Bulletin Daily Paper 02-25-13

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MONDAY February 25, 2013

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bendbulletin.com TODAY'S READERBOARD

en as on ire sae

Are yousensitive? — Film violence affects some

of us more than others.A3

Eli and Everest —A local dad and son are training for a purposeful Himalayan trek.AS

'Cannibal Cop' —I awyer insists the talk of abducting,

cooking andeatingwomen was just online fantasy.AS NOSler —After 2t/s years, the

By Hillary Borrud

Bend bullet factory's explosion is cleaned up.A5

The Bulletin

ln world news —pope Benedict XVI's final prayer.A2

And Webexclusives• Benedict has carved a new path for his successors who

FC '


n l'

decide they cannot rule for life.

• Five myths on picking a pope. bendbulletin.com/extras


Stage set for war on sequester By Zachary A. Goldfarb and Paul Kane The Washington Post

WASHINGTON — The White House on Sunday detailed how deep spending cuts set to begin Friday would affect programs across the nation, as President Barack Obama launched a last-ditch effort to pressure Republicans to compromise on a way to stop across-the-board cuts. But while Republicans and Democrats were set to introduce legislative proposals this week to avert the start of the spending cuts, known as the sequester, neither side expected the measures to pass Congress. Lawmakers instead expected more political jostling ahead of another budget showdown in late March, which could determine whether the $85 billion in cuts to domestic and defense spending stick. See Spending/A4

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The Bulletin An lndependent Newspaper

Vol. 110,No. 56, 22 pages, 3 sections

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Photos by Rob Kerr i The Bulletin

o matter the question, a hot soak is often the answer. Tired from skiing? Hit the hot tub. Just plain cold out? Same. Hot tubs, both private and public, are popular here, and the soaking pool at McMenamins Old St. Francis School offers a place for and locals alike to soak up some of the best of Bend. NThistourists warmed saltwater pool is uniquely ethereal, with an openroof that allows starlight views on clear nights, and raindrops or evensnow to fall inside if the weather's downcast.

If you go, take $5and anID.

If you went shopping, worked out or grabbed a bite to eat in Bend recently, there is a good chance that business has notbeen inspected forfire safetyin a couple ofyears. According to data provided by the Bend Fire Department, inspectors completed half as many fire safety inspections in 2012 as they did in 2008, down from more than 3,500 to approximately 1,700. Fortyfour small businesses and other buildings in Bend have not had fire safety inspections since2008, according to Fire Department data. The decline is not a surprise to fire officials. Fire inspectors in Bend are pulling double duty these days, responding to fire alarms and certain other calls, as well as checkingbuildings for fire safety. The change began in 2008, when the recession forced cutbacks in the Fire Department and other areas of city government. In an effort to take pressure off firefighters and ensure they are available to respond to major fires, the department starting sending inspectors to handle certain calls. Now the department has started to analyze fire incident information against inspection records to determine whether the problems that contributed to a fire might have been prevented through more frequent inspections. See Fire/A4

A stinky gas may oneday prolong life By Natasha Khan Btoomberg News

HONG KONG — In the hunt for ways to extend life, scientists are turning to an unlikely source: the gas that gives rotten eggs their distinctive foul smell. Hydrogen sulfide — maligned for its toxic and explosive properties — may slow ag-

ingand block damaging chemical reactions in cells, according to scientists in China who reviewedstudieson the ga sand its effects on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Hydrogen sulfide activates a gene implicated in longevity in a similar way to resveratrol, an antioxidant in red wine that GlaxoSmithKline tried unsuccessfully to turn into a drug, scientists found. Unlike resveratrol, hydrogen sulfide is made by the body. Pills that boost levels ofthe compound may one

day prolong life while tapping into a dietary supplement market that's worth $28billion a year in the United States alone. "Everyone alwaysthought of hydrogen sulfide as the bad guy — an environmental pollutant, a toxin," said Matt Whiteman,associateprofessor of experimental therapeutics at England's University of Exeter. See Aging/A4



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ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool...........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black ..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337


Karzai orders U.S.forces out of key Afghan province Sunday, while the country's intelligence agency said it preThe Washington Post vented a similar strike in the KABUL — A f ghan Presi- capital's diplomatic enclave. dent Hamid Karzai on Sunday F our members of the A f ordered all U.S. Special Oper- ghan security forces and one ations Forces to leave a strate- civilian were reported killed gically important province in in the attacks. two weeks, alleging that they The U.S.-led coalition in Afhave been involved in the tor- ghanistan said in a statement ture and murder of "innocent that it takes abuse allegations people." seriously, adding, "This is an A presidential office state- important issue that we must ment that followed a meeting d iscuss wit h o u r A fg h a n of A f g hanistan's N a tional counterparts." S ecurity C ouncil a l s o d e Karzai's blunt s t atement manded an i mmediate halt did not provide specific evito special forces activity in dence or mention any judicial Wardak province west of Ka- determinations. "After a thorough discusbul, a hub counterinsurgency operations. sion, it b e came clear t h at The action c o mes a f ter armed individuals named as Karzai last week banned his U.S. special forces stationed forces from calling in NATO in Wardak province engage in airstrikes in populated areas, harassing, annoying, torturing citing civilian casualties. The and even murdering innocent announcement also is playing people," the statement said. "A recent example in the out as the White House and NATO leaders ponder their p rovince is a n i n c ident i n t roop commitments t o A f - which nine people were disghanistan after the coalition appeared in an operation by finishes its combat mission this suspicious force," it said. here at the end of 2014. In a separate incident, "a stuIn some of the latest fight- dent was taken away at night ing, Taliban suicide bombers from his home," it said, and his targetedAfghan securityforc- "tortured body with throat cut es in three separate attacks was found two days later un-

der a bridge." The statement noted, however, that "Americans reject having conducted any such operation and any i n volvement of their special force." At a news conference, Karzai spokesman Amal F aizi sought to clarify the statement, saying the abuse allegations were connected to Afghans working "within these Special

Forces groups." "Those Afghans in t h ese armed groups who are working with the U.S. Special Forces, the defense minister asked for an explanation of who they are," Faizi said. "Those individuals should be handed over to the Afghan side so that we can further investigate." U.S. Special O p erations Forces are partnered in some parts of the country with the Afghan Local Police, but it was not immediately clear which Afghan units were involved in the alleged incidents. Although such b ombings have long been a tactic of militants, the gradual withdrawal of U.S. and NATO troops and mild winter weather have allowed insurgents to be more active in various parts of Afghanistan than in past years.







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Ramney iS daok —Almost four months after his presidential election defeat, Mitt Romney is planning a return to the national political stage. The 2012 Republican nominee is scheduled to appear, with

his wife, Ann, on "FoxNewsSunday" next weekend. It will be his first televised interview since the November election. Romney also plans to speak next month at the Conservative Political Action Conference,

a high-profile forum for conservative politicians.

Raul CaStrO term —Raul Castro announced Sundaythat he will step down asCuba's president in 2018 following a final five-year term, for the first time putting a date on the end of the Castro era. He tapped rising star Miguel Diaz-Canel as his top lieutenant and first in

the line of succession. The81-year-old Castro also said hehopes to establish two-term limits and age caps for political offices including

the presidency — anastonishing prospect for a nation led by Castro or his older brother Fidel since their1959 revolution. BP Oii SPill —With a major civil trial scheduled to start Monday in New Orleansagainst BPover the explosion of an offshore drilling rig in 2010, federal officials and those from the five affected Gulf Coast states are trying to strike an11th-hour settlement to settle the case.

A lawyer briefed on those talks said that the Justice Department and the five states have reportedly prepared an offer to resolve the two biggest issues central to a series of trials against BP.

NOrth KOrea threat —North Korea warned the top U.S.military commander in South Korea on Saturday that if the United States

and South Korean militaries planned to start joint war gamesearly next month. The allies regularly conduct such joint military drills, and whenever they happen, North Korea threatens to deliver a devastating

like a mirage. When the official numbers are completed Thursday, NBC will finish this sweep month not only far behind its regular

c. ~

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Riccardo De Luca/The Associated Press

Catholic faithful hold up a banner with pictures of Pope Benedict XVI

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and writing reading in Italian "Thankyou" as theyattend Benedict's last Angelus prayer Sunday in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican. Benedict XVI gave his pontificate's final Sunday blessing from his

the crowd looked sad athis approaching departure. "On thecontrary, if

By mail outsideDeschutes County:Onemonth: $18

and broken ribs were likely the result of attempts to revive the detainee.

Univision. No broadcast network has ever before finished a television season sweep month in fifth place. — From wire reports

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did not conclusively determine thecause of death, but that the bruising

network competitors, but also well behind the Spanish-language

studio window to the cheers of tens of thousands of people packing St.

The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If yoo know ofan error in a story, call us at 54t-383-0358.

Israel's Shin Bet security service, citing an autopsy he said revealed bruising and two broken ribs. Israel's Health Ministry said the autopsy

NBC ratingS —With every passing week, the sudden blossoming of prime-time success that NBC experienced last fall is looking more

i IVAtL pApA

Health Anne Aurand......................541-383-0304 Heidi Hagemeier ................54t-617-7828


A senior Palestinian official alleged that Arafat Jaradatwastortured by

survived each previous time.

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estinian gas station attendant in Israeli custody stoked new West Bank clashes Sunday, along with Israeli fears of a third Palestinian uprising.

in the South, is the same as in the rest of the nation. The court will review — for the sixth time since passage in 1965 — Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, which mandates that federal authorities preapprove any changes in voting laws here and in eight other states and numerous jurisdictions with a history of discrimination. It has

- ii


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Palestinian death —The mysterious death of a 30-year-old Pal-

VOting RightS ACt —The SupremeCourt will consider Wednesday whether the guarantee of equality in Alabama,and elsewhere

GO! Magazine Ben Salmon........................541-383-0377 News EditorJanJordan....54t-383-0315 PhotosDeanGuernsey......541-383-0366 SportsBill Bigelow.............541-383-0359

Family/Aging Mac McLean...................... Features/FineArls David Jasper......................54t-383-0349

hydroelectric dam, amajor oil field and two army basesalong the road

blow to U.S. andSouth Korean troops.

JulieJohnson.....................541-383-0308 EditorialsRichard Coe......541-383-0353 Family, AtHome Alandra Johnson................541-617-7860


another setback for President Bashar Assad. In recent weeks, his regime has lost control of key infrastructure in the northeast including a

uled to begin next month, it could set off a war in which U.S. forces would "meet a miserable destruction." The warning came as the U.S.

HumanResources Traci Donaca ......................

BendHillary Borrod ...........54t-617-7829

If rebels capture thecomplex onthe outskirts of Aleppo, it would mark

pressed aheadwith joint military exercises with South Korea sched-


Business ...................,........541-383-0360 City Desk Joseph Ditzler.....541-383-0367 CommunityLife, Health

the northern city of Aleppo on Sunday, while the government hit back with airstrikes to try to protect the strategic installation, activists said.

linking Aleppo with the airport to its east. By Richard Leiby and Sayed Salahuddin

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Syfian mdelS —Rebels backedbycaptured tanks launched afresh offensive on agovernment complex housing a police academy near

Peter's Square, but sought to reassure the faithful. "But this doesn't mean abandoning the church," he said, as many in God asks me, this is because I can continue to serve it (the church) with the same dedication and the same love which I have tried to do so until

now, but in a waymore suitable to myageand to my strength." The 85-year-old Benedict is stepping down Thursday evening, the first

pope to do so in 600years, after saying he no longer has the mental or physical strength to vigorously lead theworld's1.2 billion Catholics.

U.S., China onbrink

of a cyber-coldwar By David E. Sanger New York Times News Service

W ASHINGTON — W h e n the Obama administration circulated to the nation's Internet providers last week a lengthy confidential list of computer addresses linked to a hacking group that has stolen terabytes of data from U.S. corporations, it left out one crucial fact: Nearly every one of the digital addressescould be traced to the neighborhood in Shanghai that is headquarters to the Chinese military's cybercommand. That d eliberate omission underscored the h eightened sensitivities inside the Obama administration over just how directly to confront China's untested new leadership over the hacking issue, as the administration escalates demands that China halt the state-sponsored attacks that Beijing insists it is not mounting. Administration officials say they are now more willing than before to call out the Chinese directly — as Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. did last week in announcing a new strategy to combat theft of intellectual

property. But President Barack Obama avoided mentioning China by name — or Russia or Iran, the other two countries the president worries most about — when he declared in his State of the Union address that "we know foreign countriesand companies swipe our corporate secrets." He added: "Now our enemies are also seeking the ability to sabotage our power grid, our financial institutions and our air traffic control systems." Defining "enemies" in this case is not always an easy task. China is not an outright foe of the United States, the way the Soviet Union once was; rather, China is both an e conomic competitor and a crucial supplier and customer. The two countriestraded $425 billion in goods last year, and China remains, despite many diplomatic tensions, a critical financier of American debt. As Hillary Rodham Clinton put it to Australia's prime minister in 2009 on her way to visit China forthe firsttim e assecretary of state, "How do you deal toughly with your banker'?"

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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day

It's Monday, Feb. 25, the 56th day of 2013. There are 309 days left in the year.

CULTURE HAPPENINGS Oil SPill — Barring a lastminute settlement, major civil trial is scheduled to start in New Orleans against BP over

damages related to the explosion of an offshore drilling rig in 2010. A2

'Cannidal COP' —Opening statements begin in a federal

court case of anNYPDpatrolman charged with conspiring to kidnap a woman. AS


im an vioence is o en aninense sensiivesLi ec It may be ubiquitous in popular entertainment, but that doesn't mean everyone's OK with it. Some have been victims of violence themselves, others have brains that are wired to make them react more strongly

By Rebecca Keegan

cent offerings such as the horror film "Texas Chainsaw 3D," in which a man is dragged into a meat grinder or the Sylvester Stallone action film "Bullet to the Head," in which a bullet speedstoward the audience in the opening credits. "As a society we've gotten habituated to special effects, 3-D — the filmmakers are trying everything possible to help us forget this is a film," Pluess said. "For people who are more affected by what they can see, they might struggle to realize they are not part of the film." Pluess does see a potential upside for the sensitive among us. He r e cently c onducted a pilot experiment in which he showed two film clips to

Los Angeles Times

Highlight: In1913, the 16th Amendment to the U.S. Con-

stitution, giving Congress the power to levy and collect

income taxes, was declared in effect by Secretary of State Philander Chase Knox. In1836, inventor Samuel Colt patented his revolver. In 1862, Nashville, Tenn., became the first Confederate

state capital to be occupied by the North during the Civil War. In1901, United States Steel

Corp. was incorporated by J.P. Morgan. In1913, character actor Jim

Backus, who played Thurston Howell III on "Gilligan's Island" and voiced the cartoon

character Mr. Magoo, was born in Cleveland. In1922, French serial killer Henri Landru, convicted of

murdering 10 womenand the son of one of them, was

executed in Versailles (vehrSY'). In1943, Allied troops reoccu-

pied the Kasserine Passafter clashing with German troops during World War II. In1950, "Your Show of

Shows," starring Sid Caesar, Imogene Coca, Carl Reiner and Howard Morris, debuted on NBC-TV. In1963, the U.S. Supreme Court, in Edwards v. South Carolina, upheld 8-1 the right of civil rights demonstrators to

peacefully protest outside the South Carolina State House. In 1973,the Stephen Sondheim musical "A Little Night

Music" opened at Broadway's Shubert Theater.

In1983, playwright Tennessee Williams was found dead in his New York hotel suite; he was 71. In 1986, President Ferdinand Marcos fled the Philippines after 20 years of rule in the wake of a tainted election;

Corazon Aquino assumed the presidency. In1991, during the Persian Gulf War, 28 Americans were

killed when an Iraqi Scud missile hit a U.S. barracks in Dhahran, Saudi Arabia.

Ten years ago: Chief U.N. weapons inspector HansBlix said lraq was showing new signs of real cooperation, but President George W.Bush was dismissive, predicting Saddam Hussein would try to "fool the

world one more time." Five years ago: An Associated Press photograph of Democratic presidential can-

didate Barack Obamawearing traditional local garb during a 2006 visit to Kenya began circulating on the lnternet.

One year ago: A gunman killed two American military advisers with shots to the back of the head inside Af-

ghanistan's heavily guarded Interior Ministry as protests raged for a fifth day over the

burning of Qurans at a U.S. army base.

BIRTHDAYS CBS newsman Bob Schieffer is 76. Actress Diane Baker is

75. Humorist Jack Handeyis 64. Movie director Neil Jordan is 63. Actress Veronica Webb

is 48. Actress TeaLeoni is 47. Comedian Carrot Top is 46.

Actress Lesley Boone is45. Actor Sean Astin is 42. Latin singer Julio Iglesias Jr. is 40.

Comedian-actress Chelsea Handler is 38. Actress Rashida Jones is 37. Actor Justin Berfield is 27. Actors James

and Oliver Phelps ("Harry Potter" movies) are 27. — From wire reports

By Eryn Brown Los Angeles Times

to what they see. And we can thank evolution for a fear response designed to help keep us alive. HISTORY

NASA finds smallest

Years after she first saw "The Passion of the Christ," Lori Pearson still feels queasy when she recalls the brutally graphic movie about the final hours of Jesus' life. "After I left the theater I re-

member feeling physically uncomfortable," said Pearson, a Dublin, Ohio, mother of two teenagers who writes movie reviews for the website Kids in Mind. "It was gruesome torture sequenceafter gruesome torture sequence. That kind of thing has a tendency to stay with me." Pearson and her husband, Aris Christofides, started writ-

AMC via The Washington Post

Fifteen to 20 percent of people are "highly sensitive" to film and TV violence, according to San Francisco psychologist Elaine Aron. Yet violent productions like "The Walking Dead" remain hugely popular, giving Hollywood little incentive to tone things down.

ing highly descriptive online reviews in 1992 to help parents navigate the sometimes confusing nature of movie ratings, but over the years their audience has evolved to include an unexpected group: adults looking to avoid certain types of screen violence themselves. "We get a lot of email from women who've been victims of sexual violence and don't want to see those kinds of scenes," Pearson said. "We get email from people who've been in a car accident and don't want to see a movie with a car accident. And a lot of people just can't tolerate torture — includ-

ing me." Amid the heated public debate over whether violent entertainmentcauses or encourages aggressivebehavior, it's easy to overlook members of the audience who are quietly but profoundly affected by scenes of murder and mutilation in movies and television — the ones who go home and pull their covers over their heads or go out of their way to avoid such fare entirely. A lthough i t ' s n o t o f t e n discussed, some people are more sensitive to screen violence than others, both for reasons of physiology and life experience. In a world where increasingly grisly entertainment is delivered on bigger screens, with more realistic visual effects and in the sometimes assaulting detail of high definition and 3-D, those with more delicate sensibilities may feel under siege. And with violent movies such as "The Dark Knight Rises" and "The Hunger Games" among last year's h ighest grossers and p r o grams like "Criminal Minds" and "Th e W a l k ing D e ad" scoring some of TV's highest ratings, Hollywood has little incentive to cater to them. San Francisco psychologist Elaine Aron estimates that 15 to 20 percent of people are "highly sensitive," a group she identified in the 1990s and published research on in medical journals such as Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience and the Journal of Analytical Psychology. Along with being more affectedby noises and smells, these same people tend to react more strongly to violent imagery. "Sensitive people have more active mirror neurons," Aron s aid, describing a t y p e o f nerve cell that neuroscientists have only recently begun to research. "These are the parts of the brain where if you see somebody kick a ball, you feel as though you're kicking the ball yourself. Then there are other parts of the brain that tell you, 'No, it's not you.' But the experience of empathy still happens, and for some people, it's very intense." Sensitive viewers don't just react while sitting in a movie theater — with a quickening of the pulseand a surge of stress hormones — but long after, of-

a group of 90 people — one ten experiencing nightmares or feeling uncomfortable in situations that remind them of the scene. A nyone w h o h a s e v e r thought of "Jaws" while wading in the ocean or "Psycho" while taking a shower can relate to th e i n delibility of certain filmed images. But for some peoplethe pictures pose real and lasting problems. After seeing the 1967 Audrey Hepburn thriller "Wait Until Dark," Joanne Cantor couldn't sleep for days. Cantor, an expert on the psychological effectsof media and a professor emeritus at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, was in her 20s and had just moved to Paris. Like Hepburn's character, who is blind and being pursued by criminals, she was a vulnerable young woman in an unfamiliar setting. Repercussions from media violence, as C antor f ound, are more acute when we're

young. Imagery we see when we're younger than 13 leaves a particularly lasting imprint, she said, and children under 5 are almost completely unable to differentiate fiction from reality. In surveys of 530 of Cantor's undergraduate students, 86 percent reported having some fright symptoms after viewing certain kinds of m edia when they were under age 13. Some said they couldn't sleep for days, while others reported

ongoing discomfort around normally nonthreatening objects or beings, such as clowns or animals. "Our brains are made to respond negatively to depictions of violence," said Cantor, who also wrote the book "Mommy, I'm Scared." " The fear r esponse is designed to keep us alive. Some people say, 'Why am I such a b aby? What's wrong with me? This gives me nightmares, but this is what m y boyfriend wants me t o watch.' I tell them, 'You're human, there's nothing wrong with you.' Our brains evolved to respond this way before there were movies." Some of what determines whether an audience enjoys a violent movie is in the genes, but some of it is in personal h istories, according t o M i chael Pluess, a psychologist at the Institute of Psychiatry at King's College in London who studies why some people are more influenced by their environment than others. " If someone has a v e r y strong reaction t o s p ecific things they see, it might be that it reminds them of a trauma," Pluess said. "It might be more than sensitivity, it might be a fear response — a blood

was a humorous scene from the romantic comedy "When Harry Met Sally," the other a scene in which a character died in the boxing drama "The Champ." After watching the clips, the group had to rate their feelings. Some were unaffected, some

deeply so. The people who had the strongest negative response to "The Champ" were often the same ones who had the strongest positive response to "When Harry Met Sally." "It's not just that some people are more affected by violence —those same people enjoy more the benefit of a film," Pluess said. "When there's a romantic moment or a funny moment, they feel it more too."

LOS ANGELES — NASA scientists have d iscovered a far a w a y planet that's smaller than Mercury — far tinier than they expected they could find when they launched the Kepler space telescope nearly four years ago. The hot, r ocky w o r ld orbits a sun-like star that's about 210 light-years from Earth. A stronomers ar e excited about it because it's smaller than any planet in our solarsystem, said astrophysicist Thomas Barclay of NASA's Ames Research Center in Mountain View, Calif. " This i s t h e smallest exoplanet that's ever been found," said Barclay, lead author of a report on the discovery in t h e j o urnal Nature. "We're breaking new ground here." From itsperch in space, the Kepler telescope trains its lenses on more than 150,000 stars in the Milky Way and searches for the t elltale fluctuations in a star's light caused by aplanet's passing orbit. A primary goal of the mission is to look for Earth-like worlds that orbit within their stars' "habitable zones" — planets that might be able to maintain liquid water on their surfaces and, perhaps, sustain life.


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phobia, a dog phobia." For those who do feel the reverberations of media violence more thoroughly, these can be trying times to go to the movies, Pluess said. Consider re-







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Fire Continued from A1 Fire Marshal and Deputy Chief Larry Medina said anecdotal evidence from some fires suggests that problems identified in earlier fire safety inspections were never fixed. However, Medina said, the Fire Department must gather and analyze data before he will know whether there is a connection. "Annual inspections are theoretically the goal, but what's the risk we're running if we don't get an annual inspection?" Medina sa>d. More than seven years have passed since anyone in Bend died in a fire. In 2005, two people died in a fire at the Chalet Hotel on southeast Third Street. The couple had been staying in a room that authorities said was not equipped with a working smoke detector, as required by state law. The pair died of smoke inhalation, according to the state medical examiner. The Fire Department had not inspected the Chalet Hotel since at least 2000. When fire officials inspected the 23-room hotel after the fire, they found six other rooms without working smoke alarms. The Fire Deparhnent began to inspect hotels and motels annually after the Chalet Hotel fire. It also inspects schools, institutional buildings such as hospitals and certain other facilities annually, Medina said. State law requires the Office of the State Fire Marshal to inspect many of these buildings, but Medina said the state is also short of resources. Plus, local fire departments prefer to conduct investigations on behalfof the state because local firefighters respond to and potentially enter those buildings, Medina said. "We respond to these buildings in an emergency, so it's in our best interest to maintain them," Medina said. Aside from state laws that requireinspections of certaintypes of buildings, no legal requirement states fire departments must inspect buildings on a certain schedule, Medina wrote in

Fire inspections completed As the BendFire Department coped with budget cuts in recent years, fire inspectors began to respond to fire alarms andshare other work previously done only by firefighters. This resulted in

fewer routine fire inspections in the city of Bend. TheFire Department still inspects certain facilities, such as hospitals, hotels and schools, on an annual basis. Other buildings, including

a private club and indoor sports facility, have not gonethrough comprehensive fire inspections in more than four years. 4,000

3,565 3,201 3,016


2,649 2,415

2,644 2,260


1,720 1,020 952 840


2000 '01 '02 '03 '04 '05 '06 '07 '08 '09 '10 '11 '12 Source: City of Bend

Greg Cross/The Bulletin



Rob Kerr/The Bulletin

Bend Deputy Fire Marshall Dan Derlacki looks at the alignment of fire doors while inspecting the Summit Assisted Living Facility In Bend on Tuesday. Maintenance director Bob Roderick, left, and administrator Lynn Smith, right, take note. an email. Instead, the Bend Fire Department bases its inspection schedule on "priorities and the risks associated with occupancy hazard."Examples of riskfactors include how many people are typically in abuilding, the time of


allow the cuts to go forward instead ofagreeing to reduce Continued from A1 the deficit by scaling back tax Republicans que s tioned breaks for corporations and the whetherthe sequester would be wealthy. "It's important to understand as harmful as the White House predicted and worked on a why the sequester is going to go proposal thatcould preserve into effect," said Dan Pfeiffer, an the cuts while giving the ad- Obama senior adviser. "The Reministration more discretion to publicans are making a policy choose howto implement them. choice that these cuts are better Democrats worried they might for the economy than eliminatbe forced to accept the cuts if ing loopholes that benefit the the public outcry is not loud wealthy. The American people enough in coming weeks. overwhelmingly disagree with S eeking t o r a i s e a l a r m that choice," he added. "But in among a public that has not a constitutional government paid much attention to the is- where Republicans control the sue, the White House on Sun- House, if they want to force that day released 51 fact sheets choiceon the American people, describing what would happen they have the right to do that." over the next seven months if Republicans have rejected the cuts go into effect. the idea of increasing taxes on The sequester — worth $1.2 Americans aftermorethan$600 trillion over 10 years — effec- billion inhikes were approved in tively orders the administra- January. And on Sunday, some tion to make across-the-board, accused the administration of indiscriminate cuts to agency exaggerating the danger of alprograms, sparing only some lowing the cuts to begin. mandatory programs such as Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., Medicaid and food stamps. It is said the administration could the result of a 2011 deal forged manage the cuts — only a small by the White House and Con- fraction of the federal budget gress to reduce federal borrow- — without them interfering too ing. It was intended as a draco- much with people's lives. "There are easy ways to cut nian measure so blunt that it would force lawmakers to find this money that the American alternative means of reducing people will never feel," he said the budget deficit. But while Re- on "Fox News Sunday." publicans and Democrats have Republican c o n gressional suggested how to do so, no plan aides noted that the House last has cleared Congress. year passed bills to replace the On Sunday, White House sequester with other, less-inofficials painted an ominous discriminate cuts. "The White picture of cuts affecting a wide H ouse needstospend less time range ofgovernment services explaining to the press how bad if the sequester takes effect the sequester will be and more — and spotlighted the impact in time actually working to stop states that are politically impor- it," said Michael Steel, a Boehtant to Republicans. ner spokesman. Obama's aides said t h ey While there's little hope of would seek to make clear that avoiding the sequester this Republicans are choosing to week, there will be plenty of

day they are there, whether hazardous materials are stored there and whether the occupants are consuming alcohol. Bend Fire Chief Larry Huhn said hepredicted the decrease in inspections, during presenta-

political maneuvering. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., are expected by W ednesday to hold votes on dueling pieces of legislation to avert it. The Democratic plan would delay the sequester until January, replacing across-the-board cuts with a mix of $110 billion worth of new tax revenue and more-narrowly tailored spending cuts. It includes $54 billion in revenue by ensuring that most millionaires pay at least 30 percent of their income to the Internal Revenue Service. The GOP plan is still being crafted. Officials said Sunday it mightleavethe sequesterinplace but allow flexibility for agency leaders in making the cuts. "Rather than issuing lastminute press releases on cuts to first responders or troop training or airport security, Obama should propose smarter ways to cut Washington spending," McConnell said. Both sides, however, have acknowledged that neither offer is designed to win passage and is instead meant to frame the debate in the coming weeks over how they want their rank and file to defend their position back home. The symbolic votes will be taken as Congress is rapidly shifting focus to a new deadline that will serve as the last stand onthe sequester:March 27. That is when the stopgap bill for federal funding expires — and without a new one, the government will shut down.

Some House Republicans are considering extending government funding through the remainder of the fiscal year — Sept. 30 — at the low levels imposed bythe sequester. Another option pursued by GOP lawmakers would attach a more detailed spending outline for the Defense Department so the cuts would have less of an impact on national security. Once the House passes a funding resolution, perhaps by early March, the Senate is expected to sit on it for several weeks as the cuts imposed by the sequester begin to play out. If there's a public outcry, Democrats wouldrenew their push toreplace the across-theboard cuts and pass a different government funding bill than the one passed by the House. Such a move would dare Republican House Speaker John Boehner to accept the new bill or risk shutting down the government. However, Democratic allies realize that there's a chance the sequester's effects wi ll not be felt by March 27 and the publicresponse could be muted. If that happens, the Democrats might agree to a proposal similar to th e Republican plan — keeping the sequester in place but giving the administration more flexibility to manage the cuts. If the sequester remains law past March27,people close to the process say, that is how it will probably remain, at least forthe restofthe fiscalyear.

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— Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrudC<bendbulletin.com


$ IQ~~~ Publishare Association •

tionstothe City Council in recent years. "But we didn't have a lot of choice," Huhn said."The impacts have been as predicted." Calls for fire services continued toincrease in recent years, while the Fire Department eliminated 10 employees through attrition in the last three years, Huhn has said previously. Huhn said he hopesthat as the economy improves, the city can begin to rebuild the Fire Department staff and some of the fire prevention staff can once again focuson inspections. Ken Willette, division manager for the Public Fire Protection Division of the National Fire Protection Association, said fire departments across the country face the same dilemma. "The economic impact of the recession and taxpayers being concerned about the investment they're making in municipal organizations is being felt in every state, in many, many departments," he said. The National Fire Protection Association is about to release a draft document with benchmarks for the minimum number offir e prevention staffnecessary to maintain safe buildings, based onthe size of the community and thetype of structures. Today there are usually sprinkler systems, fire alarms and other safeguards incommercial buildings, hospitals and multifamily housing. "By and large, there is a fire code that establishes minimum criteria for fire protection systems in the buildings," Willette said. "What gets missed is things like housekeeping, alterations to the facility that might have been done without a proper permit, the improper storage of combustibles ... Taking care of it could save a business from closing, from fire extending to other occupiedproperties and displacing residents, and using fire department resources to respond to the fire that could have been prevented." "Folks have to understand that's the tradeoff they're making," Willette said.


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Aging Continued from A1 Since the discovery that the gas is made in mammalian cells, "this research area has exploded," he said. John Rouse, professor of chromosome biology at S cotland's University o f Dundee, said "there is a lot of interest in understanding how we age and, as human beings, it's natural for us to question if we could prolong

life potentially by delaying aging." Hydrogen sulfide is a worthy target, said Rouse. Colorless and flammable, hydrogen sulfide was used briefly in warfare during the First World War as a chemical weapon. Over a certain threshold, it's toxic, Rouse said, "but below that, there are certain health benefits."

ter one of the mythical Greek fates who controlled the length of human life. Klotho is thought to extend lifespan via a number of different pathways, some of which promote production of the body's antioxidants, Jiang and colleagues said in their report. On the other hand, low levels of hydrogen sulfide are associated with h ig h b l ood pressure, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease, it sa>d. One of the main advantages of hydrogen sulfide may be its ability to activate the SIRTI enzyme, a so-called skinny gene that mimics the effect of caloric restriction, the University of Dundee's Rouse said. There is good evidence that limiting

food delays aging as the body generates fewer free radicals that cause wear and tear on the

body, he said. "There's mounting evidence Hydrogen sulfide appears to slow aging and aging- that hydrogen sulfide can counrelated diseases in at least three main ways, said Jiang Zhisheng and c olleagues at the University of South

teract free radicals," Rouse said, adding that people who suffer from inflammatory or autoimmune disease have long lauded China in Hengyang City, the benefits of bathing in volcaHunan, in a report slated for nic springs, a rich source of the publication next month in sulfurous gas. the journal Molecular and Glaxo was working on a Cellular Biology. The gas similar SIRT1 approach with helps counter cell-damag- resveratrol until 2010, when its ing free-radicals; encourag- experimental drug was shown es production of an enzyme not to provide sufficient benthought to be a regulator of efit to cancer patients and that lifespan; and interacts with it may damage kidneys. The a gene that appears to have London-based drugmaker beits own market basket of gan the research following its anti-aging activity. $720 million purchase of Sirtris " Data available so f a r Pharmaceuticals Inc. in 2008. strongly suggest that hydroSirtris c o -founder D a vid gen sulfide may become the Sinclair and colleagues tested next potent agent for pre- about 500,000molecules more venting and ameliorating than five years ago for their the symptoms of aging and ability to activate SIRTI, the age-associated diseases," Ji- enzyme credited with resveraang said, adding that people trol's ability to extend lifespan may one day take hydrogen by 30 to 70 percent in organsulfide-rich food or supple- isms from yeast and worms to ments to slow aging. flies and mice. The gas has a role for Hydrogen sulfide may prove regulating blood pressure, challenging as an anti-aging improving the flexibility of therapy as well. Progress is veins and arteries and pro- limited by the availability of ducing a smoother flow of tools and compounds that can blood, researchers f r om generate the gas in an approthe University of Exeter's priate manner, the University Peninsula Medical School of Exeter's Whiteman said. and King's College London Diets rich in onions, garlic said in study in the journal and other Allium plants are C irculation published i n loaded with p otential com2008. Whiteman and fel- pounds that can release or low University of E xeter generate hydrogen s u lfide, researchers showed the fol- Whiteman said. Still, there's lowing year that decreases no evidence yet that garlic's in the gas may contribute health benefits are derived to vascular complications in from hydrogen sulfide. "It could possibly, but there diabetics. "Precisely how hydrogen are a lot of other things in garsulfide does its business is lic as well," he said. "In the space of about 10 not clear, and that's also exciting," Whiteman said. "It's years,it's gone from there benow emerging that the body ing sessionsatconferences on actually produces hydrogen hydrogen sulfide to full-grown sulfideby specific enzymes conferences where only hyand, as more researchers drogen sulfide is talked about," become interested in this Whiteman said. "It's made a gas, we are finding changes massive leap." in hydrogen sulfide synthesis or changes in how hydrogen sulfide is used by the body." lES SCHNIB The gas appears to switch on klotho, a gene named af-















Sl I1S 0 Ofl

Clear, mild weather over Central Oregon The forecast in Central

Oregon is for clear and mild weather this week. In Bend, there is a slight

chance of rain andsnowthis morning, according to the National Weather Service website. Then the weather will likely be mostly sunny and windy, with wind around

16 mph andgusts as high as 31 mph. Winds are predicted to continue through Tues-

• Bullet factory clearof contamination from 2010blast By Dylan J. Darling The Bulletin

State environmental officials say a Bend bullet and ammunition manufacturer has cleaned up the site of a massive explosion in its factory 2'/~ years ago. The June 2010 Nosler blast leveled a corner of the Southwest Columbia Street

building and damaged the fire sprinkler system, causing it to run at full flow for about 1'/2 hours before being shut down, according to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. Subsequently, flooded parts of the building, as well as some ofthe property outside,were contaminated, said Cliff Walkey, a DEQ hy-

O S Bf C BBI1U drogeologist in Bend. "It was mainly lead related, as you might imagine from a bullet manufacturer," Walkey said. As the company rebuilt the factory, it also addressed the contamination, Walkey said. The factory was back to full operation about a year after the explosion and, he said, the company finished the cleanup last falL Earlier this month he issued a DEQ memo saying

Nosler had successfully cleaned up the lead. The cleanup included scrubbing drains and hauling lead-tainted soil to Knott Landfill. "We just want to do the right thing and be good community members," Nosler spokesman Zach Waterman wrote in an email. "We fully cooperated with DEQ and together, we achieved a positive result." SeeNosler /A6

day night, although at lower speeds. For most of the week,

daytime high temperatures are

in wa

expected to be in the 40s to mid-50s, with overnight lows in the 30s.

Prineville is expected to


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Sonand dad will climb for a cause

have similar weather, with

a chance of rain this morning, then sun andwind later in the day. For the rest of the week, the forecast is for dry weather with daytime high temperatures in the 40s and 50s, according to the National

Weather Service website. Overnight low temperatures are expected to be in the high 20s to low 30s.

Madras also has achance of rain this morning, followed


' •


By Megan Kehoe The Bulletin

by dry, windy weather. For most of the week, daytime

high temperatures are forecast to be in the 40s and 50s, with overnight lows in the high 20s to low 30s. — Bulletin staff I

Have astoryidea or submission? Contactus! t',,

The Bulletin


c. ~ M '




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Greg and Jan Gifford, left, their dog Rio, and Michael and Deanna Garrigan stand at the intersection of Northwest Riverside Boulevard and Tumalo Avenue, with Galveston Avenue in the background. The Giffords and Garrigans live nearby in the Old Bend neighborhood and do not want the city to change the intersection's current four-way stop.

• Road that borders Changesare comingto Riverside Boulevard will move ahead this summer with a $1 million project to install bike lanes from Franklin Avenue to Drake Parkwill be Bend Galveston Avenue and build other improvements for bicyclists and pedestrians. The city won a $650,000 competitive grant from the state to do the work. Oneaspect of the proposal has raised concerns for some in retooled, but not the community: a proposal to change or eliminate the stop signs at the intersection of Riverside Boulevard, without controversy TumaloAvenueandGalvestonAvenue. By Hillary Borrud

Drake park

The Bulletin

Submissions: • Letters and opinions: Mail:My Nickel's Worth or in My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR97708 Details on theEditorials page inside. Contact 541-383-0358, bulletin@bendbulletin.cem

• Civic Calendar notices: Email event information fo news@bendbulletin.com, with"Civic Calendar" in the subject, and includea contact name andphonenumber. Contact: 541-383-0354

• School news andnotes: Email news itemsand notices of general interest to news@bendbulletin.com. Email announcementsof teens' academicachievements to youth©bendbulletin.com. Email collegenotes, military graduations andreunion info to bulletin@bendbulletin.com. Contact: 541-383-0358

• Obituaries, Death Notices: Details on theObituaries page inside. Contact 541-617-7825, obits©bendbulletin.cem

• Community events: Email event information to communitylife©bend bulletin.cem or click on "Submit an Event"at www .bendbullefin.com. Allow atleast fo days beforethe desired date of publication. Details: Thecalendarappears inside this section. Contact: 541-383-0351


Rob Kerr i The Bulletin

A city of Bend project slated for construction this summer will change the look of Riverside Boulevard and make it easier for bicyclists to navigate the area. A $650,000 state grant will pay for a majority of the $1 million project, which will add bike lanes along Riverside Boulevard, as well as other improvements to help bicycles and pedestrians in the area. "It's a great project and I hope it creates momentum in Bend to improve infrastructure for bicyclists, pedestrians and all users," said Brian Potwin, the Safe Routes to School manager for Commute Options and a nationally certified bicycle instructor. "As a cycling advocate, I'm just hoping to increase the number of people who are walking and biking." However, not everyone is thrilled with the current plan for the project. The Old Bend Neighborhood Association sent a letter to the city outlining residents' concerns about planned changes to an intersection on Riverside Boulevard. SeeRiverside/A7


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A REDESIGNEDINTERSECTION The intersection of Riverside Boulevard


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would be modeled after a similar intersection at Riverside Boulevard,

Louisiana AvenueandCongress Street. The

G alvestpo ~ Ave,

four-way stop would be removed, and traffic traveling between Galveston Avenue and m»o/Ive. Riverside Boulevard would not have to stop.

g Tuma/o /Ive —Riverside Ave.

NEW BIKELANES The lanes of Riverside Boulevard wouldbe redesigned to include bike lanes with ample buffers. Lane typically 44 to 48 ft. I I

, '~ Parking ~i 8 ft.

;~Bike lane 5 ft. ~




'~ Traffic lane~ ~ 1 0 ft.

T r affic lane ~.' ; ~Bike~ 1 0 ft. lane 6 ft.




Source: City of Bend

Andy Zeigert i The Bulletin

In just a few short weeks, 15-year-old Eli Reimer hopes to accomplish something that few his age have accomplished. His goal: hike 70 miles over 15 days, climbing nearly 9,000 feet to the base camp of Mount Everest. But by the time Eli gets there, he will have done much more than conquer the steep and winding mountain trail. He'll have challenged other people's perceptions of what he's capable of. "Our main goal is to go beyond the expectations the world has for someone who's disabled," said Justin Reimer, Eli's father. "We want to show that they're like all of us; they're people of infinite worth who can do great things." Eli, a Bend High School sophomore, was born with Down syndrome. Eli will join his dad and seven other hikers on the trek to base camp. The Himalayan trek, which begins March 5, is a fundraiserforthe Reimer family's nonprofit, The Elisha Foundation. Reimer and his wife, Tamara Reimer, started the foundation in 2005, inspired by their family's personal experiences raising a child with Down syndrome. Recognizing a need for more disability support services in the community, the Bend-based foundation helps families with disabled childrenand offersretreat and education events. The organization also recently started organizing international aid trips. The Reimer family spent three summer months in 2012 in the Ukraine working through churches with disabled orphans and families with disabled children. The trip expanded the Reimers' horizons. So when Kevin Padgett, an old college friend of Justin Reimer's, suggested the foundation organize a trek through the Himalayas as a large-scale fundraiser, Reimer was immediately game. Padgett, based in southern California, had participated in similar fundraising trekking trips. See Everest/A7

TV show reports onRidgeview . .-'-.

• Births, engagements,

marriages, partnerships, anniversaries: Details: The Milestones page publishesSundayin Community Life. Contact: 541-383-0358

• Daily program keeps students informed while teaching burgeoningbroadcasters By Leslie Pugmire Hole The Bulletin

Creating a student news program was a challenge Keith Bleyer thought he was ready for,afteryears ofw orking in the television news industry. But the demands of creating a daily broadcast program with a team of news neophytes, along with a comple-

mentary video production class, has kept the first-year Ridgeview High teacher running. "I thought I left daily deadlines behind," says Bleyer with a sardonic smile. "But let me tell you, I have a newfound respectforteachersandthe art of lesson plans and time management."

"RavensReport" www.youtube.com/ ridgeviewravens

Vocational education is a big part of Ridgeview's focus; funding shortfalls prevented the school from starting a planned health occupations course of study, but a full television production lab and studio was opened this fall. SeeRidgeview/A7

Joe Kline/The Bulletin

From right, students Matt Solomon, Sam Earnest, Vaughn Robinson, teacher Keith Bleyer, and student Zac Tennant watch a rehearsal in the control room of the "Ravens Report" TV news show during a class recently at Ridgeview High School in Redmond.



E VENT TODAY CONVERSATIONS ONBOOKS AND CULTURE:Readand discuss "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness" by Michelle Alexander; followed by a discussion; free; noon-1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, CampusCenter,2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7412. CENTRAL OREGONSYMPHONY WINTER CONCERT: The Central Oregon Symphony performs a winter concert, under the direction of Michael Gesme; featuring Kate Hamilton; free but a ticket is required; 7:30 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-3173941,info©cosymphony.com or www.cosymphony.com.

TUESDAY HUNGER BANQUET:Learn about global hunger and poverty in an educational event sponsored by Oxfam America; free; noon-1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Wille Hall, 2600 N.W.CollegeWay, Bend; 541-383-7412.

Email events at least 10days before publication date to communitylifeibendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

AL E N D A R SULLIVANFUNDRAISER:A raffle and a silent auction, with fire pits and drinks; a portion of proceeds benefit the Sullivan Children Scholarship Fund; free admission; 5-7 p.m.; GoodLife Brewing Co., 70S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-728-0749. KNOW CLUE:HITCHCOCK — ANXIETY, SEXANDPEEPING TOMS:A screening of the PG-rated 1954 Alfred Hitchcockfilm, "Rear Window," with a presentation by Greg Lyons and adiscussion; free; 5:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-3121032 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. BEYONDFORESTHARDBALL: A panel discussion about the management and restoration of the Deschutes National Forest, titled "Can Enviros and Loggers GetAlong in the Deschutes?"; hosted by the Sierra Club; donations accepted; 7 p.m., 6:30 p.m.gathering;The Environmental Center, 16 N.W. Kansas Ave.,Bend;541-389-0785. HISTORY PUB:Learn about "Sagebrush Rebels in the Plundered Province: Anti-Federalism in the American West, 1970s-1990s"; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond


range caused the explosion June 2, 2010. The afternoon Continued from A5 explosion shook windows and None of the lead spread to sentdebris over several blocks. the Deschutes River or into None of about 100 employees groundwater, Walkey s a id. working that day in or near the Much of t h e c ontamination factory were injured, although was in underground shooting a 20-foot concrete wall crashed areasthe company uses to test down onto a parked car. "It was really a miracle no its bullets. The company has shooting rooms under the fac- one was killed," Walkey said. tory, where it tests bullets by After seeing the fire start, an firing them through 50-yard employee in the shooting range and 100-yard tubes. pulled a fire alarm, said Larry A fire in this underground Medina, deputy fire chief of


~ lI ~v~


Submitted photo

The Texas-based rock group The Preservation will perform Wednesday at The Horned Hand. St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com.

Community College, Boyle Education Center, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-383-7786 or http://www. cocc.edu/. DEBATINGFAIRLY:CIVILITY, WEDNESDAY DISAGREEMENTAND DEMOCRACY: THE HISTORYOF MOLE: IT'S NOT Southern Oregon University CHOCOLATE ONCHICKEN!:Spanish professors Daniel Morris and professor Robin Martinez discusses Prakesh Chenjeri discuss what it the famous and complicated Mexican means to be civil; free; 6:30 p.m.; dish of mole and its history; free; Central Oregon Community College, 5:30-6:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Wille Hall, 2600 N.W.College Way,

prevention for the Bend Fire Department. Medina said he was one of the firs tfirefightersto arrive at the factory and had just moved Nosler workers, who had evacuated the building and met about 30 yards outside, farther away from the factory when it exploded. "The damage was extensive," Medina said. The explosion was a lowspeed blast that toppled the corner of the factory, he said, but

didn't spread fire. The explosion also damaged the factory sprinkler system. Rather than risk reaching a shutoff valve inside the factory near the collapsed section, a public works crew shut off the flow of water using a nearby main. Medina said water gushed through the mangled portion of the factory for about 90 minutes. While f i r efighters k n ow that a fire involving smokeless gunpowder in the "50yard room" — a 15-by-20

Bend; 541-383-7412. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "The Swerve" by Stephen Greenblatt; free; 6:30 p.m.; Sisters Public Library,110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1074 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. "LEGALLYBLONDE: THE MUSICAL": The RedmondHigh Schooldrama department presents the musical about sorority girl Elle Woods, who enrolls at Harvard Law School to win back her ex-boyfriend; $10-$15; 7 p.m.;Redmond High School,675 S.W. Rimrock Way; 541-923-4800 or www.redmond.k12.or.us/rhs/site/ default.asp. STORIESFROM THE FIELD: OREGONFIELDGUIDE: Former producer Jeff Douglas shares experiences and stories about Oregon Field Guide, presented by the Deschutes Land Trust; registration requested; free, ticket required; 78:30 p.m.; Century Center, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-330-0017 or www.deschuteslandtrust.org. THE PRESERVATION: TheTexasbased rock act performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand,507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www. facebook.com/thehornedhand.

J-RAS:The California-based hiphop artist performs, with Marko and MC Mystic; free; 9 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W.Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116. METHODMAN:The hip-hop artist performs, with Serge Severe, Doc8 Wyatt and Mike Fish; $27 plus fees in advance,$30 atthedoor;9 p.m., doorsopen at8 p.m .;Dom ino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541788-2989 or www.randompresents. com.

room about 10 feet underground where rifles were set on a stand to be fired into 50yard-long tube — led to the explosion, they weren't able to determine what c aused

the fire. "We had nothing to support a definite answer," Medina sa>d.

THURSDAY FASHIONSHOW FUNDRAISER: The Back Porch & Company hosts a Magnolia Pearl fashion show to raise money for Avrey Walker, a young girl battling cancer; with appetizers and dessert; $20; 5:30 a.m.-8:30 p.m.; 418 S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; 541-526-1161. CONVERSATIONSON BOOKS AND CULTURE:Readand discuss "What's Going On?" by Nathan McCall; free; noon-1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, CampusCenter,2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7412.

— Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarlittg@bendbulletin.com


Weekly Arts & Entertainment Inside M AiG J LZIhlE

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The Bulletin

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CIVIL SUITS Filed Feb. 12 13CV0212 —William Gowgiel v. Rosa E.Pedraza,complaint,$380,000 Filed Feb. 13 13CV0215 —Deutsche Bank National Trust Company as trustee for the certificate holders of the Morgan Stanley ABSCapital1 lnc. Trust 2006-HE7 mortgage pass through certificates series 2006-HE7v. ElenaI.Spannaus,Tony L.Spannaus and Gardenside Homeowners' Association, complaint, $330,478.85 13CV0216 —Discover Bank v. James E. Blume, complaint, $10,310.07 13CV0217 —Deutsche Bank National Trust Company as trustee for Ixis Real Estate Capital Trust 2006-HE2 mortgage pass through certificates series 2006-HE2 v.Kathy J. Porter, David R. Bingham, HSBC Mortgage Services Inc., State of Oregon Consumer Business Services and State of OregonDepartment of Revenue, complaint,$261,366.83 13CV0218 —OcwenLoan Servicing LLC v. Steven D.Spain, Bank of the CascadesandState of Oregon Department of HumanResources, complaint, $196,140.24 13CV0219 —U.S. Bank N.A. v. Lawrence Peters, complaint, $261,706.57 13CV0220 —Bankof America N.A. v. Sydney O'Neil and Timothy O'Neil, complaint, $78,405.46 13CV0221 —Deutsche BankTrust Company Americas, as trustee for RALI 2007-QS3, v. Brian R. Rossaka Brian RaymondRossandOregon Affordable Housing Corporation, complaint, $208,000 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV0222 —James B. Nutter and Companyv.JoanV.Tauchert,United States of America and State of Oregon, complaint, $225,391.48 plus interest, cost and fees 13CV0223— Capit alOneBankv. Terry C. Christensen, complaint, $30,667.02

Monica C.Baughman aka Monica Baughman,StateFarm Bank FSB, United States of America, Skyliner Summit at Broken TopHomeOwners Association, Village at Skyliner Summit at Broken TopHomeOwners Association, complaint, $539,176.64 13CV0232 —U.S. BankN.A. as trustee successor in interest to Bank of America N.A. as trustee as successor by merger to Lasalle Bank N.A. as trustee for WAMUmortgage pass-through certificates series 2006-AR7 trust v. Mark Dickens aka Mark L. Dickens aka Mark Lane Dickens akaMark A. Dickens, Portfolio Recovery Associates LLC, Mabel Rodriguez and State of Oregon, complaint, $1,082,398.16 13CV0233 —Federal National Mortgage Association v. Janet A. Greco, complaint, $162,408.49 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV0234 —Capital One Bank N.A. v. Matthew Hockin, complaint, $21,902.19 13CV0235 —Autovest LLC v. Dennis Miller, complaint, $13,323.02 13CV0239 — Michael and Shawn Hagel v. Schumacher Construction Inc. and James K.Dillman dba Dillman Construction, complaint, $100,000 13CV0240 —Aero Facilities LLC and The Flight Shop lnc. dba Professional Air v. City of Bendand Leading Edge Aviation lnc., complaint, $4,045,000 13CV0241 —JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. v. Robert Abbett, Oregon Affordable Housing Assistance Corporation and Northcrest Homeowner's Association,

complaint, $288,371.06 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV0242 —Wells Fargo Bank N.A. as trustee for Structured Asset Mortgage lnvestments 2 Inc. structured asset mortgage Investments 2 Trust 2007-AR4 mortgage pass-through certificates series 2007-AR4 through its loan servicing agent JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. v. Gonzalo Morales, complaint, $740,917.99 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV0243 —Federal National Mortgage Association v. Garth D. Cook,CyndyA.Cookand Community

First Bank, complaint, $395,977.63 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV0244 —M & T Bankthrough its loan servicing agent M & TBank/ BayviewLoan Servicing LLC v.Kelsey J. Engel-Collins aka Kelsey Collins and Kelsey Collins trustee of the amended and restated trust Kelsey Collins Trust, complaint, $394,982.10 plus interest, costs and fees

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13CV0249 —Wells Fargo Bank N.A. v. Chantelle Machau, Shadrach J. Machau andOregonAffordable Housing Assistance Corporation, complaint, $178,041.85

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Filed Feb.14

13CV0224 —Ally Financial lnc. v. Travis J. Howard, complaint, $30,142.25 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV0225— W ashingtonFederal fka Washington Federal Savings v. Christopher L. Smith andDoes1 and 2, complaint, $133,120.23 13CV0226 —JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. assuccessor by merger to Chase HomeFinance LLCv. Karen M. Morris and Mark S.Morris, complaint, $307,274.08 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV0227 —Dynamic Strategies Inc. v. Israel J. Leroy, complaint, $17,049.96 13CV0228 —JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. as successor by merger to Chase Home FinanceLLCv. Lance Lindbeck aka Lance Raymond Lindbeck, Desert Meadows HomeownersAssociation and Sheri L. Lindbeck, complaint, $177,867.85 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV0229 —JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. v. Regina M. Davis andErmaJ. McConnell, complaint, $280,540.20 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV0230 —Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Kenneth R. Erickson, complaint, $ I84,579.82 Filed Feb. 15 13CV0231 —HSBC BankU.S.A. N.A. as trustee for SEMT2007-2 v. Peter M. BaughmanakaPeterBaughman,

4 •





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illegal to ride bikes on the sidewalks in downtown Bend, PoContinued from A5 twin said. Bend won the competitive Then the city plans to install grant for the project in 2010, bike lanes where Franklin Avwhen the Oregon Bicycle and enue turns into Riverside BouP edestrian A d visory C o m - levard.Under the current plan, mittee approved grants total- drivers and bicyclists will be ing $5.3 million. The state re- able to make a right turn from ceived about 90 applications R iverside B o ulevard o n t o from acrossthe state,and only Galveston Avenue and vice 11 cities in Oregon won grants, versa. This portion of the plan The Bulletin reported. concernssome people who live Currently, there are no bike in the neighborhood where the lanes from Franklin Avenue to intersection is located. Galveston Avenue. "They said In the Feb. 22 letter, Old that what they wanted to do is Bend Neighborhood Associaconnect bike lanes from east tion Chair Jan Gifford wrote side of town to west side of that the group recommended town," said Pam Hardy, staff the city maintain the four-way attorney for 1000 Friends of stop at the intersection. "Our basic concern with the Oregon. The city will mark Franklin removal of the stop signs at the Avenue with "sharrows" — a Riverside/Tumalo intersection chevron with a bike symbol is that both bicyclists and pe— from approximately Lava destrians will find themselves Road to Broadway Street, Har- in greater danger as t h ey dy said. These traffic symbols negotiate one of the busiest indicate that cars and bicy- intersections in the city," Gifclists must share the lane. The ford wrote "In addition, this sharrows that show bicyclists intersection will become even where to ride in the street are more critical as the Deschutes important, and they will build River Trail between the popuon work the city did last year lar Drake Park and the newly to remind bicyclists that it is developed Miller's Landing to

the south is completed." Residents also voiced these concerns recently, when Hardy facilitated three informal public meetings on the bicycle pedestrian plan. "A lot of people came out to talk about that," Hardy said. Some people said this portion of the project would undermine pedestrian safety, when the grant is actually supposed to improve pedestrian safety. The meetings were not part of the city's public process, which has already ended. Instead, they were hosted by a new group called Bend Bikes. Hardy is assisting the group in collecting input for the city. The city staffer working on the project was out of town and could not be reached for comment last week. The city gave Hardy two weeks to solicit more public feedback. "The project has to be completed and built by this October," Hardy s aid. "We don't have a ton of time to make radical changes at this point." However, Hardy thought it would be good to listen to community concerns. "What I was really hoping

"What I was really

of Riverside Boulevard to the northern stretch of Riverside Boulevard along Drake Park, Beaird said. The city wants to safely accommodate those pedestrians, Beaird said. As fortheproposal to change the intersection, Beaird said at least one stop sign would remain and the intersection would resemble the nearby intersection of Riverside Boulevard, Congress Street and Louisiana Avenue. Beaird said the city will consider public input and respond to it. As the city refines the project design, there will be a public meeting in March, Beaird said. Construction will likely begin in early August, Beaird said. The project must be substantially complete by the end of October, due to the state grant requirements.

marizethe concerns and ideas in a letter to the city sometime this week. bicyclists in town "If somebody does have a brilliant idea out there, we and the people in might actually be able to have the neighborhoods an influence," Hardy said. would come up with Scott Beaird is an associate engineer at Kittelson 8z something new, a Associates, Inc., the firm that compromise people designed the project for the could gel around." city. He said one of the main goals was to a ccommodate — Pam Hardy, the primary flow of traffic at 1000 Friends of Oregon the intersection of Riverside Boulevard, Galveston Avenue and Tumalo Avenue, and diswas the bicyclists in town and courage cars and bikes from the people in the neighbor- cutting through the neighborhoods would come up with hood on their way to other dessomething new, a c o mpro- tinations. Most traffic — both mise people could gel around," vehicles and bikes — is headHardy said. "I'm not sure that ed from Riverside Boulevard has been reached. Definitely to Galveston Avenue, or vice people came up with some versa. Significant pedestrian good ideas." trafficcrosses the intersecHardy said she plans to sum- tion, from the southern stretch

hoping was the

— Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrud@bendbulletin.com


Justin Reimer andhis son, Eii,15, exercise on stair ciimbers on Friday at Sage Springs at Sunriver Resort.The Reimers are training for a trip to Mount Everest, where they will hike to one of the mountain's

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have given only $10, but it's just as meaningful because I know Continued from A5 how much that $10 really cost "Those experiences planted them," Reimer said. "It's been the seed for what we're doing a very humbling experience." now," Padgett said. "I wanted The group is about 85 perto do the same kind for thing cent of the way to its goal of f or an o r g anization I f e e l r aising $85,000. After t r i p strongly about and believe in." expenses, the money will go E ach climber w h o ha s toward funding the organijoined the Trek for Eli trip is zation's d i sability s u p port expected to raise $10,000 over services. Trek p a r ticipants, the course of a year. Though including Eli and his father, the number sounds daunting, must pay their own airfare. Justin Reimer said raising the Fundraising has been just money has been surprisingly one aspect o f p r eparation. smooth. The day he started Since August, father and son fundraising, someone donated have been training rigorously $10,000 to be split between him to ready themselves for the and Eli. From there, the money long days of hiking at high has steadily trickled in. altitude. Eli takes two physiReimer said one of the most cal education classes at school t ouching m oments o f t h e and works out d a ily a f t er fundraising campaign came school with his dad. Usually when a disabled child that the the two use stairclimbing mafamily knew through the or- chines to simulate the resisganization donated a yogurt tance they might face in on the container full of coins that he'd base camp trail. They've also been saving for the fundraiser. hiked in snowshoes. "There are some people who When asked if the training


It's slow process, learning all the aspects of television. The Continued from A5 sophisticated editing software, In addition to digital photog- says Dewolf, has so many tools raphy,Bleyer teaches a class of that he still hasn't investigated 30 thebasics of video produc- them all. tion, including taping, editing At this point Bleyer is requirand story planning. Another ing students to rotate duties on class tackles the "Ravens Re- "Ravens Report." Everyone gets port," a f o u r -minute n ews a chance at every role: behind broadcast shown throughout the teleprompter and the camthe school every day. era, as director of the broadcast "Lee (Ridgeview Principal and as anchors. Lee Loving) has been great During a recent broadcast, about making this program Vaughn Robinson is scraman evolution," says Bleyer. "He bling to finish his holiday packrealizes this cannot happen age story — how students were overnight. But th e p r ogress planning to spend their Valenthe kids have made has been tine's Day — while the rest of surprising. We're now at four that day's broadcast team preminutes (of quality) that I never pare for their jobs. thought was possible back in D ewolf ( "Wolfie" t o t h e September." viewers) gets ready to anchor Not only does Bleyer work as George Mendazona dons with the students on the tech- a headset to direct the show, nical skills involved — camera calling the camera cues and operations, sound and lighting, giving suggestions for the anproducing and writing — but chors. Edward Pace mans the also the finer points of telling a teleprompter. Mandy Kuhlman story. is on the sound board, asking "I try to think of interesting anchors for a countdown so she ideas so we're not doing the can set her levels. same story over and over," says Besides journalism, the skills sophomore Garrett D ewolf. students are learning could "But it's not easy. We have to translateto many careers,says get our footage at lunch or after Bleyer,like sound engineer or school orduring a free period graphic artist or film producand the camera's not always tion. Programs like Ridgeview's available." fiII an important role, he adds, "Ravens Report" students lighting the fire for kids, espework in teams of two, develop- cially those who might not be ing and producing short story into traditional academics. packages for broadcast with For Bleyer, it was a tiny 10the news program. While the watt radio station at his high classroom/studio has a wealth school that paved the way to of high-tech production equip- a two-decade long career as ment for editing and broadcast, a sportsbroadcaster, most rethere are only two portable vid- cently as sports director for teleeo classrooms for use by both vision station KTVZ in Bend. "Right now I ' m t e aching classes.

had been difficult, Eli first said that it hadn't been. But then he looked over at his dad, smiled, and revealed the truth. "Yes," he said, nodding. Looking ahead to the trip, Justin Reimer says he's full of anxieties. Eli's been cleared by a doctor for the trip, but with an elevation gain of about 9,000 feet in thin air, Justin has his share of worries about his son. "Eli's one who doesn't tell you he's hurting sometimes until it's too late," Reimer said. "So I'm concerned about that. I want to be sure he's OK up there." Regardless of whether or not Eli makes the entire hike to base camp, he's already a success in the eyes of his climbing mates. "We're all so proud of Eli — no matter what he accomplishes," Padgett said. "He's going to be climbing his own mountain out there."





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them 80 percentand they are teaching me 20 percent," he says."Ihave three or four kids that are better at editing than I am. Some of this stuff is second nature to this generation; I won't hold them back because I'm from another age." As for the topics covered in "Ravens Report," besides short school announcements, sports and weather, the school environment has provided a wealth of subjects. Students have pro-

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duced reports on a drug dog

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on assignment in the school, efforts to support a local child suffering from leukemia, what it's like to go to a school with no seniors and an interview with a Redmond woman who worked as apersonal secretary to Steve Jobs. "When I was in high school it was our mini-Earth, nothing existed beyond it," says Bleyer. "Really, we have it all: triumph and adversity, drama, breaking news, the arts, sports." Sports weresomethingmany assumed the "Ravens Report" would concentrate on, but balance is important to appeal to the severalthousand viewers of the program, he adds. Bleyer created a YouTube channel for Ridgeview and uploads both daily "Ravens Reports" and shorts by the video production class. "Students think harder about their projects knowing it's going out there for everyone to see," he says. Within five minutes of uploading a new "Ravens Report" it's been viewed by at least 50 people, according to Bleyer. — Reporter: 541-248-2186, lpugmire@bendbulletin.com

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C lear Vat io n So Smart, It Learns toThink Like YOUDo The Associated Press file photos

In this October 2012 courtroom drawing, federal defender Julie Gatto requests bail for her client, New York City Police Officer Gilberto Valle, right, in New York City. The New York City police officer accused of kidnapping conspiracy admits to thinking about abducting, cooking and devouring young women.

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NY co acanni a on in antasies, a ersa s • Defender insists it was over-the-top online 'weirdness', that cop wouldn't cook, eat women

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2012 g

"e " Co o mput e r » f ,ma11" ' o ooZc a l7 d e e at b o d y

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The Associated Press

young women. His own lawyer has shown prospective jurors a kinky staged photo of a woman trussed up in a roasting pan to test their tolerance forthe officer's "weird proclivities." The baby-faced tabloid sensation known as the "Cannibal Cop" is even expected to take the stand to make the case that it was all fantasy, that his online chats were so offensive, so over-the-top that they couldn't possibly be taken seriously. If jurors were to b elieve that the countless people who visit fetish chat rooms were real cannibals, then where's the horrific feeding frenzy'? It's a gambit that will begin to play out Monday with opening statements in one of the city's most bizarre federal court c ases in r e cent memory. Valle, a 28-year-old college grad and father, was just another NYPD patrolman until late last year, when he was charged with conspiring to kidnap a woman and unauthorizeduse of a law enforcement database. Beyond the tabloid headlines t ha t b l a re d " F i nest Young Cannibal" and "Cook 'em Danno," the accusations were startling and serious: The FBI, following a tip from Valle's estranged wife, une arthed an a l leged plot t o cook and eat dozens of women, all graphically detailed in a trail of emails, computer files and instant messages. A conviction on the kidnapping count carries a possible life sentence. "I'm planning on g etting me some girl meat," he allegedly wrote i n o n e c h at room. "It's this N ovember, for Thanksgiving. ... She's not a volunteer. She has to be abducted." A nother p u r p orted t a r get was an 18-year-old high s chool student w h o V a l l e wrote was "the most desirable piece of meat I've ever met" and was small enough to fit in his oven.


se» seas VatZ. +e e 1 e o t r o

teestsasse, ftt

ing, cooking and devouring

By Tom Hays NEW YORK — G i l berto Valle's mind is f ul l o f s i ck thoughts — and he wants a jury to know it. T he New York C it y p o liceofficer accused of a kidnapping conspiracy admits to thinking a b out a b duct-


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A passage of a federal complaint filed in New York against New York City police officer Gilberto Valle. His own lawyer has shown prospective jurors a kinky staged photo of a woman trussed up in a roasting pen to test their tolerance for the officer's "weird proclivities."

"The government's

A clinical sexologist will testify about sexually explicit websites that "resemble improvisational theater," court papers say. "The style is to maintain th e r e partee, regardless of how implausible, ridiculous or even impossible the conversations gets." A forensic psychiatrist and criminologist who examined Valle and contends most men — Julia Gatto, defense attorney "who have sexually sadistic fantasies ... engage in no harmful actions toward others," the papers say. A cr i m i na l com p l aint The witness found that Valclaimed that Valle had crele has no serious mental illated a computer file catalog- ness orpersonality disorders ing at least 100 women with related to violence. Instead, their names, addresses and he says, the defendant has photos. And it accused him of recurring fantasies of sexual illegally culling some of the sadism — a condition known information from the restrictas paraphilia. ed law enforcement database, The j ur y a l s o w i l l b e and doing surveillance on shown the videotaped testisome of his potential victims. mony of a Moscow man who A New Jersey man also created w w w .darkfetishnet was charged with scheming .com. He's expected to testify with Valle to kidnap, rape and that he modeled his website murder a Manhattan woman after Facebook so those with and is awaiting trial. He too similar sexual fantasies could says he intended no harm. share theirinterests. At a b ai l h e aring, prosThe site claims more than ecutors insisted Valle was a 38,000 members and cautions would-be killer who should that it "i s fo r al l f a ntasies, be jailed without bail. A judge not real death." A 38-yearagreed, calling the charges old member from the United "profoundly disturbing" and States says in his profile that "the most d epraved, most he enjoys "the thought of tordangerous conduct that can turing girls in the most horbe imagined." rific ways. I've been a freak Rather than deny the desince my early teens and I pravity,defense attorney Ju- don't see this changing." lia Gatto immediately began During jury selection, the mounting a defense to highdefense quizzed candidates light it, to drive home the aron whether they have a bias gument that Valle's only apagainst people who frequent petite was for fantasies. websites depicting sadomas"The government's case ochistic behavior. is nothing more than a hard At trial's end, Valle's fate drive full of disturbing, sexu- will rest with a j ur y o f six ally deviant talk between my men and six women, most of c lient and other men w h o whom are college-educated share his, albeit weird, proand have lived in Manhattan clivities," she said. or New York's suburbs most The defense has been bol- of their lives. One collects anstered by pretrial rulings that tiques. Two are musicians. will allow Valle's lawyers to A 50-year-old woman on call expert witnesses expect- t he jury w r ote of her f i l m ed to give jurors a tutorial on preferences: " Without m y online sexual deviance and husband, h o r ro r mo v i e s; fetishes often called "vore," with my husband, everything short for carnivore. else."

case is nothing more than a hard drive full of disturbing, sexually deviant talk between my client and other men who share his, albeit weird, proclivities."

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A rundown of games and events to watch for locally and nationally from the world of sports:



NBA, DenverNuggets at PortlandTrail Blazers, 7:30 p.m. (ESPN)—The Blazers have been atailspin — losing seven straight before a win Sunday night — and are

Class SA doys

in danger of falling out of the playoff race in the Western Conference. They will try to work their way back into contention for the eighth spot in the late half of an ESPN

round state playoffs — Mountain View

doubleheader against division-rival Denver, which is currently fifth in the West.

and Redmondearned

dasketball, first

automatic entries into the Class 5A state

4 Thursday

postseason by virtue of

Men's basketdall, OregonState Beavers at OregonDucks, 8 p.m. (ESPNU) — Things have changed a lot since the first meeting between the rivals in the Pac-12 opener on Jan. 6 — a 79-66 win for the Ducks. Oregon has been ranked for

much of the Pac-12schedule —the Ducks are at No. 23 before today's Associated Press poll. Meanwhile, the Beavers havewonjust three conference games. Oregon Oregon center Tony Woods is looking to solidify its case for the NCAA tournament down the stretch.


4 Sunday

Chicago's Patrick Kane, left, and Jonathan Toews.

Blackhawks atDetroit Red Wings, 9:30 a.m.

(NBC) —Chicago is on a historic run to The Blackhawks


have earnedat

their top-eight rankings at the end of the regular

least a point in the

standings in every game so far this season.

season. Bothteamshost games on Fridayagainst opponents who win playin contests Tuesday.





Six from G.D.in state postseason


Play-in wins by Sisters and Madras this weekend kicked offthe girls basketball postseason, which fields

Cowboy wrestling set up for repeat o many stories, so little time before deadline when it comes to state wrestling. With 15 — count 'em, 15! — wrestlers from Crook, Jefferson and Deschutes counties competing in state championship m a tches S a turday night, it can be maddening trying to fit all the different plotlines into two stories for Sunday's Bulletin. Thank goodness, then, for the Monday column. With a chance to breathe after the nonstop action at Memorial Coliseum on Saturday — Central Oregon was represented in 12of the 14weight classes during Saturday night's state finals — 1 wanted to make sure 1 touched on all of the stories that emerged from this weekend's 5A, 4A and 2A/1A state tournaments. Here we go: The Cowboys were historically good — and could get even better. Crook County's 290 points were the third-most ever at the state tournament — Hermiston won the 2009 5A tourney with 303 points, and Roseburg was the 2010 6A champ with 298.5 points — and easily the highest score at the new 4A tournament since the Oregon School Activities Association expanded from four classifications to six at the start of the 2006-07 school year. "The scary part is we only lose three of our 16 state placers," Crook County coach Jake Huffman saidSaturday night. Both of the Cowboys' state champions, sophomore Collbran Meeker and junior Jason Williams, should be back next year, as well as sophomores Trayton Libolt (106 pounds) and Gun-

nar Robirts (220) and junior Grayson Munn (126), all three of whom were state finalists this year. SeeWrestling /B4 See additional photos from the

state wrestling championships: O benddulletin.com/preppics

six Central Oregon high schools, led by Bend High's automatic firstround berth by virtue of its No. 4 ranking in Class 5A. Here's a look at the matchups this week:

Class 5Aplay-in, Tuesday:Parkrose at Summit, 7:15 p.m.; Churchill at Mountain View, 6 p.m. Class 5A play-in,

Wednesday:Redmond at Crescent Valley, TBD • Bend in first round

played Saturday Class 4A first round, Saturday:Sisters at Mazama, 7 p.m.; Madras at La Grande, TBD — Bulletin staff report

'Iu r«'A

Reb Kerr /The Bulletin

Oregon Rush soccer players Zach Emerson, left, and Samuel Buzzas warm up at Summit High School before practice Thursday. They both play for a Florida-based team that took second in its age grouplast year at the youth national championships.

REDMOND — The Central District of the

Oregon High School Equestrian Teams staged its first meet

• A pair of youth players from Bendare membersof anelite team — in Florida ot every day do you hear about

an Oregon club soccer player


participating on an elite agegroup team based on the other side of the country. But Central Oregon is home to two such players — Zach Emerson and freshman at Mountain View High in Samuel Buzzas — who are making Bend, began playing for the team first, just such a situation work by playing starting about a year and a half ago. on a team based in Florida. Eventually, he persuaded the squad to "1've never really heard of people pick up his buddy Buzzas, a fleet and doing that, but 1 don't really know if rangy center back. Buzzas started it's common or not," admits Buzzas, playing with the team this past fall. "He got the defense looking a lot a freshman at Bend's Summit High School, about the transcontinental better," Emerson says. arrangement he and Emerson have Emerson had joined the team after with the Sunrise Elite 97/98 boys a player he knew from Tennesseesquad. the only other player on the team not The team is a part of the Sunrise from Florida, Emerson notes — told Soccer Eliteprogram headquartered the Sunrise coach about him when the in the Fort Lauderdale area of Flori- squad was in need of a forward. Now, da. Of the two local boys, Emerson, a Emerson and Buzzas travel to tournaspeedy, goal-scoring forward who is a ment sites across the country together

to attend tournaments with Sunrise. And, in a benefit for their parents, at least, they do so at basically no cost. The team is sponsored by the computer-phone device company magicJack, which Stefani Emerson, Zach Emerson's mom, says pays for expenses like tournament fees and airfare. And one of the team families, she adds, has become something of a host family for the boys when they are in Florida. That backing comes in handy with the squad's busy competition schedule. Next month, Sunrise is slatedto play in the top U15 bracket at the Annandale Premier Cup in Annandale, Va. At the end of March, the squad will head to Texas for the Dallas Cup, an elite tournament that draws even international teams. Sunrise won the U14 division of the Dallas Cup in 2012. SeeSoccer /B6

By Paul Newberry The Associated Press

DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. nough with the snarky comments about Danica Patrick. Sure,she gets more attention than her accomplishments warrant because she'sa pretty face competing in a male-dominated sport. Who knows if she'll ever be a series champion because, quite frankly, it's a rare breed that climbs to the top of any sport. Maybe she's destined to be a middle-of-the-pack racerher entire career, someone who can be counted on for solid results and an occasional win. But, you know what? She deserves to be here. That was evident for 199 laps at the Daytona 500 on Sunday, when she started from the pole, led a total of five laps and ran near the front for most of "The Great American Race." SeeNASCAR/B4

Fair 8 Expo Center. Riders from 15 teams took part in the competition, which included 25 different events. Results are listed in Scoreboard,

pageB2. — Bulletin staff report


U.S. gets historic gold at worlds VAL Dl FIEMME, Italy — Kikkan Randall and

Jessica Diggins gavethe United States its first

world championship gold medal in crosscountry skiing Sunday by winning the women's team sprint by nearly eight seconds. After Diggins opened up a small lead onher last leg, Randall anchored the American duo to the victory with a scorching final lap to pull away from the

Swedish and Finnish teams. The U.S. pair finished the 6x1.2-kilometer event in 20 minutes,

24.4 seconds, beating Swedish defending



Crook County's Collbran Meeker is ecstatic after winning the Class 4A state title at138 pounds on Saturday in Portland. Meeker, a sophomore, should return for the Cowboys next season.

of the season over the weekend. Thethree-day event concluded Sunday at the Deschutes County

Disappointing Daytonafinish, bLjt Danicabelongs

Matthew Aimenetti i For The Bulletin


District meet results listed



They are15-0-3 and still haven't suffered a loss in

champions Charlotte

Kalla and Ida lngemarsdotter by 7.8 seconds. "It feels incredible," Randall said. "This is


,' -Jl(t '

forward to for a long time. It's my seventh

world championship and I've had to spend a lot of time watching

award ceremonies, so Terry Renna i The Associated Press

Danica Patrick races during the Daytona 500 at Daytona International Speedway on Sunday in Daytona Beach, Fla. Patrick, who started in the pole position, finished eighth.

we're pretty excited to do it, and in a team

event especially." —TheAssociated Press



ON THE AIR: TELEVISION TODAY BASEBALL 10a.m.:MLB, spring training, Detroit Tigers vs. Philadelphia Phillies, MLB Network.

3 p.m.: MLB, spring training, Washington Nationals vs. New York Mets, MLB Network. 9 p.m.:MLB, spring training, New York Yankees vs. Baltimore

Orioles (same-day tape), MLB Network.

SOCCER 11: 55 a.m.:English Premier

League, WestHamvs. Tottenham Hotspur, ESPN2.

BASEBALL 10a.m.:MLB, spring training, New YorkYankeesvs. Philadelphia Phillies, MLB Network. 1 p.m.:MLB, spring training,

Arizona Diamondbacksvs. Los Angeles Angels, MLB Network.

BASKETBALL 4 p.m.:Men's college, Indiana at Minnesota, ESPN.

4 p.m.:Men's college, Memphis at Xaiver, ESPN2.

4 p.m.:Men's college, Auburn at Alabama, ESPNU.

BASKETBALL 4 p.m.: Men's college, Syracuse

4p.m.: Women's college,

at Marquette, ESPN.

6 p.m.:Men's college, Florida at

4 p.m.: Men's college, Texas

Tennessee, ESPN.

Tech at Kansas State, ESPNU.

6 p.m.:Men's college, Wake

Syracuse at Notre Dame, CBSSN.

4 p.m.: Women's college, Baylor

Forest at Florida State, ESPNU.

at Oklahoma,ESPN2.

6 p.m.:Women's college,

6 p.m.:Men's college, Kansasat

Georgetown at DePaul, CBSSN. 7 p.m.: Men'scollege,UCLA at USC, Pac-12 Network.

lowa State, ESPN.

6 p.m.:Men's college, Villanova at Seton Hall, ESPNU.

HOCKEY 5 p.m.:NHL, Dallas Stars at

HOCKEY 4:30 p.m.:NHL,Boston Bruins at New York Islanders, NBCSN.

Nashville Predators, NBCSN. Listings are the mostaccurateavailable. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changes made by T(7or radio stations.


games.JamieW eisnerhad20 points and 10 rebounds for Or-

BeaVerS Win to go8-0

egon State (9-19, 3-13j.

— Kavin Keyes, Jeff Hendrix and Andy Peterson drove in two

runs apieceSundayfor unbeaten Oregon State, as the Beavers

completed a four-gameroad sweep of SanDiegoState with a 7-1 win at Tony Gwynn Stadium. At 8-0, OSU is off to its best start

TENNIS TSOnga triumPhS —Jo-Wilfried Tsongasaveda match point before overcoming top-seeded Tomas Berdych of the Czech

since1962. Reliever Brandon

Republic 3-6, 7-6 (6j, 6-4 Sunday

Jackson earned the pitching victory for the Beavers, working 4'/3 innings against the Aztecs

in the final of the Open 13 in Marseille, France. The third-seeded

(3-4) and allowing four hits and

the season and10th of his career. Tsonga had to wait until the third

no runs while striking out two.

Frenchmanwonhis first title of

For the four-gameseries, OSU

game of the last set beforeget-

pitchers allowed just two runs. The Beavers return to Corvallis

ting his first break of serve, when Berdych netted a forehand.

to play their 2013 homeopener against Bryant University of Rhode Island on Friday. Game time is 5:35 p.m.

Ducks downLoyola MarymOunt —Tyler Baumgartner was timely with the first hit of his

University of Oregoncareer, a two-out, three-run double in the sixth inning Sunday that helped the Ducks to a 6-1 win over

Ferrer deatsWawrinka — David Ferrer won his second

tournament of theseason bydefeating Stanislas Wawrinka 6-4,

3-6, 6-1 on Sunday tosuccessfullydefend his CopaClarotitle in Buenos Aires. The top-seeded Ferrer broke his opponent six

times — including three in the final set — to clinch the 20th title

of his career.

Loyola Marymount at PKPark in Eugene. Freshman lefthander Cole Irvin earned the pitching

NiShikori tOPS field — Kei

victory, allowing onerun over

career title andsecondsince

eight innings. Oregon won two of three games against the Lions

October, beating Feliciano Lopez of Spain 6-2, 6-3 in the U.S.

(3-4j despite hitting just.131 for the series. TheDucks (6-1) are at homeagainTuesdayfora6p.m. game against the University of

National Indoor Championships

Nishikori of Japan won his third

on Sunday in Memphis. Nishikori needed only 67 minutes to im-

prove to 3-2 in finals.


GranderSon out10 WeekS — Curtis Granderson jogged to first base after being hit on his

CYCLING American wins world title

right forearm as if it was aminor

— Sarah Hammer ofthe United

annoyance. Back at the ballpark

States earned her sixth career

in a brace acouple ofhours later, it was clear theNewYork

goldmedalandsecond onethis week by winning thewomen's

Yankees had a pretty big power problem on their hands. In his

omnium event Sunday in M insk, Belarus, while Stefan Botticher

first at-bat of spring training, the slugger broke hisarmwhenhe

won the men's sprint title and his

hit by a pitch from Toronto's J.A. Happ in the bottom of the first inning Sunday, and is expected to be out until the first week of May.

cycling world championships. Hammer, whowonthe individual pursuit Wednesday,scored 20

Granderson ledNewYork with 43 homers last season.

standings after six events, four

second gold medal at the track

points in the overall omnium points better than defending world champion Laura Trottof

Britain, who beattheAmerican

FOOTBALL Speed ondisplay at

for the Olympic gold in the discipline in London. Botticher beat

Comdine —Speedtook center stage Sunday ascombine invitees again took aim atChris

races in the sprint final. Rebecca Angharad James of Britain made

Russia's DenisDmitriev in two history by winning thewomen's

Johnson's 40-yard record of 4.24 keirin, becoming the first British seconds set in 2008. The mornwoman to win four medals at one

ing began with Marquise Goodwin of Texas and West Virginia's Tavon Austin clocking unofficial times of 4.25 in back-to-back sprints. But their official times





ON DECK Tuesday Boys basketball: Class 5Aplay-in round, SherwoodatBend,6p.mzCass5A play-in round, Summit atSt. Helens,6 p.m. Girls basketball: Class5Aplay-in round,Parkrose at Summit, 715 p.mzClass 5Aplay-in round, Churchill atMountainVlew,6p.m.

(Top 18)


record was still safe.

Ariz. SchumacherandLucas

on Sundayfor his 70th career

points and No. 6 California rallied from17 points down in the first half to beat Oregon State 58-56 on Sunday in Berkeley, Calif., extending the longest winning

4.606-second run at 213.20 mph, while Lucas finished in 4.652 at

— Layshia Clarendonscored26

streak in school history to13

258.67. RonCappstopped the Funny Car field, and Erica EndersStevens won in Pro Stock. — From wirereports



Sunday's Game

Drexel62,Wiliam8, Mary47


8,000-horsepowerdragster under control first. Schumacherhada

GP W L DT Pts GF GA Chicago 18 1 5 0 3 33 58 35 St. Louis 1 8 1 0 6 2 22 55 52 Detroit 19 9 7 3 21 57 54 Nashville 19 8 6 5 21 39 43 Columbus 1 9 5 1 2 2 12 40 56 Northwest Division GP W L DT Pts GF GA Vancouver 18 1 0 4 4 24 52 48 Minnesota 17 8 7 2 18 37 42 Calgary 17 7 7 3 17 48 59 Edmonton 1 7 7 7 3 17 40 46 Colorado 1 7 7 8 2 16 42 51 Pacific Division GP W L DT Pts GF GA Anaheim 1 6 1 3 2 1 27 57 42 Dallas 18 9 8 1 19 47 48 Phoenix 18 8 7 3 19 50 49 San Jose 1 7 8 6 3 19 41 39 Los Angeles 16 8 6 2 18 40 39 NOTE:Twopoints for a win, onepoint for overtime

(Wash), 1 03.51.2, NicholasWurden,Crystal Mountain AlpineClub(Wash.), 1:0369.3, TrevorMaxwel, CascadeWest Ski Club, 1:04.10. 4, Riley Hunter, CMAC,1:04.17.5,TannerOlson, Mt. Bachelor Sports EducationFoundation, 1:04.21 6,AndrewMccarthy, White PassSki Club(Wash.), 1:04.28. 7, Spencer Barclay,SP AC,1:04.83. 8, GunnarStoltenow,WPSC, 1:04.88. 9,MichaelEstrella, SpokaneSki RacingAssociation (Wash.), 1:05.24 10, FrederickWiliams, MissionRidgeSkiTeam(Wash.),1:0525. OtherMBSE Ffinishers: 12,ChaseGanim,1.05.31, 16, TannerLujan, 1:05.54;18, GrantHamlin, 1:05.73; 35, AustenLaw,1:08.87; 44, lanl.afky, 1:10.20;46, Alex Yount,1:10.28.

in the tire-smoking Top Fuel final at the NHRA Arizona Nationals

OSU almOStPullS off uPSet

WesternConference Central Division


But hours later, Auburn running back Onterrio McCalebb blazed to an unofficial time of 4.21. But McCalebb's official time was 4.34, which meant Johnson's

with Schumacher able to get his

"Time out!

EasternConference Atlantic Division

GP W L DT Pittsburgh 1 9 13 6 0 NewJersey 1 9 10 5 4 Philadelphia 2 0 9 1 0 1 N.Y.Rangers 1 7 8 7 2 N.Y. Islanders 1 9 8 1 0 1

Pts GF 26 65 24 48 19 58 18 4 1 17 56

GA 48 49 62 44 64

Pts GF 26 52 24 45 24 46 22 53 13 48

GA 39 34 36 44 63

1 7 9 7 1 19 5 0 1 8 9 8 1 19 6 9 1 8 8 9 1 17 4 8 1 8 5 9 4 14 4 2 1 7 6 10 1 1 3 4 8

51 58 57 65 55

Norlheast Division

Montreal Boston Ottawa Toronto Buffalo

Carolina TampaBay Winnipeg Florida Washington

GP W L 1 8 12 4 1 5 11 2 1 9 11 6 1 9 11 8 1 9 6 12

DT 2 2 2 0 1

Southeast Division GP W L OTPtsGF GA

Wednesday's Games Arizonaat USC,6.30 p.m. ColoradoatStanford, 8 p.m. ArizonaStateat UCLA 830 pm Thursday'sGames Utah atCalifornia, 6 p.m. OregonStateatOregon,8 p.m.

Women's college Sunday's Games East Albany(NY)68,Vermont52 Charlotte73,LaSale 56 Clemson 64, Boston College 61 Delawar e61,JamesMadison60 Duquesne53,UMass44 Fairfield67,Canisius56 Fordham70,SaintJoseph's63,OT GeorgeWashington 57,St. Bonaventure 52 lona 71,Siena47 Louisville 55,Viganova49 Marist 79,Loyola(Md.) 55 Niagara48, Manhattan43 PennSt.68,Michigan57 Rider 73St.Peter's58 Saint Louis67, RhodeIsland 48

South Auburn67,Missouri 59 Duke75,Maryland59 EastCarolina56,UCF41 Florida67,Alabama61 Georgia73,Mississippi 54 GeorgiaSt.67, George Mason51 GeorgiaTech68, Miami64 LSU77, Kentucky 72 Memphis77, UTEP71 NorthCarolina68 Nc State58 Northeastem67,UNCWilmington 52 Old Dominion80, Hofstra 57 SouthCarolina58,Mississippi St.43 Tulane74,Tulsa59 UAB55,SouthernMiss. 50 Vanderbilt 61,TexasA8M51 VirginiaTech71, FloridaSt. 52 Midwest Dayton67,Temple47 BlinoisSt.63, IndianaSt.54 Nebraska66,lowa46 NotreDame84,DePaul 56 Purdue75,Minnesota63 TexasTech72, Kansas70 Toedo76,Cent.Michigan63 Southwest Houston65, SMU58 Rice 71,Marshall61, OT Tennessee 60, Arkansas54 Far West ArizonaSt.59, Arizona58

NASCAR Sprint Cup Daytona 5gg Sunday At Daytona International Speedway DaytonaBeach, Fla. Lap length: 2.5 miles (Start position in parentheses) 1. (9) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet,200 laps,125.7rat-



1, Ali Gunesch,IMD,, PhoebeRogers, WhitePassSki Club(Washi),1:05 61.3,CarinaBracy, Mt. BacheloSports r Education Foundation,1:05.92. 4, MackenzieGreen, MultnomahAthletic Club, 1:06.43. 5, ElyseBurandt,SpokaneSki RacingAssociation (Wash), 1:06.47. 6,JordanHarrison, CrystalMountain AlpineClub(Wash.), 1:06.66.7, StephanieFrey, CMAC,10679.8, Megan Olson,MBSEF,10697.9, Ella Pepin,CMAC,1:07.09.10, AlysonMat,WPSC, 1:07.31 Dther MBSEFfinishers: 18, Anna Rischltelli, 1:09.05;28, SophiaBurgess, 1:11.84;38, Madison Brown,1:15.66. Men Sunday's results

(Top 18) 1, JosephPrachar,StevensPassAlpine Club



Boston 4,Florida1 Detroit 8,Vancouver3 Winnipeg4,NewJersey2 Chicago1,Columbus0 Carolina4, N.Y.Islanders2 Pittsburgh5, TampaBay3 Anaheim4, Colorado3, OT Calgary5, Phoenix4 Today's Games View,9.51. Torontoat Philadelphia, 4p.m. Figure 8 — 1,MaddieSmith, Summit,1119 2, Montrealat Ottawa,4:30p.m. Denali Hart,Summit, 11.23.3, SavannahGeist, Rid- Dallas atNashvile, 5 p.m. geview,11.24. dmonto natChicago,5:30 p.m. Individual Flags — 1, Region Hayden, E Anahei m atLosAngeles,7:30p.m. Redmond,8.98. 2, KayceeHansen, Redmond,10.58 3, Savannah Geist, Ridgeview,10.78. Team Events BASKETBALL In HandObstacle Relay —1, LaPine(Charisa Bates,HaileyMccarty, Kelbi Irvin) 2, RedmondA Men's college (Mickaela Cyrus,Rosie Skinner, Region Hayden,KasSunday's Games ey Stevens).3, Trinity Lutheran(LaurenCurl, Jaycie East Haynes,Taylor Mccabe,LaurenWagey). Working Pairs —1,PendletonA(Crystal Mitch- Buckneg74,Holy Cross57 Colgate 59, Navy 46 eg andTylerRuth). 2, SistersB(Cammi Bensonand ElissaO'Connor).3, Redmond A(Rosie Skinner and Hofstra70,OldDominion 59 La Salle72, RhodeIsland 65 RegionHayden). l.afayette79, l.ehigh71 Freestyle Fours Drill — 1, Redm ond(Mickaela Cyrus,KayceeHansen,BigieRichardson,Region Pittsburgh63, St.John's47 Hayden). 2,MountainView(Jamie Kely,Jo Gross- Siena65, Radford 57,OT man,AnnieKamperman, Justine Heywood). 3, Sum- StonyBrook69,Maine53 mit (Denali Hart,MaddieSmith, IsabellaAgenbach, Wagner94, LIUBrooklyn 92 South KegiNicholson,Megan Foster). Freestyle 6+ Drill — 1, Bend (Kathleen Mitch- Duke89,BostonCollege68 ell, LacieBrant, Kaitlin Campbell, AvalonIrwin, Sarah Temple71, Charlotte 51 Virginia82,Georgia Tech54 Stewart,RiannCornett). VirginiaTech80, FloridaSt. 70 Team Penning — 1,Summit A(Maddie Smith, Midwest Isabl elaAgenbach,MeganFoster),3pens,7 cows, 19913. 2, Trinity Lutheran A(Lauren Curl, Jaycie Michigan71, Blinois 58 Haynes,JonathanStueve, LaurenWagey), 3 pens, 6 NotreDame62,Cincinnati 41 cows,19461.3,MadrasA(Jake Palin, LakotaJenson, Ohio St.68, MichiganSt.60 Purdue74,Northwestern43 SkylaBooren),3 pens, 4cows,232.68. Far West Canadian Flags —1, CrookCountyA(Brittney Herber,Emily Thompson, AlissaGreen, KerseySteg- SouthDakota85, MontanaSt. 74 UCLA 75, Southern Cal 59 man), 38.32.2, BendA(Lacie Brant,KateCampbell, LaurenRichardson,JessicaWallace), 39.89. 3,MounPacific-12 Conference tain View A(Alex Nizinski, DelaneyHood, JoyGrossAll Times PST man,JustineHeywood), 40.69. Birangle — 1, Denali HartandMeganFoster, Conference Overall Summit,24.89.2,KateCampbell andJessica Wallace, W L W L Bend,26.833,JaydraKinseyandLaurenWagey,TrinArizona 11 4 23 4 ity Lutheran,28.19. Oregon 11 4 22 6 UCLA 10 4 20 7 SKIING California 10 5 18 9 ArizonaSt. 9 6 20 8 Colorado 8 6 18 8 Local SouthernCal 7 7 12 15 Sun Cup Stanford 7 8 16 12 At Mt. Bachelor, Westridge/Cliffhanger Washington 7 8 15 13 Downhill Utah 3 11 11 15 Women OregonSt. 3 12 13 15 Sunday's results WashingtonSt 2 13 11 17


as they navigatedthedragstrip,


EQUESTRIAN OregonHighSchool Equestrian Teams Central District Meet At Redmond,Friday-Sunday Hunt Seat Over Fences — 1,OliviaChandler, Sisters. 2,EgieChandler, Sisters.3, Denali Hart, Summit. Dressage —1,Dlivia Chandler Sisters.2, Crystal Mitchell, Pendleton.3,GeorgannIreland Bend. Hunt Seat Epuestrtan — 1, CammiBenson, Sisters. 2,CrystalMitcheil, Pendleton.3,RosieSkinner,Redmond Saddle SeatEquitation — 1,GeorgannIreland, Bend. 2,BobbiJoRosauer,Sisters.3,RegionHayden, Redmond. Showmanship —1(tie), CrystalMitchell, Pendleton,andRosie Skinner, Redmond.3,TaraAnnSmith, Summit. Working Rancher — 1, JakePalin, Madras. 2, CammiBenson, Sisters. 3, NathanGilbert, North Lake. Trial Equitation — 1, MollyCoehlo,Mountain View. 2, JamieKeliy, Mountain View. 3, TaraAnn Smith,Summ it In Hand Trail — 1 (tie) Molly CoehloMoun, tain View,andLauren Curl, Trinity Lutheran. 3(tie), Region Hayden,Redmond,andJaycieHaynes,Trinity Lutheran Western Showmanship — 1, RosieSkinner, Redmond.2 MollyCoehlo,MountainView.3, Jamie Kelly, Mountain View. Driving — 1, RegionHayden, Redmond.2, IsabegaAgenbach, Summit. 3, CammiBenson,Sisters. Reining — 1,RosieSkinner Redmond.2,Amanda Grippen,MountainView.3, KateCampbell, Bend. Steer Daubing — 1, CharisaBates, LaPine 2, MikaelaKollermeier,MountainView.3, BobbiJo Rosauer,Sisters. Barrels — 1,SavannahGeist, Ridgeview,14.96. 2,Alissa Green,Crook County,15.00.3,MeganFoster, Summit15.4. , Pole Bending — 1, DeborahDial, Ridgeview, 23.15. 2,KaseyStevens,Redmond,23.25.3,Maddie Smith,Summ it, 24.14. Keyhole — 1,Denali Hart, Summit,9.25. 2,Maddie Smith,Summit, 9.40. 3,JoyGrossman,Mountain

Sunday's Games Boston 5, St.Louis 3 Pittsburgh9,Atlanta2 Tampa Bay10, Minnesota7, 10innings Detroit 5,Philadelphia5,tie, 10innings Toronto(ss)2, N.Y.Yankees0 Baltimore 5,Toronto(ss) 4 Houston7,N.YMets7, tie Washington2, Miami2,tie,10 innings Kansas City7,Texas5 Cleveland(ss) 7,Milwaukee4 Chicago Cubs4 SanFrancisco 3 Cleveland (ss)3, Cincinnati 0 Seattle 8,SanDiego3 Oakland 7,LA. Angels5 Chicago WhiteSox2, L.A.Dodgers2, tie Arizona8, Colorado6


Saturday Girls basketball: Sisters at Mazama, 7 p.m., MadrasatLaGrande, TBD;Bend vs.TBD. Alpine skiing: OSSA Championships/Finals at Mt Bachelor,GiantSlalom,Cliffhanger, TBD. Nordic skiing: OHSNO statechampionships at Mt. Bacheior,TBD.

SchumacherbeatMorgan Lucas



Friday Boys basketball: Class5Afirst round,Redmondvs TBD;Class5Aflrst round,Mountain Viewvs.TBD; Class 4Alirst round, Ridgeviewat Cascade,TBD; Class 4A first round,MadrasatSutherlin, TBD. Alpine skiing: OSSA Championships/Finals at Mt Bachelor,GiantSlalom,Cliffhanger, TBD. Nordic skiing: OHSNO statechampionships at Mt. Bachelor,TBD.

SChumaCherWinS— Tony

lost traction early and both drivers were on and off the throttle

In the Bleachers © 2013 steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Ucrick www.gocomics.com/inthebreachers

Wednesday Girls basketball: Class5Aplay-in round,Redmond at CrescentValley,TBD.

soon were changed — to4.27 for Goodwin and4.34 for Austin.

victoryand fourth at Firebird International Raceway in Chandler,

All Times PST


ing, 47points,$1,525,275. 2. (19) DaleEarnhardtJr., Chevrolet,200,105.7, 42, $1,104814. 3. (14)MarkMartin, Toyota,200, 95.5,41,$817,013. 4. (15) Brad Keselowski, Ford, 200, 97.3, 41, $707,855. 5. (34) RyanNewm an, Chevrolet, 200, 76.5, 40, $572,771. 6. (5) GregBiffle, Ford,200, 106.6,38,$461,664. 7. (40) Regan Smith, Chevrolet, 200, 80.9, 0, ... Flea!!" $411,822. 8. (1) Danica Patrick, Chevrolet, 200, 113.4, 37, $357,464. 9. (38) Michael McDow eg, Ford, 200, 70.3, 35, $366,121. California58,OregonSt. 56 10.(41)J.J.Yeley,Chevrolet,200, 59,34,$338,738. Colorado68,Washington 61 11. (10) Clint Bowyer Toyota 200 104 34 Stantord74,Oregon50 $373,096. UCLA63, SouthernCal58 12. (28) RickyStenhouseJr., Ford,200, 80.4, 32, Utah59,Washington St. 47 $373,399. 13. (26)AricAlmirola, Ford,200,78,31, $356,449. GOLF 14. (35) DennyHamlin, Toyota, 200, 101.5, 31, $330,739. 15. (23) Bobby Labonte, Toyota, 200, 78, 29, WGC $337,647. WORLD GOLFCHAMPIONSHIPS 16. (42) DavidReutimann,Toyota, 200, 66.9, 28 Accenture Match Play Championship $324,872. At Dove Mountain, TheRitz-Carlton Golf Club 17. (30) Dave Blaney,Chevrolet, 200, 65.7, 27, Marana, Ariz. $322,785. Yardage:7,791;Par:72 18. (24) MarcosAmbrose, Ford, 200, 77.6, 26, Sunday $340,052. Seedsin parentheses 19. (21)JoeyLogano,Ford, 200,93.1, 26,$339,097. Semifinals (2) Jeff Gordon, Chevrolet, 200, 91.2, 25, Matt Kuchar(21), UnitedStates,def. JasonDay (41), 20.$360,799. Australia, 4and3. 21. (16) Paul Menard,Chevrolet, 200, 74.7, 24 HunterMahan(23), UnitedStates,def. lan Poulter $343,279. (11), England,4and3. 22. (29) MichaelWaltrip, Toyota, 200, 55.2, 23, Championship $309,564. Matt Kuchar(21), UnitedStates, def. HunterMahan 23. (31)Scott Speed,Ford, 200,56.2, 22,$305514. (23), UnitedStates,2 and1i 24. (37) Martin TruexJr., Toyota, 200, 73.9, 20, Consolation JasonDay(41), Australia, def.lanPouter (11), Eng- 25.$340,114. (43) Travis Kvapil, Toyota, 199, 567, 20, land, 1up. $317,038. 26. (39) Terry Labonte, Ford, 199, 404, 18, LPGA Tour $307,838. 27. (33)TrevorBayne, Ford,198, 38.7,0, $305,539. LPGAThailand 28. (11) Kurt Busch, Chevrolet, 195, 60.5, 16, Sunday $336,234. At Siam CountryClub(Pattaya OldCourse) 29. (17)CaseyMears, Ford,181,37,15,$312314. Chonburi, Thailand 30. (18)Jeff Burton,Chevrolet, accident,176, 74.3, Purse: $1.5 million 14, $311,013. Yardage: 6,469;Par:72 31. (8) Austin Dillon, Chevrolet, 175, 63.5, 0, a-amateur $313,563. Final Round 32. (20) JamieMcMurray, Chevrolet, 161,32.2, 12, Leading scores $328,933. InbeePark,$225,000 67-71-71-67—276 AriyaJutanugarn,$140,305 69-66-70-72—277 33. (36)Carl Edwards,Ford, 159,51.1,11, $334,164. 34. (4) KyleBusch,Toyota, engine, 151,87.5, 10, YaniTseng,$73,935 75-68-72-63 278 So Yeon Ryu,$73,935 68 - 68-74-68—278 $377,610. StacyLewis,$73,935 63-69-76-70—278 35. (22) DavidRagan,Ford, accident, 150,428, 9, BeatrizRecari,$73,935 68 - 68-72-70—278 $308,188. Na Yeon Choi,$43,401 73 - 71-67-68—27936. (6) Kasey Kahne,Chevrolet, 150, 59.5, 8, $334,293. Shanshan Feng,$36,104 71-72-68-69—280 LizetteSalas,$36,104 68- 69-73-70 280 — 37. (12)Matt Kenseth, Toyota, engine, 149, 104.7, 9, $544,306. I K. Kim,$29,958 70-72-72-67—281 GerinaPiler,$29,958 67- 74-70-70 281 — 38. (25)DavidGigiland, Ford,accident,144, 30.8, 6, $283,879. Lexi Thompson,$26,040 71-70-72-69—282 39. (7)JuanPablo Montoya, Chevrolet, 144,45.6,5, AmyYang,$26,040 67-75-70-70—282 $318,693. a-LydiaKo 69-71-74-69—283 JessicaKorda,$21,739 7 3 -67-74-69—28340. (32) JoshWise,Ford, accident, 137, 47.9, 4, $276,953. NicoleCastrale,$21,739 74-68-71-70—283 41. (13) Tony Stewart, Chevrolet, 118, 39.2, 3, Jiyai Shin,$21,739 70-73-70-70 —283 $320,904. CatrionaMatthew,$21,739 67-69-76-71—283 DaniegeKang,$18,666 7 6 -70-71-67 284— 42. (3) KevinHarvick, Chevrolet, accident,47,47.9, 2, $346,418. Se RiPak,$18,666 69-68-71-76 —284 43. (27) JoeNemechek, Toyota, engine,42, 23.3, 0, CarolineHedwag,$16,746 69-75-72 69 285 $264,354. AzaharaMunoz,$16,746 70-73-73-69 —285 SuzannPetersen, $16,746 71-70-74-70 —285 Race Statistics Ai Miyazato,$16,746 69-71-74-71 —285 Katie Futcher,$14,672 74 - 72-72-68 286— AverageSpeed ofRace Winner:159.250mph. Hee-WonHan,$14,672 7 2 -72-71-71 286— Time of Race: 3hours,8minutes, 23seconds. Margin of Victory: 0.129seconds. Angela Stanford,$14,672 69-73-71-73 286 Caution Flags: 6for24 laps. SandraGal,$13,059 71-72-76-68—287 Lead Changes:28among14drivers. KarrieWebb,$13,059 69-71-77-70 —287 Lap Leaders: J.Gordon1-31; J.Johnson32-36; Ayakouehara,$13,059 7 0 -71-72-74 —287 M.Kenseth37-39; CBowyer 40; M.Kenseth41JulietaGranada,$11,830 7 2-72-75-69—288 PornanongPhatlum, $11,830 73-72-72-71—288 71; PMenard72; R.New man 73-74; M.Waltrip Chega Choi, $10,262 76-72-71-70—289 75;R.Newman 76;D.Hamlin 77 85;TKvapil86; KarineIcher,$10,262 66-77-76-70—289 M.Waltrip 87-89; D.Patrick90-91; D.Hamlin 92; Mika Miyazato,$10,262 69-72-76-72— 289 M.Kenseth93-126; DPatrick 127-129;J.Logano 130-131;M.Kenseth132-149; DHamlin150-172; PaulaCreamer,$10,262 7 6 -71-68-74 —289 BrittanyLincicome,$10,262 73-71-71-74 —289 R.Smith 173; B.Keselowski 174-176; S.Speed Sun Young Yoo, $8,022 7 4 -74-75-67—290 177-178;B.Keselowski 179-185;J.Johnson186; Cristie Kerr,$8,022 71-72-79 68—290 B.Kes elowski187;J.Johnson 188;B.Keselowski Karin Sjodin,$8,022 73-76-73-68—290 189-190;J.Johnson191-200. JodiEwar tShadoff ,$8,022 77-70-74-69—290 Leaders Summary (Driver, Times Led, Laps HeeKyungSeo,$8,022 7 3 -76-70-71—290 Led): M.Kenseth, 4timesfor86 laps; D.Hamlin, Eun-Hee Ji,$8,022 70-72-72-76—290 3 timesfor 33laps; J.Gordon, 1time for 31laps; MiJungHur,$8,022 69-73-71-77—290 J.Johnson, 4 times for 17 laps; B.Keselowski, 4 Also times for 13 laps;D.Patrick, 2 timesfor 5 laps; Michege Wie,$6,760 74-71-71-75—291 MWaltrip, 2 timesfor 4laps; RNewman, 2 times BrittanyLang,$6,299 70-73-73-76—292 for 3 laps;J.Logano,1 timefor 2 laps; S.Speed,1 JennyShin,$4,455 76-72-74-74—296 timefor2laps;RSmith,1timelor1lap; 0 Bowyer, Julilnkster,$4,071 77-72-75-73 —297 1timefor1 lap;PMenard,1 timefor1 lap;TKvapil, MorganPressel,$3,456 7 5 -75-78-76—304 1 timefor1 lap. Top 12 in Points: 1. J.Johnson,47; 2. D.Earnhardt Jr., 42; 3.M.Martin,41; 4.Bra.Keselowski,41;5. R.Newman, 40, 6. G.Biftle, 38; 7. D.Patrick, 37;8. TENNIS M.McDoweg, 35; 9. J.Yeley 34; 10.C.Bowyer, 34; 11. R.Stenhouse Jr., 32;12.A.Almirola, 31.

Professional U.S. National IndoorChampionships Sunday At The RacpuetClub ofMemphis Memphis, Tenn. Purse: Men,$1,353,558(W T580);Women, $235,ggg (Intl.) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles Men Championship Kei Nishikori (5), Japan,del. Feliciano Lopez, Spain,6-2, 6-3. Copa Claro Sunday At BuenosAires LawnTennis Club BuenosAires, Argentina Purse: $570,478(WT258) Surface: Clay-Outdoor Singles Championship David Ferrer(1), Spain,def.Stanislas Wawrinka (3), Switzerland,6-4,3-6, 6-1.

Copa ClaroColsanitas

Sunday At Club Campestre el Rancho Bogota, Colombia Purse: $235,008(Intl.)

Surface: Clay-Outdoor Singles Championship JelenaJankovic(1), Serbia,def. PaulaOrmaechea, Argentina,6-1,6-2. Dpen13 Sunday At Palais desSports Marseille, France Purse: $8gg,ggg(WT258) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles Championship Jo-WilfredTsonga(3), France,def. TomasBerdych (1), Czech Republic, 3-6,7-6(6), 6-4.


Spring Training



At Firebird International Raceway Chandler, Ariz. Final Finish Order Top Fuel 1. TonySchumacher; 2. MorganLucas; 3. Antron Brown; 4.Spencer Massey, 5. Larry Dixon;6. Khalid alBa ooshi; 7.LeahPruett; 8. David Grubnic;9. Doug Kalitta, 10. ClayMigican; 11. Terry McMigen;12. BrandonBemstein; 13. ShawnLangdon; 14. Brittany Force;15.SidneiFrigo,16. BobVandergriff. FunnyCar 1. RonCapps;2. Matt Hagan;3. John Force;4. Tim Wilkerson; 5.BobTasca Bl; 6 RobertHight; 7. Cruz Pedregon;8. ToddLesenko; 9. TonyPedregon; 10. AlexisDeJoria;11 Phil Burkart;12. DelWorsham; 13.JackBeckman;14.Courtney Force;15.Jeff Arend; 16. JohnnyGray. Pro Stock 1.EricaEnders-Stevens;2.MikeEdwards;3.Jason Line; 4.GregAnderson;5.AllenJohnson;6.V.Gaines; 7. JegCoughlin; 8 VincentNobile; 9. ChrisMcGaha; 10. SteveKent; 11. Matt Hartford; 12 DerlcKramer; 13. Shane Gray,14. LarryMorgan,15. GregStanfield; 16. Rodger Brogdon.


National Basketball Association NBA—SuspendedDetroit GWil Bynumonegame, withoutpay,forstriking IndianaF-CTyler Hansbrough in a game onFeb. 23

HOCKEY NationalHockeyLeague COLUMBUS BLUEJACKETS Placed D Jack Johnsonon injured reserve.RecagedCRyanJohansen from Springfield (AHL) DALLAS STARS—Placed DTrevor Daley andD Aaron Romeon injured reserve. Recalled DJamie OleksiakandDCarlSneepfrom Texas(AHL). DETROIT RED WINGS Recalled G Tom Mccollum trom GrandRapids (AHL). WASHINGTON CAPITALS— ReassignedGBrandon AndersonfromReading (ECHL) to Hershey(AHL).





BZei'S eB OSin S i



The Associated Press

Miami extended the NBA's PORTLAND — The pain l ongest c u r r ent wi n n i n g in his left leg barely tolerable, streak to 11 games. Trail Blazers guard Wesley Knicks.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Matthews hoped he wasn't 7 6ers.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3 a sking for t r ouble w it h a NEW YORK — Carmelo step-back 3-pointer at the end Anthony scored 29 points, v of a close game against the A mare Stoudemire had a Boston Celtics. s eason-high 22 a n d N e w <(rc'4+'-'e "As I was stepping back, I York snapped it s l o ngest was like, 'Oh, my God, what losing streak of the season am I doing?' Matthews said. at four. Jrue Holiday had 30 "Instincts take over t here. points for Philadelphia. That's mind over matter." Lakers.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 03 The 3-pointer fell and MatM avericks.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 thews finished with 24 points DALLAS — Kobe Bryant in Portland's 92-86 victory had 38 points to win a scorSunday night that snapped ing duel with Dirk Nowitzki, a season-worst seven-game and Los Angeles beat Dallas losing streak. in a matchup of teams fightJ.J. Hickson's hook shot ing to get in the playoff race. put the Blazers ahead 86-80, N owitzki f i nished with 3 0 but a pair of reverse layups points and 13 rebounds for from Paul Pierce and Branthe Mavericks. I don Bass pulled the Celtics to Grizzlies... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 86-82 with 2:54 left. Nets.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Kevin Garnett's layup with N EW Y O R K — Z ac h I:46 to go tied it, but rookie Randolph had 16 points and Damian L i l lard a n swered 14 rebounds, Marc G asol w ith hi s o w n l a y u p a n d scored 14 points and Memcv added a free throw to give phis won its seventh straight Portland back the lead. Matgame with a v i c tory over thews, hobbled throughout Don Ryan/TheAssociatedPress Brooklyn. the game by a lingering in- Boston Celtics forward Paul Pierce gets his hand tangled in the Warriors... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 jury to his leg and ankle, hit net as Portland Trail Blazers forward Nicolas Batum goes for a Timberwolves... . . . . . . . . . 99 the 3-pointer to give the Blaz- shot during the second half of Sunday night's game in Portland. MINNEAPOLIS — Jarrett ers the final margin with 53.9 Jack had 23 points and eight seconds left. assists, and David Lee had "I was just hoping my leg been playing hurt these last the break. 22 points and 13 rebounds to stayed with me," he said. couple of games, but that's Avery Bradley's fast-break rally Golden State to a vicPierce had 23 points and Wes. He's been a warrior for dunk put th e Celtics back tory over Minnesota. eight assists for the Celtics, us the whole year and he got in front 55-54 with 8:32 left Hornets.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 who were playing their third it done tonight," said Hickson, in the third quarter, but the K ings.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5 game in four nights. Garnett who finished with 11 points Blazers regained the l ead N EW ORLEANS — A n finished with 20 points and and 11 rebounds for his 30th and were ahead 71-67 going thony Davis had 20 points nine rebounds. double-double this season. into the final period. and eight rebounds, and Eric "When we needed stops, Guard Eric Maynor also The game stayed close un- Gordon added 17 points and we couldn't get them, when made his debut for Portland til Matthews made a 3-pointer eight assists to l ead N ew he had a chance to turn the after coming to the team in to put Portland ahead 80-73 Orleans to a v i c tory over c orner, we didn't t ur n i t ," a deal with Oklahoma City with 6:53 to go in the game. Sacramento. Garnett said. "I thought we at the trade deadline, finishLaMarcus Aldridge extended Spurs....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 had opportunities to take ad- i ng with tw o p oints in 1 5 the lead with his own 3 that S uns .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 7 vantage of it. Eight out of 10 minutes. made it 82-74. PHOENIX — Patty Mills "It was one of those 'my times we didn't do it. Small The Celtics jumped out first and Kawhi Leonard scored things, man. Small things." and led by as many as seven bad' games," Boston coach 16 points apiece to lead six Matthews missed a game early, but Portland pulled in Doc Rivers said. "We just had San Antonio players in doubecause of a sore left leg and front on Nicolas Batum's 3- so many of those 'My faults' ble figures,and the Spurs elbow but r eturned Friday pointer, which made it 18-15. where we lost sight of guys. ended their nine-game road night in P ortland's 111-107 Lillard's bank shot and free We didn't finish any quarter trip with a win over Phoenix. loss to the Lakers at Staples throw gave the Blazers a 38- right. It was a gettable game Thunder... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 02 Center. The injury was ob- 27 lead midway through the but give them credit, they B ulls .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2 viously still bothering him, second quarter. made some big shots." O KLAH OM A C ITY and he limped badly coming Courtney Lee hit a 3-pointAlso on Sunday: Russell Westbrook scored 23 off the court after the third er and Garnettmade a jumpHeat.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 09 points, Kevin Durant had 19 period. er to pull the Celtics to 41-39 Cavaliers..... . . . . . . . . . . . 1 05 points and 16 rebounds, and Later, Matthews said his with 1:31 left in the first half. MIAMI — LeBron James Oklahoma City held Chicago leg's not even at 80 percent. Wesley Matthews answered scored 28 points, Dwyane to the worst shooting per"He was greatfor us offen- with consecutive 3-pointers Wade scored 11 of his 24 in f ormance in the NBA t h i s sively and defensively. He's and the Blazers led 47-42 at the final five minutes, and season.






No. 18 OhioStatetops No. 4 Michigan State


EasternConference W L Pct GB d-Miami 40 14 .741 d-Indiana 35 21 .625 6 d-New York 33 20 623 6'/z Brooklyn 33 24 579 8'/x Atlanta 31 23 .574 9 Chicago 32 24 .571 9 Boston 29 27 .518 12 Milwaukee 26 28 .481 14 Toronto 23 33 .411 18 Philadelphia 22 32 .407 18 Detroit 22 36 .379 20 Cleveland 18 38 .321 23 Washington 17 37 .315 23 Drando 15 41 .268 26 Charlotte 13 43 .232 28 WesternConference W L Pct GB d-SanAntonio 45 13 .776 d-Oklahoma City 41 15 .732 3 d-L.A.Clippers 40 18 .690 5 Memphis 37 18 .673 6'/z Denver 35 22 .614 9'/x 33 23 589 11 GoldenState Utah 31 25 .554 13 Houston 31 27 .534 14 LA. Lakers 28 29 491 16r/r Portland 26 30 .464 18 Dallas 25 30 .455 18'/z Minnesota 20 33 ,377 22'/x NewOrleans 20 37 351 24H Sacramento 19 38 .333 25'/z Phoenix 18 39 .316 26r/r d-divisionleader

Snnday's Games L.A. Lakers103,Dallas99 GoldenState100, Minnesota99 NewOrleans110,Sacramento95 Miami 109,0leveland 105 NewYork99,Philadelphia 93 Memphis 76,Brooklyn72 San Antonio97, Phoenix87 Port and92,Boston 86 Oklahoma City102, Chicago72 Today's Games Washington atToronto, 4p.m. Atlanta atDetroit, 4:30p.m. L.A. Lakers at Denver, 6p.m. Bostonat Utah,6p.m.

9, Williams9-152-3 24,Watson 4-8 0-011, Blatche 5-12 0-010, Bogans1-40-0 3, Brooks4-13 0-2 8, Humphries0-10-2 0, Taylor 0-10-00, Teletovic 2-4 0-0 5. Totals 29-77 5-13 72. Memphis 16 27 12 21 — 76 Brooklyn 19 19 13 21 — 72

Knicks 99, 76ers 93 PHILADELPHIA(93) Turner7-187-7 21,TYoung 5-121-311, Hawes311 4-410, N.Young 0-4 0-00, Holiday12-24 3-430, A len5-60-010,Wilkins1-22-24, Wrightg-20-00, Pargo3-60-07.Totals 36-8517-20 93.


Anthony 6-18 16-18 29, Shumpert1-5 1-1 4, Chandler2-21-3 5, Kidd1-71-2 3, Felton6-15 00 14, Smith 5-121-214, Stoudemire 9 104 6 22, Novak1-21-1 4, Prigioni1-4 2-2 4.Totals 32-75 27-35 99. Philadelphia 22 18 2 7 26 — 93 New York 24 28 24 23 — 99

Heat109, Cavaliers105 CLEVELAND (105) Gee3-73-4 9, Thompson 5-121-1 11,Zeger 24 3-3 7, Irving 6-163-3 17, Waiters 11-173-5 26, Speights5-71-211, Livingston0-00-00, Walton0-0 0-00, Egington1-43-45, Miles 6-112-219. Totals 39-78 19-24 105. MIAMI (109) JamesIO-I98-1I28,Haslem 2-23-47,Bosh3-7 0-07, Chalmers4-64-416, Wade11-222-324, Allen 4-6 0-011,Battier 4-72-214, Andersen0-1 0-0 0, Cole1-40-02, Lewis0-1 0-00. Totals 39-75 19-24 109. Cleveland 20 26 36 23 — 105 Miami 33 31 17 28 — 109

Hornets110, Kings 95 SACRAME NTO(95) Salmons 614 0-0 18, Thompson811 0-0 16, Cousins5-136-616, I.Thomas6-14 3-316, Evans 4-162-212,Thornton4-72-212, Johnson0-20-00, Fredette1-40-03, Hayes0-00-00, Patterson1-20-0 2. Totals 35-83 13-1395. NEWORLEANS(110) Aminu 2-60-0 4, Davis9-142-2 20, Lopez6-11 0-012, Vasquez 5-12 2-212, Gordon6-13 5-517, Anderson7-121-117, Rivers2-5 0-15, Mason4-7 2-213, Smith3-62-28, Roberts1-30-02, Miller 0-0 0-0 0, Henry0-0 0-00, L.Thomas0-0 0-00. Totals 45-89 14-15 110. Sacramento 27 20 26 22 — 95 NewOrleans 30 2 3 26 31 — 110

Summaries Senday'sGames

Blazers 92, Celtics 86 BOSTON (86) Pierce9-164-523,Bass5-101-211, Garnett9-19 2-220, Bradley4-90-08, Lee2-50-05, Green4-12 3-411, Wilcox1-20-0 2,Terry1-42-2 4, TWigiams 1-4 0-0 2,Crawford0-4 0-00. Totals 36-8512-15 86. PORTLAND (92) Batum6-144-518, Aldridge7-152-216, Hickson 4-8 3-4 11, Ligard5-162-2 12, Matthews8-11 3-5 24, Leonard 1-31-1 3, Claver2-4 0-04, Barton1-2 0-02, Maynor1 50-02, Freeland0-10-00. Totals 35-79 15-19 92. Boston 21 21 25 19 — 86 Portland 27 22 22 21 — 92 3-Point Goal— s Boston 2-13 (Lee1-2, Pierce13, Crawford0-1, Garnett0-1, Bradley0-2, Terry0-2, Green0-2), Portland7-21(Matthews5-8, Batum2 6, Maynor 0-2, Ligard0-5). FouledDut—None. Rebounds —Boston47(Garnett 9),Portand53(Hickson 11). Assis— ts Boston16 (Pierce8), Portland 21(Lillard 6).TotalFouls—Boston18, Portland16. Technicals — Boston CoachRivers.A—20,484 (19,980).

Thunder 102, Bulls 72

Warriors100, Timberwolves 99 GOLDEN STATE(100)

Bames3-51-2 7, D.Lee8-15 6-6 22, Biedrins 00 0-0 0, Curry 6 15 5-5 18, Thompson 4-13 1-2 10, Ezeg0-2 0-0 0, Jack8-19 2-223, Green0-3 0-0 0, Landry8-93 419,Jefferson000-00, Bazemore0-0 1-21. Totals 37-81 19-23100.


Kirilenko5-104-514, Williams9-15 5-523, Pekovic 10-18 1-321, Ruhio3-10 10-1116, Ridnour 6-141-1 14,Shved2-7 0-0 4, Stiemsma0-01-21, Cunnin gham 0-42-42,Barea2-70-04.Totals3785 24-31 99. GoldenState 18 3 42 4 24 — 100 Minnesota 32 23 26 18 — 99

Lakers103, Mavericks 99 L.A. LAKERS (103) World Peace 0-61-21, Clark 3-5 0-0 6, Howard 2-75-109, Nash7-12 2-2 20,Bryant13-21 8-1038, Jamison5-101-2 13 Meeks2-65-5 11, Blake2-5 0-0 5. Totals34-7222-31 103. DALLAS(99) Marion 3-40-0 6,Nowitzki 11-194-530,B.James 0-1 0 00,Cogison3-110 07,Mayo2-9 3-68, Brand 6-13 2-414, Carter6-132-215, Wright 3-4 0-0 6, M.James3-9 0-0 6, Crowder1-20-0 3, Kaman1-2 2-2 4, Morrow 0-0 0-00.Totals 39-8713-19 99. L.A. Lakers 27 27 25 24 — 103 Dallas 30 24 21 24 — 99

CHICAGO (72) Deng 6-140-013, Boozer1-50-02, Noah2-94-8 8, Robinson 2-148-913, Hamilton2-71-1 5, Belinegi 4-80-09, Gibson2-114-48,Butler1-30-02, Teague 1-61-23,Mohammed3 50 06,Radmanovic1-30-0 3, Cook 0-10-0 0 Totals 25-8618-24 72. OKLAHOMA CITY (102) Durant6-196-619, Ibaka7-122-217, Perkins0-2 0-00, Westbrook10-172-223,Sefolosha3-54-411, Martin1-5 2 25,Cogison2-30 04, Thabeet0 01-2 Leaders 1, Jackson3 61-1 7, Lamb2-3 4 49, Jones1-4 0-0 ThroughSunday'sGames 2, Orton1-3 2-44, l.iggins 0-00-00. Totals 36-79 24-27102. Scoring Chicago 16 20 18 18 — 72 G FG FT PTS AVG Oklahoma City 24 2 5 31 22 — 102 Durant,DKC 56 517 471 1610 288 Anthony,NYK 46 450 285 1306 28.4 Bryant,LAL 57 547 353 1543 27.1 James,MIA 54 557 270 1459 270 Spurs 97, Sifns87 Harden,HDU 56 443 474 1478 26.4 Irving, CLE 45 385 193 1049 23.3 SAN ANTONIO (97) Westbrook,DKC 56 451 310 1285 22 9 Leonard5-135-616, Duncan5-120-010, Sp itter Wade,MIA 50 404 235 1058 21.2 5-74-514, De Colo1-42-24, Green3-70-08, Diaw Parker,SAN 54 448 221 1139 21.1 5-5 2-212, Ginobili 1-510-1512,Mills 5-115-516, Curry,GO L 52 385 164 1093 21.0 Bonner1-40-02,Jackson1-40-0 3,Baynes0-0 0-0 Aldridge,PDR 54 457 206 1121 208 0. Totals 32-7228-3597. Rebonnds PHOENIX (87) G OFF DEFTOT AVG Tucker 3-110-06,Scoa3-7 9-1015, Gortat10-15 Howard,LAL 51 170 436 606 11.9 1-1 21, Dragic3-142-410, Dudley3-73-39, Mark. Randolph,MEM 53 227 394 621 11.7 Morri s 3-9 3-4 9,O'Neal2-5 2-3 6,Johnson 0-1 Asik, HDU 58 193 472 665 11.5 0-0 0, Beasley0-1 0-00, Marshag1-1 0-0 3, Marc. Vucevic,ORL 56 194 445 639 11.4 Morris 2-7 3-6 7,Garrett 0-31-2 1. Totals 30-81 Noah,CHI 52 202 385 587 11.3 24-3387. Chandler,NYK 53 235 352 587 11.1 San Antonio 19 35 24 19 — 97 Lee,GDL 55 159 448 607 11.0 Phoenix 21 19 21 26 — 87 Hickson,PDR 55 192 379 571 10.4 CousinsSAC 52 168 351 519 10.0 Horford,ATL 51 125 372 497 9.7

Grizzlies 76, Nets 72 MEMPHIS(76)

The Associated Press COLUMBUS, Ohio — Aaron Craft s l ashed t hrough the lane for a career-high 21 points on Sunday — more than he had scored in the past three games combined — to lead No. 180hio Stateto a6860 victoryover fourth-ranked Michigan State. The loss crippled the Spartans' hopes of catching up with t o p -ranked I n d iana, which now leads the Big Ten race by two full games with four remaining. Deshaun Thomas added 12 of his 14 points in the second

half for the Buckeyes (20-7, 10-5), who stand fifth in the conference. Evan R a venel added 10 points and a crucial block in the final minute. Freshman Gary Harris had 14 points and Adreian Payne and Derrick Nix each had 12 for the Spartans (22-6, 11-4), who have dropped two in a row after winning 11 of 12. Also on Sunday: No. 6 Duke...... . . . . . . . . . . . 89

Atlantic Coast Conference) routed Boston College. No. 7 Michigan..... . . . . . . . . 71 Illinois..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 ANN A RBOR, Mich. Trey Burke had 26 points and eight assists to help Michigan

losing streak. No. 25 Notre Dame ...... . . .62 Cincinnati ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 SOUTH BEND, Ind. — Jerian Grant scored 13 points to lead Notre Dame (22-6, 10-5 Big East) to the win. (23-4, 10-4 Big Ten) bounce U CLA ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . back from a slow start to beat U SC...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Illinois. LOS ANGELES — Jordan No. 20 Pittsburgh..... . . . . . .63 A dams scored 20 points,four St. John's...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 others scored at least 10 points NEW YORK — Tray Wood- and U CL A n e ver t r a iled Boston College ............68 all scored a season-high 25 against USC (12-15, 7-7). The DURHAM, N.C. — Fresh- points, including two h uge Bruins (20-7, 10-4 Pac-12) man R a sheed Sulaimon 3-pointers in the second half, moved within a half-game of s cored a s e a son-high 2 7 and Pittsburgh (21-7, 9-6 Big conference co-leaders No. 12 points and Duke (24-3, 11-3 East) snapped a t wo-game Arizona and No. 23 Oregon.

Prince5-90-1 11,Randolph7-16 2-3 16, Gasol 6-112-214, Conley4-102-210, Alen 5-82-212, Davis0-10-00, Bayless0-60-00, Pondexter2-32-2 6, Wroten 0-10-00, Arthur1-20-02, Daye2-40-05, Leuerg-00-00. Totals32-7110-1276. BROOKLYN (72) Wa lace 0-60-00, Evans1-30-22, Loper3-103-4


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Blackhawks stretch point streak t018 games The Associated Press CHICAGO — Corey Crawford made 28 saves, and Andrew Shaw scored the only goal as the Chicago Blackhawks stretched their NHLrecord, season-opening point streak to 18 games with a 1-0 victory over the Columbus Blue Jackets on Sunday night. Crawford earned his seventh NHL shutout and second this season in his first start since Feb. 12. He outdueled Columbus' Steve Mason, who stopped 26 shots. Shaw provided all the offense inthe second period for the Blackhawks (15-0-3), who haven't lost in regulation time this season and have earned 33 of 36 possible points. Chicago has won nine straight against Columbus, dating to

NHL ROUNDUP Feb. 18, 2011. The Blackhawks set the league record with at least one point in the first 17 games of a season when they beat San Jose 2-1 on Friday. The 18-game point streak is also a team record for the Blackhawks, who have only lost in shootouts this season. The Blue Jackets (5-12-2), who have an N H L -low 12 points, went zero for five on the power play. Also on Sunday: Red Wings..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Canucks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 DETROIT — Damien Brunner had two goals and two assists, and Joakim Andersson scored twice in Detroit's rout of Vancouver.

Penguins........ . . . . . . . ... 5 Lightning.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 PITTSBURGH — Sidney Crosby had two goals and an assist to lead Pittsburgh past Tampa Bay in the host Penguins' first game since NHL M VP Evgeni M a lkin w a s injured. Jets ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 D evils ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 NEWARK, N.J. — Evander Kane scored a b r eakaway goal in the second period, and Andrew Ladd added some insurance in the third to lift Winnipeg over New Jersey. Hurricanes..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

I slanders .......... . . . . . . . . 2 UNIONDALE, N.Y. — Defenseman Bobby Sanguinetti's first NHL goal snapped a tie midway through the third period, and Carolina rallied to beat the New York Island-

ers and snap a three-game losing streak. Ducks ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Avalanche ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ANAHEIM, Calif. — Ryan Getzlaf scored the tying goal in the third period and set up Corey Perry's second of the game at 4:14 of overtime as Anaheim beat Colorado for its sixth straight victory. Flames ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5


Coyotes .......... . . . . . . ... 4 CALGARY, A l b erta Jarome Iginla scored twice, and Calgary netted goals 23 seconds apart in the final two minutes to rally for a victory over Phoenix. Bruins.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Panthers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SUNRISE, Fla. — Zdeno Chara and Milan Lucic scored first-period goals to lift Boston past Florida.

ema ~nnr. pulsepoll. com





MOTOR SPORTS: NASCAR Jimmie Johnson celebrates after winning the Daytona 500 on Sunday at Daytona International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Fla. It was his second victory in the season-




race. Terry Renna / The Associated Press .0

Jo nson starts seasonwit secon Da ona5 victo By Jenna Fryer

cess after a history-making race. The first woman to win the pole, DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. — A big Patrick also became the first womfirst for Danica Patrick, but an even an to lead the race. She ran inside bigger second for Jimmie Johnson. the top 10 almost the entire race, Patrick made history up front kept pace with the field and never at the Daytona 500 Sunday,only panicked on the track. to see Johnson make a late push Her only mistakes were on pit ahead of her and reclaim his spot at road, where she got beat on the race the top of his sport. back to the track, and on the final It was the second Daytona 500 lap, when she was running third victory for Johnson, a five-time but got snookered by the veterans NASCAR champion who first won and faded to eighth. That's going to "The Great American Race" in stick with Patrick for some time. "I would imagine pretty much 2006. "There is no other way to start anyone would be kicking themthe season than to win the Daytona selves about what they coulda, 500.I' m a very lucky man to have shoulda have done to give themwon it twice," said Johnson, who selves an opportunity to win," she won in his 400th career start. "I'm said. " I think that's what I w a s very honored to be on that trophy feeling today, was uncertainty as with all the greats that have ever to how I was going to accomplish been in our sport." that." It comes a year afterJohnson There were several multicar c ompleted only one lap i n t h e crashes, but no one was hurt and race because ofa wreck that also none ofthem approached the magcollected Patrick, and just three nitude of the wreck that injured months after Johnson lost his bid more than two dozen fans in the for a sixth Sprint Cup title to go two grandstand at the end of the secyears without a championship after ond-tier Nationwide Series race on winning five straight. the same track a day earlier. DayAlthough he didn't think he need- tona International Speedway worked to send a message to his com- ers were up until 2 a.m repairing petitors - "I don't think we went the fence that was damaged in the anywhere; anybody in the garage accident, and track officials offered area, they're wise to all that," John- Sunday morning to move any fans son said — the win showed the No. who felt uneasy sitting too close to 48 team is tired of coming up short the track. Several drivers said the after all those years of dominance. accident and concern for the fans "Definitely a great start for the stuck with them overnight and into team. When we were sitting dis- Sunday morning, and Johnson was cussing things before the season quick to send his thoughts from started, we felt good about the 500," Victory Lane. "I just want to give a big shoutJohnson said, "but we're really excited for everything after the 500. I out to all the fans, and I also want to think it's going to be a very strong send my thoughts and prayers out year for us." to everybody that was injured in Patrick is hoping for her own suc- the grandstands," Johnson said. The Associated Press

Wrestling Continued from B1 Throw in freshman Hayden Bates, who took third at 126 pounds, and sophomores Alex

Urrea (third, 152 pounds), Ryder Shinkle (fourth, 138) and Brandon Harkey (fifth, 160), and Crook County should be geared for title runs each of the next two years. Other placers for the Cowb oys c h a mpionship t e a m on Saturday included Dawson Barber (fifth, 145), Dean Smith ( t h i rd , 1 6 0), C l a rk Woodward (sixth, 170), Curtis Crouch (fifth, 182), Dylan Blasius (sixth 182), Gunner Crawford (second, 195) and Zach Smith (sixth, 195).

Panthers continue year Of excellence Redmond H i g h

Dale Earnhardt Jr., whose father was killed in this race 12 years ago, was involved in Saturday's accident but refocusedand finished second to Johnson, his Hendrick Motorsports teammate. The race itself, the debut for NASCAR's new Gen-6 car, was quite similar to all the other Cup races during Speedweeks in that the cars seemed to line up in a single-file parade along the top groove of the track. It made the 55th running of the Daytona 500 relatively uneventful. When the race was on the line, Johnson took off. The driver known as "Five-Time" raced past defending NASCAR champion Brad Keselowski on the final restart and pulled out to a sizable lead that nobody challenged over the final six laps. Johnson and Keselowski went down to the wire last season in their race for the Sprint Cup title, with Johnson faltering in the final two races as Keselowski won his first Cup championship. Although it was a bit of an upset that stuck with Johnson into the offseason, it gave him no extra motivation when he found himself racing with Keselowski late Sunday for the Daytona 500. "As far as racing with Brad out there, you really lose sight of who is in what car," Johnson said. "It's just somebody between you and the trophy. It could have been anybody." Once Johnson cleared Keselowski on the last restart he had a breakaway lead with Greg Biffle and Patrick behind him. But as the field closed in on the checkered flag, Earnhardt finally made his move, just too late and too far behind to get close enough to the lead.

Continued from B1 "At thesespeeds, she's very comfortable," five-time Cup champion Jimmie Johnson said. "She held a great wheel. She was smooth and predictable. She was able to take advantage of the runs when she had them." Then, the guy who had just won the sport's biggest race for the second time doled out the ultimate compliment. "She was just a car on the track," Johnson said. "I didn't think about it being Danica. She was just another car on the track that was fast." Patrick finally looked like a NASC AR Cup rookie on he r l ast t r i p around the 2'/2-mile oval. Suddenly, she was timid and unsure of herself. Running third when the white flag waved, she never gave herself a chance to challenge the two guys in front of her, Johnson and Dale Earnhardt Jr. In fact, she appeared to be going in reverse, hung out going down the backstretch as fivecars zoomed past her. She came across the line in eighth, a bit of a letdown to be sure. Surely, the people who tuned in only because of Danicamania were disappointed she didn't make a more aggressive run for the win. Patience, everyone. This is a driver who cut her teeth racing sleek, openwheel cars. She hasn't figured out how to win in one of these bulky stock cars. "I know I'll be better next time," Patrick vowed. She certainly knows how the game is played off the track, doing numerous interviews and promotional appearances after becoming the first woman to win a Daytona 500 pole. But, once the guy from the Zac Brown Band had finished singing the national anthem, it was time to go racing. She put in her ear plugs and showed the single-minded determination that impresses her rivals. "If you want a picture with my back to you, that's fine," Patrick said coldly. "But I'm getting in the car because it's time to go to work." Shortly after the green flag came out — displayed by none other than retired NFL star Ray Lewis — Patrick was quickly passed by the other car on the front row, driven by Jeff Gordon. But, near the midway point of the race, she came out of the pits in second and sped past Michael Waltrip for the lead — the first woman ever to lead a Cup race under full-speed conditions (Janet Guthrie, the pioneer for women racers like Patrick, led a few laps under yellow in the 1970s). Patrick wasn't out front for long, but she was never too far back. She reported that her car was vibrating at one point, but it didn't slow her down. Her biggest stumbles came in the pits, where she keptspinning her wheels trying to get away quickly from the box at the far end of the lane, losing valuable track position time and time again. Otherwise, it was a largely dramafree day, which is just the way you want things to be on a restrictor-plate track such as Daytona, where the field gets all bunched up and the slightest miscue can take out a whole pack of cars. Patrick felt so comfortable driving

around at nearly 200 mph that she spent much of the afternoon going over strategy in her head, envisioning what the final lap might look like and what she might have to do to get around the cars ahead of her. Passing was at a premium in the new Gen-6 stock car, with only the most experienced drivers knowing how to pick their spots and generatethe sortofmomentum needed to get around someone. Not ashamed to ask for advice, Patrick chatted up her crew chiefand spotter over the radio, picking their brains on what strategy might work at the end of the race. "How am I gonna do this?" Patrick recalled thinking. "I didn't know what to do exactly. Maybe that's just my inexperience. Maybe it was not me thinking hard enough. I'm not sure. I was a little bit uncertain how to do that." Clearly, she didn't figure it out. But it's time to accept she's not just a well-connected female taking up the spot of a more deserving male. Danica belongs. Seriously, she's just the 13th driver to lead laps in America's two most famous races, the Indianapolis 500 and now the Daytona 500, joining the likes of Mario Andretti, A.J. Foyt, Johnny Rutherford, Bobby Unser, Tony Stewart and Tim Richmond. "It's going to be a lot of fun to watch her progress," said Earnhardt, who has long been the sport's most popular driver but might have some competition. "Every time I've seen her in a pretty hectic situation, she's always remained really calm. She's got a great level head. She's a racer. She knows what's coming. She's smart about her decisions. She knew what to do today as far as track position and not taking risks. "I enjoy racing with her," Junior went on. "I look forward to more racing all year long. It's going to be a lot of fun having her in the series." The folks in NASCAR are no dummies, either. Their sport was hit especially hard by the economic downtown, struggling to fill seats and bring in new sponsors. Now, along comes Patrick, a driver who has the potential to attract the sort of people who would've been more likely to tune in to an infomercial than a Sprint Cup race (though, to be honest, sometimes it's hard to tell the

difference). "I noticed something last night coming out of the track for dinner," Earnhardt said. "It just seemed to be a different vibe inside the infield. People seemed to be more excited about what was getting ready to happen today. Even today, there seemed tobe a whole lot more peoplehere. There seemed to be a lot more excitement about the race. "Ithink,"he added, "we're headed in the right direction." F or that, e v eryone ca n t h a n k Patrick. She may have gone in the wrong direction at the end of the race, but she's leading NASCAR into a brighter future. Let's have no more questions about whether she belongs. — Paul Newberryis a national writer for The Associated Press. Write to him at pnewberry@ap.org or www.twitter. comlpnewberry1963

Lookingback Athlete of the week:Culver's Jared Kasch went 3-0 at this

weekend's Class 2A/1A state wrestling tournament to win his fourth straight individual title, this year at120 pounds. The

Bulldog senior pinned his first two opponents andwon by technical fall in the championship final. Contest of the week:Crook County won its first wrestling state

championship since1975 onSaturday as16 Cowboys placedat


:: ~

the Class 4A tournament, and two — Collbran Meeker and Jason Williams — claimed individual state titles.



TUESDAY Glass5A play-in basketballgames: The Bend High boys and Summit and Mountain View girls all host 5A play-in contests.


Winners Tuesdayadvance to the first round of the state playoffs, while the losers' seasons areover. FRIDAY, SATURDAY OregonSchool Ski Association alpine championshipsand Oregon High School Nordic championships, both at Mt.

se n i ors

Gunnar Sigado (182 pounds) and Sumner Saulsbury (220), two self-described f ootball guys who wrestle in the offseason to stay competitive, took their winter "hobby" to new heights Saturday as both won state titles and helped the Panthers to the Class 5A thirdplace trophy. Both wrestlers mentioned how R e dmond's state semifinal run in football contributed to e a rly-season wrestling confidence. Sigado, the No . 3 s e ed, knocked off the No. 2 and No. 1 seeds in his bracket, winning state despite trailing 6-1 early in his championship match .The Redmond l i n ebacker was merely biding his time, though, as he scored nine of the next 12 points in the match before using a cradle to win by

pin. Saulsbury's road to a state championship was more cerebral. Both his semifinal and final wins were over wres-

Bachelor ski area:Downhill and cross-country ski champions will be crowned this weekend. Bend High and Summit are the favorites in the boys and girls alpine races, while the Storm nordic program looks to defend its titles from a year ago.

SATURDAY Class 5Agirls basketball, first roundstate playoffs: Bend High aims for a return to the 5A state tournament in which they placed third last season. The Lava Bears host a first-round contest

against a yet-to-be-determined teamthat wins a play-in game on Tuesday. tlers who had beaten him at the Reser's Tournament of C hampions in J a nuary. I n fact Steely Smith, the West Albany junior he defeated 7-5 in Saturday's state final, had handed Saulsbury one of his worst defeatsof the season, a 10-3 thrashing in the Reser's semifinals. Saulsbury studied film on both Smith, the No. I seed at state, and Hermiston's Caleb Batease, the No. 2 seed and theopponent he pinned in the semifinal round, and made the necessary adjustments. Against S m i th , S a ulsbury

came out m or e a ggressive and got the first takedown of the match and put the previously undefeated Bulldog in uncharted territory. "I don't wrestle a lot in the o ffseason, but I ' m a l w a ys thinking about ways to get better," said Saulsbury, who went 0-2 at 220 pounds at last year's 6A t o urnament. "And for me, it's always better when I wrestle a guy a second time."

Quick thoughts If you get a chance next

Photos by Matthew Aimonetti / For The Bulletin

Ridgeview's Boomer Fleming (top photo) and Redmond's Summer Saulsbury (bottom photo, at left) won state titles on Saturday in Portland. year, w a t c h Ri d g eview's Boomer Fleming.The Raven junior won the 4A 182-pound championship without breaking much of a sweat, spending just 4 minutes and 42 seconds on the mat during his four wins, all of which were firstperiod pins.... Keep an eye on Mountain View s ophomore J.T. Ayers next year. A 5A fi-

nalist at 113 pounds this year — he lost 5-2 to Dallas sophomore Matt Hoffenbrendl in a match that was 3-2 after two periods — Ayers is aiming to be the Cougars' first individual state champion in school history.... Culver will be back. The Bulldogs' streak o f si x c o n secutive 2 A / I A state titles came to an end

Saturday, but Culver coach J.D. Alley has plenty to work with next year. Tucker Davis (126 pounds) and Bolt Anglen (132) both should return as reigning state champions, and also back will be Kyle Bender (third at 13 8 p ounds) and Mitch Adams (fourth, 182). — Reporter:541-383-0305, beastes@bendbulletin.com




Kuchar tops Mahan at Match Play The Associated Press MARANA, Ariz. — Matt Kuchar finally pu t H u nter Mahan in a hole and then answered every c h allenge Sunday to win the Match Play Championship. Mahan had gone 169 holes over 11 matches without trailing in this wild tournament until Kuchar won the fourth hole of their championship match witha par,and Mahan never caught up. Kuchar took advantage of a series of miscues to build a 4-up lead at the turn, and then held off a noble challenge by the defending champion. There was never a dull moment on the back nine. Only two holes were halved, and those were with birdies. But for all the great shots, the match ended when Mahan went from a tough lie in the bunker to a bush in the desert, and it took him four shots to reach the 17th green. Kuchar wound up winning, 2 and I, when Mahan removed the stocking cap he used to fight the cold desert air and conceded Kuchar a short birdie putt. I t wa s t h e f i r s t W o r l d Golf Championship title for Kuchar, and it follows a year in which he won The Players Championship. Kuchar became the second player in the past three years to win the Match Play C h ampionship without ever playing the 18th hole. "It seems like each hole there's so much momentum riding and so much pressure on every hole," Kuchar said. "To come out on top after six matches of playing the top 64 guys in the world, it's an incredible feeling." Mahan was trying to join Tiger Woods as the only backto-back winners, and he gave it a good shot despite the big deficit halfway through the match. "Just had a b a d s t retch against Matt on the front nine there that put me just a little bit too far behind," Mahan said.


Ted S. Warren /The Associated Press

Hunter Mahan, left, congratuiates Matt Kuchar after Kuchar won 2 and1 in the final of the Match Play Championship golf tournament, Sunday in Marana, Ariz.

PGATouropposesanchoring dan MARANA, Ariz.— PGA TourCommissioner Tim Finchem threw a big wrinkle into the plan to outlaw the anchored putting

stroke whenhesaidSundaythetouropposedthebanbecause therewasnotenoughevidencetosuggestplayershadanadvantage by using along putter. "We hold the USGA in highest regard as a key part of the game

of golf," Finchemsaid. "Wedon't attempt to denigrate that position in any way whatsoever. It's just on this issue, we think if they were to move forward they would be making a mistake." The LI.S. Golf Association and the Royal 8 Ancient Golf Club announced Nov. 28 a proposed rule that would prohibit players from anchoring the club to their body, the method used for belly

putters and broom-handled putters that are pressedagainst the chest. Three of the past five major champions used a belly putter. — The Associated Press

In a strong, cold wind — the wind chill index reached a low of 37degrees on the final day — Mahan made a long twoputt par to win the 10th, and played a tough chip from the mound of a bunker to about 6 feet for a birdie on the next hole, cutting the lead in half. Mahan followed with a tee shot into about 10 feet on the par-3 12th, the momentum squarely on his side. Kuchar, however, followed with an 8iron to just inside 15 feet and made the birdie putt. "The shot was certainly good, but the putt was really crucial, and when that went in, I felt like I was still in control of th e match," Kuchar

said. "Had that putt not gone in, it would have been only a Iup lead, and I think the match was in anybody's hands at that point." On the par-5 13th, Mahan hit a poor approach from the fairway and Kuchar got upand-down to restore his lead to 3 up. Kuchar came up with one more clutch shot. With a 2-up lead on the 304-yard 15th hole, the breeze at his back, Kuchar chipped about 10 feet past the hole with Mahan only 6 feet away for birdie. Kuchar holed the putt and escaped with a halve. Mahan won the 16th with a two-putt par when Kuchar's

tee shot bounced off the corporate tents behind the green, and it looked as though the match would go down to the 18th for the first time in nine matches for Kuchar. Both hit into the fairway bunker, but Mahan's ball w a s s l ightly sunk in the sand, and his approach never came close to reaching the green. Instead, it rolled through a patch of desert until it lodged in a bush. Kuchar'srecordinthis event improved to 15-3, the highest winning percentage of anyone who has played at least 10 matches. He has reached the quarterfinals each of the past three years, and this time went all the way. Kuchar polished off Jason Day of Australia in the semifinals Saturday morning, 4 and 3. Mahan beat Ian Poulter 4 and 3 in his semifinaL It was the first all-American final in five years at the Match Play Championship, and Kuchar's win gave the Americans aclean sweep of the PGA Tour's West Coast Swing for the second straight year. Also on Sunday: Park wins in Thailand CHONBURI, Thai l a nd — Inbee Park of South Korea took advantage of overnight leader A r iy a J u t anugarn's triple bogey on the last hole to secure a one-stroke victory in the LPGA Thailand. Jutanugarn b le w a twostroke lead on the 18th when she first had to take a drop and then missed a three-foot putt to force a playoff. The 17-year-old Thai golfer, who had a hole-in-one earlier in the round, was moved to tears as the putt lipped out, while a surprised Park started celebrating in the clubhouse with her caddie. The fourth-ranked Park finished with a 67 for a 12-under 276 total, with Jutanugarn a shot back after a 72. Top-ranked Yani Tseng of Taiwan shot a final-round 63 to finish another stroke back in third with Beatriz Recari of

Spain (70) and So Yeon Ryu of South Korea (68).

Maze clinchesoverall World Cuptitle with win The Associated Press MERIBEL, France — There was only one fitting way for T ina Maze to w rap up t h e overall World Cup title — with another victory, and with plenty of time to spare. She clinched her first crystal globe Sunday by winning a super-combined for her eighth victory ofthe season. So overpowering was her season that she clinched the overall trophy with nine races to go. "It's really special because it's so difficult to win. For me, it's special to continue this level of skiing," said Maze, who celebrated with a cartwheel. "To be on the top is amazing. It's a great season for me. Even if there have been ups and downs I have always come back." Maze led the downhill and coasted home in the slalom after Maria Hoefl-Riesch crashed out of contention. She tied a season record with her 18th top-three finish, matching the podium mark set by Pernilla Wiberg of Sweden and Hanni Wenzel of Liechtenstein. "I'm an emotional person, I didn't want to cry (on the podium)," Maze said, adding she felt sick before the slalom. "I went to the toilet six times before I started. A lot of people

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Marco Trovati /The Associated Press

Tina Maze celebrates on the podium after winning Sunday's women's World Cup supercombined in Meribei, France.

"I'm really tired now, especially after a long day like today," said the 29-year-old Maze, who won in I m inute, 59.54 seconds. "Today was so tough, I didn't know where I was. I almost went off the course twice. But I just managed to catch the gates. It's crazy." Nicole Hosp of Austria, the world championship bronze medalist in the super-combi, finished s econd. C o untrywoman Michaela Kirchgasser took third place with a superb slalom run. Laurenne Ross, of (were) sick and I guess I get Bend, was 15th in 2:02.86. something from them, too." Also on Sunday: Maze has 1,844 points in the France's Pinturauit wins overall standings and looks all G ARM I S C H - PA R T E N but certain to break the season KIRCHEN, Germany — Alexrecord — men or women — of is Pinturault of France used 2,000 held by Austrian great a daring second run to win Hermann Maier. a World Cup giant slalom as Hoefl-Riesch is second in his closest German challengthe overall standings but is ers faltered. Pinturault was 958 points behind and has no second after the first heat, bechance of closing the gap. Each hind hometown favorite Felix victory is worth 100 points. Neureuther and ahead of Fritz Lindsey Vonn, the four-time Dopfer. But Dopfer crashed overall winner and defending out in the second run and Neuchampion, fell out of conten- reuther made a mistake that tion after she took a monthlong dropped him down to 12th in break because of an intestinal the ranking. World Cup leader illness and then was done for Marcel Hirscher of Austria and the seasonaftera knee injury world champion Ted Ligety of at the world championships. the United States profited from Vonn is still third overall with the Germans' mistakes to take 740 points. second and third, respectively.






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O M M U N IT Y ARCHERY ARCHERY: Ages 8-13; Thursdays, March 7-April 4;5:30 p.m.-7 p.m; Cent Wise Sporting Goods, 533 S.W. Fifth St., Redmond; learn safety, etiquette and bow handling; equipment provided; $25; 541-5487275; raprd.org.

BASEBALL ADULT BASEBALLLEAGUE: Teams are now forming for the 2013 season of the Deschutes National Adult Baseball Association; competitive wood bat league for players 18 and older; season runs fromJune through August;teams for ages 40 and over will also be formed if adequate numbers are available; team managers needed in both divisions; Michael McLain, 541-410-2265, trailrun50@gmail. com. BEND ELKSSPRING TRAINING CAMP:For boys and girls in grades three through five;Thursday, March14-Friday, March15;8:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m.; Bend Fieldhouse, Bend; includes instruction in hitting, throwing, fielding and base running; instruction provided by the Bend Elks staff; $42 park district residents, $54 otherwise; bendparksandrec.org.


$10; Cog Wild; facebook. com/events/414531755292276. RADLANDSSPRINGTRAIL BUILD DAY:Saturday, March 9; 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; The Radlands, 1859 N.E. Maple Ave., Redmond; work on the expansion of this trail network; breakfast, lunch andbeer provided by Trinity Bikes Cycling Team; 541-420-5047; bobgilbert© trinitybikescycling.com; facebook. com/events/537609136273651/. WET-N-WINDY 50:Sunday,March 17;9 a.m.; 50-mile ride from east-side Hutch's Bicycles store to Powell Butte and back; course will be marked, maps will be provided, and route has one food/drink stop; $8; 541-382-6248; eastsideO hutchsbicycles.com.


THIN LIZZYATHLETICS' WINTER BOOT CAMP:Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting Feb. 26; 7 a.m.-8 a.m.; Boys & Girls Club of Central Oregon, downtown Bend branch; increase cardio endurance, improve flexibility, and gain strength; $12 per class drop-in, $100 for10 sessions, $160 for 20 sessions; 541-749-0048; lizduvall©thinlizzyathletics.com; thinlizzyathletics.com. ACROVISIONTAEKWONDO: Age 6 and older;Tuesdays and Thursdays, March 5-April 3; 78 p.m.; RAPRD Activity Center, BASKETBALL Redmond; students will learn about Korean culture, self-defense, PEEWEEHOOPS:Ages 3-5; for discipline and fitness; uniforms beginners, teaches basic skills; are required and will be available Wednesdays, March 6-20;11 a.m.-11:30 a.m. or 3:30 p.m.-4 p.m.; for purchase the first day of class RAPRD Activity Center, Redmond; for $35; classes are ongoing and nonsequential; $69; 541-548-7275 $17; 541-548-7275; raprd.org. or raprd.org. LITTLE HOOPSTERS:Ages 6-8; dribble, pass and shoot;Thursdays, "BE PREPARED"FORSPRING BACKCOUNTRYADVENTURES: March 7-21; 4 p.m.-4:45 p.m.; Wednesday, March 6; 6 p.m.-8 RAPRD Activity Center, Redmond; p.m.; Brooks Room, Deschutes $21; 541-548-7275; raprd.org. Public Library downtown branch; OREGON MIDDLESCHOOL presentation on essential clothing, BASKETBALLCHAMPIONSHIP: gear and emergency protocols Saturday, March 9-Sunday, for the backcountry; free; class March10;8 a.m.-6 p.m.; Bend and Redmond; 104 middle school teams is best for adults who like to hike, climb, hunt, ski, snowshoe, from throughout Oregon will play snowmobile, photo shoot or games at Bend, Mountain View explore in the backcountry; and Summit high schools in Bend, Robert Speik, 541-385-0445; Redmond High School in Redmond, traditionalmountaineering.org. and at Pilot Butte Middle School DASH 2 DARESPY THEMED in Bend and Elton Gregory Middle URBAN RACE:Sunday, March 24; School in Redmond; $5 adults, noon;downtown Bend;teams of $3 students and seniors, kids 10 two to four participants solve clues and younger free; participating and perform challenges that are teams and schedules available espionage-related; clues at the start at statebasketballchampionship. and throughout the course lead com; 541-647-2134; bill@ statebasketballchampionship.com. participants to different locations in downtown Bend; clues require basic knowledge of spy trivia; $45 per person; 503-683-3274; info@ CYCLING dash2dare.com; dash2dare.com. ICE CRIT: Thursday;7 p.m., SPRING FENCING:High Desert registration begins at 6 p.m.; Fencingin Bend welcomes youths Wanoga Sno-park; all bikes age10 and older and adults for and participants welcome; competitive training and fitness; podium and costume prizes; lessons now available with French

masterfencing coach Mondays through Thursdays,5:30 p.m.-7 p.m.; Randall, 541-389-4547; Jeff, 541-419-7087.

RUNNING GRIN 8 BEAR ITRUN:Saturday, March 9;10 a.m.; Les Schwab Amphitheater, Bend; 5K, 10K and 1-mile family fun run; proceeds go to Healthy Beginnings; $10-$40; myhb.org/events/grin-bear-it-run. TREADMILL RACES: Wednesday, March13;6 p.m.; FootZone, downtown Bend; watch10 bouts of local speedsters racing against each other on calibrated treadmills; free Brooks pint glass to first 25 spectators; free, but register at footzonebend. com/events/treadmill-races. ST. PATRICK'S DAYDASH: Sunday, March17;10:05 a.m.; start and finish is at Deschutes Brewery, downtown Bend; 5K fun run; $15-$40;bendstpatsdash© gmail. com; bendstpatsdash.com. FOAM ROLLERCLINIC:Sunday, March 17;9:45 a.m.; FootZone, downtown Bend; taught by Ashleigh Mitchell, CPT; learn basic myofacial release with a foam roller; bring yoga mat and foam roller if you own them; foam rollers available for purchase; limited to 15 participants; $5; register at FootZone; footzonebend.com. TRAINING 101 WITH MAXKING: Thursday, March 21; 7 p.m.; FootZone, downtown Bend; learn about training basics such as interval and hill training; tempo and threshold runs and more; free, but sign up at footzonebend.com/ events/training-101-clinic-withmax-king. SNOWSHOE RUNNINGGROUP: Saturday mornings through March16;all running paces welcome; focus onfun and fitness; different trail/destination every week; free; facebook.com/ groups/SnowshoeWithLaura; SnowshoeWithLaura@gmail.com.

SNOW SPORTS HEROES INSISTERS: FridaySunday;Sisters; an expensespaid weekend for injured Oregon veterans and their families; snow sports activities include use of adaptive equipment, lessons by adaptive instructors, volunteer supportand lodging; call 541-8489390 to participate, volunteers and sponsors also needed; oregonadaptivesports.org. SKI WAXCLINICS:Tuesdays, March 5 and19;7:30 p.m.; Pine Mountain Sports, Bend; clinics will cover the basics on tuning and waxing skis; participants do not need to bring own equipment; free; call 541-385-8080 to sign up




SUN CUP:Alpine ski races; Tuesday-Sunday;Mt. Bachelor ski area; $43 per event and $39 lift pass per day; 541-388-0002; mbsef@mbsef.org; mbsef.org. BACHELORBUTTE DOGDERBY: Saturday-Sunday;8:30 a.m.; Wanoga Sno-park; sled dog and skijor racing; race distances of 5 to 25 miles; spectators should park in family sno-play area, sno-park parking permits required; free for spectators; Shay Miller, shay927© gmail.com; Polly Riley, plriley22O gmail.com or 541-420-1063; psdsa.org/Races/BachelorButte. aspx. PAR FORETHE COURSE II: Sunday;10 a.m.; Mt. Bachelor ski area; 3K, 5Kand10K distances; free ski, individual start; $10-$25, trail pass $8 for those without an annual pass; 541-388-0002; mbsefO mbsef.org; mbsef.org. PNSA U12 20NAL CHAMPIONSHIPS:Alpine ski race; Saturday, March 9-Sunday, March 10;Mt. Bachelor ski area; $25 for one day or $50 for both days, and $39 lift pass per day; 541-3880002; mbsef©mbsef.org; mbsef. OI'g.

YOUTH ICEHOCKEY: Foryouths 8-15 with beginning to intermediate skills;Wednesdays through March 13 (two five-week sessions); 5:30 p.m.-7 p.m.; Sunriver Village ice rink, Sunriver; emphasis on skating skills, puck handling, passing, shooting, positioning, rules and game situations (daily scrimmage); required equipment is skates, helmet, shin pads,elbow pads and hockey stick (some used equipment available); $40 per session; register at the rink or through the Bend Park & Recreation District (bendparks. org); Scott Wallace, swallace@ bendcable.com. 2013 UNITEDSTATESNATIONAL SNOWSHOE CHAMPIONSHIPS: Friday, March15-Sunday, March 17;Bend; senior10K, junior 5K, and open citizens, kids and relay events; start/finish at Virginia Meissner Sno-park; $5-$40; snowshoeracing.com; visitbend. com/Bend Oregon Activities Recreation/US-SnowshoeNationals. MIKE PUDDYMEMORIAL:Alpine ski race;Sunday, March17; Mt. Bachelor ski area; 541-388-0002; mbsef@mbsef.org; mbsef.org. MBSEF FREERIDESNOWBOARD AND SKISPRING CAMP: Thursday, March23-Tuesday,March 26;Mt. Bachelor ski area; 541-388-0002; mbsef©mbsef.org; mbsef.org. CASCADECREST: Cross-country free ski mass start race;Saturday, March 23;10 a.m.; Mt. Bachelor ski area; 541-388-0002; mbsefO mbsef.org; mbsef.org. MBSEF FREERIDESNOWBOARD AND SKISPRING CAMP: Saturday, March23-Tuesday,March 26;Mt. Bachelor ski area; 541-388-0002;

mbsef@mbsef.org; mbsef.org. MBSEF ALPINESPRING CAMP: Tuesday, March 26-Friday, March 29; Mt. Bachelor ski area; 541-3880002; mbsef@mbsef.org; mbsef. ol'g. RAD CAMPS:For kids ages 7-17; trips for night skiing and snowboarding at Hoodoo Ski Area; Saturdays and Sundaysthrough March 30;depart at 3:45 p.m., return at10 p.m.; trips leave from Harmon Park, Bend; $40, includes transportation, lift ticket and pizza; radcamps@gmail.com. WEBSKIS NORDICSKIS WAXING CLINICS: Thursdays through March;5 p.m.; WebSkis, 550 S.W. Industrial Way, Suite150, Bend; learn about the importance of waxing skis, the basics of waxing and the tools needed; will cover classic and skate skis if interest warrants; no equipment necessary; free; 541-318-8809; webskis.com. NORDIC SKATEPRE-POLEPEDAL PADDLECLINICS: In preparation for the Pole Pedal Paddle on May 18; now accepting enrollments for one-, three- and five-day clinics; 541-388-0002; mbsef©mbsef.org; mbsef.org. INTROS TOSKATESKIING/ CLASSIC SKIING:Four-week programs start at the beginning of each month; for beginning nordic skiers; Mt. Bachelor ski area; $120$160; 541-382-1709, ext. 2211; mtbachelor.com.

ADULT LEAGUES:Open to players 18 and older and high school graduates; league meetings for the Bend Park & Recreation District adult softball leagues are scheduled forWe dnesday,March 20, at the park district office, 799 S.W. Columbia St.; senior metro, 5:15 p.m.; women's metro, 6 p.m.; coedmetro,6:45 p.m.;m en's metro, 7:30 p.m.; attendance by a representative required for prospective teams; registration fee is $740 except for women's metro, which is to be determined; rosters and team fees due by April 3; 541-389-7275. GIRLS LEAGUE: Ages 6-14 (as of Jan. 1, 2013); girls participating in their respective high school programs not eligible to participate; through the Bend Park & Recreation District;Monday, April1-Monday, June 3;all practices and most games staged on weekdays; $70 park district residents, $95 otherwise; registration includes visor, uniform top, socks and shorts; registration deadline is March 12; bendparksandrec.org. HIGH DESERTINVITATIONAL: Saturday, April 13-Sunday, April 14;Redmond; for ASA10U and12U girls fast-pitch softball teams; five-game guarantee; $350 per team, registration open until filled; Jeremy Puckett, 541-325-3689, jeremypuckettO highdesertyellowjackets.com; highdesertyellowjackets.com. COBRAFASTPITCHTRYOUTS: SOFTBALL For Central Oregon girls age14 and younger as of Jan. 1, 2013; BEND 50+ SENIORSOFTBALL: individual tryouts for experienced For players born in1963 or earlier; players for the Cobra14U ASA 14-game season, April 22-July fast pitch softball team; call Dave 31, 2013; games are played on Fierstos at 541-550-0491 to Mondays and some Wednesday set up a tryout time or for more evenings at Skyline Sports information. Complex in Bend; open practices HIGH DESERT FASTPITCH: High onMondays, Wednesdays and Desert Fastpitch (formerly Cascade Fridaysfrom noon to 2 p.m. begin todayat Pine Nursery Park; veteran Alliance) and Summit High School players will be contacted via email; are teaming up to hold winter $60 for players 74 and younger, free pitching and catching practice at for players 75and over; registration the Summit High Gym in Bend; closes March11; Jim Berado, Sundays, March 3 and17;girls 541-420-6614, da2schmoovaO 12 and younger, 4 p.m.-5 p.m.; bendbroadband.com;Tim Fissori, older girls, 5 p.m.-6 p.m.; pitchers 541-408-7407, tfissori©gmail.com. must bring their own catchers and own "softie" softball; tennis CENTRAL OREGONVOODOO shoes appropriate for gym use are GIRLSFAST PITCH TRYOUTS: Saturday, March 9-Sunday, March required; highdesertfastpitch.org. 10;10:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m.; Bowlby Fields, Redmond; competitive program looking for girls at16U and SWIMMING 14U age levels; Jeff Edwards, 541350-2621; Scot Lair, 541-408-1476. BEND WAVES WATERPOLO CLUB:For boys and girls ages12GIRLS SOFTBALL:Forgirls in 18;season beginsMonday, Feb. Central Oregon ages 6-14 (who 25 and continues into August; are not participating in high school practices scheduled forMondays program; through the Bend Park and Wednesdays,7:30-8:30 p.m. & Recreation District;Monday, (conditioning), andTuesdays and April1-Monday, June 3; practices Thursdays,6:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. and most games scheduled on weekdays; $75 for park district (pool time); all experience levels welcome; $125 per month or $600 residents, $101 otherwise; registration deadline is March12; for season (10 percent discount for bendparksandrec.org. second child); bendwaves.com.


COMMUNITY SPORTS SCOREBOARD Progressive — Boneyard Boyz BryanMeeker,256/710. League highscores FreeBreaihers — 2 Tigers and Jan 28-Feb. 3 I Cougar; JimWhilson, 238/662; Nina Lava Lanes,Bend Ladd,179/517 Casino Fun— Josiah Ohlde, T.G.I.F.— MaII On;GarrettWaliosz, 242l660;EdieRoebuck,171/478; 279/671;WaldaBerry, 242/64I. Have-A-aall — Tucker Hess, Draft —wayne Murray,239/620; 201/560;BrittanyOsborn, 162/438. BonniReev es, 212/547. Ius aIId Hers — Allyn Hayes, RimrockLanes, prinevule 247/714; ChereseBond,233/541. (Teamscratch game; teamscratch Greased Lightning — Rueben serles; men'sscratchgame;men's pier ce,208/587;vonnieGreen,193/500. scratchserles; women'sscratch Guys aIId Gals — Team14; Toby game; women'scratch s series) CIIndeII, 235/635; Margaret DonohIIe, Week22 211/544. Rimrock — TheGray-Mayers, 932; Rejects —Aley Oops!, DougGray, Oregon VisionCenter,2,776; Jim Gregory, 22Bi655;Janet Underwood,205/502. 277; GeneMcKeIIzie, 674;JIIlie Mayers, LavaLanesClassic — Team6; 177; ChrisGray,155 Dave Grimes,265/715; DebbieSmith, Week 24 2I6/522. 50+ or -— Ils AU Turn,691,Rusty Wednesday IIIc. — DaveGrimes, Relics,1,793; Rick Mayets, 226; Matt 268/740;DaveLarson, 257P16. Hawes,660;peggy Braker,172; Brenda Tea Timers — Debbie Smith, Murphy,453. 210/592. Week 25 TNT — Ken Fisher,256/653; Palli Grizzly Mountain Men's — CarSundila, 201/549 son oil, 996, NoBoundaries, 3,101;Roy Latecomers — Tami Smlth, Fuller,257;MattHawes,703. 201/533.

Email events at least 10days before publication to sportsibendbuttetin. com or click on "Submit an Event"at www bendbulletin com. For a more complete calendar, visit www.bendbulletin.comlcomsportscal.




Area SkierS exCel in IdahO — I eoI ukens

RegiStratiOn deadline aPPrOaCheS — Sun-

SeniOr league OntaP — Registration is open

won the J2 boys skate-ski individual start race to lead a contingent of Mt. Bachelor Sports Education

day is the final day to register for the upcoming season of youth lacrosse through the Bend Park 8

through March11 for the Bend 50+ senior softball

Foundatio nand BendEnduranceAcademy mem-

Recreation District. The program is open to boys

bers at the Bogus Basin Junior National Qualifier staged Feb.17in Boise, Idaho. Lukens, who skis for

and girls in grades one through eightand will run will be played from April 22 through July 31. Games April1 through June 1. Boys and girls in grades one will bescheduledonMondaysandsome Wednes-

MBSEF, also waseighth in the J2 boys (ages14-

and two will play coed. Gradesthree through eight will be separated based ongender and will play

day evenings at Bend's Skyline Sports Complex.

in divisions of two or three grade levels grouped

to 2p.m.on Mondays,WednesdaysandFridaysat Pine Nursery Park in Bend.Veteran players will be contacted by email. Cost is $60, except for players

15) 5K individual start classic race on the previous day. Other MBSEF participants were Zeb Millslagle

(J2 boys, 16th in 5Kclassic, 10th in 10K skate),

together. Teamswill practice twice per week and

Casey Shannon (J1 boys — ages 16-17, 13th in10K classic, 15th in 5K skate) and Emily Hyde (J1 girls,

will play eight games during the season. Helmets,

third in10K classic, eighth in 5Kskate). Representing BEA, Ryan St. Clair was second in the OJ boys (ages18-19) 5K skate-ski race, and he tied for third

in the10K classic event.

when they're exposed to that, you get more comfortable in Continued from B1 those pressure situations and Competing for a top-flight you become a better player," team such as Sunrise — the says Kyle Steinbaugh, the Oresquad took second place in the gon Rush director of coaching U14 boys division at the 2012 and the coach of Emerson and U.S. Youth Soccer National Buzzas' age-group team. "It's Championships in South Car- inevitable." olina, though neither Emerson Long before they started nor Buzzas played in that tour- playing for Sunrise, Buzzas nament — has been a boon and Emerson were united by to both Bend boys, exposing soccer. The two, both now 15, them to different styles of play grew up in Central Oregon, and providing incentive to bet- started playing recreational ter their skills. soccer as children and then "Here, it's more about size, moved on tothe more competand then over there it's really itive club soccer scene, playing technical, like you have to play on teams from differentclubs. a lot quicker and make deci- By the age of 9 or 10, they were sions a lot faster on the ball," already competing against one Emerson observes. another onthe soccer fields of Emerson's foot skills have Bend. " They smoked us all t h e progressed over the past year, he notes, and Buzzas says his time," Buzzas recalls about fitness level has increased, as Emerson's team. well as his "all-around techniEven as y o ungsters, the boys' talentfor soccer was cal abilities." "I think you can tell, when evident. " I remember he was big kids play at a h i gher level,

league' supcoming season.Theleagueisopento players born in1963 or earlier. A14-game season

Starting today, open practices are slated from noon

goggles, sticks and mouth guards will be provided by the park district. Participants supply their own shoulder pads,arm padsandgloves.Costis$75

age 75 and older, who may participate for free. For

for park district residents, $101 otherwise. Reg-

Tim Fissori at 541-408-7407 or tfissori©gmail.

istration is available at bendparksandrec.org. For


more information, contact Jim Berado at541-4206614 or da2schmoova@bendbroadband.com, or

more information, contact park district sports coordinator Rich Ekman at 541-706-6126.

and fast, and he could shoot

Rush ... we're here to prepare

(the ball) nicely," Buzzas says our players for the next level about Emerson, who last fall helped Mountain View to the Class 5A state final — after knocking off Buzzas' Summit squad in the semifinal round. "I just remember him bei ng the fastest kid o n t h e field," Emerson says about his friend. E ventually, th e t w o b e came club teammates when the Bend area's two club programs merged and became the Oregon Rush Soccer Club. Both Emerson and Buzzas still train with their Rush team and play games with the Rush when they do not conflict with Sunrise's schedule. In fact, the duo attended a tournament in Arizona over the President's Day weekend with a R u sh select squad made up of top players in Rush clubs located throughout the country. Their team won the U15 boys premier division. "The way we look at it is, at

for each player," Steinbaugh says. "And for some players that might be high school, for some people it might be at col-

lege, (for others) it might be professionally.... We are preparing kids for the next level. And whatever level that is, and for whichever kid that is, we're good enough and we understand that enough that we're not going to hold the kids back either." Such a busy soccer schedule is helping the boys, as Emerson puts it, develop a lot of "life tools." He and Buzzas can fly on a plane alone, he points out, and get to hotels from airports. They are proactive with their schoolwork, they say, getting homework in advance from teachers when they know they will be absent or making it up when needed. And b esides playing varsity soccer, they are active in other sports at their respective high schools:

Emerson played basketball this winter and handled some of the kicking duties for the Cougars football team in the fall. And both boys plan to turn out for track this spring. "The major benefit to Zach a nd Samuel (playing w i t h Sunrise) is that they are multisport athletes. With a program like the Timbers, you are stuck just doing soccer," notes Don Emerson, Zach's dad, referencing the Portland Timbers Y o ut h A c a demy, the elite developmental soccer academy associatedwith Portland's Major League Soccer organization. "And they still get to play at the highest level possible for their age. Where if they were just doing the Timbers Academy, they would be playing at a very high level, but that's all that they would be able to do." But still, soccer is undoubtedly their focus. And on the horizon is the youth national championships, being staged

— Bulletin staff reports

in July this year in Kansas. The Sunrise team recently qualified to return to the event by going undefeated over seven games in U.S. Youth Soccer National League competition in November and December. (National League is one of two ways for teams to qualify for nationals. The other is to

qualify through regional play.) Emerson scored six goals in those games, while Buzzas, who chipped in a score of his own, and the rest of the back line allowed just three. Not bad for two boys from Bend. "No matter what team we

play, it's goal stopper, goal scorer," Emerson says, referring to Buzzas and then himself. "It's a really good combo. He's fast, so no one gets around him, and it's nice not having to worry about getting scored on. I do my job, he does his job, and we're good." — Reporter:541-383-0393, amtles@bendbullettn.com.




scarvo erss rea ou e onors By David Germain The Associated Press

85th Academy Awards —"Life of Pi"picked up the most

LOS ANGELES — Ben Affleck's "Argo," a film about a fake movie, has earned a very real prize: Best Picture at the Academy Awards. From the White House, First Lady Michelle Obama joined Jack Nicholson to help present the final prize. "There are eight great films that have every right, as much a right to be up here as we do," Affleck said of the other bestpicture nominees. In share-the-wealth mode, Oscar voters spread Sunday's h onors among a r a nge o f films, with " A rgo" w i nning three trophies but "Life of Pi" leading with four. Daniel Day-Lewis j oined a select group of recipients with his third Oscar, taking the best-actor trophy for his monumental performance as Abraham Lincoln in the Civil War saga "Lincoln." Jennifer Lawrence won the bestactress as a damaged soul in "Silver Linings Playbook," while Ang Lee pulled off a huge upsetas best director for "Life of Pi." Anne Hathaway went from

awards with four, but "Argo" came out on top for Best Picture. The Oscars, in general, decided to spread the wealth. Here are the

propping up leaden sidekick James Franco at the Academy Awards to hefting a golden statue of her own with a supp orting-actress Oscar w i n as a doomed mother-turnedprostitute in the musical "Les Miserables." C hristoph Waltz won h i s

winners in the top categories from Sundaynight's show. • BEST PICTURE:"Argo" • BEST DIRECTOR: Ang Lee, "Life of Pi" • BEST ACTOR:Daniel Day-Lewis, "Lincoln" • BESTACTRESS:Jennifer Lawrence, "Silver Linings Playbook" • BEST SUPPORTINGACTOR:Christoph Waltz, "Django Unchained" • BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS:Anne Hathaway, "Les Miserables" • BESTADAPTEDSCREENPLAY:Chris Terrio, "Argo" • BESTORIGINALSCREENPLAY: Quentin Tarantino, "Django Unchained"

See a list of winners in all categories at oscar.go.com. Source: The Associated Press Chris Pizzello / Intns>on /The Associated Press

Director/producer Ben Affleck accepts the award for Best Picture for "Argo" during the Oscars on Sunday in Los Angeles. Looking on from right are producers George Clooney and Grant Heslov. "Argon won three Academy Awards.

2006 recipient Jennifer Hudson for "Dreamgirls." Hathaway had warm thanks for "Les Miz" co-star Hugh Jackman, with whom she once sang a second supporting-actor OsLeft Foot" and "There Will Be duet atthe Oscars when he car for a Tarantino film, this Blood." He's just the sixth ac- was the show's host. "Life of Pi" also won for time as a genteel bounty hunt- tor toearn three or more Oser in the slave-revenge saga cars, tied with Meryl Streep, Mychael Danna's m ulticul"Django Unchained." TaranJack Nicholson, Ingrid Berg- tural musical score that blends tino also won his second Os- man and Walter Brennan with Indian and Western instrucar, for original screenplay for three each, and just behind ments and i n fluences, plus "Django." Katharine Hepburn, who won cinematography and v i sual Lawrence took a fall on her four. effects. "I really want to thank way to the stage, tripping on Hathaway, whose p e rki- you for believing this story the steps. ness helped carry her and the and sharing this i ncredible nYou guys are just stand- listless Franco through an ill- journey with me," Lee said to ing up because you feel bad starred stint as Oscar hosts all who worked on the film, that I fell," Lawrence joked as two years ago, is the third a surpriseblockbuster about the crowd gave her a standing performer in a musical to win a youth trapped on a lifeboat ovation. supporting actress during the with a Bengal tiger. With a m o numental per- genre's resurgence in the last Oscar host Seth MacFarformance as Abraham Lindecade. lane opened with a m i l d ly "It came true," said Hatha- edgy monologue that offered coln, Day-Lewis became the only performer to win three way, who joins 2002 support- the usual polite jabs at the best-actor Oscars, adding to ing-actress winner Catherine academy, the stars and the inthe honors he earned for "My Zeta-Jones for "Chicago" and dustry. He took a poke at acad-

Grandfather hurt bysuddensilent treatment Dear Abby:My two adult granddaughters have rejected me, their doting grandfather. Their father gave me this explanation: "They are uncomfortable with the way you rub their shoulders and necks." These girls and both parents have misinterpreted m y i n n ocent e x pressions of affec• EAR tion, which haven't changed since the girls were little. The o nly change is i n their perception of my actions. I am devastated. I asked twice to meet with these family members to discuss their concerns. It has been three months; no meeting time has been offered. There has been no contact, and neither girl has called me for any reason this year. I can't just stop loving those with whom I have forged a 20-year bond of affection. How can this rupture be repaired'? — Grieving Granddad Dear Grieving Granddad:Clearly, there isa need for some professional mediation here, provided your granddaughters and t h eir parents are willing. If your touches

something has made your granddaughters uncomfortable, and the rupture won't heal until it can be

cern about the breed's reputation. Dear Abby: I am responding to your answer to "Lost, Alone and discussed openly. Worried in Urbana, Ill." (Dec. 26), Dear Abby:Lately I have noticed the young girl who is being made that people are bringing their dogs to teach her younger, learningshopping with them. I'm not talkdisabled brother how to read. You ing a b out s e r vice were right in advising her to talk to dogs, but pets. her school counselor. However, you The other day, a should have emphasized strongly woman brought her to her that it is a MUST. dog into the grocery The school counselor is part of store. While I'll admit a guidance team that evaluates the little thing looked students with learning differences cute sitting in the shopping cart, and strategizes ways to support the someone else's food will be in that student and family. The parents are cart next, and who knows where part of the team and attend meetthat dog's feet have been? ingsrequested by the teacher,counWhy does management al- selor or the parents themselves. All low this'? I'm willing to bet money conversations are confidentiaL that if I were to bring my pit bull, This may help the sister under"Bruiser," inside the grocery store stand that she will not be blamed with me, I'd be stopped immedi- for anything. She is in a difficult ately. Talk about a double standard. position, and you were right to supI welcome your comments. pose thatthe parents may be frus— Askance In Poway, Calif. trated and looking for help. It may Dear Askance:You should speak be exactly what this family needs to the store manager and ask why to get back on track. — Louise B., Elementary School it was permitted, because I was under the impression that health laws Counselor do not permit canines inside estabDear Louise B.:I appreciate your lishments that sell food — unless input, and I hope the girl who wrote have been regarded as inappropri- they are service dogs. "Bruiser" sees your letter. — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com ate, you should have been warned might be unwelcome not because about it y e ar s a go. O bviously of his size, but because there is conor P0. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069


emy voters over the snub of Ben Affleck, who missed out on a directing nomination for best-picture favorite "Argo," a thriller about the CIA's plot to rescue sixAmericans during the Iranian hostage crisis. "The story was so top secret that the film's director is unknown tothe academy," MacFarlane said. "They know they screwed up. Ben, it's not your fault." "Argo" also claimed t he Oscar foradapted screenplay for Chris Terrio, who worked with Affleck to create a liberally embellished story based on an article about the rescue and part o f C I A o p erative Tony Mendez's memoir. Terrio dedicated the award to Mendez, saying "33 years ago, Tony, using nothing but his creativity and his intelligence, Tony got six people out of a bad situation."

MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may beanadditional fee for 3-D andIMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. I

FEB. 25, 2013:This yearyouwil look at life's issues through many different lenses. As a result, the decisions you make will tend to be grounded. Many opportunities head your way.Takeyour time deciding which option is Stars showthe kind right for you. If you of day you'll have ar e single, your ** * * * D ynamic love life becomes ** * * P ositive ve ry exciting come ** * A verage sum mer. In the ** So-so period that follows, * Difficult be open to meeting the right person. If you are attached, your sweetie could find you to be exciting, yet he or shemight feel challenged by everything that is going on in your life. Take a special dream vacation together. VIRGO seems like your opposite, butyouhavethesameissues. ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * You are focused right now, despite some confusion in your mind about a different situation. Ask questions. Return all of your calls and emails. Opportunities appear, andyou'llneedtomakeachoice. Use care whendealing with a new person in your life. Tonight: Work late, if need be.

YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar

might tryto lureyou into a project, but taking the lead won't be worth your while. Smile, but keepyour ideas to yourself. Tonight: Moseyon home.

CANCER (June 21-July22) ** * * Keep listening, even if you're shocked at whatyou hear. Youmight wonder howyou can balanceall of the different factors in your life. Reachout to someoneata distancewhom youadmire. This person always has alot to share. Tonight: Your creativity flows; use it well.

LEO (July23-Aug.22) ** * C urb a need to go overboard. You might want to consider why you aredoing this. Only when you havethat answer canyoudecidetohold backsome.Your imagination opens upmany different doors. Lose the mindset that you are stuck. Tonight: Your treat.

VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22)

** * * G reet compliments and offers positively. Aclose loved one's kind gesture will motivate you to take astep backand TAURUS (April20-May20) observe what is happening around you. ** * * * Y ou can't control your thoughts, Changes are necessary, andyou have more even when you know they're not relevant power than you might realize. Tonight: Go tothe moment. Youcan choose not to with someone's suggestion. share them, but is that helpful? Center LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.22) yourself, and allowyour mind to be present. ** * The time has come toassumea Remember, you havelimits. Tonight: low profile. You might want to mellow Squeeze in someexercise. out and try a different approach. Youare GEMINI (May21-June20) surrounded by people who believe that they ** * S tay anchored, and know full well have better answers than you do. Detach, what is happening. At times, doing nothing and you might understand where they're can prove to bemost effective. A boss coming from. Tonight: Not to be found.


Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • BEAUTIFULCREATURES(PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:40, 9:30 • DARK SKIES (PG-I3) 1:20, 3:55, 7:40, 10:10 • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) 12:50, 4:25, 7:55 • ESCAPE FROMPLANET EARTH(PG)3:25, 9:25 • ESCAPE FROMPLANET EARTH3-D (PG) 1:05, 7:05 • AGOODDAYTODIEHARDIMAX(R) 12: I5,4,7: I0,945 • AGOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (R)Noon,3:40,6:50,9:15 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-D (PG-13) 6 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)I:35, 9:40 • IDENTITY THIEF(R) 12:40, 3:50, 6:55, 9:50 • LIFE OF PI(PG)12:20 • LIFE OF PI 3-D (PG)3:20, 6:15, 9:10 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 11:50 a.m., 3:05, 6:20, 9:35 • MAMA(PG-13) 1:30, 4:35, 7:45, 10:15 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 12:45, 3:45, 6:30, 9:20 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 1, 4:10, 7:20, 9:55 • SNITCH(PG-13) I2:10, 3,6:05, 9:05 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) I:15, 4:20, 7:30, 10:05 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 11:45 a.m., 3:10, 6:35, 10 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. I





• AMOUR(PG-13) Noon, 3, 7 • ARGO (R) 12:45, 3:45, 6:45 • THE IMPOSSIBLE (PG-13) 12:15, 6:15 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 1,4:15 • QUARTET(PG-13) 1:15, 4, 7 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 12:30, 3:30, 6:30 • STAND UP GUYS(R) 3: I5 I

SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov.21)

McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 54I-330-8562

** * * Confusion surrounds your long-term goals. Know that they might not be possible, considering your present commitments. Discussions provide unusually creative answers and solutions that might allow you to have it all! Tonight: Look at both the pros and thecons.

• THIS IS46(R) 9 • THETWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 6 • After7 p.m., shows are2f and o/deronly. Younger than21 may attend screenings before 7 pm. if accompanied f/y a legal guardian.

CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan.19) ** * * * L ook beyond the obvious. You could be overwhelmed byeverything you need to do right now. Understand thatyou have one choice: prioritize. Fortunately, you have energy and discretion working for you. Be willing to let go of what doesn't work. Tonight: In the moment.

AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb. 18) ** * * Relate to someone directly if you want to resolve a problem. Theother party could have many ideas. Instead of making him or her out to be in the wrong, choose to find solutions that workfor both of you. Tonight: Dinner and chat.

PISCES (Fed. 19-March20) ** * * O t hers think they have the answers, and they let you know. Don't get triggered. Look through a long-term lens in order to find alternative solutions. You have many options involving property and investments. Do your research before you decide. Tonight: At home. ©20t3 by King Features Syndicate

8 p.m. on l3, "How I MetYour Mother" —Barney (Neil Patrick Harris) breaks out his famous playbook to helpTed(Josh Radnor) find a newgirlfriend after he and Jeanette (Abby Elliot) split up. Robin (CobieSmulders) is not pleased; shethought he destroyed the book. Lily (Alyson Hannigan) hopesto makeagood im pression at a gallery opening, but it's Marshall (Jason Segel) whogets the attention in the newepisode "Weekend atBarney's." t, "Bones" —An ec8 p.m. on iD centric new intern (Brian Klugman) comes to work at theJeffersonian and inspires Brennan(Emily Deschanel) to try being more open-mindedaboutquestions of science. Whenshe seriously considers time travel as afactor in the murder they're investigating, however, Booth (David Boreanaz) thinks she's taking that open-mindedness too far. MichaelaConlin also stars in the newepisode "The Fact in the Fiction." t, "The Following" 9 p.m. on CD — After a newfollower (Tom Lipinski) makesCarroll's (James Purefoy) true intentions known, Hardy (Kevin Bacon) tries to turn Emma, JacobandPaul (Valorie Curry, Nico Tortorella, AdanCanto) against one another in hopesof stalling them. Emmamakesa decision that shocks everyone in the new episode "TheFall." 9 p.m. on TNT,"Dallas" — As John Ross (Josh Henderson) continues putting pressure on Sue Ellen (Linda Gray) to help him take control of Ewing Energies, Christopher (JesseMetcalfe) drops a bombshell that could changethe company's future. Christopher and Pamela (Julie Gonzalo) work on settling their divorce. Anoutsider's attempt to undermine theEwings brings the family together in the new episode "BlameGame." 9:30 p.m. on l3, "Mike & Molly" — Retail therapy — gotta love it. Molly and Mike (Melissa McCaithy, Billy Gardell) get into an argument at the mall, and Mike storms off. She reacts by going on a shopping spree in the new episode "Molly's New Shoes." ©Zap2rt


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SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21) ** * T ake charge, and try not to worry so much about the hereandnow. Several different opportunities come from others who presentyou with one idea after another. Behappy rather than overwhelmed. You havesom anychoices! Tonight: A force to bedealt with.

6 p.m. on GOLF,"The Haney Project" —Olympic swimmer Michael Phelps is the latest celebrity to go under the tutelage of swing coach HankHaneyfor the series' fifth season. "As I enter this next chapter of my life, I think I will be able to shift my competitiveness to anything I put my mind to, andgolf is one of the things I want to focus on," Phelps says. "I want to play all the world's great golf courses, but I'd like to play themwell." First lesson: Stay out of the water.


Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 541-382-6347





Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • BARBARA (PG-I3) 8:30 Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.DdemMedo Road, 54 I-548-8777 • BEAUTIFUL CREATURES(PG-13) 4:15, 6:45 • AGOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (R)4: 30,6:45 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 4, 6:30 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 4 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) 7 Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • ESCAPEFROMPLANET EARTH(PG) 6 • AGOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (R)6:30 • IDENTITYTHIEF(R) 6:15 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 6:15


iPPure Crradk Cr/.

rdu a~ B~ Bend Redmond

John Day Burns Lakeview

Madras Cinema 5,1101S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • ESCAPE FROMPLANET EARTH3-D (PG)7:10 • AGOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (R)7:20 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 6:50 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) 7:25 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 6:30


Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 • ESCAPEFROMPLANET EARTH(PG) 6:15 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(UPSTAIRS — R) 6 • The upstairsscreening roomhaslimited accessibility.

400 SW BluIT Drive Suite 101 Bend Main: 541-728-0321 wtvw.elevationcapitstl.biz

Elevation Capital Strategies


W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2013. • •



Today: Chance of

Tonight: Decrease in clouds.

aum showers. CHANNE


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Juneau 36/27

• Miami 81/71

Monterrey Mazatlan • 76/61



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for solar at noon.

Snow accumulation in inches


Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . 64-66 H oodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . . . . 8 6 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . 74-112 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . 113-122 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . 113 Mt. HoodSkiBowl............ 3......70-77 Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 . . . . . . . 143

L 0

ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires.

Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . . 0 . . . no report Wigamette Pass ........ . . . . . . 0 . . . . . .36-85

Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires

Aspen, Colorado..... . . . . . . . . .

W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain

F l urries Snow



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Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......74/42/0 00..54/29/pc.. 61/33/s GrandRapids....37/23/0 00..37/25/pc. 33/31/sn RapidCity.......35/30/0.01...39/21/s.. 38/23/c Savannah.......72/50/0.00...60/57/r...70/43/t Akrpn ..........33/26/000..39/29/pc..40/33/rs GreenBay.......34/25/000..33/23/pc. 34/28/sn Renp...........46/I9/0.00..54/25/pc.. 50/26/s Seattle..........48/40/0.01..48/35/sh.. 48/40/c Albany..........40/32/005..39/22/pc.. 42/36/c Greensboro......61/37/005..50/37/pc. 45/41/sh Richmond.......58/41/001 ..50/34/pc...52/41/r SipuxFalls........27/5/000... 29/I6/c. 28/20/sn Albuquerque.....43/30/000...45/22/s. 47/20/pc Harusburg.......43/34/0.00..45/28/pc. 44/35/rs RochesterNY....33/30/001 ..37/26/pc.. 38/34/c Spokane........38/24/000 .. 41/25/rs. 40/29/pc Anchorage ......30/21/0.00..28/21/sn.. 28/21/c Hartford,CT .....39/34/0.00..42/27/pc.. 41/33/c Sacramento......63/39/0.00... 65/38/s .. 68/39/s Springfield MO..53/23/0.00... 43/32/t. 36/27/sn Atlanta.........64/41/0 00... 47/41/r...59/40/r Helena..........40/21/0 00.. 39/24/rs.37/19/sn St.Louis.........42/18/000..42/37/pc.38/29/sn Tampa..........78/68/000...83/70/t...77/63/t Atlantic City.....52/37/0.00..46/31/pc...46/41/r Honolulu........80/70/0.00...81/69/s.. 80/69/s SaltLakeCity....31/12/001...35/22/c.33/15/sn Tucson..........51/37/000...59/34/s.. 65/38/s Austin..........75/32/0.00..65/39/pc.. 69/40/s Houston ........70/43/0.00...70/41/t.. 66/44/s SanAntonip.....70/41/000..67/39/pc..71/42/s Tulsa...........60/26/000...45/30/r.42/24/pc Baltimore.......50/37/0.00..47/33/pc...47/38/r Huntsville.......60/33/0.00...56/47/t.56/36/pc SanDiego.......66/49/0.00...65/48/s .. 63/51/s Washington,DC.54/40/0.00 ..47/35/pc...48/40/r Bigings.........41/24/000 ..41/27/rs..36/21/rs Indianapolis.....41/20/0.00 ..43/33/pc...40/31/r SanFrancisco....60/49/000...58/43/s .. 60/43/s W/chita.........45/25/000 ..33/22/sn.. 36/20/c Birmingham .. 65/33/0.00... 59/48/t. 56/37/pc Jackson, MS.... 69/35/0.00. 68/42/t. 59/39/pc SanJpse........62/38/000.. 62/40/s 63/40/s Yakima........48/28/trace..51/27/sh. 51/29/pc Bismarck........34/22/001 ..36/11/pc. 33/I7/pc Jacksonvile......75/61/014... 71/63/t...76/48/t SantaFe........41/22/000... 34/23/s. 38/I9/pc Yuma...........65/50/000... 67/45/s .. 72/48/s Boise...........42/25/000 .. 42/23/rs.40/23/pc Juneau..........38/33/0.10.. 36/27/rs ..35/27/rs INTERNATIONAL Boston..........38/30/0.76 ..41/30/pc. 41/33/pc KansasCity......41/16/0.00 ..33/27/sn. 32/25/sn BudgepprtCT... 44/36/001 ..42/30/pc..42/35/c Lansing.........35/23/001 ..36/24/pc.33/30/sn Amsterdam......34/30/0 06 .. 36/35/sh 40/35/c Mecca.........1 00/72/000 . 99/75/pc.. 93/73/s Buffalo.........31/28/001..37/26/pc.. 39/34/c Lasvegas.......57/41/000...59/41/s.. 59/39/s Athens..........67/51/000... 65/57/s. 62/45/pc MexicoCity .....81/52/000 ..77/46/pc. 76/47/pc BurlingtonVT....34/33/008 ..37/23/pc. 40/28/pc Lexington.......46/24/0 00..52/40/pc ..46/34/rs Auckland........77/59/000..72/63/pc.73/61/pc Mpntreal........34/32/021 .. 34/25/sf. 37/28/pc Caribpu,ME.....29/21/003...32/4/pc .. 33/8/pc Lincoln..........43/I9/0 00...32/22/c. 31/23/sn Baghdad........68/51/000 74/56/pc. .. 76/61/pc Moscow.........34/7/000... 32/I8/s. 26/I6/pc CharlestpuSC...69/48/001 ...58/55/i. 69/43/sh Little Rock.......56/29/000... 56/35/t. 46/32/pc Bangkok........93/77/0.00..97/79/pc101/80/pc Nairpbi.........82/54/0.00...80/56/s .. 80/55/s Charlotte........66/42/000 ..51/40/pc...52/37/r LosAngeles......65/46/0 00... 69/49/s .. 70/51/s Beifng..........39/23/000 ..35/28/pc. 50/23/pc Nassau.........82/73/000 ..79/70/pc .. 79/73/c Chattauppga.....60/32/000...54/44/c. 55/35/sh Louisvile........50/24/0.00..53/42/pc.45/34/sh Beirut..........66/59/034...70/62/c .. 74/62/s New Delhi.......72/54/000...77/59/s .. 80/59/s Cheyenne.......27/21/005 ..30/I3/pc. 28/I3/sn Madison WI.....38/I2/0 00..36/24/pc. 35/27/sn Berlin...........34/32/000...37/35/c .. 33/32/c Osaka..........46/34/000 ..41/37/pc. 46/39/sh Chicago.........39/17/000 ..36/30/pc. 35/30/sn Memphis....... 60/32/000 .. 59/41/t. 48/35/sh Bogota.........66/48/001...77/54/t...81/54/t Oslo............39/25/000...33/26/s.. 32/25/c Cincinnati...... 44/27/000 ..49/34/pc...46/35/r Miami..........86/73/0 00..81/71/pc...82/68/t Budapest........45/41/052 ..49/38/sh. 38/34/sh Ottawa.........34/28/003 .. 41/25/sf. 39/25/pc Cleveland.......34/27/000 ..36/29/pc. 39/32/sn Milwaukee......39/19/000..35/29/pc. 35/31/sn BuenosAires.....82/70/1 01.. 76/51/pc.. 75/57/s Paris............34/28/000... 35/28/c. 42/32/pc ColoradoSpnngs.33/26/001..37/14/pc.. 34/14/c Minneapplis.....34/I2/0 00 ..31/21/pc.. 34/24/c CaboSanLucas ..72/54/0.00 .. 75/55/pc.75/57/pc Rio deJaneiro....91/73/0.00... 91/75/t...91/75/t Cplumbia,MO...47/17/000... 38/32/r. 34/26/sn Nashvige........55/30/0.00..59/43/pc. 48/33/sh Cairo...........73/54/000... 81/62/c .. 85/59/s Rome...........50/41/000 ..50/38/sh .. 52/40/s Cplumbia,SC....68/46/0.00... 53/43/r. 66/40/sh New Orleans.....63/51/0.00... 74/50/t .. 59/48/s Calgary.........46/19/0.00.. 41/16/rs.. 25/21/s Santiago........88/57/0.00... 92/69/s.. 89/67/s Columbus, GA...72/43/0.00... 52/47/t. 63/41/pc New York.......47/36/0.01 ..45/34/pc...44/38/r Cancun.........84/73/000 ..83/77/pc. 81/74/sh SapPaulo.......90/68/000... 84/68/t...81/68/t Columbus, OH....34/28/000 ..44/32/pc. 44/35/sh Newark, NJ......51/37/0.00..46/33/pc. 45/36/sh Dubfn..........41/28/002... 38/32/c ..43/37/c Sapporo ........21/12/007 .. 25/I5/pc. 27/20/pc Concord,NH.....34/30/082 ..38/18/pc. 40/29/pc Norfolk, VA......55/42/003..49/36/pc...59/45/r Edinburgh.......41/28/000.. 35/32/rs ..39/30/c Seoul...........41/23/000 ..36/34/pc.36/22/pc Corpus Christi....70/44/001 ..71/44/pc.. 70/54/s OklahomaCity...64/29/0 00.. 37/30/rs. 39/25/pc Geneva.........32/25/000 ..33/23/pc. 33/23/pc Shanghai........57/41/000 ..53/47/sh .. 54/41/c DallasFtWorth...70/36/000... 53/34/r .. 55/34/s Omaha.........42/17/0 00..33/23/pc. 31/24/sn Harare..........84/59/000..81/57/pc...75/57/t Singappre.......86/77/000... 88/80/t...90/78/t Dayton .........38/26/0.00 ..44/33/pc. 43/34/sh Orlando.........77/66/0.00... 83/66/t...80/58/t HpngKong......70/63/000..69/69/pc.75/68/pc Stockhplm.......37/14/000...35/24/s.. 28/20/c Denver..........30/25/024..36/18/pc.. 33/19/c PalmSprings.....67/52/000...70/46/s .. 75/47/s Istanbul.........61/41/0.00... 58/44/s. 59/49/pc Sydney..........82/73/0.00... 84/72/t...81/72/t DesMoines......41/16/000..34/24/pc. 32/26/sn Peoria..........37/12/0.00..36/30/pc. 33/28/sn lerusalem.......62/50/0.00... 71/58/c.78/58/pc Taipei...........73/64/0.00... 76/65/s.74/62/pc Detroit..........37/24/0.00 ..36/28/pc. 34/31/sn Philadelphia.....49/37/0.00..48/33/pc...46/40/r Jphanneshurg....85/60/000..79/60/pc...83/62/t Tel Aviv.........68/55/000...78/61/c. 83/62/pc Duluth..........37/12/001 ..33/21/pc .. 34/23/c Phoenix.........61/48/0 00... 62/42/s .. 68/44/s Lima...........81/68/000... 78/71/c ..79/70/6 Tokyo...........46/34/000...43/30/s. 43/35/pc El Paso..........63/37/0.00 ..51/32/pc.. 60/33/s Pittsburgh.......31/25/0.00 ..41/27/pc...44/34/r Lisbon..........54/45/000.. 55/37/s 57/39/pc Toronto.........34/27/005 41/25/pc..37/32/rs Fairbanks.........4/22/NA...12/9/c..10/6/pc Portland ME.....36/30/086 ..39/24/pc. 42/31/pc London.........36/34/0.00... 38/37/c .. 42/36/c Vancouver.......45/39/0.05.. 48/36/sh...45/41/r Fargo............22/1/000...28/16/s .. 29/18/c Prpvidence......38/34/0.31 ..42/28/pc.. 43/34/c Madrid .........48/28/0.00..47/29/pc .. 49/31/s Yienna..........34/28/0.21..44/38/pc.. 35/32/c Flagstaff........29/13/000...40/15/s .. 41/15/s Raleigh.........62/40/0.08 ..51/38/pc...52/44/r Manila..........90/79/000..83/76/pc. 86/74/pc Warsaw.........36/34/000...36/34/c.. 32/22/c


o 88 Fla.


4 1 / 16

,ortland;» x ".n

Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.17 Record24 hours ...0.47 in1957 *Melted liquid equivalent


m 48/ 3 6 ww~a'lgary L sask

, ~x 5, Seattlh

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low..............45/19 2 4hoursendmg4pm*. .000" Recordhigh........73m1995 Monthtodate..........1.09" Record low.......... I in 1993 Average month todate... 0.95" Average high.............. 46 Year to date............ 1.79" Average low .............. 25 Average year to date..... 2.48"

Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Mammoth Mtn., California...... 0 . . . . .90-187 Hwy 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . . 7 . . . . . .51-65 Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide...... . . . . . No restrictions Squaw Valley, California..... .. . 0 . . . . . .26-97 Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . .24-53 Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Roseburg.......53/35/0.00....48/33/sh.....53/38/sh Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . . 0 . . . . . .66 74 Salem ....... 51/34/0 00 ...48/35/sh ...49/38/pc Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . 44 Sisters.........46/I7/0 00.... 38/I 9/rs.....44/24/pc For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to the latest ski conditions visit: The Dages......52/31/0 00....52/30/sh.....53/30/pc www.tripcheck.com or call 511 www.skicentral.com/oregon.html Legend:yy-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partial clouds,c-clouds,h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstprms,sf-snowflurries, sn-snow,i-ice,rs-rain-snpwmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace

o www m 'Wancouvex


Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....6:55 a.m...... 6:48 p.m. Venus......6:38 a.m...... 5:07 p.m. Mars.......7:17 a.m...... 6:45 p.m. Jupiter.....10 30 a.m...... I 34 a.m. Satum.....lI;03 p.m...... 9:30 a.m. Uranus.....7:53 a.m...... 8:14 p.m.


Astoria ........49/39/0.00....48/38/sh.....47/40/sh Baker City......40/17/0.00.... 39/21/rs.....39/21/pc Brookings......53/35/0.00....52/35/sh.....53/40/sh Burns..........37/I5/0.00....37/I 5/sn.....38/20/pc Eugene........52/31/0.00....47/33/sh.....50/37/pc KlamathFags .. 41/18/000 ...39/19/rs ...46/22/pc Lakeview.......37/14/0.00 ...37/14/sn.....38/20/pc La Pine........46/I 5/0.00....37/I 6/sn.....45/24/pc Medford.......52/25/0.01 ....51/32/sh.....54/30/pc Newport.......48/37/0.00....46/37/sh.....48/41/pc North Bend.....52/34/0.03....46/36/sh.....50/39/pc Ontario........47/28/0.00.... 44/28/rs.....44/26/pc Pendleton......46/28/0.00....50/30/sh.....54/28/pc Portland .......51/37/0.00....47/36/sh......49/40/c Prinevige.......46/21/0.00....37/21/sh.....50/25/pc Redmond.......47/18/0.00.... 41/20/rs.....49/24/pc




Yesterday M onday Tuesday The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:

+ aq/ale +

+ sl 4»28 tk m ah

h 3K

Ch r i st V 8,

5.1 i ver

i x x x x x x x i fs


58 23


Mostly cloudy with a mix of rain and ' 0|ita lo' snow.

Jh ah

34/I 5




54 30

cloudy with a mix of rain and snow.

+ -: Juntura + 984»28 +

' +4+..Cffhmult . 35/14


35/I 5

8 g y 38/I 6


• Pauhna 33/I/ + ev +

• Brothers 37/16


CQQ5 8'aykX XX 45/33 ~x 8xx 6> <<


50 27

• Pl

CENTRAL Partly to mostly

+ + + + G ranite

'@I'8 • Prineville 37/2h '

5' 38/I 9

e hhh h h


50 27

Sunsettoday...... 5 49 p.m F ull L ast N e w First Sunrise tomorrow .. 6:47 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 5:50 p.m l• Moonrisetoday.... 6:10 p.m Moonsettoday .... 6:20 a.m Feb. 25 Mar. 4 Mar. II Mar.19

En t erprise„'

TBlamook•' iig . 8 • . xxsa n dyx x i ' i x x s 4 / 29,i i x w x x i i i x x x i i • Meacham • 38/22 x x i w x a u 34 . x x x x x «x s s Ruggs i iiix 36/22 47/37 «~ < > 3 i Maupi i x x x x x x x i xuz s i' m x i ~si~La Grande • • ~;McMi viile Josepg h ~ X i ' i 'ui ~ ~ ~ht/28 4 7/35 Qi : i Governmentl Kx x x x C xx t m J K 3II 'I at/29 37/gt xxx'camp 3o/25h 9 8 • zx m ondon 3K- + IK 3K 34 If @ Unjpn Lincolncityt, ' i ~ ~ 5 48»7 S alem,i I i @ WIR"w o8 Kx x x 48I35 • 'xxx 'CC"

Partly cloudy.


SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 648 a.m Moon phases

WEST Showers likely, with snow above 2,500 feet.


M stnl la'. xxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xxxxx xxxx xx xxxxxxxxxx'fIOOtkxi« i«x x x x x x x x x Umati(la,xi x x x x x i i i« i i x x « « t seasjdev<x4x Lxxx x x h h h h x x h h h h x s z/32 .Cannon Beachh'.ii x x x x g jVef t x~thh « x » x x x x « « . . . • t t « « t xxx '47/41 '. . ' 4x' • xxx x x x x 4 ) 3 ti h 8 uggvhhh h ,c c • Hw lrus'ton53/28 xJPx Ilalipwa xx x t uv38%%'t t xx x x x x x


Increase in clouds.




Mostly sunny.






Ji/2'~52' t

EnjOy a SPeCtaCular 5-night FrenCh POlyneSia VaCatiOn COurteSy Of PleaSant HOlidayS, GetaWayS TraVel CInd The Bulletin.


This fabulous trip for two includes: roundtrip air from Los Angeles on Air Tahiti Nui and five nights' accommodation at Bora Bora Pearl Beach Resort fk Spa.A prize package valued at $7,000


FOR MORE INFORMATION ORTO SUBSCRIBE, CALLTHE BULLETIN AT For complete rules and regulations, visit www,bendbulletin,com/vacationrules or stop by The Bulletin at1777 SW Chandler Ave., Bend. Additional entry forms are available in newspapers for sale across Central Oregon and in the lobby of The Bulletin, Entry forms should be delivered or mailed to The Bulletin, Last day to enter is March 22, 201 3 at noon, Winner will be drawn March 25, 2013. *Winner is responsible for transportation to LOS ANGELES and Transfers from Bora Bora airport to resort and return. Passport valid for more than 6 months after the start of the trip is required. ~


























~ 'hm

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ON PAGES 3&4.COMICS & PUZZLES ~ The Bulletin

Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com THE BULLETIN • MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 2013


I j



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Pets & Supplies

Furniture & Appliances

Guns, Hunting & Fishing

ions. 541-475-3889


Queensland Heelers standard 8 mini,$150 8


Poodle pups AKC toys. Loving, cuddly compan-

ITEMS FORSALE 201 - NewToday 202- Want to buy or rent 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 204- Santa's Gift Basket 205- Free Items 208- Pets and Supplies 210- Furniture & Appliances 211 - Children's Items 212 - Antiques & Collectibles 215- Coins & Stamps 240- Crafts and Hobbies 241 - Bicycles and Accessories 242 - Exercise Equipment 243 - Ski Equipment 244 - Snowboards 245 - Golf Equipment 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. 248- Health and Beauty Items 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs 251 - Hot TubsandSpas 253- TV, Stereo andVideo 255 - Computers 256- Photography 257- Musical Instruments 258 - Travel/Tickets 259- Memberships 260- Misc. Items 261 - MedicalEquipment 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. 263- Tools

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up. 541-280-1537





LThe Bulleting Antiques & Collectibles

Seniors & Veterans! Adopt a companioncat from Tumalo rescue, fee 1851 Civil War parlor waived! Tame, f i xed, chair, $500. Call for shots, ID chip, tested, pic, 541-408-4613 more! 541 - 389-8420. The Bulletin reserves Photos etc: the right to publish all www.craftcats.org ads from The Bulletin Like us on Facebook. newspaper onto The Siberian Husky female, Bulletin Internet webAKC, 15 mos, beautiful! site. $400. 541-977-7019

The Bulletin

Serv~ng Central Oregon s>nre 1903

Pets 8 Supplies

Guns, Hunting & Fishing

Ski Equipment



Fuel & Wood

Sales Northeast Bend

WHEN BUYING FIREWOOD... To avoid fraud,

Garage Sale Kit

The Bulletin

recommends payment for Firewood only upon delivery and inspection. • A cord is 128 cu. ft. 4' x 4' x 8'

• Receipts should include name, phone, price and kind of wood purHiking boots, L O WA chased. Gortex wm's 11, worn • Firewood ads once, retail $179; sell MUST include spe$75. 541-815-2737 cies and cost per cord to better serve our customers. • Computers T HE




Ad must include price of 4 f S 5 00 or less, or multiple items whose total does not exceed $500. Call Classifieds at 541-385-5809

The Bulletin

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1777 SW Chandler

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The Bulletin

quires computer advertisers with multiple 1 cord dry, split Juniper, ad schedules orthose $190/cord. Multi-cord selling multiple sys- discounts, 8 y2 cords tems/ software, to disavailable. Immediate close the name of the delivery! 541-408-6193 business or the term "dealer" in their ads. All Year Dependable Private party advertis- Firewood: Seasoned Lodgepole, Split, Del. ers are defined as Bend: 1 for $175 or 2 those who sell one computer. for $335. Cash, Check or Credit Card OK. Irrigation Equipment l 541-420-3484.

advertisers may place an ad with our "QUICK CASH SPECIAL" 1 week3lines 12 ~2

B U LLETIN r e -






Misc . I tems

Buying Diamonds /Gold for Cash Saxon's Fine Jewelers

Seasoned Juniper, $200 spilit & delwered. 541-977-2040

3-inch 8 4 -inch pipe, Nelson 100 Big Gun w/ cart, 3hp pump & control panel, misc. All $3200 obo. 541-420-2382

Donations of kitty litter 8 K2 Apache 153cm skis + www.bendbulletin.com Get your quality food needed for S ponsor needed f o r Salomonbndngs like new 541-389-6655 local nonprofit rescue sweet little S tormy, $30 obo. 541-388-6070 business Leupold scope 3x9x40 BUYING group after taking in 34 b rought t o CR A F T Hay, Grain & Feed l ike n e w , $20 0 . Lionel/American Flyer abused 8 a b andoned after her head was 541-647-8931 cats & kittens, some of crushed in a recliner, trains, accessories. G ROW I N G 1st quality grass hay, Guns, Hunting 541-408-2191. them with bullet wounds. she couldn't eat 8 her 70- Ib bales, barn stored, Military Special metal & Fishing Also need funding for vet owner could not af$250/ ton. Also big bales! AR-15 30 rnd mags, BUYING & S E L LING with an ad in svcs, which aren't doPatterson Ranch, ford a vet. After sur- .223 AR-15 w/ammo, too $40 while they last. All gold jewelry, silver I Want to Buy or Rent nated; foster homes & The Bulletin's Sisters, 541-549-3831 541-601-7858 Bend gery to wire her broand gold coins, bars, much to list, $ 3000. homes. Australian She p herdadoptive "Call A Service Wanted: $Cash paid for minis, purebred, no pa- CRAFT, PO Box 6441, ken jaw 8 3 days at 541-419-5158 Remington 22LR Golden rounds, wedding sets, Looking for your vintage costume jew- pers, 1 blue female, 1 red Bend 97708; t a x-de- the vet, she is recov- 2-NEF Pardner 12 ga. HV ammo, 500 rds, $85. class rings, sterling silProfessional" ering at CRAFT, but next employee? elry. Top dollar paid for male. 541-604-6060 ver, coin collect, vinductible. Info on cats & 541-647-8931 3" Single Shot shotDirectory Gold/Silver.l buy by the will need careful attage watches, dental Place a Bulletin where to visit at Estate, Honest Artist t ention f o r we e k s guns. Used once. Like Remington 700 - 7mag, gold. Bill Fl e ming, help wanted ad www.craftcats.org Elizabeth,541-633-7006 while the bones heal. new. $230.00 for both. 3 x 9 s c ope, 300+ 541-382-9419. today and 541-639-9895 rounds ammo. $675 Vet services are not Gardening Supplies reach over DO YOU HAVE WANTED: Tobacco Wantedpaying cash obo. 541-419-5060 donated 8 this was a 9mm Ruger handgun, 60,000 readers / SOMETHING TO & Equipment • pipes - Briars, Meerb ig expense for a SR9C, new in c ase Ruger 10-22 SS, Butler for Hi-fi audio 8 stueach week. shaums and smoking SELL dio equip. Mclntosh, small nonprofit. Can with 2 m ags, $750. Creek folding stock, accessories. FOR $500 OR Your classified ad J BL, Marantz, D y you help by sponsor541-260-7978 Boxer / English Bulldog For newspaper WANTED: RAZORS25 rnd mag,. $350 LESS? will also naco, Heathkit, Saning Stormy? Cat Res- 9mm Sig Sauer P226, 541-948-2646 delivery, call the (Valley Bulldog) Gillette, Gem, Schick, Non-commercial appear on sui, Carver, NAD, etc. cue, Adoption 8 Fosbrindle puppies, CKC Circulation Dept. at etc. Shaving mugs advertisers may box & papers, Call 541-261-1808 bendbulletin.com Recl'd First shots. ter Te a m , 541 - original Ruger single six, 541-385-5800 and accessories. call for info/pics, $500. place an ad with which currently 3 89-8420, P O B o x 541-839-7740 22 LR, $275. $800. 541-325-3378 To place an ad, call Fair prices paid. Workforce 7" tile wet our receives over 541-948-2846 6441, Bend 9 7 708; 541-385-5809 Call 541-390-7029 "QUICK CASH s aw. New i n b o x , 1.5 million page PayPal 8 more thru AK47, 75 rnd drum, 2-30 or email between 10 am-3 pm. Chihuahuas, 8 wks, long SPECIAL" $125. 541-593-8749. classified 0 bendbulletin.com rnd mags, b i -pod, views every www.craftcats.org. hair female 8 male, $250 Call a Pro b ook, b ox . $1 2 00 205 Thanks & bless you! month at no ea,cash. 541-876-1028 o 2~ e eks 2 0 i Whether you need a The Bulletin ammo avail. 541-350 extra cost. Serving Central Oregon since l903 Items for Free Ad must include Yorkies! Everlasting love -3335 fence fixed, hedges • Building Materials Just bought a new boat? Bulletin price of single item just in time for ValenSell your old one in the AK-47 Romanian Special Classifieds Free 31" Toshiba TV + classifieds! trimmed or a house of $500 or less, or tines, 3 puppies left. MADRAS Habitat SUPER TOP SOIL Ask about our Forces, NIB, lots of exconversion box, works www.hershe sonandbark.com Get Results! 541-777-7743 multiple items built, you'll find RESTORE Super Seller rates! fine. Sisters 541-588-6070 tras, 2 30-rd clips, $1100 Screened, soil 8 com- Call 541-385-5809 whose total does Building Supply Resale 541-385-5809 210 obo. 541-771-9902 professional help in post m i x ed , no or place your ad not exceed $500. Quality at rocks/clods. High huThe Bulletin's "Call a on-line at Furniture & Appliances LOW PRICES Albany Rifle & Pistol Pets & Supplies mus level, exc. f or Call Classifieds at bendbulletin.com Service Professional" 84 SW K St. Club flower beds, lawns, 541-385-5809 541-475-9722 Directory A1 Washers&Dryers 2013 SPRING GUN gardens, straight www.bendbulletin.com Open to the public. The Bulletin recom$150 ea. Full war& SPORTSMAN s creened to p s o i l . 541-385-5809 mends extra caution ranty. Free Del. Also Farmers Column SHOW Bark. Clean fill. DePrineville Habitat when purc h as- Dachshund mini, AKC BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS wanted, used W/D's March 2nd & 3rd liver/you haul. ReStore Ruger S S s y n thetic ing products or ser- Choc longhaired F. Shots Search the area's most 541-280-7355 10X20 STORAGE Linn Co. Fair~rounds stock 10-22, like new, Building Supply Resale 541-548-3949. vices from out of the done, saving new owner comprehensive listing of Free par ing BUILDINGS 1427 NW Murphy Ct. $325. 541-948-2646 area. Sending cash, $120! $600. 541-598-7417 classified advertising... for protecting hay, 1-5 Exit 234 Bosch front-load 541-447-6934 Find exactly what checks, or credit infirewood, livestock washer & dryer, $200. Russian SKS 7.62x39, real estate to automotive, 400 tables guns 8 Open to the public. you are looking for in the f ormation may b e Donate deposit bottles/ merchandise to sporting near perfect condition, etc. $1496 Installed. 541-633-7017 ammo. 20,000k sq. subjected to fraud. cans to local all volun- goods. Bulletin Classifieds CLASSIFIEDS 1000 rounds and dies 541-617-1133. ft. of Guides, OutfitFederal Value-Pack, For more i nforma- teer, non-profit rescue, to appear every day in the available. $1200. E-mail CCB ¹1 73884. ters, ATVs, Boats, Heating & Stoves 525 rds,$75. tion about an adver- help w/cat spay/neuter autotechsales kfjbuilders@ykwc.net print or on line. Archery. 541-647-8931 tiser, you may call vet bills. Cans for Cats Oclearwire.net Call 541-385-5809 Sat. 9-5, Sun. 9-4 NOTICE TO Rafter L F Ranch & Lost & Found the O r egon State trailer at PetSmart 2/23- www.bendbulletin.com GENERATE SOME exADVERTISER ADMISSION $5 Springfield Armory XDm Farm Svcs.- Custom Attorney General's 25, 8 Grocery Outlet, SE citement i n your 541-491-3755 40 cal, 5y4" match-grade Since September 29, Haying & Field Work Found digital camera in Office C o n sumer 3rd/Wilson, 2 / 2 6-3/12. The Bulletin neighborhood! Plan a barrel, adjustable sights, 1991, advertising for case on Hwy 97. Call to Call Lee Fischer, Protection hotline at Donate M-F O S m ith garage sale and don't 541-410-4495 Bushmaster .223 3-16 rd mags 8 carrier, used woodstoves has identify, 541-383-3510 1-877-877-9392. Signs, 1515 NE 2nd; or German Shepherds, AKC forget to advertise in AR-15 been limited to modbrand new in box, $1495 new & u nfired, $750. Tumalo sanctuary anyFound eyeglasses, Cook classified! 503-789-3971, Redmond els which have been obo. 541-556-8224 www.sherman-ranch.us The Bulletin time. 541-389-8420; 541-385-5809. Seming Cent al Oregon S nCe 1903 541-281-6829 c ertified by th e O r - Ave. in Tumalo, Tues, Meat & Animal Processingl www.craftcats.org Assortment of fresh & Sub-Sonic 22 ammo, 2/19, check with store. egon Department of I-Joy massage chair, saltwater fishing tackle. 500 rounds, $95. Japanese Chin pups, Environmental Qual- Lost little black dog, 25¹ All N atural g r ain-fed BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELPI Wife needs space! Call $250. Call fo r p i c, 541-647-8931 1M 1F 7 wks, 1st ity (DEQ) and the fed- mini Schnauzer, male, beef $2.88/lb. hang541-646-8784 for appt. The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are 541-408-4613 shots, $250 ea. ing wt, half or whole eral En v ironmental Sunriver. People Look for Information Call to still over 2,000 folks in our community without 541-447-0210. b e pro c essed Refrigerator, Frigidaire Bend local pays CASH!! Protection A g e ncy 503-327-1531 or mid-march. About Products and permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift for all firearms & $500 dep. (EPA) as having met 541-410-0308. Labrador, AKC b l ack 26 cu ft side x side with ammo. 541-526-0617 Services Every Daythrough camps, getting by as best they can. Half Hog Sale, $190 inwater & ice, $225 obo. smoke emission stanpuppies, family raised, The following items are badly needed to TheBulletin Classlfieds cludes cutting wrapdards. A cer t ified REMEMBER: If you parents on site. $300 541-923-8006 Browning A-bolt . 3 38 help them get through the winter: ping and cure. each. 541-508-0429 have lost an animal, stainless rifle, syn stock S&W Model 422 22LR w oodstove may b e WHILE THEY LAST! Need to get an identified by its certifh don't forget to check @ CAMPING GEAR of any sort: @ $750. 541-647-8931 pistol. VGC. 4 mags, Labrador Pups, AKC 541-573-2677 cation label, which is The Humane Society New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. Chocolate/Yellow/White ad in ASAP? hard case, h olster, CASH!! permanently attached in Bend 541-382-3537 Eastern Oregon ranche WARM CLOTHING: Hips OFA guaranteed. manual. $350. Bend, to You can place it For Guns, Ammo & the stove. The BulRedmond, raised, grain-fed quality $300-$400. 662-760-6237. Reloading Supplies. Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. online at: letin will no t k n ow541-923-0882 beef I/4 y2 or whole, for 1-541-954-1727 541-408-6900. PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT Prineville, Thompson "Tommy Gun" ingly accept advertisSummer 2013 delivery. www.bendbulletin.com THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER 541-447-71 78; MiKi/Chihuahua pups Charter Arms 22 mag semi auto, 100-rd drum, ing for the sale of $3.25/Ib hanging wt + 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. 1st shorts, $250 ea. stainless, $300. 30-rd mag, 100-rnds-old, uncertified OR Craft Cats, processing. For more info 541-385-5809 PLEASE HELP, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. 541-447-0210 541-948-2646 woodstoves. 541-389-8420. call Ed, 541-701-1492. $4800. 541-410-6017


Adopt a nice CRAFT cat or kitten from Tumalo sanctuary, Pet Smart, or Petco! Fixed, shots, ID chip, tested, more! 541-389-8420. Photos, info: www.craftcats.org & like us on Facebook.


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press.com Rodent control experts (barn cats) seek work in exchange for safe shelter, basic c are. Fixed, shots. Will deliver! 541-389-8420. O f f ice S chnoodles, 3 B l a c kl General's Males. Great w/ Kids. Consumer P r otec- • ho t l in e at l Shots, wormed, tails & t ion dews. Non-shedding l 1-877-877-9392. $400. 541-410-7701


The Bulletin Wanted: Collector recommends extra ' Colt 357 Magnum Pyseeks high quality thon 6" barrel. Graded l caution when purfishing items. at 98% from local apchasing products or, or services from out of I praiser. A joy to shoot, Call 541-678-5753, 503-351-2746 lthough i t has n 't l the area. Sending l abeen shot often. Blucash, checks, or SCAR 17, ing is i n e x c ellent Wanted: l credit i n f ormation condition .308 caliber. and it a very may be subjected to 541-410-0922 good looking g u n. l FRAUD. For more information about an I Asking $2,250. Call at 541.639.7740 advertiser, you may I fEric Sporting Goods or pictures o r f o r l call t h e Ore g onl - Misc. ' State Attor ney ' more information.

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682 - Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705- Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740 - Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746 - Northwest BendHomes 747 - Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749 - Southeast BendHomes 750 - RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762 - Homeswith Acreage 763 - Recreational HomesandProperty 764 - Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land

Will hire t w o s a lesFind exactly what people to work from you are looking for in the The Bulletin newspa*Must state prices in ad CLASSIFIEDS p er office fo r t h e Newspaper In EducaGarage Sale Special tion sales campaign. (caii for commercial line ad rates) 4 lines for 4 days.................................. 634 This is a part-time, independent contractor AptiMultiplex NE Bend sales position, and e GREAT wlNTER e A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: you will not be emDEAL! Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. ployees of The Bulle2 bdrm, 1 bath, * tin. We offer a short BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN ( ) paid orientation pro- $530 & $540 w/lease. REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well Carports included! gram. The average s alesperson e a r n s FOX HOLLOW APTS. as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin $400 to $7 0 0 p e r (541) 383-3152 reserves the right to reject any ad at bendbulletimcom week, for a 27-hour Cascade Rental C a/I 54/-3 85 -5 8 0 9 w ork wee k . T h e Management. Co. any time. is located at: to r o m ote ou r se rvice dress code is casual 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. and this is soft, re636 l axed business t o Apt./Multiplex NW Bend Bend, Oregon 97702 745 business sales. We Homes for Sale prefer a background Drake Park luxury apt., NOTICE: Oregon state Margo Construction PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is in "business to busi1 bdrm, w /d , d / w , BANK OWNED HOMES! law req u ires anyLLC Since 1992 needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or ness" selling. This is one who co n t racts • Pavers• Carpentry cable, $950 / m o. FREE List w/Pics! reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher not ad or s ubscrip- 541-788-0087 for construction work • Remodeling • Decks www.BendRepos.com shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days tion sales, however, if • Window/Door bend and beyond real estate to be licensed with the will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. you have p r evious Small studio close to li20967 yeoman, bend or C onstruction Con - Replacement • Int/Ext experience in adver- brary, all util. pd. $550, tractors Board (CCB). Paint • CCB 176121 $525 dep. No pets/ NOTICE: tising sales, I will give 476 A n active lice n se 541-480-3179 smoking. 541-330All real estate adver- means the contractor you priority considerEmployment 9769 or 541-480-7870 tised here in is subation. I'm looking for i s bonded an d i n Opportunities ject to t h e F e deral s ured. motivated, energetic, Ver if y t h e Landscaping/Yard Care 638 F air H o using A c t , contractor's CCB articulate people with Can be found on these pages : Remember.... excellent communica- Apt./Multiplex SE Bend which makes it illegal c ense through t h e N OTICE: ORE G O N A dd your we b a d - tion skills. Call Melato advertise any pref- CCB Cons u m er Landscape ContracEMPLOYMENT FINANCEANO BUSINESS dress to your ad and nie at 541-383-0399. Clean, spacious duplex, erence, limitation or tors Law (ORS 671) Website 410 - Private Instruction 507- Real Estate Contracts readers on The 2 bdrm, 2 bath, stove, discrimination based www.hireaticensedcontractor. r equires a l l bu s i 421 - Schools and Training 514 - Insurance com Bulletin' s web site refrig, dishwasher, $650/ on race, color, relinesses that advertise will be able to click P !N M ! MS 454- Looking for Employment 528- Loans and Mortgages mo., $500 dep. 442 SE gion, sex, handicap, or call 503-378-4621. t o p e r form L a n dThe Bulletin recom- scape C o n struction McKinley, 541-815-7723 familial status or nathrough automatically 470 - Domestic & In-Home Positions 543- Stocks and Bonds 3 O'E8KM5 tional origin, or inten- mends checking with which to your site. includes: 476 - Employment Opportunities 558- Business Investments tion to make any such the CCB prior to con- p lanting, dec k s , 486 - Independent Positions 573- Business Opportunities Call a Pro tracting with anyone. preferences, l i mitafences, arbors, People Look for Information Whether you need a tions or discrimination. Some other t rades w ater-features, a n d About Products and 476 476 We will not knowingly also req u ire addi- installation, repair of fence fixed, hedges Services Every Daythrough Employment Employment accept any advertis- tional licenses a nd irrigation systems to trimmed or a house 0 0 The Bulletin Classifieds ing for r eal e state certifications. be licensed with the Opportunities Opportunities built you'll find which is in violation of 528 Landscape Contracthis law. All persons Debris Removal • t ors B o a rd . Th i s professional help in Loans 8 Mortgages Court Operations FiNANCiAL +Sales: Here is your I are hereby informed 4-digit number is to be Sr. Business Lender I chance to be a team Supervisor The Bulletin's "Call a that all dwellings adincluded in all adverBend, OR JUNK BE GONE WARNING State of Oregon Judicial member at this dyService Professional" vertised are available tisements which indiis a n o n-profitl namic company. We The Bulletin recomI Haul Away FREE Department, Jefferson Craft3 on an equal opportuD e v elopcate the business has Directory mends you use cauFor Salvage. Also County, Madras, Oregon. Community seeking a Tern nity basis. The Bulle- Cleanups a bond, insurance and tion when you proCourt Operations Super- ment Financial Institution I are 541-385-5809 8 Cleanouts tory Sales Repretin Classified (CDFI) with a mission to workers c ompensavisor 3 8 Mediation Covide personal 454 Mel, 541-389-8107 sentative wh o is strengthen e c onomic, tion for their employordinator. Provides suinformation to compapreferably a Bend Looking for Employment pervision and training of ecological and family re648 ees. For your protecnies offering loans or Get your l resident. Find out Excavating in Pacific Northtion call 503-378-5909 staff, and coordi- silience credit, especially Houses for more about and apbusiness CARPENTER looking court west communities. We or use our website: the District's me- do this by providing loans l ply, by going to those asking for adRent General f or work a s le a d nates Levi's Dirt Works www.lcb.state.or.us to d iation program. R e vance loan fees or for all your dirt & excavamaintenance or care- quires associate's degree and assistance to entrecheck license status companies from out of PUBLISHER'S 4 :ROW I N G tion needs. Concrete, t aker for r e sort o r and 3 years supervisory preneurs, non-profits, inbefore co n t racting state. If you have Driveway GradingNOTICE ranch. Experienced in experience (or education dividuals and others, inwith t h e b u s iness. concerns or quesLow cost! ccb¹ 194077 All real estate adverall phases of c o n- and experience equiva- cluding those who don't with an ad in Persons doing landtions, we suggest you 541-639-5282 normally have access to tising in this newspastruction, fencing or lent to 4 years). Salary: scape maintenance The Bulletin's consult your attorney per is subject to the heavy equip. S ea- $3801-$6188/mo. plus financing. Want to impress the do not require a LCB or call CONSUMER "Call A Service p osOo p o s e: F air H o using A c t sonal or full time. Se- benefits. For complete ~ Handyman • license. relatives? Remodel HOTLINE, which makes it illegal rious inquires only. announcement and ap- Responsible for generProfessional" 1-877-877-9392. ating and underwriting your home with the to a d v ertise "any Jeff, 701-580-0296. plication visit I DO THAT! Directory preference, limitation www.courts.ore on. ov/ new business loans and help of a professional BANK TURNED YOU Home/Rental repairs USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! servicing a loan portfolio or disc r imination OJD/ obs from The Bulletin's Small jobs to remodels 470 ~ DOWN? Private party 750 that meets Craft3's misbased on race, color, or call 541-447-6541, Honest, guaranteed will loan on real esDoor-to-door selling with "Call A Service Domestic & Redmond Homes x 102. Closes March 13, sion, financial and risk Professional" Directory work. CCB¹151573 fast results! It's the easiest tate equity. Credit, no religion, sex, handigoals. The primary lendIn-Home Positions 2013 © 11:59 pm cap, familial status, Dennis 541-317-9768 problem, good equity ing focus targets micro, way in the world to sell. marital status or nais all you need. Call tional and medium busiorigin, or an in- Looking for your next Are you in need of an Just bought a new boat? small ERIC REEVE HANDY now. Oregon Land in central and emp/oyee? The Bulletin Classified honest, exp'd h ouse- Sell your old one in the nesses tention to make any SERVICES. Home & Mortgage 388-4200. Oregon, specificlassifieds! Ask about our eastern keeper? 541-977-2450 such pre f e rence, Place a Bulletin help Commercial Repairs, 541-385-5809 cally those owned by miad today and Super Seller rates! Carpentry-Painting BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS limitation or discrimi- wanted norities, women, immireach over 60,000 541-385-5809 nation." Familial sta476 Pressure-washing, grants, and low-income. chasing products or I Search the area's most tus includes children readers each week. Honey Do's. On-time SPRING CLEAN-UP! Located in our new Bend, services from out of comprehensive listing of Employment Your classified ad Aeration/Dethatching under the age of 18 promise. Senior Oregon office, this posi- l the area. Sending classified advertising... DO YOU NEED will also appear on service Opportunities living with parents or Discount. Work guar- Weekly/one-time tion will also p rovide c ash, checks, o r real estate to automotive, A GREAT bendbulletin.com avail. Bonded, insured. legal cus t o dians, marketing assistance in anteed. 541-389-3361 l credit i n f o rmation merchandise to sporting Free Estimates! EMPLOYEE which currently reor 541-771-4463 the eastside Oregon area l may be subjected to goods. Bulletin Classifieds pregnant women, and COLLINS Lawn Maint. ceives over CAUTION READERS: RIGHT NOW? people securing cusBonded & Insured and be responsible for FRAUD. appear every day in the Ca/l 541-480-9714 1.5 million page Call The Bulletin tody of children under Craft3 branding efforts. CCB¹181595 more informaprint or on line. views every month Ads published in "Embefore 11 a.m. and To learn about Craft3, For 18. This newspaper tion about an adverCall 541-385-5809 at no extra cost. ployment Opportuniget an ad in to pubwill not knowingly acvisit www.craft3.org l tiser, you may call www.bendbulletin.com Bulletin Classifieds t ies" i n clude e m lish the next day! Complete the application; the Oregon State cept any advertising Get Results! ployee and 541-385-5809. htt s://hometeease.ad . l Attorney General's for real estate which is Call 385-5809 or i ndependent pos i VIEW the com/recruit/? id=3970901 in violation of the law. awIng ce vs oregonstnce e03 Office Co n s umerI tions. Ads for posiHirinq decision is sched- Protection hotline at I Classifieds at: O ur r e aders ar e place your ad on-line at tions that require a fee www.bendbuiietin.com uled for 3/13. LOCAL MONEY:We buy hereby informed that I 1-877-877-9392. secured trustdeeds 8 all dwellings adverbendbulletin.com or upfront investment Craft3is an equal Check note,some hard money tised in this newspamust be stated. With opportunity employer; LThe Bulletin loans. Call Pat Kelley The Bulletin Classified women and mlnonfies any independent job FINANCE per are available on 773 541-382-3099 ext.13. opportunity, p l ease Central Oregon RV are encouraged to apply. an equal opportunity Acreages investigate thor- d ealership has a n basis. To complain of Medical oughly. Independent Contractor discrimination cal l immediate opening Jefferson County EMS HLID t o l l-free at CHECK YOUR AD for a full-time expeDistrict currently has Lise extra caution when 1-800-877-0246. The rienced a position open for an check your ad applying for jobs on* Supplement Your Income * toll f re e t e l ephone Please Finance Manager EMT with 2 years exthe first day it runs line and never pronumber for the hear- on who will share our perience. JCEMS is a to make sure it is corvide personal infor- commitment to our ing im p aired is rect. Sometimes small special district. inmation to any source customers. We offer 1-800-927-9275. t hat p rovides A L S s tructions over t h e you may not have re- competitive pay and service to a large ruphone are misundersearched and deemed an excellent benral area. stood and a n e r ror to be reputable. Use efits package. Salary package varies can occur in your ad. extreme caution when DOE, For more inforApply in person at If this happens to your r esponding to A N Y 63500 mation contact us at N. Hwy 97 in ad, please contact us online e m p loyment Bend, or email your PO Box 265, Madras, the first day your ad ad from out-of-state. resume to OR 977 4 1 . Or appears and we will 541-475-7476. be happy to fix it as We suggest you call bcrvhireO mail.com Deadline for application s oon a s w e ca n . the State of Oregon is March 8, 2013. Deadlines are: WeekConsumer Hotline at days 11:00 noon for 1-503-378-4320 Mobile Home Park The Bulletin is your The Classified Section We are looking for independent connext day, Sat. 11:00 Manageris easy to use. Every tractors to service home delivery a.m. for Sunday and Employment For Equal Opportunity Klamafh Falls, OR Monday. item is categorized routes in: L aws: Oregon B uRequires strong inter Marketplace 541-385-5809 reau of Labor 8 Inand every category personal skills, baThank you! dustry, C i vil Rights sic bookkeeping and is indexed on the The Bulletin Classified Call Division, computer skills, Must be available 7 days a week, early mornsection's front page. 971-673-0764 grounds maint exp., ing hours. Must have reliable, insured vehicle. 7 days .................................................. $10.00 14 days................................................ $16.00

4 days.................................................. $18.50 7 days.................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50


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M onday,Februa ry25,2013


Dentist's coup By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services

Today's North and South were a dentist and a manicurist we call "Tooth and Nail" because that's how they argue. When West opened 1NT, Tooth doubled.After West rescued himself t o two c lubs, North-South got t o game. West led the K-A and a third club, and Nail ruffed in dummy and continued with the ace and queen of trumps. West took the king and led a heart, and Nail won but was stranded in dummy. When she tried to get back to her hand by ruffing a third heart, West overruffed for down one.

he bids two diamonds. What do you say? ANSWER: A pass, a rebid of two spades and a return to two hearts are possible. T o pa s s wo u l d be questionable. Game is still possible, and two diamonds may notbe a good contract. A two-spade rebid would suggest a longer suit; partner might pass from fright with a singleton. Bid two hearts. West dealer Both sides vulnerable

Listen to the colloquy: Tooth: "Why bid four spades on a hand full of losers?" Nail: "You bid too m uch. You barely had enough to double INT." Tooth: "I thought all you needed to make game was good trumps. I knew a diamond finesse would win." Nail: "Your queen of clubs was worthless." The argument missed the point. South makes four spades if she takes t he A-K o f h e arts ( a "dentist's c oup"), then l eads the A - Q o f trumps. That's the whole tooth and nothing but.

WEST 4K 104

EAST 495 Q J 962 C 763 2 4954

9 Q3

C K 95 4AK J63

SOUTH 4AQ J62 9 108 Ct J84 4872 West 1 NT 24 Pass All Pass


Nort h Dbl Pass 34

E ast P ass Pass Pass


Sou t h Pas s 2 41 44

Youhold: 4 A Q J 6 2 Q 10 8 Opening lead — 4 K 0 J84 + 8 7 2 . Y o urpartneropens one heart, you respond one spade and (C) 2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO

66 Calendar

spans: Abbr.

Conference 34 Aviator Wilbur's entitlements? 4o The way, in Chinese philosophy

67 Go-getter






ss Doc's needle

DOWN de mer 2 Granada gold

41 Whole bunch 42 Sunbeam 44 Roulette











23 Fitting 24 Grub






19 21




4s What reins

2s H.S. junior's exam 26 Male deer 2s Canyon sound effect 32 It's faster than dial-up, in brief 33 Gyro bread ss News articles 36 Some square dancers 37 Steals from 3s Great injustice




connect to


46 Corrects







20 23




3 Professor, e.g. 27 28 4 Territory that 30 31 became two 47 Part of a firststates aid kit 34 35 36 s Voice below so Soccer star baritone 40 Mia's meats? s4 Roof overhangs 6 The works 44 45 46 7 Rock with a ss Pub pints glittery inside 50 51 ss Coach s One who's Parseghian finished a 55 56 s7 Berlin article sentence? ss Kilimanjaro, 58 59 6 Compare e.g.: Abbr. 1o Serpentine ss Composer sound Franz's rosters? 11 Brought bad 66 67 63 The "M" of luck M.D.: Abbr. 12 Go higher PUZZLE BY SUSAN GELFAND 64 Wears away 13 Filled with trees 36 Wise soul 49 ss Part of Texaco's 1s Potato logo protuberances 43 "You rang?" 22 Several ages, in 44 Devastating ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE geology blow

NORTH 4873 9 AK 7 5 4 0 AQ10 AQ 10




1 Gross growth s Bakery items with lox 11 Prominent crocodile feature 14 Region 1s "Dynasty" vixen 16 Weather prefix with bar 17 Philosopher John's tresses? 16 Sgt., for one 2o Transformers and Barbies 21 Female deer 22 Marked, as a ballot 23 Sharper than 90' 2s Actor Sean's writing implements? 27 Sentence sections 26 Hot, spicy drink 3oTip of a shoe 31 Heel

No. 0121


32 37











54 57




65 68

From Copenhagen, say

Not cleanshaven Firebug's crime Maker of the Protege

Was at the helm 60

President pro


Dance style with fancy footwork


Sign indicating a sold-out performance

4s Singer Young or 67 Former name of Sedaka Exxon stations

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554.

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Oh, that'0 the 0<dar! I/ot for



'~' wheYLthe redipieYLt wa< too drunk to not,ide me walkinf / oR' with. it.

Complete the grid so that

every row, column and 3 33


3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

6 I












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ACROSS 1 Apt. parts, in ads 4 Talking head 10 Big name in ATMs 13 Charged particles 15 Black-and-blue mark, e.g. 16 Suffix for pay 17 Soft hit that ba y makes it over t infield 19 Cranberry-

growing area

6-mait bttotbrookt@9matt com

http:llwww.safehavenscomtc com

©2013 King Features Syndicate, Inc World tt9hts reserved

20 Africa's Sierra 21 Fed. retiremen OI'9.

SIX CHIX iSabetlabannerman.com


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22 'T' Dn a test, usually 23 Like dodos and dinosaurs 26 Foray 28 Archaeologica



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process 31 Texting units: Abbr. 34 Rowboat mover 35 Wish granter 36 "How was know?" 37 Abrasions 40 Sinus doc 41 Not exactly rob 43 Simpsons


Flanders 44 Makes really

angry 45 Completely





by David L Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles One letter to eaCh Square,

0att't worry. YOu'll set the hang of it.

to fOrm fOur Ordinary WOrdS.



020t3 Tnbune Media Services, Inc. 8 Att Rights Reserved.


aVtt C'

RANWOR zg HE Tlztep 1 o rEAcH HI5


5CtN HOW TO RSI4 BUT HI5 5DN CDUL12/4'T —Now arrange the CirCled letterS to farm the SurPriSe anSWer, as suggeSted bythe abOVe CartOOn.

2 25

9 Laughnrstock Internaional Inc. Dist by unversat 00lck fo VFS, 2DI3

Print your answer here: (A08Wers tamarrOW)

"Now then, is that blue or g/ue?"


4 4

Jumbles: OMEGA B R O K E NA U SE A HE R M IT Answer: The horses in the barn were"NEIGH-BORS"

DOWN 33 Touchdowns 1 T h e Good Book require crossing 2 Pricey watch with them a gold crown logo 37 Leonard : Ro y 3 Nose-in-the-air Rogers's birth


4 "Nova" airer 5 Ocean State sch. 6 Convent dwellers 7 Starts to eat with gusto 8 Manhattan is one 9 Golf ball's perch 10 Choice you don't have to think about 11 Metaphorical state of elation 12 Violent anger 14 Former (and likely future) Seattle NBA team 18 '90s Cabinet

46 Ul t imate

app l ication 47 Big bomb trials 48 B inoculars user 51 M a de in China,



38 Mountain top 39 Advantage 42 Nastase Df tennis 44 Security checkpoint

52 Lo o k after

53 Icelandic sagas 54 Estimator's words 56 P.O. box inserts 59 Printer problem 60 Stooge with bangs 61 Pack animal



E E A T S T H C O E S L N A U L T E C T member Federico Y A V 22 Lug P Y C H I 24 Gator's kin E T E N P 25 Skier's way up L T S 27 G l ad : p a rty clothes R I GO R B A 29 Long-armed A DO N I S E S primate N O T G U I L T 30 Comprehends C L A I M F O R 31 TiCk Dff HS T T WO 32 Went down swinging xwordeditorfeaol.com 1

13 17

















A R P Z E E U Z O R A N E B L E L A R U T S E E T 02/25/1 3 11




(c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.




49 Lawyer's 20 21 customer 50 Accessory often 23 24 25 carried with a wallet 28 29 54 Merle Haggard's From 31 3 2 33 34 Muskogee" 55 N.J. neighbor 36 37 57 Lightened 58 Libertarian 41 42 43 politician Paul 59 Sign in a limo that 46 47 aptly concludes 49 the sequence formed by the last ss 56 words Df 17-, 28- 54 and 45-Across 59 62 Mystery novelist ss Grafton 62 63 Houston team 64 Statistician's input 65 66 65 NHL tiebreakers 66 Tinkers (with) By Don Gagllardo and C.C. Bnrnikel 67 Figs.


19 22



30 35 36


40 44 48





57 60

61 64 67




• s •

BOATS &RVs 805 - Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885 - Canopies and Campers 890- RVsfor Rent




GENERATE SOME excitement in your neigborhood. Plan a garage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified! 385-5809. 850

The Bulletin

ger rng Central Oregon Srntet903

Snowmobiles 2007 Ski-Doo Renegade 600 w/513 mi, like new, now reduced to $4500. Call 541-221-5221

( 2) 2000 A rctic C at Z L580's EFI with n e w covers, electric start w/ reverse, low miles, both excellent; with new 2009 Trac-Pac 2-place trailer, drive off/on w/double tilt, lots of accys. Selling due to m e dical r e asons. $8000 all. 541-536-8130

800 Polaris,less than 250 mi, like new. 700 Polariswith less that 900 mi, like new. RMK; tag good until 2015. Asking $6000 for both, you will not believe how nice they are. (541) 350-6865

Used out-drive parts - Mercury OMC rebuilt marine motors: 151 $1595; 3.0 $1895; 4.3 (1993), $1995.


We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254

541-389-0435 875


2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras.


Sport Utility Vehicles •

Vans 96 Ford Windstar & 2000 Nissan Quest, both 7-passenger vans, 160K miles, low prices, $1200 & $2900, and worth every cent! 541-318-9999

AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916- Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 -Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932- Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935- Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles

Boats & Accessories

Antique & Classic Autos

Aircraft, Parts & Service

Springdale 2005 27', 4' slide in dining/living area, sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 obo. 541-408-3811

1/5th interest in 1973

Cessna 150 LLC

150hp conversion, low time on air frame and engine, hangared in Bend. Excellent performance & affordable flying! $6,500.

Ford Galaxie500 1963, 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer 8 radio (orig),541-419-4989 Ford Mustang Coupe 1966, original owner, V8, automatic, great shape, $9000 OBO.


Location, Location, Location!

Executive Hanqar at Bend Airport (KBDN) 60' wide x 50' d eep, w/55' wide x 17' high bifold dr. Natural gas heat, offc, bathroom. Adjacent to Frontage Rd; great visibility for aviation business. 541-948-2126 or email 1jetjock@q.com Piper A rcher 1 9 8 0, based in Madras, always hangared since new. New annual, auto pilot, IFR, one piece windshield. Fastest Archer around. 1750 total t i me . $6 8 ,500. 541-475-6947, ask for Rob Berg. T-Hangar for rent at Bend airport. Call 541-382-8998.


Ford Ranchero 1979

Chevy Tahoe 1999, 4x4, most options, new paint & tires, 159K mi., $4250. Call 541-233-8944 F ord Freestvle S E L Where can you find a 2006, V6, AWD, AT, AC, helping hand? front & side airbags, 25 From contractors to mpg, 3rd row seating, pwr Ithr seats, multi-CD, yard care, it's all here traction control, new tires in The Bulletin's 8 brks, maintained ex"Call A Service t remely well, runs & drives exlnt,148K hwy mi, Professional" Directory $6700. 541-604-4166

with 351 Cleveland modified engine. Body is in excellent condition, $2500 obo. 541-420-4677

maint'd, regular oil changes, $4500. Please call

© eng, power everything, new paint, 54K original miles, runs great, excellent condition in 8 out. Asking $8,500.


1 SUB A R U .


Honda Odyssey EXL 2 004, auto., ver y g ood c o nd., T e a l l eather s e ats, t o w http://bend.craigslist.org pkg., 100k miles, /cto/3617273265.html $8,900. 541-617-0691

Honda CRV 2004, $10,495. Call 541-610-6150 or see

low Heavy Equi ment • $mile, 1 9,700.' Original 3rd exceptional, owner. 951-699-7171


Fiat 500 2012, Call for details.

I stt® SUBA R U .

Nissan Sentra 2012

12,610 mi, full warranty, PS, PB, AC, & more! $16,000. 541-788-0427


2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

Call The Bulletin At 541 -385-5809 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail At: www.bendbulletin.com

Scion XB2006, Call for details


2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

Ford Taurus wagon 2004, very nice, pwr everything, 120K, FWD, good tires, $4900 obo. 541-815-9939

Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 7 -pass. v a n wit h cr p ower ch a i r lif t , Ua $1500; 1989 Dodge Turbo Van 7 - pass. has new motor and t rans., $1500. I f i n terested c a l l Jay Honda CRZ 2011, 503-269-1057. Call for details.


2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

Automo b iles


Chevy Astro Cargo Van2001, pw, pdl, great cond., business car, well GMC Envoy 2005, Call for Details.

Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390

Automobiles •

g® S UB A R U .

Subaru imnprza 2005, Call for details.


2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354


2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

Auto m o biles -


TURN THE PAGE For More Ads The Bulletin



,a Weekend Warrior Toy 541-719-8444 Hauler 28' 2007,Gen, 8 fuel station, exc cond. Hyundai Elantra Jeep Wrangle X Ads published in UWa- sleeps 8, black/gray 2012, Subaru lmpreza Unlimited 2008, tercraft" include: Kay- i nterior, u se d 3X , Diamond Reo Dump Jeep Comanche, 1990, Call for details. Call for details. Sport Wagon2013, Truck 1 9 74, 12 -14 original owner, 167K, aks, rafts and motor- $19,999 firm. BMW 740 IL 1998 orig. Call for details. 541-389-9188 Ized personal yard box, runs good, 4WD, 5-spd, tags good S UBA R U . i SUSUBARUOFBEND B A R UCOM. owner, exc. c o n d. watercrafts. For $6900, 541-548-6812 till 9/2015, $3900 obo. 101k miles, new tires, l f @ S U B A R U. 2060 NE Hwy 20, • Yamaha 750 1999 "boats" please see 2060 NE Hwy 20, 541-633-7761 loaded, sunroof. Looking for your Bend. 877-266-3821 Mountain Max, $1750. Class 870. Bend. 877-266-3821 2060 NE Hwy 20, next employee? $8900. 541-706-1897 G R X AT Dlr ¹0354 • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 Dlr ¹0354 Bend. 877-266-3821 541-385-5809 Place a Bulletin help Qo EXT, $1250. ~ Dlr ¹0354 wanted ad today and • Zieman 4-place M orepjxatBendiulletjn,com reach over 60,000 Hyster H25E, runs trailer, SOLD! readers each week. So~ A sr! well, 2982 Hours, Buick Lucerne CXL All in good condition. ,'e Your classified ad eeo $3500 call 2009, $12,500, low Located in La Pine. will also appear on 541-749-0724 Motorhomes Plymouth B a r racuda low miles; 2003 LeCall 541-408-6149. Subaru wagon bendbulletin.com Sabre, $4000. You II 1966, original car! 300 1991 Loyale 4x4, which currently renot find nicer Buicks 860 hp, 360 V8, center5-spd, updates, ceives over 1.5 milHyundai Sonata lines, (Original 273 One look's worth a Motorcycles & Accessories $1950 obo. lion page views ev2012, thousand words. Call eng 8 wheels incl.) Subaru M/RX 2011, 541-420-3277 ery month at no Call for details. Bob, 541-318-9999. 541-593-2597 Call for details. Hariey Davidson Softextra cost. Bulletin for an appt. and take a Tail De luxe 2 0 0 7, E ~ S U BA R U . Classifieds Get RePROJECT CARS:Chevy Check out the drive in a 30 mpg car! S UBA R U . white/cobalt, w / passults! Call 385-5809 Peterbilt 359 p o table2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & classifieds online 2060 NE Hwy 20, senger kit, Vance & 2003 Fleetwood Diswater t r uck, 1 9 9 0, Chevy Coupe 1950 or place your ad 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Hines muffler system covery 40' diesel mo3200 gal. tank, 5hp rolling chassis's $1750 www.bendbuiietin.com on-line at Bend. 877-266-3821 8 Dlr ¹0354 torhome w/all & kit, 1045 mi., exc. p ump, 4 3 hoses, Updated daily bendbulletin.com ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, Dlr ¹0354 camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000.complete car, $ 1949; c ond, $16,9 9 9 , options-3 slide outs, Chrysler Sebring Consatellite, 2 TV's,W/D, 541-820-3724 541-389-9188. Cadillac Series 61 1950, Toyota 4Ru n n er vertible, 2004, beautiful Optima EX 2004 e tc.32,000 mile s . 2 dr. hard top, complete 1 993, blue, 4 d r . , condition, dark g r ay/ Kia Toyota Camrysr 2.7L V6, all power Harley Heritage Wintered in h e ated w /spare f r on t cl i p ., 4WD, V6, 5 speed, brown w/tan leather inteSoftail, 2003 options, moonroof, 1984, SOLD; shop. $89,900 O.B.O. Automotive Parts, • $3950, 541-382-7391 t ow pkg., plus 4 rior, 84K miles, $5995. spoiler, leather, $5,000+ in extras, 541-447-8664 1985 SOLD; Service & Accessories 541-350-5373 studs tires on rims, Infinity AM/FM/CD, $2000 paint job, Willys, 1946, runs, good 1986 parts car r uns great. W a s 30K mi. 1 owner, alloys, Michelin & $4400 obo. Call Need to get an only one left! $500 256 Ford diesel engine, shape, For more information $ 5500, now o n l y studded tires, ad in ASAP? complete, i n c ludes 541-549-1236 Call for details, please call $4000.541-659-1416 meticulously maininjector pump, $250. 541-385-8090 933 tained, $4500. 541-548-6592 You can place it Needs rebuilt. C a ll or 209-605-5537 Bend, 760-715-9123 Pickups VOLVO XC90 2005 V8 online at: Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 541-447-1522. AWD. New mud and Toyota Corolla 2004, by Carriage, 4 slideHD Screaming Eagle www.bendbulletin.com snow tires siped, 53k M Mercedes E-class E430, auto., loaded, 204k outs, inverter, satel- Studless snow tires, 225/ Chevy 3/4 ton 4x4 Electra Glide 2005, My Little Red Corvette" 60R-17, fit '13 Subaru m iles, n e w fro n t 2002, AWD 4-dr sedan, miles. orig. owner, non lite sys, fireplace, 2 103 8 motor, two tone 541-385-5809 1971 new trans, 2 1996 coupe. 132K, Special Edition, $15,000 smoker, exc. c ond. brakes. very c lean. flat screen TVs. Outback,less than 2500 candy teal, new tires, new t i r es , ne w 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. obo. Call 12-5pm (Iv $6500 Prin e ville miles, exlnt cond, $450. $14,995 $60,000. 23K miles, CD player, brakes, 2nd owner, $12,500 541-923-1781 msg), 541-350-0215 503-358-8241 541-536-1789 541-382-2682 541-480-3923 hydraulic clutch, exr uns/drives g o o d. cellent condition. Make good w o od Highest offer takes it. truck. $2395 O BO 541-480-8080. 541-350-2859 32' Fleetwood Fiesta '03, Husaberg 570 2 0 0 9,no slide-out, Triton eng, street license 8 title, all amenities, 1 owner, Chevy Sil v erado 4260 miles, excellent perfect, only 17K miles, 2000, 1/2 ton, V-8, condition, Trail Tech $21,500. 541-504-3253 Laredo 2009 30' with 2 slides, TV, A/C, table 8' box, bed liner, std headlight, heated grips 1921 Model T 8 c h a irs, s a t ellite, cab, auto, 4x4, 54k 8 more. $5500. Steve, Arctic pkg., p o wer Delivery Truck 541-788-0211 mi., e x c . co n d ., awning, Exc. cond! 1000 1000 Restored & Runs $9000. $28,000. 541-419-3301 541-977-6653 $9000. Legal Notices • Le g al Notices Legal Notices • Legal Notices I ATVs 541-389-8963 NuM/a 297LK H i tchbidder. the court, the p e rChevy Silverado 2010 2007, 3 slides, LEGAL NOTICE Econoline RV 1 9 8 9, Hiker sonal representative, HD 2500 Diesel Crew32' touring coach, left DESCHUTFS fully loaded, exc. cond, Each bid must con- or the lawyers for the Cab. Red w/ Blk Llhr. COUNTY OREGON kitchen, rear lounge, interest. If you do not 35K m i. , R e duced «800 mi'" $ 4 2 900 ROAD DEPARTMENT tain a statement as to personal representa- file a c laim for t he $15,250. 541-546-6133 many extras, beautiful whether the bidder is tive, DANIEL C. RE. 541-593-0204 cond. inside & o ut, property, the property a resident bidder, as Dated and first pub$32,900 OBO, PrinevINVITATION TO BID defined i n ORS lished on February 11, may be forfeited even Four Winds Class ille. 541-447-5502 days FOR SUPPLYING AND 279A.120. V e n dors 2013. Yamaha Banshee 2001, A 3 2 ' MICH E L LE if you are not conH u r ricane & 541-447-1641 eves. 1966 GMC, 2nd owner HAULING OF custom built 350 motor, 2007. CAN'T BEAT shall use recyclable STEWARD, Personal victed of any crime. too many extras to list CRUSHED, To claim an interest, race-ready, lots of extras, THIS! Look before products to the maxi- representative. $8500 obo. Serious buy PRE-COATED ROCK you must file a written $5500/obo 541-647-8931 you buy, b e low mum extent economiers only. 541-536-0123 LEGAL NOTICE FOR CHIP SEAL claim with the forfeimarket value! Size cally feasible in the THE CI R CUIT ture counsel named 870 Ford 250 XLT 1990, 2013 & mileage DOES p erformance of t h e IN COURT O F THE 6 yd. dump bed, below, Th e w r i tten Boats & Accessories matter! 12,500 mi, work set forth STATE OF OREGON 139k, Auto, $5500. Bid OpeningMarch 5, contract claim must be signed all amenities, Ford in this document. FOR THE COUNTY 541-410-9997 2013 V10, I thr, c h erry, P ilgrim 27', 2007 5 t h by you, sworn to un17' 1984 Chris Craft DES C HUTES der penalty of perjury slides, like new! New wheel, 1 s lide, AC, Deschutes Co u n ty OF FORD RANGER XLT PROBATE DEPART- Scorpion, 140 HP Sealed bids will be rebefore a notary public, low price, $54,900. TV,full awning, excel1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 ceived at th e D es- may reject any bid not MENT. E s tate of and state: (a) Your inboard/outboard, 2 Chevy C-20 Pickup 541-548-5216 lent shape, $23,900. in compliance with all speed, with car alarm, chutes County Road HOWARD F. true name; (b) The depth finders, troll1969, all orig. Turbo 44 541-350-8629 CD player, extra tires D epartment, 6 1 1 5 0 prescribed b i d ding BOVERS, Deceased. address at which you ing motor, full cover, auto 4-spd, 396, model p rocedures and r e Gulfstream Scenic on rims. Runs good. Case No. 13PB0014. EZ - L oad t railer, SE 27th Street, Bend, CST /all options, orig. will a c cept f u t u re Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, Clean. 92,000 miles Oregon 97702, until quirements, and may NOTICE TO INTER- m ailings f ro m th e $3500 OBO. owner, $22,000, Cummins 330 hp diereject for good cause ESTED P E RSONS. o n m o tor. $ 2 4 00 but not after, 2: 0 0 541-382-3728. 541-923-6049 court and f o rfeiture sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 or all bids upon a OBO. 541-771-6511. IS HEREBY counsel; and (3) A p m. on M arch 5 , any in. kitchen slide out, finding of Deschutes NOTICE 55 Chevy 2 dr . w gn GIVEN that the un2013 at w h ich time new tires,under cover, ounty it i s i n t h e dersigned has been s tatement that y o u P ROJECT car, 3 5 0 18.5' Sea Ray 2000, and place all bids for C have an interest in the hwy. miles only,4 door Pilgrim public interest to do small block w/Weiand In t e rnational appointed P e rsonal seized property. Your 4.3L Mercruiser, 190 the abo v e-entitled so. The protest pefridge/freezer icedual quad tunnel ram 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, hp Bowrider w/depth public works project maker, W/D combo, Fla t riod for this procure- R epresentative. A l l deadline for filing the Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 with 450 Holleys. T-10 I nternational finder, radio/CD player, will be publ i c ly ment is seven (7) cal- persons having claims claim document with Interbath tub & 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, Bed Pickup 1963, 1 rod holders, full canFall price $ 2 1,865. against the Estate are forfeiture o pened an d r e a d endardays. cou n s el shower, 50 amp proWeld Prostar wheels, ton dually, 4 s pd. 541-312-4466 required to p r esent n amed below is 2 1 vas, EZ Loader trailer, aloud. trans., great MPG, pane gen 8 more! extra rolling chassis + exclnt cond, $14,500. them, with vouchers days from the last day extras. $6000 for all. could be exc. wood CHRIS DOTY $45,000. 707-484-3518 (Bend) 885 attached, to the unThe contract calls for of publication of this 541-389-7669. hauler, runs great, 541-948-2310 Department Director dersigned P e rsonal Canopies & CampersI supplying and hauling notice. Where to file new brakes, $1950. n R epresentative c / o a claim and for more t • tr t t tr t t tt 14,300 tons of 3/8 541-419-5480. PUBLISHED: Thomas J. Sayeg at j ¹8 as p h alt c o a tedTHE BEND BULLETIN: Canopy, fits '99-'07 Ford i nformation: Da i n a Karnopp Pe t e rsen Vitolins, Crook County 7-ft bed, white, exc cond, crushed rock to speci- February 19, 2013 and LLP, 1201 NW Wall 20.5' 2004 Bayliner call for details, $1100 fied stockpiles in the District Attorney OfFebruary 25, 2013 S treet, S u ite 3 0 0 , fice, 300 N E T h ird obo. 541-593-3331 205 Run About, 220 Redmond, T u malo, DAILY JOURNAL OF Bend, Oregon S isters, Bend, a n d HP, V8, open bow, Street, Prineville, OR COMMERCE: Chevy Wagon 1957, 9 7701-1957, wi t h i n 97754. Monaco Dynasty 2004, exc. cond., very fast LaPine areas of Des- February 19, 2013 and 4-dr., complete, loaded, 3 slides, diefour months after the chutes County, and w/very low hours, Notice of reasons for 9 February 25, 2013 $7,000 OBO, trades. date of first publica- Forfeiture: The propsel, Reduced - now lots of extras incl. 1730 tons of 1/4 RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L 0 9 • I Please call $119,000, 5 4 1-923tion of this notice, or erty described below tower, Bimini 8 as p halt coated LEGAL NOTICE hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, ¹10 541-389-6998 8572 or 541-749-0037 custom trailer, the IN T H E CI R C UIT t he claims may b e was seized for forfeiam/fm/cd. $8400 obro. aggregate i n $19,500. area. COURT O F THE barred. All p e r sons ture because it: (1) Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe 541-420-3634 /390-1285 Redmond whose rights may be 541-389-1413 Specifications and STATE OF OREGON Constitutes the pro1967, 44 0 e n g ine, other bid documents FOR THE COUNTY affected by the pro- ceeds of the violation auto. trans, ps, air, ceedings may obtain of, solicitation to viomay be inspected and OF DES C H UTES frame on rebuild, reobtained at the Des- Probate Department, additional information late, attempt to viopainted original blue, from the records of late, or conspiracy to original blue interior, 1 983, 8000-Ib Warn chutes County Road In the Matter of the the court, th e P e r- violates, the criminal Department 6 1 1 50 Estate of DORIS E. 35.5' Triton, original hub caps, exc. winch, 2 sets of tire 20.5' Seaswirl Spy- Southwind sonal Representative laws of the State of 2008,V10, 2 slides, Duchrome, asking $9000 chains, canopy, 22R S.E. 2 7 t h St r e et, B ROOKSHIRE, D e der 1989 H.O. 302, pont UV coat, 7500 mi. Bend, Oregon 97702 c eased, Case N o . or the attorneys for Oregon regarding the or make offer. motor, 5-spd trans285 hrs., exc. cond., the Personal RepreBought new at De s chutes 13PB0011. N O TICE manufacture, distribumission, $2495 obo. or t h e 541-385-9350 stored indoors for $132,913; County webs i t e, TO INT E RESTED s entative, who a r e tion, or possession of 541-350-2859 life $11,900 OBO. Pe t e rsen controlled substances asking $93,500. www.deschutes.org. PERSONS. NOTICE Karnopp 541-379-3530 Call 541-419-4212 Inquiries pertaining to IS HEREBY GIVEN LLP, 1201 NW Wall (ORS C h apter475); 935 these s p ecifications that the undersigned S treet, S u ite 3 0 0 , and/or (2) Was used Sport Utility Vehicles Chrysler SD 4-Door shall be directed to has been appointed Bend, Oregon 97701- or intended for use in 1930, CD S R oyal INFINITI QX56 2006 Tom Sha m berger, personal representa- 1 957. DATED a n d committing or f acili1/3 interest in Columbia Standard, B-cylinder, Operations Manager, tive. All persons hav- first published Febru- tating the violation of, ¹805852 • $21,995 400, $150,000 located body is good, needs telephone (541) ing claims against the ary 11, 2013. Kay J. solicitation to violate O Sunriver. H o urly some r e s toration, Wight, Personal Rep- attempt to violate, or 322-7120. Bids shall estate are required to rental rate (based upon runs, taking bids, be made on the forms present them, w i th resentative. conspiracy to violate Winnebago 30A Sightapproval) $775. Also: 541-383-3888, 22' Custom Weld Jet, furnished b y the vouchers attached, to LEGAL NOTICE the criminal laws of seer 2012, 31 ft., all S21 hangar avail. for Oregtaat 2002, 350 Vortec, 210 541-815-331 8 County, incorporating the undersigned per- NOTICE OF SEIZURE the State of Oregon AutnSourge options, 2 sli d e s, sale, o r le a s e @ hrs, garaged, loaded. all c o ntract d o c u- sonal representative FOR CIVIL regarding the manu362HP V10, 10K mi., $15/day or $325/mo. 541-598-3750 541-923-0854. ments, addressed and at 747 SW Mill View FORFEITURE TO ALL facture, distribution or mint cond., $105,900. 541-948-2963 aaaoregonautosource.com mailed or delivered to Way, Bend, Oregon POTENTIAL p ossession of c o nAds published in the 541-330-5516 Chris Doty, Depart9 7702, w i thin f o u r CLAIMANTS AND TO trolled su b stances "Boats" classification K= ment Director, 61150 months after the date ALL UNKNOWN (ORS Chapter 475). include: Speed, fish• -'h • I • SE 27th Street, Bend, of first publication of PERSONS READ THIS IN THE MATTER OF: ing, drift, canoe, O regon 97702 in a t his notice, o r t h e CAREFULLY U.S. Currency in the r house and sail boats. FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, sealed enveUl ope claims may be barred. amount of $2,165.60, For all other types of door panels w/flowers plainly marked BID All persons w hose If you have any inter- Case No. watercraft, please see & hummingbirds, CRUS H ED, r ights may b e a f - est i n t h e s e i zed 12-03-00245 s e ized Winnebago Suncruiser34' 1/3 interest i n w e l lBuick Enclave 2008 CXL FOR Class 875. white soft top 8 hard AWD, V-6, black, clean, PRE-COATED ROCK f ected by t h e p r o- property d e scribed 1/10/2012 from John 2004, only 34K, loaded, equipped IFR Beech Bo541-385-5809 top. Just reduced to mechanicall F OR C H I P SE A L ceedings may obtain below, you must claim Tyler Ryan, Zachary too much to list, ext'd nanza A36, new 10-550/ y sound, 82k 8 warr. thru 2014, $54,900 prop, located KBDN. $3,750. 541-317-9319 miles. $19,995. 2013 and the name additional information that interest or you will R yan a n d Di a n a Dennis, 541-589-3243 or 541-647-8483 Call 541-815-1216 a nd address of t he from the records of automatically lose that Chambers. $65,000. 541-419-9510




The Bulletin








The Bulletin




To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809


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They raise farnilies, focus on their careers and still manage to find time to make a difference in their communities. They are the women ofCentral Oregon.


A bright, intelligent and inspiring magazine for your mind, body and self, this unique publication features topics of interest to today's women.

Covering subjects from health, style and professional success to personal goals and relationships, U Magazine offers its readers content to educate, empower and inspire. Each edition highlights women and the positive impact they have on

I• •

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Central Oregon and their communities.

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W HEN TOLOOK FOR IT: publishing six editions a year


Saturday, February 16 Saturday, April 6 Saturday, June 1 Saturday, July 13 Saturday, September 7 Saturday, October 19

Promoting the values of competition

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441 444 444 •



Featuring locally written content that is engaging and inforrnative. This publication has beendeveloped specifically for our senior and boomer population.




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The Central Oregon Council On Aging and The Bulletin have partnered to produce Ageless — a dynamic publication with content developed specifically for the largest and fastest growing segment of

IONf 4

our community — those over 40 years of age. With topics to inspire, engage and promote health and vitality, The stories published in Ageless reminds us to live our lives to the fullest — regardless of our

age. This publication is inserted into The Bulletin and can be found in select local businesses. INN ON NN Wlf<O


W HEN TOLOOK FOR IT: publishing six editions a year

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Thursday, January 31 Saturday, March 16 Saturday, May 18 Saturday, July 27



Saturday, September 21

Saturday, November 16


<:I:Inar <TIN<l I I<'INIcn Tlle lll II nrslcl<T I II LNTTI.II


CENTRAL OREGON'S ORIGINAL HOME & LIVING MAGAZINE Look to Central Oregon Living for locally written features about our unique lifestyles. One of The Bulletin's premier publications,

this award-winning magazine features what's new and unique to the home building industry in Central Oregon and the lifestyle we enjoy. Featuring innovative

products, interior designs, gardening in the high desert, local expert columnists and more, this publication celebrates individuality and appreciation for the natural surroundings that inspire us,


W HEN TOLOOK FOR IT: publishingfoureditions ayear Saturday, March 2 Saturday, June 29 Saturday, October 5 Saturday, December 7


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