m.; Brassie's Bar at Eagle Crest Resort, 1522 Cline Falls Road, Redmond; 541-548-4220. PAT THOMAS:Country;7 p.m .; Tumalo Feed Co., 64619 U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-382-2202. BOBBY LINDSTROM:Rockand blues; 8 p.m.; Checkers Pub, 329 S.W. 6th St., Redmond; 541-548-3731.
KARAOKE: 8 p.m.; Sandba gger
Dinner House, 5165 Clubhouse Drive, Crooked River Ranch; 541-923-8655. KARAOKE WITHBIGJOHN: 8 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. HOT TEACOLD:Classic rock;
8:30 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. UNWOUND BAND:9 p.m .;Maverick's Country Bar & Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886. BRIANNEKATHLEEN:The Portland based folk-pop act performs; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www. silvermoonbrewing.corn. DJ BYRNE-ONE:9:45 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116. DJ STEELE:10 p.m.; The Summit Saloon & Stage, 125 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-749-2440.
SUNDAY LISADAE AND ROBERT LEETRIO: Jazz; 5 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. POKER TOURNAMENT:$5;5 p.m .; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. LITTLE BLACK DRESS: Jazz and pop; 6p.m.; 5 Fusion & Sushi Bar,821 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-323-2328. WILD RYE:Americana; 7 p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop & Ale Cafe, 1740 N.W. Pence Lane, Suite1, Bend; 541-728-0703.
MONDAY TEXAS HOLD'EMOR OMAHA: 4 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. KARAOKE: 6:30 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889.
TUESDAY ALLEY CATS JAZZ ENSEMBLE: Dance and lunch; 10:30 a.m.; Bend's Community Center, 1036 N.E. Fifth St.; 541-312-2069. LIVETEXAS HOLD'EM OR OMAHA: 3 p.m.; Millennium Cafe, 445 S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; 541-350-0441. TEXAS HOLD'EMBOUNTY TOURNEY: 6 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. UKULELE JAM: 6:30 p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop & Ale Cafe, 1740 N.W. Pence Lane, Suite1, Bend; 541-728-0703.
BEATS 8 RHYMES:Local hip-hop; 9 p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999.
WEDNESDAY ALLAN BYER: Folk; 5:30 p.m.; Level 2 GlobalFood & Lounge,360 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, ¹210, Bend; 541-323-5382. TEXAS HOLD'EMOR OMAHA: 6 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. OPEN MIC:6:30 p.m.; M & J Tavern, 102 N.W. Greenwood, Bend; 541-389-1 410. D J ANDKARAOKE:7 p.m.; Sandbagger Dinner House, 5165 Clubhouse Drive, Crooked River Ranch; 541-923-8655. ROSE'S PAWN SHOP: The Los Angeles-based bluegrass band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.corn. (Pg. 4) KARAOKE: 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. MC MYSTIC:Reggae; 9 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116.
THURSDAY TEXAS HOLD'EMBOUNTY TOURNEY: 6 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. OPEN MIC:6:30 p.m.; River Rim Coffeehouse, 9570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite190, Bend; 541-728-0095. THE ROCKHOUNDS: Acoustic;7 p.m.; Kelly D's, 101 2S.E. Cleveland Ave., Bend; 541-389-5625. OPEN MIC:8 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. COMMUNISTDAUGHTER:Indie-folk, with Terrible Buttons; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879. (Pg. 6) DISCOTHEQUE DJS:Alt-electroncia; with Critical Hit and more; 9 p.m.; The Blacksmith Restaurant, 211 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-318-0588. • TO SUBMIT: Email events@bendbulletin.
corn. Deadhne is t0 days before pubhcation. Please include date, venue, tune and cost.
Courtesy Jenny Taylor
Last weekend at the Sisters Folk Festival, there were lots of big, nationally touring artists that made a splash with people. But as I wandered from venue to venue, chatting with folks about what they' d seen and what they'd liked, one local name keptcoming up:Hobbs. Now, I met Hobbs on Saturday afternoon, but I don't know much about him. Facebooksays hisfullnam e is Hobbs Magaret, and that the busy local rhythm section Pat Pearsall and Kaleb Kelleher rounds out his band. And together, the trio cranks out a fairly scorching take on bluesy rock 'n' roll, with oodles of swagger and excellent songs to match the volume. For those of you who listen to local music, Hobbs sounds kind of like Eric Tollefson with a hard, brazen edge in place of the smooth
pop-reggae vibe. Tonight, he/they will play at Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom. More details are below. Go watch 'em light up Greenwood Avenue. — Ben Salmon
musie releases Tamia
Bob Dylan
"BEAUTIFUL SURPRISE" Plus 1Music Group As R8 B continues to give itself over to hip-hop and, lately, to dance music, it's left generations of sing ers in the lurch: Where to go when aging, graceful or otherwise, isn' t much of an option? At 37, Tamia isbyno means old, but even in her younger years, she stood apart as a singer with pur pose and fervor, and one with an appealingly flexible voice: booming on "Stranger in My House," frail on "Officially Missing You." Never theless, despite consistently strong albums, Tamia has been operating at the edge of the R8 B mainstream for more than a decade. A decade ago, that was a liabil ity, maybe, but now it's something of a relief. "Beautiful Surprise" is her first album of new material in six years, and it's wisely out of step with her surroundings, even if not always successfully so. There are club tracks, largely produced by
"TEMPEST" Columbia Records Bob Dylan said recently that he wanted "Tempest" to be filled with more religious songs, but it didn't turn out that way. If the dawn is still somewhere on the horizon, "Tempest" is Dylan at his darkest. After all, its title track is a sprawling, 14-minute medita I • • I • tion on the Titanic that, despite its wink to the Leonardo DiCaprio movie, is as bleak as it gets, ex the 71-year-old has hit a n ew plaining the tragedy, outlined in stride since 1997's "Time Out of 40-plus verses and no chorus, with Mind" that has stretched through "They tried to understand, but the new millennium and his past there is no understanding on the four albums. "Tempest" is filled judgment of God's hand." with folk-rock, masterfully tinged Dylan's 35th studio album fits in with blues and jazzy touches. well with his recent renaissance; However, the real draw here is
the Runnersalike "Lose My Mind,"
"Believe in Love" ), that nod at the dance floor while never really stepping out onto it. Of these, the title track, produced by Salaam Remi, hits hardest, juxtaposing re
strained boom-bap against Tamia's pretty fluttering. But these largely pro forma R8 B songs turn out to be concessions — to genre, to age, to expectations. The true highlights of this album are the left turns. "Still" is a coun try update of her 2004 hit, recorded in Nashville under the guidance of the well-regarded songwriter Luke Laird. It trumps the original, with a mature, soothing arrangement. The most striking song on this album is also the most modest. "Because of You" is a praise song through and through: not of a lover, but of a higher power. Tamia does her crispest, most straightforward singing here. — Jon Caramanica, The New York Times
Here and there Oct. 7 —Roseland Theater, Portland; SOLD OUT; www .ticketswest.corn or 800-992 8499.
The xx "COEXIST" XL Recordings The xx's 2009 debut was a per fectly distilled, carefully articu lated stunner. The quiet songs by the young London band built on understated romantic longings, spare beats that owed debts to dubstep, and softly m urmured coed vocals mingling with frag mented guitar and bass lines. Not much has changed for the trio's highly anticipated follow-up; if anything, "Coexist" is even more
spacious than its predecessor. The songs — minimal, including the one- or two-word titles — need little more than a few notes, a few ingenious beats from Jamie Smith (aka Jamie XX), and the intimate v ocal back-and-forth of R o my Madley Croft and Oliver Sim. They' re full of erotic tension, sometimes ominous (" Missing" ), sometimes eager ("Try"), some times frustrated (" Fiction" ), al ways captivating. A few — "Our Song," "Sunset" — are so slight they threaten to dissolve, and the hooks aren't quite as immediate as on the xx's debut, but "Coex ist" demands, and amply rewards, sharp listening. — Steve Klinge, The Philadelphia Inquirer
David Byrne and St. Vincent "LOVE THISGIANT" 4AD Here are the names of the ar rangers who helped realize the brass and reeds on "Love This Giant," the joint album by David Byrne and Annie Clark (who performs as St. Vincent): Tony Finno, Kelly Pratt, Lenny Pick ett and Ken Thomson. The two songwriters emailed them ideas f or horn p a rts, w r itten w i t h Logic software; in at least one case the arrangers wrote some transitions as well. Why list them? They helped move the record toward what it is. It's not just the sheer amount of brassand reeds in middle to
Little Big Town "TORNADO" Capitol Records Nashville Precision has been Little Big Town's hallmark — four sing ers preoccupied with harmony who see it as the highest achieve ment, over nuance and elegance and sometimes songcraft. It has been suffocating, this approach, especially as peer groups like Lady Antebellum found prettier — and more commercially suc cessful — ways through similar thickets. Not that Little Big Town isn' t
Here and there Oct. 15 —Rose Garden, Portland; www.rosequarter .corn or 877-789-7673.
Dylan's lyrics. He weaves a mur derous tale in "Tin Angel." His in dictment of leaders in "Early Ro man Kings" turns the traditional blue sy stomp into s omething much more. Dylan does leave us with a glimmer of hope, though. "Roll On, John," his heartfelt tribute to the late John Lennon, is a re minder that people carry on after a loved one's death, and after a turbulent "Tempest." — Glenn Gamboa, Newsday
Here and there Oct. 18 —Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www .ticketmaster.corn or 800 745-3000.
low range that shapes this al bum, in rhythm, harmony and timbre. But it's how elegantly they' re used, i n o v e rlapping hunks, with careful dissonance and blindsiding rushes. This is an almost weirdly eq uitable collaboration between Byrne and Clark. The record has been released by both of their r ecord l a bels. T hey' ve written almost all the songs to gether; they alternate as lead
~lTTLE BIG TQWN lllle,~ >
t IrJitg
I '
stubborn in places on "Tornado," its fifth album. At the beginning of "Front Porch Thing," its set of
voices for much of the record, track by track, so that you nev er hear too much of one or the other. The record represents a separate chamber, a third way, and maybe the start of a future as a musical pair. — Ben Ratliff, The New York Times
voices arrives unadorned, and in union, and in force. But then something u nusual h a ppens: When the music kicks in, it' s gritty and slithery, not put in ser vice of the voices but destabiliz ing them. This isn't quite a new template, but "Tornado" does turn out to be Little Big Town's least predict able album. The group — Karen Fairchild, Kimberly Schlapman, Phillip Sweet, Jimi Westbrook is now less reliant on its assault of harmony. — Jon Caramanica, The New York Times
ain i n o o
TOP 10
season rou
HANDHELDGAMES The editors of Game Informer Magazine rank the top handheld games for September:
• Franchise modes in 'NHL 13' areriddled with gaffes and questionabledecisions
1. "Sound Shapes" (Vita) 2. "LittleBigPlanet PS Vita" (Vita)
3. "NewSuper Mario Bros. 2" (3DS) 4. "Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream
Drop Distance" (3DS) 5. "Gravity Rush" (Vita)
By Matt Bertz
6. "Theatrhythm Final Fantasy"
Game Informer Magazine
wners and general manag ers willingly c i rcumvent salary cap rules and sign players to $100 million contracts, but they argue that the NHL is in dire straits despite generating record revenue for the past seven years. Now the league is moving toward its second lockout in less than a decade, which means EA's "NHL" series maybe the only place to see your team hoist the cup this year. Though "NHL 13" is in no danger of losing a season, it has its own formidable issues with virtual upper management as well. For the past few years the Be A GM mode has been undermined by sketchy AI logic that resulted in questionable trades, restricted free agents sitting out entire seasons, a nd teams stashing legit N H L players in the minor leagues. To address these issues, developer EA Canada spent a lot of the offseason trying to give these wayward AI controlled teams smarter brains. While bone-headed de
(3DS) 7. "Mortal Kombat" (Vita)
8. "Mario Tennis Open" (3DS)
l I,,)j
9."Metal Gear Solid HD
Reebo '
" HHL13
Collection" (Vita) 10."Rhythm Thief 8 The
Emperor's Treasure" (3DS) McClatcny-Tntrune News Service
Gamingnews McClatcny-Tntrune News Service
On ice, "NHL 13" has aii the makingsof a winner, but the behind-the-scenes actions are painful to watch.
years away from making an im pact. AI-driven GMs also stubborn ly hold on to positional surpluses and brazenly offer trades nobody in their right mind would make. If you don't want to contend with the broken GM logic, you can head online to compete with friends in GM Connected, a new o nline f r a nchise m o de cisions happen less fre- R E VEW I th at g ives you most every quently in "NHL 13," they feature you have in the of still occur enough to shat f line Be A GM mode. You ter the illusion that you' re compet can coach a team, play traditional ing against the likes of GM whiz versus games, join Be A Pro-style zes Ken Holland and Ray Shero. online team games with five oth Teams let highly touted prospects er human players on your squad, pass through waivers midseason, or build an AI to compete for you trade for a player only to put him while you work on improving the on waivers the next day, and fa roster. This is a great addition to vor skating career minor leaguers the NHL franchise, but the menu over giving prospects ice time in navigation is painfully slow and the AHL. Even the players suffer league commissioners lack the from brain damage, demanding ri tools to make their jobs easier. diculous contracts at the back end If you want to play in a single of their careers and sitting out en player league, I suggest skipping tire seasons when nobody matches GM Connected altogether and their asking price. sticking to the off line Be A GM EA Canada's rewritten trade log mode because it can take over 10 ic also suffers the same broken re minutes to sim CPU games and sults. Teams more accurately enter process transactions each play fire sale mode at the trade deadline period. Compared to "Madden," when they are out of playoff conten which advances instantaneously tion, but they typically only offer and has no menu lag, "NHL" per over-the-hill veterans or prospects forms like it just got done with a
are generally well positioned, all of which results in more turnovers in the neutral zone. The major knocks I have about the gameplay this year are largely PlayStation 3, Xbox 360 physics based. Players get knocked EA Sports, EA Canada down from behind far too often, ESRB rating: E10+ and the puck physics are wildly inconsistent to the point of being unbelievable. Sometimes the puck bag skate. loses all momentum when clang Like the N H L's current collective ing off a post, dropping directly bargaining woes, these franchise downward. Other times it ricochets mode gaffes undermine the stel off goalie posts like it's being shot lar action on the ice. Thanks to a out of a cannon. Refs also don't call revamped skating system, tweaks enough penalties, even when the to the AI strategy, and smarter slider is maxed out. goalies, this is the best playing As is the case in nearly every NHL game of this generation. It sports game, the slew of other may seem unforgiving to newcom modes jam-packed onto the disc ers, but if you play the game like only received minimal improve a real NHL team — dumping and ments. None of the minor tweaks chasing, cycling the puck and pep makes or breaks the experience pering the net with shots through like the broader strokes painted by traffic — your efforts are appropri the gameplay and franchise mode ately rewarded. Being able to turn changes. Like its namesake league, on the jets to blow past defenders "NHL 13's" stellar on-ice product gives the game a more realistic is compromised by the question sense of speed, and EA Canada able decisions of the men at the top. I' ve never had more fun competing smartly made it tough to shoot at high speeds to prevent players between whistles, but once you from abusing the feature. Thanks skate off the ice and take a seat as to AI i m provements, defenders the general manager, the poor AI forecheck with m ore effective driving the other teams breaks the ness, have very active sticks and fantasy.
'NHL13' 8 (out of10)
STUDY:VIOLENT VIDEO GAMES LEAD TORECKLESS DRIVING LOS ANGELES — Kidswho play videogames like "M anhunt"and "Grand Theft Auto III" are more likely to drive recklessly, accord ing to a new study published in the academic journal Psychology of Popular Media Culture. Research has long shown that kids who play violent video games are more likely to have risky thoughts. But the new study went a step further, asking teenagers to admit whether or not they had actually performed the dangerous driving acts. The researchers, of Dartmouth College, conducted a series of phone interviews over a four-year period with thousands of youths, starting when the subjects were not yet old enough to drive. This allowed them to determine whether the kids' video game play preceded any risky driving. In later stages of the study, once the participants were driving regularly, the scientists asked kids questions such as whether they had ever been pulled over by the police and whether they had been in an accident in the previous year. The researchers found a significant correlation between violent video game play and reckless driving: People who played violent video games were more likely to also drive recklessly. — JonBardin,LosAngeles Tim es
restaurants I
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Ryan Brenneckei The Bulletin
Employees at Pastrami Old World Deli in Bendhelp customers with their orders. The deli can seat about 16 inside with more seats available outside.
• Pastrami old World Deli in Bend picks up where Letzer's left off
PastramiOldWorld Deli
By john Gottberg Anderson
Location:431 N.W. Franklin Ave., Suite150, Bend Hours:10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday to Saturday
For The Bulletin
entral Oregon's only Jew ish-style New York deli has what might seem an unlikely location: in a corner of the Re/Max Key Properties real-estate building, opposite Chase Bank on Franklin Avenue in downtown Bend. The Pastrami Old World Deli opened June I, just in time for the summer season. It filled a void left after Letzer's Deli closed both its main restaurant on South Division Street and its satellite branch on Franklin in March. According to a former partner,
building owner Mikel Lomsky, had enticed Letzer's to occupy the deli space afterhe remodeled the red brick Re/Max structure in 2011. When Sheridan Letzer retired but chose not to sell the name of the family business, Lomsky pro ceeded to rekindle the Jewish deli concept, especially for downtown office patrons.
East Coaststyle Two dozen framed, black-and white photographs of historical New York pepper the walls of the 16-seat deli. It's a clean, bright space, with a
simple working counter and prep kitchen. There's a cooler for drinks, a rack of help-yourself chips, and a set of garbage and recycling bins. The pleasant counter attendants — on each of my visits, the young women who took my order were cheerful and informed — also as sist the sandwich maker when things get hectic. Every order, after all, is made from scratch. And it does get busy here; when the seats inside the deli are filled, there are tables on a small patio and large lawn that can seat another two dozen diners. Continued next page
Price range:Sandwiches $6.50 to $15.25, salads $5 to $8 Credit cards:Discover, MasterCard, Visa Kids' menu:Junior sandwich with chips and juice or soda, $5
Vegetarianmenu:Garden Boy sandwich has hummus and cucumber with tomato, lettuce and onion
Alcoholic beverages:Beerand wine Outdoor seating: Tables on small patio and adjacent lawn
Reservations:No Contact:www.pastramideli.corn or 541-678-5445
Scorecard OVERALL:B+ Food:B.Thedelimeatis good and plentiful, but the choices of breads could be improved. Service:A-. Made-to-order sandwiches are not always fast, although the staff does its best. Atmosphere:B+. Simple, clean and bright, with plenty of outdoor seating in summer. Value:B. Good meat isn't cheap, but prices seem a smidge high for the product delivered.
From previous page The menu is simple, with an emphasis on — you guessed it — pastrami. The deli's se lection of six meats includes East Coast pastrami (with a red paprika rub) and West Coast pastrami (with a black peppercorn rub), as well as corned beef, roast beef, sa lami and turkey. Patrons may choose between a "short boy," with a quarter pound of meat; a "tall boy," with a half pound of meat; or a "skyscraper," fea turing a full pound of meat. V egetarians are n o t i g nored, as veggie sandwiches and salads are available. And a variety of breads, cheeses and condiments enable pa t rons to design their ow n meals.
o' o
Rachel and Reuben An eponymous pastrami sandwich had to be my first choice at the deli. I opted for the Rachel "short boy" made with th e r e d E a s t C o ast pastrami. Coleslaw was sandwiched between a dozen layers of thinly sliced pastrami, topped with a slice of Swiss cheese. An ample amount of house made Russian dressing was s pread beneath th e m e at on lightly grilled rye bread. I loved the sandwich, but would have preferred bread that was more thickly sliced and not as toasty. The deli differentiates be tween a Rachel (red pastra mi and slaw) and a Reuben (corned beef and sauerkraut). A Date Night Special places Rachel and Reuben between the same rye, with sides of both slaw and kraut. There's also a Black Drag on choice that features black pastrami w it h p e pper-jack cheese, horseradish and on ion — for the diner who needs a little extra spice. I didn't push the envelope that far. On another visit, my dining companion and I did enjoy a Reuben, although she felt the grilled rye was too greasy.
Pros and cons Among the deli sandwich
„~ CO Ryan Brenneoke/ The Bulletin
A "tall boy" red pastrami sandwich on rye with Swiss cheese and deli mustard.
-'O ~' Y
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The menu is simple, with an emphasis on — you guessed it — pastrami. The deli's selection of six meats includes East Coast pastrami (with a red paprika rub) and West Coast pastrami (with a black peppercorn rub), as well as corned beef, roast beef, salami and turkey. es, I like the turkey. There was plenty of lightly smoked bird in my "tall boy" turkey sandwich, which I again had on light rye with provolone cheese, lettuce, tomato and onion. My companion had a roast beef "tall boy," but she was
v ery d i sappointed i n h e r choice of challah, a t r adi tional Jewish egg bread that is usually braided. A l i ght c oating o f e g g whites should give the bread a crispy glaze, locking mois ture into the loaf for a soft tex ture. But this bread was very hard and dry. She focused on the contents and threw the challah away. My friend and I disagreed on our enjoyment of the side dishes. In particular, I l iked the deli's potato salad, which is a little bit crunchy rather than mushy. The potatoes were s lightly u n dercooked a n d finely diced, then mixed with a modest amount of mayon naise, bits of celery and red onion and a sprinkle of fresh dill. But my companion said that she would have liked the potatoes more t h oroughly cooked. On the other hand, I didn' t care for the coleslaw when it
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stood alone, without the other Rachel ingredients. I found it relatively flavorless, neither sweet nor vinegary. But two dill slices and a pickled green tomato, which a ccompany every sandwich, were a nice touch. I wonder if the Jewish delis in New York also offer green tomatoes?
Next week: JackalopeGrill
Visit www.bendbulletin
.corn/restaurants for
readers' ratings of more than 150 Central Oregon restaurants.
gocr ~
— Reporter: j anderson@ bendbulletin.corn
restaurant's u nique m e nu items with the fare offered in Anaya's other downtown SMALL BITE Bend restaurant, which re cently changed its name to El Jimador has closed its Amanda's from El Caporal. doors in d owntown Bend. Open 11 a.m. to 11 p.m. ev O wners R o b erto A n a y a ery day. 744 NW. Bond St., and Baltazar Chavez have Bend; 541-322-8916, www combined the M e xican .facebook.corn.
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Po CO =~A v o
inc arts 'd
Andy Tullls/The Bulletin
Rinnah Joy Henderson and Randy Groden, background, playing Lila and Thor Larswald, have an argument as other characters watch in a rehearsal for "Wrong Window." The comedy opens at Greenwood Playhouse tonight.
• Hitchcockian comedy 'Wrong Window' opens at CTCin Bend By David Jasper The Bulletin
rong Window" opens with a c hampagne reception tonight at Greenwood Playhouse in Bend (see "If you go"), and since it's sort of a funhouse mirror of a com edy to the suspenseful 1954 drama "Rear Window," let's quickly recap that Hitchcock film that serves as inspiration. Those who have seen "Rear Window," one of several Hitch cock films in which Jimmy Stew
art starred, will recall Stewart as Jeff Jeffries, an apartment-bound photographer who's recuperating from a broken leg during a heat wave that has people in his build ing keeping their windows open. He may not be able to work, but he can put his telephoto lens to work as he watches his neigh bors going about their business — among them a woman who d isappears after a f i g h t w i t h h er salesman h usband, L a r s Thorwald (pay attention to that
and Jeff are a recently reunited couple who similarly peek across the courtyard at their truculent Thorwald's post-fight activity neighbor, Thor Larswald, and his — such as cleaning cutlery and yoga instructor wife, whom Thor lugging around his briefcase at suspects of cheating. As in "Rear Window," Thor's odd hours — strike the wheel chair-bound Jeffries as a tad wife goes missing after they have susplclous. a fight about her flexibility when Jeffries becomes heavily in it comes to who she sleeps with. vested in the mystery, as do his Murder isfatal,and since Jeff caregiver and girlfriend, and as is among those with whom she the drama ratchets up, the guilty had an affair, he's more than a lit Thorwald eventually rolls Jeff tle worried that he could be next Jeffries right out the window. on Larswald's list of future mur In playwrights Billy Van Zandt der victims, should their hunches and Jane M i lmore's relatively prove accurate. new "Wrong Window," Marnie Continued next page
If you go What: "Wrong Window" When: Opens 7:30 tonight with champagne reception; 7:30 p.m. Wednesdays through Saturdays and 2 p.m. Sundays, through Oct. 7 Where: Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend
Cost: $24, $18 for seniors and $12 for students Contact: www.cascades or 541-383-0803
fine arts
From previous page
Courtesy Julia Kelleher
This image is part of a collection of photographsthat Julia Kelleher is donating to St. Charles Family Birthing Centers in Bend and Redmond.
Student auditions set for chamber music High Desert Chamber Mu sic will hold auditions Oct. 4 5 for its Spotlight Chamber Players, a program devel oped to provide a high level of chamber music instruc tion at no cost to selected stu dents in grades 6-12. Students will participate in chamber music groups and receive chamber music in struction. Auditions are open to violin, viola, cello and bass students who have had at least three years of private study and play at an intermediate to advanced level. Placement and type of ensemble will be determined after auditions. To schedule an audition, contact in fo ® h ighdes crt chambermusic.corn or 541-306-3988.
Charles as the exclusive art ist for its birthing centers. The five-year project will grow over time using images of lo cal families. "You can't help but feel in spired by human nature when you meet these families and their new babies," Kelleher said in the release. "Newborns are the epitome of purity and innocence. I hope these im ages give parents hope for their children and provide a sense of comfort to laboring mothers — that what they are doing is miraculous." T he images will b e i n stalled in Bend this weekend; Kelleher will reveal the im ages at an open house from 5-8 tonight at her Old Mill Marketplace studio, 550 S.W. Industrial Way, ¹175, Bend. Contact: www jewel images.corn or 541-306-3942.
Photographer donates art display
Intro workshop set for theater classes
Award-winning photogra pher Julia Kelleher, of Bend, is donating $60,000 worth of fine art photography to the St. Charles Family Birthing Cen ters in Bend and Redmond "to inspire new mothers during their birth experience," accord ing to a release from Kelleher announcing the donation. The initial installation in cludes 60 to 70 large-scale, hand-wrapped, giclee can vases featuring more than 30 Central Oregon families. The images of babies 3 to 21 days old who were born either at St. Charles Bend or St. Charles Redmond will hang in birth ing center hallways and all 24 birthing rooms. Kelleher was chosen by St.
Innovation Theatre Works' Young Artists Conservatory Program (YATC) is accept ing registration for its 2012 13 class. A free introductory workshop will be held from 10 a.m. till noon Saturday. Artists ages 15-21 wi ll study the theater arts through a trimester program punctu ated by a series of student productions. Classes will be held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturdays through June 2013. The first trimester spans Sept. 29-Dec. 15. Tuition is $15 per class or $150 for a full trimester (12
Contact: brad®innovation or 541-504-6721. — David Jasper
"It's loosely based on 'Rear Window,'" said Don Delach, director of the play, noting how many of the characters such as Thor and Jeff — have names derived from charac ters in Hitchcock's film. But there are plenty of oth er Hitchcock references that should prove fun fo r f ans, and they' re not just limited to "Rear Window." For instance, Jeff is largely home-bound because of his extreme fear of — wait for it — birds. Marnie is a writer of murder myster ies, and her name is derived from a n o t he r Hi t c hcock thriller, 1964's "Marnie." Said Delach, "I think I' ve found at least three dozen" H itchcock r e f erences i n the play, which stars Lyryn Cate, Will Futterman, Randy Groden, Rinnah Joy Hender son, Andrew Hickman, Brad Knowles, Justin Mason and Audrey Colton Smith. Every time a certain closet door opens, the intense strings from "Psycho" sound. Some of the Hitchcock references are as obvious as the names of other films peppering the dialogue — of course, divulg ing too many would ruin the fun of noticing them yourself and could possibly give away a plot point or two that are best left unspoiled. At a r e c en t r e h earsal, D elach explained that t h e play, which opens Cascades Theatrical Company's 34th s eason, has a n u m ber o f technical challenges. Some involve sound and light ef fects, as the setting is New York, where brownouts keep occurring at times that serve the mayhem perfectly. There are also shifting per spectives involving the set. The majority of time we see into Jeff and Marnie's apart ment, graced with a large pic ture window at its center and standard issue living room furniture. On the other side of that window is a courtyard, and behind that, another window, that of the Larswald's apart ment. Just like Jeff and Mar nie, the audience can see just enough of what's going on in the Larswald household to develop suspicions, and what's more, we can hear the fights that mean doom for their marriage, and possibly for Mrs. Larswald's health. While it maybe disconcert
Andy Tuttts/The Bulletin
After seeing a bird outside the window,Jeffery Elbies (Justin Mason), left, is comforted by Marnie Elbies (Audrey Colton Smith) during a rehearsal for "Wrong Window." ing at first to see Larswald squinting across a courtyard that is, in terms of the actual Greenwood Playhouse stage, only a few feet wide, the ac tors quickly and thoroughly convince us they' re seeing and hearing action taking place farther away as they comically duck and run for cover every time Larswald catches sight of them snoop ing or eavesdropping. However, a few quick ze bra-print set changes, and like that, we' re now inside
the Larswald's more g a r ish apartment, into w h ich far too many characters not named Larswald have snuck to snoop. "If you didn't know any thing about H i t chcock, I think you'd still enjoy i t ," Delach said. "But if you did know Hitchcock, you'd be laughing i n p l a ces w here ( other) people w o ul d b e wondering, 'Why were you laughing? '" — Reporter: 541-383-0349, djasperC<bendbulletin.corn Iut
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fine arts
AMBIANCE ARTCO-OP: Featuring gallery artists; 435 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; 541-548-8115. ARTISTS' GALLERYSUNRIVER: Featuring "Farewell to Summer"; through September; 57100 Beaver Drive, Building 19; 541-593-4382 or www.artistsgallerysunriver.corn. ATELIER6000: Featuring "Texture and Constructionist," works by EllenMcFadden, Galen Ruud, Randy Smithey and Holly Rodes; through Sept. 28; 389 S.W. Scalehouse Court, Suite120, Bend; 541-330-8759 or www. BEND CITYHALL: Featuring "INSIDE::OUT" works exploring how Bend's external environment inspires its internal environment; through Sept. 28; 710 N.W.Wall St.; 541-388-5505. BROKEN TOPCLUB:Featuring "INTERPRETATIONSWorks in a Series,"works by members of the High Desert Art League; through Oct. 16, reception from 5:30-7:30 tonight; 61999 Broken Top Drive, Bend; www.highdesertartleague. corn. CAFE SINTRA:Featuring "3 Points of View," a continually changing exhibit of photographs by Diane Reed, Ric Ergenbright and John Vito;1024 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-8004. CANYONCREEKPOTTERY: Featuring pottery by Kenneth Merrill; 310 N. Cedar St., Sisters; 541-549-0366 or www.
canyoncreekpotteryllc.corn. DON TERRAARTWORKS: Featuring more than 200 artists; 222 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541 549-1299 or www.donterra.corn. DOWNTOWN BENDPUBLIC LIBRARY:Featuring "Portraits"; through Nov. 4; 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-312-1 037. FRANKLINCROSSING:Featuring "East Meets West"; through Sept. 28; 550 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-382-9398. FURNISH.:Featuring works by Marjorie Wood Hamlin; 761 N.W. Arizona Ave., Bend; 541-617-8911. GHIGLIERIGALLERY:Featuring original Western-themed and African-inspired paintings and sculptures by Lorenzo Ghiglieri; 200 W. CascadeAve., Sisters; 541-549-8683 or corn. THE GOLDSMITH:Featuring pastel art by Nancy Bushaw; 1016 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-647-2676. HELPINGYOU TAX 8t ACCOUNTING: Featuring paintings by Carol Armstrong; 632 S.W. Sixth St., Suite 2, Redmond; 541-504-5422. JENNIFERLAKEGALLERY: Featuring paintings by Jennifer Lake; 220 W. CascadeAve., Sisters; 541-549-7200 or www. jenniferlakegallery.corn. JEWEL IMAGESPORTRAIT STUDIO:Featuring a gallery of Julia Kelleher's photographs of Central Oregon babies donated to the St. Charles Bend Family Birthing Center, with a raffle to benefit the center; 5-8 tonight; 550 S.W. Industrial Way, ¹45 Bend;
FreshHop Saturday,Seytember 20
541-306-4932. JILL'S WILD (TASTEFUL) WOMEN WAREHOUSE:Featuring works by Jil lHaney-Neal;Tuesdays and Wednesdays only; 601 North Larch St, Suite B, Sisters; 541-617-6078 or www.jillnealgallery.corn. JOHN PAUL DESIGNS: Featuring custom jewelry and signature series; 1006 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-318-5645. JUDI'S ARTGALLERY:Featuring works by Judi Meusborn Williamson; 336 N.E. Hemlock St., Suite 13, Redmond; 360-325-6230 KARENBANDYDESIGN JEWELER:Featuring "A Sense of Place"; through September; 25 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Suite 5, Bend; www.karenbandy.corn or 541-388-0155. LUBBESMEYER FIBERSTUDIO: Featuring fiber art by Lori and Lisa Lubbesmeyer; 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 423, Old Mill District, Bend; 541-330-0840 or www.lubbesmeyerstudio.corn. MARCELLO'SITALIANCUISINE AND PIZZERIA:Featuring several local artists; 4 Ponderosa Road, Sunriver; 541-593-8300. MOCKINGBIRDGALLERY: Featuring "Wild Spirit, Run Free," works by Lindsay Scott and Mick Doellinger; through September; 869 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-388 2107 or www.mockingbird-gallery. corn. MOSAIC MEDICAL:Featuring mixed-media collage paintings by Rosalyn Kliot; 910 S. U.S. Highway 97, Suite101, Madras; 541-475-7800. NANCY P'SBAKING COMPANY: Featuring photography by Mike Putnam; through September; 1054 N.W. Milwaukee Ave., Bend; 541-322-8778. PATAGONIA OBEND:Featuring photographyby Mike Putnam; 920 N.W. Bond St.; 541-382-6694. PAUL SCOTTGALLERY: Featuring ceramic works by Sheryl Zacharia and Bill Evans; through September; 869 N.W.Wall St., Bend; www.paulscottfineart.corn or 541-330-6000. QUILTWORKS:Featuring quilts by
Noon-8ym Village |lreenPark, Sisters IVE MISIC10+ • BREWERIES ~5 /Itt!flf, ~f / 4 0Z. Po!fr Nore iniormaiion: 541.549.0251 - www.SisiersCounIry.corn
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Submitted photo
"River Strata," by Margaret Godfrey,will be on display through Thursday at Sunriver Lodge Betty Gray Gallery. Betty Anne Guadalupeand agroup show of quilts inspired by Jane Kirkpatrick's novel "Love to Water my Soul"; through September; 926 N.E. Greenwood Ave., Suite B, Bend; 541-728-0527. RED CHAIRGALLERY:Featuring "Color Fusions," works by Sue Lyon-Manley, Joanie Callen and Anne von Heideken; through September; 103 N.W.Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-306-3176 or www. redchairgallerybend.corn. SAGEBRUSHERS ART SOCIETY: Featuring "Then and Now," works by Rosalyn Kliot; through Thursday; 117 S.W. Roosevelt Ave., Bend; 541-617-0900. SAGE CUSTOM FRAMINGAND GALLERY:Featuring photography by Paul Carew; through Sept. 29; 834 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-382-5884. SISTERSAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE: Featuring fiber art by Rosalyn Kliot; 291 E. Main Ave.; 541-549-0251. SISTERSARTWORKS: Featuring the fourth annual Dog Show; through September; 204 W.Adams St.; 541-420-9695. SISTERSGALLERY 8tFRAME SHOP:Featuring landscape
photography by Gary Albertson; 252 W. Hood Ave.; 541-549-9552 or www.garyalbertson.corn. SISTERSPUBLICLIBRARY: Featuring works by Margie Latham; through September; Sisters Public Library, 110 N.Cedar Ave.; 541-312-1 070. ST. CHARLESBEND:Featuring "Arts in the Hospital"; through September; 2500 N.E. Neff Road, Bend; 541-382-4321. SUNRIVERAREAPUBLIC LIBRARY:Featuring "Artists of 97707"; through Nov. 3; 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1080. SUNRIVERLODGE BETTY GRAY GALLERY:Featuring "Watercolor Society of Oregon 47th Annual Aqueous Media Traveling Exhibition"; through Thursday; 17600 Center Drive; 541-382-9398. TOWNSHEND'SBENDTEAHOUSE: Featuring "Printed Big! Really Big"; through September; 835 N.W. Bond St.; 541-312-2001 or www. townshendstea.corn. TUMALOARTCO.: Featuring works by Tracy Leagjeld and Carla Spence; through September; 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 407, Bend; 541-385-9144 or www. tumaloartco.corn.
out oorS Outing shorts are trimmed versions of stories published in The Bulletin in the past several weeks. For the complete stories, plus more photos, visit www.bendbulletin.
he North Fork-Farewell loop, a challenging
T f «y , x'
10-mile loop that starts and finishes at
Tumalo Falls just 20 minutes west of Bend, has everything from waterfalls to wildflowers, mountain views to alpine meadows. — Bulletinstaff
. Ift~
k 1
Ifyou go
Cost:Northwest Forest Pass
Directions:From Galveston Avenue in Bend, drive west on what becomesSkyliners Road for 10 miles. Then drive another 2.6 miles on Forest Road 4603 to Tumalo Falls. Difficulty:Challenging; a10-mile loop with elevation gain
annually Contact:Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District Office, 541-383-4000 centraloregon/recreation/recarea/ ? recid=38482
Area of detai
Mac McLean / The Bulletin
Tinct TumatoCreek +<
Hidden by the shadows, East Cascade Audubon Societyvolunteer Peter Low scans the horizon for migrat ing birds of prey.
oin the East Cascade Audubon Society and the High
required: $5 perday or $30
Desert Museum for some bird watching. Bring your favorite pair of binoculars, a packed lunch and a trusty field guide to the Indian Ford Campground to look for sharpshinned hawks, turkey vultures and golden eagles. And don't forget to enjoy the views of the Cascades (if not
S he rm an
— Bulletinstaff
':,.'-:: T :.:"' Metolius-Windigo Trail t.t miles
When:Volunteers from the East Cascade Audubon Society and the High Desert Museum will be heading up Green Ridge to watch and count migrating raptors today and Thursday. Volunteers will meet at the Indian Ford Campground 5.5 miles northwest of Sisters on U.S. Highway 20, at 9 a.m.
each day and carpool to the migratory bird viewing site. What to bring:Binoculars, field guides, warm clothing, snacks and a lunch. Volunteers usually stay on the mountain until 5 p.m. each day. For more information, call the High DesertMuseum at541-382-4754.
.F a r ewell Trail ~'::: 3.3 miles
Ford Camp otuld
Mrazek Trail "";,
NOrth FOrkTrail ", ch +o~ 3 5 miles
Tumalo FBlls 0
Ifyou go
Mrazek Trail t.6 miles
&Bra k Butte
marred by smoke).
Tumalo Greek
Greg Cross/ The Bullettn
Andy Zeigert / The Bullettn
LINCOLNBREWSTER:The Christian singer-songwriter performs, with Elliot; $20 in advance, $30 at the door; 7:30 RED DOG CLASSIC: A shotgun-style golf tournament; includes cart, dinner, auction p.m.; Christian Life Center, 21720 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-389-8241, info@ and raffles; proceeds benefit the Humane clcbend.corn or www.clcbend.corn. Society of Redmond; $100; 1 p.m.; (Story, Page 4) Juniper Golf Course, 1938 S.W. Elkhorn "THE PRODUCERS":Cat Call Productions Ave., Redmond; 541-350-7605 or www. presents the musical satire about two people who set out to produce the BEND FARMERS MARKET: Free worst show in Broadway history; $30 admission; 2-6 p.m.; St. Charles Bend, or $35; 8 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-408-4998, Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. bendfarmersmarket@gmail.corn or www. bendfarmersmarket.corn. THE AMES:The folk band performs, with BEND OKTOBERFEST: Event includes live BrokenDown Guitars;$5;8:30 p.m .; music, dancing,beer,foodand games; LiquidLounge,70 N.W .NewportAve., ages 21 and older only; free admission; 5 Bend; 541-389-6999. 10 p.m.; downtown Bend; 541-788-3628 M.WARD:Singer-songwriter M. Ward or performs; $22 plus fees, $25 at the door; AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Julia Kennedy 9 p.m., doors open 8 p.m.; Domino Room, Cochran presents her father's memoir, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541 "Ed Kennedy's War: V-E Day,Censorship 788-2989 or www.randompresents.corn. and the Associated Press"; free; 6:30 p.m.; (Story, Page 3) Paulina Springs Books, 422 S.W. Sixth ANDY FRASCO:Party blues; $5; 9:30 St., Redmond; 541-526-1491. p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond "SOLDIERS OF PEACE": A screening of St., Bend; 541-388-0116 or www. the documentary; non-perishable food astroloungebend.corn. donations for the local food bank are accepted; free; 6:30 p.m.; Broughton SATURDAY Room, Crook County Library,)75 N.W. Meadow Lakes Drive, Prineville; Sept. 22 541-447-7978. LEADMAN TRI: Featuring 250K and 125K NPRA FINALSRODEO: A Northwest triathlons, finish-area festivities and live Professional Rodeo Association music; free for spectators; Leadman performance, with roping and Tri 250 starts at 7 a.m., LeadmanTri pageants; $10, $5 ages 6-11, free ages 125 starts at 8a.m.; live musicfrom 4 5 and younger; 7 p.m.; Crook County p.m.-9 p.m.; Old Mill District, 661 S.W. Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-312-0131 or ccrodeo@hotmail.corn or www. www.leadmantri.corn. nwprorodeo.corn. REDMOND GRANGEBREAKFAST:A "EXTREMELYLOUD ItINCREDIBLY community breakfast benefiting the CLOSE":A screening of the PG-13-rated Redmond Future Farmers of America; $6, 2011 film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson $3 ages 12 andyounger; 7-10:30 a.m.; County Library, RodriguezAnnex,)34 Redmond Grange, 707 S.W.KalamaAve.; S.E. E St., Madras; 541-475-3351 or 541-480-4495. AGILITY TRIAL:BendAgility Action Dogs "RICHARD III":Thoroughly Modern Productions and Stage Right Productions presents a day of dogs navigating obstacle courses; free; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; Ponderosa present Shakespeare's play about the Elementary School, 3790 N.E. Purcell controversial English king; $18, $15 Blvd., Bend; 541-323-4300 or www. studentsand seniors;7:30 p.m.;2nd benddogagility.corn. Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., FARMERS MARKET:Free; Bend; 541-31 2-9626, 2ndstreettheater@ PRINEVILLE gmail.corn or www.2ndstreettheater.corn. 8:30 a.m.-)2:30 p.m.; Prineville City Plaza, 387 N.E. Third St.; 503-739-0643 or "WRONGWINDOW": Opening night prinevillefarmersmarket@gmail.corn. of Cascades Theatrical Company's DISCGOLF TOURNAMENT: Tournament presentation of the comedy about a couple who think they have witnessed for players of all abilities; registration a murder through a window; with a required; proceeds benefit the Opportunity champagne and dessert reception; Foundation of Central Oregon; $25; 11 a.m., 9 a.m. registration; American Legion $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 Community Park, 850 S.W. Rimrock Way, p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse,148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 Redmond; 541-548-2611, smichaels@ or (Story, or Page 12) PROJECT CONNECT:Event features
I• TODAY M. Ward:The "M" is for Matthew, not Montgomery.
g I oo
I •
• •
NPRA Finals Rodeo:These cowboys and cowgirls aren't horsing around.
TODAY 8r SATURDAY 'The Producers'.Satirical showbiz.
TODAY 8r SATURDAY 'Richard III'.Sibling rivalry and thrones do not mix.
SATURDAY 8r SUNDAY Agility Trial:"Jack (Russell terrier) Be Nimble."
SUNDAY Parade of Olympians:Waveto local legends who fly past you onthe trails.
medical and dental services, social services for low-income individuals, food and more; free;9a.m .-3 p.m .;Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, Hooker Creek Event Center, 3800 S.W.Airport Way, Redmond; 541-385-8977 or www. REMODELING,DECOR AND OUTDOOR LIVING SHOW: Featuring up to 70 local businesses showcasing their products and services; food and beveragesavailable; free; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Century Center, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-389-1058 or www.connectiondepot.corn. DEE ANNA ROSE: DeeAnna Rose of Yuma, Ariz., performs; free; 10 a.m.; The Sound Garden,1279 N.E. Second St.,
Bend; 541-633-6804. NORTHWEST CROSSINGFARMERS MARKET:Free; 10a.m.-2 p.m.; NorthWest Crossing, Mt. Washington and Northwest Crossing drives, Bend; 541-382-1662, valerie@brooksresources.corn or www. nwxfarmersmarket.corn. DAY OF PLAY: With sports, games, activities and more; free; 11a.m.-3 p.m.; Riverbend Park, Southwest Columbia Street and Southwest Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend;541 389-7275 or BENDOKTOBERFEST:Event includes music, kids activities, wiener dog races, a yodeling contest and more; free admission; noon-10 p.m., all ages until 6
p.m.; downtown Bend; 541-788-3628 or MCMENAMINSOKTOBERFEST:Featuring food, beerand live music; free; 1 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.corn. VFW DINNER:A dinner of chicken-fried steak; proceeds benefit local veterans; $8, $7 seniors and children ages 6 and younger; 5-7 p.m.;VFW Hall,)503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Michael Harris talks about his book "Falling Down Getting UP"; free; 7 p.m.; Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20,
(, SEPTEMBER 21, 2012
BRIANNEKATHLEEN:The Portland-based folk-pop act performs; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www.silvermoonbrewing.corn.
SUNDAY Sept. 23
AGILITYTRIAL:Bend Agility Action Dogs presents a day of dogs navigating obstacle courses; free; 8 a.m.-4 p.m.; Ponderosa Elementary School,3790 N.E. Purcell Blvd., Bend; 541-323-4300 or www.benddogagility.corn. REMODELING,DECOR AND OUTDOOR LIVING SHOW:Featuring up to 70 local businesses showcasing their products and services; food and beverages available; free; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Century Center, 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; 541 389-1058 or www.connectiondepot.corn. BROOKSWOOD BIGBLOCK BASH: Old fashioned style block party featuring live music, activities and food; free; 1-6 p.m.; Brookswood Meadow Plaza, 19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-306 1636 or www.brookswoodmeadowplaza. corn. BROOKSWOOD PLAZAFARMERS MARKET:Freeadmission; 1-6 p.m.; Brookswood Meadow Plaza, 19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend;
541-3233370orfarmers market@
the devil; local indie-folk band Wilderness performs; $5; Doors open at 6 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-215-0516, derek@volcanictheatrepub.corn or www. actorsrealm.corn.
MONDAY Sept. 24 WORLD SERIESHOLD 'EM FOR HABITAT: Poker tournament, followed by a closed winners' tournament Sept. 25; proceeds benefit Habitat for Humanity; $5; 6:30 p.m., 5 p.m. sign-up; Jake's Diner, 2210 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-41 9-6021.
TUESDAY Sept. 25 "LESSISMORE — GETTING DOWN TO ONECAN OF GARBAGE A YEAR" DISCUSSION:A presentation about how to make choices for sustainable living, from material waste output to reduced water and energy consumption; $5 suggesteddonation;6:30-8:30 p.m.;The Environmental Center, 16 N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend; 541-385-6908. GEORGE WINSTON: CANCELED;$29 plus fees; 7 p.m., doors open 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541 317-0700 or
brookswoodmeadowplaza.corn. FIDDLERS JAM: Listen or dance at the Oregon Old Time Fiddlers Jam; donations accepted; 1-3:30 p.m.; VFWHall, 1836 S.W. Veterans Way, Redmond; 541-647-4789.
Bend; 541-318-7242. NPRA FINALSRODEO:A Northwest Professional Rodeo Association performance, with roping and pageants; $1 0, $5ages 6-11, free ages 5 and younger; 7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; ccrodeo@hotmail.corn or www. nwprorodeo.corn. "RICHARD III": Thoroughly Modern Productions and Stage Right Productions present Shakespeare's play about the controversial English king; $18, $15 students andseniors;7:30 p.m.;2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, 2ndstreettheater@
gmail.corn or www.2ndstreettheater.corn. "WRONG WINDOW":Cascades Theatrical Company presents the comedy about a couple who think they have witnessed a murder through a window; $24, $1 8seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse,148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or
PARADE OFOLYMPIANS: A parade honoring Olympic Decathlon Champion Ashton Eaton, featuring other Central Oregon Olympians; followed by a kids "fun run with Ashton" from the Tower Theatre down Wall Street; free; 1 p.m.; downtown Bend; 541-388-5517 or www. "WRONG WINDOW": Cascades Theatrical Companypresentsthe comedy abouta couple who think they have witnessed a murder through a window; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 2 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.
THE SPEAKEASY: Anopen mic storytelling event; stories must be no longer than 10 minutes andshould beaboutgoing back "THE PRODUCERS": Cat Call Productions to school; $5; 6 p.m.; Innovation Theatre presents the musical satire about two Works, 1155 S.W.Division St., Bend; 541 people who set out to produce the worst 504-6721 or show in Broadway history; $30 or $35; 8 "BOBBY GOULDINHELL":Volcanic p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre. Theatre Pub presents the play about a misogynistic narcissist interrogated by org.
WEDNESDAY Sept.26 "IT'SIN THE BAG" LECTURE SERIES: Robert Liberty presents the lecture "Creating Sustainable Cities in Oregon and the World"; free; noon-1 p.m.; OSU-Cascades Campus, Cascades Hall, 2600 N.W.CollegeWay, Bend;541-322 3100, or www. BEND FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 3-7 p.m.; Brooks Alley, between Northwest Franklin Avenue and Northwest Brooks Street; 541-408 4998, bendfarmersmarket@gmail.corn or www.bendfarmersmarket.corn. FURBALL:Themed "Tux & Tails," with food, music, dancing, a silent auction and a raffle; registration requested; proceeds benefit Bend Spay & Neuter Project; $30; 6-9 p.m.; Century Center, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-617 101 0 or THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "Tuesdays with Morrie" by Mitch Albom; free; 6:30 p.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-31 2-1074 or
ROSE'SPAWN SHOP:The Los Angeles based bluegrass band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541 382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.corn. (Story, Page 4) "WRONG WINDOW":Cascades Theatrical Company presents the comedyabouta couplewh othinkthey have witnessed a murder through a window; $24, $1 8seniors, $1 2 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389 0803 or
THURSDAY Sept. 27 TUMALO FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 3-6 p.m.; Tumalo Garden Market, off of U.S. Highway 20 and Cook Avenue; 541-728-0088, earthsart@gmail.corn or http: // tumalogardenmarket.corn. "HOW DIDWE GET HERE?" LECTURE SERIES:Featuring a presentation on "WhatMakes Us Human?"; $10,$8 Sunriver Nature Center members, $3 students, $50 for series; 6:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-593-4394. "WRONG WINDOW":Cascades Theatrical Company presents the comedyabouta couplewh o thinkthey have witnessed a murder through a window; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389 0803 or PIANO QUARTET: W inSeley,Maureen Fagan, Jean Edwards and Sally Burger perform light classical and popular piano music; free; 7:30 p.m.; St. Andrew' s Episcopal Church, 807 E. First St., Prineville; 541-447-7085. COMMUNIST DAUGHTER: The indie-folk band performs, with Terrible Buttons; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation.corn/venue/ thehornedhand. (Story, Page 6) "LINE OFSIGHT": A screening of the cycling film; proceeds benefit the Bicycle Messenger Emergency Relief Fund, Commute Options, Safe Routes to Schools and Central Oregon Trail Alliance; $5; 9 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School,700 N.W. Bond St.,Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins. corn. (Story, Page 27) • SUBMIT AN EVENTat www. ben dbulleun. corn/submiunfo or email events@bendbulleun.corn. Deadline is 10 days before publication. Questions> Contact 541-383-0351.
planning ahea SEPT. 28-OCT. 4 SEPT.28-30,OCT.3 — "WRONG WINDOW":Cascades Theatrical Companypresentsthecomedy abouta couple who think they have witnessed a murder through a window; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m. Sept. 29-29,Oct.3,2 p.m .Sept.30; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or SEPT. 28 — TEENCHALLENGEGOLF TOURNAMENT:Four-man scramble golf tournament; proceeds benefit Central Oregon Teen Challenge; $125; 10:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m. registration; Meadows Golf Course,1 Center Drive, Sunriver; 541-678-5272, kim. vanantwerp@teenchallengepnw.corn or http: //teenchallengepnw.corn. SEPT. 28 — BENDFARMERSMARKET: Free admission; 2-6 p.m.; St. Charles Bend, 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-408 4998, bendfarmersmarket@gmail.corn or www.bendfarmersmarket.corn. SEPT.28 — COMMUNITY FALL FESTIVAL:A celebration of fall featuring hay rides, a pumpkin patch, face painting, a treasure hunt and more; hosted by Mission Church; free; 5-9 p.m.; Taylor Ranch, 22465 McArdle Rd., Bend; 541-306-6209 or www. SEPT. 28 — ACELEBRATION OF FRIENDSHIPANDCOMEDY: Perform and listen to stand-up comedy, food and drinks provided; proceeds benefit Innovation Theatre Works; registration requested; $20suggested donation; 6-10 p.m.; Innovation Theatre Works, 1155 S.W. Division St., Bend; 541-31 2 3098, pdelruth@gmail.corn or www. SEPT. 28 — CRAZYEIGHTSAUTHOR TOUR:Eight Oregon authors will speak, for five minutes each, about their life and works; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 422 S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; 541-526-1491. SEPT.28 — GIRLS NIGHT OUT: Night of pampering includes massage, beauty consultations, food, a silent auction and more; registration recommended; proceeds benefit Healthy Beginnings; $40 in advance, $50 at the door; 7-10 p.m.; Carrera Motors, 1045 S.E. Third St., Bend; 541 383-6357 or SEPT. 28 — KLOVER JANE: The rock band performs, with Kleverkill; $5; 8:30 p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. SEPT. 28 — ELEVEN EYES:The Eugene-based funk and jazz band performs; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388 0116 or www.astroloungebend.corn. SEPT. 28 — NATHANIELTALBOT:
,+h ag'1:
Submitted photo
Author Buddy Wakef!e!d will readfrom his latest book Oct. 3 at Central Oregon Community College in Bend. The Washington-based indie guitarist and vocalist performs, with Anna Tivel; $5; Doors open at 6 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-215-0516, derek@volcanictheatrepub.corn or www.actorsrealm.corn. SEPT. 29 — PRINEVILLEFARMERS MARKET:Free; 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Prineville City Plaza, 387 N.E. Third St.; 503-739-0643 or prinevillefarmersmarket@gmail.corn. SEPT. 29 — PASSPORT TOTHEARTS: Take a "passport" and tour downtown art sculptures; with live music and vendors; passports benefit public art purchases; $25 for passport; 10 a.m.-4
p.m.; Centennial Park, Seventh Street and Evergreen Avenue, Redmond; 541-923-7763 or jaclyn.abslag@ ci.redmond. SEPT.29 — DEAR DIEGO: Robin Martinez explores letters from Diego Rivera's Russian mistress, Angelina Beloff; free; 2 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541 312-1 032 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. SEPT.29 — SWINGING WITH THE STARS:Local celebrities dance with professional dancers in a competition modeled on "Dancing with the Stars"; registration requested; proceeds benefit Central Oregon Sparrow Clubs;
$15-$60; 6 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-647-4907 or SEPT.30 — MUSIC IN PUBLIC PLACES:Featuring a performance by symphony musicians performing with vocalists Katy Hays and Trish Sewell; free; 1 and 4 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Wille Hall, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-317 3941, info@cosymphony.corn or www. cosymphony.corn. SEPT.30 — INTRODUCING BELLUNO: Explore Belluno, Italy, Bend's sister city; free; 2:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1 032 or www. OCT. 2 — "ETHOS":A screening of the film about system flaws that work against democracy and the environment; free; 6:30 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-815-6504. OCT. 3 — BENDFARMERS MARKET:Free admission; 3-7 p.m.; Brooks Alley, between Northwest Franklin Avenue and Northwest Brooks Street; 541-408-4998, bendfarmersmarket@gmail.corn or www.bendfarmersmarket.corn. OCT. 3 — BUDDY WAKEFIELD: Two time Individual World Poetry Slam champion Buddy Wakefield will read from his latest book; registration requested; $15, free for students; 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Wille Hall, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-647-2233 or www. OCT. —4 SPEAKNOW: High-school students compete in a spoken word competition; $10, free to participate; 7 p.m., registration at 6:30 p.m.; The Old Stone, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; OCT. — 4 SPIRIT STORIES: A performance of "Spirit Stories: Readings from the poetic drama of William Butler Yeats"; featuring "Purgatory" and "At the Hawk's
p.m. Oct. 6, 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Oct. 7; Downtown Bend. OCT.5— FIRST FRIDAY GALLERY WALK:Event includes art exhibit openings, artist talks, live music, wine andfoodin downtown Bend andthe Old Mill District; free; 5-9 p.m.; throughout Bend. OCT.5— SPIRIT STORIES:A performance of "Spirit Stories: Readings from the poetic drama of William Butler Yeats"; featuring "Purgatory" and "At the Hawk's
Well."; $5sugges ted donation;7 p.m.;
Innovation Theatre Works, 1155 S.W. Division St., Bend; 541-504-6721. OCT.5— "WE, A COLLECTION OF INDIVIDUALS" AND"ACTNATURAL": A screening of the Red Bull Media ski film, followed by a screening of the ski/snowboard film "Act Natural."; $13.50 plus fees; 7:30 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. OCT. 5 — HANK SHREVEBAND:The blues band performs, with Jaccuzi; $5;8:30p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. OCT. 5 — FLOATER: The Oregon rock band performs an acoustic set, with Jones Road; $15 plus fees in advance, $18 at the door; 9 p.m., doors open 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www.randompresents.corn. OCT.5— THE HENHOUSE PROWLERS: The Chicago-based bluegrass act performs; $7; 9 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www.silvermoonbrewing.corn. OCT.6— THE CENTRAL OREGON MASTERSINGERS: The premier choir presents "For the Love of Singing" under the direction of Clyde Thompson; reception to follow; free; 7:30 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-385-7229 or www. co-mastersingers.corn. Well."; $5sugges ted donation;7 p.m.; OCT. 9 — SHAOLINWARRIORS: Kung Innovation Theatre Works, 1155 S.W. fu masters demonstrate martial arts Division St., Bend; 541-504-6721. associated with the Shaolin Monastery in "Voices of the Masters"; $35-$50 OCT. 5-11 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 OCT. 5-7 — "WRONGWINDOW": Cascades Theatrical Company presents or the comedy about a couple who think OCT. 11 — BENDFILM: The ninth they have witnessed a murder through annual independent film festival a window; $24, $18 seniors, $12 features films at McMenamins Old St. students; 7:30 p.m .Oct.5-6,2 p.m . Francis School, the Tower Theatre, Tin Oct. 7;Greenwood Playhouse,148 N.W. Pan Theater, Regal Old Mill Stadium16, Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 Sisters Movie House and the Oxford or Hotel; $200 full festival pass, $125 full film pass, individual tickets $11 in OCT. 6-7 — BENDFALLFESTIVAL:A advance, $12 at the door; 6-10:15 p.m.; celebration of all things fall featuring 541-388-3378, or activities, a fashion show, contests, art, music and food; free; 11 a.m.-11
talks, classes, museums 5 li raries EDUCATION ABRAHAM INSPIRATIONGROUP: A video screening and discussion of the "art of allowing" and "law of attraction"; donations accepted; 5-8 p.m. Saturday; Rosie Bareis Community Campus,1010 N.W.14th St., Bend; www.goldenbridgeseminars.corn or 541-389-4523. COOKINGCLASS WITH CHEF BETTE FRASER: Learn to cook soups and stocks; registration required; $50; 6-9 p.m. Wednesday; register for Bend location; www.welltraveledfork.corn, chefbetteo welltraveledfork.corn or 541-312-0097. LUNCHANDLEARN:"Winter Clean-up of Tools and CoverCrop Suggestions"; free; 12:15 p.m.-12:45 p.m. Thursday; Oregon State University Extension Service conference room, 3893 S.W.Airport Way, Redmond; 541-548-6088. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL/CENTRAL OREGON PEACENETWORK: Edith Mirante will speak on "Burma: Not Out of the WoodsYet"; donations accepted; 6:30 p.m. Thursday; The Environmental Center, 16 N.W.Kansas Ave.; 541-388-1793. PARENTING CLASSES:Six-week class teaches positive approaches to tough behaviors, and improvements in communication; registration required by Oct. 1; $225 and$16for manual; 5:30-7 p.m. Tuesdays beginning Oct. 9;Brookswood Meadow Plaza, 19530Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-678-5174. AARP DRIVERSAFETY PROGRAM: Through senior centers; Bend, 541-388 1133; Redmond, 541-548-6325. CENTRALOREGON COMMUNITY COLLEGE: or 541-383-7270. COMPASSIONATECOMMUNICATION: www.katyelliottmft.corn or 541-633-5704. KINDERMUSIK: www.developmusic.corn or 541-389-6690. LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: 541-382-4366 or MOTORCYCLE SAFETY: http: // NEILKELLY CO.REMODELING SEMINARS:541-382-7580. PARTNERS INCAREPRESENTATIONS: or 541-382-5882. SPIRITUALAWARENESS COMMUNITY OF THE CASCADES:www. spiritualawarenesscommunity.corn or 541-388-3179. THE STOREFRONT PROJECT: 541-330 4381 or WOMEN'S RESOURCECENTER or 541-385-0750.
Davtd Jasper/ The Bulletin
The Cascade Center of Photographywill offer a nature photography class at Sparks Lake. See the Arts 8 Crafts section for details.
GWARTNEY: Learn about the conventions of memoir writing; registration required; $50; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 29; Central Oregon Community College, Redmond campus, 2030 S.E.College Loop; www. centraloregonwritersguild.corn or 541-408-6306. WORKSHOP WITHBUDDY WAKEFIELD: Learn about poetry and the spoken word; registration required; $30; 3 4:30 p.m. Oct. 4; TheNature of Words, 224 N.W. OregonAve., Bend; www. or 541-647-2233. ART INTHEMOUNTAINS: www. artinthemountains.corn or 541-923-2648. ART STATION: www.artscentraloregon. org or 541-617-1317. or 541-330-8759. CINDYBRIGGS WATERCOLORS: www. cindybrig gs.corn or 541-420-9463. CREATIVITY RESOUCE FOUNDATION: 541-549-2091. DON TERRA ARTWORKS:541-549-1 299 or www.donterra.corn. JENNIFERLAKEGALLERYART ACADEMY: 541-549-7200. KEN ROTH STUDIO:www.kenrothstudio. corn or 541-317-1727. KINKER ARTSTUDIO: 541-306-6341. SAGEBRUSHERS ARTSOCIETY: http: //sagebrushersartofbend.corn or 541-617-0900.
MUSE VMS A.R. BOWMANMEMORIALMUSEUM: Exhibits about Crook County, the City of Prineville Railroad and the local timber industry; 246 N. Main St., Prineville; or 541-447-371 5. DES CHUTESHISTORICAL MUSEUM: Explores the history, culture and heritage of Deschutes County;129 N.W. Idaho Ave., Bend; or 541-389-1 813. HIGH DESERT MUSEUM: Featuring exhibits, wildlife andart of the High Desert, plus "Raptors of the Desert Sky" weekends onlythroughSept.30and more; 59800 S. U.S.Highway 97, Bend;www. or 541-382-4754. THE MUSEUM ATWARMSPRINGS: Cultural, traditional and artistic heritage of the Confederated Tribes of WarmSprings; 2189 U.S. Highway 26,WarmSprings; or 541-553-3331. REDMOND MUSEUM:Featuring exhibits on early lumbering in Redmond; 529 S.W. Seventh St.; 541-316-1777. SUNRIVERNATURECENTER8t OBSERVATORY: Featuring live birds of prey, hands-on exhibits and more; 57245 River Road, SunriveC or 541-593-4394.
OUTDOOR RECREATION OWL PROWL: Search the museum's forest for owls, learn owl calls and meet museum owls; registration required; $1 0, free for museum members; 6:30 7:30 p.m. Saturday; The HighDesert Museum, 59800 S. U.S.Highway 97, Bend; or 541-382-4754. DESCHUTES LANDTRUST:www. or 541-330-0017. THE ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER: www. or 541-322-4856. OREGON PALEOLANDS INSTITUTE OUTDOOR EXCURSIONS: ww w. or 541-763-4480. OUTDOORS SKILLS WORKSHOPS: 800 720-6339, ext. 76018. PINEMOUNTAIN OBSERVATORY: pmo SILVERSTRIDERS: strideono silverstriders.corn or 541-383-8077. SUNRIVERNATURECENTER 8 OBSERVATORY: www. or 541-593-4442. TRADITIONALMOUNTAINEERING MAP, COMPASSAND GPS SKILLS: 541-385-0445. WANDERLUST TOURS:www. wanderlusttours.corn or 541-389-8359.
ARTS 8K CRAFTS NATUREPHOTOGRAPHY:A two-session landscape photography workshop with photo shoots at Sparks Lake; registration required; $95; 4-7 p.m. Saturday, 5:30-9 a.m. Sunday; CascadeCenter of Photography, 390 S.W.Columbia St., Suite 110, Bend; www.ccophoto.corn/ nature-photography or 541-241-2266. MEMOIRWORKSHOPWITH DEBRA
ACADEMIEDE BALLETCLASSIOUE: 541-382-4055. ACTOR'SREALM:541-410-7894 or volcanictheatreobendbroadband.corn. AN DAIREACADEMY OF IRISH DANCE: www.irishdancecentraloregon.corn. BENDEXPERIMENTALARTTHEATRE: or 541-419-5558. CASCADE SCHOOLOFMUSIC: www. or 541-382-6866. CENTRALOREGON SCHOOL OF BALLET: www.centraloregonschoolofballet.corn or 541-389-9306. CHILDREN'SMUSIC THEATRE GROUP: or 541-385-6718. DANCE CENTRAL:danceforhealth. danceogmail.corn or 541-639-6068. GOTTA DANCESTUDIO:541-322-0807. GYPSY FIREBELLYDANCE: 541-420-5416. JAZZ DANCE COLLECTIVE: www. or 541-408-7522. REDMOND SCHOOL OFDANCE: www.redmondschoolofdance.corn or 541-548-6957. SCENESTUDYWORKSHOP: 541-977 5677 or TERPSICHOREAN DANCESTUDIO: 541-389-5351.
BEND GENEALOGICALSOCIETY LIBRARY:Williamson Hall at Rock Arbor Villa, 2200 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-317-9553 or www.orgenweb. org/deschutes/bend-gs. DOWNTOWN BENDPUBLIC LIBRARY: 601 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-617-7040. CROOK COUNTYLIBRARY:175 N.W . Meadow Lakes Drive, Prineville; 541-447-7978. EAST BEND PUBLICLIBRARY: 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-330-3760. FAMILYHISTORY LIBRARY: 1260 N.E. Thompson Drive, Bend; 541-382-9947. LA PINEPUBLICLIBRARY: 1642 51st St., La Pine; 541-312-1091. JEFFERSONCOUNTYLIBRARY: 241 S.E. 7th St., Madras; 541-475-3351. REDMOND PUBLIC LIBRARY: 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave., Redmond; 541-312-1 050. ROBERT L.BARBERLIBRARY: 2600 N.W. College Way (COCO),Bend; 541-383-7560. SISTERSPUBLICLIBRARY: 110 N. Cedar St., Sisters; 541-312-1070. SUNRIVERAREAPUBLICLIBRARY: 56855 Venture Lane, Sunriver; 541-312-1 080.
outo town The following is a list of other events "Out of Town."
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By Jenny Wasson The Bulletin
ue to its size and value, the only way to see the renowned British Muse um's Greek and Roman collection was to fly t London ... until now. Oregonians will get the rare opportunity to see more than 120 priceless objects from the British Museum with Portland Art Mu seum's new blockbuster exhibit, "The Body Beautiful in Ancient Greece." Featuring icon ic marble and bronze sculptures, vessels, fu nerary objects and jewelry, the exhibit runs Oct. 6-Jan. 6 in Portland. According to a news release, the exhibit is divided into 10 sections: "The Male Body Beautiful," "Aphrodite and the Female Body," "The Divine Body," "Herakles, Superman," "Athletes," "Birth, Marriage and Death," "Sex and Desire," "Outsiders," "Character and Realism" and "The Human Face." Highlights include the marble statue of "Discobo los" (the d iscus-thrower) a bronze figure of Jupiter, a marble head from a colos sal statue of Hercules and a marble statue of Socrates. In correlation with the exhibit, the Oregon Ballet Theatre Co. will explore the human form in motion in its season opener "Body Beautiful." The program features "Apollo" by George Balanchine, "Orpheus Portrait" by Kent Stowell, "The Second Detail" by William Forsythe and the world premiere of "Fkho" by Christo pher Stowell. The program runs Oct. 13 20 at the Keller Auditorium in Portland. Ticket prices for the Portland Art Museum are $20 for adults, $17 for seniors (ages 55 and older) and students (ages 18 and older with identification) and free for children (ages 17 and younger). For more information, visit or c o ntact 503-226-2811. Ticket prices for the Oregon Ballet Theatre range from $23 to $140 (plus service charges), depending on the seat lo cation. For more information, visit www or 888-922-5538. — Reporter: 541-383-0350, ju asson@bendbulletin.corn
Sept. 22 —Dispatch, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Sept. 22 —Matisyahu/Dirty Heads, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Sept. 22 —Portland Cello Project, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Sept. 22 —Train, McMenamins Edgefield, Troutdale; SOLDOUT; CT* Sept. 22-23 —The Doobie Brothers, Chinook Winds Casino Resort, Lincoln City; www.chinookwindscasino.corn or 888-244-6665. Sept. 25 —Grouplove, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Sept. 25 —Wilco, Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; or 800-882-7488. Sept. 26 —Hatebreed, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Sept. 26 —OddFuture, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Sept. 26 —The Shins, Keller Auditorium, Portland; TM* Sept. 26 —Train, Cuthbert * Amphitheater, Eugene; TW Sept. 27 —Charlie Daniels Band, The Ross Ragland Theater, Klamath Falls; or 541-884-5483. Sept. 27 —Garbage, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Sept. 27 —Kimbra, Wonder Ballroom, * Portland; TF Sept. 27-29 —Furthur featuring Phil Lesh & Bob Weir, McMenamins Edgefield, Troutdale; only Thursday tickets are still available; CT* Sept. 28 —Amanda Palmer & The Grand Theft Orchestra,Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Sept. 28 —The Shins, Cuthbert * Amphitheater, Eugene; TW Sept. 28 —Willy Porter, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Sept. 29 —Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti,Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF*
Sept. 29 — Beach House/DustinW ong, * McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW Sept. 29 —George Thorogood,Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Sept. 30 —Beach House, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Sept. 30 —Citizen Cope, McMenamins * Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT Sept. 30 —George Thorogood &The Destroyers,Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater, Medford; or 541-779-3000. Sept. 30 —Patrick Wolf, Aladdin
Theater, Portland; TM* Oct. 2 —Aimee Mann,Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Oct. 2 —Nightwish, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Oct. 2 —Stephen Marley, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Oct. 3 — Shpongle,Mc Menamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Oct. 4 —Ben Howard,Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Oct. 4 —Glen Hansard, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Oct. 4 —Grizzly Bear, Keller Auditorium, Portland; TM* Oct. 4 —Natalie Merchant: Performing with the Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. or 800-228-7343 Oct. 4 —Psychedelic Furs,Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Oct. 5 —Calobo, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Oct. 5 —Greg Brown,Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Oct. 5 —Ed Sheeran, Roseland Theater, Portland; SOLDOUT;TW* Oct. 5 —Phoenix Blues, Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; or 800-882-7488. Oct. 5 —Steve Kimock, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Oct. 6 — An Evening ofBoHywood Music,Keller Auditorium, Portland; TM* Oct. 6 —Michael Kiwanuka, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Oct. 6 —Steve Vai, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Oct. 7 —Alfie Boe, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Oct. 7 —Carrie Underwood, Rose Garden, Portland; www.rosequarter. corn or 877-789-7673. Oct. 7 — Thexx,RoselandTheater, Portland; SOLDOUT;TW* Oct. 8 —Just!a Bieber, Rose Garden, Portland; SOLDOUT;www.rosequarter. corn or 877-789-7673. Oct. 9 —TomRush, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Oct. 10 —Gossip, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Oct. 10 —The Head & TheHeart/ Blitzen Trapper,McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Oct. 10 —Xavier Rudd,Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Oct. 11 —Falling in Reverse, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Oct. 11 —Macklemore & Ryan Lewis,McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Oct. 12 —Big Gigantic, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW*
THE BULLETIN• FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2012 Oct. 12 —Circa Survive, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Oct. 12 —Project Trio, Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; www. or 800-882-7488. Oct. 13 —Rodriguez, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Oct. 15 —BobDylan, Rose Garden, Portland; www. rosequarte r. corn or 877-789-7673. Oct. 16 —In the Footsteps of Django,Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM*
Oct. 16 —Joshua Radin, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Oct. 17 —Beth Orton, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Oct. 18 —Collie Buddz, * WonderBallroom, Portland; TF Oct. 18 —David Byrne/St. Vincent,Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM* Oct. 18 —Switchfoot, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Oct. 19 —Big Gigantic, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Oct. 19 —First Aid Kit, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Oct. 19 —Taking Back Sunday, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Oct. 19 —Tyler Stenson,Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Oct. 20 —BombayBicycle Club, * Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF Oct. 20— Macklemore & Ryan Lewis,McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW*
Oct. 21 —Calexico, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Oct. 21 —Two DoorCinema Club, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT*
LECTURES 5 COMEDY Sept. 21 —Lisa Lampanelli, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM* Sept. 28 —San Francisco Int'I ComedyCompetition, Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater, Medford; or 541-779-3000. Oct. 6 —Kathy Griffin, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM*
Oct. 10 —Wayne Brady, Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater, Medford; or 541-779-3000. Oct. 11 —Brian Regan, Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater, Medford; or 541-779-3000. Oct. 30 —Maya Angelou,Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM*
SYMPHONY 5 OPERA Sept. 22 —"An Evening with John Williams":Featuring music from "Harry Potter," "Schindler's List" and "Star Wars"; EugeneSymphony; HultCenter, Eugene; or 541-682-5000. Sept. 22-24 —"Parker Plays Mozart":Featuring pianist Jon Kimura Parker; Music by Alfven, Mozart, Andrew Norman and Rachmaninoff ;Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; or 800-228-7343. Sept. 29— "Brahms' German Requiem":Featuring music by Bach and Brahms; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. or 800-228-7343. Oct. 7 —"Trains, Trams, Trolleys and more":Part of the Kids Series Concert; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; or 800-228-7343. Oct. 13 —Tien Hsieh, The Ross Ragland Theater, Klamath Falls; or 541-884-5483.
out of town (through Nov. 4) are currently in production at the Angus Bowmer Theatre. "Henry V" (through Oct. 12), "The Very Merry Wives of Windsor, iowa" (through Oct. 13) and "As You Like It" (through Oct. 14) are currently running at the Elizabethan Stage; Ashland; www. or 800-21 9-8161. Through Oct. 21 —"Sweeney Todd: The DemonBarber of Fleet Street":Musical thriller by Stephen Sondheim; Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; preview performances run Sept.18-20; or 503-445-3700. Sept. 26 —L.A. Dance Project: Part of the White Bird Dance Series; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; or 503-245-1 600. Oct. 4-7 —"Lady, Be Good": Musical comedy by Guy Bolton and FredThompson with mu sic and lyrics by George and lra Gershwin; presented by Shedd Theaticals; Shedd Institute, Eugene; or 541-434-7000.
THEATER 5 DANCE Through Oct. 7 —"AndSo It Goes":Play by Aaron Posner; world premiere; presented by Artists Repertory Theatre; Alder Stage, Portland; www.artistsrep. org or 503-241-2788. Through Oct. 12 —Oregon Shakespeare Festival:"Party People" (through Nov. 3) and "Troilus and Cressida" (through Nov. 4) are currently running in the New Theatre. "All the Way" (through Nov. 3), "Medea/ Macbeth/Cinderella" (through Nov. 3), "Animal Crackers" (through Nov. 4) and "Romeo and Juliet"
*Tickets TM:Ticketmaster, www .ticketmaster.corn or 800 745-3000 TW:TicketsWest, www .ticketswesbcom or 800 992-8499 TF:Ticketfly, www.ticket
O t
fly.corn or 877-435-9849 CT:Cascade Tickets, www .cascadetickets.corn or 800-51 4-3849
Continued next page
C o~ I
Oct. 13-1 5— "Tchaikovs ky's
Pathetique":Featuring violinist Yossif Ivanov; music by Rimsky-Korsakov, Dutilleux and Tchaikovsky; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; or 800-228-7343. Oct. 18 —Glenn Miller Orchestra, Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater, Medford; or 541-779-3000. Oct. 20 — "M ichaelCavanaugh: Billy Joel":Featuring vocals by Michael Cavanaugh, star of the Broadway musical, "Movin' Out"; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; or 800-228-7343.
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out of town
PAGE 22 + GO! MAGAZINE From previous page Oct. 9-Nov. 11 —"Seven Guitars":Play by August Wilson; Portland premiere; presented by Artists Repertory Theatre; Morrison Stage, Portland; www. or 503-241-2788. Oct. 11-13 —Trisha Brown Dance Company:Part of the White Bird Dance Series; Newmark Theatre, Portland; or 503-245-1 600. Oct. 13-20 —"Body Beautiful": Featuring choreography by George Balanchine, Kent Stowell and a world premiere by Christopher
Stowell; in correlation with Portland Art Museum's "The Body Beautiful" exhibit; Keller Auditorium, Portland; or 888-922-5538. Oct. 17 —Akram Khan:Part of the White Bird Dance Series; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; or 503-245-1 600. Oct.18-20, 25-27, 31 and Nov. 1-3 —"BloodyVox: Fresh Blood":Halloween-inspired show presented by BodyVox; BodyVox Dance Center, Portland; www. bodyvox.corn or 503-229-0627.
Oct.25-28— Disney on Ice, Rose Garden, Portland; www. rosequarter.corn or 877-789-7673. Oct. 25-28 —"Quidam": Presented by Cirque Du Soleil; Matthew Knight Arena, Eugene; www.cirquedusoleil.corn/quidam or 800-932-3668.
EXHIBITS Through Nov. 11 —Portland Art Museum:The following exhibits are currently on display: "Cornerstones of a Great Civilization: Masterworks of Ancient Chinese Art" (through
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Nov. 11); Portland; www. or 503-226-2811. Through Oct. 7 —MaryhiH Museum of Art:The following exhibits are currently on display: "Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition" (through Oct. 7), "British Painting from the Permanent Collection" (through Nov. 15) and "Ceramics from the Permanent Collection" (through Nov.15); Goldendale, Wash.; or 509-773-3733. Through Nov. 15 —"David Hockney: Six Fairy Tales": A compilation of 39 etchings inspired by the works of the Brothers Grimm; Maryhill Museum of Art, Goldendale, Wash.; or 509-773-3733. Through Nov. 17 —"Happy Birthday: A Celebration of Chance and Listening":Exhibit celebrates the centennial of John Cage's birth; Portland Northwest College of Art, Portland; www. or 503-226-4391. Through Dec. 31 —"Good Grief! A Selection from 50 Years of Original Art from Charles M. Schulz' Peanuts":Featuring 25 original strips; Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, Eugene; jsma. or 541-346-3027. Through Dec. 31 —"Timberrr! A Nostalgic Look Back at Working in the Woods":Featuring vintage photographs and rare motion picture films; World Forestry Center Discovery Museum, Portland; or 503-228-1 367. Through Jan. 5 —"Design with the Other 90%: Cities": Exhibit explores design solutions that address the challenges created by rapid urban growth in informal settlements; Museum of Contemporary Craft: Portland; www. or 503-223-2654. Through Feb. 10 —"Simply Beautiful: Photographs from National Geographic,"Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, Portland; or 800-955-6674. Through Feb. 16 —"Reflecting on Erik Gronborg":Works employ archetypes of functional ceramic traditions as conceptual vehicles to explore contemporary culture; Museum of Contemporary Craft: Portland; www. or 503-223-2654. Through December 2013 —"The Sea & Me":A new children' s interactive exhibit; Oregon Coast Aquarium, Newport; www. or 541-867-3474. Sept. 22 —Jellyfish Jubilee:
A Celebration of Food and Wine,Oregon Coast Aquarium, Newport; or 541-867-3474. Sept. 22-23 —Corvallis Fall Festival,Corvallis Central Park, Corvallis; www. corvallisfallfestival.corn or 541-752-9655. Sept. 29 —Smithsonian Magazine"Museum DayLive!": Free admission at participating venues; various locations in Oregon; www.smithsonianmag. corn/museumday or 800-766-2149. Sept. 29-Dec. 9 —"Lesley Dill: Poetic Visions":Featuring Dill's wall sculptures and art installation; Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art, Eugene; jsma. or 541-346-3027. Sept. 29- Jan. 1 —"RACE: Are We So Different,"Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, Portland; or 800-955-6674. Sept. 29- Jan. 6 —"Grossology: The (ImpoHte) Science of the Human Body," Oregon M useum of Science and Industry, Portland; or 800-955-6674. Oct. 6-Jan. 6 —"The Body Beautiful in Ancient Greece": Featuring Greek and Roman sculpture from British Museum; Portland Art Museum, Portland; or 503-226-2811.
MISCELLANY Through Sept. 23 —Feast Portland:A celebration of food, drink and everything else that makesPortland awesome; presented by Bon Appetit; www. feastportland.corn. Sept. 22 —Tourof Gymnastics Champions:Featuring members of the 2012 U.S. Olympic Team and Nastia Liukin; Rose Garden, Portland; www.rosequarter.corn or 877-789-7673. Sept. 29 —HoodRiver Hops Fest, Hood River; or 541-386-2000. Oct. 19-21, Nov. 2-4 —"For theLoveofM ushrooms ... A Weekend Foray":Features two dinners and one lunch, lectures, guided mushroom foraging, handouts and culinary demonstrations; Oakridge Hostel & Guest House, Oakridge; www.oakridgehostel.corn or 541-782-4000. Oct. 26-27 —Portland 2012 National College Fair,Oregon Convention Center, Portland; www. or 800-822-6285. Nov. 16 —Izakaya: A Japanese food, spirits and culture festival; Jupiter Hotel, Portland; www. celebrateizakaya.corn.
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Scott Garlleld /Open Road Films via The Associated Press
Michael Pena, left, and Jake Gyllenhaalare Los Angeles street cops in oEnd of Watch."
• 'Endof Watch' breathes life andaction into familiar 'cop buddy' genre nd of Watch" is one of the best police movies in recent years, a virtu oso joining of performances and often startling action. It stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena as Taylor and Zavala, two Los An geles street cops who bend a few rules but must be acknowledged as heroes. After too many police movies about officers who essen tially use their badges as licenses
to run wild, it's inspiring to realize these men take their mission — to serve and protect — with such se riousness they' re willing to risk their lives. Taylor and Zavala fit the tem plate of the "cop buddy movie," but "End of Watch" goes so much deeper than that. They' ve been partners for years and are so close that Zavala's wife, Gabby (Natalie Martinez), and Taylor's
girlfriend, Janet (Anna Kendrick), have become like sisters. The two cops are transferred to a tough, largely Mexican-American dis trict, where their persistence leads them across the scent of a Mexi can drug cartel operating in LA. This is really an assignment for a detective, but they don't avoid risk, and eventually become so dangerous to the cartel that a hit is ordered against them.
That sets up the third act of the movie. Earlier acts cover sensa tional shootouts, chases, and the rescue of kids from a burning building when the f ire depart ment is slow to arrive. It must be said the two men find themselves in an implausi bly high percentage of dangerous and violent situations. If every day were as harrowing and risky as their days in this film, it's in credible they can keep going in to work. Continued next page
"End of Watch" 109 minutes R, for strong violence, some disturbing images, pervasive language including sexual references, and some drug use
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n the movies, the old saying goes like this: Some stars wear ROGER MOORE the hat, and sometimes the hat wears them. Say whatever else you want about Sylvester Stallone's kitschy 1995 turn as futuristic comic book "Dredd" j udge-jury-executioner Jud g e Dredd, the dude wore the helmet. 95 minutes Karl Urban replaces him in the R, for strong bloody violence, new "Dredd." And frankly, the language, drug use and helmet wears Karl. some sexual content He never takes off the over sized thing. It closes off his per formance and masks his charis There's a new drug making ma. We only see his scowling jaw the rounds. There always is. "Slo and hear his hissed one-liners, Mo," it's called, and Ma-Ma is the chewing out the rookie mind drug lord who has it. reading judge (Olivia Thirlby) Lena Headey ("300") plays her who forgets to wear hers. in a performance that begins and "Sir, helmets interfere with my ends with the flashy scar-riddled psychic abilities." makeup. "Think a b u llet in t h e head W hen Dredd and t h e "mu might interfere with 'em more," tant" psychic judge-in-training, the Judge mutters. Anderson (Thirlby), nab one of Ma-Ma's thugs (Wood Harris), I n a f u t ure w hen m uch o f America is irradiated and 800 of course you know this means million people are crammed into war. This "Dredd" is a limited vision MegaCity, the concrete metropo lis that stretches from Boston to of the future, mainly confined to Washington, tens of thousands one towering, rundown h i gh are packed into mega high-ris rise. Judge Dredd and Anderson es, many at the mercy of mega and their p r isoner must f ight criminals. their way out of t his building, The judges are all that stand which Ma-Ma's minions have on in the way of anarchy. They' re lockdown. This could have been wired-in, h i -tech h u nter-pros claustrophobic, an action epic in ecutor-killers, men and women compact form. "Die Hard" and who solve (sort of) crimes, catch last year's Indo-Australian thrill criminals and dole out punish er "The Raid" are versions of this ment, on the spot. setup that work. T he death penalty i s t h e i r With "Dredd," you get only a favorite. taste of that as the judges blaze
From previous page As the movie opens, Taylor is filming a video documentary about his job for a film class he' s taking. "Fnd of Watch" begins with his narration about the na ture of his job. All through the movie, Jake Gyllenhaal reveals a presence and stability that' s in contrast to the lighter-weight, ingratiating characters he often plays. Michael Pena gives one of the performances of his career as
the other cop, and the reality of their relationship underscores the whole film. We wouldn't believe some of the things they do if we didn't believe who they are. The movie is much strength ened by strong supporting per formances, not only by Martinez and Kendrick but by fellow offi cers Van Hauser (David Harbour), Sarge (Frank Grillo) and Orozco (America Ferrera).
Lionsgate via The Associated Press
Karl Urban starsin the title role of the remake "Dredd." their way through Ma-Ma's mur derers and supposedly innocent bystanders and await the back up that seems awfully slow in coming. The 3-D here is used to great est effect in slow-motion shoot ings, impalings and throat slash ings — blood-on-the-lens stuff. The villain is poorly drawn. The
script lets her down, and Headey just isn't "big" enough, in perso na, performance and presence, to suggest a murderous monster who ruthlessly slashed and in timidated her way to the top. Thirlby is sensitive and cute as ever, funny when she has to be. She needs more to do. And Urban — so droll as Dr.
— Roger Moore is a film critic for McClatchy-Tribune News Service.
the police experience in one way after another. From a dramatic viewpoint, there are a few profes sions that grant their members entry into other lives, high among ton's 2001 Oscar-winning "Train them cops, doctors, clergymen, ing Day," and three other superior journalists and prostitutes. Per cop movies, "Dark Blue" (2002), haps that explains why they fig "S.W.A.T." (2003) and "The Fast ure in so much television and and the Furious" (2001). cinema. Their lives are lived in the At this point, it seems fair to as midst of human drama. — Roger Ebert is a film critic sume he may want to stay right there in Los Angeles and explore for The Chicago Sun-Times.
We wouldn't believe some of the things they do if we didn't believe who they are. The consistent plausibility of "Fnd of Watch" must owe a great deal to the writer-director, David Ayer. This is his second credit as a writer-director, after "Harsh Times" (2005), and he deserves many more. He knows this terri tory. He wrote Denzel Washing
McCoy in th e " Star Trek" r e boot, so sinister as Black Hat in "Priest," so worthy a foe for Bruce Willis in "Red" — is lost behind that big ol' helmet. That conspires to render the m ega violent mega s atire o f MegaCity mega boring.
• Film is an intense, well-acted drama,but it will leaveaudiences confusedandunsure aul T h omas A n d erson's "The Master" is fabulously well-acted and -crafted, but when I reach for it, my hand clos es on air. It has rich material and isn't clear what it thinks about it. It has two performances of Oscar caliber, but do they connect? Its title character is t r ansparently inspired by L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, but it side steps any firm vision of the cult religion itself — or what it grew into. The Hubbard character, named Lancaster Dodd and played by Philip Seymour Hoffman, is in deed not even the most important in the film. Top billing goes to an alcoholic adherent of the master named Freddie Quell — played by JoaquinPhoenix,who insome ways seems to flow out of the bi zarre persona he created during his meltdown, or whatever it was, four years ago. This Freddie Quell has an un natural an d d a n gerous t aste for booze in all forms. The film opens with him on board a U.S. Navy vessel in the Pacific just as World War II ends. As news of peace comes over theradio, he already has his plans made. He goes directly below deck and begins draining fuel from a tor pedo. During the film he will also create concoctions from p aint thinner, coconut water and some thing from a m edicine cabinet — Lysol, it looked like. After he serves a potentially fatal cocktail to a migrant worker in a Califor nia cabbage field, he hastens to San Francisco and stows away on board a seafaring yacht. This big boat belongs to Lan caster Dodd, introduced as a writer and apparently a rich one. (He later tells Quell: "I am a writ er, a doctor, a nuclear physicist and a theoretical philosopher, but above all I am a man, a hopeless ly inquisitive man, just like you.") He is in the process of founding a group, movement, cult, whatever, named the Cause, and the ship is en route to New York via the Pan ama Canal. He has been joined
F r
The Welnsteln Company via The Associated Press
Joaquin Phoenix, left, and Philip Seymour Hoffmanstar in the drama "The Master." hunched and fearful body. Dodd seizes upon him as a suitable case ROGER for treatment, and there is a mes merizing scene in which the two EBERT lock eyes over a table in the cap tain's cabin, and Dodd hammers Quell with questions, repeated over and over again. This is de scribed as "processing," similar to "The Master" the "auditing" Hubbard described in his book "Dianetics." 136 minutes The f il m i s u n c lear a bout R, for sexual content, Dodd's earlier history, and nev graphic nudity and language er mentions the science fiction t hat Hubbard began by w r i t on board by many followers who ing. When we meet Dodd, he is will join Dodd and his wife, Peg middle-aged, jovial, not above gy (Amy Adams), to celebrate the singing jolly tunes and acting marriage of their daughter. the cut-up at parties. In meet When Dodd discovers Quell ings with East Coast followers, is on board, his response is not especially Helen Sullivan (Laura to send him ashore. He finds a Dern), we see that the Cause has strange fascination in t his tor already attracted many recruits tured man, who describes him — and doubters, including John self as an "able-bodied seaman," More (Christopher Evan Welch), but seems far from able inside a who stands coldly in a doorway
AII around the edges of the film are possibilities
that (director Paul Thomas) Anderson doesn't explore. at one meeting and fires hostile questions. The qualifications or cost for joining the Cause are never made clear, but some kind of fearful discipline seems to be in use, and Freddie Quell is quick to pick fights with those who oppose the man who has given him affection and guidance. Quell drifts in and out of reality, imagining rooms where the women have suddenly become unclothed. When it comes to sex, he has a powerful imagina tion, which we observe in an early scene where shipmates make a
sand sculpture of a naked woman and he uses it to make a love doll to masturbate. Not recommended. All around the edges of the film are possibilities that Anderson doesn't explore. What, exactly, does the Cause believe, with its talk of past lives and ingrained prenatal injuries? "He's making it all up as he goes along," says his son, Val Dodd (Jesse Plemon). But the film is not an expose, not a historical record of the Cause, Scientology or any other group, and not really the story of its char acters, who remain enigmatic to the end. Enigmatic, but far from boring. Phoenix projects a fearsome anxi ety as his eyes scan a room, and there are flashbacks/fantasies in volving a prewar girlfriend, Doris (Madisen Beaty), who continues to occupy space in his mind years af ter she married and had children. Continued next page
• 'Trouble with the Curve' is aclassictale that is pitchedperfectly
us has been a baseball scout so long he can judge a batter by the sound when his bat connects with the ball. Did he al ways have this ability, or did it devel op in recent years when his eyesight began to fail? The Atlanta Braves are on the edge of retiring him, but not if Gus (Clint Eastwood) has any thing to sayabout it. He leads a lone ly life, driving between small cities, sitting in the stands of minor league clubs, living in budget motels, but he loves it. His boss and friend Pete Klein (John Goodman) senses Gus' prob lems, and appeals to the old man' s daughter to check him out on the road. This is Mickey (Amy Adams), who has been out of touch with her estranged father for years. She caves in and tracks him to the sun burnt bleachers he occupies with other scouts and a handful of fans. He'sfocusing on a phenom named Bo Gentry (Joe Massingill), who is pudgy, but that doesn't slow him down because he slugs homers with the frequency of Babe Ruth. This Bo isn't a nice man. "Hey, Peanut Boy!" he calls to a vendor, who tosses him a bag of peanuts. Bo doesn't see any need to pay him. Gus growls when he's joined by Mickey, who for that matter isn't too thrilled to see him. She's a hotshot lawyer in a big Atlanta firm, in line for a partnership. But she sees her dad could use some help, and we learn she never wanted to be a law yer, anyway. All she's ever loved is baseball. We settle now into a routine of discount motel rooms and bars and grills, as they cross paths with Johnny (Justin Timberlake), a pitch er who was originally recruited by
From previous page There's no sense his drinking gives him any pleasure; it medicates something we can only imagine. Hoffman, as Lancaster Dodd, suggests the charisma that a char acter like Hubbard must have had, and although Scientology has reportedly staged a campaign
f (r
Kelth Bernstein / Warner Bros Pictures / Mcclatcny-Tnbune News Service
Amy Adams and Glint Eastwood star as an estranged daughter and father in "Trouble with the Curve." Gus but blew out his arm and is now scouting for a season on the way to what he hopes will be an announc ing job. Johnny and Mickey grow sweet about each other, and Gus begins to soften until it's time for a heart-to-heart with his daughter. That doesn't come easy for a man with a thick skin. Eastwood's appeal here is bed rock authority. He knows baseball, and he knows he knows it. Amy Adams has been the embodiment of lovability since "Junebug" (2005), and here takes a standard role and makes us value it. Justin Timberlake
finds the right note for a basically one-notecharacter.John Goodman embodies the guy who you hope has your back in the front office and has a tense scene here where he makes a very hard call. "Trouble with the Curve" isn't a great sports film, like Eastwood's "Million Dollar Baby." But it's a superior entertainment, moving down somewhat predictable paths but with an authenticity and hu manity that appeals. It's Eastwood's first film since "In the Line of Fire" (1993) where he has acted but not directed.
Any Eastwood film is notable above all for its professionalism. If the story here has certain foresee able moments, that's not to say they aren't set up well and deliver right on time. We might suspect that Bo Gentry and Peanut Boy (Jay Gal loway) may meet again, but how it happens, and how Mickey is in volved, is classic movie gold. There are so many traffic jams in the typical recent hyperkinetic movie that to find a sound story this well told is a pleasure.
against "The Master," the film is vague about the Cause. Why are these two opposites so strongly attracted? You could guess homoeroticism, but there too the movie is vague. Is it that each senses an intriguing challenge to his idea of himself? Always some where in the frame is Dodd's wife,
Peggy, sweet-faced, calm, never missing a thing, always calmly there when she's needed. This is the first movie filmed in 70mm since Kenneth Branagh's "Hamlet" (1996). It's a spectacular visual experience. You notice that in particular when Dodd mounts a motorcycle on a huge flat plain and
roars into the distance. Then he returns, just as Vincent Gallo did in "The Brown Bunny," although I doubt this is intended as a homage. r Now you do it," Dodd tells Quell. Quell roars off. Eventually Dodd and companions trudge off under the desert sun in search of him. Whether they find him, I won' t
— Roger Ebert is a film critic for The Chicago Sun-Times.
"Trouble with theCurve" 111 minutes PG-13,forlanguage, sexual references, some thematic material and smoking
say. What the motorcycle demon strates, I can't say. Paul Thomas Anderson is one of our great directors. "The Master" shows invention and curiosity. It is often spellbinding. But what does it intend to communicate? — Roger Ebert is a film critic for The Chicago Sun-Times.
is is emo ion ess
O N LOCA L S CRE E N S Here's what's showing on Central Oregon movie screens. For showtimes, see listings on Page 31.
• There is little to laugh at or enjoyin this stark tale of a Wall Street billionaire
Reviews byRogerEbert unless otherwise noted.
osmopolis" is a f l aw l essly d i r ected f i l m about enigmatic people who speak in morose epigrams about vague universal principles they show no sign of understand ing. Its characters are bloodless, their speech monotone. If there are people like this, I hope David Cronenberg's film is as close as I ever get to them. You couldn't pay me to see it again. The movie stars Robert Pattin son as Eric Packer, a loathsome billionaire monster, a young mas ter of Wall Street who seems to perceive no connection between his wealth and its results in the world. He has sex several times in the film, and reveals less genuine passion than during a prostate examination. During the course of a day his fortune seems to be melting away, hemorrhaging mil lions a minute, but c' est la vie. He has recently married a rich woman who assures him she can help him, and he regards her with the detachment of an incurious insect. The movie is based on a novel by Don DeLillo, which I read and rather admired. It's said to be loosely inspired by James Joyce's "Ulysses." Very loosely. Yes, it in volves the hero's journey across a city during a single day, and yes, it hears several vernaculars. But the film and the novel both lack any trace of Joyce's humor and rich humanity. Here is a stark, forbidding portrait of the damned in a hell of their making. As the film opens, Eric Packer stands on the sidewalk in front of what is possibly his office tower, and states without emotion, "We need a haircut." As P attinson plays Packer, he states every thing without emotion. All of the criticisms you may have heard or held about Pattinson's perfor mances as the vampire Edward in the "Twilight" films only serve to underline that he is perfectly cast as Packer. He enters his improbably long white stretch limousine, lengthy enough for a Mafia wedding, and
"Glenn Beck's Unelectable 2012" — Media personality Glenn Beck returns to the big screen with a new comedystageshow,"Glenn Beck's Unelectable 2012." Theevent is broadcast live-via-satellite from the Majestic Theater in SanAntonio, Texas. Beck will use the debate format to say the things politicians can't — or won't — say during this election season. From Democrats to Republicans, lawmakers to law breakers — no one is safe from Beck and his biting, straight-from-the hip commentary. The encore event screensat7:30p.m .Tuesday atthe Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX in Bend. 120 minutes. (no MPAArating) — Synopsis from National CineMedia "Line of Sight" —Bend Velo and Pine Mountain Sports present "Line of Sight," a collection of ten years of footage from underground Alleycat bicycle races around the world. Cyclists (and filmmakers) blast through oncoming traffick, bustling cities, law enforcement and pedestrians while chasing victory. The film screens at 9 p.m. Thursday at McMenamins Old St. Francis School in Bend. Cost is $5. Proceeds benefit Bicycle Messenger Emergency Relief Fund, Commute Options, Safe Routes to Schools and Central Oregon Trail Alliance. (no MPPA rating) — Synopsis from lVfclVfenamin's website "Wild Horse, Wild Ride" — BendFilm's 2011 Katie Merritt Audience Award winner "Wild Horse, Wild Ride" returns to Central Oregon. The film tells the story of the Extreme Mustang Makeover Challenge, an annual contest that dares 100 people to each tame a totally wild mustang in order to get it adopted into a better life beyond federal corrals. Stunning and poignant, Alex Dawson and Greg Gricus' debut feature documentary chronicles a handful of unforgettable characters from their first uneasy meeting with their horses and over three months as they attempt to transform from scared strangers to the closest of companions. The film screens all week at the Sisters Movie House. 106 minutes. (PG) — Synopsis from film's website Continued next page
Robert Pattinson, left, and Kevin Durandstar in "Cosmopolis."
Caltlln C renenberg/ Entertainment One via The Associated Press
tress, Didi (Juliette Binoche), two consultants (Jay Baruchel and ROGER Philip Nozuka), his chief theore tician, Vija (Samantha Morton), EBERT and his doctor, who not only ad ministers the prostate exam dur ing his conference with Vija, but also uses the limo's built-in tech nology to conduct sonar exams. "Cosmopolis" There is also a hotel suite tryst with his beautiful security guard, 109 minutes who teases him with a 100,000 R, for some strong sexual content volt Taser that may remind you of including graphic nudity, violence and Goldfinger's laser beam. "Hit me language with it," Packer asks her. "I want to experience it." sets off across Manhattan to his The limo is a command cen usual barbershop. It is not a good ter with t ouch-screen displays day for this journey. The city is that have the world's financial e xperiencing g r i d lock c u b e d transactions rattling past. One of because of a presidential motor Cronenberg's achievements here cade, a rap star's funeral and an is to shoot so many scenes inside archist riots. Packer doesn't care, this vehicle without ever seem and he, and we, will spend from ing crowded, cramped or limited. morning to night mostly inside The limo is of course bulletproof the limousine. and so on, but there's a dicey mo But not entirely. Traffic is mov ment when anarchists surround ing so slowly that he finds time it and begin to rock it back and to have both breakfast and lunch forth. Packer doesn't deign to ac with his new wife, Elise (Sarah knowledge them. Not so easily Gadon). One of the mysteries of ignored is a man who smashes a the novel is how he inexplicably pie in his face as he arrives at last encounters her along the way. He at the barbershop. welcomes inside the limo his mis The final act involves a nutty
little man named Benno Levin (Paul Giamatti), who opens fire on Packer from a w a r ehouse in the district where limos go to spend the night. How did he know Packer would be t here? How did Packer know how to find him i n t h e w a rehouse? I knew better than to ask, as they conduct the film's deepest, most philosophical and impenetrable conversation. I said "Cosmopolis" is flawless ly directed. Yes, it is. I can't easily imagine a better screen version of the De Lillo novel, although I don' t much want to imagine one at all. David Cronenberg is a master filmmaker, whose films some times fail t o r e verberate with me, but whose genius cannot be denied. There is a coldness and abstraction in much of his work, a heartlessness. He touched me d eeply in f i l m s l i k e "Eastern Promises," "The Fly," "The Dead Zone," and even the pain-soaked " Crash." Then there are f i lms like this. Can one say Don DeL illo found not only the ideal but perhaps the only director for his novel? — Roger Ebert is a film critic for The Chicago Sun-Times.
From previous page
"Cosmopolis" —A flawlessly directed film about enigmatic people who speak in morose epigrams about vague universal principles they show no sign of understanding. Robert Pattinson stars as ayoung billionaire who spends aday in his limo crossing a gridlocked Manhattan to get a haircut, while riots swirl around him, his fortune melts away,and hehasnotonly sex in the car but a prostate exam. Directed by David Cronenberg, based on the novel by DonDeLillo. You couldn't pay me to see it again. Rating: Two stars. 109 minutes. (R) "Dredd" —In the movies, the old saying goes, some stars wear the hat. And sometimes, the hat wears them. Say whatever else you want about Sylvester Stallone's kitschy 1995 turn as futuristic comic book judge-jury-executioner Judge Dredd, the dude wore the helmet. Karl Urban replaces him in the new "Dredd 3D." And frankly, the helmet wears Karl. The 3-D here is used to greatest effect in slow-motion shootings, impalings and throat slashings — blood-on-the-lens stuff. The villain is poorly drawn. The script lets her down, and Lena Headey just isn't "big" enough, in persona, performance and presence, to suggest a murderous monster who ruthlessly slashed and intimidated her way to the top. Urban — so droll as Dr. McCoy in the "Star Trek" reboot, so sinister in as Black Hat in "Priest," so worthy a foe for Bruce Willis in "Red" — is lost behind that big ol' helmet. That conspires to render the mega violent mega satire of MegaCity mega boring. This film is available locally in 3-D. Rating: One and a half stars. 95 minutes. (R) — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Tribune News Service
Mary Cybutskt /Unwersal Pictures / Mco latcny Tnbune News Service
Jeremy Renner, left, and Edward Nortonstar in "The Bourne Legacy." "End of Watch" —One of the best police movies in recent years, a virtuoso joining of performances and startling action. It stars Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena as Taylor and Zavala, two Los Angeles street cops who bend a few rules but must be acknowledged as heroes. They' re transferred to a tough district, where their persistence leads them to a Mexican drug cartel operating in L.A. This is really an assignment for a detective, but they don't avoid risk, and eventuall y become so dangerous to the cartel that a hit is ordered
Daily Specials
s I
against them. Rating: Four stars. 109 minutes. (R) "House at the End ofthe Street" — A recent divorcee and her daughter move into a dream house in an upscale town, only to find that their new home hides dark secrets. With Jennifer Lawrence, Elisabeth Shue, Max Thieriot and Gil Bellows. Written by David Loucka. Directed by Mark Tonderai. This film was not screened in advance for critics. 101 minutes. (PG-13) — Los Angeles Times "The Master" — PaulThomas Anderson's film is fabulously well-acted and crafted, but when I reach for it, my hand closes on air. It has rich material and isn't clear what it thinks about it. It has two performances of Oscar caliber, but do they connect? Its title character is transparently inspired by L. Ron Hubbard,thefounder of Scientology, but it sidesteps any firm vision of the cult religion itself — or what it grew into. It isn't boring, but it isn't satisfying. Oscar-worthy work by Philip SeymourHoffman and Joaquin Phoenix. Rating: Two and ahalf stars. 136 minutes. (R) "Trouble with the Curve" —Glint Eastwoodplays Gus,anaging baseball scout who leads a lonely life, driving between small cities, sitting in the stands of minor league clubs, living in budget motels, but he loves it. Failing eyesight threatens his career, and
his concerned daughter (Amy Adams) joins him on the road and meets her dad's onetime discovery (Justin Timberlake). JohnGoodman plays Gus'loyal boss at the Atlanta Braves. The story's payoff is classic movie gold. Rating: Three stars. 111 minutes. (PG-13)
STILL SHOWING "2016: Ohama's America" — Dinesh D'Souza — the author of the best seller "The Roots of Obama's Rage" and a former American Enterprise Institute fellow — is not a fan of President Obama. The strident documentary "2016: Obama's America" (co directed with John Sullivan) builds on D'Souza's 2010 cover article for Forbes, which asserts that Mr. Obama pursues his father' s left-leaning, "anticolonial" ideals. Here they are presented as flaws consistent with the senior Obama's multiple relationships, alcoholism and fatal auto accident in1982. Not interviewed by the filmmakers are Obama's political supporters, but this isn't that kind of documentary. This film wasn't given a star rating. 89 minutes. (PG) — Andy Webster, The NewYork Times "Beasts of the SouthernWild" — Cut off from the Louisiana mainland, surrounded by rising waters, the Bathtub is a desolate
wilderness of poverty where a small communitystrugglets o survive. A small girl named Hushpuppy (QuvenzhaneWallis) fiercely asserts herself in this wasteland, in a film of great imagination and beauty. One of the year's best films. Directed by Benh Zeitlin. Rating: Four stars. 93 minutes. (PG-13) "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" —A charming, funny, heartwarming movie making good use of seven superb veteran actors. They' re Brits on limited incomes who have taken their chances on a retirement hotel in India, run on a shoestring with boundless optimism by DevPatel (he wasthe quiz show contestant in "Slumdog Millionaire" ). Anamazing cast, including Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Bill Nighy, Penelope Wilton and, in the best, most surprisingly moving role, TomWilkinson. Rating: Three and ahalf stars. 124 minutes. (PG-13) "The BourneLegacy" — Jeremy Renner plays another secret super agent like Jason Bourne, who realizes he's been targeted for elimination. To savehimself and the experimental medication that gives him great physical and mental power, he travels from Alaska to Manila, fighting off wolves, drone missiles and assassination, while hooking up with Dr. Marta Shearing (Rachel Weisz), a biochemist who knows all about the medication. The action scenes are gripping in the moment, but go on too long and don't add up;thedialogue scenes (with Edward Norton, Stacy Keach and Scott Glenn), are well-acted; the plot is a murky muddle. Rating: Two and a half stars. 135 minutes. (PG-13) "The Campaign" —Raucous, bawdy comedy starring Will Ferrell and ZachGalifianakis as opponents in a North Carolina GOP congressional primary. Ferrell is the incumbent, and Galifianakis is a doofus bankrolled by billionaire brothers who want to buy the district and resell it to China. The movie uses their campaign as a showcase of political scandals and dirty tricks that have become familiar in both parties. Sad fact: Some of the scandals in the movie would have beenhard to believe until recent years, when — well, they' ve happened. Rating: Three stars. 85 minutes. (R) "Celeste and Jesse Forever" — Rashida Jones and Andy Samberg star as an appealing couple, married six years, who decide to stop living in the same house. To be sure, he only moves into his backyard studio and they remain "best friends." Their own best friends are deeply upset by this change in a relationship they all thought was stable. Continued next page
THE BULLETIN• FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2012 From previous page The couple gets along smoothly in their new lifestyle, until they receive an unexpected jolt of reality. Good hearted romantic comedy, avoiding the usual formulas. Rating: Three and a half stars. 91 minutes. (R) "Diary of a WimpyKid: DogDays" — Kids, eventhewimpy ones, grow up so fast. Zachary Gordon, the fresh-faced lad who landed the coveted "Wimpy Kid" role in the adaptations of Jeff Kinney's "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" movies, has had a growth spurt. His Greg Heff icy is taller than his portly pal, Rowley (Robert Capron), almost tall enough not to have to take any more guff from his bullying older brother, Rodrick (Devon Bostick). "Dog Days" is not the best of the "Wimpys," but Bostick is still a laugh a minute as Rodrick, and for an hour the laughs come quick and sure. And for parents and their tweens, that's enough to keep this, the kid-friendliest film franchise of them all, from being a disappointment. Rating: Two stars. 94 minutes. (PG) — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Tribune News Service "The Expendables 2" —Of course, "The Expendables 2" is all good fun and games and recycled catchphrases. Until somebody gets hurt. A lot of somebodies. When you' re filling the screen with every big-screen action star of the past 25 years — except for Mel Gibson, WesleySnipes and Steven Seagal — and every one of them needs his own body count, you see the problem. You run smack up against the Maximum Mayhem Threshold. "Expendables 2" is a sillier wallow in excess, a too-cute trip down '80s Action-Film Lane with one past-his-expiration-date action hero too many for its own good. It' s a "Road Runner" cartoon for the bloody-minded, a wise-cracking cavalcade of carnage that hurls bullet-proof heroes at the huddled masses of villains, defies the laws of physics and treats us to so much bloodshed that it's only natural that some of it should spatter on the lens. Rating: One and ahalf stars. 102 minutes. (R) — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Tribune News Service "Finding Nemo 3-D" — It's the details that stand out whenever a classic film is converted to 3-D. With "Finding Nemo," the shimmering sea surface, scratches on the lens of a diver' s goggles, and smudge marks Nemo the clownfish makes when he masheshis face upagainst the glass wall of the aquarium that imprisons him all pop off the screen in the 3-D reissue of Pixar's undisputed masterpiece. The fish seem to float in between the surface of the screen and the deep
blue underwater backgrounds (Chris Hemsworth), Black of the South Pacific, an effect Widow (Scarlett Johansson) and even more pronounced in 3-D. Hawkeye (Jeremy Renner). The Perhaps it's not enough to warrant result is sort of like an All Star shelling out 3-D dollars to go see Game for Marvel superheroes. a movie that's long been one of Exactly what you'd expect, the best-selling home videos. If although more of the same. Gets the job done. Rating: Three stars. you have kids, you already have this at home. But "Finding Nemo," 142 minutes. (PG-13) back in theaters nine years after "Neil Young Journeys" its release, is a reminder that JonathanDemme's documentary sometimes "instant" and "classic" shows the rock legend in concert can go together in a sentence at Toronto's Massey Hall in 2011. describing a great movie. And Using high-quality digital sound "Finding Nemo" is a great movie, and a camera so close it catches one of the best animations for a drop of spit on the lens, it's an 'I children ever made. This film is I Il,le <, intimate performance portrait, available locally in 3-D. Rating: divided among new material from Four stars. 100 minutes. (G) his album "Noise" and some of his — Roger Moore,McClatchy-Tibune classics. There's also a nostalgic courtesy Richard Foreman a. via Mcclatchy-Tnbune News service News Service tour of his birthplace, Omemee, in southern Ontario. Rating: Three "Hope Springs" —Tommy Lee Tom Hardy, left, and Jessica Chastainstar in the action drama "Lawless." stars. 87 minutes. (PG) Jones and Meryl Streep play a couple whose marriage has frozen "The Odd Life of Timothy Green" into a routine. Every day starts with — A warm and lovely fantasy, makers of "Last Ounce of Courage" Franklin County, Va., in 1931. The his nose buried in the newspaper the kind of full-bodied family film three Bondurant brothers (Shia and ends with him asleep in front of are sincere in their message, and that's being pushed aside in favor — especially when they show the LaBeouf, Tom Hardy and Jason the Golf Channel. They haven't slept of franchises and slam-bang price of freedom paid by members Clarke) fearlessly rule their turf, inthesame roomforyears. She confusion. On a picture-postcard of the military and their families until a foppish federal agent (Guy convinces him overhis owndead farm in the middle of endlessly — they hit some affecting notes. Pearce) arrives from Chicago. A body to attend a couples therapy rolling hills where it is always well-made film about ignorant and But there's an awful lot of clumsy, session at a Maine clinic run by Indian summer, a lovable boy heavy-handed stuff in the way violent people. It's not so much that Steve Carell. The movie contains comes into the life of a childless (best example: the school's "winter the movie is too long, as that too few surprises, but one of them couple and brings along great play" is the Nativity story told with many people must be killed before is Jones' excellent performance joy and wisdom. Jennifer Garner, space aliens instead of angels). i t can end. Rating: Two and a hal f — vulnerable, touchy and shy. Joel Edgerton, young CJ Adams Story lines start and fizzle all over stars. 115 minutes. (R) Rating: Three stars. 100 minutes. and a rich supporting cast. the place, getting in the way of "Marvel's The Avengers" —A (PG-13) Written and directed by Peter otherwise powerful moments. threat to Earth from the smirking "Ice Age: Continental Drift" Hedges (" What's Eating Gilbert Rating: Two stars. 101 minutes. Loki, resentful adoptive brother Grape" ). Accessible for all but the — Will perhaps be a delight for (PG) of the Norse god Thor, causes little kids, judging by their friendly youngest children, and I suspect — Chris Foran, Nick Fury (Samuel L. Jackson) their parents will enjoy it, too. reaction at a Saturday morning Milwaukee Journal Sentinel to assemble all of the Avengers: sneak preview I attended. Real little Rating: Three and a half stars. "Lawless" —Based on a real Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.), 104 minutes. (PG) kids. I doubt their parents will enjoy life, blood-soaked war between Captain America (Chris Evans), it much, especially after shelling moonshiners and the law in the Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), Thor Continued next page out the extra charge for the 3-D tickets. In this fourth outing for the franchise, familiar characters are joined by a few new ones as continental drift breaks up families and the 3-D threatens to give them whipl ashasthey zoom back and forth and up and down. Not recommendedforunaccompanied adults. Rating: Two stars. 87 minutes. (PG) =: "Last Ounce of Courage" — Somebody — not Thomas Jefferson, apparently — once said HardWOOd...Starting at ~2 sq . e. that eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. On that score, "Last Ounce LaminateS... Starting at@1 sq. ft. of Courage" is a good reminder that freedom needs constant P tending, and that we owe an gpb Select QUICK STEP® unending debt to those who fight Laminate Collection and die in its name. Unfortunately, $~ 0 0 0 FF the movie also is a good reminder Up ta 1 per s q ff that storytelling cliches and roug 11/30/1 2 inattention to narrative detail can uality Hardwood • Cork Flooring detract from a movie's message. "Last Ounce of Courage" follows • Pre-finished & Unfinished • Stair Parts Bob (Marshall Teague), a Vietnam • Exotics & Domestic • Maintenance& Cleaning Products War hero whose son followed his example and enlisted, only to die in • ReclaimedWoods • Expert Advice battle, leaving behind a loving wife, R a new baby and a father who can' t I' ' s I I come to grips with his loss. The
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The following movies were released the week of Sept. 18.
"The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" — A charming, funny, heartwarming movie making good useofseven superb veteran actors. They' re Brits on limited incomeswho havetakentheirchances on a retirement hotel in India, run on a shoestring with boundless optimism by Dev Patel (he was the quiz show contestant in "Slumdog Millionaire" ). An amazing cast, including Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Bill Nighy, Penelope Wilton and, in the best, most surprisingly moving role, Tom Wilkinson. DVD Extras: Two featurettes: Blu-ray Extras: Two additional featurettes. Rating: Three and a half stars. 124 minutes. (PG-13) "The Cabin in theWoods" — Five college students head out for a weekend in an isolated cabin and find it contains unguessable levels of reality. The trailer and opening minutes reveal that the cabin is a set for a laboratory experiment — but the plot takes such bizarre turns that's the least of it. With Kristen Connolly, Chris Hemsworth, Richard Jenkins. Produced and co-written by horror legend Joss Whedon. DVDExtras: Five featurettes and audio commentary; Blu-ray Extras: Additional featurette. Rating: Three stars. 105 minutes. (R) "Hysteria" —In the Victorian era, female orgasms were officially thought not to
r /
Courtesy lshika Mohan
audi Dench, left, stars as Evelyn,Tom Wilkinson stars as Graham and Bill Nighy stars as Douglas in "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel."
exist, and "hysteria" was one of the terms applied to women who grew restless in their absence. This period picture, elegant and saucy, traces the steps that led to the happy invention of the vibrator. W ith Hugh Dancy asanam bitiousyoung doctor, Jonathan Pryce as a successful quack, Maggie Gyllenhaal as a fiery social worker and Rupert Everett as a young man who finds a new use for a feather duster. Directed by TanyaWexler. DVD and Blu-ray
Extras: Three featurettes, deleted scenes and audio commentary. Rating: Three stars. 100 minutes. (R)
Rating: Three and a half stars. 92 minutes. (PG-13)
York, suburbia, Tokyo and Moscow. Ada (Bingbing Li) is to be her guide. Valentine (Sienna Guillory) and Rain (big-screen tough-girl Michelle Rodriguez) are trying to stop her. This film is available locally in IMAX. Rating: One star. 91 minutes. (R) — Roger Moore,M cClatchy-Tnbune News Service "The Watch" —After the mysterious murder of a night security guard at a Costco store, its manager (Ben Stiller) enlists three other men (Vince Vaughn, Jonah Hill and Richard Ayoade) in a neighborhood watch organization that discovers an invasion of Earth is being plotted by aliens who are headquartered in the Costco's basement. Dumb slapstick action, lots of green slime and truly versatile use of potty talk. Rating: Two stars. 100 minutes. (R) "Your Sister's Sister" —A spontaneous, engaging character study of three people alone in a cabin in the woods. Jack (Mark Duplass) is offered the cabin by his best friend, Iris (Emily Blunt), only to arrive and find her sister (Rosemarie Dewitt) already there. Both are in fragile emotional states, and when Blunt arrives unexpectedly in the morning, many truths are revealed. Benefits from good semi-improvised performances. Directed by Lynn Shelton ("Humpday"). Rating: Three stars. 90 minutes. (R)
ALSO THISWEEK:"The Babymakers" COMING UP:Movies scheduled for national release Sept. 25 include "Damsels in Distress" and "Marvel's The Avengers." — "DIID and Blu-ray Extras" from wire andonline sources
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From previous page "ParaNorran" —"ParaNorman" is a stop-motion animated marvel from some of the same folks who gave us "Coraline" and "Corpse Bride," and it wears its bloodlines with pride. It's that rare kids' movie with edge, a witchy, witty romp that could frighten the very youngest moviegoers and ma kesparents blanch at some of the jokes. This isn't "Ice Age," children. "ParaNorman," written by Chris Butler, an artist who worked on "Corpse Bride" and "Coraline," and co-directed by Butler and Sam Fell (" Flushed Away" ), wears its anarchy well. They' ve madea genuinely spooky movie. But it's a spooky picture with a morbid sense of humor. Rating: Three stars. 93 minutes. (PG) — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Tribune News Service "The Possession" —The possession of the title is a dark wood box with a carved inscription in Hebrew informing the finder that it entraps a dybbuk, an evil spirit that will cleave to the soul of anyone unlucky enough to release it. This box turns up in a yard sale, and is purchases by young girl named Em (Natasha Calis). Her divorced parents are played by Jeffrey Dean Morganand KyraSedgwick,Matisyahu is effective as a Hasidic exorcist. The people are persuasive, the box is scary.
"Resident Evil: Retribution" —With five films, over $660 million at the worldwide box office, you have to hand it to "Resident Evil." In 10 years, it has become — while few who enjoy good films have noticed — the most successful video-game film franchise in history. These movies have kept action-horror hack Paul W. S. Anderson in businessand sustained model-turned-actress Milla Jovovich in between her other rare appearances on thebig screen.The movies?To a one, violent, nonsensical bloodbaths, badly written, flatly acted. At least last time, in "Resident Evil: Afterlife," they seemed tospend some money andexpandtheir vision of the combat zone, which resulted
in a bigger, moreaction-packed andbyfar more successful exercise. But from the obviously digitally-augmented action to the disconcertingly disembodied voices of the actors, "Resident Evil: Retribution" seems to remove whatever ambition they let themselves develop and take this dog-eared franchise back to square one. In "Retribution," Alice is back in a super-secret Umbrella facility tasked with fighting her way out through various levels, "protocols," basically gamescapes that recreate a zombie apocalypse in New
M 0 V I E T I M E S • For the zoeek o f Sept. Z1
2 ti,
' I t lt i
• Accessibility devices are available for some movies at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 /MAX • There may be an additional fee for 3-D movies. • IMAX films are $15.50 for adults and $13 for
children (ages 3 to11) and seniors (ages60 and older). • Movie times are subject to change after press time.
MADRAS 20th Century Fox via The Associated Press
From left, Manny(voiced by Ray Romano),Diego (voiced by Denis Leary), Sid (voiced by John Leguizamo), Granny (voiced by Wanda Sykes) and Shira (voiced by Jennifer Lopez) star in "Ice Age: Continental Drift."
BEND Regal Pilot Butte 6 2717 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347
BEASTS OF THE SOUTHERN WILD(PG-13) Fri-Sat: 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 9:25 Sun-Thu: 1:15, 4:15, 7:15 THE BESTEXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL(PG-13) Fri-Sat: 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:10 Sun-Thu: 12:30, 3:30, 6:30 THE BOURNE LEGACY(PG-13) Fri-Sat: 12:15, 3:15, 6:15, 9:05 Sun-Thu: 12:15, 3:15, 6:15 CELESTEANDJESSEFOREVER
Fri-Sat: 1, 4, 7, 9:20 Sun-Thu: 1, 4, 7 COSMOPOLIS(R) Fri-Sat: 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, 9:15 Sun-Thu: 12:45, 3:45, 6:45 THE MASTER(R) Fri-Sat: Noon, 3, 6, 9 Sun-Thu: Noon, 3, 6
Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347
2016: OBAMA'SAMERICA(PG) Fri-Thu: 1:55, 4:55, 7:20, 9:35 THE BOURNELEGACY (PG-13) Fri-Thu: Noon, 3:10, 6:20, 9:30 THE CAMPAIGN(R) Fri-Mon, Wed-Thu: 7:35, 9:50 Tue: 9:55 DREDD 3-D (R) Fri-Thu: 7, 9:40 DREDD (R) Fri-Thu: 1:20, 3:50
END OFWATCH(R) Fri-Thu: 12:05, 3, 6:05, 9 FINDING NEMO(G) Fri-Thu: 12:45 FINDING NEMO 3-D (G) Fri-Thu: 12:35, 3:35, 4:35, 6:25, 7:30, 9:05 GLENNBECK'SUNELECTABLE (no MPAA rating) Tue: 7:30 HOPE SPRINGS (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 1:35, 4:05, 6:40, 9:10 HOUSE ATTHEENDOFTHE STREET(PG-13) Fri-Thu: 12:25, 3:20, 6:45, 9:25 LAST OUNCEOF COURAGE (PG) Fri-Thu: 1:45, 4:45, 7:45 LAWLESS(R) Fri-Thu: 12:20, 3:05, 6:30, 9:15 THE ODDLIFEOFTIMOTHY GREEN(PG) Fri-Thu: 1:25, 4:25, 7:40 PARANORMAN(PG) Fri-Thu: 2, 5 THE POSSESSION (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 3:55, 9:50 RESIDENTEVIL: RETRIBUTION
Fri-Thu: 12:55, 3:45, 6:55, 9:25 RESIDENTEVIL: RETRIBUTION IMAX (R) Fri-Thu: 1:05, 4:15, 7:05, 9:35 TROUBLEWITHTHE CURVE (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 12:10, 1:10, 3:30, 6:10, 7:10, 9:20
McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend,541-330-8562
Sun: Noon MARVEL'STHEAVENGERS (PG-13) Fri-Sun, Tue-Wed: 6 Thu: 5:30 THE WATCH(R) Fri-Sun, Tue-Wed: 9:30 "Line of Sight" screens at9 p.m. Thursday. Due to Monday Night Football, no movies will be shown Monday. After 7 p.m., shows are 21and older only. Younger than 21 m ay att end screeningsbefore 7 p.m. if accompanied by a legal guardian.
THE POSSESSION(PG-13) Fri: 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 Sat-Sun: 11:15 a.m., 1:15, 3:15, 5:1 5, 7:15, 9:15 Mon-Thu: 5:15, 7:15 TROUBLEWITH THECURVE (PG-13) Fri: 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 Sat-Sun: 11:15 a.m., 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 Mon-Thu: 4:15, 6:45
SISTERS Sisters Movie House 720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800
END OFWATCH(R) Fri: 5:15, 7:30 869 N.W. Tin Pan Alley, Sat: 2:45, 5:15, 7:30 Bend, 541-241-2271 Sun: 1:45, 4:15, 6:30 Mon-Thu: 6:30 The theateris closed for HOPE SPRINGS (PG-13) renovations until Monday. As Fri: 5:30 of press time, complete movie times were unavailable. For more Sat: 3:15, 5:30 Sun: 2:15, 4:30 information, visit www Mon-Thu: 6:15 . ti npantheater corn. NEILYOUNG JOURNEYS (no MPAA rating) Fri-Sat: 7:45 REDMOND Sun: 6:45 TROUBLE WITH THECURVE Redmond Cinemas (PG-13) 1535 S.W. Ddem Medo Road, Fri: 5, 7:30 Redmond, 541-548-8777 Sat: 2:45, 5, 7:30 Sun: 1:45, 4, 6:30 HOPE SPRINGS (PG-13) Mon-Thu: 6:15 Fri: 4, 6:15, 8:30 Sat-Sun: 11:30 a.m., 1:45, 4, WILD HORSE,WILDRIDE(PG) 6:15, 8:30 Fri: 5:30 Mon-Thu: 4, 6:15 Sat: 3, 5:30 Sun: 2, 4:30 HOUSE ATTHEENDOFTHE Mon-Thu: 6:30 STREET(PG-13) Fri: 4:30, 6:45, 9 YOUR SISTER'SSISTER(R) Sat-Sun: Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9 Fri-Sat: 7:45 Mon-Thu: 4:30, 6:45 Sun: 6:45
Tin Pan Theater
Madras Cinema 5
WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066
Adjustable Beds
M ATTR E S S G allery- B e n d 541-330-5084
hlkRKET Saturdays, June 30 -Sept, 22 I 10am-2pm NorthWest Crossing Neighborhood Center
1101 S.W. U.S. Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505
DREDD (R) Fri: 5:20, 7:30, 9:50 Sat:1, 3:10, 5:20,7:30, 9:50 Sun:1,3:10, 5:20,7:30 Mon-Thu: 5:20, 7:30 END OFWATCH(R) Fri: 4:50, 7:10, 9:30 Sat: 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10, 9:30 Sun: 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10 Mon-Thu: 4:50, 7:10 FINDING NEMO 3-D (G) Fri:4:30,6:50,9 Sat: 11:50 a.m., 2:10, 4:30, 6:50, 9 Sun: 11:50 a.m., 2:10, 4:30, 6:50 Mon-Thu: 4:30, 6:50 HOUSE ATTHEENDOFTHE STREET(PG-13) Fri: 5:10, 7:20, 9:40 Sat: 12:50, 3, 5:10, 7:20, 9:40 Sun: 12:50, 3, 5:10, 7:20 Mon-Thu: 5:10, 7:20 TROUBLE WITH THE CURVE (PG-13) Fri: 4:40, 7, 9:20 Sat: Noon, 2:20, 4:40, 7, 9:20 Sun: Noon, 2:20, 440, 7 Mon-Thu: 4:40, 7
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THE EXPENDABLES 2 (UPSTAIRS — R) Fri: 5, 7:30 Sat-Sun: 2, 5, 7:30 Mon-Thu: 6 PARANORMAN(PG) Fri: 3:20, 6, 8:10 Sat-Sun: 1, 3:20, 6, 8:10 Mon-Thu: 4, 7
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