Bulletin Daily Paper 10/22/12

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Serving Central Oregon since1903 75t t

MONDAY October 22,2012


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that has

turned on debates, one to go



By Dan Balz The Washington Post

• 'Newberry Country,' a 20-year proposal, is upfor hearings

However else Campaign 2012 is chronicled, there is little doubt it will be remem­ bered as the Year of Debates. Never have candidate debates played as important a role, from the start of the Republi­ can primaries

By Mac McLean The Bulletin

Southern Deschutes County reminded Scott Morrison ofhome when he moved to La Pine and started a construction business in the area

ANALYSIS th'oughthe

general elec­

10 years ago.

"It's rural and it's country," said Morrison, owner of Above All Surface Solutions Inc., and the La Pine Rodeo Association president since 2006. "I'm originally from Wyoming, so sparse population and wide-open country is kind of what I'm used to.n But while Morrison loves the area — espe­ cially because its residents aren't afraid to help strangers and say hello — he also knows there's room for improvement. "We need jobs,of course, but so does every other part of Deschutes County," he said. County planners spent the past year figur­ ing out what south county residents want and coming up with ways the county can help them reach thosegoals in the next 20 years. The 75­ page document, "Newberry Country: A Plan for Southern Deschutes County," will be the topic of two public hearings in La Pine and Sunriver over the next few weeks. See South /A5

tion, as they have in this election. Debates shaped the Republican presidential field during the fall of 2011 and played a critical role in deter­ mining the outcome of that con­ test last winter. Ask Rick Perry, Newt Gingrich and Rick San­ torum about that. The general election debates have shaken up the race, and last week's pro­ vided the most confrontational encounter of the modern era of presidential politics. Today's final debate could help decide who wins the election two weeks from Tuesday. President Barack Obama and GOP challenger Mitt Rom­ ney travel for that encounter to Lynn University in Boca Ra­ ton, Fla. Foreign policy is the topic of the 90-minute session hosted by CBS' Bob Schieffer, but the debate will be far more than a discussion of world events. After their verbal brawl at Hofstra University on Tues­ day, Obama and Romney have a few more scores to settle — and some cleaning up to do. They know that this will be their last opportunity to make or changeimpressions before a national television audience that once again could top 60 million people. See Debate/A5

Deschutes County planners have developed a 20-year land use plan for the rural southern reaches of the

county, excluding La Pineand Sunriver. 45

South county plan area


The team has had to cancel some of its varsity games this season due to low numbers and safety issues for its younger players.



The Bulletin AnIndependent Newspaper

Vol. 109, No. 296, 28 pages, 5 sections

INDEX Calendar C 3 Cr o sswords C 5, E2 Green, Etc. C1-6 Obituaries B5 C lassified E1-4 Dear Abby C3 H oroscope C3 Sports D1 - 6 Comics C 4- 5 Editorials B4 L o cal News B1-6 TV & Movies C2






La Pine I I

juries. Concussions, broken wrists, bad elbows, bum ankles. Name a body part, and a Culver CULVER — In every way, Oct. 11 looked player has probably twisted or tweaked it. "It's a combination of a small senior class like a typical game day at Culver High. Football players wore their jerseys to class. and now a beat-up senior class," Culver coach Every schoolemployee — teachers,administra­ Brian Silbernagel says. tors, custodians — was dressed in some combi­ After the team's 64-0 home blowout loss to nation of the school colors, black and orange. Regis on Oct. 5, the Bulldogs' roster was down Girlfriends embraced their boyfriends until the to barely 20 players — many of whom are 14­ moment the players boarded the classic yellow and 15-year-old freshmen. Looking hard at Culver School District No. 4 bus headed east to Culver's next two opponents, Central Linn and Burns. Kennedy, whose combined record at the time The Bulldogs were resigned that day to play­ was 7-4, Silbernagel and athletic director Brad ing Thursday afternoon junior varsity foot­ Kudlac made the gut-wrenching decision to for­ ball. For the last two weeks, the Bulldogs have feit two mid-season varsity games. That meant missed out on Friday night lights. no Senior Day for the few remaining Bulldog Culver's football team, which started the seniors — Central Linn was the last scheduled season with just 29 players — most varsity pro­ home game for Culver — no home football gate grams carry a minimum of 40 — has forfeited money for a struggling athletic department and its past two varsity games. The Bulldogs have no temporary outlet for a community smack in struggled to be competitive this fall — they were the middle of Jefferson County, where the un­ outscored 234-14 in the four games they played employment rate stood at 12.4 percent. this year — and they have been hit hard by in­ See Culver /A5

MIAMI — Julio Castro sat at his uncle's Miami home as President John F. Kennedy came on the television the night of Oct. 22, 1962, to tell the nation the Soviet Union was building launch sites for nucle­ ar missiles in Cuba capable of reaching almost every city in the WesternHemisphere. Castro had fled Cuba earlier that year, and his family was still there. He'd joined the U.S. Army in August, thinking that with the help of a superpower, he and the growing contingent of exiles in Miami could defeat the communists. See Cuba/A5



Nliokiup / ReservoirI

The Bulletin

The Associated Press




By Beau Eastes

By Christine Armarlo



• Injuries and a smalteam l haveforced 2 forfeits for a football program that's near the heart of the community's identity

2 brothers' own crisis

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> 42

50 yearsago,




Ryan Brennecke i The Bulletin


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Members of the Culver football team run through drills during practice last week in Culver.

5 .e We userecycled newsprint


South Deschutes plan

Source: Deschutes County Community Development

Tools to skirt Web censorsareswamped By James Ball The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — U.S.-funded programs to beat back onlinecensorship are increas­

ingly finding a ready audience in repressive countries, with more than I m i l lion people a day using online tools to get past exten­

sive blocking programs and government surveillance. But the popularity of those initiatives has be­ come a liability. See Internet/A3

TODAY'S WEATHER Rain showers High 44, Low 22

Page Be

Greg Cross i The Bulletin

,:,kt "-'.--'';I~h TOP NEWS OBITUARY:George







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WASHINGTON — For most of the 2012 election season, President Barack O b ama's foreign policyrecord was a major advantage over Repub­ lican challenger Mitt Romney. A month ago, Obama main­ tained a 53 percent to 38 per­ cent edge over his opponent on international issues in a Pew Research Center survey. That was before the Beng­ h azi attack that k i l led t h e U .S. ambassador to L i b y a and three other Americans. And before the Denver presi­ dential debate that scrambled the race for the White House. Now, voters give Obama a narrow 47 percent to 43 per­ cent lead on foreign policy. The Democratic incumbent is hoping that he can use the third debate to regain a clear advantage on global issues. And the former Massachu­ setts governor is hoping to use it to close the deal with any voters who haven't yet made up their minds. Here are five things that Obama and Romney must ac­ complish in tonight's debate at Lynn University in Boca Raton, Fla.:

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John F. Kennedy delivered a nationally broadcast address in which he publicly revealed

the presence of Soviet­ built missile bases under construction in Cuba.

Ten years ago:Busdriver Conrad Johnson wasshot to death in Aspen Hill, Md., in the final attack carried out by the

"Beltway Snipers." Five years ago:A federal judge in Dallas declared amistrial for mmmpceaa „

former leaders of the Texas­ based Holy Land Foundation,

a Muslim charity accused of funding terrorism. Charlie Neibergan /The Associated Press

Tonight's debate at Lynn Universityin Boca Raton, Fla., will focus on foreign policy, an issue on which President Barack Obama has held a decreasing advantage over Mitt Romney in polls.


of energizing their respec­

tive supporters to turn out en masse to back them between Portray Romney as a for­ now and election day," said • eign-policy flip-flopper. Mark Jones, chairman of the Obama notes that Romney political science department opposed the administration's at Rice University. Afghanistan policy before he Romney supported it. The president says Romney attacks China Look like a p l ausible for taking U.S. jobs but was • commander-in-chief. a pioneer in outsourcing. On Romney has often invoked F riday, Obama coined t h e R onald Reagan during t h e term m Romnesia." But t h e campaign, and Romneyneeds incumbent must be careful a Reagan moment. During the to modulate hi s c r i t icism. 1980 debates, Reagan, stand­ "Obama must attack Romney ing next to President Jimmy and somehow demonstrate Carter, appeared tougher and his incompetence without be­ m ore presidential than t h e ing mean and driving up the incumbent whose presidency president's personal n ega­ was badly damaged by the tives, which have increased ongoing hostage crisis in Teh­ of late," said Steven Schier, a ran. Romney wants to do the political science professor at same thing. "Gov. Romney Carleton College and author has a dearth of foreign policy of "Transforming A m erica: experience and botched his high-profile trip overseas in Barack Obama in the White House." the summer," said Kall. "He Have a plausible explana­ must pass the commander­ • tion for administration's in-chief threshold test during changing explanations of the the foreign policy debate." Benghazi consulate attack. Come up with an effec­ Another day, another em­ • tive attack on the ad­ barrassing revelation about ministration's Libya mistakes the Obama administration's — finally. response to th e a ssassina­ Romney has not been able tion of the U.S. ambassador t o capitalize politically o n to Libya. In l ast Tuesday's the terror attack on the U.S. debate, the president said he consulate in Libya because ... t ook responsibility fo r t h e he looks like he has been try­ situation. But many Ameri­ ing to capitalize politically. cans still want to know why He was criticized first for re­ the administration issued so sponding before all the facts many conflicting statements were known. Then he w as for so long after the Benghazi accused of t r y ing t o s core attack. "President O b ama partisan points at a time of must have a more consistent international crisis. A more and logical timeline of events effective approach might be regarding what actually hap­ to quote former Tennessee pened," said Aaron Kall, di­ Sen. Howard Baker during rector of debate at the Univer­ the Watergate scandal: "What sity of Michigan. "The presi­ did the president know and dent was somewhat saved when did he know it'?" on the question of Libya by Open up a gap between moderator Candy C r owley • the president and Israel. during th e s econd debate, R epublicans h av e b e e n but (tonight's moderator) Bob struggling all year to reduce Schieffer is unlikely to throw Obama's share of the Jewish any similar lifelines." vote in hopes of tipping states Win the argument on such as Florida and Ohio into • Iran. the GOP column. Romney ac­ The t o ug h i n t e r nation­ cuses Obama of d istancing a l sanctions on I r a n h a ve himself from America's most wreaked havoc on Tehran's important Middle East ally theocratic regime, sending and has pledged to take "the its currency plummeting and exact o p posite a p proach." deepening the country's eco­ Obama says he has done ev­ nomic woes. Obama needs erything the Israeli govern­ to convince Americans that ment has asked him to do to s anctions ca n t h w ar t t h e ensure Israel's security. Rom­ mullahs' attempts to build a ney needs to say — specifi­ nuclear weapon. Joe Biden cally — what action he would argued th e c a s e c o nvinc­ take that Obama has not.

Romney can convince voters he understands the challeng­ es of the 21st century world. Or is continuing to live in the mid-20th century. Bring everything back to


administration pulled U.S. Ambassador Robert Ford from Syria amid what were termed "credible threats against his

personal safety."


• the economy.

Black Panthers co-founder

Romney has been effec­ tive in his attacks on Obama's economic record. Since the final debate is about foreign policy and not the economy, Romney needs to continue to remind viewers why m a ny international challenges are tied to economic growth and jobs at home.

Bobby Seale is 76. Actor Christopher Lloyd is 74. Actress

Annette Funicello is 70.Actress Catherine Deneuve is 69. Actor Jeff Goldblum is 60. Olympic

gold medal figure skater Brian Boitano is 49.Comedian Carlos Mencia is 45. MLB player Ichiro Suzuki is 39. — From wire reports

S E N A T E D I ST R I C T 2 7

Difference Between



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TIMKNOPP Work Background



One year ago:TheObama

What's the



Highlight: In 1962, President


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ingly in the vice presidential Explain how China and debate. The president must • Russia are threats to be just as convincing that the America. U.S. stands beside Israel in Critics have accused Rom­ Obama its demand to end Tehran's ney of being stuck in a Cold Accentuate the positive. nuclear program, one way or War mindset. They note his • Osa m a b in L a den is another. comment that Russia is Amer­ num b e r dead. The Iraq Avoid a c a t astrophic i ca's war is over. The • blunder. one geopolitical d A fgha n i s t a n Remember President Ger­ threat. Romney dr (M e ; (~ g i ' w a r i s winding ald Ford declaring in 1976 has to explain mm ,,' m P' d o wn. Promisesthat EasternEurope was free w hy h e v i e w s made. Promises from Soviet domination? Big, Russia and, Obama kept. Ob am a ' s big mistake. An unforced er­ more i mp o r - Rom n ey goal: Make sure ror. It's exactly the kind of vi­ tantly, China as Americans leave the debate ral video this incumbent pres­ economic or military threats. viewing him as a strong, can­ ident hopes to avoid tonight. By explaining his worldview, "The order of the day for each do commander-in-chief, not, as the Republican portray candidate will be to avoid any him, a bumbler (Libya) who egregious errors and to stay "leads from behind" (Arab on the offensive with the goal

Spring) and is unwilling to make tough decisions (Syria,

HAPPENINGS • The third and final presidential debate takes place in Florida. The debate will air live beginningat6 p.m .on ABC, CBS, FOX, NBC, C-SPAN, CNN, CNBC, Fox News and MSNBC.

Hearst Newspapers


It's Monday, Oct. 22, the 296th day of 2012. There are 70 days left in the year.

e can a es mus 0

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Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you need to know to start your day. Until Election Day, this page will focus on politics.


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Supports creating 30,000 jobs in Oregon by repealing the death tax Supports PERS reform to save jobs of teachers, police officers R, firefighters

Has created private sector jobs and has a plan to create thousands of new jobs Received Senior Champion w ard for protecting senior services Supportsrepeal of Obamacare tax on middle class, small businesses Supports Obamacare, which includes 700 billion in Medicare cuts to seniors Endorsed by respected moderates former State Senator Neil Bryant, former House Speaker Bev Clamo, Retired Sheriff Les Stiles 8c elected officials Congressman Greg Walden, Rep.Jason Conger, Rep. Gene Whisnant, Mayor of Redmond George Endicott, Mayor of Bend Jeff Eager; Independent Party of Oregon 'Ihe Bulletin See a full list of cndorsements at WWW. TIMKNOPP. COM Paid for by Tim Knopp for State Senate







Venezuelan VPsays he met with Castro HAVANA — Former Ven­ ezuelan Vice President Elias Jaua said Sunday that he met with aging revolutionary icon Fidel Castro for f ive hours and showed The Associated Press photos of the encoun­ ter, quashing persistent ru­ mors that the former Cuban leader was on his deathbed or had suffered a massive stroke. Jaua also confirmed that the 86-year-old retired Cu­ ban president personally ac­ companied him to the Hotel Nacional after their meeting Saturday, in which they talked about politics, history, culture and tourism. "He had the courtesy of bringing me t o t h e h o tel," Jaua said Sunday, adding that Castro looked "very well." The public appearance was Castro's first in months.

Angry Lebaneseattempt Gunman s oots 7 to storm governmentoffices at Wisconsinspa, New York Times News Service BEIRUT — Lebanon's jit­ tery composure throughout the l ong S y r ian u p r ising wobbled but held Sunday, as political and religious leaders quelled street protests that erupted after the emotional fu­ neral of a security chief whose killing in a car bombing was widely blamed on the Syrian government. After the funeral, protesters attempted to storm the Grand Serail, the Ottoman-era gar­ rison in Beirut that houses the offices of Prime Minister

Najib Mikati, after his gov­ ernment was denounced at the funeral for being a pup­ pet of Bashar Assad's Syrian administration. Security forces surround­ ing the graceful hilltop com­ plex lobbed sporadic tear-gas canisters and fired their guns into the air, breaking up the demonstration. Only minor injuries were reported from the scuffles in Beirut, but there were scat­ tered reports of more violent incidents and S u nni-Shiite tensions elsewhere in Leba­

non, including gun battles in the northern city of Tripoli, with residents and local news broadcasts reporting at least one person killed. Broadly speaking, the cabi­ net of Mikati, also a prominent Sunni Muslim, and his Hez­ bollah allies remain close to Assad's government. The main opposition has been outspoken in condemning Syria. Both Hezboiiah, a militant Shiite or­ ganization, and its staunchest foes, Sunni Muslim jihadists, have dispatched fighters to op­ posite sides in Syria.


Jordan arrests11, says it foiled terror plot AMMAN, Jordan — Jor­ danian officials said Sunday that they had foiled a major t errorist plot, a r resting 1 1 p eople who t hey said h a d been planning since June to attack shopping malls and diplomatic t a rgets i n th e country. Samih Maayta, the Jorda­ nian minister for media and c ommunication, said i n a n interview that the group had been staking out l o cations for months and planning to use car bombs, machine guns and other h eavy w e apons in an attack that could have killed hundreds of c i tizens and foreigners. The group, apparently made up of Jor­ danians, called itself 11-9 the Second, referring to a string of hotel bombings in Amman that killed 60 people on Nov. 9, 2005. Jordan's G e neral In t e l­ ligence Directorate "had all their activities under surveil­ lance," Maayta s aid. "The group's experiments concen­ trated on creating explosives that would do the maximum damage and cause the highest losses."

South Korean leaflet campaign halted S EOUL, South K or ea ­ South Korea has banned ac­ tivists from launching propa­ ganda leaflets to North Korea after Pyongyang threatened to attack. North Korea said last week it would strike if South Kore­ an activists carried out their plan to fl y b a lloons carry­ ing anti-Pyongyang leaflets across the border. South Ko­ rea pledged to retaliate if it was attacked. South Korean police say they mobilized hundreds of officers early today to seal off roads to prevent activists and other people from entering a launch site near the border. The action to halt the leaflet release is unusual; the gov­ ernment had only implored them to stop their campaign, citing freedom of speech. — From wire reports

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ten is imse Milwaukee Journal Sentinel M ILWAUKEE — T h i s time it wasn't a church. But the result of Sun­

Tushaus said i t a p p eared that H a u ghton's s h ooting spree was rootedin domestic violence. day's shooting rampage, The killings occurred only at a prominent salon and a half mile f rom th e 2005 spa in Brookfield, was all murders of seven people by a too familiar: gunman who opened fire at a Three people murdered, church service, and 11 weeks four others injured, and after a mass shooting at the a lone gunman dead by Sikh Temple in Oak Creek sutctde. left another seven dead. In the Milwaukee area's The former crime was the second mass shooting in work of a religiously devout less than three months, a church member who became 45-year-old Brown D e er mentally unhinged. The lat­ man — a husband, father, ter apparently was motivated homeowner and e x -Ma­ by ethnic hatred. This one rine — turned the Azana seems to have been personal. Salon and Spa near Brook­ Haughton had sent signals field Square into a killing recently of possible trouble. ground. A bout th e t i m e t h e r e ­ Dead are three wom­ straining order was issued, en, all shot as Radcliffe he posted on his Facebook Haughton stormed page: "Need to get out of Wis­ through th e s alon b ent consin, HELP." o n killing h i s w i f e , a n Not long afterward, he told employee there. About a his father — who warned him dozen people were in the not to do "anything stupid"­ building at the time. that he had to leave the state. Police wouldn't say Sun­ And a Google Plus page day whether Haughton's linked to Haughton includes wife, Zina, was among the a bizarre photograph of a dead. man who appears to be him, But it appears she was pointing what looks to be a the target. Just two weeks weapon at the camera.

ago, she got a restraining

)— ,' 'Ij i" IIII])IINI: I :I

order placed on Haughton after he showed up at Aza­ na and slashed the tires of her car. Sunday evening, Brook­ field Police Chief Daniel

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Bend Memorial Clinic i~

Alessandra Tarantino /The Associated Press

Crowds pack St. Peter's Square on Sun­ day at the Vatican as Pope Benedict XVI celebrates a canonization ceremony. , Wa Of the seven new saints, two were Americans: Kateri Tekakwitha, the first Native American saint from the U.S., and Mother Marianne Cope, a 19th century Franciscan nun who cared for leprosy patients in Hawaii. At right, members of the faithful attend a mass celebrating the life of Kateri on the pI Kahnawake reserve near Montreal. Known as the "Lily of the Mohawks," Graham Hughes The / Associated Press Kateri was born in 1656 to a pagan Iroquois father and an Algonquin Christian mother. Her parents and only brother died when she was 4 during a smallpox epidemic that left her badly scarred and with impaired eyesight She went to live with her uncle, a Mohawk, and was baptized Catholic by Jesuit missionar­ Ies. But she was ostracized and persecuted by other natives for her faith, and she died in what is now Canada when she was 24. — The Associated Press

Surrogatessquareoff ahead of debate The Associated Press W ASHINGTON — O n the eve of their final presi­ dential debate, Mitt Rom­ ney and Barack Obama through t h ei r a l l i es — squared off Sunday over which c a ndidate w o uld best protect the nation's in­ terestsand security abroad with just two weeks left in a race that polls show is in­ creasingly tight. Both candidates stayed largely out of v i ew, pre­ paring vigorously for their face-off today focused on

foreign policy.

as it lurches toward its Novem­ ber conclusion. Early and ab­ sentee voting are already un­ der way in many of the most competitive states, upping the pressure on both candidates to lock in supporters. Two weeks out, the race appears to be tied, with both candidates taking 47 percent among likely voters in a Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll released Sunday that reflected a boost of support for Romney.

Republicans accused Obama of leaking word of pos­ sible negotiations with Iran in pursuit of political gain. Dem­ ocrats shot back, arguing that Romney and his party are the ones playing politics with na­ tional security.

The haggling played out on Sunday news shows at a critical time for Romney and Obama, whose marathon race has become exceedingly close


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ANDY for Deschutes County



Balyeat Wins Judicial Preference Poll By more than a 2 to 1 margin, Deschutes County attorneys voted for Andy Balyeat in the Judicial Preference Poll.


therefore, more accessibility from behind these firewalls." Continued from A1 The United States spends Activists a n d non p r ofit about $30 million a year on In­ groups say their online cir­ ternet freedom, in effect fund­ cumvention tools, funded by ing an asymmetric proxy war the U.S. government, are being againstgovernments that spend overwhelmed by demand and billions to regulate the flow of that there is not enough money information. Th e p r o grams to expand capacity. The result: have been backed by President online bottlenecks that have Barack Obama, who promoted made the tools slow and often the initiatives at a town-hall­ inaccessible to users in China, style meeting in Shanghai three Iran and elsewhere,threaten­ years ago. ing to derail the Internet free­ The task of keeping the Inter­ dom agenda championed by net free,however, is becoming the Obama administration. harder. "Every time we provide them China's "Great Firewall" has with additional funding, those grown more sophisticated in bottlenecks are alleviated for recent years, with the Com­ a time but again fill to capacity munist government employ­ in a short period of time," said ing tens of thousands of moni­ Andre Mendes, director of the tors to filter content and watch Office of Technology, Services users. Iran, meanwhile, has and Innovation at the Broad­ stepped up its already-substan­ casting Board of Governors, tial censorship amid a mount­ which funds some of the initia­ ing economic crisis, instituting tives. "One could reasonably bans on overseas audio and state that more funding would video and advancing plans for translate into more traffic and, an Iran-only intranet.


- Oregon State Bar Judicial PreferencePoll (Sept. 2012) "Andy Balyeat is deeply committed to the law a n d

Wi n a V i s a e a r d l a a de d w i t h $ 4 , 0 0 0 t ha t y o u e a n u s e a ny t i m e , a n y wh e r e a nd f o r a n y t h i n g

to our community. It's clear why his candidacy for Circuit Court Judge is overwhelmingly endorsed by his legal colleagues. Andy will serve the citizens of Deschutes County with fairness, integrity and heart."

- Ruth Williamson,BendPark k Recreation District Board of Directors

FORMER OPPONENTS SUPPORT BALYEAT "lt is our p rivilege to endorse Andy Balyeat for Circuit Court Judge. Andy has the experience, temperament andcharacter to be an excellentjudge.

Pleasejoin us in supporting Andy Balyeatfor Judge." •

ggg WIITTnT. P u l S

— T.J. Spear, Attorney at Law; Aaron Brenneman, Chief Deputy Attorney, Crook County i

e P O l l .C O m


Vote Andy Balyeat for Judge Because Experience Matters www.balyeatforjudge.com www.facebook.com/AndyBalyeatForludge Paid for by Committee to Elect Andy Balyeat




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adds Fritz, who emphasizes that the coaches are doing the Continued from A1 best they can with limited per­ "It's been a nightmare," Kud­ sonnel. "I wouldn't want to be lac admits. "Varsity football is the one making the decision the flesh and blood of what we (about canceling games). You care about around here.... To come into the season wanting take away those opportunities to put a team together to rep­ for the seniors, the few that are resent the school. This isn't the still out, that's what kills me." position you want to be in." The breaking point, accord­ Kudlac repeatedlydescribes ing toKudlac, came when he the situation at Culver as devas­ realized that si x f r e shmen tating. A small farming commu­ would start on both offense and nity of just under 1,500 residents defense against Central Linn, inrural Jefferson County, Culver which at the time was 5-1 and takes immense pride in its high had outscored its opponents school athletic programs. The 187-46 the last four games. bleachersare packed for Bull­ "Safety is more important dogs games in all sports, but than making sure w e p l ay particularly football. football games," Kudlac says. When Culver played Lakev­ "That's No. I w hen you get iew at Bend's Summit High in down to it.... The meat of our the 2008 state football semifinal schedulefeaturestwo awesome round, more than 1,200 specta­ teams in Central Linn and Ken­ tors, the majority of them Bull­ nedy. Do you bring kids home dogs fans, packed the stands. dinged up, with broken bones Culver's current football field or worse? We wanted to err on was literally built by the com­ the side of caution." munity, which donated time Scott Fritz, the father of in­ and equipment to construct the jured senior quarterback Ryan Bulldogs' home stadium less Fritz, says the Bulldogs were than 10 years ago. "For someone like myself, outmanned this season even before injuries began to take football in Culver is about the their tolL To put freshmen up history of the multiple state against Kennedy and Central championships and all the in­ Linn, the No. 2 and No. 4 teams dividuals and the families that in the Oregon School Activi­ were a part of that," says Scott ties Association's most recent Lewis, a former Bulldog ath­ 2A football rankings, he says, lete and now a fish biologist in would be "brutal". Culver. "It's a tough call," Fritz says. Lewis graduatedfrom Culver "I still enjoyed watching them High, and his two boys, Nate play, even when they were los­ and Nevin, both were standout ing. I watched kids I know, my football players. Scott Lewis own son. But I can see where was one of several community (the coaches and administra­ volunteers who helped install tion) are coming from. It really lights at the Bulldogs' new sta­ is a no-win situation. dium beforethe 2005 season. "They're down on numbers "That's what's i m portant and the numbers they do have to me," Lewis says about the don't have size or athleticism," school's football history.

Debate Contlnued from A1 It's likely both will be urged to throttle back from the heat of their second debate. After Obama's lis tless performance in Denver, he had to prove to his base that he was willing to fight to retain his job and challenge what he said were Romney's misstatements about his own policies and those of the president. Obama did that, and more, and may need to find a cruising speed somewhat short of that today to project a presidential demeanor. Romney over w h elmed Obama at their first debate, changing the trajectory of the

campaignandboostingRepub­ licans' enthusiasm level. But at Hofstra, challenged constantly by the president, he appeared peevish and testy — interrupt­ ing the president and pepper­ ing him with questions. He, too, needs to find the proper balance today. This election still h i nges on how voters perceive the candidates and their ability to restore the economy. Today's final debate doesn't lend itself to discussions of this central issue, but b ot h c a ndidates should find ways to address their weaknesses with respect to it. The most difficult moment for Obama at Hofstra came when he was questioned by Michael Jones, who voted for the president in 2008 and now spoke for many others who have been deflated by his per­ formance in office. "What have you done or accomplished to earn my vote in 2012'?" Jones asked. "I'm not that optimistic as I was in 2012." Obama recited a litany of accomplishments and said of those promises not yet kept, "It's not for lack of trying, and we're going to get it done in a second term." But Romney had the more effectiveresponse to Jones. "I think you know better," he said. "I think you know that these last four years haven't been so good as the president just described and that you don't feel like you're confident that the next four years are going to be much bet­ ter, either." Romney's challenge is the same one that has dogged him throughout the general elec­ tion, which is to overcome im­ pressions that he is a rich man whose policies would benefit the wealthy. He wants voters to believe he can turn around the economy, but he needs them to believe he would do it with policies aimed at the middle class. T oday's debate may n o t equal Denver for its impact on the campaign. It may not equal Hofstra for the sheer heat and intensity of the confrontation. But in a race as close as this one, whatever happens will be of consequence.


Since 1954, the B ulldogs have played in 10 state football finals, winning six times. Morgan Walters and Zack Leeper, the two Bulldog seniors who played for Culver against junior varsity teams the last two weeks, are keeping things in perspective. "Yeah, it's been difficult on us seniors," says Walters, a 5-foot-8-inch, 215-pound line­ man. "But we understand why we're doing what we're doing. Most of our team is freshmen and sophomores." "We're still having fun," adds Leeper, who at 5-11 and 185 pounds plays offensive line and linebacker."It's cool that theylet us play in the JV games. We're still getting to play football." With several players expect­ ed to be medically cleared this week, Culver hopes to resume varsity competition Friday at Mill City's Santiam High. The Bulldogs are scheduled to end the season Nov. 2 on the Coast at Waldport. Meanwhile, the school vol­ leyball team is making a run at its second straight state tour­ nament appearance, and the Bulldogs' wrestling program is a six-time reigning state cham­ pion. But canceling two varsity football games just five years after Culver won its last state title was a blow to the school and the community. "Football ... sets the tone for the entire school year," says Kudlac, a s tandout football player himself at North Valley High School in Grants Pass and later at Southern Oregon University. "Every person will tell you that, especially in this town." — Reporter: 541-383-0305, beastes@bendbulletin.com

of Soviet missile bases under construction on the island. Contlnued from A1 Ninety miles away, Jose Castro stood ready for his Castro received orders to orders, ready to do anything help guard a Soviet base in a to secure the United States wooded area; while he was and free his family. Even kill. toldthere were missiles inside, Ninety miles away, his Castro never saw them him­ brother was prepared to do self. He was assigned to stand the same. in the trenches outside, and Unbeknownst to one an­ could see the Soviets enter other, Julio and Jose Castro and leave the base. "I thought they were rock­ had both enlisted in the mili­ tary, the older brother with ets to defend the country, not the United States, the younger attack," he says. with Cuba. As the U.S. and On Oct. 22, Kennedy went the Soviets inched closer to on television and informed catastrophe half a c entury Americans of the impending ago this month, one brother nuclear threat. Any attack stood in the trenches watch­ from Cuba in the Western ing Soviet troops set up out­ Hemisphere would require side Havana, while the other "full retaliatoryresponseupon awaited orders in Miami. the Soviet Union," he said. Julio Castro, in M i a mi, Journey to the military watched in anticipation. He Growing up before the rev­ had already agreed to partici­ olution, the brothers shared a pate in Operation Mongoose, close bond. another CIA plot to remove Fi­ As a teenager, Julio Castro del Castro and the communist remembers enjoying the de­ regime from power. As the lights of Havana: He would missile crisis unfolded, he was go around the city in his red awaiting his orders to be sent Austin Healey coupe and hit for bacterial, chemical and the clubs with friends. nuclear training at Fort Knox Not everyone in Cuba lived in Kentucky. such a life. Under Fulgencio Finally, on Oct. 27, Kennedy Batista's rule, the gap between agreed to remove missiles in rich and poor grew wider and Italy and Turkey in exchange corruption was rampant. Sus­ for the Soviets dismantling pected dissidents were killed. and removing the nuclear Inside their own household, weapons in Cuba. there was joy and discontent when Fidel Castro, who is not Brothers again related to them, and the revo­ Jose Castro spent 30 years lutionaries marched trium­ in the Cuban military. His phantly into Havana and took mother and two sisters left control of the government in the island and joined his older 1959. brother in the United States Jose Castro was also start­ during that time. ing to develop a political con­ He wasn't allowed to com­ sciousness of his own. He'd municate with them, under been asked to leave his Catho­ a rule that he could not have lic school after joining a stu­ contact with the "enemy." dent revolutionary group, and Everyone in t h e U n ited because he was still too young States was considered an for most jobs, his options were enemy. "My family is not the en­ limited. His father found him work at a clothing factory, and emy," he thought. it was there, speaking and When his military service meeting the workers, that he was over, Jose Castro entered began to see another side of the civilian workforce. It was life in Cuba: the plight and ex­ there that he began to see an­ ploitation of the underclasses. other side of the revolution. He Jose Castro joined a union didn't have the benefits given and pledged to enlist in the to members of the military new government's revolution­ anymore — food and vaca­ ary army, which was no small tions for his family and rides commitment. to work. He and his family His older brother,mean­ lived in a modest apartment while, had begun making ar­ with furniture his mother had rangements to leave Cuba in bought in the 1950s. the months after the battle at In 2004, more than 10 years the Bay of Pigs. after retiring from the mili­ Julio Castro applied for a tary, Jose Castro was grant­ student visa with the help of ed permission to leave the an uncle in Miami, not telling country. his brother or his father. If ei­ His olderbrotherpickedhim ther knew, he feared it could up at the airport in Miami. put his exit in jeopardy or en­ They hugged each other danger the entire family. So and cried. on a January day in 1962, he In some ways, Jose Cas­ left for the airport alone in a tro grew up to be more like taxicab, without saying good­ his big brother than he might byetoanyone. have known. Both served in Ten months after his arriv­ the military and both became al, on Oct. 14, 1962, a U.S. Air civil engineers. These days Force U-2 spy plane flew over they even work on projects Cuba and took photographs together.

South ContInued from A1

Newberry Country When principal plan­ ner Peter Gutoswky talks about Southern Deschutes County, an area its resi­ dents like to call "Newber­ ry Country," he envisions a 125-square-mile region that stretches from Lava Butte down U.S. Highway 97, the Deschutes River and past the Little Des­ chutes River Visitor Center to the Deschutes County­ Klamath County b order. Public lands managed by the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Man­ agement border this area on the east and west. "This a rea i s h o m e to 12 , 00 0 res i dents," Gutowsky said. T he p o pulation e s t i ­ mate does not include the 1,393 people of Sunriver, a recognized urban, un­ incorporated community, and the 1,653 people of La Pine,which became an in­ corporated city in 2006. The area also has a lot of room to grow, Gutowsky said. Planning d i v i sion estimates show that New­ berry Country could eas­ ily g ai n a n o ther 5 , 000 residents over the next 25 years if the available lots in its unincorporated ar­ eas — those outside Sun­ river and La Pine — were ever developed. R ecognizing t h i s p o ­ t ential fo r g r o w th , t h e Deschutes County Com­ mission in November 2011 decided it needed to cre­ ate an area-specific plan d ocument f o c used o n Newberry Country that it would include in the over­ all comprehensive plan. Gutowsky said Tumalo a nd Terrebonne are t h e only other similar com­ munities i n t h e c o u nty t hat have such a p l a n . Both areas — respectively just west of Bend on U.S. Highway 20 and just north of Redmond on U.S. High­ way 97 — were added to the county's overall com­ prehensive plan in 2010. "(A comp r e hensive plan) provides direction to the county commissioners so they can u nderstand which avenues to pursue," he said. The plan provides a vision county officials and personnel can follow when determining w h at

programs get

people working for the La Pine Rural Fire Protection District, who have to spend two hours To view a copyof transporting people back and "Newberry Country: forth to the hospital, and are A Plan for Southern not immediately able to re­ Deschutes County," visit spond to an emergency when www.deschutes.org/ they are gone. southcountyplan. The plan also highlights The proposed county a desire to locate a Central planning document will Oregon Community College be the topic of two public campus in L a P i ne, some­ hearings: thing t ha t w o u l d a d d ress • 5:30 p.m. Thursday at Morrison's c oncern a b o ut the La Pine Senior Center, jobs by increasing job-train­ 16560 Victory Way, La ing opportunities for adults, Pine. and boosting th e r e g ion's transportation infrastructure • 5:30 p.m. Thursday, so it's easier for south county Nov. 8, at the Sunriver residents who work in Bend Homeowners Aquatic 8 to commute back and forth. Recreation Center, 57250 Finally, the document in­ Overlook Road, Sunriver. cludes several l i f estyle-fo­ cused goals the county could than just auctioning it off to pursue, like developing the the highest bidder. r esources t o c r e ate m o r e "Southern Deschutes Coun­ farmers markets and com­ ty has an older population m unity g r e enhouses, a n d than the rest of the county," even figuring out a way to put Gutowsky said, d escribing a movie theater in La Pine. "I'd definitely w e l come another characteristic that's reflected in the comprehen­ that," Martinez said. sive plan. — Reporter: 541-617-7816, W ith t hat i n m i n d , t h e mmclean@bendbulletin.com plan calls for new long-term care facilities in the region Weekly Arts & and the development of a 24­ Entertainment hour health care facility, both Inside MAC d LZBlm of which the county could a chieve by w o r k in g w i t h •I TheBulletin the city of La Pine and local healthcare service providers. " That's a l ways b ee n a dream," said Stu M artinez, who m a nages W i l derness Garbage and is running to be the mayor of La Pine. COVERINGS Martinez said not having a 24-hour medical center in the south county means people must drive to Bend for medi­ TRIPLE SAVINGS cal attention if they get hurt EVENT late at night when local health clinics are closed. • Mail-In Rebates That places a burden on • Matching Instant Rebates

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process. When the planning di­ vision held hearings on the plan, Gutowsky said some Newberry Country r esidents expressed a n interest in building boat docks on the Little Des­ chutes River as a means of developing tourism in the

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region. Expressing that desire in the plan tells county of­ ficials to consider turning a piece of riverside land they acquire through fore­ closure into a public park with a boat dock rather



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Editorials, B4

Obituaries, B5 Weather, B6 O www.bendbuiletin.com/iocal



If you have an idea for this photographic series about unusual vocations and occupations in Central Oregon, email dguernsey@bendbulletin.com. O To follow the series, visit www.bendbulletin.com/oddjobs.





Radio host to speak in Bend t's no secret that the right wing rules the airwaves. Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity,Glenn Beck and Laura Ingraham dominate national radio ratings. But turn your dial to the




at to 0

i st

left — keep going — and Q Trevor Hall uses nippers to trim the back hoof of Hawk, a 14-year-oid Morgan geld­ ing owned by Lisa Alienbach, in prepara­ tion for shoeing its hooves.


Ha ll uses a hammer and the horn of a biacksmith's anvil to make minor adjust­ ments to the shape of one of Hawk's new shoes.


~l 4

• Farrier Trevor Hall makessure his equine clients get exactly the right footwear revor Hall likes making his clients feel comfortable. That's important, especially when the client has four legs and outweighs Hall by a half-ton. "There are times when I can feel the horses become more at ease when I'm around," said Hall, a full-time farrier. "It's a cool feeling to have. I'm there to make them more comfortable." Hall, 36, grew up with horses and


started learning how to shoe them from his dad, Rick, as a teenager in Sisters. It wasn't until four years ago, how­ ever — when he got laid off from his job and saw no prospects — that he started shoeing full time. Today,based in Redmond and with a full spectrum of equine clients need­ ing new shoes every 6 to 8 weeks, Hall roams Central Oregon with what amounts to a portable blacksmith

shop, working five or six days a week, depending on the workload. It's mostly custom work, with the shoes tailored to the horse's individual hooves, its activities and its movements. Each job takes him 45 minutes to an hour. "I have a client list, but mainly I'm on call," he said. "What I have to offer is craftsmanship and treating people like I would want to be treated." And keeping his clients comfortable.

Q Hall uses a small hammer to drive the nails that will secure Hawk's shoes.

By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin

Though hidden from view, problems with the Bend sewer system have forced their way into the City Coun­ cil race this fall. At a forum last month, many of the 12 candidates said fixing the sewer system, which is near capacity, is the largest infrastructure problem facing the city. One thing that drew attention was the price tag for the cur­ rent plan to fix the system. A 2007 master plan to build new trunk lines to increase sewer capacity around the city, as well as to upgrade the wastewater treatment plant and fix manholes and collapsed sewer lines, would cost an estimated $170 million. Candidates also know limited sewer capacity means it is difficult or im­ possible for businesses that produce a lot of wastewater, such as breweries, to open in certain areas of the city. Current city councilors have balked at the cost. The city began work on the existing plan in April 2010, spending $12 million so far on a southeast Bend trunk line expected to cost an ad­ ditional $43 million to com­ plete. But in mid-May, the City Council voted unani­ mously to delay construction of the southeast intercep­ tor and re-examine sewer priorities. An 18-member advisory group of business­ people, conservationists and other citizens formed earlier this year to review the city's options. The group could take at least a year to generate pro­ posals for the City Council. It is focusing first on short­ term solutions to prevent the most seriousproblems, such as wastewater overflows, and to free up capacity in the system. In early September, the council approved a $1.9 million contract with Mur­ ray Smith and Associates Inc. for a new master plan for wastewater collection.

Position1 Candidate Victor Chu­ dowsky, 51, owns an educa­ tion research and consulting

agencyand isa member of the city budget committee. SeeSewer /B2

Q Hall grabs a few nails from his tool­ box.

I fy

you'll hear some com­ manding voices from the other side of the political spectrum, too. Chief among them is Amy Goodman's. Her show, Democracy Now!, airs on 1,100 radio, Goodman tel e vision and Internet stations. Locally, it's on at 8 a.m. and noon, Monday through Friday, on Bend's KPOV, 88.9 FM. Goodman will speak at a Bend fundraiser for KPOV, the High Desert Community Radio station, on Sunday. She's promoting her new best-selling book, "The Silenced Majority: Stories of Uprisings, Occupations, Resistance and Hope," which she wrote with Denis Moyni­ han, co-founder of Demo­ cracy Now! They also write a syndicated column together. The pair launched a 100-city speaking tour at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla., which will run through Elec­ tion Day. To describe this trip as a whirlwind would be putting it mildly. The evening before they speak in Bend, for ex­ ample, they'll deliver a talk in Spokane, Wash. Then, a few hours after wrapping up here, they'll take the stage in Ashland. Along the way, they're also taping new episodes of Democracy Now! at the usual time each weekday — that's 5 a.m. on the West Coast. "It's a little extreme," Goodman said by telephone last week, explaining she'd just arrived in Los Angeles after back-to-back visits to Sacramento, Calif., Minneap­ olis and New York City. "It's also inspiring and exhilarat­ ing and exciting, so I really can't complain." Goodman scheduled this tour to coincide with the frenzied run-up to the presi­ dential election. Goodman is a sort of modern-day David willing to take on all versions of Goliath, and her new book is an attempt to amplify the voices of people who are rarely heard in corporate­ owned media. That's also the theme of her show. SeeRadio/B2

i y'

Q A bit of shoe polish provides the finish­ ing touches to the job.

,.g@ ll.



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LOCAL BRIEFING Prineville woman identified in crash Oregon State Police have identified the 35-year-old

woman from Prineville who was killed in a motorcycle

crash west of Redmondon Saturday night. At approximately 7:20

p.m. Saturday, Crystal Ann Strobl, of Prineville, was riding her 2007 Honda

motorcycle east on state Highway126, following two other motorcycles,

according to anOregon State Police news release. The two other motorcycles

began to slow down for a vehicle driving aheadof them about two miles west of Redmond, but Strobl did

not slow quickly enough, and she hit the rear tire of

a motorcycle ahead of her. Strobl fell off her motor­ cycle onto the pavement, and her helmet came off

her head, according to the police. When Redmond Fire

& Rescue arrived, they pronounced Strobl dead at

the scene. JohnJenkins, 39, of Bend, was riding the motorcycle that Strobl hit.

Jenkins was able to safely stop his motorcycle and was uninjured, according to the police.

Oregon State Police continue to investigate the crash. The Deschutes

County Sheriff's Office and Oregon Department

of Transportation also as­ sisted at the scene, and the highway was closed with a detour for traffic until approximately 9:45 p.m.

Saturday. — Sulletin staff report

Radio Continued from 61 She criticizes the corporate­ owned media as being overly obsessed with the latest poll numbers and failing to cover issues that voters care about. She dislikes the term "main­ stream media" because she d oesn't think t h e m e dia i t describes accurately reflects mainstream Americans. The goal of her "Silenced Majority" tour, she says, is to address "those who are con­ cerned about the war in A f­ ghanistan, those who are con­ cerned aboutclimate change, the forest fires ... the drought ... This is not a fringe minority, it's the 'Silenced Majority.'" Her radio an d t e levision show is funded entirely by do­ nations from listeners, viewers and foundations. Goodman argues that with no advertising, no corporate underwriting and no govern­ ment funding, the show is able to maintain true independence. "When we discuss climate change, we're not brought to you by the oil and gas com­ panies," she says. "When we discuss health c are p o licy, we're not brought to you by Big Pharma." The end result, according to Goodman, is an authentic voice that appeals to a wide — and growing — audience. Goodman may be a spokes­ woman for progressive politics, but her message is built on the foundation o f ha r d -earned journalism credentials. She made a name forherself cover­ ing dangerous assignments in Gaza, the West Bank and East Timor, for example. And she hasn't stopped re­ porting during this 100-city tour. During her talk in Bend, Goodman says she will recount tales from her recent travels and discuss what "independent media" means during a time of war and during an election


Bend CityCouncil

Continued from 61 Chudowsky said he sup­ ported the City Council's decision to create the ad­ visory committee but said the city needs to stick to a strict timeline for t h e c ommittee t o pro d u ce recommendations. "It's holding up develop­ ment that could generate employment," Chudowsky said of the sewer system. Candidate Barb Camp­ bell, 48, owns a store called Wabi Sabi, on Northwest Wall Street, that sells Japa­ nese-themed merchandise. Campbell said sewer up­ grades are an absolute ne­ cessity, but they should be built incrementally. "I would like to see it done ver y s t r ategically, in these areas where they have l i m ited c a p acity," Campbell said. Campbell said she heard the pumps that move waste­ water through many areas of the city are a problem but is not sure whether it makes sense to dig "trench­ es through 30 feet of solid rock to get the gravity sys­ tem" as envisioned in the existing master plan. Campbell said city coun­ cilors did the right thing when they put the south­ east trunk line project on hold earlier this year, but she questioned the council's approval of the $1.9 million contract for a new sewer master plan in September. She wanted the city Public Works Department to pro­ vide a more thorough ex­ planation of why the work wasn't done in-house. C andidate W ad e F a ­ gen, 48, owns Fagen Tree Service & W o o d C h ips. Fagen said the city should f ocus on u p grading t he sewer system instead of the $68.2 million surface water project it attempted to begin this fall, because groundwater wells provide



, i~ Wade Fagen

V ictor Bar b Chudowsky Campbell

Doug Knight

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Find It All bendbulletin.Com

Charles Baer


Ron Boozell

K alhie Sa l l y Eckman Russell

development arise, then the city can immediately figure out what's the best way to ad­ dress those." Clinton said he voted "no" on the $1.9 million contract for the consultant to develop a new master plan in Septem­ ber because it was "too much money," and he would prefer to hire city employees with the money. Challenger Mike Roberts, 49, owns N orthWest Code Consulting and is a f o rmer interim city building official. Roberts said it was a waste of money for city councilors to stop work on the wastewater collection system earlier this year and then approve a con­ tract with a consultant to redo the master plan. Roberts said the city is "al­ ways putting Band-Aids" on the sewersystem and other in­ frastructure, while squander­ ing money to purchase a $4.78 million parcel of land for a new city hall in 2005 and to create


R oberts

This week • Look for a report about these candidates' positions on

economic development the 1,500-acre Juniper Ridge mixed-use development. The city should not begin a project until it has the money to pay for it and once the proj­ ect begins, the most cost-ef­ fective option is to finish it, Roberts said. "Once you start, you have to pay a mobilization fee and that's usually pretty substan­ tial," Roberts said. "We're paying the cost twice because we're stopping." — Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrud@bendbulletin.com


IM l

WILSONSor Redmond 541-548-2066 Adjustable Beds


G allery- B e n d



Mayor of Bend, 1991, 2009, 2010 Bend City Councilor, 22 years Rotary Club of Bend, President 09 — 10 Bend Sister City Foundation, Non-Profit, Founder


— Lily Raff McCaulouis a columnist for The Bulletin. 541­ 617-7836,traff@bendbulletin.com


Ed Ed McCoy Barbeau

to an overburdened and over­ community, and she does not capacity sewer system, and want to rush the process. that's preventing economic de­ "I want them to take as long velopment," Knight said. as they need," Eckman said. Candidate Ed McCoy, 39, "If a crisis comes up, we can is president and owner of handle it." Mile High Community Man­ Challenger Sally Russell, 54, agement, a company that is a former Bend planning com­ handles administration, ac­ missioner and civic volunteer. counting, maintenance and Russell said she supports the other duties for homeowners City Council's decision to halt and condo associations. Mc­ work on the trunk line earlier Coy said the city should have thisyear because "sometimes continued the southeast inter­ it's better to slow down so that ceptor project while looking you can move morequickly ... at other possible solutions for The current system in place, other problems with the sew­ what the engineers have sug­ er system. gested and love is a system "The sewer problem at the the ratepayers are going to city has been in front of us for hate because it's very, very a long time, and people just expensive." haven't chosen to look at it," R ussell s ai d t h e r e a r e McCoy said. other solutions to the city's Candidate Ed Barbeau, 55, sewer problems, and one op­ owns Pisano's Pizza in North­ tion might be to use regional West Crossing and also does wastewater treatment hubs side work as a private investi­ throughout the city instead of gator. Barbeau said fixing the sending all the wastewater to sewer system i s i m p ortant the existing treatment plant. because sewer accessis criti­ City officials also need to plan cal for business development. better in order to stay ahead He supports gradual improve­ of problemssuch as the short­ ments, targeted to fix pinch age of sewer capacity, because "we're definitely in the orange­ points in the system. "It's important we give them to-red flag in sewer," Russell all the capacity we can stand said. so these businesses succeed," Challenger Ro n B o ozell, Barbeau said. "I think we're a community volunteer, de­ going to have to spread this clined to be interviewed. out over time and hope the Position 4 economy increases." Candidate Charles Baer, 43, Incumbent Jim Clinton, 68, isthe owner, founder and presi­ is a scientist and the owner of dent of w w w .globalinternet a small high-tech company government.com, a w e b site called D-Star L aboratories. focused on government ac­ He is seeking a third term. "The city has been in sort of countability and transparency. Baer said fixing the city sewer the piecemeal, Band-Aid ap­ system is the most important proach for some time," Clinton infrastructure project in Bend, said. Clinton would like the and he supports the gravity-fed city to hire employees who system of trunk lines that the can planforthe sewer's future, City Council put on hold earlier instead of contracting with a backup if the aging pipe­ this year. consultants to develop those "The only way for Bend to plans. lines that bring water from "It's not OK to be complete­ Bridge Creek to Bend fail. grow is if it has infrastructure The water project is now on that supports growth and right ly dependent on the consul­ hold after a federal judge now, that's not the case," Baer tants," Clinton said, because issued an injunction. said. "Gravity's the way to go each consultant might pro­ "I find the sewer project because gravity is cheaper." pose a dramatically differ­ more important than the ent plan for the city. "I think water project because the Position 3 the sewer system is a core sewer project doesn't have I ncumbent K a t hi e E c k ­ city function that the city it­ a backup," Fagen said. man, 65, has been elected self needs to be in charge of, One option fo r s ewer seven times to the City Coun­ needs to understand, needs to might be to treat wastewa­ cil since the late 1970s and is model with its own software. ter at wetlands dispersed seeking an eighth term. Eck­ And then as needs for new around the city, Fagen said. man said she would not de­ "We've got to start look­ scribe sewer work as being on ing at some out-of-the-box, hold because the 18-member FOOd. HOme Sr Garden more efficient ways with group is currently developing In our sewers." guidelines and priorities for projects. She wants the group Position 2 to solicit feedback from the TheBucetin Candidate Doug Knight, 48, is a d e v eloper and chairman of the Bend Plan­ ning Commission. Knight said he supports the City Council's decision to create the advisory group but said the city should have pro­ ceeded immediately with ;i:::ii$ Zndo o r and Outdoor work to fix problems on its north end. " Unfortunately, we d o have a de facto moratori­ um on development onthe north side of town where ~>!;': 222 SEReed kfarket Road...~88-0022 '=,"::. we're not able to connect



campaign. Goodman and Moynihan will speak at noon Sunday at G r eenwood P l ayhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend. Admission is $25 for KPOV members and $30 for non-members. F or t i c kets a n d mor e information, vi s i t ww w .bendtickets.com.


Bend-La Pine Public Schools, Human Resources Deschutes County Field Representative, US Senator Ron Wyden I






• i l



II •

i •


Paid for by Kaihie Eckman for City Council





eanremem ere

ain ormer

Talent cab driver found dead in field M EDFORD — P o l ice i n Medford a r e i n v estigating the death of a 58-year-old cab driver who was found dead in a field Sunday hours after he was reportedmissing. Police say William Huson, of Talent, died of an apparent homicide, but investigators de­ clined to immediately release the causeof death or the pos­ sible motive. Huson last contacted Valley Cab dispatch at about 10:41 Sat­ urday night. He told dispatch he was taking a fare from a restaurant to an unknown ad­ dress on Vilas Road. The com­ pany called police early Sun­ day when they didn't hear from him. Police located Huson's cab in a parking lot Sunday morn­ ing. Huson wasn't with the car, but evidence suggested he was a victim of assault. Officers checking in the area of Vilas Road found Husan in a field. Investigators believe the suspect drove the cab from that area to the parking lot. Police say there are current­ ly no suspects.

Salem police: Officer shoots pit bull, man SALEM — S a lem Police say one of its officers shot and killed a pit bull as it attacked him Saturday,and a man who apparently tried to intervene was shot in the foot. Lt. Dave Okada says Darren Buchholz and Travis Brossard were interviewing people in a home Saturday afternoon when they were attacked by

the dog. Okada says Buchholz tried to push the dog away but shot the animal when it continued to attack. The Statesman Jour­ nal reports that as the officer was firing, 38-year-old Steven Deleon jumped in b etween and was shot in the foot. He was taken to Salem Hospital. The officers were placed on administrative leave while the shooting is being investigated, a standard procedure. The Oregon State Police is investigating.

Stolen puppy back in owners' hands PORTLAND — An English bulldog puppy that was stolen at gunpoint from an Oregon City couple has been found safe and a suspect has been arrested in Vancouver, Wash. KGW says a Vancouver po­ lice SWAT team was called to a Plomondon Street address and, after a t h ree-hour standoff, 23-year-oldJajuane Etheridge was arrested and booked for possessionofstolen property. One of the dog's owners says the puppy was found lo­ cated in a closed suitcase. Police say the puppy was stolen at gunpoint Friday after­ noon, along with some of the owners' personal belongings. N o i n j uries h av e b e e n reported. — From wire reports

• Campus memoriahonors l musicdean McLucas, whowasbeatentodeathSept.8

learning to play the piano as

they grew up.

"As soon as she could play a few notes, I was after her to play duets," Geer recounted, By Karen McCowan vice was delayed six weeks saying she sometimes ex­ The Register-Guard so it could be incorporated pected too much from her EUGENE — Eliot Grasso into a long-planned Eugene sibling, who was four years l iterally set the t one at a "Symposium on O ral T r a­ herjunior. public memorial service for ditions" for the Society of Later, however, "the tables former Universityof Oregon American Music, an organi­ were turned," she said, re­ School of Music and Dance zation shepresided over for c alling hours t ogether at Dean Anne Dhu McLucas. 10 years. Her cousin, the Rev. the keyboard, "side-by-side, He began the service with David Maynard, officiated at elbow-to-elbow," sight-read­ a piece he had composed the event. ing Haydn, Beethoven and — and aptly named "Bound­ He acknowledged that her Debussy. less" — in his former teach­ life "ended so rudely, so cru­ "She was always after me er's honor. As he played it on elly and in such an ugly way," to play with better phrasing, the uilleann pipes, the bag­ but then added: "We are here better nuance," Geer told the pipe of Ireland, he evoked today to honor a d i fferent crowd. "It was wonderful, both dirge and irrepressible spirit." and I will miss it forever." vitality. He pointed to th e sym­ A l o ngtime U O M u s i c The performance was one posium as "evidence that School colleague, M arian of more than a dozen as fel­ Anne's influence goes on." Smith, recalled McLucas as l ow music s cholars f r om Music so beautiful it alone an adventurous person with across the country j o ined could move one to tears alter­ eclectic interests. "She was a p i anist and family, friends and local col­ nated with spoken reflections leagues to fill Beall Concert on the life of McLucas, who h arpsichordist wh o c o u l d Hall on Saturday to celebrate served as dean from 1992 to speak Apache and Scotch the life of McLucas, who died 2002. One such piece, "And Gaelic, wh o l o ved c r oss­ at age71 on Sept. 8 after she Do We Listen," was commis­ country s k i i ng, m o untain was fatally beaten while try­ sioned for the symposium by climbing and scuba diving," ing to protect her domestic McLucas months before her Smith said. oYou would nev­ partner, James Gillette, from death. Performed by the UO er have known of her stellar what also became a fatal as­ group Vox Resonat, it ended reputation as a scholar be­ sault. His 36-year-old son as the singers one by one left cause she never wanted to be faces two counts of aggra­ the stage, repeating their last treated as a star." vated murder in connection lyric, "Remember." McLucas' only child, Jacob with their deaths. McLucas' sister, Caye Dhe Shapiro, thanked everyone McLucas' memorial ser­ G eer, recalled b ot h g i r l s who attended the gathering.

He said he is still reeling over her death from "an act of vio­ lence that I thought could nev­ er,ever have touched her life." And he noted that it happened justhours before her planned departure for the East Coast to visit him, his wife, and their three children — 4-year-old twins and a 2-year-old. "She was Grandma Anne,"

he said. "I'm glad she'd already managed to get in a few piano lessons, and she got them on skis and taught them to snow­ plow in our backyard."

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0 icial: Umatilla County Sheri 'so ice'un ersta e ' The Assoclated Press P ENDLETON — Wh e n someone tried to break into her house earlier this month, Merrie Ralph called the Uma­ tilla County Sheriff's Office for help only to be told by a dis­ patcher there wasn't a deputy on duty. "I said, 'What'? Excuse me'?'" she told the East Oregonian

"This is uncalled for. Our tax money is

supposed to be paying for our county to protect us. If it won't or can't, what are we SuppOSed tO dO?


— Merrle Ralph

newspaper. A deputy called her two hours later but no one came out to the house, she said. "This is uncalled for. Our tax money is supposed to be

paying for our county to pro­ tect us. If it won't or can't, what are we supposed to do?" Umatilla County U n der­ sheriff Terry R owan, w ho will become the new sheriff in 2013, said the office should be takingcases,regardless of how small. But "it's no secret we are significantly understaffed," he said, adding that the situation isn't likely to change without more money. "As it stands right now, we try to have three (patrols) for the west end of the county and three for the north end of the county," Rowan told the

newspaper. B ut th e d e partment i s spread so thin there are times when only one deputy is cov­

on a bridge, the only exit from the property, according to sheriff's reports. Walla Walla County sheriff's deputies and Oregon State Police arrived before anyone from the Uma­ tilla County Sheriff's Office. Rowan said he sympathizes with country residents who want to get the services their tax dollars pay for. For Haste, the Sheriff's Office ended up sending a reserve deputy to the scene. Reserves play a vital role in supporting the Sheriff's Office, but they're not employ­ ees who work regular shifts, Rowan said. Other police also feel the pinch when the Sheriff's Of­ fice doesn't respond. Hermis­ ton police, Oregon State Police and the Morrow County Sher­ iff's Office recently helped catch burglary suspects who fled from a property outside Hermiston. State police ended up arresting three people. Rowan said before he takes the reins in January, he plans to talk to each member of the Sheriff's Office about how he wants to operate the agency. But he told the newspaper that without money for more deputies, much of the criminal work the Sheriff's Office does

eringthe county's 3,231square miles, and even occasions when no deputy is on duty, the East Oregonian reported. The standard in police work is to have about 1.5 to 1.8 offi­ cers per 1,000 people, Rowan said. The ratio in the Umatilla Sheriff's Office is closer to one officer per 3,000. The office's criminal division budget of $1.4 million pays for the sheriff, undersheriff, one lieutenant, one sergeant, three detectives and six patrol offi­ cers, plus equipment and train­ ing, the newspaper reported. Judy Haste said she waited almost an hour for a Umatilla County sheriff's deputy Sept. 17 while she prevented three burglarysuspectsfromfleeing her property on the Oregon side of Stateline Road near will be akin to plugging a hole Milton-Freewater. Haste used here and there in a leaking her car to block the suspects dam.





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The Bulletin




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Fditur in-Clnef Editor uf Edtturinls

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PNPA%0 - e r

e don't know what it is about Oregon public offi­ cials and public records. M aybe they don'tknow the law. Maybe they don't


care. Maybe they are too busy. Maybe they savor the idea of beaming down with benevolence on the public below. Even in a routine request for in­ formation, governments can act like they've got barbarians at the gates. We had anothersuch incident this week. It was with Deschutes County officials. On Monday, wenoticed an an­ nouncement from the county that it was going to have a meeting Thurs­ day. It was about the results of a survey on smoking in downtown areas of the county. The notice said in part: "The focus group data (from La Pine, Bend, Redmond and Sisters residents), conclusions, recommen­ dations and the electronic survey that accompanied the study, have been compiled into a report and will be shared at Thursday's event." W e requested acopy ofthereport on Monday from Anna Johnson, the county's public communications coordinator. We included a formal publicrecords request,because it's been our experience that the county will ask for it. Now let's be clear about what we requested. It was the survey results from a poll on smoking. We weren't asking for invasion plans, corporate secrets,personnel records or legal strategy in a lawsuit. Johnson offered to email us a copy on Thursday or deliver it. That was nice of her, but that's not what the law says.

Before Oregon adopted its public recordslaw, the Oregon Supreme Court ruled that data collected by a state agency for a study was subject to inspection before the study was completed. Preliminary or working draftshave been determined to be subject to disclosure. There can be exceptions, but those have been for sensitive mat­ ters. You can't tell us that a survey of the public on smoking is something that should be withheld from the public. We had some email exchanges with Johnson. No traction. She wrote that the countywouldn't want an unfinished document released. We pointed out that under state law it doesn't matter what the county wants. We gave up on her and sent an email to the county commission­ ers on Tuesday. On Wednesday, Erik Kropp, who has acted as interim county admin­ istrator, told us he consulted with county attorneys and he determined that the report we were requesting is not exempt from disclosure. Staff sent it later that day. We don'twant to go overboard over a smoking survey. But if gov­ ernments drag their heels on routine requests, we can only imagine how they'll be when things get serious.

Be cautiousabout smoking surveyresults eschutes County's survey about smoking in d own­ town areas didn't quite get it where it wanted. Instead of find­ ing itself in anti-smoking heaven, it achieved statistical purgatory. We can say with no margin of error that deriving policy from this study would be bizarre. Deschutes County Health Ser­ vices worked with the Rede Group to conduct the survey. They asked people in a series of focus groups and in an online survey what they think of smoking in public places, including downtown areas. If you just look at the numbers, there's strong evidence that Bend, La Pine, Redmond and Sisters shouldscamper down the path to ban smoking in downtown areas. In Bend for instance, the report says: "An overwhelming major­ ity (91.9%) of respondents reported that they would shop, dine, or visit downtown areas at a higher or same frequency if smoking were not allowed at all in Bend down­ town areas. ... 77.1% of respon­ dentsreported being supportive of a policy that prohibits smoking in

downtown areas in Bend." "Theseare some pretty compel­ ling numbers," summed up Jill Hus­ ton, chief executive officer of the Rede Group, at the meeting unveil­ ing the report Thursday night. Are they? The numbers in the report are absolutely accurate for the people in the online survey and in the focus groups. Of course, that is not say­ ing much. The numbers could also have more powerthan that.They could be predictive of others in the county. But part of the survey's ac­ curacy is how it was done. This survey relied heavily on an online survey of 718 respondents. Thereshouldbeanoverabundance of cautioninusinganonline surveyto guidepolicyrecommendations. The study also convened focus groups for each town. Nobody in the focus groups smoked. That's, well, out of focus. Let's be clear about a couple of things. If you smoke, we hope you quit. And if the numbers in the report compel anything, they should com­ pel caution.

(®3~ e PE[70P Hl.E CASINEI




Balyeat deserves your support in election bid for circuit bench By William H. King


highly recommend Andy Baly­

eat for Deschutes County Cir­ cuit Court judge (11th District, Position 2) in the coming (Novem­ ber) election. I am enlarging on the comments contained in my May letter to The Bulletin as I believe them extreme­ ly pertinent to the pending runoff election. I have been a litigator for over 45 years.I am not currently prac­ ticing law but am a member of the Oregon Bar and an arbitratorand mediator. During my career I have seen more judges than I can count — the good, the bad and the indifferent. As an arbitrator, I had the oppor­ tunity to observe Balyeat's perfor­ mance at a strenuously contested arbitration hearing. He is an excel­ lent attorney and, in my view, will

make a superb judge. He is highly regarded by his peers. Balyeat placed first, by a sub­ stantial margin, in the Deschutes County Attorneys' Preference Poll. He received 125 votes, Beth Bagley 58 — a margin of more than 2 to I. The ability of a judge to commu­ nicate and empathize not only with his peers but also with the public is an essential quality for an effective jurist. In addition, most of the present judges on the Deschutes County Cir­

temperament and characterto be an excellent judge. Please join me in supporting Andy Balyeat as our next judge." — T.J. Spear "It is my p r i vilege to endorse Andy. His experience and tem­ perament aremuch needed on the bench. He has a genuine desire to serve the public and his character through the campaign showed me superb judge. He is highly that he is the right person for the regarded by his peers. job. He has my full support." — Aaron Brenneman Balyeat has wit as well as wis­ cuit Court (and Balyeat's rival) have dom. He named his son Atticus after either a criminal law or prosecuto­ Atticus Finch, the hero of "To Kill A rial background. Balyeat is unique Mockingbird." Aside from his other in that he has substantial trial ex­ qualifications, anyone who names perience in both criminal and civil his son Atticus should be a judge. matters (although the emphasis has Balyeat has all of th e obvious been on civil). His background in qualifications — an understanding both areas will add needed balance of the law, concise and meaningful to the existing court. presentation ability and excellent Balyeat has the support of the writing skills. In addition, he has two candidates he a n d B a gley the most important quality for a defeated in A p r il, attorneys T.J. good jurist — a sense of proportion. Spear and Aaron Brenneman. It is That quality and the ability to laugh my understanding that Spear and at oneself provide the understand­ Brenneman have authorized use of ing and empathy essential to great the following quotes: judges. "I'm supporting Andy B alyeat Balyeat snowboards in the winter for Circuit Court judge because he and camps in the summer. He has is one of the finest attorneys in the children and a dog named Gus. state of Oregon; Andy's diverse Balyeat will be a great judge. Vote background in handling all types of for him. cases gives him a leg up on the com­ — William H. King petition; and finally, Andy has the is an attorney in Bend.

As an arbitrator, I had the opportunity to observe Balyeat's performance at a strenuously contested arbitration hearing. He is an excellent attorney and, in my view, will make a

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In My Viewpolicy How to submit

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limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30days.

Park district bond measure an investment in future By Will Warne moved to Bend five months ago. My wife grew up here. Her family moved to Bend from the Midwest in the early 1960s. My perspective on the 2012 Bend Park 8E Recreation Dis­ trict bond measure is informed by my newness to the community and by the inherited historical perspective I have

gained from my wife's family and friends. Their stories of watching and participating in Bend's development of the Old Mill District, the Deschutes River trails and parks and world­ class recreational facilities throughout Bend taught me that Bend's quality of life is not innate to Central Oregon but created over time by an inspired community.

As a new resident, it is easy to take for granted the years of vision and ded­ ication the community has invested to make Bend one of the most desirable places in the world. The parks, trails, riverfront and recreation are such an integral part of the fabric of our lives that we forget that they represent a collective effort spanning generations. The 2012 bond measure is a continua­ tion of that shared vision for a timeless future of conservation, public safety and sustainable development. It is a combination of investments in a vari­ ety of community opportunities at a historically low cost. The timing of the bond measure is very relevantto the economic advan­ tages of the investment. My first re­

sustainable public spaces. Would the beauty and value of Bend's Historic District and downtown be what it is sponse to the price tag was probably today if generations hadn't invested in similar to many people's who have Drake Park and the countless other endured the last five years of economic public spaces that have catapulted downturn: "Why now?" The answer, I Bend's economic progress over the learned, is simple. The silver lining of years? the downturn is a unique opportunity I have lived, studied and worked for the community to make long-term, in the most developed and underde­ strategic investments in land, public veloped countries in the world. Both safety and development at histori­ aspire to what Bend is accomplishing: cally low acquisition and capital costs. a strong sense of community and eco­ No one can doubt the tremendous nomic value driven by balanced, long­ economic advantagesthat have been term investments in land, people and created by community investments. innovation. Whethertheyachievethese In 1910, Alexander Drake was one of goals is driven in large part by enlight­ the first to recognize the relationship ened communities. The bond measure between economic development and is onemore step toward Bend's future.


It's a unique and timely opportunity for all of us to make a tiny investment in the places and things that we derive such tremendous value from. When I first arrived in Bend, I as­ sumed the diversity and quality of its parks and recreational facilities were simply part of the town's basic DNA. But they're not. They are the product of an ongoing, community-driven evo­ lution. As a newcomer, I didn't under­ stand this. I simply took it for granted. But after meeting generations of Bend residents, I now realize that Bend has always been a "work in progress" and that the bond measure is another op­ portunity to collaborate in a shared future. — Will Warne livesin Bend.





Hazel Mary Hesman Hager July 15, 1917 - Oct. 13, 2012 H azel Mary H a ger w e n t to be with the Lord on Oc­ t ober 13 , 2 0 12 , i n Re d ­ m ond, O r egon. Sh e w a s b orn J ul y 1 5 , 1 9 17, a n d cel­ ebrated h er 9 5 t h birthday t his p a s t summer. She h as l ived fo r the past 8 ears with her Hazel Hager daughter, Barbara, and her h u s band, R andy Knight a t C r o o ked R i v er Ranch, Oregon. She was a b lessed friend t o a l l a n d l oved saying " G o d b l e s s you." Hazel g re w u p i n Ne­ b raska, m ar r i e d Jes s e W illiams H a ger, F eb. 1 7 , 1 937. The y r a i se d t h e i r f amily i n t h e R e d C l o u d , N ebraska area, an d t h e n m oved t o C o o s B ay , O r ­ egon in 1962. They retired there and e n j oyed c a mp­ i ng w it h t h e G o o d S a m Club, t h e L ig h t h o users. Hazel was president for a year for th e L i g hthouser's Good Sam Club and held v arious o t he r o f f i ces f o r the club. She l o ved si ng­ i ng a n d s a n g w i t h t h e club's Kettle Band. S he is s u r v ived b y h e r brother, Fred Hesman and his wife, Irene of Blue Hill, NE; her sister, Lora K elly o f Los M o l i na's, CA ; a n d Jesse's sister, Frances Str­ nard o f Su p e r i or, NE ; Hazel's three children sur­ vive her, Kenneth Hager of C leveland, O H , Ba r b a r a and her h u s band, R andy Knight o f C r o o ked R i v er Ranch, OR, and James and his wife, Ann of Troy, OH; e ight g r a n d children ; 1 6 r eat-grandchildren; an d our g r e a t - great-grandc­ children. A utumn F u n erals i s i n c harge o f t h e ar r a n g e ­ ments.

Heat lamp, wood stove

Mc overn, ,a a r t i ea l S t causefires • Failed 1972 bid for presidencycould not mar Democratic senator's optimism

By Mandy Valencia Mail Tribune

By Richard E. Meyer Los Angeles Times

George McGovern, anicon of American liberalism who c ampaigned for t h e W h i te House wit h m o ra l f e r vor against President Richard Nix­ on and the Vietnam War but lost in a landslide, died Sunday. He was 90. McGovern died early Sun­ day morning while under hos­ pice care in Sioux Falls, S.D., said Steve Hildebrand, a family spokesman. He had been hos­ pitalized for various illnesses and injuries since taking a seri­ ous fall last December. McGovern, a three-term U.S. senator from South Dako­ ta, won the Democratic presi­ dential nomination in 1972. His campaign against Nixon and the war in Southeast Asia attracted millions of angry, anti-Establishment voters, in­ cluding women and minorities, students and idealists. He chose Sen. Thomas Ea­ gleton, of Missouri, to be his running mate without know­ ing that Eagleton had a history of depression. When the rev­ elation caused criticism, Mc­ Govern dumped him, only to end up looking fickle.

George TamesI New York Times News Service file photo

Sen. George McGovern, D-S.D.,suffered one of the biggest electoral losses in U.S. history during the 1972 presidential election against Richard Nixon. McGovern died Sunday at age 90.

crat from South Dakota to be On Election Day, he won elected to the House of Rep­ only Massachusetts and the resentatives in 22 years. After District of Columbia. He stands two terms, he ran for the Sen­ tied with Walter Mondale, who ate in 1960, but lost. lost to Ronald Reagan, for the Newly elected P resident worst state-by-state defeat in John F. Kennedy asked Mc­ U.S. history. Govern to open an agency to In time, Nixon and his vice send surplus food abroad. By president, Spiro Agnew, were late 1961, McGovern had Ken­ forced to resign, and more than nedy's Food for Peace program 30 administration o ff icials, operating in a d ozen coun­ campaign officers and finan­ tries. It was one of McGovern's cial contributors pleaded or proudest achievements. were found guilty of breaking In 1962, he became the first the law or covering up illegal Democrat elected to the Senate activity. Nixon might have gone from South Dakota in to prison but for a pardon from He finally settled on FEATU RED 26years. His chief inter­ President Gerald Ford, who had Sargent Shriver as his Qg iTU est was world peace. He succeeded Agnew as vice presi­ running mate. challenged "our Cas­ dent and then took over the He also fell victim tro fixation," decried presidency when Nixon quit. to some ofthe transgressions America's capacity for nuclear Nonetheless, M c G overn "overkill" and proposed a $4­ was marked as a loser. of Watergate, the scandal that ultimately forced Nixon to re­ billion reduction in the U.S. de­ sign. But public outrage came fense budget. He also supported Always an optimist too late, and McGovern suf­ Medicare,school lunches and In 1974, McGovern won re­ fered one of the biggest defeats the war on poverty. election to the Senate. in U.S. history. C onservative South D a ­ Six years later, his oppo­ His campaign left a s i g­ kotans re-elected him twice, nents called him a baby killer nificant legacy, including his despite his 81 percent rating because he was pro-choice proposals, since fulfilled, that from the liberal Americans and was considered a traitor women be appointed to the for Democratic Action. Part of for voting to let Panama take Supreme Court an d n o mi­ his success was his attention to control of the Panama Canal. nated forthe vice presidency. constituents. But another part The attacks, plus Reagan's first He inspiredscores of budding was his authenticity, decency fitting in presidential coattails, politicians: Bill Clinton was his and sense of mission. Sen. were too much, and they cost Texas coordinator before be­ Robert Kennedy noticed it. M cGovern his Senate seat. Death Notices are free and coming governor of Arkansas, "Of all my colleagues," he said, In 1984, he ran again for will be run for one day, but "the person who has the most president, preaching a reso­ then president. Gary Hart was specific guidelines must be his campaign manager before feeling and does things in the lutely liberal message. followed. Local obituaries becoming a senator from Colo­ most genuine way is George When he failed to place sec­ are paid advertisements rado, then a candidate for the McGovern." ond in the Massachusetts pri­ submitted by families or White House. mary, the only state that had funeralhomes. They may be Vietnam War McGovern was a die-hard votedfor him 12 years before, submitted by phone, mail, idealist. His electoral loss em­ McGovern was one of the he withdrew. email or fax. The Bulletin bittered him, but not for long. first senators to warn against M cGovern r e t urned t o reserves the right to edit all He never abandoned his op­ involvement in V ietnam, in teachingand forseveral years submissions. Please include timism or his faith in human­ 1963. Two years later, he op­ headed the Middle East Policy contact information in all ity. Neither did he give up his posed extending the fighting Council, dedicated to inform­ correspondence. devotion to liberalism or what into North Vietnam and called ing Americans about Islam For information on any of colleagues called his extraor­ the war a "moral debacle." Af­ and the Arab world. these services or about the dinary sense of decency. ter Robert Kennedy was assas­ His later years were torn by obituary policy, contact sinated during his run for pres­ personal tragedy. His daughter 541-617-7825. Early life and career ident, McGovern mounted his Teresa, who suffered from de­ Deadlines:Death Notices George McGovern was born first campaign for the White pression and alcoholism, was are accepted until noon July 19, 1922, in a parsonage House. He was defeated at the found in December 1994 in Monday through Friday for in Avon, S.D., and grew up in 1968 Democratic Convention, Madison, Wis., frozen to death next-day publication and Mitchell. His father was a fun­ where young anti-war protest­ in the snow after an evening of by 5 p.m. Friday for Sunday damentalist Methodist minis­ ers were clubbed by police on drinking. She was 45 and the and Monday publication. ter and a political conservative. the streets of Chicago. mother of two. Obituaries must be received McGovern enrolled at Da­ Four years later, with anti­ Then, in 1998, his son, Ste­ by 5 p.m. Monday through kota Wesleyan University and war sentiment at a pitch, he ven, also an alcoholic, was Thursday for publication married classmate Eleanor ran for president again. Al­ jailed in Massachusetts after on the second day after Stegeberg on Oct. 21, 1943. But most immediately, McGovern pleading guilty to beating his submission, by within months, he left to fly a became a target of attacks that female companion. 1 p.m. Fridayfor Sunday or B-24 in World War II. On his grew into Watergate. Nixon's Yet McGovern's optimism Monday publication, and by bunk, he read philosophy and aides saved their worst for oth­ was undiminished. Teresa's 9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday history. The books broadened er Democrats because Nixon death, he said, simply renewed publication. Deadlines for him, and he came home, he thought McGovern would be his compassion for others. "I display ads vary; please call said, wanting to know more easier to beat. guess I've always been an op­ for details. about "the nature and destiny S upported by p a r t y i r ­ timist," he once told a reporter. Phone: 541-617-7825 "I don't know how you can live of man, about the adequacy of regulars, McGovern won the Email: obits©bendbulletin.com our contemporary value sys­ Democratic presidential nomi­ any other way." Fax: 541-322-7254 tem and the capacity of our nation at a chaotic convention. In 1998, Clinton sent him to institutions to nurture those He picked Eagleton as his vice Rome as the U.S. ambassador Mail:Obituaries values." presidential candidate, only to the United Nations Food P.O. Box 6020 He returned a hero. On one to learn that his running mate and Agriculture O rganiza­ Bend, OR 97708 of 35 missions against Nazi had suffered depression and tion. In 2000, Clinton awarded targets in Europe, he took hits taken electroconvulsive thera­ him the Presidential Medal of that blew out most of the nose py, which then was known as Freedom, the nation's highest DEATHS of the plane and wounded a electroshock treatment. Mc­ civilian honor. A year later, the gunner. Shrapnel cut the hy­ Govern said he stood behind U.N. made him its first global ELSEWHERE draulic brake and electrical Eagleton "1,000 percent" and ambassador to ease hunger. lines. He ordered his crew to would keep him on the ticket. In 2008, McGovern and his Deaths of note from around crank down the landing gear In the end, however, Mc­ former Senate colleague Bob theworld: and tie parachutes to girders Govern could not weather the Dole, R-Kan., shared the World Dr. E. Donnall Thomas, 92: just inside the rear hatches. political storm, and he dumped Food Prize. Showed that it was possible He landed and released the Eagleton. Then he was seen as Over the years, McGovern to transplant bone marrow parachutes. Not a life was lost. disloyal and indecisive. published a dozen books. His to save the lives of patients McGovern was awarded the dying from blood cancer and Distinguished Flying Cross. other blood disorders, which After the war he returned A REVERSE MORTGAGE... earned him a N o bel Prize. to Dakota Wesleyan, and then Died Saturday in Seattle. entered Garrett Theological Now's the Time B ernard Kapiloff, 95 : A Seminary in Chicago. He liked • New saver programs onetime dentist who later be­ preaching, but the counseling • New lower fee programs came a plastic surgeon and and ceremonies that were part • Interest rates are still low who, for the past 50 years, of ministry held little appeal. was publisher of the weekly So he switched to Northwest­ And pay NO monthly mortgage payments...ever! Montgomery County (Md.) ern University. Mike LeRoux S entinel n e w spaper. D i e d He earned a doctorate in his­ Oct. 10 at his home in Balti­ tory and returned to Dakota (541) 35O 7B39 sEc U R ITY LE N D IN G more of complications from a Wesleyan to teach. (888) 61 7-8558 stroke. In 1956 he ran for Congress NMLS 57716 61310 Columbine Lane Bend, OR 97 702 — From wire reports and became the first Demo­

last, "What It Means to Be a Democrat" (2011), summed up his political beliefs. Be compassionate, he urged. Put government to workto help the less fortunate. End hunger. Spend more for education. Pro­ tect the environment. Reduce military spending. And forge peace in the Middle East by lis­ tening to all parties. McGovern's wife, Eleanor, died in 2007 and his son, Ste­ ven, in July. He is survived by his daughters Ann, Susan and Mary, 10 grandchildren and eight great-grandchildren.

MEDFORD — The rain has returned, but two ear­ ly-morning fires Saturday serve asa reminder of the risks involved with using heat lamps and wood stoves, and not having working smoke detectors. According t o J a ckson County Fire District No. 3 Battalion Chief A r l en Blenkush, a resident of the 6100 block of Castle Ter­ race in Central Point awoke a round midnight t o h e r dogs barking. She then saw that her shed, about 30 feet from the house, was fully engulfed in flames. The woman had been using a heat lamp to keep chickens warm in the shed, Blenkush said. Later in t h e m o rning, crews from District3 re­ spondedto a structure fire in the 300 block of Nick Young Road in Eagle Point, where a flue fire had begun from a creosote buildup. The wood stove had not been properly installed, said Blenkush, and the fire charred structural components in the attic.

Warehouse Prices •

Obituary policy




Publishing Tuesday, December 25, 2012 in The Bulletin Central Oregon communities continue to grow due to a nationally­

recognized appreciation for the region's quality of life. From providin g the most basic needs offood,shelter and security,to creating and maintaining positive social, educationaL, recreational and professional environments, Central Oregon's nonprofit community is a foundation for our area's success and sustainability. Hundredsoforganizations and thousands of volunteers make up this

nonprofit network. Through the publication of Connections, The Bulletin will both defineand profile the organizations that make up this network.

Connections wiLL provide readers with a thorough look at nonprofi torganizationsin Deschutes,Jeff erson,and CrookCounties. SALEs DEADLINE: DECEMBER 7 CALL 541.382.1811 TO RESERVE YOUR sPACE TODAY.

The Bulletin Serving CentralOregon since 1903

ATTENTION CENTRAL OREGON NONPROFIT GROUPS The Bulletin is in the process of verifying and compiling a compre­ henSIVeliSt Of nOnPrOfit entitieS in Central OregOn. PleaSefill OtIt thiS form to verify information in order to be considered for publication in Connections. Mail back to: The Bulletin, Attn: Chris Ingersoll, P.O. Box 6020, Bend, OR97708.

E-mail information to cingersoll©bendbulletin.com orcall 541-382-1 811 ext. 404

Nameof Nonprofit Group ContactPerson Phone


Nonprofit MissionStatement/Purpose




F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.

l l s

Today:Rain showers.

Tonight: Chance of snow show­ ers.

ttlt4i'htx34i 4i







WEST Cloudy with occa­ sional showers in the north and heavier rain south.

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Expect rain and mountain snow, some of it heavy in the south. EAST

0n4rfo Occasional show­ » '»»»»»» '50/34 ers are expected i»» Vale • .» • »xxx 51/33 today.

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Yesterday's state extremes

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• Miami 86/75


La Paz 87/68

Anchorage 29/18

Chance of rain show­





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Partly cloudy.





46 27

47 24

45 2 3

47 32

SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 7:30 a.m Moon phases Sunsettoday.... 6 09 p.m F ull L ast N e w First Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:31 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 6:07 p.m l• Moonrisetoday.... 2:33 p.m Moonsettoday ...12:08 a.m Oct. 29 Nov. 6 Nov. 13 Nov. 20

• Pl

City Precipitationva1vesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.


Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....9:47 a.m...... 6:54 p.m. Venus......4:18 a.m...... 4:53 p.m. Mars......11:10 a.m...... 8:01 p.m. Jupiter......817 p m..... 11 29a.m. Satum......7:35 a.m...... 6;20 p.m. Uranus.....5:07 p.m...... 5:27 a.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 46/32 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........80m1999 Monthtodate.......... 0.26" Record low......... 13 in 1949 Average month todate... 0.33" Average high.............. 62 Year to date............ 7.00" Averagelow ..............32 A verageyeartodate..... 7.51"

Barometricpressureat 4 p.m29.77 Record24 hours ...0.79 in1934 *Melted liquid equivalent


OREGON CITIES Yesterday M onday Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W


Tuesday Bend,westof Hwy97.. Mod H i /Lo/WBend,eastof Hwy.97....Mod. Redmond/Madras....Mod.

Astoria ........48/41/0.35....52/41/sh.....53/43/sh Baker City...... 51/1 8/0.00.... 45/24/rs..... 43/1 9/rs Brookings......54/39/0.00.....51/44/r.....51/46/sh Burns..........50/14/0.00.... 45/24/rs..... 43/20/rs Eugene........ 53/42/0.15....50/38/sh.....53/38/sh Klamath Falls .. 51/18/000 ...42/29/rs ...43/30/rs Lakeview....... 54/1 2/0.00 ... 42/30/rs..... 39/27/rs La Pine........46/18/0.00....41/18/rs.....41/27/sn Medford.......58/34/0.00.....54/39/r.....50/38/sh Newport.......52/41/0.16....50/40/sh.....51/41/sh North Bend..... 54/46/0.00..... 51/45/r.....52/44/sh Ontario........57/28/0.00....50/34/sh.....51/29/sh Pendleton...... 54/31/0.00.... 51/35/sh..... 51/31/sh Portland .......54/42/0.26....49/43/sh.....52/41/sh Prinevige.......47/26/0.00....41/23/sh.....47/27/sh Redmond.......49/1 9/0.00.... 44/29/rs...... 46/28/r

WATER REPORT The following was compiled by the Central Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as a service to irrigators and sportsmen.

Sisters........................ . Mod La Pine.............................Mod Prineville........................Mod

Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme

Reservoir Acre feet C a pacity Crane Prairie...... . . . . . . 34,799...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 116,827..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 71,922.... . . 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . 16,759......47,000 The higher the LJVIndex number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 83,114..... 153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 295 for ar at noon. Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . 248 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 25 MEDIUM HIGH Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 181 0 2 4 6 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 605 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . . 822 Crooked RiverAbove Prineville Res.. ... . . . . . 21 Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 77.9 Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 7.59 Roseburg....... 52/38/0.06..... 51 /39/r..... 50/39/sh Updated daily. Source: pollen.com Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 181 Salem ....... 53/42/0 15 ...51/39/sh ...52/40/sh Sisters.........46/23/0.00.... 42/21/rs..... 45/25/rs Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 ME DI UM The Dages......55/37/0 09....49/35/sh.....51/35/sh~LOWI or go to www.wrd.state.or.us

To report a wildfire, call 911





o www m (in the 48 contiguous states):

Chance of rain show­

Legend Wweather,Pcpprecipitation, s sun,pcpartial clouds,c clouds,h haze, shshowers,r rain,t thunderstorms,sf snowflurries,snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace

x l»


Yesterday's extremes






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W a r m Stationary Showers T-storms

4 4 4 t a x

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Rain Flurries Snow


Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene,TX ......91/72/0.00...82/65/t. 82/64/pc Grand Rapids....62/37/0.00..,67/59/t. 71/59/sh RapidCity.......58/46/000...57/44/c. 67/42/pc Savannah .......77/50/0 00...78/55/s.. 80/58/s Akron ..........60/42/000..70/55/pc...72/56/t GreenBay.......61/34/000...65/50/t. 68/48/sh Reno...........65/42/0.00..55/38/sh..47/32/rs Seattle..........53/41/0.20..51/43/sh. 52/42/sh Albany..........62/40/0.00...64/43/s.. 64/49/c Greensboro......66/44/0.00...75/47/s.. 78/50/s Richmond.......68/44/0.00... 74/49/s .. 79/52/s Siovx Falls.......68/45/0.00... 64/51/c. 74/55/pc Albuquerque.....77/50/0.00..74/49/pc.. 75/50/s Harssbvrg.......64/41/0.00...69/46/s. 70/51/sh Rochester, NY....62/43/000..66/51/pc. 65/52/sh Spokane........47/30/002 ..46/34/sh. 44/30/sh Anchorage ......33/25/0 00...29/18/s.. 33/22/s Hartford CT.....65/43/0 00...65/46/s. 66/51/pc Sacramento......66/51/0.00... 64/53/r. 61/49/sh Springfield, MO ..77/56/0.00... 80/63/t. 81/62/pc Atlanta.........71/47/0.00... 78/53/s .. 78/54/s Helena..........49/24/0.00 .. 46/32/rs ..46/22/rs St. Louis.........78/49/000... 80/64/t. 81/60/pc Tampa..........83/61/000 ..86/68/pc. 87/70/pc Atlantic City.....66/45/0.00... 72/53/s.72/57/pc Honolulu........86/74/0.00... 87/72/s. 85/70/pc Salt Lake City....66/46/000 ..70/49/sh. 57/35/sh Tucson..........86/59/000...83/58/s .. 86/59/s Austin..........91/75/000 ..86/68/pc.86/63/pc Houston ........88/70/000..89/71/pc. 87/71/pc SanAntonio.....89/73/000..86/71/pc. 86/68/pc Tulsa...........86/66/000... 84/67/t. 84/66/pc Baltimore .......66/45/0.00... 71/4!/s. 76/54/pc Huntsville.......79/45/0.00... 80/50/s .. 80/51/s SanDiego.......69/64/015...69/64/c. 70/64lpc Washington,0(..67/49/000...73/53/s.78/55/pc sillings.........49/39/000 ..50/32/sh. 55/32/sh Indianapolis.....69/39/0.00... 77/59/1.. 7I57/c SanFrancisco....62/53/000...66/55/r. 64/52/sh Wichita.........89/57/000..82/64/pc.. 85/65/s Birmingham.....78/47/000...80/53/s. 81/54/s Jackson, MS.... 83/51/0.00. 84/57/s .. 83/58/s SanJose........62/45/000.. 61/53/r63/47/sh Yakima.........54/23/000 49/29/sh.48/29/sh Bismarck........52/45/003..55/40/sh. 59/39/sh Jacksonvile......79/51/000..79/58/pc. 81/61/pc SantaFe........73/42/000...67/44/s .. 69/43/s Yuma...........87/71/000...84/63/s. 84/63/pc Boise...........57/31/000..52/36/sh. 49/29/sh Juneau..........39/31/000... 39/23/s.. 40/24/s INTERNATIONAL Boston..........64/49/000...63/49/s .. 64/50/s Kansas City......77/50/0.00 ..80/65/pc. 83/66/pc Bedgeport,CT....68/49/000...65/52/s. 67/55/pc Lansing.........61/36/0.00... 69/59/t. 71/58/sh Amsterdam......57/52/000 66/49/pc .. 59/54/c Mecca..........99/82/000 .97/78/pc .. 96/77/s Buffalo.........56/45/000 ..65/54/pc. 64/53/sh LasVegas.......80/67/0 00..78/57/pc. 73/54/pc Athens..........73/64/000..74/67/sh. 68/60/sh Mexico(ity .....79/46/000 .76/52/pc. 75/49/pc Burlington, V1....56/47/001 ..60/40/pc.. 57/42/c Lexington.......67/43/0 00 ..74/54/pc. 78/54/pc Auckland........63/54/000 ..64/49/sh.65/48/sh Montreal........55/50/000 ..54/38/pc .. 52/38/c Caribou,ME.....60/48/0.01..52/32/pc.. 47/29/s Lincoln..........81/38/0.00 ..71/54/pc .. 82/62/s Baghdad........99/73/0.00... 90/65/c .. 89/63/s Moscow........54/48/0.00... 49/30/c .. 41/39/c Charleston, SC...74/50/000...76/53/s .. 81/56/s Little Rock.......84/56/0.00..84/62/pc. 84/61/pc Bangkok........97/82/0.00... 88/76/t...89/79/t Nairobi.........79/59/0.00... 78/60/s. 77/62/sh Charlotte........70/40/000...76/49/s.. 77/49/s LosAngeles......73/64/000...69/58/c. 70/58/pc Beifng..........54/48/000...62/54/s. 67/51/pc Nassau.........86/77/000... 82/77/t.. 84/79/c Chattanooga.....74/44/000...78/51/s.. 78/49/s Louisville........74/42/000..77/59/pc.. 80/59/c Beirvt..........82/73/000...80/67/s. 77/68/pc New Delhi.......88/68/000...90/67/s .. 90/66/s Cheyenne.......62/40/000 ..64/40/pc. 71/38/pc MadisonWC....67/34/000... 69/59/t. 73/60/sh Berlin...........68/48/000 ..60/46/pc.. 62/47/c Osaka..........75/54/000...73/53/r.64/57/sh Chicago...... 68/37/000... 72/61/t. 77/62/sh Memphis....... 80/53/000 83/61/s .. 82/62/s Bogota.........70/52/000 ..63/51/sh. 63/52/sh Oslo............43/34/000... 40/32/c. 40/32/pc Cincinnati.......68/36/000 ..76/57/pc.. 77/57/c Miami..........86/75/0 00..86/75/pc. 86/76/pc Budapest........70/41/000... 66/46/s .. 65/49/s Ottawa.........$5/45/000 ..57/37/pc .. 52/39/c Cleveland.......60/38/000 ..72/58/pc. 72/57/sh Milwaukee......59/35/0.00... 67/59/t. 72/60/sh BuenosAires.....77/54/000..67/56/sh. 67/55/sh Paris............73/55/000..72/55/pc..69/55/s Colorado Spnngs.75/51/000...72/44/s.. 76/44/s Minneapolis.....71/42/000... 63/55/t .. 70/58/c CaboSanLucas ..90/66/0.00... 89/71/s .. 88/71/s Rio deJaneiro....79/79/0.00... 91/77/t...97/77/t Columhia,MO...79/50/000... 80/65/t. 83/63/pc Nashville........78/42/0.00..80/54/pc. 80/54/pc Cairo...........86/70/0.00 .. 84/68/s. 85/68/pc Rome...........79/55/0.00...74/57/s.. 76/60/s Columhia,SC....74/45/0.00... 76/48/s .. 80/51/s New Orleans.....83/55/0.00... 83/64/s .. 83/67/s Calgary.........25/21/000..39/20/pc. 32/19/sn Santiago........59/48/000 ..60/49/sh.. 65/45/s Columbus, GA....76/47/000...80/51/s.. 81/55/s New York.......65/49/000...69/56/s. 70/57/pc Cancun.........86/81/0.00... 86/78/t...83/77/t Sao Paulo.......88/64/0.00... 86/71/t...87/71/t Columbus OH....61/37/000 ..74/56/pc. 76/56/pc Newark,Nl......69/49/0 00... 69/53/s. 70/55/sh Dublin..........55/39/0.00... 54/51/c .. 56/50/c Sapporo ........46/46/0.00... 62/42/r. 61/39/sh Concord,NH.....63/35/0.00...62/40/s. 62/45/pc Norfolk, VA......65/57/0.00... 72/50/s .. 78/54/5 Edinburgh.......55/36/000...49/46/c .. 54/43/c Seoul...........73/55/000 61/56/sh. .. 64/51/pc Corpus Christi....94/74/000 ..90/72/pc. 91/70/pc Oklahoma City...88/66/0.00... 81/65/t. 82/62/pc Geneva.........68/48/000 ..70/52/pc.. 69/51/s Shanghai........81/66/000 ..75/58/sh. 71/66/pc DallasFtWorth...89/7$/000... 83/68/t. 83/66/pc Omaha.........81/47/000 ..71/57/pc. 79/63/pc Harare..........86/64/000 ..84/64/sh.80/58/sh Singapore.......84/77/000... 88/80/t...87/78/t Dayton .........63/37/000..73/57/pc.. 75/57/c Orlando.........84/59/000..84/66/pc.85/66/pc Hong Kong......86/73/000..84/73/pc.83/76/pc Stockholm.......48/43/000...47/38/c.45/34/pc Denver....... 69/46/0.00... 72/46/s .. 75/44/s PalmSprings.... 83/63/0.00. 84/59/pc 82/54/pc Istanbul.........73/57/000...74/67/c .. 70/62/c Sydney..........82/59/000 ..73/63/sh. 71/60/pc DesMoines......81/46/0.00... 76/60/t. 79/65/pc Peoria..........71/44/0.00... 77/62/t. 82/61/pc lerusalem.......81/64/000... 78/62/s. 77/62/pc Taipei...........86/66/000 ..84/71/pc. 76/74/pc Detroit..........63/38/0.00... 69/57/t. 71/58/sh Philadelphia.....66/48/0.00... 70/54/s.75/56/pc Johanneshvrg....70/55/000..75/55/pc. 73/52/sh Tel Aviv.........84/68/000...82/66/s. 81/67/pc Duluth......... 56/38/trace...54/44/c. 51/47/sh Phoenix.........91/68/000... 86/64/s .. 87/63/s Lima...........68/61/0.00 ..69/62/pc. 67/62/pc Tokyo...........73/57/0.00.. 73/47/sh. 70/51/sh El Paso..........83/62/000...81/56/s .. 85/57/s Pittsburgh.......60/43/0 00 ..70/53/pc. 74/54/pc Lisbon..........68/52/000 68/58/pc 76/65/pc Toronto.........61/46/000 61/47/pc 54/45/sh Fairhanks.........25/3/0.00... 17/-9/s...15/-2/s Portland,ME.....63/46/0.00... 61/43/s .. 59/43/s London.........54/50/000..56/53/pc.. 63/52/c Vancouver.......46/41/000..49/41/sh. 50/37/sh Fargo...........58/43/000...57/44/c. 63/46/sh Providence......65/45/0.00...63/46/s. 64/51/pc Madrid .........59/50/0.00... 58/51/c.71/52/pc Vienna..........52/45/0.00... 60/43/s.. 62/44/s Flagstaff........62/36/000 ..61/37/pc.61/35/pc Raleigh.........68/41/0 00... 74/46/s.. 80/47/s Manila..........90/81/000..88/75/pc. 89/77/pc Warsaw.........55/41/000..60/45/pc. 56/36/pc

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Power savers

rive shi in energy in ustry





I r/7

By Julie Johnsson B(oomberg News

CHICAGO — Robert Rhea logged on to his iPad in Cape Cod, Mass., one day in August to turn off the air conditioning in his Dallas home ahead of cooler Texas weather. Rhea, who was attending a wedding and tracked his daily power usage on an iPhone

app supplied by TXU Energy, estimates the remote tweaking saved him $175 on his electric­ ity bill that month. He controls his home temperature through a wireless thermo­ stat TXU gave him in exchange for allowing the utility to shut off his air conditioning dur­

Stuart isett/ New York Times News Service

GREEN ingperiods ofhigh

An employee at a Microsoft store, right, explainsthe new Windows 8 operating system on a tablet in Bellevue, Wash. Windows 8's new design has some bold and radical changes that the company hopes will re-energize its relevance in the market.

demand. The 57-year-old owner of a tile refinishing busi­ ness is among a new breed of conservationists that analysts say is curtailing sales of elec­ tricity and driving an unprec­ edented shift in the $374 billion U.S. power industry. After homes and businesses stocked

up on energy-saving gadgets and appliances, power use per unit of economic growth fell to a record low in 2011, according to the Energy Department. "There is a quiet revolution

in energy efficiency going on in our country," said Howard Learner, executive director of the Environmental Law and Policy Center in Chicago. The U.S. is a proving ground for nations such as Japan, Britain, Germany and Canada that also have started offering more efficient appliances to consumers andtesting "smart" technology that powers down homes when prices surge. The result: demand for electricity is shrinking even as economies grow, an effect that's starting to erode sales and profit at utilities from New England to Oregon. They include OGE Energy Corp. and Teco Energy Inc., both of which have underperformed the 10 percent gain this year in the Russell 1000 Utilities index. Electricity use in the U.S. declined 2 percent this year through Sept. 22, and was down 3 percent from a year earlier as consumers buy light bulbsthatburn 25 percentfew­ er watts and install technology that turns off appliances when the delivery grid is strained. See Energy/C6

• New operating system is minimalist, unfamiliar and might causesomehead-scratching By Nick Wingfield • New York Times News Service ver the years, Keith McCarthy has a r a re move for a product with such vast reach. become used to a certain way of doT h e new design is likely to cause some head­ "It made me feel like the biggest ing things on his personal computers, s c ratching for those who buy the latest machines amateur computer user ever." which, like most others on the planet, w h en Windows 8 goes on sale Friday. have long run on Microsoft's Windows software. To M i c rosoft and early fans of Windows 8, the — Keith McCarthy, 59, New York City But last week, when he got his hands on a lap- s oftware is a fresh, bold reinvention of the operat­ top running the newest version of Windows for i n g system for an era of touch-screen devices like the first time, McCarthy was flummoxed. the iPad, which are reshaping computing. in the mobile business: "Doing nothing was a M Many of the familiar signposts from Microsoft needs the software to succeed so strategy that was sure to fail." ~ PCs of yore are gone in Microsoft's new it can restore some of its fading relevance af­ Little about the new Windows will look famil­ software, Windows 8, like the Start button > ~~ ~ t e r years of watching the likes of Apple andiar to those who have used older versions. The for getting to programs and the drop-down ~ > Googl e outflank it in the mobile market. Start screen, a kind of main menu, is dominated menus that list their functions. To its detractors, though, Windows 8 is a by a colorful grid of rectangles and squares that It took McCarthy several minutes just to T E C H r en o v ation gone wrong, one that will need­users can tap with a finger or click with a mouse figure out how to compose an email mes­ lesslyforce people to relearn how they use to start applications. Many of these live tiles sage in Windows 8, which has a stripped­ a device every bit as common as a micro­ constantly flicker with new information piped down look and on-screen buttons that at times w a ve oven. in from the Internet, like news headlines, email "I don't think any user was asking for that," subject lines and Facebook photos. resemble the runic assembly instructions for Ikea furniture. said John Ludwig, a former Microsoft executive What is harder to find are many of the con­ "It made me feel like the biggest amateur com- w h o worked on Windows and is now a venture ventions that have been a part of PCs since most puter user ever," said McCarthy, 59, a copywriter c a p italist in the Seattle area. "They just want the people began using them, like the strip of icons in New York City. current user interface, but better." at the bottom of the screen for jumping between Windows, which has more than I billion users L udw i g said Microsoft's strategy was risky, applications. around the world, is getting a radical makeover, but it had to do something to improve its chances See Windows/C6

A cheaper catalyst Platinum is widely used as ari industrial catalyst, but small amounts of the metal are lost in the process. Chemists are experimenting with new catalysts based on iron or cobalt. Platinum catalyst The molecule at right, known as Karstedt's catalyst, is the most commonly Used platinum catalyst in the silicones industry. Each molecule contains two atoms of platinum. Iron catalyst Ari alternative catalyst wraps an organic molecule, called a ligand, around a single atom of iron. The shape of the resulting molecule speeds chemical reactions without Using precious metals.


Alchemy can't turn lead into gold, but it can helpsaverare elements


By Hillary Rosner New York Times News Service

Oxygen Platinum




PRINCETON, N.J. — In a lab in Princeton University's ultra-sleek chemistry building, researchers toil in a modern-day hunt for an elusive power: alchemy. Throughout the c enturies, al­ chemists tried in vain to transform common metals like iron and lead into precious ones like gold or plati­ num. Today, Paul Chirik, a profes­ sor of chemistry at Princeton, has managed a new twist on the time­ worn pursuit. Chirik, 39, has learned how to make iron function like platinum, in chemical reactions that are cru­ cial to m anufacturing scores of basic materials. While he c an't, s adly, transmute a lump of i r o n ore into a pile of valuable jewelry, his versionof alchemy is far more practical, and the implications are

wide-ranging. Source: Paul Chirik, Princeton University

New York Times News Service

The process could herald a new

era of flexible manufacturing tech- c a t alyst dissipate during the reac­ nologies, while enabling companies t i o n. For instance, a solution con­ to steer clear of scarce elements as t a i n ing platinum is used to make prices rise or obtaining them bes i l i cone e mulsifiers, compounds comes environmentally or geopo- t h a t i n t u r n f e ed p roducts like litically risky. makeup, cookware and glue. Tiny "No chemist would think lithium a m o u nts of the expensive metal are was in short supply," Chirik scattered in all these things; said, "but what happens if 'I your j eans, for instance, con­ 4 '+ tain unrecoverable particles you put a lithium battery in every car? This is why chem­ + .~ of p l a tinum. "We'renotabouttorunout istry needs to be ahead of the curve. We need to have of platinum," said Matthew

adaptable solutions."

SCIEN C E H a r tings, a chemist at Amer­

Despite the cost and rela­ ican University in Washing­ ton, "but this process spends tive scarcity of precious met­ als — iridium, platinum, rhodium t h a t platinum in a nonsustainable — we rely on them to manufac- w a y ." ture products from denim to beer, Chi r i k ' s c h emistry e ssentially pharmaceuticals to fuel cells. The w r a ps an iron molecule in another, elements are used a s c atalysts, o r g anic molecule called a ligand. substances that kick off or enable T h e l i gand alters the number of chemical reactions. electrons available to form bonds. Chirik's work involves dissolved I t a lso serves as a scaffold, giving catalysts, which are mixed into the t h e molecule shape. end product. The molecules of the See Alchemy/C6





Hitchcockvs. Hedren in HBOfilm 'TheGirl' "The Girl" 10 a.m., 5:30 p.m., 8:30 p.m. Wednesday, HBO

ter take, leaving her injured and distraught. A physician forced Hitchcockto suspend production for a week to al­ By Lynn Elber low Hedren to recover. The Associated Press "Hitch said we had to keep "the actress recalled. BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. f i l m i ng, — After a private screening "The do ctor said, 'What are o f HBO's "The Girl" held for y o u t r yng i to do, kill her?'" Tippi He d r en, H edren, w h o her friends and r egrouped a n d Ty gppTL~gHT family, including worked with the daughter Melanie British filmmak­ Griffith, the reaction was si- e r again on"Marnie," said the lence. Make that stunned si- H B O film shows only a slice lence, as the room took in the o f what was also a rewarding film's depiction of a scorned, p e r iod and relationship. "Ther e wasn't time to show vindictive Alfred Hitchcock p hysically and emotionally t h e w o nderful people I met, a busing Hedren during pro- t h e w onderful discussions duction of "The Birds." Hitch and I had, the great gift "I've n ever been i n a he g a v eme being not only my screening room where no- d i r ector but my drama coach." body moved, nobody said B u t s hel ost her admiration for anything,"Hedrenrecounted. t h e man, if not the artist, when "Until my daughter jumped H i t chcoc kpunished her for re­ up and said, 'Well, now I have buffing his advances. to go back into therapy.'" She insists she's never Hedren, 82, as polished and p l ayed the what-if g ame. lovely as she was taking her W h i l e sh e couldn't capitalize turn as a rarified "Hitchcock o n being a hot property post­ blonde" in "The Birds" (1963) H i t chcock, Hedrenchanneled and "Marnie" (1964), tells the h e r ener gies into family and s tory with a casual smile. her d e dcation i to helping ani­ But her experience with m a l s, in cluding founding the H itchcock, as d etailed i n Sh a m b laa wildlife preserve "The Girl" (which debuted i n S o uth ern California. "He r uined my career, but over the weekend and next airs on Wednesday), is as jar- h e d i dn't ruin my life," He­ ring to watch as one of the d r e n sa id, who has worked master'sown dark suspense regularly i n T V a n d a p ­ dramas. Sienna Miller ("Lay- p e aredni some films. Di re cor t J u lian J a r rold er Cake," " Factory Girl" ) p lays model-turned-actress s ai d Hitchcock biographer Hedren, with T oby J ones D o n aldSpoto, along with He­ ("The Hunger Games," "Infa- d r en, we re the main sources mous") as Hitchcock. for scr eenwriter Gwyneth In one horrific sequence, H u ghes. Hitchcock died in the f i l mmaker w i t h holds 1 9 80ata ge 80. Jones cautioned from Hedren that real birds, a g ainstmaking one chapter not mechanical ones, will be i n t o a biography: "We're not used in a scene in which she'll s a ying this is Hitchcock. This be attacked at close quarters. i s a section of Hitchcock's life Then he subjectsher to five basedon verified, carefully re­ cts." days of shooting, take af- s e archfa



available for somemovies at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 tI /MAX. • There may be an additional fee for 3-0and IMAX films. • Movie times are subject to change after press time.

Regal Pilot Butte 6 2717 N.E. U.S.Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347


(PG-13) 4 WAR OFTHE BUTTONS (noMPAA rating) 12:30, 3:30, 5:45

Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347

ALEX CROSS (PG-13) 12:50, 3:50, 6:40, 9:35 ARGO(R) 12:30, 3, 4, 6:15, 7:15, 9, 10:05 END OFWATCH(R) 1:05, 4:25, 7:35, 10:15 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG) 12:40, 3:20, 6:05, 9:25 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA(PG)12:15, 1:15, 3:15, 6:50 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA3-D (PG) 3:45, 9:10 HOUSEATTHEENDOFTHESTREET (PG-13) Noon LOOPER(R) 12:05, 3:30, 6:55, 9:55 PARANORMAL ACTIVITY4IMAX (R) 1:50, 4:15, 7:20, 9:45 PARANORMALACTIVITY4 (R) 1:35, 3:55, 7:05, 9:30 PITCH PERFECT(PG-13) 12:10,

Warner Bros. via The Associated Press

In "Argo," CIA specialist Tony Mendez (Ben Affleck, right) and his supervisor, Jack O'Donnell (Bryan Cranston), conduct a life-or-death covert operation to rescue six Americans behind the scenes of the Iran hostage crisis. 3:25, 6:10, 9:20 SEVENPSYCHOPATHS(R) 1:25, 4:10, 7:25, 10 SINISTER (R) 2, 4:45, 7:40, 10:20 TAKEN 2(PG-13) 1, 3:40, 6:30, 7:30, 9:15, 10:15 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG­ 13) 12:20, 3:05, 6:20, 9:05

McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562

Oue to Monday Night Football, no movies will be shown today. After 7 p.m., shows are 21and older only. Younger than 21 may attend screenings before 7 p.m.if accompaniedby a legalguardian.



Redmond Cinemas

MADRAS Madras Cinema 5 1101 S.W.U.S.Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505


869 N.W. Tin PanAlley, Bend, 541-241-2271

As of press time, movie times were unavailable. For moreinformation, visit www.tinpantheatercom.


HAVEN HOME STYLE 'Furniture rand Gesji n 856 NW Bond• Downtown Bend• 541-330-5999 www.havenhomestyle.com


1535 S.W.DdemMedo Road, Redmond,541-548-8777


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PRINEVILLE Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineville,541-416-1014


Providing unparalled service across a variety of industries since 1983.

541-389-1505 400 SW Bluff Dr Ste 200 Bend, OR 97702


720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800

ARGO(R) 6:15 LOOPER(R) 6:15 THE MASTER(R) 6 TAKEN 2(PG-13) 6:30

Tin Pan Theater



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13) 4, 7 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.



*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/BlackButte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-LaPine

8 RRK~RRK~RREK~RKR2RREI~~RRKREEK~XKEH8 EHK~RDiRH 8 1RK~RRRX~RKHK~RKR& KATU News World News P residential Debate AtLynnUniversity in BocaRaton, Fia. (N) 'PG' Dancing With the Stars: All-Stars Cindy Crawford Shed Lbs Jeo pardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune KATU News (11:35) Nightline

Nightly News Presidential Debate AtLynnUniversity in BocaRaton, Fia. (N) 'PG' The Voice (N) n 'PG' « Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Dateline NBC n 'PG' « News Jay Leno News Evening News Presidential Debate AtLynnUniversity in BocaRaton, Fia. (N) 'PG' How I Met Pa r tners n '14' Hawaii Five.0 n '14' cc How I Met 30 Rock n '14' News Letterman KBNZ 0 P r esidential Debate Lynn At University in BocaRaton, Fia. (N) 'PG' Dancing With the Stars: Ail-Stars Entertainment The insider (N) KEZI 9 NewsSpecial Edition (N) KEZI 9 News K OHD Q 0 0 0 KEZI 9 News World News (11:35) Nightiine Extra (N) 'PG' Two/Haif Men Two/Haif Men Big Bang Big Bang New s KFXO iDi IEI IEIIEI (4:30) MLBBaseball St. LouisCardinals at SanFrancisco Giants (N) n (Live) cc TMZ (N) n 'PG' The Simpsons Family Guy '14' Antiques Roadshow 'PG' « Market Warriors n 'G' « Electoral Dysfunction n 'PG' « Afterglow 'G' Koae O B Q B Wild Kratts ne Electric Comp. Presidential Debate AtLynnUniversity in BocaRaton, Fia. (N) 'PG' NewsChannel 8 Nightly News Presidential Debate AtLynnUniversity in BocaRaton, Fia. (N) 'PG' The Voice (N) n 'PG' cc News inside Edition Dateline NBC n 'PG' cc NewsChannel 8 Jay Leno KGW 0 Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeid 'PG' 'Tii Death 'PG' 'Tii Death 'PG' KTVZDT2IEI 0 B lH We ThereYet? We There Yet? King of Queens King of Queens Engagement Engagement 9 0210 It's Aii Fun andGames'14' Gossip Girl (N) n '14' « Lidia's Italy C h efs A'Field My Family Tim e Goes By American Masters: Pearl Jam Twenty n '14' cc Presidential Debate AtLynnUniversity in BocaRaton, Fla. (N)'PG' PBS NewsHour n cc OPBPL 175 173

KTvz 0 0 0 0 News

The First 48 '14' « Hoarders Mike;Bonnie'PG' « H o a rders Shanna Lynda &'PG' Hoarders Manuel & Carla (N) 'PG' Intervention Cher (N)'14' « (tu01) Intervention Ryan'14' (3:30) "Land of the **"Eight Legged Freaks" (2002, Suspense) Davi d Arquette, Kari Wuhrer, Scott Terra. Gi a nt ** * * " Halloween" (1978) Donald Pieasence,Jamie LeeCurtis. An escaped ** "Hal/oween 4: TheReturnof Michael Myers"(1988)Donald Pieasence• *AMC 102 40 39 Dead" spiders terrorize residents in a small town. « maniac embarksona holiday rampageoi revenge. « Eiiie Cornell. Dr. Loomishunts killer Mike onceagain. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Monsters Inside Me 'PG' cc Fatal Attractions n '14' cc The Blue Planet: Seas of Life 'G' The Blue Planet: Seas of Life 'G' Great Barrier Reef n 'PG' cc The Blue Planet: Seas of Life 'G' BRAVO1 37 4 4 Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NJ Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC What Happens Housewives CMT 190 32 42 53 Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders D a llas Cowboys Cheerleaders D a llas Cowboys Cheerleaders CNBC 54 36 40 52 Your Money,Your Vote (N) Pre s idential Debate(Li(N) ve) 'PG' Money, Vote Mad Money Danger. Rich Ripping- Rich American Greed Look Younger Hair Restoration CNN 55 38 35 48 Anderson Cooper360 (N) cc P r e sidential Debate Lynn AtUniversity in BocaRaton, Fla. (N) 'PG' ErinBurnettOutFront PiersMorganronight AndersonCooper360cc ErinBurnettoutFront COM 135 53 135 47(4:58) Futurama Always Sunny Always Sunny Tosh.0 '14' Co l bert Report Daily Show F u t urama '14' Futurama '14' South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' Brickleberry S o uth Park 'MA' Daily Show C o lbert Report COTV 11 Dept./Trans. C ity Edition P a id Program Morning Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW The Yoga Show The YogaShow Morning Oregon City Edition Call-In for DebateReaction (N) P r esidential Debate 'PG' Call-In for DebateReaction (N)(Live) CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) DebatePreview (N) (Live) Presidential Debate (N)(Live) 'PG' Politics & Public *DIS 87 43 14 39 Austin 8 Ally n Austin 8 Ally n Make-Mark G o od-Charlie J essie 'G' cc G ood-Charlie Gravity Falls n "Girlvs. Monster" (2012)Olivia Holt. n 'PG'cc (10:10) Jessie Phineas, Ferb A.N.T. Farm 'G' My Babysitter *DISC 156 21 16 37 American Chopper n 'PG' « Ove r haulin' n 'PG' o« Overhauiin'1967 Camaro n 'PG' Overhauiin' (N) n 'PG' « American Chopper(N) 'PG' « F a s t N' Loud (N) n '14' « American Chopper n 'PG' « *E! 1 36 2 5 "I Now Pronounceyou" Fashion Police '14' E! News(N) The Soup '14' The Soup '14' Jonas Jonas Jonas Jonas Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 Monday Night NFL Football Detroit Lions atChicago Bears(N)(Live) Sportscenter (N)(Live) « NFL PrimeTime(N) « Sportscenter (N)(Live) « ESPN2 22 24 21 24 E:80 (5:50) 30for 30 Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) cc S p ortsCenter Football Live Baseball Ton. NFL Presents SportsCenter (N) (Live) cc Baseball Tonight cc ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Battle of the Network Stars « AW A Wrestling « UWF Wrestling UWF Wrestling PBA Bowling « MLB Baseball FromOct. 22,2011. (N) MLB Baseball « H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H.L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESP NFC Press H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc R e b a 'PG' « *** "EdwardScissorhands"(1990) JohnnyDepp,WinonaRyder. FAM 67 29 19 41 Reba 'PG' « Switched at Birth (N) '14' « (9:01) **"Practical Magic"(1998)SandraBullock, Nicoie Kidman. The 700 Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 The O'Reilly Factor (N) cc (5:55) Presidential Debate(N)(Live) 'PG' Record Hannity Dn Record, GretaVanSusteren On Record, Greta VanSusteren The Five *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Best Dishes P aula's Cooking Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive $24 in 24 (N) Mystery Diners Diners, Drive ***"EasyA"(2010,Comedy)EmmaStone,PennBadgley. FX 131 SocialNetwork How I Met H ow I Met T wo/ H alf Men Two/Half Men ** "Fantastic Four:Rise ofthe Silver Surfer" (2007) loan Gruffudd, Jessica Alba. HGTV 176 49 33 43 income Prop. Income Prop. Income Prop. Income Prop. Love it or List it Jim8 Connie'G' Love It or List It Ramos 'G' « L ove it or List it (N) 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I L o ve It or List it 'G' « *HIST 155 42 41 36 American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' American Pickers 'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' (11:02) OutbackHunters 'PG' "SextinginSuburbia" (2012,Drama)LizVassey, JennProske. « "The Preacher'sDaughter" (2012, Drama)Andrea Bowen.a« "Walking theHalls" (2012)JamieLuner, Ai Sapienza. '14' ©c LIFE 138 39 20 31 My Life Is a Lifetime Movie '14' MSNBC 59 59 128 51 MSNBC Special Coverage(N) P r esidential Debate (N)(Live) 'PG' MSNBCSpecial CoverageDebateAnalysis (N) (Live) Presidential Debate 'PG' Spcl Coverage MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Totally Clueless Money Strang. Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Inbetweeners Ridiculousness Ridiculousness NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Spongesob FigureItDut' Y' Drake&Josh Full House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' TheNanny'PG' TheNanny'PG' Friendsn 'PG' (11:33) Friends OWN 161103 31 103Personal Justice n '14' « Personal Justice n '14' « Personal Justice n 'PG' cc Dateline on OWNn '14' « Datehneon OWNn 14 « DateltneonOWNn 14 « Dateline on OWN n '14' « ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Sports Action Sports World Tour Bensinger M L S Soccer Portland Timbersat VancouverWhitecapsFC College Football Stanford atCalifornia ** "StarWars:Episodei —The Phantom Menace" (1999) n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 CSI: Crime Scene Investigation C SI: Crime Scene Investigation * * " Star Wars: Episodei —The Phantom Menace" (1999)LiamNeeson, EwanMcGregor. n * "FromDuskTil Dawn2: TexasBloodMoney" (1999,Horror) SYFY 133 35 133 45Queen-Damned **"Hanni bal "(2001,Suspense)AnthonyHopkins,JuiianneMoore,GaryOldman. Alphas God'sEye(N)'14' Alphas God'sEye'14' TBN 05 60 130 Behind Scenes Living Edge K i ngdom Conn. Jesse Dupiantis Praise the Lord 'Y' « Joel Osteen M anna-Fest L i v e-Holy Land Creflo Dollar P r aise the Lord se « *TBS 16 27 11 28 Friends n 'PG' Friends n '14' King of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Conan (N) '14' cc *** "Woman ofthe year" (1942,Comedy)Katharine Hepburn.Sportswriter *** "Without Love" (1945)Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn. Afriendly ** * * "Adam's Rib" (1949)Spencer Tracy, Katharine Hepburn. Married iaw- *** t aatand Mike"(1952)Spencer TCM 101 44 101 29 weds columniswhose t career comesfirst. «(DVS) widow rents aroomto a sleepwalking scientist. « Tracy. «(DVS) yers bring their courtroom battle home. «(DVS) *TLC 178 34 32 34 Four Weddings rt 'PG' « Island Medium Island Medium Breaking Amish rt '14' « Breaking Amish: ExtendedEpi (9:12) Breaking Amish: ExtendedEpisodes(N) '14' Breaking Amish: ExtendedEpi Breaking Amish: *TNT 17 26 15 27 The Mentalist RedMoonn '14' The Mentalist '14' cc The Mentalist '14' tr The Mentalistn '14'rw The Mentalist n '14' c~ The Mentalist n '14' « Csi: NY LoveRunCold'14're 'TOON 84 MAD 'PG' Re g ular Show Regular Show Wrld, Gumbail Adventure Time Adventure Time Regular Show Annoying Kin g of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 Bourdain: NoReservations Biz a rre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food'G' Manv.Food'G' Bourdain:No Reservations B ourdain: No Reservations Bourdain: No Reservations Airp ort 24/7: Mi Airport 24/7: Mi M*A*s'H 'PG' M'A'S*H 'PG' M*A'S*H 'PG' CosbyShow Cosby Show Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King ofQueens KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 Bonanza TheBoss'G' cc NCIS FamilySecret n 'PG' atj NC I S: Los Angeles n '14' ae WW E Monday Night RAW What's nextfor Rybackashe face CMPunk at Hell in a Cell? (N)n c~ Csi: CrimeSceneinvestigation USA 15 30 23 30 NCIS HeadCase n 'PG' cc T. l . and Tiny T . l . and Tiny T . l . and Tiny B a s ketball WivesrtLA '14' Basketball Wives LA(N) rt '14' T . l. and Tiny C h rissy & Jones Basketball Wives LA rt '14' T.l. and Tiny C hrissy & Jones VH1 191 48 37 54 RomeoMust *ASIE 130 28 18 32 The First 48 HaleStorm'14'

** "Herdto Kill" 1990 StevenSeagai. 'R' « Aftershock: Earthquake in New York 'PG' « ENCR 106401 306401(4:15) ** "youngGuns"1988 (6:05) *** "The Thomas CrownAffair" 1999Pierce Brosnan.'R' (1u10) "Conanthe Barbarian" 'R' FXM Presents * "Mirrors"2008, Horror Kiefer Sutherland, PaulaPatton. 'R' « FXM Presents ** "TheStrangers" 2008 LivTyler. 'R' « FXM Presents FMC 104204104120* "Mirrors"2008, HorrorKiefer Sutherland, PaulaPatton. 'R' « UFC: Aives vs. KampmannPreiims Thenext generation of UFCstars in a night of action. UFC101 UFC Tonight UFC Reloaded UFC136:Edgarvs. Maynard iii Edgar vsMaynard andAido vsFiorian. FUEL 34 Big Break Go l f Central C h asing Chas in g Big B reak Greenbrier The Golf Fix GOLF 28 301 27 301Top 10 (N) L o ngest Drive Chasing Cha s in g Big B reak Greenbrier Little House on thePrairie 'PG' L i ttle House on the Prairie 'G' N U MB3RS Hijackers. 'PG' cc NUMB3RS Sacrifice n 'PG'cc F r a sier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'G' HALL 66 33175 33 (4:00) Home 8Family 'G' cc **"Cowboys ttAliens"2011,ScienceFiction Daniel Craig. Extraterrestriais **"Hall Pass"2011,ComedyOwen HBO 25501 425501(4:30) *** "KungFuPanda2"2011 **"One Day" 2011, RomanceAnneHathaway. Fortwo decades, twofriends Real Time With Bill Maher Political Voices ofJackBlack.'PG' reunite onJuly 15eachyear. n 'PG-13'cc strategist BorisEpshteyn.'MA' attack a 19th-century Arizonatown. n 'PG-13' cc Wilson.n 'R' cc *** "Apocalypto" 2006 RudyYoungblood. Theendof the Mayancivilization draws near. 'R' "Perkins'14"2009, Horror Richard Brake. 'R' I FC 105 1 0 5 *** "Monster'sBall"2001, DramaBily Bob Thornton, Heath Ledger. 'R' (4:10) ** "The MatrixRevo/utions" 2003,ScienceFiction (6:20) ** stnacondas: TheHunt forthe Blood Orchid" ** * "Hanna" 2011, Action SaoirRonan. se Ateenage assassin mustelude ** "Contraband" 2012, Action MarkWahlberg, KateBeckinsale. A former • M AX 00508 5 0 8Keanu Reeves n 'R' cc 2004 JohnnyMessner. rt 'PG-13' « the agents of a ruthlessoperative. rt 'PG-13' « smuggler finds he has to get back inthe game. rt 'R' « Alaska State Troopers '14' To Catch aSmuggler (N)'14' Dr u gged High Crack on '14' To Catch a Smuggler '14' Drugged HighonCrack'14' Alaska State Troopers '14' Wild Justice Pig Staikers '14' N GC 157 1 5 7 A v atar: Air. O d d Parents O dd Parents S pongeBob S p ongeBob A v atar: Air. A v atar: Air. Dr agon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor NTOON 89 115189115Monsuno 'YT Odd Parents P lanet Sheen Planet Sheen Avatar: Air. Fisher's ATV Dirt Trax TV D estination Pol. PBR Outdoors Best of West Headhunters TV Grateful Nation Fisher's ATV Dirt Trax TV D estination Pol. Savage Wild OUTD 37 307 43 307Legends of Fall Hunt Masters Profess. Homeland NewCar Smell n 'MA' cc Dexter Run n 'MA' ac Homeland New Car Smell n 'MA' cc (6:20) *** "ABetterLife" 2011, DramaDemian Bichir, Dexter Run rt 'MA' « S HO 00 5 0 0 (4:00) *** "Evita"1996Madonna.TheArgentine first lady becomes a cuit figure, thendies young. n Jose Julian. 'PG-13' SPEED 35 303125303Gearz 'PG' Ge a r z'14' H ot R od TV '14' Hot Rod TV 'G' Truck U (N) 'G' Truck U 'G' G e a rz 'PG' G ea r z '14' H ot R od TV '14' Hot Rod TV '14' Truck U 'G' T r u ck U 'G' U ni q ue Whips '14' * "A ManApart" 2003 'R' « STARZ 00408 00408(3:45) ** "Rent" 2005'PG-13' (6:05) BossClinch n 'MA' « (7:05) BossTrueEnoughn 'MA' (8:05) ** "Colombiana" 2011,ActionZoe Saidana. n 'PG-13' « Boss TrueEnough n 'MA' « ** "Casino Jack"2010,DocudramaKevin Spacey, BarryPepper.Jack "Lucky"2011, ComedyColin Hanks,MimiRogers. A wan- (11:45) *** • (4:00) *** "Picnic aiHanging Rock" **"Powder"1995, Drama Mary Steenburgen, Lance Henri k sen. An al b i n o TMC 2 5 25 1975 RachelRoberts. 'PG' outcast possessesamazingmental powers. rt 'PG-13' « Abramoff amasseswealth andpower before hisfall. rt 'R' « nabe serial killer wins the lottery. rt iR' « "Blackthorn" Sports lilustrated 'PG' Poker After Dark 'PG'a« NBCSN 27 58 30 209Return to London: XXXOiympiad Return to London: XXX Olympiad Return to London: XXXOiympiad College Football BYU at NotreDame *WE 143 41 174118Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' GhostWhisperern 'PG'cc Joan & Meiissa: Joan




Unpleasantmother-in-law should beignored, politely



Pleaseemail event information to communitylife@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

TODAY Dear Abby: When my hus­ band and I married, I thought I had hit the jackpot in moth­ ers-in-law. We were becoming


friends, going shopping to­ gether, etc. Boy, was I wrong. Now, five years later, I can't stand her. Just 15 minutes with her sends me over the edge. She's rude and judgmental, and gossips like a teenager abouteveryone. She put together a cookbook for me filled with my husband's favorite recipes. Guess what? After trying half a dozen of them and failing at every one, I realized she had changed and added or omitted certain in­ gredients in every single one. WhenI askedaboutit, shetold me she just wanted her son to preferher cooking over mine. Then there was the time she was baby-sitting and took our son to see Santa Claus for the very first time without asking or telling us. That's an event parents want to be part of. I found out about it months later when I looked through her

no memory of it. Many little children are frightened by big strangers in red suits, which is why smart parents don't force the exposure. And now that you know what poor judgment your mother-in-law has, make other arrangements for a sitter when you need one. But don't cut her off. How­ ever she managed it, she cre­ ated the wonderful husband with whom you are blessed. Dear Abby:I am a divorced father of two children, one in college and the other in high school. I have reached a point in life where I can take trips and make time for me. I am w ell-educated and earn a n above-average income. I'm in decent shape and consid­ ered a"catch" by many of the single women I encounter. But most of the women in my age


bracket (mid-40s) or slightly

I'm not sure of her motives, but she has something against me. My husband is on my side 100 percent when it comes to his mother. He can't stand to be around her either. What is the appropriate way to handle her? She makes us want to move away. — Ready to Pack in Ohio Dear Ready to Pack: It isn't necessary to move away to distance yourselves from peo­ ple like your mother-in-law. Limit the time you spend with her. When you must see her, be careful not to say anything negative about anyone or give her sensitive information you don't want shared. If you want to prepare aspecial food for your husband, go online and find recipes that haven't been "doctored." You'll find plenty of them. Then let him rave about your cooking. As for the incident with San­ ta, remember that your son

younger no longer take care of themselves. I'm looking for a very attrac­ tive woman to accompany me through life. Most single men I know also put a premium on a woman's appearance. Why don't women understand this? Where would yo u s u ggest finding a suitable partner for someone in my situation? — Mr. Particularin Tucson Dear Mr. Particular: Start at the nearest gym. If that doesn't netyou what you're trolling for, another place to look would be the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles. Hef t h r ows l arge parties there, many of which are charity fundraisers. Who knows'? For a generous dona­ tion you might meet a woman who meets your high stan­ dards — providing you have enough assets of your own to merit her interest.

was so young he probably has

— Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Monday,Oct. 22, 2012 By Jacqueline Bigar This year you might feel pushed to the limitattimes. Knowthatyou can overcomeanychallenge,as long as you use others as resources and for brainstorming. Curb excessive spending, and find a less costly path to the same end. If you are single, you meet people with ease, even at home andin oddcircumstances. A trip or a foreigner could play a significant role come July. If you are attached, schedule that special trip this year; it will strengthen the bond between you. AQUARIUSknows how to test your limits! The Stars Show the Kind of Day You'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * I f you are looking for a key associate to agree with you, look elsewhere. You will be dealing with this associate in the next month. The unexpected marks your actions and encourages a different avenue of thought. Look at the big picture now. Tonight: Find your friends. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ** * O t hers make demands, and you produce results. There is someone you cannot please, no matter what. Today emphasizes that. You could take this person's behavior personally or slowly pull back and see what is ailing him or her. A loved one puts in his or her two cents. Tonight: Out and about. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** * * R each out for others' opinions. Someone might have off­ the-wall ideas, but do not shut them down. This person's provocative thinking allows you to break past current restrictions. A friend surprises you with an unexpected visit. Tonight: Let your mind wander. CANCER(June 21-July 22) ** * * D eal with an irritable boss or a partner who might seem somewhatunstable.Emphasize your libido's energy. Some of you might decide to indulge a romantic fantasy rather than deal with what seems impossible. Tonight: Let the good times rock and roll. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * * Know when it's time to loosen the reins andallow others to take a moredominant role. You don't always havethe answers. An expert on the topic of the daylets you know that fact unintentionally. Maintain tight communication with afamily member. Tonight: The only answer is "yes."

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sepl. 22) ** * Your smooth style makes a differencetothose around you on a regular basis. They count on your accuracy and precision. Nevertheless, a key person in your life jolts you oncemore by doingtheunexpected. Your reaction could be quite dynamic. Tonight: Your normal routine. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Ocl. 22) ** * * You have a lot on your plate, and you feel strapped. Count on the unexpected; you might start liking these surprising twists in your life. Laughter marks a special relationship, though the other party could be quite serious at this point. Tonight: Forget that it's Monday. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * You might find your mood, like a current, is constantly changing. The Sun moves into your sign today, which increases your energy. You are full of vigor in the evening, and optimism may return. Try to avoid a potential spending spree. Tonight: Celebrate good times! SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Oec. 21) ** * * Z ero in on necessities. Realize when you have hadenough and also when you would like to be more frivolous. Part of you allows greater give-and-take with others. You like someone's unpredictability and might indulge in the same way. Tonight: Where your friends are. CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * Be aware of what is happening within afriendship. You might need to move through some preconceived and possibly rigid thinking. A meeting proves to be important. In fact, you will use this type of get-together more often in the near future. Tonight: Buy that itemyou havebeeneyeing. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * * You feel as if you have a tiger by the tail. Use your high energy and self-confidence to forge ahead in a particular area of your life. A friend might have strong sentiments about what you are doing. Listening to this person does not mean thatyou are agreeing. Tonight: Do your thing. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ** * M aintain a low profile, and listen to what is being said without butting in. Your observations could draw some very steady and important insights. You could be unpredictable, for better or worse, with your funds. Be aware of this trait. Tonight: Do something just for you. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate

ALDRINE GUERRERO: The ukulele master conducts a workshop and performs, with Craig Chee; $15; 6 p.m. workshop, 7:30 p.m. show; The Sound Garden,1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-815-5224 or ksilva©bendbroadband.com. CENTRALOREGON SYMPHONYFALLCONCERT: The Centra lOregonSymphony performs a fall concert, under the direction of Michael Gesme; featuring Dan Franklin Smith; free but a ticket is required; 7:30 p.m.; Bend High School,230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-317-3941, info©cosymphony.comor www.cosymphony.com.


+y4+w i. ~p. ~ M ~ '


TUESDAY CLASSICS BOOK CLUB: Read and discuss "The Canterbury Tales" by Geoffrey Chaucer; free; 6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room,601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7087, kevinb@dpls.us or www.dpls .us/calendar. "MISS REPRESENTATION": A screening of the film about media misrepresentation of women; proceeds benefit BendFilm and Saving Grace; $10, $5 students; 7 p.m., doors open at 6p.m.;Bend High School,230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-6290 or www.bendfilm.org. "THE LEVI EFFECT":A screening of the film about professional cyclist Levi Leipheimer; followed by a paneldiscussion ofthe state of professional cycling; $12.50; 7:30 p.m.;RegalOld Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347 or www .fathomevents.com.

Submitted photo

Acorn Project will be performingat 8:30 p.m. Friday at The Annex in Bend. Tickets are $7 in advance and $10 at the door. "FIDDLER ONTHE ROOF": The Summit High School drama department presents the musical abouta Jewish peasantwho must marry off his three daughters while facing anti-Semitism; $10, $8 students, seniors and children; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-355-4000 or http://bend.k12 .or.us/summit. "EVIL DEAD, THEMUSICAL": 2nd StreetTheater presents the musical comedy aboutfive college students who accidentally unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 students and seniors; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541­ 312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater .com. "RIFFTRAX LIVE, BIRDEMIC": A screening of the PG-13 rated comedy featuring the stars of "Mystery Science Theater 3000"; $12.50; 8 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382­ 6347 or www.fathomevents.com. MATT WOODS:TheAmericana artist performs, with Tater Famine and Michael Dean Damron; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; www.reverbnation.com/venue/ thehornedhand. "THE CYCLOCROSS MEETING": A screening of the Brian Vernor film with special guest Barry Wicks; ages 21 and older; $5; 9 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www .mcmenamins.com.

$25 splatter zone, $18 students and seniors; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541­ 312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater .com. IKE FONSECA: The Portland­ based country rocker performs; $5;8 p.m.;The Old Stone,157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; www .oldstonechurchbend.com. MONSTERBALL:Featuring live music, a costume contest, a zombie shoot and more; $13 in advance, $18 at the door; 8 p.m.; Vince Genna Stadium, Southeast Fifth Street and RooseveltAvenue,Bend;541-617­ 3215 or www.monsterballbend .com. ACORN PROJECT: Thejam-rock band will celebrate Halloween with a night of Rage Against the Machine and Ween covers; $7 in advance, $10 at the door; 8:30 p.m.; The Annex, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www.p44p .biz. DANIEL KIRKPATRICKANDTHE BAYONETS:The indie-rock band performs, with Jaccuzi; $5; 8:30 p.m.; Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. CORNSHED:The Canadian bluegrass act performs; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www .silvermoonbrewing.com.

HALLOWEEN BASH:Live music with A.M. Interstate, the Hooligans, the Confederats, Travis Kenny, Nuclear Salt and more; $3; 6 p.m.; Big T's, 413 S.W. Glacier Ave., Redmond; 541-504-3864. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Am anda Coplin talks about her book"The Orchardist"; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 252 W. HoodAve., Sisters; 541-549-0866. "FIDDLER ONTHE ROOF": The Summit High School drama department presents the musical aboutaJewish peasantwh o must marry off his three daughters while facing anti-Semitism; $10, $8 students, seniors and children; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-355-4000 or http://bend.k12 .or.us/summit. "THE BRITISH IN NAPOLEONIC TIMES":The Central Oregon History WEDNESDAY Performers present a production set in the early1800s, with singing, PUMPKIN PATCH:Free dancing and drama skits; $5, free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central for children12 and under; 7 p.m.; OregonPumpkin Company, The Bridge Church of the Nazarene, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., 2398 W. Antler Ave., Redmond; 541­ Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or 504-4233. www.pumpkinco.com. JAZZ ATJOE'S VOLUME40: The THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Jazz at Joe's series presents The Read and discuss "When She Cavemen; registration required; $25; Woke" by Hillary Jordan; free; 7 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse,148 6:30 p.m.; Sisters Public Library, N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541­ 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1074 977-5637, joe@jazzatjoes.com or or www.deschuteslibrary.org/ www.jazzatjoes.com. calendar. "EVIL DEAD, THEMUSICAL": 2nd "FRANKENSTEIN" AND"THE SATURDAY Street Theater presents the musical BRIDE OFFRANKENSTEIN": comedy about five college students A double feature of the horror REDMOND GRANGE BREAKFAST: who accidentally unleash an evil films, with an introduction by A community breakfast with force; contains adult language; $21, Robert Osborne; $12.50; 7 p.m.; scrambled eggs, pancakes and $25 splatter zone, $18 students and Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & beverages; $6, $3 ages12 and seniors; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse younger; 7-10:30 a.m.; Redmond 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541­ Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347 or Grange, 707 S.W. KalamaAve.; 541­ 312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater FRIDAY www.fathomevents.com. 480-4495. .com. LEFT COASTCOUNTRY: The PUMPKIN PATCH:Freeadmission; HALLOWEEN CYCLOCROSS CYCLOCROSS WAREHOUSE Americana band performs; free; noon-6 p.m.; Central Oregon CRUSADE: Watch the obstacle­ PARTY:Featuring live music, a 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Pumpkin Company,1250 N.E. ladenbicycle race; with costumed DJ, performance troupes and Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504­ competitors, a beer garden, live more, with a"Cyclo Du Soleil" St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or 1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. music, cultural food and more; theme; proceeds benefit the Bend www.mcmenamins.com. CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages free for spectators; 8 a.m.-7 Paddle Trail Alliance; $10; 8 p.m.-2 "EVIL DEAD, THEMUSICAL": 6-11, free ages 5 and younger; 3-7 p.m.; Deschutes Brewery, 901 a.m.; Deschutes Brewery's lower 2nd Street Theater presents p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin S.W. Simpson Ave., Bend; www warehouse, 399 S.W. Shevlin Hixon the musical comedy about Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., .halloweencyclocross.com. Drive, Bend; 541-385-8606 or www five college students who Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www PUMPKIN PATCH:Free admission; .deschutesbrewery.com. accidentally unleash an evil .pumpkinco.com. 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; DD Ranch, 3836 N.E. HALLOWEEN PARTY: Featuring force; contains adult language; HISTORICALHAUNTS OF Smith Rock Way,Terrebonne; 541­ performances by Broken Down $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 548-1432 or www.ddranch.net. DOWNTOWN BEND:Walkto Guitars andAvery James andThe students and seniors; 8 p.m.; historical buildings that are said "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: Hillandales, with a zombie pinup 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. to have experienced paranormal OTELLO": Starring Renee Fleming, contest; $5; 7 p.m., doors open at Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312­ events and hear their ghostly tales; JohanBotha,MichaelFabiano and 6:30 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 9626 or www.2ndstreettheater $10, free to museum members and Falk Struckmann in a presentation N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541­ .com. ages 12 and younger; 4-7:30 p.m.; of Verdi's masterpiece; opera 728-0879 or www.reverbnation "FURTHER":A screening of the Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 performance transmitted live in .com/venue/t hehornedhand. second installment in the Jeremy N.W. Idaho Ave.; 541-389-1813 or high definition; $24, $22 seniors, POR EL FLAMENCO: A presentation Jones snowboard movie trilogy www.deschuteshistory.org. $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old of traditional flamenco artistry, produced by Teton Gravity AUTUMN JOURNEY:Children go Mill Stadium168 IMAX, 680 S.W. featuring gypsy flamenco singer Research; $12 in advance plus on an autumn journey, meeting star Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382­ Jesus Montoya and dancer fees, $15 at the door, $5 children guides, shepherds and more; $1 6347. Savannah Fuentes; $20; 8 p.m.; The 12 and younger at the door; 8 suggested donation; 6 p.m.; Waldorf CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6­ Sound Garden,1279 N.E. Second p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. School of Bend, 19888 Rocking 11, free ages 5 andyounger; 10 a.m.­ St., Bend; 206-409-2161 or ksilva© Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or Horse Road; 541-330-8841. 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin bendbroadband.com. www.towertheatre.org. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Am anda Company, 1250 N.E.W ilcoxAve., HALLOWEEN DANCEPARTY:W it h Coplin talks about her book"The Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www performances by Bellingham, Orchardist"; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina .pumpkinco.com. W ashington-based Polecatand THURSDAY Springs Books, 422 S.W. Sixth St., THE "U" WORD:A lecture a DJ; ages 21 and older; free; Redmond; 541-526-1491. PUMPKIN PATCH:Free discussing the historical and 9 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. political aspects of reproductive admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central "FIDDLER ONTHE ROOF": The Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond Summit High School drama rights in the United States; free; 3 OregonPumpkin Company, St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www department presents the musical p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., .mcmenamins.com. S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1034, WITCHINGHOUR AT THE TOWER: Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or abouta Jewish peasantwho must www.pumpkinco.com. marry off his three daughters while tinad©deschuteslibrary.org or A Halloween party, with The www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. Staxx Brothers, Mosley Wotta facing anti-Semitism; $10, $8 AUTHOR PRESENTATION: students, seniors and children; 7 HISTORICALHAUNTS OF Victor Villasenor talks about and a screening of "The Rocky p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 DOWNTOWN BEND:W alkto his memoir "Burro Genius: A Horror Picture Show"; ages 21 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; historical buildings that are said Memoir"; free; 3 p.m.; Central and older; $14 plus fees; 10 p.m.; 541-355-4000 or http://bend.k12 to have experienced paranormal Oregon Community College, Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., .or.us/summit. events and hear their ghostly tales; Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 Bend; 541-317-0700 or www "THE BRITISH IN NAPOLEONIC $10, free museum members and N.W.College Way, Bend;541­ .towertheatre.org. 318-3726. TIMES": The Central Oregon History ages 12 and younger; 4-7:30 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 Performers present a production HISTORICALHAUNTS OF N.W. Idaho Ave.; 541-389-1813 or set in the early1800s, with singing, DOWNTOWNBEND:Walk SUNDAY www.deschuteshistory.org. dancing and drama skits; $5, free to historical buildings that for children12 and under; 7 p.m.; HALLOWEEN CYCLOCROSS HALLOWEEN PARTY: Featuring a are said to have experienced The Bridge Church of the Nazarene, costume contest, a jack-o'-lantern CRUSADE:Watch the obstacle­ paranormal events and hear 2398 W. Antler Ave., Redmond; 541­ contest, a raffle, table games and ladenbicycle race; with costumed their ghostlytales; $10, free competitors, a beer garden, live a dinner; $6; 4:30-9 p.m.; La Pine museum members and ages 12 504-4233. music, cultural food and more; Senior Activity Center, 16450 and younger; 4-7:30 p.m.; Des BIG BROTHERSBIG SISTERS free for spectators; 8 a.m.-7 p.m.; Victory Way; 541-536-3207. Chutes Historical Museum, 129 COMEDYBENEFIT:Comedy event Deschutes Brewery, 901 S.W. N.W. Idaho Ave.; 541-389-1813 featuring comics Karen Lacy and VFW DINNER:A roast beef dinner; Simpson Ave., Bend; www or www.deschuteshistory.org. Kermit Apio; with dinner available proceeds benefit local veterans; .halloweencyclocross.com. for purchase and a silent auction; $8;5-7 p.m.;VFW Hall,1503 N.E. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: PUMPKIN PATCH:Freeadmission; proceeds benefit Big Brothers Big Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. Karen Duvall talks about her Sisters of Central Oregon; $50 plus 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; DD Ranch, 3836 N.E. books, including "Darkest ARM WRESTLING fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 Smith Rock Way, Terrebonne; 541­ Knight"; free; 6:30-9 p.m.; CHAMPIONSHIP:Arm wrestle N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 Central Oregon Community locals and top performers in various 548-1432 or www.ddranch.net. or www.towertheatre.org. College, Redmond campus, weight classes; proceeds benefit CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages "EVIL DEAD, THEMUSICAL": 2nd 6-11, free ages 5 andyounger; 2030 S.E. College Loop, the Friends of Oregon Badlands Redmond; 541-350-6583, StreetTheater presents the musical Wilderness; $5 admission, $20 to 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon elsiemariewrites©gmail.com or comedy about five college students participate; 6 p.m., doors open at Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. www.centraloregonwritersguild who accidentally unleash an evil 5:30 p.m.; The Old Stone, 157 N.W. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504­ .com. force; contains adult language; $21, Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-322-7273. 1414 or www.pumpkinco.com.








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Dramatic finish By FRANK STEWART CZl

Tribune MediaServices

At the A CB L Summe r Championships in Philadelphia, the Grand National Teams final ended in drama. The defending champions f rom Fl o r i d a (Becker-Spector, Berkowitz-Cohler, M eck s t roth­ Rodwell) trailed New York by four IMPs with one deal left. At one table, North-South for New York bid and made six hearts. At the other, Berkowitz-Cohler for Florida made one cuebid too many (maybe more than one) and landed at a grand slam.


one diamond, the next player raises to two clubs and two passes follow. What do you say? ANSWER: Don't sell out when partner is marked with values. (If he had none, the opponents would still be bidding.) Double for takeout. Try to push the opponents higher to give yourself a better chance for a plus on defense. East dealer E-W vulnerable

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CFK Q973 New York's West, John Hurd, pondered his lead. East had doubled N orth's spade cue bid, so H u r d figured his parnier had the spades sewed up. Hurd saw no hurry to try to cash either ace: If he led one and saw it ruffed, he might set up winners for declarer. So Hurd led a trump, a choice with which the hundreds of spectators on the Internet sympathized. But Cohler drew trumps, ran the spades (with a winning finesse) to pitch dummy's clubs, and ruffed his losing club in dummy. Making seven, and the title to Florida. This week: Philly deals.

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g ~v+toQQ Unscramble these four Jumbles

by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Don't let it gel you down. There will be

one letter io each square, to form four ordinary words.


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"Pizza's here."

(Answers tomorrow) Saturday's

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Jumbles: EVOKE PLAZA CAMPUS EXPIRE Answer: They had no chance of winning the balloon race because they couldn't — KEEpup

ACROSS 1 Capt. Kirk's Asian lieutenant 7 Big name in elevators 11 Eng. majors'

degrees 14 Aid from a road travel org. 15 Calamine mineral 16 Make a decision 17 Versatile, as clothes outfits 19 N.Y. engineering sch. 20 Stein filler 21 Hawkeye State 22 Tom of "The Seven Year Itch" 24 Auto title data 27 Represent as identical 30 Wine: Pref. 31 Actress Rene 32 Way in or out 35 Iraq War concern: Abbr. 38 Toon mouse

4 Actress Thurman 5 PC-to-PC system 6 "Rabbit at Rest" author 7 Conductor Seiji 8 Giant 9 Business name abbr. 10 Connive

11 Approached rapidly

12 iLife producer 13 Not moving a muscle 18 "The Simpsons" bartender 23 Came out ahead 24 Face hider 25 Stub 26 College housing 27 Humorist Bombeck 28 Quick classroom test 29 Amer. lawmaking gl'oup 32 Gently applied amount couple 33 Yoko from Tokyo 42 d y e: chemical 34 Dedicatory poem colorant 36 Voice amplifier 43 High-pitched 37 Arnaz who played woodwind Ricky 44 Breakfast corners 39 Luke Skywalker's 45 Old OTC mentor watchdog 1 2 3 4 5 48 Borneo sultanate 49 All one's strength 14 54 Skylit rooms 17 55 Wedding cake


40 Cross inscription 5 1 H-bomb trial, 41 Subject of a e.g. sentence, 52 Flood stoppers typically 53 c u l pa 46 Yellowfin tuna 56 E n circle 47 Pollen-producing 5 7 Prune, before flower part drying 48 Showman who 58 F r uity teamed with beverages Bailey 61 New Haven Ivy 4 9 Painter Edouard Leag u e r 50 Peninsular 62 Genetic material Mediterranean 63 R a inier, e.g.: country Abbr.





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DOWN 1 Papa's mate 2 Skateboard park fixture 3 -Coburg:

former German


H E Y D A Y 10/22/1 2

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56 Dean's list no. 59 Highland refusal 60 Gentle 64 Chicago transports 65 End of a threat 66 Like many rumors 67 Baseball's Cobb et al. 68 Small complaints that are "picked" 69 Colorful candy purchase, or what 17-, 24-, 38-, 49­ and 60-Across all are










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By David Steinberg (c)2012 Tribune Medla Services, Inc.



10/22/1 2




reactions that used iridium as a catalyst. A pound of iridium costs about $16,000. Chirik's boss kept the i ridium-based compound locked in a desk drawer. "You had to walk from his office to the lab holding it with t wo hands, and not talk t o anyone," Chirik recalled. The experience left him with the seed of an idea, he said. "Why can't we do this with something cheaper'?" On a spring afternoon at the Princeton lab, a graduate student toiled away at a glove­ box, a vacuum chamber that prevents the iron from rusting. Rust is a potential downside of using iron in manufacturing, and controlling it could prove challenging and expensive. "We're not talking about making a dish of spaghetti at home," Chirik said, referring to the volume of chemicals in­ volved when doing reactions on an industrial scale. It remains to be seen, he said, whether concerns about the use of an "air sensitive" substance out­ w eigh concerns about the costs and environmental impact of precious metals. There have been other hur­ dles. Chirik showed two small dishes of silicone flakes, used to make envelope glue.One he made using iron, the other platinum. They were indistin­ guishable. Getting them that way, however, was no easy task — it's taken nearly a decade of work. "One of the reasons most of us got involved in this type of chemistry is that compounds that have metals in them turn really cool colors and it's fun to watch," Chirik said. "But if you're making something that's

bottom of a shoe, an ingredient in shampoo, you really don't want it to be black." Chevron and Momentive,a silicone manufacturer, are fi­ nancing Chirik's work. Merck is also a partner in the research.

grids through 2015, amplify­ ing the trend, Theodore Hes­ ser, an analyst for Bloomberg New Energy Finance, said in a telephone interview. U.S. demand for power is expected to grow by about 1.1 percent through 2030, well below the 1.7 percent annual growth rate that the indus­ try saw from 1990 through 2011, consulting firm Wood Mackenzie said in a July 2012 report. Angie Storozynski, a New York City-based analyst for Macquarie Capital USA Inc., p redicted l o n g-term l o a d growth will b e even lower, about 0.6 percent, in a Sept. 11 note to clients. "Slow load growth should hurt near-term earnings," Sto­ rozynski wrote. It may drive utilities to seek rate increases more frequentlyfrom regula­ tors or postpone spending on power plants and transmis­ sion lines, she said. Northeast Utilities, Scana Corp. and Teco Energy are among utility o w n ers f a c­ ing stagnant demand, Storo­ zynski said. State incentives that compensate utilities for efficiency gains should help dull the blow for H awaiian Electric Industries Inc., UIL Holdings Corp., Edison In­ ternational, PG&E Corp. and Portland General Electric Co. " A small c h ange i n t h e growth of power demand can completely change a utility business model," Hesser said in a telephone interview. Utilities are shifting focus from selling electrons to pro­ viding higher-profit services

like installing programmable thermostats and retrofitting buildings with windows, in­ sulation and roofing that use less energy, Hesser said. As those effortsboost conserva­ tion, "that would further sink demand, and a cycle is born," he said. To be sure, the advance of smart meters that allow utilities to track a consumer's power use in real time could be deterred by privacy con­ cerns or t echnical glitches such as a rash of house fires that caused Exelon Corp.'s PECO utility to suspend its meter rollout in August. A surge in th e economy might also prompt power use to rebound as it did after de­ clining when the U.S. plunged into recession in 2008 and 2009. The 4.4 percent uptick in U.S. power consumption in 2010 was followed by a 0.8 percent decline in 2011, the U.S. Department of Energy said in a Sept. 11 report. "Was the economy worse in 2011 than in 2010? No, it was growing," Paul Patter­ son, a New York-based utili­ ties analyst wit h G l enrock A ssociates, said i n a t e l e ­ phone interview. "Clearly you have conservation and appli­ ance efficiency pushing a lot of this." The trend is causing regu­ lators to question the need for building more transmission lines,a source of earnings for power companies since fed­ eral regulators allow returns on infrastructure investment that can top 12 percent.

Continued from C1 "Geometry is really impor­ tant in chemistry," Hartings said. Chirik's "ligands help the iron to be in the right geometry to help these reactions along." In addition to iron, Chirik's lab also works with cobalt, which sits beside iron on the periodic table. Using cobalt, Chirik said, the scientists have generated "a whole new reac­ tion that no one has ever seen before." It produces new types of plastics using very inexpen­ sive starting materials. But the price of cobalt has shot up since the lab first began its research, thanks to the ele­ ment's use in the flat batteries that power gadgets like iPads andiPhones. "The iPad has completely changed the price of cobalt," Chirik said, "so something that once was garbage is now valuable." While the rising cost may undermine the economic incen­ tive to use Chirik's cobalt-fueled materials, it seems to perfectly underscore his b asic p oint about the need for flexibility. "There's a broad appeal and logic to focusing on more abun­ dant elements in d esigning catalysts," said Roderick Eg­ gert,a professor of economics and business at the Colorado School of Mines. A vast majority of the chemi­ cals we manufacture and then use to make other products require catalysts. And a lot of catalysts use noble metals like platinum, palladium and rho­ dium, which are expensive. A pound of platinum costs about $22,000. Apound of iron, mean­ while, costs about 50 cents. As an undergraduate chem­ goingtogoin a consumer prod­ istry major, Chirik worked on uct, the glue on an envelope, the

Energy Continued from C1 The i n d ustry p r o d uced $374 billion i n r e venue in 2011, the Edison Electric ln­ stitute said. Power and coal consump­ tion dropped last year to 2,790 British thermal units per real dollar of U.S. gross domestic product, a 32 percent drop from 1981levelsand a record low for data collected since 1973, the Energy Department said on its website. Learner credits a 20-year push by the federal govern­ ment to promote energy-sav­

ing appliances. Consumers b ought 28 0 m i l l io n s u c h products in 2011, cutting their utility bills by $23 billion, the Environmental Pr o t e ction Agency said on its website. FirstEnergy C o rp . C h i ef Executive Officer A n t hony Alexander said the Midwest­ ern markets where his power company operates have lost "about five years of growth" and that margins were being squeezed by p oor d emand and an oversupply of electric­ ity generation. "We would have thought that by now we would have seen a far more robust growth in the industrial, commercial and residential sectors than we're seeing," Alexander said at a Sept. 5 investor confer­ ence. "In fact, we are seeing flat to n egative residential, flat to very sluggish commer­ cial and spotty industrial." Utilities are expected to in­ vest $12.4 billion in smart me­ ters and updated electricity

(Many drugmaking processes rely on rhodium or palladium.) One product in development is a fuel-efficient tire that employs a new, cleaner process, with no

byproducts, by using iron in­ stead of platinum. Hartings, of American Uni­ versity, believes that u sing abundant materials where pos­ sible could free up the scarcer materials for applications that truly require them. "There's less of an argument to docrazy mining whenyou've got something else that works just as well," he said. Researchers in Chirik's lab are also hunting for ways to use catalysts to convert nitrogen from the air into forms used in various products, from fertil­ izer to carpet fiber. The cur­ rent method, the Haber-Bosch process, is so energy-intensive it accounts for 1 percent of all

global energy use. Sustainability often focuses on "recycling cans and bet­

ter gas mileage," Chirik said. While important, those efforts are only part of the picture. There's also the way products are made. "When you buy jeans, some weird element on the periodic table was used to make them," Chirik said. "Or you t hink

you're doing something good by buying a Prius, but it's got all this neodymium in it that comes out of a pit m ine in Mongolia. "If you can transition to a completely E a r t h-abundant world," he said, "you can have a huge impact."

Windows Continued from C1 The mai l a n d c a l en­ dar programs are starkly m inimalist. It is as if an automaker hid the speed­ ometer, turn signals and gear shift in its cars, and told drivers to tap t h eir dashboards to reveal those functions. There is a more "desktop" conventional mode for running Micro­ soft Office and older pro­ grams, though there is no way to permanently switch to it. Microsoft knew in sum­ mer 2009 that it wanted to shake up Windows. It held focus groups and showed people prototypes of the tile interface and its live updates. "We would get this de­ lightful reaction of people who would say, 'This is so great, and it has Office too,'" said Jensen Harris, Microsoft's director of pro­ gram management for the Windows user experience. As work on Windows 8 proceeded, the company let the wider public test it. Sixteen million people have been using early ver­ sions, providing feedback either automatically or in discussion forums. T he boldness o f t h e

Emily B.Hager/ New YorkTimes News Service

Joanna Lin, 23, who works at sales and marketing for a hotel chain in New York City, tries out the new Windows 8 operat­ ing system, which she said she was impressed with. Windows 8's new design, which features many bold changes, is likely to cause confusion in users when it goes on sale this Friday.

c onducted tests w it h f o u r people who used a traditional computer running Windows 8 and found that they had "a lot of struggles" with the new design. Nielsen said the users appeared to b ecome espe­ cially confused when shifting back and forth between the modern Windows 8 mode and the desktop mode. Nielsen said that Windows 8 was more suitable for tablet computers with their smaller touch-sensing displays, but that it wa s not h elpful for workers who need to have lots of applications visible at changes has d elighted once, sometimes on multiple some early users, who say screens. "I just think when it comes t hey believe that for t h e first time, th e c ompany to the t r aditional customer is taking greater creative base, the o f f ice c o mputer risks than it s m ore cel­ user, they're essentially be­ ebrated rival, Apple. ing thrown under the bus," To help it gain traction Nielsen said. "It's not very in the mobile market, Mi­ suitable fo r a n y s i t u ation crosoft made Windows 8 a where you have to manage one-size-fits-all operating complex data." system for t o uch-screen Microsoft disputes this idea. tablets, conventional com­ Harris said most test users did puters with keyboards and not have trouble juggling the mice, and newer devices that combine elements of

two modes — and regardless, workers were more likely to operate in desktop mode if they wanted to see many ap­ plications simultaneously. He said that even people who did not use th e software's new interface much would enjoy the way it sped up their computers. Harris said Windows 8 was the biggest change the compa­ ny had made to its operating system since Windows 95. But that software was designed in the pre-Web era,he said, and Microsoft needed to mod­ ernize Windows for the way people use computers today: "We're not surprised people have a strong reaction to it." Microsoft is convinced that most people will quickly be­ come accustomed to Windows 8. But to help ease the transi­ tion, the software offers tu­ torials when it is first started up. And Microsoft is spend­ ing more than $500 million on a marketing campaign that is partly intended to familiarize people with the new design.

Weekly Arts Sr

both. (Confusingly, Micro­ soft is also introducing a separate but similar op­ erating system, Windows RT, that cannot run older

Entertainment ••

The eeulletinMAGAZINE

programs.) The company's latest software for phones has the same tile-based aesthetic. Apple took th e o ppo­ s ite approach w it h t h e Mac and mobile devices like the iPad, which have distinct interfaces, albeit with some shared underly­ ing technologies. Timothy Cook, Apple's chief execu­ tive, has been dismissive of Microsoft's strategy. "You can converge a t o a ster and refrigerator, but these things are probably not going to be pleasing to the user," he said this year. Jakob Nielsen, a u ser i nterface expert a t t h e Nielsen Norman G r oup,


• I I •


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• /







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RUNNING Bend couple wins Dirty Half races A Bend couple took the men's and women's titles in Super Dave's

Down & Dirty Half on trails near Bend on

Sunday. Ryan and Natalie Bak led their respec­ tive fields in the half

marathon west of Bend, staged near Seventh Mountain Resort.

Ryan Bakwonthe men's race with a time of1 hour, 15 minutes,

22 seconds. Twoother Bend runners took sec­ ond and third — Santia­

go Ocariz (1:21:04) and


Something newfor district cross-country meet • The Class5A Special District 1 championshipswil See photos from this week's prep events on TheBulletin's website: O be held in Bend ontrails around the DeschutesRiver bendbulletin.cem/preppics hen Bend High cross-coun­ try coach Lisa Nye polled her BEAU senior captains about where they wanted to host this year's district EASTES meet, a variety of ideas emerged from their initial conversation. T he one that stuck? Run by t h e cial District 1 championships on parts water. of the Deschutes River Trail. "We thought it'd be perfect with the On Friday, the Lava Bears will show­ case one of Bend's most popular run­ hills and bushes," Bend High senior Jus­ ning spots by hosting the Class 5A Spe­ tin North says about this year's course,



Mirror Pond and Pine Nursery is wide open and spectator friendly — neither setup is particularly adventurous for racers. "The kids have run on Pine Nursery which will start and end at Riverbend a lot already," Nye says diplomatically. Park on the west bank of the Deschutes "And it's too late in the season to use River. "Running in t h e w i lderness, Drake Park." that's what cross-country is all about." "Pine Nursery is boring," North says, In years past, when Bend, Mountain less diplomatically. "You're just run­ View or Summit hosted distinct meets, ning in circles.... This should be a lot the race has been held downtown at more fun and a lot more scenic. There's Drake Park or more recently in north­ obstacles to go around. Some people east Bend at Pine Nursery Community complain about that, but that's what Park. While both previous courses have cross-country is all about." positives— Drake Park borders scenic SeeDistrict/D5

Zach Violett (1:22:11). Natalie Bak was the first finisher in the women's race and sixth

I f l I f I I'I I I f

overall, posting a time of 1:27:10. Bend's Stepha­

nie Howewas second in1:28:19, while Susan

Barrows, also of Bend, was third in 1:35:09.

4~iIi +

A10K race wasalso held Sunday,and Bend runners triumphed


I• . N // i

once again. Jason lrby was the men's win­ ner (39:43), and Mary Wellington took the

women's race (45:36). See Scoreboard,D2, for complete results. — Bulletin staff report

COLLEGE FOOTBALL Oregon passedby K-State in BCS NEW YORK — Only in the BCS stand­

ings does Oregonget passed. Kansas State moved ahead ofthe Ducks and

up to No. 3 onSunday behind SECrivals Ala­ bama and Florida. The Wildcats' big vic­ tory Saturday at West Virginia was enough to nudge them past the

Ducks, who areNo. 2in both polls but are get­ ting held back by com­

• The HalloweenCrossCrusade cyclocross races will be back inBendfor the secondyear in a row, alongwith a lot of interesting outfits

puter ratings that lag behind the other highly

ranked teams. The Crimson Tide (.9625) is still solidly in first, and Florida (.9310)

grabbed a firmer grip on second with a 44-11 vic­ tory over South Carolina

year ago, Andy Barram was a German barmaid, ichelle Bazemore sport­ ed a number of applique birds on her clothing, and her husband, Whit Bazemore, was Bend pro­ fessional mountain biker Adam

on Saturday. The Gators are tops

in the computer ratings and Kansas State is second. The Wildcats

(.9111) beatWest Fourth-place Oregon (.8966), coming off a 43-21 win at Arizona State, is sixth in the

computer ratings. Notre Dame is fifth in

eighth. LSU is sixth and un­ beaten Oregon State is seventh.



ranging from beginners to ex­ perts will get the chance to race None of these individuals, cy­ both days at Bend's Old Mill Dis­ clists all, was suffering from a trict cyclocross venue. And once psychological breakdown or dis­ again, the Halloween Cross Cru­ order.Neither were the thousand sade promises to be quite a sight or soother costumed riderswho forthe eyes, as hundreds of rid­ converged on Bend last October ers — almost all of them adults forthe Halloween Cross Crusade. — will dress in costume for their The two-day event, part of Sunday races in Bend's Old Mill the annual e i ght-race Cross District, as is tradition for the Crusade cyclocross series, re­ Halloween weekend. turns to Central Oregon for the As any Cross Crusader is like­ second consecutive year this ly to point out, costume day is a Saturday and Sunday. Riders big deal.


Virginia 55-14 for their third Big 12 road victory.

the standings heading into its game atOkla­ homa. TheSooners are


Courtesy Dave Adams

Bend's Michelle Bazemore's applique birdsat last year's Halloween Cross Crusade were an homage to the TV show "Portlandia."

"I guess there's a little bit of an element ofpeer pressure, but there's also an element of want­ ing to put on this incredible spec­ tacle for the spectators also," says Bend'sMichelle Bazemore, 45, who rides for the Sunnyside Sports team. "It's almost like a flash mob on wheels, and it's like this great event that's happening. And so to be a part of that and to put some effort and spirit behind that, I think all the cyclists just want to do that and be part of it and have fun." The costume day t r adition began before current Cross Cru­ sade race director Brad Ross took over his position, he said, which was 15 years ago.


The Ducksaren't likely to gain any ground this

weekunlesstheteams in front of them lose. Oregon playsColorado (1-6) at home,while the rest of the teamsahead of the Ducks play ranked

opponents. — The Associated Press



Giants force Game 7 inNLCS with victory over Cardinals By janie McCauley

San Francisco's Matt Cain and St. Louis' Kyle Lohse are set to pitch in a rematch of Game 3, SAN FRANCISCO — Ryan Vogelsong and won by the Cardinals. There's a forecast of rain the San FranciscoGiants saved their season in the Bay Area during today's game. "It's kind of a joke in the clubhouse. About 60 once more, pushing St. Louis to a winner-take­ all Game 7 in the NL championship series. percent of my games have rain in the forecast," Turns out the defending champion Cardinals Lohse said. "I know these guys, I've seen them aren't the only team that's tough to put away in for six games. I know what I need to do.... It's October. time to get it done." Vogelsong struck out a career-best nine bat­ These wild-card Cardinals sure seem to like ters in another postseason gem, and the Giants the all-or-nothing route in October, while San avoided elimination for a second straight game Francisco thrives playing from behind. by beating St. Louis 6-1 on Sunday night. Five games with their year on the line, five Marco Scutaro delivered a two-run double wins for these gutsy Giants this postseason. and Buster Posey drove in his first run of the se­ Now, it comes down to one game for the past ries with a groundout in the first inning as San two World Series champions to get back. Francisco struck early to support Vogelsong. SeeGiants /D5 The Associated Press

Texans take over top spot in AFC A 43-13 win over Baltimore allows Houston to claim best

record in conference,D3

T •



Mark Humphreyi The Associated Press

San Francisco Giants' Marco Scutarohits a two-run double during the second inning of Game 6 of the National League championship series against the St. Louis Cardinals Sunday in San Francisco. The Giants won 6-1 to force today's Game 7.


COREBOARD Weland er,Bend,59:04.33,BurkeSelbst,Bend,59:08. 34,GeorgiDouglas,Bend,5958.35,Lauren Allen, La Pine,1:0021.36, OnaLarsell, Bend,1:00:22.37, Today Erin Butler,Redm ond, 1:00.57. 38, GarrySanders, Girls soccer: La Pineat Sisters, 4:30p.m. Redmond,1:00:58.39, EmilyMiler, Bend,1:00:59 Volleyball: Madras at Sisters, 5:30p.m. 40, AmyPeccia, West Linn, 1:01:00. 41, MaureenDurrant, Bend,1:02:02. 42,Stacie Tuesday Volleyball: MountainViewatSummit,6:30p.m4Bend Heisinger,Bend, 102:11. 43, Jill Ritchie, Eugene, atRedmond,6:30p.m.;RidgeviewatCrookCounty, 1:02:50. 44, KathrynTheir, LakeOswego, 1:04:11. , 46, JoeLeblanc, 6:30 p.mz CottageGroveat Sisters, 645 p.m.; La 45, April McGonigalBend,1:04:12. y,1:05:47.47,DougWhited,Redmond,1:06:00. PineatJunctionCity 645p m.;Madrasat Molaga,6 Alban 48, Tracey Mal e y, Bend, 1:06:01. 49, WanlySeydel, p.m4CentralChristianatNorth Lake,5p.m. Boyssoccer:CrookCounty atLa Pine,4 p.mc Coburg,1:0632.50,DeanaWyland,Albany,1:06:52. 51, SarahWorley,Bend, 1:09:05. 52, Christina MadrasatNorth Marion,5:30p.m. Weston,Bend,1:0940. 53, KimberlyGardiner,Co­ Girls soccer:NorthMarionat Madras,4:30p.m. burg,1:1001.54, MargaretLara,Eugene,1:1002 55, Boys water polo: MountainViewat Madras,TBA; Julie Bradley, Bend,1.12.46. 56,LindseyKiesz,Bend, Summiat t Bend,TBA 1:13:04.57,AlexOstrom, Bend,1:13:48 58,Amanda Devaff ,Bend, 1:13:56.59,Melissa Dickson,Bend, Wednesday Cross-country: Madrasatthe Tri-VaffeyConference 1:13:57. 60MarloFisher,Bend,1:13:58. 61, Alicia Underhill, Bend, 1:13:59 62, Jes­ district meet in Estacada,TBA Boys soccer: Sisters atSweetHome,4.30 p.mc sica Lea,Prineviffe, 1:16:21.63, Liz Norris, Bend, 1:16:33. 64, Jenniffer Smith, Bend, 1:16.48. 65, CrookCountyat Summit, 4:30p.m. Girls soccer: SweetHomeat Sisters, 4:30 p.m.; BrittanyJohns,Bend,1:18:00. 66, Kristin Rodriguez, CrookCountyatSummit, 3 p.mcCotage Groveat Bend, 1:18:19.67, SusanStrible, Bend,1:19:41.68, MegunMinkiewiiz, Bend,1:19:42.69, LavonMed­ La Pine,3p.m. lock, Redm ond,1:21:48. 70, CarinaMcCarthy, Bend, Thursday 1;21;48. Cross-country: Sisters, La Pine at the Sky-Em 71, Deidre Moore,Bend, 1:22:02. 72, Kathleen LeaguechampionshipsinEugene,TBA McCool, Prineville,1:24:13.73,KateClason, Bend, Volleyball: Summit at CrookCounty, 6:30 p.mc 1:40:54. 74, AmyClason, Bend,1:4055. 75, Dale MountainViewat Bend,6:30p.m.; Redmond at Keisz,2:37:02. Ridgeview,6:30p.m.; Boyssoccer: Ridgeview at Redmond,4:30 p.m.; BASKETBALL Bend at MountainView, 4:30 p.m.; La Salleat Madras 6p.m. Girls soccer: Ridgeview at Redmond, 3 p.m Bend WNBA at Mountain View,3p.m.; Madrasat LaSalle, 6:30 WOMEN'SNATIONAL BASKETBALL p m. ASSOCIATION Boys water polo: Redmond at Summit, TBA,Bend All Times PDT at Madras,TBA FINALS Friday (Best-of-5) Football: Bendat MountainView, 7p.m.; Ridgeview Indiana 3, Minnesota 1 at Summit, 7p.m.; Redmondat Roosevelt, 7 p.m4 Sunday,Oct.14.indiana76, Minnesota70 Estacada at Madras, 7 p.mcLaPine at Sisters, 7 Wednesday, Oct. 17:Minnesota83,1ndiana71 p.mc Culver atSantlam,7 p.mc Gilchrlst at Ho­ Friday,Oct. 19:Indiana76, Minnesota59 sannaChristian, 7p.m. Sunday, Oct.21:Indi ana87, Minnesota78 Cross-country: Bend, Mountain View, Summit, Redmond at theClass 5ASpecial District1 meet in Bend,TBA NBA Boys soccer: Cu verat Irrigon, 4p.m. NATIONAL BASKETBALLASSOCIATION Boys water polo: Redm ondat Mountain View,TBA Preseason AR TimesPDT Saturday Boys soccer: Cu verat Umatiffa,1 p.m. Sunday's Games Volleyball: Gilchrist at Mountain Valley District Orlando104,SanAntonio 100 tourney,1p.m. Philadelphia88, Boston79 Oklahoma City108, Denver101 RUNNING Sacramento 99, L.A.Lakers92 Today's Games M ilwaukee at Toronto, 4p.m. Local NewYorkvs. Philadelphia atSyracuse,NY,4 p.m. SD's Downfk Dirty Half and Dirty10K NewOrleansat Dallas, 5:30p.m. Sunday Sacramento at Phoenix, 7 p.m. Bend Utah atPortland, 7p.m. Half Marathon GoldenStateatLA Clippers 7:30p.m. 1, RyanBak,Bend,1:15:22. 2, SantiagoOcariz, Tuesday'sGames Bend, 1.21:04. 3, ZachViolett, Bend,1:22.11. 4,lan Miamlvs.Charotte atRalelgh, NC,4p.m. Sharman,Bend,1:24:36. 5, JamesSoutham, Bend, IndianaatCleveland,4 p.m. 1:26:52. 6,Natalie Bak,Bend,127:10. 7,Jeff Brown­ OklahomaCity atChicago,5p.m. ing, Bend,1:27:36. 8, MarkRobins, Salem,1:27:55. Phoenixat GoldenState, 7:30p.m. 9, StephanieHowe,Bend, 1:28:19. 10, RickStilson, Bend,1:28:26. FOOTBALL 11, GilesHealey,Carmel, 1:28:59.12, RobKyker, Bend, 1:31:18.13, JD Downlng, Bend,1:31:36. 14, RichardSharp, Redm ond, 1:32:13. 15, Jeff Jones, College Bend,1.32.57. 16, John Spencer, McMinnviff e, Schedule 1:33:47.17,BryanHitchcock,Bend, 1:34:26. 18,Su­ AR TimesPDT san Barrows,Bend,13509.19, TJPaskewich, Bend, (Subject tochange) 1:36:19.20, CodyMcCabe, Bend, 1:36:50. 21, SpikeWidmer, Bend,1:36:54. 22, TeagueHat­ Tuesday'sGame fiel d,Bend,1:37:45.23,SethGoodman,Bend 1.38.02. SOUTH 24,MichaelLindaas,Bend,1:38:31.25,JasonBosch, ArkansasSt.atLouisiana-Lafayette, 5p.m. Eugene,1:39:42.26,ChrisBernard, Redmond,1:39:49. Thursday'sGames 27, JodyChinchen,Idleyld Park,1:39:54.28, Sylvain SOUTH Bauge,Bend,1:39:57.29, StephenPetretto, Portland, Delaware St at Morgan St., 4:30p.m. 1:40:06.30,Grant Bullock, Bend,1:40:12. atWakeForest,4:30p.m. 31, NathanHurley, Bend,1:41:30 32,CodyGion, Clemson Friday's Games Eugene,1:41:30.33, Curt Gibson,Prineviffe,1:41:45. SOUTH 34, Matt Franke, Redmond, 1:41:53. 35, James Cincinnati at Loui s ville, 5 p.m. Blanchard,Prineviffe,1:41:55.36, GlennMiler, Bend, FAR WEST 1:42:47.37,Amber Bradley,Oretech,1:43 32.38,Jus­ tin Grady,Bend,1:43:58.39,Aaron Stuber,Boulder, NevadaatAir Force,5p.m. Saturday' s Games 1:44:12.40, NonaBatisteffa, Seatle,1:44:51. EAST 41, Juli Huddleston, Bend, 1.45.02. 42, Susie Jones,Bend,1:45:36.43, KariStrang, Bend,1:45:46. Ball St. atArmy,9a.m. 44, John Klock,Prineville, 1:46:00 45, DarrinBolz, St. Francis(Pa.)atCCSU,9a.m. Medford, 1:46:03. 46, Keats McGonigal, Bend, Monmouth(NJ)atDuouesne,9a.m. 1:46:43. 47, RogerWhite, Bend,1:47:19. 48, Elise Templeat Pittsburgh,9am. Kukul ka,Bend,1:47:53 49,GeorgeMcConneff ,Bend, NewHampshireat RhodeIsland, 9a.m. Yale atColumbia,9:30a.m. 1:47:54.50, DirkRenner,Bend,1:48:07. PrincetonatCornell, 9:30a.m. 51, EricJackson,Bend,14812. 52, JamieHurd, at Boston College,10 a.m Madras,1:48:22.53, RebeccaSnyder, Bend, 1:48:56. Maryland Colgateat Buckneff,10a.m. 54, JoeSnyder,Bend,1:49:01. 55, ChristopherHil, at Holy Cross,10a.m. Bend,1:49:11.56, KatieYarneff,Denver, 1:50:45. 57, Fordham Tom Blanchette,Redmond, 151:16. 58,ChadKyte, Brownat Penn,10a.m. Albany (NY) atSacredHearl, 10a.m. Bend, 1:51:17.59, JasonDeney Bend, 1:51:19. 60, RobertMorrisatWagner,10a.m. DanielHodgson,Bend,1:51:26. 61, Natalia Martin, Bend, 1:51:37. 62, Derek Toledoat Buffalo, 1230p.m Barnes,Bend,1:52:45.63,SuzanneWolfenden, Bend, KentSt. atRutgers,12:30 p.m. atVilanova, 12:30p.m. 1:52:46. 64,MaryBreton,Bend,1:52:49. 65,Dave Towson Sieveking, Bend,1:53:11 66, DavidTaylor, Bend, HarvardatDartmouth, 2p.m. 1:53:19. 67, DougEarly, Bend,1:53:28.68, Jason Ohio St.at PennSt.,2:30p.m. atLafayete, 3p.m. Shares,Bend,1:53.47.69, MaryKowitz, SaintCloud, Georgetown SOUTH 1:53:59.70,JamesWelington, Bend,1:54:03. E . 0 inoi s at E.Kentucky,8am. 71,Elizabeth Thompson,Redmond,1:55:06.72, Kyle Sullivan,Bend,1:55:46. 73,Daniel Govern, Bend, Butler atDavidson,9a.m. at OldDominion, 9 a.m. 1.56:12.74,GayleVanderford Bend,1:57:43.75, Affi­ Delaware at SouthCarolina, 9a.m. son Miles,Bend,1:58:02.76, EricEddings, Issaquah, Tennessee NC State atNorth Carolina, 9:30a.m. 158:03.77,MikeDavis, Hil sboro,1:58:12 78,Robert l MoreheadSt., 10a.m. Rotert, Eugene,1:58:13.79, Chrls Bothman,Eugene, Campbelat StonyBrookat Presbyterian, 10a.m. 1:58:40.80, GalenBiyth, Bend,1:59:01. Edward W atersatCharleston Southern, 10:30a.m. 81, Stephanie Heindel, Portland, 1:59:03 82, Kelly Bates,Salem,1:59:37.83, SarahShoop, Bend, VMI atGardner-Webb,10:30 a.m. 1:5939 84, SharonSieveking, Bend,2:00:29. 85, Norfolk St. atNCAST,10:30 a.m. Jenny Trembley,Bend,2:00:56. 86, BarbaraTaylor, Howardat SCState, 10:30a.m. Bend,2:01:09.87,JeremyCourval, Bend,2:01:20.88, The CitadelatWofford,1030a.m. St.at Hampton,11 a.m. Joe Benevento, Bend,2:02:11. 89,David Miler, Bend, Savannah Tennessee Techat TennesseeSt., 11a.m. 2:02:15.90, ShawnClark, Redmond,2:0235. atElon,noon 91, DanWard, Bend,2:02:40. 92, DeanaWyland, Furman B YU at G eorgi aTech, noon Albany,2:03:07.93,AdrianneAsato, Bend,2:03:20. AB,Mvs. AlabamaSt. at Birmingham,Ala., 94, Cory Smith, Bend, 2:04:35. 95, Pat Shields, Alabama 12:30p.m. Redmond,2:04:58. 96, Sheila Steigerwafd, Forest Grove, 2:06:05.97, LynnBaker,Bend,2:06:22. 98, Liberty atCoastal Carolina, 12:30p.m. DanaBennett,Bend,2:06:25.99,JenniferLachman, Navy atEastCarolina, 12:30p.m. Duke atFlorida St., 12:30p.m. Bend,2:06:32.100, RuthannClark, Bend,207:37. 101, DouglasBuchanan,La Pine,2.08.31. 102, Floridavs.GeorgiaatJacksonvile, Fla., 12:30p.m. Greg Davy,Prineviffe, 208:35. 103,Jennefer Lloyd, GeorgiaSt.atJamesMadison,12:30 p.m. Bend,20849.104, KarinTsiatsos, Prineviffe,2:0850. NorthTexasat MiddleTennessee,12:30p.m. 105, MarkKoopman, Bend, 2:08:51. 106,Brian Ben­ UAB atTulane,12:30p.m. St.atW.Carolina,12:30p.m. nett, Bend, 2:09:39. 107, Jennifer Lewis, Bend, Appalachian 2:09:46.108,Christina Hansen,Bend, 2:12:23. 109, Maine atWdliam8 Mary,12:30 p.m. ShirineTaylor,Bend,2:15:05. 110,Rosemary Gaines, NC CentralatBethune-Cookman,1 p.m. MurraySt. atJacksonville St.,1 p.m. Bend,2:16:28. 111, AndyStearns, Bend,2:1703. 112,Christine SE Missouriat Austin Peay,2 p.m. Goodall, Bend,2:17:08. 113, Mike Dohrety, Bend, Troy atFAU,2 p.m. 2:17:23. 114,PaulDean,Bend,2:17:24. 115, Kathy PrairieViewvs. Southern U.at Shreveport, La., 2p.m. Lein, Bend,2:17:41 116,Clover Royes,LaGrande, GeorgiaSouthernatChatanooga, 3p.m. 2:17:42. 117,HunterClark, Redm ond, 2:18:27. 118, W.Kentuckyat FIU,3 p.m. DarlaVanleuven,Imbler,2:18:45.119,TonyaKoopman, TexasABMat Auburn,4 p.m. SouthAlabamaatLouisiana-Monroe,4 p.m. Bend,2:1845.120,DinaBossweff, Bend,2:1853. Nicho IsSt.at NorthwesternSt., 4p.m. 121, Charles Lindberg,Redmond, 2:22:28 122, at SouthFlorida, 4 p.m. Wendi Worthington, Bend, 2:25:37. 123, Davin Syracuse UMassatVanderbilt, 4 p.m. Kluttz, Portland,2:26:12. 124,SusanSisson, Seatle, 2:27: 35.125,DanielMurphy,Redmond,2:30:44.126, UCF atMarshal, 5 p.m. SeanWiliams,Bend,2:31:34. 127,HowardWidoff, StephenF.Austin atMcNeeseSt., 5 p.m. Eugene, 2:3138.128,AmyZirkebach,GardenHome, Cent.Arkansasat SELouisiana, 5p.m. MississippiSt.at Alabama,5 30pm. 23412.129,BrianZirkefbach, GardenHome,2 3413. MIDWEST 130, Pete Seasholes, Bend,2:35.44. 131, MikeSeashols, Sunriver,2:35:45.132,Lesa Indianaatfflinois, 9 a.m. Cahiff, Lakeview,236:19.133,ByronBilteau,Madras, TexasatKansas, 9a.m. 2:37:21.134,ElsaAndrew,Eugene, 2:44:09. 135,Brit­ Kentuckyat Missouri, 9a.m. tanyAshby,Bend,2:47:13.136,RachelMaida Bend, N. Illinois atW.Michigan, 9a.m. 2.47:29.137,NathanThompson, Redmond, 2:50:07. lowa at Northwestem,10a.m. 138, WalterNorris,Bend,2:51:17. 139,Hallie Norris, W. Illinois atMissouri St., 11a.m. Marist atValparaiso,11 a.m. Bend,25118.140, ChristinaFaria,Bend,2 5237. 141, Jeanine Faria, Bend, 2:52:38. 142, Teri SouthDakotaat IndianaSt.,11:05 a.m. Wright,Salem,2:56:35.143,BrendaAndrew,Eugene, YoungstownSt.atS.DakotaSt., noon 3:00:08.144,BeckyFelix, Bend,3:53.22. 145,Janae E. MichiganatBowling Green,12:30 p.m. Wieseman, Bend,353:31.146,LenoraJames,Bend, Akron atCent.Michigan,12:30p.m. 3;53;31. TexasTechat KansasSt.,12:30 p.m. Ohio atMiami(Ohio),12:30 p.m. 10K Purdue at Minnesota,12.30 p.m. 1, Jason Irby,Bend,39:43. 2, ShaneCochran, MichiganSt. atWisconsin,1230p.m Bend,41:26.3,Jason Townsend,Bend,41:50.4, Dan S. Illinois atN.DakotaSt., 1p.m. Packman,Bend, 43:40. 5, CooperVerheyden, Bend, lllinois St.atN. lowa,2p.m. 44:22. 6, RigoRamirez,Redmond, 44:34. 7, Mary Baylor atlowaSt., 4p.m. Welli ngton,Bend,45.36.8,AhnaJura,Bend,45.53.9, Michiganat Nebraska, 5p.m. Chris Maley,Bend,47:06.10, MattJura,Bend,49:22. SOUTHWEST 11, Rod Thompson,Bend, 50:48. 12, Nathalie MississippiatArkansas,9a.m. Guebels,51:02.13, OlavHallberg,51:08. 14,Nicole SouthernMiss.at Rice,10a.m. Stilson, Bend,51:10. 15, Kermit Kumle,Redm ond, Utah St.at UTSA,11a.m. 52:59. 16,SydneyLapine, Bend,53:11. 17,Armond MemphisatSMU, noon Lapine,Bend,53:13.18, ChelseePummel, SanMar­ MVSUatArk.-PineBluff,12:30 p.m. cos,53:32.19,Adam Hill,San Marcos,53:32.20, TCU atOklahomaSt.,12:30 p.m. StephanieWaritz, Bend,53:40. SamHoustonSt. atLamar,1 p.m. 21, KateOdneal, Bend,54:09. 22, NateUlrich, UTEPatHouston,1:30 p.m. 54:10. 23, DustinUnderhill, Bend,54:12. 24,Dave GramblingSt.atTexasSouthern, 2p.m. Towers,Redmond, 54:45 25, J. Michael Seimens, NotreDameat Oklahoma,5p.m. FAR WEST Bend,55:06. 26,Wendy Boyer,Bend,5533. 27, Kevin Detweiler, Bend,57:53. 28,Terri Siffiman,Coburg, UCLAatArizonaSt., noon 58:06. 29,AmberBukovnik, Bend,58:23. 30, Carly E. Washingtonat S.Utah, noon Sanders,Redmond,58:47. ColoradoatOregon,noon 31, RebekahAverette, Portland,58:55. 32, Carl SouthernCalatArizona, 12:30p.m.


© 2012 Universal uclicv www.gocomrcs com

All Times PDT

IdahoSt. atMontana,12:30p.m. FresnoSt.at NewMexico, 12:30p.m. BoiseSt. atWyoming, 12:30p.m. N ArizonaatN. Colorado,12:35 p.m. Texas Sf. atSanJoseSt., 1p.m. NorthDakotaatMontanaSt.,1:05 p.m. PortlandSt.at UCDavis, 2p.m. Washington St.at Stanford, 3:15 p.m. Hawaii atColoradoSt., 4p.m. Louisiana TechatNewMexico St., 5 p.m. UNLVatSanDiegoSt.,5p.m. Daytonat SanDiego,6 p.m. Cal PolyatSacramentoSt., 6:05p.m. California atUtah,6:45p.m. Oregon St. atWashington, 7:15p.m.


(Best-of-7; x-if necessary) AmericanLeague Detroit 4, NewYork 0 Saturday,Oct.13: Detroit 6, NewYork 4, 12innlngs Sunday,Oct.14: Detroit 3, NewYork 0 Tuesday,Oct.16. Detroit 2, NewYork1 Wednesday, Oct.17: NewYorkat Detroit, ppd.,rain Thursday,Oct.18 Detroit 8,NewYork1

Polls The APTop25 TheTop25teamsinTheAssociatedPresscolege football poll, withfirst-placevotesin parentheses,re­ cordsthrough Oct.20,totalpoints basedon25 points forafirst-place votethroughonepointfora 25th-place vote,andpreviousranking: Record Pt s Pv 1. Alabama (59) 7 01,4 9 9 1 2. Oregon 7-0 1 , 42 4 2 3. Florida(1 ) 7-0 1,3 8 0 3 4. Kansas St. 7-0 1 , 333 4 5. NotreDame 7-0 1 , 24 1 5 6. LSU 7-1 1 , 17 2 6 7. Oregon St. 6-0 1 , 106 8 8. Oklahom a 5-1 1 , 065 10 9. OhioSt. 80 1 , 028 7 10. SouthernCal 6 - 1 944 11 11. FloridaSt.


12. Georgia 6-1 13. MississippiSt. 7- 0 14. Clemson 6-1 15.TexasTech 6-1 16. Louisville 70 17. SouthCarolina 6- 2 7-0 18. Rutgers 5-2 19. Stanford 5-2 20. Michigan 6-1 21. BoiseSt. 5-2 22.Texas AffM 7-0 23. Ohio 24. Louisiana Tech 6- 1 25. West Virginia 5 2-

872 745

12 13

739 713

15 14

653 620

18 16

591 539 421 300 258 252 181

9 19 22 23 24 20 25 NR 17

106 76 Othersreceivingvotes.Toledo49, Texas 33,Wis­ consin 31,TCU29, Nebraska24, PennSt. 18,NC State13,OklahomaSt.12, Arizona7, UCLA7, Tulsa6, ArizonaSt.5, N.Illinois 5, Cincinnati 3.

USATodayTop26 Poll The USA Today Top25 football coachespoll, with first-placevotes in parentheses,recordsthroughOct. 20, total points basedon 25 points for first place through onepointfor 25th,andpreviousranking: R ecord Pt s Pv s 1. Alabama (59) 7 01,4 7 5 1 2. Oregon 7-0 1 , 403 2 3. Florida 7-0 1 , 329 4 4. Kansas State 7-0 1 , 32 6 3 5. NotreDame 7-0 1 , 22 1 5 6. LSU 7-1 1 , 16 4 6 7. Oklahoma 5-1 1 , 084 7 8. SouthernCalifornia 6-1 1 , 014 9 9. OregonState 6-0 974 11 10. FloridaState 7 1948 10 11. Georgia 6-1 850 12 12. MississippiState 7-0 800 16 13. Clemson 6-1 788 13 14. Louisville 7-0 720 14 15. Rutgers 7-0 637 17 16. SouthCarolina 6- 2 598 8 6-1 571 20 17.TexasTech 6-1 407 22 18. BoiseState 5-2 401 23 19. Stanford 5-2 264 25 20. Michigan 5-2 229 19 21.TexasABM 22. WestVirginia 5 2173 15 7-0 1 32 NR 23. Ohio 5-2 109 NR 24.Texas 6-2 104 NR 25. Wisconsin Othersreceivingvotes: LouisianaTech100, Ne­ braska71,TCU71, Cincinnati 51, OklahomaState37, Toledo30,ArizonaState 21,Tulsa 21,Duke16, North­ ern fflinois14,Northwestern11,Louisiana-Monroe7, WesternKentucky3, UCLA1. Harris Top26 The Top 25teamsin theHarris InteractiveCollege FootballPoll,withfirst-placevotesin parentheses,re­ cords through Dct. 20,total pointsbasedon25 points for a first-place votethroughonepointfora 25th-place

voteandpreviousranking: R ecord 1. Alabama (109) 7 - 0 2. Oregon (5) 7-0 3. Florida(1 ) 7-0 4. Kansas State 7-0 5. NotreDame 7-0 6. LSU 7-1 7. Oklahoma 51 8. Oregon State 6-0 9. SouthernCal 6-1 10. FloridaState 7 111. Georgia 6-1 12. MississippiState 7-0 13. Clemson 6-1 14. Louisville 7-0 7-0 15 Rutgers 16. SouthCarolina 6- 2 6-1 17. Texas Tech 5-2 18. Stanford 6-1 19. BoiseState 5-2 20. Michigan 21.TexasA8 M 5 222. West Virginia 5 27-0 23. Ohio 5-2 24.Texas 5-2 25.TCU

Pt s Pvs 2,8 6 8 1 2,7 2 7 2 2,6 2 2 3 2,5 7 1 4 2 , 374 5 2 , 27 0 2, 02 1

2,0 0 1 1,9 3 4 1,9 1 1

6 9

10 11 8

1 , 603 12

1, 602


1 , 562 13 1 , 324 16 1 , 205 17

1, 18 9

70-70-71 —211 InbeePark,$25,318 71-70-71—212 Danieffe Kang,$22,400 69-71-72—212 BeatrizRecari,$22,400 74-69-70—213 Jodi Ewart,$20,833 66-75-72—213 Ai Miyazato,$20833 69-74-71—214 JulietaGranada,$18,989 73-69-72 214 BrittanyLang,$18,989 Jung-MinLee,$18989 69-71-74—214 69-74-72—215 Yoon-KyungHeo,$16,316 AmyYang,$16,316 70-72-73—215 Hyo JooKim,$16,316 68-73-74—215 Hyun-Hee Moon,$16,316 66-75-74—215 GerinaPdler,$16,316 69-72-74—215 I.K. Kim,$13,919 73-73-70—216 MrchelleWre,$13,919 73-73-70 216 KarineIcher,$13,919 68-73-75—216 KatherineHull, $11,584 76-71-70—217 Hee-Won Han,$11,584 73-73-71—217 StacyLewis,$11,584 72-74-71—217 f heeLee,$11,584 72-73-72—217 68-77-72—217 AngelaStanford, $11,584 Hee-Won Jung, $11,584 69-75-73—217 75-72-71—218 AnnaNordovist, $9,033 72-74-72—218 Shanshan Feng,$9,033 Mi-Rim Lee,$9,033 75-71-72—218 Eun-Hee Ji, $9,033 71-74-73 218 70-75-73—218 JenniferJohnson,$9,033 70-73-75—218 Na Yeon Chor, $9,033 RanHong,$7,144 75-73-71—219 Cheffa Choi,$7,144 76-70-73—219 Je-Yoon Yang,$7,144 71-75-73—219 NicoleCastrale $7144 70-75-74—219 Ji-HyunKim,$7,144 70-75-74—219 HeeKyungSeo,$7,144 69-74-76 219 Hye-Youn Kim,$6,176 73-76-71—220 Vicky Hurst,$6,176 72-76-72—220 Katie Futcher,$5,623 73-76-72—221 Hyun-Hwa Sim,$5,623 74-75-72—221 Soo-JinYang,$5,623 76-72-73—221 Meenal.ee,$5,623 76-71-74—221 Rye-Jung Lee,$4,978 74-73-75—222 Race Statistics LindseyWright, $4,978 73-74-75—222 Average Speedof RaceWinner:115.086mph. 73-75-75—223 Cheyenne Woods, $4,609 TimeofRace:3hours,28 minutes,48 seconds. 75-75-74—224 JennyShin,$4,332 Margin of Victory: 0.495 seconds. 77-72-75 224 Giulia Sergas,$4,332 Caution Flags: 14 for 66laps 80-68-76—224 JessicaKorda,$4,332 Lead Changes:16among10drivers. 76-70-78—224 Mi Hyun Kim,$4,332 Lap Leaders: M.Martin 1-6; A.Almirola 7-33; Pornanong 71-75-78—224 Phatlum,$4,332 D.Giffiland 34, AAlmirola 35-73, TKvapil 74; CharYoungKim, $4,010 75-75-75—225 J.Johnson 75-118; AAlmirola119-121; C.Bowyer CindyLaCrosse,$4,010 72-77-76—225 122-123; JGordon 124; CBowyer 125-127; Bo Yeon Lee,$3,871 77-78-74—229 M.Kenseth128-156; J.Gordon157; M.Martin158­ 211; PMenard212-217; K.Kahne218; MKenseth 219-267. TENNIS

23. (38) David Giffiland, Ford, 266, 46.4, 22, $105,363 24. (2)MarkMartin, Toyota,266,85.8,21, $90,505. 25. (29) Kurt Busch, Chevrolet, 265, 72.6, 19, $109,738. 26. (15)SamHornish Jr., Dodge,accident, 234,63.5, 0, $131,030. 27. (11)GregBiffle, Ford,227,83.2, 17,$97,380. 28. (20) Jeff Burton, Chevrolet, 214, 51, 16, $127,330. 29. (5) AricAlmirola, Ford,accident, 212, 111.2,16, $124,491. 30. (6)RyanNewman, Chevrolet, accident, 188,85.7, 14, $130,463. 31 (4) KyleBusch,Toyota, accident, 181,68.9,13, $131,813. 32. (40) DanicaPatrick, Chevrolet, accident, 154, 40.4, 0,$84,130. 33. (22)BobbyLabonte, Toyota, accident,140,49,11, $101,752. 34. (35) ScottSpeed,Ford, eectrical, 77, 38.2,10, $83,730. 35. (13) A J Affme ndinger, Chevrolet, accident,69, 71.7, 9,$91,780 36. (30) MikeBliss, Toyota,vibratlon, 47,34.8, 0, $83,305. 37. (28) CaseyMears, Ford,accident, 29,40.1, 7, $83,080. 38. (43) Kelly Bires,Ford, reargear,28, 35.1, 6, $82 857. 39.(41) DaveBlaney,Chevrolet, brakes,25, 30.4, 5, $79,325. 40. (36) JoeNemechek, Toyota, reargear, 22, 30.3, 0, $79,080 41. (34)Ree dSorenson,Toyota, overheating,18,29.9, 0, $78,805. 42. (27) J.J. Yeley,Chevrolet, vibration, 11, 31, 2, $78,635. 43. (23) MichaelMcDoweff, Ford, vibration 7 30.1 1, $78,907.



1 , 074 929 762 490

21 20 23 NR

465 363 293

19 15 NR

237 195

25 22

Other teamsreceiving votes: Wisconsin 136; Nebraska128; LouisianaTech127; Cincinnati 116; Oklahoma State72; Toledo 44;Tulsa39;ArizonaState 37; NCState31; Northwestern17; Duke10;Northern fl inois 7;UCLA 7;Nevada 6;Louisiana-Monroe 4; lowa State 2.

National League All games televised byFox St. Louis 3, SanFrancisco 3 Sunday,Oct.14:St. Louis 6,SanFrancisco 4 Monday,Oct 15: SanFrancisco 7,St. Louis1 Wednesday, Oct.17: St. Louis3, SanFrancisco1 Thursday,Oct.18:St. Louis8, SanFrancisco 3 Friday,Oct.19. SanFrancisco5, St. Louis 0 Sunday,Oct.21:SanFrancisco 6, St. Louis1 Today,Oct.22 St. Louis (Lohse16-3) at SanFran cisco (Cain16-5),5:07p.m. WORLDSERIES

(Best-of-7; x-if necessary) All gamestelevised by Fox Wednesday,Oct. 24 Detroit at NationalLeague(n) Thursday,Oct.25:Detroit at National League(n) Saturday,Oct.27:National Leagueat Detroit (n) Sunday,Oct.28:National Leagueat Detroit (n) x-Monday,Dct.29:National Leagueat Detroit (n) x-Wednesday,Oct. 31: Detroit atNationa League(n) x-Thursday,Nov.1:Detroit at National League(n) Sunday's Boxscore

Giants 6, Cardinals1 St.Louis AB R Jay cf 4 0 M.Carpenter lb 3 0 Beltranrf 4 1 Craig If 4 0 Y.Molina c 4 0 Freese3b 4 0 Descalso2b 4 0 Kozma ss 3 0 C.Carpenter p 1 0 a-Schumaker ph 1 0 S.Miffer p 0 0 b-S.Robinson ph 1 0 Salasp 0 0 R zepczynskip 0 0 Mujica p 0 0 Totals 33 1

Leaders Summary(Driver, Times Led, Laps Led): M.Kenseth,2timesfor78 aps;A.Almirola, 3timesfor69 laps; M.Martin, 2timesfor 60laps; JJohnson,1timefor 44laps; PMenard,1 timefor 6 laps; C.Bow yer, 2 timesfor5 laps;J.Gordon,2 timesfor2 laps;KKahne,1 timefor1 lap;TKvapil, 1timefor1lap; DGiffiland,1 timefor1 lap. Top 12 in Points: 1. B.Keselowski, 2,250; 2. JJohnson,2243;3. DHamlin,2230,4.C Bowyer, 2,225; 5.K.Kahne,2,220; 6. M.TruexJr., 2,207; 7. TStewart,2203;8 JGordon, 2199; 9. M.Kenseth, 2,195; 10.K.Harvick,2,191;11.G.Biffle, 2,188; 12. D.EarnhardtJr.,2,128.

GOLF PGA T OSAI' McGladreyClassic Sunda y At Sea IslandResort(SeasideCourse) St. Simons1stand, Ga. Purse: $4million Yardage: 7,00 5; Par:70 Final TommyGainey,$720,000 DavidToms,$432,000 Jim Furyk,$272,000 Brendon deJonge,$165,333 Davisl.ove ffl,$165,333 D.J.Trahan, $165,333 ChadCampbel,$124,667 GregOwen,$124,667

CharlesHowell ffl, $124,667 Arjun Atwal$92,000 , H Bl BB SD Avg. CharlieBeljan,$92,000 0 0 0 1 .2 0 0 DavidMathis,$92,000 1 0 1 0 .3 33 MichaelThom pson,$92,000 1 0 0 2 .3 1 3 MarkWilson,$92,000 1 1 0 2 .1 5 0 BlakeAdams,$64,000 0 0 0 0 .2 9 2 DanielChopra,$64,000 0 0 0 3 .2 1 7 Harris English,$64,000 1 0 0 2 .2 2 7 Kyle Reifers,$64,000 1 0 0 0 .2 6 3 Scott Staffings, $64,000 0 0 0 1 .5 0 0 Scott Brown, $41,714 0 0 0 0 . 0 00 SeanO'Hair,$41,714 0 0 0 0 Bre 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 1 1 11

SanFrancisco AB R H Bl BB SD Avg. Pagancf 5 0 0 0 0 1 .21 4 S cutaro 2b 3 2 2 2 1 0 .45 8 S andoval 3b 4 0 2 1 0 0 .32 0 Arias 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 Poseyc 4 0 0 1 0 1 .1 3 6 Pencerf 4 0 1 0 0 3 .1 3 0 Belt1b 4 2 2 0 0 1 .2 7 8 G .Blanco If 4 0 1 0 0 2 .15 8 B .Crawford ss 2 1 0 0 2 2 .21 1 V ogelsong p 3 1 0 1 0 1 .20 0 Affeldtp 0 0 0 0 0 0 S.Casiffap 0 0 0 0 0 0 c -Theriot ph 1 0 1 1 0 0 .66 7 Romop 0 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 34 6 9 6 3 11 St.Louis 000 001 000 — 1 6 1 SanFrancisco 140 000 01x — 6 9 1 a-grounded outfor C.Carpenter inthe5th. b-flied out for SMiler in the 7th. c-singled for S.Casilla in the 8th E—Kozma (1), G.Blanco(1). LOB —St. Louis 6, San Francisco7. 2B—Beltran(3), Scutaro(3), San­


doval(1),G.Blanco(1). 38—Belt (1).

St. Louis IP HRER BB SD NPERA C.CarpenterL, 0-24 6 52 2 6 76 4.50 S .Miffer 2 1 00 0 2 37 5.40 11-30 00 0 2 15 4.15 Salas Rzepczynski 1-3 1 11 1 1 13 6.75 1-3 1 00 0 0 3 0.00 Mujica San Francisco IP HRER BB SD NPERA Vogelsong W2-0 7 4 11 1 9 102 1.29 2-3 1 0 0 0 1 10 0.00 Affeldt S Casiffa 1 - 30 00 0 0 3 0.00 Romo 1 0 00 0 1 8 0.00 T—2:55. A—43,070(41,915).


HollywoodCasino400 Sunday At KansasSpeedway KansasCity, Kan. Lap length: 1.5 miles (Start position in parentheses) 1. (12)MattKenseth, Ford,267 laps, 1417 rating, 48 points $389,611. 2. (16) Martin TruexJr., Toyota, 267, 107.4, 42, $231,954. 3 (14) Paul Menard, Chevrolet, 267, 109.5, 42,


San Jose 2, LosAngeles2, tie Portland1,Vancouver0 Seattle FC 3, FCDallas1 Wednesday'sGame PhiladelphiaatSporting KansasCity, 5:30 p.m.


$177,615. 4. (1) Kasey Kahne,Chevrolet, 267, 116.3, 41, $156,015.

5. (33) Tony Stewart, Chevrolet, 267, 82.5, 39, $184,840 6 (3) CiintBowyer,Toyota,267,1145,39, $146854. 7. (39) ReganSmith, Chevrolet, 267, 92.6, 37, $124,015. 8. (25) Brad Keselowski, Dodge,267, 87.1, 36, $144,310. 9 (7) JimmieJohnson,Chevrolet, 267,108.6, 36, $148,651. 10. (19) Jeff Gordon, Chevrolet, 267, 95.3, 35, $147,626. 11. (10) Kevin Harvick, Chevrolet, 267, 76.9, 33, $1 47,991

12. (18) MarcosAmbrose,Ford, 267, 79.2, 32, $128,088. 13. (9) Denny Hamlin, Toyota, 267, 88.7, 31, Betting line $139,471. NFL 14. (17)Carl Edwards,Ford,267,85.1,30,$140,396. (Hometeamsin Caps) 15 (21) JamieMcMurray, Chevrolet, 267,70.4, 29, Favorite Opening Current Underdog $129,613. Today 16. (24) JuanPabloMontoya, Chevrolet, 267,66.3, BEARS 6 6.5 Lions 28, $126,496. 17. (31) Travis Kvapil, Toyota, 267, 62.5, 28, $121,863 18.(26) Landon Cassiff , Toyota, 267, 59.4, 26, BASEBALL $121,350. 19. (8) Joey Log ano, T oyo ta, 267, 74.8,25,$102,305. MLB 20. (37)DavidRagan,Ford, 267,52.9,24, $111,013. MAJORLEAGUEBASEBALL 21. (32)TrevorBayne,Ford, 267,60.5, 0,$92,630. PostseasonGlance 22. (42)TimmyHiI, Ford,267,45.2, 0,$100,205.





I(enseth gets win, Keselowski maintains points lead


2 a.m.:Women's college, Colorado at USC(same-day tape), Pac-12 Network. SOCCER 1 p.m.:English Premier League,Manchester United FC

vs. Stoke City FC(taped), Root Sports. BASEBALL 5p.m.: MLB Playoffs, NL

championship series, St. Louis Cardinals at San Francisco Giants, Fox. FOOTBALL 5:30 p.m.:NFL, Detroit Lions at Chicago Bears, ESPN. BASKETBALL

By jenna Fryer The Associated Press

Utah Jazz at Portland Trail Blazers, Comcast SportsNet Northwest. 4


League, Barcelona vs. Celtic FC, Root Sports. 4:30p.m.:Women's national friendly, United States

vs. Germany, NBC Sports Network.

7 p.m.:UEFAChampions League,Manchester United FC

vs. SC Braga(same-day tape), Root Sports. GOLF 4p.m.:PGATour,Grand Slam

of Golf, day one (same-day tape), TNT. FOOTBALL

5p.m.:College, Arkansas State at Louisiana-Lafayette, ESPN2. FIELD HOCKEY 7 p.m.:College, California at Stanford, Pac-12 Network.


5p.m.:MLB Playoffs, NL championship series, St. Louis

Cardinals at SanFrancisco Giants, KICE-AM 940. Listings are the most accurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changes made by Tllor radio stations.


Basketball • Fever win first WNBA title: Tamika Catchings scored 25

points to help the IndianaFever win their first WNBA champion­ ship with an 87-78 victory over theMinnesotaLynx onSunday night in Indianapolis. Catch­

ings, who wasthe MVPof the Finals, averaged24.8 points in the series, which the Fever won 3-1 over the defending WNBA champions. Erin Phillips added 18 points and eight rebounds,

while ShavonteZellous and Briann Januaryeachhad15 points.

Soccer • Jewsburyscores, Tim­ bers beat Whitecaps 1-0:

Jack Jewsbury scored in the 39th minute and the Portland Timbers beat Vancouver 1-0 on

Sunday, winningtheCascadia Cup competition and spoiling the Whitecaps' bid to clinch a playoff spot in front of their

KANSAS CITY, Kan. The fast, smooth new surface at Kansas Speedway had the potential to wreak havoc on the Chase for the Sprint Cup championship. The recentrepave cluttered Sunday's race with a record 14 cautions — a season high in the Sprint Cup Series — and contributed to issues that af­ fected at least four title con­ tenders. But t h e s t andings looked much the same when Matt Kenseth took the check­ ered flag in a battered Ford that he banged hard into the wall midway through the race. Kenseth still managed to drive it to his second victory in three races, while Brad Ke­ selowski dodged accident af­ ter accident to hang onto his seven-point lead over Jimmie Johnson in the standings with four races remaining in the Chase. "I was thinking, 'Man, this has to be entertaining for ev­ erybody to watch,' " Kenseth said. "There was a lot of wild stuff happening." That was a n u n derstate­ ment Sunday, when the lon­ gest green-flag run was 35 laps early in the race. Some of the cautions were caused by tireproblems, others were for single-car spins, including Chase drivers Johnson, Tony Stewart and Greg Biffle. A nd, Dan i c a Pat r i c k wrecked herself when she in­ tentionally wrecked Landon Cassill. "You know, everybody has been asking all season long where the cautions have been," Keselowski said. "Well, they flew to Kansas and they've been hanging out here be­ cause there was caution after caution." Biffle's spin ended his day with a hard crash into the wall. "I lost it, man. It got away from me off of four and we wrecked it," said Biffle, who d ropped five spots i n t h e standings to 11th. "I had no indication, no little wiggle, no sideways. It just got away from me and it killed our day." ­

7 p.m.:NBA preseason,

SOCCER 11:30 a.m.:UEFA Champions


Jose Yau /The Associated Press

Houston Texans running back Arian Foster(23) celebrates a touchdown against the Baltimore Ravens during the second half of Sunday's game in Houston. The Texans won 43-13.

exans omina e avens The Associated Press HOUSTON — The Houston Texans look like the new bullies in the AFC — at least for now. Matt Schaub threw two touchdown passes, Arian Foster ran for two scores and theTexans dominated a showdown of the conference's top two teams, routing the Baltimore Ravens 43-13 on Sunday. Johnathan Joseph returned an inter­ ception 52 yards for a touchdown and the Texans (6-1) finally beat Baltimore, who had won all six previous meetings and eliminated them from last year's


•A completeroundupofNFLboxscoresand standings from Sunday's games,04

first quarter. Connor Barwin charged in from Flacco's blind side and tackled him in the end zone for a safety and his first sack of the year. Also on Sunday: P atriots...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 J ets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 Rob FOXBOROUGH, M a s s. ­ Ninkovichrecovered a fumble by Mark Sanchez after S t ephen G ostkowski kicked a 48-yard field goal in overtime playoffs. for New England. The Patriots (4-3) Houston heads into its open date with moved into sole possession of first place a much better outlook after getting em­ in the AFC East. The day started with all barrassed by Aaron Rodgers and Green four teams tied at 3-3, but the Jets (3-4) Bay last week. Schaub completed 23 of and the Buffalo Bills lost, while the Mi­ 37 passes for 256 yards and the Texans ami Dolphins were idle. set a franchise record for points in a G iants..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 game and finished with 420 yards. R edskins ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 "We were really into what we were EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. — Eli doing," Texans coach Gary Kubiak said, Manning threw a 77-yard scoring pass "and we were there all day long, so it was to Victor Cruz with I:13 to play and New York overcame a latetouchdown by a good team effort." The Ravens (5-2), meanwhile, missed rookie sensation Robert Griffin III. Man­ ning's pass to Cruz came two plays and star linebacker Ray Lewis, who was 19 seconds after Griffin capped what placed on injured reserve this week with a torn triceps. Terrell Suggs, last year's was a potential game-winning, 77-yard defensive player of the year, saw his first drive with a 30-yard touchdown pass to action since undergoing surgery on his Santana Moss. Cruz, however, blew by right Achilles tendon last May. Suggs Josh Wilson and Madieu Williams and sacked Schaub in the first quarter and the more than 80,000 fans in MetLife finished with three solo tackles. Stadium celebrated as Manning trium­ Otherwise, Ba l t i more's de f ense phantly pumped his fist. seemed overmatched without Lewis and P ackers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 R ams...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 cornerback Lardarius Webb, who were placed on injured reserve thisweek. ST. LOUIS — Aaron Rodgers threw Safety Ed Reed, who acknowledged this for 342 yards and three touchdowns and week that he's been playing with a torn Green Bay'sdepleted defense flourished labrum in his right shoulder, left in the on the road. Randall Cobb caught two fourth quarter with a chest injury. Reed touchdown passes and Jordy Nelson had eight receptions for a season-best 122 said he felt fine after the game. The Ravens gave up their most points yards for the Packers (4-3). S aints ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 since a 44-20 loss to Indianapolis in 2007. B uccaneers...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 "It's not the end of the world," Suggs TAMPA, Fla. — Jonathan V i lma said, "but it's not something we're going played for the first time while appeal­ ing a season-long suspension for his to take lightly, either." Baltimore's offense didn't look any role in the Saints bounty program and Drew Brees threw for 377 yards and four better. Quarterback Joe Flacco was off-target touchdowns in the come-from-behind and under pressure most of the game, Ray win. While it's debatable how much Vil­ Rice was held to 42 yards rushing and no ma's return impacted the Saints defense, Baltimore receiver had a reception lon­ the unit turned back two drives near the ger than 15 yards. Baltimore came into end zone in the second half, including the the game with a league-high 34 offensive final three plays of the game to preserve plays covering at least 20 yards. New Orleans' second straight win. "We can still play great defense," Ku­ C olts..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 biak said, "and expect to do that the rest B rowns...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 INDIANAPOLIS — A n d rew L u ck of the year." The Ravens led 3-0, then started un­ became the first Colts quarterback to raveling after Donnie Jones' punt pinned run for two touchdowns in a game since them at their own 3-yard line late in the 1988. Indy (3-3) has already won one

more game than it did in 2011.

Cowboys.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..19 P anthers...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Dan Bailey made a go-ahead 28-yard field goal with 3:25 remaining to help Dallas end a two­ game losing streak. With Dallas trailing 14-13, Tony Romo led the Cowboys (3-3) into field goal range with a 10-play, 44­ yard drive to send Dallas to its ninth con­ secutive regular-season victory over the Panthers (1-5). T itans.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 B ills..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. — Matt Has­ selbeck hit Nate Washington for a 15­ yard touchdown with 1:03 left in leading Tennessee. It was Hasselbeck's 22nd ca­ reer fourth-quartercomeback and sec­ ond in consecutive weeks. V ikings..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 C ardinals..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 MINNEAPOLIS — Adrian Peterson ran for 153 yards and a first-quarter touchdown, and M i nnesota survived an ugly second half to hang on for the win. Percy Harvin caught Ponder's only touchdown pass, but Ponder threw an interception that led to a second-quar­ ter touchdown run by LaRod Stephens­ Howling. Ponder has seven turnovers in the past three games; two of them were turned into touchdowns last week at Washington. R aiders...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 J aguars ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 OAKLAND, Calif. — Sebastian Jan­ ikowski kicked a 40-yard field goal after Cecil Shorts III fumbled on the opening possession of overtime and Oakland ral­ lied from 14 points down in the second half. Carson Palmer threw one TD pass and ran for another to force overtime for the Raiders (2-4) before they won it after Lammar Houston forced a fumble that JoselioHanson recovered at the Jack­ sonville 21. S teelers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Bengals .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..17 CINCINNATI — Ben Roethlisberger threw one touchdown pass, and Pitts­ burgh overcame its injury-depleted run­ ning game to beat Cincinnati. Shaun Suisham kicked field goals of 42, 47 and 42 yards for the Steelers. Roethlisberger was 27 of37 for 278 yards, leading an offense missing its top tw o r u nning backs and two offensive linemen to in­ jury. Jonathan Dwyer ran 17 times for 122 yards.

Orltn WagnerI rhe Associated Press

Matt Kenseth celebrates in Victory Laneafter winning at Kansas Speedway in Kansas City, Kan., Sunday.

home fans in Vancouver, B.C. The Timbers finished 3-1-2

against its Pacific Northwest rivals to take the Cascadia Cup. Seattle was 2-1-3, and Vancou­ ver 0-3-3. The Timbers (8-16­ 9) won for the first time on the


sg \th



The Associated Press ST. SIMONS ISLAND, Ga. Tommy Gainey narrowly missed golf's magic number. He happily settledfora course-record 60 at Sea Island, and his first PGA Tour win Sunday in the McGladrey Classic. Gainey became the fourth player this year to rally from at least seven shots behind in the final round to win on the PGA Tour. He made seven straight 3s on his way to a 29 on the back nine, and then had to wait more thantwo hours to see if Jim Furykor anyone else could catch him. No one came particularly close. Tournament host and Ryder Cup captain Davis Love III drove into the water on the 16th and made double

road this seasonand endeda six-game losing streak before


a disappointed sellout crowd of 21,000at B.C. Place Stadium.

Hockey • NHL, union still talking

dut not negotiating:While the NHL and the players' as­

sociation are keeping the lines of communication open, they don't seem to bemoving any closer to getting back to the bargaining table. For the

second straight day, repre­ sentatives on both sides of the

lockout had telephoneconver­ sations Sunday.Noneofthose talks have yet led to concrete negotiations that could lead to an elusive collective bargaining

agreement andget the delayed hockey season going. — From wire reports

t"ainey's 60leads to SeaIsland victory

bogey. Furyk made a 12-foot par Stephen Morton/The Associated Press

Tommy Gainey reacts after hitting a birdie putt on the 16th green during the final round of the McGladrey Classic Sunday in St. Simons Island, Ga. Gainey won the event.

save on the 17th hole to stay one shot behind, but he pushed his approach well right on the 18th and made his first bogey in 56 holes. "It's been a hard year for me and finally, we got it right," Gainey said.

third hole of a playoff after blowing a big lead. Seven strokes ahead of Matthew at the start of the round, Gainey,a 37-year-old from South Pettersen shot a 2-over 74 to fin­ Carolina with a homemade swing ish at 11-under 205 on Sky 72 Golf Club's Ocean Course. The 43-year­ who is known as "Two Gloves" for wearing black gloves on each hand, old Matthew finished with a 67. joined a long list of unlikely winners Van Pelt takes Perth by two strokes PERTH, Australia — Bo Van Pelt this year. He was seven shots behind going into the final round, and his won the Perth International, closing 60 was nearly 9'/~ shots better than with a 4-under 68 for a two-stroke the average score. victory over American countryman He wound up with a one-shot vic­ Jason Dufner. Van Pelt finished at tory over David Toms, who closed 16-under 272 at Lake Karrinyup with a 63. Toms also needed a birdie and earned $333,330 in the event on the 18th hole to catch Gainey, but sanctioned by the European and he pushed his drive well right into Australasian tours. Dufner, a two­ the bunker and had little chance of time winner this year on the PGA reaching the green. Tour, shot a 69. Also on Sunday: Henleyscoressecond Web.com win Pettersen claims LPGA win in playoff PONTE VEDRA BEACH, Fla. INCHEON, South Korea — Su­ — Russell Henley won the Jackson­ zann Pettersen won the HanaBank ville Open for his second Web.com Championship for her ninth LPGA Tour victory of the year, beating B.J. Tour title, beating Catriona Mat­ Staten with a par on the first hole of thew with a 5-foot birdie putt on the a playoff.







Sunday's Games


SaintS 35, BUCCaiteerS 28 NewOrleans TampaBay

7 21 0 7 — 3 6 14 7 0 7 — 28 First Quarter

TB — Underwood 13 passfrom Freeman(Barth kick), 12:22. TB — Martin 36run(Barth kick), 5:55. NO — Colston 17 passfrom Brees(Hartley kick), 1.46.

SecondOuarter TB — Jackson17passfromFreeman(Barth kick),


W 4 3 3 3

L 3 3 4 4

T 0 0 0 0

Pc t .5 7 1 .5 0 0 .4 2 9 .4 2 9

PF PA 217 163

W Houston 6 Indianapolis 3 Tennesse e 3 Jacksonville 1

L I 3 4 5

T 0 0 0 0

Pc t .85 7 .5 0 0 .4 2 9 .16 7

PF PA 216 128 117 158 149 238 88 164

Baltimore Pittsburgh Cincinnati Cleveland

W 5 3 3 1

L 2 3 4 6

T 0 0 0 0

Pc t .7 1 4 .5 0 0 .4 2 9 .1 4 3

PF PA 174 161 140 132 166 187 147 180

Denver San Diego Oakand KansasCity

W 3 3 2 I

L 3 3 4 5

T 0 0 0 0

Pc t .5 0 0 .5 0 0 .3 3 3 .16 7

PF PA 170 138 148 137 113 171 104 183

NewEngland Miami

N.Y.Jets Buffalo

NO—Morgan 48 passfrom Brees(Hartley kick),


Fourth Quarter NO — PThomas5run (Hartiey kick), 1323. TB — Clark 3 pass fromFreeman(Barth kick),

4:10. A—58,906.

First downs TotalNetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntRetums KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet.

Comp-Att-Int Sacked-Yards Lost Punts

Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time otPossession

NO TB 23 26 4 58 51 3 26-81 25-98 377 415 1 -15 2 - 1 5 0 -0 1 - 16 0 -0 1 - 30 27-37-1 24-42-0 0-0 1-5 4-51.3 3-42.0 0-0 0-0 7 -55 7 - 50 26:15 33:45

INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —New Orleans: PThomas 13-32, Sproies5-27, Ingram7-21, Brees1-1. TampaBay: Martin 16-85, Freeman2-9, Ware1-4, Benn 1-2,

Blount5-(minus2) PASSING —New Orleans: Brees 27-37-1-377. Tampa Bay:Freeman24-42-0-420. RECEIVING —New Orleans: Moore 9-121, Colston 7-73, Sproles 432, Henderson 3-75, D.Thomas 2-27, Morgan1-48, Colins 1-1. Tampa Bay: Jackson 7-216, Clark5-51,Wiliams4-36, Mar­ tin 3-37, Underwood 2-35, Stocker1-33, Lorig1-6, Ware1-6 MISSEDFIELD GOALS— Tampa Bay:Barth 42 (WL).

Baltimore Houston

3 0 7 3 — 13 9 20 7 7 — 4 3 First Quarler Bal FG Tucker 51,10:57. Hou—Barwin safety, 4:49. Hou—Walter 25 passfrom Schaub(S.Graham kick),:30.

H o me Away AFC 4 - 0-0 1-2-0 4-1-0 2 - 0-0 1-3-0 2-3-0 1 - 2-0 2-2-0 2-4-0 1 - 2-0 0-4-0 1-4-0

N FC D i v 1-1-0 2-0-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 1-3-0 0-2-0 1-2-0

Home Away AFC 2-1-0 1-2-0 3-2-0

N FC D i v 0-1-0 2-0-0

ff'y tl

1-2-0 2-1-0 0-3-0

2-1-0 3-1-0 0-3-0 2-3-0 1-2-0 0-3-0

0-2-0 2-1-0 0-1-0 0-2-0 1-2-0 0-1-0

NATIONAL CONFERENCE East PF PA 205 137 103 125

W N.Y.Giants 5 Philadelphia 3 Dallas 3 Washington 3

L 2 3 3 4

T 0 0 0 0

Pc t .7 1 4 .5 0 0 500 .4 2 9

W 6 2 2 1

L 0 4 4 5

T 0 0 0 0

Pc t PF PA 1. 000 171 113 .3 3 3 176 182 .3 3 3 148 136 .1 6 7 106 144

H o m e A way NFC AFC Di v 3 - 1-0 2 - 1-0 4-2-0 1-0-0 1-2-0 2 - 1-0 1 - 2-0 1-2-0 2-1-0 1-0-0 1 - 1- 0 2 2 -0 3-2-0 0-1-0 1-0-0 1 - 2-0 2 - 2-0 3-3-0 0-1-0 0-1-0

1 13 133 201 200

South Atlanta

NewOrleans TampaBay Carolina

H o m e A way 3 - 0-0 3 - 0-0 1 - 2-0 1 - 2-0 2 - 2-0 0 - 2-0 1 - 3-0 0 - 2-0

NFC AFC Di v 2-0-0 4-0-0 1-0-0 1-3-0 1-1-0 1-1-0 1-4-0 1-0-0 1-1-0 1-5-0 0-0-0 1-2-0

North Chicago Minnesota GreenBay Detroit

W 4 5 4

L 1 2 3

T 0 0 0

P c t PF PA .8 0 0 1 4 9 7 1 .7 1 4 16 7 13 1 .5 7 1 1 8 4 15 5




.4 0 0 1 2 6 1 3 7

Ho m e A w ay 2-0 - 0 2 - 1-0 4 - 0- 0 1 - 2-0 2- 1- 0 2 - 2-0

NFC AFC Di v 2-1-0 2-0-0 0-1-0 3-1-0 2-1-0 1-0-0 3-2-0 1-1-0 1-0-0 1- 1- 0 1 - 2-0 2-2-0 0-1-0 0-1-0

West L

T Pc t

S an Francisco 5 2 0 .7 1 4 Arizona 4 3 0 .571 Seattle 4 3 0 .57 1 St. Louis 3 4 0 .42 9

PF PA 165 100 124 118 116 106 130 141


SanFrancisco13, Seattle 6


Minnesota21,Arizona14 GreenBay30,St. Louis20 SecondOuarter 43,Baltimore13 Hou—Joseph 52 interception return (S.Graham Houston N.Y.Giants27,Washington23 kick), 14:51. Dagas19, Carolina14 Hou—Daniels 1 pass from Schaub(S.Graham NewOrleans35,TampaBay28 kick), 5:58 IndianapolisI7, ClevelandI3 Hou— FG S.Graham 33,I:57. Tennesse e35,Buffalo34 Hou—FGS.Graham29,:03. Oakl and26,Jacksonville23,OT Third Quarter Bal — Doss 15 passtrom Flacco(Tuckerkick), NewEngland29,N.Y.Jets26,OT Pittsburgh 24,Cincinnati 17 10:36. Open:Atlanta,Denver, KansasCity, Miami Philadelphia, Hou—Foster 1 run(S.Grahamkick), 2:56. S an Di e g o Fourth Ouarter Today's Game Bal — FGTucker 54, 12:23. Detroit atChicago,5:30p.m. Hou—Foster 2 run(S.Grahamkick), 8:48. A—71,708.

N FC D i v 0-1-0 2-0-0 2-1-0 0-1-0 1-1-0 0-1-0 0-2-0 1-1-0



TOXanS 43, RavenS13

H o me Away AFC 3 - 1-0 3-0-0 6-0-0 3 - 1-0 0-2-0 1-2-0 2 - 1-0 1-3-0 2-3-0 0 - 3-0 1-2-0 1-3 0



NO — D.Thomas20passfrom Brees(Hartley kick),

120 117 159 170 171 227

N FC D i v 0-2-0 2-0-0 1-1-0 0-1-0 0-1-0 2-1-0 1-1-0 0-2-0


NO Sproles 9 passfromBrees(Hartley kick),


H o me Away AFC 2 - 1-0 2-2-0 4-1-0 2 - 1-0 1-2-0 2-2-0 2 - 2-0 1-2-0 3-3-0 1 - 2-0 2-2-0 2-3-0

H o m e A way 3 - 1-0 2 - 1-0 3 - 1-0 1 - 2-0 3 0 0 1 - 3-0 3 - 1-0 0 - 3-0

NFC AFC 3-2-0 2-0-0 2-2-0 2-1-0 3-3-0 1-0-0 3-3-0 0-1-0

Thursday,Oct. 26 TampaBayatMinnesota,5:20p.m. Sunday,Oct.28 JacksonvilleatGreenBay, 10a.m. Indianapoliat sTennessee,10a.m. CarolinaatChicago,10a.m. MiamiatNYJets,10am. SanDiegoat Cleveland,10a m. Atlanta atPhiladelphia,10a.m. SeattleatDetroit, 10a.m. WashingtonatPittsburgh,10a.m. NewEnglandvs.St.LouisatLondon,10am. OaklandatKansasCity,1:05 p.m. N.YGiantsatDallas,I:25 p.m. NewOreansatDenver,520p.m Open:Baltimore, Buffalo, Cincinnati, Houston Monday, Oct. 29 SanFranciscoatArizona,5:30p.m.

Div 1-0-0 1-1-0 0-3-0 2-0-0

Stephan Saveia /The Associated Press

New England Patriots defensive end RobNinkovich (50) sacks New York Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez (6) to clinch a 29-26 Patriots win in overtime in Foxborough, Mass., Sunday. The sack led to a fumble that Ninkovich recovered to end the game. Third Quarter

NYJ—FGFolk 21, 9:33.

NE — Gronkowski 2 passfromBrady(Gostkowski kick), 2.39. Fourth Quarter NYJ Keller 7 pass fromSanchez(Folk kick), 5:44. NYJ—FGFolk 43,2:06. NYJ—FGFolk 43, 1:37. NE —FG Gostkowski43,:00


NE FG Gostkowski48, 11:02. A—68,752.

First downs TotalNetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntRetums KickoftReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession

NYJ NE 26 26 4 03 38 1 33-106 31-131 297 25 0 3 -22 2 - 21 4-116 8 -222 0-0 1-0 28-41-1 26-42-0 4-31 1-9 3-56 7 6-44 8 3-1 1-1 8 -60 6 - 40 35:49 31:43

INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —N.Y. Jets: Greene16-54, McKnight 7-23, Hilliard3-14,Tebow4-12, Kerley1-2, GrimesI­ 1, Sanchez1-0. NewEngland: Ridley17-65,Vereen 8-49, Woodhead 6-17. PASSING—N.Y. Jets: Sanchez28-41-1-328. New England:Brady26-42-0-259. RECEIVING —N.Y. Jets: Kerey7-120, Keller 7­ 93, Greene6-34, S.Hig4-55, Reuland1-11, Hilliard 1-8, Cumberland1-4, Grimes1-3. NewEngland: Gronko wski 6-78,Welker 6-66, Hernandez 5-54, Woodhead4-29, Edelman2-7, Vereen1-10, Branch I 9, Lloyd1 6 MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None.

Pit —FGSoisham42, 10:26. Cin—Peerman 5 run(Nugentkick),2:17. SecondOuarter Cin — Green 8 passfrom Dalton (Nugentkick), 8:29. Pit FG Suisham 47, 3:07. Pit — Miler 9 pass from Roethlisberger (Miller passtromRoethlisberger),:24. Third Quarter Cin — FGNugent48,11.09. Pit — FGSuisham42, 817. Fourth Ouarter Pit — Rainey11 run(Suishamkick),14:16. A—63,411. First downs TotalNetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-Yards Lost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time oiPossession

Pit Cin 22 11 4 31 18 5 29-167 21-80 2 64 10 5 3-10 1-5 4-122 5-134 1-11 1-0 27-38 1 14-28 1 3-14 0-0 3-40.0 6-51 8 1-1 0-0 5 -50 2 - 20 37:30 22:30

INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Pittsburgh: Dwyer 17-122, Rainey 4-17, A.Brown2-13, Wallace2-7, WJohnson1-5, B.Batch 2-4,Roethlisberger1-(minus1). Cincinnati: Green-Ellis18-69,Sanu1-7, Peerman1-5, Dalton 1­

(minus1). PASSING —Pittsburgh: Roethlisberger 27-37­ 1-278, ABrown0-1-0-0. Cincinnati: Dalton14-28­


3 3 7 1 0 3 — 26 First Quarter Oak —FGJanikowski 21,6:13.

Jac — Shorts 42 passfromGabbert (Scobeekick),


SecondQuarter Jac — Jennings5 run(Scobee kick),11:34. Jac — FGScobee50,5:57. Oak — FGJanikowski33,:34. Third Ouarter Jac FG Scobee 40,10:42. Oak Moore 8 pass from Palmer(Janikowski

kick), 6:01.

Fourth Quarter Jac — FGScobee45, 12:40. Oak — FGJanikowski31,6.52. Oak —Palmer1 run(Janikowski kick), 3:34. Overtime Oak —FGJanikowski 40,12:54. A—51,634.

First downs Total NetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns Interceptions Ret. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession

J ac 10 2 09

Oak 20 35 1

26-54 2 6-69 1 55 28 2 4-44 5-6 3 -54 4 - 99 1-2 0-0 17-32-0 26 46-1 3 -26 2 - 16 9-42.1 6-44.0 1-1 4-2 6 -92 9 - 58

30:05 32:01

INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Jacksonville: Jennings 21-44, Jones-Drew2-6, Henne3-4. Oakland: McFadden 19-53,Palmer6-14,Schmitt1-2. PASSING—Jacksonville: Gabbert 8-12-0­ 110, Henne9-20-0-71. Oakland: Palmer 26-46­ 1-298 RECEIVING—Jacksonville: Jennings 7-58, Shorts 4-79,Lewis3-20,Thomas2-17, Blackmon1­ 7. Oakland: Myers7-44, Heyward-Bey 4-85, Reece 4-58, Moore4-36, McFadden4-28, Streater 2-41, Goodson1-6. MISSEDFIELDGOALS—Oakland: Janikowski

1-105. AH TimesPDT RECEIVING —Pittsburgh: Wallace 8-52, Hou A.Brown7-96, Miler 6-53, Sanders2-40, Cotchery First downs 27 TotalNetYards 42 0 Comp-Att-Int 1 20, Rai n ey1 8,Paulson1-7, WJohnson1-2 Cin­ 30-37-0 21-34-1 cinnati: Whalen4-31, Sanu3-27, Gresham3-19, Rushes-yards 12-55 37-181 Sacked-YardsLost 3-10 3-9 Passing 1 21 23 9 Punts Giants 27,Redskins 23 Hawkins2-17,Green1-8, Tate1-3. 3-38.7 2-49.5 1-1 4-9 PuntReturns MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None. 0-0 1-0 Fumbles-Lost Steelers 24, Bengals17 KickoffReturns 7 -201 1 - 1 7 Penalties-Yards Washington 31 0 0 1 0 — 23 3 -30 6 - 30 0 -0 2- 5 2 InterceptionsRet. N.Y. Giants 0 1 3 0 1 4 — 2 7 Time ofPossession 32:58 27:02 Pittsburgh 3 11 3 7 — 2 4 Raiders 26, Jaguars 23 (OT) Comp-Att-Int 21-43-2 23-37-0 First Quarter 7 7 3 0 — 17 Cincinnati Was —FGForbath20, 2:13. Sacked-Yards Lost 4 -26 2 - 17 INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS First Ouarter J acksonville 7 10 3 3 0 — 2 3 64 (SH). Punts 5-50.6 5-48.0 SecondQuarter RUSHING —Green Bay: Green 20-35, Cobb 1-0 1-0 NYG —A.Brown I run(Tyneskick), 12:41. Fumbles-l.ost 1-19, Kuhn3-16, Rodgers2-0. St. Louis: Jackson Was —Moss26passfrom Griffin III (Forbathkick), Penalties-Yards 5 -56 5 - 6 0 12-57, D.Richardson 8-36, Givens1-14, Pead1-1 Time oiPossession 21:44 38.1 6 PASSING —Green Bay: Rodgers30-37-0-342. 8:45. NYG —FGTynes27,3:53. St. Louis: Bradford21-34-1-255. Was —FGForbath43, I:49. INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RECEIVING—GreenBay:Nelson8-122,Cobb NYG —FGTynes39,:02. RUSHING —Baltimore: Rice 9-42, Flacco 2­ 8-89, Ja.Jones 6-53, Green4-29, Finley2-31, Kuhn 7, Leach1-6. Houston: Foster 19-98, Tate10-47, Fourth Quarter 116, Driver1-2. St. Louis: Gibson5 60, St.Smith Forsett6-32, Casey1 6, Schaub1-(minus 2). NYG —BradshawI run(Tyneskick), 12:55. 4-26, Givens 3-73,D.Richardson 3-43,Quick 2-31 PASSING —Baltimore: Flacco 21-43-2-147. Was —FGForbath45, 5:21. Pettis 2-17,Kendricks2-5. Houston: Schaub 23-37-0-256. Was —Moss30passfrom Griffin III (Forbathkick), MISSEDFI ELD GOALS— Green Bay:Crosby 1:32. RECEIVING —Baltimore: Pitta 5-33, Rice5-12, T.Smith 441, Boldin 3 24,J.Jones2 17, Doss1-15, 58 (WR). NYG —Cruz77 pass fromManning (Tyneskick), Dicksn1-5 o .Houston:Johnson9-86,Daniels7-59, 1:13. Walter4-74,G.Graham2-32, Foster1-5. A 81,352. Vikings 21, Cardinals 14 MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None. W as NYG Arizona 0 7 0 7 — 14 24 22 Minnesota 7 7 7 0 — 2 1 First downs Titans 35, Bills 34 Tota NetYards 480 393 First Quarter Rushes-yards 38-248 19-64 We've taken the names of some Oregon counties and created Min — Peterson13 run(Walshkick), 8:38. Tennessee 14 7 7 7 — 35 Passing 2 32 32 9 SecondQuarter Buffalo 1 4 6 14 0 — 3 4 a fun and challenging local game. PuntReturns 2-13 00 Ari — St e ph ens -Ho wl i n g 3 run (F eel y ki c k), 12:41. First Quarler 1-17 4 -106 Min — Harvin 3 passfrom Ponder (Walsh kick), KickoffReturns Ten —C.Johnson16 run(Bironas kick), 10:38. InterceptionsRet. 2 -7 1- 4 1 Buf — FJackson3 passfrom Fitzpatrick (Lindeg 6'26. Comp-Att-Int 20-28-1 26-40-2 Third Quarter kick), 3:01. Sacked-Yards Lost 3-26 1-8 Min — Sm i t h 31 i n tercepti o n return (Wal s h ki c k), Ten—C.Johnson 83run(Bironas kick),2:43. Punts 1-33.0 3-40.0 Buf—B.Smith 89 kickoff return (Lindeg kick), 14:03. First, find all the hidden counties. Fumbles-Lost 5-3 0-0 Fourlh Quarler 2:31. PenaltiesYards 7 -55 3 - 30 Ari — R ob erts 6 pass from Skel t on (Feey ki c k) Second, deliver your answers to our office (in person or by mail by November 2nd) SecondOuarter Time ofPossession 32;43 27:17 1.48. Ten —Harper1run (Bironaskick),10:18. A — 61,068 and you'll be entered to win a Buf — FGLindeg31, 3:56. INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS Buf — FGLindeg42,:00. RUSHING —Washington: Morris 22-120,Grif­ Ari Min $30 GIFT CARD to Fred Meyer! Third Quarter fin III 9-89, Young 5-26, ARobinson 1-14, Paul I­ First downs 21 12 Ten —Harper I run(Bironaskick),11:45. (minus 1). N.Y. Gi a nts: Bradshaw 12-43, A.Brown Total Net Ya rds 3 56 2 0 9 Buf — Jones15 passtrom Fitzpatrick (Lindegkick), 5-17, Manning 2-4. E P A T P K U Z K Q D B E R L B S P K C E 0 Y B R Rushes-yards 26-126 27-166 7.52. PASSING —Washington: Griffin III 20-28-1­ 230 43 Buf St.Johnson 27passfromFitzpatrick (Lindell Passing X P B A M J K F G E W N N M 0 R R 0 W Z A J D V M 2 58. N. Y . Gi a n t s : Ma n n i n g 2 6 4 0 2 3 3 7 . PuntReturns 4-7 1-0 kick),:05. RECEIVING — Washington: Hankerson 6-70, KickoffReturns 1 -13 2 - 47 J J Z X T K N 0 C Q E Z E U E Y 0 W E W A B R K K Fourth Ouarter 4-76, Moss3-67, Morgan2-16, Morris 2 10, nterceptionsRet. 2 -0 1- 3 1 Paulsen Ten —Washington 15passfromHasselbeck(Biro­ IComp-Att-Int F.Davis1-13,Young1-6, Royster1-0. N.Y. Giants: 25-36-1 8-17-2 Y E S L H G L L A U S Y F L C R Y 0 E A V B H D J nas kick),1:03. 7 -32 3 - 1 5 Cruz7-131,Benneg5-79, Nicks5-53, Bradshaw4-22, Sacked-YardsLost A—68,836. Hfxon 3-32, A.Brown1-1 7, H yn oski 1-3. G U V B Z H G L H K H X E T C R P N T B T L A S 0 6-39.0 7-40.0 Punts MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None 2-1 0-0 T en Bu f Fumbles-Lost T X M D T E G Q L B 0 E C N F U B H G L G K A D F 9 -82 7 - 35 Penalties-Yards First downs 21 22 35:05 24:55 TotalNetYards 3 90 38 2 Time ofPossession Cowboys 19, Panthers 14 L P U M F T A S A K H 0 V 0 R C X F N T S C Y M S Rushes-yards 27-197 24-166 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS W P Q B J T 0 J 0 W j: V M M L A K E Y 0 Z M G D H Passing 1 93 21 6 Dallas 0 3 10 6 — 19 RUSHING —Arizona: Stephens-Howling 20­ PuntRetums 0-0 0-0 Carolina 0 7 0 7 — 14 W Q T H O O U J D 0 U G L A S U H S E S W A Y j: M 104, Powe I 4-13, Doucet2-9. Minnesota: Peterson KickoffReturns 5-116 4-184 SecondQuarter 23-153,Harvin2-10, Ponder1-2,Gerhart1-1. 1-0 0-0 InterceptionsRet. Dal — FGBailey19,14.16. Y C Q N S B I E H U C N C H L Z M L Y 0 E U 0 D W PASSING — A ri z ona: Skelton 25-36-1-262 Comp-Att-Int 22-33-0 27-35-1 Car LaFell 5 passfromNewton (Medlockkick), Minnesota: Ponder 8-17-2-58. Sacked-Yards Lost 2-12 1-9 :14. V B A K E R S F D T L K j: Q Z L A B T C S Z A X A RECEIVING —Arizona: Roberts 7-103, Housler Punts 3-41.3 1-22.0 Third Quarter 5-54, Stephens-Howiing4-45, Fitzgerald4-29, Doucet K G D N P C S F A H A K V 0 G B j : K I S Z A L P j: Fumbles-Lost 1-0 1-1 Dal — Austin 26 passirom Romo(Bailey kick), Penalties-Yards 3 -25 8 6 5 3-19, Floyd1-7, Powell 1-5. Minnesota: Harvin4­ 7:38. j: R T P H E G E E M T M B Z N T L T N A Z P G J T 37, Peterson 2-6 Si m pson 1-8, Jenki n s1-7. Time ofPossession 29:41 30:19 Dal — FGBailey 49,2:13. MISSED FIELDGOALS—Arizona: Feely 47 Fourth Quarter K 0 P U j: L S R A L S R A A W 0 L L A W T N A Z Z (WR) INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS Car Tolbert 2run(Medlockkick), 11:38. RUSHING —Tennessee: C.Johnson 18-195, Dal — FGBailey 28,3:25. N 0 T G N j: H S A W 0 V J L P G j : G I M W B P G Q Dal — FGBailey 38,:53. Harper 7-8, HasselbeckI-(minus 2), Reynaud1­ COltS 17, BroWRS13 A—73,981. (minus 4). Buffalo: FJackson 9-71, Spiler 12-70, 0 E L j: E N E 0 Q N P Q M U K U G R W H U T H N J Fitzpatrick2-23,B.Smith1-2. 0 6 7 0 — 13 Cleveland S 0 D L J C R N 0 j: T W Q E C D N S A H M J N Y Z D al C a r PASSING —Tennessee: Hasselbeck 22-33-0­ Indianapolis 7 7 3 0 — 17 First downs 18 18 205. Buffalo: Fitzpatrick27-35-1-225. First Quarter K j: T Z Y 0 M L J D W C N N K C D Z A M B A S D N Total Net Ya rd s 3 12 32 8 RECEIVING — Tennessee: Washington 6-43, lnd —Luck3 run(Vinatieri kick),7:23. 31-85 21-112 Britt 4-30, Williams3-38, Wright 3-19, Cook2-37, Rushes-yards SecondQuarter C R U E H L A M F R F M Y U W Q K X M I Y W Y C C Reynaud2-18, Stevens1-17, C.Johnson1-3 Buffalo: 2 27 21 6 Cle — Little 14 pass fromWeeden (run failed), Passing 3-17 4-4 FJackson8-49,Spiller6-32,St.Johnson5-71,Jones 14:01. PuntReturns A C E L j: N N G U S F J R L J j: W D X A A Z K P M 4-47 Chandle2-15, r Graham1-6, B.Smith1-5. 0 -0 2 - 48 KickoffReturns Ind —Luck5 run(Vinatieri kick),7:41. 1-0 0-0 J 0 H N E E D R H J L M A C N P Q I W U Z C S D J MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None. I n tercepti o ns Re t . Third Quarter 24-34-0 21-37-1 Cle — Gordon33passfromWeeden(Dawsonkick), Comp-Att-Int W X K K J N F B N G S R 0 Q j: U 0 T X S D C Y Q J 0 -0 2 - 17 Sacked-Yards Lost 11:53. Packers 30, Rams20 4-49.3 6-41 3 Punts ind —FGVinatieri 38,3:19. S J U A R C C Y 0 H U Y 0 T P N J F V D T M A U D 1-1 1-1 Fumbles-Lost A—64,560. Green Bay 10 0 7 1 3 — 30 6 -43 9 - 71 Penal t i e s-Yards H R Q 0 V G U P B K W C W P B M U S E W Q H J D Y St. Louis 3 3 0 1 4 — 20 Time ofPossession 33:37 2 6:23 Cle Ind First Quarler N J F U A A X W L Y R X N 0 V C j: A U D W C X Z S First downs 1 9 21 StL — FGZuerlein 50, 7.38. INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS 3 19 32 1 GB — Nelson3 passfrom Rodgers (Crosbykick), Total NetYards RUSHING — D al l a s: FJones15-44, Tanner 13­ Rushes-yards 17-55 37-148 5:23. Passing 2 64 17 3 30, Romo3-11 Carolina: Newton 6-64, Stewart GB — FGCrosby47, 217 NAME: PHONE: 10-35,Tolbert3-9, DWiliams 2-4. Punt Returns 2-12 1-8 SecondOuarter PASSING —Dallas: Romo24-34-0-227. Caro­ KickoffReturns 2 -55 1 - 24 StL — FGZuerlein 43,:40. lina: Newton21371 233 ADDRESS: 0-0 0-0 InterceptionsRet. Third Quarter RECEIVING —Dallas: Witten6-44,Austin 5-97, 25-41-0 16-29 0 GB — Cobb 5 passfrom Rodgers (Crosbykick), Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost 0 -0 3 - 1 3 FJones5-30, Ogletree4-27, Bryant2-14,Tanner1­ 8:04. EMAIL ADDRESS: 8, Vickers1-7. Carolina: Smith 7-83, LaFell4-53, Punts 5-41.4 5-48.4 Fourth Quarter Olsen4-31, Murphy3-48, Stewart 3-11, Newton 0-6, 1-0 1-1 GB FG Crosby 23,11:52. Fumbles-Lost YCU MUSTCOMPLETEFORM iN FULLTO BEELIGIBLETO WIN. WINNERSWiLL BENOTIFIED BYEMAiL NO PLIRCHASE NECESSARY,EXTRA 9 -75 7 - 5 0 Gross0-1. StL — Jackson6run (Zuerlein kick), 8:50. Penalties-Yards MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None. NEWSPRiNTGAMES AREAVAILABLEATTHE BULLETINOFFICE. ENTRIESMUST BEON ORIGINAL NEVVSPRINTTO BEELIGIBLE. GB — Cobb 39 pass fromRodgers (Crosbykick), Time ofPossession 24;39 35:21 3:06. VVESCQM EMPLOYEESANDTHEIRIMMEDIATE FAMiLY MEMBERSARENOT ELIGIBLETQWIN. GB FG Crosby 48,1:49 INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS Patriots 29, Jets 26(OT) StL — Petis 3 passtrom Bradtord (Zuerleinkick), RUSHING —Cleveland: Hardesty7-28,Weeden WINNER WILL BEDRAWN ON NOVEMBER 9TH • FIND THESE COUNTIES: :15. 1-13,Richardson8-8, Ogbonnaya1-6. Indianapolis: N.Y. Jets 7 3 3 1 3 0 — 26 BAKER,BENTON,CLACKAMAS,CLATSOP,COLUMBIA, COOS, CROOK, DESCHUTES,DOUGLAS, GILLIAM, GRANT,HARNEY, A—64,359. Bagard20-84,Carter11-41,Luck3-12, Moore3-11. N ewEngland 1 4 2 7 3 3 — 2 9 HOOD, JACKSON,JEFFERSON, JOSEPHINE, KLAMATH,LAKE, LANE,LINCOLN, LINN,MALHEUR,MARION, MORROW,MIJLTNOMAH, PASSING — Cleveland: Weeden 25-41-0-264. First Quarter GB SIL Indianapolis: Luck16-29-0-186. NYJ—GreeneI run(Folkkick), 8:51. POLK, SHERMAN,TILLAMOOK, UMATILLA,UNION,WALLOWA,WASCO, WASHINGTON,WHEELER,YAMHILL First downs 22 19 RECEIVING —Cleveland: Little 6-52, Cooper NE — McCourty 104 kickoff return (Gostkowski TotalNetYards 4 02 35 4 4-53, Waison3-36 Benjamin3-33,Ogbonnaya3-17, kick), 8:39. • Mail o r deliver your game entry to: Rushes-yards 26-70 22-108 Gordon2-59, Richardson2-11, Cribbs1-8, Cameron NE — Gronkowski 17passfromBrady(Gostkowski Passing 3 32 24 6 1-4, Weeden 0-(minus 9). Indianapolis: Wayne6­ kick), 4:11. 1777 SW Chandler Avenue, Bend OR 97702 PuntReturns 1-15 0-0 73, Avery4-46, Hilton 2-22, Fleener2-17, Bagard SecondQuarter J.J. 541-385-5800 • www.bendbulletin.com KickoffReturns 1 -23 3 - 8 2 1-19, Allen1-9. NE Teamsafety, 13:10. 1-0 0-0 NYJ—FGFolk54,:02. InterceptionsRet. MISSEDFIELD GOALS— None.

B al 12 1 76





LOOKING BACK Athlete of the week: Mountain View's Maddy

Booster scored four goals on Tuesdayas the Cougars rolled past host Ridgeview 6-1. All

four of Booster's goals came in the first half. With the win, Mountain View improved to 6-4-1 overall.

Game of theweek: Sisters High knocked off Elmira 25-19, 19­ 25, 25-15, 25-19 on

Tuesday, clinching the Sky-Em League title with the victory. Duree Standley led the Outlaws with14 kills in the road win over the Falcons, who

entered the match No. 3 in the OSAA Class 4A rankings. Sisters,


by applying bird silhouettes, and then basically destroy the Continued from 01 shop trying to deal with a bird The idea was pitched and that flies in. participants just took off and For race day, B azemore rode with it. and her mates had T-shirts " People come a n d t h e y s creened with t h e "put a wear thesecostumes that are bird on it" phrase, they wore insane," Ross said. "You can't matching, bird-adorned, knee­ even ridea bike and wear that high socks, and they applied costume. But they don't care, felt cutouts of birds to their they're so into it. It's like the race clothing. A d ditionally, costume is way more impor­ Bazemore and another team­ tant than actually racing their mate used a bird-shaped hole bike fast or not." punch to cut out "thousands" In 2011, Bazemore and some of tiny birds that they tossed of her Sunnyside teammates like confetti at others ahead of could actually race in their their race. costumes. They decided to riff Those in a ttendance last on the "put a bird on it" skit year understood the reference. "Especially for Portlanders, from the television show "Port­ landia" for their costumes. In everybody knows the show the skit, stars Fred Armisen and they love it," Bazemore and Carrie Brownstein play explained. "Tons of people two characters who show up were like, 'Put a bird on it.' So at a Portland shop, proceed to it was great when they got it." "spruce up" the merchandise T hey also picked up o n

which improved to 8-0 in league play, also

Whit B azemore's costume, his wife said. Racing in the Category B masters 35-plus race, Whit sported cutoff jean shorts, a Rabobank jersey, a curly brown-haired wig and a skate-style helmet. The aver­ age Central Oregonian, even, may not have understood the get-up, but t h e H a l loween Cross Crusade cycling crowd did. Bazemore was wearing a replica outfit of the one Craig wore while winning the men's single speed division at the 2010 USA Cycling Cyclo-cross National Championships, also staged at the Old Mill. "Everybody was yelling, 'Go Adam!' the whole time during the race," Michelle Bazemore said about her husband's 2011 race. Barram, the founder of the Boneyard Cycling team, borrowed his costume last year from a female Boneyard

Brewery employee who heard him lament about his need for one. He wore a short, frilly skirt, a bustier and a di rty blond wig. When asked, Bar­ ram declined to say what he will be wearing this year, or even if he and his Boneyard teammates will be coordinat­ ing their costumes. Keeping tight-lipped about costumes in the days preceding the Hal­ loween Cross Crusade seems to be a common occurrence. Ross was also mum, just say­ ing that he could barely walk in his, so he was unsure how he would be able to ride in it. "Bend is a small town, and this is one of the few oppor­ tunities to keep a secret," Bar­ ram said."And if in anyway it can encourage people to come out and see the spectacle ... it's the cheapest show you'll see." — Reporter: 541-383-0393, amilesC<bendbuftetin.com.


received 40 assists

from Shannon Fouts and 10 digs from

Pleaseemail Cycling Central Sports event information to sports@bendbulletin. com or click on "Submit an Event" on our website at bendbulletin.com. Items are published on a space-availability basis, and should be submitted at least 10days

cyclocross scenes and includes Bend pro Barry Wicks; fundraiser for Central Oregon Trail Alliance; pinemountainsports.com.

County volleyball, 6:30

beforethe event.

p.m.: The Ravenstook the top-ranked Cowgirls


HALLOWEEN CROSSCRUSADE:Saturday and Sunday (Sunday is official costume day, optional on Saturday); 8:40 a.m.; Old Mill District, Bend; races Nos. 4 and 5 of the Cross Crusade Series; divisions for men, women, masters, Clydesdales, single speed, juniors, unicycles and kids (age 12 and younger); $5-$30 per race, $40-$210 for series; OBRAmembership required; crosscrusade.com. U.S.GRAN PRIX OF CYCLOCROSS DESCHUTES BREWERYCUP: Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 8-9; 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; Old Mill District, Bend; divisions for juniors, Categories 2-4, masters, single speed and professional $15-$45; usgpcyclocross. com/races/deschutes-brewery-cup.

Savannah Spear. LOOKING AHEAD Tuesday Ridgeviewat Crook

to five games earlier

in the season. Crook County looks to solidify its No. 1 position in the OSAA's Class 4A

rankings, while the Ravens need avictory to have achanceof hosting a play-in match. Friday Class SA Special District 1

cross-country championshipsat Bend's Riverdend

Park, 3 p.m.: Bend High hosts Mountain View, Summit,

Redmond andAshland in district cross­ country action. The

BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY CYCLOCROSS TEAM: Ages10-18; Tuesdays through Thursdays through Nov. 25, option to extend to Jan. 6; 4 p.m.-6 p.m.; for beginners to advanced riders; teaches bike handling skills, fitness workouts and race strategy in a fun and safe environment; beginner participants may use mountain bikes; team offers weekly training sessions and fully supported travel to Oregon Junior Series races; bill©bendenduranceacademy.org or enroll online at BendEnduranceAcademy.org. BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY CYCLING CYCLOCROSS TEAM: Ages10-18; Tuesdays through Thursdays through Nov. 25, option to extend through Jan. 6; 4 p.m.-6 p.m.; for beginners to advanced riders; teaches bike handling skills, fitness workouts and race strategy in a fun and safe environment; beginners may use mountain bikes; weekly training sessions and fully supported travel to Oregon Junior Series; bill©bendenduranceacademy.org or enroll online at BendEnduranceAcademy.org.

top two boys andgirls teams advance to next week's Class 5A


state championships

MOVIE NIGHT ATMCMENAMINS: "The Cyclocross Meeting"; Thursday; 9 p.m.; Old St. Francis School theater, Bend; $5 (cash only), 21 and older; film chronicles the U.S. and Japanese

in Eugene. The 5,000-meter course

will be staged onthe Deschutes River Trail.


S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-385-8080; www. pinemountainsports.com. EUROSPORTSRIDE:Group road bike ride starting in Sisters from Eurosports, 182 E. Hood St.; Saturdays; check with the shop for start time; all riders welcome; 541-549-2471; www. eurosports.us. HUTCH'S NOON RIDE: Group road bike ride starting in Bend from Hutch's Bicycles east-side location, 820 N.E. Third St., at noon on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays; and from Hutch's west­ side location, 725 N.W. Columbia St., at noon on Tuesdays, Thursdays; pace varies; 541-382­ 6248;www.hutchsbicycles.com. HUTCH'S SATURDAY RIDE: Group road bike ride begins at10 a.m. Saturdays in Bend from Hutch's Bicycles east-side location, 820 N.E. Third St.; approximately 40 miles; vigorous pace; 541-382­ 6248;www.hutchsbicycles.com.

OUT OF TOWN RIDES BEND BELLACYCLISTS:Weekly women-only group road and mountain bike rides; see website for dates and meeting times; meet at Pine Mountain Sports, 255 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; bendbellacyclists.org. TRINITY BIKESRIDE: Group road bike ride starting in Redmond at Trinity Bikes, 865 S.W. 17thSt.;M ondays;6 p.m.;somewhatcasual pace; 541-923-5650. PINE MOUNTAINSPORTSBIKERIDE:Twice­ monthly guided mountain bike rides hosted by Pine Mountain Sports and open to all riders; 5:30 p.m. on the first and third Wednesdays of each month; free; rental and demo bikes available at no charge (be at the shop at 5 p.m.); meet at 255

CROSSCRUSADE: Eight-race cyclocross series; each day, first race starts at 8:40 a.m. and last race starts at 3:15 p.m.; race No. 6 is Sunday, Nov. 4, at Barton Park, Barton; Race No. 7 is Sunday, Nov. 11, at Washington County Fair Complex, Hillsboro; divisions for men, women, masters, Clydesdales, single speed, juniors, unicycles and kids (age12 and younger); $5-$30 per race, $40-$210 for series; OBRA membership required; crosscrusade.com. SOUTHERN BAJA, MEXICO SINGLETRACK TOURS: Dec. 8-12, Feh. 2-7andFed. 16-20; Baja, Mexico; includesfour days of riding and five nights of accommodations, all meals and a Specialized full suspension bike rental; tours limited to12 riders; $925 (airfare not included); 541-385-7002; cogwild.com/multi-day-vacations/baja-singletrack.



Cyclocross • Central Oregonians win at Cross Crusade: Five Bend residents recorded victories in their respective divisions at the Cross Crusade event

staged Sunday atPortland International Raceway in Port­

land. Chris Sheppard (men's Category A), AndrewSargent (masters men A 35+), David Sjogren (masters men B35+), Lance Haidet (junior men) and Sarah Max (masters women A35+) all posted wins. Shep­ pard, Haidet, Sargentand Max have all won their respective divisions in two of the three

Cross Crusade races to date this season. Also on Sunday,Bend's Tim Jones (masters men35+ A), Cameron Beard (junior men) and Ivy Taylor (junior women) posted third-place finishes. Results of top-10 Central Or­ egon finishers are located in

Cycling Central Scoreboard, below. Complete results are available at obra.org. — Bulletin staff report

CYCLING SCOREBOARD Cyclocross CrossCrusade

Race No. 3, Portland International


Sunday, Porlland Top-10 Central Oregon finishers Men Category A — 1, ChrisSheppard,Bend, 52:58. 6,Scott Gray,Bend,56:23.9,Damian Schmitt,Bend,56:53. 10,BenThompson,Bend,


MastersA35+—1 AndrewSargent, Bend, 58:56. 3,TimJones,Bend,1:00:02 6, BartBow­ en, Bend,sevenlaps. 7, RyanNess,sevenlaps. 9,JohnRolert,seven aps. Category 8 — 6,Cliff Eslinger,Bend,five laps. 9,MattHickey,Bend,five laps. MastersB35+—1, David Siogren, Bend, 40:25. 10,RobAngelo, Bend,41:44. Masters C 35+—6, Kennywolford, Bend,

44:1z Masters50+ 4, Michael Nyberg,4252 Junior — 1, LanceHaidet, Bend,28:49. 3, cameronBeard,Bend.4, Javier colton, Bend, 30:10.

Women Category A—7, BrennaLopez-otero,Bend, u00:56.10,Laurawinberry, Bend,six laps. Categor B 4, Aimee Furber, Bend, 45nz MastersA 35+ — 1, SarahMax,Bend,


Masters6 35+ — 5,CarySchwarz, Bend, 4755 7, HollyPieiffer, Bend,48:2a Masters 45+ — 5, Michelle Bazemo re, Bend,4514 8,GinaMiler, Bend,4701. Beginner — 7,LeslieGriffith, Bend,43:49. Junior — 3,IvyTaylor, Bend,3u21. 5, Han­ nahMavis,Bend,32:57.6,Jennelle Holmes, Bend,34:46.

Bend at Mountain View footdall,7 p.m.: The Civil War

— which almost always


has lntermountain Conference title

Continued from 01 Pitching to chants of "Vo­

implications — is now for pride and for positioning in the

OSAA 5Arankings.

Redmond cli nched the IMC title with a win

over Mountain View on Friday to finish

undefeated in league play. TheCougars (1-1 IMC, 4-4 overall) and the Lava Bears (1-1, 2-5 overall) will play for second place in the

league standings and bragging rights in the intracity rivalry.

District Continued from 01 An accomplished run­ ner herself, Nye says a big part of the push to find a new venue came from her athletes wanting to provide a more memorable experi­ ence for themselves and their fellow competitors. "I'm a runner, and I've raced for a long time," says Nye, an elite-level trail run­ ner. "I appreciate when the course is interesting. The kids have come up with something inte r e sting and really fun for runners "You really have to embrace this i ncredibly b eautiful place we live in," Nye adds. "What's more fun than run­ ning along the river and watching the herons?" Ideally, Nye says, Central

Oregon programs will look into hosting district meets that are less about fast times and more in line with the spirit of trail running and cross-country. "Kids who grow up run­ ning cross-country in Bend are exposed to so many cool trails with hills and moun­ tains," says Nye, who grew up running singletrack in and around Bend. "They learn to love the diversity of our natural area. It's fun to see them want to include that in their racing." — Reporter:541-383-0305, beastes@bendbulletin.com.

gey! Vogey!" from the sell­ out crowd of 43,070 at AT8T Park, the right-hander didn't allow a hit until Daniel Des­ calso's broken-bat single to center with two outs in the fifth. Vogelsong struck out the side in the first and had already fanned five through two innings.

"This place is going to be

loud, I can tell you that," Vogel­ song said of tonight. Scutaro had no chance for a collision with Matt Holliday this time. In their first game back at AT&T Park since Hol­ liday took out the second base­ man with a hard slide in Game 2, Holliday w a s s c ratched about an hour before first pitch b ecause of tightness in h i s lower back, and Allen Craig replaced him in left field. It hardly mattered the way

won at Atlanta to reach the division series. The Cardinals rallied from a 6-0 deficit with a four-run ninth inning to stun the W ashington N a tionals 9-7 in Game 5 of the division series. The Giants got to St. Louis ace Chris Carpenter again. The C ardinals w i n n ingest postseason pitcher with 10 vic­ tories looked out of sync for the second straight start — and he left with a nearly identical line as in his 7-1 Game 2 loss here last Monday, down to the hits, earned runs, unearned runs and innings. C arpenter wa s d o n e i n by one big inning this time, too. He allowed six hits and five runs,two earned,in four innings. Vogelsong r e a ched on shortstop Pete Kozma's field­ ing error in the second, scor­ ing Brandon Belt after he led

off the inning with a t riple. Scutaro came up two batters later and doubled home two more runs. The 10 unearned runs al­ lowed by the Cardinals are the most in an NLCS, according to STATS, LLC — topping the nine given up by the Braves in 2001 and Dodgers in 1985. San Francisco never faced an elimination game in 2010 on the way to w i nning the World Series, but has had to go the distance in each of its first two postseason series this year. They became the first team in major league history to come back from a 2-0 deficit to win a best-of-five series by winning three straight on the road as they did at Cincinnati. They have Vogelsong for this year's run. "He was on top of his game again," G i a nt s man a ger Bruce Bochy said. "He's prob­

ably been as consistent as any starterthis year." The Giants put pressure on Carpenter right away. Scutaro drew a o n e -out walk and Pablo Sandoval dou­ bled off the wall in center on a ball that eluded Jon Jay. Posey followed with a groundout to third to score Scutaro for a 1-0 lead. Scutaro is batting .458 (11

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for 24) during the NLCS. "I don't really know, man," Scutaro said when asked to ex­ plain it. "Just excited to come to the field every day.... Being in this opportunity, just being in the playoffs, is amazing." While the Giants have won

five straight games facing elimination this postseason, the Cardinals have won their past six dating to last year.

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Vogelsong pitched. The C ardinals m a naged their only run on Craig's two­ out single in the sixth. St. Lou­ is had gone 15 innings with­ out scoring after left-hander Barry Zito won 5-0 on Friday in Game 5. "I just tried to do really the same thing he did, come out and set the tone early for us,"



Vogelsong said. Vogelsong had his second stellar seven-inning o u ting a gainst the Cardinals in a week, allowing four hits and one run. He walked one in a 102-pitch performance and lowered his postseason ERA — all this year — to 1.42. "I just believe that it's my time," Vogelsong said. After taking a 3-1 lead back home at Busch Stadium, Mike Matheny's Cardinals will have to find some offense in a hurry if they want to get back to the World Series. "We'vegotto make some ad­ justments but our team's done that all season," Matheny said. "One thing I k now i s these guys take these to heart." These Cards might just pre­ fer close calls. Just like last year. They won the NL's second wild card on the second-to-last day of the regular season, then

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Labradors (2), age 4 BowFlex Xtreme IISE mos., may have inter­ like new upgraded to Wanted: Collector nal medical problems. 410 lb . a l l a t t ach­ seeks high quality Free to good homes. m ents, $599 o b o . fishing items. Eves, 541-279-1263.

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Adjustable un­ Environmental Qual­ Call 541-977-4500 or Found: Hiking shoes DON'TMISS THIS 530-524-3299 Drive @ High Desert of $500 or less, or i n parking l o t o f f business or the term derside ball hitch, $30. ity (DEQ) and the fed­ Yorkies, 2 purebred fe­ Assisted Living, 2660 multiple items "dealer" in their ads. Rotating Cascade Lakes Hwy. males, ready to go! $600 eral E n v ironmental Split, Dry Juniper, Safe h eat NE Mary Rose Place, whose total does Call to iden t i fy Private party advertis­ heater w/controls, $49. Protection each. 541-460-3884 A g e ncy Cedar or Lodgepole DO YOU HAVE 406-570-5051. Bend, Oct. 15-31. not exceed $500. ers are d efined as $200/Cord, (EPA) as having met Call 541-948-4413 SOMETHING TO 210 Drop off your dona­ those who sell one Delivery included! smoke emission stan­ SELL Call Classifieds at Heater, oil filled electric, dards. A REMEMBER: If you tions between 8 a.m. Furniture & Appliances computer. cer t ified 541-923-6987, Iv msg. 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The Bul­ wanted, used W/D's with our 541-923-0882 541-312-2003 541-280-7355 "QUICK CASH J BL, Marantz, D y ­ letin will no t k n ow­ Backpack sprayer, Prineville, SPECIAL" naco, Heathkit, San­ ingly accept advertis­ shovel, pick, pitchfork, 541-447-7178; New Vendors Market ing for the sale of grass edger, hoe, axes, sui, Carver, NAD, etc. 1 week3lines 12 Bdrm set - Headboard OR Craft Cats, Craftsmen 8 Artisans uncertified axe handles, splitting Call 541-261-1808 ot' 541-389-8420. Every Sat. Oct. thru English Bulldogs DOB w/mirror, dresser w/ mauls. 541-504-9747 woodstoves. e k ee! mirror, night s tand, ~ March, 9 a.m. 5 p.m. 8/6/12. Healthy show Piano, Steinway Model Wood outside benches, Ad must Brass foot 8 h e ad­ at Masonic Hall, 1036 p arents AK C 2 for $50. Sportbrella, 0 Baby Grand 19ff, re g . include price of NE 8th St., Bend be­ males/females $1600 board, $500 all, great gorgeous, artist qual­ $49. Piranha paintball t $50c cond., 541-516-8642. hind the 7-11 Store at obo. 541-410-0344 repeater gun, $99. Misc ity instrurnent w/great or less, or multiple Greenwood 8 8th. action 8 S t einway's fireplace items, $89. Koc!More Pix at Bendbttlletin.c GENERATE SOME ex­ items whose total office items, $59. Drawings every Sat. for citement i n your warm, rich sound. Will Misc. does notexceed Angled computer desk $25 gift certificate at a neighborhood! Plan a adorn any living room, w/chair, $500. $99. Compost local business!' garage sale and don't church or music stu­ bin w/free weedeater & forget to advertise in dio perfectly. New re­ Call Classifieds at Ambiance Art Coopera­ spools, $49. classified! tail $ 6 9 ,000. Sacri­ 541-385-5809 541-948-4413 tive, 435 S. Ever­ 541-385-5809. fice at $26,000 OBO, www.bendbulletin.com green, Redmond, is call 541-383-3150. 261 looking for artists and Frenchton pups. Ready Recliner chair, leather craftsman for Nov/Dec for homes on 10/28. Ethan Allen, $ 245. Medical Equipment 260 M77 7mm mag­ Handmade only. Registered parents on Culver, 541-546-9008 Ruger num, Leupold scope, Misc. Items Invacare powered wheel­ $50 mo., 25% comm. site. Puppy package Refrigerator / freezer, custom fin­ chair, Pronto M-51 with Susan, 541-350-4847 included.$900 to $950. stainless steel SxS, wa­ ishes onall-weather scope, barrel & BOXESGreat for mov­ new, never Patty 541- 350-4845 541-548-0747 ter/icemaker, 25cf, ex­ stock. Ammo included. ing/storage, $25 cash. SureStep, used, $2500 obo. Call cellent cond, $495. $750. 541-317-0116 Call 541-318-4577. Just bought a new boat? I(oc!More Pix at Bendbttlletin.c Culver, 541-589-2375 541-546-9008 Sell your old one in the Shorthair AKC classifieds! Ask about our German Refrigerator, works Pups, FC Tonelli's Ris­ Super Seller rates! good, white, $100. ing Sun grand-sired, 541-385-5809 541-526-5854 $550 ea. 541-598-6988

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Ford New Holland Tractor, Di e sel, 2300, hours, 32HP, Incl. push hog, post hole auger, blade, $12,000, 541 -41 0-0929

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Hay, Grain & Feed Wanted: Irrigated farm ground, under pivot ir­ rigation, i n C e n tral 0R. 541 -41 9-271 3

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Boats & Accessories


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Call The Bulletin At NOTICE 541 -385-5809 860 Honda 110 1980 trail All real estate adver­ Place Your Ad Or E-Mail tised here in is sub­ Motorcycles 8 Accessories bike, new tires, runs gd, At: www.bendbulletin.com $500. 541-420-2026 ject to t h e F e deral

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exc. cond., very fast w/very low hours, lots of extras incl. tower, Bimini 8 custom trailer, $1 9,500.

F air Housing A c t , Harley Davidson Soft­ 541 -389-1 41 3 which makes it illegal TaiI De luxe 2 0 0 7, Honda Elite 80 2001, 17' 1984 Chris Craft white/cobalt, w / pas­ to advertise any pref­ 1400 mi., absolutely - Scorpion 140 HP senger kit, Vance 8 erence, limitation or like new., comes w/ inboard/outboard, 2 TURN THE PAGE Hines muffler system 2 bdrm, 1 bath discrimination based carrying rack for 2" depth finders, troll­ I Protection hotline atI $530 8 $540 & kit, 1 045 rn., exc. For More Ads on race, color, reli­ receiver, ideal for use ing motor, full cover, I 1-877-877-9392. Carports 8 A/C included! gion, sex, handicap, cond, $19,9 9 9, w/motorhome, $995, EZ - L oad t railer, The Bulletin Fox Hollow Apts. familial status or na­ 541-389-91 88. 541 -546-6920 OBO. $3500 LTlxc Bitllctig (541) 383-3152 tional origin, or inten­ 541 -382-3728. Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co tion to make any such * Harley Heritage upstairs only with lease preferences, l i m ita­ Softail, 2003 Softail Deluxe 642 tions or discrimination. $5,000+ in extras, VRieo-6(-) 17' Seaswirl 1988 2010, 805 miles, 20.5' Seaswirl Spy­ We will not knowingly $2000 paint job, Apt./Multiplex Redmond Black Chameleon. open bow, r ebuilt der 1989 H.O. 302, I­ 'I WiEflR(-'~'-ll'-I accept any advertis­ 30K mi. 1 owner, Chev V6 e n gine, 285 hrs., exc. cond., $1 7,000 TRIPLEX - 2 b d rm, 2 ing for r ea l e state For more information new uph o lstery, stored indoors for Call Don O please call bath, 1130 sq. ft., w/d which is in violation of $3900 obo. Bend. life $11 900 OBO. 541 -385-8090 541 -41 0-3823 in h o u se , mi c r o, this law. All persons 707-688-4523 541-379-3530 or 209-605-5537 are hereby informed fridge, d/w. WSG & gardener pd., garage that all dwellings ad­ are available w/opener $625/mo. + vertised I 528 security dep., v e ry on an equal opportu­ nity basis. The Bulle­ clean. 541 -604-0338. Loans 8 Mortgages tin Classified 654 WARNING 750 Houses for Rent The Bulletin recom­ Redmond Homes mends you use cau­ SE Bend tion when you pro­ Redmond Worry Free vide personal 20249 Knights Bridge Certified Home $149,000 information to compa­ Place, brand new Landscaped Lot nies offering loans or deluxe 3 bdrm, 2'/2 bath, Huge Move in Ready! credit, especially 1760 sq. ft. home. 800-451-5808 ext 819 those asking for ad­ $1095. 541-350-2206 vance loan fees or 660 Looking for your next companies from out of Winter is on it's way and now is the time to Houses for Rent emp/oyee? state. If you have Place a Bulletin help concerns or ques­ La Pine wanted ad today and tions, we suggest you promote your business in our special reach over 60,000 consult your attorney La Pine - Nice 3 Bd, 2.5 readers each week. or call CONSUMER Ba, in Crescent Creek Service Guide page in Classifieds! HOTLINE, subdivision. Gas appli­ Your classified ad will also appear on 1-877-877-9392. ances 8 fireplace, dbl This special one page guide will feature an option of three different ad sizes. bendbulletin.com garage, fitness center, BANK TURNED YOU which currently re­ park. $800 mo; $900 The guide will run 8 consecutive Fridays beginning November 2nd in our DOWN? Private party deposit. 541-815-5494 ceives over will loan on real es­ 1.5 million page Classjfjeds Section. tate equity. Credit, no views every month problem, good equity at no extra cost. I 4 4 I is all you need. Call Bulletin Classifieds now. Oregon Land Get Results! Mortgage 388-4200. Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line LOCAL MONEYrWebuy at secured trust deeds & bendbulletin.com note, some hard money loans. Call Pat Kelley 541-382-3099 ext. 1 3. 762 745 Homes with Acreage Reverse Mortgages Homes for Sale by local expert Mike LGRoux NML657716 BANK OWNED HOMES! 5 Acres, 2 irrigated, E. side of Bend, 4 bdrm, Call to learn more. FREE List w/Pics! bath, small shed, 541-350-7839 www.BendRepos.com 2.5 must be pre-qualified, Securitv1 Lending bend and beyond real estate *

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IBoats & Accessories

Motor h omes





Fifth Wheels • Trucks & Antique & Sport Utility Vehicles Autom o biles • Automo b iles Heavy Equipment Classic Autos Ads published in the Toyotas: 1999 Avalon Volkswagen Jetta SE, "Boats" classification 254k; 1996 Camry, 2008. 40,500 mi, Great PROJECT CARS: Chevy 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of condition FWD ABS include: Speed, fish­ G R X A T 2-dr FB 1949 & Chevy Hunter's Delight! Pack­ ing, drift, canoe, miles left in these automatic, AC, moon­ Coupe 1950 - rolling age deal! 1988 Win­ cars. Price? You tell roof, CD/MP3& much house and sail boats. chassis's $1750 ea., me! I'd guess nebago Super Chief, more! $12,950 For all other types of Hyster H25E, runs Chevy 4-dr 1949, com­ Jeep Willys 1947,custom, 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t Fleetwood Wilderness 541-771-2312 Country Coach Intrigue $2000-$4000. watercraft, please see piete car, $1949; Ca­ well, 2982 Hours, 2002, 40' Tag axle. shape; 1988 Bronco II 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, Class 875. dillac Series 61 1950, 2 small block Chevy, PS, Your servant, Bob at $3500, call 541-318-9999, no Need help fixing stuff? 541-385-5809 400hp Cummins Die­ 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K rear bdrm, fireplace, dr. hard top, complete OD, mags+trailer. Swap 541-749-0724 AC, W/D hkup beau­ charge for looking. sel. tw o s l ide-outs. mostly towed miles, Call A Service Professional w/spare front c l ip., for backhoe.No am calls please. 541-389-6990 4 1,000 m iles, n e w nice rig! $15,000 both. tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. find the help you need. $3950, 541-382-7391 541-81 5-2380 tires & batteries. Most 541-382-3964, leave www.bendbulletin.com Mercury M o u ntaineer msg. GENERATE SOME ex­ options.$95,000 OBO 1999 A WD , le a ther 541-678-5712 citement in your neig­ seats, moonroof, key­ II.' 1 Itasca Spirit Class C borhood. Plan a ga­ VW Karman Ghia pad entry, 141K, $3,000. 2007, 20K miles, front 1970, good cond., 541-312-8290 rage sale and don't Peterbilt 359 p o table entertainment center, forget to advertise in new upholstery and "Arctic Fox Silver Edition 1140, 2005. 5 hrs on t ruck, 1 9 90, convertible all bells & whistles, K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 water top. classified! 385-5809. 5hp gen; air, slideouf, dry bath, like new, loaded! . extremely good con­ slide, AC, TV, awning. 3200 gal. tank, e $10,000. p ump, 4 - 3 hoses, 541-389-2636 Also 2004Dodge Ram 3500 quad cab dua//y dition, 2 s l ides, 2 NEW: tires, converter, camlocks, $ 2 5,000. 4x4, 11,800 mi, SuperHitch..." Serving Ceniral Oregon since1903 HDTV's, $45,000 batteries. Hardly used. 541-820-3724 Econoline RV 19 8 9, OBO. 541-447-5484 Richard, Bend, OR $15,500. 541-923-2595 fully loaded, exc. cond, 925 Used out-drive 35K m i. , R e duced Porsche Cayenne 2004, Get Results from Qualified parts - Mercury Utility Trailers $17,950. 541-546-6133 86k, immac, dealer Central OregonBuyers! OMC rebuilt ma­ maint'd, loaded, now Call us at 541-385-5809 and ask rine motors: 151 $17000. 503-459-1580 CAN'T BEAT THIS! about our Whee/ Deal S ecial! $1595; 3.0 $1895; Look before you VW Thing 1974, good Toyota Highlander I 4.3 (1993), $1995. buy, below market Big Tex Landscap­ cond. Extremely Rare! Sport2008, ¹078933 541-389-0435 3585 2008, value! Size & mile­ Jayco Seneca 2 007, MONTANA Only built in 1973 & ing/ ATV Trailer, $24,995 exc. cond., 3 slides, 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy aqe DOES matter! dual axle flatbed, 1974. $8,000. 5500 d i e sel, to y king bed, Irg LR, Arc­ Class A 32' Hurri­ 7'x16', 7000 lb. 541-389-2636 hauler $130 , 000. tic insulation, all op­ cane by Four Winds, GVW, all steel, www .bendbulletis I Wat e rcraft tions $37,500. Oregon 541-389-2636. 2007. 12,500 mi, all 933 $1400. 541-420-3250 AutoSource amenities, Ford V10, 541-382-4115, or Pickups 541-598-3750 Ithr, cherry, slides, 541-280-7024. 2007 SeaDoo NuWa 29 7LK H i t ch­ like new! New low aaaoregonautosource.com 2004 Waverunner, Hiker 2007, 3 slides, price, $54,900. Chev short box 32' touring coach, left excellent condition, 932 541-548-5216 step-side pickup, kitchen, rear lounge, LOW hours. Double • Vans Antique & many extras, beautiful 1987, excellent trailer, lots of extras. c ond. inside & o u t , Classic Autos shape inside & out, G ulfstream Sc e n i c Immaculate! $10,000 all electric, all 541-719-8444 Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, Beaver Coach Marquis $34,499 OBO, Prinev­ Cummins 330 hp die­ 40' 1987. New cover, ille. 541-447-5502 days works, $4500. & 541-447-1641 eves. sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 new paint (2004), new 541-382-5309 Where can you find a in. kitchen slide out, inverter (2007). Onan 1921 Model T new tires,under cover, helping hand? 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, Legal Notices • Legal Notices hwy. miles only,4 door parked covered $35,000 Delivery Truck Chevrolet G20 Sports­ From contractors to f ridge/freezer ice ­ obo. 541-419-9859 or Restored & Runs man, 1993, exlnt cond, PARTIES LEGAL NOTICE yard care, it's all here maker, W/D combo, 541-280-2014 $4750. 541-362-5559 or $9000. IS IN T H E CI R C UIT NOTICE 541-663-6046 Interbath t ub & in The Bulletin's 541-389-8963 GIV E N C OURT FOR T H E H EREBY shower, 50 amp pro­ P ilgrim 27', 2007 5 t h "Call A Service t hat G erald J o h n STATE OF OREGON pane gen & m o re! wheel, 1 s lide, AC, Chevy Silverado 2500 Chevy Astro I N AND FO R T H E B allard has b e e n Professional" Directory $55,000. TV,full awning, excel­ HD LT 2001 Crew Cargo Van 2001, C OUNTY OF D E S­ appointed personal 541-948-2310 lent shape, $23,900. 6.6L diesel auto 4X4 pw, pdl, great cond., CHUTES. Deutsche representative of the Ads published in eWa­ 541-350-8629 98K, exc. cnd $17,900 business car, well Bank Trust Company a bove-entitled e s ­ tercraft" include: Kay­ Monaco Dynasty 2004, 541-312-9312 Just too many m aint, regular o i l p e r sons Americas as Trustee tate. Al l aks, rafts and motor­ loaded, 3 slides, die­ 'cs "' 'na se'a hkrc) c hanges, $4 5 0 0 , R ALI claim s 2005Q A 3 , h aving collectibles? ized personal el, Reduced - now Chevy C-20 Pickup call please P laintiff, v . Mar t i n against the estate watercrafts. For 119,000, 5 4 1-923­ 541-633-5149 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; Kuba; Pheasant Run a re r e q uired t o " boats" please s e e Sell them in 572 or 541-749-0037 auto 4-spd, 396, model Homeowners A s so­ present them, with Class 870. The Bulletin Classifieds CST /all options, orig. Chevy G-20 c u stom ciation; Wells Fargo vouchers attached, 541-385-5809 owner $24 000 Pilgrim In t e rnational conversion travel van Bank, N.A.; and Oc­ to the undersigned 541-923-6049 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, Ford 250 XLT 1990, 1994 128k, 5.7L, rear cupants of the Pre­ personal represen­ 541-385-5809 Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 6 yd. dump bed, elect. bed, 75% tires. a mises, D e f endants. tative at 60865 Emi­ Fall price $ 2 1,865. 139k, Auto, $5500. real beauty in & out! Case No. 12CV0405. grant Drive, Bend, 541-312-4466 541-410-9997 Travel in economy and SUMMONS BY PUB­ O regon 9770 1 , Southwind 35.5' Triton, style and under $4000. LICATION. TO THE within four months 2008,V10, 2slides, Du­ Bob, 541-318-9999 after the date of first DEFENDANTS: pont UV coat, 7500 mi. MARTIN KUBA: In the p ublication of t h is Bought new at 1980 Chevy C30, 16K Ford F250 XLT 4x4 notice, or the claims name of the State of $132,913; original miles, 400 cu in, L ariat, 1990, r e d, Automobiles Oregon, yo u ar e may be barred. asking $93,500. auto, 4WD, winch. $7000 80K original miles, All persons whose h ereby required t o C a/I 54/-3 8 5 -5 8 0 9 Call 541-419-4212 obo. 541-389-2600 appear and answer rights may be af­ 4" lift with 39's, well Audi S4 Cabriolet 2005 Regal Prowler AX6 Ex­ to r o m ot e o u r s ervice 50K mi, red w/charcoal the c omplaint f i led fected by the pro­ maintained, $4000 treme Edition 38' '05, interior, 2 sets tires, a gainst you i n t h e ceedings may ob­ obo. 541-419-5495 • T r a vel Trailers • 4 slides,2 fireplaces, all exc. cond., $19,950 above-entitled C ourt tain additional maple cabs, king bed/ 541-350-5373. and cause on or be­ information from the bdrm separated w/slide records of the court, fore the expiration of NOTICE: Oregon state N OTICE: O R E G O N glass dr,loaded,always Buicks! 1996 Regal, 30 days from the date the personal repre­ law req u ires any­ Landscape Contrac­ garaged,lived in only 3 87k; 1997 LeSabre, of the first publication sentative, Jonathan one who c o n tracts tors Law (ORS 671) mo,brand new $54,000, Chevy Wagon 1957, 112k; and others! 4-dr., complete, of this summons. The G. Basham, 300 SW for construction work r equires a l l bu s i ­ still like new, $28,500, You'll not find nicer S t r eet, date of first publica­ Columbia to be licensed with the nesses that advertise will deliver,see rvt.com, $15,000 OBO, trades, Buicks $3500 8 up. tion in this matter is Suite 101 , B e n d, C onstruction Con ­ to p e r form L a n d­Pioneer Spirit 18CK, ad¹4957646 for pics. please call One look's worth a Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, 541-420-5453. O ctober 8, 2012. I f OR 97702. tractors Board (CCB). scape C o nstruction 2007, used only 4x, AC, Cory, 541-580-7334 7 1K, X- c ab , X L T, thousand words. Call you fail timely to ap­ D ATED an d f i r s t A n active lice n se which includes: electric tongue j ack, Bob, 541-318-9999. auto, 4 . 0L, $ 8 4 00 Chrysler 300 C o upe 885 pear an d a n swer, published this 15th means the contractor p lanting, decks , $8995. 541-389-7669 for an appt. and take a OBO. 541-388-0232 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, day o f Oc t o ber, Plaintiff will apply to i s bonded an d i n ­ fences, arbors, ROUA Digorgio 1971 Canopies 8 Campers drive in a 30 mpg. car auto. trans, ps, air, the abo v e -entitled 2012. s ured. Ve r ify t h e w ater-features, a n d fridge, heater, propane frame on rebuild, re­ GMC 9/4-ton Cadillac CTS S e dan court for t h e r e lief Gerald John Ballard, contractor's CCB installation, repair of 8 elec. lights, awning, C aribou painted original blue, p er 4WD, 1997, 2007, 29K, auto, exc. Personal prayed for in its com­ c ense through t h e irrigation systems to 2 spares, extra insu­ 1995, modelCam original blue interior, Diesel engine, extra cond, loaded, $17,900 Representative 11M, plaint. This is a judi­ CCB Cons u m er be licensed with the lation for late season A/C, electric jacks, original hub caps, exc. cab, good shape, OBO, 541-549-8828 cial foreclosure of a 60865 Emigrant Drive, Website Landscape Contrac­ hunting/cold weather chrome, asking $9000 electric windows, www.hirealicensedcontractor. deed of trust in which Bend, Oregon 97702 t ors B o a rd . Th i s camping, well maint, micro, 2.5K propane Cadillac El Do r ado or make offer. com gen, awning. Ford door locks & seats, 4-digit number is to be very roomy, sleeps 5, Plaintiff requests 541-385-9350 1994, T otal c r e a m the or call 503-378-4621. included in all adver­ $5000 obo. that the Plaintiff be reat f o r hu n t ing, F -350 X L T 1 9 9 9 , puff, body, paint, trunk allowed to foreclose The Bulletin recom­ tisements which indi­ 7 .3L d i esel, 4 x 4 541-382-5309 3200, 541-410-6561 LEGAL NOTICE as showroom, blue mends checking with cate the business has crewcab, 162K mi., our interest in t he On October 5, 2012 leather, $1700 wheels yfollowing the CCB prior to con­ a bond, insurance and $13,000 pkg. W ill d e s cnbed Look at: an application was w/snow tires although real property: LOT 2 tracting with anyone. workers c ompensa­ sell camper sepa­ Chrys/er SD 4-Door car has not been wet OF PHEASANT RUN filed with the FCC to Bendhomes.com Some other t r ades tion for their employ­ rately fo r $ 4 500. 1930, CD S R oyal t ransfer control o f in 8 years. On trip to P HASE I, CITY O F also req u ire addi­ ees. For your protec­ 541-548-3610 for Complete Listings of Standard, 8-cylinder, Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., BEND, DESCHUTES GCC Bend, LLC., lic­ tional licenses and body is good, needs Area Real Estate for Sale $5400, tion call 503-378-5909 ensee of radio sta­ 541-593-4016. certifications. COUNTY, OREGON. tions KICE, 940 kHz, or use our website: S pringdale 2005 27', 4' some r e s toration, runs, taking bids, Commonly known as: www.lcb.state.or.us to slide in dining/living area, 92.9 mHz, and Debris Removal Cadillac Seville STS 541-383-3888, 61192 Lod g epole KRXF, check license status sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 KMGX, 100.1 mHz, 2003 - just finished 541-815-3318 Drive, Bend, Oregon before con t racting obo. 541-408-3811 Bend, KSJJ, 1 02.9, I nternational Fla t JUNK BE GONE $4900 engine work 97702. NOTICE TO with t h e bu s iness. Redmond, and KXIX, Bed Pickup 1963, 1 I Haul Away FREE by Certified GM me­ DEFENDANTS: Persons doing land­ 94.1 mHz, Sunriver, ton dually, 4 s pd. chanic. Has every­ For Salvage. Also R EAD THESE P A ­ O regon, from T h e scape maintenance trans., great MPG, Cleanups & Cleanouts thing but navigation. PERS CAREFULLY! John Bradfield Gross do not require a LCB could be exc. wood Too many bells and Mel, 541-389-8107 A lawsuit has been Trust, John B. Gross, license. hauler, runs great, w histles t o l i s t . started against you in Trustee, to The John new brakes, $1950. Handyman bought a new one. the abo v e -entitled Bradfield Gross Credit USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 541-419-5480. $4900 FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, court b y D e utsche Shelter Trust, Sue E. ERIC REEVE HANDY 541-420-1283 slide,Bunkhouse style, door panels w/flowers Bank Trust Company K ain, Trustee. T h e Aircraft, Parts Door-to-door selling with SERVICES. Home & sleeps 7-8, excellent & hummingbirds, Americas as Trustee other officers, direc­ & Service Commercial Repairs, fast results! It's the easiest condition, $ 1 6 ,900, white soft top & hard R ALI 2005Q A 3 , tors and owners are way in the world to sell. Carpentry-Painting, 541-390-2504 top. Just reduced to Plaintiff. Pla i ntiff's James M. Gross, Sue Pressure-washing, I nternational Fla t claims are stated in $3,750. 541-317-9319 E . K ai n a n d th e The Bulletin Classified Honey Do's. On-time Bed Pickup 1963, 1 or 541-647-8483 the written complaint, J ames M . Gr o s s promise. Senior t on dually, 4 s p d. 541-385-5809 a copy of which was rggrer Trust, J a me s M. Discount. Work guar­ trans., great MPG, filed wit h t he Gross, Trustee. anteed. 541-389-3361 Nelson Landscape could be exc. wood Chrysler Sebring2006 above-entitled Court. or 541-771-4463 hauler, runs great, Fully loaded, exc.cond, You must "appear" in A copy of the applica­ 1/3 interest in Colum­ Maintenance Bonded & Insured new brakes, $1950. very low miles (38k), this case or the other tion, amendments and bia 400, located at Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 Serving CCB¹181595 541-419-5480. always garaged, side will win automati­ related materials are Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. 29', weatherized, like Central Oregon transferable warranty c ally. T o "appear" on file for public in­ I DO THAT! Ford Galaxie 500 1963, n ew, f u rnished & Call 541-647-3718 incl $8600 you must file with the spection at 345 SW Residential Home/Rental repairs 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, ready to go, incl Wine­ 541-330-4087 court a legal paper Cyber Dr. ¹101-103, Small jobs to remodels & Commercial ard S a t ellite dish,1 /3 interest i n w e l l ­390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & equipped IFR Beech radio (orig),541-419-4989 called a "motion" or Honest, guaranteed 26,995. 541-420-9964 " answer." T h e emo­ Bend Oregon 97702 B onanza A 36 , l o ­ work. CCB¹151573 Ford Crown Vic. Ford Mustang Coupe tion" or "answer" must cated KBDN. $55,000. Dennis 541-317-9768 1997 4 door, 127k, 1966, original owner, 541-419-9510 be given to the court d rives, runs a n d V8, automatic, great RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L LEGAL NOTICE clerk or administrator Home Improvement Viking Tent t railer looks great, extra • Snow Removal shape, $9000 OBO. hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, within 30 days of the The Redmond School Executive Hangar 2 008, clean, s e lf set of winter tires on 530-515-8199 • Sprinkler Repair am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. se e king at Bend Airport date of first publica­ District i s Kelly Kerfoot Const. contained, sleeps 5, rims, only $3000. 541-420-3634 /390-1285 tion specified herein q ualified people t o 28 yrs exp in Central OR! • Back Flow Testing (KBDN) easy to tow, great 541-771-6500. 60' wide x 50' deep, a long with th e r e ­ apply for a vacancy Quality & honesty, from • Fall Clean up Ford Ranchero cond. $5200, obo. 935 w/55' wide x 17' high q uired filing fee. I t on its Board of Direc­ carpentry & handyman •Weekly Mowing 1979 541-383-7150. Sport Utility Vehicles bi-fold door. Natural must be i n p r o per tors. jobs, to expert wall cov­ Senior Discounts with 351 Cleveland Infinity G35 Coupe form and have proof ering install / removal. gas heat, office, bath­ modified engine. Bonded & Insured 2004, B l a ck , 1 room. Parking for 6 o f service o n t h e The board consists of Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 Body is in 541-815-4458 owner, no accidents, Plaintiff's attorney or, five members elected Licensed/bonded/insured c ars. A djacent t o excellent condition, LCB¹8759 manual trans., great 541-389-1413 /410-2422 Frontage Rd; g r eat if the Plaintiff does not at large. Those inter­ $2500 obo. cond., n a vigation, have a n at t o rney, ested must be regis­ visibility for a viation 541-420-4677 74K m i . , $6 2 0 0. proof of service on the tered voters and resi­ Landscaping/Yard Care 1jetjock©q.com Weekend Warrior Toy bus. Please call 541-948-2126 Plaintiff. If you have dents of the Redmond Hauler 28' 2007,Gen, Buick Enclave 2008 CXL 541-593-2321 or any questions, you School District for one Ford T-Bird 1966 fuel station, exc cond. AWD, V-6, black, clean, email should see an attor­ year immediately pre­ 390 engine, power sleeps 8, black/gray Discounts available mechanicall y sound, 82k johnmason2280@ ceding the a ppoint­ n ey immediately. I f everything, new Call Cutting Edge i nterior, u se d 3X , Z~r/C zQua8rip miles. $22,900. gmail.com y ou need h el p i n ment. paint, 54K original Lawnworks: $24,999. Call 541-815-1216 egh finding an a t torney Zau< dar e y,, miles, runs great, 541-389-9188 541-815-4097 • you may contact the A pplications will b e excellent cond. in & Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 LCB ¹8451 Oregon State Bar's taken at the District More Than Service out. Asking $8 500 4x4. 120K mi, Power Looking for your ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP Lawyer Referral Ser­ Office, located at 145 541-480-3179 seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd Peace Of M!nd Call The Yard Doctor next employee? SHARE LEFT! vice onl i n e at SE Salmon Avenue, row seating, e xtra for yard maintenance, Place a Bulletin help Economical flying in www.oregonstatebar. until Friday, October tires, CD, pnvacy tint­ thatching, sod, sprin­ wanted ad today and Fall Clean Up your ow n C e ssna ing, upgraded rims. org or by calling (503) 26, 2012 at 5:00p.m. kler blowouts, water Don't track it in all Winter reach over 60,000 172/180 HP for only Mercedes E420 1994, Fantastic cond. $7995 684-3763 ( in t h e The board anticipates features, more! •Leaves readers each week. $ 10,000! Based a t Contact Timm at great cond., records, Portland metropolitan interviewing c a n di­ Allen 541-536-1294 •Cones Your classified ad BDN. Ca/I Gabe at 541-408-2393 for info a raged, a gem . area) or toll-free else­ dates the week of No­ • Needles LCB 5012 will also appear on Professional Air! or to view vehicle. 4,950. 541-610-9986 where in Oregon at v ember 12 , 2 0 1 2 . • Pruning bendbulletin.com ~ 5 4 1 -388-0019 • GMC Vgton 1971, Only Please contact Trish (800) 452-7636. This • Debris Hauling BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS which currently re­ Mitsubishi 3 00 0 G T summons is issued Huspek at $19,700! Original low Search the area's most ceives over 1.5 mil­ 1 999, a u to., p e a r l pursuant to ORCP 7. 541.923.8247 or visit 915 mile, exceptional, 3rd comprehensive listing of lion page views ev­ w hite, very low m i . Gutter the Board of Director's ROUTH CRABTREE Trucks & Ford Excu r sion $9500. 541-788-8218. classified advertising... ery month at no OLSEN, P.C. By Chris webpage at Cleaning Heavy Equipment 2005, 4WD, diesel, real estate to automotive, extra cost. Bulletin www.redmond.k12.or. Fowler, O SB ¹ Nissan Sentra, 2012­ merchandise to sporting Classifieds Get Re­ exc. cond., $18,900, 052544, Attorneys for us for more informa­ 12,610 mi, full warranty, Compost call 541-923-0231. goods. Bulletin Classifieds sults! Call 385-5809 Plaintiff, 621 SW Al­ tion or to download an PS, PB, AC, & more! appear every day in the or place your ad Applications der St., Suite 800, application packet. $17,000. 541-788-0427 on-line at 1965, Exc. All original, print or on line. Use Less Water Portland, OR 97205, 4-dr. sedan, in stor­ bendbulletin.com GMC Denali 2003 Call 541-385-5809 PORSCHE 914 1974, $$$ SAVE $$$ (503) 459-0140; Fax The person appointed age last 15 yrs., 390 loaded with options www.bendbulletin.com Roller (no engine), 425-974-1649, will serve January 9, Improve Soil High C o m pression Exc. cond., snow lowered, full roll cage, cfowler@rcolegal.com 2013 - June 30, 2013 Diamond Reo Dump engine, new tires & li­ tires and rims in­ 5-pt harnesses, rac­ and will fill the va­ 2012 Maintenance Servhng Cetral Ongo sn«e 1903 Truck 1974, 12 -14 c ense, reduced t o cluded. 130k hwy ing seats, 911 dash & LEGAL NOTICE cancy created by the Package Available yard box, runs good, $2850, 541-410-3425. miles. $9,500 obo. instruments, d e cent IN THE CIRCUIT resignation o f Jim weekly, monthly Aeration/Fall Clean-up $6900, 541-548-6812 541-41 9-4890. shape, v e r y c o ol! COURT OF THE Erickson effective De­ BOOK NOW! and $1699. 541-678-3249 STATE OF OREGON c ember 31 , 2 0 12. Weekly/one-time service one time service FOR THE COUNTY Anyone wishing to be avail. Bonded, insured, OF CROOK elected to serve the free estimates! Toyota Camry'sr EXPERIENCED In the Matter of the remaining t w o-year COLLINS Lawn Maint. 1984, $1200 obo; Commercial Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 Estate of Ca//541-480-9714 portion of the & Residential 1985 SOLD; four-year term may by Carriage, 4 slide­ Plymouth B a r racuda GAREN EUGENE trai l e r 1966, original car! 300 1986 parts car, BALLARD, file an application with Bend Landscaping outs, inverter, satel­ E conoline Free Estimates 16-Ton 29 ' B ed, hp, 360 V8, center­ GMC Yukon XL S LT lite sys, fireplace, 2 $500. Deceased. the Deschutes County Sprinkler Blowouts, Senior Discounts flat screen TVs. w/fold up ramps, elec. lines, (Original 273 Case No. 12-PB-0093 C lerk's O f fice f o r and Winterization 2004, loaded w/fac­ Call for details, 541-390-1466 541-382-1655 $60,000. brakes, P i n t lehitch, eng & wheels incl.) tory dvd, 3rd s eat, NOTICE TO placement on the May 541-548-6592 Same Day Response LCB¹ 7990 541-480-3923 $4700, 541-548-6812 541-593-2597 INTERESTED $7100. 541-280-6947 21, 2013 ballot. •



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Sprinkler Blowouts



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Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Leg a l Notices •

LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE The Trustee under the terms of the Trust Deed described herein, at the

direction of the Beneficiary, hereby elects to sell the property described in the Trust Deed to satisfy the obligations secured thereby. Pursuant to ORS 86.745, the following information is provided: 1.PARTIES: Grantor: ANDREW JOHNSON AND LORI A. JOHNSON. Trustee:AMERITITLE. Successor Trustee:NANCY K. CARY. Beneficiary:SIUSLAW BANK. 2. DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: The real property is described as fol­ lows: Lot Five (5) in Block Twelve (12) of MOUNTAIN VILLAGE EAST II, DeschutesCounty, Oregon. 3.RECORDING. The TrustDeed was re­ corded as follows: Date Recorded: September 21, 2005. Recording No.: 2005-63691 Official Records of Deschutes County, Oregon. 4.DEFAULT. The Grantor or any other person obligated on the Trust Deed and Promis­ sory Note secured thereby is in default and the Beneficiary seeks to fore­ close the Trust Deed for failure to pay: Monthly payments in the amount of $1,541.27 each, due the first of each month, for the months of Decem­ ber 2011 through July 2012; plus late charges and advances; plus any unpaid real property taxes or liens, plus interest. 5.AMOUNT DUE. The amount due on the Note which is secured by the Trust Deed referred to herein is: Principal balance in the amount of $226,709.91; plus interest at the rate of 6.3750% per annum from November 1, 2011; plus late charges of $539.42; plus advances and foreclosure attorney fees and costs. 6. SALE OF PROPERTY. The Trustee hereby states that the property will be sold to satisfy the obligations secured by the Trust Deed. A Trustee's Notice of Default and Election to Sell Under Terms of Trust Deed has been recorded in the Official Records of Deschutes County, Oregon. 7. TIME OF SALE. Date:December 13, 2012. Time:11:00 a.m. Place:Des­ chutes County Courthouse, 1164 NW Bond Street, Bend, Oregon. 8. RIGHT TO REINSTATE. Any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time that is not later than five days before the Trustee conducts the sale, to have this foreclosure dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due, other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred, by curing any other default that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or Trust Deed and by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and Trust Deed, together with the trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amount provided in ORS 86.753. You may reach the Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Referral Service at 503-684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at 800-452-7636 or you may visit its website at: www.osbar.org. Legal as­ sistance may be available if you have a low income and meet federal pov­ erty guidelines. For more information and a directory of legal aid pro­ grams, go to http://www.oregonlawhelp.org. Any questions regarding this matter should be directed to Lisa Summers, Paralegal, (541) 686-0344 (TS ¹07754.30495). DATED: July 24, 2012. /s/ Nancy K. Cary. Nancy K. Cary, Successor Trustee, Hershner Hunter, LLP, P.O. Box 1475, Eugene, OR 97440.


Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices


The trust deed to be foreclosed pursuant to Oregon law is referred to as follows (the "Trust Deed"): Grantor: Michael E. Kasper and Michele E. Kasper. Trustee: Deschutes County Title Company. Beneficiary: River­ mark Community Credit Union. Date: June 30, 2008. Recording Date: July 8, 2008. Recording Reference: 2008-29079. County of Recording: DeschutesCounty.The Successor Trustee is M iles D. M onson and the mailing address of the Successor Trustee is: Miles D. Monson, "TRUSTEE", Anderson 8 Monson, P.C., Cascade Square, Suite 450, 8625 SW Cascade Avenue,Beaverton, OR 97008. The Trust Deed cov­ ers the following described real property in the County of Deschutes and State of Oregon, ("the Property"): See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and in­ corporated herein which describes the Property The default for which foreclosure is made is: Exhibit A - PARCEL I: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 22 South, Range 10 East of the Wil­ lamette Meridian, Deschutes County, Oregon; thence South 0'21' West, 331.84 feet to the Southeast corner of the North half of said Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 16; thence South 89'10' West along the South line of said North half, 131.31 feet; thence North 0'21' East parallel with the East line of said Southwest quarter, 331.76 feet to the North line of said Southwest quarter; thence North 89'08' East, 131.31 feet to the point of beginning. EX­ CEPTING THEREFROM the North 30 feet for roadway easement pur­ poses. PARCEL II: Beginning at a point on the North line of the South­ west quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 22 South, Range 10 East of the Willamette Meridian, Des­ chutes County, Oregon, said point being 131.31 feet South 89'08 West from the Northeast corner of said Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section; thence South 0'21' West parallel with the East line of said Southwest quarter, 331.76 feet to the South line of the North half of said Southwest quarter; thence South 89'10' West along the South line of said North half, 131.39 feet; thence North 0 21' East, 331.67 feet to the North line of said Southwest quarter; thence North 89'08 East, 131.39 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPT­ ING THEREFROM the North 30 feet for roadway easement purposes. The Grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly install­ ments of $466.99 beginning April 1, 2011 through the installment due No­ vember 1, 2011, plus late charges. The sum owing on the obligation that the Trust Deed secures (the "Obligation") is: $69,906.99, plus interest of $2,752.61 through October 1, 2011, plus interest on the principal sum of $69,906.99 at a variable rate of interest which is at the rate of 6.75 per­ cent per annum from October 2, 2011 until paid, together with Trustee's fees, attorney's fees, foreclosure costs and any sums advanced by the Beneficiary pursuant to the Trust Deed. The Notice of Default and original Notice of Sale given pursuant thereto stated that the Property would be sold on September 11, 2012 at the hour of 1:00 P.M. at the Deschutes County Courthouse, Front West Entrance, 1164 NW Bond Street, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes and State of Oregon. Subsequent to the recording of the Notice of Default the original sale proceedings were stayed by the Grantors filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy case on June 7, 2012. The Beneficiary did not participate in obtaining such stay. The stay terminated on September 11, 2012, when an Order Re: Relief From Debtor Stay was signed by the court. The Property will be sold to satisfy the Obligation. The date, time and place of the sale is: Date: DECEMBER 12, 2012. Time: 1:00 P.M. Place: DESCHUTES COUNTY COURT­ HOUSE, FRONT WEST ENTRANCE, 1164 NW BOND STREET, CITY OF BEND, COUNTY OF DESCHUTES AND STATE OF OREGON. RIGHT TO CURE - The right exists under ORS 86.753 to have this fore­ closure proceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by doing all of the following at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale: (1) Paying to the Beneficiary the entire amount then due (other than such portion as would not then be due, had no default oc­ curred); (2) Curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the Trust Deed; and (3) Paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforc­ ing the obligation and Trust Deed, together with Trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "Grantor" includes any successor in interest to the Grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by the Trust Deed, and the words "Trustee" and "Beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. We are a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any infor­ mation we obtain will be used to collect the debt. Cashier's checks for the foreclosure sale must be made payable to Miles D. Monson, Successor Trustee. Bankruptcy Information: The personal liability of the grantors to pay the debt owed to Beneficiary was discharged in the grantors' chapter 7 bankruptcy case, however, the Trust Deed lien against the real property described above remains in existence and is in full force and effect. Ben­ eficiary will not seek to enforce any debt obligation as a personal liability of the grantors as a discharge order was entered in their bankruptcy case. Beneficiary is merely foreclosing its lien which was not be effected by any bankruptcy discharge. DATED: September 27, 2012. /s/ Miles D. Monson. Miles D.Monson, Successor Trustee, Cascade Square -Suite 450, 8625 SW Cascade Avenue,Beaverton, Oregon 97008, Telephone: (503) 646-9230.

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Legal Notices



Legal Notices

Legal Notices


County, Oregon, in book / reel / volume number fee / file / instrument / microfile / reception number 2009-42439, , covering the following de­ scribed real property situated in said County and State, to wit: APN: 107523 - LOT 9, BLOCK QQ, DESCHUTES RIVER WOODS, DES­ CHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. Commonly known as: 19260 SHOS­ HONE ROAD, BEND, OR 97702. Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.735(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes: the default for which the foreclosure is made is the grantors: The installments of principal and interest which became due on 11/1/2011, and all subsequent installments of principal and interest through the date of this Notice, plus amounts that are due for late charges, delinquent property taxes, insurance premiums, advances made on senior liens, taxes and/or insurance, trustee's fees, and any attorney fees and court costs arising from or associated with the benefi­ ciaries efforts to protect and preserve its security, all of which must be paid as a condition of reinstatement, including all sums that shall accrue through reinstatement or pay-off. Nothing in this notice shall be con­ strued as a waiver of any fees owing to the Beneficiary under the Deed of Trust pursuant to the terms of the loan documents. Monthly Payment $1,103.00 Monthly Late Charge $55.15 By this reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all obliga­ tions secured by said deed of trust immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to wit: The sum of $153,672.54 together with interest thereon at the rate of 5.5000 per annum from 10/1/2011 until paid; plus all accrued late charges thereon; and all trustee's fees, fore­ closure costs and any sums advanced by the beneficiary pursuant to the terms of said deed of trust. Whereof, notice hereby is given that Quality Loan Services Corporation of Washington, the undersigned trustee will on 2/19/2013 at the hour of 01:00 PM, Standard of Time, as established by section 187.110, Or­ egon Revised Statutes, at At the front entrance to the Deschutes County Courthouse, 1164 NW Bond St., Bend, OR 97701 County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of execution by him of the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, includ­ ing a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in section 86.753 of Or­ egon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee's and attorney's fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. For Sale Information Call: 714-573-1965 or Login to: www.priorityposting.com. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective suc­ cessors in interest, if any. Pursuant to Oregon Law, this sale will not be deemed final until the Trustee's deed has been issued by Quality Loan Services Corporation of Washington. If there are any irregularities discovered within 10 days of the date of this sale, that the trustee will rescind the sale, return the buyer's money and take further action as necessary. If the sale is set aside for any reason, including if the Trustee is unable to convey title, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the monies paid to the Trustee. This shall be the Purchaser's sole and exclusive remedy. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Trustor, the Trustee, the Beneficiary, the Beneficiary's Agent, or the Be­ neficiary's Attorney. If you have previously been discharged through bankruptcy, you may have been released of personal liability for this loan in which case this letter is intended to exercise the note holder's rights against the real property only. THIS OFFICE IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. As

required by law, you are hereby notified that a negative credit report reflecting on your credit record may be submitted to a credit report agency if you fail to fulfill the terms of your credit obligations. Dated: 10/8/2012 Quality Loan Services Corporation of Washington, as Trustee Signature By: Tricia Moreno, Assistant Secretary Quality Loan Service Corp. of Washington c/o Quality Loan Service Corp. 2141 5th Avenue San Diego, CA 92101 For Non-Sale Information: Quality Loan Services Corporation of Washington c/o Quality Loan Service Corp. 2141 5th A v enue Sa n D i ego, C A 9 2 101 6 19-645-7711 Fax: 619-645-771 6

NOTICE TO RESIDENTIAL TENANTS The property in which you are living is in foreclosure. A foreclosure sale is scheduled for 2/19/2012. The date of this sale may be postponed. Unless the lender that is foreclosing on this property is paid before the sale date, the foreclosure will go through and someone new will own this property. After the sale, the new owner is required to provide you with contact information and notice that the sale took place. The following information applies to you only if you are a bona fide tenant occupying and renting this property as a residential dwelling under a l egitimate rental agreement. The information does not apply to you if you own this property or if you are not a bona fide residential tenant. If the foreclosure sale goes through, the new owner will have the right to require you to move out. Before the new owner can require you to move, the new owner must provide you with written notice that specifies the date by which you must move out. If you do not leave before the move-out date, the new owner can have the sheriff remove you from the property after a court hearing. You will receive notice of the court hearing. PROTECTION FROM EVICTION IF YOU ARE A BONA FIDE TENANT


TERM LEASE; OR o ATLEAST 90 DAYS FROM THE DATE YOU ARE GIVEN A WRITTEN TERMINATION NOTICE. If the new owner wants to move in and use this property as a primary residence, the new owner can give you written notice and require you to move out after 90 days, even though you have a fixed term lease with more than 90 days left. You must be provided with at least 90 days' written notice after the foreclosure sale before you can be required to move. A bona fide tenant is a residential tenant who is not the borrower (property owner) or a child, spouse or parent of the borrower, and whose rental agreement: o Is the result of an arm's-length transaction; o Requires the payment of rent that is not substantially less than fair market rent for the property, unless the rent is reduced or subsidized due to a federal, state or local subsidy; and o Was entered into prior to the date of the foreclosure sale. ABOUT Y O U R TE N A N C Y BE T W E E N N OW A ND THE FORECLOSURE SALE: RENT YOU SHOULD CONTINUE TO PAY RENT TO YOUR LANDLORD UNTIL THE PROPERTY IS SOLD OR UNTIL A COURT TELLS YOU OTHERWISE. IF YOU DO NOT PAY RENT, YOU CAN BE EVICTED. BE SURE TO KEEP PROOF OF ANY PAYMENTS YOU MAKE. SECURITY DEPOSIT You may applyyour security deposit and any rent you paid in advance against the current rent you owe your landlord as provided in ORS 90.367. To do this, you must notify your landlord in writing that you want to subtract the amount of your security deposit or prepaid rent from your rent payment. You may do this only for the rent you owe your current landlord. If you do this, you must do so before the foreclosure sale. The business or individual who buys this property at the foreclosure sale is not responsible to you for any deposit or prepaid rent you paid to your landlord. ABOUT YOUR TENANCY AFTER THE FORECLOSURE SALE The new owner that buys this property at the foreclosure sale may be willing to allow you to stay as a tenant instead of requiring you to move out after 90 days or at the end of your fixed term lease. After the sale, you should receive a written notice informing you that the sale took place and giving you the new owner's name and contact information. You should contact the new owner if you would like to stay. If the new owner accepts rent from you, signs a new residential rental agreement with you or does not notify you in writing within 30 days after the date of the foreclosure sale that you must move out, the new owner becomes your new landlord and must maintain the property. Otherwise: o You do not owe rent; o The new owner is not your landlord and is not responsible for maintaining the property on your behalf; and o You must move out by the date the new owner specifies in a notice to you. The new owner may offer to pay your moving expenses and any other costs or amounts you and the new owner agree on in exchange for your agreement to leave the premises in less than 90 days or before your fixed term lease expires. You should speak with a lawyer to fully understand your rights before making any decisions regarding your tenancy. IT IS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO TRY TO FORCE YOU TO LEAVE YOUR DWELLING UNIT WITHOUT FIRST GIVING YOU WRITTEN NOTICE AND GOING TO COURT TO EVICT YOU. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR R IGHTS, YOU S HOULD CONSULT A LAWYER. If you believeyou need legal assistance, contact the Oregon State Bar and ask for the lawyer referral service. Contact information for the Oregon State Bar is included with this notice. If you do not have enough money to pay a lawyer and are otherwise eligible, you may be able to receive legal assistance for free. Information about whom to contact for free legal assistance is included with this notice. Oregon State Bar: (503) 684-3763; (800) 452-7636 Legal assistance: www.lawhelp.org/or/index.cfm P992082 10/15, 10/22, 10/29, 11/05/2012


Leg a l Notices

Legal Notices

Legal N o t i ces

LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to O.R.S. 86.705 etseq. and O.R.S. 79.5010, etseq. Trustee's Sale No. 09-CC-120876 NOTICE TO BORROWER: YOU SHOULD BE AWARE THAT THE UN­ DERSIGNED IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND THAT ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Ref­ erence is made to that certain Deed of Trust made by, WILLIS E ALBIN, JR., AN UNMARRIED MAN, as grantor, to DESCHUTES COUNTY TITLE COMPANY, as Trustee, in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGIS­ TRATION SYSTEMS, INC.AS NOMINEE FOR SOUTHWEST STAGE FUNDING, LLC DBA CASCADE LAND HOME FINANCING, ITSSUC­ CESSORS AND ASSIGNS, as beneficiary, dated 8/5/2010, recorded 8/12/2010, under lnstrument No. 2010-31398, records of DESCHUTES County, OREGON. The beneficial interest under said Trust Deed and the obligations secured thereby are presently held by SOUTHWEST STAGE FUNDING, LLC DBA CASCADE LAND HOME FINANCING. Said Trust

Deed encumbers the following described real property situated in said county and state, to-wit: LOT FOURTEEN, BLOCK SEVEN, TALL PINES 2ND ADDITION, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON The street address or other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 16061 ELKHORN LANE LA PINE, OR 97739 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the above street address or other common designation. Both the benefi­ ciary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due, the following sums: Amount due as of October 9, 2012 Delinquent Payments from April 01, 2012 7 payments at $1,120.00 each $7,840.00 (04-01-12 through 10-09-12) Late Charges: $403.20 Beneficiary Advances: $ 645.00 SuspenseCredit:$ 0.00 TOTAL: $8,888.20 ALSO, ifyou have failed to pay taxes on the property, provide insurance on the property or pay other senior liens or encumbrances as required in the note and deed of trust, the beneficiary may insist that you do so in order to reinstate your account in good standing. The beneficiary may require as a condition to reinstatement that you provide reliable written evidence that you have paid all senior liens or encumbrances, property taxes, and hazard insurance premiums. These requirements for reinstatement should be confirmed by contacting the undersigned Trustee. By reason of said default, the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said trust deed immediately due and payable, said sums being the following: UNPAID PRINCIPAL BALANCE OF $165,687.92, PLUS interest thereon at 5.500% per annum from 3/1/2012, until paid, together with escrow advances, foreclosure costs, trustee fees, attorney fees, sums required for the protection of the property and additional sums secured by the Deed of Trust. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee, will on February 8, 2013, at the hour of 11:00 AM, in accord with the standard of time established by ORS 187.110, at MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE DESCHUTES COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER, 1100 NW BOND STREET, BEND, County of DESCHUTES, State of OREGON, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the interest in the said described property which the grantor had, or had the power to convey, at the time of the execution by him of the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the same. NOTICE TO RESIDENTIAL TENANTS: The property in which you are living is in foreclosure. A foreclosure sale is scheduled for February 8, 2013. Unless the lender who is foreclosing on this property is paid, the foreclosure will go through and someone new will own this property. The following information applies to you only if you occupy and rent this property as a residential dwelling under a legitimate rental agreement. The information does not apply to you if you own this property or if you are not a residential tenant. If the foreclosure goes through, the busi

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