Bulletin Daily Paper 10/21/12

Page 1


SUNDAY October 21,2012

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The Washington Post

Raffling off a chance at motherhood By Douglas Quenqua New York Times News Service

"That's right, one lucky woman will win the ultimate chance at starting or building her family," said a contest announcement issued in April by Long Island IVF, a clinic in Melville, N.Y., that offers in vitro fertilization to women who are having diffi­ culty conceiving. Contestants were asked to submit"the most emotional or entertaining essays and homemade amateur videos" explain­ ing why they wanted a free round of IVF. "Make us laugh with you or cry with you," the announce­ ment said. "Tellyour story straight from the heart." Fertility clinics around the country have found that such promotions, which can include ran­ dom drawings and essay contests, can be an ef­ fective way to raise their profiles and crowd their mailing lists with poten­ tial customers — despite the ethical concerns crit­ ics have raised. See Fertility/A6

8 .4 We userecycled newsprint


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By Amy Goldstein The idea of teaching new skills to laid-off workers is a rare eco­ nomic policy on which the two major political parties agree, eager as they are to offer a salve for unemployment. This unlikely bipar­ tisan agreement fits with an abiding cultural belief, since America's founding, in the United States as the land of per­ sonal reinvention. And it keeps faith with a deep­ etched understanding that education is the key to upward mobility. But does retraining actually work? Janesville, Wis., a cityof 63,000 near the Illinois line and home of GOP vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan, is a singularly useful place to look for answers. Since General Mo­ torssetoffthe cascade that knocked thousands of people out of their jobs, this community, in many ways, has been doing everything right. See Retraining /A5


u e By Hillary Borrud


The Bulletin




toe Kltnetrtte Bulletin

Lupita Lima, from left, and Blanca Meliton laugh while watching a student's film during the end of the Latino Club's meeting on Wednesday at the COCC Campus Center in Bend. Central Oregon Community College is promoting such extracurricular activities for Hispanic students, as well as expanding its efforts to recruit and retain Latinos.

• PppulatjpyI js stjll yelatjvely small, but the Latjnp growth ratefaroutpacesCOCCstotal student body By Ben Botkin The Bulletin

Blanca Meliton works about 20 hours a week in a Bend taco shop and balances her job with life as a part-time student at Central Or­ egon Community College. Now in her second year of col­ lege, she is aiming for a nursing degree. Meliton's journey to the classrooms of COCC started in Ti­ juana, the Mexican city bordering San Diego. She lived there until she was 8, when her family moved to Oregon. Meliton is part of the growing Hispanic student population at the community college, which reached 766 students in 2011-12 year. That's a 91 percent increase from 2007-08, when 399 Latino students attended. That increase in Latino student enrollment has outpaced the col­ lege's overall 43 percent increase in students in that same period. Latinos now make up 6.7 percent of the students at COCC. The college has boosted its ef­ forts to recruit and retain Latino students in recent years. Evelia Sandoval, the school's first Latino program coordinator, was hired in 2009. The college created that position after an enrollment study identified the need to reach out more to Latinos, who were identi­ fied as a growing segment of the

The Bulletin AnIndependent Newspaper

Vol. 109,No. 295, 46 pages, 7 sections

Solving budget woes at the city of Bend is a tall order for 12 candi­ dates vying for four council seats this fall. There simply isn't enough rev­ enue from taxesand other sources to pay for the level of police and fire services residents expect, city offi­ cials say. In the next five years, the city ex­ pectsproperty taxes and other rev­ enue coming into the general fund to grow much more slowly — an es­ timated 2 percent annually — than the demand for police and fire ser­ vices, which are projected to grow 7-9 percent annually, City Manager Eric King has said. Earlier this year, Chief of Police Jeff Sale proposed to stop investigating certain crimes. The Fire Department will come up $1 million to $2 million short of a balanced budget the next three years unless it lays off staff or rais­ es revenues, according to a recent city staff report. In addition to paying for police and fire services, the $37 million

city general fund also pays for dents — others in the community


She alsoteaches a college suc­ cess and writing class that intro­ duces students to Latino authors Inside while teaching remedial skills. • Total OSU-Cascades enrollment is up,B1 Sandoval shares information about the college — such as finan­ student population. cial aid and scholarships — with Sandoval, who works one-on­ students and their families. "I work on empowering stu­ one with students, also advises the college's Latino Club and or­ dents and supporting them," she ganizes events with Latino speak­ said. ers, films and holidays. Those SeeCOCC/A4

Hispanic students atCOCC Enrollment and graduations rates have increased in the past four years.

street maintenance, bus service, the municipal court, code enforcement and many other services. See Council /A7

Armstrong's wa te one riderat a time By juket Macur New York Times News Service

HiSPaniC/LatinO enrOllment 800



HiSPaniC/Latina degree, CertifiCate COmPletiOnS 50 49

57 40



69 32

486 30




399 300


2007- 2008- 2009- 2010- 2011­ 2008 2009 20fo 201f 2012

20 2007- 2008. 2009- 2010- 2011­ 2008 2009 2010 20ff 2012

Source: Central Oregon Community College

INDEX Business G1-6 Community C1-8 Milestones C6 Oregon News B3 B ooks F 4 - 6Crosswords C7, E2 Obituaries B 4 S ports Df - 6 Classified E1-6 Local News B1-6 Opinion F 1 - 3 TV&Movies C2

Greg Cross/The Bulletin

TODAY'S WEATHER Mostly cloudy High 50, Low 29

Page B6

Floyd Landis, the cyclist who had denied doping for years despite being stripped of the 2006 Tour de France title for failing a drug test, went to a lunch meeting in April 2010 with the director of the Tour of California cycling race. As they sat down at a table at the Farm of Beverly Hills restaurant in Los An­ geles, Landis placed a tape recorder between them and pressed record. Landis finally wanted to tell the truth: He had doped through most of hisprofessional career. He was recording his confessions so he would later have proof that he had blown the whistle on the sport. Lance Armstrong never came up, but the meeting would eventually be seen as the first significant crack in Armstrong's gilded foundation, a critical turning point in anti-doping officials' quest to penetrate the code of secrecy that endured in cycling. See Cycling /A8

TOP NEWS IRAN: Talkscould be one-on-one, A3 SCOUTS: Victims' legal options, A4



The Bulletin


Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you need to know to start your day. Until Election Day, this page will focus on politics.


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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org

POWERBALL The numbers drawn Saturday night are:

44©i Q4Qa~Q as Q a~Q The estimated jackpot is now $90 million.

MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Saturday night are:

OoO>rOOa" O aaOs The estimated jackpot is now $1.2 million.

n t e en, orei n a airs et t eir Lie By David E. Sanger New York Times News Service

WASHINGTON — Over a long campaign, it's become maddeningly difficult to tease out concrete differences in how President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney would deal with an angry, unmanageable world that at once craves and resents U.S. intervention. Iran? Romney p r o mises toughness, decries the admin­ istration's naivete that it could talk with the mullahs and de­ clares, when pressed, that he

would bring about "crippling sanctions." Obama says he's already checked that one off, leaving unsaid the cybersabo­ tage that was directed toward Iran's nuclear program out of the Situation Room. Afghanistan'? It's a race for the exits, with Obama at a fast trot and Romney at a brisk walk, now that he has discard­ ed his primary-season vow that we stay to kill the Taliban. Syria? Obama is h elping funnel light arms to the rebels. Romney would send heavy arms. And neither can explain how they would separate secu­ lar rebels from jihadists. These fine gradations will presumably b e o n d i s play M onday night a t t h e f i n al presidential debate (6 p.m. on the major networks). But with luck, viewers will get a glimpse of the real, gut-level difference in how these two men perceive the future of American power.

America's new normal? In Romney's telling, America can — and must — restore itself to the glory days when it had unquestionedpre-eminence in the world. It was a brief, shin­ ing moment — that decade bracketed by the collapse of the Soviet Union and the destruc­ tion of the World Trade Center, when the United States was what the French called, with some derision, a "hyperpower." A longing for that era lurks in Romney's critique of what has gone wrong in the Obama years, which he describes as a messy age of jihadist reviv­ als, new nuclear worries and a looming threat from Beijing, and an era in which, he wrote recently, "our country seems to be at the mercy of events rather than shaping them." F or his p a rt , O b ama i s a man who tends to live in the moment, reacting to the world's problems while trying to define an emerging Obama doctrine, though it is a phrase the president never utters. To Obama, that unipolar moment is a gauzy memory. Those longing for it are pining for a global order that cannot exist again. The essence of Obama's approach has been that the United States will act unilater­ ally whenever its direct inter­ ests are threatened — think of the Osama bin Laden raid or of the dronestri kes and cyberat­ tacks. But he has hesitated to act incases where he believes others have greater interests at stake than we do: thus Amer­ ica's perceived h alfhearted commitment to the military ef­ fort to depose Moammar Gad­ hafi in Libya, and its refusal to take a major role in ousting Bashar Assad from Syria. If there is a lesson of the past decade, in Obama's mind, it is that we can no longer af­ ford to fight every war, insert ourselves in the middle of ev­ ery dispute and get stuck in the muck of occupying nations whose fates are not central to our national interest. Nor can we stop rising powers from rising. "The United States does not seekto contain China," Obama was quick to tell the Chinese on his first visit to Beijing, in November 2009, when he was less than a year into his term. "On the contrary, the rise of a strong and prosperous China can be asource of strength for the community of nations." Old Cold Warriors cringed, and so did many Democrats, whose biggest concerns about China focus on jobs and economic influence. It is a view Secre­ tary of State Hillary Clinton gave voice to when she whis­ pered to the Australian prime minister on her way to Beijing in 2009: "How do you deal

hang on, k i lling t housands more? Join in a military strike against Iran on the theory that It's conventional wisdom that Americans "don't know much about America's national i n terest history, don't know muchgeography." Not so, according to surveys must be identical to Israel's? of likely voters in two critical swing states, Florida andOhio. A So far, we don't know. majority of them, according to the website Politico, "not only know Obama, in c o ntrast, has more about the world outside, but care more, and want to know made clear that the era of more than most candidates imagine." Whatthe pollsters found: sending 100,000 troops to oc­ • The campaigns like to talk about taxes, abortion and education. cupy countries for years on But voters say terrorism and national security are more important, end, only to leave amid fum­ nearly tied with health care reform and the federal deficit. (Ranking ing resentments, is over. His first: "jobs and theeconomy.") budgets reflect his doctrine: • A majority of voters say America's relations with other nations is more forcybertechnology like "very important" and will influence whomthey pick for president. the kind used against Iran, more for drones and Special • Only10 percent of Florida voters didn't know whether Pakistan Forces, and less for keeping or North Korea havenuclear weapons. (They do.) a large armed force on hand. • Most voters believe the Arab Spring is bad for U.S. interests. That became clear last De­ • Voters have mixed views on LI.S. engagement in the world and cember, when he gathered the are split almost equally on isolationism. But almost 2 to 1, they nation's combat commanders want the media to report more on world affairs. into the State Dining Room at Sources: poutico, Belfer Center forScience and lnternational Affairs the White House and, under the gaze of Abraham Lincoln's portrait, told his audience the toughly with your banker?" come. Obama's writings about party was over. The defense Obama has a tough task. It his youth openly questioned budget had grown 67 percent, is a lot easier to go on the trail whether American power was in real terms, in the decade arguing for America as No. I used wisely in the Cold War since the Sept. 11 attacks, and than it is making a case that years. Romney'scandidacyhas was wildly higher than it was America's leverage comes in been tinged with Eisenhower during the Cold War. its ability to work with allies. envy and almost pretends the Obama seems to take to "It's an incredibly difficult Bush years never happened. heart the p a rting w a r ning balance, especially for anyone Obama's starts with the gritty of Defense Secretary Robert running for p resident," said reality that the response to the Gates, the Republican who Nicholas Burns, who spent Sept. 11 attacks cost America s erved under the l ast t w o nearly three decades as one of $33 t r i llion an d c o unting. presidents. On his way out the America's top diplomats before One line kept coming back in door, Gates said that anyone in he left his post as George W. his speeches on Afghanistan: his job "who advises the presi­ Bush'sundersecretary of state "We can't simply afford to ig­ dent to again send a big Amer­ for political affairs to teach at nore theprice of these wars," ican land army into Asia or Harvard."Governor Romney is he said at West Point, in late into the Middle East or Africa right to say America must lead, 2009, when he announced the should 'have his head exam­ and we are still the indispens­ "surge" that just ended, with a ined,' as General MacArthur able power and must remain a whimper, last month. "The na­ so delicately put it." strong and active world leader. tion that I'm most interested in Gates' view certainly seems But President Obama has de­ building is our own." to be in tune withthe electorate veloped a modern and effec­ these days. That explains why Priorities tive view of leadership that I Romney has been so tentative think resonates with anyone If that difference flares up about translating his call for a who has done this kind of work anywhere Monday, itmay be more muscular American ap­ for a living: that in places like over thedefense budget. This proach to the world into specif­ Libya, you have to challenge is the only part of the federal ics. He is trapped, to some de­ the NATO allies and the Arab budget that Romney views as gree,by the legacy ofGe orge states to be in the front lines, sacrosanct: He wants a bigger W. Bush — while he wants to and that Americans know we Army, and a Navy that builds reject the Obama doctrine as can no longer be everywhere 15 new ships ayear, a 50percent too weak and unprincipled, he and do everything." increase. It is part of his call for cannot bring himself to em­ Romney's aides say he, too, a more muscular America, one brace Bush's first-term enthu­ willuse American power spar­ that can take on Russia if it ever siasm for pre-emptive action, ingly. But the core of Romney's lives up to Romney's descrip­ or hissecond-term argument argument is that the Obama tion of it as America's "great­ that the United States has a approach is a sure recipe for est geopolitical threat" (which moral obligation t o r e w i re slow decline. Obama mocked in the first de­ societies that can give rise to bate)and can keep China from despotism or terrorism. Where they're coming from pushing us back toward the The question of when Amer­ Maybe these are the differ­ middle of the Pacific. ica should intervene around ences to be expected between But he has not, at least in his the world — and when to leave a president who spent his el­ public comments, aligned that it to others — has been the e mentary-school years in a with a strategy of when and subtext of most major national yearning middle power in the how he would have the United security debates here for the Pacific — Indonesia — and a States intervene around the last decade. Syria is the crisis candidate who was raised in world. Would we re-enter Af­ du jour, but it will not be the the glory days of industrial ghanistan if the Taliban tried last weak state that threatens America, before the humbling to retake Kabul? Finish the to devolve into chaotic, violent of America's auto industry job with U.S. troops in Syria collapse — and become new became a symbol of things to if it looked as if Assad would territory for extremists.

But dowecare?Polls indicateyes,wedo

It's Sunday, Oct. 21, the 295th day of 2012. There are 71 days left in the year.

HAPPENINGS • The pope canonizes two American saints: Kateri

Tekakwitha, a Mohawk Indian in what is now upstate New York; and Mother Marianne

Cope, who moved toHawaii to care for leprosy patients. • Spainholds regional elections, seen to be critical bellwethers

for the country's austerity plans and separatist movements.

• Cubans cast ballots in local elections, the first of several

leading up to theexpected re-election of President Raul Castro next year.

IN HISTORY Highlights:In1879, Thomas Edison perfected a workable electric light. In1917, the1st

Division of the LI.S.Army training in Luneville, France, became the first Americans

to see action on the front lines of World War I. In1962, the Seattle World's Fair closed

after six months andnearly10 million visitors; President John F.Kennedy,scheduled to attend

the closing ceremony,canceled because of a"headcold," but the actual reason turned out to

be the CubanMissile Crisis. Ten years ago:President George W. Bushsaid hewould try diplomacy "one more time," but did not think Saddam

Hussein would disarm. "Jackass:The Movie" had its world premiere in Hollywood.

Five years ago:Vice President Dick Cheneysaid in aspeech to The Washington Institute for Near East Policy that the United States and other nations would not allow lran to

obtain a nuclear weapon. One yearago:President Barack Obama declared that America's

long and deeply unpopular war in Iraq would be over by the end of 2011 and that all U.S. troops "will definitely be home for the holidays."

BIRTHDAYS Actress Joyce Randolph is 88.

TV's "Judge Judy" Sheindlin is 70. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is 63.

Movie director Catherine Hardwicke is 57. Actress­ author Carrie Fisher is 56.

Singer Julian Cope is55. Actor Ken Watanabe is 53. Actress Melora Walters is 52. Christian

rock musician Charlie Lowell (Jars of Clay) is 39.Actor Michael McMillian is 34. Reality

TV star Kim Kardashian is 32. Actor Matt Dallas is 30. — From wire reports








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TOP T ORIES IN BRIEF Gunman shoots California family I NGLEWOOD, Cal i f . — A manhunt was under way Saturday for a masked gunman who set fire to his backyard bungalow before shooting five members of a Southern California fam­ ily, killing a father and his 4-year-old son, police said. Desmond John Moses, 55, went on the early morn­ ing shooting rampage over a dispute with the victims. Investigators b e l i eved Moses wore a d ark c ap and a white painter's mask when he entered the home and fired 10 times. The 30­ year-old father was shield­ ing two o f h i s c h i ldren when he was shot, and his 28-year-old wife was shot in both legs but managed to carry the wounded 4-year­ old out of the house.

Tough criticism by Mayor Bloomberg In an interview two and half weeks before Election Day, New York Mayor Mi­ chael Bloomberg had so­ bering words for both pres­ idential candidates: "Their e conomic plans ar e n o t real. I think that's clear." His central argument is that the candidates are too hemmed in by partisan obli­ gations and special-interest intimidation to tackle prob­ lems directly. He described Mitt Romney as w r ong­ headed for his opposition to raising taxes as part of a budget deal and expressed d isappointment wit h t h e president's leadership on so­ cial issues. Still, Bloomberg has not ruled out endorsing one of the candidates.

Putin takes the helm of large missile test President Vladimir Pu­ tin on Saturday took com­ mand of what the Kremlin described as th e l a rgest nuclearcommand exercise in Russia's recent history, launching unarmed stra­ tegic and cruise missiles from the air, land and sea. Russian new s b r o ad­ casts featured images of the launch of an interconti­ nental ballistic missile from northern Russia. In a state­ ment, a Putin spokesman told Russian news agencies that the test took place "un­ der Putin's personal con­ trol." Such displays are not unusual in Russia.

Iraqis killed in blasts Two explosions struck on Saturday near a check­ point in B aghdad where Iraqis were gathered to enter a holy Shiite shrine, leaving 11 people dead and 48 wounded. Seven other police and security officers were killed in shootings in Baghdad and MosuL The attacks amounted to the deadliest day since Sept. 30, when several blasts killed at least 26 people. — From wire reports

,ran 0

e 0: New York Times News Service WASHINGTON ­ The United States and Iran have agreed for the first time to one-on-one negotiations over Iran's nuclear program, ac­ cording to Obama administra­ tion officials, setting the stage for what could be a last-ditch diplomatic effort to avert a military strike on Iran. The White House on Sat­ urday denied this report, say­ ing the U.S. would continue to work with the U.N. Security Council and Germany to re­ solve the issue. And Iranian officials have insisted that any such talks wait until after the presidential election, a senior administra­ tion official said, telling their U.S. counterparts they want to

knowwhich U.S.presidentthey would be negotiating with. News of t h e a g r eement — a result ofintense,secret ex­ changes between U.S. and Ira­ nian officials that date almost to the beginning of President Barack Obama's term — comes at a critical moment in the pres­ idential contest, just two weeks beforeElection Day and a day before the final debate, which is to focus on national security and foreign policy. There is a chance the initia­ tive could fall through, even if Obama is re-elected. Iran has a long history of using the promise of diplomacy to ease international pressure on it. In this case, U.S. officials said, they were uncertain whether Iran's opaque supreme leader,


Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, had a message to their U.S. coun­ signed off. terparts that Tehran would be Direct talks would also have willing to sit down for one-on­ implications for an existing se­ one talks, provided they took ries of negotiations involving place after the elections. a coalition of major powers, The move has the potential including the United States. to help Obama make a case These countrieshave imposed that he is nearing a diplomatic sanctionsto pressure Iran over breakthrough in the decade­ its nuclear program. long effort by the world's ma­ For years, Iran has rejected jor powers to curb Tehran's o ne-on-one talks w i t h t h e nuclear ambitions, but it could United States, reflecting what also pose a risk if Iran is seen expertssay are internal power as using the prospect of the di­ struggles.But economic pres­ rect talks to buy more time. sure may b e f o r cing t heir It is also far from clear that hand. In June, when the major Obama's opponent, Mitt Rom­ powers met in Moscow, U.S. ney, would go through with officials say that Iran was des­ the negotiation should he win perate to stave off a crippling election. Romney has repeat­ European oil embargo. After edly criticized the president that failed, these officials now as showing weakness toward say, Iranian officials delivered Iran.

U.S. lendssupport to TurkeyasSyrian conflict rages By Craig Whitlock The Washington Post

The U.S. government is in­ tensifying its intelligence shar­ ing and military consultations with Turkeybehind the scenes as both countries confront the possibility that Syria's civil conflict could escalate into a regional war, according to U.S. and NATO officials. The Obama a d m inistra­ tion has said it wants to avoid getting drawn militarily into Syria and for months has re­ s isted pressure from A r a b allies and some Republicans to back Syria's rebel groups more forcefully. But as Syria's internal con­ flict has increasingly spilled across its northern border into Turkey, the U.S. government has stepped up cooperation with its key NATO ally. In re­ cent weeks, military officials from both countries have met to make contingency plans to

Ahmad Omar /The Associated Press

Lebanese mourners light candles during a vigil Saturdayfor Wissam al-Hassan, the intelligence director, and at least seven others killed in a Friday bomb attack in Beirut. Protesters took to the streets, burning tires and setting up roadblocks around the country in a sign of the boiling anger over the massive bomb that the prime minister linked to the civil war in neighboring Syria. impose no-fly zones over Syri­ an territory, U.S. officials said. U.S. intelligence agencies were also the source of a tip that led the Turkish military to intercept and ground a Syr­

ian passenger plane en route from Moscow to D amascus last week on suspicions that it was carrying Russian-made military hardware, according to U.S. officials.

Cross-border shelling h as continued as the Syrian military has attacked rebel groups along the frontier, sometimes landing in Turkish territory. Turkey has retaliated with artillery strikes, most recently on Friday, while warning Damascusthat the risk of all-out war is increasing. The U.S. and NATO have publicly supported Turkey, saying it has a right to act in self-defense. At the same time, they have called for restraint and repeated that neither Washington nor Brus­ sels has any intention of getting involved militarily. But behind the scenes, the border clashes have changed the strategic calculus and led U.S. military and intelligence officials in particular to collab­ orate more closely with Turkey. The Obama administration has said it would likely inter­ vene directly only if Syria's government engaged inchem­ ical or biological warfare.

Republicans discusstaxing

high earners Bloomberg News Republicans in Congress are designing options that would raiserevenue from high earners while pr e­ serving the 35 percent top income-tax rate in a sign of preparations for a post­ election session, said two GOP congressional aides. The tax-raising options would be used only as part of a broad agreement on taxes and entitlement pro­ grams if President Barack Obama wins r e-election. They are part of a toolbox to be opened if Republicans make a post-election politi­ cal calculation to support a deal that includes tax in­ creases, said the aides, who requested anonymity. The tax talk is part of discussions about p o st­ election scenarios taking place in Washington while congressional staff mem­ bers wait to see who will control the House, Senate and White House in 2013. When they return to Wash­ ington after the election, lawmakers will have less than two months before the so-called fiscal cliff, which i s $607 billion in tax i n ­ creases and spending cuts set to take effect in January. If Congress doesn't act, the Bush-era tax cuts will ex­ pire, a 2 percentage-point cut in the payroll tax will lapse and automatic cuts in defense and domesticpro­ grams will take effect. On the Democratic side, staffmembers are prepar­ ing questions that lawmak­ ers will have to consider, said a Senate Democratic aide who requested ano­ nymity because the dis­ cussions are private. They won't be volunteering enti­ tlement cuts, the aide said.

China wary oftough talk New York Times News Service BEIJING — Richer and more assertive since the last U.S. presidential campaign, China is looking at the harsh anti-Chi­ nesesentimentbeing expressed by both candidates with a mix­ ture of aloofness and unease. The Chinese say they are accustomed to C h i na-bash­ ing during the U.S. election season, but there is growing concern here that this time the attitude toward China among the U.S. public and politicians is so hot it may not cool after Election Day. From accusations of unfair trade practices to a d iscus­ sion of whether it is proper for the candidates to have invest­ ments in Chinese companies, the word "China" came up 22 times, and always negatively, in the debate between Presi­ dent Barack Obama and Mitt Romney last week. In the final presidential debate Monday

night, China is likely to be a center of attention again. For their part, the Chinese watch with g r owing alarm as theircountry has become a frequent target of blame for the weakness in the U.S. job market. "The U.S. general elec­ tion, originally thought only a battle over domestic issues — the economy, fiscal deficit and health care — has now embroiled China as a punching bag," said Fred Hu, chairman of Primavera Capital, a private eq­ uity group in Beijing. "The nois­ es from the campaign trail are quite disconcerting. It remains to be seen whether the shrill campaign rhetoric about China will just remain as bombast." In some respects, the Chi­ nese government would prob­ ably prefer a continuation of the Obama a dministration, analysts said, on the basis that, if nothing else, the incumbent is a known quantity.

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For abuse victims, state lawsmuddleoptions

U.S.: Noproof of plannedattack

By Ashley Powers

operations. In general, it's difficult to R on Morgan an d K e r r y bring a l awsuit now based Lewis grew up in adjoining on abuse that occurred in the states — one in Idaho, the oth­ 1970s and 1980s, said Marci er in Oregon. Both belonged to Hamilton, a professor at Ye­ Boy Scout troops during the shiva University's law school. "I am floored at how many 1980s, and decades later, both alleged in lawsuits that the strong cases are capable of go­ Scouts failed to protect them ing nowhere because of a stat­ ~;. rt/ ute," she said. and other boys against known r molesters, citing detailed evi­ In some states, lawyers can dence from the organization's argue that normal time limits confidential files. shouldn't apply because an In 2010, Lewis won a jury institution covered up sexual verdict of nearly $20 million rc abuse. against the Scouts, the largest M innesota attorney J e f f such award in the organiza­ Ted S. Warren /The Associated Press Anderson said h e r e cently tion's history. Morgan's case Tom Stewart,of Federal Way, Wash., was abused when he was persuaded a Nevada judge not was never considered on its a Boy Scout. "There are so many victims who have suffered in to dismiss a lawsuit by a man merits. The Idaho Supreme silence," says Stewart, now a 46-year-old engineer for Boeing. who said a C atholic priest Court ruled in 2009 that, under The organization faces an onslaught of lawsuits, but the cases' groped him in the 1980s. In state law, it was filed too late. outcomes may depend onwhere the alleged abuse occurred. court papers, he argued that "Our state turned us away," only in 2008 did the man learn Morgan said. "His didn't." that church officials knew that With the release this week Paul Mones, an Oregon-based were forced to file for bank­ the priest had previously been of more than 1,200 confiden­ attorney w h o re p r esented ruptcy and sell off property. accused of sexually assaulting tial files on suspected sexual Lewis. The church scandals and the others. abuse from pastdecades, the Defense attorneys argue that conviction this year of retired A number of states have Boy Scouts of America faces statutes of limitation exist for a Pennsylvania State University embraced what are called the prospect of a new wave of reason: It's hard to mount a de­ assistant football coach Jerry "discovery r u les," a l lowing lawsuits and potentially costly fense against old accusations, Sandusky for c h il d s exual alleged victims, r egardless damages. But as in past child particularly f o r i n s t itutions abuse have made judges and of their age, to sue once they sex abuse cases, alleged vic­ that may have severed ties with jurors more sympathetic to al­ learn of links between past tims' ability to get their cases the alleged abuser decades ago. legations of sexual abuse and abuse and present psychologi­ before a jury will vary dra­ K ey witnesses are often infirm institutional cover-ups, plain­ cal problems. matically by state. or dead, documents have dis­ tiffs' attorneys said. Oregon has had a discovery Many states have s t rict appeared and time has eroded But in its 2010 treasurer's rule for years, and without statutes of limitation on such memories, said Don S teier, report, the Scouts' National it, the Lewis case might have allegations, and experts say who represents priests accused Council said the cost of resolv­ gone nowhere. Lewis alleged the likelihood of even finding of abuse in the Archdiocese of ing suits then pending against that i n 1 9 83, t roop l eader a lawyer to take decades-old Los Angeles. the organization would proba­ Timur Dykes confessed to a "No one wants it to be more bly becovered by itsinsurance cases can be difficult. Scouting official that he had Multimillion-dollar verdicts difficult for children to seek and reserves, as the Lewis abused 17 boys. Nevertheless, are possible in states such as justice," said D arren M c K­ verdict was. If the Scouts need he continued to p a rticipate Oregon and Washington with inney, a spokesman for the to dip into other funds, the re­ in Scouting activities. Boys loose time limits — especially A merican Tort Reform A s­ port said, officials could prob­ worked on their merit badge if juries find the Scouts acted sociation, a coalition that sup­ ably do so without harming requirements at his apartment recklessly and award puni­ ports limiting civil liability. "I the organization's finances or and sometimes slept over. tivedamages. But recourse for think we want justice available alleged victims could prove to all, not just the accuser." far more elusive in states like For the Scouts, the financial Alabama and New York un­ stakes are considerable and less their tight time limits are the legal terrain daunting. changed or set aside. To settle similar claims in "Geography determines jus­ the last decade, dioceses in tice. That's the problem," said the Roman Catholic Church Los Angeles Times


COCC Continued from A1 Many are f i rst-generation college students, and their fam­ ilies are new to the process. For Latino students, going to college often is a family de­ cision, she said. "Latino students oftentimes are that third-income house­ hold member, so going to col­ lege is a decision that the fami­ ly needs to make together," said Sandoval, who is bilingual. "So I talk to a lot of families."

Getting to college Meliton is the first in her family to attend college, and starting out wasn't easy. When she was 17, her father was injured in an accident af­ ter slipping on ice and was un­ able to work. She dropped out of Summit High School in her senior year to help support her family. She had a workload of two restau­ rant jobs and cleaned houses on weekends. "It was either keep going to school or help feed my broth­ ers," said Meliton, who later obtained her GED. As a result, family support for her to go to college wasn't as strongas itis now, because only Meliton and her mother could work. Things are looking better this year.Her father has re­ covered from the injury and works as a martial arts in­ structor. That's allowed her to scale back to part-time work, with her family supportingher decision to attend college. "They know that it's going to be better," she said. "I'm go­ ing to be able to help more in the future." Now 23, Meliton still has about a year and a half at com­ munity college and plans to attend a four-year school. But the goal is worth it, she said. "I don't want to be work­ ing a minimum-wage job my whole life," she said. Martin Martinez, president of the Latino Club, said the

group provides a good way for students to connect and interact. It's important for students, i ncluding minorities, to b e aware of al l t h e r esources available to students at the col­ lege, said Mattinez, a 22-year­ old 2008graduate ofRedmond High School. He's lived in Central Oregon most ofhis life, moving with his family from Tijuana at age 4. "People are starting to real­

life of the U.S. ambassador to Libya, as well as three other U.S. citizens, and has become entangled in the politics of the presidential campaign. The emerging c o nsen­ sus among analysts at the CIA an d o t he r a g encies could lend new support to the Obama administration, which has struggled to fend off Republican allegations that it has been reluctant to admit the attack was an act of terrorism.

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Does this describe you? ize if you want to make it, you need to go to college and get educated more," he said. About 50 to 60 students par­ ticipate in the club, he said, add­ ing that the group welcomes students who aren't Latino. For Meliton, the group is one way to connect to others in a supportive environment. Her advice for fellow stu­ dents: "Surround yourself with good company, because if you surround yourself with nega­ tive company, you're always going to be negative. If you surround yourself with posi­ tive company, you're going to want to be someone better." Student study choices are varied. Martinez, for example, is s tudying e n g ineering a n d planstogeta degree from Ore­ gon State University-Cascades Campus. Marcia Espinoza, 18, of Bend, is a pre-med student and this year graduated from Summit High School. She's still unsure of her specialty but is interested in being an anesthesiologist.

The WashingtonPost U.S. intelligence officials said Friday that no evidence has surfaced to indicate that the Sept. 11 assault on a U.S. diplomatic outpost in Libya was planned i n a d vance, a conclusion that suggests the attack was spontaneous even if it involved militants with ties to al-Qaida. The description represents the latest shift in the U.S. gov­ ernment's evolving account of an attack that claimed the

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Close at hand John Moder, senior v i ce president and chief operating officer of the Hispanic Associ­ ation of Colleges and Universi­ ties, said community colleges are well-positioned to h e lp meet the needs of students. The San Antonio-based or­ ganization advocates for La­ tino student success in higher education. "They're less expensive and they're close at hand," he said of community colleges. "Ithink the schools that are doing well from a recruitment perspective are the ones that are making themselves welcome places." Student groups that value different races and ethnicities are helpful for new students, as is the campus practice of celebrating diversity, he said. It's also important for first­ generation students to have access to good advisers on campus who can guidethem through th e a d m inistrative steps of enrolling, picking a

major and applying for finan­ cial aid, Moder said. As for Meliton, she is hoping others inher family, her four younger brothers, will attend college in the years ahead. "I have set an example for my brothers," she said. "They all want to go to college now. I feel good about setting that ex­ ample for them." — Reporter: 541-977-7185, bbotkin@bendbulletin.com

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"It isn't that training is good. It isn't that training is bad. If you don't have enough jobs ... you cannot train your way to victory."

Churchesstir angerover Israelstance

— Laura Dresser, University of Wisconsin at Madison

Retraining Continued from A1 In late August, days after becoming Mitt Romney's run­ ning mate, Ryan stood near center court in the gym at the high school he graduated from a quarter-century ago. "You know, we've been hit pretty hard here," the congressman told relatives, neighbors and a couple t h ousand o thers squeezedonto risersfora rally to send him off to the Republi­ can National Convention. "But we are a hardy people, and we will recover from this." When Ryan was growing up, the soul of the local econ­ omy was the Janesville As­ sembly Plant, where General Motors started out m a king tractors and in 1923 began to buildcars.In early 2008,when Barack Obama was first run­

New York Times News Serwce file photo

An SUV leaves the Janesviiie, Wis., General Motors plant on the day the factory shut down in 2008. The closure rippled through town, causing more than 5,000 layoffs.

a job for six months or longer has remained stuck at 40 per­ cent. Recent surveys suggest that, three years after the offi­ cial end of the recession, about one-third of those who became ning for president, he gave a unemployed h av e p u r sued major economic address near some form of retraining — at the medium-duty truck line on two-year colleges and else­ the aging plant's second floor, where — in hopes of a new job. declaring that "if our govern­ This is not exactly a new ment is there to support you ... idea. Federal support for job this plant will be here for an­ training was a tenet of the War other hundred years." on Poverty in the 1960s. And in Two days before Christmas the early 1980s, the Job Train­ that year, the plant shut down. ing Partnership Act created the Nearly 3,000 GM employees first federal training program were among more than 5,000 to expand from helping the casualties of m a s s l a yoffs underclass to helping people that cascaded through town, of any class who were out of a washing away jobs at compa­ job. Debate used to swirl in ac­ nies that had supplied parts ademic and policy circles over and services to GM, then hit­ whether training really helps ting unrelated businesses that laid-off people find work. To­ could not withstand the worst day, that debate has virtually e conomic crisis s i nce t h e disappeared. No studies had Great Depression. looked at this question using "I've got a lot of friends who datasincethe recession began. lost their job at the plant," Ryan remindedthe crowd inthe gym. Analyzing the data "One of my buddies, he went to Wisconsin's Department of Blackhawk Tech. Afterwards, Workforce Development, an he got an HVAC contracting agency two blocks from the degree. And now ... he's got a state Capitol in Madison, keeps great career.... That's the kind records o f une m ployment of thing we need to do." claims and worker's earnings During the first presidential for every quarter of the year. debate this month in Denver, Using the data, Laura Dress­ Obama agreed with that prem­ er, associate director of the ise; he praised the "greatwork" Center on Wisconsin Strategy that community colleges are at the University of Wisconsin doing "to train people for jobs at Madison, found that 1,740 that exist right now." Romney dislocated workers s t arted agrees, too; he says federal classes at Blackhawk between money must help workers "get the summers of 2008 and 2010, in the training they need for after so many jobs went away. jobs that will really help them." But getting a job after retrain­ ing has been quite a problem: Support for retraining Of these people, 541 earned at Blackhawk Technical Col­ leastsome money in every sea­ lege, th e s m a ll , t w o -year son. An additional 532 were school that Ryan mentioned, working more sporadically. is exactly the kind of place The rest — nearly 40 percent federal officials an d o t h er — didn't earn anything at all. policy specialists have in mind Wages were also bad. Com­ to help unemployed people get pared with beforethe reces­ back to work. It teaches stu­ sion, the earnings of those with dents to be welders, IT special­ at least some work dropped, ists, medical lab technicians on average, by 36 percent. and so forth, relying on part­ The decline in pay found nerships with local businesses among Blackhawk's retrainees to navigate displaced workers mirrors what has been happen­ into fields in which jobs seem ing around the U.S. According most likely to exist. to a recent study for the Brook­ But even under such favor­ ings Institution, workers laid able circumstances, how eas­ off in the United States between ily can a v ocational college 2007 and 2010, and who had teach droves of worried laid-off been in their jobs at least three workers a new identity, as well years, can expect to lose at least as new skills? More fundamen­ $220,000 in lifetime earnings. tally, does retraining succeed More surprising is that the in places like Janesville, where, laid-off people around Janes­ despite intense economic-de­ ville who went to Blackhawk velopment efforts in the past are faring worsethan their laid­ few years, jobs remain scarce'? off neighbors who did not. This Such questions drew this larger group of about 28,000 reporter to Janesville a year residents from the two coun­ before its native son would ties where most Blackhawk bound onto the Republican students live, people who had presidential ticket, to kitchen collected unemployment ben­ tablesand back decks, to class­ efits recently and had not gone rooms and counselors'offices to the college, shows that the at Blackhawk, and to state latter group is working more. databases of unemployment About half of them had wages claims and wage records. in every season of the year, There are successes. But compared with about one in most of what was discovered three who went to Blackhawk. was sobering. The transition An even bigger gap exists from a factory culture to col­ in how much those who have lege life to a new career turns jobs are earning. Before the re­ out to be far more complicated cession, the two groups were, than the political rhetoric im­ on average, getting paid about plies. Students arrive grieving the same. Afterward, the ones lost jobs and shattered lives, who didn't retrain are earning panicky to r egain their old more. Their pay has fallen by wages however they can, rusty just 8 percent — one-fourth the at writing and math, often hav­ size of the pay drop among the ing no idea even how to turn people who went to school. on a computer. Two-thirds do What is going on? One pos­ not graduate. And new work at sibility is that the laid-off peo­ good pay has proved elusive for ple who were best able to get many with or without a degree. another job did so, while those Even if the U.S. economy is who werelessdesirable to em­ gradually reviving, the bruises ployers went to Blackhawk. to individual workers and in­ Or it could be the advantages dividual communities can be from retraining are slow to deeper than what job training m aterialize; people who go alone can readily heal. from senior positions to entry­ Whether j o b r e t r a ining level jobs might need years to can be counted on to lift shell­ catch back up. Another possi­ shocked, displaced workers bility is that people who didn't back into the middle class is a invest a year or two in educa­ question that matters beyond tion snapped up jobs that were one small college in one Wis­ gone by the time the Black­ consin city. Even as the nation's hawk students began search­ overall unemployment rate has ing for work. fallen lately, the proportion of At least part of the answer, laid-off workers unable to find though, is the stark reality that,

at least in places like Janesville, work is still very hard to find. "It isn't that training is good. It isn't that training is bad," Dresser said. "If you don't have enough jobs ... you can­ not train your way to victory." Alongside the political fer­ vor for retraining is a quiet ac­ knowledgment that, at the very least, it must be done better. Mainly, the link between two­ year colleges and jobs must become even tighter — even at a school like Blackhawk that has long, sturdy relationships with local businesses. Still, the uncomfortable fact is that more closely targeted training may not be enough. Obamaspeaks often of amis­ match between the skills that companies need and those that would-be workerspossess. This idea of a "skills gap" holds out the hope that, if jobless people simply study the right things, they will flow into the work­ force. Not everyone agrees. The skills mismatch, while real, coincides with the hard reality that there are not enough jobs for everyone who could use one, says Anthony Carnevale, the director of G eorgetown University's Center on Educa­ tion and the Workforce. "Training d oesn't c r eate jobs," Carnevale said. "Jobs create training. And people g et that backwards all t h e time. In the real world, down at the ground level, if there's no demand for magic, there's no demand for magicians."

New York Times News Service A letter signed by 15 lead­ ers ofAmerican churches that callsforCongress to reconsid­ er giving aid to Israel because o f accusations o f h u m a n rights violations has outraged Jewishleadersand threatened to derail longstanding efforts to build interfaith relations. The Christian leaders say their intention was to put the P alestinian plight and t h e stalled peace n egotiations back in the spotlight at a time when all of the attention to Middle East policy seems to be focused on Syria, the Arab Spring and the Iranian nucle­ ar threat. "We asked Congress to treat Israel like it would any other country," said the Rev. Gradye Parsons, the top of­ ficial o f t h e P r esbyterian Church (U.S.A.), "to make sure our military aid is going to a country espousing the values we would as Ameri­ cans — that it's not being used

to continually violate the hu­ man rights of other people." The Jewish leaders respond­ ed to the action as a momen­ tous betrayal and announced their withdrawal from a regu­ larly scheduled Jewish-Chris­ tian dialogue meeting planned for Monday. In a statement, the Jewish leaders called the letter by the Christian groups "a step too far" and an indica­ tion of "the vicious anti-Zion­ ism that has gone virtually unchecked inseveral of these denominations."

foreign aid recipients. The Christian leaders wrote that they had "witnessed wide­ spread Israeli human rights violations against the Pales­ tinians, including killing of civilians, home demolitions and forced displacement." The Christian leaders' let­ ter acknowledged that both Israelis and Palestinians had suffered,and that both sides b ore responsibility. But i t called for a n i n vestigation into only Israel's activities. Meanwhile, the Israeli navy "Something i s de eply on Saturday seized a Euro­ broken, badly broken," said pean ship headed to the Gaza Ethan Felson, vice president Strip to try to break Israel's and general counsel of the maritime blockade against Jewish Council for Public Af­ the Hamas-controlled region fairs, an umbrella group that and diverted it to an Israeli helped to convene the meet­ port. The military said the ing. "We're certainly not get­ ship had been seized without ting anywhere now." incident and that the more The controversy b egan than two dozen people on Oct. 5, when the Christian board, including five Europe­ groups sent a letter urging an lawmakers and aformer hearings into whether Israel Canadian legislator, would be was violating the terms for turned over to the police.

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Fertility Continued from A1 The Melville winner, Jes­ sica Upham, submitted a video that showed her repeatedly injecting her abdomen with hormones and l ater w eep­ ing on her bed as a clinician delivered bad news. When she found out that she won the contest — a doctor hold­ ing balloons knocked on her door the day after Labor Day — she "just lost it," she said in an interview. "I feel inadequate that I can't provide this to my husband the natural way," said Upham, 37, who has a son conceived through IVF and is receiving the free embryo implant this month. The prize, she said, is "a wonderful opportunity that I wouldn't otherwise have." While larger and b etter­ known clinics have no prob­ lem filling their waiting rooms w ith women who ca n p ay $10,000 to $15,000 for a round of IVF — and who know the odds against their success­ smaller clinics say they must do what they can to compete. Critics have cried foul. "It is against the law to raffle off a puppy, but we're allowed to raffle off the opportunity to have a baby?" said Pamela Madsen, a founder and former executive director of the non­ profit American Fertility As­ sociation. "What if they were raffling of f c h emotherapy? Would we be OK with that?" The people who stage the raffles say both sides benefit: One woman gets free treat­ ment, and the sponsor gets publicity. "I hesitate to u se the word 'marketing,' but we wanted to get our name out there," said Robin M u siak, the executive director of Re­ productive Health Specialists, a Pittsburgh clinic that has conducted severalraffl es. "It worked really well." Still, medical ethicists worry the contests exploit vulnerable people and trivialize human conception. British authori­ ties have condemned the give­ aways, and an Australian gov­ ernment offi cialhas proposed banning them, yet they have become increasingly common, particularly in the U.S.



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more people to make them aware that fertility treatments existed," said Musiak of Re­ productive Health Specialists, the clinic that awarded IVF services to the schoolteacher. "Our hope was that whoever we chose, and it was just a ran­ dom drawing, was somebody that would not have been able to afford this treatment had they not won this contest." The teacher's success runs counter to the odds. Despite im­ provements in technology that have increased fertilization rates, the chances of becoming pregnant in a single round of in vitro fertilization are about 40 percent for women younger than 35 and about 20 percent for those at 40; rates continue to drop among older women. Multiple rounds per woman are not uncommon, which often inflates the price to well over $40,000 for one pregnancy. "I think it's a good parody of the unfair system in which important medical services are only available to those who can afford them," said Nir Eyal, a professor at Harvard Medical School who special­ izes in ethics. "Nevertheless, sometimes these raffles exploit the despair of couples or their misunderstanding of statistics message board for people to extract money from them." suffering from infertility, and Jessica Wilen Berg, a profes­ someone posted about a clinic sor of law and bioethics at Case that was raffling an IVF cycle Western Reserve University, away," said the teacher, 32, said many people found the who asked that her name not notion of raffling off a chance be used because her job re­ to have a baby to be jarring. "We're used to paying for quires her to abide by Roman C atholic t e achings, w h i ch medicalservices, sowhilewe're condemn the procedure. "Six not thrilled that you would months later, I got a call say­ have to pay to create a life, it's ing we were the winner. Now not so bizarre for us anymore," we have a 2-year-old girl." she said. "But raffles are the Such success stories are most commercialized notion of powerful adve r t isements. it. Something about this is sup­ "Our angle on it was to reach posed to be sacred."


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New York Times News Service

Some people are fine with the contests — particularly in­ fertile people who see them as adding some fairness to a sys­ tem that favors the wealthy. "If a doctor is willing to do­ nate his services that way, I think that's amazing," said Ramsi Stoker, 32, of Holladay, Utah, who last month won a round of IVF donated by the Utah Fertility Center as a raf­ fleprize at a 5K race. She has spent more than $25,000 over four yearstrying to conceive, without success. "I don't know what a better prize could have been.... It's not like they were raffling off a baby." In some ways the contests mirror how IVF has become mainstream. Its use has nearly doubled among A m erican women in the past decade as it has grown more effective. To­ day, about I percent of infants born in the U.S. are conceived through IVF, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many raffles strike a dis­ creet, respectful tone. An on­ line lottery won in 2009 by a schoolteacher in Forest Hills, Pa., required only that she share her email address and fill out a survey. "I belonged to a n o n line



Ramsi and Brian Stoker, who spent more than $25,000 in four years on failed IVF treatments, recently won a free round in a raffle.

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Continued from A1




New target: Obama's 2nd-term


Position1 C andidate V i c to r Ch u ­ dowsky, 51, owns an educa­ V ictor Ba r b Wade tion research and consulting agency and is a member of the Chudowsky Campbell Fagen city budget committee. "Un­ like my opponents, I actually key to fixing the city budget have helped balance the city in the long term will be to in­ budget," Chudowsky said. crease the efficiency of city op­ Chudowsky a l s o s e r ved erations. "We're going to have on a city public safety fund­ to make everything more spe­ i ng committee, which w a s cific and make it work," Fagen charged with finding money said. For example, Fagen said if to hire more police officers the city dredges Mirror Pond, and f i r efighters. A l t hough all the money spent on the proj­ Chudowsky ac k n owledged ect will go out of town because the committee "didn't entirely no localcompanies own dredg­ succeed with that, we did find ing equipment. If instead the a way to get the city out of its city can lower the water level deficit situation." The public of theDeschutes River, Fagen safety committee helped the believes local companies could city balance its budget for the use construction equipment to current biennium but decided remove the silt buildup. to wait a couple of years be­ Position 2 foresuggesting other changes to see if property taxes and Candidate Doug Knight, 48, other general fund revenue is a developer and chair of the increases, Chudowsky said. If Bend Planning Commission. revenue rises, the committee The city is preparing to have suggested it should go first to a consultant study the possible hire more police and firefight­ merger of the city Fire Depart­ ers. "I still think that's a good ment and Deschutes County plan," Chudowsky said. Rural Fire Protection District Candidate Barb Campbell, No. 2. Knight said combining 48, owns a store called Wabi the two is one way to lessen S abi, o n N o r t hwest W a l l demands on the general fund. Street, that sells Japanese­ "We would be ableto gener­ themed merchandise. Camp­ ate morerevenue by allowing bell said the city needs to look the Fire Department to be part for places to cut spending and of the rural taxing district," use that money instead to pay Knight said. He said the city for police and fireservices could do this without raising starting this fall. taxes and without changing For example, Campbell said how fireservices are provided the city should scrap a plan to to residents. allow people to pay for build­ Knight said the city also has ing fees with credit cards. The to continue looking for more city already accepts credit card ways to cut or cover costs, such payments for municipal court as the online crime reporting fines and utility bills, and the system police began using over city must pay merchant fees to the summer and a recently ap­ the credit card companies. In proved ordinance that fines the 2011-12 budget year, credit businesses and homeowners card companies charged the if police respond to more than city$93,000 in merchant fees one falsealarm there per year. on court and utility payments. Candidate Ed McCoy, 39, is A building permit i s n o t president and owner of Mile an impulse buy, and people High Community M a nage­ should be able to pay for those ment, a company that assists with checks, Campbell said. homeowners and condo asso­ "It's about where are we going ciations with administration, to find these small cuts, so we accounting,maintenance and don't have to make cuts to pub­ other duties. McCoy said the lic safety," Campbell said. city should set up a savings Candidate Wade Fagen, 48, fund to pay for unanticipated owns Fagen Tree Service 8 public employee pension rate Wood Chips. Fagen said the increases in the future. The

Doug Knight

Ed McCoy

Ed Barbeau

Charles Baer

city already has a savings fund for pensions, Finance Director Sonia Andrews wrote in an email Thursday. McCoy said the city should also establish savings accounts to pay for water and sewer upgrades in the future, and should consider putting the Fire Department in its own district, merged with the rural fire district. Candidate Ed Barbeau, 55, owns Pisano's Pizza in North­ West Crossing and also does side work as a private investiga­ tor. Barbeau said the city needs to limit the size of infrastruc­ ture projects such as a $68.2 million water project and sewer workthat could cost as much as $170 million. Sewer and water projects are paid for with rates charged to residents, not with general fund money. Barbeau would also like the city to re­ duce spending on consultants. Candidate Charles Baer, 43, isthe owner, founder and presi­ dent of w w w .globalinternet government.com. Baer s a id he plans to use the website to "monitor and document all the financial transactions of ev­ ery government on the planet earth." Baer said his goal is to provide transparency, account­ ability and freedom of speech. Baer said he is a Libertarian and believes taxpayers should fund infrastructure and educa­ tion. "Everything else, I'd cut and I'd cut," Baer said. Baer said there is still room to cut the budgets of the police and fire departments.

Position 3 Incumbent Kathie Eckman, 65, has been elected seven times to the City Council since the late 1970s and is seek­ ing an eighth term. Eckman said the City Council needs to work with state lawmakers to reform the public employee pension system, which could save the city money. "That's going to be a major thing for our fire employees, to g et them funded, and the police as well," Eckman said. She said

K athie S a l ly Eckman Russell

Ron Boozell

both departments need to look for more efficiencies, similar to the police online reporting system already in place. Challenger Sally Russell, 54, is a former Bend planning com­ missioner and civic volunteer. Russell said the city should "continue to look for partner­ ships and e ff iciencies that produce cost savings." For ex­ ample, city councilors need to ask fire officials whether they can reduce the number of non­ emergency callsthey handle. These calls could include am­ bulance transfers of a patient from one medical facility to an­ other for a test, Russell said. "I think our community is counting on them to be able to provide emergency services," such as respondingto the scene of a vehicle crash, Russell said. Police should also re-evalu­ ate which calls are a priority. Russellalso said she favors the Fire Department annexa­ tion and public employee pen­ sion reform supported by other candidates for City Council. Challenger Ron Boozell, a community volunteer, declined to be interviewed.

Position 4 Incumbent Jim Clinton, 68, is a scientist and the owner of a small high-tech company called D-Star L aboratories. Clinton is seeking a third term on the City Council and said if he is re-elected, he will order a review of everything on which the city spends general fund money. This would i nclude overhead charges for admin­ istrative, technology, financial and other work, Clinton said. Clinton said he would like to free up money to hire more police officers and firefighters. A long-term problem is that the Bend property tax rate does not cover the cost of services for a city of its size, Clinton said. He said consolidating the Fire

Clinton R oberts


This week • Look for reports about these

candidates' positions onsewer andeconomicdevelopment

The Associated Press DELRAY BEACH, Fla. Heading into the campaign's final weeks, Republican presi­ dential candidate Mitt Rom­ ney is upping his criticism of President Barack O b ama's plans for asecond term, ac­ cusing the Democrat of fail­ ing to tell A mericans what he would do with four more years. The Obama campaign ­

Department and rural fire district may be a good idea that results in some taxpay­ ers paying more and others

paying less. C linton said t h e c i t y should also ask voters to approve a gas tax in 2014, when a state moratorium on new local gas tax rates ex­ pires. "A few cents a gallon would help provide funding for public safety and would be a way for visitors to help pay for the costs that their visit causes the city to pay," Clinton said. ChallengerMike Roberts, 49, owns NorthWest Code Consulting and is a former interim city building offi­ cial. Roberts said the city needs tore-examine some of its general fund expendi­ tures. He declined to specify spending he might cut, but he pointed out that over the summer, the City Council decided to spend $1.18 mil­ lion in taxes and other un­ expectedly high revenue on several one-time projects. These included $250,000 to aid the effort by Oregon State University-Cascades Campus to become a four­ year university, money for the Police Department to purchase an e-ticketing sys­ tem and money for the Fire Department to study the feasibility of annexation. "I think we need to look at reducing some of those support projects we do and look at using some of that money for p ublic safety funding," Roberts said.

is aggressively disputing the notion, claiming it's Romney who hasn't provided specific details to voters. At campaign events, in a new ad and fundraising appeal out Saturday, Romney is set­ ting up the closing weeks as a choice between what he says is a "small" campaign that's offer­ ing little newpolicy and his own ambitious plan to fundamental­ ly change America's tax code and entitlement programs. The new Romney ad criti­ cizes the president's policies on debt, health care, taxes, energy and Medicare, arguing that Obama is simply offering more ofthe same. Both Obama and Romney retreatedfrom the campaign trail Saturday to bone up on f oreign policy, leaving t h e work of courting voters to their running mates.Vice presiden­ tial candidate Paul Ryan on Saturday continued the no­ agenda theme against Obama at campaign stops near Pitts­ burgh and in Belmont, Ohio. Obama's campaign disputes the notion that the president hasn't outlined a detailed sec­ ond-term agenda, p ointing to his calls for immigration reform, ending tax breaks for upper income earners, fully implementing his health care overhaul and ending the war in Afghanistan.

— Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrud@bendbulletin.com

L ear n i n g







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• I all his endorsements — a de­ cline so unceremonious and Continued from A1 severethat a precedent in re­ "How do you expect people cent sports history is elusive. to believe you when you lied On Monday, cycling's world for so long?" Andrew Messick, governing body is expected to therace director,asked Landis. announce whether it will ap­ 'tr~ ~i; "Have you told your mother? peal the anti-doping agency's erfc Qo zo Have you told Travis Tygart?" ruling, which Armstrong has Landis, raised as a Menno­ called unfair and flawed. If the nite, said he had notyet told his group does not appeal, Tour mother. Nor had he told Tygart, de France organizers will of­ the chief executive of the U.S. ficially strip Armstrong of his A nti-Doping A g ency, w i t h Tour titles. whom he had clashed for more Interviews with more than than two years as Landis pub­ a dozen riders, their wives, licly fought his doping case. lawyers involved in the case, But, Landis said, it was time. a nti-doping o f f i cials an d "Lance Armstrong never team executives revealed that 50 came up," Messick confirmed Armstrong's undoing was the in an interview last week. "But culmination of an inquiry that The Associated Press file photo he didmake a comment on the played out over more than two Floyd Landis — ridlng with Lance Armstrongduring the 2004 mafia. He said, 'When you're years — but that dramatically Tour de France — was later among the first to reveal the culture in the mafia and you get caught turned over the course of sev­ of doping that brought down the seven-time Tour champion. and go to jail, you keep your eral weeks this summer as mouth shut, and the organiza­ more and more cyclists con­ tion takes care of your family. tributed their own damning riders who did so — and what be reached for comment. In cycling, you're expected to stories to the investigation. Tygart heard was chilling. By the time Zabriskie told keep your mouth shut when At that point, anti-doping Zabriskie said he had gone his story, Armstrong was try­ you test positive, but you be­ officials hardly had an airtight through some bad things in ing to keep his former team­ come an outcast. Everyone just case. Tygart was hurriedly ap­ life, but being pushed to use mates from cracking. He lis­ turns their back on you." proaching cyclists from Arm­ drugs was one of the worst. tened in on at least one call A nti-doping o ff i cials o n strong's United States Postal The day he f i rst u sed the his former teammates made multiple continents had pur­ Service teams. banned blood booster erythro­ to Bruyneel about the investi­ "Look, the system of doping poietin, or EPO, he said, Johan gation, Zabriskie said. He as­ sued Armstrongforyears, of­ ten quixotic efforts that died in the sport is coming down, Bruyneel — the Postal Service sured his former teammates at the wall of silence his loyal and all the riders, including team director and longtime that everything would be OK. teammates built around him Lance Armstrong, are going to Armstrong confidant — had In public, he seemed un­ as the sport's global k i ng. be given an opportunity to get told him "everyone is doing it." fazed. After Landis' accusa­ Armstrong kept the dark side on the lifeboat," he told them. Hearing that had crushed him. tions came out, Armstrong re­ of his athletic success quiet, "Are you on it'?" His father had been an alco­ sponded indignantly. "It's just investigators and cyclists said, Rider after rider asked, "Am holic, drug user and drug deal­ our word against his," he said by using guile and arm-twist­ I going to be the only one'?" er and died young because of at the Tour of California. "And i ng tactics that put fear i n It would take months for it, Zabriskie said Thursday we like our word." those who might cross him. them to find out. in his first interview since his Within days, though, un­ But the lunch conversation testimony in Armstrong's case beknown to Armstrong, that between Landis and Messick A federal investigation was made public. would no longer be true. Za­ may have set in motion a series The anti-doping agency Cycling became a refuge. briskie and at least one other of events that led to the stark knew its case against Arm­ Bruyneel took Zabriskie un­ rider had quietly taken Lan­ revelation t ha t A r m s trong, strong had the potential to be der his w in g s hortly a fter dis's side. The evidence against the seven-timeTour de France a blockbuster. Landis' dop­ Zabriskie's father died in 2002 Armstrong w a s m o u nting, winner, and his U.S. Postal ing confession and claim that from a failing liver. Soon, he though slowly. Service team were engaged Armstrong and other Postal w as pressing Zabriskie t o Tygart and the anti-doping in what anti-doping officials Service riders were involved use performance-enhancing agency backed off from their called the most sophisticated in team-organized doping be­ drugs, Zabriskie said. investigation while the federal "What Johan did to me, I doping program i n h i story came public in May 2010, at authorities moved ahead. Rid­ — one covered up by cyclists the Tour of California. A fed­ considerit a form of abuse be­ ers offered their testimony to who banded together to pro­ eral investigation into Arm­ cause it was so horrible and prosecutors, but some — like tect themselves, one another strong regarding doping-relat­ affected meforthe rest of my Tyler Hamilton and Levi Lei­ and the ugly, deceitful under­ ed crimes, including fraud and life," Zabriskie said, choking pheimer — opened up only up. "I know I was the first per­ when a subpoena for a grand belly of the sport. drug traffi cking, ensued. Armstrong, who vehement­ Two days after the race end­ son to tell my story because jury compelled them to. ly denies ever doping, did not ed, David Zabriskie — a five­ Johan, he doesn't need to be Early on, George Hincapie, fight the charges the anti-dop­ time national time-trial cham­ around young cyclists." the only rider who was at ing agency brought against pion and one of Armstrong's Bruyneel has been charged Armstrong's side for all seven him. Last week, in the wake former teammates — showed by anti-doping officials with of hisTour de France victories, of anti-doping officials' mak­ up on the doorstep of the feder­ administering the doping pro­ retained a lawyer in Califor­ ing public their evidence in al courthouse in Los Angeles, gram on Armstrong's teams. nia but quickly learned that the case,Armstrong stepped finally readyto tell his story. He He has consistently denied all the lawyer was a fan of Arm­ down as chairman of his can­ had requested that Tygart be in doping charges; his case is go­ strong's and a supporter of his cer foundation and lost nearly the room — he was one of two ing to arbitration. He could not Livestrong charity. Hincapie

'f 'r

decided to hire a new lawyer — one based in New York, said one person with direct knowledge of the situation. Hincapie met with federal i nvestigators voluntarily i n August 2010 to tell them he had doped and that Armstrong had used blood transfusions, EPO and testosterone. Armstrong asked Hamilton, one of his former top lieuten­ ants, to enter a joint defense agreement, Hamilton's lawyer said. He sent an email mes­ sage to Michael Barry, a Cana­ dian rider, asking if he would be willing to testify that there was no doping on the Postal Service team, Barry said. Nei­ ther complied. After Leipheimer testified to the federal grand jury, he said, Armstrong had sent his wife a text message saying, "Run, don't walk," which Leipheimer took as a threat. All those riders kept quiet a bout their t estimony a n d waited — and waited — to see what would come of it. Nothing came of it. Without explanation, Andre Birotte, the U.S. attorney for the Central District of Califor­ nia, dropped the federal inqui­

Vande Velde — former Postal Service riders — had used per­ f ormance-enhancing d r u g s and had hired them despite it. Vaughters himself had used performance-enhancing drugs while on the Postal Service team and had once seen Arm­ strong inject EPO, he said.

ry in early February, stunning

vestigation. Tygart and B i ll Bock,the anti-doping agency's general counsel, wanted them to come clean. Hincapie, L eip h e imer, Vande Velde and Zabriskie agreed to take their names out of consideration for the Olym­ pics. They a n d D a n ielson agreed to a six-month suspen­ sion that would begin Sept. I, afterthe cycling season. In the weeks afterward, Armstrong pressed to know the names of the witnesses, but the anti-doping agency would not release them, fearing he would intimidate and silence them before they could testify at an arbitration hearing. In August, Armstrong gave up. He said he would not fight the charges. At the last minute, the anti­ doping agency contacted one more cyclist — Michael Barry — because he had recently re­ tired. Barry joined the others and told his doping tale. "Ultimately, I was living a lie," Barry said last week. "I guess I have to apologize to Floyd for calling him a liar. Be­ cause he was telling the truth the whole time."

Tygart and the riders — and e ven th e i n v estigators i n ­ volved inthe case. The riders, who believed they had risked their reputations to confess their doping to help shed light on their tarnished sport, were disheartened. Armstrong, who

had fought off doping accusa­ tions for more than a decade, had won again, some said. For Tygart, time was run­ ningout. The London Olympics were fewerthan three months away, and some of the former Postal Service riders were like­ ly candidates for the U.S. team. He could not let those riders compete at the London Games if their doping history would soon become public as part of Armstrong's case. The a n ti-doping a g ency started calling the riders they knew had cooperated with the federal case. Jonathan Vaughters, a former teammate of Armstrong's and now the team manager of the Garmin­ Sharp team, decided that it was time to urge his riders to deliver on a promise. He knew t hat Z a briskie, Tom Danielson and Christian

The floodgates open In the months leading to the Tour of California in 2010, Vaughters said he r eceived increasingly desperate emails from Landis, who had just come off his two-year doping suspension and could not find a job in the sport. "I felt like he was either going to commit suicide or tell all," said Vaugh­ ters, who knew the truth about Landis' doping. Vaughters was right. Less than a week after Landis had lunch with Messick, Landis described the doping that oc­ curred while he was on the Postal Service team and said he was aware that other rid­ ers, i n cluding A r m s trong, Hincapie, Leipheimer and Za­ briskie, had doped. This spring, those and other riders were invited to help the

anti-doping agency in its in­

2012 K(ci%gister-Suarb


Readers' Choice



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West news, B5

Weather, B6


U- asca esenro ment rows

LOCAL BRIEFING Crash kills1 near Redmond Oregon State Police reported a fatal motor­

cycle crash 8 p.m.Sat­ urday on state Highway 126, two miles west of

Redmond. OSP reported a detour was in placeat milepost108.5 and that motorists should expect

delays. Details were unavail­ able Saturday night. — From staff reports

O www.bendbulletin.com/local

The Bulletin

Oregon State University­ Cascades showed a 6.5 per­ cent increase in enrollment, with 1,026 students this fall, according to the university. That student count, which is still preliminary, consists of 237 students enrolled as freshman and sophomores in lower-level courses at Central Oregon Community College and another 789 students enrolled in junior, senior and graduate-level coursework.

The biggest increase is among the freshman and sophomore students taking courses at COCC as part of the four-year program. That group increased 37 percent, the university said. "I think it really shows an interest in the four-year university and we're really excited to have such a big jump in first and second­ year students who are see­ ing themselves as working toward a bachelor's degree," said Jane Reynolds, direc­

tor of enrollment services at OSU-Cascades. The 237 students attend­ ing COCC are not officially counted by the Oregon Uni­ versity System. OSU-Cas­ cades tracks the number, though, because those stu­ dents are already admitted to the branch campus and re­ ceive advising in preparation for advanced coursework in their junior and senior years. The enrollment increase comes in the midst of a long­ term effort by OSU-Cascades

to expand. The school is aim­ ing for its first freshman class in 2015. By 2025, the school expects an enrollment of 3,000-5,000 students. Reynolds said media cover­ age ofthe expansion efforts has raised the school profile, creating more awareness about the option. OSU-Cascades has made efforts to help freshman stu­ dentsconnect to other peers also starting out in commu­ nity college classes. SeeOSU/B2

estate Supporters of an Oregon ballot measure to constitu­ tionally ban taxes on real estate transactions say pre­ venting any new tax is a must, if the housing market


spotlight. • Gresham:Missing woman's body discovered; arrest made. • Salem:"First bees" abandon hive at governor's mansion.

is really going to get back

Stories on B3 to

Have astoryidea or sudmission? Contactus! The Bulletin Call a reporter: Joe tuine/The Bulletin

on itsfeetafter fouryears of declining prices and foreclosures. But opponents argue that such a measure isn't needed. Oregon doesn't have a real estate transfer tax, and writing language to prevent one into the state Constitution sets a trou­ bling precedent, they say. Measure 79, which is on the Nov. 6 ballot, would amend the Oregon Consti­ tution to forbid the state or any local governments from imposing a tax when prop­ erty is sold or transferred. Under state law, the Oregon Legislature can authorize a real estate tax with a 60 percent vote. No state transfer tax is cur­ rently in place. See Tax/B2

Volunteer John Pohlpeter, of Portland, fills mechanical Iubricatorsin the Southern Pacific 4449 steam engine at the train depot in Bend on Saturday evening. The train carried passengers from Portland to Bend for an overnighter.

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o a raveers o en


Gill-net ban loses backers By Dylan J. Darling The Bulletin

• Letters and opinions:

By Scott Hammers

Mail:My Nickel's Worth or In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR97708 Details on theEditorials page inside. Contact: 541-383-0358, bulletin©bendbulletin.com

The Bulletin

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Measure bans tax on real

The Bulletin

• Election:Secretary of State race takes

• School news andnotes:


By Elon Glucklich


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• Civic Calendar notices:


For our complete coverage, By Ben Botkin


Bend................541-617-7829 Redmond ........ 541-977-7185 Sisters.............541-977-7185 La Pine........... 541-383-0348 Sunriver ......... 541-383-0348


Suzie Biggs spent her Saturday evening outside, struggling to stay warm near the railroad tracks on Cooley Road. After morethan three hours, the Southern Pacific

4449 roared by Biggs in a matter of seconds, trailing a cloud of steam, pulling a dozen vintage railcars and carrying nearly 600 train enthusiasts from around the world. Biggs then raced down to the Burlington Northern Santa Fe depot in Bend to get a closer look at the loco­ motive, and pose for a few pictures next to its nearly 7­ foot-tall wheels. Despite the wait, and the cold, it was all worth it, Biggs said. "It's really a once-in-a-life­ time experience," she said. One of the most recog­

nized locomotives in the country, the SP 4449 was back in Bend Saturday for the first time since 2006. Owned by the city of Port­ land and based there, the SP 4449 seldom makes more than one trip a year these days, according to Doyle McCormack of the Friends of 4449. "We're an all-volunteer organization, and it's a tre­ mendous amount of work to put one of these trips together, let alone just main­ tain the locomotive," McCor­ mack said. "You can run out of volunteer hours quickly. Built in 1941, the SP 4449 went into service for the Southern Pacific Railroad as a passenger train on the San Francisco to Los Ange­ les route. By the late 1950s, diesel locomotives were tak­ ing over and the Southern Pacific scrapped it. The lo­

comotive was given to Port­ land, and until 1974, it was a display piece at the Oaks Park amusement park. McCormack and the SP 4449 came together in 1974, when the locomotive was selected to be refurbished and tour the United States to mark the nation's bicenten­ nial. A retired Union Pa­ cific engineer, McCormack helped restore the SP 4449, and spent two years with the "AmericanFreedom Train," a museum on rails carrying everything from the documents that finalized the Louisiana Purchase to rocks brought back from the moon. Saturday morning, the SP 4449 pulled out of Portland's Union Station around 8:30 a.m. and headed up the Co­ lumbia Gorge, crossing into Washington before coming back in to Oregon and travel­

ing up the Deschutes River canyon. The train will return to Portland this morning. Rail preservation organi­ zations and wealthy private collectors lent their restored railcars to Friends of 4449 for the trip, McCormack said. The cars traveled to Portland attached to the back of Amtrak trains over the last several months, he said, and after today, they'll all be headed back home. Friends of 4449 volunteer Skylar Reyburn said pri­ vate railcar collectors often sink millions of dollars into their passion, but when they're done, the cars look as though they were brand new. "People who own private cars are the ones who got tired of yachts," Reyburn salcl. — Reporter: 541-383-0387 shammers@bendbulfetin.com

• Obituaries, Death Notices:

A measure to ban gill netting for salmon on the Columbia River is on the ballot, but it has no backers. Stop Gillnets Now, the Portland-based group that put the issue to vote this year, stopped its campaign for Measure 81 in early September. The "stand down" came in response to a plan by Gov. John Kitzhaber to work with Oregon and Washington wildlife commissions to change gill-net rules on the rtver, satd Jeremy Wrtght, spokesman for Stop Gill­ nets Now. "We are not ad­ vocating for a 'yes' vote on 81," Wright said. Under the governor's plan the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission would phase out the use of gill nets in the mainstream of the Columbia. See Nets/B2

Details on theObituaries page inside. Contact: 541-617-7825, obits@bendbulletin.com

• Community events: Email event information to communitylife©bend bulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www .bendbulletin.com. Allow at least10 days before the desired date of publication. Details: Thecalendarappears on Page 3 inCommunity Life. Contact: 541-383-0351

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marriages, partnerships, anniversaries: Details: The Milestones page publishesSundayin Community Life. Contact: 541-383-0358

Ty Cobbvisits Central Oregon onhunting trip in 1937 Compiled by Don Hoiness from archivedcopies of The Bulletin at the Des Chutes Historical Museum.

100 YEARS AGO For the week ending Oct. 20, 1912

Three rallies during week Meetings at Laidlaw, the Grange Hall six miles east of Bend and at Powell Butte were the features of the Coe campaign during the last

YESTERDAY week. Work by individuals is bearing fruit, and reports indicate that the non-politi­ cal business candidate will run strongly, not only in this section but in many others. Last Wednesday occurred the meeting at Laidlaw, pre­ sided over by W.D. Barnes, and attended by some 35 local men, despite the heavy work that is in progress on the ranches. That Laidlaw recognizes that Coe is the

candidate of their own sec­ tion, and will back him to the limit, was indicated by conservations after the meeting, and by the work on his behalf that is being done by a number of prominent men in the territory. Friday night settlers around the Grange Hall dis­ trict gathered to hear Coe, and despite the fact that it was one of the worst nights of the year, with rain and a gale of wind, more than 50 people were in attendance. It

was in every way a success­ ful affair and the evident enthusiasm of those pres­ ent showed that the heavily populated districts east of town will stand for Coe al­ most solidly. Last night an auto load of Bend men, withCoe went out to Powell Butte. Thanks to the heavy rains with ac­

companying bad roads, plus auto troubles, the party did not reach the school house wherethe meeting was scheduled until nearly

9 o'clock. However, even at that late hour a dozen ranch­ ers turned out, while many more had beenthere earlier and gone home. After the meeting Dr. Coe and the Bend delegation were hospitably entertained at a chicken supper at the home of Allen Willcoxsen. This Saturday a large del­ egation of Bend people will go to Metolius to participate in "Market Day" there, and to meetthe many farmers SeeYesterday/B2




enced growth in a variety of programs. The human devel­ Continued from B1 opment and f amily science The university has designat­ program has 147 students, and ed "learning communities," a the business and liberal stud­ program for new students. The ies programs have each risen program groups three classes to more than 100 students. at COCC — fitness, speech The energy systems engi­ and college success — and in­ neering program has grown by terested students can take the 72 percent, and now has more courses together as a group. than 60 students. The sport sci­ The university has experi­ ence program is a similar size,

but that represents a nearly five-foldincrease from a year ago, according to the college. The graduate teaching and counseling programs have 124 students. Final enrollment numbers from the Oregon University System will be reported in ear­ ly November.


the Awbrey Heights timber, to the Carty home.

been attacking, trying to con­ s olidate themselves on t h e Continued from B1 Shanghai side of the creek. who it is expected will gath­ Each time they had been er from all over that section. thrown back. Today they sent On Friday, November 1, a fleet of b o mbing planes Bend will have a final Coe over to attack the Chinese rally here, when the election lines. Then infantry, march­ day plans will be gone over. ing behind tanks, were sent over the top. Bill Hanley's dogs add The men of th e C h inese to Sawhill's responsibilities regiment defending the posi­ This morning at 10 o'clock, tion had taken an oath not to J.E. Sawhill was routed out retreat. of bed by a message from the Wave after wave of Japa­ depot. nese went over, to be thrown "There are a lot o f d o gs back. Each time the number here consigned to Bill Han­ of defenders was less. Three ley at Burns care of you. How hours after the attack there about it?" said Mr. Corbett, were D men left. A few min­ the agent. utes later the last wave of "What?" said Sawhill. Japanese reached the 13 sur­ "And there are $1.65 charg­ vivors and all died fighting. es," added Corbett, after re­ Two hours after the death peating that the dogs were on of the l ast ma n r e i nforce­ hand, needed feeding, were ments arrived and retook the marked " perishable" a n d village. The Japanese took it should be r u shed t h rough again, Again faced with the to Burns. "(Expletive)!" said choice of annihilation or re­ Sawhill, who has troubles of treat, the Chinese withdrew his own. and formed a new defense When last seen, Sawhill line. w as hastening toward t h e C hinese spokesmen a s ­ depot, with a very troubled serted that the Japanese lost expression, check for $1.65, a 3,000 men in the action. choice assortment of dog bis­ cuits and other canine delica­ 50 YEARS AGO cies and a stern resolve (it is reported) to ship those dog­ For the week ending gone dogs to Bill just as soon Oct. 20, 1962 as parlor car transportation Oregon begins to pick up could be arranged for.

the piecesafterstorm

75 YEARS AGO For the week ending Oct. 20, 1937

Ty Cobb again hunting deer in Central Oregon Ty Cobb "Georgia Peach" of baseball fame who is con­ sidered asone of the greatest players of all time, was here this morning, returning to the Ochoco woods in quest of the buck he failed to locate on an earlier visit to Central Oregon this season. Accompanying Cobb this morning was S.O. Johnson of B erkeley, Cali­ fornia. In the party also were S.S. Johnson, in charge of the Johnson lumbering o p era­ tions now under way in the Sisters area and Hugh Lakin. Cobb and his party plan to hunt from the Lakin cabin on Mill Creek, then will go to the Haycreek ranch of Jefferson County for the opening of the season on upland birds.

Battle for Shanghai is still raging Fourteen hundred Chinese infantrymen, an entire regi­ ment sworn to die rather than retreat, were annihilated to­ day in the Woosung Creek sector of the Shanghai front. For days J apanese had

A f ederal d i saster team moved in today as Oregon painfully picked up the pieces from Friday's $170 million killer wind storm that left 20 dead. Torn buildings and c on­ tinuing power and telephone outages from the worst storm in history made emergency living still the rule in many areas. Gov. Mark Hatfield wired the President Saturday that Oregon is eligible for "major disaster area" aid. Hatfield said Oregonians were "displaying their p i o­ neer spirit" and added, "Or­ egon is on its way back."

— Reporter:541-977-7185, bbothin@bendbulietin.com

25 YEARS AGO For the week ending Oct. 20, 1987

Brokers probe stock market plunge Bend stock brokers and investment counselors Mon­ day afternoon were fastening their seat belts in preparation for another wild ride on Wall Street this morning hoping to find a light at the end of the tunnel and not a brick wall. Dick Huson of the Crabbe­ Huson financial advising firm in Bend who last month pre­ dicted a 15 percent to 25 per­ cent downturn in the market, expressed shock at Monday's 5 08-point loss in t h e D o w Jones Industrial Average. "I was just fooling around, these people ar e s erious," Huson joked. "This is the big one I was talking about. But I had no idea it was going to happen in the space of two months and most of it in the last week." Huson said, however, that he soon expects Monday's fear to be replaced by reason that will level off the market and start sending it back up. But it will take buyers replac­ ing Monday's panic sellers to start the market back up. "We started to buy a little this morning, and we'll con­ tinue to buy tomorrow, par­ ticularly if it g ets hit again — then hold your breath," Hu­ son said Monday. "There are individual pock­

ets of buying going on, but the buy-in is not aggressive. When a stock drops substan­ tially, it always attacks some


couraging buyers and sellers able fear of the housing mar­

ket," Martin said. "They are using millions of dollars to en­ shrine a special tax break in the Oregon Constitution. On its face, that's not economic fairness." But supporters argue taxes on real estate are inherently unfair. That's the take of Jon Co­ ney, spokesman for the Yes on 79 campaign. He said states with transfer taxes and prop­ erty taxes essentially double­ tax homeowners. Bills have been introduced at the Oregon Legislature to allow real estate taxes in some form during the last six regu­ lar sessions, according to leg­ islative records, most recently in the 2011 session. But the bill when you are already paying proposing it never advanced high property taxes'?" past a House committee, and A yes vote on Measure 79 vocacygroup. other legislative efforts have puts new language in the Or­ She points to major contri­ failed. egon Constitution, outlawing butions to the Yes on 79 Po­ Thirty-seven states c u r­ such taxes. litical Action Committee from r ently have some form o f A no vote leaves the state the national and state real es­ real estate tax, according to Constitution unchanged, with tate associations. The Nation­ information compiled by the no language banning such a al Association of Realtors has National Conference of State tax if the Legislature votes for contributed more than $2.2 Legislatures. it. million to the PAC, campaign Washington County is the If the measure fails, and the finance records filed with the only municipality in Oregon Legislature one day moves to Oregon Secretary of State' s with a real estate transfer tax. enact a new transfer tax, that Office show. It assesses a 0.1 percent tax on "It's disingenuous for the sales and transfers. couldhave a damaging affect on Central Oregon's housing Realtors to try to cash in on Reporter: 541-617-7820 market, Krumwiede said, dis­ everyone's very understand­ egluchlichC<bendbulletin.com Continued from B1 But supporters of Measure 79, including the Oregon Asso­ ciation of Realtors, argue the move to ban taxes would put concrete protections against government overreachin the state Constitution. And some local real estate professionalscalledthemeasure an important step to protect ho­ meowners from over-taxation. "This is an issue that will af­ fect everyone," said Barbara Krumwiede, owner of Barba­ ra J. Krumwiede Real Estate in Bend. "If you as an individ­ ual buy a house or sell a house, or make changes in title, do you want to have to pay an ex­ tra tax on selling your house,

Nets Continued from B1 It would also move gill­ net fishing to side channels of the river and urge his counterparts in Washing­ ton to set similar rules on its side of the Columbia. Stop Gillnets Now claims gill nets kill endangered species along with hatch­ ery-raised fish targeted by commercialfishermen. While the original sup­ porters of Measure 81 have stopped their c ampaign, the o p ponents h a ven't. They are continuing be­ cause commercial fisher­ man don't want to see a ban on gill netting on the Columbia, said David Re­

from entering the market. But "it isn't a matter of what the Realtors want; it's what we as citizens want or do not want," she said. "I can't under­ stand why people would not want to stop that potential of having their properties fur­ ther taxed." Opponents of the measure argue that major private in­ terest groups, mainly the Na­ tional Association of Realtors and its Oregon branch, are trying to write protections for their industry into the state Constitution. That could lead to other groups using out-of-state mon­ ey to alter the Constitution for their own means, said Angela Martin, executive director of Economic Fairness Oregon, a Portland-based consumer ad­

inhard, spokesman for Salm­ on for All. The Astoria-based association is comprised of gill-net fishermen, fish buy­ ers, processors and associated businesses. "If it passed it would be al­ most impossible to buy local and sustainable fish from the Columbia River," he said. Salmon for All argues that gill nets don't do the damage claimed by the critics, saying c ommercial f i shermen a r e careful not to harm the wild

fish caught in their nets. Like Stop G i llnets Now, Salmon for All is supportive of the gill-net issue being set­ tled in meetings rather than by vote. — Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarling@bendbulletin.com



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Huson s a i d M on d a y 's plunge has c r eated "some outstanding values in stocks because prices have declined so much." "They'realmost screaming to be bought," he said, "For the first time in several years there are bargains around. The other thing t h at's en­ No bucks?Young Bend couraging over the short run nimrod doesn't agree is that interest rates are be­ A young Bend hunter, Dan ginning to behave. The bond C arty, 13, son of M r . a n d market is acting well; both Mrs. B.H. Carty d oes n ot long and short t er m r a tes agree with f ellow n i m rods came down Monday. That's that there are no bucks in the the first step. "Maybe in a month or so, woods this fall. Early this morning, about we'll be back on the road to the time the sun was shoving some recovery, although I up from behind the High Des­ think it w i l l b e s ome time ert rims, Dan took his rifle before we see the old highs. It's a much more positive en­ for a short hunt on Awbrey Heights. vironment for buying; if you There he bagged a fine 221 c an stand the heat for t h e pound buck. next couple of days or weeks, It tookthe effort of four per­ over the next year you can sons to get the big buck out of make some nice profits."

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Secretary o state race in spotlight By Jonathan J. Cooper The Associated Press

PORTLAND — Knute Bue­ hler first dabbled in politics hoping to shake-up the prevail­ ing two-party election system. Now, two decades later, the Bend surgeon has instead em­ braced one ofthe big parties he used to fight, becoming the Republican Party's latest hope for breaking Democratic domi­ nance of Oregon state offices. Buehler is challenging first­ term Democrat Kate Brown to be Oregon'ssecretary of state. His fundraising prowess and disciplined campaign — along with a few missteps by Brown — have helped him turn what's typically a low-profile race into an uncharacteristically ener­ getic battle. Brown is also being challenged from the left by two lesser-known candidates who could impact the outcome of a close race. Buehler has fashioned him­ self asa pragmatic moderate with a businessman's sense of management and love of data­ driven decision making. "When I was growing up, Oregon was seen as this kind of shining star in the west for good governmentand problem solving and people working to­ gether, and that's what I want Oregon to be like again," Bue­ hler said. Since Buehler doesn't do it

much himself, Brown is eager to remind voters in this Demo­ crat-dominated state that Bue­ hler is a Republican. She ham­ mers him for murky criticisms of the state's vote-by-mail sys­ tem and points out that he has "not one moment of experience in elected office." The secretary of state is in charge of some of the mundane functions of government: Reg­

for a grassroots organization without deep pockets to collect enough signatures for an initia­ tive to qualify for the ballot. "This is the second high­ est statewide elected official," Brown said. "You have to be prepared to oversee audits, corporations, run elections and step into the governor's office on day one. I have the experi­ ence, and I have a record that Oregonians can trust." Buehler is making his first run for e lected office. The Roseburg native is the son of a butcher and h omemaker, Buehler was a baseball star at Oregon State University before studying at Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar. He graduated from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine in Baltimore before returning to Oregon to finish his medical training and even­ tually settling in Bend. Spurred by a fellow Rhodes Scholar who was working for Ross Perot, Buehler got i n­ volved in Perot's longshot 1992 presidential campaign, helping form a political party so Perot couldbe on the ballot in Oregon as an alternative to Republican George H.W. Bush and Demo­ crat Bill Clinton. Two years later, Buehler was involved with a b a l lot initiative to create campaign finance restrictions. It passed overwhelmingly but was found

istering corporations, applying election laws, auditing govern­ ment agencies and maintain­ ing the state archives. But it's also the second-highest elected office in Oregon, and the secre­ tary is first in line to be gover­ nor if the chief executive dies or steps down. Brown moved to Oregon for law school and was appointed to the Legislature in 1991, rep­ resenting a Portland district. She rose through Democratic leadership ranks, eventually becoming the Senate majority leader before being elected sec­ retary of state in 2008. She says she's cracked down on fraud in the citizen-initiative process and increased the effectiveness of state audits. Legislation Brown advocated first as a legislator and later as secretaryofstate requiresstrict standards for paid workers col­ lecting petition signatures. Crit­ ics, including Buehler, say she's made it prohibitively difficult

unconstitutional. He later joined the Republi­ can Party, although he says ex­ panding ballot access for minor parties is a top priority. "I saw that to really accom­ plish something in the political system you need to be part of a political party," Buehler said of his decision to join a party after working hard to boost the prospects of minor-party candidates. Buehler carries the weight of high hopes from others in his adopted party. Republicans haven't won a statewide elec­ tion since Gordon Smith was re-elected to the U.S. Senate in 2002.He's raised more than $1.1 million for the race, an ad­ vantageof$250,000 overthe in­ cumbent. Without an opponent in the GOP primary, he's been able to hold onto positions with­ out worry about angering his party's conservative base. But Brown has hammered him for raising questions about Oregon's vote-by-mail elections system. He says he supports the system. Also on the ballot will be Pacific Green nominee Seth Woolley and Progressive Party nominee Bob Wolfe. "This is a very tough race," Brown acknowledged, "and I am confident with the support of Oregonians that I'm going to win."

Woman'sbodydiscovered The Associated Press GRESHAM — The dis­ covery of a 21 - year-old woman's body on a remote, forested mountain gave a terrible answer to the fami­ ly, friends and church mem­ bers who worked so hard to find out what happened to her. But it remained unclear Saturday what information led police to a neighbor and acquaintance who quickly emerged as a suspect in her death last week. J onathan Holt, 24 , o f Gresham, aresident of the apartment complex where Whitney Heichel lived with her husband, was arrested

for investigation of aggravated murder Friday night, about the same time her body was found on Larch Mountain, east of G resham. He isscheduled to be arraigned Monday in Clacka­ mas County. Police said autopsy results would not be released Satur­ day and sought to derail specu­ lation that Holt's relationship with the Heichel was anything more thanas an acquaintance.


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Portland mass transit getsmorepro-Israel advertising The Associated Press PORTLAND — A second pro-Israel group has decided to advertise o n P o r tland's mass transit system. The Oregonian newspaper reports the group StandWi­ thUs has purchased 19 ads

to counter what it considers A second details how Pales­ a misleading pro-Palestinian tinians have refused Israel's ad that is on buses and light­ territorial compromise and rail trains. peace offersrepeatedly since One of the ads shows a Pal­ 1937. estinian and Israeli boy hug­ The ad it and another pro­ ging, tells riders that "Israel Israel group are responding needs a partner for peace." to was funded by Americans

United for P alestinian Hu­ man Rights. It shows maps of Israeli territory expanding at the expense of Palestinians and reads: "Palestinian Loss of Land 1946-2012 — 4.7 mil­ lion Palestinians are classi­ fied by the U.N. as refugees."


'First bees' abandon their hive The Associated Press SALEM — Oregon's "first honeybees" have abandoned their home at the governor's mansion in Salem. The Willamette Valley Bee­ keepers Association installed a hive this spring in the backyard of Mahonia Hall after pitching the idea to Gov. John Kitzhaber and his c ompanion, Cylvia Hayes. The beesseemed to be thriv­ ing as of two weeks ago, more than 60,000 bees were in the hive and beekeepers removed about 35 pounds of honey. But keepers told th e S tatesman Journal newspaper on Friday that the bees were gone. "You can do everything hu­ manly possible and still you can lose your bees," said Richard Farrier, president of the Bee­ keepers Association. "It's a hor­

rible struggle." Farrier caught the governor's bees from the front yard of an attorney's house and has been caring for the insects along with beekeeper Fran Lushenko. He suspects the bees es­


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Thomas Patterson / Statesman Journal

Fred VanNatta, left, and Richard Farrier, president of the Wii­ Iamette Valley Beekeepers Association, inspect the beehive at Mahonia Hall, the governor's residence in Salem. caped varroamites,a parasite on you would drive you crazy." that feeds on the blood of bees Honeybee researcher Ra­ and is known for spreading a mesh Sagili, an assistant pro­ virus that causes wing and ab­ fessor at Oregon State Univer­ dominal deformities. As he ex­ sity's Department of Horticul­ amined the bottom of the hive ture, said mites, viruses and a Friday, Farrier placed atiny red­ gut parasite called Nosema are dish-brown mite in his palm. common reasons whybeekeep­ "No wonder they get upset," ers lose their colonies, especial­ he said. "Those things chewing ly between October and April.



TIMKNOPP Work Background

• •


Supports creating 30,000 jobs in Oregon by repealing the death tax

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with Parkinson's disease. Learn about mediCationS and DeeP Brain StimulatiOn fOr

symptom control. A question and answer period will follow the presentation.

Saturday, October 27

at Summit Medical Center,

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Reso u r ces of Oregon

Supports Obamacare, which includes 700 billion in Medicare cuts to seniors Dr. Eric Collins is a Movement Disorder Specialist from Oakland, CA, and hasheld positions as both the Chief of Neurology and president of the San Francisco Neurologic Society. He has been nominated many times by his colleagues as one of America'sTop Doctors.

G e n t v al &

a x R i n a a n 'a

This program is funded in part by a grant from Medtronic.


5' •





Supports PERS reform to save jobs of teachers, police officers R, firefighters

• ~0 •

Endorsed by respected moderates former State Senator Neil Bryant, former House Speaker Bev Clamo, Retired Sheriff Les Stiles 8c elected ofRcials Congressman Greg Walden, Rep.Jason Conger, Rep. Gene Whisnant, Mayor of Redmond George Endicott, Mayor of Bend Jeff Eager; Independent Party of Oregon 'Ihe Bulletin See a full list of endorsements at WWW. TIMKNOPP. COM Paid for by Tim Knopp for State Senate






BITUARIES Mathew Murray Robert Dean Elisabeth Hanson Perlot Zimmerman

DEATH NOTICES Christine Clayton T. Daniel, of Lubbock, Texas Jan. 6, 1933 - Oct. 10, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: A Memorial Service was held in California.

Helen Louise Wolfe, of Bend Nov. 22, 1914 - Oct. 16, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 www.autumnfunerals.com Services: No Services will be held at this time.

Joan Doris Pence, of Redmond Nov. 10, 1921 - Oct. 15, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals Redmond, 541-504-9485, www.autumnfunerals.net Services: A private graveside service will take place at Terrebonne Pioneer Cemetery.

Kenneth G. Roots, of Christmas Valley July 2, 1924 - Oct. 4, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: No services will be held at this time. Contributions may be made to:

Newberry Hospice, P.O. Box 1888, La Pine, OR 97739; 541-536-7399.

Leland "Lee" R. Jepsen, of Bend June 14, 1925 - Oct. 16, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: A Celebration of Life will take place at 11:00 a.m. on Monday, October 29, 2012, at Baird Memorial Chapel, located at 16468 Finley Butte Road in La Pine. A reception at the family home will immediately follow. Contributions may be made to:

American Cancer Society, 330 Southwest Curry Street, Portland; (800) 227-2345; www.cancer.org.

Lois Ann Ball, of Redmond Oct. 12, 1929 - Oct. 13, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals Redmond, 541-504-9485. Please visit the online registry at www.autumnfunerals.net. Services: A Celebration of a life lived will take place at a later date.

Mitchell "Mitch" A. Cox, of La Pine Jan. 16, 1964 - Oct. 16, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: A Celebration of Life will be held in Salem at a later date.

Perry H. Graves Jr., of Bend June 11, 1918 - Sept. 29, 2012 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, 541-382-2471. Please visit the online registry at www.niswonger-reynolds.com.

Services: A Celebration of his life will be held Sat., Oct. 27, 2012 from 3 until 5 PM at the Bend Senior Center. Contributions may be made to:

Partners In Care Hospice or the Central Oregon Nordic Club for the Swampy Shelter.

Tyler J. Rushing, of Bend Sept. 24, 1990 - Oct. 11, 2012 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, 541-382-5592 www.deschutesmemonalchapel.com

Services: A private gathering will be held in remembrance of Tyler.

April 5, 1936- Octeder 5, 2012

Christine Elisabeth Han­ son, of Bend, died Thurs­ d ay, Oct. 1 1 , 2 0 12, o f a cancer-related illness. She was 53 years old. A Cel ­ ebration of L i fe gathering will held on Sunday, Decem­ b er 16 , 2012, at Aspen Christine Hall, Hanson located at 18920 Shevlin Pa r k Rd ., i n Northwest Bend. Christine was born S ep­ t ember Z3, 1959, in A t t l e­ boro, Massachusetts, the d aughter of F r anklyn a n d Trudy Cu tr o n e . Sh e g raduated f r om N or th Alleghany High School in Pittsburgh, PA. In 1981, she received her B achelors in Sp eec h Communicatio n fr o m W estchester University i n Philadelphia, P A. T hen Chris boldly traveled to ru­ ral Watford City, N.D., for her first job. S he me t h e r h u s b a n d, M arvin K ei th H an s o n there and they married on December 31, 1983, in Los A ltos, C A. Th ey t hen m oved to O r egon t o f u r ­ ther their education; Chris­ t ine a t t a ined a M as t e r s D egree i n S p e ec h C o m ­ munication f ro m W e stern Oregon College in 1987. Christine w o r k e d a s a Speech T h erapist i n th e public schoolsfor 28 years. For the past 15 years she w orked f or t he B end School D i strict. C h r i stine loved working with people, e specially y o u n g adu l t s and children. She enjoyed spending t i m e w i t h he r family, skiing an d t r a v el­ i ng. Mo s t imp or t a n t ly though, she enjoyed being a wonderful mother, friend and r o l e -model to h er d aughters. She loved l i f e, and never missed the op­ ortunity t o ma ke new r iends and h elp t h ose in need. Survivors in c l u d e h er h usband, Keith, o f B e n d ; t wo d a u ghters, E r i k a o f C hicago, IL, an d K e ll y o f Minneapolis, MN; her par­ e nts, F r an k a nd T ru d y Cutrone of Pensacola, FL; two brothers, Lee Cutrone o f W a l l i ngford, C T , a n d Peter Cutrone of Portland, ME; and two sisters, Clau­ dia Sacavage of Trout Run, PA, and Cynthia Keener of Los Angeles, CA. Memorial co n t r i b utions may be m ade t o P a rtners In C ar e H o s p ic e H o u se, 2 075 N E W y a t t Co u r t , B end, Or e g o n 9770 1 . www.partnersbend.com (541) 382-588Z. Also, to the American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 7 2 62 , H i l l sbor­ ough, New J e r sey 08844. Americancancerfund.org/h ow-to-help/ways-to-do­ nate.

Mat Perlot, 76, of Scotts­ R obert D e a n Zi m m e r ­ m an, ag e 6 0 , o f Ben d , dale, Arizona, was born in Portland, Oregon, and was passed a w a y S e p t ember r aised i n Por t l an d a n d 13, 2012, of prostate can­ Welches, Oregon. cer at th e H o spice House He served in the Army as a t Partners I n Ca r e , i n an M P a n d p a r a t r ooper. Bend. A fter a n h o n o r ar y di s ­ He was born i n G o r don, charge, h e w o r k e d for NE, to R obert an d V i o l et By Paul Vitello FEATURED OBITUARY Thurlow Glove Company Zimmerman. At the age of New York Times News Service a nd t hen Col um b i a f our, t he f ami l y t hen A rchbishop Torkom M a ­ Forum in M a d ison Square S portswear a s a p r o d u c ­ moved to Y a k im a V a l l ey, noogian, the longtime leader Garden. tion supervisor. In 1968, he WA, where he spent most of the A r m enian orthodox Peter Balakian, author of l eft Portland t o s t ar t h i s o f his childhood until t h e o wn out d o o r clot h i n g a ge of f i f t een, w h e n h i s church in the U.S. and a savvy "The Burning Tigris: The Ar­ m anufacturing co m p a n y . family then moved to Fos­ communicator who used his menian Genocide and Amer­ A fter get t i n g W es t e r n s il, OR, w h er e h e g r a d u­ pulpit in New York to broaden ica'sResponse," said the scale Trails established in Bend, ated high s chool c l ass of publicawareness ofthe Arme­ of the 1975 commemoration O regon, h e l e f t t h e g a r ­ 1970. nian genocide, died Oct. 12 in was groundbreaking and well ment business for the rec­ Through his working life, Jerusalem. He was 93. He had timed. reational vehicle business. Robert began working f or "Holocaust studies and a H e st arted w i t h Be a v e r the Kinzua M il l n ear Fos­ been hospitalized since Janu­ ary with c ardiac problems, new American human rights coaches, then Monaco, and sil, OR. He then moved to C ountry C o a ches a s t h e P rineville, OR , w h er e h e c hurch officials said in a n ­ culture had emerged in the '60s and '70s," he said, and nouncing his death. marketing m a n ager . He spent 32 years working for t hen went out on hi s ow n Clear Pine Molding Inc., in From 1966 to 1990, Manoo­ "the archbishop was astute in a nd started Safari M o t o r a ddition t o r e c eiving h i s gian was primate of the East­ seizing that moment" to place C oaches. Saf a r i Mo t o r j ourney c e r t i f icate f r o m ern Diocese of the Armenian the Armenian genocide "with­ Coaches e v e n tuall y be ­ O regon Bureau o f L a b o r Church in America, the larger in the new arc of Americans' came SM C C o r porationa nd I n d u stries, t h r o u g h of two dioceses in this country, commemorative memory." a nd i n cl u d e d Beav e r C entral O r e gon C o m m u ­ where most ofabout 700,000 Several days of 6 0 th-an­ C oaches an d H arn e y nity College. Coach Works. H e also es­ Robert married Cheryl church members live. (The niversary observances cul­ Western Diocese comprises minated in a march from St. t ablished Si l v e r Cr ee k Hall in 2003, and together Arizona and California.) Vartan's Cathedral past the R anches of O r egon, L L C , enjoyed fishing, camping, in Riley, Oregon, where he hiking and hunting. A skilled f undraiser, the United Nations and into St. ran cattle and grew alfalfa. Their mutual love for the archbishop led the final phases Patrick's Cathedral. There, in M at is survived by C o n ­ outdoors led them to travel of construction of St. Vartan's his sermon, Manoogian ad­ n ie Perlot; s i sters, M a r i ­ and find employment these Cathedral, the first Armenian dressed an audience of survi­ a nne, L e il a a n d Su s a n ; past five y e ars a t C r a t er cathedral in North America. vors, their descendants and brother, J e r ry . H e h ad Lake National Park, Death A work in progress on the East other supporters. f our sons from f i r st w i f e , V alley National Park a n d "We are here," he said. "And Mary Ann (Bernert). Sons, W illamette N a t i onal F o r ­ Side of Manhattan (Second Mike (Kathy), David, Gor­ rest.The focus of Roberts' Avenue at 34th Street) since we were not supposed to be." Many were involved in or­ d on an d M a r t i n ( M y r a ) ; l ife wa s h i s l o v e f o r t h e the 1950s, the cathedral, with a grandchildren, Chris, Rob­ o utdoors, k i n d n es s a n d gilded 120-foot-tall dome, was ganizing the events, but Ma­ ert, Taylor, Danielle, Peter, hard work. consecrated in 1968 in a cer­ noogian was the survivors' M olly, G r eg , L i t t l e M a t , S urviving h i m , a r e h i s emony attended by the city's spokesman, said Christopher Justin, Brianna and Shay. wife, Cheryl of B end; tw o civic and religious leaders, in­ Zakian, a diocese spokesman M at w a s p r e c eded i n brothers, David of Athena, cluding Mayor John Lindsay. and editor of "The Torch Was d eath b y h i s f a t h er , L e ­ OR, and Randy of Condon, In April 1975, to mark the Passed: The Centennial His­ onard; mother, Muriel; and O R; stepson, R i chard o f sister, Jan. Bend; an d s t e p daughter, 60th anniversary of the start tory of the Armenian Church of the Armenian bloodbath, of America." I n retirement, Ma t l i v e d Jennifer of Las Vegas. "He was a witness to the in Arizona and spent time Preceded by, hi s f a t h er, Manoogian sponsored a series i n M e x i c o a n d A l a s k a , Robert passed in 1970; his of public events, including one genocide," Zakian said. "And where he w o uld entertain brother, Ron passed 1989; at Madison Square Garden, — not saying this to dimin­ f riends and f amily o n h i s and his mother, passed in that brought new attention to ish his dignity and stature in f ishing boat . H e w a s a l ­ 2000. the mass deaths and the Turk­ any way — he was also a PR w ays o r c h e strating t he A special thanks to Rob­ ish government's continued genius." next great f i shing a d ven­ ert and Sharon M o r r ison, T orkom M anoogian w a s ture. Kevin and Christie Barce­ refusal to accept responsibility born on Feb. 16, 1919, one of Through his long stay at l ona a n d A n g e l , D a v i d , forthem as acts ofgenocide. Like many ethnic A r me­ six children of Nargiz and Va­ t he hospital at th e end o f Eileen and Jason at P art­ nians in the U.S., Manoogian han Manoogian. His parents h is life he was j ovial an d ners In Care of Bend. doing his best to entertain As requested by R obert, was a descendant of the large owned a photography studio v isitors. M a t w a s a l w ay s no service will be held and Christian population that was in a s o u theastern Turkish v ery g i v i ng. H e p a i d f o r in lieu o f f l o w ers, p lease expelled from what i s n ow town near the Iraq border. He t he c o llege e d ucation o f send donations to: Bureau Turkey in a campaign of eth­ was sent to school in Jerusa­ several of h i s e m p l oyee's of L an d M an a g ement­ nic cleansing undertaken by lem at 12 and ordained as a children on the ranch and Ochoco U n i t Pr i n e v i l l e, the Ottoman military between priest in 1939. in Mexico and was a gen­ Oregon Fish and W i l d l ife, He arrived in the U.S. for erous entertainer. H ospice o f P r i n eville, o r 1915 and 1923. An estimated I m i l lion A r m enians were the first of several church as­ Memorial services will be Partners In Care, Bend. killed or starved to death. The signments in 1946, serving in N ov. 10 , 2 0 12 , a t 1 1 : 0 0 a rchbishop was born in a n California and Pennsylvania. a.m., a t Ni s w o n ger-Rey­ nolds F u n eral H o m e i n Armenian refugeecamp near He was primate of the Western DEATHS Bend, Oregon. Baghdad after his parents fled Diocese in 1962 and named a M ore i n f o r m atio n an d their Turkish town during the bishop the same year. He be­ ELSEWHERE guestbook can be found at killings. came an archbishop in 1966, gatewaylittlechapel.com. The Turkish g overnment soon afterhe arrived in New T he f a m il y w i s he s a n y maintains that many died on York. donations b e mad e to Deaths of note from around the world: both sides of an ethnic con­ After the 1988 earthquake Wounded Warriors. Mat's fish camp is closed. Emile Allais, 100: Cham­ flict between Armenians and in Armenia, which killed more We will miss it very much. pion French skier who helped Turks during World War I, but than 50,000 and left many shape the sport by developing that Turkish authorities never more homeless, he s p ear­ and popularizing a new style adopted a program of geno­ headed churchrelief efforts in of skiing in the 1930s — keep­ cide. Armenians have long the U.S. In 1990, Manoogian ing the skis parallel — as well demanded Turkish atonement was appointed patriarch of as by coaching Olympic teams. for what most historians con­ Jerusalem, a primarily diplo­ Oct. 8, 1926 - Sept. 29, 2012 Died Wednesday in Sallanch­ sider the first organized geno­ matic post that he held until cide of the century. his death. Ebert N. A m u n dson, 85, es, France. o f Jacksonville, F L , f o r ­ Koji Wakamatsu, 76:Japa­ M anoogian e n listed t h e Manoogian was an author­ merly of Bend, OR, passed nese director and provocateur American Catholic Confer­ ity on Armenian sacred music away S a t u rday, S e p tem­ who flung sex, violence and ence, the American Jewish and on the work of the musi­ b er 29, 2012. N i c k w a s politics on the screen in more Committee and the I slamic cian-priest Komitas, who be­ b orn October 8 , 1 9 26, i n than 100 films. Died Wednes­ Center of Washington to join came mentally ill during the Miles City, MT. day in Tokyo. in demanding that T u rkey A rmenian genocide and i s Nick was a licensed Real Frank Moore Cross, 91: Influ­ acknowledge the a t rocities. considered one of its martyrs. E state Br oker i n O r e g o n and o ne of t h e co­ ential Harvard biblical scholar Gov. Hugh Carey of New York He died in 1935 in Paris. The founders o f I N V E S T west who specialized in the ancient signed a p r o clamation de­ archbishop also wrote poetry Commercial R ea l E s t ate. cultures and languages that manding the same. under the name Shen Mah I n real estate for o ver 3 0 helped shape the Hebrew Bi­ The h i s torian Ba r b ara and completed an Armenian y ears, he w a s a n a c t i v e ble and who played a central Tuchman, whose grandfather translation of Shakespeare's member o f t h e C o m m er­ role in interpreting the Dead Henry Morgenthau was the sonnets. cial Investment Division of Sea Scrolls. Died Tuesday in U.S. ambassador to the Otto­ His survivors include a sis­ the Central Oregon A sso­ Rochester, N.Y. man Empire in 1915, related ter, Dzovig Devletian, and two c iation o f Rea l t o rs . H e J oseph R osenmiller, 8 7 : her eyewitness account of the brothers, Khachig and Sooren, served in the US Navy and massacresbefore a standing­ all of whom live in the United w as a v e t eran o f W o r l d Earned a fortune building a War II. chain of radio stations and room-only crowd at the Felt States. Nick is survived by a son, then donated tens of millions K urt A m u n d son ( M a r d y ) to promote causes that he felt of Jacksonville, FL; a s i s­ traditional ph il a n thropies ter, R a c h ell e A n d e r s on largely ignored, like voting ( William) of A r l i n g t o n , rights and the empowerment WA; and one niece, Kelly Robinson; and eight neph­ of domestic workers. Died Oct. 14 at his home in New York. e ws, Steve Frediani, B o b 63875 N. HIGHWAY97 ' BEND David Ware, 62: Powerful F rediani, J oe Fr ed i a n i , W arren A n d e r son , D a n and contemplative jazz saxo­ S41.382. S S92 Anderson, Kelly Anderson, phonist who helped lead a re­ M ark E a g e n a n d Sc o t t surgence of free jazz in New Amundson. York. Died Thursday in New A memorial service w i l l Brunswick, N.J. Deschutes Memorial now displays be held in Bend, OR, in the — From wire reports Spring of 2013. obituaries on our website. Please go to www.deschutesmemorialchapel.com to leave condolence messages for the A REVERSE MORTGAGE... family and to learn about funeral/ Now's the Time memorial services.

Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes.They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all

correspondence. For information On any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 5 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second dayafter submission, by 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits@bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

July12, 1952- Sept. 13, 2012

Manoogian le Armenian church iocese inU.S.

Sept. 23,1959- Oct.11, 2012

Ebert N. Amundson


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THE %7EST isting CI fl$ Poiar bear I in court

CI I OMlcl S i'BBA Bgpi'

in eonw owinS reSi en By Evan Halper

out a similar federal incentive, known as the investment tax credit, that covers about a third of their d evelopment costs. That tax break does not expire until 2016. But industrial-scale solar projects such as Topaz and the Ivanpah Solar Electric Gener­ ating System, between Barstow and Las Vegas, are typically in

Los Angeies Times

S ACRAMENTO, Cal i f . — On 7,300 isolated acres in eastern Kern County, a plan for dozensof wind turbines 20 stories high to generate enough electricity for tens of thousands of homes may hinge on who is elected president. Millions of dollars have been spent laying the groundwork. Permitsare in order, contrac­ tors are lined up, government planners are on board. But like many other green energy ef­ forts in California, the Avalon Wind Project awaits the fate of key federal subsidies. For Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, such aid represents government run amok, allowing bureaucrats to pick winnersand losers in re­ newable energy rather than let­ ting the free market sort them out. The issue has been a pillar of his campaign; the candidate punctuated his point with a news conferenceat the vacant former headquarters of bank­ rupt solarcompany Solyndra, which lost $527 million in gov­ ernment money. Mark Tholke, a vice presi­ dent at EDF Renewable Energy, the company behind Avalon, is bewildered by Romney's talk of jettisoning incentives like the 20-year-old tax credit that would enable his firm to put shovel to ground. About a third of Avalon's construction costs w ould be covered by the credit, amounting to many millions of dollars. "The impact would be devas­ tating," he said. "The number of wind projects we would build would just plummet." The prospect of a Romney victory in November is a source of consternation amongplayers large and small in California's rapidlygrowing renewable-en­

McClatchy Newspapers W ASHINGTON — A lawyer arguing for the state of Alaska that polar bears are not a threatened spe­ cies ran into skeptical ap­ peals court judges Friday. Alaska, along with hunt­ ing groups and others, is appealing the 2011 decision by a federal judge that the government correctly listed polar bears under the fed­ eral Endangered Species Act. It's a case with major implications because polar bears are the first, and so

far only, species listed solely on the basis of threats from

global warming. Polar bears are not today on the brink. But the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service says sea ice melting means two-thirds of the w orld's polar bears

could be gone by 2050.



the planning stages for years.

Bob Chamberlla/ bos Angeles Times

The sun rises over a field of wind turbines,which stand nearly 300 feet high, near Rio Vista, Calif. ergy industry. Experts differ on whether subsidies are the most sensible way to move toward cleaner energy and whether they are a good deal for taxpay­ ers. But there is wide agreement that no state has used federal help more aggressively than California and that a sudden shift in direction by the White House would stymie the state's

progress. "The election will have a huge effect on California en­ ergy policy," said Severin Bo­ renstein, co-director of the En­ ergy Institute at the University of California, Berkeley, Haas School of Business. "If the fed­ eral support dries up, a lot of this will come to a halt." Nearly 170,000 Californians have jobs tiedto the green econ­ omy, which includes alternative energy production, conserva­ tion and pollution reduction, according to a study by the Bay Area think tank Next 10. California companies filed 41 percent of all patents for re­ newable-energy i n n ovations nationwide from 2008 to 2010, solar panels are being installed on rooftops at an aggressive

Investors are wary of jumping in if they aren't confident the federal government will still be offering financial assistance when construction starts.

"To get large-scale projects

offthe ground requires a safe­ looking investment environ­ ment," said Daniel Kammen, pace, and the state's consump­ director of the Renewable and tion of renewable energy is Appropriate Energy Laborato­ e clipsing other parts of t h e ry at the University of Califor­ country. A quarter of all the nia, Berkeley. "If it is clear cred­ venture capital spent in Califor­ its are ending ... it dramatically nia is now tied to clean energy, drives investor interest away." the study found. Romney's energy plan, re­ California's policies are fu­ leased as a white paper in Au­ eling the movement toward gust, would de-emphasize wind cleaner electricity, but many and solar development in favor experts say the state can't go of more aggressive pursuit of it alone. Federal subsidies are fossil fuels. It proposes opening the backbone of these efforts up millions of acres of federal and have helped draw private land and offshore areas to oil investment. The credits are drilling and fracking for natu­ worth hundreds of millions of ral gas, and approving the con­ dollars at each of several dozen troversial Keystone XL pipeline large renewable projects in to transport oil from Canada to the works. Topaz Solar Farm the Gulf Coast. in San Luis Obispo County, The plan accuses the Obama owned by one of Warren Buf­ administration of sending "bil­ fett's companies, would qualify lions of taxpayer dollars to for a tax break of more than green energy projects run by $600 million, for example. political cronies." Those in the wind industry The tax breaks predate Pres­ are particularly anxious: Their ident Barack Obama, but he two-decade-old pr o d uction supplemented them with more credit, which costs taxpayers than $13 billion in grants to re­ about $1 billion annually, ex­ newable-energy developers as pires at year's end. The next part of the 2009 economic stim­ administration ma y d e c ide ulus package. Now he wants whether to continue it or kill it. the wind credit extended and Most solar projects are not is lobbying investors to take ad­ economically feasible w i th­ vantage of the solar incentives.

Washingtonapplefarmers muld benefit frombadweather

neighborhood on Bend's westside.






• •

I . • •


* * *

Re Elec-t

for Deschutes County Commissioner "Commissioner Alan Unger knows how important it is to maintain the economy and the values that make Deschutes County a great place to live and work. Alan is cultivating new jobs and business opportunities. Vote for Deschutes County Commissioner Alan Unger." - Mike Hollern CEO Brooks Resources

Paid For By: Unger For Deschutes County Commissioner

0 •

By Manuel Valdes The Associated Press

SEATTLE — First, warm spring weather in the North­ east and Midwest tricked apple trees into budding earlier. Then an untimely frost damaged the delicate blossoms. For apple farmers in produc­ ing states like New York and Michigan, this has been a for­ gettable year, with severe de­ clines in production of as high as 90 percent. But it is amounting to a boon for Washington state growers, who are already in the midst of a near record harvest, and now looking forward to higher demand and prices for their produce. "If we can get this fruit har­ vested, it's a perfect storm for Washington," said Todd Fry­ hover, president of the Apple Growers Association. "We could have a banner year for returns and profitability for our industry, but only time will tell." Washington is likely to have a harvest of 108 million bush­ els, its second highest number on record, industry represen­ tatives said. A bushel is a 40­ pound box of apples. The main v a r iables still looming: a possible shortage of pickers and unpredictable weather at the end of the har­ vest season. Usually, Washington's apple farmers need about 40,000 workers toharvest their huge crop, said Kirk Mayer of the Washington Growers Clearing House Association. This year, Fryhover said, growers are re­

What people may think about you... Kal-Hael Yao /The Trl-Clty Herald file photo

Irma Pena picks gala apples in August at Zag Orchards in Finley, Wash.

more than expected.But he also was one ofthe farmers who got hit by hail earlier this spring and his workers had to use masks for weeks while a wildfire filled the area with smog. This year, it's shaping up tobeawashforhim. "Our industry is looking at capacity, folks are pretty anx­ ious to ship fruit," said Auvil, who runs a relatively small op­ eration at 50 acres. "You can't necessarily get over excited about pricing when you have a bountiful of fruits. But prices do look favorable." Washington is the behemoth of the industry and could ac­ count for 65 percent of all the apples grown in the country this year, up from its usual 50 to 60 percent range. Nationally, the U.S. Apple Association projects the apple harvest will go down by 10 percentcompared to last year porting a shortage of roughly to about 200 million bushels. 10 to 15 percent. Because the national crop is On abrighter note, this year's s maller, apple prices at r e­ summer has been "perfect" tail are expected to be higher with warm temperature and acrossthe country,industry of­ spring was mild with nearly no ficials said. "Growers are getting a bit frosts, Fryhover said. "We're seeing our fruit's sizes get larg­ more per bushels from the er as harvest continues." packers and shippers," said Just north of Wenatchee in Mark Gedris, U.S. Apple Asso­ central Washington, Orondo ciation spokesman. farmer Tom Auvil saw his or­ New York harvested 30.7 chards produce about a third million bushels last year, but

will see less than half of that this year i f e stimates hold. Michigan, which has seen fluc­ tuation over the past five years — saw a sharp drop, down to less than 3 million bush­ els this year from 28 million lastyear, according to grower associations. Canada and Mexico are also not harvesting at top capacities, Fryhover said, putting Wash­ ington in a unique position. While the apple industry expects prices to go up for con­ sumers, it's too early to say by how much. There is usually a lagbetween harvest and apples on the supermarket counter. So far the U.S. Department of Agriculture said U.S. retail prices for Red Delicious apples rose I percent in September to $1.524 per pound, from $1.505 in September 2011. Generally, Washington ap­ ple farmers prefer selling their product to the fresh market, which brings higher returns. This year's bad harvests in New York and Michigan could mean that Washington farmers could sell more of their apples to the processed and juice in­ dustries, which buy apples that are not tasty enough for the fresh fruit market. On an aver­ age year, Michigan sells about 60 percent of its harvest to the juice industry, Smith said.

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F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.


• •



• C


Tonight: Chance of snow showers. CHANNE




29 WEST Expect cloudy skies with occa­ sional showers today.

Asto ri a . i i i xxx x x x x x x x x

x x x Kx2/40 x x x x '5'5 x x x x x x x 5 5 ' 5 '5 k k x x x Seasidec xNx HOOCL' 5i/47 Cannon Beachx • xxxi i » Rj y e fx'




ermiston 57/32 ) Wallowa

• Pendleton

Tillamook•' i.igvw x' c »i s andy ii xx ' . K X x X ' 0% 5 2/3i}. 51/40



5 /3 6


i» XX Fk i x cc x x '5 ' 5 '5'5x53ma

.x x x x •



Ontario Variably cloudy 57/34 and coolcondi­ Valec 5//35 • tions will be the Nyssa rule. 56/35 Juntura





i imi i i i i .

8 Bandori, ~ iHtoseborg , x53/4K i

$• •



4 5I23

• Burns


• B eac ii x



• 65'





x 56/48.



L 47/26

rants 56/38

Yesterday's state extremes

Jordan Valley

l.ake xxc Pass



4 8/2 I

Chr i stmas Valley

Silv e r





• paur ina 43/26

• 50/29 Florencewi» ugenei i i g g g g g ~ x riyer Bend 5 4/45 x v c ' 53/30 xcx x x x k k x i ' P l l <> • Brothers 47/25 xxx xx CouagcVH 'X Oakrjdge . KHam ton x i»Grovf 'xxxx'5'47/28 x 'x'53/38x~ h' La Pine47/25 45/26 (oos Bayxx • i i i ~ resc ent • 53/44 • x x xxk» » x x i Riley » ~ x »Lake p Cr eSCent• FOrt ROCk48/27 • '

Mostly cloudy today with rain and mountain snow showers.







Baker City




• Mitchell 48/31



• 47/23


• Spray sr/z0






52/30 Unio~



i Ke port 3/39xX' ~% » P • " h " KX

• Meacham

I La Grande•


xx 52/38• xx k 'CCCCCC Cx




i; Government

5 /42




• 58/40

• Klamath Falls Mm

~ Brookings 56/45

• 34'


• Lakeview




Ca g 1ary




9 1 /41

Kn 4OS Billings

rtland ~

sxxxx nuebec.' Cxx

Winnipeg 54/36 under Bay 6/41 •

~I Bismarck



56 /36


• 96'

St.Paul ~

• Buffalo

64I44 • Detroit M

San Francisco


Bangor, Maine

y e as

Salt Lakeh'




Albuquerque ~

LosAngelesm 68/58



79/57 -Des Moines 78/62,


o ei I 87/64

Tijuana 70/55





b W

LColumbus i '

t ''


ew Y ork

n g ton, DC.




• 70/42 Little Rock Nashville -~ 81/61 P~ 75 / 49 Oklahomacity K ' Atfanta~


p '


• Dagas MOS



59/46 '

Kansas Cityst L „ Louisville ~H 80/6fi 78/gQ t ' 705 70/51 ~ C h a rlotte ­








• 1.82w



70/50 KJ

Angel Fire, N.M

64/44 K ortland 63/46 5- •


Blythe, Calif.

• 17o

86/72 i

Houston •


New Orleans 8 2/ 6 2

lando 2/62


• Miami 85/73


Monterrey 80/70

W 3 3/20


Mazatlan • 84 /75


LL 3Os





Chance of rain

Chance of rain







47 27

46 28

44 26

42 30

SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 7:28 a.m. Moon phases Sunsettoday.... 611 p.m. F irst Ful l La s t Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:30 a.m. Sunset tomorrow... 6:09 p.m. Moonrisetoday.... 1:56 p.m. Moonsettoday ........none Oct. 21 Oct. 29 Nov. 6 Nov. 13 •



Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....9:44 a.m...... 6:55 p.m. Venus......4:16 a.m...... 4:54 p.m. Mars......11:11 a.m...... 8:03 p.m. Jupiter......8 21 p m..... 1 1:33a.m. Satum......7:38 a.m...... 6;24 p.m. Uranus.....511 pm......531 am.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 55/36 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........80m1974 Monthtodate.......... 0.26" Record low......... 12 in 1949 Average month todate... 0.31"

Average high.............. 60 Year to date............ 7.00" Average low .............. 32 Average year to date..... 7.49" Barometricpressureat 4 p.m29.87 Record24 hours ...1.31 in1947 *Melted liquid equivalent




Yesterday S unday M o nday Bend, westof Hwy97.. Mod Sisters........................ . Mod Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/WBend, eastof Hwy.97....Mod. La Pine.............................Mod

City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.

Redmond/Madras.... Mod. Prinevine........................Mod

Astoria ........53/44/0.30....52/40/sh.....51/41/sh Baker City......47/41/0.14....52/26/sh.....47/24/sh Brookings......57/46/0.15....56/45/sh.....51/45/sh Burns......... 55/40/trace....50/25/sh.....44/25/sh Eugene........56/44/0.12....53/39/sh.....50/37/sh Klamath Falls .. 53/40/0 01 ...51/31/pc ... 42/28/rs Lakeview.......57/46/000 ...51/30/sh.....42/32/rs La Pine........47/39/0.00.... 47/25/rs..... 42/18/rs Medford.......56/49/0.04....58/40/pc.....54/38/sh Newport.......54/45/0.12....51/42/sh.....50/41/sh North Bend.....59/46/0.00....54/45/sh.....51/43/sh Ontario....... 65/36/trace....57/34/pc.....55/35/sh Pendleton......57/45/0.03....54/32/pc.....51/31/sh Portland .......54/45/0.66....51/41/sh.....49/41/sh Prinevige.......48/39/0.03....47/30/sh.....48/24/sh Redmond.......52/37/0.01 ....51/25/sh.....45/26/sh Roseburg....... 57/49/0.08.... 54/40/sh..... 51/42/sh Salem ....... 56/42/0 12 ...52/39/sh ...50/40/sh Sisters.........49/40/0.01 .....48/28/r.....44/19/sh The Dages..... 57/48/trace....54/36/sh.....50/35/sh

Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme

The following was compiled by the Central Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as a service to irrigators and sportsmen.

Reservoir Acre feet C a p acity Crane Prairie...... . . . . . . 34,759...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 115,877..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 72,111.... . . 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . 16,772......47,000 The higher the UV Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 83,252..... 153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow St at i o n Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 295 for sol t noon. Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . 250 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 25 LO M E DIUM H I GH Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 176 0 2 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 605 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . . 830 Crooked RiverAbove Prineville Res.. ... . . . . . 21 Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 79.1 Updated daily. Source: pollen.com Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 7.59 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 176 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 MEDIUM LOWI or go to www.wrd.state.or.us

To report a wildfire, call 911




5a ska1oo n 4LV25



(in the 48 contiguous states):


Legend Wweather, Pcp precipitation,s sun,pcpartial clouds,c clouds,b haze,shshowers, r rain,t thunderstorms,sf snowflurries,snsnow, i-ice, rs-rain-snowmix,w-wind, f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace

o www m •






Yesterday's extremes







4 4 4 x 4 >


5 8 ** * * * +

W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Ram Flurnes Snow


Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......89/57/0 00..91/68/pc...82/65/t Grand ilapids...57/44/trace..61/46/pc. 67/57/sh RapidCit y 8 0/36/0 00 58/35/c 57/40/sh Savannah.......77/50/0.00...75/52ls.. 77/53/s Akron ..........52/45/001...59/43/s.69/54lpc Green Bay.......59/46/0 00..64/44/pc...62/47/t Reno...........75/55/0 00..63/44/sh..54/39/rs Seattle..........52/43/0.05 ..51/41/sh. 48/43/sh Albany..........70/53/0.00..62/44/pc. 64/47/pc Greensboro......68/44/0.00...70/40/s.. 73/45/s Richmond.......72/45/0.00... 70/44/s .. 74/49/s SiouxFalls.......61/31/0.00... 70/44/s. 64/50/pc Albuquerque.....79/41/0.00..74/51/pc.. 72/49/s Harusburg.......63/49/0.01...64/41/s.. 69/46/s Rochester, NY....57/46/0.01 .. 58/45/pc.68/49/pc Spokane........50/39/0.02 .. 45/33/rs. 45/33/sh Anchorage ......41/27/0.00...33/20/5.. 33/21/s Hartford,CT .....75/61/0.00...64/44/s.. 67/47/s Sacramento......77/54/0.00 ..71/55/pc.66/51/sh Springfield, MO ..73/38/0.00.. 78/62/pc...78/62/t Atlanta.........71l47/000...73/52/s .. 76/52/s Helena..........56/42/0 01 ..49727/pc. 44/27/sn St. Louis.........66/48/0.00 ..78/60/pc...80/62/t Tampa..........84/70/0 00... 84/64/s. 87/70/pc Atlantic City.....70/53/0.00...68/50/s .. 70/53/s Honolulu........87/75/0.00...87/72/s .. 86/71/s Salt Lake City....78/53/0 00... 68/54/c.69/40lsh Tucson..........89/61/0.00 ..84/56/pc.. 84/57/s Austin..........88/48/0.00 ..88/69/pc. 85/65/pc Houston ........85/52/0.00... 89/72/s .. 89/69/s San Antonio.....86/58/000 .. 90/72/pc. 85770/pc Tulsa...........84/41/0.00 ..83/71/pc...82/67/t Baltimore .......66/48/0.00...66/43/s .. 71/46/s Huntsville.......68/44/0.00...74/47/s .. 78/50/s SanDiego...... 70/66/tiace.. 69/63/pc. 68/64/pc Washington, DC.69/51/0.00... 68/48/s .. 72/50/s Bigings.........66/49/007...49/32/c ..46/32/rs Indianapolis.....57/45/0 22..67/51/pc...75/59/t SanFrancisco....66/56/000.. 66/56/pc. 65/55/sh Wichita.........83/40/0.00... 83/64/s...79/62/t Birmingham.....70/45/000...79I51/s. 81/54/s Jackson, MS.... 80/43/000. 82/54/s.. 84I57/s SanJose........66/53/000.. 66/53/pc. 61/52/sh Yakima.........58/44/000 53I27/pc. 49/28/sh Bismarck........65/32/000 ..56/36/pc. 54/39/sh Jacksonvile......80/53/000... 77/55/s. 78/58/pc SantaFe........77/38/0.00... 70/42/s .. 67/44/s Yuma...........94/67/0.00 ..86/66/pc.. 8463/s Boise...........64/51/003..54/36/pc. 55/36/sh Juneau..........40/27/000..38/28/pc. 38/25/pc INTERNATIONAL Boston..........74/59/016...63/49/s .. 65/49/s Kansas City......70/38/0 00 ..80/66/pc...79/65/t BudgeportCT....72/61/000...64/48/s .. 65/51/s Lansing.........56/44/007 ..61/45/pc. 68/57/sh Amsterdam......61/55/0 00 .. 59/53/c 64/56/c Mecca.........1 02/82/000 . 98/78/c. 96/78/pc Buffalo.........53/46/0 55 ..59/46/pc. 68/50/pc LasVegas.......87/58/0 00..79/63/pc. 77/57/pc Athens..........77/64/000 ..74/65/pc.68/62/sh MexicoCity .....77/50/000 . 80/51/s.. 76/52/s Burlington,VT....71/54/007..58/46/sh. 59/46/pc Lexington.......54/43/000..66/46/pc.. 75/53/s Auckland........61/50/0.00... 64/47/r. 64/48/sh Montreal........64/52/000.. 51/45/sh. 57/44/pc Caribou,ME.....63/52/064 ..57/40/sh. 53/36/pc Lincoln..........69/29/000 ..79/56/pc. 72/53/pc Baghdad........99/66/0.00 ..90/70/sh.92/65/sh Moscow........57/46/0.00 ..49/45/pc.. 49/38/c Charleston, SC...76/52/000...74/Slls.. 77/54/s Little Rock.......77/42/000..81761/pc. 82/61/pc Bangkok........97/81/0.00... 89/75/t...88/79/t Nairobi.........81/63/0.00... 75/60/t .. 77/60/s Charlotte........71/44/000... 70/42/s .. 73/47/s LosAngeles......71/65/0 01 ..68/58/pc. 67/58/sh Beifng..........72/41/000..61/51/sh .. 62/51/s Nassau.........88/77/0.00...83/78/t. 83/78/pc Chattanooga.....68/45/000...73/46/s.. 78/49/s Louisvige........56/47/000..70/51/pc.77/56/pc Be/rut..........84/73/0.00... 82/71/s .. 80/68/s New Delh/.......88/66/000...91/69ls.. 91/68/s Cheyenne.......71/49/0.00 ..64/36/pc. 64/40/pc Madison,Wl.....59/37/0.00..66/50/pc...67/58/t Berlin...........70/43/000 ..61/42/pc. 65751lpc Osaka..........72/50/0.00..71/62/pc...74/54/r Chicago.........59/40/000 66/53/pc...70/61/t Memphis....... 72/46/000 81/60/s .. 83/60/s Bogota.........68/54/0 00.. 64/52/sh.65/51lsh Oslo............43/39/000..42734/sh. 45/33/pc Cincinnati.......57/45/005 ..65/46/pc. 75/55/pc Miami..........90/75/000... 85/73/s. 85/76/pc Budapes t........72/43/0.00...66/46/s..65/51/s Ottawa .........59/48/0.00..53/42/sh.. 58/45/c Cleveland.......52/46/001 ..60/46/pc. 70/55/sh Milwaukee......58/43/000..64/51/pc...65/57/t Buenos Aires.....75/54IO00... 76/62/c...68/55/i Paris............61/57/0.00..61/56/sh.71/60/pc ColoradoSpnngs.79/43/000... 71/39/s .. 69/42/s Minneapolis.....54/34/0 00..70/50/pc .. 65/54/c CaboSanLucas ..88/66/0.00..89/70/pc .. 89/70/s Rio deJaneiro....82/73/000..89/73/pc.. 94/75/c Columhia,MO...67/42/0.00..79/63/pc...78/65/t Nashvige........65/47/0.00...75/49/s .. 80/55/s Cairo...........88/68/000.. 87/67/s. 84/67/pc Rome...........79/55/0.00..74/60/pc.. 79/64/c Columhia,SC....77/47/0.00... 72/43/s .. 76/48/s New Orleans.....81/54/0.00... 82/62/s .. 83/65/s Calgary.........45/28/0.00.. 32/14/sf .. 33/22/c Santiago........66/46/0.00..55/44/sh.. 62/50/s Columbus, GA...76/46/0.00...77/51/s.. 79/52/s New York.......69/58/0.00...64/49ls .. 70/53/s Cancun.........86/70/0 00 .. 86/78/pc. 84/78/pc SaoPaulo.......77/63/0.00... 84/68/t.. 87I72/c Columbus, OH....56/46/0.16 ..63/46/pc. 72/55/pc Newark, Nl......72/55/0.00...65/48/s .. 69/52/s Dublin..........57/45/0.00 ..55/43/pc.. 54/50/c Sapporo ........61/52/000..49/45/pc...55/43/r Concord,NH.....75/53/004 ..62/41/pc.. 63/42/s Norfolk, VA......74/51/000... 68/46/s .. 73/48/s Edinburgh.......55/43/0.00 .. 54/40/pc.. 52/46/c Seoul...........68/48/000..70/54/sh. 61/47/sh Corpus Christi....92/69/000... 92/75/s.. 90/72/s OklahomaCity...82/46/0 00 ..85767/pc...80/65/t Geneva.........68/46/0.00 ..70/56/pc.. 68/53/c Shangha/........77/66/000..77/59/sh. 78/62/sh DallasFtWorth...88/53/000 ..86/72/pc...83/70/t Omaha.........66/36/000 ..79/57/pc...74/55/t Harare..........91/72/000..86/63/pc. 85/63lsh Singapore.......86/75/0.00...87/78/t...88/78/t Dayton .........56/44/008..63/47/pc.72/57/pc Orlando.........83/69/000...82/62/s. 85/67/pc HongKong......84/75/0.00..81/72/pc.. 84/74/s Stockholm.......50/46/0.00..52748/sh.. 51/42/c Denver..........70/50/000...71/40/s .. 74/44/s PalmSprings.... 92/64/000. 84I60/s. 83/60/pc Istanbul.........70/57/0.00 73/68/pc .. .. 70/62/c Sydney..........81/63/0.00..90/59/pc.73/58/sh DesMoines......60/46/000 ..78/62/pc...74/62/t Peoria..........56/39/0 00..71/56/pc...75/61/t lerusalem.......83/68/0.00... 83/63/s. 80/62/pc Taipei...........84/66/0.00...86/72/s. 84/72/pc Detroit..........57/46/008 ..61/47/pc. 68/56/sh Philadelphia.....67/55/000...67/49/s .. 71I52/s Johannesburg....72/52/000..73/53/pc.. 75/53/s TelAviv.........84/68/0.00...84/68ls. 83/67/pc Duluth..........53/30/000...61/42/c. 55/42/pc Phoeuix.........91/66/0.00..87/64pc .. 86/62/s Lima...........70/61/0.00... 67/63/c.69/62/pc Tokyo...........70/57/0 00..68/63/pc. 72/5llsh El Paso..........88/56/000 ..84/57/pc.. 81/57/s Pittsburgh.......52/45/012...57/42/s. 70/50/pc Lisbon..........66/48/0 00 .. 66/62/sh 72/63/c Toronto.........52/46/0 00 58/44/pc 62/52/pc Fairbanks.........22/9/000... 19/-4/s...15/-6/s Portland,ME.....64/56/0.28..63/46/pc .. 62/42/s London.........57/46/0.00... 58/53/c.60/55/sh Vancouver.......50/43/0.00..49/41/sh.49/40/pc Fargo...........52/39/000...57/41/c. 57/44/pc Providence......74/59/047...63/47/s .. 64/48/s Madrid .........64/52/0 00.. 60/48/sh. 68/56/pc Vienna..........57/41/0.00..60/44/pc.. 63/51/s Flagstaff........66/33/000 ..61/37/pc .. 60/37/s Raleigh.........72/46/0 00... 70/39/s .. 74/46/s Manila..........91/77/0.00... 87I75/t. 88/79/pc Warsaw.........63/43/0.00...62/42/s. 64/43/pc

Dfficials hope toavoid morewolf kills The Associated Press SEATTLE — Taking aim from a helicopter flying over northeastern Washington state, a marksman last month killed the alpha male of a wolf pack that had repeatedly attacked a rancher's cattle. The shoot­ ing put an end to the so-called Wedge pack, but it did little to quell the controversy over wolves in the state. The issue has been so explo­ sive that state wildlife officials received death threats and the head of the Fish and Wildlife Commission warned the public at a recent hearing in Olympia on wolves that uniformed and undercover officers were in the

room ready to act. More c onflicts b e t ween wolves and livestock are inevi­ table, officials say, as wolves in Washington recover, growing in number more quickly than expected. The animals num­ bered a handful in 2008, and are now estimated at between 80 and 100. "What are we going to do so we don'thave this again?" asked Steve Pozzanghera, a Wash­ ington Department of Fish and Wildlife regional director. He said officials are trying to be proactive to prevent the need to kill wolves in the fu­ ture. They plan to collar more wolves this winter to keep bet­


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ter track of them. They plan to ask the Legislature to beef up money to compensate livestock owners whose animals are killed by wolves. And they're urging livestock operators to sign agreements with the state to share the cost of using a broad range of nonlethal mea­ sures to prevent livestock-wolf conflicts. So far, only one livestock owner has signed an agree­ ment, with four to six others in the hopper — underscoring the challengesthe agencyfaces as it triesto recover the endangered specieswhile encouraging so­ cial tolerance of the wolves by minimizing livestock losses.




- •



Corner of N . Hw y 97 R Cl a u s e n 1 0:00-5:00

M on d a y - S a t u r d a y

TV8t Movies, C2

Calendar, C3 Horoscope, C3 Milestones, C6 Puzzles, C7 THE BULLETIN • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21, 2012

O www.bendbulletin.com/community

SPOTLIGHT Amy Goodman visiting Bend

~ A n thony Lakes

Ski Area

Tickets are onsale for an event with Amy executive producer of popular radio and televi­ sion news show "Demo­ cracy Now!" Goodman, anaward­

Cascades Theatrical Company's Greenwood Playhouse, 148N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend.

0 REG 0 N ational Historic Oregon Trail



Granite — • Sumpter

Goodman, host and

winning journalist and author, will speak at noon Oct. 28at

Ha es

Baker City

Baker Cl •Bend

North Po er



'ioregon ',Trail

Richland / /





I I /


i i

GregCross/The Bulletin

in a er

She will discuss current

topics ranging from the effect of the U.S.

Supreme Court's deci­ sion that allows more money into politics, to how new voter ID laws

impact voting and how people are organizing. The visit is part of a 100-city tour to in part

promote her newbook, "The Silenced Majority,"

co-authored with Denis Moynihan.

"Democracy Now!" is heard on1,100 radio stations worldwide, including in Bend on

community radio sta­ tion KPOV. The station, along with Sunlight

Solar, is putting on the event, and will benefit

from the proceeds. Tickets cost $25 for KPOV members and

$30 for nonmembers. They are available at bendticket.com.

Contact: kpov.org or


Music and arts group forms A new organization has been created to unite the music and arts community: Central Oregon Music & Arts Coalition. The group welcomes the involve­ ment of musicians, art­ ists, actors, theatrical

professionals, produc­ tion companies, pro­ moters, venue owners, music shop owners, educators and others connected to or work­ ing within the artistic community. COMAC's motto is "embrace," and it will

offer career support and training for artists, as­ sist in addressing civic

leaders and lawmakers, provide community outreach for schools and charitable organi­

zations, support local events, connect artists and musicians with

one another aswell as venues, according to a news release from its

founders. For more about COMAC, visit www.

• The historic GeiserGrand Hotel provides a rich atmospherefor ghost hunting

., ZFro

"investigations." But at that moment, I could have sworn BAKER CITY — I sat cross­ that I heard a child's voice legged on a cold concrete rise above the breathing and floor in the dark basement of mumbled conversations of a the Geiser Grand Hotel, my handful of other skeptics who breathing shallow, my senses joined me on the midnight heightened. tour. A shadow appeared to flit The Queen City from behind some carclboard boxes stacked against one In its heyday, Baker City wall. "My god!" Shane Ander­ — 230 miles (a five-hour drive) son, who sat beside me, whisno r t h east of Bend, most of it -% tr/ pered. oDid you see something o n U.S. Highway 26 through there?" Prineville — was known as the "Queen Anderson is alead NORTHWEST TRAVEL Ci ty of the investiga­ Mines." Home­ tor for the In two weeks: International Santa Cruz, Calif. steaded by Paranormal a handful of Reporting Group. Based in Oreg o n Trail travelers, it was r Boise, Idaho, his agency is prope r ly settled during the affiliated with The Atlantic Civi l W ar era and boomed Paranormal Society (TAPS), w it h m ajor gold strikes in the which investigatesreports of Elk h o rn Mountains shortly ghosts and other unexplained t h e r eafter. When the trans­ Photos by John Gottbert/ Anderson /For The Bulletin activity throughout the world. c o n t inental railroad arrived in Hand prints left in wet concrete in 1909, appearing to be those of a man and a child, remain Perhaps best known for the t he 1 8 80s, Baker City quickly on the floor of a basement storage chamber in the Geiser Grand Hotel. Some "ghost hunters" television series "Ghost Huntbe c ame the richest commu­ believe that the spirit of a young girl still resides in the hotel's lowest levels. ers," regularly shown on the nity i n Oregon. Syfy cable channeI, the sociBuilt i n the midst of this ety supports research groups hal c yon era, the Geiser Grand Empty seats in cities around the world. was quickly labeled the fin­ in the Geiser js 1 Quietly, Anderson handed es th otel between Salt Lake Grand's 1899 / me a headset. "These amplify Ci t yand Seattle. It boasted Loungeawait U any sounds," he assured me. ele c t r icity and an elevator, afternoon pa­ !] s.e rh I I slipped them on. "Let me only the third such device trons. Some know if you hear anything w est o f the Mississippi River say that early unusual." at the time. Miners, cattle hotel owner He cleared his throat and baro n s, politicians and world Maybelle clearly addressedthe spirit t rave l ers mingled beneath the Geiser of a young girl hespeculated clo c k -tower cupola and un­ continued to might be wanderingthe der the stained-glass ceiling patronize the room — on another plane of of t h e three-story Italianate bar after her buil d i n g. consciousness. "We'd like to death. speak with you," he said. "Are Bake r City's boom lasted you alone here? Can you give unt i l about 1910. The city us some sign that you can per sistedaas ranching center hear us?" with a population that has "What do you t hink I might ho v e red around 10,000 for expect to hear?" I asked decades. Little emphasis was Anderson. "Electronic voice pl ac ed on local history until phenomena," he replied. 1977, when a student intern for "We're looking for intelligent a s t ate agency documented the responses." extent of its historical district. Perhaps it was the power Sudde n l y, the city had a of suggestion. Perhaps it was new treasure: more than 100 in the bar downstairs. No one else could sit there. the frequent reports of parasign i f icant buildings, many After she died, anyone who sat in that chair would normal activity in the Geiser of t h em built of brick, others still find themselves getting pinched." Grand, a circa-1889 hotel that of l o cally quarried volcanic welcomes the ghost hunters t uf f. — Denttise "Denny" Grosse, tour guide at the Geiser Grand Hotel to come monthly for public See Baker City/C4 By John Gottberg Anderson For the Bulletin



"Maybelle haCther OWn Chair


facebook.com/Central­ OregonMusicArtsCoali­ tion.

Closed and slated for demolition in 1968, the Geiser Grand Hotel underwent a $7 million restoration and reopened to the public in 1998. Today with 30 spacious rooms, it has a fine-dining restaurant, a plush lounge and a reputation

Habitat benefit coming up Tickets are available for Art Round Up at the Ranch, a benefit for the Bend Area Habitat for Humanity. The black-tie-optional event kicks off at 6 p.m. Nov. 2. It features cock­ tails, appetizers, dinner






". Iltttttttttttttt rt.

and music provided by the Central Oregon


Symphony, andasilent auction. Original artwork


s gW +

created on thespot by local artisans will also be available for sale at a live auction. The event will be atthe Brasada Ranch barn, 16986 S.W.

Brasada RanchRoad, Powell Butte. Tickets are $100

each. Reservations are requested. Contact: rcooper© bendhabitat.org or 541-385-5387. — From staff reports








Autism benefit among the week's top picks By Chuck Barney

reaches its finale and a sur­ prise verdict comes down in the trial. Meanwhile, the ro­ mance between Daphne and Jeff (Katie Leclerc, Justin Bru­

Contra Costa Times

"Night of too many stars:

America Comes Together for Autism Programs"

ening) is revealed, and Bay

8 tonight, Comedy Central and Zarra (Vanessa Marano, Comedian J o n St e w art Tania Raymonde) head for h osts this b enefit a t N e w Mexico. York's Beacon Theatre. The "Don't Trust the B- in Apt. 23" special has a s erious goal, but a comically offbeat ap­ 9:31 p.m. Tuesday, ABC proach — bringing Where's Pacey? together people Ty Sp Season 2 of "Don't you thought you'd Trust th e B - in n ever see on t h e A pt. 23 " b e g i n s same stage. Carly Rae Jep­ with James Van Der Beek son, for example, sings "Call trying to organize a "Daw­ Me Maybe" with Harvey Kei­ son's Creek" r eunion, but, tel, and Bill O'Reilly debates sadly, without much success. Chris Matthews while inhal­ The opener airs right after ing helium. Among the stars the Season 3 debut of "Happy appearing: Tom Hanks, Ste­ Endings." phen Colbert, Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and Katy Perry. The World Series 7:30 p.m.Wednesday, Fox "The Good Wife" Break out the peanuts and 9 tonight, CBS Cracker Jack. The World Se­ The "ER" reunion contin­ ries gets under way tonight ues on "The Good Wife" as in the home ballpark of the Maura Tierney returns in her National League champs. Joe guest role opposite series star Buck and Tim McCarver call Julianna Margulies. Tierney the action. plays an Internet millionaire "The Houstons: On Our Own" who questions her decision to support Peter Florrick's (Chris 9 p.m. Wednesday, Lifetime " The Houstons: On O u r Noth) campaign after a taw­ Own" might be a little tough dry rumor circulates. to watch. It's a docu-series that Presidential debate follows W h itney H o uston's 9 p.m. Monday, broadcast family as they cope with their networks and cable news grief in the aftermath of her channels death. It's Round 3 of the presiden­ "Mockingbird Lane" tial debates as Barack Obama and Mitt Romney meet for 8 p.m. Friday, NBC the final time at Lynn Univer­ Just in time for Halloween sity in Boca Raton, Fla. Bob comes "Mockingbird Lane," Schieffermoderates the event a reboot of the 1960s TV se­ devoted to foreign policy. ries, "The Munsters." Jerry O'Connell stars as Herman "Switched at Birth" Munster and Portia de Rossi as 8 p.m. Monday, ABC Family his wife, Lily, in this hourlong The long and winding first pilot that may or may not be­ season of "Switched at Birth" come a series.




7:30, 9:15, 10:15 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG­ 13) 12:20, 3:05, 6:20, 9:05

McMenamins Old St. Francis School

Regal Pilot Butte 6 2717 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend,541-382-6347

ATLAS SHRUGGED:PART2 (PG­ 13) 12:15, 3:15, 6:15 BEASTS OFTHESOUTHERN WILD (PG-13) 1, 7 CHICKENWITH PLUMS(PG-13) 1:15, 4:15, 6:30 THE MASTER(R) Noon, 3, 6 THE PERKSOFBEINGA WALLFLOWER(PG-13) 12:45, 3:45, 6:45 SEARCHINGFOR SUGAR MAN (PG-13) 4 WAR OFTHEBUTTONS (no MPAA rating) 12:30, 3:30, 5:45

Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend,541-382-6347

ALEX CROSS(PG-13) 12:50, 3:50, 6:40, 9:35 ARGO (R) 12:30, 3, 4, 6:15, 7:15, 9, 10:05 END OFWATCH(R) 1:05, 4:25, 7:35, 10:15 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG) 12:40, 3:20, 6:05, 9:25 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA(PG) 12:15, 1:15, 3:15, 6:50 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA3-D (PG) 3:45, 9:10 HOUSEATTHEENDOFTHE STREET (PG-13) Noon LOOPER(R) 12:05, 3:30, 6:55, 9:55 PARANORMAL ACTIVITY4 IMAX (R) 1:50, 4:15, 7:20, 9:45 PARANORMALACTIVITY4 (R) 1:35, 3:55, 7:05, 9:30 PITCH PERFECT(PG-13) 12:10, 3:25, 6:10, 9:20 SEVENPSYCHOPATHS(R) 1:25, 4:10, 7:25, 10 SINISTER (R) 2, 4:45, 7:40, 10:20 TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 1, 3:40, 6:30,

700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562

Tin Pan Theater 869 N W Tin PanAlley Bend, 541-241-2271

As of press time, the complete movie times were unavailable. For more information, visit www.tinpantheater. com.

REDMOND Redmond Cinemas 1535 S.W. DdemMedo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777

HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG) 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7, 9:15 HOTELTRANSYLVANIA (PG)11:15 a.m., 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9:15




SISTERS Sisters Movie House

THE BOURNELEGACY(PG-13) 6 BRAVE (PG)Noon MOONRISEKINGDOM(PG-13) 9:30 PARANORMAN(PG) 2:30 After 7 p.m., showsare 21 and older only.Youngerthan21may attend screenings before 7 p.m.if accompaniedby a legalguardian.

720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800

ARGO (R) 1:30, 4, 6:30 HOPE SPRINGS(PG-13) 6:45 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA (PG) 2, 4:15 LOOPER(R) 4, 6:45 THE MASTER(R) 1:45 TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 4:45, 7 WILD HORSE,WILD RIDE(PG) 1:45

MADRAS Madras Cinema 5 1101 S.W.U.S.Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505

Garden In


Warehouse Prices •

at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 <IIMAX.

• There maybean additional fee for 3-0and IMAX films. • Movie times are subject to change after press time.

TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 12:45, 2:50, 5, 7:10

PRINEVILLE Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineville, 541-416-1014

TAKEN 2 (UPSTAIRS —PG-13) 4:10, 7:15 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG­ 13)1,4,7 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.


HunterDouglas TRI PLE SAVIN GS EVENT • Mail-In Rebates


EDITOR'S NOTES: • Accessibility devices are available for somemovies

ARGO(R) 2,4:30,7 FRANKENWEENIE 3-D (PG) 12:05, 2:20, 4:35, 6:50 LOOPER(R) 1:40, 4:10, 6:40 PARANORMALACTIVITY 4 (R) 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30


Get a taste of Food. Home Sr


PARANORMALACTIVITY 4 (R) 11 a.m., 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 TAKEN 2 (PG-13) Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9

• Matching Instant Rebates

• Free Lifting System Upgrades Sale Ends Oct. 31

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*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/BlackButte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-LaPine

1RK~RRRX~RKHK~RKR2RRRK~RRK~RREK~RKR2RREI~~RRKREEK~XKEH~EHK~RDiRH~ KATU News World News K A TU News at 8 (N) n cc America's Funniest HomeVideos Once Upon a Time(N)'PG' cc R evenge Intuition (N) 'PG' cc (10:01) 666Park Avenue(N)'14' KATU News (11:35) Castle

I'j KTVZ 0 0 0 0 Football Night (5:20) NFLFootball Pittsburgh Steelers at Cincinnati Bengals(N) n (Livei « (8:40) Extra 'PG' Castle City councilmandies. 'PG' Explore Evening News Burn Notice Fight or Flight '14' 6 0Minutes (N) n cc The AmazingRace(N) n cc The Good Wife (N) n '14' cc KBNZ 0 K EZI 9 News KEZI 9 News America's Funniest Home Videos Once Upon a Time (N)'PG' « R e v enge Intuition (N) 'PG' « KOHD Q 0 0 0 KEZI 9 News World News Paid Program Paid Program Cleveland Show The Simpeons Bob'e Burgers Family Guy '14' American Dad KFXO IDi IEI IEIIEI CSI: Miami '14' Bones n '14' cc Dreg on Art Beat Ore. Field Guide Antiques Roadshow n 'G' « Cal l the Midwife (N) 'PG' « Maeterpiece Classic (N) n '14' ttcae 0 B Q B Moyere tt Company n 'G' « Football Night (5:20) NFL Sports Sunday cc Easy Meals KGW 0 Football Pittsburgh Steelers at Cincinnati Bengals(N) n (Live) cc KTVZDT2tEI 0 B tH (4:00) **"ThePailbearer" « W e Th ere Yet? We There Yet? King of Queens King of Queens Engagement Engagement S e infeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' Cook's Country Test Kitchen Doc Martin TheFamilyWay'PG' Oregon Story 'G' (DVS) Priceless n G cc Moyere &Company n 'G' cc OPBPL 175 173

Dateline NBC n 'PG' « News Love-Raymond The Mentalist BloodFeud(N) '14' News Cold Case'PG' (10:01) 666Park Avenue(N)'14' KEZI 9 News Paid Program News Two/HalfMen Bigsang Pai d Program Midsomer Murders 'PG' cc (10:48) MideomerMurders 'PG' Private Practice n '14' cc Newechannel 8 Chris Matthews 'Til Death 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG' ** "DeepStarSix" (1989) « Great Performances at theMet Siegiried takesthering. 'PG' ac

*ASIE 130 28 18 32 Exterminator Exterminator Exterminator Exterminator Storage-Texas Storage-Texas Storage.Texas Storage.Texas Storage-Texas Storage-Texas Storage-Texas Storage-Texas Storage.Texas Storage.Texas

(4:00) ** "JeepersCreepers" (2001, ** "Landofthe Dead" (2005, Horror) SimonBaker, JohnLeguizamo. Pre­ The Walking DeadSeedLorfs preg- The Walking DeadSick Alife hangs (10:01) TheWalking DeadSickA life Talking Dead (N) Comic Book Men '14' « Horror) GinaPhilips. « miere. Flesh-eatingzombiesthreaten afortified city. nancy advances.'14' « in the balance.(N)'14' hangs in thebalance. '14' (N) '14' *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Finding Bigfoot n 'PG' cc Call-Wildman Call.Wildman Call.Wildman Call-Wildman Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot n 'PG' ru BRAVO1 37 4 4 Housewives H ousewives/NYC W hatHappens The RealHousewivesofMiami Housewives/ NJ Housewivee/NJ Housewives/NJ W hatHappens Housewives/NJ R e ba 'PG' ru R e ba 'PG' cc ** "Sweet Home Alabama" (2002) ReeseWitherspoon,Josh Lucas. n *** "Home forthe Ho/idays" (2005, Drama)SeanYoung, PerryKing. n 'PG' cc CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc CNBC 54 36 40 52 How I, Millions How I, Millions American Greed: TheFugitives A merican Greed Mark Zuckerberg: Inside Face. U l timate Factories Frito Lay Ame r ican Greed TRIA Dr. Perricone CNN 55 38 35 48 Powering America Piers MorganTonight CNN Neweroom(N) Powering America Piers MorganTonight CNN Newsroom Powering America CQM 135 53 135 47** "Office Space" (1999)RonLivingston, Jennifer Aniston. « Tosh.0 '14' To s h.0 '14' Nig ht of Too Many Stare: America ComesTogether for Autism Night of Too ManyStars: America ComesTogether for Autism COTV 11 (4:30) City Club of Central Oregon Talk of the Town Local issues. D e sert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Adv Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW The Yoga Show The YogaShow Talk of the TownLocal issues. CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Q&A Prime Minister Road to the White House Q&A Prime Minister Road to the White House W ashington ThisWeek *DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie Austin 8 Ally n Make Your Mark: Shake It Up Dance.0ff 2012 'G ' A u s tin & Ally n Shake It Up! 'G' Dog With a Blog Good-Charlie Jeeeie 'G' cc J essie 'G' cc G ood.charlie A .N.T. Farm 'G' My Babysitter *DISC 156 21 16 37 Area 51 n 'PG' « Mythsusters TitanicSurvival 'PG' MythBusters TrenchTorpedo'PG' Mythsuetere Hail Hiinx (N)'PG' I Was Mummified (N) '14' « Most Secret: Structures Mythsusters Hail Hiiinx n 'PG' *E! 1 36 2 5 Keeping UpWith the Kardaehiane Keeping Up With the Kardashiane Keeping Up Withthe Kardaehiane Keeping UpWith the Kardaehiane Keeping UpWith the Kardashiane Jonae The Soup '14' Jonas The Soup '14' ESPN 21 23 22 23 Sportsoenter BCS Countdown MLS Soccer FC Dallas at Seattle SoundersFC(N) (Live) Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter (N) (Live) cc Sporteoenter cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 WNBA Basketball MinnesotaLynxat IndianaFever (N) (Livel cc NASCARNow (N) cc Thrills & Spills NASCAR RacingSprint Cup:HollywoodCasino400FromKansas Speedwayin KansasCity, Kan. (N) *** "Bigger, Stronger, Faster" (2008,Documentary) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 ***"Bigger, Stronger, Faster"(2008, Documentary) « MLB Baseball FromOct. 21,1997. « H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H.L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESP NFC Press Pass ESPNN 24 63 124203AII.AcceeeKent Sportecenter Sportecenter (N) (Live) cc Sportecenter (N)(Live) cc "TimBurton's TheNightmare BeforeChristmas" *** "EdwardScissorhands" (1990)JohnnyDepp,WinonaRyder. FAM 67 29 19 41 (3:56) *** "CharlieandtheChocolate Factory" (7:59) *** "Beetleluice" (1988)MichaelKeaton,AlecBaldwin. FNC 57 61 36 50 Huckabee(N) Fox NewsSunday Geraldo at Large(N) 'PG' cc Hu c kabee The Five Geraldo at Large n PG cc Fox NewsSunday *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Dinere, Drive Dinere, Drive Diners, Drive $24 in 24 Hal l oween Wars 'G' CupcakeWars CodySimpson(N) Halloween Ware (N) 'G' Iron Chef America Restaurant Stakeout ***"EasyA"(2010,Comedy)Emma Stone,PennBadgley. *** "The Social Network"(2010, Drama)Jesse Eisenberg, AndrewGarfield. *** "TheSocial Network" (2010, Drama) FX 131 (4:00) * "Grownups" (2010) HGTV 176 49 33 43 Perfect Place House Hunters House Hunters Hunters Int'I M i l lion Dollar Rooms 'G' « Home StrangeHome'G' « Property Brothers 'G' « House Hunters Renovation (N) 'G' House Hunters Renovation 'G' *HIST 155 42 41 36 American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickere 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickere (N)'PG' cc O u t back HuntersEaters Man 'PG' (11:02) AmericanPickere 'PG' "LastHoursin Suburbia" (2012,Suspense) Kelcie Stranahan.a« "A Mother's Nightmare"(2012, Suspense) AnnabethGish. '14' « LIFE 138 39 20 31 "A Nanny's Revenge"(2012)Jodi LynO'Keele, Victoria Pratt. « (11:01)"LastHoursin Suburbia" MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Caught onCamera(N) CaughtonCameraHighVoltage Sex Slaves:The DeadlyGame Lockup Wabash Lockup Wabash Lockup Wabash Meet the Press 'G' cc MTV 192 22 38 57 Underemployed (5:40) MTV Special n 'PG' Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore Merp Walk n '14' U n deremployed Pilot '14' « NICK 82 46 24 40 Big Time Rush Victorious 'G' Victorious 'G' i c arly 'G' ru io a rly 'G' cc S p ongeBob S e e Dad Run * * * * "Stand byMe" (1986)Wil Wheaton. premiere. n cc TheNanny'PG' Friends n 'PG' Frie nds n 'PG' OWN 161103 31 103Our America With Lisa Ling '14' Our America With Liea Ling '14' Our America With Lisa Ling 'PG' Our America With Lisa Ling '14' Oprah's Next Chapter Fergie 'PG' Oprah's Next Chapter Usher'PG' Our America With Lisa Ling '14' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 MLS Soccer College Football Montana atNorthDakota MLS Soccer PortlandTimbers at Vancouver WhitecapsFC MMA ** "Bad Boys ii" (2003)MartinLawrence.n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 World's Wildest Police Videos n World's Wildest Police Videos n World's Wildest Police Videos n ** saad Boys ii" (2003,Action) Martin Lawrence,Wil Smith. Premiere.n ** "Underworld:Riseof the Lycans" (2009)Michael Sheen, cc *"Queenofthe Damned"(2002, Horror) StuartTownsend, Aaliyah. * "Stigmata"(1999,Suspense) SYFY 133 35 133 45(4:30) ** "Blade ii" (2002)WesleySnipes, KrisKristofferson. TBN 05 60 130 Joel Osteen K e rry Shook B e lieverVoice Creflo Dollar D avid A man tells oi survivingthree internments. Secrets of Bible Against All Ba b ylon: Past, Present, Future *TBS 16 27 11 28 (2:45)Faoeloff ** " C on Air" (1997, Action) NicolCage. ** "Shooter" (2007,Suspense) MarkWahlberg, Michael Pena. cc(DVS) ** "Shooter" (2007)MarkWahlberg. cc (DVS) as Vicious convicts hijack their flight. cc *** "Guliiver's Travels" (1939,Fantasy)Voices oi Lanny *** "Mr. Bug Goesto Town" (1941, Fantasy)Voices oi (8:08) Gerald Mc- The Unicorn in (8:51) The Tell- (9:16) The Artist's (10:15) ** "TheAdventuresof Prince Achmed"(1925, ** "Carnival oi TCM 101 44 101 29 Kenny Gardner,GwenWiliams. Premiere. B oing Boing the Garden T a le Heart Dre a m Fantasy) Sinners" Ross, PintoColvig. Premiere. *TLC 178 34 32 34 Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Breaking Amish Good vs. Evil '14' Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Island Medium Breaking Amish Final Days'14' I s land Medium Island Medium ** "Failure to Launch" (2006)MatthewMcconaughey.« ** "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" (2009)MatthewMcconaughey. ** "Ghostsof Girlfriends Past" (2009)MatthewMcconaughey. *TNT 17 26 15 27 (3:30) **"TheHoliday" (2006) 'TOON 84 "Dear Dracula" (2012),RayLiotta * * "Hoodwinked!" (2005)Voices of Anne Hathaway, GlennClose. Ben10 Dragons: Riders Cleveland Show King of the Hill King of the Hill Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Black Dynamite 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 Haunted Hotels 'PG' c~ Scariest HalloweenAttractions H a lloween Crazier 'PG' cc Making Monsters (N)'PG' cc M a k ing Monsters (N) 'PG' ~c H a l loween's Most Extreme 'G ' W o rld's Creepiest Deetinations 2 M*A*S*H 'PG' M*A*S'H 'PG' M'A'S*H 'PG' M*A'S*H 'PG' M*A*S*H 'PG' M*A*S*H 'PG' M*A*S*H 'PG' Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H 'PG' Law & Order: SVU Law 8 Order: SVU Law & Drder: SVU Law & Order: SVU Law 8 Drder: SVU Law & Order: SVU USA 15 30 23 30 Law & Order: SVU I ' m Married to A... n '14' Couples Therapy n '14' Rehab With Dr.Drew(N) n '14' Couples Therapy (N) n '14' Rehab With Dr.Drew n '14' Cou ples Therapy n '14' VH1 191 48 37 54 T.l. and Tiny T .l. and Tiny *AMC 102 40 39

*** "Freaky Friday" 2003Jamie LeeCurtis. Fr * "Urban Legends:Final Cut" ENCR 106401 306401(4:30) "DazedandConfused" 'R' (6:15)**"Can't HardlyWait"1998JenniferLoveHewitt.'PG-13' (9:40) ** "BadTeacher"2011CameronDiaz. 'R' F X M Presents ** *"Cast Away" 2000TomHanks. Acourier companyexecutive is maroonedona remote island. FXM Presents ***"CastAway"2000,DramaTom Hanks,HelenHunt,NickSearcy.'PG-13' « FMC 104204104120Ben Button Torc Off Road Jam ProLight (N) The Ultimate Fighter n '14' The Ultimate Fighter n '14' UFC Fight Night UFC:Struve vs. Miocic The Ultimate Fighter n '14' FUEL 34 PGA TourGolf McGladreyClassic, Final RoundFromSeaIsland, Ga. Golf Central (N) PGA Tour Golf Web.com:WinnDixieJacksonville Open,Final Round GOLF 28 301 27 301LPGA Tour Golf *** "Straight FromtheHeart" (2003) Teri Polo. 'G' « "i Married Who?"(2012) Kellie Martin, EthanErickson. 'G' « Frasier n 'PG' Fraeier n 'PG' HALL 66 33175 33 *** "your LoveNeverFails" (2011,Comedy)ElisaDonovan. « HBO 25501 425501(5:10)"TheGirl" 2012,DocudramaTobyJones, Sienna (6:45) *** "X-Men: FirstClass" 2011,ActionJamesMcAvoy, Michael Fassbender, RoseByrne. Boardwalk Empire Nuckyis detained Treme Desiree's mother's housecol- Boardwalk Empire Nuckyisdetained Miller, ImeldaStaunton. n cc The early years olCharlesXavier andErik Lehnsherr. n 'PG-13'cc in Washington.(N) n 'MA' lapses. (N) n 'MA' cc in Washington. MA cc Legion"2007, Action Colin Firth. 'PG-13' I FC 105 1 0 5 ** "The Last (7:15) *** "TrainingDay" 2001,CrimeDramaDenzel Washington, Ethan Hawke.'R' (9:45) *** "TrainingDay"2001,CrimeDramaDenzel Washington, EthanHawke.'R'

(3:30) ***

(5:35) ** "ResidentEvil: Apocalypse" 2004,Horror Mila (7:15) ** "TheCtrange-up" 2011 RyanReynolds. Anoverworked lawyer and (9:15) ** "Efektra" 2005,Action Jennifer Garner, TerenceStamp. Anassas- Hunted Mort Sam Hunter returnsto Jo vovich, Sienna Guilory. Fr 'R' « his carefree buddyswitch bodies. n 'NR' « sin tries to protect amanandhis daughter. n 'PG-13' « work n MA cc Cocaine Wars(N) '14' Drugs, Inc. (N)'14' Alaska State Troopers (N) '14' A l a ska State Troopers '14' Cocaine Ware'14' Cocaine WarsAirport Sting '14' N GC 157 1 5 7 Drugs, Inc. '14' S p ongeBob L e gend-Korra Legend-Korra Dragon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor NTOON 89 115189115Moneuno'Y7' Power Rangers Wild Grinders Wild Grinders Planet Sheen Planet Sheen Robot, Monster Ddd Parents Spongesob Hu n t Adventure Realtree Road Live 2 Hunt W i l dgame Ntn Ult. Adventures The Season OUTD 37 307 43 307Hunt Adventure Wildgame Ntn Realtree Road Truth Hunting Bushman Show Bone Collector Craig Morgan Red Arrow * "Apo//o 18"2011LloydOwen. Footagefroma moon Dexter Dexter tries to bringDebraon Homeland State of Independence Dexter Run (N) n 'MA' « HomelandNewCarSmell (N) n Dexter Run n 'MA' cc *** S HO 00 5 0 0 (3:45) n 'MA' c~ 'MA' cc "50/50" 2011 mission reveals aterrifying incident. 'PG-13' board. n 'MA' « SPEED 35 303125303NASCARVictory Lane (N) Win d Tunnel With Dave Deepain My Classic Car Car Crazy 'G' Auto Racing FIA WorldRally: Italy Motorcycle Racing Monster EnergyCup: LasVegas *** "Open Range" 2003,Western RobertDuvall, Kevin Costner. n 'R' « STARZ 00408 00408(4:35) *** "TheLord oi the Rings: TheReturn of the King" 2003Elijah Wood.n 'PG-13' « Boss TrueEnoughn 'MA' « Boss n 'MA' ** "TheMechanic" 2011 JasonStatham. Anelite hit man (1035) *** "Chopper" 2000, DramaEric Bana,Vinceg (515) *** "Once Around"1991 Ri c hard Dreyfuss, Holly Hunter. A woman i s (715) * "As Good as Dead" 2010, Suspense Cary El w es, Brian Cox. Funda­ TMC 2 5 25 romancedbyabrashcondominium salesman.n 'R'« mentalists kidnapthewrongman. n 'R' « teaches hisdeadly trade to anapprentice. Colosimo. Premiere. n 'R' « W h itetail Rev. Gun It w/Spies Buck Elk Fever 'PG' Tred Barta Act i on Sports (N) n 'PG' « Spor t s lllustrated 'PG' Poker After Dark 'PG' « Poker After Dark 'PG'a« NBCSN 27 58 30 209Bucks Tec. *WE 143 41 174118Bridezillas Cristal &Sherry'14' B r i dezillae Cristal Janelle & '14' B r idezillas Natalie &Cristal '14' B r i dezillae Cristal & Sherry '14' B r i dezillas Cristal & Janelle '14' B r idezillas Natalie Cris& tal '14' P l at. Weddings Plat. Weddings M AX 00508

5 0 8"Sneakers" n




Collegegradliving at home wants more independence Dear Abby: I am 2 4 a n d graduated from college with a bachelor's degree in criminal justice. I am currently living with my parents. They are a bit controlling and hate resistance

from me. I grew up doing ev­ is, she and her family live in a erything they told me with no personal opinions of my own, until I met my fiance a year ago. He has helped me gain the strength to speak up and let my thoughts be known. We're trying to save enough money to live together. Mom has made it clear that she doesn't like that idea because we're not married yet. She and Dad are also unhappy that I no longer want to work in the field my degree is in. (I worked for a sheriff's office for a couple of months and was treated horri­ bly, then I was fired.) I have told my parents re­ peatedly that this is my life, but it seems to do no good. Do you have any suggestions on what I should say to them about these issues? — Grown-up Girl in Alabama

Dear Grown-up Girl:You ap­ pear to be a bright young wom­ an who was raised to be sub­ missive and compliant. That may be the reason working at the sheriff's office didn't work out for you. Rather than turn your back on the profession you trained for, you need to learn to be more assertive. That way you won't be dependent on anyone else for the strength to voice your opinions, or live your life according to the standards you set for yourself. Sometimes it isn't what you say, but the con­ viction with which the words are spoken that carries the most important message. Dear Abby:It's a second mar­ riage for my husband and me. Our children are all adults, and we all try to get along. My step­ daughter, "Sharon," has invited us for T h anksgiving week­ end and insists that we be her houseguests. As sweet as she

borderline "hoarder" home. The last time we visited our hometown, we stopped by to see them. After a struggle to get the front door open, Sharon's first words were, "We know it's a mess. We don't clean or cook." When we returned to our car, my husband said he had never seen a house that filthy. But he insists we accept their invitation and not hurt their feelings. I'd rather get a motel room and take them out to dinner. I have strongly voiced my con­ cerns for our safety and health to my husband. How can I ad­ dress the subject of needing clean sheets and being able to cook a meal, and getting to the (dirty) bathroom during the night? I'm already having anxi­ ety issues. — Having Nightmares in Tennessee

Dear Having Nightmares: I sympathize with y our h u s­ band'sdesire not to cause hurt feelings, but the invitation for you to be houseguests under t hese circumstances is n o t practical. Sharon should be told that you are a very private person and you would not feel com­ fortable getting up in the mid­ dle of the night and flushing a toilet; therefore you would be more at ease in a motel. If her kitchen and eating

areas are "filthy" (your hus­ band's word), you should not eat in her house, either. Your husband should cheerfully as­ sert his role as the patriarch and insist on taking the family out for Thanksgiving dinner. How can she argue'? After all, "Father knows best!" — Write Dear Abby at wwwDearAbby.com or PO. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Sunday,Oct. 21,2012 out of you. Recharge your battery. BY JACQUELINE BIGAR Tonight: Play it mellow. This year many doors open for you in various segments of your life. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) You have a mind that can stretch ** * * U se your imagination far and identify with many people. to entertain a child or loved one. The unexpected often occurs when You finally might feel as if you carrying out day-to-day activities. are communicating successfully. Whatyousayyou wantcouldbe a W hat you say could beconfused by lot different from what your heart your actions. If you do not see this and soul yearn for. Whether you're behavior, ask a loved one if he or she single or attached, this conflict seesmixed messages.Tonight:Act could present a problem. If you are as if there were no tomorrow. single, the person you attract who LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) responds to these mixed signals ** * Pressure builds with a might not be your choice for a domestic matter or an issue partner in the long run. If you are involving a roommate or family attached, try to be more authentic, member. You cansayallyou want, and your relationship will benefit. but no matter what, you cannot CAPRICORNcan challenge you to be change others. Accept what more practical. Do you really care? is happening, and you will see The Stars Show the Kind of Day solutions emerge. Tonight: Invite You'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; friends over for dinner. 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 j ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * K eep others talking. Ask ** * Pressure increases for you to questions and be open. People will respond to a request from someone feel more relaxed with you if you who feels inclined to call the shots. do not play devil's advocate. Touch You might want to consider the pros base with a relative who means a and cons of relenting versus not lot to you. Tonight: Meet others for holding back. Tonight: A force to dinner in the neighborhood. behold. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ** * * T reat a friend who rarely ** * * * M ake a phone call to goes out to a leisurely brunch and/or a distant friend or meet someone a movie. You are more sensitive to halfway who lives at a distance. It this person than he or she is to him­ will be a relief for you to break away or herself. Use care with spending, from your normal scene, even if you even if you feel like you're on the do not go for a long drive. Tonight: plus side. You want to stay there! Let your imagination lead the way. Tonight: Make it early. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * * D ecide to spend quality ** * * * Y our playful attitude time with a loved one or a dear defines your day. Others might come friend. You could find yourselves forward and want to join in or be deep in conversation, catching invited. Do not get too controlling. up on each other's news. Tension An older relative seems to interfere builds because your body language with your frolicking ways. Tonight: often does not match up with your Forget tomorrow; live for now. words. Tonight:Add some spice. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) CANCER(June 21-July 22) ** * * Take a special day off with ** * * You are emotional, and a a friend or loved one. The two of partner or loved one steps right in you can chat endlessly when you're and takes over. You typically know together, as you both are enthralled how to handle this person, but right by what the other has to share. A now you are distracted by your special person from a distance calls. intense feelings. You do not always Tonight: Not to be found. have to take the lead. Tonight: Go PISCES (Fed. 19-March 20) with the flow. ** * * * Z ero in on friends, whether it is planning a Halloween LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * A s you slow down for an easy party or some other fun get­ Sunday, youcould feelexhausted. together. When you are with the Try to eliminate any errands or people you enjoy most, it shows. Be responsibilities that you can put off open to feedback from a friend; it is for a different day. You speak your meant positively. Tonight: Could go mind in a conversation and clear the into the wee hours. air. You might feel as if this takes it © 2012 by King Features Syndicate



Pleaseemail event information to communitylife@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

TODAY PUMPKIN PATCH: Free admission; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; DD Ranch, 3836 N.E. Smith Rock Way, Terrebonne; 541-548-1432 or www.ddranch.net. CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 and younger; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company,1250 N.E.W ilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504­ 1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. PUMPKIN PATCH: Free admission; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E.W ilcox Ave.,Terrebonne;541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. "FIDDLERON THE ROOF": The Summit High School drama department presents the musical abouta Jewish peasant who must marry off his three daughters while facing anti­ Semitism; $10, $8 students, seniors and children; 2 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541­ 355-4000 or http://bend.k12 .or.us/summit. CENTRAL OREGONSYMPHONY FALL CONCERT: The Central Oregon Symphony performs a fall concert, under the direction of Michael Gesme; featuring Dan Franklin Smith; free but a ticket is required; 2 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541­ 317-3941, info©cosymphony .com or www.cosymphony.com. REDMONDCOMMUNITY CONCERTASSOCIATION PERFORMANCE:Marie-Josee Lord performs classical and popular music; $50 season ticket, $20students, $105 family ticket; 2 and 6:30 p.m.; Ridgeview High School, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave.; 541-350­ 7222, redmondcca©hotmail .com or www.redmondcca.org. "EVIL DEAD,THEMUSICAL": 2nd Street Theater presents the musical comedy about five college students who accidentally unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 students and seniors; 4 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312­ 9626 or www.2ndstreettheater .com. OUT OFTHEDARKNESS COMMUNITY WALK: Walk the butte's Larkspur Trail in honor of suicide prevention; walk begins at the park shelter near the trail; registration required; free; 4 p.m., 2 p.m. opening ceremony; Pilot Butte State Park, Northeast Pilot Butte Summit Drive, Bend; 541-419­ 5303 or www.afsp.org. "FLOW STATE":A screening of Warren Miller's ski film; $20 plusfees;6 p.m.and 9 p.m . (late show ages 21 and older only); Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org.

Andy Tullie /The Bulletin file photo

The Central Oregon Symphony, under the direction of Michael Gesme,will perform its fall concert tonight at Bend High School.



PUMPKIN PATCH:Freeadmission; noon-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company,1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504­ 1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB:Read and discuss "When SheWoke" by Hillary Jordan; free; 6:30 p.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1074 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. "FRANKENSTEIN"AND"THE BRIDE OFFRANKENSTEIN": A double feature of the horror films, with an introduction by Robert Osborne; $12.50; 7 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382­ 6347 or www.fathomevents.com. LEFT COAST COUNTRY: The Americana bandperforms; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.BondSt., Bend; 541­ 382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. "EVIL DEAD,THEMUSICAL": 2nd Street Theater presents the musical comedy about five college students who accidentally unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 studentsand seniors;8 p.m .;2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. "FURTHER":A screening of the second installment in the Jeremy Jones snowboard movie trilogy produced by Teton Gravity Research; $12 in advance plus fees, $15 at the door, $5 children12 and younger at the door; 8 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre

PUMPKIN PATCH:Freeadmission; noon-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504­ 1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. AUTHORPRESENTATION:Victor Villasenor talks about his memoir "Burro Genius: A Memoir"; free; 3 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. CollegeWay, Bend; 541-318-3726. HISTORICALHAUNTS OF DOWNTOWNBEND:Walk to historical buildings that are said to have experienced paranormal events and hear their ghostly tales; $10, free museum members and ages 12 and younger; 4-7:30 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 N.W. Idaho Ave.; 541-389-1813 or www.deschuteshistory.org. AUTHORPRESENTATION:Karen Duvall talks about her books, including "Darkest Knight"; free; 6:30-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmond campus, 2030 S.E. College Loop, Redmond; 541-350-6583, elsiemariewrites©gmail.com or www.centraloregonwritersguild .com. "FIDDLERON THE ROOF": The Summit High School drama department presents the musical aboutaJewish peasantwh o must marry off his three daughters while facing anti-Semitism; $10, $8 students, seniors and children; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541­ 355-4000 or http://bend.k12 .or.us/summit. "EVIL DEAD,THEMUSICAL": 2nd


Street Theater presents the musical comedy about five college students who accidentally unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 studentsand seniors;8 p.m .;2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. "RIFFTRAXLIVE, BIRDEMIC": A screening of the PG-13 rated comedy featuring the stars of "Mystery Science Theater 3000"; $12.50; 8 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382­ 6347 or www.fathomevents.com. MATT WOODS: The Americana artist performs, with Tater Famineand MichaelDean Damron; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand. "THECYCLOCROSS MEETING": A screening of the Brian Vernor film with special guest Barry Wicks; ages 21 and older; $5; 9 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com.

FRIDAY PUMPKINPATCH:Freeadm ission; noon-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504­ 1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 and younger; 3-7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company,1250 N.E.W ilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.com.

MONDAY ALDRINE GUERRERO: The ukulele master conducts a workshop and performs, with Craig Chee; $15; 6 p.m. workshop, 7:30 p.m. show;The Sound Garden, 1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-815-5224 or ksilva© bendbroadband.com. CENTRALOREGON SYMPHONYFALLCONCERT: The Central Oregon Symphony performs a fall concert, under the direction of Michael Gesme; featuring Dan Franklin Smith; free but a ticket is required; 7:30 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-317­ 3941,info@cosymphony.com or www.cosymphony.com.

TUESDAY CLASSICSBOOKCLUB:Read and discuss "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer; free; 6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-617-7087, kevinb©dpls.us or www.dpls.us/calendar. "MISS REPRESENTATION": A screening of the film about media misrepresentation of women, proceeds benefit BendFilm and Saving Grace; $10, $5 students; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-6290 or www.bend film.org. "THE LEVIEFFECT": A screening of the film about professional cyclist Levi Leipheimer; followed by a panel discussion of the state of professional cycling; $12.50; 7:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive,Bend;541­ 382-6347 or www.fathom events.com.


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Baker City


City; 541-523-6444, 800­ 233-2368, www.best

Continued from C1 Identified an d o r g anized into a national historic dis­ trict, they ar e no w r e adily explored on walking tours of­ fered by the Historic Baker City organization. The Geiser Grand, however, had already been abandoned and written off as beyond re­ pair. As soon as the cast of "Paint Your Wagon," filmed in the Baker City area in 1968, had vacated their rooms at the hotel, it was boarded up and scheduled for demolition to make room for a parking lot. That never happened, of course. The Geiser stood der­ elict until 1993, when it was purchased by historic preser­ vationist Barbara Sidway and her husband, Dwight, already known nationally fo r t h eir restoration of south Florida's Biltmore Hotel and Venetian Pool. A painstaking $7 m i llion renewal took more than four years to complete. When the Geiser reopened in 1998 — a 3 0-room hotel w i t h e v e r y modern amenity — it received special recognition from the National Trust fo r H i storic Preservation.

western.com. Rates from $77


Gas, Bend to BakerCity (round-trip), 460 miles © $4/gallon: $73.60 2 nights, Geiser Grand hotel: $297.46 Dinner, Geiser Grill: $42 Breakfast, Zephyr: $8 Lunch, Paizano's: $11.95 Dinner, Earth 8 Vine: $24

Ghost tour: $50 Breakfast, Geiser Grill: $14 Total: $521.01

If youlo INFORMATION • Baker County Chamber

of CommerceandVisitors Bureau. 490 Campbell St., Baker City; 541-523-5855, 800-523-1235, www.base

campbaker.com LODGING • Always Welcome Inn. 175 Campbell St., Baker City; 541-523-3431, 800-307­ 5206, www.always welcomeinn.com. Rates

from $70 • Best Western Sunridge

Inn. 1 Sunridge Lane,Baker

• Geiser Grand Hotel.1996 Main St., Baker City; 541­ 523-1889, 888-434-7374,

www.geisergrand.com. Rates from $99. Geiser Grill open for lunch and dinner daily, breakfast on weekends; moderate to

expensive. DINING • Barley Brown's Brew Pub. 2190 Main St., Baker City; 541-523-4266, www

.barleybrowns.com. Dinner only. Moderate • Earth 8 Vine Wine Bar and Art Gallery. 2001

Washington Ave., Baker City; 541-523-1687,

www.facebook.com. Lunch and dinner daily; weekend brunch. Moderate

• Paizano's Pizza. 2940 Tenth St., Baker City; 541­ 524-1000, www.paizanos

pizza.com. Lunch and dinner. Budget to

moderate. • Zephyr Bakery and Deli. 1917 Main St., Baker City; 541-523-4601. Breakfast andlunch. Budget

ATTRACTIONS • Adler House Museum. 2305 Main St. Baker City; 541-523-9308, www.baker

heritagemuseum.com • Baker Heritage Museum. 2480 Grove St., Baker City; 541-523-9308, www.baker

heritagemuseum.com • Bella Main Street Market. 2023 Main St., Baker City; 541-523-7490, www.bella

bakercity.com • Historic Baker City. 541­ 523-5442, www.historic bakercity.com • International Paranormal

Reporting Group. www .iprg-c.com • MotherLode Cellars.

46881 Cook Road,Baker City; 541-519-4640, www

.motherlodecellars.com • National Historic Oregon TrailInterpretive Center. 22267 State Highway 86, Baker City; 541-523­ 1843, www.blm.gov/or/ oregontrail/

• Peterson's Gallery and Chocolatier. 1925 Main St., Baker City; 541-523-1022,

www.petersongallery.net • Saddle Up Huston. 1820 First St., Baker City; 541­ 519-8964, www.saddle


The story of Baker City is told in many places around tovm, including two fine museums. The National Historic Or­ egon Trail Interpretive Center is eight miles east of Baker City atop Flagstaff Hill and beside the tracks that brought hun­ dreds of wagon trains through the Baker Valley in the 1840s and 1850s. The impressive fa­ cility displays full-scale diora­ mas of life on the trail, complete with sound bites of passages from travelers' journals. The Baker Heritage Mu­ seum is housed in a spacious building that once held a pub­ lic swimming pooL Its high­ lights include a re-creation of Main Street, circa 1900, and one of the finest collections of rocks, minerals and fossils you'relikely to see anywhere. It also features a diorama of No Name City from "Paint Your Wagon," the 1968 movie that starred Clint Eastwood and Lee Marvin. But perhaps a better way to capture a sense of Baker City's heritage is simply to walk around downtown and through the adjacent residen­ tial neighborhoods — looking at historic residences like the Adler House, built in 1889 and the lifetime home of longtime local businessman Leo Adler. It is now a museum, open sum­ mers and by appointment. Even more telling are con­ versations with local residents, some of whom can trace their local roots back to the 19th century. One of them is Davey Pe­ terson, who owns Peterson's Gallery and Chocolatier with his wife, Alyssa. Peterson told me that his great-grandfather staked a claim in an Elkhorn Range minewellover 100years ago. Today, his Main Street gal­ lery features monthly-chang­ ing shows by local artists and Alyssa's own artisan chocolate candies. Another resident is Cody Cook, who is often found mak­ ing espressodrinks behind the coffee bar at the Bella Main Street Market. When Cody's older brother,Travis, came back from Oregon State Uni­ versity five years ago w ith a horticulture degree and a passion for winemaking, her parents a n d gr a n dparents helped him turn two acres of the longtime family farm into vineyards. Today MotherLode C ellars — located, ofcourse,on Cook Road — is making four



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Paranormal investigator Shane Anderson, accompanied by investigator-in-training Katie Garrett, explains the scientific process to paid participants in a monthly "investigation" of the Geiser Grand Hotel. "Our goal is to provide evidence and educate the public," he said.

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Photos by John Gottberg Anderson / For The Bulletin

Historic tour leader Denny Grosse, garbed in early 20th-century clothing, stands in the corner of Room 302 in the Geiser Grand Hotel. Some say the ghost of Maybelle Geiser frequents this guest room, moving women's jewelry and stealing snacks. different wines and establish­ ing a presence in the Eastern Oregon marketplace. And then t h ere's saddle maker Bill Huston, who has worked in his industry for a full half-century, since 1962. He still operates a tiny shop on First Street in downtown Baker City, where he continues to develop the perfect saddle — that is, a soft, tree-less saddle that is nev­ ertheless true to Western tradi­ tion. "You can't make a rigid structure, like a saddle tree, fit a horse that moves around all the time, without hurting it," he explained. With their deep family roots, one must wonder if the spir­ its of any Petersons, Cooks or Hustons might still be dancing the nights away at the Geiser Grand.

sipping champagne, standing on a balcony abovethe Palm Court dining room, dressed in the fashions of the Roaring Twenties. More often, just a single dark-haired woman is seen there,wearing a flowing blue Victorian dress. "She ap­ parentlyhung herselfafter her cowboy boyfriend was shot," a server nonchalantly explained. Dennise "Denny" Grosse, 81, leads historic property tours of the Geiser, invariably outfitted in the garb of the hotel's early heyday. When Ijoined her, she described the condition of the hotel before — plywood cover­ ing holes left where bricks had

from pre-renovation flooding — but more intriguing were subterranean windows on a far well that were used for more than hotel deliveries. "Baker City was the brothel capital of the West," Grosse said with a shrug. "These win­ dows werethe entrance to tun­ nels that extended a couple of blocks to Second Street. Young Leo Adler, who started out sell­ ing magazines on the streets, made quite a bit of money by providing a 'cover' for the men coming in and out of t hese tunnels." The prostitutes' rooms were onthe third floor of the hotel. Its early owner,Maybelle Geiser, lived in Room 302 beneath the clock tower — a room that has had more associated reports of hauntings than any other. Jewelry is rearranged. Snacks are stolen. Strange knocking sounds are heard from the out­ sidewalL "Maybelle had her own chair in thebar downstairs," Gr osse said. "No one else could sit there. After she died, anyone who sat in that chair would still find themselves getting pinched."

ordinary. "This is a full-fledged scien­ tific investigation," Anderson had assured us. "Our goal is to provide evidence and educate the public." B eginning at 9 p . m., w e changed locations within the hotel every hour or so, until af­ ter I in the morning. The base­ ment storage chamber was the only place where I had any per­ ception of something out of the ordinary. Then again, it might have been my mind playing tricks. "There are believers, there are skeptics and there are cyn­ ics," Anderson acknowledged. "I am a skeptic. I believe there's something going on, but I do not believe in ghosts. I have not seen an entity or a ghost." But that hasn't stopped him from continuing to look. "Einstein theorized that ener­ gy never dies," he said. "A ghost is just a collection of unexplain­ able energy that m anifests. And after four years working in this hotel, we know there is a

high level of energy here."

On Saturday, the TAPS crew will return for its monthly hotel "research" tour, beginning at 9 p.m. The following weekend, 'Energy never dies' Nov. 2-4, the Geiser will host I entered Room 302 some­ its third annual Paranormal time between 10 and 11 at Weekend with i n vestigators night, accompanied by eight from all over Oregon, Wash­ other ghost "tourists" and para­ ington and Idaho. It's a fine way to indulge the normal investigator Anderson, as well as Marie Cuff, executive spirit of Halloween. And, who director of th e I nternational knows: You might see a real Paranormal Reporting Group, ghost. fallen, pigeon droppings cov­ and trainee Katie G a rrett. ering the floors — and after it Claiming more than 26 years of was purchased by the Sidways, experiencebetween them, the whose restoration included an team took photos and digital illuminated stained-glass ceil­ recordings in an effort to find 541-548-2066 ing and a rebuilt clock tower. video and audio evidence. Hauntedhotel Adjustable In the basement, after pass­ I sensed nothing out of the Beds­ Barbara Sidway believes her ing through a wide room with hotel, the Geiser Grand, is the displays of historical photo­ www~A'gateBeaciiMotel!com~ only one in the country that of­ graphs and century-old stock ~ 'r V . I Private, vintage, oceanfront getaway fers paranormal tours. There's certificates, she led me into a a reason for that: "Not a week meeting space that, in a differ­ Newpo~r't OR goes by that I don't get some entproperty,might have been a 1-.$00+ 755-5674 kind of report," she said. "The wine cellar. The walls of volca­ G allery- B e n d fabulous thing about our ghosts nic tuff exhibit high-water lines 541-330-5084 is they really don't frighten any­ body. They just want to have fun." Ghost hunters concur."There is nothing in this hotel that is negative," Shane Anderson tells those on his tour. "Pleasetry not to scream and please don't run. Just don't freak out." The Sidways, who lived in the hotel as they renovated, became acquainted with their I « I « « I I «I • I ghosts early on. Several times, Barbara said, they were awak­ ened in t h e e a rly-morning I « « hours by the sound of a party. @31, "I heard the conversation, the laughter, the clinking of glasses, the soft music," she told me. "I know a party when I hear one. I put my ear to the wall and I could feel the vibra­ tion of the music. Later, I heard reports of the same thing from guests, employees, even bar­ ' 'l l s t ' 'll s tenders who worked here in the years before the closures." Since that time, partygoers «, r < have been seen laughing and 5

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nc ane ores awaisona oo i rima e By Paige McClanahan

to write, I thought — and I imagined Milne sitting quietly in a corner, scratching away at his notebook as he worked his way through a pint of beer. And then I started to think about Pooh in a nostalgic kind of way, almost missing this comfortable little corner of England before we had even left it. So I took one of the Pooh books out of my bag and re­ read that final story, relishing Milne's words one last time, there in the part of the world that had inspired him.

Special to The Washington Post

It was an unassuming spot, and we probably would have w alked right past i t i f w e hadn't known what we were looking for: a clump of about five dozen trees perched on the top of a blustery hill. But when we walked up, there was no m i staking it: There before us lay the En­ chanted Place, also known as Galleons Lap, a resting ground for childhoods the world over. It's the spot where Christo­ pher Robin, no longer a little boy, and his beloved compan­ ion Winnie-the-Pooh came to

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Still with his eyes on the world Christopher Robin put out a hand and feltforPooh's paw. "Pooh," said Ch r istopher Robin earnestly, "if I - if I'm not quite —" he stopped and tried again. "Pooh, whatever happens,you will understand, won't you?" "Understand what?" "Oh, nothing."He laughed and jumped to his feet. "Come on!" "Where?" said Pooh. "Anywhere," said Christo­ pher Robin. So they went o ff together. But wherever they go, and whatever happens to t h em on the way, in that enchanted place on the top of the Forest a little boy and his Bear will always be playing.

say their fumbling goodbyes. Being enchanted, its floor wasn't like the floor of the For­ est, gorse and bracken and heather, but close-set grass, quiet and smooth and green. Sitting there they could see the whole world spread out until it reached the sky, and whatever there was all the world over was with them in G alleons Lap. This story, which appears in the final chapter of A.A. Milne's "The House at Pooh Corner," will a l w ays b r ing tears to my eyes. Walking into that small, sun-dappled glade as a grown woman, holding my husband's hand, almost felt like coming home. We were on a pilgrimage of sorts on that cool, sunny Sep­ tember morning. We'd driven down to East Sussex, about 35 miles south of London, to fol­ low in the footsteps of Winnie­ the-Pooh, perhaps the world's most famous teddy bear. It was here in the quiet, for­ ested hills of southern Eng­ land that Milne wrote and set the adventures of Pooh, Chris­ t opher Robin, P iglet, O w l , Eeyore, Rabbit and, of course, all of Rabbit's Friends and Re­ lations. Having grown up with the stories — like so many mil­ lions of others — we wanted to see theplace for ourselves.

Embarking on 'expotitions'




Photos by Paige McclanahanI The Washington Post

The Ashdown Forest in Ashdown, England, is a 6,000-acre protected area that is a mix of woodland and open heathland. It is said to be the inspiration for "Winnie the Pooh" illustrator E.H. Shepard.



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This stream in Ashdown Forest is supposedly the spot where Roo (from the "Winnie the Pooh" children's books) fell in the water during a group expedition to the North Pole. Author A.A. Milne and his son Christopher Robin spent many hours wan­ dering the forest in Ashdown, England, in the 1920s.

race to the downstream side to see whose stick floats through first. The original bridge is at the bottom of a wooded hill a couple of miles outside Hart­ field, not far from Milne's old farm. Visit ors are encouraged to visit the bridge and try their hand at the sport. A fter a q u ick d r i ve, w e found the right trail and set off into the woods, keeping our eyes peeled for promis­ lage is palpable. ing-looking twigs as we went. Our first stop was the Pooh (The area around the bridge Corner Shop, where you can itself is usually picked clean, pick up everything from Win­ or so we'd been warned.) A nie-the-Pooh lunchboxes to mile or so down the trail, we s tuffed-animal v e rsions o f came to the bridge, a simple Eeyore to little pots of local wooden structure that, like honey, Pooh's favorite snack. many objects of celebrity, was We sat down for a coffee in somewhat smaller than how Piglet's Tea Shop, a s u nlit I'd imagined it. But still, it gave room in the back of the store, me a little thrill to see it for and asked the friendly staff for myself. some Pooh-tracking advice. Twigs in hand, we took our W e'd come t o t h e r i g h t spots on the upstream side and place. The Pooh Corner Shop commenced our Poohsticks is owned by Mike Ridley, a competition. The game was Pooh fanatic who has devised remarkably engrossing, even a guided tour of local Pooh­ for a couple of 30-somethings; related sights, complete with we ended up playing at least step-by-step directions and rel­ four rounds,plus tiebreakers. evant excerpts from the Milne (A tip for potential competi­ stories. We bought a copy of tors: The secret to winning is his pamphlet, titled "Two Ex­ "letting your stick drop in a potitions to t h e E n chanted twitchy sort of way," as Eeyore Places" (an "expotition" being once explained to Tigger.) Pooh-speak for an adventure), Ashdown Forest and set off on our way. D estination N o . 1 : Th e We wandered back to the Poohsticks Bridge. For those car and set off for the next who may need a r efresher, stop: Ashdown Forest, a 6,000­ Poohsticks is a game — in­ acre protected area that lies vented by Pooh — in which the just outside Hartfield. Milne participants drop twigs off the and his son, Christopher Rob­ upstream side of a bridge,then in, spent many hours wander­ We started our morning in Hartfield, a cozy little ham­ let with two pubs, one church and one village shop. Milne, who was born in London in 1882, bought a second home in Hartfield in 1925 and came to the area regularly until his death three decades later. His former home isn't open to the public — it isn't even marked — but his influence in the vil­

ing through the forest in the 1920s, and it was here that the beloved Pooh illustrator E.H. Shepard came for inspiration. Today, the forest is home to many spots of interest to Pooh fanatics — assuming, that is, that you know where to look. We pulled into a little gravel parking lot at the designated spot and set off on our walk, guide in hand. We were out of the trees at that point, high up on a windy plateau that offered wide views of the surrounding hills and villages. I squinted against the sun and zipped up my jacket to keep out the autumnal chill. We set off walking at a good

doorknocker. W e carried M i l ne's t w o most famous books ­ "Win­ nie-the-Pooh" and "The House at Pooh Corner" — with us as we walked, and we enjoyed rereading the stories as we encountered their s e ttings. But even apart from all things Pooh, the area was beautiful in its own right, with its shady streams, quietforest corners and fields of wind-swept pur­ ple heather. At one p oint, a s u dden clearing in the trees revealed a lovely view to the north and west. And there in the middle of the clearing we saw the me­ morial stone that honors both Milne and Shepard. The stone is placed at the precise spot where, according to Christo­ pher Robin, who died in 1996, his father liked to pause for a rest and admire the view.

beside the pub's 500-year-old fireplace, I s uddenly found myself in a daydreamy sort of mood. This would be a lovely place

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A nice place to write T he w al k f i n i shed a n d our pilgrimage complete, we passed through Hartfield one last time on our way home. We were pretty hungry by that point, so we stopped for a meal at the Anchor Inn, a 15th-cen­ tury building that lies just off the village's main street. It might have been because of all that walking, or maybe it was the sun and wind fol­ lowed by a hearty meal, but sitting there sipping my soup




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pace, keeping our eyes peeled for our first point of interest, the Enchanted Place, which we encountered at the top of the highest hill. We paused for a good half-hour in that magi­ cal little circle of forest but then continued with the walk, as there were plenty of other spots to find. And find them we did: We saw the Cunning Trap to catch a Heffalump (but that ended up catching Pooh), as well as the Sandy Pit Where Roo Plays, which really is quite sandy. In the bottom of a little valley, we discovered the North Pole (in­ cluding the spot where Roo fell in), as well as Eeyore's Gloomy Place, which Milne rightly de­ scribes as "Rather Boggy and Sad." And looking across to the next hill, we could see the Hundred Acre Wood, which is where Owl lived, in a house with both a bell pull and a






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Milestones guidelines and forms are available at The Bulletin, or send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to: Milestones, The Bulletin, PO. Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708. To ensure timely publication, The Bulletin requests that notice forms and photos be submitted within one month of the celebration.



Toda —Hinderlider


Aubrey Toda and Bryce Hinderlider, of Bend, were m arried Sept. I a t N e w Hope Church in Bend. The bride is the daughter of Bryan and Janis Toda, of Bend. She is a 2011 gradu­ ate of Mountain View High School, attended Corban University and is studying business at University of

Oregon. The groom is the son of Todd and Shantia Hinder­ lider, of Bend. He is a 2011 g raduate of B en d H i g h School and is studying psy­ chology at U niversity of

John and Frieda (Releford) Anderson



Mr. Anderson worked as

a grater operator for paving

John and Frieda (Releford) Anderson, of Bend, celebrated their 50th wedding anniver­ sary Oct. 20 with family and friends. T he c ouple w e r e m a r ­ ried Oct. 20, 1962, in Reno, Nev. They have three chil­ dren, Susan Romero, of Oak­ land, Calif., K r i sti T o man and John, both of Bend; five g randchildren; a n d se v e n great-grandchildren.

companies in the Central Ore­ gon area until his retirement in 1996. He enjoys attending swap meets and antique car shows. Mrs. Anderson is a homemak­ er. She worked in the banking and loan industry until their marriage. She enjoys interior decorating and floral design. Mr. Anderson has lived in Central Oregon since 1946; Mrs. Anderson moved from Il­ linois to Bend in 1958.


Shannon Bacon and David Meddish

T he c o u pl e h o n e y ­ mooned in Oceansideand San Diego, Calif. They w i l l se t t l e i n Aubrey Toda Eugene. and Bryce Hinderlider

Bacon —Meddish

travel agent. The groom is the son of Shannon Bacon and Da­ Richard and Donna Meddish, vid Meddish, both of Bend, of Bend. He is a 1986 gradu­ w ere married Aug. 25 atthe ate of Mountain View High couple's residence with a re­ School and a 1990 graduate ception following. of Oregon State University, The bride is the daughter where he studied technical of David Bacon, of P ort­ journalism. He works as a land, and Lori A n kersmit, game designer and writer. of Sandpoint, Idaho. She is The couple honeymooned a 1993 graduate of Wilson in Y e l lowstone N a t ional High School i n P o r tland. Park. She works as a professional They will settle in Bend.



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Howard and Nancy (Plath) Friedman

Friedman Howard and Nancy (Plath) Friedman, of Bend, celebrated their 35th wedding anniver­ sary Oct. 2. The couple were married Oct. 2, 1977, at Timberline Lodge, where Mr. Friedman was working in a lounge band. They catered and potlucked their wedding reception and honeymooned in Central Ore­ gon. They have three children, Cory and Kelsey, of Portland,

Phoenix; and one grandchild. Mr. Friedman is a partner and broker at Compass Com­ mercial Real Estate. He serves on the board of Mount Bach­ elor Sports Education Founda­ tion. Mrs. Friedman is a self­ employed bookkeeper. The couple are cooks and servers at Bethlehem Inn. They enjoy traveling, skiing, snowboard­ ing and spending time at their Oregon Coast beach house with friends and family. They have lived in Central

and Dustin (and Leah), of

Oregon for 31 years.

Patrick Papen andRachael Long,aboy,8 pounds,2 ounces, Oct. 8. Brandon Cook-Bostick and Mercedes Montes,a girl, Rylee Jo Cook-Bostick, 7 pounds, 1 ounce, Oct. 8. Ryan and JodyEvans, a girl, Bella Bay Evans,8 pounds,4 ounces, Oct. 5. Gordon Gribling IHandTamara Gribling,a girl, Maybe Hazel Gribling, 6 pounds, 10.9 ounces, Oct. 8.

Delivered at St. Charles Bend Chris and BrookeLynnGrimes, a girl, Esther Josephine Grimes,7

Delivered at Motherwise Commnnity



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t IN E S

If you would like to receive forms to announce your engagement, wedding, or anniversary, plus helpful information to plan the perfect Central Oregon wedding, pick up your Book of Love at The Bulletin (1777 SW Chandler Ave., Bend) or from any of these valued advertisers: AAA Travel

Mayor of Bend, 1991, 2009, 2010 Bend City Councilor, 22 years Rotary Club of Bend, President 09 — 10

Bend Wedding & Formal


Black Butte Ranch Chelsea Brix Wedding & Bridal Services

Bend Sister City Foundation, Non-Profit, Founder

Century Center Deschutes County Fair and Expo Center

Bend-La Pine Public Schools, Human Resources

Hector and Chana (Dallman) Vijarro

Eastlake Framing


Journey Coaches

Hector and Chana (Dall­ man) Vijarro, of Bend, plan to celebrate their 30th wedding a nniversary with a t r i p t o Mexico next year with family and friends. The couple were married Oct. 16, 1982, in Seattle. They met while in high school and started dating when they re­ connected a few years after g raduation. They have tw o

children, A l exandrea ( a nd Zach) Ayers and Andrew, both of Bend. Mr. Vijarro works as a con­ troller for Subaru of Bend. He

McMenamin's Old St. Francis School

enjoys golfing and attending

Sweet & Swanky Cakes

Oregon Ducks games. Mrs. Vijarro is a homemaker. She

The Old Stone

Kellie's Cakes

Deschutes County Field Representative, US Senator Ron Wyden

Sunriver Resort

enjoys hiking, kayaking and

The View Restaurant at Juniper Golf Course

being outside. They both enjoy spending time with family and friends. They have lived in Central

Treehouse Portraits

Widgi Creek Golf Club



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• ll

Dustin and Aurora Cowles,a boy, Treven EugeneCowles, 8 pounds, 14 ounces, Oct. 13.


'Q I

The Bulletin

0 ' jh

pounds, 14 ounces, April 26. Mark and Melody McBrayer­ Andersen,a girl, Rue B. McBrayer-Andersen, 4 pounds, 15 ounces, Oct. 5. Randy andAmber Broadbent, a girl Addyson Lynn Broadbent, 6 pounds, 14 ounces, Oct. 6. Mike and Bethany Harrington,a boy, Cade Alexander Harrington, 8 pounds, 10 ounces, Oct. 1. Grantand Amy Ludwick,a boy, Bradley Russell Ludwick, 6 pounds, 6 ounces, Sept. 24.





by DavidL.Hhyi and JeffKhurek

co mpletegrithe d

Unscramble these six Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form six ordinary words.

so that every row, column and3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively. New York Times News Service Any guidebook can show you how to see Europe's high points, but you run the risk of experiencing the same cliched vacation as countless previous travelers. Here, from a secret London restaurant to in-the­ know Rome boutiques, are a few reasons to look beyond the obvious.

Athens, Greece Kalamiotou Street, at night It's been three years since Greece became the epicenter of Europe's debt crisis, but you'd hardly know it stroll­ ing the center of Athens at night. Eclectic restaurants and crackling night life animate a maze of streetssteps from the Acropolis and the Greek Parliament. Instead of tucking into a heavy taverna dinner, head to Melilotos — 19 Kalamiotou St., (30-210) 32-22-458 — hidden in the fabric district off Ermou Street. Its family-run kitchen specializes in fusion cuisine, using produce from the Greek islands. Here, Athenians in the know linger over fried Creten feta laced with ouzo and wa­ termelon; a tangerine-infused pasta from Chios Island; and squid-ink tagliatelle flecked with smoked trout. A round 10:30, th e a r e a morphs into a booming bar scene, starting when the Dude bar across the street, a paen to "The Big Lebowski,u opens its nondescript doors. Around the corner, facing St. Eirini c hurch, throngs o f y o u n g Greeks crowd the outdoor ta­ bles at Tailor Made — Plateia Agias Eirinis 2, (30-213) 004­ 9645 — a micro-coffeeroaster

by day, drinking spot by night, with drinks like the Porn Star Martini, made with passion fruit. — Liz Alderman

Barcelona, Spain Amato Sole In Barcelona, it's all too easy to simply shop the multistory outposts of Zara or Mango. Or to weave through racks of psychedelic-print tunics from thelabel Custo Barcelona.Or to wander around the sprawl­

ing home-design emporium Vincon. But those who value crafts­ manship over mass-produced goods should make the effort instead to explore the narrow streets in the southern part of the Raval neighborhood. nlt's a new part of the Raval that's growing with new shops," said Ramon Sole, a Barcelona na­ tive and a co-owner of Amato Sole, a housewares and furni­ ture shop that opened in the area in December 2010. At A m at o S ol e ( a mato­ sole.com), many of the items for sale,from mirrors fitted within ol d w i n dow f r ames to wooden chairs inlaid with iron, are handmade in the sec­ ond-floor studio by Sole, an industrial designer, and his partner, Annamaria Amato, an architect from Sicily. The couple take a modern, consci­ entious approach to sourcing their materials, scouring local markets for tattered, broken furniture that they then re­ store or repurpose to create cool, imaginative pieces with a back story. Every few months local art­ ists are invited to exhibit works







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Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.


Lourdes Segade /New York Times News Service

Ramon Sole and Annamaria Amato own Amato Sole,where they customize and restore furniture in Barcelona, Spain. in the shop — a melding of cre­ n oldandhenderson.com). A ative genres that transpires as, locked green gate and a con­ Sole said, "the art combines fusing panelof buzzers greet with our furniture." v isitors intrepid enough t o — Ingrid K. Williams track it down. On a recent af­ ternoon, a reporter had to wait Copenhagen, Denmark for a delivery man to follow Bakken amusement park inside. Be carefulas you step from Beyond the gate is a school­ C entral S t ation a n d p l a n yard and a modern European your big outing in the Danish kitchen installed, along with a capital. Across the street, the handful of tables, in a former Tivoli Gardens are like a ver­ bicycleshed. The bicycles are dant vortex that sucks in all now locked up in the open, passing travelers, luring them amid more tables occupied by with flashing lights, old-time a decidedly eccentric-looking rides and open-air concerts. group of diners. At 2 o'clock Fortunately, a folksier, cheap­ on a recent afternoon, a pair of er, larger and more historical dandies in full evening dress, alternative is tucked away to down to bow ties and white the north of the city. In a for­ scarves,devoured plaice with ested area known for revelry tomatoes and a green sauce, and entertainments since the and roast partridge with pearl late 1500s, Dyrehavsbakken, barley and artichokes, with known as Bakken, bills itself every sign of enjoyment. At an­ as the world's oldest amuse­ other table, a professorial-look­ ment park. ing lady in black-framed glass­ True or not, Bakken (bak­ es delivered a treatise on the ken.dk) certainly has more history of flat-pack furniture. Old World bona fides than its The menu, as much hearty inner-city cousin, to say noth­ as it is arty, changes regularly. ing of a more bucolic setting: But on that afternoon it fea­ some 2,700 acres of woodland tured a perfectly spiced North filled with hiking paths, green African lamb stew, a delicate fieldsand free-ranging deer. rabbit terrine and a rich hon­ Better still, the price tag to eycomb ice cream. All were enter Bakken is far lower: Ad­ priced at a maximum of 6.50 mission is free for all ages. (about $10.25 at $1.58 to the Once inside, you'll find ev­ pound) for appetizers and des­ erything from Bakkens Hvile, serts, and 17.50 for entrees. — Ravi Somaiya said to be the oldest remain­ ing music hall in Denmark, to Scandinavia's only "5D n cin­ Rome ema, where moving seats and Shopping special effects like wind, water If Via Condotti, with its big­ and mist create a full sensory name labels, is not your style experience. But the marquee (or your price point), there are attraction is the vintage 80­ lots of smaller boutiques clus­ year-oldwooden rollercoaster, tered on a few choice streets in one ofthe 30-plus rides spread the historic center, where they across the grounds. share space wit h a n t iques — Seth Sherwood dealersand plenty of cafes to stop infor a coffee. London The streets around the Pan­ Rochelle Canteen theon, and Via Urbana in the R edchurch Street, a h u b Monti neighborhood of Rome for the gentrification that has near Santa Maria Maggiore, swept London's East End in are lined with small boutiques recent years, is usually filled with offbeat "Made in Italy" with people who are brows­ brands like a.b., Malloni and ing boutiques and enjoying Reset,aswell as upscale Span­ flutes of vintage Champagne ish brands like Hoss. or gourmet coffee. Nearby, On Via Urbana, try DOP, at restaurants tout the occasion­ Via Urbana 25, (39-06) 4890­ al Michelin star and food to 6412, and LO L ( l olmodart­ match anything you'd find in edesign.com), both warm yet the traditionally tonier West minimalist boutiques with ev­ End. But just off th e m ain eryday wear in muted colors. thoroughfare, on a peaceful Near the Pantheon, Spazio circular plaza amid red-brick Espanso, at Via dei Bergamas­ Victorian apartment blocks, chi 59/60, (39-06) 9784-2793, is a restaurant that offers a and its nearby sister shops brief glimpse at the unvar­ Sempre, at Piazza della Pigna nished characterof the area's 7, (39-06) 679-2879, and Mam, renaissance. at Via delle Coppelle 73/A, (39­ The Rochelle Canteen is 0668) 13-6168, feature slightly part of a former school that offbeat c a shmeres, w o ols, now houses a gallery, stu­ silks and cottons. dio and event spaces (ar­ — Rachel Donadio



ou are invited to a brief presentation about the Mormons at 7:00 p.m. on Oct. 25 i n t h e H o l linshead Barn located at 1 2 3 5 N E J ones Road.

The goal of the presentation is to address increased media attention on The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in recent years, which has not always led to an increase in understanding. For those neighborhood friends ~h o h a ve questions that remain unanswered, the goal of the session is to <provide a non-evangelizing atmosphere for members of the Bend community to ask questions of members of the LDS Church who may be their friends or

neighbors. Handouts and refreshments will be available. The presentation will last less than 30 minutes followed by 15 minutes of QBA. Dress is casual, refreshments served, strictly informational - no proselytizing. Place:Hollinshead Barn, 1235 NE Jones Road, Bend, Oregon Date: Thursday, October 25, 2012

Time: 7-8:30pm This multimedia panel presentation was created by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Public Affairs Department to explain the church's priorities, practices, as well as the doctrines which support these ideals. The panel presenters are prominent membersf f o u r community who are members of the church. Presenters will be available for questions at the end of the presentation.


* *




Chicken or egg? By FRANK STEWART CA

Tribune MediaServices


Bridge has it s

c hicken-or-egg must lead dummy's eight of clubs;

questions: matters o f c o n t ention East, who opened, surely has the ace. among t h eorists. S o m e p l a y ers East can't stop a club ruff. If he willingly open 1NT with a hand returns a heart, South wins with the containing a f i v e-card major suit; ten and takes the ace o f t r umps. others would never do so. When West's nine falls, South can If you opened one heart on Q 4, g uess well t o l e a d a n other c l ub A I 8 6 5, A K 4, Q 7 6, what would instead of a second high trump. He you bid next if partner responded one ruffs his last club in dummy. spade? If you opened INT, and he East dealer Both sides vulnerable passed with 7 6, Q 9 3 2, 7 6 2,

K J 9 4, how would you explain



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going minus when nine tricks were likely at hearts? One deal proves nothing, but in today's deal from a match, one East opened 1NT, South bid two spades and North raised. South went on to four spades, but the contract failed. West led a club, and East took the queen and led a trump. Declarer was able to ruff his third club in dummy but lost two c lubs, a heart and a diamond. At the other table, East opened one heart. North-South got to four spades again, but West naturally led the jack of hearts, so South could avoid a heart loser. South did win the first heart in dummy but next led a trump t o his hand and t r ied a c l u b t o dummy's king. East took the ace, led a second trump, won the next club and led a third trump. South couldn't ruff his last club in dummy and lost four tricks after all. At Trick Two, the second South



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Opening lead — Choose it (C) 2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

LOS ANGELESTIMES SUNDAY CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris a nd Joyce Nichols Le WIS 2 "Just answer


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©2012Tribune Media Services,Inc.



sro o u

e e a r o musica ew rean

By Jessica Gelt

' 'e

Ifyou go

Los Angeles Times

N EW ORLEANS — T h e cab careened past Washington Square and onto Frenchmen Street. It was close to 10 p.m., and the neighborhood was filled with locals adorned with tattoos, piercings and lots of

WHERE TOSTAY Dauphine OrleansHotel, 415 Dauphine St., New

Orleans; (504) 586-1800, www.dauphineorleans. com. A quiet respite. Doubles from $239. WHERE TOEAT Coop's Place, 1109


ragged black accessories. "The cab drivers call this 'Freak Street,' "our driver said. "Because a lot of crazy charac­ ters hang out here — guys in skirts with huge holes in their ears, that kind of thing. But we mean it in a good way. This is where all the music happens." My Australian friend, Jor­ dan, and I had spent the last few days finding novel ways to avoid Bourbon Street, where I had twice been accosted by drunken frat boys in flip-flops who wanted to ply me with foot-tall Hurricanes and make me listen to bad cover bands playing Journey's "Don't Stop Believin'." I'm a bass player and an avid music fan who was raised on jazz, including plenty of Louis Armstrong. I was 14 on my first visit here, but in those days I was more interested in voodoo and swamps. Times change and so have I: Now, I was here on a sort of musical mission to find out whether Hurricane Katrina, which had slammed into the Big Easy in 2005, had drowned its rhyth­ mic soul. It hasn't, but you won't find it on Bourbon Street. Ask any­ one here who knows anything about music and they'll tell you to head to Frenchmen Street (andthe surrounding area) and its warren of live-music clubs. It's about a 15-minute walk from Bourbon Street, but it is light-years away. (Hurricane Isaac hit the city in late August but inflicted substantially less damage than Katrina.) After spending some time here, you'll realize this: You can't know New Orleans un­ less you know its music, and you can't know its music un­ less you get acquainted with Frenchmen Street. There you'll find rockabilly, bluegrass, R&B, jazz, blues, Latin music, hip-hop, rock 'n' roll and more in the numerous live-music venues that line a two-block stretch. Well-known musicians, including Ellis Mar­ salis and Charmaine Neville, show up regularly. The drinks are cheap and cover charges minimal. Music is such a part of life here that some restau­ rants on the busy strip feature a talented jazz trio with a tip jar. Set aside a night just to roam the area and you'll begin to find the l egitimate musical soul of the city in the charac­ ters who often pop up here: the R&B-fueled majesty of native son Troy "Trombone Shorty" Andrews or t h e l e gendary post-punk, experimental noise rocker Quintron and his wife, Miss Pussycat. How to pick your spots? Let your ears guide you. Wander from place to place; spend a


Decatur St., New Orleans; (504) 525-9053, www.

coopsplace.net. Down­ home soul food. Mains from $9.95. WHERE TOLISTEN


» i ! pi ~~I ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~i ~ h~~ I?~ ~~~ ! l~ n tl ~ ~f ~ ~ !~ ~~~ I~~~~~ i I ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~~«~ ~i ~~ !~I !l »~


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• The Spotted Cat Music Club, 623 Frenchmen



St., New Orleans; (504) 258-3135, www.



,', „«!~ l//(< ta­'-

com.Up-and-coming local talent.

• The Maison, 508



Frenchmen St., New

Orleans; (504) 371-5543, www.maisonfrenchmen. com. Brass bands, jazz, funk and zydeco.

Photos by tesstca Gelt/ Los Angeles Times

Years of band flyers adorn a wall on Frenchman Street in New Orleans. You'll find rockabilly, bluegrass, RB B, jazz, blues, Latin music, hip-hop, rock 'n' roll and more in the venues along Frenchmen Street.

• Snug Harbor, 626 Vocalist Nayo Jones per­ forms a cover of "Route 66" with The Lazy Boys at Maison on Frenchman Street in New Orleans. Performers are always hopping on stage to sing or play a horn with other bands.

few minutes or a few hours in this joint or that. Want some­ thing more formal? Look at schedules of acts online and plan your night that way. We needed to be well-f ed to sustain ourselves on our harmonic pilgrimage, so we started, as any club-hopping night in t h e C r escent City should, with fried chicken and rabbit-and-sausage jambalaya at Coop's Place, a hole-in-the­ wall on neighboring Decatur Street. When it comes to de­ cor,Coop's sets the bar pretty low: scratched wooden tables, a large, square bar and bath­ rooms outside in an alley. The l o w -key am b i ence blended seamlessly with the down-home cooking: The fried chicken was juicy, crisp and golden, and it bumped up nice­ ly against the slightly sweet coleslaw. We sampled the fried oysters with tangy tartar sauce and washed it all down with a house Sazerac, a New Orleans cocktail standard made of rye, bitters and sugar. Sated, we followed our ears to a bar called the Abbey (also on Decatur), which our cab driver called "the nexus of all things dark." She should have added "and drunk." Inside this


SOLUTION TO TODAY'S SUDOKU 4 9 2 6 3 5 8 7 1

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7 56 1 8 2 3 4 9 3 81 7 9 4 6 2 5


2 3 5 4 17 9 6 8 i

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W IL D LY O B J E CT Where the carpenters learned their trade­

Lazy Boys played jazzy funk to a packed house. Perform­ ers, sometimes just drifting in off the street, kept hopping on­ stage to sing or play a horn. As luck would have it, we were sitting next to one of the guest stars, a beautiful young vocalist named Nayo Jones who sang a sultry cover of "Route 66." Jones, who made her New Orleans Jazz Fest de­ but earlier this year, was sitting at a table with her father, Doc Jones, and Travis "Trumpet Black" Hill, who was gearing up for a gig at the Hollywood Bowl opening for the Neville Brothers. "That's the beautiful thing about New O r leans," Nayo Jones said. "There's music ev­ erywhere, and we just sit in

tiny dive we found a rollick­ ing Irish-influenced bluegrass band calledthe Woodchuck Ramblers, which appears here on Sundays. The musicians played so loudly they didn't need microphones or amps. "Got fat, got angry, started

Frenchmen St., New Orleans; (504) 949-0696, www.snugjazz.com. Sets by the likes of Ellis Marsalis

with each other." We spilled out of the Mai­ son in a kind of trance. It was close to 2 a.m., but discordant strains from club after club hung in the swampy air. We walked into Cafe Negril, a tiny bar where Ruby Moon and her Vicarious Pleasure Band wrestled "House of the Ris­ ing Sun" to the ground. Then it was off to the Spotted Cat, where Pat Casey and the New Sound played a mix of modern and classic jazz spiced with Latin swing and funk f r om a tiny stage. I had never seen a drummer hit as hard or as well. I ended the night in line for the bathroom at the Cat. I wait­ ed forwhat seemed likeforever until a young tattooed girl with

and Charmaine Neville.

TO LEARN MORE www.neworleansonline.com

neon red hair emerged, smil­

ing shyly.

"I'm s orry, it's j ust t h at there's a piano in there," she said, pointing to the bathroom. "And I couldn't stop playing."

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hating myself," the lead singer


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shouted while a fiddler sawed away and a banjo player kept the beat. They were sloppy but fun, and the beer-swilling punk rockers who filled the bar loved and taunted them in equal measures. In contrast was the Vaso Ul­ tra Lounge, where the Young FellazBrass Band rocked its way to heaven. Dressed in jeans, white T-shirts and tennis shoes, the members of the six­ piece band played tirelessly, as befitting their youth. I was re­ minded of the frantic scene in Jack Kerouac's "On the Road,"

2121 NE Division

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at sl (hart» tteairat (snler I scnrl

R ed m o n d


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in which, upon seeing a great tenor horn player, Dean Mori­ arty jumps around shouting, "Blow, man, blow!" Before I could do likewise, J ordan dragged me out o f Vaso onto Frenchmen Street, and we were soon sucked into the slightly more sedate Mai­ son, a true jazz-style club with small circular tables. Here, the

I t


Opening Night

Cascade Adventist Church

Salurday, October 27-7:00PI

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1 4 8 3 6 9 2 5 7 ,'


5 2 3 8 4 1 7 9 6 ;. ­ 9 17 5 2 6 4 8 3 ! SUDOKU ls ONC7

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avens 0 i

Week7on TV 10 a.m., Baltimore

Ravens atHouston Texans, CBS:The Ravens won all five meetings between the

teams, averaging 32.7 points in three games at Houston. They have the AFC's longest win streak at four. Houston RB Arian Foster has topped 100 yards in two of his

three gamesagainst Baltimore, but had just 29 in Monday's loss to the Packers.

10 a.m., Arizona

Bulletin staff report PHILOMATH — In what Ridgeview coach Debi Dewey called a "fantastic team effort," the Ravens swept through bracket play en route a championship win at the Philomath Tournament. "All of the tough losses paid off for us," Dewey said. "When it was tight, we knew we could get through it, and we dld. The Ravens compiled a 3-3 record in pool play, giving them a first-round m atchup w it h Y a m h ill-Carlton. A f ­ ter defeating the Tigers 26-24, 25-12, Ridgeview went on to beat Banks, Class


om a o u rne

PREP VOLLEYBALL 4A's No. 4-ranked team, in the semifinals (25-18, 25-21) as well as No. 2 Elmira in the championship round (25-17, 25-21). "Hopefully this will improve our RPI and move us up in the power rankings," Dewey said. Katrina Johnson, Kayla Jackson and Brianna Yeakey led the way in k i lls, while RhianSage and Katie Nurge were the Ravens' assist and digs leaders, respectively. La Pine also competed at the tourna­

ment and came out of pool play with a I­ 5 record and a first-round matchup with Banks, to whom the Hawks lost 25-10, 25-16. Holly Jackson paced La Pine with 41 digs, 22 kills, nine blocks and five aces on the day, while Kelley Terrell finished with 48 digs and 42 assists. Surayha El­ bers was credited with 17 digs and a 15­ of-16 performance from the service line. Ridgeview hosts Crook County for a 4A Special District I showdown on Tues­ day, the regular season finale for the Ra­ vens. La Pine wraps up the regular sea­ son with a 4A Sky-Em League contest in Junction City on Tuesday.

Cardinals at Minnesota

Don Ryan /The Associated Press

Vikings orWashington Redskins atNewYork

Portland Trail Blazers forward LaMarcus Aldridgeguards Golden State's David Lee during Friday's preseason game in Portland.


Giants, Fox. 1 p.m., New York Jetsat

New EnglandPatriots, CBS:The Jets are 2-0 in the AFC East and would lead the division with a win. They followed two losses with a 35-9 rout of Indianapolis last week behind RB Shonn

Greene's161 rushyards

Back with Blazers, Aldridge


and three TDs. The Patriots lead the NFL in

offense (445.3yards per game) andaretied for first in turnover margin

(plus-10). QBTomBrady

starts over

leads the NFL in passing

yards (1,845). 5:20 p.m., Pittsdurgh

Steelers at Cincinnati By Anne M. Peterson

Bengals, NBC:The

The Associated Press

Steelers' losing record this late in aseason is


Aldridge is getting a fresh

their first since 2006. They've led in the fourth

quarter of their three losses, all on the road. The Bengals have lost two straight after a 3-1 start. QB Andy Dalton ranks second in the AFC with a113.5 fourth­ quarter rating. — From wire reports


' x4>

COLLEGE FOOTBALL Pac-12 8OregonState Utah

21 7

11 USC Colorado

50 6

22 Stanford California

21 3

Arizona Washington

52 17

Don Ryan/The Associated Press

Oregon State running back Storm Woods,left, runs to open space as teammate Grant Enger, right, holds back Utah defender Dave Kruger during the first half of Saturday night's game in Corvallis. Woods ran for three touchdowns in the contest.

Top 25 1Alabama Tennessee

44 13

3Florida 9 SouthCarolina

44 11

4KansasState 17 WestVirginia

55 14

5NotreDame BYU

17 14

6LSU 20Texas A8 M

24 19

7 OhioState Purdue

29 22

10Oklahoma Kansas

52 7

12 FloridaState Miami

33 20

13 Georgia Kentucky

29 24

14 Clemson Virginia Tech

38 17

1 5 Mississippi State 4 5 MiddleTennesseeState 3 16 Louisville South Florida

27 25

18 TexasTech TexasChristian

56 53

19 Rutgers Temple

35 10

Toledo 21 Cincinnati

29 23

23 Michigan MichiganState

12 10

24 BoiseState UNLV

32 7

Kansas State rolls over West Virginia QB Klein runs for four

TDs and throws for three more in victory,05

start with his old team. No, Aldridge never left the Trail Blazers, but this season is decidedly different for the All-Star forward. "New pieces, new players, new locker room, new coach," he said. "Everything's new." Of course, only time will tell whether that's a good thing or not. The Blazers finished last season 28-38 and out of the playoffs for the first time in four years. They dismissed head coachNate McMillan and let go of some of their more vet­ eran players, choosing to build around Aldridge and swing­ man Nicolas Batum. Aldridge, 27, is starting his seventh season with the Blazers. He's averaging 17.8 points and 7.5 rebounds for his career, but last season he averaged 21.7 points, 8.0 rebounds and2.4assistswhile shooting a career-high 51.2 percent. And he made his first All-Star team. SeeAldridge /D6

• No. 8 OSU hangs onfor a 21-7 Pac-12victory over Utahto improve its record to 6-0 MLB PLAYOFFS CORVALLIS­ regon State should have been in so much more trouble on Satur­

day night.

Quarterback Cody Vazdid not come close to summoning the magic he displayed last week against BYU until midway through the fourth quarter. OSU's defense was good but was still gouged for several long drives as Utah outgained the Beavers, 307 yards to 226. But none of that tells the story of this rainy night at Reser Stadium; no official statistic measures resiliency. The Bea­ vers still came out on the winning end,

ZACK HAI I defeating Utah 21-7 in front of a sold out and raucouscrowd of 45,769,improving to 6-0 for the first time since 1907. To do it, Oregon State needed every one ofUtah's four turnovers.Two first­ half turnovers came deep in Ute terri­ tory, leading to both of Oregon State's touchdowns before halftime. Another came in the form of a gift-wrapped fumble on OSU's 5-yard line that sty­

mied the Utes' best second-half scoring chance. The final takeaway, an interception by Sean Martin, put the game away and sent the Beavers off the field to a ser­ enade of "six-and-oh." The No. 8-ranked Beavers' rapidly im­ proving resume now includes six wins, no losses and bowl eligibility. Oh, and OSU added onemore line: an escape against an inferior but game opponent. Every good team seems to have those. And make no mistake, Oregon State is no fluke. No team that finds this many ways to win can be. See Beavers/D4


Despite foot injury,sprint champ haseyeon Sochi By Lynn DeBruin The Associated Press

PARK CITY, Utah — For months, World Cup cross-country skiing sprint champ Kikkan Randall toted around her crystal globe, hoisting it high ev­ erywherefrom atop a snow grooming machine during a hometown parade in Anchorage to a celebration in Times Square, setting off security scanners at airports everywhere in between. Lately, the three-time Olympian's most noticeableaccessory had been the protective walking boot she had to wear while battling back from a

stress fracture in her right foot.

The injury has changed her work­ out routine in Park City and some of her aspirations for this season, but it won't change her ultimate goal, to win gold at the Sochi Olympics in 2014 — and perhaps beyond. "It's thrown a little wrench in the loop," said Randall, whose first World Cup event is about a month away. "I don't expect to be on fire in those first few races of the season. Those are going to be more like racing myself back into shape." See Sprint/D6

Cardinals forced to head west By Janie McCauley The Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO — The Giants sure are tough to elimi­ nate this postseason. Barry Zito and the Giants gave themselves at least one more game in the NL cham­ pionship series with a 5-0 victory Friday in St. Louis that forced today's Game 6 back at San Francisco's AT&T Park. Just where the NL West winners want to be with their season on the line. "It's great to be back in San Francisco. There is no tomor­ row," Giants right fielder Hunter Pence said. "It's a unique feeling. It has brought the best out of us." The wild-card Cardinals traveled out West again for a trip they certainly hoped they wouldn't have to make. See West/D6

Nextup Lynn Deerutn /TheAssociated Press

Cross-country skiing World Cup sprint champ Kikkan Randall poses for a photo with the pro­ tective walking book she had to wear several months after suffering a stress fracture in her right foot, in Park City, Utah.

NLCS, St. Louis Cardinals at San Francisco Giants • When:Today, 4:30 p.m. • TV:Fox • Radio:KICE-AM 940








10 a.m:American Le Mans Series, Petit Le Mans (taped), ABC. 11 a.m.:NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Hollywood Casino 400, ESPN. FOOTBALL 10a.m:NFL, Baltimore Ravens at Houston Texans, CBS.

10 a.m:NFL,Arizona Cardinals at Minnesota Vikings or

Washington Redskins at New York Giants, Fox. 1 p.m:NFL, New York Jets at New England Patriots, CBS. 5:20 p.m:NFL, Pittsburgh

Steelers at Cincinnati Bengals, NBC. HORSE RACING 10:30 a.m:West Virginia

Breeders Classic (taped), Root Sports. GOLF 11a.m.: PGATour, The

McGladrey Classic, final round, Golf Channel.

2 p.m.:Web.com Tour, Jacksonville Open, final round, Golf Channel. 4:30 p.m.:LPGA Tour, HanaBank Championship, final

round, Golf Channel. EXTREME SPORTS 11 a.m.: Dew Tour, BMX streetstyle, NBC. VOLLEYBALL

11 a.m.: Women's college, Oregon State at Arizona, Pac­ 12 Network.

Monday Girls soccer: LaPineatSisters, 4:30p.m. Volleyball: Madras atSisters, 5:30p.m. Tuesday Volleyball: MountainViewat Summ it, 630 p.m.; BendatRedmond,6:30p.m.;CrookCountyatRid­ geview,6:30p.m.; CottageGroveat Sisters, 6:45 p.m.; LaPineat Junction City,6:45p.mzMadras at Molaffa,6p.mzCentral Christian atNorthLake, 5 p.m. Boys soccer: CrookCountyat La Pine, 4 p.m., Madrasat NorthMarion, 530p.m. Girls soccer: NorthMarionatMadras,4.30 p.m. Boys water polo: MountainViewat Madras, TBA, Summit atBend,TBA Wednesday Cross-country: Madras atthe Tri-VaffeyConterence district meetinEstacada,TBA Boys soccer: Sisters atSweetHome, 4:30p.m.; CrookCountyatSummit, 4:30p.m. Girls soccer: SweetHomeat Sisters, 4:30p.m., CrookCountyat Summit, 3p.mzCotageGrove at La Pine,3p.m.


Nebraska at lllinois, ESPN2.

1 p.m.:Women's college,

Figure Skating, Skate America (taped), NBC.


(Best-of-5; x-if necessary) Indiana 2, Minnesota 1 Sunday,Dct.14: Indiana76, Minnesota70 Wednesday, Dct.17: Minnesota83,Indiana71 Friday,Oct. 19:Indiana76, Minnesota59 Today,Oct. 21:Minnesotaat Indiana, 5p.m. x-Wedne sday Oct.24:IndianaatMinnesota,5 p.m.



3 p.m:Men's college,



Washington at Stanford, Pac­ 12 Network.

4p.m:Major League Soccer, Portland Timbers at

Vancouver Whitecaps, Root Sports.

5:30p.m:W omen'scollege, Washington at Stanford, Pac­ 12 Network.

6p.m:Major League Soccer, FC Dallas at Seattle Sounders, ESPN. BASEBALL 4:30p.m.:M LB Playoffs,NL Championship Series, San Francisco Giants at St. Louis Cardinals, Fox. BASKETBALL 5 p.m.:WNBA, finals,



Miami104,SanAntonio101 Atlanta110,Dallas94 Indi ana83,Memphis80 Boston109,NewYork98 Detroit 85,Charlotte80 Washington102,Milwaukee94 Utah99,L.A.Clippers91 Today's Games SanAntonioat Orlando,3p.m. PhiladelphiaatBoston, 4:30 p.m. DenveratOklahomaCity, 5p.m. Sacrame ntoatLA Lakers,6:30pm. Monday's Games Milwaukee atToronto, 4p.m. NewYorkvs. Philadelphia atSyracuse,NY,4 p.m. NewOrleansat Dallas, 5:30p.m. Sacramento at Phoenix, 7 p.m. Utah atPortland,7 p.m. GoldenStateatL.A.Cippers, 7:30 p.m.


Minnesota Lynx at lndiana


Fever, ESPN2.



2 a.m.:Women's college, Colorado at USC(same-day tape), Pac-12 Network. SOCCER

1 p.m.:English Premier League,Manchester United FC

vs. Stoke City FC(taped), Root Sports. BASEBALL 5p.m.: MLB Playoffs, NL championship series, St. Louis

Cardinals at SanFrancisco Giants (jf necessary), Fox. FOOTBALL 5:30 p.m.:NFL, Detroit Lions

at Chicago Bears, ESPN. BASKETBALL

7 p.m.:NBA preseason, Utah Jazz at Portland Trail

Blazers, Comcast SportsNet Northwest.



N.Y.Jets NewEngland Miami Buffalo

Houston Indianapolis Tennessee Jacksonvile Baltimore Cincinnati Pittsburgh Cleveland

Francisco Giants at St. Louis Cardinals, KICE-AM 940.

WL 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 South WL 5 I 2 3 2 4

T Pct PF PA 0 .500 133 141 0 .500 188 137 0 .500 120 117 0 .500 137 192

1 4

T Pct PF PA 0 .833 173 115 0 .400 100 145 0 .333 114 204 0 .200 65 138

1 5

T Pct PF PA 0 .833 161 118 0 .500 149 163 0 .400 116 115 0 .167 134 163

North WL 5 I 3 3 2 3


Denver San Digeo Oakland City Kansas

T Pct PF PA 0 .500 170 138 0 .500 148 137 0 .200 87 148 1 5 0 .167 104 183 NATIONALCONFERENCE

WL 3 3 3 3 I 4


N.Y.Giants Philadelphia Washington Dallas

WL 4 2 3 3 3 3 2 3

T Pct PF PA 0 .667 178 114 0 .500 103 125 0 .500 178 173 0 .400 94 119

South Atlanta

TampaBay Carolina NewOrleans Chicago Minnesota

GreenBay Detroit

W L T Pct PF PA 6 0 0 1.000 171 113 2 3 0 .400 120 101 1 4 0 .200 92 125 1 4 0 .200 141 154 North W L T Pct PF PA 4 I 0 .800 149 71 4 2 0 .667 146 117 3 3 0 .500 154 135 2 3 0 .400 126 137


TOdrzp BASEBALL 4:30p.m.:M LB Playoffs,NL Championship Series, San


Detroit atChicago,5:30p.m.

NFL Injury Report

NEWYORK The updated National Football

League injury report, asprovidedbythe league

WASHINGTONREDSKINS at NEW YORK GIANTS — REDSKINS:DUT:S Brandon Meri­ weather (knee).DOUBTFUL: WRPierreGarcon(foot). QUESTIN OABLE: CB Cedric Griffin (hamstring), CB DavidJones(Achiffes), SJordanPugh (head), PSavRocca(right knee),RBDarrel Young(ham­ string). PROB ABLE: NT Barry Cofield (shoulder), TE FredDavis (knee),CBDeAngelo Hall (knee), DE DougWorthington(calf). GIANTS: OUT:DTRocky Thursday Bernard(quadriceps), S KennyPhilips (knee), RB Cross-country: Sisters, La Pine at the Sky-Em Da'RelScott (knee), LBJacquianWiliams (knee) League championsihpsinEugene,TBA QUESTIONABLE :LBMichaelBoey(hip),RBAhmad Volleyball: Summit at CrookCounty, 630 p.m.; Bradshaw (foot). PROBABLE: RBAndreBrown(con­ Mountai n View atBend,6:30 p.m.;Redmond at cussion), WR HakeemNicks (foot, knee),CBCorey Ridgeview, 6:30 p.m., Webster (hand,hamstring). Boyssoccer:Ridgeview atRedmond,4:30p.m.; ARIZONACARDINALS at MINNESOTAVI­ Bend at MountainView,4:30 p.mz LaSalle at KINGS —CARDINALS:OUT:QBKevin Kolb (ribs), Madras,6p.m. S Kerry Rhodes (back). DOU BTFUI.: RB Anthony Girls soccer: Ridgeviewat Redmond,3 p.mzBend Sherman(knee), CBGreg Toler (hamstring). QUES­ at MountainView,3p.m.; MadrasatLaSalle, 6:30 TIONABLE: CBMichael Adams(hamstring), TETodd p.m Heap(knee),LBReggie Walker(head). PROBABLE. DT Boys water polo: Redm ond at Summit, TBA;Bend DarneffDockett(hamstring), TEJim Dray(knee), LB at Madras,TBA QuentinGroves(hamstring), LB Paris Lenon(knee), LB O'BrienSchofield (knee), GAdamSnyder (elbow) Friday VIKINGS:OUT:SMistral Raym ond(ankle). QUE S­ Football: BendatMountain View,7p.mzRidgeview TIONABLE R:BMatt Asiata(knee), LBMarvin Mitchell at Summit, 7p.m.; Redmondat Roosevelt, 7p.m., (calf). PRO BABLE. DEJared Allen (groin), S Robert Estacada at Madras, 7 p.m.; La Pineat Sisters, 7 Blanton(hamstring), RBAdrian Peterson (ankle), QB p.m.; Culverat Santiam, 7p.m.; Gilchrist at Ho­ ChristianPonder(knee), WRJerome Simpson (low sannaChristian,7 p.m. back), CB Antoine Winfield (knee) Cross-country: Bend, Mountain View, Summit, DALLAS COWBOYS atCAROLINA PAN­ Redmondat the Class5ASpecial District 1 meet THERS — COWBOYS:OUT:S Matt Johnson in Bend,TBA (hamstring), DE SeanLissemore (ankle), RBDeMar­ Boys soccer:CulveratIrrigon, 4 p.m. co Murray (foot). QUE STIONABLE: WRDez Bryant Boys water polo: Redm ondatMountain View,TBA (groin), CRyanCook(hamstring), P Chris Jones(left knee), LBAnthonySpencer(shoulder). PRO BABLE Saturday CB Morris Claiborne(knee), 0 Phil Costa (knee), Boys soccer: CulveratUmatiffa,1pm. PBrianMoorman(right groin) PANTHERS:OUT Volleyball: Gilchrist at Mountain Valley District CB Chris Gamble(shoulder). DOUBTFUL: LB Jon tourney,1p.m. Beason(knee). PROBABLE: DEAntwanApplewhite (knee), CGeoff Hangartner(knee), S Colin Jones

Noon: W omen'scollege, Cal at Washington, Pac-12 Network. FIGURE SKATING 1 p.m.:ISU Grand Prix of

Arizonaat Minnesota, 10a.m. GreenBayat St.Louis, 10am. Baltimore at Houston,10 a.m Washingtonat N.Y.Giants, 10a.m. Dallas atCarolina, 10a.m. NewOrleansatTampaBay,10 am. Cleveland atIndianapolis,10a.m. Tennes seeatBuff alo,10a.m. Jacksonvil e at Dakland,125 p.m. N.Y.JetsatNewEngland,I:25 p.m. PittsburghatCincinnati, 5:20p.m. Open:Atlanta,Denver,KansasCity, Miami, Philadel­ phia, San Diego

SanFrancisco Arizona Seattle St. Louis

WL 5 2 4 2 4 3 3 3

T Pct PF PA 0 .714 165 100 0 .667 110 97 0 .571 116 106 0 .500 110 111

Thursday's Game San Francisco13,Seatle 6 Today's Games



(hamstring). QUES TIONABLE. TE Jimmy Graham (ankle). PRO BABLE: RBTravaris Cadet(shoulder), LB Jonathan Casiffas (neck), GJahri Evans(toe), CB Jabari Greer(groin), DETurk McBride(ankle), WR LanceMoore(hamstring), LB Scott Shanle(iffness). BUCCANEERS:PROBABLE: WR Vincent Jackson (calf), GCarlNicks(foot).

GREENBAY PACKERS atST.LOUIS RAMS — PACKERS:OUT:WRGreg Jennings (groin), LB NickPerry(knee),DTBJ. Raji (ankle), CBSam Shields(shin,ankle). PROBABLE:TEJermichael Fin­ ley (shoulder), RB AlexGreen(shoulder), CB Davon House (shoulder), SSeanRichardson(hamstring), QB AaronRodgers(calf), TE D.J. Wiliams(hamstring). RAMS:OUT:WR Danny Amendola (shoulder),LB MarioHaggan(thigh), TRodger Saffold (knee).QUES­ TIONABLE: T Wayne Hunter (back). PROBABLE: CB JanorisJenkins(back). BALTIMORERAVENS atHOUSTON TEXANS — RAVENS: QUESTIONABLE:NT Maake Kemoeatu (knee), TBryantMcKinnie (thigh), DTHaloti Ngata (knee), CB JimmySmith (abs) PROBABLE: TRamon Harewood(head). TEXANS:OUT : DEDavid Hunter (toe). QUES TIONABLE: S Quintin Demps(thumb, forearm), CB JohnathanJoseph(groin). PRO BABLE. LB BryanBraman(knee), GAntoine Caldwell (con­ cussion), NTShaunCody(back), LB BradieJames

(calf), WR l.estar Jean(knee), S Shiloh Keo(neck, back, thumb),CChris Myers(hip), LBJesseNading (foot, neck),TDerekNewton (forearm), GWadeSmith (knee),RBBenTate(toe).

CLEVELAND BROWNS at INDI ANAPOLIS COLTS —BROWNS: OUT:LBScott Fujita (shoul­ der, neck), CBDimitri Patterson (ankle), G Jason Pinkston(iffness).QUESTIONABLE:WRTravis Benja­ min (hamstring), STashaunGipson(knee), WRMo­ hamedMassaquoi (hamstring), RB Trent Richardson (chest, ribs), DT AhtybaRubin (caff). PROBABLE: LB TankCarder(foot), WRJosh Gordon(knee), WRGreg Litte (ilness), DEFrosteeRucker (shoulder, foot), SRayVentrone (hand,calf), S TJ. Ward(hand), QB BrandonWeeden (foot), LB Christian Yount(shoul­ der). COLTS:OUT:RBDonald Brown (knee), CB Darius Butler (shoulder), LBRobert Mathis (knee), DE Fili Moala(knee), DECory Redding (knee), NT Martin Teva seu(ankle). QUESTIONABLE: LBPat An­ gerer(foot), GJoeReitz(knee). PROBABLE:CBVontae Davis (ankle), LB Dwight Freeney(ankle), TWinston Justice(ankle). TENNESSEETITANS atBUFFALO BILLS­ TITANS:OUTCBTommieCampbell (ankle),QBJake Locker(leftshoulder),RBJavonRinger (knee). QUES­ TIONABLE:DTJurreff Casey(shoulder), LB Colin Mccarthy(ankle),TMikeOto (knee). PROBABLE: LB PatrickBailey(hand).BILLS: OUT:DEMarkAnderson (knee), TCordyGlenn(ankle), GKraig IJrbik (ankle). QUESTIN OABLE: DESpencer Johnson (ankle), CB

TerrenceMcGee (knee), S DaN ' orris Searcy(ankle), DT KyleWiliams(ankle). PROBABLE:WRBradSmith (chest), DE Mario Wiliams (wrist).


(knee), DT SionePo'uha (lowback), RBBilal Poweff (shouder), S Eric Smith (knee).QUE STIONABLE WR Clyde Gates (shoulder), C NickMangold(ankle), RB JoeMcKnight(ankle). PRO BABLE: WRStephen Hill (hamstring), TE Dustin Keller (hamstring),WR JeremyKerley(finger), S LaRonLandry (heel), G BrandonMoore(hip), LB Calvin Pace(shoulder), QB MarkSanchez(low back), LBBart Scott (toe), G Matt Slauson(knee), LBBryanThomas (hamstring). PATRIOTS:OUT:RBBrandonBolden(knee), SSteve Gregory(hip), LBTracyWhite (foot). QUESTIONABLE DT Ron Brace(back), SPatrick Chung(shoulder), WR JulianEdelman(hand), TERobGronkowski (hip), TE AaronHernandez(anke), LBDont'a Hightower(ham­ string), GLoganMankins (calf, hip), GNick McDon­ ald (shoulder), SSterling Moore(knee), TSebastian Voffmer(back, knee), WRWesWelker (ankle). PROB­ ABLE:DTKyle Love(knee). JACKSONVILLEJAGUARS at OAKLAND RAIDERS— JAGUARS:DUT:S Dwightl.owery (ankle), WR LaurentRobinson(concussion), LB Daryl Smith (groin). PROABBLE: DTTyson Alualu (not injury related), SDawan Landry (knee), CBrad Meester(notinjury related),DEGeorgeSelvie (knee). RAIDERS:OUT:TKhalif Barnes(groin), TERichard Gordon (hamstring), CBShawntae Spencer (foot) QUESTIN OABLE: RB Taiwan Jones (knee), C Alex Parsons(shoulder, back). PROBABLE: GMike Brisiel (concussion), K SebastianJanikowski (left groin), RB DarrenMcFadden (shoulder), WR Denarius Moore (shoulder),TEBrandonMyers (knee,ear), DTRichard

Seymour (knee).


(hamstring), T Marcus Gilbert (ankle), RBRashard Mendenhaff(Achiffes), S Troy Polamalu(calf), RB IsaacRedman(ankle) QUE STIONABLE C Maurkice Pouncey (knee). PRO BABLE: LB Brandon John­ son (hamstring), LB LawrenceTimmons(foot). BENGALS:DOUT BFUL: RBBrian Leonard(ribs) QUESTIO NABLE: WRArmon Binns (ankle), CB Dre Kirkpatrick (knee).PROBABLE: WRAndrew Hawkins

67-65-70 202 GavinColes Billy Horschel 68-69-66 203 71-66-66—203 HarrisEngish 68-69-66—203 MarkWilson 68-69-66—203 DanielChopra 68-69-66—203 BenCurtis 69-69-65—203 DavidMathis 65-71-67 203 Joe Durant 66-69-68—203 BrendondeJonge 67-68-68—203 KenDuke 69-66-68—203 RobertoCastro StuartAppleby 69-68-67—204 BillLunde 68-68-68—204 TommyGainey 69-67 68—204 67-71-66—204 Brendan Steele 65-71-68—204 CamiloViffegas Betting line 68-70-66—204 GarthMulroy 68-70-66—204 NFL JasonKokrak Danny Le e 65-70-69—204 (Hometeamsin Caps) 64-71 69—204 Opening Current Underdog Boo Weekl e y Favorite 67-68-69—204 HenrikStenson Today 67-72-65—204 BILLS 3.5 3.5 Titans BrianHarman 64-69-71—204 VIKINGS 5.5 65. Car d inals GregOwen Charlie Bel j a n 66-71-68—205 Browns COLTS 3 1.5 71-66-68 205 TEXANS Ravens KevinChappeff 6 7 68-68-69—205 Packers 5.5 5.5 RAMS BlakeAdams 68-70-67—205 Cowboys 2 2 PANT HERS Scott Staffings 65-70-70—205 Zach Johnson GIANTS 6.5 6 Reds k ins 70-68-67—205 3 1.5 B UCCANEERS RoccoMediate Saints 72-67-66—205 PATRIOTS 10.5 1 0 .5 Jets Matt Jones 68-68-70—206 RAIDERS 4 6 Jagua r s AlexandreRocha Tim Herron 69-66-71 206 2 1 Steelers Bengals 67-71-68—206 ChaseWright Monday 69-70-67—206 BEARS 6 6.5 Lions StewartCink Martin Flores 65-69-72—206 JasonDay 67-67-72—206 71-68-67—206 RussellKnox BASEBALL 73-66 67 206 SeanO'Hair 62-75-70—207 MarcoDawson 67-69-71—207 MLB James Driscoll 67-70-70—207 Scott Brown MAJORLEAGUEBASEBALL Billy Hurley Iff 66-71-70—207 PostseasonGlance 64-71-72—207 RodPampling AH Times PDT 72-67 68—207 NathanGreen 66-73-68—207 CameronBeckman LEAGUECHAMPIONSHIP SERIES 69-70-68—207 Chris Kirk (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) 67-72-68—207 Matt Every American League ZackMiler 68-71-68—207 Detroit 4, NewYork 0 69-68-71—208 HeathSlocum Saturday,Oct.13: Detroit 6,NewYork 4,12 innings DavidHeam 66-71-71 208 Sunday,Dct.14:Detroit 3,NewYork 0 68-70-70—208 Justin Leonard Tuesday,Oct 16 Detroit 2, NewYork1 69-70-69—208 Jeff Dverton Wednesday, Oct 17: NewYorkat Detroit, ppd.,rain 69-70-69—208 MarkAnderson Thursday,Oct.18: Detroit 8,NewYork I KyleThom pson 67-72-69—208 Madecut, did not finish National League 69-67-73 209 Jason Bohn AH games televisedbyFox 67-69-73—209 GaryChristian St. Louis 3, San Francisco 2 72-66-71—209 Billy Mayfair Sunday,Oct.14: St. Louis6,SanFrancisco4 67-71-71—209 RichardH.Lee Monday,Oct.15: SanFrancisco 7,St. Louis I StevenBowditch 68-66-75—209 Wednesday, Oct.17: St. Louis3, SanFrancisco1 68-71-70—209 AngelCabrera ThursdayDct.18:St. Louis8 SanFrancisco3 Ryuji Imada 70-69-70—209 Friday,Oct.19: SanFrancisco 5, St. Louis 0 EdwardLoar 68-70-72—210 Today,Oct.21 St.Louis(Carpenter0-2) at SanFran­ 74-65-71—210 Brian Davi s cisco (Vogelsong 14-9), 4:30p.m. 69-70-71—210 x-Monday ,Oct.22:St.Louis atSan Francisco,5:07 RobertAffenby Carl Paulson 68-71-71—210 p.m. 69-70-71—210 JohnRoffins WORLDSERIES Erik Compton 69-69-73 211 (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) 72-67-72—211 JonasBlixt AH games televisedbyFox 66-71-75—212 J.J. Kiffeen Wednesday, Oct. 24 Detroit at National League(n) 70-67-75—212 Alex Cejka Thursday,Oct.25:Detroit at National League(n) Chris DiMarco 72-67-75—214 Saturday,Oct.27:National Leagueat Detroit (n) Sunday,Oct. 28:National Leagueat Detroit (n) x-Monday,Oct.29:National Leagueat Detroit (n) LPGA Tour x-Wednesday,Oct. 31: Detroit at National League HanaBankChampionship (n) Saturday x-Thursday,Nov.1:Detroit at National League(n) At Sky 72Golf Club (OceanCourse) Incheon, SouthKorea Purse: $1.8 million MOTOR SPORTS Yardage: 6,364; Par: 72 SecondRound 63-68 —131 SuzannPetersen NASCAR 66-70—136 So YeonRyu SPRINTCUP Se RiPak 70-67 137 Hollywood Casino 400 Lineup 69-68—137 SandraGal After Friday qualifying; race today 67-70—137 YaniTseng At KansasSpeedway 68-70 —138 CatrionaMatthew KansasCity, Kan. Lexi Thompson 68-70 —138 Lap length: 1.5 miles Ha-NeulKim 66-72 —138 (Car numberin parentheses) AzaharaMunoz 66-72 138 1.(5) KaseyKahne, Chevrolet,191.36 mph. 64-75—139 Karin Sjodin 2.(55) MarkMartin,Toyota,191.238. 70-70—140 Haeji Kang 3.(15) ClintBowyer,Toyota,191.13. 70-70 —140 InbeePark 4.(18) KyleBusch,Toyota, 191.096. Jung-MinLee 69-71 —140 5.(43) AricAlmirola, Ford,190.988. 69-71 — 140 BeatrizRecari 6. (39)RyanNewman,Chevrolet,190 853. Mina Harigae 68-72 140 7. (48)JimmieJohnson, Chevrolet, 190.84. 71-70—141 DanieffeKang 8. (20)JoeyLogano,Toyota,190.813. 69-72—141 GerinaPiler 9. (11)DennyHamlin, Toyota,190.718 68-73—141 KarineIcher 10. (29)KevinHarvick, Chevrolet,190.409. 68-73—141 Hyo Joo Ki m 11. (16)GregBiffle, Ford,190389. Ai Miyazato 66-75—141 12. (17)MattKenseth, Ford,190375. Hyun-HeeMoon 66 75 141 13. (51) A JAffmendinger, Chevrolet, 190.154. 73-69 —142 Brittanyl.ang 14. (27)PaulMenard, Chevrolet,190.134. 72-70 — I42 BrittanyLincicome 15. (22)SamHornishJr., Dodge,190.094. 71-71 — 142 Jiyai Shin 16. (56)MartinTruexJr., Toyota,189.94. Cnstie Kerr 70-72 —142 17. (99)Carl Edwards,Ford,189.913. AmyYang 70-72 —142 18. (9)MarcosAmbrose, Ford,189 827 69-73 142 HeeYoungPark 19. (24)JeffGordon,Chevrolet, 189.52. 74-69—143 Jodi Ewart 20. (31)JeffBurton, Chevrolet,189.367. 70-73—143 Na YeonChoi 21. (1)JamieMcMurray, Chevrolet,189.268. 69-74 —143 JulietaGranada 22. (47)BobbyLabonte, Toyota,189268. Yoon-KyungHeo 69-74 —143 23. (98)MichaelMcDoweff, Ford,189.261. 69-74 —143 HeeKyungSeo 24. (42)JuanPaboMontoya, Chevrolet,188.851. Hee-Won Jung 69-75 144 25. (2)BradKeselowski, Dodge,188.772. 72-73—145 ffheeLee 26.(83)LandonCassiff ,Toyota,188646. Eun-Hee Ji 71-74 — I45 27. (37)J.J.Yeley,Chevrolet,188.633. 70-75 —145 NicoleCastrale 28. (13)CaseyMears, Ford,188.6. JenniferJohnson 70-75 —145 29. (78)Kurt Busch,Chevrolet,18837. Ji-HyunKim 70-75 —145 30. (19)MikeBliss, Toyota,188.173. AngelaStanford 68-77 145 31. (93)TravisKvapil, Toyota,188.147. 76-70—146 CheffaChoi 32. (21)TrevorBayne,Ford,188.055. 76-70—146 Mi HyunKim 33. (14)TonyStewart, Chevrolet, 187.859. Mi-RimLee 75-71—146 34. (91)ReedSorenson,Chevrolet,187.761. Hee-WonHan 73-73 —146 35. (95)Scott Speed,Ford, 187.748. I.K. Kim 73-73 —146 36.(87)JoeNemechek,Toyota,187.578 MicheffeWie 73-73 146 37. (34)DavidRagan,Ford, 187.474. 72-74—146 Shanshan Feng 38. (38)DavidGiffiland, Ford,187.233. 72-74—146 StacyLewis 39. (88)ReganSmith, Chevrolet,187.182. 71-75 —146 Pornanong Phatlum 40. (10)DanicaPatrick, Chevrolet,186.896. Je-YoonYang 71-75 — 146 41. (36)DaveBlaney, Chevrolet, OwnerPoints. 76-71 —147 Katherine Huff 42. (32)TimmyHiI, Ford,Owner Points. 76-71 147 Meena Le e 43. (79)Kelly Bires,Ford,187.285. 75-72—147 AnnaNordqvist Failed to Oualify Rye-JungLee 74-73—147 44. (33)ColeWhitt, Chevrolet,186.877. 73-74 —147 LindseyWright 45. (30)DavidStremme,Toyota,186.027. JessicaKorda 80-68 —148 46. (26)JoshWise, Ford,182.5. Soo-JinYang 76-72 —148 RanHong 75-73 148 73-75—148 Cheyenne Woods GOLF 72-76—148 Vicky Hurst 77-72 —149 Giulia Sergas PGA Tour Hyun-Hwa Sim 74-75 —149 74-75 —149 Sun YoungYoo McGladreyClassic 73-76 149 Katie Futcher Saturday Hye-Youn Kim 73-76—149 At Saa IslandResort(Saaside Course) 72-77—149 CindyLacrosse St. Simons Island, Ga. 75-75 —150 Purse: $4 million CharYoungKim JennyShin 75-75 —150 Yardage: 7,005; Par:70 77-78 —155 Third Round Bo YeonLee 77-WD DavisLoveIII 65 66 66—197 MorganPressel 66-65-66—197 Jim Furyk 66-67-66—199 D.J. Trahan TENNIS

(back), LB Roddrick Muckelroy(ankle), DTDevonStil (shoulder), GKevin Zeitler (elbow) DETROITLIONSat CHICAGOBEARS— LI­ ONS:DNP:CBJacob Lacey(concussion). LIMITED: DE Cliff Avril (back), CBBill Bentley (shoulder), S Louis Delmas(knee), TEBrandon Petigrew (knee), LB Stephen Tuffoch(knee), DTCoreyWilliams (knee), WRTitusYoung(knee). FULL:DERonneffLewis(eye). BEARS:OUT:WRAlshonJefery (hand). DNPWR Earl Bennett (iffness), DEJulius Peppers(coach's decision), LB Brian Urlacher(coach'sdecision). LIM­ ITED. LBBlakeCostanzo (thumb), WRDevin Hester (quadriceps),CBSherrick McManis(hip).

Arjun Atwal Bud Cauley Will Claxton RorySabbatini CharlesHowell III MathewGoggin Ben Crane Kyle Reifers

PeterTom asulo Vijay Singh ChadCampbell MichaelThompson BrianGay DavidToms

67-63-69—199 62-70-68 —200 70-66-65—201 69-65-67 201 66-68-67 —201 67-66-68 —201 68-71-62—201 67-68-67 —202 67-67-68 202 66-68-68 202 66-67-69—202 65-68-69 —202 65-68-69 —202 65-67-70 —202

Professional Kremlin Cnp

Saturday At Olympic Stadium Moscow Purse: Men,$742,150(W T250);Women, $740,000 (Premier) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles Men Semifinals


Baseball . • Red Soxto hire Jays' manager: The Red Sox reportedly have reached

an agreement to bring Toronto Blue Jays manager John Farrell to Boston to replace Bobby Valentine. Red Sox

had one year remaining in his Toronto

sent Cabrera to the Miami Marlins for

contract. He was154-170 in two seasons

Bell. The Marlins will pay $8 million of

with the Blue Jays following four years as Boston's pitching coach. • Bell traded to 0-backs:Heath Bell

the remaining $22 million Bell is owed. Earlier in the day, Arizona exercised a $6.5 million option on closer J.J. Putz.

surgery to repair a broken left ankle. Dr.

•Sabathiatohaveelbow checked:

recovery for their 38-year-old captain is

became the latest player jettisoned by

reported that the deal was agreed to. Boston had been talking to the Blue Jays

Yankees ace CC Sabathia will have his pitching elbow examined by Dr. James Andrews following inflammation that nington from Oakland for outfielder Chris landed him on the disabled list in August. Young. Arizona obtained Pennington and An MRI showed a bone spur in the left minor league infielder Yordy Cabrera elbow and the Yankees believe it has

about compensation for Farrell, who

from Oakland for Young andcash, then

spokeswoman PamKennsaid early Sun­ daytheteam had noannouncementto make. Comcast SportsNet NewEngland

the Miami Marlins when he was dealt Saturday to the Arizona Djamondbacks, who also acquired infielder Cliff Pen­

Indians from 2001-08. Also Saturday, Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter had Robert Anderson operated in Charlotte,

N.C., andtheYankeessaid complete expected to take four to five months.

Soccer • U.S., Germany tie:Even Pia Sund­ hage would have had a tough time getting

existed since he pitched for the Cleveland her team ready for Germany in two days.

AndreasSeppi (2), Italy,def. MalekJaziri, Tunisia,

6-3, 6-1

ThomazBeffucci (4), Brazil, def Ivo Karlovic, 0roatia, 6-7(5), 6-4, 6-4. Women Semifinals CarolineWozniacki(3), Denm ark, def. Sofia Ar­ vidsson,Sweden,6-3, 6-7 (4), 6-4. SamStosur(1), Australia, def. AnaIvanovic (4), Serbia, 2-6,6-3, 6-2.

StockholmOpen Saturday At Knngliga TennishaHen Stockholm, Sweden Surface: Hard-Indoor Purse: $712,300(WT250) Singles Semifinals Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (I), France, def. Marcos Baghdatis(7), Cyprus,6-4,4-6, 5-2, retired. TomasBerdych(2), CzechRepublic, def.Nicolas Almagro(3), Spain,6-3, 6-2.

Erste BankOpen Saturday At Wiener StadthaHe Vienna, Austria Purse: $902,850(WT250) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles Semifinals Juan Martindel Potro (1), Argentina,def.Giffes Muffer,Luxembourg, 7-6(4), 7-6(5). GregaZemlja, Slovenia,dei. JankoTipsarevic (2), Serbia,3-6, 7-6(5), 6-2.

LuxembourgOpen Saturday At CK Sportcenter Kockelshener Luxembourg Purse: $220,000 (Intl.)

Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles Semifinals Monica Niculescu,Romania,def. Daniela Han­ tuchova,Slovakia,6-1, 6-3. VenusWilliams, UnitedSt



W L T y -Sporting KansasCity17 7 9 x-D.C. 1 7 10 6 x-Chicago 1 7 11 5 x-NewYork 15 9 9 x-Houston 1 4 8 11 Columbus 1 4 12 7 Montreal 1 2 15 6 Philadelphia 10 16 6 NewEngland 8 17 8 TorontoFC 5 20 8

P t sGF GA 6 0 40 26 5 7 52 42 5 6 45 40 5 4 54 46 53 48 39 4 9 42 43 4 2 45 50 36 36 40 32 38 44 2 3 35 60


W L T P t sGF GA I9 6 7 64 69 40 x -RealSaltLake 1 7 1 1 5 5 6 46 35 x-Seattle 1 4 7 11 53 48 31 x -Los Angele s 1 5 1 2 5 5 0 56 45 Vancouver 1 1 12 9 4 2 35 40 FC Dallas 9 12 11 38 39 42 Colorado 1 0 19 4 3 4 42 50 Portland 7 16 9 3 0 32 55 ChivasUSA 7 18 8 2 9 22 56 NOTE: Threepoints Ior victory,onepoint for tie.


x- clinched playoff berth y- clinchedconference

Saturday's Games TorontoFC0, Montreal 0,tie NewYork0, Sporting KansasCity 0,tie D.C. United 3, Columbus2 NewEnglandI, Chicago0 Houston 3, Philadelphia1 Colorado2, ChivasUSA0


Los AngelesatSanJose, 4pm. Portland at Vancouver, 4p.m FC DallasatSeatle FC,6p.m. Wednesday'sGame PhiladelphiaatSporting KansasCity, 5.30p.m. Saturday, Oct. 27 NewYorkat Philadelphia,1030 a.m. NewEnglandat Montreal,11 a.m. D.C. United at Chicago,I p.m. San JoseatPortland, 330 p.m. VancouveratReal Salt Lake,6p.m.

Houstonat Colorado, 6p.m. Sunday, Oct. 28 TorontoFCat Columbus, 1pm. ChivasUSAat FCDallas,4 p.m. Seattle FC at LosAngeles, 6p.m.







Cowgirls fall in title Roo ie Bsarewinnin atrecor rate game at West Linn By Steven Wine

The Associated Press

Bulletin staff report W EST L I N N — Cro o k County made it a goal to reach the championship round at the West Linn Invitational, which included some of the best vol­ leyball teams throughout the state. The Cowgirls did just that, and came close to accomplish­ ing more. After compiling a 5-1 re­

cord in pool play and getting by Santiam Christian (25-20, 25-21) and Jesuit (25-22, 21-25, 15-13), Crook County, the No. I team in Class 4A, fell to Cen­ tral Catholic, the top-ranked team in 6A, 25-16, 25-15. "It was a real tough tour­ nament, and I am just hap­ pier than heck," Crook County coach Rosie Honl said. "They feel like they can do this again. It was a good learning curve for them to see the best in the state and be able to compete with them." Makayla Lindburg led the Cowgirls with 57 kills on the

day to go along with 36 digs. Hannah T r outman l o gged 60 digs, 44 kills and six aces, while Kayla H amilton and Elsa Harris combined for 12 aces. "They are just getting bet­ ter every d ay," Honl s aid. "They're working hard every day trying to get better. It's re­ ally exciting." Crook County t r avels to Redmond on Tuesday for a Class 4A Special District I matchup with Ridgeview. In other Saturday action: VOLLEYBALL Trinity Lutheran ... 25-18-25-25 North Lake...... . . .19-25-17-17 In their final match of the

regular season, the S aints p icked up t h ei r 1 0t h c o n­ ference win with a f o ur-set Class I A M o u ntain V alley League victory. Allison Jorge delivered 21 assists for the Saints, while Abbey Carpen­ ter and Katie Murphy added 12 kills and 17 digs, respec­ tively. Trinity Lutheran (10-4 MVL), which l ocked down the third seed in the confer­ ence, will take on Prospect at the Mountain Valley District Tournament next Saturday in Paisley, where five teams will jockey for three spots in the IA playoffs. Gilchrist..... . . . . . 23-25-28-25 Paisley..... . . . . . . 25-18-26-19 GILCHRIST — The Griz­ zlies shook off a first-set loss to take the next three and seal their fourth straight Class IA Mountain Valley League win. Ashley James led the w ay with nine kills, nine digs, six aces and two blocks, and De­ nise Gordon contributed with 13 digs and 11 kills. Courtney James was credited with 15 assists, 10 digs and six kills. Gilchrist (8-6 MVL) competes in the Mountain Valley Dis­ trict Tournament next Satur­ day in Paisley as the No. 4 seed and will open up play with a matchup against Paisley. BOYS SOCCER U matilla ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 C entral Christian ...... . . . . . . 0 REDMOND — The Tigers trailed the Vikings by just two goals after the first 40 minutes of play, but three second-half goals put Central Christian (0-7-1 SD4, 1-7-2 overall) away in its Class 3A/2A/IA Special District 4 contest and season finale.

M IAMI — A s a r o o k i e starter, Ryan Tannehill learns on the job, and since the sea­ son began he has become better at stepping forward in the pocket, throwing past tall pass-rushers and a v oiding passes into coverage, espe­ cially at crunch time. Even his slide improved. The Miami Dolphins quarter­ back was gently scolded by a teammate during the exhi­ bition season for his brazen scrambling, and T a nnehill now tries to hit the ground be­ foretacklers arrive. "He understands his value to the team, and how he needs to be able to play the next play for us," offensive coordinator Mike Sherman says. All five rookie starting QBs in the NFL have showed their value this season. They're not only playing, but wi n­ ning — at least some of the time. Last week the quintet of Tannehill, Andrew Luck, Robert Griffin III, Brandon Weeden and Russell Wilson went 4-1. "That's a little d i fferent from what people would as­ sume would happen to rook­ ies," Sherman says. The one-week victory total tied for the second-most by first-year starting q u arter­ backs since 1970, according to STATS LLC, supporting the argument that this crop of new QBs ranks with the best ever. But wait. The record of five victories in one week was set in 1974 by this group: Jesse Freitas of San Diego, Larry Cipa of New Orleans, Larry Lawrence of Oakland, Mike Boryla of Philadelphia and Tom Owen of San Francisco. Each ended up in obscurity,

Cliff Owen/The Associated Press

Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin IIImakes a 76-yard touchdown run during the second half of last Sunday'sgame against Minnesota inLandover, Md. "That's what they're grind­ not in the Hall of Fame. So are these 2012 guys ing through. I think all rookie really fancy passers, or mere­ quarterbacks to some degree ly a passing fancy'? grind through the first sea­ To judge their potential, son, and I see that from our a more meaningful statistic guy. I think Brandon is grind­ might be their 13-16 record ing through it. He's having going into Wilson's game with pockets of success, and then Seattle against San Francisco he's making mistakes, and on Thursday night. That .448 I'm sure that's the case with winning p ercentage won't all of them." get anyone to the playoffs, Weeden threw two touch­ but the rookies were none­ down passes on hi s 2 9 th theless on pace to break the birthday Sunday against Cin­ season record of26 victories cinnati to lead the Browns to by first -year quarterbacks set their first win. He leads all of in 2004. the rookies in passing yard­ That group included Ben age but also leads the NFL Roethlisberger, Carson Palm­ with 10 interceptions. er and Eli Manning, but also Weeden will go head to Craig Krenzel, Drew Henson head with Luck today when and Ken Dorsey. the Browns play at I n dia­ At the moment, the 2012 napolis. Luck, the No. 1 pick rookies look more like Big in the April draft, ranks next Ben than Ken, although all to last among all starting QBs of the newcomers have been with a completion percentage humbled at times. of 53.4 and has thrown seven "They're probably all deal­ interceptions. "He really, really t r usts ing with the same issues­ trying to play at a high level, his arm, and sometimes it and once they play at a high will get him into trouble, and level, be c o nsistent," says sometimes it will make him Browns coach Pat Shurmur, look great," Browns corner­ who is grooming Weeden. back Joe Haden says. "When

he tries t o s queeze those passes into those windows, sometimes it' s i n t ercepted and sometimes it makes him look like Peyton Manning." Luck's potential was such that the Colts deemed Man­ ning d i spensable. Despite looking like a rookie on oc­ casion, the former Stanford star has helped Indy to a 2-3 start, matching last year's win total. "I see the guy that we all were hoping we could have drafted," Shurmur says. "He's doing a really smart thing — he's throwing the ball to Reggie Wayne a lot, which c onfirms why h e w ent t o Stanford. He's obviously got the skill and ability to be an outstanding player." Among the rookies, Griffin has by far the best numbers, including the most highlight­ reel plays. The Heisman Tro­ phy winner leads the league with a completion percentage of 70.2, ranks second in yards per attempt and is on pace to rush formore than 1,000 yards. "You hear about how good these guys are coming out of college, but you don't really know until you get a chance to work with them," Redskins QB coach Matt LaFleur said. "He has lived up t o every expectation that I have ever had for him. He's just doing a great job. He's got that sense of urgency — he wants to be great." Wilson is the only rookie QB whose team is above.500, and he leads the group in touchdown passes. Tannehill has the Dolphins tied for first place in the AFC East at 3­ 3, while throwing for more yards in his first six games than any Miami rookie, in­ cluding Dan Marino.


Stenhousegets Nationwidewin

Love, Furyk tied for lead at Sea Island

KANSAS CITY, Kan. — Ricky Stenhouse Jr. rallied from two

laps down at Kansas Speedway to salvage his points day.

The Associated Press ST. SIMONS ISLAND, Ga. — Three weeks after they were on stage together for the closing ceremony at the Ryder Cup, Davis Love III and Jim Furyk wound up together in a place few people would have imagined — in the final pair­ ing at the McGladrey Classic, both wanting a win for differ­ ent reasons. Love made a 15-foot birdie putt on the 18th hole Saturday for a 4-under 66, giving him a share of the lead with Furyk,

Stenhouse lucked into his sixth Nationwide Series win of the

season Saturday when leader Kyle Busch ran out of gas heading into the final turn. A late caution extended the

race by six laps, and it stretched the fuel tanks

of several cars at the front of the field. Not Stenhouse,

though. Because he ran into Joey Logano early into the race he

who also had a 66 by doing most of his work early. He made a 45-foot birdie putt over a slight ridge on the second hole,added three more birdies through six holes, and settled for eight pars at the end. They were at 13-under 197, two shots clear of Arjun At­

was on a different pit

sequence and had plenty of gas to make it to the end. — The Associated Press

Stephen Mortoni The Associated Press

Jim Furyk watches his putt on the second green during the third round of the McGladrey wal (69) and D.J. Trahan (66), Classic Saturday in St. Si­ two players who could avoid a mons Island,Ga. return to Q-school with a big week at Sea Island. Love, the 48-year-old tour­ was in good shape, and ev­ nament host and a Sea Island ery day I've improved a little resident since he was 14, has bit and gained a little more gone four years without win­ confidence," he said. "And I ning. Ryder Cup captains typi­ think I'm going to go in with cally are at the end of their ca­ the same attitude tomorrow, reers; the last American to win just try to play a good round of after being a captain was Tom golf." Watson in 1996. Also on Saturday: "It's nice to be 100 percent Pettersen maintains lead focused on m y g o lf," L ove INCHEON, South Korea­ said. Suzann Pettersen shot a 4-un­ This is the second time this der 68 to extend her lead to five year that Love had a share of strokesafterthe second round the 54-hole lead. He was tied of the LPGA Tour's HanaBank in Memphis and finished two Championship. The N orwe­ shots behind. gian was 13 under on Sky 72 Furyk spoke openly this Golf Club's Ocean Course. She week about how even a win opened with a course-record at th e M c G ladrey C l assic 63. South Korea's So Yeon couldn't erase a lot of sour Ryu was second after a 70. memories this year, particu­ Top-ranked Yani Tseng, the larly his failure to close out defending champion, was 7 wins at the U.S. Open and under along with Germany's the Bridgestone Invitational, Sandra Gal and South Korea's along with a 1-up lead over Se Ri Pak. Sergio Garcia with two holes Van Pelt up one in Perth P ERTH, Australia — B o to play at the Ryder Cup. He came to Sea Island out Van Pelt shot a 5-under 67 to of respect to Love, a longtime take a one-stroke lead over friend, and showed up with fellow American Jason Duf­ moderate expectations. Play­ ner after the third round of the ing relaxed throughout the Perth International. Van Pelt week, Furyk has gone 38 holes had a 12-under 204 total at without making a bogey and Lake Karrinyup. Dufner also seems to be a little sharper had a 67. Argentina's Emil­ each day. iano Grillo, the second-round "My expectations weren't leader, was 10 under after a overly high, but my game 73.


Speedway takes onfeel of new track form 15-degree banking was

By Dave Skretta

The Associated Press

changed to 17-20 degrees of progressive banking, which wi t h th e repave," said Kesel­ officials hope wil l p r omote o w s ki, who enters the week­ passing during long green­ e n d w i t h a seven-point lead flag runs. "It feels totally different than over Jimmie Johnson. lousy qualifying lap NS X 't llP Kese l owski will start any other track that we race," left him starting deep NASCAR 25th after struggling said Denny Hamlin, third in inthefieldtoday. to find speed in Fri­ the Chase. "Before, you could $ rjntcU The leader in the day'squalifying. compare it to a couple other Holl wood "It's a differenttrack tracks, but this is really a beast Chase for the SPrint Casjnp 400 Cup c h a mpionship today," K e s elowski in its own that we're running "' y' saidafterpracticeSat­ the speedsthat we're running thinks he has a cou­ ple of things going for urday, "and I suspect on the banking that w e're • »:E»N him. it will be a different running." He's pe r f o rmed track tomorrow." Every driver wh o q u ali­ well at Kansas in the The freezing and fiedbroke the track record of past — he won over the 1.5- t h a w ing of the Midwest put 180.856 set by Matt Kenseth mile track last year, and his t h e o r iginal surface at Kan­ in 2005. Kasey Kahne, who is average finish in his past three s as through a beating, and big fifth in the Chase, will start on races is fifth. And he's per- c h u n k s of asphaltwerebreak­ the pole with a lap of 191.360 formed well over tracks that i n g l o oseduringtheAprilrace mph. "I've always liked Kansas," have had a facelift this year, w e ekend. w inning at Chicago and fin W hen the d e c ision w a s Kahne said. "I've liked howyou ishing fourth at Pocono. made to resurface it, owner have been able to move around "The track has been very I n t e rnational Speedway Corp. and run a lot of different lines goodtomein t hepast,butobd e c ided to re-grade the en­ and things. I feel like this track viouslyit'smuchdifferentnow t i r et r ack. The original, uni­ will go there eventually." KANSAS CITY, Kan. Brad Keselowski will have a lot of ground to make up over the repaved surface of Kansas Speedway after a

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Defense stepsup to lead Oregon the Beavers relied on The Associated Press their defense. CORVALLIS — Or­ Oregon State capi­ egon State's defense talized o n M i c hael helped out when quar­ Doctor's int e r cep­ t erback C od y V a z tion of W i lson with struggled in the rain, Ne X t uP a 1-yard scoring run and the No. 8 Beavers Oregon State at from Woods, putting remained undefeated the Beavers a head Washington with a 2 1-7 victory 7-0 late in th e f i r st • When: over Utah on Saturday quarter. Rudolf Fifita night that gave them Saturday, Oci. then sacked Wilson their best start in more 27, 7:15 p.m. and forced a fumble • TV:Pac-12 than a century. that wa s r e covered Vaz made his debut Network by Dylan Wynn, lead­ last weekend as Ore­ • Radio:KICE­ ing to Woods' 2-yard gon State's starter and AM 940 touchdown dash. Wilson found Jake threw for three touch­ d owns against BYU to earn M urphy with an 18-yard scor­ P ac-12 player of the week hon- i n g pass midway through the ors. This time, he passed for 174 se cond quarter for the Utes' y ards against the Utes. But the l o ne touchdown. Coleman Pe­ Beavers'defense had an inter- te rsen missed a43-yard field c eption and a fumble recovery g o al on Utah's first possession. that led to two first-half touch­ Utah threatened in the third down runs by Storm Woods. quarter and got as close as the W oods had 17 carries for 0 regon State 3, but DeVonte 4 6 yards and all three touch- Christopher'sfumble was re­ d owns for Oregon State (6- c overed by Scott Crichton to 0 , 4-0 Pac-12), which hadn't e nd it. opened a season 6-0 since With Mannion standing on 1 907, when the school was the t h e sidelines with his helmet O regon Agricultural College. o n, Vaz got rolling with an T he victory also meant bowl e fficient fourth-quarter drive e ligibility for the Beavers, who t h at ended with Woods' 2­ w ent 3-9 last season and were y a rd touchdown dive. Wilson p icked to finish last in the Pac- a n swered with a drive of his 12 North this year. own that stalled when he was F reshman Travis W i l son s acked for a loss on fourth­ threw for 172 yards and a and-9 on the Oregon State 18. touchdown for Utah (2-5, 0-4), Sean Marti n i n t ercepted which openedconference play W ilson on Utah's final drive of w ith four consecutive losses t h e game. forthe second straight season. Wilson passedfor220 yards V az started a second con- i n his first career start last secutive game in place of Sean w eek, a 21-14 loss to UCLA. M annion, who had surgery Coach Kyle Wittingham decid­ t o repair meniscus in his left e dto stick with him this week k nee a little more than a week o v er senior Jon Hays, who a go. Mannion was a l ready s tarted three games this sea­ b ack at practice and was Vaz's s o n after Jordan Wynn went backup against the Utes. down with a c a reer-ending V az made his f i rst star t shoulder injury. Hays threw s ince high school last weekend f o r two touchdowns against a nd threw for 332 yards in Or- t he Beavers last season, the e gon State's 42-24 victory over U tes' first in t h e expanded t he Cougars. Against the Utes P ac-12 Conference. he completed 16of 26 passes Last season the Utes ended b ut looked shaky at times in t heir four-game skid to open the periodic rain. conference play with a 27-8 O regon State also struggled v >'ctory over Oregon State that w ith its ground game, rushing t ouched off a four-game win­ for just52 yards. So instead, n ing streak.

p a



State over Utah By Anne M. Peterson


h e®p




" '





'9, A

Don Ryan/The Associated Press

Utah quarterback Travis Wilson, right, passes as Oregon State defenders Tyrequek Zimmerman, left, and Rudolf Fifita move in during the first half of Saturday night's game in Corvallis.

Beavers Continued from Dt "We just keep coming," said defensive lineman Scott Crichton, who tallied nine tackles, including two for a loss. "Our defense struggled. Our offense strug­ gled. But we don't stop working until the end." The Beavers were without the benefit of an individually heroic performance. No Beaver had t h ree i nterceptions. There was no 100-yard receiver or 300­ yard passer. Running back Storm Woods scored all three touchdowns, though his other statistics — 17 carries for 46 yards — were hardly eye-popping. Even Jordan Poyer, who leads the na­ tion with five interceptions, was without a gaudy stat — albeit because the Utes avoided him like he had the plague. T his game w a s w o n o n gu i l e , s omething this Beaver team has i n abundance. "We just got fight," said Poyer. "No­ body wants to lose." Like the Beavers' first two home wins against Wisconsin an d W a shington State, the OSU defense was the catalyst. That started when linebacker Michael Doctor hauled in a Travis Wilson pass on the Utah 35 that grazed DeVonte Christopher's outstretched hands and returned it to the 16. Three plays later, Woods scored from the I to give OSU a 7-0 lead in the waning seconds of the first quarter.

Don Ryan /The Associated Press

Oregon State running back Storm Woodsdives in just over the goal line for a touchdown during the first half of Saturday night's game against Utah in Corvallis.

fense midway through the second quar­ ter with an 88-yard drive that was turned into a touchdown with an 18-yard dart from Wilson to tight end Jake Murphy (the son of baseball's Dale Murphy, a two-time National League MVP and a Portland native). And Utah had a chance early in the third quarter. But a bobbled pitch on a reversefrom OSU's 3-yard line thwart­ ed that drive and gave the ball to the Beavers. This team, which has taken away 10 more turnovers this year than it has given up, has a knack for those kind of

plays. It also has a sense of timing: finally building some breathing room with a 67­ yard touchdown drive midway through the fourth quarter.

Top teams have a way of slipping Midway through the second quarter the Beaver defense was at it again. This time defensive end Rudolf Fifita blew through the Utah line and drilled Wil­ son. Linebacker Dylan Wynn was the beneficiary, falling on the loose ball on the Utah 10. Two plays later Woods had his second touchdown, and the Beavers had a 14-0 lead. "The thing that made the biggest dif­ ference in the world, obviously, was the turnovers," said OSU coach Mike Riley. That all masked the Beavers' flailing offense, which managed just 98 yards in the first half. Utah finally gashed the Beavers' de­

away from an upset-minded foe at just the right time. The Beavers will be going to a bowl game at the end of this season. That was clinched Saturday. Before the season started, that prob­ ably would have been enough to call this year a success for OSU. Not now. "That's a start," Riley said. "That's just a start." Yes. The Beavers want more. And so far, not a single team has been able to stop them. — Reporter: 541-617-7868, zhall@bendbulletin.com

COLLEGE FOOTBALL SCOREBOARD No. 6 LSU (7-1I beatNo.20TexasA8M24-19. Next:

Pac-12 All Times PDT North Conf. 4-0 4-0 3-1 2-3 1-3 0-4 South

Oregon Oregon State Stanford California Washington Washington State


4-1 3-1 2-2 1-3 t-3 0-4


ArizonaState IJCLA Anzorta Colorado Otah

Overall 7-0 6-0 5-2 3-5 3-4 2-5


6-1 5-2 52 4-3 1-6 2-5

Thttrsday's Game Oregon 43,ArizonaState 21 Saturday's Games Stanford21,Califomia 3

Llsc 50,colorado6

Arizona52,Washington 17 Oregon State21, Utah7 Saturday, Oct.27 UCLAatArizonaState, noon

Coloradoat Oregon, noon USCatArizona, 12:30p.m. Washington Stateat Stanford, 3:15p.m. California atUtah,6:45p.m. OregonStateat Washington, 7:15p.m.

No. 8 Oregon St. 21, Utah 7 Utah

0 7 0 0 — 7 7 7 0 7 — 21 First Gttarter Orst — Woods1 rtin (Rom aine kick),.57.


SecondQuarler Orst — Woods2 rtrn (Romairre kick),14:27. Utah—Murphy 18 passfrom Wilson(Peterserr kick), 6:00. Fourth Quarter Orst — Woods2 rsn (Roma<nek>ck), 7:41. A—45,769.

Utah 1rj

First downs

Rushes-yards Passing Comp-Att-Irit

ReturnYards Punts-Avg. Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time otPossession

45-135 172 15-28-2 0 5-38.2 2-2 7-69 34.27


15 28-52


16-26-0 19 8-38.1 0-0 5-64 25.33

INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS RUSHING —Utah: J.White20-68, York 10-52, Dunn 2-25,D.Artderson3-10, Christopher1-(mirius 7), Wilson9-(mintrs13). OregonSt.: Woods17-46, Cooks2-10, Agnew2-2, wheaton 2-2,vaz2-(mirius

3I, Team 3-Iminus 5). PASSING —Utah: Wilsorr15-28-2-172 Oregon

St.:Vaz16-26-0-174. RECEIVING —Utah: Murphy4-42, Scott 4-40, Matthews2-41 J White2-24, Derrham1-14, Tonga 1-10, Dttrin1-1. OregonSt.: Wheaton7-90, Woods 3-20, K.cttmmings 2-32, Anderson2-12, Hamlett1­

12, cooks1-8.

Top 25 The APTop25 Fared No. 1 Alabama(7-0)beatTennessee44-13 Next:vs. No.15 MississippiState,Saturday. No. 2 Oregon (7-0) beatArizonaState 43-21, Thurs­ day Next:vs Colorado,Saturday. No. 3 Florida(7-0) beatNo.9South Carolina 44-11. Next: vs. No. 13Georgia at Jacksonvile, Fla., Saturday. No. 4KansasState(7-0) beatNo.17West Virginia 55­ 14. Next.vs.No.18TexasTech, Saturday. No. 5NotreDame(7-Oi beatBYU17-14. Next: atNo. 100klahoma,Saturday.

vs. No.1Alabama, saturday,Nov. a No. 7OhioState(8-OI beatPurdue29-22, OT.Next: at PennState,Saturday. No. 8 OregonStatei6-0) beat Utah21-7. Next: at Washington,Saturday. No. 9SouthCaroiria (6-2) lostto No.3Florida 44-11. Next: vs. Tennessee,Saturday. No. 10Dklahoma(5-1) beatKansas 52-7. Next:vs. No. 5NotreDame,Saturday. No. 0 SouthemCal(6-1) beatColorado50-6. Next: at Arizona,Saturday. No.12FloridaState(7-1) beatMiami33-20. Next. vs. Duke,Saturday. No. 13Georgia (6-1) beatKentucky29-24. Next:vs. No 3 Florida atJacksonvile, Fla.,Saturday. No. 14Clemson(6-1) beatVirginia Tech38-17. Next: at WakeForest, Thursday. No.15 MississippiState(7-0) beatMiddle Tennessee 45-3. Next:at No.1Alabama,Saturday. No. 16Louisville (7-0)beatUSF27-25. Next: vs. No. 21 Cincinnati,Friday. No. 17WestVirginia (5-2I lost to No.4 KansasState 55-14.Next:vs.TCU,Saturday,Nova No. 18TexasTech(6-1) beatTcU56-53,30T.Next: at No 4 Kansas State,Saturday. No.19Rutgers(7-0) beatTemple 35-10. Next: vs. Kent State,Saturday. No. 20 TexasA&M(5-2) lost to No. 6 LSU24-19. Next: atAuburn,Saturday. No. 21Cincinnati (5-1) ost toToledo29-2a Next:at No. 16Louisville,Saturday. No. 22Stanford(5-2) beatCalifornia 21-3. Next:vs. WashingtonState,Saturday. No. 23 Michigan(5-2) beatMichiganState12-10. Next atNebraska,Saturday. No. 24 BoiseState(6-1) beatUNLV32-7. Next: ay Wyoming,Saturday. No. 25Ohio(7-0) did notplay. Next: at Miami(Ohio), Saturday.

Scores FARWEST Air Force28, NewMexico23 Arizona52, Washington 17 Boise St32, UNLV7 Cal Poly37, PortlandSt.25 E. Washington 31, SacramentoSt.28 FresnoSt.42,Wyoming14 urifield 63,Lewistt Clark0 Montan aTech28,EasternOregon20 N. Arizona 21, UCDavis 7 N. Colorado52, IdahoSt. 14 OregonSt.21, Utah7 Pacific Lutheran 41,Wilamette 27 SanDiegoState 39,Nevada38 (OT) SouthernCal50, Colorado6 SouthernOregon76, MontanaWestern29 Stanford21, California3 UtahSt.41, NewMexico St.7 WeberSt. 24,S.Utah22 WestemOregon20,SimonFraser17 SOUTHWEST Cent.Arkansas24, Lamar 14 LSU24,TexasAtt M12 Oklahoma 52,Kansas 7 Oklahoma St.31, lowaSt 10 PrairieView52,Alcorn St.37 SamHoustonSt.45,McNeeseSt.10 Sas JoseSt.52, UTSA24 StephenFAustin 44,Nicholls St.10 Texas56,Baylor 50 TexasTech56,TcU53,30T Tulsa28,Rice24 UTEP24,Tulane20 MIDWEST Ball St.41,Cent.Michigan30 Butler 39,MoreheadSt. 35 Dayton 45,Valparaiso 0 Drake 34, Marist 27, OT E. Michigan48,Army38 Indiana St.23, Wllisois7 Kent St.41,W.Michigan 24 Michigan12,MichiganSt.10 MissouriSt. 24,llirrois St. 17 N. DakotaSt.54, SouthDakota0 N. II inois37,Akron7

N. lowa27,S.DakotaSt. 6 Nebraska 29,Northwestern28 NorthDakota40 Montana34 NotreDame17,BYU14 Ohio St.29, Purdue22,OT PennSt. 38,lowa14 S. Illinois38,YoungstownSt.21 Toledo29,Cincinnati 23 UT-Martin27,SEMissouri17 Wisconsin 38, Mesesota13 SOUTH Alabama 44,Terinessee13 Ark.-PineBluff50, Southern U. 21 Bethune-Cookman 48 Norfolk St.3 CharlestonSoutherrr31, Presbyterian21 Chattanooga 20,Samford13 Clemson38,Virginia Tech17 CoastalCarolina34,VMI7 Davidson28,Campbell 21 Delaware st. 24, NcAti T0 Duke33, North Carolina30 E. Kentucky42,TennesseeTech28 EastCarolina42, UAB35 Elon 42, It Carolina 31 Florida44,SouthCarolinau

FloridaSt.33, Miami20 George29,Kentucky 24 GeorgiaSouthern38, Frtrman17 GeorgiaTech37, Boston College17 GramblingSt.22, Va.Lynchburg7 Howard21, MorganSt.20 JacksonSt.14, MVSU7, OT JacksonvilleSI.31,TennesseeSt. 28 OT Liberty21,Concord13 LouisianaTech70,Idaho28 Louisiana-Monroe 43, W.Kentucky42,OT Louisville 27,SouthFlorida 25 Marshall59,SouthernMiss.24 MississippiSt. 45,MiddleTennessee3 NC State20, Marylarrd18 Richmond 35,JamesMadison29 SC State27,Florida ABM20,OT SasD> ego24, Jacksonville 7 Savannah St.42, EdwardWaters35 SouthAlabama37, FAU34, 20T Troy 38,FIU37 UCF35,Memphis17 Vanderbilt17,Auburn13 Villanova49,Georgia St.24 WakeForest16,Virginia10

Princeton39,Harvard 34 RobertMorris37, CCSU31 Rutgers35, Temple10 Sti nrBrook41, Gardrier-Webb10 Yale27,Penn13

Wotford38,AppalachianSt.28 EAST BowlingGreenr t UMass0 Brown 21, Cornell14 Colgate57,Georgetown36 Dartmouth 21, Columttia16 Delaware 47, RhodeIsland 24 Dttqttesne 35,SacredHeart 3 Kansas St.55,West Virginia14 Lafayette 30, Holycross13 Lehigh 4ZBtrcknell19 Navy31,Indiana30 NewHampshire 28,Maine21 Old Dominion31,Towson20 Pittsburgh20,Buffalo 6


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No. 22 Stanford II' IAIB shreds California


a eIou S eS The Associated Press M ORGANTOWN, WVa . — The final touchdown pass drew only a slight first pump from Collin Klein. It was still the third quarter, but Milan­ Puskar Stadium wa s h a l f­ empty. Most of the West Vir­


ginia fans had seen enough of a game that had turned into a Heisman campaign ad for the Kansas State quarterback. Klein threw for a c areer­ high 323 y ards an d t h r ee touchdowns and ran for four scores as No. 4 Kansas State got little resistance from No. 17 West Virginia in a 55-14 vic­ tory Saturday night. The Wildcats (7-0, 4-0 Big

12) made it look easy. Klein

\ '~


'ta".:t .; '





wr 'rs.rrrr '

completed 19 of 21 passes and added 41 yards rushing. "I think we all felt comfort­ able tonight," he said. "The c oaches did a g reat job of

building a game plan and

Christopher Jackson/The Associated Press

The Associated Press B ERKELEY, C a l i f. Stanford coach David Shaw always wants his team to play physical on both sides of the ball, controlling the line of scrimmage with the kind of heart and hustle that has defined the program's resurgence. With A n d rew Luck no longer around, often times that just hasn't hap­ pened this season. Leave it to the Big Game for a breakout performance. Stepfan Taylor ran for a career-high 189 yards and a touchdown, and No. 22 Stanford overwhelmed Cali­ fornia 21-3 on Saturday for a third straight victory against its rivaL In the 115th meeting be­ tween the Bay Area schools and the first at remodeled Memorial Stadium, the sun­ ny and serene Strawberry Canyon setting might have been theGolden Bears' best highlight. The Cardinal (5­ 2, 3-1 Pac-12) outgained the Bears 475 to 217 yards, out­ rushed them 252 to 3 yards and never lost its grip on the coveted Stanford Axe, which players paraded around the turf while Bears fans exited in silence. "This is a blueprint game," said Shaw, now in his second year. "This is what we want to do." Josh Nunes completed 16 of 31 passes for 214 yards and a touchdown for Stanford. He also fumbled and threw an interception late in the fourth quarter to stop what could have been — and per­ haps should have been — an even more lopsided score.

PAC-12 ROUNDUP said, "to get that type of men­ tality back." Taylor (3,616) passed 2009 Heisman Trophy r u n ner­ up Toby Gerhart (3,522) for second on Stanford's career rushing list. Now only Dar­ rin Nelson (4,033) has more. Also on Saturday: No.11 USC...... . . . . . . . . . 50

Colorado ........... . . . ... 6 LOS ANGELES — Matt Barkley threw for 298 yards and six touchdowns while setting Southern California's career record for TD passes, and Robert Woods caught a school-record four scoring passes while also surpass­ ing USC's career receptions mark in the Trojans' victory over Colorado. Barkley and W oods climbed atop t h e Trojans' record books dur­ ing the most prolific day of their three-year partnership at USC (6-1, 4-1 Pac-12), con­ necting on scoring throws of 39, 29, 17 and 3 yards in the first 35 minutes against hap­

putting u s i n p o s itions t o Kansas State quarterback Collin Klein(7) is brought down near the goal line by West Virginia's Pat Miller, rear, and Karl Joseph (8) during the second quarter of Saturday's game in Morgan­ succeed." No doubt. Th e W i l dcats town, W.Va. Kansas State won 55-14. scored on t h eir f i rst e ight possessions,including seven straight touchdowns. N o.19 Rutgers ...... . . . . . . . 35 less Colorado (1-6, 1-3). "He doesn't do a n ything T emple ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 Arizona...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 PHILADELPHIA — G ary Washington...... . . . . . . . . 17 wrong," West Virginia coach SAN LUIS OBISPO, Calif.— Andre Broadus threw a touchdown D ana H o lgorsen s ai d o f Nova threw four touchdown TUCSON, Ariz. — Matt pass and ran for a score in the fourth quarter, helping Cal Poly Klein. "He's hard to tackle. passes in the second half to Scott threw for 256 yards remain unbeaten with a 37-25 victory over Portland State on keep Rutgers undefeated. and fo u r touc h downs, He gets them in good plays. Saturday night. Ka'Deem Carey ran for 172 He doesn't turn the ball over. T oledo...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 9 Portland State (2-5, 1-3 Big Sky) had a 25-23 lead at the close of No. 21 Cincinnati ...... . . . . . 23 You can say what you want yards and Arizona raced out the third quarter. Broadus threw an11-yard scoring pass to Willie of its bye week with a rout to about the throwing motion TOLEDO, Ohio — Bernard Tucker with10:35 left in the game, and Broadus scored on a1­ but it goes exactly where he Reedy scored on a 9 1-yard over Washington. Arizona yard run with 5:39 left. kickoff r eturn a n d T o ledo wants it go. He's a good foot­ (4-3, 1-3 Pac-12) went into its Bobby Zalud gaveCal Poly (7-0, 5-0) a 20-17 lead on a41-yard handed Cincinnati its first loss bye worn down and beaten ball player." field goal with11:20 left in the third quarter, and Portland State Way too good for West Vir­ of the season. up after three straight losses bounced back for a 25-20 lead with 9:04 left in the third. Zalud N o. 23 Michigan..... . . . . . . . 12 ginia to stop. to ranked opponents. Re­ connected on a 20-yard chip shot field goal with 4:01 showing to M ichigan State..... . . . . . . . . 10 freshed and mostly r ecu­ I t wa s n o s u r p r ise t h e bring Cal Poly closer. Mountaineers (5-2, 2-2) were ANN A R BOR, M i ch. perated, the Wildcats had Brendan Gibbons made a 38­ their way with Washington's awful on defense, it's been — The Associated Press defense from the opening that wa y a l l s e a son. For yard field goal with 5 seconds the second straight g ame, left, helping the Wolverines (5­ Cal (3-5, 2-3) had not drive, eclipsing 500 t otal 2, 3-0 Big Ten) beat the Spar­ though, Geno Smith and the touchdown, and the Tigers ral­ N o.14Clemson ...... . . . . . . 38 scored so few points in the yards (533) for the sixth time V irginia Tech...... . . . . . . . . . 17 offense did nothing to keep it lied from an early deficit. tans (4-4, 1-3) for the first time Big Game since losing 10-3 this season. Scott finished 14 close. N o. 7 Ohio State..... . . . . . . . 29 CLEMSON, S.C. — Tajh since 2007. in 1998. Zach Maynard was of 22, throwing two touch­ In other Saturday games: P urdue.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Boyd ran for two touchdowns No. 24 Boise State..... . . . . . 32 sacked four times, the Bears downs to Austin Hill, and N o. 1 Alabama...... . . . . . . . . 44 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Back­ and passed for another and U NLV...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 fumbled three times — losing ran for another score. Carey Tennessee.......... . . . . . ..13 up Kenny Guiton came off Jonathan Meeks had a 74­ BOISE, Idaho — D.J. Harp­ two of them — and had an­ scored on a 2-yard run, and KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Ala­ the bench in relief of injured yard interception return score er rushed for two touchdowns other interception of Nunes Richard M o r rison a d ded bama may have a champion­ Braxton Miller to lead touch­ as the Tigers beat the Hokies and a dominating defense add­ a 63-yard touchdown on a wiped out by a penalty. ship-caliber offense to go with down drives in the final min­ for the third straight time. "There's no better game punt return to give coach ed one of their own to help the its best-in-the-nation defense. ute of regulation, and Carlos No. 15 Mississippi State.....45 Broncos to their sixth straight than the Big Game," Stanford Rich Rodriguez his first Pac­ A.J. McCarron tossed four Hyde scored on a 1-yard run in Middle Tennessee State...... 3 win. linebacker Chase Thomas 12 win. touchdown passes and threw overtime. STARKVILLE, Miss. — Ty­ ler Russell threw for 191 yards for a career-high 306 yards N o. 10 Oklahoma..... . . . . . . 52 as the Crimson Tide trounced K ansas..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 and three touchdowns, John­ Tennessee. NORMAN, Okla. — Landry than Banks tied a school re­ N o. 3 Florida..... . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 Jones threw for 291 yards and cord with his 16th career inter­ No. 9South Carolina...... . . 11 three touchdowns, and Okla­ ception and Mississippi State GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Jeff homa scored on a kickoff re­ pulled away in the second half. Driskel threw four touchdown turn and a punt return in the N o. 16 Louisville...... . . . . . . 27 passes — three ofthem af­ same game for the first time in S outh Florida ...... . . . . . . . . 25 ter turnovers — and Florida school history. LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Louis­ No.12 Florida State..... . . . . 33 ville's perfect start appeared to matched its win t otal f r om last season with a drubbing of M iami ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 be over before Teddy Bridge­ South Carolina. MIAMI — E J Manuel threw water came up with one more N o. 5 Notre Dame...... . . . . . 17 for 229 yards, Devonta Free­ big play. Bridgewater threw B righam Young ...... . . . . . . 14 man ran for a pair of fourth­ an 11-yard touchdown pass to SOUTH BEND, Ind. — Theo quarter touchdowns and Flor­ Eli Rogers with I:35 left, and Riddick pounded his way for ida State overcame a shaky the Cardinals were off to their a career-high 143 yards and start to beat Miami, the Semi­ bestopening to a season since Cierre Wood added 114 yards. noles' third straight win over 2006. Riddick had runs of 55 and 27, their archrival. No.18Texas Tech ...... . . . . 56 the two longest rushes of his N o. 13 Georgia..... . . . . . . . . 29 T CU..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 career, to pace Notre Dame (7­ K entucky ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 F ORT W O R TH , T e x a s LEXINGTON, Ky. — Aaron — Seth Doege tossed a touch­ 0), which is off to its best start in a decade. Murray threw four touchdown d own pass in each of t h e N o. 6 LSU...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 passes torally Georgia over three overtime periods, giv­ No.20TexasA&M ...... . . . . 19 stubborn Kentucky. The junior ing him seven for the game and helping Texas Tech beat COLLEGE STATION, Tex­ finished30 of 38 for 427 yards as — Jeremy Hill rushed for as the Bulldogs (6-1, 4-1 SEC) TCU after blowing a late 10­ WHEN YOU BUY ANY SET OF 4WINTER TIRES INSTALLED! a career-high 127 yards and a held on. point lead.

Cal Polyrallies forwinoverPortland State

OCTQBER 2$, 27, 5 28


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with Lillard, whom Olshey has labeled the team's fran­ Continued from 01 chise point guard. The sixth wwzsar~rF . Parallels could be drawn overall pick in the NBA draft, between this season and Al­ Lillard averaged 24.5 points, dridge's rookie year in 2006, fiverebounds and four assists when the team was trying as a junior last season at We­ to crawl out of the Jail Blaz­ ber State. ers era when it was known The rookie was impressive for its off-court trouble. But in the NBA Summer League, the 6-foot-11 power forward averaging 26.5 points, 5.3 as­ says there'sa difference this sists and four rebounds in season. four games. "My first time, it was much "We have a lot of young more dramatic. It was a team pieces that have the potential f that was trying to change its to be really, really good. I felt image. It was a team that had Don Ryan/The Associated Press like seeing Damian in person won 21 games in the regular LaMarcus Aldrldge shoots over Golden State's Carl Landry a nd playing with him w a s big for me," Aldridge said. season," Aldridge said. "So during Friday night's game in Portland. that time was a lot different "I want to start building that than this one. This time we chemistry." really have some good pieces, draft, and went on to land Lillard added: "It doesn't what I've worked on this sum­ and I think guys are actually guards Damian Lillard and mer," Aldridge said. "So I'm take long, just because I'm a better this time." Will Barton and center Mey­ excited about showing people willing passer, and so is he. As long as we're willing to Much of the cast that sup­ ers Leonard. Olshey also won that I've gotten better." Aldridge is coming off off­ work off each other and keep ported Aldridge in past sea­ a chess match with Minneso­ sons is now gone. Blazers ta to keep Batum, who was a season surgery to repair a it simple — and we're not try­ slight labral tear in his right ing to force it or make it go starters Gerald Wallace and restricted free agent. Marcus Camby were traded The Blazers' next internal hip, a procedure he said was one way or the other — I feed away. Brandon Roy retired, move was to bring in head proactive. While he was a it to him, he's the All-Star. It's but has come back this season coach Terry Stotts, who was finalist for the U.S. Olympic as simple as that." A ldridge, meanwhile, i s with the Minnesota Timber­ 115-168 as coach of the At­ team, Aldridge's recovery wolves. Center Joel Przybilla lanta Hawks and Milwaukee prevented him from earning remaining realistic about the signed as a free agent with Bucks but spent the past four a spot on the squad that won team'schances this season. "I think there's going to be the Milwaukee Bucks. seasons as an assistant with the gold medal in London. A n e w Bla z er s t e a m the Dallas Mavericks, where Now fully healed, Aldridge some ups and downs — with emerged over the summer. he won a championship. led team workouts in Septem­ any young team you have It started when the Blazers Stotts has already spurred ber at the Blazers' Tualatin some ups and downs," Al­ hired general manager Neil changes in Aldridge's style of practice facility before the dridge said. "With me, going Olshey, who spent the past play. start of fall camp. The idea through it my f i rst season, "I'm e xcited about m y was to get to know the new­ we'd win one then lose three nine seasons with the L os Angeles Clippers. g ame, really. I fe e l t h a t comers — especially Lillard. or four. I'm not saying it's go­ Aldridge will obviously be ing to be a down season but it's Olshey went to work right (Stotts') offense is t ailored away preparing for the NBA more to the elbow and that's working closely this season going to be hard sometimes." ~~

Continued from 01 D efending champion S t . Louis leadsthe best-of-seven series 3-2, needing one more win to return to the World Series. The Cardinals know how hard winning the last one can be considering what this Gi­ ants team already did during these playoffs: winning three straight on the road at Cincin­ nati in the division series after falling behind 2-0. Game 2 winner Ryan Vo­ gelsong starts for the Giants for the second time this series against Chris Carpenter, who lost that matchup at AT&T Park last Monday. "No question, we want to win it as soon as we can. We wanted to do it l ast night," Carpenter said Saturday. "But, again, we have to get one win before they get two. We'll do whatever we can. If it's not tomorrow night we'll come in and do it again." While the Cardinals regu­ lars all took the day off — Car­ penter and a couple of pitch­ ers played catch — Pence and most of his team showed up at the ballpark in late afternoon to work even though manager


Bruce Bochy gave his players a break completely. The Giants have to like their chances topush the seriesto a decisive Game 7 with Vogel­ song on the mound.

V ogelsong became t h e


still have a great season and be totally ready for the Olympics next year." Continued from 01 For the past two months, she's worn While she had hopedto go for the crys­ the gray protective boot, customized, of tal globe again after becoming the first course, with hot pink tape that matches U.S. woman to win a World Cup season her patented pink-streaked hair, pink­ championship when she clinched the framed sunglassesand exercise gear. sprint title in February, it just depends The injury kept the workout fiend on her conditioning. from doing any skiing or running, and "Right now I'm focused on perform­ limited her to work in the pool or on the ing at the world championships, and the bike, or upper-body machines. rest of the races I will work to be in the Only recently has she started running best shape I can, knowing it will take me on an anti-gravity treadmill. She's headed back to Anchorage next the first part of the season to get back." Randall started feeling subtle pain week when she hopes to begin skiing in her right foot about a year ago, and again. "Once it feels good going easy, then several times during the racing season. "But I never really had a chance to slow I can go up to race speeds again," she down or do anything about it," said Ran­ said. dall, who competed in 36 of 39 races last That may not come until the season season. "And it was so subtle, I just kept starts. "I've been really hard-charging over dismissing it as a pain that would go away." the last few years to meet these goals," In mid-August, one of her coaches she acknowledged. "With the Olympics convinced her to get it checked while coming up maybe it's not a bad thing to she had the time. have a rest period to let the body absorb Doctors in Colorado discovered the (everything)." Don't think for a minute that the in­ stress fracture in her second metatarsal bone. jury has made Randall less intense. "It's very different and frustrating, While many friends her age are be­ but at the same time I have been pretty moaning turning 30, Randall welcomes fortunate in my career," said Randall, a the milestone she'll hit New Year's Eve. "It's very exciting because when I was favorite to win the sprint title in Sochi after finishing ninth in Turin in 2006 very young in the sport, people were and eighth in Vancouver. "I just have to saying it's going to take you 10 years to bepatient. And if I deal with it now and develop, so be ready.... Now to know I'm don't rush back too quick, then I should arriving (in Sochi aged 31) and my ski­ be able to move forward from this and ing is right where I want it to be is a good

first Giants starter to make it through six innings this post­ season when he went seven strong innings in a 7-1 Game 2 victory. He allowed four hits and onerun forhis firstcareer postseason win. "We all kind of f eel like we've been in this situation before with Cincinnati," Vo­ gelsong said. "And it's not over until the last out. I think both teams that are playing right now have proved that in the first round." Giants general m a nager Brian Sabean said he wasn't surprised to see his team on the field Saturday for an op­ tional practice — r e alizing they didn't want to lose any momentum from t h e n i ght before. "Sometimes you w o n der how much at this stage that there is a home-field advan­ tage," Sabean said. "In some cases, because of the bull­ pens, it's probably as much as whoever gets the lead and can hold off the other ball­ club from scoring will win the ballgame. We know what's at stake. We know that they're going to put a game against u s. I'm sure Vogey will b e

feeling." Of course, her biological clock hasn't stopped, and she also would like to start a family soon. "I had my sights set on my career go­ ing through 2014 and peaking at the Olympics and winning a gold medal and having done everythingI've done in skiing," Randall said. "But right now I'm having so much fun at what I do and knowing that I'm still improving and our team is getting so strong, 2014 doesn't necessarily feel like the end to me anymore." So would she consider South Korea in 2018? "I'm not saying it's outside the realm of possibility," Randall said. As she thought back on the past year — from her strong start, to a stomach ailment, and a fall she overcame in Po­ land toearn a podium, and then captur­ ing the overall sprint title — it made her all the more thrilled to be able to show off that crystal globe to children and in­ spire the next generation. "It's something I want to share with everybody," said Randall, who is very active in Fast and Female, a program that empowers girls through sports and a healthy lifestyle. "It's really important to encourage people about what's possi­ ble in cross-country skiing in this coun­ try. Someday, it can go sit on the shelf and collect dust." As for the walking boot, now that it's off, it's been relegated to the back of her truck. Asfar as she is concerned, it can collect dust forever.

ready." St. Louis postseason ace Carpenter sure is looking for­ ward to another chance, too. He has been plenty reliable

this time of year for the Cardi­ nals, with his 10 victories the most in franchise history. His stuff never felt right the last time out against the Giants, when he allowed two earned runs, five in all, and six hits in four innings. The 37-year-old C arpen­ ter pitched two p ostseason clinchers last fall and went 4­ 0. He won the division series clincher and did it again in the decisive Game 7 of the World S eries against t h e T e x as Rangers. So, why not add that NLCS distinction to his impressive October resume'? It's already been a memo­ rable month fo r C a rpenter, who came back tomake three starts — throwing just 17 in­ nings — late in the regular sea­ son after undergoing a compli­ cated operation this summer that removed a rib and two neck muscles to relieve numb­ ness on his right side. H e is counting on c o m­ manding his fastball better this time out. His postseason ERA in two outings this year is still an impressive 1.86. "The last time out my stuff went backwards a little bit," Carpenter said. "I was trying everything I could to get outs but unfortunately i t d i d n 't work. I had some nice work in between that start and this start, I feel good and I'm look­ ing forward to getting back out there." The Giants flew home over­ night, landing at 2:30 a.m., but the Cardinals still had to go home after Friday's game and pack their bags. They slept in their own beds and took off from St. Louis at midday Cen­ tral time. San Francisco, which made an improbable run to the 2010 World Series title, still has a chance to win two games here and go for another champion­ ship — after the Giants de­ feated the Cardinals at home in the 2002 NLCS. The Detroit Tigers are wait­ ing on their opponent. "I don't n e cessarily s ee them as pesky as much as just talented," Cardinals manager Mike Matheny said of the Gi­ ants. "And the same kind of makeup that we have, they

aren't going to go away and neither are we. And we knew that going into this thing. As soon as we won a couple of games at home there was nobody in there for a second under the belief that this was going to be a team that was going to just roll over. So we know that this team has the ability to do what they did, once again, i n C i n cinnati, running in there and doing something that hasn't been done all season.... It's just a matter of execution, and they executed better than us yesterday."

m su&r -:, The Bulletin —. HE'S GOLDEN Iknd's Akton Eaton vnnsthe gold mechl in the Olympcdeca|Non andsukeshschm asthe workl's g~ athlete



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Great Dane puppies, black & white, 2 males, 2 A1 Washers&Dryers $150 ea. Full war­ females, $300; $50 non­ refundable deposit. Born ranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's 9/25/12. 541-480-7171 541-280-7355

Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, 1st shots, very social $700. 541-325-3376 Chihuahua Puppies Very cute! $250-300. 541-977-4817 or

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Iron Gym Set, New in box, $29. Secretary/china cab.,oval 541-948-4413 copper tub, cross-cut Ioato na p ­ w/handles, yokes, Sit-down abdomen chasing products or • saw pack saddle. De­ services from out of I mule chair, $25. canters w/seals: John 541-948-4413 y the area. Sending y Wayne, Stat. of Liberty, ' cash, checks, or Crown Royal, Wild Tur­ Tunturi exercycle heavy I credit i n f o rmation key. 541-504-9747 duty Airdyne+, gd cond, may be subjected to I FRAUD. For more The Bulletin reserves $75. 541-330-0733 information about an s the right to publish all Wavemaster punch & advertiser, you may ads from The Bulletin kick bag, adult size, / call t h e Or e gon / newspaper onto The $99. 541-948-4413 ' State Attor ney ' Bulletin Internet web­ 246 I General's O f f i ce Consumer P rotec- • site. Guns, Hunting t ion ho t l in e at I The Bulletin & Fishing ger ng Central Qregon t nte lggg I 1-877-877-9392. 22LR S&W AR-22, $575. 242 Rem. 700 22-250 BDL, Exercise Equipment $875. USMC gold Com­ memorative Colt A uto BowFlex Xtreme IISE Ordinance 1911 SE pis­ like new upgraded to tol, $1475. 541-647-8931 Antiques & 410 lb . a l l a t t ach­ local pays CASH!! Collectibles m ents, $59 9 o b o . Bend for Guns, Knives & Eves, 541-279-1263. Ammo. 541-647-8931 Pillsbury Dou g hboy canister set, $50. Call inversion bed (hang to CASH!! 5 41-388-1803 bef o « stretch back), $ 149 For Guns, Ammo 8 3pm obo. 541-330-9070 Reloading Supplies. The Bulletin recommends extra

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Labradors (2), age 4 mos., may have inter­ nal medical problems. Free to good homes.

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Juniper Camp Ranch 14111 NW Grizzly Mountain Rd., Prineville, OR e

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MasseyFerguson36 swather•1977 Cat977K Traxcavators.n.46H499,80% undercarriage, foot steering• Oliver 55 tractor w/613 backhoe attachment and front loader w/hydro hammer control• Trmace hydro hammer• Pettibone Mdl. CA40 forklift, 2-stage mast, s.n. 59F3788• 1960 Casetrack loader Mdl. C310D s.n. 3012855 w/ripper attachment• 1938 Cat D4s.n. 4G544810' manual angle blade, 20" tracks• 1946 Int. 5 yard dump truck• ALL OF THIS EQUIPMENT RUNS!• TRAILERS: 1951 TW AM Lowboy 22,000¹? • 1953 Fruehauf 24' flatbed trailer• 1978 HM tandem 8'x16' car hauler• HM snowmobile trailer 8'x12' tandem axle, swivel deck• HM tandem axle wood food wagon, no title. VEHICLES • ROLLING STOCK

2001 Polaris Scrambler 500 4-stroke, 2x4, auto trans., runs fast and clean • 1998 Suzuki Quad Runner160 2x4, ranch used • 1982 Blazer K-5k 6.2 diesel • 1993 GMCSafari XT9-passenger van • 1963 White Freightliner 220 Cummins (fresh in frame overhaul) 3/4 speed Mdl. T63 64, T tandem axle• 1962 GMC 4000 truck, V6, 16' Workman bed with cattle rack• 1960 Chevy Apache 30, 1 ton, 10t/2 Tradwind bed with steel drop-side cattle racks• 19461nternational truck chassis, project• 1942 Dodge snub-nose cab w/dash, step-side cab only.

P eople g i ving p e t s $149. 541-948-4413 geretng Cent al 0 egonsince tggg Frenchton pups. Ready away are advised to NEED TO CANCEL for homes on 10/28. be selective about the YOUR AD? Registered parents on new owners. For the The Bulletin Adult companion cats site. Puppy package protection of the ani­ Classifieds has an FREE to seniors, dis­ included.$900 to $950. mal, a personal visit to "After Hours" Line abled 8 veterans! Tame, 541-548-0747 the home is recom­ Call 541-383-2371 altered, shots, ID chip, ~cMore Plx at Bendbulleun.ct mended. more. Will always take 24 hrs. to cancel SHOP E UIPM ENT • SUPPLIES back if circumstances German Shorthair AKC The Bulletin your ad! Serving Central Oregon since 1909 Ambiance Art Coopera­ change. 389-8420. Visit Pups, FC Tonelli's Ris­ 1957, 58, 59 Chevy small parts and engine parts• Rough cut1 inch lumber Recliner chair, leather tive, 435 S. Ever­ Sat/ Sun 1-5. Photos, ing Sun grand-sired, pups, AKC toy Ethan Allen, $ 2 45. • Pallets of misc. Go to our website for photos and more listings! green, Redmond, is info: www.craftcats.org. $550 ea. 541-598-6988 POODLE POM-A-POO pups, toy. Culver, 541-546-9008 *Owner's note:After35years,we are readylo sellourdryland ranch looking for artists and So cute! 541-475-3889 craftsman for Nov/Dec AUSSIES, M I N I/TOY Refrigerator / freezer, I ' I I t I I I I I I I Handmade only. all colors, $325 POODLE TOY PUPPIES stainless steel SxS, wa­ $50 mo., 25% comm. AKC, ter/icemaker, 25cf, ex­ Parents on site, $300­ 8 up, parents on site. Susan, 541-350-4847 cellent cond, $495. $350 ea. 541-520-7259 541-598-5314 or Patty 541- 350-4845 Culver, 541-546-9008 541-788-7799 Queensland Heelers German S h o rthairsstandard Refrigerator, works Need help fixing stuff? & mini,$150 & * Special note: Either the forklift or Case Track crawler will be kept for 3 days for load good, white, $100. Call A Service Professional Just bought a new boat? AKC - females & up. 541-280-1537 http:// out(Tuesday)* Sell your old one in the males $300/ea. Mom rightwayranch wordpress.ccm 541-526-5854 find the help you need. Ask about our on-site, 1 s t sh o t s, Food Available www,detktnsturmon,com Check Website for Photos www.bendbulletin.com classifieds! Super Seller rates! d ewormed. Cra t e Schnauzer purebred mini Rocking Chair, Sturdy Wood, $49. 541-385-5809 trained. 541-408-2114 puppies, 1F / 1M, shots, 205 ( 541-948-4413 roomed, ready to go! Preview st00 s,m, Sst, Items for Free Wire h a ir 500 ea. 541-678-3924 10% Buyers Fee T e r ms Cash, Check, VISA/MC Barn/shop cats FREE, German pups, ready Find exactly what tame, some not. Pointer HP PhotoSmart model some 10/27, AKC/NAVHDA, Yorkies, 2 Purebred fe- you are iooking for in the We deliver! Fixed, shots. 7550 printer, FREE! 541-389-8420 males, ready to gol $600 Dennis Tugmon AUCTIONEER Carr Ceut 541/480-0795 jcallis@eoni.com, CLASSIFIEDS 541-279-9013 each. 541-460-3884 541/923-6261 powell Butte, OR 97753 Faxt 541/923-6316 541-805-9478. •


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59 Something wit h a Blue Book val ue

1 08 With "T h e," f o r m e r sketch comedy program on CBS ... fittingly enough

6 1 1937 hit w i t h t h e l yric " Y o u ' r e l i k e

6 Mideast strongman II M e n' s suit s pecificati o n 15 Bread dispensers


18 Alka-Seltzer ad character


1 11 Farm fo w l

24 Frist's successor as S enate major i t y leader

110 Bit of science

the fragrance of blossoms fair"

17 Takes baby steps

19 Common belief

62 Brown ink

112 Chilled

25 Outta here

20 Complete, in i nformal w r i t i n g

6 3 Comic st ri p w i t h t h e

113 Some up-and­ comers

2 9 Percussioni s t ' s setup

114 Teetotaler' s

31 Home of th e o l d e st school in Sweden, f ounded in 1 0 85

characters Rat and


21 "Dies


22 Slow leak

6 7 A li t t l e o f f

2 3 Special at t en t i o n

6 9 Not w e l l

1 15 Or fol l o w er

26 Lioness's lack

70 Behind

116 Some classwork

27 Behind

73 Low-battery s i g n al

2 8 Against one's wi l l

7 4 Dog with " r o u g h" and "smooth"

117 Relative of a crown

30 Salon worker

75 British pens

3 2 Didn' t c ome ri g h t out and say

7 7 Southwest ter m i n a l ? 7 8 "The Gates" ar t i s t

3 3 Word with A rm y o r

34 Lapful, maybe

38 General headquarters?

86 Tex. neighbor

41 Farm wagon

87 Egypt's Sadat

42 Some baby sitters 44 Soap discontinued in 2011 50 Speakeasy's distilling locale 54 Buzzer 55 Buzzes

96 Stol Ier 's partner in s ongwriti n g

10 Italian ladies

56 Repeated phrase in " Hot Ho t H o t " 58 Ikea store, to some

For any three answers, call from a touch-tone hone: 1-900-285-5656, 1.49 each minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800­ 814-5554.

said to do

pitcher Frank







35 42




37 43


















80 84

83 87






















10 0

1 01 10 2






49 Only a day away, say







51 Cassette player 66 Forest, in Germany 67 Epitome of simplicity 68 "Whatever" 71 River through Orsk

60 2010 movie w it h a p lot to steal t h e moon

7 2 Central Sic i l i a n province

1 6 Blue eyes and bl o n d hair

64 Pine­

92 Dodger Hershiser

82 Ted who wrote " Th e

93 V a s c o da Gama's

Kennedy Legacy"

102 "

roll!" (bettor's cry)

d eparture poi n t

8 7 "Nashvi l le " d i r e c t o r

94 ti 2 : A b b r .

103 Full of th e l atest

9 5 Low-rent di st r i c t

105 Asian gold bar measure

97 Pharmaceutical

88 Must

giant that makes

8 9 Presidential mi d d l e


name or lastname

101 African region including Khartoum and Timbuktu

81 Competent


7 6 Departure f ro m t h e norm

65 Split in a hurry


8 4 T. S. Eli o t' s m i d dl e

74 Windy City c ommuters' in i t s . 7 5 Lottery w i n n er ' s feeling

62 Wuss

91 Take off again, as

79 Philosopher Kierkegaard

57 Cinnabar, e.g.

61 Prefix w i t h c o medy

15 Warning

107 Stock: Abbr.


Beverly Hillbi l l i e s"

14 Hanger-on

i t at a ho t e l

3 9 Round in B r i t a i n , maybe


1 3 Three-time A l l - S t a r

106 You may go under


5 3 Benaderet of " T h e

12 Omani or Yemeni

104 What dead men are




5 2 "Pulp Fi c t i o n "

1 1 Itty- b i tt y b r e a t h mint

99 Enters hurriedly


38 Hindu ti tl e of respect

above a side door


98 Like some coincidences







48 The youngest Jetson

8 Old Brit . co i n s

9 Son in "The Royal



4 7 It m i gh t e x t e nd

much brushing, say

push in a park



4 6 Not burn c o m p l e t e l y

7 Pet that doesn't need

94 Cabinet dept. since 1889


15 22



45 Blue Triangle grps.

6 Volume of th e w o r l d

90 What a pusher may




43 "Uh-uh, laddie"

5 On the ground, in ballet



41 Boating hazards


85 "Have you



4 0 More li k el y t o crash?

4 "Our Town" o p era

boiler input

37 Tantrum, coI I oqu i aI I y

I Top of a ladder, maybe 2" E vil" ( M i a 3 Chronicle

83 Old-fashioned

11 21





36 Recipe unit

Farrow film)

80 M.R.I., maybe



35 Palm products



31 Island west of Maui




I Yoga posture


100 "

106 Glassmaking matertal

1 09 Game with W i l d Draw 4 card s

Gol d "


5 41-3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES


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Starting at 3 lines "UNDER'500in total merchandise

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Misc. Items

Medical Equipment


Misc. Items

• Heating & Stoves

Fuel & Wood

Gardening Supplies 8 Equipment

Highspeed Internet EV­ Medical Alert for Se­ NOTICE TO FIREWOOD seasoned ERYWHERE By Sat­ niors - 24/7 monitor­ ADVERTISER Lodgepole, p r ofes­Have Gravel, will Travel! ellite! Speeds up to ing. FREE Equipment. Since September 29, sional quick delivery. Cinders, topsoil, fill mate­ 12mbps! (200x faster FREE Shipping. Na­ 1991, advertising for Rounds $180 c ord; rial, etc. Excavation & than dial-up.) Starting tionwide Ser v i ce. used woodstoves has Contact A n d y at septicsystems. Abbas at $49.95/mo. CALL $29.95/Month CALL been limited to mod­ 541 -508-6186. Construction cce¹78840 CalII541-548-6812 NOW 8 G O F A ST! Medical Guardian To­ els which have been 1-8BB-718-2162. day B B B-B42-0760. c ertified by th e O r ­ Split, Dry Juniper, (PNNA) (PNDC) egon Department of For newspaper or Lodgepole Environmental Qual­ Cedar$200/Cord delivery, call the BUYING & SE L LING The Bulletin Offers 262 ity (DEQ) and the fed­ Circulation Dept. at Delrvery included! All gold jewelry, silver Free Private Party Ads eral En v ironmental 541-923-6987, Iv msg, Commercial/Office 541-385-5800 and gold coins, bars, • 3 lines - 3 days Protection A g e ncy To place an ad, call Equipment 8 Fixtures rounds, wedding sets, • Private Party Only (EPA) as having met 541-385-5809 class rings, sterling sil­ • Total of items adver­ smoke emission stan­ or email Over 30 Million Women ver, coin collect, vin­ tised must equal $200 Office schedule dry erase dards. A claaeified@bendbullet>n com cer t ified Gardening Supplies board, 25"L x 30 . 5"H S uffer F r o m Ha i r tage watches, dental or Less w oodstove may b e Fl e ming,' n 4 1 d l! th $50. 541-948-4413 & Equipment • Loss! Do you? If So gold. Bill identified by its certifi­ Serving Central Oregon since 1903 • 3-ad limit for s a m e We Have a Solution! 541 -382-941 9. cation label, which is 263 Backpack sprayer, CALL K E RANIQUEComplete security cam­ item advertised within permanently attached shovel, pick, pitchfork, Prompt Delivery Tools TO FIND OUT MORE era system, you unin­ 3 months to the stove. The Bul­ grass edger, hoe, axes, Rock, Sand 8 Gravel Call 541-385-5809 877-475-2521. stall, $99. 541-948-4413 letin will no t k n ow­ axe handles, splitting Multiple Colors, Sizes Fax 541-385-5802 Engine hoist, 2-ton ca­ ingly accept advertis­ (PNDC) mauls. 541 -504-9747 Instant Landscaping Co. pacity, made in USA, COWGIRL CASH ing for the sale of Wantedpaying cash 541-389-9663 257 We buy Jewelry, Boots, for Hi-fi audio & stu­ fold-up 3-position boom, uncertified $150. 541-504-8610 Vintage Dresses & Musical Instruments woodstoves. dio equip. Mclntosh, More. 924 Brooks St. J BL, Marantz, D y ­ New Skilsaw, bench SOLD IN 30 DAYS!! 541-678-5162 Free Piano, Lindeman & naco, Heathkit, San­ g rinder, c ro w b ar. www.getcowgirlcash.com Sons from NY, about "Please discontinue this sui, Carver, NAD, etc. 54I -504-9747 • Fue l 8 Wood 19f 5. You haul, bring Folding treadmill with Call 541-261-1808 I ad as the vehicle has heIp! 541-382-3955 Sears Craftsman router & mat, $19. 2 air condi­ C ords of seasoned ~ beensold./am pleased outside benches, line laser, never used, 6 lodgepole tioners, great deal! - $99 Wood f i rewood, to tell you that I had 2 for $50. Sportbrella, $150. 541-948-4413 both. Hoover Floormate $49. postedit on Craig's List Cut 16" rounds and Piranha paintball tk Bissel Spotbot, $175 repeater gun, $99. Misc split, $1000. You haul. on 6 Ckfferent locations for both. Adjustable un­ fireplace items, $89. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 541-420-71BB butit was the Bulletin ad SL-AWD Z004 76k derside ball hitch, $30. Misc. office items, $59. that sold it!" all-weather tires, tow Door-to-door selling with Rotating Safe h eat Angled computer desk A-1 Dry seasoned Juni Lee, G. pkg, gold metallic, heater w/controls, $49. w/chair, per, $200/cord split; beige leather int., $99. Compost fast results! It's the easiest Piano, Steinway Model Call 541-948-4413 $175/cord rounds. moonroof, ......... bin w/free weedeater 8 way in the world to sell. 0 Baby Grand 79tt, Call 541-977-4500 or spools, $49. gorgeous, artist qual­ GENERATE SOME 530-524-3299 Want Results from qualified 541-948-4413 The Bulletin Classified EXCITEMENT ity instrument w/great local buyers? IN YOUR 541-385-5809 action & S t einway's 261 All Year Dependable Call us at 541-385-5809 and ask NEIGBORHOOD. warm, rich sound. Will Firewood: S plit, Del. about our Wheel Deal special! a garage sale and Medical Equipment adorn any living room, Plan 265 Bend. Lod g epole, don't forget to adver­ church or music stu­ pine: 1 for $195 or 2 ATTENTION DIABET­ Building Materials The BuIletin tise in classified! dio perfectly. New re­ f or $365. Cash o r ICS with M edicare. 541-385-5809. tail $ 6 9,000. Sacri­ check. (Credit Card Get a FREE talking REDMOND Habitat fice at $26,000 OBO, GET FREE OF CREDIT meter and d i abetic RESTORE OK). 541-420-3484. call 541-383-3150. CARD DEBT N OW! testing supplies at NO Building Supply Resale Quality at Cut payments by up C OST, plus F R E E Independent Contractor to half. Stop creditors home delivery! Best LOW PRICES 1242 S. Hwy 97 from calling. of all, this meter elimi­ 541-548-1406 866-775-9621. nates painful finger BOXES- Great for mov­ (PNDC) Open to the public. pricking! Call ing/storage, $25 cash. BB8-739-7199. H ampton Ba y fr e e ­ (PNDC) 266 Call 541-318-4577. standing 3-speed fan, Heating & Stoves Invacare powered wheel­ $99. 541-948-4413 Buying Diamonds chair, Pronto M-51 with /Gold for Cash Bionaire indoor pro Heater, oil filled electric new, never file heaters (2), low Saxon's Fine Jewelers reat to heat bdrm/offc SureStep, $45 ea used, $2500 obo. Call 541-389-6655 $80 both. 541-948-4413 25 cash. 541-318-4577 541-589-2375 BUYING

Flyer Winch pullers, lanterns, Lionel/American trains, accessories. sleeping bags, mummy 541-408-2191. bag, new rain jackets, game-bird beer mugs, Check out the rifle gun cases, saddle classifieds online scabbard, fish scale, fish gaffs, hanging scale, golf www.bendbuttetin.com clubs. 541-504-9747 Updated daily

The Bulletin




Estate Sales

ESTATE/MOVING SALE Fri., Sat., 8 Sun, 10/19-20-21, B-s 64505 Sylvan Loop, Bend. High q u ality living room, d i ning room, bedroom and office furniture. Piano,

Sales Northeast Bend

** FREE ** Garage Sale Kit Place an ad in The Bulletin for your ga­

rage sale and re­ ceive a Garage Sale

w/d, antiques. Misc. Kit FREE! treasures 8 h o use­ KIT INCLUDES: hold goods. • 4 Garage Sale Signs

Estate Sale, Sat-Sun, 8-5, 2343 NW Cedar Ave., Redmond. Tools, furniture 8 lots of misc.

• $2.00 Off Coupon To Use Toward Your Next Ad

• 10 Tips For "Garage Sale Success!" PICK UP YOUR

BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS GARAGE SALE KIT at 1777 SW Chandler Search the area's most Ave., Bend, OR 97702 comprehensive listing of classified advertising... The Bulletin real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds 288 appear every day in the Sales Southeast Bend print or on line. Call 541-385-5809 An Estate/Moving Sale at www.bendbulletin.com Hollow Pines Estates. Shop indoors! 364 SE The Bulletin Sena Ct (Pettigrew to Servng Central Oregoe snre l903 Airpark to Harley) Fri 8 Sat, 8:30-1pm; HALF OFF Sunday, 9-noon! Look What I Found! You'll find a little bit of See craigslist for details. everything in ESTATE SALE The Bulletin's daily Indoor Sat. 9-4, garage and yard sale Sun. 9-4 1/2 Price! section. From clothes 20611 Daisy Lane to collectibles, from Movin t o Burma housewares to hard­ Antiques, cabs, patio, ware, classified is always the first stop for garden & and tools, chop saw, bench cost-conscious grinder, shop lights, consumers. And if ladders, mower, you're planning your blower, edger, own garage or yard sale, look to the clas­ camping, kitchen, art, jewelry, Christmas, sifieds to bring in the buyers. You won't find clothes & shoes, ap­ pliances, BBQ, W/D, a better place antique parlor stove, for bargains! 2010 Toyota. 62545 Call Classifieds: Stenkamp Rd. Sat & 541-385-5809 or Sun only, 9 —5. See email Craigslist ad. classifiedObendbulletin.com




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Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

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Call to learn more. EMPLOYMENT FINANCEAND BUSINESS Part time. t i m e, 541-350-7839 410 - Private Instruction 507 - Real Estate Contracts permanent opening Pathfinders provides Security1 Lending 421 - Schools andTraining 514 -Insurance for an e x perienced parenting classes NMLS98161 electronics repair t o inmates i n a 454- Looking for Employment 528 - Loans andMortgages 573 T technician. state correction fa­ Business Opportunities 470 - Domestic & In-HomePositions 543 - StocksandBonds The following skills A 476 - Employment Opportunities 558 - Business Investments c ility. 3 p l u s y r s are required: 573 - BusinessOpportunities exp/educ in social WARNING The Bulletin 486 - IndependentPositions B T U B •Excellent soldering services or related recommends that you skills, both surface O L A Z E 573 573 Where can you find a f ield. Over 2 1 + i nvestigate ever y mount and pass R E P I A through hole. background check phase of investment Business Opportunities Business Opportunities helping hand? •Be familiar with ROHS required. Resume opportunities, e s pe­ Advertise V A CATIONSOCIAL From contractors to E S E SE C U RITY solder. + cover letter to: c ially t h os e fr o m SPECIALS to 3 m i l­ DISABILITY BEN ­ yard care, it's all here out-of-state or offered P D U E •Read schematics and resumesOpath­ lion P acific N o rth­ EFITS. WIN or P ay have trouble shooting findersoforegon.org by a p erson doing in The Bulletin's A O E R N Nothing! Start Your business out of a lo­ westerners! 30 daily skills. "Call A Service re: DRCM 10.2012. cal motel or hotel. In­ newspapers, six Application In Under • S elfmotivated a n d B O C A N o f f e rings states. 25-word clas­ 60 Seconds. Call To­ Professional" Directory able to work alone or $12.70 — 14.0/hour. vestment E N K L A with others. must be r e gistered sified $525 for a 3-day day! Contact Disabil­ Cal l (916) i ty Group, Inc. L i ­ the Oregon De­ a d. Wage is $12/hr. This is Remember.... R A dd your we b a d ­ with vis i t censed Attorneys 8 a great, long term po­ dress to your ad and partment of Finance. 2 88-6019 o r www.pnna.com/advert BBB Accredited. Call We suggest you con­ R U S I N sition with an excel­ readers on The ising pndc.cfm for the 888-782-4075. lent local company. sult your attorney or A L A M E Nor t h west (PNDC) CONS U MER Pacific Please send c o ver Bulletin' s web site call be able to click Daily Con n ection. HOTLINE, l etter, resume a n d will N E H O W (PNDC) references to central­ through automatically 1-503-378-4320, C E E N S 8:30-noon, Mon.-Fri. oregonjobsObbsihq.c to your site. Looking for your Extreme Value Adver­ om. EEO, Drug test Security next employee? E S L A Y A Classified ad is an tising! 30 Daily news­ Place required, c ri m i nalSee our website for our EASY Bulletin help W A Y TO papers $525/25-word wanteda ad You know what background check re­ available Security po­ REACH over today and 3 million classified, PUZZLE IS ON PAGE EZ 3-d a ys. quired. they say about reach over 60,000 sitions, along with the Pacific Northwestern­ Reach 3 million Pa­ "one man's trash". readers each week. 42 reasons to join our ers. $5 2 5 /25-word cific Northwesterners. 358 476 Your classified ad team! c lassified ad i n 3 0 For more information Gardening Supplies Farmers Column Employment www eecurityproebend.com will also appear on daily newspapers for call (916) 288-6019 or I »»»» R»4»» Mt»»»»»e»»»» There's a whole pile & Equipment Opportunities bendbulletin.com Call the Pa­ email: of "treasure" here! Qe asea»»»»os' 3-days. Wanted: Irrigated farm which currently re­ cific Northwest Daily elizabeth Ocnpa.com ground, under pivot ir­ DRIVERS Medical ceives over 1.5 mil­ SUPER TOP SOIL Connection (916) for the Pacific North­ riqation, i n C e n tralSubstitute School Bus www.herehe eoilandbark.com Chief Nursing lion page views 2 88-6019 o r e m a il west Daily Connec­ Screened, soil & com­ OR. 541-419-2713 The Bulletin Driver openings - Great every month at Officer elizabeth@cnpa.com tion. (PNDC) post m i x ed , no opportunity to supple­ Wallowa Memorial I Recommends extra ~ for more info (PNDC) no extra cost. rocks/clods. High hu­ ment y ou r i n come. caution when pur­ Bulletin Classifieds Hospital Where can you find a mus level, exc. f or chasing products or I Redmond School Dis­ Get Results! Call Thousands ofadsdaily Need to get an flower beds, lawns, trict is seeking depend­ services from out of ~ helping hand? 385-5809 or place Located in in print andonline. ad in ASAP? gardens, straight able, flexible, team play­ f the area. Sending your ad on-line at Enterprise, OR From contractors to s creened to p s o i l . ers w h o enj o ying c ash, c hecks, o r You can place it bendbulletin.com working with children. yard care, it's all here Bark. Clean fill. De­ i n f ormation Bed critical ac­ / credit online at: liver/you haul. Flexible schedule — Sal­ 25 t» in The Bulletin's • . ~ may be subjected to ~ cess hospital. Or­ 541-548-3949. ary - $13.02/hr. www.bendbulletin.com FRAUD. "Call A Service egon RN licensure, Please visit the District For more i nforma­ ures o CPR, ACLS, website at ov' o Professional" Directory tion about an adver- ~ 541-385-5809 T.E.A.M. (TNCC) www.redmond.k12.or.us 421 I Lo s t & Found / tiser, you may call Certifications. BSN ' DESCHUTES COUNTY for job description 8 how the Oregon State Schools 8 Training Required/Masters to apply. For additional General I Attorney General's FOUND: digital camera Preferred. Minimum contact Jefferson Count Job 0 or t unit CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Office Co n s umert in road by Drake Park. A IRLINES ARE H I R­ information, michelle.rainville 5 years acute care & Protection hotline at I 541-550-6498 ING - Train for hands @redmond.k12.or.us 2 y e ar s n u r sing BEHAVIORAL HEALTHNURSE I or II (Public Health Public Health Nurse on Aviation Mainte­ management. E x­ I 1-877-877-9392. —Home Visiting Programs Found: Hiking shoes Nurse I or II) (2012-00061) Adult Treatment Team, nance Career. FAA Food Service c ellent Benef i t gThe Bulletin $20AO anhour to$26.52 an hour DOQ i n p arking l o t o f f approved p r ogram. Kitchen Manager/ Behavioral Health Division. On-call positions Package. EOE FIRSTREVIEW DATE - 10/29/2012 Cascade Lakes Hwy. Financial aid if quali­ Exp. Line Cook $20.05 - $24.68 per hour.Deadline: OPENUNTIL Visit our website at Call to iden t i fy fied - Housing avail­ » F»star»ak FILLED WITH FIRST REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS wchcd.org or contact For complete job description and application 406-570-5051. Looking for your next able. Call Aviation In­ Linda Childers, form go to www.co.jefferson.or.us; click on THURSDAY,10/25/1 2. stitute of employee? gGRILLE Human Resources, then Job Opportunities; or REMEMBER: If you (541)426-5313 Maintenance. Place a Bulletin help have lost an animal, Inside the Truck Stop at call 541-325-5002. Mail completed Jefferson BEHAVIORAL HEALTHSPECIALIST II —Community 1-877-804-5293. wanted ad today and don't forget to check County Application forms to: 7 40 Hwy 2 0 S . i n reach over 60,000 Assessment Team (2012-00059) Behavioral (PNDC) The Humane Society H ines, OR has b e ­ Nursing readers each week. Health Division. Multiple On-call position $23.57 in Bend 541-382-3537 ATTEND C O L LEGE come one of the fin­ JeffersonCounty Human Resources, Your classified ad - $32.29 per hour.Deadline: SUNDAY,10/21/12. Redmond, 66 SE D Street, Suite E, ONLINE from Home. est establishments in will also appear on 541-923-0882 *Medical, B u siness, Harney County to en­ Madras, OR 97741. bendbulletin.com BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SUPERVISOR -Child 8 Prineville, *Criminal Jus t i ce, joy Breakfast, Lunch which currently 541-447-7178; Jefferson County is an Equal Employment *Hospitality. Job or Dinner. If you are Family Programs (previously BH Specialist III, title receives over 1.5 HEALTH PLANS Opportunity Employer OR Craft Cats, placement assistance. interested in j o ining change only) (2012-00023) — Behavioral Health million page views 541-389-8420. Computer available. our team please for­ We're ia u for ttie people. every month at Division. Full-time position $4,851 - $6,517 per Financial Aid if quali­ ward your resume and Help u s no extra cost. ch a n ge Customer Service Rep month for a 172.67 hour work month.DEADLINE fied. SCHEV autho­ qualifications to Bulletin Classifieds h ealthcare! If y o u DATE EXTENDED,OPENUNTIL FILLED. rized. Call Brian. Farrally@ Get Results! have a broad clini­ 866-688-7078 EdStaub.com Call 385-5809 cal background and LANDFILLSITEATTENDANT(2012-00060) — Solid www.CenturaOnline.c or place w ould like t o e n ­ om (PNDC) TURN THE PAGE b end b r o a d b a n d Waste Department. Full-time position $2,351­ hance pati e nts' your ad on-line at w»'re the local d»g. we bett»r be good bendbulletin.com For More Ads quality of life and $3,001 per month for a173.33 hour work month. Call The Bulletin At m aximize hea l t h Position will work Monday, Tuesday, Friday and 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Do you want your Customer Service plan benefits, this Saturday.Deadline: WEDNESDAY10/24/12. Place Your Ad Or E-Mail career to be about taking care position may be the of the customer? At: www.bendbulletin.com opportunity for you! P lNimce NURSE PRACTITIONER —School Based Health PacificSource Health 8 D(KIjKWQ TRUCK SCHOOL Centers (2012-00057) Public Health Division. On­ Are you motivated by making people Plans is seeking an Farm Equipment www. IITR.net RN to join our team happy and solving problems'? call position $33.69 - $46.10 per hour.Deadline: & Machinery Redmond Campus as a Nurse Case SUNDAY,10/21/12. Student Loans/Job Manager. The ideal BendBroadband i s a well - respected Central Oregon Waiting Toll Free candidate will have a technology company bringing connectivity Ford New Holland PSYCNIATRIC NURSE PRACTITIONER (20 I 2­ Community College 1-888-387-9252 Tractor, Di e sel, and content to thousands of households in has openings listed be­ current Oregon RN 00024) — Behavioral Health Division. Full-time icense an d fi v e 2300, hours, 32HP, Central Oregon. As a C u stomer Care position $6,303 - $8,626 per month for a 172.67 476 low. Go to lyears 528 nursing expe­ Incl. push hog, post https://jobs.cocc.edu Representative for B endBroadand, your Employment hour work month.Deadline: OPENUNTILFILLED. with v aried Loans 8 Mortgages hole auger, blade, to view details & ap­ rience passion for providing positive customer Opportunities medical e x p osure $12,000, ply online. H uman experiences will contribute to the success 541-410-0929 exp e rience. WARNING UTILIZATIONREVIEWSPECIALIST (2012-00049) Resources, Metolius and of the company. You will be the expert Case management, Arts & Entertainment The Bulletin recom­ — Health Services. Full-time position $4,627 Hall, 2600 NW Col­ regarding our p r oducts an d s e rvices; Staff Writer tilization, an d / or mends you use cau­ lege Way, Bend OR u — $6,216 per month for a 172.67 hour work W anted Use d F a r m The Source consulting with our customers on packages health plan experi­ seeking a 97701; tion when you pro­ (541 ) 383 Equipment & Machin­ staff writer toisfill month.DEADLINE BATE EXTENDED, OPEN UNTIL and programming that works for them. The a posi­ ence preferred. vide personal 7216. For ery. Looking to buy, or tion in our editorial de­ ideal candidate will have prior customer To view the full job FILLEDWITH NEXT REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS ON information to compa­ h earing/speech i m ­ consign of good used partment. The qualified description and nies offering loans or service experience, strong computer skills MONDAY,10/29/1 2. paired, Oregon Relay quality equipment. candidate will produce Services number is complete the online and attention to detail, and an excellent credit, especially Deschutes Valley our weekly arts and cul­ 7 -1-1. COCC i s a n application, please those asking for ad­ performance record. TO APPLY ONLINE FOR THE ABOVE LISTED Equipment ture section as well as AA/EO employer. visit ww w . pacific­ vance loan fees or POSITIONS,PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT 541-548-8385 produce special issue source.com/careers. companies from out of If this opportunity excites you, we'd like to feature stories through­ www.deschutes.org/jobs Deschutes County state. If you have h ear f ro m y o u ! Su b mi t a n onl i n e Part-Time Instructors 325 out the year. The suc­ Personnel Dept., 1300 NWWall Street, Suite 201, EOE concerns or ques­ application at w ww.bendbroadband.com. COCC is always look­ cessful candidate will Hay, Grain & Feed tions, we suggest you Bend, OR 97701 (541) 388-6553. ing for talented indi­ We offer a collaborative work environment, have excellent writing consult your attorney training and d evelopment opportunities, teac h Office Assistant com m unication v iduals to 3A Livestock Supplies and or call CONSUMER Deschutes County p rovides reasonable competitive pay and excellent benefits that •Panels.Gates Feeders skills, and the ability to part-time in a variety Needed HOTLINE, accommodations for persons with disabilities. manage multiple tasks of disciplines. Check Opportunity include a 401k plan with company match Now galvanized! 1-877-877-9392. to work full web site and free broa d b an d serv i ces. This material will be furnished in alternative •6-Rail 12' panels, $101 on deadline. You must our time in fast-paced real •6-Rail 16' panels, $117 have a strong knowl­ https://jobs.cocc.edu. BANK TURNED YOU BendBroadband is a drug free workplace. format if needed. For hearing impaired, please of and passion for All positions pay $500 estate office in Red­ DOWN? Private party Custom sizes available edge mond. Must be a self­ call TTY/TD0 711. all things arts and cul­ =1 per load unit (1 LU 541-475-1255 loan on real es­ As an equal opportunity employer, we ture in Central Oregon! class credit), with ad­ starter, m u lti-tasker, will tate equity. Credit, no encourage minorities, women, and people with strong communi­ EQUAL OPPORTUNITYEMPLOYER and minorities ditional perks. Wanted: Irrigated farm Women problem, good equity with disabilities to apply. cation skills, and a to a pply. ground, under pivot ir­ encouraged is all you need. Call great attitude that is Send resumes and writ­ Limited Energ Y riqation, i n C e n tral ing samples to highly organized. Start now. Oregon Land Technician'A' &'B' OR. 541-419-2713 License Apprenticeship at $11.00/hr with room Mortgage 388-4200. infoOtsweekly.com No phone inquires, Open to accept to grow for the right Wheat Straw: Certified 8 MONEY:We buy please. apprenticeship applica­ individual. Email re­ LOCAL Beddinq Straw & Garden secured trustdeeds & tions for employment sume and cover letter note,some hard money Straw;Compost.546-6171 opportunities in to loans. Call Pat Kelley DO YOU NEED Deschutes, Crook and stace davis© kwc.net 345 541-382-3099 ext.13. A GREAT Grant Counties Livestock & Equipment EMPLOYEE A career with partners In Care Hospice and HomeHealth js more than a job. It's an RIGHT NOW? Sales Applications available opportunity to make 8 powerful and lasting difference jn the lives of your commu­ 100-lb. pasture-raised Call The Bulletin Oct 29 thruNov 9, 2012 meat goat kids,no expo­ before 11 a.m. and WorkSource Oregon nity members. Rediscover the patient-centered care that drew you to your profes­ sure to chemicals. $1.40/ get an ad in to pub­ Employment Dept. Ib live wt; call for dressed Directions, call lish the next day! sion jn the first place. price. 541-312-4752 541-388-6070 541-385-5809. For info, call VIEW the The following positions are currently available at Partners In Care: be seen. get heard. Weaner Pigs, $70 each 541-279-1543 Classifieds at: or $60 each for 2 or Minorities and females www.bendbulletin.com more. 1-503-310-2514 are urged to apply. Innovative Leader + Advertising Sales Night S h i f t R N — tWO POSitiOnS (full-timej Expertise = Exceptional Sales Leader

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Houses for Rent NE Bend

Homes for Sale

r o m o t e o u r s e r vice Landscaping/Yard Care

Available Immediately­ 3/2, 1700 sq. ft., like new, double garage, f enced bac k y a r d . 63223 Carly L a ne. $1050. No smoking/ 719 pets. Jim Floyd, First Oregon Pr o p erties Real Estate Trades


All real estate adver­ tised here in is sub­ ject to t h e F e deral F air H o using A c t , which makes it illegal to advertise any pref­ erence, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, reli­ gion, sex, handicap, familial status or na­ tional origin, or inten­ tion to make any such preferences, l i mita­ tions or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertis­ ing for r eal e state which is in violation of this law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings ad­ vertised are available on an equal opportu­ nity basis. The Bulle­ tin Classified

NOTICE: Oregon state N OTICE: O R E G O N Rooms for Rent law req u ires any­ Landscape Contrac­ LLC, 541-390-9986 one who co n t racts tors Law (ORS 671) NE Bend: pvt bath/entry/ Newport for Sunriver / for construction work r equires a l l bus i ­ patio, laundry, no smkg, La Pine / So. Bend: Looking for your next to be licensed with the nesses that advertise $495. 541-317-1879 $200,000 valuation, employee? C onstruction Co n ­ to p e rform L a n d­ 3 Bdrm 2 Bath, 2-car, & Kitchenettes Place a Bulletin help tractors Board (CCB). scape C o n structionStudios ocean access, maint.­ Furnished room, TV w/ wanted ad today and A n active lice n se which inclu d es: cable, micro 8 fridge. free, for similar home reach over 60,000 means the contractor p lanting, w/land. 541-265-5042 deck s , Utils 8 l i nens. New readers each week. i s bonded an d i n ­ fences, arbors, owners. $145-$165/wk Your classified ad 744 s ured. Ver if y t h e w ater-features, a n d 541-382-1885 will also appear on contractor's CCB installation, repair of Open Houses bendbulletin.com, c ense through t h e irrigation systems to Look at: currently receiving CCB Cons u mer be licensed with the Bendhomes.com over 1.5 million page Open 12-3 Website Landscape Contrac­ for Complete Listings of www.nirealicensedcontractor. views, every month 19777 Chicory t ors B o a rd . Th i s com at no extra cost. 4-digit number is to be Area Real Estate for Sale Ave. or call 503-378-4621. included in all adver­ Bulletin Classifieds Room for the Family 634 The Bulletin recom­ tisements which indi­ Get Results! in SW Bend mends checking with Suzanne Iselin the business has AptJMultiplex NE Bend Call 541-385-5809 or the CCB prior to con­ cate place your ad on-line a bond, insurance and * Broker tracting with anyone. workers compensa­ $299 1st mo. rent!! FOR SALE at 541-350-8617 Some other t rades tion for their employ­ GET THEM BEFORE bendbulletin.com also req u ire addi­ ees. For your protec­ THEY ARE GONE! When buying a home 2 bdrm, 1 bath tional licenses a nd 83% of Central tion call 503-378-5909 654 $530 8 $540 certifications. Oregonians turn to or use our website: Carports & A/C included! Houses for Rent www.lcb.state.or.us to Fox Hollow Apts. The Bulletin I De b ris Removal Sen ng Cenrret Oregnn enre reta check license status SE Bend (541) 383-3152 before co n t ractingCascade Rental Mgmt. Co Call 541-385-5809 to with th e b u s iness. *Upstairs only with lease 20249 Knights Bridge place your Persons doing land­ Place, brand new Real Estate ad. deluxe 3 bdrm, 2ye bath, scape m a intenance 55+ Senior Housinq 1760 sq. ft. home. do not require a LCB 2 bdrm, 2 bath ©$895 www.thegarnergrouprcom 541-388- 1239. $1095. 541-350-2206 license. www.cascadiaproper­ TICk, TOCk Will Haul Away tymgmt.com 659 Open 12-3 Tick, Tock... ~ FREE Houses for Rent Call for Specials! 2443 NW Awbrey ...don't let time get Limited numbers avail. Rd. For Salvage y Sunriver 1, 2 & 3 bdrms 4-Bdrm Craftsman away. Hire a Any Location ' ,hgk~~~0+ w/d hookups, VILLAGE PROPERTIES on Bend's West Side .';t Removaf professional out patios or decks. Shelley Griffin, Sunriver, Three Rivers, 'n;etl4%f Mountain Glen of The Bulletin's Also Cleanups Broker SERVING CENTRAL OREGON La Pine. Great 541-383-9313 Latt Cfeanouts ~ Residential & Commercial 541-280-3804 Selection. Prices range "Call A Service Professionally managed by $425 - $2000/mo. SPRINKLER Professional" Norris & Stevens, Inc. View our full BLOW-OUTS inventory online at Directory today! 642 e Snow Removal AptJMultiplex Redmond Village-properfies.com 1-866-931-1061 750 a Sprinkler Repair Handyman Redmond Homes TRIPLEX 2 b d rm, 2 e Back Flow Testfng 660 bath, 1130 sq. ft., w/d a Fall Clean Up Redmond Worry Free i n h o u se , mi c r o, Houses for Rent ERIC REEVE Certified Home $149,000 a Weekly Mowing fridge, d/w. WSG 8 La Pine Huge Landscaped Lot ~I HANDY I~ gardener pd., garage www.thegarnergrouprcom a Senior Discounts Move in Ready! w/opener $625/mo. + 2 bdrm, 1a/4 bath log SERVICES 800-451-5808 ext 819 Bonded and Insured security dep., v e ry home, 2~/~-car garage, FA heat, 2 acre fenced 541-815-4458 clean. 541-604-0338. Au Home & Open 12-3 backs to natl forest, 20 Lce¹ 8759 Commercial Repairs Looking for your next 648 2625 NW mi. to Bend, 6 mi. to emp/oyee? Carpentry-Painting Crossing Dr. La Pine. $825+ dep. Houses for Place a Bulletin help Honey Do's. NorthWest Crossing 541-280-5696. Rent General wanted ad today and Small or large jobs, 3-Bdrm Townhome reach over 60,000 no problem. La Pine - Nice 3 Bd, 2.5 Shelley Griffin, PUBLISHER'S readers each week. Senior Discount Ba, in Crescent Creek Broker NOTICE Your classified ad subdivision. Gas appli­ 541-280-3804 An work guaranteed. All real estate adver­ ances & fireplace, dbl will also appear on 541-389-3361 SPrinkler BIOW Outs, tising in this newspa­ garage, fitness center, bendbulletin.com 541-771-4463 per is subject to the which currently re­ park. $800 mo; $900 , & Winterization Bonded - Insured F air H o using A c t deposit. 541-815-5494 ceives over CCB¹149468 which makes it illegal 1.5 million page "any to a d v ertise 687 views every month preference, limitation at no extra cost. I DO THAT! or disc r imination Commercial for Bulletin Classifieds Rent/Lease based on race, color, Get Results! religion, sex, handi­ Call 385-5809 or Office Suites cap, familial status, place your ad on-line www.thegarnergroup.com for Lease marital status or na­ at Bend Old Mill District LCgf/OO O P=C,i~ tional origin, or an in­ bendbulletin.com Phoenix Building East, tention to make any 745 Handyman/Remodeling en nn such pre f e rence, Wilson Ave. Class A Homes for Sale 762 b uilding w i t h hi g h limitation or discrimi­ Residential/Commercial COLLINS nation." Familial sta­ grade interior finishes BANK OWNED HOMES! Homes with Acreage Smell Jebaro tus includes children and ready to move in. FREE List w/Pics! Entire Reem Remouels Great mix of profes­ under the age of 18 Acres, 2 irrigated, E. Call Now to Schedule BendRepos.com 5side Garage Orartniralir>n sional tenants. Rea­ www. living with parents or of Bend, 4 bdrm, bend and beyond real estate Fall Cleanup Home /nspeclion Repairs sonable rates. 2.5 bath, small shed, legal cus t o dians, 20967 yeoman, bend or an Aerate/Thatch, Qttalily, Honesr wr>rk Peter Storton must be pre-qualified, pregnant women, and No Reserve Weekly or one time 541-549-2500 $350,000, 541-389-7481 people securing cus­ Dennis 541.31 7.9768 Timed Online Grounds Keeping Service tody of children under ocae151sta ltoallell/xetec'4 693 AUCTION 775 18. This newspaper • Mowing • Edging Ends Nov.14th will not knowingly ac­ Office/Retail Space • Hedge Trimming Manufactured/ I Home Improvement Building Lot in Prong­ cept any advertising • Pruning Weedeatfng for Rent Mobile Homes h orn S u b . 23 0 1 3 for real estate which is • Fertilizing • Hauling Canyon View Loop in violation of the law. Office space, high vis­ Kelly Kerfoot • De-thatchtng SPECIAL Our r e a ders ar e ibility on Highland Ave. Selling to the Highest FACTORY New Home, 3 bdrm, Bidder 28 Properties Construction hereby informed that in Redmond. $425 $47,500 finished 28 yrs experience in all dwellings adver­ mo., incl. W/S/G, call in 5-States! BONDED EcINSURED www.corbettbottles.com on your site,541.548.5511 Central Oregon! tised in this newspa­ 541 -41 9-1 91 7. www.JandMHomes.com 208-377-5700 per are available on Quality & Honesty an equal opportunity From carpentry & basis. To complain of handyman jobs, to discrimination cal l expert wall covering HUD t o l l -free at installations/removal 1-800-877-0246. The MOTORCYCLE:Custom I-larley toll f ree t e lephone Davidson 1997 Sportster 1200 XL. • Senior Discounts number for the hear­ 5000 Miles. Lots of chrome.$10,000. • Licensed, Bonded, ing im p a ired is Great ride, but noroomfor the softball Insured 1-800-927-9275. • CCB¹47120 team. Contact Cheryl at 000-0000. Good classified ads tell 541-389-1413 or the essential facts in an 541-410-2422 YCLE:Gently s Discounts available. interesting Manner. Write from the readers view - not Call Kent for your gandscapingNard Care the seller's. Convert the irrigation needs: facts into benefits. Show 541-815-4097 the reader how the item will Lcett8451 help them in someway.









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682 - Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705- Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740 - Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746 - Northwest BendHomes 747 - Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749 - Southeast BendHomes 750 - RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762 - Homeswith Acreage 763 - Recreational HomesandProperty 764 - Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land

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with 351 Cleveland K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 modified engine. Southwind 35.5' Triton, slide, AC, TV, awning Body is in 2008,V10, 2slides, Du­ NEW: tires, converter, E conoline trail e r excellent condition, pont UV coat, 7500 mi. batteries. Hardly used 16-Ton 29 ' B ed, $2500 obo. Bought new at $15,500. 541-923-2595 w/fold up ramps, elec. 541-420-4677 $132,913; brakes, P i n tlehitch, asking $93,500. $4700, 541-548-6812 Call 541-419-4212 Ford T-Bird 1966 390 engine, power G K E AT everything, new paint, 54K original MONTANA 3585 2008, miles, runs great, Hyster H25E, runs exc. cond., 3 slides, excellent cond. in & well, 2982 Hours, king bed, Irg LR, Arc­ out. Asking $8,500. $3500, call 541-480-3179 tic insulation, all op­ 541-749-0724 tions $37,500. 541-420-3250 Pioneer Spirit 18CK, NuWa 297LK Hitch­ I 2007, used only 4x, AC, 2007,3 slides, 4 • electric tongue j ack, Hiker 32' touring coach, left $8995. 541-389-7669


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Harley Davidson Soft­ Watercraft Tail Deluxe 20 0 7, Pickups Sport Utility Vehicles white/cobalt, w / pas­ senger kit, Vance & 2007 SeaDoo Hines muffler system 2004 Waverunner, & kit, 1045 mi., exc. excellent condition, c ond, $19,9 9 9 , LOW hours. Double kitchen, rear lounge, 541-389-9188. ROUA Digorgio 1971 trailer, lots of extras. many extras, beautiful fridge, heater, propane c ond. inside & o u t , Peterbilt 359 p o tableGMC tng ton 1971, Only $10,000 Harley Heritage $19,700! Original low & elec. lights, awning, $34,499 OBO, Prinev­ water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, mile, exceptional, 3rd 541-719-8444 Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, Buick Enclave 2008 CXL Softail, 2003 5hp 2 spares, extra insu­ ille. 541-447-5502 days 3200 gal. tank, e VW Thing 1974, good 71K, X- c ab , X L T, AWD, V-6, black, clean, $5,000+ in extras, p ump, 4 - 3 hoses, lation for late season y sound, 82k & 541-447-1641 eves. auto, 4 . 0L, $ 8 4 00 mechanicall cond. Extremely Rare! eWa­ $2000 paint job, Ads published in camlocks, $ 2 5,000. hunting/cold weather miles. $22,900. OBO. 541-388-0232 Only built in 1973 & 30K mi. 1 owner, tercraft" include: Kay­ camping, well maint, 541-820-3724 Call 541-815-1216 1974. For more information $8,000. aks, rafts and motor­ very roomy, sleeps 5, 541-389-2636 Chevy Suburban LTZ please call 925 ized personal reat f o r hu n t ing, GMC s/4-ton 541-385-8090 2007, 4x4, l e ather, watercrafts. For 3200, 541-410-6561 Utility Trailers 1965, Exc. All original, 4WD, 1997, moonroof, ba c k up or 209-605-5537 " boats" please s e e 4-dr. sedan, in stor­ • Diesel engine, extra sensors, 3rd row seat, Pickups Class 870. age last 15 yrs., 390 cab, good shape, running boards, low Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th HD FAT BOY 541-385-5809 High C o m pression electric windows, mi., V in ¹ 22 8 9 19 wheel, 1 s lide, AC, engine, new tires 8 li­ 1996 door locks & seats, Chev short box $28,988 TV,full awning, excel­ Big Tex Landscap­ c ense, r educed t o Completely rebuilt/ $5000 obo. step-side pickup, lent shape, $23,900. ing/ ATV Trailer, $2850, 541-410-3425. S UBA R U . 541-382-5309 customized, low 541-350-8629 1987, excellent dual axle flatbed, Springdale 2005 27', 4' miles. Accepting of­ 880 shape inside & out Advertise your car! 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 7'x16', 7000 lb. fers. 541-548-4807 slide in dining/living area, Motorhomes Add A Picture! all electric, all 877-266-3821 GVW, all steel, sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 Reach thousands of readers! works, $4500. Dlr ¹0354 $1400. obo. 541-408-3811 Call 541-385-5809 HD Screaming Eagle 541-382-5309 541-382-4115, or Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 The Bulletin Ctassifieds Electra Glide 2005, 541-280-7024. I nternational Fla t 4x4. 120K mi, Power 103 n motor, two tone --E Bed Pickup 1963, 1 seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd candy teal, new tires, t on dually, 4 s p d. row seating, e xtra Pilgrim In t e rnational 931 23K miles, CD player tires, CD, privacy tint­ 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, trans., great MPG, hydraulic clutch, ex­ Automotive Parts, could be exc. wood ing, upgraded rims. Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 cellent condition. Country Coach Intrigue Fantastic cond. $7995 price $ 2 1,865. Service & Accessories hauler, runs great, Highest offer takes it. 2002, 40' Tag axle. Springdale 29' 2 0 07, Fall Contact Timm at new brakes, $1950. 541-480-8080. 400hp Cummins Die­ slide,Bunkhouse style, 541-312-4466 Plymouth B a r racuda 541-408-2393 for info 1930's Ford truck head­ 541-419-5480. Chevy Silverado 2500 sel. tw o s l ide-outs. sleeps 7-8, excellent 1966, original car! 300 or to view vehicle. Honda 110 1980 trail lamps, (4) for $149 all. HD LT2001 Crew 4 1,000 miles, n e w condition, $1 6 ,900, hp, 360 V8, center­ 541-948-4413 bike, new tires, runs gd, tires & batteries. Most 541-390-2504 6.6L diesel auto 4X4 Dodge Durango SLT lines, (Original 273 $500. 541-420-2026 exc. cnd $17,900 2006, 4x4, r u nning options.$95,000 OBO Like new tires w/5-hole eng 8 wheels incl.) 98K,541-312-9312 b oard, prem i u m Honda Elite 80 2001, 541-678-5712 rims 205/65R15 $175 541-593-2597 wheels, 3rd row seat. 1400 mi., absolutely ~f i t 541-317-4803 I nternational Fla t tt a saaaa PROJECT CARS: Chevy Vin ¹138688. $9,999 like new., comes w/ Regal Prowler AX6 Ex­ Bed Pickup 1963, 1 carrying rack for 2" tremeEdition 38' '05, Wheels, fit 215/65R16 2-dr FB 1949 & Chevy t on dually, 4 s p d. g@ SUBARU. tires, 4 © $ 1 5 e a. Coupe 1950 rolling eeaaaooeaaao ooat 4 slides,2 fireplaces, all receiver, ideal for use trans., great MPG, chassis's $1750 ea., maple cabs, king bed/ 541-948-4413 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend w/motorhome, $995, could be exc. wood Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 Chevy 4-dr 1949, com­ bdrm separated w/slide 877-266-3821 541-546-6920 29', weatherized, like hauler, runs great, piete car, $1949; Ca­ Ford 250 XLT 1990, 932 glass dr,loaded,always Dlr ¹0354 new brakes, $1950. Econoline RV 19 8 9, n ew, f u rnished 8 dillac Series 61 1950, 2 garaged,lived in only 3 Antique & 6 yd. dump bed, fully loaded, exc. cond, ready to go, incl Wine­ mo,brand new $54,000, 541-41 9-5480. dr. hard top, complete Softail Deluxe Auto, $5500. Classic Autos 35K m i. , R e duced ard S a tellite dish, still like new, $28,500, w/spare front c l ip., 139k, 2010, 805 miles, 541-410-9997 $17,950. 541-546-6133 26,995. 541-420-9964 $3950, 541-382-7391 will deliver,see rvt.com, Black Chameleon. Ford Exc u rsion ad¹4957646 for pics. $17,000 DON tI MISSTHIS 2005, 4WD, diesel, CAN'T BEAT THIS! Cory, 541-580-7334 Call Don O exc. cond., $18,900, Look before you 541-410-3823 Viking Tent t railer 885 1921 Model T Ford F250 XLT 4x4 call 541-923-0231. buy, below market VW Karman Ghia 2 008, clean, s e lf Lariat, 1990, r e d, vafue! Size & mile­ Delivery Truck 1970, good cond., Canopies & Campers contained, sleeps 5, age DOES matter! 80K original miles, RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L new upholstery and Restored 8 Runs 865 4" lift with 39's, well Class A 32' Hurri­ easy to tow, great Find It in convertible top. $9000. hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, cond. $5200, obo. ATVs cane by Four Winds, C aribou Cam p er maintained, $4000 am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. The Bulletin Classifieds! $10,000. 541 -389-8963 541-383-7150. 2007. 12,500 mi, all obo. 541-419-5495 1995, model 11M, 541-389-2636 541-420-3634 /390-1285 541-385-5809 Polaris 335 2000, good amenities, Ford V10, A/C, electric jacks, Ithr, cherry, slides, t ires, w i nch, e x c . micro, 2.5K propane like new! New low $2995. 541-977-5358 gen, awning. Ford price, $54,900. F -350 X L T 1 9 9 9 , 541-548-5216 The Bulletin 7 .3L d i esel, 4 x 4 To Subscribe call crewcab, 162K mi., 541-385-5800 or go to G ullstream Sce n i c Weekend yyarrior Toy $ 13,000 pkg. W i l l Chevy C-20 Pickup Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, Cruiser 36 lt. 1999, sell camper sepa­ www.bendbulletin.com Cummins 330 hp die­ fuel station, exc cond. rately fo r $ 4 5 00. 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; auto 4-spd, 396, model 870 sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 sleeps 8, black/gray 541-548-3610 CST /all options, orig. i nterior, u se d 3X , in. kitchen slide out, Boats & Accessories owner, $24,000, new tires,under cover, $24,999. 541-923-6049 541-389-9188 miles only,4 door 13' Smokercraff hwy. fridge/freezer ice­ 3 1985, good cond., maker, W/D combo, Looking for your 15HP gas Evinrude Interbath t ub & next employee? + Minakota 44 elec. shower, 50 amp pro­ Place a Bulletin help Winter is on it's way and now is the time to wanted ad today and motor, fish finder, 2 pane gen & m o re! $55,000. reach over 60,000 extra seats, trailer, promote your business in our special readers each week. 1980 Chevy C30, 16K extra equip. $3200. 541-948-2310 Your classified ad original miles, 400 cu in, 541-388-9270 Service Guide page in Classifieds! will also appear on auto, 4WD, winch. $7000 bendbulletin.com obo. 541-389-2600 17' 1984 Chris Craft This special one page guide will feature an option of three different ad sizes. which currently re­ Aircraft, Parts - Scorpion, 140 HP Hunter's Delight! Pack­ ceives over 1.5 mil­ age deal! 1988 Win­ & Service The guide will I un 8 consecutive Fridays beginning November 2nd in our inboard/outboard, 2 lion page views ev­ nebago Super Chief, depth finders, troll­ ery month at no Classifieds Section. 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t ing motor, full cover, extra cost. Bulletin shape; 1988 Bronco II EZ - L oad t railer, Classifieds Get Re­ 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K ' $3500 OBO. sults! Call 385-5809 II I. . I mostly towed miles, Chevy Wagon 1957, 541-382-3728. or place your ad nice rig! $15,000 both. 4-dr., complete, on-line at 541-382-3964, leave $15,000 OBO, trades, bendbulletin.com 1/3 interest in Colum­ msg. please call 17' Seaswirl 1988 bia 400, located at 541-420-5453. open bow, r ebuilt Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. Chev V6 e n g ine, Itasca Spirit Class C Chrysler 300 C o upe Call 541-647-3718 new uph o lstery, 2007, 20K miles, front ~fi 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, entertainment center, $3900 obo. Bend. 1/3 interest i n w e l l­ auto. trans, ps, air, all bells & whistles, 707-688-4523 equipped IFR Beech frame on rebuild, re­ extremely good con­ B onanza A 36 , l o ­ painted original blue, dition, 2 s l ides, 2 cated KBDN. $55,000. original blue interior, /I HDTV's, $45,000 541-419-9510 original hub caps, exc. e OBO. 541-447-5484 chrome, asking $9000 Executive Hangar Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 or make offer. at Bend Airport 541-385-9350 by Carriage, 4 slide­ (KBDN) outs, inverter, satel­ 60' wide x 50' deep, 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 lite sys, fireplace, 2 w/55' wide x 17' high flat screen TVs. Volvo Penta, 270HP, bi-fold door. Natural $60,000. low hrs., must see, gas heat, office, bath­ Chrysler SD 4-Door 541-480-3923 $15,000, 541-330-3939 Jayco Seneca 2007, 1930, CD S R oyal room. Parking for 6 • WeatheriZation • HOme imPrOVement • CarPet Cleaning 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy CHECKYOUR AD c ars. A d jacent t o Standard, 8-cylinder, 5500 d i e s el , toy rt Frontage Rd; g reat body is good, needs • Automotive • And much more! hauler $13 0 ,000. visibility for a viation some r e s toration, 541-389-2636. 20.5' 2004 Bayliner bus. 1jetjock@q.com runs, taking bids, 541-383-3888, 205 Run About, 220 541-948-2126 FIND IT! 541-815-3318 HP, V8, open bow, SUY IT! exc. cond., very fast Please check your ad Deadline for ad space w/very low hours, SELL IT! on the first day it runs lots of extras incl. The Bulletin Classifieds to make sure it is cor­ and copy: tower, Bimini & rect. Sometimes in~ custom trailer, Fri., O ct.26,20I2 structions over theg $19,500. L@1 • ei phone are mis­ ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP 541-389-1413 understood and an error PubliSheS on SHARE LEFT! FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, can occur in your ad. Economical flying in Friday, NDV. 2, 9, l6 door panels w/flowers If this happens to your Ad Size Rate ow n C e s sna & hummingbirds, ad, please contact us your & 23 172/180 HP for only white soft top 8 hard Immaculate! the first day your ad $ 10,000! Based a t Beaver Coach Marquis top. Just reduced to 1.120" x 2.6511" $100.00<4runs) appears and we wil Additional publish 20.5' Seaswirl Spy­ 40' BDN. Call Gabe at 1987. New cover, $3,750. 541-317-9319 be happy to fix it der 1989 H.O. 302, Professional Air! • 2.4715x 2.6511" $160.00<4runs) paint (2004), new or 541-647-8483 dates: as soon as we can. 285 hrs., exc. cond., new ~ 5 4 1 -388-0019 • inverter (2007). Onan If we can assist you stored indoors for NDV. 30, Der. 7, l4, 2I 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, 2.4715 x 5" $240.00<4runs) please call us: life $11,900 OBO. parked covered $35,000 541-385-5809 541-379-3530 obo. 541-419-9859 or The Bulletin Classified Trucks & 541-280-2014 Heavy Equipment Ads published in the "Boats" classification Contact your Bulletin Advertising RePresentative for more information Ford Galaxie500 1963, include: Speed, fish­ 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, ing, drift, canoe, Nena Close: 54I-383-0302 • email: nclose@wescompapers.com 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & house and sail boats. radio (orig),541-419-4989 Tonya McKiet nan: 54I-6I7-7865 • email: tmckiernan@wescompapers.com For all other types of Wilderness watercraft, please see Monaco Dynasty 2004, Fleetwood Ford Mustang Coupe 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, Class 875. loaded, 3 slides, die­ rear bdrm, fireplace, Diamond Reo Dump 1966, original owner, 541-385-5809 Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 V8, automatic, great sel, Reduced - now AC, W/D hkup beau­ $119,000, 5 4 1-923­ tiful u n it! $ 3 0 ,500. yard box, runs good, shape, $9000 OBO. r382-1811 $6900, 541-548-6812 530-515-8199 Serv~ng Central Oregon since 1903 8572 or 541-749-0037 541-815-2380


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GMC Denali 2003

Probate Department In the Matter of the Estate of: GARY LEE JOHNSON, Decedent. No. 12-PB-0096



PERSONS ORS 21.170(1)(B) NOTICE IS H EREBY GIV E N t hat t h e und e r ­ s igned ha s b e e n

appointed personal r epresentative. A l l p ersons hav i n g claims against the estate are required to p resent t hem, with vouchers at­ tached, to the u n­

dersigned personal r epresentative a t P.O. B o x 667 , Redmond, OR

97756, within four m onths after t h e date of first publica­ tion of this notice, or

the claims may be barred. All persons whose r ights may be a f ­ fected by the pro­ ceedings may ob­ tain additional information from the records of the court, the personal repre­ sentative, or the at­ torneys for the per­ sonal representative, Fred Kowolowski. Datd and first pub­ lished October 14,

which was filed with the abo v e -entitled s Court. You must ap­

pear" in this case or the other side will win automatically. To "appear" you must file with the court a legal paper called a smo­ tion" or "answer." The "motion" or "answer" must be given to the court clerk or admin­ istrator within 30 days of the date o f f i rst publication specified herein along with the required filing fee. It must be i n p r o per form and have proof o f service o n t h e Plaintiff's attorney or, if the Plaintiff does not have a n at t orney, proof of service on the Plaintiff. If you have any questions, you should see an attor­ n ey immediately. I f y ou need h el p i n finding an a t torney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Referral Ser­ vice onl i n e at www.oregonstatebar. org or by calling (503) 684-3763 ( in t h e Portland metropolitan area) or toll-free else­ where in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. This summons is issued pursuant to ORCP 7. ROUTH CRABTREE

OLSEN, P.C. By Chris Fowler, O SB ¹ 052544, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 621 SW Al­ der St., S uite 8 00, Portland, OR 97205, (503) 459-0140; Fax 425-974-1649,

cfowlerOrcolegal.com LEGAL NOTICE IN T H E CI R C UIT COURT O F T HE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF DESCHUTES. In the Matter of the Es­ of BETTY I N AND F O R T H E tate HA L D ER­ C OUNTY OF D E S­ BRUCE MAN, Dec e ased, CHUTES. O n eWest Bank, FSB, its suc­ Case No. 12PB0090. cessors i n i n t erest NOTICE TO INTER­ and/or assigns, Plain­ ESTED P E RSONS. tiff, v. Unknown Heirs NOTICE IS HEREBY Of Barbara B. Dudley; GIVEN that the u n­ Robert N . D u d ley; dersigned has been Kimberly C. Dudley; appointed p e r sonal representative. All United S t a te s Of America; State Of Or­ persons having claims egon; and Occupants against the estate are of the Premises, De­ required to p r esent them, with vouchers fendants. Case No. 11CV1049. S UM­ attached, to the un­ MONS BY PUBLICA­ dersigned p e rsonal TION. TO THE DE­ representative at 747 SW Mill View Way, FENDANTS: U NKNOWN H E I R S Bend, Oregon 97702, OF B A R BARA B . within four m o nths DUDLEY; AND OC­ after the date of first publication of this no­ C UPANTS OF T H E P REMISES: I n t h e tice, or the claims may name of the State of be barred. Oregon, y o u are All persons w hose r ights may b e a f ­ h ereby required t o appear and answer fected by t h e p r o­ ceedings may obtain the c omplaint f iled a gainst you i n t h e additional information from the records of above-entitled C ourt and cause on or be­ the court, the p e r­ fore the expiration of sonal representative, 30 days from the date or the lawyers for the of the first publication personal representa­ of this summons. The tive, Daniel C. Re. date of first publica­ Dated and first pub­ lished on October 14, tion in this matter is O ctober 7, 2012. I f 2012. ROBERT C. you fail timely to ap­ HALDERMAN pear an d a n swer, Personal Plaintiff will apply to Representative the abo v e -entitled court for t h e r e lief LEGAL NOTICE prayed for in its com­ IN T H E CIR C UIT plaint. This is a judi­ COURT O F T HE cial foreclosure of a STATE OF OREGON deed of trust in which C OUNTY OF D E S­ the Plaintiff requests CHUTES I N T HE that the P laintiff be MATTER O F T HE allowed to foreclose ESTATE OF E STE­ y our interest in t he L ENE G RAY , D e ­ following d e s cribed c eased. Case N o . r eal property: L OT 12PB0099. NOTICE TWO (2), BLOCK TO INTE R ESTED THIRTY-ONE (31), PERSONS. NOTICE DESCHUTES RIVER IS HEREBY GIVEN RECREATION that Herbert L. Stigall HOMESITES, INC., has been appointed UNIT 4, DES­ and has qualified as CHUTES C O UNTY, the personal repre­ O REGON . Com ­ sentative of this es­ m only k nown a s : tate. All pe r sons 17007 Jacinto Road, having claims against Bend, Oregon 97707. the estate are hereby NOTICE TO DEFEN­ required to p r esent DANTS: READ t heir c l aims, w i t h T HESE PAPE R S proper vouchers, CAREFULLY! A law­ within four (4) months suit has been started after the date of the a gainst you i n t h e first publication of this above-entitled c o urt notice, as stated be­ by OneWest Bank, low, to the personal Plaintiff. representative at: 545 FSB, Plaintiff's claims are NE Seventh Street, stated in the written Prineville, Or e g on, complaint, a copy of 97754 or their claims Personal Representative Cindy Kay Stauffer LEGAL NOTICE IN T H E CI R C UIT C OURT FO R T H E STATE OF OREGON


Legal Notices


1.2001 J e e p Gr a n d Ch e rokee, VIN ¹1J4GW48S61C731861 2 .1998 Honda Accord , VIN


Toyota Camnr's: 1984, $1200 obo; 1985 SOLD; 1986 parts car, $500. Call for details, 541-548-6592










The Sulletinreaches



0 of all Desch utes County adults each week.





as's'i je s


26, 2012 at 5:00p.m.

The board anticipates interviewing c a n d i­ dates the week of No­ v ember 1 2 , 20 1 2 . Please contact Trish Huspek at 541.923.8247 or visit the Board of Director's webpage at www.redmond.k12.or. us for more informa­ tion or to download an application packet.

The person appointed will serve January 9,

your web source for STATEWIDE classifieds

2013 - June 30, 2013 a nd will fill the v a ­

cancy created by the resignation o f Jim Erickson effective De­ c ember 31 , 2 0 1 2 . Anyone wishing to be elected to serve the remaining t w o-year portion of the four-year term may file an application with the Deschutes County C lerk's O f f ice fo r placement on the May 21, 2013 ballot.

The Deschutes County Sheriff's Office has in its physical possession the unclaimed personal property described below. Per ORS 98.245, if you have any ownership interest in any of this unclaimed property, you must file a claim with the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 West Highway 20,Bend, Oregon 97701, phone (541) 388-6640, within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, or you will lose your interest in that property. Persons filing a claim must present proof, satisfactory to the Des­ chutes County Sheriff's Office, that the person is the lawful owner or security interest holder of any property described in this notice.

¹1HGCG565XWA078007 3.2000 Buick ¹2G4WB55K4Y1249375


On a classified ad go to Porsche Cayenne 2004, www.bendbulletin.com 541-419-4890. 86k, immac, dealer to view additional maint'd, loaded, now photos of the item. GMC Y ukon D e nali $1 7000. 503-459-1 580 2003, leather, moon­ Toyota 4 Runner Lim­ Toyotas: 1999 Avalon roof, premium wheels, i ted 2 0 0 5 , 4WD , 1000 254k; 1996 Camry, 3rd row. Very nice. moonroof, le a t her, Legal Notices 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of Vin ¹128449. Have an item to running boards, auto, miles left in these $13,999. heated seats, very may be b arred. All cars. Price? You tell sell quick? Nissan Sentra, 2012­ clean. Vin ¹ 0 37550. persons whose rights ~ © S U B A R U . me! I'd guess If it's under 12,610 mi, full warranty, may be affected by $21,999. $2000-$4000. PS, PB, AC, & more! the proceedings in 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Your servant, Bob at '500 you can place it in S UB A R U . $17,000. 541-788-0427 877-266-3821 this estate may ob­ 541-318-9999, no The Bulletin Dlr ¹0354 tain additional infor­ charge for looking. 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Mercedes E420 1994, mation f r o m the GMC Yukon XL 1500 great cond., records, PORSCHE 914 1974, 877-266-3821 Classifieds for: araged, a gem. records of the Court, Roller (no engine), Volkswagen Jetta SE, Dlr ¹0354 l e a t her, 4 the personal repre­ 2007, 4,950. 541-610-9986 lowered, full roll cage, 2008. 40,500 mi, Great '10 - 3 lines, 7 days bucket seats, 3rd row 940 sentative, or the attor­ seat, moonroof. Vin 5-pt harnesses, rac­ condition, FWD, ABS, '16 - 3 lines, 14 days ney for the personal ¹305958. $27,988 ing seats, 911 dash & Vans Mitsubishi 3 00 0 GT automatic, AC, moon­ representative. 1 999, a u to., p e a r l instruments, d ecent roof, CD/MP3 8 much (Private Party ads only) S UB A R U . DATED: October 3, shape, v e r y c o ol! w hite, very low m i . more! $12,950 2012. PE R SONAL2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 541-771-2312 $9500. 541-788-8218. $1699. 541-678-3249 REPRESENTATIVE: 877-266-3821 Herbert L. Stigall, 911 Dlr ¹0354 NE Stoneridge Loop, Prineville, OR 97754. ATTORNEY FOR Chevrolet G20 Sports­ man, 1993, exlnt cond, PERSONAL REPRE­ SENTATIVE: Carl M. $4750. 541-362-5559 or 541-663-6046 Dutli, OSB No. 74085, 5 45 N E Sev e n th Street, Prineville, OR G MC Yukon XL S L T Chevy Astro 2004, loaded w/fac­ 97754, 541-447-3910. Cargo Van 2001, First Published: Octo­ tory dvd, 3rd s eat, pw, pdl, great cond., $7100. 541-280-6947 ber 7, 2012. business car, well H onda C R V 20 0 5 , m aint, regular o i l LEGAL NOTICE 4WD, moonroof, alloy NOTICE OF changes, $4 5 0 0, wheels, v e ry clean. please call PUBLIC HEARING Vin ¹027942. $12,888 541-633-5149 The Deschutes S UB A R U . County Hearings Of­ Chevy G-20 c u stom ficer will hold a Public 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend conversion travel van * Hearing on Tuesday, 877-266-3821 1994 128k, 5.7L, rear November 20, 2012 at Dlr ¹0354 elect. bed, 75% tires. a 6:30 p.m. in the Bar­ Hummer H2 2003, auto, real beauty in & out! nes a n d Sa w y er 4X4, premium wheels, Travel in economy and Rooms of the Des­ and under $4000. seat, leather, grill style chutes County Ser­ 3rd Bob, 541-318-9999 guard, lots of extras. vices Building located Vin ¹113566. 975 a t 1300 N W W a l l S treet i n B e nd , t o $17,988. Automobiles S UB ARU. consider the following SUSARUOSSRND OOM request: FILE NUM­ 2060 NE Hwy S4 Cabriolet 2005 20 • Bend Audi BER:CU-12-15. SUB­ 50K mi, red w/charcoal 877-266-3821 JECT:Conditional Use interior, 2 sets tires, Dlr ¹0354 exc. cond., $19,950 Permit for a wireless telecommunications J eep L i berty 2 0 0 7 , 541-350-5373. 975 facility, including a Nav., 4x4 , l e ather, Buicks! 1996 Regal, 1 00-foot cel l t o w er loaded. Moonroof. 87k; 1997 LeSabre, and related ground Vin ¹646827. $13,988. 112k; and others! equipment o n a Range Rover, 2006, low miles, You'll not find nicer 5.02-acre lot in a Ru­ ~ +~ SU B A R U . Buicks $3500 & up. excellent condition, 6 disc CD, ral Residential 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend One look's worth a ( RR-10) zone. A P­ 877-266-3821 A/C, leather interior, great SUV thousand words. Call PLICANT:American Dlr ¹0354 Bob, 541-318-9999. for winter driving. Tower, c /o Rod for an appt. and take a M ichaelis. LOC A ­ drive in a 30 mpg. car TION:25070 A l f alfa Market Road, Bend; Cadillac CTS S e dan County A s s essor's 2007, 29K, auto, exc. Map 17-14-29, Tax cond, loaded, $17,900 L ot 6 0 0 . STA F F OBO, 541-549-8828 CONTACT: Paul Blik­ Jeep Willys 1947,custom, small block Chevy, PS, Cadillac E l D o r ado stad (541) 388-6554; OD, mags+trailer. Swap 1994, T otal c r e a m email for backhoe.No am calls puff, body, paint, trunk paul.blikstad@des­ as showroom, blue chutes.org. Copies of please. 541-389-6990 the staff report, appli­ Just bought a new boat? leather, $1700 wheels w/snow tires although cation, all documents Sell your old one in the and evidence sub­ classifieds! Ask about our car has not been wet in 8 years. On trip to Super Seller rates! mitted by or on behalf 541-385-5809 Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., of the applicant and applicable criteria are Jeep Wrangler X 2008, $5400, 541-593-4016. available for inspec­ unlimited, 4 dr., run­ tion at the Planning ning boards, premium Cadillac Seville STS D ivision at n o c o st wheels, hard top, very 2003 - just finished a nd ca n b e pu r ­ clean. Vin ¹ 5 72535. $4900 engine work chased for 25 cents a $24,999. by Certified GM me­ page. The staff re­ chanic. Has every­ S UB A R U . port should be made thing but navigation. available 7 days prior 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Too many bells and to the date set for the w histles to l i s t . 877-266-3821 hearing. Documents bought a new one. Dlr ¹0354 are also available on­ $4900 line a t www . des­ Lexus RX350 2010, 541-420-1283 chutes.org. AWD, ¹027076 $34,995 LEGAL NOTICE The Redmond School District i s se e k ing q ualified people t o Oregon apply for a vacancy AutnSogrce on its Board of Direc­ 541-598-3750 tors. aaaoregonautosource.com ChryslerSebring 2006 Fully loaded, exc.cond, M o u ntaineer very low miles (38k), The board consists of Mercury 1999 A WD , le a ther always garaged, five members elected seats, moonroof, key­ transferable warranty at large. Those inter­ pad entry, 141K, $3,000. incl. $8600 ested must be regis­ 541-312-8290 541-330-4087 tered voters and resi­ To place y o u r a d , v i s it dents of the Redmond N issan Armada S E V VVVVV.bendbu l le t in .c a m School District for one 2 007, 4 W D , a u t o , Ford Crown Vic. year immediately pre­ l eather, D VD , C D . 1997 4 door, 127k, o r call 54 1-3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 ceding the a ppoint­ Vin¹700432. $14,788. d rives, runs a n d ment. looks great, extra ~SUBAR U. set of winter tires on A pplications will b e 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend rims, only $3000. taken at the District "AmericanOpinionResearch,April2006 877-266-3821 541-771-6500. Office, located at 145 Dlr ¹0354 SE Salmon Avenue, until Friday, October

L'"" '" "

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Automobiles •

t The Bulletin t



Au t o mobiles

Infinity G35 Coupe Need to sell a 2004, B l a ck , 1 Vehicle? owner, no accidents, Call The Bulletin manual trans., great and place an ad to­ dayl cond., n a vigation, 74K m i. , $ 6 2 00. I A s k about our "Wheel Deal"! Please call 541-593-2321 or for private party email advertisers johnmason2280@ gmail.com

loaded with options. Exc. cond., snow tires and rims in­ cluded. 130k hwy miles. $9,500 obo.

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"My justification was that if I used (EPO) for three weeks, was running three weeks after that, then I'll race in another two to three weeks, and, theoretically, I'll have all the benefits out of my system." — Christian Hesch, competitive runner

s you have likely noticed, lettersfrom readersto our

editorial page are rapidly and

voluminously increasing. That is not surprising, given that a major election is right around the corner. It happens with most elections, but when we pick a president the stream becomes a flood. As we have written many times before, we want to publish as many of these letters as we can. But with that commitment comes a few words of advice. Keep in mind that newsprint is a finite commodity and while we are prepared to use a lot of it, the supply is not likely to be sufficient to match the deluge of letters. So what should you do? You increase your chances of hav­ ing your letter published if you get it to us early. This yearwe have established Oct. 24 — that's this Wednesday — as a target date. It's not that we won't accept letters after that, or that we can guarantee publication before that date. It's simply that your chances of be­ ing published are much improved if we get your letter by then. Your chances also improve if you restrict your view to a letter. For whatever reasons, we are re­ ceiving an increasing number of In My View guest columns. Of course, we welcome them, and print them regularly. But again, given the volume we are dealing with, you stand a much better chance of reading your words in The Bulletin if you hold your thoughts to a letter (250 words) rath­ er than a column (550 to 650 words). There are also considerations of content. We are not going to publish new charges or allegations unless the fac­ tual support is solid. Depending on its nature, we may well assign a reporter to check out what you write. That requires time; so again, get your views in early. And if the material is not verifi­ able, it won't be published. Another way to increase your chances of being published is to focus your thoughts on issues in a respectful and civilized tone. We understand that emotions run high in elections, which is understand­ able and commendable. That voters feel strongly about their views is, with­ in reason, a virtue of our system. But sticking to your views on is­ sues and qualifications and not on personalities is another plus to us. The prime focus of our news cov­ erage and our editorial writing is on local and state issues. Our reporters and editorial writ­ ers spend very little time on national or international issues in which we have little expertise. We know folks want to write letters about national politics and internation­ alissues,butw e givepreference to your thoughts on subjects closer to home. As we publish stories about national or world issues, readers will respond. And we'll publish some. But we really think our greatest impact — and yours as well — is on issues that touch the immediate world around us. Finally, it's very important to keep in mind that we have a great respon­ sibility to publish the responses from candidates we don't endorse, or ini­ tiativesand measures we oppose. Over the course of the campaign season we invite all the candidates in contested races to interviews. The same is true for the supporters and opponents of all the ballot measures. Almost all make the time and ef­ fort to come in. Our most important commitment is to those we did not endorse. They have our promise that we will publish their full response. They are the best voices for their positions and they should have prior­ ity for making their case. Whatever they choose to say, please make the effort to vote. All of these candidates have worked long and hard for a simple decision. Do you agree with, or support them, or not? The least you can do is give them an answer. — John Costais editor-in-chief of The Bulletin. Contact: 541-383-0337, jcostaC<bendbufletin.com

Photos by Marcus Yam/ New York Times News Service

Christian Hesch, a competitive runner, watches as other runnerszoom past in Central Park in New York City. Hesch, also pictured below, said he injected EPO, a banned substance, 54 times after August 2010 before he was eventually caught.

nc ase OIwins, By Stephen Kasica • New York Times News Service

With one end of the rubber band between his teeth, Christian Hesch cinched the tourniquet tight around his biceps. The thick veins in his forearm quickly surfaced, and he carefully grabbed the syringe. Hesch, 33, a competitive runner, had bought the banned blood booster erythropoietin, known as EPO, at a pharmacy in Tijuana, Mexico, and was driving home to Hollywood, Calif. He ordinarily preferred to do pushups to prime his veins, but he did not want to pull off the highway so close to Tijuana. With one hand on the wheel, he recalled later, he slowly inserted the needle into his forearm. He pressed the plunger into the barrel andforcedthe clearliquid intohis vein. After removingthe needle, he put down the syringe and rubbed his finger over the puncture mark. A fter three years,hewas proud that he had never lefta bruise. Hesch, a self-described"profligateroad racer,"saidthatovertwo years, beginning in August 2010, he injected himself with EPO 54 times before an empty EPO vial was found in his bag and he was reported to anti-doping officials. In that time, he won nearly $40,000 in prize money in more than 75 races, including international competitions, U.S. championships and lo­

cal road races. "You get a little money at one race, maybe $1,500 at another," Hesch said. "And it adds up quickly." Last week, the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency released details of what it described as a sophisticated doping scheme involving Lance Armstrong, the latest among many cases in recent years that have linked star athletes to doping. Hesch's story illuminates a different end of the sports doping spectrum, away from the power, money and glamour of Tour de France champions, home-run kings and Olympic gold medalists. SeeDoping/F5

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,h. r AI BOOKS INSIDE MARVEL:This untold story is superbly done,F4

ROMANCE:Another in a series that never ends,F4

ALEXIE:Native American's darkly comic stories, F4

COMEDY:Women deserve some respect, book says,F5


The Bulletin



e u ein's en orSemen S elow are The Bulletin's endorsements for the Nov. 6 election. The editorial board interviews candidates

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only in contested races. Ballots were mailed to voters starting Friday and must be re­ turnedto countyclerks'officesby8p.m. on Election Day. Toread




the endorsements, go to www.bendbulletin.com/endorsements. Federal • President: The Bulletin is waiting until after the final debate to make its endorsement. • Representative District 2: Greg Walden

State • Secretary of State: Knute Buehler • Treasurer: Ted Wheeler • A ttorney G en er a l: Ell en Rosenblum • L abor C o m m issioner: B r u c e Starr • Supreme Court J ustice: Nena Cook • Court of A p p eals Judge: Tim Volpert • S tate Senate District 27: T i m


•Measure 85, redirect corporate kicker: No

• County J u dg e /administrator: Mike McCabe • Prineville City C o uncil: Jason Beebe, Jason Carr, Gail Merritt

Deschutes County






• Deschutes County Circuit Court • Deschutes County Commission­ er: Alan Unger • Bend City Council Seat I: Victor Chudowsky • Bend City Council Seat 2: Ed McCoy • Bend City Council Seat 3: Kathie Eckman • Bend City Council Seat 4: Jim Clinton • Bend Park 8 Recreation District bond: Yes • Redmond City Council: Joseph Centanni, Anne Graham, Camden

Don't skip eserte allot measures t


Judge: Beth Bagley

• State Representative District 54: Jason Conger • State Representative District 55: Mike McLane • State Representative District 59: John Huffman • Measure 77, disaster declaration: Yes • Measure 78, grammatical chang­ es: Yes • Measure 79, prohibit real estate King transfer tax: No • Sisters City Council: Catherine • Measure 80, legalize marijuana: Childress, Lon Kellstrom, McKibben No Womack, • Measure 81, prohibit gillnets: No • Sisters annexation: Yes •Measure 82,permit casinos:N o •La Pine Mayor: K en Mulenex • Measure 83, permit Wood Village casino: No •Measure 84, phase out estatetax: jefferson County Yes • Madras pool bond: Yes

t's n ot the normal turn o f events, but this year supporters have abandoned three sepa­ rate ballot measures in the weeks before the election. Yet though they've ended their campaigns, voters should still go ahead and vote against all three. Just last week supporters of bal­ lot Measures 82 and 83 gave up their fight. Measure 81's support­ ers backed out in September. Measure 82 is a constitutional amendment that would allow pri­ vate gambling casinos in the state if there were an initiative petition to allow each one and if voters in the city in which each was placed also approved.Measure 83,itscompan­ ion, would allow the state's first privately owned casino in Wood Village, a suburb of Portland. Three of four former governors and currentGov. John Kitzhaber all came out against them, as did virtually every politician who was asked. That's not s urprising. Most


Crook County

money generated by the casino would head out of state, the con­ t ribution to s chools would be relatively small. Too, there's some evidence to suggest that if the ca­ sino were built, it would simply draw business from nearby Indian casinos. The other measure no longer be­ ing supported by its original back­ ers is Measure 81, which would force commercial salmon fishing off the Columbia River. Stop Gill­ nets Now announced it would no longer fight for the ban after Kit­ zhaber announced his plan. Knowing that even support­ ers of the trio have given up their fight, it might be tempting to skip over Measures 81, 82 and 83 when ballots arrive this weekend or early next week. Don't give in to temptation. It's important for supporters of all three to know that Oregonians did not support their proposals early in this election season and they do not support them now.

M Nickel's Worth Editors Note: Please send election­ related My Nickel's Worth and In My View submissions by Oct. 24.

Vote yes on park bond Smart cities invest in their eco­ nomic strengths. Port towns invest in infrastruc­ ture for shipping and transporta­ tion. High-tech cities invest in intel­ lectual capital. Industrial cities build utilities and factories. While we are fortunate in Bend to have a continually diversifying e conomy, the foundation of o u r economy is, and will likely continue to be, the extraordinary lifestyle and recreation offered here. From clean air, beautiful mountains and sunny skies, to great parks, flowing rivers and abundant trails. Bend's e xtraordinary l i f estyle i s w h a t separates our city from "Anytown, USA" It's also the leading catalyst for long-term investment into our community. The Headwaters Study commis­ sioned by EDCO in 2010 found that "what brought many i n dividuals and businesses to Central Oregon is not necessarily what sustains enter­ prises.n Prior to this study, we knew anecdotally of the important link between lifestyle and our economic vitality, but the Headwaters Study quantified just how important life­ style and recreation are to recruit­ ing new tourists, jobs and residents to Central Oregon. On the November ballot, Bend residents will have an opportunity to invest in our community's eco­ nomic strength. If approved, Mea­ sure 9-86 will generate $29 million

to complete Bend's trail system, improve riversafety, increase river access,preserve natural areas, im­ prove river water quality and create new recreational facilities. Let there be no doubt, Bend is in the business of lifestyle and recre­ ation. Let's make an investment in Bend's primary economic strength by voting yes on Measure 9-86.

egonians and who will bring dignity and grace to Salem. Again, that per­ son is Hovekamp.

Seana Barry Bend

Buehler knows Oregon

One thing about Knute Buehler, if he is elected to be our next secre­ Doug La Piaca tary of state for Oregon: He knows Bend who he will represent. He knows he will represent the interests of the Hovekamp is right choice citizens of Oregon. The incumbent, Kate Brown, tends to represent the No one would call me a politi­ interests of state government over cal person, but I feel a strong pull to the interests of citizens. All elected write this letter to urge Central Or­ officials are the employees of the cit­ egonians to vote for Nathan Hove­ izens. As Clint Eastwood indicated kamp as your District 54 state rep­ in his speech at the Republican con­ resentative. I am not going to tout vention recently, when an employee all Hovekamp's past civic duties or is not doing his job, you have to let forecast what he will do in the state him go. It's time to let Kate Brown Legislature for Central Oregon. I am go. She has demonstrated over the simply going to say that Hovekamp years that she is pro-government is one of the most honorable, dedicat­ and anti-private enterprise. ed, intelligent and caring individuals Buehler will work to reduce the I have had the pleasure of knowing. I size of state government. You know, have no doubt that his demonstrated all wages paid to government em­ dedication to his family and friends ployees come from taxes paid by will extend to all Central Oregonians workers and by companies engaged when he is in Salem. in private enterprise. I know, public I am going to assume there are employees will say, "but I pay income some of you out there like me that taxes too.n Yes, but the taxes public don't keep current on all the current employees pay come from taxes on political issues but would like an wages ofprivate sectorworkers and honest person working for us in Sa­ earnings of private sector compa­ lem who will promote better educa­ nies.No argument there.The choice tion,a stronger economy and keep­ is clear, if you want smaller govern­ ing Central Oregon beautiful. That ment and growing private enterprise, person is Hovekamp, and I hope you voteforBuehler forsecretary ofstate. go out and vote for him. Even if you, Dennis Harrison like me, are not a "political person," Redmond we have the responsibility to vote for someone who will honor Central Or­ See more letters on next page.

Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcome your letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain

In My View submissions should be between 550 and 650 words,

no more than 250words and include

signed and include the writer's phone View and send, fax or email them to

the writer's signature, phone number and address for verification. We edit

number and address for verification. We edit submissions for brevity,

The Bulletin.

letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry,

grammar, taste and legal reasons.

P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.com

personal attacks, form letters, letters

We reject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in

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national columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece

letter or Op-Edpieceevery 30 days.

every 30 days.

Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or in My

Write: My Nickel's Worth/In My View

PERS is a very relevant voter issue in the state election By Daniel Re ulletin reporter Lauren Dake's Oct. 3 article regarding the can­ didate forum sponsored by the League of Women Voters was very informative. The candidates running for Senate District 27, Republican Tim Knopp and Democrat Geri Hauser, and for House District 54, Republican Ja­ son Conger and Democrat Nathan Hovekamp, explained their stances on many issues, including PERS. Regarding PERS reform, the ar­ ticle stated, "Both Conger and Knopp said they would like to see specific reforms to the state's pension system. Hauser and Hovekamp said they are both open to reforms. But both Demo­ cratic candidates said they did not want to see the PERS reforms "vilify public employees." The article did not

indicate what Hauser or Hovekamp meant by "vilify." But whatever they meant, they do not want it to happen to them. Both are public employees and Hauser is a tier one PERS mem­ ber while Hovekamp belongs to PERS tier two. Due to their PERS benefit

Q EW tiers, Hauser and Hovekamp

receive the greatest benefit from the money that goes to PERS. Oregon's 2011-13 Legislatively Approved Budget gives $7.5 billion to PERS. That money is allocated to PERS members based on their PERS benefit tier. $7.2 billion goes to fund the benefits for tier one and tier two members. While they make up 54 percent of current PERS mem­ bers, they receive 96 percent of the money. Only $208 million, 3 percent of the budget, funds benefits for Or­ egon Public Service Retirement Plan

members, despite the fact that they make up 46 percent of current PERS members. The remaining I percent of the budget goes for operations. Tier one and tier two PERS members re­ ceive almost the entire PERS budget because they control the Legislature and they have given themselves the greatest benefits. Hovekamp has informed me that, if elected, he will join PERS as a legis­ lator. To date, Hauser has declined to say whether she would join PERS as a legislator, if elected. Knopp and Con­ ger have stated they are not PERS members and, if elected, they will not join PERS as legislators. This difference on PERS gives Sen­ ate District 27 and House District 54 voters a real choice on who will rep­ resent them in the Legislature. They can elect PERS members who, due to their PERS membership, are predis­

posed to support PERS. As tier one and tier two PERS members, Hauser and Hovekamp have 7.2 billion rea­ sons to maintain the PERS status quo. Or, the voters can elect legislators who are not PERS members. Any doubt that PERS member­ ship influences how a legislator votes on PERS legislation is eliminated by looking at what legislators did after they were first allowed to join PERS in 1971. Between 1971 and 1989, they doubled PERS benefits, they passed the PERS pick up law which allows PERS members to require the people of Oregon to pay 100 percent of all PERS contributions, they passed the guaranteed minimum rate of return law which makes the people of Or­ egon guarantee that each tier one PERS member will earn a minimum return ofhis or her employee account every year, they twice allowed legis­

lators to retroactively join PERS, they forced Oregon's judges to join PERS and they made PERS funding Ore­ gon's highest financial priority. Those changes to the PERS laws were made by PERS legislators and those laws are why every public agency has cut services and will be required tomake even greater cuts starting July 1, 2013. They have to. There is not enough money to pay PERS and maintain services and PERS legislators require PERS to be paid first. PERS is a relevant issue in this election,and voters know where each candidate stands. Now voters will de­ cide who will represent them in the legislature and, in doing so, whether PERS funding or providing public services to all O regonians should have the greater priority. — Daniel Relives Ln Bend.




istrict By Nathan Hovekamp m Nathan Hovekamp, and I'm running to serve as your state representative from House District 54, which encompasses most of our com­ munity here in Bend. Bend is my home. I've lived and worked here for 15 years. My wife and I raised our fam­ ily here. In addition to serving on the city planning commis­ sion and the school board, I've taught for years at COCC and have come toadmire and re­ spect my students for their abil­ ity to juggle classes, work, fam­ ilies and a dozen other dimen­ sions of their busy lives. These are thepeople who inspire me to focus on helping working people and families — in Bend and across all of Oregon. I've spoken with thousands of you all across our com­ munity, and I share your con­ cerns about a lack of good jobs, failure to invest in our public schools, and maintaining our quality of l ife. I u nderstand that you want leadership that focuses on the right priorities and that exercises fiscal re­ straint. And I understand that you want a representative in


eservesa ea er Salem who is honest and hard­ working — and an indepen­ dent pragmatist rather than a partisan ideologue. A more diversified economy is the key to more and bet­ ter jobs that support families and strengthen communities. We have very strong regional healthcare and education sec­ tors, thriving breweries, high­ class culinary opportunities and wonderful recreation and tourism businesses. We can do more in clean alternative en­ ergy technology, entrepreneur­ ial start-ups, and sustainable small-diameter timber and bio­ mass market development. I'll work energetically to encour­ age the creation of quality jobs by building upon these existing strengths and this tremendous potentiaL What we don't need and we can't afford is a return to trick­ le-down economics and more tax breaks for the wealthy and for large corporations at the expense of education and other services we all count on. Outstanding schools and col­ leges are essential investments toward a stronger economy and a brighterfuture for our com­

munities and children. I've been a college biology instructor for more than 20 years, served on the Bend-La Pine School Board for four years, and raised my sons in our public schools. I will push relentlessly for adequate and stable funding for our K-12 schools and the support neces­ sary for COCC to continue in its valued place in our commu­ nity. I will also build upon the work of leaders like Rep. Judy Stiegler and Sen. Chris Telfer to ensure the expansion of OSU-Cascades. What we don't need and we can't afford is a return to the damaging legislative priori­ ties that result in cuts to school budgets,increased class sizes, furlough days, teacher lay-offs, and skyrocketing college stu­ dent loan debt. Parks, trails and trees are important in building not only an attractive community, but a prosperous one, where employ­ ers want to locate and work­ ing people and families want to live. I served on the City of Bend Planning Commission for eight years where my pri­ mary focuswas protecting the character and beauty of our

built and natural environments while ensuring our community remains strong and vibrant. As a biologist and a seasonal rang­ er/naturalist, I've been a strong and consistent advocate for the conservation of Oregon's pre­ cious clean air and water and for the scientific stewardship of our natural environment. What we don't need and we can't afford is a return to the kind of irresponsible deregu­ lation that can jeopardize our financial systems or compro­ mise our health, safety and environment. Finally, I've heard how dis­ c ouraged many of yo u a r e with politics and politicians. I understand the imperative of more civility, dignity and respect in campaigning and in governing. I b elieve you should demand l e adership that has demonstrated inde­ pendence, integrity and cour­ age in working toward real solutions on important issues. I have been, and with your support will continue to be, an honest and devoted leader in public service. — Nathan Hoveimmpis a candidate forstate representative.

Legalizing pot will hurt our kids By Barbara Stoefen "It's not as bad as alcohol" is typically the first thing cited when people debate the merits of legalizing marijua­ na. "I smoked weed in college and I'm fine" is another claim made. "We're spending too much moneyprosecuting and incarceratingusers andgrow­ ers. Let's legalize marijuana and control it ourselves."

Many people embrace these ideas with fervor and great emotion. "What's the big deal about pot?" one may say who's used marijuana and emerged unscathed. The problem is, most people cite their own experiences with marijuana rather than what scientific data reveal. While some countries tol­ erate marijuana, and have decriminalized its use, Or­ egon (along with Colorado a nd Washington) has t h e potential in November to be first in the world to legalize it outright. This makes pot a very big deal. While our feel­ ings on the subject may differ, there is one goal we can prob­

ably all agree upon — we

Greene's passion for serving is strong By Tom Greene entral Oregon has been h ome t o m y f a m i l y ever since my wife and I moved here 23 years ago. I love the area and its citizens, and I want to do everything I can to help them thrive. To this end, I have dedicated time and

will focus on several issues of crucial importance to our re­ gion — jobs and the economy, g overnment spending, a n d public safety.

ing about new projects and brought a business advocate to the city. We were rewarded by reports of a remarkable in­ crease inthe number of busi­ Create jobs and economic nesses contemplating reloca­ stability: I believe we must di­ tion to Bend in 2011. versify our economy to make it As county c o mmissioner more resilient and resistant to I will continue to remove the energy engagingin commu­ national downturns. We must roadblocks that stop business­ nity affairs and participating promote legislation that en­ es from choosing our county in local government. courages growth in aviation, as their home. I have served on the Bend forest products, solar energy, Reduce government spend­ City Council, Bend Urban Re­ and the b r ewing i n dustry. Ing: Government should use newal Agency, Bend Budget And we must work with small tax dollars efficiently. As a city Committee, Central Oregon businesses to help them flour­ councilor, I helped create tax Intergovernmental C o u ncil, ish and create jobs. As county savings for Bend citizens by M etropolitan Planning O r ­ commissioner, I will lobby for cutting the city's workforce by ganization, Economic Devel­ legislative changes that enable more than 20percent and in­ opment for Central Oregon, us to increase employment. I stituting a high-deductible em­ Rural Fire Protection District will pursue programs that cre­ ployee health plan. As county Board, Mirror Pond Manage­ ate opportunities for citizens commissioner, I wil l r educe ment Board, and the Urban to work, live, study, and pros­ county government spending Growth Boundary (UGB) Re­ per in Deschutes County. and increase its efficiency by mand Task Force. In order to encourage job taking similar commonsense Now I am running for Des­ creation and new b u siness steps such as consolidating lo­ chutes County Commissioner. development, we must make cal services that are duplicated I'm pursuing this office be­ it easier for businesses to open across jurisdictions. cause I want to m ake sure in the area. Prioritize public safety: Deschutes County continues In the last two years as a Simple concerns such asthe to offer great opportunities Bend city councilor, I helped safety of our children, fami­ and services to all those who set policies that made the city lies, and businesses must be call it home — both newcom­ more efficient,reduced red a government priority. Dur­ ers and lifelong residents. tape by eliminating the "first ing my term as commissioner, As county commissioner, I look" fee for businesses inquir­ I will p r otect public safety

programs from budget cuts, ensure that emergency ser­ vices are p roperly f u nded, and make sure that all county residents are covered by fire protection services. I will see to it that law enforcement and the District Attorney's office diligently work together and protect all of us.

Working together to get things done: These issues are significant to all the citizens of Deschutes County, but real and lasting progress can only be achievedthrough commu­ nication an d c o l laboration. During my term as commis­ sioner, I will listen to the com­ munity and consider every point of v iew. Together we will find the best solutions to challenges we face. Together we will build a bright, prosper­ ous, and secure future for Des­ chutes County. When you vote for me as your county c o mmissioner, you are voting for someone with a passion for the area, a grasp of the issues that matter and the experience and per­ spective to get things done. — Tom Greene is a candidate for Deschutes County commissioner.

Park bond is a bold move for Bend By Scott Asla, Scott Wallace, Ted Schoenborn, Dallas Brown and Ruth Williamson hy now'? This is the q uestion w e h e a r most often from our community: Why is the Bend Park & R e creation District seeking a bond measure just as our region is starting to emerge from aprotracted eco­ nomic recession? It is precisely because of this opportunistic moment in time that we seek your support. Here's why. Land values are as low as they will ever be. We have willing landown­ ers who want t o see their property protected for future generations. Interest rates on bond pro­ ceeds are at historic lows. Projects are shovel-ready. We can deliver these long-an­ ticipated additions to our com­ munity's recreation amenities within the next few years. The economic benefit of jobs and tourism dollars comes at a critical time. We diversify our economy while we play the region's best card — recreation. Addition­ ally, we continue to set aside wild places that define the liv­ ability of our region. We leverage tax dollars in creative ways, supporting the expansion of OSU-Cascades Campus to a central location with necessary improvements to th e S i m pson p a r kland property that will fast track

for the expansion of Larkspur Park and th e B end Senior Center. These projects have been carefully selected from a long list of community priorities. They have been vettedthrough surveys, polls and open hous­ es. They are the community's top priority park projects and represent the big tickets that would take decades to fund • D evelopment of n ew l y with existing resources. acquired Davis Park located In fall 2012, we ask you to across the river from F irst remember thelarger conversa­ Street Rapids. tion we are a part of — to step • Bridge crossings below back from the immediacy of Gopher Gulch and south near the moment, our doubts and Meadow Camp. fears,and remember the legacy • A safe passage through opportunity we have before us. the hazardous Colorado Street Bold steps are what Mae dam and a world-class white­ Arnold took when she rallied water surf area in partnership her neighbors and preserved with the Bend Paddle Trail the riverside at Drake Park — now the centerpiece to our Alliance. •A covered open-airfacil­ community. ity to host winter ice rink rec­ Bold ambition and faith are reation and seasonal sports called upon now. With t his and special events through the bond measure we will make warmer months — a partner­ a collective investment in a ship with Bend Ice. robust e c onomic p r o sper­ • Required i n f r a structure ity, rooted in our natural place, improvements to the Simpson celebrating the best of life in Avenue property (former Mt. Bend. Bachelor Park-N-Ride) fur­ Simply, this is what great thering OSU-Cascades' vision communities do. They recog­ for a four-year university in nize themselves in the mir­ Bend. ror. They see the moment for • Site improvements at Pine what it is. And they seize that N ursery C o mmunity P a r k moment with confidence. Let's do this together. to support field development through a p artnership with — Scott Asla, Scott Wallace, Oregon Rush Soccer Club. Ted Schoenborn, Dallas Brown • Two land p urchases on and Ruth Williamson are the east side of Bend: one for members of the Bend Parhk a community park, the other Recreation District board.

Simply, this is what good government can and should do: Collectively fund projects that cannot be undertaken with private dollars alone. Bond funding will position the park district to do its part. These are local dollars invested in our hometown.

this vision. W e c o m plement p u b l ic funds with more than $3 mil­ lion in private contributions from Rush Soccer, Bend Ice and Bend Paddle Trail Alli­ ance. These partnerships are at the heart of this project list, and reflect years of discussion and development. Simply, this is what good government can and should do: Collectively fund projects that cannot b e u n dertaken with p r ivate dollars alone. Bond funding w il l p o sition the park district to do its part. These are local dollars invest­ ed in our hometown. A nd w h a t are thos e projects? • A continuous river trail through Bend, finally realiz­ ing a long-held dream. Land purchases and trail develop­ ment will complete the Des­ chutes River Trail, connecting with Tumalo State Park to the north and Forest Service trails to the south. •Public access to Gopher Gulch, adding a pristine 1.9­ mile stretch of river trail and 220 acres of regional parkland.

need to keep our youth safe. The greatest risk to our young people lies with in­ creased availability r esult­ ing from legalization. Our nation's experience with even tightly regulated substances such as prescription drugs, al­ cohol and tobacco, show that increased availability leads to increased abuse and addic­ tion, even when controls are in place. States with medical marijuana laws show abuse and dependence rates almost twice that of states without such laws. "What about The Nether­ lands?" one might ask. Well, let's look at The Netherlands. It's a common misconception that marijuana is legal in that country and that all is well there. The truth is that their "policy of t o lerance" sur­ rounding marijuana has pro­ duced a tri-fold increase in use and abuse among 18- to 20-year-olds. Now in the pro­ cess of implementing greater controls, more than half of the infamous "coffeeshops" have closed. Those remain­ ing are no longer open to for­ eigners. Being a tourist desti­ nation for stoners apparently hasn't worked out so well for them. The biggest argument in favor of legislation — that marijuana isn't as bad as al­ cohol — really isn't saying much. Alcohol, the most dan­ gerous drug of all, continues to kill more people each year than all other drugs com­ bined. Given the fact that we

Marjiuana use compromises the healthy development of our youth in every possible way. haven't done such a great job controlling alcohol, what makes us feel we can do bet­ ter with marijuanao Many believe marijuana to be harmless and in a differ­ ent class than "real drugs." The fact is, m arijuana is more dangerous than most of us think. The marijuana of today is not the same drug of the 1960s and '70s. Today's drug contains five to 10 times the amount of THC (the psy­ choactive ingredient) than was present 40 years ago. Marijuana addiction occurs at the same rate that it does for alcohol and other drugs of abuse. Approximately one in 10 adult users will develop dependence that i n c ludes withdrawal an d c r a vings. Given the unique vulnerabil­ ity of the adolescent brain, addiction rates among that age group jump to one in six. More than t wo-thirds of treatment admissions for those younger than 18 cite marijuana as the primary substance of abuse. Interestingly,youngpeople in Oregon are now smoking marijuana in larger numbers than they are smoking ciga­ rettes. According to the 2012 Oregon Student W ellness Survey, only 24 percent of 11th graders report ever hav­ ing smoked a cigarette, yet 42 percent say they've tried marijuana at least once. This is not good news. It's well known that teens who use

marijuana regularly show diminished performance in school, are less inclined to graduate from high school, or to hold a steady job. New research shows that regular marijuana use by teens can

actually reduce IQ by up to 10 points — intelligence levels that can never to be recaptured. Marijuana use c ompro­ mises the healthy develop­ ment of our youth in every possible w a y . Wh a t ever

one's feelings and personal

preferencesare about mari­ juana, the facts are indisput­ able that it is not good for

our young people. Legaliza­ tion will come at a cost, and the price will be our future generations. — Barbara Stoefen lives in Bend and is president of the Meth Action Coalition.

M NiCkel'S WOrth Re-elect Eckman

Knopp is clear choice

I have lived in Bend for 38 years and have never felt a need to write a letter to the editor until now. Bend voters have a unique opportunity to re-elect Councilor Kathie Eckman with the assurance they wil l r e ceive uninter­ rupted councilor input from a very dedicated student of the many difficult issues the council faces routinely. With 22 years ofservice on the Bend City Council and having served as mayor for three years, Eckman is best qualified to be re-elected. Her career spans city recorder, treasurerandmunicipaljudge in Burns for seven years. She served for 23 years as execu­ tive secretary, administrator and office manager with the Bend-La Pine School District. I have personally observed Eckman's commitment and dedication to studying the is­ sues so she would be better prepared to make the deci­ sions that would be the best for the city of Bend. As voters, we rarely have the opportunity to re-elect a candidate as qualified and as dedicated as Eckman. I encourage you to join me in

Our choice for the Oregon State Senate is very clear; Tim Knopp is the only per­ son for the job. After seeing both Knopp and Geri Haus­ er talk about what they'll do if elected, there is no com­ parison as to who has the experience and knowledge. Knopp ha s o f f ered s u b­ stantive PERS reforms. He is one of the few people in

keeping Eckman working for the citizens of Bend. Thomas Collier Bend

Oregon who has had signifi­ cant experience in reform­ ing PERS. His opponent of­ fered noideas for reforming PERS. Central Oregonians have repeatedly said no to a sale tax. It doesn't make sense to raise taxes in the middle of a deep and painful recession, and yet Hauser suggested we do just that. Knopp offers th e r i g ht balance of job creation and government exp e r ience,

making him uniquely quali­ fied to r e present Central Oregon in the state Senate.

Oregon faces many large challenges. He understands all of this, and has a record of working across the aisle to get things done. That's why I'll be casting my ballot for Knopp for Oregon state senator. Donna McDonnell Sunriver

F4 © www.bendbulletin.com/books





om an 'sin amous isto ets su er sto

is a given in this tale "The Maverick's

return of darkmmic "Blasphemy: Newand Selected Stories" by Sherman Alexie (Grove

Ready-MadeFamily" by Brenda Harlen

"Marvel Comics:

(Harlequin, $4.99)

The Untold Story" by Sean Howe (Harper,$26.99)

By Lezli e Patterson McClatchy-TribuneNewsService

By Sam Thielman

This long-standing, end­ less series provides yet another Thunder Canyon romance. Those who have b een following th e l o ve lives of the Traubs and other Thunder Canyon families will enjoy meeting another Traub cousin/brother, Clay. Clay recently found out that he had a son from a short-lived, no-strings af­ fair. He instantly becomes a devoted, single dad. When he arrives in Thun­ der Canyon, he'simmediately attracted to his landlady, An­ tonia. But when he discovers she's pregnant, he adamantly refusesto believe there can be any future between them. This is the sort of story you'd expect from a Harle­ quin Special Edition offering; long on romance, perhaps a bit corny, and short on any­ thing else.


BEST-SELLERS PublishersWeeklyranksthe best­ sellers for week ending Oct. 13. Hardcover fiction

1. "The CasualVacancy" by J. K. Rowling (Little, Brown) 2. "NYPD Red" byPatterson/Karp iLittle, Brown) 3. "Winter of the World" by Ken Follett. Dutton ($36) 4. "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn lcrown) 5. "Mad River" by JohnSandford iPutnaml 6. "The TimeKeeper" by Mitch Albom (Hyperion) 7. "A Wanted Man" by LeeChild lDelacorte) 8."Live by Night" by Dennis Lehane (William Morrow) 9. "Low Pressure" by Sandra Brown (GrandCentral) 10. "This Is HowYou Lose Her" by Junot Diaz lRiverhead)

It's about time somebody wrote "Marvel Comics: The Un­ told Story," anditlookslike Sean Howe was the right guy for the job. Howe'sclear-eyed history of the heavyweight comic-book publisher is as full of colorful characters, tragic reversalsand unlikely plot twists as any book in the Marvel canon. That's not coincidence: Half the time, the swindled, under­ paid vviters, artists and editors were writing their grievances into the pages of the com­ ics themselves. One staffer's piqued resignation letter ends up in "The Avengers" as a fare­ well note from the team's butler; only the names were changed. Without a definitive history of either of the "big two" com­ panies, DC or Marvel, unan­ swered accusationsof unfair­ ness and bad business prac­ tices have piled up like so many unsold collectibles. The publisher since 1963 of all things X-Men, Avengers and Spider-Man is now part of the Walt Disney Company and has largely cleaned up its act, but what went down between Marvel and talented creators like Jack Kirby (X-Men, Fan­ tastic Four, Avengers, Iron Man), Steve Ditko (Spider-Man, Daredevil)and Steve Gerber (Howard the Duck) needs to be heard, especially with mov­ ies in theaters under the titles "Marvel's The Avengers" and "Marvel's A mazing S pider­ Man," asthough the company logo had written and drawn the stories. Here, Howe's exhaus­ tive muckraking lays to rest myths on both sides of the com­ pany-vs.-creator debate. C ompany p a rtisans w i l l have a hard time defending the behavior of comics-hating bottom-liners like Ron Perel­ man and Al Landau. But Howe

".r f





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Marvel Comics via AP

The first Captain America comic was publishedby Timely Comics, the forerun­ ner of Marvel Comics. The company's history is finally told in detail in "Marvel Com­ ics: The Untold Story."


a pool of incredibly talented draftsmen — to whom he sup­ plies trademark overwrought dialogue and ripped-from-the­ headlinesstories — and fades quickly into a succession of overpaid emeritus positions as he tries to break into Holly­ wood. Marvelstaffers regard him as an inspiration, then a stumbling block, then a joke, then ­ when collaborators like Kirby and Ditko grow an­ gry about his construction of a business empire around work they nolonger receive compen­ sation for — a symbol of talent­



By Hector Tobar Los Angeles Times

Sherman Alexie's charac­ ters live in a kind of dreams­ cape, a limbo between Native American and white culture, b etween city life and t h e reservation. All sorts of fantastic, im­ probable things happen in this in-between space. Stu­ dents channel famous Indian warriors in their high school classes. Donkeys are taught to excel at basketball, the na­ tional sport of every Indian tribe. Against all odds the Native American characters in"Blas­ phemy," Alexie's new anthol­ ogy of short stories, wander, stumble and blunder their way into moments of clarity and redemption. And they are liberated by laughter. "The two funniest tribes I've been around are Indians and Jews," one of his char­ acters quips, "so I guess that says something about the in­ herent humor of genocide." Over the years, Alexie has carved out a space in Ameri­ can literature as the great, tragicomic bard of the mod­ ern Native American experi­ ence. The stories in "Blasphe­ my," written over the course of the last two decades, offer ample proof why. Consider "What You Pawn I Will Redeem," a story that reads like an upside down, demented Bible parable about Jackson,a hopelessly lost Se­ attle alcoholic. "I'm not goingto tell you my particularreasons for being homeless," Jackson says, "be­ causeit' s my secretstory,and Indians have to work hard to keep secrets from hungry white folks." Jackson i s blu n dering around Seattle with his drink­ ing buddies when he spots a feathered headdress — it looks like the lost "powwow

less greed.

Sadly, they hadn't seen any­ thing yet. The book's penul­ timate section is a roll call of sleazy '80s and '90s corporate vampires, from Mike Milken to Carl Icahn to Perelman to Isaac Perlmutter, who nickel­ and-dimes expense reports un­ also puts paid to the frequently til getting a billion-dollar-plus parroted claim that conflicts payout from Disney when Mar­ between valiant creators and vel finally goes mega-corporate soulless bean counters are near the end of the book. black-and-white struggles no A back-issue-hoarding ped­ more morally complicated than ant might take issue with a few a Thor-vs.-Loki grudge match. of Howe's decisions, and will Some of the Marvel talents are do so now: There's not even obviously hard to work with a glancing mention of a few and convinced of their own du­ of Marvel's oddest and best bious genius; a few artists and projects: Where is humor title writers mistreated by higher­ "Groo"? Where's "Squadron ups go on to become spitting Supreme," into which beloved images of their tormentors. Marveleditor Mark Gruenwald Even Jim Shooter, a tin-pot poured his soul and, posthu­ tyrant hated so deeply by his mously, his ashes? (No lie­ staff that they burned an effigy Gruenwald's ashes were mixed of him stuffed with unsold cop­ into the ink used to reprint the ies of his failed pet project, isn't series as a paperback.) entirely unsympathetic. Howe None of this should prevent recalls Shooter's impoverished anyone with even a passing in­ childhood, his desperate love of terest in comics from picking comics and his terrorization as up "Marvel Comics: The Untold a writer at the hands of legend­ Story." Most of the material here arily cruel DC Comics editor has gone woefully underreport­ Mort Weisinger, who worked ed by either the mainstream a 13-year-old Shooter half to consumer press (uninterested) death, all the while belittling or the fan press (sycophantic, him as a "charity case." poorly sourced, craven), and Then there's Marvel found­ the book is filled with fond re­ ing editor Stan Lee, alternately membrances and thrilling tales pitiable and contemptible, who of people who deserve a truth­ beginshiscareer in the '60s as ful accounting of their actions a charismatic editor running — right, wrong and in between.

SLARFHt 't Newaad

seecua stow, .


regalia" that belonged to the grandmother he never knew. Upon closer inspection he finds the secret clue his fam­ ily left in every headdress. So he undertakes a "quest" to earn the $1,000 he'll need to buy it back. What follows is a melan­ choly,tenderjourneythrough the world of drunken Seattle. Jackson'sIndian friends help him on his quest, and then disappear again and again. Along the way, he has a mem­ orable, brief encounter with some lost Aleuts from Alaska who've been waiting at the Seattle docks 11 years for a ship to come in. Read that story, and many of the others in "Blasphemy," and you'll feel you've been transported inside the soul of a deeply wounded people. But they are a people too comfortable in their brown skins to allow those wounds to break them. Instead, the Native American people in Alexie's stories hold on to their dreams and to their tra­ ditions. They talk again and again about being warriors like Crazy Horse — but their battles are in school class­ rooms or on the basketball court. Reading Alexie is like lis­ tening to a man tell stories by a campfire. His writing isn't the most stylish you'll read, but the tales themselves are unforgettable and filled with a dizzyingarray ofcharacters and magical incidents.

Hardcover nonfiction

1. "Killing Kennedy" by Bill O'Reilly lHenry Holt) 2. "No EasyDay" by Mark Owen iDuttonl 3. "Who I Am" by Peter Townshend lHarper) 4. "America Again" by Stephen Colbert (GrandCentral) 5. "God LovesYou" by David Jeremiah (FaithWordsi 6. "Guinness World Records" by GuinnessWorld Records lGuinness World Records) 7. "I Declare" by Joel Osteen iFaithWordsi 8."Waging Heavy Peace"by Neil Young (Blue Rider Press) 9. "Total Recall" by Arnold schwarzenegger lsimon & Schuster) 10. "Mugged" by AnnCoulter lSentinel) — /i//cClatchy-TribuneNewsService

'Beta': Want teenswithout hormones?Trya clone "Beta" by Rachel Cohn (Hyperion,

Many a parent has longed for the type of teen presented here — one who doesn't talk back, plays by the rules and is always a ccommodating. Programmed b y c o m puter and stripped of the pesky hor­ mones that prompt erratic, u nwanted behavior in r e al flesh-and-blood t e e nagers, clones would seem to be all upside. At least it seemed like a good idea on Demesne, the island locale in "Beta." The exclusive island, with its scientifically altered cli­

$17.99, ages14 and older) By Susan Carpenter Los Angeles Times

There's something about clonesthat fascinates, whether it's real-world breakthroughs like Dolly the sheep or dis­ turbing f i ctional a ccounts, like "Blade Runner." In "Beta," it's teenagers being replicated in the kickoff to a new series from best-selling young-adult author Rachel Cohn.

mate, is a playground for the wealthy. Living in paradise, the richare,of course, loathe to deal with a human help staff, so the butlers, maids and cooks ar e a l l c l o nes whose data chips ensure they will do nothing but serve their owners.

As the book opens, the lo­ cal cloning lab has just fin­ ished an experiment. They're beginning to make teenag­ ers. Elysia is one of two so­ called betas, or prototype teen clones, recycled from dead bodies whose souls were ex­ tracted to prevent their clones

from feeling emotion. Cohn is best known for co­ writing the young-adult-nov­ el-turned-movie "Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist" with fellow novelist David Levi­ than. With "Beta," she has a terrific premise that is equally well executed.

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matic effects." But it took two more years Continued from F1 and two more regimens,each Hesch, who has been a com­ lasting four w e eks, before petitive runner since 2001, Hesch's performances showed said he wanted to p ublicly drastic improvement, Hesch admit to doping for the first said. time because he was facing At 7 a.m. Aug. 19, Hesch punishment fro m a n t i-dop­ toed the starting line at the ing officials. His justification Rock 'n' Roll Providence Half for doping stemmed from this Marathon in Providence, R.I. harsh reality: A few runners In a field of more than 5,000 obtain lucrative shoe contracts runners, Hesch raced to the and compete in a handful of front alongside Ethiopia's Fi­ high-profile, televised races; kadu Lemma and Demesse the rest are ordinary weekend Tefera. runners. On Saturday morn­ Lemma took the lead, and ings they lace up their run­ Hesch, like any other expe­ ning shoes and slip on dry-fit rienced road runner would, T-shirts like anyone else. t ucked in b ehind hi m a n d Hesch exists somewhere in drafted. His legs felt strong, the middle. He supports him­ but sluggish, as they clipped self running full time without along averaging almost 12 a sponsorship by cherry-pick­ miles per hour. Hesch had run ing road races across the coun­ a four-minute mile two days try, favoring the ones with the before at the GNC Live Well largest purses and the least Liberty M il e i n P i t tsburgh, competitive fields. finishing fourth. This job does not come with Through the first several w orkers' c ompensation. I n miles of the h alf-marathon, May 2010, Hesch was cross­ Hesch said, the lead pack went training on his bicycle along out at what he felt like was a California 1 between San Luis jogging pace. They began to Obispo and Morro Bay when accelerate and pull away from he was hit by a car. the group of runners behind "It was one of those instanc­ them. " Your running f eels l i ke es I should have been dead," Hesch said. what you imagine when you He picked himself off the see all those Kenyan runners road and received only six floating down the road," Hesch stitches to his left elbow, a few said about competing with the deep bruises, minor road rash aid of EPO. "And two to three and a dislocated shoulder. He weeks in your cycle, you start was able to walk away from feeling like that yourself." the accident but was not able At Mile 10, Tefera fell be­ to train adequately for nearly hind, and Lemma looked at five months. Hesch as if to say, "Are you going to do any of the work?" 'You can't escape it' Hesch took the lead and de­ For the fall racing season, he cided to test him with another decided he deserved some ex­ surge. L e mm a e v e ntually tra help to get back on track. pulled off to the side and start­ "My justification was that if ed jogging. I used it for three weeks, was Easing into the finish chute running three weeks after in his Team USA jersey, Hesch that, then I'll race in another stopped a foot away from the two to three weeks, and, theo­ finish line, laid down on his retically, I'll have all the bene­ stomach on the road, took a fits out of my system," he said. whiff of the asphalt centime­ EPO is a h o r m one that ters from his nose and per­ stimulates red blood cell pro­ formed five pushups, a pre­ duction and, thus, oxygen-car­ victory celebration. rying capacity. Quietly obtain­ With Lemma sprinting to­ ing it in Southern ward him, Hesch California was s miled an d g o t easy, Hesch said, "I'm reaI tempted ba ck on his feet. and cheap. He broke the fin­ tp make a real H e made t h e ishing tape with int that t wo-hour dr i v e his hands above

to Tijuana three I Can and haVe times. on this first rUna/I those

Author sayswomen deserverespectincomedy "We Killed: The Rise of Women

Carolla's not exactly a n ge t male club owners, TV pro­ to other women. Lily Tomlin A-list guy, but his comments d u cers and agents to give them and Mary TylerMoore helped by Yael Kohen (Sarah Crich­ struck a nerve that's been hit a shot on stage. foster not only the careers ton Books, $27) so often any contact elicits a Joa n R i vers, probably the of female comedy w r iters cry of pain. most successful female comic on their television shows but As "We Killed" author Yael o f the 1960s, recalls how she boostedthe roles of actresses By Chris Foran Milwauhee Journal Sentinel Kohen points out, Carolla is auditioned for "The they worked with In a way, it's hard to under­ not alone. Comedy ~ Tonight Show" eight As a history of women in ~t' + stand why we'd need a book legends from John­ t im e s before getting acomedy, "We Killed" is erratic, like "We Killed: The Rise of ny Carson to John ,9 " g shot — and only then in part because of the voices Women in American Com­ B elushi to J err y .y (O because Bill Cosby that aren't in it. Elayne Boosler, '< edy." Women all but rule com­ Lewis all made the recommendedher. who several comics point to as edy in 2012, right? Kristen pronouncement. T he Rivers a n ­ the most important — and for ' i> "" Wiig? Tina Fey? Amy Poehler? Kohen'snewbook, ecdote is one of the a while, the only well-known "a very oral history" . G few h e -said-she-said— female stand-up comic of Ellen DeGeneres? Ask Adam C arolla. The the 1970s — isn't heard from; ..~»" " '"' I Kill e d", if anything, likewise M arsha W a rfield, former co-host of "The Man edy, sets out to show Show" — whose "Adam Carol­ they're wrong. the stories recount­ whose spot-on stand-up led la Show" is considered, at more While it could use ed by women comics her to a long stint on the sitcom than 60 million downloads, the more, well, more funny itself, ( and the men who appreciate "Night Court." But "We Killed" does fill in world's most popular podcast "We Killed" does clearly depict t h em) have a sameness after — told the New York Post this how the entertainment-indus- a w h ile — unfortunately, be­ some gaps and yields some summer to forget "30 Rock," trial complex has made it hard c a use women trying to make surprising perspectives on "Bridesmaids" and " Parks forwomentoshowtheyareas t h ei r w a y i n c o medy have comedy of the past half-cen­ and Recreation": Women just funny as men. facedthe same sexism decade tury. (Who k new J aneane aren't funny. Why don't women get more a f ter decade. Garofalo was so influential on "The reason why you know respect in comedy'? As with Oppo r t unities only started stand-up?) more funny dudes than funny many things in America, it's i n c reasing in the late 1960s And it shows that, yes, wom­ chicks is that dudes are fun­ all about opportunity. and early 1970s, when women en are funny — even if they nier than chicks," he told the From the first, "We Killed" who got achance to go main­ have to keep proving it over Post. shows, women had to fight to s t r eam in comedy gave a hand and over again.

in American Comedy"






Stop Another Tax on Your Home s k ­ 'I

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hish ead.

It was the last race he won be­ fore Nike Team pharmacies that Cl e an. R un L A te a m ­ other S o u t hern mates found an — Christian Hesch empty vial C alifornian r u n ners pr e f erred. confronted him. "It was a weird But since then he has chosen to find his own. situation to be in because you He bought a month's sup­ only read about top athletes ply: 18 vials holding 1 cubic doping," said Justin Patanan­ centimeter o f c o n centrated an, the captain for the Nike EPO for $400. Athletes say Team Run LA men's group. they feel dramatic effects af­ "We gave Christian the lib­ ter six doses, or six vials, said erty of dealing with USADA Dr. Michael Ashenden, direc­ when he thought the time was tor of the Science and Indus­ right." try Against Blood doping re­ Caught and in trouble search organization. In the privacy of a b ath­ When U S AD A o f f i cials room stall, Hesch held the confronted him by phone in vials against his inner thigh, late September, Hesch was securedthem under his shorts initially inclined to fight the with plastic wrap and walked accusations. Over the last 2'/2 back across the border. On years, he said, he was never the next two t r ips he sim­ required to perform a d r ug ply stuffed the vials into his test at any race, including the pockets. five-kilometer national cham­ "You get a l i t tle nervous pionships and the Fifth Ave­ when you just brought it back nue Mile in New York City. He into the country," he said, re­ also was not tested when he calling the first trip. "You just represented Team USA at the want to start driving and get Armagh International Road away from the border because Race in Ireland. you feel the dirtiness of what But as he followed USADA's you just did. Yet you have the case against Armstrong, he EPO in the seat next to you, decidedto come clean. "It would be fairly expen­ and you can't escape it." In 2009, Hesch had been sive if I w anted to fight it," studying to be a paramedic, Hesch said. "USADA only and thisexperience equipped brings cases when t h ey're him wit h s ome k n owledge pretty sure, and this is com­ about how to administer his ing from a guy with a pending own doping program, he said. case." The first day would include On Sept. 26, USADA re­ two shots, one in each arm. He quested that Hesch not com­ would give himself a shot once pete until the terms of his sus­ a day for the next two days. pension have been resolved. Then he would end his three­ He faces a ban of up to two to four-week program with y ears. Regardless of w h a t shots every other day. USADA decides, Hesch said In mid-September 2010, a he will regret losing many of month after starting the first the privileges and friendships program, he found that the that allowed him to live a run­ percentage of red blood cells in ning lifestyle. Many races do his blood shot to 51.7 from 44. not allow athletes who have Monitoring the red blood cell been caughtdoping to accept levels was easy, too. A county prize money orfree room and health clinic offered anony­ board. "I fully accept whatever pun­ mous testing, and Hesch got his blood work back by mak­ ishment I have coming," Hesch ing up a story about having said. "It's my bed. I made it. just returned from altitude. Now I get to sleep in it." Taking EPO in this amount H esch maintains that h e and in this frequency is "a never raced on EPO but used it huge program," Ashenden to recover from injuries. "Maybe this is my cue to sa>d. "But it's old school," Ashen­ walk away, but I'm real tempt­ den added. "No athlete would ed to make a real clear point dare do that program nowa­ that I can and have run all days if they were subject to those times perfectly clean. It's testing, as they'd be blown out not that difficult to run these of the water. You only need six times, and it doesn't take any injections to get pretty dra­ outside help." visit, another run­ ner recommended




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• Ranch at theCanyonsnear Smith Rockhighlights severalproperties upfor auction By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

A majority stake in a Cen­ tral Oregon property nestled at the foot of Smith Rock State Park could sell by the end of the year. Twenty-nine homesites at Ranch at the Canyons, a 1,700-acre luxury ranch site that also borders the Crooked River, will be auctioned off by Realty Marketing Northwest, an Oregon and Washington­ based real estate marketing and brokerage company. Interested buyers can submit bids on the property, priced at about $2.3 million, through Nov. 14 at 5 p.m.

The ranch is one of the more high-priced properties out of 152 to be sold by Realty Marketing Northwest at auctions on Nov. 10, 14 and 29, said John Rosen­ thal, the company's president. The lots will be sold in a sealed-bid auction, meaning bids will be submitted confi­ dentially and reviewed after the deadline. "We've got sophisticated investors from a number of Western states interested," Rosenthal said, adding that 20 groups have requested in­ formation about the property since it first went on the auc­ tion block in August. See Auction /G2


• U.S. regulators

muff crackdownof "' M ~~ . ;;,s Xrs Courtesy Realty Marketing Northwest

A majority share of the 1,700-acre Ranch at the Canyons, with views of Monkey Face and Smith Rock, will go up for sale at a November auction.

Colorado Avenue could look vastly different in a few years if three building plans go through.






cadmium-tainted trinkets from China By Justin Pritchard The Associated Press

LOS ANGELES — Federal regulators failed to pursue recalls after they found cad­ mium-tainted jewelry on store shelves, despite their vow to keep the toxic trinkets out of children's hands, an Associat­ ed Press investigation shows. Officials at the U.S. Con­ sumer Product Safety Com­ mission also have not warned parents about the contami­ nated items already in their homes. M ore than two years after the AP revealed that some Chinese factories were sub­ stituting cadmium for banned lead, the CPSC still hasn't determined the extent of the contamination. Contaminated jewelry is surely less prevalent in the U.S. than before its widespread presence was first documented. However, rings,bracelets and pendants

ColoradoAvenueplans •

Reca e toxi e •ewe or i s is sti in stores

Reed Saxon /The Associated Press

Jewelry containing high levels of the toxic metal cadmium purchased by The Associated Press at small shops in Los Angeles during a 19-month period ending in March 2012. containing cadmium and marketed for preteen girls were purchased over the last year. The AP and representa­ tives of two consumer groups were able to buy the items in Los Angeles, suburban San Francisco, central Ohio and upstate New York. Despite touting its work as a model of proactive regula­ tion, the agency tasked with protecting Americans from dangerous everyday products often has been reactive — or inactive. See Jewelry /G5

Project: ColoradoCrossing commercial development


Description: Two office buildings

Sizes: 7,900squarefeet and3,000 squarefeet

Ct.olorado Ave.

EH 5

Arizon'a Ave

'i iL=',:




Project: Market ofChoice, Inc. Description: Grocerystore (Dregonchainj Size: 44,810squarefeet

Industrial Way Project: Leadership Circle, LLCdevelopment Description: Unnamed retail grocery store Size: 16,000squarefeet


By Gregory Karp Chicago Tribune



Sources: Bend Community Development Department, Photo: City of Bend

Greg Cross /The Bulletin

• New building proposalswhi , ch includes 2grocery stores, could changethe landscapeof Northwest ColoradoandArizona avenues By Elon Giuckiich • The Bulletin

wo new supermarkets and a pair of office buildings could bring major changes to the strip of land between Northwest Colorado and Arizona avenues between the Bend Parkway and the Deschutes River. Eugene-based Market of Choice,a family-owned grocery chain, filed pre­ application documents with the city of Bend onSept.26 fora44,800-square-foot grocery at Colorado and Lava Road. A different Eugene developer filed a pre-application Oct. I for two commer­ cial office buildings, just east of the pro­ posed Market of Choice. Those plans came on the heels of a Colorado-based developer's Aug. 31 pre­ application filing for a 16,000-square­ footgrocery store,at the Western edge of the strip, closer to the river. Pre-applications are the first step for de­

Buying airfare 'options' designed to woo fliers

velopers looking to build a project in Bend. None of the filings with Bend's Commu­ nity Development Department mention time lines, and two of the developers did not respondtorequests forcomment. But Colorado Avenue is clearly in for some changes. And Bend city officials say those changes could give the whole area an economic shot in the arm, while bridg­ ing the geographical gap between the city's two commercial hubs: downtown and the Old Mill District. Market of Choice made its plans alongside the developers of the planned

office buildings, Willamette Valley Co., said Paul Rudinsky, a real estate devel­ oper who partners with Willamette Val­ ley Co. on real estate projects. "Working in conjunction with Mar­ ket ofChoice, we see these as great de­ velopments with great long-term poten­ tial," Rudinsky said. Market of Choice blueprints filed with the city in May, showed a building with a 34,860-square-footground floor and a 6,350-square-footsecond level mezza­ nine. A parking lot with about 110 spaces would be built just east of the market. See Colorado /G2

Fliers today can find it dif­ ficult to keep their options open while trying to get good seats and locking in a good price, especially with airfares changing often and planes more crowded. Nobody wants to buy a $600 nonrefundable ticket, have their plans fall through and not be able to use it — or be forced to pay exorbi­ tant fees to change flights. That's precisely the problem several companies aim to fix by selling, or planning to sell, "options" on airline tickets. United Airlines offers price lock-in options, while at least three other nonairline com­ panies are starting options services for airfares. "It could be a value... It's kind of like an insurance policy," said George Hobica, president and founder of

• Service options for airfare "options,"G3 AirfareWatchdog.com, a fare­ alert website. Airfare options work similar­ ly to a stock option. The seller of theoption charges a feeto hold your flight reservation at a certain fare, but you're not obligated to buy a ticket. If your travel plans change, you can simply let the option expire and you've lost only the fee, not the full cost of the plane ticket. "If you've ever coordinated one of those ski trips or golf va­ cations with a group of friends, you know you can be the sucker who puts down the $500 for the flight and nobody goes," said Heidi Brown, co-founder of BitBend, a fare lock-in startup

in Chicago. See Options /G3


8 ivera Wealth Management Group

Deaf, determinedandsold onmozzarella By Melody Stein New York Times News Service

My parents have owned restaurants in Hong Kong and San Francisco throughout my life. So it was reason­ able that I dreamed of running my own someday. I wasn't going to let the fact that I was born deaf deter me from re­ alizing that dream. My route to becoming a restaurateur was circuitous. Owning any restaurant is risky. It's even more treacherous in San Francisco,a foodie mecca where restaurants come and go faster than the fog rolls in and out. My husband, Russ Stein, is also deaf, and as deaf restau­

rateurs our goal could have been even more daunting. But we approached it systematically, with a vision to serve both the deaf and the hearing.

"Knom urhat you own, and knota

My journey began in Hong Kong, where I was born in 1973. My brother, Joseph, is also deaf and my parents did not feel that Hong Kong accommodat­ ed deafpeople adequately. We moved to the Bay Area when I was 7 and Jo­ seph was 2 so we could attend the Cali­ fornia School for the Deaf. My parents always emphasized that education would be even more important for us to make our way through life. See Deaf /G3

uhy yOu Oten i t. " — Peter Lynch To learn more call Peggy Foutz Registered Client Service Associate 541 -322-61 30 Peter Dasllvai New York Times News Serwce

Melody Stein, who is deaf,uses an iPad app that allows her to make phone calls and to confirm reservations for her restaurant through a translation service with the hearing.



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1f you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323,email business@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Please allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication.


NEWS OF RECORD Pahlisch HomesInc. to Julius A. Bernard Jr. andLynnH. Bernard, McCall Landing, Phase1, Lot 99, Deschutes County $209,950 HaydenHomes LLC to Eric Resnick, PNC BankN.A. to Federal National Merrick Subdivision, Phases1 and 2, Mortgage Association,Lava Lot 9, $179,125 Ridges, Phase 2, Lot 48, $335,000 Recontrust CompanyN.A. to Kenneth R. andMargaret M. Bank of America N.A.,Heierman Erickson to Kenneth N.Jensen, McCormickAddition, Lot1, Block3, Lava Ridges, Phase 2, Lot41, $261,323.08 $295,000 Recontrust Company N.A.toBank Deja Vu BuildingAssociates LLC of America N.A.,Neal Addition, Lot to Pinnacle ProductionsLLC, 5, Block1, $303,920.82 Township 18, Range 12,Section 6, Recontrust Company N.A.toBank $1,000,000 of America N.A.,Hillman, Lots10­ CalvinT.and Jean C.S.Mukumoto 16, Block14, $190,932.89 to Adam S.Harbison, Bee Tree Recontrust Company N.A.toBank Subdivision, Lot 3, Block1, $217,000 of America N.A.,Deer Forest Acres, Pahlisch HomesInc. to David A. Lot 7, Block 5, $197,547.02 and Tamara L Henderson,Bridges Recontrust Company N.A.toBank at Shadow Glen, Phase1, Lot 84, of America N.A.,Kings Forest $346,500 First Addition, Lot13, Block 3, Bend Equity Investments a $307,922.32 partnership of John B.Taylor and RyanDubleto RockyL.and Martha Scott D. and Jennette R. Olson, A. Gorder,Awbrey Butte Homesites, trustees for Scott and Jennette Phase 2, Lot 3, Block 6, $1,195,000 Olson Living Trust, to Perry D. and Todd andDeborah Vinsonto Rosario Logan, RiverRim P.U.D., Clinton S. Triplett and Meredith Phase 10, Lot 451, $365,000 L Fiore,Old Mill Terrace, Lot 7, Augustine J. and Michael A. $290,100 Nastari,trustees for Nastari Family Bridges at ShadowGlen LLCto Trust, to Alvin K. and Janet L. Pahlisch HomesInc., Bridges at Majorowicz, Cliffs, Lot 24, $220,000 Shadow Glen, Phase1, Lots 24, 59 and 60, $190,000 Stephen Ashley to Clarke and Wood Hill Enterprises LLC to Jerald Andrea Sowers,Oregon Water Wonderland, Unit 2, Lot 87, Block 31, L and Sandra D. Heinemann,Forest Meadow, Phase 2, Lot 4, $260,000 $310,000 Daniel E. Graham toJacob R. Frank E. andMonica J. Platt to Johnson andAllan K. Daniels, Hattenhauer Distributing Co., Traditions East, Lot 31, $219,000 Townsite of Redmond, Lot 3, Block 64, Township15, Range13, Section Karen Frazier to Gregory S.Jones 16, $225,000 and Heidi Bernhard,Crest Ridge

Estates, Lot25,Block3,$265,000 Federal HomeLoanMortgage Corporation to OrhanKonez, Forest Park1, Lot4, Block1, $210,000 Chris L and Margaret L. LiHegard to Randy D.Couture, trustee for RDC Trust, Bridges at Shadow Glen, Phase1, Lot 65, $252,000 HaydenHomes LLCto Matthew M. and Sarah L. Miller,Aspen Rim No. 2, Lot 201, $275,000 Recontrust Company N.A.to Bank of America N.A.,Deschutes River Woods, Lot 18, 180,909.35 Brett and Kristine Moreland to R. Bradford Patrick,Second Addition to Bend Park, Lot7, Block156, $270,000 Christine M. and Phillip J. Des Rosiers to PenscoTrust Company fbo Bonnie GauntWilson IRA, Old Mill Heights, Lot19, $302,500 Mark A. Benzel andKristine R. Weatherig to David A. andJanet N. Hawkins,trustees for David A. Hawkins and Janet N. Hawkins Family Trust, RiverRim P.U.D., Phase 2, Lot169, $562,000


area onthe outer stretches of the city limits, after all. But rapid growth in the 1990s and 2000s, coupled with develop­ ment of the Old Mill District, has changed the area. A rizona A v enue, w h i ch runs parallel to Colorado Av­ enue, opened in 2003, as city officials worked to pr o vide easier access between down­ town and the Old Mill District. "You do see that a lot of land


Pahlisch HomesInc. to AKPAC Investments LLC,Badger Forest, Phase 2, Lot 21, $180,000 Pahlisch HomesInc. to AKPAC Investments LLC,Badger Forest, Phase 2, Lot 29, $174,000 Marcia KimbaH toKent L Rasmussen, M ountainPeaks, Phases 3 and 4, Lot 47, $155,000 Bums HideoutLLC to Renee M. Smit and Douglas D.Nelson, Kenwood Addition to Bend, Lots1, 2 and 8, Block16, $300,000

Neighborhood lies just north of the planned developments. Continued from G1 Representati vesfrom Leader­ But the neighborhood as­ For the office development, ship Circle LLC, the Montrose, sociation's board m e mbers blueprints show two buildings, Colo. company that wants to endorsed the proposal follow­ each with drive-through lanes build the other, yet-to-be-named ing an Aug. 1 public meeting, that would make them ideal market, also did not respond to though they added that city for a bank, cafe or fast food requestsforcomment. officials would hopefully take restaurant, Rudinsky said. But a handful of city offi­ resident concerns into account. A 7,900-square-foot build­ cials noted that an enhanced Andbuilders are excited about ing would go up just east of the business presence for the strip the potential impact of new com­ planned Marketof Choicebuild­ of Colorado, starting at the merciaj activity in Bend. ing, and a 3,000 square-foot intersection with Southwest For the Central Oregon building would be constructed Industrial Way and stretching (alongColorado Avenue) looks B uilders A s s ociation, b i g next to the first building. east alongside Northwest Ari­ under-developed," C lin t o n building projects mean jobs. That's the hope of A n d y Plans also call for North­ zona Avenue, has long been said. "I think developingthat west Sisemore Street to be ex­ part of the city's plan. Much of area is logical, and would be a High, COBA's vice president tended to Arizona, documents Colorado Avenue in the area is nice addition to the city." of government affairs. He said show, and about 40 parking zoned as commercial or mixed The grocery store plans are the group would reach out to spaces added. residential, allowing houses seen by some as a potential Market of Choice in the com­ W illamette Valley Co. i s and businesses. boon for the city's downtown­ ing months to try and get as "I think the general idea has area residents, with no major many local su b contractors, in talks w it h several com­ panies about becoming ten­ been tohave more commercial grocery store within a mile or like roofers and electricians, ants, Rudinsky said, though development alongthat stretch," so of the Market of Choice site. in on the project as possible. "On a job of that size, you're he declined to give details. said Bend Mayor Jeff Eager. S everal residents of t h e "We would love to see a bank The addition of gr o c ery nearby Old Bend Neighbor­ looking at somewhere from or a credit union, or something stores and office buildings is hood wrote letters to the city 40 to 60 subcontractors work­ of that sort," he said. a logical step for that part of voicing concerns over noise ing. It could be a hugejobs im­ O fficials with M a rket o f town, a continuation of Bend's a nd traffic th e M a r ket o f pact," High said. — Reporter: 541-617-7820 Choice did not respond to mul­ shift out of a timber economy Choice and office buildings tiple requests for comment this and toward tourism and retail, would bring. The Old Bend eglucklich@bendbulletin.com week. But company president Councilor Jim Clinton said. and CEO Rick Wright told The That stretch of Colorado Av­ Bulletin in June that a finished enue was once an industrial

Auction Continued from G1 The $2.3 million starting price has been reduced from an earlier $4.8 million. Whoever wins the bid will receive title to the 29 undevel­ oped home lots and a control­ ling interest in the operations at the ra nch, including ac­ cess to the 7,000-square-foot Old Winery Clubhouse and the Tuscan Stablesfor horse riding. "The Old Winery Clubhouse and Tuscan Stables are all part of the Ranch at the Canyons homeowners association, so if you buy the lots you become part of the association," Rosen­ thal said. In addition to the lots, a ma­ jority owner would also have a say over operations at the ranch's farming and vineyard operations. Kerry Damon, ranch man­ ager, is responsible for day-to­ day operations, running a sea­ sonal staff of about 10workers who oversee the vineyard and other operations. Damon said he doesn't ex­ pect many changesunder new ownership. The 29 lo ts are being sold by Portland-based property investment firm Pa­ cific Realty Associates,selling under the nameCanyons Land and Cattle Company, LLC. Pacific R e alt y A s s o ciates bought into the property i n late 2004, Deschutes County property records show. The ranch and vi n eyard operations are going strong, Damon said, and any large­

market could be up to three

Michael J. Tennant to Judith A. Miller,NorthWest Crossing, Phases 9 and 10, Lot 432, $338,000 Daniel G. andLaura L. Hickmondto Richard andLouise Korban, River Canyon Estates, Lot 55, $305,000 Garry D. andPatti J. Mode to Mark PetriHo,Wildwood Park, Lot 7, Block 3, $320,000 Gregory andKaren Hustonto Steven S. andArlene Stafford, Broken Top, Lot 321, $619,500 CH 65660 Swallows Nest 071 LLC to Yon-Tsui LLC,Villas at Pronghorn Townhomes, Lot 3, $650,000 Mark and Barbara Kramer to Gregory M. and Marla J. Fields, NorthWest Crossing, Phase 8, Lot 372, $395,000 Mike and TonnaWilkins to Brian D. and Kristin E. Marshall,Westbrook Meadows P.U.D., Phase 3, Lot11, $284,750 Peter B. and Kathryn K.Archie to Larry E. andCathie L. Raaf, Township14, Range11, Section 28, $439,000 Robert N. andGarnet K. Wilson to WilliamD. McCoy,Cascade View Estates, Phase 1, Lot 233, $185,000 Robert J. and Jefferson B.Davis to David M. Kostial and Jennifer A. Stockbridge,Westbrook Meadows P.U.D., Phase 3, Lot 27, $275,000 Jack W. and Marsha A. Thomas to Kevin J. Snavely andShawna L Arland,Heights of Bend, Phase 2, Lot 55, $335,000 Shelley andCorrinne Grudin, trusteesfor Grudin Family Trust, to David and Patricia Doyle, Champion Ridge, Phase 3, Lot 31, $496,000


More information To learn more about real estate auctions conducted by Realty Marketing Northwest, call 800-845­ 3524 or visit www.rmnw­

e a

— Reporter: 541-617-7820, egfucklich@bendbulfetin.com

HaydenHomes LLC toJeffreyW . and Suzanne M. Burgin,Aspen Rim No. 2, Lot198, $316,382 Sheri M. Mesa to Twyla J. Delamarter,Traditions East, Lot 21, $212,500 Crook County

Lela M. Kirk successor of Mary M. Hunking andArlene M. Phillips to Tommy B. andDalores C.Moore, Township 16, Range 16, Section 2, $158,000 John N. Say toFred D.Tarwater and Jeanne M. Preston,Ochoco Heights, Lots 2 and 3, Block 5, $206,000 Joyce L Garrett to Ann C.deKozan, trustee for the deKozanFamily Trust, Pioneer Heights, Phase1, Lot 8, $151,000


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scale changes just wouldn't make sense. "Anything that does hap­ pen in the auctioning off of the ranch certainly will have some effect on us," Damon said. "But to what degree has yet to be seen. That dependson what in­ dividual or group end up with the controlling interest." But the ranch is in need of a renewed marketing effort, to boost its visibility in Central Oregon and across the state, Damon said. "There may be a need for a little different branding and sales strategy. That would be beneficial," he said. Ranch at the Canyons isn't the only Central Oregon prop­ erty up for auction by Realty Marketing Northwest, though it is certainly the flashiest. Other Central Oregon prop­ erties set for auction include two r esidential p a r cels i n Redmond, 39 acres of farm­ land southeast of Redmond Airport, 33 acres of rangeland adjacent to U.S. Highway 26 south of Madras and two adja­ cent parcels of exclusive farm­ use land just south of Prine­ ville Reservoir.

Brooks Resources Corporation to Greg C. Larsen andElaine O'Brien Larsen,North Rim on Awbrey Butte, Phase 5, Lot121, $210,000 Leader Builders LLC to Joseph P. and Lyle L. Oberto,$475,000 Northwest Trustee Services Inc. to Washington Federal Savings, Township14, Range13, Section 34, $276,367.70 Olen H. Lee trustee for OlenH. Lee Trust andLois E. Lee trustee for Lois E. LeeTrust to Stephen Junkins andElizabeth A. Jacobi, Boulevard Addition to Bend, Lot 4, Block17, $225,000 Terry L. Decanditis to Randi K. Schuyler,Kenwood Gardens, Lot1, Block 5, $170,000 Harris H. Huynh to JiWenQiu and Hui Qin QiuDesert Skies Phases 3-5, Lot 69, $183,000 William R. andLinda Perkins and Joseph A. andTawnyAmelio to Roger T. andKaie Stoops, River Canyon Estates, Lot 95, $248,000


WILLS/PROBATE/ESTATE If a person dies owning only a checking and sav­ ings account and a mobile home, is there an easy way to get these items transferred to the heirs'? ~~ ~ O regon has a small estate procedure that allows a ~ clai m ing successor to tile a small Estate Afr|da­ vit with the local court if the estate has less than $75,000 of personal property, including bank accounts, and $200,000 of real property. copies of the Afr|davit must be John D. Sorlie sent to all heirs, devisees under the will, and the State of­ Artorney ar Lau fice that administers the Medicaid estate recovery process. BRYANT, LOVLIENOnce tiled, the estate assets must be kept for four months & JARVIS, P.C. to allow potential creditors to make claims on the assets. ATTORNEYSATLAW After four months, the property can be distributed as di­ 591 S.W. Mill View Way rected in the deceasedperson's wilL or if there is no will, to Bend, Oregon 97702 the person's intestate heirs. This small estate procedure is a 541-aez-4331 less costly and simpler alternative to a formal probate.

REAL ESTATE T he law that exempts homeowners from paying tax on debt that is cancelled in a short sale will expire on January l. Unless Congress extends this law, a short sale that does not close before January r will result in imputed taxable income to the seller/borrower. Will Congress extend the homeowner tax exemption?

m~u president obama proposed to extend the hom­ ~ eow ner tax exemption through 2015. On August 12 the Senate Finance Committee voted to extend Craig Edwards the homeowner exemption through 2013. Most observers Attorney at Law predict that the full Senate will pass the bill after the elec­ EDWARDS LAW tion, but are less optimistic about its chances in the Repub­ OFFICES PC lican controlled House. Rep. Dan Lungren, a California 225 N.W. Franklin Ave. Republican whose district was hard-hit by foreclosures, is Suite 2 leading efforts in the House to extend the exemption. As of Bend, oregon 97701 September 18, Lungren had only 4 Republican co-sponsors 541-318-0061 for his bill. rll report more developments next month.

Once my wife is receiving Medicaid assistance, who wiu pay for her medications and secondary insurancesuch asMe dicare and hersupplemental Medicare insurancet Will the State of Oregon take care of those costs and expenses? If so, should I continue toray for her secondary insurance? The Stat eofO regon becomes your w ife'sprim ary insurer for medical and prescription medications, thenMedicare actsassecondary insuranceand her Auorney at Law supplemental as third insurer. Do not cancel her supplemental Hendrix, Brinch insurance as Medicaid funding in Qregon is not a sure bet. sr Bertalan, L.L.p Iftherew erecutsto M edicaid and yourw ifewa sdropped, ATTORNEYS ATLAiN she would need her supplemental insurance. The premium 716 Nw Harriman St for Medicare will be paid by the State once your wife starts Bend, OR 97701 receiving Medicaid and her supplemental insurance premium 541-382-4980 is an allowed deduction from her income.

Ltsa Bertatan

EMPLOYMENT What's this I hear about new background check notification requirements?

Employers oftenhire third-party agencies toperform crim­ inal or other backgroundchecks on applicants, which can trigger coverage by the Fair Credit Reponing Act (FCRA). (Credit checks for employmentpurposesaregenerally unlawful in Oregon, with fewexceptions, burFCRA canapply eventocriminal backgroundchecks.) If the information in the background checkis used for an "adverseaction" (i.e., denying anapplication), FCRA Kurt Barker Attorney at Laur requirements include notifying the applicant with a "pre-adverse action" letter. That letter must include, amongother things, a Sum­ Karnopp Petersen LLP mary of Rights form—aform that just changed! Effective January 1201 N.W.Wall Street u 20l3, employers must revise their forms to include additional information and reflect that the Consumer Financial Protection Suite 200 Bend, Oregon 97701 Bureau nowenforcesFCRA. A model form is available—contact your employment attorney to help ensureyour background check 541-382-3011 www.karnopp.com policies/practices cansurvive legal scrutiny.




SerViCe OPtiOnS fOr airfare 'OPtiOnS'Whatfollows is asampling ofservices thatoffer, or planto soonoffer, options onairfares:

Continued from G1 A fare option might work like this: You pay $9 to lock in ticket at a set fare for three

days while you get your spouse or friends to commit to a get­ away — or wait for your boss to approve vacation time. Typically, the longer you hold the fare, the more the option costs. You don't get your fee back, regardless of whether you make the pur­ chase or let the option ex­ pire. For option sellers, it's a delicate balance of p r i cing options low enough to entice consumers, but high enough to make money, considering they may not make the final sale. There's also the r i sk for the option sellers that a fare could go up while a con­ sumer decides, which means,

depending on their arrange­ ment with the airline, they'd have to pay the difference in ticket prices. Years ago, airlines would take reservations and hold a fare for free. But like checked bags and onboard meals, that freebie went away. Now, carri­ ers and online travel agencies have instant ticketing, with 24-hour cancellation periods, which is federal law. "It's mainly for people with mushy plans — t hey d on't know if they want to go at all or exactly what day — and they want to lock in a price," said Rick Seaney, an air trav­ el analyst and co-founder of FareCompare.com. "I think it's a niche business. A certain type of person might do it." While it might be a niche product, fare options compa­ nies argue it's valuable be­ cause plane reservations are


UNITEDAIRLINES FARELOCK The best-known option service — and the only one that's fully functional — is

Optionlt, operated by Chicago-based



BitBend's co-founders, husband-and­ wife team Rob and Heidi Brown, have

SteadyFare is also in beta testing, of­ fering flight options from three airports

FareLock byChicago-based United Air­

Smart Options, currently sells "Reserve Now ... Decide Later" options on sporting­ financial backgrounds — he infutures

lines. It adopted the service from Conti­ nental after the airlines merged in 2010;

event tickets and travel packages. It plans trading and she in international currencies to offer options on airline tickets too, com­ — and love to travel, said Heidi Brown,

the combined airline beganoffering Fare­

pany officials say.

Lock in March. United's Farelock, onlyavailable if you

"It's becoming clear that markets are starting to recognize the value of the flex­

chief marketing officer.

book certain United or United Express

ibility and convenience that options offer,"

it calls a bend — onairfares for a number of days or weekswhile consumers final­

flights at United.com, allows you to hold your itinerary and price for either 72 hours

said Geoff Baker, in-house counsel at the

ize travel plans. BitBend.com plans to

company. The company is in talks with airlines, fare-comparison websites andstartup companies to offer the options on airfares, CEO MacMcNally said.

promote on social media thegood fares it finds and suggest people buyoptions

or seven days for a fee.You purchase FareLock on the "review trip itinerary"

page after you've selected flights online. The service locks in afare in a certain sec­ tion of the cabin, not a specific seat. "The reasoning behind it was to give

While officials don't have a date for

It, too, plans to place a hold — or what

to lock in a price before it disappears.

"You can havethis group-travel buzz go­ ingaround— 'OK,guys,who'sin?Who wants to go?'" she said. The couple started working directly

when the companywould start offering airfare options, they said they were in late­ with airlines, but carriers were moving

customers more flexibility and peaceof mind when booking their travel," said United spokeswoman Mary Clark. "That

stage talks with airlines and other travel­

slower than BitBend wanted, Brown said.

was something that our customers

related companies. Thecompany might offer options at a stand-alone website

So BitBend became a travel agency to gain access to airline seat inventory and the

wanted." United declined to release sales numbers for FareLock, but"it's fair to say

or as the behind-the-scenes engine that offers options on other travel or airline

ability to book tickets. If a customer decides to exercise the

initial sales exceededour expectations and


bend the company will buy the planetick­

have grown strongly since," Clark said.

Similar to its sports-team partners, it would work with airlines to reserve seats

et, making money on the bend price plus any ticket-price difference that falls in its

Pricing of FareLock options can goas low as $1, but they typically cost $9 and up, based on such variables as flight itin­

erary, how far in advancethe booking is and demand for the flight, she said.

Francisco — to 17 destinations.

Perhaps the biggest drawback for some consumers is that they can't choose flight times or the airline, although the company plans to add that feature, said Jack Con­

nor, a SteadyFareco-founder. Hesaid the company is tinkering with the business model. Not specifying an airline or flight

time gives SteadyFaremorechoices of flights, ensuring it can book the ticket for those who exercise their options, he said.

Unlike others, SteadyFare's option is essentially a cap onairfare for two or four weeks. Youwon't pay any morethan your option specifies, but if prices drop, you'll pay the lower price whenyou book. An­ other advantage is the ability to choose a

range of departure and return dates. Connor said he hopes the service will

be fully operational by early next year.

for Optionlt customers, ensuring there are favor. It expects most bends to cost $5 to tickets for those who exercise options.

The company's experience in sporting­

American Airlines does not offer airfare lock-ins but "is reviewing the concept," a

— JFK in NewYork, Los Angeles and San

event tickets shows that about 80 percent of option buyers go through with the pur­ chase, McNally said.

$25, taking into consideration the airfare, length of the bend and number of days

from the departure date, Brown said. The site is in a"beta" test phase, but the Browns hope to have it available in

spokeswoman said. American still offers a

December. Theearliest offerings will be

24-hour hold on most reservations.

flights from Chicago to16 domestic des­ tinations.

"It's basically a d i scount program on refundable tick­ ets," Seaney said. And you can decide not to take the trip for any reason, which makes it different than traditional travel insurance. or paying flight change fees, Still, some industry watch­ often $150 per ticket. (A no­ ers aren't convinced there's a table exception is Southwest mass market in options. Airlines, which doesn't have For example, Hobica won­ change fees.) ders why other airlines in the often nonrefundable, unlike reservations for hotels,car rentals and restaurants. Buy­ ing an option is an alternative to buying a refundable ticket, which can cost twice as much as a n o n refundable ticket,

hyper-competitive i n d ustry haven't copied the idea if it is a money-maker. And the 2 4-hour c a n cellation r u l e helps i n ma n y s i t u ations where a fare option would be useful, Hobica said. "I've nev­ er used it, and I don't think I would use it." A nother h u rdle f o r t h e smaller companies is building trust. "If you're a whole new

brand, an unknown brand, I think it's a tougher sell," Se­ aney said, adding that people might not be willing to give their credit card numbers to an unfamiliar company. "Will it have mass adoption? It doesn't feel like it would," Seaney said. "But for a certain number of people, it would be somewhat useful. It just de­ pends on your situation."

Deaf Continued from G1 Taking their cue, after high school I went to the Rochester Institute of Technology; it has a good hospitality and tourism management department. Af­ ter two years, I transferred to Gallaudet University for deaf and hard-of-hearing students; Joseph was already enrolled there. It didn't have a hospi­ tality management major so I majored in business admin­ istration, even though I hated numbers. That's where I met my fu­ ture husband, Russ. After he received his degree in business administration, we moved to San Francisco in 1995. I trans­ ferred toSan Francisco State University, majoring in hospi­ tality management and gradu­ ating in 1998.

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VOTEFOR Peter DaSilva /New York Times News Service


Melody and Russ Steln, who are both deaf,sign to each other in the kitchen of their restaurant in San Francisco. The couple run a pizzeria called Mozzeria with a staff of American Sign Lan­

My personal goal was post­ guage signers. poned when Russ was offered a job at the Communication Service for the Deaf in Sioux Falls, S.D. Though a detour from my dream, it was too good an opportunity for him to refuse. I also got a job there, in marketing. We stayed 10

us. I developed our menu — in­ cluding a pizza topped with roast duck and hoisin sauce, a gesture to my Chinese roots. The space we chose had been a restaurantpreviously, years. but it had not been accessible Those years would serve for peoplein wheelchairs. We us well when we returned to made that a c commodation San Francisco and felt ready right away; naturally I am a to open a r estaurant. Russ strong advocate of the Ameri­ agreed, only if it could be a piz­ cans With Disabilities Act. zeria. Being from New York, There were little glitches he is a pizza fanatic. Mozza­ from the outset.We encoun­ rella is his weakness. That's t ered certain p e ople w h o how Mozzeria was born. We themselves would become opened last December in the speechless, as they had never Mission District. met deafpeople before, much But the preparation started less done business with them. two years earlier. Immersing We had to educate government myself in Italian cooking, I and business reps that they went to Italy and took pizza­ had to arrange for American and pasta-making classes in Sign Language interpreters Rome, Sorrento and Positano. to communicate with us. We I brought along my mother, became more used to writing who signs, to interpret for me. notes back and forth and us­ Back in San Francisco, Russ ing the iPad. and I built a small wood-burn­ A lmost everything in t h e ing oven in our backyard and restaurant was designed or I practiced making pies. We built by deaf people, as is all decided on serving Neapolitan the artwork on the walls. We pizza; it felt more authentic to hired deaf and ASL signers.

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For many, working in a res­ taurant was a new experience. We learned a lot together and improvised over time. Every­ one now carries paper and pen to c o m municate w i th hearing guests. Our kitchen has lots of bulletin boards for the staff to write on, to avoid any mistakes. The rise of social media and new technology has been an unexpected boon for the deaf, making it much easier to communicate with hear­ ing people — in w ays l i ke simple text messaging and video relay services. Twitter and Facebook put us on par with other restaurants. Hear­ ing guests may notice that

instead of just picking up the phone and calling, they need to rely more on the Internet to reach us or make reservations. I also started blogging on our website. I've been approached to write a book, but I think that juggling the restaurant and our two children is quite enough for now. These days, I wear a few hats. I still make dough and create pizza r ecipes. Russ trains the pizza makers. Our chef, Bryan Baker, oversees small plates, pasta and des­ serts. I'm trying to look more at big-picture issues, like mar­ keting and public relations. And my husband keeps the books — I still hate numbers.

Everyonehasarighttoknow whatthegovernment is doing..

... except75% ofseniors. Current Oregon law requires public notices to be printed in a newspaper whose readers are affected by the notice. Federal, state, and local government agencies erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their web sites instead of in the local newspaper. But who would haveaccessto those online notices?62%of u.s. seniors (65 and older) have no internet access, and a third of those whoDo have access are still limited to dialup.' Besides, you'd have to know in advancewhere,when,and how to look,and what to look for, in order to be informed about government actions that could affect you directly. Less than 109'0 o f the U.S, population currently visits a government web sitedaily,- but 80% of all Oregon adults read a newspaper at least once

duringan average week,and 54% read publicnoticesprinted there.*­

Keeppublic notices in the newspaper!





Balyeat Wins Judicial Preference Poll By more than a 2 to 1 margin, Deschutes County attorneys voted for Andy Balyeat in the Judicial Preference Poll. - Oregon State Bar Judicial PreferencePoll (Sept. 2012) "Andy Balyeat is deeply committed to the law a n d

to our community. It's clear why his candidacy for Circuit Court Judge is overwhelmingly endorsed by his legal colleagues. Andy will serve the citizens of Deschutes County with fairness, integrity and heart."

- Ruth Williamson,BendPark k Recreation District Board of Directors

FORMER OPPONENTS SUPPORT BALYEAT "lt is our p rivilege to endorse Andy Balyeat for Circuit Court Judge. Andy has the experience, temperament andcharacter to be an excellentjudge.

Pleasejoin us in supporting Andy Balyeatfor Judge."

Find It All Online

— T.J. Spear, Attorney at Law; Aaron Brenneman, Chief Deputy Attorney, Crook County

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for Deschutes County


Vote Andy Balyeat for Judge Because Experience Matters


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Mutual funds 1yr 3yr 1 yr 3 yr 1yr 3yr 1 yr 3 yr 1yr 3yr 1 yr 3 yr 1yr 3yr 1 yr 3 yr 1yr 3yr 1 yr 3 yr Name N AV Chg % rl %rl Name N AV Chg %rt %rl Name NAV Chg%rl %rl Name NAV Chg%rt %fl Name N AV Chg %ll %fl Name N AV Chg %rl %rt Name N AV Chg %II %ll Name N AV Chg %fl %rt Name N AV Chg % rl %rl Hame N AV Chg %rl %rl AOR Funds: GlbGr8lncl 11.12i.05 i6.9 i18.7 SmlCapT p 21.05 -.06i7.6 i14.6 TotMkldxF r 41.64 t.15i20.9 +398 Bond 13 .00 -.02 +1Q 4 i22.0 PerkMCV alT 22.07 i.16 i13.7 +22.7 IntlEqP np l3.87 i.21 +139 i10.9 ShortT 9 8 8-.Q1+3 3 i5.8 SmCV2ln l0.20 +Q3i2Q.1 i35.2 MCpAdmln 1QQ5 4 i.71 +17.7 +421 DivArb I n 11.14 -.03 NA NA MgdFutSt I n 940 -02 NA NS

GrKlncCt 3309 +.10 +7.6 +19.3 StrlnT 12 78 +01+106 +272 Grth8,lncA p 32 96 i.10 i8.4 i22.0 Fidelity Freedom: GrowthA p 50 64-48 +8.4 +21.9 FF2000n 12 54 +71 +178 CapApr 16.82 +19.5 +35.9 GrowthC t 45.23 -.44 +7.5 +19.2 FF2010n 14.33 +.03+11.5 +23.3 SpectraN 1405 +03 +205 +423 Growth I 55 62 -53 +86 +228 FF2010K 13.I3 i.ll3+11.7 i23.6 MklNeutl r 12.62 -.01 +8.2 +16.6 FF2015n 11 98 t02+11 7 +235 Alger FundsI: CapApprl 23.I7 i.01+199 i36.1 MktNeutAp 1274 -01 +78 +156 FF2015A 12.16 +.03+11.7+23.6 Calvert Invest: SmCapGrl 28.27 +.08+17.0 +35.4 FF2015K 13.20 i.Q3+11 8 i24.0 Inco p 1 6.62 -.03 +9.7 +18.8 FF2020n 14 51 t03+128 +24 8 AllianceBernstein: IntDurlnstl 1640 -02 +67 +239 ShDurlncAt 1649 +02 +68 +113 FF2020A 12.67 +.04+12.9 +25.0 SocEqA p 37.91-.15 t13.5 i31.5 FF2020K 13.63 i.Q3+129 i25.1 AllianceBern A: FF2025n 12l0 +04+143 +25 6 GloDIBdA r 8.64 -.01 +7.7 +22.1 Causeway Intl: Inst>tutnlnr 1294 +23 +195 +187 FF2025A 12.22 +.05+14.2 +26.0 GrolncA p 4.04 +.03+23 6 +42.4 HighlncoAp 943 i.06 i19.1 A2.3 Clipper 68.76 +.33 +16.0 +30.6 FF2025K 13.79 +.04+14.4 +26.0 FF2030n 14 41 +05+14 6 +254 LgCapGrAp 28.66 -.29+17.7+30.2 Cohen & Steers: InsltRlty n 44 34 +72 +259 +684 FF2030K 1394 +.04+14 8 +25.9 AllianceBernAdv: H>lncm Adv 944 + 06 +194 +436 RltyShrs n 68.49+UO+25.7 +67.6 FF2035n 11.94 +.05+15.5 +25.0 FF2035A 12 09 +06+156 +260 Columbia ClassA: AllianceBern C: HighlncoC p 9.54 i.07+18.3 +39.1 Acorn t 2 9 63 +05 t156 +363 FF2035K 14.04 +.06+15 7 +25.6 FF2040n 8.33 +.03+15.7+25.2 Acoml n tl A t 39.88 t.14 t13.8 +22.1 Allianz AdminMMS: Aggp 1110 t05 t137 +267 FF2040K l4 08 +06+15 8 +256 NFJSmC pVIt 29.75 +.24 +136 +39.7 BIOMod FF2045n 986 +.04+159 +25.1 DivEql n c A 10.62 t.11 t18.1 +27.7 Allianz Fds Instl: 14.23 +.06+16.1 +25.7 NFJD< vVal 1291 +14 +21 5 +397 D >vrBd 5 2 8 +Ol +95 +240 FF2045K FF2050n 971 +04+161 +24 7 DivilncoA 15.03 +.08 +19.7 +38.9 SmCpVln 31.33 +.26+13.8 +40.7 D>v0pptyA 8 82 +08 +194 +454 FF2050K 14 25 +06+163 +25 2 Allianz FundsA: FocusEqAt 22.66-.15 +127 +29.5 FreelncK 11.82 +.01+7.2+1 7.7 NFJDivValt 1281 +14 +211 +38 2 H>Yl d Bond 2 94 +01 +173 +402 IncomeFd n 11 80 i7.1 i17.6 SmCpVA 29.77 +.24+13.4 +39.0 LgCapG rAt 26.84 -.07 +20.1 +38.7 Fidelity n I vesi: Alpine Funds: LgCorQA p 662 +03 +223 i442 AIISectEq l3 02 +08+186 +331 Tax0ptlnco 10.05 +0.9 +4 3 14.37+.16 +19.7 +34.4 AMgr50n 16.35 +.03+12 0 +25.5 AmanaGrthn 2651 -l6 +135 +294 MidCpValA p 11 30+04 +125 +262 AMgr70nr 17.38 +.06+14.2 +26.5 Amanalnco n 33.99 +.29 +12.6 +26.9 PBModA SelLgCpG rt 13.35 -.15 +11.2 +38.8 AMgr20nr 13 37 +77 +198 Amer Beacon Insti: S trtlncA 6 4 4 +02 t127 +298 Balanc 2018 +09+14 7 +316 LgCaplnst 21 91 +28+234 +344 TxExA p 14.30 -.01 +11.3 +24.7 BalancedK 20.17 +.08+14.9 +32.1 SmCaplnst 21.13 +.17+20.9 +35.7 SelComm A 42 02 -47 +26 +198 BlueCh< pGr 4923 -31 +161 +41 4 Amer BeaconInv: Columbia ClassZ: BluChpG rFn 4933 -30 +164 +423 LgCaplnv 2075 i.27+23 0 +32.9 Acorn 1 30.75 t.06 t16.0 +37.5 BluChpG rK 49.28 -.30+16.3 +42.1 Ameri Century1st: Acomlntl 1 40 02 +15 t142 +234 CAMunn 12.93 -.02+10 5 i23.0 Growth 28 21 - l6 +172 +383 AcomUSA 30.27-.10 +150 +33.8 Canada n 5424 +24 +97 +140 Amer Century Adv: Bond 971 -02 +77 +21 2 CapAppn 29.77 +.23+21.8 +44.1 EqtylncA p 8.00 +.08+18.1 +33.2 DivilncomeZ 15.04+.08 +20.0 +39.9 CapApprK 29.83 i.23+21 9 +44.8 HentageAp 2202 +04+16 6 +422 IntmBdZ n 9 65 +01 +92 +251 CapDevlO e 11 91 +180 +34 4 Amer Century Inst: IntmTEBd n 11.03 -.02 +8.3 +19.9 Caplnconr 9.44 +.04+15.7 +39.2 E qlnc 800 i . 07+18.7 t35.0 LgCapGr 135G -16 i11.4 i39.7 ChinaReg r 28.07 +.23+11.4 +5.0 Amer Century Inv: LgCapldxZ 28 01+.10 +20.9 +38.4 Contra n 7794 -65 +176 +391 AIICapGr 30.85 -.31 MarsGrPrZ 22 71-1Q t14.1 i33.6 ContraK 77.96 -.64+17.7+39.6 CAIAITF 1198 -02 MidCapGrZ 2714 -02 +11.8 +386 CnvSec 24.82 +.11+11.6 +26.3 DivBond n 11.28 -.02 MidCpldxZ 11 87i.14 i19.3 i43.2 D>sEq n 24 57 +11+192 +203 D>vBond 1128 -02 MdCpilal p 14 39 +.16 +20.0 +35.3 D>scE aF 24.57 +.11+19 4 +21.0 EqGrolnvn 24.47 +.04 STlncoZ 10 Q1 i.01 i2.9 i8.7 Diverlntl n 29.26 +.35+13.1 +7.1 Eqlnco 8 0 0 +.08 STMunZ 10 55 -01 +1.8 +5.3 D>verslntK r 29 25 +35+133 +77 GNMAI 11.20 -.02 SmlCapldxt n 17 65 i.02 i21.4 i43.7 D>vStk0n 17.51 +.04+244 +43.6 GovtBd 11.55 -.04 SCilalullZ 14 65 +.05 +20.1 +35.5 DivGrowK 30.07 +.19+20.7+31.8 Growthl 2793 -l6 Stratlnco 6 36 i.02 t13.0 i30.7 D>vGthn 30 08 +18+205 +31 2 Heritagel 22.73 +.05 ValRestr n 49 77 +.27 +17.3 +21.5 IncGro 2 7 54 + 10 CRAQllnnp v 11.25 -03 +4.8 i15.2 InfAdjBond 13.41 -.06 CG CapMkt Fds: IntTF 11 . 75 -.01 CoreFxlnco 893 IntTF n 11.75 -.02 LgGrw 16.54 IntlGrol 1 1.00 +.11 L gVal n 9 76 MdCapilal 13 05 +10 Credit Suisse Co NTDivrBdn 11.20 -.02 CommRe t t 8.42 Selectl 4 4 21 - 42 Cullen Funds: Ultra n 2 5.99 -.32 HiD>vE qlnr 14 14 Valuelnv 6.37 +.06 DFA Funds: Vista 175 6 +07 Glb6040lns 13.40 American FundsA: IntlCoreEqn 1017 AmcapFA p 21.20 +.01 USCoreEq 1n 12.26 AmMutlAp 2853 +27 USCoreE q2n 1212 BalA p 2 0.31 +.12 DWS InvestA: BondFdAp 1296 -02 EqtyDivdA 35.82 CaplnBldAp 53.05 i.15 H >lncA 4 9 6 CapWGrA p 36.35 +.26 MgdMuni p 9.55 CapWIdAp 21 59 -01 StrGovSecA 8 88 EupacA p 40.05 +.46 DWS Invest Inst FundlnvAp 4023 +34 Eqty500IL 162.87 GlblBalA 26.57 +.15 DWS Invest S: GovtAp 1457 -03 CoreEqtyS 1814 GwthFdA p 33.69 i.10 GNMA S 15.51 Hl TrstA p 11.30 +.04 H>Yl d Tx n 1310 H>lncMun>A 15 28 +01 MgdMuni S 9.56 IncoFdA p 1815 +.17 Davis FundsA: IntBdAp 1377 -03 NYilen A 36 35 IntlGrlncA p 30.20 +.37 Davis Funds C: InuCoAA p 3068 +14 LtdTEBdA p 16.39 -.03 NYilen C 34.88 NwEconA p 28.23 -.06 Davis FundsY: NewPerAp 3054 +28 NYllenY 3680 NewWorldA 52.80 +.37 Delaware Inves STBFAp 1009 Diver Inc p 946 SmCpWpA39.23 +.05 LtdTrmDvrA 891 TaxExA p 13.1 5 Diamond Hill F TxExCAA p 17.64 i.01 LongShortln 1852 WshMutA p 31.53 +.31 Dimensional Fd American Funds 8: EmMkCrEqn 1912 6alanBp 2024 +12 EmgMktVal 28 65 CaplnBldBp 53.10 +.15 GIDRE Secn 9 37 CapWGr8t 3617 +27 IntSmVa n 15 24 GrowthB t 32.51 • .09 LargeCo 11 32 IncomeB p 18.02 +.17 STExtQualn 1097 Arbitrage Funds: STMuniBdn 10.29 Arb<trageln 1288 -20 TAWexU SC r n 8 62 ArbitrageRp 12.63 -.19 TAUSC orEq2 9.86 Ariel Investments: TM USSm 24 92 Apprec 4 4 77 i 04 USVectrEq n 11.71 Ariel n 4 9.64 +.32 USLgVan 2272 Artio Global Funds: USLgVa3n 17.39 GibH>inco t 10.39 + 06 US M> cro n 14 81 G lbHilnclr 993 i 06 US TgdVal 17.38 IntlEqlr 24.72 +.42 US Small n 2310 TotRetl 1 4 04 -02 US Sm Val 26.75 IntlSmCo n 1533 Artisan Funds: GIDEqlnst 13.80 Intl 23.68 +.13 EmgMktSCp n2044 Intllnstl 2 3 85 +.14 IntlValu r 29.01 i.22 EmgMkt n 26.17 IntlVallnstl 29.10 +.23 F ixd n 1 0 35 MidCap 3759 -l9 ST Govt n 10.86 MidCaplnstl 39.01 -.20 IntGvFxln n 13 08 M>dCa pVal 21 39 +30 IntlREst 5 . 60 IntVa n 15 90 SmCapVal 14.89 +.06 IntVa3 n 14.87 Aston Funds: IntlProSecs 12 90 FairM>dCpN 3329 i.03 MB,CG roN 2572 -23 Glb5Fxlnc 11.26 LrgCaplntn 1850 BBH Funds: TM UST gtV 22.98 BdMktN 10.45 +.01 TMlntlValue 1308 CoreSelN 17 66 +14 TMMklwdeV 16.97 BNY Mellon Funds: TMMtVa2 16 34 BondFund 13.75 -.01 TMUSEq 15.37 EmgMkts 9 69 2YGIFxd n 1013 LrgCapStk 936 +07 DFARIEst n 26.27 MidCapMltSt 11.87 +.11 DodgeSCox: NatllntMun> 1402 -02 Balanced n 77 47 NtlShTrmMu13.01 -.01 GblStock 9.05 Baird Funds: IncomeFd 13 93 AggBdlnst 11.09 Intl Stk 33.39 CoreBdlnst 11.31 -.01 Stock 1 20 65 ShtTBdlnst 9.78

Alger Funds A:

TotMktlndlnv41.62 +.15+20.9 +39.6 CpApplnvp 41 49 -42 +141 +32 6 ResearchTn 31 72 +02+139 +341 US8ond I 1193 -03 +57 NS CapApplnstn 42.15 -.42+14.5 +34.1 ShTmBdT 3.11 +3.7 +9.3 HiYBdlnst r 11.20 +.05+13.6 +34.0 TwentyT 6167 -17 +197 +192 5 9 06 + 89 +138 +12 0 Jensen Funds: ExtMktAdv r 4000 +.20+20.3 +433 Intllnvt 500ldxAdv 5082 t.17 i2I.O +388 IntlAdm>n p 59.27 +.90 +14 0 +12.4 QualGrowthl 29.04 -.05+13.7 +30.7 500lndexI 50.82 +.17+21.1 NS Intl nr 5 9 .76 +.91 +14.3 +13.3 Qual>tyGrthJ 29.03 .05+13.3 +29.5 IntlAdvr 33.55 i.66 i10.6 i4.9 Harding Loevner. John HancockA: Intlldx Inst 33.57 +.66+10.6 NS EmgMkls r 50.09 +1.02NA NA BondAp 1642 +Ol +122 +333 TotlMldAdv r 41.63 t.15i20.9 +398 IntlEqty 1544 + 36 NA NA IncomeA p 6.74 +.03+12.3 +32.7 USBond I 11.93 -.03 +56 NS Hartford Fds A: LgCpEqA 27.97 i.16i21.7 +22.5 First Eagle 6allncoAp 1231 +09 +174 +400 John Hancock Cl 1: GlobaiA 49.58 t.37 ill.2 i294 CapAppA p 33.01 +.27 +14.3 +12.1 LSAggress 1276 +06+155 +236 OverseasA 22.40 +.20 +78 +22.6 Chks@ Bal p 9.99 +.06 +14.1 +22.6 LSBalance 13.53 +.05+14.3 +26.7 SoGenG old p 29.65 -.19 -2.4 i19.6 D>vGthAp 21 I5 +24 +192 +31 0 LS Conserv 13.50 i.02i11.5 i26.2 USValuAt 18.38 +.09+15.2 +33.5 Eqtylnct 15.04 +.20 +22 7 +41.0 LSGrowth 13.47 +.06+15.3 +25.7 First Inves tors A FltRateA px 8.95 +.01 +10.5 +25.4 LS Moder 13.36 +.04+13.0 +28.1 GrolncA p 16.58 i.08 i22.2 i37.4 MidCapA p 2070 + 30+209 +362 John Hancock Instl: Forum FunEIS: Hartford FdsC: D<spValMCI 1288 +15+21 5 +444 AbsolStratlr 11 25 +20 +93 CapAppCt 29I2 +23 +135 t97 Keeley Funds: Frank/Temp Frnk A: FltRateC tx 8.94 +.01 +9.7 +22.5 SmCpValp A27.16 +.26 t22.2 +35.8 AdjUS p 890 i2 2 i5.7 Hartford Fds I: LSVValEqn 15.28 +.24t24.5 +30.7 AZTFAp 11.50 -.02 +10.2 +208 DivGthl n 21.08 +.24+19.5 +32.1 Laudus Funds: Balinvp 43.78 i1.05i19.0 i28.2 Hartford FdsY: IntlMsterS r 1910 +26+147 +225 CAHYBd p 1058 -.01 +16.3 +34.0 CapAppY n 35.96 +.29 +14.8 +13.5 USLgCa pGrr 1440 -.11 t16.9 +43.5 CallnsAp 12.98 -.02ill.5 i231 CapAppln 33 08 +28 +14 7 +130 Lazard Instl: CalTFrAp 7.53 +12.5 +228 D>vGrowthYn 21 45 +24 +19 6 +326 EmgMktl 19.39 +.06t13.1 +15.4 EqlncApx 18.27 i.16 i17.4 i35.1 FltRatel x 8.96 +.01 +10.8 +26.3 Lazard Open: Fedlnterm p 12.58 -.03 +92 +218 TotRetBdYnx11.30 -.03 i84 i228 EmgMkt0pp 1980 +06+127 +143 FedTxFrA p 12.74 -.01i10.5 i22.4 Hartford HLSIA: FlexCapGrA 48.37 -.23 +10.7 +26.1 CapApp 4243 +31 +152 +204 Legg Mason A: CBEq6ldrA 1489 +l7 +204 +431 FIRtDAp 9.11 i86 i18.4 D>v&Grwth 2200 +25 +19 9 +32 9 129.51 +1.16 +21.4 +52.7 FLTFAp 11.98 -.02 +83 +19.7 Grwlh0pp 29.16 -.01 +21.6+37.3 CBAggGrp 1612 +l0 +21 4 +365 FoundF AIp 11.18 t.15 i18.1 i27.1 Balanced 21.42 i.Q6+163 i29.9 CBApprp CBFdAI I C VA 14.49 +.29 +20.4 +22.6 GoldPrMA 35.30 -.01 -8.1 +10.3 S tock 46 1 9t 3 0 +22 0 +35 0 6 82 +98 +20.2 GrowlhA p 49.61 -.10i15.7 i33.1 Intl0pp 1 2.09 +.17+14.2 +10.6 WAlntTmMu WAMgMuAp 1723 -01 +l21 +239 HYTFAp 10.93 -.01 +13.0 +27.7 MidCap 28.05 i.42 +21 5 i37.9 HilncoA 2.07 i.OI i16.8 i39.4 SmallCo 1934 -04 +152 +387 Legg Mason C: IncoSerA p 2.26 +.03+17.7 +37.4 TotalRetBd 11.88 -.02+8.4 +23.6 WAlntTMuC 6.83 WAMgMuC 1724 -01 InsTFA p 1261 -02 +92 +197 Hartford HLS IB: CMilalTr p 41.92 +.05 MichTFA p 12.35 -.01 +6.9 +16.2 CapApprec p 42.00 +.30 Legg Mason I: 1275 -02 MOTFAp +87 +207 Hearlland Fds: CBAggGrl t 138.78 +1.25 NJTFA p 12.64 -.03 +8.5 +19.4 Valuelnv 42.20 -.31 Litman Gregory Fds: NYTFAp 1216 +81 +184 I ntll 1421 + 2 4 NCTFAp 12.98 -.01 +9.3 +20.4 ValPluslnv p 29 81 -I6 Henderson Glbl Fds: Qh<OI TFAp 1312 -02 +87 +183 Longleaf Parlners: ORTFA p 12.60 -.02 +8.8 +20.4 Intl0ppAp 20I3 +26 Partners 3125 +57 PATFAp 1096 -01 +92 +212 Hotchkis & Wiley: Intln 13 . 68 +.30 SmCap 3028 i29 RisDivA p 37.57 +.09+14.2 +40.3 MidCpilal 2766 + 36 SMCpG rA 3662 -16 +121 +349 Hussman Funds: Laomis Sayles: Qratlnc p 10.74 +.05+12.0 +28.3 StrTotRetr 1247 -02 GIbBURt 1725 -.03 TotlRtnA p 1052 -01 +88 +256 StrGrovrth 10.96 -.02 LSBondl 15.12 +.06 USGovA p 6.84 -.02 +3.0 +15.0 ICMSmlCo 28.77 -.03 LSGIbIBII 1741 -04 Ut<l>tiesA p 1429 i23 +163 +474 ING FundsCl A: Strlnc C 15.54 +.13 Frank/Tm Frnk Adv: GlbRE l 7 6 2 +17 LSBondR 1506 +07

Fidelity Sp arl Adv:

MCapGrln 3474 -02 +33 +296 TotRetn 1157 -02 +1I 8 +248 MCapGrPp 3344 -.02 +3.0 +28.7 TRlln 1 1 .12 -.02 +9.7 +21.7 SmlCoGrl n 14.04 -.28+14.1 +28.7 TRIII n 1 0.18 -.02+11.2 +24.1 Munder Funds A: PIMCO FundsA: MdCpCGrt 31.16 +.28+15.6 +42.7 AIIAstAuth t 11.22 i.06 i17.1 +29.6 AIIAssetp 1266 +06+144 +302 Munder FundsY: MdCpC GrYn 31.94 +.30 +15.9 +43.8 CommodRRp6.89 -.06 +7.9 +28.4 HiYldA 9 . 6 0 +.05 +15.4 +38.2 Mutual Series: BeaconZ 13.37 +.09+20.0+27.1 LowDurA 1064 -01 +61 +125 Europt 2 1 .I3 i.41 i155 i10.5 RealRetA p 12.57 -.05+10.5 +29.4 p 9.88 -.01 +3.1 +4.9 GblD>s covA 30 04 + 22 +16 6 +217 ShorlTrmA GlbDiscC 2966 +.22+15 8 +192 TotRtA 1 1 57 -02 +114 +232 PIMCO Funds C: GlbDiscZ 30.49 +.24+17.0 +22.9 QuestZ l 7 90 +15 +16 7 +230 AIIAstAut t 1111 t 06 +163 +267 AIIAssetC t 12.52 i.06+13.5 +27.4 SharesZ 2273 +17 +203 +279 LwDurC nt 10.64 -.01 +5.8 +11.4 Nationwide Instl: IntldxIn 6 9 7+ 13+10 0 +3 9 RealRetCp 1257 -05 +99 +275 NwBdldxl n 11.87 -.03t5.3 t18.5 TotRtCt 1 1 57 -.02 +10.6 +20.5 MP500lnstln 11.96 +.04+20.9 t38.2 PIMCO FundsD: CommodRpR 6.91 -.06 +8.0 +28.4 NationwideSerr. IDModAgg 9.65 +.06i14.1 t23.5 LowDurat p 10.64 -.01 +6.2 +12.7 RealRtnp 1257 -05 +105 +295 Neuberger&BermFdS: Eql~cA 11.89 i.09+14.7+42.3 TotlRtn p 1157 -.02+11.5 +23.7 Eqlnclnst l193 +09 +152 i440 PIMCO Funds P: Genesis n 3544 +18+129 +400 AIIAsset 12.76 +.06+14.8 +32.0 Geneslnstl 49.82 +.24+13.1 +40.8 AsNIIAuthP 11.28 +.06+17.6 +31.3 HilncBdlnst 9.54 +.05+16.1 +40.0 Comm0tyRR 7 01 - 06 +83 +298 LgCapVlnvn 2799 +46+177 +164 EmgLocalP 10.93 +.08+10.0 +28.8 IncomeP 12.28 +.02+20.5 +55.3 Neuberger&Berm Tr: Genesisn 5I6I +25 +128 +397 LowDurP 1064 -01 +64 +134 RealRtnP 12.57 -.05+10.8 +30.6 Nicholas Group: N>cholas n 4848 + 22+207 i45 3 TotRtnP 11.57 -.02+11.7 +24.4

Northern Funds: Bondldx l 1 06 -06 EmgMEqldx 1155 +22 Fixln n 1 0.84 -.03 GlbREldx r 9.02 i.19 H>YFxlncn 75I +04 IntTaxEx n 10.97 -.03 IntlEqldxr 10.19 +.32 MMEmMktr l845 i.37 MMGlbREr I856 +41 MMlntlEq r 9.38 + 26 ShlntTaxFr 10.66 -.01 SmlCapV aln l668 i27 Stockldxn ISIO +36 TxExptn 11.29 -.02

Nuveen Cl A:

HYldMuBd p 17.00 -.01 AAMuB p 11.69 -.01 LtdMBAp l126 -Ol

Nuveen Cl C: HYMunBd t l699

SAMBalA 1379 +06+145 +285 MorgAdm 61 61 -42 +154 +361 SAMGrAp 14.87 i.09+16.2 +29.7 MuHYA Omln 1127 +115 +242 NJLTAdn 1238 -02 +101 +19 9 H>YldAp 5 6 8 + 02+158 +405 NYLTAd m 11.83 -.02 +9.4 +20.3 MidCpGrA 31.63 +.01+17.8 +41.7 PrmCap r 72.28 +.46 +15.2 +30.8 NatResA 4639 + 79 +09 +26 PacifAdml 62.74+1.25 +5.2 +6.3 STCorpBdA 11.61 +5.9 +14.3 PALTAdm n 11 74 -02 i9.1 +201 SmallCoA p 21 45 +14 +147 +36I REITAdml r 92 92+117 +280 +758 TotRetBdA 14.78 +9.9 +30.5 STsryAdml 10 78- 01 +1 0 +5 7 2020FocA l649 +111 +216 STBdAdmln 1066 - 01 +2.2 +9 4 UtilityA 1 2.11 +.16+19.7 +47.7 ShtTrmAdm 15.93-.01 +1.3 +4.3 STFedAdm 10.87-.02 +1.7 +7.6 Prudential Fds Z&l: +4.7 +130 GrowthZ 2I 53 -22 +146 +347 STIGrAdm 1Q 88 MidCapGrZ 32.86 +.01+18.1 +42.9 SmlCapA dml n3797 +12 +213 +431 SmallCoZ 2247 +15 +151 +372 SmCapG rth 3041 -01 +201 NS SmCapVal 30 81 +20 +225 NS Putnam FundsA: AAGthA p 13.44 +.04 NA NA TxMCap r 72.20 +.31 +21.0+38.7 CATxAp 8.35 -.Ol i11 9 i23 7 TxMGrlnc r 64.33+.22 +21.0 +38.6 DvrlnA px 7.67 + 03 NA NA TtlBdAdmln 11.17-.03 +5.6 +19.2 EqlnAp l 7.34 i26 i239 i33.I TotStkAdmn 3568i.13 +21.0 +397 GeoBalA 13.37 +11+163 +29.3 ValueAdml n 2316 +32 +219 +342 GrlnAp l 4 .77 i26 NA NA WellslAdm n 59 59 +24 +144 +353 H>YdAp 7.93 +04+170 +37.9 WelltnAdmn 5956 +.41 +16.5 +316 InvAp l4 . 68 i 08 i22 3 i34.5 WindsorAdm n50.01 +.51 +22.0 +31.1 MultiCpGr 5471 +14 +164 +336 WdsrllAdm 52.56+.35 +22.7 +36.0 NYTxAp 8.98 -.01 +9.3 +21.4 TaxMngdlntlm1Q79 i.20 +10.3 i44 TxExAp 9 0 8 - 01+107 +228 TaxMgdSC r 30 39 +05 +213 +443 TFHYA 12.73 +.01+14.1 +30.2 Vanguard Fds: USGvApx 1361 -06 NA NA DwrEq n 22.98 +.06 +19.4 +35.3 VoyA p 22.07 +.07+12.8 +15.0 CAIT n 11 75 -01 i9.2 +207 RS Funds: CapOppn 3335 +23 +159 +252 CoreEqVIP 3928 +46+193 +209 Convtn 1 2 90 +146 +275 RSNatRes np 37.77 +.23 +9.9 +25.7 DiuApplnv n 23 80+.07 +16.9 +362 ParnassusFunds: Eqtylnco n 29.68 +.01+20.0 +33.4 RSPartners 3347 +35+189 +354 DividendGro 17.02+.12 +18.3 +39.9 Rainier Inv Mgt Energy 62.17 +1.08 +8.0 +13.2 Pax World: SmMCap0r 35.59 +.36 Eqlnc n 24 46 i.26 +22.4 +474 Balanced 23.49 i.09 t11 SmMCplns t 3662 +37 Explorer n 78 58 +15 +152 +392 Paydenfunds: RidgeWorth Funds: GNMA n 11 02 - 03 +3 7 +178 Hilnc 7.3 5 i . 04 GScUltShBdl 10.19 -.01 GlobEq n 18 37 +13 +161 +213 Perm Port Funds: H>ghYl d I l003 + 04 Grolnc n 30 60 +.10 +22.4 +396 Permanent 4919 -07 IntmBondl 10.64 -.02 HYCorp n 6.08 +.03 +16.2 +40.6 Pioneer FundsA: InvGrTEBln l284 -.02 HiDvdYld n 20.03+.16 +21.8 +44.9 FundamVal 1909 +29 LgCpVal E gl 14.04 + 20 HlthCare n 14907 i.08 +21.4 +431 HighVldA p 10.30 +.06 MdCValEql l1.23 i10 InflaPro n 14 85 -06 +87 +280 PionFdA p 41.94 +.21 SmCpVall 13.60 +11 IntlExplr n 14 51 +14 +83 +85 StratlncAp 1128 +02 TotRetBdI l1.09 -.02 IntlGr 1 865 +.22 +12.4 +133 ValueAp 1229 +.18 Royce Funds: IntlValn 30.07 +.58 +11.1 +0.7 Pioneer Funds C: LowP5kSvcr 1470 +07 ITI Grade 10.49 -.01 +10.7 +30.4 PioneerFdY 42.10 +22 PennMulrn 11.69 +.09 ITTsry n 11.75 -.06 +3.9 +19.1 StratlncC t 11.04 +.02 Prem>erlnr 1970 +29 LIFECon n 17 26+02 +105 +23 0 Pioneer FdsY: SpeclEqlnvr 21.72 -.01 LIFEGro n 23 55 +11 +152 +275 StratlncY p 11.28 i.02 TotRetlr 1 391 +10 LIFElnc n 14 73 -01 +80 +205 Price FundsAdv: ValPlusSvc 13.40 -.01 LIFEMod n 20 96 +.07 +12.9 +262 BIGh> Grn 4492 -34 Russell Funds S: LTlnGraden 11.09-.02 +16.4 +43.8 EmerMkts l798 + 09 LTTsry n 13.25 -.23 +8.5 +38.9 GlobEq 8 .90 +.08 MidCapGro 211Qi.02 +16.4 +438 IntlDevMkt 2998 +46 MATaxEx 10 95 -02 +9I +19 6 RESec 38.95 +.49 Morgan n 19 85 -14 +153 +355 StratBd I I 50 -Ol MuHY n 11 27 +11.5 +239 Russell Instl I: Mulnt n 14.40 -.02 +8.4 +19.2 StratBd 1 1.36 -.01 MuLtd n 11.19 -.01 +3.1 +8.8 MuLong n 11.80-.01 +10.2 +21.4 Russell LfePts A: MuShrt n 15 93 - 01 +1 3 +4 1 BalStratp l0.84 i Q4 OHLTTxE n 12 73 -02 +97 +197 Russell LfePts C: PrecMtlsMm r 1760 +11 -133 +22 6aiStrat 1 0 .75 + 04 PrmCpC orern 1512 +.12 +15.0 +317 SEI Portfolios: Prmcp r 69.62 +.43 +15.1 +30.5 CoreFxlnnA11.64 -.02 SelValu r 21.14 +.27 +20.8 +40.8 EmMktDbtn 12I4 +09 STAR n 2Q 73 i.09 +14.0 +270 HiYld n 7 . 66 +.03 STIGrade 10 88 +46 +127 IntMumA 1184 -02 STFed n 10 87 - 02 +1 6 +7 3 IntlEqA n 8.31 +.12 STTsry n 10 78 - 01 +1.0 +5 3 LgCGroAn 25I5 -09 StratEq n 21.04 +.27 +20.3 +45.1 LgCValAn 18.15 +.21 +9.6 +24.2 S&P500E n 3946 +13 TgtRetlnc 12.22 TaxMgdLCn 13.82 +.07 TgtRet2010 24.44+.03 +11.5 +26.4 TgtRet2015 13 53i.03 +12.6 +269 SSgA Funds: TgtRet2020 24 04+09 +135 +273 EmgMkt l959 +08 TgtRet2025 13 70+06 +144 +279 SP500 n 23.56 +.08 TgRet2030 2351 +.11 +153 +284 Schwab Funds: TgtRet2035 14.16+.08 +16.2 +28.8 CoreEqty l906 + 08 TgtRe2040 23.26+.13 +16.4 +28.8 DivEqtySel 14.76 +.13 TgtRet2050 n 2316 i.13 +16.4 +288 FunUSLlnstr l09I +12 TgtRe2045n 14 61+09 +164 +289 IntlSS r 16.48 +.31 TxMBal n 22 28 +03 +143 +289 10QOlnv r 40.8I +16 USGro n 20 95 -05 +180 +304 S&PSeln 2268 +07 Wellsly n 24.59 +.09 +14.4 +35.0 SmCap Sel 21.3I -.05 Welltn n 34.48 +.23 +16.4 +31.3 TSMSelr 2614 +10 Wndsr n 14.82 +.15 +21.9 +30.7 ScoutFunds: Wndsll n 29 61 i.19 +22.6 +357 Intl 31.95 +.45 VanguardIdx Fd S: M>dCapr 1394 +16 DevMklnPlnr 99.08+1.89+107 NS Selected Funds: EmMklnPlnr 8795i.48 i10.4 NS AmerShsD 44.14 +.24 ExtMktln 11082 +55 +204 NS AmShsSp 4405 +23 FTAIIWIPI nr 90 87 +1 35+107 NS Sentinel Group: M>dCplstPI n 10955 + 77 +17 7 NS ComStk Ap 35.09 +.24 STBdl n stPls 10.66-.01 +2.3 NS Sequoian i6274 -26 SmCaplnPIn109.63 +.35 +21.4 NS Sit Funds: TotlnNdm nr 24.12 +.35 +10.3 NS USGovn 11.36 -.01 Totlntllnstnr 9645i1 37 i10.3 NS Sound Shore: TotlntllP nr 9647 +1 37+104 NS SoundShoren3414 +35 TotlntSig nr 28 93+41 +103 NS

Prudential Fds A:


Balan n 57.10 +.24 Gwthn 5 6 90 +52

Sun Capital Adv: GSShDurltl 10.34 + 01 IbbotsBalSvp l2.06 i G4 IbbotsModSv p11.72 + 02

TARGET: SmCapVal n 21.34 +.12

TCW Funds: EmMktlnc 940 +09 TotlRetBdl 10.27 -.01

TCW FundsN:

TotRtBdNp l06I -Ol

TFS Funds: MktNeutral r 15.28 -.08

TIAA-CREFFunds: Bdldxlnst l102 -02 Bondlnst 10.99 EnLCGlnstr 974 -II EnLCVlnst r 8.78 +,10 Eqldxlnst l098 + 04 GrLlnclnst 10.58 +.04 HighYldlnst l0.35 i Q4 InfLkdBdlnst 12 52 -.05 IntlEqllnst l5.88 i 30 IntlEqlnst 9.10 + 21 LgCGrlnst l1.82 -.03 LgCVI Inst 14 39 + 25 MdCGrllnst 13.49 +.18 MdCVIRet 1863 +22 RealSeclnst 18.74 +.22 S&P500llnst 1629 +06 SmCEqlnst 14.74 -.02

Templeton Class k

DoubleLine Fun

TGII)TRAx l364 +05

Growth 5 7 94 i 45 SmallCap 26.05 +.06

CoreFxdlncI 11.43 TRBU I 1140 TRBd N p 11.39

Templeton Instit ForEqS 19.26 +.45

Assetn 5 1 54 +05 Growth 57.43 i.44 SmallCap 25.83 +.06


IntlVallnstr l637 +24 REVallnst r 26.60 +.25 Valuelnst 4880 i56

Baron FdsInstl:

Baron Funds:

Bernstein Fds:

IntDur 1 4 25 -01 Ca Mu 14.88 -.03 D>vMun 1490 -02 NYMun 14.63 -.03 TxMgdlntl 13.63 +.26 IntlPort 1 3 54 +27 EmgMkts 26.77 +.19

BerwynFunds: Income 1343 +03 BlackRockA: BasValA p 27.97 +.59 CapApprp 23.53 -.10 EqtyDividx 20.I4 i.12 GlbAIA r 19.59 +.09 HlthSo0pp 33 61 - l4 HiYdlnvA 8.03 +.04 InflProBdA 1210 -04 NatMuniA 11.13 -.01 TotRetA 11.79 BlackRockB&C: EquityD> vCx l97I +15 GlobAICt 18.21 +.08

BlackRockFdsBlrk: CapApprp 2452 -10 BlackRock Instl: InflProtBd 12 25 -.03 USOpps 3638 +.45 BasVall 2820 +60 CoreBond 9.78 -.03 EquHyD vx 20 l8 +11 > GlbAlloc r 19.69 +.09 CapApprp 24 46 -11 HiYldBond 8.03 i.04 NatlMun> 11.13 -.01 S&P500 1776 •06 SCapGrl 25.82 -.35

BlackRockR: EquityD>vx 2023 +14 GlblAlloc r 18.92 +.08

Brandywine Fds: 6randyw>ne 23 68 -.25

Brown AdvisoryFds: GroEqlnst l458 -Ol BrownSm Colns48.57 -.58

Buffalo Funds:

SmallCap 2828 -42

CGM Funds: FocusFd n 28 91 i1.I1

Aprec 4 4 90 BasicS8,P 29.49 BondMktlnv p 1109 CalAMTMuZ 1551 Dreyfus 9 83 DreyM>d r 29 30 Drey500lnt 39 71 IntmTlncA 14 23 Interm nr 14 31 IntlStkl 1 4 09 MunBd r 1193 NYTaxnr 1560 OppMC ValA 3056 SmlCpStk r 21 97 DreihsAclnc 1058

Dupree Mutual: KYTF


EVPTxM Eml 47.10

Eaton VanceA:

AtlCapSMIDp1650 GblMacAbR p 9.98 FloatRate 9 41 IncBosA 5.95 LgCpVal 1972 NatlMunlnc 10.24 Strat Income ClA819

Eaton Vance C: NatlMunlnc 10.24 Eaton Vance I: AtlCapSMID 1767 F ltgRt 9.1 0 GblMacAbR 997

IncBost 5. 95 LgCapVal 1978 NatlMunilnc 10.25 ParStEmMkt 1445

EdgwdG lnst n 13.50

FMI Funds:

CommonStk 2542 LargeCap p 17.40 FPA Funds: C apit 43 7 6 Newlnco n 10.61 FPACres n 28 70 Fairholme 31.56

Federated A: KaufmA p 5 32 MuniUltshA 10.05 StNalD<v p 515 TtlRtBd p 11.63

Federated Fund

Realtyn 2 902 +,24

TtlRtnBdSvc 1163

CRM Funds: M>dC apVall 3000 +18

HighYldBd r 1019

Calamos Funds:

Federated Instl: KaufmanR 5 32 MunULA p 10 05 TotRetBond 11 63 UltShortBd 924 StaValDivlS 517

Fidelity Advisor FltRateA r 9 97 FF2030A p 1281 FF2040A p 1290

LevCoS tAp 3727 MidCpllA p 17 86 Nwlnsghts p 22.72 SmallCapAp 2195 StrlnA 1 2 .78

Fidelity Advisor Nwlnsghtstn 21 41 StratlncC nt 12.75

Fidelity Advisor EmgMktlln 1502

EqGrl n 65.82 FIIRatel n 9 95

Grolncl 20.42 LgCapln 2188 MidCpll In 18.15 Newlng s> htl 23 04 SmallCapl 23.20 S trlnl

12 94

Fidelity Advisor EqGrT p 61.39 Gr0ppT 4135 Nwlnsghts p 22.38

Third AvenueFds:

Thompson IM Fds: Bond

11 . 90 +.02

ThornburgFdsC: IntValuCt 24.97 i 43

Thornburg Fds: IntlVaIAp 26.61 +46 IncBuildAt l902 +19 Inc6uildC p 1902 +19

IntlValue I 27.21 +.48 LtdMunAp 1469 -02 LtdTlncA 13.75 LtdTmlncl 1376 +01 LtTMunil 14.69 -.02 Valuel

32 0 0 +06

Thrivent FdsA: LgCapStock 23.98 +.21 Mun>Bd l192 -02

Tocqueville Fds:

Delatield 29.68 +.52 Goldt 72 6 2- 13

Touchstone Family:

500n 1 3 2 28 +.45 +20.9 +385 Balanced n 23.79+.03 +14.6 +32.1 DevMkt n 9.58 +.18 +10.6 +4.7 EMkt n 26 45 i.15 i10.2 i82 Extendn 4484 + 22 +20 2 +418 Growth n 36 59 -24 +195 +432 ITBond n 1216 -05 +86 +283 LTBond n 14.60 -.10 +13.3 +43.1 MidCap 22.13 +.15 +17.5 +41.4 REIT r 2 1.78 +.28 +27.9 +75.1

SmCap n 37 91 i.12 i21.2 +425 SmlCpGrow 24 28- 01 i20 0 +47 5 SmlCapVal 1717 +11 +224 +374 STBond n 1066 -01 +2.1 +90 TotBond n 11.17 -.03 +5.4 +18.8 Totllntl n 14.41 +.20 +10.2 +4.9 TotStk n 35 67 i.13 i20.8 i392 Value n 2316 +31 +218 +33 6

VanguardInstlFds: Ballnstn 23.79 +.03 +14.8 +32.7 DevMktlnst n 9 51i.18 i10.6 NS EmMktlnstn 2644 +15 +104 +88 Extln n 4 4 90 +23 +204 +42 6 FTAIIWldl r 85 80+1 27 +10.6 +6 3 Growthlnstl 36.59 -.24 +19.7 +43.9 IntProtlnst n 11.88-.05 +8.8 +28.6 Instldx n 131 41 i.45 i21.1 i390 InsPI n 131 42 +45 i211 +391 InstTStldx n 32 29+11 +210 +398 InstTStPlus 32 30 +12 +210 +399 LTBdlnstn 14 60 -10 +13.5 +437 MidCaplnstl n22.21 +.16 +17.7 +42.2 REITlnst r 14.38 +.18 +28.0 +75.8 STBondldxn 1Q 66 - 01 i2.3 NS STIGrlnst 10 88 +47 +132 SmCpln n 37 97 +12 +213 +432 -01 +20.2 +483 SmlCapG rln 2435 TBlst n 1 1.17 -.03 +5.6 +19.3 TSlnst n 35.68 +.12 +21.0+39.7 Valuelnstl n 2316i.32 i21.9 i343

Vanguard Signa BalancSgl n 23.53+.03 +14.7 +32.6 ExtMktSgl n 38.58+.20 +20.4 +42.4 500Sgln 1Q927 i.37 i21.1 i389 GroS<g n 33 88 -22 +196 +438 ITBdS>g n 1216 -05 +87 +287 MidCapldxn 31 73+.23 +17.7 +421 REITSig r 24.81 +.32 +28.0+75.7 STBdldx n 10.66 -.01 +2.2 +9.4 SmCapSing34 21 i.11 i21.4 +431 TotalBdSgln 11 17-03 +56 +192 TotStkSgnl n 34 44+13 +210 +39 7 ValueSig n 24 10 +33 +219 +342

Vantagepoint Fd S:

Aggr0pp n 10 41+04 +142 +231 Eqtylnc n 945 t12 i191 i321 Growth n 9 50 -06 +15.6 +282 GrowSlnc n 10.96+.03 +19.9 +35.3 I ntl n 9.4 5+.15 +12.0 +11.4 MPLgTmGrn2261 i.12 i137 i244 MPTradGrth n 2365 +09 +121 +22 7

Victory Funds:

AsAIModGrp l246 i Q4

DvsStkA 16.57 Virlus Funds A: MulSStA p 4.95 Virlus Funds C: MulSStCp 500

Transamerica C:

Emg Mktl 9 94

SandsCp GYn 12.43 -.15 SandsCa pGrl l727 -2I SelGrowth 12.18 -.15

Transamerica A

AsAIModGrt 12.38 +03

TA IOEXC: AsAIMod t 12.26 +.02

Tweedy Browne: GblValue 25IO +24

USAAGroup: CornstStrn 23.21 +.08 G rwthn l 6 3 I - I I Gr8lnc n 16.20 +.05 HYldlnco n 877 + 07 IncStk n 13.73 +.03 Income n l3 55 IntTerBd n 11.00 +.02 Intln 24 8 7 + 33 PrecMM 30.94 +.02 S&Pldxn 2I84 +44

S8 PRewrd 21.84 +.43 ShtTBnd n 9.28 TxEITn 13.72 -.02 TxELT n l3.94 TxESh n 10.85 VALIC: MidCapldx 21.16 i 25 Stocklndex 26 98 + 09

Virlus FundsI:

WM Blair FdsIn IntlGrwth 14 62

WM Blair Mtl Fd IntlGrowthl r 22.51

Waddell & Reed Accumultiv 8.20 AssetS p 9.53 B ond 6. 6 6 CorelnvA 6 71 H >ghln c 7 4 8 NwCcptA p 9 97 ScTechA 1084 VanguardA 9.02 Wasatch: IncEqty 14 44 Long/Short 13.82 SmCapG rth 42.61

Weitz Funds: Shtlntmlcol 12.60

Wells FargoAdv AstAIIA p 13 01 EmgMlnpA20 59 PremLgCG A 10.60

Van EckFunds:

Wells FargoAdv

GIHardA 45.58 +1.15 InlnuGldA 1949 -07

AssetAII 13 12


BalAdml n 23.79 +.03 CAITAdmn l175 -Ol CALTAdm 11.99 -.02 Cp0pAdl n 7707 + 54 DevMktsAd 27.58 +.53 EMAdmnr 3476 +20 Energy n 116.75 +2.02 EqlncAdml 51 28 +55 EuropAdml 58.29 +1.10 ExplAdml 7319 +14 ExntdAdm n 44.90 +.23 FTAIIWxUS 2707 +40 500Adml n 132.29 + 45 GNMAAdmn l1.02 -.03 GrolncAdm 49.98 + 17 GrwlhAdmln 36.59 -.24 HlthCaren 6291 +03 HiYldCpn 6.08 iQ3 IntlProAd n 29 l6 - l3 ITBondAdml 12.16 -.05 ITsryAdmln 1175 -06 IntlGrAdml 59.38 +.71 ITAdmln 1440 -02 ITCoAdmrl 10.49 -.01 LtdTrmAdm 11I9 -01 LTGrAdml 11.09 -.02 LTsryAdml l325 -23 LTAdmln 11.80 -.01

Wells FargoAdv AstAIIC t 12 50

Wells Fargo Adv Growlhlnv n 39 36 Opptntylnun 3978 STMunlnv n 10 04 SCapilalnvp 3387 Wells FargoAd TRBds 1343 DJTar20201 14 63 DJTar20301 15.03 Growth 42.59

IntlBondl 11.86 ShDurGvBdl 1Q36 UIStMulnc 4 82

Wells Fargo Ad Growlh 4 1 43

Wells Fargo Ins UltSTMuA 4.83

Westcore: PlusBd 1 1.30

Western Asset: CrPlus6dF1 p 11M CorePlus I 11 68 Core I 1 2 .39

William Blair N: IntlGthN 21 97 Wmtergreent 14.84


Jewelry Continued from G1 Take a "children's jewelry sweep" the CPSC conducted at stores nationwide. Testing showed that six different items on shelves — including one referred to as a "baby brace­ let" — were hazardous by the agency's guidelines. Yet the agency neither pursued re­ calls nor warned the public about the items, records and interviews show. In addition, the CPSC al­ The Associated Press file photo lowed Wal-Mart Stores Inc. Jasmine Matta, 7, is seen behind her favorite "Shrek"-themed and Meijer, a smaller Midwest glasses that were distributed in McDonald's Happy Meals in chain, to pull f ro m shelves 2010. Twelve million drinking glasses were recalled nationwide jewelry that f l unked safety because cadmium was used inred decorations on them. testing without telling parents who had previously purchased such items. And it did not fol­ entists, members of industry, Voluntary recalls low through on evidence it de­ or consumer advocates were In January 2010, Tenen­ veloped that cadmium jewelry interviewed. baum mobilized her agency remains on sale in local shops. National chain stores in reaction to AP's initial in­ Agency staffers have con­ which closely manage their vestigation. She told parents sistently sided with firms that public images and invest in to toss cheap metal trinkets argued their h i gh-cadmium product testing — appear to and promised to investigate items shouldn't be r ecalled have cleaned up their inven­ all high-cadmium jewelry the — not because they were safe tories. Shops that sell discount agency learned about. in the hands of kids, but be­ jewelry are a different story. While five jewelry recalls cause they were deemed not The AP made three visits followed, none began at the to meet the legal definition of to a dozen small shops in Los agency's initiative. The first a "children's product." Also, Angeles' jewelry district dur­ three covered products AP the CPSC trusted retailers and ing a 19-month period ending highlighted; the last two came jewelry importers to self-police in March. A reporter bought after companies approached their inventories for cadmium, b racelets, n e c klaces a n d the CPSC. All the recalls were but did not check whether they charm bracelets that salespeo­ voluntary. had done so for at least a year. ple said would make a good Then the recalls stopped, In response to AP's report­ gift for a kindergartner. though not because the CPSC ing, the CPSC said it did all it Twenty of 6 4 i t ems pur­ thought cadmium was gone could given limited resources. chased were atleast5 percent from the marketplace. A spokesman credited the cadmium, and often much Instead of c l earing c on­ agency's focus on intercept­ higher, according to tests us­ taminated products from store ing jewelry before it got onto ing a n O l y m pu s I n n ov-X shelves, the agency focused on shelves as the r eason that X-ray fluorescence gun that a policy of restricting future cadmium did not become the estimates what metals are in flow. At first, that meant warn­ widespread scourgethat lead jewelry. Subsequent lab test­ ing Asian manufacturers to was several years ago. ing showed that several pen­ stop substituting cadmium for To be sure, the CPSC does dants were hazardous based lead. Later, the agency started have challenges. on CPSC guidelines. One was scattered cargo checks at U.S. Though the agency's re­ 85 percentcadmium. ports and pressed a private­ sources have been growing, Additional proof that cad­ sector group led by the jewelry by federal standards the CPSC mium jewelry was being sold industry to adopt voluntary is a minnow — a $115 million c omes from testing by t w o cadmium limits. budget supports just 545 full­ advocacy groups, the Califor­ It took nearly two years for time employees responsible nia-based Center for Environ­ thosestandards to be enacted. for regulating thousands of mental Health and Michigan­ And while several cadmium products. based Ecology Center. Lab jewelry shipments were inter­ And, under agency rules, it results indicated that trinkets cepted, with just 19 inspectors is difficult to mandate that a bought at Halloween costume at 15 ports, the agency touches firm recall an item. stores last fall in the San Fran­ a minuscule fraction of the bil­ While CPSC cisco Bay area and discount­ lions of consumer goods that Chairman Inez ers in New York and Ohio over enter the U.S. each year. Tenenbaum has the winter were between 20 At a product safety confer­ claimed c r edit and 30percent cadmium. ence in M arch, Tenenbaum for reducing the While the items would ap­ claimed victory: "The proac­ presence of cad­ peal to kids, they weren't re­ tive steps we have taken in mium i n c h i l - Te n enbaumcalled, apparently because the China, at the ports, and in the dren's j ewelry, CPSC did not consider them standards environment have in fact, faster and more force­ children's products. If jewelry stopped cadmium from being ful efforts have come from isn't "primarily intended" for the next lead." elsewhere. kids 12 and younger, it's an But it wasn't until early 2011, For example, major retail­ adult product — an d a dult a full year after AP's original ers including Wal-Mart and products have no cadmium report, that the agency had Target Corp. began requiring restricti ons. began seriously checking chil­ safety testing — not the CPSC. Results of the testing by AP dren'sjewelry on store shelves. And new laws in six states and the advocacy groups re­ Even then,the scale of sam­ and national legal settlements inforce ongoing reporting on pling was not great enough to — not the CPSC — created the larger question — whether draw broad conclusions. strict, binding limits on cad­ the CPSC has kept its word on Tenenbaum said in an in­ mium in jewelry. taking the strongest steps pos­ terview that inspectors didn't There are no known inju­ sible to clean up store shelves check store shelves earlier ries or deaths due to cadmium and children's jewelry boxes. because agencyscientistshad in children's jewelry, but con­ In fact, the CPSC has been not decided what cadmium taminated jewelry can poison a ware that c a dmium j e w ­ levels would qualify a piece in two ways: slow and steady elry was being sold in some of jewelry as hazardous. And through habitual licking and discount shops since at least they haven't checked more biting, o r a c u tely t h r ough September 2010. That's when since 2011 due to other pri­ swallowing. The CPSC esti­ the agency's la b r e p orted orities, particularly items that mates that several thousand hazardous readings from a children have died using, such kids are treated annually at children's pendant bought at a as faulty cribs and ATVs. U.S. emergency rooms for ac­ small shop in New York City. Recall 'not warranted' cidentally ingesting jewelry. As with jewelry AP bought in Once inthe body, cadmium Los Angeles, there were no Before 2010, the consumer stays for decades. If enough manufacturer markings on the agency ignored scattered re­ accumulates, it ca n c r ipple packaging — and that made it ports of c a dmium-contami­ k idneys and bones — a n d difficult to track the pendant nated jewelry. Emails obtained cause cancer. to its source. under FOIA show an agency The agency's investigator working in the days immedi­ The rationale bought all the samples at the ately following AP's initial re­ To examine the agency's shop, but didn't look to see port to turn revelations about performance on the cadmium whether the pendant was sold past indifference into a success issue, the AP conducted three elsewhere, CPSC spokesman story. But a reconstruction of rounds of testing, analyzed Scott Wolfson said. the ensuingevents suggests an "We've got to make some agency that started out strong hundreds of agency test re­ sults and reviewed hundreds tough decisions with our in­ soon began to back off. of pages of i n ternal docu­ vestigators in terms of when Just six months in office in ments obtained under the fed­ they stay on the trail," Wolfson early 2010, Tenenbaum found eral Freedom of Information said. "There needs to be a ra­ in cadmium an opportunity Act. Dozens of regulators, sci­ tionale for it." to contrast herself with her

Northwest stoeks Name AlaskAisr Avista BkofAm BarrettB Boeing CascdeBcp CascdeC p

Colsprtw Costco

CrattBrew FLIRSys HewlettP HmFedlD Intel

Keycorp Kroger Lattice LaPac MDURes

Mentorsr Microsoft

YTD Div PE Last Chg%Chg Name

1.44 21 1.08 18 1.827 21 .08 16 .80 12

96.45 -1.12 +1 56.43 -.73 +13.5 48.74 -.81 +1.7 7.34 -.24 +61.7 40.41 -.43 +7.8 1.37 -.02 -28.3 1.68 40 44.08 -.43 +20.6 .12 19 165.68 -z94 +.5 .70 8 16.35 -.17 -2Z3 .75 12 28.37 -t54 -3z9 1.56 30 150.51 -Z52 +68.6 .89I 11 33.45 -.46 -9.0 .68 25 45.69 -1.73 -.7 4.87 -.15 .36 14 0.98 -.07 -3.3 .78 12 34.23 -.17 +26.5 .32 13 17.02 +.17 +21.7 .88 11 34.34 -.23 +24.6 .20 13 2z22 -.16 +4z4 .687 43 28.01 -.45 +50.0

NY HSBC BankUS NY Merc Gold NY Merc Silver

Price (troyoz.)

Pvs Day

$1720.00 $172Z80



are considered "children's products" under U.S. Iaw:

http://hosted.ap.org/ interactives/2012/ cadmium/ predecessor, who was cast as weak and ineffective during the 2007-08 Chinese product scares. "These are a priority for the Chairman, so they are to be given priority," a senior official in CPSC's compliance division emailed testing lab colleagues about samples o f b r a celet charms on Jan. 14, 2010. Two weeks later, the agency announced thefirst-ever cad­ mium-related recall — 55,000 "The Princess and The Frog" movie-themed pendants sold at Wal-Mart. Almost immediately, Tenen­ baum was shaping the nar­ rative the agency would tell and retell — that fast action allowed it to "get ahead" of the cadmium problem. By early 2011, the CPSC had finally done a national "children's j ewelry s w eep" to gauge what was on store shelves. That February, CPSC chemists reported a troubling analysis of three jewelry sam­

ples bought by agency inspec­

tors. Testing showed that haz­ ardous amounts of cadmium would dissolve into the stom­ ach acid of a child who swal­ lowed the jewelry. Over the next few weeks, three more items failedthe test, including the baby bracelet. While the number of jew­ elry p i eces w i t h h a z a rd­ ous readings was not great — 711 samples were screened — some of the six items had even more alarming cadmium readings than j ewelry t h at had been recalled. One was 27 ings but, despite a pledge to times higher than the agency's follow any leads about cad­ acceptable limit. mium jewelry, didn't open an Yet the CPSC neither in­ investigation until AP began formed consumers nor initi­ asking about the items six ated recall efforts. Instead, months later. the agency asked a distributor The agency never pressed where two of the items were for a recall because it decided found to destroy its inventory. the jewelry was primarily in­ For another item, the inspector tended for teens or adults, not only rounded up all samples in children. the store. Yet on th e sales receipt, Spokesman Wolfson gave the items were listed as "girls several reasons why the agen­ jewelry" and "girls accesso­ cy took no further action. Two ries" and a Meijer spokesman

o]To o


z+ ~






Indexes Nasdag

-.29 -1z3 Pixelwrks -.26 -10.0 -.31 -9.8 -.30 -8 6 -.24 -8.2

BG Med MarvellT Cempra n FedMogul

Diary z353 Declined 87 Unchanged 3134 Total issues 128 New Highs 34 New Lows

lines. At headquarters, CPSC experts decided some of the productswere not for children after all.


L a s tChg %ChgName

694 Advanced

jewelry under agency guide­


L a s tChg %Chg

BarcshtC 15.40 +3.85 +33.3 SDgopfC 23.31 +z31 +u.0 MagicJcks 23.03 +z57 +1z6 PrUVxST rs 28.96 i3.33 +13.0 SwGA Fn 9.22 +.60 +7.0 RiverbedT 23.06 +z37 +u.5 caponewt 23.60 +z64 +1z6 MeetMe 4 . 0 5 +.25 +6.6 FFinsvc 2 . 7 2+.20 +7.9 XinyuanRE 3.08 +.28 +10.0 Coasto 2. 0 2 +.12 +6.3 PrUSNBio rs 66.32 +4.53 +7.3 ManpwrGp 39.53 +3.55 +9.9 Aerosonic 3.46 +.20 +6.1 PUShQQQrs 4t48 +z82 +7.3 LOSerS (S2ormore) LOSerS (S2ormore) LOSerS (S2ormore) Name L a s tChg %ChgName L a s tChg %ChgName L a s tChg %Chg

Advanced Declined Unchanged Totalissues NewHighs NewLows

says the charms are "For ages 3 and over." According t o gu i d elines drafted by W al-Mart's own product safety staff and en­ dorsed by the jewelry industry, such labeling statements make jewelry a children's product. That should have made the charms subject to cadmium lim­ its — and eligible for a recall. In a w r i t te n s t atement, Wal-Mart said: "When CPSC asked us about this item, we considered it an adult jewelry item because it was displayed alongside other adult jewelry­ making items, and not intend­ ed for use by children." Even CPSC field investiga­ tors who collected items for s ale during t h e "children's jewelry sweep" were confused by what qualifies as children's

Brought toyoubyThe Bulletin and

52-Week High Low

Net YTD 52-wk Last Chg % Chg %Chg % C hg

N ame

5,390.u 4,53t79 499.82 42z90 8,515.60 6,898.12 2,509.57 2,IOz29 3196.93 z44t48 1,474.51 1,158.66 15,43z54 12,158.90

6.18 -1.61 -20.7 USAntimny z06 AMD z18 -.44 -16.8 Arrhythm z32 VOCEnTr I 6.13 -3.17 -16.4 Docusec 2.85 Chipotle 243 00 -4z93 -15 0 Medgen wt 3 20 CorpExc 46.30 -7.00 -13.1 ComstkMn z70

ing.The back ofthepackaging


13,661.72 11,231.56 Dow Jones Industrials


H olifield's email only i n ­ cluded the front of the packag­


BkofAm 1669590 9.44 -.03 Vringo 6 0 911 3.93 -.22 SiriusXM 1340309 2.92 -.02 SBP500ETF1404575 14339 -243 CheniereEn 52167 1570 -.34 Microsott 771635 2864 -.86 AMD 10n 082 z1 8 -.44 AmApparel 33219 1.06 -.20 Clearwire 695606 t85 -J8 GenElec 1032659 2z03 -.78 NovaGld g 26463 5.00 -.10 osco 63 3980 18.04 -.57 SprintNex 799892 5.65 -.13 NwGold g 24037 n.85 -.02 PwshsQQQ 595571 65.68 -1.61 GainerS (S2ormore) GSllleIS (S2 or more) Gainers IS2or more)

L a s tChg %ChgName

by children."


Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg


12 million drinking glasses sold by McDonald's to promote the animated movie "Shrek Forever After." Cadmium used in red decorations on the glass could rub onto a child's hand, and eventually get into the mouth. Months after t h e r e call, the agency said the glasses shouldn't have been pulled because they were not mainly for kids. A nd then there was t h e agency'sassessment ofbright­ ly colored bracelet charms shaped like flip f l ops. Sold exclusively b y Wal - M a rt, the charms were 90 percent cadmium. "Before you decide for cer­ tain that you want to recall the Flip Flop Charms, take a look at the image of the prod­ uct in th e a ttached email," Wal-Mart's then-director of product safety and compli­ ance, Kyle Holifield, wrote the CPSC in January 2010. "There just isn't anything about the product itself or its packaging to indicate that it was designed or intended primarily for use

i Ile



describedthem as "children's jewelry." He said they were briefly removed from store shelves, then returned, then pulled again when AP began inquiring. Nowhere were the agency's conclusions more curious than the biggest recall of 2010­


Most Actlve (Sc ormore) Most Acttve (Ss or more) Most Acttve (St or more)


Precious metals Metal

Click on an interactive that allows readers to determine whether everyday items

of the items were discontinued in 2005, according to the dis­ tributor, which meant "a recall was not warranted" — despite the 2011 purchase. One had packaging that didn't identify the manufacturer or distribu­ tor. And in the three other cas­ es, field inspectors had picked up jewelry that they thought was for children but that agen­ cy headquarters decided was actually for adults. "We firmly believe that we took the right action based upon the work we did and the information we gathered," Wolfson said. Because there were no re­ calls, the agency can't reveal what the products were or where they were bought. Aside from t h e j e w elry sweep, in at least two cases the agency let major retailers avoid informing the public that they had pulled jewelry after their testing turned up cadmium. In Ma y 2 0 10, W al-Mart announced it ha d r emoved "the few products" that failed checks it started doing on children's jewelry; it did not identify the items. The retail­ ing giant had started running a European Union safety test that was similar to the stom­ ach-acid test the CPSC used. Wal-Mart spoke s man Lorenzo Lopez said that de­ spite failing a safety test, the items werenot dangerous. He would not share the results. "We're talking about com­ ponents within t hese items that just didn't rise to the level where it posed a safety risk," he said. Because Wal-Mart unilat­ erally yanked the products, no public notification was re­ quired by CPSC — and Wal­ Mart gave none. The agency never pressed for a recall of items that had already been sold. A similarscenario occurred at the Midwest retailer Meijer. The CPSC learned of jew­ elry with hazardous test read­

Market reeap

YTD Div P E Last Chg%Chg

13 37.77 -.40 +.6 NikeB 1.16 17 26.46 -.30 +Z8 Nordstrm .04 25 9 .44 -.03 +69.8 NwstNG .44 37 26.76 -.40 +34.1 OfficeMax 1.76 13 74.01 -.25 +.9 Paccar 5.39 -.24 +23.1 PlanarSy 1.40 0 5 5.08 -.39 +1 6.8PlumCrk .88 18 53.51 +.07 +1 5.0 PrecCastpt 1.10 24 94.78 -1.55 +13.8 Safeway 51 7.59 —.19 +26.1 Schnitzer .28 13 19.37 -.20 -2z7 Sherwin .53 5 1 4.48 -.32 -43.8StancrpFn .24f ... 10.55 -.72 +1.4 Starbucks .90 9 2 1.27 -.41 -1z3 TriQuint .20 9 8. 7 4 -.04 +13.7 Umpqua .60f 23 25.13 -.07 +3.8 US Bancrp 13 3.69 +.18 -37.9 WashFed 15.66 -.05 +94.1 WellsFargo .67 19 21.98 -.17 +z4 WstCstBcp 13 15.39 —.54 +13.5 Weyerhsr .92f 15 28.64 —.86 +10.3

'Doyouknow a children'sproduct?'


z43 -.62 -20.3 z47 -.48 -16.3 7.57 -1.26 -14.3 690 -.91 -u 7

8.40 -t04 -u.o

Diary 148 Advanced 272 Declined 36 Unchanged 456 Totalissues 10 New Highs 3 New Lows

466 1,971 115 2,552 47 80

DowJonesTransportation DowJonesUtilities NYSE Composite AmexIndex Nasdaq Composite

S&P 500 Wilshire5000 868.50 666.16 Russell2000

World markets

13,343.51 -205.43 5,08z16 -74.38 483.76 -3.60 8,324.14 -118.67 2,408.53 -25.72 3,005.62 -67.25 1,433.19 -2435 14,959.87 -248.71 821.00 -16.12

-1.52 -1.44 -.74 -1.41 -t06

+9.22 +1 3.00 +1.24 +5.57 +431 +6.87 t1 t33 +1z02 + 5.71 +8.53

-z1 9 +1 5.37 -1.66 +1 3.96 -t64 +13.42 -1.93 +1 0.81

+13.96 +15.74 +15.28 +1 5.24


Here is how key internationalstock markets performed yesterday. Market Close %Change

Key currency exchangerates Friday compared with late Thursday inNewYork.

Amsterdam Brussels Paris London Frankfurt HongKong Mexico Milan NewZealand Tokyo Seoul Singapore Sydney Zurich

-.34 t -.91 -.87 t -.35 t -.76 t +15 s -.48

AustraliaDollar BritainPound CanadaDollar ChilePeso ChinaYuan EuroEuro HongKongDollar

-.34 t +.22 s -.78 t -.37 t +.27 s -.40

Japan Yen MexicoPeso RussiaRuble So. KoreaWon SwedenKrona SwitzerlndFranc TaiwanDollar

334.17 2,386.40 3,504.56 5,896.15 7,380.64 21,551.76 42,389.34

15,86z31 3,988.16 9,00z68 1,943.84 3,048.92 4,593.47 6,227.95


Dollarvs: E xchangeRate Pvsoay 1.0329 1.6014 1.0066 .002108 .1599 1.3023 .1290 .012613 .077729 .0322 .000904 .1520 1.0771 .0342

1.0365 1.6062 1.0150 .00205 .1599 1.3061 .1290 .012621 .077795 .0325 .000906 J 523 1.0808 .0342




a es, u nozin ers enew imase an By Warren Brown Special to The Washington Post

By Paul Brand Star Tribune (Minneapotis)


• B rrrrrr! Wi nter ' s • coming soon, and the driver's window in my 2004 Nissan Altima won't close It goes down n o rmally with a touch of the button, but when I close it, the dang thing hits the top and bounc­ es down about 4 inches. To get it closed, I have to tap the button over and over so it ris­ es half-inch by half-inch. All other windows work fine. After three years of this, my wife thinks it's time to fix it. Can you help? • It seems the window • safety switch th inks the glass has hit something — like fingers — before ful­ ly closing. This causes the window to reopen several inches to free any pinched pinkies. Has any part of the power window system in that door ever been repaired, replaced or worked on? If the glass, window runs/tracks, motor or regulator has ever been serviced, the window travel limits must be adjusted. There is a l i mi t s w itch built into the power window motor assembly, meaning the interior door trim must be removed to gain access. The procedure to r eset the window travel limits is


come along and kn ock you of out

the box. That is the risk Nissan is taking with its completely reworked but oh-so-compro­ mised new Altima. Don't get me wrong. I like the new Altima. But it has a frus­ trating habit of pulling punches when you yearn for it to go for theknockout. I was excited when I saw a conceptversion of Nissan's new Altima earlier this year at the New York International Auto Show. It was stunning­ radically angled front end with counteropposed, arrow-shaped headlamps; muscular f r o nt fendersand side panels flowing toward the rear; a nice finish in the end with rear lamps com­ plementing those up front. I knew that some compro­ mise was necessary, such as Nissan's carry-over use of a 2.5-liter in-line four-cylinder engine in base Altima models. That engine, in combination with N i ssan's c ontinuously variable transmission, would be nothing to get giddy about in terms of driving performance. But it would be decent enough with a bonus of 27 miles per

won't closeproperly properly.

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama should have studied the development of the 2013 Nissan Altima 3.5 SV sedan before taking the stage against Mitt Romney in that first televised debate. Had the president done that research,he might have avoid­ ed a mostly lackluster perfor­ mance. Here'sthe problem: In both the car business and politics, it's not enough to be passionate in pursuit of mod­ eration. Something hotter can


Altima driver's window

Nissan via The Washington Post

The 2013 Nissan Altima 3.5 SV is a worthy entry in the affordable-family-sedan market. It has all of the comfort, safety, utility and economy most families are looking for — it's just short on pizzazz.

2013 NissanAltima 3.5 SVsedan

politics and th e a utomobile business. Base price:$27,780 We want our national politi­ As tested:$29,150 cians to be uncompromising, Type:Front-engine, front-wheel-drive midsize car sold as a sedan smackdown warriors in taking and coupe on opponents. But we also want them to have the finesse and Engine:2.5-liter, 16-valve in-line four-cylinder engine with common sense to compromise, variable valve timing. Also available is a 3.5-liter, 24-valve to play nice, if doing so is in the gasoline V-6 with variable valve timing. best interest of the country. Mileage:27 mpg city, 38 mpg highway The samethingwithcars: We want cars to drive as well as, or gallon in the city and 38 on just a little harder than usual. even better than, they look. We the highway burning regular­ This I did, expecting the Altima want them to deliver maximum grade gasoline. 3.5 SV to leap to life — stupidly fuel economy and to do it all Besides, the new A l t i ma forgetting that I was driving a at an affordable price which, I would also be offered with Nis­ car equipped with a sample of suppose, makes wanting a car san's 3.5-liter V-6. That is the Nissan's continued experimen­ such as the 2013 Nissan Maxi­ one I was waiting for with the tation with continuously vari­ ma 3.5 SV OK. It delivers on all anticipation of a h i gh-stakes able transmissions. those wants and needs. p residential debate. But t h e The Nissan Altima 3.5 SV's But the inner, deeply flawed Nissan Altima 3.5 SV's perfor­ response toextra accelerator me longs for other things — a mance on the road was as frus­ pressure was the mechanical car with zoom, a president less trating as Obama's in the first equivalent of "On the one hand given to politesse and more in­ debate. I found a wonderfully ...ontheother..." clined to call it as he sees it. clear patch of highway — free I wanted something more of traffic and construction ob­ aggressive. stacles, a road that invites you This is what is equally con­ to push the accelerator pedal fusing in the current state of

simple. Bump the window to the f ully c l osed p osition, a s you've been doing. Then, press and hold th e r eset switch on th e m otor and l ower the w i ndow t o t h e fully open position. Release the reset switch and make sure it returns to its original position. Close the window — it should stop in the cor­

rect position. • I h a ve a 1 9 98 Jeep • Cherokee Sport that has a left rear driving light out. Theseare replacement LED bulbs. The light works when the brakes are applied, so I know the bulb is not burned out. I tried multiple bulbs including the original incandescent bulbs. Also, when connected to my boat trailer, neither of the LED trailer driving lights will work when my head­ lights are on, but both work when brakes are applied or hazards are on. The right


rear driving light of my Jeep works properly. Any suggestions where I might start to troubleshoot? • According to my All­ • data automotive data­ base, the trailer wiring har­ ness is connected to the left rear taillight harness. Start by checking the 10 amp fuse .7 in the junction box mounted in the passen­ ger footwell. It provides pow­ er to the left rear running light and trailer lights. The harness connections for the left r ear t aillights and trailer lights are located in the left rear corner of the cargo area, as are the key ground connectionsforthese circuits. — Paul Brandis an automotive troubleshooter and former race car driver. Email questions to paulbrandC<startribune. com. Include a daytime phone number.

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