Bulletin Daily Paper 10/24/12

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Serving Central Oregon since1903 75i t

WEDNESDAY October 24,2012

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emone in en 's it oLinci race remon By Hillary Borrud

twttt= ELECTION:

The Buiietin

NOV. 6

Two weeks before Election Day, local political action committees have picked their favorites in the Bend City Council election, contributing thousands of dollars to a few of the 12 candidates. In recent years, the most active political action committees in City Council elections were the

For our complete coverage, visit www.bendbulletin.com/election. political arms of the Central Oregon Builders Association, Central Oregon Realtors Association and the Bend Chamber. This year,

opponents of a $68 million city water project also formed a political action committee, called Stop SWIPing Ratepayers Dollars. Seven c a ndidates r e ported details of their fundraising and spending to the state, although one candidate was late reporting some of the information. Five candidates have chosen to limit their campaigns and thus avoided more

rigorous reporting requirements Eileen Woodward, committee treasurer for Stop SWIPing Ratepayers, said the committee's strategy was to spend all of its money to support Sally Russell, who is challengingseven-term incumbent Kathie Eckman. Eckman is seeking an eighth term. Stop SWIPing Ratepayers gave Russell $3,000. SeeCouncil/A5

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sexa use • The former RPA director faces a 19-month prisonsentence By Sheila G. Miller The Bulletin

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A view from the southwest cornershows the new roundabout at Mt. Washington, southbound back left, and Simpson Avenue.

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The formerdirectorof Redmond Proficiency Academy entered an Alford plea Tuesday to two counts of sex abuse in a deal that will send him to prison for 19 months for sexually abusing a formerstudent. Michael Bremont, 39, had pleaded not guilty in June to one count each of third-degree sodomy and third-degree attempted rape, two counts of seconddegree sexual abuse and 10 counts of thir d-degree sexual abuse. Tuesday, Bremontpleadedguilty by Alford plea to one count each of Br e mont second-degree and third-degree sexual abuse. An Alford plea allows a defendant to plead guilty without admitting wrongdoing. By making an Alford plea, a defendant acknowledges the prosecution is likely to prove the charge. Bremont, the director of the public charter school since its inception in 2009, was arrested in February on allegations that he had inappropriate sexual contact with a female student. In police interviews, the student said that during her sophomore year in 2009 Bremont flirted with her and sent her text messages, including one that said he was "having inappropriate feelings for her." The student told police that in October 2009she and other RPA students took a class trip to Willamette University in Bremont's motor home. Bremont offered to give the girl a ride home, thenparked the motor home inan area of empty lots in northeast Redmond and initiated sexual contact with her. SeeBremont/A4

Tennesseecandidate confoundshisparty

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By David A. Fahrenthold The Washington Post

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WHITES CREEK, Tenn. — The Democratic nominee forthe U.S. Senate in Tennessee has no campaign headquarters, a fundraising drive stuck at $278 and one yard sign. Not one type of

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yard sign. One sign. Photos by Rob Kerri The Bulletin

Construction crews apply asphalt Tuesdayto a final section of road on Simpson Avenue as it connects to the new concrete Mt. Washington Drive roundabout in Bend.

• The city's two other roundabout projects remain on track to bedone beforeThanksgiving eather permitting, Bend's newest roundabout should be open to motorists on Friday. City spokesman Justin Finestone said so long as rain and snow remain light, contractors will pave the approaches to the roundabout at the intersection of Simpson Avenue and Mt. Washington Drive today, the last significant step in its construction. Wetter weather could push the roundabout's opening into next week. Meanwhile, two other roundabouts under construction are on target to be finished within the next few weeks. Finestone said the roundabout at the corner of 18th Street and Empire Avenue should be complete the week of Nov. 12, with work on the roundabout at Brookswood Boulevard and Powers Road wrapping up during the week of Nov. 19. All three roundabouts were funded as part of a $30 million bond approved by Bend voters in May 2011. The bond will fund an extensive reconstruction of Reed Market Road next summer, and lesser improvements at other locations around the city.

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Scheduled toopenFriday.

Scheduled for week of Nov. 12.

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Reed MarketRd.

Scheduled for week of Nov.19

Greg Cross/The Bulletin



New York Times News Service


BrookswoodBlvd. and PowersRd.

C alendar B 3 C r osswords B5, F2 Dbituaries C 5 S tocks E2 - 3 Classified F1-4 Editorials C 4 S h opping B1-6 TV& Movies B2

Scientists ponder the color blue By Natalie Angier


— Scott Hammers, The Bulletin

e p We use recycled newsprint

And with the election just days away, he has not actually put that sign in a yard. Instead, it resides inside candidate Mark Clayton's pickup. "VOTE FOR," the sign says. The rest is hidden by the seats. SeeCandidate/A4

For the French fauvist painter and color gourmand Raoul Dufy, blue was the only color with enough strength of character to remain blue "in all its tones." Darkened red looks brown and whitened red turns pink, Dufy said, while yellow blackens with shading and fades away in the light. But blue can be brightened or dimmed, the artist said, and "it will always stay blue." Scientists, too, have lately been bullish on blue, captivated by its optical purity, complexity and metaphorical fluency. See Blue/A5



Snow then rain High 46, Low 27

CYBER THREAT:U.S.sees Iran, A3

Page G6

SYRIA:Aleppo bakery shelled, A3








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Discoveries, brealzthroughs, trends, names in the news — thingsyou need to hnow to start your day. Until Election Day, this page will focus on politics.



r e ates owss i in emeanors By Daa Balz The Washington Post

BOCA RATON, Fla. — The final debate of campaign 2012 may end up c hanging few minds, but it was a revealing moment that said plenty about the current state of the race for th e W h ite H ouse. President B a rack O b a ma, who has seen his September lead erode, tried to rattle and disqualify h i s ch a l l enger. Mitt Romney, whose advisers

express growing confidence about his chances of winning in November, played not to lose the debate in the hope of winning the election. Monday's debate produced a role reversal. If R omney was the aggressor in Denver, Obama assumed that posture in Boca Raton. If Obama was listless in th e f i rst d ebate, Romney was cautious and s ometimes tentative in t h e last. Obama showed greater confidence in his command of the subject matter, but R omney s ought t o re a s sure voters that he would be steady and strong as commander in chief. Instant polls produced a predictable result: a narrow Obama victory, according to CNN, but with Romney passing the commander-in-chief test in the eyes of those who watched. The reactions offered real-time confirmation that most voters are locked into their choices and are not likely to be swayed by a few exchanges between the candidates, however e f fective their arguments. In three debates, Romney offered three styles: confidently assertive in the first debate; aggressive and sometimes petulant in the second; restrained and careful in the third. He appeared to have two goals: to offer a broad critique of t h e p r e sident's leadership on foreign policy w hile avoiding any h int o f i mpetuousness o r w a r l i k e tendencies. The last thing he wanted to suggest was that he was in the pocket of the neocons in his party. T ime and again, he p u t military action at t h e b o ttom of the list of options for dealing with the world's crises. He said he did not favor direct military i ntervention in Syria. Praising the president for the killing of Osama bin Laden, he said, "We can't kill our way out" of the rising turmoil across the M i d dle East. Obama tried to goad him, perhaps mindful that, when Romney has been challenged by opponents in debates, he has often responded too aggressively. Romney was on guard Monday night after a performance at the second debate at Long Island's Hofstra University in which he was judged even by supporters to be too hot. When the p r esident upbraided his challenger over the decline in the number of ships in the naval arsenal by noting that there were also fewer horses and bayonets in use than in the early-20th century, Romney didn't take the bait. When the president c ontrasted his t r i p t o t h e Middle East as a candidate in 2008 with Romney's trip last summer, noting, for example, that he hadn't gone to Israel to raise money from wealthy d onors, Ro m n e y d idn ' t respond. Before the debate, some Republicans — among them S en. Li ndsey G r aham o f South Carolina — were hoping Romney would make an even more aggressive case against the president on what Graham said was the r apidly deteriorating situation in Iraq, the continuing threats f rom a l -Qaida a n d o t h e r issues. Onstage at Lynn University, Romney did not adopt that strategy. Rather than making astronger case fortroops remaining in I r aq, he tried to suggest that he was only f avoring what h e s aid t h e administration ha d s o ught but failed to achieve from the Iraqi government to keep a residual force there. All of this raised questions

Win McNamee / The Associated Press

Monday night's debate In Boca Raton, Fla., showed a shift from the first debate in Denver, with President Barack Obama playing the aggressor and Mitt Romney playing a more cautious strategy.

Middle East tunesout, but China takes it in BERLIN — The presidential candidates talked about the LI.S. as the world's last superpower in their final debate, but on Tuesday the

reaction in the MiddleEastsuggested adifferent role for America: something of an afterthought.

President ObamaandRepublicanchallenger Mitt Romneyargued about Iran's nuclearprogram, their support for IsraelandtheAmerican relationship with Egypt and Libya. But many citizens in those countries remained far more focused on the hefty issues that they will still be

confronting nomatter whooccupiestheWhite Housein January. In Egypt, attention Tuesday was on a court decision regarding the fate of its legislature, which was dissolved over the summer.

Libyan leaders continued tosquabble over the basics of their government even as a military assault on a rebellious town stretched into its second week. In lran and Israel, there was little talk of a de-

bate that spokeonly glancingly of Israeli-Palestinian peaceefforts anddeemphasizeddifferencesbetweenObama and Romney on stopping Iran from obtaining nuclearweapons. But there was discussion near theend about the LI.S. relationship with China. Obama called China "both an adversary but also

a potential partner." Romneypromisedthat"on dayone, I will label them acurrency manipulator." Most Chinese Internet users seemed unconcerned about the candidates' tough talk. Instead, they viewed the debate process

with admiration, as akind of democratic theater. They commented mostly on the candidates' intelligence, their skills at presenting

their arguments, and whomadethe most jokes. — The Ãlashington Post

about Romney in the same way as in th e f i rst debate. Democratic Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts, who played Romney in O b ama's mock debates, accused the G OP nominee Tuesday morning on CNN of "hiding" his true

once October arrived. They still assert that Obama will

HAPPENINGS • Tropical Storm Sandy is expected to hit Jamaica, most likely as a Category1

hurricane. • The College Board releases a report showing that the price to attend college is on the rise after being stable for several


IN HISTORY Highlights:In 1861, the first

transcontinental telegraph message wassentbyChief Justice Stephen J. Field of

Californiafrom SanFrancisco to PresidentAbrahamLincoln in Washington, D.C., over a line built by the Western Union

TelegraphCo. Ten yearsago:Authorities apprehendedArmy veteran John Allen Muhammad and

teenager LeeBoydMalvo near Myersville, Md., in the

Washington-areasniper attacks.

Fiveyearsago:Rapidly rising Internet star FacebookInc. sold a 1.6 percent stake to Microsoft

Corp. for $240million, spurning a competing offer from online search leaderGoogle Inc. One yearago:Defense Secretary Leon Panetta, visiting Yokota Air Base in Japan, lashed out at North Korea for"reckless

and provocative" acts and criticized China for a secretive expansion of its military power.

BIRTHDAYS Actor Kevin Kline is 65. Former NAACP President Kweisi Mfume is 64. Actor B.D. Wong

is 52. Singer-actress Monica Arnold is 32. — From wire reports


positions on foreign policy. In Denver, the candidate w ho once claimed he h a d been a "severely conservative" governor came across more as the moderate known to his Massachusetts constituents during his one term in office there. In Boca Raton, he putaside the sharpness of his criticism of the president that had marked his most recent foreign policy addresses, leveling his critique of the president in more modulated

win the race with what they claim is a superior ground operation and what they believe is a structural advantage in the Midwest. Obama's campaign worked hard during the summer to define Romney as a wealthy, out-of-touch b u s i nessman. Much of t h a t d i sappeared during t h e f ir s t de b a te, thanks to the persona Romney projected and the doubts Obama raised about himself. The question now is whether there is a residue of that summer barrageagainst Romney that remains in states such as Ohio, which more and more appears as the linchpin of the entire election. Romney adviserssee a different dynamic, one they've talked about for a year: an election in w hich the challenger is at o r n ear p arity with the incumbent in the final weeks of the campaign. They believe that Romney has more room to grow than the president and that every day the race remains close, the greater Romney's chances of w i n n ing. Every p o ll that shows Obama below 50 percent gives them cause to cheer. After three debates, both nominees have u n f i nished business to attend to. Obama moved Tuesday to address one of the criticisms of his r eelection campaign by r e leasing a booklet outlining second-term goals and policies.This has been a missing piece in his message all summer and fall. Romney's c hallenge will b e t o s h ow that his policies are aimed at all Americans, not primarily the rich.He cannot assume, despite the polls, that he has s olved this p r oblem. W i t h two weeks to go, the candidates' work is not over.

It's Wednesday, Oct. 24, the 298th day of 2012. There are 68 days left in the year.


language. Both Romney and Obama appeared eager to turn away from foreign policy, the subject of the final debate, to the economy and domestic policy, the issues of most concern to the voters. Whether viewers stayed as long with this debate as they did with the first or the second is an open question. The president showed a command of the subject matter gleaned from occupying the Oval Office for almost four y e ars. H i s f a m i l i arity contrasted with Romney, w ho, at times early i n t h e debate, seemed to be echoing briefing b o ok s r a t her than experience. But that is almost always the case in a debate pitting an incumbent

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against a challenger. The president's goal was to paint his rival as unsteady, inconsistent and, therefore, unreliable. Romney's g o al was different. It was to rea ssure voters r ather t h a n to topple the president. On points, the debate went to the president. As a political moment in the campaign, the debate may have less effect than other two. The bottom line fo r R o m ney a d visers was to turn Monday's debate into as much of a nonevent as possible. But will that prove to be a winning strategy in two weeks? Obama and Romney met at a time of rising fortunes for the challenger. Obama's campaign advisers continued to say that the close race in which t hey f i n d t h e mselves was always expected, that the margins of September were destined to contract

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U.S. sees Iran behind cyberattack By Nicole Perlroth

pany's computers unleashed a But the U.S. secretary of decomputer virus to initiate what fense, Leon Panetta, in a recent The hackers picked the one is regarded as among the most speech warning of the dangers day ofthe year they knew they destructive acts of computer of computer attacks, citedtheArcould inflict the most damage sabotageon a company toda te. amco sabotage as "a significant on the world's most valuable The virus erased data on three- escalation of the cyber threat." company. quartersofAramco's corporate The virus — called ShamOn Aug. 15, m ore t h an PCs — documents, spread- oon after a word embedded in 55,000 SaudiAramco employ- sheets, emails, files — replacing its code — was designed to do ees stayed home from work to all of it with an image of a burn- two things: replace the data on prepare for Lailat al Qadr, one ing U.S. flag. hard drives with an image of of Islam's holiest nights of the U.S. intelligence officials say a burning U.S. flag and report year. the attack's real perpetrator the addressesof infected comThat morning, at 11:08, a per- was Iran, although they offered puters — a bragging list of sorts son with privileged access to no specific evidence to support — back to a computer inside the the Saudi state-owned oil com- that claim. company's network. New York Times News Service

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Manu erabo I The Associated Press

A Syrian man runs for cover from sniper fire last week in Aleppo. Government forces and rebels each hold about half ol the city of 3 million.

au tinwar's ea vise, e ans stru e to survive

Presi entia race Candidate: Pregnancies enters ina wee s fromrape ainin steam God's will By Tom LoBianco

The Associated Press

By Michael D. Shear and Helene Cooper

night, including accusing the president of apologizing for New York Times News Service the United States and cutDAYTON, Ohio — Presi- ting military spending exdent Barack Obama started cessively. Romney flew from making his closing argu- Florida to Nevada, where he ment fora second term Tues- mocked Obama's attacks on day, beginning a f u r i ous him as desperate moves by a two-week effort to beat back losing candidate. "You know, the truth is a late surge by Mitt Romney and hang on to battleground that attacks on me are not an states where voters in many agenda," Romney said to a cases are already casting crowd of about 6,000 people ballots in large numbers. in Henderson, Nev. "His is a At the beginning of what status quo candidacy. His is the campaign described as a message of going forward a round-the-clock blitz, and with the same policies of the on the day after his final de- last four years, and that's bate, Obama tried to address why his campaign is slipwhat polling has shown is a ping, and that's why ours is consistent question among gaining so much steam." voters: What kind of agenda In the president's minutedoes he have for a second long ad, and in appearances term? He released a 20-page at the start of a frenetic week, booklet encapsulating preObama stepped up his effort viously announced policies to convince the nation that and contrasting his positions he had brought it back from to those of Romney. the brink of near-economic The document contains collapse and that Romney no new proposals and was would embrace the policies derided by a spokesman for that caused the problems. Romney as a "glossy panic But even as he sought to button." But along with a new strike a positive note at the television advertisement that start of a t hree-day swing began running in nine battle- that is taking him through ground states, the president's Ohio, Iowa, Colorado, Neaides predicted it would help vada, Florida and Virginia, counter the Romney assault Obama also enthusiastically plan for the next two weeks stepped up his attacks. The that aims to convince voters Republican candidate, the that Obama has no plans to president said at a rally in fix the ailing economy. Florida, wants to "turn back Romney andhiscampaign the clock 50 years for immispent Tuesday p o unding grants and gays and women" away at points Romney made and is pursuing a foreign polduring the debate Monday icy that is "all over the map."

NEW ALBANY, Ind. Indiana Republican Senate candidate Richard Mourdock said Tuesday when a woman is impregnated during a rape, "it's something God intended." Mourdock, who's been locked in a tight race with Democraticchallenger Rep. Joe Donnelly, was asked during the final minutes of a debate whether abortion should be allowed in cases of rape or incest. "I struggled with it myself for a long time, but I came to realize that life is that gift from God. And, I think, even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happened," Mourdock said. The race between Mourd ock and D o nnelly h a s been one of the nation's most expensive and most watched — Senate races since the Republican unseated veteran U.S. Sen. R ichard Lugar i n M a y 's GOP primary. Mourdock's comments c o m e tw o months a fter e m battled Missouri GOP Senate candidate Rep. Todd Akin said during a television interview that women's bodies have ways of preventing pregnancy in cases of what he called "legitimate rape." A spokeswoman for Mitt Romney says the GOP presidential hopeful disagrees with Mourdock's comments. -

By Hamza Hendawi

At least 20 die whenbakery is hit by shell

The Associated Press

ALEPPO, Syria — T h e rumble of engines in the sky immediately set the Aleppo neighborhood below on edge. Men peeked from shops anxiously at the Syrian warplane circling s l o wl y ov e r head. Housewives emerged on balconies to gauge whether they were about to be hit. But the kids hanging out on the street were unfazed. One kept dribbling his basketball. Finally, the jet struck. Engines revving louder, it dove a nd unleashed a b u rst o f heavy machine-gun fire into a nearby part of the city. It soared back up under a hail of rebel anti-aircraft fire, then swooped back down for a second strafing run. The women on the balconies broke into tears, fearing for the children in the street. But the boys just pointed at the jet, shouting "God is great" in challenge. "God send you to hell, Bashar," one boy yelled as the jet flew away. With death lurking around every corner,the survival instincts of Aleppo's population are being stretched to the limit every day as the battle between

BEIRUT — At least 20 people were killed in the Syrian city of Aleppo on Tuesday when a bakery was hit by a shell, turning the

bread shop into a bloodbath, activists said. More than 50 people were injured in the attack by government forces on the Masakin Hanano neighborhood, they said, with sur-

rounding field hospitals so overwhelmed bythe influx of victims that activists sent out a plea for local doctors to come and assist. Only half of the victims could be identified. One gruesome

video showed ayoung girl, in a turquoise shirt, whose head had been blown off in the attack.


They were amongmore than100 killed across Syria on Tuesday, according to activists. — Los Angeles Times

Syria's rebels andthe regime of PresidentBashar Assad forthe country's largest city stretches through its fourth destructive month. Residents in the rebelheld neighborhoods suffering the war's brunt tell tales of lives filled with fear over the war in their streets, along with an ingenuity and resilience in trying to keep their shattered families going. And while residents of the rebel-held areas express their hatred of Assad's regime and their dream of seeing him go, they also voice their worries over the rebels and the destruction that their offensive

has brought to their city. Graffiti on the shutter of a closed store declares the population's sense of resignation: "God, you are all we've got." Since the rebels launched their assault in July to drive government forces from Aleppo, the two sides have fought to a stalemate. Each holds about half the city of 3 million people and neither is able to deal the other a decisive blow. While government-held areas have seen some fighting from occasional rebelforays, the opposition districts are hit daily by artillery, mortars, sniper fire and airstrikes.


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does little campaigning in the faced a rematch with Corker, physical world. He focuses on his now a popular incumbent with Continued from A1 Facebook page (382 "likes") and $14 million to spend. It went "Jesus did not have a camwebsite. looking for a candidate who paign staff. And he had the When a reporter asked about could run on the cheap, and they most successful campaign in upcomingralliesorpublicevents, thought they'd found someone in human history," Clayton said Clayton declined to name any. Park Overall. "I said to him that night on the r ecently, when asked if a l l One evening last week, a visit this adds up to a winning run to an address listed for his cam- phone, 'Ain't you got anybodyagainst Republican Sen. Bob paign ledto Clayton's 92-year-old (expletive), Chip — to run'?' And Corker. Jesus "didn't even have farmhouse outside Nashville. he said no," recalled Overall, an pictures or a website." The one sign was in the truck. actress best known for playing Clayton, 36, is a part-time The truck was in the driveway. the sassy nurse Laverne on the flooring installer, an indulger in The candidate was coming out 1990s sitcom"Empty Nest." conspiracytheories — and for to get his mail. Was he confident Overall, 55, had returned to Democrats here, the living perthat he wouldbeat Corker'? her native Tennessee as a well"Of course," Clayton said. He known liberal. She was talking sonification of rock bottom. In a The Associated Press file photo state that produced Democratic Republican state Sen. Stacey Campfield, left, joins Democratic is a youthful-looking Army Re- to the state Democratic chairicons including Andrew Jackson U.S. Senate nominee Mark Clayton at a news conference in serve veteran and was wearing man, Chip Forrester. and both Al Gores, the party has Nashville in August. Campfield said he had unsuccessfully a plaid flannel shirt and slightly It didn't go well. Overall refallen so far that it can't even run tried in the past to recruit Clayton to run as a Republican. The long sideburns. How could he be fused to spend more than $100 agood loser. state Democratic Party has disavowed Clayton because of his so sure he'd win? of herown money on the camInstead, it hasthis guy. In Ten- anti-gay positions. Clayton turned and walked paign ("I was a big actress years away. "I don't know why you've ago. Money goes."). She said the nessee, Clayton's unlikely run is providing an absurdist coda here," he said, having reached party wasn't much help, either: It to a long Democratic disaster. long shot; his actual slogan is A merican Union" an d t h at the porch. "I don't come to your loaned her a book called "Deer Something like falling down a "Chesnut is the best nut for Sen- Google was working against house." Hunting With Jesus" to help flight of stairs onto a whoopee ate." But he at least has his party him at the behest of the Chinese The last time Corker ran for reach religious voters. Overall cushion. behind him. I n W ashington, government. Senate, in 2006, Tennessee Dem- was also sidelined for weeks by "It's pretty sad. I mean, when Republican challenger Michael But his ideas about campaign- ocrats nominated Harold Ford illness. your nomination is not worth Baumgartner recently told a re- ing itself might be even more Jr., a centrist congressman and When the primary arrived on having, that's embarrassing," porter to"go (expletive) yourself." unorthodox. Almost everything the son of a congressman. Ford Aug. 2, she came in third, with said Will Cheek, a Nashville in- But he at least has raised nearly other candidates do, Clayton came within three percentage 24,000 votes. In second place vestor who has been a member $1 million. sBld, ts wrong. points ofbecomingthe firstblack was Gary Gene Davis, a Chatta"There's other people who man elected to the Senate from nooga man who spent less than of the state Democratic Party's In Tennessee, Clayton's policy executive committee since 1970. ideas set him apart from many have gone out and put signs all the South since Reconstruction. $100 ("And that was in gas," Da"That would appear to be where otherDemocrats:He is unusual over, and gone and talked to After that, things fell apart. vis said). weare." in opposing aborlion rights and people," he said on the phone. Tennessee Democrats, who'd In first place was Clayton, Every election, of course, is same-sex marriage,but he's "And they get less votes. They go watched their conservative vot- with 48,000 votes. He had spent crowded with losers: the sacri- downright exceptional in saying down. ers drift to the GOP, finally lost just $65 to get them. But, state ficial lambs, the one-issue zeal- that the Transportation SecuHe explained that "a lot of the state House in 2010. That had Democratic officials said, Clayots, the novelty name-changers rity Administration "mandates people don't have time to take been a financial lifeline for Dem- ton had a crucial advantage: The (Thomas Jefferson, of Kansas, (transsexuals) and homosexu- off work and (from paying) their ocrats, since the legislature has ballot was alphabetical. "Many Democrats in Tenis running for Congress. Santa als grabbing children in their bills to go and stage a campaign broadpowers over patronage. "That pretty much was the nessee knew nothing about any Claus, of Nevada, is running for stranger-danger zones." rally to make it look like somepresident). He has been a volunteer for thing's happening.... That's the end," said Cheek, the executive of the candidates in the race, But Clayton stands out. ¹ Public Advocate of the United news media's problem" if there committee member. "Because so they voted for the person at bodywho has the opportunityhe States, a Falls Church, Va.,-based aren't rallies to cover, he said. we have nothing left. In the other the top of the ticket," the party "If there are people out here low points, we had the Election said in a statement the next day. has — a major-party nomination organization that was branded a for the Senate in a nail-biter elec- hate group by the Southern Pov- who don't u nderstand that Commission, we had the Buildtion in which every Senate race erty Law Center for its anti-gay there's a different way of doing ing Commission ... If you wanthas outsize importance — has so rhetoric. things, then that's their problem. ed to get state deposits into your Providing unparalled little chance of taking advantage During Clayton's failed Sen- We won the primary." bank, those were all ours. And service across a variety of of it. ate run in 2008, his website sugThe son of an activist who that's where you'd raise your industries since 1983. In W y oming, D emocratic gested that the U.S. government lobbied Congress on b ehalf money." challenger Tim Chesnut is a might be replaced with a "North of Christian schools, Clayton This year, the cash-poor party 541-389-1505

Because of his ties to Public Advocate of the United States, the statement said, "the Tennessee Democratic Party disavows his

candidacy (and) will not do anything to promote or support him

in any way." Today, it's easy to visit Tennessee and not realize that there's a

Senatecampaign goingon. At Corker's headquarters in Nashville, the campaign hasn't even bothered with a sign out front. Clayton, for his part, has released a few online ads and a revamped website.But a recent drive to raise $450 in donations has stalled south of $300. It's clear, however, that he is savoring a victory already — over the rest of Tennessee's Democrats. "If there are people who don't believe that there's a campaign here, then guess what? They can come to Tennessee, if they're a voter, and they can see Mark E. Clayton, and next to Mark E. Claytonthere's goingto be a 'D,'" he said on the phone. "Like it or not, Mark Clayton is the Democratic nominee in Tennessee."

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Bremont Continued from A1 According to court documents, the student told police she never ha d i n t ercourse with Bremont, but after the O ctober incident t h e p a i r c ontinued t o ha v e s o m e contact, including incidents of kissing and f ondling at school. The physical contact ended in February 2010, the girl told police. In February 2011, the student approached the R PA b oard, w h i c h t h e n co n tacted police. Redmond Police recorded several phone calls between Bremont, the student an d t h e s t u dent's mother. In the calls with the m other, Bremont s ai d h e didn't have sex with the girl but admitted to kissing and touching her. As part ofthe plea agreement, Bremont is expected to serve 19 months in prison. H e wil l r e ceive credit f o r time served, but no credit for electronic monitoring. Upon release, he'll face 60 months of probation. Bremont cannot have any contact with the victim, must registeras a sex offender and can have no contact with female minors other than his children and except as al lowed by the court or probation officers. Bremont will also not be allowed to work or volunteer in schools. Deschutes County Circuit Judge Michael Sullivan set B remont's s e ntencing f o r Nov. 30. He t ol d B r emont "the next time I see you for sentencing you will not leave. You will be immediately remanded to the sheriff." Bremont is currently free on bail, wearing an electronic ankle monitor, and is living in West Linn with family. "I have agreed to give you 19 months in prison, not one day less and not on e d ay more," Sullivan said. Bremont is also charged with one count of s econddegree sex abuse stemming from alleged abuse of a 17year-old female student at Central Linn High School in Halsey between December 2005 and March 2006. L. Todd Wilson, Bremont's attorney, told Sullivan that Bremont is expected to enter a plea and be sentenced N ov. 5 in L i n n C ounty o n that charge, and is expected to be sentenced to 30 days i n j a i l , c o n c u rrent w i t h t he 19 m o n th s i n p r i s o n Bremont is expected to face for his crimes in Deschutes County. Wilson and Bremont declined to comment after the hearing.

mplements According t o D e s chutes week with a single count of C ounty deputy d i strict a t first-degree theft. torney Kandy Gies, Bremont — Reporter: 541-617-7831, may also b e c h arged th is smiller@bendbulletin.com

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Council Continued from A1 "The reason for that is that we need to replace Kathie on the councilbecause she'sthe fourth vote to continue pushing SWIP (the surface water

retary of State website. Casey emphasized that the political action committee is separate from the chamber. "We ensure no dollars from the chamber go to the PAC,"

Casey said.

Two candidates, Eckman and Chudowsky, also received ward," Woodward said Tues- support from the local Realday. "All the other candidates t ors' political a ction c o m who've run fo r o f fice have mittee. The Central Oregon expressed some interest in Association of Realtors PAC reviewing or revising. Kathie c ontributed $3,000 to E c k is the only candidate running m an's campaignand $3,000 to who's not willing to review Chudowsky. and revise." Bill Robie, government afThe City Council failed to fairs director for the Central adequately examine alterna- Oregon Association of Realtives to the planned new pipe- tors, said the real estate agents' line and the rest of the water political a c t ion c o m mittee project, and it's not too late wants the city water project to for the city to change course, proceed and supports candiWoodward said. dates who agree. "We think Kathie's done a Tim Casey, executive director of the Bend Chamber and good job," Robie said of Ecka trustee of the Bend Business man, adding that she consisPolitical Action C ommittee, tently supported the city water said city infrastructure work, project. including the city water projRobie said C h udowsky's ect, is also a top concern for experience on the city budget the committee. Casey said committee and a public safety Bend Business Political Action funding committee is imporCommittee wants the city to tant. eHe really understands build the infrastructure neces- the city's finances, and we sary to support economic ex- think that's a big deal going pansion, but the city must do forward," Robie said. so in a way that does not cost The Central Oregon Assotoo much. ciation of Realtors PAC also "One of the things I'm most plans to contribute to the camconcerned about is all the re- paign of Ed McCoy. McCoy quests for funding out in the seemed "open-minded" on iscommunity right now," Casey sues ofconcern tothe Realtors sard. committee, Robie said. The city is also considerRobie said the city water i ng spending a s m uc h a s project is "essential to the city's $170 million on sewer work. future growth, economically The Bend Park 8 Recreation and otherwise. If that project is District is asking voters Nov. 6 killed and we go to all groundto approve a $29 million bond; water, we lose the flexibility in May Bend-La Pine Schools that a dual-source system ofwill ask voters to approve a fers us.... We've been pretty $97.9 million bond. critical of the city in the past, "My great concern is folks but we think this is the right will say 'yes' to the first few call they're making on this." that come through the door and then say 'no' to the next Five not reporting ones," Casey said. F ive candidates for C i t y The c ommittee s t rongly Council — Jim Clinton, Mike supports efforts t o e x pand Roberts, B a r b Cam p bell, Oregon S t at e Un i v ersity- Charles Baer a n d R o n ald Cascades Campus into a four- Boozell — had not reported year university. That idea has detailed campaign contribusupport from the City Council, tions and expenditures on the which voted earlier this year Secretary of State's website as to contribute $250,000 in city of Tuesday. These candidates funds to the effort. said they did not expect to raise enough money to trigger BusinessPAC reporting requirements. ClinThe Bend Business Politi- ton said he filed a certificate of cal Action Committee is sup- limited expenditures, pledging porting V i ctor C h udowsky not to raise more than $3,000, with a contribution of $4,000, afterhe encountered problems Eckman with $2,500 and Jim with the state campaign fiClinton with $1,000, according nance reportingsoftware four to data from the Oregon Sec- years ago.

improvement project) for-


to those in white or yellow. And am I the only person in Continued from A1 the United States who doesn't They're exploring the phys- own a single pair of those perics and chemistry of blueness manently popular pants forin nature, the evolution of blue merly known as dungarees? "For Americans, blue jeans ornaments and blue come-ons, and the sheer brazenness of have a special connotation bebeing blue when most earthly cause of their association with life-forms opt for earthy rai- the Old West and rugged indiments of beige, ruddy or taupe. vidualism," said Steven BleichOne research team recently er, author of "Contemporary reported the structural analy- Color: Theory and Use." The sis of a small, dazzlingly blue jeans take their John Wayne fruit from the African Pollia reputation seriously. " Because the i n digo d y e condensata plant that may well be the brightest terrestrial ob- fades during washing, everyject in nature world. Another one's blue becomes uniquely group working in the central different," said Bleicher, a proCongo basin announced the fessor of visual arts at Coastal discovery ofa new species of Carolina University. "They're monkey, arare event in mamyour blue jeans." malogy. Rarer still is the noteAccording to psychologists worthiest trait of the monkey, who explore the complex incalled the lesula: a patch of terplay of color, mood and bebrilliant blue skin on the male's havior, blue's basic emotional buttocks and scrotal area that valence is calmness and openstands out from the surround- endedness, in contrast to the ing fur like neon underpants. aggressive specificity associStill other researchers are ated with red. Blue is sea and tracing the history of blue pig- sky, a pocket-size vacation. ments in human culture and In a study that appeared in the role those pigments have the journal Perceptual 8 Motor played in shaping our notions Skills, researchers at Aichi Uniof virtue, authority, divinity versity in Japan found that suband social class. jects who performed a lengthy "Blue pigments played an video game exercise while sitoutstanding role in human de- ting next to a blue partition revelopment," said Heinz Berke, ported feeling less fatigued and an emeritusprofessor ofchemclaustrophobic, and displayed istry at the University of Zur- a more regular heart beat patich.For some cultures,he said, tern, than did people who sat they were as valuable as gold. by red or yellow partitions. As a raft o f s urveys has In the journal Science, reshown, blue love is a global af- searchers at the University of fair. Ask people their favorite British Columbia described color, and in most parts of the their study of how computer world roughly half w il l s ay screen color affected particiblue, a figure three to four times pants' ability to solve either the supportaccorded common creative problems or details econd-place fi nishers l i k e oriented tasks like copy editpurpleor green. Justone in six ing. The researchers found Americans is blue-eyed, but that blue screens were superinearly one in two consider blue or to red or white backgrounds the prettiest eye color, which at enhancing creativity, while could be why some 50 percent red screens worked best for of tinted contact lenses sold are accuracy tasks. Interestingly, the kind that make your brown when participants were asked eyes blue. to predict which screen color Sick children like their care- would improve performance takers in blue: A recent study on the two categories of probat the Cleveland Clinic found lems, big majorities deemed that young patients preferred blue the ideal desktop setting nurses wearing blue uniforms for both.


Candidatecontridutionsin BendCity Council races In recent years, the most active political action committees in City Council elections were the political arms of the Central Oregon Builders Association, Central Oregon Realtors Association and the Bend Chamber. This year, opponents of a $68 million city water project formed a political action committee, called Stop SWIPing Ratepayers Dollars. Central Oregonians for Affordable Housing is the political action committee of the Central Oregon Builders Association.

CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS ~ F rom donors + F rom self Q, From donors Q of $100 or more of $100 or less SEAT1 RACE SEAT 2 RACE Candidate BarbCampbell not reported Candidate Charles Baernot reported

Fr om political organizations

Chudowsky Total: $13,004

Total: $3,520

F rom


SEAT 3 RACE Candidate Ronald Boozell not reported


Wade Fagen






B ardeau Knight

Edwa r d



McC oy



Total: $700 Total: $5,395 Total: $1,800

Total: $1 0,500


I— $3,000



Tota l : $8,775




American Energy, Inc: L Bend Business PAC: $4,000 $250 Central OregonAssociation Fagen Trees of Realtors PAC:$3,000 & Chips: Oregon ReaganPAC:$550 $3,000 a Shevlin Sand & Gravel: $500 Deschutes Brewery: $169 C3 Events: $750

3,525 • Stop SWIPing Ratepayers Dollars: $3,000


• Scott Ramsay for City Council: $300 Central Oregonians for Affordable Housing: $250 I Century Center Property LLC:$250,

• Bend Business PAC: $2,500 Central Oregon Association of Realtors PAC: $3,000 I I

Source: Oregon Secretery of State Andy Zefgert /The Bulletin

Candidate Ed McCoy was late reporting his campaign contributions and spending to the state. For example, spending on a campaign consultant in September was not reported until a week after the filing deadline in early October, according to s t ate r ecords. M cCoy a c knowledged t h e problem and said he has since hired someone to handle the reporting. "I think that campaigning and raising my ow n f u n ds proved to be a large task," McCoy said. Even if a candidate did break the campaign reporting rules, the secretary of state would not likely determine that until after the election. "In terms of penalties,they are processed with about a 90-day delay," Andrea Cantu-Schomus, a spokeswoman for Secretary of State Kate Brown, wrote in an email. Cantu-Schomus wrote that when Brown took office after being elected in 2008, there was a three-year backlog of campaign finance cases. — Reporter:541-617-7829, hborrud@bendbulletin.com

FINANCIAL FIASCOS Under Kathie Eckman's "Leadership" Juniper Utility Litigation:...............$16,000,000

Surface Water Project: .................. $68,200,000 Sidewalk Curb Cuts:......................$25,000,000

Pending Sewer Project:...............$170,000,000

Kathie Eckman'S 22 yearS on the Bend City Council: A record of failed leadership and financial mismanagement. We must do better. I


The lis tofboondoggles goes on and on. Taxpayers are struggling to stay ahead. Eckman just keeps piling it on.

Fortunately there is an alternative for City Council•••

SALLYRUSSELL Paid for by Sally Russell for Bend City Council










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catalogchoice.org, paperkarma.comand 41pounds.org. Learn moreat reduce.org andbbb.org

Art Party benefits Sara's project Markyour calendars for the third annual Art

Party in Sunriver, which features anarray of fine art. The event is set for Nov. 3 at the home of Susan Harkness-Williams, an artist who specializes in gourd art. A variety of artists will

be involved inthe show, offering handblown glass, photography, paintings, m ixed mediaand hand-

made journals. Jjewelry, children's clothingandlocally made handbags will

also beavailable. A portion of this year's

proceeds will bedonated to the St. Charles Foundation and to Sara's Project, which promotes early detection of breast

cancer, builds awareness and provides support. The Art Party will be from10a.m. to 6 p.m. at

1 BeechLane. Entry is free, although parking is limited, so carpooling is

recommended.Someof the artists accept credit

cards andall accept cash orchecks. Contact:

sunriversister© chamberscable.comor 541-593-2127.

Shoppers put selves on gift lists Shoppers planto self-gift more this holiday season thanever before, according to the National Retail Federation's an-

nual survey. Six in10 shoppersplan to spend anaverage of $140 on themselves. That

figure is higheramong shoppers ages18-24 ($160) and25-34 ($176). The organization says young adults might be seizing on Black Friday

deals, particularlyfor apparel andelectronics. The survey questioned nearly 9,000 adults and is in its10th year. — Heidi Hagemeier, The Bulletin

• Green is the newblack for eco-conscious clothes and accessories By Susan Carpenter Los Angeles Times

all it the H8 M effect, or fast fashion. Americans are buying, and discarding, clothes more quicklythan ever.O n average, each of us throws 54 pounds of clothes and shoes into the trash each year. That adds up to about 9 million tons of shoes, jacketsand other wearables that are sent into the waste stream annually, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Traditionally, the options for dealing with that waste have started with an R: Reduce, reuse or recycle. But a clutch of

designers arepursuing adifferenttack.They're producing clothing and accessories that are biodegradable — or at the

very least, have parts that are capable of decomposing into natural substances. The movement is still in its infancy, but it's an important development in an industry that's increasingly scrutinized for its wastefulness. Gucci began selling sunglasses and footwear made with biodegradable plastics over the summer. This fall, Stella McCartney debuted several styles of heels with mock croc and faux leather uppers anchored with chunky, biodegradable rubber soles. And, in the near future, Puma says it will produce a line of T-shirts and sneakers that can be ripped up and buried as fertilizer. "Everyone is beginning to appreciatethe need to reduce fashion's impact on the environment," said Alex McIntosh,

business and research manager for the Centre for Sustainable Fashion at the London College of Fashion. "Compostability is part of a wider waste management agenda" that is likely to grow in coming years, even if its use is only beginning in the $774 billion global apparel manufacturing business. Of course, it's unlikely that anyone who invests $500 in a pair of designer shoes or glasses would throw them in the trash and even less likely that such a rarefied buyer would toss a luxury item onto a compost pile. But "it's great that high-end designers are exploring these ideas as their influence has an impact on the collective psyche of the design community," McIntosh said. SeeFashion/B6

Bulletin and wire service file photos; background photo from Thinkstock

Gadgets due for an upgrade? First, do the math By Brian Lam New York Times News Service

Ifa gadgetbreaks,gets lost or is stolen, it makes sense to replace it. But deciding whether to abandon an older, still-working devicefora newer,shinier one can be a soul-sucking dilemma. Succumb to the temptation to upgrade too early and too often, and you can find yourself getting a piece of technology that is only marginally different from theoldversion, as well as a hefty credit card bill and the feeling that you played right into the hands of a corporation's marketing department. So what's the best way to decide when to upgrade'? The first thingItry to keep in mind is that these jumps become moresatisfying the longer you take to make them. "Meaningful changes in gadget technology tend to happen every three to fouryears,"said Michael Gartenberg, an analyst at Gartner, a technology research company. When laptops became thin and light in 2008, it became easierfor people to carry them all day, Gartenberg pointed out. And when notebook screens went ultra-high-resolution last year, it allowed people to fit more apps on the screen at once. Cellphones that work on 3G and 4G networks made it practical to download photos and videos on the go. Despite how often you buy new gadgets, remember that satisfaction from a purchase comes with getting an appropriate amount of mileage from your gear. You can do that by working out a new gadget's true cost over the number of hours you are likely to use it. In my experience, this has made frequent, high-dollar purchases of gadgets I use all the time seem relatively logical and even practical. Likewise, frequent upgrades to my rarely used television and digital single-lens reflex camera would make little sense. Let's see how this perspective works when it comes to a few everyday devices.

Smartphones If you use your smartphone only to check email on the train, you could be

perfectly fine upgrading it every three years. But if you use it nearly every waking moment, it makes sense to upgrade every 20 months — or even annually. Let's do the math. In theU.S.,many carriers are willing to pay for most of the cost of a handset when a customer signs up for atwo-year contract,or extends it every 20 months. SeeGadgets/B6





Seeing the lighterside

of racialquandaries eKey & peele" 10:30 p.m. Wednesdays, Comedy Central

nant that no one is bidding on them, while all the other slaves are snapped up. Then there's the sketch By Frazier Moore set in Germany in 1942, as The Associated Press a Nazi colonel looking for NEW YORK — As a escaped Negroes finds Key comedy team, Keegan-Mi- and Peele hiding out — in chael Key and Jordan Peele white-face. are very funny. With their nervous deniA s guys wh o b ot h l a y als and foolish-looking disclaim to biracial guise, they manstatus (black Ty Spo age to convince f athers, wh i t e t heir pu r s u er m others), t h e y that they're not share a state of i nformed one of THEM. in-betweenness that gives In person, Key and Peele their comedy extra punch are both affable, reflective and extraordinary insight. chaps who genuinely seem Race fuels much of "Key to get a k ick out of each & Peele," their sketch-and- other. standup h a l f-hour s e r ies Key, the tall, hyper and airing Wednesdays at 10:30 bald partner, is 41 and grew p.m. on Comedy Central. up in Detroit. Peele, husky Straddling the great divide and more laid-back, is 33 between white and black, and hails from New York. they deliver a special brand They met a decade ago of laughs, along with the oc- in Chicago, where Key was casional epiphany. performing in a Second City "There's been a lot of ra- improv troupe and Peele, cialcomedy over the years," then i n t h e A m s t erdamsays Peele. "But being bira- based Boom Chicago comcial, mixed individuals, we edy group, was visiting as realized there's been noth- part of a cast swap between ing from our perspective." Boom and Second City. Even so, t heir m i ssion N eedless t o s a y , t h e y isn't social reform. found they had much in "We're not trying to lead common. "I wonder," Peele muses, anybody toward any specific conclusion," says Peele, "how much b oth K eegan "except that, ultimately, race and I were pulled toward a is an absurd thing." performing career — where "It always b oomerangs we're shifting personalities back to culture," Key adds. and doing different charThey are happy to show acters — because we grew how. up walking a sort of racial The comedy of Key and tightrope." "We've been doing some Peele is clever, keenly observed and f e arless. But strangeform of sketch comnever mean. edy since we w er e v ery, Consider their sketch set very little," Key declares. in the a ntebellum South. " We just didn't k now w e T hey p l a y s l a ve s w h o , were doing it." placed on the auction block, Now they do it in a happy grow i n c reasingly i n d i g- alliance.


BEND Regal Pilot Butte 6 2717 N.E. U.S.Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347


(PG-13) 4 WAR OFTHE BUTTONS (noMPAA rating) 12:30, 3:30, 5:45

Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347

ALEX CROSS (PG-13) 12:50, 3:50, 6:40, 9:35 ARGO (R) 12:30, 3, 4, 6:15, 7:15, 9, 10:05 END OFWATCH(R) 1:05, 4:25, 7:35, 10:15 FRANKENSTEINDOUBLEFEATURE (no MPAA rating) 7 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG) 12:40, 3:20, 6:05, 9:25 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA(PG)12:15, 1:15, 3:15, 6:50 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA3-D (PG)

Joseph Gordon-Levltt, foreground, and Paul Dano in a scene from the action thriller "Looper."

EDITOR'S NOTES: Accessibility devices are

available for somemovies at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 tI /MAX. • There may be an additional fee for 3-Oand IMAX films. • Movie times are subject to change after press time.

Sony Pictures via The Associated Press

3:45, 9:10 accompanied by alegalguardian. HOUSE ATTHEENDOFTHESTREET (PG-13) Noon Tin Pan Theater LOOPER(R) 12:05, 3:30, 6:55, 9:55 869 N.W. Tin Pan Alley, Bend, 541-241-2271 PARANORMALACTIVITY4 IMAX (R) 1:50, 4:15, 7:20, 9:45 As of press time, the complete movie PARANORMALACTIVITY4(R) I:35, times were unavailable. For more 3:55, 7:05, 9:30 information, visit www.tinpantheater. com. PITCH PERFECT (PG-13) 12: IO, 3:25, 6:10, 9:20 SEVENPSYCHOPATHS(R) 1:25, REDMOND 4:10, 7:25, 10 SINISTER (R)2, 4:45, 7:40, 10:20 Redmond Cinemas TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 1, 3:40, 7:30, 10:15 1535S.W. DdemMedo Road, TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PGRedmond, 541-548-8777 13) 12:20, 3:05, 6:20, 9:05 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG) 4:45, 7 McMenamins HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA(PG) 5:15, Old St. Francis School 7:15 700 N.W. Bond St., PARANORMALACTIVITY4(R)5,7 Bend, 541-330-8562 TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 4:30, 6:45 THE BOURNELEGACY(PG-13) 6 MOONRISEKINGDOM(PG-13) 9:30 SISTERS PARANORMAN(PG) 3 After 7 p.m., showsare 21 and Sisters Movie House older only.Youngerthan21may 720 Desperado Court, attend screenings before 7 p.m.if Sisters, 541-549-8800

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MADRAS Madras Cinema 5 1101 S.W. U.S.Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505


PRINEVILLE Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineville, 541-416-1014

TAKEN 2 (UPSTAIRS —PG-13) 6 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG13) 4, 7 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.

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*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/BlackButte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-LaPine

RERRRiR KHRRKR2%RRRRKR9%RZRRKR2%RHRRKR2%EERRDER2%EHRRDE2% KATU News World News K A TU News at 6 (N) rt « Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune The Middle (N) The Neighbors Modern Family Suburgatory (N) Nashville (N) 'PG' «(DVS) KATU News (11:35) Nightline

Nightly News Newschannel 21 at 6(N)arj Jeo pardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Animal Practice Guys With Kids Law & Order: SVU Chicago Fire (N) n '14' News Jay Leno News Evening News Access H. Ol d Christine How I Met 30 Rock rt '14' Survivor: Philippines (N) rt « Cri minal Minds God Complex'14' CSh Crime Scene Investigation News Letterman KEZI 9 News (11:35) Nightline KDHD Q OO O KEZI 9 News World News K EZI 9 News KEZI 9 News Entertainment The Insider (N) The Middle (N) The Neighbors Modern Family Suburgatory (N) Nashville (N) 'PG' cc(DVS) Family Guy '14' Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Big Bang Big Bang New s KPxo B IKI IEI IEI(4:30) 2012World SeriesDetroit Tigers atSanFrancisco Giants (N) n (Live) « TMZ (N) rt 'PG' The Simpsons Family Guy '14' Nature (N) n 'PG' «(DVS) Ore gon Exper Oregon Exp Nova scienceNOW (N)n 'PG' Steve Jobs — One Last Thing n Koae Q B Q B Wild Kratts 'Y' Electric Comp. Equitrekking Business Rpt. PBS NewsHour(N) n « Newsohannel 8 NightlyNews Newschannel 8 News Decision 2012:The Debate Animal Practice Guys With Kids Law & Order: SVU Chicago Fire (N) rt '14' Newsohannel 8 Jay Leno KGW 0 S e i nfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG' KTVZDT2 S Q B lB We ThereYet? We There Yet? King of Queens King of Queens Engagement Engagement A rrow Lone Gunmen(N)n '14' S u pernatural Bitten (N) '14' re Baking Made Taste This! 'G' Outnumbered Last of Wine The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Doc Martin TheFamilyWay'PG' World News T avis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose (N) rt 'G' « PBS NewsHour rtCC OPBPL 175 173

KTVZ 0 0 0

0 News


StorageWars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage-Texas Storage-Texas Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty ** "Halloween 4:TheReturnof Michael Myers" (1988) DonaldPleasence, **** "Halloween" (1978) DonaldPleasence, JamieLeeCurtis.Anescaped (4:00) ** "Halloween 5:TheRevenge * "Halloween: Resurrection" (2002,Horror)JamieLeeCurtis. Collegians of MichaelMyers" cc spend thenight in MichaelMyers' childhood home.re Ellie Cornell. Dr. Loomishuntskiller Mike onceagain. ac maniacembarksona holiday rampage oi revenge. cc *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Monsters Inside Me 'PG' « Fatal Attractions n '14' « World's Deadliest Towns n '14' Savaged (N) 'PG' Savaged(N) n 'PG' Savaged(N) n 'PG' Savaged n 'PG' BRAVO1 37 4 4 Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Life After TopChef (N) What Happens After Top Chef CMT 190 32 42 53 Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Reba 'PG' «Reba 'PG' «Reba 'PG' «Reba 'PG' «Reba 'PG' «Reba 'PG' «Extreme Makeover:Home Edition Extreme Makeover:Home Edition Kitchen Nightmares Dillon's '14' Story" (2007)Narrated byStacy Keach. *** "ThePixar Story" (2007)Narrated byStacy Keach. CNBC 54 36 40 52 *** "The Pixar American Greed Mad Money Quit Your Job! You Breathe! CNN 55 38 35 48 Anderson Cooper360 (N) « Pie r s Morgan Tonight (N ) Ande r son Cooper 360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront COM 135 53 135 47Futurama 'PG' Always Sunny South Park 'MA' Tosh.0 '14' Co l bert Report Daily Show C h appelle Show Key tt Peele S outh Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' Key & Peele (N) Daily Show C o lbert Report CQTY 11 Dept./Trans. C i ty Edition B e nd City Council Work Session Bend City Council Morning Oregon City Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings *DIS 87 43 14 39 Wizards-Place Wizards-Place Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie Jessie 'G' « Sh a ke It Up! 'G' Gravity Falls n ***"Wizards Waverl oi yPlace: TheMovie" 'G' Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb A.N.T. Farm 'G' My Babysitter *DISC 156 21 16 37 Sons of Guns n '14' cc Sons of Guns n '14' re MythBusters n 'PG' cc MythBusters Hail Hijinx n 'PG' S o ns of Guns (N) n '14' cc Militia Rising (N) n '14' cc Sons of Guns n '14' cc 'E! 1 36 2 5 A-List Listings Jonas Keeping UpWith the Kardashians The E! True Hollywood Story '14' E! News (N) Keeping UpWith the Kardashians The Soup '14' The Soup '14' Chelsea Lately E! News AII.Access Kent Sportscenter (N)(Live) ra ESPN 21 23 22 23 NFL Live « 30 for 30 Sportscenter (N)(Live)ac Sportscenter (N)(Live) « Bportscenter (N)(Live) cc All-Access Kent All-Access Kent Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « NFL Live (N) « All-Access Kent World/Poker ESPN2 22 24 21 24 NBA Studio Specials (N) (Live) E : 60 E:60 ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (4:00) Boxing Boxing 'PG' S t o ries of... St o ries of... Lo n g Way Down cc White Shadow cc MLB Baseball FromOct. 25,1987. cc College Football (N)ac ESPNN 24 63 124203Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESPNFC Press H-Lite Ex. Pocus" (1993)Bette Midler, SarahJessica Parker. ** "Scooby-Doo" (2002)FreddiePrinze Jr., SarahMichelle Gellar. ** "Scoob y-Doo2:MonstersUnleashed"(2004,Comedy) FAM 67 29 19 41 ** "Hocus The700clubn G ~c FNC 57 61 36 50 The O'Reilly Factor (N) « Hannity (N) On Record, Greta VanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor « Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Best Dishes Paula's Cooking Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible ValleyInn Restaurant: Impossible 'G' Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant Stakeout (N) Restaurant: Impossible FX 131 (3:00) Blade T wo/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men ** "Twilight" (2008, Romance)Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Bily Burke. American Horror Story: Asylum American Horror Story: Asylum HGTV 176 49 33 43 House Hunters Renovation 'G' H o use Hunters Renovation 'G' H o use Hunters Renovation 'G' P r operty Brothers 'G' cc Buying and Selling (N) 'G' cc Ho u se Hunters Hunters Int'I Property Brothers 'G' cc 'HIST 155 42 41 36 Restoration R e storation R e storation R e storation Re storation R e storation R e storation R e storation R e storation R e storation Ca j un Pawn C a jun Pawn (11:02) AmericanPickers 'PG' "Steel Magnoiias" (2012)QueenLatifah, Phylicia Rashad.'PG' cc "Steel Magnoiias" (2012)'PG' LIFE 138 39 20 31 (4:30) ** "DisappearingActs" (2000)SanaaLathan. 'PG' cc The Houstons The Houstons My Life Is a Lifetime Movie '14' MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Ed Show(N) TheRachelMaddow Show (N) The Last W ord The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Friendzone 'PG' Friendzone 'PG' Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Totally Clueless Money Strang. UnderemployedTheCrib n '14' The Challenge: Battle of Seasons The Challenge: Battle of Seasons TheChallenge The Challenge NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob SpongeBob Spongeeob S pongeBob FigureItOut'Y' Drake&Josh Full House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' The Nanny'PG' TheNanny'PG' Friends n '14' (11:33) Friends Oprah's Next Datehne on OWN OWN 161103 31 103DisappearedFinalChordn 'PG' Di sappeared n 'PG' cc DisappearedSoulSearcher 'PG' Dateline on OWN(N) 'PG' re Op r ah's Next Chapter n 'ec PG' n PG cc ROOT 20 45 28' 26 Hydroplane B e nsinger Sea hawks Boy s in the Hall UEFA Champions League Soccer AFCAjaxvs Manchester City FC(N) Bull Riding CBRSilverado Slam The DanPatrick Show SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Bar RescueOwnerOusted 'PG' Bar Rescue Weber's of Lies'PG' Bar Rescue Mystique or Murder? Bar Rescue Bikini Bust n 'PG' B a r Rescue n 'PG' Bar Rescue Onthe Rocks'PG' Bar RescueTiki Cursen 'PG' SYFY 133 35 133 45Paranormal Witness 'PG' Paranormal Witness 'PG' Paranormal Witness 'PG' Ghost Hunters CurtainCall 'PG' Ghost Hunters FearFactory (N) Paranormal Witness TheTenants (N) 14' Ghost Hunters TBN 05 60 130 Behind Scenes Turning Point Joseph Prince End of the Age Praise the Lord Y cc Always Good Jesse Duplantis Easter Exper. Creflo Dollar Praise the Lord 'Y' cc *TBS 16 27 11 28 Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG' King of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Big Bang Big Bang Conan (N) '14' « ***"The Raven" (1963)Vincent Price. Twowizards join (645) *** "Murdersin the RueMorgue" (1932, Horror) ** "The Black Cat"(1934, Horror) Boris Karloif, Bela *" T he Fall ofthe Houseoi usher" (1045) TheTell- (11 15) *** "Spiritsoi the Dead" TCM 101 44 101 29 forces to defeat apower-craving rival. Bela Lugosi, SidneyFox. « Lugosi, DavidManners. Tale Heart (1949) KayTendeter. (1968, Horror)Jane Fonda. *TLC 178 34 32 34 Four Weddings n 'PG' « Island Medium Island Medium Half-Ton Mom n 'PG' « Half-Ton Killer n cc Extreme Chea. Extreme Chea. Extreme Chea. Extreme Chea. ExtremeChea. Extreme Chea. *TNT 17 26 15 27 (4:00) PGA Castle A Death inthe Family 'PG' Castle Deep in Death 'PG' cc Cas tle The Doubl Down e n 'PG' Perception Cipher '14' cc Tour Golf GrandSlamof Golf, DayTwo(N) cc *TOON 84 Dragons: Riders Regular Show Regular Show Wrld, Gumball Adventure Time NinjaGo: Mstrs Dragons: Riders Ben 10 King of the Hill King ot the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Bourdain: NoReservations Biz a rre FoodsfZimmern Man v. Food'G' Man v. Food 'G' Halloween Crazier 'PG' ra Toy Hunter 'PG' Toy Hunter 'PG' Sausage Paradise(N)'PG' cc Food Truck Paradise'G'cc TVLND 65 47 29 35 Bonanza AToy Soldier 'G' « M' A' 8 ' H 'PG' M ' A'S'H 'PG' M'A'S'H 'PG' Cosby Show C osby Show C osby Show L ove-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot, Cleveland The Exes '14' KingofQueens KingofQueens NCIS Hiatus '14' «(DVS ) NCIS Political assassination. '14' N CIS Stakeout rt '14' « NCIS DogTags n '14' cc NCIS Internal Affairs rt '14' « Covert Affairs 'PG' ra(DVS) USA 15 30 23 30 NCIS Hiatus '14' « VHt 191 48 37 54 Chrissy & Jones Chrissy tt Jones Couples Therapy n '14' Couples TherapyOpeningUp'14' CouplesTherapyn '14' Couples Therapyn '14' Couples Therapy n Rehab With Dr. Drew n '14' *A&E 13028 18 32 The First48 14 cc

*AMC 102 40 39

** "The Jackal"1997, SuspenseBruceWilis. n 'R' « ENCR 106401 06401(4:20) **"The Craft"1996 'R' (6:05) ** "TheShadow"1994 Alec Baldwin.n 'PG-13' « (10:10) *** "MeninBlack"1997Tommy Lee Jones. 'PG-13' « ** "My SuperEx-Girlfriend" 2006 UmaThurman. 'PG-13' cc ** "My SuperEx-Girlfriend" 2006 UmaThurman. 'PG-13' cc ** "Madeof Honor" 2008Patrick Dempsey. 'PG-13' cc FMC 104204104120(4:00) ** "Madeoi Honor"re UFC ReloadedUFC68: Sylvia vs. Couture RandyCouture comesout oi retirement. Being: Liverpool (N) '14' UFC Fight Night UFC:Struve vs. Miocic FUEL 34 Big Break Greenbrier Inside PGA G olf Central (N) Golf CIMBClassic, First RoundFromKuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (N) (Live) GOLF 28 301 27 301The Big Break IV:USAv Europe Big Break Vlh Reunion Little House on thePrairie 'G' Lit t le House on the Prairie 'G' Li t t le House on the Prairie 'G' Lit t le House on the Prairie 'G' Fr a sier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' HALL 66 33 175 33 (4:00) Home 8Family 'G' « ** "Diaryoi e WimpyKid: Rodrick Rules" 2011,Comedy (6 45) ** "Ethel" 2012, DocumentaryEthel Kennedydiscusses family, mar- "The Girl"2012TobyJones. FilmmakerAlfred Hitchcock Boardwalk Empire Nucky is detained Real Time With Bill Maher Political HBO 25501 425501 Zachary Gordon,SteveZahn,rt'PG'« riage andpolitics. rt 'NR' « obsessesoveractress Tippi Hedren. « in Washington. 'MA' « strategist Boris Epshteyn.'MA' * "Punisher:WarZone" 2008, Action RayStevenson. 'R' I FC 105 1 0 5 ** "Transporter 3" 2008,ActionJasonStatham. Premiere.'PG-13' (7:15) * "Punisher:WarZone" 2008,Action RayStevenson, Dominic West. 'R' (11:45)Autopsy (4:20) **"in Time"2011 Justin Ti m (6:15) * 'ytn Ameri c an Werewol f in Paris"1997Tom Everett Scott. A young Hunted Mort Sam Hunt e r returns to ** "Anchorman: The Legend oi Ron Burgundy"2004, (10:40) ** "under world" 2003, Horror KateBeckinsale, M AX 00508 5 0 8berlake.n 'PG-13'« Americanmeets alovely lycanthrope while in Paris. 'R' « work. n 'MA' cc ComedyWill Ferrell, Paul Rudd.n 'NR' « Scott Speedman,Michael Sheen. n 'R' « Alaska State Troopers '14' Bid & Destroy Bid & Destroy Bid & Destroy Bid tt Destroy Bid & Destroy Bid & Destroy Bid & Destroy Bid & Destroy Alaska State Troopers '14' The Hunt for the Lost Ark 'G' N GC 157 1 5 7 P l anet Sheen Planet Sheen Avatar: Air. Av a tar: Air. Od d Parents O d d Parents S p ongeBob S p ongeBob A v atar: Air. Av a tar: Air. Dragon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor NTOON 89 115189115Odd Parents Odd Parents Outdoorsman Amer. Rifleman Impossible G u n Nuts Mid w ay USA's Shooting USA cc BestDefense Midway USA's Impossible A m er. Rifleman OUTD 37 307 43 307Midway USA's Shooting USA~c nsi d e NASCAR Inside ComedyInside n the NFL n 'PG' cc S HO 00 5 0 0 (4:30) *** "DownandOutin Bever/yHils"1986, Com- (6:20) ** "Tanner Hall" 2009, DramaRooneyMara, Geor Homeland NewCar Smell Brodyruns Inside the NFL (N)n 'PG' « I '14' ©c edy NickNolte, Bette Midler.n 'R' « gia King, BrieLarson. n 'R'©c into Carrie. n 'MA' cc (N) 'PG' SPEED 35 303125303Pinks - All Out 'PG' 101 Cars 101 Cars Barr ett-Jackson Special Edition Pinks - All Out 'PG' 101 Cars 101 Cars Barr ett-Jackson Special Edition Unique Whips '14' ***"TheMuppets"2011,ComedyJasonSegel.n 'PG'« "Lordoi theRings: TheReturn" STARZ 00408300408(4:35) ** "Anonymous"2011Rhys Iians. n 'PG-13' a« (6:50) *** "Secretariat"2010, DramaDianeLane. n 'PG' « (4:30) "Journey tothe Centeroi the (6:05) *** "Unhook the Stars" 1996 GenaRowlands. Anolder widow be- ** "Flypaper" 2011, ComedyPatrick Dempsey.A man ** "Comic BookVilains" 2002,ComedyDonal Logue, (11:05) ** "Leavesoi Grass" 2009 T MC 25 5 2 5 Earth"2008 Rick Schroder. friends a new neighbor andher youngson. n 'R' « tries to protect a bank teller. n 'NR' « Cary Elwes,MichaelRapaport. n 'R' Edward Norton. n 'R' « NFL Turning Point (N) 'PG' NFL Turning Point 'PG' MLS 36 'PG' NFL Turning Point'PG' Poker After Dark 'PG' re NBCSN 27 58 30 209Paralympics MLS Soccer PhiladelphiaUnionat Sporting KansasCity (N)(Live ) *WE 143 41 17411 Bridezillas Cristal &Sherry'14' B r i dezillas Cristal & Janelle '14' B r idezillas Natalie Cris& tal '14' W e dding- Dava Unveiled To Be Announced Ghost Whisperer n 'PG' « Big Easy Brides '14'




Teen girl mustgrievealone after havingsecret miscarriage Dear Abby:I'm 15. I have dated since I was 12 but never told my parents and sort of went out of my way to hide it from them.lhadsexwhenIwas 13, but was always careful about using birth control. I'm on the pill and always use condoms. I got pregnant anyway, five months ago. I always had irregular periods so I didn't realize it until two months ago. The doctor told me I was having a girl. I was scared out of my mind, but I was planning to tell the father and my parents. Then early last month I got a terrible pain. I went to the clinic and had a miscarriage. It will be a long time before I'm completely ready to deal with this, but I don't know how to move on. I only told a couple of people, and none of them can ever know how I'm feeling. I can't tell my parents, and I have no idea how to tell the father. Please help me. — Lost and Alone in Wisconsin Dear Lost and Alone:Please accept my sympathy. A miscarriage can cause a mix of emotions, among which are d isappointment, desp a i r , shock, guilt, grief — and relief. AII are normal. I urge you to talk to a trusted adult who can listen and support you, because going through all of this alone is doubly hard. Remember that grief is a naturalresponse to a miscarriage. Don't make light of it or deny thefeelings. The length of time it takes to process them is different for everyone, but you should feel better as time passes. If that doesn't happen, talk with your health care provider because there may be additional ways to support you and help you feel better. If you decide to tell the father, understand that he may need to grieve, too. He may not be able to express his emotions the same way you do. But communicating your feelings and supporting each other may help both of you to cope. Because the birth control


Pleaseemail event information to communitylife@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

TODAY DEAR ABBY you were using didn't prevent

your pregnancy, you should ask a healthcare provider for advice about avoiding another unplanned pregnancy in the future. A staff member at your local P l anned P a renthood health center or other clinic, or your own physician, can discuss all of your options and help you get the birth control you need. Dear Abby:I'm the mother of two adult daughters. Their father and I were divorced when they were 6 and 10. He was an attentive father, and I encouraged and nurtured their relationship with him and always told them how much he loved them. F ive years after ou r d i vorce, he remarried. His new wife didn't care for the girls and made no secret of it. Our youngest daughter gave birth to our only grandchild. When the child was 4, my daughters were told by their father that they were nolonger welcome in his home. They then revealed to me that during the 30 years since t he divorce, their dad h a d never had a good thing to say about me and told them many lies. He died nine months ago, without patching up the problems between them. Now my daughters want to be close to his wife! Please help me understand. I have strong emotions about this, especially concerning the grandchild. — Miserable in Missouri Dear Miserable: It may not be rational, but it's possible that your daughters want a relationship with their father's wife because they perceive it as the one last link to their father, however weak a link that

maybe. — Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbbyicom or P.O. Box

69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Wednesday,Oct. 24, 2012 By Jacqueline Bigar This year others often find you to be inspiring, yet in your ownmind, you might feel confused. If you follow your gut, you will land well. Someof you prefer a morelogical approach, which could become an issue. If you are single, you possess amagneticyet elusive aura that draws manytoward you. You will havemany admirers. Ifyou areattached, the two ofyou connect on adeeper and morecaring level, especially if you open up toyour feelings more often. PISCES is as emotional as you. The Stars Showthe Kind ofDayYou'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March21-April19) ** * You might be unusually quiet, asyou are very much inyour head. Strong feelings tend to permeateyour day and drive your actions. Youmight feel a need tosort through the financial benefits of making onedecision over another. Youneedto handle aboss directly. Tonight: Not to befound. TAURUS(April 20-May 20) ** * * * Z e ro in on whatyou want while timing is working in your favor. A friend or ameeting inspires youtobemoreopenaboutmaking a dream areality. You haveaquality that encourages people to trustyou. A partner or closeassociate will open up, given some time.Tonight: Whereyour friends are. GEMINI (May21-June2B) ** * * Take a stand. Beclas ear as possible about what is driving you, and know full well what feels right. A key person in your life demandsyour time and attention. Thequality of your day-to-day life is up for examination. Tonight: A must appearance. CANCER(June21-July 22) ** * * * You have emotional resonance, and ifyou followyour intuition, things will work out in the wayyou want them to. Reach outfor someone at adistance who might feel a bit strange at times. Apartner or loved one is transforming, slowly but surely. Tonight: Wish upon a star. LEO (July23-Aug. 22) ** * * * R elate to an instrumental person in your life directly. This individual is imaginative andcreative, but often not realistic. You might not want to havehim or her asanactive financial partner, asyou could be setting the stagefor trouble. Tonight: Visit over dinner. VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) ** * * C ontinue to allow others to


steal the spotlight. In your reticence, you will be noticed. Youmight want to take some personal time. Others are only too delighted to fill in; they also will have abetter sense of whatyou have to handleevery day.Tonight: Sort through invitations. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * You have an idthat ea might be difficult to explain in away that others can understand. Youjust might need to go off and doit. Know that the expense or cost might be anissue. If so, lookfor a partner who understands your vision. Tonight: Squeeze insome exercise. SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * * * U se your imagination, and funnel your creativity into a fun Halloween project. Thoughsometimes your thoughts could betwisted or strange, they tend to piqueothers' interest. A discussion allows youto see yet another path. Tonight: Ever creative. SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Dec. 21j *** When you thinkaboutyour domestic life, tension courses through your body. As aresult, you could experience alow-level depression. Try a relaxation technique, becauseyou do need to deal with the situation sooner rather than later. Tonight: Followyour instincts with a purchase. CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * * You are likely to say what you think, andyou'll expect someone else to understand thewhole concept. Know that this might not bethe case. Useyour intuition whendealing with a relative or neighbor. Youknow what this person will say evenbefore he or she speaks.Tonight: Changeyour mood. Goout. AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * You are not a sign that is dominated bya needfor material items. Youdo, however, realize the need for money inthe society in which you live. Inevitably, moneyslides through your fingers. Carefully count your change, but if you have ahunch about the lottery, go for it. Tonight: Do some price comparison. PISCES(Feb. 19-March20) ** * * * You beam and attract others, like honeyattracts a bear. You might be takenaback byall the doors that open upforyou. Follow your emotional sense indeciding what to do. Pleasenotethat some of the options available nowcould beclosed off very soon. Tonight: Whatever knocks your socks off. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate

PUMPKIN PATCH:Free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central OregonPumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "When She Woke" by Hillary Jordan; free; 6:30 p.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1074 or www.deschuteslibrary.orgl calendar. "FRANKENSTEIN" AND"THE BRIDE OFFRANKENSTEIN": A double feature of the horror films, with an introduction by Robert Osborne; $12.50; 7 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8, IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347 or www.fathomevents.com. LEFT COASTCOUNTRY: The Americana band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. "EVIL DEAD:THEMUSICAL": 2nd Street Theater presents the musical comedy about five college students who accidentally unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 students and seniors; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-3129626 or www.2ndstreettheater .com. "FURTHER":A screening of the second installment in the Jeremy Jones snowboard movie trilogy produced by Teton Gravity Research; $12 in advance plus fees, $15 at the door, $5 children 12 and younger at the door; 8 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org.

Courtesy Jamie Vansuttler

The Americana band Left Coast Countrywill take the stage tonight at 7 at McMenamins Old St. Francis School in Bend. Admission is free.

1250 N.E. WilcoxAve., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco .com. CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 andyounger; 3-7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www .pumpkinco.com. HISTORICALHAUNTS OF DOWNTOWN BEND:Walkto historical buildings that are said to have experienced paranormal events and hear their ghostly tales; $10, free for museum members and ages 12 and younger; 4-7:30 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 N.W. Idaho Ave.; 541-389-1813 or www.deschuteshistory.org. THURSDAY AUTUMN JOURNEY:Children go on an autumn journey, meeting star PUMPKIN PATCH:Free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central guides, shepherds and more; $1 suggested donation; 6 p.m.; Waldorf OregonPumpkin Company, School of Bend, 19888 Rocking 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Horse Road; 541-330-8841. Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Am anda Coplin talks about her book"The AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Orchardist"; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Victor Villasenor talks about Springs Books, 422 S.W. Sixth St., his memoir "Burro Genius: A Redmond; 541-526-1491. Memoir"; free; 3 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, "FIDDLER ONTHE ROOF": The Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 Summit High School drama N.W.College Way, Bend; department presents the musical 541-318-3726. abouta Jewish peasantwho must marry off his three daughters while HISTORICALHAUNTS OF facing anti-Semitism; $10, $8 DOWNTOWNBEND:Walk to historical buildings that students, seniors and children; 7 are said to have experienced p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541paranormal events and hear 355-4000 or http:I/bend.k12 their ghostlytales; $10, free museum members and ages12 .or.us/summit. and younger; 4-7:30 p.m.; Des "THE BRITISH IN NAPOLEONIC Chutes Historical Museum, 129 TIMES":The Central Oregon History N.W. Idaho Ave.; 541-389-1813 Performers present a production or www.deschuteshistory.org. set in the early1800s, with singing, AUTHOR PRESENTATION: dancing and drama skits; $5, free Karen Duvall talks about her for children12andunder; 7 p.m.; books, including "Darkest The Bridge Church of the Nazarene, Knight"; free; 6:30-9 p.m.; 2398 W. AntlerAve.,Redmond; 541Central Oregon Community 504-4233. College, Redmond campus, BIG BROTHERSBIG SISTERS 2030 S.E. College Loop, COMEDYBENEFIT:Comedy event Redmond; 541-350-6583, featuring comics Karen Lacy and elsiemariewrites@gmail.com or Kermit Apio; with dinner available www.centraloregonwritersguild for purchase and a silent auction; .com. proceeds benefit Big Brothers Big "FIDDLER ONTHE ROOF": Sisters of Central Oregon; $50 plus The Summit High School fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 drama department presents N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 the musical about a Jewish or www.towertheatre.org. peasant who must marry off "EVIL DEAD:THEMUSICAL": 2nd his three daughters while facing StreetTheater presents the musical anti-Semitism; $10, $8 students, comedy aboutfive college students seniors and children; 7 p.m.; who accidentally unleash an evil Summit High School, 2855 N.W. force; contains adult language; $21, Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541$25 splatter zone, $18 students and 355-4000 or http:I/bend.k12 seniors; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, .or.us/summit. 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541"EVIL DEAD:THEMUSICAL": 312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater 2nd Street Theater presents .com. the musical comedy about IKE FONSECA:The Portlandfive college students who based country rocker performs; accidentally unleash an evil $5;8 p.m.;TheOld Stone,157 force; contains adult language; N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 www.oldstonechurchbend.com. students and seniors; 8 p.m.; MONSTERBALL: Featuring live 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. music, a costume contest, a zombie Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312shoot and more; $13 in advance, 9626 or www.2ndstreettheater $18 at the door; 8 p.m.; Vince Genna .com. Stadium, Southeast Fifth Street and "RIFFTRAX LIVE, BIRDEMIC": Roosevelt Avenue, Bend; A screening of the PG-13 rated 541-617-3215 or comedy featuring the stars www.monsterballbend.com. of "Mystery Science Theater ACORN PROJECT: Thejam -rock 3000"; $12.50; 8 p.m.; Regal band will celebrate Halloween with Old Mill Stadium 16 8 IMAX, a night of Rage Against the Machine 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, and Ween covers; $7 in advance, $10 Bend; 541-382-6347 or www at the door; 8:30 p.m.; The Annex, 51 .fathomevents.com. N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; MATT WOODS:The Americana 541-788-2989 or www.p44p.biz. artist performs, with Tater DANIEL KIRKPATRICKANDTHE Famineand MichaelDean Damron; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned BAYONETS:The indie-rock band performs, with Jaccuzi; $5; 8:30 Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., p.m.; Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Bend; www.reverbnation.com/ Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. venue/thehornedhand. CORNSHED:The Canadian "THECYCLOCROSS bluegrass act performs; $5; MEETING":A screening of the 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Brian Vernor film with special guest Barry Wicks; ages 21 and Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or older; $5; 9 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. www.silvermoonbrewing.com. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or STRIVEROOTS HALLOWEEN PARTY:The local reggae band www.mcmenamins.com. performs, with a costume contest; a portion of the proceeds benefit MBSEF; $3 in advance,$5atthe FRIDAY door; 10 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 PUMPKIN PATCH:Free N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central 0116 or www.reverbnation.coml OregonPumpkin Company, striveroots.

355-4000 or http:I/bend.k12.or.us/summit. REDMOND GRANGE BREAKFAST: "THE BRITISH IN NAPOLEONIC TIMES":The Central Oregon History A community breakfast with Performers present a production scrambled eggs, pancakes and set in the early1800s, with singing, beverages; $6, $3 ages12 and dancing and drama skits; $5, free younger; 7-10:30 a.m.; Redmond for children12 and under; 7 p.m.; Grange, 707 S.W. KalamaAve.; The Bridge Church of the Nazarene, 541-480-4495. 2398 W. Antler Ave., Redmond; HALLOWEEN CYCLOCROSS 541-504-4233. CRUSADE: Watch the obstacleJAZZ ATJOE'S VOLUME40: The ladenbicycle race; with costumed Jazz at Joe's series presents The competitors, a beer garden, live Cavemen; registration required; $25; music, cultural food and more; free for spectators; 8 a.m.-7 7 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse,148 p.m.; Deschutes Brewery, 901 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541977-5637, joe@jazzatjoes.com or S.W. Simpson Ave., Bend; www.halloweencyclocross.com. www.jazzatjoes.com. PUMPKIN PATCH:Free admission; PORTLANDYOUTH 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; DD Ranch, 3836 N.E. PHILHARMONIC: Theyouth Smith Rock Way,Terrebonne; 541orchestra performs, under the 548-1432 or www.ddranch.net. direction of David Hattner; proceeds "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: benefit Bend High School; $5; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. OTELLO":Starring Renee Fleming, Sixth St.; 503-223-5939 or JohanBothaand MichaelFabiano www.portlandyouthphil.org. in a presentation of Verdi's masterpiece; opera performance "EVIL DEAD:THEMUSICAL": 2nd transmitted live in high definition; Street Theater presents the musical $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; comedy about five college students 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium who accidentally unleash an evil 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse force; contains adult language; $21, Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. $25 splatter zone, $18 students and CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6seniors; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 11, free ages 5 andyounger; 10 a.m.- 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin 541-312-9626 or Company, 1250 N.E.W ilcoxAve., www.2ndstreettheater.com. Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or CYCLOCROSS WAREHOUSE www.pumpkinco.com. PARTY:Featuring live music, a SUNRIVER HALLOWEEN DJ, performancetroupes and CARNIVAL:With games, costume more, with a"Cyclo Du Soleil" contests, a haunted house, train theme; proceeds benefit the Bend rides and more; free; 2-6 p.m.; Paddle Trail Alliance; $10; 8 p.m.-2 Village at Sunriver, 57100 Beaver a.m.; Deschutes Brewery's lower Drive; 541-593-5948. warehouse, 399 S.W. Shevlin Hixon THE "U" WORD:A lecture Drive, Bend; 541-385-8606 or discussing the historical and political www.deschutesbrewery.com. aspects of reproductive rights in the HALLOWEEN PARTY: Featuring United States; free; performances by Broken Down 3 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 Guitars andAvery James andThe S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1034, Hillandales, with a zombie pinup tinad@deschuteslibrary.org or www. contest; $5; 7 p.m., doors open at deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. 6:30 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 HISTORICALHAUNTS OF N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541DOWNTOWN BEND:W alkto 728-0879 or www.reverbnation historical buildings that are said .com/venue/t hehornedhand. to have experienced paranormal POR ELFLAMENCO:A presentation events and hear their ghostly tales; of traditional flamenco artistry, $10, free museum members and featuring gypsy flamenco singer ages 12 and younger; 4-7:30 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 Jesus Montoya and dancer Savannah Fuentes; $20; 8 p.m.; The N.W. Idaho Ave.; 541-389-1813 or Sound Garden,1279 N.E. Second www.deschuteshistory.org. St., Bend; 206-409-2161 or HALLOWEEN PARTY: Featuring a ksilva@bendbroadband.com. costume contest, a jack-o'-lantern HALLOWEENDANCEPARTY: contest, a raffle, table games and With performances by Bellingham, a dinner; $6; 4:30-9 p.m.; La Pine W ashington-based Polecatanda Senior Activity Center, 16450 DJ; ages 21 and older; free; Victory Way; 541-536-3207. 9 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. VFW DINNER:A roast beef dinner; Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond proceeds benefit local veterans; St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or $8;5-7 p.m.;VFW Hall,1503 N.E. www.mcmenamins.com. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. WITCHINGHOUR AT THE TOWER: NEIGHBORHOOD HALLOWEEN A Halloween party, with The Staxx PARTY:Featuring games, food, Brothers, Mosley Wotta and a face painting, a costume contest screening of "The Rocky Horror and more; for children ages10 and Picture Show"; ages 21 and older; younger; proceeds benefit The $14 plus fees; 9 p.m.; Tower Theatre, Giving Plate; $4, $2 with a non835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317perishable food item; 5:30-7:30 0700 or www.towertheatre.org. p.m.; Marshall High School,1291 N.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-355-3500. ARM WRESTLING SUNDAY CHAMPIONSHIP:Arm wrestle locals and top performers in various HALLOWEEN CYCLOCROSS weight classes; proceeds benefit CRUSADE:Watch the obstaclethe Friends of Oregon Badlands ladenbicycle race; with costumed Wilderness; $5 admission, $20 to competitors, a beer garden, live participate; 6 p.m., doors open at music, cultural food and more; 5:30 p.m.; The Old Stone, 157 N.W. free for spectators; 8 a.m.-7 Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-322-7273. p m Deschutes Brewery 901 HALLOWEEN BASH: Live music S.W. Simpson Ave., Bend; with A.M. Interstate, the Hooligans, www.halloweencyclocross.com. the Confederats, Travis Kenny, PUMPKIN PATCH:Freeadmission; Nuclear Salt and more; $3; 6 p.m.; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; DD Ranch, 3836 N.E. Big T's, 413 S.W. Glacier Ave., Smith Rock Way, Terrebonne; 541Redmond; 541-504-3864. 548-1432 or www.ddranch.net. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Am anda CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages Coplin talks about her book "The Orchardist"; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina 6-11, free ages 5 andyounger; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Springs Books, 252 W. HoodAve., Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Sisters; 541-549-0866. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504"FIDDLER ONTHE ROOF": The 1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. Summit High School drama MONSTERDASH:A 5K run to department presents the musical benefit Angel Flight West; with a aboutaJewish peasantwh o must marry off his three daughters while costume contest and kids mile run; registration required; $25-$30; 10 facing anti-Semitism; $10, $8 students, seniors and children; 7 a.m., race registration at 9 a.m.; p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 Highland Magnet School, 701 N.W. N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-1601.






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Monaco takes Spingold By FRANK STEWART czt

Tribune MediaServices


Pierre Z i m m ermann's "Team Monaco" defended it s S p i ngold Teams title at the Summer NABC, beating Nick NICKELL by 42 IMPs. A crucial deal saw Monaco play INT making two as North-South at one table. At the other they played 1NT redoubled as East-West, which could have been beaten but wasn't. The runners-up made some errors. In today's deal Nickell opened one diamond on a barren hand, and Ralph Katz responded one heart! When East overcalled, South had to double (in his system) to show three cards in hearts.

hearts. What do you say? ANSWER: Many players would have opened one club; experts debate the proper opening bid with 5-5 in the black suits. Since you have sound high-card values and a promising holding in partner's suit, bid three clubs, a s t rength-showing " h i gh reverse." If he had responded two diamonds, you might settle for a timid two-spade rebid. South dealer N-S vulnerable NORTH

If North-South's bidding strikes you as indiscreet, I agree. Monaco's West redoubled, and when Katz tried two diamonds, East offered a valueshowing double that West passed. West led the ten of spades, and East overtook with the jack and led a trump. That wasn't best defense, but South misguessed the play and still lost 1,400. In the replay the auction began the same way! But North bid two hearts at his second turn and survived: EastWest bid and made 3NT.





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Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis

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© 2012 by KingFeatures Syndicate, tnc World rights reserved

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E-matl: bholbrookt rlgmatl.com




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by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble thesefour Jumbles one letter to eachsquare, to form fourordinary words.

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©20/2 TnbuneMediaServices, Inc. E All Rights Reserved.


sweep it up.'1

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We need some air fresheners

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THE 5L/eMARINE NEEPEP A—Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested bytheabove cartoon.


© LaughingstockInternational Inc, Dist try unaersal uclick for Urs, 2012

"Imagine anyone planting a Iree right there!"

(Answerstomorrow) Yesterday's



Answer: His chef's award-winningpizza wassogood that it couldn't — eETOPPED

ACROSS 1 Brains 7 Like many a reply env. 10 Low-tech missi le 13 New Age

DOWN 1 Made an

32 Print maker 34 Wine barrel wood 35 Dictator Amin 36 *Space cadet's home? 3 7 Inland Asian sea 38 Lehar operetta "The Merry "

48 Che e rful 49 Painter Monet ap p earance 50 H a d an inkling 51 S m all gifts 2 Team captain's 53 Extremists, for co nc e r n 3 Morning janglers shor t 4 Teeth-cleaning 55 2 0 04 remake physician starring Jude Law 14 Zeno's home step 39 Breathable gases 56 Fabricate 15 Namibia 5 Title writer in a 57 Re s t ed neighbor: Abbr. Jo hn I rving novel 42 Car at a long light, say 59 Venus de Milo's 16 Florida export 6 Hasenpfeffer, for 17 *"Ditto!" 45 Herbal brew lack one 46 Everglades birds 6 1 Egyptian snake 19 *1955 7 Director's cry Communist 8 Jam thickener ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: defense treaty 9 Black Hills terr. 10 *"Wheel of D R A C O A J A X A Q U A 21 Old Russian dynast Fortune" host R E L A X L U G E T U T S 11 "A Day Without 22 Pulitzer A N D RO M E D A S T R A I N playwright Rice Rain "New Ager W O O D A X I 8 8 I D L E 23 The tiniest bit 12 Culture medium G E N E N A S S E R 25 M o i nes 14 Israeli diplomat J U RA S S I C P A R K 26 Sink, as a Abba A N I M E OU T S F E B snooker ball 18 When one might C O N G O W E A R 28 Flattering have a late lunch V I L E 20 "The Chosen" A X E L O R D O H A R E deception 31 Daddy-o novelist Chaim TH E L O S T W O R L D 33 Marsupial 24 "The Addams A B RO A D C A N S sometimes called Fam i ly" adjective D R I P S F A U X T I M E a bear 27 Special M I CH A E L C R I C H T O N 34 Friction reducer military force I D E A V E E R D A Z E D 37*"I can answer 29 Flamenco shout T E S T E A S Y S T A T S 30 Shoreline your questions 10/24/1 2 xwordeditor/eaol.com 40 Map reader's aid inde n tation 41 Firefighter Red I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Ii 12 43 Gaming console 13 14 15 with a fitness component 16 17 18 44 County in eastern Ireland 19 20 21 4 7 R8 B's H i l l 22 23 24 49 Peoria hrs. 52 Score tempo 26 27 28 29 30 54 Opposite of neo- 25 56 Fr. miss 31 32 33 58 *Momentarily forget 34 3 5 36 37 38 39 60 Like the best 42 43 bonds, and a hint 41 to the answers to 45 46 47 48 49 5 0 51 starred clues 62 Dumpster fill 52 53 54 55 63 Reunion 56 57 58 59 attendees 64 Goes down in the 60 61 62 west 65 Done for the first 63 64 65 time 66 Sew up 66 67 68 67 d e deux 68 Trusty mounts By Gareth Bain 10/24/12 (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.


Fashion Continued from B1 That's certainly the case with Stella McCartney, the well-known vegetarian d es igner whose shunning o f leatherand fur created more acceptance of synthetic alternatives in high fashion. McCartney is often credited with turning faux furs and leather handbags into a fashion "do" when such materials had long been considered too down-market. Now designers including Calvin K l ein a n d M i c hael Kors regularly work imitation furs into their designs. And the idea has trickled down to mass retailers such as H8 M and Forever 21, where most of the "leather" goods are, in fact, pleather. McCartney's partially biod egradable p u mps, w h i c h feature 4-inch heels and thick white soles reminiscent of gym sneakers, went on sale in September. Only the soles, made f r o m pl a n t -derived plastic, ar e b i o degradable. But their i n clusion reflects McCartney's philosophy that "doing a little something is really a lot better than doing a lot of nothing." Her new Stella lingerie line incorporates recycled metal hardware and organic cotton gussets. All of her sunglasses are now eco-friendly, made with more than 50 percent organic materials derived from castor oil seeds and sugar. Gucci began incorporating more castor oil seed plastic into its sunglasses in 2011. This year, the company introduced sunglasses made with b iodegradable f r ames a n d plant-derived, bio-plastic ballerina flats and sneakers. Like Stella M c C artney's

These pumps from Stella McCartney are partly biodegradable.


Phil Schiller, a senior vice president at Apple, touts the company's laptops during a June conference. Instead of buying a new laptop, consider upgrading the memory in your old one to 4 or 8 gigabytes, which can cost less than $100.


Continued from B1 And the cost of a subsidized handsetlike aniPhone 5 or a Samsung Galaxy S III, which start at about $200, is trivial compared to the cost of the wireless service plan, which can easily top $2,000 over the length of the contract. That means about 10 percent of your total outlay is for hardware. Since

you're paying so much no

Submitted photos

The Dutch footwear company Oat hasbeen making biodegradable sneakers since 2011. Pictured is a shoe from the Second Skin Collection.

"When it comes to fashion, we need to design products that can either go safely back into the

biosphere, meaning they would be compostable, or ... that can be recycled into new products." — Lewis Perkins, senior vice president, Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute

matterwhatphoneyouhave, itmakes sense to upgrade as soon as you're eligible for a full subsidy. By the same logic, it does not make much sense to jump at acarrier's off er of an older phone that is cheap or freejust to save a few dollars. Power users should consider upgrading handsets every year. Since carriers like ATfLT will offer only a half-subsidy after a year, a smartphone that costs $200 fully subsidized can end up costing around twice as much. That may seem daunting. But since I use my phone more than most people use laptops, the cost

The Associated Press file photo

huge market for used phones with no contract commitment, you can sell your older smartphone on e Bay, sometimes nearly twice what you paid for it under subsidy, offsetting the cost of a new handset.

most people who have all three gadgets use tablets the least. Let's break down the cost again: If you're using a $500 iPad for three hours a week, and you keepitforthree years before upgrading, it works out to a little over a dollar an hour. Tablets That number makes me a little Tablets are o d d g a dgets nervous. I don't feel like dropthat are great for reading and ping a dollar into a jar every watching movies. But I recom- hour I use an iPad, considermend not upgrading them too ing I can get most of the same often, forseveralreasons. things done on other devices. First, they've stayed largely the same. Arnold Kim, founder Laptops If you're one of the millions of the Apple-gossip site MacRumors, says each new model of people who work in front of the iPad "hasn't been so dra- of a computer all day, and you m atically different from t h e pay for that machine, you may one before, and the first iPad find it easy to justify the cost of remains a very good device." a new one every three years. A Then consider that a full$1,500 computer used roughly size tablet like an iPad or an every working day over three 8.9-inch Kindle Fire HD costs years ends up costing about a nearly as much as a nice phone quarter an hour. or a cheap laptop, at around But there's a catch: Though $300 to $500 and up. And since computers still get much better most tablets don't have the por- every couple of years, they are tability of a smartphone or the built on mature technologies. utility of a laptop, I find that A standard computer is good

to upgrade my 32-gigabyte iPhone every year is less than 10 cents an hour based on 16-hour days, on top of the 15 cents an hour I spend on service. I can live with that. A caveat: Every carrier has its own rules on fees for

enough for most people and has been for quite some time. You'd be hard pressed to find someone who has their work hampered firstand foremost by the speed at which their machine runs, rather than the number of Facebook and YouTube procrastination sessions

they engage in. Computers also allow you to upgrade their components instead of replacing the entire thing. They are often held back by the speed of their hard drives, which are still designed much like record players, around spinning platters and moving arms. These can be replaced by solid-state drives that

are very snappy.

Computer users who run into a nnually, according t o t h e upgrading early. Call your delays after they open many EPA. Of that, just 14 percent carrier and ask how much browser tabs o r p r o grams of the textiles used in clothit would cost to switch to might try upgrading the meming andfootwear isrecovered a new phone. As a rule of ory (RAM) in their computers for reuse or recycling. Statisthumb, you shouldn't be to 4 or 8 gigabytes, which can tics do not exist for how much paying more than t w i ce cost less than $100. It's worth textile waste is composted, what someone else is paying investing in these minor imbut it's probably minuscule. for a fully subsidized phone. provements to extend an older Still, more designers are seeLastly, because there's a machine's life to four years. pumps, though, Gucci's Liq- ing its potential — and not uid Wood s u nglasses and only at the high end. Many California Green sneakers s mall s t a rt-ups a r e al s o aren't entirely biodegradable. experimenting. They're made from a mix of The Dutch footwear commaterials. Only the soles of pany Oat has been making the low- and high-top men's entirely biodegradable sneaks neakers ar e m a d e f r o m ers since 2011. Dizm Eyewear, plant-based plastics that de- in Hermosa Beach, Calif., becompose over time without gan selling sunglasses with leaving chemicals or o t her b iodegradable f r ames t h i s harmful substances behind. spring. • s • As for the sunglasses, the Last year, fashion and enframes are made from wood gineering students at Sheffiber and natural wax. The f ield Hallam U n iversity i n metal joints are constructed England jointly developed a with recycled metal, which wedding dress knitted from points to the d ifficulties of biodegradable polyvinyl almaking items that will entire- cohol thread that's designed ly decompose: Only 100 per- to dissolve into water without cent natural fashions, such as releasing harmful chemicals cotton T-shirts stitched with into the environment. I I • I • I cotton thread, can easily and Another British designer, I r I I r I c ompletely break d ow n i n Suzanne Lee, ha s e x peri'I I I I s. ' ss ' I combination with heat, mois- mented with "growing" fabture and time. ric. She uses a bacterial celluI • I Mayor of Bend, 1991, 2009, 2010 N ot everything c a n b e lose made from kombucha, a ' I I I I I • I I made so simply; indeed, con- fermented tea that Lee grows Bend City Councilor, 22 years sumers have come to expect into sheets that can be moldI • I I e certain performance levels ed into a seamless garment from sophisticated fabrics, and buried in the garden at Rotary Club of Bend, President 09 — 10 • • I such as cott o n -spandex the end of its useful life. '' I I ' • ll I blends. L.A. designer Linda LoudBend Sister City Foundation, "With textiles, you get mon- ermilk made a splash in 2010 Non-Profit, Founder strous hybrids," said Susanna with a c o m postable bikini Schick, owner of Sustainable that can completely decomI ii I I Bend-La Pine Public Schools, Fashion L.A., an environmen- pose in 180 days. In addition, e II s i I II i Iss s i r si . Ii I' 'I tal consulting firm. "Having for the last four years, Lou• l l I I Human Resources II I spandex in something makes dermilk and her team have s i I' it much easier to wear, but if been working with a lab to Deschutes County Field Representative, you put spandex in cotton, it's develop a plant-based fabric US Senator Ron Wyden a petroleum-based fiber with that breaks down quickly. an organic fiber, so the cotIn N o v ember, L o u d erI • I I • I ton will decompose but the milk plans to launch a com''I r o • • • i • • i I I l i l spandex won't. It's a difficult p ostable "luxury e co" l i n e • • g• situation." of shampoos, conditioners, I I I I • And it's one that isn't likely cosmetics and fragrances, I • • iI to go away. along with cutting capes for "When it comes to fashion, h air salons made with t h e I • l i I we need to design products same compostablefabric as that can either go safely back the bikini. Paid for by Kathie Eckman for City Council into the biosphere, meaning they would be compostable, or safely become technical nutrients, such as polymers, metals and polyester, that can be recycled into new products," said L e wi s P erkins, senior vice president of the Cradle to C r adle Products Innovation Institute in S an Francisco. "We need to eliminate the concept of w a ste from our vocabulary and instead think of every material as a potential nutrient for future products." While biodegradability is With our Lifeline Calling PlanS, U.S. Cellular'OfferS diSCOunted WireleSS SerViCe a step in the right direction, P erkins said the m ore i m to PartiCiPantS of Certain gOVernment aSSiStanCe PrOgramS. To get mOre infOrmatiOn portant development in susor to aPPly, ViSit US at USCellular.Com/lifeline or giVe US a Call at 1-800-447-1339. tainability in fashion is using more technical fibers such as polymersthatcan be recycled



• ~ II








WireleSS SerViCe iS imPOrtant tO yOLI.

HelPing yOLI get it iS imPOrtant ta LIS.



(or continuously used) since fashions made from natural materials are so water- and energy-intensive. Fashions that readily biodegrade may be better suited for the most disposable, l east recyclable items in a wardrobe, such a s u n d ergarments, swimsuits or socalled fast fashion, which is, by its very nature, cheap and disposable. Almost 13 million tons of textile waste are generated

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News of Record, C2 Obituaries, C5 Editorials, C4 Weather, C6 THE BULLETIN e WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2012

LOCAL BRIEFING 3 Redmondteens hurt inrollover Three Redmond teens

were injured, oneseriously, in asingle-vehicle rollover crashearly Tuesday morning, theDeschutes County Sheriff's Office said. The driver, a17-

year-old femalefrom Redmond, andfive passengers weretraveling south on FryrearRoad south of state Highway 126 about1:15 a.m., when the driver failed to negotiate a curve and the vehicle left the roadway,

according to anews release. It rolled over at least twice before landing

on the passengerside. One of thepassengers, a17-year oldfemale from Redmond,was

O www.bendbulletin.com/local

Jury selection egins in trial De en ant's o manaccuse inson's eath com uter • Attorneys forthesuspect haveclaimed self-defense sti o imits By Sheila G. Miller The Bulletin

Jury selection is under way in the trial of a man accused of murdering his son in December 2011 after a drunken argument. James Hargrave, 62, is charged with one count of murder. He allegedly shot and killed his son, 29year-old Steven Hargrave, during a confrontation at their home in Tumalo last year. More than 75 p otential jurors were called for the trial, 60 of whom crowded Deschutes County Circuit Judge Wells Ashby's courtroom on Tuesday afternoon. The trial is ex-

pected to last as long as four weeks. Defense attorneys are expected to argue that Hargrave killed his son in self-defense because he was afraid of him and his alcohol-fueled rages. The Deschutes County District Attorney's Office argued during a release hearing earlier this year that Hargrave, in interviews after the shooting, showed no fear or remorse. A 911 call by Pamela Hargrave that her husband had shot their son brought police to the family's remote Tumalo home on Dec. 4. Defense and prosecuting attorneys have stipulated that the father

and son were on opposite sides of an open-air loft in their home, yelling at one another. Steven Hargrave threatened his father, who challenged him. When his son approached him, Hargrave told his son he was tired of his behavior, eventually shooting him once in the chest with a.357 Magnum, attorneys have stipulated. Hargrave suffers from diabetes and is on dialysis. He also suffered a stroke in 1999. Steven Hargrave had a blood alcohol level of 0.38 percent the night of the shooting. James Hargrave was tested after the shooting and had a blood alcohol level of 0.01. SeeTrial /C6

ejected from the vehicle

and suffered serious injuries. Shewastaken to St. Charles Bendby Life Flight helicopter. Depu-

ties believeshemaynot have beenwearing aseat belt, the news release stated.

Two other passengers — a19-year-old male and a16-year-old female, both from Redmond

— were also injuredand takenbyambulanceto

By Scott Hammers The Bulletin

The legal fight over computer equipment seized from the suspect in a fatal hit-andrun in January 2011 was back in court this week, and a trial may have to wait until next summer. On Jan. 26, 2011, Anthony Martin, 48, was killed when a southbound vehicle struck him as he pushed hisbicycle across Third Street in Bend. The driver of the vehicle did not stop, and Martin died at the scene. A few days later, an attorney representing Bret Biedscheid of Bend contacted Bend Police, and told officers where they could find Biedscheid's pickup. Police searched the truck, finding suspected blood stains and damage on the front end. Police also searched Biedscheid's home, seized a computer, a portable hard drive and other items In April 2011, a Deschutes County grand jury indicted Biedscheid, then 38, on charges of criminally negligent homicide and failure to perform the duties of a driver. On Monday, defense attorney Stephen Houze and county Deputy District Attorney Kari Hathorn appeared before Judge Roger DeHoog to determine what should become of the computer and hard drive. See Computer /C6

St. Charles Bend. The

other two passengers, both17-year-old males from Redmond and Sis-

Closure reduced

ters, respectively, were

The emergencyclosure of the area near thePoleCreek Fire has beenreduced.

not injured, the news release stated.

Deputies concluded

Closure area

the driver was driving too fast for the conditions. She also did not

Sister 15


have a driver's license. The driver was cited for


having no licenseand



for reckless driving and


+ Fire

The Sheriff's Office withheld the names of the teenagers involved

North ~ perimeter Sister Middle Si er

because oftheir ages.

Man arrested in 2 burglaries








r • r


Deschutes County Sheriff's deputies have

ASouth Broken Top Sister


t' ,

- r re

Sources: Incident Information System

arrested a31-year-old Tumalo man inthe Monday morning burglary of an occupiedhome in Tumalo, according to a news release,andthey


where noonewas home. Riley Billings was ar-

And y ZeigertI rhe Bulletin

Pole CreekFire area partially reopened


also believe he committed a burglary Thursday south of Bend ata house

Three Creek Lake


rested onsuspicion of first-degree burglary and

By Dylan j. Darling

first-degree criminal tres-

The Bulletin

pass, the newsrelease

Three Creeks Road is open again, more than six weeks after it was closed because of the Pole Creek Fire southwest of Sisters. The U.S. Forest Service opened the road Tuesday, along with the Black Crater Trail and a stretch of the Pacific Crest Trail near the fire zone, said Kirk Flannigan, recreation team leader for the Sisters Ranger District on the Deschutes National Forest. The first 3t/z miles of Pole Creek Road have also been reopened, but the rest of the road to the Pole Creek Trailhead remains closed. "The main part of it ... will remain closed because of hazard trees," Flannigan said. The road closure and the closure of woods at the heart of the 26,795-acre fire will likely last through winter, Flannigan said. The Pole Creek Fire started Sept. 9 and was fully contained last week. The cause of the fire, which is still smoldering, remains under investigation. See Fire/C5

stated. He was being held in the Deschutes County

jail Tuesdaynight, according to an online inmate list. In the Tumalo breakin, a man knocked on the door of a home in the 19000 block of Ridgewood Drive about10:15 a.m. The resident did not answer the door, but later found a man inside the home. The intruder fled without taking anything

4, Urr IN

ee or Us

+ t l l I ~ + i I '~ „, , '

complaint logs. Noone was home at the time, the

news releasestated. In both cases, noforce


Ryan Breneecke / The Bulletin

Sandro Munoz, 36, of Bend, tosses a handful of potatoes into a bucket while harvesting one of the last rows Tuesday afternoon at Fields Farm in Bend. Munoz was hoping to have all the potatoes collected before the first major freeze could damage the crop.

Marketing contest winner aspires to becomearchitect

was used or threatened, the news release stated, and investigators do not believe the burglar was armed. They believe the

By Megan Kehoe The Bulletin

burglar was looking for prescription medication. The Sheriff's Office asks any victims of similar thefts or burglaries to contact investigators via

the county's nonemergency dispatch line, 541693-6911. — From staff reports More briefing, C2


itrt ec

the news release stated. The other burglary 7:30 p.m. Thursday in the 60000 block of Ridgeview Place, east of China Hat Road, according to the news release and the Sheriff's Office



and drove off in apickup, was reported about


OUR SCHOOLS, OUR STUDENTS Educational newsand activities, and local kids and their achievements. • School Notes and submission info,C2

At age 5, Missy Watkins built a mansion of construction paper for her Barbie doll. It sprawled across her family's living room floor, and even had its own construction paper furniture and construction paper landscaping. Now 17, Missy's Barbie doll and the paper mansion are nowhere to be found, but her dream ofbecoming an architect is still alive and well. "I've always had that in my

mind that I wanted to be an architect or designer," Missy said. "It's always been what I wanted to do." Melissa"Missy" Watkins is a Bend High senior who stands out for her work ethic and determination. She maintains an 3.98 GPA while participatingin the school marketing club, and also playing onthe varsitytennis team and working at Cuppa Yo. Missy has been involved with the marketing and business club for the past three

years, and this year she's leading 130 students as the club president. "I know some people hear the word 'marketing,' and they don't think it sounds very exciting," Missy said. "But in reality, it's really fun." Missy has competed at the state level twice for her marketingprojects, includingone where she created a21-page business manual and an app for the local Dutch Bros. to use for its customer loyalty

program. SeeStudent /C2

Andy Tullis/The Bulletin

Melissa Watkins, 17, a Bend High School senior, is the president of the school's business and marketing club. She went to a national marketing contest





Continued from Cf

the grant through the Meyer

Latino group wins $24.5K grant

Memorial Trust. The money will go toward helping the

The Latino Community

Association was awarded a grant of $24,500to help

organization move to awebbased software system to

upgrade its online database software.

operate more effectively. The grant will also help the organization expand services

The association, which serves Latino families in

offered at its Redmond of-

Central Oregon, wasawarded

fice. — From staff reports


MILITARY NOTES Army Pvt.Allan Pettigrew graduated from the Basic Field Artillery Cannon Crewmember

Advanced Individual Training course in Fort Sill, Lawton, Okla. Pettigrew is the son of Clinton Pettigrew, of Bend and Valerie Skirlaw, of Chewelah, Wash.

Hovv to submit

Phone: 541-383-0358 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.

Teen feats:Kids recognized recently for academic


achievements or for

participation in clubs,choirs or volunteer groups. (Please submit a photo.) Phone: 541-383-0358 Email: youth©bendbulletin.

com M ail:P.O. Box 6020,Bend,OR 97708

Other schoolnotes: College announcements, military graduations or training

completions, reunion announcements.

Student Continued from C1 Last year, she qualified for national competition for an impromptu business plan she presented with a partner to judges at state. Missy had only 10 minutes to come up with a hypothetical business plan for a hotel situatednext to a theme park. She and her partner beat out dozens of other students across the state to win a spot at nationals. "It's really n e rve-wracking," Missy said. "By the time you present, the judges have already heard these presentations over and over again, so you really have to stand out." Missy went to the national competition in Salt Lake City and even though she didn't win, she said the experience

was highly enriching. She said all the participants wore pins that said where they were from, and traded them after meeting one another. By the end of the competition, Missy had pins from Canada, Florida and Texas, among other

places. Missy's Bend High counselor, Gary Whitley, said Missy possesses excellent interpersonal skills and a can-do personality. He also said she's very focused — a quality that can be seen

Story ideas School briefs:Items and

announcements of general interest. Phone: 541-633-2161

Email: news©bendbulletin. com Student profiles:Know of a kid with a compelling story? Phone: 541-383-0354

Email: mkehoe©bendbulletin. com

MissyWatkins Age:17 Favorite Movies:"Finding Nemo," "Bridesmaids" Favorite TV Show:"24"

Favorite Book:The Hunger Games series in her school work and school activities. M issy has her heart set on a future in architecture and interior design. Earlier this year, she completed a three-month internship with Steele Associates Architects, where she got to help local designers in creating and implementing their

designs. Next year, Missy is planning to go to college. She's already been accepted at the University of Oregon, Arizona State University and the University of Idaho. She says she can't wait to begin her career. "It's really exciting," Missy said. "It would be so great to be in that world. If I could eventu-

ally be a designer in a big city like San Francisco or N ew York one day, that would just be the dream." — Reporter: 541-383-0354, mlzehoeC<bendbulletirLcom

Where Buyers And Sellers Meet I II


• • Classsfieds

The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, caII 541-383-0358. Bend Police Department Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made at11:27 p.m. Oct. 20, in the 200 block of Southeast Ventura Place. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:04 p.m. Oct. 18, in the100 block of Northwest Columbia Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 9:03 p.m. Oct. 19, in the 63400 block of North U.S. Highway 97. DUII —Justin Sherman Goin, 39, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at1:49 a.m. Oct. 20, in the area of Northeast 10th Street and Northeast Franklin Avenue. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 8:27 a.m. Oct. 20, in the 60500 block of Springtree Court. Burglary —A burglary was reported at11:18 a.m. Oct. 20, in the 60500 block of Springtree Court. Burglary —A burglary was reported at11:49 a.m. Oct. 20, in the 60500 block of Springtree Court. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at12:54 p.m. Oct. 20, in the 60500 block of Springtree Court. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 2:14 p.m. Oct. 20, in the 60500 block of Springtree Court. Theft —A theft was reported at 4:45 p.m. Oct. 20, in the 61500 block of South U.S. Highway 97. DUII —James William Herrera, 31, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 2:10 a.m. Oct. 21, in the100 block of Northwest Oregon Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at1:43 p.m. Oct. 21, in the 2600 blockof Northeast U.S. Highway 20. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made at 5:16 p.m. Oct. 21, in the area of Southwest Reed Market Road and Southwest Silver Lake Boulevard. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 6:28 p.m. Oct. 21, in the 61100 block of Chuckanut Drive. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 8:17 p.m. Oct. 21, in the19400 blockof Hollygrape Street. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 7:33 a.m. Oct.22, in the1100 blockof Southwest Silver Lake Boulevard. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 9:51 a.m. Oct. 22, in the 2700 block of Northeast 27th Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at1:20 p.m. Oct. 22, in the100 block of Northeast Greenwood Avenue.

Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 2:45 p.m. Oct. 22, in the 61100 block of Benham Road. Theft —A theft was reported at 10:34 a.m. Oct. 18, in the 1200 block of Southwest Tanner Court. Theft —A theft was reported at 11:18 a.m. Oct. 19, in the 400 block of Northeast Olney Avenue. Redmond Police Department

Theft —A theft was reported at 8:55 a.m. Oct. 15, in the 3100 block of Southwest Metolius Avenue. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 9:34 a.m. Oct. 15, in the 3000 block of Southwest Antler Lane. Theft —A theft was reported at 11:01 a.m. Oct. 15, in the 2200 block of Southwest19th Street. Theft —A theft was reported at1:21 p.m. Oct. 15, in the 1600 block of Southwest Veterans Way. Theft —A theft was reported at 1:26 p.m. Oct. 15, in the 2500 block of Northwest 21st Street. DUII —Timothy Lynn Faillin, 47, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 4:26 p.m. Oct. 15, in the area of the railroad tracks and Southeast Evergreen Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at 4:53 p.m. Oct. 15, in the 900 block of Southwest Veterans Way. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at 5:53 p.m. Oct. 15, in the1700 block of Southwest Odem Medo Road. Burglary —A burglary was reported at10:09 p.m. Oct. 15, in the1100 block of Northwest Eighth Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 5:16a.m. Oct.16, in the 900 block of Northwest Dogwood Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 10:11 a.m. Oct. 16, in the 600 block of Northwest Ninth Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at11:24a.m. Oct.16, inthe300 block of Southwest Fifth Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 7:09 p.m. Oct. 16, in the 1200 block of Northwest Upas Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 7:15 p.m. Oct. 16, in the 2300 block of Southwest Dana Butler Court. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 7:38 a.m. Oct. 17, in the area of Southwest Sixth Street and Southwest Glacier Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 9:41 a.m. Oct.17, in the1500 block of Southwest 33rd Street. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 9:48 a.m. Oct. 17, in the 3000 block of Southwest Pumice Place. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made at10:07 a.m. Oct17, in the 3800 block of Southwest Airport Way. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 10:32 a.m. Oct. 17, in the

2100 block of Southwest Umatilla Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 11:50a.m. Oct.17, inthe2200 block of Northwest13th Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 12:03 p.m. Oct. 17, in the 900 block of Southwest Veterans Way. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 5:46 p.m. Oct. 17, in the area of Southwest Sixth Street and Southwest Deschutes Avenue. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at11:03 a.m. Oct. 18, in the 2700 block of Southwest Indian Avenue. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 3:39 p.m. Oct. 18, in the 500 block of Southwest Sixth Street. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 5:49 a.m. Oct. 19, in the area of Southwest Fifth Street and West Antler Avenue. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 3:34 p.m. Oct. 19, in the 500 block of Southwest Highland Avenue. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 3:46 p.m. Oct. 19, in the 2900 block of Southwest Juniper Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 4:07 p.m. Oct. 19, in the 2800 block of Southwest 31st Street. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 7:49 p.m. Oct. 19, in the 2300 blockofSouth U.S.Highway 97. DUII —Kayla Mae Busche, 23, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 7:49 p.m. Oct. 19, in the 2300 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 4:22 a.m. Oct. 20, in the1700 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Unauthorized use —A vehicle was reported stolen at 5:34 a.m. Oct. 20, in the 2800 block of Southwest Deschutes Drive. Theft —A theft was reported at 9:29a.m.Oct.20,inthe 2000 block of Northwest Larch Avenue. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 3 p.m. Oct. 20, in the area of South U.S. Highway 97 and

Southwest Odem Medo Road. Theft —A theft was reported at 4:09 p.m. Oct. 20, in the 300 block of Northwest Oak Tree Lane. Theft —A theft was reported at 4:30p.m.Oct.20,in the4500 block of Southwest Elkhorn Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at 6:12 p.m. Oct. 20, in the 300 block of Northwest Oak Tree Lane. Theft —A theft was reported at 9:30a.m. Oct. 21, in the1700 block of Southwest 27th Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 12:50 p.m. Oct. 21, in the 200 block of Southeast Jackson Street. Prineville Police Department Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 10:08 a.m. Oct. 22, in the area of Northwest Fourth Street.

BEND FIRE RUNS Friday 4:14 p.m. —Outside equipment fire, $9,000 loss, 61535 South U.S. Highway 97. 5:40 p.m. —Authorized controlled burning, 19171 Kiowa Road. 2D —Medical aid calls. Saturday 3:D6 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 1518 N.E. Eighth St. 3:18 p.m. —Authorized controlled burning, 60145 Navajo Road. 7:45 p.m.— Smoke odor reported, 197 N.E. Third St. 19 —Medical aid calls. Sunday 11:2D a.m. —Unauthorized burning, 20928 Desert Woods Drive. 4:57 p.m. —Building fire, 60827 Cobblestone Place. 18 —Medical aid calls. 5

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Balyeat Wins Judicial Preference Poll By more than a 2 to 1 margin, Deschutes County attorneys voted for Andy Balyeat in the Judicial Preference Poll. - Oregon State Bar Judicial PreferencePoll (Sept. 2012)

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Em attle liquorchie steps own By Jonathan J. Cooper The Associated Press

SALEM — T h e d i r ector of the Oregon Liquor Control Commission announced his retirement Tuesday after seven months on the outs with Gov. John Kitzhaber. Steve Pharo's announcement comes two days before the liquor commission holds its first meeting with the balance of power tipped to Kitzhaber appointees. Pharo has worked at the OLCC for 18 years, the last six as director. A K i tzhaber aide a sked Pharo to resign earlier this year and he refused, saying he reports to the five-member liquor commission rather than the governor. In April, when Kitzhaber hadappointed only two of the five commissioners, they abruptly cancelled plans to vote on firing him. A third Kitzhaber appointee, former state Rep. Rob Patridge of Medford, was confirmed by the Senate last month. "I value Steve's years of ser-



Oon Ryan /The Associated Press file photo

Steve Pharo, Oregon Liquor Control Commission Director, listens to public comments supporting him in April in Portland. Pharo announced his retirement Tuesday. vice and I wish him well in his retirement," said C assandra Skinner, chair of th e l iquor commission. Skinner declinedto comment when asked whether Pharo would have been fired if he hadn't retired. Patridge could not immediately be reached.

Kitzhaber aides have complained about Pharo's leadership but haven't said specifically why they want him out. "The record is clear that the governor wanted a change in OLCC leadership," Kitzhaber spokeswoman Amy Wojcicki said. "He looks forward to

working with the commission on a replacement." An OLCC s pokeswoman said Pharo declined comment. In a statement, he said he's treasured his 18 years at the liquor commission. An agency news release says Pharo encouraged liquor r e tailers to make i m provements in their stores and "helped foster growth in Oregon businesses, including the burgeoning craft distillery industry which now accounts for 12 percent of all liquor sales." The OLCC maintains a tight grip on liquor sales in Oregon, but talk of privatizing the system has heatedup since voters in Washington state decided to go that route. The OLCC has aggressively defended the state monopoly on liquor sales but budged slightly since the Washington law was enacted. Commissioners approved a p ilot program to allow more outlets to stock beer and wine and to make it easier for big grocery chains to sell hard liquor.

Affidavit: Suspectconfessesto shooting barista By Steven DuBois The Associated Press

PORTLAND — A man accused of killing an O regon barista told police he fatally shot the woman after kidnapping her and forcing her to perform a sex act, according to a police affidavit. The document containing the statement by suspect Jonathan Holt was released late Monday after his court appearance on seven counts of aggravated murder in the death of Whitney Heichel.

Though there was only one victim, Oregon la w a l l ows prosecutorsto give jurors options for convicting a person by presenting multiple counts,

coffee shop. Her Ford Explorer, with the passenger-side window smashed, was found at a Walmart six hours later, triggering an i nvestigation that ended with the Friday night discovery of her body on Larch Mountain, east of Gresham. Holt and his wife lived in the same apartment complex as Heichel and her husband. The couples were acquaintances and members ofthe same Jehovah's Witness church. T he t w o-paragraph a f f i davit states that Holt told Or-

each pegged to an aggravating factor such as robbery or sexual assault, that could lead to the death penalty. Holt, who will have a public defenderassigned to his case, did not enter a plea during the brief appearance by video. Heichel, 21, of Gresham disappeared Oct. 16 after leaving for her 7 a.m. shift at a nearby

egon State Police Sgt. Jon Harrington that he waited outside Heichel's apartment and asked for a ride as she was leaving for work. Minutes into the drive, he pulled a handgun and told her to drive to Roslyn Lake, the document says. Holt then f orced Heichel to perform oral sex before fatally shooting her, the affidavit states, adding that Holt disposed of his cellphone at the lake before driving to the mountain to conceal the body.

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Eugenebanspastic bags The Associated Press EUGENE — The Eugene C ity Council has OK'd a plastic bag ban and a resolution opposing rail shipment of coal through the Oregon city. The Register-Guard reports that the ban on thin plastic bags passed 6-2 Monday night. The coal train resolution was approved in a 5-3 vote.

T he bag ban w i l l t a k e effect in si x m onths. The ordinance requires r etailers to charge a minimum of 5 cents for each paper bag dispensed in place of plastic bags. Councilor Alan Zelenka says that's an incentive to switch to reusable bags. The ban contains some exemptions, such as the bags used to carry produce, meat and bulk food.

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Endorsed by respected moderates former State Senator Neil Bryant, former House Speaker Bev Clamo, Retired Sheriff Les Stiles 8c elected officials Congressman Greg Walden, Rep.Jason Conger, Rep. Gene Whisnant, Mayor of Redmond George Endicott, Mayor of Bend Jeff Eager; Independent Party of Oregon 'Ihe Bulletin


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The Bulletin






)ggelrJ '-- -

BETsY McCooc


Gottoott Bcnctt


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Fditur in-Clnrf Editorof Edttorials



qli,igril ~



ousan s ow can one ordinary person make a difference'? The genius of the reading program SMART is taking modest help from thousands and turning it into a formidable educational force. SMART stands for Start Mak- E ach child reads with two voluning A Reader Today, and this t e ers each week, and takes home week it is celebrating a milestone: tw o books each month to keep. 2 million books given to strug- V a r iations on the model serve kindergarten students and younger gling young readers. children. The books are crucial, but it's the learnDoes i t work? ing surrounding them TfIe t1OOkS are SMA R T re p o rts reand the human con- CruCial, but search showing stunections that give kids dents w h o pa r t i ciS a chance at success. pated in SMART are


60 pe r c ent more likely

to reach reading benchthat third-graders who marks. Other benefits can't read a t g r a de a CfIanCe at include giving the kids level are four times less success. one-on-one c o n neclikely to graduate from tions with a n a d ult, high school by age 19. increasing the connecIf they're also living in poverty, they're 13 times less like tion between the volunteers and ly to graduate, according to stud- the schools, and improved literacy opportunities for families from ies citedby SMART. the books and experiences the SMART was started in 1992 SMARTkidsbringhome. by a group of businessmen conA survey of teachers in APril incerned that too many of Oregon's dicated the percentage of students children were behind in reading In the years since, it has helped not showing grade-level reading more than 152,000 children with dropped from 76 percent atthe school year's start to 42 percent, theworkof 103,000volunteers. with SMART students showing The model is simple: Teachers improvements in attention span, identify students who might ben- confidence and self-esteem efit, and volunteers meet to read a loud with them for 30 minutes It 's a succe s s wort h each week over seven months. c elebrating.

that give kids


Bend's park bond is crucial for our community's future By Betsy Skovborg n Nov. 6 we will be voting on Bend Park & Recreation District's Measure 9-86, People, Parks and Nature. I believe it is crucial to vote yes on this measure for so many reasons. Below are a few reasons that I am supporting this effort and will be voting yes in order to protect and improve our quality of life in Bend, for today and for our children's future. I know that the time is now to be acquiring land to allow the completion of the river trail from Tumalo State Park to Sunriver. With willing landowners an d l o w er-than-ever land prices, it can't get any better. The bond will also allow the purchase of property in southeast Bend for future park development in the most underserved area of Bend as well as complete the next phase of the Bend Pine Nursery's infrastructure to allow the construction of four new sports fields in a private/ public partnership. These four fields alone will bring in millions in economic impact every year through the ability to host additional sports tournaments. The outdoor recreational projects associated with this bond measure are more than a bunch of kayakers or hikers looking for a place to play. There will be a much-needed safe passage constructed at the Colorado spillway for all of the water enthusiasts to safely enjoy the river. Another project would be an openair outdoor facility built on the old Mt. Bachelor Park-N-Ride lot. In the winter it would serve as an ice skating rink and in the summer, a multiuse facility with sports courts such as box lacrosse and pickle ball and could even be used for Farmers or Saturday markets. The projects are going to help our citizens gain more access to the outdoors and open spaces. Recreation and open spaces are key ingredients to healthy communities, contribute to a high quality of life and attract and sustain businesses and families. The recreation industry employs so many in Central Oregon and at-


tracts passionate people who are engaged community l eaders. It's people like Dennis Oliphant at Sun Country Tours; Dan McGarigle at Pine Mountain Sports; Meg and Dave Chun of Kioloa Paddles; Scott and Glen at Fly and Field; Teague Hatfield at Foot Zone; Rod Bien at Patagonia; Geoff Frank at Tumalo Creek; and Mike Mortford at Altrec, just to name a few. Measure 9-86 strengthens Bend's economy and i m proves property values by increasing tourism and enhancing the lifestyle amenities of our community. Nationally, th e e conomic benefits in th e r ecreation sector are astounding. The industry provides $6.1 million i n A m e r i can j o b s, $646 billion in outdoor recreation spending each year, $39.9 billion in federal tax revenue and $39.7 billion in state and local tax revenue. As leaders in our community, we must recognize the undeniable economic, social and health benefits. Cities and towns across the country are tapping into this. It's no longer a matter of "nice to have" if we want to build a sustainable future, it's a "must have." And why wouldn't we, when you consider the geographical advantages we have'? More than 140 million Americans make outdoor recreation a priority in their daily lives. Outdoor recreation is big business. The national outdoor recreation economy grew approximately 5 percent annually between 2005 and 2011, this during an economic recession when many sectors contracted. By voting yes for Measure 9-86 you will b e strengthening Bend's economy now and for future generations and improving your property values by increasing tourism and enhancing the lifestyle amenities of our community. In addition, you will be preserving and improving access to outdoor recreation opportunities, protecting the economy, the businesses, the communities and the people who depend on the ability to recreate. — Betsy Skovborg lives in Bend.

M Nickel's Worth Please submit election-related My Nickel's Worth and In My View submissions by the end of the day today.

Bagley has theskills, experience During my 17-year tenure as a school leader at La P ine Middle and Rosland Elementary schools, I have had the good fortune to meet all of our amazing volunteer school board members. One standout, Beth Bagley, is running for Deschutes County Circuit judge this winter. Bagley has the ideas, knowledge and experience that we need to make our courts more effective and efficient and to keep our communities livable and safe. Bagley is an advocate for students, families and our entire community. As a school board member she helps guide our vision and supports our teachers and staff as they continue to excel in all that they do. W hen not volunteering in o u r schools, Bagley is found advocating for the safety of our entire community and is working tirelessly as a supervising attorney in the Deschutes County District Attorney's office. She is responsible for creating and overseeing programs that improve public safety and she works closely with dozens of the community agencies that provide resources to the people of our county. Not only was Bagley the winner of the primary election for Deschutes County Circuit Court judge, but she

our judges to be well-informed and grounded in the law, to have a presence of authority, to have a knack for encouraging dispute resolution and to have an appreciation of the importance that even those who lose feel that they were at least heard. Andy Balyeat and I are not in the same political party and that means nothing. What means everything is his breadth and depth of experience with the law — both civil and criminal — his integrity and demeanor of authority, and his fairness and respect for people. I have known Balyeat for 17 years and I know he fits this bill. Local attorneys have also voted more than 2-to-I in preferring Balyeat over his opponent to be the next judge. Paul Dewey Bend

Say no to casinomeasures

the fray and help move our state forward. His ability to work with others to get things done that are good for Oregon has been proven. I ask you to join me in marking your ballot and voting Knopp for state Senate. Jay Patrick Redmond

Clinton's expertise needed Bend's prosperity is crucial to everyone who lives in or just outside the city limits. The Bend City Council faces big and complex projects that are highly technical and scientific, as well as expensive. Good solutions require understanding beyond that of most lawyers and business people. Paid experts tend to reflect the view of their payer. We need someone with Jim Clinton's training and experience to analyze impartially and to differentiate the bad from the good. The city needs Clinton to look at both sides, to do independentresearch,to find the truth among conflicting claims and to recommend what's best for all of us, for free. Clinton's comments always reflect a lot of hard work but are not always politically popular. However, his calm and reasoned approach doesn't get people angry but helps them see all sides of an issue. The city needs this sort of voice on the council to clearly guide us to solve problems ahead. I urge you to vote for Clinton to make sure we have a clear and reasoned voice leading us in the future. Jim Horton Bend

As the white man moved across the continent, east to west, a pattern developed. The government encourage the western movement by allowing people to stake out claims on any desirable land and protecting them with troops. Eventually, the Indians were forcedonto reservations, always on what was thought to be the least-productive lands. When gold was discovered on these lands, once again the Indians lost parts of their land and their mineral rights in South Dakotaand Arizona, among other states. We are now poised to take away their last opportunity for prosperity. The tribes have been good, patriotis endorsed by judges and lawyers, ic, charitable neighbors. The proposed community and civic leaders and, Grange casino is advertised as helping very likely, many of your friends and to pay for roads, bridges and schools, neighbors. and generate additional tax revenue. Balyeat is well prepared I hope that you will join me as I The truth is, the top dollars will cast my vote for Bagley in Novem- get swallowed up in th e general Andy Balyeat is the special kind ber. She has the courtroom expe- fund where it will be used to pay for of person who is committed to legal rience and problem-solving skills PERS. Just as measures 66 and 67 professionalism and to the ultimate that we need in our next Deschutes did a couple of years ago. betterment of the community. He Let's help them win once. County Circuit Court judge. believes that the law must be apPat Yeager Stan Grotjan plied fairly but with compassion and Bend Bend understanding and that is no doubt why a poll by the Oregon State Bar Balyeat is best choice Vote for Knopp of DeschutesCounty attorneys selected Balyeat as their best choice We are having an important nonI am writing this letter as a private for the court. His involvement with partisan election for Circuit Court citizen. The following comments are youth sports programs highlights judge this November and it is key mine and I am not speaking for the his ideals that a person should give that voters realize what is at stake. Redmond City Council. back to the community and espeThe judiciary is probably the least I want to encourage you to vote for cially help our youth find a positive understood branch of our govern- Tim Knopp this November. Knopp direction before they pick the wrong ment due, in large part, to the lack is an individual that no matter what track in life. of partisan politics and associated side of the aisle you are on you will Balyeat's career has p repared news coverage (particularly for the see him working to make our region him well for a seat on the Circuit state circuit courts). The workings as well as the state stronger. He is Court bench. He has worked as a of the judiciary are also largely un- not the everyday politician that is so prosecutorand as a defense attorknown because most people have common in society today. If you ask ney so he has seen both sides of the little contact with the courts. him how he stands on a topic, you legal issues of a case. This balance The importance of the judiciary will get an answer that clearly outof understanding will give Central however, cannot b e o v erstated. lines his position. Oregon a quality in our courts that is As our executive and legislative Knopp has experience in the Leg- necessary for our community to be branches of government have spi- islature and stepped down years safe, as well as being fair to all who raled away into deeply partisan poli- ago forthe best of reasons — he enter his courtroom. tics, it is the judiciary where we can wanted to make sure he was there Please join me in voting for Balystill find a reasonable expectation of for his family. Now that his family is eat for Circuit Court judge. such basic principles as fairness, due ready and he sees the need, Knopp John Philo process and justice. We also expect is hearing the call to jump back into Bend

Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcome your letters. Letters

In My View submissions should bebetween 550 and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification.

should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250 words and include the writer's signature, phone number

and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste

We edit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons.

and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters

We reject those published elsewhere.

submitted elsewhere and those appropriate for other sections of The Bulletin. Writers are limited to one

the space below, alternating with national columnists. Writers are

letter or Op-Edpieceevery 30 days.

In My View pieces run routinely in limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.

Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or ln My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.com


Police: Protester stabbedman outside Planned Parenthood inGrants Pass

BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Betsy Anne Sime, of Sunriver

Edward 'Ed' Gene Brown Dec. 25,1966- Oct.16, 2012

Feb. 22, 1937 - Oct. 22, 2012 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, 541-382-2471, www.niswonger-reynoids.com

Services: Saturday, October 27, 2012, 10:15 AM, Rosary followed by a Funeral Mass at St. Francis Historic Catholic Church, downtown Bend, OR. Contributions may be made to:

Partner's In Care Hospice,2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701 http://www.partnersbend.org

Crystal Ann Strobl, of Prineville Aug. 20, 1977 - Oct. 20, 2012 Arrangements: Redmond Memorial Chapel 541-548-3219 please sign our online guestbook www.redmondmemorial.com

Services: Memorial gathering Thursday, Oct. 25, 2012 from 3-5 pm at Redmond Memorial Chapel. A costume party will be held in her honor following the memorial at Northside Pub off Boyd Acres in Bend at 6 PM, must be in costume to attend.

Daniel A. Bush, of Redmond Sept. 11, 1921 - Oct. 21, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) Please visit the online registry for the family at www.autumnfunerals.net Services: Private Gathering at a later date.

Earl C. Ayers, of La Pine Oct. 3, 1919 - Oct. 20, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, OR 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: No memorial service is being planned at this time. Contributions may be made to:

Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701, 541-382-5882

Ruth Anna Olson, of Bend Feb. 15, 1918 - Oct. 15, 2012 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, Bend. 541-382-5592 www.deschutesmemorial chapel.com. Services: No service is planned.

Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific gUidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeralhomes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 5 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. MondaythroUgh Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by 1 p.m. Fridayfor Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

Edward 'Ed' Gene Brown of Sunriver, Oregon, died October 16, 2012, at OHSU i n Portland a f te r a b r i e f battle with Leukemia. Ed w as b orn on Decemb er 25 , 1966, in Redmond, Oregon, to Howard a nd Al m a


Brown. Ed Edward Brown grew up and at t ended school i n M a d r a s a nd graduated f r o m M a dras High School in 1986. A fter h ig h s c h ool E d a t t ended th e J o b C o r p s i n Astoria, Oregon. When he g raduated f r o m t h e Jo b Corps Ed returned to Cent ral O r egon an d w e n t t o work fo r S u n r iver R esort w here he worked until hi s death. Ed enjoyed spending time with f a m il y a n d f r i e n d s. H e als o l i k e d t o ca m p , h ike, fish, travel, work i n h is yard and play with h i s dog, Bailey. Ed is survived by his sist ers, Bonnie a n d C h e r i e; h is b r o t h er , Ro n; h i s sister-in-law, Bonnie R ae; and his nephew, Riley. He was preceded in death by both his parents. A celebration of Ed's life w ill b e h el d Sat u r d a y , O ctober 27 , 2 0 12, a t t h e G reat H a l l i n Su n r i v e r , Oregon, at 2:00 p.m.

The Associated Press GRANTS PASS — A confrontation outside a southern Oregon Planned Parenthood health center o n T u esday ended with a protester stabbing another m an, p o lice sald. Earlier in the day, a woman had argued with the demonstrator outside the health center. She returned later with a ma n w h o t hen attacked the protester, Grants Pass police Lt. Dennis Ward said. The ma n w a s s t a bbed multiple times in the abdomen and at least once in the neck, police said. There was no immediate word on hi s condition. T he d e monstrator h a d signs denouncing abortion and Planned P arenthood, but Sarah Mosely, a spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood for Southwestern Oregon, said the clinic provides



cost people coming and goShaun Halll The Grants Pass Daily Courier

Police hold an unidentified mansuspected in a stabbing outside the Planned Parenthood of Southwestern Oregon health clinic on Tuesday in Grants Pass. Police said the man had been protesting outside the health center for some time and on Tuesday anotherman attacked him. The other man was stabbed multiple times. He was not identified. only health s ervices and doesn't perform abortions. " We don't have a lot o f

details," she said. "It just appears to be a tragic situation. Our thoughts are with the

Ruth passed away peacefully October 15, 2012, at age 94. She was born February 15, 1918, in Halbrite, C anada. She g re w u p i n Canada and Minnesota. She married Reuben Olson on October 31, 1 9 4 2, they were 2 weeks short of their 7 0th anniverThey m oved t o Ruth Olson B end O r egon,in 1944. Ruth is survived by three sons; fou r g r a n dchildren; and fou r g r e at-grandchild ren; o n e si s t er , B e t t y Heinrich of Minnesota. No service is planned. D eschutes M em or i a l C hapel i s e n t r u sted w i t h the arrangements. To leave an o n l in e c ond olence, pl ea s e v i sit www.deschutesmemorialchapel.com.

The Associated Press PORTLAND — A federal judge has ruled that inform ation seized from a c o ll ege student's laptop a n d

cell phone during a rape investigation may be used at the man's trial on terrorism

charges. Prosecutors say they have

no plans to do so. The defense team for Mohamed M ohamud a r gued that the FBI used a 2009 Oregon State Police rape investigation as a front for their own surveillance. On Tuesday, U.S. District Court Judge Garr King said the i n v estigation w a s n 't

tainted by the rape investigation evidence, and says evidence gathered later came from an independent source. "Any taint has dissipated," King wrote in th e motion. "Additionally, evidence obtained through the national security investigation has an independent source."

The government has accused Mohamud of attempting to detonate a weapon of mass destruction at a Portland Christmas tree-lighting ceremony in 2010. His defense team has filed m otions c o n sistent w i t h preparation for a defense of entrapment.


is regularlyused by firewood cutters, said Beckie Zimmerman, forest service representative of the Deschutes and Ochoco national forests. While the fire burned much of the dead and downed wood often available for firewood around Three Creeks Road, fire fighting efforts likely created some, Zimmerman said. "There are probably small

decks (of wood) along the

Zimmerman said. P ermits start at $20 and allow for the cutting of two cords of wood. They are available at Forest Service offi ces around Central Oregon, as well as shops such as the Sisters Bi-Mart and Sisters Mainline Station. For more information call the forest at 541-383-5300.

Continued from C1 A gateway to the Deschutes National Forest from Sisters, Three Creeks Road allows access to Three Creek Lake and nearby campgrounds, Flannigan said. It also becomes a groomed snowmobile route once the snow is deep enough. At this time of year, the road

road," she said. The forest west of Three Creeks Road is still closed to firewood cutting, but the forest to the east of the road, Driftwood Campground and the Green Ridgefirewood area are all open again, according to the Deschutes National Forest. The Forest Service requires permits for firewood cutting,


By Emily Langer The Washington Post

Donnall Thomas, a medical researcher who in 1990 received the Nobel Prize for his decadesof work to perfect the bone marrow transplant,

a groundbreaking procedure

N.Y. At the time, there was little hope of survival for those with leukemia and other blood cancers. The standard treatmentsmainly crude chemotherapy to kill cancerous cells — were "fairly god-awful" and rarely drove the disease into remission, said Mark James Levis, a leukemia specialist at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins University. But early bone marrowtransplants hadshown little promise. Dismayed by the procedure'scomplexity, most experts considered such transplants a medical dead end. W ith help f ro m h i s c o l leagues, Thomas set out to prove otherwise. Today, bone marrow transplants are standard care for leukemia. The procedure also is used to treat lymphoma, multiple myeloma,

a number of autoimmune diseases, aplastic anemia and myelofibrosis. "This year's Laureates paved the way for t r ansplantation in man," the Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute in Sweden declared in 1990 when Thomas and Joseph Murray, who performed the first successful kidney transplant, received the Nobel in medicine. Their discoveries, the assembly noted, "are crucial for those tens of thousands of severely ill patients who either can be cured orbe given a decent life when other treatment methods are without success." Thomas spent nearly his entire career trying to overcome

• a I


the inherent difficulties of attempts to save lives by transferringtissue from one human into another. In his case, that tissue was bone marrow, the spongy material in the center of bones where blood stem cells reside. Those stem cellsproduce red blood cells, white blood cells and blood platelets. "He was the first to truly develop a completely revolutionary new type of medicine, one that even today is being modified and used to save thousands of l i v es," L evis said, noting Thomas's success in "bringing together a huge amount of medical and biological science."


Vote for Victor The Smart Choice

'Furnifure rtrtd8esf jn •

— Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarli ng@bendbulleti n.com

Thomaspioneeredbonemarrow transplants

that has saved tens of thousands of patients with leukem ia and other diseases of the blood, died Oct. 20 at a hospital in Seattle. He was 92. His death was announced DEATHS by the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in SeatELSEWHERE tle, a preeminent institute for bone marrow transplants that Deaths of note from around Thomas helped found nearly the world: four decades ago. He had heart Betty Fletcher, 89: L ong- and lung ailments, said Dottie time federal appeals judge on Thomas, his wife and longtime the 9th Circuit in the western laboratory technician and reU.S., known for her rulings search collaborator. upholding affirmative action, The son of a small-town docoverturning d eath p e nalty tor in rural Texas, Thomas becases and protecting endan- gan his research in the 1950s gered whales f r o m s o n ar at a hospital in Cooperstown, tests by the U.S. Navy. Died Monday. Lincoln Alexander, 90: First black member of C a nada's parliament and its first black cabinet minister as a member of the P rogressive Conservative Party. Died Friday in Hamilton, Ontario. William Walker,99: Pilotinthe Battle of Britain whose poem, "Our Wall," is inscribed on a memorial on the cliffs of Dover to the nearly 3,000 men who flew in the battle. Died Sunday at his home in London. Yash Chopra, 80: Bollywood movie mogul whose classic love tales made him the In"Speak with him about Bend's issues and what dian film industry's "King of is likely to strike you is the depth of his Romance." Died Sunday in Mumbai. research and the power of his analysis ... Leon Jaroff, 85:Writer and Chudowsky is our pick." editor for Time magazine who (The Bulletin, /0-/7-/2) persuaded the company to publish Discover and became editor there. Died Saturday in East Hampton, N.Y.


ing through the area. "It was an accident looking for a place to happen," she said. C herie Adams s ai d h e would yell obscenities at her when she walked past him, and she changed her route to work. "He's been out there for months," she s a i d. "He's screaming at people. "I had a feeling something like this would happen."

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people who have been injured and their loved ones." Police handcuffed the protester, who had blood on his clothing, the G r ants Pass Daily Courier reported. The protester was being detained during t h e i n v e stigation, Ward said. Police didn't immediately release the name of either man. Neighbor Charlotte Cook said the protester would ac-

Ruth Anna Olson Fed. 15, 1916 • Oct. 15, 2012

— From wire reports


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F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.


• •

I I 4

Today: Early morning snowfall CHANNE



Tonight: Drying out through the night, partly

will turn into early


afternoon rainfall.


A few good peeks of

More dry weather,


sunshine, a

increasing clouds in the afternoon.

moisture, light snow

dry day.

cloudy skies.



48 27

50 35





• i

A sto l la'. xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xx xXXSP/42XXX XX i x ' x X'xX'x 'xX'xX'xX'x hi h

i i 'x'x'x'x ' x 'x'x'x h 'xh Umati(la .i i x x x x x x x ii 'x'x ' x' x ««x x x

x 'x'x

WEST Showers likely with snow above 3,000 feet.

Seasjde o x x fIOOck 'x x x h h h h x h h h h h x 5 3 / 32 x X ' . x s s ' x X X X X ' d h h h h h hh h h x h h h h « « « ~ xxx .CannonBeachh',xxxxxxg l y e f xx' T hh«x » x x x x « « , .4 .4. •• Hermiston 52/31, P x i I /ajlpwa ojggvxx x . ( ji~ x x xx xx xx x 4 32xx 0 Poptlalld 'x ',xx x 49 /3o4 x ex i 53mz, i i i i • Penulexollisjgj/2)i; .o 'x: Ent«prise, ii i i m Ixi ow+ a scpxxx « xx x 4 7 /32 58/42 . CENTRAL Tjjjampok• .ii[A 3 c i i ox q i s an d v xx i i x x h x 4// 2 2,i x x x x i i i x x x i i • Meachamiii 43 / 23 xx'.i i x x w x 5 2 /39 .x x i xxxx x x x Ruggs xxxxi 4 d p/24 xxtxiigixx xxxx 51/39 'x 'x Maupin .i 'x'x'x'x'xxx osizox ' xx'xg ~ x ' i' McMjrih ' x i i i i i Showers likely ' ii i.kii,xxxxx xxi xx • dzna Un j p & 4 2 / 2 3 ii i i i ' Oovernment~ii i ~ with snow levels ' 1 x ' ii x C amp 34/30 c ondonxxx x x x « d h ' x i x x ' x 45/zmz ~ x x x b ,xx i i % i ' x i Ljncpin Q i >X h h x xmrP,aave . 44 /28 .. X X XX X X >ranjfe -« x i ' , V ( rising to 4,000 'x'x 53/39• ii'x ' C C C i i i x " " "" afe,'xgxix c ' 1 p 5N34 Nx i i Mi xx 2 6Q3 feet. MNNNNAjbany~ x x i 'Q larm xxxxxwsp"ayst'2/kxcxxs • xx x • sprjngs~ C Newpoi,a x ' x x x x x x x xxx N x x x B 3/38 .~x x x c < ~ 5 2I35 ' X ' X 'X iN~ alreyGtlz '


SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 7:32 a.m Moon phases Sunsettoday.... 6 06 p.m F ull L ast N e w First Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:33 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 6:04 p.m l• Moonrisetoday.... 3:33 p.m Moopsettoday .... 2:23 a.m Oct. 29 Nov. 6 Nov. 13 Nov. 20

• Pl

Temperatures too warm for snow, mostly rain is expected.

push of


and light rain.

50 38


52 36



Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....9:51 a.m...... 6:52 p.m. Venus......4:23 a.m...... 4:50 p.m. Mars......11:10 a.m...... 7:59 p.m. Jupiter......8 09 p m..... 1 1 20a.m. Satum......7:28 a.m...... 6;13 p.m. Uranus.....4:59 p.m...... 5:19 a.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 45/28 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........78m1999 Monthtodate.......... 0.28" Record low......... 15 in 1945 Average month todate... 0.37" Average high.............. 59 Year to date............ 7.02" Averagelow ..............32 A verageyeartodate..... 7.55" Barometricpressureat 4 p.m29.84 Record 24 hours ...0.58 in1943 *Melted liquid equivalent

5 //42




hwha xdp xi h h h h k k x X X X X X X X X X X

h' 5Q~/33 X»MjtchelL48/38ixx x x x x i x x 43 / 25 .x'x..'xi x x xx EAST vofyanjP i ih ih ih ih«Camp xCOPyalifa, Shermanh xXXX , i i i so»3 Q . x h h ' x i«\ Johm'xxxeorijo Showers likely. i %3 % 52/39 % % % %%% % % 44/ 27 ~ m' 'l l yh t Yachats~ i i i i i i i ,i i i i gi Prl r leVille46I3txssssss 4u23, x x x x x x0 n4 I l0 Afternoon snow 53/43 x xx x x xx x x Slstersx x x'4 5 i x x x x x '48/31 47/29L'xii x i x e r a uima 42/zr'xii i 'x i ' x ' x x levels near 3,500 Fjprentemhh 9 . . XXXX XXXi xel I . 4 9 /3/ L X X X . . . . . . . XX Vale.•, i nrlyer nenQ m/m x v c ' 51/38 'Cgxxxx xs i SU 48/32 feet. ' 'xXh i ' ' w ICXX a 45/ 2 7 i $ 6/ 2 7 •


Cpuaoov'xx Oakrjdg

ii i

C xrove i i s ss ' 46/29



Ha m otorx ii i i

„ , x XXX X X X X 4 i/2i xx x x x x x x %%%%%%%%%%%39/2> 44/25ii o mg •,Xi X ihi i ihX ih i i i h i o « ' h » 'xi ChrjstmasVajjeyxxxx x x x v v « x i i i i i i xf o r dan Valley ii xiHtofeburg i x'. • Cf/hmujexi i«4 8/29 %52/40 i X X X X 58 /38 XXX M .XX ' xxxx 'x'x 48/20 I 44/24.xx .Sj'verxi .. i i i ,i i x x x x x x x j r e nchgj




i i . Paisjey,ixxx i i

i xxi i

i i h 49/ 3 8

~ BPOQ jngzxi '9 i» 58/40

xxx x x x x x x x

i i 'x' 40/23

• Beac xxxx' • xx x M edfOPd x52/42.

• 26p Burns

Salem ....... 52/43/0 03 ...53/39/sh ...54/37/pc Sisters.........49/28/0.00.... 47/29/rs......49/20/c The Dages......55/37/0.00....49/34/sh......51/34/c

x x 64/28i x x x x'. x x x x


i, As hjar '

x'x 'xXXX 46/zbhi

Yesterday's state extremes

ct a ke xxcccxxxcx x x x x x x xx 46/29


lm, ,'i i

allS 39/38, '

xi i x McDermitt' xx xx

i i i , 45/ 2 9, ii i i

iX X X

45 09





• 7p

Winnipef r, x


x 50/42 xxxxv

• 95 P Gage, Okla.

46/29 . lcqx 508 +

Rapid Cityx'x'



Halifax 46/32

Toronto + '69/60

ton 59/50




' x ,'Cheyenno «»' ' 8 '1 ia dep1 h'ia xs L ~MM< Chicago Columbus 'Ix xxxxxx f + sxx' 50/27Wx xxxx fxgg8 Omaha xmd • • . ~ pan Franciscoxxxx'Salt ""' 78/46 Des Moines 7LVP3 l • 7 8 /54 Lakex " ",'x' ;64IS4' flQS Wm 83/56 g r Washi n , 12C. C1 'y x ~ i Las Denver 60 • Louisville ~ Vegas 49/33 61/33 .

Stanley, Idaho

• 2.97



Sedalia, Mo.


N h l l l 7 05

" q erque Oklahomaotp L ittl Ro k /45

m C>


86/61 •


Honolulu ~ 82/73




New Orleans


Houston El 84/68•





Miami 87/78

os Monterrey

La Paz

I 90/69

Anchorage 33/18


88/72 o




Mazatlan • 8 8/71

Juneau 37/26






c Vh++ • ++++. 4+

o4 4 d 4" , d d d x d x

* *

'.' **„*** „** * ++


W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow



est developments in the case. Assuming prosecution and Continued from C1 defense attorneys can agree Both have remained off-lim- on what, if anything, on the its to DA's investigators since computer and hard drive ought they were seized. to be admitted at trial, it's unHouze has maintained the known who would inspect the computer and hard drive con- devices for relevant informatain confidential commttnica- tioTL On Monday, Houze said tions between Biedscheid and he doesn't trust Bend Police attorneys and he has sought to to not disclose his client's conlimit the scope of any search fidential communications if of the items. Hathorn would its investigators are allowed not comment Tuesday as to to inspect the devices. He arwhat i n f ormation p r osecu- gued for turning them over to tors believe they might find on a privatecomputer expert he's the computer and hard drive, worked with in the past. but said she does not believe The Oregon Department of Houze has demonstrated any Justice has agreed to inspect attorney-client c o m munica- the computer and hard drive, tions were saved on them. Hathorn said, but is unlikely to In an email Tuesday, Houze be able to perform an inspecdeclined to comment on the lat- tion until late January. Ha-

thorn said the DOJ computer forensic specialist has a backlog of cases involving child


whether they believed family relationships could be complicated and whether they'd ever said things they regretted during disagreements. Jury selection will continue beginning at 9 a.m. today with the prosecution questioning jurors.

Continued from C1 At the time of his death, a toxicology report states, Steven Hargrave also had traces of OxyContin, Vicodin and hydrocodone in his system. On Tuesday, defense attorney Karla Nash spent nearly three hours questioning po-





hunder Bayxx

(in the 48 contiguous states):

Reservoir Acre feet C a p acity Crane Prairie..... . . . . . . . 34,841...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 119,370..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 72,074.... . . 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . 16,746 . . . . 47,000 The higher the Uy Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 82,937..... 153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 292 for sol t noon. Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . 248 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 25 LO M E DIUM H I GH Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 176 0 2 4 6 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 664 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . . 813 Crooked RiverAbove Prinevige Res..... . . . . . 29 Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 79.1 Updated daily. Source: pollen.com Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. ... . . . . . . 7.27 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 176 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 MEDIUM LOW I or go to www.wrd.state.or.us

To report a wildfire, call 911

1 egend jf/ weather, Pcpprecipitation, s sun,pcpartial clouds,c clpuds,hhaze, shshowers,r rajn,t thunderstormssf snowflurries,snsnow,i-ice,rs-rain-snpwmix, w-wind,f-fpg, dr-drizzle, tr-trace

o www m 54/40;i

a service to irrigators and sportsmen.

Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme



Yesterday's extremes

Redmond/Madras........Low Prineville..........................Low


rescentxx • F pnRccj, 47y,xx x x x

• ' p2g4' I xxxxccccc

City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.

• 56p

• BU P xlmii

n x' xi' L@Plne46/26,ii 44/27xxx'o CppsBayxx x x'52/32i~ xx x x x x Cr e scent wv xx xxx x xx R j l m )7/zax:ii'x 5i/41 • xx ix


Yesterday Wednesday Thursday Bend,westofHwy97.....Low Sisters..............................Low The following was compiled by the Central Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W H i /Lo/WBend,eastofHwy.97......Low La Pipe...............................Low Qregon watermaster and irrigation districts as

Astoria ........50/40/0.29....50/42/sh.....52/41/pc Baker City......46/30/0.01 ....43/25/sh..... 44/20/rs Brookings......52/39/0.30....50/40/sh.....57/43/pc Burns..........44/26/0 09.... 42/19/rs.....42/1 7/pc Eugene........51/42/0.01 ....51/38/sh.....54/36/pc Klamath Falls .. 44/29/0 00 ... 39/30/rs ...44/23/pc Lakeview.......39/28/0.00 ... 36/24/rs..... 43/24/c La Pine........42/28/0.00.... 46/26/rs......45/17/c Medford.......54/40/0.10....49/38/sh.....55/37/pc Newport.......48/43/0.34....51/42/sh.....54/42/pc North Bend......52/43/NA....51/45/sh.....58/43/pc Ontario........52/35/0.17.....48/31/r.....51/27/pc Pendleton......50/33/0.00....47/32/sh......sl/29/c Portland .......54/42/0.01 ....50/42/sh.....53/39/pc Prineville.......46/28/0.01 .... 46/31/rs......52/23/c Redmond.......49/27/0.01 .... 44/23/rs......46/25/c

i N • Brothers 46/26 i 'x'x 'x'x 'x'x 'x 'x 'x'x 'x'x )x x x x x x x x ' Nyssh, x x' • ' Juhtufa' XX XX 46I32XX

xi i i



tential jurors about a variety of issues, including their experiences with medical issues like diabetes, stroke and alcohol abuse. She also questioned them about how they got their local news and what their experience had been on previous juries. Near the close of the day, Nash asked several j urors

YesterdayWednesdayfhursday YesterdayWedpesdayfhursday YesterdayWedpesdayrhursday YesterdayWednesdayrhursday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lp/W Hi/Lp/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/LolW City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lp/W Hi/Lp/W Abilene TX......83/69/000..85/63/pc.. 81/49/s Grandjlapids....65/60/0 36..73/58/pc. 77/48/sh RapidCity.......56/36/000.. 39/32/rs.39/26/pc Savannah.......80/51/000..81/63/pc.. 82/62/s Akron..........71/57/003 ..75/55/pc .. 79/56/s Green Bay.......63/50/0 00..69/60/sh...68/41/t Reno...........52/37/000..48/32/sh.48/27/pc Seattle..........52/42/008..51/38/sh. 52/40/pc Albany..........57/41/000 ..57/46/pc. 64/48/pc Greensboro......78/48/0 00... 80/52/s .. 78/52/s Richmond.......82/47/000 ..83/55/pc .. 79/54/s Siovx Falls.......61/54/000... 56/37/t. 46/30/sh Albuquerque.....76/49/000... 75/45/s .. 63/42/s Harosbvrg.......66/47/019 ..75/55/pc. 71/55/pc Rochester, NY....54/46/073...63/53/c.. 75/57/s Spokane........43/32/010..45/30/sh. 44/30/sh Anchorage......31/12/000...33/18/s .. 33/19/s Hartford,CT.....61/44/0.00...60/50/c. 66/49/pc Sacramento......62/51/0.10..62/50/sh. 66/46/pc Springfield, MO ..77/60/042 ..82/63/pc...75/44/t Atlanta.........78/55/000...78/59/s.. 79/61/s Helena..........31/20/003..41/20/pc. 35/17/snSt. Louis.........79/65/025...86/64/s...82/49/t Tampa..........85/66/000 ..88/72/pc. 88/72/pc Atlantic City.....76/47/000 ..68/60/pc. 68/58/pc Honolulu........84/74/0 00 ..82/73/sh. 82/72/sh SaltLakeCity....51/39/028..49/33/sh.44/30/sh Tvcson..........87/56/000...82/51/s.. 81/52/s Austin..........87/68/000 ..87/68/pc.88/64/pc Houston ........87/65/000 ..88/72/pc .. 88/72/c SaoAntonio.....86/72/000..90/69/pc.89/68/pc Tulsa...........81/70/000..85/66/pc...76/42/t Baltimore .......76/48/0.00 ..79/56/pc. 71/55/pc Huntsville.......80/53/0.00...79/54/s .. 80/56/s SaoDiego...... 70/61/trace... 71/61/s .. 75/60/s Washington, DC..78/52/0.00.. 79/60/pc. 72/58/pc Billiogs.........46/37/000...40/22/c .. 34/19/c Indianapolis.....69/59/049..80/57/pc.. 79/58/s SaoFrancisco....6352/006 .. 67/54/sh.67/54/pc Wichita.........91/64/000..85/61/pc.. 61/42/c Birmingham.....79/53/000...80/59/s. 80/62/s Jackson, MS.... 81/51/0.00. 84/59/s. 85/64/pc SaoJose........62/47/002 ..63/51/sh 66/50/pc Yakjma.........52/28/000 ..47/27/sh.. 49/29/c Bismarck........52/42/005...46/29/c. 39/25/pc Jacksonvile......82/60/000..83/63/pc.. 85/64/s SantaFe........73/34/0.00... 70/37/s 58/32/s Yuma . . . . .84/65/0.00... 81/60/s .. 81/62/s Boise...........50/37/007...45/30/c.48/26/pc Juneau..........42/36/000 ..37/26/pc. 36/21/pc INTERNATIONAL Boston..........67/51/000 ..59/50/pc.60/49/pc Kansas City......81/69/0.00 ..84/58/pc. 61/40/sh Bodgepoit,CT....65/48/000 ..61/54/sh. 66/53/pc Lansing.........67/60/0.09..75/58/pc. 76/53/sh Amsterdam......63/54/000 54/50/sh 56/44/c Mecca..........99/82/000 .95/78/pc .. 95/77/s Buffalo.........56/52/083 ..65/55/sh .. 74/57/s Las Vegas.......73/59/000... 69/50/s .. 68/49/s Athens..........66/59/008 74/59/sh .. 72/61/s MexicoCity .....81/52/000... 76/45/s .. 76/46/s BurlingtonVT....56/39/000 ..55/35/pc. 62/48/pc Lexington.......77/56/000... 81/52/s .. 80/57/s Auckland........57/50/000... 63/52/s.64/52/pc Montreal........55/39/000... 48/35/s. 57/48/pc Caribou,ME.....50/38/000...47/24/s. 53/31/pc Lincoln..........77/52/0.00... 79/46/t. 49/34/sh Baghdad........82/62/0.00..92/65/pc .. 90/63/c Moscow........34/30/0.00 ..34/25/pc.. 38/31/c Charleston, SC...81/48/000 ..81/61/pc.. 81/61/s Little Rock.......82/62/0 00... 85/62/s...85/59/t Bangkok........91/81/0.00... 92/78/t...92/80/t Nairobi.........79/55/0.00... 78/64/t. 78/58/pc Charlotte........78/44/000...80/51/s..81/53/s LosAngeles......68/60/003...70/56/s.. 79/58/s Beiling..........68/36/0.00...68/44/s .. 69/42/s Nassau.........82/79/0.00... 84/78/t...79/74/r Chattanooga.....80/50/000 ..81/50/pc. 81/56/pc Louisville........81/60/0 00... 82/56/s .. 81/59/s Beirvt..........82/70/0.00...82/74/t...77/67/t New Dejhi.......88/66/0.00...88/64/s .. 86/66/s Cheyenne.......70/36/000 ..50/27/sh.. 34/21/c MadisonWj.....64/55/015 ..77/61/pc...67/36/t Berlin...........55/52/000...57/47/c .. 54/36/c Osaka..........70/57/081 ...68/51Is .. 70/52/s Chicago.........70/57/006 ..78/63/pc...74/48/t Memphis....... 81/59/0 00 84/62/s. 84/65/pc Bogota.........68/52/000 ..64/52/sh. 71/53/sh Oslo............36/32/000 ..46/32/sh..37/25/sf Cincinnati.... 79/48/000...80/54/s. 79/57/s Miami . . . . 86/76/0 00 87/78/t .. 86/78/j Budapest........68/39/0.00..64/43/pc. 63/45/pc Ottawa.........54/39/0.00...52/37/s.54/46/pc Cleveland.......67/60/057..73/57/pc.. 76/60/s Milwaukee......58/51/006..71/61Ipc...70/44/t BuenosAires.....64/55/1.14 .. 71/49/pc.. 69/53/s Paris............68/50/000..65/45/pc. 63/46/pc Colorado Spnngs.78/42/000..69/32/pc. 41/27/pc Mimeapojis.....65/55/0.08 ..65/45/sh...49/33/r CabpSaoLucas ..86/66/000...93/70/s .. 93/71/s Rio de Janeiro....81/75/000... 88/74/t...86/73/t Columbia,MO...81/64/0.93...86/65/s...75/43/t Nashville........80/53/0.00...82/55/s .. 83/59/s Cairo...........84/68/000..84/67/pc. 81/68/pc Rome...........77/61/0 00..74/55/pc. 74/57/pc Colvmhia,SC....81/46/000...82/52/s .. 83/56/s New Orleans.....83/64/0.00..84/68/pc. 84/70/pc Calgary.........21/19/043...24/9/pc.. 27/10/c Santiago........73/43/0 00...66/53/s.. 68/50/c Columbus, GA...82/52/000...81/59/s. 83/62/pc New York.......64/54/0.00 ..66/53/sh. 67/53/pc Cancvn.........84/75/000...86/76/t...86/75/t Sap Paulo.......79/68/0 00..77/64/sh. 77/65/pc Columbus OH....78/59/000 ..78/54/pc.. 79/55/s Newark Nl......65/49/0 00 ..66/53/sh. 68/52/pc Dublin..........54/52/0.07..56/47/sh.. 51/39/c Sapporo ........63/59/0.38..51/45/sh. 57/45/pc Concord,NH.....63/37/000 ..60/39/pc. 63/43/pc Norfolk,VA......77/48/0 00..82/56/pc .. 77/57/s Edinhurgh.......52/48/0 00...48/43/c. 47/28/sh Seoul...........57/39/0 00..68/47/pc.. 70/49/s Corpus Christi....91/76/000 ..86/72/pc. 87/73/pc Oklahoma City...84/66/0.00 ..86/61/pc. 68/42/pc Geneva.........57/48/000..64/42/pc. 65/47/pc Shanghai........70/55/0 00..71/57/pc.. 74/63/c DallasFtWpnh...85/71/000..86/67/pc.. 85/60/c Omaha.........76/54/000... 78/46/t...49/35/r Harare..........68/61/0.00...68/56/t.76/54/sh Singapore.......90/77/0.00..86/79/pc. 88/77/pc Dayton .........76/61/002..79/55/pc.. 79/57/s Orlando.........84/65/000...86/68/t. 88/69/pc Hong Kong......86/73/0 00..82/76/pc. 83/77/pc Stockholm.......46/36/0 00..41/35/sh.. 38/30/c Denver..........77/46/0.00..61/33/pc..41/27/rs Palmspriogs.....81/57/0.00. 84/60/s.. 86/60/s jstanhuj.........70/63/0 00..69/61/sh. 68/59/pc Sydney..........64/57/0 00...79/55/s. 82/58/pc DesMoines......75/61/0.02... 83/56/t...56/35/r Peoria..........72/59/0.02... 80/62/s...76/45/t lerusalem .......79/59/0 00..78/60/pc...70/58/t Taipei...........77/70/0 00..83/71/pc. 83/74/pc Detroit..........71/60/021..74/57/pc.. 77/57/s Philadelphia.....72/50/000..75/57/pc. 71/56/pc Johanneshvrg....73/52/0 02..64/45/sh. 67/52/pc TelAviv.........84/68/0 00..81/66/pc. 76/63/pc Duluth..........48/45/005 ..56/41/sh. 45/32/sh Phpenix.........85/65/000... 84/58/s .. 82/59/s Lima ...........70/61/0.00..68/63/pc.70/62/pc Tokyo...........77/57/0.00...69/54/s.. 70/55/s El Paso..........84/49/000...85/57/s .. 78/49/s Pittsburgh.......77/57/0 00 ..75/54/pc .. 77/53/s Lisbon..........73/61/000 69/64/t 66/58/sh Toronto.........54/50/084 . 49/45/c 67/55/pc Fairhahks......... 7/6/000...20/4/pc... 23/9/s Portland,ME.....63/38/000...57/39/s .. 60/44/s London .........57/54/000..63/55/pc.. 55/38/c Vancouver.......46/43/018..54/40/sh. 48/38/pc Fargo...........56/48/004 ..48/35/sh .. 43/28/c Providence......67/43/0.00 ..60/47/pc. 63/48/pc Madrid .........72/48/0 00..61/47/pc. 61/46/sh Vienna..........50/41/0 00..63/46/pc. 60/45/pc Flagstaff........60/41/0.00...60/28/s .. 57/26/s Raleigh.........80/46/0.00... 82/53/s .. 80/54/s Manila..........91/75/0.00 ..88/76/sh...83/77/r Warsaw.........54/45/0.00..43/39/pc.. 52/35/c

the Thomas Bray rape case. As Bray's attorney, Houze argued he should be granted access to abuse and child pornography, a computer used by Bray's acwhich would take priority over cuser, as well as her Internet an examination Of Biedscheid's search history. She had told indevices. vestigatorsshe'd searched for Monday, Houze said furinformation about Bray and ther delays and scheduling rape law before reporting the conflicts could push a trial to crime to police. Hathorn called next summer, at which point Houze's pursuit of the computBiedscheid's would be the old- er and search history a "fishing est case yet to be tried in Des- expedition" that would violate chutes County courts. the woman's right to privacy. A nother hearing o n t h e Despite a judge's order, the DA's office refused to compel computer issuesis scheduled for Thursday. the woman to turn over the The tussleover Biedscheid's computer and records to Bray's computer and hard drive is a attorney. Bray was convicted rolereversal ofsorts for H ouze and sentenced to 25 years in and Hathorn, who earlier this prison. — Reporter: 541-383-0387, year argued over computers and Internet search histories in shczmmers@bendbldfletinicom

— Reporter: 541-617-7831, smiller@bendbulletin.com


Bx/I,8 floj'e



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Scoreboard, D2 Prep sports, D3



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College football, D5


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Olympians to be honored at UO

ro s o swee a e mon


University of Oregon's 2012 Olympians, including gold medalist Ashton Eaton, of Bend, will

be recognized during this Saturday's OregonColorado football game at Autzen Stadium. Eaton set the world record of 9,039 points in the decathlon during the 2012 Olympic Trials at Hayward Field. The five-time NCAA champion for the Ducks then went on to claim his first Olympic gold medal at the London

Games. Other Olympians

with Oregon connections who are scheduled

to appear Saturday include 2012 UO gradu-

ate Brianne Theisen.

Bulletin staff report REDMOND — Bend High served strong and played one of its better defensivematches of the season Tuesday, cruising past host Redmond High 25-7, 25-20, 25-8 in Class 5A Intermountain Conference volleyball action. Senior setter Ellis Clair led the way defensively, recording 14 digs and two blocks as the Lava Bears improved to 3-2 in 5A IMC play. Even more importantly for Bend, which ends the regular season on Thursday with a home match against Mountain View, is that the victory likely sealed the Bears' a top-eight Oregon School Activities Association ranking, and in the process a bye into the 5A state playoffs.

"We hit all our areas (serving)," Bend

High coach Kristen Cooper said. "And we blocked really well too." Clair also ran the Lava Bears' offense,

Inside • More coverage of prep sports from Tuesday night,D3 ending the night with a team-high 25 assists. Molly Maloney paced Bend with 11 kills, and Amanda Todd added seven kills and seven digs of her own. "Amanda's been consistently good all season," Cooper said about her junior outside hitter, who as emerged as

a major playmaker alongside Maloney. "She justgets stronger as the season

goes on." If the Lava Bears hold onto their topeight spot — they were ranked No. 5 entering Tuesday's match — they will host a first round state playoff match on Saturday, Nov. 3. The loss concluded the year for Redmond, which finished 5A IMC play 0-6.

Ryan Brennecke/ rhe Bulletin

Bend's Ellis Clair (7) celebrates with her teammates after a kill during the first game ofTuesday night' s match at Redmond High School.

The seven-time NCAA champion, who is Eaton's fiancee, finished 11th in the heptathlon for Canada at the Lon-


don Olympics. Andrew Wheating, a men's 1,500-meter semifinalist and fivetime NCAA champion at Oregon, will be part of


Tigers set

Saturday's ceremony, as will women's steeplechase finalist Bridget

Franek andwomen's

to take on tested Giants

800-meter semifinalist

Geena Gall. Other Olympians scheduled to attend include Dathan Ritzenhein, who was 13th in the 10,000 meters for Team USA, Duck alumnae and javelin throwers Cyrus Hostetler and Rachel Yurkovich, and Ciaran O'Lianard, who competed in the men's 1,500 meters for Ireland. — Bulletin staff report

By Ben Walker The Associated Press Bulletin photo illustration

MLB Guillen fired as Marlins manager MIAMI — The linger-

ing backlash causedby Ozzie Guillen's praise of Fidel Castro contributed

to another Miami Marlins mana-

gerial shakeup Tuesday. Guillen Guillen

was fired after only

one year with the team, undone

by too many lossesand one too many ill-advised remarks. A promising season began to derail in April

with his laudatory comments about Cuba's for-

mer leader. Six months later, the episodewasa

• The fair-weather season maybecoming to a close, but tournamentswill go on By Zack Hall The Bulletin

Jeff Brown has watched fellow golfers attempt to hit a ball resting on a sheet of ice. The 36-year-old Redmond resident has even seen agolfer step through that ice and into the chilly, murky — and, thankfully, shallow — water below. In the dead of winter at his watery home course, Meadow Lakes in Prineville, such opportunities are often abundant on all 18 holes. "Those are the funniest things I've seen this time of year," says Brown, who makes a habit in winter of playing i n M e adow L a kes' Saturday events as well as the popular Central Oregon WinterSeries. Competition can drive golfers to do crazy things.

® Z' TEE TO GREEN "They just can't give up that golf ball or that stroke and they try to play it off the ice," says Brown. "That turns into a real nightmare. I've seen it happen multiple times out here. "I just take the stroke penalty and call it good." Brown loves to play competitive golf, no matter the season. Fortunately for hearty golfers like him, competitive golf during Central Oregon's frosty winters is a bit easier to find now than just a few years ago. The Central Oregon Winter Series — a series of nine golf tournaments

played at courses throughout the region — and theMeadow Lakes Winter Games are the only regular events open to the public during months when trips to Mount Bachelor seem to make more sense than a stroll down a fairway. Yet the Winter Series hosted at least 80 golfers in nearly all of last offseason's nine events and as many as 104 golfers in a March event at Pronghorn Club's Nicklaus Course, says Pat Huffer, the head pro at Crooked River Ranch, who created the Winter Series in the 2007-08 offseason. "It's just grown every year," says Huffer. The two-person team events that make up the Winter Seriesare as formal as a regular club game played during the summer. See Golf/D5

factor in the decision to fire Guillen, Marlins of"Let's face it. It was not a positive for the

was a disappointment, no doubt about it." A lousy team didn't help, either. The Marlins took high hopes into

their new ballpark following an offseason spending spree but finished last in the NL East at 69-93, their worst record since 1999.

since early 2010. The latest change comes even though the Marlins still owe Guillen $7.5 million for the

three years remaining on his contract. "We all felt we had a pretty good ballclub

coming out of spring training, and we just didn't play well," Bein-

fest said. "We all share in this." — The Associated Press

Next up World Series, Game1, Detroit

Tigers at SanFrancisco Giants • When:Today, 5 p.m.

Mannion to start at QBfor No. 7 OSUagainst Washington By Anne M. Peterson The Associated Press

Quarterback Sean Mannion will start for No. 7 Oregon State against Washington on Saturday night, less than three weeks after undergoing a

Miami's next manager will be the fifth for owner Jeffrey Loria

working on bunts, playing against their instructional league team and letting ace Justin Verlander throw to hitters. "Well, we just tried to come up with something," Leyland said Tuesday. "It wasn't like in 2006, where some people would indicate we sat around happy to get there, not doing anything, eating bon-bons." See World Series/D4


team; it was not a posiof baseball operations Larry Beinfest said. "It

decided, they stayed busy by

• TV:Fox • Radio:KICE-AM 940

ficials said.

tive for Ozzie," president

SAN FRANCISCO — Jim Leyland and the Detroit Tigers found out the hard way that rest means rust in the World Series. Six years ago, their last Series appearance, they lounged around for nearly a week before getting wiped out by St. Louis. This time, while once again waiting for the National League opponent to be

Oregon State quarterback Sean Mannlon Don Ryan/The Associated Press

surgical procedure on his left knee. Mannion missed two games after he was hurt in an Oct. 6 victory over Washington State in Seattle. The 6-foot-5 sophomore was injured on a handoff, and an MRI revealed the need for surgery to repair the meniscus in his knee. Cody Vaz started in Mannion's place and Oregon State has remained unbeaten, rising to 6-0 overall and 4-0 in the Pac-12. "It was difficult. Cody has played well and Sean has played well," OSU coach Mike Riley said Tuesday. "I just kind of took it back a little bit further to the initial competition. Sean had

played four games and played well so we decided to go with him. But it was not easy." Mannion somewhat surprisingly was cleared to play last week in advance of Oregon State's game against Utah. But because Vaz had started the week practicing with the first unit, he was designated as the starter and Mannion was listed as the backup. SeeMannion/D5



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TELEVISION Today SOCCER 11:30 a.m.: UEFA Champions

League, Arsenal FCvs. FC

Thursday 6a.m.:European Tour, BMW

Schalke, Root Sports.

Masters, first round, Golf Channel.

5:30 p.m.:MLS, Philadelphia

10 a.m.:LPGATour, Sunrise

Union at Sporting Kansas City, NBC Sports Network. 7 p.m.:UEFA Champions

LPGA Taiwan Championship, first round, Golf Channel.

League, AFCAjax vs. Manchester City FC(same-day tape), Root Sports.

12:30 p.m.:Web.com Tour, Web.com TourChampionship, first round, Golf Channel.

9 p.m.:PGATour/Asian Tour,

GOLF 4 p.m.: PGA Tour,Grand Slam

CIMB Classic, second round,

of Golf, day two (same-day tape), TNT.

FOOTBALL 4:30 p.m.: College, Clemson at Wake Forest, ESPN. 5:20 p.m.:NFL, Tampa Bay

9 p.m.:PGA Tour/Asian Tour,

CIMB Classic, first round, Golf Channel.

Golf Channel.

Buccaneers at Minnesota BASEBALL

Vikings, NFL Network.

5p.m.:MLB Playoffs, World

7 p.m.:High school, Kentwood

Series, Detroit Tigers at San

at Kentlake, Root Sports. BASEBALL

Francisco Giants, Fox. VOLLEYBALL

5 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, World

7 p.m.:Women's college,

Series, Detroit Tigers at San

Arizona at Stanford, Pac-12 Network.

Francisco Giants, Fox.

at Washington, Pac-12 Network. BASKETBALL 7 p.m.:NBA Preseason, Los

Angeles Clippers at Denver Nuggets, TNT.



BASEBALL Sp.m.:MLB Playoffs, World Series, Detroit Tigers at San Francisco Giants, KICE-AM 940.

BASEBALL 5 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, World Series, DetroitTigers at San Francisco Giants, KICE-AM 940.

Listingsare the mostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changes madeby Tllor radio stations.

SPORTS IN BRIEF • Bend golfers Inhunt at 0-School:Andrew Vijarro, a 23-

year-old pro golfer from Bend, shot a 2-under-par 70 in the first round of the PGA Tour's National

Qualifying School onTuesdayat San Juan Oaks Golf Club in Hollister, Calif. That puts the former University of Oregon golfer in

an eight-way tie for15th place out of 77 golfers in the 72-hole first stage of Q-School. Bend's

Chadd Cocco — a 27-year-old professional, and like Vijarro, a

Jays to allow him to leave with one year left on his three-year contract as manager. The Red Sox sent infielder Mike Aviles to Toronto and obtained reliever David Carpenter in the deal. Farrell, Boston's pitching coach from 2007-10 under Terry Fran-

cona, takes over for BobbyValentine, who was fired after one of the worst seasons in team history. The Red Sox finished in last place in the AL East with a 69-93 record, their worst since 1965 and four games behind the Blue Jays.

former Bend High School golf standout — is in a tie for 45th after carding a1-over 73. The top19 golfers and ties from San Juan Oaks, one of14 sites

• RemlngtoIy returns to NL 2OregoIy:Oregon has lifted the

hosting first stage events, after Friday's final round will advance to Q-School's second qualifying

tackle Isaac Remington. The decision came after The Regis-

stage. To earn their 2013 PGA

Tour cards, Coccoand Vijarro must grind through 252 holes

of three pressure-packed stages over the next six weeks. • Harrington takes 2-shIyt lead In Bermuda:Padraig

Harrington, a playoff loser the two times he qualified for the

PGA GrandSlam of Golf, gave himself a chanceTuesdayto win as an alternate. Harrington, who skipped the BMW Masters in Shanghai to play in South-

ampton,Bermuda, madeseven birdies for a 5-under 66 at Port Royal to take a two-shot lead

overMasterschampion Bubba Watson going into the final round of the 36-hole exhibi-

tion for the year's four major champions. U.S. OpenchampionWebb Simpson hada69. Keegan Bradley, who replaced PGA champion Rory Mcllroy, rounded out the four-man field with a 72.

Baseball • Hall Iyf Fame catcher FIsk charged with DUI In Illinois: Hall of Fame catcher Carlton Fisk faces charges of driving under the influence and other misdemeanors after being

night. Oregon hosts Colorado

Tennis • Serena Williams opens WTA Championshipswith win: With the year-end top ranking out of reach, Serena Williams will settle for the title at the WTA Championships. In her first match since winning the U.S. Open in September, Williams defeated Angelique Kerber 6-4, 6-1 Tuesday to start round-robin

play in the season-ending event featuring the top eight players in the world. In White Group

matches, AgnieszkaRadwanska defeated titleholder Petra Kvitova 6-3, 6-2, and Maria

Sharapova defeated SaraErrani 6-3, 6-2 in a repeat of the French

Open final.

Motor sports

Lenox Deputy Chief Robert Pawlisz said officers found Fisk, 64, behind the wheel late Monday with an open bottle of vodka on the truck's floor. Fisk was taken to a hospital for treatmentand released from

race at MartiIysvllle:Dale Earn-

in Will County.

half-mile Gresham Motorsports Parkin Jefferson, Ga. Petty monitored Earnhardt during Monday's test at Gresham. Earnhardt missed races at

• Earnhardt Jr. cleared to

Farrell appearedTuesday at a news conference with club officials two days after the team

3 O

l@j D T)LL

NicolasAlmagro(6), Spain,def. JuanCarlos Ferrero, Spain7-5 , 6-3. JurgenMelzer,Austria, del. CarlosBerlocq, Argentina, 6-3,6-3. Xavier Malisse,Belgium,def. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga (2), France,3-1,retired. Gilles Simon,France,def. JankoTipsarevic (3), Serbia,5-4,retired Swiss Indoors Tuesday AI SI. Jakobshalle Basel, Switzerland Purse: $2.5 million (WT500) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles First Round Mikhail Youzhny, Russia, def. BernardTomic, Australia, 6-0,6-2. MatthewEbden, Australia, del. VictorHanescu, Romania, 6-3, 7-6(3). MarcoChiudinelli, Switzerland,del.GuilermoGarcia-Lopez,Spain, 5-7, 6-3,6-4. Brian Baker,United States, def. RadekStepanek, Czech Republic, 2-6,7-6(5)i 6-3. NikolayDavydenko,Russia, def StanislasWawrinka (4), Switzerland,7-6(7), 7-6(3). KevinAnderson,SouthAfrica, def.JarkkoNieminen, Finland, 7-6(4), 6-3. Grigor Dimitrov,Bulgaria, def. ViktorTroicki (8), Serbia,6-3,6-2. Thomaz Bellucci, Brazil, def.GoSoeda,Japan,4-6,

At the Helmet Safety Institute.


All Times PDT


Miami98,Charlotte92 Indiana100,Cleveland82

NFL NATIONAL FOOTBALLLEAGUE All TimesPDT AMERICAN CONFERENCE East W L T P c t PF PA N ew England 4 3 0 .57 1 217 163 Miami 3 3 0 . 5 00120 117 N.Y.Jets 3 4 0 . 4 29159 170 Buffalo 3 4 0 . 4 29171 227 South W L T P c t PF PA 6 1 0 . 8 57216 128 Houston Indianapolis 3 3 0 . 5 00117 158 Tennessee 3 4 0 . 4 29149 238 Jacksonville 1 5 0 . 1 6788 164 Norlh W L T P c t PF PA Baltimore 5 2 0 . 7 14174 161 Pittsburgh 3 3 0 . 5 00140 132 Cincinnati 3 4 0 . 4 29166 187 Cleveand 1 6 0 . 1 43147 180 Wesl W L T P c t PF PA Denver 3 3 0 . 5 00170 138 SanDiego 3 3 0 . 5 00148 137 Oakland 2 4 0 . 3 33113 171 K ansas Cit y 1 5 0 .16 7 104 183 NATIONAL CONFERENCE East W L T P c t PF PA 5 2 0 . 7 14205 137 3 3 0 . 5 00103 125 3 3 0 . 5 00113 133 3 4 0 . 4 29201 200


W L T 6 0 0 2 4 0 2 4 0 1 5 0 Norlh W L T 5 I 0 5 2 0 4 3 0 2 4 0 Wesl W L T 5 2 0 4 3 0 4 3 0 3 4 0

P c t PF PA 1 .000 171 113 . 3 33176 182 . 3 33148 136 . 1 67106 144 P c t PF PA . 8 33162 78 . 7 14167 131 . 5 71184 155 . 3 33133 150 P c t PF PA . 7 14165 100 . 5 71124 1I8 . 5 71116 106 . 4 29130 141

Thursday'sGame Tampa Bayat Minnesota, 5:20p.m.

Sunday'sGames JacksonvilleatGreenBay,10 a.m. IndianapolisatTennessee, 10a.m. Carolinaat Chicago,10a.m. Miami atN.Y.Jets,10a.m. SanDiegoat Cleveland,10 a.m.

AtlantaatPhiladelphia,10 a.m. Seattle atDetroit,10 a.m. Washington atPittsburgh,10 a.m. NewEnglandvs.St.LouisatLondon,10a.m OaklandatKansasCity,1:05 p.m.

N.Y.GiantsatDalas,1:25 p.m. NewOreansat Denver,5:20p.m. Open:Baltimore,Buffalo, Cincinnati, Houston Monday'sGame San Francisco atArizona,5:30p.m.

College Tuesday'sResult Arkansas St.50, LA-Lafayette27 Schedule All Times PDT (Subiect to change)


SOUTH Delaware St.atMorganSt., 4:30p.m. Clemson at WakeForest 4:30p.m.

Friday's Games

SOUTH Cincinnati atLouisville, 5p.m. FAR WEST NevadaatAir Force,5p.m.

Saturday's Games EAST

Ball St atArmy,9 a.m. St. Francis(Pa.)atCCSU,9a.m. Monmouth (NJ)atDuquesne,9a.m. Templeat Pittsburgh, 9a.m. NewHampshireat RhodeIsland,9 am. Yale atColumbia,9:30a.m. PrincetonatCornell, 9:30a.m. MarylandatBostonCollege,10 a.m. ColgateatBucknell,10 a.m. Fordham at Holy Cross,10 a.m. BrownatPenn,10 a.m.

Valencia Open500 Tuesday At Ciudad delas Artes ylas Ciencas Valencia Valencia, Spain Purse: $2.72million (WT500) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles First Round SamQuerrey,UnitedStates, def. FelicianoLopez, Spain,6-3, 7-6(4). AlexandrDolgopolov,Ukraine,def.Filippo Volandri, Italy, 6-3,7-6(5). David Ferrer(1), Spain,def. OlivierRochus,Belgium, 7-5,7-5.



Standings:Radwanska 1-0 (2-0), Sharapova1-0 (2-0); Errani0-1(0-2); Kvitova0-1(0-2).

Albany(NY)atSacredHeart, 10a.m. RobertMorrisatWagner,10a.m. ToledoatBuffalo,12:30 p.m. KentSt.at Rutgers,12:30 p.m. TowsonatViganova,12:30 p.m. HarvardatDartmouth, 2 p.m. OhioSt.at PennSt., 2:30 p.m. Georgetown atLafayete, 3 p.m.


E.lllinois atE.Kentucky,8a.m. Butler atDavidson,9a.m. Delaware at OldDominion, 9a.m. Tennessee at SouthCarolina, 9a.m. Nc StateatNorthCarolina, 9:30a.m. Campbelat l MoreheadSt., 10a.m. StonyBrookat Presbyterian,10 a.m. EdwardWatersatCharleston Southern,10:30 a.m. VMI atGardner-Webb,10:30a.m

(D)-Dallas started as the favorite

NorfolkSt.atNCA8T,10:30 a.m. Howardat ScState,10:30 a.m. The CitadelatWofford,10:30a.m.

Savannah St.atHampton,11 a.m. Tennessee TechatTennesseeSt., 11a.m. Furmanat Elon, noon BYU atGeorgia Tech, noon Alabama A8M vs. AlabamaSt. at Birmingham,Ala 12:30p.m. Libertyat Coastal Carolina, 12:30p.m. NavyatEastCarolina,12:30 p.m. DukeatFloridaSt 1230pm Floridavs.Georgia atJacksonvile, Fla.,12:30p.m. GeorgiaSt.atJamesMadison,12:30 p.m. NorthTexasatMiddle Tennessee,12:30 p.m. UABatTulane,12:30p.m. Appalachian St atWCarolina,12:30 p.m. MaineatWilliam8 Mary,12:30p.m. NC Centralat Bethune-cookman,I p.m. MurraySt.atJacksonville St.,1 p.m. SE MissouriatAustin Peay,2 p.m. Troy atFAU,2p.m. PrairieViewvs. SouthernU.atShreveport, La.,2p.m GeorgiaSouthemat Chattanooga,3p.m. W. KentuckyatFIU, 3p.m. TexasA8MatAuburn, 4p.m. SouthAlabamaat Louisiana-Monroe, 4 p.m. NichollsSt.atNorthwestemSt., 4p.m. Syracuse atSouth Florida, 4p.m. UMassatVanderbilt, 4 p.m. UCFat Marshall, 5 p.m. StephenF.Austin at McNeeseSt., 5 p.m. Cent.ArkansasatSELouisiana, 5 p.m. MississippiSt.atAlabama,5:30 p.m. MIDWEST Indianaatllinois, 9 a.m. Texasat Kansas,9a.m. Kentuckyat Missouri, 9 a.m. N. Illinois atW.Michigan, 9a.m. lowa atNorthwestern,10a.m. Wlllinois atMissouriSt.,11 a.m. Marist atVaparaiso,11 am. SouthDakotaat IndianaSt., 11:05a.m. Youngstown St. atS.DakotaSt., noon E. Michigan at Bowling Green,12.30 p.m. Akron atCent. Michigan,12:30p.m. Texas TechatKansasSt., 12:30p.m. Ohio atMiami(Ohio),12:30 p.m. Purdueat Minnesota,12:30p.m. MichiganSt.atWisconsin,12:30 p.m. S. Illinois atN.DakotaSt.,1 p.m. lllinois St.atN.Iowa,2p.m. Baylor atlowaSt, 4p.m. MichiganatNebraska,5pm SOUTHWEST Mississippi atArkansas,9 a.m. SouthernMiss.atRice,10 a.m. UtahSt.atUTSA,11a.m. MemphisatSMU,noon MVSUatArk.-Pine Bluff,12:30p.m. TCU atOklahomaSt., 12:30p.m. SamHoustonSt.at Lamar,1 p.m. UTEPatHouston,1.30 p.m. GramblingSt. atTexasSouthern,2 p.m. NotreDam eatOklahoma,5pm FAR WEST UCLAatArizonaSt., noon E. WashingtonatS.Utah,noon ColoradoatOregon, noon SouthernCalatArizona,12:30 p.m. IdahoSt.atMontana,12:30 p.m. FresnoSt.atNewMexico,12:30 p.m. BoiseSt.atWyoming, 12:30p.m. N. Arizonaat N.Colorado, 12:35p.m. TexasSt.atSanJoseSt., 1p.m. NorthDakotaatMontanaSt.,1:05 p.m. PortlandSt.atUCDavis, 2 p.m. WashingtonSt atStanford,315 pm. Hawaii atColoradoSt. 4 p.m. LouisianaTechatNewMexicoSt., 5p.m. UNLVatSanDiegoSt., 5p.m. DaytonatSanDiego,6p.m. Cal PolyatSacramentoSt., 6:05p.m. CaliforniaatUtah,6:45p.m. OregonSt.atWashington, 7:15p.m.

2 7.5 5 1.5



Dolphins Panthers Redskins Raiders COWBO YS Saints 6-4,6-3.




1 (D)

49ers I-London


2.5 7.5 5 1.5




College Thursday


1 3.5



4.5 3

4 3


Cincinnati AIR FOR CE


E. CAROL INA 4.5 VANDER BILT 32.5 Ohio 7.5 Ball St 5 C. MICHIGAN 5.5 BOWLINGGREEN1 3.5 N. Illinois 7.5 PITTSBUR GH 7 ILLINOIS 15 Purdue 3 NORTH WESTERN 6 .5 FLORIDA ST 27.5 BOSTONCOLLEGE1 ALABAMA 24 Utah St 2 1.5 COLORAD OST 6 IOWAST 2 Texas ABM 1 3.5 UTAH 2 Texas 22 WISCON SIN 6 OREGO N 46 N. CAROL INA 8 BoiseSt 16.5 HOUSTO N 13 GEORGIA TECH 1.5 I-Florida 6 MISSOUR I 15 ARIZONA ST 7 Usc 6.5 RUTGER S 13 SANJOSEST 19 STANFO RD 21.5 Ohio St 2 (P) OregonSt 4 KANSASST 7 S. FLORIDA 5.5 OKLAHOM AST 9 C. Florida 3 Toledo 8 .5 S CAROLINA 14 I-ARKAN SAS 5 LouisianaTech 29 OKLAHOM A 10 uab 4.5 SMU 20.5 RICE PK NEBRAS KA 2.5 SAN DIEGO ST 18 FresnoSt 12 UL-MONR OE 24


4 Navy 3 2 .5 UMass 7 MIAMI-OHIO 6 ARMY 6.5 Akron 15 E Michigan 7 W. MICHIGAN 7 Temple 1 Indiana 3.5 MINNESO TA 6 lowa 28 Duke I Maryland 24 MississippiSt 2 3TEX-S.ANTONIO 7 Hawaii 2.5 Baylor 15 AUBURN I California 21 KANSAS 6.5 MichiganSt 46 Colorado 7.5 Nc State 16 5 WYOMING 13 Utep 2.5 Byu 6.5 Georgia 14 Kentucky 6.5 Ucla 6.5 ARIZONA 1 3 .5 Kent St 20 TexasSt 2 4 .5 WashingtonSt 1 PENNST 4.5 WASHINGTON

TexasTech Syracuse Tcu


3 7.5 2.5 8





Today'sGame Philadephiaat Sporting KansasCity, 5:30 p.m. Saturday's Games NewYorkatPhiladelphia,10:30 a.m. NewEnglandatMontreal, 11a.m. D.C. UnitedatChicago, 1p.m. San JoseatPortland, 3:30p.m. Vancouverat RealSalt Lake,6 p.m. HoustonatColorado,6 pm Sunday's Games Toronto FC atColumbus, 1p.m. ChivasUSAat FCDallas, 4 p.m. Seattle FCatLosAngeles, 6p.m.


American League

KANSASCITY ROYALS—Removed RHP J.C. Sulbaranfromthe Arizona l.eagueroster. AddedRHP MalcomCulvertotheArizonaLeagueroster.

LOS ANGELESANGELS— Assigned OF Jeremy Mooreoutrightto Salt Lake(PCL). MINNES DTATWINS—ReinstatedRHPColeDeVries from the15-day DL TORONTOBLUE JAYS— Designated RHP Chad Beckfor assignment.ClaimedRl-IP David Hemdonoff waiversfromPhiladelphia. National League CHICAGO CUBS—Named David Bell third base coach. Promotedinterim hitting coachJamesRowson to hitting coach.Agreedto termswith assistant generalmanager Randy Bush onathree-yearcontract extension.NamedTimCossins field coordinator,Alex Suarezassistant director of playerdevelopment/internationalscouting;LukasMcKnight assistant director of amateurscouting; Chris Clemons, J.P.Davis andAlex Lontayo areascouts; MarkAdair regional crosschecker; Andrew Bassett proscoutingcoordinator;SteveBoros, TerryKennedyandMark Kiefer proscouts; andJason Karegean nesand Brad Kulman major leaguescouts. Promoted JakeCiarrachito proscout. MIAMI MARLINS —Fired manager Ozzie Guilen. Announced 38 Gil Velazquezrefused outright assignmentandelectedfree agency

6 Mississippi 30 N. MEXICO ST 10 NotreDame 3 TULANE BASKETBALL 2 0 .5 Memphis National Basketball Association 2 S Mississippi MEMPHIS GRIZZLIES—Waived F/0 MichaelDuni25 Michigan gan and GKyleWeaver. 18 Unlv SANANTONIO SPURS— Waived CEddyCurryand 1 3 . 5 NEWMEXICO FDerrickBrown. 24 S. Alabama FOOTBALL W. Kentucky 7 7 FLORIDA INT'L National Football League MID TENN ST 3.5 3.5 N Texas ARIZONA CARDINALS— ReleasedCBGregMccoy Troy 7.5 7 FLAATLANTIC from thepracticesquad.SignedCBCrezdonButler to i-iacksonvile,Fla. the practicesquad I-Little Rock,Ark. BUFFALO BILLS—SignedOLKeith Wiliams to the (P) PennStatestarted asthefavorite practicesquad. GREENBAY PACKERS— Released OL Chris Scott


PostseasonGlance All Times PDT

WORLDSERIES (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) All games televised byFox Today,Oct.24: Detroit (Verlander17-8) at SanFrancisco (Zito15-8),5:07p.m. Thursday,Oct.25: Detroit (Fister 10-10) atSanFrancisco (Bum garner16-11), 507p.m. Saturday,Oct.27: SanFrancisco (Vogelsong 14-9)at Detroit (Sanchez 4-6), 5:07 p.m. Sunday,Oct.28. SanFrancisco (Cain16-5) at Detroit (Scherzer 16-7), 5:15p.m. x Monday, Oct.29 SanFrancisco atDetroit, 5:07p.m. x-Wednesday, Oct 31:Detroit at SanFrancisco, 507


x-Thursday,Nov.1: Detroit at SanFrancisco, 5:07



Betting line



and DE DrewVanderlin fromthepractice squad.Signed DT Jordan Miler to thepracticesquad. MINNES OTAVIKINGS—Released GTyler Holmes from thepracticesquad. SignedDEErnest Owusuto the practice squad DAKLAND RAIDERS—Released C Colin Miller from thepracticesquad.SignedTJasonSloweytothe practicesquad ST. LOUISHAMS —Signed T Chris Williams. Signed DE Mason Brodine to the practice squad.ReleasedGQuinn Oiinnaka.Released 0 ChaseBeeler from the practicesquad. SAN DI EGO CHARGERS— Released WR Marques Clark from the practicesquad. SignedWRKashif Mooretothepractice squad. WASHINGTONREDSKINS— Released RB Ryan Grant.SignedRBKeilandWiliams. ReleasedWREmmanuelArceneauxfromthepractice squad.SignedCB DomoniqueJohnsontothe practice squad. COLLEG E IDAHO STATE—Suspended football coach Mike Krameronegameforviolating theuniversity's conduct policy.

WTAChampionships (Hometeamsin Caps) Tuesday Favorite Opening Current Underdog At SinanErdemDome Thursday Istanbul VIKINGS 6.5 6 . 5 Bu ccaneers Purse: $4.9million (TourChampionship) Sunday Surface: Hard-Indoor I-Patriots 7 7 Round Robin TITANS 3.5 3.5 Singles PACKER S NL NL Group A Chargers 3 2.5 S erena Wi l i a ms (3), UnitedStates,del. Angegque EAGLES 2.5 2.5 Kerber(5), Germany,6-4, 6-1. LIONS 2.5 2.5 Standings:Wiliams1-0 (sets2-0); VictoriaAza-

Upstream daily movem ent of adult chinook, jack chinook, steelheadandwild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedon Monday Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Bonneville 325 2 0 3 266 87 The DaHes 192 1 6 9 350 123 John Day 130 82 411 173 McNary 1 6 6 127 911 426 Upstream year-to-date movement ofadult chinook, jack chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonMonday. Chnk Jchnk Btlhd Wstlhd Bonneville 587,551 142,534232,360 84,376 The Dalles 411,431 124,399196,719 69,254 John Day 334,481 107,827159,190 60,467 McNary 339,262 62,276 146,589 49,771

hardt Jr. was clearedTuesday for this weekend's race at Martinsville Speedway in Ridgeway, Va., after missing the past two

weeks to recover from a pair of concussions. NASCAR'smost custody after posting bail, popular driver was examined by Pawlisz said. He has acourt apneurosurgeon Dr. Jerry Petty pearance scheduled for Nov. 29 one day after he ran123 laps at

Red Sox have introduced John Farrell as their new manager.

u o


decided not to pursue adriv-

this Saturday.



that Eugene prosecutors had

over Arizona State last Thursday

O 0

Friday Football: Bendat MountainView, 7p.m.; Ridgeview at Summit, 7p.m., Redmondat Roosevelt, 7 p.m., Estacada at Madras, 7 p.mzLaPine at Sisters, 7 p.mJ CulveratSantiam, 7p.m.; HosannaChristran at Gilchrist 3p.m. Cross-country: Bend, Mountain View, Summit, Redmondat the Class5ASpecial District1 meet in Bend3p.m. Boys soccer:Culverat Irrigon, 4p.m. Boys waterpolo: Redmondat MountainView,TBA

Chicago 94, OklahomaCity 89 GoldenState107,Phoenix 92 Today's Games NewYorkvs. BrooklynatUniondale, N.Y.,4:30p.m. Orlando at Memphis,5 p.m. Houstonat NewOrleans, 5p.m. Dallasvs.OklahomaCity atWichita, Kan.,5p.m. Detroitvs.MinnesotaatWinnipeg, Manitoba, 5p.m. Washington vs. MiamiatKansasCity, Mo.,5:30p.m. L.A. Lakers at L.A.Clippers, 7:30 p.m.

renka0-0(0-0); Li Na0 0(0-0); Kerber0-1(0-2). Group B AgnieszkaRadwanska (4), Poland,def. PetraKvitova (6),CzechRepublic, 6-3,6-2. MariaSharapova(2), Russia,def. SaraErrani (7), Italy, 6-3,6-2.


Thursday Cross-country: Sisters,LaPine at theSky-EmLeague champi onshipsinEugene,2p.m. Volleyball: Summit at CrookCounty, 6:30 p.m.; MountainViewat Bend,6:30 p.m. Boyssoccer:RidgeviewatRedmond,4:30p.mzBend at MountainView,4:30 p.m.; La Salleat Madras, 6 p.m. Girls soccer: Ridgeviewat Redmond, 3 p.mzBend at Mountain View,3 p.m.; Madrasat LaSale, 6:30 pm Boys water polo: Redmond at Summit, TBA;Bend at Madras,TBA

ter-Guard newspaper reported

second-ranked Ducks' victory

0 2012 Umversal Uclick

district meetinEstacada,2p.m.

suspension for senior defensive

ing under the influence charge against Remington. Remington was pulled over on Dct. 12 and cited for DUI. Oregon coach Chip Kelly suspended him indefinitely, "pending clarification of the incident." Remington missed the


Boys soccer: Sisters at SweetHome,4:30 p.m., CrookCountyatSummit,430 p m. Girls soccer: SweetHomeat Sisters, 4:30 p.m.; CrookCountyatSummit, 3 p.m.; CottageGroveat La Pine,3p.m.


found asleep in his pickup truck in a cornfield, police in suburban Chicago said Tuesday. New

• Farrell introduced asnew Red Soxmanager: TheBoston

Today Cross-country: Madrasatthe Tri-Valley Conference


7 p.m.:Women's college, Oregon




Charlotte and Kansas, marking the first time a Cup event did not

include an Earnhardt in the field announced it had reachedan since Sept. 3, 1979. — From wire reports agreementwith the Toronto Blue

NHL rejects players' attempt to restart talks The Associated Press NEW YORK — The little hope that existed for a full NHL season appears to be

gone. Shortly after the players' reached out to the league on Tuesday night to restart stalled labor negotiations, NHL deputy commissioner Bill D al y r e buffed the union's attempt. NHL Commissioner Gary B ettman said last week, in presenting the league's

HOCKEY most recent offer to the players, that if a new collective bargaining agreement wasn't reached by this Thursday, it would be impossible for a full regular-season schedule to be played. No talks have been scheduled, and no last-minute discussions seem to be on tap. "I don't anticipate any taking place for

the balance of the week," Daly said in an email to The Associated Press on Tuesday night. "The Union has rejected the proposal we made last Tuesday and is not offering another one. We see nothing to be gained at this point by meeting just to meet." The sides haven't met since the NHL turned down three counterproposals from the union on Thursday, two days after the NHL's offer that included a 50-50 split of hockey-related revenue.




ormvo e a e s Bulletin staff report "Crazy volleyball," as Summit coach Jill Waskom described it, kicked off the Storm's Class 5A Intermountain Conference home match with Mountain View, a 64-point first set that set up a Summit sweep of the Cougars 33-31, 25-21, 25-19. "I'm proud of the girls for continuing to fight," Waskom said. "It's fun to watch." Summit (6-0 IMC) was led by Kenzi Kitzmiller's 14 kills, with Laney Hayes chipping in with 12 kills. Brenna Roy came up with 13 digs for the Storm, with Jordan Waskom adding eight digs and three aces and Dani Taylor finishing with four blocks. "It's good to get these wins because you're trying to work at fighting at all times," Waskom said. "I think the girls did a good job of continuing to fight. I think we were down at some point in eachgame and we fought back." Jill Roshak paced the Cougars (2-3 IMC) with 13 kills, while Anna Roshak picked up nine kills and four blocks. Brenna Crecraft was credited with 31 assists. "It was probably one of the most fun games I think we've played in this season," Mountain View coach Jill McKae said. Summit returns to work Thursday with a home contest against Crook County. Mountain View visits Bend High the same day. "We like good competition, and we like having a tough schedule," Waskom said of ending the regular season against the No. I team in 4A. "It just makes you so much tougher." In other Tuesday action: VOLLEYBALL Crook County..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-25-25 Ridgeview..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23-8-16 PRINEVILLE — The Cowgirls swept the Ravens and clinched the No. 1 seed in the Class 4A state playoffs with the win. Makayla Lindburg ended the match with 17 kills and 17 digs to lead Crook County. Hannah Troutman went 17 of 17 from the service line and added 13 kills of her own. The Ravens, who entered the night 20th in the OSAA's 4A rankings, will likely be on the road for a play-in match. Kaci Sage paced the Ridgeview offense by going 11 of 11 from the service line with three aces. Katrina Johnson led the Ravens with seven kills. Crook County ends the regular season on Thursday with a road match at Summit. Ridgeview will find out who it plays in the play-in round today. Madras..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-25-25 Molalla ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-8-11 MOLALLA — Anchored by 13 kills apiece by Shelby Mauritson and Alexis Urbach, the White Buffaloes sealed a Class 4A Tri-Valley Conference sweep of the Indians, allowing Madras tofinish as conference co-champions with Estacada. Natalie Martin served 16 of 16 for the White Buffaloes, including two aces and six assists, and Sarah Brown recorded 11 kills and two blocks. Madras (9-1 TVC) awaits the final rankings to be distributed by OSAA late Tuesday night to decide if either Estacada or the White Buffaloes earn the automatic qualifying spot in the state playoffs. Sisters ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-25-25 Cottage Grove ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-13-23 SISTERS — Duree Standley and Megan Minke combined for 25 kills to help the Outlaws seal an undefeated Sky-Em League season. Nila Lukens registered nine kills, Shelbi Thompson collected 20 digs, and Shannon Fouts delivered 39 assists. Sisters (10-0 Sky-Em) earned an automatic berth in the state playoffs by virtue of winning its conference. Junction City...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25-25-25 La Pine..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-17-8 JUNCTION CITY — In their season finale,

a s o u arsCycling acing long clim to regain itscre i ility


By Graham Dunbar The Associated Press


GENEVA — Mired in a crisis caused by

the Lance Armstrong doping affair, cycling ~



- gI/I s, I

faces a long uphill trek to regain credibility. Still, the head of the sport's governing body said cycling can succeed despite the doubts of many, including anti-doping leaders who on Tuesday called for Armstrongera officials to be removed. "By the decisions we have taken it has given us the moral authority," UCI President Pat McQuaid told The Associated Press after his group accepted the sanctions that stripped Armstrong of his seven Tour de France titles and all other race results since August 1998. Skeptics insist that the UCI protected Armstrong from scrutiny for many years, and was reluctantly forced to disown him by a devastating report published this month by the U.S. Anti-Doping Agency. Across 1,000 pages of evidence, the report detailed how Armstrong's teams used and trafficked banned drugs — coercing some teammates into the conspiracy — to dominate the Tour from 1999-2005. "We really had no option but to make the decision we made," McQuaid said. McQuaid's denunciation Monday that Armstrong "deserves to be forgotten in cycling" was surprisingly strong after the UCI had previously backed Armstrong's failed legal fight to deny USADA jurisdiction in the case. "We haven't tried to find a way to defend an icon inour sport — we've accepted reality," he told the AP. "We've accepted the facts and the facts are there. I'm a pragmatic person and I believe no matter how bad the situation might be, you take the decision you have to take and move forward from there. "The sport has to take what it can from this and use it as a means to convince athletes that there's no future in doping," Mc-

Quaid said. Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Bend's Molly Maloney blocks a kill attempt by Redmond's Shelby Bergum (14) during the second game of Tuesday night's match at Redmond High School. Bend won the Class 5A Intermountain Conference match in three games; see story, D1. the Hawks came up just short in their Class 4A Sky-Em League matchup with the Tigers, despite 13 digs and five kills from Kenzie Conard. Holly Jackson contributed with four kills, three blocks and one ace for La Pine, while Kelley Terrellrecorded 12 assists,one block and one ace. The loss ends the season for La Pine (0-10


BOYS SOCCER La Pine ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 RidgeviewJV ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 LA PINE — Zach Smith scored three times and Nick Clark added two goals as the Hawks ended their inaugural season with a runaway victory over the Ravens' junior varsity. Playing an independent schedule, La Pine finished the year with a 3-4-1 record. Josh Ramirez, Conrad Parker,Mack Fox and Gavin Boen alsoadded goals in the Hawk win.

North Marion...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Madras ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 AURORA — Carlos Garcia netted a goal in the second half, but the White Buffaloes could not rally from a three-goal deficit, as they fell to the Huskies in a Class 4A Tri-Valley Conference contest. Madras (3-5 TVC, 3-9 overall), which is still jockeying for a postseason berth, hosts Milwaukie's La Salle on Thursday. GIRLS SOCCER North Marion...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Madras ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 MADRAS — After playing even with the Huskies in a scoreless first half, the White Buffaloes were outscored by two goals in the last 40 minutes in a Class 4A Tri-Valley Conference match. Madras (0-7-1 TVC, 2-9-1 overall) travels to Milwaukie on Thursday for a conference matchup against La Salle.


Texans enter bye week asAFC'sbest team By Kristie Rieken The Associated Press

HOUSTON — The Texans needed a win over Baltimore to enter their bye with the AFC's best record. The lopsided victory gave them that, and clearly separated them from the second-place Ravens andthe restofthe conference. Still, the Texans (6-1) know they can't be too impressed with what they've accomplished so far. "You can't look at the big picture because when you get too far ahead of yourself, that's when bad things happen," Andre Johnson said. But with a dominant defense allowing the second fewest points in the AFC coupled with the second-highest scoring offense in the conference, they've become the team to beat in the AFC. Aside from Houston and Baltimore, New England (4-3) is the only AFC team with more than three wins. Houston will get a shot at the Patriots on Dec. 10. The Texans are well on their way to winning a second-straight AFC South title with a three-

game lead over second-place Indianapolis (3-3). Houston's only loss this season was to the NFC's Green Bay Packers. Their average margin of victory in their six wins, all over AFC teams, is more than 17.6 points this season. With a goal of reaching the Super Bowl a season after making the playoffs for the first time in franchise history, the Texans are well aware of the importance of AFC supremacy. "That's what you work for," defensive end J.J. Watt said. "That's why we put in all the time and the effort. I think it's a testament to the way we attackeach week. We have the mentality of focus and preparation. Nobody ever gets complacent. Nobody ever feels safe. Nobody ever feels that we're where we want to be at yet. Everybody knows what the main goal is and we're not there yet, so we're going to work to get


Dave Einsel/The Associated Press

Houston Texans strong safety Glover Quin(29) celebrates his interception against the Baltimore Ravens with Johnathan Joseph during Sunday's game in Houston. there." The outstanding play of Watt, who is in his second season, has been a big part of Houston's defensivesuccess. He leads the NFL in sacks with 9'r2 and he's tied for second in the league in passes defended with 10. The Texans are second in the AFC in yards allowed (283), intercep-

tions (9) and sacks (21). There was some concern a week ago after

Houston lost 42-24 to the Packers in its first game without linebacker Brian Cushing, who is out for the season with a knee injury. But the defensebounced back on Sunday when the unit held Baltimore to a season-low 176 yards. "It was right after a tough loss, a bad loss," linebacker Brooks Reed said. "So to have a game like that really boosted our confidence back up again, kind of reassured us as players and the coaches that we do have something special." Of course, Houston's offense has certainly held its own to complement the defensive success.Arian Fosterleads the NFL with 659 yards rushing and Owen Daniels is third in yards receiving for a tight end with 416. Quarterback Matt Schaub has rebounded from a broken foot that kept him out of Houston's postseason run last year to throw for 1,650 yards and 10 touchdowns. But more important than his statistics has been the way he's led the Texans this season. "He's managed the game," offensive coordinator Rick Dennison said. "He gets our guys going. I think he's stepped up leadership-wise. I think he's done a tremendous job." The Texans return from their bye next week to host Buffalo. Coach Gary Kubiak said it's too early to talk about being atop the AFC, and insists they're only focused on the Bills. He is happy with the progress of his team so far, and looking forward to what it can do the rest of the season. "The thing that I'm most excited about our team is that I don't think we've touched the surface of what we can be up front. I think we can be much better," he said. "I think receiver we're only going to get better. I see our team getting a lot better throughout the course of the season, so we're going to stay away from that one. We're just going to try to play every week and find a way to win every week and see what happens here down the road."

A day after Armstrong was stripped of his Tour titles, former teammate Steffen Kjaergaard acknowledged using banned performance-enhancing drugs. The 39-year-old Norwegian, who has since retired,said Tuesday he had used EPO and cortisone. He was immediately suspended from his job at the Norwegian Cycling Federation. But five-time Tour champion Miguel Indurain said he believes in Armstrong, saying the entire case was "bizarre" since Armstong never tested positive for doping. "It is strange they take away his Tours because of the testimonies of some teammates," said Indurain, a Spaniard who won the Tour from 1991-95. Armstrong has lost a slew of sponsors over the scandal, and even Dutch bank Rabobank has pulled out as a team sponsor. However, some Tour de France backers said Tuesday they would stick with the race. "We don't sponsor a team or an individual, we sponsor a sporting event that each year attracts great public enthusiasm," said Pierre Baillot, the spokesman of French bank LCL, which sponsors the race leader's yellow jersey. "The wider public knows how to draw a distinction" between the jersey and the wearer. On Friday, the future of cycling will be shaped at a meeting of the governing body's management committee. On the agenda: how to revise race results, including the 2000 Olympic time trial in which Armstrong won bronze; possible efforts to recoup Armstrong's prize money; handling riders' doping confessions; and restructuring the sport to guard against doping conspiracies. There isalso to be discussion of a commission that could offer limited amnesty to riders and officials confessing to doping. "Why did this happen?" asked McQuaid, who became UCI president two months after Armstrong's seventh Tour victory. "What is it about our sport that forces athletes to do what they are doing? If we can make changes in the structure which weakens the possibility of athletes and teams getting into doping programs, we will bring those forward." McQuaid suggested that some ideas he plans to share Friday will not be popular, with speculation that nine-rider teams at the Tour could be reduced. "They may be unpalatable for the teams and the riders but we will bring them forward," he said. What is unpalatable to the World AntiDoping Agency is that McQuaid's predecessor, Hein Verbruggen, can attend the board meeting as honorary president. Verbruggen led world cycling from 19912005 and has been sharply criticized for presiding over an era of rampant doping. Though the USADA report expressed concern at some of UCI's conduct, it stopped short of r epeating unproven allegations relating to Armstrong's urine sample with suspicious levels of EPO at the 2001 Tour of Switzerland and his donations to the UCI totaling $125,000. On Tuesday, the head of WADA — which has long had fractious relations with cycling — said the UCI had to "take the blinkers off" and examine its past behavior by ousting those officials who were in charge during the Armstrong era. "I don't think there's any credibility if they don't do that," WADA President John Fahey sard.



World Series


rea in own i ersvs. ians A look at the best-of-seven World Series between the De-

troit Tigers andSanFrancisco Giants:

Schedule • All times PDT; x-if necessary;

all games onFox Game1: Today, 5p.m.


Detroit (RHP Justin Verlander 17-8, 2.64 ERA) at San

Vi, g f y ' ~

Francisco (LHPBarry Zito 158, 4.15) Game 2:Thursday, 5p.m. Detroit (RHPDougFister


10-10, 3.45) at San Francisco

(Madison Bumgarner 16-11, 3.37) Game 3: Saturday,5p.m. San Francisco (RHPRyan Vogelsong 14-9, 3.37) at Detroit (RHP Anibal Sanchez

4-6, 3.74) Game 4:Sunday, 5p.m. San Francisco (RHP Matt Cain 16-5, 2.79) at Detroit (RHP

Max Scherzer16-7, 3.74) x-Game5.: Monday, 5 p.m. San Francisco at Detroit

x-Game6.:Oct.31,5p.m. Detroit at San Francisco

Detroit Tigers third baseman Miguel Cabrera

San Francisco Giants catcher Buster Posey

Tigers offense

Giants offense

Why they're hetter:The heart of the Tigers lineup — Triple Crown


Why they're hetter:While the Los Angeles Dodgers took a ton of sal-

winner Miguel Cabrera, andsluggers Prince Fielder andDelmon Young

ary via trades in thesecondhalf, general manager BrianSabean dealt for

— is more potent and, for the most part, hitting well during the playoffs. Cabrera will be pitched to with care, so the offensive production will rest

Hunter Pence and Marco Scutaro. And now, no acquisition in baseball seems more impactful than the addition of Scutaro from the Rockies

on Fielder andYoung behind him in the lineup. (They havecombined to

in July. Sore hipand all, the second baseman is on anear-unstoppable

drive in11 runs so far.) Outfielders Avisail Garcia, Andy Dirks and Quintin Berry have made solid contributions at the plate. Austin Jackson, a

tear, tying an NLCS record with14 hits. The Giants' No. 2 hitter and No. 3 hitter Pablo Sandoval have been a force: combined 33 for 98 (.337) in

standout defender in center, shortstop Jhonny Peralta andsecond base-

the postseason.

man Omar lnfante are all hitting .280 or better in the postseason. Why they're not:For a lineup of mostly right-handed bats, the Tigers

were susceptible to left-handed pitching during the regular season. Playing in San Francisco could hurt the Tigers, forcing them to sacrifice

Why they're not:Despite a second-half surge, the Giants' offense

has been prone to streaks in thepostseason. In their seven wins, they have plated 43 runs but only10 in five losses. Theslumps of their middle-of-the-order hitters is troubling: No. 4 hitter Buster Posey and No. 5 hitter Pence are a combined two for 22 with runners in scoring

x-Game7.: Nov. 1, 5 p.m. Detroit at SanFrancisco

defense for offense in playing Young in left field. TheTigers sluggers haveenough powerto overcome theexpansesofATBT Parkbutexpect fewer home runs from them. Their lack of speed could also hurt them

double and triple, but finished last in the majors in home runs during the

Projected lineups

there, too: only 59 stolen bases(second lowest total in the majors during the regular season)and amajor league-leading 156 grounded into double plays.

regular season.

Tigers:CFAustin Jackson (.300, 16 HRs, 66RBls, 10 triples), RFAndy Dirks (.322, 8, 35) or Quintin Berry (.258, 2, 29, 21/21 SBs), 3BMiguel Cabrera (.330, 44, 139for

position. Because oftheir home ballpark, the Giants are masters of the

baseball's first Triple Crown

since1967), 1BPrince Fielder (.313, 30, 108), LFDelmon Young (.267, 18,74), SS Jhonny Peralta (.239,13, 63), C Alex Avila ( 243, 9, 48), 2B Omar Infante (.274, 12, 53 with

Marlins and Tigers). Giants:CFAngel Pagan(.288, 8, 56, 29 SBs, 153Bs), 2B Marco Scutaro (.306, 7, 74for


Rockies and Giants), 3B Pablo

Sandoval (.283, 12, 63), C Buster Posey (.336, 24, 103, 39

2Bs), RFHunter Pence(.253, 24,104 for Giants andPhillies),

Detroit Tigers starting pitcher Justin Verlander

San Francisco Giants starting pitcher Matt Cain

1B Brandon Belt (.275, 7, 56), LF Gregor Blanco (.244, 5, 34,

Tigers pitching

Giants pitching

26 SBs), SSBrandonCrawford (.248, 4, 45).

Why they're better:Led by otherworldly Justin Verlander, the Tigers' starting rotation has been the best in the postseason with a1.02 ERA.


their starters so that Verlander starts Game1. Verlander won all three of his postseason starts, allowing only two runs and striking out 25 in

Why they're better:The Giants' veteran starting pitching handled the pressure of elimination well, and performed their best in those situations. In those six games, the starters posted a1.87 ERA over 33/3 innings. Matt Cain, Ryan Vogelsong, Barry Zito and even Tim Lincecum pitched better in the NLCS against the Cardinals than the previous series

24Y3innings. Doug Fister, Anibal SanchezandMatt Scherzer eachhave

against the Reds.Whenthe starters struggled, the bullpen was sharp

allowed only two runs in the playoffs and form the most dangerous and consistent rotation.

and has a better blend of veteran left-handers (Jeremy Affeldt and Javier

Tigers:RH JoseValverde (3-4, 3.78, 35/40 saves), LH Phil

Coke (2-3, 4.00), RHJoaquin Benoit (5-3, 3.68, 84 Ks, 71 IP), RH Octavio Dotel (5-3,

3.57), RH AlAlburquerque (00, 0.68 in 8 gamesfollowing elbow surgery), LH Drew Smyly(4-3,3.99 in23games, 18 starts), RH RickPorcello (10-12, 4.59 in 31 starts). Giants: RH SergioRomo (4-2, 1.79, 14/15 saves, .185

The long layoff betweengameshas allowed them to rest and reshuffle

Why they're not:Closer Jose Valverde had agood season but not as

Lopez) and right-handers (Sergio Romo and Santiago Casilla). Why they're not:Thestarting pitching had dueling identities in the

dominant as last year, and in the playoffs he has been an utter mess. He

playoffs: Plagued by inconsistency early in both series and then lock-

has allowed sevenearned runs in 2/s innings, pitching only once inthe ALCS andblowing afour-run lead against the Yankees in Game1. Dur-

down performances in win-or-go-home games.Thepressure of six elimination gamescanhonea player's focus — but those high-leverage,

ing his11-day layoff, Valverde said he discovered a mechanical flaw in his delivery and has fixed it. Left-hander Phil Coke has filled in well as a

maximum effort innings can add up. The downside of playing a sevengame series is that the Giants won't be able to start Cain in Game1, and

closer. Thebullpen is well-rested thanks to the heavyworkload carried

will have to wait until Game 4. Lincecum, improved in the playoffs, is still a wild card given his regular season.

by the starters, and performed adequately. They lack a shutdown lefthanded specialist.

BAagainst), LH Javier Lopez (3-0, 2.50, 7 saves, .191 BA

ls '

vs. LH), RHSantiago Casilla (7-6, 2.84, 25/31 saves), LH Jeremy Affeldt (1-2, 2.70, 3

saves), LH JoseMijares (3-2, 2.56 in 78 gameswith Royals and Giants), RHGeorge Kontos (2-1, 2.47), RH Guillermo Mota

(0-1, 5.23).

Big picture Tigers:It wasn't as easyas many expected, but Detroit (88-74) wrested the AL Central title from the fading Chicago White Sox and beat Oakland in the division series to reach the

ALCS for the secondyear in a row. Riding a dominant display of pitching, the surging Tigers then handed the Yankees

their first postseason sweep in 32 years and became the first team to beat New York in

three consecutive postseason series. Detroit allowed only six runs during the ALCS and held

the Yankeesscoreless in all but three of 39 innings to claim its 11th pennant. Tigers starters went4-1 with a1.02 ERA during the AL playoffs. Giants:After pulling away from the rival Dodgers to win the NL West, the Giants

(94-68) dropped their first two playoff games at home to Cincinnati. But they were

far from done. SanFrancisco became the ninth team to overcome a 2-0 deficit in a

best-of-five postseason series and the first to do it by winning the final three games on the road. Then the Giants fell behind defending champion St. Louis 3-1 in the NLCS, only to rally for three consecutive lopsided wins and their second

Detroit Tigers manager Jim Leyland

San Francisco Giants manager Bruce Bochy

Tigers manager

Giants manager

Why they're hetter:Jim Leyland is an old-school, straight shooter

Why they're hetter:Bruce Bochy, like Leyland, doesn't lack for ex-

who trusts and relies on his players. Hewona World Series with the

perience and managingacumen.Hehasshownadefttouchinhandling

Florida Marlins in1997and won the AL pennant withthe Tigers in 2006. Could this be Leyland's last year? He is under contract for this

his pitching staff, pulling veteran starters quickly when they struggle and lining up the bullpen. He guided the Giants to a World Series in

seasonandgeneralmanagerDaveDombrowskiwantshim back,but

2010, leaving Zito off the roster. Bochyovercamechanges to the back

the 67-year-old manager put off contract talks, fueling speculation that he could retire like friend Tony La Russa did last year after winning the

end of his bullpen, Lincecum's terrible season, Zito's re-emergence, the

World Series. Why they're not:To start, Leyland may have to contend with rust. The Tigers will have gone five days in between games. In 2006, the Ti-

gers had aweekoff before the World Series, only working out, and lost

suspension of Melky Cabreraand rotating Posey betweenfirst base and catcher in his first year backfrom a season-ending injury. Why they're not:While he has shown the ability to juggle his start-

ers and relievers, Bochy facestough choices in lining up starts thanks to a taxing seven-gameseries against the Cardinals. Somestarters will

to the Cardinals in five games. This time, the Tigers have played simu-

return on short rest, and his trust in them will again be tested if they

lated gamesagainst some of their minor league prospects. Even though the Tigers havegotten this far, it's hard not to remember what plagued

show any signs of struggling, and as aresult putting more strain on the bullpen. Hecould be staring down important decisions early in the

them when they underperformed much of the season with a big payroll

game because of an inconsistent starting rotation, and all decisions are

and big-name players.

second- and triple-guessed in the playoffs.

Three reasonsthe Tigers will win

Three reasonsthe Giants will win

• They're rested. That meanstheir rotation — and it's a heck of a rotation — should be in top form. That might be enough right there. • Third baseman Miguel Cabrera. He's the Triple Crown winner, and

• Tigers are stale. Sure, rest is a goodthing, but the Tigers learned in 2006 that a quick knockout in the championship series can prove counter-productive. And if the Giants beat Verlander in the opener (or survive

it's just a matter of time before hereally breaks loose. Heshowed signs

long enough to get into the Tigers' bullpen), the Series math changes

of warming up against the Yankees.

significantly. • Catcher Buster Posey. He's a good bet to be selected as the National

• Law of averages. TheGiants survived three elimination games against the Redsandthree moreagainst the Cardinals. If the Tigers get ahead in the Series — and they have Verlander scheduled for two of the first five games — well, we'll see.

League's Most Valuable Player —and he's eight for 45 in12 postseason games. Progression to the meanseems in order. • Spunk. Or whatever you want to call it. The Giants are just the sec-

ond team in history to win six elimination games inonepostseason.

pennant in three years. They

(You know the other one; they also crushed the Cardinals in a seventh

are 6-0 in elimination games this postseason.

game.) — Fromwirereports;photosby TheAssociated Press

Continued from 01 "That wasn't the case. We ran into bad weather problems in Detroit, so we were really handicapped," the m anager said. "So this time we've done some things to try to keep us from being idle for four or five days. I definitely think it affected the last World Series." Verlander will start Game I tonight against Barry Zito and the San Francisco Giants, fresh off another stirring comeback and a Game 7 win Monday night over the Cardinals. "I feel like I haven't played in over tw o m o nths when you clinch so quick like this and have to wait for the other team," Tigers reliever Jose Valverde said. Not quite that long. "What is it, eight months of baseball'? What's five days'?" Tigers star P r i nce F i elder asked. Said Zito: "I guess we can h ypothesize for a w h ile on

how prepared they are, being that they haven't played these high-intensity games." The Tigers made it easy on themselves, sweeping the Yankees in the AL championship series. They traveled to San Francisco on Tuesday and held a late-afternoon workout at AT8 T Park. "I loved it because it means we're in the World Series," Tigers catcher Alex Avila said. "Someone asked me that question after we won and I was like, 'Would you rather if we had lost some of those games?' It doesn't really matter to me. We did everything we could to stay mentally sharp." The Giants had no trouble in that department. They've been on quite a wild ride this October, first overcoming a 20 deficit to beat Cincinnati in the best-of-five division series, then escaping a 3-1 hole to beat the defending champion Cardinals in the NLCS. " You have to throw it a l l away because it could work in either team's favor," Giants shortstop Brandon Crawford said. "We've been p laying

every day, so guys might be a little more tired, whereas they've got more rest.Then again, we've been playing, so we've got our timing, where they might not." And this little fact: Three times in the past, the World Series has matched a team that went to Game 7 in the LCS against a club that swept i ts series. In a l l t h r ee i n stances, the team coming off a Game 7 win breezed to the championship. Boston swept Colorado in 2007, St. Louis chased Detroit in five games in 2006 and Orel Hershiser and the D odgers beat Oakland in five games in 1988. "We're fine. I think we're in the groove and feeling good," Giants ace Matt Cain said. Triple Crown winner Miguel Cabrera has gone both routes in early rounds. The Tigers slugger was a rookie with the Marlins in 2003 when they rallied past the Chicago Cubs to win the seven-game NLCS and went on to beat the Yankees for the title. This time, the Tigers gave themselves five off days. "It's very different. In '03 we came from behind like San Francisco did this year," he said. "We have to focus on w hat we can do. We can'tfocus on, 'OK we haven't played, we're going to get down.' It's tough. We have to be ready to play tomorrow and we'll see what happens." Leyland and Giants manager Bruce Bochy both hoped to be a quick study. There's not a lot of history between these longtime franchises — they've never met in the postseason, and have played only 12 times since interleague action began in 1997. "I don't really know the Giants that well. I'm kind of getting a crash course on them," Leyland said. "But to be honest, when they were down 0-2 going into Cincinnati having to win t hree games, for me that was unbelievable. So nothing surprised me when they got to the champ ionship series after I s a w what they did in the divisional series," he said. Likewise for Bochy. "I'll have to learn a lot about them real soon, to be honest," he said Monday night. "I know what a great club they are. And we know all about the guy we're going to be facing opening day and their whole staff," he said. "They swept the Yankees. That tells you how good they are."



Two unbeatens meet in BigTen, with RoseBowl out of reach

aces or ac i esares a i n o e a u ivision

By John Marshall The Associated Press

PHOENIX — Oregon State is off to its best start since before World War I, undefeated and up to No. 7 in the BCS standings after winning a total of just eight games in the previous two seasons combined. In the Pac-12, all that has done is keep the Beavers (No. 7 AP) even with Oregon (No. 2 AP, No. 4 BCS) for the North Division lead. It has been a fun ride so far, but now is not the time for the Beavers to get caught up in how far they have come and wherethey might end up. Too many games remain, and too much is at stake. "Sometimes it's a d isconnect, kind of a funny feeling," Oregon State coach Mike Riley said Tuesday. "I sometimes see it on TV or something, the rankings, but I've always in good or bad seasons felt like we've lived in a bubble, where our focus immediately turns to the next game." Oregon State is not the only team that needs to stay sharp. The division races are heating up in the Pac-12 as teams jockey for spotsin the conference championshipgame on Nov. 30 and the best bowl game possible. In the North, Oregon and Oregon State are tied for the division lead at 4-0, and No. 9 Stanford is just a game back at 3-1. No. 10 Southern California leads the South at 4-1, half a game ahead of 3-1 Arizona State. UCLA is still in the division picture at 2-2, but the Bruins really cannot afford any slips over the final five games of the season. None of the teams still in the division races has an easy remaining schedule.

Oregon State (6-0) has a road game against Washington this week, followed by Arizona State, Stanford, California and its annual Civil War with Oregon in Corvallis on Nov. 24. The Beavers have a quirk in the schedule thanks to a postponement due to a hurricane, facing Nicholls State on Dec. I (unless they wind up in the Pac-12 championship game), but that will have no impact on the conference race.

Oregon (7-0) has been unstoppable sofar this season, its closest game a 17-point win over Fresno State. The Ducks have the nation's second-best scoring offense at 51 points and are eighth in total offense at 529.14 yards after rolling over Arizona State 43-21 last Thursday night. Oregon should have no problem against Colorado at home on Saturday — the Ducks are more than six-touchdown favorites — but the Ducks still have games against USC, California and Stanford before their rivalry game against Oregon State. The Ducks have aspirations of reaching the BCS title game for

Golf Continued from 01 Not surprisingly, weather often dictates turnout, and the series last year got a boost from relatively mild w i nter weather, Huffer says. Only one tournament was so much as postponed because of inclement weather, Huffer recalls. That has helped the tournaments grow. "We've r eally ha d v e r y, very good luck getting all our events in without much trouble at all," Huffer says. "We'll have our fingers crossed for that this year and hope that the odds don't catch up with us.

Mannion Continued from 01 The Beavers beat the Utes 21-7. V az completed 16 o f 2 6 passes for 174 yards against Utah. But the 6-foot-I junior reallyshined the week before in his debut as a starter against BYU, passing for 332 yards andthreetouchdowns. There were questions about Vaz because he had not started

a game since high school and

• Penn State,OhioState can't qualify for postseason

completedsix of 17 passes for 48yards. But those questions have

The Associated Press

Only three teams in the Big Ten are unbeaten in league play — and two of them are ineligible for the postseason. That takes a bit of the luster from this weekend's impressive slate of games — but not all of it. No. 9 Ohio State and Penn State are both undefeatedin conference, and they're playing each other this weekend. Thanks to sanctions, neither can compete for the Big Ten championship or go to a bowl — and because of that, it's looking exceedingly likely that Wisconsin will cruise to the league champi-

onship game. Still, the Buckeyes and Nittany Lions can play for pride, and the winner of this weekend's game will have a decent chance to finish atop the standings in the Leaders Division. A cosmetic distinction? Sort of. But that's the bestthese two programs can hope for after being beset by off-the-field problems. "We've got great kids here. We've got a hell of a coaching staff," Penn State coach Bill O'Brien said. "It's never been doom and

Don Ryan / The Associated Press

Oregon State takes the field for its game against Utah in Corvallis on Saturday. The Beavers are undefeated and tied for the lead in the Pac-12's North Division.

Pac-12 standings

Ducks, Buckeyesschedule series

North Gonf. Oregon 4-0 4-0 Oregon State 3-1 Stanford 2-3 California 1-3 Washington Washington State 0-4 South

Overall 7-0 6-0 5-2 3-5 3-4 2-5



4-1 3-1 2-2 1-3 1-3 0-4

6-1 5-2 5-2 4-3 1-6 2-5

USC Arizona State UCLA Arizona

Colorado Utah

But what h a s s u r prised Huffer most is how many golfers have been willing to give a cold-weather tournament a try. "You've got th e r e gulars — the ones that play almost every event," Huffer says. "But it's really starting to grow with

new players.

"It's just a good mix with golfers from all over the area. We even have a couple of groups that come over form the (Willamette) Valley." The Meadow Lakes Satur-

day gamesare decidedly less formal than the Central Oregon Winter Series. Each Saturday, any golfer who tees off between 8 a.m.

been answered. "The one thing we feel good about is our quarterback situation," Riley said, "because now Cody's got some experience. He's won a couple of games. We would never even blink about playing him." Mannion has p assed for

Weekly Arts Sr

Entertainment In

diuminColumbus,Ohio.Theagreement wasannouncedTuesday. The Ducks andthe Buckeyeshavemet eight times, including in the 2010 Rose Bowl game, a 26-17 Ohio State win. The first meeting between the teams came in the1958 Rose Bowl, a10-7 Ohio State win. All six meetings

between those RoseBowl gameswereOhio State victories. Ohio State will play in Eugene on Sept. 12, 2020. Oregon will play in Columbus on Sept. 11, 2021.

The 2020 gamewill mark Ohio State's second visit ever to the state of Oregon. The Buckeyes won 30-0 at Oregon in1967, the inaugural season of Autzen Stadium.

Also Tuesday, theDucks announced that they will play nonconference home games against Georgia State in 2015 and Bowling Green in 2018. — From wire service reports

Oregon, Arizona State and rival UCLA before closing the season with a nonconference game against Notre Dame. Stanford still has a shot at the North title despite following up its big win over USC with a loss to Washington the next week. The Cardinal outlasted Arizona in overtime three weeks ago and followed a close nonconference loss to Notre Dame with a spiritinfusing 21-3 win over rival California this past Saturday in the Big Game. Stanford needs to avoid a letdown against Washington State and Colorado over the next two weeks before closing out the season with games against Oregon State, Oregon and UCLA. "We've talked on our team about the fact that we've let a couple of games get away from us and that we can't afford to have highs and lows anymore," Stanford coach David Shaw said. "We've got to start playing our best football and play our best football for weeks,

and not for a series, not for a quarter, not for half a game." Until last T hursday, Arizona State (5-2) had been one of the surprises in college football in its first six weeks under new coach Todd Graham, taking the South lead after winning its first three conference games and USC's loss to Stanford. The Sun Devils got a big punch to the gut i n t h eir l ast game, though, overwhelmed by Oregon at home to fall behind the Trojans for the division lead. Arizona State has a tough road toward making up the small gap, with a backloaded schedule that starts with UCLA at home on Saturday and includes Oregon State, USC and a closer against rival Arizona in Tucson. "Coming off a game that we didn't play well, we go to the next game," Graham said. "This is a big, important game. Our guys have a lot to play for and this is the time. This is the end of October and November, and this is when you decide your fate."

was played largely by golfers who frequent Meadow Lakes' men's and women's club competitions during the summer, Lampert says. This year, Lampert is hoping theevents become a regular stop for golf nuts from around the region. "Hopefully if the weather is good we'll get good turnouts and maybe build something so people can have some fun competition in t h e w i n ter," Lampert says. Brown sees little downside to that. The more golfers, the better the competition and the bigger the pot that goes to the winner, he says.

1,358 yards with seven touchdowns and four interceptions this season. He is sixth on Oregon State's career passing list with 4,686 yards.

Before he was hurt, Mannion wa s a v eraging 339.5

yards passing per game to rank second in the Pac-12 and sixth in the nation.





* -:

the National Mortgage Seltlement.


56LGA7JS E -


• •

s ••


" '

That, of course, goes for any tournament played under any weather condition. But winter offers at least one unique reason to hope for a bigger field: a chance to see a fellow competitor attempt his or her shot from a frozen

After all, notes Brown with

a laugh: "Everybody l i k es to see people do some dumb stuff." For a list of upcoming winter events: see Golf Scoreboard on D6. — Reporter: 541-617-7868, zhall@bendbulletin.com.


Wi n a V i s a e a r d l oaded w i t h $4 , 000 t ha t y o u c a n u s e a n y t i me , a n y w h e r e a nd f o r a n y t h i n g •

ggg~ •

You may beenhHed to a payment from

The sanctions have taken a bit of the luster off the Big Ten's postseason prospects. Ohio State (8-0, 4-0) is the conference's highestranked team in the AP poll. The only other team in the Top 25 is No. 20 Michigan, which is also without a conference loss. But Penn State'sresurgence after an 0-2 start has added some buzz to the division races. Not only do the Nittany Lions (5-2, 3-0) host Ohio State on Saturday, but the Michigan-Nebraska game could decide the Legends Division. About the only team that doesn't have much to worry about is Wisconsin. The Badgers (6-2, 3-1) are in the driver's seat for a spot in the championship game — Ohio State and Penn State aren't eligible, and nobody else in the Leaders Division has a conference win. The Nittany Lions were given harsh NCAA sanctions for the school's handling of the Jerry Sandusky child sex abuse scandaL They included significant scholarship cuts and a four-year postseason ban. Penn State lost its first two games of the season to Ohio and Virginia but has won five straight since. "It does start with players.... From Day One, we just tried to get in here and explain our program to these guys and be truthful and honest with them," O'Brien said. "We knew we could have played better, so it was a lot of frustration but there was a lot of resiliency." The Buckeyes, meanwhile, are on probation because of transgressions during Jim Tressel's coaching tenure. That hasn't stopped Ohio State from racing to an 8-0 start. And the Buckeyes aren't satisfied. They may not be in contention for a bowl, but they can still finish undefeated and atop their division and become shadow champions of a sort. "We're 8-0, but it's an 8-0 where we're working for every yard and every win," coach Urban Meyer said.

to be played in 2020 at Autzen Stadium in Eugene and in 2021 at Ohio Sta-

and I p.m.at Meadow Lakes has the option to buy into one or all o f f i v e c ompetitions: overall gross and net, gross and net skins, and closest to the pin. The only restriction is that any golfer who plays must play with at least one other competitor. Cost is $4 per game in addition to Meadow Lakes green fees, and at the end of the day Meadow Lakes tabulates the final results of all who entered the game. "It's a relaxed way to get a little bit of competition and maybe make a little money," says Zach Lampert, head professional at Meadow Lakes. The weekly game last year

gloom in here."

Oregon andOhioState have agreed to atwo-game series, with games

the second time in three years, but they cannot afford a letdown now. "What's going to go on in December or if we have an opportunity to play in January means nothing if we don't go focus on our next game, so that's all I can really talk about, just the next one up," Oregon coach Chip Kelly said. "The teams that get sidetracked, start talking about we want to play in this game, we want to play in that game, don't take care of business in thepresent.Fo rus,w e're always going to be in the present." In the South, USC seems to be in control, on a roll since losing to Stanford 21-14 in its conference opener. The Trojans' four straight wins include a50-6 home rout of Colorado last Saturday. USC still has some tough games left, starting with w hat should be an offensive shootout against Arizona on Saturday. After that, the Trojans have games against

had last appeared for the Beavers in the 2010 season, when

he played in five games and

By Noah Trister


• • -• • •

m m. pul s ep o l l . c om s- ••






GoLF %EEI< PGA Tour/AsianTour CIMB CLASSIC SIte: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.


Tour titles.

Last week:Norway's Suzann Pettersen won the HanaBank

Championship in South Korea for her ninth LPGA Tour title,

Course:TheMines Resortand

beating Scotland's Catriona

Golf Club (6,811yards, par 71). Purse:$6.1 million. Winner's

Notes:The top-ranked Tseng

share: $1,098,000.

Television:Golf Channel (Wednesday-Saturday, 9 p.m.-1 a.m.j. Last year:Bo Van Pelt birdied five of the last eight holes for a six-stroke victory. He finished with a 64 for a 23-under total.

Lastweek: TommyGainey won the MCGladrey Classic at Sea

Island for his first PGATour

Matthew in a playoff. finished third last week in South

Korea. Shewon three of the first five tour events this year. ... Pettersen also is in the field along with money leader Inbee Park, Jiyai Shin, Na Yeon Choi, Ai Miyazato, So Yeon Ryu, Paula Creamer, Cristie Kerr and

Michelle Wie.


title, overcoming a seven-stroke deficit with a course-record 60.


Notes:Tiger Woods is

Schedule:Friday-Sunday. Course:TPCSanAntonio, AT&T Canyons Course (6,735 yards,

competing for the first time in

Malaysia since teaming with Mark O'Meara to win the1999 World Cup at The Mines. Woods also won the individual title.... The tournament will become a full-fledged PGA Tour event next year when the tour begins its

new season in October after the FedEx Cup.

European Tour BMW MASTERS

SIte:Shanghai. Schedule:Thursday-Sunday. Course:Lake Malaren Golf Club,

The Masters Course (7,607 yards, par 72j. Purse:$7 million. Winner's share: $1,166,600. Television:Golf Channel (Thursday-Sunday, 6-10a.m.j. Last year:Northern lreland's

Rory Mcllroy beat American Anthony Kim with a par on the first extra hole. Mcllroy earned

$2 million in the non-sanctioned event.

Notes:The top-ranked Mcllroy is in the field along with

EuropeanRyderCupteammates Luke Donald, LeeWestwood,

par 71 j. Purse:$1.85 million. Winner's

share: $277,500. Television:Golf Channel (Friday-Sunday, 2:30-4:30 p.m.). Lastyear:Fred Couples shot 62-62-66 for a seven-stroke victory. Last event:Fred Funk won the Greater Hickory Classic on Oct. 14 for his second victory of the

year. Notes:Couples is sidelined by back problems.... The tournament is the final full-field end of the year. The top 30 on the money list will qualify for the Charles Schwab Cup

Championship next weekat Desert Mountain in Scottsdale, Ariz. ... Bernhard Langer leads the Charles Schwab Cup standings, 111 points ahead of Tom Lehman. The winner will get a $1 million annuity.

Web.com Tour WEB.COM TOUR CHAMPIONSHIP SIte: MCKinney, Texas.

Justin Rose, lan Poulter, Graeme Schedule:Thursday-Sunday. MCDowell, Paul Lawrie, Martin

Kaymer, Francesco Molinari, Nicolas Colsaerts and Peter Hansonand captainJoseMaria

Course:TPCCraig Ranch (7,438 yards, par 71j. Purse:$1 million. Winner's


share: $180,000. Television:Golf Channel


Schedule: Thursday-Sunday. Course:Sunrise Golf and Country Club (6,390 yards, par 72).

(Thursday-Sunday, 12:30-2:30 p.m.j. Last year:KenDukewon at 25 finisher on the money list. He jumped from 36th to seventh.

EAGLECREST Men's Club, Dct.17 at ChallengeCourse Three Clubsand aPutter, Two NetBest Balls 1, Dan Broadly/Brff Martrn/KenWeiiman/Steve Gould, 97. 2,JimKeffy/TomJohnson/Ralf Schmidt/ KenWalters,103. 3(tie), BobMowlds/Dennis Flinn/ Larry Clark/Tince Timm,104; Dennis Rector/Ray Braun/AlanFalco/PeterBrown,104. 5, TimSwope/ Mike Bessone te/DonGreenman/Ernie Brooks,105.

Lastweek: RussellHenleywon


Daniel Island in Charleston, S.C.,

to earn a PGATour card as atop-

Purse:$2 million. Winner's

the Jacksonville Open for his second victory of the year.

share: $300,000.

Notes: Thetop60 onthemoney

Television:Golf Channel

list qualified for the seasonending event. The final top 25 will earn 2013 PGA Tour cards. ... Casey Wittenberg tops the money list with $407,453. All Times PDT

(Thursday-Sunday, 10a.m.noon). Last year:Taiwan's Yani Tseng won the inaugural event for the last of her seven 2011 LPGA

The Bulletin welcomes contributions to its D Flight —Gross: I, JackieHester 50. 2,Evelyn weekly local golf results listings and events Kakuska,57. Net: 1, DorothyFuller, 34. calendar. Clearly legible items should be Golfer of theWeek—Lois Houlberg,47/28. faxed to the sports department, 541-385Low Putts —LoisHoulberg,13. 0031, emailed to sportsObendhulletin. com, or mailed to P.D.Box 6020;Bend, DR THE GREENS ATREDMOND Men's ClubGolfer of the year Tournament 97708. Oct. 18 Stroke Play Club Results 1, Mike Frier,52. 2 (tie), TedBrunot, 57; Gene Cartwright, 57. 4 (ti e ), RonJondahl, 58; DonDffield, BENDGOLFANDCOUNTRYCLUB Men's Daily Game,Dct.11 58 KPs —MikeFrier, Nos.5,14; PhilWeimar,No.6, Ddd Holes 1st Flight (4 handicap or less) — Gross: GeneCartwright, No.13. 1, Charlie Rice,33. Net: 1, Scott Holmberg,33.5. 2, JUNIPER Kevin Rueter, 34 3, BrianMikkelborg,34.5 Ladies Golf Club, Dct.17 2nd Flight (4.5-7) —Gross: I, Jerry Mattioda, Strike Three 38.Net:1,GregVernon,32.5.2,Gene Poweff ,34. A Fight — I, ShanWatenburger, 51. 2, Janet 3, Tom Riley, 35. 3rd Flight (7.5 andhigher) — Gross:1, Scott King,54. 3,DebbieKerr,55. BFlight — 1,JackieVake,51. 2, DebbieCooper, Hakala,40.Net:1, WadeHampton,34. 2, Travis Davis,35.3, SidSmith,36. 53. 3 (tie),SallyMartin,55;SharWanichek, 55. Men's Civil War Challenge, Dct. 10 C Flight — 1,PatMajchrowski,45. 2, BarbSchreiber,46.3, RubyKraus, 49. TeamMatchPlay KPs — Jackieyake, ShanWatenburger, Barb Final Score —Ducksdef. Beavers,145-120. Match 1 — TimCecil/Scott Holmberg(UO)def. Schreiber,MaryAnnDoyle. LDs — KareenQueen, Debbie Cooper, Jackie 0harlie Rice/Andy West (OSIJ), 13-10. Match 2 —JoshRodriguez/WoodyKinsey(UO) yake,CarolynHoughton. def JonWalker/FranzMiler (OSU),17-15. Birdies — KareenQueen, ShanWattenburger, Match 3 — TomRiley/Dirk Zanchin(OSU)def. BarbSchreiber. Chip-ins — Debbie Kerr, Pat Majchrowski, Ed Amariffas/Brad Patrick (UO),14-7. Match 4 — Sam McKee/Scott Hakala(UO)def. CherrySpurlock,ShanWattenburger. Ments ClubCloser, Dct. 18 Jay Bennett/KevinFreihoeter(OSU), 16-7. Stroke Play Match 5 — DavidBaker/MikeBinns(UD)det. NealHueske/Terry Rennie(OSU),16-11 Flight A —Gross:1, Clint Moores,73.2,JohnMatch 6 — Gary Pinkard/GaryChristensen (OSU) ny McDaniel,77.3,MikeMontgomery,78.4(tie),Jim Wintermyre,79; PaulKlotz, 79. Net: 1,AlanStewart, def. JimHenderson/Rich Morehead(UO),15-14. Match 7 —DougSchmidt/Mark Sampson(UO) 66 2, JimCooper 67.3, RonGrace, 68. 4(tie), Dave King, 69;Scott Martin, 69. def. Bill Boos/Jim Keller (OSU),15-10. Flight B —Gross:1, KipGerke,83 2, PatRoss, Match S —David Thayer/Mike Kammerich (UO) BB. 3 (tie), AllenHare,69; DonGarney, 69. Net: 1, def. BrianMikkelborg/GaryPaddock(OSU),14-10. WayneCastle, 66 2 (tie), DonDoyle, 79; EdAlumMatch 9 —RussMitcheff/Bob Thye(OSU) def baugh,79;TomDeHart, 79. BarryCole(W adeHampton(UO), 16-16. Eclectic — Gross: 1, JohnnyMcDaniel, 62 Match10 — LarryPatterson/Sid Smith(IJO)def. Net: I, JimGoad,44. DougRude/Roger Demaris (OSU),17-10. KPs — DaveKing, Nos.8,16, KipGerke,No.3, MVP award —SamMcKee/Scott Hakala. JohnnyMcDaniel, No.13. Most Improved —Clint Moores. BRASADA Central OregonGolf TourFinale, Dct. 18 PRINEVILLECUP Stroke Play Dick's CupWinner — TonyBatisteffa. at MeadowLakesand Prineviffe Country Club Sept. 16 Gross: I, PatWoerner,69. 2, MikeCalhoun, 72. Team MatchPlay 3(tie), ErikJensen,77; Harry Paik, 77;Verl Steppe, Overall — Meadow Lakesdef. PrineviffeCountry 77. Net: 1, Hans Behrens, 69. 2, PeteLood, 70. 3, StevePnborsky,71. Club, 15r/et4r/a 18-Hole Scramble atPrineville — PrineviffeMike Coyle/BennySullivan def. MeadowLakes-Clay CROOKEDRIVERRANCH Men's Club, Dct. 16 Smith/Jeff Roundtree,2W-~ /~ points. Prineviffe-Pat O'Gorman/ChuckWilcox def. MeadowLakes-Rob Tombstone Dudle y / Mi k e C h a p p e ff , 30. Meadow Lakes-Dustin 1, Joe Griffin. 2, Ron Fitzpatrick. 3, Dennis Glender.4,JohnBearden.5(tie), BobBengtson, Bob Conklin/JeffStormdef. Prineviffe-GregKelso/Travis Hoffoway,Bil Rhoads,DarreffWels. 9, JaySheldon. Holmes,2r/r-~/aMeadowLakes-Jeff Brown/LesBryan 10, RexPlatt. 11,MacKilgo. 12, NeilRice.13, Gary def. Prineviffe-Steve Pierce/Richard Kludt,2-1. PrineJohnson.14,MontyModreff.15,TedCarlin. 16,Dale viffe-Pat Fitzsimons/GrantPattersondef. Meadow Johnson.17,EddieMaroney. Lakes-ZachLampert/Jim Montgomery, 2-1. Final: Prinveiff edefMeadow Lakes,9-6 18-Hole Best Ball at Meadow Lakes DESERTPEAKS — Meadow Lakes-RobDudley/Dave Barnhouse Wednesday LadiesClub,Dct.17 Mutt tk Jeff ties Prineville-GregKelso/Pat O'Gorman,t~/~tr/a 1, VirginiaRunge,30. 2, JuaniceSchram, 31. 3, Prineviffe-TravisHolmes/Mark Paynedef. Meadow JuanitaHawkins,34. Lakes-TomLiljeholm/ MikeChappell, 2-1. Meadow KP — BettyCook. Lakes-Jeff Brown/LesBryandef. Prineviffe-Chuck Thursday Men'sClub, Dct. 18 Wilcox/BennySuilivan, 2-1. MeadowLakes-Dustin Net Stroke Play Conkin/Jeft Stormdef. Prineviffe-BruceNeelands/ 1, Joe Kirkwood,71 2 (tie), Mike Funk,74; Joe PatFitzsimons,3-0.Meadow Lakes-Zach Lampert/ Stanfield,74;TrimbeCannon, 74;Gerry Ellis, 74. Jim Montgomerydef. Prineviffe-StevePierce/RichKP — Bruce Stecher. ard Kludt,2-1. Final: MeadowLakesdef. Prinevi e, LD — Bruce Stecher. 9V2-5)a Match Play Finals, Dct. 18 Match Play auaiLRuN Championship Match — DonGish det. Dick Fall Down Go Dormant Classic, Dct. 18 Pliska,281. Scramble Consolation Bracket —BruceStecherdef. Ken 1, Sunriver WoodlandsNo.2-Ryan King/Ryan Southwick, 6 85. Smith/ScottBarton/DaveBorkowski, 55.2(tie), Quail SundayGroupPlay, Dct. 20 Run-Todd Srckles/Josh Day/Trevor Gray/Sam mie Stroke Play McPherson,60;RunningYRanch-Jaren Mack/Greg Gross: 1, Denny Story, 72. 2, KenBlack, 74. 3, Morton/EricVentimeglia/RockyWarner, 60. 4 (tie), Spud Miller, 76.Net:1(tie), SpudGephart, 65;Al BrokenTop Club-Louis Bennett/Jim Cobiffas/Scott Dupont,65;BobbyBrunoe, 65. Moffenbeier/MikeRogers, 61; MeadowLakes-Zack KP — Ken Black. Lampert/Steve Reynolds/Jim Montgomery/Dave LD — MikeGardner. Barnhouse,61.

Ladies of theGreens, Dct.16 Stroke Play A Flight — Gross: 1, MicheffeOberg, 39. 2, DianeMiyauchi, 42.3, SharonRosengarth, 46 Net: 1,1reneRuprecht,27.2,l.ynne Ekman,31.3, Marilyn Feis,37. 8 Flight — Gross: 1,LonieBibler,46. 2, Doris Babb,49.3, PatEffiott, 49.Net: 1, NormaCarter, 33. 2,MyrnGrant,35 3,RuthBackup,36. 0 Flight — Gross: I, Ethelmae Hammock, 46. 2, ClaudiaBrandow,49. 3, ClaudiaPowell, 50.Net: 1, Lois Houlberg,28. 2, SarahWinner, 32. 3, Betty Hall, 33.

WIDGI CREEK 2012WidgiCup,Dct.12-14 TeamMatchPlay Overall — Team Joshdef. TeamDan, 26.5-15.5. Best Ball — Gulick/Strunk(TeamJosh) def. Horgen/Belzer(TeamDan), 1 up. Blank/Schotield

Ramsey/Friscia (TeamDan) def. Blank/Schofield (Team Josh), 1up. Garrison/Kramer (TeamJosh) def. Bradbury/Stassens (TeamDan), 1up. Hanson/Hjere-

sen (Team Josh) ties Cosgrave/Cloninger (TeamDan). Wendland/Weffock(TeamJosh) def. Olsen/Larson (Team Dan), 38 2. Burley/Brydges(TeamJosh) def. Deetz/Watt(TeamDan), 2 up.Totals: TeamJosh def. Team Dan,4.5-1.5. Individual Matches — Horgen(TeamDan) def. Gulick(TeamJosh), 2 8 1. Garrison(TeamJosh) def. Bradbury(TeamDan), 98, 7.Strunk(TeamJosh)def. Belzer(TeamDan), 5 8 4. Blank (TeamJosh) def. Ramsey (TeamDan), I up. Friscia (TeamDan) def. Schofield (Team Josh), 1 up. Kramer(TeamJosh) ties Stassens(TeamDan). Hanson(TeamJosh) def. Cosgrave(TeamDan), 1 up.Deetz (TeamDan) def. Burley (Team Josh), 3 8 1. Hjeresen (TeamJosh) def. Cloninger(Team Dan), 3 8 1. Wendand (Team Josh) tiesOlsen(TeamDan). Weffock(TeamJosh) det. Larson (TeamDan), 5 8 4. Watt (TeamDan) def. Brydges(TeamJosh), 1 up. Totals: TeamJosh def. Team Dan,14-10. Friday Horserace Mixer — Win: BobBrydges/LarryStrunk.Place: Jerry0sen/Rich Friscia. Show: JohnCosgrave/RonStassens. 2012 Two-ManSummerMatch Play Individual Match Play Blue Tee Division — Champions:Neil Pedersen/Chapin Pedersen. Runners-up: PatKallal/Joe Franzi Semifinalists: JimWelock/GregWat, Dave Black/Marc Landry. White Tee Division — Champions: Lloyd Vorden berg/FredHiff yard.Runners-up:DaveMadrigal/PeterGulick. Semifinalists: John Matt/Scott Loring ,Bob Hedgecock/DennisDouglas.


Rex Platt, CrookedRiver Ranch No. 16............125 yards...........6-iron

shop at541-447-7113.

Nov. 11 —FrostBite Openat PronghomCub's NicklausCoursenearBend. Formoreinformation or to register,call Pronghorn'sclubhouseat 541-6935300 Nov. 17 —TheTurkeyShootat Kah-Nee-TaHigh

DesertResortnearWarm Springs.Tournament begins with an11a.m.shotgun.Costis $40pergolfer, and includesgolf, cart andlunch. For moreinformation or to register,visit wwwkahneeta.comor call thepro shop at541-553-4971. Nov. 30 — CentralOregonWinter Seriesevent at EagleCrest Resort's RidgeCourse in Redmond. Shamblebeginswithan11a.m. shotgun.Two-person

teams withnomore thanoneprotessional allowedper team.Costis $30for protessionals, $50for amateurs. Cost includesgrossand netskins competitions Cart costs extra.Affplayers mustsignup bynoononthe Thursdaybefore theevent. Toregister orfor moreintormation,call PatHuffer, headproat CrookedRiver Ranch, at 541-923-6343 oremail him at crrpat@ crookedrrverranch.com. Dec. S — ChristmasGooseGolf Tournament at MeadowLakesGolf Coursein Prinevrffe. Chapman is for two person-teamsandtees off with an 10a.m. shotgun.Costis $20plus greenfee.Toregister orfor more information,call the MeadowLakesgolf shop at 541-447-7113. Jan. 10 —CentralOregonWinter Serieseventat

Kah-Nee-Ta High Desert Resort nearWarm Springs. Better-ball tournamentbegins with an 11am shotgun.Two-personteamswith nomorethanoneprofesKyle Jensen,unknown sionalallowedperteam. Cost is $30for protessionals, No. 4.............166 yards...........9-iron $50 toramateurs.Costincludes grossand netskins competitions.Cartcosts extra. Affplayers mustsign Dct. 17 up bynoonontheThursdaybetore theevent.ToregisMEADOWLAKES ter or formoreinformation, call PatHuffer,headpro at Steve Spangler, Powell Butte CrookedRiverRanch, at541-923-6343or email him No. 4.............180 yards...........6-iron at crrpat@crookedrrverranch.com. Feb. 1 — CentralOregonWinter Seriesevent at Dct. 17 Meadow LakesGolf Clubin Prineviffe Triple-six tourEAGLECRESTCHALLENGE namentbeginswith an11a.m. shotgun. Two-person Dan Broadley, Redmond teams wi t hnomore thanoneprofessional allowedper No. 7............. 94yards....... sandwedge team.Cost is $30for protessionals, $50tor amateurs. Cost includesgrossand netskins competitions. Cart Dct. 21 costs extra. Affplayers must signup bynoononthe JUNIPER Thursdaybefore theevent. Toregister orfor moreinDan Pearson, Redmond formation,call PatHuffer, headproat CrookedRiver No. 8.............160 yards...........8-iron Ranch, at 541-923-6343 oremail him at crrpat@ crookedriverranch.com. Feb. 2 —SuperBowlScramble atMeadowLakes Calendar Goff Coursein Prineviffe is afour-personscramble. The Bulletin welcomes contributions to Eventteesoffwith a10a.m.shotgun. Costis$15plus its weekly local golf events calendar. Items greenfee.Formoreinformation orto register call the shouldbe mailed to P.D. Box 6020, Bend, MeadowLakesproshop at541-447-7113. Feb. 22 — CentralOregonWinter Seriesevent OR 97700; faxed to the sports department at 541-385-0831; or emailed to sportsObend- at CrookedRiver Ranch.Aggregateshamble begins with an11am. shotgunTwo-personteamswith no bulletin.com. morethanoneprofessional allowedperteam. Cost is $30 forprofessionals,$50for amateurs. Costincludes TOURNAMENTS Dct. 27 —WinterGamesevent at Meadow Lakes grossandnetskins competitions. Cartcostsextra. AI Golf Course in Prineviffe. Individualstroke-playtour- playersmustsignupbynoonontheThursdaybefore namentsareopento thepublic andruneachSaturday the event Toregister ortor moreinformation, call Pat throughthewinter, weather permitting. Cost is $20 Hutfer,headpro at CrookedRiver Ranch, at 541-923plus green feefor eachevent, andincludesgrossand 6343 oremailhimatcrrpatlcrookedriverranch.com. March 2 — Polar BearOpenis an individual net payouts,grossandnetskins contestsandKPs. For moreinformationor to register, call theMeadow stroke-playtournamentatMeadowLakesGolf Course i n Prineviffe. Individualstroke-playtournamenttees Lakesproshopat541-447-7113. Nov. 2 — CentralOregonWinter Series eventat off witha10am.shotgun. Costrs$20plus greenfee. Widgi Creek Golf Club in Bend Better-ball tourna- For moreinformationorto register,call theMeadow ment beginswith an 11a.m. shotgun Two-person Lakesproshopat541-447-7113. March 15 —CentralOregonWinter Seriesevent teams with nomorethanoneprofessional allowedper at JuniperGolf Coursein Redmond. Beter-ball tourteam.Costis $30for professionals, $50for amateurs. Cost includes grossandnetskins competitions. Cart namentbeginswith an11a.m. shotgun.Two-person costs extra.Affplayers mustsign upbynoononthe teams withnomore thanoneprofessional allowedper Thursday beforetheevent. Toregister orfor morein- team.Costis $30for professionals, $50for amateurs. formation,call PatHuffer,headproat CrookedRiver Cost includesgrossand netskins competitions. Cart Ranch, at 541-923-6343 or email him at crrpatrI costs extra. Affplayers must signup bynoononthe crookedriverranch.com. Thursdaybefore theevent. Toregister orfor moreinNov. 9 — Central OregonWinter Series event tormation,call PatHuffer, headproat CrookedRiver at Lost TracksGolf Club in Bend.Triple-six tourna- Ranch, at 541-923-6343 oremail him at crrpat@ ment beginswith an 11a.m. shotgun. Two-person crookedriverranch com Dct. 16 THE GREENS ATREDMOND

(TeamJosh) def. Ram sey/Friscia (TeamDan), 3 8, 2. Garrison/Kramer (TeamJosh) det. Bradbury/Stassens (Team Dan), 2 8 1. Cosgrave/Cloninger (Team Dan)def.Hanson/Hjeresen(TeamJosh),1up. Wendland/Weffock (TeamJosh) det. Olsen/Larson(Team Dan), 3 8 2.Burley/Brydges(TeamJosh) AffSquare Deetz/Watt(Team Dan). Totals: TeamJoshdef. Team


Dan, 4.5-1.5.

Shamble — Horgen/Belzer(TeamDan) def. Guiick/Strunk(TeamJosh), 4 8 3. Ramsey/Friscia (Team Dan)def. Blank/Schotield (TeamJosh), 3 8 2. Garrison/Kramer (TeamJosh)def Bradbury/Stassens (Team Dan), 3& 1.Hanson/Hjeresen(TeamJosh) ties Cosgrave/Cloninger(TeamDan). Wendland/Weffock (Team Josh)def. Olsen/Larson(TeamDan),1up Burley/Brydges (TeamJosh) det. Deetz/Watt (TeamDan), 38 1 Totals: Team Joshdet. TeamDan,3.5-2.5. Modified Alternate Shot — Gulick/Strunk (TeamJosh) def. Horgen/Belzer(TeamDan), 1 up

B ndCelehrateS theSeaSO n

teams withnomore thanoneprofessional allowedper team.Costis $30for professionals, $50for amateurs. Cost includesgrossand netskins competitions. Cart costs extra. Affplayers must signup bynoononthe Thursdaybefore theevent. Toregister orfor moreintormation,call PatHuffer, headproat CrookedRiver Ranch, at 541-923-6343 oremail him at crrpat@ crookedriverranch com Nov. 10 — TheTurkeyShoot Openat Meadow LakesGolf CoursernPrineviffe is abest-ba tournament fortwo-personteams. Event teesoff with a10 a.m. shotgun.Cost is$20plus greenfee. For more information orto register, call theMeadowLakespro


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The Bulletin

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orrents udge

line Facebook uses4.1M gallons ofwater arrtually

Provides cyclists with the basic tools required to fix minor mechanical problems during n ride.


Mobile home rule on table

Proper maintenance

w .. A



Provides cyclists with the basic knowledge and resources for bicycle maintenance, hopefully eliminating the need for trailside repairs.

Sisters hires interim economic manager

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T NASDAQ cHANGE-ze,5o-,ee% V DOWJON ES cHANGEz433e t ez% V IN BRIEF Winners selected for design prize The Bend-based Curry Stone Foundation

announcedTuesdaythe five winners of the 2012

Curry Stone Design Prize. For their work as so-

cial design pioneers, the winners will each receive $25,000, according to a news release.They also will be honoredat an awards ceremony


V BONDS Treasury0H'ANGEa'aoo/ V GOLD QHANG I $]6eo

U.S. may ecome top oil pro ucer Jobless ByJonathan Fahey The Associated Press

NEW YORK — U.S. oil output is surging so fast that the United States could soon overtake Saudi Arabia as the world's biggest producer. Driven by high prices and new drilling methods, U.S. production of crude and other liquid hydrocarbons is on

track to rise 7 percent this year to an average of 10.9 million barrels per day. This will be the fourth straight year of crude increases and the big-

gest single-year gain since 1951. The boom has surprised even the experts. "Five years ago, if I or anyone had predicted today's pro-

scheduled for Nov. 15 at the Harvard Graduate

duction growth, people would have thought we were crazy," says Jim Burkhard, head of oil markets research at IHS CERA, an energy consulting firm. The Energy Department forecasts that U.S. production of crude and other liquid hydrocarbons, which includes biofuels, will average 11.4 mil-

lionbarrelsper day next year. That would be a record for the U.S. and just below Saudi Arabia's output of 11.6 million barrels. Citibank forecasts U.S. production could reach 13 million to 15 million bar-

rels per day by 2020, helping to make North America "the new Middle East." SeeOil/E3


School of Design. The Curry Stone

Design Prizeseeksto "champion designers as a force for social change," according to the news release. For 2012, the fifth year

for the prize, five winners were chosen.Theyare:

,ri y

Center for Urban Peda-


gogy, Brooklyn, N.Y.;


Liter Of Light, Manila, Philippines; Model of

Architecture Serving Society, or MASS Design,

Boston; Riwaq, Ramallah, Palestinian territories and Jeanne van Heeswijk, Rotterdam,

Netherlands. The prize is named for Bend residents Clifford

Curry, an architect who has been recognizedfor his work in senior hous-

ing, and Delight Stone, an archaeologistand

Photos by Andy Tullisi The Bulletin

Workers move dirt and rubble Tuesday at the future site of a Goodwill storein Redmond. Company officials said the store is expected to open early next summer.

Curry's wife. It's man-

aged out of theCurry Stone Foundation's offices in downtown Bend.

Complaint against BofAadds 3 cities A national housingadvocacy group has addedChicago,M ilwau-

kee and Indianapolis to its complaint charging that Bank of America Corp. takes better care of

foreclosed properties in white communities than

those in predominantly minority neighborhoods. The addition brings to 13 the number of cities included in the National Fair Housing Alliance's complaint originally filed with the U.S. Department of Housing and

Urban Development in September. The Washington, D.C.-

based alliancealleges

v SILVE R,"„'„'„'„"",,",'„

B CO, O O W l

s ores oin u

New Goodwill

and Petcostores

planned forRedmond The city of Redmond issued building permits last week for a

24,480-square-foot Goodwill store and an 11,500-square-foot Petco retail building, both near

the Walmart Supercenter in

north Redmond. Both stores are By Elon Gluckbch The Bulletin

A new Goodwill retail store and a Petco pet store are under construction on the north side of Redmond. Petco is expected to open by spring 20D, and Goodwill in early summer, developers with each project said. Both stores are being built near the Walmart Supercenter along Northwest Sixth Street. The new Goodwill will

replace the company's existing store on U.S. Highway 97 near the Deschutes County Fair and Expo Center. That store will close around the same time the new one opens, company officials said. Redmond Community Development Department records show the Goodwill being built where Northwest Sixth Street meets Oak Tree Lane. Crews broke ground earlier this

month. Goodwill had been looking for more than a year to add to its existing presence in Redmond. With land prices low, the company decided to pick a site for a new building rather than lease existing space, said Dale Emanuel, spokeswoman for Goodwill Industries of the Columbia Willamette, which oversees stores in the Pacific Northwest. See Redmond/E3

expected to open next spring.

Goodwill Qut e ve.

J Mapl Ave.


rates dip in Central

Oregon Bulletrn staff report All three Central Oregon count>es saw small declines in unemployment last month, according to figures released Tuesday by the Oregon Employment Department. Crook County's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate for September, 13.8 percent, represented a one-half percentage point decline from August's rate, according to a news release. In September 2011, the rate was 14.6 percent. From September 2011 to September 2012, Crook County recorded a net loss of 70 jobs. Deschutes County posted an 11.1 percent unemployment rate last month, a dip of 0.3ofa percentage point from August's rate,according to the news release. In September 2011, the rate was 12.3 percent. Deschutes County lost 1,060 jobs year over year, according to preliminary estimates from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which calculates unemployment rates for the state as a whole and its six metropolitan statistical areas. All of Deschutes County constitutes the Bend Metropolitan Statistical Area. Jefferson County's unemployment rate last month, 12.2 percent, also represented a dip of 03 of a percentage point from August's revised rate, according to the Employment Department. In September 2011, the rate was 13.3 percent. Year over year, Jefferson County gained 100 jobs. The statewide unemployment rate last month was 8.7 percent, a dip from the 8.9 percent rate in August.


Petco Greg Cross/The Bulletir


that the lender "has a systemic and particularized practice" of handling

foreclosed properties

Marcio dose Sanchez The Associated Press

differently depending on

race andcolor, andthe practice hasoccurred at

Apple on Tuesday unveiled the iPad Mini, which has a screen that's about two-thirds the size of the full-size model.

least since 2011.

Facebook results please investors Facebook pleased


IPad Mini


Wall Street on Tuesday when it reported thirdquarter financial results that beat expectations. Even though the compa-


ny reported anet loss of

at I'329

$59 million in the quarter, compared with net income of $227 million a

year ago, thestock rose

By Andrea Chang and Salvador Rodriguez

in after-hours trading by

as much as10 percent. — Staffand wire reports

Workers pour dirt around the site of a planned Petco store in Redmond on Tuesday. Developers said the store is expected to open next spring.

Collegetuition The costs at public

4-year collegeshave been increasing since the early 1990s. Tuition and fees, in 2012 dollars:

Learn how to be a workplace problem solver

$10thousand Published price 8

By Cindy Krischer Goodman


et (irtcludes aid and tax breaks)


'90- '95-'00- '05- '1091 96 01 06 11 Source: The College Board AP

The Miami Herald

Most days, real estate agents storm into Ron Shuffield's office with problems. They might have a closing that's about to blow apart or a commission in dispute. They lay out all the obstacles and argue that there is no possible resolution. "I tell them to stop, listen a little longer, learn all the pieces and focus on a solution," said Shuffield, CEO of

Esslinger-Wooten-Maxwell Realtors. With the recession and cutbacks, it has become easy to be a work-

said Dwayne Spradlin, CEO of InnoCentive, a Massachusetts-based crowd-sourcing company that helps businesses identify problems and AT ItoRK pl a ce whinerconnects them to solvers all or someone over the world. who points Being viewed as a problem out roadblocks. What's more solver can put a career on difficult is being the person the fast track and can even who calmly puts on his or lead to better work-life balher problem-solving cap and ance. Problem-solving ability bring ideas and solutions. ranks high as a desirable "Companies are dying to trait for job candidates, and have peopleplay these roles," it should become even more

in demand from all level of employees. "It's a key skill workers of the future will need to tackle the technology and global changes that lie

ahead," said Sayed Sadjady, talent management and organizational design leader with PwC's advisory practice in New York City. With a little effort and some know-how, you can become a problem solver.Here' s how: See Work/E4

Los Angeles Times

SAN JOSE, Calif. — The iPad Mini, the longrumored smaller tablet from Apple, has made its debut. Apple launched the 7.9-inch tablet computer at an invitation-only media event Tuesday, telling a crowd of reporters that the device is as thin as a pencil and weighs .68 pounds. Prices for the iPad Mini start at $329. "It's as light as a pad of paper," said Apple's marketing chief, Phil Schiller. The iPad Mini will be available for pre-order on Friday. The Wi-Fi version will go on sale Nov. 2 while cellular versions of the device will arrive two weeks later. SeeIPad/E3


Redmond Continued from E1 C ompany p l a n s f il e d with the city show a 24,480square-foot building, w ith 10,176 square feet set aside for retail. The rest will be dedicated to an item dropoff area and administrative offices. The store will b e about 10,000 square feet l a rger than the current Goodwill store in Redmond. The store will also include space for job-training courses, a service Goodwill has expanded in recent years as thousands of workers have lost jobs, Cathy Hannam, district manager with Goodwill Industries of the Columbia Willamette, wrote in an email. She said Goodwill offered job services to 40,000 Pacific N orthwest residents at it s stores in 2011. "The job connection office will provide vocation opportunities, including training and job-placement services to people with barriers to e mployment," Hanna m wrote. Goodwill b o u gh t t he 4-acre site in February, paying $1.4 million, Deschutes County p r operty r e cords show. The building has a

price tag of nearly $1.6 million, according to r ecords with Redmond's Community Development Department. C rews b r o k e gr o u n d on th e 1 1,506-square-foot Petco building at the end of September. Th e b u i l ding is valued at $575,000, said Darren Dickerhoof, manager of Corvallis-based Dickerhoof Properties, which is overseeing the project. "We're hoping to have the building up some time in January," Dickerhoof said. That timeline could change, depending on t h e w i n t er weather, and a safe bet for a store opening is next spring, he said. Dickerhoof Pr o p e rties bought the land in June 2011 from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.,the federal agency that oversees national banking operations. A Bend developer who bought the n early I - a cre property in 2004 lost it in f oreclosure t h r e e ye a r s later, D e schutes C o unty property records show. But the bank that took the land, Eugene-based LibertyBank, failed in 2010. Dickerhoof paid $420,000 for the land. It was valued at $1 million in 2007. — Reporter: 541-617-7820 egluchlich@bendbulletin.com


to properly use a smaller tablet, Apple is looking to Continued from E1 expand its share in a growThe Wi-Fi model starts ing, highly competitive tabat $329 for 16 GB of storage let market. while its cellular counterThe timing of the launch, part begins at $459. just ahead of the all-imporR umors h a v e s w i r l ed t ant holiday season, is a for months that Apple was smart move, analysts said. designing a competitor to Many have already predictAmazon's Kindle Fire HD ed strongdemand from conand the Google Nexus 7, sumers for the smaller iPad. "In our view, the i Pad smallerand cheaper devices that appeal to on-the-go Mini stands to target priceconsumers who don't want sensitive users and the eto shell out for the pricey reader crowd," JPMorgan iPad. analyst M ar k M o s kowitz Apple has sold more than wrote in a note to investors 84 million iPads since its de- ahead of the media event. "Given the global economic but in April 2010. Now, despite resistance uncertainty, we think pricefrom late Apple co-founder sensitive users could graviSteve Jobs, who reportedly tate toward an i Pad M i ni said consumers would have i nstead of m a k ing a P C to "sand down their fingers" purchase."


Top oil producers

Continued from E1 The lastyear the U.S. was the world's largest producer was 2002, after the Saudis drastically cut production because of low oil prices in the aftermath of 9/11. Since then, the Saudis and the Russians have been the world leaders. The United States will still need to import lots of oil in the years ahead. Americans use 18.7 million barrels per day. But thanks to the growth in domestic production and the improving fuel efficiency of the nation's cars and trucks, imports could fall by half by the end of the decade.

Production of oil and other liquid hydrocarbons in the first half of 2012, in millions of barrels per day: Saudi Arabia U.S. China~ 4.3 Canada~ 3.9 Iran ~ 3.8 U.A.E. ~ 3 .0 Mexico~ 2.9 I raq ~ 2 . 8 K uwait~ 2 . 8 Source: U.S. Energy Information Administration

Good for the economy The increase in production hasn't translated to cheaper gasoline at the pump, and prices are expected to stay relatively high for the next few years because of growing demand for oil in developing nations and political instability in the Middle East and North Africa. Still, producing more oil domestically, and importing less, gives the economy a significant boost. The companies profiting range from independent drillers to large international oil c ompanies such a s R o y al Dutch Shell, which increasingly see the U.S. as one of the most promising places to drill. ExxonMobil agreed last month to spend $1.6 billion to increase its U.S. oil holdings. Increased drilling is d r iving economic growth in states such as North Dakota, Oklahoma, Wyoming, Montana and Texas, all of which have unemployment rates far below the national average of 7.8 percent. North Dakota is at 3 percent; Oklahoma, 5.2. Businesses that serve the oil industry, such as steelcompanies that supply drilling pipe and railroads that transport oil, aren't the only ones benefiting. Homebuilders, auto d ealers and retail ers in energy-producing states are also getting a lift. IHS says the oil and gas drilling boom, which already supports 1.7 million jobs, will lead to the creation of 1.3 million jobs across the U.S. economy by the end of the decade. "It's the most important

The Associated Press

"It's the most

important change to the economy since the advent of personal computers pushed up productivity in the 1990s." — Philip Verleger, economist

Industry innovation The major factor driving domestic production higher is a newfound ability to squeeze oil out of rock once thought too difficult and expensive to tap. Drillers have learned to drill horizontally into long, thin seams of shale and other rock that holds oil, instead of searching for rare underground pools of hydrocarbons that h ave accumulated over millions of years. To free the oil and gas from the rock, drillers crack it open by pumping water, sand and



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Warehouse Prices

ce n t er

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oiv pE Last chg%chg Name

AlaskAisr Avista BkofAm Barretta Boeing

13 38.22 +.14 +1.8 NikeB 1.16 16 25.03 -.51 -2.8 Nordstrm .04 25 9 .36 -d9 +68.3 NwstNG .44 39 2821 +.28 +41.3 OtficeMax 1.76 13 72.82 -.88 i. 7 Paccar 4.99 -JO +13.9 Planarsy 1.40 13 65.07 +.10 +37.9 plumcrk .88 18 52.96 +.02 +13.8 preccastpt 1.10 24 95.18 +.18 +142 Safeway 51 7.58 —.04 +25.9 Schnitzer 28 13 19.09 -.0 -23.9 Sherwin .53 5 1 426 -.45 -44.6 Stancrprn 24f ... 10.46 -d 0 +.6 Starbucks .90 9 2 1.59 +.13 41.0 TriQuint .20 8 8. 4 3 -d 7 +9.6 umpqua .60f 23 25.12 -23 +3.7 us Bancrp 14 a78 +.05 -36.4 WashFed 15.30 -d6 +89.6 WellsFargo .67 19 21.53 -.30 +.3 wstcstBcp 13 15.49 +21 +142 Weyerhsr .92f 15 28.05 +.05 +8.0

CrattBrew FLIRSys HewlettP

Hmredlo Intel

Keycorp Kroger Lattice LaPac MDURes

Mentorer Microsoft

$21. • Production in the Gulf of Mexico, which slowed after BP's 2010 well disaster and oil spill, has begun to climb again. Huge recent finds there are expected to help growth continue. • A natural gas glut forced drillers to dramatically slow natural gas exploration beginning about a year ago. Drillers suddenly had plenty of equipment and workers to shift to oil. The most prolific of the new shale formations are in North Dakota and Texas. Activity is also rising in Oklahoma, Colorado, Ohio and other states. Production from shale formations is expected to grow from 1.6 million barrels per day this year to 4.2 million barrels per day by 2020, according to Wood Mackenzie, an energy consulting firm. That means these new formations will yield more oil by 2020 than major oil suppliers such as Iran and Canada produce today. U.S. oil an d l i quids prod uction reached a p eak o f 11.2 million barrels per day in 1985, when Alaskan fields were producing enormous amounts of crude, then began a long decline. From 1986 through 2008,crude production fellev-

Div PE Last chg%chg

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deeply. Nor are they expected to fall enough to bring back the days of cheap gasoline. Still, more of the money that Americans spend at filling stations will flow to domestic drillers, which are then more likely to buy equipment here and hire more U.S. workers. "Drivers will have to pay high prices, sure, but at least they'll have a job," Verleger


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Whether the U.S. supplants Saudi Arabia as the world's biggest producer will depend on the price of oil and Saudi production in the years ahead. Saudi Arabia sits on the world's largest reserves of oil, and it raises and lowers production to try to keep oil prices steady. Saudi output is expected to remain about flat between now and 2017, according to the International Energy Agency. But Saudi oil is cheap to tap, while the methods needed to tap U.S. oil are very expensive. If the price of oil falls below $75 per barrel, drillers in the U.S. will almost certainly begin to cut back. The International Energy Agency forecasts that global oil prices, which have averaged $107 per barrel this year, will slipto an average of $89 over the next five years — not a big enough drop to lead companies to cut back on exploration

ery year but one, dropping by

Market recap YTD


prices has given drillers the cash and the motivation to spend thelarge sums required to develop new techniques and searchnew placesfor oil.Over the past decade, oil has averaged $69 a barreL During the previous decade, it averaged


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44 percent over that period. The United States imported nearly 60 percent of the oil it burned in 2006. By the end of this year, U.S. crude output will be at its highest level since 1998 and oil imports will be lower than at any time since 1992, at 41percent of consumption. "It's a stunning turnaround," Burkhard says.

• A long period of high oil

A'stunning turnaround' change to the economy since the advent of personal computers pushed up productivity in the 1990s," says economist Philip Verleger, a visiting fellow at the Peterson Institute of International Economics.

Bend Memorial Clinic c


chemicals into the ground at high pressure, a process is known as hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking." While expanded use of the method has unlocked enormous reservesof oil and gas, it has also raised concerns that contaminated water produced in the process could leak into drinking water. The surge in oil production has other roots, as well:


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Indexes Nasdag

Most Actlve (sc or more) Most Acttve (as or more) Most Acttve (st or more)

52.Week High Lo w

N ame

Net rle 5 2-wk Last Chg %chg %chg %chg

1.44 20 92.82 -1.66 -3.7 Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg 13,661.721h231.56 Dow Jones Industrials 13,102.53 -24a36 -1.82 +7.24 +11.92 5,390.0 4,53t79 DowJonesTransportation 5,107.32 +42.84 +.85 +1.75 +6.56 1.08 18 55.47 -.50 +0.6 S&P500ETF i682708 141.42 -t99 Vringo 1 68748 a77 +.17 Yahoo 6 76202 16.67 +.90 -4.27 -.89 +2.75 1.82I 20 47.53 -.91 -.8 499.82 422.90 DowJonesUtilities 477.47 +7.37 BkofAm 15553u 936 -.19 cheniereEn 39063 15 79 -.08 Microsofl 638460 2805 +.05 8,515.60 6,898.12 NYsE composite 8,195.31 daa88 -1.61 +9.61 +1 0.74 .08 16 7 .31 -.14 +61.0 -.01 Facebookn 514401 1a50 +.18 Regi o nsrn 714865 6.54 -54 Novael d g 37998 5.07 2,509.57 2, I02.29 AmexIndex 2,384.08 -35.79 -1.48 +4.64 +6.83 .80 12 40.51 -.59 +8.1 SPDR Fncl 635635 15.84 -.27 Rentech 2 2020 2.47 -.03 Intel 464 340 21.59 +.13 3J96.93 2,44t48 Nasdaq Composite 2,990.46 -26.50 -.88 +14.79 +1 3.34 1.37 ... -28.3 Nokiacp 613217 2.68 -a3 Goldatr g 19754 2.00 -.06 PwshsQQQ 434408 65.39 -.63 -20.71 -1.44 +12.37 h474.51 1,158.66 S&P 500 h41 3.0 +14.98 1.68 40 4a94 -29 +202 GainerS (S2ormore) Gatners (S2 ormore) GainerS la2or more) 15,432.5412,158.90 Wilshire5000 14,769.22 -189.04 -1.26 +11.97 +14.39 .12 18 161.71 -3.40 -1.9 -4.32 -.53 +10n 6 Name L a s t Chg %chgName L a st Chg %chg Name L a st Chg %chg 868.50 666.16 Russell 2000 8I620 +14.37 .70 8 1 6.29 -25 -22.6 .75 12 28.14 -LI0 -33.4 PrUVxST rs 32.65 +4.41 +15.6 Arrhythm 2.50 +.39 +18.5 BSDMed 2.00 +.31 +1a3 L56 30 I49.39 -t21 +67.3 Amralty 3 . 3 7+.35 +11.5Medgen wt 3.15 +.47 i17.5 ArmHld 31.19 +3.07 +10.9 .89f 11 34.48 +.96 -6.2 CSVS2xlnPl t 42.39 i4.30 +u.3 SDgo pfc 22.80 +1.54 +7.2 cogo Grp 2.58 +.25 +10.7 .68 25 44.97 -.33 -2.3 Key currencyexchangerates Tuesday Barcehtc 17.37 i1.67 +10.6 AmDGEn 2.60 +.15 +6.1 S&T Bcp 1a18 +1.55 +9.3 Here is how key internationalstock markets 4.89 +.02 +.4 compared with late Monday inNewYork. performed Tuesday. MetalsUSA 14.01 i1.25 +9.8 Virnetx 2 9.72 +1.65 +5.9 cynosure 26.59 +2.17 +a9 .36 14 12.16 -.08 -1.9 Market Close %Change Dollarvs: E x changeRate Pvsoay LOSerS IS2ormore) LOSerSIazor more) LOSerS IS2ormore) .78 12 3a36 -.81 +23.3 L a s t Chg %chgName L a s t chg %chgName L a s t chg %chg Amsterdam .32 13 16.87 -d8 +20.6 Name 326.75 -2.31 t AustraliaDollar 1.0262 1.0302 .88 11 3a87 -.63 +22.9 -120 Brussels 2,348.75 BritainPound 1.5942 1.6006 -.84 -6.6 6 comm 6.83 4 d1 44.0 Autoliv 57.07 -6.55 -10.3 SL Ind 0.83 .20 13 22.08 -.08 +41.5 -220 Paris 3,40c.so CanadaDollar 1.0073 1.0062 DuPont 45.25 -4.51 -9n Aerosonic 3.25 -.21 -6.1 Monstrav s 4h08 -4.65 4 0.2 .68f 43 27.87 -.36 +49.3 -1.44 t ChilePeso .002075 .002100 5,797.91 DrxMatBUII 26.17 -2.56 -8.9 PacakrM g 3.75 -.20 -5.'I Analystlnt 3.58 -.39 -9.8 London Frankfurt 7,173.69 -2.0 t ChinaYuan .1599 .1599 CITGrp 3651 -3.51 -88 Barnwell 3 21 -.17 -5 0 prlnrem 559 -.59 -95 21,697.55 EuroEuro 1.2976 1.3045 Supvalu 2.89 -.28 -8.8 NDynMn g 3.63 -d9 -5.0 THQ rs 2.49 -.26 -9.5 HongKong Mexico -d9 HongKongDollar .1290 .1290 42,040.52 Diary Diary Diary Milan 15,578.95 -1.81 Japan Yen .012514 .012517 NewZealand 4,004.26 +.40 s MexicoPeso .0770 6 .077466 141 Advanced Advanced 824 Advanced 879 +.04 s RussiaRuble .0321 9,01425 .0318 2,220 Declined 287 Declined h584 Tokyo Timeperiod Percent Declined Seoul 1,926.81 -.76 t So. KoreaWoe .000907 .000906 Unchanged 80 Unchanged 33 Unchanged 131 3,050.93 +.17 s SwedenKrona n504 n513 Totalissues 3J 24 Total issues 461 Total issues 2,594 Singapore Last a25 7 New Highs 24 Sydney 4,567.96 +.07 s SwitzerlndFranc 1.0716 1.0781 Previousday a25 NewHighs 36 New Highs Zurich -1.71 t Taiwan Dol l a r .0342 .0342 NewLows 41 New Lows 9 New Lows 88 6,02.81 Aweekago a25

World markets


Preeious metals P r ime rate Metal



NY HSBC BankUS NY Merc Gold NY Merc Silver

$1707.00 SI708.30 $31.768

$1726.00 SI725d0 $32.227

Selected mutual funds YTD Equityev 19.86 -0.29 +11.0 GblMacAbR 9.98 +0.01 +4.9 Name NAV chg%aet GlbAllocr 19.52 -0.20 +7.9 FMI Funds: Cohen &Steers: LgcaPp 17,14 -0,23 q124 Amer centusyInV: Eqlnc 7 . 91 -0.07 +10.8 RltyShrs 6751 -067 +12.7 FPA Funds: N ewlnco 1061 +1. 9 Gro|Nthl 27.61 -a36 n2.4 ColumbiaClassZ: Ultra 25.74 -a34 02.3 Acom Z 30.50 -0.15 +12.0 FPAcres 2845 -0.26 +72 AcomlntZ 39.74 -0.48 +16.5 Fairholme 3098 -055 +3a8 American FundsA: Federated Insll: AmcpAp 20.97-0.20 01.8 Credit SuisseComm: AMutlAp 2a21-0.28 +1 0.9 comaett a30 -0.06 +1.5 Totaeted u 63+002 +6u StrValDvlS 5 09 -0 07 +7.9 BalA p 20 09-0.20 +'I'l.9 DFA Funds: BondA p 12 96+0.02 +55 IntlcorEq 1003 -020 +109 Fidelity Advisor A: caplBAp 5258452 +98 UScorEq112.10 -0.15 +13.7 Nwlnsghp2247 -027+139 1197 -014 +142 StrlnA 1276 -001 +89 capWGA p35 98 -046 +144 UScorEq2 A: Fidelity Advisor I: capwAp 21.53-0.03 +7.0 Davis Funds EupacA p 39.74 -a53 n3.0 NYVenA 35.86 -0.48 +10.3 Nwlnsgtl 2278 -028 +14.1 Fidelity Freedom: Y: FdlnvAp 39.72-0.52 n3.3 Davis Funds GovtA p 14.57+0.02 +2.0 NYVenY 3630 -048 +10.6 FF2010 14.23 -0.09 t8.9 FF2010K 13.04 -0.09 +9.1 GwthA p 3a35-Oa7 +16.1 Delaware InvestA: Hl TrA p 11 26-0.03 +'l2.0 Diverlncp 9.44 -0.01 +6.2 FF2015 11.90 -0.08 +9.2 Dimensional Fds: FF2015K 13.11 -0.09 +9.3 IncoA p 17 95418 +'I02 IntedAp 1377+0.01 +25 EmMcrrq 19.01 -Qae+11.7 FF2020 14.40 -O.u +1a1 ICAA p 30 29 4a9 +13.3 EmMktV 2a44 -0.51 +10.9 FF2020K 13.52 -O.u +1a1 NrcoA p 2a08-0.23 +1 8.1 IntsmVa 1506 -028 +128 FF2025 11.99 -O.u +11.2 NPerAp 30.21-OA2 +15.5 Largeco u 16 -016 +14.2 FF2025K 13.67 -0.12 en a NwwrldA 52.48-a53 n3.8 USLgVa 2232 439 +18.1 FF2030 14.27 -0.14 +11.4 smcpAp 3a95-Oa2 07.4 USSmall 2297 4u +127 FF2030x 13.81 -0.13 +11.6 TxExA p 1a16+a01 +8.2 USSmVa 26.55 -019 +15.1 FF2035 11.81 -0.13 +12.2 WshA p 31 03-0.45 +u.0 Intlsmco 15.16 -0.24 +0.5 FF2035x 13.88 -0.16 +12.3 F ixd 1 0.35 +0. 9 FF2040 a24 -0.09 +12.2 Arlisan Funds: I ntl 2 a 4 -2aae +18.1 IntVa 15.66 -0.34 +9.1 FF2040K 13.92 -0.16 +12.3 IntlVal r 28 68 445 +'l43 Glb5rxlnc 11.26+0.01 +4a Fidelity Invest: +0. 9 AIISectEq 12.85 -0.18 +144 Midcap 3735 419 +134 2 YGIFxd 10.13 AMgr50 16.25 -0.10 +9.5 MidcapVal2122 -018 +7.7 Dodge&cox: Baron Funds: Balanced 7648 -089 +149 AMgr20r 13.33 -0.03 +5.9 Growth 5714 4.26 +12.0 Income 1392 +76 Balanc 20.01 -0.18 +11.4 Bernstein Fds: intlStk 3293 -066 +126 Balancedx20.01 -0.17 +11.6 Inteur 14.24+0.01 +5.0 Stock 11a54 n.93 +18.2 Bluecher 48.74 -0.54+14.9 capAp 29.48 -0.37 +19.7 ovMu 14.91+0.01 +3.0 DoubleLine Funds: TRB(I I 11.40 NA cplnc r 9.41 -0.03 +1a6 BlackaockA: Eqtyov 19.81-a30 +10.7 TRBd N p 11.40+0.01 NA Contra 77.06 -0.94 +14.2 GIAIA r 19.42-0.19 +7.6 Dreyfus: contraK 77.08 -0.94+14a BlackaockB&C: Aprec 4426 -076 +10.5 DisEq 24.28 -0.33 +12.9 GIAIC t 1a05 -0.18 +7.0 EatonVanceI: Divlntl 28.86 -0.49 +1a1 Blackaock Insll: Fltgat 9.10 -0.01 +7.1 Divrslntx r28.85-0.49 +1a2

DivGth 29.71 -0.39 +15.6 Eq Inc 46.85 -0.65 +15.7 EQII 1 9.51 -0.30 +14.0 Fidel 3553 -052 +14.7 Flteateeir 995 +59 GNMA u 81 +001 +29 Govllnc 1061 +001 +2.5 Groco 9463 n 06 +17.0 Grolnc 21.00 -0.31 +16.7 Growcor 94.66 -1.07 +17.2

Groe(hcoK94.64n.07 +17.1 Highlnc r 9.31 -0.03 +12.8 Inted 'I'l.13 +ON +44 IntmMU 10.67 +ON +4.5 IntlDisc 31 65 -054 +146 InvGred u68+003 +53 InvGB 8 00+001 +58 LgcapVal 11a6 -0.18 +12.8 LowP r 38.76 -0.36 +1a5 LowPnK r 38.74 -0.36 +1a7 Magelln 73.02 -0.98 +16.2

Mecap 2936 -0.21 +12.4 Munilnc 1356+ON +7a

NwMktr 17.79 -004+17.0 OTC 5890 -042 +77 100lndex 10 17 -0 16 +153 Puntn 1936 -017 +122 Puntanx 1936 -0.17 +12.4 SAIISecrqr12.87 -0.18 +14.6 ScmdtystN9.14 -0.06 +2.0

ScmdtyStrr9.17 -0.06 +2.2 Srslnterw 0.53 -0.20 +14.0 SrslntVal 907 -0.19 +12.3

Srlnverdr u68+002 +53 S TBF 8 5 9 +2 ' I Stratlnc u.42 -002 +91 Totaled 1102+001 +60 USBI 11.93 +0.02 +a9 Value 73.76 -0.89 +16.2 Fidelily Sparlan: 500ldxlnv 50.11 -0.74 +14a 500ldx I 50.12 -0.73 +14a Fidelily Sparl Adv: ExMktAd r 39.63 -0.29 +1a0

Intlr 5 a 77 -1.21 +12.0 Lord Abbelt A: GlobAp 6092 -1.15+127 PioneerFunds A HarlfordFdsA: Aff>IAp 11.83 -0.20 +13.5 GblstrlncA 4.32 -0.01 +11a PionrdAp 41.41 0.54 +a1 cpAppAp 3261 -048 +132 BdeebAp 808 -002+11.2 IntedAp 6.56 -0.02 +9.0 Price Funds: Harfford HLSIA: SheurlncA p465 + 5 .9 MnStFdA 37.00 -0.63 +15.0 Blchip 44.63-0.54 +15.5 capApp 41.92 -0.59 +12.8 Lord Abbelt c: RwngavA17 20 -0.25 +10.8 capApp 23.04-0.20 +11.7 IVA Funds: s heurlncct4.68 + 5 .3 S&MdcpVI31 03 -0.23 +47 EmMktS 32.21-0.50 +1a0 Wldwide Ir1608 4u2 +47 LordAbbelte OppenheimerB: Eqlnc 26.07 -0.36 +14.9 InvescoFundsA: 4.1 S hteurlnco 4 65 + 5 . 9Risingeive1556 -0.21 +100 Eqlndex 38.11-0.56 +1 chartp 17.76 -0.23 +10.7 MFS FundsA: S&MdcpVI2622 -0.19 +4.0 Gmwlh 36.89-0.41 +15.9 cmstkA 17.52 -0.28 +16.5 TotRA 15.10 -0.14 +9.6 OppenheimerC&M: HlthSci 42 39-055 +300 EqlncA 9.18 -0.10 +11.9 ValueA 25.25 -0.36 +14.2 Risingcvcp1549-022 +101 HiYield 6 91 -002 +12.7 Grlnt:Ap 2091 -032+137 MFS FundsI: oppenheimeraoch: Instlcpe 1835-020+138 HYMuA 1011 +0.01 +126 Valuel 25 37 -0 36 +14.4 R I:NtMuAx 757 +1 6 7 Intleond 10.13-003 +60 Ivy Funds: MainStayFundsA: OppenheimerY: Intl G&l 12.53-024 +88 Assetsct 24.13 -Oa5+11.6 HiYldBA 6.11 -0.01 +0.1 DevMktY 3383 -0.46 +1a8 Intletk 13 87 -019 +129 AssetstAp24.98 -Oae +12.2 ManagessFunds: IntledY 656 -0.02 +94 Midcap 5752 -038 +91 AssetStrl r 25.23 -Oa7 +12.4 Yacktman p1a92 -024 +9.4 InterowY 29.25 -0.44 +14.6 Mcapval 2494-035 +166 JPMorgan AClass: YacktFOC2031 -024 +8.7 PIMCOAdminPIMS: NAsia 1620 -016 +165 IncmeAd 2.22 -0.02 +1aa coreedA 1212+002 +4,4 ManningaNapierFds: TotetAd 11.57 +0.01 +9.0 NewEra 43 53 -091 +35 PIMCO Instl PIMS: Frank/Temp Frnk c: JP MorganInstl: WldeppA 7.42 -0.13 +12.0 N Honz 3497 -0.13 +12.7 Incomct 2.25 -003 +u 4 MdcpVal 27.94 -023 +176 MergerFd 15.84 -0.02 +1.6 AIASetAut n1 23 -0 03 +14.6 N Inc 9 9 6 +0 01 +5.5 JpMorgan aCI: Metro Wesl Fds: AIIAsset 12 69 -0 06 +12.5 QverS Frank/Temp Mll A&B: SF 8.20 -0.15 +12.0 SharesA 22.20 -0.29 +12.8 coreeond 1212+001 +48 Toteeted u 05+001 +10.0 comodRR 691 -005 +8.2 R2010 16.57 -0.13 +10.3 Frank/TempTempk JPMorganSelCls: Totatedl 11.04 + 10.1 Divlnc 1225 -0.02 +12.8 R2015 12.88 -0.12 +11.2 GledAp 1a46 -004 +125 coreed 12.11 +0.02 +4.7 MorganatanleyInst EmgMkcun049 -0.06 +70 R2020 17.83 -0.18 +12.1 GrwthAp 1a73 -035 +150 HighYld a15 -003 +123 Mcapcrl 34a9 -0.29 +4.5 EmMked 12.41 -0.02 +14.4 R2025 13.05 -0.15 +12.7 WorldAp 1555 -029+132 Shteurad 11 02+001 +1 6 Mutual Series: HiYld 9 .57 -0.02 +12.0 R2030 18.74 -0.22 +1a3 Frank/TempTmpB&C: USLccrPIS2281 436 +156 GblciscA 2962 -0.41 +10.8 InvGrCp 11 a2+0.01+1a2 R2035 13.24 -0.17 +1a6 GIBdc p 1a49 -0.04 +12.2 Janus TShrs: GlbciscZ 30.06 -0.41 +11.1 L oweu 10.64 +5 . 5 R2040 18.84-0.24 +1a7 GE Elhn S&S: PrkMCVal T21.81 -a26 +8.0 SharesZ 22.41 -0.30 +13.1 RealRtnl 12.58+0.03 +a4 Shted 4.86 +2.7 US Eqty 4459 -068 +151 John Hancockcl1: Neuberger&aermFds: ShortT 9.8 8 +2.9 smcpstk 35.32-0.19 +13.0 GMO TruslIII: LSBalanc 1343 411 +u 3 Geneslnst 4952 -023 +6.7 Totat 11.57 +0.01 +9.2 smcapval38.58 -0.15 +11.9 Quahty 2a22 -0.32 +11a LSGrwth 1334 414 +l20 NorthernFunds: PIMCOFundsA: Specln l299 -0 03 +9 0 GMO TruslIV: Lazard Instl: HiYFxlnc 7.48 -0.02 +12.5 RealRtAp 1258+003 +81 Value 2616 -0 44 +161 OakmarkFundsl: IntllntrVI 2014 -0.42 +78 EmgMktl 19.19 -Oa7 +14.2 TotetA u 57 +0 01 +8.9 Principal Inv: GMO Trusl Vl: Longleaf Partners: Eqtylncr 2885 -029 +6.7 plMCOFundsc: Lgcel In 10.110.10 +1a9 EmgMktsr11.20 -020 +a9 Partners 31 06 -039 +165 Intllr 1 9 20 -033 +160 TotRtc t 11.57 +0.01 +8.2 Putnam FundsA Quahty 2a23 -0.33 +11.4 Loomis Sayles: Oakmark 48 97 -0 62 +17.5 PIMCOFunds0: GrlnA p 14.52 0.25 NA GoldmanSachsInsl: LSBOndl 15.02 -a04 +12.4 Old Weslbury Fds: TRtn p 11.57 +0.01 +9.0 Royce Funds: Hrrield 7a7 -0.02 +13.2 Strlnc c 15.43 -0.07 +10.3 Globepp 7.50 -0.04 +11.6 plMCOFundsp: PennMul 11.62 r 0.07 +a0 HarborFunds: LSBondR 1496 -004 +121 GlbSMdcap14.51-0.15 +9.7 AstAIIAuthP11 22 -003 +14.5 Premierl r 19.590.10 +5.8 Bond 1a00 +0.01 +8 4 StrlncA 1534 407 +109 LgcapStrat 968 -015 +10.4 TotetnP u 57+001 +9.1 Schwab Funds: CapAplnst41.70 -0.45 +13.0 Loomis Sayles Inr. OppenheimerA: Perm PortFunds: 1000lnvr 40.25 0.57 +1a8 Intllnvt 5a08 -1.20 +11.7 InveredY 12.81 -0.01+11.0 DvMktAp 34.14 -0.47 +164 Permannt 48.81 -0.38 +5.9 S&P Sel 22.37 0.32 +14a 500ldxAdv5011 -074 +143 TotMktAd r41.09 -0.54 +14.1 USBond I 11.93 +0.02 +4.0 First Eagle: GlblA 49.13 -0.47 +8 9 OverseasA 22.23 -0.19 i9.2 Forum Funds: Absstrlr 11.23 -0.01 +1.6 Frank/Temp Frnk k FedTFAp 12.76+0.01 +82 GrwlhAp 4a06 -0.56 +9.9 HYTFAp 1a94 <0.01+10.2 IncomAp 2.23 -0.02 +12.0 R>sevAp 37.04 -0.48 +6.4 Stratlncp 10.72 -002 +10.4 USGovAp 685+001 +1 6 Frank/TmpFrnkAdv: GlbBdAdv1a42 -0.04 +12.8

ScoutFunds: TtlBAdml 11.18+a03 +4.0 Intl 31 .51 -0.54 +13.5 TStkAdm 35.22-0.46 +14.1 Sequoia 16a89 -1.23 +10.6 WellslAdm 5925 -021 +9.3 TCW Funds: WelltnAdm 5895 451 +'I'I 2 Toteetedl 10.27 + 11.7 Windsor 4936-0.74 +157 Templelon Inslit: WdsrllAd 51 81-077 +14.6 ForEqs 1a92 -0.34 +11.2 VanguardFds: Thornburg Fds: capepp 33 00-Oa3 +118 IntValAp 26.25 -Oa3 +10.3 Divdcro 16.81-0.19 +10.2 Inceuildc p18.79 -0.20 +9.1 Energy 60.49 -1.42 +2.6 IntValue I 2a84 -Oa3 +10.7 Eqlnc 24.09 -a33 +12.4 Tweedy Browne: Explr 77.93 -a49 +9.1

Wndsll 29.19 -0.43 +14.5 VanguardIdx Fds: ExtMktI 10979 -083 +1a1 MidcplstPI10826n14 015 TotlntAdmr2a80 -0 46 +10.8 Totlntllnstr95.19 -1.82 +109 TotlntllP r 95.21 -1.82 +10.9 500 1 30.43 -1.91 +14.2

Totend 11u8 +0.03 +3.9 Totllntl 1423 -027 +10.8

+2.1 Totstk 35.20 -0.47 +14.0 VanguardAdmiral: HYcorp 6 06 401 +'l21 VanguardInsll Fds: BalAdml 2a61 -Ou7 +10.1 Hlthcre 14726-207 +145 Ballnst 2361 -0.17 +10.1 CAITAdm 11.76 +0.01 +6.3 InflaPro 14 87+004 +6.3

GblValue 24.74 -0.33 +13.2 GNMA 11 02

cpepAdl 7a25 -0.77 +11.9 Intler 1a43 -a33 +12.7 EMAdmr 34.49 r -0.63 +10.3 IntlVal 29.65-a59 +11a Energy 11a60 -2.67 +2.6 ITIGrade 10.48+a01 +8.6 EqlnAdmn5049 -070 +124 ufecon 17.18-a08 +7.6 ExtdAdm 44.48 -0.34 +13.1 ufeero 23 32-026 +'I'l.4 500Adml13a44 n.91 +14a ufeMod 20 80-Ou7 +95 G NMA Ad 11.02 + 2 . 1LTIGrade u u +008 +125 GrwAdm 36.20 -0.47 +14.9 Morg 19 66 421 +12.5 Hlthcr 62.15 -0.87 +14.6 Mulnt 14.41+0.01 +5.3 HiYldcp 606 -001 +122 prmcpcor14.96-0.14 +10.9 InfProAd 29.21 +0.07 +64 prmcp r 6a95-a63 +0.7 ITBdAdml 12.16+0.03 +6.4 SelValur 20.91-0.23 +12.5 ITsryAdml 11.75+0.03 +23 STAR 20 58 -Oae+'Ie.a InterAdm 58.67 n.05 +128 STIGrade 1088+0.01 +4.2 ITAdml 14.41 +0.01 +54 StratEq 20 83-020 +'l36 ITGrAdm 1048+0.01 +87 Tgtaetlnc 1218-004 +70 udTrAd 11u 9 +0.01 +1 9 Tgee2010 2432 -012 +8.4 LTGrAdml 11.11 +0.08 +126 Tgtae20151a44-0.10 +9.3 LTAdml 11.81 +0.01 +75 rgee2020 2a85 -a20 +10.0 McpAdml 9935 -1.04 +115 Tgtee20251a57-0.14 +10.6 MUHYAdm11.28 +0.01 +8.6 Tgee2030 2a28

-a26 +11a

DevMklnst 9.36 -0.19 nta

Extln 4 448 -034 +131 Grwthlst 36.19 -0.48 +149

InfProlnst n.90+003 +6.4 Instldx 129 57 n.90 +14.3 InSPI 129.58 -1.90 +14a InsTStPlus31SS -042 +14.2 Mecplst 21.95 -0.23 +11.5 STIGrlnst 10.88+0.01 +4a Sclnst 37.72 -0.21 +13.0 TBISt 11u8 +0.03 +4.0 TSlnst 3522 -047 +14u Valuelst 22.77 -0.35 +13.4 VanguardSignal: 500Sgl 107.74 n.58 +14a Midcpldx 31.35 -0.33 +0.5 STBdldx 10 66 +0 01 +t8 TotedSgl 11.18 +0.03 +4.0 iu TotStkSgl 33 99 -0.45 +1 Virlus FundsI:

prmcap r 7t58 -0.65 +11.8 Tgtae203514 00 -018 +'I'l.9 ReitAdmr 9t53 -0.87 +14.1 Tgtee204023 00 -030 +'l22 S TsyAdml 1a78 + 0 . 6Tgtae204514 44 -Ou9 +122 EmMktl 9.88 -0.13 +14.4 STBdAdml la66 +0.01 +1.8 USGro 20 79 -022 +15.2 S htTrAd 15.93 +1. 0 Wellsly 24.46 -0.09 +9.2 WeslemAsset: + 7 .9 STIGrAd 1a88+0.01 +4a Welltn 34.1 3-a30 +11.2 c oreplus I u.68 SmcAdm37.72 -0.21 +13.0 Wndsr 14.63-0.22 +15.6


If you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323,email business@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Pleaseallow at least 10days before the desired date of publication.



BUSINESS CALENDAR Bend; 541-383-7270. COFFEECLATTER: 8:30-9:30 a.m.; Community Presbyterian Church, BUSINESS NETWORK 529 N.W. 19th St., Redmond; INTERNATIONAL BENDCHAPTER 541-548-3367. WEEKLY MEETING:Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; EDWARD JONESCOFFEECLUB: Current market and economic 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, update including current rates; free; 1600 S.E Reed Market Road; 9a.m.; Ponderosa Coffee House, 541-749-0789. 61292 S. IJ.S. Highway 97, Suite BUSINESS AFTERHOURS 105, Bend; 541-617-8861. BUSINESS SHOWCASE:Limited OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER number of booths; contact Robin at robin©bendchamber.org; $125 PERMIT TRAINING: Meets the for nonprofit organizations and new minimum requirements by the memberbusinesseswho joined Oregon Liquor Control Commission within the past six months or $150 to obtain an alcohol server permit; forseasoned businesses;5-7 p.m.; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; Seventh Mountain Resort, Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third 18575 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or 541-382-3221. www.happyhourtraining.com. CENTRAL OREGONREAL ESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB: Free; 11 THURSDAY a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 BUSINESS NETWORK or bobbleile©windermere.com. INTERNATIONAL DESCHUTES KNOW WORD FORBEGINNERS: BUSINESS NETWORKERS Free; 1 p.m.; Redmond Public CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; Visitors are welcome and first two 541-312-1050. visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior FREE TAXFRIDAY: Freetax return Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket reviews; schedule an appointment at Road; 541-610-9125. 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax. 2012 BENDWEBCAMWEB, com; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 CREATIVEAND MARKETING S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite100, Bend; CONFERENCE:Registration 541-385-9666. required; $249- $479; 8 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St.; 541-317-0700 or www. MONDAY bendwebcam.com/registrationl. GETTINGTHE MOST OUT OF FORECLOSURE PREVENTION SCHWAB.COM: Free; noon-1 p.m.; CLASS: Learn about Charles Schwab 8 Co., 777 N.W. Neighborlmpact's Housing Center Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; tools and services that can assist 541-318- I794. individuals struggling to pay their THE ADVOCACY AND CITY mortgages; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Neighborlmpact, 20310 Empire RESOURCES SUBCOMMITTEE: Ave., Suite A110, Bend; Open to the public; 3-5 p.m.; City 541-318-7506, ext. 309, Hall, 710 N.W. Wall St., Bend; karenb©neighborimpact.org or 541-388-5529. www.homeownershipcenter.org. BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL WILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: TUESDAY Visitors are welcome and first two BUSINESS NETWORK visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT 541-480-1765. CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two OCTOBERGREENDRINKS: Green visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Drinks is a fun way to network, Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; learn about other businesses and 54 I-420-7377. their sustainability efforts and ENTREPRENEURIAL SUPPORT share a drink or two with likeORGANIZATIONSUBCOMMITTEE: minded community members; 5-7 Open to the public; 8 a.m.; City Hall, p.m.; Celebrate the Season, 61515 American Lane, Bend; 541-244710 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 54 I-388-5529. 2536. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL KNOW WORD FORBEGINNERS: OF BEND: Andi Buerger will speak Reservations recommended; free; 2-3:30p.m.;Downtown Bend Public about Redmond based Buelah's Place, a refuge for teens victimized Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617by sexual predators and other 7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. abusers; RSVP requested; $15 SMALL BUSINESSCOUNSELING: includes dinner, beverage and SCORE business counselors will gratuity; 5:30-7 p.m.; Boston's, be available every Tuesday for 61276 S. U.S. Highway 97, Suite free, one-on-one small business 140; 541-728-0820, president@ counseling; no appointment sibend.org or www.sibend.org. necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or FRIDAY www.scorecentraloregon.org. INVESTMENTBASICS: Learn about 2012 BENDWEBCAMWEB, different types of investments and CREATIVEAND MARKETING how they work; free; 6 p.m.; Mid CONFERENCE:Registration Oregon Credit Union, 1386 N.E. required; $249- $479; 8 a.m.-5:30 Cushing Drive, Bend; 541-382-1795. p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. KNOW MORE EMAIL: Reservations Wall St.; 541-317-0700 or www. recommended;free;6-7:30 p.m .; bendwebcam.com/registration/. Downtown Bend Public Library, MENTAL FITNESSFOR LEADERS: 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7050 or National speaker Nikki Nemerouf www.deschuteslibrary.org. discusses how youcan build high performing teams by overcoming obstacles that occur in your role as a leader; registration required before WEDNESDAY Oct.12; $59 includes breakfast; Oct. 31 8-11:30 a.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Campus BUSINESS NETWORK Center, 2600 N.W. College Way, INTERNATIONAL BENDCHAPTER


WEEKLY MEETING:Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-749-0789.

THURSDAY Nov. 1 BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL DESCHUTES BUSINESS NETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-610-9125. EXPLORETHEBENEFITS OF WORKING WITH SCHWAB:Free; noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab 8 Co., 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541-318-1794. OPEN COMPUTER LAB: Reservations recommended; free; 2-3:30p.m.;Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-6177050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL WILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 54 I -480-1765. MAKE THATEMPLOYEE HANDBOOK WORK FORYOU: Labor and employment law seminar with Tamara Russell of Barran Liebman LLP and Nancy Gammond-MoodyofBBSI; registration required by Oct. 30; free; 4-6 p.m.; Awbrey Glen Golf Club, 2500 N.W. Awbrey Glen Drive, Bend; 541-388-8526, anelson©barran.com or www. barran.com/display-event. asp? EventlD=204.


Continued from E1 Define the problem. Before jumping in with a quick and easy solution, become better at asking the right questions so that you tackle the right problems, Spradlin said. Recently, a manufacturer hired Spradlin's InnoCentive to help find the right lubricant that would work for its machinery. But by asking questions, he learned that rather than finding a new lubricant, the company actually needed a new way to make its product. "It takes asking lots of questions and brutal introspection to understand what the real problem is and why it hasn't been resolved," Spradlin said. "A better-defined problem is already closer to a solution." Think bigger. Craig Robins, a Miami real estate developer, has built projects that have been on the forefront of neighborhood turnarounds. As a pioneerin redevelopment, Robins has encountered all kinds of difficult situations. But he has become a problem solver by "getting out of box and not being consumed by conventional thinking or process." Robins now has an ambitious plan to turn Miami's urban Design District into a super-high-end retail destination. He has partnered with a Paris-based investment fund that owns highend brands to make it happen. "Usually, innovative solutions involve collaboration," Robins said. Most important, though: "It takes looking at things differentlyand perseverance to come up with a solution that's better than what's currently contemplated." Examine a f a ilure. When faced with a challenge, be the person who does his or her homework. Learn the history of problem-solving efforts and what went wrong with alreadyattempted solutions. Shuffield says he encourages real estate agents to come to the negotiating table prepared for possible problems to crop up and with research on p r evious solu-

Registration required; $15; 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmond campus, 2030 S.E College Loop, Redmond; 541-383-7290. HOW TO STARTA BUSINESS: COCCSmall Business Development Center workshops for people contemplating business ownership; registration required; $15; 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-383-7290. AFFORDABLE HOUSING INTERESTSESSION: For families interested in becoming homeowners; Bend Habitat only offers these sessions twice a year; families must attend a session to receive a homeownership application; noon; Habitat for Humanity, 1860 N.E. Fourth St., Bend;541-385-5387. KNOW WORDII: Reservations recommended; free; 1-2:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. FREE TAXFRIDAY:Tax return reviews; free; 2-4 p.m.; ZoomTax, 963 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite100, Bend.Scheduleanappointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax.com. KNOW MOREEMAIL: Reservations recommended; free;3-4:30p.m .; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschuteslibrary.org.

SATURDAY Nov. 3 LOCAL ANDLOVIN' IT: More than 70 vendors; blood drive for American RedCross, canned food drive for Saving Grace, yoga, zumba and a fashionshow;10a.m.-4 p.m .; Phoenix InnSuitesBend,300 N.W . Franklin Ave.; 541-317-9292 or prbystormie©hotmail.com.

Nov. 2


COFFEE CLATTER: 8:30-9:30 a.m.; Redmond Fire 8 Rescue, 341 N.W. Dogwood Ave. CENTRALOREGONREALESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB: Free;11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean,20806 Sockeye Place,Bend;541-610-4006 or bobbleile©windermere.com. HOW MUCHMONEY DO YOU NEED TOGETSTARTED?:

Nov. 6 BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377.



Filed Oct. 17

Debra J. Hahn,3130 S.W. Reindeer Court, Redmond Vivian A. M. Gox, 468 S.E. Sumner Drive, Prineville Debra D. Boothe, 60198 Cinder Butte Road, Bend Mary F. Hall, 10100 N.E. Crooked River Drive No.14, Terrebonne Harry R. Zorrilla-Enriquez,4263 N.E. Butler Ave., Redmond Katherine A. Mangum,240 East Park Place, Sisters Filed Oct. 18

Amy I. B. Pickett, P.O. Box 237, Sisters Jennifer R. Pierce, 20770 King Richard Court, Bend Lynn W. Winchester, 19580 Tokatee Lake Court, Bend Michael G. Austin, P.O. Box 2532, Redmond Taki K. Kaonohi, P.O. Box 962, Bend Neal T. Shoop, 14550 S.E.






Filed Oct. 19

Sarah B. Garner,62824 Emily Court, Bend William M. Davis, 65265 76th St., Bend Filed Oct. 20

Walter J. Kennedy, PO. Box 3317, La Pine Filed Oct. 22

Jeffery P. Thompson, 1574 N.W. Serrano Lane, Powell Butte Dale L. Shore, 2808 S.W. 25th St., Redmond Lasinda G. Trainor, P.O. Box 945, Redmond Bruce D. Joseph, 2338 S.W. Forked Horn Butte Road, Redmond

Chapter 13 Filed Oct. 17

Heather J. DeWolf,7007 N.W. Poplar Drive, Redmond Beth Patterson, 1518 N.E Eighth St., Bend


AmyE.O'Toole,62969 SantaCruz Ave., Bend Richard B. Agee,1667 N.W. Rimrock Court, Redmond

Chapter 7 Filed Oct. 16

Use your subconscious. C. James Jensen, author of "Beyond the Power of Your Subconscious Mind," said people become problem solverswhen they learn to walk away from a difficult situation rather than "worry a problem to death." Rather than getting frustrated and giving up, "tell yourself, 'I can solve the problem; I just need time away from it,'" Jensen said. Then, get your conscious mind busy elsewhere with leisure and relaxation. Almost always, he says, a solution will come to you. Resist starting from scratch. Sadjady of Pw C says technology and the Web make it easier to r esearch, connect with others, and learn what solutions others are using to tackle similar problems. Then creatively apply it to your situation or build on it. "It's going to become more important to find interesting solutions without reinventing the w heel," Sadjady said. "There's a lot of knowledge out there beyond your organization's borders."

NEWS OF RECORD Winchester Loop, Prineville JoshuaSmith,63266 Lavacrest St., Bend LeeAnn Phillips, P.O. Box 282, Burns Andrea L. Meyers, 558 S.E. Reed Market Road, Bend William G. Glark, 16982 Jacinto Road,Bend

Practice makes perfect. Get into the habit of always bringing at least one solution idea for every problem you identify. Experts say a problem solver practices this skill on and off the clock. It often starts with deconstructing the challenge, creating a road map of the steps needed to get the desired result and brainstorming for ways to remove each roadblock. Lisa Palley, publicist for the Miami Book Fair International, says she was taught problem-solving at a young age and practices it regularly as she tries to arrange media interviews for overscheduled book authors: "I was taught not to get hysterical or respond immediately, but to step back, deconstructthe problem, spend time with it and the answer will come to me."



tionsthat have been successful. By doing that, he said, you can enter a situation with a problem-solving mindset. "You are prepared to take charge of the situation. People want to do business with you."

• •



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• 8 e n d ~O






Pets 8 Supplies

Pets & Supplies

Furniture & Appliances

Guns, Hunting 8 Fishing

Musical Instruments

Fuel & Wood

Refrigerator / freezer, stainless steel SxS, water/icemaker, 25cf, ex541-598-5314 or cellent cond, $495. Culver, 541-546-9008 541-788-7799 GE French Barn/shop cats FREE German S h o rthairsRefrigerator door, 24 cu. ft., black, some tame, some not AKC - females & 1 year old, $450. We deliver! Fixed, shots males $300/ea. Mom 541-923-7394 or email 541-389-8420 o n-site, 1 s t sh o t s, d ewormed. Cra t e stickbugoq.com F trained. 541-408-2114 Sofa full size, like new $100. 5 4 1-810-1472 or 541-389-4030.

Great Dane puppies, black 8 white, 2 males, 2 females, $300; $50 non- BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS refundable deposit. Born Search the area's most Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, 9/25/1 2. 541-480-7171 comprehensive listing of 1st shots, very social classified advertising... $700. 541-325-3376


advertisers may place an ad with our "QUICK CASH SPECIAL" 1 week3lines 12

real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds



The Bulletin






LThe Bulleting

Adult companion cats German Shorthair AKC FREE to seniors, dis- Pups, FC Tonelli's Risabled 8 veterans! Tame, ing Sun grand-sired, altered, shots, ID chip, $550 ea. 541-598-6988 more. Will always take back if c ircumstances German Shorthair pups. change. 389-8420. Visit AKC, parents on site, Sat/ Sun 1-5. Photos, champion bloodlines. info: www.craftcats.org. Mark, 541-420-3580

BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are still over 2,000 folks in our community without permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift camps, getting by as best they can. The following items are badly needed to help them get through the winter: @ CAMPING GEARof any sort: @ New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. e WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m.

For Special pick up please call Ken @ 541-389-3296


Q0~0 ~

The Bulletin

Piano, Steinway Model 0 Baby Grand 1911, gorgeous, artist quality instrument w/great action & S teinway's warm, rich sound. Will adorn any living room, church or music studio perfectly. New retail $ 6 9 ,000. Sacrifice at $26,000 OBO, call 541-383-3150. 260

recommends payment for Firewood only upon delivery and inspection. • A cord is 128 cu. ft. 4' x 4' x 8'

• Receipts should include name, phone, price and kind of wood purchased. • Firewood ads MUST include species and cost per cord to better serve our customers.


Hay, Grain & Feedg

Schools & Training

Wanted: Irrigated farm TRUCK SCHOOL ground, under pivot irwww. IITR.net riqation, i n C e n tral Redmond Campus OR. 541-419-2713 Student Loans/Job Waiting Toll Free Wheat Straw: Certified & 1-888-387-9252 Beddinq Straw & Garden Straw;Compost.546-6171 476

Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin A few openings for venhelp wanted ad dors for an indoor Sat. The Bulletin market, Oct. through today and M arch. Call Don at reach over 6 C ords of seasoned 541-977-1737; email 60,000 readers f i rewood, nwpickersohotmail.com lodgepole n each week. Cut 16 rounds and Your classified ad Buying Diamonds split, $1000. You haul. will also /Gold for Cash 541 -420-71 68 appear on Saxon's Fine Jewelers A-1 Dry seasoned Junibendbulletin.com 541-389-6655 per, $200/cord split; which currently BUYING $175/cord rounds. receives over Lionel/American Flyer Call 541-977-4500 or 1.5 million page trains, accessories. 530-524-3299 views every 541-408-2191. month at no BUYING & SE L LING All Year Dependable extra cost. Sp lit, Del. All gold jewelry, silver Firewood: Bulletin Lod g epole, and gold coins, bars, Bend. Classifieds rounds, wedding sets, pine: 1 for $195 or 2 Get Results! class rings, sterling sil- f or $365. Cash o r Misc. Items

9 7a ao 2

ver, coin collect, vin- check. (Credit Card Call 541-385-5809 tage watches, dental OK). 541-420-3484. or place your ad gold. Bill Fl e ming,Log truck loads of green on-line at 541-382-9419. bendbulletin.com lodgepole delivered to Bend, $1000. M ixed COWGIRL CASH We buy Jewelry, Boots, loads lodgepole, $1100. Good classified ads tell 541-815-4177 Vintage Dresses 8 the essential facts in an More. 924 Brooks St. interesting Manner. Write Split, Dry 541-678-5162 Cedar or Lodgepole from the readers view - not www.getcowgirlcash.com $200/Cord, the seller's. Convert the U-Haul boxes: 6 med, 4 Delivery included! facts into benefits. Show Ig & dish barrel, $20 + 541-923-6987, Iv msg. the reader how the item will others free 541-548-6642 help them in someway. 269 Wanted- paying cash This ardening Supplies for Hi-fi audio & stuadvertising tip & Equipment dio equip. Mclntosh, brought to youby J BL, Marantz, D y The Bulletin naco, Heathkit, SanFor newspaper sui, Carver, NAD, etc. delivery, call the Call 541-261-1808 345 Circulation Dept. at 541-385-5800 261 Livestock & Equipment To place an ad, call Medical Equipment 541-385-5809 Weaner Pigs, $70 each or email or $60 each for 2 or Electric hospital bed, no classifiedobendbullettn.com more. 1-503-310-2514 matt; all works! $150 cash obo. 541-280-0089

Employment Opportunities

Caregiver —All Shifts avail. Apply in person. Interviews this week. 1099 NE Watt Way, Bend.

Have an item to sell quick? If it's under '500 you can place it in The Bulletin Classifieds for:

'10 - 3 lines, 7 days '16 - 3 lines, 14 days (Private Party ads only) DO YOU NEED A GREAT EMPLOYEE RIGHT NOW? Call The Bulletin before 11 a.m. and get an ad in to publish the next day! 541-385-5809. VIEW the Classifieds at: www.bendbulletin.com Medical

Chief Nursing Officer

Wallowa Memorial Hospital Located in Enterprise, OR

25 Bed critical access hospital. Oregon RN licensure, gennngCent el 0 egon snee tgpg 263 CPR, ACLS, Farmers Column • T.E.A.M. (TNCC) Tools Prompt Delivery Certifications. BS N Rock, Sand & Gravel Atwood utility tilt trailer, Required/Masters Skilsaw, crow bar, anvil, Multiple Colors, Sizes g reat c o nd., $ 4 0 0 Preferred. Minimum air hammer, air comp, Instant Landscaping Co. firm. 541-389-9844 5 years acute care & Maddox, 541-504-9747 541-389-9663 2 y e ar s n u r sing Wanted: Irrigated farm 265 Sprayer, shovel, pick, ground, under pivot ir- m anagement. E x Bene f i t Building Materials C e n tral c ellent fork, edger, scythe, axes rigation, i n Package. EOE OR. 541-419-2713 & handles, split mauls, Visit our website at MADRAS Habitat irrig. boots, weathervane. 541-504-9747 wchcd.org or contact RESTORE Get your Building Supply Resale Linda Childers, SUPER TOP SOIL Quality at business (541)426-531 3 www.hetshe sooandbark.com LOW PRICES Screened, soil 8 com84 SW K St. post m i x ed , no Office Assistant 541-475-9722 rocks/clods. High hu- a ROW I N G r ado, w oo d lo o k , game-bird mugs, gun Open to the public. Needed mus level, exc. f or Opportunity to work fullflower beds, lawns, with an ad in cases, scabbard; fish Schnauzer purebred mini $150. 541-388-1533 266 time in fast-paced real gardens, straight puppies, 1F / 1M, shots, Men's Burton freestyle gaffs, scale, nets; golf The Bulletin's Heating 8 Stoves estate office in Reds creened to p s o i l . b indings, $75 o b o . clubs. tarps, vests, tow roomed, ready to go! "Call A Service mond. Must be a selfchains, jack 8 batt chrgr, Bark. Clean fill. De500 ea. 541-678-3924 541-388-1533 starter, m u lti-tasker, NOTICE TO more! 541-504-9747 liver/you haul. Professional" Silence 152, women's ADVERTISER with strong communiYorkies, 2 purebred fe541-548-3949. Directory males, ready to go! $600 Burton custom bindings, Since September 29, cation skills, and a 251 $150. 541-388-1533 270 great attitude that is each. 541-460-3884 1991, advertising for Hot Tubs & Spas highly organized. Start used woodstoves has Lost & Found 210 limited to modat $11 00/hr with room Produce & Food Sauna, 2-person, cedar, been Guns, Hunting to grow for the right which have been FOUND: digital camera Furniture & Appliances all bells & whistles. $999. els & Fishing c ertified by the O r - in road by Drake Park. individual. Email reTHOMAS 206-369-2016 (Bend) sume and cover letter egon Department of ORCHARDS 541-550-6498 A1 Washers&Dryers 1911 A merican Arms Environmental Qualto Kimberly, OR: 256 $150 ea. Full warPK22 semi-auto pistol, ity (DEQ) and the fed- Found men's Rx glasses, Last day of the season stace davis© kwc.net ranty. Free Del. Also $200. 541-647-8931 Computers eral E n v ironmentalFoster Grant frame, Dilfor the fruit stand wanted, used W/D's Protection A g e ncylon Falls trail, 10/21. Call to be open. Oct. 29! Garage Sales 1911 Gold USMC Com541-280-7355 T HE B U LLETIN r e - (EPA) as having met to I.D., 541-382-3254 New Fall Hours memorative, $1350. quires computer adsmoke emission stanClosed Tues 8 Wed. Walther P22 $325 Garage Sales Lost: 6 mo. old brown vertisers with multiple dards. A cer t ified open Thurs.-Mon,. GENERATE SOME ex- Ruger Mini 14 tact. rifle, 10 a.m. 4 p.m. only. ad schedules or those w oodstove may b e Pitbull puppy, near citement i n your $725. Rem 700 30-06, Garage Sales identified by its certifi- Alfalfa Rd. Turquoise Bring Containers! neighborhood! Plan a rifle, $425. 541-647-8931 selling multiple syscollar, no hair on end tems/ software, to discation label, which is Find them garage sale and don't Bend local pays CASH!! close the name of the permanently attached of tail. Reward! Call Ready Picked Apples: forget to advertise in for Guns, Knives 8 541-280-4071 From Bins, $0.65/lb. in business or the term to the stove. The Bulclassified! Ammo. 541-647-8931 Golden Delicious, Red "dealer" in their ads. letin will no t k n owThe Bulletin 541-385-5809. Look for Information Delicious, Cameo, Private party advertis- ingly accept advertis- People CASH!! About Products and Classifieds Granny Smith, Fuji Recliner chair, leather ers are defined as ing for the sale of For Guns, Ammo 8 Services Every Day through Ethan Allen, $ 2 45. Reloading Supplies. those who sell one uncertified Visit us on Facebook for 541-385-5809 The Bulletin ClassiNeds updates. 541-934-2870 Culver, 541-546-9008 541-408-6900. computer. woodstoves.

The Bulletin

current on all shots, Free to good, loving home only. 541-914-8438


r+ g o n ~

WHEN BUYING FIREWOOD... To avoid fraud,


k 2 0! Ad must CANARIES include price of 2012 Waterslagers, it t $ 500 appear every day in the Staffords, Red Facor less, or multiple print or on line. tors, 2 males, 12 feHoliday Bazaar items whose total males, $45 ea. Terre- HAVANESE P U PPIES Call 541-385-5809 does not exceed & Craft Shows bonne, 541-420-2149. AKC, Dewclaws, UTD www.bendbulletin.com $500. shots/wormer, nonshed, Dachshund AKC mini Community Clothing, h ypoallergenic, $ 8 5 0 Call Classifieds at ServingCentrei Oregon sinte fggg Food and DryGoods www.bendweenies.com 541-460-1277. 541-385-5809 $375. 541-508-4558 Drive @ High Desert ~M ore Pix at Beodbolletin.c Washer: Maytag front www.bendbulletin.com Assisted Living, 2660 load, cherry red, 3 yrs NE Mary Rose Place, Kittens/cats avail. thru $350. 5 4 1-923-7394 DO YOU HAVE rescue group. Tame, or stickbug@q.com Bend, Oct. 15-31. SOMETHING TO For Sale: FAL .308 with shots, altered, ID chip, Drop off your donaSELL scope and 20 round more. Sat/Sun 1-5, call TheBulletin tions between 8 a.m. FOR $500 OR mag. $700. Call Kyle re: other days. 65480 and 7 p.m. daily. LESS? recommends extra at (541) 678-3233 78th St., Bend , Non-commercial (Clothing may be new ne p 5 41-389-8420; 598 - ioeto advertisers may chasing products or • GUN SHOW or gently used and will 5488; photos, etc. at place an ad with be dispersed to Bethservices from out of I Nov. 10 & 11th, 2012 www.craftcats.org our' the area. Sending ~ Deschutes Fairgrounds lehem Inn residents) "QUICK CASH 541-312-2003 Buy! Sell! Trade! Labradoodle pups ready cash, checks, or SPECIAL" for forever homes. 2nd I credit i n f o rmation SAT. 9-5 • SUN. 10-3 Ambiance Art Coopera- 1 week 3 lines 12 generation.541-647-9831 may be subjected to $8 Admission, tive, 435 S. Ever~k g ke! www.happytailsmini I FRAUD. For more 12 & underfree. green, Redmond, is Ad must include aussiesanddoodles.com information about an t OREGON TRAIL GUN looking for artists and price of single item advertiser, you may craftsman for Nov/Dec Labradoodles - Mini & / call t h e Or e gon / SHOWS 541-347-2120 of $500 or less, or Handmade only. med size, several colors multiple items ' State Attor ney ' Mossberg Maverick 88 541-504-2662 $50 mo., 25% comm. whose total does camo 12g shotgun, www.alpen-ridge.com I General's O f f i ce Susan, 541-350-4847 not exceed $500. Consumer P rotec- • $200. 541-647-8931 Patty 541- 350-4845 t ion ho t l in e at I Labradors (2), age 4 Call Classifieds at Walther PPQ 9mm pismos., may have inter- I 1-877-877-9392. Saturday Indoors 541-385-5809 tol like new. 2 mag's. nal medical problems. Market Sales www.bendbulletin.com Paid $640 will sell for Free to good homes. Oct. thru March $450. 541 410-0546 541-536-5385 Craftsman, artisans and antiques, at Mason's English Bulldog Puppy, Maltese pups, 7 weeks, 2 Wanted: Collector only one left! AKC reg- males, $350, 2 females, Hall 1036 NE 8th St. Antiques & seeks high quality All shots up to (behind 7-11 Store on istered. $450 ea., adorable lovfishing items. date & mi c rochipped, Collectibles 8th St./Greenwood. ing, frisky & fl u ffy! Call 541-678-5753, or $2000. 541-416-0375 541-678-0120 503-351-2746 Breyer collectible horses 205 vintage from 1 975Items for Free 1980 Prices vary at Wanted: WWII M1 CarColt Commando, $20 or less. Also tack bine, FREE 32" Toshiba color & s t ables for sale. Colt 1911, S&W VicTV, works good, you tory, 541-389-9836. 541-504-9078 move. 541-617-9365 Secretary/china cabinet, English Bulldogs DOB 208 coppertub, yokes, pack Call a Pro 8/6/12. Healthy show PEMBROKE saddle, metal chest, p arents AK C r e g . Pets 8 Supplies Whether you need a WELSH CORGI! pedestal oval vase. Demales/females $1600 Both parents on site. fence fixed,hedges canters w/seals: Duck, obo. 541-410-0344 Darling little character, Stat of Lib., J. Wayne, The Bulletin recom- IEsIMore Pix at Bendbolletin.c trimmed or a house personality plus plus! Crown Royal, Wild Turmends extra caution built, you'll find Ready the week of key. 541-504-9747 when purc h asHalloween. Taking professional help in ing products or serdep. now. $400 Call The Bulletin reserves The Bulletin's "Call a vices from out of the the right to publish all or text: 541-633-5535 area. Sending cash, ads from The Bulletin Service Professional" checks, or credit inPOODLEpups, AKC toy newspaper onto The Directory f ormation may b e POM-A-POO pups, toy. Bulletin Internet webpups. Ready 541-385-5809 subjected to fraud. Frenchton site. So cute! 541-475-3889 homes on 10/28. For more i nforma- for Registered parents on POODLE TOY PUPPIES tion about an adversite. Puppy package Parents on site, $300247 gerving CentralOregon snee lggg tiser, you may call to $950. $350 ea. 541-520-7259 Sporting Goods the O r egon State included.$900 541-548-0747 Attorney General's - Misc. Snowboards Office C o n sumer I UUIMore Pix at Beodbolletin.c Queensland Heelers standard 8 mini,$150 & Protection hotline at German Shepherd pure- up. 541-280-1537 http:// 168 K2 Legend Eldo- Winch pullers, lanterns, 1-877-877-9392. sleep bags, rain jackets, bred 6-mo. male, black, rtghtwayranch.wordpressreom

The Bulletin



AUSSIES, M I N I/TOY AKC, all colors, $325 & up, parents on site.

J Want to Buy or Rent

A v e .

The Bulletin





No. 0919

Edited by Will Shortz Across -on-Don, Russian port of 1+ million 7 Tycoon, informally 13 Theoretically 15 Maryland state symbol 16 Wassily RussianAmerican Nobelist in Economics 18 Like the Kremlin 19 Comics outburst 20 Conservative leader? 21 Divulges 1

22 Nouri al-Maliki,

31 "Third Uncle" singer 32 When repeated, cry after an award is bestowed 33 Alphabet run 34 Clay pigeon

57 Treadmill setting 58 Half 59 It's not required 62 Info on a personal check: Abbr. 63 Mandela portrayer in launcher "Invictus," 2009 35 End of the saying 64 Long Island 38 Persevering, say county 41 Dictionnaire entry 65 Certain race entry 42 Shade of red Down 46 Single dose? 47 "Got milk?" cry, 1 Product whose commercials ran perhaps for a spell on TV? 48 Cerumen 2 Undiversified, as 49 "For hire" org. of a farm the 1930s 3 Expo '74 locale 50 Picker-upper 4 Go for the 52 Watts in a film bronze? projector?

for one 25 Pro 27 Highest-rated 53 Drill instructors? 28 They may be sold 55 What may be by the dozen caught with bare 30 Desirous look hands?

5 Go (for) 6 Red Cross hot

line? 7 Start of a fourpart saying ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 8 Unpaid debt P AG E AM O N G D I N 9 Window E L U T EF O L I OE L I treatment AL I A S T E D K O P P E L 10 Ride up and L E T I T P A S S D E P T S dowil? V A L OR ADZ 11 City in the 6 I R PO V A L E 1 I G Alleghenies








7 14







25 29

Homes for Sale


$474,900 Set In The Ponderosa Pines. Soaring ceil-




ings, fireplace, large

33 35


























40 It l eans to the

right 43 Setting for Clint

36 Create an openended view?

Eastwood's "Flags of Our

37 Stand for


38 Lady pitcher

Hunter Properties

bend and beyond real estate 20967 yeoman, bend or

Puzzle by Michael Shteyman

34 Latin land

541-977-5345 or 541-389-7910




family room with high windows. This home sits at the end of a cul-de-sac on over 5 acres. Deck brings the outdoors in...3 car garage, plus a detached RV barn/boat, separate shop, 1/2 bath! Mike Wilson, Broker.



29 Part 2 of the

'Z7QrjIj 745









15 17



44 Russian urn

47 Italian tourist attraction, in brief

51 Leg part 54 Team that got a new ballpark in 2009

56 Ship hazard 60 Corp. head

No Reserve Timed Online AUCTION


Motorhomes •

Travel Trailers

cQ/) Country Coach Intrigue Springdale 2005 27', 4' 2002, 40' Tag axle. slide in dining/living area, 6, low mi,$15,000 Motorcycles 8 Accessories 400hp Cummins Die- sleeps sel. tw o s l ide-outs.obo. 541-408-3811 Harley Davidson Soft- 4 1,000 m iles, n e w Tail De l uxe 2 0 0 7 , tires 8 batteries. Most options. $95,000 OBO white/cobalt, w / pas541-678-5712 senger kit, Vance 8 Hines muffler system Just too many & kit, 1045 mi., exc. c ond, $19,9 9 9 , collectibles? Springdale 29' 2 0 07, 541-389-9188. slide,Bunkhouse style, Sell them in sleeps 7-8, excellent Harley Heritage Softail, 2003 $1 6 ,900, The Bulletin Classifieds condition, 541-390-2504 $5,000+ in extras, $2000 paint job, 541-385-5809 30K mi. 1 owner, For more information please call 541-385-8090 or 209-605-5537 860


Completely rebuilt/ customized, low miles. Accepting offers. 541-548-4807

Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 29', weatherized, like Econoline RV 1 9 8 9, n ew, f u rnished & fully loaded, exc. cond, ready to go, incl Wine35K m i. , R e duced ard S a tellite dish, $17,950. 541-546-6133 26,995. 541-420-9964 CAN'T BEAT THISl

Need to get an ad in ASAP? You can place it Canyon View Loop online at: Selling to the Highest Bidder 28 Properties www.bendbulletin.com in 5-States! www.corbettbottles.com 541-385-5809 Ends Nov.14th Building Lot in Prongh orn S u b . 23 0 1 3


Look before you buy, below market value! Size 8, mileage DOES matter! Class A 32' Hurri cane by Four Winds, 2007. 12,500 mi, all amenities, Ford V10, Ithr, cherry, slides, like new! New low price, $54,900.

Viking Tent t railer 2 008, c lean, s e l f contained, sleeps 5, easy to tow, great cond. $5200, obo. 541-383-7150.

HD Screaming Eagle 'ii I z l , I g ; 541-548-5216 Electra Glide 2005, 12 Justin Bieber's 103" motor, two tone All real estate adver) For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit A T O L L T E N L O H A N candy teal, new tires, Gulfstream Sce n ic genre tised here in is subcard, 1-600-814-5554. D E L T A WA V E S G N A R Weekend Warrior Toy 23K miles, CD player, Cruiser 36 lt. 1999, ject to t h e F e deral Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday EDO S H E R I T B C E 14 Ship hazard Cummins 330 hp die- Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, F air H o using A c t , hydraulic clutch excrosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. 17 Part 3 of the cellent condition. sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 fuel station, exc cond. U TO T A C O S which makes it illegal AT&T users: Text NYTX to 366 to download puzzles, or visit sleeps 8, black/gray Highest offer takes it. in. kitchen slide out, saying nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. to advertise any prefA T B AY D E B UT A N T E 541-480-8080. new tires, under cover, i nterior, u se d 3X , Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past erence, limitation or NO RW E G I A N A C H E S 23 Search puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). discrimination based Honda Elite 80 2001, hwy. miles only,4 door $24,999. TA I A L E T A S T A R T 24 Intense desire 541-389-9188 ice Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. on race, color, reli1400 mi., absolutely f ridge/freezer S T E RO S S I I M N O 26 Silver State city Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords. gion, sex, handicap, like new., comes w/ maker, W/D combo, Interbath t ub & familial status or na- carrying rack for 2" Looking for your tional origin, or inten- receiver, ideal for use shower, 50 amp pronext employee? 476 476 648 pane gen 8 m o re! tion to make any such w/motorhome, $995, Place a Bulletin help Employment Employment Houses for $55,000. Xlmim preferences, l i m ita- 541-546-6920 wanted ad today and 541-948-2310 tions or discrimination. Opportunities Opportunities Rent General reach over 60,000 8 &Hxem We will not knowingly readers each week. Softail Deluxe accept any advertisTake care of Your classified ad PUBLISHER'S Parenting The Bulletin 2010, 805 miles, ing for r ea l e state will also appear on NOTICE Facilitator/DRCM your investments Black Chameleon. I Recommends extra bendbulletin com All real estate adver- which is in violation of Part time. caution when purwith the help from $17,000 which currently retising in this newspa- this law. All persons Pathfinders provides chasing products or I ceives over 1.5 milCall Don O per is subject to the are hereby informed The Bulletin's parenting classes services from out of ' lion page views evF air H o using A c t that all dwellings ad541-410-3823 630 "Call A Service t o inmates i n a I the area. Sending 528 vertised are available ery month at no which makes it illegal state correction fa- c ash, c hecks, o r Rooms for Rent "any on an equal opportuextra cost. Bulletin to a d v ertise Loans 8 Mortgages Professional" Directory 870 Classifieds Get Rec ility. 3 p l u s y r s I credit i n f o rmationI preference, limitation nity basis. The Bullebe subjected to NE Bend: pvt bath/entry/ or sults! Call 385-5809 disc r imination tin Classified Boats 8 Accessories exp/educ in social I may WARNING FRAUD. patio, laundry, no smkg, based on race, color, or place your ad The Bulletin recomservices or related For more i nforma749 on-line at religion, sex, handi13' mends you use cau- $495. 541-317-1879 Smokercraft f ield. Over 2 1 + tion about an adverbendbulletin.com tion when you pro- Studios & Kitchenettes cap, familial status, Southeast Bend Homes 1985, good cond., Hunter's Delight! Packbackground check I tiser, you may call deal! 1988 Winvide personal Furnished room, TV w/ marital status or na15HP gas Evinrude age required. Resume the Oregon State nebago Super Chief, information to compa- cable, micro & fridge. tional origin, or an inNE Bend + Minakota 44 elec. + cover letter to: I Attorney General's 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t tention to make any nies offering loans or Utils & l inens. New McCall Landing Office Co n s umer i Fifth Wheels resurns S pathcredit, especially owners. $145-$165/wk such pre f erence,Our Newest Community motor, fish finder, 2 shape; 1988 Bronco II extra seats, trailer, 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K findersoforegon.org Protection hotline at I 541-382-1885 limitation or discrimithose asking for adStarting in the Mid extra equip. $3200. mostly towed miles, vance loan fees or nation." Familial stare: DRCM 10.2012. I 1-877-877-9392. $100,000's. 634 nice rig! $15,000 both. tus includes children 541-388-9270 companies from out of Pahlisch Homes $12.70 — 14.0/hour. iThe Bulletin 541-382-3964, leave Apt./Multiplex NE Bend under the age of 18 state. If you have The Hasson msg. Remember.... living with parents or concerns or quesCompany Realtors. 17' 1984 Chris Craft * $299 1st mo rentll A dd your we b a d tions, we suggest you legal cust o dians, Rhianna Kunkler, - Scorpion, 140 HP Check out the dress to your ad and pregnant women, and Broker, 541-306-0939 inboard/outboard, 2 consult your attorney GET THEM BEFORE Itasca Spirit Class C Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 classifieds online THEY ARE GONE! or call CONSUMER people securing cus2007, 20K miles, front readers on The wwtN.bendbulletin.com depth finders, trollby Carriage, 4 slide2 bdrm, 1 bath tody of children under HOTLINE, entertainment center, Bulletin' s web site ing motor, full cover, TURN THE PAGE outs, inverter, satelUpdated daily $530 8 $540 1-877-877-9392. 18. This newspaper all bells & whistles, will be able to click EZ - L oad t railer, lite sys, fireplace, 2 For More Ads Carports & A/C included! will not knowingly acextremely good conthrough automatically $3500 OBO. flat screen TVs. BANK TURNED YOU Fox Hollow Apts. cept any advertising The Bulletin dition, 2 s l ides, 2 to your site. 541-382-3728. Looking for your next $60,000. DOWN? Private party (541 j 383-3152 for real estate which is HDTV's, $45,000 541-480-3923 employee? will loan on real es- Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co in violation of the law. OBO. 541-447-5484 Find exactly what Place a Bulletin help 750 tate equity. Credit, no *Upstairs only with lease O ur r e aders a r e 17' Seaswirl 1988 you are looking for in the wanted ad today and problem, good equity Redmond Homes hereby informed that open bow, r ebuilt reach over 60,000 is all you need. Call USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! all dwellings adverCLASSIFIEDS Chev V 6 e n g ine, readers each week. now. Oregon Land Gigantic Views tised in this newspanew uph o lstery, Your classified ad Door-to-door selling with Mortgage 388-4200. Quality Fuqua home, 3 per are available on $3900 obo. Bend. Sales will also appear on fast results! It's the easiest an equal opportunity bdrm, 2 bath, 1572 SF 707-688-4523 Telephone prospecting bendbulletin.com E ver Consider a R e way in the world to sell. basis. To complain of Shop and greenhouse Fleetwood Wilderness position for important which currently verse Mortgage? At $136,900 discrimination cal l Jayco Seneca 2007, 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, aastMe professional services. receives over 1.5 least 62 years old? MLS 201200450 The Bulletin Classified HUD t o l l-free at 17K rn., 35ft., Chevy rear bdrm, fireplace, I Income pote n tial million page views Stay in your home & 1-800-877-0246. The Gail Day 541-306-1018 1 e 5500 d i e sel , t oy AC, W/D hkup beau541-385-5809 $50,000. (average inevery month at increase cash f low! Central Oregon toll f re e t e l ephone hauler $130 , 000. tiful u nit! $ 3 0,500. come 30k-35k) opno extra cost. Safe & Effective! Call Realty Group LLC 541-389-2636. 541-815-2380 Call for Specials! number for the hearportunity f o r adBulletin Classifieds Now for your FREE Limited numbers avail. ing im p aired is vancement. Base & Get Results! DVD! C a l l Now 1-800-927-9275. 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. Commission, Health Looking for your next 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 Call 385-5809 888-785-5938. W/D hookups, patios emp/oyee? and Dental Benefits. Volvo Penta, 270HP, or place (PNDC) or decks. Will train the right perPlace a Bulletin help low hrs., must see, your ad on-line at 650 MOUNTAIN GLEN, son. Fax resume to: LOCAL MONEYtWe buy wanted ad today and $15,000, 541-330-3939 bendbulletin.com 541-383-9313 secured trust deeds & Houses for Rent 541-848-6408. reach over 60,000 K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 Professionally note, some hard money readers each week. NE Bend slide, AC, TV, awning. Immaculate! loans. Call Pat Kellev managed by Norris 8 Your classified ad NEW: tires, converter, Sales Beaver Coach Marquis 541-382-3099 ext.13. Stevens, Inc. will also appear on batteries. Hardly used. 20.5' 2004 Bayliner 40' 1987. New cover, Looking for your next bendbulletin.com 636 205 Run About, 220 Reverse Mortgages new paint (2004), new $15,500. 541-923-2595 Independent Contractor Sales employee? which currently reHP, VB, open bow, bylocal expert Mike inverter (2007). Onan We are seeking dynamic individuals. Apt./Multiplex NW Bend Place a Bulletin help ceives over LeRoux NMLs57716 exc. cond., very fast 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, wanted ad today and 1.5 million page Call to learn more. w/very low hours, parked covered $35,000 141 NW P o rtland, 2 DOES THIS SOUND LIKE VOU? reach over 60,000 views every month 541-350-7839 lots of extras incl. obo. 541-419-9859 or • OUTGOING & COMPETITIVE bdrm, oak cabinets, DW, readers each week. at no extra cost. Securitv1 Lending tower, Bimini & 541-280-2014 W/S/G & cable paid, • PERSONABLE 8 ENTHUSIASTIC Your classified ad Bulletin Classifieds NMLS98161 custom trailer, laundry facilities. $650, • CONSISTENT 8 MOTIVATED will also appear on Get Results! $19,500. $500 dep. 541-617-1101 MONTANA 3585 2008, bendbulletin.com, 573 Call 385-5809 or 541-389-1413 exc. cond., 3 slides, Our winning team of sales & promotion currently receiving place your ad on-line Business Opportunities Call The Bulletin At king bed, Irg LR, Arcover 1.5 million page professionals are making an average of at 541-385-5809 tic insulation, all opviews, every month bendbulletin.com $400 - $800 per week doing special Place Your Ad Or E-Mail tions $37,500. at no extra cost. Looking for your events, trade shows, retail & grocery 541-420-3250 At: www.bendbulletin.com Monaco Dynasty 2004, Bulletin Classifieds next employee? store promotions while representing 762 loaded, 3 slides, die20.5' Seaswirl SpyGet Results! Place a Bulletin help 642 THE BULLETIN newspaper sel, Reduced - now NuWa 29 7LK Hi t chder 1989 H.O. 302, Homes with Acreage wanted ad today and Apt./Multiplex Redmond Call 541-385-5809 or 2007, 3 slides, as an independent contractor 285 hrs., exc. cond., $119,000, 5 4 1-923- Hiker place your ad on-line reach over 60,000 32' touring coach, left 8572 or 541-749-0037 at stored indoors for 5 Acres, 2 irrigated, E. readers each week. kitchen, rear lounge, Duplex 2 bdrm/1 bath, H/E OFFER: bendbulletin.com side of Bend, 4 bdrm, life $11,900 OBO. Your classified ad many extras, beautiful appl., W/D hookup, *Solid Income Opportunity* 2.5 bath, small shed, 541-379-3530 will also appear on c ond. inside & o u t, fenced yard, storage *Complete Training Program* must be pre-qualified, bendbulletin.com $34 499 OBO Prinevshed, $599+dep., $350,000, 541-389-7481 Ads published in the *No Selling Door to Door * which currently reille. 541-447-5502 days 654 2812 SW 24th. * "Boats" classification L~ ceives over 1.5 mil& 541-447-1641 eves. *No Telemarketing Involved 541-815-1146. Houses for Rent 773 include: Speed, fishlion page views *Great Advancement Opportunity* Southwind 35.5' Triton, every month at SE Bend Acreages ing, drift, canoe, TRIPLEX - 2 bdrm, 2 * Full and Part Time Hours * house and sail boats. 2008,V10, 2 slides, Duno extra cost. bath, 1130 sq. ft., w/d ta ~l Bulletin Classifieds 20257 Knights Bridge Alfalfa farm opportunity For all other types of pont UV coat, 7500 mi. in h o use, mi c ro, FOR THE CHANCE OF A Bought new at Place, brand new atercraft, please see Get Results! Call Over 700 acres with fridge, d/w. WSG & LIFETIME, $132,913; 453 irrigated acres. Class 875. 385-5809 or place gardener pd., garage deluxe 3 bdrm, 2t/2 bath, asking $93,500. 1880 sq. ft. home. Call Adam Johnson 541-385-5809 Producing over 2000 your ad on-line at w/opener $625/mo. + Call 541-419-4212 Pilgrim 27', 2007 5t h 541-410-5521, TODAY! bendbulletin.com security dep., v e ry $1195. 541-350-2206 quality tons per year. wheel, 1 s lide, AC, Includes 2 hay barns, clean. 541-604-0338. Where can you find a TV,full awning, excel2 shops and 3 homes. helping hand? lent shape, $23,900. GENERATE SOME exCandice Anderson, Independent Contractor 541-350-8629 citement in your neigBroker 541-788-8878 From contractors to borhood. Plan a gaJohn L. Scott rage sale and don't yard care, it's all here Real Estate, Bend in The Bulletin's forget to advertise in www.johnlscott.com classified! 385-5809. "Call A Service Professional" Directory CHECK YOUR AD Serv>nc Central Oregon «me 1903 Please check your ad Pilgrim In t e rnational 881 286 292 on the first day it runs 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, Used out-drive Travel Trailers to make sure it is corModel¹M-349 RLDS-5 Sales Northeast Bend Sales Other Areas parts - Mercury rect. Sometimes inFall price $ 2 1,865. OMC rebuilt mas tructions over t h e 541-312-4466 Furn. & Hou s eholdDownsizing/Moving Sale! ++++++++++++++++++ rine motors: 151 phone are misunderitems. Fri., 8 Sat, 8-4. Collectibles, pool table, stood and a n e r ror $1595; 3.0 $1895; Oak dining set, enter1188 NE 27th St. ¹70, can occurin your ad. 4.3 (1993), $1995. tainment center, houseSnowberry Village. 541-389-0435 If this happens to your hold goods, more! Oct ad, please contact us 26-27, 9am-4pm, 14591 Pioneer Spirit 18CK, ** FREE ** the first day your ad Bluegrass Loop (Cross2007, used only 4x, AC, roads), in Sisters. appears and we will Garage Sale KIt electric tongue j ack, Regal Prowler AX6 ExWatercraft be happy to fix it as Place an ad in The $8995. 541-389-7669 tremeEdition 38' '05, Huge Moving Sale! s oon as w e c a n . Bulletin for your ga4 slides,2 fireplaces, all ROUADigorgio 1971 Tools, furniture & more. We are looking for independent contractors to Deadlines are: Weekrage sale and re2007 SeaDoo 16213 Mtn. Sheep Lane, fridge, heater, propane maple cabs, king bed/ days 11:00 noon for ceive a Garage Sale service home delivery routes jn: 2004 Waverunner, Sunriver. Oct. 26-27; & elec. Iights, awning, bdrm separated w/slide next day, Sat. 11:00 Kit FREE! excellent condition, 2 spares, extra insu- glass dr,loaded,always Fri. 9-3, & Sat., 9-noon. a.m. for Sunday and LOW hours. Double lation for late season garaged,lived in only 3 KIT INCLUDES: Monday. trailer, lots of extras. mo,brand new $54,000, MOVING SALE Thurs, hunting/cold weather • 4 Garage Sale Signs 541-385-5809 $10,000 Fri, Sat. 9-4 Housecamping, well maint, still like new, $28,500, • $2.00 Off Coupon To Thank you! 541-719-8444 hold items, furniture, very roomy, sleeps 5, will deliver,see rvt.com, Use Toward Your The Bulletin Classified Must be available 7 days a week, early morning hours. reat f o r hu n t ing, ad¹4957646 for pics. garden tools, patio Next Ad Cory, 541-580-7334 set, freezer, area rug, 3200, 541-410-6561 • 10 Tips For "Garage Must have reliable, insured vehicle. Ads published in "WaSale Success!" storage racks, bakers tercraft" include: Kay775 rack. 55846 W o od Want to impress the aks, rafts and motorSay "goodbuy" Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 Manufactured/ Duck, off Century Dr. lzed personal relatives? Remodel to that unused during business hours PICK UP YOUR Mobile Homes watercrafts. For your home with the GARAGE SALE KIT at Just bought 8 newboat? apply Vja email at Online©bendbuljetjn.COm " boats" please s e e item by placing it in help of a professional 1777 SW Chandler FACTORY SPECIAL Class 870. Sell your oldonejn the The Bulletin Classifieds Ave., Bend, OR 97702 from The Bulletin's New Home, 3 bdrm, i5 41-385-5809 CjaSSjfiedS!ASkabOut our $47,500 finished "Call A Service The Bulletin Super Seller rates! on your site,541.548.5511 Professional" Directory 541 -385-5809 541-385-5809 www.JandMHomes.com SezzmgCentral Omgcc smce 1903 P AS A





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Utility Trailers 0D


Antique & Classic Autos



Sport Utility Vehicles


Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 4x4. 120K mi, Power Cadillac Seville STS seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd 2003 - just finished Big TexLandscaprow seating, e xtra $4900 engine work ing/ ATV Trailer, tires, CD, privacy tint- by Certified GM medual axle flatbed, ing, upgraded rims. chanic. Has every7'x16', 7000 lb. Fantastic cond. $7995 thing but navigation. at Too many bells and GVW, all steel, 908 FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, VW Thing 1974, good Contact Timm $1400. door panels w/flowers cond. Extremely Rare! 541-408-2393 for info whistles to l i s t. Aircraft, Parts or to view vehicle. bought a new one. 541-382-4115, or 8 hummingbirds, Only built in 1973 & $4900 & Service 541-280-7024. white soft top & hard 1 974. $8,000 . 541-420-1283 541-389-2636 top. Just reduced to $3,750. 541-317-9319 931 Ford Excu r sion Automotive Parts, P ickups • 2005, 4WD, diesel, Service & Accessories exc. cond., $18,900, F250 2010 Super duty call 541-923-0231. 4 Studless winter tracXLT 4x4 crew cab 1/3 interest in Columtiontiresonwheels, diesel. ONLY 20k mi. bia 400, located at Chrysler Sebring2006 225/60R- 1 6, $350 $37,995 ¹AE84931 $1 38 500 Fully loaded, exc.cond, 541 -41 0-0886 Call 541 647 371 8 Ford Galaxie500 1983, very low miles (38k), always garaged, Michelin tires, 70% 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, Oregos 1/3 interest i n w e l l- Two 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & AutnSource transferable warranty 215 / 16-R16, equipped IFR Beech tread radio (orig),541-419-4989 541-598-3750 incl. $8600 GMC Yukon XL S LT B onanza A 36 , lo - $80. 541-382-0421 aaaoregonautosource.com 541-330-4087 2004, loaded w/faccated KBDN. $55,000. Winter Tires 4 Bridge- Ford Mustang Coupe tory dvd, 3r d s eat, 541-419-9510 1966, original owner, s tone 2 2 5/55 R 1 6 V8, automatic, great $7100. 541-280-6947 Chev short box Ford Crown Vic. 95W on alloy rims, shape, $9000 OBO. step-side pickup, Executive Hangar 1997 4 door, 127k, like new, tire pres530-515-8199 at Bend Airport 1987, excellent d rives, runs a n d sure monitors incl. (KBDN) shape inside & out looks great, extra (Retail@$1900) $650. 60' wide x 50' deep, set of winter tires on all electric, all In Bend 619-889-5422 Ford Ranchero w/55' wide x 17' high rims, only $3000. works, $4500. 1979 bi-fold door. Natural 541-771-6500. 932 541-382-5309 with 351 Cleveland Jeep Willys 1947,custom, gas heat, office, bathAntique & modified engine. small block Chevy, PS, room. Parking for 6 Body is in Classic Autos OD, mags+trailer. Swap Infinity G35 Coupe c ars. A djacent t o excellent condition, for backhoe.No am calls 2004, Frontage Rd; g reat B l a ck , 1 $2500 obo. please. 541-389-6990 visibility for a viation owner, no accidents, 541-420-4677 bus. 1jetjock©q.com Mercury M o untaineer manual trans., great 541-948-2126 1999 A WD , le a ther cond., n a v igation, 1921 Model T The Bullefin seats, moonroof, key- 74K m i . , $6 2 0 0. Chevy Silverado 2500 Delivery Truck To Subscribe call pad entry, 141K, $3,000. Please call HD LT 2001 Crew Restored & Runs 541-385-5800 or go to 541-593-2321 or 6.6L diesel auto 4X4 541-312-8290 $9000. email www.bendbulletin.com 98K, exc. cnd $17,900 IFW 541-389-8963 johnmason2280O 541-312-9312 %P-;j;%fj7~ gmail.com Ford T-Bird 1966 ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP 390 engine, power Mitsubishi 3 00 0 GT SHARE LEFT! everything, new Economical flying in 1999, a uto., p e a rl paint, 54K original Porsche Cayenne 2004, w hite, very low m i . your ow n C e s sna miles, runs great, 86k, immac, dealer $9500. 541-788-8218. 172/180 HP for only excellent cond. in 8 maint'd, loaded, now $ 10,000! Based a t out. Asking $8,500. Ford 250 XLT 1990, $1 7000. 503-459-1 580 Nissan Sentra, 2012Chevy C-20 Pickup 541-480-3179 BDN. Call Gabe at 6 yd. dump bed, 12,610 mi, full warranty, ProfessionalAir! 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; 139k, Auto, $5500. 940 PS, PB, AC, & more! auto 4-spd, 396, model 541-388-0019 541-410-9997 Vans $17,000. 541-788-0427 CST /all options, orig. Ford F250 XLT 1993 owner, $24,000, Look at: 541-923-6049 extended cab, 83,500 Bendhomes.com miles, tow pkg, $3500. for Complete Listings of Call 541-408-1984 Area Real Estate for Sale GMC b ton 1971, Only $19,700! Original low 918 mile, exceptional, 3rd Chevrolet G20 Sports- Porsche 911 1974, low Trucks 8 Ford F250 XLT 4x4 man, 1993, exlnt cond, mi., complete motor/ owner. 951-699-7171 L ariat, 1990, r e d , Heavy Equipment $4750. 541-362-5559 or trans. rebuild, tuned 1980 Chevy C30, 16K 80K original miles, 541-663-6046 suspension, int. & ext. original miles, 400 cu in, 4" lift with 39's, well refurb., oi l c o o ling, auto, 4WD, winch. $7000 maintained, $4000 shows new in & out, obo. 541-389-2600 Chevy Astro Mercury M o n terrey obo. 541-419-5495 p erf. m e ch. c o n d. Cargo I/an 2001, 1965, Exc. All original, Much more! Need help fixing stuff? pw, pdl, great cond., $28,000 4-dr. sedan, in stor541-420-2715 business car, well Call A Service Professional age last 15 yrs., 390 find the help you need. m aint, regular o i l High C o m pression PORSCHE 914 1974, Diamond Reo Dump c hanges, $4 5 0 0 , engine, new tires 8 liRoller (no engine), Truck 1 974, 12 -14 www.bendbulletin.com please call c ense, reduced t o lowered, full roll cage, yard box, runs good, 541-633-5149 5-pt harnesses, rac$2850, 541-410-3425. $6900, 541-548-6812 ing seats, 911 dash 8 Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, Chevy G-20 c u stom instruments, d e cent 7 1K, X- c ab , X L T , conversion travel van v e r y c o ol! auto, 4 . 0L, $ 8 4 00 1994 128k, 5.7L, rear shape, $1699. 541-678-3249 OBO. 541-388-0232 elect. bed, 75% tires. a Chevy Wagon 1957, real beauty in 8 out! Travel in economy and Toyota Camry'sr 4-dr., complete, GMC '/4-ton B a r racuda style and under $4000. Econoline t raile r $15,000 OBO, trades, Plymouth 19S4, $1200 obo; 4WD, 1997, Bob, 541-318-9999 1 6-Ton 29' B ed, please call 1966, original car! 300 Diesel engine, extra 1985 SOLD; 541-420-5453. hp, 360 V8, centerw/fold up ramps, elec. cab, good shape, 1986 parts car, 975 brakes, P i n tlehitch, lines, (Original 273 electric windows, $500. Automobiles $4700, 541-548-6812 Chrysler 300 C o upe eng & wheels incl.) door locks & seats, Call for details, 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, 541-593-2597 $5000 obo. 541-548-6592 auto. trans, ps, air, Audi 84 Cabriolet 2005 541-382-5309 G K E AT 50K mi, red w/charcoal frame on rebuild, re- PROJECT CARS: Chevy interior, 2 sets tires, painted original blue, 2-dr FB 1949 & Chevy exc. cond., $19,950 What are you original blue interior, Coupe 1950 - rolling 541-350-5373. Hyster H25E, runs original hub caps, exc. chassis's $1750 ea., looking for? well, 2982 Hours, chrome, asking $9000 Chevy 4-dr 1949, comBuicks! 1996 Regal, piete car, $1949; Ca- I nternational Fla t $3500,call or make offer. You'll find it in 87k; 1997 LeSabre, dillac Series 61 1950, 2 Bed Pickup 1963, 1 541-749-0724 541-385-9350 112k; and others! dr. hard top, complete t on dually, 4 s p d. The Bulletin Classifieds You'll not find nicer w/spare front c l ip., trans., great MPG, Buicks $3500 & up. $3950, 541-382-7391 could be exc. wood One look's worth a 541-385-5809 runs great, thousand words. Call DON'TMISSIHIS hauler, Chrysler SO 4-Door new brakes, $1950. Bob, 541-318-9999. Toyotas: 1999 Avalon 1930, CD S R oyal 541-41 9-5480. for an appt. and take a 254k; 1996 Camry, Standard, 8-cylinder, VW Karman Ghia drive in a 30 mpg. car Peterbilt 35 9 p o table body is good, needs 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of 1970, good cond., miles left in these water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, some r e s toration, new upholstery and Cadillac CTS S e dan cars. Price? You tell 3200 gal. tank, 5hp 2007, 29K, auto, exc. runs, taking bids, convertible top. me! I'd guess pump, 4-3" h o ses, 541-383-3888, cond, loaded, $17,900 $10,000. I nternational Fla t camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. 541-815-3318 $2000-$4000. OBO, 541-549-8828 541-389-2636 Bed Pickup 1963, 1 541-820-3724 Your servant, Bob at ton dually, 4 s pd. Cadillac E i D o r ado 541-318-9999, no trans., great MPG, 1994, T otal c r e a m charge for looking. could be exc. wood puff, body, paint, trunk hauler, runs great, as showroom, blue Volkswagen Jetta SE, new brakes, $1950. leather, $1700 wheels 2008.40,500 mi, Great 541-419-5480. w/snow tires although condition, FWD, ABS, automatic, AC, mooncar has not been wet roof, CD/MP3 8 much in 8 years. On trip to Call54I 3855809topromoteiaur service' Advertisefar 28daysstarting at IfoflbsspecrvpaaageisnxovaiiableOnourwebsivI more! $12,950 Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., 541-771-2312 $5400, 541-593-4016.

kYo~ Asr/


&&N~ ~




Building/Contracting LandscapingNard Care Landscaplng/Yard Care NOTICE: Oregon state law req u ires anyone who c o n tracts for construction work to be licensed with the C onstruction Con -

Zor/ttz gaaErip Za~gga ~/,.

tractors Board (CCB). More Than Service A n active lice n se Peace Of Mind means the contractor i s bonded an d i n Fall Clean Up s ured. Ver if y t h e Don't track it in all Winter contractor's CCB •Leaves c ense through t h e •Cones CCB Cons u m er • Needles Website • Pruning

www.hirealicensedcontractor. Com

or call 503-378-4621. The Bulletin recommends checking with the CCB prior to contracting with anyone. Some other t r ades also req u ire addi-

tional licenses and certifications. Debris Removal JUNK BE GONE

I Haul Away FREE For Salvage. Also Cleanups & Cleanouts Mel, 541-389-8107 Handyman ERIC REEVE HANDY SERVICES. Home 8 Commercial Repairs, Carpentry-Painting,

• Debris Hauling

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• SnowRemoval • Sprinkler Repair Quality & honesty, from • Back Flow Testing • Fall Clean up carpentry 8 handyman •Weekly Mowing jobs, to expert wall covKelly Kerfoot Const.

28 yrs exp in Central OR!

ering install / removal.

Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 Licensed/bonded/insured 541-389-1413 /410-2422

Senior Discounts Bonded & Insured 541-815-4458 LCB¹8759


Sport Utility Vehicles

SOLD IN 19 DAYS! "Arctic Fox Si/ver Edition 1 140, 2005. 5 hrs on gen; air, s/ideout, dry bath, like new, loaded! . Also 2004Dodge Ram 3500 quad cab dua//y 4x4, 11,800 mi, SuperHitch..." Richard, Bend, OR

Get Results from Qualified Central Oregon Buyers! Call us at 541-385-5809 and ask about our Whee/ Deal S ecial!


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Call 541-815-1216

Weekly/one-time service avail. Bonded, insured, free estimates!

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541-420-3634 /390-1285

Call The Yard Doctor for yard maintenance thatching, sod, sprinkler blowouts, water Buick Enclave 2008 CXL features, more! ecsa caiiyso «» if2< Allen 541-536-1294 miles. $22,900. LCB 5012

Compost Applications Use Less Water

hemiV8, hd, auto, cruise, am/fm/cd. $8400 obro.

541-815-4097 • LCB ¹8451

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Home Improvement

Call Cutting Edge Lawnworks:

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work. CCB¹151573 Dennis 541-317-9788

Sprinkler B/owouts Discounts available

RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L

COLLINS Lawn Maint. Ca/i 541-480-9714


.,Oregonians agree

Sprinkler Blowouts, and Winterization 541-382-1655 LCB¹ 7990

N OTICE: ORE G O N Landscape Contractors Law (ORS 671)

r equires a l l bu s i nesses that advertise t o p e r form L a n dscape C o n struction which incl u des: p lanting, deck s , fences, arbors, w ater-features, a n d installation, repair of irrigation systems to be licensed with the Landscape Contract ors B o a rd . Th i s 4-digit number is to be included in all advertisements which indicate the business has a bond,insurance and workers c ompensation for their employees. For your protection call 503-378-5909 or use our website: www.lcb.state.or.us to check license status before co n t racting with t h e bu s iness. Persons doing landscape m aintenance do not require a LCB license.




Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices




C OURT OF T H E STATE O F OREGON DESCHUTES COUNTY. Federal Na t i onal Mortgage Association, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Frank K. Limberg; Maria A. Limberg; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0883. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on November 29, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 2311 Nort h east Baron Court, Bend, Oregon 97701, to wit, Lot Eight, Block Four, Aspen Heights P hase I I I , De s chutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 2, 2012, to me directed i n the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Federal National Mort-

gage Association, i ts successors i n interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered S t i p ul ated Gener a l Judgment of Foreclosure and Shortening of Redemption Period Against Defendants: 1) Frank K. Limberg 2) Maria A. Limberg on A ugust 1 , 20 1 2 , a gainst Frank K . Limberg and Maria A. Limberg as defendant/s. BEFORE B IDDING AT T H E SALE, A PROSPECTIVE B IDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY

INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor;

(b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e)Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in B end B u lletin. Date of First and Successive Publicat ions:October 1 7 , 2012; October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012. Date of Last Publication: Nov ember 7 , 20 1 2 . Attorney: Tony Kullen, OSB ¹ 090218. Rou t h C rabtree Ols e n , P.C., 621 SW Alder St., Ste 800, Portland, OR 97205-3623, (503) 459-0101. C o n d itions of Sale:Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Deschutes County Sheriff's Off ice to revi e w bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cas h ier's checks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office w il l b e accepted. P a y ment must be made in full i mmediately u p on t he close o f th e sale. LARRY B LANTON, Desc hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: October 11, 2012. LEGAL NOTICE

Bend Landscaping



IN THE C I RCUIT C OURT O F T H E S TATE O F OR EGON DESCHUTES COUNTY Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Eli s s e M. M claughlin; S u n trust Mortgage, Inc.; O ccupants of t h e Premises, D e f endant/s. Case No.: 11CV0970. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.

Youhave aright toknowwhat your government is doing. Current Oregon Iaw requires public notices to be printed in a newspaper whose readers are affected by the notice. But federal, state, and local government agencies erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their web sites instead of in the local newspaper. If they did that,you'd have to know in advance where, when, and how to look, and what to look for, in order to be informed about government actions that could affect you directly. Less than 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a government web site daily,* but 80% of all Oregon adults read a newspaper at least once during an ** average week, and 54% read public notices printed there.

Keeppublic noticesinthenewspaper! 'Us censrrs BuieavMay 2009 "Amerrcan Osnon ResearchPrn(eion Ni sepiernber 2010


Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on December 6, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Off i c e, 63333 W Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 2327 Sou t hwest 31st Street, R e dm ond, Oreg o n

9 7756 t o

wit L o t

T wo, Block T w o, Autumnglen Subdivision, Phase I, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 15, 2012, to me directed i n the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, as plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment of Foreclosure on April 3, 2012, against Elisse M. Mclaughlin, Suntrust Mortgage Inc. and Occupants of t he P remises a s d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE SA L E , A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY

INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in B en d B u l letin. Date of First and Successive Publications: October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012; November 7, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 14, 2 0 12. Attorney: Erik Wilson, OSB ¹095507, Routh Crab t ree O lsen, P.C., 5 1 1 SW 10th St., Suite 400, Portland, OR 97205 (503) 459-0104. C o n d itions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 m i nutes prior to the auction to allow the Desc hutes Coun t y S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r c ashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the s ale. L A R RY B LANTON, Des c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: October 19, 2012.

LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E C I RCUIT C OURT O F T H E STATE O F ORDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Chandra L. Perry A/K/A Chandra L. E ggleston A/ K / A Chandra G u t hrie;

Selco C o mmunity Credit Union, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0648. NOT ICE O F SA L E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION -REAL P ROPERTY.

tice is hereby given t hat I w ill o n N o vember 27, 2012 at 1 1:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 16088 Lava Drive, La Pine, O r egon 9 7739, to w it ,


T hirteen, Bloc k N inety-One, D e s chutes River Recreation Ho m esites, Unit 8, Part II, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of th e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 15, 2012, to me directed in t he a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., i ts successors i n interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment of Foreclosure on May 9, 2012, against Chandra L. P e rry A/K/A Chandra L. E ggleston A/K / A Chandra G u t hrie; and Selco Community Credit Union as d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE SA L E , A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER S H OULD INDEPENDENTLY

INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b)Land use l aws and regulations applicable to the prop-

erty; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w ners; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the

property. Published in B en d B u l letin. D ate of F irst a nd Successive Publications: October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012; November 7, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 14, 2 0 12. Attorney: Erik W i lson, OSB ¹095507, Routh Cra b t ree O lsen, P.C., 6 2 1 SW Alder St., Ste. 800, Portland, OR 97205, (503) 459-0104. C o n d itions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 m i nutes pnor to the auction to allow the D esc hutes Coun t y S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r cashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the s ale. L A RRY B LANTON, Des c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: October 19, 2012.

No -


Legal Notices •

Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON D E S C H UTES C O U N TY. Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Michael J. Brown; Lisha A. Brown, and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 1 1CV0630. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION - REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that I will on November 1, 2012 at 11:45 AM in the main lobby of the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 60111 Hopi Road, Bend, Oregon 97702, to wit, Lot Forty Five (45), Block Q, Deschutes River Woods. More accurately described as follows: Lot Forty Five (45), of Block Q, Deschutes River Woods, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, dated September 7, 2012, to me directed in the above-entitled action wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its succ essors i n i n t erest a nd/or a s signs a s plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment of Foreclosure on August 9, 2 012, against Michael J. Brown; Lisha A. Brown; and Occupants of the Premises as defendant/s. BEFORE BIDDING AT THE SALE, A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a)The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment

creditor; (b)Land use laws and regulations applicabletotheproperty; (c)Approved uses for the property; (d)Limits on farming or forest practices on the property; (e)Rights of neighboring property owners; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and

S uccessive Publications:October 3 , 201 2 ; October 10, 2012; October 17, 2012. Date of Last Publication: October 24, 2012. Attorney: Amber Norling, OSB ¹094593, Routh Crabtree Olsen, P.C, 621 SW Alder St., Suite 800, Portland, Or 97205, 503-459-0115. Conditions of Sale:Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office t o r e view

bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier' s checks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will b e a c cepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon theclose ofthe sale.LARRY BLANTON, Deschutes County Sheriff. Krista Mudrick, Civil Technician. Date: October 1, 2012.












Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

14, 2012. Attorney: Erik Wilson, OSB ¹ 095507, Rout h

and regulations applicable to the prop-




C OURT OF T H E STATE O F OREGON DESCHUTES COUNTY Wells Fargo Bank, NA., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Cheri J . H u nt; M icky L . Hun t ; American General Financial Services

(DE), Incx and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.:

11CV0788. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on December 6, 2012 at 1 1:00 AM in the main lobby of t he

Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 52260 Nat i o n al Road, La Pine, Oregon 97739, to wit, Lot Nine (9), Block Five (5), C o nifer Acres, D e schutes County, Or e gon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, d a ted October 15, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, NA., its successors in interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment o f F o r eclos ure on J ul y 1 6 , 2012, against Cheri J . Hunt, Micky L . Hunt, Ame r i can General F i nancial Services (DE), Inc., and Occupants of t he P remises a s d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT T HE

SA L E ,


PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor;

(b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in Bend B u lletin. Date of First and Successive Publications: October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012; November 7, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 14, 2 0 12. A ttorney: Amb e r Norling, OSB ¹ 094593, Rout h

C rabtree

Ols e n,

P.C., 511 SW 10th S t., S u i t e 400 , Portland, OR 97205,

(503) 459 - 0115. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d d ers must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bid d e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r c ashier's ch e c ks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the s ale. L A R RY B LANTON, Desc hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: October 19, 2012. LEGAL NOTICE

IN THE C I RCUIT C OURT O F T H E S TATE O F OR EGON DESCHUTES COUNTY. Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Warren J. Klemz Jr.; Carol D. Klemz; and Occupant of the Premises, D e fendant/s. Case No.: 12CV0320. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on November 27, 2012 at 1 1:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 21071 P i nehaven Avenue, Bend, Oregon 97702, to wit, Lot Eleven (11),

Block Two (2), Reed Market East, Second Addition, Deschutes County, Or-

egon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 15, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, NA, as p laintiff/s, re c o vered General Judgment of F o reclos ure Against: 1 ) Warren J. Klemz Jr.; 2) Carol D. Klemz; and 3) Occupants of the Premises; and Money Award A gainst th e R e a l Property Located at 21071 P i n ehaven Avenue, Bend, Oregon 9 7 70 2 on September 27, 2012, against Warren J. K lemz Jr., Carol D. Klemz, and O ccupants of t h e Premises as defend ant/s. BEF O R E




C OURT OF T H E STATE O F O REGON DESCHUTES COUNTY Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest a nd/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Tory R. Lester; Lauren J. L e ster; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0724.





EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on December 6, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of the Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 1250 Sou t hwest W heeler Pla c e , B end, Oreg o n 97702, to wit, Lot 24, Summ e rhill P hase 2 , Des chutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 15, 2012, to me directed i n the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, NA, as plaintiff/s, re c o vered General Judgment o f F o r eclos ure on M a y 3 , 2012, against Tory R. Lester, Lauren J. Lester, and Occupants of th e P r e-


INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor;

(b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R RY B LANTON, Des -

c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil Technician. D a t e: October 19, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. D at e of First and Successive P u b lications: October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012; November 7, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 14, 2012. Attorney: Amber Norling, OSB ¹ 094593, Rou t h Crabtree Olsen, PC, 6 21 SW Alde r Street, Suite 800, Portland, OR 97205-3623, (503) 459-0115. C o n d itions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 m i nutes prior to the auction to allow the Desc hutes Coun t y S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r cashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale.


INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the prop-

erty; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming or f o rest practices o n th e property; (e)Rights of neig h boring property o w ners; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R R Y B LANTON, D e s c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil Technician. D a t e: October 19, 2012.

Tick, Tock Tick, Tock...

Published in Bend B ulletin. Dat e o f First and S uccessive P u b lications: October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012; November 7, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 14, 2012. Attorney: Erik Wilson, OSB

...don't let time get away. Hire a professional out of The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory today!

Crabtree Olsen, PC, 6 21 SW A lde r Street, Suite 8 0 0, Portland, OR 97205-3623, (503) 459-0104. C o n d itions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 m i nutes prior to the auction to allow the D es-

¹ 095507,

Ro ut h

c hutes Coun t y S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r c ashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E C I R CUIT C OURT O F T H E STATE O F O REGON DESCHUTES COUNTY

Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Walter E. L ee; Angela T. Lee; and O ccupants of t h e Premises, D e fendant/s. Case No.: 11CV1018. NOT ICE O F SA L E U NDER WRIT O F EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.

Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on November 27, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property further des cribed in th e a t tached Exhibit "A": 2579 Nort h east Longfellow C o u rt, B end, Oreg o n 97701. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 15, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, NA, as p laintiff/s, re c o vered Stip u lated General Judgment of Foreclosure and S hortening of R e d emption Per i od Against Defendant: 1) Walter E. Lee on June 4, 2012 , a gainst Walter E . Lee, as defendant/s. BEFORE BIDDING AT THE SALE, A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER S H OULD INDEPENDENTLY

INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming or f o rest p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w ners; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R RY B LANTON, De s c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h ony Raguine, Civil T echnician. D a t e: October 19, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. D at e of First and Successive P u b lications: October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012; November 7, 2012. Date of Last Publication: N o vember

Crabtree Olsen, PC, 6 21 SW Alde r Street, Suite 8 00, Portland, OR 97205-3623, (503) 459-0104. C o n d itions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 m i nutes prior to the auction to allow the D esc hutes Coun t y S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r cashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E C I RCUIT C OURT O F T H E STATE O F OREGON DESCHUTES COUNTY. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Scott N. Gillespie; JPMorgan C h ase Bank, N.AJ Sylvan Knolls-Boones Borough Prop e rty Owner's A s sociat ion; a n d Oc c u pants of th e P r emises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV1023. NOT ICE O F SA L E U NDER WRIT O F EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.

Notice i s h e r e by given that I will on November 15, 2012 at 12:00 PM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Of fi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 21871 Katie Drive, B end, Oreg o n 9 7701, to w it , L o t

Four (4), Block Three (3), Boones Borough No. 1, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the

C ounty o f Des chutes, dated September 12, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as p laintiff/s, re c o vered Stip u lated General Judgment of Foreclosure and S hortening of R e d emption Pe r i od Against Defendant: 1) Scott N. Gillespie on July 18, 2012, a gainst Scott N . Gillespie, J P M organ Chase Bank, N.A., Sylvan Knolls-Boones Borough Prop e rty Owner's A s s ociat ion, a n d Oc c u pants of th e P r emises as d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE SAL E , A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY

INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor; 1000


Legal Notices

Legal Notices •

Leg a l Notices •

LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON D E S C H UTES C O U N TY. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., and its Successor in Interest and/or Assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Keith R. Billeter, Beverly J. Billeter, Westview Villas Owne rs Association, and O ccupants o f t h e Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0860. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EX-

ECUTION - REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that I will on November 1, 2012 at 12:00 PM in the main lobby of the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 20265 EllieLane, Bend, Oregon 97701, to wit, Lot sixty-five (65), Empire Estates, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, dated September 7, 2012, to me directed in the above-entitled action wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., and its Successors in Interest and/or Assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered Stipulated General Judgment of Foreclosure and Shortening of Redemption Period against Defendants: 1) Keith R. Billeter 2) Beverly J. Billeter on August 1, 2012, against Keith R. Billeter, Beverly J. Billeter as defendant/s. BEFORE BIDDING AT THE SALE, A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER S H O UL D INDEPEN-

DENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a)The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to

the property; (c)Approved uses for the property; (d)Limits on farming or forest practices on the property; (e)Rights o f nei g hboring p roperty owners; and (f)Environmental l a ws and regulations that affect the property. LARRY BLANTON, Deschutes County Sheriff. Krista Mudrick, Civil Technician. Date: October 1, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and Successive Publications: October 3, 2012; October 10, 2012; October 17, 2012. Date of Last Publication: October 24, 2 0 12. Attorney: Amber Norling, OSB ¹ 0 94593, Routh Crabtree Olsen, P.C, 621 SW Alder St., Suite 800, Portland, Or 97205, 503-459-0115. Conditions of Sale:Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office to review bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier'schecks made payable to Deschutes

County Sheriff's Office will be a ccepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale.

Legal Notices


and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. The Unknown Heirs of Harold C. Ballenger, Srx Harold Ballenger, Jrx Gary Ballenger; Estate of Margaret Ballenger; United States of America; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0444. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER W RIT OF EXECUTION - REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that I will on November 8, 2012 at 11:30 AM in the main lobby of the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. Highway 20,Bend, Oregon, sell,at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 65425 93rd Street, Bend, Oregon 97701, to wit, Lot 49 in Block 19 of Second Addition to Whispering Pines Estates, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, dated September 20, 2012, to me directed in the above-entitled action wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment of Foreclosure on June 11, 2012, against The Unknown Heirs of Harold C. Ballenger, Sr.; Harold Ballenger, Jrx Gary Ballenger; and Occupants of the Premises as d efendant/s. BEFORE BIDDING AT T H E SALE, A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a)The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b)Land use laws and regulations applicabletothe property; (c)Approved uses for the property; (d)Limits on farming or forest practices on the property; (e)Rights of neighboring property owners; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. LARRY BLANTON, Deschutes County Sheriff. Anthony Raguine, Civil Technician. Date: October 1, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and Successive Publications: October 3, 2012; October 10, 2012; October 17, 2012. Date of Last Publication: October 2 4, 2012. Attorney: Amber N o rling, O S B ¹094593, Routh Crabtree Olsen, PC, 621 SW A lder Street, S uite 8 00 , P o rtland, O R 97205-3623, (503) 459-0115. Conditions of Sale:Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office to review bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier's checks made payable toDeschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale.

Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 3, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, NA as p laintiff/s, re c o v ered Stip u lated General Judgment of Foreclosure and S hortening of R e d emption Per i od against Defendants: 1) Nicholas Schaan 2) Diana J. Schaan on April 17, 2012, against Ni c holas Schaan and Diana J. Schaan as defend ant/s. BEF O RE

(b)Land use laws

erty; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n

farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e

property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R RY B LANTON, Des -

c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil T echnician. D a t e: October 11, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. D at e of First and Successive P u b lications: October 17, 2012; October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 7, 2012. Attorney:Amber Norling, OSB ¹ 094593. Rou t h Crabtree Olsen, PC, 6 21 SW A lde r Street, Suite 800, Portland, OR 97205-3623, (503) 977-7840. C o n d itions of Sale:Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Deschutes County Sheriff's Off ice to revi e w bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cas h ier's checks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Off ice will b e ac cepted. P a y ment must be made in full immediately u p on t he close o f t h e sale. LEGAL NOTICE


INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor;

(b) Land use laws

and regulations applicable to the prop-

erty; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n

farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e

property; (e)Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f)Enwronmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R RY B LANTON, Des c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil Technician. D a t e: October 11, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. D at e of First and Successive P u b lications: October 17, 2012; October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 7, 2012. Attorney: Erik Wilson, OSB ¹ 095507. Rou t h Crabtree Olsen, PC, 6 21 SW Alde r Street, Suite 800, Portland, OR

IN TH E C I R CUIT C OURT O F T H E STATE O F O REGON DESCHUTES COUNTY. Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Nicholas Schaan; Diana J. S c haan;

9 7205-3623,

Eri k

claim with the forfeiture counsel named below, Th e w r i tten claim must be signed by you, sworn to under penalty of perjury before a notary public,

and state: (a) Your true name; (b) The address at which you will a c cept f u t u re m ailings f ro m th e court and f orfeiture c ounsel; and (3) A s tatement that y o u have an interest in the

seized property. Your deadline for filing the claim document with forfeiture cou n sel n amed below is 2 1 days from the last day of publication of this notice. Where to file a claim and for more i nformation: Da i n a Vitolins, Crook County District Attorney Office, 300 N E T h i rd A copy of the applicaStreet, Prineville, OR tion, amendments and 97754. related materials are Notice of reasons for on file for public inForfeiture: The prop- spection at 345 SW erty described below Cyber Dr. ¹101-103, was seized for forfeiBend Oregon 97702 ture because it: (1) LEGAL NOTICE Constitutes the proceeds of the violation The Redmond School Distnct i s see k ing of, solicitation to vioq ualified people t o late, attempt to vioapply for a vacancy late, or conspiracy to violates, the criminal on its Board of Directors. laws of the State of Oregon regarding the manufacture, distribu- The board consists of tion, or possession of five members elected controlled substances at large. Those inter(ORS Chapter 475); ested must be regisand/or (2) Was used tered voters and resior intended for use in dents of the Redmond committing or f acili- School District for one tating the violation of, year immediately presolicitation to violate, ceding the a ppointment. attempt to violate, or conspiracy to violate A pplications will b e the criminal laws of the State of Oregon taken at the District regarding the manu- Office, located at 145 facture, distribution or SE Salmon Avenue, until Friday, October possession of c o ntrolled su b stances 26, 2012 at 5:00p.m. The board anticipates (ORS Chapter 475). interviewing c a n d iIN THE MATTER OF: dates the week of NoU.S. Currency in the v ember 1 2 , 20 1 2 . amount of $20,000.00, One 2006 Please contact Trish at Chevrolet S i lverado Huspek Pickup, VIN 541.923.8247 or visit the Board of Director's 1GCHK24U1GE1245 at 06, Oregon License webpage Plate No . 9 4 9F JB, www.redmond.k12.or. and One 2008 Harley us for more informaDavidson Motorcycle, tion or to download an application packet. VIN

Wilson. Conditions of Sal e : Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow 1HD1FB4148Y681163, the Desc h utes Case N o . 12 - 3 52 County Sheriff's Ofseized 1/23/2012 from f ice to revi e w Anthony Moon, Anbidder's funds. Only t hony J o hn s an d U.S. currency Stephanie Johnson. and/or cas h ier's checks made payFIND YOUR FUTURE able to Deschutes HOME INTHE BULLETIN County Sheriff's Office w il l b e acYour future is just a page cepted. P a y ment away. Whetheryou're looking must be made in full for a hat or a place to hangit, REAL PROPERTY. i mmediately u p on The Bulletin Classified is Notice i s h e r eby t he close o f t h e your best source. given that I will on sale. November 15, 2012 Every daythousandsof at 11:45 AM in the LEGAL NOTICE buyers andsellers of goods main lobby of t he NOTICE OF SEIZURE and services do business in Deschutes County FOR CIVIL these pages.Theyknow S heriff's Offi c e , FORFEITURE TO ALL ycu can't beat TheBulletin 63333 W. Highway POTENTIAL Classified Section for 20, Bend, Oregon, CLAIMANTS AND TO selection and convenience ALL UNKNOWN sell, at public oral - every item is just a phone auction to the highPERSONS READ THIS call away. est bidder, for cash CAREFULLY The Classified Section is or cashier's check, easy to use. Every item the following real If you have any interproperty, known as est i n t h e s e i zed is categorized andevery 20794 So u t heast property d e s cribed cartegory is indexed onthe section's front page. Hollis Lane, Bend, below, you must claim O regon 97702, t o that interest or you will Whether you are looking for wit, Lot 22 of Reed automatically lose that a home orneed aservice, P ointe, Phase 1 , interest. If you do not future is in thepagesof City of Bend, Desfile a c laim for the your The Bulletin Classified. chutes County, Orproperty, the property egon. Said sale is may be forfeited even made under a Writ if you are not conof E x e cution i n victed of any crime. Foreclosure issued To claim an interest, out of t h e C i rcuit you must file a written

M ortgage Ele c tronic R egistration Systems, Inc. solely a s n o minee f o r Summit M ortgage Corporations; Reed Pointe Homeowners' Association; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11 CV0793. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION


Legal Notices

Leg a l Notices •

LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON DESCHUTES COUNTY. WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. RICHARD A. LARSEN, JR; LOIS J. LARSEN; AND OCCUPANTS OF THE PREMISES, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0732. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION - REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that I will on November 8, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office,

63333 W. Highway20, Bend, Oregon, sell,at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 250 SE Ventura Place, Bend, Oregon 97702, to wit, LOT SIX, BLOCK ONE, CARRIAGE A D DITION, CITY OF


CHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, dated September 13, 2012, to me directed in the above-entitled action wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as plaintiff/s, recovered Stipulated General Judgment of Foreclosure and Shortening of Redemption Period Against Defendants: 1. Richard A. Larsen, Jr. 2. L ois J. Larsen on July 10, 2012, against Richard A. Larsen Jr. and Lois J. Larsen as defendant/s. BEFORE BIDDING AT THE SALE, A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER S H O UL D INDEPEN-

DENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a)The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to

the property; (c)Approved uses for the property; (d)Limits on farming or forest practices on the property; (e)Rights o f nei g hboring property owners; and (f)Environmental l a ws and regulations that affect the p roperty. LARRY BLANTON, Deschutes County Sheriff. Blair Barkhurst, Reserve Deputy Sheriff. Date: October 1, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and Successive Publications: October 3, 2012; October 10, 2012; October 17, 2012. Date of Last Publication: October 2 4, 2012. Attorney: Amber N o r ling, OS B ¹094593, Routh Crabtree Olsen, P.C., 621 SW Alder St., Suite 800, Portland, OR 97205, 503-459-0115. Conditions of Sale: Potential

LEGAL NOTICE On October 5, 2012 an application was filed with the FCC to t ransfer c ontrol o f GCC Bend, LLC., licensee of radio stations KICE, 940 kHz, KRXF, 92.9 mHz, and KMGX, 100.1 mHz, Bend, KSJJ, 102.9, Redmond, and KXIX, 94.1 mHz, Sunriver, O regon, from T h e John Bradfield Gross Trust, John B. Gross, Trustee, to The John Bradfield Gross Credit Shelter Trust, Sue E. K ain, Trustee. T h e other officers, directors and owners are James M. Gross, Sue E . K ai n a n d th e J ames M . Gro s s Trust, J a me s M. Gross, Trustee.

The person appointed will serve January 9, 2013 - June 30, 2013 a nd will fill the v a cancy created by the resignation o f Jim Erickson effective Dec ember 31 , 2 0 12. Anyone wishing to be elected to serve the remaining t w o-year portion of the four-year term m ay file an application with the Deschutes County C lerk's O f f ice fo r placement on the May 21, 2013 ballot.

Garage Sales


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