Serving Central Oregon since190375
TUESDAY March 25,2014
In theswingof spring SPORTS • B1
AT HOME• D1 TODAY'S READERBOARD Frommy cold, hare handS —California chefs are battling a newlawthat bans bare-hand contact with readyto-eatfood.BS
Bomber redorn — AB-2 stealth bomber was in sorry shape after an accidental fire, but its initial price tag of $2.1 billion ensured amassiveeffort to rebuild it.A3
• The district's blueprint calls for $87 milion to go towardmorethan 3 dozenprojects
Quite a Shift —Theu.S. energy industry pushes for a new era of exports, something unthinkable five years ago.A6
Afew trails to become olle-waQ
Sprlllg Ootlll' —Seasonal recipe ideas for peas, asparagus, morels and more.D1
By Mark Moricel
ln world news —"Heart-
climbing uphill, seeing another cyclist flying down
The Bulletin
For mountain bikers
breaking" news: Missing flight plunged into ocean.A2
toward them can be awfulRyan Brennecke /The Bulletin file photo
Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
Discovery Park in NorthWest Crossing. (Location Q on map.)
Restrooms anddugouts at Pine Nursery. (Locetion 0on map.)
And a Wed exclusiveBattles to receive medical care have taken to social media ... and now they face abacklash. benttbulletin.cem/extras
By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin
BendPark 5 RecreationDistric 2014-19Capital ImprovementPla projects
he plans are ambitious, and the dollar
+ More than three dozen projects account for $87mi 'on in planned Bend Park & Recreation District work over t e next ~ several years. Many of these projects are in the early anning stages, and specifics could change.
figures are eye-popping.
Mudslide situation is very grim' The Seattle Times SEATTLE — Fourteen
people were confirmed dead fromthe massive mudslide in Washington state's Snohomish County, after
searchers found sixmore bodies Monday afternoon. There are still 108 re-
ports of missing and unaccounted-for individuals as a resultofthe disaster.
John Pennington, who heads the county's De-
partmentofEmergency Management, quickly said earlier that some reports of
the missing are vague and insists the number of victims will not be nearly that
large. He called 108"a soft number." Snohomish County Fire District 21 Chief Travis Hots said "the situation is
In the next several
years, Bend Park & Recreation District plans to spend $87 million on more than three dozen projects across the city, building an ice rink, creating a safe passage and whitewater recreation area through
At Home Df-6 Crosswords E4 Business C5-6 Dear Abby D5 Calendar B3 Local/State Bf -6 Classified Ef -6 Obituaries 85 Comics/ Sports Cf-4 Puzzles E3-4 TV/Movies D5
way trail routes for select singletrack in the Phil's and
Wanoga networks. Starting April 5, Phil's Trail will be downhill
only from the three-way intersection at Kent's Trail
(junction No. 18) to Phil's Trailhead, a section known as Phil's Canyon. Ben's Trail will be uphill only from Phil's Trailhead to
/// p
on," Michelle Healy, the
park district director of strategic planning and design, said Monday. The park district updates its long-range planning list each year, offering rough timelines and cost esti-
a Park
Forest Road 300.
In the Wanoga network,
Tyler's Traverse Trail will
Bear ee
be downhill only from the intersection of Kiwa Butte
A e.
mates for capital improve-
ment projects. But the new list, released
earlier this month, is nota-
ble for the variety of projects, their price tags and where the money's coming from. The new capital im-
Trail to Conklin Road. Clear directional signs are scheduled to be posted at the affected trails by April 5, according to COTA. See Trails /A4
provement plan covers a
Br wood Bi
variety of projects, made up of parks, trails and
recreation facilities. Some & Fitness Center, or new
bleachers at Ponderosa
Park. But nearly half are val1. First Street Rapids Park 2. Discovery Park land acquisition 3. Bend Senior Center andLarkspur Park expansion 4. McKay Park 5. Miller's Landing 6. Ponderosa Park improvements 7. Pine Nursery Parkadditions 8. Southeast Bendland acquisition and park development 9. Canal RoadPark 10. Sunset View Park 11. Rock RidgePark 12. Stone Creek 13. Boyd Park
west Simpson Avenue and
funded by a $29 million park district bond voters
approved in 2012. The capital improvement documents show most of
the Simpson pavilion construction planned between July 1 and June 30, 2015, with the final work being
done before in the following fiscal year. SeeParks/A4
liance and the Deschutes National Forest announced
they will designate oneShaalia P
"This is probably the most robust program the (parks) district has taken
ued at $1 million or more. Towering over them all is the $11.3 million ice skating rink and recreation pavilion planned on South-
/re e
Bend's future.
SeeMudslide /A5
Show ers High 54, Low31 Page B6
Central Oregon Trail AlCD
Dam, constructing new nature trails, renovating ball fields and buying land to map out the parks of
are small projects — repair work at Juniper Swim
system west of Bend — the
the Colorado Avenue
very grim." "We are still holding out hope we are going to find people alive. We are still in a rescue mode," Hots added.
ly intimidating. Conversely, for mountain bikers cruising downhill, having their flow interrupted by slamming on the brakes for an oncoming uphill rider can be incredibly frustrating. Seeking to limit such conflicts — which MOP are becoming commonplace on oil A4 the popular and oft-crowded singletrack
14. Riley Ranchacquisition and development 15. Shevlin Park development and nature resource center 16. Archie Briggs Canyonfootbridge 17. Deschutes River Trail connection 18. Deschutes River Trail connection 19. Deschutes River Trail connection 20. Deschutes River Trail connection 21. Deschutes River Trail connection 22.Putnam Road to Riley Ranch Bridge trail connection 23. Kirkaldy Court to PutnamRoad trail connection 24. Colorado Bridge undercrossing 25. Pacific Park trail 26. Deschutes River Trail connection
Source: Bend Park & Recreation District
27. Alpine Park trailhead improvements 28. Haul Roadtrail 29.Simpson Avenue Recreation Pavilion 30. Colorado Avenuesafe passage 31. Hillside Park redevelopment 32. Juniper Park redevelopment and swim and fitness center renovations 33. Park district solar panels 34. New park district equipment
35. Skyline Field renovations 36. Pioneer Park improvements 37. Hollinshead Barn improvements
Greg Cross /The Bulletin
In a shift, justices talk faith By Robert Barnes The Washington Post
There's somethingthat makes the current Supreme Court different from some
ofitsrecentpredecessors. The justices got religion. Or at least they seem
more open about their faith, appearingbefore devout audiences and talking more about how religion shaped their lives or guides them now.
As the court this week weighs religious conviction vs. legal obligation in the latest challenge to the Affordable Care Act, those
The Bulletin
who study the court say the change is hard to quantify
Voi. 112, No. B4,
but easy to notice. Chief Justice John Rob-
An Independent Newspaper
30 pages, 5 sections
erts and Justice Samuel Alito are devout Catholics
Q i/l/e use recycled newsprint
: 'Illllllllj III o
88 267 02329
who faced questions during their confirmations about
~ ~ *
how their faith would affect
theirjurisprudence. Artist's rendering of the planned Simpsonpavilion. (Location © on map.)
Courtesy Bend Park &Recreation District
SeeJustices /A4
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ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool..........54f-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black .................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa........................541-383-0337
es see s oisoa e ussia over raine By Julie Pace The Associated Press
THE HAGUE, Netherlands
— Seeking to isolate Russia, the U.S. and Western allies de-
dared Monday they are indefinitely cutting Moscow out of a major international coalition
dustrial nations until Moscow
steps to de-escalatethe conflict Lavrov sought to downplay
"changes course." The G-7 leaders instead plan the significance of the West to meet this summer in Brus- purging Russia from the G-8, sels, symbolically gathering in describing the economic partthe headquarters cityof the Eu- nership as an informal club ropean Union and NATO, two that has been superseded by Western organizations that other international forums. "If our Western partners behave sought to bolster ties with
and warned they stand ready to order tougher economicpen- Ukraine. lieve that such format is no lon"Today, we reaffirm that Rus- gerneeded,letitbe so,"Lavrov alties if Vladimir Putin presses sia's actions will have signifi- said. "We aren't clinging for further into Ukraine. The moves came amid a cant consequences," the leaders' that format, and we won't see flurry of diplomatic jockeying statement said.'This dearviola- a big problem if there are no as theWest grappled forways tionof internationallawis aseri- such meetings for a year, or a to punish Russia for its annex- ous challenge to the rule of law year-and-a-half." ation of the Crimean Peninsu- around the world and should be R ussia's actions h a v e la and prevent the crisis from a concern for all nations." sparked one of Europe's deepescalating. In an unexpected develop- est political crises in decades President Barack O bama ment, Russia's foreign minis- and drawn comparisons to and the leaders of Britain, ter Sergey Lavrov met sepa- the Cold War era's tensions beFrance, Germany, Italy, Can- rately in The Hague with his tween East and West. Obama ada and Japan met in the Ukrainian counterpart, the and other Western leaders Netherlandsfor an emergency highest level of contact be- have c o ndemned R u ssia's meeting of the Group of Seven. tween the two nations since movements and ordered ecoIn a joint statement after their Russia moved forces into nomic sanctions on Putin's 90-minute meeting, the lead- Crimea nearlya month ago. close associates, though those ers said they were suspending U.S. officials said they wel- punishments appear to have their participation with Russia comed the meeting but chal- done little to change the Rusin the Group of Eight major in- lenged Russia to take further sian president's calculus.
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at and individual lottery websites
The numbers drawnMonday nightare:
fa Qas Q aaQ so QaQaQ The estimated jackpot is now $3.5 million.
EgyPtian trial —An Egyptian court Monday sentenced to death nearly 530 suspected backers of ousted President MohammedMorsi over a deadly attack on apolice station, capping a swift, two-day mass trial in which defenseattorneys were not allowed to present their case. It was the largest single batch of death sentences in the world in recent years, Amnesty International said. TheU.S.State Department said it "defies logic" that so manypeople could get afair trial in just two sessions. Theverdicts by a court in the city of Minya are subject to appeal andare likely to beoverturned. PiStOriuS trial —The murder trial of South African Olympian Oscar Pistorius on Mondayheard moretestimony that a terrified woman screamed the night that the athlete shot his girlfriend, ReevaSteenkamp. Theathlete's defense teamhas arguedthat no one screamed the night of the shooting except for Pistorius. His defenseadvocate, Barry Roux, earlier suggested that Pistorius sounds like awoman when he screams. Fivewitnesses, including Monday's witness, Anette Stipp, havetestified they heard a womanscream in theearly hours of Feb. 14last year whenthe athlete killed his girlfriend. EdOla Olltdreak —The first outbreak of Ebola fever in the West African nation of Guineahas killed at least 59 peopleand maybe spreading into nearby countries, international health agencieswarned Monday. Guinea's Health Ministry said most of the 80known casesof the diseasewere in border areasnear Sierra Leoneand Liberia; early reports of three cases inConakry, Guinea's capital, were unfounded, experts said. Therewerereports of patients with symptoms in both Sierra Leoneand Liberia, but no laboratory-confirmed cases, said Dr. Armand Sprecher, anEbolaexpert with the medical aid group Doctors Without Borders. VeneZuelan prOteStS —Seeking to confront the deepeconomic problems that havehelpedfuel weeks of protests, Venezuela's socialist-inspired government took astep Mondaytoward easing strict currency controls and openedwhat it says will be a free market for the sale of dollars to Venezuelans. Thenewexchange rate mechanism is intended to reduce the blackmarket price of dollars, which had soared in recent months. Yet the impact of the measuredepends on how muchmoney thegovernmentallowstochangehandsinthenew market and howfreely it allows the market to operate.
NYC inmate death —A New York City corrections officer was arrested Monday by theFBIand charged with violating the civil rights of a mentally ill inmate who died after begging for medical help for hours. The officer, Terrence Pendergrass, was supervising the Rikers Island unit where the prisoner was being held. According to the criminal complaint filed Monday, Pendergrass ignored subordinates who warned that the prisoner, Jason Echevarria, was in distress and neededaid. Echevarria, 25, was found deadhours later.
Congressional ethics inquiry —Rep.cathy McMorris Rodg-
The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If you knowof an error in a story,call us at541-383-0356.
lic-transit train that jumpedthe tracks and scaled anescalator at one of nation's busiest airports Mondaymayhavedozed off, a union official said. Thederailment happened just before 3 a.m. Mondayat the end of the ChicagoTransit Authority's Blue Line at O'Hare International Airport. The timing of theaccident helpedavoid anenormous disaster, as the underground BlueLinestation is usually packed with travelers. More than 30people werehurt, but none hadlife-threatening injuries.
AriZOna Sheriff —A federal judge in Arizona strongly rebuked Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County andone of his chief deputies Monday, saying that they haddefied and evenmockedthe judge's order last year to stop singling out Latinos during routine patrols, traffic stops and workplace raids. Judge G.Murray Snow said that Arpaio and the chief deputy, Jerry Sheridan, hadblatantly flouted his order in a caseaccusing Arpaio of violating the constitutional rights of Latinos. Snow cited avideo of a briefing in which Sheridan called Snow's order "ludicrous" and "absurd."
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ChiCagOtrain derailment —Anoperator of aChicagopub-
Ng Han Guan /The Associated Press
A relative of one of theChinese passengers aboard the missing Malaysia Airlines flight grieves after being told of the latest news Monday in Beijing. After17 days of desperation and doubt over the missing Malaysia Airlines jet, the country's officials said ananalysis of satellite data points to a "heartbreaking" conclusion: Flight 370 met its end in the southern reaches of the IndianOcean,andnoneofthose aboard survived. Thesomberannouncementlate Monday by Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razakleft unresolved many more troubling questions about what went wrong aboard the Boeing 777 to take it so far off-course. It also unleashed amaelstrom of sorrowand anger amongthe families of the jet's 239 passengers and crew. A solemn Najib, clad in ablack
suit, read a brief statement about what he called anunparalleled study of the jet's last-known signals to a satellite. That analysis showed that the missing plane, which took off from Kuala Lumpur for Beijing early on March 8, veered "to a remote location, far from any possible landing sites." "It is therefore with deepsadness and regret that I must inform you that, according to this new data, Flight MH370 ended in the
southern Indian Ocean," hesaid. At right, a crewmanaboard an Australian Orion aircraft scans the IndianOceanonMonday. High waves, gale-force winds and low-hanging clouds forced the multinational search to be suspended for 24 hours today, the Richard Wainwright I The Associated Press Australian Maritime Safety Authority, which is coordinating the prove this evening andthe search search over the southern Indian was expecte dtoresume WednesOcean, said in astatement. day, the statement said. Weather was forecast to im— The Associated Press
ers, the highest ranking woman in theHouse Republican leadership and a rising star in the party, mayhaveimproperly used her House office staff and financial resources to help boost her political career, a congressional investigation has concluded. Thedetailed allegations became public Mondaywhenthe House Ethics Committee confirmed that it is investigating McMorris Rodgers, R-Wash., and releasedan initial inquiry into the charges conducted by theOffice of Congressional Ethics. The report cited evidence that shehadused her House office staff from 2010 to 2012 to help herwith campaign activities. Climate COIIferellCI —Along with the enormous risks global warming poses for humanity are opportunities to improve public health and build a better world, scientists gathered in Yokohamafor a climate changeconferencesaid early today. The hundreds of scientists from100 countries meeting in this Japaneseport city are putting finishing touches on a massive report emphasizing the gravity of the threat the changing climate posesfor communities from the polar regions to the tropics. — From wire reports
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Obama toseekcurb on NSAcall data By Charlie Savage
so, and had instructed Justice
New York Times News Service
Department and intelligence WASHINGTON The officials to come up with a Obama administration is pre- plan by Friday when the curparing to unveil a legislative rent court order authorizing proposal to drastically over- the program expires. haul the N ational Security
Agency's once-secret bulk phone records program. Under the proposal, data
linked to phone numbers a judge agrees are likely tied to terrorism. The NSA now retains the
there was no easy way to do
Find It All Online
phone data for five years. But the administration c onsid-
ered, and rejected, imposing administration has decided to a mandate on phone comparenew the program as it cur- nies that they hold onto their rently exists for at least one customers' calling records more 90-day cycle, adminis- for a period longer than the tration officials said. But un- 18 months that federal regder the plan the administra- ulations already generally tion has developed and now require. advocates, the officials said, The NSA uses the once-sethe government would no lon- cretcallrecords programger systematically collect and sometimes known as the 215 store records of calling data. program, after Section 215 of the Patriot Act — to analyze
links between callers in an ef-
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Barack Obama said he wanted to get the NSA out of the
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e e e TheBulletin
As part of the proposal, the
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• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day
It's Tuesday, March 25, the 84th day of 2014. Thereare 281 days left in the year.
China sees gains in TB
Supreme COurt — The justices hear arguments about whether for-profit corporations must provide insurance coverage for contraception, a requirement of the health care law.A1
Climate —TheU.N.Intergovernmental Panel onClimate Change opens a five-day general meeting in Yokohama, Japan, to discuss the impact of global warming.
HISTORY Highlight:In1634, English colonists sent by Lord Baltimore arrived in present-day Maryland. In1306, Robert the Brucewas crowned the King of Scots. In1776,Gen.GeorgeWashington, commander of the Continental Army, wasawarded the first Congressional Gold Medal by theContinental Congress. In1865, during the Civil War, Confederate forces attacked Fort Stedman in Virginia but were forced to withdraw because of counterattacking Union troops. In1894, Jacob Coxeybegan leading an "army" of unemployed from Massillon, Ohio, to Washington D.C., to demand help from the federal government. In1911, 146 people, mostly young female immigrants, were killed when fire broke out at the Triangle Shirtwaist Co. in New York. In1924, the SecondHellenic Republic was proclaimed in Greece. In1947,a coal mine explosion in Centralia, III., claimed111 lives. In1954, RCAannounced it had begun producing color television sets at its plant in Bloomington, Ind. (Thesets, with12~/~-inch picture tubes, cost $1,000 each — roughly $8,700 in today's dollars.) In1964, an acre of Runnymede in Surrey, England, was set aside by the British government as the site of a memorial to honor the late U.S.President John F. Kennedy. In1975, King Faisal of Saudi Arabia was shot to death by a nephew with a history of mental illness. (The nephewwas beheaded in June1975.) In1988,in NewYork City's so-called "Preppie Killer" case, Robert Chambers Jr. pleaded guilty to first-degree manslaughter in the death of 18-year-old Jennifer Levin. (Chambers received asentence of 5 to 15years in prison; he was released in 2003.) In1990, 87 people, most of them Honduranand Dominican immigrants, were killed when fire raced through an illegal social club in NewYork City.
Ten yearsago:TheSenate joined the House inpassing the Unborn Victims of ViolenceAct, making it a separateoffense to harm a fetus during aviolent federal crime. TheUnited States vetoed a U.N.Security Council resolution condemning Israel's assassination of Hamasleader Ahmed Yassin. Five years ago:Pirates seized the Panama-registered, Greekowned Nipayia with18 Filipino crew members and aRussian captain off the Somali coastline. (The ship andcrew were released in May2009.) One yearago: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerryand Afghan President Hamid Karzai madea show of unusual unity between their two nations asthe U.S. military ceded control of its last detention facility in Afghanistan, ending a long-standing irritant in relations.
BIRTHDAYS Feminist activist and author Gloria Steinem is 80. Singer Aretha Franklin is 72. Singer Elton John is 67.Actress Sarah Jessica Parker is 49. Auto racer Danica Patrick is 32. Singer Jason Castro ("American Idol") is 27. — From wire reports
The B-2 stealth bomber — nicknamed "Lazarus" — had been damaged in a fire. Fixing it required 300 workers, nearly four years, and more than 1,000 parts and $105 million.
By Donald G. McNeil Jr. New York Times News Service
China has cut its rate of
tuberculosis by more than
On Feb. 26, 2010, a fire damaged a B-2 stealth bomber during takeoff in Guam. The repairs on the $2.1 billion aircraft required a complex operation involving 300 workers.
according to health officials there.
Engine bay
half over the last 20 years, Its success shows that
the t uberculosis-fighting strategy endorsed by the
B o mb bay
World Health Organization in 1995 works well if it is
rigorously applied. The strategy — called DOTS, for directly observed therapy, s hort
Engine exhaust channel
course — r e quires that
Engine intake
Fire started in the engine exhaust during takeoff
Wing tanks
1. May2010Mechanics fly to Guam to begin repairs
Whiteman.AF fl„„p
2011 B-2
~P a hndale Pacific
flown to Palmdale, Calif.; work completed by December 2013
"puam Ocean
watched taking the pills every day. The observer can be a nurse, a family member, a neighbor or any other
Engines 4 Thrust 17,300 lbs. per engine Weight160,000 lbs. (75,575 kg) Maximum takeoff weight 336,500 lbs. (152,634 kg) Payload40,000 lbs. (18,144 kg) Ceiling 50,000 ft. (15,240 m)
2. August
Q Miseo)iri., 8„-2peje ~ ~
antibiotics to take daily for about six months, and be
The fire spread into the enginebay,damaging the titanium frame, wiring and hydraulic lines
every case be diagnosed by sputum sample, and every patient be given a standard regimen of four
Source:U.S. Air Force, Northrop Grumman Corp.
trusted person.
According to a study done by the Chinese Center for Disease Control and
Prevention and published last week by The Lancet,
tuberculosis p r evalence fell to 59 cases per 100,000 population, from 170 cases
O2014 MCT
in 1990. The more provinces that adopted DOTS, the faster it fell.
By W.J. Hennigan Los Angeles Times
LOS ANGELES — It wasn't
long after the morning sun came up over the Mojave Desert that Sean Byrne noticed a black speck fluttering just above the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains. He knew what it was, as
Air Force Base in Guam, a strategic base because of its location in the Asian Pacific
region, namely its proximity to China and North Korea. On Feb. 26, 2010, a B-2 at-
tempted to take off from Guam for a routine training mission when a fireball flashed from a left engine, sparking an onboard blaze that eviscerated
expert mechanics, engineers team brought high-precision and other technicians from drill bits from Palmdale, but the company that know the the volume of drilling work bomber best. required was higher than they The B-2 bombers were built had anticipated. at Northrop's 45-acre complex As a result, the bits he used
The scientists compared vast numbers ofsamples
in Palmdale behind razor-wire
to bore into the structure kept
fences under tight security.
going dulL "We'd keep running back and forth to Home
China still has a huge TB problem, with a million new cases every year, 11 percent of the world's caseload.
The first B-2 rolled off the assembly line in 1988; the last in
did the other workers from 1997. Every seven years, the Northrop Grumman Corp. the interior of the airplane. planes fly into the facility for a surrounding him. They were No one aboard was hurt, massive overhaul. waiting on this wind-swept but the heat was so intense A few weeks after the fire, tarmac at t h e c ompany's that it m elted and w arped Byrne's boss called a meeting plant in Palmdale, Calif., to parts of th e B-2's titanium around a toolbox in Palmdale catch a glimpse of the aircraft and aluminum frame. The to brief the crew on the accinicknamed "Lazarus" — the plane's wiring and hydraulic dent. Byrne, 29, was told he'd plane that died in a f ire on tubing turned into smolder- be part of the first group going the island of Guam only to be ing ash. to Guam. "I was amped to go," he said. resurrected. Though the damage was The dot grew larger and bad,the AirForce determined "I had noidea where Guam larger. Suddenly, the unmis- that the plane could be saved. was. I had to look it up on a takable bat-winged silhou- That was good news. A B-2 map and saw this tiny dot in ette of the B-2 stealth bomber was completely lost in 2008 the middle of the Pacific." emerged. As it touched down after moisture built up in the In May 2010, Byrne and five for a landing, the crowd erupt- plane's high-tech sensors and other mechanics flew to the ed in applause, hugs and tears. caused it to crash and burn. island to assess the aircraft, "After all that time, it final- The pilots safely ejected. which was sitting in a hangar. ly made itback home," ByThe military said it couldn't There appeared to be very litrne said. "In some ways, we afford to lose another of these tle damage to the B-2's sleek couldn't believe we pulled it aircraft. The repairs required dark-gray surface. off." more than 1,000 parts rangB ut t h e n t h e wor k e r s The four-year operation to ing in size from small clips to popped open the plane's 100rebuild the military's rarestmassive sections that support plus access panels. "The exand most expensive at $2.1 bil- the structure of the aircraft. tent of the damage was surlion — aircraft involved hun- The project took nearly four prising," said David Mazur, dreds of hard-to-find parts, years at a cost of more than Northrop'svice president of thousands of labor hours, and $105 million, which included a long-range strike operations. "It took my breath away. Hun300 Air Force and Northrop scheduled overhaul. "With only 20 B-2s — as dreds of parts would have to workers. Many of them, mechanics such as Byrne, left preciousas those aircraftare be replaced." their families in Palmdale and — no one even questioned and cost flew 6,000 miles to Guam to whether or no t w e'd m ake M aintenance work seven days a week for the investment," said Norton The Air Force has been mamonths at a time to restore the Schwartz, aretired four-star ligned for decades over the stealth bomber. general who served as Air costs and the extensive mainThey spent so much time Force chief of staff at the time tenance the B-2 requires. Last working on the island, they of the incident. "When we year alone, the Air Force spent started calling their tempo- found out the aircraft could more than $1.2 billion upgradrary home "Guamdale." be saved, civilian and military ing, maintaining and overleadership agreed without hauling the fleet. W hy all the fuss hesitation." For each hour a B-2 was in The military is quick to say The latest accident was the air, it spent 47 hours on that the B-2 is unlike any oth- traced to the high-tech mate- the ground undergoing mainer aircraft in the U.S. arsenal. rial that acts like a sponge to tenance. A B-2 mechanic has Built to haul more than 20 tons absorb radar waves as they 750 technical manuals to referof bombs, it has a wingspan strike the plane. Any gap on ence to fix the plane. nearly as long as a Boeing 747 the plane's surface would reOn Guam, Northrop deterjumbo jet yet flies virtually un- flect radar waves. To main- mined it would do the repair detected by radar.
Because of its stealth characteristics, it is the first bomb-
tain the plane's stealth char-
acteristics, radar-absorbing materials are meticulously er to be sent into heavily de- applied to gaps, including to fended enemy territory to the areas around the engine clear the way for other fighters exhaust and inside the tailand bombers by knocking out pipe bay. anti-aircraft batteries and raThe 2010 bomber fire startdar installations. ed after some of that material O n the first night of t h e broke down, soaked up oil and NATO operation in L ibya ignited when one of the B-2's in 2011, for instance, three fourengines fired up,accordB-2s flew f r o m W h i teman ing to Air Force investigation Air Force Base in Missouri, documents that were released slipped into enemy territory after a request from the Los and promptly wiped out 45 Angeles Times. targets at an airfield before reOnce the Air Force decided turning to the U.S. to rebuild the plane on Guam, The bombers are based at getting Northrop's team on Whiteman but are often de- the ground was the first order ployed overseas to Andersen of business. It summoned the
in two phases. First, the crew
would perform the mechanical repairs — estimated at
$67.9 million — that would enable the B-2 to fly to Palmdale. Once there, the aircraft
wouldundergo a completerestoration at a cost of about $37.2 million. T echnicians s t arted
taken in 1990, 2000 and
2010, including more than 250,000 patients at 176 clinics for the last one.
Depot," he said.
Rebuilding the bomber depended on parts that were difficult to find; some com-
ponents were discovered on shelves at air bases in the U.S. Parts that were no longer
made were expensive to remake based on blueprints that
Plarc Well, Retire Well
were drawn when mechanics
such as Byrne and McElhaney were in grade school. All that attention to detail
paid off. The plane, formally dubbed Spirit of Washington, started right up on the first attempt.
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first phase by ripping out the a ircraft's subsystems, w i r e
harnesses, hydraulic lines and damaged structures from the engine bay. Tom McElhaney, a 28-yearold mechanic from the Palmdale plant, said he was thrilled to be part of the team. But he
faced a major problem: He couldn't take all his tools. The
I i
I i
62000 Broken Top Dr. • 541-383-8200
Continued fromA1
nearly doubled in the last few
Continued fromA1 Of the total $87 million in "We're anticipating be- planned projects, $34.6 miling done by the fall of 2015 lion comes from system deor winter 2016," Healy said, velopment charges — fees though she said all dates collected by the city of Bend
years. Safety was becoming a concern, and COTA mem-
tion plans could change.
By some e stimates, the number of m ountain bikers
in the Phil's Trail complex has
provements would eventually be made, Healy said.
are tentative and construc-
The other major bond park upgrades. About $21.6 project is a $7.3 million re- million comes from the 2012 configuration of the dam bond, $11.3 million comes at the Colorado Avenue from property tax revenue Bridge. The project would and $19.5 million comes from createa safepassage forin- private donations and partnerner-tubers to float through ships with businesses. in the summer, offer a More than $27 million of channel for fish to pass the total project funds will fithrough and install under- nance a slew of park improvewater hydraulics to create ments and l an d p u rchases rapids near the bridge for for new parks, the capital imkayakers. provement notes show. Those The bond is paying for include a plan to purchase most of the safe passage Discovery Park, a 34-acre work at the Colorado Dam, planned park in NorthWest which runs next to Colo- Crossing's ongoing expanrado Avenue as it crosses sion, for $1.9 million.
bers — who volunteer to build
and maintain Central Oregon's world-renowned singletrackbelieved they had to act.
COTA chairman Woody Starr said the group has received numerous comments about the directional trails-
many from riders who enjoy descending Ben's Trail. "They can still come down Kent's and Phil's," Starr said.
"We've got hundreds of miles of trail. The proposal affects 7 miles of trails. A couple (of COTA) board members were even against it. They came around to see the light of it." COTA cited several benefits
on new construction projects, which fund street, sewer and
; -P ~
the Deschutes River. But
of directionaltrails:
The district also wants to
allowusersto choose a route where serious, head-on colli-
Bend Paddle Trail Alliance is kicking in $900,000. The organization has already raised more than $600,000
spend $3.7 million from the 2012bond to buy land in southeast Bend, possibly around
sions betweenuphill and downhill riders are not a concern.
and hopes to raise the rest this summer, said Justin
Brosterhous Road areas. The
Rae, who's heading the alliance's fundraising efforts. Healy said the Colorado Avenue Dam safe passage
much as $8.8 million from its system developmentcharges to build a large new park over
• Safety: Directional trails
• Less conflict: Increased traffic led to m ore conflicts
when users were not heeding Joe Kline/The Bulletin proper trail etiquette, which in- Jordan Schweitzer, of Bend, mountain bikes up a hill Monday afternoon on Phil's Trail west of Bend cludes yielding to uphill riders. between the trailhead and trail junction marker No. 18. Effective April 5, this section of the trail will be • Continuity: D ir e c tional one-way downhill. trails will increase continuity of a ride, with little or no stopping to let others pass. is not new within COTA. AcEffective April 5 • Perceived solitude: While cordingto Starr,overthelastfew To Bend Central Oregon trails are more years COTA has received much • ----. One-way uphill crowded than ever, riding on feedback about trail crowding, • ----. One-way downhill directional trails can make it collisions andtrail widening. -~ lh e • ---- Two-way trail ''We've been collecting seem that there are fewer peo• + • A• ~o ple onthe trails. comments for y ears," Starr S lolliners" ' , :" i ~ ,"" i Use Rd.310 • Keeping singletrack single: said. "People hate encounters. for uphill route As trails become more crowdThere's been some bad, devas••.. 5Q , • ed, the continuous passing of Oqye+ tating ones." H, ooi „ o ' 1PB +oo+ users going both directions has COTA plans to collect comg J • / 'I OO O • .g harmed the trails. Many riders ments on the directional trails simply ride off the trail instead at least through Labor Day, • • +o of stopping to let the uphill ridbut Starr encouraged riders ~o • er pass. Directional trails make to try the one-way loop before "0 gO • ~ooo~ for minimal passing, keeping commenting. "If they go out and actually them singletrack. Source: Central Oregon Trail Alliance Greg Cross /The Bulletin Longtime Bend resident Phil ride the loop that we're proMeglasson, for whom Phil's posing to be one way, and you Trail is named, said he supports years, and we were used to go- that there is no law against get back to the parking lot and the directional trails plan. Me- ing up there and riding up and riding the wrong way, but there's 100 cars there, but you glasson was part of a group of maybe not meeting a single adds that riding against traffic saw two people, I think that's a win," Starr said. mountain bikers in the early person coming down," Meglas- "wouldn't be much fun." 1980s who first started riding son said of Phil's Canyon. "That In choosing which trails to For more information, visit on game trails andbuilding sin- was great, but those days are designate as one-way, COTA's To contact gletrack trails west of Bend. long gone. aim was to provide the longest COTAabout the issue, email di~t
g r1 0 0 0 0
bond funds t o
'• eeel t
• •
N +
+'l O+
stages of negotiations with
landowners, so it's difficult
Real Estate
are needed. The district is in the early
• 01
Dream Home In
land where trail extensions
Find Your
Bend. Much of the funding would go toward buying
tions of the Deschutes River Trail as it winds through
c o mplete
roughly 11 missing sec-
the next five years.
"We have a parks plan summer, and hopefully where we target areas within wrap up by the end of sum- Bend that are maybe a bit demer 2015. ficient in the number of neighThe park district also borhood parks," Healy said. wants to use $4 million in — Reporter 541-617-7820
district would then spend as
work could start later this
Directionaltrails inPhil's Trail Complex
the Southeast 15th Street and
to say when those trail im-
Where Buyers
"It's an idea whose time has
"You have to think about
and most uninterrupted loop
come," Meglasson said. "The
what you're losing for what while maintaining the most number of riders out there is you're gaining, but overall I ride options. increasing so quickly that we think it's a good plan. It'll defiAccording to COTA, Ben's just have to start going to one- nitely be an improvement in the Trail is a natural up-route beway trails. This winter at Mas- long run." cause it has the most interton (near Redmond) and Horse And as for riders paying at- sections, making more turnRidge (east of Bend), it's also tention to the "one way" and around loops possible. Phil's been very obvious the increase "do not enter" signs that are to Canyon is revered by locals as in the number of riders. I don't be postedbyApril5? one of the more steep and thrill"There'll be a few people ing descents in the Phil's Comknow why, but the last three years it's really increased a lot. who don't see the signs," Me- plex. Kent's Trail is rated as the I'd say it at least doubled, may- glasson said. "But as many easiest trail in the complex and be even more." people that are using that area, will remain two-way to allow Meglasson acknowledged they'll quickly get schooled into novice riders a relatively tame he will miss being able to dimb following the signs." uphill/downhill route. Tyler's Traverse was built rethe trail through the small canStarr said the signs will be yon named forhim, but he un- "very clear" and added that cently as a downhill route and derstands the pressing need COTA will have an informa- features the greatest elevation for change on the trails west of tional booth at Phil's Trailhead loss per mile of any of the WanBend. to explainthe changes. oga trails. "That has been here for COTA notes on its website The idea of dhectional trails
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Hobby Lobby craft store chain, and a small woodworking comContinued fromA1 pany inPennsylvania named Justice Clarence Thomas is Conestoga Wood Specialties, a former seminarian who says owned by a Mennonite family. God saved his life. One federal appeals court Justice Antonin Scalia is the agreed with Hobby Lobby most outspoken. He has urged that the requirement violated fellow intellectuals to be "fools the Religious Freedom Restofor Christ" and used an inter- ration Act. view last fall to underscore his A different appeals court belief in the existence of the ruled against Conestoga, sayDevil, whose latest maneuver, ing the RFRA covers individhe said, "is getting people not uals, not profit-making comto believe in him or in God." panies, and that the religious Justice Elena Kagan, not principles of business owners religious like the others, none- were not affected by an emtheless has reminded Jewish ployee's decision to use a cergroups she undertook years tain method of birth control. of three-days-a-week religious The cases present a cominstruction as a child. She ne- plicated set of issues. These gotiated with her rabbi to be include whether corporations the first girl to have a bat mitz- have the same rights as invah at New York City's Lincoln dividuals — as the Supreme Square Synagogue. "It was C ourt ruled they do i n t h e good, not great," she quipped. landmark C i t izens U n i ted Much attention has been v. FEC case for the purposgiven to the religious make- es of political speech — and up of the current edition of equal treatment for female the Roberts court. With six employees. There's even disCatholics and three Jews, it is agreement about whether the the first without a Protestant emergencycontraception and member. intrauterine devices the chalBut in what is likely to be lengers find objectionable inthe signature case of the term, duce early abortions or simply the issue is not affiliation but prevent pregnancies. devotion. But the cases start with the The justices today will hear business owners' claims that two cases in which business the law's requirement forces owners say they would vio- them to choose between violate their religious principles lating their religious beliefs if they had to provide female and paying millions of dollars employees with c o st-free in government fines. insurance coverage for all And that puts a focus on the contraceptives. court itself. "It is literally imThis requirement under the possible to answer" whether a Affordable Care Act is being justice's religious views affect challenged by David and Bar- his or her decision-making, bara Green, the evangelical said Richard Fallon, a HarChristian owners of the giant vard law professor who is a
scholar of the court.
He is among those who agree that the religious views of those on the current court
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are far more on display than those of the justices in the ear-
ly 1980s, when he served as a clerk on the court. Lawyers who practice before the court take note of it.
"Certainly any lawyer would keep that in mind and not do
anything that would look anything less than respectful" of the religious perspective, said one lawyer who asked not to be named because of his participation in a brief supporting the government's position in the contraceptive cases.
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D-Wash., speaking at the same Arlingtonnews conference as Hots and Pennington, said that
Continued fromA1 Dave Norman, state geologist with t h e D e partment
FEMA and other federal agen-
cies are ready to assist.
Going into detail about the slide site, near Oso, Penning-
of NaturalResources, said M onday afternoon that t h e
mudslide is still moving, and there's no way to tell when it will be stable enough for rescue workers to resume looking for victims throughout the
ton said there are 59 vacant
lots in the slide area, and another 49 lots had some sort of structure — meaning a house,
a cabin or some type of possible dwelling. Of all of the structures, 25 were likely occupied
slide area.
"That is something we're trying to get a better handle
full time.
on," Norman said at a news
Pennington wa s
conference. "If we can see that there's less movement, we will
The cliff it left behind in the mountain is 600 feet tall and
1,500 feet long. "This is one of the biggest landslides I've seen," he said. The Stillaguamish River has
had been at a slumber party in a home at the slide area. He said he hadn't heard anything
about that. He also said he didn't know about reports that there had
been logging on the slope. "The area was m i tigated
~~l..., g g .
very heavily. It was considered very safe," he said. "This was a completely unforeseen slide. This came out of nowhere." Pennington said that because the slide happened on a Saturday, more people likely
started to flow across the top
of and around the debris field, which Norman said is a good thing. Working with Norman and
were at home, not at work. The massive slide is now re-
other DNR officials are geologists from the state Department of Transportation, the
Photos by Ted. S. Warren/The Associated Press
Houses and other structures are shown flooded by the backed-up Stillaguamish River up-river from the massive mudslide in Washington that killed at least14 people Saturday and left dozens missing.
U.S. Geological Survey and Snohomish County.
Rescuers on Monday were ous. "It's frustrating," Bishop using aircraft, and Pennington SBld. said in the morning that four
search-dog teams and technical teams with equipment to probe the ground were to join the search. But it wasn't clear
if that had yet happened, or if they were all kept away or on the edgesofthe slide because of fearfor their safety. Rescue workers were seen on the
west side of the slide Monday afternoon. Searchers going through debris have been sinking in the mud, which is 20 feet or more deep in some areas.
Lisa Bishop of Kent was walking around Arlington with her dog, Cody, a rescue dog with Northwest Disaster Search Dogs, trained to find survivors in disasters. But they
were in town because officials were preventing them from going up because it's too danger-
a s ked
about reports that some youths
have a better feel for whether
it's safe for rescue workers to go back out." The mudslide area is nearly a mile square, Norman said.
found out about the mudslide.
Blocked from reaching home President Barack Obama because of the slide, she called signed an emergency declara- hospitals, which is how she tion Monday, allowing the Fed- found Jacob. eral Emergency Management The Spillers moved from Agency and other agencies Seattle to Oso about two years to coordinate relief efforts as ago, Mangual said. needed. Billy Spillers, a chief petty Jose Mangual, a staff ser- officer in the Navy, is stationed geant in the U.S. Army, said at the naval base in Everett his 13-year-old son, Jovon and the family liked the nearMangual, is among those by property in Oso "because missing. it was more country-like and Also missing, he said, are they liked the house," Mangual three other members of Jo- sard. von's family: Jovon's stepfaBilly Spillers and the chilther, Billy Spillers, and Jovon's dren were apparently at home half-sisters Kaylee Spillers, 5, watching TV when the mudand Brooke Spillers, 2. slide happened, according to The c hildren's m other, Mangual, who said he spoke Jonielle Spillers, a nursing as- with Jacob about what hapsistant, and Jovon's 4-year-old pened. Jacob said he was on half-brother, Jacob Spillers, the second floor of the house. "Jacob told me he got out are alive, Mangual said. Mangual said Jonielle Spill- when nobody else was able to ers was working when she get out," Mangual said.
Mangual's son, Jovon, is "really into sports — football," his father said. "He's a real happy boy. Always joking around. He has a lot of friends." Billy Spillers is a "really loving step-dad," Mangual said. "He's always there for them, even with my son. Really paying attention to the details,
going to JoJo's games, making him feel really part of the family." Kaylee and Brooke Spillers are "real girlish, real happy," playing often with their dolls and enjoying drawing. Mangual, who spoke by phone from Colorado Springs, Colo., where he is stationed at Fort Carson, was planning to
fly to Seattle Monday afternoon and head to Oso. "I hope to find them all alive
and be reunited with my fami-
ly," Mangual said. Also among the missing is Thomas Durnell, 65.
ported at 15 million cubicyards of mud and debris, said Steve Thompson, the county's public works direct or.The mudslide came down from a hillside above the North Fork of the
Stillaguamish River, crossed over it, plowed through homes
Deb Durnell, his wife, was and other structures and onto working Saturday morning Highway 530 about 11 a.m. and is safe, according to her Saturday, flattening everydaughter, Pam Keller. thing in its path. But Tom D urnell, retired He said the county isn't movand at the couple's home Sat- ing any heavy equipment to urday, is unaccounted for. the site at this point, not want"It's really devastating," said ing to endanger the crews. Marcus Deyering, spokesCarrie Milburn, a friend of the Durnells. man for the Northwest ManMilburn said the couple agement Incident Team, said loved theirhouse, where they crews using heavy-duty lights moved after getting married in spent the night searching the area "where itwas safe to 2010. Milburn said she and her search." The names of the confirmed husband recently had a "great long" dinner with the Durnells. dead or the missing have not "They talked about how tick- been released by officials, alled they were" by the house though some survivors or the and its view of the Stillagua- families of the missing have mish River, Milburn said. talked to the media and proSen. M a r i a Can t w ell, vided names.
Rose Collection
' ttr'.r, . >V
The massive mudslide backs up the Stillaguamish River near Oso, Wash. The search for survivors grew Monday, raising fears that the death toll could climb far beyond the 14 confirmed fatalities.
River ro a u n ermt, e sta iize so By Sandi Doughton The Seattle Times
years — as was the case for the
slope near the town of Oso — to Geologists say Saturday's centuries. "The really big question is massive mudslide in Washington state was probably trig- how can you take any lessons gered when the Stillaguamish that might be learned from River undercut a slope already this one and use them to help weakened by t h e r elentless reduce the probability that rainfall of recent weeks. anyone will be hurt, let alone "When you have a really killed, by a similar event in the steep bank made out of loose future'?" Montgomery asked. material, with the river eroding Landslides are part of the out the toe, that's a recipe for Northwest's geologic heritage one of these slides," said Uni- — and perhaps our least apversity of Washington geomor- preciatedgeologic hazard, he phologist David Montgomery. said. The glaciers that sculptA geologic map of the area ed our landscape and created published in 2003 noted the high bluffs also left behind the high landslide hazard, and the sandy, crumbly soils that make same spot was hit with a small- slopes prone to collapse. er slide in 2006. Wet weather doesn't help. Nevertheless, the size and As rain percolates through the force of the wall of mud that soil, it can accumulate in deep barreledacrossthe rivercame layers, essentially loosening as a surprise, Montgomery the frictional bonds that hold added. the soil particles together, ex"It really was the nightmare plained Tim Walsh, chief of scenario." geologichazards fortheWashWestern Washington is re- ington Department of Natural plete with similar nightmares Resources. waiting to happen, but geoloMost of the region's big landgists have few tools to identify slides strike in late winter and which slopes are primed to fail. early spring, after an entire seaThe best indicator is the past. son's precipitation. Slopes that have collapsed beGravity delivers the f inal fore are likely to fail again. The blow. "The steeper the slope, the question that's almost impossible to answer is: When'? more force you're putting on it," The intervals between ma- Walsh said. jor slides can vary from a few The 2006 slide, which spilled
S Oe into the river and altered its
course, createdakind ofnatural retaining wall that was tempo-
rarily stabilizing the slope at its base — and which could have been washed away, Walsh said. The presence of geologic faults can also raise the risk
."> j
of landslides, even when the
ground doesn't shake. There's no evidence of seismic activity that could have
triggered the slide, said John Vidale, director of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network at
Up t
the University of Washington. But the Darrington-Devil's Mountain Fault, which rough-
ly parallels the Stillaguamish River, is an area where past
earthquakes have fractured the ground and weakened it, Vidale explained. Motion on the fault over the eons might
also have created a more deformed,unstable landscape, he
added. Several area residents speculated that logging might have played a role in the slide. There's no doubt logging can lead to the kinds of shallow
landslides that are common in the Northwest,becausevegetation helps hold the soil in place, Montgomery said. It's less dear what role logging might play in so-called deep-seated land-
slides like Saturday's, where an entire hillside gives way.
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U nite tates ma e F0 0 ins urance ixes on rin o anex ort oom eusive, uto tionsexist By Ralph Vartabedian
By David B. Caruso
Los Angeles Times
The Associated Press
In a Louisiana swamp several miles upriver from the Gulf of Mexico, about 3,000 construction workers are building a massive industrial facility to liquefy natural gas, preparing for a new era when the U.S. will begin ex-
porting energy around the globe. The $12 billion project is first large-scale export facilone of the largest single indus- ity approved in the country, trial investments in the nation, expected to begin operation part of a massive transforma- next year. Twenty-one other tion of the energy sector that proposed plants are awaiting has led to a boom in drilling, federal approval, 17 of which transportation and refining would line the Gulf Coast, from coast to coast. with four others on the AtlanFive years ago, the idea of tic and Pacific shores. exporting U.S. gas and oil Although energy compawas not only unheard of, but, nies are legally free to export in the case of most U.S. crude natural gas, they must go oil, illegal. At that time, the through a lengthy review proUnited States was facing a cess for building the multibilfuture of dwindling domes- lion-dollar terminals that are tic supplies and vulnerability required to turn it into a liquid to foreign producers. It was so it can be transported on anxiously building facilities ships. Crude oil, meanwhile, to import natural gas, worried is largely subject to an export about ever-higher prices and ban enacted in the 1970s-era building much of its foreign energy crisis, when long lines policy on the need to secure at gas stations and soaring energy supplies. prices led to political pressure But U.S. energy production tosavedomesticresourcesfor has boomed with the tech- American consumers. nological revolution of hyThe oil and gas industry is draulic fracturing, known as pushing the Obama adminisfracking, and the ability to tap tration and Congress to legalnewly accessible massive re- ize crude exports and speed serves. The nation surpassed up the process of licensing gas Russia in 2009 as the largest export terminals. Industry producer of natural gas and officials argue that the U.S. is is expected to zip past Saudi now in a position of economic Arabianext year to become strength and national security
the U.S. is exporting 3 million
barrels ofgasolineperday. "Some of these prohibitions
or these policies are vestiges of the past," API President Jack Gerard told reporters. "Our resource potential in
this country is vast, it's large. It's unprecedented, even more
so than any of us would have thought five or six years ago. So we need to rethink these
policies, including the crude export policy." Every energy boom, however, has spurred ambitious investments that s eemed promising at the time but pro-
duced unexpected problems and led to massive lossesand the idea of investing billions of dollars in gas export terminals with the idea of making billions more may carry the same risks, other experts say. Frank Wolak, a Stanford
University energy expert, said it would require billions of dollars and many years to obtain government permits for gas export terminals, giving foreign nations plenty of time to develop their own shale gas the largest oil producer in the that will be further enhanced extraction programs using world. by energy exports. Foreign U.S. technology. By the time Now, the U.S. energy indus- markets for U.S. crude and the United States is ready to try is pushing for a new era of natural gas will spur addi- export large amounts of gas, exports. tional production, create thou- the demand could dry up, he The new liquefied natural sands of new jobs, enable the sald. "Ten years ago, we thought gas plant under construc- U.S. to counter hostile foreign tion by Cheniere Energy Inc. energy powers and generate we were facing a gas shortage along a waterway known billions of dollars in wealth, andwebuiltallofthesefacilities as Sabine Pass that borders according to the American to import natural gas," he said. Texas and Louisiana is the Petroleum Institute. Already, "Nowtheyare all sittingidle."
NEW YORK â&#x20AC;&#x201D; There's no
easy fix for the National Flood I nsurance
P r o gram, n o w
drowning in a $24 billion sea of red ink. But experts and advocates
say Congress does have some options that could make the troubled program financially stable, more affordable and more effective at motivating change in communities built too close to the water. L awmakers t h i s mo n t h Ted S.Warren/The Associated Press tweaked the t r oubled pro- Darrin Moir, right, and his wife, Leonor Moir, stand on the deck gram for the second time in of their house, which is located along the Little Hoquiam River in two years after acknowledg- Hoquiam, Wash. The Moirs currently pay about $1,700 annually for
ing that a previous overhaul in 2012 had socked too many policyholders with rate hikes they couldn't afford. The legislation, however, only put off the day of reckoning.
flood insurance, even though they say they have never had a major flooding incident since buying their home in 1996. Possible rate increases could raise their premiums to more than $9,000 a year.
insurance affordability and sion Processes Center at the up to 36 months to find a way University of Pennsylvania, holders are still likely to see to offer targeted assistance to proposed a system in which insurance premiums rise sub- policyholders who can't af- property owners could get stantially in the next few years ford high premiums. It also vouchers offering relief from as the government whittles said FEMA should set a goal high premiums in exchange for down rate subsidies for peo- of limiting annual premiums raising their homes up on pilple in the riskiest flood zones. to no more than $2,500 per ings, a high foundation or othThe Associated Press found year for $250,000 in coverage, er supports. The amount of the hundreds of river towns, port but didn't offer any sugges- voucher, which could also covcities and coastal communi- tions on how to do that without er a slice of the loan payments, ties where future rate hikes bankrupting a program that would be tied to the owner's might make it tough for peo- alreadycharges farmore than income. ple to keep their homes and that for many policies. Elevating homes can be businesses. That affordability proposal costly, with prices ranging Yet, if premiums stay as would be due just before the anywherefrom $40,000 towell low as they are now, those flood insurance program is up over $100,000, but doing so same communities could for congressional reauthoriza- could actually save money in c ost taxpayers b i llions o f tion in 2017. the long run for both the homedollars when they do eventuOne option promoted by owner and the government, ally flood, thanks to decades s ome experts would b e t o theyargued. of low premiums that have make low-interest loans availThe government would, given homeowners few in- able to help people elevate their in the long run, avoid paying centives to flood-proof their homes above the high-water costly insurance daims that properties. mark. can often exceed the cost of Congress a cknowledged In several papers last year, elevation. After S uperstorm the problem, but offered no Carolyn Kousky, a researcher Sandy, for example, the Nationsolutions, in the stopgap mea- at the environmental science al Flood Insurance Program sure signed by the president group Resources for the Fu- wound up shelling out $7.9 bilFriday. The law gives FEMA ture, and Howard Kunreuther, lion in daims payments, with 18 months to complete an al- co-director of the Wharton an average payout of just under ready-overdue study on flood Risk Management and Deci- $55,000. At least 1.1 million policy-
Calendar, B3 Obituaries, B5 Weather, B6
BRIEFING OSP seizes 31 pounds ofpot Oregon State Police arrested a Minnesota resident and seizedan estimated 31 poundsof marijuana onWednesday, according to a news release theagency issued on Monday. A trooper pulled over Daniel R. Vagle, 31, driving north on U.S. Highway 97 roughly15 miles north of Madras for allegedly violating a traffic law shortly after 1 p.m. Wednesday.The trooper used anOSP drug detection dog to investigate Vagle's 2008 Chrysler Sebring, and ultimately discovered a large duffel bag full of marijuana in the trunk, according to OSP. The trooper arrested Vagle, of Big Lake, Minn., on suspicion of unlawful delivery and possession of marijuana. OSPestimated the value of the marijuana at $75,000.
Second person in standoff ID'd The womanwho allegedly took part in a standoff with police that lasted more than two hours in Metolius over the weekendhasbeen identified.
Oregon State Police say Challis Sharei Heath, 23, of Warm Springs, was the passenger in a vehicle driven by 23-year-old Brent Waldorf, of Madras, whena trooper tried to pull the car over for running a stop sign southeast of Madras. According to the police, the pair drove through a field, across Madras and onto state Highway 361 into Metolius. The pair then abandoned the car andallegedly ran away,hiding in a residence in the500 block of Washington Street in Metolius and also allegedly setting a fire in the kitchen during the standoff. Oregon State Police brought in SWATteamsfrom Central Oregonand the Willamette Valley. Law enforcement entered the house and took the pair into custody. Waldorf was being held Monday in the Jefferson County jail on two felony warrants and suspicion of first-degree arson, reckless driving and attempting to elude police in a vehicle and on foot. Heath was arrested on suspicion of first-degree arson, reckless driving and attempting to elude police in avehicle and on foot. Shewas taken to the Jefferson County jail and later released. — Bulletin staff reports
irs a er orsummi in a ine as, By Monicia Wamer
break the ice and form new friendships.
The Bulletin
LA PINE — On Monday in the La Pine High School
in a few hours of empowerment and crafting sessions
and everybody's learning
at the eighth annual South
feel dumb or anything." Mary Fleischmann, coordi-
often aren't readily available. "Eight years ago, I went to visit an organization called Girls Inc. that does really large seminars with girls.... I thought there must be a way to do that on a smaller scale,"
nator for Deschutes County's
Fleischmann said. "At the
This activity was the first
auditorium, 60 middle- and high-school girls wrote personal statements on pieces of paper, crumpled them up,
County Girl's Summit. "It introduces girls to activ-
stood in a circle and had a
ities that they might not think
faux-snowball fight. When the fight ended, the girls used
about," said LeeAnn Forrester, acting president of the Think Again Parents Coali-
the personal statements to
tion of South County (TAPs), a summit sponsor. "That it's OK to do them and it's fun and it's not a thing where you
resource connection program, time, I was working in South started the summit as a way County and the resources to implement good resources were fairly limited. in a communitywhere they SeeSummit/B6
e ae By Shelby R. King The Bulletin
Following up onCentral Oregon's most interesting stories, even if they've been out of the headlines for a while. Email ideas to news© Q»To follow the series, visit beudbulletiu.cum/updates
REDMOND — Deschutes County District Attorney Patrick Flaherty started his
opening speech at a Monday debate with challenger John
Hummel by calling himself a "prosecutor, not a politician" and suggesting Hummel may
use the DA's
Lls ires auran sae orsi e 0
ac as
By Shelby R. King
Siefkes, regional manager for the Oregon Liquor Con-
The Bulletin
A Bend building that's been home to several nightclubs and had hundreds
trol Commission's Bend
of visits from police over
there's an application on
the years is getting a new tenant and a change in
file with her office to allow the owners to begin serving alcohol on site. She said her office is waiting for
operations. The location, at 70 NW. Newport Ave., will soon be home to a sushi restaurant, according to Lt. Katie
office. Siefkes said Monday
offer a final draft of the menu before approving the application to serve alcohol. Long filed the application Jan. 31 with the
Oregon Secretary of State's Office. Long owns other successful Bend-area restaurants, including La
Magie Bakery and Cafe on
owner Di Long to allow the OLCC in to conduct a final
Northwest Bond Street and Szechuan on Northeast
inspection of the space and
Third Street, according to
position as a "stepping stone" to other government positions. Flaherty
because you wanted politics
removed from the District At-
torney's Office," he said. "You
Siefkes. The Newport Avenue
building formerly housed Boondocks Bar & Grill and Liquid Club & Lounge. The OLCC and Bend Police responded to complaints of fighting, underage drinking and excessive drunkenness while Boondocks Bar & Grill occupied the space between 2009 and 2012.
See Restaurant/B5
"You elected me b a c k in 2010
want e d your DA focused on
the constitutional function of the District Attorney's Office. You wanted decisions that
were based upon the law and justice, not upon self-interest,
politicians, wimps, special interest, that sort of thing." Hummel, in his opening statement, talked at length
about mental health issues in Deschutes County, saying the jail is the "largest mental
health provider in the county." "We need to do more to
make sure that the people in our community who are suffering from mental illness get the help they need," he said. "The community needs a
CRIMINAL CASES Montana : Marlatt faced charges of first-degree manSilk : slaughter and unlawful use of aweapon for Murlett : killing Devon Moschetti, 19, with whom he : ,was shooting targets in April 2013. Kevin : The former Bulletin employeewas arrested O'Connell : :in August 2012 onsuspicion of prostitution : and second-degree sexabuse.
Marlatt pleaded guilty to the charges and is being held ::'in the Coffee CreekIntake Center. A judge in Novemberdenied O'Connell's request to drop the charges in exchangefor a monetary civil compromise. Luke : Wirkkala is charged with one count of Wirkkala pleadednot guilty Wirkkala , :murder after he allegedly shot and killed his on June 7,2013, and his trial : houseguest, 31-year-old David Ryder, Feb. was due to start this month . :4,2013, in Bend. before it was rescheduled. Joshua ::Jokinen is charged with one count of mur- Jokinen pleadednot guilty Jukiuen . :der after he allegedly beatCarolyn Burdick on Nov. 12, 2013. .:to death with a shovel onAug. 31, 2013. : ::Osborne wasre-arrested .:::in December onadditional charges, which havesince been dropped, and is in Jefferson County jail. In February, Osbornewas .::'indicted on aseparate case ,::involving 11 counts of sec,:'ond-degree sexabuse in Washington County. Richard : The co-owner of Acrovision Sports Center, . :Gustafson is out of the :a Bendgymnasticsacademy,ischarged : :'Deschutes County jail after Gustufsuu . : with 10 counts of first-degree sexabuse, posting bail. : 122 counts of second-degreeencouraging :childsexabuseandpossessionofcocaine. . Michael Osborne
: The former Madras High sports coach is : charged with14 counts of second-degree . :sex abusefor analleged sexual relationship : with a now-17-year-old girl. He pleadednot : guilty on Dec.17.
Marlatt was sentenced to 23 years in prison with no possiblity of early release. O'Connell is expected to go to trial April 1.
See the full debate on The Bulletin's website: beudbulletiu.cum/DAdebute veterans court.... We've been
talking about a veterans court for a while. I'll actually help deliver a veterans court."
The debate, put on by the Wirkkala's trial is now scheduled for June 3.
Redmond Patriots, started with statements from the can-
didates, followed by questions both candidates answered, Jokinen's trial is scheduled for July 8. A status check is scheduled for March 31. Notrial date has yet beenset.
then a round of audience-sub-
mitted questions that were candidate-specific. It ended with a tense "crossfire" be-
tween the men and short closing statements. Redmond Patriots Chair-
man and debate moderator Bob Perry asked twice as
many questions of Hummel as he did of Flaherty. The questions asked in the debate, which was held at the
Gustafsonis scheduled to enter a plea onApril 28.
Highland Baptist Church in Redmond, drew several gasps from audiencemembers. The candidates' answers drew many rounds of applause, some chuckles and a few shouts from audience members.
MAY ELECTION The May 20election will serve as aprimary for a variety of statewide offices. Local races and measures will also be on the ballot.
DESCHUTES COUNTY • District Attorney Patrick Flaherty is seeking re-election, and Bend attorney John Hummel has also filed to run for the position. • Commission seats heldby TonyDeBone and TammyBaneyare up for election. DeBone, a Republican, hasfiled to run againandfaces a primary challengefrom Richard Esterman.Democratand current Bend City Councilor JodieBarram hasannounced she will run for the position as well. SeeElection /B3
Many of the questions Perry asked the candidates
OTHER STORIES ::', PerryshotandkilledShane Munozin June The Deschutes County Dis:,:'2012 after Perry allegedly returned hometo trict Attorney's Office asked ,::'find Munoz in his house. the Bend Police Department in April 2013 to re-examine the events surrounding the case. According to anemail, the DA's office considers the case "open indefinitely." Summit ,:::Local company misappropriated $44 mil- .::'Three executives of the . ::'lion in client funds; it filed for bankruptcy in company, LaneLyons, 1031 2008. Mark Neumanand Timothy Larkin, were found guilty of wire fraud andconspiracy charges andsentenced to prison. The trio haveappealed their convictions. : :'Bend Police on March16 Piveyue : :'Castro-Luna, 42, was reported missing Custru-Lu- .:March 9 and DeHorta-Frias, 40, was iden- located Castro-Luna's body .::'tified as aperson of interest in her disapua off U.S. Highway 20near HambyRoad.Shediedfrom pearance. Huuuriu blunt force trauma. oe Hurtu-Frius Kevin Perry
addressed social issues, such
No charges havebeenfiled or arrests made.
All three were scheduled to report to federal prison in February, though Neuman had his report date extended. None areyet in the custody of the Bureau of Prisons.
as support of gay marriage, their opinion on the possible legalization of marijuana and their stances on immigration laws. "How do you feel about
trained school employees or trained volunteers carrying guns on school grounds when the local police cannot provide a school resource officer?" Perry asked ofboth
candidates. Flaherty said he would support a program like that if those allowed to carry guns were trained by the Oregon Department of Safety Stan-
De Horta-Frias has not been located. Investigators believe he left the Bendarea headed south.
dards and Training. "I don't support guns on school campuses," Hummel told the audience. Perry stated many times
during the debate, and prefaced certain questions, with a reminder that Patriots is
not a "politically correct" organization.
ti ~
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C lj~~
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• I
I l e I
en ra re on's n- ine Llc Ion ven omin o r e e ai s o mi n o o n!
a c or
IN FO R M AT ION CALL 54 1 -382-181 1
Natural gas terminal
ae inessan ua gets federal in cou ara ac case approval
nal is the seventh project to get such authorization, although it may be years before exports b e gin. The project must still go
its two-person safety procedure by allowing employees to
through an environmental
calls for two qualified workers
review and final regulatory approval.
inside an endosure containing animals. Renee Radzi-
concerns about safety mea- were exposed to cougars who sures at the facility. were housed in a lockout that The OSHA investigation un- was not fully secured." covered cellphone messages Radziwon-Chapman had indicating Radziwon-Chap- not secured a carabiner on the man "had spoken to owner day she was mauled to death. Cheryl 'Itrller on numerous ocBut investigators concludcasions just prior to the attack ed the substandard latch did about the need for more help." not contribute to the keeper's "This organization didn't death, Wood said. I nstead, have a large number of em- he said investigators believe ployees, and it had allowed two of the cougars were never other people to work alone locked in the smaller cage. He with the cats in the past," said said investigators came to that Michael Wood, Oregon OSHA conclusion because they found administrator. "The employers signs indicating the keeper clearly knew the keeper was had begun the work of cleanworking alone. It was a fre- ing the enclosure. quent occurrence, it happened Wood said there is also a with some regularity." possibility that the two cats got Wood said the penalty was out of the smaller cage due to
The terminal would pre-
won-Chapman was killed last
small, but it was the maximum
By Gosia Wozniacka The Associated Press
By Gosia Wozniacka The Associated Press
PORTLAND — Oregon safety officials have fined a suburban Portland wild cat
Energy Department gave
sanctuary $5,600 for two se-
conditional a u thorization
rious violations, one of which
Monday for liquefied natural gas to be exported
likely contributed to an employee being mauled to death by a cougar. The state's Occupational Safety and Health Division
from a proposed terminal
in Coos Bay, on the Oregon coast. Jordan Cove LNG termi-
pare gas for shipment and export it to countries that do not have a free trade agreement with the United States. The facility would
be able to export up to 800 million cubic feet of natural gas a day for 20 years. The $7 billion project, led by Calgary, Alberta-based Veresen Inc., includes a
230-mile pipeline and a plant that would cool the gas into a liquid state for shipment on t a n kers. It
would move natural gas from the Rocky Mountains
and Canada to Asia, primarily Japan and India.
found WildCat Haven violated work alone with the wild cats
on a frequent basis. The sanctuary's protocol
November at the sanctuary fine for this size of employer. while working alone, cleaning Investigators also found the a large cougar enclosure. latches on the smaller cage Sanctuary co-owner Mi- where cougars were locked chael Tuller discovered her out of the larger endosure bloodied body inside the enclo- to be inadequately designed. sure, with two cougars roam- The "light duty substandard ing nearby unsecured and a gate latch" was designed for third cougar locked in a small- easy operation in backyards, er cageinsidetheenclosure. but was "inappropriate for seThe 36-year-old wife and curing dangerous cougars," new mother had worked as investigators wrote, because it an animal care technician can fail and inadvertently pop and head keeper at the sanc- open if not fully closed. tuary for eight years. After To secure those inadequate Radziwon-Chapman's death, latches,workers had to enter her mother, Carol Radziwon, the large enclosure and hook told The Associated Press the acarabinerovereach latch."In young woman had expressed doing so," OSHA said, "they
ENm a
chain of birds; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages 5-12, free SOLAR VIEWING:Observe the ages 4 and younger; 10 a.m.; High sun; free; 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sunriver Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Nature Center & Observatory, 57245 Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 River Road; 541-593-4394 or www. or SOLAR VIEWING:Observe the LATE MODELRACECARVIEWING: sun; free; 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sunriver View a race car signed by Central Nature Center L Observatory, 57245 Oregon veterans or sign it if you are River Road; 541-593-4394 or www. a veteran; T-shirt sales benefit race car maintenance; free; noon; Izzy's ELLIS:The Minnesota folk musician Pizza, 810 S.W. 11th St., Redmond; performs; $13 plus fees in advance, 541-447-5304 or kim.phillipp© $15 at the door; 7-9:30 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or www.belfryevents. OREGON ENCYCLOPEDIA com. HISTORY NIGHT:"Finding Fremont: Pathfinder of the West" presented NIGHT VIEWING:Observe the by Loren Irving; free; 7 p.m., doors night sky; $8, $6 for children open at 6 p.m.; McMenamins Old ages 2-12, free for members; St.FrancisSchool,700 N.W .Bond 8-10 p.m.; Sunriver Nature Center St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. L Observatory, 57245 River Road; 541-593-4394 or www.
WEDNESDAY KIDS DAY:The theme is birds, featuring science activities, arts 8 crafts and learning about the food
THURSDAY SOLAR VIEWING:Observe the sun; free; 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sunriver
substandard locks, but that
scenario was less likely. Sanctuary lawyer D a le Johnson said in a statement that both of the violations have
already been addressed. "Because of the hazards of
providing sanctuary to wild animals that are both compelling and unpredictable, our greatest priority is to develop and ensure compliance with failproof safety procedures," the statement said.
WildCat Haven is a nonprofit that rescues wild animals
such as cougars, bobcats, tigers, and other wild cats. It c urrently houses about 6 5
AROUND THE STATE ZOO tiger death —Oregon Zooofficials in Portland say a 15-yearold female Amur tiger namedNicole has died after suffering apparent seizures. TheOregonian reports that Zoo Director Kim Smith says a visitor reported the tiger was in trouble about noon Monday.Zoo staff cleared the Tiger Plazaarea ofvisitors and brought in a veterinary van. Vet staffers climbed to the roof of the tiger exhibit while keepers enticed Nichole's brother, Mikhail, to an indoor enclosure. Smith says vet staff saw Nicole's seizures stop — andthen shedied. Thedirector says a necropsy found hemorrhaging andother irregularities in the tiger's brain. Otherwise, she lookedhealthy. A cause of death has not been determined. Thezoo says the median life expectancy for Amur tigers is16 years for males and14.3 years for females.
CaSPian tern haditat deCiSiOn — Federal regulators have decided not to shrink Caspian tern habitat on EastSand Island near the mouth of the Columbia River in efforts to reduce the numberof juvenile salmon andsteelhead they feed on. TheU.S. Army Corps of Engineers proposed the reduction in January. But theCorps recommended noaction in the environmental review it released Monday. The proposal was to cut nesting habitat from1.58 acres to1.08 acres to decrease the number of birds and protect endangered fish. But the Corps said drought conditions could result in terns just relocating farther upstream. Bykeeping the habitat intact, regulators hope to keep more terns in the lower estuary where juvenile salmons represent less of a percentage of their diet than farther upriver. POitlINI POliCI FofOI'mS —A judge says he won't approve the city of Portland's agreement with the federal Justice Department to reform police training and use-of-force policies unless hecanhold at least annual hearings on the progress of police compliance. The Oregonian newspaper reports that U.S. District Court Judge Michael Simon told attorneys Monday hedoes not think it would be right for 3~/~ years to go by without the court learning how substantial compliance is progressing. Thesettlement stems from a Justice Department investigation that found Portland police engaged in a pattern or practice of excessive force against people with mental illness. The investigation also listed several examples in which officers used stun guns without justification against people in amental health crisis.
MediCal marijuana diSPenSarieS in AShland —Oneof Oregon's more liberal cities is considering a moratorium on medical marijuana dispensaries. TheOregon Health Authority Medical Marijuana Dispensary Program hasalready received six dispensary applications for Ashland. The Ashland Daily Tidings reports that the city council will discuss a moratorium April1 because of rising neighborhood opposition. People planning to launch dispensaries in Oregon begansubmitting applications to the state three weekagoas part of a newmedical marijuana regulatory system. — From wire reports
Email events at least 10days before publication date to communityli or click on "Submit an Event" at Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
Nature Center & Observatory, 57245 River Road; 541-593-4394 or www. "FUNNY MONEY":A comedy about a mild-mannered accountant accidentally picking up a briefcase full of money and trying to explain himself to a police detective; $19, $15 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. "HELEN ONWHEELS" PREVIEW NIGHT:Cricket Daniel's play about a gun-totin', whiskey-drinkin' granny in Oklahoma; $10;7:30 p.m.;2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or JERRY JOSEPH8[ THEJACK MORMONS:Theveteran rock 'n' roll band performs; $5; 8:30 p.m.; Pakit Liquidators, 903 S.E Armour Road, Bend; 541-389-7047. DEANACARTER:The Nashville, Tenn., country artist performs as a special guest with Nashville Unplugged; $18 plus fees; 9-11:30 p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar
& Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886 or www. MARTY O'REILLYAND THE OLD SOUL ORCHESTRA:The Santa Cruz, Calif., blues band performs, with Bluelight Special; $5; 9 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or
FRIDAY SOLAR VIEWING:Observe the sun; free; 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory, 57245 River Road; 541-593-4394 or '80STRIVIAAND COSTUME CONTEST:Featuring three rounds of trivia, costume contest and prizes; free; 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242 or www. AUTHORPRESENTATION: Josephine Walker presents "Willing to Die: The True Story of John M untean"; $5;6:30 p.m.;Paulina Springs Books, 252 W. Hood Ave.,
Sisters; 541-549-0866. "CHASING ICE":A screening of the 2012 documentary (PG-13) about National Geographic photographer James Balog capturing the changing glaciers across the Arctic; free; 7 p.m.,6:30 p.m .gathering;The Environmental Center, 16 N.W. Kansas Ave.,Bend;541-389-0785. TRIAGE: The im prov comedy troupe performs with audience participation; free; 7 p.m.,
doors open6:30 p.m.; Sunriver
Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road; 541585-3147 or www.sunriverowners.
"FUNNY MONEY":A comedy about a mild-mannered accountant accidentally picking up a briefcase full of money and trying to explain himself to a police detective; $19, $15 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.
"HELEN ONWHEELS": Cricket Daniel's play about a gun-totin', whiskey-drinkin' granny in
Oklahoma, with achampagne and dessert reception; $19, $16 for students and seniors;7:30 p.m.;2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or HOUSE CONCERTS INTHE GLEN: Portland folk singer Nathaniel Talbot performs, with Kurt Silva; bring dish or beverage to share; $15 donation, reservation requested; 7:30 p.m., doors open 6:30 p.m. for potluck; The Glen at Newport Hills, 1019 N.W. Stannium Drive, Bend; 541-480-8830 or ja@ BLIND WILLIES: TheSan Francisco folk band performs; $8in advance, $10at the door; 8 p.m.; The Belfry,302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or www. NIGHT VIEWING:Observe the night sky; $8, $6 for children ages 2-12, free for members; 8-10 p.m.; Sunriver Nature Center 8 Observatory, 57245 River Road; 541-593-4394 or www.
1VEWSOF RECORD 11:06 p.m. March 20, in the1300 block of Northwest Harmon Boulevard. Criminal mischief —Anact of The Bulletin will update items in the criminal mischief was reported at Police Log whensuch arequest 11:06 p.m. March 20, In the1300 block Is received. AnynewInformation, of Northwest Harmon Boulevard. such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more DUII —Guillermo Reyes, 21,was arrested on suspicion of driving under information, call 541-383-0358. the influence of intoxicants at11:29 p.m. March 20, in the 600 block of BEND POLICE Southeast GlenedenPlace. DEPARTMEMT Theft —A theft was reported at 6:47 p.m. March 21, in thearea of Theft —Atheft was reported at 4:04 Southeast ClevelandAvenueand p.m. March 20, in the2100 blockof Southeast Third Street. Northeast Daggett Lane. Theft —A theft was reported at 2:47 Criminal mlschlef — Anact of p.m.Feb.20,inthe62900blockof criminal mischief was reported at 5:55 Layton Avenue. p.m. March 20, in the500 block of Theft —A theft was reported at 4:38 Northeast GreenwoodAvenue. p.m. March 22, in the1300 block of DUII —Aaron Michael Broadbent, 29, Northwest Davenport Avenue. was arrested on suspicion of driving Theft —A theft was reported at 9:29 under the influence of intoxicants at
a.m. March12, in the 800 block of Northeast Third Street. Theft —Atheft was reported at 2:56 p.m. March13, in the 20100 block of Pinebrook Boulevard. Theft — Atheft wasreportedandan arrest made at11:58 p.m. March16, in the1100 block ofSoutheast Third Street. DUII —OwenRobert Burrell, 31, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of Intoxicants at 12:47 a.m. March 20, in thearea of Northwest State Street andNorthwest Tumalo Avenue. DUII —Nathaniel Kiyoshi Pierce, 26, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 2:04 a.m. March 20, in the areaof Northwest Harmon Boulevard and Northwest Kingston Avenue. Burglary — Aburglary was reported at 2:16 p.m. March 20, Inthe 2900 block of Northwest Shevlin MeadowDrive.
DUII — Matthew Christopher Carroll, 26, was arrested onsuspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 4:03 p.m. March 21, in the area of Northeast12th Street and Northeast RevereAvenue. DUII —Katie Michelle Egge,33, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of Intoxicants at 2:11 a.m. March 22, in the area of Northwest Congress Street and Northwest TumaloAvenue. Unlawful entry —Avehicle was reported entered with items stolen and an arrest made at2:44 a.m. March 22, inthe 1300 blockof Northwest Davenport Avenue. Criminal mlschief —Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 11:50 a.m. March 23, in the2100 block of Northwest Lolo Drive. Theft — Atheft was reported andan arrest made at6:54 a.m. March18, in
the19800 block of TouchmarkWay. Theit —Atheft was reported at1:24 p.m. March 20, in the63000 block of O.B. Riley Road.
reported at 9:30 p.m. March19, in the area of U.S. Highway 26near milepost 8 in Madras.
PRINEVILLE POLICE ppUgE DEPARTMEMT DUII —Craig Kriz, 39, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 2:39 a.m. March 22, in the area ofNortheast Third Streetand CombsFlat Road.
Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 5:07 p.m. March 23, In the U.S. Highway 97near milepost110.
Ask about rebates, specials & close-outs.
Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at10:04 a.m. March 19, In the 5100 block of GemLane in Culver. Vehicle crash — An accident was
Election Continued from B1 • Circuit Judge Barbara Haslinger has announcedshe'll retire. Her seat on the benchwill be upfor election. StevenKurzer, Randy Miller and ThomasSpear areall vying for the position. • Circuit Judge Stephen Forte is seeking re-election. • The county assessor position is on the ballot. • A five-year local option fire levy
would tax property owners 20 cents per $1,000 in assessed property value. The fire department currently receives a cut of $1.18 per $1,000 in assessed property value from the city's permanent tax rate of $2.80 per $1,000.
Jack Seley. • The county assessor position is on the ballot. • A measure to makenonpartisan the positions of CrookCounty Judgeand countycommissioners will also be onthe ballot.
CROOKCOUNTY • The commission seat held by Seth Crawford is up for election. Crawford has filed to run again and faces a primary challenge from Prineville City Councilor
• Commission seats held by Mike Ahern and JohnHatfield are upfor election. Ahern is seeking re-election and will face achallenge from Floyd Paye;Tom Brown, MaeHuston and MikeThroop have filed for
the other seat.
• Absentee ballots are available 45 days before the election. Voters CROOK/JEFFERSON who are already registered in • Circuit Judge Daniel Ahern and Deschutes County can request an Circuit Judge GaryLeeWilliams earlyabsentee ballot in person, are running unopposed for bymailorbyfax. Theformis re-election. on the county website atditly. com/1fWStbY.Voters must include REGISTER TOVOTE • The deadline to register to vote is a name, a residenceaddress anda mailing address. 21 days before Election Day. • Register online at the Oregon READ OURSTORIES secretary of state's website, bymail • Coverage leading up to the elecusing a form foundthere, or in pertion is online at son at your county elections office.
EDj To
The Bulletin
on a isan races wou ive vo ers a voice
IT A4'FBN& wo
w~- rH ave~ NVCMH.
n Crook County, more than 55 percent of registered vot-
ers often can't participate in the selection of their county government officials. Voters should fix that in the
switch in 2008; Deschutes contin-
May 20 balloting by approving ues to run partisan races. Measure 7-72, which would make the races nonpartisan. The problem arises because in recent years, winners of the GOP primariesin Crook County generally take office as a result of limited or nonexistent opposition in the general election. Yet as of February, 5,519 voters were registered as Republicans, with 3,239 as Democrats,2,685 nonaffiliated and 943 in a minor party. That's a total of 12,386 registered voters, with the GOP representing only a little more than 44percent. The members of the County Court, as the commission is officially named, decided last fall to give votersthe chance to change to nonpartisan races for their three positions. Under the measure, all candidates for the court would run in the May primary starting in 2015, with the top two vote-winners competing in a runoff in November. All voters,regardless oftheir party registration, would be able to participate. The governmental change is endorsed by the Association of Oregon Counties, which recently reported that 21 of Oregon's 36 counties are using the nonpartisan approach, up from fewer than 10 in 2004. Jeff erson County made the
All members of the Crook County Court are Republicans. Mike McCabe and Ken Fahlgren endorse the m easure. Seth Crawford, the only court member up for election this year, said he welcomes the vote but isn't taking a position on whether the measure should pass. Crawford faces Prineville City Councilor Jack Seley in the May GOP primary. No candidates have filed in that Democratic primary. (Any qualified citizencan registeras a Republican or change an existing registration to Republican and thereby vote in this election; the deadline is April 29.) Fahlgren has said that although a few Democrats have been elected in the 40 years he's been in the county, he thinks the system has discouraged many qualified candidates from seeking office. According to McCabe, most issues before county government lack any partisan angle, and party affiliation just doesn't matter. Party organizations can still have a role in seeking out qualified candidates and encouraging them to run for office, but changing to nonpartisan voting will effectively enfranchise more than half the voters. That's a significant improvement for citizen engagement.
Medicare Advantage should be 2-way deal A patient who buys a Medicare Advantage health insurance plan must commit to it for a year, but the insurance company can dump that patient's doctor from its network after the patient has made the purchase. Sounds like a bait and switch. The Centers for Medicare 8 Medicaid Services is considering rule changes on the subject, according to Kaiser Health News, but they don't go far enough. If the provider changes such a critical aspect of the coverage, patients should be able to opt out. Medicare Advantage plans are an alternative to traditional M edicarechosen by about a third of Medicare patients. They are offered byprivate insurance companies, which are reimbursed by the government. Patients are limited to the doctors within the plan's network, or in some cases can pay extra tosee other providers. Traditional Medicare doesn't restrict doctor choices.
The recent controversy stems from UnitedHealthcare's move to trim thousands of doctors from its networks in 10 states just weeks before the end of enrollment in December, long after many patients had made their choices. Proposed rule changes would require 30-days notification for patients, 60 for the doctors and 90 for Medicare officials. CMS is also "considering" limiting i n surers' freedom to drop doctors during the planyear,according to Kaiser. Neither is sufficient. Patients shouldbe freeto drop the coverage and sign up for a different plan if such a critical aspect is changed. Before signing up for an insurance plan, patients are encouraged to check to see if their doctors are in the network. It's a top consideration for many. They should get what they bought — on doctor choice and everything else — not some altered policy. The commitment should be a two-way deal.
enetic arents
By Judlth Daar and Erez Alonl
egg would be injected into a "third generally paves the way for public parent's" nucleus-free egg contain- approval. ince January, a new California ing healthy mitochondrial DNA. As For some, the introduction of a law allows for a child to have a result, the child would inherit the third genetic parent is alarming more than two legal parents. characteristics of the original male because the novel genetic configBut children are still limited to two and female but have healthy mito- uration could be embedded in the genetic parents. That could change chondria from a third person. child's DNA in perpetuity, with unsoon, if the Food and Drug AdminExperiments employing the tech- known implications for future genistration approves human clinical nique conducted on monkeys result- erations. But the panic also rests in trials for a technique known as ed in healthy offspring that did not part on simple discomfort with upmitochondrial replacement, which carry the harmful mutation. Now, ending the notion of genetic parentwould enable a child to inherit DNA a team at Oregon Health & Science hood involving just two people. from three parents. University is seeking approval from A similar anxiety seized the pubNews of the pending application the FDA to begin human clinical lic this year after California authohas caused a kind of panic not seen trials. rized judges to recognize more than since Dolly the sheep was cloned, It seems likely that, if it is proved two people as a child's lawful parraising the possibility of a single ge- safe and effective, mitochondrial ents. The law grew out of a horrennetic parent. But far from being the replacement will eventually join dous situation in which the court's end of the human race as we know the panoply of techniques facili- inability to recognize a third parent it, the technique might be a way to tating the birth of healthy children diverted a young child into foster prevent hundreds of mitochondri- through assisted conception. But it care. Though it's hardly on par with al-linked diseases, which affect should be no surprise that the new the scientific breakthrough repreabout one in 5,000 people. technology is causing a furor. sented by mitochondrial replaceThe idea of multi-person reproThe introduction of assisted re- ment, the so-called three-parent law ductive collaborations is not new. productive technologies has fol- stirred deep fears about the duraOver the last several decades we lowed a predictable pattern: initial bility of traditional family life in the have acclimated to various forms of panic followed by widespread con- modern era. assisted reproductive technologies. demnation, followed by gradual But the fears about three-parent Indeed, in the U.S. about 75,000 acceptance as a technique becomes possibilities — both genetic and leinfants are born each year to par- more widespread.In the 1950s, gal — are likely to subside as peoents who enlist the aid of egg do- when reports of pregnancies using ple realize that they are aimed at nors, sperm donors or gestational donor sperm first appeared in med- one goal: the well-being of children. carriers. These methods, however, ical journals, lawmakers declared The California law orders judges to still involve the "traditional" merg- the process "mechanical adultery" recognize three parents when not er of DNA from one male and one and sought its criminalization. Ear- doing so "would otherwise be detrifemale. ly reports of success with in vitro mental to the child." And mitochonMitochondrial repl acement fertilization in the 1970s provoked drial replacement will be employed would alter this two-genetic-parent editorials that decried the process to avoid transmission of a heritamodel by introducing a third set of as totally immoral. In the 1990s, the ble disease. If the "power of three" DNA into the procreative process. introduction o f p r e -implantation has the ability to improve a child's The technique would enablewomdiagnosis of genetic diseases pro- well-being, isn't that something en who carry harmful mutations in voked allegations of a war on dis- worth embracing'? their mitochondria to have a child abled individuals. — Judith Daaris a visiting professor at without those harmful mutations. Today, detractors remain, but the the UC Irvine School of Law, a clinical As with all human reproduction, methods have been embraced as professor atthe UC IrvineSchoolof the child would carry a combina- the standard of care in reproductive Medicine and a professor at Whittier tion of genes from one male and medicine. Once a technique proves Law School. Erez Aloni is an assistant one female. However, in this tech- safe and effective, its ability to asprofessor at Whittier Law School. They nique, the nucleus of the mother's sist in the birth of healthy children wrote this for the Los Angeles Times. Los Angeles Times
Letters policy
In My Viewpolicy How to submit
We welcomeyour letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250words and include the writer's signature, phonenumber and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submltted elsewhereandthose appropriate for other sections of TheBulletin. Writers are limited to one letter Or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.
In My View submissions should be between 550and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification. Weedit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating withnational columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.
Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or In My
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Write: My Nickel's Worth/ In My View P.O. Box 6020
Bend, OR97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email:
Schools need time to build new teaching methods By The Los Angeles Times editorial board
f a sentence contains the phrases "New York state" and "Common
and U.S. Education Secretary Arne
Common Core, legislation calling for yetmore delaysand apanelconvened dismissing the outcry as coming from by the governor to report on what "white suburban moms who — all of a went wrong. Duncan only worsened matters by
Core," chances are that some- sudden — their child isn't as brilliant as they thought they were." "botched." New York and CaliforThat remark wasn't just snide. It nia have taken opposite approaches was wrong. The new tests don't mea-
where between the two is the word
to implementing the new academic
In California, by contrast, there has
new curriculum aren't going to stop flexibility when the standards' ideals trying hard because the test scores don't match up with reality. don't count for a couple of years. Ear• States and schools should be lier this month, the administration given a few years to implement the finally (and wisely) blinked, backing standards. Teacher training and text-
been no baddash. The state began in- off from threats to sanction the state struction using the new standards and
for its rebelliousness.
related curriculum this school year. Federal education officials should sure intelligence or even whether stu- Gov. Jerry Brown set aside $1 billion worry less about rushing the new dents are more or less advanced than for implementation, including teacher standards into schools and judging they were before; rather, the tests training, and plans to invest at least teachers and schools by early results, measure a certain set of skills that are as much again next year. And schools and more about giving schools the markedly different from those that and teachers will not be held account- time to build robust new teaching have been taught for years. In some able for results on the new standard- methods with all the right supports in ways, that's good. Teachers can't ized tests this year and possibly next, place.
standards, which have been adopted by 45 states but are now the target of a backlash. California's approach bucked the Obama administration's rules, but as it turns out, California was right. New York jumped feet first into the "teach to the test" when the tests meanew standards, administering tests sure deeper understanding — which based on them — tests that, among is the underlying principle of the new other things, were supposed to be standards — rather than rote knowlused in teacher evaluations. Unfortu- edge. At the same time, students, esnately, the state's teachers hadn't been pecially older ones, aren't going to trained properly, and they lacked in- make an overnight shift to a dramatistructional materials that reflected cally different way of thinking. the new curriculum. The resulting New York is now in repent-at-leitest scores were predictably abys- sure mode, with the state Board of mal. Parents and teachers rebelled, Regents putting off some aspects of
while they're field-tested and schools
learnmore abouthow theywork. But instead of being praised for its smooth, considered rollout, California got into hot water with the Obama
administration because, for a year or
If the Obama administration and
Common Core supporters want to quell the backlash against the new standards, they should consider the following changes: • Recognize that Common Core,
books need to be in place.
• Schools and teachers should not be held accountable for standardized testscores forthe firstfewyears; rath-
er, test scores should be used solely to guide future instruction as everyone adjusts. There will almost certainly
be kinks to work out. The history of education is filled with fads that were foisted on schools
with too little planning and flexibility, and as a result faded away when
they proved imperfect. The Common Core standards make sense in many ways, but they demand much more of
teachers than the heavily scripted lesthough it has many features in its fa- sons that were in fashion over the last can be used to discipline schools un- vor, isn't necessarily perfect. There decade. In the end, the standards will der the federal No Child Left Behind needs to be more willingness at the be only as good as the instructional Act. We think that's fine. Teachers federal and state levels to listen to materials and the teachers who bring who are enthusiastic about a strong legitimate concerns and to allow for them to life. two, there will be no test results that
BITUARIES DEmH NoTrcEs Madge E. Honnold Gallo, of Bend May 8, 1920 - Mar. 18, 2014 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 Services: No services will be held at this time.
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around theworld:
Patrice Wymore Flynn, 87: A Hollywood actress and cattle rancher who was the widow of
swashbuckling screen legend Errol Flynn. Died Saturday at her seaside home in northeast-
ern Jamaica. She was 87. Dave Brockie, 50:Known on stage as "Oderus Urungus," Brockie fronted for more than three decades the alien-costumed heavy metal band
GWAR, known for its graphic and fake-blood-soaked shows. James Rebhorn, 65:A journeyman character actor seen most recently as the father of super-spy Carrie Mathison on "Homeland." He had more than 100 TV and movie credits. Died Friday at his home in
South Orange, N.J.
Obituary policy Death Notices are freeand will be run for oneday, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. Theymay be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. TheBulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on anyof these services orabout the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.
Deatilines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication. Obituaries mustbereceived by5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on thesecond day after submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication, and by 9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; pleasecall for details. Phone: 541-617-7825
Email: Fax: 541-322-7254
Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR 97708
— From wire reports
ain 0 owin
ranm's re ime By Harold Heckle
won the first post-Franco elec-
The Associated Press
tions the following year. Under Suarez's leadership
MADRID — Adolfo Suarez,
Spain's first democratically elected prime minister after decades of right-wing rule under Gen. Francisco Franco, has died aged 81.
the new Parliament approved a democratic constitution in
1978, a milestone that proved popular enough to enable him and his party to win re-elecSuarez died Sunday after- tion the following year. noon in Madrid's Cemtro ClinDuring his time in office, ic hospital, family spokesman Suarez surprised his critics Fermin Urbiola said. Suarez and antagonizedthearmy and had been suffering from Alz- church by legalizing political heimer's diseaseforadecade. parties and trade unions and The cause of death w as calling for an amnesty for po"chronic obstructive pulmo- litical offenses, steps that were nary disease made worse seen asdecisive afterFranco's within the context of Alzhei-
mer's disease," said Dr. Isabel
1939-1975 authoritarian rule.
Suarez was considered a
de la Azuela of Cemtro. skilled and determined crisis Suarez had been admitted manager during the transition
to the hospital Monday with to democracy, butproved to be pneumonia. On Friday, his son lesssuccessfulasa day-to-day Adolfo said his condition had organizer. Eventually — after deteriorated and that he was becoming increasingly reclusive — he lost the support of expected to die within days. King Juan Carlos, in a tele- his party and resigned as leadvised address, expressed his er in 1981. g ratitude to Suarez for h i s Suarez, however, had one "loyalty to the crown" and sad- m ore dramatic moment t o ness over his death. play. "Suarez was a statesman About a month after his resw ho put th e w h ole of t h e ignation, during a ParliamenSpanish nation ahead of his tary debate on swearing in a personal and party interests," successor, paramilitary Civil the king said. Guard police backed by army Prime M i n ister M a r iano generals nostalgic for Franco's Rajoy said "one of the great hard-line rule stormed the ormen of our era has left us," and nate chamber in an attempted declaredthree days ofnation- coup. al mourning. When some of the officers Suarez became s ecre- started f i r in g s u b machine tary-general of the National guns at the ceiling — the bulMovement, which was Spain's
lets have been left there as a
only party during Franco's reminder of that day — most rule, and also was direc- lawmakers scrambled for covtor-general of state television er, diving to the floor or hiding broadcaster TVE. He was 43 when he was
under the seats. Suarez was
one of a handful of politicians chosen in 1976 by King Juan who remained seated, upright Carlos to lead the country to- and defiant. The coup bid soon ward a democratic parliamen- collapsed. tary monarchy after Franco's
Suarez ran for election
death a year earlier. Suarez again in 1982 and lost. He had the king's trust and the eventually formed another two were close.
n aiornia, c es i
Continued from B1
or are- an oo re
cluding voter identification laws, drivers licenses and
He asked Hummel sev-
eral pointed questions about his stance on undoc-
By Fenit Nirappil S ACRAMENTO,
umented immigrants, inin-state college tuition and
amnesty for those in the country illegally Several members in the
The Associated Press
audience gasped when Hummel said he supported
Cal i f .
— As the happy hour crowd poured in on a recent weeknight, the kitchen and bar
in-state tuition for undoc-
staff at Hock Farm restau-
tification laws.
rant scrambled to meet the incoming orders.
Other questionsposed to H ummel a ddressed
umented immigrants and did not support voter iden-
One used her h ands to
his time on the Bend City
toss locally grown Romaine hearts with anchovy dressing in a metal bowl, while another, facing diners from behind a marble countertop, used his fingers to sprinkle cheese and onion into tacos. A g l oveless bartender wedged an orange slice on the edge of a white wine spritzer. All of them were breaking
Council, his time spent in Liberia and his lack of
a state law that took effect
decision to not reappoint several deputy d i strict
prosecutorial experience.
Perry asked Flaherty about ways in which he felt
he'd been a "change agent" during his time in office, if he felt he'd eliminated
"political agendas from the DA operation" and whethe r he stood behind h i s
in January but won't be enforced until July. California is a straggler in banning bare-hand con-
The "crossfire" segment, a l argely u nstructured
tact with ready-to-eat food. A state-by-state review of
time i n
food codes shows 41 other states have a version of the
legislation signed last year by Gov. Jerry Brown. (Oregon discourages hands-on food prep, but does not forbid it.)
in the candidates. In the
crossfire segment, Flaherty asked Hummel how
In states that do have a ban, chefs and bartenders must
RichPedroncelli/The Associated Press
keep bare hands off food go- Luis Escamilla wears gloves as he trims a ham at the Hock Farm ing straight to the plate or the Restaurant in Sacramento, Calif. Under a bill signed last year by glass, from the rice in a sushi Gov. Jerry Brown, chefs and bartenders ln California must keep roll to the mint in a mojito. bare hands off food going straight to the plate or the drink glass, Instead, they must use uten- and must use gloves or kitchen utensils such as tongs. sils or gloves. Hock Farm owner Randy Paragary says bringing this rule to Califor- say, are keeping sick workers cies in California, and the nia disrupts well-established out of the kitchen and ensur- potential for inconsistencies hand-washing routines, gen- ing strong hand-washing. and added work for regulaerates unnecessary waste Major chain r estaurants torsand businesses alike has and restricts his employees. are used to gloves and gen- been controversial. Hearing restaurant own- erally shrug at this kind of A petition by bartenders ers echo his concerns about regulation. The California calling for a n e xemption the law's inflexibility, state Restaurant Association had from the "disposable glove legislators are considering a opposed the bill until last law" gathered 11,000 signareversalbeforeinspectorsbe- year, when it recognized the tures and caught the attengin slapping fines on eateries widespread practice wasn't tion of state Assemblyman this summer. going away. Richard Pan, D-Sacramento. Since 1993, the U.S. Food To higher-end restaurants The new law arose last year and D ru g A d m i nistration such as Hock Farm, the man- from the Assembly Health has recommended a hands- date came as an i r ritating Committee, which Pan chairs. off approach in restaurants surprise. Sacramento's din- He's now seeking a do-over. and bars as a staple of basic ing scene emphasizes using Pan, a pediatrician, said he hygiene. Even with good fresh, locally grown food and other lawmakers thought hand-washing, it takes only as part of the farm-to-fork some eateries, such as sushi a few norovirus particlesmovement. And Paragary, restaurants, could easily get the most common cause of the Hock Farm owner, says an exception provided they foodborne illness — to infect gloves would undermine the showed good hygiene. But diners, the FDA says. transparent kitchen-to-plate once the law took effect, it beThe U.S. Centers for Dis- step his customers observe. came apparent that some lo"You'll feel like there's a cal inspection agencies were ease Control and Prevention found that workers touching doctor back there preparing applying a blanket approach. "It's not about whether you food provided the most com- your food," he said. mon transmission pathway Another Sac r amento wear gloves or not," Pan said. for food-originated norovirus restaurateur, Randall S e l- "It's about how clean the suroutbreaks between 2001 and land, calls the new law an faces (touching food) are. We 2008, the mostrecent com- unnecessary infringement need to have the conversation prehensive review of data on highly regarded establish- go back to, 'This is about food available. ments, saying it's better suit- safety.'" "It's an additional barri- ed for fast food and producEven gloves can spread er to help protect the food," tion-line restaurants. contamination if they are not "If people get sick at my changed regularly, said Don said Liza Frias, environmental health manager for the restaurant, they are going to Schaffner, a food scientist at city of Pasadena and chair- stop coming," Selland said. Rutgers University. woman of California's Retail "You have got to give restauIn February, Pan i n troFood Safety Coalition, which rants some trust." duced AB2130, which seeks represents regulators and Many of the states with the to repeal the new regulation business groups. "You have bare-hand ban, and even the and revisit the entire issue, everyday consumers who are FDA model code, allow for perhaps to forge a comprolooking for glove use." exceptions. That discretion mise. The first hearing is set The other barriers, experts lies with local health agen- for today.
going to take up the whole
Continued from B1 According to The Bulletin
Keith Kirkpatrick did not re-
archives, Deschutes County 911received at least 966 calls
upstairsof the space. Pastor turn calls for comment. "That premises has had
difficulties over the long for service when Boondocks haul, but we're hoping the was open. The restaurant change in operations can was shuttered in March 2012 turn the tide," Siefkes said. as it faced a potential liquor T he new r e staurant i s license suspension. Liquid applying for a full liquor closed its doors in October license. Siefkes said docu2013 after the OLCC let the
w h i c h F l aherty
and Hummel were allowed to ask questions of one another, quickly became heated with raised voices, and Perry had to rein
many trials he'd taken to
court during his time as a defense attorney. Hummel said he's tried between 50
and 100 jury trials. Flaherty challenged those numbers, saying the number changes depending on whom Hummel speaks to, which Hummel took issue with. By the time the "cross-
fire" segment began, the debate had extended beyond its ending time and, when Perry asked the spectators whether they wanted the candidates to
continue asking each other direct questions, they responded with a resound-
ing"no." In his
c losing state-
ment and at other times,
Hummel spoke about the various lawsuits Flaherty has faced during his time in office, while Flaherty reiterated that Hummel's
inexperience as a prosecuting attorney makes him unqualified for the job. Another DA c andidate
debate is scheduled for 5:15 p.m. on April 15 at the Deschutes County Adminis-
trative Building, 1300 N.W. Wall St. — Reporter: 541-383-0376,
Get a taste of Food. Home 8 Garden In
AT HOME • • TheBulletin
returned. — Reporter: 541-383-0376,
In-Home care servlces Care for loved ones. Comfort forall. 541-389-0006
High Desert Wool Growers 16th Annual
mentation shows the restau-
operations manager know rant will be open no later its liquor license had been than 11 p.m. on the weekcanceled because of several ends, suggesting the atmoviolations. sphere will be less of a nightRight now a church called club and more of a traditionJourneys occupies the bot- al restaurant. tom of the building. Siefkes Two calls made Monday to said the new restaurant isn't Long at La Magie were not
centrist party, but it remained
"King Juan Carlos chose marginal and he retired from Suarez because he knew him, politics in 1991. had foll owed hiscareer since In Washington, the White he was Civil Governor, knew House extendeditscondolenchow he thought, knew his dar- es on behalf of the American ing, his loyalty and because people to Suarez's family and Suarez had hit the nail on the the Spanish people. head by including the words Suarez was "instrumental democracy and monarchy in in helping Spain transition the same broadcast package," to a more pluralistic society, said Fernando Onega, a gov- free market economy, and ernment spokesman in Su- parliamentary system of govarez's Cabinet. ernment," helping Spain set Despite opposition to his ap- an example to other countries, pointment from many centrist National S ecurity C o u ncil and leftist politicians, Suarez spokesperson Caitlin Hayden and the Democratic Center said in a statement released by Union party he had founded the White House press office.
Fiber Market Day CONSUNER Insurance Services AND RENTE Rs
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REDMOND 541-504-2134
S aturday March 29, 20 I 4 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Crook County Fair Grounds Pr|neville, Oregon Demonstrations & Sales • Fiber Animal Producers Spinners e Weavers • Dyers • Knitters • Crocheters Rug Hookers • Felters For more information visit our website at:
W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by WSI©2014
• I'
Rain showers, slight
Rain showers, slight
ch a nce of
cha nce of snow
Rain a nd snow
b~~ boib early, then rain
d, d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d
' pytp't i 4 4 4 4 4 4
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 c d 444 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Umatilla Sg/4p Hermiston
Seaside I 4 qp44 d,f 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ( 52/43 4 4 4 ld 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 . 4 4 4 4 4
Rain in the morning, slight allowa Pendleto chance of storms. 52/32 • 58/38 Highs around 55. Me cham • Enterprise
»dlyi„M38 Arlington 4 g)tilaIIg >g@y0Thya 45/38 i I d
• 54/31
Grande • 6/34 49/40 Pd 4 4 4 id 4 4 4 4
Newpop 4
53/'45 d d d
d" 3 4'u
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CENTRAL Breezy; cooler.
Baker City
Chance of showers, a few thunderstorms. Highs around 53.
John Da I • 54/34
Ontarlo EAST 65/40
56/32 Vale
63/41 •
Partly cloudy. Highs 57 to 64. Breezy. South winds»0 to 20 mph.
Yesterday's stateextremes
Jordan Valley 61/34 •
Frenchglen • 59/34
4 4 4 4 4 4 4 45i i o g d d d dd d d d d d d 4 4 4Pai s le
ufuntura 59/36
(Bdirihn 4 du4 JL JIk 4 4 4 ~'"F 4 4 @ >«k 4 du/EhristmasVagey
IrS 4 4 4 4 4 l d dd d
• 78'
Rome 61/34
I&d ddd 4 44 14 44 44 444 4 dd dd Birdle nQSI4 4 4 d ql 4 ( 4 d 4 d d d 4 d d d d e Lakeview
' ' ' ' '.' ' ' 'A' ' = -
McDermitt • 56/34
Vancouver ' 60/44
Coalgary' ~ ~fgg/12'
('I57</44 ~ •
Death Valley, CA
Crane Lake, MN n
.. Qw,G „..„...
. .
• 1.49
Punta Gorda, FL
kas Vegas
~zf/4 ' D etroit
--' • Honolulu 82/67
: 37//(25I • '. IDenver, :, Kansasiclità r y
---fzz rynBI
. .
• .51. Lo js
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~57/311 •
Bglsiy LaJPaz 91/66 Juneau '40718
Monterrey 69/53
i56~/42, /
New O r leans r -
Miami 80/59
PP P (
• e~
: ew York
C oulumbuS ~ 37/26 Washington, DC 3W18
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> Albuqufesque
~o. v'-m ~ " : x ~ a uL
,: Cheyenne;:, ~ . B2/32 ': '',
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Billings Bi s~marak !4r7//3l1 • , : W3»>/ftgg ::
Portlai~igg g"::, 7
• 96'
(in the 48 contiguous states):
Cha nceof rain
52 34
52 32
Tomorrow Ris e Set Yesterday through 4 p.m. at Bend Municipal Airport SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Mercury..... 906Pm..... 802am. Hlgiytow .......68/24 24hou/suiriing4pm*. . PPP" sunrisetoday....„6:58a.m.Moofl pllases venus......... 7:54p.m..... 6:15 a.m. Reco/rihigh 76' in 1 960 Monthtoriale.......... 0.34" M a r s......... 1 1: 3 3 a . m .... 1 0: 4 6 P ™ Re m r4 ow I . ........ I 5 ' i n I 9 69 Avera9emonIhIodaIe... 0 . 50 I ew F I rs1 F u 8 La s I Jupiter........ 2:46a.m..... 6:08p.m. Averagehigh.............. 56' Yeartodate............ 3.47" Sunsettomorrow... Sunset tomorrow 5 7:25 p .m. ~ Saturn........ 2:05p.m....12:04a.m. Averagelow............... 27' Averageyeartodate..... 2.12" Uranus......1005 p m....1049 a m. Barometricpressure4pm. 3001" Record24hours .. OAB in1975 Moonsettoriay "HSO Pam Mar 30 Apr 7 Apr 15 Apr 22 *Melted liquidequivalent
ULTRAVIOLET INDEX S KI REPORT Ski report from around the state, representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday: Snow a«cumulati ons ininches
Yesterday Tuesday WednesdayThehigherthe UV Index number,thegreater Clty HI/Lo/pcp H I /Lo/W H l /Lo/Wtheneedforeyeandskm protection Indexis for solar at noon. Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 psm Aslona Baker«ily
6 7/40 0.00 53/45 u 61/19 OiN 58/33 pc 61/43 Q.iN 5444 r 66/I 6 Q.po 5581 l s
Bidokings Bums
5 2 /44 l s 5 1/30 8 51/ 4 4 I s 0 4 8 /30 I l
5$43 u 5 4 42 u X lamath Falls lak8llew
6$ 3 8 Q.oo 4 98 2 I s 6 7/18 PPP 49/29 u 65/23 O oo 49/32 r 75/34 O.pp 6$42 u
Hoodoo................................ 0" ...................... 48"
Mt ASMand
Mt.HooriMeari ows.............p"....................IpB"
45 /31 I l 45 / 2 5 6 Snow level and roadconditions representing conrii458 2 0 tions at 5 P.m. yesterday. Key: TT. = Traction Tires. Conrijtjons 57/42 sh Pass
Mt. Hood Ski Bowl P" 73" T i m berline...................... P" Willamette Pass.............„„„p"„„„„„„„„„„„26"
62/46 o.oo 53/45 u 5 2 /43 Is 1 -5 at Siskiyou Summit..............Carry chains, T. Tires 71 / 38 O.pp5$43 u 5 4/ 45 u 1-84 at Cabbage Hill................. Carry chains, T. Tires Aspen,CO 0 -----------Sg 64/26 Q.pp 65/41 Pc 57 /43 '" Hwy 20 at Santiam Pass..........Carry ----chains, T. Tires MammOth h Mtn., CA.............O"........... 40" 6 6/32 Opp sg88 u 56 8 7 sh Hwy. 26 at Government Camp.Carry chains, T. Tires p a rk City UT p 69/36p QQ 57/44 u 53/44 u 72/32 Q.pp 56/31 u 50 8 1 ri , H~. 26 at 0«ho«0 Divide........ Carn chains, T. Tires S quaw Valley, CA.................O"......................16TireS S u n Valley, ID.......................O"......................41" 7$19 QiN 5 6 /33 8 5N3 1 s h HWy. 58 at Willamette PaSS......Carry ChainS, T. Rdseburg 79/32ooo 58/43 Is 56/43 sh Hwy.138 atDiamondLake......carrychains,T.Tires Taos, NM.............................0"......................52" Salem 70/35 Q.oo 57/43 Is 5 4/ 43 I s Hwy 242atM cKenzi vaIL «----------------0----------e osedforseason For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to the latest ski conditions visit: www.trip«heck.«om orcag511 www.onthesnow.«om Legend Wweather Pcpprecipitation s sun,pcpartial cloudsc clouds,hhaze, shshdwers,r rain t thunderstorms,sf snowflurriiessnsndw,i ice,rsrainsnowmix w windf fog,drdrizzle tr trace Newport Nonh Bend Ontario Pendleton porrianri Prinmlle Redmond
-4Os Qa O QO @esQO Q» OSQ 2OSQa OS Q 4OS SOs / 6OS/ Os Q BOSQgO S Q» OO [jja] Yesterday's extremes
Rain l ikely
Ib lbblb»kIb showers
494949494949 qpqpqp showers
47 32 id d
Chance of snow
Odd .++++~ 4 d <+++ I d" o
W a r m Stationary Showers T storms Rain
* *" * „** * 4
F lurries Snow
I« e
YesterdayTuesdayWednes day Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/WHi/Lo/W City
YesterdayTuesdayWednesday Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Gty
YesterdayTuesdayWednesda Y Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/WHi/Lo/W City
YesterdayTuesdayWednesday Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W
Abilene, TX 7 2 /35 P.QO64/44 pc 65/6P u Grand Rapids,IA za/13 Q.Q Q 26ni sn zg/25 pc Rapid City, Sp 33/23P.Q3 41/27 Pc 5$29 pc SeauluWA 66/37 Q.PQ 57/41 r 54/42 sh Akron, PH 3 P / I 5 Q.QO 7434 P.oo 62/35 pc 53/34 8 Siouxfallcgo 36/22 Q.P3 30/21 pc 52/39 pc 35/13 sn 27/Zl pc Preen aay,Wl 31/12 Q.QQ 21/4 pc 32/28 pc Rum, NV Albany, NY 3 $ 1 3 0.00 35/la pc 32/11 sn Greensboro,NC 50/29 O.PQ41/25 sn 45/26 s Richmonri VA 45/za p.pp42/26 sn 4425 s Spokane,WA 54/zao.op 55/38 sh 51/35 sh Albuquerque, NM69/360.00 67/41 pc 65/39pc Harrisburg,PA 35/21 0.00 36/25 sn 37/22 pc Rochester, NY 26II 6 0.01 3414 pc 2414 8 Springfield,MP 49/28 0.00 42/24 pc 55/42 pc Anchorage, AX 3$1 5 0.00 33/I 5 s 33/I 5pc Hairioiri «1 33/I 5 0.00 36/26 cd 4$19 sn Sacramento, «A 8$44 0.00 63/SO Is api49 u Sl.lovis,MO 4//26 0.00 39/23 pc 53/40 pc atlanta, Oa $ 7 4O O.OO56/41 pc 54/30 s Helena, Mr 34/22 0.00 53/32 pc 47/Zasn Salt lake City,ur 6437 0.00 73/45 pc SS/42u Tampa,rt 71/660.24 70/Sp u 6$52 Pc Atlantic City, Ni 37/21 Q.QQ4/27 sn 4$22 pc Honolulu, Hl a2/7Q 0.00 a2/67 sh 82/65 pc Sah Aiudilid,IX 6$50 0.23 7Q/51Pc 63/60 ls Tucson,AZ a3/52 P.QO al/54 pc 79/53 pc Auslin, IX 6$ 5 Q Q.QQ 69/5Q pc 62/sals Hdusldil, TX 64/52 0.03 72/53 pc 65/60 Is San Diego,CA 69/62Q.QQ 63/59cri 62/Sa sh Tulsa,ox 61/27 0.00 53/31 pc 5$49 sh Baltimore, Mp 3$22 Q.IN 37/26 sn 39IZI s Rurrisvilh, AL 55/2a Q.oo52/23 pc 52/35 pc Sxn Flahdscd,«A 71/4l Q.QQ5$52 r Sa/52 Is Washington, QC43/260.QQ 39/28 sn 41/27 s Billings, MT 2 6 /21 Q.05 4781 pc 46IZ6sn IndianapolicIN 3$2Q Q.QO32/15 sn 3981 pc San Jose, «A 75/4i Q.QQ64I5Q r 61/SQ ls Wichita,«S 54/29Q.QQ 4l/35 pc 5$4a pc aitmngham, AL 6432 Q.PP 53/27 s 53/39 s Jackson, MS 6$4Q Q.OP61/31 s 61/45 pc Santa re, NM 6424 Q.QQ6433 pc 62/35 pc Yaama,WA 6429P.QQ 59/33 ls 5786 sh Bismarck, NP 32/16 Q.PP 31/19 pc 42/21pc Jacksonville, FL 6456 P.QP 69/37 sh 5$39 s Savannah,QA 62/49Q.QQ 64I36 r 57/39 s Yumu AZ I ppp ag/57 s 81/57 pc Boise, IP 66/ 3 3 Q.PP 6$4Q pc 55/39 sh Juneau, AX 36/zgQ.QQ 4716 pc 3$IS pc aosldn, MA 3 3 /17 Q.op 38/26 al 39/21 sn Kansas City, Mp 35/29 P.05 4$26 pc 60ldl pc Bugalo, NV 24 160PO 33/13 8 23/I3 pc lansi ng,SII 3$11 P.PP 2$a sn za/24 pc Amsterdam 4$33 P.PP 48I32 pc 5$33 s Mecca ga/75 0.00 96/73 s 93/69 s Buriinguxi, Vr 26/I O.pp 32/13 pc 348 9 lai Vegai, NV az/ss 0.00aS/61 pc 73/SZ pc Athens 6441 Q.pp 68/xa cd 644i s luexi«d City as/53Q.oo ax/ss s 7$55 ls Caribou, ME 15/e 0.00 zsN pc 2$8 sn lexington, XV 43/20 0.00 37/I 7 42/29 pc Auridand 73/SSP.oo 73/Sg s 71/60 pcMonueal 23/I 0.00 22/12 s 32/13 sn «aspel;VW 3 7 / 170.22 SS/33pc smg Is Linmln, NE SQ/29Q.OP 4V27 pc 64/44 pc Baghdad 71/SSO.oo 82/SS s a2/62 pcMosmw 64/44 0.00 6«85 pc 6Q/33pc Charleston, SC Sa/43 O.QQ61/35 r 56/36 s Little Rock,AR 56/33 Q.oz57/31 pc 56/45 ls Bangkok gs//a o.oo91/7a pc 93/ao pcNairobi a$6QQ.oo az/62 ls 82/60 ls Charlotte, N«53/29 Q.QQ50/26 sn 49/31 s Lds Angeles, «A 65/59Q.QQ 65/56 pc 65/55 sh aeijing 69/39Q.QQ 71/4i s 77/4! PcNassau 84/73 Q.oo84/71 ls 86/66 ls «hauanooga, IN sa/35Q.QQ 51/26 pc 51/33pc Louisville,XV 46/27Q.QQ 37/21 II 45/34 pc Beirut 69/62 Q.PP75/62 pc 73/57 pc New Delhi 82/66 Q.op a2/ep pc a7/66 s Cheyenne, WV 41/21 52/32 pc so/31pc Madison, Wl 36/I 6 Q.PP 22/IQ pc 37/34 pc Berlin 46/35 Q.pp 5385 r 4$33 r Qsaka 66/39 Q.QP6451 s 64I5Q r «hicapz IL 3 6 /zo P.QQ27/16 pc 37/33pc Memphis, TN 56I35 Q.PP 51/29 pc 54/45pc Bogota 66/46 Q.PP 66/48 is 66/41 Is Oslo 46/39 Q.QP46/39 pc 4$41 s «inannali, QH 4yzl P.QQ3a/19 II 39/27pc Miami, FL az/71 Q.ol 8$59 ls 7464 pc Budapest 51/41P.QP 53/32 r 55/30 s Pilawa 24Q P.QP 246 s 3pn7 sn Cleveland, PH 33/190.Q3 33/14 sn 27/24 pc Milwaukee, Wl 35/IaQpp 25/Zl pc 35/12 pc BuenosAinu 51/35 P.OP53/39 s 46/35 r 75/59 P.QP73/Sd pc 73/66 pc Paris Colo. Spgs,CP 43/25Q.QO 55/34 pc 69I35 pc Minneapolis, MN31/17p.oa 22/11 pc 4936 cd «abo SanWcas a$62 0.00 glm 91/sg s Rio OeJaneiro 78/73 P.PP 86/69 pc 86/69 pc Columbia, Mp 41/23 Q.QO39/22 pc 56/41pc Nashville,TN 5429 0.00 45/22 sn 49/34 s Cairo 75/57 0.00 77/SS s 77/59 s Rome 57/41 0.00 55/35 ls 55/41 pc Columbia, S«6$3a 0.00 5N31 r 57/31 s Newprlean«IA 6453 0.17 66/45 s 62/55 pc Calgary 17/a 0.00 Ig/12pc 2a/17 pcSantiago 8$50 0.00 89/SS s as/53 s Columbus, OA 67/42 0.00 64/32 pc 57/37pc Nee Yolk NV 34I21 0.00 3$27 sn 36/22 pc «aMlh a4/sa O.QQ a473 pc as/71 Is sao Paulo 71/62 O.oo7$64pc 7a/66 pc Columbus,OH 38/19 0.00 36/18 II 3425 pc Neeaik, Ni 36/21O.QQ3a/25 in 37/19 pc Dublin -I- Q.QQ4430 pc 4482 pc 4i/37 O.QQ46/41 r 50/39 pc Sappdro «onmrd, N«278 Q.OQ 33/16 sn 3$14 in Norfolk, VA 39/33 O.Q7 45/Zgin 43/28 pc Edinburgh 51/21 Q.QQ50/37 s sp/32 r Seoul 57/37O. QQ 6450 cd 64/44 pc Corpus Chnili, TX 5$52 Q.03 7Q/59 pc 6a/66 ls Okla.City,px 66/za Q.QQ 56/40pc sp/SQ ls Geneva 4V33 Q.QQ46/30 r 4432 pc Shanghai 71/53 Q.QQ71/SS pc 68/57 r Pallas, TX 67 / Ja Q.QQ 64/42 pc 53/51 ls Omaha, NE 4i/3Q Q.QQ 37/25 pc 6$44 pc uarare ap/55O.QQ 62/60 ls 8459 pc Singapore ag/75Q. QQ 91/73 pc 93/73 pc Paylon, Pu 3a /9I Q.IN 3415 II 35/29 pc Orlando, FL 7a/66Q.QQ 78/41 sh 68/51 pc Hong Kong 7a/64Q.QQ 73/68 s 77/66 pc Stockholm 4i/26 Q.QQ46/32 s 42/35 s Penver, «O 4 7 /I g OJN 5986 pc 71/35 pc Palm Springs,«A ag/sp Q.QQ as/61 pc 71/56 pc Istanbul 62/44 P.QQ66/so pc 6$46 r Sydney 73/62Q. QQ 6$6a pc 77/69 ls pes Moines, IA 39IZ5 33/22pc 55/41 pc Peoria, IL 38/23Q.QQ 3Q/14 pc 45/36 pc Ierusalem 78/epQ.QQ 7a/55 s 73/51 pc Taipei 73/57Q. QQ 7a/62 pc 75I66 pc Detroit, SII 31/ 16 Q pp 31/12 9 27/25pc Philadelphia, PA 36/23O.QQ 39/28 sn 39/27 pc Iohannesbvrg 7a/spQ. QQ 75/55 pc 71/51 s + Q.po77/59 s 69/57 s TelAviv pululh, luN 25 / -1 Q.pp 17/-S pc 29/ZPsn Phoenix, AZ ag/59Q.po a7/58 pc 81/56 pc uma 78/69 0.00 7a/Sa pcap/66 s Tokyo 64/46 O.PQ69/53 s 62/51 r El Paso, TX 77/ 41Q.QP72/51 ls 77/57Pc Priuburgh, PA 32/I 3 P.QO36/15 II 3PIZI pc usbon 59/46 0.00 60/41 r 57/So pcvancdwer 50/39 0.00 60/44 pc SP/44 r Fairbanks, AX 4//2 O.PO 43/3 s 41IO s poruanri ME 29/11 0.00 32/2P sn 33/17 sn ldnoNl 5182 P.op Si/42 s da/35 r Vienna 4$41 0.00 4V37 cd 53/35 s Fargo, NP 3 4 1 2 O.PO 23/12 pc 4//22 c4 Providence,Rl 34/I 7 0.00 3N27cd 4VZO in Madrid 57/3Q Q.OO 60/39 pc 6Q/37 pc warsxw SN41 P.OO57/37 s 4i/32 pc Flagstaff, AZ 61/23 0.00 6$31 pc 52/31 sh Raleigh, N« sMP 0.01 46/27sn 4i/26 s Manila 86/77 Q.op ax/75 r agrlspc
, cqw,w
Is pleased to announce our 2013 Broker Achievements •
OutstandinA ggents, OutstandingResults,' Joe Kline/The Bulletin
From left, Academy at Sisters students Kelsey Seibo, 16, Savannah Jackson, 16, and Kendall Burr, 18, participate In an activity at the 8th annual South County Girl's Summit on Monday at La Plne Hlgh School. The activity, Ied by Woody Davis, an educator wlth the Oregon State University Extension Service, involved the girls closing thelr eyes and folding and tearing a paper based on instructions they heard. The activity, according to Davis, demonstrates differences in hearlng and processing, as
Ellie Anderson
Re/Max 100% Club
Gary Everett
100% Club
Principal Broker,CCIM Re/M«2X
well as individual differences and uniqueness.
100% Club
spring break. of the girls. "These girls live for it," "Beauty is someone findContinued from B1 Henry said. "They're out of ing something they respect " I came b ack w i t h t h e their structured surrounding, in you," said Izabella Robles, notion of, ' This would b e but it's still structured so they a ninth-grader at Mountain something to do for girls in don't get in trouble. It's some- View High School. "It's not particular.'" thing ftm for them to do." just a physical thing." According to Fleischmann, Breyn Hibbs has worked Daina Kirkpatrick, 24, a each year she gives the girls with World Muse, a nonprofit f irst-year volunteer at t he w ho attend th e s u mmit a organization serving women summit, was impressed by survey asking what kinds and girls in Bend, for several the informality of the sessions of sessions and topics they'd months. Hibbs, 27, chose to and how open the girls were like to know more about. She volunteer because she grew expressing their feelings. "I feel like a lot of times oldthen works with TAPs and up in La Pine and can conlocal organizations to flesh nect with the girls who live er girl s are harder to connect out session topics and gather
donations. Six sessions were offered at this year's summit, including Scrapbooking 101, The Beauty You Possess, and Stress: The Good, The Bad artd How to Deal With It. Members of TAPs and l ocal v olunteers were on hand at each session
to speak with the girls and as-
there. "My belief about women and girls is t hat w e're the the world," she said. "I Un-
derstandthe experience of a young girl growing up in a ru-
Lynn Buck, 46, the leader
Principal Broker
Principal Broker
Re/Max 100% Club
Re/Max 100% Club
Debbie Martorano
Brian Meece
Corinne Clarke
Principal Broker,CCIM
Re/Max 100% Club
for The Beauty You Possess session, has volunteered with and takes an
Re/Max 1009oClub
Re/Max 100% Club
i n spirational
approach to teaching the girls
Beauty You Possess, gave projects. the girls a chance to convey Lori Henry, a teacher at La their thoughts on beauty and Pine Middle School, has vol- speak candidly about how unteered with the summit for they view themselves. The four years and has brought girls wrote their negative her daughter Sarah each year. thoughts on pieces of paper at Henry, 51, said the summit is the beginning of the session important for girls in South and threw them away. At the County not only because of end, they wrote down a few
who attend. She took individual and group shots at the end
the poverty level there but
come home with."
those thoughts with the rest
didn't want to talk to anyone."
the summit for three years
statements about what makes
Sheree MacRitchie
100% Club
amazed at how old the girls were and how articulate they
Bend offers."
because it also gives the girls them beautiful an d s hared
David Quiros
with," she said. "I was just
ral town that lacks the opportunities and experience that One of the sessions, The
Debi Corso Re/M«2X
leaders that are gonna change were. When I was that age, I
sist with a few of the creative
safe activities to do during
of the session and gave each girl a photo. "I want them to be able to
believe in something, in themselves," she said. "I just really wanted to share some ertcour-
agement and hopefully give them a little ounce of hope to — Reporter: 541-633-2117,
John SChimmoller Broker Re/Max 1009oClub
4 • '
IN THE BACK BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NEWS W Scoreboard, C2 NBA, C3 Sports in brief, C2 NH L, C3 College basketball, C3 Prep sports, C4 THE BULLETIN • TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2014
Workplace to de discussed byiiiFL ORLANDO, Fla.
0 eS e el'nB
Commissioner Roger Goodell says the NFL will meet on April 8 with the players union to discuss improving the workplace environment. In the wake of the Miami Dolphins bullying scandal, league representatives havemet with some 40 players in the past three months, as well as with the Dolphins and outside organizations, Goodell saidMonday attheNFL owners meetings. The league is trying to get "as much inputas possible. It's more about people understanding the importance of a proper workplace." Goodell added the focus is on medical evaluations of the players involved, including tackle Jonathan Martin, who left the Dolphins in the middle of last season, saying he washarassed by guard Richie Incognito. Martin was traded to the 49ers earlier this month. An NFL investigation determined Incognito and two other Miami Dolphins offensive linemen engagedin persistent harassment of Martin. Incognito was then suspendedand missed the final eight games last season, and he became afree agent when his contract with the Dolphins expired. On Monday, Incognito made apeaceoffering to Martin via Twitter. Incognito posted: "Call meon my cell phone. Loveyou brother.(Stuff) got crazy
"People ask me what I doin the winter when
• Warmer weather brings outdoor sports and great feelings ofbeingyoung again PREP SPORTS
there's no baseball. I'll tell you what I do. I stare out the window
and wait for spring."
The trip lived up to its pessi-
mistic expectations, boasting the Greatest Hits of Family
Traveling ("Stay on your side one of us was looking
of the car," "Maybe we should
N mile drive to the Grand Canyon during spring break
stop for directions," and my personal favorite, "Don't make me stop this car.") Yet after all that, we were greeted by the North Rim, the dying
forward to that 500-
13 years ago. An eternity in — Major League a cramped sedan for eight
Baseball Hall of hours? As the home run tag-
sun offering last kisses to
Famer Rogers line of the great Los Angeles Hornsby. Dodgers broadcaster Vin Scully goes: Forget it.
the Grand Canyon's painted walls.
Rob Kerr /The Bulletin
Spring sports kicked off last week in Central Oregon, including Saturday's doubleheaderbetween Bend and The Dalles Wahtonka.
eavers rise rom as esin a ur e
• After a massive makeover,Oregon State will battle South Carolina for a Sweet 16berth
but we held it together,"
with the hashtags of CALLME and FAMILY.
And in another tweet to Martin: "No hard feelings. Let's just move
By Tim Booth
Goodell noted that improving the workplace environment involves "a culture change." Hedid not address what discipline any of the players face from the leaguefor the bullying.
The Associated Press
SEATTLE — Five years to
rebuild was probably a reasonable expectation for Scott Rueck when he arrived at Photos by Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin
Madras' Jasmyn Reese delivers a pitch while facing off against Wilson during the Central Oregon Spring Break Softball Tournament at Skyline Field in Bend on Monday. Reese had12 strikeouts, but the White Buffaloes fell to Wilson 9-8.
Oregon State considering the disarray he was inheriting. He arrived in Corvallis to
take over a program that was devastated amid allegations
— The Associated Ptess
of emotional
BASKETBALL Silver: 2 years college is dest
tryouts. His first
Adam Silver says he's heard the "Bill Gates theory" numerous times from critics over the past month: You shouldn't be required to attend college to become a millionaire.
• Bend and Ridgeview will face off in today's semifinalsafter starting the 20-teamtournament 2-0onMonday
But the new NBA
commissioner steadfastly believes that basketball players should spend at least two years in college before being allowed to enter the draft — instead of the required one. Fair or not, he says it's simply best for the league. Speaking before Monday's Rockets-Bobcats game in Charlotte, Silver says, "I think two years is the right balance." That means if Silver had his wayJabari Parker and AndrewWiggins would be staying in school another year. But there's little he cando aboutthat. An agreement between the leagueand players association is not imminent.
But the results are as similar
as well as a 2-for-3 outing by Mariah Buckner to earn the Lava Bears (3-1 overall) a today in the championship bracket.
1 seed South Carolina. "I don't think there's any
at Skyline Sports Complex — as opposed to the usual Pine Nursery location-
Bend Highjumped toa 2-0 start by defeating Sisters 14-0 and Wilsonville 8-4 on
@~, il 4 eI a * •
Hybrid foe Ridgeview, which rode near-flawless pitching to back-to-back shutouts over Marshfield and Regis.
Both South Carolina (28-4) and Oregon State have un-
dergone massive makeovers under their current coaches.
around the state traveled to Bend to compete in the
allowing just three hits as the Ravens (3-0) cruised to a 9-0 victory. Paige Davis col-
which determined which
brackets they play in today. The Lava Bears' Alexis Hill-Gruenberg pitched a
posting 11 strikeouts and
lectedher firstcareer home
run for Ridgeview. Against Regis, an 11-0 win in five innings, it was Sara McKinney getting the victory in the circle for the Ravens, who got
while Lisa Sylvester and Awbrie Elle Kinkade each
logged solo home runs. Katie
Corbett and a 9-8 decision to
Brown added a 2-for-3 performance for Bend.
Wilson of Portland. Jasmyn Reese recorded 15 strikeouts
Madras center fielder Keely Brown makes a catch while playing Wilson on Monday. The two-day spring break tournament con-
Against Wilsonville, Megan Berrigan posted
in the first contest while not
cludes today.
10 strikeouts in a com-
ning victory over Sisters,
case scenario would be year five or six."
Gamecocks to the elite of the Southeastern Conference,
of pool play, the results of
said Monday. "I thought best-
Dawn Staley has elevated the
two-hit shutout in the five-in-
j'+pfFv ' t l .ppvjj, Q tti@'Q",~i'JQwf/ vasgl @~P rgg+f
that we would be here right now. I wouldn't have," Rueck
Rachel Collins went six
offensive support from Erin Ware's two-run home run in the first inning. Madras dropped a pair of cl ose games,a4-2 lossto
Blazers fall
way you could have predicted
innings against Marshfield,
Monday's action consisted
Wt I
Bend will have a semifinal date with Intermountain
ninth-seeded Beavers face No.
Monday. Twenty teams from tournament, including six Central Oregon programs.
r 4 t Iir«'e • y
That was the fall of 2010.
On Tuesday night, Oregon State (24-10) will play for a
Brown and Kendall Kramer
Break Softball Tournament
three walk-ons, a soccer player and a volleyball player.
spot in the Sweet 16 when the
of the Central Oregon Spring
returners, three freshmen,
plete-game effort for Bend, which received doubles by
Playing as the host team
Bulletin staff report The venue has changed for this season's tournament. as they have been in recent memory.
— The Associated Press
Portland's rally comes up short in loss to the Miami Heat,C3
abuse under former coach LaVonda Wagner. The roster was so barren, Ruec k held open
allowing a run. SeeSoftball /C4
with the school earning its
first No. 1 seed this season. But what Rueck has done with Oregon State is worthy of more attention than it has
received. SeeBeavers/C3
Nextup NCAA Women's basketball tournament, Oregon State vs. South Carolina When:Today, 6:40 p.m. Tv:ESPN2 Radio:940-AM
MLB preseason, Atlanta at Detroit College, Long BeachState at UCLA
Times TV/Radio 10 a.m. E S PN 6 p.m. P a c-12
Men's college, NIT,Belmont vs. Clemson Women's college, NCAA Tournament NBA, OklahomaCity at Dallas Men's college, NIT,Minnesota vs. Southern Miss Women's college, NCAA Tournament, Oregon State vs. South Carolina
4 p.m. 4 p.m. 5 p.m. 6 p.m.
NBA, NewYorkat Los Angeles Lakers
7:30 p.m. T NT
6:30 p.m. ESPN2, 940-AM
NHL, Detroit at Columbus SOCCER EPL, Manchester United vs Manchester City
4:30 p.m. NBCSN 12:45 p.m. NBCSN
Times TV/Radio
MLB preseason, Washington at St. Louis College, Arizona atArizonaState
1 0 a.m.
3 p.m.
P a c-12
4 p.m. 5 p.m. 6 p.m. 7:30 p.m.
Men's college, NIT,LouisianaTechvs. Florida St. NBA, Miami at Indiana Men's college, NIT,California vs. SMU NBA, Memphis at Utah GOLF European PGATour, EurAsiaCup
5:30 p.m. Golf
NHL, Philadelphia at NewYork Rangers SOCCER EPL, Liverpool vs Sunderland
5 p.m. NBCSN 1 p.m. NBCSN
Sony Open, men's andwomen's quarterfinals
10 a.m. ESPN2
Listingsarethemostaccurateavailable. TheBulletinis not reSpOnSible far lateChangeSmade by Trv/Or radiO StatiOnS.
ON DECK Today Baseball: Jesuit atBend(DH), noon;At Wilsonvile Tourname nt: MountainViewvs. Wilsonviffe, 3 p.m.; MountaiVi newvs. Centennial, 6 p.mcRedmondvs.Reynolds at Pendleton/Hermiston Spring Break Tourneyat Hermiston, 8 a.m4Sisters in Arizona;LakeviewatCulver(DH), noon Soflb alh BendTournamentBendvs.Ridgeview,3 p.m.; Madrasvs.Regis,8:30a.m4Redmondvs. Ashland,8:30 a.mcCrookCountyvs. Bonanza, Sistersvs. Marshfield, 8:30a.m.;Canby Tournament:Summit vs. Sherwood,11:45a.m.; Summivs. t Parkrose,4:45p.mcAt Eagle Indian Invite: MountainViewvs. TheDales Wahtonka/ Dufur, 9a.m.; MountainViewvs. Molalar 2p.m.; IrrigonSpringTournament: Culvervs. Irrigon,10
BASEBALL MarinerS releaSe PitCher Baker —TheSeattle Mariners have released pitcher Scott Baker. The32-year-old right-hander asked for his release after refusing anassignment to Triple-ATacoma. Theclub made the moveMonday. Bakerwas1-1 with a 6.75 ERAin four spring training starts for Seattle, allowing nine earned runsand16 hits in12 innings. Baker was in contention for a spot in the starting rotation, currently missing injured pitchers Hisashi Iwakumaand Taijuan Walker. Neither is expected to bereadyfor his first turn. With ace Felix Hernandez theonly certainty, the Mariners have right-handers Blake Beavan andErasmo Ramirezand left-handers James Paxton, Roenis Elias and RandyWolf in the mix for four available spots.
BraveS releaSe GarCia deSPite injurieS — Atlanta released pitcher FreddyGarcia, whowas contending for a spot in the Braves' battered rotation, and signed right-hander Aaron Harang onMonday. The team announcedGarcia's unconditional release onthe deadline for him to be put on themajor league roster — which would have triggered a $1.25 million guaranteed salary. The37-year-old righthander was cut despite a strong outing Sunday,when helimited the New York Mets to anunearned run and two hits over 5t/s innings. He was1-1 with a 4.76ERAin five spring training starts.
BASKETBALL Men's college NCAATournament All TimesPDT
SOUTHREGIONAL Regioaal Semifinals Af FedExForum Memphis, Tenn. Thursday'sGames Dayton(25-10)vs.Stanford(23-12), 4:15p.m. Florida(34-2) vs.UCL A(28-8), 6:45p.m. RegionalChampionship Saturday'sGame Semifinalwinners MIDWESTREGIONAL
RegionalSemifinals At LucasOil Stadium Indianapolis Friday's Games Michigan(27-8)vs.Tennessee(24-12),415 p m. Kentucky(26-10)vs.Louisville (31-5),6:45p.m. Regional Championship Sunday'sGame Semifinalwinners WEST REGI ONAL Regional Semifinals AtThe HondaCenter Anaheim, Calif.
Thursday'sGames Wisconsin(28-7) vs.Baylor (26-11),4:47p.m. SanDiegoState(31-4) vs.Arizona(32-4), 7:17p.m. RegionalChampionship Saturday'sGame Semifinalwinners
RaVenS, JetS get 4 COmPenSatOryPiCkS —TheBaltimore Ravens andNewYork Jets eachwill receive four compensatory picks in this year's draft for free agents they lost in 2013. Baltimore gets spots in the third, fourth and fifth rounds, with two choices in Round 4. Thoseslots are 99th, 134th, 138th and175th. Among the free agents the Ravenslost after winning the 2012 NFLtitle were Ed Reed, Danell Ellerbe, Paul Kruger andCaryWilliams, all key defensive players. TheJets will get slots 139, 209, 210and 213: afourth-rounder and three sixth-rounders. They lost free agents Dustin Keller, Matt Slauson, YeremiahBell, Mike DeVito, Shonn Greeneand LaRon Landry.
BASKETBALL WiChita State'S MarShall tO get Ida Award —Gregg Marshall, who led Wichita State to a35-1 record and aNo.1 seeding in the NCAA tournament, has been selected as the recipient of the Henry Iba Coach of theYearAward, presented by the U.S. Basketball Writers Association. Marshall will be formally presented theaward on Monday, April14, in OklahomaCity. Marshall, 51, led the Shockers to the Missouri Valley Conference regular seasonand tournament titles. For the fifth straight season, the Shockers won at least 25 gamesand Marshall's career mark at Wichita State is 174-71.
HOuStOnCOaChreSignS after 4SeaSOnS—Houston coach James Dickeysays heis stepping down after four seasonswith the Cougars because of "afamily matter that requires my time and energy." Dickey just completed thefourth season of afive-year contract with Houston. HecoachedTexasTechfrom1991-2001,andreplacedTom Penders at Houston in 2010.Dickey hasa career record of 217-196. He says in a statement it was adifficult decision, but did not give details as to why. TheCougarswent17-16 this season with an 8-10record in the American Athletic Conference.Theyalso beat threeTop 25teams.
MIXED MARTIAL ARTS Weidman injuresknee, UFC173 mainevent is offMiddleweight champion Chris Weidmanhas aknee injury, forcing the UFC to postpone his title bout against Lyoto Machida for six weeks. TheUFCannouncedthechangestotwomajorLasVegasshows on Monday. Weidman(11-0) wasexpected to makehis second title defense at UFC173 onMay24at the MGMGrand Garden, but the Long Island-based mixedmartial artist needs minor surgery. Weidman's bout with Machida is moving to UFC175 onJuly 5 at the Mandalay Bay Events Center.
SOCCER FIFA approvesGreen'sswitch to U.S. fromGerma-
Ily —Julian Green's change of national association to the United States from Germany hasbeenapprovedbyFIFA.TheU.S.Soccer Federation announced thedecision on Monday, six days after Green applied for the switch. The18-year-old Bayern Munich forward, who was born in Tampa,Fla., played for Germany in three qualifiers for the 2014 EuropeanUnder-19Championship, making his debut last Oct. 10 against Belarus. — From wire reports
Arlington, Texas National Semifinals Saturday,April 5 East championvs.Southchampion Midwestchampion vs.West champion National Championship Monday,April 7 Semifinalwinners National Invitation Tournament All TimesPDT
SecondRound Monday,March24 FloridaState101,Georgetown 90 SMU80,LSU67 California75,Arkansas64 Ouarterfinals Today'sGames Belmont (26-9)at Clemson(22-12),4 p.m. SouthernMiss(29-6) atMinnesota(22-13), 6p.m. Wednesday'sGames Louisiana Tech(29-7) at FloridaState(21-13),4 p.m. California (21-13)at SMU(25-9) 6 p.m. College Basketball Invitational All TimesPDT
Ouarterfinals Monday'sGames Siena54,PennState52 Old Dominion 82,Radford59 lllinois State 62, TexasA&M55 FresnoState72, Princeton56 Semifinals Wednesday'sGames l linoisState(1815)at Siena(17-17),4p m. Old Dominion(18-17)atFresnoState(19-16), 7p.m.
EasternConference AtlanticDivision x-Boston Tampa Bay Montreal Detroit Toronto Ottawa Florida Buffalo
Thursday Baseball: Summitvs. McMinnville in Volcanoes SpringTournam ent, 4:30 p.mcLa Pine, Madras, Ridgeview, CrookCountyatWhite Buffalo Classic; Sisters in Arizona Soebalh AtHepp ner Tournament: Culvervs. Clatskanie,1145am.;Culvervs.Heppner/lone,1:30p m.
Saturday Baseball: Grants Passat MountainView(DH),1 p.m.; WestSalemat Redmond,11amc LaPine,Madras, Ridgeview,CrookCountyatMadrasTournament Trackandfield: Summit atSweet HomeDecathlon/ Heptathlon,10a.m.
11 26
Friday Baseball: WestAlbanyat Bend(DH), noon;At Volcanoes SpringTournament in Keizer,Summit vs. Willamette, 9a.m.;Summit vs. Cleveland,11:30 a.m.; La Pine,Ridgeview,Madras,CrookCountyat WhiteBuffaloClassic;SistersinArizona Track andfield: SummitatSweet HomeDecathlon/ Heptathlon,10a.m. Boyslacrosse:RedmondatWestAlbany,5p.m.
16-6 436 20-3 433 14-8 431 14-9 427 13-10 426 20-4 423
Baseball: AtWhiteBuffaloClassic: Ridgeviewvs.Jesuit, 9 a,mc CrookCounty vs. Harrisburg, 2 p.m.; La Pine vs.Madras,4 p.m4Sisters inArizona SoflbalhAt HeppnerTournament: Culvervs. Clatskani e,12:45p.m4Culvervs.Knappa,2:30p.m.
In the Bleachers © 2014 Steve Moore. Dlst. by Universal Ucnck
a.m. Boys tennis:SistersatMadras,4 p.m. Girls tennis: Madras at Sisters,4 p.m.
EASTREGIONAL Regional Semifinals At MadisonSquareGarden New York Friday's Games Uconn(28-8) vs.IowaState(28-7), 4:27p.m. MichiganState(28-8) vs.Virginia (30-6),6:57p.m. RegionalChampionship Sunday'sGame Semifinalwinners
25. Maryland 26. VCU 27. N.C.State 28. Clemson 29. Baylor 30. FIU
gJ "Bench-clearing thumb fight!!"
Bostonvs.Baltimoreat Sarasota, Fla.,ccd., Rain Detroit vs.PittsburghatBradenton, Fla., ccd., Rain Philadelphia 6, Toronto 3, 8innings Washington 4, Miami1 Tampa Bayvs. Minnesotaat Fort Myers,Fla., ccd., Rain N.Y.Mets5, St.Louis 3 Chicago WhiteSox7, Seattle 6 L.A. Angels11,SanFrancisco4 Texas 6, Oakland2 Cleveland 8,Cincinnati 3 Colorado 8, KansasCity 2 Houston7,Atlanta5 SanDiego7, ChicagoCubs1
At State College,Pa. Florida(20-12)vs.PennState(23-7), 7:10p.m. NOTRE DAMEREGIONAL
SecondRound Monday'sGames At Toledo, Ohio NotreDam e84, ArizonaState67 At West Lafayette, Ind. OklahomaState73,Purdue66 At Lexington, Ky. Kentucky64, Syracuse59 At Waco,Texas Baylor75,California56
Today'sGam es
Baltimore vs.Minnesotaat FortMyers, Fla.,1005a m. Atlantavs.Detroit atLakeland,Fla., 10:05a.m. Bostonvs. Tamp a Bay at Port Charlotte, Fla., 10:05
SecondRound Monday'sGames At Knoxville, Tenn. Tennessee 67, St.John's51 Today'sGames At CollegePark, Md. Texas(22-11)vs.Maryland(25-6), 4:05p.m. At lowaCity, lowa lowavs.Louisville(31-4),6:35p.m. At BatonRouge,La. LSU(20-12)vs.West Virginia (30-4),6:45p.m. National Invitation Tournament All TimesPDT
Monday'sGames Duquesne (20-12) atMichigan(19-13), 4p.m. Harvard(22-7)at Rutgers (23-9), 4 p.m. Old Dominion(18-15)at Auburn(18-14), 4p.m. St. Bona venture (24-10)atBowlingGreen(284),4 pm. Southern Miss(27-6) atMississippi St.(20-13),5p.m. SanDiego(23-8) atMontana(23-10), 6 p.m. SaintMary's(Calif.) (23-9)at UTEP(25-7), 6p.m. Washington(18-13)atOregon(16-15), 7p.m.
EasternConference W L T Pts Houston 2 0 0 6 Columbus 2 0 0 6 TorontoFC 2 0 0 6 Philadelphia 1 1 1 4 SportingKansasCity 1 1 1 4 Chicago 0 1 2 2 NewYork 0 1 2 2 NewEngland 0 2 1 1 Montreal 0 3 0 0 D.C. 0 2 0 0 WesternConference W L T Pts FC Dallas 2 0 1 7 Seattle 2 1 0 6 Vancouver 1 0 2 5 RealSaltLake 1 0 2 5 ChivasUSA 1 1 1 4 Colorado 1 0 1 4 Portland 0 1 2 2 SanJose 0 1 1 1 Los Angeles 0 1 1 1
GF GA 5 0 5 1 3
3 2 4 3 0 2 0
3 2 5 6 5 6 4
GF GA 7 4 4 2 5 5 5 3 2 3 1
2 4 6 1 4 4 2
Saturday'sGames ChicagoatD.C. United,1p.m. Montrealat Philadelphia,1 p.m. SportingKansasCity atColorado,3p.m. HoustonatVancouver, 4p.m. PortlandatFCDallas,5:30 p.m. TorontoFCat Real Salt Lake, 6:30p.m. Columbus at Seattle FC,7p.m. NewEnglandat SanJose,7;30 p.m. Sunday'sGame ChivasUSAat NewYork, noon
TENNIS Professional
Sony Open Monday At TheTennisCenterat CrandonPark Key Biscayne,Fla. Purse: Men,$5.65 million (Masters1000); Women,$5.48million (Premier) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Collegelnsider.comTournament Singles All TimesPDT Men Thlrd Round SecondRound M ilos Raoni c (12), Can ada, def. GuilermoGarMonday'sGame cia-Lopez, Spain, 6-1,6-2. MurrayState86, Nebraska-Omaha62 AlexandrDolgopolov(22), Ukraine, def. Dusan Ouarterfinals LajovicrSerbia,3-6,6-0,7-6 (5). Wednesday,March26 BenjaminBecker, Germany, def. AljazBedene,SloVMI (21-12)at Ohio (24-11), 4p.m. venia,6-3, 7-5. Yale(17-13)at Columbia(21-12),4 pm. RafaelNadal(1), Spain,def. DenisIstomin,UzbekiSanDiego(18-16) atPacific (17-15), 7p.m. stan, 6-1,6-0. Thursday, March27 StanislasWawrinka(3), Switzerland,def. Edouard TowsonState(25-10) at MurrayState(20-11), 5 p.m. Roger-VasselintFrance,7-5,6-4. Semifinals Fabio Fognini (14), Italy, def. RobertoBautista Tuesday,April 1 Agut, Spain4-6, , 6-3,6-3. TBD TomasBerdych(7),CzechRepublic,def.JoaoSouChampionship sa, Portugal ,6-2,6-4. Thursday,April 3 John Isner(10),UnitedStates,def. NicolasAlmaTBD gro (18),Spain,7-5, 6-3. Women Women's college Fourlh Round MariaSharapova(4), Russia,def. KirstenFlipkens NCAATournament (19), Belgium,3-6,6-4, 6-1. All TimesPDT AngeliqueKerber (5), Germany,def. Ekaterina Makarova(23), Russia,6-4, 1-6,6-3. LINCOLNREGIONAL Serena Wiliams (1), UnitedStates,def.CocoVanSecondRound deweghe, UnitedStates, 6-3, 6-1. Monday'sGames Petra Kyi tova(8),CzechRepublic, def.AnaIvanovic At Los Angeles (12), Serbia3-6, , 6-0,6-0. BYU80,Nebraska76 Agnieszka Radwanska(3), Poland,def.ElinaSvitoAt Durham,N.C. lina, Ukraine,7-6 (5), 5-7,6-2. DePaul74,Duke65 Li Na (2), China,def.CarlaSuarez Navarro (15), Today'sGames Spain,6-0,6-2. At Storrs, Conn. CarolineWozniacki (11), Denmark, def. Varvara Uconn(35-0) vs.Saint Joseph's(23-9), 4:05p.m. Lepchenko,UnitedStates, 6-0,6-1. At CollegeStation, Texas DominikaCibulkova(10),Slovakia,def.VenusWilJamesMadison(29-5)vs.TexasA&M (25-8),645p.m. liams (29), UnitedStates, 6-1, 5-7,6-3. STANFORD REGIONAL First Round BASEBALL SecondRound Monday'sGames MLB At Ames, lowa Stanford63,Florida State44 MAJORLEAGUEBABEBALL Today'sGames At Seattle Spring Training SouthCarolina(284) vs.OregonSlate(2410),640pm. All TimesPDT At Chapel Hill, N/C. Michigan State(23-9)vs.North Carolina(25-9),410p.m. Monday'sGames
a.m. N.Y.Metsvs. WashingtonatViera, Fla.,10;05a.m. St. Louivs. s MiamiatJupiter, Fla.,10:05a.m. Torontovs.Pittsburghat Bradenton, Fla., 10:05a.m. Coloradovs. ChicagoWhite Soxat Glendale, Ariz., 1;05 p.m. Texas vs.ClevelandatGoodyear, Ariz.,1:05 p.m. Cincinnativs.Oaklandat Phoenix,1:05 p.m. SanFranciscovs. Milwaukeeat Phoenix,1:05 p.m. L.A. Angelsvs. ChicagoCubs(ss) at Mesa,Ariz., 1:05 p.m. Phil adelphiavs.N.Y.YankeesatTampa,Fla.,4:05p.m. Seattlevs.KansasCity atSurprise, Ariz.,6:05 p.m. Chicago Cubs(ss) vs. San Diegoat Peoria, Ariz., 7:05 p.m. Wednesday'sGames Baltimore(ss)vs. Bostonat Fort Myers,Fla., 10:05 a.m. N.Y. Yankeesvs.TorontoatDunedin,Fl a.,10:05a.m. Miamivs.Atlantaat Kissimmee,Fla.,10:05a.m. Detroit vs.PhiladelphiaatClearwater, Fla.,10:05a.m. Pittsburghvs. Minnesotaat Fort Myers,Fla., 10:05 a.m. Washingtonvs.St. LouisatJupiter, Fla.,10:05a.m. Kansas Cityvs. SanDiegoatPeoria, Ariz.,12:05 p.m. L.A. Angelsvs.OaklandatPhoenix,12:05p.m. Seattlevs.Texasat Surprise,Ariz.,12:05 p.m. Cincinnativs. ChicagoWhite Soxat Glendale, Ariz., 1:05 p.m. Milwaukee vs. Clevelandat Goodyear, Ariz.,1:05 p.m. Coloradovs.SanFrancisco at Scottsdale, Ariz., 1:05 p.m. ChicagoCubsvs.Arizonaat Scottsdale,Ariz.,1:10 pm. N.Y.Metsvs. Houston atKissimmee, Fla., 3:05p.m. Baltimore(ss)vs. Tamp a Bay at Port Charlotte, Fla., 4:05 p.m.
College Pac-12 Standings All Times PDT
ConferenceOverall Oregon 5-1 17-5 Washington 5-1 16-5 UCLA 5-1 14-8 Oregon State 4-2 19-5 Washington State 3-3 9-11 ArizonaState 3-3 12-10 USC 3-3 12-10 Stanford 2-3 9-11 Arizona 1-5 12-15 California 0-3 11-11 0-6 9-13 Utah Monday'sGames Cal StateNorthridge2, Washington State1 Cal Poly16,California8 Today'sGames OregonatSanFrancisco,2 p.m. Stanford at St.Mary's,3 p.m. SeattleatOregonState, 5:35p.m. LongBeachStateatUCLA,6p.m. BYU atUtah,6p.m. USCat Loyola Marymount,6 p.m. Polls Baseball AmericaTop26 — The top25teamsin the BaseDURHAM, N.C. ball Americapoll with recordsthrough March23 and previousranking(voting bythestaffof Basebal America): Record Pvs 1. FloridaState 1 9-4 2 2. SouthCarolina 1 9-3 1 1 8-4 3 3. Virginia 4. Louisiana-Lafayette 2 2-2 5 5. CalPoly 1 9-4 7 6. Oregon State 1 9-4 4 7. Vanderbilt 2 0-5 6 8. LSU 2 0-4 8 9. CalStateFulledon 1 3-8 9 10. Rice 1 9-6 11 11. Oregon 17-5 12 12.Texas 1 9-6 15 13. Mississippi 2 1-4 20 14. Louisville 1 7-6 14 15. UCSantaBarbara 17-3 19 16. MississippiState 17-9 21 17. Houston 1 9-4 23 18. UCLA 1 4-8 22 19. Kentucky 17-7 20. Clemson 14-9 13 21.Auburn 17-8 22.Tennesse e 1 9-4 18 23. Georgia Tech 15-9 24. NorthCarolina 15-8 17 25. N.C. State 1 4-8 10
GP W L OT PlsGF GA 72 49 17 6 104 230 153 7 2 39 24 9 8 7 214 193 7 3 40 26 7 87 188 184 71 33 24 14 80 189 200 7 3 36 29 8 80 213 226 71 29 29 13 71 203 240 7 2 26 38 8 60 175 235 7 1 20 43 8 4 8 138 210
Metropolitan Division GP W L OT PlsGF GA P ittsburgh 7 1 4 6 20 5 9 7 222 177 N .Y.Rangers 73 40 29 4 8 4 194 178 P hiladelphia 71 38 26 7 8 3 205 201 Washington 72 34 27 11 79 208 213 C olumbus 71 36 29 6 7 8 200 194 New Jersey 72 31 28 13 75 175 187 C arolina 71 3 1 3 1 9 7 1 177 200 N .Y. Islanders 71 27 35 9 6 3 197 239 WesternConference Central Division GP W L OT PlsGF GA x-St. Louis 71 48 16 7 103 228 160 Chicago 72 41 16 15 97 240 186 Colorado 7 1 44 21 6 9 4 216 194 Minnesota 72 37 24 11 85 180 178 Dallas 71 34 26 11 79 201 203 Winnipeg 7 3 32 32 9 73 202 213 Nashville 72 31 31 10 72 173 213 Pacific Division GP W L OT PlsGF GA SanJose 7 3 4 6 18 9 101222 175 A naheim 7 1 4 6 18 7 9 9 228 180 L osAngeles 72 41 25 6 88 177 151 Phoenix 72 3 4 2 6 12 80199 205 Vancouver 73 33 30 10 76 176 196 C algary 72 3 0 3 5 7 6 7 183 211 E dmonton 72 25 38 9 5 9 178 236 NOTE: Twopoints for a win, onepoint for overtime loss. x-clinched playoffspot Monday'sGames Montreal2, Boston1,SO Ottaw a4,TampaBay3,SO Calgary2,SanJose1, SO N.Y.Rangers4, Phoenix 3, OT Los Angele3, s Philadelphia 2 Dallas 2,Winnipeg1 Today'sGames St. LouisatToronto,4p.m. Phoenixat Pittsburgh,4p.m. LosAngelesatWashington,4p.m. N.Y.IslandersatCarolina, 4 p.m. BuffaloatMontreal, 4:30p.m. Ottawa at Florida, 4:30p.m. Detroit atColumbus,4:30 p.m. Dallasat Chicago,5 p.m. ColoradoatNashvile,5 p.m. SanJoseatEdmonton,6:30p.m. WednesdaysGames Vancou veratMinnesota,4:30p.m. PhiladelphiaatN.Y.Rangers, 5p.m. AnaheimatCalgary,7 p.m.
DEALS Transactions BASEBAL L Major LeagueBaseball MLB —SuspendedTampaBayRHPAlexColome 50 games aftertestingpositivefor Boldenone. AmencanLeague BALTIMOR EORIOLES— TradedINFAlexGonzalez toDetroit for INFSteveLombardozzi. DesignatedC JohnnyMonellfor assignment. CHICAGO WHITESOX— Agreed to termswith LHPJoseQuintanaonafive-year contract. CLEVEL AND INDIANS— Optioned RHPTrevor BauerandRHPC.C.LeetoColumbus(IL). Reassigned INFsDavidCooper and BryanLaHair to minor league camp.GrantedRHPAaron Harang his unconditional release. HOUSTONASTROS — Optioned RHP Josh Zeid toOklahom aCity (PCL). ReassignedOFAdron Chambers andCReneGarciato minor leaguecamp. Released INFCesar Izturis. KANSASCITY ROYALS— OptionedOFJimmy Parede stoOmaha(PCL).AssignedRHPJonRauch andCAdam Mooretominorleaguecamp. MINNESOTATWINS — Optioned RHPs Ryan PresslyandMichael TonkinandCChris Herrmann to Rochester(IL). ReassignedLHPs Matt Hoffman and AaronThompson,RHPDeolis Guerra, OFWilkin RamirezandINFsDoug Bernier andDeibinsonRomero to minorleaguecamp. Granted RH PMatt Guerrier his unconditionalrelease. SEATTLE MARINERS— ReleasedRHPScottBaker. TORONT OBLUEJAYS — Optioned OFAnthony Goseto Bufalo (IL). Assigned0 MikeNickeasandINFs ChrisGetzandSteveTollesontominorleaguecamp. National League ATLANTA BRAVES— Optioned LHPRyanBuchterandOFsJoseConstanzaandJoeyTerdoslavichto Gwinnett(IL).ReassignedINFsTyler GreeneandTommy LaStella to Gwinnett. GrantedRHPFreddy Garcia his unconditionalrelease.Agreedto terms with RHP AaronHarangonaone-year contract. MILWAUKEE BREWERS — Waived 18/38 Juan Franciscofor thepurposeof giving himhis unconditional release. NEW YORKMETS— NamedLuis Nateraassistant hittingcoach.ReleasedRHPKyle Farnsworth. SANDIEGOPADRES— OptionedRHPJesseHahn to San Antonio (PCL). ReassignedCAustin Hedgesto minorleaguecamp. ST.LOUISCARDINALS— Optioned OF Randal Grichuktothe Memphis (IL). WASHIN GTON NATIONALS — Reassigned RHP BlakeTreinentominorleaguecamp. ReleasedCChris Snyder. BASKETB ALL National Basketball Association PHILADEL PHIA76ERS— SignedG CasperWare to a10-day contract. FOOTBALL
National Football League CINCINNAT IBENGALS— SignedCBR.J.Stanford. CLEVEL ANDBROWNS—Agreedtotermswith OL PaulMcQ uistan. PITTSBURGHSTEELERS — Si gned LB Arthur Moats toaone-yearcontract. SANFRANCISCO49ERS— Re-signedWRKassim Osgoodtoaone-yearcontract. HOCKEY
National HockeyLeague CAROLINAHURRICANES — Signed D Justin Faulk toasix-year contract extension. CHICAGO BLACKHAWKS—Agreedto termswith DTrevorvanRiemsdykonatwo-yearcontract. COLUMBUSBLUEJACKETS — Recalled D Tim ErixonfromSpringfield (AHL). ReturnedDFrederic St. Denis on loanto Springfield. DALLAS STARS—RecalledFDustin Jeffreyfrom Texas(AHL). ReassignedFChris Mueller toTexas. DETROIT REDWINGS—Recalled LWMitchCallahanfromGrandRapids (AHL). AssignedCLandon Ferraroto GrandRapids. FLORIDAPANTHERS— Reassigned LWGarrett Collegiate Baseball Wilson toSanAntonio(AHL). TUCSON, Ariz. —TheCollegiateBaseball poll with OTTAWASENATORS — ReassignedG Andrew records throughMarch23.Voting is donebycoaches, Hammond to Binghamton (AHL). sportswriters andsportsinformation directors: COLLEGE R ecord Pfs P r v BOWLINGGREEN — Named ChrisJansmen' s 1. Louisiana-Lafayette 22-2 49 3 6 basketballcoach. 2. SouthCarolina 1 9-3 49 0 1 BUTLER —Announcedmens' freshmanbasketbal 19-4 48 8 2 3. FloridaState FNolanBerry wil transferto another school. 18-4 48 6 4 4. Virginia CARSON-NEWMAN— Announcedtheresignation 20-5 48 5 3 5. Vanderbilt of men'sgolfcoachJohnMinor. 20-4-1 483 7 6. LSU DAYTON— Signedmen'sbasketballcoachArchie 17-5 48 1 8 7. Oregon Miller to a contractextensionthroughthe 2018-19 19-5 47 8 5 8. Oregon State season. 19-4 47 5 10 9. CalPoly GEORG EWASHINGTON—Grantedsophomore F 10. UCSantaBarbara 17-3 4 7 2 15 ParisMaragkoshisreleaseto transfer fromthemen's 17-6 46 8 9 11. Louisville basketballprogram. 21-4 46 6 16 12. Mississippi HOUSTO N—Announcedthe resignation of men's 13. CalStateFugerton 13-8 46 5 13 baske tballcoachJamesDickey. 19-6 46 2 21 14. Rice INDIANA —Announcedmen'ssophomorebasket19-6 46 0 19 15.Texas ball FsAustinEtheringtonandJeremyHollowell are 16. MississippiState 17-9 4 5 7 24 transferring. 17-7 455 17. Kentucky MINNES OTASTATE-MANKATO—Named Bryant 18. Houston 19-4 451 Black men'sassociateheadgolfcoach. PENN — Named M. GraceCalhounathletic direc19. Washington 16 - 5-1 4 50 20.Auburn 17-8 44 6 29 tor, effectivJul e y1. 19-4 44 3 14 21.Tennesse e SOUTHDAKOTA — Named Craig Smith mens' 22. Seton Hal 15-4 44 2 22 basketballcoach. 23. UCLA 14-8 44 1 23 WESTVIRGINIA— Announcedmen' ssophomore 24. NorthCarolina 1 5 - 8 4 3 8 12 basketball G EronHarris plansto transfer.
ames, os ea e a over azers The Associated Press MIAMI — Chris Bosh had
another postgame scream. For the Miami Heat, that was out-
standing news. LeBron J ames
ers lost in Chicago on Monday night. "I miss the Pacers," Bosh sald.
lanta to pull even with Dallas
for the final playoff spot in the Western Conference. Bulls 89, Pacers 77: CHICA-
Bosh finished with 15 points
GO — Taj Gibson led five plays c ored and Chris Andersen had 13 ers in double figures with 23 the last of his 32 points on a points and 11 rebounds for points and Chicago brushed layup that put Miami up for Miami, which won for just the off apoor offensive first half to good with 11.4 seconds left, fifth time in 12 games. Mario rally past Indiana. Bosh capped his 30th birth- Chalmers added 11 points for Thunder 117, Nuggets 96: day by blocking Damian Lil- the Heat. OKLAHOM A CITY — Kevlard's layup on the final play, Lillard led the Blazers with in Durant had 27 points and and the Heat blew a 17-point 19 points on 3-for-15 shooting. eight assists to help Oklahoma fourth-quarter lead before Mo Williams scored 17, Wes- City defeat Denver. beating the Portland Trail ley Matthews had 15, Nicolas Grizzlies 109, Timberwolves Blazers 93-91 o n M o n day Batum 11 and Robin Lopez 10 92: MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Mike night. for Portland, which was down Conley had 23 points and six "If you talk it, you back 17 with just more than 9 min- assists, Marc Gasol added 14 it up," James said. "That's utes remaining. and 12 rebounds and Memwhat it's about. We have guys Also on Monday: phis built an early lead and in here that will deliver the Spurs 113, 76ers 91: SAN easily dispatched short-handwords and then go back it up. ANTONIO — A u stin D aye ed Minnesota. That was big-time on his part." had 22 points and Tim DunPelicans 109, Nets 104: Bosh ripped into Miami can added 19 as San Antonio NEW ORLEANS — Tyreke after a loss at New Orle- earned its 14th straight win Evans scored a season-high 33 ans on Saturday, saying the with a victory that sent Phila- points and short-handed New Heat aren't playing with pas- delphia to its 25th consecutive Orleans rallied from 22 down sion, among other colorful loss. in the third quarter, beating sentiments. Rockets 100, Bobcats 89: Brooklyn. He screamed again Mon- CHARLOTTE, N.C. — James Pistons 114, Jazz 94: SALT day, this time in celebration as Harden scored 3 1 p o i nts, LAKE CITY — Andre Drumtime expired. Dwight Howard had a dou- mond had 19 points and 14 "This game's about pas- ble-double in his return to rebounds, and Detroit shot a sion," Bosh said. "As hard as it
the court and H ouston deis during the dog days to mus- feated Charlotte for its fourth ter it up, the spark has to come straight win.
from somewhere." Wednesday won't be one of those dog days. Miami visits Indiana with a chance to close within one game in the Eastern Conference race. The Pac-
Suns 102, Hawks 95: AT-
The Associated Press
g P'
BOSTON — M o ntreal coach M i chel T h e r rien w anted to c o ntinue h i s team's drive to the play-
offs more than to snap Boston's 12-game winning streak.
The Canadiens accomplished both. Alex Galchenyuk scored the only shootout goal, and the Canadiens got their fifth win in six games, 2-1 over the Bruins on Monday night. "It's
n ot a bout
t h eir
streak," Therrien said. "It's more about getting those two points and trying to
qualify for the playoffs." M ontreal t ie d T a m pa Bay fo r t h e t h i r d-most
season-best 55 percent to blow
by Utah. Clippers106, Bucks 98: LOS ANGELES — Blake Griffin
had 27points and 14rebounds, scored 20 points to lead five and the Los Angeles Clippers Wilfredo Lee I The Associated Press Phoenix players in double fig- made it consecutive 50-win Portland forward Dorell Wright goes up for a basket against Miami ures and the Suns won their seasons with a lackluster vic- center Greg Oden (20) during the first half of Monday night's game fourth in a row, beating At- tory over Milwaukee. in Miami. LANTA
Bruins' 12-game win streak ends with 2-1 loss
Eric B l edsoe
points in the Eastern Conference, but has played one more game. The Bruins fell one game short of their longest winning streak since 1970-71
and two shy of the club record set in 1929-30. But their one point from
the shootout loss moved them ahead of
EasternConference x-Indiana x-Miami d-Toronto Chicago Brooklyn Washington Charlotte Atlanta NewYork Cleveland Detroit Boston Orlando Philadelphia Milwaukee
W L 51 20 48 21 39 30 40 3I 37 32 36 34 34 37 31 38 29 4I 27 44 26 44 23 47 19 52 I5 56 13 58
Pd GB 718 696 2 565 11 563 11 536 13
W L 54 16 52 1II 50 21 48 22 45 26 44 27 42 2II 42 29 42 29 34 35 32 39 30 40 25 45 23 46 23 48
Pd GB 771 743 2
x-SanAntonio d-Oklahoma City d-L.A.Clippers Houston Portland Golden State Memphis Phoenix Dallas Minnesota Denver NewOrleans Sacramen to LA. Lakers Utah d-diyisionleader x-clinched playoffspot
san Antonio03, philadelphia91 Detroit114,Utah94 LA. Clippers I06, Milwaukee98 Today'sGames PortlandatOrlando,4 p.m. Torontoat Cleveland,4p.m. Oklahoma City atDallas, 5 p.m. NewYorkatLA. Lakers, 7:30p.m.
514 14i/a
479 17 449 19 414 2I'/2 380 24 371 24i/z 329 27'/z
268 32 211 36 183 38
704 4 1/2
686 6
634 9'/z 620 IO'/z
600 12 592 12'/z 592 12i/z
493 19'/~ 451 22'/z 429 24 357 29 333 3II'I~ 324 31'/~
Monday'sGames Houston100,Charlotte89 Miami93,Portland91 Phoenix102,Atlanta95
Chicago89, Indiana77 Oklahoma City117, Denver96 Memphis1II9,Minnesota92 NewOrleans109,Brooklyn104,OT
Heat 93, Blazers 91 PORTLAND (91) Batum4-8 0-0 11,Wright 2-7 1-2 7,Lopez3-6 4-410, Lillard3-1512-1419, Matthews6-150-015, Williams5-12 5-517, Leonard0-2 0-00, Robinson 3-52-28,6arton2-4II-04. Totals28-7424-2791. MIAMI I93) James13-236-932,Bosh5-103-615, Oden2-4 0-2 4,Chalmers5-90-011, Douglas0-30-00, Allen 3-10 0-Ij 8, Andersen 4-8 5-613, Cole4-10 0-II 8, Battier 0-20-00, Beasley 1-50-0 z Totals 37-84 14-23 93. Portland 25 17 19 30 — 91 Miami 22 24 26 21 — 93 3-point Goal— s portland 0-39 (Batum 3-1, Matthews3-11, Williams 2-6, Wright 2-6, Lillard 1-8, Barton0-1), Miami5-15 (Bosh2-3, Allen2-4, Chalmers1-3, James0-1, Cole0-2, Douglas0-2). FouledOut—None. Rebounds—Portland49 (Batum 10), Miami56(Andersen11). Assists—Portland 18 Nllard 6),Miami16(James5). Total Fouls—Portland 17, Miami24.A—20,030(19,600).
Clippers106, Bucks98 MILWAUKEE (98) Middleton2-100-04,Adrien4-0 6-614, pachulia 7-0 O-II14, Knight3-122-2 9, Sessions13-21 0-0 28, Henson4-5 2-510, Mayo3-7 0-08, Antetokoun mpo4-41-39,Udoh1-40-02.Totals41-85 11-16 98. LA. CLIPPERS (106) Barnes3-8 0-08,Griffin 10-197-927,Jordan3-4
W e stern
C onference-leading S t . Louis for the most in the
10, A.Anderson1-60-02, Thornton1-61-1 3,Teletovic 3-71-1 9,Blatche3-86-712,Gutierrez 0-20-0 0. Totals 33-9028-32104. 22-27 106. NEWORLEANS (109) Milwaukee 25 27 22 24 — 98 Aminu0-5 3-4 3,Davis 9-17 6-6 24,Stiemsma LA. Clippers 35 2 2 22 27 — 106 0-00-00, Roberts6-112-217, EvansI3-196-1033, Aiinca36006,Morrow4-120011,Rivers491-3 1II, BabbittI-52-25, MillerO-1 II-00, WitheyO-Ijo-0 pistons 114, Jazz94 0. Totals 40-8520-27109. Brooklyn 26 32 1 8 22 6 — 104 DETROIT (114) Smith4-92-412,Monroe9-150-018, Drummond Neworleans 20 22 31 2511 — 109 9-10 1-3 19,Jennings6-9 0-II 15,Singler2-5 0-0 5, Stuckey 8-16 2-2 19,Jerebko2-6 2-2 7, Bynum Bulls 89, Pacers 77 1-30-02,Caldw el-PopI4-94-513,Mitchell0-02-2 2, Datome1-10-02, Siva0-0Ij-00. Totals 46-83 INDIANA(77) 13-18114. George8-22 4-4 21,West4-12 6-6 14,Hibbert UTAH (94) 0-53-43, G.Hill 6-103-317,Stephenson3-91-1 8, Jefferson4-91-212, Favors I-52-84, Kanter6-12 Turner1-41-1 3,Mahinmi1-1 1-2 3, Copeland0-0 2-214, Burke6-15 3-415, Hayward10-19 9-1032, 0-0 0, Sloan2-4 0-0 4, Scola1-40-0 2, Allen1-1 Williams5-13II-0 u, Garrett2-70-04, Evans0-1 II-0 0-0 2, R.ButlerO-I 0-0 Ij, S.HIII 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 0, Lucas 1110-20-00, Thomas0-00-00, Clark0-02-2 27-7319-2177. 2,Gobert0-00-00.Totals34-831928 94. CHICAGO (89) Detroit 26 34 26 28 — 114 Dunleavy6-I2 0-013, Boozer3-10 3-3 9, Noah utaI 23 17 29 25 — 94 5-10 0-010, Hinrich7-132-218, J.Butler 3-10 5-6 12, Snell0-60-00, Augustin2-80-04, Gibson9-15 5-523,Mohammed0-00-00,Murphy0-00-00, Spurs113, 76ers 91 Shengelia0-Ij 000. Totals 35-8415-1689. Indiana 19 15 22 21 — 77 PHIULDELP HIA (91) 15 18 31 25 — 89 Thompson3-7 0-0 8, Young7-20 3-5 17,Sims Chicago 5-8 0-2 10,Carter-Wiliams5-20 5-7 17,Anderson 4-9 0-010,Wiliams6-70-214, Varnado0-00-2 0, Grizzlies109, Timberwolves 92 Nunnall0-3 y Ij-oo, Ware0-30-00, Mullens6-0 0-0 15. Totals36-888-1891. MINNESOT AI92) SAN ANTO NIO(113) Brewer6-102-315, Love6-182-216, Dieng5-10 Leonard6-9 2-2 15,Duncan9-12 1-2 19,Diaw 1-211, Rubio1-84-4 6, Martin5-13 3-413, Mu3-6 0-Ij 7, Joseph5-11 2-212, Ginobili 3-7 2-49, hammad1-50-02,Cunningham 4-71-1 9, Budinger Belinelli 2-7 4-4 9,Daye8-13 0-0 22, Mills 6-9II-0 3-92-29, Shved1-72-25,MbahaMoute0-1 0-00, 15, Ayres 2-31-2 5, Baynes0-20-00. Totals 44-79 Hummel 2-20 06. Totals 34-9017-20 92. 12-16113. MEMPHIS(109) Philadelphia 24 2 0 24 23 — 91 Prince6-110-II12, Randolph7-112-217, Gasol SanAntonio 31 2 9 29 24 — 113 6-13 2-5 14,Conley9-12 2-5 23, Lee0-1 0-0 0, Calathes1-4 Ij-II 2, Miller 4-8 1-1 11, Davis6-8 0-0 12, Johnson2-7 0-0 4, Koufos4-II 0-0 8, Pelicans109, Nets104 (OT) Udrih 2-3 0-0 4, Leuer1-2 0-0 2. Totals 48-91 7-13 109. BROOK LYs(104) Johnson4-146-615, Pierce7-166-624, Plumlee Minnesota 15 24 29 24 — 92 2-32-46, Williams8-174-423, Livingston 4-0 2-3 Memphis 30 27 24 28 — 109 0-0 6, Paul5-134-414, Collison5-92-415, Davis 4-61-2 9,Crawford4-114-413, Granger2-34-49, Dudley 2-3 0-05, Turkoglu 0-2II-0 0. Totals 38-78
Suns102, Hawks95 PHOENIX (102) Tucker3-61-2 8, Frye7-120-018, Plumlee0-3 0-00, Dragic8-152-219, Bledsoe7-153-420, Mark. Morris 6-94-417,Green4-64-413, Marc.Morris3-8 0-0 7, Smith0-00-II Ij, Len0-0II-0 0. Totals 38-74 14-16 102. ATLANTA (95) Carroll5-87-719,Milsap6-147-1019,Antic2-6H 5, Teague4107-717,Mack2-90-05, Brand2-50-04, Williams5-85-717,SchroderH0-00,Scott4-101-29, Muscal a0-20-00.Totals30-72274395. Phoenix 25 17 35 25 — 102 Atlanta 23 22 23 27 — 95
Rockets100, Bobcats 89
NHL with 104. " You can't wi n
12 in
a row and lose one in a
shootout and say, 'I'm re-
ally disappointed in my team,' " Boston coach Claude Julien said.
Boston was uncharacteristically undisciplined for the two periods then tied it at 1 with just two seconds
left on its sixth power play of the game. Dougie Hamilton's slap shot from the center of
HOUSTON (100) parsons3-0 3-411, Jones9-150-118, Howard 4-9 2-410, Beverley3-100-0 8, Harden11-19 5-7 31, Lin 4-60-210, Motieiunas2-5 0-04, Asik 1-2 0-02, Hamilton2-50-06. Totals39-8210-18100. CHARLOTTE (89) Kidd-Gilchrist1-4 4-5 6,McRoberts 5-10 0-111, Jeff erson8-174-620,Walker7-196-622,Henderson 5-132213, Zeller4 52210, Neal080 00, Douglas-Roberts2-6 3-37, Ridnour0-3 0-0 0, Biyombo 0-1 0-II 0.Totals 32-8621-25 89. Houston 25 29 24 22 — 100 Charlotte 24 26 18 21 — 89
the blue line deflected off
Thunder117, NIIggets 96
riod he made some huge
DENVER (96) Miller 4-103-512, Faried5-121-21I, Mozgov 5-8 2-3 12,Lawson5-11 13-16 25, Foye4-14 0-2 u, Fournier2-5 1-36, Arthur2-6 1-26, Brooks1-8 3-45, Randolp2-3 h 3 3 8.Totals 30-7727-40 96. OKLAHOMA CITY(117) Durant10-21 6-7 27, Ibaka7-15 0-0 15, Adam s 4-6 2-410,Jackson4-65-616, Roberson1-2 0-0 2, Butler IO-I90-023, Collison 4-51-210, Fisher2-4 2-2 7, Lamb 1-80-Ij 2, Jones2-2 Ij-0 5, Shakur0-1 0-00. Totals 45-8916-21117. Denver 24 34 15 23 — 96 Oklahoma City 4 13 1 18 27 — 117
Patrice Bergeron and past goalie Peter Budaj with 5:26 left in the third period.
It was Bergeron's 23rd goal of the season.
"We arevery confident with h i m b a c k t h e r e," Montreal forward B r i an Gionta said. "That first pesaves and even in the sec-
ond he made some big saves where they could h ave been back i n
game real quick." Also on Monday: Flames 2, Sharks1: CALGARY, Alberta — San Jose
clinched a playoff spot by getting apoint in a shootout loss to Calgary. Rangers 4, Coyotes 3: NEW YORK — Ryan Mc-
Donagh scored off a re-
bound of D a n G i r ardi's shot 1:56 into overtime,
DePaul punches ticket to Sweet16 withupset of Duke The Associated Press DURHAM, N .C. — Megan Ro-
BYU 80, Nebraska76: LOSANGELES Texas — Odyssey Sims scored 27 — Morgan Bailey tied her career high points in her final home game and
gowski scored 22 points and Megan with 18 points, Jennifer Hamson had 15 Baylor advanced to its sixth consecPodkowa added 18 to help DePaul points and 14 rebounds, and BYU held utive NCAA Sweet 16, taking over upset Duke 74-65on Monday night on to beat Nebraska, advancing to the in the second half for a victory over in the second round of the NCAA tournament.
Brittany Hrynko added 14 for the seventh-seeded Blue Demons (29-6). They earned their third appearance in the round of 16 by hitting 14 3-pointers and forcing second-seeded Duke into 21 turnovers with their high-pressure defense. Also on Monday:
Sweet 16 of the NCAA women's tournament for the first time since 2002. NOTRE DAME REGIONAL
Notre Dame 84, Arizona State 67: TOLEDO, Ohio — Natalie Achonwa
had 25 points and 11 rebounds, and top-seeded Notre Dame pulled away
in the second half for a victory over ninth-seeded Arizona State.
Baylor 76, California 56: WACO,
King scored a tiebreaking goal midway through the third period, leading Los Angeles to the win. Stars 2, Jets 1: DALLAS
relied on its smothering defense to pull to lead Oklahoma State past Purdue away from St. John's for a victory in the
— Ray Whitney and Tyler Seguin scored power-play goals and Dallas held off Winnipeg. Senators 4, L ightning 3: TAMPA, Fla. — Jason Spezza scored in regulation and had the only goal in a shootout, helping Ottawa end a six-game losing
and into the Sweet 16.
Kentucky 64, Syracuse 59: LEXINGTON, Ky.— Bria Goss scored 17 points and third-seeded Kentucky held off
No. 6 seed Syracuse. Oklahoma State 73, Purdue 66: WEST LAFAYETTE, Ky. — Brittney Martin had 20 points and 20 rebounds
see in the first round gave the Beavers their first NCAA win since 1995 and third in school
Continued from C1
After 14 seasons at Division III George Fox,
Stanford 63, Florida State 44: AMES, Iowa — Chiney Ogwumike had 19 points and nine rebounds, and Stanford broke open the game with a 30-2 run spanning the halves in a victory over Florida State in the second round
completing the New York Rangers' surprising rally. Kings 3, Flyers 2: PHIL-
Their NCAA tournament history is so limit-
of the NCAA women's tournament. LOUISVILLE REGIONAL
Tennessee 67, St. John's 51: KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Cierra Burdick had 21 points and 11 rebounds as Tennessee second round of the NCAAtournament.
the game. in the second round. The other 9 seeds to reach Staley said what happened a year ago in the the Sweet 16: Notre Dame, which beat Texas second round hasn't been discussed. Tech, in 1998 and Michigan State, which beat "I think we have a totally different team, one
Duke, in 2009.
Rueck was tasked with rebuilding a crumbling ed that the box scores take up only two pages that has proven that they can play with anyprogram. The school seriously considered in the team's game notes and include the hand body," Staley said. shelving the program for one season in an at- written boxes from Oregon State's first two Defending the 3: South Carolina is well
More than one: Wiese's scoring was enough against Middle Tennessee. The Beavers didn't need muchfrom others.Second-leading scorer
tempt to rebuild the foundation.
Jamie Weisner — who missed nine games with
trips in 1983 and 1984.
"I believed in it. I believed that (Rueck) would Rueck forgedahead during a challenging first season in 2011, leading the Beavers to a recruit the right people that could get the job 9-21record. The firstbreakthrough came a sea- done and here we are," Wiese said. sonlater,when Oregon Statewa s20-13andwas Here are five things to watch as the Gameselected for the Women's NIT. cocks and Beavers each try to reach the round
Even with a major step back in 2013, when the Beavers finished 10-21, Rueck knew win-
of 16:
aware it cannot play off Oregon State's perimeter shooters. The Beavers made 10 3s against
a hand injury — finished with three points. Middle Tennessee and are averaging 8.2 made Ruth Hamblin, Oregon State's 6-foot-6presence 3-pointers for the season. The Gamecocks are
in the middle, was in foul trouble and also had
giving up only 3.5 made 3s per game. "We're just going to have to hone in on their
just three points. Oregon State will need scoring from others
3-pointer shooters," South Carolina's Tiffany
against South Carolina.
Forget boulder: South Carolina seemed to Mitchell said. "That's where most of their proning was coming soon. Oregon State was land- have a clear path to the Sweet 16 last season. duction comes from. If we can eliminate that, ing players he assumed it would take many sea- After knocking off South Dakota State in the we should be fine." sons to get. first round, the Gamecocks faced 12th-seeded Nine lives: No. 9 seeds have not found much Sydney Wiese was one of those. She believed Kansas in the second round, the result of the success in the second round of the tournament, in what Rueck was selling, that the NCAA Jayhawks upsetting Colorado. going 3-45 all-time. One of those — Arkansas tournament was obtainable. Her career-high But Kansas pulled off a 75-69 win, holding in 1998 — reached the national semifinals but 26 points in the 55-36 win over Middle Tennes- the Gamecocks scoreless for the final2:52 of had the benefit of facing No. 16 seed Harvard
Home court: There was a noticeable lack of local connections when the NCAA unveiled its bracket for the Seattle site. Oregon State was
the closest thing to a local team. Beavers fans showed up for the first-round game, with orange the dominant color inside Washington's home arena among the crowd of 2,214.
C ou arss itatso a tourne in T e Da es Bulletin staff report
GON — The Bulldogs fell to 0-4 on the season
after losing 10-0 to Gaston in six innings and tain View defeat Century 11-8 in the Cougars' 14-4 to Union/Cove in five innings on the first first of two games at The Dalles Spring Break day of the Irrigon Spring Tournament. Culver Softball Tournament on Monday. struck out 17 times in the first game and finMountain View scored four runs in the first ished with just three hits. The bats woke up THE DALLES — A hot start helped Moun-
Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
inning, and three each in the second and third
against Union/Cove, however, as Shealene
innings to take a 10-4 lead. Hannah Wicklund was the winning pitch-
Little and Myra Lopez each went 2 for 3 for the Bulldogs. But Union/Cove put up eight
er and also went 2 for 4 at the plate with a
runs with two outs in the bottom of the third
triple and a run batted in. Carriann Elms was 2 for 2 with a triple for the Cougars,
inning en route to the 10-run victory. Culver resumes tournament play today at 10 a.m. against Irrigon.
and Jamie Withrow was 3 for 4 with three
and earned Crook County an 8:30 a.m. contest against Bonanza. Continued from C1 In Sisters' loss to Bend High, the Outlaws But Corbett capitalized on four pass balls to were paced by starting pitcher Haylie Hudson
singles. BASEBALL Mountain View lost its second game of the Panthers sweep on first day: HERMISTON day to Gresham, 12-0, in five innings. — Redmond won both its games at the PendThe Cougars (1-2 overall) face The Dalles/ leton/Hermiston Spring Break Tournament, Dufur today at 9 a.m. and Molalla at 11:30 a.m. beginning with a 9-0 shutout of Milwaukee In other Monday action: and capped by a 12-9 win over Sunset. RedSOFTBALL mond (3-1) will play Reynolds today in the Summit splits in Canby: CANBY — A 10- championship bracket.
score each run. Against Wilson, Reese fanned 12
run first inning helped the Storm secure a
Keely Brown connects with a pitch while playing Wilson during the Central Oregon Spring Break Softball Tournament at Skyline Field in Bend on Monday.
and Shayla Curtis, who were both 1 for 2 at the
batters. The Trojans, however, erased an 8-5 defi- plate. Sisters fell to Willamina 16-0 in its second cit with two runs in the sixth inning and another game of the day, which lasted only five innings. in the seventh before winning in the eighth. Hudson pitched three innings for the Outlaws Shelby Mauritson paced the Buffs (3-4) in the (0-4), who will pick up tournament action today second game with a 3-for-4 performance that at 8:30 a.m. against Marshfield. included two triples, a double and three runs Redmond High will play at 8:30 this mornbatted in. Elise Bagley was 2 for 3 with two dou- ing against Ashland after falling 4-2 to Wilson bles, Keely Brown went 3 for 4 with a double, and 27-2 to Cascade of Turner. Against Wilson, and Leah Buck finished with a 3-for-5 day at
Caitlin Ross drove in a run, as did Jeaneva
the plate. The two losses send Madras to an 8:30 Senko, who pitched a complete game with six a.m. contest today against Regis. strikeouts and no earned runs. In the Panthers' Crook County defeated Ashland 11-8 in second game, Ross had an RBI and Landry its first game of the day, but an 8-7 setback to Bloo doubled, but Redmond (0-5) allowed 19 Philomath dropped the Cowgirls to 3-1 overall hits to go along with 12 walks and a hit by pitch.
and Parkrose.
while Savannah Rose Walker finished with
Culver drops two at Irrigon tourney: IRRI-
a 148.
Continued from C1
Trailing South Eugene11-7
The cold, eternal ride from hell was in the rearview mirror. And it was well worth it
heading into the bottom of
for that dreamscape moment. Welcome to the springt he North Ri m o f
14-2 victory over McKay in four innings, but Sample second at Indian Creek: HOOD Summit allowed an 11-run inning in its sec- RIVER — Tr i n i t y L u t h eran's V i ctoria ond game as it fell 19-2 to Hillsboro at the Sample fired a 40 on her final nine holes Canby Tournament.The Storm's Brooke to help secure second place at the Horizon Frey pitched all four innings against McK- Christian Invitational at Indian Creek Golf ay, allowing just one run on two hits. All 11 Course. Sample's 88 was only bested by the Summit players who saw action scored a even-par 72 carded by Bree Wanderscheid run. Against Hillsboro, Jacqueline Manley of Goldendale, a two-time Class IA individhad an RBI double, and Brooke Lee logged a ual state champion in Washington who has run-scoring single. The Storm (2-3) continue committed to play golf at Washington State. action today with games against Sherwood Mariah Murphy had a 140 for the Saints,
a l l p r ep
seasons. Maybe it's the ex-baseballer in me. Maybe it's because I
was a spring baby (April birthday, for those curious). The reasoning behind it is unclear.
the seventh inning on Friday, Mountain View put up five runs without recording an out to rally past the Axemen 12-11 inthe Cougars' season opener. Brock Powell, who was 3for 3 for Mountain View, logged ahit in the seventh to bring the game-winning run in from second base.
But one thing is certain: Noth-
ing compares with this season. The snapping of gloves on the diamond complementing the crisp, refreshing smell of freshly cut grass. The crushing ping delivered at the tee box, the swing's soundtrack t railing the b al l d ow n t h e
fairway. The popping gun at the track soon followed by a
crowd's roar as sprinters near the finish line. The spring season is unmatched. I'll admit, there is a can't-
match quality that comes with fall's Friday night lights. You can only get the rumbling gyms in the winter. There is
PLAYERS OFTHE WEEK A pair of pitching tandems made the first week of the baseball season a memorable one.Culver's Adam Kneppand Mack Little combined to not only lift the host Bulldogs to a12-1 five-inning victory against La Pine last Tuesday but hold the Hawks hitless. Three dayslater at Eagle Point, Summit's Eric Rutherford and Derrick Stelle combined to throw a no-hitter in a14-1 win in five innings.
— as they look to improve on last season's second-round appearance in the Oregon High School LacrosseAssociation playoffs. It is all but certain we will
have our fair share of Central Oregon spring weather (rainouts, rain delays, rain, snow). But that does not detract from
what this season offers. It does not dim the sun splashing the sand-painted walls of the Grand Canyon. This is spring in Central Oregon. This is the North Rim of prep seasons. — Reporter: 541-383-0307,
230 210 00 — 813 5
Central Oregon Spring BreakSoflball Tournament At Skyline SporlsComplex, Bend Sisters 0 00 00 — 0 2 2 Bend 233 6x — 14 13 1
Redmond Wilson
200 000 0 — 2 5 4 012 010 x — 4 5 1
Cascade Redmond
I10)16 82 — 2719 1 001 01 —255
Willamina Sisters
223 36 — 16 NANA 000 00 — 0 NA NA
Ridgeview Marshrteld
200 421 0 — 9 103 000 000 0 — 0 3 3
Wilsonville Bend
022 000 0 — 4 6 2 203 012 x — 8 9 1
204 23 000 00
Madras Corbetl
010 100 0 — 2 4 4 202 000 x — 4 4 0
300 112 11 — 9 NA 0
me, but another MLB Hall of
Famer, Ernie Banks, summed it up best in 1986. "Spring training means flowers, people coming outdoors, sunshine, optimism and baseball," Mr. Cub told
the New York Times. "Spring training is a time to think about being young again." We have endured the long, frozen months of late fall and winter that consist of d ark
nights and, at times, dreary days. We have survived that
STAT OF THEWEEK Thirty. In its first action of the season, CrookCounty stormed past visiting Madras in a nonconference softball doubleheader on Saturday. TheCowgirls put up 16 runs in the first game and followed up with14 in the second to outscore the White Buffaloes 30-7 on the day. CrookCounty sprayed a total of 36 hits in the two games, including six apiece byJena Ovens and Kelsee Martin.
— 2 42
The DallesSpringBreakTournament Mountain View 433 001 0 — 117 5 Century 112 121 0 — 810 5
G resham 103 44 Mountain View 000 00
11 18 2 02 0
— 12132
Irrigon SpringTournament
CanbyTournament Maple StreetPark I10)01 3 — 143 1 010 0
101 0
Culver Gaston
000 000 — 0 3 3 230 401 — 107 0
110 02 — 4 8 4 308 21 — 1492
1 2 2
much more than that with the
spring. And again, it might be the former baseball player in
Summit McKay
1(11)3 4 — 19 9 2
Where Buyers And Sellers Meet Gassrfreds
I •
Hillsboro Summit
I '' I l
I • I
' /( /
. c"'
cold, eternal ride and have arrived at the North Rim. We can now exit th e c r amped time, it is the Summit girls sedan and prepare for that who soak up the spotlight. dreamscape memory. T he Storm, made u p o f Perhaps it is decorated with h eptathletes-in-training, n o t
state championship trophies. only seek an eighth straight Maybe it includes the stacked track and field championSisters High baseball team ships, they are looking to do that returns t h ree a ll-state it in record-breaking fashion. players, including University Behinddefending 3,000-meter of Oregon commit Joey Mor- champ Hannah Gindlesperggan. It would not be complete- er, all-around athlete Miranda ly out of left field (ba-dum-ch) Brown (who could compete in as the Outlaws have only trav- eventsranging from hurdles eled farther into the playoffs to javelin), junior sprinter Meeach ofthe pastfourseasons, gan Buzzas and middle-disculminating w i t h Si s t ers' tance runner Kaely Gordon, Class 4A semifinal appear- the Storm have their eyes set ance in 2013. on the all-time team points Baseball is a solid spring record. sport if state playoff runs St. Mary's of Portland holds are what you seek, especial- that mark — for now — which ly since five Central Oregon stands at 120.5 points set in teams have been to the semifi- 2010. The most Summit has nals of the 4A and 5A playoffs ever posted at a state meet was the past two seasons — two
112.5 in 2011. But the Storm's
eventually playing for and falling just short of state titles (Summit 2012, Bend 2013). Then again, no pinch-me moment is greater than what
depth and mix of all-around athletes has Summit coach
Dave Turnbull saying it is "by
far the best girls team we've ever assembled."
There is Summit junior teams have accomplished Madison Odiorne shooting for in recent years. For t h r ee a third straight 5A girls golf straight years, the Storm boys individual state championand girls have swept the Class ship, and there are the Bend 5A team state championships. High boys already cruising in While each are poised to re- the early goings — outscoring peat for a fourth consecutive their first two opponents 30-2 S ummit's t r ack
a n d fi e l d
qjIg)<ML ~ &• A e
• l
O» To look upindividual stocks, gotc seearecap in Sunday's Businesssection.
S&P 500
N ASDAQ ~ 5 0 40
TOdap Eye on home sales
The Commerce Department reports today how sales of new homes fared last month. New home sales bounced back strongly in January after slowing a month earlier. That raised hopes that the spring buying season would be off to a good start after a seasonal slowdown intensified by higher mortgage rates and severe winter weather. But economists predict sales slowed in February from January's pace.
New home sales
17,000" "1
1,850 ":.
16,500 "
16,000 " "
1,650 S'
StocksRecap Vol. (in mil.) 3,332 2,393 Pvs. Volume 4,939 2,942 Advanced 1 160 6 6 9 Declined 1955 1956 New Highs 65 46 New Lows 19 36
HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. 16380.51 16215.56 16276.69 -26.08 -4.80 DOW Trans. 7558.82 7448.71 7510.38 DOW Util. 524.71 519.56 522.78 +1.12 NYSE Comp. 10440.80 10319.27 10362.06 -30.16 NASDAQ 4289.49 4190.61 4226.39 -50.40 S&P 500 1873.34 1849.69 1857.44 -9.08 S&P 400 1387.18 1361.71 1369.29 -1 0.58 Wilshire 5000 20078.64 19786.30 19878.32 -128.75 Russell 2000 1196.70 1169.51 1178.23 -1 5.50
D .: J '13: '14
%CHG. WK MO -0.16% L L -0.06% +0.21% -0.29% -1.18% L -0.49% -0.77% -0.64% -1.30%
QTR YTD V -1.81% L +1 .48% +6.57% -0.37% L +1 .19% +0.49% +1.99% +0.87% L +1 . 25%
NorthwestStocks 0
All of the major market indexes fell Monday. Utilities and Telecommunications services were the only sectors in the Standard & Poor's 500 index to post gains. Health care companies were the loss leaders with a drop of more than 9 percent. Drugmakers were especially hard hit, extending a slump that began Friday when U.S. lawmakers scrutinized the pricing of a Hepatitis C drug made by Gilead Sciences. A fund that tracks biotechnology stocks fell nearly 3 percent. Pfizer lost 2 percent, the biggest drop in the Dow Jones industrial average. Investors will get new readings on consumer confidenceand home sales on Tuesday. Lions Gate Ent.
14500 S
' + +.14
Dow jones industrials
Close: 16,276.69 Change 2608 (02/o)
15,000" '
est. 449
$ 131120 ~ -24 80
Change: -9.08 (-0.5%) 16,040" ""' 10 DAYS "
+ -.25
... Close: 1,857.44
1,800' " ""'10 DAYS
seasonally adjusted annual rate
10 YRTNOTE ~ 273%
Ssrp 500
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
g pg
Close:$28.66%1.06 or 3.8% "Divergent" debuted with $56 million at the box office, extending the film studio's streak of blockbuster young-adult films. $35
J F 52-week range
M $37.81
J F 52-week range
$91.91 ~
M $ 168 .4 1
Vol.:6.9m (3.6x avg.) PE: 1 6.7 Vol.:2.0m (1.0x avg.) PE: 17 . 5 Mkt. Cap:$3.96 b Yie l d : 0.7% Mkt. Cap:$50.51b Yie l d: 3.4%
Lockheed Martin
Close:$158.19%0.79 or 0.5% South Korea selected the contractor's F-35 Lightning II aircraft for its F-X fighter program, following Israel and Japan. $170
KO Close:$38.40 V-0.04 or -0.1% Fund manager David Winters sent letters to the board and shareholder Warren Buffett, criticizing executive pay at the soda maker. $42
Nu Skin Enterprises
Close:$88.66 %13.66 or 18.2% China levied a light fine against the direct-seller of personal products for using unregistered sellers and unauthorized promotions. $150
Alaska Air Group A LK 50.31 ~ 93.95 91. 3 2 +. 5 6 +0.6 L L L + 24. 5 +4 7 .8 68 8 1 3 1 . 00f Avista Corp AVA 25.55 — o 30.34 30 .01 + . 1 1 +0.4 L L L +6.5 +16. 8 19 8 16 1. 2 7f Bank ofAmerica BAC 11 . 23 — o 18.03 17 .37 -.19 -1.1 W L L +11. 6 +3 9 .9114800 17 0 . 04 Barrett Business BB S I 4 8 .08 ~ 102. 2 0 6 1 .6 1 + . 10 +0.2 L V V - 33.6 +23.7 55 26 0. 7 2 Deal powered 40 Boeing Co BA 8 3 .80 ~ 144. 5 7 12 3.42 + .84 +0.7 L w v -9.6 +47.9 4425 21 2.92f 100 Walgreen's investments in other 38 Cascade Bancorp C A C B4 . 3 1 ~ 6.95 5.74 +. 1 1 + 2.0 L L L +9.8 -15.6 33 5 companies have paid off big for .79 -2.7 W L L +5 .3 +42 . 1 33 9 2 4 0 . 48f ColumbiaBnkg COL B 19.85 rr -30.36 28.94 D J F M D J F M the nation's largest drugstore Columbia Sportswear COLM 55.58 ~ 88. 25 81.62 -.95 -1.2 T W L + 3.6 +42 .3 1 3 6 3 0 1. 1 2f 52-week range 52-week range chain. Costco Wholesale CO ST 103.20 ~ 1 26.1 2 11 3.37 -.46 -0.4 V W V -4.7 +11.2 2340 2 5 1 . 24 $36.83~ $43 .43 $42.53~ $ 146 .56 Its stakes in European health Craft Brew Alliance B R EW 7.13 ~ 18.70 1 5. 5 1 -.08 -0.5 T W T -5.5 +108.4 6 1 cc Vol.:15.5m (1.0x avg.) PE : 20.2 Vol.:10.6m (3.5x avg.) PE : 1 8.1 and beauty retailer Alliance Boots FLIR Systems ~ F LIR 23.00 ~ 35.66 35. 1 9 +. 0 1 ... L L + 16 . 9 »3 7 .3 1 188 23 0 .40f Yie l d : 1.6% and U.S. pharmaceutical wholeHewlett Packard HPQ 19 . 07 — o 32.41 31 .63 -.32 -1.0 W L L + 13. 0 +4 5 .7 13034 12 0 .64f Mkt. Cap:$169.19 b Yi e ld:3.2% Mkt. Cap:$5.21 b saler AmerisourceBergen helped HomeFederal BncpID HOME 11.54 — o 16.03 15 .67 + . 07 +0.4 L L L +5.2 +32 . 0 30 dd 0.2 4 Apple AAPL Int'I CTRP Intel Corp I NTC 20.75 ~ 27.12 2 5.1 2 -.05 -0.2 V L V -3.2 +23.9 36390 13 0 .90 drive Walgreen's fiscal Close: $539.19L6.32 or 1.2% Close: $47.79 V-1.70 or -3.4% -.10 -0.7 V L L »6.3 +45 . 5 11629 15 0 . 2 2 Keycorp K EY 9 .29 ~ 14.70 1 4. 2 6 first-quarter earnings 68 percent The Wall Street Journal reported that The Chinese travel site became the L +10.3 +39 .4 2 6 31 1 5 0.66 K R 3 1 .52 ~ 45.25 4 3. 6 1 -.36 -0.8 V L higher. Investors find out today if Kroger Co the tech giant may be teaming up latest to suffer from questions about — o Lattice Semi LSCC 4.17 8 .00 7 . 6 5 + . 1 1 +1.5 L w L +39 . 3 + 3 5. 1 9 7 9 c c the deals provided a similar with Comcast to offer a streaming data security after an outside web-.06 -0.4 V V V -10.8 -24.7 1873 14 LA Pacific L PX 14.51 ~ 22.46 1 6 .5 2 video service. site pointed out flaws. earnings boost for Walgreen's +9.8 +39 . 7 52 0 2 3 0. 7 1 MDU Resources MDU 23 . 37 r-r 35.1 0 33 . 55 -.20 -0.6 W W L $600 $60 during its second quarter. MentorG raphics M EN T 1 7.06 ~ 24.31 2 2. 6 0 -.17 -0.7 V L V -6.1 +32.2 6 2 6 1 8 0 . 20f 550 50 MSFT 2 7.96 — o 40.94 40 .50 + . 34 +0.8 L L L +8.3 +46. 5 44785 15 1 . 1 2 WAG $64.31 Microsoft Corp 500 40 $70 V V Nike Inc 8 N KE 57.98 ~ 80.26 7 4. 8 6 -.35 -0.5 V -4.8 + 4 2.0 4 897 25 0 . 9 6 $45.81 NordstromInc J WN 53.36 ~ 63.72 6 1. 8 0 -.70 -1.1 V L ... +20.5 1301 17 1.32f D J F M D J F M 60 Nwst Nat Gas N WN 39.96 ~ 45.89 43.4 2 +. 5 1 + 1 .2 L L L +1.4 +1.9 122 20 1.8 4 52-week range 52-week range PaccarInc PCAR 47.12 — o 68.11 66 .63 -.76 -1.1 W L L +12. 6 +3 9 .3 1 994 20 0 .80a $385.49~ $5 25. 14 $18.87~ $61.59 50 Planar Systms PLNR 1.55 ~ 2.93 2.11 -.06 -2.8 T W T -16.9 -3.6 48 dd '14 Vol.:12.6m (1.1x avg.) PE : 1 3.4 Vol.:5.8m (1.1x avg.) P E: 55.6 Plum Creek PCL 41.21 o — 54.6 2 41 . 6 6 -.04 -0.1 v w v -10.4 - 13.4 835 3 1 1 . 76 40 Mkt. Cap:$480.95 b Yi e ld: 2.3% Mkt. Cap: $6.18 b Yield: ... Prec Castparts PCP 180.06 ~ 274. 9 6 25 0.05 -2.75 -1.1 V V V - 7.1 +31.1 6 1 0 2 2 0 . 1 2 Operating Safeway Inc SWY 22.26 ~ 40.25 3 7. 9 5 -.06 -0.2 V L L +16. 5 +5 3 .2 4 309 3 0. 8 0b Gilead Sciences GILD Ross Stores ROST EPS Schnitzer Steel S CHN 2 3 .07 ~ 33.32 28. 8 1 +. 0 3 +0.1 L L V -11.8 + 6. 3 3 0 4 dd 0 . 7 5 Close:$72.13%0.06 or 0.1% Close:$73.29%0.32 or 0.4% 2Q '13 2 Q ' 14 Sherwin Wms SHW 162.22 ~ 208. 6 3 19 8.57 -1.84 -0.9 V L L + 8.2 +19 . 9 50 9 2 7 2 . 20f The drugmaker's stock continued to The retailer was upgraded by RBC Price-earnings ratio: 2 3 L +2.1 +64. 9 10 3 13 1. 1 0f StancorpFncl SFG 40.32 — o 69.51 67 .66 -.05 -0.1 V L be pressured by an inquiry from law- Capital Markets as it managed to based on trailing 12 month results navigate a downturn in consumer StarbucksCp SBUX 56.15 ~ 82.50 7 5. 7 7 -.94 -1.2 V L V -3.3 +36.1 4743 3 2 1 . 04 makers about the high cost of its Hepatitis C drug. spending. ~ L L +5 8 . 0 +1 87.1 3926 dd TQNT 4.62 — O 13.62 13 .18 . .. Dividend: $1.26 Div.yield: 2.0% Triquint Semi $85 $75 UmpquaHoldings UM PQ 11.45— o 19.65 19 .03 -.04 -0.2 W L W -0.6 +47.3 9 3 3 2 1 0.60a Source: Factnet US Bancorp USB 31.99 — O 43.55 43 .32 + . 3 0 +0.7 L L L +7.2 +30. 9 10828 14 0 . 9 2 80 70 WashingtonFedl WAF D 15.79 — o 24.53 23 .75 -.28 -1.2 W L L +2.0 +39 . 5 19 4 1 6 0. 4 0 75 Wells Fargo & Co WF C 3 6 .19 — o 49.97 48 .98 -.14 -0.3 V L L +7.9 +35. 5 19278 13 1 . 2 0 Calmer seas? Weyerhaeuser W Y 2 6.38 ~ 33.24 2 9. 2 3 -.06 -0.2 w w w -7.4 -2.0 2498 25 0 . 88 D J F M D J F M 52-week range 52-week range Carnival's latest quarterly $44.76~ $84 .88 $58.65~ $81.99 earnings should provide insight DividendFootnotes:8 - Extra dividends werepaid, but arenct included. b -Annual rate plus stock. c - Liquidating dividend. 8 -Amount declaredcr paid in last t2 months. f - Current Vol.:29.2m (2.4x avg.) PE: 3 9.9 Vol.:1.8m (0.9x avg.) PE:1 8 . 7 into how the cruise ship annual rate, whichwasincreased bymost recentdividendannouncement. i —Sum cf dividends paidafterstock split, ro regular rate. I —Sumcf dividends paidthis year.Most recent Mkt. Cap:$110.95 b Yield : ... Mkt. Cap:$15.75 b Yie l d: 1.1% operator's bookings are faring. dividend wasomitted cr deferred. k - Declared or paidthis year, acumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m — Current annualrate, which wasdecreasedbymost recentdividend announcement. p — Initial dividend, annual rate nct known, yield nct shown. r —Declared cr paid in preceding 12 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approximate cash The company, due to report SOURCE: Sungard AP value on ex-distrittuticn date.PEFootnotes: q —Stock is 6 clcsed-end fund - nc P/E ratio shown. cc —P/Eexceeds 99. dd - Loss in last12 months. fiscal first-quarter financial results today, is beginning to win back InterestRates NET 1YR passengers after two rough years. TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK Mo QTR AGO In 2012, the Contra Concordia ran aground near Italy, while other 3 -month T-bill . 0 5 .05 ... L W .07 Diners who use the online delivery services other brands include MenuPages and Allmenus. ships were beset by mechanical 6-month T-bill . 0 8 .07 + 0 .01 L L W .10 GrubHub and Seamless, will soon be able to invest Grub H ub processed more than 135,000 combined problems and fires early last year. in their parent company. GrubHub Inc. plans to raise daily average orders in 2013. The company's 2013 52-wk T-bill .12 .12 .12 Carnival eked out a small profit in up to approximately $177.9 revenue totaled $137.1 million, up 67 2-year T-note . 4 4 .43 + 0 .01 L L L .26 its fourth quarter. Did it stay in the million from its initial public The yield on the percent from the previous year's 5-year T-note 1.73 1.71 +0.02 L L L .80 black in the first quarter? 10-year offering, increasing the offering's $62.3 million. 10-year T-note 2.73 2.74 -0.01 L T V 1.93 Treasury note expected size from $100 million a GrubHub said in its Monday filing 30-year T-bond 3.56 3.61 -0.05 V V w 3.15 fell to 2.73 month ago. with the Securities and Exchange Source: Factaet
GrubHub raises size of IPO: '::" SU HIS
The company was founded in 2004. In August it completed a combination with rival Seamless for an undisclosed amount. Its
Commission that it is offering 4 million shares while selling stockholders are offering about 3 million shares.
percent Monday. Yields affect rates on consumer loans.
Barcl aysLongT-Bdldx 3.39 3.42 -0.03 W BondBuyerMuniIdx 4.78 4.79 -0.01 L GrubHub • Expected to list on the New York Stock Exchange, under the ticker "GRUB" Barclays USAggregate 2.41 2.44 -0.03 L PRIME FED Barclays US HQ: Chicago, III. • Anticipates selling 7 million shares, priced between $20 and $22 per share High Yield 5.31 5.34 -0.03 w RATE FUNDS Moodys AAA Corp ldx 4.39 4.44 -0.05 L AP Source: FactSet YEST3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.93 1.91 +0.02 L 6 MO AGO3.25 .13 Barclays US Corp 3.14 3.17 -0.03 L 1 YRAGO3.25 .13 AmdFocus SelectedMutualFunds
W W W w w W W L L L W
2.85 4.15 1.9 0 5. 6 5 3. 9 3 1.09 2.7 8
PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK FUND N AV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR BYR 1 3 5 AmericanFunds BalA m 24.4 8 - . 8 6 +0.8 +15.6 +11.9+16.3 A A A CaplncBuA m 57.71 -.88 +0.1 +9.9 +8.9+13.4 8 A C CpWldGrlA m 44.99 -.11 -0.4 +17.7 +10.0+16.5 C C D EurPacGrA m 48.23 +.88 -1.7 +15.2 +5.9 +14.6 A 6 8 SiriusXM 1356218 3.26 -.09 FnlnvA m 51. 1 8 - .24 -0.3 +21.6 +12.7+19.4 C D C BkofAm 1148002 17.37 -.19 GrthAmA m 43.31 -.32 +0.7 +25.7 +14.1+19.2 8 C D S&P500ETF 1112740 185.43 -.77 Longleaf Partners Intl LLINX IncAmerA m 20.73 -.85 +1.2 +12.9 +10.8+16.3 8 A A Facebook 849588 64.10 -3.14 InvCoAmA m 36.92 -.14 +1.0 +23.8 +13.7+18.2 A C D iShJapan 740551 10.92 +.04 VALUE B L EN D GR OWTH NewPerspA m37.19 -.88 -1.0 +18.8 +10.8+18.3 8 6 C PwShs QQQ 719967 88.22 -.78 WAMutlnvA m39.58 -.11 +0.8 +22.3 +15.2+19.8 8 A 8 iShR2K 629896 117.26 -1.35 SPDR Fncl 545824 22.39 -.01 Dodge &Cox Income 13.82 +.81 +2.1 + 2 .4 + 4.7 +7.6 A 6 B AT&T Inc 532353 34.46 +.16 IntlStk 42.89 +.12 -0.3 +21.0 +8.0+19.0 A A A MktVGold 528128 24.33 -1.20 Stock 170.96 -.55 +1.2 +28.3 +16.6+23.5 A A A Fidelity Contra 96.17 - 1.20 +1.1 +25.3 +15.1+20.5 C 8 B Gainers GrowCo 122 . 69 -1.67+2.9 +31.7 +16.9+24.0 A A A NAME L AST C H G %C H G LowPriStk d 49.86 -.13 +0.8 +23.9 +15.3+24.0 B A B Fideli S artan 500 l dxAdvtg 66.11 -.32 +0.9 +21.8 +14.8+20.7 C 8 B DirGMBear 2 4.75 + 4 . 2 7 +2 0 .8 NuSkin 88.66 » 13.66 + 1 8 .2 «C FrankTemp-Franklin Income C m 2. 49 .. . + 2 .8 + 11.7 +9.1+16.6 A A A Microvisn 2 .39 +.37 +18 . 1 52 IncomeA m 2. 4 6 ... +2 . 9 + 11.9 +9.6+17.1 A A A Versar 4 .09 +.49 +13 . 6 Oakmark Intl I 25.69 -.87 -2.4 +18.4 +11.2+22.4 A A A DirDGdBr s 2 3.91 + 2 . 8 2 +1 3 .4 DO Oppenheimer RisDivA m 19 . 75 -.16+0.3 +17.2 +12.3+16.8 E D E DB AgriSh 2 9.82 + 3 . 4 2 +1 3 .0 RisDivB m 17 . 67 -.14+0.1 +16.2 +11.3+15.7 E E E Morningstar OwnershipZone™ IntrCloud n 8 .25 +.90 +12 . 2 RisDivC m 17 . 56 -.14+0.2 +16.4 +11.5+15.9 E D E MillerEnR 5 .78 +.58 +11 . 2 OeFund target represents weighted SmMidValAm 45.16 -.25 +2.0 +24.8+11.0+20.5 B E E PeapkGI 2 2.05 + 1 . 9 5 +9. 7 average of stock holdings SmMidValB m38.84 -.22 +1.8 +23.7 +10.1+19.5 B E E USANA 7 2.97 + 6 . 2 7 +9. 4 • Represents 75% of fund's stock holdings T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 32.9 1 - . 86 +0.2 +17.7 +13.1+20.6 D C B Losers CATEGORY Foreign Large Blend GrowStk 52.6 1 - . 64 +0.1 +30.8 +16.6+22.2 A A A NAME LAST CHG %CHG MORNINGSTAR HealthSci 61.5 5 -1.47+6.5 +42.7 +29.5+30.6 B A A RATING™ * * N N N Newlncome 9. 4 1 .. . + 1 . 8 -0.3 +3.6 +6.1 D C D -.84 -23.8 22ndCentry 2.69 Aastrom rs 5.08 -1.41 -21.7 ASSETS $1,869 million Vanguard 500Adml 171 .19 -.84 +0.9 +21.8 +14.8+20.7 C 6 8 -21.2 I deraPhm 4 . 7 9 -1.29 500lnv 1 71. 2 0 -.84 +0.9 +21.6 +14.6+20.6 C 6 8 EXP RATIO 1.29% DirGMnBull 21.88 -5.68 -20.6 CapOp 4 8.65 -.43 +5.3 +31.8 +17.1+22.6 A A A MANAGER T.Cobb -3.33 -16.1 ArrowRsh 17.37 Eqlnc 29.90 -.81 +0.5 +18.2 +16.0+21.0 D A A SINCE 201 0-05-01 IntlStkldxAdm x27.19 -.13 -2.2 +9.4 +3.7 NA D D RETURNS 3-MO +2.2 Foreign Markets StratgcEq 3 1. 1 0 -.30 +3.7 +30.2 +18.0+26.8 A A A YTD +1.1 TgtRe2020 27 . 34-.86 +0.8 +11.4 +8.7+14.6 A A B NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +21.1 Tgtet2025 15. 8 7 -.83 +0.8 +12.8 +9.3+15.7 8 A C -58.94 -1.36 Paris 4,276.34 3-YR ANNL +6.4 TotBdAdml 10 . 68+.81 +1.7 -0.2 +3.6 +4.8 C C E London 6,520.39 -36.78 -.56 5-YR-ANNL +15.1 Totlntl x 1 6.2 6 -.87 -2.2 +9.3 +3.6+14.3 D E C Frankfurt 9,188.77 -154.17 -1.65 TotStlAdm x 47.10 -.50 +1.3 +22.9 +15.0+21.7 8 A A Hong Kong21,846.45 +409.75 +1.91 TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT -.50 Melco International Development Ltd. 7.34 TotStldx x 4 7. 8 8 -.49 +1.3 +22.7 +14.8+21.6 8 6 A Mexico 39,821.71 -200.02 Milan 20,626.58 -345.66 -1.65 USGro 2 8.97 -.28 +1.0 +25.8 +15.6+20.3 8 A C 6.75 Tokyo 14,475.30 +251.07 +1.77 Cheung KongHoldings, Ltd. Welltn 38.43 -.83 +1.3 +13.7 +11.1+15.4 8 A 8 6.68 Stockholm 1,335.50 -15.93 -1.18 Lafarge SA Fund Footnotes: b -Feecovering marketcosts is paid from fund assets. d - Deferredsales charge, cr redemption 6.14 fee. f - front load (salescharges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually amarketing feeandeither a sales cr Sydney 5,362.10 +8.10 + . 15 OCI N.V. Zurich 8,198.02 -91.74 -1.11 Royal Philips NV 5.33 redemption fee.Source: Mcrningstar.
Longleaf Partners Int'I is one of the top performing foreign largeMarhetSummary blend funds over the last year Most Active and its 5-year record ranks in the NAME VOL (80s) LAST CHG top 20 percent of its category.
The price of oil rose slightly Monday after a key transit route in the Gulf of Mexico was closed following an oil spill. Among metals, gold and silver fell. Corn edged higher.
Crude Oil (bbl) Ethanol (gal) Heating Oil (gal) Natural Gas (mmbtu) UnleadedGas(gal)
Foreign Exchange
MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6495 -.0000 -.00% 1.5228 Canadian Dollar 1.1 1 94 -.0016 -.14% 1.0227 USD per Euro 1.3837 +.0042 +.30% 1.2983 JapaneseYen 102.23 + . 0 2 + .02% 9 4 . 45 Mexican Peso 13. 1875 -.0160 -.12% 12.3778 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.4734 -.0069 -.20% 3.6553 Norwegian Krone 6 . 0175 -.0368 -.61% 5.8074 South African Rand 10.8357 -.0566 -.52% 9.3084 Swedish Krona 6.3 9 75 -.0268 -.42% 6.4935 Swiss Franc .8809 -.0016 -.18% . 9 411 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar 1.0957 -.0047 -.43% . 9572 Chinese Yuan 6.1959 -.0294 -.47% 6.2170 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7571 -.0016 -.02% 7.7636 Indian Rupee 60.800 -.120 -.20% 54.346 Singapore Dollar 1.2710 .0028 -.22% 1.2481 South KoreanWon 1077.41 -2.62 -.24% 1118.50 -.02 -.07% 2 9.91 Taiwan Dollar 30.57
The U.S. dollar fell against the euro, but rose against the pound and the Yen. The ICE dollar index, which measures the strength of the U.S.
currency against six currencies, declined.
55Q QD
Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 99.60 99.46 + 0.14 + 1 . 2 2.95 2.86 -1.22 +54.5 2.91 2.92 -0.29 -5.4 + 1.1 4.28 4.31 - 0.86 2.89 2.91 - 0.58 + 3 . 8
CLOSE PVS. 1311.20 1336.00 20.04 20.29 1431.20 1436.00 2.99 2.99 795.35 788.75
%CH. %YTD - 1.86 + 9 . 1 - 1.20 + 3 . 6 - 0.33 + 4 . 4 -0.15 -13.1 +0.84 +1 0.9
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 1.44 1.44 + 0.10 + 7 . 2 Coffee (Ib) 1.76 1.71 +3.07 +59.4 Corn (bu) 4.90 4.79 +2.30 +1 6.1 Cotton (Ib) 0.91 0.93 - 2.87 + 7 . 1 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 333.40 335.00 -0.48 -7.4 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.51 1.53 -1.11 +1 0.9 Soybeans (bu) 14.26 14.09 + 1.19 + 8 . 6 Wheat(bu) 7.15 6.93 +3.07 +1 8.1 1YR.
BIZ CALENDAR TODAY • Social Security and Your Retirement: Learn to maximize your Social Security benefits; registration suggested; 6 p.m.; Mid OregonCredit Union,1386 N.E.Cushing Drive, Bend; 541-382-1795. • Professional Enrichment Series: BendChamber of Commerce; learn trends human resources will encounter in 2014 concerning paid sick leave, the Affordable CareAct, time off, social media ban, minimum wageand direct deposit; registration required; $25 for members; 11:30 a.m.; BendGolf and Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-382-3221 or www. WEDNESDAY • Business After Hours: Tower Theatre Foundation; celebrate the10th anniversary of the Tower's reopening; registration required; free; 5 p.m.; TowerTheatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-382-3221 or www. APRIL2 • Digital Liability in a Regulated World, Risks and Solutions: Learn about the growing liability involved with accessing and handling private information; registration required; free; 9-11:30 a.m.; Mt. Bachelor Village Resort ConferenceCenter, 19717 Mount Bachelor Drive, Bend; 541-389-5900 or seminar. • Business Startup Class: Learn what it takes to run a business, how to reach your customer base, funding options, money needed to get started and legalities involved; registration required; $29; 6-8 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building, 1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7290. APRILB • Boot Camp: Central Oregon Regional Council of the Community Associations Institute; Topics: impacts of the Federal Fair Housing Act impacts on your HOArules, the great reserve debate and running your board meetings according to the law; registration required; $25 for members, $40 for nonmembers; 8 a.m.-noon; The Oxford Hotel,10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend;541382-8436, contactus© or www. APRIL19 • Marketing 101: Learn to create a Facebookpageand use social mediato market your product; registration required; $50 perfarm/ ranch, one timefee; 9 a.m.-noon; Central Oregon Community College Crook County OpenCampus, 510 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-480-1340 or tcfo
What:Poltex What it does: Makes plastic products for laboratories and hospitals and other clients. Pictured: Co-owners Danielle y Filipowicz, her husband, Paul Where: 217 S.W.Pumice Ave., Redmond Employees: Two Phone: 541-636-0802 Email: Wehsite:
news OA 0 I'OI1 Andy Tullis/The Bulletin
By Joseph Ditzler The Bulletin
Job growth in Central
BS 1C ~ ':,"';,","" • are very exciting things going on right now. We just signed a distribution agreement with ThermoFisher Scientific, a large laboratory products distributor.
or a ivin By Joseph Ditzler• The Bulletin
REDMOND — Poltex, a startup and maker of plastic organizers and holders went from a California garage to a 'Ibmalo barn to a Redmond industrial park in the course
do you Q •• What enjoy about creating your own business? ~ ff~ We • Paul: • don't do heart transplants or rocket ships, but people get so excited about our products. II
of a dozen years. Along the way, its founders discovered their knack for business
and howtheycomplement one another. "I love to build," said Paul Filipowicz. His wife andbusiness partner, Danielle Filipowicz, handles the books, "and everything else," induding Excel spreadsheets."I'm terrible at it," Paul said. "I keep Paul sane," Danielle said.
They remain sole partners, sole owners and the only employees of Poltex, which started as Paul's cre-
ative outlet when the couple lived in San Jose, Calif. At the time, Paul
worked in a hospital, performing genetic diagnostic tests on blood samples by day and in his spare time fashioning acrylic creations. Their direction took a turnwhen Paul built an acrylic box frame and created a ~ P a nther glitter
that organized workspaces and made life easier. "Fifty, 60,90percent of people have an idea at the back of their minds," Paul said. "That little thing
that's buggingthem, we were able to do."
His hobby morphed in 2001 to a side business that grew steadily, fueled by it profits. But the four-hour
Bay Area commute, the time away from his family and the repetitive nature of his day job soon prompted the couple to a decision.
"As a result, improvements
to the unemployment rate slowed in February with slower hiring than typically expected this time of year," he wrote in a monthly unem-
ployment report. Central Oregon posted gains in employment last year, and in January led the state in creating jobs. But in February, jobs were lost in Central Oregon that economists expected would be gained. Deschutes County, for example, lost 230 jobs, according to Runberg. It was expected to gain 190. The county's unemploy-
The rate dipped while actual jobs were lost because the two measures result from
Park West, just west of Redmond
different surveys: unemployment is a household survey;
Airport. Inside is a brand new automated router than can quick-
kin holders for area restaurants,
'Hey, I made something from nothing,'" Paul said.
Crook, Deschutes and
Jefferson counties all posted seasonally adjusted job losses in February, according to Regional Economist Damon Runberg.
to state data.
barn. In February, they moved into the 1,800-square-foot shop at Aero
"This is the point where I said,
called it the Mona Lisa frame job for the Pink Panther. Some who
dipped, although not a statistically significant amount.
percent in January to 8.4 percent in February, according
lo, where Paul set up shop in their
saw it asked for one like it, he said.
poster aspresentsforhisw ife.He
recorded in all three counties
ment ratedropped from 8.6
They moved it/z years ago to Danielle's parents' home in'Ittma-
lyproduce thepartsPaulonce cranked out by hand. Since moving to Central Oregon, Poltex has produced acrylic and polycarbonate cup and nap-
Oregon halted in February, according to data released Monday by the Oregon Employment Department, and unemployment rates
employment numbers come
from businesses, Runberg said Monday. It's possible when numbers are within
their respective margins of errortooverlap,heexplained. In fact, the numbers of jobs
literature and equipment holders
lost in Deschutes County
for Bend Memorial Clinic and a ro-
represented less than one half of l percent of the total
Later, he made a simple device for loadingtest filters in the hos-
tating guitar display for Breedlove Guitar Co., among its many other
pital lab where he worked, and it improved productivity. Word got aroundand other departments asked him to make things: file
customers. The Filipowiczes ex-
not exceed the margin of
pect to grow with local labor and be around a long time, they said.
error in computing the unemployment rate, so the result
surveyed. That number does
is statistically insignificant,
— Reporter:541-617-7815,
holders, equipment holders, items
Runberg said. "Especially at the local level, growth is real people getting hired and real companies deciding to hire," he
said. "Every month is not the same. It's to be expected that
we see periods of slower or faster growth."
Deschutes County • Hayden HomesLLCto Alden A. andShereeN. Lorimor, Aspen Rim, Lot 111, $269,139 • Jennifer L. Edinger to Shawn and SarahWoods, Salmon Run, Lot12, $195,000 • Joann and David Jeffers to Victoria V. Childress, Woodriver Village, Lot 7, Block18, $200,000 • Jean E. Passage, as trustee for the JeanE. Passage Trust, to Linda M. Addington, Star Bright Estates, Phase 2, Lot 27, Block1, $190,000 • Susan Kokkeler to Carol A. and Alfred C. Munson, Awbrey Park, Phase1, Lot 14, $595,000 • Roger L. and Carol A. Freed to Timothy S. and Victoria A. Zetwick, Tillicum Village, Third Addition, Lot10, Block9, $237,500 • David R. and Linda E. Simpson to John and LynnMontang,Ridgeat Eagle Crest 57, Lot159, $213,000 • PacWest II LLC to PENSCO Trust Company Custodian fba for Scott A. Bedbury IRA, Eagles Landing, Lot 42, $285,617 • Douglas R. McCafferty to John H. andPatricia R. Rosicky, Bridge Creek Village at BrokenTop, Lot 6, $359,900 • Donald L. Jones Jr. and Debra G. Jones to Larry
By Larry Neumeister
of money and was arrested.
The Associated Press
And it was a renunciation
former employees of imprisonedfinancier Bernard
Madoff were convicted Monday at the end of a sixmonth trial that cast them
as the long arms of their boss, telling an elaborate web of lies to hide a fraud that enriched them and
cheated investors out of billions of dollars. The trial was the first
to result from the massive fraud revealedin December
2008 when Madoff ran out
F. and Patricia J. Wolf, Awbrey Butte Homesites, Phase13, Lot 7, Block10, $580,000 • Steven S. andGail A. Merydith to Cyndi L. Williams, Providence, Phase 5A, Lot19, Block5, $279,000 • James E. andPatricia J. Petersen, trustees for the Jim and Patti Petersen Revocable Trust, to Amelia L. Cookand Richard A. Wathen, Fifth Addition to West Hills, Lot19, Block 5, $475,000 • Jim A. and Kelly L. Ivelich to Kruse Family Development Company LLC, Partition Plat199170, Parcel 2, $515,000
of Madoff's claim when he pleaded guilty to fraud charges in March 2009 before trial that he acted
serving a 150-year prison sentence, "seemed to have a split personality." Evidence showed him showering employees, friends and some select customers with
favors and riches while he
"The evidence was just overwhelming," juror Craig Parise told reporters as he left the courthouse.
Another juror, Sheila Amata, said she hoped
"this brings some level of closure" to the victims. She added that the "facts spoke for themselves" in the case and that Madoff, who is
• Gordon Phillips to Audrey L. and Kenneth J. Patchett, trustees for the Patchett Revocable Trust, Terrango Crossings, Phase 2, Lot 28, $200,000 • Ronald R. and Ingrid I. Reimers to Stephen C.and Patricia A. Gette, Double R. Estates, Lot 3, Block 2, $180,000 • Inn Oregon Investments LLC to Pine Ridge Inn Bend LLC,Partition Plat 2010-7, Parcel1, $1,860,000 • Peter H. and Karen Dahlquist to John W.and Janet L. Butler, Chestnut Park, Phase2, Lot71, $200,000
• Ryan C. Rhea, trustee for the RheaFamily1984 Revocable Living Trust, to Steven K. andRobin R. Chappell, Mountain High, Lot 6, Block12, $310,000 • James B. Koons to Barry P. and Judy S.Valder, Golf Course Estates at Aspen Lakes, Phase 2, Lot 51, $855,000 • Pahlisch Homes Inc. to Shelley A. Brower, McCall Landing, Phase1, Lot 67, $222,000 • Charles H. and Patsy P. Christopher, trustees for the Charles andPatsy Christopher Revocable Trust, to Beau 0. and Blaire H. Rummel, Aspen Rim, Lot13, $445,000
plundered the investment accounts of others. The case focused on five
people who prosecutors said helped Madoff carry out the fraud.
Each was convicted of conspiracy to defraud clients, securities fraud and
falsifying the books and records of a broker dealer.
• Jacen and Amanda Bogen to Barbara S. Gilmore, Diamond Bar Ranch, Phase 3, Lot112, $169,500 • Suntrust Mortgage Inc. to George W.andLavonne F. Landers, Atop the Summit, Phases1 and 2, Lot 9, $325,000 • Douglas and AnneD. Thompson to DuaneC. andLindaWilson,Nasu Park, Lot 3, Block1, Township 17,Range 12, Section 22, $159,000 • Hayden HomesLLCto Andrew T. andGrace H. Rothrock, Village at Cold Springs, Phase 4,Lot 96, $210,348 • Bruce D. andSusan
Crook County posted a 10.7 percent seasonally adjusted unemployment rate
in February, down from 10.9 percent in January. Jefferson County recorded a 9.6 per-
cent jobless rate in February, down from 9.7 percent in January. Crook County lost 30 jobs, seasonally adjusted, in a month in which it typically gains 10; Jefferson County lost 20 when it normally gains 50, according to the report. — Reporter: 541-617-7815,
L. Barkerto Kenneth C. Walker, Paladin Ranch Estates, Lot11, Block 2, $255,000 • John B. and JaneT. Lehrer to Todd S.and Terri L. McKillop, Fourth Addition to Stage Stop Meadows, Lot 38, $235,000 • Pahlisch Homes Inc. to Cory R. Darling and Molly Wells, Bridges at Shadow Glen, Phase1, Lot 35, $419,950 • Pahlisch Homes Inc. Gregory A. Wheatfill, Stonegate P.U.D., Phase1, Lot 34, $306,000 • Ashley Q. Gesmeto William A. andPeggy L. Stacy, Justin Glen, Phase
3, Lot 52, $197,000 • Rebecca Mallon to Mark J. and Tracey G.Moore, Northwest Townsite COS Second Addition to Bend, Lot1, Block 34, $415,000 • Meryl E. Koester to Seashelter Properties LLC, Township17, Range12, Section 34, $159,139.06 • Audrey Colker to Seashelter Properties LLC, Township 17, Range12, Section 34, $159,139.06 • Irene Colker, trustee for the Irene Colker Intervivos Trust, to Seashelter Properties LLC,Township 17, Range12, Section 34, $723,359.37 • SFI Cascade Highlands
BRIEFING Disney to buy YouTube channels Disney said Monday that it is buying YouTube channel operator Maker Studios for at least $500 million as the family entertainment giant aims to stay in front of younger audiences whoare increasingly watching short videos online. The Walt DisneyCo. could pay up to $450 million more in bonuses if Maker meets performance targets, the company said. The purchasewill give Disney ownership of 55,000 channels — including Epic RapBattles of History and makeup expert Amy Pham's The Fashion Statement. Combined, Makerhas 380 million subscribers and generates 5.5 billion views per month.
Box files for IPD Online storage provider Box is the latest
rapidly growing Silicon Valley company seeking to strike it rich in the
stock market. The Los Altos, Calif., company took its first step toward making its market debut with a Monday filing for an initial public offering. Box Inc. indicated it hopes to raise $250 million in its IPO,although that figure usually changesasinvestment bankers gauge investor demand. The documents didn't seta price range for the shares or how much stock will be sold. Box says more than 25 million registered users store documents and other content on its service. Thecompany lost $169 million on revenue of $124million last year.
Apple, Comcast reportedly in talks Apple Inc. is reportedly in talks with Comcast Corp. to provide high-quality, streaming television content through the AppleTV box, the latest sign of the Cupertino, Calif. tech giant's continued interest in changing how we watch TV inthe same way the iPhone changed the way weuse cellphones. Negotiations are in the early stages, and many challenges remain to complete the deal, anonymous sources told the Wall Street Journal. The partnership would essentially take the place of the traditional cable set-top box and allow users to stream live andon-demand TV programs and digital-video recordings stored in the cloud to all their Apple devices. It would also provide a high-quality streaming service andnotsuffer the hiccups or buffering that can happenwhen streaming Webvideo, according to the Journal report. — From eire reports
Inc.toThomas M.and Teresa V.Baldwin, Tetherow, Phase 3,Lot 164, $275,000 • Patrick S. and Theresa J. O'Learyto Stacy M. Trapanese, Ramsay Estates No. 2, Lot 5, Block 1, $136,000 • Hackbarth Builders Inc. to Michael R. andPatricia C. Long, NorthWest Crossing, Phase17,Lot 777, $559,789 • Hillsdale College, trustee for the Richard H. and Carol M. Gatley Charitable Remainder Unitrust, to Eric D. andAmy L. Knapp, Skyliner Summit at Broken Top, Phase 3, Lot10, $277500
IN THE BACK ADVICE Ee ENTERTAINMENT W Food, Recipes, D2-3 Martha Stewart, D3 Home, Garden, D4 THE BULLETIN • TUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2014
Transform vases
for spring By Linda Turner Griepontrog For The Bulletin
You've probably got some in the back of
your cabinet or under the sink — those clear, rather nondescript vases that come with flower
deliveries. They come in a variety of shapes
re' ir •
and sizes, but there's
nothing really fun about
them once the blossoms
have faded. Yet for most of us, they're too good to throw away. If you
don't have any, look for some at your local thrift or dollar store. Then it's
time to put onyour creative hat to give them a
By Marielle Gallagher
new persona.
The Bulletin
Painting glass
o add a bit of organization and style to a garden
Even though it's a
nonporous surface, glass can be easily painted with the right
plot, try creating your own series of plant markers.
choice of paint. Whether you want something transparent and stained-
glass looking, a little frosty, mirror-like, metallic or simply full-color coverage, there's a paint just right for the job. You can even use chalk-
starts and then migrate to the garden when it's time. To
The plastic labels that come with plant starts or the paper seed packets probably won't hold
po l y urethane.
up in the garden and don't add much in the way of design
— Reporter: 541-383-0361,
aesthetics. So we dreamed up some fun creations using
board paint if you want
materials that were easy to acquire or were already lying
to write on the surface to label the flowers in the
around the house.
Y Chalk it to me
vase or offer up a greeting in chalk. Look for a spray paint for easy coverage, although you can apply glass paint using a brush or even a sponge for added texture.
broccoli, but it's fun to label the rows, especially if any
Read the paint label
plot. And plant labels can be made now to mark your
before purchasing to be sure it is applicable to glass; otherwise it may simply chip off.
w a t erproof these creations, apply a layer of spray-on clear
We doubt the strawberry patch will get mistaken for
children (or novice gardeners) will be scoping out the
What you'll nuud:Chalkboard paint, objects that can be painted, chalk, tongue depressors, wood glue. How to make: This method will work with any object that you want to paint and use in the garden, from wooden or silver spoons retired from the kitchen to the lid of a canning jar. Wefound wooden shapes sold in a single package at alocal craft store for $3.99 andpainted them with water-based acrylic chalkboard paint by Martha Stewart, which wepicked upfor $5.99. After the first coat dried, we applied asecondgenerous coat. When it was completely set, we adhered the shapes to thetop of the tongue depressors with wood glue. Tofinish, we wrote the plant name inchalk.
See four additional markerstyles onPage04
No matter how you
plan to beautify the vases, it's important to thoroughly clean the glass using soap and water and let the vases
dry completely before you apply paint. Vases can also be run through the dishwasher, but if
there's any residue, use alcohol or glass cleaner to create a sparkly
shine. Create a protected work surface covered
in plastic or paper. For spray-painting, consider taking the project out-
doors. All paint should be applied in a well-ventilated area.
When spray-painting, stuff the vase with
paper or plastic to avoid having any overspray land on the inside of
the opening. For easier holding, insert a dowel into the open end to hold onto as you invert the
vase and paint it upside down. Or, simply place the vase upside down on your work surface. See Vases /D4
Rob Kerr i The Bulletin
Spring into newrecipesfor seasonalproduce By Alison Highborger For The Bulletin
harbingers of spring. We wondered how the
It's the sixth dayof spring, and while Central Oregon s-1-
California drought will affect produce availability and prices
o-w-1-y morphs from winter to
here, and we wanted to find out
warmer weather, signs of the new season are showing up in
what to look forward to in the way of fruits and vegetables this spring. We got the lowdown on spring produce from Rob Winnenberg,produceteamleader at Bend's Whole Foods Market, Rob Schmitt, produce manager at C.E. Lovejoy's Brookswood
the produce sections of local
grocery stores. Goodbye rootvegetables (just for a while), and hello artichokes, peas, asparagus, mangoes, rhubarb, tender microgreens and dozens of other
Market,and Melvin Herburger, owner of Melvin's Fir Street Market in Sisters. Because a new season
ry-Chocolate Cobbler. Of course, in our High Desert climate, local spring
deserves new recipes to highlight its fresh flavors, we gath-
from local greenhouses, with the bulk of our fruits andvegetables coming from California and Mexico. The Willamette Valley and Washington provide some of our later spring produce, and then, finally, Central Oregon blooms, grows and delivers. SeeSpring/D2
ered a bunch for you: Steamed
Artichokes with Creamy Walnut Dip; Pea and Asparagus Soup; Spring Greens, Onions and Chives with Herb Butter-Radish Toasts; Spring Vegetable Saute; Braised
Stuffed Morels; and Strawber-
TODAY'S RECIPES Pua andAsparagusSoup:This spring soup is excellent served hot, but also tasty cold,D2
produce starts to arrive first
More springrecipes: Braised Stuffed Morels, Strawberry-Chocolate Cobbler, SteamedArtichokes with CreamyWalnut Dip, Spring Greens, Onions andChiveswith Herb Butter-Radish Toasts, D2; Spring Vegetable Saute,D3 Roasted Rabbit with OlivesandFeta: An easy recipe, D3 Recipe Finder:Rice Krispies treats find a homein ice cream bars, D3
Next week: Homemade croutons open a world of possibilities
Braised Stuffed Moreis Makes 4-5 servings as afirst course, or10-12 as a side dish. When morels are inseason, theyare the most luxurious of the mushrooms to stuff. Their pouchlike shapemakes it seem as if this wastheir destiny. Lookfor large morels, about 2 to 3inches long and1~/2inches wide. Theshape is also important. Plump round morels will be easier to stuff than flat ones.
i r/
Continued from 01
Spring fruih On the fruit side, cham-
pagne mangoes and sumo 5 oz morels (23 to 27) 3 TBS plus 2 tsp unsalted butter 2 TBS finely chopped fresh 2 oz Brie cheese, rind removed, 1 Ig shallot (2 oz), finely tarragon roughly chopped chopped 3/4 tsp kosher salt ~/2 C dried breadcrumbs or ~/4 C finely chopped fresh Freshly ground black pepper store-bought (see note) parsley to taste Trim the stems from the morels; finely chop the stems. Reserve thestemsand caps separately. Process the Brieandbreadcrumbs in afood processor until well mixedand resembling arough dough. Reserve. Melt the 2 teaspoons of butter in a small frying pan over low heat. Add the shallot. Cook until soft and translucent, for about 5 minutes. Add the chopped morel stems. Cook for 2 minutes. Add the parsley and tarragon. Cook for1 minute. Transfer to a mediumbowl. Add the breadcrumb mixture to the shallot-herb mixture. Season with '/4 teaspoon salt and a generous amount of pepper. Mix well. With a demitasse spoon, ice tea spoon or other small spoon, stuff the morels, packing the mixture in gently; do not break the morels. Melt the remaining 3 tablespoons butter in the smallest frying pan that will hold the morels comfortably in a single layer. Add the morels; turn to coat in butter. Sprinkle with the remaining~/2teaspoon salt. Cook over low heat for about13 minutes, occasionally turning to cook all sides. Add 3 tablespoons of water. Cookfor 2 minutes, or until the morels are tender andthe stuffing melted. Note:To makeyour own dried breadcrumbs, allow day-old white bread or Italian bread to dry overnight (put slices in a single layer on a tray). Pulse the dry bread in a food processor. Store in a tightly covered jar or in a brown paper — not plastic — bag. — "Vegetable Love"by BarbaraKafka,Artisan, A Division of WorkmanPublishing, /nc., 2005
mandarins are in, and the first berriesof the year — straw-
berries — aren'tfarbehind. "Champagne mangoes are a favorite spring item for me and many people. They come from Mexico and are an excellently flavored mango, super sweet, and the texture is nice
and dense, not fiber-y, and they have a small pit," said Winnenberg. He told us that on April 11,
Whole Foods is having a oneday sale on champagne mangoes for 69 cents each. "That's a r eally special price. They can be as much as $3.99 each at the beginning of the season, and then vary to
about $1.50 each. On that Friday, there's no limit, and you can get a case discount of 10 percent, too," Winnenberg sard. If you don't know how to
cut a mango, the National The Associated Press file photos Mango Board has a help- Green peas, morel mushrooms, fiddlehead ferns and rhubarb are ful video: just some of the seasonal delights that will be making their way to how-cut-mango. local markets in the coming weeks. Winnenberg suggested dicing up a bunch of mangoes when they're attheirpeak and Steamed Artichokes with Creamy Walnut Dip freezing them for smoothies, sauces or whatever you like Makes 4 servings. throughout the rest of the year. A simple mixture of toasted walnuts and sherry vinegar provides a rich Sumo mandarins are avail- yet good-for-you dip for the artichoke leaves. Removethe leaves and dip able now for a short timeinto walnut vinaigrette, using your teeth to scrape the meat found on the just until early April. They're inside of the artichoke leaf. Makesure to removethefuzzy choke from the a cross between a mandarin center of the artichoke before eating the heart. and a California navel orange, so they're big and easy to peel. Juice of 1 lemon 1 tsp Dijon mustard They're expensive at $3.99 4 Ig artichokes 1 clove garlic per pound, and each sumo 1 C toasted walnuts 2 TBS chopped fresh chives mandarin can weigh nearly 1 TBS sherry vinegar one pound, but Winnenberg thinks they're worth it. Fill a large bowlwith water andlemonjuice. Stir well. Cut the stemsfrom "They're over-the-top sweet the artichokes to sit flat on your work surface. Peel stems with a paring and really juicy without being knife. Transfer artichokes and stems to bowl with lemon water. Working messy. They don't squirt juice with one artichoke at atime, carefully use aserrated knife to cut off the top all over the place," he said. third of the artichoke, then use scissors to clip off and discard sharp leaf If you're a citrus lover, you'll points, returning eachartichoke to the lemon water as youfinish. Andy Tullis i The Bulletin Pea and Asparagus Soup is adelighfful way to sample fresh spring produce. be interested to know that C.E. Fill a large pot with water to a depth of 1 to 2 inches. Cover and bring Lovejoy's Brookswood Mar- to a boil. Uncover pot and arrange trimmed artichokes, bottoms up, in a ket has a new orange juice single layer. Add stems around artichokes. Cover pot, reduce heat to memachine. dium low andsteam until tender, 20 to 40 minutes. Cooking time will vary Pea and Asparagus Soup "The only ingredient is or- greatly depending on the size of the artichokes. Whenthe leaves pull out Makes 6 servings. ange juice. A quart of fresh- easily and the base can be pierced with a knife, they're ready. Drain well Peas, asparagus and atouch of cream and dill make this soup perfectly festive for spring. It's excellent served squeezed juice — 32 ounces and transfer to a large platter. hot, and you canalso enjoy it chilled. — is $5.99, and a 64-ounce Meanwhile, place walnuts, vinegar, mustard and garlic in a blender container is $7.99," Schmitt with 5 tablespoons of water and process until smooth. Add 1 or 2 more 1 TBS unsalted butter 1 Ig (1 Ib) bunchasparagus, 1 tsp fine sea salt told us. tablespoons water if needed to achieve a smooth consistency. Stir in If you're in the mood for a 1 Ig onion, diced trimmed, 2 stalks reserved for 1 TBS lemon juice chives. Serve artichokes andstems warm, with walnut dip on the side. 2 celery stalks, thinly sliced garnish, the remainder sliced ~/4 Cheavy cream(optional) new apple, there's still time Nutrition information per serving:240 calories (150 from fat), 17 g 4 garlic cloves, finely chopped 2 C green peas, fresh or frozen 2 TBS finely chopped fresh dill to experience the Opal apple total fat,1.5 g saturated fat, 0 mg cholesterol,170 mg sodium, 21 g carcrop from Washington state. bohydrate (11 gdietary fiber, 2 g sugar), 9 g protein. — www.wholefoodsmar/ret com In a large saucepan, melt butter over medium heat. Add onion, celery and garlic. Cook, stirring frequently, They're $2.79 per pound at until vegetables soften, 6 to 7minutes. Stir in 5 cups water, sliced asparagus and peas. Bring to aboil, lower heat C.E. Lovejoy's, and occasionand simmer until asparagus is very tender, about15 minutes. ally go on sale for $1.49 per Working in small batches, pureesoup in ablender. Strain the soup through asieve, pressing down on any sol- pound, Schmitt told us. Spring Greens, Onions and Chives with Herb "It's the best apple I've ever ids with the back of a spoon to remove asmuch liquid as possible. Pour it back into the pot. Placeover medium Butter-Radish Toasts heat until just simmering. Stir in salt and lemonjuice. had. It's like a Fuji, but way Run a vegetable peeler over the reserved asparagus stalks, making asparagus ribbons. Ladle the soup into sweeter and super crunchy. Makes 6 servings. I've worked in produce for 15 For me, this dish is the essence of springtime. The salad would make a bowls and drizzle the top of eachwith a little cream, if using. Top with a few asparagus ribbons and dill. Nutrition information perserving (about1 cup): 130 calories (50 from fat), 6 g total fat, 3.5 g saturated fat, years, and I'd never seen one wonderful bed, nestled beneath roast chicken or grilled sausages. The 20 mg cholesterol, 460 mg sodium, 16 g carbohydrate (5 g dietary fiber, 6 g sugar), 5 g protein. before. Opals look like Golden rich toasts, eaten out of hand, complete the peasant-style meal. — www.wholefoodsmarket com Delicious, and, to be honest, —JesseZiffCool they don't look like much, but
when you bite into it — wow, 1~/2 Ibs mixed salad greens: phenomenal," said Schmitt. sweet, bitter and spicy
Strawberry&hocoiate Cobbler Makes 6 servings. This standard cobbler recipe makes good use of the first fresh fruit of spring: strawberries. I like to serve it warm with vanilla ice cream and hot fudge sauce.
Our produce experts told us they're not seeing dramatic in-
creasesin pricesfrom California's drought. "It won't be long before anything from California will be up in price. Luckily for us here in Central Oregon, we start — JesseZiffCool getting greens from all over Oregon, and there's plenty of
~/2 C (1 stick) unsalted butter /4 C unsweetened cocoa
BookS & MuSiC
powder 1 Csugar
2 C whole grain pastry flour
2 tsp baking powder 1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 C milk 1 pint strawberries, hulled and sliced
Worthy Brown's Daughterby Phil Margolin 3 29 14 g 5 PM
Friday's Harborby Diane Hammond 4614@5PM
1he Dismal Scienceby Peter Mountford 412 14@5PM
Vhe Enchantedby Rene Denfeld 41914@5PM
Hibernateby Elizabeth Eslami 42614@5PM Author Events are free, with light refreshments, drawings for prizes.
More information at Sign up to attend,call 541-593- 2525, e-mail or stop by Sunriver Books tk Music.
Impact of drought
1 TBS tamari or soysauce 2 TBS brown sugar
2 garlic cloves, minced 2 green onion, thinly sliced ~/2 C (1 stick) unsalted butter, softened
2 TBS chopped fresh tarragon 1 sm loaf whole grain Italian bread, cut diagonally into12 slices about1 inch thick and toasted 6 radishes, thinly sliced Salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Wash and dry the greens and put them in a large mixing bowl. In a small bowl, combine the oil, vinegar, tamari or soy sauce, brown sugar, garlic and greenonions. farming in the Willamette ValIn another small bowl, combine thebutter, chives and tarragon. Spread ley, so we're not going to get the bread slices with the herb butter. Arrange the radishes on top and scorched too badly on prices season with a little salt and pepper. here," Winnenberg said. Season the greenswith salt and pepper and moisten to your liking with the vinaigrette. (Refrigerate the remaining vinaigrette for up to 2weeks.) Asparagusandmorels Mound the salad on alarger platter or individual plates. Serve with the Melvin's Fir Street Market toasts. in Sisters specializes in selling — "Simply Organic: ACookbook for Sustainable, Seasonal, andLocal Ingredients" locally grown and produced by JesseZif fCook ChronicleBooks,2008, goods, from produce and meat to soaps, candles, coffee and the like. The 2/2-year-old earlier this year since it seems are purported to have higher market and deli uses local like it's been a little bit wetter levels of nutrients than normal produce suppliers Rain Shad- for us, and warmer. Those are greens. ow Organics and Mahonia $15 to $20 per pound," HerLocal basil, grown in Bend Gardens. burger said. High School's greenhouse, "Anything that's produced Whole Foods' Winnenberg is available at various local within a 50-mile radius, we said his store will carry mo- grocery stores, including C.E. try to have it in the store," Her- rels when it gets them from Lovejoy's Market. "We're excited about it, burger said. Alpine Foragers. Fiddlehead Herburger has a f r i end ferns will alsobe available this since it's super local and helps bringing in fresh asparagus spring. the life skills kids at Bend "Saute either in a pan with High," Schmitt said. from California each week. It sells for $1.99 per pound. some oil or butter and salt and Sales of the basil ($2.59 for "It's far superior to anything pepper, and a little garlic: very a.75-ounce bag) go to help run grown in a regular truck gar- simple, but good. Medium heat the greenhouse, and pay for den. Since it's locally grown for three or four minutes until field trips for the developmenby a small farmer, he cuts it they're a little tender," Win- tally disabled students in the fresh, and the sizes vary. I nenberg said. life skills program.
Preheat the oven to 350. Combine the butter, cocoa and '/4 cup of the sugar in a 3-quart glass baking dish. Place in the oven for 3 to 5 minutes to melt the butter. Remove from the oven and stir until well blended. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, combine the flour, baking powder, cinnamon and the remaining /4 cup sugar. Add the milk and stir until the mixture is smooth. Spoon over the melted butter mixture, but do not stir. Scatter the strawberries on top. Bake for 45 to 55 minutes, or until a wooden pick inserted in the center comes out clean. Let bunch it up with several sizes, stand for15 minutes before serv- from thin to thick in there, and ing. sell it by the pound," Herburg— "Simply Organic:A Cookbook for Sustainable, Seasonal, and Locallngredients"by JesseZiff Cook,Chronicle Books, 2008, www.
/3 C extra-virgin olive oil 3 TBS balsamic vinegar
2 TBS chopped fresh chives
Microgreens and local basil
M icrogreens, which a r e er said. the young seedlings of edible Morel mushrooms will be vegetables and herbs that are available i n l o ca l m a r kets harvested lessthantwo weeks around mid-April. after germination, will make "They're weather depen- an appearance in produce dedent. The morels might be partments this spring. They
Artichokes Look for
a r tichokes in
April. The first ones are usual-
ly labeled "frost-kissed" since a light frost creates brownish markings on the leaves. Don't
be fooled by appearances. Continued next page
a um
oo in to e wit a co
cl I
First consider a few A •• Yes. key characteristics when
choosing what sauce to pair with your pasta: weight, texture and toothsomeness. Your
STEWART By Melissa Clark New Yorh Times News Service
pasta shape and sauce should
Of all the things that supposedly taste like chicken, rabbit is
the most convincing.
A en soup can help alleviate
iron skillet?
you notice an A •• When e roded f i n ish f r o m acidic foods or rust from improper s t orage, y o u'll need to reseason your pan,
Can chicken soup re- share at least one of these at- says Mark Kelly of Lodge • ally cure a cold? tributes — delicate pasta like Manufacturing.
• While it won't cure a • cold or the flu, chick-
Rabbit has a similmly gentle flavor that readily absorbs pungent seasonings — the more, the
pastina should be served with
Allergy and Infectious Diseases' Respimtory Diseases
art Living test-kitchen staff's
symptoms, accordingto a re-
merrier. But it also has an earth-
cent study at the University
ier, sweeter taste than poultry,
of Nebraska Medical Center, in Omaha. Teresa Hauguel
and a more delicate texture. It
cooks a lot faster, too. When it's done just right, rabbit is terrific. So why don't many people make rabbit at home? Availabilityis one factor. Rab-
of the National Institute of
Branch cites the study, which pairings: says common chicken-soup Pastina:chicken broth ingredients may have anOrecchiette: broccoli and ti-inflammatory properties sausage that inhibit the movement of Fusilli:basil pesto neutrophils, cells that cause Rigatoni:Bolognese cold symptoms. Spaghetti:carbonara Linguine:clams
bits can be hard to find. I got
mine frozen from a butcher in Brooklyn, but it took some hunting. Then there's price. Compaml with chicken, rabbits can be expensive.
Choosing the right pasta shape
This wasn't always the case.
At one point in U.S. culinary
Reseasoning cast-iron skillets
• Are s o me p a s ta
history, mbbits — fecund little
creatures that are easy to raise — were nearly as common as
First remove any rust with
broth or a light sauce; textured steel wool, and rinse the pan shapes, such as fusilli, can with warm water. Then rub catch a chunky sauce in their vegetable oil on it and bake nooks and crannies; pasta it upside down on the middle with bite, such as orecchiette, rack in a 350-degree oven for stands up to hefty ingredients. 1 hour. (Place a sheet of foil Below are a few popular pasta on the lower rack to catch any shapes and the Martha Stew- drips.)
do I know if I need Q •• How to reseason my cast-
• shapes best suited for
certain sauces?
Store the pan i n
a c o ol,
dry place. To clean after use, rinse with warm water and a
scrub brush (no soap). Place it on the stove over low heat for a few minutes, until dry. Oil
pan, if necessary. Repeating this often will maintain the
seasoning. — Questions of generalinterest can be emailed to mslletters@ For more information on this column, visit
chickens. But at some point, we seemed
to lose our taste for them. Maybe it was the influence of Bugs
Andrew Scrivani/New York Times News Service
Bunny, or their rising preva- The quick-preparation route to rabbit involves pan-searing it in lence as fluffy little pets. Or per- herbs, followed by a brief roast in the oven with wine, lemon, olives haps they just didn't fit in well and feta to give it a Greek touch. to the
A '60s sweet, throughandthrough
f a ctory-farm-to-super-
market system. What was once humble fare in many parts of Roasted Rabbit with Olives and Feta the country has become fancy restaurant food. Makes 2 to 4servings. The thing about rabbit is that,
although we aren't used to cookingit, it isn't at allhard to do. You can go one of two ways: Either cook them quickly in plenty of fat (rabbits have lean meat) until browned but still juicy inside, or stew them slowly until the flesh softens into velvet.
In this recipe, I go the quick route. Ipan-sear pieces of herb-marinated rabbit until they
1 3-Ib rabbit, cut into 8 pieces (ask butcher to do this)
1 TBS chopped fresh rosemary 2 tsp chopped fresh oregano 6 garlic cloves, crushed and
peeled 2 tsp kosher salt, more to taste /2 tsp black pepper /2 C white wine, not too dry,
1 TBS extra-virgin olive oil 5 thin slices lemon, seeded /4 C pitted calamata olives, halved 4 TBS unsalted butter, cut into
pieces 4 oz feta cheese, preferably French, crumbled
such as riesling
By Julie Rothman
peanut butter ice cream.
The Baltimore Sun
Barbara Block of Berrien
Springs, Mich., was searchSuzy Urick from Crownsing fora recipe for Rice ville, Md., is looking for a recKrispies treat ice cream ipe for a spicy mini-muffin bars that she said were cookie that her mother used to very popular in the 1960s. make around Christmas. She Rose Barnes of South
remembers that her mother
Bend, Ind., sent in a recipe bought the filling in a jar — she that she started making thinks it was likely mincemeat years ago with her children — and that she baked them in a and now enjoys making mini-muffin pan. The coloring with her grandkids. She was on the dark side and they was sure it was the one
Place rabbit pieces in a large bowl and toss with rosemary, oregano, finish by briefly roasting in the garlic, salt and pepper. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and let stand at oven. Some butter, a little wine room temperature for1 hour. and a few lemon slices help creHeat oven to 400degrees. In asmall saucepan over medium heat, simate a pan sauce, while handfuls mer wine until reduced byhalf. of chopped olives, crumbled feta Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add rabbit pieces and and some fresh oregano give garlic in a single layer andcook until meat is golden brown, 3 to 4 minutes this dish a vaguely Greek feel a side. (If the garlic gets too dark before the rabbit is finished browning, without actually resembling put the garlic on top of the rabbit to keep it from cooking more.) any traditionally Greek recipe Put lemon slices, olives andhalf the butter into the pan. Pour in reduced that I'm aware of. wine. Cover and transfer to oven for 5 minutes. Uncover and scatter feta When the rabbit's out of the over top. Continue cooking until rabbit is just cooked through, 5 to10 minoven, there will be just enough utes more. Stir in remaining butter and moresalt if needed, andserve. sauce on the bottom of the skillet to slick abowl of eggnoodles, some polenta or a baguette, all This is a good dish to make lenging as chicken in terms of of which would go well on the for company because it's exotic flavor. Just don't try to pass this slde. and surprising, yet as unchal- bunny off as abird. are well browned all over, then
What are thebasicsof brining chicken?
RECIPE FINDER Looking for a hard-tofind recipe or cananswer a request? Write to Julie Rothman, Recipe Finder, TheBaltimore Sun, 501 N. Calvert St., Balti-
more, MD 21278, or email baltsunrecipefinder@ Namesmust accompany recipes for them to be published.
were a little bit spicy.
Block was seeking. Kellogg's Rice Krispies
Rice Krispies 'heat Ice Cream Sandwiches
cereal hit store shelves in
the 1920s and was a suc-
Makes i 8 sandwiches.
cess with adults. However, the breakfast cereal's real
Cooking spray
6 C Rice Krispies cereal
popularity with kids didn't
3 TBS unsalted butter
1/s qts vanilla, chocolate or
come until more than a decade later, when Rice
1(10-oz) package marshmallows
strawberry ice creamor frozen yogurt
Krispies treats were created by a Kellogg's employee, Line two 9-by-13-inch baking pans with foil, leaving 2-inch foil overMildred Day.She mixed hangs on two sides of eachpan.Cover with cooking spray. In alarge pan, the cereal with butter and melt butter over low heat. Add marshmallows; stir until melted. Remove marshmallows, and an infrom heat and stir in Rice Krispies. Working quickly, spray your hands stant sensation was born. with cooking spray, divide mixture in half and press into baking pans. Let This recipe is proof that cool completely. Rice Krispie treats can be Let ice cream soften slightly. Again working quickly, spoon ice cream easily adapted and used in on top of the Rice Krispies treat layer in onebaking pan, spreading evenly many different ways, and to the edges. RemoveRiceKrispies layer from the other baking pan, Using are surely as popular today foil overhangs ashandles. Peeloff foil and place layer on top of ice cream, as they have always been. gently pressing down. Place in freezer until hardened, about anhour. These ice cream sandLine a baking sheet with parchment paper and set it in freezer. Using w iches are fun t o m a ke foil handles, lift ice cream treat from pan, peel off foil and place on a cutand decorate with children. ting board. Cut into 18 sandwiches and place them on baking sheet in They can be assembled, freezer. Freeze until ice cream hardens, at least 30 minutes. For longer wrapped in plastic, placed storage, wrap sandwiches in plastic wrap after they are firm. in a freezer bag and frozen for later. It's easy to make the treats with different fla-
By Kathleen Purvis The Charlot te Observer
a good mix of salt Q ••What's and water for brining
to 2'/2 cups of water. You can add other flavor-
mass of the item being brined. Go 15 to 30 minutes for seafood or fish, 30 minutes to 1 hour
vor combinations. Simply
Batteries • Crystal • Bands
add /2 cup of your favorite
ings, but you need to heat the brine long enough to dissolve for skinless, boneless chicken chicken? Is there a time dif- the salt and bring out the fla- breasts, 1 to 3 hours for bone-in ference for whole chicken vs. vors of o ther i ngredients. chicken parts and pork chops,
mix-in, such as chocolate
4 to 6 hours for a whole chicken
in the cereal. The varia-
and 24 to 48 for a turkey. Refrigerate brine and food if it sits
tions are limited only by your imagination.
longer than an hour, and rinse A good formula is 1 ounce of adding meat; when the ice thoroughly before cooking. salt to 20 ounces of water, or 2 melts, the brine should be cool. — Email questions to
recipe, which naturally was a hit with my gang, I
tablespoons coarse kosher salt
added chocolate chips to
Make sure the brine is cool
• Brining, or soaking food before adding meat. One quick • in a mix of salt and wa- trick is to reduce the amount
ter, adds moisture and flavor.
of water and add icebefore Vary the time based on the
hpurvisCcharlot teobservercom
chips or peanut butter, af-
ter the marshmallows are melted and before you stir
After I made the basic
503-887-4241 61405 S. Hwy. 97, Bend OR 97702 Office: 541.728.0411• Cell: 503.887.4241 Daniel Mitchell,Owner Stem & Crowns • Movements
make chocolate Rice Krispie treats. I then made some sandwiches with strawber-
ry ice cream and some with From previous page "That's a
d e sirable ar ti-
choke. The frost adds depth to the flavor," Winnenberg said. He told us that his family
eats a lot of artichokes and likes to steam them in water with a little lemon and garlic
in it. Winnenberg makes a dipping sauce by taking a small or medium jar of mayonnaise and adding the juice of two lemons, the zest of one lemon and a lot of raw garlic.
Other springythings
Spring Vegetable Saute Makes 6 servings. For me, spring has really begun when I go to the market and find sugar snap peas. In a basket nearby, there are often new potatoes and fragrant spring onions. Bringing them together in a dish as simple as this seems only natural.
\ 4
— JesseZiffCool 12 oz new potatoes, halved
2 garlic cloves, minced
8 oz sugar snap peas, trimmed
'/s tsp freshly grated nutmeg
2 TBS unsalted butter 3 to 4 sm spring onions with
2 to 3 TBS chopped fresh mint Sait
greens, thinly sliced
gr !
Freshly ground black pepper
Place a large pot of salted water over high heat and bring to a boil. Add the potatoes and cook for 20 minutes, or until tender. Add the snappeas the buckwheat family that's during the last 2 minutes of the cooking time. Drain the pot and wipe it treated and eaten like a fruit, clean. is a sign of spring, and will be Heat the butter in the samepot over medium heat. Add the onions and widely available. garlic and cook for 5 minutes, or until tender. Add the potatoes, snap Local organic beets and peas, nutmeg andmint. Toss to coat well. Season with salt and pepper to kales will a r r ive i n s t ores taste and serve. in l at e A p r il , p r edicted — "Simply Organic: A Cookbookfor Sustainable, Seasonal, andLocal Ingredients" Winnenberg. by Jesse Ziff Cook, Chronicle Books,2008, /i/M/i/ "Then greenhouse-grown slicing tomatoes from Country Vines in Madras will be his market in Sisters. with your fresh spring pro"In this part of the country, duce and enjoy the new seacoming in April. They're hugely popular, and are typically where we don't see a lot of col- son.Allofourproduce experts in the $3- to $4-per-pound or or blooms, and it seems like hope you'll ask them about range," Winnenberg said. spring is still months away, I any spring vegetables you arIf it seems as if spring is like to see the daffodils, tulips en't familiar with. They're eataking a long time to get here, and primroses come on board, ger to share information and Herburger said he fights that and then later the pansies and cooking tips. feeling by looking forward to petunias," he said. — Reporter: ahighbergerCmac. the arrival of spring flowers at So grab a bouquet along com
Rhubarb, a vegetable in
art lor your fioor
C omb i n i n g ' O l d W o r l d ' w ood w o r k i n g s k i l l s w i t h m o d e r n . i nno v a t i o n s , t o p r o d u c e t r u l y handcrafted hardwood floors f or y o u r h o m e . V i si t o u t s h o w r o o m t o se e w hat w e c a n d e s i g n f or o u .
C omp l e m en t s H o m e I n t e r i o r s 7 0 SW C e n t u r y D t . S u i t e 1 4 5 B end, O R 9 7 7 0 2 5 4 1 . 3 2 2 . 7 3 3 7 w ww.c o m p l e m e n t s h o m e . c o m
D esigning t ll e ~ ~ v
ar o u n d ) ' o u .
Next week: Welcome the year of the cucumber
More garden markers, continuedfrom pageDt < Au naturel label What you'll ueud: Twigs, a sharp knife, markers or stamps and an ink pad. How tomake: This is the simplest of all the plant labels we made. Just find a selection of dry twigs from outside andsnap them all to approximately the sameheight. Then choosethe end you prefer to be standing up in thegardenand, using asharp knife, whittle the bark away toexpose alighter wood surface where the plant namecan easily be inscribed either with marker or stamps.
c) I
r ABB1 D K I4T
A Quirky style What you'll ueud:Corks, skewers, stamps of the alphabet, ink pad. Huw tumake:For this creation, the cork can be skeweredso that it sits atop the skewer in a vertical or horizontal position. After the cork was in place weusedalphabet stamps to write out the plant name.
A Canning jar preserves label What you'll need:Seedpackets, canning jars, paint-stirring stick. Huw tumake:Openthe seed packets from the bottom in order to keep the top of the packet intact. Slip the label over the top of a paint-stirring stick. Place thewhole label on the endof the stick in a jar andplace in the garden. Thejar will preserve the label so it can always bechecked if growing information is forgotten.
< Pinit
-'ggaataarn • ma-
Whatyou'll need:Clothespins, skewers or anything that the clothespin can clip to that can stand in agarden. How to make:Using a fine-point marker or stamps and an ink pad, write the plant namealong the surface of the clothespin. Then attach the clothespin to a skewerand place it in the garden.
Photos by Rob Kerr/The Bulletin
as a resist while you paint.
neath as you work and the
Continued from D1
stripes will not be as distinct. Once all the bands are in
These handy office supplies come in a variety of widths, There are several ways to and they'reperfect for creattransform these ho-hum won- ing patterns on a glass vase. ders into something special. Or use elastic ponytail bands The featured vases show us- as a thicker option. Note that ing rubber bands and stickers neither will be reusable after beingused for this project. Simply str etch the bands around
Creative options
place, invert the vase on a pro-
tected work surface and spraypaint all around. Spray light coats from about 10 to 12 inch-
es away, turning the vase as you spray for even coverage. If the paint is applied too heavily, permanent drip marks will result. Spray two or three coats
to obtain a color you like. When the paint is thoroughcrisscrossing stripes. Be sure ly dry, carefully peel off the the bands are all flat against rubber bands, leaving clear the glass and not twisted, oth- lines of the pattern. Note: If you erwise paint will seep under- try to remove the bands before the paint is completely dry, some of the paint may peel off in chunks, ruining your creation. Double-check the paint label for suggested dryingtime.
vase at v arious angles, the overlappingas desiredto m ake I
. I
Join OSU Master Gardeners- for
Spring Gardening Seminar Saturday, April 19, 2014, 8 a.m.— 4:30 p.m. Deschutes County Fair 8r Expo Cen)er, Redmond Event offers 16 classes, featuring: • Vegetable Gardening • Native Plant• Hardscapes • Greenhouse Management
, taaP®me
You may already have everything you need at home to take on this fun, easy craft project. ln addition to a clear vase and
spray paint, all you need are some rubber bands or stickers.
Dipping If you prefer the paint on the outside of the vase, pour some into a small container
that's slightly bigger than the bottom of the vase, then dip
the vase into it to a depth you
like. Allow the extra paint to drip off the bottom of the vase
To create an all-over pattern on the glass, apply stickers in
to avoid any drip marks on the upper portion, then prop the
a random pattern. Check the
vase on something to keep it
scrapbooking department of a craftstore for myriad shapes,
offthe protected work surface while it dries. A bottle cap or
from simple dots to stars, flow-
lid works great to keep the
ers, etc. Apply the stickers to the outside of the glass, then spray-
vase just slightly elevated and allows any extra paint to find
paint as noted above for the rub-
its way down. For a different
plus a Garden Market with plants, books, worm castings, landscape products, silent auction and more
berbandversion. Oncethepaint is thoroughly dry, peel off the
twist, dip the top of the vase
Register today: or call 541-548-6088 51 0 per class (pre-registration deadline April 12); $15 on event day
stickers to showcase the shapes.
dribble down the glass.
<Besto» >
ep B~
Central Oregon
Master Gardener ' rer Garas
Another option for resists is Photos by Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin to use painter's tape. Simply These simple glass vases were transformed into creative, colorful wrap it around the vase and pieces using rubber bands, stickers and spray paint. adhere to create either regular or irregular stripes once the vase is painted. Peel off the liquid paint poured into the properly. It's easy — simply tape when the paint is dry and vase and swirled around, twist and twirl the vase with voila — perfect stripes! creatingafun splash ofcolor. the paint inside until you get Pour in enough paint to flow a fun pattern, then allow the Paint and roll smoothly, but not too much vase to dry thoroughly before This application uses a that it will pool and not dry use.
instead and allow the paint to
Clear coating For durability on vases coated on the outside with paint,
spray a clear acrylic coat over the colored surface. Take care
to hand washpainted vases, as opposed to putting them in the dishwasher. — Reporter: gwizdesigns@
ma roesma esome im ressions TV SPOTLIGHT
minivan). You mighthave seen him as: Rolesaswide-ranging asChris Rock's father on "Everybody
By Bruce Fretts New Yorft Times News Service
considering Monroe is a "blutbad" ("Grimm"-speak for wolf man) who has rejected his an-
body one of New York's Finest. But, Ramirez, 36, noted: "I grew up in East LA. Yes, I went to
an all-girls private school, but I was out at some interesting bodyguard on'Vhe Newsmom." parties on the weekends. There After Crews, 45, was cast in were bullets flying, and many the "Brooklyn Nine-Nine" pilot, times, I was running away the producers told him, "We're from trouble."
The Method creator, Kon-
imalistic inclinations and em-
braced a vegan lifestyle. "Monroe,in a lotofways,represents
Hates Chris" and Jeff Daniels'
stantin Stanislavski, supposedly said, "There are no small parts, only small actors." Then again, maybe it was just an agent trying to cheer up an going to tailor this character to She walked into a tricky situnderemployed client. In any you,"herecalled."Thathasnev- uation last season as a replacecase, a number of performers er happenedtome." Like his TV ment for Jennifer Esposito, a are making big impressions alter ego, the actor is outnum- fan favorite who played Wahlwith r elatively m i nuscule The Associated Press file photo bered at home: He and his wife berg's partner for the drama's amounts of screen time. Terry Crews gets to makeuse have four daughters and one first two years. "I was so nerson. "I'm a big guy, but all this vous," she said. "He has a lot of Here are five standouts mid- of the sense of humor hedeway through the season. veloped in NFL locker rooms in femaleenergy does make you female fans, and I really wantFox's "Brooklyn Nine-Nine." more sensitive,"he said."Icryat ed them to like me. I haven't Dj Qualls movies. I'm that guy." heard anything negative, so I "Legit"(FXX) He wasn't always able to hope they're pleased." Role:Billy Nugent, a disabled His cancer went into remission show his softer side during his adult who has left an institution to move in with his alcoholic
brother (Dan Bakkedahl) and a hedonistic comic (Jim Jefferies). Defining qualities: Wideeyed optimism, legendary endowment.
You mighthave seen him as: A geeky virgin in the 2000 teen comedy "Road Trip" or a
model for Prada. "It was during heroin chic, and I guess I fit the clothes," he said.
"I was bullied pretty badly growing up," recalled Qualls, a 35-year-old Tennessee native. "I
didn't have the intelligence not to tell people they were going to be sorry one day when I'm famous. That gets the hell beaten out of you in the South." He faced even harder times
whenhe received a diagnosis of Hodgkin's lymphoma at age 14.
after two years of treatment,
catteer as an NFL linebacker in
and he pursued a law career. "I was working at a personal-injury firm, and I remember one day I closed my door and I just started crying," he said. "I was
the 1990s. Buthe did develophis sense of humor then. "The locker room is one of the funniest
the city of Portland," Mitchell
said of the Oregon locale where the series is set and shot. "He talks about coffee and wine all
thetime. He's gotfacialhair and the Renaissance skill of fixing clocks. People in Portland take
their idiosyncrasies seriously, so there's a resonance."
joelle Carter "Justified"(FX) Role: A va C r o wder, t h e
incarcerated partner of Kentucky criminal Boyd Crowder (Walton Goggins). Defining qualities: Dirty blond hair, piercing blue eyes,
Silas Weir Mitchell
"Grimm"(NBC) Role:Monroe, the reformed werewolf who teams up with the would-be rival Detective
penchant for violence.
placesever," Crews said.'Tothis day, I still steal ideas from guys Nick Burkhardt (David Gilike, 'I cannot believe the uni- I knew in my years of playing. untoli) to solve supernatural verse saved me from death for They're cartoon characters." crimes. rrt Defining qualities: ProfesAfter becoming an actor, he Marisa Ramirez sorial sweaters; encyclopedic landed the role of his lifetime "BlueBloods" (CBS) knowledge of fairy tales; afas Billy, a man confronting his Role: New York police De- finity for Pilates, quinoa panown mortality, on "Legit." tective Maria Baez, partner cakes and clock repair. of Danny Reagan (Donnie You mighthave seen him Terry Crews Wahlberg). as:The psychotic inmate Hay"Brooklyn Nine-Nine"(Fox) Defining qualities: Street wire on " Prison Break" or Role: Terry Jeffords, the smarts, strained relationship the psychotic inmate Donnie sweet-natured sergeant who with her ex-addict brother. Jones on "My Name Is Earl." "I played a lot of wackadoos," oversees a squad room of oddYou might have seen her as: balls, induding Andy Sam- Cops on ABC's "Body of Proof' Mitchell, 44, observed. "For all berg's Detective Jake Peralta. and Lifetime's "Against the of Monroe's quirks — which Defining qualities: Eye-pop- Wall." are legion — he's more normal ping physique, flair for portrait Not every former model car- than anybody else I've played." That's saying something, painting, love of his family (and ries enough shmt cred to em-
You might have seen her as: Her television debut role was as a p rostitute with a
murderous madam in a 1996 episode of "Law & Order." "A lot of people have recognized me from that show," she said. "They rerun it all the time." When Carter, a 41-year-old
Georgia native, first read the "Justified" role, "I thought to myself, 'I can do a lot with this,"' she said. 'With my Southern roots, I understand the way these people communicate with
each other — their respectful approach to everything and their underlying sarcasm.Maybe it wa smeant form e,because I could encompass it all."
TV TOOAY 8 p.m. un 7, "The Story ufthe Jews With SimonSchama" — In this ambitious five-part documentary series, historian Schama takes viewers on a fascinating journey through the history of the Jewish people from biblical times through the present day, weaving a tapestry that's as rich and colorful as the people it portrays.
9 p.m. un(CW), "Supernatural" — A report of mild-mannered people turning into violent killers
has Sam(Jared Padalecki) suspectingpossession He suggests
that he andDean(JensenAckles) investigate, but his brother, who's still struggling with the effects of the Markof Cain, urges him to go alone. Series star Misha Collins directed the new episode "Mother's Little Helper." 9:31 p.m. un 58, "Growing Up Fisher" — Mel (J.K. Simmons)
supports Joyce's(JennaElfman) decision to get a job, but he isn't too thrilled when she gets hired at his law firm. To his surprise, though, they work well together. Now all Joyce has to do is win
over Mel's secretary (Carla Jimenez). Katie (Ava Deluca-Ver-
ley) givesHenry(Eli Baker)some advice on getting Jenny's (Isabela Moner) attention in the new episode "Work With Me." 10 p.m. un FX, "Justified" —A shooting that takes place close to home forces both Raylan and Boyd (Timothy Olyphant,
Walton Goggins) todecidehow
far they're willing to go and what lines they're OK with crossing in the new episode "The Toll."
10 p.m. un TBS, "CougarTown" — As Chick (Ken Jenkins) begins to show the first symptoms of Alzheimer's, Jules (Courteney Cox) urges him to move closer to
her andGrayson(Josh Hopkins).
et Ii e et e ui eoninvites
MOVIE TIMESTOOAY • There may be an additional fee for 3-0and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to changeafter press time. t
Dear Abby:My daughter is being married soon, and I need some guidance about inviting my aunt and uncleto the wedding. They live about 30 miles from us. We moved to this area four years ago,
beautiful and generous gesture, should prevail. Her happiness on but the blood pressure machine her wedding day is more import- was a GIFT. ant than the feelings of relatives Once a gift is given, it belongs who don't bother with you, her and to the recipient to do with as she your family. I have always said that (or he) wishes. For you to tell her
and we'vehad them over for din-
one should never invite guests to
ner once and invited them another time.
They declined because they were going to be out of town Abby, they didn't reciprocate, and in
fact, didn't even invite us to their
daughter's wedding, which hurt us very much. I had always considered myself close to these relatives before we moved here, sotheir
treatment of my family and me has been painful. My mother is telling me to turn
the other cheek despite everything and invite them to my daughter's
wedding. My daughter doesn't want them to attend and neither d oes my husband, but Mom i s emphatic about inviting them "be-
Dear Betwixt:The bride's wishes
a wedding hoping they won't show up, because they usually do. Dear Abby:I have an older friend who is 70. She d oesn't
have much money. She was having blood pressure problems, so I ordered a deluxe blood pressure machine for her that cost $160. It wasn't a birthday gift; I was seriously concerned for her. I learned this week that she
to ask for it back may have been w ell-intentioned, but it w a s t h e
wrong thing to do. Dear Abby: I'm an a verage 17-year-old guy. I love basketball, football and girls. The problem is I'm a player, and girls say I "use" them.
I'm not ready to settle down, and I end up hurting girls and breaking many hearts. How can I cure my player habits and heal some of the hearts I've broken?
— Tired ofPlaying Dear Tired of Playing:Apologize "loaned" it to a friend. I wrote her a to any young woman you have note and asked her nicely to please misled. Then ask yourself, "How get it back because I didn't buy it would I feel if I had been treated for her friend (who has plenty of this way?" If you practice the Goldmoney), but because I was wor- en Rule — "Do unto others as you ried about her health. She is now would have them do unto you" not speaking to me, and MY blood — it will serve you well in most pressure is going up by the minute situations. If everyone did this, because I'm so angry. Was I out of we couldchange the name of our
cause they're family." I would appreciate your opinion on this, Abby, because I'm between line or is she'? planet from Earth to Paradise, and — Hyper-Furious in Arizona wouldn't that be heavenly? a rock and a hard place, and my emotions are pulling me apart. Dear Hyper-Furious: Relax. — Write to Dear Abbyat dearabbycom — Betwixt and Between
B reathe. What you di d w a s a
or P.o. Box 69440, LosAngeles, CA90069
Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 &IMAX, 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • 3 DAYS TO KILL (PG-13) 12:45, 3:55, 7: I0, 10 • 12 YEARSASLAVE(R) 11:50a.m., 2:50, 6:05, 9:10 • 300: RISE OF ANEMPIRE (R) 3:15, 9:35 • 300: RISE OF ANEMPIRE 3-0 (R)f 2:35, 6:55 • DIVERGENTIMAX (PG-13) 11:45 a.m., 3, 6:30, 9:45 • DIVERGENT (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 12:30, 2:45, 3:45, 6:15, 7:15, 9:30 • FROZEN(PG) 11:40 a.m., 2:30 • GOD'SNOTDEAD(PG)12:f0,2:55,6:10,9:20 • GRAVITY 3-0(PG- I3) 7:40, 10:10 • THE LEGO MOVIE(PG) 12:05, 3:20, 6:25, 9:05 • THEMONUMENTS MEN (PG-13)f: 10,4:25,7:50 • MR. PEABODY rt SHERMAN(PG) 12:15, 3:30, 640, 9:15 • MUPPETSMOSTWANTED(PG)11:55 a.m., 12:55, 3:10, 4:10, 6, 7, 9, 9:50 • NEED FOR SPEED3-D (PG-13) 12:20, 6:45 • NEED FOR SPEED(PG-f 3) 3:40, 9:55 • NON-STOP(PG-13) f,4:20,7:25,10:05 • SON OFGOD(PG-13) 1:15,4:35, 8 • Accessibility devices are available forsome movies. i
McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • AMERICANHUSTLE(R) 9:30 • THE HOBBIT:THEDESOLATION OF SMAUG (PG-13) 5:30 • THE NUTJOB(PG) 11:15a.m. • THE WINDRISES(PG-13) 2 • After 7 p.m., showsare2f and older only. Younger than 21 may attend screenings before 7p.m.ifaccompanied by a legal guardian. t
HAPPY BIRTHDAYFORTUESDAY, MARCH 25, 2014:This yearoneof your biggest issues will be keeping your
composurewhenlife andrelationships seem outofwhack.You mighthaveatendency to blame others. Know that losing your temper will not be helpful. If you are single, relationships that you begin could feel heavy or serious. As a result, they could blow up more Stars showthe kind easily; use good uf day you'll have sense here. If you are attached, the ++++ positive two of you become
more expressive than you have been in the past. As a result, there couldbe an argument or two. Note that most fighting will be about control and being right, and could result in some distance between you. Is this what you want? AQUARIUS understands and gives good advice. * Difficult
ARIES (March 2t-April19) ** * You might think that a partner is overserious and not aware of how you feel. Be careful when handling your hurt and anger. You could feel quite off-kilter. Try to sit on your discontent for a while, and then initiate a discussion in the near future. Tonight: Where the gang is.
TAURUS (April 20-May20) ** * * You'll want to break precedent and head in a new direction, but a partner or family member might balk at the idea. This person is more comfortable with the status quo. You could be in a situation where someone might try to test your limits. Tonight: Take the lead.
GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** * * Deal with a situation directly, and keep in mind that a partner can be
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21)
YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar
demanding. This person might prefer to keep the situation as-is. On the other hand, a loved one is likely to disagree. Tempers could flare, so be careful. Tonight: Try a new type of cuisine.
** * * * S eek out a friend or loved one. You might want to reverse direction when you feel pinned down or as if you have no other choice. Listen and think in terms of gains rather thankicking the door down in frustration. Check out an investment with care. Tonight: Head on home.
SAGITTARIUS (Nuv.22-Dec. 21)
** * You might feel burdened by someCANCER (June21-July 22) one's demands, and could be wondering ** * * Others tend to come to you with what to do next. If you continue on the specific demands. You might wonder path that is not natural for you, you probwhat is possible under the circumstances. ably won't be able stay even-tempered. Realize your limits, yet be ready for a fast Tempers are likely to flare. Tonight: Out change. You could find that your enthuand about. siasm turns to anger if your expectations GAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan. 19) are not met. Tonight: Dinner for two. ** * * Be forthright in how you deal LEO (July23-Aug.22) with a situation. You could be in a conflict ** * Get into a project immediately if you with someone with whom you regularly have any desire to complete it before the interact. Be careful, as what might appear day is over. Midafternoon will be the time to beacushysetupcould quickly degento network and create more of whatyou desire. Defer toothers asmuchasyoucan erate. Take no oneand nothing for grantwhen dealing with difficult people. Tonight: ed. Tonight: Play it nice and easy. You flourish around the crowds. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.18) ** * Not until later today will you feel VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) ** * * Speak your mind and allow great- at your best. You might wonder what ergive-and-takebetweenyouandsome- to do if you're faced with a precarious one else. You might feel restrained at first, situation. You'll know that you want to but do whatever it takes to let go and start integrate some innovative change, yetyou also might want to play it cool. Tonight: this process. You could come up with a Chooseto do something new. very dynamic idea that works for both of you. Tonight: Run an errand or two. PISCES (Feb.19-March20) ** * * You are past the point of no reLIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * You have the foundation for a bet- turn. You'll feel in your mind thatyou must follow your chosen path. Understand ter situation, yetyou seem to be holding exactly what you are dealing with at the back. Check out an emotional investment with care — you will love the results, if present moment. A partner could be contentious when you least expect it. Tonight: you proceed. If you are not able to move forward, you could lose your temper. ToOut with your best friend. night: Choose to do something fun. © King Features Syndicate
Then Grayson inadvertently suggests Chick move in with them — something he soon regrets. Travis'(Dan Byrd) impending college graduation has Laurie and Ellie (Busy Philipps, Christa Miller) arguing over who is Jules' No. f friend in the new episode "Love Is a Long Road." 10:01 p.m. un 6, "Personuf Interest" —Reese and Finch (Jim Caviezel, Michael Emerson) are plunged into the complicated world of international politics when their latest person of interest — a former government contractor — is found to be stalking a United Nations diplomat. An
enemy ofRoot's (AmyAcker)
tries to get the upper hand in the
new episode"Allegiance." Kevin
Chapman also stars. O Zap2it
' NQRTHWEsT CROSSING Aauard-aeinning neighborhood on Bend's teestside.
Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • THEBROKEN CIRCLE BREAKDOWN (no MPAA rating) 8:30 • THEGREAT BEAUTY (no MPAA rating)5:30 I
Redmond Cinemas,1535S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • 300: RISE OF ANEMPIRE (R) 11:30 a.m., 2, 4:30, 7, 9:30 • DIVERGENT(PG-13)12:15,3:15,6:15,9:15 • MUPPETSMOSTWANTED(PG)1f:1 5 a.m., f:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 • NEED FOR SPEED(PG-13) 1, 3:45, 6:30, 9:15 Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • DIVERGENT (PG-13) 4, 7 • HER (R)6:45 • THEMONUMENTS MEN (PG-13)4:l5,6:45 • MR.PEABODY 8 SHERMAN (PG)4:30 • MUPPETSMOST WANTED (PG)4,6:30 Madras Cinema 5,101 1 S.W. U.S. Highway 97, 541-475-3505 • DIVERGENT (PG-13) 3:40, 6:40, 9:35 • GOD'SNOT DEAD (PG) f:50,4:20,6:50,9:20 • MR. PEABODYIII SHERMAN(PG)3:I0,5: l5,715,9 f5 • MUPPETSMOST WANTED (PG)2:20,4:50,7:20,9:40 • NEED FOR SPEED(PG-13) 4:15, 7, 9:35 •
Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • DIVERGENT (Upstairs — PG-13) 6:30 • SON OFGOD(PG-f 3) 6:15 • Theupstairsscreening room has limitedaccessibility.
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Call your Bulletin AccountExecutive TODA Y or call 541-382-1811 for more information about this and other opportunities!
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Illlusical Instruments
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Misc. Items
Crafts & Hobbies
Dining table Beautiful round oak pedestal table with 4 matching chairs, table is 42" in diameter and in brand new condition, as are the chairs. Priced at $400. 541-447-3342
~2e e k e
2I •
Ad must
How to avoid scam and fraud attempts
Stag Arms AR-15: Model Stag15, 5.56/223, Stainless steel barrel. Leupold Firedot G 3-9X40 Scope, MagPul PRS buttstock, Hogue grip, Bipod.$1875 Call 541-410-3568
YBe aware of international fraud. Deal loI cally whenever posI sible. Beautiful Lowrey Y Watch for buyers Adventurer II Organ who offer more than Absolutely perfect your asking price and condition, not a who ask to have scratch on it, about money wired or 4-feet wide, does handed back to them. everything! Includes Fake cashier checks a nice bench, too. and money orders $1600 obo. are common. 541-385-5685 PNever give out personal financial information. 260 gr'Trustyour instincts Misc. Items and be wary of someone using an Buying Diamonds escrow service or agent to pick up your iGofd for Cash merchandise. Saxon's Fine Jewelers 541-389-6655
Wanted: Collector seeks high quality fishing items 8 upscale bamboo fly rods. Call 541-678-5753, or 503-351-2746
include price of
s~ le Ie of 2520 or less, or multiple items whosetotal
does not exceed $500.
Winchester Model 70 - SA.308 Win.
Classic Featherweight, Monte Carlo Stock, Burris 3x9 scope and case. Very clean and well cared for. $750. 541-420-4183
The Bulletin
serving cenfref nregonsince fgos
BUYING Lionel/American Flyer trains, accessories. 541-408-2191.
Sunvision Pro 28LX Tanning Bed Has only 300 hours, (lamps have average life of 800-1000 hours of effective tanning
usage). 1 owner, great condition, includes manual, goggles & head
pillow. $900. Call tosee! 541-385-9318 in Bend
Wanted: crew members to sail Winchester Bay, OR to San Francisco and return, approx. 3 wks this summer. Call Mark, 541-233-8944
BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS Wanted- paying cash for Hi-fi audio & stuSearch the area's most comprehensive listing of dio equip. Mclntosh, JBL, Marantz, DyBUYING 85 SE LLING classified advertising... Heathkit, San255 All gold jewelry, silver real estate to automotive, naco, sui, Carver, NAD, etc. and gold coins, bars, merchandise to sporting Computers goods. Bulletin Classifieds Call 541-261-1808 rounds, wedding sets, every day in the T HE B U LLETIN r e - class rings, sterling sil- appear print or on line. coin collect, vinWHEN YOU SEE THIS quires computer ad- ver, watches, dental Call 541-385-5809 vertisers with multiple tage gold. Bill Fl e ming, ~O ad schedules or those 541-382-9419. selling multiple sysThe Bulletin tems/ software, to dis- Just bought a new boat? Serving Central Oregon sinceISOS On a classified ad close the name of the Sell your old one in the go to business or the term classifieds! Ask about our L adies p e tite si z e "dealer" in their ads. to view additional Super Seller rates! clothes, name brands. Private party advertisphotos of the item. 541-385-5809 at 2330 SW Indian ers are defined as Ave., Redmond. those who sell one 261 computer. Cemetery space: al Medical Equipment double depth interNatural gas Ruud ment grave space I Where can you find a tankless water with outer b u rial Falcon 4-w h eel helping hand? heater, brand new! l container built in, 199 Btu, $1800. power scooter with From contractors to i located in Meadowaccessories, gently Also brand new 80 park area of Desyard care, it's all here i chutes used, in mint condigal. electric water M e morial t ion. $ 400. C a l l in The Bulletin's heater, $500. l Gsrdsns, $900. Csll 5 41-389-1821 f o r In Sunriver area. 5 41-389-1821 f o r "Call A Service details. 530-938-3003 Professional" Directory
Left Handed Stag Arms AR15, Model S tag 15, L-3 E OTech ESPS2 red dot scope w/quick detach mount, over 2000 rounds of high quality Federal 62 g rain g r ee n ti p 5 .56/223 am m o . $2500. 541-350-7017
Alderwood Quiltworks Quilting Frame, locally made in Prineville, easy to use, makes quilting a dream! Just add your machine to use with RUGER SR22 pistol, included Handi handles. Manual incl. with holster, $295. 541-316-1931 Exlnt shape, only used to quilt 4 tops, $600. 541-549-1273 or 541-419-2160
Donate deposit bottles/ cans to local all vol., non-profit rescue, for 242 381-5085. feral cat spay/neuter. Exercise Equipment Cans for Cats trailer at Jake's Diner; or 208 donate M-F at Smith • Chandelier, Pets & Supplies Sign, 1515 NE 2nd; or 22" diameter x 17 at CRAFT, Tumalo. high, 12 lights, Call for Irg. quantity Freezers 2 Kenmore upbronze & crystal, The Bulletin recompickup, 541-389-8420. right, less than 1 yr $275 has 6 arms (2 lights mends extra caution & $325. 830-822-3945 on each arm), when purc has$300 obo. ing products or serG ENERATE SOM E German Shepherds vices from out of the EXCITEllllENT in your • Weslo Cadence area. Sending cash, neighborhood! Plan a 541-281-6829 Treadmill, folds up checks, or credit inarage sale and don't for easy storage, f ormation may b e orget to advertise in light use, works subjected to fraud. classified! great. $150. For more informa2 541-385-5809. 541-923-7491 tion about an advertiser, you may call USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Pilates XP297; Pilates the O regon State Attorney General's chair, fluidity bar, call HAVANESE PUPPIES Door-to-door selling with Office C o nsumer AKC, Dewclaws, UTD fast results! It's the easiest for info. 541-408-0846 Protection hotline at shots/wormer, non-shed, 245 1-877-877-9392. hypoallergenic, $850 way in the world to sell. 541-460-1277. Golf Equipment The Bulletin Labrador Puppies, $300 The Bulletin Classified Servfng Central Oregenefnce fgffg 541 485-5809 CHECK YOURAD & $350. 1st shots. vet checked. 541-416-1175 Adopt a rescued cat or Loveseat like new, light older kitten! Fixed, tan, $250. shots, ID chip, tested, Looking to buy 4 or 5 541-389-4030. more! 65480 7 8 th, white doves for outTumalo, T h urs/Sat/ d oor a v iary. C a l l on the first day it runs Sun 1-5, 3 8 9-8420 541-382-2194 The Bulletin to make sure it isn correcommends extra ' O rect. Spellcheck and l caution when purhuman errors do ocAdult barn/ shop/workchasing products or • ing cats, fixed, shots. Mini Aussie Toy pups, services from out of I cur. If this happens to No fee, free delivery. toy size, assorted col- I the area. Sending I your ad, please contact us ASAP so that 541-306-4519 o rs, $ 3 6 0 ca s h .' cash, checks, o r ' corrections and any l credit i n f ormation Aussie Mini AKC par- 541-678-7599 adjustments can be may be subjected to ents on site. Shots/ made to your ad. l FRAUD. For more Norwich rare AKC male wormed. Sta r ting 541-385-5809 information about an I pup, 9 wks, h ouse $350. m/f blue merle The Bulletin Classified raised; 3 5/~-year-old advertiser, you may l 541-598-5314 Norwich male, house / call t h e Or e gon / 246 Atto r ney ' Bow front fish tank, 42" r aised & g ood o n ' State Guns, Hunting l General's O f fi ce leash. $1800 each. w/ stand, fish, pump & or Consumer Protec- • & Fishing h eater, $325 o b o. 541-487-4511, tion h o t line at I sharonm © 541-408-0846 i 1-877-877-9392. CASH!! Chihuahua 8-wk-old POODLE pups, toy. For Guns, Ammo & I The Bulletin > male parti-mix. color. 12-20 wks. $175-$250 Reloading Supplies. Sening Central Oregon sincefggg 8 up. 541-475-3889 541-408-6900. $300 541-410-5349
zanne at
advertisers may place an ad with our "QUICK CASH SPECIAL" 1 week 3 lines 12
Wanted: Old Oriental rugs, any size or condition, call toll free, 1-800-660-8938
& up. 541-800-5377
M$500/ F8600
The Bulletin reserves the right to publish all ads from The Bulletin newspaper onto The Bulletin Internet web- Fishing camp on North site. 10 Mile Lake. See ad in Recreation ProperThe Bulletin ties .541-404-7595. ServingCentralOregen since fggg
Guns, Hunting & Fishing
Call Classifieds at 541-385-5809
$150 ea. Full warranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's
9 7
541 e385-5809
A1 Washers8 Dryers
d• O r e g o n
Guns, Hunting & Fishing
Need to get an ad in ASAP? You can place it online at:
Chihuahua puppies, tiny, 210 1st shots/dewormed, Furniture & Appliances $250. 541-420-1068
A v e . • Be n
DACHSHUND PUPS AKC Mini longhaired
a n ff t e r
Antiques 8 Collectibles
Paying cash for old gas pumps/glass-top visibles, etc, old soda pop machines/adveJtising. 541-504-1050, Kyle
• P ets & Supplies
CASH for dressers, dead washers/drvers 541-420-5640 Will pay cash for women's clothing & accessories dating from 1900s-1970s. Respectful reseller/ collector. Bend loc al. Contact S u -
C rf
Queensland Heelers Standard & Mini, $150
00 Want to Buy or Rent
s .w .
Dark oa k 2- d rawer dresser, curved front, 264- Snow Removal Equipment $250. White wicker 265 - BuildingMaterials baby crib, u n ique 266- Heating and Stoves $250. Large dark oak roll top desk, $800. 267- Fuel and Wood Surveryor's tr a nsit 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers orig. box 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment 1930-1940, $350. C ASH
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r .a n
1 sff 'i
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541-385-5809 Building/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care Landscaping/Yard Care
Log truck loads of Lodgepole Firewood, NOTICE: Oregon state NOTICE: Oregon Landdelivered. law requires anyone scape Contractors Law Call 541-815-4177 who con t racts for (ORS 671) requires all Zupe~Quu/rep businesses that adconstruction work to be licensed with the vertise t o p e r form Pine & Junlper Spllt Za~<da Construction ContracLandscape ConstrucThan Service tors Board (CCB). An More tion which includes: PROMPT DELIVERY Peace Oi Nind active license p lanting, deck s , 542-389-9663 means the contractor fences, arbors, is bonded & insured. Spring Clean Up water-features, and in•Leaves Seasoned Juniper Verify the contractor's stallation, repair of ir$150/ cord rounds; •Cones CCB l i c ense at rigation systems to be •Needles $170/ cord split. www.hirealicensedl icensed w it h th e Delivered in Central •Debris Hauling Landscape ContracOR, since 1970! Call or call 503-378-4621. tors Board. This 4-digit eves, 541-420-4379 Weed FreeBark The Bulletin recomnumber is to be in& Flower Beds mends checking with cluded in all adver269 the CCB prior to contisements which inditracting with anyone. Lawn Renovation cate the business has Gardening Supplie Some other t rades Aeration - Dethatching a bond, insurance and & Equipment also re q uire addiOverseed workers compensational licenses and tion for their employCompost certifications. ees. For your protec- Top Dressing tion call 503-378-5909 Custom Remodel & Tile or use our website: PROMPT DELIVERY Landscape T. Schellworth, Gen. to 542D89-9663 Contractor/Builder Maintenance check license status CCB ¹188631 Full or Partial Service before contracting with 541-588-0958 •Mowing oEdging the business. Persons Free Manure will load, •Pruning .Weeding doing lan d scape Deschutes Mkt Rd., Debris Removal Sprinkler Adjustments Bend. 541-318-8707 maintenance do not r equire an LCB l i JUNK BE GONE Fertilizer included cense.
I Haul Away FREE
with monthly program
For Salvage. Also Cleanups & Cleanouts Mel, 541-389-8107
Weekly, monthly or one time service
A ssisting Seniors a t Home. Light housekeeping & other services. Licensed Bonded. BBB Certi-
EXPERIENCED Commercial & Residential
Aeration/Dethatching 1-time or Weekly Services Ask about FREEadded svcs w/seasonal contract! Bonded & Insured. COLLINS Lawn Maint. Ca/I 541-480-9714
BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of 541-390-1466 classified advertising... fied. 503-756-3544 Same Day Response real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the goods. Bulletin Classifieds classifieds! Ask about our appear every day in the Super Seller rates! print or on line. 541-385-5809 Serving Central Call 541-385-5809 Oregon Since 2003 Home is Where the Dirt Is Residental/Commercial
Sprinkler Activation/Repair Back Flow Testing Maintenance
«Thatch & Aerate
• Spring Clean up .Weekly Mowing Home/Rental repairs & Edging Small jobs to remodels •Bi-Monthly & Monthly Honest, guaranteed Maintenance work. CCB¹151573 •Bark, Rock, Etc. Dennis 541-317-9768 ~Landaoa in ERIC REEVE HANDY •Landscape SERVICES. Home & Construction Commercial Repairs, oWater Feature Carpentry-Painting, Installation/Maint. Pressure-washing, •Pavers Honey Do's. On-time •Renovations promise. Senior •Irrigations Installation Discount. Work guaranteed. 541-389-3361 Senior Discounts or 541-771-4463 Bonded & Insured Bonded & Insured 541-815-4458 I DO THAT!
i i i
i i I
EMPLOYMENT Now taking applications!
with an ad in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory
A newBehavioral Health Centeris opening in the Bend/ La Pine area. All positions available, including: TRUCK DRIVER • Counseling Staff WANTED • Dietary • Housekeeping Must have doubles endorsement. • Maintenance Local run. • Support staff • Clerical Truck is parked in Competitive benefits and Madras. 541-475-4221 wages. Please email your letter of interest and Looking for your next resume to employee? Emil © Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 Job Fair readers each week. Black Butte Ranch Your classified ad 308 Career Fair will also appear on Farm Equipment March 29th 8 30th 1-4pm & Machinery which currently Black Butte Ranch receives over 1.5 (4) 5'x12' horse panels, Community Center million page views $75/ea. Assorted waJob listings include every month at ter and feed tubs, call Food and Beverage, no extra cost. for prices. (Supefvisors, servers, Bulletin Classifieds 541-923-9758 line cooks, etc) and Get Results! departments hiring. Call 385-5809 N ew H o lland 2 5 5 0 allFor more information or place swather, 14' header see our display ad your ad on-line at with conditioner, cab in The Bulletin heat/A/C, 1300 orig. Classifieds. hrs. $29,000 obo. Visit our website at 1486 International, cab Good classified ads tell heat/A/C, 5 4 0/1 000 the essential facts in an or call HR at Pto, 3 sets remotes, 541-595-1 523 interesting Manner.Write nice tractor. $18,000. from the readers view- not 541-419-3253 Livestock TruckDriver the seller's. Convert the Must have CDL, 2yes facts into benefits. Show 341 exp., progressive co., the reader howthe item will Horses & Equipment 401k, $50,000/yr, inhelp them insomeway. surance 541-475-6681 This AUSTRALIAN SADDLE advertising tip m isc. t ack , $ 2 4 5; Call a Pro brought toyouby 541-548-0875 Whether you need a The Bulletin 356 fencefixed,hedges SeningCentral O~egonsince fgla Farmers Column trimmed or a house built you'll find 10X20 Storage Buildings for protecting hay, professional help in firewood, livestock etc. The Bulletin's "Call a $1496 Installed. Service Professional' (other sizes available) 541-617-1133. Directory CCB ¹173684 541-385 o5809
LOCAL MONEY:We buy secured trust deeds & note, some hard money loans. Call Pat Kellev 541-382-3099 ext.13.
Loans & Mortgages
Your future is justa page away. Whetheryou're looking WARNING The Bulletin recom- fora hat or a placeto hangit, The Bulletin Classified is mends you use cauyour best source. tion when you provide personal Every daythousandsof information to compa- buyers andsellers of goods nies offering loans or and services dobusiness in credit, especially these pages.Theyknow those asking for adyou can't beatTheBulletin vance loan fees or Classified Section for companies from out of selection andconvenience state. If you have - every item is just a phone concerns or quescall away. tions, we suggest you consult your attorney The Classified Section is easy to use.Every item or call CONSUMER is categorizedandevery HOTLINE, cattegotyisindexed onthe 1-877-877-9392. section's frontpage. BANK TURNED YOU Whether youare lookingfor DOWN? Private party a home or need a service, will loan on real es- your future is inthepagesof tate equity. Credit, no The Bulletin Classified. problem, good equity is all you need. Call The Bulletin Serving CentralOregonsince taa Oregon Land Mortgage 541-388-4200.
II taseNIIe Administrative Assistant Provides administrative support to the IS department. Duties include data entry; answering phones; responding to questions and request for information; accounts payable; education and travel coordination; scheduling meetings and taking minutes; assisting with vendor communication and contracts; office organization; and maintaining records.
Requires 3 years administrative experience; knowledge of Microsoft Office; experience making education and travel arrangements; strong written and verbal communication skills; excellent customer service skills; ability to work independently, ability to manage time and multiple priorities; and ability to work with all staff levels. Les Schwab has a reputation of excellent customer service and over 400 stores in the Northwest. We offer competitive pay, excellent benefits, retirement, and cash bonus. Please go to apply. Applications will be accepted through April 9, 2014. No phone calls please. EOE
The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon since 1903
Home Delivery Advisor The Bulletin Circulation Department is seeking a Home Delivery Advisor. This is a full-time position and consists of managing an adult carrier force to ensure our customers receive superior service. Must be able to create and perform strategic plans to meet department objectives such as increasing market share and penetration. Ideal candidate will be a self-starter who can work both in the office and in their assigned territory with minimal supervision. Early a.m. hours are necessary with company vehicle provided. S t rong customer service skills and management skills are necessary. C o mputer experience is required. You must pass a drug screening and be able to be insured by company to drive vehicles. This is an entry-level position, but we believe in promoting from within, so advancement within company is available to the right person. If you enjoy dealing with people from diverse backgrounds and you are energetic, have great organizational skills and interpersonal communication skills, please send your resume to:
The Bulletin
c/o Kurt Muller PO Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708-6020 or e-mail resume to: kmuller© No phone calls, please. The Bulletin isa drug-free workplace. EOE
I ut u s t o w o r k f g g e ydpQ fig St
BlackButte Rmch T HERE Is A
The Bulletin deliVerS yOur "HELP WANTED" ad to
70,000 print readers and20,000 online visitors a day. The Bulletin, local, hassle-free, worry-free advertising.
Senior Discounts
9 yrs exp. in housekeeping. Refs & rates to fit your needs. Julie & Hovana, 541-410-0648 or 541-728-1600
r.=.-"-,.— ..a I
Redmond 541-923-0882 p 1 e ise
NOTICE TO WHEN BUYING ADVERTISER 286 Since September 29, FIREWOOD... 1991, advertising for Sales Northeast Bend To avoid fraud, used woodstoves has The Bulletin been limited to modrecommends payFlatscreen Magniels which have been ** FREE ** ment for Firewood fier Optlec Clearcertified by the Oronly upon delivery Garage Sale Kit view+ viewer, magegon Department of and inspection. Place an ad in The nifier for reading, Environmental Qual- • A cord is 128 cu. ft. Bulletin for your gaCall 541-526-5737 writing and viewing ity (DEQ) and the fed4' x 4' x 8' rage sale and refor those who have eral E n v ironmental• Receipts should ceive a Garage Sale vision loss. $900 Protection A g e ncy include name, Kit FREE! obo. (ofher items (EPA) as having met 265 phone, price and listed previously smoke emission stankind of wood KIT INCLUDES: Building Materials have beensold) dards. A cer t ified purchased. • 4 Garage Sale Signs In Bend, call w oodstove may b e • $2.00 Off Coupon To Firewood ads REDMOND Habitat 541-480-6162 identified by its certifi- • MUST Use Toward Your include RESTORE label, which is Next Ad species & cost per Building Supply Resale cation permanently attached • 10 Tips For "Garage cord to better serve Quality at People Lookfor Information to the stove. The BulSale Success!" our customers. LOW PRICES letin will not knowAbout Products and 1242 S. Hwy 97 ingly accept advertisServices Every Daythrough 541-548-1406 The Bulletm PICK UP YOUR ing for the sale of Servlng Ceneal Oregon slnceSla The Bulletiu Classinerfs Open to the public. GARAGE SALE KIT at uncertified 1777 SW Chandler woodstoves. All year Dependable Ave., Bend, OR 97702 • 8 t I Firewood: Seasoned; Just too many Lodgepole 1 for $195 The Bulletin Take care of collectibles? Ssrvlng Central Oregonsince lglu or 2 for $365. Cedar, Would "Steve 8 Donna" your investments split, del. Bend: 1 for who launched helium Sell them in with the help from $175 or 2 for $325. balloons from Sunri541-420-3484. ver Resort about 28 The Bulletin Classifieds The Bulletin's years ago, call this Dry, split Juniper, "Call A Service number to find out $190/cord. Multi-cord541-385-5809 Professional" Directory where your balloons discounts, & tia cords landed. 541-898-2650 avail. Immediate delivery! 541-408-6193
Sales We are looking for experienced Sales professional to Join Central O r egon's l argest ne w c a r dealer Subaru of Bend. Offe r ing 401k, profit sharing, medical plan, split s hifts, an d p aid training. Please apply at 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend.
Add your web address to your ad and read- caution when purers on The Builetin's chasing products or I web site, www.bend- services from out of a, will be i the area. Sending able to click through c ash, checks, o r automatically to your i credit i n f ormation website. i may be subjected to FRAUD. CustomerService For more informa- I We are seeking a tion about an adver- • career-minded indi- i tiser, you may call vidual for an office/ the Oregon State sales position. Must i Attorney General's have good phone s Office C o n s umer s skills and ability to l Protection hotline atl work with custom- I 1-877-877-9392. ers both in person and on phone with LThe Bulletin good computer skills as well. 40 hours wk Mon. thru Sat. with Get your benefits. business Send resume to PO Box 640, Redmond, OR 97756 a ROW I N G
Full size power adjustable bed w/memory foam mattress, $800.Portable wheelchair, 4 leg walker, Quadri-Poise cane, bathroom assist chair, all for $200.
Domestic Services
have lost an animal, don't forget to check The Humane Society Bend
Loans & Mortgages
® Dz@zrm
Receptionist/ ExecAss't NW Crossing CPA Firm seeking professional that is detail oriented, works well w ith c l ients v i a phone, e-mail, and in-person Pay $12.50/hr. Start Date 4 /14. M or e I n f o: employmentopportunities. Send Resume to: No Phone Calls Please.
ServingCentral Orcgonsince laa
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Employment Opportunities
The Bulletin REIIIIEMBER:If you
Medical Equipment
CAUTION: Ads published in "Employment O p Lost & Found portunities" include and indeFound bucket of tools employee positions. scattered on B utler pendent for p o sitions Mkt Rd. on Monday Ads require a fee or afternoon. Cal l t o that upfront identify, 541-408-4618 must be investment stated. With Found children's leather any independentjob mitten at Mt Bachelor opportunity, please parking lot on 3/15. i nvestigate tho r Call to identify after oughly. Use extra April 2nd, caution when ap406-570-5051. plying for jobs online and never provide personal inforWant to impress the mation to any source relatives? Remodel you may not have your home with the researched and help of a professional deemed to be repufrom The Bulletin's table. Use extreme "Call A Service c aution when r e Professional" Directory s ponding to A N Y online employment ad from out-of-state. LOST Cat 3/12, white & We you call ray/tan male, OB Riley/ the suggest State of Oregon len Vis t a-Cooley? Consumer H otline Bingo is missed! Call at 1-503-378-4320 541-531-3699 For Equal OpportuLost Jack Russell Terrier, nity Laws contact fem, black, white, gray Oregon Bureau of face, blue collar, last Labor & I n dustry, seen 3/7, 23rd/Hemlock Civil Rights Division, Redmond. 541-420-5557 971-673- 0764.
Get 7 consecutive days F OR O N L Y S 2 1 . 4 3 A D A Y ! ~ And get $33 in ad upgrades for FREE! BASED ONA 2" AD SPACE
The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon since fgla
Allen Reinsch Yard Illlaintenance & Illlowing (& many other things!) Call 541-536-1294 or 541-615-5313 Villanueva Lawn Care. Maintenance,clean-up, thatching + more! Free estimates. 541-981-8386
People Look for Information About Products and Services EveryDaythrough The Bulletin Clsssifieds Tree Services MR. STUMP BUSTER Professional Stump & Tree Removal• 24 yra exp. Insured - Free estimates! Call 541-213-9103
a I.
.: . s.s: '
BlackButte Ranch Career Fair Saturday,March 29th 8cSunday, March 80th • I:00-4pm Black Butte Ranch Community Center (13895BishoPsCaP-nexf io the WelcomeCenfer!) Black Butte Ranch would like to invite you to come to our Career fair as wehave current openings in Food & Beverage,Golf,Maintenance, Recreation, the Bike shop, Spa, Housekeeping and all our departments. W e offer a friendly,safe and "fune working environment which makes us one of the best resorts to work for in Oregon! Our team looks forward to meeting you!
For more information-visit our website at
r contact Humvn Resources at (541) 595-1523
Classifieds 5 41 -38 5 - 5 8 0 9 "It'S SimPle. The Bulletin iS eaSy to WOrkWith, alWayS
make good suggestions and the price for the ads are deCent. CirCulatiOn Df yaur neWSPaPerCOVerSOtir area Of intereStilt draWing good CandidateS fOr the
positions we have open at the time." Mike Throop, Jefferson County HumanResources
NEW YQRK TIME5 CRQ55WQRD will sbprtz
C L U B T rresrlay,March25,2014
Defining an expert By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency I've heard many definitions of an expert. Here's one: somebody who knows all the answers — as long as you ask the right questions. Follow today's play and d ecide whether South was an expert. Against four spades, West led the ace and queen of d i amonds, and South playedlow from dummy and ruffed in his hand. "Who has the ace of clubs?" South muttered. At length, he led to the jack of trumps and returned the three of clubs from dummy.
Note: The answers to the 13 italicized 60 2002 Denzel Washington clues follow an unusual two-way progression from 1- to 73-Across. Can you drama
64 Wood cutter?
figure out what it is?
67 Hawaiian do
West dealer Neither side vulnerable 45 K J76
QJ4 0K73 4KJ53
East was in difficulty. If he played low, South would take the queen, return a trump to dummy and pitch his last club on the king of diamonds. If East took the ace of clubs and led a nother d i amond, S o ut h c o u l d discard three hearts on the king of diamonds and K-J of clubs, losing only one heart. If instead East took his ace and led a heart, South would guess right because of West's double. South asked the right question. If West had held the ace of clubs, South would still s u cceed because the bidding would mark East with the ace of hearts.
EAST 455
WEST 4542
9 Q109 0 1086 5 2 4A1097
SOUTH 4I A Q 10 9 8 3
9K532 04
East Pass Pass
Sout h 1 45 4 41
Y ouhold: 4 L K J 7 6 9 J 4 Opening lead — 0 A 0 K 7 3 A K J 5 3. With neither side vulnerable, North i n t o day's deal (C) 2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
Seeking 8 friendly duplicate bridge? Findfive gamesweekly at BIZARRO
38 Popular pesticide 39 Reader founder 41 Chow 42 Accompanied 43Pivot on an axis 48 Therapist's words
11Casino pass? 12 Huge, in poetry 13 "Chicago" song 19Oneof the Palins 21Like some hours 25 "Walk Like (1963 hit) 27 Composer Novello 28 Over the estimate
T A K ES I T MO R E T E A R 5 A A G E NO T S H RA S T A S A Y S A Y NAS T EE E D E N BTW L0 S A L I A T E CHE ESE C URL S Y I P 29 Healthful berry 30 "Star Trek" L A STD O N LA T C H captain VER S A W HAT A 1 O K E 31What can get OTT E R L I S A A N EW you down? LEO N 5 S PU D R A T S
4Q4 W est Nor t h Pass 14 Dbl 24 All Pass
31Sarah Palfn 68 Online line 20 21 22 or Arnold Schwarzenegger, 69 2014 TV retiree 24 25 26 70 Marriott informally e.g. alternative 33 "Vous etes 28 2 9 30 31 32 71Supped 9 Hopeless case (label on a 72 James Patterson French map) 33 34 35 14Buffalo Bill's sleuth Cross surname 34 In a crowd of 40 41 42 43 36 Dishserved with 73 Standard 15Rap devotee, deviation long-handled slangily 44 dev/ates from it forks 16University of DOWN 40Parf of 47 48 49 Maine Iocale 1 Trip provider? Manhaftan'6 17"Gotcha,dude!" Midtown West 2 Hullabaloo 52 5 3 54 55 18One who goeson 44 Football snaps 3 Role in "Thor" and on 56 57 58 59 45 Robt. E. Lee, e.g. 4 Fertilized egg 20 "What should I 46 Like a t o m e 5 "Sherlock" and 64 65 66 Pll "EastEnders" 47 Lesswelcoming 22 Lollapaloozas network 68 69 49 Bearlike 23" tu" (Verdi 52Yamaha products 6 Hate 71 72 aria) 7Horseof a 55 In-law of Esau certain color 24 Run like the wind 56 19706-'80s lv PUZZLE BY DAVID STEINBERG 8 Small storage 26 "Am I nuts?" planet unit 35 Loan insured by 50 Rule ending in 28 Former Rocket 57 Get extra value 9 Becomes less the F.H.A.: Abbr. 1947 Olajuwon from, say strict 51 Yiddish author 37 Not final, legally 10 Iceman Bobby Aleichem ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE
ACROSS 1 Everything 5"Yomama" joke,
opened one club with this hand. Do you agree with that action? ANSWER: Th ough many good players would consider this hand a mandatory opening bid, it looks like a barren assortment of high cards to m e. Th e h i g h -card s t rength i s borderline, and there are too many losers, no playing tricks and too few defensive values to open. I w ould
No. 0218
23 27
61 6 2
59 Children's author Silverstein 61 Brit of Fox News
52 Moseyed (along) 53Ayatollah Khomeini, for one 54 Goodyear headquarters 55 Sierra 58 Pac-12 team
62 "Peter Pan" dog 63 Christie's "The Mysterious Mr. 65 Supped 66Curse
Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 388 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:
32 Marked, as a box
mH e 443
y rr
Illour. entire marriage haC
Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains everydigitfrom1 to9 inclusively.
been a hallrLaiYLatioYL.
8 YE D
8 45
3 gz5
I 0.
I/E ALI/AyyLEE(7 /g F/si/7/f/6 gi/ApErcA//PE Jf/el gii/0+ A f(E(/pL(/f/pI c pffyf, "
Ol 0 o
AL)/AtfSE p0/N'ONEI/ANpEp Pf/LL-f/Pk
Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis
ACROSS I Ancient Egyptian
pictograph, e.g.
("P/(LA', ) T'5 S I J T... H6... I -. ...D0E5 HE Ii'Dlj Aik)A' 4' W()6.' H Efz... DD85... REQ Oiir'8 il)AY P(2 7H)Ai 42f'FcIA($80(yT pg ly)gRINAI)7
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Z g~dFOI@iyi
( . " HiLI) j4'&)I
6 Game,
, match
9 Signs 14 Tiny South Pacific nation 15 High-tech film effects, for short
I 6 Spreading like wildfire, as online
videos D
" 0
© 2014 by King FeatureS yndicate, Inc. Wor rightS reServed
Ir rr
If nri
670 >4WLRLARs 7 GHuutck.
P 0
33 Swear (to) 36 See 38-Across 38 With 36-Across,
needy people
LI Otj
17 Place for a Hold 'em game 19 Breathing 20 Missouri tributary 21 Approved of, on Facebook 22 Golf club part 25 Some evergreens 26 Visualize 27 Hindu royal 28 Feels poorly 30 Lith. and Ukr. were part of it
p ('
DOWN I Treasury Dept. variable 2 Mekong River
language 3 Relative of har 4 Dressed more like an Exeter student 5 Fling 7 Self-serving activity 8 Broadcastel"s scheduling unit
9 Racetracks
10 Surroundings 11 Officer Frank Poncherello portrayer of '706'808 TV 12 Congregation area 13 Snowy day toy
18 U.K. flying squad 22 Like Parmesan,
23 Newsman Dan 24 Slogan seen on
35 Tangy 37 Genetic info transmitter 40 Dapper pins 42 Equestrian competition 45 Single or double, 48 Deepest part 50 Rational state 53 Complicated, as a breakup
A D A R A G F O L A T P R E U N D D D E R 10
O D B E E A B S M I T A T E S S E 03/25/14 12
15 18
51 Garden locale
55 Salesstaff member 57 Give up, as territory 58 Nervous system transmitter 60 With all haste, in memos 63 Owns 64 Get off the fence 65 Hoped-for answer to a certain proposal
6 Nova
39 Located in that stickers place, in legalese 29 Salad go-with 41 Arctic wastelands 31 Treelined 43 Slippery fish 32 Email again 44 Baby bed 1 2 3 4 46 Veterans Day tradition 24 47 Trace amount 49 Afternoon 17
34 Wall Street watchdog org.
52 d e plume
THAT SCRAIIIBLED WORD GAME by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
15 Unscramble these four Jumbles,
0ne letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.
5 E
8o, what doyou Ihlnk?
Thst tree would look beaL4lful in our front ysrd. I wlsh It Was 4 llttle leaa expensive, but it'8 IUst pwfocL
8o, I take it thst 70U llke 16 I
08014 THbune Content Agency,LLC All Righls Reeenred.
Now arrange the circled letters IO fOrm the SurPriSe anSW8088
suggested by the above cartoon. HERIIAN" 0 LsughN98tock International Inc., Dist by Universal UClick for UFS,2014
"Have you got any others with more spikes?"
(Answers tomorrow)
Yesteda 5
J umbles: GRANT
) Answer. The butchershop'5new employee wasn'tCUTTING IT
54 Onetime Russian monarch 56 DUI-fighting gp. 57 Social division 59 Trojan War hero
61 Some highway ramps
62 Nabisco cookies ... and what you might cry Upon solving this puzzle's three other longest answers? 66 Long-extinct birds
67 Assembly aid
69 Opposition
70 Sloppy farm area 71 Bedbugs, e.g.
By Dave Sarpora
68 Open-mouthed
29 36
30 37
42 46
50 54
55 60
(c)2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC
63 68
I •
f• •
Fifth Wheels
Trucks & Heav E ui ment
Generator Kubota 3500 qas, 60 hrs, $1000 CASH. 541-923-5960
682- Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687- Commercial for Rent/Lease 693- Office/Retail Space for Rent REALESTATE 705 - Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 -Real Estate Trades 726- Timeshares for Sale 730 - NewListings 732- Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - MultiplexesforSale 740- Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744- Open Houses 745- Homes for Sale 746-Northwest Bend Homes 747 - Southwest BendHomes 748-Northeast Bend Homes 749- Southeast BendHomes 750- RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756- Jefferson County Homes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762- Homes with Acreage 763- Recreational HomesandProperty 764- Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homeswith Land
RENTALS 603 - Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605- RoommateWanted 616- Want ToRent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomesfor Rent 632 - Apt./MultiplexGeneral 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SE Bend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SWBend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for RentGeneral 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend 652- Houses for Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656- Houses for Rent SW Bend 658- Houses for Rent Redmond 659 - Houses for RentSunriver 660 - Houses for Rent LaPine 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663- Houses for Rent Madras 664 - Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RVParking 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space
Gulfstream S u nsport 30' Class A 1988 new f r idge, TV, solar panel, new refrigerator, 4000W generator, w h eelchair lift avail. Good cond. $11,500 obo 541-447-5504
1994 37.5' motorhome, with awning, and one slide-out, Only 47k miles and good condition.
Storage Rentals
For rent, 8'x20' container in secure facility. Dry, clean, only $90/mo. Call 9th Street RV Storage Center, 541-420-6851.
Arctic Cat 580 1994,
EXT, in good condition, $1000. Located in La Pine. Call 541-408-6149.
Find exactly what 860 you are looking for in the tilotorcycles & Accessories CLASSIFIEDS 632
Apt./lylultiplex General Small studio downtown area, $495 mo., $475 d ep. No p e ts, n o smoking. All utilities paid. 541-330- 9769 634 Apt./Multiplex NE Bend
Call for Specials! Limited numbers avail. 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. W/D hookups, patios or decks. MOUNTAiN GLEN, 541-383-9313 Professionally managed by Norris & Stevens, Inc. 654
Houses for Rent SE Bend
FXSTD Harley Davidson 2001,twin cam 88, fuel injected, Vance & Hines short shot exhaust, Stage I with Vance & Hines fuel management system, custom parts, extra seat. $10,500 OBO. Call Today 541-516-8684 Harley Davidson 2009 Super Glide Custom, Stage 1 Screaming Eagle performance, too many options to list, $8900. 541-388-8939
N ewer 4 b d r m S E , master main l evel, 2100 SF, large yard, very n ice. $ 1 595. 687
Commercial for Rent/Lease Fenced storage yard, building and o ffice trailer for rent. In convenient Redmond location, 205 SE Railroad Blvd. Reduced to $700/mo. Avail. now. 541-923-7343.
Harley Davidson 2011 Classic Limited, Loaded! 9500 miles, custom paint "Broken Glass" by Nicholas Del Drago, new condition, heated handgrips, auto cruise control. $32k in bike, only $20,000or best offer. 541-318-6049
HDFetBo 1996
Office space a v ail. 300-500- sq. ft., private bath and conference room, all util. paid. $300-$450 mo. Completely + dep. C all Jim at Rebuilt/Customized 541-480-4744
B3Ce9 &MtLD
l@e ©nlh
2012/2013 Award Winner Showroom Condition Many Extras Low Miles.
Southeast Bend Homes
Ads published in the "Boats" classificatio include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boat . For all other types of watercraft, please go to Class 875. 541-385-5609 ervin central ove on since 190
Office/Retail Space for Rent
2007 Winnebago Outlook Class "C" 31', solar panel, Cat. heater, excellent condition, more extras. Asking $58K. Ph. 541-447-9268 Can be viewed at Western Recreation (top of hill) in Prineville.
he Bulleti
HONDA XR650L 2002 Nice bike, $2900. 541-480-4744.
Nottingham Square 1300 sq ft nicely updated 3/2, backs to canal, 2 car gar. 20747 Canterbury, FSBO, $210,000. 541-390-1579
Wanted: crew members to sail Winchester Bay, OR to San Francisco and return, approx. 3 wks this summer. Call Mark, 541-233-8944 875
Watercraft Ads published in "Wa ercraft" include: Kay ks, rafts and motor zed personal watercrafts. Fo 'boats" please se lass 870. 541-385-5809
The Bulletin
serving cenvuoregon since 1903
Bigfoot Diesel 32' 2006, Su per C Duramax di e s el, Allison trans., only 37K mi., do u b le slide, 5500 Onan diesel gen., to many options to list. Vin¹ 534032, $79,995. Beaver Coach Sales &Service, Bend541-914-8438 DLR ¹3447
Fishing camp: dock, wave breaks, electric to dock, f ully f u rnished, extra bunks in pump house, by water only on North 10 Mi l e Lake . 541-404-7595. 775
Manufactured/ Mobile Homes FACTORY SPECIAL New Home, 3 bdrm, $46,500 finished on your site. J andjVI Homes 541-548-5511
Garage Sales
Garage Sales Garage Sales Find them
in The Bulletin Classifieds
Triumph Da ytona 2004, 15K m i l es, perfect bike, needs nothing. Vin ¹201536.
$4995 Dream Car Auto Sales 1801 Division, Bend 541-678-0240 Dlr 3665
I%% JM
National RV
Tropical, 1997,
35-ft, Chevy Vortec engine, new tires, new awnings, 12-ft slide-out, queen bed, Italian leather couch and recliner, excellent condition. Ready to travel„ towing hitch included.$19,900. 541-815-4811
Navion RV 2008, Sprinter chassis 25'. Mercedes Benz diesel, 24,000 miles, pristine cond., quality throughout, rear slide-out w/ queen bed, deluxe captain swivel front seats, diesel generator, awning, no pets/ no smoking. $75,500. 541-382-2430
Providence 2005 Fully loaded, 35,000 miles, 350 Cat, Very clean, non-smoker, 3 slides, side-by-side refrigerator with ice maker, Washer/Dryer, Flat screen TV's, In motion satellite. $95,000 541-480-2019 RV CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254
Recreational Homes & Property
Monaco Lapalma,
2002, 34'10' - Workhorse 8.1i Less than 18,000 mi, 5.5 Onan gen., 2 slides, 4 dr. refrig w/icemaker, micro/convection oven, water purifier, hydraulic jacks, power pilot seat+ more options. Exceptionally clean. $59,900/make offer.541-504-1008
G R E AT 18'Maxum skiboat,2000, inboard motor, g reat cond well rnaintained $8995 obo. 541-350-7755
Dodge Brougham 1978, 15', 1-ton, clean, 69,000 miles. $4500. In La Pine, call 541-602-8652
TIFFIN ALLEGRO BUS 2010 - FULLY LOADED 40QXP Powerglide Chassis / 425HP Cummings Engine / Allison 6 Spd Automatic Trans / Less than 40K miles / Offered at $199K. Too many options to list here! For more information go to ww.m new w~ ~alle or email trainwater157O or call 858-527-8627
Tioga 24' Class C Motorhome Bought new in 2000, currently under 20K miles, excellent shape, new tires, professionaly winterized every year, cutoff switch to battery, plus new RV batterFleetwood Discovery ies. Oven, hot water 40' 2003, diesel, w/all heater & air condioptions - 3 slide outs, tioning have never V ictory TC 9 2 c i satellite, 2 TV's, W/D, been used! 2002, runs great, etc., 32,000 m iles. $24,000 obo. Serious 40K mi., Stage 1 Wintered in h eated inquiries, please. shop. $84,900 O.B.O. Stored in Terrebonne. Performance Kit, 541-548-5174 n ew tires, r e a r 541-447-8664
brakes. $ 5 0 0 0. 541-771-0665
Yamaha 750 Maxum, 1983, 19K, exlnt cond, 50mpg, shaft drive, Forest River Sunseeker Class C, 24-ft -Double $1395. 541-279-7092 bed, roomy bath/shower, 541 -385-5809 lots storage, oak wood, 870 dining area slide-out w/ Boats & Accessories 780 new awning. Micro, air, TV& RV Mfd./Mobile Homes 12'1969 Searsalumi- newflatscreen batt. On-board gen/low with Land num fishing boat, hrs, arctic pkg, full cover. low hours on new 8 Ford 450 V10, 36,300 mi, 3 bdrm, 2 bath mobile hp engine, with trailer tow pkg, leather seats, no home for sale or rent. and extras. Good smoking/pets, sleeps 5-6 Private, along COI cashape! $1600. $31,500. nal. 541-389-2636 541-382-2599 541-419-6176
The Bulletin Classifieds
The Bulletin Classified
S e dr
• 34D, 2 slides • Tires 80% • Just completely serviced • 39,000 miles • No trades • $48,000 firm 541-815-3150
Chevy Silverado 1500 Peterbilt 359 p otable 2001, bed liner, tow water truck, 1 9 90, pkg, Alloy wheels. Vin 3200 gal. tank, 5hp ¹185489. pump, 4-3" h oses, $8,888 camiocks, $ 25,000. 541-820-3724 © s u a A Ru
Aircraft, Parts & Service
Tick, Tock Tick, Tock... ...don't let time get away. Hire a professional out of The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory today!
1/3interest in
Columbia 400,
Financing available.
(located I Bend.) 541-288-3333
Automotive Parts, Service & Accessories
Boats & Accessories 14'6" LUND alum. boat, 15 HP Merc m otor, E Z Lo a d trailer. Never been in water due to illness i n fam i ly. $6500. 541-617-0846
Alpenlite 29' 1993, Winnebago Aspect with goo s eneck. 2009 - 32', 3 slide$4500 obo. Needs outs, Leather interef r igerator rior, Power s e at, new locks, win d ows, 541-306-1961. Leave message. Aluminum wheels. 17" Flat Screen, CHECKYOUR AD Surround s o u nd, camera, Queen bed, Foam mattress, Awning, Generator, Inverter, Auto Jacks, Air leveling, Moon roof, no smoking or on the first day it runs p ets. L ik e n e w , to make sure it is cor$74,900 rect. "Spellcheck" and 541-480-6900 human errors do occur. If this happens to your ad, please conWhat are you tact us ASAP so that corrections and any looking for? adjustments can be You'll find it in made to your ad.
(phctc aboveis of a similar model & nct the actual vehicle)
Fleetwood Prowler 32' - 2001 2 slides, ducted heat 8 air, great condition, snowbird ready, Many upgrade options, financing available! $14,500 obo. Call Dick, 541-480-1687. Fleetwood Wilderness2000 model, 28', 1 slide, good condition, with awning and A/C, $7500.
Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' 2004, 35K, loaded, too much to list, ext'd warr. thru 2014, $49,900 Dennis, 541-589-3243
2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354
2005 Diesel 4x4
Chev Crewcab dually, Allison tranny, tow pkg., brake controller, cloth split front bench seat, only 66k miles. Very good condition, Original owner, $34,000 or best offer.
1/3 interest in wellequipped IFR Beech Bonanza A36, new 10-550/ 4 Michelin P225/45R-18 low profile radials prop, located KBDN. 541-408-7826 $65,000. 541-419-9510 mounted on 5 spoke, 5 www. lug Chevy rims, $600 obo. 541-647-2640 Chevy Ext. Cab 1991 with camper shell, 932 ood cond., $1500 Antique & BO. 541-447-5504. Classic Autos 1/5th interest in 1973
Cessna 150 LLC
150hp conversion, low time on air frame and engine, hangared in Bend.Excellent performance & affordable flying! $6,000. 541-410-6007
1921 Model T Delivery Truck Restored 8 Runs $9000. 541-389-8963
(Photo for illustration only)
Dodge R a m 150 0 2006, Bed liner, tow premium pkg, wheels. Vin ¹146717. $23,999
s u a A Ru
2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354
172 Cessna Share Buick Skylark 1972 IFR equipped, new 17K original miles. Dodge Ram 1500 avionics, Garmin 750 Please see Bend SLT uadcab 1999 touchscreen, center Craigslist for details and 881 more photos. stack, 180hp. Travel Trailers Exceptionally clean $18,900. 541-323-1898 & economical! Euroway by Fleetwood Keystone Challenger $13,500. 1996 27' trailer, 2004 CH34TLB04 34' Hangared in KBDN excellent condition, 5 5 .2L V8 aut o . , new tires, electric lift, fully S/C, w/d hookups, Call 541-728-0773
A/C, micro, aluminum construction, fiberglass exterior, always garaged. $5100. 541-549-0805
Keystone Laredo31' RV
20 06 w i th 1 2' slide-out. Sleeps 6, queen walk-around bed w/storage underneath. Tub & shower. 2 swivel rockers. TV. Air cond. Gas stove & refrigerator/freezer. Microwave. Awning. Outside sho w er. Slide through stora ge, E as y Li f t . $29,000 new; Asking $18,600 541 -4947-4805
Orbit 21' 2007, used only 8 times, A/C, oven, tub shower, micro, load leveler hitch, awning, dual batteries, sleeps 4-5, EXCELLENT CONDITION. All accessories are included. $14,511 OBO. 541-382-9441
Pacific Ridge by Komfort 2011
Mdl P 27RL 31', 15'
Super slide, power jack, electric awning, solar panel, 6-volt batteries, LED lighting, always stored inside. Must see to appreciate.Asking $28,000. Call Bill, 541-480-7930 RV
CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254
new 18' Dometic awning, 4 new tires, new Kubota 7000w marine diesel generator, 3 slides, exc. cond. inside & out. 27" TV dvd/cd/am/fm entertain center. Call for more details. O n ly used 4 times total in last 5ys years.. No pets, no smoking. High retail $27,700. Will sell for $24,000 including sliding hitch that fits in your truck. Call 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. for appt to see. 541-330-5527.
1 43,659 mi. R W D Vin ¹628726 Bargain Corral. $5,977
1974 Bellanca 1730A
condition, always hangared, 1 owner for 35 years. $60K. In Madras, call 541-475-6302
• p'
New brakes, tires, axles, needs paint & vinyl top. Very good condition. $2200 obo, cash. Call for full details! 541-678-5575
2180 TT, 440 SMO, 180 mph, excellent
Laredo 30' 2009
overall length is 35' has 2 slides, Arctic package, A/C, table & chairs, satellite, Arctic pkg., power awning, in excellent condition! More pix at
Cadillac Eldorado, 1978
Ford F150 1983, Nice, original Thunderbird canopy. needs motor $450. 541-410-3425
Cessna 182Q, 1977, mid-time engine/ prop, custom panel, S-Tec 30+ altitude hold, Garmin 430, GPSS, oversized tires, digital fuel flow, excellent paint & interior. Must see to
Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 engine, power everything, new paint, 54K orig. miles, runs great, exc. $7500 obo. 541-480-3179
Dodge Ram 2500 2008 Diesel, exc. towing vehicle, 2WD, 55,000 miles. New batteries, rear air bags, Roll-n-lock bed cover, spray-in liner. 5th wheel hitch available, too. $19,000. 541-604-1285
Ford F250 Camper Special 1966, AT w/limited Monaco Lakota 32' 2002, slip rear end. A few is2 slides, AC, recliners, Hangarfor sale at Plymouth B a r racudasues but runs good. Full walk-around queen bed, sliding glass door closet, Redmond Airport - not 1966, original car! 300 steel rack w/drs. $1950 a T Hangar $39,000. hp, 360 V8, center- firm, cash. 541-420-01 56 new tub & 10-gal water 541-420-0626 lines, 541-593-2597 heater, good tires. Brand new 20' screen room Ford F-250 XLT available. Super clean, 1 2006 Supercab owner, n o n-smokers. .~ A.: $11,999. 541-447-7968 NWN&l'
MONTANA 3585 2008,
exc. cond., 3 slides, king bed, Irg LR, Arctic insulation, all options $35,000 obo. 54'I -420-3250
OPEN ROAD 36' 2005 - $25,500 King bed, hide-a-bed sofa, 3 slides, glass shower, 10 gal. water heater, 10 cu.ft. fridge, central vac, s atellite dish, 2 7 " TV/stereo syst., front front power leveling jacks and s cissor stabilizer jacks, 16' awning. Like new! 541-419-0566
gjI is
nette/small bed; bathroom w/tub/shower (not a "wet" bathroom), ceramic toilet; AC, gas heat, gas Recreation by Design 2013 Monte Carlo, cook stove w/oyen; gas water heater; micro, large 38-ft. Top living room, 2 115v AC/gas fridge/ bdrm, has 3 slideouts, 2 freezer; 2 hanging clos- A/Cs, entertainment ets, 2 mirrors; cable TV & center, fireplace, W/D, rooftop antenna hookups; garden tub/shower, in stereo CD/radio,Ig rear great condition. $36,000 window; roller awning; obo. Call Peter, load level hitch. 307-221-2422, By owner$10,000. ( in La Pine ) 541-647-8214(Sisters) WILL DELIVER
Save money. Learn Rolls Royce 1992 Silto fly or build hours ver Spur II, excellent! with your own airMidnight Blue exterior, 6.0L VS, auto.,diesel, c raft. 1968 A e r o Parchment leather inte4WD Vin¹D74407 Commander, 4 seat, rior, 15-inch chrome RR Bargain Corral wheels, Alpine Sirius 150 HP, low time, $18,977 full panel. $23,000 DVD/CD/AM/FM/GPS navigation system, obo. Contact Paul at ROBBERSON 77,20gtt miles, dealer541-447-5184. L INCOLII ~ IM saa ship maintained, always garaged. New, 541.312.3986 T-Hangar for rent about $250,000; sell DLR¹0205 at Bend airport. $19,500. 541-4804348 Call 541-382-8998.
© 0 e
RV CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We Do the Work, You Keep the Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254
UN Ut4f tl. SOLD"
COACHfAAN OOB F~tander- 15o 2 2 ClassC M31
coach Prtstine -Efficient 'tu Banks has Fordvto s/i¹ sIIM, powet pkg P,C, fiat ductedturnacel 5 awning. screenTV" Nokeitin. tt pets/never slo Abargainat34g,900I
541-OOO-O Winnebago Adventurer 2005 35i/s', gas, less than 20,000 miles, Tango 29.6' 2007, excellent condition, 2 Rear living, walkslide-outs, work horse chassis, Banks power around queen bed, brake system, sleeps central air, awning, 5, with al l o p tions, 1 large slide, $69,000 / negotiable. $12,000. Call 5 4 1-306-8711or 541-280-2547 or email a ikistu@bend541-815-4121
541.312.3986 DLR¹0205
appreciate. Asking $68,000. Bill, 541-480-7930
Check out the classifieds online Updated daily SPRINGDALE 22' 2010 Exlntcond, Q-bed+di-
an saa
RV lnotorcy ur euto, or airplane boat, o tit' tt sells ad runsun' <2 or up to rnonttts cornes ffrst.) ~vvhicheve
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Sport Utility Vehicles
Kia Soul+ 2012 •
BOATS 8 RVs 805- Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885- Canopies and Campers 890- RVs for Rent
AUTOS8ETRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles
Sport Utility Vehicles
Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Sahara 20 07, running boards, alloy wheels, tow pkg. Vin ¹120477.
2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354
2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354
FORD XLT 1992 3/4 ton 4x4 matching canopy, 30k original miles, possible trade for classic car, pickup, motorcycle, RV $13,500. In La Pine, call 928-581-9190
Call The Bulletin At 541-385-5809 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail At:
Ford F-350 4x4,
GMC 2500 2003 HD SLECrew Cab
4-wheel drive, 6.6 liter V8 Turbo Diesel Duramax engine, Allison transmission, many options, 2006 XLT 4-door 107,000 miles. Crew Cab Very good condition, $21,500. 6.0L Turbo diesel, full 707-484-3518 power, a u t omatic, (located in Bend) 6-disc CD, cruise, fog lights, running boards, tow pkg, bedliner, grill guard, folding rear seat. Tan cloth interior, metallic tan exterior. 91,400 miles. I
Priced to sell$21,500 541-350-6925 Ford Ranger 1990 K ing Cab, g o o d cond, new motor, tinted windows, bed liner, 2 sets tires, dual pipe. Must see to appreciate. $4000 obo. 541-948-9061
GMC Sonoma 2001 4x4 Ext Cab, 4.3L V6, 87,650 miles, very qood cond. $5500. 541-388-1714
supported seats, panoramic mo o nroof, Bluetooth, ski bag, Xenon headlights, tan & 541-598-3750 black leather interior, www.aaaoregonauton ew front & re a r brakes © 76K miles, one owner, all records, very clean, $16,900. TURN THE PAGE 541-388-4360 For More Ads The Bulletin Need to get an ad in ASAP? ToyotaLandcruiser VX 1999
Fax it to 541-322-7253
4.7L V8, 4WD, auto.,
16mpg Hwy, Vin¹ 66902 Bargain Corral $11,977
Have an item to Ford Supercab 1992, sell quick? brown/tan color with m atching full s i z e If it's under c anopy, 2WD, 4 6 0 '500 you can place it in over drive, 135K mi., full bench rear seat, The Bulletin slide rear w i ndow, Classifieds for: bucket seats, power seats w/lumbar, pw, '10 - 3 lines, 7 days HD receiver & trailer brakes, good tires. '16 - 3 lines, 14 days Good cond i tion. $4900. 541-389-5341 (Private Party ads only)
Vin ¹293948
s U s ARu
2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354
Buick Lacrosse CX 2008
'~IW @ FWD automatic, 4-Spd, 75,999 mi. Vin¹343933 $9,977 ROBBERSON 4 ~
541.312.3986 DLR¹0205
Ford Thunderbird 2002 c o nvertible with brand new tonneau cover, white with grey i nterior, loaded, 88,600 low miles, choice condition, eve r ything works. Great fun car to d r ive. I l l ness forces sale $13,950 cash. C all Bi l l 541-604-9307
541.312.3986 DLR ¹0205
541.312.3986 DLR ¹0205
s u a A Ru
2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. Need help fixing stuff? 877-266-3821 Call A Servics Professional Dlr ¹0354 find the help you need.
FWD, V6 auto., 90k mi., 29 mpg Hwy, Vin¹572987 Bar ain Corral 6,977 ROBBERSON~ 541-312-3986 DLR ¹0205
Ford Thunderbird 2004 Convertible
Nlazda Nliata 1997 M-Edition Mica Green, 5-spd, All power options, leather, convertible boot, Tonneau Cover, synthetic oils, small alum. trailer, extra set tires and rims $5995. 541-548-5648
1996, 73k miles,
Tiptronic auto. transmission. Silver, blue leather interior, moon/sunroof, new quality tires and battery, car and seat covers, many extras. Recently fully ser-
1999. Very good cond. Runs well, Two sets of tires on rims - summer and winter. $2500. 541-593-2312
or 541-977-7588
VW Eurovan 2000, no pop top, V6, only 62K miles. Good condition, $9500. 907-321-1013
s u s A Ru
Toyota Celica Converfible 1993
GT 2200 4 cyl, 5 speed, a/c, pw, pdl, nicest c o nvertible around in this price range, new t ires, wheels, clutch, timing belt, plugs, etc. 111K mi., remarkable cond. inside and out. Fun car to drive, Must S E E! $5995. R e dmond. 541-504-1993
fphoto forillustrationonly) 7
L82- 4speed. 85,000 miles Garaged since new. I've owned it 25 years. Never damaged or abused.
Dave, 541-350-4077
Hyundai Sonata 2009, auto, 4 cylinder, FWD, alloy wheels, Vin ¹486022 $11,999
s u a aau
Porsche 911 Turbo
2.2L 4 cyl. auto, 104k miles, 29 MPG
Hwy, Gray,
Vin¹391666 $5,998 ROBBERSON ~ U
2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354
541-312-3986 DLR ¹0205
Nissan Altima2010 QSI
CORVETTE COUPE Glasstop 2010 Grand Sport-4LT loaded, clear bra hood & fenders. New Michelin Super Sports, G.S. floor mats, 17,000 miles, Crystal red. $42,000. 503-358-1164.
[photo for illustration only)
Kia Forte SX Hatch- 2.5S 4cyl., FWD, back 2013, 4 Cy l , CVT, 76k mi., 32 m oon r o of , re a r mpg„Tuscan Sun spoiler, alloy wheels. Metallic, vin¹443778 Vin¹684485 $11,997 $17,988 ROBBERSON
s U s ARu
2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354
541-312-3986 DLR ¹0205
Volkswagen Jetta 2.0L 2013, 4 Cyl., Turbo diesel, 6 speed w/tiptronic, FWD, moon roof, alloy wheels. Vin ¹356856 $22,988
® s U s ARu 2003 6 speed, X50 added power pkg., 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 530 HP! Under 10k 877-266-3821 miles, Arctic silver, Dlr ¹0354 gray leather interior, new quality tires, and battery, Bose p remium so u n d stereo, moon/sunroof, car and seat covers. Many extras. Garaged, p e rfect V olvo S40 T 5 2 0 0 5 condition, $59,700. AWD, sunroof, lux/winter 541-322-9647 pkgs, new tires, more! $6775 obo.541-330-5818 Porsche Carrera 911 2003 convertible with hardtop. 50K miles, new factory Porsche motor 6 mos ago with 18 mo factory warranty remainina. $37,500. 541-322-6928
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Time to deCIUtter? Need SOme eXtra CaSh? Need SOmeeXtra SPaCethe garage?
• vw
2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354
looks and runs like new. Excellent condition $29,700 541-322-9647
Chrysler Town & Country LXI 1997, beautiful inside & out, one owner, nonsmoker,. loaded with options! 197,892 mi. Service rec o rds available. $4 , 950. Call Mike, (541) 8158176 after 3:30 p.m.
Subaru Outback 2.5i 2005, auto, 4 cylinder, AWD, alloy wheels, Vin ¹340402 $9 999
viced, garaged,
Mercedes Benz C220 1996
Honda Odyssey
Ford Bronco H 4x4, 1989Automatic, power steering, stereo upgrade, set-up to tow, runs good. $1700. 541-633-6662
Pontiac Grand AM SE1 2003
Sport, 5 spd, leather seats, hatchback, FWD. 68,398 mi. vin¹532282 $17,977
Corvette 1979
exc. cond. inside and out. $3,295 or make offer. 541-550-6328
Olds 98 Regency 1990 Subaru Impreza 2.5i exc. shape, runs as 2011, 4 c y l , a u t o, new, one owner, 20 AWD, keyless entry. mpg in town. New Vin ¹507659 battery, stud snow $16,999 tires. $2000.
Porsche 911 Carrera 993 cou e
with hard & soft top, silver with black interior, Cadillac d'E l egance all original, 1998, low miles 66k, very low mileage, non-smokers, $3200 in premium condition. obo. 541-389-5488 $19,900. 702-249-2567 (car is in Bend) Cadillac Deville DHS 2000. Most options, exc. cond. Look at: 93,000 mi.. New tires. $4,800. for Complete Listings of 541-233-8944. Area Real Estate for Sale
Ford Bronco 1990, 5.9 351, 134k miles,
2.0L 4 cyls, FWD, automatic, 43k miles, 28 MPG Hwy, vin¹438072 $12,977 ROBBERSON
Mazda3 2012
IIMto,QC I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 ton dually, 4 s pd. trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950. 541-419-5480.
541.312.3986 DLR ¹0205
The Bulletin Classifieds
on black, sport/prem packs, leather, 3.5i turbo, nav., 20k N miles, 19 wheels, cold weather pkg, Xenons, warranteed to 9/2015. $38,000 One owner,
garaged/covered. Bose Premium Gold system. Orig. owner manual. Stock! $10,500 OBO. Retired. Must sell! 541-923-1781
Dodge Avenger SE Sedan 2012, 4 c y l , auto, FWD, MP3.
2007, sedan, dark
Highlander 2012 BMW X3 2 0 07, 99K Toyota miles, premium pack- Limited, 30,500 mi. age, heated lumbar
BMW X3 2011black
1996, 350 auto, 135k, non-ethanol fuel/synthetic oil,
BMW 3 Series 328i
Ford F-350 2006, bed liner, tow pkg, prem ium wheels. V i n ¹B94205. $17,999
v I I
Oyer 2,000 NE natur
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