Bulletin Daily Paper 07-25-15

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SATURDAY july25,2015


Pig O

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esc utes: e esttoinvest... en: ot est ormiennias It's the No. 1 Oregon county in attracting businessmoney

Ri sing housing costs andlow wagesmakeliving here hard


Class-action St. Charles settlement

Earth 2.0 NASAhas found our planet's older, bigger cousin.A3

is near By Kathleen McLaughlin The Bulletin

Plue Things keepgetting hazier about Pluto —andclearer for scientists back home.A2

St. Charles Health System is close to settling a

lawsuit that claimed physical therapists were forced to work off-the-clock, and

Dental discovery — Think

as many as two dozen affectedcaregiverscould

getting your cavities taken care of is painful now? Imagine it 14,000 years ago.A3

share in the proceeds.

Attorneys for St. Charles and lead plaintiff Rose Dusan-Speck hammered

Late night, less political

out the deal Wednesday before a federal judge in

— Jon Stewart's leaving, and the new generation of hosts is already seeming not as interested in his favorite topic.D6

Portland. The attorneys said in a joint statement

they will seek class-action status, which means other

physical therapists who

Sugar Howmuchof the

worked for St. Charles Home Health could be

sweet stuff added to that box of food you' reholding is too much? TheFDAwants to help you figure that out.A2

compensated. The amount of the settlement and who

will be eligible for inclusion weren't disclosed, but court documents said 20 to 25 other home health

Shooting update Louisiana gunmankilled with a firearm he bought legally.A4

PTs were affected by St. Charles' practices. See St. Charles /A5


The worst place to be in shootings?

When chemo

harmsmore than heals

Joe Kline i The Bulletin

Trumpeter swans Chuck (red ID collar) and Grace swim around the pond at the Sunriver Nature Center on Thursday afternoon. The birds — onetime outcasts that met each other in June — are now an item.

By Eryn Brown

By Michael E. Miller

Los Angeles Times

By Dylan J. Darlinge The Bulletin

The Washington Post

It's been documented

that many terminal cancer

Jalen Fernell was set-

tling into the opening scene of "Southpaw" when he heard the shots, so faint he thought they were part of the soundtrack. Tanya Clark was standing in line at the concession stand,

ordering slushies to drink during "Magic Mike XXL" when the screams and sirens began. "I thought it was just a

joke," her 17-year-old son, Robert Martinez, told The New York Times. But then

a woman hobbled through the cinema lobby, her leg dripping blood.


huck, the sometimes aggressive trumpeter swan at the Sunriver

"The moment he hooked up with Gracehe has turned into an absolute perfect gentleman."

Nature Center, appears to have finally found a pond partner. Grace, a swan found along the Deschutes River on Christmas Day 2013 with a fishing lure stuck in her tongue, — Jay Bowerman, Sunriver Nature Center principal researcher, about Chuck is the lucky lady swan sticking to Chuck's side at Lake Aspen next to the

he said. Both flightless from being pinioned — where people have cut off the end of one wing — the swans spend their days at Lake Aspen swimming and sitting together. At times they mirror each oth-

patients don't benefit from

er's movements and have been spotted

ue treatment — faced with

chemotherapy and other types of treatments toward the end of their lives.

Nonetheless, many, with their doctors, opt to contin-

performing mating dances. "They are really enjoying each other," Curtis said. Chuck is quick to rear up, raise his Nature Center. voice and spread his wings to protect The relationship started rough when the lake to herself. Then Chuck was put Grace if he feels someone has come too they first met in early June. Chuck's ini- back on the water and the pair of swans close to her. tial reaction was to chase Grace off the hit it off, said Nature Center Manager Chuck's aggressive behavior didn' t lake. The Nature Center isolated Chuck Jennifer Curtis. always have such purpose. "They have been inseparable since," for a couple of days, letting Grace have See Swans /A5

impossible choices, they hold on to hope that treatment might buy some time, or improve the quality of the days they have left. A new study, published Thursday in JAMA Oncology,may lead some people to different decisions.

See Chemo /A5

And inside ill-fated the-

ater 14, the epicenter of the mayhem, moviegoers were 20 minutes into the roman-

D.C. starts pushto write gays into Civil RightsAct

tic comedy "Trainwreck" when gunshots — louder than any sound system could produce — shook

By Paul Kans

law discrimination against

them out of their reverie

The Washington Post

and back to the real world. "There was so much blood," one witness said while attending to a victim

A coalition of liberal Democrats began a new campaign Thursday with a broad proposal to rewrite the landmark

gays in the workplace, in financial and housing markets,

shot in the leg, according to

1964 Civil Rights Act to out-


Court ruling made same-sex

The legislation, dubbed the Equality Act, comes less than

marriage legal nationwide, prompting lawmakers who support gay rights and their political allies to set aside legislation that was more modest

a month after a 5-4 Supreme

in scope and to advance a

Oreogn's civil rights director visits Bend,B1

and in other areas of private

and public life. Proponents describe the effort as the next gay rights movement.

m ore comprehensive bilL "The time has come to not

just focus on one small piece of the puzzle," said Sen. Jeff

Merkley, D-Ore., the lead Senatesponsorofthem easure. See Gays /A5

a reporter at the scene.

That was Thursday night in Lafayette, Louisiana. Several other deadly inci-


dents have shown theaters can be places of carnage,

Partly sunny High 72, Low 44 Page B6

off the screen, too.

See Theaters /A4

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Turkish strikes on ISIS Turkish jets flying from abasein


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By Eric Tucker and Matthew Lee

his entire sentence.

who damaged thenation by disclosing a trove of sensitive The Associated Press has always and continues to documents. WASHINGTON — J o n a- maintain that Jonathan PolThe U.S. has previously than Pollard, an A m erican lard should serve his full sen- dangled his release, includwho was convicted of spying tence forthe serious crimes ing during Israel-Palestinian for Israel in a sensationhe committed, which talks last year. His release now al espionage case that in this case is a 30-year could be seen as a concession inflamed public sentisentence as mandated to Israel, which strongly opm ent, could be released by statute," said spokes- posed the just-concluded U.S. from federal p rison man Mare Raimondi. nuclear deal with Iran. But fedwithin months, his lawHis attorney, E liot eral officials rejected that idea. yer and the Justice De- Polla rd Lau e r , said Friday he "Mr. Pollard's status will partment said Friday. hoped his client would be determined by the United Pollard becomes eligible for be released but said he had States Parole Commission parole in November, on the received no commitment from according to standard proce30th anniversary of his arrest the Obama administration. dures," said National Security on charges of selling classified Pollard was arrested in No- Council spokesman Alistair information to Israel. He will vember 1985 as he tried un- Baskey. "There is absolutely be presumptively eligible for successfully to gain asylum in zero linkage between Mr. Polrelease unless the U.S. Parole Israel's Washington embassy. lard's status and foreign policy Commission determines he Since then, the case has stoked considerations." has a record of bad behavior passions and divided opinions, Pollard, 60, h a s b a t tled in prison or is likely to commit with supporters arguing he health problems in recent new crimes. was punished excessively giv- years and is being held in a U.S. officials say they' re un- en he spied for a country that' s North Carolina prison. The likely to oppose his parole. But a U.S. ally. Critics — including federal Bureau of Prisons the Justice Department says prosecutors and government website lists his expected reit expects Pollard to serve out officials — call him a traitor lease date as Nov. 21. "The Department of Justice

Turkey's southeast havestruck Islamic State group targets across the border in Syria for the second straight night, Turkish news reports said today. Thefighter jets also hit camps of Kurdish PKKmilitants in northern Iraq, the reports said. If confirmed, it would bethe first time Turkey has struck Kurds in northern Iraq since apeacedeal was announced in 2013betweenAnkara andthe rebel group, the Kurdistan Workers' Party. Tensions have flared with Kurds in recent days after a suicide bombing by thegroup also known as ISIS inthe southeastern Turkish city of Suruc on Mondaykilled 32 people. Kurdish groups blame the Turkish government for not combatting ISIS.

Qaida COmmander killed Theal-Qaida operative incharge of suicide bombingsandoperations involving explosives was killed in a U.S. airstrike in Afghanistan this month, thePentagon said Friday. The operative, AbuKhalil al-Sudani, had beendirectly involved in plots against the UnitedStates aswell as against American, Afghanand Pakistani forces, DefenseDepartment officials said. Theydescribed al-Sudani as aclose associate of Aymanal-Zawahri, the leader of al-Qaida. The Pentagonsaidal-Sudani waskilled July 11.

More ’mind-diowing’ Pluto discoveries Pluto is hazier than scientists expected andappears to be covered with flowing ice. The team responsible for the NewHorizons flyby of Pluto last week released newpictures Friday. "If you' reseeing a cardiologist, you may want to leavethe room," principal scientist Alan Stern teased at the opening of the newsconference at NASAheadquarters. "There are some pretty mind-blowing discoveries." NASA'sNewHorizons spacecraft, now 7.5million miles beyond Pluto, hasdetected layers of haze stretching 100 miles into the atmosphere, muchhigher than anticipated. All this haze isbelieved to account for the dwarf planet's reddish color. If you werestanding on Pluto and looking up,you probably wouldn't notice the haze,said George Mason University's Michael Summers. In fact, NewHorizons had towait until after its closest approach onJuly14, so the sunwould silhouette Pluto and theatmosphere could bemeasured by meansof the scattered sunlight.

Armed civilians at recruiting centers TheDefenseDe-

e oil.Ave.



ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool..........541-383-0374 Publisher John Costa........................ ManagingEditor Denise Costa.....................541-363-0356

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Hulk Hogan dropped fromWWE World Wrestling Entertain-


CORRECTIONS The Bulletin's primaryconcern isthat all stories areaccurate. If you knowof an error in a story, call us at541-383-0356.

TO SUBSCRIBE Call us ................541-385-5800

Ben Curtis / The Associated Press

BarackObama meets8-year-oldJoanW amaitha, who gave theAmerican president flowers after he arrived at the JomoKenyatta International Airport in Nairobi on Friday. Obama,fulfilling the hopes of millions of Kenyans, returned to his father's homeland Friday for the first time as president, a long-sought visit by a country that considers him a local son. Obama spent the evening reuniting with his Kenyan family, including his elderly step-grandmother who made the trip to the capital from her rural village. Billboards heralding Obama's trip dotted the city. "I don't think that Kenyansthink of Obamaas Afri-

can-American. Theythink of him as Kenyan-American," said EJHogendoorn, deputy program director for Africa at the International Crisis Group. Obama's first trip to Kenyanearly 30 years agowas a quest to fill in the gaps in thestory of his father' s life. (The president barely knewBarack ObamaSr., who left Hawaii when his sonwas ayoung boy.) Obama's agenda isfocusedontrade,economicissues and counterterrorism. The president is traveling with nearly two dozenU.S. lawmakers and200 U.S. investors. Obama isthefirst sitting president to visit Kenya aswell as Ethiopia, which is also onhis trip.

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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org and individual lottery websites

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawnFriday night are:

2Qz6 Q 60Qsz QoQ '9 The estimated jackpot is now $20 million.


of Texas, who isseeking theRepublican nomination for president, received somegood news regarding his legal problems Friday whenan appeals court in his state dismissedoneof two felony chargesagainst him. Perry was indicted last summer oncriminal charges of abuseof power andcoercion of apublic servant. Hewas accused of trying to use his powers asgovernor to makean elected official step downafter being chargedwith drunkendriving. On Friday, theTexasCourt of Criminal Appeals inAustin dismissed the charge of coercion onthe grounds that it violated Perry's right to free speech.


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partment askedarmedcivilians who havevolunteered to guard military recruiting stations in thewakeof the massshooting in Chattanooga, Tennessee, to leavetheir posts. The Pentagonsaid in astatement Friday it took thesafety of its enlisted andcivilian personnel "very seriously" and that DefenseSecretary Ash Carter was reviewing recommendations to improvesecurity at all facilities, including recruiting stations. Thepresence ofarmedcivilians, it said, might cause safety problems. Adefense official said Friday's statement was prompted by an "accidental weaponsdischarge" from acivilian weapon outside a recruiting station in Lancaster, Ohio, theday before.

ment Inc. terminated thecontract of Terry Bollea, better known asHulk Hogan, onFriday,after it was reported heused a racial slur on videotape. According to a"joint investigation" by TheNational Enquirer and RadarOnline.corn, Bollea, 61,was caught on anunauthorized sextape saying hewas "a racist, to a point." Hefollowed the comment with an expletive andthe"n-word." The publications said transcripts of the tape had beenfiled in aFlorida court in anattempt to seal his words from the public, but the tape's contents hadbeenconfirmed with several sources. — From wire reports

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FDA backslabeling daily valuefor sugar By Mary Clare Jalonick

ars.Since then, a government

follow that advice," said Susan

The Associated Press

advisory committee recom-

Mayne, director of the FDA's

ing if you are eating too much added sugar? The nutrition label on your food may one day help you figure it out. The Food and Drug Admin-

mended that people get no more than 10 percent of calories daily from added sugars. The FDA proposal would be based onthat number, meaning added sugars should be

Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition.

istration proposed Friday that

no more than200 calories,or

hydrates, dietary fiber, iron,

nutrition facts labels include thepercentageofyourrecommended daily intake of added sugars in a food item — the "percent daily value." Adding a new line for added sugars, or those that don' t occur naturally, is part of an

about 50grams, in a recommended daily diet of 2,000 calories. So if a food label says something has 50 grams of added sugars, the percent daily value for added sugars would be list-

calcium and vitamins A and C. The Center for Science in

ed as 100 percent.

victory," pointing out that a 20

nutrients, the proposal didn' t

ars on the Nutrition Facts label

there isn't enough science to

include one for added sug-

is intended to help consumers justify the proposal.


Currently, the nutrition facts

label lists percent daily values for total fat, saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium, total carbo-

the Public Interest, an advocacy group that has pushed for more information on nutrition




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facts panels, called the FDA's move "a major public health

"For the past decade, con- ounce sugary soda can have label proposed last year by the sumers have been advised to 130 percent of the sugar a perObama administration. reduce their intake of added son is supposed to consume in While the l abels include sugars, and the proposed per- a day. percent daily values for other cent daily value for added sugThe sugar industry said overhaul of the nutrition facts

Clinton emailssaidto contain classified data By Michael S. Schmidt and Matt Apuzzo

day any government secrets tor general, said in a statement found on the server had been signed by him and Charles McNew York Times News Service classified after the fact. Cullough, the inspector general WASHINGTON — GovernBut the inspectors general of for the intelligence community. ment investigators said Friday the State Department and the The findings by the two inthey had discovered classified nation's intelligence agencies spectors general raise new information on the private said the information they found questions about Clinton's use email account Hillary Clinton was classified when it was sent of her personal email at the used while secretary of state, and remains so now. Informa- State Department, a practice stating unequivocally those tion is considered classified that since March has been secrets never should have been if its disclosure would likely criticized by Clinton's 2016 Restored outside of secure gov- harm national security, and publican adversaries. ernmentcomputersystems. such information can be sent It is against the law for Clinton has said for months or storedonly on computer net- someone to receive a classified she kept no classified informa- works with special safeguards. document or briefing and then "This classified information summarize that information tion on the private server that she set up in her house so she never should have been trans- in an unclassified email. would not have to carry both mitted via an undassified perThe two investigators did a personal phone and a work sonal system," Steve Linick, not say whether Clinton sent phone. Her campaign said Fri- the State Department inspec- or received the emails.

’ I





Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day

It's Saturday, July 25, the 206th day of 2015. Thereare 159 days left in the year.




Special Olympics› Nearly7,000 athletes from 177 countries are inCalifornia as the Special Olympics World Games begin.

HISTORY Highlight:In1965, Bob Dylan drew boos from somespectators at the Newport Folk Festival as heperformed with a rock band. (Thecause of the negative reaction is in dispute, with some citing Dylan's use of an electric guitar, others blaming poor audio quality and still others complaining about the shortness of Dylan's set.) In1554, QueenMary I of England married Philip II, future King of Spain. In1814,the Battle of Lundy's Lane, one of the bloodiest battles of the Warof1812, took place in present-day Niagara Falls, Ontario, with no clear victor. In1909,French aviator Louis Bleriot becamethe first person to fly an airplane across the English Channel, traveling from Calais to Dover in 37 minutes. In1918, the musical revue"The Passing Showof1918" opened on Broadway,featuring acast that included FredAstaire and his sister, Adele,andthe song "I'm Forever Blowing Bubbles." In1934,Austrian Chancellor Engelbert Dollfuss wasassassinated by pro-Nazi Austrians in a failed coup attempt. In1943, Benito Mussolini was dismissed aspremier of Italy by King Victor Emmanuel III, and placed underarrest. (However, Mussolini was later rescued bythe Nazis, and re-asserted his authority.) In1952, Puerto Rico becamea self-governing commonwealth of the United States. In1956, the Italian liner Andrea Doria collided with the Swedish passenger ship Stockholm off the NewEnglandcoast late at night and begansinking; at least 51 people were killed. In1975, the musical "A Chorus Line" opened onBroadwayat the Shubert Theatre, beginning a run of 6,137performances. In1985, a spokeswomanfor Rock Hudsonconfirmed the actor, hospitalized in Paris, was suffering from AIDS.(Hudson died in October 1985.) In19%, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin andJordan's King Hussein signed adeclaration at the White Houseending their countries' 46-year-old formal state of war. In2000, a NewYork-bound Air France Concorde crashedoutside Paris shortly after takeoff, killing all 109 people onboard and four people onthe ground; it was the first-ever crash of the supersonic jet. Ten years age:TheAFL-CIO splintered as theService Employees International Union and the Teamsters announced they were leaving the labor federation. Four adult BoyScout leaders were killed in anelectrical accident while setting up camp for the organization's Jamboree in Virginia. Five years age:Theonline whistleblower Wikileaks posted some 90,000 leakedU.S. military records that amounted to a blow-by-blow account of the Afghanistan war, including unreported incidents of Afghan civilian killings as well as covert operations against Taliban figures. Oneyearage:BelKaufman, author of the 1965 best-selling novel "Up the DownStaircase," died in NewYork at age103.

BIRTHDAYS Actress Barbara Harris is 80. Rock musician Verdine White (Earth, Wind 8 Fire) is 64. Model-actress Iman is 60. Actress Katherine Kelly Lang is 54. Actress llleana Douglas is 50. Country singer Marty Brown is 50. Actor Matt LeBlanc is 48. Actress Wendy Raquel Robinson is 48. Actor D.B. Woodside is 46. Actress Miriam Shor is 44. Actor James Lafferty is 30. Actor Michael Welch is 28. Classical singer Faryl Smith is 20. Actor Pierce Gagnon is 10. — From wire reports


It's true:


Dad bod NASA's Kepler planet-hunting spacecraft has bagged a big discovery. Kepler 452b, a planet that's a little more than 1/2 times as big in radius as Earth, is in the "Goldilocks" habitable zone, meaning its

is a thing

lukewarm temperatures are suitable for liquid water.

By Elahe Izadi The Washington Post

Dad bod is real. Science By Dennis Overbye

says so. Men who become

New York Times News Service

fathers experience weight gain and an increase in body

Inching ahead on their quest for what they call Earth 2.0, astronomers from NASA's Ke-

mass index, a measurement

of body fat based on height and weight, according to a

pler planet-hunting spacecraft announcedThursdaythatthey

new, large-scale study that tracked more than 10,000

had found what might be one of the closest analogues to our world yet.

men over a 20-year period. Men who d idn't become

dads actually lost weight over the same time period. The findings by North-

It is a planet a little more than I/2 times as big in radius as Earth. Known as Kepler 452b, it circles a sunlike star in an orbit that takes 385

western University's Fein-

days, just slightly longer than our own year, putting it firmly in the "Goldilocks" habitable

berg School of Medicine were published Tuesday in the American Journal of Men's Health. Researchers

zone where thetemperatures

describe the study on fa-

are lukewarm and suitable for liquid water on the surface-

therhood and young men' s

if it has a surface.

BMIs as the first of its kind. "Fatherhood can affect

The new planet's size puts it T. Pyle I JetPropulsion Laboratory/NASA via The New York Times right on the edge between be- An artist’s concept of Kepler 452b orbiting its ster, 1,400 light-years from Earth. Inching ahead on their ing rocky like Earth and be- quest for what they call Earth 2.0, astronomers from NASA’sKepler planet-hunting spacecraft an› ing a fluffy gas ball like Nep- nounced Thursday they had found what might be one of the closest analogues to our own world yet. tune, according to studies of

the health of young men, above the already known effect of marriage," lead author Craig Garfield, a Northwestern associateprofessor,

other such exoplanets. In an

said in a release. "The more

email, Jon Jenkins of NASA's Ames Research Center, home of the Kepler project, and lead author of a paper being pub-

452b as an older, bigger cousin to Earth, providing an opportunity to understand and reflect upon Earth's evolving

c andidates unveiled by K e-

environment," he said. "It' s

weight the fathers gain and the higher their BMI, the greater risk they have for developingheart disease as

lished in The A stronomical Journal, said the likelihood of

the University of Geneva, displerastronomers Thursday. It covered a planet circling the brings the number of possible star 51 Pegasi, about 50 lightplanets discovered by Kepler years from here. It was the to 4,696, many of them small first planet known to belong

awe-inspiring to consider that

like Earth. "We are the bread

to a sunlike star outside our

the planet being rocky was 50 this planet has spent 6 billion to 62 percent, depending on years in the habitable zone uncertainties in the size of its of its star, longer than Earth. home star. That would mean That's substantial opportuniits mass is about five times ty for life to arise, should all that of Earth. the necessary ingredients and Such a planet would proba- conditions for life exist on this bly have a thick, cloudy atmo- planet." sphere and active volcanoes, Asked if any radio teleJenkins said, and twice the s copes had pointed at t h e gravity of Earth. Describing planet to try to detect extrathe planet during a news con- terrestrial radio broadcasts, ference, Jenkins lapsed into Jenkins said, "I hope so."

crumbs of the universe," said Jeff Coughlin, of the SETI

solar system, and its discovery ignited an astronomical

Weight gain differed for dads who lived with their children ("resident dads")

Institute in Mountain View,


and those who didn' t. First-

California, who compiled the catalog.

Queloz, who is now at the University of Cambridge in England, told the news conference, "This is a great time

time resident dads experienced an average 2.6 per-

lines from John Keats' poem

To determine whether Ke-

man's Homer": "Then felt I like some watcher of the skies

on the honor roll of possible

"On First Looking Into Chap- pler 452b deserves a place home worlds, however, as/ When a new planet swims tronomers have to measure its into his ken." mass directly, which requires The star that l i ghts th is being close enough to observe planet's sky is about 1.5 bil- the wobbling of its star as it lion years older than our sun is tugged around by the planand 20 percent more lumi- et's gravity. For now, that is nous, which has implications impossible, as Kepler 452b is for the prospects of life,Jen- 1,400 light-years away. kins said. The planet is the first to "We can think of Kepler be confirmed in a new list of

The spacecraft, launched in

2009, spent four years staring at a patch of the Milky Way we live in." "If we keep working so well on the border between the constellations Cygnus and and so enthusiastically," he Lyra, looking for the dips in went on, it is not too optimisstarlight caused by the pas- tic to think that in the future, sage of planets. Its pointing "the issue of life on another system failed in 2013, but as- planet will be solved." tronomers are still analyzing Astronomers say they now the data Kepler collected. Ev- know from Kepler that about ery time they sift through the 1 0 percent of t h e 20 0 b i l data, new planets pop out. lion stars in the Milky Way In the meantime, Kepler have potentially habitable has switched to a different Earth-size p l anets, K e pler mode of observing in a mis- 452b probablyamong them. sion called K2. This means that of the 600 The NASA news confer- stars within 30 light-years of ence coincided with a major Earth, there are roughly 60 anniversary: It was only 20 E.T.-class abodes, planets that years ago this fall that Michel could be inspected by a future Mayor and Didier Queloz, of generation of telescopes.

Scientistsdiscover 14,000-year-old evidence of dental work — and isounds t miserable By Sarah Kaplan

in the man's lower right third

The Washington Post

molar might be more than just

Much has changed since the

a bad cavity.

Paleolithic era — the invention of agriculture, the advent

"The treatment went unnoticed for all these years," lead

of organized religion, the rise and fall of civilizations — but

author Stefano Benazzi, a paleoanthropologist at the University of Bologna, told Discovery News. The finding predates the

one fact hasn' t: people got cav-

ities then, as now. And before the advent of local anesthetic,

ScientificReports/Nature.corn via TheWashington Post

cent increase in their BMIs

over the study period. Nonresident dads experienced 2 percent increase. That

translates to a 4.4 pound weight gain for a 6-foot-tall dad who lives with his child

and a 3.3 pound weight gain for a nonresident dad. Meanwhile, a similar 6-foottall man who had no kids? He lost 1.4 pounds.


The BMI increase the result of lifestyle changes, researchers said.

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Dental work in the pre-anes› next-oldest evidence of densounds fairly miserable. thetic era. Paleolithic people tistry by as much at least 5,000 In a study published in the probably probed decayed areas years, according to Benazzi. the process of treating them

journal Scientific Reports last

with pointed stone tools.

But it doesn't differ much from

week, researchers examine the

the cavity treatment used to-

earliest known evidence that humans treated dental caries,

day. Just like their prehistoric

was still alive — and, given the better known (and deplored) as lack of local anesthetic, probcavities. ably painfully aware of the Because this discovery pre- procedure. dates the written word, we' ll T he molar's owner, a never know for sure whether 25-year-ol d male skeleton,was Paleolithic people dreaded see- uncoveredfrom a rock shelter ing the dentist the way their in northern Italy back in 1988. modern descendants do. But Scientists have studied the based on the description of the ancient specimen for decades treated tooth, the process had without realizing that the holes

predecessors, modern dentist's drill away at the lesion to cut out the decayed part of the tooth — with the notable differ-

ence that they use sterile drills, rather than pieces of rock. Fillings weren't used until

about 6,500 years ago, when, according to a 2012 study, bees-

wax was used to fill a Neolithic tooth in Slovenia.

to be unpleasant. A team of mostly Italian and

German researchers examining a roughly 14,000-year-old molar found strange striations and chipping on the ancient

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marks, they realized that they must have been made by point-

ed stone tools that were used to probe and scrape away at the decayed area. The fact that the

chipped area is worn out confirmed that the scratches were made while the tooth's owner


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Shooter ,whosehandgunwaslegall ybought,mayhavehopedtoescape By Meiinda Desiette and Michael Kunzeiman

ing the trajectory of the bul- t r agic action," Lafayette Police in a Motel 6 room littered with lets), the smell," state police Chief Jim Craft said. "Why wigs and disguises. His only

The Associated Press

Col. Michael Edmonson said

w o u ld you come here and do known connection to the La-

LAFAYETTE, La. — A man after top officials got an inside something like this?" fayette was an uncle who died who lost his family, home and look at the theater. Investigators re c overed there three decades ago. "He took hi s t i m e, businesses as he spent years Houser's journals, were Details quickly emerged angrily espousing right-wing methodically choosing studying hi s o n l ine about Houser's mental probextremism on television, the his victims," Gov. Bobby postings and trying to lems, prompting authorities Internet and to anyone else Jindal added. "One of reconstruct his move- in Louisiana and Alabama who would listen did not say the surviving wounded ments to identify a mo- to bemoan the underfunding a word as he opened fire on victims actually played tive and provide what of mental health services in strangers in a darkened mov- dead to stay alive." Ho ue er Edmon s on called "some America. ie theater, authorities said Houser then tried to closure" for the victims' Court records describe erFriday. escape by blending into the f amilies. ratic behavior and threats of John Russell Houser, 59, fleeing crowd after one of his Cra f t said Houser bought violence that led to a brief instood up about 20 minutes into victims pulled a fire alarm t he weapon legally at a pawn- voluntary hospitalization in Thursday night's showing of and hundreds poured out of shopinPhenix City,Alabama, 2008 and a restraining order "Trainwreck" and fired on the theater complex. But he la s t y ear,andthathehadvisit- preventing Houser from apthe audience, killing two peo- turned back as police officers ed the theater more than once, proaching family members. ple and wounding nine with a approached, reloading and fir- perhaps to determine "wheth- Houser "has a history of mensemi-automatic handgun. ing into the crowd before kill- er t here was anything that tal health issues, i.e., manic "That was a horrific scene ing himself with a single shot could be a soft target for him." depression and/or bi-polar disin there — the blood on the inside the theater, police said. He h a d only been in Loui- order," his estranged wife told "This is such a senseless, siana since early July, staying thejudge. floor, sticks in the seats (show-


Lafayette, audience members

Continued from A1 Thursday's shooting claimed the lives of three people, including the assailant, John Russell

was going on at first. They had been watching an opening night screening of the Batman film "The Dark Knight Rises." When Holmes first emerged shooting and throwing gas

in Aurora weren't sure what

Houser, 58. At least nine others

were injured. For hundreds trapped inside Lafayette's Grand The-

ater as the chaos unfolded, the shootout transformed a cherished communal experience into a night of terror. The shooting turned the magic of

canisters, some in the crowd

thought it was a gimmick for the film. But Holmes' shooting spree

was very real. He killed a dozen people and injured 58 more, including several moviegoers the theater against itself: the in adjacent theaters who were dark, densely populated space struck by bullets that traveled that enables soaring, dream- through walls. likeexperiences suddenly beLast week, a jury convictcame something more akin to ed Holmes of m urder. The a death trap. same jury is weighing whethThursday's shooting is not er to recommend the death the first time a theater has be- sentence. come a target. Commentators were quick to point out the

Although it's unclear if

Holmes' trial has anything to similarities to another mass do with Thursday's shooting shooting. On July 20, 2012, al- in Lafayette, it is clear theaters most exactly three years ear- arenow atargetforterror. lier, James Holmes terrorized For towns across America, a movie theater in A u rora,

theaters — both the stage and

Colorado. screen variety — have long Clad in black SWAT gear, been places to congregate. armed with an arsenal of fire- During the summer, they offer arms and tossing tear gas, sweltering citizens a cool place Holmes emerged from an to collectively relax. "The movie theater is one of emergency exit and opened fire. the last places where we can As on Thursday night in still gather and experience

"Although theaters had theretofore been spared a mass shooting incident, the patrons of a movie theater are, perhaps even more than students in a school or shoppers in a mall, 'sitting ducks.'"

Educated in accounting and law, he owned bars in Geor-

where he praised Adolf Hitler,

flew a Nazi banner out front

lone wolf," according to the

as an anti-government state-

Southern Poverty Law Center, whose hate-group watchdogs spotted Houser registering

and advised people not to ungia — including one where he derestimate "the power of the ment. He tried real estate in Phenix City. But Houser's own

resume, postedonline, says to meet with former Ku Klux what he really loved to do was Klan leader David Duke in make provocative statements


at local board meetings and in What prompted Houser to the media. kill people Thursday night reOn an NBC television affiliate's call-in show in the 1990s,

mains unknown.

Police believe he hoped to escape his deadly ambush responses to abortion and con- before police closed in. Inside demned working women, host a Motel 6 room he rented, Calvin Floyd recalled. He was they found wigs, glasses and an "angry man" who spoke op- otherdisguises.Houser also posite a Democrat and really swapped the license plates on lit up the phones, he added. his 1995 Lincoln Continental In r ecent y ears, H ouser before parking it by the theturned to right-wing extrem- ater's exit door. He stashed the ist Internet message boards, keys atop one of its wheels. Houser encouraged violent

its on the constitutional right to

free speech, Supreme Court

popcorn. Time and time again, the-

ater-lovers have been remindwrote: "The most stringent pro- ed that the very conditions tection of free speech would not that make the theater a special protect a man in falsely shout- place — small, dark, hushed ing fire in a theater and causing interiors shared with hundreds — A federal judge, years after the 2012 shooting a panic." of strangers — can also make it frightening. Yet this string in Aurora, Colorado, that killed a dozen people The example wasn't strictly hypothetical. As Carlton FW. of theater disasters hasn't disLarson wrote in "'Shouting suaded Americans from fillsomething together," German prompted broader questions Fire in a Theater': The Life and ing the aisles. After the 2012 film director Wolfgang Peters- about theater safety. Times of Constitutional Law' s Colorado shooting, some in "Although theaters had Most Enduring Analogy," the the movie industry feared an en said in a 2008 USA Today interview. "I don't think the theretofore been spared a justice was likely drawing "Aurora effect" in which terridesire for that magic will ever mass shooting incident, the on two notorious incidents of fied fans would stay away from go away." patrons of a movie theater are, people falsely shouting "fire" theaters. Instead, "The Dark It was that cinema cama- perhaps even more than stu- in movie theaters: a 1911 stam- Knight Rises" quickly became raderie that Holmes sought to dents in a school or shoppers pede in Pennsylvania in which one of the highest grossing exploit. His decision to target in a mall, 'sitting ducks,'" U.S. 26 died and a similar disaster films of all time. his local movie theater was no District Court Judge Brooke two years later in Michigan, For many, it seems, the suscoincidence. During his trial, Jackson wrote in a 2014 ruling. when 73 died, including many pension of disbelief required Holmes said he chose AuroJackson wasn't the first to children. to watch a movie or play also ra's Century theater because point that out. In fact, AmeriOn October 23, 2002, heavi- applies to the safety of the exthe Batman premiere ensured cans are well aware of the dan- ly armed Chechen rebels took perience itself. "there'd be a lot of people there." gers of the theater. Fernell, a 20-year-old colover the Dubrovka Theater in The shooting sent shivThe country's most infa- downtown Moscow. They held lege student, said he had seen ers down the spines of sil- mous assassination occurred 850 hostages for three days un- Holmes' trial on the news but ver-screen-loving Americans. in one, when John Wilkes til Russian troops raided the paid it little attention ThursSurvivors and family mem- Booth shot Abraham Lincoln theater, killing all 40 rebels. day when purchasing tickets bers of the victims sued the at Ford's Theater on April 14, More than 130 hostages also to "Southpaw" with his friends. movie theater, claiming the 1865. died during the siege. The possibility of a nother building wasn't sufficiently seOne of America's most faAnd last year, retired Tam- shooting didn't cross his mind. "That's the last thing that cure. (Holmes left the theater, mous legal phrases — perhaps pa, Florida, police officer retrieved his weapons from his our onlyfamous legal phrase Curtis Reeves shot and killed you'd think would happen at car and returned through an — also stems from theater ca- a man for sending a text mes- a movie theater," Fernell said, emergency door.) lamities. In a 1919 opinion that sage during a movie. Witness- "especially on a T h ursday B ut t h e inc i dent a l s o established common-sense lim- es recalledpanic and fl ying night." Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes



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Iran dealcritics allege

Swans Continued from A1 Before Grace, he appeared to keep a mate, said Kirstin

secret side agreements

Rea, a naturalist at the Nature Center.

By Paul Richter

frustrated with failed attempts


Chemo Continued from A1 Corresponding author Holly Prigerson of the Center for Research on End-of-Life Care at Weill Cornell Medical Col-

Congressional critics of

of the so-called "possible military d imension" of Iran's nuclear program has

the nuclear deal with Iran

been stalemated for years.

have opened a new front in

But with Iran now pledging

Tribune Washington Bureau

A resident at Lake Aspen for two years, Chuck twice

had wild female swans stop by Sunriver and show interest in him, only to eventually fly away. Rea said the problem may have been that Chuck could not fly himself. Joe Kline/The Bulletin "One of my co-workers said Among the signs that Chuck end Grace are e couple is the mirrorit is like trying to date without ing of movements. The trumpeter swans swim together Thursday a car," she said. afternoon at Lake Aspen neer the Sunriver Nature Center. Perhaps angry about his lack of luck at landing love, Chuck would lash out at people ago near downtown Bend. and a mate. "Oh cool, cool, because who came too close, honking, Birds in th e state-supported hissing and beating his wings. program were pinioned so they Grace was getting picked on by The Nature Center respond- would stay close to where they other swans," said Miller, who ed by putting up a sign warn- were releasedand hopefully has been involved with the East ing, "Caution Swan is Aggres- produce young. In the 19th cen- Cascades Audubon Society. sive." Punctuating the point, tury, hunting of swans, sought Swans typically mate for video on the Nature Center's for meat and feathers, nearly life, Rea said, and they can be Facebook page posted in No- wiped the bird from Oregon. picky. It looks as though Chuck vember 2014 shows Chuck Grace's injury came in late and Grace have picked each snapping and biting at the D ecember 2013. A pair ofbird- other. On Thursday afternoon, sign. ers spotted her on Christmas Curtis tossed cracked corn into Having found a mate, it ap- Day with a fishing lure stuck the water to entice the swans pears Chuck has also found in her mouth. High Desert off an island in Lake Aspen. some peace, said Jay Bower- Wildlife Rescue and Rehabili- They stayed close together as man, princi pal researcher at tation in Bend teamed up with they swam to the snack. "I don't think they are ever the Nature Center. Grebe Acres Wild Bird Care in "The moment he h ooked Sisters to save her. any more than 50 feet from up with Grace he has turned The lure, which impaled each other," Rea said. "It might into an absolute perfect gentle- her tongue, was surgically re- be a little more than that." man," he said. moved and then she went to The swans took turns leadB owerman ha s ta k e n Sisters to gain weight while ing their movements around to calling the swans "Sir healing from the wound, said the lake, and if one fell too far Charles" and "Lady Grace." Elise Wolf, owner of Grebe behind it was quick to catch up. Life was not always so easy Acres, which specializes in Now that Chuck and Grace for the swans — both were water bird rehabilitation. seem to be a couple the question "She was a good patient," is whether they' ll have any cygoutcasts. Before he was moved to she said. nets, or baby swans, said Simon Sunriver, Chuck was at ProngAfter three weeks, Grace Wray, high desert conservation horn Club northeast of Bend was returned to the river by biologist with the state Departw ith his brother Larry. Larry the rapids. Wolf said she con- ment of Fish and Wildfire. "We missed the breeding seatook a mate and Chuck was tinued to visit Grace and give the odd swan out. her food, trying to help with son this year, but we have high Grace used to live along the her ongoing recovery. She saw hopes they' ll be ready to rock 'n' Deschutes River in Bend, near Grace did not get along with roll next spring," he said. the First Street Rapids Park, the other swans there and is For now, N ature C enter but also didn't fit in with other glad she has now found better workers and volunteers, as swans that had paired up. waters in Sunriver. well as passers-by, will contin"I can't be happier for ue to watch the budding swan While Chuck was part of a decades-old program support- Grace," Wolf said. "I love that romance between Chuck and ed by the Oregon Department girl so much." Grace. "We' ll see what happens of Fish and Wildlife to reinMarilyn Miller, the birder troduce trumpeter swans in who came across Grace when next," Curtis said, "but so far, Central Oregon, Grace's back- she was injured, shared Wolf' s so good." ground is more mysterious. enthusiasm after h e aring — Reporter: 541-617-7812, She just showed up a few years Grace had found a new home ddarIIng@bendbulletin.corn

their battle with the Obama increased cooperation, the administration, d e mand- IAEA is trying to conclude

ing the release of secret

the inquiry by December. Lawmakers of both partiesare pressing for disclonuclearagency. sure of the two agreements. The side agreements Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., details of Iran's agreement with the United Nations' between Iran and the In-

chairman of the Senate For-

ternational Atomic Energy eign Relations Committee, Agency are fatally weak, is warning that unless the the critics say. administration dis d oses The IAEA has worked the details, he may seek to out the agreements in an increase the amount of time effort to resolve its inves- Congress will take to contigation of how much re- sider its response to the deal. search on nuclear weapons Administration officials Iran has conducted. Under contend that th e a g reestandard IAEA procedures, such agreements are secret.

ments the IAEA has made

IAEA wants Iran to take to

agreements between the IAEA and a country under

with Iran are properly conOne of the agreements fidential. Under long-standlays out specific steps the ing I A E A p r o cedures,

lege and co-authors explored whether chemotherapy improved quality of life for terminal patients during the final week of life. The researchers followed

661 end-stage cancer patients, recruited between September 2002 and February 2008,

whose doctorsbelieved they had no more than six months to live. The researchers re-

corded patient demographic information, whether they were receiving chemotherapy, health status, and "baseline performance status" — a standard measure of how active

and self-sufficient patients were at the beginning of the study. They assess quality of life in patients' last week of life by surveying their caregivers after the subjects died. Most patients — 384, or 58.1 percent — died over the course

of the study observation pe-

help answer its long-standing questions over Iran's investigation remain prisuspected past military vate to encourage countries work. to cooperate. "These kinds of techniThe other details how

riod. Risk of death was not

t he IAEA an d I ran w i l l

gather information from

cal arrangements with the IAEA are a matter of stan-

final week for patients whose baseline performance status

the Parchin military base, where important parts of

dard practice, and they' re not released publicly or to

was moderate or poor. But

the research allegedly took other states," John Kirby, place. the chief State Department Skeptical l a w makers spokesman, said Wednescontend the IAEA h as day. But he said that adminagreed its inspectors don' t istration experts "are familneed to enter the top-secret iar and comfortable with Parchin base, but can rely the contents" and willing to on Iranian officials to take discuss them with Congress environmental samples that in a classified setting. the IAEA would then test Secretaryof State John to determine whether Iran Kerry said Friday the nuconducted illicit weapons clear accord was in Israel's research. interest and that the Israeli L awmakers h av e e x - government's decision to pressed outrage over this oppose it could further its purported agreement. Sen. isolation. "I fear that what Bob Menendez, D-N.J., a could happen is if Congress critic of the administration's were to overturn it , o ur n egotiations w i t h Ir a n , friends in Israel could acsaid at a Senate hearing on tually wind up being more Thursday that it was "the isolated and more blamed,"

equivalent of the fox guarding the chicken coop." The IAEA's investigation

Kerry said. — The New York Times contributed to this report.

significantly associated with chemotherapy use. Chemotherapy use also didn't seem to impact quality of life in the

among patients who started out with good performance status — those with termi-

nal cancer who were able to go about their daily activities more or less normally, and for whom chemotherapy has been thought to be helpful as a palliative measure — chemo-

therapy had a significant negative impact on quality of life. "Results of this study suggest that chemotherapy use among patients with chemotherapy-refractory metastatic

cancer is of questionable benefit to patients' quality of life in their final week," they wrote.

"Not only did chemotherapy not benefit patients regardless

of performance status, it appeared most harmful to those patients with good performance status ... guidelines regarding chemotherapy use in patients with terminal cancer

"It is our mission. Let's do the right thing."

St. Charles


Continued from A1

Continued from A1 Merkley and his supporters had previously pushed

"The settlement, which still needs to be submitted to and

approved by the court, will ask the court to approve a dass-ac-

— John Lewis, e leader of the civil rights movement in the 1950s

and '60s, now acongressman from Georgie

Farra, of Bend, and St. Charles

ination Act for the first time

attorney Brenda Baumgart at Stoel Rives LLP in Portland wrote in an emailed statement.

in the Senate. The measure ers acknowledge it will be a died in the House. long process to win approval Rather than revive that in a Congress that is firmly legislation, su p porters under the control of Repubsaid the court ruling gave licans, not one of whom has them the legal and politi- co-sponsored the legislation. "This is going to be the cal momentum toadvance the much broader bill. "I heaviest lift in the history of

Dusan-Speck's case is one of two dass-action suits that hit St. Charles in 2013. The other-

which could indude as many as 800 plaintiffs — involves nurses

who said they weren't paid for mandatory training. Dusan-Speck, who couldn' t

be reached for comment, was fired in May 2012 after 35

years as a physical therapist. In the suit she filed the following spring, Dusan-Speck alleged she and other home health PTs had been under sig-

think America is ready to

Baldwin and other support-

our movement," said Chad

take more steps forward," said Sen. Tammy Baldwin,

Griffin, president of the Human Rights Campaign, the D-Wis., a co-sponsor of the nation's largest gay rights adbill and the only openly les- vocacy group. bian senator.

"first, do no harm" mindset when it comes to the Civil


s ai d t h e c o u r t 's

The proposal would ruling on same-sex margrant gay people the same riage gave the coalition the protections t h a t A f ri - political impetus to press can-Americans and other for a comprehensive nondis-

crimination proposal. That' s because public support for nondiscrimination proposals for gay rights has regularly polled higher than same-sex marriage, and at the state level, many legislatures first advanced nondiscrimination

versity in Portland wrote that

In Thursday's rally introducing the legislation,

the study, while not designed to measure whether chemotherapy prolongs survival in end-stage cancer patients, might serve as "the closest we are likely to come to obtaining proof of the real-world effectiveness" of the intervention,

Lewis linked the push to

since a randomized controlled

ensure full gay rights to the marches he participated in during the 1950s and

trial would be unlikely. They

fearful that any bid to re-

legislation to protect les-

plaintiffs a ttorney Roxanne

cess is complete, the parties will not be further commenting,"

Those leaderscome from a Rights Act, Booker said,

bian, gay, bisexual and m inorities have f r o m d i s transgender workers from crimination in employment, discrimination, w i nning credit and housing market, passage last year of the jury selection and other public Employment Non-Discrim- accommodations.

tion settlement. Until that pro-

effort to expand gay rights.

may need to be revised." In an editorial accompanying the study, Dr. Charles Blanke and Dr.Erik Fromme of Oregon Health & Science Uni-

open the law could lead to efforts to scale back the

rights it affords minorities and women.

laws before they backed marriage rights. Rep. David Cicilline, D-R.I., 1960s. "It is our mission," who is leading the House ef- he said. "Let's do the right fort, announced Thursday thing."

wrote that the results "stand as a relative indictment of routine-

that 155 House Democrats

equating treatment with hope is inappropriate," they continued, calling on oncologists instead to discuss the pros

At the

m o m ent, t h e

have co-sponsored the legisla- NAACP has not endorsed tion, as have dozens of Senate the Equality Act, but BookDemocrats. They include Rep. er said he is working to get John Lewis, D-Ga., an icon of more support from black the civil rights movement, and leaders. Other supporters Sen. Cory Booker, D-N.J., one noted that although some of two black senators. of the groups have hesitatBooker said some veterans ed to endorse the legislaof the civil rights movement tion, they have not opposed are reluctant to endorse the it outright.

ly offering chemotherapy to patients with terminal cancers." "These data ... suggest that

and cons of continuing treat-

ment with late-stage cancer patients. "Let us not contribute to the suffering that cancer, and often associated thera-

py, brings, particularly at the end.

nificant pressure since 2009 to

meet St. Charles' productivity standards while working


a 32-hour week. Those who

couldn't faced discipline or firing, according to the lawsuit. The physical therapists' pay ranged from $29.03 per hour to $43.53 per hour, and they were to see five patients for

every eight-hour shift while also driving long distances to



appointments. D u san-Speck

alleged that PTs routinely put in 45 to 50 hours a week to keep up with paperwork. The complaint sought to cover PTs who didn't receiveregularwages af-




ter March 2007 and regular and

overtime pay after March 2010. St. Charles denied the allegations and said Dusan-Speck failed to notify the hospital system about unpaid hours. Chief Judge Ann Aiken allowed the case to proceed because she said Dusan-Speck had pre-



sented enough evidence under

the FairLabor Standards Act. The two sides have until Sept. 11 to submit settlement

documents to Aiken. St. Charles' attorneys and Farra have also been in settle-

ment talks on thenurses'case

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but failed to reach an agree-

ment this summer, according to the court docket. The lead


T O U R A T W W W .R A N C H A T T H E C A N Y O N S . CO M

plaintiff in that case is Car-

ol Lynn Giles, a nurse who worked at Pioneer Memorial Hospital in Prineville. — Reporter: 541-617-7860, kmclaughlin@bendbulletin.corn

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BRIEFING Florida mandies in head-on crash A 72-year-old Florida man was killed Thursday after crashing his Ford pickup head-on with a northbound vehicle on U.S.Highway 97 south of La Pine,according to OregonState Police. Jeffery Baugher, 72, of Sarasota, Florida, died at the scene of the accident, police said. OSP had received a complaint at 9 p.m. about a southbound Ford pickup using the shoulder on Highway97. A state trooper spotted Baugher's truck and clocked the pickup's speed at100 mph, according to police. The crash occurred as the trooper was in pursuit of Baugher, police said. Baugher's truck struck a HondaAccord driven by Chamreun Newton, 30, of La Pine. Newton was treated at the scene for serious injuries and then taken by air ambulance to St. Charles Bend. The highway was shut down for several hours as state police analyzed the crash scene. Crescent Fire andthe Oregon Department of Transportation also responded to the crash.

Open housefor Evergreen school The city of Redmond will host an openhouse at 6 p.m. Wednesday at City Hall, 716 SW

Evergreen Ave., to discuss the repurposing of Evergreen Elementary into a new city hall and civic center. City leaders will answer questions about the new city hall' s interior spaceand new on-site parking plan. Nore briefing, B5

Expectdelays and closures

Native omore is ie-o seen students in esc ues iver so ar plan gets By Dylan J. Darling

rivers and streams around

The Bulletin

the state, including the lower

month and early this month left the Deschutes and Columbia River warmer than they are now.

stretch of the Deschutes and much of theJohn Day River system, followed. So far there have not been any more fish die-offs on the

The watch for sick or dead

fish on rivers around Central Oregon continues as summer is expected to soon sizzle

again. Hot air temperatures in late

"The Columbia reached 70 degrees at one of the earliest

Deschutes River and along the Middle Fork of the John

Day River. Fishing restrictions by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife on some

July weekend. Days after the discovery, French went to investigate and counted 10 dead

fish and 40 to 50 fish close to death.

By Abby Spegman The Bulletin

partment of Fish and Wildlife district fish biologist in The Dalles, said Friday. "Deschutes (River) tempera-

degrees can cause harsh con-

naris — a naturally occurring bacteria worsened by high wa-

ditions for fish.

tertemperatures — caused the

At Madras High School, about half of seniors graduate in four years. Among students identified as

Such was the case near the mouth of the Deschutes River,

death of the fish, which had beenheaded up theColumbia

American Indian or Alaskan Native, about a third

tures have come down consid-

where the river flows into the

and swam into the Deschutes

do so.

erably," he said. Sweltering heat late last

Columbia. There dead and distressed sockeye salmon

in search ofcoolerw aters.

times on record," French said. Water temperatures over 70

Deschutes, Rod French, De-

Juneand earl y July triggered fish die-offs at the mouth of


were found over the Fourth of

He determined that colum-

That's unacceptable,

said Ardis Clark, a member of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs

See Fish/B5

Education Committee and

a fourth-grade teacher at Warm Springs K-8 Academy. She was among the educators who worked to revise the state's plan


to help native students, approved earlier this year


by the Oregon State Board

Crews working onthe OSU-Cascadescampus have cleareddozensof trees from the10-acre site in southwest Bend,and will soon beginconstructing the threebuildings that make upthe initial stage of the region's first four-year university. Christine Coffin, spokeswomanfor the campus, saidwork will soon turn to digging utility trenches to provideservices to buildings that will be built on thesite. After that, they' ll begindigging the foundations for the buildings, shesaid, and building the molds topour the concrete. "There's a lot going on, but the passer-by is probably not noticing any day-to-day difference," Coffin said. Coffin said passers-by should expect to see buildings rising onthe site sometime this fall.

of Education. It includes strategies to increase graduation and attendance

rates, promote culturally relevant curriculum and hire more native teachers.

"That shouldn't be OK," said Clark, referring to low attendance and graduation rates among native students. "I'm excited

there's something new, (that we' re) coming back to the table."

The state's plan for native students was first developed more than 20

years ago. To revise the plan, the state brought in officials from Oregon's nine federally recognized tribes, community groups

Joe Kline/The Bulletin

and school districts with


large populations of native students.

A trackhoe scoops dirt into a dumptruck as construction continues for the Oregon State University-Cascades campus on Fridayafternoon in Bend. As construction continues, we' ll capture the progress on camera.

"We need to talk about what we can do to better

the educational environ-

Y View from adove

ment, particularly for our

native students," said Rick Molitor, superintendent of

This aerial photo, taken before the site was chosen for an OSU campus, shows the area as it was; we' ve superimposed OSU-Cascades' site plan over it, representing the general

Wall andBondstreets wil be closed todayin downtown Bend.Therewil

Jefferson County School

District who also worked on the revision. Most high

schoolers living on the Warm Springs Indian Reservation go to Madras for

high school, where native students make up about

design of "Phase 1"

be rollingclosureson northwestBendroads Sundayduring the Cascade Cycling Classic. A rolling closureissimilar to traffic stoppage for afuneral procession.Raceofficials block accesstothe roadway as thegroupofcycliststhe peleton—passesby.

a third of the population.

"They are definitely an underserved population that have struggled in our system." To raise graduation

46 acres

Pumice mine site

rates, the plan calls for partnering with tribes to


identify and advocate for culturally responsive ways to help struggling students. To improve college




O a~ , " rees clear


and career readiness, the

plan calls for incentives


Sources: OSU-Cascades site plan, Bulletin reporting

for districts that take native students on college visits. See Students /B2

The Bulletin



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j Time trame:ppggy~p gg

There's a new wrinkle treatment in town!

State civil rights director discusses issueswith communi members

5 p.m. to 9p.m.

lw n

nnn n


By Kailey Fisicaro

Put simply, Johnson said, he goes after wrongdoers on

rights often go hand in hand.

behalf of the state.

that have the potential to

with cognitive disabilities approachedhisofficeaftera for-profit college would not make an accommodation for her,failed herin herclasses

Bend on Friday afternoon to

affect many people in the

and would not refund her

allow community members

state, not just one person. For

to talk about local civil rights issues. Several people from a variety of agencies attended the public discussion to learn

example,in one recent case,

money. Johnson opened up the

there was a man working on

conversation to see what

irrigation systems who was targeting elderly consumers.

kinds of civil rights issues might be on the minds of lo-

The man would have the

cals in Bend.

elderly customers sign and initial an agreement before

Therese Poncy came Friday as president of local 3997

he completedthe work, and

of the American Federation

then he would charge them $3,000 to $4,000. Although it

of State, County and Municipal Employees. Poncy is a social worker for Deschutes County. She said in Central Oregon, racism is a widespread issue.

The Bulletin

Representatives from the

Oregon Attorney General' s Civil Rights Division visited the Central Oregon Social Justice Center in downtown

TumaloReservor d. 0


8hte PIli

Time frame: Noon to 5p.m.

from the state's Civil Rights

Director, Erious Johnson, about what they can do in the community when it comes to

civil rights. Johnson's job is to take S Greg Cross / The Bulletin

on civil rights cases for the

state, but also to do outreach and education work for the


Johnson explained that though his cases vary widely, generally he takes on issues

was a matter of fraud, it also

involved civil rights because the man was singling out the elderly. Johnson said consumer protection and civil

In another case, a woman

SeeCivil rights /B5


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Er m a

TODAY BALLOONS OVERBEND: Featuring balloon launches at 6 a.m., live music, a children's festival from 10

a.m.-4 p.m., andmore;free, $15 for children's festival; Riverbend Park, 799 SW Columbia St., Bend; 541-323-0964. CROOK COUNTY RODDERSFLY-IN: Featuring a pancake breakfast, cars on display, plane demonstrations, adoptable pets and more; 8 a.m.; Prineville-Crook County Airport, 4585 SW Airport Road, Prineville; www.flyprineville.corn or 541-416-0805. ST. THOMASANNUALALTAR SOCIETYRUMMAGE SALE: Featuring garden items, crafts, books and more to benefit Altar Society projects; 9 a.m.; St. Thomas Catholic Church, 1720 NW19th St., Redmond; 541-923-3390. MADRAS SATURDAYMARKET: Featuring food, drinks, live music and more; 9 a.m.; Sahalee Park, 241 SE Seventh St., Madras; 541-546-6778. NWX SATURDAYFARMER’S MARKET:Featuring local organic artisans in produce, meats, baked goods, skin care and more; 10 a.m.; NorthWest Crossing, NW Crossing Drive, Bend; www. nwxfarmersmarket.corn or 541-350-4217. SISTERS ARTS &CRAFTS FESTIVAL:Featuring arts, crafts, food, a kid zone, live entertainment and more, to benefit the Make-AWish Foundation of Oregon; 10 a.m.; Creekside Park, Highway 20 8 Jefferson Street, Sisters; www.centraloregonshows.corn or 541-420-0279. NEWBERRYEVENT MUSICAND ARTS FESTIVAL:Three-day outdoor music festival with over 25 bands of all genres, to benefit the Oregon Chapter National Multiple Sclerosis Society; 10 a.m.-10 p.m.; $75 for the weekend, includes camping, $35 for Saturday only, free for children 12 and younger; DiamondStone Guest Lodges, 16693 Sprague Loop, La Pine; www bendticket.corn or 541-536-6263. CRAZY MAMACRAFT FAIRE "SUMMER EVENT": Featuring local artists, crafts, music and more; 10 a.m.; Bend Factory Stores, 61334 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; www.crazymamacfwix.

corn/crazymamacraftfaire: or

541-848-0334. HEART OFOREGON CORPS SECONDANNUALCORNHOLE TOURNAMENT:Featuringa cornhole tournament, to benefit Heart of Oregon Corps' job skills

training andeducation programs for local youth; 1 p.m.; $50 per two-person team, registration required; GoodLife Brewing Co., 70 SW Century Drive, Bend; www. heartoforegon.org/cornhole register.htm or 541-633-7834.

To submit an event, visit bendbulletin.corn/events and click "Add Event" at least 10 days before publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Questions: communitylife@bendbulletin.corn, 541-383-0351.

204TH ARMY BANDCOMMUNITY CONCERT:A com munityconcert presented by the 204th Army Band out of Vancouver, Washington, featuring the Concert Band and various small performing ensembles; 2 p.m.; free; Ridgeview HighSchool,4555 SW Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541-543-5383. "THE PRINCESS ISSAD/LA PRINCESAESTATRISTE": The story of a Princess who learns that

a languagecanopen upher world; 3 and 7 p.m.; $10, $5 for students; 2nd Street Theater, 220 NELafayette Ave., Bend; www.beatonline.org or 541-419-5558. BROOKDALELUAUFOR ALZHEIMERS:Featuring a luau with food, drinks, entertainment and more, to benefit the Alzheimer' s Association; 4 p.m.; $10; Brookdale Senior Living Solutions, 1099 NE Watt Way, Bend; 541-385-4717. SCOTT COSSU:The jazz artist performs; 5 p.m.; $38 in advance plus fees; Old Stone Church, 157 NW Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-322-7273. CASCADECYCLING CLASSIC: DOWNTOWNTWILIGHT CRITERIUM,STAGE 4:5:45 p.m . start for pro women, 50 minutes; 7 p.m. start for pro men, 75 minutes; 5:45 p.m. free for spectators; Downtown Bend, Wall and Bond streets, Bend; www.cascadeclassic.org or 541-388-0002. LAST SATURDAY:Featuring local art and culture with art openings, live music, food carts, workshops and more.; 6 p.m.; The Old Ironworks, 50 SEScott St., Bend; 347-564-9080. PINK MARTINI:The Portland pop band performs; 6:30

p.m.; $35-$65 plusfees; Les Schwab Amphitheater, 322 SW Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; www.bendconcerts.corn or 541-312-8510. OREGON SCHOOL OFBALLET PERFORMANCE:Featuring excerpts from "La Fille Mal Gardee" with guest artist Trevor Hayden, from Vienna, Austria's State Ballet; 7 p.m.; $10 at the door; Mountain View High School, 2755 NE27th St., Bend; 541-389-9306. "MAC ONTHEMOVE": Featuring

a performance ofShakespeare's classic "Macbeth," bring low-back chairs; 7:30 p.m.; $10 plus fees

in advance;DeschutesMemorial Gardens and Chapel, 63875 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; www.bendticket. corn or 541-382-5592. CLASSICALBROADWAY COCKTAIL CABARET:Featuring a cocktail Cabaret performance by Topsoil Theatrics; 7:30 p.m.; $15; 10 Below, 10 NW Minnesota Ave., Bend; www. cocktailcabaret.brown papertickets. corn or 541-760-4961. "BRILLIANT TRACES":Featuring a play by Cindy Lou Johnson about a woman who wakes up in the wilds of Alaska with no idea how she

Submitted photo

Fishbone will headline the Newberry Eventon Saturday at Dia› m ondStone Guest Lodges InLa Pine. got there; 7:30 p.m.; $10; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SWCentury Drive, Bend; www.volcanictheatrepub.corn or 541-323-1881. LOCH LOMOND:The Scottishinspired band from Portland

performs; 8 p.m.; free;Crow's Feet Commons,875 NW BrooksSt., Bend; 541-728-0066. JIM ADKINS:The singer from Jimmy Eat World performs as a

solo act; 9 p.m.;$15plus fees; The Annex, 51 NWGreenwood Ave., Bend; 541-408-4329.

SUNDAY BALLOONS OVERBEND: Featuring balloon launches at 6 a.m., live music, and more; free; Riverbend Park, 799 SW Columbia St., Bend; 541-323-0964. SISTERS ARTS &CRAFTS FESTIVAL:Featuring arts, crafts, food, a children's zone, live entertainment and more, to benefit the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Oregon; 10 a.m.; Creekside Park, Highway 20 & Jefferson Street, Sisters; www.centraloregonshows. corn or 541-420-0279. NEWBERRYEVENT MUSICAND ARTS FESTIVAL:Three-day outdoor music festival with over 25 bands of all genres, to benefit the Oregon Chapter National Multiple Sclerosis Society; 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; $75 for the weekend, includes camping, $25 for Sunday only, free for children 12 and younger; DiamondStone Guest Lodges, 16693 Sprague Loop, La Pine; www. bendticket.corn or 541-536-6263. CASCADECYCLINGCLASSIC: AWBREYBUTTECIRCUIT RACE, STAGE 5:1 p.m. start for pro men, five laps, 82 miles; 1:05 p.m. start for pro women, three laps, 49 miles; 1 p.m. free for spectators; near Central Oregon Community College, by NWCollege Way, Bend; 541-388-0002. "THE PRINCESS ISSAD/LA PRINCESAESTATRISTE": The story of a Princess who learns that

a languagecan openup her world;

Web: www.oregon.gov/boli STATE SENATE

Sen. TedFenioli, R-District30 (Jefferson, part of Deschutesi 900 Court St. NE,S-323 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1950 Email: sen.tedferrioli©state. or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/ferrioli Sen. TimKnopp,R-District27 (part of Deschutes) 900 Court St. NE,S-423 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1727 Email: sen.timknopp©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/knopp Sen. Doug Whitsett, R-District 28 (Crook, part of Deschutes) 900 Court St. NE,S-303 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsett@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whitsett

STATE HOUSE Rep. KnuteBuehler, R-District54 (part of Deschutes) 900 Court St. NE,H-477

MONDAY "PORTRAITOF A SERIAL MONOGAMIST":A showing of the film about a serial monogamist breaking up with her girlfriend, presented by the LGBTStars and Rainbows; 6:30 p.m.;$5;Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SWCentury Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881. LOUD ASFOLK:FeaturingSpike McGuire, John Underwood, Kalei Yamanoha, Chris Fox and Bobby Meader; 8 p.m.; Reed PubCompany, 1141 SECentennial Court, Bend; 541-312-2800.

TUESDAY REDMOND FARMERS MARKET: Featuring food, drinks and more; 3 p.m.; Centennial Park, corner of SW Seventh Street and Evergreen Avenue, Redmond;541-550-0066. TWILIGHTTUNES SUMMER MUSIC SERIES:DEREK MICHAEL NARC & "DOUBLEAA": Featuring music, food, vendors and live music by Derek Michael Mare, local blues artist; 5:30 p.m.; Compass Park, 2500 NW Crossing Drive, Bend; www.facebook.corn/ twilighttunesBend or 541-848-8598.


PUBLIc OFFIGIALs STATE OF OREGON Gev. KateBrown,0 160 State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-378-4582 Web: http: //governor.oregon.gov Secretary efStateJeanneAtkins, D 136 State Capitol Salem, OR 97310 Phone: 503-986-1523 Email: oregon.sos@state.or.us TreasurerTedWheeler, D 159 OregonState Capitol 900 Court St. NE Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-378-4329 Email: oregon. treasurer©state. OI;us Web: www.ost.state.or.us AttorneyGeneralEllenRosenblum, D 1162 Court St. NE Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-378-4400 Web: www.doj.state.or.us LaborCommissionerBradAvakian 800 NEOregon St., Suite 1045 Portland, OR97232 Phone: 971-673-0761 Email: boll.mail©state. or.us

3 p.m.; $10, $5 for students; 2nd Street Theater, 220 NELafayette Ave., Bend; www.beatonline.org or 541-419-5558. "BRILLIANT TRACES":Featuring a play by Cindy Lou Johnson about a woman who wakes up in the wilds of Alaska with no idea how she got there; 2 and 7:30 p.m.; $10; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SWCentury Drive, Bend; www.volcanictheatrepub.corn or 541-323-1881. OKAIDJA+ SHOKOTO:The African/Diaspora band from Portland performs, as part of the 2015 Bend Memorial Clinic Free Summer Sunday Concert Series; 2:30p.m.,gates open at1 p.m.; free; Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 SW Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; www.bendconcerts.corn or 541-312-8510.

Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1454 Email: rep.knutebuehler©state. OI’. Us

Web: www.leg.state.or.us/buehler Rep. John Huffman, R-District 59 (part of Jefferson) 900 Court St. NE,H-476 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1459 Email: rep.johnhuffman©state. OI;us

Web: www.leg.state.or.us/huffman Rep. MikeMcLane,R-District55 (Crook, part of Deschutesi 900 Court St. NE,H-385 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1455 Email: rep.mikemclane@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/mclane Rep. Gene Whlsnant, R-District53 (part of Deschutes) 900 Court St. NE,H-471 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1453 Email: rep.genewhisnant@state. onus Web: www.leg.state.or.us/ whisnant

Continued from B1 The plan also calls for state funding for a pilot program to increase attendance that

would look at the reasons native students are more likely to be chronically absent.

"There are a lot of reasons — maybe there's not enough gas in the car and they miss the bus," Clark said. She knows of older students who stay home to care for younger siblings. The plan calls on districts

ELKS VS. BELLINGHAM: The Bend Elks will be playing against Bellingham in a twodaytournament;6:35 p.m.;$2 Tuesday, box seats start at $8; Vince Genna Stadium, SEFifth Street and Roosevelt Avenue, Bend; 541-312-9259. TWILIGHT CINEMA: "PADDINGTON":An outdoor screening of the film about a young bear; 7 p.m.; free; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic 8 Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road, Sunriver; 541-585-3333. FILTHY STILL:The punk/bluegrass band from Providence, Rhode Island performs, with Charlie Overbey and The Broken Arrows; 8 p.m.; $5;VolcanicTheatre Pub,70 SW Century Drive, Bend; 401-465-6873. "CAST PARTY:PODCAST FESTIVAL":Featuring hosts of several of the biggest and best podcasts in the world; 8 p.m.; $18; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 and IMAX, 680 SW Powerhouse Drive,

Bend; www.fathomevents.cornor 844-462-7342.

6:30 p.m.; $5; The Bridge Church, 2398 W. Antler Ave., Redmond; 541-460-3024. HINDER:The American rock band

performs, doors openat 5:30 p.m.; 7 p.m. ticket and fair admission is required; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 SW Airport Way,

Redmond;www.expo.deschutes.org or 541-548-2711. HEART & SOULCONCERTSERIES: FAMILIAR SOULS:Eclectic rock, jam and reggae, all ages welcome; 7 p.m.; Worthy Brewing Company, 495 NE Bellevue Drive, Bend; 541-639-4776. "METROPOLITANOPERA SUMMER ENCORE:AIDA":A screening of a production of Verdi's Egyptian epic about love and politics; 7 p.m.; $12.50; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 and IMAX, 680 SW Powerhouse Drive, Bend; www.fathomevents.corn or 844-462-7342. MARTIN GERSCHWITZ:The German keyboard player performs; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School,700 NW Bond St.,

Bend; www.mcmenamins.corn or



DESCHUTESCOUNTYFAIR & RODEO:Featuring rides, concerts, a


rodeo, food, liveanimals and more, free for seniors on Wednesday, $6 admissionon Sunday;10 a.m.;$12, $7 for children 6-12 and seniors, free age 5 and under; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond; www.expo. deschutes.org or 541-548-2711. BEND FARMERSMARKET: Featuring food, drinks and more; 3 p.m.; Brooks Alley, NW Brooks St., Bend; www.bendfarmersmarket. corn or 541-408-4998. PICKIN’ 8 PADDLIN’:Featuring music by Brothers Comatose, with Pitchfork Revolution and Honey Don' t;4 p.m .;Tumalo Creek Kayak8 Canoe, 805 SW Industrial Way, Suite 6, Bend; 541-317-9407. ELKS VS. BELLINGHAM:The Bend Elks will be playing a double header against Bellingham in a two-day tournament; 4:35 p.m.; $6 Kids are free, Box seats start at $8; Vince Genna Stadium, SEFifth Street and Roosevelt Avenue, Bend; 541-312-9259. ALIVE AFTER 5:HIGHSTREET BAND:The band plays the Alive After 5 concert series, with Mosley Wotta; 5 p.m.; Old Mill District, Hot Pond Loop, off SW Powerhouse Drive, Bend; www.aliveafter5bend. corn or 541-383-3825. MUSIC IN THE CANYONFRANCHOT TONE: Featuring Moon Room; 5:30 p.m.; American LegionPark,850 SW Rimrock Way, Redmond; www.musicinthecanyon. org or 541-504-6878. HOOVEY MOVIEPREMIERE: A film about a high school basketball player who discovers a life-threatening brain tumor;

It also calls for all districts

DESCHUTESCOUNTYFAIR & RODEO:Featuring rides, concerts, a rodeo, food, live animals and more,

free for seniors onWednesday,$6 admissiononSunday;10a.m .;$12, $7 for children 6-12 and seniors, free age 5 and under; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond; www.expo. deschutes.org or 541-548-2711. "ALL WORK ALL PLAY:THE PURSUIT OFESPORTS GLORY LIVE":A documentary about the Intel Extreme Masters (IEM), a pro-gaming tour that for teams and players all around the world to compete for the championship title in their respective eSports; 7:30 p.m.; $15; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 and IMAX, 680 SWPowerhouse Drive, Bend; 844-462-7342. MUNCH & MUSIC:KATTAND THE ROOTSREVOLUTION:The Afro-Caribbean band performs, with The Rum andThe Sea; 5:30 p.m.; Drake Park, 777 NW Riverside Blvd., Bend; www.c3events.corn or 541-389-0995. ART OFTHE WEST OPENING RECEPTION:Featuring live artist demonstrations and an auction; 6

p.m.; free for members, $5for nonmembers; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; www.big hdesertmuseum.org/rsvp or 541-382-4754. MARTINA MCBRIDE: Thecountry

singer performs; 7 p.m.,doors open at 5:30 p.m.; free with ticket, fair admission is required; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond; 541-548-2711.

two sides came together for

to implement historically ac- the opening of Warm Springs curate, culturally r e l evant K-8 Academy last year and curriculum in al l gr a des, expansion of Roots, an alter-

developed in collaboration with local tribesand aligned with the Common Core stan-

native high school program now basedon the reservation.

lessons in language, history and current issues facing tribes in Oregon. Beyond the content, Clark said the key to connecting with somena-

in school with thosethat tar-

tive students is mirroring as-

lege. A similar program targeting nativestudents started this year. "It's not necessarily reaching out to aspecific subgroup,

Molitor compared efforts to dards. That co u ld i n c lude engagemore native students

pects of native culture in the classroom. "If you can make your with large native student pop- classroom feel like a family, a ulations to recruit and retain kid is going to feel at home," an equal percentage of native said Clark, who grew up on teachers, administrators and Warm Springs. "If they don' t support staff. That's an area feel like they're a part of it, Molitor said his district has you' regoing to losethem." struggled with. "Our numBoth Clark and Molitor bers are not close to a third," said communication between

get Latino students, such as the Juntos program that en-

couragesLatino students and parents to think a bout col-

but what do we need to do

to reach the needs of each child?" he said. "The strategies are slightly different for each individual group (in) meeting their needs, but the

he said. "We really need to fo-

the tribe and the school dis-

cus on growing our owrL"

trict could be improved. The

outcomesare the same." — Reporter: 541-617-7837, aspegmanibendbulleti n.corn

Filed June 8 15CV14532 Aric Randal Dean v. Catrina A.Firkus, complaint, $76,081.65, plus interest costs andfees Filed June 9 1SCV14647 Wells Fargo N.A. v. Alyssa C.Reveles, complaint, $14,895.20, plus interest costs and fees 15CV14708 Bankof America N.A.v. Jason A.VanDeSchiltz and Nichole M.VanDeSchiltz, complaint, $141,695.70, plus interest costs and fees 15CV14724 Bankof America N.A.v. John P.Rice, Tami C.Rice, JP Morgan ChaseBankN.A., West Brook Meadows HomeownersAssociation Inc., complaint, $453,562.83, plus interest costs andfees 15CV14732 XIGGLLC, dba Smart Solutions v. Robert Phillips, dba Butterflies and Bikinis, complaint, $32,209.17, plus interest costs and fees

Filed June 10 15CV14846 Amber Plantv. Dixie Morken, $250,000, plus interest costs and fees 15CV15307 DerekJohnson v. April A. Vernon, $300,000, plus interest costs and fees Filed June 12 15CV15439 Farleigh WadaWitt v. Frank L. CenigaandShelby J. Ceniga, complaint, $10,796, plus interest costs and fees 15CV15535 Zachary Clark, a minor by and through his guardian ad litem, Tracey Clark, v. Sherri LynnWright, complaint, $122,679.96, plus interest costs and fees Filed June 17 15CV15778 Citibank N.A., astrustee for American HomeMortgage backed pass-through certificates, series 2006-4, v. Robin A.Kendall, complaint, $246,902.35, plus interest costs and fees

NEws oF REcoRD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log whensuch arequest is received. Anynewinformation, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-633-2117.

BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT Theft A theft was reported and an arrest made at12:38 p.m. July 21, in the area of NWFederal Street and NW Galveston Avenue. Theft A theft was reported at 5:37 p.m. July 21, in the 3100block of O.B. Riley Road. Unauthorizeduse Avehicle was reported stolen at11:27 a.m. July 22, in the 1500 block of NWWall Street. Theft A theft was reported and an arrest made at3:31 p.m. July 22, in the

20100 block of Pinebrook Boulevard. Theft A theft was reported at 6:40 a.m. July 23, in the 3000 block of NE Royal Court. Theft A theft was reported at 7:17 a.m. July 23, in the21300 block of Livingston Drive. Theft A theft was reported at 9:50 a.m. July 23, in the 20300 block of Vassar Place. Theft A theft was reported at12:08 p.m. July 23, in the 500 block of NW Wall Street. Theft A theft was reported at 3:12 p.m. July 23, in the1000 block of NW Bond Street. Criminal mischief Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 3:56 p.m. July 23, in the100 block of NW Oregon Avenue. Theft Atheft was reported and an arrest made at1:48 p.m. July14, in the 900 block of NWHarriman Street. Burglary A burglary was reported,

items stolen and anarrest made at 6:23 a.m. July 21, in the19800 block of TouchmarkWay.

DESCHUTES COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE DUII Jared Jay Rettig, 41, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 12:48 a.m. July 22, in the18900 block of Shevlin Park Road. Theft A theft was reported at 8:30 a.m. July 22, in the 63300 block of U.S. Highway 20. Theft A theft was reported at 8:49 a.m. July 22, in the 200 block of NE Franklin Avenue. Theft A theft was reported at 9:28 a.m. July 22, in the15700 block of Park Drive. Theft A theft was reported at11:45 a.m. July 22, in the 61400 block of K

Barr Road. DUII — RodneyJayGabert,53,was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 4:06 p.m. July 22, in the51400 block of U.S. Highway97. Theft A theft was reported at 4:59 p.m. July 22, in the 16900 block of Whittier Drive.

BEND FIRE RUNS Wednesday 8:15p.m. Unauthorized burning, in the area of Mt. Bachelor Drive. 20 Medical aid calls.

CIVIL SUITS Filed June 1 15CV0375 CachLLCv. David Ulum, complaint, $16,344.10, plus interest costs and fees




state wor ers see mone or e a i si n itz a er ro e The Associated Press

grand jury in Portland. The documentscome from

requested $12,915 to pay her gram are m ainly f ormer lawyer. Kitzhaber a i des: f o rmer Hoffman was subpoenaed chiefs of staff Curtis Robin-

a state program that essen-

on Feb. 23 to appear before

nas to testify before a federal

PORTLAND — The inves-

tigation of former Gov. John Kitzhaber has been quiet in

DHSdireCtOr leaViug — Erinn Kelley-Siel is leaving her job as director of the OregonDepartment of HumanServices. Gov. Kate Brown said Friday that Kelley-Siel hasbeenan exceptional leader with the ability to combine compassion andstrategic thinking. She will stay on until Brown appoints a replacement.

tially says if employees are t he federal grand jury i n tion has occurred outside the taken to court for perform- March, records show. public view. ing state duties, it isn't fair to Tung Yin, a Lewis & Clark The Democratic governor make them pay their own le- law professor who is an exresigned in February amid gal bills. It applies to both civ- pert on w h ite-collar crime, suspicions that his live-in fi- il and criminal cases. said he does not expect a ancee, Cylvia Hayes, used her An employee's application quick resolution or indictrelationship with him to land to coverlegalfeesm ustbe ap- ment in the Kitzhaber-Hayes contracts for her green-ener- proved by a review commit- case. He said a complex fedgy consulting business. tee. They must submit written eral probe can take a year or As a grand jury and agents evidence they' ve been con- more. for the IRS and FBI contact tacted by law enforcement. The state has supplied fedpotential witnesses, records The state has approved 13 eral investigators with more obtained byThe Oregonian employeesforcoverage sofar, than 2 million documents, the show 17 state employees have and five have submitted legal Oregon Department of Jusasked the state to pay their le- bills. The biggest bill to date tice said. gal bills in the case. At least is for Kitzhaber's energy adThe 13 employees already five have received subpoe- viser, Margaret Hoffman. She approved for the legal prorecent months, but some ac-

hold and Mike Bonetto; nat-

ural resources adviser Gabriella Goldfarb; spokeswoman Nkenge Harmon Johnson; general counsel Liani Reeves; and scheduler Mary Rowin ski.

Others approved for funding include: Department of Environmental Quality staffers David Allaway and Palmer Mason; Michael Jordan,

former directorof the Department of A d m i nistrative Services; Sean McGuire, who

worked on a Hayes project; and Tracy Osburn and Adrian Turpin, employees of the state's data warehouse.

EXplOSiuu fl'OmfliuWOikS Police said fireworks causedan explosion that blew out windows andignited massive flames in acentury-old building in northeast Oregon. Pendleton police chief Stuart Roberts said Friday that 25-year-old EduardoQuezadawas creating flash powder, which heused to build improvised explosive devices. He says there's no indication the fireworks werefor any purposebesides entertainment. Quezadadied in Tuesday's blast. Two peoplewho helped removehimfrom the building weretreated at a hospital for smoke inhalation and released.Theexplosion and fire destroyed much of the building that wasonce Pendleton's City Hall. More recently, the building owned byEduardo Quezada's father contained a mix of office space andapartments.

FOrmer teaCher pleadS guilty — A formerlong-termsubstitute teacher at Pendleton HighSchool haspleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a student. Timothy Frey,27,avoided prison in apleadeal with prosecutors, but must spend alifetime on the sex-offender registry. Frey also has to spend 15years on probation, do 160 hours of community service andforfeit his teaching license. According to district documents, Freywas asubstitute teacher in Pendleton schools for 102 days betweenFeb.24, 2014,and March 13,2015. Thecharges state that Freystarted having sexwith a17-year-old female student on the last day of his tenure, andthe relationship continued for several weeks. Umatilla County JudgeChristopher Brauer ordered Freyto have no contact with the victim. — From wire reports

TVanc or ire ater ositive ru test By Gosia Wozniacka

even if the incident had hap- country about the effects of days after use — or even weeks, pened after legalization, ac- changing state marijuana laws in caseoffrequent users. cording to the state, KEZI still on drug testing. M aurer, wh o h a s b e e n would have had the right to In June, a court in Colorado working in television for the have a testing policy. Measure ruled that a medical marijuapast three years and is a Uni- 91, which legalized possession na patient who was fired after versity of Oregon graduate, and consumption, does not af- failing a drug test cannot get said she didn't do anything fect existing employment law. his job back. The patient, a wrong and felt the firing was Marijuana is still illegal un- quadriplegic, said he didn't use discriminatory. der federal law, even though the drug at work. The compa"I don't fit the lazy stupid more than 20 states — includ- ny, Dish Network, agreed that loser stereotype," she said, ing Oregon — allow medical he wasn't high on the job, but adding she's a responsible user marijuana use. Alaska, Colora- it said it has a zero-tolerance and has never come to work do, Oregon, Washington state drug policy. uIlparred. and Washington, D.C., also alBut Maurer, the fired anchor, KEZI general manager Mike low recreational use. said she was tired of hiding the Boring declined comment. Kate Kennedy, a spokes- use of a substance that's now "We do notdiscuss personnel woman for the Society for Hu- legal in the state and wants to matters," Boring said. man Resource Management, start a conversation about the Recreational marijuana be- said the organization has re- drug. She's also planning a came legal in Oregon in July, ceived numerous questions new career in the marijuana after Maurer was fired. But from members around the mdustry. be detected in some people for

The Associated Press

PORTLAND — An Oregon television anchor has turned into a marijuana activist after

being fired for testing positive for the drug. Cyd Maurer, a morning weekend anchor at Eugene's ABC affiliate KEZI-TV, said

she was fired in May after getting into a minor accident while on assignment. In a video post-

ed online, Maurer said that afterthe accident she was forced totakeadrugtestpercompany policy and failed it. Maurer, 25, said she was completely sober at work and

had used the marijuana several days before. Studies show marijuana, unlike alcohol, can



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'96 taping of priest-suspecttalk atopic in LaneCounty DArace By Jack Moran

them how it affected me, fine,"

The (Eugene) Register-Guard

May said. "If not, fine."

EUGENE — Patty Perlow

says she didn't expect critics to dig up a nearly two-decades-old controversy and use it against her during her bid to become Lane County's next district attorney.

But she responded in stride when questioned about the

not use it during the trial. Harcleroad said Wednesday May said she does not know that he was surprised to learn Perlow, and is barely acquaint- that Perlow now faces scrutiny ed with Shugar. in regard to the recording. "That's kind of amazing to Shugar did not return a telephone message left at her of- me that it's becoming an issue fice, seeking comment on the now," he said. "It was my deissue. cision at the time, and it was a The secret taping of Mock- wrong decision. But this should aitis' conversation with Hale

damor some local attorneys gained international attention are makingregarding her in- and outraged some Catholics volvement in the secret record- — who hold the priest-peniing of an otherwise private tent relationship to be sacred meeting between a triple-mur- — as well as civil libertarider suspect and a C atholic ans, who argued that the pripriest at the Lane County Jail vate jailhouse conversation in 1996. was protected under the First "I'm disappointed in the des-

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all be on me, not on Patty

Perlow." Harcleroad, w ho w as re-elected twice after the re-

cording controversy erupted, said he has no "public opinion on the race" involving Shugar and Perlow. Shugar worked for Har-


Amendment. deroad in the DA's office from peration behind this," said PerPerlow, who ha s w o rked late 1996 until 2006. Perlow low, the county's chief deputy for the district attorney's of- served as the office's chief depdistrict attorney. "But I am still ficesince 1990,wa sone oftw o uty since 2009. mindful and respectful of the prosecutors who listened to the Perlow said she met last stir (the recording) created." tape, which the Vatican at one week with three of Brown's

The controversial taping emerged this week as a po-

point sought to have destroyed.

tential issue in the current DA

years and they have to go back ernor next week. 20 years for something I'm asBrown spokeswoman Krissociated with to create a story," ten Grainger declined to offer Perlow said of her critics. any timeline for when a new Hale, who was later found district attorney will be selectguilty in the murders of three ed, and would not say whether Springfield teenagers, is now Brown was aware of the criton Oregon's death row. icism that Perlow faces in reTwo years before Hale went gard to the jailhouse recording. to trial, then-District Attorney Also de dining to weigh Doug Harderoad authorized in was Mockaitis, who now Lane County Jail officials to serves Queen of Peace Catholic record the killer's conversation Church in Salem.

appointment process when Eugene lawyer Jessica May wrote a guest opinion piece that appeared in Thursday's Register-Guard. It urges people to ask Gov. Kate Brown not t o

a ppoint

Perlow to the job of district attorney because, May asserted,

Perlow "should not be rewarded" for "listening to this sacred

"I' ve been in the office 25'/2

sacrament" involving the Rev. Tim Mockaitis an d C o nan with Mockaitis, without the

Wayne Hale. May's boss, Mike Arnold, lat-

er posted a message to his Facebook page asking his followers to join him in supporting the only other applicant for the post — Kamala Shugar, a state Justice Department attorney

who leads a team of attorneys representing the state in child welfare and juvenile dependency cases. May said Thursday in an interview that writing the opin-

ion piece "isn't about anything political." But as a Catholic,

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staff members and has an interview scheduled with the gov-



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At the time of his meeting

priest's knowledge. A judge with Hale, Mockaitis served St. allowed investigators to seize Paul Catholic Church in north Hale's statements from the tape Eugene. as partoftheir search for eviIn 1997, Mockaitis was paid dence in the case. a total of $45,000 after settling The outcry that came after it two daims alleging that Lane was revealed that the jail meet- County and state officials vioing hadbeen taped prompted lated his civil rights by taping Harderoad to apologize for his the jailhouse meeting with actions, calling them "socially Hale, who was not Catholic but unacceptable" but legal at the met with Mockaitis after asktime. ing to speak with a priest. A federal appeals court later Perlow and Shugar are the ruled that the recording was only two people who applied to u nconstitutional u n der t h e replace District Attorney Alex now-defunct Religious Free- Gardner, who is resigning July

news of the jailhouse recording dom Reformation Act but re- 31 to join the Oregon State Po"profoundly impacted me," she fused to order its destruction. lice. Perlow or Shugar will be sard. Prosecutors shared the tape the county's first female district "If people decide this affects with Hale's attorneys but did attorney.

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EDj To

The Bulletin


ome wi erness ma nee imi s OI’ reserva ion


~~+~a-ea! ~~g~~~eN’.

ome special places in the wilderness get too much love. The Willamette National Forest is considering moving to a reservation system for campsites close to water in the Mount Jefferson Wilderness. Does it seem right that the pub- But if too much use is lic should have to pay $9 to get a despoiling the wilderness, reservation to go to a wilderness it's only right to try to owned by the public' ? create a system so the foot There is a contradiction in there. But if too much use is despoiling traffic and the camping the wilderness, it's only right to doesn't turn itinto a place try to create a system so the foot that is not worth visiting. traffic and the camping doesn' t turn it into a place that is not worth ciple of "leave no trace." There's so visiting. We' re glad that the Deschutes much of a crowd some weekends that forest officials worry it's too National Forest doesn't have any much for the trails and the area. similar plan to l imit h iking or It hasn't come to limits yet. But camping in certain areas. There are some selfissued wilderness it's not unreasonable to think they permits. And there's been lots of will come. And it's not unreasonheadscratching an d a p prehen- able to think, depending on what sion about the South Sister, Green is proposed, they would be a reasonablereaction to crowds overLakes and Moraine Lake area. It's easy enough to drive and whelming even an exhilarating hike to. It's a confection of natural beauty. beauty.It draws a crowd. Some Our advice for you: Discover hikers stray from the trails or the path less traveled, but please be clearly pay no attention to the prin- prepared when you go.

M nickel's Worth More off -leashneeded

ease outbreaks and therefore, not sustainable.

In response to the recent letter

A number ofinnovative companies have stepped in to offer plant- previousyears,we donated to these Bend: You are so right. We need to based alternatives that mimic closely programs. The donations to the sysspeak up more to Bend Park 8 Rec- the taste, texture and cooking prop- tem-wide programs do not honor the reation District and tell them that erties of eggs and chicken. They are wishes of those who asked for their about access to off-leash parks in

available in the frozen food section of

entire donation to stay in Redmond.

every supermarket. Park. There is no reason for not havMany of us favor replacing polluting it off-leash after you get past the ing fossil energy sources with dean houses. It is a perfect place, and dog renewable ones. That takes concertowners are being very respectful ed national action. But every one of

We have donated to other nonprofits for many years, as stipulated in our bylaws. Our continuing donations to other nonprofits in Redmond are

w e need moreoff-leash parks. Ihave

written to them about upper Shevlin

of others. I am wondering who it is

us has the power to affect that same

that is objecting. Dog owners pay for transit ion forourfood sources every BPRD too. We deserve to have more

GMO bill blocking local regulation shouldpass


regon voters didn't buy it. The U.S. House didn't buy it. The U.S. Senate should not buy it.

States should not require labeling for genetically modified food. The U.S. House voted Thursday in favor of a bill that would block state and local governments from requiring their own GMO labels. The Senate should, too. The Oregon delegation split on the bill, which was co-sponsored by Rep. Kurt Schrader, D-Canby. All the other members of the Oregon delegation voted against the bill, except Rep. Greg Walden, R-Hood River. In Oregon, the GMO campaign has alreadyrun into voters who knew better. The Oregon fight over GMO labels became the most expensive ballot measure battle in the state's history with more than $28 million spent. Voters said no to labels in a close race. It's understandable why people worry about what they eat. But fear-mongering should not win out over innovations that can make crops more drought resistant, insect resistant and could produce

It's understandable why people worry about what they eat. But fear-

mongering should not win out over innovations that can make crops more drought resistant, insect resistant and could

produce higher yields. higher yields. The need for labeling is often framed as a "right to know." But if Oregonians want to know, they already can know. Want to eat foods with no GMO content? They can be found. Buy foods with a "non-GMO" label. Buy "organic" foods if you want stricter requirements. And remember the scientific consensus is that there is no greater risk in eating GMO foods. Does it make sense then that there would be a patchwork of state laws across the country requiring GMO labeling? No. The Senate should also pass this bill and the president should sign it.


times and then decided there must

ment!" What'? I had not made any

be something wrong with the site. changes to my bank information. I I went online to check my bank ac- logged into to my bank account and count, and there they were: all the searchedforaddressupdate section transactions in pending status! I in the myriad choices, my ZIP code called the bank right away and in- showed 97703. I had not changed formed them that my intent was to this; I have a year to convert. Callmake one purchase,explained the ing the bank, I discovered they took errors and the prompt to try again. I i t upon themselves to m ake t h e

time we shop for food.

trails for us and our dogs in our park system. BPRD, are you listening? Cindy Murphy

Braden Randall

intended to honor the wishes of our donors who want their contribution to remain in Redmond. KayLarkin, acting president of the

Friends of the Redmond Branch


Friends of library doright


Use egg alternatives

The Bulletin editorial of July 15

Library Terrebonne

First Amendment lesson

The discussion of Hobby Lobby's full-page "Christian" ad and First brary is doing a bait-and-switch on Amendment rights has been interits donors. The argument is based esting. I wonder if those defending on the assumption that the donors freedom ofspeech would beasvocal, to the Redmond Friends want to do- if the message went against their becounting for 11 percent of the nation's nate to the Deschutes Public Library liefs. Would they vigorously defend a egg-laying hens, have been slaugh- system. Many of our actual donors full-page ad sponsored by atheists? tered for fear of infection during the ask to have their contribution stay in How about an ad promoting Islam? boils down to the accusation that the Friends of the Redmond Branch Li-

The U.S. egg industry is reeling from a colossal outbreak of avian flu, mostly among egg-laying chickens. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 48 million birds, ac-

past few months.

Redmond — a request we have been

The effects are far-reaching, from honoring for many years. how to dispose of millions of potenThe library in Redmond is the tially infected bird carcasses to job

cultural heart of Redmond. It's Red-

losses and rapidly rising egg prices. mond's living room. People of all More than 40 countries have restrict- ages visit regularly, the library staff ed U.S. poultry imports. Although is fantastic and the building is beauthe precise cause of the outbreak tiful. Our donors and volunteers tell remains uncertain, the horrendous us they want to support this vibrant conditions in today's factory farms

heart of Redmond.

make egg and chicken produc-

The library system will no longer allow us to directly support the

tion extremely vulnerable to dis-

A recreational marijuana shop? An

adult bookstore? The First Amendment is not absolute — one cannot yell "fire!" in

a crowded theater. Lines must be drawn. The Bulletin, I am certain,

has a policy in place on what it will and will not publish. As for me? I will simply avoid shopping at Hobby Lobby. Bill Boez Redmond

Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcomeyour letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250words and include the writer's signature, phonenumber and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhereandthose appropriate for other sections of TheBulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

In My View submissions should be between 550and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification. Weedit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating with national columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

Z IPco ec an csin Ben By Cindy Danford was advised they would monitor the he original ZIP code of Bend pending transactions. Five days later for some, 97701, is being all of the pending charges dropped changed (yes, where I live) to off, and no face cream for me. 97703. After I calmed down and reLater, I attempted to make a regalized there was nothing I could re- ular online payment to our cellular ally do about it and hearing others carrier, I got an error, one a little describing it as "trendy" and "exclu- more precise, that my billing inforsive," sort of like "90210," it began to mation was incorrect. I rechecked feel a tad better — not really. my data (I have been known to fat I recently tried to make an on- finger the key board). It hit meline purchase for face cream that 97701, the ZIP code I have used for I cannot find locally. I selected my years! Hesitantly I clicked in the items, proceeded to the checkout ZIP code field and typed (for the area, entered my information and first time) 97703 and hit the process hit process. An error returned that button. The system percolated for a the information I entered was inval- few seconds and gave me back a reid — try again. I did it three more sponse of "thank you for your pay-

library in Redmond. They request money for system-wide programs they have identified. This year, as in

IN MY VIEW change for me. An ah-ha moment

sets in; I wondered if this could have caused the issue from last week. Irritated, I wondered if I missed a no-

tice from the bank informing me of their good deed. I am an analyst. I tested this new

theory. Back to the website that gave me so much trouble, I trid to enter the new ZIP code 97703. To my

surprise I got a new error that the


Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or In My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Email submissions are preferred. Email: letters©bendbulletin.corn Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View

P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804

ea a c e s

This may seem like an overly dramatic reaction to an attempted purchase of facial cream, it goes beyond that. What if you are on vacation or a business trip, one who relies on prescription refills online, or in a purchasing situation (like the gas pumps) where you must use your ZIP code attached to your card to authenticate the user? The decision makers responsible for separating us from 97701 should get the word out to the rest of the world that Bend has a new trendy and exclusive ZIP code: 97703.

address is invalid! What?? The cel-

lular service recognized it — why couldn't they? Frustrated, I call my I understand the decision and bank and try very calmly to explain need to change the ZIP code but what happened with the new vs. old this is so frustrating! My husband, ZIP code. I ased them to change my a very organized individual, disZIP code back to 97701. I go back to

covered that this same ZIP code

the website for a second time using is shared with an area on the Yu97701, which I think the site hates, and it still will not process my order.

More pending transactions on my checking account, in approximately five business days they will fall off. I do not bother calling the bank.

catan Peninsula. Is this part of the

problem? This may seem like an overly dramatic reaction to an attempted

purchase of facial cream, it goes beyond that. What if you are on va-

cation or a business trip, one who

relies on prescription refills online, or in a purchasing situation (like the gas pumps) where you must use your ZIP code attached to your card to authenticate the user? The decision-makersresponsible for separating us from 97701 should get the word out to the rest of the world that Bend has a new trendy and exclusive ZIP code: 97703. — Cindy Danford lives in Bend.




Continued from 61 While there still are a few


DEATH NOTICES Warren John Priday, of Madras Oct. 31, 1919 - July 21, 201 5 Arrangements: Bel-Air Colonial Funeral Home, 541-475-2241 Services: Graveside committal service will be held on Saturday, August 1, 2015 at 11:00 AM at Redmond Memorial Gardens in Redmond, Oregon.

Margaret Elizabeth

LOCAL BRIEFING Continued from Bt F 1 tt tlc

Roads nearSunriver getting sealed

La Pine

Jan. 7, 1923 - July 23, 2015



Heart 'n Home Hospice, PO Box 3540, La Pine, OR 97739, 541-536-7399, www.gohospice.corn Arian nArlie n R. Netzel,

of Powell Butte Aug. 17, 1932 - July 22, 2015 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home of Bend is honored to serve the family. 541-382-0903 www.bairdmortuaries.corn Services: Per Arian's request, there will be no services. Contributions may be made to:

Partners In Care 2075 NE Wyatt Court Bend, Oregon 97701 www.partnersbend.org

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world:

Antonio Calanni / The Associated Press file photo

Elio Fiorucci arrives for the Vogue Talents Corner party during the Milan Fashion Week in Milan in February. Fiorucci died

Monday at age 80.

His disco-eratemple of fashion changedretail By Ruth La Feria

Death Notices are freeand will be run for oneday, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. Theymaybe submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. TheBulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on anyof these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-61 7-7825.

Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication. Obituaries must be receivedby5p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication, and by 9a.m. MondayforTuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; pleasecall for details. Phone: 541-617-7825

Email: obits©bendbulletin.corn Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020

Bend, OR97708

Fiorucci store in 1984. "It was

New York Times News Service

culture, it was music, it was lifestyle, all in one, and evdesigner and retail visionary erybody came: Greta Garbo, whose stores in Milan, Lon- Andy Warhol and the king of don and New York encap- Spain." sulated the flamboyance of Before turntables were the disco era and anticipated commonplace at trendsetting Elio Fiorucci, the fashion

many later retail innovations,

died Monday at his home in

boutique s,

Fiorucci enlist-

ed disc jockeys to spin at his

Milan. He was 80. His death was confirmed

store. He was the first to hire a

thinker and mercantile guru,

their contemporaries reveled

cadre of young fashion scouts by the Italian news agen- to scour the world for the latcy ANSA. No cause was est trends. They returned to specified. New York bearing samples Widelyregarded — indeed of items they had spied on the mythologized — as a radical street or at the clubs where Fiorucci was baptized young by night. in the retail trade, going to The store developed a repwork in his father's shoe bou-

utation as a daytime Studio

tique at 17. A seeker of wider pastures, he opened his own

54, drawing a raffish mix of

store in Milan in the mid-

fashion insiders and wouldbe insiders of entertainment

1960s, a distinctive, splashy and society, including an aloutpost for all things "swing- m ost-famous Madonna a s ing London." well as Jacqueline Kennedy The shop, which Fiorucci Onassis, Lauren Bacall, Yves ebulliently characterized as

"an amusementpark of novIngrid Sischy, 63: Writer, ed- elties," sold fluorescent hair itor and cultural critic known tints, rag rugs, teapots, gold for he r l o ng , a u thoritative Lurex cowboy boots and the associations with I n t erview disco-spangled glad rags in magazine, The New Yorker which patrons danced the and Vanity Fair. Died Friday night away. At its inception in M anhattan f ro m b r east it also served as a raucouscancer. ly colorfulshowcase for the Sally Gross, 81: A leading quirky, inventive and darkavant-garde dancer and cho- ly romantic designs of Biba, reographer whose minimal- Ossie Clark and other British ist works helped propel the avant-gardists. postmodern dance movement. Fiorucci soon extended his Died Monday in Sag Harbor, reach beyond conventional New York. ready-to-wear, transforming George Coe, 86: Film, stage his shop into an eccentric, and television actor w ho all-encompassing l i festyle earned an Oscar nomination emporium, modeled in part for his single picture as a di- on the Biba store in London, a rector — the 1968 short fea- pop-culture emblem of its day. ture "De Duva (The Dove)," a Restlessly inventive, Fiomock-Swedish-inflected send- rucci was quick to make his up of Ingmar Bergman that name. In 1970 he introduced has endured as a cult favorite. his namesake fashion label, Died July 18 in Santa Monica, built largely on stretch jeans — among the first — and California. — From wire reports T-shirts decorated with the

Obituary policy

to Bend, said Brett Hodgson,

Saint Laurent and, of course,

Warhol, who stopped by almost daily.

The DeschutesCounty Road Department plans to chip seal roads near Sunriver next week, possibly causing delays. Crews areset to chip seal Cottonwood RoadbetweenU.S. Highway 97andthe railroad tracks Monday afternoon andTuesday morning, according to the county. They then plan to moveto South Century Drive betweenthe highway andSpring River Road on Tuesdayafternoon through Wednesday. Drivers may encounter delays of up to 20 minutes, with flaggers and pilot cars guiding traffic, so the road department is advising using alternate routes.

Civil rights Continued from 61 Poncy said she sees blatant

of going to sleepaway camp, I spent the whole summer

racism, but also casual racism, what she called "diet racism"

hanging out in the store," the


designer Mare Jacobs rem-

"There's a lot of defensiveness anytime we want to talk

wide-eyed glamour about these beautiful young people that globetrotted from club to

club dressing in these fabulous clothes. It was like a living, breathing fashion show that I wanted so much to be a part of." The clothes, mostly restyled

hits from the 1950s and '60s, were rendered dazzling in Day-Glo colors and materials as variedasLurex andplastic and animal prints. The inven-

tory changed from month to month, Hastreiter recalled, "One day everything — button-down shirts, luggage and lipstick — was all fluorescent.

about issues, it's not just an-

Sometimes, he said, issues like noyances. They bring up issues being called a name should be when they become fearful. The ignored. association provides services B ut another man a t t h e that involve both language meeting disagreed. He said interpretation and advocacy. civil rights violations should

ter, also at the meeting, agreed


brand Edwin. It was a move

with the man's statement. He

The store, a pebble's toss from Bloomingdale's, was a breeding ground for fledgling designers and upstarts of the fashion and art worlds,

he came to regret. "He thought something good was going to happen, and it really passed him up," Arias said. "He was disappointed." Hastreiter explained, "Fio-

among them Betsey Johnson and Anna Sui,to whom Fio-

rucci rented concessions, and rucci was a disco moment; it the painters Keith Haring and worked because of its nightKenny Scharf, whose works club environment. But a disco were ostentatiously displayed. is only as good as its crowd." The windows were styled by More than a dozen years the then little-known illustrator Antonio Lopez. The Manhattan store soon

later, after an ill-fated attempt to reopen his New York em-

porium, he shuttered his business and dosed his original temple of retail innovation. Its flagship in Milan. touchescontinue to reverberEleven years ago he emate in the mails of today. barked on a new venture, "Elio was such an enthusi- introducing Love Therapy, a ast," recalled the performance ready-to-wear line, and evenartist Joey Arias, who man- tually signing a l icensing forged a reputation as a funky

aged the Fiorucci store in the late 1970s and '80s. "He had a

agreement with the Italian

very open mind. For him every day was like Christmas." Fiorucci shops represented "a pinnacle moment," said

retailer Gruppo Coin for the production and distribution of Love Therapy women's and children's collections. Fiorucci was born in Milan

Kim Hastreiter, a founder of

on June 10, 1935. Information

Paper magazine, who sold her first issue at the New York

on survivors was not immediately available.

She often sees cases in which

be approached with the bro- immigrant workers aren't beken window theory — which ing paid accurately for the time encourages fixing small prob- they work or aren't being paid lems to show that community overtime.

In 1990, he sold his company to the Japanese clothing

chant, not a man of fashion."

Oregon looks to be cooling down, saidMike Murphy, a National Weather Service meteorologist in Pendleton, but by the end of next week and into

nextweekend heat may come back. "Into the mid-90s it looks

like," he said. — Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarling@bendbulletin.corn

ficking heroin in Bend,police said.

Redmondroadwork schedule set Street work will cause road closures for through-traffic around Redmond starting Monday. The seal coating project is expected to take morethan a week, ending on Aug. 4, saidTanya Jones of 7 PeaksPaving, the Bend company on contract with the city of Redmond for the work. Here's the road closure schedule, asreleasedbythecompany Friday: Monday — NW Teakwood Court, NW Ninth Place, NE Kiln-

wood Place and NW Teak Avenue. Tuesday — A portion of 19th Street, NW 21stCourt and NW 15th Court.

Wednesday — SW Juniper Avenue, SW32nd Court and SW 34th Court. Thursday — NWGreenwood Court, NW HemlockLane,SW 24th Place and SW Sarasoda Court. Friday — SW50th Court, SW SavannahCourt and SW26th Court. Aug. 1 — SWUmatilla Court. Aug. 3 — Westside of NW Larchleaf Laneand west side of part of 22nd Street, NWKilnwood Court, portions of NWJackpine Place and NW Jackpine Court. Aug. 4 — SW Timber View Court, SW Curry Court and the east side of NWLarchleaf Lane and east side of part of 22nd Street. — Bulletin staff reports

Johnson said he believes many of the daily civil rights issues people face can,and should,be handled on a local, community basis, whether that means speaking out as an individual or asking for help from local law enforcement.

from local law enforcement.

be zebra and leopard." Renegade merchant that

put it on the eve of his Manhattan opening, "I am a mer-

return. For the short term, Central

closely. But potentially, if it was

dress civil rights issues like the affecting a large group of peoslur the woman experienced to ple, Johnson could be the one prevent worse incidents from to take on the case. happening. But it's important, One of his goals as civil both Johnson and Porter said, rights director, he said Friday, to gather details like a license is to get people to understand plate number if you' re going to their rights. "I think all of us need to start report something. Whitney Swander, assistant teaching individuals how to community b a sis, w h ether director of the Latino Commu- defendthemselves,"said Johnthat means speaking out as an nity Association, said when son, who commended Porter individual or asking for help chents there are speaking up and Deschutes County District

would become the brand logo. Pink-cheeked and smiling coyly, or peeking from behind dark glasses, they appeared not just on T-shirts but also on key chains, coffee m ugs and shopping bags. That logo soon became a highly collectible fixture in fashion capitals where Fiorucci set up new stores, including, perhaps most famously, a New York flagship on East 59th Street that opened in

sweaters and trousers. As he

3 arrested in drugdust

wants his department to ad-

The next months it would all

self-effacing personal style that ran counter to the flashy image of his stores. A vegetarian and animal-rights activist, he usually dressed in plain

and Bend Police pulled themover in a parking lot along NEPurcell Boulevard andallegedly found methamphetamine, heroin and drug paraphernalia, according to police. Detectives learned that Enquist had been apassenger but exited the vehicle before police arrived. Wellman, Winter and Brown were lodged in the Deschutes County jail. Detectives with Central Oregon law enforcement agencies are continuing to investigate the case.

about racism," said Poncy, wondering where people can go after they' ve faced an incident. Recently her friend was walking alone in Bend when a racial slur was shouted at her. Johnson said he believes many of the daily civil rights issues people face can, and should, be handled on a local,

twin w i nged cherubs that

he was, Fiorucci embraced a


Three menwerearrested in Bend on Thursday onsuspicion of methamphetamine possession after police witnessed the narcotic being exchangedbetweenthe trio, according to the Central Oregon Drug Enforcement Team. Ryan Crossley, 47,and Erminio Pena, 34, both of Redmond, and Man, 2 women accused Christian Killelea, 23, of Bendwere of drug possession arrested on suspicion of possession of methamphetamine and Detectives with the Central other related charges, police said. Oregon Drug Enforcement team The drug enforcement team, arrested a Bendmanand two made up of detectives from Redmond womenWednesday on various Central Oregon lawensuspicion of methamphetamine and heroin possession, according forcement agencies, was led to the three menafter investigating "susto a news release. In addition, Richard Enquist, 35, picious activity" in a parking lot of La Pine, is wanted for question- along NEThird Street. Detectives ing in connection to the arrests, observed two vehicles that "drew suspicion of narcotic officers," police said. Corey Wellman, 27, of Bendand according to a newsrelease. Bend Police arrested the three Michelle Winter, 24, andAndrea Brown, 29, both of Redmond, men. Crossley hadbeeninvestigatwere arrested after detectives ed and arrested in thepast for traf-

"When I was 15, instead

inisced to Th e New Y o rk Times in 2001. "I had this

in Bend.

"A lot of our streams in the have improved. The state Department of Fish and Wild- Upper Deschutes have a lot of life reported a separate fish groundwater and spring infludie-off, involving more than ence," he said. 100 chinook salmon, on the The spring water may be Middle Fork of the John Day as cool as 45 to 50 degrees, River during the second week Hodgson said. "And that cool of July. Warm waters also con- w ater carries quite a w a y tributed to the death of the fish.

(Woerly) Amon,of

Baird Memorial Chapel of La Pine is honored to serve the family. 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.corn Services: A Funeral Mass will be held on Saturday, July 25, 2015, 10:OOAM at Holy Redeemer Catholic Church located at 16137 Burgess Rd. in La Pine. Contributionsmay be made

Such die-offs have not been As summer wears on the observed on the Deschutes lingering question is whethand other waterways closer er high air temperatures will

sick fish swimming around district biologist for the Dethe mouth of the Deschutes, partment of Fish and Wildlife French said overall conditions


members will not stand for any acts of crime. As the theory

Johnson explained with a

goes, broken windows should

problem like that, he may refer the case to the state Bureau

be fixed quickly to show that

of Labor and Industries, an

neighbors are paying attention agency with which he works to crimes. If broken windows start adding up, criminals may e think they can get away with larger acts. Bend Police Chief Jim Por-

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Attorney John Hummel for

being there. Johnson said he knows in a lot of communities,

officials like them might not even attend a discussion on

civil rights. — Reporter: 541-383-0325, kfisicaro@bendbulletin.corn

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W EAT H E R Forecasts andgraphics provided byAccuWeather,lnc. ©2015









HIGH 72’




EAST:Partly sunny, breezy andcooler Seasid TEMPERATURE today. partly cloudy to 66/57 Yesterday Normal Record night. Cloudsandsun Cannon 64 63 100' i n 1926 and cool tomorrow. 64/56 46' 49' 33' in 1946

Beautiful with plenty Ofsun


WEST:Mostly cloudy Tach in the north today 64/54 Today Sun. with spotty showers; Sunrise 5:45 a.m. 5: 4 6 a.m. times of clouds and Floren e Sunset 6:36 p.m. 6: 3 7 p.m. sunshine south. 66/55 Moonrise 3:1 5 p.m. 4:1 5 p.m. Moonset 1 2:56 a.m. 1:33 a.m. OREGON EXTREMES Co


4 A ug 14 A ug 22

Tonight’s slty:TheGreatAndromeda Galaxy is emerging abovethe NEafter midnight.

High: 93 at Ontario at Lakeview



POLLEN COUNT W l eg~hg t

Wee ds

untura Burns J67/50


Yesterday Today Sunday



Burns Jun tion 87/54 Rome 89/53 McDermi



Jordan V Hey



Ashl nd Falls

Nyssa 60/ 6 2

Riley 63/46 81/46

Beaver Marsh


9 60 89/61

Ham ton

La pine




Yesterday Today Sunday

Yesterday Today Sunday

H i/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W C i ty Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W 69/54/0.00 69/55/c 68/55/sh L a Grande 88 / 52/0.00 80/49/pc 73/49/pc Portland 81/5 8/0.0073/56/c 72/55/c 86/40/0.00 81/47/pc 74/41/pc La Pine 78/37/0.00 71/42/pc 65/41/pc Prinevige 79/ 46/0.0076/47/pc65/42/pc Brookings 67/53/0.00 68/54/pc69/55/pc Medford 9 1 /60/0.00 85/58/s 82/55/pcRedmond 85/ 43/0.0075/43/pc 71/39/pc Gums 86/43/0.00 83/46/s 76/40/pc N ewport 68/5 0/0.00 65/54/c 63/53/s Roseburg 89/ 5 5/0.0078/56/c 79/55/pc Eugene 86/50/0.00 76/51/c 75/51/pc N o rth Bend 7 2 / 52/0.00 67/54/c 68/54/pc Salem 84/53/0.00 75/55/c 73/52/p c Klamath Fags 83/45/0.00 80/46/s 75/42/s O n tario 93/57/0.00 91/60/s 86/57/pc Sisters 80/44/0.00 72/44/pc 68/44/pc Lakeview 82/36/0.00 80/48/s 74/43/s Pendleton 88/59/0.00 80/55/pc76/53/pc The Dages 8 7 /62/0.00 78/59/pc78/58/ c

City Astoria Baker City

Source: OregonAgergyAssociates 541-683-1577



~ tee

~ gs ~ 108 ~ g s As of 7 a.m.yesterday Reservoir Ac r e feet Ca pacity NATIONAL C rane Prairie 296 4 5 54% EXTREMES (for the Wickiup 79930 40% YESTERDAY Crescent Lake 6 5 9 22 76% 4B contiguousstates) Ochoco Reservoir 19776 45vo National high: 111 Prineville 77477 52vo at Death Valley,CA River flow St a tion Cu. ft.leec. National low: 33 Deschutes R.below CranePrairie 264 at West Yellowstone, Deschutes R.below Wickiup 1610 MT 162 Precipitation: 4.13" Deschutes R.below Bend Deschutes R. atBenhamFalls 1640 at Mason City,IA Little Deschutes near LaPine 135 C rescent Ck. below Crescent Lake 1 3 4 Crooked R.above Prineville Res. 1 Crooked R.below Prineville Res.

226 64 6

Crooked R. near Terrebonne Ochoco Ck.below OchocoRes.

FIRE INDEX Bend/Sunriver Mod~erato ~ ~ Redmond/Madras ~M od ~erato ~ Sisters Prinevige High La Pine/Gilchrist ~M od ~erato ~


Source: USDA Forest Service

+P Tq+

Sunny, pleasant and warmer


20a ~ 3 0 8

~ 7 0 8 ~ age

~ ace

~ 4 0 8 ~ 50 s

eggs ~ 1008


x x x x 6 gary

~ t t Ga

Que 71/5

i ntpeg Tgnder Bay

City Hi/Le/Prec. Hi/Le/W Hi/Lu/W Abilene 98/76/0.00 98mls 99nsts Akron 87/58/0.00 86/68/pc 85/64/pc Albany 83/55/0.15 84/65/pc 84/65/1 Albuquerque 94/68/0.00 93/68/1 94/67/1 Anchorage 73/50/0.00 69/56/sh 63/55/sh Atlanta 91 n4/0.00 89/72/t 90nNs Atlantic City 81/65/0.00 82/72/s 84/73/pc Austin 98n3/0.00 97/71/s 9N71/s Baltimore 88/58/0.00 89/69/s 90/71/t Billings 90/59/0.01 88/60/s 88/59/s Birmingham 89n3/0.33 94/73/t 94nNs Bismarck 87/63/0.40 90/62/s 89/66/s Boise 91 /63/0.00 90/59/s 84/55/pc Boston 79/66/0.04 72/63/pc 76/67/sh Bridgeport, CT 83/64/0.00 83/70/s 83/72/t Buffalo 82/57/0.00 81/67/c 83/63/pc Burlington, VT 76/59/0.15 81/64/pc 82/63/t Caribou, ME 60/56/0.25 64/54/c 65/56/c Charleston, SC 86n6/1.09 88/70/pc gonz/pc Charlotte 88n4/0.00 91/68/s 93/70/s Chattanooga 91 /73/0.00 91/70/pc 91/73/t Cheyenne 89/57/0.00 88/57/s 88/58/t Chicago 84/64/0.00 85/67/pc 85/70/t Cincinnati 88/63/0.00 88/70/pc 8N70/t Cleveland 84/61 /0.00 86/68/pc 82/62/pc ColoradoSprings 87/64/Tr 88/61/t 86/60/1 Columbia, MO 91 no/0.00 92/76/t 89/74/t Columbia, SC 91 n6/0.04 94/69/pc 96/73/pc Columbus,GA 93/73/0.12 92/73/pc 94nztpc Columbus,OH 86/59/0.00 86/69/pc 84/67/pc Concord, NH 80/54/0.01 76/59/pc 78/60/1 Corpus Christi 96/80/0.00 95nrls grnrls Dallas 99ng/o'.oo 100/80/s 100/80/s Dayton 86/61 /0.00 86/69/pc 86/67/1 Denver 89/64/0.03 93/62/pc 90/61/1 Des Moines 88no/Tr 85/73/t 91/73/t Detroit 89/66/0.00 85/67/t 87/66/s Duluth 81 /67/0.04 86/66/s 86/66/1 El Paso 100nr/Tr 101/74/t t Don 4/s Fairbanks 74/52/Tr 75/57/pc 66/54/c Fargo 85/66/0.09 87/68/s 88/68/s Flagstaff 79/53/0.00 82/49/s 82/49/s Grand Rapids 86/60/0.00 83/61/pc 87/66/pc Green Bay 83/61/0.00 87/63/pc 89/66/pc Greensboro 88/70/0.00 89no/s 91/71/s Harrisburg 84/59/0.00 87/68/s 88/70/t Harffurd, CT 84/55/0.03 83/64/s 83/66/1 Helena 88/51/Tr 86/56/s 82/53/pc Honolulu gonr/0.00 90/76/pc 90/77/ah Houston 98/75/0.00 98/77/s 99nNs Huntsville 94n6/0.04 91/71/pc 92/73/s Indianapolis 85/66/0.00 86/70/pc 86/70/t Jackson, MS 96nr/0'.00 grn4/t orn5/pc Jacksonville 94n2/0.36 87/72/t 87/71/t

innss s

Plenty Ofsunshine

Amsterdam Athens

73/57/0.15 65/54/r Boston 93n5/0.00 gin4/s solve 81/ sale 63 Auckland 52/45/0.03 55/48/pc 90/59 Crea oiue w York Baghdad 117/86/0.00 119/91/s /73 Che Bangkok 95/82/0.00 98/80/t ss/5 Omaha gadelphis Bailing 93n3/0.10 93/75/pc Chic o Salt Lake ity 9/73 Beirut gong/o.oo 89/77/s ah ahclsco ~ dicta x cele Berlin 79/59/0.00 81/57/t 71/60 LasV ss Bogota 66/45/0.04 67/47/pc 91 ee 102 Kansas City St. 90/68/0.00 96/64/s .eked%> Budapest 93/75 Buenos Ai r es 66/34/0.00 66/54/s ashvtt Charta L oA s u Ie s 91 /77/0.05 92/78/t Cabo San Laces 92/7 8 / L’ Cairo 106/84/0.00 99ns/s Phoae , v. x'eQ i x 5 '- Calgary Atbuque ue kl s homa Ci 97 7 At ~chorses 81 /48/0.00 72/44/ah 107/8 i ’49/ II 0 93/es 89/72 Cancun 91 /81 /0.00 92/75/s Bir ingha 8 /49 oaoa . + v.v.v. al Pa Dublin 59/48/0.01 62/51/pc 94 3 100/ 101 Edinburgh 63/45/0.00 61/45/sh 44/5 Geneva 91 /64/0.27 74/55/ah ’~~ ~~ ~ ada~~~ eetutrt Harare 74/48/0.00 80/50/s w OrteaTie' <5 < 8/77 Hong Kong 86/80/0.25 91/81/t Chihuahua esfrs Istanbul 86/73/0.00 85/75/s 90/44 Qmi Jerusalem 95no/0.00 93/68/s Monte y O w ' eestr4ˆ,› x 100/72 Johannesburg 60/47/0.26 57/33/s 4 Lima 68/62/0.00 70/63/pc Lisbon 77/66/0.12 80/64/s Shown are today's noonpositions of weather systemsand precipitation. Temperature bandsare highs for the day. London 63/61/1.75 69/52/pc T-storms Rain S h owers S now F l urries Ice Warm Front Sta t ionary Front Madrid Cold Front 97/66/0.00 95/68/pc Manila 86/81 /0.06 89/77/t Mi



67/57/sh 93/74/s

59/53/ah 118/86/s 96/80/t



70/57/pc 67/49/c 79/59/t 66/56/s 92/77/t


66/47/sh 92/76/s 66/53/r 59/50/r 81/61/t 80/50/s 91181/1

Son 5/s 90/67/s 56/38/s

71/63/pc 85/66/s 63/58/r

99no/s 9Ons/c

Yesterday Today Sunday Hi/Le/Prec. Hi/Le/W Hi/Le/W 65/52/1.66 64/52/c 59/53/c 95/73/0.01 93ft5/pc 93n5/t


Juneau Kansas City Lansing Las Vegas Lexington Lincoln

86/60/0.00 83/61/1 85/65/s

Little Rock Lus Angeles Louisville Madison, Wl Memphis Miami

Milwaukee Minneapolis Nashville New Orleans New YorkCity Newark, NJ Norfolk, YA

101/80/0.00 102n5/s 85/61/0.00 88/67/s 100/74/0.00 85f/1/t 99nwo.oo 97n7/s 85/67/0.00 85/65/pc 88/65/0.00 91/73/s 81/62/Tr 86/65/pc

srno/o.oo 86/73/s



Mecca Mexico City

110/81/0.00 111/77/s 78/53/0.11 78/53/1 Montreal 75/63/0.10 79/65/pc Moscow 73/59/0.00 73/53/s Nairobi 77/53/0.00 72/55/c gtng/0'.00 93/78/pc Nassau New Delhi 93/83/0. 00 94/81/t Osaka sgn5/o.oo 90/74/pc Oslo 64/45/0.03 56/45/r Ottawa 79/57/0.00 79/60/c Paris 81/61/0.08 73/54/pc Riu de Janeiro 79/68/0.00 78/67/pc Rome 88/72/0.01 87/72/s Santiago 72/36/0.00 72/42/s Sao Paulo 77/59/0.44 64/51/sh Sap pore 85/69/0.52 76/70/r Seoul 78/75/0.61 81/74/t Shanghai 90/80/0.32 91/79/t Singapore 88/82/0.08 89/80/pc Stockholm 70/55/0.00 69/57/r Sydney 66/48/0.04 68/50/s Taipei gtnr/o'.oo 93/80/pc Tel Aviv 94/69/0.00 91n8/s Tokyo 87/77/0.15 89/79/pc Toronto 84/59/0.00 82/63/1 Vancouver 63/59/0.38 69/56/sh Vienna 91/70/0.00 88/60/t Warsaw 82/63/0.00 91/61/I

l4gcf $gyy]~ vi !'





eb b

Onceyou've paid for general admission,comeenjoy games, contests, shows,andmore! A n c I i t ’ s a l l F R E E ’! E v e r y ci a y f

M utton Bu stin ’ Kids can hone their cowboy and cowgirl skills. Real sheep! Real fun! Three rodeos per day. Finals on Sunday!

Jest In Time Circus Topper Todd and Lili Zucchini, two physical comedians and jugglers, perform super stage shows for the entire family!



real ld sr~ er ebs




Longhorn Show Daily


or'M I tsWt !

Texas longhorns entertain the crowd in this fun 8 entertaining show!


Other contests throughout the ilay. Some with cash prixes, some with ribbons, some with carnival tickets as prixes. Including:


Watermelon Eating Contest, Wednesday, 2 p.m. Sack races, Friday, 4 p.m. Tug o’ War, Thursday, 5 p.m. Stick Horse Racing, Friday, 5 p.m.



Smokey Bear Birthday Party, Saturday, 11 a.m. Pie Eating Contest, Saturday, 2 p.m.

Petting Zoo 6 Pony Ri1es return this year from DD Ranch in Terrebonne

Apple Bobbing Every Day 2 to 5 p.m. by Bobbie Strome Real Estate Bicycle obstacle course by Mountain Water Snow Outdoor Sports ~$MttN

Enj6ty Old-FaShianed Fun EVeffy Day At The Fair!

Ro a 5

De s o asm t e s eeo v a e s ow'




K B E~


~~ I

g DQ p

H c r /vt F



Association or REALTORS

Old IIH Mill


k v lqp s vM R


96n3/s 97nrls 82/65/pc

gtno/o.oo 92no/s 93n4/pc gsns/0.00 95nsn 94nrn

~i '"'-'» O>~ion eERvl+gy ~


92/75/t 85/68/t 96ns/o.t 1 94n6/pc 96n8/pc 95/80/0.00 88n7/t 88n7/t 85/66/0.00 81/64/pc 82/68/pc 88/68/0.23 87ft1 /s 87no/t

An old-fashioned affordable County Fair with something EUH for everyone!

The Bulletin


86/74/t 89/67/0.00 88ft2/s 90n3/t 85n4/G.oo 86n1/s 88n3/s OklahomaCity 96/73/0.00 97n3/s 97n2/s Omaha 99ns/o.oo 83/72/t 94/74/pc Orlando 88/76/0.15 88f/3/t 88/74/t Palm Springs torn4/o.oo106n7/s 106n2/s Peoria 88/65/0.00 88n4/t 86n3/t Philadelphia 86/67/0.00 89/73/s gon4/t Phoenix 104/87/0.00 107/83/s 109/85/s Pittsburgh 85/55/0.00 86/69/pc 85/65/pc Portland, ME 76/55/0.01 68/57/c 68/60/ah Providence 82/61/0.03 80/65/pc 79/69/ah Raleigh 86/73/Tr 88/66/s 90no/s Rapid City 88/58/0.00 86/59/pc 91/63/s Rene 88/60/0.00 89/55/s 87/55/s Richmond 88/67/0.00 89/68/s 90/72/s Rochester, NY 83/55/0.00 84/67/c 83/64/pc Sacramento 90/60/0.00 90/59/s 91/60/s St. Louis 92/71/0.00 91n8/t 89n7/t Salt Lake City 92/64/0.00 91/67/s 95/69/s grnNo'.oo 97ft7/s 98/76/s San Antonio San Diego sonuo.oo 81/69/pc 77/67/pc San Francisco 72/58/0.00 71/60/pc 71/58/pc San Jose 78/55/0.00 78/57/pc 78/57/pc Santa re 92/58/0.00 90/61/1 90/60/1 Savannah gon4/0'.Gt 88n0/pc 91n2/pc Seattle 73/56/Tr 70/56/c 68/55/ah Sioux Fags 91/73/0.00 87/69/1 87/70/s Spokane 82/59/0.00 74/53/pc 73/53/pc Springfield, MO 93/73/0.00 95/76/s 94n5/pc Tampa 84/79/2.37 83n7/t 85n7/t Tucson 99/74/0.03 99/76/pc 101/77/pc Tulsa 99nNo'.oo 98ft7/s 97nr/s Washington, DC 90/69/0.00 92n5/s 93nr/pc Wichita 100/77/0.00 98n7/pc 99m/pc Yakima 92/57/0.00 80/50/pc 78/51/pc Yuma 105/80/0.00 107/80/s 108/81/s i


90’ 50’


Weather(W):s-sunny,pc-partlycloudy, c-cloudy, sh-showers,t-thunderstorms,r-rain, sf-snowflurries, sn-snowl-ice,Tr-trace,Yesterday data asof 5 p.m. yesterday

e t~ L


Yesterday Today Sunday


Fort Rock Greece t 76/42


Bro ings 66/5

The highertheAccuW eaffter.rxrm iy Index number, the greatertheneedfor eysandskin protsdion. 0-2 Low, 3-5Moderate;6-7 High;8-10 VeryHigh; 11+ Extreme.

G rasses T r ee s



2 p.m. 4 p.m.

’ Be d Brothers Su iVere 72/44



John eU Day 0/47 80 / 4 9

Pa line

Ch ristmas alley Silver 78/44 Lake 73/44 Po 0 77/45 Gra Paisley 65/ a Chile quin Gold ach so 55 Medfe d ’ 77/46

Low: 3e’



Grove Oakridge 73/50










Source: JimTodd,OMSI

5 I~

Camp Sh man Red n



67 4


’ ’






Shown is today's weather.Temperatures are today's highs andtonight's lowe.

Umatilla 82/57 RiVer Rufus ermiston High lington 82/57 portland 73/56 Mesc am Losti ne Low 73/ lse co 79/46 Enterprise dl h, 71/4 heaaa W rsl45 Tigamo 7 7 PRECIPITATION CENTRAL: Sunshine andy 78/59 Mc innvill JosePh He PPner Grande 24 hours through 5 p.m. yesterday 0.00" mixed with clouds Gove nt upi 7 Con don 6/50 80 49 Record 0.76" in 1967 today; breezyand Union Lincoln 61/ Month to date (normal) 0.4 2" (0.44") cooler. Partly cloudy 65/54 Sale pray Granite Year to date(normal) 6.53 " (6.16") tonight. Partly sunny 75/5 2/55 a ’Baker C 75/45 Barometric pressure at 4 p.m. 30 . 0 6" and cool tomorrow. ftiewpo 3/53 65/54 Mitche 61 /47

10 a.m. Hoon



Bend Municipal Airport through 5 p.m.yest.

Jul 31 Aug 6



~P Tq~

Pleasant with sunshine and some clouds

Mainly clear



66’ 40’


Partly sunny andnice

If ’ I


Ja1y 29 throe,gh Racist


112/78/s 78/55/t 80/64/1 81/65/s 76/54/1 93/81/pc 93/79/t 91/76/s 52/50/r 83/62/ah

70/60/ah 72/67/ah 87/71/s 67/43/s 65/52/pc


85/75/pc 92/80/t 89/80/1 67/54/r 67/44/s



92/78/pc 83/63/s 66/55/s 78/61/1


IN THE BACK: BUSINESS Ee MARUT NEWS W Scoreboard, C2 Golf, C3 Sports in brief, C2 Cycling, C4 MLB, C3 THE BULLETIN SATURDAY, JULY 25, 2015

O< www.bendbulletin.corn/sports


WCL BASEBALL Elks suffer road loss to Falcons



I l l




KELOWNA, British

Columbia — Kelowna pitchers Brady Miller and Jayse Bannister held Bend to three hits on Friday night to take a 1-0 West Coast League shutout. Patrick McGuff went the distance onthe mound for the Elks (3010 WCL), giving up five hits and oneearned run in eight innings to the Falcons (26-14). Derek Chapmanhad two hits to lead theElks. The two teams battle again tonight at 6:35.

for Seau will be quiet one The family of the former linebackerwill not speakwhen he entersHall

— Bulletin staff report


By Ken Belson New York Times News

Summit takes junior state crown Summit of Bend piled up 40 runs in three days and rallied from a fourrun deficit in the final to win the OregonJunior State Division II baseball championship last weekend in Eugene. The 12-team bracket tournament was heldat Willamette High School, concluding July 19, and was composed of rising freshmen, sophomores and juniors, according to Summit coach Rian Hillier. Summit, which fell in last year's state final to West Salem,posted back-to-back five-inning wins over Centennial (17-3) andWest Salem (12-2) on July17 and18, respectively, to reach the state championship game. After falling behind 4-0 in the top ofthefirst inning, Summit rebounded and capturedthe state title with an11-4 victory over Corvallis. Players helping Summit to the championship: Dylan Anderman, Joe Hardy, Hayden Love, Austin McCoun, Wolfie Meckem, Kincade Mickel, Kole Miller, Shane Norton, Logan Peterson, EvanScalley, Michael Schutz, Jackson Shropshire, Drew Steelhammer, Brock Stroud, SpencerWallace and Logan Wehrman. — Bulletin staff report

TOUR DE FRANCE FRIDAY The pack facedfour climbs including the Croix de Ferpass —one of the hardest ascents in cycling — and anuphill finish at the LaToussuire ski station in an86-mile course from Saint-Jeande-Maurienne. WINNER Vincenzo Nibali of Italy. The defendingTour champion spedaway from a group of race leaders andovertook breakaway riders with an impressive 10-mile solo effort up the final climb. JERSEYS Yellow:Chris Froome Green:Peter Sagan Polka dot:Romain Bard et White:Nairo Quintana Rojas TODAY The piece deresistance of this year's Tour comes in the penultimate 20th stage today, as the pack covers 68.6 miles from Modane Valfrejus back over the Croix de Ferpassand a finish up the fabled Alpe d'Huez that features 21 switchbacks andoften-boisterous crowds. For complete results,C2 Related story,C4



nior Seau's induction into the Pro Football

Hall of Fame was always going to be awkward, a chance to celebrate

amarquee player

S eau


for his bone-crushing career while not dwelling on his controversial death tied to it. When his induction

was announced at the Super Bowl his family rejoiced and started thinking about what to

say at the ceremony in Canton, Ohio, on Aug. 8.

Seau had told them if he ever made it, he wanted

his daughter Sydney to introduce him. But the Hall of Fame does not plan to let SydPhotos by Andy Tullis/The Bulletin

At high speed, the pro men’s peloton crosses over a sparkling creek leading to Sparks Lake as Mount Bachelor sits in the distance during Stage 3 of the Cascade Cycling Classic along Cascade Lakes Highway on Friday morning.

Hincapie development teamputs ridersin top spots of men'srace By Mark Moncal The Bulletin


The young guys from Hincapie have seized controL

The youthdevelopment team flexed its young mus-

"We hadsome cards to play,and we used them, and it turned out well. We' re pretty

confident. We' ve got two guys up there with a strongteam, and we've defended before.We've still got to be cautious of a few other riders."

cles Friday, as Dion Smith

pulled away near the finish to win the pro men's Stage 3 of the Cascade Cycling Classic presented by Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon. Robin Carpenter, also of Hincapie, finished third in the stage. Now Smith, of New Zea-

land, has the yellow leader' s jersey, and his teammate Carpenter is in second over-

all, just one second behind. Gavin Mannion of Jelly Belly is third overall, 34 seconds back.


Men’s overall leader Dion Smith


Smith broke away from a lead group of 10 riders about 2 kilometers from the finish.

Friday's 111-mile Cascade

He was all alone coming into

Lakes Road Race started in

the finish line in the Sunrise

Bend, then took riders past Mount Bachelor, south on Cascade Lakes Highway, then included two loops around Crane Prairie Reservoir before the finishing climb back up to Bachelor' s Sunrise Lodge.

Lodge parking lot, but he took a wrong turn and ended up outside the gates at the

finish. Race organizers took the blame for the confusion

and gave him the stage win anyway. SeeMen/C4

F o r more photos from Friday's stage,for and complete coverage of the 2015CascadeCycling Classic, visit our website: denddulletin.corn/ccc

At theCascade CyclingClassic FRIDAY’SWINNERS Men:NewZealand's Dion Smith of the Hin-

capie team pulled away from a lead group of 10 riders to win the 111-mile Cascade Lakes RoadRaceon

By Mark Morlcal The Bulletin

the pro women's 73-mile Cascade Lakes Road Race on Friday. Her performance

moved her into the overall leader's jersey oftheCascade Cycling Classic presented by Regence BlueCross BlueShield of Oregon. Dvorak, of team Twenty16, finished in 3 hours, 39 minutes, 31 seconds. Abigail Mickey of United Healthcare was second, five seconds back, and Amanda Miller of Visit Dallas finished third,

MEN Overall:Smith Mountain:Smith

Sprint:Michael Sheehan Best young rider: Smith

TODAY’S STAGE The BendDowntown Criterium, the showcase stage of the CCC.The women's race begins at 5:45 p.m., while the men' s race begins at 7 p.m.

Dvorak got into an early

break of 10 riders and attacked near the finish to win

Andrea Dvorak raises her hand at the finish line as she wins the pro

women'sCascade Lakes Road Race and claimsthe yellow leader's jersey of the Cascade Cycling Classic at Mount Bachelor on Friday.

PRO WOMEN 1:24 back. Dvorak, 34 and from

Charlottesville, Virginia, overtook herteammate

Kristin Armstrong for the overall lead, but because

cycling is a team sport, both riders were happy with the result.


by hits to his head.

SeeSeau /C4



Virginia, gotinto an early breakaway, then hung on towin Friday's stage andovertake her Twenty16 teammate, Kristin Armstrong, for the overall lead.

Overall:Dvorak Mountain:Dvorak Sprint:Lauren Hall Best young rider: Kaitlin Antonneau

time in her career.

of traumatic brain injury

that doctors said they believed was brought on

W omen:Andrea Dvorak, of Char-



Andrea Dvorak has been a professional cyclist for seven years, and on Friday afternoon, she pulled on a yellow leader's jersey for the first

stead, it will only show a

video that will commemorate his career, while avoiding questions about his suicide in 2012 and the subsequent diagnosis



Rider overtakesteammate for lead

ney Seau or anyone else speak on his behalf. In-

For complete results from Friday's event, seeScoreboard,C2.

Heather Ainsworth/AP file

Hall of Fame pitcher Randy Johnson smiles

during a press confer› ence in Cooperstown, New York, in March.

Life in focus for former pitcher By Bob Baum

The Associated Press


great enthusiasm, in great detail, Randy Johnson talks of watch-

ing through a camera lens as wild dogs in Africa chased a leopard from thecarcassofa gazelle, and how the leopard stayed warily nearby for his chance to salvage what food

it could. He witnessed female lions work to extract a dead baby

elephant floating down a river, the male lion watching from above on a nearby ridge. SeeJohnson/C3






EuropeanTour, European Masters Senior OpenChampionship PGA Tour,CanadianOpen U.S. Junior Amateur PGA Tour,CanadianOpen LPGA Tour, Meijer LPGAClassic EuropeanTour, European Masters

Time TV/Ratiio 3:30 a.m. Golf 9 a.m.


1 0 a.m. 11 a.m. noon noon 2 a.m.

Go l f FS1 CBS Golf Golf


Tour de France, Stage20 SOCCER International Champions CupSoccer, China, AC Milan (Italy) vs. Inter Milan (Italy) Champions Cup,North America, FC Barcelona vsManchester United CONCACAF Gold Cup,third-place match, United States vs. Panama Champions Cup,North America, Paris Saint-Germain vsChelsea MLS, Portland at Dallas

4 a.m. N BCSN 4 :55 a.m. F S 1 1 p.m.


1 p.m.


3 p.m. 6 p.m.

FS2 Roo t


Formula One,Hungary Grand Prix, qualifying NASCAR,Xfinity, Indianapolis 250, qualifying NASCAR,Sprint Cup, Brickyard 400, qualifying Global RallyCross Series NASCAR,Xfinity Series, Indianapolis 250 Formula One,Hungarian Grand Prix

5 a.m. C N BC 8:30 a.m. NBCSN 10 a.m. NBCSN 1 1 a.m. NB C noon NBC 4:30 a.m. CNBC


Pan American Games MLB, Toronto at Seattle MLB,OaklandatSanFrancisco MLB, Atlanta at St. Louis MLB, TexasatLosAngelesAngels

12:30p.m. ESPN2 1 p.m. Roo t 1 p.m. FS1 4 p.m. FS1 6 p.m. MLB


WNBA, All-Star Game Basketball Tourney, Northeast Final, TeamsTBD Basketball Tourney, South Final, TeamsTBD Basketball Tourney, Midwest Final, TeamsTBD Basketball Tourney,WestFinal, TeamsTBD

12:30 p.m. ABC 1 p.m. E SPNU 3 p.m. E SPNU 5 p.m. E SPNU 7 p.m. E SPNU


Arena, TampaBayat Jacksonville Arena, Portland at Spokane Australian, West Coast vs Sydney

4 p.m. ESPNEWS 7 p.m. CSNNW 11:30 p.m. FS2


Pan American Games

4 p.m.


6 p.m.



Special Olympics World GamesLos Angeles BOXING

Premier Boxing Champions

6 p.m. NBCSN


ATP, bet-at-home Open,German Championships 2:30 a.m. Tennis ATP, bet-at-home Open,German Championships 4:30 a.m. Tennis CYCLING

Tour de France, Stage21 GOI.F Senior OpenChampionship PGA Tour, RBCCanadian Open PGA Tour, RBCCanadian Open

7 a.m. N BCSN 9 a.m. E SPN2 1 0 a.m. Go l f noon CBS


MLB,LosAngelesDodgersatNew YorkMets MLB, Toronto at Seattle

MLB, Detroit at Boston SOCCER MLS, Orlando City at NewYork City MLS, Philadelphia at D.C. International Champions Cup,North America, New York RedBulls vs Benfica CONCACAF Gold Cup,final, Jamaica vs. Mexico International Champions Cup, Internazionale Milano vs RealMadrid

10 a.m. 1 p.m. 5 p.m.

TBS Roo t E S PN

11:30 a.m. FS1 2 p.m. E SPN2 4 :30 p.m. F S 2 5 p.m. FS1 4 :55 a.m. F S 1


NASCAR,Sprint Cup, Brickyard 400

12:30 p.m. NBCSN


High School, Uprising SummerChampionship 1 p.m. E SPNU High School, Uprising SummerChampionship, final 3 p.m. E SPNU FOOTBALL

Arena, Los Angeles atArizona

3 p.m. E SPNN

Listingsarethe mostaccu/ate available. TheBulletin is not responsible for late changesmadeby TVor radio stations.



Portland Trail Blazers signed guard Phil Presseyand forward Cliff Alexander. Pressey playedthepast two seasons with the Boston Celtics, averaging 3.1 points,1.5 rebounds and2.9 assists in125 games. The 24-year-old was undrafted after playing at Missouri. Alexander also went undrafted after averaging 71 points and 5.3 reboundsafter one season at Kansas.

OLYMPICS M aSSaChuSettS gOVernOraSked fOrStanCe On BOStOn — The U.S.Olympic Committeewants to know wherethe governor of Massachusetts stands on the Boston Olympics. Hisanswer: Still crunching thenumbers. Gov.Charlie Baker refused totake aposition on the city's troubled bid for the2024Gameson Friday, evenafter receiving a request from USOC leaders to let themknow assoon as possible. A person familiar with the bidtold The Associated Pressthe USOChad asked Bakerfor an answer bythe endof the day Friday. Asked about his contact with theUSOC,Baker said the committee's leaders hada meeting scheduledMonday,and"I'm planning to call them onMonday."

HOCKEY COyateS to Stay far at leaSt 2 more yearS TheGlendale City Council voted unanimously in favor of a restructured arenalease agreement with the ArizonaCoyotes onFriday, keeping the team in the desert for at least two moreyears. Thedeal approved by theseven-member council replaces a15-year, $225 million arenamanagement agreement signed in 2013.Thenewdeal cuts Glendale's annual arena management fee to theCoyotes from $15million to $6.5 million, turns all hockey-related profits over to the Coyotesand rescinds a five-year out clause theteamhad in the original agreement. — From wire reports





Oregon High Desert Classics


CanadianOpen All TimesPDT Friday Hunter/JumperCompetition At Glen AbbeyGolf Club At J Bar J Boys Ranch, Bend South Division Oakville, Ontario ClassificationWinners(horse, owner,rider) W L Pct GB Purse: 85.8million Friday's Results Yardage:7,273;Par. 72 30 10 750 85,000 USHJA National HunterDerby(top 10) 21 19 525 9 SecondRoundleaders Jumpers 18 22 450 12 a-denotesamateur PNW5, 0, Year 7 OldClass AllShenanigans, ChadCampbell 9 31 225 21 67-63 —130 Morgan Caplane,Morgan Caplane.1.15 — VF BrianHarman East Division 65-67 —132 W L Pct GB Patriot, RobinTomb,Megan Garcia. 1.20— Little DavidHearn 69-64 —133 Lord, Deni z e Bo rges, Ni c ol e Di c orti Bush. 1.25Johnson W agner 67-66 —133 Kelowna 26 14 650 Cocunut, Csh Sp orthorses LLC, De xraye C h ai . YJC 6 8-66 —134 Yakima Valey 21 19 525 5 JasonDay Year OldQualifying Class Hil Top ErikCompton 66-69—135 WallaWalla 20 19 513 5H Birr/Seven Beach,JohnFrench,John French. 1.30 — Carlin, EricAxley 67-66 —135 Wenatchee 18 22 450 8 Jennifer Kallam,DezrayeChoi. 1.40 — Dsophia, BubbaWatson 68-67 —135 Weal Division Maplewood Inc. 1.10 — Escada I , Shayl a Toche r, M ichael P utn am 7 1-65 —136 W L Pct GB Kendra Best.AdultAmateur,1.10,1049— Cap- Brooks 66-68 —136 Begingham 26 14 650 Koepka SkyFarm, Madison SageWitse. Adult ChezReavie 69-67 —136 Victoria 18 21 462 7Yz iliano, Sage Amateur, 1.10, 40 0 Over Quent a ky, Di a ne 66-66 —136 Cowlitz 17 23 425 9 ScottPinckney Doolittle, Di a ne Dool i t tle. Children’ s, 17-17, 1.10 6 5-71 —136 Kitsap 15 25 375 11 aughnTaylor — Bravado,LindsayGolden, LindsayGolden. Chil› V 67-69 —136 W illiam M c G irt dren’s, 14 8 Und er, 1.10 Li t e Levi t a, Ri o Gol d 64-72 —136 Friday's Games EmilianoGrigo en, Mac k e n z i e K o r i c a n . Ama t e u r O wne r / J u n i o r , 66-69 —137 Kelowna L Bend0 ColtKnost 1.25 Ri d e Dri v e 8 Dri n k. 0.90 — Smal l Town 7 0-67 —137 WallaWallaatVictoria, ppd.,rain AndresGonzales Girl, KimberlyCurry, Kimberly Curry.Special, 0.90 Brendon 71-66 —137 Kitsap11,Cowlitz10 deJonge — Niya 2, KeraMccandless,KeraMccandless.AduB AlexPrugh 67-70 —137 Klamath Fals 5, Corvagis 4 Amateur, 0.90 Sm a l Town G irl , Ki m berl y Curry, 66-69 —137 Medford I I,Bellingham2 Jim Fnryk Kimberl y Curry. Chi l dren’ s, 0.90 Ro yal Dou l t on, 7 1-66 —137 Wenatchee11,YakimaValley 4 CharleyHoffman SpencerMcKee, Natalie Gerst.1.00 — Elttaes, Tay- MarkWilson Today'sGames 70-66 —138 lor Walker,LaurenBeaudoin. Limit, 1.00—Zadon, JnstinLeonard 72-66 —136 CorvagisatKlamath Falls, 6:35p.m. Lisa Lamorea ux, Li s a Lam ore aux. Adul t Amateur, a-AustinConnegy 73-65 —136 Bendat Kelowna,6:35p.m. 1.00 — Al c h e my , H a n n a h Si ms o n , H a n n a h S i ms o n. 6 6-70 —136 KitsapatCowlitz, 6:35p.m. AustinCook Children's, 1.00— Argentino LaHaciendaZ,Bri66-72 —136 WallaWallaatVictoria, 6:35p.m. SteveWheatcroft gitte Wen dker, FranziskaWendker.1.05 —Argentino RickyBarnes 68-70 —138 Begingham at Medford,6:35p.m. La HaciendaZ, Brigitte Wendker, FranziskaWendker. PatPerez 69-69—136 YakimaValey at Wenatchee,7:05p.m. Hopeful, Fences 2' — Poti q ui m i Due D el i b erati o n, 6 9-69 —136 Sunday'sGames MattKnchar Paul Miller, DerekLattyk. Wishful, Fences2’› 69-69 —136 WallaWallaatVictoria, t:05 p.m. CamiloVilegas Potiquimi DueDeliberation, Paul Miler, KerekLat- Jonas CorvagisatKlamath Falls, 5:05p.m. Blixt 69-69 —138 ty. 0. 7 0 — P u r e G r a c e , Ma d e l i n e T e d d y , Me g h a n n 70-68 —136 KitsapatCowlitz, 5:05p.m. LucasGlover Giertsen. Just A Jumper, 0.70 — Pretty In Pi n k, 7 3-66 —139 YakimaValey at Wenatchee,6:05p.m. NickWatney Vittoria LowrieVi , ttoria Lowrie.0.75— PureGrace, J.B.Holmes 69-70—139 Bendat Kelowna,6:05p.m. Madeli neTeddy,MadelineTeddy.Beginning,0.75 James 71-66 —139 Begingham at Medford,6:35p.m. Hahn — Hopsco tch,IsaacPaulson,IsaacPaulson.0.80 a-BlairHamilton Monday'sGames 71-68 —139 — Chicks Eme r al d , Jol y nn Si m pson, Al e xi a HornBegin gham atBend,6:35p.m. Cameron Percy 72-67 —139 er. Low, 0.80 —Draxler, ReynaStevenson, Reyna J.J. Spa 67-72 —139 WallaWallaatKitsap,6:35 p.m. un Stevenson.0.85—LaFemmeNikita, DeniseTiley, MedfordatYakimaValley, 7:05p.m. SamSaunders 70-69 —139 Ivy Keddington.Schooling, 0.85 — PearlyGates, J.J. Hen ry 72-67 —139 Mafia Lockrem, Mal i a Lockrem. O H JA C h il d ren’ s/ Friday's linescore Hudson Swafford 71-68 —139 Adult Medal —GraceSalmon. TimClark 72-67 —139 Zac Bl a i r 69-70—139 Falcons 1, Elks 0 Hunters Scottlangley 69-71 —140 Modified Junior/AmateurOwner Valentine, JeffDve rton 72-68 —140 Bend 000 000 000 0 3 0 BaileyCampbel, BaileyCampbel. ModifiedJunior/ RetiefGoosen 69-71 —140 Kelowna 000 010 000 — 1 5 0 Amateur Owner Veritas,AlexaPeterkin, AlexaPe- BenCrane 73-67 —140 McGuffandWolf. Miler, Bannister(6) andOliver. terkin.ModifiedJunior/AmateurOw ner Knees- CarlosDrtiz 71-69 —140 W— Miler. L—McGuff. 2B— Kelowna: Meylan. Hi, MckenzieMigs, MckenzieMils. Low,Fences TomHoge 70-70 —140 2'9" — Konigsberg,Kimberly Lane,Megan Garcia. AndrewPutnam 69-71 —140 Christallys, Robi n Tomb, Low, Fences 2’ 9 " S teven A lk er 7 1-69 —140 Little League Megan Garcia.Low,Fences18"— UpTillDawn, Chad Collins 70-70—140 In Hermislon TammyBlanchette,Lolly Mclegan.Low, Fences HunterMahan 68-72 —140 2’3" Donetego,Hunter's Run,AngieChamberlin. JonCnrran 10/11 Baseball StateTournament 70-70 —140 Today'sGame Low,Fences2’3" Reveille, MegChristolini, Meg DgieSchniederians 71-69—140 BendSouthvs.Pendleton, 4 p.m. Christolini.Low,Fences2'6" — Empire, Archway EquestrianSports, ChloeSperling. LPGA 9/10 Baseball StateTournament Today'sGame Equitation Mailer LP GA Diaa sre BendNorthvs.Mt.Angel, 2p.m. WIHS Equitation Classic Jumper PhaseFriday Camille Leblond.WIHSEquitation Classic Hunter At 0lythebeldCountryClub Phase Camille Leblond.WIHSEquitation Clas› Belmont, Mich. CYCLING sic Overall Camille Leblond.ASPCAHorseman› Purse: 82million ship Class Bailey Smith. Adult, 18-30 Haley Yardage: 0,414; P ar:71 Cascade Classic Webster.Adult1840 — HaleyWebster. Adult, 31a-denotesamateur 39 Lauren Ra ns one. Ad u lt, 3149 L aur en R an Second Rou nd leaders MEN sone.Adult,4049 LisaPleasance. Adult, 4049 LexiThompson 69-64 —133 Stage 3,CascadeLakes RoadRace —Stephanie VanGortier. Adult 50& Over —Danae AlisonLee 67-66 —133 Friday, 111miles Evrigenis. Adu l t , 50 0 Ov er Sa li t a Armo ur. Ad u lt, Lizege Salas 64-69 —133 (Top 10) 18-30 Flat Hal e y We bs ter. Ad u l t 3149 Flal› Gerina Piler 69-65 —134 tz Dion Smith, Hincapie,4H7:56.2, StephenLeece, Lauren R ans one. Adul t 40-49 — Li s a Pl e asanc e . Q Back 6 6-68 —134 JamisHagensBerman,1secondback.3,RobinCar- Adult 50 0 OverFlat LynndaDse. LowAdult› KrisTamnlis 66-66 —134 penter,Hincapie,:02. 4, Robert Squire, Hincapie,:04. 5, Sarah Ma rt i n . Low A d u lt Sa r ah M ar ti n . L ow A du lt 65-69 —134 BenjamiJa ncques-Maynes,JamisHagensBerman,:15. Flat SarahMartin. LowChildren’s Katherine JayeMarieGreen W ei-LingHsu 65-69 —134 6, Logan Owen,ActionCycling,:19. 7, Gavin Mannion, Manni n a. Low Ch i l d ren' s Flat Ka theri n e Man niK im Ka u fm a n 6 8-67 —135 Jelly Belly,:19.8,Nathaniel English, TeamMike'sBikes, Equitation 16-17 —Bailey Smith. Equitation, LisaFerrero 70-66 —136 :22. 9,CoultonHartrich, IRTRacing,:23.10, SteveFish- na. 16-17 — Bai l ey Smi t h. Equi t ation, 14-15 Ke r a PernillaLindberg 70-66 —136 er, JellyBelly,:55. Mccandl e ss. Eq u itation,14-15 Ke ra M cc and less. Katy Harris 66-66 —136 Overall standings Equitation 16-17 Flat Ba i l e y Smi t h . Equi t ation, M organ P r es s e l 7 1-66 —137 (Top 10,throughthree stages) 69-68 —137 L DionSmith,Hincapie,9:36:30. 2, Robin Carpen- 14-15 Flat KeraMccandless. Equitation138 KatieBurnett Flat — Grace Speigel. Short StirrupPo› gheeLee 66-71 —137 ter, Hincapie,:OL3,Gavin Mannion, Jelly Belly,:34.4, Under nies — Kate Ha ger ty. Sh o rt Sti r mp P on ies K a te BenJacques-Maynes, Jamis Hagens Berman, 1:22. 5, 64-73 —137 DoriCarter NathanielEnglish,TeamMike'sBikes,1:46.6, Stephen Hagerty.ShortSlirmp Ponies Flat Kate Hagerty. KatherinK 6 4-73 —137 eirk Hueper. Short CristieKerr Leece,JamisHagensBerman,2:10. 7,JordanCheyne, Short Stirrup Horses — Hannah 73-65 —138 RussHaysAccent Inn,2:31. 6,RobertSquire, Hincapie, Stirrup Horses — RubyMullins-Keating. Short MinSeoKwak 73-65 —136 Stirrup Horses Fl a t — R uby M ul l i n s-Keati n g. Long 2:47. 9, NicolaeTanovitchii, Jelly Belly,3;05.10,Justin 70-66 —136 Danah Bordner Stirrup MegChristolini. LongSliuup Kate JodiEwartShado Rossi,Herbalife,3H4. 70-66 —136 Churchfield.LongStirrupFlat MegChristolini. 70-66 —138 MinieeLee Pre-Adult — AlisonStern. Pre-AduBFlat — Jo- Brittany WOMEN 70-68 —136 Lincicom sephine Brooksbank. Pre-Children’ s Audrey Stage 3,CascadeLakes RoadRace 70-66 —136 Inbee Park Hogan.Pre-Children’s AudreyHogan. Pre-Chil› So Yeon Friday, 73miles 7 0-66 —136 yn dren’s Flat ChloeSperling. Opportunity Walk BrittanyLR (Top 10) 69-69 —136 ang L AndreaDvorak,Twenty16, 3:39:3L 2, Abigail Trot PatBennett. Opportunity WalkTrot Obstacle 69-69 —138 CarolineMasson Course — S i mp l y T h e o , D z I n v e s t me n t s , Z o e S t a s Mickey,UnitedHealthcare,:05. 3, Amanda Miler, Visit 66-70 —136 AmyAnderson Dallas,1:24.4, Kaitlin Antonneau,Twentyt6, R29.5, causky.Opportunity Crossrail — ZoeStascausky. AlenaSharp 66-70—136 ily Steckler. Opportunity Crossrail DeniseRamsden, TrekRed Truck, I:30. 6,NinaLaugh- Children’s Em 66-70—136 SarahJaneSmith lin, VisitDallas,2:07.7, SaraBergen,TrekRedTruck, —RidgeTomb. 67-71 —138 SarahKemp 3:44. 8, KristinArmstrong,Twenty16, 3:50. 9, Amber 66-72 —136 JaneRah Neben,Visit Dallas,3:51.10,LeahGuloien, TrekRed 7 3-66 —139 SunYoungYoo BASKETBALL Truck,4:01. 71-66 —139 JulietaGranada Overall standings 71-66 —139 Ha Na Jang WNBA (Throughthree stages) 71-68 —139 Jeong EunLee L AndreaDvorak,Twenty16, 7:50:56. 2, Kristin 7 1-66 —139 BeckyMorgan WOMEN’SNATIONAL Armstrong,Twenty 16, 212 back.3, AmberNeben, E nn-Hee J r 7 0-69 —139 BASKETBALLASSOCIATION Visit Dallas,2:05. 4,Abigail Mickey,UnitedHealthcare, Azahara Munoz 70-69 —139 AU TimesPDT 2:41. 5, LeahThomas, Metromint, 2:56. 6, Kaitlin HeeYoungPark 70-69 —139 Antonneau,Twenty16, 3:22. 7, AmandaMiler, Visit PatHurst 66-71 —139 EasternConference Dallas,3:26.8,AnnaSanders, Visit Dallas,5:53.9,De6 6-71 —139 B rooke P an c a ke W L Pct GB niseRam sden, TrekRedTruck,6;16. 10,ChloeDygert, NewYork S adena A P a rk s 7 3-67 —140 12 5 . 7 06 Twenty16,6:23. Ju Young Park 72-66 —140 11 6 . 647 1 Chicago 71-69 —140 Washington 9 6 .6 0 0 2 ChellaChoi L ee-Anne P ac e 7 1-69 —140 Connecticut 8 7 .5 3 3 3 Tour de France A ustin Ern s t 7 0-70 —140 Indiana 8 6 ,5 0 0 3 H Friday Nannette Hil 70-70—140 Atlanta 7 1 0 . 412 5 DemiRunas 70-70 —140 At La Toussuire, France WesternConference 69-71 —140 19th Stage W L P c t G B Jnli Inkster J ee Yo un g Le e 6 9-71 —140 85.7 miles from Saint-Jean-de-Maurienneto Minnesota 12 4 . 7 50 Lee 69-71 —140 La Toussuire, with aHors Categoryclimb to Phoenix 9 7 .5 6 3 3 MiHyang 73-66 —141 the Col de laCroix deFersandwiched by a Tulsa t o 8 . 5 5 6 3 LauraDiaz B eatri z R e c a ri 7 3-68 —141 pair of Category1s including afinishing climb SanAntonio 5 1 2 . 294 7rH A nna N or d qv is t 7 2-69 —141 to the LaToussuire ski station Seattle 5 1 3 . 278 8 Bribe 72-69 —141 L Vincenzo Nibali, Italy,Astana,4 hours, 22minutes, Los Angeles 3 1 3 . 168 9 Mariaio SaknraYokomine 72-69 —141 53 seconds. Xi YnLin 71-70 —141 2. Nairo Quintana,Colombia, Movistar, 44seconds Today'sGame S ydnee M ich a els 7 1-70 —141 behind. All-StarGame, Uncasvige, Conn.,12:30 p.m. KarineIcher 70-71 —141 3. ChrisFroome,Britain, Sky,1:14. Joanna Klagen 70-71 —141 4. ThibautPinot, France,FDJ,2:26. SOCCER Min Lee 7 0-71 —141 5.Romai nBardet,France,AG2RLaMondiale,same GinliaSergas 70-71 —141 time. CarolineWestrnp 69-72 —141 6. Aleiandro Valverde, Spain, Movistar,sametime. CONCACAF Gold Cup LaetitiaBeck 66-73 —141 7. Bauke Mollema, Netherlands, TrekFactory Racing, All Times PDT Natali e G n l b i s 7 5-67 —142 same time. TiffanyJoh 75-67 —142 8. RobertGesink, Netherlands, Lotto NL-Jumbo,same THIRD PLACE SandraGal 73-69—142 time. Today' s Game P.K.Kongkraphan 73-69 —142 9. AlbeitoContador,Spain,Tinkoff-Saxo,sametime. UnitedStatesvs. Panama, t p.m. AmeliaLewis 73-69 —142 10. SamuelSanchez,Spain, BMCRacing, sametime. SiminFeng 72-70 —142 11. Pierre Rogand,France,Europcar,2:35. CHAMPIONSHIP Christina Kim 72-70 —142 12. Andrew Talansky, United States, CannonSunday' s Game Meena Lee 72-70—142 dale-Garmin4H , 7. J amaic a v s . Me x i c o , 4 : 3 0 p . m. H aru N om n ra 7 2-70 —142 13. Ruben Plaza, Spain, 4:53. JanePark 71-7t — 142 14. MathiaFrank, s Switzerland, IAMCycling, 5:02. JennyGleason 70-72 —142 15. RafalMaika, Poland,Tinkoff-Saxo, sametime. MLS DanielleKang 70-72 —142 16. Wouter Poels, Netherlands, Sky,6:23. MAJORLEAGUESOCCER SooBiKi nm 70-72 —142 17. Roman Kreuziger, CzechRepublic, Tinkoff-Saxo, AU TimesPDT JenniferRosales 70-72 —142 8:05. AmyYang 70-72 —142 16. MicheleScarponi, Italy,Astana,sametime. EasternConference BelenMozo 66-74 —142 19. CyrilGautier,France,Europcar,sametime. W L T P l s GF GA J i Young D h 6 6-74 —142 20. StevenKruiiswiik, Netherlands,Lotto NL-Jumbo, D.C. United 1 0 7 5 35 24 2 0 same time. Columbus 8 7 6 30 31 3 0 Also Professional NewYork 8 6 5 29 29 23 53. GerainTho t mas, Britain, Sky,22:00. T oronto FC 8 7 3 2 7 28 26 152. Tyler Farrar, United States, MTN-Qhub eka, Senior British Open N ew England 7 9 6 27 27 3 3 29:12. Friday OrlandoCii y 6 8 6 24 23 26 Overall Standings At SunningdaleGolf Club(OldCourse) P hiladelphia 6 11 4 22 26 3 4 (After 19stages) Berkshire, England Montreal 6 8 3 21 24 27 1. ChrisFroome,Britain, Sky,78:37:34. Purse: 82.1million N ew YorkCity FC 5 9 6 21 24 2 6 2. NairoQuintana,Colombia, Movistar, 2:38behind. Yardage: 0,018;Par:70 Chicago 5 11 3 16 2 0 2 6 3. Aleiandro Valverde, Spain, Movistar,5:25. SecondRoundleaders WesternConference 4. Vincenzo Nibali, Italy,Astana,6:44. 115 golfers didnot finish theround W L T P l s GF GA 5. AlbertoContador,Spain,Tinkoff-Saxo,7:56. a-amateur F C Dal l as 10 5 5 35 26 2 4 70-66 —136 6. Robert Gesink, Netherlands, Lotto NL-Jumbo, GaryRnsnak Los Angeles 9 6 7 34 36 2 5 Cesar 66-72 —136 8;55r Monasterio V ancouver 1 0 8 3 33 24 2 1 JeffHart 67-72 —139 7. Mathias Frank,Switzerland, IAMCycling,12:39. KansasCity9 4 6 3 3 2 9 2 0 SteveJones 70-69—139 8. Bauke Mollema, Netherlands, TrekFactory Racing, S porting 13:22. Seattle 1 0 9 2 32 25 2 0 SamTorrance 69-70 —139 Portland 9 7 5 32 23 2 4 R 70-70—140 9. Romain Bardet,France,AG2RLaMondiale,14:06. ussCochran R eal SaltLake 7 7 8 29 23 2 7 RossDrummond 71-70 —141 10. Pierre Rogand,France, Europcar,17:27. 7 8 4 25 21 24 70-71-141 11. Andrew Talansky, United States, Cannon- SanJose OlinBrowne dale-Garmin18:25. , Houston 6 8 6 24 24 2 6 Jean-Fran cois Remesy 69-72-141 Colorado 5 6 9 24 16 19 66-75-141 12.SamuelSanchez,Spain,BMCRacing,19:27. MarkMonland 13. Serge Pauwels, Belgium, MTN-Qhubeka, 26:48. Leaderboard Friday's Game 14. Warren Barguil, France,Giant-Alpecin, 27:00. SCORE THRU RealSaltLake2, Sporting KansasCity1 -5 15. GerainTho t mas, Britain, Sky,27:24. I. ColinMontgomerie 12 Today'sGames -5 16.ThibautPinot, France,FDJ,40;40r 1. BartBryant 2 oFCatColumbus,4;30p.m. -5 17. Roman Kreuziger, CzechRepublic, Tinkoff-Saxo, Toront 1. MarcoDawson DNS Seattleat Montreal,5p.m. -5 57:49. 1. Michael Allen DNS -5 16. MikaelCherel, France,AG2RLaMondialee, 59:26. NewEnglandatChicago,5:30p.m. I. Miguel AngelJimenez DNS -5 1g.JarlinsonPantano,Colombia, IAMCycling, 59:42. LosAngelesatHouston,6p.m. t. Lee Janzen DNS -5 20. Jan Bakelents, Belgium,AG2RLa Mondiale, PortlandatFCDallas,6 p.m. 1. Bernh ardLanger DNS -5 1:12:21. Sunday'sGames 1. JeffSluman DNS -4 Also OrlandoCityat NewYorkCity FC,11:30 a.m. 9. PaulGoydos 3 -4 154. Tyler Farrar, United States, MTN-Q hubeka, PhiladelphiaatD.C. United, 2 p.m. 9. Brian Henninger I -4 4:10:13. SanJoseat Vancouver, 4p.m. 9. Lian-We i Zhang tt WESTCOASTLEAGUE

TENNIS ATP Croatia Open Friday, at Umag,Croatia Quarlerlinals JoaoSousa,Portugal,def. Fabio Fognini (5), Italy, 6-2, 3-6,7-6(6). DominicThiem(4), Austria, def. AndreasHaider-Maurer, Austria, 6-7(5), 6-1,3-0 retired. RobertoBautista Agut(2), Spain,def. BornaCoric (7), Croatia6-3, , 6-3. GaelM onfils (I), France, def. Philipp Kohlschreiber (6), Germ any,4-6, 7-6(5), 6-4. SwedishOpen Friday at Basted Sweden Quarlerlinals TommyRobredo(2), Spain, def. Paul-Henri Mathieu,France,6-3, 6-3. PabloCuevas(3), Uruguay,def. SteveDarcis, Belgium,6-3, 6-4. Alexa nderZverev,Germany,def.ThomazBegucci (6), Brazil,5-7, 6-4,6-2. Benoit Paire,France,def. DenisIstomin, Uzbekistan, 6-4,6-2.

Claro Open Friday, at Bogota,Colombia Ouarlerlinals AdrianMannarino (3), France,def. MalekJaziri (7), Tunisia,1-6,6-1,6-3. Ivo Karlovic (I), Croatia, def. Radek Stepanek, CzechRepublic, 3-6,7-6 (7), 6-4. MichaelBerrer,Germany, def. Victor EstregaBurgos (4),DominicanRepublic, 6-3,3-6, 6-3. BernardTomic (2), Australia,def.TatsumaIto, Japan,6-1,6-4.

WTA Istanbul Cup Friday, at Istanbul Quarlerlinals UrszulaRadwanska,Poland,def.TsvetanaPironkova (6),Bulgaria,6-2,3-6,7-6 (5). LesiaTsurenko,Ukraine,def.KaterynaBondarenko, Ukraine,7-6(13), 7-5. Magdalena Rybarikova, Slovakia,def. Roberta Vinci, Italy,0-6, 7-5,6-2. KirstenFlipkens,Belgium,def. Francesca Schiavone, Italy,6-2,6-4.

NuernbergerGasteinLadies Friday, at Bad Gastein, Austria SecondRound KarinKnapp(3), Italy, def. JohannaLarsson,Sweden, 6-3,6-3. Ouarlerlinals SaraErrani(t), Italy, def.DariaKasatkina, Russia, 6-3, 3-6,6-2. Sam Stosur(2), Australia, def. DankaKovinic, Montenegro, 6-3, 6-2. AnnaKarolinaSchmiedlova (7), Slovakia, def. AnnikaBeck,Germany, 6-2, 6-3. KarinKnapp(3), Italy, def.PolonaHercog, Slovenia, 7-6(5),7-5.

DEALS Transactions BASEBAL L

AmericanLeague CLEVELAND INDIANS— RecalledIBJesusAguilar fromColumbus(IL). DptionedLHPKyle Crockett to Columbus. KANSAS CITY RDYALS— Recalled INFChester Cuthbert fromOm aha (PCL). OptionedINFDusty Coleman to Omaha. HOUSTONASTRDS— DptionedDFLJ.Hoesto Fresno(PCL). LDSANGELESANGELS— AcquiredINFConor GigaspiefromtheChicago White Soxfor cash. DesignatedLHPAdamWilk for assignment. OAKLANDATHLETICS — Recalled RHP Angel Castro fromNashvile (PCL).DptionedRHPArnold Leon toNashvile.

National League

COLOR ADOROCKIES—ActivatedDFCoreyDickersonfromthe15-day DL.DptionedLHPRexBrothers

to Albuquerque (PCL). LDSANGELES DODGERS— Placed RHPZack Greinkeonthepaternity list. RecalledRHPJoshRavin fromOklahomaCity (PCL). MIAMIMARLINS— Recalled RHPAndre Rienzo

fromNewOrleans(PCL). NEWYORKMETS— PlacedDFMichaelCuddyer on the15-day DL.Selectedthecontract ofDFMichael ConfortofromBinghamton(EL). ST.LOUISCARDINALS — AcquiredRHP Steve CishekfromMiamifor RHPKyle Barraclough.

BASKETB ALL National Basketball Association ATLANTA HAWKS—SignedG-FsLamer Patterson andTerranPetteway. DALLASMAVERICKS— SignedGJohn Jenkins and FJarrid Famous. PHILADE LPHIA 76ERS— SignedGScotie Wilbekin. PORTLANDTRAIL BLAZERS— Signed G Phil PresseyandFCliff Alexander. FOOTBA LL National Football League NFL —SuspendedDenver DEDerekWolfe four gamesforviolatingtheleague'spolicy onperformance enhancing substances,KansasCity CBSeanSmith for threegame safter pleadingguilty to adrunkendriving charge earlier thisyearand MinnesotaCBJabari Price for two games for violating the league'ssubstance

abusepolicy. ARIZONACARDINALS — Signed TE Jermaine Gresham to aone-yearcontract. GREENBA Y PACKERS— Released CBBernard Blake. MIAMI DOLPHINS— ReleasedQBJoshFreeman. MINNES OTAVIKINGS—SignedCBJosh Thom-


TAMPABAYBUCCANEERS— Placed CB C.J. Wilson onthereserve/retired list. WaivedLBJared Koster. HOCKEY National HockeyLeague CALGARYFLAMES— SignedFsJoshJoorisand TurnerElsonto aone-yearcontract. DETROIT REDWINGS—Agreedto termswith RW Tomas Jurcoonatwo-year contract. MONTREAL CANADIENS— SignedFAlexander Seminto aone-yearcontract andFDaniel Audette toa three-year, entry-level contract. NASHVILLEPREDATORS — Signed D Jack Doughertyto athree-yearentry-level contract. NEW JERSEY DEVILS — Named Tom Fitzgerald assistantgeneralmanager. TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING — Announced the resignation ofchief executive officerTodLeiweke to becomechief operating officer of the National Football League.Name d SteveGriggs chief executive officer. WASHINGTON CAPITALS— Re-signedGBraden Holtby to afive-yearcontract extensionandDRyan Stanton to aone-yearcontract. ECHL FLORIDA EVERBLADES—Agreed totermswith F Maxime St. Cyronaone-yearcontract. MOTORSPORTS Atlanta MotorSpeedway AMS —Name d Ken Ragan director of theU.S. Legends racingprogram. SOCCER Major LeagueSoccer TORONTOFC— SignedDAhmedKantari. North AmericanSoccer League NEWYORKCOSMOS—SignedMFDa

FISH COUNT Upstreamdaily movement of adult chinook,jack chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selectedColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedThursday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Bonneville 907 1 2 8 1, 736 1,029 TheDages 868 t t6 699 533 John Day 497 56 195 126 McNary 61 7 94 245 143 Upstream year-to-date movement ofadult chinook, jack chinook,steelheadand wild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedThursday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Bonneville 370,692 29,655 37,731 21 J21 The Dages 306,426 26,376 12,786 7,580 John Day 262,369 21,102 7,417 4,303 McNary 239,537 16,334 6,201 3,205




American League

All TimesPDT

NewYork Tampa Bay Toronto Baltimore Boston Kansas City Minnesota Detroit

Cle veland Chicago

Los Angeles Houston Texas Seattle Oakland

Mariners 5, Blue Jays2

AMERICANLEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB 53 42 .558 49 49 49 49 46 49 43 54

Central Division W L 57 38 52 44 47 49 45 50 44 50

West Division W L

54 42 55 43 46 49 45 52 44 54

Twins10, Yankees1

.500 5'/2 .500 5'/2 .484 7

.443 11

Pct GB .600 .542 5'/r .490 10'/r .474 12 .468 12'/r

Pct GB .563 .561 .484 7'/z .464 9'/r

.449 11

Friday's Games Tampa Bay3, Baltimore1 ChicagoWhiteSox6, Cleveland 0 Boston 2, Detroit1, 11 innings Houston 4, Kansas City 0 Minnesota 10, N.Y.Yankees1 Texas 4, L.A.Angels2 Seattle 5, Toronto2 SanFrancisco9, Oakland 3 Today'sGames Detroit (Simon 8-6) at Boston(S.Wright 3-3), 1:05 p.m. Oakland(Bassitt 0-2) atSanFrancisco (Bumgarner 10-5), 1:05 p.m. Toronto(Hutchison9-2) at Seattle (Happ4-5), 1:10 p.m. Baltimore(Mi.Gonzalez 8-6) atTampaBay(E.Ramirez 8-3), 3:10 p.m. Chicago White Sox(Sale8-5) atCleveland(Carrasco 10-7), 4:10p.m. Houston(Feldman4-5) atKansasCity (D.Duffy4-4), 4:10 p.m.

N.Y. Yank ees (Sabathia 4-8) at Minnesota(Milone 5-2), 4:10 p.m. Texas (Gaffardo 7-9) at L.A.Angels (Santiago 7-4), 6:05 p.m.


BaltimoreatTampaBay, 10:10a.m. ChicagoWhiteSoxat Cleveland, 10:10a.m. Houstonat KansasCity,11:10a.m. N.Y.Yankeesat Minnesota,11:10 a.m. Texas at LA.Angels, 12:35p.m. Oakland atSanFrancisco, 1:05p.m. TorontoatSeattle, 1:10pm. Detroit atBoston,5:08p.m.


AtlantaatBaltimore, 4:05p.m. ChicagoWhiteSoxat Boston,4:10 p.m. Detroit atTampaBay,4:10p.m. KansasCityatCleveland,4:10p.m. N.Y.YankeesatTexas,5:05 p.m. Arizonaat Seattle, 7:10 p.m. NATIONALLEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB Washington 51 44 .537 NewYork 49 48 .505 3 Atlanta 45 51 .469 6'/z Miami 41 56 .423 11 Philadelphia 35 63 .357 17'/r Central Division W L Pct GB St. Louis 62 34 .646 Pittsburgh 56 40 .583 6 Chicago 51 44 .537 fgr/r Cincinnati 42 52 .447 19 Milwaukee 43 54 .443 19'/z West Division W L Pct GB Los Angeles 56 42 .571 SanFrancisco 52 44 .542 3 SanDiego 45 52 464 10'/2 Arizona 51 ,463 10'/z Colorado 41 53 .436 13

Friday's Games Philadelphia 5, ChicagoCubs3,10innings Pittsburgh7,Washington 5 L.A. Dodgers 7, N.Y.Mets 2 St. Louis4,Atlanta2 Colorado 6, Cincinnati 5 Milwaukee 2,Arizona1 SanDiego3, Miami1 SanFrancisco9, Oakland3 Today'sGam es Oakland(Bassitt 0-2) atSanFrancisco (Bumgarner 10-5), 1:05 p.m. Philadelphia(Hamels 5-7) at ChicagoCubs(Arrieta 11-5), 1:05p.m. Washington(G.Gonzalez 7-4) at Pittsburgh(Burnett 8-3), 4:05 p.m. L.A. Dodgers (Z.Lee0-0) at N.Y.Mets(Harvey8-7), 4;10 p.m. Atlanta(S.Miler 5-6)at St. Louis(C.Martinez10-4), 4;15 p.m. Cincinnati(cueto 6-6) atColorado(Rusin 3-3), 5:10 p.m. Milwaukee(Jungmann5-1) at Arizona(R.De La Rosa 7-5), 5:10 p.m. Miami(Phelp4-6) s at SanDiego(Kennedy5-9),5:40 p.m. Sunday'sGames L.A. Dodgers atN.Y.Mets, 10:10a.m. Washingtonat Pittsburgh,10:35a.m. Atlanta at St. Louis,11:15a.m. Philadelphiaat ChicagoCubs, 11:20a.m. Oakland atSanFrancisco, 1:05p.m. Cincinnatiat Colorado,1:10p.m. Miami atSanDiego,1:10 p.m. MilwaukeeatArizona,1:10p.m.

M onday'sGames

AtlantaatBaltimore, 4:05p.m. Color adoatChicagoCubs,5:05p.m. Cincinnatiat St.Louis,5:15p.m. Arizona at Seattle, 7:10p.m. Milwaukee atSanFrancisco, 7:15p.m.

MINNEAPOLIS —Phil Hughes pitched seven shutout innings SEATTLE —Felix Hernandez against his former team andMipitched seven strong innings to guel Sano hit one of Minnesota's pick up his 12th win of the seafour home runs in theTwins' son, Mark Trumbo gaveSeattle victory over the NewYork Yanthe lead with a two-run homer kees. Hughes (9-6j gave upseven and the Mariners beat Toronto. hits, struck out three andwiggled Seattl eopened akeysix-game homestand by getting production out of a bases-loaded jam in the seventh. throughout its batting order and another solid performance from New York Minnesota ab r hbi ab r hbi its staff ace.

Rangers 4, Angels 2

ANAHEIM, Calif.— Josh Hamil-

ton doubled, singled and scored two runs in his return to Angel Stadium, andTexasgot 7-plus outstanding innings of four-hit ball from Colby Lewis in a victory over the Los Angeles Angels.

PHOENIX —Ryan Braun homered and Milwaukeebeat Arizona.

SAN DIEGO — Matt Kemp,Yonder Alonso and Brett Wallace all homered to leadSanDiegoover Miami.

DENVER —Carl osGonzalezhomered twice to lift Colorado.



Beckhamsnappedaneighth-inning tie with a two-out, bases-loaded single that gaveTampa Bay a victory over Baltimore.

Colorado ab r hbi ab r hbi Phillips2b 5 1 1 0 Blckmncf 5 1 3 1 Votto1b 5 1 3 1 LeMahi2b 4 0 1 0 Frazier3b 4 1 1 1 Tlwlzkss 4 0 0 0 Brucerf 5 0 1 0 CGnzlzrf 4 2 2 2 Byrdlf 3 2 1 0 Arenad3b 4 1 1 0 DJssJrss 4 0 1 2 Dickrsnlf 3 0 2 0 Brnhrtc 1 0 1 0 BBarnspr-If 0 0 0 0 DeSclfnp 3 0 0 0 Paulsn1b 3 1 0 1 Schmkrph 1 0 1 1 Hundlyc 4 1 1 1 H ooverp 0 0 0 0 EButlrp 2 0 1 0 Matthsp 0 0 0 0Kahnlep 0 0 0 0 BHmltncf 4 00 0 Loganp 0 0 0 0 Stubbsph 1 0 0 0 Hwknsp 0 0 0 0 Axford p 0 0 0 0 Descalph s 1000 Totals 3 5 5 105 Totals 3 5 6 115 C incinnati Bgg 3 g g 011 — 5 C olorado ggg 9 2 1 021 — 6 Twooutswhenwinningrunscored. DP — Colorado 1. LOB—Cincinnati 8, Colorado6. 28 — Philips (11),Frazier(29), Bruce(21), DeJesusJr. (4), Schu maker(11). 38—Byrd (2), Arenado(4), Hund-

Hall said. "He has made some

trips for us and spent time with the pitching staffs. His success and experience have

been widely embraced and his influence is already being felt."

Johnson won four consecutive Cy Young Awards, pitched a perfect game and won a World Series with the

Diamondbacks, who will retire his No. 51 on Aug. 8.

First, there is business to decompressingfrom 22 years take care of in Cooperstown. of professional play, a time he And, yes, Johnson will take worked tirelessly to condition his cameras along. "I will h ave the greatest his body, hone his craft and maintain that searing inner vantage point of anybody, bestrength. ing on stage, and I would like Only in recent years has he to share these moments with eased back into it. anybody that's interested," he This year, as his first-ballot said. "So I will be snapping Hall of Fame election was an- away and taking pictures

matter," Johnson said. "On the day I pitched I was looking at the catcher's glove and I was extremely focused. So

teammate on Arizona's 2001

of those. I think it's a good release for me to do something I enjoy doing, and there's really no expectations, either." nounced, Johnson was hired It is no private hobby for a by the Diamondbacks as a man who had led such a pri- special assistant to team presvate life away from the ball- ident Derrick Hall. His duties include working park when he was playing. He has a website, rj51pho- with players in the Diamondtos.corn, to exhibit his work. backs' far m s y stem, often

there's some parallels to both

assuring them he had many struggles before reaching the top of hisprofession. "He let us know early on his greatest interest was going to our affiliates and spending time with our youngsters,"

ball at arm's length, as if to be

whatever those expectations are every fifth day aren't there anymore." Mark Grace played against Johnson before becoming a

to be that way. That's what

CLEVELAND—Jose Quintana pitched a seven-hitter for his first career shutout, sending theChicago White Sox overCleveland.

Cardinals 4, Braves 2

ST. LOUIS— Randal Grichuk homered, leadingSt. Louis overAtlanta. St. Louis ab r hbi ab r hbi Maybincf 4 1 1 1 Wong2b 4 0 1 0 Ciriaco2b 4 0 0 0 Mcrpnt3b 3 1 1 0 Markksrf 4 0 1 0 Hollidylf 3 0 0 0 CJhnsn3b 4 0 0 0 Bourioscf 0 0 0 0 Przynsc 3 0 2 0 JhPerltss 4 0 1 1 JGomslf 4 0 0 0 Heywrdrf 4 0 1 0 Trdslvc1b 3 0 0 0 Molinac 3 1 2 0 ASmns ss 3 1 2 0 Grichk cf-If 3 2 2 2 Banulsp 0 0 0 0 Rynlds1b 3 0 1 1 Ardsmp 0 0 0 0 Cooneyp 2 0 0 0 McKrhp 0 0 0 0 Piscttyph 1 0 0 0 JPetrsnph 1 0 0 0 Manessp 0 0 0 0 Frasorp 0 0 0 0 DJhnsnph 1 0 0 0 Detwilrp 0 0 0 0 Siegristp 0 0 0 0 Totals 3 0 2 6 1 Totals 3 14 9 4 Atlanta Ogg 092 000 — 2 St. Louis 021 1 g g Ogx— 4 E—Aardsma (1), C.Johnson (4). DP—Atlanta 3, St. Louis1.LOB —Atlanta4,St. Louis8. 28—Maybin Atlanta

SAN FRANCISO — Hunter Pence had four hits anddrove in two runs as San FranciscobeatOakland.

San Francisco ab r hbi ab r hbi Burnscf 2 0 0 1 Pagancf 4 1 3 1 Canhalf 2 0 0 0 Panik2b 4 0 0 1 Vogtc 4 0 0 0 MDuff y3b 5 2 2 0 Z obrist2b 4 1 1 1 Poseyc 4 2 3 1 Baltimore TampaBay B Butler1b 4 1 3 0 Pencerl 5 1 4 2 ab r hbi ab r hbi Texas Los Angeles R eddck rf 4 0 1 0 Belt 1b 5 123 Paredsdh 4 0 0 0 SouzJrrf 4 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Lawrie3b 4 0 1 0 Bcrwfrss 5 1 1 0 F lahrty2b 4 0 1 0 Jasodh 4 1 1 1 DShldscf 4 0 1 0 Giavtll2b 4 0 1 0 S ogardss 4 0 1 1 GBlanclf 3 1 1 0 MMchd3b 2 1 2 0 Longori3b 4 1 2 0 LMartncf 0 0 0 0 Calhonrf 4 0 1 0 F uldlf-cf 3 1 1 0 Peavyp 2 0 1 0 O dor2b 3 0 0 0 Troutcf 3 1 2 2 A.Jonescf 4 0 0 0 Loney1b 3 0 0 0 Chavezp 0 0 0 0 Kontosp 0 0 0 0 Fielderdh 3 0 0 0 Puiolsdh 4 0 0 0 C.Davisrf 3 0 1 1 TBckhss 2 0 1 2 FRdrgzp 0 0 0 0 Ariasph 1 0 0 0 Beltre3b 4 0 1 0 Aybarss 4 0 0 0 JHardyss 4 0 2 0 DeJesslf 2 0 0 0 OFlhrtp 0 0 0 0 Strcklnp 0 0 0 0 Morlnd1b 4 0 0 0 Cron1b 4 0 0 0 Sniderlf 2 0 0 0 Elmore2b 3 0 0 0 S mlnskph 1 0 0 0 Lopezp 0 0 0 0 J Hmltnlf 4 2 2 0 lannettc 4 0 0 0 Reimldph-If 2 0 0 0 Kiermrcf 2 1 1 0 Acastrp 0 0 0 0 Vglsngp 0 0 0 0 Andrusss 4 1 2 0 Kubitza3b 3 1 1 0 Josephc 4 0 0 0 Riverac 2 0 0 0 Totals 33 3 8 3 Totals 3 8 9 17 8 Parmel1b 3 0 0 0 JButlerph 1 0 0 0 C hoorf 4 1 1 1 DnRrtslf 3 0 1 0 Oakland 0 01 000 200 — 3 S choopph 1 0 0 0 Casalic 0 0 0 0 Chirinsc 2 0 1 2 San Francisco 220 030 02x — 9 Totals 3 2 4 8 3 Totals 3 32 6 2 Totals 3 3 1 6 1 Totals 2 73 5 3 E—Lawrie (18). DP—Oakland1, SanFrancisco 1. B altimore ggg 1 0 0 Bgg — 1 Texas 000 030 100 — 4 LOB —Oakland 4, SanFrancisco 10. 28—Fuld(12), Bay g g g g gg 93x— 3 Los Angeles 00 0 100 810 — 2 Tampa (11), M.carpen ter(22). HR —Grichuk (11). SB—Hey- Pence2 (9), Belt(26). HR —Zobrist (6). SB—Posey E—Tropeano (1). LOB —Texas 4, LosAngeles E—Longoria (8). DP—Baltimore1, TampaBay1. ward(15), G richuk(4). CS —Wong(5).~nuelos 2. (2). S —Chavez, Peavy. SF—Panik, Posey. 5. 28 — DeShields (14), J.Ham ilton (7), Choo(17). LOB —Baltimore8, Tampa Bay5. 28—C.Davis (17), ley(3).HR IP H R E R BBSO —Votto(18),CaG onzalez2 (16).S~razier IP H R E R BBSO HR — Trout (29). S—Odor, Chirinos. Longoria(20). SB—Kiermaier (11). Atlanta Oakland (10),Blackmo n(25). CS—Barnhart (1).SF—Paulsen. IP H R E R BBSO IP H R E R BBSO IP H R E R BBSO BanuelosL,1-2 5 6 4 4 3 3 Chavez L,5-10 3 8 4 4 2 1 Texas Baltimore Cincinnati Aardsma 1 1 0 0 0 1 Fe Rodriguez 1 2 2 2 0 1 LewisW10-4 72 - 3 5 2 2 1 9 Tillman 7 2 1 1 3 4 DeSclafani 7 7 3 3 2 5 McKirahan 1 1 0 0 0 2 O'Flaherty 1 2 1 0 0 1 3 2 2 1 1 HooverBS,3-4 1 1-3 1 0 0 2 0 A.castro KelaH,B 1-3 1 0 0 0 1 O'DayL,5-1BS,3-5 1 3 2 2 0 2 Frasor 1 2 0 0 0 1 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 Abad Sh.TollesonS,16-17 1 0 0 0 0 1 TampaBay MattheusL,1-2 2 - 3 1 1 1 0 0 Detwiler 1 0 0 0 0 2 Los Angeles Archer 6 5 1 1 2 9 Colorado St. Louis 1 3 2 2 0 1 Muiica TropeanoL,1-1 6 7 4 4 1 4 Cedeno 1 0 0 0 0 2 E.Butler 6 6 3 3 3 3 CooneyW,1-0 7 5 2 2 0 5 San Francisco C.Ramos 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 ColomeW,4-4 1 0 0 0 0 2 Kahnle 2-3 1 0 0 1 2 ManessH,14 1 0 0 0 0 1 PeavyW,2-4 6 5 3 3 0 2 Morin 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 McGee S,5-6 1 1 0 0 0 1 Logan 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 SiegristS,5-8 1 1 0 0 1 2 Kontos 1 2 0 0 0 1 J.Alvarez 2 1 0 0 0 2 Tillmanpitchedto1 batterin the8th. Hawkins 1 2 1 1 1 0 Banuelopi stchedto1 batterin the6th. Strickland 1 1 0 0 0 1 Tropeano pitchedto 2battersinthe7th. HBP—byTillman(T.Beckham), byColome(M.Mach- AxfordW,3-3BS,3-19 1 1 1 1 0 2 Aardsma pitched to1 batter in the7th. Lopez 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 T—2:39. A—42,046(45,957). WP — Mattheus. WP—Cooney. Vogelsong 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 ado). T—2:55.A—17,838 (31,042). T—3:05. A—37,184(50,398). T—2:55.A—44,778 (45,399). T—3:25. A—42,128(41,915).

"And I have that tunnel vi"Since I retired I'd like to think that I'I n o t w ound as tight sion and I'm looking through because the expectations of that camera lens at my subject

"Randy played with fury," said Grace, now the Diamondbacks' assistant hitting coach. "I couldn't play angry. I'd have been swinging at everything if I'd played angry. But he had

Padres 3, Marlins 1

Rays 3, Orioles1

worked for him." He is also on Instagram and He was moody and could be plugs it in interviews. short with reporters, and God There, you will f in d t h at Continued from C1 He has photographed rock- forbid ifsome novice scribe majestic leopard, a piece of star friends from on stage ventured to Johnson's corner the ill-fated gazelle's rib cage and has taken his cameras on of the clubhouse the day be- in its mouth. There is another USO tours to military installa- fore he was to pitch. photo of a surfer riding a big tions around the world. When he left baseball, pho- wave. And Ozzy Osbourne Somewhere along the way, tography was a natural out- riding on Johnson's back, Johnson's intimidating glare let for Johnson. He had been making an obscene gesture faded away. Often a broad a photojournalism major at at the camera. There are smile was in its place. USC. photos of wounded veterans. "I'm not any good, I just en- Johnson is a big supporter of Johnson clearly is enjoying life after baseball. joy it," he said. "I really kind of the Wounded Warriors pro"As you know, I was ex- look at it as a great outlet and gram and will have wounded tremely intense when I played. it was a great way to go into soldiers among his guests at I just felt like I was wired that that from basebalL" his Hall of Fame induction way," said Johnson, who will As in baseball, "I have a ceremony. be inducted into the Baseball game plan of what I'm doing," When he left the game, Hall of Fame this weekend. he said. Johnson for years kept base-


Brewers 2, Diamondbacks1

Milwaukee Arizona ab r hbi ab r hbi Miami San Diego Segurass 4 0 0 0 Inciartrf-If 4 0 3 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Chicago Cleveland Lucroyc 4 0 3 0 Pollock cf 4 0 1 0 ISuzukirf 4 1 0 0 Amarst2b-3b 4000 ab r hbi ab r hbi Braunrf 4 1 1 1 Gldsch1b 2 0 1 0 Prado2b 4 0 1 0 Alonso1b 4 1 1 1 Eatoncf 5 1 1 0 Kipnis2b 4 0 1 0 C Gomzcf 3 0 0 0 DPerltlf 3 0 1 0 Y elichlf 3 0 0 0 Kemprf 4 1 2 1 Saladin 3b 5 1 1 0 Lindorss 4 0 1 0 Lind1b 4 0 0 0 Tomas ph-rf 1 0 0 0 B our1b 4 0 2 1 Uptonlf 4 0 0 0 Mecarrlf 5 1 2 2 Brantlycf 4 0 2 0 KDavislf 2 0 0 0 Owings2b 4 1 1 0 McGeh3b 4 0 1 0 Wallac3b 3 1 2 1 Abreu1b 3 2 1 1 Raburnrf 4 0 0 0 GParraph-If 1 1 1 0 JaLam3b 4 0 0 0 Gillespicf 4 0 1 0 Gyorko2b 1 0 0 0 LaRochdh 4 0 1 0 CSantndh 3 0 0 0 HPerez3b 3 0 1 0 Ahmedss 3 0 0 1 Mathisc 3 0 0 0 DeNrrsc 3 0 2 0 AvGarcrf 4 0 0 0 YGomsc 3 0 1 0 HGomz2b 3 0 0 0 OHrndzc 2 0 1 0 DSolanph 0 0 0 0 UptnJrcf 3 0 1 0 AIRmrzss 4 1 3 2 Aguilar1b 3 0 1 0 Gennettph-2b1 0 0 0 Wcastllph 1 0 0 0 Hchvrrss 4 0 0 0 Barmesss 2 0 0 0 Flowrsc 4 0 0 0 Urshela3b 3 0 1 0 Nelsonp 3 0 0 0 Corbinp 2 0 0 0 Harenp 2 0 0 0 Cashnrp 2 0 0 0 CSnchz2b 3 0 1 0 A v i l e s ff 3 0 0 0 Jeffrssp 0 0 0 0 A.Hill ph 1 0 0 0 Dietrchph 0 0 0 0 Almontph 1 0 0 0 Ellsurycf 4 0 0 1 Dozier2b 5 1 1 2 Totals 37 6 105 Totals 3 1 0 7 0 WSmithp 0 0 0 0 DHd snp 0 0 0 0 B .Handp 0 0 0 0 Benoitp 0 0 0 0 G ardnrlf 5 0 1 0 TrHntrrf 5 2 2 1 Chicago Toronto Seattle BB1 BB1 04B — 6 SPetrsnph 0 0 0 0 OPerezp 0 0 0 0 B Morrsp 0 0 0 0 Kimrelp 0 0 0 0 ARdrgzdh 4 0 1 0 SRonsnrf 0 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Cleveland B g g B g g Ogg — g FrRdrgp 0 0 0 0 Zieglerp 0 0 0 0 Totals 3 2 1 5 1 Totals 3 13 8 3 Teixeir1b 4 0 3 0 Mauer1b 4 0 1 0 Reyes ss 4 1 2 0 AJcksn cf 4 0 0 0 DP — Ch i c a g o 2 . L OB — Ch i c a g o 6 , Cl e v e l a n d 4. Totals 3 2 2 6 1 Totals 3 1 1 8 1 Miami 100 000 ggg — 1 BMccnc 3 0 0 0 Sanodh 4 1 1 2 Dnldsn 3b 4 0 0 0 Seager 3b 4 1 1 0 28 — Me C abr er a 2 (16), Al R am ire z (16), B r ant l e y (28). Milwaukee Ogg 091 001 — 2 — 3 San Di e go 0 0 0 1 2 0 ggx Beltranrf 4 0 0 0 Plouffe3b 4 2 3 1 Bautistrf 3 1 1 1 N.cruzrf 3 1 3 0 HR—Abreu(15). SB—Eaton(6), AI.Ramirez2(13). Arizona Ogg Ogg 001 — 1 DP — Miami 1. LOB—Miami 9, SanDiego5. Headly3b 4 0 1 0 ERosarlf 4 3 3 0 E ncrncdh 4 0 2 1 Cano2b 4 1 1 2 IP H R E R BBSO DP — M il w aukee 3. LOB — M ilw auke e 8, Ari z ona 2B — Bour (10), McGehee (9), Kemp (22), De.Norris G regrsss 4 1 2 0 Hickscf 3 1 1 2 Chicago Smoak1b 4 0 0 0 S.Smithlf 4 1 1 0 7. 28 — H.Perez (9), Inciarte (15). 38—Owings(4). (21). 38 —Gillespie(1). HR —Alonso (3), Kemp(11), Drew2b 4 0 2 0 KSuzukc 4 0 2 2 DNavrrc 4 0 0 0 Trumodh 3 1 1 2 Q uint anaW,5-9 9 7 0 0 0 8 HR — B r aun (18). SB — In ciarte (10), Pol l o ck (21). Wallace (1). SB—I.Suzuki(9). DaSntn ss 4 0 0 0 Valencilf 4 0 0 0 Morrsn1b 2 0 1 0 Cleveland S — H. P er ez. SF — A hm ed. IP H R E R BBSO Totals 36 1 101 Totals 3 7 101410 KluberL,5-11 Pillarcf 4 0 1 0 BMillerss 3 0 0 0 7 8 6 6 2 7 IP H R E R BBSO Miami New York ggg g g g BB1 — 1 Rzepczynski Travis2b 3 0 1 0 Zuninoc 4 0 1 0 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Milwaukee HarenL,7-6 6 8 3 3 0 3 2 1 0 2 0 0 14x— 10 B.Shaw Totals 3 4 2 7 2 Totals 3 15 9 4 Minnesota 2-3 1 0 0 0 1 NelsonWB-9 7 5 0 0 3 5 B.Hand 1 0 0 0 0 2 E—E.Rosario (4). LOB —NewYork 10,Minnesota RWebb Toronto 100 001 ggo — 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 JeffressH,10 2 3 2 0 0 0 0 B.Morris 1 0 0 0 0 1 4. 28 — Mauer (20), Plouffe(24), E.Rosario 3 (12). Kluberpitchedto 4baters inthe8th. 000 230 ggx — 6 Seattle W.SmithH,B 13- 0 0 0 0 1 San Diego Dozier (21), TorHunter (15), Sano(3), Plouffe WP — E—FHernandez(2). LOB —Toronto 6, Seatle 7. HR — Kluber. F r Rodri g uez S ,22-22 1 1 1 1 0 1 CashnerW,4-10 7 5 1 1 1 5 (14). SB —Teixeira (2). SF—Ellsbury, Hicks. 28 — Seager (22), N.cruz(15), Zunino(10). 3BT—2:43. A—26,553(36,856). Arizona BenoitH,15 1 0 0 0 1 0 IP H R E R BBSO Cano(1).HR—Bautista (21),Trumbo(3).SB—Reyes New York Corbin L,1-3 7 4 1 1 1 10 KimbrelS,27-28 1 0 0 0 1 1 (16). CS —Morrison(2). D.Hudson 2-3 1 0 0 1 2 T—2:36. A—25,897(41,164). 52 - 3 8 5 5 0 4 National League IP H R E R BBSO PinedaL,9-7 1 -3 0 0 0 0 0 O.Perez Pinder 1132 1 1 0 1 Toronto Ziegler 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 4 4 4 0 Dodgers 7, Nets 2 Phillies 5, Cubs 3(10 innings) EstradaL,7-6 4 8 5 5 3 4 Capuano HBP —byCorbin(Segura). WP—Nelson, Ziegler. Tepera 2 0 0 0 1 2 Minnesota T — 2: 5 6. A — 29,95 6 (48,51 9). PHughes W,9-6 7 7 0 0 0 3 NEW YORK Delabar 2 1 0 0 1 2 — Justin Turner homCHICAGO —Jeff Francoeur hit a Duensing 1 1 0 0 1 0 Seattle ered and drove in three runsandthe Pirates 7, Nationals 5 Fien 1 2 1 0 0 0 two-run homer in the 10th inning F.Hernandez W,12-5 7 6 2 1 1 7 LoweH,12 1 1 0 0 0 0 T—2:57.A—34,334(39,021). Los AngelesDodgers beatthe New and Philadelphia beatChicago. Ca.SmithS,9-10 1 0 0 0 0 1 PITTSBURGH —GregoryPolanco York Mets. Estradapitchedto 3baters in the5th. Red Sex 2, Tigers 1 (11 innings) Philadelphia Chi cago homered anddrove in three runs WP—Tepera. ab r hbi ab r hbi Los Angeles New York T—2:49. A—43,328(47,574). as Pittsburgh beat Washington. CHrndz2b 5 1 2 0 Fowlercf 4 0 0 0 BOSTON — Xander Bogaerts' sinab r hbi ab r hbi Revere cf 4 0 2 0 Bryant 3b 5 1 1 1 5 0 1 1 Grndrsrf 3 0 0 0 gle up the middle off Blaine Hardy Pedrsncf Washington Pittsburgh Franco3b 5 0 0 0 Rizzo1b 4 0 1 0 Astros 4, Royals 0 HKndrc2b 5 1 1 0 Teiadass 4 1 2 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi in the 11th inning drove homethe F rancrrf 5 1 2 2 Solerrf 5 1 3 0 JuTrnr3b 5 1 3 2 DnMrp3b 4 0 1 1 MTaylrcf 5 0 1 0 GPolncrf 4 1 2 3 R uf1b 2 1 2 0 Coghlnlf 4 1 2 2 4 1 1 0 WFlors2b 4 0 1 0 KANSAS CITY, Mo.— Scott Kawinning run, and Boston snapped VnSlyk1b Howardph-1b2 0 0 0 Scastross 4 0 0 0 Puigrf 4 1 1 2 Duda1b 4 1 1 0 Espinos3b 4 1 0 0 NWalkr2b 4 1 2 1 zmir pitched sevenstrong innings an eight-game losing streak with a KHrndzlf 4 1 2 0 Lagarscf 3 0 1 0 Harperrf 2 1 1 0 Mcctchcf 4 0 1 0 Galvis ss 4 2 2 0 D.Ross c 5 0 1 0 W Ramsc 4 1 1 1 SMartelf 4 0 1 0 Asche lf 4 0 2 3 Lester p 2 0 0 0 JRollnsss 3 2 2 1 Confortlf 3 0 0 1 in his Houston debut, leading the victory over Detroit. Dsmndss 3 2 1 1 Kang3b 4 1 2 0 Rupp c 3 0 0 0 Schwrr ph 1 0 0 0 ABarnsc 3 0 1 0 Plawckc 3 0 0 0 Astros to a win over KanasCity. TMoore1b-If 4 0 1 2 PAlvrz1b 3 1 1 2 OHerrrph 1 0 0 0 HRndn p 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 Niesep 0 0 0 0 Thorn sp Detroit Boston Uggla2b 4 0 1 1 SRdrgz1b 1 0 0 0 G ilesp 0 0 0 0 Mottep 0 0 0 0 Crwfrdph 1 0 0 0 Munoph 1 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Houston KansasCity dnDkkrlf 3 0 0 0 Cerveffic 4 1 2 0 Papelnp 0 0 0 0 Denorfiph 1 0 1 0 JoPerltp 0 0 0 0 CTorrsp 0 0 0 0 Kinsler2b 5 0 3 1 Bettscf 4100 Solisp 0 0 0 0 Flormnss 4 0 0 0 JWffmsp 2 0 0 0JRussllp 0 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Nicasiop 0 0 0 0 Niwnhsph 1 0 0 0 Cespdslf 4 0 0 0 B.Holt2b 4 0 1 1 B arrettp 0 0 0 0 Lockep 1 0 0 0 DBrwnph 1 0 0 0 Sorianop 0 0 0 0 Altuve2b 5 0 1 1 AEscorss 4 0 1 0 Caffaspph 1 0 0 0 Roblesp 0 0 0 0 VMrtnzdh 5 0 0 0 Bogartsss 5 0 3 1 ph 0 1 0 0 JGomzp 0 0 0 0ARussll2b 4 0 0 0 Tucker lf 5 2 3 1 Mostks3b 3 0 1 0 Baezp 0 0 0 0 MyryJrph 1 0 0 0 Janssn p 0 0 0 0 Decker JMrtnz rf 4 0 2 0 Sandovl 3b 4 0 0 0 Burrissph 1 0 1 0 Worleyp 0 0 0 0 Ruizph-c 1 0 0 0 Correass 3 1 1 1 L.caincf 4 0 0 0 R avinp 0 0 0 0 ATorrsp 0 0 0 0 Cstllns 3b 4 0 0 0 HRmrz dh 4 0 1 0 Scherzrp 2 0 0 0 Morel ph 1 1 1 1 Totals 39 5 12 5 Totals 39 3 9 3 Gattisdh 4 0 2 0 Hosmer1b 3 0 1 0 Totals 37 7 126 Totals 3 1 2 6 2 Avilac 4 0 1 0 Napoli1b 4 0 1 0 CRonsn1b 2 0 0 0 JHughsp 0 0 0 0 Philadelphia ggg 200 gg1 2 — 5 CIRsmsrf 4 0 1 1 KMorlsdh 4 0 0 0 Los Angeles 12 3 Bgg 01B — 7 Krauss1b 4 0 0 0 De Aza ff 4 0 1 0 BB 1 200 Bgg 0 — 3 V aluen3b 3 0 0 0 Riosrf 3 0 0 0 Jlglesis ss 4 1 1 0 Victornrf N ew York Bgg B 1 1 Ogg — 2 Totals 3 4 5 7 5 Totals 3 57 127 Chicago 41 1 0 LOB —Philadelphia6, Chicago10. 28—Francoeur Singltn1b 3 0 0 0 Infante2b 3 0 1 0 DP — LosAngeles2, NewYork 1. LOB—LosAn- Washington Ogg 491 000 — 6 Gose cf 4 0 0 0 Hanign c 4 0 1 0 — 7 PiNsburgh 0 2 B 0 3 2 Ogx 11), Asche 2 (13). 38 Carterph-1b 1 0 0 0 Orlandlf 3 0 0 0 ) —Galvis (3). HR—Francoeur geles 5,NewYork 3. 2B—Pederson(16), Ju.Turner Totals 38 1 7 1 Totals 3 729 2 E—Florimon (1). DP—Washington 1, Pittsburgh 9), Bryant(13), Coghlan(10). SB—C.Hernandez Jcastroc 4 0 1 0 Buterac 3 0 0 0 2 (19),A.Barnes(1), Duda(24). HR —Ju.Turner(13), Detroit OB1 ggg Ogg 00 — 1 1. LOB —Washington 6, Pittsburgh5. 2B—Harper (13), Revere 2 (24), Coghlan2 (9).S—Revere. Mrsnckcf 4 1 2 0 —Teiada(2). Boston 091 ggg Ogg 01 — 2 Puig (6),J.Rollins(10).SB IP H R E R BBSO Totals 3 6 4 11 4 Totals 3 0 0 4 0 (10), Cervelli (10),Morel(1). HRIP H R E R BBSO (22), T.Moore One out when w inni n g run score d. Philadelphia Houston 002 200 ggg — 4 Desmond (10), G.Polanco (4), N.Walker (8), PAlvarez Angeles DP — Detroit 2, Boston2. LOB—Detroit 5, Boston Los J.Williams 6 6 3 3 1 4 Kansas City 000 000 BOO — 0 (14). SB — M .T ay l o r (10). homasW,1-1 5 3 1 1 0 5 —J.lglesias (13). 3B—Kinsler(4). SB — Kinsler T 2 1 0 0 1 1 DP —Houston1.LOB— Houston7,KansasCity 6. 28 IP H R E R BBSO J.Gomez Jo.Peralta 2-3 3 1 1 0 0 ( 7). CS — K in s le r (5). S — B .H o lt. GilesW,5-2 1 1 0 0 1 1 5. 28 — Tucker (16), Marisnick(10). HR —Tucker (9). NicasioH,7 1 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Washington I P H R ER BBSO P apel b on S, 1 7-17 1 1 0 0 0 1 SB — Marisnick (13). Scherzer 5 7 5 5 1 8 Baez 1 0 0 0 1 1 Chicago IP H R E R BBSO Detroit Solis L,1-1 1 3 2 2 0 2 Ravin 1 0 0 0 0 0 Verlander 8 7 1 1 0 3 New York 7 7 2 2 0 6 Houston Barrett 1 1 0 0 0 0 Lester 1 0 0 0 0 NieseL,5-9 1 0 0 0 1 KazmirW,6-5 7 3 0 0 1 3 Alburquerque 1 1 1 0 0 0 2 H.RondonH,T 1 3 8 6 6 1 1 Janssen B.Rondon 1 0 0 0 0 2 Motte BS,1-7 1 2 1 1 0 0 Quails 1 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 0 0 0 2 Pittsburgh 1 - 3 1 1 1 1 0 C.Torres J.Russel L,0-2 l 1 3 1 1 1 0 0 Sipp 1-3 1 0 0 1 0 B.HardyL,3-2 Locke 5 4 4 4 3 5 Robics 2 1 1 1 0 2 23 1 1 1 0 1 WorleyW,4-5BS,1-1 1 1 1 1 0 2 Soriano GregersonS,21-24 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 Boston A.Torres 1 0 0 0 0 1 Porceffo 7 5 1 1 0 6 J.HughesH,16 1 0 0 0 1 1 T—3:13. A—41,230(40,929). KansasCity HBP —byNiese(A.Barnes). 1 1 0 0 0 1 T—2:40. A—36,066(41,922). GuthrieL,7-6 7 11 4 4 2 3 Tazawa WatsonH,22 1 0 0 0 0 1 Uehara 2 0 0 0 0 2 F.Morales 2 0 0 0 0 2 MelanconS,31-32 1 2 0 0 0 0 Interieague MastersonW,4-2 1 1 0 0 1 2 T—2;38. A—36,965(37,903). T—2:57.A—38,371 (38,362). WP — Porcello, Masterson. Rockies 6, Reds5 Giants 9, Athletics 3 T—3:42.A—37,650 (37,673).


World Series championship

White Sox 6, Indians 0

of my other three inductee

brothers (Craig Biggio, Pedro Martinez and John Smoltz). And then maybe a selfie or



Campbell shoots 63to take lead inCanada The Associated Press O AK VILLE,

the first eight holes and

Onta r i o finished with a season-best

— Chad Campbell shot a 7-under 64 for a share of the 9-under 63 on Friday in the Meijer LPGA Classic lead Canadian Open to take a with Alison Lee and Lizette

two-stroke lead over Brian

Campbell birdied all four par 5s at Glen Abbey in his bogey-free round to reach

Salas. Senior British suspended due to rain: SUNNINGDALE, England — Scotland's Colin Montgomerie had a

14-under 130. The 41-year-

share of the Senior British


old Texan was a stroke off

Open lead when play was suspended for the day beby Greg Norman in 1986 and cause of heavy rain. matched by John Merrick in Willett up one in Swit-

the course record of 62 set 2013.

Campbell won the last of his four PGA Tour titles in 2007.

H ar man followed h i s opening 65 with a 67. Canada's David Hearn was tied for third at 11 under after a 64.

Also on Friday: Three tied for LPGA lead:

zerland: C R A N S-SUR-SIERRE, Switzerland — En-

gland's Danny Wihett shot an 8-under 62 to take a onestroke lead in the suspended

second round of the European Masters.

Ko, Pettersen top Scottish leaderboard: TROON, Scotland — Lydia Ko and

two of me andthe 40-,50,000 people that are in the field on

BELMONT, Mich. — Lexi

first-round lead at 4-under 68

Hall of Fame Day."

Thompson birdied six of

in the Ladies Scottish Open.

Suzann Pettersen shared the




Stage 4:DowntownCriterium J~



Un a


Bo o

F roome maintains ea not to stay with the Colombian, his closest rival, as he rode away, eating into the Team Sky rider's overall race lead. Froome said he preferred to save energy for today's last Alpine stage, which

By John Leicester

The Associated Press

LA TOUSSUIRE, France — Chris Froome always expected his rivals to

throw everything at him and his Tour de

Drake Park



tttntt* )

France race lead. He just didn't expect


that would happen when he was stopped by the side of the road. Showing bristle beneath his mild man-



features two very hard climbs. So rather than hunt down the Movistar rider,

’ +i g

Froome rode steadily, telling himself: "'I don't need to panic but I do need to keep

something in reserve.'"

ners, the British rider angrily tore into


Vincenzo Nibali, calling him "unsportsmanlike," after the defending champion accelerated away while Froome was fixing a stuck wheel on the toughest Alpine climb on Friday.




He didn't hold back on Nibali. At the finish, "I told him exactly what I

thought of him," Froome said. There was otherunpleasantness out

on the road. TV images of the final climb appeared to show a spectator spitting to-

Nibali, who went on to win Stage 19,

Greg Cross/The Bulletin

When:Tonight, pro women, 5:45 start, 50 minutes; pro men, 7 start, 75 minutes.

Breaking down the stage: Always a spectator favorite, this stage brings the cycling action into the heart of downtown Bend.The start/finish line is located onWall Street, close to the intersection with Franklin Avenue.Eachlap includes four 90-degree turns as the fields maketheir way around and around a counterclockwise circuit made up ofWall Street, IdahoAvenue, BondStreet and OregonAvenue.Expecthighspeedsonthestraightawaysand plenty of action along theway as riders fight for sprint points at intermediate stages of the race. Best place tn watch:If you can watch only one stage, makeit this one. Thenonstop action of cyclists speeding around four corners in downtown Bendmakesthis a must-see stage. Pretty much anyplace along the route makesfor good viewing. The finish line is usually packedwith spectators. THE REST OFTHE RACE Sundny:Stage 5, Awbrey Butte Circuit Race, 82 miles (men), 49 miles (women)

said: "He was very angry but that's his problem." Froome said a stone or piece of asphalt jammed between his brake and

ward the race leader as he sped past. Froome said he didn't see the man but Nl

called his behavior "appalling." Earlier in


the Tour, Froome said another spectator

rear wheel on the Col de la Croix de Fer

climb, forcing him to pull up momentarily to unjam it. While Froome stopped, Nibali rode away. Those weren't the only fireworks on

Christophe Ena / The Associated Press

Italy’s Vincenzo Nibnli celebrates as he crosses the finish line to win the 19th

stage of the Tour deFrance in LaTous› suire, France, on Friday.

the exhausting alpine stage that moved

"We are human beings," he said. e You

can't come to a bike race to spit at people, or to punch them or to throw urine at them."

Froome's reduced lead of2m inutes,38 seconds over Quintana, down from 3:10

Froome one step closer to a second Tour victory. On the stage's final climb to the La

threw a cup of urine at him and another punched his teammate Richie Porte.

attack against the 2013 champion, and this time got the better of him.

at the start, should still be enough to get the British rider through the last com-

Toussuire ski station, Nairo Quintana Showing for the first time at this Tour petitive day in the Alps before the final launched his most sustained and telling that he's not untouchable, Froome chose stage to Paris on Sunday.

Women Continued from C1 "This is one of my favoritesraces, " Dvorak said of the Cascade. "It couldn't have worked out better. It gives us

Men Continued from C1 "There were just cones everywhere and I

jersey as he is also currently the best young rider and best climber in the CCC.

"It's pretty special, but our w a sn't too main focus is the yellow jer-

sure," Smith said. "I saw the motor bike turn in, so I just followed it naturally. And then

they (race officials) shouted. I went on the inside of the gate. But it turned out alright." Smith's winning time was 4 hours, 17 minutes, 56 seconds.

sey," Smith said.

Carpenter said that at the

Mount Bachelor, then south

start of the race it seemed like everybody wanted to be in a breakaway. He added that the Hincapie team just wanted

down Cascade Lakes Highway before looping back to

as many riders in the front as

Dvorak got into a 10-rider break just 10 kilometers

possible. "This is about as good as we Stephen Leece of Jamis Hagens Berman finished second, could have hoped for," Carpenone second back, and Carpen- ter said, adding that defending ter was two seconds back. the yellow jersey should be no Smith said it was not an problem. easy race wit h t w o t o u gh

climbs and strong wind at times. The field split at one point, with a group of 30 or 40 riders in the lead. Hincapie had four of its eight riders in that group. "We had some cards to play, and we used them, and

He even

p r edicted t h at

Smith could win Sunday's Awbrey Butte Circuit Race. "We still have the best team,"

Carpenter said, "so don't be surprised if you see the yellow jersey winning the stage." Bend's Chris Horner of Airgas-Safeway finished in a it turned out well," Smith said. big group 3:26 behind Smith "We' re pretty confident. We' ve on Friday, and he is now 13th got two guys up there with a in the overall standings, 3:52 strong team, and we' ve defend-

behind Smith. Horner's team-

ed before. We' ve still got to be mate Connor McCutcheon, cautiousofafew otherriders." also of Bend, is 17th overall, At the podium celebration at 4:27 back. Sunrise Lodge after the race, — Reporter: 541-383-0318, Smith, 22, put on jersey after mmorical@bendbulletin.com

Seau Continued from C1 Nor will the video mention

the lawsuit that Seau's family has filed against the NFL, which is trying to curb injuries in active players and address brain disease in thousands of

retired players. To the Hall of Fame officials, simply showing the video, which will not invoke Seau's

suicide, will keep the focus on his playing days. To his family still grappling with his death, though, the tribute seems underwhelming for one of the sport'sbest linebackers and a highly regarded figure in Southern California, where

Seau grew up and played most of his career. "It's frustrating because the

induction is for my father and for the other players, but then to not be able to speak, it' s

painful," Sydney Seau said. "I just want to give the speech he would have given. It wasn't going to be about this mess. My speech was solely about him." Junior Seau's brain injury and suicide have nothing to with the decision to only show a video, according to Joe Hor-

rigan, a spokesman for the Hall of Fame who has overseenthe ceremony forabout 20

years. Typically, a video produced by NFL Network is shown for

all inductees. For living inductees, a family member or close associate then introduces the

player on stage for an often emotion-filled speech. In the past, for deceased inductees, presenters spoke, but Horrigan said they often repeated what was in the video,

even more cards to play. Sunday's always a challenge. It' s a tough race. There should be some more fireworks from us, hopefully." Friday's Stage 3 started in Bend and took riders past




the finish at Bachelor's Sun-

rise Lodge. e

into the race along the climb to Bachelor. The riders' lead grew to as much as 6 minutes.

Armstrong said she was content to stay back in the main

Andy Tullis/The Bulletin

A leadpack ofprowomen racedown Cascade Lakes Highway southwest ofBendduring Stage3 of

pack, knowing Dvorak was the Cascade Cycling Classic on Friday morning. in the lead group. "I'm super happy for Twenty16," Armstrong said. "Being Neben. gert and Kaitlin Antonneau back in the pack is always Neben came into the stage in helping her get up to the hard to sit in, but that was in second place overall be- base of the final climb. "I attacked and got a gap how we played it today. We hind Armstrong, who said wanted to get Andrea up she was surprised that Visit on Abbie (Mickey), and she there because we knew that Dallas did not attack earlier closed it," Dvorak said. "Then she could move into first or in the race. I jumped her at the finish, "It was up to Visit Dallas right when we turned in (to second." Armstrong finished eighth to chase, and they waited too Sunrise Lodge). This time a on the stage, 3:50 back. Am- long," Armstrong said. "It' s break rolled, it stuck, and it ber Neben of Visit Dallas was going to be really difficult, ended up being a major factor ninth, also 3:30 back. Dvorak has a I:12 overall lead on

because Visit Dallas now has

in the race today."

two people to watch."


Dvorak credited her teammates Lauren Hall, Chloe Dy-

Armstrong said she and Dvorak will play off each other during Sunday's final

A r m strong,

and a 2:05 lead on third-place

prolonging an already lengthy solely on players' exploits on ceremony. So a few years ago, the gridiron.

But Gina Seau said she did

not question the Hall of Fame's "We' re not the NFL, but the motives, and in the end she the Hall eliminated speeches in these cases. Pro Football Hall of Fame," agreed the focus should be on "There was an acceptance said David Baker, the exec- Junior and his legacy. "It's already difficult enough speech for deceased players utive director of the Hall of but it got redundant," Horrigan Fame. "Our mission is to hon- as it is," she said. said. "The honor is supposed to or the heroes of the game and Seau's family and many of be for the individual." Junior is a hero of the game. his friends will travel to CanIn 2011, no one spoke for Les We' re going to celebrate his ton for i n duction weekend. Richter, a linebacker with the life, not the death and other Los Angeles Rams who had issues." died the previous year. At times, the separation can Seau's video tribute — which feel artificial. The Hall is an inwill indude parts of an inter- dependent nonprofit organizaview with Sydney — will be tion. But the NFL is its largest five minutes, two minutes lon- donor and works closely with ger than for living inductees, it to stage the induction cereHorrigan said. It will include mony, which is televised on the parts of an interview Sydney league-owned NFL Network. gave to NFL Network before The league also organizes the she said she understood no one Hall of Fame Game, the kickwould be making a speech. off of the preseason, the day Still, not allowing any tes- after the induction ceremony timonials raises thorny ques- and moved its rookie sympotions because Seau's death sium to Canton in part so evhas cast such a long shadow ery incoming player could visit over hisstellar 20-year career,

the Hall.

much of which was played in San Diego for the Chargers. It

said it was involved in many

cuit Race, forcing other teams

to make a decision on who to follow. "I know how the peloton is,

they always watch me," Armstrong said. "So the chances for Andrea to be let go is much higher than for them

to let me go. If Visit Dallas wants to stay back and watch me, that's fine. But they have

a lot of work in front of them." — Reporter: 541-383-0318, mmorical@bendbulletin.com

orable, she said. A natural pubof Seau's estate, has handled lic speaker, he was able to tell Bette Hoffman, the t r ustee

many of the details of what is likely to be a b ittersweet

weekend. "It's been like planning a wedding party without the groom," Gina Seau said.

stories but also deliver upbeat

messages while poking fun at himself and the audience. "No disrespect to the other guys,

but I thought he'd be great," Gina Seau said. If Junior were alive, his Sydney Seau added: "He speech would have been mem- would dominate the stage."

A spokesman for the league

aspects of the Hall of the Fame repair the damage to its repu- weekend, including the protation after years of denying duction of the enshrinement the link between head hits and ceremony, but that it left delong-term brain disease. cisions about allowing any The NFL agreed to pay hun- speeches to the Hall. Seau's widow, Gina, was dreds of millions of dollars to settle a lawsuit brought by "very surprised" by the Hall of thousands ofretired players Fame's policy to use only a vidwho said they were misled eo because she did not "think about the dangers of concus- Sydney or any of us were gosions.Game ruleshave been ing to use the Hall of Fame as tweaked to reduce the chance a platform." of violent collisions, and neuHorrigan said the Seaus rotrauma specialists now were given incorrect informaroam the sidelines. The league tion about the ceremony behas spent tens of millions of fore the Hall of Fame formally dollars on concussion-related notified them of its policy on research. July 9, five months after they The Hall of Fame has tiptoed had learned Seau would be pastthese issues and focused mducted.

stage, the Awbrey Butte Cir-




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DOW 17,568.53 -163.39


S&P 500 2,079 . 65 -22.50


Tod8p Saturday, July 25, 20t 5

Eye on consumers The Conference Board reveals this month's consumer confidence index on Tuesday. The June reading showed a solid gain of 101.4 following a modest increase in May. The index is now 17.4 percent higher than it was a year ago. That suggests the economy could enjoy stronger growth in the coming months after a dismal start to the year.

est. 100

SstP 500 Close: 2,079.65 Change: -22.50 (-1.1%)






Facebook ad sales growing? Wall Street anticipates that Facebook's second-quarter earnings improved versus a year earlier. The world's biggest social network, due to report financial results on Wednesday, has benefited this year from growing advertising revenue, especially from mobile ads. Facebook's overall rate of revenue growth has shown signs of slowing, however. Did the trend continue on the April-June quarter?


FB $100 ’14

, ’15





2Q ’14 2 Q ’15

Price-earnings ratio:


based on trailing 12 month results Source: Facteet

Oil effect Lower oil prices have hurt Exxon Mobil's earnings and revenue this year. When world oil prices collapsed from about $100 a barrel to less than $50 over the second half of last year, it made some drilling projects unprofitable. While oil prices recovered somewhat earlier this year, they' ve been sliding again recently. Exxon Mobil reports its second-quarter financial results on Friday.

g ON



Cisco Cemex Vale SA SiriusXM

833597 660767 563445 417895 416430 403041 383797 369738 361336 353376

17.90 34.29 12.29 7.25 3.44 124.50 28.40 8.03 5.05 3.88

-.28 +.36 -1.35 +.18 -.23 -.66 +.39 -.64 -.23 -.01

Gainers NAME


LucasE rs 2.72 StancrpFn 113.45 Medgen wt 2.82 CondorH pfB 24.00 Marketo 30.39 IGI Labs 8.07 NETgear 33.80 ChinaHGS 2.60 CondorH pfA 9.02 Pandora 15.96

CHG +.93 $-36.76 +.55 +4.25 +5.30 +1.29 +5.05 +.38 +1.22 +2.08

%CHG + 5 2.0 + 47.9 + 2 4.2 + 2 1.5 + 2 1.1 + 19.0 + 1 7.6 + 1 7 .1 + 15.6 + 15.0

Losers NAME

L AST 2.25 6.87

CryoPort rs TrueCar Spectranet 16.30 GreenH pfC 9.04 CapOnewt 36.91

C H G %CHG -1.75 -43.8 -3.81 -35.7 -8.53 -34.4 -3.71 -29.1 -12.00 -24.5

Foreign Markets NAME

LAST Paris 5,057.36 London 6,579.81 Frankfurt 11,347.45 Hong Kong25,128.51 Mexico 44,249.49 Milan 23,507.70 Tokyo 20,544.53 Stockholm 1,61 2.80 Sydney 5,556.81 Zurich 9,322.97




















1 960 :





Stocks ended Friday's session broadly lower, pushing the market to have its worst week since January. The major indexes closed out the weekdown between 2.2percentand 2.9 percent.The Dow Jones industrial average is in negative territory for the year and the Standard & Poor's 500 has fallen four weeks out of the last five. Investors remain worried about the quarterly results of companies and are increasingly concerned that China's economy is slowing. Next week is the busiest week for second quarter earnings season, with 174 members of the S8 P 500 as well as six members of the Dow reporting their results.









HIGH LOW CLOSE C H G. 17756.54 17553.73 17568.53 -163.39 DOW Trans. 8170.13 8046.73 8072.57 -54.43 DOW Util. 564.60 560.35 562.74 + 0 .58 NYSE Comp. 10831.19 10706.14 10721.95 -118.79 NASDAQ 5167.54 5084.51 5088.63 -57.78 S&P 500 2105.89 2077.09 2079.65 -22.50 S&P 400 1491.96 1474.59 1476.74 -1 3.65 Wilshire 5000 22171.89 21882.81 21906.75 -225.23 Russell 2000 1243.58 1225.43 1225.99 -1 8.98




%CHG. WK MO QTR YTD -0.92% -1.43% -0.67% -11.68% +0.10% L -8.95% -1.10% -1.08% -1.12% L +7.44% -1.07% +1.01% -0.92% +1.67% -1.02% +1.09% -1.52% +1.77%


L L L T L T L T T L T ~



M J 52-week range $48.80~

’ "’""Starbucks brews up profit

Starbucks shares perked up 1 percent Friday after the company reported a 22 percent jump in profit, helped by pricier food and drinks in its U.S. stores. The Seattl e-based coff ee chain has been boosting its revenue with price hikes and offerings like S'more Frappuccinos and other drinks that cost a little more. The company said customer visits are increasing and more people are getting food with their order as well.

Starbucks reported late Thursday that it earned $626.7 million, or 41 cents per share, for its most recent quarter. It earned 42 cents per share on an adjusted basis, beating the 41 cents per share analysts expected. Revenue rose 18 percent to $4.88 billion, topping market expectations of $4.86 billion. The company also increased its full-year earnings-per-share forecast to $1.57 and $1.58, up from a prior range of $1.55 to $1.57.

riday ' s close: $57.29 Price-earnings ratio:32


(Based on past 12-month results)

Total return 1-y r SBUX 44.5% Div. y i eld:1.1% *annualized

Columbia Large Core Quantitative has been a steady performer in Morningstar's large blend fund category, its five-year record ranks in the top 5 percent of the category.

Selected Mutualpunds

$7 6.82

M J 52-week range




Fund Footnotes: b -Feecovering marketcosts is paid from fund assets. d - Deferredsales charge, or redemption fee. f - front load (salescharges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually amarketing feeandeither a sales or redemption fee.Source: Morningstar.

J $ 71.60


Close:$1 5.96 %2.08 or 15.0% The music streaming service reported a second-quarterloss, butthe earnings and revenue results beat Wall Street expectations. $25 20 15

Unisys UIS Close:$16.55T-3.20 or -16.2% The information technology service provider reported a second-quarter loss on lower revenue and costs related to job cuts. $25 20

M J 52-week range 813. 30 ~

J $28.96

Vol.:21.4m (4.9x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$3.37 b

P E: . . Yield:..


AMZN Close:$529.42 L47.24 or 9.8% The online retailer reported a surprise second-quarter profit on strong revenue growth both domestically and internationally. $550

M J 52-week range 87588~

PE:1 5 . 4 Yield : ...


SBUX Close:$57.29 L0.73 or 1.3% The coffeechain's second-quarter profit jumped 22 percent on pricier drinks and food, beating Wall Street expectations. $60



450 400


M J 52-week range

J $30.65

Volc2.6m (6.6x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$826.14 m


M J 52-week range

$58 0.57

Vol.:21.8m (6.8x avg.) Mkt.Cap:$246.54 b

PE: . . . Volu14.5m (2.0x avg.) PE: 6 7 . 5 Yie ld: ... Mkt. Cap:$85.96 b Yie l d: 1.1%

Biogen Idee

BIIB Close:$300.03 T-85.02 or -22.1% The biotechnology company reported better-than-expected second-quarter profit, but its revenue fell short of expectations. $450




$ 58.3 1

American Airlines

AAL Close:$39.63 T-2.98 or -7.0% The world's largest airline reported better-than-expected second-quarter profit, but revenue fell short of Wall Street forecasts. $60 50 40

400 350

M J 52-week range


$280.85 ~ $48 0. 18 Vol.:16.6m (9.2x avg.) P E : 21.7 Mkt. Cap:$70.58b Yield:...

M J 52-week range


$28.10~ $ 56.20 VolJ 20.1m (1.5x avg.) P E:8 .7 Mkt. Cap:$27.46 b Yie l d: 1.0%

SOURCE: Sungard




NET 1YR TREASURIES TEST PVS CHG WK MO QTR AGO 3 -month T-bill 6 -month T-bill 52-wk T-bill

. 0 3 .03 ... L . 1 3 .1 3 .31 .34 -0.03 L

The yield on the 10-year Treasury fell to 2.26 percent on Friday. Yields affect rates on mortgages and other consumer loans.

2-year T-note . 6 8 .7 0 5-year T-note 1.62 1.63 10-year T-note 2.26 2.27 30-year T-bond 2.96 2.97



The price of crude oil continued its slump and at one point dipped under $48 per barrel, before settling just above that level. Gold fell for the 11th time in 12 days.

Crude Oil (bbl) Ethanol (gal) Heating Oil (gal) Natural Gas (mmbtu) UnleadedGas(gal)


-0.02 L -0.01 T -0.01 T -0.01 T






.05 .10


L .50 L 1.70 L 2.50 L 3.30


Barclays LongT-Bdldx 2.81 2.82 -0.01 T T Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.41 4.41 . . . T T 37. 2 Barclays USAggregate 2.40 2.42 -0.02 T T PRIME FED Barcl aysUS HighYield 6.82 6.80 +0.02 L L Divi d end:$0.64 RATE FUNDS Moodys AAA Corp Idx 4.08 4.13 -0.05 T T Source: FactSet TEST3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.96 1.99 -0.03 T T 6 MO AGO3.25 .13 Barclays US Corp 3.39 3.42 -0.03 T L 1 YR AGO3.25 .13

3-yr* 33.3

PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK FUND N AV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR BYR 1 3 5 American Funds AmBalA m 24 . 79 -.12+1.3 +4.4 +12.8+12.1 A A A CaplncBuA m 58.67 -.46 +0.1 -0.5 +9.2 +9.0 8 8 A CpwldGrlA m 46.92 -.57 +3.1 +0.6 +15.1+10.6 C C C EurPacGrA m 50.40 -.50 +6.9 +0.9 +13.5 +7.9 8 6 C FnlnvA m 52. 9 5 - .46 +3.5 +5.9 +18.1+14.4 C C C GrthAmA m 45.23 -.35 +6.0 +8.3 +20.3+15.3 D 6 D Columbia Lg. CoreQuant. A (AQEAX) IncAmerA m 21.08 -.18 -0.8 -0.1 +10.7+10.6 E C 8 InvCoAmA m 36.73 -.49 +0.5 +3.1 +17.4+13.9 D C D VALUE B L EN D GR OWTH NewPerspA m38.70 -.28 +6.7 +6.0 +16.7+12.5 A 6 8 e› WAMutlnvA m40.34 -.43 -0.6 +2.8 +15.7+14.8 8 D A 03 Dodge &Cox Income 13.62 -.01 +0.2 + 1.2 +2.8 +4.2D A 8 Cu $u IntlStk 43.01 -.56 +2.1 -6.7 +16.8 +8.8 E A A Stock 180.91 -3.06 +1.6 + 3.1 +21.5+16.3 8 A A Fidelity Contra 104. 5 3 - 1.23+7.7 +11.5 +19.0+16.4 8 C 8 ContraK 104 . 51 -1.22+7.8 +11.6 +19.1+16.5 8 C B LowPriStk d 52.02 -.43 + 3.5 + 5 .6 +19.0+15.7 A 8 B Fideli S artan 500 l dxAdvtg 73.37 -.79 +2.1 + 6 .7 +18.3+15.9 8 8 A FrankTemp-Frank li n IncomeC m 2.28 -.02-3.7 -8.4 +6.8 +7.4 E B 8 03 IncomeA m 2. 26 -.02 -3.0 - 7.6 +7.4 +7.9 E B A Oakmark 24.72 -.25 +5.9 -1.6 +19.1+10.1 8 A A 473 Oppenheimer RisDivA m 20 . 05 -.23+0.8 +4.9 +15.4+13.3 C E D MorningstarOwnershipZone™ RisDivB m 17 . 71 -.20+0.3 +4.2 +14.4+12.4 D E E RisDivC m 17 . 58 -.20+0.3 +4.1 +14.5+12.5 D E E OeFund target represents weighted SmMidValA m48.18 -.56 -0.9 +1.9 +19.8+12.7 C B E average of stock holdings SmMidValB m40.45 -.47 -1.3 +1.2 +18.9+11.8 C B E Represents 75% of fund's stock holdings T Rowe Price GrowStk 58.0 5 - . 61+11.7 +16.4 +22.0+18.8 A A A HealthSci 82.5 9 -2.09+ 21.5 +40.7 +37.5+33.7 8 6 A CATEGORY:LARGE BLEND Newlncome 9. 4 8 - .01+0.3 + 1 .7 + 1.6 +3.4 C C D IBORNINGSTAR Vanguard 500Adml 192.06 2.08 +2.1 +6.7 +18.3+15.9 8 6 A RATING~ ***tv' 500lnv 192.05 2.08 +2.1 +6.6 +18.1+15.8 8 6 8 CapOp 54.10 1.66 +2.6 +10.5 +25.9+17.5 C A A ASSETS $3,558 million Eqlnc 30.65 -.30 -0.5 +2.1 +15.5+15.5 C D A EXPRA TIO 1.07% IntlStkldxAdm 26.62 -.30 +3.8 -6.7 +10.9 NA E D Iglg.INIT.INVES T. $2,000 StratgcEq 33.11 -.40 +2.9 +6.4 +23.2+18.7 A A A PERCEN TLOAD 5.75 TgtRe2020 28.94 -.18 +1.7 +2.6 +10.6 +9.6 A A A HISTORICALRETURNS TgtRe2030 29.63 -.24 +2.0 +2.5 +12.8+11.0 8 6 8 TgtRe2035 18.23 -.17 +2.2 +2.5 +13.9+11.6 8 6 8 Return/Rank Tgtet2025 16.84 -.12 +1.9 +2.5 +11.7+10.3 A 6 8 YEAR-TO-DATE +2.3 TotBdAdml 10.75 +0.3 +2.3 +1.4 +3.2 A D D 1-YEAR +8.7/A Totlntl 15.92 -.18 +3.7 -6.7 +10.8 +5.9 E D E 3-YEAR +18.8/8 TotStlAdm 52.32 -.58 +2.3 +6.7 +18.6+16.1 8 6 A 5-YEAR +17.1/A TotStldx 52.30 -.58 +2.3 +6.5 +18.5+15.9 8 6 A 3and5-yearretctus areennualtzed. USGro 32.64 -.37 +9.1 +15.9 +22.2+18.2 A A A

CHG %CHG -29.38 -.58 -75.20 -1.13 -1 64.66 -1.43 -270.34 -1.06 -586.84 -1.31 -1 25.35 -.53 -139.42 -.67 -7.01 -.43 Rank:Fund'sletter grade comparedwith others in -24.54 -A4 the same group; an Aindicates fund performed in -58.60 -.62 the top 20 percent; an E, in the bottom 20 percent.



Vol.:21.1m (3.0x avg.) P E : 33.5 Volc13.4m (1.4x avg.) PE: 6 0 .4 Mkt. Cap:$146A2 b Yi e ld:0.6% Mkt. Cap:$108.46 b Yi eld: 3.0%

+24. 0 +4 9 .8 1 530 15 0 . 8 0 -11.4 + 1 . 0 26 6 1 0 1. 3 2 +0.1 +18. 4 83360 19 0.20 +44.2 - 24.3 104 d d 0 . 88 +10. 8 +1 7 .9 2 410 20 3 . 6 4 -1.7 -6.1 34 57 +18.4 +37 .0 3 3 9 2 1 0 . 72a +34 . 0 + 4 8.3 1 2 3 3 0 0 . 6 0 +2.3 +29 . 0 1 2 00 28 1 . 60f -24.9 -9.6 6 5 91 -4.8 -11.2 1058 20 0 . 44 -23.2 -8.8 23100 12 0.70f -22.7 -14.4 31 091 12 0.96 +8.1 +13.5 7611 14 0 . 30 + 19. 5 +5 5 .6 4 333 21 0 .42f -27.4 -27.3 1345 dd - 12.5 + 3 . 5 2 721 d d -21.9 -42.9 1105 13 0 . 73 +16. 3 +2 4 .0 4 8 9 2 1 0. 2 2 -1.1 +5 . 5 31694 31 1 . 2 4 +17. 5 +4 8 .7 2 950 31 1 . 1 2 -2.8 +17.2 9 80 2 1 1. 4 8 -14.9 - 3.0 9 3 20 1. 8 6 -4.6 +1 . 9 3 5 66 1 6 0 .96f -51.3 +64.8 9 9 12 -6.2 - 4.9 77 3 3 2 1 . 76 -21.7 - 23.0 2271 1 5 0 . 12 -28.0 -37.5 908 d d 0 . 75 +1.6 +27 . 2 69 4 2 7 2. 6 8 + 62. 4 +2 5 .6 4 454 22 1 .30f +39.6 +44 .5 14212 27 0 . 6 4 +6.9 +13. 1 1 3 25 1 8 0. 6 0 + 0.7 +9.9 67 7 8 1 4 1 . 02f + 6.1 +12 . 1 60 8 1 4 0. 5 2 +5.4 +16. 2 13011 14 1 .50f -17.1 -2.9 1664 24 1 . 16

DividendFootnotes:8 - Extra dividends werepaid, but arenot included. b -Annual rate plus stock. 8 -Liquidating dividend. 8 -Amount declaredor paid in last t 2 months. f - Current annual rate, whichwasincreased bymost recentdividendannouncement. i —Sum of dividends paidafter stock split, re regular rate. I —Sumof dividends paidthis year.Most recent dividend wasomitted or deferred. k - Declared or paidthis year, acumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m — Current annualrate, which wasdecreasedbymost recentdividend announcement. p — Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r —Declared or paid in preceding t2 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approximatecash value on ex-distrittution date.PEFootnotes: q —Stock is a closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc —P/Eexceeds 99. dd - Loss in last t2 months.


Close:$68.08 V-2.44 or -3.5% The pharmaceutical company reported better-than-expected second-quarter profit, but revenue fell short of Wall Street forecasts. $75 65

Pandora Media


Abb Vie



North westStocks NAME


Close: $74.80L3.05 or 4.3% The paymentprocessing company's third-quarter profit jumped 25 percent, helped by a double-digit rise in activity on its network. $75


Alaska Air Group A LK 40.69 ~ 77.80 74. 1 0 +. 3 1 +0.4 T L Aviate Corp A VA 30.10 ~ 38.34 31. 3 1 ... ... T L Bank of America B AC 14. 84 ~ 18.48 1 7. 9 0 -.28 -1.5 T L Barrett Business B BS I 18 . 25 ~ 63.45 39. 5 0 +. 5 6 + 1.4 T L Boeing Co BA 116.32 ~ 158. 8 3 14 4.06 -2.05 -1.4 T L ... T T Cascade Bancorp CA C B 4 . 14~ 5.51 5.10 ... T Columbia Bnkg C O L B 23.90 — o 33.50 32.70 -.04 - 0.1 Columbia Sportswear COLM 34.25 ~ 64. 92 59.69 -.74 - 1.2 T T Costco Wholesale CO ST 116.81 ~ 1 56.8 5 144.99 -.61 - 0.4 L L Craft Brew Alliance BR EW 9.89 o 17.8 9 10. 0 2 -.33 -3.2 T T FLIR Systems F LIR 28.32 ~ 35.27 30.7 7 +. 9 0 +3 .0 L T L Hewlett Packard HPQ 29 . 52 ~ 41.10 3 0. 8 1 -.42 -1.3 L Intel Corp INTO 28.43 o 37.9 0 28 . 0 6 -.54 -1.9 T T K EY 11.55 ~ 15.70 1 5. 0 2 -.13 -0.9 L T Keycorp Kroger Co K R 2 4 .29 ~ 39.34 3 8. 3 6 -.31 -0.8 T L Lattice Semi LSCC 5.26 o 8.19 5.00 -.39 -7.2 T T LA Pacific L PX 12.46 ~ 18.64 1 4.4 9 -.54 -3.6 T T MDU Resources MDU 1 8 .09 o — 33. 6 2 1 8 .35 + .13 +0.7 T T MentorGraphics ME N T 18.25 ~ 2 7.3 8 25.50 -.38 -1.5 T T L Microsoft Corp MSFT 4 0 .12 ~ 50.05 4 5. 9 4 -.17 -0.4 T Nike Inc 8 NKE 75.90 — 0 11 4 .70112.99 -1.01 -0.9 L L NordstromInc J WN 64.92 ~ 83.16 7 7. 2 0 -.82 -1.1 T L Nwst Nat Gas NWN 41.81 o 52.5 7 42. 47 + . 0 4 +0.1 T T L Paccar Inc PCAR 55.34 ~ 71.1 5 6 4. 9 0 -.39 -0.6 L Planar Syslms P LNR 2.50 ~ 9.17 4.08 -.22 -5.1 T T Plum Creek P CL 38.70 ~ 45.26 40.1 2 +. 0 1 ... T T Prec Castparts PCP 186.17 o 258 . 20 188.68 -3.79 -2.0 T T Schnitzer Steel SCHN 15.06 0 28.4 4 16. 2 5 -.31 -1.9 T T Sherwin Wms SHW 202.01 ~ 294. 3 5 26 7.12 -3.36 -1.2 L T StancorpFncl S FG 59.28 ~ 79.07 11 3 .45 +36.76 +47.9 L L StarbucksCp SBUX 35.38 — 0 57.00 57 .29 + . 73 +1 .3 L L Umpqua Holdings UM P Q 14.70 $ $- 18. 92 18 . 19 -.24 -1.3 T T US Bancorp U SB 38.10 ~ 46.26 4 5. 2 8 -.38 -0.8 T L T Washington Fedl WA F D 19.52 ~ 2 4.2 5 23.51 -.03 -0.1 T WellsFargo & Co WF C 4 6.44 — 0 58.77 57 .78 -.43 -0.7 T L Weyerhaeuser WY 2 9.87 o 37.0 4 29. 7 7 -.26 -0.9 T T

EURO M $ 1 .0981-.0019

CRUDEOIL $48.14 -.31


....... Close: 17,568.53 Change: -163.39 (-0.9%)



&md Focus

BkofAm AT&T Inc FrptMcM BarrickG Sprint Apple Inc




Most Active VOL (ggs) LAST CHG

SILVER $14.4 8 -.20

17,600 " 2,040.







GOLD $1,085.60 -8.40

18,400 ":"

2,160 ":"

StarbuCka (SBUX) F





Source: Fauteet

17 840 .

17,520" ""' 10 DAYS "




10-YR T-NOTE 2.26% -.01

Dow Jones industrials

2,040’ " ""'10 DAYS

Vol. (in mil.) 3,780 1,938 Pvs. Volume 3,708 1,949 Advanced 8 54 6 5 4 Declined 2295 2136 New Highs 37 50 New Lows 4 31 2 3 9





NASDAQ 5,088.63 -57.78

2 160

Consumer confidence index 100

O» To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbugetin.corn/business. Also seearecap in Sunday's Businesssection.

Foreign Exchange The dollar held relatively steady against other currencies. It inched higher against the euro and British pound and was virtually flat against the Japanese yen.

h58 88


Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ih) Palladium (oz)

L 3.12 L 4.53 L 2 26 . L 5.29 L 4 12 . L 1 93 . L 2.91

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 48.14 48.45 -0.64 -9.6 -8.6 1.49 1.52 -0.53 1.63 1.65 -1.47 -11.7 -3.9 2.78 2.82 -1.42 1.83 1.85 -1.29 +27.4

CLOSE PVS. 1085.60 1094.00 14.48 14.68 982.40 982.80 2.38 2.39 621.60 616.85

%CH. %YTD -0.77 -8.3 -1.40 -7.0 -0.04 -18.7 -0.17 -16.1 +0.77 -22.1


CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 1.43 1.43 -0.23 -13.7 Coffee (Ib) 1.22 1.22 +0.58 -26.6 -1.1 Corn (hu) 3.93 4.03 -2.67 Cotton (Ih) 0.66 0.66 - 0.12 + 9 . 2 Lumber (1,000 hd ft) 266.70 269.40 -1.00 -1 9.5 Orange Juice (Ih) 1.23 1.23 -0.16 -12.2 Soybeans (hu) 9.91 10.10 -1.86 -2.8 Wheat(hu) 5.12 5.22 -1.87 -13.2 1YR.

MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.5508 -.0012 -.08% 1.6984 Canadian Dollar 1.3 071 +.0040 +.31% 1.0747 USD per Euro 1.0981 -.0019 -.17% 1.3464 -.02 -.02% 101.83 JapaneseYen 123.76 Mexican Peso 16. 2 564 +.0573 +.35% 12.9597 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.8204 +.0027 +.07% 3.4165 Norwegian Krone 8 . 1958 +.0259 +.32% 6.2018 South African Rand 12.6389 +.1923 +1.52% 10.5321 Swedish Krona 8.5 9 14 + .0228 +.27% 6.8324 Swiss Franc .9620 +.0045 +.47% . 9 026 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar 1.3731 +.0154 +1.12% 1.0621 Chinese Yuan 6.2102 -.0177 -.29% 6.1949 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7518 +.0004 +.01% 7.7502 Indian Rupee 64.075 +.234 +.37% 60.070 Singapore Dollar 1.3723 +.0038 +.28% 1.2407 South KoreanWon 1170.70 +9.95 +.85% 1031.07 Taiwan Dollar 31.48 +.21 +.67% 2 9 .99


© www.bendbulletin.corn/business


BRIEFING Monarch proposal wins grant The community crowdfunding groupAwesome Bend namedCentral Oregon residentKatya Spiecker's proposalas the winner ofitssecond quarterly pitch nighton Monday. Spiecker's proposal, called "Savethe Monarchs," is designedto protect monarchbutterfly populations inCentral Oregon. AwesomeBendis the local chapter ofthe Awesome Foundation, a global organizationwith local chaptersthat provide microgrants tofund intriguing localproposals, according PamStevenson, founder ofthe Bend chapter. Sheaddedthat theAwesome Foundation has 77 localchapters in 18 countries. Atthe Bend event, thegrant totaled $1,000. At the pitch night, 10

trustees determinewhich of the fivefinalists would receive the$1,000. Separately, Stevensonsaid, the 75-personaudience contributed $236,and voted onwhich proposal would receivethe money. "Save theMonarchs" won both prizes. Spiecker's proposal calls for aidingmonarch populations byseeding 11 community gardensin Bend with milkweed,the

butterfly's favoritefood.

Additionally, it calls for hosting apresentation by a local monarchexpert to raise awareness.Globally, monarchshaveseena90 percent decline inpopulation since1990. AwesomeBend's next quarterly pitch nighthas been scheduledfor Oct. 20 at 6 p.m.

Bend jeweler going to Pitchfost ABendjewelery-maker has beenselected asone of11 finalists to givea presentationabout her companyAug. 4during Pitchfest, anOutdoor Industries Women'sCoalition event inParkCity, IJtah.

BronwenLodato, founder ofBronwen HandcraftedJewelry, and the otherfinalists will each getfive minutesto discuss their companies with a groupofjudges, all of whomareexecutives and leaders inthe outdoor industry, according toa news releasefrom the coalition. While thewinnerwil not receiveanymonetary investment, all finalists will get exposure tomediaand potential investors, pitch training andprofessional businessconsulting, according toKathleen Lessman,spokeswoman for the event. Lodato will becompeting againstcompanies that make apparel, lotion, apps or provideoutdoor services, suchasguiding. The newsreleasesaid her companymakes jewelry with durableand water-friendly material for active women that features simpledesigns with beautiful andclean bohemian aesthetics. Bronwen jewelry can be found in more than 75stores nationwide includingseveral in Bend,according toits website. It's alsoavailable online. — Bulletin staff reports

nvestment stu ran s esc utes oun By Joseph Ditzler

vides advice and answers to consumer financial questions

The Bulletin

On theWed

Deschutes County ranked such as how much home can a first among counties in Oregon buyer afford and the right age for luring business investment, at which to retire, Smith said. according to SmartAsset, The county index was meant an online financial advice to show where investment opcompany. portunities can be found. "People think only about inSmartAsset compiled an

SmartAsset's "Places With the Most Incoming Investments": http: //j. mp/1lsxNuR

vesting on Wall Street," Smith

recovery that followed the

business growth; growth in gross domestic product; new building permits; and municipal bond investment — to cre-

said. "Hopefully, by bringing

Great Recession. The Oregon

a little bit of attention, people will think more about invest-

Employment Department recently reported the highest

ing locally."

number of nonfarm jobs ever

ed SmartAsset include Quotid-

on the index, 7.4 points ahead of No. 2 Clackamas County.

ian Ventures, a New York City firm; Petersen Ventures, of Salt

Deschutes County "came

Lake City; and Javelin Venture Partners, of San Francisco,

out not only number one in the state, but number 128 in the country," said AJ Smith, man-

aging editor for SmartAsset.

Investment firms that fund-

according to the SmartAsset

web site. Central Oregon, including

counted in the county in June, more than 74,000. "It's a very exciting time in

the county," said Tony DeBone, chairman of the Deschutes County Commission and president of the EDCO board of directors. "Deschutes County is a leader. It goes back to our co-

mined by the change in the number of businesses estab-

variety of incentives that make

lished in each location over a

to do business, according to Economic Development for

ordinated efforts for economic development." A diverse economy represented by tourism, pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, high

Central Oregon. The state of

tech and business services,

Business growth is deter-

two-year period, according to the SmartAsset website. GDP is real growth in the local econ-

omy, adjusted for inflation. This is the first year the company compiledacounty-level investment index,

Smith said. SmartAsset pro-

Deschutes County, offers a the area an attractive place

Oregon and the county provide among others, is another tax incentives for businessstrength, DeBone said. Total es locating in the area and payroll in Central Oregon for creating jobs. Deschutes amounts to about $2.3 billion County also set the pace for job for63,000 private-sectoremcreation during the economic ployees, according to EDCO.

East CascadesWorkforce Investment Boardmeeting: Officers will beelected, transition boardactions will be affirmedandcontinued strategic planning onlocal workforce area;Central OregonCommunity College —RedmondCampus, RedmondTechnology Center,


involved creating


weighted scoresfor

each county based on I the change in the number of businesses established, real growth (inflation adjusted) in the local economy, investment in local residential real estate andcommunity investment through municipal bonds.


~ggPf Better

New building Municipal Business GDP Growth permits (per bonds Rank County g r owth (in millions) 1,000 homes) (per capita) 1. Deschutes 1.20% $1,156 15 $1,118 2. Clackamas 1.80% $2,153 8.5 $2,930 3. Crook -0.60% 8.3 $95 $16,227 4. Washington 0.60% 6.8 $2,801 $1,582 5. Hood River 0.70% $188 9.7 $345 6. Multnomah 1.80% $4,936 2.6 $770 7 . Yamhill 1.20 % $455 7.2 $521 8. Marion -0.90% 4.6 $1,495 $7,592 9. Jackson -0.10% 6.1 $274 $1,138 10. Morrow 7 . 4 0% $37 4.3 $960 Oregon average -1.1% $586 4.2 $2,534 Source: SmartAsset

Pete Smith / The Bulletin

The county population continued to grow, even during the

"Three years later, (property) valuesarecoming back.We

Great Recession, another posi-

don't want too hot a market,

tive aspect, DeBone said. "When I took office in 2011,

but it's hard to contain people' s enthusiasm."

we weren't sure we were out of

— Reporter: 541-617-7815, / ditzler@bendbulletin.corn

the recession," he said Friday.

New Chuck Taylors will be comfortable By Thad Moore

of sorts that spawned its own celebrity. "Basically, he was Converse

The Washington Post

The classic Chuck Taylor sneaker has been a lot of things in its nearly 100-year run: Basketball shoe. Rebellious teen uniform. Cultural

at the time," Abe Aamidor, e

author of "Chuck Taylor, All


Star," said in an email.

Chucks ebbed in and out of style as generations of young peoplerediscovered them, but hardly changed as the shoe


One thing it hasn't been: Comfortable. That could be changing, as Converse says it plans to release a new version of the old

business transformed around

them: Footwear became more supportive and styles more

dassic. The Chuck II will have


more support and be lighter, using technology from parent company Nike. The new version, which

Chucks remained popular even as its parent company lost money and went bankrupt

in 2001 thanks to a series of botched business deals, including a failed dothing line for Magic Johnson, Aamidor said. The shoes still sell well. Con-


arrives in stores next week,

will sport Nike's lightweight Lunarlon foam and, yes, arch support, the company says. High-tops will retail for $75, compared to $55 for the origi-

~Vgjljir/PQ r r r'

verse'ssalesjumped 18percent

nal model.


The traditional, and cheaper, Chuck Taylors aren't going away, but the redesign represents a risky bet by a brand that made its name by being unchanging. Die-hard fans have balked at even minor tweaks to the

original, and observers say Chuck Taylor purists are likely to scoff at an overhauled shoe. The company is also dipping its feet back into the competi-

tive athletic shoe business that has swelled since Converse

reigned supreme. Change can be fraught territory for Converse. Just ask E.C.

Frederick, its research and de-

The Converse Chuck II, which aims to be more comfortable than the iconic original.

velopment chief in the '90s. When the company

fashion icon is, it's supposed to be exactly like it always was,"

switched factories, looking to

said Frederick, who now runs

to fiddle with the shoes' famous exterior. "That's the thing with a

SE Airport WayandSE Salmon Drive,Redmondor 541-778-2209. WEDNESDAY Expanding YourMarket to Federal, State 8 Local Governmentwith GovernmentContract Assistance Program:Free workshop tointroduce businessowners tothe

stuff of teenage rebellion and

even if purists balk at them.

planted his basketball career

The current design dates to the early days of sneakers. Be-

in America's collective mem-

PEOPLE ON THE MOVE Thomas Sayeg, an attorney atKarnoppPetersen LLP, ofBend,wasnamedto the OregonSuper Lawyers 2015 list bySuper Lawyers magazinefor hiswork in businessandcorporate law. Erin MacDonald, an attorney atKarnoppPetersen LLP, ofBend,wasnameda Rising Star inthe practice of estateandprobate lawby Super Lawyersmagazine. Shannon Campbell has beenhiredashuman resourcesmanageratthe

fore they were Chucks — the

rock 'n' roll — they were just make a more comfortable shoe Exeter Research, a shoe design Converse's All Stars, basketwith fewer inconsistencies, its consulting firm in New Hamp- ball shoes introduced in 1917 die-hard fans — "Chuckheads," shire. "You better not screw by a company that had mostly he calls them — revolted. They with the construction or the been making galoshes. missed the imperfections in profile, at least externally." In 1934, the autograph of the rubber tape that lines the But changes underneath the Chuck Taylor, then a Converse base of the shoe. surface? Converse is betting salesman who put on basketSo the company found a that could help the shoe catch ball clinics around the country, way to put them back in, and on with people who like the was inked on the side, and Frederick says he learned not style but want more support, eventuall y hissneakerssup-

Schaeferhasover 25 years of experience innonprofit financial management. 'E Damian Fagan hasbeen hired ascommunications Sayeg M a cDonald manager atthe High Desert Museum.Prior tojoining High DesertMuseumin Bend. the museum,Faganwas Prior to joiningthe museum, an outdoor recreation Campbellworkedfor 23 instructor for CentralOregon years as amiddle school Community College's teacher, traineranddistrict Learning program. administrator. Patrick Johnson has Mary Schaefer has joined joined theHighDesert the HighDesert Museum Museum asfacilities manager. as director of finance. For thepast 15years, Johnson

has workedin construction and facilities management, most recently 'geibttrtt as the atluatic center manager at SunriverHomeowners Aquatic andRecreation Center. Gordon Welbom, managingpartner ofthe Hart Wagner Law firm in Redmond, wasnamedtotheOregon Super Lawyers2015list by Super Lawyersmagazine for his work inprofessional liability: defense.


A SmartAssetanalysis


index based on four factors-

ate a local investment index. Deschutes County scored 45.74

Deschutes Countytops Oregoninvestment list

basic tools for selling tothe government; 10a.m.;COCCChandler Lab,1027NW Trenton Avenue,Bend;www. gcap.org or541-736-1088. THURSDAY Green Drinks: A casual networking event todiscuss BCorporations business practices with localcertified

teams, Moementumand Pacific SuperfoodSnacks; 5 p.m.; Pacific Superfood Snacks, 222 SE Reed Market Road, ¹500, Bend;http:// envirocenter.org/event/ july-green-drinks-b-corps/or 54 I-385-6908. Home EnergyWorkshop: Explore howhomeowner actions canmakesignificant

impacts onenergyusage in a homeandlearn howto create anenergy-saving plan in this freeworkshop; 6 p.m.; McMenaminsOldSt. Francis School, 700 NW Bond St., Bend; www.pacificpower.net/ bewattsmartor503-813-7291. For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or visit bendbulletin.corn/bizcal

ory, a celebrity endorsement

to $2 billion in its latest fiscal year, which ended in May. That pushed it to $517 million in pre-tax profits, according to Nike, which bought Converse in 2003.

"The brand is very much on top of their game right now," said Matt Powell, an NPD

Group analyst who writes the blog "Sneakernomics" for Forbes. That's why Powell thinks it makes sense for Converse to

give a revamped Chuck Taylor a try. It's not desperate to pump up profits, but it could get a boost if people who thought the shoes were too uncomfortablebeforegivethem a second chance.

U.S. Steelbeginscalling back laidoff workers ByomoePass

tion, said U.S. Steel spokes-

(Minneapolis) Star Tribune

woman Courtney Boone in an

M INNEAPOLIS — U. S . email. Steel is i n t h e p r ocess of U.S. Steel's Keetac plant

calling back all 400 laid-off

in nearby Keewatin remains

workers at a Minnesota plant,

idled, she said. About 412 Kee-

company officials confirmed tac workers were and remain Friday. laid off from that facihty. Some 68 laid-off iron and The union a t t h e p l a nt, maintenance workers have U.S. Steelworkers, shared already been called back to the news about Minntac with the Minntac taconite pellet union members Friday in plant, based in the state's Iron an online post. Local 1938 Range about 60 miles north of President and Safety Chair Duluth, and the others should Lowell Carlon acknowledged be returning to work in about the "rough stretch" workers two weeks. have endured during the cur"Our pe l le t bal a nce rent industry downturn and throughout our North Amerthankedthem. "We can make ican Flat-Rolled f acilities it through just about anynecessitatesa restart" of the thing if we work together as a idled portions of the opera- union."

IN THE BACK ADVICE Ee ENTERTAINMENT W Volunteer search, D2 Religious services, D2-3 Support groups, D4 THE BULLETIN SATURDAY, JULY 25, 2015

O www.bendbulletin.corn/community

A smaller skateboard inspires love, scorn


Attend Deschutes County College Deschutes County residents wanting to learn more about their local government's operations canapply for a spot in the upcomingDeschutes County College program. The free course is in its fifth year. Participants in the program will tour various DeschutesCounty locations, including the jail, the clerk's office, the road department, the 911 dispatch center, the community justice center, the fairgrounds, the Knott Landfill and other

government buildings. They will also learnabout county functions, including property assessment and taxation, budget, public safety, county governance, health services, road maintenance, solid waste, community development, landuse planning, records and elections. The class is 5 to8:30 or 9 p.m. onTuesdays starting Sept. 1 and running through Nov. 3. Applications must be completed andreturned to the county's administrative office by 5p.m. July 31. For more information, call 541-388-6571 or email sharon.ross© deschutes.org.


By Courtney Rubin New York Times News Service

When Lauren Waxen-

berg, 9, isn't around, there' s one toyofhers thather

Elementary School starting in 1989. Aside but wages in that industry make it hard to from three years away at college, she has find long-term staff.

dad, Scott, likes to borrow: a tiny, pink, plastic skateboard with purple wheels. "When she's playing with a friend, I get to grab it," said Waxenberg, 52, who lives in Rye Brook, New York. His older daughters, ages 19 and 16, have had longboards for years, but Waxenberg, who skated as a child, said he never liked the feel of them. Then last summer at a surf shop on

lived in Central Oregon ever since.

He cites a recent case where it took him two months to hire a line cook at $12 per hour plus tips. Now the young man is un-

Cape Cod, Massachusetts,

able to find housing in a city where less

generally 22 inches long, as opposed to more standard

Facing fast-rising housing costs and low wages, many millennialsarefinding it hard to stay in Bend ulated cities.

By Will Rubin The Bulletin


Local business owner Josh Maquet

elissa Glidewell describes life in

owns the popular Astro Lounge in down-

Bend as "poverty with a view."

town Bend. He considers Bend to be a

The 35-year-old first moved to

Bend in 1989and attended Buckingham

Glidewell has worked a variety of service industry jobs since moving back. Sometimes she juggles two or three at a time to make ends meet.

Those long hours in the hospitality world are no longer enough.

Standing behind the bar at Broken Top Bottle Shop, Glidewell uses her tattoo-covered arms to gesture why finan-

double-edged sword of boom and bust; the tourism surge is great for business,

than 1 percent of all rental properties are vacant. When Glidewell left Bend in 2008, her rent for a modest one-bedroom house was $625 permonth. When she returned and wait tables at night to pay the bills.

when I got on it, it was like

The median income of home renters in Bend was $27,800 in 2013, according

I was 14 again."

ing here is there," Glidewell said. Her left hand hit the counter while her right hand

to the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies. The average monthly rent that

"The wages are here and the cost of liv-

stretched above her eye level as she used year: $870. them to illustrate the disparity. Glidewell is far from an outlier; adults

Even then, more than 55 percentof

Bend residents bore what Harvard calls

Bureau's American Community Survey.

Bend's total population in 2013 than five years prior, according to the U.S. Census

the city's population has ballooned to

less pay per month in 2014 than in 2007,

nearly 80,000, but not nearly as fast as older demographics. Bend has the highest

according to data provided by the Oregon Employment Department.

consider movingaway

has been in theportion of the population aged55-69.


40000 30'000

d it

79,985SSeanleThat s an increase . of 3,346 people


INCOMES IN CENTRALOREGON, 201Q-15 The rising rents meanthat 33 percent of renters in Bend spendmorethan 50 percent of their income on housing. Which is badnewsgiventhe incomerates for professions that tend toattract youngerworkers. A








~ Age 0-19


Foodservice Accomodation

St., Bend




+1,044 people




+1,257peo le

40 000 >-.-.

+2,002 people 30,000-




























$847 per month That's a 39percent increase in thepast five years.

*Estimate based on 80percent net take-home pay, working full-time, an averagemonthly rentcosts and spending no more than 30 percent of net pay on rent


201 0




PERCENTAGE OFOREGON WHO RENT AS OPPOSED TOOWNING THEIR HOUSING With rising housing costs since theGreat Recession, manypeople arechoosing to rent in increasing numbers. 38%.—.-"-.-"-.-"-.-"-.—.-.—.-"

36% 34% -














- "

. -

- "

has a 36 percent share of the under-34-inch skateboard market. Five years

ago, it had none, said Cary Allington, president of Action Watch.

The Penny board's size is its major selling point. Mantas Zvinas, 28, an in-

structor for SoulCycle who lives in the East Village, in New York City, bought a red board to ride to work, and likes that it is easy to take on the subway, to

restaurants or up the stairs. "I live on the fifth floor of a walk-up," he said. "To have a bike would be the most awful thing in the world." Katherine Benjamin, 21,




from New York University,

bought a black board with blue wheels a couple of


on YouTube and on streets in New York and by the

beach in Barcelona, Spain, where she visited while studying in Florence, Italy. "I saw 10 people come by at different times riding Penny boards," she recalled. For her, the board has

become the most practical source of aboveground transportation. "I can' t

afford a bike in this city, and Citi Bikes can be too

chunky," Benjamin said. The maker of Penny has a collaboration with Chris-

tian Hosoi, a onetime Tony Hawk rival. Yet the boards

32% 30%(-



of the shorter boards, now

years ago to commute after seeing the shorter boards


$900 .—.--.-".-"""-- " " ".y"-".-".—. 2-bedroom s ~ $600$300-


ooce;-- The686peopleages 20-34 addedbetween 2011 and 2014 go ppp l accounts for the slowest growth rate for the demographics graphed.

$1,500 -


28,990 people

AVERAGEBENDRENTAL COSTS, 2010-15 An increaseddesire for rentals in Bend hasdriven the vacancy rate to nearzero and sent rents skyrocketing. Since 2010, theaveragemonthly rent for a 3-bedroom house has risen 40percent to $1,354. $1,200-


in-a-backpack boards. The under-12 set is hopping on after having graduated from scooters.Thepriceof the boards starts at $100,

who recently graduated


Arts (Graphic designer)

their hikes for easy-to-stick-

Australian-based maker

~ Ag e 35-54

I ai

control because there'sless you have to turn and stuff," she said. Penny Skateboards are now rolling by all around. They have found popularity among college students, many of whom are ditching

search firm, — reports that the Absolute Board Co., the

POPULATIONCHANGE FOR PEOPLE 20-34, 2010-14 The working adult population in Desc hutes County ages 20-34 would appear to havediminished steadily over the past five years, but the proportion is skewedbased onan influx of older people. Millennials actually fled the county in large numbers during theGreat Depression year s from 2007-2010, but since then there hasbeenmodest growth in Deschutes Countyandtheir numbers are about17 percent of Deschutes County's population.


don't pay enough to

"It's like a little bit easier to

action-sports market re-




sisters' longboards, liked the mini-board as well.

Action Watch — a Jupiter, Florida-based

in crease ofpercent. 4 Themajority of this growth in DeschutesCounty


Lauren, who initially learned to ride on her

as little as $40.

Portland State University's Population Research Center estimates that Bend grew by3,346 people during that five-year time period for an


learned on,'" he said. "And

though knockoffs can cost


p.m. Aug. 27 at the Downtown BendPublic Library, 601 NWWall


SeePriced out /D5

A yjgjPgS Cyclo s s pf fgggpg S fpgCIS yOung adultS tO

11:30 a.m. to12:30

Have anevent submission? Contact us! Community events: Email event information to events©bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.corn. Allow at least10 days before the desired date of publication. Contact:

ferson counties took home 10 percent

median age among Oregon's 10 most-pop-

Aug. 21 at the Sisters Public Library, 110N. Cedar St., Sisters

Contact us with your events

income. Adjusted for inflation, young adults ages 19-34 in Crook, Deschutes and Jef-

1:30 to 2:30 p.m.

— Bulletin staff reports

costs morethan 30 percent of a person's

That's not to say young adults are fleeing Bend. Their numbers have grown as

Aug. 14 at the La Pine

10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.attheRedmond Public Library, 827 SW Deschutes Ave., Redmond People who can't make it to one of these events can still submit their artwork through SMART's website at www.getsmartoregon. org. The program will have its fourth annual SMART Art Show,Sale, and Social at Kendall Toyota, 61430 SU.S. Highway 97 in Bend,at 5:15 p.m. Oct. 22.

"As soon as I saw the Penny board, I was like,

Bend and move to Portland within the next two years.

Children andteenagers betweentheages of 3 and 18who want to take part in Oregon's Start Making aReader Today programwill have a chance towork on their book-inspired art projects at aseries of SMART atthe Library events set to takeplacein Central Oregonthroughout the month ofAugust: 12:30 to 1:30 p.m. Aug. 11 at the Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane, Sunriver 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.

11:30 a.m. to 12:30

boardsthat measure 28 to 32 inches. 'Oh, my God, this is what I

ages 20to 34 made up 5 percent less of a "cost burden," which is w hen rent

p.m. Aug. 25at theJefferson County Library, 241 SE SeventhSt., Madras

smaller skateboard that is

in 2011, the same house cost $1,325. She cial circumstances are forcing her to leave would work at G.I. Joe's during the day

SMART tohold art events

Public Library, 16425 First St., La Pine 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Aug. 20 at the Crook County Public Library, 175 NW MeadowLakes Drive, Prineville

he spotted the Penny — a



















>a<.34 Percent lookingto rent q4q,. The increasetrend of choosing to rent

continues after the recession ended. Sources: Portland State University's Population ResearchCenter; Oregon Office of 20%r" r " r "c r - r " r " r " r " r " c r " r " r " r Economic Analysis; Oregon Employment 2000 2005 2010 2014 Department; Harvard Joint Center for Housing Pete Smith / The Bulleti

are scorned by many hardcore skaters (and plenty of passers-by). "Penny boards are a bad thing," rising star Oscar Candon said when asked by Vice to comment on the

worst thing about contemporary skateboarding. SeePenny boards/D4



RELIGIOUS SERVICES To submit service information or announcements for religious organizations, email bulletin@bendbulletin.corn or call 541-633-2117.

SERVICES ANTIOCH CHURCH:Pastor Ken Wytsma; "Peace:How toMake Life Whole Again," part of the series "Fruit of the Spirit"; 9:30 a.m. Sunday; 7 p.m.Monday high schoolyouth group; 7 p.m.Wednesdayjunior high youth group; BendHigh School, 230 NE Sixth St., Bend; 541-318-1454 or www.antiochchurch.org. BELIEVERSBIBLE FELLOWSHIP CHURCH:Pastor Gary Breegle; "The W ord Became Flesh— Vineand Branches," based onJohn 15:1-8; 10:30a.m.Sunday;9:30a.m.Bible study; Super 8 Hotel, 3629 SW 21 st Place, Redmond; 541-974-8694 or www.believersbiblefellowship.org. BEND CHURCHOFTHENAZARENE: Pastor Virgil Askren; "Faith Works," based on James2:14-26; 8a.m. casual worship, 10:15 a.m. regular worship, Sunday; 9 a.m. (Hispanic service) Sunday; 1270 NE 27th St., Bend; 541-382-5496 or www. bendnaz.org. THE BRIDGE CHURCH: Kevin Campbell-White; morning worship; 10:30 a.m. Sunday; 2398 W.Antler Ave., Redmond; 541-460-3024 or www.the-bridge-church.org. COMMUNITYBIBLECHURCH AT SUNRIVER:Guest speaker Jess Joles; "Him WeProclaim," based on Colossians 1:28-29; 9:30 a.m. Sunday; 1 Theater Drive, Sunriver; 541-5938341 or www.cbchurchsr.org.

COMMUNITY OF CHRIST: Elder Mark Petrie; "Our Gifts Are Multiplied," based on John 6:1-21; 10:30 a.m. worship, 10:15 a.m. praise singing Sunday; 20380 Cooley Road, Bend; 541-388-1011 or www. bend communityofchrist.org. COMMUNITYPRESBYTERIAN CHURCH:Rev. Dr. John Nastari; "A Serendipity Sanctity," based on Matthew 6:25-33; 9a.m. and11 a.m. Sunday; 529NW19th St.,Redmond; 541-548-3367 or www.redmondcpc.

org. CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION: The Rev. Willis C. Jenson; "Like the Rainbow, God's Sacraments Avert God's Wrath andSave," based on Genesis 3:14-15; 11a.m. Sunday; 10 a.m. Sundayschool; Terrebonne GrangeHall, 828611th St., Terrebonne; 541-325-6773 or www.lutheransonline.corn/ concordialutheranmission. DISCOVERYCHRISTIAN CHURCH: Minister Dave Drullinger; "A New Spirit for Joy," based onEphesians 5:15-20 and Acts 2:45-47; 10 a.m. Sunday; noon Thursday sack lunch Bible study; 334 NWNewport Ave., Bend; 541-389-2272 or www. discoverychristianchurch.corn. EASTMONTCHURCH:Pastor John Nagle; "Enjoying Life's Journey," based on Philippians; 8:30 a.m.

FATHER’SHOUSECHURCH: Pastor Randy Wills; "Oiling the Hinge"; 10 a.m. Sunday; 7 p.m.Wednesday youth group; 61690 Pettigrew Road, Bend; 541-382-1632 or www.

HOLY COMMUNIONEVANGELICAL CATHOLICCHURCHOFBEND:The Rev. JamesRadloff; Bible study, 10 a.m. and 7 p.m.Wednesdays, 587 NE Greenwood Ave.; 541-408-9021 or



THE FELLOWSHIPAT BEND: Pastor Loren Anderson; "The Struggle," based on Genesis 25:19-34; 10 a.m. Sunday; 21530 Butler Market Road, Bend; 541-385-3100 or www.tfab.

JOURNEY CHURCH:Pastor Keith Kirkpatrick; "Questions About Homosexuality," part of the series "Ask Anything"; 9 a.m., 11a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday; 70 NWNewport Ave., Bend; 541-647-2944 or www. journeyinbend.corn. MOST SACREDHEART,ROMAN CATHOLICCHAPEL:Father Bernard; Traditional Catholic Latin Mass; 9 a.m. Sunday, confessions heard before Mass; 1051 SWHelmholtz Way, Redmond; 541-548-6416. NATIVITY LUTHERANCHURCH ELCA:Pastor Chris Kramer; "SundaysAfter Pentecost," based on 2 Kings 4:42-44, Psalm145:1018and John 6:1-21;9a.m. informal worship, 11 a.m. formal worship Sunday; 10 a.m.W ednesday Bible study; 60850 Brosterhous Road, Bend; 541-388-0765 or www. nativityinbend.corn. NEWPORTAVENUECHURCHOF CHRIST:DeanCatlett; "Agreeing With Each Other," based on Philippians 4:1-7; 10:45 a.m. Sunday worship; 6 p.m.W ednesdayadult Bible study; 554 NWNewport Ave., Bend.; 541-382-5242 or www. churchofchristbendoregon.corn. SAINT JACOB OFALASKA ORTHODOX CHRISTIANCHURCH: Reader services 10a.m. Sunday; 1900 NE Division St., Bend; 541-2030316 or www.saintjacob.org. SAINT PAUL’SANGLICANCHURCH:

corn. FIRST PRESBYTERIANBEND: Steven Koski; "Rhythms of Grace: Endurance"; 10 a.m. Sunday; communionservice noon Wednesday; 230 NE Ninth St.,Bend; 541-382-4401 or www.bendfp.org. FOUNDRYCHURCHOFBEND: Pastor Trevor Waybright; "A Generous Heart"; 10:15 a.m. Sunday; 60 NW OregonAve., Bend; 541-3823862 or www.foundrybend.org. GRACEBIBLECHURCHOFBEND: Pastor Phil Kooistra; "Jesus' Teaching

on ForgivenessandFaith" basedon Luke 17:1-6; 10 a.m. Sunday; 5:30 p.m.Sundayyouthgroup;63945Old Bend Redmond Highway, Bend;541728-3897 or www.gracebibleofbend.


(traditional hymn service) and10 a.m. (contemporaryservice) Sunday;

GRACEEVANGELICALLUTHERAN CHURCH:Pastor Ruppel; "God Chooses His Servants"; 10:30 a.m. Sunday; 7525 Falcon Crest Drive, Redmond; 509-899-5018 or www.

62425 Eagle Road,Bend;541-3825822 or www.eastmontchurch.corn. EMMAUSLUTHERANCHURCH, LCMS:Pastor David Poovey; 9:15 a.m. Bible study, 10:30 a.m. worship; 2175 SWSalmon Ave., Redmond; 541-548-1473.

GRACEFIRSTLUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Joel LiaBraaten; "The Invitation" and "Getting Full"; 9:30 a.m.Sunday;2265 NW ShevlinPark Road, Bend;541-382-6862orwww. gracefirstluthe ran.org.


Father John Pennington; "Welcome totheFamily,"based on Romans 8:12-17, Eighth Sunday after Trinity; 10:30 a.m. Sunday; 1108 W.Antler Ave., Redmond; 541-604-1029. UNITARIANUNIVERSALISTS OF CENTRAL OREGON: Guestspeakers; "Soul Matters: What Does It Mean to Live a Life of...?"; 10:30 a.m. Sunday; 61980 Skyline RanchRoad, Bend; 541-385-3908 or www.uufco.


WESTSIDECHURCH:Pastor Seth Waters; "Evangelism — GoMake Disciples of All Nations," part five of the series "Acts:Distilled"; 6:30 p.m.today;8 a.m.,9a.m .and 10:45 a.m. Sunday; Westside Church West Campus, 2051 NWShevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-382-7504 or www. westsidechurch.org. WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: Pastor GeorgeBender;"Evangelism — Go Make Disciples of All Nations," part five of the series "Acts: Distilled"; 10:30a.m.Sunday;W estsideChurch South Campus, 1245 SE Third St., Bend. WESTSIDESISTERS CAMPUS: Pastor Jerry Kaping; "EvangelismGo Make Disciples of All Nations," part five of the series "Acts:Distilled"; 10:45a.m. Sunday;WestsideChurch Sisters Campus, 442Trinity Way, Sisters. WESTSIDEONLINE CAMPUS: Pastor Seth Waters; "Evangelism — Go Make Disciples of All Nations," part five of the series "Acts: Distilled"; 6:30 p.m.today;9 a.m.and 10:45a.m . Sunday; www.westsidelive.org. WESTSIDERADIO CAMPUS: Caleb Brown; part 4 of the series

"Acts:Distilled"; 8:30 a.m. Sunday; Heirborne radio show on KBND,AM 1110. ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH:Pastor Eric Burtness; "The Secret of Love," part of the series "SevenSecrets of a Meaningful Life"; 10 a.m. Sunday; 1113 SWBlack Butte Blvd., Redmond; 541-923-7466 or www.zionrdm.corn.

EVENTS, MEETINGS Aug. 2 ALIVE:A family-friendly night of music, prizes and more; hosted by Mission Church;6:30 p.m.;Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 SW Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; 541306-6209 or www.facebook.corn/

M issionChurch Bend.

Aug. 3-7 BIBLEBLASTTOTHEPAST VBS: "Bible Blast to the Past" Vacation Bible School; classes for K-5 and preschool class for ages 3/2 to 5 (space is limited); 9 a.m. to noon; download and mail registration forms now; www.nativityinbend.corn/ ministry/children; Nativity Lutheran Church, 60850 Brosterhous Road, Bend; 541-815-8878.

Sept. 22 COMMUNITYBIBLESTUDY: Tuesdays at 9:15 a.m.; registration is open now; study of1 and 2 Corinthians; open to all; $35; meets at the Foundry Church, 60 NWOregon, Bend; 541-390-4093 or www.bend. cbsclass.org.

VOLUNTEER SEARCH The organizations listed are seeking volunteers for a variety of tasks. Changes, additions or deletions should be emailed to volunteer©bendbulletin. corn or call 541-383-0350.


ANIMALS AND ENVIRONMENT BEND SPAYA NEUTERPROJECT: 541-6 I7-1010. BRIGHTSIDEANIMAL CENTER: 541-923-0882 or volunteer© brightsideanimals.org. CAT RESCUE,ADOPTION It FOSTERTEAM(CRAFT): www. craftcats.org, 541-389-8420 or 541-598-5488. CENTRAL OREGONNORDIC CLUB TRAILANDSHELTER MAINTENANCE: conordicclub© gmail.corn or www.conordicclub.org. CHIMPS, INC.:www.chimps-inc.org or 541-410-4122. DESCHUTESLANDTRUST: www.deschuteslandtrust.org or 541-330-0017. DESCHUTESNATIONALFOREST: Jean Nelson-Dean, 541-383-5576. EAST CASCADES AUDUBON SOCIETY:www.ecaudubon.org or 541-241-2190. THE ENVIRONMENTALCENTER: www.envirocenter.org or 541-385-6908. EQUINEOUTREACH HORSE RESCUE OF BEND: www.equineoutreach. corn, joan©equineoutreach.corn or 541-41 9-4842. FENCESFORFIDO: LaDonna, 503314-7105 or fencesforfido.org. HIGHDESERT MUSEUM: Shannon Campbell, scampbell@ highdesertmuseum.org or 541-3824754 ext. 391. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON: Jen, jennifer@hsco.org or 541-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOF THE OCHOCOS: 541-447-7178. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRA CLUB: 541-389-91 I5. MUSTANGSTOTHE RESCUE: www.mustangstotherescue.org or 541-330-8943. PACIFICCREST TRAILANGELS: Brian Douglass, bdouglass2014© centurylink.net or 541-213-8510.


HEALTH AMERICANCANCER SOCIETY: Charlie Johnson, 541-434-3114. AMERICANCANCER SOCIETY'S RELAYFORLIFE: Lauren Olander, lauren.olander©cancer.org or 54 I-728-4378. AMERICANRED CROSS: MaryTyler, 54 I -749-4 I11. THE BLOOM PROJECT: LizTaylor, I.taylor@thebloomproject.org or 54 I-480-6312. HEART 'N HOME HOSPICE It PALLIATIVECARE:www.gohospice. corn. HOSPICEOF REDMONDSISTERS:www.redmondhospice. org or Volunteer Coordinator at 541-548-7483. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL:JoDee Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext. 5097. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL HOSPICE:541-460-4030 or Tori Schultz, tschultz@mvhd.org or 541475-3882, ext. 5327. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS— CENTRAL OREGON: Eileen White, namicentraloregon© gmail.corn. PARTNERS INCARE:www. partnersbend.org or Jason Medina, jasonm@partnersbend.org or 541-382-5882. RONALD MCDONALDHOUSE: Teresa Braun, 541-318-4950. ST. CHARLES INBENDAND ST. CHARLESIN REDMOND: 541-706-6354. VOLUNTEERS INMEDICINE: Kristi, 541-585-9008.

HUMAN SERVICES ABILITREE:volunteer©abilitree.org or 541-388-8103, ext. 217. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL:Philip Randall, 541-388-1793. ASSISTANCELEAGUEOFBEND: 541-389-2075. BEND'SCOMMUNITY CENTER: volunteer©bendscommunitycenter. org. BEND FOOD PROJECT:www. bendfoodproject.corn or Sueand

Larry Marceaux, 541-383-3112. BETHLEHEM INN:www. bethleheminn.org or 541-322-8768. BRIDGINGGAPS: bendbridginggaps@gmail.corn or 541-314-4277. CASCADES EASTRIDE CENTER: Erik Maiorano, emaiorano©coic.org. CENTERFOR COMPASSIONATE LIVING (PREVIOUSLYPEACE CENTER OFCENTRAL OREGON): www.compassionatecenter.org or Beth Hansen, 541-923-6677. CENTRALOREGONVETERANS OUTREACH: covo.org©gmail.corn or 541-383-2793. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES: Therese Helton, Therese.M.Helton@ state, or.us or 541-693-8988. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES CROOK COUNTY: Valerie Dean, 541447-3851, ext. 427. DISABLEDAMERICANVETERANS (DAV):Don Lang, 541-6471002. FAMILYKITCHEN:Cindy Tidball, cindyt©bendcable.corn or 54 I-610-6511. FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER: 541-389-5468. HEALINGREINS THERAPEUTIC RIDING CENTER: www.healingreins. org or Carly Wilson, 541-382-9410. HUMAN DIGNITYCOALITION: 541-385-3320. HUNGER PREVENTIONCOALITION: Robin, 541-408-1978. LA PINECOMMUNITY KITCHEN: 54 I-536- I312. NEIGHBORIMPACT: chrisq© neighborimpact.org or 541-5482380, ext. 106. PEACEBRIDGES, INC., BEND: www.abridgetopeace.org or John C. Schwechten at 541-383-2646. PFLAG CENTRALOREGON: www.pflagcentraloregon.org or 541-317-2334. SAVINGGRACE:541-382-9227 or 54I-504-2550. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF BEND:www.sibend.org, president© sibend.org or 541-408-9333. ST. VINCENTDEPAULSOCIAL SERVICES:541-389-6643.



ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Diane Stecher, 541-317-3186 or 541-388-6525. DESCHUTESRIVER WOODS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www.drwna.org or Barbara at info© drwna.org or 541-382-0561. JEFFERSONCOUNTY CRIME VICTIMS' ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Tina Farrester, 541-475-4452, ext. 4108. JEFFERSONCOUNTYVOLUNTEER SERVICES:Therese Helton, 541-4756131, ext. 208. LA PINERURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT:Volunteer Coordinator, 541-536-2935. ORCHARDDISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www.orcharddistrictneighborhood. corn. SCORE:Bruce Michalski, www. scorecentraloregon.org or 541-3 I 6-0662. SUNRIVERAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE: 541-593-8149. VISIT BEND: www.visitbend.corn or

541-382-8048. VOLUNTEER CONNECT:www. volunteerconnectnow.org or 54I-385-8977.

MISCELLANY MT. BACHELOR SPORTS EDUCATIONFOUNDATION / CASCADE CYCLING CLASSIC: www.cascade-classic.org or Moria Reynolds, 541-400-9510 or moria© breakawaypromotions.corn. CENTRAL OREGONLOCAVORE: Niki, 541-633 — 0674 or info© centraloregonlocavore.org. HIGH DESERTSPECIAL OLYMPICS: 54 I-749-6517. THE KILNSBOOKSTORE & BOUTIQUE:www.thekilns.corn or Jen Lewis at 541-771-8794. OREGON ADAPTIVESPORTS: www.oregonadaptivesports.org, info©oregonadaptivesports.org or 541-306-4774. SACRED ARTOF LIVING CENTER: 541-383-4179.

GOVERNMENT, CITY AND COMMUNITY THE CITIZENREVIEWBOARD(CRB): crb.volunteer.resources@ojd.state. or.us or1-800-551-8510 ext. 64535. CITY OFBEND:VolunteerNow© ci.bend. or.us or 541-388-5579. DESCHUTESCOUNTYPLANNING COMMISSION:Nick Lelack, 541385-1708 or www.deschutes.org/cd/ page/planning-commission. DESCHUTESCOUNTY VICTIMS'






Please helpus get Shea back, he ran away from our hotel, the Bend Inn 8 Suites at Third and Butler. Shea is 13 years old, is a diabetic and needs his shots. He is a tan and white Jack Russell wearing a collar. We miss him so much, if you find him please

call us at541-241-4049 or 206-409-8284.

LEAVE MVHS 9:30AM 11:30AM 3:30PM 5:30PM

LE AVE FAIR L E AVE SES LEA VE FAIR 2:30PM 9:30AM 3:30PM 4:30PM 11:30AM 5:30PM 9:00PM 4:30PM (Last bus onSun) 10:30PM(W/Th) (Except Sunday) 10:30PM(W/Th) 11:30PM(F/Sat) 11:30PM(F/Sat)

NOTE: Sunday, August 2 schedule 9:30AM 3:30PM 1 I:30AM 5:30PM


757 SWRimrockWay, Redmond LEAVE RHS 10:00AM NOON 5:00PM

LE AVE FAIR 3:30PM 5:30PM (Last bus onSun) 10:30PM(W/Th) 11:30PM(F/Sat)

Check GET/BAT schedules for arrival times at Mountain View High School. tm 4lacs All times include S esoh u fe s C ou n t l r QM%h PMDII

ADA-aCCeSSible buS.

Arts &


PRINEVILLEBLM: www.blm.gov/or/ districts/prineville/recreation/host. php or 541-416-6700. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLE BAGGING:Lexa McAllister, Imcallister@cocc.edu or 54 I-914-6676. SUNRIVERNATURECENTERA OBSERVATORY: 541-593-4442. VOLUNTEERCAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS:TomMottl, 541-416-6859.


D 8


The Bulletin




L 0

CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF REDMOND 536 SW 10th, Redmond 541-548-2974




www.redmondchristian.org Sunday Worship 9:00 am 8 10:45 am


You Are The Most Importaut Part of Our Services

Sunday School for all ages Kidmo Junior Church Greg Strubhar, Pastor Darin Hollingsworth, Youth Pastor POWKLL BUTTE CHRISTIAN CHURCH 8:30 Worship Center

"Omkar" (Aum) Hinduism

"Yln/Yang" Taoist/ Confuaanism

"Star F Crescent" Islam

10:30 Contemporary Service Worship Center 10:30 Traditional Service Historic Chapel Nursery 8 Children's Church Pastors: Chris Blair and Trey Hinkle 13720 SW Hwy 126, Powell Butte 541-548-3066



1865 W Antler

Redmond 541-548.4555 SUNDAYS

MorningWorship 8;30 am 8 1030 am Life groups 9 am Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am


Adult Classes

HOLY COMMUNION CHURCH "In the Evangelical Catholic Tradition" Father Jim Radloff Father Mark Hebert SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE 9:00 am Traditional Music Service 5:00 pm Contemporary Blend Music Service Bend Senior Center 1600 SE Reed Market Road BIBLE STUDY


Celebrate Recovery

udy: 10 - 11:30 am Morning tS

W ednesdayNITE Live Kids

Evening Study: 7 - 8:30 pm at the Church ONce 587 NE Greenwood - Bend

Youth Group Pastor Duane Pippitt



2nd Tuesday of each month Next Session August 11, 2015



We invite you to join us this weekend!

Falling Upwardby Richard Rohr Contact ra h I co m muni n end. r for more information

Come as you are, and bring the whole family. Experience loving, life-changing

REAL LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Like Hymns? We' ve Got 'em! At the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th Sunday Services 8 am

(No child care) 10:00 am Contemporary Worship Service (Full children's ministry) Sunday Night Church 6:30 pm Forinformation, please call... Senior Pastor - Mike Yunker541-312-8844 Associate Pastors Mike Sweeney 8 Jeff Olson "Loving people one at a time." www.real-lifecc.org

FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 1551 NW First St. 541-382-6100

(South of Portland Ave.) Church Service 8 Sunday School: 10 am Wed. Testimony Meeting: 7:30 pm Childcare provided. Reading Room: 1563 NW First St. Tues. through Fri.: 11 am - 4 pm Sat. 12 noon - 2 pm

community. Leam more about who Jesus is,

MorningSession: Touchmark River Lodge

and the life that he offers to each of us.

9:30 - 11:00 am Evening Session; Deschutes County Library 6:30 - 8:00 pm

Open briefly after Sunday Service


Experience the Lightand Sound ofGod "Learn to go inside yourself, because this is the source of all truth. There are a lot of holy temples out here, but the most sacred of all is the temple inside you, because this is where you meet with the Holy Spirit, the Voice of God" Harold Klemp "Spiritual Experiences Guidebook"

We havetwo venues thatmeet on Sunday

mornings, offering distinct music styles. Traditional Hymn Service - 8:30am Senior Adult Classes - 10:00 am

Upper Campus

Lower Campus

Look forward to seeing you this Sunday!

Contact us

Info@hoJycommunionbend.org (541) 408-9021


Fr. Theodore Nnabugo, Pastor www.holyredeemerparish.net Parish ONce: 541-536-3571

62425 Eagle Road 541-382-5822



16137 Burgess Rd Tuesday Mass 6 pm, Wednesdayand Friday Mass 9:00am Sunday Mass - 10:00 am Confessions: Saturdays -3:00 -4:00pm

Lovinglyhei pi«gpeopleeverywhere becomefuly

devotedfollowersof lesus FIRST MISSIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH 21129 Reed Market Rd.

Bend, OR 97702 541-382-6081


Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; Sat. Vigil Mass 5;30 pm Sunday Mass 8:00 am

You' re invited to a Worship Service: " The Connecting Power of Love" Sunday, September 12 Bend, Oregon (time and location to be announced) Coming in 2016:

an Oregon Regional Seminar "How to Survive Spiritually in Our Times" With guest speaker Rodney Jones, Eckankar Clergy, Jazz guitarist from New York City April 15-17, 2016

University Place Hotel Near the Portland State University Campus Portland, Oregon For more information www.miraclesinyourlife.org www.eckankar.org www.eckankar-oregon.org

Sunday Mass - 12:30 pm



(Nursery available) SUNDAY

Sunday School - 9:45am

(Bible Classes for all ages) Prayer Time - 10:40am

Worship - 10:50am Evening Bible study - 6:00pm Evening Worship - 7:00pm WEDNESDAY

Ladies Bible Study - 10:00am


Sunday Mass - 3:30 pm "We are a church family, centered on the Eucharist, living and sharing our faith and God-given talents and gifts." ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH

Rev. Julian Cassar Pastor Rev, Joseph K. Thalisery 541-382-3631

Bible Study and Prayer - 7:00pm www.fmbcbend.org FOUNDRYCHURCH

(FORMERLY FIRST BAPTIST) "A Heart for Bend in the Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862

Pastor TrevorWaybright SundaySchool classes are at9:00am and our Worship Service at 10:15 am This Sunday at Foundry Church, Trevor Waybright will continue in the

NEW CHURCH 2450 NE 27th Street MASSES Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM

Sunday - 7;30 am 8 10:00 AM Domingo 12:30 -Misa en Espanol Reconciliation Saturday 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM HISTORIC DOWNTOWN CHURCH Comer of Franklin and Lava MASSES Saturday 8:00 am Sunday 4:30 pm M onday Fr -iday 7:00 am F 12:15 pm

TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH Weare a community of Christians whowekome diversityin theology andworld view.


Sunday, July 19 at I:00 pm


Exposition F Benediction Monday-Friday after 7:00 AM Mass to 6:00 PM Tuesday (Family Holy Hour)


5:00 PM - 6:00 PM


WEST CAMPUS Pastor Seth Waters will share Part 5 in the

Acts: Distilled series titled "EvangelismGo Make Disciples of ALL Nations" 6:30pm on Saturday and at 8, 9 and 10:45am Sunday at Westside Church, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Rd, Bend.

July 26, 2015 at Westside ChurchSOUTH CAMPUS

Pastor George Bender will share Part 5 in the Acts: Distilled series titled "Evangelism — Go Make Disciples of ALL Nations" at 10;30am on Sunday at the Westside Church South Campus, 1245 SE 3rd St., Bend.

www.lutheransonline.corn/ concordialutheranmission Facebook: Concordia Lutheran Mission Phone: 541-325-6773 CRACE FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH 2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend 382-6862

Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (Child Care Available) Education Hour 10:45 a.m. Pastor Joel LiaBraaten Evangelical Lutheran Church in America www.gracefirstlutheran.org ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA

Worship in the Heart of Redmond Sunday Worship Services at 10:00 am Children's Room available during services

SISTERS CAMPUS Pastor Jerry Kaping will share Part 5 in the Acts: Distilled series titled "EvangelismGo Make Disciples of ALL Nations" at 9:00 and 10:45am on Sunday at the Westside Church Sisters Campus, 442 Trinity Way, Sisters.

Come Experience a warm, friendly family of worshipers. Everyone Welcome - Always. A vibrant inclusive community. A rich and diverse music

program for all ages Coffee, snacks and fellowship after each service M-W-F Women's Exercise 930 am Wednesday Bible Study at noon 3rd Thursday Women' s Circle/Bible Study I:00 pm

July 26, 2015 at Westside ChurchONLINE CAMPUS Join us at our online campus where Pastor Seth Waters will share Part 5 in the Acts: Distilled series titled "Evangelism —Go Make Disciples of ALL Nations" at 6:30pm Saturday and 9 and 10:45am on Sunday at

3rdTuesday Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner Youth and Family Programs Active Social Outreach 1113 SW Black Butte Blvd. Redmond, OR 97756. 541-923-7466 Pastor Eric Burtness

BEND MENNONITE CHURCH Sunday, 10:30 am Antioch Building 255 SWBluff D rive,Bend

July 26, 2015 Westside ChurchON THE RADIO Caleb Brown will share Part 4 in the Acts: Distilled series on the Heirborne radio show at 8:30am Sundaymorning on KBND — AM 1110

(Jewish Community of Central Oregon) A Warm and Welcoming Community Serving Central Oregon for 25 years. We Welcome Newcomers, Interfaith Families and Jews by Choice Participation Encouraged For information, call 541-385-6421 Please Visit: www.jccobend.corn

Rabbi Jay ShupackBend's First Resident Rabbi Rebbitzin - Judy Shupack Services: Torah Study Every Saturday Morning at 10 AM unless otherwise noted Friday August 28th 7PM Kabalat Shabbat Service in honor of Harrison Lowy Saturday September 5th lOAM Shabbat Morning Service, Bar Mitzvah Harrison Lowy High Holidays are just around the corner... Stay Tuned! All Services held at our Dedicated

21555 Modoc Lane (Corner of Ward and Modoc in Bend) unless otherwise noted. TEMPLE BETH TIKYAH

Potluck Suppers, Centering Prayer, Outreach, Music, Book Discussions, "Spirit" ed Conversations, Justice and Eco-Justice Activities, Women's Group and more... www.trinitybend.org www.facebook.corn/Tr(nltyBend mlnlstry@trinitybend.org 541-382-5542 469 NW Wall Street, Bend, OR 97701

Visitors Welcome! 541-241-6210

www.bendmennonttechurchCagma!I.corn Visit our Facebook page: Bend Mennonite Church

Sunday Morning Worship 8:45AMF 10:45AM

Wednesday Mid-Week Service Children 8 Youth Programs 7:00 PM

Nursery Care Provided for All Services Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur www.clcbend.corn


(3/4 mile north of High School) Redmond, OR 97756 (541) 548-3367 Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor

9:00 am Contemporary Worship 9:00 am Nursery Care 9;15 am Children 8 Youth Sunday School 9:30 am Adult Education 11:00 am Traditional Worship Fellowship following both services. Youth Group: 10:30am Sunday for Middle and High School Youth Mondays 6:30 pm Centering Prayer

is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism. Our members represent a wide range of Jewish backgrounds. We welcome interfaith families and Jews by choice. Our monthly activities include: Services, religious education for children and adults, Hebrew school, Torah study, social action projects and social activities Rabbi Johanna Hershenson SERVICES

Friday, July 31 7:00 pm — Erev Shabbat Services

THE SALVATION ARMY 541 NE DeKalb Ave. 541-389-8888 Ext. 200

Saturday, August I — 10:00 am; Bar Mitzvah of Ben Finestone Congratulations to Ben and his family

Sunday Worship: Sunday School at 10:00 AM Worship Service at 11:00 AM For Both Children and Adults

Friday, August 14Kabbalat Shabbat 8 Picnic At a private home - Call for information

5:30 pm Prayer Service

Small Groups Meet Regularly (Handicapped Accessible) Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages. www.redmondcpc.org FIRST PRESBYTERIAN BEND 230 NE Ninth, Bend

(Across Ninth Street from Bend High) Embodying Spacious Christianity Rhythms of Grace ENDURANCE

Sunday, July 26 at 10:00am Coffee 8 connecting at 930am Nursery care provided for all services Sunday School offered for morning services Kits For Kids Community Project Providing hygiene kits for homeless kids and youth Help us build and fill 1000 kits by the start of the school year Learn how you can help at www.bendfp.org

Labyrinth Moonset 8 Moonrise Walks Meet others at the labyrinth just below First Presbyterian's parking lot for a meditative walk. July 31, 9:00pm, August 29, 6:15am, September 2, 8:00pm,

October 10m orning retreat 9:00am—noon


Sunday Services: 8am and 10:15am Sunday Adult Forum: 9:15am Childcare available both services

Youth Events: www.facebook.corn/BendYouthCollective

Sunday School 2 years-5th grade Nursery 0-2 years


Synagogue Building

Wednesday Noon Eucharist (in the Trinity chapel — please use St. Helens St. entrance)

CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER 21720 E. Hwy. 20 541.389.8241

Wednesdays July 26, 2015 at Westside Church-

The Rev. Jed Holdorph II, Rector

series on "Faith and Finances." For Kidztown, Middle School and High School activities Call 541-382-3862

July 25 F 26, 2015 at Westside Church-

The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor 8286 11th Street (Grange HalI) Terrebonne, OR



Thomas L. Counts, Pastor

Bus available for Sundays

Contact us at 541-382-7504 or www.westsidechurch.org


Contemporary Service - 10:00am Children's Ministry from Nursery-5th Grade

CONCORDIA LUTHERAN WKSTSIDK CHURCH MISSION (LCMS) Westside Church invites you to join us at The mission ofthe Church is to forgivesins through any of our weekend services. No matter the Gospelandthereby grant eternal life. what your expectations are, we hope your St. John 20:22-23, Augsburg Confession time spent with us brings you a little closer XXVII1.8, 10 to understanding, knowing and growing in a relationship with Jesus Christ. In our 10 am Sunday School 11 am Divine Service opinion, that's what really matters.

HOUSE OF COVENANT Messianic Synagogue Est. 1994 We provide a congregational setting for Jews and Christians alike. If you' re interested in learnintg he Bible from a Hebrew perspective, come join us at:

Bear Creek Center 21300 Bear Creek Rd. Bend, OR. 97701 Our Shabbat Services are on Saturdaymornings at 10:00 a.m. Our ministries include:

Davidic dance and worship Children's ministry and nursery Hebrew classes Home groups Teaching from the Torah and the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) Biblical Feasts Lifecycle Events End-times prophecy Visit us on the web at www.houseofcovenant.org or contact us at 541-385-5439

and October 27, 8:00pm. Find more at bendfp.org.

The Bend Area Challenge Created to help everyone m Bend save energy The Bend Energy Challenge also enables our community to enter a nationwide energy-saving competition with a $5 million prize. Sign up at bendenergychallenge.org Vacation Bible School (VBS) Monday, July 27 - Thursday, July 30, 9:00 a.m. to NOON. Registration Fee: $10 per child/$30 per family by July 19. $15 per child after July 19. For more information contact Co-Directors: Deb Klotz, dklotzCabendtel.net; Heidi Lamb, heidilamb®me.corn or Julie Nelson, js2nelson@bendbroadband.corn. 230 NE Ninth Street, Bend, 541.382.4401 www.bendfp.org www facebook corn/bendfp Youth Events: www.facebook.corn/

bendyouth collective LIVING TORAH FELLOWSHIP

At La Roca Church 1155 SW Division, ¹D8, Bend Saturday 12:00 - 3:00 pm Worshtp/Dance Study

- Food/Fellowship Hebrew Roots Fellowship worshiping in Spirit and Truth 541-410-5337

Children Welcome www.livingtorahfellowship.corn


(In the Heart of Down Town Bend) 680 NW BondStreetBend, OR 541382.1672

Everyone is Welcome! Rev Dave Beckett


"Diverse Beliefs, One Fellowship" We are a Welcoming Congregation Sunday, July 26 at 10:30am "Soul Matters: What does it mean to live a life of....?" Lay-Led, a UUFCO Panel UUFCO is concluding our first year of "Soul Matters," a theme-based approach to Sunday worship and individual and small group reflection. Four speakers who were part of Soul Matters groups this year will share insights from their Soul Matters experience. We will also have a preview of the Soul Matters themes for the upcoming year.

Sermon: "BYOB" (Bring Your Own Bible) Our Bring Your Own Bible series continues Religious Exploration with a study of John 6:1-13, the feeding of This week in RE we will explore our the 5000. Do we look at the resources of life Unitarian Universalist identity. with an attitude that there is not enough? K-3 will explore through poetry, creating God's view is one of abundance. Even if we individual name poems. can'tsee how 5 loavesand 2 fish canfeed Grades 4-8 will explore what it means to put thousands, God provides. our faith into action. Scripture: John 6:1-13 9:00am - Contemporary Service Sunday School during the 9:00 am service 11:00am - Traditional Service Childcare provided *During the Week: Women's Groups, Men' s Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, Music & Fellowship

Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Rev. Dave Beckett firstchurchCabendumc.org

Meeting place. 61980 Skyline Ranch Road, Bend 97701 Mail;P.O .Box 428,Bend OR 97709 www.uufco.org (541) 385-3908


3100 SWHighland Ave.,•Redmond

541-548-4161 hbcredmond.org Lead Pastor Dr. Barry Campbell Worship Saturday 7 PM.

Reconciliation Tuesday 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM Saturday 8:30 - 9:30 AM

Worship Sunday 8, 9:30 F 11 A.M.


Sunday smaIl groups, all ages

Redmond, Oregon 97756

9:30F 11 A.M.

Children's Worship, preschool thru 5th grade 11 A.M. Family Night Wednesdays ]an. 7-March 18, 2015 5-5:45 PM. Dinner

6.7:30 P M.Small group studies for all ages Babies through adult Celebrate Recovery Tuesdays, 6:30 PM.


Father Todd Unger, Pastor Mass Schedule: Weekdays 8:00 am (except Wednesday) Wednesday 6:00 pm Saturday Vigil 5;30 pm First Saturday 8:00 am (English) Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am (English) 12;00 noon (Spanish) Confessions on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 5:45 pm and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 pm

Weekly Programs: Tuesday Youth Night at 5:00 PM Wednesday Women's Group at 9:30 AM Thursday Men's Group at 2:00 PM For more Information: www.facebook.corn/ TheSalvationArmyCentralOregon

Pastors Lts. Jeremy and Violet Aird NKW HOPE EVANGELICAL

20080 Pinebrook Blvd. 541-389-3436

Celebrate New Life at New Hope Church! Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am, Pastor Randy Myers

› -

Friday, August 21 — 7:00 pmErev Shabbat Services Saturday, August 22 —10:00 am; Bar Mitzvah of David Feldman Congratulations to David and his family Every Monday 12:00 - I:00 pm - Weekly Torah Study Call for information and location

For the complete schedule of Services and Events go to: www.bethtikvahbend.org Unless otherwise noted, all services are held at the First United Methodist Church 680 NW Bond Street 541-388-8826

BEND CHURCH OF THK NAZARENE 1270 NE 27 Street 541-382-5496

Senior Pastor Virgil Askren SUNDAY 9:00 am Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am Hispanic Worship Service 10:15 am Worship Service

Effective May I, 2015 4 Saturdays and TMC: $I25

5 Saturdays and TMC: $150 The Bulletin: EVery Saturday On the

church page. $25

Nursery Care & Children's Church ages 4 years - 4th grade during all Worship Services "Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM 8:30 am Sunday

Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday


each month. $25 Copy Changes: by Monday

6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study THURSDAY 10:00 am 50+ Bible Study WEEKLY Life Groups Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages. www.bendnaz.org

CO Marketplace: The FirSt TueSday Of

1 Week Priar to PubliCatiOn

Call Pat Lynch 541-383-0396 PlynChlbendbulletin.COm



Penny boards


Continued from 01

keep up with the tricks everyone was doing," he said. "Your gap between your everyday skateboarder and what the professionals were doing was just far too large."

"It was difficult for me to

The rest of his answer was

too profanity-laced to be published here though he did complain that they were just a fashion accessory and "not practical" because "you can' t

even ollie up a curb." (Ollieing is vaulting in the air, hands free, feet seemingly glued to the board.) Plastic "has never been held in high regard by professional skaters or anyone who wants New York Times News Service to do high-performance rid- Lauren Waxenberg, 9, rides her Pennyboard, a smaller type of ing," said skateboarding histo- skateboard that is generally 22 inches long, near her home inRye rian Craig Snyder, author of "A Brook, New York. Secret History of the Ollie" and a veteran rider.

Russ Howell, the 1975 free- name thathe chopped them style champion, who skat- up to use as tail skates (blocks ed in front of thousands at a of wood or plastic that prevent Beach Boys concert, actually the tail from wearing down) on endorsed a plastic board by his preferred board, which has a company called Grentec in a laminate wood deck. "That was all it was good 1975, hoping to bring skateboarding to the masses with a cheaper but still functional

product Howell, who signs his emails "Skate Forever and Serve the

Sport," said the company (now defunct) didn't live up to its promise of higher quality. He was so disillusioned with the Grentecboards bearing his

for," Howell said of the Grentec

some places you just don't take a Penny. Benjamin, the recent NYU graduate, said she' d never ride her Penny board through the skater hangout Union Square. "It's not some-

thing you go show off on," she srud.

board, still sounding frustrated Ben Mackay, 37, the founder 40 years later. "They put my of Absolute Board, shrugged name on their cheapest, lousy, off the criticism. Mackaysoft plastic, not functional, who was 5 when he got his slippery, pin tail, I-can' t-say- first board, red plastic with enough-bad-things-about-it hand-painted silver stripesboard. It really hurt my reputa- said he started the company tion in the sport." in part because skateboardEven fans know there are ing "was taking itself way too

little bit bigger and wanted a bit the '70s. more beneath their feet.") The Penny boards, he said, Hosoi dismissed the Pen-

ny-bashing as "jealousy about the business." "People who say, 'I'm a hardcorerider;I'd neverride aplastic board,' well, I don't know

were an instant hit — from the

beginning, he was selling at least a dozen every weekend.

The online response was rad, too. "We were crushing it with them online," he said.

why they' re arguing that fact," said Hosoi, whose four chilin his parents' garage in Bris- dren (of course) ride Penny bane, Australia, in 1999, de- boards and even take them to cided to try to market the ret- the skate park. "It's completely ro plastic skateboard. In June separate from their culture of 2010, he began selling Penny being a professional skater or boards — so named for his a skateboarder who wants to sister, Penny — door to door learn kick flips. It's encouragto surf and skate shops on the ing people who'd never even

Even his tough-to-impress daughter, Gabriella, then 11, thought they were cool and got one.

southeast coast of Australia.

want to skate to skate without

For a while, he said, shop owners told him the boards


convenient," he said. He's so attached to his Penny board that

Mackay, whostartedmanufacturing timber skateboards

were the most picked up but

Brian Bennett, a 20-yearold junior at FIU, owns a more

standard skateboard, but thinks the Penny has the edge for commuting. "It's smoother and more

It took s ome skateboard he bought a second one when shops a while to come around he arrivedback at school after

the least sold, because they re- to the Penny boards. sembled toys. A video Mackay Mike Hirsch, who grew up posted to Vimeo showing the skating in parks and pools in board's speed and function- the 1970s and now owns the ality while Bob Dylan plays SoCal Skate Shop in Mission ("and your gravity fails" ) pretty Viejo, California, was reluctant much solved that problem. to embrace the Penny board. Today, Penny boards, which When a sales representaare available in patterns like tive first started talking to him gold glitter, tie-dye and a jun- about the boards four years gle-ish duck print on a green ago, he said: "My first thought background, are sold in more was: 'Oh, God, this is going to than 60 countries. (Mackay be horrible. We' re a coolskatehimself rides a "nickel," a 27- board shop.'" But he gave in, reinch version he created in re- membering a Zflex fiberglass sponse to guys "who were a skateboard that was popular in

a break and realizedhe'd left

his yellow and blue board at home in Tampa. "I couldn't go a day without it," he said

Hirsch said he views the Penny boards as a great way to get more people interested in the sport. "It's almost like a gateway drug where they discover that feeling of rolling on a skateboard," he said. His daughter, for one, has moved on from her Penny board, though not to a regular board, as he'd hoped: "She's moved on to One Direction and boys."

SUPPoRT GRoUPs The following list contains support group information submitted to The Bulletin. Submissions must be updated monthly for inclusion. To submit, email relevant details to communitylife@bendbulletin.corn. ABILITREEPEER GROUP FOR PERSONSAFFECTEDBYA DISABILITY:541-388-8103. ABILITREEYOUNG PEER GROUP: 541-388-8103 ext. 219. ABILITREEBRAIN INJURY SUPPORT GROUP:541-388-8103. ADHD ADULT SUPPORTGROUP: 541-420-3023. ADOPTIVEPARENTSUPPORT GROUP: 541-389-5446. ADULTCHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS: 541-633-8 I89. AGE WIDEOPEN (ADULT CHILDREN SUPPORT GROUP): 541-410-4162 or www.agewideopen.corn. AIDSEDUCATION FOR PREVENTION, TREATMENT,COMMUNITY RESOURCES ANDSUPPORT (DESCHUTESCOUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT):541-322-7402. AIDSHOT LINE:800-342-AIDS. AL-ANON: 541-728-3707 or www. centraloregonal-anon.org. ALCOHOLICSANONYMOUS (AA): 541-548-0440 or www.coigaa.org. ALS SUPPORT GROUP: 541-977-7502. ALZHEIMER'S ASSOCIATION: 541-548-7074. ALZHEIMER'SASSOCIATION CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-330-6400. ALZHEIMER'SASSOCIATION CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUPASPEN RIDGE: 800-272-3900. ALZHEIMER' S/DEMENTIA CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-948-7214. AUTISMRESOURCE GROUP OF CENTRALOREGON:541-788-0339. BENDATTACHMENTPARENTING: 541-385-1787. BEND S-ANONFAMILY GROUP: 888-285-3742. BEND ZENMEDITATION GROUP: 54 I382-6122 or 541-382-6651. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORT GROUPS: 541-382-5882. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORT GROUPS: St. Charles Hospice; 541-706-6700. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORT GROUP/ADULTSAND CHILDREN: 541-383-3910. BEYOND AFFAIRSNETWORK: A peer group for victims of infidelity, baninbend@yahoo.corn. BRAININJURY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-382-9451. CANCERFAMILYSUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-5864. CANCER INFORMATIONLIME: 541-706-7743. CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-536-7399. CELEBRATE RECOVERYBEND:Faith Christian Center, 541-383-5801; Westside Church, 541-382-7504; centraloregoncr.org CELEBRATE RECOVERY LAPINE: Grace Fellowship, 541-536-2878; High Lakes Christian Church, 541-5363333; Living Waters Church, 541-5361215; centraloregoncr.org CELEBRATE RECOVERYMADRAS: Living HopeChristian Center, 541475-2405 or centraloregoncr.org. CELEBRATE RECOVERYREDMOND: Redmond Assembly of GodChurch, 541-548-4555 or centraloregoncr.org. CENTRALOREGON ALZHEIMER'S/ DEMENTIACAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP: 541-504-0571. CENTRALOREGON AUTISM ASPERGER’SSUPPORTTEAM: 541-633-8293. CENTRALOREGON AUTISM SPECTRUM RESOURCEAND FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP:541-279-9040. CENTRALOREGON COALITION FOR ACCESS(WORKING TO CREATE ACCESSIBLE COMMUNITIES): 541-385-3320. CENTRALOREGON COUNCIL ON AGINGCAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP:541-678-5483 Or cmcgLiire@ councilonaging.org. CENTRALOREGON DEPRESSION AND ANXIETYGROUP: 541-318-6228. CENTRALOREGON DISABILITY SUPPORTNETWORK:541-548-8559

541-728-4673. or www.codsn.org. CENTRALOREGON FAMILIESWITH IMPROVE YOUR STRESS LIFE: 54 I-706-2904. MULTIPLES:541-330-5832 or 541-388-2220. INFERTILITY SUPPORT GROUP CENTRALOREGON LEAGUE OF (RESOLVE):541-604-0861. AMPUTEESSUPPORT GROUP LA LECHELEAGUEOFBEND: (COLA):541-480-7420 Orwww. 541-317-5912. ourcola.org. LIVING WELL (CHRONIC CENTRALOREGON RIGHT TO LIFE: CONDITIONS):541-322-7430. 541-383-1593. LIVING WITHCHRONICILLNESSES CHILDCAR SEAT CLINIC (PROPER SUPPORTGROUP:541-536-7399. INSTALLATIONINFORMATION FOR LUPUS 8E FIBROMYALGIA SUPPORT SEATANDCHILD): 541-504-5016. GROUP:541-526-1375. CHILDREN'SVISION FOUNDATION: MADRAS NICOTINE ANONYMOUS 541-330-3907. GROUP: 541-993-0609. CHRISTIANWOMEN OF HOPE MATERNAL/CHILDHEALTH (WOMEN'SCANCER SUPPORT PROGRAM(DESCHUTES GROUP):541-382-1832. COUNTYHEALTHDEPARTMENT): CLAREBRIDGEOFBEND 54 I-322-7400. (ALZHEIMER'SSUPPORT GROUP): MEMORY CARESUPPORT GROUP: 541-385-4717 or rnorton1@ 541-848-4144 or acs©touchmark. brookdaleliving.corn. Com. CO-DEPENDENTSANONYMOUS MENDED HEARTSSUPPORT GROUP: BEND:541-610-7445. 541-706-4789. CO-DEPENDENTSANONYMOUS MISCARRIAGESUPPORT GROUP: REDMOND:541-610-8 l75. 541-514-9907. COFFEEAND CONNECTION CANCER MOMMY ANDMEBREAST› SUPPORTGROUP:541-706-2969. FEEDINGSUPPORT GROUP: Laura, COMPASSIONATEFRIENDS (FOR 541-322-7450. THOSE GRIEVINGTHE LOSS MULTIPLESCLEROSIS SUPPORT OF A CHILD):541-480-0667 or GROUP: 541-706-6802. 541-536-1709. NARCONON: 800-468-6933. CREATIVITY& WELLNESS — MOOD NARCOTICSANONYMOUS (NA): GROUP:541-647-0865. 541-416-2146. CROOKED RIVER RANCHADULT NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL GRIEF SUPPORT: 541-548-7483. ILLNESSOF CENTRAL OREGON DEFEATCANCER:541-706-2969. (HAMI):Email: namicentraloregon© DEFEATCANCER YOUNG gmail.corn or www. ADULT SURVIVORNETWORK: nam icentraloregon.org. 541-706-2969. NAMI BEND EXTREME DESCHUTESCOUNTY MENTAL STATES: 541-647-2343 or www. HEALTH24-HOUR CRISISLINE: namicentraloregon.org 541-322-7500. NAMI BENDCONNECTIONS: 541DEPRESSIONAND BIPOLAR 480-8269, 541-693-4613 or www. SUPPORTALLIANCE:541-549-9622 namicentraloregon.org or 541-771-1620. NAMI BENDFAMILY SUPPORT DEPRESSIONAND BIPOLAR GROUP: whitefam@bendcable.corn or SUPPORT:541-480-8269 or www.namicentraloregon.org suemiller92©gmail.corn. NAMI-CODUAL DIAGNOSIS DEPRESSIONSUPPORT GROUP: ANONYMOUS GROUP: 541-408-7568 541-617-0543. or tinasmith700@gmail.corn DIABETESEATFORLIFE!: NAMI LA PINECONNECTIONS:541541-306-6801, www. 536-1151 or karless2003@yahoo.corn. centraloregonnutrition.corn or NAMI MADRASCONNECTIONS:For Ibrizee@centraloregonnutrition.corn. peers, 541-475-1873 Or namimadras© DIABETICSUPPORT GROUP: gmail.corn. 541-598-4483. NAMI MADRASFAMILY SUPPORT DISABILITY SUPPORT GROUP: GROUP:lindamccoy79©gmail.corn. 541-388-8103. NAMI MADRASFAMILY-FAMILY DIVORCECARE:541-410-4201. SUPPORTGROUP:541-475-3299 or www.namicentraloregon.org DOUBLETROUBLERECOVERY: Addiction and mental illness group; NAMI PRINEVILLEFAMILY SUPPORT 541-317-0050. GROUP: dawnmountz©gmail.corn DYSTONIASUPPORT GROUP: NAMI REDMOND FAMILYSUPPORT 541-388-2577. GROUP: 541-548-8637 or ENCOPRESIS (SOILIMG): 541-548namicentraloregon©gmail.corn. 2814 Orencopresis©gmail.corn. NAMI REDMONDCONNECTIONS: 541-693-4613 or www. EVENINGBEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP:541-460-4030 nam icentraloregon.org. FAITHBASED RECOVERY GROUP: NEWBERRY HOSPICE OF LA PINE: Drug and alcohol addictions; 54 I-536-7399. pastordavid@thedoor3r.org. OREGON COMMISSIONFOR THE FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: BLIND:541-447-4915. 541-389-5468. OREGON CURE:541-475-2164. GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS:Redmond OREGON LYMEDISEASE NETWORK: 541-280-7249,Bend 541-390-4365. 541-312-3081 or www.oregonlyme. GAMBLINGHOT LINE:800-233-8479. Ol'g. GERIATRICCARE MANAGEMENT: OVEREATERSANONYMOUS: 541info@paLilbattle.corn Or 306-6844 or www.oa.org. I-877-867-1437. PARENTS/CAREGIVERSOF GLUCOSECONTROL LOW GARB CHILDRENAFFECTEDBYAUTiSM SUPPORTGROUP:541-771-1075 or DIET SUPPORT GROUP: kjdnrcd© yahoo.corn or 541-504-0726. www.coregondevdisgroupaso.ning. corn. GLUTENINTOLERAMCEGROUP (CELIAC):541-390-2399. PARENTS OF MURDEREDCHILDREN (POMC)SUPPORT GROUP: GRANDMA’SHOUSE:Support for 541 -41 0-7395. pregnant teensandteenmoms; 541-383-3515. PARISH NURSES ANDHEALTH GRAMDPARENTSSUPPORTGROUP: MINISTRIES:541-383-6861. 541-385-4741. PARKINSON'SCAREGIVERS SUPPORTGROUP:541-3 i 7-1188. GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP: 541-306PARKINSON'SDISEASE SUPPORT 6633, 541-318-0384 or mullinski© bendbroadband.corn. GROUP:541-419-9964. GRIEFAND LOSS SUPPORT GROUP: PARTNERS IM CARE: Home health 541-508-4036 or www.gohospice. and hospice services; 541-382-5882. corn, PAUL’SCLUB:Dads and male GRIEFSHARE(FAITH-BASED) caregiver support group; REGOVERYCLASS:541-350-6435. 541-548-8559. HEALINGENCOURAGEMENT FOR PFLAGCENTRAL OREGON: For ABORTION-RELATEDTRAUMA parents, families and friends of (H.E.A.R.T.):541-318-1949. lesbians andgays; 541-728-3843 or www.pllagcentraloregon.org. HEALTHYFAMILIESOF THE HIGH DESERT:Homevisits for families with PLAN LOVINGADOPTIOMS MOW newborns; 541-749-2133 (PLAN):541-389-9239. HEARINGLOSS ASSOCIATION:541PLANNEDPARENTHOOD: 390-2174 or ctepper©bendcable.corn. 888-875-7820. HEARTS OF HOPE:Abortion healing; PMS ACCESS LINE:800-222-4767.

PREGNANCY RESOURCECENTERS: Bend,541-385-5334; Madras,541475-5338; Prineville, 541-447-2420; Redmond, 541-504-8919. PULMONARY HYPERTENSION SUPPORTGROUP:541-548-7489. RHEUMATOIDARTHRITIS SUPPORTGROUPCENTRAL OREGON(RASGCO): 541-504-8059 or alyce1002©gmail.corn. SAVINGGRACE SUPPORT GROUPS: Bend, 541-382-4420; Redmond, 541-504-2550, ext. 1; Madras, 541-475-1880. SCLERODERMA SUPPORTGROUP: 541-480-1958. SEXAHOLICSANONYMOUS: 54 I-595-8780. SOS (SECULARORGANIZATION FOR SOBRIETY):541-410-4271 or thinkrecovery.co@gmail.corn. SOUP AND SUPPORT: Formourners; 541-548-7483. STEPMOM SUPPORTGROUP: 541-325-3339 or www. insightcounselingbend.corn. SUPPORT FORFAMILIES AND FRIENDSOFSEXADDICTS:

sanon4you©gmail.corn. SUPPORT GROUPFOR FAMILIES WITH DIABETICCHILDREN: 541-526-6690. TOBACCO FREEALLIANCE: 541-322-7481. TOPS ORWEIGHT LOSS SUPPORT GROUP:Bend, 541-633-7399; Culver, 541-546-4012; Redmond, 541-548-0480. TRANSITIONINGBACK TO HEALTH: For Cancer survivors and caregivers; Bend, 541-706-3754. TYPE 2 DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-4986. VETERANS HOTLINE:541-408-5594 or 818-634-0735. VISION MW: Peersupport group; 541-330-0715.




803 sw Industrial way, Bend, OR

716 SW 11lII St. Redmond . 541.923.4732

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BeltoneClient Satisfaction



The Bulletin bendbulletin.corn


Priced out

Stark reality:Earningshavedeclined

Continued from 01 Glidewell, who has a bachelor's degree in social science, is not content with a food-service

Average wagesfor Central Oregon millennials across all professions have fallen since the GreatRecession andfailed to recover

rarely has openings in her chosen field or the work she' s qualified to do, which would do more than pay the bills. "My goal when I went to

Young adults meeting up with peers


career. The job market in Bend

$3,000 -






school was to work with do-

mestic violence victims young women and children," Glidewell said. "I only know of one place in Bend where that' s possible, and they don't have

II00 $1 827

$1,531 $1,500 $1;289-›

entry-level positions. I'd be an-


swering a phone for less than I make now."

19 Itercent decline

-- Average wageshavefallen by $362 per month since a pre-recession high in 2006.


Fewer higher-paying jobs Not too long ago Bend provided a more stable economy

1991 '92 '94 '96 '98 '00 '02 '04 '06 '08 '10 '12 '14

for its young adults when there were many more manual labor

Sources: Will Burchard, Oregon Employment Department; U.S. Census Local Employment Dynamics Partnership

jobs, rpimarily in construction. That changed with the Great Recession in 2008 when homebuilding in Bend came to a screeching halt. In fact, jobs in construction are among the slowest growing for Deschutes County's youngest workers. Available data show that 8 percent fewer

of Deschutes County's 19- to 34-year-olds held construction jobs in 2014 than in 2007, said

State of Oregon economist Damon Runberg. Runberg was surprised current data show young adult employment lagging behind its pre-recession peak, while other

demographics are experiencingamore completerecovery. "Many young folks (who are more mobile than other demographics) will sacrifice quality of life considerations in search of a good job in larger metro areas when they can't find a job

here in Bend," Runberg said via email. "Overall, this graph looks V ERY [sic] similar to t he countywide picture, however the drop in construction jobs

Pete Smith / The Bulletin

"Those two," she said, "they know that if they wanted to enter legal practice, they'd need to

ficient to rise above paying less than 30 percent of wages for rent.

"What we've seen more of look for associate attorney positions. There simply aren't many recently is that for more kids of those here, because those who grow up here, graduate jobs have been filled and new high school and decide to stay," ones aren't coming available." Egan said, "they' re set up to be Second-year University of around the poverty line or beOregon law students Madi- low the median income level for son Simmons and Evan Mc- as long as they' re in Bend." Donough both had strong conRachael Rees van den Berg nections to Bend before intern- is the communications director ing for the city. Simmons' fam- for the Bend Chamber of Comily moved here when she was 7, merceand anativeofBend. and McDonough's did the same She returned in 2011 after after he graduated from high attending Wheaton College in school in 2009. Wheaton, Illinois, and works Simmons worked as a wait- with the Chamber's Young Proress before enrolling in law fessionals Network while also school, par for the course for devoting time to her own horse young adults in Bend. training business. "Entry-level career jobs are The organization hosts quardefinitely harder to come by in terly events for enterprising Central Oregon," Simmons said. Bend residents between the ages "It's very insular. It's almost like of 21 and 39. Parlicipants range we need a starter job before we from young financial workers to can come back and work here." startup founders, but the averThe service industry has age attendance has reduced by seen the most job market half over the last few years. "It's a big struggle to be able growth in Bend since 2008, according to 2014 data from Port- to make ends meet here, let land State University's Popula- alone if you' re going to school tionResearch Center and the or just getting out," Van den U.S. Census Bureau. Berg said. "People try to work Jobs in food service, recre- two or three part-time jobs to

was more pronounced since olderdemographics aren't as keen on swinging hammers." Sitting on a bench outside City Hall, Carolyn Egan gestured as a pair of legal interns walked into the building. As ation, hospitality and enterBend's director of economic de- t ainment have risen in l i n e velopment, she's watched as the with Bend's increasing tourism demand for entry-level jobs has profile .The median wages for fast outpaced supply. thosefour sectors are not suf-


make rent and maintain a lifestyle that drew them to Bend." She and the council view

Bend hit all 20 markers Lisa Maruna wanted in anewplace to live. Endless outdoor activities, a hopping beer culture, multiple dog parks, an eclectic food scene and plenty of interesting options for entertainment. "It's such a desirable place," Maruna said. Plus, "when I moved, (I had) the ability to buy a house, it madeperfect sense." Maruna left Oakland, California, and headed toCentral Oregon to makethe next step in her career, opening her own Montessori school for preschoolers. When she arrived, shefound it nearly impossible to make business or social contacts her own age. Acombination of social and economic factors made it hard to find a like-minded crowd outside of a downtown lounge or club. Sensing an opportunity to fill a void in the community, she started the BendYoung Hikers and Bikers group onMeetup. corn in September 2014. With participant agecapped at 39 years old, membership quickly grew to include hundreds of young adults looking for a reliable outlet wherethey could better connect with their peers. "Retired folks like to plan only their own recruitment, but also the revitalization of Bend's

young economy as a whole. Research has shown that four-year colleges are among the most consistently positive contributors to an urban area's economy. A 2005 study of Cla-

remont Graduate University in Claremont, California, showed the school brought more than

$10 million to the town of 34,000.

Oregon while her boyfriend fights area wildfires. Her first experience with the young adult group occurred earlier this month. More than 20 people playedvolleyball in the sand while listening to Lyle Lovett's concert in the Les Schwab Amphitheater. "I' ll definitely be back," Deines said afterward. "I'd love to make somelong-term connections, and finding fun things to do when I'm not studying is great!" Since its inception, people have used thenewsocial outpost for many purposes: asa social outlet, a dating pool, business networking and more. Maruna met her boyfriend when he showed up tooneof the first group hikes. Sheplans to start another hiking group with the other couples whomet during her group's activities. So far, there havebeenfour hookups. "Lots of single people who just moved to Bend recently seem to show up," Maruna said. "Overall, it's become exactly why I created the group; I was a single womanmoving here at 32 and didn't know anybody. Now there's a place

If yougo What:Bend YoungHikers and Bikers group onMeetup.corn When:Weeklyevents (see schedule online for details) Where:Outdoor locations around the Bendmetro area Cost:Varies (usually free) Contact:www.meetup. corn/Bend-Young-Hikers-

20s-and-30s/ hikes for 6 in the morning; we'd rather get there around 10," Maruna said. Gatherings range from floating the Deschutes River during the Sheryl Crow concert earlier this month to bi-monthly sand volleyball matches. Like Maruna, the majority of attendees moved to Bend in the past couple of years andwere at a loss for a social life before joining. "I joined the group definitely to meet people myage," said 30-year-old Crystal Deines. It' s a lot harder to meet people my age here than in LosAngeles." Deines, a graduate student, spends her summers in Central

for that." — Will Rubin

To others, Bend is teetering gy sector begin to take root in on becoming a commuter reBend, more jobs should emerge sort town in the same vein of as area businesses grow to Colorado's Aspen and Vail. "If we want to make it an meet the requisite population demands. elitist community, we' re well Runberg's data show strong on track to do that," Maquet growth in Deschutes County's said, "but I don't know where health care sector; entry-level these people are going to live. It jobs that don't necessarily pay doesn't need tobe like that." well but have more opportunity — Reporter: 541-382-181I, for careeradvancement than wrubin@bend bulletin.corn waiting tables. Today, however, Bend has become more of a second-job, markets such as the technolo-

Colleges also provide a stable of young, educated workers, something Van den Berg and second-home city, economists others believe Bend is in dire say. Population and economic need of. growth are strong without a "We need a larger, local, edu- young workforce. cated workforce to draw from," To some, it simply may not be Van den Berg said. "OSU will in Bend's best interests to risk bring new business; they feed the demographic it can count off each other. Young profes- on. "Speaking personally," Egan sionals are the future of Bend; they need to be the future of

the proposed OSU-Cascades Bend." campus as a critical tool for not As more modern, diverse

said, "I wouldn't want to subsi-

dize something if it just doesn' t fit in here."

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H o me I n t e ri o r s

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a e-ni

is oo in ess oiica


Lichter found that, while at "Late Night," Fallon had about

By Meredith Blake

half as many political jokes as from Craig Kilborn in 1999, Letterman or Leno — a trend few could have predicted the that appears to have continued host of the short-lived "Jon since he moved to "Tonight" Stewart Show," would make "The Daily Show" essential last year. This September, two more election-year viewing. And big changes are in the offing perhapseven fewer might have that could reduce the Beltway guessed that he'd become "a chatter in late night. thought leader for this generaOn Sept. 8, Colbert will leave tion," said Michael Steele, forbehind his highly political mer chairman of the Republi-

Los Angeles Times

NEW YORK — There was

a time not so long ago when it would have been inconceiv-

able for a sitting president to visit any late-night talk show, much less one on basic cable.

But President Barack Obama did just that Tuesday nightfor the third time as chief ex-

ecutive — to bid farewell to Jon Stewart, who leaves "The Daily Show" next month.

In their years on the air, Stewart and his peers David

ties, to the job. When Stewart took over

Evan Vucci /The Associated Press

"Colbert Report" persona to take over for Letterman. At Comedy Central, Col-

can National Committee and once a frequent target of Stew-

art's mockery. Though Stewart has con-

bert engineered a new form of participatory satire with Letterman, Jay Leno and Stehis Bill O'Reilly-esque charphen Colbert have mined the acter, running for president campaign trail for countless "The Tonight Show With Jay junkie, Leno used his Average twice, forming a super-PAC to punch lines and transformed Leno." "They' re taking the tem- Joe perspective to make light educate viewers about the Sulate-night comedy into a criti- perature of the public, but ... of D.C. dysfunction, solidifying preme Court's Citizens United cal arbiter in the political con- they can also reset things a bit." his ratings lead over Letterman decision and even testifying versation. In stark contrast to Political operatives from in the Monica Lewinsky era. on Capitol Hill — in characthe Johnny Carson era, it is both parties have long kept His bipartisan sensibility ter, naturally — about migrant now routine for D.C. players to

President Barack Obama talks with Jon Stewart during a taping of "The Daily Show" on Tuesday.

a weather eye on late-night

appear in the guest chair. TV. Lee A twater, President But a mere six months be- George HW. Bush's famously fore the first vote is cast in shrewd 1988 campaign manIowa, late night is in the midst ager, checked in with Carson' s of a massive transition of pow- monologues to see how the er. The incoming generation of candidates were faring with hosts is generally less political ordinaryAmericans.In 2000, than the one it is replacing, a Al Gore'sadvisers referred to

— an exception to the rule in

left-leaning late night, according to research by Lichtermade him a favorite of Republicans. Indeed, actor Arnold S chwarzenegger used t h e "Tonight Show" to announce he would seek the Republican nomination for governor of

California in 2003. sions far beyond the office wa- sion of him on "Saturday Night Leno was succeeded by JimLive" to make him aware of ter cooler. my Fallon, who so far seems L ate-night shows ac t a s how humorless and wooden he reluctant to allow partisan both a "thermometer" and a seemed to many voters. rancor to spoil the fun-house shift that could have repercus-

Darrell Hammond's impres-

"thermostat," said Jon Macks,

That adds significance to the

atmosphere of his show. His

tinually balked at the idea he

is anything more than a comedian, as host of "The Dai-

ly Show," he has gained such stature that the New Y o rk Times likened him to "mod-

ern-day equivalent of Edward R. Murrow."

Stewart's absence is going

workers. "Colbert's the most overt-

to be felt acutely in 2016, par-

ticularly by those on the left who saw him as a galvanizing figure and helped many of his segments — including, most

ly political talk-show host," Lichter said, "and he's walking into a show that is the most

different from what he's done recently, his heartfelt lament before." over the church shootings in Then on Sept. 28, Trevor Charleston, S.C. — go viral. "The truth is that the loss Noah, a relatively unknown c omic f ro m S o ut h A f r i ca of the existing 'Daily Show' whose stand-up draws from and 'The Colbert Report' has his experiences as a mixed- taken away a big, one-two race child raised during apart- politics-centric punch in late heid, picks up the mantle of night," said Frank Rich, a col"The Daily Show" from Stew- umnist for New York magaart. He will bring a unique take zineand executiveproducerof on race and cultural identity, if the White House satire "Veep."

a Democratic campaign con- generational handover that be- emphasis on games and musultant who also spent 22 years gan last year, when Jay Leno sical parodies means fewer writing jokes about politicians stepped down as host of NBC’s punch lines drawn from the not an exhaustive understandon both sides of the aisle on "Tonight Show." A political headlines. ing of American electoral poli-

Hus an 's eat wei sonwie

"No one else is as politically at-

tuned as those two shows."

MOVIE TIMESTODAY There may be an additional fee for 3-D and IMAXmovies Movie times are subject to change atter press time. I

ble 88-year-old man alone? Min- to be concerned about your fugiver for my husband, "Earl." We dy will put him in a nursing home ture. That's why, before making were both widowed when we mar- and sell the house to pay off her any decisions, it is important you ried nine years ago. His daughter, credit card debt — some of it, be- consult a lawyer and learn what "Mindy," hasn't talked to her fa- cause the house isn't worth much your rights are as a wife in the ther for six years — hasn't called, money. state of Florida. You should not emailed or even sent a birthday Earl says, "Don't leave me, I have to worry about being thrown card. If he tried callneed you!" W ell, out into the street because Earl' s ing her, she wouldn' t w hat a b ou t me ? daughter has money problems Where is my life and and is looking to cash in. If you pickup. DEAR R ecently, Ea r l my security? I'm get- love your husband, your place is had a serious health ting older. If he lives beside him for as long as the good problem resulting in another 10 years, it lord allows. a colostomy bag. I will take a toll on my Dear Abby:I am 16. I came home take care of everything. When he health, and I' LL be moving'? from a date and my mom is flipcalled to tell Mindy, her husband Should I seek compensation for ping out over my hickies. I think answered the phone and said she my caregiving? I pay all my own this is stupid. These are my first wasn't home. When my husband expenses. I don't pay rent. That ones, and my parents are making told him about his health, the son- was the main concern from his a big deal about it. What do you in-law said OK — nothing more. relatives when we got married. I think'? Then Earl invited the whole family was a widow and had a job and a — Marked in Newark, Del. to come here. Again, the response condo, which I sold. I put the monDear Marked: I think it's time was, "I don't know." ey in the bank and used cash to you had a talk with your parents After Earl hung up, I said, "I pay for a new car, a computer, a about why they reacted the way think it's time Mindy came here wheelchair for my husband, etc. they did, so they can explain it to Don't I have to plan for my futo take care of you." (Six years ago you. Your hickies aren't what upshe told my husband, "Dad, if you ture in my old age? Or should I set them. They are worried about die first, I' ll get that woman out of leave it up to God and hope He you because they are afraid of the house in three days!") takes me before my husband? I what the hickies may lead to — if Abby, must I wait for this to hap- need your advice. they haven't already. — Worried Wife in Florida pen or should I just pack my stuff — Write to DearAbby at dearabby.corn and move out, leaving a vulneraDear Worried Wife:You' re right or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA90069 Dear Abby: I am the 24/7 care-


URDAY, JULY 25, 2015:This year you will need to reconsider how you handle your finances and your feelings. Sometimes you might go overboard. In the next few months, take an honest look at your behavior in this regard. If you are single, try not to start dating until mid-September; otherwise, you could be dealing with some garsshow the Icing difficult issues. If of dsy yon’g hsvo yo u are attached, ** * * * D ynamic the two of you will ** * * p ositive find out how much ** * Average you enjoy interact** So-so ing with each other. Your home and * Difficult

finances become

high priorities. You are likely to receive a pay raise or promotion. SCORPIO might not share as much as you would like.


** * You might feel imposed upon by a family member. It appears as if you have little choice at the moment, unless you want to create some uproar. Do ARIES (March21-April 19) ** * * You could be in a position where yourself a favor and detach from the here and now. Be careful with how you you must follow someone else's lead. choose to express yourself. Tonight: In A sudden insight will occur when you the limelight. attempt to see life from a different perspective. Your willingness to walk in an- VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) other person's shoes makes you a sure ** * * You are able to move a situation winner. Tonight: Go along with a friend' s to a better place than you originally suggestion. thought possible. A conflict evolves between a loved one and a dear friend. It' s TAURUS (April 20-May20) ** * * Defer to others, as nearly evtime step away from the battlefield. You eryone thinks he or she has better ideas realize that disagreements often result than you do. Your ruling planet, Venus, from misunderstandings. Tonight: Be a starts doing a backward Iig and initiates fiery spirit. a period where you might feel less than LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) great. Resist making major decisions ** * Sometimes you are not aware of for the next few months. Tonight: Be the impact of a situation and its longgraceful. term ramifications. At this time, it might GEMINI (May 21-June20) be wise to let go and indulge yourself. ** * * You have a lot of ground to You could be in the process of juggling cover. A child or loved one seems to be many responsibilities, but eventually you out of sorts. You might try to help this will land well. Tonight: Share more of

• AVENGERS: AGE OFULTRON (PG-13)2 MAD MAX:FURYROAD(R) 6 MAX(PG) ffa.m. TED2(R)9 • Younger than 2t may attend ail screenings if accompanied byalegalguardian.


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dsc. 21) ** * * You could be in a position where you will have to make the same decision you made just a little while ago. You might be dismayed to be in that situation, but you will handle it well. A loved one, on the other hand, might not handle it as well. Tonight: Try not to be out of control.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * * F riends will insist that you join them, to that extent that you might feel as if you have no choice. A matter involving a higher-up could become dominant over the next few weeks. You might need to fill in for this person or do some negotiating. Tonight: Where your friends are.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fed. 18) ** * * You are on top of a situation that makes you feel less than great. Though you might not be sure of yourself or know the best way to proceed, trust your instincts. Reach out to someone at a distancewhom you don'talwaysgetto connect with. Tonight: Try a fun, new spot.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March20) ** * * * O ne-on-one relating demands a whole new type of interaction. You might not be sure of yourself, but experience certainly will help. Allow someone elseto giveyou m uch-needed feedback. You' ll understand where this person is coming from. Tonight: Play it loose and

easy. © King Features Syndicate

8 p.m. on 6, "NCIS: LosAnge› les"— When Julie Chen (" The Talk," "Big Brother" ) makes a

guest appearanceona series,

it's usually as herself, but she takes a dramatic role in "In the Line of Duty." She plays an American diplomat who almost becomes a victim of a terrorist attack in Tunisia. After Callen and Sam (Chris 0 Donnell, LL Cool J) are sent there to collect evidence covertly, they need her help to fill in some of the blanks. 8 p.m. on HALL, "Cedar Cove" — In the new episode "AHelping Hand," Jack (Dylan Meal) pres-

sures Olivia(AndieMacDowell)

to move in with him, which only leaves her feeling less sure that she can trust him. WhenJack's work summons him to Seattle, Olivia finds herself spending more time in CedarCovewith new district attorney Paul Watson (guest

star ColinFerguson).Grace(Teryl

Rothery) can tell daughter Maryellen (Elyse Levesque) is hiding something when the latter turns up for an unscheduled visit. gp.m. on68, "Aquarius" A secret that is about to be exposed concerns the detective who's been trying to conceal it in the new episode "It's Alright Ma (I'm Only Bleeding)." Hodiak (David Duchovny) does what he can to ease the situation. Shafe's

(Grey Damon)probeof a hero-

in-related case takes a big turn. Gethin Anthony, EmmaDumont and Claire Holt also star. Chance Kelly, Jason Ralph and Ambyr Childers guest star.

9 p.m. on 6, "Scorpion" Music is a major matter in "Risky Business," to the degreethat Scott "Kid Cudi" Mescudi and Cliff "Method Man" Smith guest star. Their characters figure into the

team's probeof a music blogger's

murder, leading to an algorithm that yields hit songs. Walter (Elyes Gabel) is in atough spot when he's asked by Drew(guest star Brendan Hines) to be the latter's conduit to Ralph (Riley B.Smith). 9 p.m. on SYFY, Movie: "Lav› alantula"— Forget about your run-of-the-mill arachnophobia, this 2015 thriller finds Los Angeles beset by a new, huge and lethal form of spider: the lavalantula, which has come erupting by the score out of ancient and previously dormant volcanoes in the Santa Monica Mountains. Snorting lava, these enormous arachnids pose a deadly threat to L.A., unless a '90s action-movie has-been (Steve Guttenberg) can stop them. 0 Zap2it

p4maeooat, VALUE 30"Range ¹ACRsrsOBAvtr


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CANCER (June21-July 22)

LEO (July 23-Aug.22)

Regal Old Mill Stadium61& IMAX, 680 SWPowerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 ANT-MAN(PG-13)12:10, 2:15, 3:25, 7:20, 7:55, 10:30 ANT-MAN3-D (PG-13) 1f:25 a.m., 5, 10:40 ANT-MAN IMAX3-D (PG-13) I, 4, 7:10, 10:25 INSIDE OUT(PG)11:10 a.m., 2:15, 4:45, 7:35, 10:05 JURASSICWORLD(PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 7:05 JURASSICWORLD3-D (PG-13) 3:05, 10:05 MAGIC MIKEXXL(R) 12:30, 3:30, 7:25, 10:45 MINIONS(PG) 1f:30 a.m., 2, 4:30, 7:f 5, 9:50 MINIONS3-D(PG)12:15,2:45,6,9 MR. HOLMES (PG) f 1:45 a.m., 3:15, 6:45, 9:15 PAPER TOWNS (PG-13) 11a.m., 1:45, 4:45, 7:30, 10:15 PIXELS(PG-13)12:15, 3:10, 7, 9:45 PIXELS 3-0(PG-f 3) 12:20, 3:25, 7:20, 10:20 SOUTHPAW (R) 12:30, 3:45, 7:45, I 0:35 SPY(R) 11:25a.m.,3,6:40, 10 TERMINATOR GENISYS(PG-13) f f:50 a.m., 3:f 0, 6:55, 9:55 TRAINWRECK (R) l2:45, 3:40, 6:55, f0:10 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21)

person mellow out, but you could find it difficult. During the next few weeks, you will be witness to an adjustment in your relationship. Tonight: Get some exercise. ** * * You might be more playful than many others are right now. A family member could be out of sorts — get ready for some tantrums. Schedule some time with a loved one, and you both will benefit from the time spent together. Share a fun story. Tonight: Be willing to take a risk.


yourself. ** * * You might make an uncomfortable choice. Question your reasoning, because more often than not your intuition isn't exactly right-on. Your response is an alert that maybe you need to head in a different direction or resolve a situation differently. Tonight: Out with friends.

By Jacqueline Bigar


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Redmond Cinemas,1535 SWOdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 ANT-MAN(PG-13) 1f:30 a.m., 2, 4:30, 7, 9:30 MINIONS(PG) 1f:45 a.m., 2, 4:f 5, 6:30, 8:45 PIXELS(PG-13)noon, 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9 TRAINWRECK(R)I:I5,4,6:45,9:30 Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 ANT-MAN(PG-13)2:45, 5:15, 7:45 MINIONS(PG) 2:30, 4:45, 7 PAPERTOWNS(PG-13) 2:30, 5, 7:30 TRAIN WRECK (R) 2:45, 5:15, 7:45 Madras Cinema 5,110f SW U.S.Highway 97, 541-475-3505 ANT-MAN(PG-13)f:20,4:10,7,9:40 MINIONS(PG) l2:30, 2:45, 5, 7:10, 9: l5 PAPER TOWNS (PG-13) 1:50, 4:20, 6:50, 9:20, PIXELS(PG-13) noon, 4:55, 7:30 PIXELS 3-0(PG-f 3) 2:25,9:50 TRAINWRECK(R)I:I5,4,6:45,9:30 Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014



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The 2015 COBA Tour of Homes TM is heading into its last weekend, but the winners were announced Wednesday, July 22. At the top of the heap is Pacwest Builders 4,732 square foot house in North Rim. With custom walnut cabinetry and views of the mountains from all public spaces, the house won Best of show in its category, as well as Best Value and Best Kitchen. Meanwhile, in the Amerititle Chefs on Tour event that took place Tuesday, July 14, DC Graham Construction won Best Kitchen and Broken Top Bottle Shop's Matthew Cobb won Best Chef. Read on to see who nabbed awards this year, and then make plans to stop by t h e w i n ning houses this weekend. Congratulations to all the winners! ." ~ ~ NBA' : :,I lEi' i & I


2: 4 3 3

-Fho by Iti.Ore~~, C

81 million+

8620 000 - 8650 000

Best Feature- SunForest Construction (¹40) Outdoor Living

Best Feature- R.D. Building R Design (¹43) Water feature

Space R Media room

Best Master Suite- R.D. Building R Design (¹43) Best Value- R.D. Building K Design (¹43) Best Architectural Design- SolAire Homebuilders (¹16) Best Kitchen- SolAire Homebuilders (¹16) Best Interior Finish- SolAire Homebuilders (¹16) Best of Show- SolAire Homebuilders (¹16)

Best Architectural Design- DC Graham Construction, LLC (¹37) Best Landscaping- DC Graham Construction, LLC (¹37)

Best Master Suite- Norman Building R Design (¹10) Best Garage- Norman Building k Design (¹10) Best Interior Finish Norman Building R Design (¹10) Best Value- Pacwest Builders (¹9) Best Kitchen- Pacwest Builders (¹9) Best of Show- Pacwest Builders (¹9)

8 430 00 0 - 8 5 0 0 0 0 0 Best Landscaping- Sage Builders, LLC (¹1) Best Master Suite-Powell Builders (¹3) Best Interior Finish Pahlisch Homes (¹31) Best Feature- Pahlisch Homes (¹31) Laundry Room Best Value- Pahlisch Homes (¹31) Best Architectural Design-Pahlisch Homes (¹31) Best Kitchen- Pahlisch Homes (¹31) Best of Show- Pahlisch Homes (¹31)

8525 000 - 8600 000

8845 000 - 81 million Best Feature- Madrone Construction (¹45) Mahogany deck Best Kitchen- R.D. Building R Design (¹44) Best Architectural Design- Dave Hasenoehrl Homes, LLC (¹42) Best Interior Finish Structure Development NW (¹18) Best Master Suite- Structure Development NW (¹18) Best Value- Structure Development NW (¹18) Best of Show- Structure Development NW (¹18)

8699 000 - 8780 000 Best Master Suite- Structure Development NW (¹12)

Best Kitchen- Pahlisch Homes (¹35) Best Feature- Thomas Clarke Construction, LLC (¹46) Best Garage- Thomas Clarke Construction, LLC (¹46) Best Interior Finish- Thomas Clarke Construction, LLC (¹46) Best Architectural Design- Choice One Builders (¹32) Best Value- Choice One Builders (¹32) Best of Show- Choice One Builders (¹32)

Best Value- Stonebridge Homes NW (¹39) Best Architectural Design- Stonebridge Homes NW (¹39) Best Master Suite- Stonebridge Homes NW (¹39) Best Feature- Tripleknot (¹20) Outdoor living space Best Kitchen- Tripleknot (¹20) Best Interior Finish- Tripleknot (¹20) Best of Show- Tripleknot (¹20)

8 450 00 0 - 8 5 0 0 0 0 0 Best Landscaping- Sage Builders, LLC (¹1) Best Master Suite- Powell Builders (¹3) Best Interior Finish- Pahlisch Homes (¹31) Best Feature- Pahlisch Homes (¹31) Laundry Room Best Value- Pahlisch Homes (¹31) Best Architectural Design-Pahlisch Homes (¹31) Best Kitchen- Pahlisch Homes (¹31) Best of Show- Pahlisch Homes (¹31)

8 259 000 - 8 510 0 0 0 Best Landscaping- Woodhill Homes („30) Best Feature- Pahlisch Homes (¹4) Loft Best Interior Finish-Pahlisch Homes (¹4) Best Value- Pahlisch Homes (¹4) Best Kitchen- Hayden Homes (¹5) Best Master Suite- Hayden Homes (¹5) Best Architectural Design- Hayden Homes (¹5) Best of Show- Hayden Homes (¹5) G reen Buil di n Aw a r d Under $400,000 - Arbor Builders (¹6) $400,000 - $620,000 Greg Welch Construction (¹14) Over $620,000- SolAire Homebuilders (¹16) Chefs On Tour Best Chef Matthew Cobb, Broken Top Bottle Shop Best Kitchen

DC Graham Construction, LLC

~i n d e r m ere ... Re-defining the Standard pf excellence in the Real Estate Industry. Tona Restine and Lawnae Hunter are happy to welcome Dean Vogt as a Broker in the Windermere Bend office. Formerly licensed in Florida, Dean brings a strong background in sales and service to the firm. Whether you are buying or selling, Dean is qualified to assist you through all phases of your transaction. tomer satisfaction. Their unique atmosphere of teamwork and collaboration is not alwaysfound in this industry. Theseare some of the reasonsI chose Windermere; now let me show you how their commitment to "re-defining excellence in the real estate industry" can benefit you! — Dean V ogt . deanvogt@windermere.corn .541.977.4702


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RENTALS 603 - Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - Roommate Wanted 616- Want To Rent 627 -Vacation Rentals 8 Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condominiums 8 Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634- Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 638- Apt./Multiplex SE Bend 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for Rent General 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend 652 - Houses for Rent NW Bend 654- Houses for Rent SE Bend 656 - Houses for Rent SW Bend 658- Houses for Rent Redmond 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 660- Houses for Rent La Pine 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 664- Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space 682 - Farms, Ranches and Acreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705 - Real Estate Services 713- Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740 -Condominiums & Townhomes forSale 744 - Open Houses 745 - Homes for Sale 746- Northwest Bend Homes 747- Southwest Bend Homes 748 - Northeast Bend Homes 749 - Southeast Bend Homes 750 - Redmond Homes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756- Jefferson County Homes 757 - Crook County Homes 762 - Homes with Acreage 763- Recreational Homes and Property 764 - Farms and Ranches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land

Aptmultiplex NEBend




Roommate Wanted Room for rent in house in Eagle Crest, Redmond. Elderly lady preferred. Rent: $400. Call 541-280-0892. 632

Apt./Nlultiplex General CHECK YOURAD

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Commercial/Investment Condo/Townhomes Properties for Sale for Sale


H o mes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

1800+ sq.ft. Custom SE 16 Acre horse property A ffordable NE B e nd Own a piece of Oregon Bend home on 0.25 + guest house w/ single level home in a history, the old 21-C Stoneridge PUBLISHER S Commercial Building in acre lot. Ad ¹2092 Cascade views. great cul - de-sac. Hodecker home. NOTICE T errebonne, OR. 2 Condo, Sunriver. AD¹1022 AD¹1582 Ad ¹1722 All real estate adver- buildings; 2160 sq.ft. $40,000. 2 Bdrm, 2.5 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn tising in this newspa- and 1728 sq.ft. Curbath, 1896 sq. ft., 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty High Desert Realty High Desert Realty per is subject to the rently being used as 20% shared owner541-312-9449 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 www. Ben dOregon F air H o using A c t warehouses. Paved ship. RealEstate.corn www. BendOregon www. BendOregon www. BendOregon which makes it illegal driveway and parking. Mike Ashley, RealEstate.corn RealEstate.corn RealEstate.corn to a d vertise "any There is a half bath Broker 541-280-4940 FIND IT! preference, limitation and office in the large Berkshire True pride of Custom 3000+ sq.ft. SIIY IT! or disc r imination building. Current use Hathaway Home ownership shows Bend home and shop $340,000 Sp a a ous SELL IT! in the based on race, color, is approved. Change Services Northwest gorgeous beauty. on 4.4 + acres. ness with style. 4 religion, sex, handi- of use should be veriReal Estate The Bulletin Classifieds Ad ¹2032. Ad ¹1002 Bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2630 cap, familial status, fied and approved by Riverfront living downTEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn sq.ft., hardwood, gran marital status or na- Jefferson Co u nty. town. Come enjoy the River Front & owner High Desert Realty High Desert Realty ite, and tile, stainless terms. Ad ¹3102 tional origin, or an in- $199,500. MLS lifestyle in this 2 bed541-312-9449 541-312-9449 appl., new e xterior TEAM Birtola Garmyn tention to make any ¹201409760 www. BendOregon www. BendOregon paint, fenced y ard room, 2 bath 1351 sq. High Desert Realty such pre f erence, Bobbie Strome, RealEstate.corn RealEstate.corn with dog run. f t. condo w it h a t 541-312-9449 limitation or discrimiPrincipal Broker Tina Roberts, Broker tached garage plus a www. BendOregon Advertise your car! nation." Familial staJohn L Scott Real 541-419-9022 carport. Unbeatable Find It in RealEstate.corn Add A Prcfure! tus includes children Estate 541-385-5500 Total Property close to evReach thousands of readers! The Bulletin Cfassffieds! under the age of 18 C ommercial Lots I n location Resources erything. $ 394,900. Classic full-scribe cus- Call 541-385-5809 living with parents or 541-385-5809 River Ranch: CALL KIM WARNER tom log home w/great The Bulletin Cfassifieds legal cus t odians, Crooked opportunity to AT 541 - 4 10-2475. Paulina peak views. pregnant women, and Great a business or MLS: 2015 0 2618 Ad ¹2082 people securing cus- start TEAM Birtola Garmyn an existing Duke Warner Realty tody of children under relocate High Desert Realty 18. This newspaper business. Near res744 541-312-9449 will not knowingly ac- t aurants, hotel a nd Open Houses www. Ben dOregon golf course. Owner cept any advertising terms RealEstate.corn Business for real estate which is Circle,avail. 1.05 OPEN SAT 11-2:30 in violation of the law. acres, Lot 82:Cabin $25, 0 00. 64215 Hunnell Road Custom O ur r e aders a r e Commercial Loop The Lovely home on 4.52 Get-Away i n hereby informed that 50, 1.30 acres and Lot Pines, remodeled in acres with SHOP! Lot all dwellings adver2014. Ad ¹1332 Spacious single level 4 51, 1.23 acres, still tised in this newspa- available at $35,000 bdrms, 3 b a ths, 2 TEAM Birtola Garmyn per are available on each or purchase both master suites, PLUS High Desert Realty an equal opportunity for $60,000. Juniper 36x50 - 3 bay shop w/ 541-312-9449 basis. To complain of Realty 541-504-5393 www. BendOregon RV Parking. Private d iscrimination cal l RealEstate.corn well. SUN 1-3 PM HUD t o l l-free at Profitable Kennel Busi- Tina Roberts, Broker $569,000 - NW Bend Views of the Cascade 1-800-877-0246. The n ess Going on 3 0 Mountains & Smith 541-419-9022 toll f ree t e lephone Years! First c l ass S hevlin R idge. 3 Rock. Enjoy the sights Total Property hum the 1800 sq.k Mk number for the hear- kennel/boarding busiBdrm, 2.5 bath, 3007 Resources including some of the ing i m p aired is ness for dogs and sq.ft., main level mas most beautiful sunsets 1-800-927-9275. ter suite, office w/cus cats. 53 dog rooms 745 in Oregon! Inside featom built in cabinetry, and 13 cat rooms, tures spaci o us 2613 sq. 1177 SW BentLoop Homes for Sale This inviting homefeatures 2 bedrooms, 2 bathlarge bonus room and k 3 bd, 2 bth t office BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS most wit h o u t side Powdt Butte home. Beautiful kitchen rooms plus office space,large open kitchen, lots lots of storage, 2 A/C runs. Multiple outside Spectacular 20+ acre Search the area's most with island, breakfast DlrecNons: Hay 126 lo of cabinet spaceand large master bedroomwith and furnaces. play areas for superWest Powell Butte bar, cabinetsgalomand Powell Bulte. Left on Reif comprehensive listing of vised play and exerits own bath and walk-in closet. The 0.62 acre Tina Roberts, Broker walk-in pantry. Set up Rd., go 2.5miles, left on classified advertising... Estates Home. Iot is nestled comfortably in tall pines andbacks 541-419-9022 for entertaining, outside SWTain Lakes Rd., go cise. Long time expeAd ¹1262 real estate to automotive, r ienced s taff an d there's a horseshoepit, approx r mile lo second up to a seasonal anal. The properly indudesan Total Property TEAM Birtola Garmyn merchandise to sporting water feature extra deep Bent LooP. Right aPProx almost 100jI sq. k double car garagewith extra Resources f a c ilities. High Desert Realty doublecaryrage, 48x30 1.2 miles; house is on goods. Bulletin Classifieds grooming room for toys orshoparea,afire pit areaandnice Property has a 2500 shop with two 8' garage 541-312-9449 appear every day in the patio area overlooking the lawn.This homehas doors, electric openers the left. sq. ft. home, includwww. BendOregon print or on line. been partially remodel e d with natural col o rs. 19121 and u' slider door,plus $189,000 Meticulously ing a 1 bed r oom $348,000 RealEstate.corn 24x22 lean-to! Call 541-385-5809 maintained SW Red India nSummerRoad,BendOR97702 $245,000 apartment. $964,000. www.bendbulletin.corn CALL KRIS WARNER Top of the Hill and end mond, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, Cfms McPheetersp ~e~~ Chris McPheeters ~ s~ ~~ AT 541 - 480-5365 of the road privacy on 3007 s q.ft., g r eat 541-388-2111 AsststASefl, a 541-388-2111 Asstsf The Bulletin +e f!, Cr room, vaulted ceilings, 20 acres. AD¹1692 MLS: 201 5 02782 Serving CentralOregonsince t9t8 TEAM Birtola Garmyn new flooring, new Duke Warner Realty appl., new paint, wall High Desert Realty I I I I Redmond Commercial I A/C unit, large fenced 541-312-9449 $16.20 yard with dog run. www. BendOregon Bsntj New retail/office cenTina Roberts, Broker RealEstate.corn Vsu &lb ter 541-419-9022 Ample parking Beautifully landscaped Total Property 4 bdrm, + office, 3 Good visibility Resources MLS 201504006 bath, home on 2.5 acres. AD¹1532 Beautiful small acreage Paula Vanvleck, i n Tumalo w/ C a s TEAM Birtola Garmyn Broker Live in amazing Awbrey Glen! High Desert Realty cade M t n vi e w s. Small working ranch, perfect set541-280-7774 Come see aII this wonderful 2213 541-312-9449 AD¹1152 up for animals. Two large outsq. ft. 3 bedroom, 3 bath, one www. BendOregon TEAM Birtola Garmyn buildings with attached studio High Desert Realty level home has to offer. Covered 0 RealEstate.corn Commercial/Investment apu Walk-in meat cooler, meat 541-312-9449 back patio overlooking a wooded Properties for Sale Custom, steel-beam cutting room, loafing shed, and www. BendOregon common area. Great HOA with MORRIS home on west edge of greenhouse. Fully fenced with RealEstate.corn much to offer and Iow fees! Golfer 51487 HWY 97 REAL ESTATE Lake Billy Chinook. room for RV, hook-up included & or not, this is a desirable place to $494,900. 1.64 acre Ad ¹1622 d~ A Forest Ridge Townmuch more! 1322 SW Bent Loop, live and play! 3225 NW Melville c ommercial lot o n TEAM Birtola Garmyn home in Eagle Crest Powell Butte, OR ff289,900 Dr., Bend, OR 97701jf599,500 highway. High Lakes People Lookfor Information High Desert Realty Resort. Ad ¹1312 Realty & P r o perty About Products and 541-312-9449 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Chris McPheeters ~ s ~ ~ C hris McPheeters ~ s ~ ~ Management Services EveryDaythrough www. BendOregon High Desert Realty 541-536-0117 541-588-2111 AssistASell,ct 541-588-2111 Asshtggef!,gt RealEstate.corn 541-312-9449 The Bulletin Class!Iferfs www. BendOregon Spectacular Deschutes 736 Newer high end build RealEstate.corn River and Cascade ing in high traffic loca Multiplexes for Sale views. AD¹1342 Great SW Bend tion on G reenwood Birtola Garmyn close to d o wntown$200,000 Single level. TEAM Craftsman home. High Desert Realty Ad ¹1242 Bend. AD¹1742 O pen f l oor p l a n, 541-312-9449 TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn fenced backyard, 0.20 www. BendOregon High Desert Realty High Desert Realty acre lot, gas forced air RealEstate.corn 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 heat and fireplace, 3 www. Ben dOregon www.BendOregon b drm, 2 b a t h a n d SE Bend home with 2 RealEstate.corn RealEstate.corn suites. Ad ¹1492 1628 sq.ft. Live and play in the heart of the Old Mill Beautiful 2230 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, Tony Levison, Broker TEAM Birtola Garmyn Tumalo Craftsman and district in this beautiful 3 bedroom, 4.5 2 bath custom built one level with High Desert Realty 2284 sq. ft. commercial 541-977-1 852 bath townhome! This gorgeous location 3-car garage. Hand-scraped maple guest home on 10 541-312-9449 building located on Windermere boasts river and mountain views, a floors throughout & travertine tile acres. Ad¹1452 www. BendOregon 1.47 acres near esCentral Oregon shop with a full bath, gorgeous custom in the baths. Come see all of the TEAM Birtola Garmyn tablished businesses. RealEstate.corn Real Estate kitchen and 3 suites each with their High Desert Realty extras this home has to offer. No Z oned where y o u own bathroom. The master suite comes 541-312-9449 Beautiful landscaping CC&tts or HOAs for the .24 acre lot 740 could live and have a complete with a walk-in closet and private around this 4 bdrm, 3 www. BendOregon located in the gorgeous Three Pines business. Open floor Condo/Townhomes balcony. The extra long 2-car garage is bath home. Reverse RealEstate.corn subdivision! 62701 Mt. Thielsen Dr., plan ready for your ideal for storing all of your toys! 867 Sw for Sale livinghome shows off Bend, OR 97701II639,900 upgrades. Many busiCrestline Dr., Bend, QR 97702I640,000 Custom log home, 1 the incredible views. ness possibilities for NW Bend Greyhawk acre backs forest land Downstairs could be Chris McPheeters p~~ra~w ChrisMcPheeters ~~s~k~ this building, retail, in SR's backyard. Ad Con dos! an in-law suite. This 541-38S-2111 AssfsfASell. g beautysalon, offices, Ad ¹1122,1672, 541-388-2111 Asslst ASell. g 1682 ¹1072 home shows pride of gym, etc. $79,900. TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn ownership. $269,900 13985 SW Business High Desert Realty High Desert Realty MLS201505951. Call Circle. CRR. 54'I -312-9449 541-312-9449 Donna Carter, Broker, Juniper Realty › www. BendOregon www. BendOregon 541-903-0601 II 541-504-5393 RealEstate.corn RealEstate.corn Crooked River Realty



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550!0!,0!0!0! 55 0 !0!,0!OIOI

Gracious living on 2.5 manicured acres with Cascade Mountain views. This home features 5 bdrms, 4'/z baths in 4,193 sq. ft. with lots of natural light. 5 decks, wood-burning fireplace, pellet stove, and built-ins galore. Outdoor pool, 3-car garage. All this and 360' views bordering BLM. $795,000

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3120 sq. ft. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath custom home on Broken Top's 17th fairway. Large open floor plan. Soaring vaulted ceilings and fireplace in great room. Large gourmet kitchen w/ granite counters, island& pantry. Hardwood floors, Master suite with fireplace & office/den on main, 2 bedrooms and large bonus room upstairs. Oversized 3-car garage. Beautifully landscaped. $81y)000

Beautiful, light, andbright! Openfloor plan, greatroomw/gasfireplace. Granite kitchen counters, SS appliances, pantry. Offic/den w/glass French doors, hardwood floors, 3 bedrooms & roomybonus room upstairs.Spaciousmaster suitew/ sitting area,vaultedceilings, bath w/ travertine tile, soakingtub, walk-in closet.Large3-car garage.Fenced-in backyardw/deck&patio, perfectfor entertaining, 20785Beaumont Dr.

Lynda Walsh, Broker,ABR,$Rs

LYNDA WALSH) !!to!rerl /IBRp S!IS



Offered at If359,000.

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M ~ ae assw



Homes for Sale

H o mes for Sale

Homes for Sale




Home s for Sale

Homes for Sale

Gorgeous family home $ 1,000,000 16 8 S W 16424 Antelope, Three $187,900 D e schutes19642 Holl y grape with 5 bdrm, bonus, Geneva Rd., Sisters Rivers. $12,500..45 River, contract terms Street. Stun n ing SW Bend neighbor OR. 4 Bdrm, 4 bath, acre, recreational lot, offered, 113 ft. river property located on hood. AD¹1752 4510 sq.ft., 40 acres. deeded river access. frontage, power on the Deschutes River TEAM Birtola Garmyn custom home built by Kyle Hoak, Broker site, septic installed, rim and views of Mt. High Desert Realty Chuck Newport. Large 541-639-7760 good roads all year. B achelor! Flat . 3 6 541-312-9449 kitchen, sitting a nd Berkshire Hathaway Dave Disney, Broker acre parcel, commuwww. BendOregon dining area, master on Home Services 541-410-8557 nity center, pool, tenRealEstate.corn main, large c loset, Northwest Real Estate Windermere nis courts, beautiful v aulted lo g b e a m$165,000Central Oregon SW Bend neighborBig Providence $ 1 8 5,000 ceilings, main level Westside Real Estate hood, minutes away Charmer! Ad ¹1282 C o n dos. from the O l d M i ll, guest suite. Lower Only 4 units left. 3 TEAM Birtola Garmyn 18 Red Cedar, level guest suite with with southern exposhopping, downtown High Desert Realty Sunriver. $525,000. & more. For you outgame room, radiant sure and views. 3 541-312-9449 4 Bdrm, 4 bath, 2650 floors, fireplace, wet Blocks to N e wport door ent h usiasts, www. BendOregon sq. ft., golf course bar, private deck, upRiver Canyon Park RealEstate.corn coff ee shops and view. per level game/craft Mkt, trail head is .5 mile C o m - Darrell Hamel, Broker Trickling water rpestaurants. away. $32 5 ,000. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! room. letely updated 2 541-480-7563 feature an d p o n d. b drm, 1 b a th, 6 8 0 MLS¹ 201 4 07980 Berkshire Hathaway C ascade mtn a n d sq.ft. units. Bamboo C indy Kin g A B R , Door-to-door selling with Home Services Rock views. CRS, GRI, Principal fast results! It's the easiest Smith flooring and Richlite Northwest Real Estate Rinehart, Dempsey Broker 541-330-8543 composite c ounterway in the world to sell. and Phelps C o m pany tops. 19432 Ironwood Circle, Hasson 541-480-5432 Jake & Loretta offered at $554,900. Realtors The Bulletin Classified Windermere Moorhead, Brokers Beautifully designed 541-385-5809 Central Oregon 1 Oregon Loop541-480-6790 and spacious 2703 Real Estate Sunriver. $765,000. 541-480-2245 sq. ft. townhome loAmazing property with Windermere cated in premier gated 5 bdrm, 5 bath, 2 masgorgeous river, can- 10 acres w/4 acres of irter suites, 3320 sq. ft., Central Oregon g olf community of yon and mtn views. rigation, 3 ponds, 2 log accents. Real Estate Broken Top. 3 bedAd ¹1422 homes, main 1 story Dan Hoak, Broker room, 3.5 baths, great TEAM Birtola Garmyn house is 1344 sq. ft., 541-639-6595 room with gas fireFind exactly what High Desert Realty vac. home is 1296 sq. Hoak, Broker and v a ulted Mary 541-312-9449 ft. 2 4X24 g a rage/you are looking for in the place 541-848-8140 c eilings, gran i t e www. BendOregon shop. MLS¹ CLASSIFIEDS Berkshire Hathaway counters, pantry in RealEstate.corn 201503530 $389,095. Home Services kitchen, two master Pam Lester, Princ. $165,000 New C o n- suites and office/den Northwest Real Estate Single level home on Broker, Century 21 struction, one level corner lot in Elkhorn main level, large Gold Country Realty, Craftsman, 3 bdrm, 2 on Estates. AD¹1222 Check out the bedroom, loft and boInc. 541-504-1338 bath, large master nus room on upper TEAM Birtola Garmyn classifieds online suite, great room de- level, slate and hard- www.bendbnlletin.corn High Desert Realty 118 Acre Ranch I 541-312-9449 sign, large kitchen wood floors, large 2 Updated daily $1,149,500 www.BendOregon area, almost comcar garage, overlooks 2 homes, 91 acres irpleted. RealEstate.corn beautiful com m on rigation Dave Disney, Broker 20.44 acres. If you want area. Custom built, Hay barn, corrals, privacy and your own 541-410-8557 Lynda Walsh, Broker, spectacular views, shop Windermere get away retreat, this ABR, SRS complete privacy. BLM out the gate property is it. BreathCentral Oregon 541-322-8880 AD¹1702 MLS 201406105 Real Estate taking views of the Berkshire Hathaway TEAM Birtola Garmyn Steve Payer, Broker, Cascade Mountains. Home Services High Desert Realty 16755 Casper, Three GRI 541-480-2966 E lectricity is on t he Northwest Real Estate 541-312-9449 Rivers. $30,000..70 property. $ 145,000. www. BendOregon Acre, vacant lotKAR O LYN 19566 Green L akes CALL RealEstate.corn close to boat ramp. AT e L oop, o f fered a t DUBOIS Darrell Hamel, Broker Forest Ridge Town$819,000. Golf course 541-390-7863. MLS: 541-480-7563 Duke home in Eagle Crest v iew, 3120 sq . f t . 201309974 MORRIS Berkshire Hathaway Resort. AD¹1632 custom home, 3 bed- Warner Realty REAL ESTATE Home Services TEAM Birtola Garmyn 2 full baths, 2 Northwest Real Estate room, IM~& m ly ~ d~ 4 High Desert Realty half baths, m aster$209,900 Ama z ing 541-312-9449 Hayden suite on main level, price for a quick sale. $120,000 Va l e ntine $179,900 www. BendOregon Ranch. 1284 sq.ft., oversized 3 car ga1900 + sq.ft., 3 bdrm, Street. 2 Yr. old floorRealEstate.corn bdrm, 2 bath, gas rage, beautifully land- 2 bath, just over $100 ing, well maintained, 3 central A/C, scaped, in p r emier per sq.ft. priced. TLC, new landscape, side- fireplace, 2 car garage. g olf community of project opportunity & Call a Pro walks and paint. Cen541-771-1168 Broken Top. Great lo- 0.17 acre in Bend. Whether you need a tral A/C, 55+ park and Eric Andrews, cation on th e 1 7th Cash, conventional or a great place to live. fence fixed, hedges Broker fairway of the Broken FHA/203K works. So Susan Pitarro, Broker Windermere Top Golf Course! This much Potential. trimmed or a house 541-410-8084 Central Oregon b eautiful cust o m Gail Rogers, Broker built, you' ll find Windermere 541-604-1649 Real Estate home has an inviting Central Oregon professional help in open floor plan; lots of Windermere Real Estate $180,000 Re d mond soaring vaulted Central Oregon The Bulletin's "Call a 55+, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, light, ceilings & hardwood Real Estate Service Professional" $134,000 Half acre lot. 1404 sq.ft., Pergo floors. A large great Eagle Crest, 2nd fair floors and heat pump, room boasts Directory a stone 20 Acre Ranch I way sunsets. Ridge private patio, fenced fireplace and built-ins; 541-385-5809 $1,249,900 course, nice and flat, private yard and low the gourmet kitchen is 3560 sq.ft., 3 bedready to build, close traffic. complete w/ granite room, 4 bath $549,000 - 2 M a ster to amenities. Diana Barker, Broker counters & w a l k-in Outdoor kitchen, pond, Suites, large shop, 541-480-7777 Debbie Tallman, pantry. Great layout barn lovely single l e vel Broker 541-390-0934 Windermere with the master suite Chef's kitchen, stunhome, 2542 sq.ft., 36' Windermere Central Oregon 8 office/ den down- ning master x 50' shop w/3 bays, 4 Central Oregon Real Estate stairs. Two bedrooms MLS 201505310 bdrm, 3 bath, hard Real Estate wood floors, granite $185,000 Re d mond & large bonus room Dana Miller, Principal counters, 4.52 acres. 147914 Mabel, La Pine. fixer, over half acre upstairs. Relax out in Broker, ABR, AHWD Tina Roberts, Broker homesite, close to Dry the front courtyard or 541-408-1 468 $160,000. 5 Acres, 541-419-9022 Canyon, 1200 sq.ft. on the back patio. RV garage w/shop Enjoy the view! Total Property home, finished rec area, gated entrance. room, 3 bdrm, 1 bath. Lynda Walsh, Broker, Resources Mark Hansen, Broker ABR, SRS. Diana Barker, Broker Bright and beautiful 541-536-441 8 541-322-8880 541-480-7777 MORRIS home on the 7th fairBerkshire Hathaway Berkshire Hathaway Windermere REAL ESTATE way of Big Meadow Home Services Home Services Central Oregon Northwest Real Estate IM~ dy ~ ~ Op t 1 Golf Course. Northwest Real Estate Real Estate Acl ¹7002 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty

THE 2015 CO BA ~g l 8

TOUl' of


': Homes™




Fridays 12-6, Weekends 10-6

'Ou T~<"


1908 NWShevlin Crest Dr. Near DiscoveryPark High & bright ceilings InviTing kitchen area See-through fireplace Sale Pendlnl West on Shevlin Park Rd., left on NW Mt. Washington Dr., right on NW Shields Dr., right on NW Shevlin Crest Dr.


NORTHWEST w CROSSING 2462 NW Crossing Dr. Master suite onmainlevel Solid quartz kitchen counters Heated masterbathfloor Daylight bonusroom $529,900 West on Shevlin Park Rd., left on NW Crossing Dr.


61050 Marble MOuntainLft. Open great roomplan Tile kitchen & bath counters Vaulted ceilings Slab kitchen island HIDDEN $389,900



www. BendOregon RealEstate.corn 16505 Shanks Lane. Rver's Par adise. 2400 sq.ft. RV cove /shop and home. Ad

Finding the right

HIL From S. 3rd St.. east on Murphy Rd.. right on Brosterhous Rd., left on Marble Mountain Ln.


borne is bard.



¹1602 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon RealEstate.corn Ranch style home with

aa ,I

heated 3 car garage on 1+ acre. AD¹1512 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon RealEstate.corn Very Custom 1900+ 4 bdrm, on 1+ Acre with shop & Trout Pond.

686 NE IsabellaLfi.


Close-in Midtown location Farmhousestyling Quarlz kitchen countertops Lofl/bonus roomupslairs $385,500

Ra I


From NE 3rd St., east on NE Revere Ave., left on NE 8th St., left on NE isabella Ln.

All ¹1032

TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon RealEstate.corn Immaculate 1- owner home. $427,900. 4 Bdrm, 2.5 bath, 3007 W~4ii sq. ft. Spacious 0.29 acre l o t wi t h a park-like setting yard. Wonderful n eighbor hood o f Ca m den NIN< Park. Living and sepa rate family room, po tential for RV parking. Tina Roberts, Broker 541-419-9022 Total Property Resources Luxurious home built by Pronghorn Builder. Across from 15 Deschutes River. Ad ¹'l192 TEAM Birtola Garmyn 30 High Desert Realty

Also Open


left on NW Mt. Washington Dr left on NW Crossing Dr., left on NW John Fremont St., right on NW Ordway Ave. I




2559 NWOrdway Ave.

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www. BendOregon RealEstate.corn Great condition, loca tion and shop, just South of S u nriver. AD¹1092 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon RealEstate.corn Craftsman styling in wonderful OaktreeBend. Ad ¹1232 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty

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TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon RealEstate.corn Single Level Home with shop and studio on 1 acre. Ad¹2012 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty 541-312-9449

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E4 SATURDAY, JULY 25, 2015 THE BULLETIN Homes for Sale


H o mes for Sale

Homes for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


H o mes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

$229,500 Investment. $299,000 Great loca- 3 Car garage, single 4 Bedroom i n S u n $556,900 Elegant Liv- $597,000 Joh n s on60763 Golf Village Loop $622,000 River view. $700,000 Run to Old 1654 sq.ft. two story 3 tion. 1865 sq.ft., 4 level. 1998 2 bdrm, 2 Meadow! Lo c ated ing. 55+ community Road. 3.03 acre in Hike/ride to the Cas1805 sq.ft. home, 604 Mill. 1.23 i r rigated wes t s ide. cade Lakes, rafting, bdrm, 3 bath home. bdrm, 2.5 bath, office, bath, with open floor across from the pool, within Eagle Crest. Bend's sq.ft. studio, dbl car acres, 1400 sq.ft., mid 0.30 acre lot, RV park hardwoods and up- plan, vaulted ceilings, common area a nd Linn ea h a r dwood Cascade mtn views, swimming & fishing on garage, gated com- century home, solid ing, greens at Red grades, granite and gas fireplace a nd water feature. Pahl- flooring, gou r met 3262 sq.ft. h o me, the Deschutes River, munity, 500 ft of river wood floors, sunroom mond 18 hole golf stainless in kitchen, stove top and all ap- isch home with 1940 kitchen, crown mold- oversized a t tached located directly befrontage, Gazebo river playroom and pond. course, tenant occu private oasis. pliances in c luded. sq. ft., great room ing, wainscot in din- garage and open floor tween ¹28 ¹7 view. Diana Barker, Broker Jillian Smith, Broker, 1300 sq.ft. manufacfloor plan plus den/ ing. Janelle Christensen, 541-480-7777 pled. plan. greens, abuts water 503-913-5076 Dee Baker, Broker tured home in gated office. $29 9 , 000. Susan Pitarro, Broker Susan Pitarro, Broker feature/pond, views of Broker 541-815-9446 Windermere 541-977-7756 Windermere community with pool CALL ROB EGGERS 541-410-8084 541-410-8084 the golf course, old Winderm ere Central Oregon Windermere Central Oregon and pickleball. HOA's AT 541 - 815-9780. Windermere Windermere growth Ponderosas 8 Central Oregon Real Estate Central Oregon Real Estate only $75 month and MLS: 201 5 0 5771 Central Oregon Central Oregon rolling hills, mountain Real Estate Real Estate yes own the l and. Duke Warner Realty Real Estate Real Estate biking trails & direct 795 +/- Acre farm, 296 310 Willis Lane, access to Deschutes $238,000. T h eresa a cres i r rigated, 3 incredible NW style The Bulletin $232,000. Meadow R amsay, Brok e r National Forest. homes, several outLook at: $449,900 Crest Ridge. estate on almost 90 Lakes, updated 1876 541-815-4442 John L TURN THE PAGE $284,500. MLS¹ buildings, 2 irrigation Open living in a great Bendhomes.corn To Subscribecall sq.ft. home, 0.22 acre acres. Ad ¹1362 Scott Realty, Bend 201503069 wells, al l i r r igation location, vaulted ceilFor More Ads TEAM Birtola Garmyn for Complete Listings of large lot, granite, Cindy King, ABR, CRS, equipment included. 541-385-5800 or go to ings, 3 car with shop 3 Master plus. Convewood and tile, pantry, High Desert Realty The Bulletin Area Real Estate for Sale and storage, landGRI, Principal Broker Tom R o th , B r o ker nience, location and a 541-312-9449 view of golf course 541-330-8543 www.bendbulletin.corn 541-771-6549 John L scaped, huge deck. great house all in one. and river. www. BendOregon Hasson Company Scott Realty, Bend This 2 7 00+ s q . ft.4 Mt. View Condo, Sun- $559,000 Quail Ridge, Mike Wilson, Broker RealEstate.corn Bill Kammerer, Broker Realtors 2692 sq.ft. one level, 541-977-5345 6 Skyline Condo, Sunrihome has 3 masters, 54'I -410-1200 river. $265,000. 3 large bonus room, 4 Windermere ver. $247,500. 3 The Bulletin's $329,000 R i v erfront. 2 other bdrms, 4.5 Windermere bdrm, 2 bath, 1014 bdrm, 3 bath, 1.96 Central Oregon bdrm, 2 bath, 1466 2227 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 3 baths, a bonus room "Call A Service Need to get an ad Central Oregon sq. ft., golf course treed acres, 4 car gaReal Estate sq. ft., full interior re- Professional" Directory bath, open floor plan, with a deck off it plus Real Estate view. rage, shop. in ASAP? model 2007. 2 master suites, a li- a large deck with a Kyle Hoak, Broker is all about meeting Bob Ahern, Broker new hot tub, finished Mike Ashley, Broker b rary and den, 2 + 26695 Horsell Road541-639-7760 Need help fixing stuff? 541-420-3891 your needs. 541-280-4940 Recently remodeled acres on Little Des- and ready to enjoy. Hathaway Call A Service Professional Fax it io 541-322-7253 Windermere MLS ¹ 201 5 04521 Berkshire Berkshire Hathaway 3bdrm, 2 bath, 2070y chutes River. Home Services find the help you need. Call on one of the Central Oregon Home Services sq. ft. farm house on Bill Kammerer, Broker Sharon Abrams, CRS, Northwest Real Estate www.bendbulletin.corn The Bulletin Classifieds Northwest Real Estate professionals today~ Real Estate 541-410-1200 P rincipal Brok e r 6 7.9y a c res w i t h 541-280-9309 Windermere 39.7y acres of irrigaJohn L Scott Realty, Central Oregon t ion. 1344y sq . f t . Real Estate Bend. building for office/ recreation /studio, 4502y sq. ft. building with 12' $339,900 Juniper Glen. Get your Crest s ingle door & man door for Eagle business level home, vaulted shop/RV/toy/boat and large storage & indoor gar- kitchen dening. New 750y sq. master suite, 3 car gaft. deep well being rage, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, a ROW I N G 1850 sq.ft. drilled to provide a Bea Leach, Broker with an ad in year-round source of 541-788-2274 domestic water. New The Bulletin's Windermere gas log fireplace will "Call A Service Central Oregon be installed. Real Estate Professional" $625,000. MLS¹201401400 Directory $349,000 C r aftsman. Bobbie Strome, Great room style, cus $41 9,770 L o v ely 4 Principal Broker tom k itchen l a rge bdrm. Mountain view, John L Scott Real master, large shop huge Estate 541-385-5500 sho p /hobby building, RV covered room, 4-car garage parking. $269,900 Stonehedge. Dave Disney, Broker plus RV, 3 full baths, 0.22 acre fenced lot, main level master. 541-410-8557 1942 sq.ft., 3 bdrm Tony Weinmann, Windermere 2.5 bath, large gaBroker Central Oregon rage, close to schools 541-706-1820 Real Estate and shopping. Windermere 54'I -771-1168 Central Oregon $349,900 River Ranch. Eric Andrews, Broker Real Estate 2 044 s q . ft., 1. 4 5 Windermere acres, close to river $439,000 Wickiup Ave, Central Oregon and forest, large RV 20 mountain v iew Real Estate garage. acres, 9 acres COI ir541-771-1168 rigation, cozy cottage, Call The Bulletin At Eric Andrews, Broker outbuildings, close to 541-385-5809 Windermere Redmond. Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Central Oregon Diana Barker, Broker Real Estate At: www.bendbulletin.corn 541-480-7777 Windermere $269,900 Stonehedge. $350,000 Eagle Crest, Central Oregon 0.22 acre fenced lot, 3 bdrm, 2. 5 b a th, Real Estate 1942 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 1850 sq.ft., behind the 2.5 bath, large ga- gates, almost a half Where can you find a rage, close to schools acre on the 14th fairhelping hand? w ay, views of M t . and shopping. From contractors to Jefferson. Secily Luse, Broker Diana Barker, Broker 541-639-6307 yard care, it's all here 541-480-7777 Windermere in The Bulletin's Windermere Central Oregon "Call A Service Central Oregon Real Estate Real Estate Professional" Directory $269,950 Cro o k ed $479,000 Coun t ry River, 2176 sq.ft., 3 Need to get an Home. 3178 s q.ft., bdrm, 2 bath, open ad in ASAP? mtn views and 4.8 floor plan, m aster acres. covered patio, You can place it separation. Shop/ga 4 bdrm, 2 masters, dbl rage, 24'x36', 1.56 online at: car attached garage, acre. www.bendbulletin.corn shop and boat gaJeanette Brunot, rage. Broker 541-771-1383 541-385-5809 Janelle Christensen, Windermere Broker 541-815-9446 Central Oregon Windermere Real Estate 3 bdrm, 2 bath home on Central Oregon 1 acre, 720 sq. ft. gaReal Estate 2744 NE Ocker rage/shop, with 300 5 $219,000. 3 Bedroom, sq. ft. carport. Nicely 4A Aquila Lodges, Sun2 bath, 1112 sq.ft., landscaped with river. $86,595. 3 new interior/exterior f enced y ar d an d Bdrm, 2.5 bath, 1/4 paint, new stove and wrap-around decks. share (25% ownercarpet, ga s f r e e- Heat pump and appliship), 2 fireplaces. standing stove, RV ances incl u ded. Darrell Hamel, Broker parking, large fenced $129,900. Call us today 541-306-3272 541-480-7563 lot 0.17 acre. MLS201501579 Mike Ashley, Broker 118 NW NEWPORT AVE., STE 300, BEND, OR 97701 Kathy Caba, Principal Call Nancy Popp, 541-280-4940 Broker 541-771-1761 Principal Broker Berkshire Hathaway www.hippofinancial.corn John L Scott Realty, 541-815-8000 NMLs¹182007 OR.uc ML-5193 S 6 p ~ Home Services Bend. Crooked River Realty Northwest Real Estate




SATURDAY 1-4 PM Rare find in theAwbrey Meadows.Featuresfully landscaped 1acrelot w/Deschutes River trail access.This secluded single level, fully remodeled home off erswaterfeatures,a 2120 Stover, Bend large deckorf the mastersuite Directiorrs: Mt. Washington to w/hot tub and alarge wrap Purnam Drivenor/b. Follow Putnarrr to around paveredfront porch. Vaulted ceilings andopen floor AwbreyMeadowsand right on Storer. plan. 3-cargarage.Friendly county taxes!Retreat to your

own private paradiseandenjoy Bend living at its best!








12PM - 4PM Recently finished Pahlisch Homes Model in NE Bend. Homes feature quartz counters, laminate flooring, gas cooking, stainless steel 20802 NE Sierra Drive appliances and all the Dfrecfiorrs:North on Boyd Acres, quality Pahlisch Homes is right on Sierra OR north on 18th known for. Now selling from EmPire, left on Sierra. Look for Phase Two - stop by for SI8%. more information. Homes from the

L ive close to it all o n a quiet s t r eet, s h or t distance to downtown, Discovery Park, trails, and skiing. Home features two large decks with Mtn. 1964 SW Troon Ave. views, beautiful hardwood Dbvctions:/Ifr Washington to Troon floors, huge master suite Avenue.

w/fireplace, top-of-theline kitchen and lowmaintenance yard.




541-306-0$3cf ~



LiSted byr

541-633-622 1

Homes , , „ , ,

I ’ I


R E A L T o R S






Hosted by: RUSSELL ALI Broker

LiSted byr



541-408-1 107



L T 0





LiSted byr

Rea estate


ea s tate g 7

Principal Broker





SATURDAY 11:30 AM 3 PM 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 3834 sq. ft. of exquisite

- B

amenities — an entertainer's

1160 NW Constellation Drive.

3069NW Craftsman Drive.

NEW LISTING. Office, oversized triple car garage, lovely hardwood floors and built-ins. 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2877 sq. ft,$550,000

Time l ess Craftsman style home! Impeccably maintained w/great room floor plan. Open kitchen featuring stainless appliances &cherry cabinets. NEviews Romthe fabulous front deck. Plenty of storage8r.close proximity to parks, schools, & down t own Bend! 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 2rI93 sq.rt. $559,900

Hosted by: JEANNETURNER PrinciPal Broker, CES 541-420-4600


HOSted byr


Directions:Take /Ifr. Washington Dr. up Awbrey Burre.


3 bedrooms, 2 baths, great r oo m d e s i gn, with hardwood floors stainless steel appliances. One-level living with 3006 NE Raineer, Bend e xception o f hug e finished family room on Directiorrsr From 27th SC second level. Come see east on WellsAcres, right on Harrkvieur, left on Ra/neer. this dynamic home!


855 NW 13th St.

to shops, restaurants & amenities!


’ I

SATURDAY 1:00-3:00

Lovely home on a premier lot on the West side of Bend. Freshly painted,


Principal Broker

’l l’

I ’ I


bright and easy living. Beautiful cherry hardwoods in main l i v ing area/ kitchen/dining. Close


Heme6 $ Mid-$200s PallllschHomes a |. a a v o s s



Tour a variety of single /Id., first exit at roundabout onto ft level and 2 story plans. 15th, ar Road Detour Sign turn le on Ferguson, Right atSageCreek Dr/'ve,eg l rrr /Ifranhae Lane, ~ght ar


level with 3 beds, 2.5 baths 63095 NWCaseyPlace, Bend plus ofr|ce/den. River views Direcrfolsr North on OB Riley, from almost every room, uesr on Archie /friggs, left on Casey Place, follou signs. HOSted byr


pools, clubhouse, gym, hot tub, sports center & 61056 Manhae Loop, Bend 2 miles of walking trails. Directiorrs:Easr onReedMarket



One of the few riverfront properties in NW Bend located on quiet Casey Place off Archie Briggs, Close to river trails. One


community featuring resort-like amenities:

Pnncrpal Broker


HOSted 6 LiSted byr

Hosted & Lfsted byr RHIANNA KUltfKLER

I II I ’ ’


Popular Pahlisch Homes




H d 66 1.'Sfed L . d bbyr HOSted

Hosted 6 Listed by:



R rr A r. v 0 a 8 Th SIDN o( Ecpcrknce.



Hosted by: Listed by: LESLIEOX L E SLI EOX & BRYANT GREEN Broker Brokers


delight. 825 sq. ft, master suite with private deck & sitting room. Large 652 sq. 2936 IIIWWild MeadowDr., Bend ft, office with bathroom lWeNorrr: I7N/onNerrportAve,rrrrrrrinr0 above garage. Sherlin ParkRd.Lefl onResrrre CamP, HOSted byr right 00 Sgmmerhill, le ft orr //r/ Iffld /¹rrrr/oru. LYNDA

LiSted byr


BECKY BREEZE Principal Broker

$62p,goo ECKY REEZE 8t

MPANY Real Estate C t




Homes for Sale

H o mes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

']Outstanding Agents Outstandin R esults'

8120 SW SHAD RD, Attention to detail in this Awbrey Village Crafts- Better than brand newCRR. Frame built 3 7525 sq.ft. home on man with views. This move in ready! Slab bdrm, 2 bath, 1,336 Lost Tracks Golf quality 4 bdrm, 2.5 granite c o unter sq. ft., landscaped 1 Course $1,675,000. bath, 2639 sq.ft. home breakfast bar. New

acres on paved street, Darrin Kelleher, sits on nearly a quar- a ppliances, gr e a t large concrete patio, Broker, ter acre lot with unob- kitchen, 3 bdrms., 2~/~ fenced backyard, in- The Kelleher Group, structed mtn views. baths, separate utility, cludes riding l awn 541-788-0029 & Features inc l u de double garage, room mower, push mower Michael J Hopp, bamboo floor, slab for RV, nicely landand weed e a t er Broker, granite counters with scaped, fen c ed, $209,000. MLS The Kelleher Group, tile back s plash, sprinkled. $289,000. 201503271 541-390-0504. stainless appl., panty, Peggy Lee Combs, Juniper Realty large dining room, Broker 541-480-7653 541-504-5393 o pen great r o o m John L Scott Realty, nr w /built-ins and g a s Bend Just too many fireplace. Master bath Big Awbrey Butte MORRIS w/jetted tub and radicollectibles? Craftsman home. ant h e ated f l o or. REAL ESTATE Ad ¹'l112 L arge closets a nd IM~& m l y ~ ~ ~ 4 Sell them in storage galore. 20' x TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty The Bulletin Classifieds 18' bonus rec room, Awbrey Butte I 541-312-9449 A/C and d ual f ur$1,425,000 www. BendOregon naces. Solar tube in 541-385-5809 Three Sisters to Mt. RealEstate.corn h all b a th . Wo o d Adams views roll-up window blinds 8479 SW High Cone 6052 sq.ft., 5 bedBreathtaking Cascade and decorated light- mtn views. 2.23 Drive, CRR. 1728 sq. room, 4 bath acres, ing. $479,000. MLS ft., 3 bdrm, 2 bath. Gourmet kitchen, thehorses/animals okay. ¹201505585 Detached 2-bay over- ater room 3 B d rm, 2 bat h Bobbie Strome, sized shop. L arge MLS 201502497 manufactured home. Principal Broker lawn area for enter- Rosemary Goodwin, 3 Car detached gaJohn L Scott Real taining. Located on Broker, Certified rage/shop, nestled in Estate 541-385-5500 1.21 acres. $138,900. between Bend 8 SisNegotiator mls 201300653 541-706-1897 ters, Sisters school Backs up to community Juniper Realty, district. $199,900 pasture, nicely 541-504-5393 Angie Cox, Broker painted 1704 sq. ft. vb 541-213-9950 frame built 3 bdrm, 2 .88 of an acre commerbath. Updated quality John L Scott Realty, cially zoned property Bend. MORRIS f looring. Close t o with tw o s t i ck-built REAL ESTATE Scout Camp T rail. Bring the Horses and homes rented at $575 MLS 201 5 03998. and $850. You also IM p W w ~ ~ a~ 4 Dogs! Big 2.5 acre $219,900. Call Donna the get an additional tax corner lot. 4 bedroom Carter, 541-903-0601 lot in the deal! This lowith oak and s late Good classified adstell Crooked River Realty cation is off the Ma- the floors. R e m odeled essential facts in an dras Hwy in Prineville, kitchen, great room and there have been interesting Manner. Write Beautifully u pgraded! and water feature. Four bedrooms, 2.5 s ome n e w bu s i - from the readers view -not $359,000. CALL bathrooms, 1688 sq. nesses in the area. the seller' s. Convert the ft. This home has JAYNEE BECK AT facts into benefits. Show Asking $199,900 541-480-0988 OR been tastefully upagent-owned p rop- the reader howthe item will raded t h roughout. PETE VAN DEUSEN erty. Heather Hockett, help them insomeway. 541 - 480-3358. 257,900. CALL AT P rincipal Brok e r Thin 201 5 0 3106 J AYNE BECK A T MLS: 5 41-420-9151 G o l d advertising tip Duke Warner Realty 541-480-0988 OR Country Realty brought to you by PETE VAN DEUSEN on Paulina Lake. 8 Puma, Sunriver. AT 541 - 480-3538.Cabin The Bulletin let this rare opServing CentralOregonsince 19t8 $415,000. 1861 sq. ft., MLS: 201 5 0 2099 Don't portunity to live on 3 bdrm, 3.5 bath, 3 Duke Warner Realty Paulina Lake pass master suites. Awbrey Butte I you by! Cabin has the Dan Hoak, Broker Beautiful Single Level. $639,000 541-639-6595 Gorgeous 2500 sq. ft. best setting on the 2887 sq.ft., 3 bedlake. $195,000. CALL Mary Hoak, Broker 3 bedroom, 3 b ath room, 3 bath TERRY S KJERSAA 541-848-8140 Landscaped .7 acre lot home in Rivers Edge, AT 541 - 383-1426. Berkshire Hathaway backs to 14th fairway. 3-car garage, flat Home Services $615,000. CALL Duke Warner Realty driveway Northwest Real Estate MLS 201503437 GAYLE LARSON AT Just bought a new boat? 541-297-1249. MLS: Sell your old one in the Across from Dry Can- Megan Power, Broker, 201505923 Duke classifieds! Ask about our GRI,CDPE yon! 2 bdrm., 2 bath, Warner Realty Super Seller rates! 541-610-7318 1502 sq. ft. well cared 541-385-5809 for home. Double car Bend Home On garage, RV parking, Acreage I $679z000 Cascade Mou n tain b eautifully land 2760 sq.ft. artistic Views. This lot is loscaped yard on over home cated in the heart of 1/4 acre lot. MLS¹ 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Tumalo. 4.22 acre lot 201505301. $219,900 MORRIS 8.8 acres, mountain is ideal for your future Pam Lester, Princ. REAL ESTATE views home. $29 9 ,000. Broker, Century 21 MLS 201502472 IM~& m ly ~ d~ 4 CALL TERRY Gold Country Realty, David Gilmore, SKJERSAA AT Inc. 541-504-1338 Broker, CRS, e-Pro, 541-383-1426. MLS: Awbrey Glen beauty. RSPS A ll t h e B e l l s a n d Located in B end's 201505048 Duke 541-371-2309 Warner Realty Whistles. You and Premier golf commuyour critters will love nity - Awbrey Glen. 3 Charming Craftsman. this property. Attrac- bdrms., 2 baths, 2394 Close to th e D estive 3 bedroom, 2.5 sq. ft., private .31 acre chutes River Trail in b ath, 2900 sq . f t . lot backing to comNW Bend and just a home with barn and mon area, gourmet MORRIS s hort d i stance t o arena on 5 acres with kitchen 8 ou t d oor REAL ESTATE downtown. Tall ceil2 a c res i r rigation. decks. ings and open floor Close to BLM land. www.johnlscott.corn/d plan. $425,000. CALL $625,000. CALL aniellesnow. Danielle Find It in TERRY SKJERSAA BECKY OZRELIC AT Snow, Broker 541 - 383-1426. 541-480-9191. MLS: 541-306-1015 John L The Bulletin Classifiedsl AT MLS: 201 5 0 5222 201502661 Duke Scott Realty, Bend 541-385-5809 Duke Warner Realty Warner Realty


PriceJustReduced $649,900






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I i'I



I' I





Truly a Priceless Investment $1,595,000 VacationGetaway/Income-Producing, How$319,999

4BR/3BA,2,472sq.ft., on 0.15acrecornerlot, newly updated Craftsman. Awesome kitchenw/quartz counters, glasstile accents, ag baths havequartz surfaces, newinterior/exterior paint Cherryhardwoodfloors, Elite GxBatch AnderSOnBrokers, newcarpet,hugehis/hers walk-inclosets,main-level 541.788.8788 masterGreatstorageopen and airy,greathome! I I




Classi c BlackButteRanchhouse.Turnkey andready to enjoy. 1,237sq. ft. on .20 acre. Great rental income,bookedthrough Sept. 2015, located onquiet-cul-de-sac/peaceful setting. Large backdeckfacing commonarea, great room plan, largestonefireplace, Shannon cedar accentsthroughout.

MCNeil-Jeune In the heart of Central Oregon's recreational Broker 541.550.9088 mecca, minutesto Sisters,iust Oregon.





On the RiverwithAll theBeauty-Only $925,990

New Craftsman Cottage $467,500

1870sq ft. stunningsinglelevelhome,spaciousmastersuitewith wall ofwindowsfacing,with thegeschutesRiver atyourbackdoor! yoewilenjoythesoundsandtranquilityoftheriverasitflowsby this stylisrihverfronthomeieCentralOregon. Oneofjestafewhomesonthisprivatestretchof theriver.Youcan tish,raftrightfromyourbackyard, or jvstsit backinthehottubor on Principal Broker, oneollhemanydecks,metowoat CCIM, ALC andenjoythewildlifeNscenery.

Brandnewconstruction byaward-winningWoodCraft Building. 3BR/2BA ,1,435sq.ft. Superinsulated,high-efliciencywindows, mini-split heatpump &heatrecoveryventilator Hardwood floors, customcabinetry,fireplacemantel. Tiled shower, dualvanity master bath. Closeto oiscoveq Park,shops Prlnclpal Broker &restauran ts, PVsolar-ready.

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Brand-New onthe Butte - Only$675,000 BRAN Dnewhome, 2,646sq.n., 4nn/NNA,bard-te-find single-levelee large 0.54acrecorner lot. Built by MikeKeigblee,expansiveCascademountainviews,fuly landsca ped,frontcourtyard,coveredreardeck. Luxuryfinishesincludequartzslabcounters,tiled bathsandlaundry room. Solid hardwoodfears.Lightaed brightbreak hst nook,formaldining. Juhn Keiiey Expan sivegreat roomplan,vaulted Broker ceilings,premiumapplicaecesaed

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EE Z E &

LaRondaAcuff-S ack Shannon Little Principal Broker Broker 541-788-2281 541-213-3105


Tarris Rogers Broker 541-390-7878

Real Estate

Tim Collette Broker 541-419-0927

Donna Ramsay Principal Broker 541-420-6267

Erin Martin Broker 541-213-9480

Dianne Middle Broker 541-480-9172

Wendy Cooper Broker 541-350-9020

Linda Wtdmark Broker 541-588-2850

Debbie Mooney Broker 541-410-6095

Tom Wurzel Principal Broker 541-410-3445

Rosalee Bernhardt Broker 541-420-1794

4n H

* NEW LISTING * 2133 NW Harriman St Bend $4SO,OOO

* NEW LISTING * 2936 NW Wild Meadow- Bend $6Z9,9OO

* NEW LISTING * 61130 Tapadera St $429,900


* NEW PRICE * 452-454 NE Franklin Ave - Bend

$399,0OO 6 Bedrooms, 3.5 Bathrooms, 2450 Sq.Ft. • 4 Bedrooms, 3.5Bathrooms, 3834 Sq.Ft. • 3 Bedrooms+ Den, 2 Bathrooms 2505 Sq.Ft. Hard To Find Mid-century Duplex Located Walking Distance To Downtown 8c River Trails Exquisite Amenities S. An Entertainers in The Heart Of Bend’s Desirable Mid-town Very High End Features Main Level Master, 2nd Master Suite Upstairs • Two Heating Systems For Effi Delight ln Northwest Bend Large 10,454 Sq Ft. RM Zoned Lot. ciency Results With Jetted Tub, Dual Vanity, Private Deck 8x 825 Sq.Ft. Master Suite With Private Excellent Condition With Many Original In Very Low Energy Costs Hot Tub Deck & Sitting Room. Fixtures Triple Car Garage & Large Covered Deck For Corner Lot With Triple Car Garage, Pius Large 652 Sq.Ft. Office With Bathroom Ally Access With A Two-car Garage For Entertaining Parking For 4 Additional Vehicles Or RV Above The Oversized Garage One Home & Driveway/Single Car Garage Over A Quarter Acre Of Beautiful • Spacious Low Maintenance Yard With Mature Large Covered Decks Front & Back For On Franklin For Second Home Landscaping & On Fenced Lot. Landscaping & Sprinkler System Entertaining Great Investment Opportunities! This Neighborhood Is Very Special With Perfect For An investment, 2nd Home, Or Full Family Room Pius Large Media Room Less Than One Block To Juniper Park Custom Built Homes On Larger Lots & Only 5 Time Residence! Manicured Landscaping Close To Bend's Vibrant Downtown! Minutes To Bend Golf & Country Club Becky Breeze, Principal Broker Shannon Little, Broker laRonda Acuff-Sack, Principal Broker Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107 5 41-21H 1 0 5 541-788-2281 541%08-1107

A Big Welcome To The Newest Members Of Becky Breeze & Company Real Estate! Shannon Little, Broker 541-213-3105

Lynda Widmark, Broker 541-588-2850

lf You Are Looking For A Real Estate Agent With Personalized Service And

Born And Raised ln The Arlington Washington Area And Resided There Until 2009. While Living ln Washington I Worked For General Telephone Company As A Residential And Business Service Consultant For 20 Years. During My Time With GTE I Took Extensive Sales And Service Training. After Retiring I Moved To Central Oregon With My Son To Be Closer To My Family.

Responsiveness-LookTo Becky Breeze & Company's Broker, Shannon Little. She Embraces New Technology As A Tool To Help Her Communicate With Clients And Market Her Listings, But Also Believes In Old-fashioned Activities

Like Answering Her Phone, Listening Carefully, And Being Quick To Respond To Client's Wants, Needs, Questions, And Concerns. She Started Her Career ln Merchant Services In San Diego, California. Her

Husband Of 12 Years, Raised ln Central Oregon, Led To The Path Living ln Beautiful Bend And A Career In Central Oregon Real Estate. Starting As A Buyer Broker's Assistant, Her Keen Interest In And Passion For Real Estate, Quickly Led Her To Advancing To The Listing Manager At A Leading Real Estate Firm For 2 Years - An Ongoing Love Of Interacting With Clients And

l Work Hard For My Sellers And Buyers ln Finding The Best Property That Fits Their Needs. As A Senior Real Estate Specialist And Accredited Buyers Representative l Enjoy Working For My Clients ln Helping Them Find The Home Of Their Dreams.

Of Real Estate;Shannon Became A Licensed RealEstate Broker HerselfJoining Becky And The Team At Becky Breeze And Company.

Erin Martin, Broker 541-21$-9480

Tim Collette, Broker 541-419-0927

Erin Began Her Professional Career ln Marketing And Advertising As

Born And Raised ln Salem Oregon, moved To Seattle In The Mid 80's And To Bend ln1990. Bend Was A Great Place To Raise My Sons Who Are Now 27 And 23. I Have Owned My Own Construction Business

A University Of Oregon Alumna. After A Decade Of Business ExperienceWhich Moved Her To Chicago, New York,And San Francisco, She Followed Her Heart Back Home To Bend And Joined The RealEstate Community ln 2013.

Since Age 20 And Enjoy Working With People And Solving Problems. Because Of My Construction Background, I Believe I Bring A


Perspective That My Clients Appreciate. '

3 84 SW U

Erin is Driven By A Mission To Provide High-quality Real Estate

Service To Hardworking Central Oregonians, And Works Tirelessly To Connect People That Matter With Property They Love.

e r Te r r a c e S t e 2 0 1 - B e n d O r e o n 97 7 0 2

E6 SATURDAY, JULY 25, 2015 THE BULLETIN Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


H o mes for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


H o mes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Charming home in the Coveted Westside Lo- Custom home, shop C ustom h om e s i t e ! Desirable Cimarron City Eagle Crest C halet.Excellent starter home. Fabulous Cas c adeFall River Estate. 40 heart of R edmond, cation on Double Lot. and barn on 35 pri- Build you r d r e am Home. Ranch style Light and bright cha- 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, Mountain Range and acres, buildable, adja2250 sq. ft., 4 bdrm., Classic Vict o rian vate acres. 2592 sq. home i n C a scade home, 3 bdrm, 1 bath, let home with garage, 1460 sq. ft. built in Tetherow Golf Course cent to USFS. Imag2 bath., on .37 acre w/ home with attached ft., 4 bdrm, 2.2 bath Views Estate. Seller new updated kitchen 2 m a ster s u i tes, 2007. Solar panels for views from The Rim, ine your own private greenhouse/solarium apartment. 3126 sq. home with new stain- has preliminary build- a nd bathroom, 2 + kitchen with granite low e l ectric b i l ls. Bend's finest new golf estate nestled on this & 3 car garaqe. MLS¹ ft., 4 b edroom, 3.5 less steel appliances, ing plans and would acres, 864 sq.ft. ga- and stainless. Eagle Mountain views from course c o mmunity. spectacular 40 acre 201502749 $279,000 bath, .25 acre lot. Pri- pantry, and custom consider a rage/shop, brand new Crest amenities, ex- master bed r oom. Designed b y re- parcel with s t ately Pam Lester, Princ. vate Westhills loca- ironwork throughout. build-to-suit. Call for s eptic t a nk . H e a t pansive deck and new Vaulted ceilings, gas nowned luxury home ponderosa pines linBroker, Century 21 tions. $599,900. CALL Recent e n ergy-effi- details. $90, 0 00. pump, new windows hot tub. fireplace, NE location. designer Rozewski & ing the banks of Fall Gold Country Realty, ROB EGGERS AT cient heat p u mp. C ALL P ET E V A N 2013. Colleen Dillingham, $227,900. CALL Co., and offering both R iver. Fly f is h f o r 541-815-9780 OR Huge master s uite Inc. 541-504-1338 DEUSEN AT Shelley Arnold, Broker Broker 541-788-9991 LARRY JACOBS AT s ingle level & t w o trout, float the river, KATRINA SWISHER with m t n . vi e w s, 541-480-3538 OR 541-771-9329 John L John L Scott Realty, 541-480-2329. MLS: story single f amily wander the adfoimng City views from this AT 541 - 420-3348. walk-in closet, Ig. tile JAYNEE BECK AT Scott Realty, Bend Bend. 201503073 Duke residences. Miles of f orests, ski a t M t . stunning, upgraded, MLS: 201 5 03985 shower and Jacuzzi 541-480-0988. MLS: Warner Realty walking paths and Bachelor, golf at Sunsingle-level 3071 sq.ft. Duke Warner Realty tub. Sits high on the 201409341 Duke Desirable Lava Ridges mountain bike trails river... So many things home in Hillside Park Find exactly what right out your back to do, so little time. property with 3 6 0' Warner Realty Neighborhood. Open EAST BLUFF. 3 bdrm., $1,089,000. 2 bath home in 1640y v iews of t h e C a sgreat room with patio door, Mt. Bachelor, $ 1,595,000. Bri a n River Ranch I you are looking for in the Michelle Tisdel, Bro› Crooked$215,000 cades. Mt.Jeff erson, Deschutes River Woods access and spacious sq. ft. on .42y acres. Cascade Lakes and Meece, ALC, CCIM, CLASSIFIEDS ker, 541-390-3490 P owell B utte, a n d kitchen. 3 bedroom, T his property is a downtown Bend just P rincipal Brok e r 1620 sq.ft., 3 bedI $370,000 Grizzly Butte. Beauti- 1496 sq.ft. 2.5 bath plus bonus jewel. There are many E xecutive home o n minutes away. Teth- 541-639-3423 room, 2 bath Iog home fully landscaped with 2 bedroom, 2 bath room. Near the 1790 features: fenced gar- Canyon Creek. 7 tim- erow Social Member- RE/MAX Key ProperOversized detached water feature, custom .92 acre lot on acre Bend Pine Nurs- den area, RV parking bered acres south of ship included w ith ties garage steel fenced yard with cul-de-sac ery Park. $399,000. w/all hookups & paver John Day. 3 bedroom, purchase. 4.82 acre a patio for entertainwww.the rim.info. MORRIS CALL TERRY parking drive, fenced Check out the MLS 201506226 MILS 201505343 bath, 2801 sq. ft. ing. The shop has two Patti Geraghty, Broker SKJERSAA AT storage shed, circular 2.5 Lisa Cole, Principal REAL ESTATE classifieds online Michael J. Hopp, bonus room, attached RV doors, concrete 541-383-1426. Duke driveway, awning over Broker 541-749-0047 Broker, RSPS 541-948-5880 www.bendbulfetin.corn upper deck, s mall arage, landscaped. floor and i s 4 0 x60 Warner Realty Berkshire Hathaway 541-390-0504 419,000. CALL Updated daily Classic NW C o ttage feet. Ride in 120x200 s hop a ttached t o Home Services UKE WARN E R Northwest Real Estate built by Jim St. John ft. arena or directly off Eagle Crest I $406,250 lower level of home, D AT Fishing Para d ise, with timeless finishes the p roperty o n to arborvitae na t u ral DAYVILLE 2204 sq.ft. LOWER Deschutes hedge around rear 541-987-2363. MLS: and a great room floor miles of BLM. All of 3 bedroom, den, 2.5 River. You can fish this at only $599,500. yard, covered hot tub 201304288 plan. Chef's kitchen bath MORRIS MORRIS and raft to Mau pin Tick, Tock and fabulous patio are Heather Hoc k ett, 2-car garage, .23 acre area, plants & shrubs REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE right from your backideal for entertaining. P rincipal Brok e r have drip irrigation & Garage Sales lot Tick, Tock... ~ y~ ~ ~ d 5 41-420-9151 G o l d yard has sprinklers, yard, or just sit back in $607,500. CALL MLS 201504355 the hot tub or one of TERRY S KJERSAA Country Realty newer windows, Garage Sales Susan Aglh Broker, ...don't let time get the decks, mellow out, newer exterior paint, AT 541-383-1426. ABR, ALHS, GRI Want to impress the Take care of Garage Sales and enjoy the wildlife away. Hire a MLS: 2015 0 3918 new louvered wood 541-408-3773 Say "goodbuy" relatives? Remodel and scenery. Yours blinds, roof 10 years Duke Warner Realty your investments professional out Find them for a n af f o r dable to that unused your home with the old. $469,000. MLS¹ of The Bulletin's $825,000. Bria n Classic West s ide with the help from 201504633 in help of a professional item by placing it in Meece, ALC, CCIM, Craftsman. Enjoy the "Call A Service Bobbie Strome, The Bulletin's from The Bulletin's The Bulletin The Bulletin Classifieds P rincipal Brok e r private setting while Principal Broker "Call A Service "Call A Service Professional" MORRIS 541-639-3423. still living among all of John L Scott Real Classifieds Professional" Directory REAL ESTATE Directory today! RE/MAX Key ProperWestside's amenities. Professional" Directory Estate 541-385-5500 541-385-5809 ties Tastefully u p d ated IM~ dy ~ ~ Op t 1 541-385-5809 with craftsman f inishes. $699 , 000. CALL TERRY SKJERSAA AT 541-383-1426. MLS: 201505953 Duke Warner Realty



Close To Old Mill I $450,000 Live in one of 2 homes Possible future development

.53 acre, come see the possibilities MLS 201500675

Rookie Dickens, Bro› ker, GRI, CRS, ABR 541-815-0436


Come Home to Starwood. Single level ranch home on big fenced lot. Great open floor plan with updated kitchen and hickory har d wood floors. 3 bedroom, 2 b ath, 2587 s q . f t . $325,000. CALL J AYNEE BECK A T 541-480-0988 OR PETE VAN DEUSEN AT 541 - 480-3538. MLS: 201 5 04209 Duke Warner Realty


gg eIh

People Lookfor Information About Products and Services EveryDaythrough The Bulletin Classiffeds

Indi pW

Contemporary Craftsman. Located inNW Crossing across from Sunset View Park. 3 b edroom, 2.5 b a t h with main level master suite and private courtyard. $689,900. CALL TERRY SKJERSAA AT 541-383-1426. MLS: 201506075


Warner Realty Country Living Classic. Beautifully remodeled home, inside and out, in a serene country setting just minutes from town. Light and bright easy living with room for everyone, featuring vaulted ceilings and master on main level. Enjoy the views fr o m the peaceful back deck on 5 a cres, w it h 4 . 5 acres irrigation. The perfect Central Oregon lifestyle surrounded by lush landscaping, large pond, and wood-burning fire pit. Storage shed plus 4 stall barn with shop area and tack room p rovide p lenty o f space for your animals or toys. 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2298 s q. ft . O ff ered a t $549,000. Cate Cushman, Principal Broker

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Homes for Sale


Homes for Sale

H o mes for Sale

Home s for Sale


Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

H o mes for Sale



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Franklin Crossing Pent- Incredibly Private SetMidtown Bend I NE Bend Acreage I New Construction in NE NORTH RIM ON AW- NW Bend I $325,000 NW Crossing I Picturesque Rural Sethouse. Spacious great ting in the Pines! Fully Bend. Great r o om BREY BUTTE. Ex- 832 sq.ft. t ing. The b est o f $379,900 $579,900 $649,900 1664 sq.ft. energy-ef2361 sq.ft, 4 bedroom, c ountry living w i t h room floor plan, open scribed 3 bed, 1.75 Across from Juniper concept with 3 bed- ceptional o n e -acre 1 bedroom, 1 bath kitchen w i t h all bath custom log home Pool & Park ficient home rooms and 2.5 baths homesite in the beau- Fenced .13 acre lot 2.5 bath Cascade mtn. views. 2864 sq.ft., 3 bed3 bedroom, 2 bath, Master on main, upamenities, 2 garage is surrounded by a in 2229 sq. ft. Room tiful North Rim Com- MLS 201505880 B eautifully main parking spaces, and b eautifully land - room, 3 bath 4.89 acres for RV par k ing, m unity, i n clo s e Deborah Benson, PC, grades throughout tained single l evel Den & large bonus Greenhouse, pond, irPnvate, fenced yard fully furni s hed. scaped yard. There is mountain views from proximity to t e n nis Broker, GRI, Pre› home on 19.5 acres, Amazing C a s cade a 1500 sq. ft. shop room, .24 acres rigation master bedroom and court a n d park view Specialist MLS 201504806 w/13.8 acres COI irriMLS 201502115 M ountain and c i t y w/220 power for all MLS 20150'I 834 corner fire place. grounds and the Des541-480-6448 Lisa Mccarthy, Broker, gation and pond. Intev iews from t his 2 your toys or projects. John Gaffaway, John Snippen, PC, ABR rior features include 2 $339,000. CALL chutes River T rail. bedroom, 2 bathroom Twin w el l p r o vide Broker Broker, MBA, ABR, J AYNEE BECK A T Other amenities in541-419%639 master suites, a spatop-floor condo- crystal clear water. 541-480-5802 541-480-0988 OR c lude g a te d en cious kitchen w/ cenCRS, GRI, SRES, e minium in the heart of $469,000. CALL BILL SRS 541-312-7273 PETE VAN DEUSEN trances, paver walkter island and slab downtown Bend. Of- PANTON AT AT 541 - 480-3538. ing p a ths, n a t ive granite counters, livMORRIS 541-420-6545. MLS: fered at $849,000. MLS: 201 5 06001 landscape m a i nteing room with vaulted REAL ESTATE Cate Cushman, 201501833 Duke Duke Warner Realty nance and the beauceilings, ex p osed MORRIS Principal Broker Warner Realty tiful North Rim Lodge. beams, propane fireMORRIS REAL ESTATE 541-480-1884 Beautiful C a s cade place and n a tural MORRIS REAL ESTATE What are you The Bulletin I~ ~ ~ Op m 1 www.catecushman.corn Inn of the 7th Condo. Mountain views add to kght. Th e pe r fect REAL ESTATE h d y R~ y ~ M ~ enjoy all the the ambiance of this To Subscribe call equestrian property looking for? French Style river view Come NWXing T o wnhome. amenities, i ncluding Move-in Ready large very special building 541-385-5800 or go to with an outdoor arena, Home w / r iverbank You' ll find it in Immaculate Earth-ad- 4 stall b arn, t ack tennis, swim- home. 4 bdrm, 2.5 site. $550,000. MLS¹ www.bendbulletin.corn setting! Exquisite ac- golf, in the Timber. vantage cer t i fied ming, rafting, eques- bath, 2383 sq.ft., tile Nestled room, shop, hayloft, 3 coutrements: Granite, trian center and ice counters, all a ppli- Gorgeous 2 story, 5 The Bulletin Classifieds 201505062 t ownhome with a n pens Bobbie Strome, and 3 l oafing NW Bend I $358,000 hardwood, m a rble, rink. Top floor unit of- ances edroom, 3 bat h , open floor plan, 2 incl u ded, b Principal Broker s heds. Gated a n d 1292 sq.ft. 2520 custom home on tile, Venetian plaster, fers a b edroom, 2.5 b a t h sepa r ate fenced backyard. John L Scott Real landscaped grounds, 3 bedroom, 2 bath stone & st a inless. 13 a c res. P r ivate 541-385-5809 and outdoor living a circular driveway bedroom. Candice Anderson, Estate 541-385-5500 Close to river, downW ood-burning f i r e- lock-off driveway with r ock area. $379,900. CALL $104,000. CALL KIM Broker 541-788-8878 and water f eature. town, Old Mill entry, irrigated pasplace, top line appli- WARNER TERRY SKJERSAA 2712 sq. ft. Offered at AT John L Scott Realty, CANYON ESR e dmond! MLS 201505038 ture. $399,999. CALL NORTH a nces, metal c l a d 541-410-2475. MLS: TATES. 3 bedroom, 2 Northwest AT 541 383-1426. Bend. Cate windows and so much 201501497 DUKE WARNER RE- bath in 1715y sq. ft. in 2030 sq. ft. home with Lester Friedman, PC, MLS: 201 5 04593 $795,000. Duke NE Bend I $229,000 Cushman. Bend PreALTY DAYVILLE AT .32y acres. Charming 3 bdrms./2 bath, .14 Broker, ABR, CSP, more! Listen to the Duke Warner Realty Warner Realty mier R ea l E s t ate. acre, RV area and 1006 sq.ft. 541-987-2363. MLS: EPRO, S.T.A.R. tranquil ripple of the one owner home on a double garage. MLS¹ 541-480-'I 884 201305978 541-330-8491 river below. while en- Inn of the 7th. This 3 3 bedroom, 2 bath large lot, waiting for a 20153265 $209,999. On the 17th fairway in joying this Exquisite bedroom, 3 bath Mature landscaping new family to enjoy. Call Awbrey Glen, 2625 Pnneville I $369,900 P a m L e s ter, New construction! 4 home. $65 9 ,000. ground level condo is MLS 201505029 Sprinkler system is insq.ft., single l evel, 2956 sq.ft., 4 bedBro k e r, bdrm., 2.5 bath., 2384 stalled with drains that Principal MLS201404694. located near the pool Jen Bowen, Broker, built in 1998, 4 bdrm, room, 2.5 bath sq. ft. w/master on entury 2 1 Gol d GRI Nancy Popp, Principal and all resort activican be opened for fall C plus an off ice and 3 2.01 acres in gated Country Realty, Inc. 541-280-2147 main floor. Granite Broker 541-815-8000 ties. Don't miss your MORRIS winter shut-down. 541-504-1338 baths. Ope floor plan community counts rtops, double & Crooked River Realty opportunity! $169,000. Solid core i n t erior REALESTATE w/2 fireplaces, huge Teak floors, granite car garage, RV parkCALL KIM WARNER an d p o cket deck with great views counters Call The Bulletin At ing w/gate & l a nd- doors AT 541 - 4 10-2475. NOTICE Built-in cabiof the golf course, of- MLS 201501137 541-385-5809 scaped front y ard. doors. MLS: 2014 0 8943 All real estate adver8 shelves in livNW Bend I $452,235 fered at $570,000. KC Flynn, Broker Place Your Ad Or E-Mail MLS¹ 201 5 05304. nets Duke Warner Realty tised here in is subing room, family room 1827 sq.ft. Angie Cox, Broker 541-322-2400, MORRIS $279,900 Pam Lester, & hallway. Wonderful ject to th e F ederal 3 bedroom, 2 bath At: www.bendbulletin.corn 541-213-9950 John L 541-390-6441 REAL ESTATE Princ. Broker, CenIn Updated Redmond front porch & F air Housing A c t , Great location Scott Realty, Bend FSBO tury 21 Gold Country covered Home, enjoy easy deck for family 8 which makes it illegal MLS 201505915 With everything Realty, Inc. back summer living today. guest enj o yment. to advertise any prefGreg Langhaim, FIND IT! 3 bdrm, 2 bath 1400 sf. TURN THE PAGE 541-504-1338 3 bedroom, 2 bath, Parking & storage for erence, limitation or Broker $195K Not Firm BUY /7’ 1008 sq. ft. $179,000. For More Ads discrimination based toys & small equip541-316-5903 First Come First Serve MORRIS New construction! 4 SELL ITr CALL BILL PANTON on race, color, reliThe Bulletin Garden area 541-279-8783 bdrm + off ice and op ment. REAL ESTATE AT 541 - 420-6545. The Bulletin Classifieds gion, sex, handicap, soil has been regution for 5th bdrm, 3.5 I&q W e ~ ~ ~ d 201 5 05557 NE Bend I $249,500 Gated Golf Community. MLS: composted, just familial status or naath, 2369 s q . f t . larly Single level home, like Duke Warner Realty tional origin, or intenP ark-Like Setting. 3 Privacy with a v i ew! 1368 sq.ft. single-level b waiting for a new famhome with many up ily. Property is a must tion to make any such new, 2818 sq.ft., 3 b edroom, 2 bat h , Approximately 3800 4 bedroom, 2 bath grades. Triple garage view to a ppreciate. preferences, l i mitaMORRIS bdrm, 2 b ath, solid LAZY RIVER SOUTH 1531 sq. ft. home on sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 4 New paint & carpeting and R V pa r king. $325,000. REAL ESTATE oak flooring and gran- Remodeled 3535y sq. MLS 201506336 tions or discrimination. 3.71 acres. Move in b ath h o m e wit h ft. home with 4 bdrm + Michelle Tisdel, PC, $299,000. MLS ite counts rtops, 2+ We will not knowingly ready with newer ap- study/den, MLS¹ 201505401 media 201410227 Pam acres with 1.43 acres officeand 3 baths. accept any advertispliances, carpet, room, steam sauna Broker, ABR, CRS, Bobbie Strome, Master bath with large Lester, Princ. Broker, of c ommon a r ea, ing for r eal e state E-PRO Principal Broker p aint, a n d mo r e . and fitness room..729 C entury 2 1 Gol d Need to get an ad horse prop e rty. jetted tub & new tile which is in violation of 24X48 detached shop acre lot overlooking 541-390-3490 John L Scott Real shower. Media room, Country Realty, Inc. $560,000. this law. All persons with concrete floor Estate 541-385-5500 in ASAP? Hillside Park with un541-504-1338 family room, h uge Cyndi Robertson, are hereby informed and l o f t are a s. o bstructed view . kitchen with h a ndPrincipal Broker that all dwellings ad$319,000. CALL $ 1,050,000. CAL L Look at: Need help fixing stuff? crafted cabinets and 541-390-5345 are available Fax it te 541-322-72% CAROLYN EMICK AT KAROLYN DUBOIS Call A Service Professional vertised granite cou n ters, Bendhomes.corn John L Scott Realty, on an equal opportu541-419-0717. MLS: MORRIS AT 541 - 390-7863. walk-in pantry, sunBend. for Complete Listings of find the help you need. nity basis. The BulleThe Bulletin Classifieds 201505645 Duke MLS: 201 5 00055 room with hot t ub. REAL ESTATE www.bendbulletin.corn tin Classified Warner Realty Area Real Estate for Sale Duke Warner Realty Gorgeous single level in H ome ha s ce d a r Broken Top. Situated eaves with copper acon Goose Creek Pond cents. Exterior siding with beautiful water on home, garages & views. Triple car ga- storage bldg have just 8 g 8 Q rage, 2327 sq. ft. and been painted. Watch 2 m a ster s u i tes. the wildlife from the $599,000. CALL ROB wrap-around deck or EGGERS AT go to your private ac541-815-9780. MLS: c ess to 300y f t o f 201504989 Duk e Little Deschutes River Warner Realty frontage for fishing, Great location in North- swimming or floating. west Crossing. Frank $455,000. Lloyd Wright inspired MLS¹¹201309267 Bobbie Strome, home by Greg Welch Principal Broker Construction. Master John L Scott Real bedroom is on t he main level, two guest Estate 541-385-5500 rooms,off ice/den, and Located in Sisters! 1.3 bonus room. acres with water and Saturday $669,500. CALL in nice subdiviTERRY S KJERSAA power Heavily treed AT 541 - 383-1426. sion. with ponderosa pine MLS: 2015 0 1545 $«5,000. MLS Duke Warner Realty 201505565 Pam Green Building at its Lester, Princ. Broker, Finest. H i g h ef f - C entury 2 1 Gol d s icienc al l ergy-free Country Realty, Inc. home is constructed 541-504-1338 using only the most efficient building sys- Located in Terrebone! 1215 sq. ft., 3 bdrm., tems a vailable. 3 bedroom, 2.5 b ath, 2 ba. home on .34 plus off ice. $485,000. acre flat lot with maCALL TERRY t ure t r ees. M L S ¹ SKJERSAA AT 201503396. $118,350. Pam 541-383-1426. MLS: 201503805 Duk e Lester, Princ. Broker, C entury 2 1 Gol d Warner Realty Country Realty, Inc. Grow Your Garden. 5 541-504-1338 sc bedroom, 6 bath with office, family room, Have an item to r ec. room a n d 2 master suites. Other sell quick? features include sun If it's under room, solarium and an awesome gre e n- ’500you can place it in house all on over 10 The Bulletin acres with mountain Classifieds for: views. $99 9 ,000. PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP GORGEOUS SINGLE CALL CANDY YOW AT 541 - 410-3193. ’10- 3 lines, 7 days 3 bedroom, 2bath, I468 sq.ft.home LEVEL IN BROKEN TOP MLS: 201 4 03687 '1 6 - 3 lines, 14 days with newer windows, heat pump, new Situated on G o ose C reek Pond Duke Warner Realty (Private Party ads only) Hard to find 5 acre, flat with beautiful water views. Triplegarage doorand pulldown forextra buildable corner lot storage. 12X I 6 shop with p ower. car garage, 2327 sq. ft. and 2 Location, Location, Lolocated in Lake Park Estates with mature cation. This 3 b e dRoom for RV. $319,900 CALL m aster suites. $ 5 99,000 C A L L l andscape. MLS ¹ room, 2 bath, 1544 sq. ft. home includes CAROLYN EMICK AT 541-419-0717. ROB EGGERJ AT 5 4 1-815-9780. 201406959. $135,500 Pam Lester, Princ. a shop on a 1/4 acre MLS: 201505946 MLS: 201504989 lot. Close proximity to Broker, Century 21 Gold Country Realty, restaurants, parks and downtown. U n i que Inc. 541-504-1338 opportunity. $593,000. Incredible custom home CALL KIM WARNER on a creage. T h is AT 541 - 4 10-2475. home is made with MLS: 201 5 05642 love and custom fea- Duke Warner Realty tures in every room. 4m Looking for l o dgeLocation, location, locas tyle h o m e sur - t ion. This k i n d o f rounded by wildlife, property in this locathis is it. 4 bedroom, tion doesn't happen BEAUTIFULLY REMODELEDHOME. CONTEMPORAY CRAFTSIIAN IN NINX SPRING RIVERHOMEWI OODLES TUMALO NEIGHBORHOOD PRIVATESElTING W/GREATNATURALLIGHT 2.5 bath. $849,000. often, but here it is. This 2296 sq, ft, home has new floors This raises the bar for perfection! OF SPACEFORPEOPLEANDTOYS, Quietneighborhood near the river,2 Traditional floor plan, 3bedroom,3 bath with CALL CANDY YOW Great views of Casances, pl enty of room for the Designer finishes and energy-efficient Cool, greenandspacious. 5acreyardthat'sfull yfenced. bedroom, Ibat h home on .44 acre playroomandoflice. Largelot with roomfor RV AT 541 - 410-3193. cade Des c h utes appli whole family. 1.9 acres on 2 separate features. Open floor plan and multiple 3 largebedrooms,3.5baths,2961sq.ft. with great lot Private well. $179,900 CALL parking. Naturallandscapingwith a3-cargarage. MLS: 2013 0 4445 River, all above Old lots. 2nd lot is buildable. $189,900 outdoor living areas. $539,000 CALL roomwith exposedwood,chalet-style vaulted ceiling, BECKY OZRELIC AT 541-480-9191. $650,000 CALLjAYNEEBECKAT 541-480Duke Warner Realty Mill. Private home, CALL CANDYYOW AT 541-410-3193 TERRY SKjERSAA AT 541-383-1426. $385,000CALLBILLPANTONAT541-420-6545. MLS:201504083 0988 OR PETEVANDUSENAT541-480-3538. one owner, grandfaIncredible Opportunity. thered into vacation MLS:201507026 MLS:201507179MLS:201506656 MLS:201406052 2 separate buildings home rental program on 3.1 acres. Excel- for city, much more. lent location. Long Sharon Abrams, CRS, IR e e ' t erm leases on a l l ’ uu Principal Broker buildings. $1,500,000. a 541-280-9309 CALL CANDY YOW John L Scott Realty, AT 541 - 410-3193. Bend. MLS: 2013 0 4214 Duke Warner Realty Mid-Century Modern. A EXCELLENT STARTERHOME. PRIYACYWITH AYIEW! DESIRABLE LAVARIDGESNEIGHBORHOOD SHOWS LIKE NEW Wl MANY UPGRADES COME HOMETO STARWOOD brand new home in Approximately3800sq.ft., 3 bedroom,4 bath 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1460 sq ft. built in Open great room with patio accessand 4 bedroom,3.5 bath, 3019 sq. ft., Sing le-levelranchhome onbigfencedl bt Great FIND YOUR FUTURE Northwest Crossing 2007, Solar panels for low electric bills homewithstudy/den,mediaroom,steamsauna spaci ous kitchen. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Largegreat room, large bonus room, open floor plan w/updatedkitchen& hickory HOME INTHE BULLETIN features a master on Mtn. views from master bedroom. Vaul t ed and fitness room..729 acrelot overlookingHilplus bonus room. Near the 1790 acre masterwith soaking tub and la rge hardwoodfloors. 3 bedroom,2 bath, 1587sq. the main and two adYour future is just apage side Park with unobstructedview. $1,050,000 ceilings,gasfireplace, NE location. $225,000 Bend PineNursery Park. $399,000 CALL walk-in closet. $379,000 CALL ft. $325,000CALLjAYNEEBECKAT 541-480ditional bedrooms with away. Whetheryou're looking CALL LARRY J ACOB S AT 541-180-2329. CALLKAROLYNDUBOISAT541-390-7863. TERRY SKJER SAA AT 541-383-1426. CAROLYN EMICIC AT 541-419-0717. 0988 ORPETEVANDEUSENAT541-480-3538. a bonus an d f l ex for a hat or aplace tohangit, MLS:201503073 HLS:201500055 MLS:20I506430 MLS:201502633. MLS:201504209 space upstairs. The Bulletin Classified is $622,500. CALL i your best source. TERRY S KJERSAA Every daythousandsof AT 541 - 383-1426. JI gl MLS: 201 5 02670 buyers andsellers ofgoods Duke Warner Realty and services dobusinessin these pages.Theyknow Midtown Bend I you can't beatThe Bulletin $369,500 Classified Section for Updated 2468 sq.ft. selection andconvenience BEST BUYUNDER$200K VIEWS FOREVER! LOCATION,LOCATION, LOCATIONI SINGLE.LEVELHOMEONOYERHALFACRE PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP home - every item isjust a phone IN DESCHUTESRIVERWOODS This 4 bed,3 bath 1796 sq.ft.home sitson a This 3bedroom,2bath, 1544sq.fL home includes 3 bed, 2 bath, 1704sq. I't., hardwood floors, Park-likeprivatelot nearMidtownandPilot Butte. • 4 bedroom + offi ce, 3 call away. 1244sq.ft, 2 bedroom2 bath manufactured home well -treed4.5acreswithviewsoftheCascade ashopon ai'l acreot, Closeproximity to restau- great room wl propanefireplace, large kitchen, Urge bright kitchen,manycustom built-ins, and bath on .89 of anacewl an awesome 24X 31'shop. Range,Smith Rock,and more.$319, 900 rants, parksanddowntown.Uniqueopportunity. gran tecounters&tile. $279,000 CALLAUBRE vaultedceilings. 3 bedroom,2.5 bath, 2172sq.ft. i The Classified Section is .24 acre on cul-de-sac easy to use.Everyitem $199,500CALLKIM KAHLAT 541480-662. CALL KIN WARNER AT 541-410-2475. $583,000CALLKIMWARNERAT511-1 0-2475. CHESH IRE AT 541-598-4583 OR BROOK $399950CALLTERRYSKjERSAAAT501-383-1426, MLS 201506521 is categorizedandevery MLS:2015066(14 MLS:201501737 MLS:201505642 CRIAZZO AT541-550-8%8. MLS:201507285 MLS:201506837 Mark Valceschini, PC, cartegory is indexed on the Broker, CRS, GRI section's front page. 541-383-4364 Whether youarelookingfor a home orneeda service, i your future is Inthe pagesof The Bulletin Classified. MORRIS REAL ESTATE The Bulletin






9:00 AM- I I:00 AN


Larry Jacobs,Broker 54 I -480-2329 Sunday I I:00 AM- I:00 PM

Fred Johnson,Broker 54 I -788-3733



ServingCental Oregon s>met9D3

IM~& m ly ~












$134,000IBUILD YOUR DREAM HOME INEAGLE CREST Half acre lot Backs to 2nd fairway/ ridge course Enjoy beautiful sunsets Nice 8 flat Ready to build


541-788-2274 BEA LEACH BROKER



Adorable1993 Mfg. 1232 sf, 2 bed, 2 bath Beautiful newer laminate 8 carpet Bathrooms updated, A/C, newpaint Great outdoor living 55+ clubhouse/rec room, pool, park MLSF 201 505875

$597,000I63220 JOHNSON ROAD, BEND





4448 SF


Splendid Cascade Mountain views Entertains greatindoors &out Chef's kitchen & professional-grade

541-788-2274 BEA LEACH BROKER

4+ stall car garage





gg @


r I







Model home Single level home 4 bed & 2 bath 3-car tandem garage High-end fixtures & finishes





The Ridge at EagleCrest 55+community 2381 SF & stunning 3 bed, 2.5 bath, built in 2002 Golf, pool & views

541-41 0-8084 SUSAN PITARRO BROKER $180,000IREDMOND SPECIAL55+,1730 NE 6TH ST.



541-788-2274 BEA LEACH BROKER


54 1 -480-7777



Custom log homewith master on main 3 bed, 2 bath & open floor plan 6.25 acres with mountain & Smith Rock views 8 stall horse barn with tack room Hot walker, round pens & corrals





$352,000IRANCH HOUSE, 2.13 ACRES 8rIRRIGATED 2183 SF onelevel 3 bed, 2 bath & bonus room Living room and family room Barn & shop 2 storage buildings Irrigated pasture Fenced Mountain views


541-420-3891 BOB AHERN BROKER

shop area 2 fireplaces & large bonus room

'v. 541-480-9883 AUDREYCOOK BROKER

' -








41 4$0 7777

2176SF,3bed,2bath & 1.56 acres Vaulted ceilings & open floor plan Great room & craft room



$309 900IHO ME ON THE RIMr





Fenced & landscaped RV parking Canyon, mountain & city views




541-788-2274 BEA LEACH BROKER

4 bed & 2.5 bath Great room floor plan Hardwood & laminate floor ing Gas fireplace Covered front porch Patio & water feature

Rare opportunity 10 duplexes 20 units Professionally managed


golfing, tennis, fly fishing & 14 miles of trails Come build your home! Single level only

Shop/garage 24X36 RV parking & 2 storage buildings Horse property potential


i, DIANA BARKER BROKER Street lined with beautiful home sites Close to sports center,

Fabulous NE beauty Large .21 acre lot at the end of cul-de-sac Master on the main RV/boat/toy access off the alley 4 bed, 2.5 bath, 21 84SF Open great room upstairs Private backyard


5 adjoining building lots 7500 to 9400 sq. ft. Close to RedmondDry Canyon All city services Nice homessurrounding One lot on Dry Canyon


Great price for this cozy immaculately kept singlelevel home 3 bed & 2 bath 2001 manufactured 2-car garage & RVarea Open floor plan & open kitchen Deck, fully fenced backyard & mature trees Move-in ready

$349,900I 792 MAJESTYULNE

2204 sq. ft. single-level home .51acre in Angus Acres 4 bedroom, 2 bath 3-car garage, RVparking 1500+/- paver patio, hot tub & more An exceptional home tastefully decorated

2692 SF all on one level home 1.96 treed acres & big lawns 4 bed & 3 bath 4-car heated garage &

Jji / JN

su 'f ~

Resort course 14th fairway Vaulted kitchen & great room ceilings 2 master suites Large paverpatio Double car garagewith shop area Cul-de-sac All on 0.36 acre


Set a spell Great private yard 3 Bedroom, 2 bath ' Pergo floors and AC Double attached garage Close to WalMart


Great investment property or for first-time home buyers Spacious & openfloor plan with vaulted ceilings All oak cabinets & tile backsplashes in kitchen & baths Double car garage Landscaped, trees, front porch & small back patio


Open floor plan, large kitchen & fireplace Fully fenced backyard On a large 0.20 acre lot Gas forced air heat & fireplace Large master bath with garden tub, 2 vanities, walk-in closet & separate shower 3bed,2bath &1628SF




Gorgeous half acre 2500 SF single level 4 bed & 3 bath Fantastic location

Hardwoods & upgrades Granite & SS in kitchen Pavers, sprinklers & trees Master bath with jacuzzi





1865 SF, 4 bed, 2.5 bath & office

3 bed & 2 bath 1488 SF Beautifully updated kitchen Hardwood floors End of cul-de-sac

Open great room Wraparound porch

2 year old flooring Adorable & wellmaintained home Newly landscaped, new sidewalks & newinterior paint Central A/C 55+ park & a greatplace to live



Acreage for sale: 6 lots 5.34 $439,000 mtn. view 5.01 $373,000 Smith Rock 5.19 $373,000 Smith Rock 5.01 $559,000 mtn. view 4.98 $549,000 mtn. view 4.98 $549,000 mtn. view

$235,000 I 61547 FRIARTUCKLANE, BEND

2973 SF 4 bed & 3 bath Formal living & dining

$120,000I 20771 VALENTINESTREET930, BEND

Sweeping mountain views Huge shop/hobby room 4-car garage plus RV 3 full baths Main level master Ultra clean air HVAC

Craftsman-style in desirable neighborhood 3 bed & 2.5 bath 2879 SF Stone fireplace with custom built-ins Large bonus room upstairs


Stunning home in Awbrey Butte 4 bed, 4.5 bath &

Only 4 units left! 3 with southern exposure & views 3 blocks to Newport Market, coffee shops & restaurants Completely updated 2 bed, 1 bath & 680SFunits Bamboo flooring & Richlite composite countertops





Close to Sunriver Resort & recreational opportunities

~ ’, 541-604-1649 GAILROGERS BROKER

9 3.03 acres in Bend's westside •CascadeMountainviews 3262 SF home Oversized attached garage & openfloor plan

2227 SF, 3 bedroom & 3 bath Open kitchen & living room floor plan 2 master suites, library & den 2+ acres on Little Deschutes River

2978II I WILD MEADOW DRIVEI3 BED,3 BATH I2,960 SQ.FT.I$560,000 Immaculate custom homewith RVparking located on a quiet street with inviting front porch and spacious backyard on theWest Side! This homefeatures granite counters, stainless appliances & walk-in pantry in kitchen, slate and exotic hardwood floors, built-in cabinets in the main floor guest room/office, large bonus room w/wet bar andvaulted beamceiling. Spacious master suite features gas fireplace, soaking tub, tile shower, and large closet. Large utility and oversized garageinclude lots of storage.

$769,OOOINEW ACREAGE LISTING 15.5 acres with COI irrigation 3690 sq. ft. home 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths 30x40 barn & paddocks Oversized 3-car garage

Rinehort. Dernpserf 8 Phelps PATTYDEMPSEY 541-480-5432 ANOREAPHELPS 541-408-4770



Fenced, cross-fenced Cascade mtn. & Smith Rock views



For homes online WW W b e n d h o m e S . C o m



Team Birtola Garmyn named one of America’ s

TOP 250 REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL TEAMS by REAL TRENDS, as advertised in THE WALL STREET JOURNAL. Team Birtola Garmyn had an Impressive Year and are Central Oregon’s Top Real Estate Professionals. Team Birtola Garmyn was named one of Ameri-

ca's top real estate professional teams by REAL Trends, as advertised in The Wall Street Journal. They are now a member of "THE THOUSAND TOP REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONALS", a prestigious national awards ranking sponsored an-

"We' re absolutely thrilled to be named to The Thousand," said Ruben Garmyn, Jim Birtola and Andrew Ellis, Broker/Owners at Team Birtola Garmyn, who serve clients primarily in Central Oregon. "Even with the market's challenges, it's incredibly gratifying to help clients find their dream homes as well as help them sell their properties quickly and for the highest price possible."

nually by the two respected publications. Team Birtola Garmyn is now ranked in the top one tenth of 1 percent of the more than 1,100,000 REALTORS® nationwide. The 250 real estate The rankingofThe Thousand can be found at: professionals were announced on June 26, www.thethousandrealestateprofessionals. 2015, honoring the top 250 residential agents corn and agent teams for excellence.

According to "The Thousand", Team Birtola Garmyn is 95th in the nation for the number of transactions and ¹1 in Central Oregon. "The best individual agents and teams — including Team Birtola Garmyn's award-winning

efforts-were nothing short of phenomenal considering the recovering real estate market," said Steve Murray, founder of Denver based publishing andcommunication company REAL Trends, which compiled the list. "Becoming a member of such an elite group as The Thousand is an incredible accomplishment in any market, but what Team Birtola Garmyn did during these challenging times is so impressive on so many levels," said Marti Gallardo, vice president of classified advertising for The wall Street Journal. "Their efforts topped 99.99 percent of the more than 1,100,000 REALTORS nationwide."

As seen on local Z21 News Station

Ruben Garmyn, Jim Birtola and Andrew Ellis of Team Birtola Garmyn High Desert Reality are working side-by-side with real estate magnate Barbara Corcoran. Corcoran is Shark Tank's res-


ident real estate mogul and a prominent selfmade multi millionaire. She is now endorsing a

select few of the best real estate minds in the country, Birtola, Garmyn and Ellis included. Ruben Garmyn, Jim Birtola and Andrew Ellis of Team Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty, are


dominant leaders in the real estate industry, providing phenomenal service and expertise

to a wide base of clientele in Central Oregon. Corcoran is an iconic figure in the New York real estate scene and nationally known as the real

estate contributor to the NBC Today Show. She has invested in more than two dozen businesses to date on Shark Tank, and has written several

well received books including Shark Tales: How I Turned $1,000 Into A Billion Dollar Business.

ABOUT THE THOUSAND: This awards program was developed jointly by WSJ. Custom Studios (and is not affiliated with the Editorial Department) and REAL Trends, a leading source of analysis and information for the residential real estate brokerage industry. REAL Trends The Thousand honors America's elite real estate agents and their companies and is compiled and analyzed by REAL Trends with a special ad section included in The Wall street Journal.


541-31 2-9449

~ )

www. BendoregonRealEstate.corn Find your current home value at

Jim Birtola

Ruben Garmyn

Andrew Ellis

www.zippy HomeValue.corn

~+I 4







Arbor Mortgage


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Nominations arenowopenfor the 39th Annual Building a Better Central OregonAwards. BBCO recognizes commercial and residential projects that enhanceour community.

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ass ~'.jj;-










4a&'a • fi veiaa a ~

3 bedroom, 2 bath 1158 SF, .19 acre lot RV parking, room for boat or toy storage Wood-burning fireplace, new range Fresh interior and exterior paint Offered at $239,000 MLS¹201507030 Sean Barton, Broker i 541-306-7669 www.CallBendHome.corn

Awbrey Butte Slightly sloped lot Cascade Mountain views Moderate trees

Charming, neat home 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1603 SF In outdoor recreation wonderland • W alk to LaPine State Park • Launch boat,kayak,etc.from backyard MLS¹201507402


CJ Neumann, Brokeri 541-410-3710 or Lisa Lamberto, Brokerl 541-610-9697l www.CJLisa.corn

Close in to Bend UGB Cascade Mtn. views High desert views Avion water, power at property Increase your farming operation Build your dream home MLS¹201500366

reg Barnwell, Broker i 541-848-7222 gbarn50@yahoo.corn

Joanne McKee, Brokeri 541-480-5159 www.joanneOjoannemckee.corn









*n 't

3 bedrooms, 2 .iM baths, 1540 SF 2 buildable lots 4 irrigated acres Fenced pasture • Mountain views Borders canal, minutes from town MLS¹201407613 Bobby Lockrem, Bro er i 541-480-235

4 bedroom, 3 bath 2868 SF, 1.11 acres Two master bedrooms, wood fireplace • Remodeled kit chen, bamboo hardwoods • Peacefulsetting backing to the canal • Offeredat$549,900 M LS¹2 01505054 Sean Ba on, Bro er i 541-306-7669



2612 SF, .64 acre 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths 3-car garage with extra-high ceilings Office, bonus room, and loft with views Main-level master suite with patio access Quality finishes and views throughout New exterior paint Invisible dog fence and sprinkler system in place

3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths 2994 SF, .30 acre 3-car garage w/storage room Large office & bonus room • Light,bright& sunny,great room concept High-end finishes throughout, large lot Cedar siding and copper gutters • Water feature

ilvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR, Green 541-788-4861 i bendluxuryhomes©gmail.corn

www.silviaknight.corn b e ndluxuryhomes©gmail.corn

Silvia Knight, rokerl 541-788-4861

› ›







8 t

Beautifully updated Hardwood flooring Spacious family room with gas stove Large kitchen with island and breakfast nook Private setting on .57 of an acre 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2559 SF MLS¹201507163

Offered at $650,000 1.75 acres in great location This opportunity won't last long! Build now or sit on it for future $$$ 61429 Blakely Rd. MLS¹201506946

The Norma uBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers 541-312-4042 i www.TeamNormaAndJulie.corn

2826 NW Wlndham Loop 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths + bonus room 3074 SF, large yard • Barnwood & stone accents,great kitchen • Vaultedwood ceil ing,bonus & bunk rooms Fenced yard with putting green! Laura Blossey, Broker i 949-887-4377

19675 Sunshine Way Single level Spacious corner 44 acre lot Privacy with native landscape Near downtown, river, and trails MLS¹201506831 &e

l y w a n son, Bro er 541-408-0086 Shelly©bendnet.corn




› ›









High-quality 4 bed, 3.5 bath, 3222 SF home Panoramic ocean view Home on elevated site Designed for easy living and entertaining Spectacular master bedroom Move-in ready - bring your friends and family! MLS¹201502564

50 acres, private Easy access to river 2022 SF home with custom finishes Barn - 7 stalls, 6 turnout paddocks 10 minutes from Redmond or Sisters Appointment only MLS¹201505031

Call Ron Davis, Principal Broker i 541-480-3096

Pam Mayo-Phillips, 541480-1513 or BrookHavens, 541-604-0788, PrincipalBrokersi www.desertvalleygroup.corn




Private custom home

Mountain views 4306 SF on 2.5 acres 4 bedroom, 4 bath, den & bonus, 3-car Adjoins Bend Park & Rec land 220 acres private trails Natalie Vandeborn, Brokerl 541-508-9581 Nvandenborn@gmail .corn



4 bedrooms, 4 baths, 4665 SF, .48 acre STUNNING PAST TOUR HOME Peaceful, quiet setting with fairway views Separate guest suite with private living Near park, clubhouse 8c pool MLS¹201501540 Myra Girod, Principal Brokeri 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker i 541-788-6767 m ra. amteamacascadesiccom www.live la orkcentralore on.corn

› .


3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 4538 SF Private 1.78 acres Gourmet kitchen, office plus loft 1835 SF garage with 50'+ RV bay Peaceful outdoor setting with water feature MLS¹201505981 Melanic Maitre, Broker l 541-480-4186 Melanie@MelanieMaitre.corn

ary tratton, roker 54 - 1 9-634 maryselhms@gmail.corn

60085 Hopi Road ( $274,999

4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 3468 SF 6 acres, with 600' of riverfront, abuts National Forest 48x48 shop/barn with 14' doors Privacy & entertaining are foremost here Offered at $1,150,000 M LS¹ 2 0 1506962

’ ›



Ranch at the Canyons Tuscan living Open house Wednesday-Sunday 1-5 pm www.ranchatthecanyons.corn MLS¹201503224 Patrick Ginn, Principal Broker l 541-886-5534 patrick©ranchatthecanyons.corn

3 bedrooms, 2 bath, 2430 SF .87acre lot Single level with large master suite Living room, family room & bonus room 2-car garage with shop area Handicapped accessible MLS¹201503711 Jordan Grandlund, Principal Brokeri 541-420-1559 JordanGrandlund@gmail.corn

2693 NW 10th Street 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 2106 SF Single level, 2 masters 3-car garage with shop area Landscaped, corner lot

Rv parking & fenced yard Many recent updates


Jordan Grandlund, Principal Brokeri 541-420-1559 JordanGrandlund@gmail.corn



Its ~

Casc a de

Imil II S









A Y’ a

:j L

+~~ 2.26 acre VIEW lot Quiet cul-de-sac Space & privacy near town convenience Ponderosa pines, natural outcroppings, near golf & river trail While on COBA Tour swing by this desirable location and consider building your own dream home Lot 15 NW Lucus Ct. $234,000 MLS¹201 502015 Myra Girod, Principal Broker 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Brokerl 541-788-6767

Pride of ownership! 3 bedroom, 2 bath Spacious vaulted living Private backyard with pavers & gazebo Minutes from school, parks & shopping MLS¹201507273 R ~ K Carmen A. Cook, Broker l 541-480-6491 carmenanncook@gmail.corn

m ra. amteam©cascadesir.corn www.live la orkcentralore on.corn



Situated on a beautiful corner near the river & Old Mill District Wonderful entertaining kitchen with slab granite kitchen island Subway travertine tile backsplash • 3 bedrooms, 2.5baths,bonusroom + den/offi ce • A/C included MLS¹201505340 $328,990

Build your dream home on this 1.52 acre westsidesite with mature landscape & impressive Cascade views Generous oversized lot offers privacy and flexibility Situated in a cul-de-sac location with expansive views Close proximity to river trail, neighborhood park & downtown

Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086

Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086




Y..~ "











Homes from $454,750 Riverfront from $819,750 Exquisitely finished Low-maintenance living • 7th Mountain amenities Conveniently located

19134 Chlloquln Dr. 3 bedroom, 2 bath with den built in 2011 1985 SF, .19 acre lot Energy Star & Earth Advantage certified Fridge & washer/dryer included Fantastic value - $519,000! MLS¹201503153 Sean Barton, Broker l 541-306-7669

Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086


Jordan Grandlund, Broker l 541-420-1559

62665 Big Sage Way, Lot 48 Inspired by mountain contemporary design & modern architecture Build your vision and dream home in this highly sought-after westside neighborhood Dedicated custom building envelope • .31acre backing to a com mon green belt space Proudly offered at $525,000

Beautiful setting Golf course views Great room with new stack stone fireplace Large kitchen with island & breakfast nook Luxurious & private main-level master 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2597 SF MLS¹201504692 -




The N D u Bois d Julie M T

, Bro

541-312-4042 j www TeamNormaAndJulie.corn

› .



› -


le I I





Is Hand-selected kitchen, tile backsplash, granite countertops, custom lighting throughout 3 bedrooms, spacious main-level master suite Mature, private landscaping, community park Spacious studio plus loft area is a bonus Only 20 minutes to Mount Bachelor MLS¹201504319

Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086



ts Majestic plan features 5 bdrms w/2 master suites •Spacio usden/ofi ceplus bonus room s Oversized triple-car garage •Fully landscaped& fenced backyard Overlooks community pool and park Close proximity to schools & Old Mill District

MLS¹201 505160 $574,990 Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086

3 bedrooms, 3 baths, „gf ' 2240 SF, .23 acre Great room & office Alder cabinets, SS, granite, huge pantry Beautiful hardwood floors throughout • Landscaped fencedyard w ithpaver patios MLS¹201501942 ,

Sandy Kohlmoos, Broker, CRSj 547408-4309 www.bestbendhomes.cornIskohl moos@bendbroadband.corn

2790 SF Separate guest suite Private fenced yard, patio, water feature 3-car garage, dog run, ample storage Walk or ride to Old Mill and the river! Perfect vacation rental! M LS¹ 2 01500631


; : Y Y.Y. I..’., I I 1 I I!SS www.robinyeakel.corn

. ’ II

$674,750 Summit floor plan 2938 SF 4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths + den Main-level living, master + den on main Vaulted great room, golf course views Move-in ready! MLS¹201408581 Stephanie Ruiz, Broker j 541-948-5196 Jordan Grandlund, Broker l 541-420-1559

I’ I ’


4000 SF of luxury living! Master on main, 3 suites and 3.5 baths Gourmet kitchen with large dining room Add. building with 1680 SF office, studio & more! Large shop and 2-car garage 4.7 easy-care acres, gated and fenced MLS ¹2015004699 Jodi Satko, Broker l 541-550-0819 satkosellsoregon©gmail.corn

Built by Timberline Construction of Bend Designed by Brandon Olin T his contemporary home features 3 bedrooms, 3 baths Complete with a bonus room and den/office Built to Earth Advantage and Energy Star standards Triple-car garage Near clubhouse, trails, and downtown Bend — call for additional details MLS¹201503923

Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086






master suite Bonus room plus a triple-car garage Close proximity to clubhouse, trails, and downtown

Bend Call for additional details and pricing MLS¹201503914

Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086

River’s Edge Village ( $115,000



61422 Meeks Trail, Lot 67 NW contemporary design Situated on an elevated homesite with mtn. views Designed as a 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath with main-level



.26 of an acre lot Golf course views City & Pilot Butte views Close to river trails , Close to amenities ',: I Build your dream home ' MLS¹201507144

The Norma DuBoisand Julie Moe Team, Brokers 541-312-4042 l www.TeamNormaAndJulie.corn

3 bedroom, 4 bath, 4374 SF Pronghorn Tuscan home • Backing5th holeof Nicklaus course 2 master suites, wine room, elevator • O utdoor kit chen, hot tub,guestcasita MLS¹201507326 Deb Tebbs, CEO/Owner/Brokerl 541-419-4553 debtebbsgroup@bendluxur yhomes.corn www.debtebbsgroup.corn

701 acres of forest, meadows & nver Little Deschutes River frontage 3.6 miles Handscnbed log home: 10,275 SF, 4 bed, 4.5 bath Shop, 4 stall barn, indoor arena, ranch manager's home • Cascademountain views Ranch retreat with abundant wildlife MLS¹201408825 http: //www.diamondbarrranch-centralor.corn

Mountain High ( $469,000

Ken Renner, Principal Broker l 541-280-5352

Pam Mayo-Phillips, 541-480-1513 or BrookHavens,

The Norma DuBoisand Julie Moe Team, Brokers


541404-0788, Principal Brokersj www.deseftvalleygroup.corn

541-312-4042 l www.TeamNormaAndJulie.corn

Deschutes River view Expansive greatroom ..Gourmet kitchen & generous master suite Family room, executive office, & bar • 4 bedrooms, 5.5baths,8,247 SF,0.48 acre lot MLS¹201409875

Home on .40 of an acre Formal living & dining Spacious family room Main level master suite Office with built-ins 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 3370 SF MLS¹201507140

E12 SATURDAY, JULY 25, 2015 THE BULLETIN Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


Ho m es for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

P rivate Setting w i t h Riverfront. Rare River walk estate. 11 Small irrigated acreage SW Bend I $629,000 THE COURTYARD Great Natural Light. peaceful The S ingle L e vel r i v erfront acres, 2 tax lots, 4765 close to town. Cute as 2540 sq.ft., 4 bedTraditional floor plan, estate. Private and sq. ft. s ingle level, a bug's ear home. 3 r o o m,2.5bath Courtyard home fea3 bedroom, 3 b ath gated, this home is Master Chef's kitchen, b edroom, 2 bat h , Main-level master, tures an open great with play room and s ituated in o n e o f 1514 feet o f r i v er shop, barn, round cor- open great room room & dining room, office. Large lot with Bend's most presti- frontage. www. ral, irrigation, fenced, Close to river trail fabulous kitchen & room for RV parking. gious locations, just jackson-anderson.corn landscaped. All this MLS 201503158 breakfast bar, elegant Natural landscaping one mile from down- Can dice Anderson, close to town . S c ott Huggin, Broker, m aster suite & t w o with a 3 car garage. t own. A retr e a t Broker 541-788-8878 $320,000. CALL GRI uest rooms, perfect AT 541-3 2 2-1500 or visiting friends 8 $650,000. CALL perched on 102 feet John L Scott Realty, CANDY YO W 541-410-3193. MLS: J AYNEE BECK A T of serene river front- Bend family, also offers op541-480-0988 OR age, nestled on nearly 201501367 tional detached casita. The Bulletin's PETE VAN DEUSEN an acre of manicured 3 bedrooms, 3 y2 bath "Call A Service AT 541 - 480-3538. landscaped grounds - 2,330 square feet, Smith R oc k vi e ws! MLS: 201 4 06052 with towering ponde- Professional" Directory priced from $690,000. Custom home with 3 MORRIS Duke Warner Realty rosa pines. ThoughtLisa Cole, Principal is all about meeting bdrms., 2 ba., 1968 fully designed to capBroker 541-749-0047 sq. ft., large custom Profitable bus i ness ture your needs. stunning Berkshire Hathaway covered deck, 35x60 ready to g o . N i ce panoramic views of Home Services Call on one of the s hop, all o n 5 . 1 8 commercial building the Deschutes River acres. MLS¹ USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Northwest Real Estate on 2 acres. 4000 sq. t hat greet you t h e professionals today! ft., parking, public re- moment you walk in Single Level Charmer. 201504620. $399,000 ooor-to-door selling with Just bought a new boat? pam Lester, Princ. stroom, showroom, 2 this impressive home. Sell your old one in the roll up drive through 4043 sq. ft. + 750 sq. NW Craftsman style Broker, Century 21 f ast results! It's the easiestclassifieds! Ask about our home, 3 bdrm/2 bath, Gold Country Realty, way in the world to sell. doors and pits to work ft. Super Seller rates! detached 1550 sq. ft., granite Inc. 541-504-1338 under vehicles. shop/guesthouse. 541-385-5809 IrThe Bulletin Classified $349,900. CALL r eplaceable at t h i s countertops, beautiful C ANDY YO W A T p rice. O ffered a t yard w/pond & fruit Starlight Estate, 3 bdrm, THE HOMESTEAD 541- 385-5809 trees, move-in ready. 2 bath, 1558 sq.ft., 541-410-3193. MLS: $1,499,000. Live the good life in www.jackson-ander201406880 Duk e this beautifully dehome on 0.19 acre lot SW R edmond I Cate Cushman, son.corn Warner Realty signed single level is a pleasure to show, $279,900 Principal Broker Barbara Jackson, home. The H o mea very light lived in 2080sq.ft. 541-480-1884 Pronghorn. Fractional Broker 541-306-8186 single l e vel, o n e 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath s tead f eatures a vacation ownership in www.catecushman.corn John L Scott courtyard entrance to owner property. Lo- Attached & detached the Residence Club at River Rim I $495,000 Realty, Bend lovely open g r eat cated on a qu i e t g a rages Pronghorn. 4 bed2445 sq.ft. single-level Single Level Energy Efcul-de-sac just a short MLS 201505928 room, gourmet kitchen room condo with 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath ficient g reen b u i lt distance from the De- Erica Patchen, Broker with breakfast bar and luxury furnishings. to trees and home on 20 acres. schutes River Trail. formal dining, office 541- 4 80%825 This one-twelfth inter- Backs with private entrance trails 2739 sq. ft., 4 bedFenced rear yard with est offers 4 weeks of MLS 201503019 room, 3 bath, solar a large patio for enand exquisite master use and rental insuite and two en-suite Lynne Connelley, panel, 10 acres irriga- tertaining and family come possibilities with Broker, CRS tion, set up for horses enjoyment. Gas log guest rooms. 3 bedon-site management. 541-408-6720 and steel barn. So fireplace lends ambiroom, 3 ~/~ bath MORRIS One share for $7,000 many upgrades and 2,654 square f eet, ance to the vaulted REALESTATE or 3 shares for extras to list. living area. Attractive priced from $750,000. $18,000. Call for Lisa Cole, Principal $599,000. CALL ROB kitchen with a charmdetails. AT EGGERS ing breakfast nook. Tetherow masterpiece. Broker 541-749-0047 Cate Cushman, 541-815-9780. MLS: $315 000 MLS Stunning C a scade Berkshire Hathaway MORRIS Principal Broker Home Services 201503739 Duke ¹201504852 REAL ESTATE views, 3,500 sq. ft., w/ 541-480-1884 Warner Realty Bobbie Strome, 1,200 sq. ft. garage, 4 Northwest Real Estate www.catecushman.corn ~ y~ ~ ap d principal Broker bedrooms, 3 baths, Single Level Home. LoAdvertise your car! John L Scott Real includes master suite THE OVERVIEW - Incated in The Parks at Add A Picture! Find It in Estate 541-385-5500 Ca s c ade and junior suite with credible Broken Top. 2 bedReach thousands of readers! The Bulletin ClassiTieds! Mountain & Tetherow own entrance, room, 2 bath, 1479 Call 541-385-5809 This Golf Course views. 541-385-5809 sq. ft. with den. Beau- Stunning single level. $1,795,000. The Bulletin Classfffeds tifully lan d scaped New construction in contemPorarY work of Grand entry opens to reat room, thoughtart combines the best Quality built, NW style, River Rim I $529,000 yard. $415,000. CALL Crossing with de ully designed for ensingle-level golf 2642 sq.ft. KAROLYN DUBOIS signer finishes of sleek modern knes ertaining b ot h i n course home — open 5 bedroom, 3 bath, AT 541 - 390-7863. t hroughout. 2 b e d - crisp clean finishes, tdoors and out on the during the COBA Tour 3-car garage MLS: 201 5 0 5012 room, 2 bath, plus and rustic design elexpansive o u t door ements to offer the of Homes $879,000. Duke Warner Realty den/office with a priCustom features patio. Main level also example of Diane Robinson, vate courtyard. Perfect throughout Sisters 20 Acres I gou r m et Broker, 541-419-8165. MLS 201503323 $599,000. CALL High Desert Modern features $644,900 style. Gourmet kitchen kitchen, elegant dinTERRY SKJERSAA Matt Robinson, 2272 sq.ft., 3 bedand fabulous main AT 541 - 383-1426. with EuroPean fea- ing Principal Broker room, 2 bath master bedroom MLS: 201 5 0pgg2 tures and open floor level 541-977-5811 Barn, hay storage, retreat. Second level Duke Warner Realty pl a n that flows beau- skybridge shop, irrigation leads to 2 tifully between indoor 0 MORRIS Unobstructed Casen-suite guestrooms and outdoor spaces cade views REAL ESTATE Sun Meadow, 3 bdrm, agow for easy enter- and optional loft/boMLS 201505755 2.5 bath, 2'456 sq.ft dOp ~ taining or cozy nights nus room. 3 bedroom, Becky Brunoe, BroMORRIS house on a 5 , 6 63 at home. Cail for your 3 y2 b ath - 2 , 6 5 1 Riverfront Estate unlike ker, ABR, SRES sq.ft. Iot. Enjoy this p r ivate showing. REAL ESTATE square feet, priced any other in Bend, 541-350-4772 spacious familY floor Beth Davies, Broker from $775,000. I& p ~ d y ~ ~ o~ d OR. $2,2 2 2,000. Plan including the exLisa Cole, Principal 541 4p8 5758 C ustom built m a in Rivers Edge Village I Pansive bonus room. Broker 541-749-0047 Hasson Company house with over 4200 ideal for kids' and $650,000 Berkshire Hathaway Realtors. sq.ft., 3 b drm, 2 .5 3561 sq.ft., 4 bedadult activities. Enjoy Home Services bath. Office loft space, room, 2.5 bath all this home has to The Bridges I $455,000 Northwest Real Estate MORRIS additional 900+ sq.ft. Main-level master, offer, plus the corn- 2005 sq.ft. on the caREAL ESTATE q uest h ouse, t w o open great room munity pool and parks nal BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS 3-car garages, pri- 3-car garage, close to for the entire family. 3 bedroom, 3 bath vate compound at the river trail Small Acreage in NE This home has been Gourmet kitchen, large Search the area's most comprehensive listing of end of the road, 800 MLS 201504202 Bend. 4.7 acres with 2 lightly lived in a n d ma s ter classified advertising... ft. deep well, shop, Marci Bouchard, Broacres of i r r igation. awaits new owners. MLS 201505812 real estate to automotive, shed and two sepaSingle level, 2268 sq. Quality finishes that Sue Conrad, Broker, ker, CRS, SRES merchandise to sporting rate well rights. 2.61 ft., 5 bedrooms, 2.5 you would expect in a 541-977-1230 C R S 541<80-6621goods. Bulletin Classifieds acres to the middle of baths, barn with stu- Pahlisch home. appear every day in the the r i v er, r a d iant d io. P r ivate a n d $360,000 e MLS print or on line. heated floors, interior peaceful set t ing. ¹201506272 0 waterfall and irrigated Call 541-385-5809 $449,000. CALL ROB Bobbie Strome, garden. EGGERS AT www.bendbulletin.corn Principal Broker MORRIS John R. Gist, Principal 541-815-9780. MLS: John L Scott Real REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Broker 541-815-5000 201506011 Duke Estate 541 385 55pp Serving Central Oregon since StB hd~& m ly ~ ~ ~ d Cascadia Properties Warner Realty

Time to declutter? Need someextra cash?

OI’ And sell it locally. ', ((

I' e

List one Item* in The Bulletin’s Classifieds for three days for FREE. PLUS, your ad appears in P RINT and ON -LIN E

at bendbulletin.corn


B SSl I '


To receive your FREECLASSIFIEDAD, call 541-385-5809or visit The Bulletin officeat:1777 SWChandler Ave.(Ojj Bejjd's westside) *Offer allowsfor 3 linesof text only. Excludesall service, hay,wood, pets/animals, plants, tickets,weapons, rentals andemploymentadvertising, andallcommercial accounts. Must beanindividual itemunder $200.00 and price of individual itemmust beincludedin thead. Askyour Bulletin Sales Representativeabout special pricing, longer runschedulesandadditional features. Limit i ad per itemper30 daysio besold.

The Bulletin



s ’i

’ .~ ’ ’







CascadeSotheby's Int'j Realty welcomesJoEllen Silva to our Sistersfo fice .M arried 37years,shehas2 sons & 1grandson. With abackground in marketing & sales & havingowned & operated a business,realestateisa naturalfit for Jo Ellen. An active volunteer,shehasa true understandingfothe communities in tJhich sheworks.

Jo Ellen Silva, Broker 541-771-1170 joejjen.sijva@cascadesothebysreajty.corn

.23 acre homesite Cuj-de-sac location Ajj city utilities available Possible Jefferson views Dimensions allow variety of house styles • 2526 SW 43rd Ct.Lot 58 MLS¹201507070

Level riverfront jot Cascade mountain views 1.62 acres, area of custom homes Next to 1st Street rapids, trail, and parks A rare opportunity, on the Deschutes MLS¹201502315

5 peaceful acres 5 minutes from Bend 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 1974 SF Single-level sets back from road Upscale neighborhood, lots of privacy MLS' 201503844

Sue Price, Broker j 541-408-7742

Carmen A. Cook, Broker j 541-480-6491

Jane Flood, Broker j 541-350-9993

www. BendLiving.corn


www. BendLiving.corn

) ’

Awesome NWX Single-Level! ) $489,000

o ’


w- --

1458 SF, 3 bedroom, 2 bath Craftsman style & charm Vaulted, beamed ceiling Front porch, back deck Hardwoods, stainless Walk to NWX shops, park 2148 High Lakes Loop

Scott Cruikshank, Broker j 541-350-9023 corn• scottObendllvlng.corn www. e Bnd Living.

-i.;. qI

3 bedroom + den Large open kitchen Large master suite with patio access 2-car attached garage Backs to common area Close to trails, parks, and restaurants! Carol Osgood, Broker j 541-419-0843 bowerteam.corn ~carolosgood.corn

4 bedroom, 2.5 bath 3159 SF, .59 acre Theater room, mainlevel office, woodburning FP w/gas Hard to find home - this is a must-see! • Open house host:Natajie Vandenborn 541-508-9581 MLS¹201506917


4696 SF, .53 acre 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, den Mostly single-level living with bonus up Stunning great room and kitchen Full tee to green vistas of the 1st hole MLS¹201500011

Amazing 5 BR Custom Home! ( $579,900 Desirable Silver Ridgei Huge main-floor master Chef's kitchen with pantry •Bonus:bath,kitchenette Study: custom built-ins

ro er

Sandy Kohlmoos, Broker, CRS j 541-408-4309

3643 SF, .34 acre MI.S¹201505555 Scott Cruikshank, Broker j 541-350-9023


www.bestbendhomes.c orn jskohlmoos@bendbroadband.corn

www. BendLiving.corn scottObendliving.corn

e an arton,



Homes for Sale


Homes for Sale

Redmond Homes


Su n river/La Pine Homes Sunriver/La Pine Homes

THE RIMROCK - The W aterfront & Sm i t h 51839 Fordham Dr. Beautiful L a Pine Rimrock offers truly Rock views! Large Looking for your next One - time $239,000. 1804 sq. ft., Home. emp/oyee? astounding views of country home on 5+ 3 b d rm. A m azing owner/occupant. Very | Place a Bulletin help 'j the Cascade Moun- irrigated acres, 2772 m aster suite. H i g h clean 3 bdrm, 2 bath, tain Range & Teth- sq. ft. w/ 5 bdrm., 2.5 wanted ad today and Lakes Realty & Prop- 1512 sq. ft. 1993 mfd 0 reach over 60,000 erow Golf Course. ba., 2-car detached erty Ma n agement home on .98 acres. readers each week. 541-536-0117 Main level luxurious garage 8 b e a utiful Covered decks, front Your classified ad m ast-suite, gre a t landscaping. M L S¹ and back. New paint will also appear on 51895 Fordham Dr. room, dining & gour- 201409838 $499,900 inside and out. Overbendbulletin.corn $280,000 3054 sq. ft., size detached double met kitchen take full Pam Lester, Princ. which currently re4 b drm, 2 i/~ b ath, car garage plus two advantage of the in- Broker, Century 21 ceives over 4-car garage. High c redible views, a s Gold Country Realty, additional o u t build1.5 million page Lakes Realty & Prop- ings. Mature trees and does lower level fam- Inc. 541-504-1338 views every month erty Ma n agement ily room 8 2 en-suite landscaping. Perimat no extra cost. 541-536-0117 guest rooms, each West Hills I $750,000 eter fenced on three Bulletin Classifieds w/private mountain & 3672 sq.ft., 4 bedsides. Move-in ready. room, 2.5 bath Get Results! 52375 Barberry Circle broker welcome with golf course view patio. Mt. Bachelor 8 city Call 385-5809 or $99,500. 1436 sq. ft., 3% sales commission 3 bedroom, 3 i/2 bath, views place your ad on-line mfd. w/oversized dbl to procuring broker. 3,094 square f eet, Large decks, .35 acre at garage. High Lakes $169,900. For sale by from priced lot Realty 8 Pr o perty owner 541093202808 ben dbulletin.corn $1,150,000. MLS 201506326 Management Lisa Cole, Principal or 541-786-5715. Jim & Roxanne 541-536-0117 Broker. 541-749-0047 755 Cheney, Brokers Berkshire Hathaway Sunriver/La Pine Homes 53150 Riverview Drive, Don't pass up this Great 541-390-4050 Home Services 541-390-4030 $259,900. 1823 sq. ft. 1.63 acre, Riverfront Northwest Real Estate 16280 Pine Drop Lane granite, S S a p p li- Property, with some of $269,000. 4 bdrm, 2 ances. across from the best views in La People Lookfor Information bath, 1920 sq. ft., atBig Deschutes river. Pine. Very large 2 About Products and Ba t h , tached and detached High Lakes Realty 8 B edroom, 2 Services Every Daythrough garage. High Lakes Property M a n age- 1848 Sq. Ft., 1983 MORRIS The Bulletiu Clues/T/eris Manufactured that has Realty & Pr o perty ment 541-536-0117 REAL ESTATE Management been very well mainThomas Creek Fronthd~& m ly ~ ~ ~ d tained. Ho t Tub 541-536-0117 a ge. 1 52 0 ac r es Just too many Room, Living Room Cot t age.15318 Bear St., La Pine mountain p a s ture.Westside collectibles? and Dining Room with looking for a remodel $299,900. 1868 sq. ft. Summer Grazing the views you could Recreation. A gem for project? Elevated lot custom home w ith look at all day, and Sell them in $ 1,500,000. Bri a n in the heart of t he shop. H i g h L akes Room. s Meece, ALC, CCIM, Westside. 2 bedroom, Realty & P r o pertyThe Bulletin Classifieds Computer/Den Over sized 2 Car GaP rincipal Brok e r 1 bath, 912 sq. ft. Management rage, with a Large at541-639-3423 Close to shops, res- 541-536-0117 tached workshop/craft 541-385-5809 Re/MAX Key Proper- taurants, pubs and 15323 Bear Street, La room. G r eenhouse ties park. $325,000. CALL Pine, $275,500. 3 and additional storLARRY JACOBS AT 17161 Wood Duck Ct. T illicum Village I bat h , $ 274,999. 2 b d r m, age shed. Large back 541-480-2329. MLS: b edroom, 2 d eck to e njoy t he $379,900 201505606 Duke 24x36 insulated shop. river access, green- views of the River and 2740 sq.ft. contempoHigh Lakes Realty & Warner Realty house/ H igh Lakes Paulina Peak Views in Property M a n age- Realty & rary P r o perty your picture perfect 3 bedroom, 2 bath Westside Single Level. ment 541-536-0117 Management backyard. MLS Special West H i lls 15980 Green Forest 541-536-0117 .59 acre, overlooks 201505499. $329,900 canal home on a large pri- $189,900. 1500 sq. ft., MLS 201411019 vate lot! This home is 2-car garage, fenced 53865 Y oh o D r i ve, Cascade Realty, Virginia Ross, Broker, a b uyer's d ream. yard. High Lakes Re- $142,000 Double wide Dennis Haniford, Princ. Broker ABR, CRS, GRI, Eco Spacious south fac- alty 8 Property Man- with attached 30x30 541-536-1731 i ng l i v ing ro o m. agement garage. High Lakes $519,000. CALL Realty & P r o perty TERRY S KJERSAA 541-536-0117 Lot ¹28 C h eckrein Management AT 541 - 383-1426.16919 Sun Country Dr, $28,000. 1 acre on 541-536-0117 MLS: 201 5 05073$175,000. 1,728 sq.ft. cul-de-sac, commuDuke Warner Realty home, 20x30 i nsu- 54620 Caribou Drive, nity pool. High Lakes ated s h op . H i g h $254,900. 1704 sq. ft., Realty & Pr o perty W onderful Home. 3 lLakes & Prop- community river ac- Management REAL ESTATE bedroom, 2.5 b ath, erty Realty Ma n agement 541-536-0117 cess. H i g h L akes l~ ~ dOp m B 1800 sq. ft. located in 541-536-0117 Realty 8 Pr o perty Crescent Creek. Low Timber Ridge I Management maintenance and Where can you find a Take care of $399,960 541-536-0117 close to recreational 2784 sq.ft. helping hand? your investments hot spots. $199,999. 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath 5 1835 B l ac k P i ne, CALL JAYNEE BECK From contractors to with the help from .39 acre, upper 8 $184,900. 1232 sq. ft., AT 541-480-0988 OR yard care, it's all here lower decks 2.16 acres, 24x30 The Bulletin's PETE VAN DEUSEN MLS 201503245 in The Bulletin's Shop. High L a kes AT 541 - 480-3538. "Call A Service Karin Johnson, Realty & P r o perty "Call A Service MLS: 201 5 03385 Broker, ABR, E-PRO, Management Professional" Directory Duke Warner Realty Professional" Directory 541-536-0117 SRS 541-639-6140 Wyndemere I $749,900 2.51 acr e r i verfront 4229 sq.ft. p roperty. This is a 3 bedroom, 3 bath, Great Property with 3-car garage Storage Buildings and Panoramic Cascade 4 2 RV Hookups. Newer 4 k 4 4 r views MORRIS S eptic installed i n MLS 201502967 REAL ESTATE 2010. Manufactured Odette Adair, Broker, h ome was built i n S.T.A.R. 1972, either put a little Tumalo Neighborhood. 541-815-4786 TLC into it or remove Quiet neighborhood and build your dream near the river. 2 bedhome and enjoy the 0 room, 1 bath home on g reat views of t h e .44 acre lot. Private river and mountains well. $179,900. CALL MORRIS from your back door. BECKY OZRELIC AT REAL ESTATE Must See! $164,900. 541-480-9191. MLS: IM p W e ~ ~ a~ 4 MLS201505497 201504083 Duke Cascade Realty, 750 Warner Realty Dennis Haniford, Princ. Redmond Homes Broker V iew home i n R e d1-541-536-1731 mond. 3 bdrm, 2.5 Bank owned on almost HOME LOANS bath, 2248 sq.ft. + 2 Bedroom 2 Bath i /2 acre. 3 b d rm, 1 den, master and liv- b ath, 1012 sq . f t . , Manufactured Home N'j/I i ng room o n m a in story home with on .77 acre. Carport, level, wood f l oors, single Storage Building and maple cabinets, mtn fenced yard and RV $ 1 34,900. Corner Lot located in and city views. Secu- parking. Ponderosa Pines. rity system, vaulted MLS ¹201505970 Call Please contact us for all yovr home financing needs. Great Income PropLester, Principal ceilings, b e autifully Pam erty or Starter Home. Broker, Century 21 landscaped, deck, on $125,000 MLS Gold Country Realty, corner lot. 2015050709 Inc. 541-504-1338 Kathy Denning, Broker Cascade Realty, 541-480-4429 John L Bank owned on almost Dennis Haniford, Princ. Scott Realty, Bend 1/4 acre. 1120 sq. ft. 3 Broker 1-541-536-1731 bdrm, 2 bath, home in Views forever! This 4 bed/3 bath 1796 sq. ft. SW Redmond. double 50111 Collar D r ive. home sits on a well garage and fenced $ 279,900. Grea t treed 4.5 acres with backyard. $161,900. h orse property. 5 Call Trena O'Bill Dave Swisher Kent Cramer Larry Wallace Bryan Johnson views of the Cascade MLS201506262 a cres, 3 bd rm, 2 Range, Smith Rock Pam Lester, Principal bath High Lakes ReLoan Originator Loan Originator Loan Originator Loan Originator Loan Officer Broker, Century 21 NMLS¹ 130701 N MLS¹ 118555 NMLS¹ 206015 NMLS¹ 274578 and more. $319,900. Gold Country Realty, alty & Property ManAssistant CALL KIM WARNER 33 years experience 25 years experience 25 years experience 30 years experience 15 years experience agement AT 541 - 410-2475. Inc. 541-504-1338 541-536-0117 MLS: 20' I 501737New Listing! Located Duke Warner Realty just o utside E agle Crest Resort, this is a Village W i estoria one of a k i nd Bend. Midtown, near truly H ollinshead Par k , property with 2500 sq. ft. main and 2007 home, 3 bed- 2600 sq.house ft . g u est rooms, 4 baths, 2780 +/- sq. ft., must see. house that opens to Lana Strom Nicole Aldous Denise Stauffer Leia Nitschelm your own private ten$399,900. Operations Manager, Processor Loan Officer Underwriter n is court, all o n 5 NMLSt 1229887 www.johnlscott.corn/5 fenced acres. Main Northwest Division 10 years experience 41 years experience 1003. Kellie C ook, N MLS¹ 1731 36 13 years experience You know what master is 1000 Broker 541-408-0463 house 21 years experience they say about q. ft . w i t h h u g e John L Scott Realty, s w alk-in closet a n d "one man's trash". Bend large mater b a t h. Your Central Oregon Lending Team Want to move in and Large entertainer's There's a whole pile www.skylinehomeloansNW.corn enjoy life? This is your kitchen with double of "treasure" here! (541) 306-3700 home, and it is loaded ovens and large panwith upgrades and try, opens to a great 250 NW Franklin Ave. Suite 10l, Bend, OR 97701 ready to live in. This room with 22' ceilings. In America 2014 222 NW 7th St., Suite 4, Redmond, OR 97756 well-maintained home Guest houseincludes boasts a large tiled 4 b drms, 2 ba t h , entry way, heat pump, l ounge area, a n d a a a ceiling fans, recessed kitchenette . 400 sq. Thousandsofadsdaily l ighting, large l o f t ft. cabin includes stuin print andonline. area, a master bed- dio style open bedCopyright © 2015Skyline Financial Corp. dbaSkyline HomeLoans Nationwide Mortgage Licensing System &Registry (NMLS) Company ID ¹ 12072, Oregon r oom w it h a m p le room/great room area, Licensed bythe Division of Finance &Corporate Securities No. ML2797. walk-in closet, winkitchenette and cons s li dow coverings temporary bathroom. throughout. The gaThis property is gated rage is finished with with remote e ntry. ceiling storage rack 1190 Dodge i/2 ton and you have great truck, ALL main house views from the back interior furniture and deck. MLS¹ Eagle Crest t i me201304344. V A -as- share allowing acsumable if e l igible. cess to a l l R esort $123,900. H e a ther amenities are all inHockett, Pri n cipal couded! Offered at II Broker 541-420-9151 $698,900 MLS 201506113. P l ease Gold Country Realty call for your private showing today. Lynn FIND YOUR FUTURE Johns, Princ. Broker, HOME INTHE BULLETIN Central Oregon ReYour future is just apage sort Realty away. Whetheryou're looking 541-408-2944 I sI ' I ' I for a hat or aplace tohangit, built golf course The Bulletin Classified is Newly frontage! 3 bedroom 2 your best source. bath + den. Custom Every daythousandsof cabinets, gra n ite, buyers andsellers ofgoods hardwoods, vaulted and services dobusinessin c eilings, pant r y, these pages.Theyknow walk-ins. Elegance in 'I II ' I you can't beatThe Bulletin a s e rene s e t ting. Classified Section for $349,900 Call Nancy selection andconvenience Popp, Princ. Broker - every item isjust a phone 5 41-815-8000. M L S call away. 201505433 Call Nancy Popp, Princ. The Classified Section is Broker, 541-815-8000 easy to use.Everyitem is categorizedandevery Crooked River Realty cartegoIy is indexed on the Need to get an section's front page. The4llA l r eal HHK DeSigl G)mPetitianreCOgTli2BB thiS yearhbeSt desiCP ad in ASAP' ? Whether youarelookingfor PrajeCtS Within the Qntral OIBQOnaea If yOu' Ve Created, desiCPed Or deuelOPed a You can place it a home orneeda service, k iller PrOjeCt, PrOduCt OrObjeCt in 2614, WBWant yOu! Rr CDmPletedetilS ~ the your future is inthe pagesof online at: The Bulletin Classified. www.bendbulletin.corn OomPetitiOn ParameterS and SubmiSSiOn PrOCeSS,go toour Website: tMXkh arg





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The Bulletin ServingCental Oregon s>mel9D3


E14 SATURDAY, JULY 25, 2015 THE BULLETIN Sunriver/La Pine Homes Homes with Acreage

Mini Ranch 10 acre M/L with custom built 3 bedroom, 2 bath. Lots of counter space and cupboards, in this large kitchen with attached dining area with sliders to back deck overlooking the pond with waterfall. Dbl garage finished w/ opener. Shop is 30x36 finished, wired 220 w/opener. This acreage is clean, secluded, quiet with lots of wildlife. MLS 201505279 $285,000/ Cascade Realty, Dennis Haniford, Princ. Broker 541-536-1731


R e c reational Homes & Property











Breathtaking views of Lot 200 SW Panorama 10745 Rockside Court Mt. View from this 1.169 Lot 1 SW S had Rd. 10085 Juniper G l en 1483 Trail Creek Drive, the Cascades and the Charming and quaint Rd., CRR. C orner in Eagle Crest Resort. acre lot located on a 3 .09 a c re s wit h Circle, Beautiful level Premium level lot with Deschutes River! 4 view s . lot backing to com- privacy and mountain mountain g e t-away 1.21 acre lot, paved Looking f o r BIG paved road. Across a mazing bdrm, 3 bath round tucked in among old street, mtn. v iews. v iews? Here i t i s ! the street from the $78,500. mon area on a quiet v iews on a qu i e t MLS ¹ home on 2.27 acres. growth forest with its $42,500. MLS Views include Black community pasture, 201402733 J u niper street in Eagle Crest. cul-de-sac in Eagle Greenhouse, hot tub own dock on Odell 2011505669 Juniper Butte, Mt. Jefferson park and walking trail. Realty 541-504-5393 Situated east to west Crest, .39 acre lot a nd plenty o f R V L ake. Recently r e Realty 541-504-5393 and Mt. Hood. Bring Come enjoy all that you will enjoy Cline backs t o c o m mon ranch offers, golf, ten views and have area, which adjoins parking. $ 3 89,900. modeled cabin cap Lot 22 Gray Squirrel your builder or use Call The Bulletin At Butte MLS 201506613 one from our prenis, swimming, and sun and shade all B LM. Ne w h o me tures plenty of light $9,000. Nicely treed Pam Lester, Princ. Bro- through the floor to list. Offered at hiking, fishing a nd day. New home pack- packages available. 541 385 5809 .6 acre near river. ferred MLS much more. $25,000. ker, Century 21 Gold ceiling glass windows. High Lakes Realty & $'179,900. ages available. Of- $177,500. MLS¹ Country Realty, Inc. 201503528. Call L i n d a Lou PlaceYourAdOr E-Mail fered a t $8 9 ,900. 201503325 Since 2010 many new Property M a n age541-504-1338 Day-Wright, Broker, Lynn Johns, Principal MLS¹ 201503166 Lynn Johns, features added: hard ment 541-536-0117 At: www.bendbulletin.corn Lynn Johns, Principal Broker, wood floors, remod 5.3 acres near the en Broker, 541-408-2944 541-771-2585 541-408-2944 Central Oregon Crooked River Realty Principal Broker, cled b ath, d o uble trance of The Ranch Need help fixing stuff? Resort Realty 13601 SW Canyon Dr. 541-408-2944 Central Oregon pane windows, deck, $397,000 Build on the Call A Service Professional golf course. Nice 1.13 acres with Central Oregon Resort Realty floor heaters, metal and river - Sunriver area. CRR. find the help you need. mountain views. nice Mt. Jefferson views. Resort Realty roof, fridge and wood 1.57 acre b u ilding 15002 R o bert Rd, www.bendbulletin.corn horse property. ¹201106385 14207 Whitewater Lp. Say "goodbuy" stove. A short trail to flat site, sweeping big $58,500 $59,900 La Pine 8.54 Perfect place to build Juniper Realty newly built dock. En Bldg lot in Wildriver acres, well, cleared D eschutes Rive r home. $75,000. 541-504-5393 to that unused Christmas Valley Home joy the privacy over your w/septic. $ 6 4 ,900. RV sites. High Lakes views, prime location Li n d a Lou offers standard com- looking the trees fac Call from Sunriver 9040 SW S a ndridge High Lakes Realty & Realty & Pr o perty Day-Wright, Broker, item by placing it in across i ng the l a ke. F u ll mercially s u p plied Property M a nage- Management Resort, adjacent to 92 Rd., CRR 1.12 acre Wonderful location, ex electricity and also in- ownership/leased 541-771-2585 ment 541-536-0117 acres of US National 541-536-0117 citing home. Large The Bulletin Classifieds Power and water at two separate land. Nothing to do Crooked River Realty Forest land. kitchen center island cludes the street $34,900. Look at: solar backup systems. but relax and enjoy. Check out the Tina Roberts, Broker Find exactly what dining area with slid MLS ¹201403978. OWC. 2286 Hwy 58 classifieds online Bendhomes.corn include a 541-419-9022 you are looking for in the ing glass door to back Amenities Juniper Realty, 541-385-5809 Crescent Lake. www.bondbntletin.corn for Complete Listings of Total Property deck, lots of storage, fully independent wa- ¹14, 541-504-5393 CLASSIFIEDS 2015 0 2666 Updated daily Area Real Estate for Sale Resources skylights, l a m inate ter supply when re- MLS $225,000. floors. Front room has quired. G e nerators Cascade Realty, lso i n stalled f o r entry way with new a Linda 541-815-0606 covered porch, wood backup. 3000 sq. ft. with h ay loft, Gorgeous 2 bedroom, 2 stove. Laundry room barn has a bonus room/of 2 880 s t aff. s h o p. b ath, 1362 s q . f t . is s o m u ch home located on 3.3 fice and opens up to 2 There c ar g a rage w i t h h ere, i n cluding a acres in the heart of that you Crescent Lake with opener. 900 sq. ft. fin greenhouse, i shed shop wi r e d could drop of the grid. views. A 354 sq. ft. Outstanding views of Master Suite with at 220. $255,000. MLS Table Rock right from 201504449 bath, w ood yard. Much of the tached Dennis Haniford, Princ. your stove, windows that land was kept in it' s Broker Cascade Renatural s t at e for stretch from floor to alty, 541-536-1731 beauty alone. On end 2nd story, entertain deck, spacious of dead end road. ing TURN THE PAGE MLS 2015 0 5690 kitchen, wood blinds, laundry area, built-in For More Ads $205,000 storage, i n g round Cascade Realty, The Bulletin RV s ites Dennis Haniford, Princ. sprinklers, with hook ups, vaulted Broker ceiling, graveled circu 762 1-541-536-1731 lar drive, landscaped Homes with Acreage and more! Listing in Picturesque C rooked eludes 2 tax lots. 1440 Spacious updated River Canyon walls sq. ft. RV garage with single level home on can be viewed from 1 roll ups. Minutes 4.69 acres, 3 bdrm, 2 anywhere on this 3.62 3 from Crescent Lake & bath, 1740 sq. ft. Io a cres lot, and t h e Willamette Ski Pass. cated i n T e the row backdrop fo r the 299,000 1950 7 Crossing. $315,000. home is beautiful rock $Rose Marie L ane, MLS 201506390 Pam outcropping. W r apLake, OR. Lester, Princ. Broker, around decks look Crescent MLS 201505320 C entury 2 1 Gol d over the fenced pas- Cascade Realty, Call Country Realty, Inc. ture, t w o s t orage Kerry 541-815-6363 541-504-1338 buildings for hay, tack or yard equipment. MLS 20' I 503901.Cabin in the woods on $124,000. Call Nancy trout stream, private, Popp, Princ. Broker, off the grid, 80 mi. from Bend. 638 ac. 541-815-8000 Crooked River Realty $849K. Fo r d r o ne video li n k , cal l 360' View/Top of Butte 541-480-7215. in Terrebonne. Home, Sell an Item shop, mansion building site. 2% to broker. See: Farms & Ranches bend.craiqslist.org/reo/ 51 358096329.html 5 peaceful acres in 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 2456 Bend. Lovely 3 bdrm, sq. ft. home with on 2.5 bath single story If it's under $500 14.66 acres, 13.20 home. Large shop acres irrigation. Boyou can place it in with loft, 24x36 horse nus room w/seperate barn, 24x36 equip. The Bulletin bldg. 2 loafing sheds. entry, stainless steel Classifieds for: appliances, solar deIrrigated & divided sign generates 20% pastures. Garden & electricity. MLS¹ $10 3 lines, 7 days greenhouse. Gated 201504013 $439,900 entry. $619,000. Pam Lester, Princ. $16 3 lines, 14 days 61667 Somerset Dr. Broker, Century 21 By appt. 541-389-3769, or Gold Country Realty, (Private Party ads only) Inc. 541-504-1338 541-213-8179.

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15194 Ponderosa Loop 598 Highland Meadow Enjoy Mt . J e fferson Riverfront Lot I 5 Acres - Corner Lot Level 1.4 1 a c res, Loop, Nice level .34 views from this 5-acre Million Dollar View! $199,000 Sisters School Dist., b uild or camp . acre lot on a q uiet lot, close to Crooked Fall River Estates $325,000. $54,000. High Lakes street in Eagle Crest River Ranch entrance Fly-fishing paradise! 541-389-9751 Realty & Pr o perty Resort. Smith Rock with the availability of Just 30 minutes from Management and Cline Butte views all the CRR amenities: Bend 7965 SW River Rd. Se541-536-0117 with potential Cas- golf, swimming, ten- MLS 201409027 cluded 8 private 2.79 cade Mountain views. nis, disk golf, river Julia Buckland, Broacres, near the DesLot backs to a strip of fishing, p i c kle-ball, ker, ABR, ALHS, Want to impress the chutes River, canyon common area lending horseback riding and CRS, GRI wall views, borders relatives? Remodel itself to a feeling of bird watching. 541-719-8444 public land. $39,500. your home with the maximum p r ivacy. $57,900 MLS Juniper Realty help of a professional New home package 2 01504749 Kati e 541-504-5393 available. $129,900. Dailey, Broker from The Bulletin's 541-419-4220 MLS¹ 201502863 Eastern Oregon Land"Call A Service Lynn Johns, Crooked River Realty Canyon City, Oregon, MORRIS Professional" Directory Principal Broker, 3 lots available with REAL ESTATE 541-408-2944 Fairway Crest Village I city water and sewer Central Oregon $179,900 at street. 1.86 acre 1525 Murrelet Drive, Resort Realty .32 acre flat, buildable River Front Lot on De- residential lot, level Large .49 acre golf course lot with east- 1 5780 D a vi s Av e , lot schutes River, 5 min- building site, $30,900. erly Ochoco moun- $45,000. La Pine 1.62 Close to Deschutes utes S. of Sunriver. 6.12 acre view lot, re s i dential, tain and city views. acres, view, partially River 1/2 acre w/panoramic zoned Mature ponderosa Situated near the 17th cleared. High Lakes view Septic feasibility $30,900. 3.49 acre pines tee box of the Chal- Realty 8 Pr o perty MLS 201502959 approved. $172,000. mtn view lot, within city limits, $35,900. l enge C ourse, a t Management 541-390-6283 Pat Palazzi, Broker Sellers are Oregon liEagle Crest Resort, 541-536-0117 541-771-6996 censed Real Estate you will enjoy beauti773 Brokers. ful morning sunrises 88046 Christmas ValAcreages Juniper Realty d aily. N e w ho m e ley $69,000. Located on C. V. airstrip with 541-504-5393 package a v ailable. 10 PRINEVILLE Acres hangar. High Lakes Offered at $164,900. RMV = $15,700 Grandfathered RV lot, Realty & Pr o perty MLS¹ 201503507 MORRIS $6,700 FIRM one acre. Nicely treed Management Lynn Johns, REAL ESTATE 805-286-1283 and fenced, adjoining 541-536-0117 Principal Broker, a greenbelt for pri541-408-2944 Big Deschutes Lot I 16685 SW Chinook Dr. vacy. Water line inCentral Oregon $179,900 Lot 67 SW Shad Rd. CRR. 6.9 acres with s talled to R V s i t e . Resort Realty .53acre, Big DesC rooked River a l l Older septic for RV great value for this chutes riverfront 1 .04 acre lo t w i t h utilities inst a lled. use. Power nearby. 15980 Camino De Oro All utilities to lot mountain views. $189,000 MLS Continue RV use or $59,000. 3.14 acres Shared well, septic 201008671. Juniper build your home on $29,900. MLS¹ near La Pine State approved Realty 541-504-5393 201408966 J u n iper t his li v el y sit e . Park. High Lakes Re- MLS 201409798 Realty 541-504-5393 MLS $49,900. alty & Property ManSherry Perrigan, $245,000 Views. 4.69 2 01205397 N a ncy agement Broker Nice lot with numerous acres, horse property, Popp, Princ. Broker, 541-536-0117 541-410-4938 o ptions. Setup f o r needs well and COIC 541-815-8000 several RV campers irrigation, public riding Crooked River Realty 176 Silver Spur Road, to camp at once. Sep- trails. $60,000. One acre, Bea Leach, Broker Lot 18 SW Quail Rd. tic and electric hookcommunity pool, club541-788-2274 5 .15 acre ri m l o t . ups for 5 sites. Nicely house. High L akes Windermere Smith Rock and mtn treed, nice neighborMORRIS Realty 8 Pr o perty Central Oregon views. $70,000. MLS hood. $92,500. CALL REAL ESTATE Management Real Estate 201500166 CANDY VO W AT 541-536-0117 IM~& m ly ~ d~ 4 Juniper Realty 541-410-3193. MLS: $373,000 $559,000 541-504-5393 Breathtaking that's how 201501402 Duke 2 0+ acres i n W e s t you describe this per Warner Realty Faith Hope Charity Powell Butte Estates, feet lot for your dream Acreage for sale: 6 lots What are you gated co m munity, h ome. Septic is i n Old Mill district, prime 5.34 acres - $439,000 mtn. views, private stalled and an under commercial site, just mtn view looking for? well, paved roads w/ ground electrical con one lot off corner of 5.01 acres - $373,000 You' ll find it in access to BLM. MLS¹ duit is in place for Bond and Bluff. ApSmith Rock view 201305077 $169,000. electrical 5.19 acres $373,000 The Bulletin Classifieds ho o k up. prox. 26,000 sq. ft., Pam Lester, Princ. MLS Smith Rock view 201 5 0 6067. MR zoning a l lows Broker, Century 21 $124,900. Call Donna many uses. $650,000. 5.01 acres - $559,000 Gold Country Realty, Carter, 541-903-0601 mtn views 541-385-5809 CALL KIT K ORISH 4.98 Inc. 541-504-1338 acres - $549,000 Crooked River Realty AT 541 - 480-2335. Lot 4 SW Blue J ay 2015 0 0280 mtn views .26 acre view lot in SW Breathtaking vi e w s! MLS: 4.98 acres - $549,000 Road, CRR. S m ith Duke Warner Realty R edmond. Gre a t C ome b uild y o u r R ock v iews, 5 . 1 7 mtn views neighborhood and lo- dream home on this Bea Leach, Broker acres borders public Oregon Water Woncation with views of fabulous 3.73 acre lot 541-788-2274 land. $65,000. MLS derland I $74,999 Smith Rock and the on a paved road close Windermere 201407131 Ochocos. Build your to ranch entrance. 2.06 flat acres Juniper Realty Central Oregon ¹ 20 1 502501. Close to river 8 public dream home here! MLS 541-504-5393 Real Estate boat ramp $64,000. CALL ROB $110,000. Call Donna Paved road, utilities at Price reduced! 16465 EGGERS AT Carter, 541-903-0601 street SW Dove Rd., CRR. 5 541-815-9780. MLS: Crooked River Realty The Bulletin is your MLS 201505549 acre legal lot. Septic 201410582 Duke Cascade Mt Views from E mploy m e n t Kimmy Sue Lickteig, feasibility approved. Warner Realty this 1. 2 5 acre Broker mtn views. $69,900. cul-de-sac l o cation Marketplace 503-593-1183 MLS 201501897 3 B en d C i t y L o t s, ready to go! Septic inJuniper Realty views and u nique, stalled with 1000 galCall 541-504-5393 $150,000/ea. Please lon tank. Connection send email to: Parval- to C r ooked R i ver 775 5 41-3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 ueproperties@gmail Ranch water, 30x40 Manufactured/ .corn to receive info. MORRIS g arage/shop wit h to advertise. REAL ESTATE Mobile Homes concrete floors, win52740 Day Road. La dow and 16x10 overPine. L a rge p ole head door and man List your Home www.ben dbulletin.corn barn, well, power, one door. $85,900 MLS Jan dMHomes.corn The Bulletin acre $85,000. High 201302066 We Have Buyers Call To Subscribe call Lakes Realty & Prop- Nancy Popp, Princ. Get Top Dollar erty Man agement Broker, 541-815-8000 541-385-5800 or go to Financing Available. Serving Centrat Omgon since fRU www.bendbulletin.corn 541-536-0117 541-548-5511 Crooked River Realty

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Cascade LADDGROUP real eetate




The Ladd Group is a highly experienced team that helped clients make $35 million of real estate investments in 2014. Their advanced search engine at bendpropertysource.corn allows you to easily track homes by pricing, area, neighborhood or custom criteria. 541.633.4569 I 650 SW Bond St, Suite 100, Bend


CROSSWATER ESTATE — SUNRIVER $3,895,000 4 bedroom, 5.5 bath For more info, text LADD13 to 88000

61582 HOSMER LAKE DR.—TETHEROW $1,100,000 New Greg Welch Construction 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 3113 sq. ft. For more info, text LADD21 to 88000


E ach offi ce is independently owned and operated

TETHEROW HOMESITES Lots starting at $217,350 For more info, text LADD15 to 88000

19860 ROCKING HORSE RD — SW BEND $725,000 log home with barn 8< shop • 3 bedroom, 2 bath,5.25 AC, 2304 sq.ft. For more info, text LADD10 to 88000

TETHEROW CABINS —BONNEY LANE $559,000-$575,000 - 2 floor plans available 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1482 1776 — sq. ft. For more info, text LADD5 to 88000

6 SHADOW LANE — SUNRIVER $697,500 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 2822 sq. ft. For more info, text LADD19 to 88000

60964 CREEKSTONE LOOP — SW BEND $478,500 RiverRim Craftsman 4 bedroom, 3 bath, 2925 sq. ft. For more info, text LADD20 to 88000

61451 HACKLEMAN COURT — TETHEROW $2,325,000- High desert modern estate 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 4240 sq. ft. For more info, text LADD22 to 88000

Call Us today to set Up a private showing! 541-633-4569



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AWBREY GLEN f $819,000 plANE RpBINSpN, BROKER , ABR 54 I 4 I 9-8165

3 bedroom, den, 2.5 bath Golf course views, single-level 3475 McCready Drive MLS 201502363

80 ACRE ESTATE f $3,950,000 CRAIGLONG, BROKER 541-480-7647

Custom 4555sq.ft. home UnobstructedCascadeviews Horse barn, 2 haybarns, shop MLS 201408573


TUMAL O4.96 ACRESf$3300,000

ARCHIETCT’5 HOMEf $1,175,000

5267 sq.ft., 5 bedroom, 5.5 bath

pMNELOZITO, «Contemporary 3264 sq.ft. ~ Cascade Mtn &Smith Rock Views BROKER 541-548-3598, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, 12+acres 541 306 9646 MLS 201500763

Cascade views, private river access 5-stall barn, guest home

MLS 201 504254

SUNSE TVIEWESTATESf $1gi75,000 7525 sq.ft., wood 8stonefinishes 4bedroom,6bath, Cascadeviews Expansive patio, decks,1.37acres MLS 201410912


tl wha m "Js


NW BEND f $1,149,000 CPREY CHARON, PE, BROK ER 541-280-5512

3732 sq.ft., 5 bedroom + office Huge, private .88 acrelot

City views,twominutestodowntown

MLS 201506150


4460 sq.ft., vaults, beams 3 bedroom,4.5 bath 17th fairway & pond views MLS 201501 886


r.d. Building 8 Designto bebuilt 2504 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath

NW BEN DTOWNHOMEf $387$95 2180 sq.ft., upgraded


5 acres, private river access

MLS 201 502559

3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Island kitchen,opengreat room

MLS 201505341

54 I -948-0997


4 bedroom 3 bath 25 acre SHARC paid mful MLS 2015034TB



f" +/



SE BEND f $681,000 KIRKSANDBURG, BROKER , SRS 541-556-1804

3025 sq.ft., 4 bedroom, 4 bath

Furnished sportsroomwith wet bar .25acre, water feature

MLS 201505735

SUNRIVER f $598,900 GARYROSE, BROKER , MBA 541-588-0687

3042 sq.ft., 4 bedroom,4 bath Vaulted ceilings, redoakfloors .26acre, large deck,hottub MLS 201500667

NW BENDf $589,000

sq.ft. Iot MINDAMCK ITRICK, ’ 3219 sq.ft. on 8276 3 bedroom,3.5 bath BROKER , GRI Office, bonus room, 3+ar garage 541-280-6148 MLS 201 504293


GOLDEN BUTTEf $559,900 2830 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Island kitchen,granite, slate Expansivdeck, e paver patio

MLS 201504291


NORTH WESTCROSSINGf $5494ND 1969 sq ft craftsman home 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Granite, exposed beams, woodfoors


541 788 3678

MLS 201505869


ASPEN RIMf $499,000

RMR RIMf$529,000

GRANTLUDWICK, ’ 2642 sq.h. 5 bedroom,3 bath, 3car garage BROKER


2995 sq.ft., 4 bedroom,3 bath



Professionally landscaped MLS 20150671 8

Custom features throughout

MLS 201503323


Main floor master,.16 acre

1.39 ACRE SNWBENDf $489,000 BROKER

1456 sq.ft. remodelehome d 3 bedroom,2 bath


MLS 201505759


SUNSE TVIEWESTATESf $449ANO 2.14 acre lot Peek<-booCascadeviews On a cufdesocborderscommonarea


Granite countershickory cabinets


MLS 201409978

AWBREY VILLAGE f $449 000 2128 sq.ft. 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath


Great views,newcarpet


MLS 201502046





RIVER RIM f $439/ 000 Upgraded 2110 sq.ft. home 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath,great room .21acre, cornerlot MLS 201506941




1639 sq.ft. craftsman 3 bedroom,2 bath, woodfloors .3acre fencedlot

MLS 201505100



MIRADAf $298,990


1954 sq.ft., 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath Vaulted ceilings,hardwoods,tile Close to PeschuteRi sver MLS 201502110

’ 1544 sq ft new construction



3 bedroom 2 bath «Stone fireplace,breakfast bar



MLS 2QI 505QT3

. il l



SE BEND f $285,000


1675 sq.ft, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath

Tear&2car garages MLS 201503054



NW BEND CONDOf $213.000 1213 sq.ft, condo 4 bedroom, 2 bath, opengreat room Vaulted ceiling, hardwood floors

MLS 201501 585

Master onmain, vaulted ceilings MLS 201503380

1I I I


27thSTREETCROSSING f$289,000 2170 sq.ft 4 bedroom, 3 bath




1296 sq.ft. manufactured 3 bedroom,2 bath, .98 acrelot Greenhouse,fenced,garden sheds

MLS 201 507074



1809 sq.ft, manufactured

4 bedroom, 2 bath, central A/C 1.04 acre, fenced MLS 201506770



l l42 sq.ft. single level 3 bedroom, 2 bath Fenced yard,parki RVng

MLS 201505971

jg )(


TERREB ONNE f $179,500 1440 sq.ft., 2 bedroom, 2 bath 3.5 mileto sSmith Rock, Cascadeviews .23acre, fenced,cornerlot

MLS 201503932

NE BENDI $89,500


.47acre lot

Establishedneighborhood Build yourdreamhome MLS 201505691

GREG FLOYD, PC, BROK ER 541-390-5349

Duplex lot in NE Bend Easy to build .14 acre Backs canal

MLS 201 504893


CRESC ENT, OR f $49,900 ’ 2200 sq.ft. 3 bedroom, 2 bath .38 acre lot

MLS 201502447


located nextto Redmo ndAirport Tilt-up concrete construction Office, flex or industrial space

MLS 201500536


Create or find Ciassifieds at www.bendbuiietin.corn THE BULLETIN

SATURDAY, JULY 25, 2015 i


-'it t,'g;

Ads starting as low as $10/week rivate alt onl


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Packages starting at $140for28da s

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Prices starting at $17.08 erda

Run it until it sells for $99 oru to12months


contact us: Place an ad: 541-385-5809

Fax an ad: 541-322-7253

: Business hours:

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ITEMS FORSALE 201 - NewToday 202- Want to buy or rent 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 204- Santa's Gift Basket 205- Free Items 208- Pets and Supplies 210 -Furniture & Appliances 211- Children's Items 212 -Antiques & Collectibles 215- Coins & Stamps 240- Crafts and Hobbies 241 -Bicycles and Accessories 242 - Exercise Equipment 243 - Ski Equipment 244 - Snowboards 245 - Golf Equipment 246-Guns,Huntingand Fishing 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. 248- HealthandBeauty Items 249 - Art, Jewelry and Furs 251 - Hot TubsandSpas 253 - TV, Stereo andVideo 255 - Computers 256 - Photography 257 - Musical Instruments 258 - Travel/Tickets 259 - Memberships 260- Misc. Items 261 - Medical Equipment 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. 263- Tools

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: Monday- Friday 7:30 a.m. -5 p.m.

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Guns, Hunting & Fishing

Guns, Hunting & Fishing

Guns, Hunting & Fishing

Sporting Goods - Misc.

NEED TO CANCEL YOUR AD? The Bulletin Classifieds has an "After Hours"Line Call 541-383-2371

PK7 mountain b ike, nice condition, $65. 541-420-5855

24 hrs. to cancel your ad!



H & H FIREARMS Buy, Sell, Trade, Consign. Across From Pilot Butte Drive-In 541-382-9352

Karr CW 9mm w/CT, 5 Pygmy Osprey Double 50 BM G A r malite rifle, single shot bolt mags, 3 ho l sters. wood kayak. Feather White, Kenmore $500. 541-306-0166 gun, exc. cond., low Craft rudder. B u ilt Elite Side/Side Ref. md. count. Very accu2009. Weighs only Private party wants to 30 cu.ft. Ice/water in advertisers may rate, great m uzzle 6 0lbs. I n cludes 2 buy WWII 1911 pistol, the door. Exc. cond. place an ad Trek Navigator 21 break, light recoil, 20 custom fit Red Fish S&W Victory, M1 carNew water filter-good with our speed, step- thru g auge maybe, H D seats; cockpit covers; bine. 541-389-9836 for 6 mo. 36ew x 34 ed "QUICK CASH rollers and saddles for frame, gear bag, hel- bi-pod & H D c arry x 70 eh $800 obo. SPECIAL" mets. Like new $350 bag. 60 loaded rnds. $1 5 0 0. Ruger 357 Black Hawk, crossbars. 541-633-7723 541-388-0811 included. C omplete 1 week3 lines 12 541-504-5224 4 3/ 4 i n c h b l ued. oi’ loading set up avail. $500. 541-306-0166 The Bulletin Where can you find a w/ comp o nents. ~ee eke ee! 245 recommends extra ' Ad must Springfield XDS 9 mm, $2,950. 503-781-8812 helping hand? include price of I caution when pur3 ma g s . $50 0 . From contractors to Golf Equipment e t e te oi geon chasing products or > 541-306-0166 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! ~ services from out of I or less, or multiple yard care, it's all here CHECK YOURAD the area. Sending I Door-to-door selling with items whosetotal Need to get an in The Bulletin's cash, checks, does not exceed , or fast results! It's the easiest ad in ASAP? "Call A Service I credit i n f ormation $500. way in the world to sell. may be subjected to You can place it Professional" Directory Call Classifieds at I FRAUD. For more online at: The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809 information about an I 248 www.bendbulletin.corn on the first day it runs 541-385-5809 www.bendbulletin.corn advertiser, you may c Health & to make sure it is corI call t h e Ore g onI Beauty Items 541-385-5809 ' State Atto r ney ' rect. eSpellcheckn and 6 Sawyer 225 (P6) 9 human errors do oc- mil., nice sights, 3 I General's O f f i ce clips, $575. RemingFor S a l e : Kim b er cur. If this happens to Consumer ProtecS W5 9mm M P5 , 3 Got Knee Pain? Back your ad, please con- ton 1187, semi-auto pro-carry 45 auto w/ mags, custom case. Pain? Shoulder Pain? t ion ho t l in e at I 12 gauge, 20 in. barextras, $895. Ruger tact us ASAP so that Get a p ain-relieving $1200. 541-306-0166 i 1-877-877-9392. corrections and any rel, Sp. Police, $575. American .308 w/4x12 brace -little or NO cost 541-550-7189 scope, $300. Ruger WANTED: Collector adjustments can be to you. Medicare PaI The Bulletin I Serving Central Oregon sinceiggs made to your ad. M77 .270 w/scope & seeks high quahty fish tients Call Health HotCASH!! ammo, $475. ing items & upscale fly line 541-385-5809 Now! 1For Guns, Ammo & 541-419-7001 The Bulletin Classified 800-285-4609 212 rods. 541-678-5753, or Reloading Supplies. 503-351-2746 (PNDC) 541-408-6900. Antiques &








Shih Tzu AKC adorable Collectibles female pu p $ 3 75. 541-788-0234 or Antiques Wanted: tools, 541-548-0403 furniture, John Deere toys, beer cans, fishSiberian Husky puping/sports gear, pies, AKC, s h ots, Pre-'40s B/W photog$1000+ 760-377-7373 raphy. 541-389-1578 or 541-536-5844. People Lookfor Information Yorkie AKC pups 2M, About Products and 280 282 284 286 290 2F, adorable, UDT shots, health guar., pics Services EveryDaythrough Estate Sales Sales Northwest Bend Sales Southwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Redmond Area The Bulletin Cfassimed s $500/up. 541-777-7743 MOVING SALE!! China c abinet circa Estate Sale! Furniture, Multi-Family G a rageMoonlight Madness Gi- Indoor garage sale! 205 210 English Bulldog beauSale. Sat. 25th, 9-2. normous Yard Sale! VFW, 4th and Olney, Washer, dryer, freezer 1940 2-piece; bot- household items, 8 Items for Free tiful 3~/g mo. fern,. Furniture & Appliances tom much more. 4143 NW Corner NW Fairway Friday J u l y 24, F ri-Sat, 7/24 & 2 5 , two recliners, tools, measures 75 nL, b rindle & whit e . Slagsvold, 8-2 on Sat. Heights and Divot Dr., 5pm-9pm. Saturday 9-3. Rent large table- household, misc. 71n L, 17n D. Top Moving boxes, $2000. 541-350-1965 27" console TV, works, top off Mt. Washington. July 25, 10-2. 60264 $25 for both days. 2318 N W C a n yon has s liding g l assGREAT ESTATE SALE all sizes. Navajo Rd. Call 541-383-2294 D rive, Fri., Sat. 8 c a b inet. doors, bottom has 4 Fri/Sat 7/24, 25. 9-4 Retired Kindergarten French Bulldog, female hardwood 408-888-7410 Sun. 7/24-26, 9-4 lined d r awers in 52731 9 wks old, brindle, $25. 541-389-9377 Hun t ington teacher selling 100s Advertise your car! West Side Pines MH middle with cabinets Rd-SP ¹24, La Pine. 208 of books and Add A Picture! $2200. 541-350-1965 292 2 matching night Park, 141 SW15th St., Reach thousands of readers! on either side. Comes teaching materials No earlies. Antiques, Pets & Supplies stands, $65 each. Sales Other Areas Sat. & Sun. 7/25-26, German She herd with 2 keys to lock Call 541-385-58N (Pre-school-first collectibles, d e c or, 541-420-2220 9-5. Huge multi- fam- The Bulletin Classifieds Puppies;4- ales, doors, $150. Antique sm. furn. & more. grade), also houseMoving Sale, F ri-Sat 1-Female; AKC. More The Bulletin recommuseum hope chest Don't miss. Cash only. hold goods. Saturday, ily sale, great variety. Moving Sale, 1671 NE 8-4. Furniture, fridge, Info Visit www.fordan40 nLx17 nDx1 7" H his9-2. 2939 NW mends extra caution Matson Rd., Sat. tools, fishing gear, tory of chest and mu- Incredible Estate Sale Fairway Heights, Bend. 286 when purc h as- dporscha.corn 8am-?. Decor items, mounted elk horns, seum is i n c h est. Fri. 9-5, Sat. 9-1. ing products or ser- Maltese Chihuahua mix, Sales Northeast Bend toys, clothing, etc. aturday only, 9 - 2 . much more! 5661 SE Some minor scratches European antiques, S Small vices from out of the hou s e hold young adults, neuamazing Polish, RusMulti-Family G a rage/ David Way, Prineville. and needs lock rearea. Sending cash, Estate w o o dworking tered, shots. Free to 3 piece hardwood wall placed,$50. items, tools, vintage sian & English porceMoving Sale. Fri-Sat. checks, or credit inbought a new boat? forever app r oved unit, exc. 27" HDTV lain & pottery. German pottery and g l ass- tool sale. R oute rs, 8-3. From C ooley, Just 541-953-9256 Sell your old one in the f ormation may be drills, saws, j oiner, homes. 760-377-7373 ware, exercise equip. sleds, Christmas items. Boyd Acres, 63550 classifieds! Ask about our subjected to fraud. included. $599 obo. or 541-536-5844 Oak wash stand, Household items, ap- 8 more. 3045 N W h and t o ols. Se e Seirra Ct. Super Seller rates! For more informa541-526-1 879 Craigslist. Fri 8 S at Lawrence Ct. golden color $175. pliances. 61215 Fair541-385-5809 tion about an adver- Maremma guard dog 8-3. Sun. 9-1. 1661 541-892-7887 288 field, Bend. dining set, club FIND IT! tiser, you may call pup, pure6red, $350 Amish NE Northview Dr. Multi-family 7/25/26 9-4, Priced to sell! style with 6 c h airs, Sales Southeast Bend the O regon State 541-546-6171 The Bulletin reserves BIIV ( 7I many nice item! 97 Hickory wood, 60x42 the right to publish all Attorney General' s 282 SELL IT! so. to Vandevert, left Mini-long hair Doxies 10 with leaf, new cond., Estate Sale Fri & Sat. Office C o n sumer ads from The Bulletin Sales Northwest Bend The Bulletin Classifieds ** FREE ** on So. Century, left on weeks, UTD, shots, $3500 new, sell for 8-3, 1001 SE 15th St. Protection hotline at newspaper onto The Lazy River, (near not a p u ppy m ill, $1500. 503-910-0087 Garage Sale Kit ff192. dressers, oak Thousand 1-877-877-9392. Bulletin Internet web- 5 family garage sale, Trails) fol541-383-8921 Yard Sale Saturday, Place an ad in The buffet, curios, & misc. site. low signs & balloons. iron bed, $75. Friday 8 S a turday, July 25th. 604 NW Bulletin for your gaThe Bulletin Mini poodle male pup Antique Serving gensreroregon since Sgstg Dresser, $49. 8-5. 63811 O.B. Riley Harriman St., rage sale and re- Hunter Douglas blinds, The Bulletin NOTICE new, Duettes, woven apricot, $500. 541-420-2220 SereingCentralgrregen since Sggg Rd., Bend downtown. 8amceive a Garage Sale woods, roller shades, Remember to remove 1pm. Racing BMX 4 mo. old female black 509-305-9085 Kit FREE! 215 Vinettes, priced from your Garage Sale signs bikes, Ig. book lab puppy. Has had all Mini Schnoodle pup- BDRM. SET, solid oak, Big garage s ale, (nails, staples, etc.) piece, paid $5000. $1.50-$3 per sq. ft. Coins & Stamps KIT INCLUDES: case, books, anof her booster shots. pies parti color - $600 6 Saturday, July 25th after your Sale event Sell for $3000 firm. 50+. Sat. & Sun., 9-7. 4 Garage Sale Signs tiques, lots of new $100. 503-449-1580. from 8am-3pm. 1188 509-305-9085 is over! THANKS! 541-382-3487 $2.00 Off Coupon To 20365 Fairway Dr. men' s/women' s NE 27TH ST UNIT From The Bulletin Adopt a great cat or M ultese Cocker m i x Use Toward Your shoes, Ecco, Co126 BEND&¹8206; Join us for another and your local utility Next Ad two! Altered, vacci- puppies, shots, $300. Dining room set, ebony lumbia, Merrell, etc. OR 97701. Crazy Summer Event table ha s b e veled 10 Tips For "Garage companies. nated, ID chip, tested, 760-377-7373 or The "CRAZY IlllAMA Sale Success!" glass more! CRAFT, 65480 541-536-5844. n cover, 36" high, HELP YOUR AD CRAFT FAIRE" The Bulletin x41 widex57" long. 78th, Bend, Sat/Sun, ESTATE SALE Serving Central Oregon sinceSggi stand out from the Sat. July 25th, 10-4 1-5p.m. 541-389-8420 P omeranian p u p s , shelf under table for Beautiful golf course home & furnishings, brown rest! Have the top line PICK UP YOUR Bend Factory Stores www.bendbuuetin.corn storage o r kn i ckwww.craftcats.org leather sleeper, wing back chairs, mahogany pure bred, sables, in bold print for only GARAGE SALE KIT at Over 40 Local Craft knacks 4 upholstered dining set & china cabinet, sofa, Thomasville tri-colored markings, 1777 SW Chandler $2.00 extra. Vendors and Artists! stools. Almost new, Get your king bed & dresser, 2 full beds, side tables, dewormed, g r eat 54'I -385-5809 Ave., Bend, OR 97702 Food! Live Music! p aid $900 sell f o r lamps, artwork, bookcase, fridge, kitchenware, gadispositions, ready Call 541-848-0334 $450. 541-953-9256 business shelving & garage items, Craftsman snow7/24. Taking dep. The Bulletin Man Sale! Camping & The Bulletin rageblower, lots of Christmas & household. Serrrng Central Oregon sinceiggg C all a f te r 4p m Free standing garage SereingCentralgrregen since Sggg ANTIQUES include American oak armoire, 541-383-8195 hunting stuff! Fri. -Sat. shelves, $35. Private collector buying curved oak china cabinet, small desk, Windsor 9-3. 1033 SE Black Black Stan d a rd 541-420-2220 postagestamp albums & POODLE pups, toy or chairs, tea cart, small furniture pieces, music Ridge Place. Poodle Puppies, tails Garage Sale. Movcollections, world-wide cabinet, vintage bags, vintage & silver jewelry, mini, Chi-poos also d ocked, claws r e i ng and need to G ENERATE SO M E and U.S. 573-286-4343 541-475-3889 Stonehaven Sale, Sat. linens, Lladro & Florence figurines, Shelly china moved, de-wormed, (local, cell phone). lighten the load. EXCITEMENT in your With an ad in o nly, 9 - 2 , Cr o s s collection, antique china, silver, books, lots misc! Lots of baby/child 1st shots & check up, QueenslendHeelers neighborhood! Plan a Roads of Murphy Rd. 240 Fri-Sat 9-4, numbers Fri. 8 a.m. smart, beautiful, ath- Standard 8 Mini, $150 stuff as well as a garage sale and don' t The Bulletin's and Country Club Country Club Dr, to Mt. High entrance, gate will l etic, l o yal, g r e at 8 up. 541-280-1537 Crafts & Hobbies variety of h ouseforget to advertise in Blvd. Wll , f u rniture open, then 1st left, then left again to hunting nose, strong www.rightwayranch.wor classified! hold items. Satur"Call A Service home decor & more. blood lines. 6 Boys, 3 H usqvarna Viki n g 20490 Timberline Ct. 541-385-5809. day/Sunday 9-3 dpress.corn Girls. $1,000, Phone Huskylock 905 Serger PLEASE PARK CAREFULLY, 1 SIDE OF 541-280-5640 Yard Sale: lots of misc. Professional" 503-390-0629 or text Sheep-a-Doodle male Lounge swivel rockers with user's guide and STREET AS MARKED. 20670 Couples Ln. 20714 Russell Dr. 503-930-7356, ask for pups available, $1200 2), very good cond. manual. $350 obo. Attic Estates &Appraisals 541-350-6822 Friday and Saturday, Bend, OR 97701 Directory Debra 509-305-9085 100. 541-382-3487. 541-385-5297 www.atticestatesandappraisals.corn 7-2. Cans & bottles wanted! They make a big difference in the lives of abandoned animals. Local nonprofit uses for spay/neuter costs. www.craftcats.org or 202 call 541-389-8420 for pickup or to learn loWant to Buy or Rent cations of trailers. CASH PAIDwood English Budgie dressers; dead wash4 Mo., $50. ers. 541-420-5640 541-383-4552






541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.corn

AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES Monday Tuesday. Wednesday Thursday

5:00 pm Fri .Noon Mon. Noon Tues.

Noon Wed. Friday. Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri.

Saturday Sunday.

. 3:00 pm Fri. 5:00 pm Fri

PRIVATE PARTY RATES Starting at 3 lines

Place aphotoin your private party ad foronly$15.00par week.

*UNDER '500in total merchandise

OVER '500 in total merchandise

7 days.................................................. $10.00 14 days................................................ $16.00

Garage Sale Special

4 days.................................................. $18.50 7 days.................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50

4 lines for 4 days ................................. $20.00

(call for commercial line ad rates)

*illiust state prices in ad

A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN (*) REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin The Bulletin bendbulletin.corn reserves the right to reject any ad at any time. is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702



Lost & Found

Can be found on these pages:


MISSING SINCE 7/1 9 Schools & Training all black cat, Chaparral Dr. i n Cimarron IITR Truck School REDMOND CAMPUS City, 5 4 1-678-1296, Our Grads Get Jobs! or 541-382-1391 1-888-438-2235 WWW.IITR.EDU

REMEMBER:If you have lost an animal, don't forget to check The Humane Society Bend 541-382-3537 Redmond 541-923-0882 Madras 541-475-6889 Prineville 541-447-7178 or Craft Cats 541-389-8420


Hay, Grain & Feed A+ Premium Central Ore. Orchard Grass/Hay mix. 25 bales per ton, $195/ton. Quantity Discount, 541-977-3181 CO Orchard grass weed free, 70 lb. bales, $190/ton. No delivery.

:> Qty J~;QJIJ~K

IIIj g s

LOST: Hazel, gray cat, since 7/4, W Awbrey Butte, no collar. Help! 541-408-4733 or HSCO.


Employment Opportunities CAUTION: Ads published in "Employment O p portunities" include employee and independent positions. Ads for p o sitions that require a fee or upfront investment must be stated. With any independent job opportunity, please i nvestigate tho r oughly. Use extra caution when applying for jobs online and never provide personal information to any source you may not have researched and deemed to be reputable. Use extreme caution when r es ponding to A N Y online employment ad from out-of-state. We suggest you call the State of Oregon Consumer Hotline

EMPLOYMENT 410 - Private Instruction 421 - Schools andTraining 454- Looking forEmployment 470- Domestic & In-HomePositions 476 - EmploymentOpportunities 486 - IndependentPositions

FINANCEANDBUSINESS 507- Real Estate Contracts 514 - Insurance 528- Loans andMortgages 543- Stocks andBonds 558- Business Investments 573 - BusinessOpportunities




Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

BRANCH OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR TRAINEE Edward Jones is a financial services firm focused on meeting the needs of i n dividual investors. Our Bend, OR branch office has an opening for an entry-level administrative assistant. Excellent o r ganization, c ommunication skills, and the ability to w o r k in d ependently are required to perform administrative, marketing, and client service respons ibilities. We o ff er competitive benefits and a comprehensive on-line training program. To be considered for this position apply o n l ine at www.edwardjones.co m/careers p o s ition ¹22150. Equal Opportunity Employer

at 1-503-378-4320

Get your business


Immediate need for Wildland Firefighters to fight forest fires. Must be 18 years old and Drug Free! Apply 9am-3pm Mon-Thurs. Bring two forms of ID fill out Federal 1-9 form. No ID = No Application

PatRick Corp. 1199 NE Hemlock,



541-923-0703 EOE

TemporaryCareer Development Coordinator OSU-Cascades in Bend, Oregon invites applications for a Temporary Career Development Coordinator. This is a full time (1.0 FTE) position with an anticipated start date of August 24, 2015 and an anticipated end date of November 20, 2015. The Career Development Coordinator provides expertise and leadership in career development for students and alumniofOSU-Cascades. These services include providing relevant testing and career counseling for students, developingand presenting workshops on appropriate topics, working with faculty in all disciplines, and maintaining the online recruiting database.

For Equal OpportuPLEASE NOTE: Checkyour ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction 541-390-0022 nity Laws c ontact is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right e ROWIN G to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these Second crop orchard Oregon Bureau of Labor & I n dustry, newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party grass hay, 75 lbs., with an ad in Classified ads running 7 or moredays will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. lady sized bales, $200 Civil Rights Division, Minimum/required q u alifications i n c lude in-field. Mixed grass 971-673- 0764. The Bulletin's Master's degree in Counseling or related dishay, $175 i n -field. The Bulletin 249 260 260 266 "Call A Service cipline and at least one year of experience Prineville. Sernng Central Oregon sincetete Art, Jewelry Misc. Items ililisc. Items Heating & Stoves Professional" providing counseling or advising. 541-416-0106 541-385-5809 & Furs Directory BUYING & SE LLING The Bulletin Offers Wheat Straw for Sale. NOTICE TO To review full position posting, additional gold jewelry, silver Free Private Party Ads ADVERTISER Also, weaner pigs. Desperately Seeking Alland Add your web address Caregivers n e eded, minimum and preferred qualifications and to gold coins, bars, 3 lines - 3 days 541-546-6171 Since September 29, Missing 1940s dia- rouncfs, to your ad and readt o ht t p: //oregonstate.edu/jobs/ long time established apply, go wedding sets, Private Party Only 1991, advertising for m ond ring sold a t Posting Number 0015476. The closing date is ers onThe Bulletin's Christian in h ome TURN THE PAGE class rings, sterling silTotal of items adverused woodstoves has Bend Pawn approx. ver, coin collect, vinweb site, www.bend- care agency. Must be 07-31-2015. For More Ads Sept.13-17, 2014 has tage watches, dental tised must equal $200 been limited to modbulletin.corn, will be available weekdays or Less els which have been central diamond and 2 gold. Bill OSV is an AA/EOE/Vets/Disabled. able to click through and weekends. Must The Bulletin Fl e ming, FOR DETAILS or to certified by the Orlittle side stones, one 541-382-941 9. automatically to your have following qualifiPLACE AN AD, egon Department of is missing. Sz. 7.5. website. cations: Call 541-385-5809 Environmental Qual541-213-1221 Please DID YOU KNOW that Looking for your 18 yrs or older Fax 541-385-5802 ity (DEQ) and the fedkeep trying! Will pay not only does newsnext employee? Art Center Must be high school or eral E n v ironmental any reasonable price. paper media reach a a Bulletin Caldera is hiring a full equivalent. paying cash Protection A g e ncy Place HUGE Audience, they Wantedhelp wanted ad time Facilities ProPass criminal backHi-fi audio & stu- (EPA) as having met 263 a lso reach an E N - for today and gram Coo r dinator ground check I i a j I dio equip. Mclntosh, smoke emission stanTV, Stereo & Video GAGED AUDIENCE. JBL, Marantz, Dyand a full time Facili- Drivers license w ith reach over dards. A cer t ified Discover the Power of naco, Heathkit, Santies Maintenance Co- endorsement for in60,000 readers w oodstove may b e DIRECTV Starting at Newspaper Advertisordinator for the Blue surance each week. Carver, NAD, etc. identified by its certifi$19.99/mo. FREE In- ing in six states - AK, sui, Lake Facility. Info at Neat in appearance cation label, which is Your classified ad www.calderaarts.org s tallation. FREE 3 ID, MT, OR & WA. For Call 541-261-1808 Call Kim Mon.-Fri. 9-3. will also months of HBO a free rate brochure Weber rotisserie fits permanently attached /caldera/g et-involved/j e at 541-923-4041 J appear on I to the stove. The BulS HOWTIME CIN - call 916-288-6011 or Spirit & Genesis, NIB obs. bendbu Hetin.corn letin will not knowDID Y O U KNO W EMAX, STARZ. FREE email $40. 541-377-3700. which currently ingly accept advertisNewspaper-generHD/DVR U p grade! cecelia©cnpa.corn EVERY BUSINESS has Meet singles right now! WHEN YOU SEE THIS ing for the sale of receives over Looking for your next a ted content is s o a story to tell! Get 2015 NF L S u nday (PNDC) No paid operators, uncertified 1.5 million page employee? valuable it's taken and your message o ut Ticket Included (Sereal people like Check out the woodstoves. Place a Bulletin help repeated, condensed, with California's PR- just lect Packages) New views every you. Browse greetclassifieds online wanted ad today and broadcast, t weeted, C ustomers Onl y . month at no Media Release the exchange mesMOrePiXatBendiIjletin.COII 267 reach over 60,000 discussed, p o sted, only Press Release ings, CALL 1-800-41 0-2572 www.bandbullatin.corn extra cost. sages and connect On a classified ad Fuel & Wood readers each week. copied, edited, and (PNDC) Updated daily Bulletin Service operated by live. Try it free. Call go to Your classified ad emailed c o u ntless the press to get press! now: 8 77-955-5505. Classifieds C o l lectorwww.bendbulletin.corn Dish Network - G et DIE-CAST will also appear on times throughout the For more info contact (PNDC) Get Results! to view additional M ORE fo r LE S S ! c ars 4 f o r $1 0 0 . WHEN BUYING bendbulletin.corn day by others? Dis- Cecelia O photos of the item. Call 541-385-5809 Advertise Your car! Starting $19.99/month 541-389-1416 which currently FIREWOOD... cover the Power of 916-288-6011 or or place your ad Add A Picture! (for 12 months.) PLUS receives over 1.5 Newspaper Advertis263 Reach thousands of readers! To avoid fraud, http: //prmediarelease. on-line at Bundle & SAVE (Fast Hovv to avoidscam million page views ing in FIVE STATES Call 541-385-5809 corn/california (PNDC) The Bulletin and fraud attempts Tools bendbuHetin.corn Internet f o r $15 every month at with just one phone The Bulletin Ctasstueds recommends pay› more/month.) CALL s/Be aware of internano extra cost. call. For free Pacific ment for Firewood Now 1-800-308-1563 tional fraud. Deal lo- Air compressor gas, only 383 Bulletin Classifieds Northwest Newspaupon delivery powered with t ank. (PNDC) cally whenever posGet Results! per Association NetProduce & Food and inspection. 63861 Hunters Circle. sible. Call 385-5809 work brochures call A cord is 128 cu. ft. sg’Watch for buyers Find exactly what or place 916-288-6011 or Bench top table saw, 4' x 4' x 8' Grass fattened natural 1 your ad on-line at email 10". $75. you are looking for in the who offer more than Receipts should beef, cut and bendbulletin.corn your asking price and ceceliaocnpa.corn 541-593-7257 wrapped at $3.50/lb. include name, CLASSIFIEDS who ask to have (PNDC) C all 54 /-385-580 9 541-480-8185 phone, price and Hawk scroll saw, RBI money wired or to r o m ot e o u r service kind of wood THOMAS ORCHARDS model 220, $500. 266 handed back to them. Cost Accountant purchased. Kimberly,Oregon 541-593-7257 Fake cashier checks Computers Firewood ads Microsemi is seeking a Cost Accountant in Building/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care and money orders U-PiCk Bend. Maintains standard costs of all invenMUST include Call a Pro T HE B ULLETIN r e - are common. tory. Departmental cost analysis and control to NOTICE: Oregon state NOTICE: Oregon Landspecies & cost per Semi-Cling Peaches quires computer ad- YNever give out perforecast. cord to better serve Whether you need a Flavor Crest 70C/lb. law requires anyone scape Contractors Law sonal financial inforvertisers with multiple our customers. who con t racts for (ORS 671) requires all fence fixed, hedges Nectarines 75C/lb. ad schedules or those mation. Performs closed work order variance analysis construction work to businesses that adtrimmed or a house selling multiple sys- YTrust your instincts Santa Rosa plums to identify costing issues and initiate correcThe Bulletin be licensed with the vertise t o p e r form and be wary of SewingCentral Oregon sincesgte tems/ software, to dis95C/lb. tive actions. Works with internal and external built, you' ll find Construction ContracLandscape Construcclose the name of the someone using an auditors to satisfy all SOX requirements. tors Board (CCB). An tion which includes: READY PICKED professional help in business or the term escrow service or Performs month end inventory reconciliations year Dependable Dark sweet Cherries active license p lanting, deck s , agent to pick up your The Bulletin's "Call a All "dealer" in their ads. on a book to perpetual basis. D evelops means the contractor fences, arbors, Firewood: dry $1.75/Ib, Private party advertis- merchandise. metrics and tracking systems for major cost Lodgepole,split, del, Service Professional" is bonded & insured. water-features, and iners are defined as 1 /$195; 2/$3 6 5 . BRING CONTAINERS! drivers. Reports/analyzes monthly standard Verify the contractor's stallation, repair of irThe Bulletin Directory those who sell one gross margin. Performs budget to actual P&L Serving Central Oregon since1909 Multi-cord discounts! Open 7 days a week, CCB l i c ense at rigation systems to be 541 -385-5809 computer. 8 a.m.to 6 p.m. only variance analysis. www.hirealicensedcash, check, Visa, MC l icensed w it h th e Infrared Sauna, 220-V 541-420-3484, Bend 541-934-2870. contractor.corn Landscape Contrachook-up, no building, 257 Microsemi Corp. is an Affirmative Action and or call 503-378-4621. tors Board. This 4-digit yyeare at the Bend Ponderosa pine fire$3000 value, asking Milling Machine Equal Opportunity Employer of minorities, The Bulletin recom- number is to be inMusical Instruments Farmer’sNfarket $500. 541-536-7790 wood split, $160 or Clausing3/4HP, 3 protected veterans, individuals with mends checking with cluded in all adveron Wednesdays and females, trade. 541-419-1871 phase, speeds 180 disabilities, and any other legally protected the CCB prior to con- tisements which indiPiano older upright, gd Reduce Your Past Tax Fridays.Visit us on to 3250, 3" spindle tracting with anyone. cate the business has basis. We are committed to inclusion and cond., ivory k eys, Bill by as much as 75 n e 269 Facebook for updates! travel, 6 x24 bed, diversity. Some other t rades a bond, insurance and $500. 541-350-1965 Percent. Stop Levies, Gardening Supplies has approx. dimenJust bought a new boat? also req u ire addi- workers c ompensaLiens and Wage Garnx40". sions 36 & Equipment Sell your old one in the tional licenses and tion for their employTo apply please visit http: //www.microsemi. nishments. Call The classifieds! Ask about our $2500 ifications. ees. For your proteccorn/company/careers/us-jobs re q uisition cert Tax DR Now to see if 503-866-8858 Super Seller rates! tion call 503-378-5909 3082. you Qualify BarkTurfSoil.corn 541-385-5809 Handyman or use our website: 1-800-791-2099. www.lcb.state. or.us to (PNDC) I DO THAT! check license status PROMPT D ELIVERY Home/Rental repairs before contracting with Yamaha Console Sell your s t ructured 541-389-9663 settlement or annuity Small jobs to remodels the business. Persons piano, pristine conHonest, guaranteed doing lan d scape dition, recently tuned. payments for CASH maintenance do not Piano includes bench NOW. You don't have .n work. CCB¹151573 For newspaper r equire an LC B l i & s h ee t mu s ic. to wait for your future Dennis 541-317-9768 delivery, call the cense. $2500 OBO, not incl. payments any longer! MIXER mortar, conCirculation Dept. at ship. Price $1500 LandscapingNard Care Call 1-800-914-0942 crete, etc. 12 cu. ft., 541-385-5800 under ap p raisal. (PNDC) towable, w / 1 3HP To place an ad, call 541-318-7279 days Honda gas, hydrau541-385-5809 Snow blower, 5 HP, by 7 p.m. lic dump, used once, or email 24". $110. classified stbendbulletin.corn l ike n e w . IM E R Serving Central A 541-593-7257 A The Bulletin is seeking a goal-oriented Oregon Since 2003 Henchman 4HSM-4, 260 The Bulletin Advertising Sales Manager to drive print and L'a~< C'~ r,. Residental/Commercial new $5000, s e l l SOCIAL S E C URITY Sereing Central Oregon since fgte Misc. Items digital advertising revenue growth. D ISABILITY B E N - $3950. Full Service Maintenance This person will direct a local sales staff 503-781-8812 n E FITS. Unable t o P ush mower, g o od Landscape 9'x5.9 classical PerSprinkler Repair and be responsible for the leadership and work? Denied bencond. $40. sian rug, from Original efits? We Can Help! Management Summer Clean up functional management of all sales Polland chain saw, 541-420-2220 Karastan c o llection, Fuels Reduction/ strategies, activities, programs, goal setting, WIN or Pay Nothing! 18", $80. exc. cond., $ 2 000 Brush Mowing employeedevelopment,and resources. Fire Protection Contact Bill Gordon & 541-593-7257 value, sell for $1400, The ideal candidate should be able to and Fuels Reduction eWeekly Mowing Associates at Photos 541-788-4229 & Edging demonstrate a history of success in Tall Grass Ge n erator, 1-800-879-3312 to Portable Bark, Rock, Etc. + Peat Mixes Low Limbs implementing innovative ideas and developing 400 0 XL, Briggs & Stratton lawn start your application Generac + Juniper Ties the skill level of sales team members. Brush and Debris $300. 541-420-4259 mower, 21", 4.5 HP. today! (PNDC) ~Landsca in + Paver Discounts The position reports directly to the $100541-593H-7257 Rand 4000 oil-less air St. Thomas Altar + Sand + Gravel Director of Advertising. Protect your home with Landscape e Construction compressor, $ 1 0 0. Society Annual + Bark defensible space Buying Diamonds eWater Feature 541-593-7257 Instantfandscaping.corn i Qualifications: RummageSale. /Gold for Cash Installation/M aint. Experience in understanding industry trends, Landscape Saxon's Fine Jewelers Parish Center Gym. Ryobi 10e Pave rs 19th & Maple, business drivers, competitors, and customer 541-389-6655 Maintenance miter saw. $80. Renovations in Redmond acquisition. 270 Full or Partial Service Irrigation Installation 541-593-7257 0 BUYING Fri. 7/24, 9-3 A thorough understanding of digital advertisMowing eEdging Lost & Found Synthetic Turf Lionel/American Flyer Sat. 7/25, 9-noon ing products and potential. Call The Bulletin At Pruning .Weeding trains, accessories. $1 Bag Sale Highly developed personal selling, sales Senior Discounts 541-385-5809 Sprinkler Adjustments Found 21 spd bike, SW 541-408-2191. (Sat. only) management and sales leadership skills. Bonded & Insured Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Redmond on 7/17 call Experience and demonstrated ability to 541-815-4458 Fertilizer included with describe. coach, train and motivate staff. At: www.bendbulletin.corn to LCB¹8759 monthly program 541-5482578 Excellent customer service and conflict resoTile saw, Hedge Trimming, Yard Found at Drake Park lution skills. used twice, $150. Clean-Ups Makeovers, Best and over holiday weekend, Budgeting, forecasting, and goal setting Its not to late to have a 541-593-7257 Cheapest. Call beautiful slide ring, experience. Beautiful Landscape Bigfoot 541-633-9895 nsgslstt es,egteegenn with initials on it and Strong communication skills are critical. Wheel barrow- $50. Analytical abilities and a strategic mindset. Post digger- $20. design. Call to idenBowTech, Elite, Hoyt, Matthews, PSE WeedFree Bark Painting/Wall Covering 541-593-7257 tify 541-639-8442. College degree desirable. & Flower Beds At least 5 years' experience in media High Quality Bows & Accessories FOUND M O U N TAIN KC WHITE 266 management. Lawn Restoration Bow Tuning and Service BIKE, full suspension, PAINTING LLC Proficiency in information technology, Building Materials eastside Bend 7/21. Interior and Exterior 30 Yard Indoor Range Excel, sales presentations, and webcasting. Experienced Family-owned Call and describe to Lessons for Beginners and Adults Bend Habitat Commercial Residential & Commercial claim 541-848-8882 Archery Leagues RESTORE & Residential Please email your resume and s 40 yrs exp. Sr. Discounts Building Supply Resale LOST catin Conestoga Free Estimates cover letter to: 5-year warranties 541-31 2-6709 Hills area, male, black Senior Discounts 7611 South 1st Street, Redmond jbrandt@bendbuHetin.corn SUMMER SPECIAL! 541-390-1466 224 NE Thurston Ave. & white, body shaved, Call 541-420-7646 541-376-1784 Open to the public. 541-617-5850 Same Day Response CCB ¹204918

The BUlletin


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DAILY BRI DG E C LU B saturday,July25,2015

When to do nothing By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency Cy the Cynic, who's as lazy as an old snake, insists that doing nothing is a hard job: You can't ever take a break. Cy was today's West. Against four spades he led the queen of hearts and continued innocently with the jack. South ruffed and played astutely. He led adiamond to dummy's queen, and East took the king and led a trump. Declarer won i n hi s hand, went to the ace of diamonds, ruffed a heart, led a trump to dummy and ruffed the last heart. He led a club to the ace, drew the last trump and led a diamond. East took the j ack, but South won the last two tricks with the king of clubs and nine of diamonds. Making four.

ACROSS 1 Be successful, well-liked, etc. 10Brienne of "Game of Thrones" protagonist 15Glutamine, e.g. 16Informed 17Architectural features above arches 1$Common pie flavor 19Lose crunchiness, as breakfast cereal 20 Speed-skating venue 21 Gently enter 22 Service begun in 1947, for short 24Truths 26 B-school grad, perhaps 27 Rising sea levels, e.g. 29 Medical prefix with -scope 30 Level, to a Brit

overcalls one spade. What do you say? ANSWER: This type of problem occurs so frequently that years ago, theorists abandoned a direct penalty double at the one level and began to use "negative" doubles in this and other situations. Double to show length in hearts, plus either length in d iamonds or c l u b s u pport. Y o u should discuss negative doubles with your regular partner. North dealer N-S vulnerable NORTH

4A95 9 K643 OAQ4 4A109


EAST 4986

Declarer did well, but Cy could QA875 have beaten the c o ntract. Since 9 Q J109 OKJ82 dummy had no l ong suit declarer 0 107 A J65 could use for discards, the Cynic's A Q 8 3 2 best defense was to do nothing that SOUTH would help him. 4 K Q J 10 4 To lead a second heart looked safe Q2 but wasn' t. It let declarer manage a dummy reversal. If Cy leads a trump 09653 4 K7 4 o r a di amond at T r ick T wo , t h e contract is unmakable. North Eas t Sou t h West 1 NT Pass 3 41 Pass DAILY QUESTION 4 49 All P a ss

course? 33 Like "hostess" and "comedienne" 35 Country created by the Treaty of Sevres, 1920 37Tesla, e.g. 38 It produces a flavorful crust on some meat 42 Interest, e.g. 45 Old Crayola color akin to Tropical Rain Forest 46 Cry 4$ Bargains for time? 50 Binge 51 Have ants in one's pants 53 Untouched? 54 Subject of the campaign slogan "Fifty-four forty, or fight!"

56 Place in New York City?



You hold: 43 8 6 Q A 8 7 5 Openinglead QQ 0K J 8 2 4 J 6 5 . Y our partner opens one club, and the next player (C) 2015 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO

31 Introductory










0 I S E


58 Man's nickname composed of three Roman numerals 59 Egyptian god of war 60 Kick back while watching the ball game, say 62 Zeroes 63 Hostess offering 64 Panache 65 Social media debut of 2010


















35 38 3 9














or E T I T 23 Sondaughter-related

49 53 58


1 "How's it goin'?" 59 60 2 Is obtrusive 62 3 Falls on the border 64 65 4 Wil s on, lead singer for Heart PUZZLE BYKYLE T. DOLAN 5 Brouhaha 25 Output of 3$ Capital of 6 Woolly bear, e.g. Antigua and Thomas Gray Barbuda 7 Scaling tool 28 It's just for fun 39 Depart in a 8 Aid in restoring 30 Luke Skywalker cloud of dust, a crown perhaps and Princess 9 Some deadline Leia, e.g. 40 On tenterhooks setters, in brief 32 Capital of 41 2013 World Australia's 10With 61-Down, Series M.V.P., to Northern fans grazing locale Territory 43 Stop troubling 11Throws for a loop 34 Echoing sound in a cave 44 Jack 12 Pit sight 36Area of study? 47 Lighten up 13Wander

A U S B 14 Like some tattooed hands L LA R E A L E 21 Bitcoin, e.g.











29 32



21 24






No. 0620


49 Confidence 51 Chicago-born choreographer 52

Dil f er, Super Bowl XXXV-winning QB

55 Dock figure 57 Feminist author Millett

60 Short flight 61 See 10-Down

Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than7,000 past puzzles, nytimes.corn/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Readaboutand comment on each puzzle:nytimes.corn/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.corn/studentcrosswords.



! cee YiIII finger<...five.llroi Bur! FaLLr finger 0 and a tkumk ..the tkizmb iC opposable...workinfr, t have great phi al f or perForming tackC and manipulating objects. Comewhere nearl II iC another similar appevulaO..

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A paranoid cyclops always sleeps with one eye open


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THAT SCRAIHBLED WORD GAME by DaVid L. Hdyt dnd Jeff Knurdk


Unscramble these four Jumbles, dne letter tO eaCh Square,

Nd. Wd need iLI

Nd4dl Niadtdr~

to fOrm fOur Ordinary WOrdS.

glue. II’4 the ~ best!

8441 BOnd ld dn


sale. It will work fine for ydu.

6401 5 T1dune Content Agency,LLC All RighlS Rddenred.





WHEN llCAME 10 BUYPI> THE Rl&HT SLUE FOR THAR MODEL A53idLANE, HI5 FATH133. WA5 MNG A —Now arrange the circled letters tO fOrm the SurPriSe anSWdc ad suggested by the above cartoon.

ASACUB Print answer here: HERMAN

(Answers Monday)

0 EdugvngSlock licensing Idc, Dist by Universal Uddk, 2015

"IB that the way you normally stand?"

Yedteda 4

Jumbles: SHINY



) Answer. DaffyDuck wad retiring and he took the duck replacing him — UNDER HIS WING

Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 1 WWII support QP 5 Driving hazard 15 Linchpin location 16 Wedding to-do list item 17 2007 Country Music Hall of Fame inductee 18 Grand 19 Jargon ending 20 Buffs 21 Complicated account 22 Group that

3 Some strays 4 "Snow White"

38 Haberdashery


46 L e g itimate d 47 But wait! The r e ' s more!" compa n y 49 Bank o p ening? 5 2 S torage unit 53 Triumphant reaction 54 Mild rebuke 5 5 dGet outside yours e l f"

collectible 39 Employment org. 5 Many c reated in 1935 Shakespearean 40 Dwell (on) characters 41 It's not returned 6 Malaysian native 43 Orchestra 7 Short and leader Billy sweet, e.g.: 44 "Speak, hands, Abbr. f or me!" speaker 8 River to 4 5 Japanese beer Aberdeen brand company 9 Their offices often have small ANSWER TO PREVIOUSPUZZLE: rms. 10 Down P I P P O T O K O M A H A 11 Marathoner's I R A E V I CT S A XES misfortune might bug you N A S C A C H E D C Z E C H 12 Costa 24 Actor/director D I S T O RT L E A D with two Emmys 13 Picture A S E A S Y A S P R A WN S and two Razzies 1 4 ye a r RE DU B C UB E S E A T 20 Royal decree 27 Winter warmers T R I M R O C S A B U 23 French royal 28 Thirteenth 24 Skiing need C E I L I N G W H A C K S Amendment 25 Give birth to Z E N L A C E E W O K beneficiary 26 Boston's Mass S O T S M O O D H A N D Y 29 Be ready for 28 People 30 1935 FDR A S S I S I N E P O T I S T 30 Lift up dedication NC A A A L R I G H T 31 Differed 34 Net grazer B R A K I N G G N U S H A R 32 Witness in 1991 35 Body style R A NGE T R I Senate hearings C C L E F 36 Raised-barn 33 Added up C A P R I A MA S S S P A connection 35 Burn slightly xwordedltorleaol.corn 07/25/15 37 Former 'i 40 Member of a 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 13 12 13 14 strict Jewish 15 36 sect d 42 Not interested" 17 18 43 Give up 44 Grotte de 19 20 21 Cussac 22 23 24 25 26 attraction 47 Xenon, e.g. 27 28 48 Urgent letters 49 Overthrow 50 Scoreboard letters 51 Anticipatory reaction 55 It pulls a bit 56 Place for good dishes 57 They' re trapped in pots 58 Endurance event facility 59 Unoccupied DOWN 1 Union concern 2 WWII fighter

















48 51


52 5 3







By Gail Grabowskf O2015 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

07/25/I 5



6 7

SutIoku High Fives

2 6 5 8 9 4



7 6

31 3

How to play:

8 5 3


Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3 boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. The num-

2 5 3 7 1

6 1 7 6 9

8 6 3 5 9 3

bers in any shared

36 4


6 1

2 5 7



6 2 8

8 5 4 7 8 1 1 7 9 4


7 1 7


Serving Central Oregon since f903

4 5 2


5 9 2 7



@20132013 UFS, Dist. b Univ. Uciick for UFS




Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities


Manufacturing Maintenance Technician Microsemi is hiring a Manufacturing Maintenance Technician (3rd shift) to perform electrical 8 mechanical troubleshooting to determine problems and repair non-functioning electro-mechanical and vacuum equipment.


Current Oregon Physical Therapy License and CPR Required. Must Possess a Broad Spectrum of Skills Related to Home Health and In/Out Patient Care. Sports Medicine a Plus. Excellent Benefit Package. Equal Opportunity Employer Visit our website at wchcd.org or contact Linda Childers O 541-426-5313 Maintenance


Diesel Mechanic Les Schwab is looking for a Diesel Mechanic to join our Maintenance team! Responsibilities include preventative maintenance and repairs on tractors, trailers, dollies, corporate vehicles and forklifts. Also responsible for major component overhaul and diagnosis. Other duties include repair orders and cleaning and maintaining the shop area. Requirements include a high school diploma or equivalent, valid Class A CDL or the ability to acquire one within 3 months of hire (must meet DOT 3.96


Les Schwab has a reputation of excellent customer service, with over 450 stores and 7,000 employees in the western United States. Pleasego to www.lesschwab.corn to apply.No phone calls please.

Perform scheduled equipment PM's. Assist in planning and installation wafer fab equipment. Work with engineering/production to ensure assigned equipment set is producing quality product at the needed output level. Participates in continuous improvement for all areas. Uses test and diagnostic equipment to perform checks and troubleshooting. Rebuilds manufacturing equipment as required.

$49,541 - $77,184 Full Benefits

Prof .Mgt., Regular, Full time This position is located in Chiloquin. For more information contact: The Klamath Tribes PO Box 436 Chiloquin, OR 97624

1-2 years web press experience Move and lift 50 Ibs or more on a continuing basis Reaching, sitting, pushing, pulling, stooping, kneeling, walking and climbing stairs. Ability to learn and execute appropriate safety practices Successfully pass a drug screen If you are a self-motivated, teamoriented individual and have a positive "Can Do" attitude WE WANT TO TALK TO YOU!

Send yourresume toanelson©bendbulletin.corn Applications are also available at The Bulletin, 1777 Chandler Ave. Bend, OR 97702 Western Communications, inc. and their affiliated companies, is proud to be an equal opportunity employer, supporting a drug-free workplace a~

No agencies or telephone ca//s please.

The Bulletin

* ** * * * ~


IFor qualifying employees we offer benefitsl I including life insurance, short-term & long-term disability, 401(k), paid vacation and sick time.

/ I

attention Kevin Eldred. Applications are available at The Bulletin front desk (1777 S.W. Chandler Blvd.), or an electronic application may be obtained upon request by contacting Kevin Eldred via email (keldred@bendbulletin.corn).


* No resumes will be accepted *



Drug test is required prior to employment. EOE. .

The Bulletin


servmg central oregon since sos



L +**** * * * * * * * * * * A y


Bend Park 6f Recreation

4 9

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5 3 1 8 9 4 7 2 6

9 4 6 2 3 7 8 5 1

6 1 5 7 8 2 9 4 3 8 71

2 6 5 roses



Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

3 6 8 1 5 2 7 9 4 1 6 3 2 8 5 9 6 4 7 3 1

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5 7 8 1 9 6 4 2 3


® Rhmlhrsm

> N44414

We have immediate openings in our Distribution Center. Work includes order filling, receiving and loading product for distribution to our tire centers. These are full-time positions offering competitive pay, excellent benefits, retirement and cash bonus. Various shifts available.

Les Schwab is proud fo be an equal opportunity employer.

Is Accepting Applications For:


Loans & Mortgages WARNING The Bulletin recommends you use caution when you provide personal information to companies offering loans or credit, especially those asking for advance loan fees or companies from out of state. If you have concerns or questions, we suggest you consult your attorney or call CONSUMER HOTLINE, 1-877-877-9392.


The successful candidate will work full-time 4 days per week, 10 hours per day, from 3:30 p.m. to approximately 2:00 a.m. on a rotating schedule that will allow for 3 days off every other weekend. To ~


Move and lift 50 Ibs or more on a continuing basis Reaching, sitting, pushing, pulling, stooping, kneeling, walking and climbing stairs. Ability to learn and execute safety practices Successfully pass a drug screen If you are a self-motivated, teamoriented individual and have a positive "Can Do" attitude WE WANT TO TALK TO YOU! Send your resume to anelsonObendbulletin.corn Applications are also available at The Bulletin, 1777 Chandler Ave. Bend, OR 97702 No agencies or telephone ca//s please.

Paramedics Klamath County Fire District No. 1 is recruiting for f ull-time EMS Paramedics. Interested c andidates may download the complete application at packet w ww.kcfd1.corn o r c ontact KCFD1 a t (541)885-2056. Applications for this recruiting process are due Friday, August 7, 2015, prior to 4:OOPM PDT. Round Table Pizza is now hiring for delivery d r ivers, f r o nt people, and kitchen help. Prefer 18 years old and older with valid driver's license. Fun work e nvironment with company owned vehi c les., flexible hours. Previous restaurant experience preferred, but not mandatory. Positions available immediately! Please bring resume to 1552 NE 3rd Street, Bend. NO


Creative Services In this position the ideal candidate will work with a variety of local clients, sales executives and other WESCOM newspapers. The successful candidate will be responsible for order entry, scheduling, proofing ads, organizing attendant documents, taking photos, ad layout work, filing, and customer interaction in support of their advertising programs

Qualifications: Proven design skills and experience


Creative, innovative and willing to work hard Ability to organize, prioritize and handle multiple projects Comfortable with daily deadlines Proficiency using Adobe InDesign, illustrator and Photoshop-a must Must successfully pass a drug test

If you are a results-oriented professional possessing strong design skills, are practiced in the fine art of communication and have a passion for creating visual communication solutions for a wide variety of local businesses WE WANT TO TALK TO YOU!

For consideration please send your resume and cover letter to: dwinikka@bendbulletin.corn

The Bulletin

products or t I chasing services from out of I f the area. Sending f c ash, checks, o r f credit i n formation f ~ may be subjected to ~ FRAUD.

more informaI For tion about an adver- ~ f tiser, you may call f the Oregon State I Attorney General's f g Office C o n s umer g

This is an entry-level position with the opportunity to learn a new trade. Position pays $10.00 hour depending on experience

/ /


8 2 3 5 1 4 6 7 9

2 7

r.=.-"-,.— .a


I /

I The Bulletin Mailroom is hiring for our Satur- I 4 day night shift and other shifts as needed. We4 currently have openings all nights of the week. / Everyone must work Saturday night. Shifts start between 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. and / end between 2:00 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. Allpositions we are hiring for, work Saturday nights. I Starting pay is $9.25 per hour, and we pay aI 4 minimum of 3 hours per shift, as some shifts4 are short (11:30 - 1:30). The work consists of / loading inserting machines or stitcher, stacking product onto pallets, bundling, cleanup and / other tasks.

No pho ne calls please.

4 5 6 3 7 9 8 1 2




7 1 9 8 6 2 4 3 5

9 4 5 7 8 6 1 2 3 4 7 9 5 6 8 9 3 1 7 2 4

The Bulletin



2 4 7 1 9 3 5 8 6


c/o Kurt Muller PO Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708-8020 or e-mail resume to: kmuller©bendbulletin.corn No phone calls, please. The Bulletin isa drug-free workplace. EOE Pre-employment drug screen required.

9 8 1 6 5 7 2 4 3


The Bulletin


6 3 5 4 2 8 1 9 7

2 6 1 3 8 7 9 2 3 4 5 1 4 8 6 5 7 9 3 6 5 2 8 1 1 3 9 7 2 4 7 2 48 6 5 3 9 5 6 8 1

The Bulletin

Home Delivery Advisor

The Bulletin Circulation Department is seeking a Home Delivery Advisor. This is a full-time position and consists of managing an adult carrier force to ensure our customers receive superior service. Must be able to create and perform strategic plans to meet department objectives such as increasing market share and penetration. Ideal candidate will be a self-starter who can work both in the office and in their assigned territory with minimal supervision. Early a.m. hours are necessary with company vehicle provided. Strong customer service skills and management skills are necessary. Computer experience is required. You must pass a drug screening and be able to be insured by company to drive vehicles. This is an entry-level position, but we b elieve in p r omoting from w i thin, s o advancement within company is available to the right person. If you enjoy dealing with people from diverse backgrounds and you are energetic, have great organizational skills and interpersonal communication skills, please send your resume to:

I~ Please submit a completed application .

8 5 9 4 1 3 2 7 6

Night Custodian Lifeguard Wafer Fab Operator will loan on real esYouth Rec. Leader Microsemi is seeking experienced Semicontate equity. Credit, no Youth Rec. Assistant ductor Operators for multiple shifts. Operate problem, good equity Youth Rec. Supervisor equipment in the areas of Thin Films, Photoliis all you need. Call Park Maint. Worker thography using Projection Aligners and StepOregon Land Mortjobs O klamathtribes.corn The D i strict o ff e rs pers and Etching. Set up and run product gage 541-388-4200. www.klamathtribes.org medical, dental, viusing semiconductor processing and test 541-783-2219 x 113 equipment. LOCAL MONEY:We buy sion, retirement, vaMicrosemi Corp. is an Affirmative Action and secured trust deeds & cation/ sick leave, and Perform equipment set ups and calibration Equal Opportunity Employer of minorities, note, some hard money o ther benefits f o r operations, may perform routine preventive females, protected veterans, individuals with loans. Call Pat Kelley Just too many t hose working 8 0 maintenance tasks. Work in the clean room disabilities, and any other legally protected 541-382-3099 ext.13. collectibles? hours or more in a basis. We are committed to inclusion and diwith minimal supervision. Read part-time, regular po- environment 673 versity. and understand all process and safety sition. Sell them in documents. P e r forms inspections using Business Opportunities For complete job To apply for t his p osition please visit The Bulletin Classifieds microscopes. Provide feedback to superviannouncements http://www.microsemi.corn/company/careers/ sors/production managers with reports of yield 25+ Years established or to apply go to us-jobs and apply to requisition 3148. pet board/grooming bend parksandrec.org and equipmentissues. 541-385-5809 facility. AD¹t 7 1 2 Equal Opportunity Microsemi Corp. is an Affirmative Action and TEAM Birtola Garmyn Employer Equal Opportunity Employer of minorities, High Desert Realty females, protected veterans, individuals with Mechanics 541-312-9449 R OUSH i s hir i n g ! disabilities, and any other legally protected www. Bendoregon Seeking Diesel Tech- basis. RealEstate.corn nicians/Mechanics to We are committed to inclusion and diversity. Look at: support a small fleet To apply for this position visit http: //www. of prot o type/test microsemi.corn/company/careers/us-jobs Bendhomes.corn trucks. Formal mefor Complete Listings of chanical training and Area Real Estate for Sale minimum 2 y e ars' general automotive/diesel experience r e q uired. e This position is l ocated in Madras, OR. Apply online: This position is full-time 4 days per week, http: //careers.roush.co 10 hours per day, from 3:30 p.m. to m or email resume to

To ttUUBlif:

4 2 3 5 6 7 9 8 1

Les Schwab has a reputation of excellent customer service, with over 450 stores and 7,000 employees in the western United States. Please go towww.lesschwab.corn to apply. No phone calls please.

Fluvial Geomorphologist

approximately 2:00 am on a rotating schedule that will allow for every other weekend being 3 days off.

Les Schwabis proud to be an equal opportunity employer.

* / * Great Supplemental Income!!

1 7 6 8 2 9 3 4 5

Distribution Center Worker



3 8 1 6 7 2 5 9 4


4 3 5 7


~**** * * * * * *

5 6 4 3 9 8 7 1 2

6 8



7 9 2 1 5 4 6 3 8


6 7 2

The Bulletin

8 4 7



set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the individual Sudokus.

3 9 8 7 6 1




4 2

4 2 1


I Protection hotline atI I 1-877-877-9392.

LThe Bulletin g ’ I


IS HIRING AN EDITOR! This position requires extensive reporting and writing, with a primary focus on filling the feature and news sections each issue. This is a writing, as well as, editing job, overseeing story assignments, maintaining deadlines and shepherding the editorial flow. Should have a minimum five years of writing and editing experience in alt-weeklies. Email resume and cover letter plus writing samples to kayja@bendsource. corn


PART-TIME PREP SPORTS ASSISTANT In this position you will play a vital role on our Sports Staff!

The successful candidate will work weeknight and Saturday shifts. Job begins on or about Sept. 1 TQIOIIRlif:

Proven interpersonal skills Professional-level writing ability and sports background a must Working knowledge of traditional high school sports Proven computer and proofreading skills Comfortable in a fast-paced, deadlineoriented environment Must be able to successfully pass a pre-employment drug screen If you are a sports minded journalist and have a positive "Can Do" attitude WE WANT TO TALK TO YOU!

Please send your cover letter, resume, and a work sample attention: sportsassistant@bendbulletin.corn

No agencies or telephone cal/s please.






Fifth Wheels



Winnebago Journey BOATS 8 RVs 805- Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiiss 860 - Motorcycies And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 876 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomss 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 886- Canopies and Campers 890- RVs for Rent



2001 36' 2nd owner, 300 Cummins Turbo diesel, Allison 5 spd, 80k miles. D r iver s ide s l ide, g a s stove, oven, 2 flat screen TVs, refer, generator, inverter, King Dome, tow bar. N on-smoker, n o pets, no c h ildren. C lean, an d w e l l maintained, $47,500 541-390-1472.

AUTOS80TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 926 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 976 - Automobiles 870


Boats & Accessories



00 850


= 4-place enclosed Interstate snowmobile trailer w/ RockyMountain pkg, ’


$7500. 541-379-3530 860

Notorcycles 8 Accessories

Harley 2003, Dyna wide glide, 100th An-

Winnebago Minnie 2005 26’ Class C, 29k miles, queen bed, slide dinette, A/C, generator, awning, Class 5 hitch, new Michelins, exc. shape. Stored indoors, no smoke. $39,000.

D i scovery 2 3’10" S R 2 3 0 0, Fleetwood 40' 2003, diesel, w/all ’95, own with pride, options - 3 slide outs, always compliments, satellite, 2 TV's, W/D, no salt, head never etc., 34,000 m iles. used, due for 5 year in h eated c ooling main t . , Wintered shop. $78,995 obo. $9500 firm. Extras. 541-447-8664 W eekend only .

Freightliner 1994 Custom Motorhome

Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please go to Class 875. 541-385-5809

Will haul small SUV or toys, and pull a trailer! Powered by 8.3 Cummins with 6 speed Allison auto trans, 2nd o wner. Very nice! $53,000. 541-350-4077

n iversary mod e l . 13,400 orig. mi., cus- Serving Central Oregon since 1903 tom paint, new batBayliner 185 2006 tery, lots of e xtras, show cond. Health open bow. 2nd owner forces sale. $11,000 — low engine hrs. OBO. 541-633-7856 — fuel injected V6 — Radio & Tower. or 360-815-6677 Great family boat Priced to sell. $11,590.

The Bulletin

RV CONSIGNMENTS WANTED We Do The Work ... You Keep The Cash! On-site credit

approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins!


Creek Company BIG COUNTRY RV ODC1220 2 man inH arley Road K i n g flatable pontoon boat, Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: Classic 2003, 100th s eldom used, w as 541-548-5254 Anniversary Edition, $ 2000, selling f o r 16,360 mi. $12,499 $1000 firm. Bruce 541-647-7078 541-981-0230 FIND IT! Bgy ty 0 Honda Magna 750cc NEW Creek Company motorcycle. 1 2 ,000 ODC1624 3 man inSELL IT! miles, $3250. flatable pontoon boat. The Bulletin Classifieds 541-548-3379 N ever used, w a s $ 3000, selling f o r Need help fixing stuff? firm. Call A Service Professional $2000 541-981-0230 find the help you need. www.bendbulletin.corn 875

g a~-›

' Ilk

Watercraft ds published in oWa

tercraft" include: Kay aks, rafts and motor Ized personal Moto Guzzi B r eva waterc rafts. Fo 1 100 2 0 07 , on l y "boats" please se 11,600 miles. $5,950. Class 870. 206-679-4745 541-385-5809 SesvsngCentral Oregon since lg03




00 Superhawk N7745G Owners’ Group LLC Cessna 172/180 hp, full IFR, new avionics, GTN 750, touchscreen center stack, exceptionally clean. Healthy engine reserve fund. Hangared at KBDN. One share available,$10,000 Call 541-815-2144


Aircraft, Parts & Service


on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. oSpellcheck" and human errors do occur. If this happens to your ad, please contact us ASAP so that corrections and any adjustments can be made to your ad. 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified


Antique & Classic Autos

1/3interest in

CORVETTE 1979, glass top, 31k miles, all original, silver & maroon. $12,500. 541-388-9802

DODGE STEALTH 1992 RT twin turbo, 5spd, 49,247 miles.

Columbia 400,

Financing available.


(located © Bend) 541-288-3333


new era Classic muscle car! one owner, $9,500.

Trucks & Heavy Equipment


SosvlogCentral Oregon sinceSggg

Ford Mustang

Hard top 1965, 6-cylinder, auto trans, power brakes, power steering, garaged, well maintained, engine runs strong. 74K mi., great condition. $12,500. Must see! 541-598-7940

Take care of your investments with the help from The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory

Mercedes 450 SL 1979 Roadster, soft & hard tops, always garaged, 122k mi., e xtras, $9,7 0 0 . 541-548-5648

Chevy El Camino 1973, RARE!Manual trans. 4 spd, Exc. Cond. $7500. 541-389-1086

Save money. Learn fly or build hours Lance Squire 4 000, to with your own air1996, 9' 6" extended RVision C r o ssover c raft. 1968 A e ro 2013, 19ft, exc. Well cab, bathroom w/ toi- Commander, 4 seat, equipped, $ 11,500. let, queen bed, out- 150 HP, low time, side shower. $5,700. full panel. $21,000 541-604-5387 Call 541-382-4572 obo. Contact Paul at 541-447-5184.


CHEVELLE NfALIBU 1971 57K original miles, 350 c.i., auto, stock, all original, Hi-Fi stereo $15,000 541-279-1072



Winnebago Outlook 2007 Class "Co 31 ', clean, non- smoking exc. cond. Must See! Lots of extra's, a very good buy.$47,900 For more info call

541-447-9268 Yamaha TW200 Two Twin stock with fatty tires 2007 with 1155 miles 2007 with 1069 miles $3400 Each 541-588-0068 cell, 541-549-4834 hm 2008 Beaver C ont› essa 40' four slide 870 diesel pusher. Boats & Accessories Loaded, great condition. Warranty. Pic12' V alco alum. on tures/info at trailer 9.9 J ohnson www.fourstarbend.corn 0/B, plus amenities, 541-647-1236 exc. shape. $1250. 541-549-8126

17' SunCraft, 2 motors. $1,400. 541-593-7257

18' Bayliner 175 Capri, like new, 135hp I/O, low time, Bimini top, many extras, Karavan trailer with swing neck, current registrations. $8000. 541-350-2336

tion use only, Michelin all weather tires w/5000 mi., no accidents, non-smokers, Workhorse e n gine 261-A, Allison Trans., backup camera, new refrig. unit, h eated mirrors, exc. cond., well cared for. Sacri› fice! $32,000. obo! 541-549-8737 Iv. msg.

Mountain 3 0 ' 5th wheel 1 2 0 0 mi. $33,000. See craigs list 541-923-6644

Ford F350 2004, 4 dr crew cab, dually, only 62,300 miles, diesel, V8 6.0, carfax available, great condition inside and out, stainless steel tool box, original own e r s, obo. $17,900 714-606-2391 local.

Ford F-350 XLT 2006, Crewcab, 150K mi., bed liner, good tires, exc. shape. $16,500. Please call, 541-350-8856 or 541-410-3292


Safari 1998 motorhome 30', low mileage, 300 HP Magnum Cat motor with turbo, always inside, white leather interior, like new, has m any extr a s . $50,000. S e r ious only. callers 541-548-8415


,, p.' ~


S outhwind F o r d Fleetwood motor› home, 19 9 4, 3 2', asoline, 82K miles, ood con d ition, $7,000 obo. 503-807-5490

Unique R-Pod 2013 trailer-tent combo, f ully l oaded, e x tended service contract and bike rack. $17,000. 541-595-3972 or 503-780-4487

Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.corn which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.corn 882 Fifth Wheels

, eae › Winnebago 22’ 2002 - $28,000 Chevy 360, heavy duty chassis, cab & roof A/C, tow hitch w/brake, 22k mi., more! 541-280-3251

Bighorn 2012 fifth wheel, 35', lots of extras. $57,000. 541-388-4905

Northlander 1993 17’ camper, Polar 990, good shape, new fridge, A/C, queen bed, bathroom, indoor/outdoor shower, lots of storage, customized to fit newer pickups,$4500 obo 541-419-9859.


Safety Never Felt So Good:

Your future isjust apage away. Whetheryou're looking for a hat or aplace to hangit, The Bulletin Classified is your bestsource. Every daythousandsof buyers andsellers ofgoods and services dobusinessin these pages.Theyknow you can't beatTheBulletin Classified Section for selection andconvenience - every item isjust a phone call away. The Classified Section is easy to use.Everyitem is categorizedandevery cartegory is indexed onthe section's front page. Whether youarelooking for a home orneedaservice, your future is inthepagesof The Bulletin Classified.

financing assgilatgle wah aPPEossed 0000rEE

Safe StepTubshave

0000E00EE the Eaee Of.EE00

The Bulletin Serving CentralOregonsi ceo lgtg

The best walk-in tub just got better with breakthrough technology! Presenting the allnetsSafe Step Walk-In Tub featuring NicroSoothe.An air system so revolutionary, it oxygenates, softens and exfoliates skin, turning your bath into a spa-like experience. Constructed and built right here in America for safety and durability from the ground up, and with more standard features than any other tub.


/ Heated seat providing warmth from beginning to end / Carefully engineered hydro-massagejets strategically placed



to target sore muscles and joints


The Bulletjn'5 Service Directory reaches over 60,000 people each day, for a fraction of the cost of advertising jn the Yellow pages,

+ipOg «~t

Commendation from the AEEhgigigFOundatian



& I M P R OV ED :

ly~ Peg 4’eg Pool tip eg



CIII 541-385-5$09 Co ron ado 27' motor22' Catalina Sailboat home 1992, very nice Boat/ Motor/ Trailer cond. Strong running 454 gasoline engine. $4000. Many extras Excellent Condition Just had tune-up. 35K C urrently o n L a k e mi. $ 7500. C a l l Simtustis. 541-815-3827 for details and pictures. (541) 604-5515

$29,000. 2013 Fox


19' Bayliner 1998, I/O,

great shape, call for info. $65500. In Bend Allegro 32’ 2007, like new, only 12,600 miles. 661-644-0384. Chev 8.1L with Allison 60 transmission, dual exFfJN & FISH! haust. Loaded! Auto-leveling system, 5kw gen, power mirrors w/defrost, 2 slide-outs with awnings, rear c a mera, trailer hitch, driver door w/power window, cruise, exhaust brake, central 2006 Smokercraft vac, satellite sys. Re› Sunchaser 620 model pontoon boat, duced price: $64,950. 75HP Mercury and 503-781-8812 electric trolling mo- B ounder, 1999, 3 4 ' , tor, full canvas and one slide, low milemany extras. age, very clean, lots Stored inside of storage, $28,500. $19,900 541-639-9411 541-350-5425

Chevy Silverado 2500, 2013 13k mi., loaded,

GMC Sierra 1500 ext. cab SLE 2011grey Chevy Che y enne 62.5kmi. ¹288703 1 996, 2 50 0 ex $25,995 tended cab, 4WD, AAA Ore. Auto Source ps, pb, a/c, cruise, corner of West Empire recent u p grades. & Hwy 97, Bend. Dlr E xcellent tru c k , 0225 541-598-3750 $4850 OBO - CashE www.aaaoregonauto541-876-5570 source.corn.



ALLEGRO 27’ 2002 58k mi., 1 slide, vaca-

Chevy S-10 1988 4.3L V-6, sunroof, many custom features, super clean, always garaged. $3800 obo. 541-388-0811.




Good classified adstell the essential facts in an interesting Manner. Write from the readers view -not the seller' s.Convert the facts into benefits. Show the reader howthe item will help them insomeway.

The Bulletin


Canopies & Campers

Motorhomes Victory TC 2 0 0 2, 40K mi., runs great, s tage 1 kit, n e w tires, rear brakes 8 more. Health forces s ale. $4,00 0 .

Chevy Pickup 1978, long bed, 4x4, frame up restoration. 500 Cadillac eng i ne, fresh R4 transmission w/overdrive, low mi., no rust, custom interior and carpet n ew wheels a n d tires, You must see it! $25,000 invested. $12,000 OBO. 541-536-3889 or 541-420-6215.

This advertising tip brought toyou by


Monaco Monarch 31' 2 006, Ford V10 , 28,900 miles, auto-level, 2 slides, queen b ed & hide-a-bed sofa, 4k gen, convection microwave, 2 TVs, tow package.

The Bulletin



Aircraft, Parts & Service

1/5 share in v ery GMC Truck, 1991, nice 150 HP Cessna 90,000 miles, 3116 150; 1973 C e s sna C at Eng., 10 s p . 541-312-8402 150 with L ycoming Fuller Eaton trans0-320 150 hp engine m ission, 20' b e d , Holiday R a m bler conversion, 881 400 0 new deck, new rear 2003, 3 s l i d e-outs, hours. TT airframe. radials, hd hoist & Travel Trailers built in propane gen- Approx. 400 hours on frame, AC, erator, new f ridge, 0-timed 0-320. Han- radio/cassette, a real stove 8 m i crowave. gared in nice (electric nice truck.$12,500 42" flat screen TV, 2 door) city-owned han- Call 541-480-4375 A/C units, new tires gar at the Bend Airand axles. $14,500. port. One of very few Call/text C -150's t ha t ha s Find It in 971-207-8287. never been a trainer. The Bulletin Classifiedsl 31' Holiday Rambler will consider Aluma-light, 2001, 12' Husky 16K EZ Roller $4500 541-385-5809 for whatever. slide, good condition, 5th wheel hitch and trades Call J i m Fr a zee, 5th wheel tailgate fits very clean i n side. 541-410-6007 929 '03 dodge or newer, $10,900. Automotive Wanted $500 for both 541-508-1589 or 541-280-3799 or will sell separately! DONATE YOUR CAR, 541-923-2595 TRUCK OR BOAT TO HERITAGE FOR THE Laredo 31’ 2006, BLIND. Free 3 Day 5th wheel, fully S/C V acation, Tax D e one slide-out. ductible, Free Towing, 1974 Bellanca Awning. Like new, All Paperwork Taken 1730A 2180 TT, 440 J a Fli ht 264 BH hardly used. Care O f. CALL 2011. like new, sleeps SMO, 180 mph Must sell $20,000 1-600-401-4106 Excellent condition 9, self contained, 1/2 or refinance. Call (PNDC) Always hangared ton towable $13,900 541-410-5649 One owner for OBO (541) 410-9017 Got an older car, boat 35 years. or RV? Do the huRV $40,000. mane thing. Donate it RV CONSIGNMENTS In Madras, to the Humane SociCONSIGNMENTS WANTED call 541-475-6302 ety. Call 1WANTED We Do The Work ... 800-205-0599 We Do the Work, You Keep The Cash! (PNDC) You Keep the Cash! HANGAR FOR SALE. On-site credit On-site credit 30x40 end unit T approval team, 932 approval team, hanger in Prineville. web site presence. Antique & web site presence. Dry walled, insulated, We Take Trade-Ins! Classic Autos We Take Trade-Ins! and painted. $23,500. Tom, 541.788.5546 BIG COUNTRY RV BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254 Redmond:


The Bulletin To Subscribe call 541-385-5800 or go to www.bendbulletin.corn

e ,I

Cameo LX1 2001, 32 ft. 5th wheel, 2 slides, A/C, micro, DVD, CD p l ayer, conv. and i n vert. New batteries, tires and shocks. Quad carrier. Quad avail. $11,900 OBO.


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Sport Utility Vehicles


Auto m obiles














ToyotaTacoma 2006, 4.0L V-6 cyl VIN ¹214381. $13,388

(Photo for illustration only)

Subaru Outback Limited2013, (exp. 7/29/2015) Vin ¹219747

(exp.7/29/1 5) DLR ¹366

Stock ¹45098A




$25,979 or $329/mo.,

$2500 down, 84 mo., 4 .49% APR o n a p -

proved credit. License



and title i ncluded in

payment, plus dealer installed options.

' s un mu

2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

Toyota T a coma 2006, reg. c a b, 4x4, 5 spd standard 4 cyl engine, 22+ mpg, one senior owner, non smoker, well maintained. new Subaru Outback Limited 2014, tires, orig i n al 2.5L H-4 cyl spare near new, ¹303724.$28,888. runs exc. VIN (exp. 7/29/15) DLR ¹366 $14,750. 541-633-9895

CORVETTE COUPE 2003 - 50th

Anniversary Edition

6 spd manual transmission, always garaged, never driven in winter, only 21k miles,$24,000



$26,979 or $339/mo.,

Garage Sales Garage Sales


$16,977 or $199/mo.,

$2600 down, 84 mo. at 4 .49% APR o n a p -

proved credit. License

payment, plus dealer installed options.


877-266-382'I Dlr ¹0354


(exp. 7/29/2015) Vin ¹734544

Stock ¹44681C

smolichvolvo.corn WHEN YOU SEE THIS


Mercedes-Benz SLK2302003, exc. cond., auto, convertible retractable hard top. 54,250 miles, carfax available.$1 3,000. 54'I -389-7571


s u a A Ru.

a OII )I I

proved credit. License

(exp. 7/29/1 5) DLR ¹366


jrggg ' ~

541-548-1448 smolichmotors.corn

Buick Le Sabre 2005 Custom. Very clean, inside & out, only has 96k miles. If you drive Lexus ES350 2010, it, you' ll fall in love!! Excellent Condition 32 mpg hwy, 22-25 in 32,000 miles, $20,000 town. $ 4250 o b o 214-549-3627 (in Trade c o n sidered. Bend) Ford Escape 2014, Cash/credit/debit 2.0L 1-4 cyl card. Call or Text Ron People Look for Information VIN ¹A46674. $21,888. O 541-419-5060 About Products and (exp. 7/29/1 5) DLR ¹366 Services Every Daythrough The Bulletin Classifiefts



Subaru lmpreza2013, Mustang GT 2007, (exp. 7/29/1 5) 27,000 miles, dark Vin ¹027174 grey e x t erior/light Stock ¹83205 grey interior, heated $20,358 or $249/mo.,

garage, non-smok-

ing, retired, Roush lowering kit, Roush cold air inductions, love red side windows, after market exhaust, sequential r ear l i ghts, d u a l

power $19,995.



proved credit. License and title i ncluded in

payment, plus dealer installed options.


s u a ARu.

2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

Buick Lucerne CXL, 2006 clean title, 93k mi, leather, loaded. $7450, OBO/Trade-in considered. C all


Cadillac CTS 2010, V 6 I n j ection, 6 Speed A utomatic. Luxury series. Exterior Black Raven, Interior: Light Titanium/ E b o ny 2 2,555 m i les. 4 door. Excellent condition al l a r ound. Has Arizona plates. This is car is a great mix of luxury, comfort, s t y le , an d workmanship. $24,000.00 Call 541-408-3051

Say "goodbuy" Jeep Grand Cheroto that unused kee Overland 2012, item by placing it in 4x4 V-6, all options, running boards, front The Bulletin Classifieds guard, nav., air and heated leather, custom wheels and new 541 -385-5809 tires, only 41K miles, $31,995 541-408-7908

Jeep Willys, '46, metal top, big tires, ps, new paint, tow bar, new auges, etcff. reduced 4,000. 541-233-7272




Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

fined under ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870.

General Contrac› tor to whom a proposal form has not been issued by the City of Redmond to registered bidders from www.ciplist.corn.

CHECKYOUR AD on the first day of publication. If a n e r ror may occur in your ad, p lease contact u s and we will be happy to fix it as soon as we can. Deadlines are: Weekdays 12:00 noon for next day, S at. 11:00 a.m. for Sunday; Sat. 12:00 for Monday. 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified

Jeep Wrangler Rubicon 2004, $18,500 Mileage: 065 , 1 54 Automatic, Cr u i se Control, Tow Bar, Air Conditioning, Power PT Cruiser 2007, 5spd, Door Locks, Alarm 32 mpg hwy, 80K miles, and much more. Call new tires, $5,250. Gary: 541-280-0558. 541-433-2026

(AS PUBLISHED) Sealed bids for the construction of the City of R edmond, SW 6th Street Im› provement Project ND 15- 0 1, a d dressed to the City R ecorder, City o f Redmond, Oregon will be received until 2:00 P M l ocal t ime a t t h e C i t y

Recorder's office,

City Hall, 716 SW

Evergreen Avenue, Redmond, Oregon, on August 19, 2015 and then publicly opened and read at 2:00 PM in Conference Room A, City Hall, Redmond, Oregon. First tier subcontractor list is required to be submitted by 4:00 P M, s am e da y (Note: The first tier s ubcontractor l i s t may also be submitted sealed

w i t h the b di at

contractor's preference). B ids shall be clearly labeled: SW 6th Street Im› provement Project ND 15-01.

No mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held. No bid will

be accepted by a general contractor who is not on the plan holders list. This is a Pu b l ic Works Contract and subject to the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) Wage Rates, dated J uly 2 0 1 5 and a m endments for region 10 as de-

Scope of W o rk: The scope of services include approx. 2131 Square Yards of new street paving, curb and sidewalk improvements, sewer and water impr ovements and stormwater imp r ovements of SW 6th Street located between Salmon Avenue and Reindeer Avenue. C ontract Doc u ments may be examined at the following locations: City of Redmond E ngineering D e partment 24 3 E A ntler Aven u e, Redmond, Oregon. www.ciplist.corn


tub &

RV, motorcYcle, d, outside vialx-aroun, acri- Your auto, an ower, awning, r slrpts shosl boa<, or tg tt sells $19500 sviqy hitch. Opp-00o ad ns ulttt t or up to 12 months comes fir (whichever co

0 11 a’ TL, he BuHetm

Includes: 2" in length, with border, full color photo, bold headline, and price.

serving Central Oregon ance f903

proved credit. License

Some resrrictions app/y



Your od will also appear inl

The Bulletin The Central OregonNickel Ads ' central oregonMorketplo(e ' bendbullern.(om ' P 'vateparly m erchandiseonly

K<ENSALL 1997 Ford F-2$0

2004Lsxus 5$330



4x4 Super Cab, Hurry! VINt 015891

LowMiles, LikeNew VIXf 038198

2013Toyota Matrix

2009Honda CR-V EX



><f4 UNT» SOL.D"

TRAil SPO 2013 28’ rccN tures living gaea oven, miSlide-cu,>NC, ent. Nnteh crow avs,shower, queen


I owner,bkeNew,Save! VIXt 108329



$2600 down, 84 mo., 4.49% APR cn a p-

Ron, at 541-419-5060

Ford Explorer Sport 2011, 6 cyl. auto., 4WD, 3rd seat, $21,995. 541-598-5111 Ford Explorer XLT 2012, 4x4, 56K mi. VIN:A41532. $21,988 AAA Auto Source corner of West Empire & Hwy97 541-598-3750 aaaoregonautosource. corn. DLR¹ 0225 Jeep CJ5 1981, V-8, 5" lift, Warn winch, new t ires, t o p , gre a t off-road. $4500.




Want to impress the and title included in and title included in payment, plus dealer in- payment, plus dealer inrelatives? Remodel stalled options. stalled options. your home with the help of a professional ' s u a ARu. ' s u a A Ru. from The Bulletin's Acura TL 06, 3.2L V6, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 "Call A Service a uto, F WD , b l a c k 877-266-3821 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354 color, A/C, 115,971 Professional" Directory Dlr ¹0354 Dlr ¹0354 miles, clean title and SP E C IAL: carfax. Call or text HUNTER Jeep Cherokee, 1990, 541-834-8469 4x4, has 9 t ires on wheels. $2000 obo. 541-771-4732

. gg gg p p


fi s um au

ChevyTracker 2003, 2.5L V-6 cyl VIN ¹914067. $6,688.

...don't let time get away. Hire a professional out of The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory today!

tsss ~ .

What are you looking for? You' ll find it in

proved credit. License and title included in payment, plus dealer installed options.

Tick, Tock Tick, Tock...

payment, plus dealer installed options.

Hwy 20, Bend. $11,979 or $199/mo., 2060 NE 877-266-3821 $2500 down, 72 mo., Dlr ¹0354 4.49% APR on a pproved credit. License Toyota Avalon 2003, and title included in si n g le payment, plus dealer in- 150K m i . , owner, great cond., stalled options. tires and battery fi s u a ARu. new maintenance records, leather seats, moon2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. roof, full set of snow 877-266-3821 tires on rims, $7000. Dlr ¹0354 541-548-6181

or $199/mo., s u a ARLL $15,979 $2400 down, 84 mc.,





4 .49% APR o n a p proved credit. License and title included in

Nissan Sentra2012,

Dodge Dart2013, VIN ¹15091A $14,997 (exp.7/29/1 5) DLR ¹366

$2800 down, 84 mo., 4 .49% APR o n a p - Ford Fusion SEL2012, proved credit. License (exp. 7/29/1 5) and title included in Vin ¹117015 payment, plus dealer inStock ¹44382A stalled options.




s u a A Ru.

Mini C ooper S Convertible 2013: 4 .49% APR o n a p Like new convertible The Bulletin Classifieds Toyota Camry Hybrid Find them 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. proved credit. License w/ only 18,600 miles. 2012, 2.5L 1-4 cyl in 877-266-3821 and title i ncluded in All options incl. Chili VIN ¹005123 Dlr ¹0354 payment, plus dealer in- Red paint w/ black 541-385-5809 The Bulletin $21,997 stalled options. stripes, 17" wheels, (exp.7/29/1 5) DLR ¹366 Classifieds film protection, cus- Porsche Cayman S fi s u aARu SIHIARUOSMXD.OtM SMOLICH tom f ront d r iving 2 008, L i k e new , 541-385-5809 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. lights, black leather 14,500 miles, V O LV O 877-266-3821 $35,000. seats. $2 2 ,500 541-749-2156 Dlr ¹0354 360-510-3153 (Bend) 541-420-1659 or idasmolichvolvo.corn Toyota FJ Cruiser homcnteith O aol.corn 2012, 64K miles. all hwy, original owner, never been off road or accidents, tow BMW X3 Sl 2007, pkg, brand new tires, Low Miles - 68,500 very clean. $26,000. Ford Fusion SEL2012, mi., AWD, leather Scion TCcoupe 2007, Toyota Corolla 2013, or text Jeff at Interior, su n roof, Call (exp. 8/5/15) (exp. 7/29tt/1 5) (exp. 7/29tt/1 5) 541-729-4552 Mustang Conv. 2011, b luetooth, voi c e Vin ¹117015 Vin ¹198120 Vin ¹053527 6 speed auto, pony command system, Stock ¹44382A Stock ¹83072 Stock ¹44193B pkg. 1 5 , 000 mi. 975 and too much more $15,979 or $199/mo., $10,379 or $149/mo., $15,979 or $199 mo., $20,000. to list here. $15,900. $2400 down, 84 mc., Automobiles $2800 down, 60 mo., $2000 down 84 mc. 4 .49% APR c n a p - 541-330-2342 Please call Dan at 4 .49% APR o n a p 4.49% APR cn a p-

Garage Sales


Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on ben dbulletin.corn which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.corn


(exp. 7/29/2015) Vin ¹433715 Stock ¹44947A


L'"'" " "

Vin ¹203053 Stock ¹82770

10 Americans or 158 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. A d ults On a classified ad Nissan Altima 2.5 877-266-3821 read content f r om Mercedes Benz E go to Dlr¹0354 2012, 2.5L 1-4 cyl n ewspaper m e dia Class 2005, www.bendbulletin.corn VIN ¹508084$17,998. each week? Discover (exp. 7/29/1 5) (Photo for illustration only) to view additional (exp. 7/29/1 5) DLR ¹366 the Power of the PaVin ¹688743 Volvo V60 T5 photos of the item. cific Northwest NewsStock ¹82316 Platinum Wagon paper Advertising. For $11,979 or $155/mo., 2015.5, 2.5L 1-5 cyl a free brochure call $2500 down, 72 mc., VIN ¹222764 Need to get an ad 916-288-6011 or 4 .49% APR o n a p $37,997 proved credit. License email Subaru Outback XT fexp.7/29ff/1 5) DLR¹366 in ASAP? and title i ncluded in ceceliaocnpa.corn 541-548-1448 2006, S M O L I C H payment, plus dealer in(PNDC) smolichmotors.corn (exp. 7/29/1 5) stalled options. Fax it ts 541-322-7253 V Q L V Q VIN ¹313068 541-749-21 56 Stock ¹44631A S USA R u . The Bulletin Classifieds smolichvolvo.corn $11,999 or $149/mo., 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. $2800 down, 72 mc.,


Subaru XT Touring Forester 2013,

(exp. 7/29/1 5)


Toyota Corolla2013, VWPassat 2014, 1.8L 1-4 cyl 1.8L 1-4 cyl VIN ¹128502 VIN ¹099227 $23,997. (exp. 7/29/1 5) DLR ¹366 $12,997 /exp.7/29/f 5) DLR ¹366 SMOLICH

million U.S.

V OL V O F J40 Toyota Landcruiser with winch, $21,000.

Subaru Legacy LL Bean2006,

f o r private party l



Looking for your next employee?

and title i ncluded in

(Pholo for illustration only)





Sport Utility Vehicles

Mercedes 380SL 1982 Roadster, black on black, soft & hard top, exc. cond., always garaged. 155K miles, $9,500. 541-549-6407

Ne e d to sell a

Vehicle? Call The Bulletin and place an ad today! Ask about our "Wheel Deal" !

P UBLISH: Ben d B ulletin - July 2 5 , 26, 20'15

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE S ALE O F PE R S ONAL PRO P ERTY. High Desert Self-Storage, 52650 Hwy 97, La Pine, OR, shall sell the personal property of Tammy Story, unit

¹D4, and K r ista Cooper, unit ¹ A8, for failure to pay rental and default fees. A private sale

(aw miles, likenew! VINf 001126

2014VW PassaISsdan



2007Honda Pilot EX-L

$17,975 (owM aples, 7Passenger,bkeNew

WollsburgEdition,LikeNew VINS051642

VIXf 022403

2011 Stfbartf


2004Porschs Boxsfsr



I Owner, LikeNew! VINt 114004

(aw Miles,ManualTrans VINt 620/95

2007Chevy Tahoe LT-I

2012Jssp Wyah9lsy



Loaded,1Owner, Like New Vlltt 224669

I Owner,(owMiles,Save! VIN124812

2513 Tiguan

2013Land Rover

w ill b e a t Hi g h SE Evotitfs Desert Self-Storage I: Digital copies of the on August 4, 2015 at 11:01am. plans, s p e cifications, and bid pro1Owner,PrestigePkg VI Certified, Low Miles posal, including any VIN4I809256 VIXt 600/91 future addenda or PUBLIC NOTICE revisions to the bid AUCTION NOTICE documents, are ON AUGUST 11, 2015 available by going to AT 12:00 PM, THERE www.ciplist.corn and WILL BE A F O R EI I signing up, by goCLOSURE SALE OF ing to the Member PERSONAL PROPLogin (it's free). ERTY, AT S OUTHGeneral Contrac› SIDE STO R AGE, 555 OUR COMPLETE INVENTORY OF QUALITY PR5-OWNED UNITS AT www.kendallvwofbend.coml tors who plan to bid 2 0205 BADG E R 1045 SE 3rd Sf. Bend, OR 541-797-2050 www.kendonvwofbend.corn on this project are ROAD, BEND, ORrequired to register EGON, 97702. THE for an account on CONTENTS OF D www.ciplist.corn to THESE UNITS WILL BE SOLD UNLESS be included in the Audi w asR R f - H R Plan Holder's list PAYMENTS IN FULL and to receive email IS MADE PRIOR TO updates of any adTHE TIME OF SALE. *Covsrags iseffective for up io 12months from vehicle purchasedate, or 12,000miles fromthe odometer ai sais. Forcomplete C ASH ONLY. N O denda or revisions i n formationrsgsrdingspecific dstsils, limitstiors sadresponsibilities, refer io theLimited PowerTrain Vehicle ServiceContract. Prices to the bi d d o cuCHECK NO and discounts goodoninstock vehicles only. Pricesdonot includetitle, registration, licerss or575adminfes. All fiisnciag oaapproved m ents. N o P r o - C REDIT CARD S credit, not all will qualify. Subject iopriorsais, sssdealerfor details. Offersexpires 7/27/15. posal will be conUNITS TO BE SOLD: ¹56 - Suchomski s idered f ro m a



aG()D -





1 ’





I o


I ' I I

o I

NEW 2015 FORD F150 CREW CAB4X4 VIN: FFA60651 MSRP ........ ................. $41,770 TSS Discount -$3,895 .
















The an-new 2015 Subaru OutbaclPgets you out into the world. At 33 mpg,' it's the most fuel-efficient midsize crossover in America!' Also new is a surprisingly spacious, upgraded interior featuring the SUBARU STARLINK infotainment system.


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Confidence in Mo tion


$37,875 Retail Customer Cash .......-$1,500

New 2016Subaru WRX SYI 6MT Standard Model, Auto Mirror, All Weather Floor Mats, Bumper Applique, Cargo Tray

T SSS FordPrice ~36,37 5

414" o. 414" .. See Sea/er tor8eeils

24 Month Ford Credit Lease, 10,500 Miles per year, Residual $28,403.60. FMCCFinancing. OnApproved Credit.


VIN: ¹G9803629. Gus-02


New 2015 Subaru XV Crosstrek Hybrid Touring CVT

NEW 2015 FORD F3504X4 DIESEL CREW CAB 5th Wheel Hitch Prep Pkg, Trailer Brake Controller

VIN: C89666

MSRP ........ ................. $51,535 TSS Discount -$3,320 .

















$48,215 Retail Customer Cash .......-$2,500 Ford Credit .................... -$1,500

Standard Model Touring, Package ff2, Auto Dim Compass, Mirror, Home Link, Rear Bumper Cover, Splash Guard Kit, All Weather Floor Mats, Seat Back Protector


TSSS FordPrice 44,2 1 5

Up t O

3 6 M O n t h S on Approved credit.

MSRP$30,818. VIN: ¹FH219948. FRI-31 Subaru of Bend Discount $1,819

8 661-.. . 8661- . .

New 2015 ubaru BRZ Limited6AT

75 Months Financing, 720 Beacon,FordCredit Financing, 3.89%A.P.R On ApprovedCredit.

Option Package Of, Standard Model, Cargo Tray, Rear Bumper Applique, Dim Mirror, Com with Homelink

NEW 2015 FORD FOCUS SE4-DOOR Loaded, Moonroof.

VIN: 315263

MSRP ........ ................. $20,975 TSS Discount -$1,000 .

















$19,975 Retail Customer Cash .......-$1,000 Ford Credit .................... -$1,250

UP t O 3 6

New 2015Subaru Forester 2.5i All-Weather Pkg., Heated Front Seats, Windshield Wiper De-leer, Heated Side Mirrors, Auto Dimming Mirror Compass, Ext. Mirror w Appro Lt/Compass Rear Bumper Cover, SeatBackCargo Net Seat Back Protector

267" Do • 267" Mo. 75 Months Financing, 720 Beacon,FordCredit Financing, 3.89%A.P.R On ApprovedCredit.


MSRP ......................... $25,850 TSS Discount -$1,457 $24,393 Sync & Sound................... -$490 Retail Customer Cash .......-$2,000 .















~gg gag:.!-k8/u... UP t O 4 8


New 2015Subaru XV Crosstrek 2.0i Premium CVT Option Package 12, Standard Model, All Weather Floor Mats, Seat Back Protector, Rear Bumper Cover, Cross Bar Set

322" Down322" Mo. 24 Month Ford Credit Lease, 10,500 Miles per year, Residual $13,442. FMCCFinancing. OnApproved Credit.


NEW 2015 FORD FIESTA S Auto, 4 Doors.

VIN: 179621,198525

MSRP ......................... $15,885 TSS Discount....................-$347

Up t a

4 8 M O n t h S on Approved credit.

MSRP $24,645.VIN:¹F8295707. FRC-12 SubaruofBend Discount$946.

New 2015Subaru Forester 2.5i Premium CVT

T S&S FordPrice 1 5,5 3 8

Option Package 13, All-Weather Package, Heated Front Seats, Windshield Wiper De-leer, Heated Side Mirrors

, ’o

0 Down0 A.PR.220’


> jg3g :'!-00/Il...

72 Months Financing, 90 DaysUntil First Payment, Ford Credit Financing, On Approved Credit.

UP t O 4 8

201A SE Convenience Pkg, Power Panorama Roof
















VIN: C27295


Legacy .SiPremiu&mVT ~

New 201PSubaru

Standard Model, Protection Package fI I, All Weather Floor Mats, Rear Bumper Applique, Splash Guard Kit, Cargo Tray, Rear Cargo Net


Ts&sF ord Price 28,9 0 6

0 Down0 A.P.R.406 72 Months Financing, Ford Credit Financing,

M O n t h S on Approved credit.

MSRP $26,964. VIN: ¹FH826402.Fff-13 Subaru of Bend Discount $1226.


M O n t h S on Approved credit.

MSRP $27,263.VIN:¹FH841559. ffB-02 SubaruofBend Discount$1,332.

TS&S F rod Price ~21,90 3

MSRP ......................... $31,330 TSS Discount -$1,184 $30,146 Retail Customer Cash ......... -$750 Sync & Sound................... -$490

M O n t h S on Approved credit.

MSRP $30,042.VIN:¹F8607316. FZF-OI SubaruofBendDiscount$1,448.

T SSS FordPrice 1 7,7 2 5


sjg'pj' sii"0 90/a...

> jj'jjg :.!-1.88/u...

Mo .

On Approved Credit.

MSRP $25,345.VIN:¹F3064343. FAD-I 1 SubaruofBend Discount$1,346








11 I







Sale endsJuly 31, 2010.



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