Bulletin Daily Paper 10-24-13

Page 1

Serving Central Oregon since1903 75$

THURSDAY October 24,2013

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• The deal would effectively double the Bend-based bank's size By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

Less than three years after it escaped near collapse by

raising $166 million in capital, Bend-based Bank of the Cascades has a deal in place

to buy Idaho's largest bank, Home Federal. Cascade Bancorp, holding company for Bank of the Cascades, on Wednesday announced the deal to purchase Nampa, Idaho-based Home

Federal Bancorp. The $265.7 million purchase effectively doubles the Bend bank's size. It re-positions Bank of the Cascades as one of the largest community banks in the Pacific North-


federal regulators to issue a ceaseand desistorder against Bank of the Cascades and place it under supervision. Cascade Bancorp posted total combinedlossesofmore than $310 million in 2008 through 2011. But the Home Federal purchase marks an impressive turnaround, bank President

• Key moments inboth banks' histories,A4 west. Company officials expect the deal to close by March 31. Four years ago, commercial real estate loans that soured in the financial crisis prompted


and CEO Terry Zink said. It also starts a new and aggressive push into the Eugene market, where Bank of the Cascades has never operated before. "We're a little bit like the phoenix rising out of the ashes," Zink said. See BOTC /A4


Consumer caution —if


from brokers.D1

to obtain

you're a health care shopper, be aware of misleading claims

coverage is extended

FitneSS nOrmS —While it's natural to want to know how you match up, treat such informatiort with caution, experts

say.D1 By Sandhya Somashekhar, Amy Goldstein, Juliet Eilperin

Hope vs. hair loss-

The Washington Post

Scientists say they have found a new, potentially better, way

Pakistan agreement on drones.

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration said Wednesday night that it will give Americans who buy health insurance through new online marketplaces an extra six weeks to obtain coverage before they risk a penalty. The announcement means that those who buy coverage through the exchange will have until March 31 to


signup for a

to grow hair.A3

Bend's Civil War —Bend High and Mountain View to battle for bragging rights once


In world news —Memos reveal explicit nature of U.S.,

And a Wed exclusiveFor jobless older than 50, a challenging search for work.


EDITOR'5CHOICE Artist rendering courtesy COCC

Mortgage case: Bank of America

found liable By Landon Thomas Jr. New York Times News Service

Bank of America, one of the nation's largest banks, was found liable Wednes-

day of having sold defective mortgages, a jury decision that will be seen as a victory for the government in its aggressive effort to hold banks accountable for their role in the housing crisis. The jury also found a top manager at Bank of America's Countrywide Financial unit liable, pinning some — if not all — of the responsibility for the bad acts on an individual. During the trial, federal prosecutors had accused Rebecca Mairone, a top manager at Countrywide at the time, of having opted for quantity over quality in its mortgage writing program, which resulted in the bank churning out to unqualified buyers housing loans that were destined to fail. In its case, federal lawyers claimed that Mairone, who now works at JPMor-

gan Chase, led a program nicknamed the "hustle," derived from HSSL, or the "high-speed swim lane."

See Mortgages/A4

Central Oregon Community College's new residence hall will have three wings that will step down Awbrey Butte and range from three to five stories in height. Jim Middleton. "When you look from the campus center over the The design of Central Oregon track, you can still see the mounC ommunity C ollege's new $ 2 2 tains. The trees will help shield million residence hall is nearing the building from neighbors and completion, though the college di- the road." rectors do not anticipate approving The dorm will initially be acconstruction until January. cessible only off Mt. Washington The dorm will be located about Drive, though the city o f B end 500 feet east of Mt. Washington mandated additional access off Drive, just to the west of the col- College Way by 2018.The univerlege soccer field. The building will sity is waiting to complete a combe composed of three wings that prehensive traffic study b efore step down Awbrey Butte, varying siting the second access road. The in height from five to three stories. city additionally required the colThe collegeplans to preserve as lege to build a left-turn lane off Mt. many trees as possible around the Washington Drive, which will cost dorm. the college $60,000. "We are tr ying t o s ettle the "The city believes that the lane building into the site so it is not will contribute to traffic calming," intrusive and we can m aintain Middleton said. sight lines," said COCC President SeeCOCC/A4

By Tyler Leeds The Bulletin

New residencehall for COCC Cetttral


Curtent dorms (Juniper


R 'd

Oregon Community College


es Mazama

Planned residencehall

Sciellcey~ building pence oye

CascadeCulinary Institute

EduCatian ~








tr Greg Cross/The Bulletin


plan, accord- eWalden weighs in ing to an official with the ahe ad of hearing,B1 Department of Health and Human Services. Administration officials said the new deadline is unrelated to the many technical problems that the marketplace's website, HealthCare.gov, has had in its first three weeks of operation. Instead, they said, the move is designed to clear up confusion about when people would face a penalty. Most Americans are required to have insurance by Jan. 1, although the open enrollment period for federal and state exchanges runs throughtheend ofMarch. The fines begin after a threemonth grace period. The question has been whether people must be covered by March 31 or merely have signed up by then — since health policies typically don't start right away. The administration made clear Wednesday night that people who buy coverage at any point during the open enrollment period will not

pay a penalty. See Coverage/A6

Mirror Pond to drop again to allow for inspection By Scott Hammers The Bulletin

The water behind the Newport Avenue Dam should start

dropping Monday, allowing crews from PacifiCorp to inspect the leak that's turned much of Mirror Pond into a mudflat. The company that owns

TODAY'S WEATHER Sunny High 70, Low 38

Page B6

and operates the downtown Bend dam discoveredthe leak Oct. 2. Water levels in Mirror

Pond dropped by roughly 2 feet in the days that followed as water drained through the leak. The pond then rebounded briefly as water managers upstream adjusted flows in the Deschutes River to pre-

pare for the end of irrigation season. The water level has sincereceded a second time, stabilizing at around 2 feet below its typical winter level. PacifiCorp spokesman Bob Gravely said the company now plans to draw down the water even further in order to get a better look at the dam-

aged area starting Monday. Gravely said it's unclear how far the water will have to come down to allow crews to inspect the leak. "We don't know exactly. What's going to happen is, our folks will be at the dam monitoring it, and there will come a time when they say, 'We can

do this now,'" he said. Under state law, if a water release from a dam is likely to create excessive turbidity — suspended silt — downstream, the dam operator must seek permission from the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. See Mirror Pond/A6

The Bulletin

+ .4 We userecycled newsprint

INDEX D1-6 Obituaries Business/Stocks C5-6 Comics/Puzzles E3-4 Health Calendar B2 Crosswords E 4 H o roscope D6 Sports Classified E1 - 6 D ear Abby D6 Lo c al/State B1-6 IV/Movies

B5 C1-4 D6

AnIndependent Newspaper

Vol. 110, No. 297, 30 pages, 5 sections


88 267 02329





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smuoo Aw. DcsuuesRe

and a14-year-old boy who was found walking along a state highway overnight was charged with killing her. Blood found in a second-floor

school bathroom helped lead investigators to the body of Colleen Ritzer, a 24-year-old math teacher at Danvers High School who was reported missing when she didn't come home from work on Tuesday, Essex District Attorney Jonathan Blodgett said. Officials didn't release a cause of death and haven't discussed a motive in the killing.

IIl 00 O A


By Greg Miller


MaSSaohIISSttS kiiiillg —A well-liked teacher was found slain in woods behind the high school in the quiet town of Danvers, Mass.,

Q aida operatives and assert repeatedly that no civilians were The Washington Post harmed. WASHINGTON — Despite Pakistan's tacit approval of r epeatedly denouncing t h e the drone program has been CIA's drone campaign, top of- one of the more poorly kept ficials in Pakistan's govern- national security secrets in m ent have foryears secretl y Washington and I slamabad. endorsed the program and rou- During the early years of the tinely received classified brief- campaign, the CIA even used ings on strikes and casualty Pakistani airstrips for its Predcounts, according to top-secret atorfleet. CIA documents and Pakistani But the f i les expose the diplomatic memos obtained by explicit nature of a secret arThe Washington Post. rangement struckbetween the The filesdescribe dozens of two countries at a time when drone attacks in Pakistan'strib- neither was willing to publicly al region and include maps as acknowledge th e e x i stence well as before-and-after aerial of the drone program. The photos of targeted compounds documents detailed at least 65 over a four-yearstretch from strikes in Pakistan and were 2008 to 2011 in which the cam- described as "talking points" paign intensified dramatically. for CIA briefings, which ocMarkings on the documents curred with such regularity indicate that many of t h em that they became a matter of were prepared by the CIA's diplomatic routine. The docuCounterterrorism Center spe- ments are marked "top secifically to b e s h ared with cret" but cleared for release to Pakistan's government. They Pakistan. tout the success of strikes that A spokesman for the Pakikilled dozens of alleged alstani Embassy in Washington and Bob Woodward

did not respond to a request for comment. A CIA spokesman declined to discuss the documents but did not dispute their authenticity. Pakistani Prime M i n ister Nawaz Sharif reiterated his c ountry's objections to t h e drone campaignthisweek during his first visit to Washington since taking office this year. CIA strikes "have deeply disturbed and a gitated our people,"Sharifsaid in a speech Tuesday at the U.S. Institute of Peace. "This issue has become a major irritant in our bilateral relationship as well. I will, therefore,stressthe need for an end to drone attacks." He raised the issue in a m eeting W e dnesday w i t h President B a rack O b a m a, "emphasizing the need for an end to such strikes." Sharif did not publicly elaborate on how Pakistan would seek to halt a campaign that has tapered off but remains a core part of the Obama administration's counterterrorism strategy.

Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool...........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black ..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337





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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.powerbau.com and www.oregonlouery.org

POWERBALL The numbers drawn

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~~ • BAt

Twitter account. Among those poked byhis caustic digs were former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton; Ben Rhodes, the deputy national securityadviser for communications; and Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif.

Joseph apologized in remarks to Politico. Syria COnfliCt —International inspectors expect to destroy Syria's ability to produce newchemical weapons by Nov.1, the first major deadline in the United Nations-ordered disarmament of the country's entire chemical arsenal, officials said Wednesday. The

Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, thewatchdog group overseeing the disarmament effort, said equipment used to

produce or mix toxic gasesandnerve agents has been destroyed at almost all of the declared facilities inside Syria. BiShOp leaVe —The Vatican sent a Germanbishop, who came under fire for spending tens of millions of euros to build a lavish official residence, on asabbatical for an unspecified time onWednesday. Franz-Peter Tebartz-van Elst's extravagant spending as bishop of

Limburg had attracted unfavorable comparisons with the relatively humble, no-frills style that Pope Francis has brought to the Vatican since his election in March.

ROmney hOme —A newhouse Mitt Romney is building in Utah is not only spacious and luxurious, but it's also a little mysterious. The

home's study will have abookcase that swivels open and leads into


up to15 years in prison, Russia's lnvestigative Committee said in a statement.

Shakel trial —Kennedy cousin Michael Skakel wasgranted a new trial on Wednesday by aConnecticut judge who ruled his attorney


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failed to adequately represent him when he was convicted in 2002 of killing his neighbor in1975. The ruling by Judge Thomas Bishop

tarlum g r oryl "44.79u

h N p.

marked a dramatic reversal after years of unsuccessful appeals by .

Skakel, the 53-year-old nephew of Robert F. Kennedy's widow, Ethel Kennedy. Skakel is serving 20 years to life. Bridgeport State's Attor-

ney John Smriga said prosecutors will appeal the decision.


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issue the less severe charges of hooliganism, which carry a maximum penalty of seven years, instead of piracy, which could mean


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aEBf seonce rhat

— From wire reports


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sive and I bring the snark," he wrote anonymously on his now-closed

jailed last month after protesting oil drilling in the Arctic, charging them instead with hooliganism. An investigation led officials to


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he was exposed asthe author of numerous Twitter messagesthat knocked public figures, reporters and evenhis colleagues. "I'm abra-

GreenpeaCe ChargeS —Russian officials on Wednesday dropped piracy charges against Greenpeaceactivists who were

Emergency Nanager


Traci Oonaca ......................

that Jofi Joseph, formerly the director of nuclear nonproliferation issues on the National Security Council staff, was fired last week after

a hidden room, according to architecture plans obtained by The Salt Lake Tribune. The drawings say the room is for office storage, and show it is11 feet long with cabinets.


Advertising Jay Brandt..........................541-383-0370 CirculationandOperations ............................................54f -385-5805 FinanceHolly West...........541-383-0321 HumanResources

Twitter firing —White House officials confirmed Wednesday

o f Red m o n d

We are committed to the quailtvofilfefor our clients and their families. Working closely with your doctor, we offer:

Paul Sancya/The Associated Press

Protesters rally Wednesday outside The Theodore Levin United States Courthouse in Detroit. An attorney representing Detroit urged a judge Wednesday to allow the city to fix staggering financial

troit in July made the largest public filing in U.S. histo-

problems through bankruptcy, arguing that without it

of people, the most controversial target so far.

about 65 cents of every tax dollar eventually would be gobbled up by debts and other obligations.

Hundreds of protesters walked in a circle outside the courthouse with signs that said, "Bail out people

The extraordinary trial, expected to last days, brings

ry. If a judge finds certain legal requirements weremet, the city would get the green light to restructure $18 billion in debt and possibly slash pensions for thousands

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U.S. surveilanceincreasingly angersallies By Alison Smale

tions from the data Greenwald now possesses. BERLIN — The diplomatic The damage to core U.S. fallout from th e documents r elationships c o ntinues t o harvested by the former NSA mount. Last m o nth, Presicontractor Edward Snowden dent Dilma Rousseff of Brazil intensified Wednesday, with postponed a state visit to the one of the United States' clos- United States after Brazilian est allies, Germany, announc- news media reports — fed ing that its leader had anby material from Greenwald grily called President Barack — that the National Security Obama, seeking reassurance Agency had intercepted mesthat her cellphone was not the sagesfrom Rousseff,her aides target of a U .S. intelligence and the state oil company, tap. Petrobras. Last weekend, the Washington hastily pledged German newsmagazine Der t hat Ch a n cellor A ng e l a Spiegel, which has said it has Merkel, leader of Europe's a stack of S n owden documost powerful economy, was ments, suggested that U.S. innot the target of current sur- telligence had gained access to veillance, and would not be communications to and from in the future, while conspicu- President Felipe Calderon of ously saying nothing about Mexico when he was still in the past. After a similar furor office. with France, the call was the U.S. Secretary of State John second time in 48 hours that Kerry had barely landed in the president found himself France on Monday when the on the phone with a close Eu- n ewspaper Le M o nde d i sropean ally to argue that the closed what it said was the unceasing revelations of inmass surveillance ofFrench vasive U.S. intelligence gath- citizens, as well as spying on ering should not undermine French diplomats. Furious, the decades of hard-won trans- French summoned the U.S. Atlantic trust. ambassador, Charles Rivkin, Both episodes illustrated and President Frant;ois Holthe diplomatic challenge to lande e x pressed "extreme the United States posed by reprobation" for the reported the cache of documents that collection of 70 million phone Snowden handed to the jour- calls in 30 days late last year nalist Glenn Greenwald. Last and into January. week, Greenwald concluded Two senior administration a deal with the eBay founder officials — from the State DePierre Omidyar to build a new partment and the National Semedia platform that aims in curity Council — had arrived part to publicize other revela- in Berlin only hours before New Yorh Times News Service

Ask for us by name.

the German government disclosed Wednesday that it had received unspecified information that Merkel's cellphone was under surveillance. If confirmed, that is "completely unacceptable," said her spokesman, Steffen Seibert.

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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day

It's Thursday, Oct. 24, the 297th day of 2013. There are 68 days left in the year.



HAPPENINGS Health Care —The first of several hearings on theObama administration's problem-

plagued insurance website is held in the Republican-led U.S. House.A1, B1

EBIOP8 —European Union leaders open atwo-day sum-

ew romise

A start to

air ro

saving lives: treating sore throats

If the research works out, scientists say they could produce a new treatment more effective than currentremedies forhairloss.

mit to center on the economy

and soaring unemployment.

By Denise Grady

They will also look at recent tragedies involving migrants trying to get into the EU.

New York Times News Service

HISTORY Highlight:In 1962, a naval

quarantine of Cubaordered by President John F. Kennedy went into effect during the

missile crisis; the blockade was aimed at interdicting the

delivery of offensive weapons to the island. In1537, Jane Seymour, the third wife of England's King Henry Vlll, died 12 days after giving birth to Prince Edward, later King Edward Vl.

In1648, the Peaceof Westphalia ended the Thirty Years War and effectively destroyed the

Holy RomanEmpire. In 1861, the first transconti-

nental telegraph messagewas sent by Chief Justice Stephen J. Field of Californiafrom San Francisco to President Abraham Lincoln in Washington, D.C., over a line built by the Western Union Telegraph Co.

In1901, widow AnnaEdson Taylor became the first person

to go over NiagaraFalls in a barrel. In1940, the 40-hour work week went into effect under the Fair Labor Standards Act of1938. In 1945, the United Nations of-

ficially came into existenceas its charter took effect. In 1952, Republican presidential candidate Dwight D. Eisenhower declared in Detroit, "I shall go to Korea" as he promised to end the conflict.

(He madethevisit over a month later.)

Scientists have found a new way to grow hair, one that they say may lead to better treatments for baldness. So far, the technique has been tested only in mice, but it has managed to grow hairs on human skin grafted onto the animals. If the research pans out, the scientists say, it could produce a treatment for hair loss that would be more effective and useful to more people than current r emedies like drugs or hair transplants. Present methods are n ot much help to women, but a treatment based on the new technique could be, the r esearchers reported Monday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Currently, transplants move hair follicles from the back of the head to the front, relocating hair but not increasing the amount. The procedure can take eight hours, and leave a large scar on the back of the head. The newtechnique would remove a smaller patch of cells involved in hair formation from the scalp, culture them in the laboratory to i n crease their numbers, and then inject them back into the person's head to fill in bald or thinning spots. Instead of just shifting hair from one spot to another, the new approach would actually add hair. T he senior author of t h e study is Dr. Angela Christiano, a hair geneticist and dermatology professor at Columbia University Medical Center in New York, who has become known for her creativeapproach to research. In the current study, Christiano worked with researchers from Durham University in

Dr. Angela Christiano, a hair geneticist and dermatology professor at Columbia University Medical Center, is the senior author of a study that


promises to add hair to a person's

• <c~

scalp. New YorkTimes NewsService file photo

Britain. They focused on dermal papillae, groups of cells at the base of hair follicles that give rise to the follicles. Researchers have known for more than 40 years that papilla cells from rodents could be transplanted and would lead to new hair growth. The cells from the papillae have the ability to reprogram the surrounding skin cells to form hair follicles. But human papilla cells, grown in culture, mysteriously lose the ability to make hair follicles form. A breakthrough came when the researchers realized they might be growing the cells the wrong way. One of Christiano's partners from Durham University, Dr. Colin Jahoda, noticed that the rodent papilla cells f ormed clumps in culture, but the human cells did not. Maybe the clumps were important, he reasoned. So, instead of trying to grow the cells the usual way, in a flat, one-cell layer on a petri dish, he turned to an older method called the "hanging drop culture."

That method involves putting about 3,000 papilla cells — the number in a typical papilla — into a drop of culture medium on the lid of a dish, and then flipping the lid over so that the drops are hanging upside down. "The droplets aren't so heavy that they drip off," Christiano said. "The force of gravity just takesthe 3,000 cells and draws them into an aggregate at the bottom of the drop." The technique made all the difference. The cells seem to need to touch one another in three dimensions rather than two, to send and receive the signals they need to induce hair formation. The researchers took papilla cellsfrom seven men who were undergoing hair t r ansplants, cultured them i n ha n g ing drops and then injected them into human skin grafted onto mice. Not just any human skin: to put their ideas to a rigorous test,the researchers made the grafts from a type of skin that is normally 100 percent hair-

less — foreskins from circumcised infants. A technique that can grow hair on a foreskin has a pretty good chance of growing it on a person's head, they reasoned. Indeed, new hair f ollicles grew in five of the seven grafts, and tests proved that they were human follicles and not mouse ones. The success, though encouraging, is just a first step, Christiano cautioned. "At the moment we're only getting quite a small hair," she said. One avenue forfurther research will be to look at why, in the papilla cells that produced the hair follicles, molecular profiling found that only 22 percent of the genes that normally function in these cells were turned on. "We were a little surprised by how few," Christiano said. "We thought more would be needed." Perhaps, she said, if more genes could be turned on in the transplanted cells, more hairs, or better quality ones, might result.

In1972,Hall of FamerJackie Robinson, who'd broken Major

By Donald G. McNeil Jr. New York Times News Service

Getting parents to take sore throatsmore seriously and treating them more aggressively with penicillin could save thousands of lives in poor countries relatively cheaply, doctors from India and South Africa say. Strep t h r oa t c a u sed by Group A s t r eptococcus bacteria can lead to rheumatic heart disease, in which antibodies produced by the immune system also attack the heart muscle and the joints. The name comes from the joint problem, which resembles rheumatism, but the most dangerous consequence is the deformation of heart valves. The authors of a recent paper in the journal Global Heart estimate that a quarter of all sore throats a re caused by s t rep A bacteria and that such infections lead to as many as 500,000 deaths a year, almost all of them in poor countries. Strep tests available in these countries u sually take too much time, requiring days to o bserve the growth o f b a cteria. The heart-valve damage is also hard to diagnose; a stethoscope catches only 10 percent of the cases that echocardiograms do. O ne p e n i cilli n sh o t within nine days of infection usually prevents any heart damage. Cuba, Costa Rica and M a r t inique have s h a rpl y r e d u ced rheumatic fever by public education about sore throat, screening for strep by symptoms, and treat-

League Baseball's color bar-

ing quickly.

rier in1947, died in Stamford, Conn., at age 53. In 1987, 30 years after it was expelled, the Teamsters union was welcomed back into the AFL-CIO. (However, the Teamsters disafilliated themselves from the AFL-CIO in 2005.) In 1989, former television

The authors suggest that other countries consider following their example.

evangelist Jim Bakkerwas sentenced by a judge in Charlotte,

N.C., to 45 years in prison for fraud and conspiracy. (The sentence waslater reduced to eightyears; it was further

reduced to four for good behavior.) In 1991, "Star Trek" creator

Gene Roddenberry died in Santa Monica, Calif., at age70. In1992, the Toronto Blue Jays

became the first non-U.S. team to win the World Series as they defeated the Atlanta Braves, 4-

3, in Game6. In 2002, authorities arrested Army veteran John Allen Mu-

hammad andteenager Lee Boyd Malvo nearMyersville, Md., in connection with the Washington-area sniper at-

tacks. Ten yearsago:Three Concordes swooped into London's Heathrow Airport, joining in a spectacular finale to the era of

luxury supersonic jet travel. Five yearsage:Singer-actress Jennifer Hudson's mother and brother were found slain in their

Chicago home;the body of her 7-year-old nephewwas found three days later. (Hudson's estranged brother-in-law has been arrested in thekillings.) One yearago: Hurricane Sandy roared across Jamaicaand toward Cuba, before taking aim on the eastern United States.

B IRTHDAYS Football Hall-of-Famer Y.A. Tittle is 87. Actor Kevin Kline is 66. Actor B.D. Wong is

53. Actress/comedian Casey Wilson is 33. R8 Bsingerrapper-actor Drake is 27. — From wire reports

Sciencefiction inspires real-world innovation By James A. Fussell


the revolutionary skin could be used in high-tech bandages to KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Car- professors have coaxed pho- help monitor a patient's health. rie moves objects with h er tons to bind together to form It also could be used in products mind. Wolverine's skin heals molecules — a state of matter such as smart watches, where instantly. And Darth Vader and that, until recently, had been electronics have to conform to a Batman use lightsabers and purely theoretical. Harvard's curved surface. "If you get a crack in it, or if it grappling guns. M ikhail L u ki n a n d MI T ' s Only in the movies? Vladan Vuletic described their gets cut in half, it can heal itself," Not anymore. Hold on to work last month in the journal Bao said. "It's engineered with your comic books, nerds. Sci- Nature. both strong and weak chemical "It's not an inapt analogy to bonds. This gives the molecules ence "fiction" is becoming science "fact." compare this to lightsabers," its self-healing properties." Today, more than ever, life Lukin said. "The physics of is imitating art a s f i ctional what's happening in these mol- Warp drive gadgets and abilities once the ecules is similar to what we see When speed is what it needs, exclusive province of superhe- in the movies." Star Trek's Starship Enterprise roes and telekinetic teens are Now don't go all Luke Sky- goes into warp drive, zooming sparking innovation in the real walker on us. T his doesn't faster than light. world. mean you couldbuy an actual Cool, but impossible, right? At the Massachusetts Insti- lightsaber to bring with you Believe it or not — and plenty tuteofTechnology, researchers to "Star Wars: Episode VII" in of his contemporaries don'tDan Novy and Sophia Brueck- 2015. But it does prove that the Harold "Sonny" White, a physiner teach a class called "Pulp to science behind it is possiblecistwith NASA's Johnson Space Prototype," where science fic- at least in a lab on a subatomic Center, thinks it is possible to tion is required reading to get scale. build a warp drive that wouldn't students thinking about possiviolate the laws of physics. Captain America'sshield bilities that seem far-fetched. Based on a warp drive proAt the University of MinneAt the University of Dela- posed by M exican physicist sota,physics professor James ware, chemical engineering Miguel Alcubierre, White's deKakalios found success with professor Norm Wagner has sign involves a football-shaped the freshman course "Every- developed asubstance that re- spaceshipencircled by a large thing I Know About Science I pels knife attacks and absorbs ring. Learned From a Comic Book" vibrations. White, who has said signed "It's said to be very close to agreements limit how much and went on to write the popular science book "The Physics the fictional material Vibra- he can say, discussed his idea of Superheroes." nium, which makes up Cap- with Clara Moskowitz, assistant After watching an X-Men tain America's shield," said managing editor of Space.com: "This ring, potentially made movie, students at Stanford Kakalios. University grew fascinated by Kevlar can stop bullets but of exotic matter, would cause Wolverine's rapidly h ealing not a jab by a knife or ice pick. space-time to warp around the skin. After adding Wagner's sub- starship, creating a region of "My students are frequently stance — which flows like a contracted space in front of it inspired by science fiction," said gooeyliquidbut turns hard (Iike and expanded space behind," Zhenan Bao,theirchemical en- cornstarch and water) when Moskowitz wrote. "Meanwhile, gineeringprofessor."Theysaid, struck by a force — it can. the starship itself would stay 'We should make this.' I said, inside a bubble of flat space'That's very interesting. No one Rapidly healing skin time that wasn't being warped has done that before.' So we figUsing a thin plastic contain- at all." ured out a way." ing tiny metal particles, StanThink of it as an interstellar So, what things from science ford chemical engineering loophole. While nothing can fiction actually are real'? students created a stretchable travel faster than light, spaceTry these. synthetic skin that conducts time (called the fabric of space) electricity, can sense touch like is not subject to such a cosmic The lightsaber human skin and heals itself. speed limit. B y " w a r ping" At the Harvard-MIT Center No,you can'tuseit toinstantly space-time, White believes, a for Ultracold Atoms, physics heal wounds like a mutant. But ship effectively could travel at 10 The Kansas City Star

times the speed of light. "There is hope," White told an audience last year. He now is experimenting with a mini version of the warp drive in his lab.

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Criticism ofU.S.policy increasingly fromallies

Continued from A1 The dorm will contain 330 beds, including a resident director a partment and 10 resident assistant rooms. Most students will b e housed in one of 7 0 "quad double" suites, which contain two bedrooms with two beds each, a private bathroom and a small common area. There will also be 10 quad singles, where each student has a private r oom in a ddition to t h e shared space. "The rooms are set up so that there are a variety of arrangements students can choose to personalize their space," said Kurt Haapala, principal of Mahlum Architects, the Portlandbased firm in charge of the

By Michael R. Gordon

intelligence official. Saudi officials have made it ROME — A s t h e U n ited clear they are frustrated with States grapples with some of the Obama administrationthe most intractable problems not just for its reluctance to do in the Middle East, it has run more to aid the rebels fighting into a buzz saw of criticism, not Syrian President Bashar Assad, from traditional enemies but and not justfor its willingnessto from two of its strongest allies. engage Iran in negotiations, but During stops in Paris and also for its refusal to endorse London this week, Secretary of the Egyptian military's ouster State John Kerry found himself of President Mohammed Morsi insisting that the United States and the crackdown on Morsi's was not facing a growing rift Muslim Brotherhood party. with oil-rich Saudi A r abia, Some Middle East experts whose emissaries have de- said that the unease over U.S. scribed strains over U.S. policy policy went beyond the details on Egypt, Iran and Syria. of the United States' position And during a stop in Rome, on Syria or a potential nuclear Kerry soughtto reassure Prime deal with Iran. It is also fueled, Minister Benjamin Netanyahu they say, by th e perception of Israel that the Obama ad- that a bedrock principle of the ministration would not drop its Obama administration's policy guard in the newly invigorated is the desire to avoid diplomatic nuclear talks with Iran. and especially military conKerry's comments appeared frontations in the Middle East. "There is a lot of confusion to do little to convince Netanyahu, whose demands that Iran and lack of clarity amongst dismantle its nuclear program U.S. allies in the Middle East seem to go well beyond any regarding Washington's true compromise that the United intentions and ultimate objecStates and other world powers tives," said Robert Danin, a are prepared to explore. senior fellow at the Council But the criticism by Saudi on Foreign Relations. "There officials has been the most ve- is also w i despread unease hement, as they have waged a throughout the Middle East, campaign against the United shared by many U.S. allies, that States' policy in the Middle East the United States' primary obin private comments to diplo- jectives when it comes to Iran, m ats andreporters,as well as Egypt or Syria are to avoid seriin public remarks by a former ous confrontation." New York Times News Service

BOTC Continued from A1 After the real estate market crashed in 2008, "a lot of community banks failed. And we had our share of problems. But we got recapitalized.... We did a few things that just needed to be done," he said. Bank of the Cascades' longterm outlook started improving after it sold $166 million in company stock in November 2010, then sold off $110 million in nonperforming loans a year later, Zink said.

The nonperforming loan sale basically meant B ank of the Cascades took most of its losses from the real estate crash in one year, rather than spreading losses out over several years. The result was a quicker timetable to start shoring up the bank's assets. "We took a major hit at the time," Zink said, "but it was the right move, and it led us to where we are today." Home Federal Bank has 15 branches in Oregon and 11 in Idaho, according to Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation figures. It has four Bend branches and one branch each in Redmond, Prineville and Madras. Home Federal had about $1 billion in total assets as of June 30, according to th e F DIC. Bank of the Cascades had $1.1 billion at the time. If the deal closes, the Home Federal purchase would give Bank of the Cascades $2.4 billion in total assets, making it the fourth largest regionallychartered bank in the Pacific Northwest, company officials sard. The purchase also gives Bank of the Cascades a footprint in L ane County, with H ome Federal's f ou r E u g ene branches and one i n Springfield. The two banks are familiar with each other's home turf. Bank of th e Cascades officiallypurchased Boise-based Farmers & M erchants State Bank in 2006. Home Federal acquired the failed Prineville-based Community First Bank i n 2 009, meanwhile, and followed that up a year later with its purchase of LibertyBank, founded in Bend, which also failed. Zink said Bank of the Cascades made itspurchase offer to Home Federal last week. The banks' boards of directors approved the purchase Tuesday. Just last m onth, B anner Corp., the Washington-state parent company of B a nner Bank, had announced a deal of its own to buy Home Federal, effective early next year. In a news release issued Wednesday, Banner Bank officials said Home Federal's board ofdirectors had terminated the Banner deal, citing "a s uperior proposal f r om Cascade Bancorp." Following the sale's closing,

1Wodanks throughtheyears BANK OF THE CASCADES, BEND Feb. 1, 1977:Bank of the

Cascades established Jan. 1, 2004:Acquires Community Bank of Grants

Pass April 21, 2006:Acquires

Farmers 8 Merchants State Bank in Boise, Idaho March 6, 2007:Reports $35.7 million profit for 2006 March13, 2009: Reports

$134.6 million loss for 2008

August 2009:Ceaseand desist order issued by federal, state regulators Nov. 16, 2010:

Recapitalizes through a stock sale of $166 million,

afterexpenses March 26, 2013:Reports profit of $6 million, first annual profit in five years


Federal Savings andLoan Association established

Dec. 6, 2004:Changes name to Home Federal Bank Aug. 7, 2009:Acquires the failed Community First Bank, based in Prineville July 30, 2010:Acquires the failed LibertyBank, based

in Eugene PURCHASE Oct. 23, 2013:Both banks

announce theacquisition of Home Federal by Bank of

the Cascades Sources: Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., annual reports, The Bulletin archives

Home Federal Bank branches will be re-branded as Bank of the Cascadesoffices.The deal raises the number of Bank of the Cascades branches from 31 to 57 across Oregon and Idaho, once it's finalized. Zink said the bank is excited to enter the Eugene market, Oregon'ssecond largestmetro area. He saidthe bank will look to keep increasing its lending activity as the real estate market recovers and the business climate slowly improves. "Markets like Bend and Eugene are where we can be a really good player," Zink said. Without the H ome Federal purchase, Bank of the Cascades wouldstruggle to reach into new markets and grow in Central Oregon, he said. "I believe this is our first opportunity to go out and say that this bank has fully recovered," Zink said. "We're back to being one of the premier franchises in the Pacific Northwest." — Reporter: 541-617-7820 egiucklich@bendbulletin.com

project. T he building w i l l b e divided into 10 communities of 33 students and one resident assistant, each of which will be housed on one floor of a wing. Each community will have common areas for studying and socializing. The building will have additional shared space located near the en-

Mortgages Continued from A1 The program linked bonuses to how quickly bankers could originate loans. As a result, the credit quality of the borrower was given short shrift, the government contended. When the loans were sold to mortgage giants like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, they failed, generating more than $1 billion in losses. The civil case, which has been tried in a U.S. District Court in New York, follows close on the heels of JPMorgan's tentative agreement, in which the bank is said to be ready to pay $13 billion in fines and payments to settle withvarious state and federal authorities for its own exposuretothe mortgage mess. Countrywide, the troubled mortgage originator t hat Bank of America bought in 2008, has been a morass of problems. While the bank bought Countrywide for $4 billion in 2008, analysts say they believe it has so far paid close to $50 billion in fines and settlements. In light of Wednesday's decision, that figure is likely to continue to rise. The bank faces other investigations and l awsuits stemming from it s m ort-

the contractor to offer a maximum price that includes less risk than one based on the more preliminary documents currently available. The college hopes that with more information, the contractor will be able to drop its maxie mum price from $16.4 million to the target construction price of $16 million. If the college were to approve the dorm at any point, it would still have to pay for drafting documents. Artist rendenng courtesy COCC By moving ahead now with the "The rooms are set up so that there are a variety of arrangements documents, the college will be students can choose to personalize their space," says Kurt Haaable to stay on track for a sumpala, principal of Mahlum Architects, the Portland-based firm in mer 2015 completion. The only charge of the project risk comes from the possibility of the board not approving the dorm, in which case the contrance, including a high-ceil- ing, but wanted to ensure that struction documents would not inged lounge,game room and students wouldn't need to park be put to use. flex room. in the neighborhood," MiddleThe board aims to vote on "The flex room could supton said. approving the dorm in Januport group studying, but it The college has proceeded ary, at which time 25 percent could also be used to support with a construction manager- of the construction documents summer conferences or progeneral contractor method, w ill be c ompleted and t he fessors who want to give lec- which allows the school to contractor will have a revised tures," Haapala said. set a guaranteed maximum maximum price. Students will have access to price the contractor is able to The college plans to fund 150 parking spots, a number charge, which is determined the construction with full faith that administrators believe is based on a v ailable design and credit obligation bonds, more than adequate based on documents. On Wednesday which will be paid back using the rate of parking at the col- the college board voted to revenue generated from stulege's existing dorm. spend $D0,000 to fund a por- dents living in the dorm. "We could have saved mon- tion of the required drafting — Reporter: 541-633-2160, ey by cutting down the park- documents, which will allow tleedsC<bendbulletin.com

top executives at the firms in question should pay a price. Angelo Mozilo, the former chief executive of Countrywide Financial, never faced criminal charges. In 2010, however, he agreed to pay $67.5 million to settle a civil fraud case brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission. In the latest lawsuit, prosecutors have asked that Bank of America pay a fine of $848 million, although the judge presidingoverthe case,Jed Rakoff, will determine the penalty. The government's case piggybacked on a whistle-blower

that JPMorgan is expected to write, lawyers point out that the eventual cost could far exceed what the government has asked for, because the jury's decision is likely to spur a torrent of classaction suits that could cost Bank of America billions of dollars in settlement payments. Bank of America has spent the better part of the year trying to convince investors that its devastating mortgage problems were an issue of the past, and to some extent the bank has been successful. Its stock increased 54 percent in the past year.

Still, the weight of Countrywide's mortgage exposure hangs heavy over the bank and, compared with JPMorgan, Bank of America trades at a deep discount to its book value — a sign that investors believe that toxic housing loans will bedevil the bank for years to come.

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of the week:

case originally brought by Edward O'Donnell, a former Countrywide executive who testified in the suit, who will reap a portion of the fine. While the suggested fine pales in comparisontothe check

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gages. In August, federal prosecutors in North Carolina sued Bank of America, accusing it of understating the risks of the mortgages

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underpinning some $850 million in securities. In a statement, Preet Bharara, the U.S. attorney in New York, who has scored a number of legal victories as part of a campaign against crime on Wall Street, hailed the jury's decision. "In this case, Bank of America chose to defend Countrywide's conduct with all its might and money, claiming there was no case here," he said. "The jury disagreed. This office will never hesitate to go to trial to exposefraudulent corporate conductand to hold companies accountable, particularly when it has caused such harm to the public." Bank of America stressed that the program was no longer in force andthat the bank was weighing its next steps. "The jury's decision concerned a single Countrywide program that lasted several months and ended before Bank of America's acquisition of the company," a bank spokesman, Lawrence Grayson, said in an emailed statement. "We will evaluate our options for appeal." The jury ruling held Mairone liable on the one fraud charge brought against her, although it is unclear what penalty she may face. "She's a model of honesty, integrity and ethics," said her lawyer, Marc Mukasey, a partner at Bracewell 8 Giuliani. "She never engaged in any fraud because there was no fraud. We'll fight on." Consumer advocates have long pushed for accountability among the top managers, arguing that, given the extensivelosses suffered by homeowners and investors during the mortgage crisis,

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e quate testing, w h ich o n e source said would have highlighted the problems.

Continued from A1 It is the latest sign that the Key feature scrapped health-care law r e mains a moving target, even after the There also have been infederal insurance market- consistencies about how and place has faced myriad prob- when the decision was made lems that h av e f r u strated to scrap a key feature of the many people trying to sign website, with Q SSI t elling up for coverage. congressional i n vestigators C ontractors a n d o t h e r s that it did not know about the have begun assigning blame major change until the site's for the website troubles, and launch. But in the written testhe fault-finding will get its timony the company plans to m ost extensive public a i r deliver today, it says it found ing today, when four of the out shortly before the rollout c ontractors involved in t h e date. project w i l l t e s tif y b e f ore Republicans have been eathe House Energy and Com- ger to learn more about how merce Committee. and when the decision was made to end that feature. The Contractor statements feature would have allowed In the w r i tten testimony people to browse plans and s ubmitted to t h e p a nel i n rates before signing up for an advance, CGI Federal, the account. Technology experts main contractor on the proj- have said the last-minute deect, takes partial blame for cision to stop it put too much the site's shortcomings. But pressure on a different tool it also notes that the Centers that was set up to handle a for Medicare and Medicaid small number of simultaneServices, an agency within ous users, crashing the site. HHS, was the "ultimate reP eople familiar w it h t h e sponsible party for the end- project give conflicting acto-end performance" of the counts ofthe reason for the site. move. The decision was made And it blames a piece cre- at a two-day meeting in late ated b y a n o t her c o n trac- S eptember to w h i c h C M S tor, Quality S oftware Ser- invited all its major contracvices, for creating the initial tors. According to one perbottleneck. son familiar with the project, QSSI built part of the on- CGI gave a presentation that line registration system that convinced CMS officials that c rashed shortly a f t e r t h e the shopping feature was not Oct. 1 l a unch an d l o cked ready. out many people for days. Another person close to In a statement, the company the project had a slightly difcounters that it was not the ferent account, saying that it only one responsible for the believed that the feature was, registration system, which is in fact, ready. now working. Republican lawm akers "There are a n u mber of have alleged that the admino ther c omponents t o th e istration made th e c hange r egistration system, al l o f to hide the cost of insurance which must w or k t o gether plans from consumers. "Evidence is mounting that seamlessly to ensure registration," said Matt Stearns, a political considerations motispokesman for UnitedHealth vated the decision," said a letGroup, the parent company ter sent to two administration for QSSI. "The (QSSI-built) officials Tuesday from memtool has been working well bers of the House Oversight for weeks." and G o v ernment R e f orm But both contractors are Committee, including Chairlikely to be taken to task by man Darrell Issa, R-Calif. Republican and Democratic committee members. T hey w er e a m o n g t h e vendors who testified at a Sept. 10 Energy and Commerce Committee hearing that their parts of the project were moving along well, and that the website would be ready Oct. 1. Those assurances are likely to be questioned today. The hearing is the first of many planned by Republicans, who are expected not only to question the contractors but also to examine the administration's man a g ement of th e p r oject. Some Republicans have called for the ousterof HHS Secretary DOORBUSTER K athleen Sebelius, who i s 19.99 scheduled to appear before DRESS SHIRTSOR TIES g the panel. Reg. 49.50, President Barack Obama after 1pm: 27.99. Only at Macy's. and his deputies have givFrom en no i ndication that t h ey Alfani Red are c onsidering r e p lacing & Club Room Sebelius. (+ Weblo 930869). White House press secretary Jay Carney has consistently defended her, and officials have been focusing on fixing the site rather than assessing blame for its defects. DOORBUSTER •

Administration assurances The administration, however, has sought to assure jittery business leaders and insurers that it can fix the enrollment system. On Tuesday, Vice President Joe Biden told business supporters in a conference call that the nation's best technology minds were working on the site and urged them to "stick with us." And on Wednesday, top Obama advisers met with insurance executives to discuss system

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Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Mirror Pond has stabilized about 2 feet below its typical winter level. Starting Monday, the water will be drawn down even more to allow crews to inspect the leak in the dam that has caused the drop.

Mirror Pond Continued from A1 Eric Nigg, water quality manager for the DEQ Bend office, said his office granted P acifiCorp p e rmission t o lower water levels under a provision that allows violations of the state's turbidity standards under narrowly defined standards. In consultation with the Oregon Department of Fish 8 Wildlife, the DEQ settled on allowing PacifiCorp to drain the pond at a rate of 2 inches per hour, and refill it at arate of4 inches per hour. Nigg said the "ramp rate," as it's called, should minimize downstream turbidity and the risk that fish could be

stranded by rapidly falling


water. The utility had originally requested a ramp rate of 6inches per hour both for lowering and raising the water level, Nigg said. Under the conditions set by DEQ, PacifiCorp will be monitoring turbidity levels and any fish stranding during its operations. Gravely said PacifiCorp suspects the risk to fish and other wildlife is minimal. "We don't think it's very

• >

easily sign up for coverage in time for some of the law's main benefits to begin Jan. 1. Officials have said ease of signing up is critical to the a dministration meeting i t s goal of getting 7 million uninsured people — many of them young and healthy — to




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— Reporter: 541-383-0387, shammers@bendbtdletin. com


ually we don't think it's very likely." Gravely said the draw down of water is likely to take two to three days, while actual inspection is expected to last about eight hours. Any repairs to the dam are likely to occur at a later date, which would necessitate another draw down of water levels.


repairs. C MS had enor m o u s r esponsibility, a nd was charged with ensuring that there would be a mechanism for millions of Americans to

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sign up. But the agency assumed an outsize role in the management of the project, coordinating the activities of 55 contractors rather than hiring a separate firm to serve as a systems integrator. That is likely to be a key issue dur-

ing today's hearing. P eople familiar w it h t h e p roject have said the t i m e frame was too tight for ad-

.• • e


Fine jewelry doorbusters are only available at stores that carry fine jewelry. 2ndbra at 75~/ooffmust beofequal or lesservaluethan purchasedbra. Returns must include both purchasedbras. > REG. PRICESAREOFFERING PRICESAND SAVINGS MAYNOT BE BASED ONACTUAL SALES.ONE DAY SALE PRICESIN EFFECT10/25 & 10/26/13, EXCEPTAS NOTED, tAII carat weights (ct, t w) are approximate; variance maybe .05 carat. Jewelry photos maybe enlarged or enhanced to show detail. Fine jewelry at select stores; log on to macys.com for locations. Almost all gemstones havebeen treated to enhancetheir beauty 8r require special care, log on to macys.com/gemstones or ask yoursales professional. Extra savings are taken off already-reduced prices; "Doorbuster" pricesreflect extra savings. Doorbusters are available while supplies last. Advertisedmerchandise may not be carried at your local Macy's and selection may vary by store. Prices andmerchandise may differ at macys.com. Luggage & electric itemsshowncarry warranties; to see a mfr's warranty at no charge before purchasing, visit a store or write to: Macy's Warranty Dept., PO Box 1026, Maryland Heights, MO 63043, attn: Consumer Warranties. N3090014.*Enterthe WeblD in thesearch box at macys.com to order. OPEN A MACY'5 ACCOUNT FOR EXTRA 20% SAVINGS THE FIRST 2 DAYS, UP TO $100, WITH MORE REWARDS TO COME. Macy's credit card is availablesubject to credit approval; new account savings valid the day your account isopened and the next day; excludes services, selected licensed departments, gift cards, restaurants, gourmet food & wine. The new account savings are limited to a total of $100; application must qualify for immediate approval toreceive extra savings; employees not eligible.

Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B5

Weather, B6





V Ll

Eugeneman arrested at motel A Eugenemanwas arrested Tuesdayevening at the Dunes Motel,

Bend, on suspicion of promoting prostitution

and rape, according to Bend Police. Antron Phillips, 31, was booked into the

Deschutes County Jail after police responded to a reported dispute at the

By Shelby R. King The Bulletin

Fish biologists believe several "unusual" conditions — including drought, fish migrating out of Wickiup Reservoir and better than average rainfall in recent years — contributed to the stranding of about 3,000 fish last

week in a side channel on the Deschutes River upstream of Bend. About 450 trout — including Redband rainbow trout, a species listed as sensitive by the state of Oregon — 1,220 mountain whitefish and a similar number of sculpin were found in a half-mile

stretch of the river near Lava Island southwest of town, according to a news release from Erik Moberly, assistant district biologist with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife in Bend. "It's an estimate because it's difficult to count exactly how many," he said. "Our esti-

mate is probably low." Reductions in water releases from the dam operators at Wickiup Reservoir cause river levels to drop at this time of year. The rate of the reduction in water release rates, called a ramp down, is set each year. Kyle Gorman, region manager for the Oregon Water

Resources Department in Bend, said there are no plans to change ramp-down rates. "Every year we evaluate inflow and use that to forecast (ramp-down) rates," he said. "We determine what kind of inflow we see and what levels of reservoir gains we have." See Fish/B6

Dunes Motel onThird Street in Bend. Reports said that Phillips had


been arguing with his girlfriend, Sheron Put-


ney, 34, also of Eugene. During an investigation, police allege, they discovered that Phillips

induced a17-year-old girl to have sex with oth-

ers for a fee. Police also alleged Phillips provided the teen with metham-

phetamine andhadsex


with her. Putney was also taken to the Deschutes County

Photos by Andy Tullis •The Bulletin

W@k, bike, skateboard, hop on the bus, hitch a ride with a friend or

Jail on anactive Salem warrant. The juvenile was lodged at Deschutes

co-worker. There are myriad ways to get from Point A to Point B. The Oregon Drive Less Challenge, which began Monday and wraps up

active Jefferson County warrant.

A Portland woman

was arrested in Bendon suspicion of prostitution

Tuesday, according to Bend Police. Markita Roche, 21, was booked into the

Deschutes County Jail

Nov. 1, asks Oregonians to explore their commuting options — and Skateboarding is one of the Oregon Drive Less Challenge's featured modes of transportation. The challenge features themed days, showcasing different commuting options. Skateboard Monday is Oct. 28.

maybe even win prizes. According to the event website, the Drive Less Challenge's aim is to eliminate a half-million traveled vehicle miles. Themed days showcasing different modes of alternative transportation expose participants to a variety of commuting options. To join the


challenge, go to www.drivelessconnect.com/challenge. For a calendar, visit www.commuteoptions.org/volunteer-signup/calendar.

after police said they discovered she had

posted an escortad on the website "Backpage"

and engaged insexual conduct for a fee.Police first responded to a sus-

picious circumstance reportat the Marriott TownePlace Suites in Southwest Bend Sun-

day night. From there, the investigation led authorities to the Three


Roche's arrest.

Officer pursuit ends in arrest Redmond Police rested a Redmond man

wanted on aprobation violation Wednesday.

A mom, babyand dog walk together Tuesday during Oregon DriveLess Challenge week. The challenge's remaining walk day is Oct. 31.

Joey Lee Cox, 44, fled police, who spotted his

gray Saturn lon on U.S.


Highway 97 near VeterPolice Lt. Mike Kidwell.

CarpoolWednesday ison the schedule for Oct. 30.

ing 65 mph, until he


drove over aspike strip laid by DeschutesCounty sheriff's deputies near Deschutes Junction, The left front tire of his lon deflated, Cox pulled

to the roadside near Bowery Lane, Bend,and

• SI • I > • S l l

was arrested without incident, Kidwell said.

Sudmissions: • Letters and opinions: Mail:My Nickel's Worth or In My view p.o. Box 6020 Bend, OR97708 Details on theEditorials page inside. Contact: 541-383-0358, bulletin©bendbulletin.com

• Civic Calendar notices: Emaileventinformation to news@bendbulletin.com, with "Civic Calendar"inthe subject, and include acontact name andphonenumber. Contact: 541-383-0354

The U.S. Forest Service is working on rules to clarify what is acceptable summertime recreation development at the more than 120 ski areas on land it manages around the country. Already accepted per a 2011 federal law: zip lines, mountain bike terrain parks and trails, disc golf courses and rope courses. Not allowed under the same law are tennis courts, water slides, swimming pools, golf courses and amusement


Cox was held onfelony eluding a lawofficer, reckless driving and the

The Bulletin

pondered The Bulletin

according to police.

Have astory idea or submission? Contactus!

Baker City Public Works Director Michelle Owen made a surprise appearance Wednesday night at the Bend City Council meeting. Owen was in Bend for a conference of the Oregon Chapter of the American Public Works Association, but her visit coincided with an ongoing City Council discussion about whether to treat drinking water with ultraviolet light or build a membrane filtration system. Both Bend and Baker City must build water treatment systems that will remove or neutralize the deadly microorganism cryptosporidium, in order to comply with federal law. See Council/B5

By Dylan J. Darling

Sam Schmidt, 36, of Bend, who works at the north Albertsons Market in Bend, rides his bike home from work Tuesday through downtown. Schmidt, who lives on the west side, says he rides his bike all around town regularly, and to and from his job five days a week. "If it wasn't for my bike," he said, "I don't know how much exercise I'd get."

Police pursuedCox south on U.S.97, reach-

probation violation. — Bulletin staff repon's

By Hillary Borrud

5ummer recreation criteria


pursued to Bendand ar-

ans Way atabout noon, according to Redmond

to act on water

Transit Tuesday is slated for Oct. 29.

Sisters Inn on N.E.Third Street, and eventually, to


The Bulletin

County Juvenile onan

Womansuspected of prostitution

• Oregoniansurgedto put awaythe car keysand seekout alternative modes of transportation for Drive LessChallenge

The Oregon Drive Less Challenge's Bike Fridays are slated for tomorrow and Nov. 1.

"We still want it to be in line with natural, forest kind of activities," said Amy Tinderholt, recreation team leader on the Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District of the Deschutes National Forest. SeeCriteria /B2



A telecommuter works from home during Commute Options Oregon Drive Less Challenge week. Telework Thursday is today.

Walden readiesfor hearing onhealth care roll out By Andrew Clevenger The Bulletin

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama and senior administration officials huddled with representatives from the insurance industry at the White House on Wednesday against the backdrop of a growing chorus of calls for the resignation of Health and Human ServicesSecretary Kathleen Sebelius over the troubled launch of healthcare.gov. Former vice president nomi-

nee Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., joined Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus and Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., in urging Sebelius to step down after problems with the website caused huge delays for users after its Oct. 1 launch. Rep. Greg Walden, R-Hood River, did not go so far as to call for Sebelius' ouster, but he did say Congress should perform its oversight duties and hold accountable those

responsible. The House Energy and Commerce Committee, of which Walden is a member, scheduled a hearing Thursday with representatives of CGI Federal, Optimum/QSSI, Serco and Equifax Workforce Solutions, the lead contractors that developed the site. Sebelius agreed toappear before the committee next week. "There are lots of questions they need to answer, as to how do you have this kind

of enormous plan and assure Congressrepeatedly that everything is on schedule — everything is on track, ahead of schedule — and then have such a disastrous rollout," Walden said. "Clearly, they've spent an enormous amount of taxpayer money to design an Internet portal that doesn't function welL" As the place where individualsand small businesses can compare plansbefore enrolling, the online exchange at

healthcare.gov is the centerpiece of Obama's Affordable Care Act. Under the sweeping health-care law, individuals are required to have health insurance by Jan. I or face a penalty that ramps up in subsequentyears. While a few people have successfully navigated the glitch-filled site, the vast majority of the millions of visitors have beenunable to register or load critical pages. SeeWalden /B2




Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communitylifeibendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at vvvvw.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.



give their take on the zombie movie; $12.50; 8 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 IMAX, 680 PUMPKIN PATCHANDMARKET: S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; Picka pumpkin or visit the market; 541-312-2901. free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central YOZA:The Hawaiian soul musician Oregon Pumpkin Co., 1250 N.E. performs; free; 8 p.m.; Volcanic Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century Drive, 1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. Bend; 541-323-1881 or www. KNOW CULTURA- SUGAR volcanictheatrepub.com. SKULLS:Prepare and decorate the traditional Day of the Dead treat; ages 9-12; free; 3:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes FRIDAY Ave.; 541-312-1034 or tinad@ deschuteslibrary.org. CORN MAIZEAND PUMPKIN PATCH:An eight-acre corn maze HISTORICALHAUNTS OF with pumpkin patch and market DOWNTOWNBEND:Walk to featuring pumpkin cannons, zoo historical buildings that are said train, pony rides and more; $7.50, to have experienced paranormal $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 and events and hear their ghostly tales; $10, free for museum members and younger for corn maze; $2.50 for most other activities; noon-7 p.m., ages 12 and younger; 4-7:30 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 pumpkin patch open until 6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Co., 1250 N.W. Idaho Ave.; 541-389-1813 or N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541www.deschuteshistory.org. 504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Gregory HISTORICALHAUNTS OF Nokes will presentfrom his book, DOWNTOWN BEND:Walkto "Breaking Chains: Slavery on Trial in the Oregon Territory"; $3, free for historical buildings that are said members, reservation requested; 6- to have experienced paranormal 8 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 events and hear their ghostly tales; S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382- $10, free for museum members and ages12 and younger; 4-7:30 p.m.; 4754 or www.highdesertmuseum. Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 org. N.W. Idaho Ave.; 541-389-1813 or "THE TREMBLINGGIANT": A www.deschuteshistory.org. screening of the feature-length VFW AUXILIARYANNUAL documentary about the beauties CABBAGEROLLDINNER: A of elk camp and the passion for hunting followed by a Q-and-A with community dinner; $9; 5 p.m.; VFW Hall,1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; the filmmakers; $6 in advance, $8 541-389-0775. at the door; 6:30 p.m., doors at 5:30 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. HAUNTEDHOUSE:Featuring Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond scares, candy, prizes and hot St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. chocolate; free; 6-9:30 p.m.; mcmenamins.com. Terrebonne Grange Hall, 828611th JON WAYNE ANDTHEPAIN: St.; 541-788-0865 or myrna© A CD release show for the threecreekscomputing.com. Minnesota reggae, acoustic rock THE HARVESTMOON DINNER band performs; free; 7-10 p.m.; DANCE:Featuring a buffet dinner McMenamins Old St. Francis anddancingto m usicby "The School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; Notables"; $12, registration 541-382-5174. requested; 6 p.m. dinner, 7 p.m. RIFFTRAXLIVE:"NIGHT OF dance; Bend Senior Center, 1600 THE LIVING DEAD":The stars of S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-388Mystery Science Theater 3000 1133 or www.bendparksandrec.org.

"ARSENICANDOLDLACE": Sunriver Stars Community Theater presentsthe play; proceeds benefit scholarships to Fastcamp for Three Rivers schools; $5, $25 for dinner theater (Saturday only); 6:30 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic 8 Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road; 541-593-4150 or www. sunriverstars.org. AUTHORPRESENTATION:Jon Bell presents a talk and slideshow basedon his book "On Mount Hood: A Biography of Oregon's Perilous Peak"; $5; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 422 S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; 541-526-1491. "THE PEOPLINGOF THE AMERICAS" SERIES: Wilson Wewa, a Northern Paiute elder and historian, explains how traditional legends, oral histories and observations support the idea that Native Americans have always been here and did not originate elsewhere; free, $5 day-use pass permit; 7-8:30 p.m.; Smith Rock State Park Visitor Center,10260 N.E. Crooked River Drive, Terrebonne; 541-923-7551 ext. 21 or www. oregonstateparks.org. 16TH ANNUALCOMEDYBENEFIT FOR BIGBROTHERS BIGSISTERS: Featuring comedians Todd Armstrong and Adam Norwest, live and silent auctions, raffle and more; $50 or two tickets for $80; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-312-6047 or www.bit. ly/1 cdJG3Q. BENEFIT CONCERT: Local bands featuring The Quons, Hilst and Coffey and more; proceeds benefit Feed The Hungry; $5 suggested donation; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; Bend's Community Center, 1036 N.E. Fifth St.; 541-390-0921 or thudson©bendbroadband.com. THE SCARE GROUNDS: A haunted house;recommended only forages 12and older; $12 for one haunt, $20 for two haunts, $25 for three haunts; 7 p.m.,gatesopenat6:30 p.m .;old Parr Lumber buildings, 443 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; 541-5484755 or www.scaremegood.com/.

TRIVIA NIGHT AT"THECAFE": Play three rounds of trivia with prizes; theme is holiday movies from the 80's, 90's and today; up to four people a team; free, registration requested; 7-8:30 p.m.; Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242. AN EVENINGWITH EDGAR ALLAN POE:Alastair Morley performs theatrical readings from the author; $10 in advance, $12 at the door; 8-10 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or www.belfryevents.com. JAZZ AT THE OXFORD: Featuring the Javon Jackson Band and Les McCann; $49, $248.40 for series pass,plusfees;8 p.m .;The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436 or www. jazzattheoxford.com. BEN RICEBAND:The Portland modern-blues band performs; free; 9 p.m.; Blue Pine Kitchen and Bar, 25 S.W. Century Dr., Bend; 541-3892558 or www.bluepinebar.com. E-40:The veteran Bay Area rapper performs, with OP1 and Kid Caribbe; $25 plus fees in advance;9 p.m., doorsopen at7 p.m.;Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; www. j.jp/e40info. JOHNATHANWARRENANDTHE BILLY GOATS: The Boise, Idahobased folk grass band performs, with Wesley Ladd; free; 9 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www.volcanictheatrepub.com. KYTAMI:Violin meets dance beats from the former Delhi 2 Dublin member, with Jay Tablet, Boomtown, Matt Wax and DJ Harlo; $5 (free for women until10:30 p.m.); 9 p.m.; The Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116 or www.astroloungebend.com. MOONALICE:The California rock band performs; $12 in advance, $15 at the door; 9:30 p.m., doors open at9p.m.; Domino Room,51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-4084329 or www.randompresents.com.



releaseby the U .S.Department of Agriculture, which oversees Contlnued from B1 the forestservice. The forest The rules would set criteria service is taking public comfor forest service officials to use ment on the rules for the next in evaluating proposed devel- couple of months. opment at ski areas on nationMt. Bachelor near Bend is a1 forests. Any new activities on the Deschutes National Forshould be "natural resources- est, and Hoodoo Ski Area near based and encourage outdoor Sisters is on the Willamette recreation and the enjoyment National Forest. While M t . ofnature,"according toa press Bachelor expanded its sum-

mertime activities this year and has plans for more, a forest service official said Hoodoo doesn't appear to have any immediate plans for new summer activities. The rules under considerationbythe forest servicewon't affect Mt. Bachelor's plans to possibly put in a zip line and rock climbing wall in the next decade, said Dave Rathbun,

president and general manager for Mt. Bachelor. Those were already approved by the Forest Service when the agency signed off on the Mt. Bachelor master plan in February. Mt. Ba c helor, w h i ch i s owned by Utah-based Powdr Corp., has already developed downhill mountain bike trails, another part of t h e m a ster plan, and opened them late

this summer. But before a zip line goes in or a rock climbing wall goes up,Rathbun said the focus is on building a new ski )tft at a cost of $6 m>lhon to $7 million. "My highest priority is putting a new lift in on the east side," he said. Construction on trails to be serviced by the new lift started earlier this year.

Over atHoodoo, itappears the ski area is focused on its winter offerings for now. "Hoodoo has not talked with the Forest Service about any new (summertime a ctivity) proposals," said Matt Peterson, recreation program manager on the W i llamette National Forest.


than they took toward the launch of Medicare Part D," the memo concluded."What were formerly 'glitches' that would be resolved have now apparently b e c ome f at a l flaws t ha t j u s t ify re p e aling a law that has provided health benefits to millions of Americans." Oregon is one of 16 states that op ted to de v e lop i t s own online exchange, Cover Oregon.com. Bef o r e it launched, Cover Oregon officials said the site would not be readytosign up enrollees on Oct. 1, and they hoped it would be fully functional in a few weeks. Visitors could still use the site to compare insurance plans and could enroll by other methods, including

say one thing to the Legislature and the taxpayers only to have something remarkably different happen." Earlier th is w eek, Cover Oregon spokesman Michael Cox said the site has had over 420,000 visitors since Oct. 1. The site has to taled 3. 8 million page views, with the

egon Health Plan, the state's Medicaid-funded p r o g r am for low-income residents. Earlier this month, Cover Oregon sent a letter to people already re c eiving be n efits through the state's Healthy Kids and food stamps programs, informing them that thanks to the Medicaid expansion, they n ow q u a lify for the Oregon Health Plan. More than 56,000 responded, roughly 10 pe r cent o f the uninsured population of

time," said Cox. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, about 131,000 of Oregon's uninsured live in Walden's district. That's roughly 15 pe r cent hi g her than it wo uld be if t he uninsured were spread evenly across Oregon's five congressional districts.

"Either they didn't kn o w or they deceived — and I don't know which it is. But Continued from B1 "It's a co lossal high-tech we'll find out when we start failure, p r o bably u n p r ec- having the hearings," he said. edented in modern Internet Democrats on the Energy commerce," said Walden, and Commerce Committee who chairs the Subcommit- pushed back on Wednesday, tee on Communications and circulating a memo highlightTechnology. "But the bigger ing the gl i tches associated issue really remains: What with the rollout of the Medidoes the plan look like when care D prescription drug plan y ou can actually get t o i t ; in 2006, which earned a slew What does the network look of dire headlines. At the time, like; What are the costs, the several Re publicans called copays, the premiums? And for patience as t he im p lehow are average Americans menters worked the kinks out going to be affected in terms of the new system, the memo of accessing health care that states. The Energy and Comthey want to be able to access. merce Committee, led then as And that's yet to be seen." now by the GOP, waited four In the weeks and months months to hold its first hearleading up to the launch, ad- ing on Medicare D's launch. "Republicans in Congress ministration officials, I ncluding Sebelius, told Congress have taken a m uch di f f erthe website would be ready ent approach to the launch on time, he said. of the Affordable Care Act

browse plans page having more than 200,000 visits. "We had achoice togo out Oct. 1 with the system as-is, (allowing enrollment but not completely r e ady). Or we could take a little time and get it right," Cox said. "We continue to hope that we're going to get the full functionality out to all Oregonians by the end of the month." Even w i t h out t h e si t e , 56,000 Oregonians wi thout health insurance have used Cover O r egon's fa s t-track process to enroll in the Or-

by mail. "Theywere more forthcoming and open about it," said Walden. "At least they didn't

ages12 and younger; 4-7:30 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 N.W. Idaho Ave.; 541-389-1813 or HALLOWEEN CYCLOCROSS www.deschuteshistory.org. CRUSADE:Watch the obstacleKNOW CULTURA:MEXICAN AND ladenbicycle race with costumed MEXICAN-AMERICANMURALS: competitors, a beer garden, live music and more; free for spectators; Educator Hector H. Hernandez highlights muralism; bilingual; free; 8a.m.-4 p.m.; Deschutes Brewery, 4 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 901 S.W. Simpson Ave., Bend; 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312www.crosscrusade.com. 1032 or www.deschuteslibrary.org. "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: HALLOWEEN PARTY: Featuring a THE NOSE":Starring Paulo Szot costume contest, prizes dinner and as a bureaucrat, who has satirical dancing; $10 dinner and dance, $5 misadventures in search of his dance only; 5 p.m., 6 p.m. dance; La missing nose; opera performance Pine Senior Activity Center,16450 transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 Victory Way; 541-536-6237. a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 JAZZ AT THE OXFORD: Featuring IMAX,680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, the Javon Jackson Band and Les Bend; 541-312-2901. McCann; $49, $248.40 for series pass,plusfees;5 p.m .;TheOxford CORN MAIZEAND PUMPKIN Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., PATCH:An eight-acre corn maze Bend; 541-382-8436 or www. with pumpkin patch and market jazzattheoxford.com. featuring pumpkin cannons, zoo "ARSENICANDOLDLACE": train, pony rides and more; $7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 and Sunriver Stars Community Theater younger for Corn Maize; $2.50 for presentsthe play; proceeds benefit most other activities; 10 a.m.-7 p.m., scholarships to Fastcamp for Three pumpkin patch open until 6 p.m.; Rivers schools; $5, $25 for dinner Central Oregon Pumpkin Co., 1250 theater (Saturday only); 6 p.m.; N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic 8 504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road; 541-593-4150 or www. JIM GILL' S CONTAGIOUS TUNES sunriverstars.org. TOUR:National award-winning children's author and musician HAUNTEDHOUSE:Featuring presents a family concert; free, scares, candy, prizes and hot tickets available at Deschutes Public chocolate; free; 6-9:30 p.m.; Library branches with a limit of 5 per Terrebonne Grange Hall, 828611th family; 1 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 St.; 541-788-0865 or myrna@ N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 threecreekscomputing.com. or heatherm@deschuteslibrary.org. LAST SATURDAY:Event includes UPCYCLEDFASHION POPUP: art exhibit openings, live music, Featuring scavenged jewelry pieces food and drinks and a patio and by Utah artist Myrna Massey fire pit; free; 6-10 p.m.; The Old Brooks and Castaways' knit castoff Ironworks Arts District, 50 Scott St., fashions; free admission; 2-6 p.m.; Bend; www.j.mp/lastsat. Lubbesmeyer Studio & Gallery, 450 TALES OFALL HALLOWSEVE: S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Ste. 423, Dramatic readings told by the light Bend; art.castaways©gmail.com. of jack-o'-lanterns, live animal HISTORICALHAUNTS OF appearances, puppet shows DOWNTOWNBEND:Walk to and more; $5, $3 for members, historical buildings that are said reservation requested; 6-8 p.m.; to have experienced paranormal HighDesertMuseum, 59800 S.U.S. events and hear their ghostly tales; Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or $10, free for museum members and www.highdesertmuseum.org.

— Reporter:541-617-7812, ddarling@bendbulletin.com

— Reporter: 202-662-7456, aclevenger@bendbulletin.com


Azszzmmg IBv27s 8

"That's a great start, and it shows the level of interest that people have in getting covered,perhaps forthe first

IQ ,

Retire with us Today! 541-312-9690

NEWS OF RECORD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358.

BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT DUII —Lacree Cherelle Jumping Bull, 24, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 10:54 p.m. Oct. 18, in the area of Southeast Fifth Street and Southeast Woodland Boulevard.

act of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made at 11:54 p.m. Oct. 22, in the area of Southeast Fifth Street.

OREGON STATE POLICE DUII —Cesar Hugo Garcia, 27, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 7:11 p.m. Oct. 22, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost 200.


s •

Across The G<reat D>ivide •




6:03 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 497 S.W. Century Drive.

Criminal mischief —An

18 —Medical aid calls.





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5 'sson etsre uce ro ation

AROUND THE STATE EBflg mOfAlllg fOddOflBS — Police are investigating two reported robberies, which occurred early Wednesday in north Portland.

The suspect in both caseswas wearing a grey hoodie andcarried a The Associated Press P ORTLAND — A ju d g e in Portland has reduced the probation period for a man who smuggled notes to Russ ian officials from hi s i m prisoned father, who was a former CIA officer convicted

of espionage. Federal Judge Anna Brown noted the "exemplary performance" of Nathan Nicholson on Tuesday as she knocked a year offhis five-year probation. It's now scheduled to end in December 2014. Nicholson was initially sentenced to probation in 2010 for conspiring with his father,

Harold Nicholson, who had been sentenced to 24 years in prison for his 1997 espionage conviction. H arold N i c h olson w a s serving time at a medium-security federal prison in Sheridan, when he began passing notes to the son to carry to Russian officials. N athan N i c holson t h e n smuggled the notes out of the prison and carried them to Russian diplomatic stations in San F r ancisco, Mexico City, Lima, Peru, and Nicosia, Cyprus. The Russians reportedly paid him $47,000. Nathan Nicholson pleaded

guilty to acting as an agent of a foreign government at his father's request. Now 29, the younger Nicholson graduated last spring from Oregon State University in computer science and took a job creating websites. He has agreed that profits from a possible movie about him would go t o t h e U . S. government. "Thanks to a huge amount of support through friends, family an d l o ved o n es, I was able to become a working member of society once again," he said. "This is incredible news, and I am deep-

"This is incredible

handgun. The suspect reportedly held up the Farmers Barn Tavern at about12:30 a.m., and the Venture lnn, which is about eight miles

news, and I am deeply


humbled by it all." — Nathan Nicholson

away, around 30 minutes later. Cashwas reported stolen in both TWO killed —Two people were shot to death and onewounded Tuesday night outside Roseburg. The Douglas County Sheriff's Office said deputies responded to a call at about 9:30 p.m. and found the

two individuals dead at aresidence in Winchester, an unincorporated ly humbled by it all." His father was sentenced to an additional eight years for his role in the plot. He is c urrently i m prisoned at a federal prison in C olorado. The U.S. Bureau of Prisons lists his release date as June 27, 2024.

area north of Roseburg, upon their arrival. The third person was taken to Mercy Medical Center in Roseburg. Officers searched the

area near apark along the North UmpquaRiver and werestill looking for a suspect onWednesday. Amanin his 30s wearing a dark hoodie is being sought by authorities. Including these two deaths, there have

been four slayings in Douglas County over the past four days. FOOd fOCBIIS —Oregon-based Reser's Fine Foodsis recalling pre-packaged products that might be contaminated with Listeria. The items were made at a Topeka, Kan., plant. The products vary

widely and include cole slaw, pimento spreadand potato salad. The United States Department of Agriculture said the items also include about 23,000 pounds of products containing chicken, ham and beef. The company and federal officials announced Tuesday that the re-


een T

frigerated ready-to-eat products may be contaminated with Listeria

=- •


monocytogenes. The products were distributed across the U.S. and


Canada. Therehavebeenno reports of illness, however. Thecompany and federal officials listed various "sell by" dates for the recalled products.

searchin pot case was legal

— From wire reports

By Nigel Duara The Associated Press

PORTLAND — The Oregon Court of Appeals says that officers had enough cause — a spike in electric bills and observations of comings and goings — to obtain a warrant to search a home they suspected of being an illegal pot-growing site. The rulingissued Wednesday comes after a judge suppressed prosecutor's evidence at a trial, saying the search warrant should not have been issued because at least one of the three occupants in the home had a card to grow medical marijuana. The case began in 2010, when an anonymous caller complained of a m a r ijuana growing operation at a Beaverton home. A pair of informants then c ontacted police an d s a i d people arrived at the home empty-handed and left with duffel bags, including a pizzadelivery driver. In July 2010, a Washington County narcotics team began surveillance of the house. In one instance, they watched a person leavethe home, drive an SUV to meet another individual i n a s e d an, h and an unidentified parcel to the driver and drive away. The police stopped the sedan and found pot. The driver said she bought it from the person in the SUV. T he i n v estigation a l s o found that electric bills at the home showed a spike in usage in 2008, and remained high, which police called an indication that residents were using marijuana grow lights. T he narcotics team o b tained a search warrant and moved on the house. The occupants protested and said the police had no probable cause to search the house. They also argued that informants who supplied information to police were not reliable. A trial court judge said the warrant should never have been signed, saying the house was already listed as a lawful grow site for medical marijuana. Also, police shouldn't have beenableto use the electric-bill information, because factors other than marijuana grow lights could have led to the increase in power usage, the he ruled. Prosecutors appealed. They pointed to t h e i n f ormation about the drug transaction, as well as the informants' observations, seeking a reversal in the trial court judge's decision. The appeals court partially agreed that the evidence should be allowed at trial. "It is not seriously disputed

that (apolice officer) had ample information to establish that marijuana was being grown at the residence,"appeals court judge Rex Armstrong wrote in the opinion. "The question is whether the affidavit could properly support a determination that there was probable cause that unlawful activity related to marijuana cultivation was occurring."


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The Assoaated Press

Permeation tubes containing pressurized gasses are placed in a chamber and used to test the impact on computers in Hillsboro. The Intel scientists were prompted to begin the experiements when the company noticed an unusual number of customers from China and India returning computers with failed motherboards, the component that houses the microprocessor brains.

Researchersstu y pollution's impact on microprocessors or marketsacrossthe glo e The Associated Press HILLSBORO — In a windowless lab at its Hillsboro campus, Intel scientists are b rewing foul a ir , s o t h ey can study the effects of air pollution on the innards of computers — a step toward figuring out how to protect electronics in markets such as India and China that have big pollution problems and the potential for sizable sales growth. So far, the scientists said, there have been no breakthroughs as they load test tubes of pressurized hydrogen sulfide, sulfur dioxide and chlorine and calibrate their effects on electronics. Intel e n gineers s potted the problem a few years ago, when the company noticed an unusual number of customers from China and India returning computers because of failed motherboards, the component that houses the microprocessor brains. The culprit i s s u lfurous air pollution produced by coal that's burned to generate electricity. It c o r rodes t he copper c i rcuitry t h a t providesneural networks for PCs and servers. Intel doesn't make mothe rboards itself, but as t h e world's l a r gest p r o ducer of computer chips, it is increasingly reliant on sales

To refine its solutions, Intel invested$300,000 in a chamber of gasses for its Hillsboro lab. The company describes the device as a large oven, where it bakes circuit boards in conditions that match the going to be used. polluted conditions it finds What shocked us overseas. In the U.S., servers operabout this was our ate i n cl i m a te-controlled assumptions were data centers. But in develwrong." o ping countries, they a r e much more exposed to the — Tom Marieb, elements. a vice president In India, for example, the in Intel's manufacturing group only way to cool a server might be to open a window at night, which exposes the in China and India, and has machine to pollution. "Part of us understanding the most at stake if computers aren't as reliable in the the reliability o f a n y thing d eveloping world a s t h ey is how i t's actually going are in the United States and to be used," said M arieb. "What shocked us about this Europe. A year into their investiga- was our assumptions were tion, the Oregon engineers wrong." say early solutions are either Intel isn't the only techexpensive or inconsistent. nology manufacturer to enBut they're now closer to counter problems with polunderstanding the issues. lution. Dell and IBM have "That really is the first orboth d o cumented s i milar der of business — is under- environmental problems. In Dell's case, it reported that standing the physics," said Tom Marieb, a vice president electronics in corrosive enin I n t el's m a n ufacturing vironments typically failed group. "That's what gener- within two to four months. ates new ideas." While Intel won't say just Copper substitutes such as how many m or e c omputgold are prohibitive. So Intel ers fail due to air pollution, is looking at coatings to pro- the company says pollution tect the copper, and scientists makes f a i lure "multiple" say some are promising. times more likely.

"Part of us understanding the reliability of anything is how it's actually


Ex-executive apologizesfor scandal The Associated Press

occurred during his tenure. PORTLAND — The former Wright, now the general head of the Bonneville Power manager at the Chelan CounAdministration said Wednes- ty Public Utility District, said day that he did not make the BPA's actions were for the specific decisions that are the most part "well intended and focus of a U.S. Department of not malicious." Energy's investigation intohirAn inspector general reing violations at the agency. port found widespread and In a w r i t ten s tatement, pervasive discrimination in BPA's former administrator, hiring veterans at the utility. Steve Wright, apologized for Wright said he also had no the violations, some of which knowledge of the retaliation



Publishing Wednesday, December 25, 2013 in The Bulletin Central Oregon communities continue to grow due to a nationallyrecognized appreciation for the region's quality of life. From providingthe most basic needs of food, shelter and security, to creating and maintaining positive social, educational, recreational and professional environments, Central Oregon's nonprofit community is a foundation for our area's success and sustainabiiity.

Hundreds oforganizationsandthousandsofvolunteersmakeupthis nonprofit network. Through the publication of Connections, The Bulletin will both

defineand profile the organizations that make up this network. Connections wiLL provide readers with a thorough look at nonprofi t organizationsin Deschutes,Jeff erson,and Crook Counties.


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ATTENTION CENTRAL OREGON NONPROFIT GROUPS The Bulletin is in the process of verifying and compiling a comprehensive list of nonprofit entities in Central Oregon. Please fill out this form to verify information in order to be considered for publication in Connections. Mail back to: The Bulletin, Attn: Kari Mauser, P.O.Box6020, Bend, OR97708.

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He said h e w a s n e ver questioned du r i n g the investigation. Wright took over BPA's helm in 2000 and left the position in January. The BPA markets power from 31 federal dams in the Columbia Basin and manages much of the region's power grld.


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BETsY McCooc Goaoott BEAEE

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Fditur in-Clnrf Editor of Edttorials



onaura sae he area around Cline Falls Power Plant should be returned to a more natural state. N ot everything s hould b e preserved. Not every old building should be saved. For a building or a site to get a designation as a historic site, it has to be special. There must be a way to pay to preserve it. There should also be a way to make the history useful, so that future generations are able to get a historic benefit and don't just get saddled with a legacy cost and responsibility. The Deschutes County Commission has been wrestling with the old power plant site. It's on the Deschutes River and previously provided hydroelectric power. It is a collection of old buildings, built between 1907 and 1912. The Deschutes County Commission designated the site as historic in 1992. Central Oregon Irrigation District owns the land. But when PacificCorp ended its 100-year lease on the site in February, the question arose about what on the site was historic. The com-

pany has removed everything it wanted from the site — some power-generatingequipment. Andnow the commission is considering just how much of the site still deserves to be designated as historic. What's best for that property? PacifiCorp should be able take what it wants. We'd like to see all the buildings and materials rem oved. Thegoal should be to restore the area to a more natural setting. That will likely include some e nvironmental c l eanup. A f t er some analysis, PacifiCorp has identified about 7.5 cubic yards of contaminated soil that should be removed. But beyond that restoration, if there are those who want to preserve the history of the site's role in producing hydropower, they should come up with a means to pay for it. Neither PacifiCorp nor COID should be required to pay to preserve the site's history. County taxpayers shouldn't be required to, either.

SEIU ballot proposals take the wrong path health care worker's union that regularly negotiates as an adversary of hospital administrators wants to use Oregon's initiative process to advance its agenda. Local 49 of the Service Emp loyees I n t ernational U n i o n represents 15,000 health c are workers in Oregon and Southeast Washington, according to its website. On Monday, it filed five ballot measures concerning hospital transparency, compensation and pricing that it hopes to see on the November 2014 ballot. The union plans to begin gathering required signatures after ballot titles are established. According to the SEIU website, the proposals would: • Make hospital quality ratings public. • Force hospitals to post prices. • Set minimums for charity care. • Require "reasonable" pricing for services. • Cap executive salaries "at no more than 15 times the wages of the lowest paid employee." In support of th e executive salary proposal, SEIU cites St.

Charles Health System President and CEO Jim Diegel, stating that his 2011 compensation was 29 times that of the health system's lowest paid worker. St. Charles spokeswoman Lis a G o odman told us her calculations show the number should be 21 rather than 29, but that would still be well above the SEIU goal of 15. Whatever those details, we don't think voters should be in the business of telling a company what it should pay its employees. While we support some of the ideas behind the proposed measures, the initiative process is the wrong avenue in which to pursue them. First, the timing is wrong. The state and nation are overwhelmed trying to absorb the impacts of the Affordable Care Act and related efforts, and a separate set of initiatives would only complicate and confuse that process. Second, b a l lo t mea s ures shouldn't be used to push for union demands. And finally, these proposals oversimplify complex issues and ignore legitimate challenges. We urge voters to decline to sign these petitions and vote no if the measures do reach the ballot.

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M Nickel's Worth Vote no on roomtaxes Only half the story was told in the Oct. 9 editorial supporting the Bend room tax increase. Here is what wasn't said. The opposition to the tax increase as expressed by the majority of Bend's mid-range hotels at February and June council and study group meetings was not noted. Nor were Bulletin stories about uncollected vacation rental tax and 10 percent growth in tourism and room tax this year — or tax revenue from the 160 beds in new hotels next year. Alone, theserevenue sources will generate approximately half of the $410,000 that VisitBend requests in Measure 9-94. When you add in savings from the overlap in expenditures by the many room tax-supported tourism marketing agencies in Central Oregon, there is enough money to meet VisitBend's request. For public safety, Bend already will hire 5.5 police and firemen this year. And Bend Fire will propose a funding measure next year. We don't need this tax increase. The funds are already there. Is it fair to make the hotel industry pay for Bendtaps' vision of community development'? (Bendtaps is the Bend Tourism, Arts & Public Safety Initiative, which supports the tax.) The room tax is growing at a faster rate than the hotel revenue stream. The hotels belong to hotel owners not the tourism and arts community. Finally, almost all o ther f unding measures have a time limit; this doesn't. We are stuck with a tax if the program doesn't work. Did the editorial help voters make a good decision? No. Vote no on 9-94.

There aresimilar no arguments for Deschutes County Measure 9-96. TIm Chahal Bend

Tourist tax to benefit Bend Thank you for the opportunity to speak about Measure 9-94. I feel it's important to inform citizens that this is not a tax on Bend residents. Measure 9-94is a small increase in the tax tourists pay to stay in Bend hotels. The current room tax rate is 9 percent, and this measure raises it to 10.4percent.By comparison, Boise's rate is 13 percent, Portland's 14.5 percent and Seattle's is 15.8 percent. Some local hotels already exceed the 10.4 percent in their room tax ratesto offsetcosts offree breakfasts and other amenities. Apparently, this has not deterred visitors from these large hotels and resorts that saw increasesthisyear. So how does this measure impact Bend residents? Upon its passage, it provides up to an additional $200,000 a year for police and firefighters, $150,000 a year for arts and culture programs and $300,000 to market Bend to potential tourists in Seattle and Northern California — currently untapped markets that could significantly influence economic gains for Bend. Increased tourism benefits all of us, especially those of us who serve the tourist community (in addition to our local community) with arts and cultural activities such as First Friday, in which I and many others participate. I encourage the passing of this measure that adds just $1.40 for tourists presently spending $100 a night for a Bend hotel — quite reason-

able in my opinion. Please join me in voting yes on Measure 9-94 — a measure that will benefit our entire community. Billye Turner Bend

Support Measure 9-94 I'm a longtime Bend resident and business owner who cares deeply about my community andthe economic stability of the city. That's why I'm voting yes on Measure 9-94. Measure 9-94 is not a tax on Bend residents. It's a slight increase in the tax tourists pay to stay in Bend hotels. Currently, the rate is 9 percent; Measure 9-94 would raise that rate to 10.4 percent. The change would bring it more in line with room tax rates in areas like Portland (14.5 percent), Seattle (15.8 percent), South Lake Tahoe

(15 percent) and Boise (13 percent). Though a 1.4 percent room tax hike amounts to $1.40 for someone paying $100 a night for a hotel room, it adds up to a lot more for vital Bend services. With 2.2 million visitors coming to Bend annually, that's an additional $200,000 a year earmarked for police and firefighters, $150,000 a year for artsand culture and $300,000 a year for tourism promotion aimed at funneling more tourist dollars into Bend's economy. Tourist dollars are vital to many Bend businesses, and mine is no exception. Having tourists play a bigger role in supporting Bend services just makes good economic sense. Please join me in voting yes on 9-94.

Rebecca Charlton Bend

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Witnessing compassion can be an enduring experience By Tim Conlon e 2013 Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded to the Organization for th e Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, which is currently inventorying Syria's chemical weapons caches. When the award was announced, a current events a nalyst q uestioned w h y M a l a l a Yousafzai, a Pakistani 16-year-old, didn't receive the award.

Malala spoke publicly for girls' education, and for that, was shot last year by the Taliban and came close to death. S till, others say a w arding t h e Peace Prize to Malala could have b een problematic, because in i m poverished and terrorized countries there are scores of courageous people. How can you single out one? Not many of us can be as brave as Malala. But I suggest we all are capable of compassion for our fellow

human, if not courage. I dug around the coverage of the Syrian civil war and uncovered acts of compassion. The Times of Israel published a story, "Israeli Compassion Amidst the Atrocities." It reported the medical careJewish doctors gave Syrian refugees in Safed, a town on the Syrian border. The word, "compassion" caught my attention. I'm not so naive to think President Barack Obama's National Security Council w ould have an agenda item, "Prioritizing compassion as a unifying action to highlight nation-state atrocities." In my lifetime, America has been engaged in a major war six times. Too much money, power and male machismo are at stake to expect the war machines are going to be dismantled. But consider this alternative: Compassion is a tangible action demonstrating care for another. It


spired me. The testimonials created a glorious mural of his lust for life; his prioritizes another's need. Appreci- ceaseless giving to others; his profesating another's needs would sweeten sional integrity; and his huge capacthe world'srancorous mood. Our ity to bond with our mountains, rivleaders might consider official and ers and sunsets. Never have I seen so more robust humanitarian initiatives many men in one place cry so openly. parallel to saber rattling. I was not saddened, but inspired with As I read about Jewish doctors what compassion can do to civilize healing Muslim children, the bumper our society. The upwelling of emosticker, "Think Globally-Act Locally," tions triggered a memory when comcomes to mind. passion snuck onto my tiny stage. Here in CentralOregon we can't Many years ago, I was an officer eradicate the hatred in the Middle on a U.S. Navy minesweeper. The East, but we can consider compas- ship was built of wood, to prevent it sion to examine local differences and from exploding as it swept magnetiresolve conflicts. For example, exam- cally triggered mines. But the ship didn't work. Packard Motors, a comine national immigration reform as applied to our Latino neighbors and pany that's declared bankruptcy, the region's economy. built the frequently failing aluminum Five years ago, during the meengines. morial service of a Bend business The demands of a ship that hanowner, tales of the man's compassion dled like a giant cork with faulty were related. His caring for others in- engines and other stress moved me

to find sympathy among the noncommissioned officers. One NCO was Quartermaster Zambrano. As he was transferredfrom the ship and went down the gangplank, he handed me a lighter embellished with the ship's plaque. HMr. Conlon, you don't smoke. But carry this. There will be more days of impossible situations. Look at this and know you can handle anything." Even burned out, I recognized this was the simplest kind of compassion. Since 1964, I find that I pay attention to little events — they can be all about compassion and acknowledgement of courage. I still have the Zambrano lighter. Finally, reflect on another bumper sticker: "Practice Random Acts of Kindness." Your small gesture of care can deliver compassion when most needed. — Tim Conlon lives in Bend.





DEATH NOTICES Marie Lois Fields, of Redmond Oct. 20, 1948 - Oct. 20, 2013 Arrangements: Redmond Memorial Chapel 541-548-3219 please sign our online guestbook www.redmondmemorial.com Services: A memorial will be held October 26, 2013 at 12 pm at the family residence.

j'r, a

By Capi Lynn


(Salem)Statesman Journal




Sylvia L. Waller, of Bend Nov. 26, 1922 - Oct. 18, 2013 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Homes of Bend, 541-382-0903 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: A private family gathering will be held in Hawaii at a later date. Contributions may be made to:

Partners In Care, 2075 NE Wyatt Court, Bend, Oregon 97701, www.partnersbend.org or Humane Society of Central Oregon, 61170 SE 27th Street, Bend, Oregon 97702, www.hsco.org

Wayne Douglas Donaldson, of Bend July 21, 1945 - Oct. 10, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 www.autumnfunerals.net Services: A Celebration of Life will be held Saturday, October 26, 2013, from 2:00 - 6:00 p.m., at the Comfort Inn, 62065 S.E. 27th Street, Bend, Oregon 97702.

Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeralhomes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by1 p.m. Fridayfor Sunday publication, and by 9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around theworld: Ronald Shannon Jackson,73: An avant-garde drummer whose band, the Decoding Society, showed his knack for writing rigorous yet approachable music. Jackson was most closely linked with threefree-jazz pioneers:the saxophonist Albert Ayler, the pianist Cecil Taylor and the saxophonist Ornette Coleman. Died Saturday in Fort Worth, Texas. William Sullivan,90:An ambassador to Laos, he oversaw a "secret war," aided in negotiations to end U.S. military involvement in Vietnam and was the last American ambassador to Iran. He controlled the secret U.S.

bombing campaign against North Vietnamese troops moving through Laotian territory along the Ho Chi Minh traiL Sullivan then served as ambassador to the Philippines. Died Oct. 11 in Washington. — From wire reports

On trip to visit memorial, aveteran iesmi - light

The Associated Press file photo

Rep. Major Owens, left, and Ben-Tzion Meltzer, of Project CARE, speak in 2002 following a news conference in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, N.Y. Owens, a Democrat, served12 terms in the House of Representatives between1983 and 2007.

Major Owens: librarian, politician andauthor By Adam Bernstein The WashingtonPost

Major Owens, a former librarian, antipoverty activist and New York state senator who served 12 terms in the U.S. House and became the selfstyled "Rappin' Rep" for channeling his liberal advocacy into musical verse, died Monday at a hospital in Manhattan. He was 77. The cause was congestive heart failure, said his wife, Maria Cuprill-Owens. Owens, a Democrat, was first elected to the House in 1982 and boasted of his progressive voting record at a time when passionate liberals often found themselves at the fringe of power. He championed universal health care, education funding, and minimum-wage legislation and fought to repeal gun rights, even publicly voicing his support to eliminate the Second Amendment because of the increased gun violence in schools. "I'm all alone on this one," he once said. It was not the first or last time Owens found himself without overwhelming support. Song became "an outlet for political frustrations," he said. He used the well of the House to criticize state and city officials for using eminent domain to transfer property from one landowner to another, at what he considered the expense of the working poor. He opposed the massive Atlantic Yards development project in Brooklyn and explained it this way: Fight the pain defeat the strain rally all together destroy eminent domain. Monster on the street grabs any home to eat greedy rape t h e s n akes repeat. H aving assailed U.S. i n volvement in the Persian Gulf War in the early 1990s, Owens appeared on the House floor shortly before th e U . S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003 and denounced the impending conflict: Stop the war We need the cash Give Medicaid families All of Rumsfeld's stash Throw the body bags into the trash. When not condemning conservative policy or action, Owens wassometimes an outsider within his party. After several terms in the New York state Senate, he ran in 1982 to succeed the retiring Shirley Chisholm,thefirstblack woman elected to Congress. Chisholm and the Brooklyn Democratic Party organization backed another state senator, Vander Beatty, whose flamboyance and skill as a party operative made Owens appear reserved and professorial by comparison. Despite his energetic campaign, Beatty was tainted by accusations of voter fraud and other irregularities. He was subsequently convicted of those charges. In Congress, Owens rose in the 1980s through the Education and Labor Committee and chaired its subcommittee on select education and civil rights. He helped shepherd the Americans With Disabilities Act of 1990, which broadened civil rights already protected in earlier legislation, as well as bills to reauthorize grants to help the disabled with job training.

With the Republican takeover of the House in 1995, Owens struggled to advance bills to protect minimumwageincreases and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration. In 2003, Owens became one of the first members of the Congressional Black Caucus to endorsethe Democratic presidential campaign of former Vermont governor Howard Dean, a physician who emphasized health-care legislation and who was a vociferous opponent of the Iraq war. Dean, who l ater became chairman of the Democratic National Committee, lost the nomination to then-Sen. John Kerry. Meanwhile, Owens f aced increasingly h a r d el e ction challenges in his district. He was dismayed when a longtime family friend and political ally, Jamaican-born City Council member Una Clarke, campaigned for his House seat in 2000 and accused him of not keeping up with "the needs of the changing community." Owens accused her of using her ethnicity as a wedge issue in a district where African Americans an d C a r ibbean Americans sometimes tussled for political visibility. He later referred to her House bidand that of her daughter, City Council member Yvette Clarke, in 2004 and 2006 — as a "longterm double-cross and stab in the back." Owens declinedto seek reelection in 2006. He was succeeded by Yvette Clarke, who crushed Owens's son Chris in the race. Major Owens helped set a divisive tone during the race when he called City Council member David Yassky, who is white, a "colonizer" for his attempt to seek the House seat held for two generations by black politicians. Major Robert Odell Owens was born in Collierville, Tenn., on June 28, 1936, and raised in nearby Memphis. His father was a laborer in a furniture factory. Owens was a 1956 graduate of Morehouse College in Atlanta and receiveda master's degree in library science from Atlanta University, which is now Clark Atlanta, in 1957. Hesettledin Brooklyn, where he became alibrarian and grew active in the Congress of Racial Equality and community devel-

opment groups. Mayor John Lindsay tapped Owens as commissioner of the city's antipoverty Community Development Agency in 1968. He spent five years in that position and also won election to the state Senate in 1974. His first marriage, to the former Ethel Werfel, ended in divorce. Besides his wife of 25 years,survivors include three sons from his first marriage, Chris Owens and Millard Owens, both of B rooklyn, and Geoffrey Owens, an actor who played the son-in-law Elvin on "The Cosby Show," of Montclair, N.J.; two stepchildren, Carlos Cuprill of Spotsylvania, Va., and Cecilia CuprillNunez of Washington; three brothers; a sister; and eight grandchildren. When he retired from Congress, Owens declared, "I want to spend my last years writing novels and poetry." His book, "The Peacock Elite: a Subjective Case Study of the Congressional Black Caucus and Its Impact on National Politics," was published in 2011.

SALEM — The message came duringdinner,delivered by one of the nurses who was traveling with the group of local World War II veterans. The daughter of W i lliam Vorisek insisted they continue their trip as planned. That's what her dad w ould have wanted. And so the 49 veterans, many of them from the MidWillamette Valley, did. They spent the weekend in Washington, D.C., with Honor Flight of Oregon, a member of the national nonprofit network that transports veterans,free of charge, to visit the World War II memorial. If only Vorisek could have been with them, it would have been a perfect trip. Vorisek, 88, of Newberg, died on the flight from Portland to Chicago. He was one of three veterans who boarded the plane with a portable oxygen concentrator. Witnesses said he collapsed in the aisle about mid-flight, after coming out of the restroom. Three nurses with Honor Flight of Oregon tried to revive him before the plane landed at Midway International Airport. His daughter, Jill Dorrell, also of Newberg, had accompanied him on the trip and was by his side. He was pronounced dead at Holy Cross Hospital at I p.m. Friday, according to the Cook County Medical Examiner's office. The rest of the group contin-

Council Continued from B1 In July, an outbreak of cryptosporidium s i ckened Baker City residents. City officials there recently decided to build an ultraviolet light treatment plant. Owen said Baker City officials chose ultraviolet light as the least expensive option. She implored Bend city councilors to make a decision on treatment soon, in order to avoid the type of outbreak that hit Baker City. "I don't want to see that happen in Bend," Owen said. "To take care of the issue before it becomes a crisis, I can't say how important that is. I'll just encourage you to make that difficult decision that you need to make at the next meeting." City councilors had favored a membrane filtration plant that would capture debris in the event of a fire in the watershed, but they voted 4-3 in February to reexamine a less costly ultraviolet light treatment plant instead. The city of Bend estimated a membrane filtration facility for water from Bridge and Tumalo Creeks would cost $31 million to $36 million to build. A citizen committee estimated it would cost about $28 million to build an ultraviolet light treatment plant and backup wells. A consultant to the city estimated it would cost more. Owen said Baker City's w atershed i s s i m ilar t o Bend's in that it is susceptible to wildfire. However, Owen said, Baker City takes water from l l d i fferent streams, and if a problem arises in part of the 10,000-acre watershed, the city can switch off that diversion and simply use another source. Bend takes its water from Tumalo Creek and diverts that water into Bridge Creek. Unlike Bend, Baker City does not have groundwater wells. The City Council will likely deliberate on treatment options in early November. In other council business Wednesday night, transit officials explained they need to do a better job informing the community about the availability of bus service. The Central Oregon Intergovernmental C o u ncil, which operates Cascades East Transit, recently hired a research firm to survey voters on their opinions of transit and willingness to pay a tax or fee to support it. One survey result that surprised COIC employees was

ued on to Washington. Vorisek, who served with the A r my's 2 88th S i gnal Company, andmonitored and decoded Japanese communications in the South Pacific during the war, would have wanted them to. "We felt so bad he didn't get to see the memorial," said Salem's Janet Long, who went as a guardian to Marine Corps veteran Ed Killeen, also of Salem. "They waited a year and half to two years for this. We knew how special it was for all of them. "We dedicated the rest of the weekend to him." The veterans visited other memorials, including the Korean and Vietnam, but seeing the World War II Memorial — their memorial — was the most special. "Tears of joy were running down my face," said Willard Scott, a Navy veteran who lives in Salem. Long struggled to find the words to describethe emotions of the entire weekend. She thought of her late husband, Bill, who served in the Army during the Korean War, and her two brothers, who also served in the military. Everyone th o ugh t of Vorisek. " I think t h e v et s w e re thinking of him often," said Gail Yakopatz, president of Honor Flight of Oregon. "But they were alsoremembering their other fallen friends and the new friends they were making."

The timing was perfect for their arrival — the day after the government shutdown was lifted. The group was among the first veterans to be greeted by park rangers back on duty at the National Mall and Memorial Parks. Honor Flight groups were granted access to the mall even during the shutdown. "They were so friendly and welcoming and ready to see veterans again," Y akopatz said. "It was really noticeable." After seeing the memorials on Saturday, the group had dinner that night at a local Elks lodge, during which time there was a surprise mail call. Each veteranreceived a mail package. Family members, friends and schoolchildren had been enlisted to write letters ahead of time. There were other highlights. The Southwest Airlines pilot on the flight from Portland to Chicago shook the hand of each veteran. Hundreds of people, many waving American flags, gathered at the Portland International Airport to welcome them home.

"I got more people clapping

hands for me on that trip than I did the rest of my life," said Vic Fryer, a World War II Navy veteran who lives in Salem. Yakopatz said there were 100 Honor Flights scheduled for October out of 28 states, and thatthere are 3,500 veterans nationwide who are getting an opportunity to visit the memorial.

that one-third of respondents "didn't know a thing about our regional transit system," said interim Community and Economic Development Manager Scott Aycock. Specifically, 30 percent of voters who participated said they did not know how to rate the transportation system, according to the survey. This might stem from an early decision at Cascades East Transit to spend a majority of its budget on bus service and little money on marketing. "Upfront, the decision was, it makes more sense to demonstrate through ridership the value of the system, and make as many services available to meet demand,"Aycock said. City Councilor Victor Chudowsky said the best opportunity to improve bus service might be a partnership with Oregon State University-Cascades Campus, which plans to build a new campus in southwest Bend. "We have to beable to accommodate that campus really well," Chudowsky said. "I think if there is a way to at least start to bump the service up to that level, that is maybe the most obvious thing we can pursue." COIC also faces another



— Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrud@bendbulietin.com

challenge as it looks for opportunities to raise money for bus service. Aycock and Andrew Spreadborough, interim executive director and community and economic development manager for COIC, said intergovernmental o r g anizations lack the ability under state law to charge fees to pay for transit operations. COIC can charge fees to build capital projects such as streetsor sidewalks, but not to pay for new buses or drivers. As a result, Aycock and Spreadborough have been working on a bill to allow these organizations to use fees for operations. They hope state lawmakers will take it up at the 2014 legislative session in February. In other business Wednesday evening, employees from the Street Division and Engineering and Infrastructure Planning Department talked to the City Council about options to reduce the amount of damage to city streets from utilities cutting into the pavement. City councilors said they want to limit street cutting and require utility companies to do a better job patching streets.


• •

s •

• •

• •



W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central, LP ©2013.






l l e



• o

j SW W W

Today:1 Sunny.

Tonight: Clear.


38 WEST Fog and clouds early, then sunny skies today.

As t oria 60I43



Seasideo 59/50 • CannonPeach




HjgsbprpPOrtland x68/44

6 '"" ••

McMinnville 63/42

Lrncoln City 57/46


67/32 6 7/30

70/ 3 8





• Burns




Yesterday's state extremes

Jordan Valley

C hr i st V II „


Frenchgle 7i/36


• 77'






• Klamath


• 21


• Lakeview

FallS Ionz




• Brothers 66/33



• 76/41

• Brookings




rants Pass

57/47 x5



J Silver l.ake

Port Orfor 74/40

Baker City







contiguous states):

• 95 P Phoenix, Ariz. • 15 P Angel Fire, N.M.

• 0.80

' " " 59/37

s 4/4 6


Thunder Bay




winn mmPe pe

Halifax 48/41 4 o ortland


Binin s


I' xxy"" +


"' i

eo .

' 46/36




San Francisco


W C I x' ''~

'xj x

" ew York


46/29 ~ .

53/3 7


Anna Maria, Fla




%82/57 ~

Albuquerque 71/48 Phoenix

Los Angeles, M 67/59

o CD Honolululo n 86/72

5"k" " 0 43/34


(in the 48

Tiiuana 68/ss




• Louisville, Kansas Qty 51/29 I st. Louls~ Nasirvllle 48732 ': 57' /34 CharlotteL 60/39 OklahomaCity ) Little Ro«k Atlanta 64/38 • 66/38 64/42 • • Birmingham •




Dallas — • L,



New Orleans • (


HAWA I I Chihuahua

66 /40


70s •

lando 7/59


,4 Miami 83/73

Bos a Paz 89/68


Anchorage 43/36 4p

Juneau 47/42



60 33

50 28


Fish Continued from B1 Two good water years in 2011 and 2012 meant the channel didn't completely dry Up, accounting for more fish remaining in the side channel this year than would normally be there, Moberly said. "Withanynaturalormanipulated flows in rivers throughout the state we can see events like this," he said. "This shouldn't create any long-term threat to fish populations." Rain walloped Central Oregon near the end of September after a hot and dry summer. Conditions have since become dry, said Kathie Dello, deputy director of the Oregon Climate Service in Corvallis. "It's been a really dry year," she said. Moberly said reports of dead fish came in l ast Thursday

SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrise today...... 7/32 a.m. MOOn phaSeS SunsettodaY.... 6 06 P.m,


New Fi r st Full

Sunset tomorrow... 6:05 p.m. Moonrisetoday...10:31 p.m. Mppnset tpday ... 12:41 pm Od. 26 Nov. 3 Nov. 9 Nov. 17 •



Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....9:00 a.m...... 6:26 p.m. Venus.....11:52 a.m...... 8:09 p.m. Mars.......2:37 a.m......407 p.m. Jupiter... 1039pm......1:51 p.m. Satum......8:24 a.m...... 6;40 p.m. Uranus.....5:08 p.m...... 5:41 a.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 66/34 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........78m1999 Monthtodate.......... 0.06" Record low......... 15 in 1945 Average month todate... 0.37" Average high.............. 59 Year to date............ 4.07" Averagelow ..............32 A verageyeartodate..... 7.55"

6arometricpressureat 4 p.m30.05 Record24 hours ...0.58 in1943 *Melted liquid equivalent



Yesterday Thursday Friday Bend,wesroiHwy97.....Low Sisters..............................Low The following was compiled by the Central Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W H i /Lo/WBend,eastoiHwy.97......Low La Pine...............................Low Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as Redmond/Madras........Low Prinevine..........................Low

Astoria ........53/49/0.01 ....60/43/pc.....62/42/pc Baker City......69/24/0.00.....70/31/s......65/30/s Brookings......57/44/0.00....59/47/pc.....56/49/pc 6urns..........70/24/0.00.....68/27/s......67/28/s Eugene........67/39/0.00....63/42/pc.....63/40/pc Klamath Falls .. 72/25/0 00 ....70/32/s ... 69/33/s Lakeview.......73/21/0.00 ....69/34/s..... 68/35/s La Pine........72/22/0.00.....64/29/s......67/29/s Medford.......77/39/0.00.....76/41/s......76/42/s Newport....... 52/46/0.01 ....57/44/pc..... 60/44/dr North Bend.....52/48/0.00....59/46/pc......60/46/s Ontario........67/30/0.00.....64/37/s......68/36/s Pendleton......66/39/0.00.....68/37/s......69/38/s Portland .......70/43/0.00....68/44/pc.....66/46/pc Prineville.......69/34/0.00.....70/33/s......69/33/s Redmond.......68/27/0.00.....70/32/s......70/32/s Roseburg.......74/46/0.00....70/46/pc.....69/45/pc Salem ....... 71/43/0 00 ...65/42/pc ...65/41/pc Sisters.........67/31/0.00.....67/32/s......67/32/s The DaRes......72/38/0 00.....69/41/s......72/41/s

Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme

a service to irrigators and sportsmen.

Reservoir Acre feet C a pacity Crane Prairie...... . . . . . . 32,821...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . . 72,222..... 200,000 Crescent Lake...... . . . . . 57,586......91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . . 9,848..... .47,000 The higher the UV Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 81,940..... 153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 214 for solar at n. Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . 33.0 C rescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . . 6 L OW DIUM HIGH gg g Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 148 0 2 4 6 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 414 Deschutes RiverAt 6enham Falls ..... . . . . . 501 Crooked RiverAbove Prineville Res.. ... . . . . . 27 Crooked RiverBelow PrineviHeRes. ... . . . . . 74.2 Updated daily. Source: pollen.com Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 1.84 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 148 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 MEDIUM LOW I or go to www.wrd.state.or.us

To report a wildfire, call 911







o www m extremes


64 34

Legend Wweather,Pcpprecipitation, s sun,pcpartial clouds,c clouds,h haze, shshowers,r rain,t thunderstorms,sf snowflurries,snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace


YeSterday S •

Mostly sunny.


City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.

Mostly sunny.

70 34



Sunny skies today.


Chemult 66I28


63 I 34




CENTRAL Sunny skies today.






63/46 •

En t erprise

• 63/33 oo

eu37 Unio~


• 7\I42 onamptOn • • La Pine 64/29 — 67/33 Crescento Riley CreSCent • Fpn Rpck rpop Lake



La Grande

• Sprayesas

Oa k ridge


W • Beach

Sunriver Bend


o 62/46

• 63/41

6 3 /32

ee/33 ) • Mitchell es/4o •John Prinevill 70/33 Day 64/37 Redmand • paulina 67/29



• Meacham





Coos Bay






Mau pin

I W aHowa

• PendletOn 5 s8/32


Warm Springs ~o



e ns





Camp 65/42





•~ Government

5I eslez•

S andy

• 71/45

• HermiStpn " 66I38

Da H es 65/43 Arlington 69/oi (/7/4p • oWasco



Mostly sunny.







Monterrey Mazatlan • 8 9/76




.++++ '

o4 4>

* *

* * *

* *


er o e +

W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow


Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene, TX......80/51/0.00...75/45/s. 71/51/pc Grandllapids....48/34/0.00.. 45/31/rs. 46/35/pc RapidCity.......50/33/000...46/31Is.. 63/38/s Savannah.......75/60/0 03...69/49/s.. 69/43/s Akron..........45/33/004 ..46/31/pc. 46/31/sn Green Bay.......46/28/0.00...44/26lc .. 46/34/s Reno...........75/36/0.00...76/37/s.. 74/38/s Seattle..........55/45/0.00..54/47/pc...54/47/f Albany..........53/34/0.00..51/32/pc.. 49/31/c Greensboro......66/50/0.00...57/39/s. 52/29/pc Richmond.......64/49/0.01...58/35/s. 55/33/pc SiouxFalls.......40/28/0.05..45/23/pc.. 53/37/s Albuquerque.....70/43/000..71/48/pc...67/44/t Harnsburg.......52/34/000..51/33/pc. 50/32/pc Rochester, NY....46/36/005 ..46/37/sh. 46/36/sh Spokane........60/40/000 ..65/35/pc.. 63/34/s Anchorage ......41/29/0 00...43/36/c. 46/39/pc Hartford,CT.....50/37/0 00..54/35/pc. 53/31/pc Sacramento......84/45/000...82/49/s. 82/49/pc Springfield, MO ..55/32/000 .. 52/29/pc.. 53/37/s Atlanta.........63/49/0.00...64/42/s.. 56/37/s Helena..........63/31/0.00...64/37/s .. 64/35/s St. Louis.........51/38/000 ..48/32/pc .. 51/39/s Tampa..........81/70/000... 79/60/s .. 82/60/s Atlantic City.....51/44/0.53 ..54/39/pc. 53/42/pc Honolulu........87/69/0.00...86/72/s .. 86/71/s Salt Lake City....68/41/000...66/44/s. 64/46/pc Tucson..........92/60/000 ..88/54/pc.. 86/54/s Austin..........82/46/0.00...82/51/s.78/53/pc Houston ........83/51/0.00...82/57/s .. 76/Sis San Antonio.....82/49/0.00... 82/56/s .. 79/59/s Tulsa...........67/39/0.00... 59/35/s.. 61/46/s Baltimore .......58/47/000 ..54/34/pc. 53/35/pc Huntsville.......60/45/0.00..63/35/pc.. 53/31/s SanDiego.......68/63/000..66/60/pc. 70/60/pc Washington,DC.61/48/007 .. 54/37/pc. 53/37/pc 6illings.........57/38/000... 58/35/s .. 64/40/s Indianapolis.....46/33/000..45/29/pc. 47/32/pc SanFrancisco....61/49/000...65/50/s. 6I53/pc Wichita.........68/37/000... 56/33/s.. 5I45/s Birmingham .. 64/49/0.00 ..66/40/pc.. 56/33/s Jackson, MS.... 71/48/0.00... 73/46/s .. 60/36/s SanJose........67/52/000 .. 73/50/s 76/51/pc Yakima.........73/34/000 66/42/s .. 66/39/s Bismarck........42/33/005...45/27/s .. 55/34/s Jacksonvile......76/59/0 00... 72/48/s.. 75/46/s SantaFe........67/34/0.00..64/40/pc...57/36/t Yuma...........92/58/0.00...91/60/s .. 92/62/s Boise...........70/42/000... 70/38/s .. 68/36/s Juneau..........53/39/0 50...47/42ls...47/41Ir INTERNATIONAL Boston..........53/46/000... 53/39/s. 50/38/pc Kansas City......50/30/0 00... 51/29/s .. 55/43/s BndgeportCT....52/41/000... 54/3B/s. 54/38/pc Lansing.........44/32/002...45/30/c. 46/33/pc Amsterdam......64/55/000.. 61/50/c 63/54/sh Mecca.........104/81/000 .96/75ls.. 95/74/s Buffalo.........47/39/003..46/36/sh. 46/37/sh LasVegas.......82/57/000...82/57/s .. 81/Sm s Athens..........85/51/000... 69/55/s. 69/54/pc MexicoCity .....59/54/038... 70/46/t .. 66/47/c BurlingtonVT....53/38/000...48/31/c. 45/33/pc Lexington.......48/40/0 02..47/29/pc .. 48/30/5 Auckland........64/59/000..68/57/pc. 66/54/sh Montreal........46/39/000 ..45/36/sh.. 45/32/c Caribou,ME.....46/32/000 .. 43/30/rs. 45/27/pc Lincoln..........55/27/0.00...49/27/s. 59/39/pc Baghdad........82/57/000... 89/66/s. 90/67/pc Moscow........39/21/000 ..45/43lsh. 48/40/sh Charleston, SC...74/60/0.00...67/49/s.. 68/43/s Little Rock.......68/48/0.00...66/38/s.. 58/39/s Bangkok........93/81/0.00...93/75/t. 93/71/pc Nairobi.........90/63/0.00...78/58/s. 78/51/pc Charlotte........67/50/000...60/39/5 .. 56/31/s LosAngeles......66/61/0 00 ..67/59/pc. 71/59/pc Beiling..........61/37/000... 60/41/s .. 62/39/s Nassau.........90/81/000... 81/74/t...79/75/t Chattanooga.....57/48/000 ..61/36/pc.. 57/30/s Louisville........52/42/000..49/32/pc .. 49/33/s Beirut..........79/68/000...77/65/s ..76/63ls New Delhi.......88/68/000...90/73/s .. 91/70/s Cheyenne.......62/38/0.00...53/35/s.. 61/36/s Madison,Wl.....43/27/0.00 ..42/26/pc.. 46/34/s Berlin...........68/55/000...63/47/c ..61/54lc Osaka..........68/64/0 51 .. 75/64/sh...eg/55/t Chicago...... 46/32/lrace ..43/29/pc. 46/37/s Memphis....... 60/45/0.00. 66/39/pc .. 55/38/s Bogota.........66/45/0.22...66/45/t...67/44/t Oslo............55/52/0.43 ..48/36/pc.. 48/43/c Cincinnati.......46/37/010 ..48/29/pc. 48/30/pc Miami..........88/76/054..83/73/sh.84/71/pc Budapest........75/59/000...66/51/c. 69/52/pc Ottawa.........46/32/000...43/30/c. 45/28/pc Cleveland.......48/37/0.15 ..47/37lrs. 48/33/sh Milwaukee......44/32/000 ..44/30/pc.. 47/37ls BuenosAires.....72/55/000...65/45/s.66/55lsh Paris............68/59/000..66/63/sh. 70/61/sh Colorado Spnngs.68/35/000...58/31/s.. 63/36/s Minneapolis.....39/34/000...42/27lc.. 48/36/s CaboSenLucas ..90/59/000 ..88/68/pc. 90/68/pc Rio de Janeiro....88/72/000 ..88/72/pc...81/6it Columbia,MO...47/32/000...48/27/5 .. 51/38/s Nashville........55/44/0 00..57/34/pc .. 54/31/s Cairo...........81/63/000..84/59/pc.. 84/61/s Rome...........75/59/0 00...71/64/r. 73/63/pc ColumbiaSC....74/56/000...66/42/s.. 63/33/s New Orleans.....74/61/000...74/56/s .. 74/53/s Calgary.........46/41/0.00..59/37/pc.. 57/37/s Santiago........70/45/0.00...72/46/c.. 72/45/s Columbus GA....71/53/000...70/46/s.. 63/40/s New York.......55/48/000 ..55/40/pc. 55/40/pc Cancun.........88/75/0.00...81/77/t...84/77/t Sao Paulo .......86/66/0.00...88/66/t. 70/66/sh Columbus, OH....48/35/046 ..46/29/pc. 48/30/pc Newark, HJ......57/45/000 ..56/38/pc. 55/38/pc Dublin..........55/41/0.00..57/50/sh. 59/45/sh Sapporo ........57/45/0.00..58/45/sh...58/46/r Concord,HH.....55/29/0.00..48/27/pc. 49/35/pc Norfolk, VA......61/55/0.00... 58/41/s. 55/38/pc Edinburgh.......57/45/0 00..52/39/pc. 56/48/sh Seoul...........72/48/000...60/44/s.. 57/41/s Corpus Christi....82/53/0.00...85/62/s. 81/67/pc Oklahoma City...78/46/0.00...64/38/s .. 65/47/s Geneva.........59/50/1.64...66/45/s. 69/50/pc Shanghai........73/57/000..68/57/pc. 63/54/pc DallasFtWorth...83/48/000...78/49/s. 70/51/pc Omaha.........44/33/004...47/29ls. 56/39/pc Harare..........70/63/0 00...75/55/t...78/56/t Singapore.......90/77/0 00...89/78/t...89/77/t Dayton .........45/33/023..45/29/pc.. 48/30/s Orlando.........83/73/000...77/59ls..80/5is HongKong......82/72/000...78/66/s.. 78/65/s Stockholm.......57/54/0 00..55/43/pc. 50/42/pc Denver....... 64/41/000...59/37/s.. 65/37/s PalmSprings.... 93/63/000. 90/63/s .. 91/63/s Istanbul.........72/57/0 00..56/49/pc. 61/55/pc Sydney..........91/68/0 00..75/50/pc.. 75/56/s DesMoines......43/33/0.03...46/29/s .. 53/40/s Peoria......... 46/33/trace..45/29/pc.. 48/36/s lerusalem .......76/60/0.00...74/57/s.. 74/55ls Taipei...........77/70/0.00..77/62/sh. 68/63/pc Detroit..........49/32/000...46/34lc..48/35/c Philadelphia.....59/48/001 ..53/37/pc. 53/36/pcJohennesburg....69/50/0 00...69/49/s. 72/54lpc TelAviv.........82/63/0 00...82/63ls.. 82/63/s Duluth..........37/25/000...38/25/c. 42/32/pc Phoenix.........95/64/0.00..90/60/pc.. 90/59/s Lima ...........68/59/0 00..73/60/pc..68/60/c Tokyo...........66/61/0 00..70/64/sh...72/66/t El Paso..........79/45/000 ..79/54/pc. 76/50/pc Pittsburgh.......44/39/006...44/30/c. 45/31/pc Lisbon..........70/63/0 00 68/62/t 67/58/t Toronto.........48/39/0 00 .48/37/sh 48/39/pc Fairbanks........30/22/000..30/18/pc.. 33/16/c Portland,ME.....52/33/000..49/31/pc. 49/39/pc London .........63/46/027..64/53/sh. 60/54/sh Vancouver.......50/43/000..54/46/pc.. 57/45/s Fargo...........40/32/000...40/28/c.52/34/pc Providence......52/40/000...54/36/s. 54/34/pc Madrid .........68/55/0 09..70/56/sh...58/51/t Vienna..........66/55/0 00..64/53/sh.. 65/50/c Flagstaff........67/25/000 ..63/30/pc .. 62/30/s Raleigh.........67/54/0 00...59/40ls. 53/31/pc Manila..........88/77/015... 86/7Wt...86/74/t Warsaw.........68/50/000..62/47/sh. 59/49/pc

" They are just t r ying t o downplay everything," Brannock said. Brannock, her daughter, husband and neighbor, spent about — Erik Moberly, three hours Friday collecting Oregon Department fish from a dwindling pool off of Fish and Wildlife in Bend of the Deschutes River. They were helped by Moberly and another ODFW worker. The ramp-down rate this year occurred at a slower rate afternoon. Friday m o r ning, than in previous years, Mobervolunteers and ODFW staff ly said. A slower rate is considrescuedabout 750 trout (a comered better for fish. Water and bination of Redband rainbow fishery managerssuspect the and brown trout) and 500 scul- ramp-down rate is not to blame pin from the remaining pools. forthe stranded fish. uWe're looking at all the inKim Brannock, who spotted the stranded fish last week formation and will use that to while on a run along the Des- determine watermanagement chutes River Trail, said she practices in the future," Moberquestions the numbers given ly said. —Reporter: 541-383-0376, by ODFW. The state's estimate for the sfsingCmbendbulletin.com number of dead trout is "way — Reporter Dylan Darling too low,u she said. contributed to this report

"This shouldn't create any long-term threat to fish populations."

• -



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Postseason on tap for 4A teams Four Class 4A volleyball

teams from Central Oregon are headedfor the postseason.

still attling

Crook County, Sisters

and Madras haveeach picked up automatic

or Civi War ragging rights

berths into the state playoffs and will host first-round contests on Nov. 2. Ridgeview also advances and will host a

play-in match next week. Champions from the Cowapa, Sky-Em,

By Grant Lucas

." 4

Far Westand Greater

The Bulletin

Oregon leagues, aswell as those from theTriValley, Oregon West and

Skyline conferences, are awarded firstround state playoff

matches at home.An additional spot is then awarded to the team with the highest power

ranking as determined by the Oregon School Activities Association;

those rankings wereset after the conclusion of

regular-season play on Tuesday night. Crook County finished No. 2 in the final 4A

power rankings, earning a bye in the play-in round and a solid first

step toward a possible eighth straight state

championship. Sisters ran the table




in Sky-Em League play with a10-0 mark,

winning the conference ~r .

outright for the fourth

consecutive seasonand


--54Cr « ~a p5 'r r sa <rretrrri

Paul Vallerga remembers that night in 1979, the thousands of townsfolk who trekked to Punk Hunnell Stadium to witness Bend's inaugural high school Civil War football game, a 38-0 Bend High win over the first-year Mountain View Cougars from across town. He recalls the energy that surrounded the stadium, the hard-hitting intensity displayed on the field. Vallerga remembers that n i ght well, but it is the 1980 matchup that • Alook the longtime Mountain View assisat this tant c o ach sets aside. The game the week's Cougars won 14-7, that included a 70football yar d catch-and-run by tight end Dave garrtes Hea p for a touchdown, stands out to involving Vallerga. That was when he was cerCentral tain — this Civil War intracity rivalry Oregon was something else. teams,C4 "This was bragging rights for the city of Bend for the next year," says Vallerga, currently a volunteer assistant for Mountain View who has also served as defensive coordinator,receivers coach and defensive backs coach since the Cougars began play 34 years ago. "That we had beat them or that they had beat us, the players had bragging rights. It was a little different than the playoffs. This was the big ending game of the season that we look forward to the whole season, to play and win." SeeCivil War /C4

Photo courtesy Janet Gillett

finishing fifth in the 4A rankings. After going a perfect10-0 in Tri-Valley

Mel Gillett flashes a big smile with the trophy he won as the most outstanding player of the 1954 Shrine Game, an all-star showcase for Oregon high school football players.

Bend'sCivil War

Conference action,

All-time series results for Bend vs. Mountain View: 1979: Bend 38, Mountain View 0 1980: Mountain View14, Bend 7 1981: Mountain View 34, Bend14 1982: Mountain View 42, Bend 14 1983: Mountain View40, Bend13 1984: Mountain View14, Bend 6 1985: Mountain View 27, Bend 6 1986: Mountain View 28, Bend10 1987: Bend 7, Mountain View 0 1988: Mountain View 21, Bend 6 1989:Bend 36,Mountain View 20 1990: Bend14, Mountain View13 1991: Bend 21, Mountain View 6 1992: Bend 28, Mountain View 6 1993: Bend 31, Mountain View14 1994: Bend 41, Mountain View14 1995:Bend 35,Mountain View 22 1996:Bend 33,Mountain View 23 1997: Bend19, Mountain View13 1998: Mountain View 27, Bend10 1999: Mountain View21, Bend 6 2000: Bend50,Mountai nView10 2001: Bend 31, Mountain View 24 2002: Mountain View 30,Bend 23 2003: Bend44,MountainView13 2004: Mountain View19, Bend15 2005: Bend26,MountainView 0 2006: Mountain View 28,Bend 9 2007: Mountain View 27,Bend 26 2008: Mountain View 27,Bend14 2009:Bend 28,Mountai nView21 2010: Mountain View 45, Bend 14 2011: Mountain View 35, Bend13 2012: Mountain View41, Bend14

Madras sealed its first TVC title since joining

the conference in 2010. The White Buffaloes finished13th in the final

rankings but as league champions they were awarded anautomatic first-round matchup. Ridgeview was eighth in the final power rankings.

Three conference champs finishedbelow the Ravensinthe rankings, elevating Ridgeview to a home play-in contest to be

• The Crook Countystar led the Cowboysto two state football championships inthe early 1950S

played on Tuesdayat 6:30 p.m. The Ravens will host 21st-ranked North Bend, the fourth-

By Mark Morical

lege and pro football careers. "He always told me that he carried the ball PRINEVILLE — He spent most of his life until they got it down close to the goal line as a millworker in Prineville. But Mel Giland then somebody else got to take it over," lett is remembered fondly as one of the best recalls Mel's widow, Janet Gillett, who still football players ever to come out of Central lives in Prineville. "That was OK with him — he didn't care." Oregon. Gillett, who died last month of conGillett would go on to play one seagestive heart failure at the age of 78, son at Lewis 8 Clark College in Portwas a crucial part of Crook County land andthen three seasons ofprofesHigh School's A-2 state championsional football in Canada, mostly with ships in 1952 and 1953, some 60 years the British Columbia Lions. A shoulGillett der injury cut his career short and Mel ago. He was named the most outstandand Janet moved back to Prineville, ing player of the 1954 Oregon Shrine Game, where he worked at Consolidated Pines until an all-star showcase for high school football retiring in 1999. players. In front of 18,205 fans at Portland's Darrel Aschbacher played tackle on the Multnomah Stadium, the raw-boned running 1952 Crook County championship team, back from Prineville led the State team to a lining up shoulder to shoulder with Gillett, resounding 50-0 victory over the City team. who played end before moving to fullback The Aug. 23, 1954, edition of The Bulletin in 1953. Aschbacher would go on to play at highlighted the performance: "Gillett scored the University of Oregon and then in the Nano touchdowns but set up several with long tional Football League for the Philadelphia runs, and sparked the winners." Eagles. That was the theme of Gillett's short colSeeGillett/C4 The Bulletin

place team in theFar West League. — t3ulietin staff report


Officials meeting set for next week An orientation meeting

for prospective basketball officials is set for next week in Bend. The meeting, hosted by the Central Oregon Basketball Officials Association, will be held Wednesday at

6:30 p.m. in the library at Mountain View High School. All potential

officials are invited to attend, as are all first-,

second- and third-year COBOA members. No officiating experience

SERIES RECORD Mountain View leadsseries18-16

is required, and both men

and womenarewelcome to attend the orientation session, at which training, schedules,

proceduresandother officiating-related topics will be discussed. The COBOA serves youth, prep and adult


Red Sox rout Cardinals in opener

basketball leagues


throughout Central

World Series,

Oregon. Officials are paid; rates vary. For more information, contact Gary Baton, COBOA president, at 541-593-1710, or Bob Reichert, association commissioner, at 541382-3180 or 541-5936222. — Bulletin staff report

Game2, St. Louis at Boston

• When:Today, 5 p.m. • TV:Fox

• Radio: KICE-AM 940

By Ben Walker

The Associated Press

BOSTON — Given a bit of help by the umpires and a lot more by the Cardinals, the Boston Red Sox turned this World Series opener into

a laugher. Mike Napoli hit a three-run double rightafterthe umps reversed a blown call, Jon Lester made an early lead stand up and the Red Sox romped past sloppy St. Louis 8-1 Wednesday night for their ninth straight Series win. A season before Major League

Baseball is expected to expand instant replay, fans got to see a preview. The entire six-man crew huddled in the first inning and flipped a ruling on a forceout at second base — without looking at any video. "I think based on their group conversation, surprisingly, to a certain extent, they overturned it and I think got the call right," Boston manager John Farrell said. Most everything went right for the Red Sox. SeeSox/C3



St. Louis' starting pitcher Adam Wainwright, left rear, watches as Boston's Jonny Gomes, left, Jacoby Ellsbury, center, and Dustin Pedroia, celebrate a three-run double by Mike Napoli during the first inning of the World Series on Wednesday night in Boston.

Charlie Riedel i The Associated Press





LPGA Tour,Taiwan Championship PGA Tour, Cimb Classic SOCCER UEFA Europa League, FC Sheriff Tiraspol vs. Tottenham Hotspur FC

UEFAEuropa League, Valencia CF vs. FCSt. Gallen

3 a.m. 9 a.m. 8 p.m.

TV/Radio Golf Golf Golf

10 a.m. Fox Sports1


Fox Sports1

FOOTBALL College, Kentucky at Mississippi State 4:30 p.m. ESPN College, Marshall at Middle Tennessee State 4:30p.m. FoxSports1 NFL, Carolina at Tampa Bay 5:25 p.m. NFL CFL, Winnipeg at Toronto 4 :30 p.m. NBC S N BASEBALL 5 p.m. F ox, 940-AM MLB, World Series, St. Louis at Boston BASKETBALL NBA, preseason, Houston atSan Antonio 5 p.m. TNT

FRIDAY MOTOR SPORTS Time TV/Radio Formula One, Indian Grand Prix, qualifying 1:30 a.m. NBCSN NASCAR, Truck Series, Kroger 200, practice 6a.m. Fox Sports1 NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Goody's Headache Relief 500, practice NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Goody's Headache Relief 500, qualifying 1 2 :30 p.m. Fox Sports1 NASCAR,

COREBOARD ON DECK Today Boyssoccer:Mountain View atBend,4:30 p.m.; Madras at LaSalle 4 pm Girls soccer: La Saleat Madras,4:30p.m.,Mountain View atBend,3 p.m.; Summit at CrookCounty, 3 p.m. Cross-country: Sisters, LaPineat Sky-EmLeague championships at LaneCom munity College in Eugene,TBA Volleyball: CentralChristianatHorizon, 5p.m.; Bend at MountainView,6.30p.m. Boys waterpolo: Summitat Ridgeview,TBA Girls water polo: SummitatRldgevlew,TBA

Pac-12 Pac-12


Monarcas vs. Chivas deGuadalajara

5 :30 p.m. ESP N 2 BASKETBALL NBA, preseason, Brooklyn at Miami 4:30 p.m. NBA NBA, preseason, Sacramento at L.A. Clippers7:30 p.m. NBA FOOTBALL College, Boise State at BYU 5 p.m. ESPN High school, Mountain View at Bend 7 p.m. COTV, 100.1-FM, 1110-AM HOCKEY College, UMass atMaine 5 p.m. NBCSN VOLLEYBALL Women's college, Washington State at USC6 p.m. Pac-12 Women's college, Washington at UCLA 8 p.m. Pac-12



NBA changes finals

Meriweather suspension

fOrmat — NBA owners have unanimousl yvotedtochange

CLli dOWll —Washington Redskins safety Brandon Meriweather has had his two-game

the NBA Finals format from 2-3-

2 to 2-2-1-1-1. Thechange was approved Wednesdayduring the preseason board of governors meetings. It will take effect with this season's finals. The league will add an extra day between

suspension cut in half by an appeals officer. Meriweather

was suspended onMonday by the NFL for repeat violations of player safety rules. But hearing officer Ted Cottrell reduced the

Games 6and 7.Thecurrent

finetoonegameonW ednesday.

format was instituted in 1985

Cottrell is jointly appointed to the position by the league and

in part to easethe amount of cross-country travel with the

the players union.

Celtics and Lakers frequently

meeting for the championship. But critics felt it gave anedgeto the lower-seeded team, which

had home-court advantage in Game 5, often the pivotal game in a best-of-seven series. CaVS PiCk BP OPtiOn On IrVing — The ClevelandCavaliers picked up the fourth-year contract options on All-Star guard Kyrie lrving and forward Tristan

Thompson. Theteam also exercised the third-year options on guard Dion Waiters and forward Tyler Zeller on Wednesday. All

COLLEGE ATHLETICS SChOOIVBCateS multiPle VICiOfISS — Eastern New Mexico University said Wednes-

day it is offering to eraseseveral seasons' worth of victories by nearly all of its sports programs because of violations involving athletes. Athletic director Jeff Geiser said that most of the violations are minor and

stemmed from misinformed

opens the 2013-14 season at

advising. The violations, which date back to the summer of 2012, include athletes failing to declare their amateur status. Another infraction the school


came forward with was that

tions on Irving and Thompson are for the 2014-15 season. The

numerous students had failed to fulfill the NCAA's 7 5/25 rule,

Cavs can offer both players con-

Geiser said. Theywerenot earn-

tract extensions starting next summer. Irving will make about

ing the required hours for their

ofthemoveswereexpectedand cameoneweekbeforeCleveland

degree plan.

$7.5 million next seasonand Thompson about $5.4 million.

BASEBALL TENNIS li Na, JankOVICadVanCe — Jelena Jankovic topped second-ranked Victoria Azarenka 6-4, 6-3 in her first match at the WTA Championships on Wednesday in Istanbul. Earlier,

IndianS aSk OPiniOn On IOgO —TheCleveland lndians are asking somefans for their opinions on the team's "Chief Wahoo" logo. As part of their

annual postseason survey to gauge fan satisfaction, the team

fifth-ranked Li Naedged Sara Errani 6-3, 7-6 (5). Errani also lost her opening group match on Tuesday to Azarenkaand

is asking fans for feedback on a variety of topics including ingame experience, uniforms and Cleveland's smiling Indians logo, a caricature somehavelabeled

likely will be eliminated from the round-robin event featuring the

offensive. In the survey, fans are asked to give their stance on five

top eight players in the world.

statements regarding the logo. The survey asks for similar responses — on astandard, fivechoice scale — onthe team's

Jankovic, who was ranked No. 1 in 2008 and returned in the top 10 for the first time since 2011, outplayed the erratic Azeranka to

snap a four-match losing streak against her.

"Block C" and "Script Indians

logo." — From wire reports

0 E



E cll 0



C77'+/ v g

EasternConference Atlantic Division

ca ~//Lrkg> /

! gzrtle 3

IIPg'Jtf~r '

Today'sGame CarolinaatTampaBay, 5:25p.m. Sunday'sGames Cleveland atKansasCity,10a.m. Buffalo atNewDrleans,10 a.m. Miami atNewEngland,10 a.m. Madras (135) —16,Carlos Figueroa,18 44.60; Dallas atDetroit, 10 a.m. 26,Brent Sullivan,20:59.30; 27,Shae Yeahquo, N.Y.Giantsat Philadelphia, 10a.m. 21:18.90; 32, RaymondHill, 23:36.70; 34, Dion San Francisco vs. Jacksonville atLondon,10a.m. Sloan,24:13.50. PittsburghatOakland,1:05 p.m. N.Y.JetsatCincinnati,1:05 p.m. GIRLS Atlantaat Arizona,1:25p.m. Team score s— Molaff a 18,Estacada52,La Washington at Denver,I:25 p.m. Salle 70,Gladstone101. Green BayatMinnesota,5:30 p.m. Overall winner — Emily Bever, Molaffa, Open:Baltimore,Chicago,Houston, Indianapolis, San 18:56.63. Diego,Tennessee Top 10 — 1,Emily Bever,Molaffa, 18:5663. 2, Monday'sGame HannahCiarizio, Molaffa 19:33.62.3, AmandaClarSeattle atSt. Louis,540 p.m. izio, Molaffa,19:3750. 4,MariahJohnson, Estacada, 19:53.12. 5,AudreyBever, Molaffa,20:14.72. 6, Carly College Veasy, La Salle,2056.90.7, Brianna Loughridge, Molalla, 21:07.50. 8, HeatherLoughridge,Molaffa, Schedule 21:42.30. 9 KaylaSearls, Estacada,21:50.09 10, AH TimesPDT Nicol eWagner,Estacada,22:04.87. (Seblect tochange) Madras — 14MaddieMolitor, 22:39.96. Today's Games SOUTH Marshall atMiddleTennessee,4:30 p.m. BASEBALL Kentuckyat Mississippi St.,4:30 p.m.


(Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Aff games televisedby Fox Boston1, St. Louis 0 Wednesday, Dct. 23: Boston8,St. Louis1 Today,Dct.24:St. Louis(Wacha4-1)atBoston(Lackey 10-13),5:07p.m. Saturday, Oct 26 Boston(Buchholz12-1)at St.Louis (Keffy10-5),5:07p.m. Sunday,Oct.27. Boston(Peavy12-5) at St. Louis (Lynn15-10),5:15p.m. x-Monday, Dct.28: BostonatSt.Louis, 5:07p.m. x-Wedne sday,Dct.30:St.LouisatBoston,5:07p.m. x-Thursday, Oct.31: St.Louisat Boston,5:07 p.m.

PtsGF GA 14 34 24 13 25 30 12 25 12 10 26 21 10 29 19 10 27 25 7 22 35 3 15 33

OT 0 3 3 0 0 3 0 0

PtsGF GA 14 31 20 11 22 26 9 29 28 8 23 23 8 26 29 5 18 30 4 11 29 2 11 24

GP W L OT 9 8 1 0 9 6 1 2 St. Louls 7 5 1 I Nashville 10 5 4 1 Minnesota 10 4 3 3 Winnipeg 10 4 5 1 Dallas 8 3 5 0 Pacific Division GP W L OT SanJose 9 8 0 1 Anaheim 9 7 2 0 Phoenix 10 6 2 2 Vancouver 1 1 6 4 1 Los Angeles I0 6 4 0 Calgary 9 4 3 2 Edmonton 1 0 3 6 1

PtsGF GA 16 28 12 14 26 21 11 27 19 11 19 24 11 21 22 9 26 30 6 20 28

GP W L 10 7 3 11 6 4 8 6 2 8 5 3 9 5 4 9 4 3 10 3 6 11 1 9

Metropolitan Division

GP Piffsburgh 9 Carolina 9 N.Y.Islanders 9 Columbus 9 Washington 9 NewJersey 9 N.Y.Rangers 7 Philadelphia 8

W 7 4 3 4 4 1 2 1

L 2 2 3 5 5 5 5 7

WesternConference Central Division

16:35.80. Top 10 — 1,Wil Thompson,LaSalle,16.35.80. 2, JasonRae,LaSale, 16:48.70. 3, DavisKeeney, l.a Salle, 16:5080. 4,LoganVeasy, LaSalle, 16:52.40. 5, ColtonPassm ore, LaSale, 16.55.30. 6, Christian Parr,NorthMarion,1703.90.7, TrumanRae, LaSalle, 17:33.42.8, ColinBarrow,North Marion,17:40.60. 9, Ben Hanberg,NorthMarion, 17:52.90.10, Cameron Fischer,Molaffa 18:10.11.


OT 0 I 0 0 0 2 1 1

Toronto Detroit Boston Tampa Bay Montreal Ottawa Florida Buffalo

Overall winner — Will Thompson,LaSalle,


Cleveland atCharlotte, 4p.m. Minnesota at Detroit, 4:30p.m. Houston atSanAntonio,5 p.m. PortlandatGolden State, 7:30p.m. Friday's Games NewOrleansatOrlando,4 p.m. CharlotteatNewYork,430 p.m. BrooklynatMiami,4:30p.m. Denver atChicago,5 p.m. Houston atMemphis,5 p.m. TorontoatMilwaukee 5:30pm Indiana at Dalas, 5:30p.m. Utahvs.L.A.LakersatAnaheim, CA,7p.m. SacramentoatL.A. Clippers, 7:30pm.


Tri-yaNeyConferenceChampionships Mclver Park, Estacada 5,000 meters


Listings are themostaccurateavailable. The Bulletinis not responsible for late changesmade by TVor radio stations.




2 p.m. 4 p . m.



GOLF European Tour, BMW Masters 3 a.m. LPGA Tour, Taiwan Championship 9 a.m. ChampionsTour,AT&T Championship 1 2:30 p.m. PGA Tour, Cimb Classic 8 p.m. SOCCER Women's college, UCLA at Utah noon

Women's college, Washington State at Arizona W omen's college, Stanford at Oregon


Saturday Boys soccer: Umatiffa at Culver,1 p.m. Cross-country: Ridgeview, CrookCounty atGreater Dregon l.eaguedistricts in Milton-Freewater, 11 a.m.; Bend,Mountain View,Redmond, Summit at Special District 1 championshipin s Redmond, 1 p.m. Boys waterpolo: 5ANorth championshipsatJuniper Swim 8FitnessCenter,TBA

Team scores — La Salle15, North Marion50, Molaffa 72,Estacada112, Madras135, Gladstone



n e B eachers © 2013 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Uclick

Friday Football: MountainViewat Bend,7 p.mzRoosevelt at Redmond, 7 p.mJSummit at Ridgeview,7 p.m.; MarshfieldatCrookCounty, 7 p.m.; Madrasat Estacada,7 p.m.;Sisters atLaPine, 7p.m.; Culverat Toledo, 7 p.m.;ButteFallsat Gilchrist, 3 p.m. Boys soccer:SummitatSisters,4 p.m.

Truck Series, Kroger 200, qualifying Golf Golf Golf Golf

LA. Clippers103,Utah99


Pac-12 Standings AH TimesPDT Conf. 4-0 4-0 4-1 2-3 1-3 0-4

Swiss Indoors Wednesday AtSt.Jakobshaue Basel, Switzerland Purse: $2.72 million (WT600) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles First Round MichaelLlodra, France,def. RichardGasrtuet (5),

France,6-4, 6-2

UnitedStates,6-4,7-5. Juan Martin del Potro(1), Argentina, def.Henri Laaksonen, Switzerland, 6-4, 6-4.

FAR WEST BoiseSt.atBYU,5 p.m.


Surface: Hard-Indoor RoundRobin Group A SerenaWiliams(I), UnitedStates,def. Agnieszka Radwanska (3), Poland,6-2,6-4. Standings:SerenaWiliams 2-0; PetraKvitova1-0; Angelique Kerber 0-1; AgnieszkaRadwanska0-2. Group B Singles Li Na (4), China,det.SaraErrani (6), Italy, 6-3, 7-6 (5). JelenaJankovic (7), Serbia,def. VictoriaAzarenka l2), Belarus, 6-4, 6-3. Standings:LiNa1-0;JelenaJankovic 1-0;Victoria Azarenka 1-1; SaraErrani 0-2.

Paul-Henri Mathieu, France,def. Denis Kudla,

Friday's Game

Oregon OregonState Stanford WashingtonState Washington California


At Sinan ErdemDome Istanbul Purse: $6million (TourChampionship)


7-0 6-1 6-1 4-4 4-3 1-6

VasekPospisil, Canada,def. Robin Haase, Netherlands,6-4, 6-4. GrigorDimitrov(8), Bulgaris,def.RadekStepanek, CzechRepublic,6-3, 6-3. SecondRound Ivan Dodig Croatia def KeiNishikori (6) Japan 6-1, 6-2. RogerFederer(3), Switzerland,def.Denis Istomin, Uzbekistan, 4-6, 6-3,6-2 Doubles First Round RohanBopanna, India, andEdouard Roger-Vasselin (1), France,det. LukaszKubot, Poland,and Andreas Seppi, Italy,5-7,6-3, 10-7. Julian Knowleand Dliver Marach,Austria, def. Colin FlemingandJonathan Marray, Britain, 6-2, 7-

Colorado Chicago

PtsGF GA 17 40 16 14 32 23 14 31 28 13 32 33 12 26 25 10 28 32 7 30 39 NOTE: Twopointsfor awin, onepointfor overtlme loss. Wednesday'sGames Ottawa 6,Detroit1 Bosto n5,Buff alo2 Today's Games SanJoseatBoston,4p.m. VancouveratNewJersey,4p.m. N.Y.Rangersat Philadelphia, 4pm. Anaheim atMontreal, 4:30p.m. Chicag oatTampaBay,4:30p.m. WinnipegatNashvile, 5p.m. Carolinaat Minnesota,5p.m. CalgaryatDalas,5:30 p.m. Washi ngtonatEdmonton,6:30p.m. Phoeni xatLosAngeles,730pm Friday's Games N.Y.Islandersat Pitsburgh, 4p.m. TorontoatColumbus,4 p.m. Anaheim atOttawa,4:30p.m. BuffaloatFlorida, 4:30p.m. Vancouver atSt.Louis,5 p.m. Carolinaat Colorado, 6p.m.

DEALS Transactions

BASEBALL National League LOS ANGELES DODGERS— Acquired DF Jeremy South Hazelbaker andcashconsiderationsfromBostonfor DF Conf. Overall Alex Casteffaons. 3-1 5-2 ArizonaState BASKETBALL 2-1 5-1 UCLA National Basketball Association 1-2 4-2 Arizona CLEVE LAND CAVALIERS—Exermsed the fourth1-2 4-3 6 (1). USC year contractoptionson GKyrie Irving and FTristan Wednesday'sBoxscore TreatHuey,Philippines, andDominic Inglot, Britain, Thompson 1-3 4-4 Utah andthethird-yearoptions onGDionWaiters 3-3 def. Aisam-Ul-Haq Qureshi, PakistanandJean-Julien and FTylerZeffer. Colorado 03 Roier (2), Net h erl a nds, 3-6, 7-6 (4),10-8. Red Sox 8,Cardinais1 Saturday'sGames SACRAM ENTOKINGS—Announcedtheresignation Utah atUSC,I p.m. of assistantcoachBrendanMalone. Valencia Open500 St. Louis Boston UCLAatOregon,4p.m. FOOTBALL ab r hbi ab r hbi ArizonaatColorado, 5p.m. Wednesday National Football League At Ciudad de las Artes y las Ci e ncas Val e ncia Mcrpnt2b 4 0 1 0 Effsurycf 3 1 0 0 StantordatOregonState, 7:30p.m. NFL—Announ ced the two-game suspension of CaliforniaatWashington,8 p.m. Valencia, Spain Betranrf 1 0 0 0 Victomrf 4 0 0 0 Washington SBrandonMeriweathertor repeatedviolaPurse: $2.97 million (WT600) Jayct 2 0 0 0 Pedroia2b 4 2 2 1 tions ofNFLsafetyrules prohibiting hitsto theheadand Surface: Hard-Indoor Hoffidylf 4 1 2 1 D.Ortizdh 3 2 2 3 neckareawasreducedtoonegame. Betting line Singles Craigdh 4 0 1 0 Napoli1b 4 0 1 3 GREENBAY PACK ERS—Announced Thoma s First Round Y Molinc 4 0 1 0 JGomslt 3 0 0 0 NFL Dleiniczak waselectedto the organization'sexecutive DavidFerrer(1), Spain,def. GaelMonfils, France, commi Freese 3b 4 0 1 0 Nava ph-If 1 1 1 0 (Hometeamsin CAPS) t tee MAdms1b 4 0 0 0 Bogarts3b 3 0 0 1 Favorite Opening Current Underdog 6-3, 6-2. HOUSTONTEXANS— ReleasedLBTim Dobbins. John Isner(4), UnitedStates, def. ErnestsGulbis, S Ronsncf-rf 3 0 I 0 Drewss 4 1 1 0 Thursday NEW ENGLANDPATRIOTS— Re-signed DL Andre Latvia, 7-6 (4), 7-6 (2). Kozmass 3 0 0 0 D.Rossc 4 1 1 0 Panthers 6 6 Buccanee rs Carter SignedDTSeaiverSiliga to thepracticesquad. JeremyChardy, France,def. Florian Mayer,Ger- ReleasedCBTravis Howardfromthepractice squad. Totals 3 3 1 7 1 Totals 3 38 8 8 Sunday 4-6, 7-5,6-3. St. Louis 0 00 000 001 — 1 I-49ers 17 16 . 5 Jaguars many, NEW YDRKGIANTS— Placed C David Baas on Jarkko Nieminen, Finland, def. Benoit Paire, injured reserve.Re-signedLBDarin Drakeford to the Boston 320 000 21x 8 LIONS 3 3 Cowboys France, 6-3, 6-3. E—Freese(1), Kozma 2 (2), J.Gomestt). DPEAGLE S 6 6 Giants practicesquad. Philipp Kohlschreiber,Germany, def Tomm y Haas Boston 1.LDB St. Louis 6,Boston4. 28 Napoli CHIEFS 7 .5 7 Browns NEW YORKJETS—SignedCBRas-I Dowling tothe ny,3-6, 6-3,6-3. (I), Nava(I). HR—Hoffiday (I), D.Drtiz (I). SFSAINTS 1 2.5 12 Bills (2), Germa practicesquad.ReleasedRBMiguel Maysonetfromthe Second Round D.Ortiz,Bogaerts. PATRIO TS 6.5 6.5 Dolphins practicesquad. Fabio Fognini l7l, ltaly, def. MarcelGranoffers, St. Louis IP H R E R BBSO BENGAL S 6.5 6.5 Jets OAKLAND RAIDERS—Claimed LBMartez Wilson WalnwnghtL,0-1 5 6 5 3 1 4 Steelers RAIDER S Spain,6-3, 6-2. 3 3 off waiversfromNew Orleans. WaivedDTChristo BiDmitry Tursunov,Russia, def. Roberto Bautista lukidi. Axford 1 0 0 0 0 3 BRDNC DS 13 12 5 Redskins Choate 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 CARDINA LS 2.5 2.5 Falcons Agut,Spain,6-2, 7-6(3) ST LOUISRAMS— Signed QB Austin Davis and Maness 1-3 0 1 1 0 0 Packers 9 .5 9 VIKINGS QB Brady Quinn. PlacedQBSamBradtord on injured Siegrist 1-3 I I I 0 0 Monday r ese rve.ReleasedOLBrandonWashington.Released SOCCER Ca.Martinez 1 1 1 1 0 0 Seahawsk 1 0.5 11 RAMS LB Jonathan Stewartfromthepractice squad. Boston I-London WASHINGTON REDSKINS— Signed SJordanPugh. MLS LesterW,1-0 72- 3 5 0 0 I 8 HOCKEY Tazawa 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 MAJORLEAGUESOCCER College National HockeyLeague Dempster 1 2 1 1 0 1 Aff Times PDT Thursday NHL SuspendedDallas FRyanGarbutt fivegames WP — Ca.Martinez. 10 . 5 Kentucky MISSISSIPPI ST 1 0 for charglngAnaheimFDustin Pennerduring anDct. T—3:17.A—38,345(37,499). MID TENN ST EasternConference Marshall 9.5 8.5 20 game. Friday W L T P t sGF GA DETRDITREDWINGS—Recalled DXavier Oueffet BYU 7 7 1 6 9 8 5 6 53 39 BoiseSt x-NewYork fromGrandRapids (AHL). FOOTBALL x-Sporting KansasCity 16 10 7 55 45 29 Saturday FLORIDAPANTHERS—Recalled G Scott ClemGeorgiaTech 14 12 7 49 50 48 10 10 VIRGINIA Montreal mensenfromSanAntonio(AHL). 22.5 23 Connecticut Chicago 14 12 7 49 45 47 NFL C. FLOR IDA MONTREALCANADI ENS Assigned D Jarred 11.5 1 0 .5 AKRON N ew England 13 11 9 4 8 48 38 Ball St Tlnordi to Hamlton(AHL).Recalled DGregPateryn NATIONALFOOTBALL LEAGUE OHIO U 24.5 25 Miami-Dhio Houston 1 3 11 9 48 39 40 from Ham i l t on. AH TimesPDT 12 11 10 46 41 42 Buffalo 2 15 KENTST Philadelphia NEWJERSEY DEVILS—Designated DBryceSalva12 16 5 41 42 45 UMASS 3 3 W. Michigan Columbus dor as anon-roster playerdueto adeath in thefamily. AMERICAN CONFERENCE Toronto Fc 5 17 11 26 29 47 RUTGE R S 8.5 7.5 Houston R ecal ledDEric Gelinas fromAlbany(AHL). East 8 7 BostonCollege D.C. 3 23 7 1 6 21 57 N. CARO LINA NEW YORKISLANDERS—Agreed to termswith D W L T P c t PF PA 1 3 1 4 M ARYLAN D Western Conference Radek Martinek onaone-yearcontract. NewEngland 5 2 0 .7 14 152 127 Clemson VIRGINIA TECH 13 W L T P t sGF GA 1 35 Duke SOCCER N.Y.Jets 4 3 0 .5 7 1 134 162 Salt Lake 1 6 1 0 8 5 6 57 41 NAVY x -Real 6 6 Major LeagueSoccer Miami 3 3 0 .5 0 0 135 140 Pittsburgh x-Portland TX-S.ANTDNID 4 13 5 15 54 49 33 6.5 Uab MLS — F ined FC D allasMFJacksonand FCDallas Buffalo 3 4 0 .4 2 9 159 178 Angele s 1 5 1 1 7 5 2 52 37 SMU 11 12 . 5 Temple x -Los MF DavidFerreiraundisclosedamounts for unprofesSouth N. ILLINOIS 3 0.5 3 0 .5 E. Michigan x-Seattle 15 12 6 51 41 41 sional conductdetrimental to theimageof the League W L T P c t PF PA Arizona 1 4 10 9 5 1 45 35 1 5.5 14 COLOR ADO Colorado during halftimeof their Oct. 19gameagainst Seattle. Indianapolis 5 2 0 .7 14 187 131 TEXAS AffM San Jose 1 3 11 9 48 33 41 1 8 1 8 Vanderbi l t FinedTorontoFC$5,000tor violatingtheLeagues' mass Tennessee 3 4 0 .4 2 9 145 146 Vancouver 12 12 9 45 50 45 N 24.5 24 Fla. Atlantic confrontationpolicy inthe63rd minuteof their Dct.19 Houston 2 5 0 .2 8 6 122 194 AUBUR FC Dallas 11 11 11 44 47 50 ALABAMA 2 8 28 . 5 Tennesse e gameagainstChicagoandfinedTorontoFCcoachRyan Jacksonvile 0 7 0 .0 0 0 76 222 21 23 . 5 6 19 8 2 6 30 62 OREG ON Ucla ChivasUSA Nelsen $1,000becausethis is theclub'sthird infraction North 6 .5 7 Utah NOTE: Threepoints torvictory, onepoini fortie. USC this year. W L T P c t PF PA xclinched pl a yoff be rt h TULANE Tulsa 3 3 COLLEGE Cincinnati 5 2 0 .7 1 4 148 135 WASHINGTON 24.5 25 Califomia BINGHA MTON—Promoted EdScott to senior asBaltimore 3 4 0 .4 2 9 150 148 Wednesday' s Game K ANSAS S T 95 1 05 W. Vi r gi n i a sociate athl e ti c di r ector forstudentservices. 3 4 0 .4 2 9 131 156 Cleveland 11 10 ILLINOIS RealSaltLake2, Chivas USAI EASTER N NEWMEXICO—Announced it is vacat2 4 0 .3 3 3 107 132 MichiganSt Pittsburgh 21 2 3 Saturday' s Games MIAMI-FLA WakeForest ing aff wins infootball, baseball, men'sandwomen's West FLORIDA ST 29.5 32 Nc State SportingKansasCity atPhiladelphia, noon basketball,men'sandwomen's soccer, volleyball and W L T P c t PF PA OKLAHO MA 7 7 MontrealatTorontoFC,1 p.m. T exas T e ch softball for the2008-09, 2009-10,2010-11and2011KansasC ity 7 0 0 1. 0 00169 81 TCU 15 2 s SanJose,2:30 p.m Texas FC Dallaat 12 seasons and its winsintootball, basebaI andmen's Denver 6 1 0 .8 5 7298 197 IOWA 4 4 Northwestem Portlandat ChivasUSA, 7:30 pm. andwomen'sbasketball tor2012-13season,dueto over SanDie go 4 3 0 .57 1 168 144 NEVADA Llnlv Sunday'sGames 6 6.5 100 eligibility violations. Oakland 2 4 0 .3 3 3 105 132 SANJOSEST 5.5 7 Wyoming Houston at D.C.United,10.30a.m. GEOR GETOWN—AnnouncedtheNCAAhascleared NATIONAL CONFERENCE Stanford 5 4.5 OREGO NST NewEnglandatColumbus,1 p.m. CJoshSmith toplaybasketball. East W. KEN TUCKY 8 .5 1 0 .5 Troy ChicagoatNewYork, 2p.m PENN STATE—NamedTroy Fisher director of huW L T P c t PF PA AIRFORC E ColoradoatVancouver, 5p.m NotreDame 20 20 man resources-athletics,Jetf Garnerassistant athletic Dallas 4 3 0 .5 7 1 200 155 UL-MDNR DE GeorgiaSt Los Angeleat s SeattleFC,6p.m. 12 12 director-ticketlngsalesandservices andMarkWharton Philadelphia 3 4 0 .4 2 9 169 196 S. Alabam a 2 2 TEXASST assistantathletic director-NittanyLionClub. Washington 2 4 0 .3 3 3 152 184 MISSISSIPP I 40.5 4 1 .5 Idaho N.Y.Giants 1 6 0 .1 4 3 126 216 N.Texas BASKETBALL 1 0.5 1 1 .5S. MISSISSIPIP South INTL ' La Tech 5 .5 5 FLORIDA FISH COUNT W L T P c t PF PA NBA MISSOUR I 3 2.5 S. Carolina NewOrleans 5 1 0 .8 3 3 161 103 Oklahoma Upstream daily movement ofadult chinook,jackchiI O WA ST St 1 3.5 13 NATIONALBASKETBALLASSOCIATION Carolina 3 3 0 .5 0 0 139 83 nook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selectedColumbia Baylor 3 5.5 35 KANSAS Preseason Glance Atlanta 2 4 0 .3 3 3 153 157 Nebraska R iver dams l a stupdatedonTuesday. 1 0.5 I 0 . 5 MINNES OTA AH TimesPDT TampaBay 0 6 0 .0 0 0 87 132 Louisviile Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd 20 20 . 5 S. FLOR IDA North Bonneville 7 9 2 129 77 27 BOWLINGGREEN 3 .5 4 Toledo Wednesday' s Games W L T P c t PF PA OHIOST TheDaffes 81 3 185 158 56 14.5 1 4 5 PennSt Toronto108,Memphis 72 GreenBay 4 2 0 .6 6 7 168 127 RICE John Day 1,025 93 169 73 1 75 175 Utep Boston101,Brooklyn97 Detroit 4 3 0 .5 7 1 186 167 FresnoSt M cNary 1 , 327 1 1 1 246 80 9 8.5 SANDIEGOST Minnesota125,Philadelphia102 Chicago 4 3 0 .5 7 1213 206 ColoradoSt Upstream year-to-date movement ot adult chinook, HAWAII Washington101,Cleveland82 6 4 Minnesota 1 5 0 .1 6 7 132 181 jack chinook, steelheadandwild Fridayat selectedCoMilwaukee105,NewYork95 West lumbia Riverdamslast updatedonTuesday. Miami108,NewOrleans95 W L T P c t PF PA TENNIS Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Dallas98,Atlanta88 Seattle 6 1 0 .8 5 7 191 116 Bonneville 1,122,852 170,030 232,524 98,551 Phoeni x 98, De n ver 79 SanFrancisco 5 2 0 .7 1 4 176 135 The Daffes 752,434 140,302 189,800 80,010 Professional Chicago104,Oklahoma City95 3 4 0 .4 2 9 156 184 JohnDay 565,219 136,919 149,312 62,886 St. Louis WTAChampionships Sacramento 91, GoldenState90 Arizona 3 4 0 .4 2 9 133 161 McNary 575,325 90,646 142,507 54,863




ac- oo a n as con erence as ever een? By Bud Withers

Sisters beats Sweet Home

the best year, simply on the basis of its superb performance in high-end bowls — Washington (which finished No. 2) beat Oklahoma in the

The Seat tle Times

he mission was simple: Just proclaim this to be the best year of Pac-12 football in history, and take off early to hit a bucket of balls. After all, the conference seems to have everything this year — national-title contenders, at least one front-and-center Heisman hopeful in Oregon's Marcus Mariota, and depth. "The Pac-12 has become a meat grinder," said Utah coach Kyle Whittingham, "just like the SEC." More so, even? This week, SportsIllustrated.com's Stewart Mandel said flatly, "The Pac-12 is the nation's strongest league this season." They probably would debate that in Tuscaloosa, Ala., and Columbia, Mo., but if it's in the discussion, I would assume that makes it the best season yet for the conference. Not so fast, chump. That's what I found after poring over rankings, bowl results, NFL drafts, nonconference records and s chedules. (Don't try this at home; your eyeballs could fall out.) The take-away: They've played some pretty good football before in the Pac-12/10. I think the Pac-12, with an unmatched mark of30-6 in nonconference play, is in the hunt in 2013 to be eligible for its best showing ever, partly because the depth is nasty. My assessment of what it's chasing: 1. 1982. Go ahead, try to beat '82. The league finished with four top-


Orange, USC (No. 10) topped Ohio State in the Rose, and UCLA (No. 9) nipped Miami in the Fiesta. There w ere someflaws — a one-sided loss by a 9-3 UCLA team to Nebraska, 42-3,and USC's 23-3 defeat athome to unranked LSU. 1986. In a balanced year, 5-1-1

won the league (ASU, which pre-

Tony Gutierrez/The AssociatedPress

John Elway, the first pick, led a class of 20 draft choices in the first round of the 1983 NFL draft. 15 teams (UCLA No. 5, Arizona State No. 6, Washington No. 7 and USC at No. 15), the only time the Pac-12 has done that. It went 3-0 in bowls, including the Rose and Fiesta. Arizona and Stanford, which did not even go to bowl games, won at No. 9 Notre Dame and No. 13 Ohio State. The regular season ended with a flourish on California's fabled five-lateral "Play" against Stanford. And then in the 1983 NFL draft, No. I choice John Elway led a parade of 20 Pac-10 picks in the first three rounds, the most I have found in league history. 2. 1997. Four r anked teams, topped by No. 5 UCLA and No. 9

WSU, a 5-1 bowl record and a 28-8 nonleague mark, second-best such record inmodern times. The 1998 draft had 14 Pac-10 picks among the first 64. 3. 2007. Four ranked teams led by No. 3 USC, and one that was not ranked, Cal, opened with a win over No. 15 Tennessee. Oregon won 39-7 at Michigan, which finished No. 18 (this was the year Dennis Dixon's knee injury took away Oregon's good shot at a title-game berth). The conference went 4-2 in bowls and had six first-round picks in the 2008 draft. Honorable mention: 1984. You could argue this to be

vailed in the Rose Bowl), and 53 tied for fourth, fifth and sixth. Washington opened with a 40-7 win over Ohio State, which finished No. 7. But the Pac-10 petered out a bit, going 3-3 in bowls. 2002. Eight of 10 teams had winning records behind a daunt-

ing array of quarterbacks (Carson Palmer, Jason Gesser, Kyle Boller, Andrew Walter, Cody Pickett), and in the 2003 NFL draft eight Pac10 players were picked in the first round. But the bowl season was a 2-5 dud, four of the losses in double

digits. In pre-Pac-10 days (before 1978), there were several instances of three teams ranked in the final top 20, but rarely the depth of later years — like 2013, in which the fifth-place teams in each division have a blowout win over Boise

State (Washington) and an upset of Stanford (Utah). Tough thing to measure, depth. But that is the element that gives the league a shot at chasing down 1982.

Run ame e torunnin t es rea FOOTBALL

By John Marshall

The Associated Press

TUCSON, Ariz. — The spread offense has an

image problem. The perception of the spread is that it is a wide-open offense with receivers zigzagging across the field and a mobile quarterback who throws onevery down or can take offwhen no receiver is open. The reality of the spread is that it is often a run-first system and the cog making it go is an explosive, versatile running back. "It really is a bit of a misconception," Arizona associate head coach and co-offensive coordinator Calvin Magee said. "It (the spread) really is to take advantage of numbers, take advantage of angles, take advantage of the field. We still want to run the ball." The proliferation of spread offenses in college football has led to prolific numbers in recent years, teams piling up yards and points as defenses have tried to figure out ways to slow them down. The idea of the spread is to make the defense cover the entire width and length of the football field. With four an d sometimes five receivers spread out across the line of scrimmage, there are more passing options and a natural inclination to believe that is what teams are going to do every time. Many times, the passing game is just there to take the pressure off the run; some of the best spread offenses in the country run more than they pass. High-flying Oregon, the standard-bearer for fast-paced,spread offenses, was a run-firstteam

Sox Continued from C1 David Ortiz was robbed of a grand slam by Carlos Beltran — a catch that sent the star right fielder to a hospital with bruised ribs — but Big Papi later hit a two-run homer following third baseman David Freese's bad throw. The Red Sox also capitalized on two errors by shortstop Pete Kozma to extend a Series winning streak that began when they swept St. Louis in 2004. Boston never trailed at any point in those four games and, thanks to this

hideous display by the Cardinals, coasted on a rollicking night at Fenway Park. It got so bad for St. Louis that the sellout crowd literally laughed when pitcher Adam Wainwright and catcher Yadier Molina, who've combined to win six Gold Gloves, let an

easy popup drop untouched between them. Serious-minded St. L ouis manager Mike Matheny didn't find anything funny, especially when the umpires gathered in the first and changed a call by Dana DeMuth at second base. "Basically, the explanation

under Chip Kelly and that has not changed in its first season under Mark Helfrich. The Ducks have thenation's No. 2 offense overall and are No. 2 in rushing offense at 332.4 yards per game. Northern Illinois has the nation's seventhbest offense and does most of its damage on the ground, averaging 304 yards rushing, fourth nationally. Ohio State is a power-running team out of the spread, averaging nearly 280 rushing yards per game, and Auburn churns out 300

yards per game rushing in a run-to-open-upthe-pass spread. Baylor has taken spread to a new dimension. The Bears have had three different 1,000yard rushersthe pastthree seasons afterhaving six total since 1945, and though they have more passing yards than rushing they still like to run first. Baylor leads the nation in total yards with 714 per game and is seventh nationally in run

offense at 300 yards per game. "I grew upwith a run-based offense, so we're always going to run the football," Baylor coach Art Briles said. "We'll throw it for flair, but we're going to run it to win." The teams that run the spread the best have one key element: a great running back. Arizonaruns one ofthe fastestspread offenses inthe country under coach Rich Rodriguez and it is keyed by Ka'Deem Carey, who is leading the nation in yards per game for the second straight year, averaging 160 yards this season. Baylor's versatile Lache Seastrunk is ninth nationally at 126 yards per game, while Oregon always seems to have someone among the rushing leaders, including Byron Marshall at No. 20

is that's not a play I've ever seen before. And I'm pretty suretherewere six umpires on the field that had never seen that play before, either," Matheny said. "It's a pretty tough time to debut that overruled call in the World Series. Now, I get that trying to get the right call, I get that. Tough one to swallow," he said. There was no dispute, however, that the umpires correctly ruled that Kozma had not caught a soft toss from second baseman Matt Carpenter on a potential forceout. "There'sfive of us out here, OK? And all five of us agreed 100 percent that it wasn't a catch. Our job is to get it right," crew chief John Hirschbeck told Matheny on audio played on the Fox telecast.

this season. Washington turned to an up-tempo, spread offensethisseason, and ithas worked because of Bishop Sankey, who was the nation's leading rusher until Arizona State bottled him up last weekend. "I think just the running game in general is huge, for us," Washington coach Steve Sarkisian said. "I don't know how everyone else operates, but for us so much of what we do comes off of our running game. We're just fortunate we have a guy in Bishop that can handle that load." Part of what makes running teams so effective out of the spread is that the formation creates more running lanes. Having so many players spread out trying to cover the receivers out by the sidelines forces teams to make up more ground to clog holes that backs might run through. Many of the teams that run the spread have plays similar to those run by offenses that run out of the I and other formations, only the running backs usually come from the side of the quarterback instead of from directly behind. The key to making it work is finding a versatile running back who has good quickness, is explosive through the hole and runs hard — essentially all the attributes any good running back in any system should have. "If you don't have a good running back in a so-called pro-style offense, it makes you onedimensional as well," Magee said. "You want to have a good tailback because you want to be able to take advantage of those lanes you are creating with those matchups." As some of the nation's offenses have shown, it works.

to stay perfect Bulletin staff report SWEET HOME — Sisters closed out SkyEm League girls soccer play with a perfect 10-0 record Wednesday, shutting out the host Huskies 3-0 in both teams' final league match of the year. Emily Corrigan scored in the 30th minute, Kristen Sanders added a goal off a Haley Carlson corner kick in the 43rd and Danielle Rudinsky recorded the third and final goal of the game in the 60th minute. The Outlaws, who end the regular season with a match against Mountain View on Tuesday, improved to 13-0 overall. As the winner of the Sky-Em League, Sisters will host a Class 4A first-round state playoff game on Nov. 2. In other Wednesday action: GIRLS SOCCER Cottage Grove 4, La Pine 0: COTTAGE GROVE — The Hawks trailed just 1-0 at halftime before the host Lions scored three times in the second half to surge to victory. Kaitlyn Mickel posted fives saves in goal for La Pine during the first half before playing in the field after halftime. The Hawks end the season 0-10 in Sky-Em League play and 0-13-1 overall. BOYS SOCCER Sisters 6, Sweet Home 1: SISTERSSenior Jake McAllister scored three goals, while sophomore Colton Manhalter added a goal and two assists to lead the Outlaws (10-0 Sky-Em League, 13-0 overall) over the Huskies. McAllister scored twice and Manhalter chipped in his goal in the first half to help Sisters take a 3-0 lead. In the second half, sophomore Jordan Bachtold and senior Evan Rickards wrapped goals around McAllister's third score before Sweet Home added a goal in the final minutes. Trent Marks contributed an assist for Sisters. Cottage Grove 3, La Pine 0: LA P INE — The Hawks came out with more energy in their final game of the season, according to La Pine coach Sam Ramirez, and if not for a Lions goal just before the whistle, the Hawks would have entered the half knotted up in a scoreless tie. Instead, Cottage Grove grabbed a 1-0 edge and added two secondhalf goals to seal the Sky-Em League Victory. Zack Smith stood out for Ramirez, as the senior forward made runs at just the right times and narrowly missed several goal-scoring opportunities. La Pine ends the season with an 0-10 mark in Sky-Em play and 0-13 overall. CROSS-COUNTRY Madras boys take fifth: ESTACADAFreshman Carlos Figueroa took 16th with a time of 18:44.60, and Madras placed fifth in the six-team boys standings with 135 points at the Tri-Valley Conference championships at McIver Park. The top two teams in the boys and girls standings earn berths to the OSAA Class 4A state championships in Eugene on Nov. 2, with any top-five individuals not a part of those programs also qualifying. Brent Sullivan was 26th for the White Buffaloes, and Shae Yeahquo took 27th. Raymond Hill finished 32nd in the 36runner field, and Dion Sloan rounded out Madras representatives with a 34th-place showing. Will Thompson took top honors in the 5,000-meter boys race, leading Milwaukie's La Salle to the team title with 15 points. Molalla was second with 50 points. For the girls, the Buffs' lone representative in Maddie Molitor took 14th in the 29-runner field, finishing the course in 22:39.96. Molalla was the team winner with 18 points, and Estacada took second in the four-team standings with 52 points. Molalla's Emily Bever was the overall winner in the girls race.

that we've been all season," Matheny said. "And they're frustrated. I'm sure embarrassed to a point." Game 2 is tonight, with 22year-old rookie sensation Michael Wacha starting for St. Louis against John Lackey. Wacha is 3-0 with a 0.43 ERA this postseason. Beltran is day to day after Xrays were negative. Lester blanked the Cardinals on five hits over 7'/s innings for his third win t his postseason. "He was locating both sides of the plate. His cutter is so tough on righties. He was pretty impressive tonight," Red Sox second baseman Dustin Pedroia said.

Ryan Dempster gave up

Matt Holliday's leadoff home run in the ninth. The normally slick-fielding Boston brought the beards Cardinals looked sloppy at ev- and made it a most hairy night ery turn. Wainwright bounced for St. Louis. The Cardinals a pickoff throw, Molina let a wrecked themselves with just pitch skitter off his mitt, cen- theirsecond three-error game ter fielder Shane Robinson of the season. bobbled the carom on Napoli's The umpires made a misdouble and there was a wild take, too, but at least they got pitch. to fix it in a hurry. The Cardinal Way'? More After the control-conscious Wainwright w alked l eadoff like, no way. "We had a w a keup call. man Jacoby Ellsbury,Pedroia That is not the kind of team singled him to second with


Charlie Riedel/The Associated Press

St. Louis' Carlos Beltran leaps to catch a long fly ball hit by Boston Red Sox's David Ortiz during the second inning of Game1 of World Series on Wednesday night in Boston. Kozma dropped the ball while t rying to t r ansfer it t o h i s throwing hand. Farrell quickly popped out of the dugout to argue while Pedroia went to the bench. "I was just trying to slide in glance off his glove. DeMuth i n stantly c a l led there to break up two. I saw Pedroia out, indicating that it wasn't on the transfer," Peone out. Ortiz then hit a slow grounder to Carpenter, and it didn't appear the Cardinals could turn a double play. Hurrying, Kozma let the backhanded flip

droia said. "They call you out, you have to run off. There's a lot of great umpires out there. They put their heads together and got it right and that's the most important thing." Farrell argued with every umpire he could and must've made a persuasive case. As the fans hollered louder and louder as they studied TV replays, all the umpires gathered on the dirt near shortstop and conferred and decided there was no catch at all. "It was pretty obvious it wasn't on the transfer. The umpires got the right call and we got some momentum," Ortiz said. Pedroia c am e b o u nding from the dugout and suddenly, the bases were loaded in the first. Napoli unloaded them with a double that rolled to the Green Monster in left-center. Napoli certainly picked up where he left off the last time he saw the Cardinals in October. In the 2011 Series, he hit .350 with two home runs and 10 RBIs as Texas lost in seven games to St. Louis. The Red Sox added to their 3-0 lead with two more runs in the second. A fielding error by Kozma set up Pedroia's RBI




Civil War Continued from C1 Mountain View was the new kid on theblock back then. Now, the Cougars lead the all-time series 18-16 heading into Friday night's showdown at Bend High, having won three straight and six of the past seven in the series. Each victory over its crosstown foe is sweet for the Cougars and Lava Bears alike. And while the opening of Summit High in 2001 has slightly diluted the Civil War rivalry, the buzz is still there. The game's intensity remains. It still is, at least in Vallerga's eyes, the Big Game. "It's definitely sweet," Vallerga says. "It's a tough weekend after you've lost this game, and actually for months afterward. It's one that you feel like you've got to win." Vallerga is not alone in that regard. Before Matt Craven roamed the sidelines as the Lava Bears' head coach, before he dressed down and took center stage as a player in the 1991 and 1992 games, he was among the chaos. From 1984 to 1987, Craven was a ball boy, and with that affiliation, as well as having his father Mick helping out with the program since 1978, there were rules young Matt had to live by. "Growing up, you weren't allowed to wear black and red in the house or in school or anywhere," Matt Craven says, referring to Mountain View's school colors. "That was the deal." The 1987 Civil War remains the greatest Central Oregon high school football game the current Bend coach has ever watched, one that saw the Lava Bears squeak out a 7-0 win at Mountain View in a game that featured two unbeaten and state-ranked teams for the IMC title. It was during that matchup that Craven the ball boy took notice of the game's gravity. "I remember being a ball boy and looking around;there might have been 8,000 people," Craven says. "It was absolutely crazy." There is a different feel when it comes to the Civil War matchup, nothing like any other regular season game. Old grudges, unresolved feelings, all the trimmings of a traditional rivalry were, and still are, present. This is not just the Big Game for players, but for the entire city of Bend. It is part of the town's tradition, and it continues to be passed on. When Mountain View senior tailback Keenan Springer began playing football in middle school, he learned of the Civil War rivalry. That seed of knowledge bloomed when he was a sophomore, when he dressed down for his first varsity game against the Lava Bears. Now, Springer heads into his third Civil War. And nothing has changed. "No matter what the record was, each team really tries to fight each other the hardest," Springer says. "So if one's better than the other, the goal is to knock the other one off." The matchup against Bend High, the "established school" as dubbed by Vallerga, is not just another regular-season game. Even with


Prep footballthisweekend,at aglance Here is a quick look at the games involving area teams on Friday, with records in parentheses: Mountain View (2-0 IMC, 6-2 overall) at Bend

games in a 28-27 overtime win at Summit High last week. Crook County sits in 24th in the OSAA Class 4A rankings and aims to climb up the standings to earn an at-large bid when the Cowboys take on the

(1-1 IMC, 1-7overall), Friday, 7 p.m.: The35th edition of the Civil War hasthe Cougars andthe

Lava Bears fighting for playoff positioning in this Class 5A Intermountain Conference contest. While Pirates from CoosBay, whosnapped athree-game Mountain View, which stands10th in the OSAA 5A skid by defeating Sutherlin19-14 last week.

rankings and hastakenthe past three meetings

against Bend, is looking to lock up a first-round

Madras (0-4 TVC,2-6 overall) at Estacada

state playoff game athome,the Bearsare trying to sneak into the play-in round. Bend is currently 25th, and the Nos. 9 through 24 earn play-in

spots. Running backKeenanSpringer — fresh off a106-yard, two-touchdown performance in the Cougars'70-14 IMC road win over Redmond

— leads Mountain Viewagainst Bendand its leading rusher, Hunter McDonald, who logged his second straight100-yard rushing game in a 34-30 nonleague loss at Eagle Point last Friday. Grant Lucas/The Bulletin

The Civil War Trophy.

Roosevelt (7-1) at Redmond (1-7), Friday, 7 p.m.: The Panthers have dropped six straight, including

their most lopsided setback of the season in a the Cougars looking to lock up a first-round Class 5A state playoff game at home, this game — even this week's preparation — is different. "Right now, I'm more worried about the Civil War than I am what we're getting out of it in the playoffs," Springer says. "I'm more worried about our in-city rivalry. "It's a lot bigger (than any other regular-season game)," he adds."All other teams, there's not that true will to absolutely fight that other team. So the Civil War rivalry really builds you up to want to play." The energy surrounding Bend High's Punk Hunnell Stadium in 1979 was tremendous, Vallerga recalls. Spectators by the thousands packed the grandstands and ringed the track that circled the playing field. Moments like that stick out in Vallerga's mind. Moments such as one Civil War game in the 1980s, when Vallerga asked a doctor to check his pulse rate "because my heart was pounding so hard on the sideline that I was afraid something bad

was going to happen." And then there was one contest when howling winds became a 12th man. ("The quarterback would throw a deep fade and it would blow sideways," Vallerga recalls.) Each victory over the Lava Bears is sweet for Mountain View, and vice versa. But for Vallerga, the 1980 Civil War, a 14-7 Cougars win in just their second season of existence, that was the most satisfying. "That first victory over Bend, for me, was the most significant," Vallerga says. "Now they still mean a tremendous amount, but not like that first one."

70-14 home loss to Mountain View last week, as they head into a nonconference matchup against the Roughriders. Riley Powell posted touchdown

runs of 75 and 61yards against the Cougars after rushing for110 yards and ascore the previous weekagainst Bend High.Redmond isnotexpected to land a play-in berth for the Class 5Astate playoffs, but it looks to finish its season strong against Portland's Roosevelt, which ranks No. 3 in 5A and comes off its seventh straight win, a 36-7 victory over Jefferson last Friday.

(2-2 TVC, 2-6 overall), Friday, 7 p.m.:Having dropped five straight, including a 48-19 loss to Gladstone in Culver last Saturday that snapped a two-game scoreless stretch, the White Buffaloes look for a season-ending victory. Madras visits the Rangers behind Jered Pichette and Ethan Short, each of whom postedtouchdown runs lastweek. Estacada holds on to the third spot in the Tri-Valley Conference after defeating La Salle 21-14 last Friday.

Sisters (0-4 Sky-Em,0-8 overall) at La Pine(0-4 Sky-Em, 0-7 overall), Friday, 7 p.m.:The Outlaws

andtheHawks eachendtheir2013campaigns with this Sky-Em League matchup, in which both teams will be fighting to avoid a winless season. Sisters, which fell to visiting Cottage Grove 61-14 last Friday, has won four straight against La Pine and seven of the last eight meetings between the

two Central Oregon foes. TheHawks look to break that streak on Friday after dropping last week's matchup to Elmira, 54-6.

Culver (1-3 TRC,2-4 overall) at Toledo(1-3 TRC, 2-5 overall), Friday, 7 p.m.:With two games left

Summit (4-4) at Ridgeview(7-1), Friday, 7 p.m.: Filling in for an injured BransenReynolds at quarterback, Summit's Tyler Mullen posted his

top passing performance of the season last week, connecting on14 of 28 passesfor134 yards and

in the regular season, the Bulldogs still have ashot to reach the Class 2A state playoffs. Culver, which fell to Kennedy 49-0 at home last week, would

need to defeat Toledo onFriday followed by awin

a touchdown while rushing for100 yards and two

against Central Linn of Halsey next week while hoping that Central Linn falls to Regis this Friday.

scores on nine carries. TheStorm, No. 26 in the OSAA 5Arankings, fell last week to visiting Crook

place in the Tri-River Conference, the TRC's final

County 28-27 in overtime, but they look to sneak into the Class 5A play-in round when they take on the 4A fifth-ranked Ravens. Ridgeview, which recorded its sixth straight win in a 43-0 home

victory against Cleveland last Friday, is averaging 340 yards rushing per game.Tanner Stevens comes off a fourth straight game of110 yards rushing or more, including last week's139-yard, two-touchdown effort. A win against Summit

could secure for the Ravens ahomegame in the

If the stars align, the Bulldogs could claim third postseason-qualifying spot. Butte Falls (0-7 SD2,0-8 overall) at Gilchrist (3-4SD2), Friday,3 p.m.:The Grizzlies wrap up their regular season byentertaining the Loggers, who have not recorded a win since October 2011. Gilchrist snapped a four-game losing streak with

a 74-20 win over visiting North Lake last week, highlighted bya pair of touchdown passes from Trinton Koch to Tucker Boone as well as two

first round of the 4A state playoffs.

scores by Mike Martinez. Thebest-case scenario

Marshfield (2-5) at CrookCounty (4-4), Friday, 7 p.m.:With Collbran Meeker rushing for 99 yards and Aaron Swindle adding 97 yards on the ground, the Cowboys claimed their fourth victory in five

for the Grizzlies is a tie for third place in the Special District 2 standings. The state playoffs would still

be out of reach for Gilchrist, which wasdefeated by both Powers and Prospect, each of which leads the Grizzlies in the league standings.

— Reporter: 541-383-0307; glucas@bendbulletin,com.

shook when he went by. The next year, when we played at Bend, he was too old to play and I breathed much easier." Gillett — who stood 6 feet tall and weighed 181 pounds in college — led the Northwest Conference in rushing as a freshman at Lewis 5 Clark in 1955, according to an article published after that season by The Oregonian. He gained 798 yards on 73 carries, for an aver-

B.C. Lions) called and asked him to come, so we went." Continued from C1 The couple mostly stayed in "Mel Gillett was probably motels with their two young the best football player to ever sons in Canada during Mel's come out of Prineville, and three-year playing careerin there were some good ones," the Western Interprovincial says the 77-year-old AschFootball Union, which would bacher, who remains in Prinelater become the Canadian ville. "He had great success. Football League. He suffered a He was unbelievable. He was shoulder injury while with the a big kid, and he was fast. And B.C. Lions, and shortly after he he had good football instincts. was traded to Edmonton, Mel In that era, fullback was an inage of nearly 11 yards per rush. decided to hang up his cleats. "He injured his shoulder, tegral part of the offense." The Oct. 17, 1955, edition Crook County defeated St. of The Bulletin reported on and it kept happening," Janet Helens 25-12 at St. Helens to Gillett's success at Lewis 8 says as she sifts through old . nrMMP&~%; win the 1952 title in the A-2 Clark: "The name of Mel Gil- photographs and newspaper level, one of Oregon's four athPhoto courtesy Janet Gillett lett has become almost a leg- clippings in the Gilletts' Prineletic classifications at the time Mel Gillett poses for a photo end in Northwest Conference ville home of 47 years. "They and the classification for the taken in the late 1950s, when he football circles already this went back East to play Monstate's second-highest school played for the British Columbia year ..." treal, and he got hurt again. enrollment range. The next Lions, a professional Canadian Gillett earned the nickname He just came home and said, "the razor" that year, and The 'That's it, I'm not going to do season, with Gillett as the star football team. ball carrier, the Cowboys beat Oregonian reported glowingly this anymore. I've got family Estacada 31-14 at the Prineville on G i l lett's p e r formances to take care of and I don't want Roundup Grounds to claim football because he was too throughout the season, in- to get all beat to heck.' " their second straight A-2 state old. He suffered from asthma cluding in the Nov. 12, 1955, Many believe Gillett could championship. as a child and missed three edition of the newspaper: " ... have played in the NFL. "He kind o f g o t d i s illuThe Nov. 28, 1953, edition of years of school, according to this sensational freshman ball The Bulletin captured Gillett's Janet. carrier is among the country's sioned, because when he went "He made one year up so top ground gainers. Fast, hard- to Canada, it just wasn't the contribution: "Statistical hero of the game was, once again, he was, like, two years older running and colorful, he was same, and it wasn't the kind of Mel Gillett, 175-pound full- than the rest of us," says Janet, sought by many Coast Confer- ball that he liked," says Prineback who played his last game a schoolmate of Mel's from ence (now Pac-12) schools." ville's Charley Hughbanks, a for Prineville last night. A Mel and Janet married in friend of Gillett's who suited grade school through high 1955 after Mel's one season at up for Crook County in the true hero he was too with 174 school. yards gained on17 tries from Jim Crowell, who played for Lewis 8 Clark. He then quit 1953 state title game. "So he scrimmage." Bend High in the early 1950s, school and football to return got homesick. Had he had reLater in the article, the writ- recalls sitting on the bench to Prineville and go to work at ally good help, he would defier described Gillett's touch- as a junior when Bend played Consolidated Pines. nitely have gone into the NFL, down run that put the Cow- Crook County at the Roundup Some three years later, at there was no doubt about it. boys ahead 18-0: "Safety man Grounds in 1953. the urging of his boss at the He was that good." "The 'surface' was a mixJerry Wallace had a shot at the mill, Mel decided to try profesAdds Janet: "I don't know fleet fullback on the Estacada ture of sand, dirt, sawdust, sional football in Canada. that heever tried or ever had "There was an opportunity 25, but Gillett sharply reversed and granulated cow p i es," any aspirations to do that (play his field and literally left Wal- Crowell remembers. "Gillett there," Janet recalls. "It was in the NFL)." lace lying flat on his face." came down the sideline on a brought about mostly by the Hughbanks moved b a ck G illett w o ul d r e t ur n t o sweep after knocking about guy who was the superinten- to Prineville in 2002 after livschool as a senior the follow- six people over and I swear to dent at the mill. He wanted him ing in New Mexico for many ing year, but he could not play God that the ground actually to play some more. They (the years. He and Gillett got re-

acquaintedand became close

a football player," Janet says.

friends, bonded, Hughbanks "He was a hard worker, and says, by their Christian faith. Hughbanks spoke at Gillett's funeral service last month, recalling the glory days at C rook County High i n t h e early 1950s. Hughbanks — who coached high school football and basketball for several years calls Gillett "probably the best high school football player I ever saw." "He always had a smile on his face, and he never said a bad word about anybody," Hughbanks says. "He was a tiger on the field and kind of a pussycat off the field. Just really a nice, soft, gentle man that everybody liked." The Gilletts raised four kids in Prineville. Mel left behind two sons and t w o d a ughters, nine grandchildren, 18 great-grandchildren, and four great-great-grandchildren. "He was a lot more than just

just a good person. He loved his family, and he was a wonderful husband." Janetsays Mel rarely spoke of his football days. But many who are old enough to r emember will never forget his prowess onthe field for Crook

County High nearly 60 years ago. "Those were great times,"

Hughbanks says. "Football was so different then. It was 2 yards and a cloud of dust, and if we passed the ball it was kind of a sin." Smarter to give the ball to Mel Gillett. — Reporter: 541-383-0318, mmorical@bendbulietirLcom.




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Class information:

Senators roll to victory overRedWings The Associated Press DETROIT — Jason Spezza and Bobby Ryan scored two goals apiece, and the Ottawa Senators routed Daniel Alfredsson and the Detroit Red Wings 6-1 on Wednesday night. Alfredsson was held without a point by his former team. The Swedish winger spent 17 seasons with the Senators before signing a one-year deal with the Red Wings in the offseason. Eric Gryba and Jared Cowen also scored forthe Senators, who had three goals on eight shots against Jimmy Howard before the Detroit goalie was taken

NHL ROUNDUP out in the first period. Craig Anderson made 31 saves for Ottawa. Todd Bertuzzi scored for the Red Wings. Spezza has seven goals on the season, trailing only Washington's Alex Ovechkin, who leads the NHL with nine. Ryan has scored six. The Senators won at Detroit for the first time since 2006, although this was only their third road game against the Red Wings since then. Gryba opened the scor-

ing, beating Howard from the right circle after Detroit defenseman Danny DeKeyser couldn't control the puck behind the net. Also on Wednesday: Bruins 5, Sabres 2: BUFFALO, N.Y. Milan Lucic had two goals and an assist, and Torey Krug also scored twice to help Boston beat reeling Buffalo. Dougie Hamilton also scored for Boston. The Bruins are 6-2 overall and have won their first four road games for the first time since 2010. Nikita Zadorov and Cody Hodgson scored for Buffalo. At 1-9-1, the Sabres are off to their worst start in franchise history. -

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Thursday, October 24, 2013

10 YR T NOTE 2.50%

58$P 500

22 60

S&P 500

bond-buying program, which has helped keep mortgage rates at

Change: -8.29 (-0.5%) 1,640 '



8 60

1 0 DA Y S




















Cl ose: 15,413.33

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rock-bottom lows. But the Fed held

off last month, sending mortgage rates lower. That has economists anticipating that sales picked up last month from August.



1'550 A




New home sales,inthousands NYSE NASD



450 400 350

Vcl. (in mil.) 3,634 1,839 Pvs. Volume 3,729 1,816 Advanced 1 380 9 9 3 Declined 1676 1532 New Highs 1 53 165 New Lows 9 23


DDW DDW Trans. DDW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000


HIGH LOW CLOSE 15465.66 15366.19 15413.33 6969.56 6898.34 6961.22 508.22 501.65 502.18 10021.38 9964.45 9990.32 3911.64 3887.67 3907.07 1752.27 1740.50 1746.38 1293.13 1283.39 1289.06 18747.21 18588.15 18654.76 1112.09 1105.35 1110.93

CHG. -54.33 +47.66 -0.28 -66.28 -22.50 -8.29 -8.48 -92.45 -4.70



%CHG. WK MO OTR YTD -0.35% L T +17.62% +0.69% L L +31.18% -0.06% +10.83% -0.66% +1 8.32% -0.57% L +29.39% -0.47% +22.45% -0.65% +26.33% -0.49% +24.41% -0.42% +30.80%









Alaska Air Group Avista Corp Bank of America Barrett Business Boeing Co

ALK 3 7 2 5 ~ A VA 22.78 ~ BAC 8. 9 2 ~ BBSI 26 79 — 0 BA 69 . 30 ~ Marlboro update CACB 4.65 ~ Is Marlboro holding its own against CascadeBancorp Columbia Bnkg CDLB 16.18 o competitors and lower-priced Columbia Sporlswear COLM 47.72 ~ cigarette brands? CostcoWholesale COST 93.51 ~ The latest quarterly earnings from Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5.62 ~ Altria Group, parent of Philip Morris FLIR Systems ty FLIR 18 58 USA, should give investors a sense Hewlett Packard HPQ 11.35 ~ of whether the top-selling brand is Home Federal BncpID HOME 10.26 ~ retaining command of the market. Intel Corp INTC 19.23 ~ Many consumers turned in recent Keycorp KEY 7. 81 — 0 years to less expensive brands as Kroger Co KR 2419 — 0 they faced economic stress. Altria Lattice Semi LSCC 3.54 reports third-quarter earnings today. LA Pacific LPX 14.51 MDU Resources MDU 19.59 — 0 Mentor Graphics MENT 13.21 MO $36.38 Microsoft Corp MSFT 26.26 ~ $40 Nike Inc 8 NKE 44 83 — 0 $32.92 ty NordstromInc JWN 50.94 Nwst NetGas NWN 39.96 tr— '12 "13 35 OfficeMax Inc DMX 6. 2 2 — 0 PeccarInc PCAR 39,55 — 0 Planar Systms PLNR 1.12 ~ Plum Creek PCL 40.60 ~ 30 Prec Cestperts PCP 161.00 ~ Operating Sefeway Inc SWY 15,94 — 0 EPS Schnitzer Steel SCHN 23.07 I 6' Sherwin Wms SHW 138.36 Stancorp Fncl SFG 32.14 — 0 3Q '12 3 Q '13 SterbucksCp SBUX 44.27 — 0 Price-earnings ratio: 17 Triquint Semi TQNT 4.30 based on past 12 months' results UmpqueHoldings UMPQ 11.17 US Bancorp USB 30.96 ~ Dividend: $1.92 Div. Yield: 5.3% Washington Fedl WAFD 15,64 — 0 Source: FactSet

Source. FactSet

Wells Fargo &Co Weyerheeuser


WFC 31.25

WY 2 4.75


68 00 6 703 + 48 +0 7 L L 29.26 27.7 7 +. 8 8 +0 .3 L L 15.03 14.21 -.31 -2.1 w L 7759 75.15 -2.86 -2.7 w L 1 23.80 129.02 +6.54 +5.3 L L 7.18 5.99 +.83 $-0.5 L L 25.60 25.36 83 -0.1 L 66.69 62.84 10 -0.2 1 20.2 0 117.16 65 -0.6 w L 18.70 16.23 50 -3.0 33 82 28.78 25 -0.9 w w 27.78 23.76 29 -1.2 L L 14.81 12.81 +.04 + 0.3 L W 25.98 23.74 -.34 -1.4 V L 12.69 12 .62 -.82 -0.2 L L 42.81 42 . 92 + . 2 1 +0 .5 L L 5 .71 4 . 2 5 -.16 -3.6 w w 22.55 17 .96 + . 37 +2.1 L L 30.41 30 .06 -.32 -1.1 L L 23.77 22 .54 -.35 -1.5 v v 3 6.43 3 3.7 6 -.82 -2.4 W L 76 49 75 .56 -.40 -0 5 V L 63.34 58 .87 -.16 -0.3 L L 48. 6 3 43 . 97 + . 2 4 +0 .5 L L 15.15 14.99 +.07 +0.5 L L 60,00 58.20 -.21 -0.4 L L 2.36 2.16 81 -0.5 L L 54.62 49.27 88 -0.2 L L 2 70.0 0 246.16 +3.75 t1.5 L 33,93 35.58 +2.68 +8.1 L L 32.99 29.84 +.88 +0.3 L L 194.56 184.56 1.82 -1.0 ~ L 60.66 59.44 +.34 +0.6 81,08 80.85 85 -1.1 8.98 8.31 63 -7.0 w L 17.48 16.79 38.23 37.98 09 -0.2 L L 23,00 22.68 07 -0.3 V L 44.79 42.76 -.18 -0.4 L L 33.24 30.46 +.13 +0.4 L L

Wall Street is looking for hints about the future of Ford Motor CEO Alan Mulally. The executive is rumored to be in the running to be CEO of Microsoft. That'll have some investors looking beyond thenumbers today when the company discusses its third-quarter financial results. Mulally hasn't addressed the Microsoft rumors, saying only that his plan to stay at Ford through 2014 hasn't changed.

A N raises outlook

Amgen (AMGN)

FundFocus This $7.6 billion fund is set to close to new investors on Oct. Marketsummary 25 to enable its managers to Most Active implement their investment NAME VOL (Ogs) LAST CHG strategy most effectively. 14.21 174.57

—.31 -.84

13.95 t 1.13 17.52 t2.17

3.14 33.76 9.27 51.90 23.67 4.06

—.04 -.82 -.09 —.78 —.37 -.07


LAST 17.12 10.86 10.30 2.18 4.26




cC o 69




CHG %CHG +35.99 +1.50 +5.86 +1.25 +3.80 +.62 +.86 +.48 +2.21 +2.06

Matthews Asian PacTiger d MAPTX

cC o C9

+ 6 6 .6 + 4 2.0 «C + 2 8.0 69 + 2 5 .2 «C + 2 4 .3 4o + 2 0 .7 Mornittgstar Ownership Zone™ + 2 0.4 + 1 9 .1 O e Fund target represents weighted + 1 8 .4 average cf stock holdings + 1 7 .7 • Represents 75% cffund'sstock holdings

Losers ReprosTh Datalink CapAcllun SifyTech PacBiosci

0. 4 0 08 8 12 4

w +2 9 0 + 5 3 0 9 5 1 1 8 0 3 6 L L L L L

w L L

+66. 7 +6 7 .3 9 0 99 d d 0. 5 8 +3.1 +24 . 3 26 cc 0.2 4 a +15.1 +16 .4 31067 13 0 . 9 0 +49.9 +49 . 4 12440 14 0 . 2 2 +65.0 +70 . 8 2 7 37 1 4 0 . 6 6f

+6.4 +18 .1 1 592 dd -7.0 +13.8 2250 11 +41.5

w +32. 4

+42 .3 92 3 cc

0.6 9

CHG %CHG -6.57 -27.7 -3.39 -23.8 -2.65 -20.5 -.55 -20.1 -.99 -18.9


RATING™ * ** * r r

CAT Close:$83.76 V-5.41 or -6.1% Earnings plunged 44 percent and the maker of heavy machinery cut its outlook for the entire year due to weakness in mining $90



Ann. dividend: $1.88 D i v. yield: 1.5%


Source: FactSet

PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK FUND N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 American Funds BalA m 23.46 - . 0 8+16.9 +19.2 +12.9+13.7 A A 8 CaplncBuA m 58.12 -.22 +14.0 +16.0 +9.9+12.2 8 A 8 CpWldGrlA m 44.03 -.17 +22.1 +27.1 +10.9+15.0 C C C EurPacGrA m 48.05 -.32 +19.6 +26.2 +7.9 +15.0 8 8 A FnlnvA m 50. 1 3 - . 38+24.7 +28.8 +15.1 +17.0 8 C 8 GrthAmA m 43.38 -.27 +27.5 +32.4 +15.8+17.0 A 8 C IncAmerA m 20.24 -.08 +15.4 +17.3 +11.8+14.1 8 A A InvCoAmA m 37.11 -.28 +25.4 +27.9 +14.3+15.1 8 D D NewPerspA m 37.81 -.22 +22.4 +28.0 +12.6+17.1 8 8 8 WAMutlnvA m38.27 -.07+24.7 +26.3 +16.5+15.5 C A 8 Dodge 8 Cox Income 1 3.64 +.02 +0.6 + 0 . 9 + 4.3 +8.4 A 8 A IntlStk 42.48 -.32 +22.6 +31.8 +8.7 +16.4 A A A Stock 157.89 -.87 +31.1 +35.2 +18.0+17.9 A A A Fidelity Contra 97.64 -.43 + 27.0 +29.3 +16.0+17.5 8 8 C GrcwCo 121. 89 - .82+30.7 +32.5 +19.3+21.6 A A A LowPriStk d 48.29 -.28+ 28.3 +33.9 +17.6+22.1 8 8 A Fidelity Spartan 500 l dxAdvtg61.95 -.29+24.5 +26.3 +16.3+16.5 C 8 8 FrenkTemp-Franklin Income C m 2. 41 -. 01 +11.3 +12.8 +9.8+14.7 A A A IncomeA m 2. 3 9 ... + 11.8 +13.5 +10.4+15.3 A A A FrankTemp-Templeton GIBcndAdv 13.15 -.04+1.8 +4.8 +5.3+10.8 A A A Oakmark Intl I 26.97 -.15 +28.9 +43.5 +14.1 +20.9 A A A Oppenheimer RisDivA m 28. 72 - .15+20.0 +22.1 +13.9+13.5 E D E RisDivB m 18. 75 - .14+ 19.1 +20.9 +12.8+12.5 E E E RisDivC m 18 . 66 - .13+19.3 +21.2 +13.0+12.7 E D E SmMidyalA m 42.67 -.23 +31.7 +37.6 +13.6+18.4 A E D SmMidyalB m35.78 -.28+30.7 +36.5 +12.6+17.4 B E E PIMCO TctRetA m 18 . 91 +.01 -1.2 -0.3 +3.4 +7.7 C C 8 T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 32.26 -.12 +23.6 +26.2 +15.8 +15.7 C 8 8 GrcwStk 48.98 -.19 +29.6 +33.0 +17.6 +20.5 A A A HealthSci 58.37 +.04 +41.6 +43.7 +30.7 +26.6 8 A A Vanguard 500Adml 161.17 -.76 +24.5 +26.3 +16.3+16.5 C B 8 500lnv 161.15 -.77 +24.4 +26.1 + 16.2+16.4 C 8 B CapDp 45.59 -.37 +35.6 +43.5 +18.1+20.3 A A A Eqlnc 29.19 -.15 t23.3 +24.5 t 17.9 t15.9 D A B StratgcEq 28.48 -.15 +32.8 +39.0 + 20 3+21.2 A A 8 TgtRe2020 26.96 -.18 +13.1 +15.6 + 99+130 A A 8 Tgtet2025 15.62 -.06 +14.9 +17.7 + 10.7+13.7 8 A C TctBdAdml 1 0.73 . . . -1.1 -1.0 + 2.9 +5.7 D D D Tctlntl 16.73 -.18 t13.9 +21.5 + 58+133 D D B TctStlAdm 44.27 -.22 t25.9 +28.4 + 16.8+17.6 8 A A TctStldx 44.26 -.21 +25.8 +28.3 + 16.7+17.5 8 A A USGro 26.81 -.15 +26.1 +29.7 + 17.0+17.0 8 A C Welltn 38.33 -.11 t15.4 +16.9 t 11.7t14.1 8 A A FAMILY

ASSETS $2,956 million EXP RATIO Stk MANAGER 1.11% SINCE Sharat Shroff RETURNS3-MD +2.8 Foreign Markets YTD +4.5 NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +9.6 Paris -34.77 -.81 4,260.66 3-YR ANNL +4.1 London 6,674.48 -21.18 —.32 5-YR-ANNL +20.9 Frankfurt -27.60 —.31 8,919.86 Hong Kong 22,999.95 -316.04 -1.36 TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT Mexico -.64 2008-01-01 40,552.59 -260.89 Milan 18,910.68 -461.25 -2.38 Delta Electronics, Inc. 3.17 Tokyo 14,426.05 -287.20 -1.95 Negara Tbk Cl 8 3 . 0 1 Stockholm 1,291.62 -8.61 -.66 P erusahaan Gas Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs 1spaid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption Sydney -14.40 -.27 Central Pattana Public Company Limited 5,356.80 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing fee and either asales or Zurich 8,214.56 —.20 redemption fee. Source: Morn1ngstar. 2.71

Samsung's stake in a Korean LCD glass joint venture.

$18 14

A S 52-week range $79.49~

0 $99.75

A S 52-week range


$1671 ~

$15 57

Vol320.9m (3.9x avg.) PE: 1 3 .2 Vol385.1m (6.6x avg.) PE: 1 3 .4 Mkt. Cap:$54.24 b Yie l d: 2. 9% Mkt. Cap:$25.59 b Yiel d : 2. 3%

Close:$113.99 %5.1 7 or 4.8% The lumber retailer rode a resurgent housing sector throughout the third quarter, posting a 58 percent jump in profit. $120 110 100 90 —

~ A S 52-week range


Safeway SWY Close:$35.58 %2.68 or 8.1% There's talk about a takeover of the grocer by a handful of private equity groups, including Cerberus Capital Management. $40 30

20 J

A S 52-week range




Vol.:1.7m (3.0x avg.) Mkt. Cap: $3.14 b

P E: 50 .4 Vol.:17.1m (3.2x avg.) PE: 1 9 .3 Yield: ... Mkt. Cap:$8.78 b Yiel d : 2. 2 %


ALTR Close:$32.30 V-5.02 or -13.5% Falling profit, falling revenue and a weak forecast made the computer chip maker the biggest decliner on the SBP 500. $40

+5 0 .7 3 9 3 2 3 0. 1 8


Corning GLW Close:$17.52%2.17 or14.1% The maker of glass screens used in smartphones and tablets bought out



L +26. 4 +26 .8 57430 13 1 .12f 35 L + 46 4 +62 , 6 2 3 53 2 6 0, 8 4 L +10.0 +7.6 609 16 1.2 0 A S O L -0.5 -6.0 12 9 2 1 1 .84f 52-week range L +73.9 +1 21.5 1178 3 0.0 8 a $99.59 ~ $39.18 L + 28. 7 +4 6 .0 1 144 20 0 .80a Vol.:14.4m (4.8x avg.) PE: 20.8 L +51.0 +5 8 .4 10 dd Mkt. Cap:$10.32 b Yiel d : 1. 9% L + 11.0 +15 .5 3 7 5 3 3 1. 7 6 L +30 . 0 +4 6 .9 7 8 4 2 4 0. 1 2 Netflix NFLX L +96. 7 + 1 03.4 16871 20 0 . 8 0 Close:$330.24 %7.72 or 2.4% L - 1.6 + 4 . 3 1 9 0 c c 0 . 7 5 Shares rebounded in heavy trading L +20 . 0 +2 5 .0 7 4 8 2 6 2. 0 0 after investor Carl Icahn revealed +62.1 +79.1 3 0 8 1 3 0 . 93f the sale of a huge stake in the online +49.3 +80.4 3859 38 0 . 8 4 video company. $400 L + 72. 0 +8 3 .6 5 428 d d +42.4 +41.6 1267 18 0.60a 300 L +18.9 +13 .9 6 4 79 1 3 0. 9 2 L +34.4 +3 5 .5 2 4 7 1 6 0. 4 0f 00 L +25.1 +27 . 6 13578 11 1 . 2 0 A S 0 52-week range L +9.5 +10. 1 3 6 69 2 8 0. 8 8


A. Veiga, J. Sohn • AP



Wednes day's close: $115.67

Total returns through Oct. 23


LAST 90.00 Stereotaxs 5.07 ApollcGrp 26.80 JkksPac 6.20 FedMogul 19.44 NeoGenom 3.61 NTS Rlty 5.07 iGc lnc rsh 2.99 MastchH s 14.25 EmpDP60 n 13.70


0 80 1. 2 2 0. 0 4 0.5 2 1 .94

Biotech drugmaker Cempany more than a half-dozen of its Amgen raised its revenue $p etilght dr u gs increased by double outlook for the year as it digits. reported third-quarter results after Amge n , which sells arthritis the market closed Tuesday. treatment Enbrel and Prolia for The company raised its osteoporosis, said net income was revenue projections to a range $1.3 7 billion, or $1.79 per share in from $18.3 billion to $18.5 billion, th ethird quarter, up from $1.11 up from its previous view of $17.8 b i l lion, or $1.41 per share, a year billion to $18.2 billion. The raised ear l ier. outlook comes on the heels of a The company increased strong quarter in which profit quarterly revenue by10 percent to jumped by 24 percent, trouncing $4. 7 5 billion, topping the $4.6 analysts' expectations. Sales of bill i on analysts expected.

Price-earnings ratio (Etased on trailing 12 month results):18 3-YR*: 28% Total return YTD: 35% 10-YR *: 7%



+55 6 +75 3 755 16 +15.2 +13 .1 25 7 1 9 +22. 4 +5 2 .4 10660119 + 97. 3 + 1 78.3 3 2 37 +71.2 +68 .8 10548 24 -4.3 +17.1 11 5 +41 . 4 +4 3 .6 1 6 3 2 1 + 17 8 +20 6 22 20 +18 7 t 32 6 1 1 57 2 5 +150.5 + 119.6 1 49 cc

Dividend Footnotes: 6 Extra - dividends were paid, but are not included. b - Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. 6 - Amount declared or paid in last12 months. t - Current annual rate, wh>cttwas mcreaseu bymost recent diwdend announcement. i - Sum ot dividends pad after stock split, no regular rate. l - Sum ot avidends pad tas year. Most recent awdend was omitted or deferred k - Declared or pad tas year, a cumulative issue with dividends marrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - Imtial dividend, annual rate not known, y>eld not shown. 7 - Declared or paid in precedmg t2 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, apprcxroate cash value on ex-distribution date.PE Footnotes:q - Stock is a closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc - P/E exceeds 9a dd - Loss in last t2 months

Mulally speculation

BkofAm 1066005 S&P500ETF 975422 CcleREI n 903886 Corning 801473 AMD 652847 Microsoft 574301 Alcoa 549343 Facebcok 545200 EMC Cp 519424 SiriusXM 519117





Lumber Liquidators



Major stocks indexes ended lower on Wednesday, reflecting mixed quarterly earnings reports among a slate of high-profile companies. Mining and construction equipment maker Caterpillar said its thirdquarter earnings plunged. It also cut its earnings forecast. Boeing fared better, reporting a 12 percent jump in profit as the aircraft manufacturer delivered plans to customers at a quicker pace. Although some earnings disappointed investors, most are doing better than expected. According to data from S&P Capital IQ, roughly sixty percent of the companies in the S&P 500 that have reported third-quarter earnings have beaten analysts' forecasts. Caterpillar

.....O. . 14400A' '"M" S.


200 A

C RUDE OIL ~ 9 4 ' $96.86


Dow Jones industrials

Close: 1,746.38

Home sales monitor The Commerce Department reports its tally of new home sales in September today. Sales began to slow this summer after the Federal Reserve signaled it might begin scaling back its

GOLD ~ $1,333.90 ~

$15.94 ~


Cree CREE Close:$61.77V-12.55 or -16.9% The LED lighting company issued a weak forecast, which overshadowed a big jump in profit during the most recent quarter. $80 70


A S 52-week range


$99.94 ~


Vol315.4m (5.3x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$7.42 b

P E: 83.5 Yield:...

Broadcom BRCM Close:$26.36 V-0.78 or -2.9% Everything went right for the chipmaker last quarter, with profit surging, costs falling and a $75 million settlement. $28 26

A S 52-week range $99.95 ~




Vol.:8.3m (2.4x avg.) P Mkt. Cap:$19.46 b

E :412.8 Vol.:34.0m (3.4x avg.) PE: 37.1 Yield: ... Mkt. Cap:$13.94 b Yiel d : 1. 7%



SOURCE: Sungard


NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO OTR AGO 3 -month T-bill 6-month T-bill 52-wk T-bill

The yield on the 10-year Treasury note dipped to 2.50 percent Wednesday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans.

. 03 . 07 .09

.03 .06 .10

... W L +0 .0 1 W L -0.01 V ~

2-year T-note . 31 .29 +0 . 0 2 W W 5-year T-note 1 .29 1 .28 + 0.01 W W 10-year T-ncte 2.50 2.51 -0.01 W W

30-year T-bcnd 3.60 3.61


- 0.01 w w

Oil declined on Wednesday on higher U.S. supplies of crude and weak demand for fuel. Metals and crops fell, amid speculation that the People's Bank of China may tighten monetary policy.

Foreign Exchange The dollar rose against the euro, British pound and other currencies amid news that Spain's economy posted modest growth in the July-September period. It fell versus the

Japanese yen.

h5N4 QG

.10 .15 .17

T .29 T .76 W 1.76

w 2. 9 0


Barclays LcngT-Bdldx 3.36 3.39 -0.03 w w BondBuyerMuni Idx 5.14 5.20 -0.06 W L Barclays USAggregate 2.25 2.31 -0.06 W W PRIME FED Barcl ays US High Yield 5.74 5.78 -0.04 w w w RATE FUNDS MocdysAAACorpldx 4.53 4.53 . . . W YEST 3.25 .13 B arclays CompT-Bdldx 1.50 1.52 -0.02 w w 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 B arclays US Corp 3.13 3.19 -0.06 w w 1 YR AGO3.25 .13



w 2.64 W 4 .14 W 1. 7 4 6.26 L 3.50 w 1. 0 4 w 2. 6 9

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Dil (bbl) 96.86 97.80 - 1.47 + 5 .5 Ethanol (gal) 1.80 1.82 -0.33 -18.0 Heating Dil (gal) 2.92 3.01 -2.46 -4.0 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.62 3.58 + 1.06 + 8 . 0 Unleaded Gas(gal) 2.55 2.62 -2.46 -9.2 FUELS


Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (cz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. 1333.90 1342.50 22.58 22.75 1436.70 1447.80 3.27 3.33 745.10 751.90

%CH. %YTD -0.64 -20.4 -0.76 -25.2 -0.77 -6.6 -1.86 -10.3 - 0.90 + 6 . 0

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 1.32 1.31 + 0.53 + 1 . 5 1.11 1.12 -1.25 -23.1 4.43 4.38 +1.03 -36.6 Corn (bu) Cotton (Ib) 0.81 0.82 - 2.13 + 7 . 4 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 350.20 356.40 -1.74 -6.3 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.21 1.18 + 2.76 + 4 . 1 Soybeans (bu) 13.10 13.02 +0.60 -7.7 Wheat(bu) 7.02 -9.8 7.01 +0.14 AGRICULTURE

Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)

1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6171 —.0068 —.42% 1.5942 Canadian Dollar 1.0 3 9 3 + .0106 +1.02% . 9 927 USD per Euro 1.3779 —.0004 —.03% 1.2976 —.77 —.79% 79.91 Japanese Yen 97.33 Mexican Peso 12.9 529 + .0999 +.77% 12.9675 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.5201 +.0049 +.14% 3.8530 Norwegian Krone 5.9152 +.0228 +.39% 5.7326 South African Rend 9.7834 +.0596 +.61% 8.7606 6.3700 +.0067 +.11% 6.6497 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .8919 —.0029 —.33% .9332 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar 1.0396 + .0092 +.88% .9 7 45 Chinese Yuan 6.0863 -.0070 -.12% 6.2523 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7532 +.0005 +.01% 7 .7501 Indian Rupee 61.621 -.039 -.06% 53.735 Singapore Dollar 1.2387 +.0033 +.27% 1 .2248 South Korean Won 1057.70 -.63 -.06% 1103.10 -.00 -.00% 2 9 .28 Taiwan Dollar 29.43

© www.bendbulletin.com/business



GermanyraIses growthoutlook BERLIN — TheGer-

man governmentis raising its forecast for

the country's economic growthin 2014to1.7

percentand saysthere should be a healthy in-

crease inexports. The prediction antici-

pates an uptick in exports, a traditional strength for the economy. — Fiom wie repoifs

BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR TODAY • October AdBite:Lynette Xanders will discuss brand artistry; registration required; $25 for members,$45for nonmembers;11:30a.m.-1 p.m.; St.CharlesBend conferencecenter, 2500N.E. Neff Road;541-382-4321 or www.adfedco.org. • BNI Chapter Deschutes Business Networkers:7 p.m.; Bend SeniorCenter,1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-610-9125. FRIDAY • How to Take Control of Your Time and Get More Out of Life: Learn strategiesto help productivity, focus and efficiency, registration required; $65;8-9:30 a.m.; webinar; info@simplifynw. com. MONDAY • Conversation with National Tour Association Chairman Mark Hoffman:Changing needs anddemographics of travelers, smaller-sized tour groups andworking with tour operators to increase business; registration suggested; 10-11:30a.m.; Phoenix lnn Suites Bend, 300 N.W.Franklin Ave.; 541-317-9292, kristine@ VisitCentralDregon.comor www.visitcentraloregon. com. TUESDAY • Build a Professional Website for Your Business 2:Learn changes to improvethe look and feel ofyour website; registration required;$129; Tuesdaysthrough Nov.19, 6-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College,2600 N.W.CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-383-7270. WEDNESDAY • Steps to Economic and Personal Success: Four-part series on employment readiness and empoweringchange; registration suggested; $88 for series; 5:30-8:30 p.m.; Eastlake VillageApartments, Community Room,675 N.E. BellevueDrive, Bend; 541-923-1018. • How to Start a Business:Registration required; $29; 6-8p.m.; Central OregonCommunity College, 2600N.W.College Way, Bend;541-383-7290. NOV. 6 • iOS App Development 3- Game Development: Last class inthe series; build games, learnanimation, graphic elementsand troubleshooting; advanced knowledge ofXcodeand Dbjective-C oriDSApp l; registration required; $179; Wednesdaysthrough Nov. 20, 6-9 p.m.;Central Oregon Community College,2600 N.W.CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-383-7270. • Launch Your Business:CDCC'sSmall BusinessDevelopment Center offers this coursefor local startup companies; helps businessowners get started anddevelopa working plan;four one-hour coaching sessionswith Wednesdayeveningclasses from Nov. 6 toDec.4; preregistration required;$199; 6-9 p.m.; CDCC Chandler Building, 1027 N.W.Trenton Ave., Bend;541-383-7290.

For the complete calendar, pickup Sunday's /3ulletin or visit bendbulletin.comlbizcal

Correction In a Business listing headlined "Permits,"

en manin i e in e era axcase By Rachael Rees The Bulletin

A federal grand jury has indicted Bend resident Eric Plantenberg, a personal developmentteacher and public speaker, on charges of income tax evasion and willful failure to pay tax for the years 2006-2008. The indictment, filed Oct. 9 in Madison, Wisc., alleges Plantenberg concealed his income by routing it through a series of accounts and through the Utah-based Church of Compassionate Service,which the federal government has said its founder used to promote a "false church-based tax fraud scheme." Neither the amount of total income earned nor taxes owed was listed in the indictment. It states that Plantenberg'sgross income exceeded $8,450 in 2006;

$8,750 in 2007 and $8,950 in 2008. But Plantenberg, who plans to voluntarily appear in federal court next month, said the allegations are untrue. He said he joined the Church of Compassionate Service as a minister in 2000 and took a vow of poverty that required him to transfer his assets to the church. But he resigned from the church, he said, in 2010 when the federalgovernment questioned him about the legitimacy of the church. The government filed a civil suit in U.S. District Court in Utah against church founder Kevin Hartshorn in 2010. According to federal courtrecords, Hartshorn told church ministers they were not required to pay taxes on income they earned that they assigned to the church. In April 2012, a federal

"It was a huge surprise when the IRS showed up on our doorstep in 2010. We had received no communication from them about this matter previously." — Eric Plantenberg, a personal development teacher and public speaker

judge ordered Hartshorn to stop promoting church-based tax fraud schemes and stop telling taxpayers they were not required to file federal income tax returns if they assigned their income to a church entity, according to court records. Hartshorn has appealed the judge's order to the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which has yet to rule. Plantenberg moved to Bend in late 2008, he said. Earlier this year he was

named to the board of a Bend nonprofit that promotes youth participation in sports. However, both the nonprofit and Plantenberg said this week he is not affiliated with the organization. While the indictment states Plantenberg owns three Madison-based businesses — Freedom Personal Development, Freedom Professional Services and IKinetic Solutions — he said he co-founded but never owned two of them and transferred

The Associated Press

NEW YORK — Starbucks is opening a new cafe in New York City, and it won't serve any coffee. The Seattle-based company today plans to open its first Teavana "tea bar," where people can order specialty drinks and small dishes in a trendy, cafe-like setting. The sweets, flatbreads, salads and otherfood range in price from about $3 to $15. Drinks

range in price from $3 to $6, and include novelties such as carbonated teas. The menu of food and freshlymade drinks is a change for Teavana, a chain of about 300 shops that sell boxed and loose tea and accessories. Teavana stores are

mainly in shopping malls, but Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz said he plans to expand the footprint to include more locations in urban areas. Already, it has opened traditional Teavana shops in New York City. Starbucks also plans to transform additional Teavana stores to make them more akin to Starbucks cafes and the new tea bar it's opening today. The opening of the New York City tea bar comes after Starbucks bought Teavana last year. The company has said it plans to use the acquisition to make tea a bigger part of American culture, as it has with coffee. Starbucks Corp., which

Candice Choi i The Associated Press

Today, Starbucks is set to open its first Teavana "tea bar" in New York. The company says it's working toward increasing tea's popularity in the United States. has about 12,000 U.S. locations, has been on a strong financial run even in the weak economy, boosting its profits by raising prices, revamping food offerings and adding items such as pricey bottled

juices. In its latest quarter, the company said its sales rose

9 percent at cafes that have been open at least a year. At a media event at the new Teavana store, Schultz said executives noticed that tea orders were among the fastest-growing drinks at Starbucks cafes. People are also more likely to order food when they buy iced tea.

ing to pay. "That this is being pursued as a criminal matter of tax evasion doesn't make sense ... I'm grateful that an unbiased jury will have the final say in this matter." — Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees@bendbulfetin.com


tar uc sunveis ew or teas 0 By Candice Choi

ownership of IKinetic to the church in 2000. "It was a huge surprise when the IRS showed up on our doorstep in 2010," Plantenberg said. "We had received no communication from them about this matter previously." He said he has been in communication with the IRS since July 2010 and didn't know what would happen. "I have repeatedly offered to pay any taxes and/or penalties that I owe," he wrote in an email. "At this time, there are no taxes that I am being asked to pay that I'm unwill-

Schultz said he expects the average purchase at the Teavana shop to be higher than at a Starbucks, although it probably won't get as many customers. The store is also expected to do more business throughout the day, compared with the early morning rushes at Starbucks stores. Starbucks opened a similar tea shop last year near its headquarters under its Tazo brand. Next month, that store will be converted into a Teavana tea bar, as well. The idea of a tea shop isn't new, of course. Jenny Ko, a part owner of the Culture Tea Bar in New York's Harlem neighborhood, notes that they're more prevalent on the West Coast, but that they've recently been popping up on the East Coast. Ko said she welcomes Starbucks' push into tea shops, even though the company has put many smaller coffee chains out of business. She said she thinks her tea shop has enough unique offerings to withstand the competition. Besides, she said Starbucks' push should lead togreater awareness of teas in general. "That's how everyone got intocoffee,after Starbucks opened," Ko said. Already, Ko noted people are more knowledgeable about tea, with customers increasingly familiar with different varieties such as oolong and Darjeeling.

Digital film retail pins hope on extras By Ryan Nakashima The Associated Press

LOS ANGELES — Sony is hoping that providing sharable movie clips and extras, like deleted scenes, will prompt more people to buy digital movies. At least that's the intention behind a new initiative it's calling Vudu Extras+. The initiative gives people who buy movies at Wal-Mart's online video service, Vudu, the ability to share dozens of clips and pieces of behindthe-scenes footage on social networking sites. In each case, a link takes users to a website with the clip embedded. Some of the shared content is reserved for others who also buy the movie for at least $9.99. A search feature enables movie buyers to jump to certain scenes after searching keywords in dialogue. The innovation comes at a time when U.S. home entertainment spending is recovering from falling DVD sales. While standard-definition DVD sales continue to drop, high-definition Blu-ray disc sales are increasingly taking up the slack.

SECVOteSOnPrOPOSed regulatiOnS Of CrOWdfLInding By Marcy Gordon The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Crowdfunding is about to go big time. For years, filmmakers, artists and charities have used the power of the Internet to generate money for projects. But in the coming year, with the blessing of Congress, startups will be allowed to raise money this way by selling stock to small-time investors. For thoseinvestors,there's now a chance to make a small profit and possibly get in early on the next Twitter or Facebook. It's also extremely risky, given that a majority of startups faiL And critics warn that investment crowdfunding is ripe for fraud. The Securities and Exchange Commission on Wednesday took a step toward implementing the law by propos-

tion to prospective investors about their business plan and financial condition, as well as a list of their officers, directors and those who own at least 20 percent of the company. "There is a great deal of excitement — Mary Jo White, SEC chairwoman in the marketplace" over crowdfunding, SEC Chairwoman Mary Jo White said before the vote. "We want this ing how much people could invest and market to thrive, in a safe manner for how much companies must divulge. investors." The SEC voted 5-0 to send the proposal Crowdfunding is hardly new. Sites out for public comment. Final rules like Kickstarter and Indiegogo have could be approved next year. foryears helped fund projectsthrough Under the proposal, people with andonations raised online. Through those nual income and net worth of less than sitesand others,supporters can pledge $100,000 could invest a maximum of 5 $10 — or tens of thousands of dollars percent of their yearly income. Those — to help start a project, whether it's with higher incomes would be able to a business, a charity or the arts. In reinvest up to 10 percent. Companies also turn, supporters can receive a gift, such would be required to provide informaas a T-shirt or a song named after them.

"We want this market to thrive, in a safe manner for investors."

Others simply feel satisfied knowing that they helped a good cause. Soon, businesses will be able to offer investors a piece of their company. The 2012 law, known as the JOBS Act, made it legal for small companies to sell stock over the Internet. They could raise a maximum of $1 million a year from individual investors without registering with the SEC. The SEC was given some discretion to request company information and limits on investment, which they did with Wednesday's proposed rule. The goal of the law was to help startups raise money quickly when they couldn't attract attention from venture capitalists or traditional investors. At the same time, the law eased the SEC's regulatory reach by giving the startups an exemption from filing rules.

which appearedThursday, Oct.17, on Page C6, the street address


and the name ofthe applicant for a permit issued on Northwest Lolo

Drive were incorrect due to incorrect information provided to The Bulletin.

The Bulletin regrets the error.

City of Bend • FC Fund LLC,1069 S.E. Sixth St., $171,627 • Michelle B. Holm, 19970 Alderwood Circle, $312,752 • Toney Construction

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FO efs sl es

canmis ea, icia s warn •Consumerscanbeconfused bywebsites that appear to beofficial marketplaces By Emery P.Dalesio

department warned agents and brokers this summer This month's glitch-filled that it will take action against rollout of the health insurance agents who mislead consummarketplacescreated by feders or design sites to replicate eral law is a business opporthe state-run exchange. tunity for brokers and agents, An organization run by but regulators the top insurance regulators MQN Eg wa rn that it also in each state recently issued opened the door an alert on the potential for for those who scams related to the marketwould seek to places. The National Associaline their pockets tion of Insurance Commisby misleading sioners advised consumers consumers. that bogus sites have been New Hampspotted and warned people to shire's insurance beware of unsolicited calls by commissioner people claiming they need persent a cease-and-desist letter sonal information to help them to an Arizona company he ac- enroll in insurance. cused of building a website to Not all insurance agents are misleadhealth care shoppers licensed to sell insurance on into thinking it was the official the exchanges, and buying a marketplace. The site was policy from one of them could taken down. leave consumers without the Regulators in Washington tax subsidies that make the state and Pennsylvania also health insurance affordable. have told agents to change Consumers who seek an inwebsites that seemed likely to suranceprofessional'shelp are convince consumers they were urged to make sure they know connecting to government-run who they're dealing with. sites. Connecticut's insurance SeeWebsites/D2 The Associated Press

Photos by Andy Tullis i The Bulletin

Employees with Portland-based Howard S. Wright Building work on a vault being built at the new St. Charles Cancer Center in Bend. The vault eventually will host a new linear accelerator, which the hospital has yet to purchase.

At. St. Charles, building for future

• As part of its cancercenter expansion, the hospital is building a vault that will house a newlinear accelerator, a deviceusedto deliver radiation treatments By Tara Bannow The Bu(letin

mid the dust and shuffling metal of St. Charles Bend's ongoing cancer center exansion, a box-shaped room is slowly materializing. Once this so-called vault is finished next summer — along with the rest of the $13 million project — it will sit empty for a few years. The room will eventually hold a linear accelerator, the device used to deliver radiation treatments to cancer patients. St. Charles won't actually buy theaccelerator for several years, but officials there say they're saving a whole lot of money by building the vault ahead of time. "We're building for th e f u ture," said Linyee Chang, St. Charles Cancer Center's medical director, "and part of building for the future means anticipating the needs for our population and being aware and responsible. Knowing the lifespan of the existing equipment we have, we anticipate what we're going to need." If purchased today, a linear accelerator would cost roughly $4 million, but that could fluctuate by the time St. Charles buys one, said Kayley Mendenhall, a spokesperson for the

ee in By Anna Medaris Miller Specia( To The Washington Post

Whoever said that running a marathon is mostly mental lied. That's what I was thinking as I winced across the 14th Street


Washington during the 2010 Marine Corps Marathon. After 20-plus miles, it wasn't a lack of energy or a bad attitude that was holding me back but troubles with, to put it politely, my gastrointestinal tract. Though I finished the marathon, my second, it took me nearly two more years and two uncomfortable halfmarathons to come to terms with the likely source of my problem: gluten. I don't have celiac disease,

How do I measureup? View fitnessnorms cautiously,experts say By Lenny Bernstein The Washington Post

How am I doing? That's a natural question when it comes to health and fitness, especially for men


and especially as we age. You want to

fITN f55

know whether all your hard

work is paying


St. Charles Medical Physicist Phoebe Shulman-Edelson points out where the radiation is emitted from one of the hospital's existing linear accelerators. hospital. Hospitals across the country commonly build vaults ahead of purchasing linear accelerators, said Per Halvorsen, chair the American Association of Physicists in Medicine's Professional Council and chief of radiation therapy physics at Lahey Health in Burlington, Mass.

In addition to saving money, building the vault ahead of time allows hospitals to spread the cost of the acceleratoracross severalbudget cycles, he said. Vaults typically cost roughly $1 million to build, while accelerators run between $2 million and $6 million, Halvorsen said. SeeCancer center/D3

off, or how far you have to go to catch up. And if you're just starting to work out, you're interested in how much effort you need to invest to improve and maintain your health. Experts say there are reliable norms, advice that is solidly based on research and testing, but they recommend that you use the information with caution. "Age and gender-predicted standards always give you a template to work toward.

e Ormance oost,at etes itc an autoimmune reaction to gluten (a protein found in bread, pasta and many other foods containing wheat, barley or rye), but my internist says I am probably gluten-sensitive, a less serious condition that nonetheless can come with such symptoms as diarrhea, bloating and joint pain. While there is no diagnostic test for gluten sensitivity, the Center for Celiac Research at Massachusetts General Hospital for Children estimates that about 6percent ofAmericans fit the condition's murky criteria: They don't have celiac, but their symptoms are alleviated when they stop eating gluten. Gluten-free diets are gaining popularity, with U.S. sales of these foods "reaching $4.2 billion in 2012, for a com-

It lets you know where you are in terms of your fitness level," said Jonathan Myers, a clinical professor of medicine at Stanford University and a health research scientist at the Veterans Administration Palo Alto Health Care System. "The 'but' is that you benefit from exercise without getting too caught up in where you are relative to a standard, without getting too compulsive about measuring your heart rate." Ifthere'sone measure you should pay attention to as you get older, it's your cardiovascular fitness. Here's why: Numerous studies have proved that it is the single best predictor of mortality from any cause, not just diseases of the heart, lungs and circulatory system. See Norms/D5


pound annual growth rate of 28 percent over the 2008-2012 period," according to a report by the market research company Packaged Facts. "The conviction that gluten-free products are generally healthier is the top motivation for consumers ofthese products," the reportstates. It's a striking shift, particularly among endurance athletes, who come from a carb-loading culture where pre-race pasta and post-race beer are as essential as the bib number on your back and the sneakers on your feet. All that is changing now: The idea that an endurance athlete's diet needs to include plenty of carbohydrates is no

longer gospel.

Juana Anas/ForThe Washington Post


Anna Medaris Miller finds that wheat weighs her down when preparing for a marathon.





EVENTS POWERFUL TOOLSFOR CAREGIVERS:Learn how to take care of yourself while caring for a relative or friend; free, registration required, $25 optional textbook; 1:30-3 p.m. today; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-678-5483. OPEN HOUSECELEBRATION: Learn about Chinese medicine through treatments and presentations for National Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine Day; local vendors and raffle; free admission; 4:30-8:30 p.m. today; Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 N.W. Louisiana Ave., Bend; 541-330-0334 or www. hawthorncenter.com. HEALTHY BEGINNINGS SCREENINGS:Health screenings for ages 0-5; Friday; call for location; free; 541-383-6357 or www.myhb.org. HEALTHY BEGINNINGS COMMUNITY FLUSHOT CLINIC: Walk in and get a flu shot, no appointment necessary; Medicare, Pacific Source, Regence Blue Cross and ODS/MODAare health providers that can be billed; a portion of the proceeds benefit Healthy Beginnings;$25;noon6 p.m. Friday; Newport Market, 1121 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-7211. "SLEEPWELL WORKSHOP": Learn proven sleep and relaxation techniques; bring pads and pillows to lie on; $36 in district, $49 out of district; registration required; 5:30-7 p.m.Monday; Bend SeniorCenter, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-388-1133 or www.register. bendparksandrec.org. AUTUMN EATS:NUTRITION TALK AND TASTE:Learn how to eat seasonally with nutrition consultant Stephanie Howe; free; 7:30 p.m. Tuesday; Rebound Physical Therapy andBiomechanicsLab,1160 S.W . Simpson Ave., Ste. 200, Bend;www. reporegon.com; 541-322-9045. SKIN CANCERSCREENING: Screenings open to both insured and uninsured residents of Central Oregon; free, call for appointment; 8 a.m.-noon Nov. 2; Deschutes County Health Building, 2577 N.E. Courtney Drive, Bend; 541-322-7499.

How to submit Health Events:Email event information to healthevents@ bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least10 days

before the desireddate of publication. Ongoing class listings must be updated

monthly and will appearat www.bendbulletin.com/ healthclasses. Contact: 541-383-0358. People:Email info about local

people involved inhealth issues to healthevents© bendbulletin.com. Contact: 541-383-0358.

PEOPLE • Dr. Jessica LeBlancrecently joined the staff ofMosaic Medical and will be caring for patients at the Bend clinicand Bridges Health. LeBlanc completed her undergraduate degree at Northern Arizona University, a master's degree from the University of Arizona and attended medical school at the University of Arizona College of Medicine. Shecompleted her residency at Swedish Medical Center in Seattle. LeBlanc is board certified in family medicine andhas experience in maternal-child medicine, addiction medicine, chronic disease management and nutrition.

Insurance brokers forced to adjust to new law By Chris Hepp

Health Underwriters, Gualtieri might be forgiven for havPeter G u altieri l i s tened ing a somewhat narrow focus carefully Mondayas President while listening to Obama's adBarack Obama defended the dress about the rocky launch Affordable Care Act against of ACA's online health-insurits critics. He was troubled by ance marketplaces. For all what he did not hear. the confusion that remains "The president never once about the law and its impact, mentioned brokers or agents," few would seem to have more Gualtieri said. "He talked reason to fret about the future about the 1-800 number, the than insurance brokers such online websites, the naviga- as Gualtieri and his organizamembers. tors, but never once brokers. tion's It was a little disheartening." As a group, brokers occuAs president of the Greater pied a lucrative niche in health Philadelphia Association of insurance. They helped comThe Philadelphia inquirer

panies navigate the web of offerings so employers could provide employees the best coverage for the least cost. Some brokers do the same for individuals. Their knowledge of the arcane rules and complexities of the marketplace contributed to their financial success and job security. Now, u nder the ACA, all that i s

changing. With the online insurance exchanges launched Oct. I, individuals are able to access competing policies to weigh

Websites Continued from 01 "We all need to be on the lookout right now. We don't want consumers to get confused," said Jessica Waltman of the National Association of Health Underwriters, a trade association representing agents and brokers.

Questionable websites Susan J o h n son, the Northwest regional director for the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, said while some brokers are passionate about h elping, others are seeking to take advantage. In one such case, a statelicensed broker in suburban Seattle bought the domain namewashingtonhealthplan finder.org and built a website with f ewer c omputer glitches than the state's new health i n surance marketplace, w ahealthplanfinder. org.The brokerage's site told customers: "Welcome to the Exchange!" in big print until the state insurance commissioner asked for changes to avoid confusion. "You don't want to go to the wrong portal," Johnson said. The i n surance b r oker, Jeff Lindstrom, said he thought he was being creative when he bought 40-50 domain names to bring in new customers. He said he is not trying to confuse the public. Lindstrom's toll-free phone number was also very close to the official call center number, said Stephanie Marquis, a s p okeswoman for Washington's insurance commissioner. In New Hampshire, new hampshirehealthexchange .com offered free price quotes on insurance, but it w asn't affiliated with t h e state or the federal governm ent, w h ich i s r u n n i n g New Hampshire's official online market. The site was taken down days after the state sent a cease-and-desist letter. "It put itself forward as offering health i n surance through the exchange, and consumers are naturally misled by that into thinking it's the government site," said Deputy Insurance Commissioner Alex Feldvebel. The i n surance d epartment took action after get-

Ted S. Warren/The Associated Press

Insurance broker Jeff Lindstrom, right, meets with Brandi and Darren Litchfield to discuss health insurance plan options at their home in Bothell, Wash. Lindstrom was asked by the state insurance commissioner to make changes to a website he created, washingtonhealthplanfinder.org, which greeted users with the message"Welcome tothe Exchange!"

choices for themselves. Specially t r a ined " n avigators" have been contracted by the federal government to help consumers, in effect filling the role of individual brokers. On Nov. I, a similar online exchange will b e l aunched for small businesses, further undercutting the traditional insurance broker's role. Though Gualtieri and other brokers tried to accentuate the positive Monday by noting that the ACA's goal is to bring coverage to millions of uninsured Americans — and,

pened a variety of times in the past," Waltman said. The first line of defense is checking whether a broker or agent is licensed by the state insurance department where they operate. Usually that can be done online. T he federal Centers f o r Medicare & Medicaid Services doesn't have a similar option to check whether an agent has completed traini ng necessary to w or k f o r consumers on a federally run

exchange. The federal agency

recommends consumers ask agents to provide a copy of the certificate showing t h ey've completed training. Some states that operate their own exchanges plan to identify ma r k etplace-certit ing a c o mplaint f ro m a ketplace sorts out its glitches. fied brokers, but that has not "Right now I've got a list of small-business owner who yet happened in al l s t ates, called a phone number on people that are ready to sign leaving a temporary gap for the misleading site. up for subsidized exchange consumers. More than 2,600 "He called and ended up plans, but c a n't," T h i ltgen state-licensed brokers cleared talkng to someone who said, sald. to work on New York's ex'Unless you make a choice change were expected to be today, the price is going to go First line Of defense listed on it s w ebsite soon, up,'" Feldvebel said. W hile r e g u lators h a v e the state's health department A man who answered the warned consumers, they don't sa>d. phone declined to comment have any reports of people beat the company identified as ing cheated. The National As- A legitimate role running the site, Arizona- sociation of Insurance ComStill, spreading the word based Steffen Financial. missioners and state agencies that subsidized health insurIn Pennsylvania, a con- in Pennsylvania, Virginia and ance is available and explainsumer law group this sum- North Carolina report no com- ing how consumers should mer tipped off r e gulators plaints since the marketplaces buy it leaves a legitimate role about a l i censed broker's launched on Oct. 1. for brokers, Waltman said. website that featured a logo Those with industry expe- Brokers earn c o m missions mimicking the state seal and rience warn whenever there's paid by insurance companies telling v i sitors: "Welcome money and confusion, conand not consumers. to the Pennsylvania Health sumers should be alerted. Some brokers are u nder Exchange!" The broker took Fraudsters saw opportunities pressure to ad d c u stomers down P A h ealthexchange. when Medicaid Part D pr ebecause the commissions com a day after the state scription druginsuranceplans they earn on each policy are insurance department's en- hit the market a decade ago, shrinking as the law rolls out. forcement bureau called. said Waltman, of the agents Boise, I d aho, i n s urance The top online search re- and brokers trade association. agent Tom Shores estimates "I think that we have to be he'll need to pick up 3,000 new sult using the terms "texas health insurance exchange concerned that this has hap- customers to offset commisonline" is for Texas Health Insurance Exchange, which sells unsubsidized insurance p olicies. The broker w h o owns the website is Scott Thiltgen, a s t a te-licensed insurance agent in C edar Park, Texas. He said he's also marketing on his Facebook page, Texas Health Insurance Marketplace. Thiltgen said he's not out to confuse consumers. " It's basically t h ere t o have someone they can talk to that knows about the exchange," he said. He said he's earned the federal certification needed to sell subsidized policies on exchanges, and plans to start once the federal mar-

in the process, expand the insurance market — it was hard not to see that there would be losers as well. "There is going to be a fund amental shift i n t h e w a y health insurance is delivered in th e m a r ketplace," said Scott Mardis, the underwriters group's past president and a senior business-development consultant at Benefitvault Inc. "Those brokers t hat can a ccept t hat a n d adapt will be successful, but I'm not sure all of them will be able to."

sions cut to about $9 per policy each month.Shores estimates a quarter of his brokerage's 4,000 existing health insurance customers also might learn they're eligible for Medicaid, the government insurance for low-income people, once they enter their financial data into the exchange system. "The only way we're going to make money is to get more people," Shores said late last month. The two largest companies on South Carolina's exchange are p a y in g co m m i ssions

of about $28 per policy per month forthe firstyear,dropping to $14 a month after that, said John Adair, a broker in Greer, S.C. " The law i s complicated and making any sort of insurance purchase can be complicated — which plan to choose, deductibles, co - i n surance, co-pays, network of providers," said Adair, who built a website and licensed his business in states nationwide to capture new customers. "With what we're seeing with the federalexchange, and some of the glitches, the agents themselves are very much in high demand."









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aen s c oo essons, moms a esu w a's au By Lornet Turnbull

Onthe Web

The Seattle Times

S EATTLE — W h e n h e r daughter was going into the fifth grade two y ears ago, Jodie Howerton reviewed the HIV/AIDS educational materials that would be used in her child's class — and was appalled by what she saw. The opening clip of a video, circa early 1990s, featured this headline: "Thousands die of AIDS." In it, the human immuno-

deficiency virus (HIV) was dressed as a growling, red monster and there was a cameo appearance by the Grim Reaper. The outdated images and statistics about A I D S ( a cquired i mmu n odeficiency syndrome) and the virus that causes it, were particularly troublesome to the Woodinville, Wash., mother of three, who had adopted a son born with HIV and who worried the video would perpetuate existing stereotypes. Treatment fo r H I V /AIDS has advanced light-years in the three decades since the first U.S. cases were reported. Now, with p r oper m edications, those infected can live long and r elatively healthy lives. " There was no t a w o r d a bout being born w it h t h e virus," Howerton said of the video, which the district has since stopped using. "It was a scary, fear-based video that would teach people how to be afraid of my son." Working with th e N orthshore School District where her daughter was e nrolled at Cottage Lake Elementary School, Howerton scoured the Internetfor current and ageappropriate videos to replace the district's last-century set. Finding none,the communications specialist set about to make some. As part of a campaign she's calling R e define P o sitive, Howerton sat down a y e ar ago with representatives from the state Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI), Seattle Children's Hospital F oundation, P u blic Health — Seattle & King County, Northshore schools

Learn more about Jodie •S 'IilSiS ~1


Howerton's project:http://


giveto.seattlechildrens. org/HIVvideo


"We didn't go to South Africa thinking we would adopt; it was never part of the plan. My husband and I had two healthy kids at home, and we thought we could easily parent these kids." Marcus Yam/Seattle Times Duzi came home with the Three years ago Michael and Jodie Howerton, of Woodinville, family three years ago when Wash., adopted Mduduzi, 8, who is HIV-positive. Because of the he was 5. Self-employed, H o werton dated materials being used to teach about HIV in schools, Jodie has embarked on a search to find better instructions. With them has spent hours over the past are the other Howerton children, Alex, 13, left, and Caleb, 11. year working on promotion and fundraising for her video campaign. There's no money and other parents and advoParents are allowed to re- in it for her. catesto discuss a seriesofdoc- view the teaching materials. She estimates it will cost umentary-style e d ucational Sandra Tracy, health and $125,000 to produce all four videos that could be used not n ursing supervisor fo r t h e videos. She's using the crowdjust at her children's school, Northshore schools,said the funding platform but in elementary, middle and district was aware that the The videos w il l f e a ture high schools throughout the fifth-grade video wasn't per- people from all walks of life state. fect and for years had been living with the disease and P roduction work o n t h e searching for a more recent will carry c urrent statistics one — without luck. first two videos is to begin in and information about pre"The videos are supplemen- v ention, t r ansmission a n d November. " Not many k id s ar e b e - tary;they're not required," she compassion. "The idea is to remove the ing born in the U.S. with this said. "Many teachers like to disease, but a number of kids use them as a way to start the stigma," Howerton said. cYou don't want to get this, but you who are HIV-positive are be- dialogue." ing adopted," she said. "These After Howerton raised con- don't have to be afraid of peokids, like my son, are going to cerns, the district replaced the ple who have it." sit down in classrooms where fifth-grade video with the one To draw attention to the efinaccurate, outdated informa- used for sixth-graders — a fort, the H owertons posted tion is being presented." perhaps less engaging one online a p romotional video Howerton says she worries that features adults talking to that features them as a family — Duzi, now 8, and his that without the latest and children about AIDS. most accurate i nformation, Twenty years ago, Tracy siblings jumping on a trampochildren like her son would said, more p a rents w o uld line, playing with the family be discriminated against and come to the school to view the dog, being children. ostracized. HIV/AIDS material because H owerton said t h e f a m "It's time to educate all our the disease was still new and ily agonized over revealing kids in a way that reduces the parents were concerned about Duzi's HIV status in such a devastating stigma still asso- what schools would be telling public way and that she's been ciated with HIV." their children. criticized by other parents for These days, not so much. the decision to do so. Mandatory education "Our decision was about Removing the stigma W ashington is one of 3 3 guaranteeing he gets to live in states along with the District Howerton first met her son, the light — no matter what," of Columbia that m a ndate Mduduzi (they call him Duzi), she said. "If this was leukemia schools teach children about six years ago on a humanitar- or some other disease,there HIV/AIDS. The state Legis- ian trip to South Africa where wouldn't be a question about lature passed the law at the h e was l iving i n a g r o u p whether to share it." height of the AIDS epidemic home. She acknowledges that her in 1988, requiring that educaHe was 2 at the time and son, as he gets older, might be tion on the "life-threatening had been born with HIV. For mad at his parents for disclosdangers of th e d i sease, its the first time, Howerton said, ing his condition. "But we bespread and prevention begin she began learning about the lieve we are preparing him to in the fifth grade." disease "in a very real way." be unashamed forever."

Doctors get more precise about full-term pregnancy Mom-to-be closing in on her due date?Thenation's obstetricians are getting

more precise aboutexactly how close makesfor afullterm pregnancy. On average, apregnancy lasts 40 weeks,counting from the first day of the

woman's last menstrual period. That's how aduedate is estimated.


• Early Term: between37 weeks and 38weeks 6days.

A baby is considered pre• Full Term: between 39 term if he or she isborn be- weeks and 40weeks 6days. fore 37 weeks ofpregnancy. • Late Term: the 41st Until now, a "term" baby week. was defined asoneborn • Post Term: after 42 anytime from 37 weeks to weeks. 42 weeks, a few weeks beIn recent years, doctors' fore or after the calculated groups andthe March of due date. Now the American Col-

Dimes have stressed that elective deliveries — induc-

lege of Obstetricians and

tions and C-sections sched-

Gynecologists is refining the definition of a term

uled without a medical

pregnancy to makeclear

before the 39th week of

that even at the end of the last trimester, a little more

that babies born at 37

time inthe wombcanbe

weeks havemore of arisk of

better for a baby's health

complications, such as difficulty breathing, than those

and development. "Weeks matter," said Dr. Jeffrey Ecker of Massachusetts General Hospital, who chaired the ACOG committee that came up with the

reason — shouldn't happen pregnancy. Researchshows

born just two weekslater. Ecker said the new definitions will help doctors com-

municate that message. The March of Dimes wel-

more specific labels. Since babies' outcomescandif-

comed the change,saying it "eliminates confusion about

fer, "let's not call it all the

how long an uncomplicated,

same." The newdefinitions,

healthy pregnancyshould last."

released in the journal Ob-

— Lauran Neergaard, The Associated Press

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Find It All


bendbulletin.com TheBulletin

Andy Tullis/Tne Bulletin

A vault is under construction as part of the new St. Charles Cancer Center in Bend. The vault eventually will contain a new linear accelerator, which will be used for radiation therapy.

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2010. Accelerators work similarly Contlnued from 01 to diagnostic X-rays, except As the forerunning method they deliver r oughly 1 ,000 of delivering radiation treat- times more energy to the subments, linear accelerator ma- ject, said Klaudia Meyer, a chines are a pivotal compo- medical physicist at St. Charles nent of any cancer center. St. Bend. Charles currently has two linVaults are crucial in ensurear accelerators, and the forth- ing thesafety ofthe areas surcoming machine will put one rounding linear accelerators. of the existing machines into The walls of St. Charles' vaults, retirement. for example, are 8 feet thick St. Charles first began treat- and made of concrete,Meyer ing patients using a linear ac- said. celerator when the cancer cenDesigned improperly, vaults ter opened in 1982, marking the can quietly and invisibly leak first time radiation therapy was radiation, Halvorsen said. Foravailable to cancer patients in tunately, he said, there aren't Central Oregon, Chang said. m any examples of t hat i n "Before that, there were med- practice. "The problem, ofcourse, is ical oncologists, but patients that needed therapy needed to that you don't know just inhertravel to Portland or Eugene," ently that you're getting a dose she said. of radiation," Halvorsen said. That machine eventually "You'd have to go there with a was replaced with a n ewer detectorand measure in order model in 2002. In 1995, the to know that. If someone dehospital added a second accel- signed it poorly and also didn't erator, which was replaced in monitor things carefully, you

might just not know." When they're undergoing radiation treatment, patients sit alone in the vault for between 10 and 20 minutes, Meyer said. Medical personnel stay outside of theroom. Once the accelerator is turned off, residual radiation is not a threat to people inside or outside the hospital, she said. Between 40 and 50 patients use St. Charles' two linear accelerators each day, Chang sa>d. Work on the St. Charles Cancer Center, which will be connected to the hospital in Bend, began in June. The two-story, 1 8,000-square-foot facility i s designed to bring the system's cancer services under one roof. Currently, cancer treatment is spreadbetween the current cancer center adjacent to the hospital and a leased building near Northeast Courtney Drive and Northeast 27th Street. — Reporter: 541-383-0304, tbannow@bendbuiletin.com

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health — and needrecipe inspiration, you're in luck. This year,

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is simple: 8 Eatexclu-

Hot topics include veganand vegetarian cooking and juicing. Here are afew of the newbooks that go heavy on theveggies:

sively vegan mealsfor

"VB6: Eat VeganBefore 6:00 to LoseWeight andRestore Your Health for Good" by Mark Bittman (Clarkson



8 88 0 8 8

8 OO

velopedNVB68 and after 30 days of following the diet, he writes that he lost15 pounds. The book has 60 recipes and plenty of tips and strategies, including what

to have in your pantry. While Bittman's book isn't necessarily


lunch and daytime snacks and enjoy the foods you crave, with no restrictions, for dinner." Bittman was advised by his

"Living the Good LongLife:

starting out the day with a green

juice and provides

r E GOOD • .


IFE ' ~


by Mollie Katzen (Houghton



Forest" cookbooks, Katzen is

ing a basic vinaigrette to learn-

considered one of the best-selling cookbook authors of all time.

by Martha Stewart (Clarkson Potter,$2750)

vegetables." Chapter topics include stews; rice and other grains; pasta and Asian noodles; suppers from the oven;

burgers, and savory pancakes.ln thisbook,Katzensucceedsin contrasting and complement-

In this 464-page tome, Katzen

ing flavors and ingredients for delectable dishes. Wealso like

the usual info on eating more

delivers 250 exciting new reci-

that Katzen offers a selection

pes focused onhowshecooks today, in a lighter way. In "The

of 35 menus, 15 of themvegan. And it's a pretty book with some

Heart of the Plate," she writes that Nnow when I cook, I want

full-color food photos and illustrations by Katzen. — By SusanSelasky, Detroit Free Press

This book is for those who have thought about or are trying

pre-heart disease. Having written much about food over the

to eat vegan — noanimal prod-

years, Bittman knewthat was

ranging from Healthy Fitness to

ucts whatsoever. In this book,

going to be difficult. So he de-

Healthy Home, there are a good

primer on why it's important to


Vegetarian Recipesfor a New Generation"

from making how to cook in parchment paper. Stewart also provides

kitchen, with chapters on topics

different hues provide different nutrients.

Most noted for her "Moosewood" and "Enchanted Broccoli

A Practical Guide toCaringfor Yourself andOthers" While this 335-page book covers topics beyond the

vary them color-wise, because

"The Heart of the Plate:

fruits, vegetables and good fats. The recipes rely on lean proteins, legumes and grains. When it comes to eating vegetables, Stewart provides a


doctor to eat veganafter hewas diagnosed with prediabetes and

going to makeyou run out and buy tofu, it will, however, provide a path for you to adopt some vegan in your life.

amount of recipes and ideasfor eating and preparing foods. For example, Stewart recommends

as muchspaceontheplateas possible for my belovedgarden

and everything is fine." Powerade for Gatoradecandestroy a but Nnot everybody does," shesays. But eliminating gluten frees stomach or f og a head ac cus t omed t o one Continued from 01 the body from this dead-end Davis encourages athletes toogo gluten-free, If you're anathlete with celiac disease, a or the other. That's why Bonci recommends "What we used to say to en- mission, allowing it to focus but don't eat 'gluten-free.'" In other words, gluten-free diet is a necessity. For those with experimenting with a newdiet — including durance athletes is that 60 to o n carrying oxygen to t h e focus on eating whole, unprocessedfoods gluten sensitivity, it's a matter of comfort. a gluten-free one — at least three to four 70 percent of their daily intake muscles. This, some theorize, such as nuts andsteamedvegetables rather "Everybody else has to experiment" to find months before raceday. should be from carbs," says is why eliminating gluten may than swapping your pita chip for a corn chip. out how — or if — the diet benefits them, "Gluten-free foods are made with rice flour, Leslie Bonci, director of sports boost athletic performance. Athletes who don't replace bread and pasta says Leslie Bonci, director of sports nutrition with another starch, as "Wheat Belly" author potato starch, corn starch andtapioca starch nutrition at the University of Still, a gluten-free diet won't at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Pittsburgh M edical C enter. turn you into an Olympic athWilliam Davis advocates, need to give their — the only starches that raise blood sugar o Center. And that's okay as long asyou do it "Now, t h at's u n n ecessary. lete, Fasano says. "But when new diet extra time. For the next few weeks, higher than even wheat," he says. "It's like o the right way, she says. Here's how: If you're getting 50 percent, you go to the high-level permany will experience withdrawal from the some cruel joke." • It's not just whatyoucut out. that's enough." forming athletes in which a addictive properties of wheat as their bodies • All or nothing. "Gluten-free isn't the most important thing; Since cutting g luten out fraction of a second can mean get used to burning more fuel from stored You can't just dabble if you truly want to the most important thing is eating properly," body fat, he says. of my diet in August of last the difference between winfind out whether a gluten-free diet will help saysWashingto narearunningcoachJoe year, I've noticed a profound ning and losing an event, or But not all experts agreethat more prep you. It's important to do your homework N Shannahan. My advice always is: Do what change: My digestion is gen- being able to complete a maratime is better. Alessio Fasano,director of the and work "under the supervision of tler, my sleep is sounder, my thon or not within a certain your grandmatold you, and eat a wellCenter for Celiac Research at Massachusetts knowledgeable dietitian," Fasanosays. energy level is more even. time frame, that can be the balanced diet." General Hospital for Children, says that when "There are hidden sources of gluten that can, These benefits also seem to small edge that helps you." Bonci agrees. Shesuggests dividing your the goal is to boost athletic performanceat eventually, put your Gl system underextra have led to improved athletic There are other theories as plate into thirds — one for protein, one for a particular event, starting the diet months work, and therefore it defeats your purpose." performance. Since going off to why some athletes report produce andonefor "wiggle room." If you before without strict oversight might risk It's also a good idea to keep detailed notes gluten, I placed in a race for the improvedathleticperformance used to load that last third with pasta, try throwing off an athlete's balance of nutrients. about what youeat and drink, how youfeel, first time in my adult life, won after eliminating gluten. quinoa or rice instead. If your breakfast used • Gluten-free isn't guilt-free. how well you sleep,howyou perform and a small community biathlon Bonci, a nutrition consultant to be iron-fortified toast, consider getting that When it comes too calories, "it's not a onehow fast you recover. Becauseuntil we have and achieved a personal best to the Washington Nationals, iron by eating such foods asgluten-free oats for-one swap out, Bonci says. Forexample, more research in thearea, you're your own in a 5K run. Most important, I Pittsburgh Steelers and other with prunes and nuts. gluten-free bread made with rice flour might case study, Bonci says. felt good while doing it. sports teams, says that some • Timing iseverything. packtwice the calories of a whole-wheat — Anna Ntedaris Miller, people blame their GI and othMost athletes know that evenswapping slice. Someathletes needthe extra calories, Plenty of theories Special To TheWashington Post er problems on gluten when A couple of years ago, few the real issue may be portion of us even knew what glu- size. When people stop eating ten was. Now, entire grocery "bagels that look like flying an inflammatory reaction to ance athletes. "If you have aisles and cookbooks are de- saucers" and instead choose, gluten, Davis went gluten-free. nothing wrong with you as far voted to ways to avoid it (you say,a dainty rice cake, they're "I gave up the gluten, and the as absorptivedisorders, then can even get gluten-free Com- likely to feel better, regardless pain stopped," she says. there's no benefit by cutting munion w a f ers). C elebrity of their sensitivity to gluten. Joe Shannahan, a Wash- out gluten," she says. "You athletes are helping fuel the "It's a quantity change," too, ingtonarea running coach for have to look at your overall gluten-free l i festyle: Saints she says. a Leukemia and Lymphoma caloric intake needs as an quarterback Drew Brees, the William Davis, a cardiolo- Society training program, athlete." Garmin cycling team and top gist in Milwaukee and author stopped eating gluten because Stoler tried a gluten-free diet O itVTON a tennis player Novak Djokovic of the book " W heat Belly," his wife has celiac disease and a few years ago to better relate have all been vocal about its says gluten isn't the problem he wanted to be healthier. He to the daily challenges of her benefits. either — it's wheat. "The real didn't notice any difference patients with celiac disease "It wasn't a new racquet, a issue is all the other many in his strength or endurance, or gluten sensitivity. She says new workout, a new coach, or thousands of components in but something happened that she experienced none of the even a new serve that helped modern wheat that could po- he didn't expect: His j oint claims that others make, such me lose weight, find mental fo- tentially impair performance," pain disappeared. "I used to as increased energy, weight cus, and enjoy the best health he says. One such component, take Aleve for joint pain — it loss or less bloating. "I'm very of my life. It was a new diet," gliadin, for example, can cause was my 'Vitamin A,'" he says. in tune with my body, and I says Djokovic in his new book, brain fog and joint inflamma- "I don't take it anymore. The didn't notice anything differ"Serve to Win: The 14-Day tion and pain, he says. And pain is essentially gone." ent other than it being incredGluten-Free Plan for Physical agglutinin, another p r otein ibly inconvenient and aggraI and Mental Excellence." After found in wheat, is associated Scant evidence vating," she says. gaining a reputation of being with body-wide inflammation So far, the support for a gluAs a beer-loving Milwaukee * unpredictable, prone to sick- and gastrointestinal distress, ten-freedietas a performance native, I feel Stoler's pain. But ness and even out of shape he says. enhancer is anecdotal. There for me and other athletes, the — something that commentaThat might h elp e x plain is no research on the before- pain of eating (and drinking) or more with rebates tors often blamed on asthma why giving up gluten seems a nd-after o f a t h l etes w h o gluten is worse. And fortuon qualifying purchase of — Djokovic went gluten-free to have worked for triathlete switch to a gluten-free diet. nately for us, there are more Hunter Douglas Window in 2010. The next year, he won Barbara Davis, even though And until there is, many will gluten-free options than ever, Fashions. N 10 tennis titles, three Grand she doesn't have celiac disremain skeptical. You can including pasta made from Slam events and 43 consecu- ease and tested negative for a create hype and you can have quinoa, energy b ars m a de tive matches. He's now ranked wheat allergy. After tearing a something that gets attention, from fruit and nuts, and chips No. I in the world by the As- muscle in a half-marathon in but that doesn't mean that it's made from black beans. And sociation of T ennis Profes- 2011, the 49-year-old psycho- right," says Felicia Stoler, a nu- there are the naturally glutensionals. "My life had changed therapist from South Orange, tritionist and exercise physi- free basics, too: I'll eat a simple Donora Winters because I had begun to eat the N.J., sought treatment from ologist in New Jersey. dinner, such as chicken, potaOwner / Designer right foods for my body, in the physical therapists, orthopeStoler, who is president of toesand broccoli,before a race way thatmy body demanded," dists and other medical pro- the Greater New York chap- and a banana with all-natural 686 NW York Drive, Ste. 150 ( Bend, OR he writes. fessionals. A year later, her leg ter of the American College of peanut butter a few hours beOffice: 54 I-306-3263 ~ Fax: 541-633-7689 There's debate in the medi- still hurt. But at the suggestion Sports Medicine,says she has fore. And as for that post-race cal and sports communities of a young chiropractor, who yet to see evidence heralding beer? Well, t here's always "Mahhtactarer's free upgradeoffer valid for qualifying purchases made9n4n3 u/4/13 from participating dealers ih the U.S only Offer excludes Nantucket" Window Shadings, a collection ot Silhouette' Window Shadings Limitations ahd about why eliminating gluten thought she might be having a gluten-free diet for endur- champagne. restrictions apply Ask participating dealer for details ahd information oh quahfyihg purchases © 2013 Hunter Douglas All rights reserved All trademarks usedheremarethe property ot Hunter Douglas may have a positive effect on athletic performance. "Nutritionally sp e a k ing, gluten is useless," according to Alessio Fasano, director of the Center for Celiac Research at Massachusetts General Hospital for Children. "It doesn't do anything for us," he says. "For the first 99.9 percent of our human e v olution, our specieshas been gluten-free." ) The protein entered our diets "Over 30 years of expert care and compassion from trusted only about 10,000 years ago, when our a ncestors began caregivers makes all the difference when someone you love is domesticatingcrops, he says. As a result, our bodies don't coping with a life-limiting illness. That's what I specialize incontain the digestive enzymes to break it d own. Eating a bringing families and their loved ones quality medical care lot of gluten is akin to "asking your GI system to do an combined with my experience in real emotional support.)ust like impossible mission: to digest something that's not digestPartnersjn Care, I'm here for the journey. Every step of the way." ible," says Fasano, a pediatric gastroenterologist. S till, m os t p e o pl e c a n handle it without a hitch. For them, it's like accidentally in541-382-5882 gesting some bacteria or dirt with an unwashed piece of partnersbend.org E. fruit. "If everything is working as it should, then your immune In Care 8 system can 'clean up' those undigested fragments of gluten,

Doing ittherightway








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it's time to decorate your windows for the holidays.




To reduce waistline, track calories in and calories out . I've been trying for • months to get rid of the extra fat around my waist. I have a fairly good diet, do

make a big difference in body fat reduction. To track calories in, I would

will be eachand every second you are in motion. Because going for too long

ercise is great for heart health, it is only part of the solution when it comes to optimal

strongly suggest keeping afood journal. You should not only record what and when you ate

cises in my routine, but still am

each meal or snack, but youwill need to measureand read labels

at an extremely high intenisty can diminish the duration of a workout, I would recommend doing intervals. Interval train-

calorie burning. Togiveyour

cardio almost every day, and always include abdominal exer-


not seeing noticeable changes. • When it comes to re• ducing the size of the waistline, its all about calories in and calories out. Abdominal


so that you can determine how

exercises should beperformed for the purpose of keeping the muscles strong, which aids in supporting spinal column

an exercise log can be agreat

ing consists of cycling through

necessary to perform strength (resistance) training exercises,

at least two to three times varying levels of intensity within weekly along with your abdomithe same workout. For example, nal exercises. Using resistance walking at a slower pacefor a to work all of the major muscle couple of minutes, then jogging groups is the key to building or brisk walking for the next few or maintaining muscle and minutes, followed by a short bone strength, which in turn, burst of high intensity rungobbles up calories that would ning. You would then go back otherwise be deposited in the and repeat, until the end of the fat cells. workout. — Majrie Gilliam, Although cardiovascular exCox Newspapers

many servings, andhowmany calories, you areactually eating. Now for calories out. Here, help. Jot down type of activity,

number of minutes, andvery importantly, rate your intensity

level. The more intensely you

stability and posture. However, they burn few calories overall,

metabolism a boost 24/7, it is

are working out, the greater

and so are not nearly enough to your calorie burn andfat loss

What's fit for men of your age? Fitness standards change as men grow older. Check the charts below to see how you stack up. This is just one set of standards used in assessing clients at gyms. The numbers show roughly what men should be able to do at various ages, •

not an average of what everyone can do.

r •








I •


• •


• S


r •

Cardiovascular fitness: The 1.5-mile run Measures cardiovascular andrespiratory system efficiency, plus lower-body endurance.

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9:30 Q

90th 9:09 eot 10:16 ~ 70th 10:47 ~ 60th 11:41 ~

l2:20 ~

fio:47 ~




l«:34 ~

II2:34 ~ gt3:14 gl3'53 gld:29 gld:56 ~ gl54~

13:45~ 14:2~ 1455~ 152~ 15:57~

l14:53 ~

t12:20 ~ t12'51~

50th 12'18 ~ 4Oth 12:51 ~ GOth 13:22~ GOth 1413 ~ 10th 15:10


t13:36 ~ t14:08 ~ t1452 ~ 15:52

active adult living — plus!

l16:07 ~

l16:43 ~ I 17:14 ~

l18:00 ~

j6 :4~ 17:29


care options. Touchmark offers



Muscular endurance: Push-ups A proper push-up is donewith legs straight and thechest lowered to afist-width distance from the ground. REPETITIONS IN A SINGLE SET Excellent

I Morethan 54 • >44 45-54 • 3 54 4 35-44 25-34 20-34 15-24

Good Average Poor Very poor

Fewer than 20



>2 9 20-29 10-19

>34 25-34 15-24 8-14


• 30 - 3 9 • 2 0- 2 9 12-19 <12




Body composition: Skin fold thickness Having some fat (2 to 5 percent) is essential for proper body function, but too much fat can be detrimental to your cardiovascular system. PERCENT BODY FAT 90th


80th • 70th ~

9.4 I 1.8

50th •

14 .1

50th ~ 40th ~

15.9 17 .4

30th ~ 20th ~ toth

19.5 22.4


«.3% 13.9 i59 i7.5


i9.O 20.5 22.3

~ ~


13.6% 16.3 18.1 i 9.6

~ ~ ~

~ ~

24.1 26.1 28.9





19.8 21.3



~ ~

25.7 27.5


15.2% 18.4 20.3 22 O


23 5



Q+ Qi




26.7 28.5 31.2


Muscular strength: The leg press Ratio of body weight to weight pushed on a leg-press machine. PRESSED WEIGHT/BODY WEIGHT 5 tt t 2 .13 ~ 0 4 1.97 ~ 4 4 1.83 ~

t1.93~ t1.77~ t1.65~ t1.52~ 1.35~

1.63 I ' I O" '


Flexibility: Sit and stretch

2.02 1.82 ~ 1.68 ~ • 57 ~ 1.44 ~ .2~

1.90 I. 71 1.58 ~ i.46 ~

t152~ t1.49~ t1.36~

.is ~



Resting heart rate

Blood pressure

With heels positioned at the15-inch mark on a yardstick taped to the floor,

gently reach asfar downthe ruler as possible without bendingthe knees. Average is about18 inches for men in their

Measurestheforce exerted onthe walls of the arteries when theheart contracts (systolic pressure)andwhen the heart is relaxed(diastolic pressure). SYSTOLIC Normal Less than 120

20s, an inch or soless Hypertension for men in their 30s.

Hypertension stage1 Hypertension stage 2

DIASTOLIC Less than 80 120-139 140-159 160+

The average resting heart rate for healthy men is


60-70 beatsperminute.

More measures

Other tests exist for balance, posture, movementandcore 80-89 strength. Formoreinformation, 90-99 visit the website ofthe American Council on Exercise: 100+ www.acefitness.org

Allied Health Providers: Awbrey Dental *

Partners In Care


poor" to "fair" on the Cooper scale conveyed most of that Continued from 01 benefit, he said. C ardiovascular fit ne s s In fact, cardiovascular fitalso improves quality of life ness is such a reliable pre— think fatigue, back pain or dictor of good health that in the inability to climb stairs or January, the American Heart do yard work. Association proposed creation Best of all, most of the ben- of a national registry of carefits come when you switch diorespiratory fitness data to from little or no exercise to a establish norms and help phyregularprogram. Or,ashealth sicians use them in treating experts put it, when you move diseases associated with obeout of the bottom two quintiles sity and sedentary lifestyle. A and into the middle. project to compile that inforAt the Cooper Clinic in Dal- mation has been launched in las, doctors have been collect- a dozen health centers across ing data from tens of thou- the country, and the Heart Assands of patients they have sociation hopes to expand it. "Although c a r d iorespirapushed to exhaustion in treadmilltests since 1970, producing tory fitness is recognized as one of the largest databases of an important marker of both cardiovascular information in functional ability and cardiothe United States. vascular health, it is currently "We found that just 30 min- the only major risk factor that utes of cardiovascular activity is not routinely and regularly three to five times a week de- assessed in either the general creaseschances ofdying from or specialized clinical setting," any cause atallby 58 percent the Heart Association wrote in and increases longevity by its policy statement in the joursix years," said Tyler Cooper, nal Circulation. chief executive officer of CooStill, there are caveats. Norper Aerobics Enterprises. Just mal heart rates can vary by as moving from "poor" or "very much as 20 beats per minute,

and sometimes people grow overly concerned when their s tatistics don't m i r ro r t h e norm. "'Normal' has great variability — even maximal heart rate can be as much as +/- 20 bpm from prediction equations," Benjamin Levine, a professor of medicine, cardiology and exercise science at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in D allas, wrote in an email. "The problem is when people deviate from 'norms,' they getworried. " Some f i t ness a c t i vities defy efforts to define what is normal. Experts agree that strength training is essential to ward off the roughly 1 percent annual loss of muscle mass thatoccurs after age 50 and that flexibility and balance exercises are nearly as important. But it's not easy to offer advice that is applicable to a widespread population. "It is difficult to set agerelated norms f o r m u s cle strength because there are so many variables," said Rosemary Lindle of Professional Fitness Consultants in Bowie,

Md. Those include genetics and body size. Some people may have strong upper bodies bLtt weaker lower bodies. "What a 55-year-old should be able to do in terms of pushing a weight ... is going to depend on so many other factors," Myers said, "whereas anyone can get on a treadmill" and take roughly the same exam. And some tests may not be right for everyone, especially the elderly. "Not all these tests w ould be appropriate for every single individual," said Jacque Ratliff, an exercise physiologist for the American Council on Exercise. "Not everybody is going to be able to run L5 miles." The takeaway, experts said, is to measure yourself against norms w h er e a p p ropriate, consult trainers or other pro-

• Rehabilitation • Home Health • Hospice

Bend Memorial Clinic Bend Skin Co. *

Area Skilled Nursing Centers Touchmark Home Care * (serving Central Oregon)

'On-campus providers at Touchmark (Skilled nursing services not available at Touchmark.)

fessionals to help gauge your progress, but keep up a regular exercise program at all costs, especially as you grow older. "Exercise is the best medicine there is," Cooper said. "It has an effect on everything in a positive way."


r r



• ' ' 4







e in

e scenes wi


pany. No one wants that more than actors. They want a director that's very clear on what they want. One time I was directing Anthony Edwards on "ER" in its eighth season and I asked him to do another take. He said, "Why?" It's the best thing that ever happened to me because it taught me that you better have an answer to that. Don't say let's go again just for the hell of it.

By Neal Justin Star Tribune (Minneapolis)

LOS ANGELES — It sounds as if I won't be getting a dinner invitation from Alec Baldwin anytime soon. The hot-headed actor recently said that many TV critics don't do their homework. If we did, we'd spend less time dissecting the actors and more time focusing on the role of the director. "The actors really don't have as much power as you think they have," he said. "But they're often handed more of a piece of the bill when the thing gets skewered, if you will, than they deserve." With Baldwin's thoughts in mind, I decided to talk to TV directors about how they operate, especially when it comes to communicating with their actors. Here are some snippets from those conversations.

Casting counts A TV director's most important job is helping to develop a pilot, the sample episode that will determine whether a network picks up a series. Directors weigh in on everything from the look of the show to the casting. Jason Winer, "The Crazy Ones," "New Girl": It was my idea to bring Eric Stonestreet back for "Modern Family," but what happened after that was all Eric. He had a light bulb mo-

ire ors

Lifetime Entertainment via The Associated Press

Patty Jenkins, who has directed episodes of "The Killing" and "Entourage," says it's important to give an actor enough chances to be great. ment between the initial audition and the callback when he realized the character was his mother. One person that didn't sail through was Ty Burrell, who was turned down by ABC three times. What you don't want to do is ram an actor down the network's throat. They might eventually acquiesce, but ultimately they won't be happy with the performance because they can't t ak e o w nership. It's a delicate dance coaxing

approval. We did a screen test in (creator) Steve Levitan's backyard. We showed it side by side with a screen test of another notable actor who satisfied ABC's vision of the perfect dad. When you do that, it's really undeni-

able when something's funny and when it's not. That's how we won.

Knowyour actors'talents Most directors are on the set for only about two weeks before handing the reins off to the next director for the ensuing episode. That can make working with actors a little tricky. Patty Jenkins, "The Killing," "Entourage": It's important to be dedicated to the actor and give them enough chances to be great. That may take eight takes, although that can be pushing it if you're running out of time.

Nelson Mccormick, "ER,n "NYPD Blue". Everyone wants someone to take charge, call the shots and move the com-

vision is more ambitious now, more cinematic and the public is demanding bigger stories. Gwyneth Hor d er-Payton, "The Bridge," "Once Upon a Time": The difference between features (films) and television is that sometimes, to their detriment, film d i rectors have so much time to plan that it doesn't give them the opportunity to come up with something cool at the last minute Paris Barclay, "Sons of Anar- because something changed chy," "Glee": Knowing what's on location or somebody acted actually happening between differently or a dog wandered the director and the actors is onto the set. sortofa secret.In many cases, we help the actor and in some For female directors cases we don't. Dennis Franz Only 14 percent of episodes in "NYPD Blue" is a perfect ex- in the 2012-13 season were ample. You don't really have to helmed bywomen, accordingto direct Dennis. But there would the Directors Guild of America. be other people on that show Horder-Payton: As a woman, thatyou literallyhadto describe you just have to prove yourself where they were, where they're faster, from the moment you going, what their intentions is, walk on a set. If you can't make and then film it over and over your mark and immediately again to get a p erformance say, "I am the leader here. Trust that could even be in the same me," then you've lost it. They'll room with Dennis. That's part stomp all over you. of what we do. Jackie Marcus Schaffer, "The League": I was once diverted It's TV, not movies by a new production assistant Film directors ar e o f t en to the extras tent on my own lauded as auteurs, while TV show. No joke. It happened on directors continue to be largely a movie I did, as well. A baseanonymous, even if the quality ball cap and Converse tennis of their work is comparable. shoes,I've learned, are not my Michael Dinner, "Justified," friends when it comes to instill"Masters of Sex": Televisionwas ing control. I've learned I need kind of cookie-cutter until Mito speak a little louder and say chael Mann did "Miami Vice." it with more gusto for people to All of a sudden, there was an know I'm serious and I want it explosion in point of view. Tele- the way I want it.

on in ola aiI -tae ra OSa

MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may beanadditional fee for 3-0 and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to changeafter press time. t

Dear Abby: I am a divorcee in my 40s who is in a committed relationship with a man who is also divorced.Neither of our marriages were happy ones. We stayed in them for all the wrong reasons. We have been together for three years, live together, love each DEAR other u n conditionABBY ally and have talked e xtensively a b out getting married. My question is, am I wrong to expect a traditional proposal with an engagement ring? It is important to me that he would think enough of me to plan one. I feel if he did it for his first wife, he should do the same — or more — for me. Would it be in bad taste to mention this? — Asking Too Much? in Pennsylvania Dear Asking Too Much?: Unless one of your companion's attributes is clairvoyance,express your feelings. He may not be aware that you would feel somehow cheated if he doesn't come forth with a gesture that is "equal or better" than what his ex received. Consider carefully what resulted from that first fancy

proposal. An essential ingredient in a suc-

cessful relationship is the ability to express one's wants and needs to the other partner. I would only suggest that when you do, your thoughts are couched as a request and not a demand. D ear Abby: E n lighten me, p lease. A friend told me her daughter is expecting. She has not said one word about a b oyfriend o r m a r riage. How do I diplomatically ask, "Who is the father?" People in my generation already knew the answer.Marriage came first. Is this now "none of my business"? The grandma-to-be has offered noclue.Can you help me out? — Out Of The Loop Out West Dear Out Of The Loop: If Grandma-to-beiskeeping mum, you can bet there's a reason. If the father was Prince Harry, she would be trumpeting it from the rooftops. Your friend may not know who the fatherisorhave some other reason for not disclosing it. Unless you want to tiptoe through a minefield, my advice is DON'T GO THERE. Dear Abby: I'm a 13-year-old girl who suffers from what I'm afraid is obsessive-compulsive disorder.

I have known for four years, but I never told my parents. I finally opened upto them a few days ago, and I thought they wanted to help. But later I heard them mock my condition and laugh about it. Abby, I t h ought m y p a r ents wanted to help me, but it's becoming clear that they don't. They have offered me therapy, but I'm scared they will mock me for that, too. Now I'm afraid to go. Should I? — O.C.D. Daughter

Dear Daughter: When people don't understand something, unfortunately they sometimes laugh at it. However, are you absolutely certain that what your parents were laughing about concerned you and not something else? I find it hard to believe that loving parents would laugh at their child's discomfort. You should by all means take them up on their offer of talking to a therapist. It is the surest way to find a solution for your problem. And when you do, tell the therapist you think you heard your parents laugh aboutyour problem, because if it's true and they are not aware of how serious the problem may be, the therapist can explain it to them. — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P0. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069





McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 54I-330-8562 • THE CONJURING (R) 9:15 • '7heTrembling Giant"screensat 630 tonight. • After7 p.m., showsare2f ando/der only. Younger than 21 may attend screeningsbefore 7 p.m.ifaccompanied by a legal guardian. t

HAPPY BIRTHDAYFOR THURSDAY, OCT. 24, 2013: This year you often find yourself involved with cause-minded friends. One friend in particular could be unusually difficult andl or angry. How you deal with this situation is your call. You Stars show the kind might want to put of day you'll have y ourself in this ** * * * D ynamic person's shoes. If ** * * P ositive y o u are single, be ** * A verage open to meeting ** So-so someone who * Difficult is very different from you. You could meet this person through a friend. If you are attached, the two of you learn to respect your differences and use them to empower your relationship. Plan a special trip together. CANCER helps you see a different vision of possibilities. ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * You feel unusually tuned in to a family member. You could get angry out of the blue. Pressure builds in a one-on-one discussion with this person. You might decide to let go of this situation for now. Tonight: Mosey on home, if you're not there already.

TAURUS (April 20-May20) ** * * * Y ou become quite the conversationalist, though you might get upset at someone's anger that appears to be directed at you. Your imagination could go wild as you try to figure out what is wrong with this person. Tonight: Return calls, and catch up on aclose friend's news.

GEMINI (May 21-June20) * ** You coul d bequite intenseasyou seek immediate results. Your creativity

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

YOUR HOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar

flourishes when dealing with a hassle or someone's frustration. A partner could be changing in front of your eyes. Tonight: Go with the flow.

CANCER (June21-July 22) ** * * You beam in what you want, but you might be so much in your head that you could be accident-prone. A close associate really demonstrates how much he or shehaschanged.Youcould getinto a heated conversation if you are not careful. Tonight: Visit and chat with a friend.

** * * Your like-minded friends know what they want from a situation. Trying to change their minds would be like entering a war zone. The smart move is to back out and say little. Tonight: Gain a new perspective.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ** * * * Y ou could be seeing a situation differently than in the past. A friend presents a new side of his or her personality. This person has been going through changes, but perhaps you didn't realize that the transformation had evolved to this point. Tonight: Go along with a suggestion.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.19)

** * * D efer to others, and know full ** * Know what is happening behind the well that you might not agree with them. scenes. Understand what is going on with It is important for a close associate to see a loved one. Listen to your inner voice, and the end results of pursuing the present course. Your anger breaks out when follow through on your decision. If one dealing with someone at a distance. approach is not working, try a different Tonight: Listen to an outside perspective. one. Tonight: Only what you want.


Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8, IMAX,680 S W.Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • CAPTAIN PHILLIPS (PG-13) 12:30, 2:30, 3:35, 6:30, 7:30, 9:35 • CARRIE (R) 1:10, 4:15, 7:25, 10:05 • CLOUDY WITHA CHANCE OF M EATBALLS 2(PG)12:25, 6 • CLOUDY WITHA CHANCE OF MEATBALLS 23-0 (PG) 2:45, 8:50 • THE COUNSELOR (R) 10 • ENOUGH SAID (PG-13) 12:50, 3:10 • ESCAPE PLAN (R) 1, 3:50, 6:35, 9:20 • THE FIFTH ESTATE (R) 12:35, 3:45, 6:45, 9:45 • GRACE UNPLUGGED (PG) 3:20,9:05 • GRAVITY (PG-13) 12:30, 6:10 • GRAVITY 3-0 (PG-13) 12:55, 3, 3:15, 4:25, 7:50, 9, 10:10 • GRAVITY IMAX3-D (PG-13) 1:25, 4, 7, 9:30 • INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2(PG-13) I:30, 4:05 • INSTRUCTIONS NOTINCLUDED (PG-13) 12:40, 3:30, 6:20 • JACKASS PRESENTS:BADGRANDPA(R) 9, 10 • MACHETE KILLS (R) I:20, 4:35, 7:15, 9:55 • RIFFTRAX LIVE: NIGHT OFTHE LIVING DEAD (no MPAA rating) 8 • ROMEO & JULIET (PG-13) 1:15 • RUNNER RUNNER (R) 6:05, 9:10 • RUSH (R) I2:45, 3:55, 6:55 • WE'RE THE MILLERS (R) 12:40, 6:25 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

** * * Z e ro in on what you want. A partner could be unusually vague, and he or she might confuse you. Youalso might not want to hear what this person has to say. Be careful if you are in an irritable mood. Tonight: Where your friends are.

** * * P ace yourself. Your money sense plays out, but you must handle your own finances, as others could be accidentprone. A loved one or anassociate could be on the warpath in an attempt to upset you. Tonight: Make plans for the weekend.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

PISCES (Feb. 19-March20)

** * A sense of irritation could be undermining your best intentions and come out when you would prefer it wouldn't. Pressure builds to an unprecedented level. A domestic matter could be difficult to sort out. Know that a control issue might be the cause. Tonight: A must appearance.

** * * Y our creativity might not be able to soothe someone's nerves. In fact, it might just make a situation worse. Be sensitive to what someone says, but know that you don't have to take on his or her comments. Tonight: You choose the time and place. ©20t3 by King Features Syndicate

6p.m. on CNN, Movie: "Blackfish" — The 201 0 killing of a trainer by an orca at Florida's SeaWorld Orlando was the third death in which that particular orca — a large male namedTilikum — played a role, and it was one of many such incidents over the years involving killer whales in captivity. This documentary from Gabriela Cowpefthwaite explores the issue of orcas in captivity from the viewpoints of scientists and former SeaWorld trainers. 8 p.m. onH D, "Parks and Recreation" — Leslie (Amy Poehler) must leave early from the birthday party she's thrown for Ben (Adam Scott) for an emergency filibuster. Tom (AzizAnsari) tries to make somespecial memories with his new girlfriend (guest star Tatiana Maslany, "Orphan Black"). Donna andRon (Retta, Nick Offerman) go hunting, and April and Andy (Aubrey Plaza, Chris Pratt) reconnect in the new episode "Filibuster." 8:30 p.m. onH f3, "Welcome to the Family" — Molly and Junior (Ella RaePeck, Joseph Haro) are uncomfortable living with Dan and Caroline (Mike O'Malley, Mary McCormack) and move in with his folks (Justina Machado, Ricardo Chavira) — but Molly likes that arrangement even less, so they decide to get a place of their own. The Yoders, still reeling from the news of Caroline's pregnancy, now have to adjust to Molly being out of the house in the new episode "Molly and Junior Find a Place." 9 p.m. on (CW), "Reign" — An envoy (Luke Roberts) tells Mary (Adelaide Kane) that the English are aware of the fragility of her engagement to Francis (Toby Regbo), so the couple put on a show to preserve their alliance. Catherine (Megan Follows) discovers that someone who knows about her plot to destroy Mary is still living — but may not be for long — in the new episode "Snakes in the Garden." 9:30 p.m. onH f3, "The Michael J. Fox Show" — After learning that Mike (Michael J. Fox) apologized to a stranger for her behavior, Annie (Betsy Brandt) demands he bemore of a "team player." Harris (Wendell Pierce) hosts a karaoke party at work. Eve (Juliette Goglia) finds herself taking care of the puppy that Leigh (Katie Finneran) has adopted. lan (Conor Romero) regrets swapping bedrooms with Graham (Jack Gore) in the new episode "Teammates." ©zap2it


In-Home Care Services Care for loved ones. Comfort for all. 541-389-0006 www.evergreeninhome.com


gREATS liZ1 SW 10th• Redmond• (541) 548-8616 vrww,redmondwindowtreats.com



• i


Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • GRABBERS (no MPAA rating) 8:15 • TOUCHYFEELY(R) 6 I



Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I-548-8777 • CARRIE (R) 4:30, 6:45 • ESCAPE PLAN (R) 4:30, 7 • GRAVITY (PG-13) 5:30, 7:30 • MACHETE KILLS (R) 4:15, 6:30 Sisters Movie House, 720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • CAPTAIN PHILLIPS (PG-13) 3:45, 6:30 • CLOUDY WITHA CHANCE OF M EATBALLS 2(PG)4 • GRAVITY (PGI3) 4:30, 6:45 • PRISONERS (R) 6 • RUNNING WILD— THE STORY OF DAYTON 0.HYDE (PG) 4, 6:15

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)


Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • CARRIE (R) 5:10, 7:30 • CLOUDY WITH ACHANCE OF M EATBALLS 2(PG)4:45,7 • GRAVITY (PG-13) 4:50 • GRAVITY 3-0 (PG-13) 7:10 • MACHETE KILLS (R) 5, 7:20 • RUNNER RUNNER (R) 4:40, 6:50 •

I •

• •

vPure &oz(6 &o.

rd o a~ B~


Bend Redmond John Day Burns Lakeview La Pine 541.382.6447 bendurology.com

Pine Theater, 214 N. Main St., 541-416-1014

• GRAVITY (PGI3) 6:30 • RUNNER RUNNER (R) 6:15 • Theupstairs screeningroomhaslimited accessibility.


Find a week's worth of movie times plus film reviews in Friday's

0 G O! Magazine • Watch movie trailers or buy tickets online at benddulletin.com/movies

See us for FREE lifting system upgrades and $100 mail-in rebates on select Hunter Douglas products.


541-388-4418 www.classic-coverings.com

ON PAGES 3&4. COMICS & PUZZLES ~ The Bulletin

Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com THE BULLETIN • THURSDAY, OCTOBER 24, 2013 •




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d lg 208


Pets & Supplies

Furniture & Appliances

Need to get an ad in ASAP? You can place it online at: www.bendbulletin.com


The Bulletin recommends extra caution when purc h a sing products or services from out of the

Adopt a buddy! Adult c ats/kittens over 6 mos., 2 for just $40! October only. Fixed, shots, ID chip, tested, more! Nonprofit group


Estate Sales

Sales Southwest Bend

Liquidation sale of B&B Yard Sale - Kitchen, e verything must b e electronics, s porting sold! 2 fridges, twin goods, decor. 19699 and full beds, chairs, Mountaineer Way sofas, w/d, pool table, follow signs. 9-3 Sat. leather recliners, bar 10/26. 805-708-2847 stools, g r a ndfather clock, exc. equip., linens, towels, robes, 286 lamps, furniture, tools, generator, shopsmith. Sales Northeast Bend C hristmas and a n d H alloween dec o r , ** FREE ** kitchen stuff, way too much to list. Fri.Sat. Garage Sale Kit 9-5, 10/25-26, 67155 Place an ad in The Sunburst St., Bend. Bulletin for your ga(between Tumalo and rage sale and reSisters) follow signs ceive a Garage Sale f rom Hwy 126 a n d Kit FREE! Fryrear Rd. or from Hwy 20 and Central. KIT INCLUDES: • 4 Garage Sale Signs • $2.00 Off Coupon To Use Toward Your

Next Ad • 10 Tips For "Garage S a le Sale Success!"

Annual Garage Vima Lupwa Children's Home in Africa - Sat. Oct. 26, 8:30-3:30 at 440 NW

Congress. Quality stuff!

Multi-family: Sat. 8 a.m. Golf, baby items, household misc. 2761 & 2779 NW Rainbow Ridge, end of st. in Valhalla subdivis.


1777 SW Chandler Ave., Bend, OR 97702

The Bulletin

Ray & Fran Johnson

ESTATE SALE (Elgin is two blocks south of Galveston just two houses east o/f 14th Street) Crowd control admittance numbers issued at 8:00 a.m. Friday Queen Bed, Two twin beds; Recliner; Chair 8 Ottoman; Maple rocker; Small table and two chairs; Hohner guitar; Rooster and other lamps; Antique quilt; Fur Coat and fur stole; Mens clothing and shoes; Christmas items; Hundreds of Records; DVDs and VCRs & CDs; Mirrors; lots of oil paintings by J. B. Johnson; Books, baskets, scissors, sewing supplies, crochet hooks; yarn; fabric on rolls and fat quarters; thread, needles; embroidery hoops; quilted pillow tops-ready to finish; Patterns; Paper goods; Pillow forms and poly fill; Bath and beauty supplies; Lots and lots of Linens; Glass floats; Lions Vests and pins; Small desk; Two small dressers; other small furniture pieces; Tools Include; Hammers, screwdrivers, wrenches, Pliers; Socket sets; Angle Grinder; Milwaukie drill; Drills; Bench Band Saw; Reciprocating saw; Belt/Disc Sander; Sander; Jig Saw;!0 gallon air compressor; Work tool bench; and lots more; Sets of dishes; Lots of Electrical kitchen appliances; Clay Pigeons and thrower; Aladdin Calcite Lamp; other oil lamps; Patio Table and Swing; Yard decor; Three bird baths; Wishing W ell; Craftsman Mower; Honda Tiller; G a s weed Eater; Tools for the garden; Small windmill; Small wheelchair; Bath bench; 6 gallon crock; Flour mill; and Thousands of small useable items!!! Hand/ed by ....

Deedy's Estate Sales Co. LLC 541-47 9-4742 days • 541-382-5950 eves www.deeedysesfatesales.com

Bend 541-318-1501


New items from Etsy & Ebay store - Come do your Christmas

shopping early! Huge selection of handmade scarves & misc items. Almost new side-by-side KitchenAid refrigerator & Whirlpool dishwasher for sale also. FRI 10/25 & SAT 10/26 from 8-12 69550 Deer Ridge Rd., Sisters 541-719-1314

Seasonal Garage Sale Christmas Sale!

Thurs-Sat, 10/24-25-26, Bam-4pm. Antique and collectibles, decorated Christmas trees, handmade crafts, crystal glassware, old and new furniture. No clothes, no junk! 4504 SW Minson Rd., Powell ButteCall Sue Dunn, 541-416-8222

Sizing Down SaleA little bit of everything!

Fri-Sat, 10/25-26, 9-5, 18589 McSwain Drive, in Sisters.

Yard Sale - Practically giving things away!! 9am-dark, Sat-Sun, 17466 Ivy Lane, Sisters

Donate deposit bottles/

cans to local all volunteer, non-profit rescue, for feral cat spay/ neuter. Cans for Cats t railer at B end P et Whoodle puppies, 12 Express E, a c rosswks, 1st shots, wormed, males, $900 each. from Costco; or do- 3 nate Mon-Fri at Smith 541-410-1581 Sign, 1515 NE 2nd; or Yorkie puppy, 8 week at CRAFT in Tumalo. cute, playful male. Shots, www.craftcats.org tail docked, ready now! Doxie mix puppies, 8 $700. 541-536-3108 weeks, 1st shot, very cute. $175. Yorkie pups AKC sweet adorable, potty training, 2 541-390-8875 boys, 2 girls, $450 & up. Health guar.541-777-7743 DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO 210 SELL Furniture & Appliances FOR $500 OR LESS? Non-commercial A1 Washers&Dryers advertisers may $150 ea. Full warplace an ad with ranty. Free Del. Also our wanted, used W/D's "QUICK CASH 541-280-7355 SPECIAL"

o ~ge eke go r Ad must include price of single item of $500 or less, or multiple items whose total does not exceed $500. Call Classifieds at 541-385-5809 www.bendbulletin.com


The Bulletin

Sererng Central Oregon n re rgrrr



POODLE puppies, AKC. ALSO-7 mo. M, $200; F, $250. 541-475-3889

Thompson Center Arms muzzleloader, 50 cal New Englander, exclnt shape, $295.



Wanted: Collector seeks high quality fishing items. Call 541-678-5753, or 503-351-2746


• G olf Equipment CHECK YOUR AD

FOR $500 OR LESS? Non-commercial advertisers may place an ad with our "QUICK CASH SPECIAL" 1 week 3 lines 12 OI'

on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. nSpellcheckn and human errors do occur. If this happens to your ad, please contact us ASAP so that corrections and any adjustments can be made to your ad. 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified


Guns, Hunting & Fishing

Nov. 9th & 10th Deschutes Fairgrounds

v. — I


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advertiser, you may i / call t h e Or e gon / Attor n ey '

I The Bulletip



6 Chippendale style chairs, $2770.

Antiques & Collectibles The Bulletin reserves the right to publish all ads from The Bulletin newspaper onto The Bulletin Internet website.

The Bulletin Drexel Heritage couch. 7 feet long. Very good condition, $400. Call 503 781 5265

Exercise Equipment

chasing products or • services from out of I i the area. Sending ~ cash, c hecks, o r •

18th century legs, mahogany top-


Oriental shorthair fem ale, $ 1 0 0 obo ;


Proform Crosswalk 380 treadmill like new $325 obo. 541-408-0846

The Bulletin recommends extra

ho t l in e at I i 1-877-877-9392.

Remember to remove your Garage Sale signs (nails, staples, etc.) German Shorthair pups, AKC, parents on site, after your Sale event


Guns, Hunting 8 Fishing



I t ion



Guns, Hunting & Fishing



i Consumer Protec- •


9+$ 0 2



20 !

Ad must include price of it f $5 D Q or less, or multiple items whose total does notexceed $500.

ger ng Cent el 0 egonrnre rggg

Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809

BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Call 541-385-5809 www.bendbulletin.com

The Bulletin Senng Cent el 0 egonvnre 1903

Hot Tubs & Spas

Call Classifieds at 541-385-5809


in salmon/coral cheBuy! Sell! Trade! nille fabric with diaSAT. 9-5 • SUN. 10-3 1966 Winchester mdl 70 mond pattern. Tradi$8 Admission, 30-06 w/scope, fired t ional styling w i t h 12 & under free! 1x for sighting pur- OREGON loose pillow back, TRAIL GUN poses, $700. Jerry, SHOWS, 541-347-2120 down-wrapped seat 541-480-9005 cushions, roll arms, or 541-404-1890 skirt, two matching p illows an d ar m c overs. L i k e n ew condition. $1 500.

i General's O f f! c e


is over! THANKS! From The Bulletin and your local utility


' State

Ant!que Dining Set

Bicycles & Accessories


5 4 1 n385-5809

BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, 541.508.0429 288 St. Bernard Puppies, merchandise to sporting Just too many 1st shots, wormed. goods. Bulletin Classifieds Sales Southeast Bend $400. 541-977-4686 appear every day in the collectibles? print or on line. HUGE SALE!! Moved, Vizsla AKC pups female downsized 8 cleaned Call 541-385-5809 Sell them in $110 0 ; ma l es, $950. www.bendbulletin.com the attic! 3 g eneraactive show & hunting tions of treasures! Fri- The Bulletin Ciassifieds lines 541-367-8822 The Bulletin day & Saturday (25th/ 26th only) Bam-2pm. 541-385-5809 Take care of 61160 Manhae Ln, off G ENERATE SOM E SE 15th, Bridges sub- Cat: Exotic shorthair your investments EXCITEMENT in your division. female $25. neighborhood! Plan a with the help from 541-279-3018 garage sale and don't The Bulletin's forget to advertise in 290 "Call A Service classified! Sales Redmond Area 541-385-5809. Professional" Directory Moving Sale Fri-Sat, 9-5 Hidebed, full-sized, like Household, furniture, linWeimaraner Pups, exlnt new, rust brown color, ////I/// n ens, tools 8 much more »if temperament, great fam$500 obo. 541-408-0846 3824 SW Reindeer Ave Chihuahua puppies, tea- ily & companion dogs. No early sales! cup, shots & dewormed, Parents ranch-raised; like $250. 541-420-4403 water 8 hunt. Females, Dog house, Igloo, excn $350. Please leave mescond, 3'6 n W x 2 ' 1 0 sage, 541-562-5970. • Sales Other Areas • H, $60. 541-382-0114

Moving Sale +

n d • O r ego

B eretta 12 g a., 0 / U , Marlin 1895 SS Guide mod./full, S685. Good 45/70, ported, sling, cond. $500.541-419-9961 night sights, ammo, as new $700. SpringBrowning Citori 12 ga XD 45, ne w , engraved w/ pheasants & field 13+1, Pro Tech light, ducks, new unfired in 2005 Maverick ML7n high cap. mags, all J e r ry, 2 M ountain Bike, 1 5 case, $ 2 450. access., in box, plus frame (small). Full 541-480-9005 Galco leather holster, suspension, Maverick and ammo. $700. Call CASH!! s hock, S RA M X O For Guns, 541-815-8345. Ammo 8 drivetrain & shifters, 9 Reloading Supplies. speed rear cassette, Ruger MKI, 308 Win, 2x7 541-408-6900. 34-11, Avid Juicy disc scope, like new, $595. 541-604-5115 brakes. Well t a ken Double Tap Firearms care of. $950. 2075 NE Hwy. 20 Ruger Mod. 10/22 car541-788-6227. 541-977-0202 bine, bull barrel, 22LR, Buy/Sell/Trade/Consign Bushnell scope, laminate n wood stock, like new, Say ngoodbuy $500. 541-419-9961 What are you to that unused looking for? Springfield XDS .45, 2 item by placing it in magazines, o r iginal You'll find it in The Bulletin Classifieds case and paperwork. The Bulletin Classifieds Very clean. $450. Call

RB Bffsf;

1354 NW Elgin, Bend Friday, Oct. 25 • Saturday, Oct. 26 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.



& up. 541-280-1537


• Be

Commercial area. Sending cash, mix a t 65480 7 8t h S t . , P oodle-Retriever upright Delfield checks, or credit inBend, open Sat/Sun puppies, 4 m o nths, 6000 Series f ormation may b e black, $ 1000 (dis1-5; other days by freezer, 20 cubic subjected to fraud. count for cash), have appt. Photos 8 info: For more i nformafeet, stainless, had shots and basic www.craftcats.org. tion about an adver$1200. obedience and crate 541-389-8420, or like tiser, you may call 541-325-2691 training. Photos at faus on Facebook. the O r egon State cebook.com/SzmooAttorney General's Adopt a rescued kitten dles. 503-623-5282 or or cat! Fixed, shots, Office C o n sumer hundwald@aol.com ID chip, tested, more! Protection hotline at Nonprofit sanctuary at Puppies! maltese poodle 1-877-877-9392. Dgrtg t 65480 78th St., Bend, - also 1 female yorkie/ open Sat/Sun 1 - 5; maltese. Male $ 2 50 Visit our HUGE The Bulletin ger ng Cenrrol Oregon gnre rggr home decor kitten foster home by Female $300. C a sh appt., call 815-7278. only. 541-546-7909. consignment store. New items www.craftcats.org. 541-389-8420, or like Queensland Heelers arrive daily! Standard & Mini, $150 930 SE Textron, us on Facebook. A ussie, M i n i AKC , www.rightwayranch.wor red/black Tri, shots, dpress.com wormed, parents on Rodent issues? Free site 541-598-5314 adult barn/shop cats, Black Lab AKC pupfixed, shots, s o me pies, born Aug. 18th friendly, some n o t. $300.00 Will deliver. 389-8420




FREE! 541-647-0295

Sales Northwest Bend

A v e .


Pets & Supplies

Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Treehouse/Playhouse, you disassemble& haul. Super Seller rates!


C h ~


BEND VET needs big gun equipment,cement mixer, 8 l o g s p litter. 530-598-6004

CASH for dressers, dead washers/dryers

W .

Pets & Supplies


Want to Buy or Rent

1 7+ ~


Free bagged leaves for garden or compost. You haul, Redmond.

: Monday- Friday 7:30a.m. -5p.m.

Items for Free Flower bulbs: Autumn crocus, grape hyacinth, etc. Pickup free at 2615 SW 21st St., Redmond.

On the web at: www.bendbulletin.com

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Northwest Spa Hot Tub, seats 8 people, has cover, $400 or best offer. You haul! 541-385-0454

Washer or dryer T(ake a.1 Tumble?



- 'r

~Advergtise it!'



Lightly Used washer S dryer set out 01 uacason home. 2

years old and runs great> Very CleanWas Shopo new, oftering for onlV



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Under $500 $500 to $99 9 $1000 to $2499 $2500 and over

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Vce ©nlls



Loans & Mortgages

Commercial/Investment Properties for Sale

Recreational Homes 8 Property

Motorcycles & Accessories Boats & Accessories



Tra v el Trailers


cabin on year-round creek. 637 acres surrounded federal land, Fremont Nat'I Forest. 541-480-7215 771

Health Forces Sale! 2007 Harley Davidson FLHX Street GlideToo many extras to list! 6-spd, cruise control, stereo, batt. tender, cover. Set-up for long haul road trips. Dealership svc'd. Only 2,000 miles. PLUS H-D cold weather

18'Maxum skiboat,2000, G ulfstream Su n inboard motor, g r eat sport 30' Class A cond, well maintained, 1988 ne w f r i dge, $8995obo. 541-350-7755 TV, solar panel, new

Jayco Eagle 26.6 ft long, 2000

Travel Trailers •

Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809

Fifth Wh e els

MONTANA 3585 2008,

exc. cond., 3 slides, king bed, Irg LR, Arctic insulation, all options $35,000 obo.

Lots Sleeps 6, 14-ft slide, refrigerator, wheel541-420-3250 awning, Eaz-Lift Birchwood, Woodriver. c hair l i ft . 4 0 0 0W The Bulletin recom304 SE 3rd. Excellent stabilizer bars, heat g enerator, Goo d 4 lots, 4 homes, 1.48 The Bulletin mends you use cauretail property a nd 8 air, queen condition! $12,500 acres across f rom tion when you prop erfect location o n To Subscribe call walk-around bed, obo 541-447-5504 Farewell Bend Park. vide personal Hwy 97, $155,900. 541-385-5800 or go to very good condition, $750,000. gear, rain gear, packs, information to compa- TEAM Birtola Garmyn Sunchaser Pontoon www.bendbulletin.com $10,000 obo. TEAM Birtola Garmyn helmets, leathers nies offering loans or High Desert Realty or place your ad boat - $19,895 541-595-2003 High Desert Realty 8 much more. $15,000. 20' 2006 credit, especially 541-312-9449 Nuyya 297LK HltcHlker on-line at Smokercraft 541-312-9449 541-382-3135 after 5pm those asking for adwww. BendOregon 2007, Out of consignbendbulletin.com cruise, S-8521. 2006 www. BendOregon The Bulletin's vance loan fees or RealEstate.com ment, 3 slides, 32' 75hp. Mercury. F u ll RealEstate.com companies from out of "Call A Service perfect for snow birds, camping e n c losure. - WareBurns, O R state. If you have left kitchen, rear 773 Pop u p cha n ging Professional" Directory house 8 warehouse Fifth Wheels • concerns or queslounge, extras. First room/porta-potty, BBQ, KOUNTRY AIRE Prior used Acreages is all about meeting $25,000 buys it. tions, we suggest you property. swim ladder, all gear. 1994 37.5' motoras beer wholesaler. your needs. 541-447-5502 days 8 consult your attorney Trailer, 2006 E a sy- home, with awning, Alpenlite 2002, 31' 11,000 s q.ft. t o t al, 7.17 acres Located on a 541-447-1641 eves. or call CONSUMER loader gal v anized. and one slide-out, 5 500 s q .ft . m e t a l paved road with Cas Call on one of the with 2 slides, rear HOTLINE, Harley Davidson P urchased new, a l l Only 47k miles warehouse. Misc. free cade Views. $106,500 kitchen, very good professionals today! 1-877-877-9392. records. 541-706-9977, 2011 Classic Limand good condition. standing coolers incondition. MLS 201106739 cell 503-807-1973. ited, LOADED, 9500 $25,000. Non-smokers, cluded. $239,000. Call Linda BANK TURNED YOU miles, custom paint 541-548-0318 no pets. $19,500 541-771-2585 DOWN? Private party 541-749-0724 "Broken Glass" by (photo aboveis of a PRICERFWCfOI Crooked River Realty or best offer. will loan on real esOne of the only Nicholas Del Drago, similar model & not the 541-382-2577 tate equity. Credit, no counties in 20.5' Seaswirl Spynew condition, actual vehicle) $ 195,000 I 6 . 5 a c OPEN ROAD 36' problem, good equity Oregon without a der 1989 H.O. 302, Contract T e r ms heated handgrips, 2005 - $28,000 is all you need. Call CHECK YOURAD microbrewery. 285 hrs., exc. cond., Bend. Level acreage auto cruise control. King bed, hide-a-bed Oregon Land MortKeystone Laredo 31' stored indoors for w/old growth Junipers $32,000 in bike, only sofa, 3 slides, glass gage 541-388-4200. R V 2 006 w ith 1 2 ' TURN THE PAGE life $8900 OBO. & mtn views. Scatshower, 10 gal. wa$23,000 obo. slide-out. Sleeps 6, 541-379-3530 541-318-6049 For More Ads t ered h istoric r o c k ter heater, 10 cu.ft. LOCAL MONEYrWe buy queen walk-around croppings. 20% down, fridge, central vac, secured trust deeds & The Bulletin bed w/storage unders atellite dish, 2 7 " other terms n e gonote,some hard money 21' Crownline Cuddy neath. Tub 8 shower. tiable. 440x648' lot. loans. Call Pat Kellev NATIONAL DOLPHIN 2 swivel rockers. TV. on the first day it runs TV/stereo syst., front 745 Cabin, 1995, only front power leveling 541-382-3099 ext.13. MLS ¹201304442. 37' 1997, loaded! 1 to make sure it is corAir cond. Gas stove 8 325 hrs on the boat, Homes for Sale 541-410-8557 slide, Corian surfaces, refrigerator/freezer. rect. "Spellcheck" and jacks and s c issor 5.7 Merc engine with stabilizer jacks, 16' Dave Disney, Broker wood floors (kitchen), Microwave. Awning. human errors do ocoutdrive. Bimini top 23475 Hwy 2 0 E a st. 541-388-0404 2-dr fridge, convection Outside cur. If this happens to awning. Like new! shower. & moorage cover, Property k no w a s Windermere Central Harley Davidson Sport541-419-0566 microwave, Vizio TV & Slide through storyour ad, please conBxitRnlh $7500 obo. B end Casca d ia Oregon Real Estate ster 2 0 0 1 , 12 0 0cc, roof satellite, walk-in a ge, E a s y Lif t . tact us ASAP so that 541-382-2577 Nursery $749,000. 9,257 miles, $4995. Call shower, new queen bed. $29,000 new; corrections and any TEAM Birtola Garmyn Build your dream home Michael, 541-310-9057 White leather hide-aadjustments can be Asking $18,800 on this 5.3 acre parAds published in the High Desert Realty bed & chair, all records, f a~ / t made to your ad. 541-447-4805 cel just a few minutes "Boats" classification no pets or s moking. 541-312-9449 541-385-5809 HD Fat Bo 1996 south o f P r i neville. include: Speed, fish- $28,450. www. BendOregon The Bulletin Classified V iews of t h e C a s ing, drift, canoe, Call 541-771-4800 RealEstate.com cades and easy achouse and sail boats. Pilgrim 27', 2007 5t h $ 343,000 I Alfa l f a cess off Davis Loop. 627 For all other types of wheel, 1 s lide, AC, Ranch on 9 ac, BendSeptic approved and watercraft, please go TV,full awninq, excelVacation Rentals 3-4 bed, 2 bath, 1959 •s power available. to Class 875. lent shape, $23,900. & Exchanges sf, 36x28 3-bay shop $35,750 MLS 541-385-5809 541-350-8629 building, 24x25 201302249 Completely Layton 27-ft, 2001 equipment c a r port, John L. Scott Real Rebuilt/Customized Fleetwood Prowler c ompletely fen c e d Estate 541-548-1712 2012/2013 Award Front 8 rear entry 32' - 2001 Rexair 28-ft ' I I with corals, borders Winner doors, bath, shower, 2 slides, ducted motorhome, 1991.i BLM. MLS Showroom Condition queen bed, slide-out, Want to impress the Ideal for camping or heat & air, great 201306096. Many Extras oven, microwave, air relatives? Remodel condition, snowbird hunting, it has 45K 541-410-8557 Low Miles. conditioning, patio Christmas at miles, a 460 gas enready, Many upyour home with the Dave Disney, Broker awning, twin proRecreation by Design $17,000 the Coast grade options, figine, new tires, au541-388-0404 help of a professional pane tanks, very 2013 Monte Carlo, 38-ft. 541-548-4807 WorldMark nancing available! tomatic levelers, Beautiful h o u seboat, Windermere Ce n t ral nice, great floor plan, Top living room 5th from The Bulletin's Depoe Bay, OR $14,500 obo. Onan generator, 541-390-4693 Oregon Real Estate $8895. wheel, has 3 slideouts, 2 "Call A Service Street Glide 2006 black $85,000. 2 bedroom condo, king-size bed awwww.centraloregon 541-316-1388 A/Cs, entertainment sleeps 6 cherry metal f lake, Custom designed 2574 Professional" Directory Call Dick, ning. Nice condition houseboat.com. center, fireplace, W/D, 12/22 - 12/29 or s q. ft . h o m e w i t h good extras, 8 ,100 Sell or trade? $8700. 541-480-1687. garden tub/shower, in 12/23 -12/30. miles, will take some GENERATE SOME exmountain views, 541-815-9939 great condition. $42,500 775 trade of firearms or citement in your neig$1500 20x20 s h op , RV or best offer. Call Peter, Look at: borhood. Plan a gaManufactured/ gj Is Ii w. iS II' 541-325-6566 small ironhead. hookup, and l a r ge 307-221-2422, rage sale and don't Garage Sales • g" Bendhomes.com fenced/gated area for $14,000. Mobile Homes ( in La Pine ) forget to advertise in 541-306-8812 for Complete Listings of garden, animals, WILL DELIVER 630 classified! 385-5809. buildings. $ 2 99,000 FACTORY SPECIAL Garage Sales Monte Carlo 2012 Lim- Area Real Estate for Sale SANDPIPER 2002 27' Rooms for Rent MLS 201305717 Call New Home, 3 bdrm, Suzuki DRZ400 SM ited Edition, 2 slides, 2 Hitchhiker II 1997 5th with hitch too many Nancy Popp, Broker, $46,500 finished Garage Sales A/Cs, 2007, 14K mi., Serving Central Oregon smce 1903 2 bdrm, sleeps wheel, 28Y2 ft, 1 slide, extras to list, $13,000. Lrg. room eastside sep. 541-815-8000 on your site. 4 gal. tank, racks, 6-8 comfortably, has $5900. 541-504-9720 875 541-923-8322. e ntrance 8 bat h , Crooked River Realty Find them J and M Homes recent tires, w/d, dishwasher, many furn. no smkers/pets. 541-548-5511 Watercraft $4200 OBO. in extras, fully l o aded. $ 365 m o + dep . NOTICE: 541-383-2847. LOT MODEL $29,600 obo. Located 541-389-0034. The Bulletin p All real estate adverAds published in "Wa=~ " LIQUIDATION in Bend. 682-777-8039 tised here in is subtercraft" include: KayClassifieds 831 Prices Slashed Huge ject to t h e F e deral I aks, rafts and motorSavings! 10 Year F air H o using A c t , Condo/Townhomes Ized personal 541-385-5809 conditional warranty. which makes it illegal watercrafts. For Keystone Challenger for Rent to advertise any pref- Finished on your site. "boats" please see 2004 CH34TLB04 34' ONLY 2 LEFT! erence, limitation or Class 870. fully S/C, w/d hookups, Furnished 1 bdrm condo discrimination based Redmond, Oregon 541-385-5809 new 18' Dometic awInn of 7th Mtn, utils + 541-548-5511 on race, color, relining, 4 new tires, new cable 8 Wifi pd, deck, Orbit 21'2007, used Triumph D a ytona JandMHomes.com Kubota 7000w marine pools, $750 + dep. No gion, sex, handicap, only 8 times, A/C, 2004, 15 K m i l e s, Servtng Central Oregon srnce 1903 smkg/pets. 541-979-8940 familial status or nadiesel generator, 3 Aircraft, Parts Rent /Own oven, tub s hower, perfect bike, needs tional origin, or inten- 3 bdrm, TIFFINPHAETON QSH slides, exc. cond. in2 bath homes micro, load leveler & Service nothing. Vin tion to make any such 2007 with 4 slides, CAT s ide 8 o ut . 27 " T V 632 $2500 down, $750 mo. Need to get an ad hitch, awning, dual preferences, l i m ita- OAC. J and M Homes ¹201536. 350hp diesel engine, dvd/cd/am/fm entertain Apt./Multiplex General batteries, sleeps 4-5, $4995 tions or discrimination. in ASAP? $129,900. 30,900 miles, center. Call for more 541-548-5511 EXCELLENT CONDream Car We will not knowingly great condition! details. Only used 4 CHECK YOUR AD DITION. All accesAuto Sales accept any advertisExtended warranty, times total in last 5y2 sories are included. Fax It to 541-322-7253 1801 Division, Bend ing for r ea l e s tate dishwasher, washer/ years.. No pets, no $14,51 1 OBO. DreamCarsBend.com which is in violation of dryer, central vac, roof smoking. High r etail 541-382-9441 The Bulletin Classifieds 541-678-0240 this law. All persons satellite, aluminum $27,700. Will sell for 1/3 interest in Columbia Dlr 3665 wheels, 2 full slide-thru are hereby informed $24000 includinq slid- 400, $150,000 (located basement trays & 3 TV's. that all dwellings adi ng hitch that fits i n 880 O Bend.) Also: SunriFalcon-2 towbar and on the first day it runs vertised are available your truck. Call 8 a.m. ver hangar available for Motorhomes Even-Brake included. to 10 p.m. for appt to sale at $155K, or lease, to make sure it is cor- on an equal opportuCall 541-977-4150 see. 541-330-5527. rect. "Spellcheck" and nity basis. The Bulle@ $400/mo. tin Classified human errors do oc541-948-2963 ft I=S ~ ~ cur. If this happens to Tioga 24' Class C I' i your ad, please conMotorhome Tango 29.6' 2007, •a tact us ASAP so that SouthwestBend Homes • Sn o wmobiles • Bought new in 2000, Rear living, walk. ~ A Sc currently under 20K corrections and any Victory TC 2002, around queen bed, miles, excellent adjustments can be 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 2110 • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 runs great, many Coachman Freelander central air, awning, sq. ft. home, 3-car ga- EXT, $1000. shape, new tires, made to your ad. 2008 32' Class C, Keystone Raptor, 2007 accessories, new 1 large slide, professionaly winter541-385-5809 rage. $399 , 9 99.• Yamaha 750 1999 M-3150 pristine with 37 toy hauler, 2 slides, 1 /3 interest i n w e l l$15,000 obo lor ized every year, cutThe Bulletin Classified 60826 Scotts B l uff, Mountain Max, SOLD! tires, under 40K just 23,390 miles! Effigenerator, A/C, 2 TVs, equipped IFR Beech Bomiles, well kept. off switch to battery, trade for camper High Lakes Realty & • Zieman 4-place cient coach has Ford satellite system w/auto nanza A36, new 10-550/ plus new RV batterthat fits 6i/2' pickup 836 Property Ma n age- trailer, SOLD! $5000. V10 w/Banks pwr pkg, seek, in/out sound sys- prop, located KBDN. ies. Oven, hot water All in good condition. bed, plus cash). 541-771-0665 14' slide, rear qn walkApt./Multiplex NW Bend ment 541-536-0117 tem,sleeps 6,m any ex- $65,000. 541-419-9510 heater & air condiLocated in La Pine. 541-280-2547 or around bed, sofa/hidetras. $32,500. In Madras, 750 tioning have never Call 541-408-6149. abed,caboverbunk, 541-815-4121 call 541-771-9607 or Brand new 3 Bdrm, 2'/2 been used! Redmond Homes ducted furn/AC, flat 541-475-6265 bath, all new appliances. $24,000 obo. Serious ATVs screen TV, skylight, Yamaha 1980s, Garage. Move-in ready! inquiries, please. pantry, 16' awning. No l2) with tilt trailer, $1500/mo. 503-686-0717 227 Highland Meadow in Terrebonne. pets/smkg - a must see! Stored Lp., E a gle C r e st, 340cc's. run great. or 971-404-7241. 541-548-5174 $57,900. 541-548-4969 2681 sq.ft. 3 b drm, lots of extras. 2.5 bath, + office 8 648 $1,200 takes all. 1/5th interest in 1973 formal dining room, Call 541-390-1755 Houses for Cessna 150 LLC great room plan, all WEEKEND WARRIOR 150hp conversion, low Rent General premium fin i shes. Toy hauler/travel trailer. Monaco Lakota 2004 HUNTERS! time on air frame and 880 24' with 21' interior. 5th Wheel $ 433,388 llot o n l y t. Honda Fat Cat 200cc s~ engine, hangared in PUBLISHER'S 34 ft.; 3 s lides; im$100,000) Lynn Motorcycles & Accessories w/rear Sleeps 6. Self-conrack & receiver Bend. Excellent perNOTICE Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' maculate c o ndition; Johns, Principal Brotained. Systems/ Fleetwood Discovery hitch carrier, used very formance & af/ordAll real estate adver- ker, 541-408-2944 2004, 35K, loaded, too l arge screen TV w / appearancein good 2009 40X, Corian little, exlnt cond, $1875 much to list, ext'd warr. condition. Smoke-free. able flying! $6,500. tising in this newspaentertainment center; Central Oregon counters, convection/ obo. 541-546-3330 thru 2014, $49,900 Den541-410-6007 per is subject to the reclining chairs; cenResort Realty Tow with i/~-ton. Strong micro, 2-door fridge/ nis, 541-589-3243 F air H o using A c t ter kitchen; air; queen FIND IT! suspension; can haul freezer, washer/dryer, which makes it illegal Looking for your next ATVs snowmobiles, bed; complete hitch central vac, new tile 8 881 BUY IT! to a d v ertise "any carpet, roof sat., 3 TVs, even a small car! Great and new fabric cover. employee? Travel Trailers SELL IT! preference, limitation Place a Bulletin help 2013 Harley window awnings, levelprice - $8900. $20,000 OBO. or disc r imination wanted ad today and Davidson Dyna The Bulletin Classifieds ers, ext'd warranty, multiCall 541-593-6266 (541) 548-5886 based on race, color, Wide Glide, black, media GPS, 350 Cumreach over 60,000 Polaris Outlaw 450, 2008, religion, sex, handionly 200 miles, mins diesel, 7.5 gen. readers each week. MXR Sport quad, dirt & cap, familial status, brand new, all stock, Many extras! $129,900. Your classified ad sand tires,runs great, low marital status or na541-604-4662 plus after-market will also appear on YouR AD wILLREcEIYEcLosE To 2,00&000 hrs, $3750 541-647-8931 tional origin, or an inexhaust. Has winter Classified bendbulletin.com EXPOSURESFORONLY $2SO ! tention to make any cover, helmet. currently re870 Advertising oego t classrfwwve I srvvtwo r rra renrce%heoego t vvvape nbeurr Assocralon such pre f e rence, which Selling for what I ceives over Cougar 33 ft. 2006, Boats 8 Accessories limitation or discrimiowe on it: $15,500. L' ff'eek of October 21, 2013 1.5 million page Network 14 ft. slide, awning, nation." Familial staCall anytime, views every month easy lift, stability bar, tus includes children 541-554-0384 at no extra cost. E bumper extends for under the age of 18 Bulletin Classifieds Fleetwood D i scovery extra cargo, all acliving with parents or Get Results! Buell 1125R, 2008 15k Serving Central Oregon since 1903 40' 2003, diesel mo- cess. incl., like new legal cus t o dians, Call 385-5809 or miles, reg. s ervice, torhome w/all condition, stored in 541-385-5809 pregnant women, and place well cared for. factory your ad on-line options-3 slide outs, RV barn, used less people securing cus16'9" Larson All Ameri- satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, than 10 t imes loat Buell optional fairing tody of children under kit, Michelin 2cc tires, can, 1971, V-hull, 120hp etc. 3 2 ,000 m i les. c ally, no p et s o r bendbulletin.com 18. This newspaper will trade for ie: En- I/O, 1 owner, always ga- Wintered i n h e ated smoking. $20,000 will not knowingly acduro DR 650, $5700 raged, w/trlr, exc cond, shop. $84,900 O.B.O. obo. 541-536-2709. DIVORCE $155. Complete preparation. Includes children, 755 cept any advertising $2000. 541-788-5456 541-447-8664 for real estate which is Sunriver/La Pine Homes obo. 541-536-7924. custody, support, property and bills division. No court in violation of the law. O ur r e a ders ar e 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1222 appearances.Divorced in 1-5 weeks possible.503-772-5295. hereby informed that sq. ft., dbl. garage on all dwellings adver- .32 acre. 51465 Lasso www.paralegalallernatives.com legalalt©msn.com tised in this newspa- D rive., La Pine , per are available on $114,900. High Lakes c(6 'del; 4Rln, an equal opportunity Realty & Pr o p erty ret nc'le basis. To complain of Management e r/cy,," l t , trt/ discrimination cal l 541-536-0117 Drivers - Whether you have experience or need training. We er«e S O„ t(00 HUD t o l l -free at ~-2/>> retre+ 26/t Se 1-800-877-0246. The 52314 Ponderosa Way. offer unbeatable career opportunities. Trainee, Company a e e +'be, ded. S oneb/ ores ' toll f re e t e l ephone 4 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1922 ~ond e'bne/ sq.ft., 1 . 1 3 a c r es. atr ' d Driver, LEASE OPERATOR, LEASE TRAINERS (877)369-7104 number for the hearC4I, e~ ." ' l / I/G ing im p aired is $249,000. High Lakes e'ren oie Realty & Pr o perty www.cenlraltruckdrivingjobs.com 1-800-927-9275. e» nce.b ~' Z S Management ob din WARNING

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Aircraft, Parts & Service


Chevy 1955 PROJECT car. 2 door wgn, 350 small block w/Weiand dual quad tunnel ram with 450 Holleys. T-10 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, Weld Prostar wheels, extra rolling chassis + extras. $6500 for all. 541-389-7669.

FORD XLT 1992 3/4 ton 4x4

matching canopy, 30k original miles, possible trade for classic car, pickup, motorcycle, RV $13,500. In La Pine, call

2180 TT, 440 SMO, 180 mph, excellent condition, always hangared, 1 owner for 35 years. $60K.

In Madras, call 541-475-6302 2011 Fliqht Design CTLS Liqht Sport, 75 TTSN NDH, loaded, h anqared, Bend. $149K firm. 541-389-7108


Chevy Wagon 1957, Cal l The Bulletin At 4-dr., complete, 54t 355 55Q9 $7,000 OBO / trades. Piace your Ad Pr E-Maii Please call At: www.bendbulletin.com 541 389 6998

new engine, trans. recently s e rviced, original owner, nice c ond. $4,00 0 . 541-508-9882/local

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to Frontage Rd; great visibility for aviation business. Financing available. 541-948-2126 or email 1jetjock©q.com Piper A rcher 1 9 8 0,Ford Ranchero 1965 based in Madras, al- Rhino bedliner cusways hangared since tom wheels, 302V-8 new. New annual, auto a uto. R un s go o d pilot, IFR, one piece $9,995. 541-389-0789 windshield. Fastest Archer around. 1750 total t i me . $6 8 ,500. 541-475-6947, ask for R Rob Berg. Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 power every• . al engine, thing, new paint, 54K original m i les, runs Ne//zr great, excellent condition in/out. $7500 obo. 541-480-3179 Save money. Learn to fly or build hours with your own airc raft. 1 96 8 A e r o Commander, 4 seat, 150 HP, low time, full panel. $23,000 obo. Contact Paul at GMC ggg ton 1971, Only 541 -447-51 84. $19,700! Original low mile, exceptional, 3rd owner. 951-699-7171

1987 Freightliner COE 3axle truck, Cummins engine, 10-spd, runs! $3900 obo. 541-419-2713 Ford 1965 6-yard dump truck, good paint, recent overhaul, everything works! $3995. 541-815-3636

Ford F350 2006 IU

T ruck ha s V - 1 0, 21,000 m i . , HD winch w/ c u stom HD front bumper, air load bags w/12! dump bed, dually, 4x4, new high profile tires. $26,900 541-350-3393 GMC 2004 16'

refrigerated box van, gvw 20,000, 177,800 mi, diesel, 6 spd manual with on-spot automatic tire chains. Thermo-King reefer has 1,635 engine hours. $19,995. 541-419-4172.


Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 541-385-5809

Ford X L T F25 0 1977, long bed, a/c, auto trans, 30K on

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I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 t on dually, 4 s p d. trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950.







Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Call 541-385-5809 www.bendbulletin.com



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Porsche Carrera 911

2003 convertible with hardtop. 50K miles, new factory Porsche motor 6 mos ago with

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Cadillac El Dorado 1994 Total Cream Puff! Body, paint, trunk as showroom, blue leather, $1700 wheels w/snow tires although car has not been wet in 8 years. On trip to Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., $4800. 541-593-4016.s



Legal Notices






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reo, always garaged,

Legal Notices

If you fail to appear Pennie Morgan and defend this mat- You are hereby reter within thirty (30) quired to a p pear VW Bug Sedan, 1969, days from the date of a nd d e fend t h e fully restored, 2 owners, publication specified C omplaint file d with 73,000 total miles, Jeep Grand Cheroherein along with the against you in the $10,000. 541-382-5127 r equired filing f e e above kee 1996 4x4, autoentitled JCB 2006 214 E diesel matic, 135,000 miles. Bank o f Am e rica, cause within thirty 933 backhoe wi th HamGreat shape - very N.A., will apply to the (30) days from the mer Master 360 rock Pickups nice interior,$3,900. Court for th e r e lief date of service of hammer 18" di g 541-815-9939 demanded i n the thissummons upon bucket, quick coupler, 2003 Dodipe Ram 1500 Complaint. The first you, and in case of backhoe has 380 hrs, 4x4 singe cab, 4.7 L, date of publication is your failure to do so, rock hammer has 80 auto, new tires, new Oct. 10, 2013. for w ant t h e reof, hours. Like new, front brakes, 95,500 mi, NOTICE TO D E FEN- Plaintiff will apply to exlnt cond, $7400 firm. $32,500 obo. DANTS: READ the court for the re541-350-3393 Call 541-475-6901 or T HESE PAPE R S lief demanded in the 541-325-6147 Nissan Pathfinder SE CAREFULLY! Complaint. Dodge 2007 Diesel 4WD 1998, 150K mi, 5-spd You must "appear" in NOTICE TO SLT quad cab, short box, 4x4, loaded, very good this case or the other DEFENDANT: auto, AC, high mileage, tires, very good cond, side will win automatiREAD THESE $12,900. 541-389-7857 $4800. 503-334-7345 c ally. T o "appear" PAPERS myou must file with the CAREFULLY! Peterbilt 359 p o table court a legal paper you must "appear" in water t ruck, 1 9 90, called a "motion" or t his case o r t h e 3200 gal. tank, 5hp "answer." The "mo- other side will win pump, 4-3" h oses, F350 4-dr diesel tion" or "answer" must a utomatically. T o camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. 2004 pickup, auto, 541-820-3724 be given to the court "appear" you must King Ranch, 144K, excellent, extras, Toy o t a H i g h lander clerk or administrator file with the court a w ithin t h i rty d a y s legal paper called a $16,995 obo. 2 003 Limited A W D a long with t h e r e - "motion" or 541-923-0231 99,000 mi., automatic uired filing fee. I t "answer." The "mo$12,000 ob o . O n e q must be i n p r oper tion" or "answer" (or owner. 816.812.9882 form and have proof "reply") m ust b e Hitch set-up, RV to tow Toyota Highlander 2012 o f service o n t h e given to the court car, flat towing. $500 15,540 mi. white, plaintiff's attorney or, clerk or administraobo. 541-403-0114 if the plaintiff does not tor within 30 days of ¹161242 $ 2 7,995, ' have a n at t o rney, the date of first pubr/ ggr~~» +4 g proof of service on the lication sp e c ified Ford F250 1997, 7 .3 oregon plaintiff. herein along w ith Powerstroke Diesel, auto, auroso ree I F YOU H AV E A N Y the required filing STUDDED 84,500 mi.,exlnt cond. 5 4 1 -598-3750 Q UESTIONS, Y O U fee. I t m ust be in SNOW TIRES S HOULD SE E A N p roper form a n d size 225/70-R16 A TTORNEY I M M E - have proof of serand Hyundai Santa DIATELY. If you need vice on the plaintiff's Fe wheels, new! help in finding an at- a ttorney or, if t h e $600. 541-388-4003 ~ car sold by noon on Saturday. I torney, you may call p laintiff does n o t O r egon S t a te have an a ttorney, I have been trying to sell it for a I the Bar's Lawyer Refer- proof of service on I year. Please take the ad out." I ral Service at (503) the plaintiff. Antique & 684-3763 or toll-free If you have questions, Classic Autos I Thank you,Karen M. in Oregon at (800) you should see an 452-7636. attorney im m ediaI The object of the said ately. If you need action and the relief help in finding an sought to be obtained attorney, you may 1921 Model T t herein is f u lly s e t call t h e Or e g on Delivery Truck Mr. Red f orth in s a i d c o m- State Bar's Lawyer 1968 Mustang Restored & Runs plaint, and is briefly Referral Service at convertible, orig. stated as follows: (503) 684-3763 or $9000. owner, orig. 289 Foreclosure of a Deed toll-free in Oregon at 541-389-8963 rebuilt, new of Trust/Mortgage (800) 452-7636. radiator, floor Grantors: The relief sought in Buick 1983 I pans, carpeting.. Sydney 0 Neil and the Complaint is the Regal, T-type Timothy O'Neil f oreclosure of t h e Transmission rebuilt & Get Results from Qualified Property address: property located at 3000 rpm stall converter; Central OregonBuyers! 16464 Heath Drive, 16295 Whit e tail 750 Holley double La Pine, OR 97739 Call us at 541-385-5809 and ask L ane, Bend, O R pumper w/milled air horn Publication: 97707. about our Wheel Deal special! (flows 850 cfms); turbo Bend Bulletin Date of First rebuilt. Have receipts for DATED this 4th day of Publication: all 3 items. Plus addiOctober, 2013. Oct. 10, 2013. tional work done. $3300 [ ]Matt Booth, OSB McCarthy & Holthus, obo. Call for addtional ¹082663 LLP info 541-480-5502 •

Automo b iles

Pontiac G6 2007, low miles, $8900. 541-548-1422

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cyl, 5 speed, a/c, pw, pdl, nicest c o n vertible around in this price range, new t i res, wheels, clutch, timing belt, plugs, etc. 111K mi., remarkable cond. i nside and out. Fun car to d rive, M ust S E E ! $5995. R e dmond.

2003 6 speed, X50 added power pkg., 530 HP! Under 10k miles, Arctic silver, gray leather interior, new quality t i res, and battery, Bose premium sound stereo, moon/sunroof, car and seat covers. Many extras. Ga-


raged, perfect condition $5 9 ,700.

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miles, premium package, heated lumbar supported seats, panoramic moo n roof, Bluetooth, ski bag, Xenon headlights, tan & black leather interior, n ew front & rea r brakes O 76K miles, one owner, all records, very clean, $16,900. 541-388-4360


GMC 1995 Safari XT, seats 8, 4.3L V6, studs on rims, $2300 obo. 541-312-6960

Email: mbooth@robinLEGAL NOTICE sontait.com CIRCUIT COURT OF [ ]Zachary Bryant, OSB Chevrolet Tahoe OREGON FOR 2001 4x4, 4.8L V8. DESCHUTES COUNTY ¹113409 Dark green w/gray BANK OF AMERICA, Email: zbryant@robinsontait.com leather interior. N.A., GMC Sierra 1977 short Good condition. Plaintiff, v. SYDNEY [ ]Craig Peterson, OSB bed, e xlnt o r i ginal ¹120365 O'NEIL; T H E ES$3900. cond., runs & drives 541-390-3326 TATE OF TIMOTHY Email:cpeterson I robgreat. Ve, new paint O'NEIL, D E CEASD; insontait.com and tires. $4950 obo. UNKNOWN H E I RS [ X]Brandon S m ith, GMC Envoy XLT 2003, 541-504-1050 OSB ¹124584 p remium p kg , 3 2 K , AND DEVISEES OF Email: TIMOTHY O ' NEIL, $10,950. 541-549-6036 D ECEASED; A N D , bsmithOrobinsontait.com Robinson Tait, P.S. PERSONS OR PART IES UNKN O W N Attorneys for Plaintiff Tel: (206) 676-9640 CLAIMING ANY Fax: (206) 676-9659 RIGHT, TITLE, LIEN, i O R I NTEREST I N LEGAL NOTICE MGA 1959 - $19,999 THE PRO P E RTY IN T H E CI R CUIT Convertible. O r igiDESCRIBED IN THE C OURT O F T H E nal body/motor. No lnfiniti FX35 2012, COMPLAINT HEREIN STATE O F ORrust. 541-549-3838 Platinum silver, Defendant(s). E GON FOR T H E 24,000 miles, with NO. 13CV0220 COUNTY OF DESfactory wa r ranty, ~ OO SUM - CHUTES J PMORf ully l o aded, A l l P LAINTIFF'S MorePixat Bendbjletin,com Wheel Drive, GPS, MONS By PUBLICA- GAN CHA SE TION TO: The Estate BANK, N ATIONAL sunroof, etc. of T imothy O ' Neil, ASSOCIATION $37,500. Deceased; Unknown Plaintiff, v s . THE 541-550-7189 Heirs and Devisees of UNKNOWN HEIRS Timothy O'Neil, DeAND DEVISEES OF ceased; and, Persons G EORGE O S T E R or Parties Unknown TURNER, JR., DEPlymouth B a r racuda Claiming Any Right, CEASED; THE UN1966, original car! 300 Title, Lien, or Interest KNOWN HEIRS OF hp, 360 V8, centerin the Property DePENNIE MORGAN; lines, 541-593-2597 scribed in the Com- LOUIS T U R NER; ELK HUNTERS! plaint Herein, IN THE DESCHUTES PROJECT CARS: Chevy Jeep CJ5 1979, orig. OF THE R IVER REC R E 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & owner, 87k only 3k on NAME STATE OF OREGON: ATION HOMESITE new 258 long block. Chevy Coupe 1950 You are hereby rePROPERTY OWNrolling chassis's $1750 C lutch p kg , W a r n quired to appear and ERS, UNIT 6, PART ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, hubs. Excellent runagainst the AND 11; OCCUcomplete car, $ 1949; ner, very dependable. defend Cadillac Series 61 1950, Northman 6g/g' plow, allegations contained P ANTS O F TH E 2 dr. hard top, complete Warn 6000¹ w i nch. in the Complaint filed PROPERTY a gainst you i n t h e Defendants. w/spare f r on t cl i p ., $9500 or best rea$3950, 541-382-7391 sonable offer. above entitled pro- Case No.: 12CV1253 ceeding within thirty SUMMONS BY 541-549-6970 or PUBLICATION 541-815-8105. (30) days from the date of service of this To: The Unknown Summons upon you. Heirs of , ,

1996, 350 auto, 132,000 miles. Non-ethanol fuel & synthetic oil only, premium Bose ste-

eye appeal, $6900. No charge for looking. Call

Sport Utility Vehicles

Automobiles •



to advertise.



The Bulletin Vans

Au t o mobiles

Camaro 2001, V6 auto, low miles, T-top $7495. Bend, 805-452-5817

uMy little red Coryetteo Coupe

Buick CX Lucerne 2006, 82k mi., cream leather, Black Beauty - Stunning

ser g ce ge omgon ggce e03

I ClaSS fjedS


Le g al Notices

[ ] Casey Pence, OSB

additional information from the records of the court, the p e rsonal representative, or the lawyers for the OSB¹ 114082 personal representa[ ] A m ber Norling, tive, Ryan P. Correa. OSB¹ 094593 Dated and first pubA. lished on October 17, [ ] Carrie Majors-Staab, 2013. L A RRY A OSB¹ 980785 REBEIRO, JR., Personal Representative. [] Chris Fowler, OSB¹ 052544 LEGAL NOTICE [] Lisa E. Lear, OSB IN THE CIRCUIT ¹852672 COURT OF THE [ ] A n d reanna C. STATE OF Smith, OSB¹ OREGON FOR THE 131336 COUNTY OF 920 SW 3rd Avenue, DESCHUTES First Floor Probate Department Portland, OR 97204 In the matter of Phone: the estate of (877) 369-6122, Doris Jean Corcoran, Ext. 3370 Deceased. Case No. Fax: (503) 694-1460 13PB0101 Notice to cmajors-staab O mcInterested Persons carthyholthus.com Notice is hereby given Of Attorneys for t hat t h e und e r Plaintiff s igned ha s b e e n LEGAL NOTICE appointed personal IN T H E CIR C U IT r epresentative. A l l COURT O F THE p ersons hav i n g STATE OF OREGON claims against the FOR THE COUNTY estate are required OF DES C H UTES to present t hem, PROBATE DEPART- with vouchers atMENT. In the Matter tached, to the u no f the E s t at e o f dersigned personal O WNA LAV ER N representative at the HAMMER, aka ONA following a d d ress LAVERN C A R SON within four months LARSON HAMMER, after the date of first aka KITTY HAMMER, p ublication of t h is aka ONA L. K ITTY notice, or the claims LARSON, aka ONA L. may b e ba r r ed: KITTY HAMMER, aka Pamela Jean Deery, K ITTY LA RSO N Personal R e p r eH AMMER, aka L a - sentative, c/o V ERNE CA R S O N Christopher Heaps, LARSON, Decedent. 205 N W F r anklin Case No. 13PB0041. A ve., B end, O R NOTICE TO INTER- 97701. All p erson ESTED P E RSONS. whose rights may NOTICE IS HEREBY be affected by the GIVEN that the u np roceedings m a y dersigned has been obtain add i t ional appointed p e r sonal information from the representative. All records of the Court, persons having claims the personal repreagainst the estate are sentative, o r the required to p r esent lawyers for the perthem, with vouchers sonal r e presentaattached, to the untive, Chr i stopher dersigned p e rsonal Heaps. Dated and representative at 70 first published on Oct. 10, 2013. SW Century Drive, Ste. 100-333, Bend, Respectfully, Oregon 97702, within Pamela Jean Deery, four months after the Personal date of first publicaRepresentative tion of this notice, or LEGAL NOTICE t he claims may b e Notice of Preliminary barred. All p e rsons Determination for whose rights may be Water Right Transfer affected by the pro- T-10463 (Mitigation ceedings may obtain Credit Project MP-110) additional information from the records of T-10463 f i l e d by the Court, the perSwalley Irrigation Dissonal representative, trict, PO Box 5 126, or the lawyers for the Bend, OR personal representa- 97708-5126, and City tive, Lannette Bradley. of Bend, 62975 Boyd Dated and first pub- Acres Rd., Bend, OR lished on October 17, 97701, proposes to 2013. LAN N ETTE change the place of BRADLEY, Personal use and character of Representative. use under Certificate LEGAL NOTICE 74145. The right alIN T H E CIR C U IT lows the use of up to COURT O F THE 2.537 cubic feet per STATE OF OREGON second (cfs) for irrigaFOR THE COUNTY tion use in Secs 1, 26, OF DESCHUTES, In 2 7, 29, an d 3 2 i n the Matter of the EsT16S, R12E, W.M., tate of HALLIE THESecs 4, 6, 9, 16, 17, ODORE S E A MAN, 20, 21, 22, and 28 in ¹975271

[ ] E llis W. Wilder, OSB¹ 124995 [ ] R o bert H akari,

Deceased, Case No.

13PB0067. NOTICE TO INT E RESTED PERSONS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undersigned has been appointed

personal representative for the Estate of Erick Becker. All persons having claims against the estate are required to p r esent them, with vouchers

T 17S, R 12E,

W M.

and of up to 0.263 cfs for industrial use in Secs 29, T17S, R12E, W M from the Deschutes River in Sec 1 4,

T 1 5 S , R12 E ,

W.M. and Secs 20 and 29, T17S, R12E, W.M. The a pplicant proposes to create an instream use in the Deschutes River from the points of d iverattached, to the unsion to Lake Billy Chidersigned a d minis- nook at a maximum of trator at 747 SW Mill 2 .371 CFS, and t o View Way, Bend, Orestablish m i t igation egon 97702, w ithin c redits in t h e D e s four months after the chutes Groundwater date of first publica- Study Area. The aption of this notice, or plicant has also subt he claims may b e mitted an affidavit to barred. All p ersons cancel a portion of whose rights may be Certificate 7 7 4 1 45. affected by the pro- The Wa t e r Receedings may obtain sources Department

Legal Notices •

Legal Notices

proposes to approve the transfer, based on the requirements of ORS Chapter 5 40, OAR 6 9 0 -380-5000 and OAR 6 90-077-0075. T h e Department has also c oncluded that t h e proposed transfer appears to result in mitigation credits pursuant to OAR

CHISHOLM; RANCHO VISTA PARTN ERSHIP, an O r egon limited liability c ompany; THO MAS W. CUTSFORTH, Trustee of the Rodney J. Koch Irrevok-

Any person may file, jointly or severally, a protest or s t anding statement within 30 days after the l a st date o f n e wspaper publication of this not ice, O c t ober 3 1 , 2013, or publication of notice in t he Department's weekly notice, whichever is l ater. Cal l (5 0 3 )

CORPORATION, formerly an Oregon domestic Corporation, HOME F E DERAL B A NK , a state of Idaho Corporation registered with the State of Oregon as a foreign corporation and ALL OTHER PERSONS

issue a f i nal o rder c onsistent with t h e preliminary d etermination. LEGAL NOTICE The Spring R iver Special Road District (near Sunriver) is accepting bids for snow plowing of approx. 2.2 miles of roads f or the 2013-14 winter season. Bids must be received by 11/5/13. For more info. contact Carl Jansen at

KNOWN AS Fossil Heights Addition to the City of Fossil: Lots 1 t h rough 4, Lots 6 through 13 and Lots 15 through 19, according to the plat duly recorded in the Wheeler County: you are hereby required to a p pear and defend the action filed against you in th e a b o ve-entitled cause within 30 days from the date of service of this Summons upon you; and if you fail to appear and defend, f or want thereof, the Plaintiff w ill apply t o t h e court for the relief demanded therein. Dated and first published October 10, 2013. By: PAUL F. SUMNER, Attorney f or Plaintiff, O S B ¹ 780913 Tele-

690-521-0300 & OAR 690-521-0400.

able (sic) Trust; COMMUNITY

F IRST BANK, a n assumed business name of the administratively dissolved PRINEVILLE BAN-



C L A I M-

o b t a in ING ANY R IGHT, additional information T ITLE, LIEN, O R or a protest form. If INTEREST IN THE no protests are filed, REAL PROPERTY the Department will COMMO N LY 986-0807 t o


LEGAL NOTICE This is an action for Judicial For e closure of real property comm o nly known a s F o s s il Heights Addition to the City of Fossil: Lots 1 t hrough 4, Lots 6 through 13 and Lots 15 through 19, according to the plat duly recorded in the Wheeler County, Oregon Clerk's off ice with a l l r e a l property being situated i n Wh e eler County, Oregon. A motion or a n swer must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of first publ i cation s pecified her e i n along with the required filing fee. IN T HE CIRC U I T C OURT O F T H E S TATE O F OR E GON FOR T H E COUNTY OF W HEELER, C a s e No. 13- 0 0 10CC SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION AS TO THE CITY OF FOSSIL, OREGON, a municipal subdivision of the State of Oregon, Plaintiff vs KEVIN W A RNER; GOFF CHISHOLM; R ANCHO V I S T A PARTNERSHIP, an Oregon limited ability com pany; THOMAS W. CUTSFORTH, Trustee of the Rodney J. Koch Irrevok-


(sic) Trust;

COMMUNITY F IRST BANK, a n assumed business

name of the administratively dissolved PRINEVILLE BANCORPORATION, formerly an Oregon domestic Corporation, HOME F EDERAL B A NK , a state of Idaho Corporation registered with the State of Oregon as a f oreign corporation; Defendants. TO DEFENDANTS KEV I N WARNER; GEOFF





475-7277 Facsimile: (541 ) 47 5 - 2857. N OTICE TO D E FENDANT/DEFENDANTS REA D C AREFULLY Y o u must "appear" in t his case o r t h e other side will win a utomatically. T o "appear" you must file with the court a

legal paper called a "motion" or "answer". The "mot ion" o r "answer" must be given to the c ourt clerk or a dministrator within 30

days (or 60 days for Defendant U n ited States or State of Oregon Department

of Revenue) along with th e r e quired filing fee It must be in proper form and have proof of service on the plaintiff's a ttorney or, if t h e p laintiff does n o t have an a ttorney, proof of service on the plaintiff. If you

have questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Ref e rral S ervice online a t www.oregonstatebar.org or by calling (503) 684-3763 (in the Portland metropolitan area) or toll free elsewhere in Oregon at ( 8 0 0) 452-7636.


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