Serving Central Oregon since1903 $1.50
SUNDAY November25,2012
e' reen air 'in ell N
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All land in owl
Jo less ene its acetheir own di
is public By Andrew Clevenger The Bulletin
By Andrew Clevenger
— In a change from
The Bulletin
its previously announced plans, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service said recently it is excluding 4.2 million acres of private and state lands from the area it has designated as critical habitat for the endangered northern spotted owL The agency still designated almost 9.3 million acres of federal land across Oregon, Washington and California as protected habitat for the bird. More than 290,000 acres of state land, mostly in Oregon, were also designated, but no private land was classified as habitat. See Owl /A4
WASHINGTON — Unless Congress takes action before Jan. I, tens of thousands of unemployed Oregonians will lose almost a year's worth of unemployment benefits in the new year. Under current l aw , p e ople claiming unemployment benefits are eligible for up to 47 weeks of payments under the f ederally
'W •
funded Emergency Unemployment Compensation pr ogram, a
IB ~g~ BI
which is set to expire IN D.C. at the end of the year. E ligibility f o r thi s
program kicks in only after peo-
0 e1
Map inside • Public lands designated as spotted owl habitat, A4
ple have exhausted 26 weeks of coverage paid for by Oregon's Unemployment Trust Fund, which is sustained by employer contributions, so the change would affect people who have been unemployed for six months or more. Since the election, much of the focus in Washington has been on how to avert the fiscal cliff, either by raising taxes or cutting government spending, or both. In the highly charged, partisan negotiations over how to proceed, the un-
employment program often gets overlooked. See Jobless /A5
Latest jotIless rates
Photos by Rob Kerr • The Bulletin
Oregon: 8.6 percent
University of Oregon fan Erik Jacobs, wearing a green and yellow scarf,
Backyard chickens lead to rooster rejects
celebrates a touchdown as Oregon State University fan Martin Moeller, in orange and not looking happy, laments the points during the third quarter of the Civil War football game in Corvallis. The Ducks won 48-24 in the 116th edition of the
OeschutesCounty:10.9 percent
• Full college football coverage ill Sports • Rooting for Ducks
Jefferson County:12.2 percent Crook County:13.5 percent
and Beavers at Chimps Inc.,B1
rivalry game on Saturday. Below, Oregon running back Kenjon Barner finds a hole in the middle of Oregon State's defense.
cybersecurity program
By Annys Shin The Washington Post
The rooster had no takers. A dozen or so pet seekers crowded the front counter at an animal shelter in Maryland's Montgomery County on a recent Saturday. A few feet away, a woman lingered in front of a photo of Felipe the rabbit. Over in the dog kennels, a little girl pointed out a puppy to her father. But no one asked about Hanz, the orange and white rooster that was pecking at feed in an outdoor kennel in the back. He didn't even have a name card on his cage. And unlike the schnauzer inside, he had no sign that read, "Adopt me! I'm cute!" See Rooster /A4
trains spies By Ken Dilanian Tribune Washington Bureau
spying on him. "I have an idea who it is, but I'm not 100 percent sure yet," said Thavisay, a 25-year-old former casinoblackjack dealer. Stalking is part of t h e curriculum i n t h e C y ber C orps, an unusual two-year program at the University of Tulsa that teaches students how to spy in cyberspace, the latest frontier in
espionage. Students learn not only how to go through trash, sneak a tracking device on cars and plant false information on Facebook. They also are taught to w r ite computer viruses, hack digital networks, c r ac k p a s swords, plant listening devices and mine data from broken cellphones and flash drives. See Cyber /A7
88267 02330
TULSA, Okla. — Jim Thavisay is secretly stalking one of his classmates. And one of them is
I g L
8 P We userecycled newsprint
Numbers for October. Source: Oregon Employment Department
7 e sct i ons
INDEX Books F 4-6 Crosswords C7,E2 Obituaries B4 Stocks G4-5 Classified E1-6 Horoscope C3 Opinion F 1 - 3TV&Movies C2
TQP NE~S DRONES: Writing the rules, A3
How to reach us
• Voters in Spain's Catalonia
region go to the polls and are likely to elect a pro-
leave you exhausted'? A long Thanksgiving weekend should offer an opportunity for some serious
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independence leader who will test Spanish unity at a time of
deep economic crisis. A7
much is too much or how many hours of rest the kids need to be sharp in school. Let's tackle some
popular misconceptions about Mr. Sandman.
Highlights: In 1783, the You need eight hours of
Did your holiday guests keep you up until the wee hours'? Did shopping on Black Friday (or before)
541 -383-0348
s ee a acies
shut-eye. But though we spend almost a third of our lives asleep, that doesn't make us experts on how
It's Sunday, Nov. 25, the 330th day of 2012. There are 36 days left in the year.
a in u o
541-385-5800 Phone hours: 5:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. Mon.-Fr i.,6:30a.m .-noonSat.-sun.
Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you need to know to start your day.
British evacuated NewYork,
despite utter exhaustion.
their last military position in the United States during the
sleep per night. That's the c l iche. Napoleon, for one, didn't believe it. His prescription went something like this: "Six hours for a man, seven for a woman and eight for a fool." But Napoleon's formula wasn't right, either. The ideal amount of sleep is different for everyone and depends on many
factors, including age and genetic makeup. In the past 10 years, a research team in Munich has surveyed the sleep behavior of more than 150,000 people. About 11 percent slept six hours or less, while only 27 percentclocked eight or more. The majority fell in between. Women tended to sleep longer than men, but only by 14 minutes. Bigger differencesare seen when c o m paring v a r i ous
age groups. Ten-year-olds needed about nine hours of sleep, while adults older than 30, including senior citizens, averaged about seven. We recently identified the f i r st gene associated with sleep duration — if you have one variant of this gene, you need more sleep than if you have another. Although it's common to hear w arnings about g e tting too much sleep — and 80 percent of the world uses an alarm clock to wake up on workdays — it's not difficult to figure out how much sleep we need. We sometimes overeat, but w e g e n erally cannot oversleep. When we wake up unprompted, feeling refreshed, we have slept
enough. In our industrial and urban society, we sleep about two hours less per night than 50 years ago. Like alcohol, this sleep deprivation significantly decreases our work performance and compromises our healthand memory.
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,
wealthy and wise. Benjamin Franklin's proverbial praise of early risers made sense in t h e second
Sleep is just a matter of discipline. Most parents and teachers think that i f t e enagers are zombies in the morning, they just lack the discipline to go to bed early. Although it is true that exposure to computer and television screens late at night makes for late rising, e arly-to-bed teenagers wi l l still have a hard time getting up at the crack of dawn. Think ofteenagers as early Thinkstock shift workers who suffer the Tlme to sleep: Almost a thlrd of Americans are sleep-deprived, most social jet lag. They go according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. to school at their biological equivalent of midnight with profound consequences for half of the 18th century, when senteeism and better eating learning and memory. They his peers were exposed to habits. suffer from sleep deprivation much more daylight and to Yet many cultures reward during the school week and very dark nights. Their body people who start work early, certainly should be allowed to clocks were tightly synchro- even if they're operating on catch up on weekends. Hownized to this day-night cycle. reduced sleep. As a r esult, ever, they should sleep with This changed as work gradu- many successfulpeople are daylight coming i nt o t h eir a lly m o ved i n d oors, p e r - short-sleeping early r i s ers bedrooms and should refrain formed under the far weaker such as Margaret Thatcher from using light-emitting deintensity o f a r t i f icial l i g ht and Bill Clinton. Fortunately vices after 10 p.m. during the day and, if desired, for those of us who like to hit all night long. the snooze button,success is Most couples have very The timing of sleep — ear- not restricted to early birds. different sleep habits. We've all heard stories: A lier or later — is controlled A lbert E i nstein an d E l v i s by our internal clocks, which Presley, for example, were woman tries to sleep while determine what researchers late sleepers. her husband is reading. Or call our optimal "sleep winone spouse needs to sleep in dow." With electric light, our Exercise helps you sleep. but the other wants to start body clocks have shifted later the day. while the workday has esExercising may contribute But again, this is a matter sentially remained the same. to falling asleep earlier, and of biology and genetics, not We fall asleep according to it certainly helps us sleep habits and personal preferour (Iate) body clock and are soundly through the n ight. ence. Women generally fall awakened early for work by But it's light, not physical ac- asleep earlier than men, who the alarm clock. We therefore tivity, that proves the German tend toward night owlishness. sufferfrom chronic sleep de- proverb "Fresh air makes you Women, however,tend to conprivation, for which we try to tired." Exercise often means trol the sleep times in a partcompensate by sleeping in on being outside an d g e t ting nership. Husbands of women free days. Many of us sleep more light — o n a v erage, who work late shifts at night, more than an hour longer on 1,000 times more than indoor for example, go to bed much weekends than on workdays. levels. Exposure to sunlight earlier when their wives are at This discrepancy between synchronizes our body clocks home than when their wives what our body clocks want with daylight. are working late, research has and what our social clocks Sleep is not only regulated found. want has been termed "social by the body clock, but also One finding that might be jet lag." This is most obvious by how long we were awake surprising, given how much in teenagers.Their tendency (also known as the buildup of time we spend in our beds: to sleep longer is biological, "sleep pressure"). Men and women don't seem not laziness, and it reaches But not all waking hours to give any consideration to its peak around age 20. Stud- a re equal. We'll get m o r e sleep patternswhen choosing ies show that teenagers who tired sk iing, f o r e x a mple, a mate. sleep later and start school than sitting at a desk sending — By Till Roenneberg, later exhibit improved aca- email. This is one reason we an author and pro fessor of demic performance, higher sometimes lie awake at the chronobiology in Munich, m otivation, d ecreased a b end of a long day at the office forThe Washington Post.
Revolutionary War. In 1952, the play "The Mousetrap," a
murder mystery by Agatha Christie, first opened in London's West End; it is
the longest continuously running show in history. In1957, President Dwight D. Eisenhower suffered a slight stroke. In1986, the Iran-Contra affair erupted as
President Ronald Reaganand Attorney General Edwin Meese revealed that profits from
secret arms sales to lran had been diverted to Nicaraguan rebels. Ten years ago: President George W. Bushsigned legislation creating the Department of Homeland
Security and appointed Tom Ridge to be its head.
Five years ago: Former Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif returned from
exile to an ecstatic welcome from thousands of supporters and immediately stepped
up the pressure on U.S.backed military ruler Pervez Musharraf to end emergency rule.
One year ago: In a friendly-fire incident that further strained relations between the United States and Pakistan, U.S. forces launched airstrikes that mistakenly killed 24 Pakistani troops at two posts along the Afghan border.
BIRTHDAYS Pro Football Hall of Fame coach Joe Gibbs is 72. Author,
actor and economist BenStein is 68. Singer Bob Lind is 68. Actor John Larroquette is
65. Author Charlaine Harris is 61. Singer Amy Grant is 52. Former NFL quarterback
Bernie Kosar is 49. Rock musician Eric Grossman (K's Choice) is 48. Actress Christina Applegate is 41.NFL quarterback Donovan McNabb is 36. Former first daughters
Barbara Bushand Jenna Bush Hager are 31. — From wire reports
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at
POWERBALL The numbers drawn Saturday night are:
Q 22Q 32Q 37Q 44 Q50 O The estimated jackpot is now $425 million.
MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Saturday night are:
Oa070»O»O»O» The estimated jackpot is now $4.2 million.
Bed-wetting mishap?Not parents' fault New York Tlmes News Service Can the wrong type of toilet training lead to incontinence later? Probably not, a new study concludes. Broadly speaking, parents use one of two techniques. The first, sometimes called parentoriented, rewards good behavior and punishes accidents by withholding the reward. In the other, called child-oriented, parents wait until the child seems ready for t r a ining, usually around 18 months or older, and then praise success and ignore accidents. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests the child-oriented approach, but until now there has been little research to support either. Researchersstudied 58 children ages 4 to 12 with symptoms of daytime incontinence, comparing them with 147 children without the problem. The groups were similar in income, race and ethnicity, parental education, mother's work status, and family size. The study found no association between urge incontinence and the method by which the children had been toilet-trained.
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TOP T ORIES IN BRIEF Thanksgiving salescut Black Friday spending Thanksgiving
s h opping
took a noticeable bite out of B lack Friday's start t o t h e holiday season, as the latest survey found retail sales fell slightly from last year. Saturday's report from retail
technology company ShopperTrak finds consumers spent $11.2 billion at stores across the U.S. That is down 1.8 percent from last year's total. This year's Friday results may have been tempered by hundreds of t h o usands of shoppers hitting sales Thursday evening while still full of Thanksgiving dinner. Retailers including Sears, Target and Wal-Mart got their deals rolling as early as 8 p.m. on Turkey Day. Meanwhile, IBM says online sales rose 17.4 percent on Thanksgiving an d 2 0 .7 percent on Black Friday, compared with 2011.
Obama shops onSmall BusinessSaturday ARLINGTON, Va. — President Barack Obama took his daughters, Sasha and Malia to a Virginia bookstore for some Christmas shopping Saturday. The White House says Obama was promoting an effort called "Small Business Saturday" to encourage shoppers to patronize mom-and-pop businesses after Thanksgiving. Last year, more than 100 million A m ericans shopped at small businesses on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, according to the U.S. government. The next big holiday shopping day is tomorrow's CyberMonday.
Hcimcas' mj jtcing cijns Obama administration todevelop su ort in West Ban moves rules for useof drones
By Ernesto Londono
mallah on Saturday, said of Hamas. RAMALLAH, West Bank The eight-day conflict also — Hamas' latest battle against underscored the stark differIsraelsparked feverish Pal- ences between Hamas and its estinian pride that s pread rival Fatah, which leads the beyond the Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority. In a rePalestinian A uth o r ity-led gion where Arab Spring uprisWest Bank. But it has also ings pushed political Islam to deepened a sense here that the forefront, some analysts the authority's nonviolent, di- say Fatah's secular nationalplomacy-based approach to ism looks more anachronistic winning a Palestinian state is by the day and that Hamas' increasingly futile. sudden strength has fueled It is a commonly held view momentum for a m ore agin both territories that the gressive, even radical, posture Islamist militants of Hamas in the Israeli-occupied West — which refuses to recognize Bank. Israel — defeated their enemy Hanan Ashrawi, a senior and that they did it with weap- Fatah member, d i smissed ons, not words. Islamism as a fad. But she "They put Israel in its place. said she is increasingly worThey forced Israel to withried that Palestinians will see draw," Amanda Izzat, a 23- armed resistance, which Fatah year-old university student renounced in 1988, as the only w ho was shopping in R amechanism that appears to The Washington Post
win concessions from Israel. "It would be easy to get the world's attention by unleashing violence," Ashrawi said. "But that's not a tool we want to use.There's so much tragic loss of life." Hamas's rising profile has posed the most immediate challenge to Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who played the role of bystander throughout the crisis. As Hamas' leader-in-exile, Khaled Meshal, negotiated the cease-fire under the mediation of Cairo's Islamist-led government, Abbas envoys traveled to Gaza, but he did not. Abbas has not been to the strip since 2006, when Hamas won Palestinian parliamentary elections. Hamas, which Israel and the United States deem a terrorist group, seized control of Gaza one year later.
9 recent veterans set to enter Congress
New Yorh Times News Service
WASHINGTON — Facing the possibility that President Barack Obama might not win a second term, his administration accelerated work in the weeks before the election to develop explicit rules for the targeted killing of terrorists by unmanned drones so that a new president would inherit clear standards and procedures, according to two administration officials. The matter may have lost some urgency after Nov. 6. But with more than 300 drone strikesand some 2,500 people killed bythe CIA andthe military since Obama first took office, the administration is still pushing to make the rules formal and resolve internal uncertainty an d d i sagreement about exactly when lethal action is justified. Obama and his advisers are still debating whether remote-control killing should be a measure oflast resort against imminent threats to the United States or a more
flexible tool, available to help allied governments attack their enemies or to prevent militants f ro m c o ntrolling territory. Though publicly the administration presents a united front on the use of drones, behind the scenes there is longstandingtension. The Defense D epartment and t h e C I A continue to press for greater latitude to carry out strikes; Justice Department and State Department officials, and the president's counterterrorism adviser, John Brennan, have argued for restraint, officials involved in the discussions
say. Since the f i rst t a rgeted killing by the United States in 2002, two administrations have taken the position that the United States is at war with al-Qaida and its allies and can legally defend itself by striking its enemies wherever they are found. The U.N. plans to open a unit in Geneva early next year to investigate U.S. drone strikes.
Natural gasexplosion damaged 40buildings The Associated Press SPRINGFIELD, M a s s. Preliminary investigations show more than 40 buildings were damaged in a natural gas explosion in Massachusetts that injured
Worldhopes for U.S. leadership on climate DOHA, Qatar — During a year with a monster storm and scorching heatwaves, Americans have experienced the kind of freakish weather that many scientists say will occur more often on a warming planet. And as are-elected president talks about global warming again, climate activists are cautiously optimistic that the U.S. will be more than a disinterested bystander when the U.N. climate talks resume Monday w ith two-week a conference in Qatar. "I think there will be expectations from countries to hear a new voice from the United States," said Jennifer M o rgan, director of the climate and energy program at t h e World Resources Institute in Washington. The climate officials and environment ministers meeting in the Qatari capital of Doha will not come up with an answer to the global temperature rise that is already melting Arctic sea ice and permafrost, raising and acidifyingthe seas, and shifting rainfall patterns, which has an impact on floods and droughts.
Sunti Tiger / The Associated Press
Anti-government protesters flee from tear gasfired by police Saturday in Bangkok. The protesters were calling for Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra to step down. Yingluck took the group's threats seriously and accused them of trying to topple her government, which came to power in mid-2011 after winning a landslide electoral victory. She deployed nearly 17,000 police and invoked a special security law to give them extra powers.
and odor reported about an hour before the explosion. Gas workers venting a gas leak got indications that the building was about to explode and they ducked for cover behind a utility truck — along with 18 people, building inspec- firefighters and police officers tors said Saturday. — just before the blast, said A strip club was flattened Mark McDonald, president of and a day care center was the New England Gas Workers heavily damaged inthe mas- Association. sive explosion Friday night Most of the injured were in in Springfield, one of New that group, and the truck that England's biggest cities. saved their lives was essentially No one was killed in the demolished, he said. explosion. Inv e stigators were trying Saturday to figure out what caused the blast that could be heard for miles, left a large hole in the ground where the multistory brick building housing Scores Gentleman's Club once stood and scattered debris over several blocks. Don't send your valuable O fficials a l ready h a d evacuated part of the entertainment district a fter Shop Local!. responding to a gas leak
Judgespushbackagainst Morsi New York Times News Service CAIRO — The association of judges here called Saturday for courts across Egypt to suspend all but their most vital activities to protest an edict by President Mohammed Morsi granting himself unchecked power by setting his decrees above judicial review until the ratification of a new constitution.
The judges' strike, which drew the support of the leader of the national lawyers' association, would be the steepest escalation yet in a political struggle between the country's new Islamist leaders and the institutions of the authoritarian government that was overthrown last year. As it spills into the courts and the streets, the dispute also in-
creasingly threatens to undermine the credibility of Egypt's political transition as well. A council that oversees the judiciary denounced Morsi's decree, which wa s i ssued Thursday, as "an unprecedented attack on judicial independence" and urged the president to retract parts of the decree eliminating judicial oversight.
Oriental>Rug ,~ wn'ers'
l i
Falling tempsmenace Syrian war refugees
WASHINGTON — As Tammy Duckworth sees it, her path to Congress began when she awoke in the fall of 2004 at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. She was missing both of her legs and faced the prospect of losing her right arm. Months of agonizing therapy lay ahead. As the highest-rankingdouble amputee inthe ward, Maj. Duckworth became the go-toperson for soldiers complaining of substandard care and bureaucratic ambivalence. Soon, she was pleading their cases to federallawmakers, including her state's two U.S. senators at the time — Democrats Dick Durbin and Barack Obama of Illinois. Obama arranged for her to testify at congressional hearings. Durbin encouragedherto run foroffice. She lost her first election, but six years later gave it another try and now is one of nine veterans of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars who will serve in next year's freshman class in the of House of Representatives. Veterans' groups say the influx of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans is welcome because it comes at a time when the overall number of veterans in Congress is on a steep and steady decline.
New York Times News Service MDOUKHA, LebanonThe winds spilling down off snow-covered Mount H ermon, bearing the first nip of winter, rattled the broken windows of an abandoned elementary school here where Syrian refugees are huddled in this Bekaa Valley hamlet. Hundreds of thousands of Syrians displaced by the war, many of them stumbling out of Syria during the summer wearing little more than Tshirts and f l ip-flops, now face the onslaught of winter with inadequate shelter, senior government officials and aid organizations say. "It will be winter outside and winter inside," said Mohamed Khair al-Oraiby, a burly 27-year-old who fledhere over the summer with his wife and two infants. "We already wake up early because it is so cold." With temperatures already plunging to zero overnight in the hills framing this valley, the humanitarian crisis facing millions of displaced
— From wire reports
Syrians is deepening. The
inability of international aid groups to cope with the crisis, which has mushroomed in recent months, is partly a question of access to war zones. More than 400,000 people have fled Syria, and 1.2 million have been d r iven from their homes within the c ountry, according to t h e
U.N. refugee agency. Some 2.5 million people need humanitarian assistance, and the number keeps climbing. The United Nations said it had reached only 1 million of them. But effortshave also been h ampered by l ack o f r e sources. The United Nations is seeking some $487 million for refugees across the region, of which about 35 percent has been collected. "The capacity of the international donor community to support the crisis is not happening at the same speed at which the crisis is unfolding," said Panos Moumtzis, the regional coordinator for the Office of the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees.
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Womanwants U.S.court to enforcejudgment in Japaneserapecase By Bruce Vielmetti
waukee County Circuit Judge William Pocan has not thrown the case out. "This doesn't come across your desk every day," said Flynn, regarding the legal novelty of the case. "We really have no comment, other than we look forward to litigating. And we are confident in the outcome." Fisher's case has already generated publicity in her native Australia, where it was the subject of an Australian "60 Minutes" television news
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
MILWAUKEE — An Australian woman who won a Japanese civil judgment against a former American seaman she accused of rape 10 years
ago has brought her long legal fight against her attacker to Milwaukee. But whether a W i sconsin court will enforce the judgment isfarfrom decided, as the man she blames forsexual assault denies a crime occurred and has hired his own lawyer to fight the unusual action. Catherine Jane Umehara, more widely known as Catherine Fisher, sued Bloke Deans earlier this year, asking that a Wisconsincourt order Deans to pay about $61,000 in damages that a Japanese court had ordered in 2004. Her attorney, Christopher Hanewicz of Madison, Wis., argues that the state can enforce the Japanese order under the Uniform Foreign Money Judgments Recognition Act. Deans' attorney, Alex Flynn of Milwaukee, objects to the claim of jurisdiction and sought to have the suit dismissed. Mil-
program; in Japan, where she has lived since 1980; and in the widely read British news magazine The Economist. The Australian consulate staff in Chicago even attended one of the hearings in Milwaukee earlier this year. "We have an interest obviously in providing the kind of support a government should provide its citizens," Deputy General Consul Lorenzo Strano said. "These are very delicateissues.When people come up against barriers, we try to assist as we can. "We'renotnormallyinvolved in civil matters," Strano said. "This case is a bit different."
Spottedowl haditat The shaded areas indicate public lands that have been designated as critical habitat for the northern spotted owl by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. In a shift from an earlier plan, the agency did not apply the designation to
any privately owned forests.
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A critical habitat designation only affects federal acContinued from A1 tions in designated areas and "We applied the best avail- does not extend additional able science to identify the protections onto state and priremaining habitat essential vate lands unless the proposed to the spotted owl's recovery activities involve federal fund— and to ensure that our re- ing or permitting, according covery partners have the clar- to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife ity and flexibility they need to Service. "Improved forest health is make effective land management decisions," said Robyn important for recovery of the Thorson, director of U.S. Fish northern spotted owl," Kent and Wildlife's Pacific Region, Connaughton, regional forestin a prepared statement. "We er for the U.S. Forest Service's fully s u pport c o nservation Pacific N o r thwest R e gion, strategies and forest treat- said in a prepared statement. ments that restore the health "We are actively managing and natural dynamics of en- National Forest lands to cretire forest ecosystems to sus- ate more resilient ecosystems, tain all their many values." improve wildlife habitat and In 2011, the Fish and Wild- benefit communities." life Service introduced a reThe timber industry had vised recovery plan forthe been concerned that efforts spotted owl, which has been to save the spotted owl would listed as threatened under the lead to restrictions imposed Endangered Species Act since o n private f orests i n t h e 1990. The new plan approves Northwest. the forcible removal of barred Tom Partin, president of the owls — larger, less finicky rap- American Forest R esource tors that have migrated from Council, a t i m ber i n dustry the east and outcompeted their group, said his organization smaller cousins for food and was still reviewing the areas prime nestingareas — from that had been designated. "The draft ( published in habitat critical to the endangered bird by fatal and nonfa- F ebruary) proposed a 2 6 5 tal methods. percent i n crease in critical Since 1985, the number of habitat over what was desigspotted owls has dropped by nated after the owl was listed 40 percent, averaging nearly a in 1990," he said in a prepared 3 percent decrease each year. statement. "Tying up massive The updated plan conceded swaths of federal forests that that even after years of leav- aren't really owl habitat will ing owl habitats untouched, its not benefit the owl or help us numbers continued to shrink address the declining health of to somewhere between 7,000 these forests." and 10,000. Instead of focusing on fendThis spring, the Obama ad- ing off the barred owls, Fish and ministration announced it was Wildlife has instead focused on approving limited logging in "massive critical habitat desigareas designated as critical nations that provide no actual habitat, an admission that ac- benefit to the owl," he said. tive management produces — Reporter: 202-662-7456, healthier forests.
Rooster Continued from A1 Animal Control picked Hanz up i n m i d-October in Germantown, Md., after some homeowners found him in their yard, according to Paul Hibler, deputy d irector o f t h e c o u n ty police's Animal Services Division. The question of what to do with Hanz — and other roosters like him — is an unforeseen byproduct of the growth o f b a ckyard chicken flocks, which proponents tout as a more-nutritious and humane source of eggs. Recently, efforts to amend laws that prohibit chickens in densely populated areas have gained momentum. For example, Montgomery and Virginia's Fairfax County allow residents to have chickens, with certain restrictions. And there are efforts to legalize them elsewhere in the Washington metro region, including the District of Columbia itself. But that has meant a proliferation of unwanted roosters, many of w h ich arrive unexpectedly from hatcheries along with the first chicks. They are difficult to keep in urban settings, they crow and many places that allow chickens ban roosters. To get rid of them, some owners turn to Craigslist, sanctuaries and animal shelters. When that fails, the less squeamish eat them. Others set them loose and hope for the best. In the Washington region, roosters have been found wandering in parks, cemeteries and alleyways. Russell Crowe was one of the lucky ones: He was found five years ago, crossing Connecticut Avenue in Northwest Wa s h ington. (Why it crossed the road, no one knows.) Eventually, he ended up at the Poplar Spring A n i ma l S a nctuary in Poolesville, Md. The
refuge stopped accepting roosters a few years ago because of a lack of space, director Terry Cummings said. The region's other main chicken sanctuary, United Poultry Concerns on Virginia's Eastern Shore, reached maximum rooster capacity this past week. There are still farmers who are willing to take them, but finding suitable homes is g e t ting in c r easingly difficult. "It has become a huge, huge problem," Cummings said. The market is already ahead of the law, as evidenced by the growing cottage industry of backyard chicken websites, magazines and accouterments. There are toys, clothes and upscale coops that l o ok like they were designed by
es her 13 resident roosters as far apart as possible and lets them out in the yard at different times. Too many roosters can be ') ' problematic for hens, too, said PY United Poultry's p r esident, Karen Davis. Female chickens can lose feathers,get sores or refuse to come out of their coop when theyget "too much mating attention." "They don'twant to come eat and drink because they're worried they'll get jumped on," II • she said. Poplar Spring and United Poultry Concerns do not adopt out, which means vacancies take a while to open up. Chickens live an average of eight years but can survive as long as 15. They aren't cheap to Ricky Carioti /TheWashington Post maintain, either: A coop can Hanz the rooster and Brandy the pit bull currently liveat the cost from a couple hundred Montgomery County Animal Shelter in Rockville, Md. While dollars to several thousand. Brandy may become the target of adoption someday, no one Monthly feed costs run from has expressed interest in Hanz. $15 to $50 a month, according to a 2011 study by, which said it can take urban "Many shelters have to euthanize roosters for chickenfarmers an average of 2Y2 years to recoup their costs. lack of available homes, just like they do with The r ank s o f h o m eless dogs and cats." roosters are still small and — Paul Shapiro, Humane Society of the United States don't come anywhere close to the three million unwanted cats and dogs that are euthafamed architect Ludwig Mies "They are afraid to let us know nized each year in the United van der Rohe. There are even they are owners." States. But Paul Shapiro, vice "designer chickens" — hybrids In September, it tookAnimal president for farm animal prowith such breed names as Control officers in Arlington, tection at the Humane Society "Showgirl" and "Sizzle." Va., a week to catch a coterie of the United States, which In A p r il , T y ler P h i l lips, of chickens that had taken up supports backyard c hicken 25, ofPotomac, Md., gave up residence in the Roaches Run farming, said that f i guring working for his parents' trav- Waterfowl Sanctuary along out what to do with unwanted eling pet zoo and professional George Washington Parkway. roosters "is a v er y s erious poker playing to start a busi- Animal Control had netted a problem, and one with no easy ness renting out chicken coops rooster that was loose in a res- answer." "We encourage people to with Diana Samata, 24. idential area a couple of weeks "I do not believe that our earlier. Residents speculated adopt hens from shelters for RentACoop would have been that the birds might have been a number of reasons, one of as successful as it i s t oday wild, but Alice Burton, chief of which is the rooster problem even two years ago" because Animal Control, doubts it. thatcan arise from breeders," "They ha d h e l p g e t ting he said. "Many shelters have of changes i n r e g ulations, Phillips said. "I believe this is there," she said. to euthanize roosters for lack just the beginning." R oosters often turn up i n of available homes, just like If he needs any more proof backyard flocks through no they do with dogs and cats." of demand, all he has to do is fault of the owner. Hatcheries Given how hard it has beread local Animal Control re- sometimes throw a few into come to place unwanted roostports. Even in places where an order to fill out a box, and ers in the Washington area, chickens are banned, some inexperiencedbuyers may not C ummings fears t h a t t h e people appear to be flouting realizethey have a rooster un- spread of backyard chickens the law. til the crowing begins. to new counties may exacerThe Washington Humane Sanctuaries can take in far bate the issue. Society, which has a contract fewer roosters than hens for If they are lucky, they will to operate the District of Coother reasons. In commercial end up like Hanz, the rooster lumbia's animal shelter, gets poultry operations, the ratio of at Montgomery County's aniabout 15 chickens ayear — fre- roosters to hens is usually 1 to mal shelter, which doesn't euquent enough for WHS staff 10, said Nathaniel Tablante, a thanize the animals it takes to install a coop at the shelter poultry expert at the Univer- in. There, Hanz will get shelter last year, spokesman Scott sity of Maryland at College and three squares a day until Giacoppo said. The shelter Park. More roostersleads to he's adopted. "Just hearing that one needs sent a rooster named Biskwik trouble: The males have a tento United Poultry Concerns in dency to fight, especially in a home — I feel really bad," mid-November. the spring during mating sea- said Davis, of United Poultry Most of the chickens are son. To keep them from killing Concerns. "But we can only do brought in by people who the one another, Cummings hous- so much." staff suspect ar e s heepish owners. "They come in saying, 'Oh, I found this chicken or rooster, and he's a stray,' knowing full well they own the animal and realized they were illegal $ p "5' perfectcolorssince1975 to possess," Giacoppo said.
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Washington'sSen.Murraycoul have eyvoice in u get eal By Rosalind S. Helderman The Washington Post
WASHINGTON One of the biggest winners in the sweeping Democratic victories in Senate races this month was a woman whose name appeared on no ballot: Sen. Patty
Murray (D-Wash.). With a low-key style that contrasts with some of the Senate's camera hogs, Murray may be the most powerful senator a whole lot of people have never heard of outside of the two Washingtons where she li ves and works. As chair of her party's Senate campaign arm, the architect of surprising Democratic gains and the incoming chair of the powerful Senate Budget Committee, Murray now occupies a place of special influence in the Senate. And so what Murray has to say about the "fiscal cliff," a combination of tax increases and spending cuts set to take effectin January, may be of p articular importance. In a town consumed by talk of the apocalyptic consequences of failing to resolve the budgeting crisis, Murray has been arguing that missing the deadline for a deal — going over the cliff — could actually make getting a deal easier. "She's low-key but very focused and veryforceful," said Sen. Claire McCaskill, D-Mo.,
"If you know Patty and you work with her, you'd be a fool to underestimate her." Murray, 62, who holds the Senate's No. 4 position, has repeatedly been handed jobs no one else wanted by Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev. Two years ago, she agreed to chair the Democrats' 2012 senatorial campaign effort. At the time, it was widely assumed t he job w o u ld
Now, Murray is using that influence to argue that Democrats should not forget the tactical advantage they could gain in January, after the deadline for the fiscal cliff has passed. Starting with a speech at the Brookings Institution in July and continuing in a series of interviews last week, Murray, in her typically non-bombastic fashion, has argued that Democrats shouldn't take a bad deal in December when their political leverage will only increase mean presiding in the new year. That's because next month, Murray over t h e p arty's loss of its major- tax cuts first enacted under ity. Republicans needed only President George W. Bush will four seats to prevail, and Dem- expire for everybody. Murray ocratswere defending 23 seats, reasons that might make it eascompared with 10 for the GOP. ier to get Republicans to agree Key retirements in several Re- to reinstate the cuts only for the publican-leaning states seemed middle class and let the nation's to portenda GOP takeover. wealthiest 2 percent pay more Instead, through a combina- toward the reducing the debt, tion of good candidate recruit- as Democrats desire. " I'm hopeful we ca n g et ment, good luck and Republican missteps, Democrats won there. I'm an optimist about a almost every tough contest, deal to avoid the cliff," she said expanded theireffective majority by two seats and helped achieve several historic firsts, including a record number of women elected to the Senate. In a chamber of big egos, IIII Murray's success at achieving what had been thought impossiblehas given her new leverage with her Senate colleagues, who are especially grateful that no Democratic incumbent lost.
increased in mid-2012 but hasdecreased in the last few months.
mental budget debates that have unfolded since Republicans swept into control of the House in 2010. In the crunch of final negotiations over a deal to raise the nation's debt ceiling last summer, it was Murray who nixed the idea of exposing veterans benefits to automatic domestic and military spending cuts that would result if Congress does not reacha more targeted deficit-reduction deal by the end of this month. "Joe, Patty Murray is one of the drivingforces in my caucus. If she doesn't like it, she'll kill the bill," Reid told Vice President JoeBiden when he called to broach the idea during talks. He then turned to Murray, who was seated across from him. "Patty, do you like it?" "No," replied Murray, chairman of theSenate'sVeterans' Affairs Committee. "I'll kill the bill." Republicans agreed to shield veterans funds.
Unemployment around the country and around the state
— Oregon
to both parties. Murray spent long hours behind closed doors with House and Senate Republicans and emerged convinced the GOP up. was offering o nl y d a magIn a Congress of hot teming proposals to cut health, pers and sharp tongues, Mur- education and environmental ray doesn't favor over-the-top programs without agreeing to rhetoric.Once dismissed by a ask the wealthy to pay more in Washington state representa- taxes. tive as just a "mom in tennis The episode gave Murray shoes," she's turned the moni- new cachet with liberal allies ker into a campaign symbol of who are now nervous the White determined strength. House could give too much to Murray, colleagues agree, get a deal to avoid going over doesn't issue idle threats. the cliff, agreeing to major cuts "Everyone takes Senator to Medicare or Social Security. Murray seriously because she If President Barack Obama does not bluster," Reid said. does reach a deal with House "She simply says what she Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, means and stands by it." this month, Murray's blessHer perspective is born in ing could boost a package that part from the last tough task might otherwise be hard for felReid handed her, chairing last low senators to swallow. year's bipartisan "supercomLikewise, he r o b j ections mittee," a 12-member panel could stop a developing deal in that tried, but ultimately failed, its tracks. to come up with a major deficit Murray has quietly played reduction package acceptable that role before in the monu-
— United States
in an interview. But, she added, "the dynamic changes dramatically on Jan. l.... Anything we do will be a tax cut at that point, because taxes will have gone
— Bend MSA(Deschutes County)
J e f ferson County
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Andy Zeigert /The Bulletin
Jobless Continued from A1 "If this p rogram expires, there will immediately be 2 million people across the country who immediately fall off these benefits in January," said Judy Conti, federal advocacy coordinator with the National Employment L a w Pr o j ect. "(That's) a pretty draconian literal cliff." When the Emergency Unemployment C o m pensation program was first signed into law by President George W. Bush in June 2008, the national unemployment rate was 5.6 percent, and less than one in five of those had been looking for work for six months or more. In February 2012, when President Barack Obama extended the program through the end of the year, unemployment stood at 8.3 percent, but more than 40 percent of job seekers had been out of work for at least six months. Throughout the r ecession and the s luggish recovery, Oregon's unemployment rate has stayed above the national average. In October, it stood at 8.6 percent statewide, down from 9.3percent a year earlier, according to the Oregon Employment Department. In Central Oregon, the numbers have been even worse. Deschutes County had an unemployment rate of 10.9percent in October, down from 12.2 percent in October 2011. Jefferson County's rate dropped to 12.2 percentfrom 13.1percent over the same period, while Crook County's dipped to 13.5 percent from 14.4 percent. For the week ending Nov. 3, the most recent figures available, 43 percent (1,476 out of 3,449 total) of people receiving unemployment benefits in Deschutes County were covered under thefederal emergency program. The rates of longterm unemployed in Jefferson County (36 percent, or 124 of 348) and Crook County (45 percent, or 208 of 466) were also
high. Statewide, 43 percent (29,266 out of 68,159) of those collecting benefits were using the federal program.
Mary Bernert, an unemployment economist with the Oregon Employment Department, projects that between 25,000 and 28,000 claimants will exhaust all of their benefits if the Emergency U n e mployment Compensation program ends Dec. 31. A s t udy p u b lished t h i s month by the Economic Policy Institute, a liberal-leaning think tank based in Washington, D.C., concluded that 400,000 jobs would not be created in 2013 if the federal program were allowed to lapse. Even though it w o uld cost $30 billion to extend the benefits for one year, it would produce $48 billion in economic activity, since unemployed people are highly likely to spend the money quickly, according to the study. "That's a lot of money to pull out of local economies; in the middle of winter when people need housing and heat, it's particularly cruel to let those benefits disappear," said NELP's Conti. Given the bigger economic problems facing the country and the limited time left to address them, it's unclear whether Congress will address the Emergency U n e mployment Compensation program, she said. "The fiscal cliff is sucking the air out of every room," she said. If a deal is struck before Jan. I, it probably won't have every detail worked out, she said. It will l ikely include a framework for deficit reduction, a down payment towards the debt and an enforcement mechanism to make sure both sides follow through. "We want to make sure that unemployment insurance is part of that down payment," she said. Last year, unemployment insurance benefits kept 2.3 million people out of poverty, including 620,000 children who lived with a family member receiving benefits, according to a report published last month by the Congressional Research Service. — Reporter: 202-662-7456,
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merican co e e o ortunities raw Catalan vote could rowin num er o inese stu ents lead to self-rule New York Times NewsService MADRID — The depth of Catalonia's challenge to Spanish Prime M i n ister Mariano Rajoy should become clear today, when an early election could help determine whether Spain's most powerful economic region eventually splits from the rest of the country. The vote comes at a difficult moment for Rajoy, who stands on the front lines of the euro crisis and is under pressure to decide whether Spain needs more financial assistance through bond purchases by the European Central Bank. Rajoy is also battling record unemployment and protests against his austerity measures. Artur Mas, leader of Catalonia's regional government, called the election two years early after failing to convince Rajoy to ease Catalonia's federal tax burden, and following a massive pro-independencerally in Barcelona on Sept. 11. That turnout by hundreds of thousands of Catalans has galvanized the region, where the distinctive Catalan flag is on display in shops, bars and even bare hilltops. If he triumphs today, Mas has pledged to hold a referendum on i n dependence,
By Nara Schoeoberg
able experience at a particuChicago Tribune lar U.S. school, they will tell CHICAGO — When Zipeng their friends and relatives and "Frank" Jiang arrived in the the school's reputation will U.S. for the first time, he was plummet. a 16-year-old Chinese honors Many C h i nese s t udents student with big dreams, limhope to work in the U.S. for ited English skills and no idea two or three years after colhow to recover the carry-on lege before returning to China, bag that the flight crew had according to Xuezhou "Jodie" taken for last-minute check-in. Zong, vice president of the "It was my carry-on lugChinese International Student Association at Northwestern. gage, so all m y i m p ortant stuff was in it: my ID, a bunch Growing up in Shenzhen, a of cash, my laptop," said Jibustling coastal city of 10 milang, who came hereto attend lion not far from Hong Kong, boarding school. Chris Walker/Chicago Tribune Frank Jiang p l ayed v i deo "I basically had my backFrank Jiang, a senior at Northwestern University,performs a games, honedhis street-dancpack and my saxophone with "popping" dance routine last month during a dance contest at ing skills and excelled acame. The dorm director picked the Uptown Youth Center in Chicago. He is one of thousands demically. He landed a spot in me up, and he's like, 'Where's of Chinesestudents in the U.S. and has become a "popping" the best high school in the city, your stuff?' and I'm like, 'I lost enthusiast. where he was a student leader, it.' I'm pretty sure I left a bad organizing festivals and other first impression." activities for his 150-student Jiang's next few months at The trend appears to be ac- and initiative is typical of the "unit" in a class of 1,000. The King's Academy in rural celerating, Xueqin Jiang said, Chinese students who come He loved his high school, he Seymour, Tenn., were simi- with Chinese students com- here, said Peggy Blumenthal, said, and he was on track to larly stressful, as he battled ing toAmerica to prepare for senior counselor to the presi- go to a very good university, homesickness,scrambled to college while in high school or dent at the not-for-profit Inbut he thought he'd get more get up to speed on idiomatic even middle school. stitute of International Educa- out of a U.S. education. "We don't have YouTube" English and struggled with Chinese students said they tion, which tracks internationeverything from fast-food re- initially struggle to connect al enrollment at U.S. colleges in China, he said, referring fills to classroom etiquette. with classmates who speak and universities. to a government ban. "We "These are extraordinary don't have Facebook. There But five years later he's a r apid-fire i d i o matic E n g N orthwestern s e nior w i t h lish, listen to different music, kids," she said. "Taking the are always way to get around a JPMorgan Chase 8 C o . watch different T V s h ows, risk of studying outside the those barriers, but, in general, internship — and windsurf- follow different sports, reculturehas weeded outthe or- it's kind of i solated. Differing lessons — under his belt, member different childhood dinary kids. They bring some- ent countries are more constrolling confidently across games and embrace a teen thing very special: a willing- nected so I thought it would be campus in red suede loafers drinking culture that has no ness to be out there and live good to have an international and greeting classmates with Chinese equivalent.Because a little bit dangerously and perspective." waves, hugs and Facebook Americans have trouble with experimentally, and they do Standing on a busy corner references. Chinese tonal pronunciations, thrive." of campus, pink smartphone "I've never regretted for a many newcomers forgo even T here is a p o t ential f o r in hand, 19-year-old Andrea second thatI came here," he their given names, adopting problems, experts say. In the He looks every bit the Northsaid of Northwestern. "I've re- English ones during their time cash-strapped University of western s t udent, c o mplete ally enjoyed it." here. California system, some par- with a school T-shirt, match"I do miss my name," said Jiang is part of a new genents have alleged that Chinese ing p u rple A d i das t e nnis eration of high-powered Chi- Northwestern sop h o more students, who are not eligible shoes and a casual upswept nese students i n creasingly Yuqing He, who i s k n own for financial aid and typically ponytail. She came here, in looking to America for a col- here as Andrea. pay full tuition, are being cho- part, for the flexibility of a lege education. Facing a shortBut in a h alf-dozen inter- sen over qualified Americans. Western education, she says; age of spots at top universities views, Chinese students at And e x perts a c knowledge the Chinese university sysa t home and drawn by t h e Northwestern said they've em- that schools may see a finan- tem tends to be more rigid and prestige of U.S. schools and braced speaking up in class, cial incentive to accept less ad- test-based. "It's very hard to change the opportunity for i nterna- landed dream internships and venturous and accomplished tional experience, 57,000 Chi- taken advantage of research Chinese students who are ill- your major (in China)," said nese undergraduates attended opportunities they w ouldn't equipped for study abroad but He, who is majoring in ecoU.S. colleges in 2011, up from have had in t h e t est-based can pay full tuition, which can nomics an d m a t h ematical 10,000 in 2007. Chinese system. Some live off come to more than $30,000 a methods in t h e s ocial sci"Five or 10 years ago, going campus and socialize mainly year atsome private schools. ences. "It's very hard to get a "I think it's a calculation dual degree. It's very hard to abroad was considered what with other Chinese students, dumb rich kids did, and now but He, anoutgoing econom- that U.S. universities and col- get a double major. It's very it's considered what smart ics student from Beijing, is a leges are now grappling with: hard to get into a class (you middle-class kids do," said member of the Chi Omega so- There's a s h ort-term gain, know) you'd really love. You Xueqin Jiang, former director rority and Jiang, a competitive perhaps, in taking students will waste a lot of time doing of the international division hip-hop dancer, practices with that aren't going to t h r ive, things you don't like, and I a t Peking U niversity H i gh the Electric Funketeers dance but a very big long-term risk," don't want to do that. I want School. "That's a huge shift crew in Chicago. said Blumenthal, pointing out my life in my late teens and right now in China." That kind o f a daptability that if students have a miser- early 20s to be meaningful."
Several students have posed a s children online t o l u r e Continued from A1 predators. In 2003, students It may sound like a Jason helped solve a triple homicide Bourne movie, but the little- by cracking anemail account known program has funneled linking the perpetrator to his most of its graduates to the victims. "I throw them into the deep CIA and the Pentagon's National Security Agency, which end," Shenoi said. "And they conducts A m erica's d igital become fearless." spying. Other graduates have T he Secret Service h a s taken positions with the FBI, also tapped the Cyber Corps. NASA and the Department of Working from a f acility on Homeland Security. campus, students help agents The need for stronger cyber- remove evidence from damdefense — and offense — was aged cellphones, GPS units highlighted when Defense Sec- and other devices. "Working a longside U.S. retaryLeon Panetta warned in an Oct. 11 speech that "a cyber- Secret Serviceagents, Tulsa terrorist attack could paralyze Cyber Corps students have the nation," and that America developed techniques for exneeds experts to tackle the tractingevidence from burned growing threat. or shatteredcellphones," Hugh "An aggressor nation or ex- Dunleavy, who heads the Setremist group could gain con- cret Service criminal division, trol of critical switches and de- said in a w r i tten statement. rail passenger trains, or trains More than 5,000 devices have loaded with lethal chemicals," been examined at the facility, Panetta said. "They could con- he added. taminate the water supply in In 2007, California's secremajor cities, or shut down the tary of state, Debra Bowen, power grid across large parts hired the University of Caliof the country." fornia to test the security of Panetta said the Pentagon three electronic voting sysspends more than $3 billion tems used in the state, and annually fo r c y b ersecurity. Shenoi and several students "Our most important invest- joined one of the "red" teams ment is in skilled cyberwar- assigned to try to hack the riors needed to conduct op- voting machines. They sucerations in cyberspace," he ceeded. One ofthe students, sa>d. who now works at the NSA, That's music to the ears of showed that someone could Sujeet Shenoi, a naturalized use an o f f-the-shelf device citizen from India who found- with Bluetooth connectivity to ed the cyber program in 1998. change all the votes in a given He says 85 percent of the 260 machine, Shenoi said. "All our results were providgraduates since 2003 have gone to the NSA, which stu- ed to the companies so they dents call "the fraternity," or could fix the machines to the the CIA, which they call "the extent possible," Shenoi said. sorority." In May, the NSA named TulShenoi subjects his students sa as one of four national cento both classroom theory and ters of academic excellence in practical field work. Each stu- cyberoperations. The others dent is assigned to a Tulsa po- were Northeastern University lice crime lab on campus and in Boston, Naval Postgraduuses digital skills to help un- ate School in Monterey, Calif., cover evidence — most com- and Dakota State University monly child pornography im- in Madison, S.D. ages — from seized devices. "Tulsa students show up to
NSA with a lot of highly relevant hands-on experience," said Neal Ziring, a senior NSA official who visited the school recently to consult about the curriculum and to interview students for jobs and internships. "There are very f ew schools that are like Tulsa in terms of having participation with law enforcement, with industry, with government." S henoi's s t udents h a v e ranged in age from 17 to 63. M any are retired from t h e military or o therwise starting second careers. They are usually working toward degrees in c omputer science, engineering,law or business. About two-thirds get a cybero perations certification o n their diplomas, or what Shenoi calls a "cyber-ninja" designation "because they have to be super techie." T o be accepted into t h e corps, applicants must be U.S. citizens with the ability to obtain a security clearance of "top secret" or higher. But not all of them spend their careers in government. One former student, Philip McAllister, worked after graduation at the Naval Research Laboratory, which does scientific research and development for the Navy and Marines. He later moved to San Francisco and worked at several startup companies before he joined Instagram, which developed a photo-sharing mobile application, early this year. Facebook purchased Instagram, which had only 13 employees, for $1 billion three months later. "Sujeet gets incredibly talented people," said Richard George, who retiredlast year aftera three-decade career at the NSA. Shenoi s p eaks p r o u dly of students who pushed the b oundaries o r br o k e t h e rules. One, who now w o rks at the NSA, hacked the school's computer system and created
challenge by urging greater national unity and solidarity
among Spain's 17 regions. In recentdays,however,the prime ministerhasthrown some ofhis natural caution to the wind and accused Masofactingirresponsibly by turning the vote into a divisive plebiscite on independence and thus diverting Catalans' attention from his own financial mismanagement. Rajoy told a rally in Catalonia that Mas had achieved nothing except "create divisions, generate conflicts and waste precious time in the fight against the crisis." Rajoy also rebutted the idea that independence could give Catalonia's 7.5 million inhabitants greater clout. "To be somebody in today's world, the bigger you are the better, and the smaller the worse," Rajoy argued. Still, in a region with its own Catalan language and identity, the current crisis has helped bring l ongstanding cultural and economic resentmentsto aboil.
defying warnings from Madrid that this would violate Spain's constitution. I nitially, R a jo y tr i e d to combat t h e C a t alan
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a fake university ID t o i m personate his cyber-stalking target, for example. Another
spoofed a professor' s email account to fool his target into spilling details. As part of a vulnerability study, one student sneaked into a Tulsa water system facility and stole blueprints that a more malign attacker could use to wreak havoc.
A few years ago, Shenoi says, a group of students rumm aged through t r ash b i n s outside offices on campus and obtained confidential information about football recruits, professors'salariesand major financial donors. "We are now banned from Dumpster diving on campus," he said with a smile.
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Oregon news, B3, B5-6 Obituaries, B4 Weather, B6 THE BULLETIN • SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2012
Rooting for chimps ... then Ducks orBeavs
Portland u,
Salem Albany
• Chimps Inc.combinesfundraiser, rivalry • Portland:Father of a 7-year-old girl
By Ben Botkin The Bulletin
questions her useof medical marijuana.
Some were Ducks fans and others were Beavers fans. All, though, were fans of chimpanzees. Chimps Inc., a sanctuary in rural Tumalo, had its annual Civil War football game event on Saturday. Drawing about 300 people to Hooker Creek Ranch, the event has a twofold purpose: cheering on either team and raising money for the nonprofit sanctuary, which has eight chimpanzees. See Chimps/B5
• Salem:Proponents of
pension reform face steep hurdles.
• Linn andBenton counties:Family caregivers find relief in
Oregon Ducks fan Ann Garside Bruckner, of Bend, reacts to a play in the first half of the football game between the University of Oregon and Oregon State on Saturday at Hooker Creek Ranch in Tumalo.
Photos byuoe Kllne/ rhe Bulletin
Jeb Boyer, center, of Portland, his son Gabriel Boyer, 14, left, and friend Ron Harter, of Medford, right, celebrate a first-half Oregon State touchdown while watching the game.
support program. Stories onB3
bound for
Have astoryidea or sudmission? Contactus!
The Bulletin
By Leslie Pugmire Hole Call a reporter: Bend................ 541-617-7829 Redmond ........ 541-977-7185 Sisters............. 541-977-7185 La Pine........... 541-383-0348 Sunriver ......... 541-383-0348 Deschutes ...... 541-617-7837 Crook ..............541-633-2184 Jefferson ........541-633-2184 Salem .............. 541-554-1162 D.C..................202-662-7456
Business ........ 541-383-0360 Education ....... 541-977-7185 Public lands .....541-617-7812 Public safety.....541-383-0387 Projects .......... 541-617-7831
The Bulletin
f there is such a thing as kismet or fate or destiny, then somewhere in the tiny Central American country of Belize there are twin little girls, each rapt inside their own editions of "The Gingerbread Man." The Land sisters of Terrebonne, Rose and Anna, both 13, donated their personal copies of the children's classic more than four years ago, a first step in what has become a commitment to promoting literacy among school children more than 3,000 miles away. "The girls had a heart for this project from the be-
By Sheila G. Miller The Bulletin
PI ',v
Mail:My Nickel's Worth or In My View P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR97708 Details on theEditorials page inside. Contact: 541-383-0358,
• Civic Calendar notices: Email event information to, with "Civic Calendar" in the subject, and include acontact name andphonenumber. Contact: 541-383-0354
• School news andnotes: Email news items and notices of general interest to Email announcementsof teens' academicachievements to Email collegenotes, military graduations andreunion info to Details: School coverage runs Wednesday in this section. Contact: 541-383-0358
• Obituaries, Death Notices: Details on theObituaries page inside. Contact: 541-617-7825, obits©
• Community events: Email event information to communitylife©bend or click on "Submit an Event" at www Allow at least 10 daysbefore the desired date of publication. Details: Thecalendar appears on Page 3 inCommunity Life. Contact: 541-383-0351
:. '::i":: -I (III
Brenda Baron, founder of Books for Belize, a nonprofit that solicits books for the underfunded school and public libraries in Belize, an
• Letters and opinions:
A man who apparently suffered a stroke in the Deschutes County jail has sued the county and St. Charles Bend for more than $10 million, alleging the county and hospital failed to properly care and diagnose his condition and left him permanently injured. Wade Reynvaan, 40, filed the $10.4 million lawsuit against the county and St. Charles Bend on Nov. 2, alleging the county and hospital were negligent in their care and that the county violated his constitutional rights. A pretrial hearingisscheduled for Feb. 5. Reynvaan and his attorney did not respond to requestsforcomment. Reynvaan was in the county jail on Nov. 5, 2010, for violating his parole on a 2009 DUII conviction when he allegedly began
ginning," says Sudmissions:
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English-speaking country. "That first year they went through — Brenda Baron, their own book founder of Books for collection and doBeiize nonprofit nated a bunch of them. They even added personal notes inside their favorites, sharing what they liked about the books." Reading is big for the Land sisters. Anna just finished the "Twilight" series and Rose the Eragon series. "Sometimes when we box up books we spend time just looking at the titles; they all look so interesting," says Anna.
, glg
<~, '-"-" ,— :„-:=;-'-':',-'':-" e~
experiencing stroke symp-
A couple of years ago the girls got big enough physically to help Baron, their neighbor, sort and box books for shipment. The organization was started by Baron, a retired elementary teacher, six years ago after a trip to Belize. She was working with the Compassionate Travel Foundation, combining sightseeing with volunteer work. Seeing the need for books in a country with less than 80 percent literacy and a poor mechanism for funding school libraries, she returned home and solicited books from friends and neighbors — including John and Lana Land and their daughters — paying to ship them to Belize herself. See Belize /B5
Ryan 6rennecke / The Bulletin
Twins Rose Land, left, and Anna Landsort through a bin of donated books while packing boxes to ship Wednesday afternoon for the Books for Belize nonprofit.
To learnmoreadoutBooksfor Belize (cljck on CTFProjects) 541-5481299
toms, including vision loss, nausea, headache and an inability to move. County jail staff did not take him to the hospital for about two hours, the lawsuit states. When he was taken to St. Charles Bend, the staff there failed to diagnose a stroke as well, according to the lawsuit. Reynvaan returned to the jail, where his symptoms continued. He was not able to use his right arm or leg, had difficulty speaking and was vomiting. See Inmate /B5
• Births, engagements, marriages, partnerships, anniversaries: Details: TheMilestones page publishes Sundayin Community Life. Contact: 541-383-0358
Well shot! reader PhotoS • We want to see your best photos capturing winter scenes in Central Oregon for a special version of Well shot!
Send your best work to readerphotos©, with
"winter scenes" in the subject line, by Dec. 7, and we'll pick the best
for publication. Submission requirements:
Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took lt, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number.Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpl) and cannot be altered.
In 1912, residentswere riveted by first female jury member Compiled byDon Hoiness from archived copies of The Bulletin at the Des Chutes Historical Museum.
100 YEARS AGO For the week ending Nov. 24, 1912
Woman chosen jury foreman Yesterday afternoon about half of Bend quit work and adjourned to the court of Justice of thePeace Ward H. Coble, there to hear the fate of one small calf decided. But it was not interest in the bossie that specially attracted the listeners that heard the trial in the Commercial Club room. It was because this case of Dealy
YESTERDAY vs. Davenport was the first in Crook County, and probably the first in Oregon, in which women participated as jurors. And not only was a woman retained as juror, but her five male co-jurorsmade her foreman — or rather forewoman. Mrs. Hattie Corkett was the lady foreman. Miss Mary E. Coleman and Mrs. C.D. Brown were on the original panel, but their services were not required. The other members of the jury Theodore Aune, J.C. Rhodes, W.P. Vandevert, John Heyburn and W.H. Staats. The new order of things was introduced at the outset by Justice Coble, whose first case it was, by a graceful announce-
ment that inasmuch as the fair sex was to participate, smoking would be tabooed in the court room. He also warned against careless use of language, a warning that had to be repeated on several occasions as the trial progresses, eliminating, or at least expurgating, some of the proffered testimony. The case involved the ownership and the feed bill of a calf, originally the property of T.J. Dealy, which had been turned over to Lee Davenport to be kept during the summer. The trial occupied all the afternoon, and was well fought out by the opposing attorneys, V.A. Forbes for the plaintiff, Dealy, and C.S. Benson for Davenport. See Yesterday /B2
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Yesterday ContInued from B1 The jury retired about 5:30, and two hours later rendered its verdict, giving Dealy the calf upon payment of $15 for its keep, instead of an amount in excess of $50 claimed by the defendant, the defendant also to pay the costs of the triaL
Streets (Editorial) The condition of the streets afterthe recent rains is something of an object lesson. Bend is rapidly becoming a real city, and two of the chief assets and necessities of a city are a sewer system and good streets. The sewer system Bend is soon to have. And Bend can also have the streets. Not necessarily paved streets, for that, in the beginning, is considerable of a luxury, but at least graded and macadamized streets. The cost would be comparatively light, and the benefits great. And just like the sewer work, which is due to start shortly, such activity would accomplish wonders, not only in building up a substantial city, but also in keeping that city a profitable place in which to live and do business during the making.
75 YEARS AGO For the week ending Nov. 24, 1937
Strong Oregon City team to invade BendThanksgiving Comparative scoresreveal that Oregon City, the team that is to meet Bend here Thanksgiving afternoon for the mythi-
cal high school championship of Oregon, is one or two touchdowns stronger than Salem, a squad that also would like to be considered a championship contender, despite its 6 to 0 defeat by Camas, Washington. Oregon City is undefeated and untied as is Bend. All of which indicates that Coach John Londahl's Lava Bears, one of the greatest elevens developed in the Pacific Northwest in the past decade, will have a busy afternoon on Turkey Day. "Oregon City has the most impressive record of any Western Oregon high school team and is believed to be the logical choiceto meet the Lava Bears in the contest for the mythical state prep championship," states the Oregon City Enterprise in reviewing the victories of the undefeated, untied Pioneers. The Enterprisepoints out that the scoring records of Bend and Oregon Cityare nearly identical this season. Bend amassed227points while holding 8 opponents to 20. Oregon City this season scored 118 to 30 for its 8 opponents. The records of the two fine teams differ in only one respect: Bend has played and defeated teams from practically every part of the state including Portland. Oregon City has played only one team outside of the Big Nine conference. Bend has played 21 games over a two-year period without meeting a defeat. Oregon City's record stands at 16 games. General interest in the game in Central Oregon indicates that the championship contest
will be watched by the largest crowd ever to witness an athletic contest in the midstate country.
to The Dalles, with gold dust a nd mail d elivered to t h e Wasco County town on July 4, 1862. On the next run out to Canyon City, riders were Japan takes full control waylaid by Indians in the John in Shanghai Day area, and one of the exAdministration of the rich press carriers was wounded. port through which pours the Crossing of the Deschutes wealth of the Far East was at the Sherar site at first was seized today by Japan, supple- over a flimsy bridge, where menting military occupation Peter Skene Ogden and his with civil authority. brigade, on their second visit The D o me i n e w s an- to interior Oregon in search of nounced that tomorrow the beaver pelts, crossed the river Japanese would take over con- in the fall of 1856. trol of all Chinese government The f i rst " w h it e m a n's" communications. bridge was built by a man later The Domei agency said it to play a role in the history of was informed that the Japa- pioneer Bend, John Y. Todd. n ese would t ake o ver t h e Pony Express riders conministry of communications tinued their r u n s t h r ough broadcasting station XQHC. A Central Oregon for two years, Japanese official said that "if from 1862 to 1864. Then when the necessity arose," the cus- a durable bridge was built, toms jetty would be seized. Henry H. Wheeler, for whom a mid-Oregon county was to be named, started operation of a 50 YEARS AGO stage, drawn by four horses. For the week ending For a time, the competition Nov. 24, 1962 between Express riders and stage drivers was keen. Once, The Pony Expressriders Pony Express riders made the of Central Oregon forgotten run from Canyon City to The (Editorial) Dalles, a distance of 225 miles, Before the year of 1962 slips in 8 hours. into the past, mention should W heeler a p parently c u t be made of an historic Central rates, but his charge for letOregon event of just a century ters, 50 cents each, was still a ago. bit high. His pay for gold dust That wa s t h e o p eration carried from The Dalles to of a Pony Express between Canyon City was three per The Dalles and Canyon City, cent of the weight. Wheeler set across the Deschutes at Sher- up a series of stations along ar's Bridge and through the the route. Some were at such area where the town of Ante- historic spots as Burnt Ranch, lope was later to take shape. Antelope and Cross Hollows, First run of Pony Express near Shaniko of later years. riders was from Canyon City Pony Express riders and
stage drivers faced rugged the Brooks-Scanlon operation frontier conditions. Frequently they were attacked by Indians. Wheeler was seriously wounded when I ndians attacked his stage near Mitchell of the present. The region through which t he ponies raced an d t h e
— now DAW Forest Products Co. — nearly matched its competitor i n e m ployment and output. Together the mills provided the payroll that transformed Bend from a frontier village to a modern city. stages operated was rugged. But the timber industry lost Valleys were deep, mountains momentum in the late 1940s. were high. Frequently, nature The Shevlin-Hixon mill was created its own hazards in shut down in 1950 when local deep snows or heavy rains. timber supplieswere reduced A monument near Mitchell and there were enough logs to commemorates the pioneer operate only one of the major stage drivers, at the site where mills profitably. Henry Mitchell was attacked While economists probably by Indians. determined that the BrooksBut no monuments mark Scanlon mill would be the one the trails of the men who oper- to remain open, old-timers in ated the Pony Express just 100 Bend maintain that the two years ago. owners flipped a coin to see which mill would remain open. Brooks-Scanlon demolished 25 YEARS AGO a large part of the ShevlinFor the week ending Hixon mill and kept the rest for Nov. 24, 1987 storage.Three buildings were left — two dry sheds and what Early mill laid to rest was once a box factory. It's gone now. The last reBrooks Resources Corp., a maining piece of the Shevlin- real estate firm that evolved Hixon Co. lumber mill, the 135 from B rooks-Scanlon, later foot tall water tank that tow- took over ownership of the mill ered overthe site on Colorado buildings. The company conAvenue, crashed to the ground sidered renovating the historic last week. buildings in the late 1970s, but It was a spectacular end to such plans simply were not an important piece of Bend's cost-effective. history that had slowly decayed The structures continued to over the past four decades. molder away, and this spring The Shevlin-Hixon mill was the company announced plans built in 1915 and 1916. At its to tear them down. peak it employed hundreds There was lukewarm interof local residents and had an est in figuring out a wayto save annual payroll of more than the rest of the old mill, but in $2 million — a huge sum in the end nearly everyone agreed those days. it had to go. Across the Deschutes River And now it is gone.
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F INE JE W E L E R S Old Mill District 360 SW Powerhouse Drive Bend, OR 97702 541-389-6655
Girl, 7, gets medical marijuana to combat effects of chemo
David Patton / Albany Democrat-Herald
LouVee Walker, 75, of Sweet Home, sits at home earlier this month with her husband, Jim, who has Lewy body dementia. The Walkers live next to the home where Jim was born. LouVee washes, dresses and feeds him. "I never think about not doing it," LouVee said.
Famiycare ivers in Ore on in reie insupportpro ram By Steve Lathrop
to do what they do." LouVee said her daughter ALBANY LouVee • Simulation shows caregivers what Kathleen comes i n s everal Walker doesn't complain. She times a year from Idaho to help it feels like to have dementia,B6 doesn't feel sorry for herself. and her son Steve in Philomath And she never shuns what she is over twice a week. Her sisterconsiders her duty. to connect them with the kinds in-law and a neighbor also proH er tireless effort i s a l l of services that are available vide help and companionship. "It's very lonely," LouVee about love. At 75, LouVee is a that can make their job a little family caregiver who spends easier." said. " Friends don't c o m e almost all of her time on call Scobie said one of the most around much and I u n derfor her husband, Jim, 77. He d ifficult t h ings about f a mstand. It can be difficult." has Lewy b o d y d e mentia, ily caregiving is that caregivNeighbor Gary L i nkel, a which has left him immobile ers often fail to take care of lifelong friend of Jim's, makes and requiring constant care. themselves. brief visits almost daily. "He's a tremendous help," It's a disease most haven't "They can wear out. It 's heard of, but it's not that rare. stressfuland they need sup- LouVee said. "And he is some"Over a million people have port," Scobie said. "We try to one to talk to." it," LouVee said. "It's very give them a break." devastating." That might be finding some- Valuable resource The Walkers live in Sweet one torelieve a caregiver for a Scobie said there are many Home next to the home where couple of hours to visit a doc- caregivers who aren't a part of Jim was born. He can do little tor or go shopping. It might be the family caregiver program. for himself now. LouVee wash- finding aresource that makes She said spouses, children, es, dresses and feeds him. the caregiving job just a little friends and partners all are "I never think about not do- easier. providing the care. ing it," LouVee said. LouVee used the service to The Caregiver Program is find Home Health, which pro- forthose caring forpeople 60 or A welcome break vides someone toreli eve her older and also for people of any That doesn't mean t here three times a week when she age dealing with Alzheimer's aren't times she could use a needs to get groceries or other or related diseases. Scobie visits break. Because of that she supplies. The group also pro- homes to assess the needs and found the Family Caregiver vides contacts for other agen- then makes recommendations. Support Program, run by Or- cies or individuals who may be LouVee said the program has egon Cascades West Senior 8 able to help. been a valuable resource. "I go to their support meetDisability Services. LouVee has been with the It's a service t ha t h a s program for two years. She is ings," she said. "It's been a very reached outto nearly 100 fam- typical of many family care- good thing for me." ily caregivers in Linn and Ben- givers, according to Scobie. LouVee isn't looking at turn"Sometimes t h e r e are ing over care to anyone soon. ton counties. "It can be 24/7 for some in friends and family who can She is dedicated to Jim. "It's not his fault," she said. our system," said Deb Scobie, help but sometimes that's not who heads the program from possible," Scobie said. "We "I'll keep at it and be here for her Albany office. "Our job is make it a little easier for them him as long as I can." Albany Democrat-Herald
Also in Oregon
The Associated Press PORTLAND — A 7-yearold girl suffering from leukemia is one of O r egon's youngest medical marijuana patients. Her mother says she gives her daughter marijuana pills to combat the effects of chemotherapy, but her father, who lives in North Dakota, worries about th e e ffects of the drug on her b r ain development. Mykayla Comstock was diagnosed wit h l e u kemia last spring. H e r m o t h er treats her with a g ram of cannabis oil daily, The Oregonian reported. Mykayla's mother credits the drug for the leukemia's remission. "As a mother, I am going to tr y a nything before she can potentially fall on the other side," said Erin Purchase, 25, who with her boyfriend administers Mykayla's cannabis. The girl says the d r ug helps her eat and sleep but also makes her feel "funny." "It helps me eat and sleep," Mykayla said. "The chemotherapy makes you feel like you want to stay up all night
Purchase believesmarijuana heals and credits the drug for curing her stepfather's skin cancer. She herselfis an Oregon medical marijuana patient, and her boyfriend is Mykayvideogames." la's grower. She is so con— Jesse Comstock, father vinced of the drug's safety of MykaylaComstock, 7 that she consumed it during t he pregnancy an d w h i l e b reastfeeding h e r se c o nd chase and covers Mykayla's child. health insurance. He said he When her symptoms are observed strange behavior especially b a d , M y k a yla's during an August visit and mother and her mother's boytook Mykayla to a private friend will feed her cannabislab, where technicians de- infused food. She's had up to tected THC levels of an adult 1.2 grams of cannabis oil in daily marijuana user. 24 hours, the rough equivaG ladstone p o lice c o n - lent of smoking 10 joints. tacted the girl's mother, exPurchase said M y k ayla's amined Mykayla's medical f irst o ncologist c alled t h e marijuana paperwork, then marijuana use "inapproprit old Comstock there w a s ate." She has not informed little they could do. her new oncologist about the Comstock, who used pot treatment. in the past, said he doesn't With marijuana, Purchase object to people older than said her daughter has been 16 using medical marijuana. able to fight past the chemoBut he worries about his therapy and return to a sense daughter's well-being and of normalcy. "She's like she was before," the potential for addiction. "She's not terminally ill," her mother said. "She's a norComstock said. "She is go- mal kid." ing to get over this, and with long." all this pot, they are going to M ykayla's f a ther, w h o hinder her brain growth. Where Buyers "It's going to limit her opis divorced from the girl's And Sellers Meet mother, was so d isturbed tions in life because of the by his daughter's marijuana decisions her mother has ~C l a s sifjer vls~ use that he contacted child made for her," he added. welfare officials, police and O regon l a w r eq u i r es her oncologist. The father, no monitoring of a child's J esse Comstock, said h i s medical marijuana use by a concerns wer e p r o mpted pediatrician. by a visit with Mykayla in The law instead invests August. authority in parents to ded'bm C Totatcare "She was stoned out of cide the dosage, frequency Bend Memorial Clinic i~ her mind," said Comstock, and manner o f a c h i l d 's 26. "All she wanted to do marijuana consumption. for appointments was lay on the bed and play M any d o c t or s w o r r y video games." about introducing a child to call C omstock, wh o w o r k s marijuana when they say in a North Dakota oil field, other drugs can treat pain 5LI1-382-4900 pays child support to Purand nausea moreeffectively.
"She was stoned out of her mind. AII she wanted to do was lay on the bed and play
"Catastrophic is p r obably not too strong a word," said SALEM — O r egon l aw- Republican Rep. Mark Johnmakers who want to lower the son of Hood River. "There is costs ofpension benefits for no fat left in any of those budgovernment employeesface a gets. It's strictly coming out of difficult dance to craft chang- classrooms, it's coming out of es that produce meaningful personnel." savings without reneging on J ohnson, who i s a l s o a iron-clad promises made to school board member, said he'll introduce a bill to curb workers in years past. A number of i deas have pension costs next year. Gov. b een suggested, bu t a n y John Kitzhaber also has said he'd like to see changes. s ignificant l e gislation t h a t makes it t h rough the L egOn average, government islature and earns the gov- employers will pay 21 percent ernor's signature is likely to of their payroll toward penland quickly in a courtroom, sions,up from 12 percent bewhere previous attempts to fore the recession. cut pension costs have been Public employee unions say overturned. legislators need to be careful The push to cut p ension not to renege on decades of benefits is driven by a steep promises to workers. rise in the burden on taxpaySpecific proposed legislaers to make up for investment tion hasn't yet been made publosses in 2008, when the Great lic, but discussion has centered Recession eroded 27 percent of on a few proposals: the pension fund's value. It left • Capping the annual costan unfunded liability that was of-living increases, allowing last measured at $16 billion at them to apply only to the first the end of 2011. $24,000ofannual income. The Government agencies will average retirement benefit is spend $3 billion on pensions in just under $26,000 annually, the next two-year budget, up so many workers would be 45 percent from what they're unaffected. In a 2010 analysis, paying now. Public Employees Retirement The added costs will direct- System of ficials e stimated ly contribute to larger class the change could save $576 sizes and less money avail- million for each two-year budable for a host of other public get cycle. However, the state services, government officials Supreme Court o v erturned have said. The Oregon School a past attempt to temporarBoards Association has prom- ily freeze the cost-of-living ised to push for changes so adjustment. districts can spend less money • Ending or c u r tailing a on retirement benefits for their common practice known as employees. the 6-percent pickup, where The Associated Press
29th Annual
eQ~ a
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Proponentsofpension reform face steephurdles to closegap By Jonathan J. Cooper
government agencies pick up their workers' required 6 percent retirement contribution. PERS estimates full elimination of the pickup would save $750 million per b iennium, but actual savings would be less because many employees would bargain for a c o rresponding salary increase. • Eliminating for r e tirees living outside Oregon a supplemental pension payment intended to cover Oregon income taxes. Since non-Oregon residents don't pay O regon income taxes, critics say it's unfair to give the supplemental payments to those retirees. PERS estimates the move would save $72 million per
DEcEN LBER1, 2012
ekc ulek
-'mlII >Ogr un
budget period. Despite the loud demands for a pension-system overhaul, the political and legal path is precarious. It will require support in a Legislature that will be dominated by Democrats, many of whom were elected with significant financial support f r o m p u b lic-employee unions that have aggressively fought cuts in pension benefits and the politicians who support them. Becca Uherbelau, a spokeswoman for the Oregon Education Association, said any pension overhaul should meet three criteria: It should save money now, be constitutional and be fair. Legislators should b oost school f u nding a n d overhaul the state tax system, Uherbelau said "but we recognize PERS has to be part of that discussion."
' • •
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By Danica Coto and David Skretta The Associated Press
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: Elena AkhmilovskayaDonaldson, 55: Once ranked the second-best women's chess player in the world, moved to Seattle after eloping in 1988 with the captain of the U.S. chess team when they were both playing at a tournament in Greece. She went on to win the U.S. women's chess championships in 1990 and 1994, and tied for first in 1993. Died Sunday, nine months after being diagnosed with brain cancer. Lawrence Guyot,73: Leader
in t h e civil rights movement, lawyer and community activist in Mississippi in the 1960s. Died Nov. 23 at his home in Mount Rainier, Md. He had a heart ailment, his daughter said. Dann Cahn, 89: Pioneered multi-camera editing on sitcoms in the 1950s and was the last s u r viving m e mber of the original creative team behind nI Love Lucy." Died Wednesday of natural causes at his West Los Angeles home, according to his son.
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico — Hector "Macho" Camacho was a brash fighter with a mean jab and an aggressive style, launching himself furiously against some of the biggest names in boxing. And his bad-boy persona was not entirely an act, with a history of legal scrapes that began in his teens and continued throughout his life. — From wire reports The man who once starred at the p i nnacle of b o xing, winning several world titles, died Saturday after being ambushed in a parking lot back in the Puerto Rican town of Bayamon, where he was born. Packets of cocaine were found Death Notices are free and will Deadlines: Death Notices are in the car in which he was be run for one day,but specific accepted until noon Monday shot. through Friday for next-day guidelines must be followed. Camacho, 50, left behind a 'e Local obituaries are paid publication and by4:30 reputation for flamboyanceadvertisements submitted by p.m. Friday for Sundayand leading fans in cheers of "It's families or funeral homes. Monday publication. Obituaries Macho time!" before fights They maybe submitted by must bereceivedby5p.m. — and for fearsome skills as Monday through Thursday for phone, mail, email or fax. one of the top fighters of his The Bulletin reserves the right publication on thesecond day generation. to edit all submissions. Please after submission by1 p.m. "He excited boxing f a ns include contact information Friday for Sunday orMonday around the world with his inin all correspondence. publication, and by 9 a.m. imitable style," promoter Don For information on any of these Monday for Tuesday publication. King t ol d T h e A s s ociated services or about the obituary Deadlines for displayadsvary; Press. policy, contact 541-617-7825. please call for details. Camacho fought professionally for three decades, from his humble debut against DaPhone: 541-617-7825 Mail:Obituaries vid Brown at New York's Felt Email: obits© P.O. Box 6020 Forum in 1980 to an equally Fax: 541-322-7254 Bend, OR 97708 forgettable swansong against Saul Duran i n K i s simmee, Fla., in 2010. In between, he fought some Stephen Cherntn /The Associated Press file s I t of the biggest stars spanning Boxing champ Hector"Macho" Camacho acknowledges fans in2001, at KeySpan Park inNew two eras, including Sugar Ray York's Coney Island. Camacho, a boxer known for his skill and flamboyance in the ring as well Leonard, Felix Trinidad, Os- as for a messy personal life and run-ins with the police, died Saturday after being taken off life FUNERALS ~ BURIALS( CREMATION ~ PRE-PLANNING ) CEMETERY MAUSOLEUM i COLUMBARIUMi MONUMENTSi AIR HEARSE car De La Hoya and Roberto support. He was 50. Duran. "Hector was a fighter who brought a lot of excitement to daughter. "Because of Hector, King, Camacho won his first After that loss, Camacho beboxing," said Ed Brophy, exec- I stopped the drug scene.... world title by beating Rafael came the name opponent for He's helped so many people." utive director of International Limon i n a su p er-feather- other rising contenders, rather the Boxing Hall of Fame " He weight bout in Puerto Rico on than the headliner fighting for Visit our website to view obituaries and leave condolence was a good champion. RoPer- PrOblemS Aug. 7, 1983. He moved up in his own glory. messages on our guestbook to Duran is kind of in a cla ss of Dr ug , a l c ohol an d o t h er weight two years later to capThe fighter's last title bout his own, but Hector surely was p r o blems t r a iled C a macho ture a lightweight title by de- came in 1997 against welteran exciting fighter that gave h i m self after the prime of his feating Jose Luis Ramirez and weight champion Oscar De La his all to the sport." boxing career. He was sen- successfully defended the belt Hoya, who won by unanimous Camacho's family moved t e nced in 2007 to seven years against fellow c o untryman decision. Camacho's last fight to New York when he was i n p r i son for the burglary of Edwin Rosario. was his defeat by Saul Duran 10S NW IRVING AVENUE, BEND young and he grew a computer store in The Rosario fight, in which in May 2010. He had a career WWW.NISWONGER-REYNOLDS.COM up in Spanish Har- FEATURED Mississippi. While ar- the victorious Camacho still record of 79-6-3. lem, which at the time ogp UARy resting him on the bur- took a savage beating, perDoctors pronounced CamaS41.382.2471 was rife with crime. glary charge in Janu- suaded him to scale back his cho dead on Saturday after he Camacho landed in ary 2005, police also ultra-aggressive style in favor was removed from life support jail as a teenager before turnf o u nd the drug ecstasy. of a more cerebral,defensive at his family's direction. ing to boxing, which for many A j udg e e v entually s u s- approach. No arrests have been made kids i n h i s n e i ghbo rhood p e n ded all but one year of the The change in style was a in the shooting, and authoriLOCALLY FAMILY OWNED & OPERATED provided an outlet for their s e ntence and gave Camacho big reason that Camacho, at ties have not revealed many We honor all pre-arranged plans including Neptune Society. aggression. probation. He wound up serv- the time 38-0, lost a close split details. A! e j<' 'I ',tj' 4 C "This is something I've done i n g two weeks in jail, though, decision to Greg Haugen at all my life, you know?" Cama- a f ter violating that probation. Caesar's Palace in Las Vegas cho told The Associated P ress Cam a c ho's f o r mer w i f e , in 1991. after a workout in 2010. "A Amy, obtained a restraining Camacho won the rematch couple years back, whenI was o r der against him in 1998, al- to set up his signature fight May 23, 1926 - November 9, 2012 doing it, I was still enjoying it. l e g ing he threatened her and against Mexico's Julio C eThe competition, to seemyself o n e of their children. The cou- sar Chavez, this time at the Rear Admiral John C. Shepard, USN Ret., passed ott November 9, 2012, at his home in Bend, perform. I know I'm at the age p le, who had two children at Thomas & Mack Center in Las Oregon. Admiral Shepard's final change of command was with family and caregivers at his Amir Al that some people can't do this t h e time, later divorced. Vegas. Camacho was roundly Mar Arabian Ranch awaiting the first rays of daylight on his beloved Three Sisters Mountains. He no more." H e divided his t im e b e criticized for his lack of action, joins his bride of 63 years, Vaughan Shepard, who passedaway March 8, 2012. Funeral Mass to be tween Puerto Rico and Florida and the Mexican champion 'Just a kid' held at St. Francis of Assisi Historic Church, November 30, 2012 Bend, OR. Rosary begins at 9:15 in recent years, appearing on won a lopsided unanimous deam with Mass at 10:00 am. A Celebration of Life for family attd friends will follow at the North Rim F ormer feath e r weight S p a nish-language t elevision cision to retain the lightweight champion Juan L aport e, a a s w e l l as on a reality show title. Lodge from 12:00 noon to 5:00 pm. Rear Admiral John C ShepartL USN and Marion Vaughan "Even though people say I friend since childhood, de- c a l led "Es Macho Time!" on Shepard interment will be Februbary 14, 2013 receiving Full Military Funeral Honors at Arlington scribed Camacho as "li ke a Y o u Tube. beat him easily, it wasn't that National Cemetery. little brother who was always In si d e the boxing ring, Ca- way," Chavez told Mexico's Admiral Shepard's 34-year Naval career and retirement to Oregon provided an opportunity to getting into trouble," but o th- m a cho f l ourished. He w o n E SPN-Radio Formula t h i s meet and befriend many. He enriched their lives with his smile, gift of gab and interest itt what was erwise combined a frie ndly t h r e e Golden Gloves titles as week. "He was a very fast happening in their lives. Born in Chadron, Nebraska, he was the oldest son of Leon and Katherine nature with a powerful jab. an amateur, and after turning fighter, he faced everything "He's a good human b eing, pro, hequickly became a con- and it was very hard for me. Shepard. When the family settled in Sacramento, CA, he grew up with sports and recognition to "He revolutionized boxing, family duty. Admiral Shepard's four children survive him: john, Mark, Marion, and Jeannie, as well as a good-hearted person,'' La- tender with an all-action style porte said as he waited with r e m i niscent of other Puerto Chavez said. "It's a shame his three beloved grandchildren, Megan, Lauren, and Kendall. His brothers, Leon and Jerry, and the other friends and mem bers R i can fighters. he got mixed up in so many many niecesand nephews from the families ofhis four sisters and two brothers further survive him. of the boxer's family out side L ong pr o m oted b y D o n problems." A graduate of Christian Brothers High School in 1944, Admiral Shepard joined several of his the hospital in San Juan after friends signing up before graduation for naval service in the V-5 Naval Aviation Training Program. the shooting. "A lot of people Graduating from the University of Minnesota with a B.S. Degree (Cum Laude) in Naval Science, he think of him as a cocky person wascommissioned in 1946 an Ensign in the U.S. Naval Reserve.The following year he transferred to but that was his motto.... Inthe Supply Corps of the U.S. Navy. Ensign Shepard'scareer found him serving abroad in World War side he was just a kid looking II, China, Korea, antl Vietnam. Some of his service was duty aboard the USS Batloeng Strait (CVEfor something." Laporte lamented that Ca116), USS Gardiners Bay (AVP-39), and USS Enterprise CVN-65. macho never found a mentor Admiral Shepard'sshore duty included Graduate School of Business, Stanford University; Pittsburg to guide him outside the boxNaval Reactors Office, Atomic Energy Commission; Staffof Commander Naval Forces Europe; Supply
Obituary policy
ing ring.
" The people around hi m didn't have the guts or strength to lead him in the right direction,n Laporte said. "There was no one strong enough to put a hand on his shoulder and tell him how to do it.n George Lozada,a longtime friend from New York who flew to Puerto Rico on Saturday, recalled that just hours after he was released from prison after serving a murder sentence, he received a call from Camacho, who was waiting outside his apartment in a black Porsche. "He said, 'Come down, I'm
taking you shopping,'" Lozada said, wiping away tears. "Because of him, m an, I got what I got today," he said, p ointing to pictures on h i s smartphone of his 6-year-old
Officer Naval Air Station Norfolk; National War College, Washington DC; Executive Officer Aviation
Lloyd Vorden~berg' Around Bend, Lloyd was known best as the always smiling volunteer groomer at Meissner Snow Park. Well, that or the always
smiling skier, cyclist, golfer, kayaker, fisherman aod early morning coffee drinker. Lloyd died of cancer related complications at the age of 70 on Sunday, Nov. 18th. In retirement, Lloyd volunteered to groom ski trails, work with youth programs, build houses for Habitat and simply help friends with their projects. Before that, he was a lire-long teacher, teaching for the department of defense overseasand for the Boulder, Colorado public schools. Much or his teaching career was oriented toward special needs students. He was a high school girls' basketball coach, a referee, and a manager/trainer I'or the University ot'Cincinnati basketball team. As a Father, he wasincredibly supportive of his son, Pete's goals and dreams even though they certainly strayed from the norm. To his wife, Sue, he was a supportive, loving companion orover 41 years on their many adventures around Bend, Boulder and the world. Lloyd will be missed by the Bend community and or course, his family and friends. If he touched your life, please visit and leave a message:
Supply 08ice Philadelphia; Asst. Chief of Staff Supply to Commander Naval Air ForceUS Atlantic Fleet and Commander Fleet Air Norfolk; and Commander Defense Supply Center Philadelphia. Retirement was activity for Admiral Shepard included: Laboratory Controller, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; the family's Arabian horse ranch created with his wife Vaughan; artd creation of Milsafe Inc / JCS Marketing, serving dairy needs of military personnel and families to this day. It was a time for encouraging his three granddaughters, showing his beloved horses, reading at the library, marching in parades, sharing coffeeat Starbucks, and mingling with his many friends. He reconnected with his military history supporting the ROTC High School program in Bend and sharing meals and stories with the Band of Brothers in Bend. He also joined the WWII heroesof the USS Little and the USS Hadley at their reunions. Admiral Shepard felt a special connection to these reunions. Commander Hugh W Hadley, Vaughan's father, waslost at sea aboard his flagship USS Little (APD41
during the Capture and Defense of Guadalcanal —Sept. 1942. The USS Hadley (DD774l was named in his honor. Admiral Shepard touched the lives of many individuals. We arebetter for knowing him and sharing ottr lives with his.
Charitable gifts may be made in Admiral John C. Shepard's memory to Christian Brothers High School, In Memory of Rear Admiral John C. Shepard, 4315 Martin Luther King jr. Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95826. Deschtttes Memorial Chapel is entrusted with John's funeral arrangements. Please visit www. to sign the guestbook.
Medford fatal fall may have beenhomicide
n I
+, Ll/!gi' '/ tf/r/ ' . '
/ Photos by Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
Brenda Baron tapes labels to several boxeswith Rose Land, left, and Anna Land after packing boxes to ship Wednesday afternoon for the Books for Beiize project.
Belize Continued from Bl While the girls — who both want to become veterinarians — are plenty busy nowadays, between attendance at Elton Gregory School, soccer and music lessons, Baron says they make it a priority to help her with books, even helping their school's Sparrow Club — which raises money for medically needy children by using their Books for Belize hours to bank funds for Sparrow Club. "I've worked with y oung people all my life," says Baron. "It's so wonderful to meet ones as willing to help as Anna and Rose are." Over the years,the number of books shipped has increased, as did the sources t hey came f r o m a n d t h e method to get t hem t here. Baron recruited community partners such as H i ghland Baptist Church, High Desert Education Service D istrict, BTL Liners Inc. and Terrebonne Community School; with their h elp sh e s ends more than 1,000 books to Belize every year. A couple of years ago, Baron was connected with The Word at Work, a faith-based Texas nonprofit t hat s h ips school and medical supplies to Belize. Now, while she still packs books when she travels to Belize, most of the books
Chimps Continued from Bl It's t he 1 2 t h ann u a l fundraiser for Chimps Inc., w ith t h e g o a l o f r a i s i ng $45,000, said L e sley D a y, the organization's president and founder. A total was not available Saturday evening. A large television screen broadcast the game as attendees watched,rooting for their team as Oregon State University and th e U n iversity of Oregon duked it out. But the friendly rivalry didn't
MEDFORD — A Medford man found dead at the bottom of a cliff last week may have been the victim of a homicide. Michael MacCallum was reported missing by friends and family earlier this week. The 34-year-old was last seen in the area of Hilt in Siskiyou County. Siskiyou County Sheriff Jon Lopey says e vidence points to the possibility of a homicide, according to The Medford Mail Tribune. Lopey did not identify the evidence. Police are trying to determine whether M acCallum was camping in the area or if he met with people there in the hours leading to his death.
criminal charges dropped. Lt. Mark Cotter said Friday that in two similar cases, male callers with foreign accents called Oregon residents. Caller ID showed the calls as originating from 911 and the callers identified themselves as members of the Oregon State Police. Cotter says Oregon State Police doesn't demand money from citizens under any circumstances. He says the calls resemble similar scams reported across the country.
Officer hit by falling tree is paralyzed
PORTLAND — Portland police say a 19-year veteran officer struck by a falling tree during Monday's powerful Northwest storm is paralyzed below the waist. Sgt. Pete Simpson said Scam callersclaimto late Friday night that docdon't believe Officer Paul be OregonState Police tors Meyer will regain the use of SALEM — Oregon State his legs.Meyer remains hosPolice are warning about a pitalized in Portland. telephone scam that uses the He was taking part in allagency's name. terrain vehicle training when Police say they've received he was hit by a tree that witseveral recent c o mplaints nesses described as "telefrom citizens who say indiphone pole-sized." viduals claiming to be state Officers were training on troopers have called them Hayden Island, located in a nd demanded money t o the Columbia River between clear arrestwarrants or get Portland a n d Va n couver,
Wash. Though the storm was anticipated, Simpson s aid earlier that police went ahead with the mid-morning training session because strong winds had yet to accompany the rain.
Fur protest draws dozens in Portland PORTLAND — An annual Black Friday protest against clothing that uses animal fur drew about 70 people who marched through the rain in downtown Portland. The Oregonian reports that the protesters made stops outside several retail stores,
passed holiday shoppers and wound up in a downtown park to chow down on vegan cake.
Sponsors encouraged protesters to wear zombie face paint and fur coats, but only a couple of marchers donned the makeup andthe preferred garb was rain gear. In Defense of A n i m als spokesman Eric Phelps says
his group suggested the makeup in an effort to "mix things up a bit this year" and illustrate the type of people who wear animal fur. But he concedes that, in his words, "In Portland, with the rain, we probably should have known better." — From wire reports
A variety of children's bookswere donated to Brenda Baron's Books for Belize nonprofit.
State universitiesfear federal fund drop-off
are sent directly to Texas; the other group includes her boxes in its own huge shipments to Central America and sees they get distributed. Baron visits Belize annually, carrying books and curriculum materials in her luggage. "When I started by filling my suitcase every trip, I realized pretty fast that it would take forever that way," says Baron. "But it cost about $90 to ship just one box of books to Belize. Since partnering with the Texas group, the project has skyrocketed.n Her ultimate goal is to send a ton of books every year, and the Land sisters plan on sticking with Baron every step of the way. "We have it so much better (in the U.S.) than other plac-
By Diane Dietz
Learnmore To find out more about Chimps Inc., visit www. Donations to the organization are taxdeductible.
event is for a good cause and provides a good venue for s ports enthusiasts of b o t h sides. "It's really about h aving fun with friends," she said. As the game played, atkeep people of o pposing tendees put bids in at a silent sides from visiting with each a uction and b o ught r a f f l e other. tickets for items in display. "As long as the Ducks win, The wide array of c h oices we're OK," Mark Cahill, of i ncluded cup h o lders w i t h Bend, said during the game, logos of each team, rounds of visiting with Lance Neibauer, golf, paintings of chimps and of Bend, who was rooting for jewelry. " I'm here to support the the Beavers. Kim Gammond, a Ducks chimpanzees first of all and f an f ro m B e nd , s ai d t h e then the Beavers," said Diane
es, like Belize," says Anna. "When we first started helping Brenda we didn't think much about the kids down there; it was only later we really understood what it must be like." Baron, who has seen the education system in action in Belize, says most children leave school after sixth grade if their families can't pay for further schooling. Helping them adequatelylearn to read before they leave the school system is vital to their future success, she adds. "Who would have thought?" says Baron. "People have been so generous and the girls have been so committed to the project. It's taken on a life of its own."
$28 million in 2013, should up to 10 percent of the federal EUGENE — The stakes budget be stripped on Jan. 2, are high for the University as required by current law. of Oregon and Oregon State And the impact of these University if the impending cuts would be felt beyond automatic, across-the-board the universities, said Barry cuts to the federal budget are T oiv, spokesman fo r t h e not averted by Congress and Association o f A me r i can President Barack Obama. Universities. That's because the schools "Research i s s o mething are among the top 100 remost everybody realizes that search universities of 4,000 the country has to do, and if nationally, according to the we do more of it, we'll all be Carnegie Classification sys- better off, whether it's the tem. Thefederalgovernment economy, whether t h ere's pays the biggest chunk of m ore curesfor diseases, althe research done at Oregon ternative forms of energyuniversities, and they stand all kinds of things," he said. to lose, together, upwards of Federal funds, for example, The (Ettgene) Register-Guard
paidforbasic research forthe Internet, GPS and lasers, improvements to crop yields and discovery of medical cures. "Most economists would suggest that we should be spending more — notless — on research," Toiv said. "Here we go undermining it at a time we should be increasing it." This is the so called "fiscal cliff" created by law last year in order to avoid an incident of national default because congressional Dem ocrats and Republicans could not reach agreement on taxes and spendingchanges meant to address the national debt, which is more than $16 trillion.
— Reporter: 541-548-2184, fpugmireC<
"It's really about having fun with friends." — Kim Gammond, of Bend
Stone, of Corvallis, a volunteer wearing an orange scarf who sold raffle tickets. Pictures of the eight chimpanzees lined one wall, serving as a reminder to attendees about the event's purpose beyond the game. Jeb Boyer, of Portland, became a Beavers fan after his g randfather took hi m t o a game in 1967. "It's one or the other," he said. "You can't root for both. You're either going to be a Beaver or a Duck. You can't be both."
What people may think about you... Not Interested • Unfriendly Insensitive • Confused
— Reporter: 541-977-7185
What they may not know is that you
struggle to hear. Inmate
speaking ability, among other emotional distress, and loss of results of the stroke. He can use of his physical and mental Continued from Bl no longer work, has incurred abilities." The lawsuit alleges that jail large medical bills and needs In addition to t h e n egliemployees saw the symptoms o ngoing m e d i cation an d gence, the lawsuit also claims for two days but didn't take treatment. the county v i olated ReynReynvaan back to the hospital Deschutes County L e gal vaan's constitutional rights, until Nov. 7, 2010. It also al- Counsel John Laherty said he subjecting him to cruel and leges that when jail staff called hasn't completed a full review unusual punishment. "It was The County's policy, a St. Charles doctor to tell him of the case because it was filed about Reynvaan's symptoms, recently. But, he said, "my ini- practice and custom not to the doctor said he'd likely be tial review indicates that the employ medical doctors to sent back to jail if he came to jail staff acted appropriately provide r egular, e x pedient the emergency room. in all respects." care for inmates," the lawsuit As a result, Reynvaan alR eynvaan i s s u i n g t h e states. "Also, it was The County's policy, practice and cuslegedly suffered permanent county and the hospital for brain damage and disfigure- negligence, citing $100,000 tom to be skeptical of inmate ment, including losing eye- in economic damages and complaints and ignore inmate sight and function of his arm, $300,000 infuture economic health complaints." leg and hand. The lawsuit also damages, as well as $10 mil— Reporter: 541-617-7831, lists memory loss and a loss of lion for "pain and suffering,
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F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.
• Today:r Mostly sunny.
Tonight: Mostly clear.
18 WEST Mostly cloudy to partly sunny with some fog early.
As t oria 51/36~
Hood River •
47/33 52/38
Maupin azai
J Governmentx CamP 36RJh
45/24 45/25
42/1 7 oHam ton • "' Irton • Burns La Pine42/14 • I.ake g Crescent• Fort Rock 43/16g Ri l e y
4 0/1 2
Port Orford
54'40 ~
• 50/35•
• Brookings
Yesterday's state extremes
46/1 8
Frenchglen 4%22
• 59'
alls 45/24
• 21
• Lakeview
~5I34 ~
o www m • •
Billings 39/23
ortland~ 49/37
Thunder ay 24/1 2
Chey'enne ~ l y
Int'I Falls, Minn.
4QS haoise
Riverside, Calif.
• 0.76
•m Bismarck
46/3 i
• 89o •
Quebec 28/1
• Seanl H
(in the 48 contiguous states):
44 / 29 '~
Co~lumbu~ s
g o ortland 37/23 ton
Mullan Pass, Idaho
Kansas City 55/31
x •
Honolulu ~ 82/71
• Louisville
5t Louis 55/34
Charlotte Y~ • 53 / 3 0 • LosAngelesi Ibucluerclue i OM hom»C't y BOs Little Rock, Nas vi e 67/55 64/39 69/41 • ~ 61/43 , 55/3 5 • ~~ P h oenix Atlanta ~ • ' 82/5 i Birmingham 57/37 Tijuana BOS w i • DallasL Bps 58/3fi I I 74/58I 72/52 New Orleans 705 H,u„,n ( 6S/53 • lando • 9/47 Chihuahua
Qs -10-2 s
La Paz 84/66
Anchorage 20/12
M a z atlan 85/66
74/58 •
• Miami 76/63
48 3 3
48 34
49 36
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 714am Moon phases Sunsettoday...... 4 31 p.m F ull L ast N e w First Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:I 5 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 4:30 p.m l• Moonrisetoday.... 254 p.m Moonsettoday .... 4:28 a.m Nov. 28 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 19
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....5:44 a.m...... 3:50 p.m. Venus......4:40 a.m...... 3:14 p.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 50/41 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.02" Recordhigh........66m1954 Monthtodate.......... 0.60" Recordlow......... -7in1993 Average monthtodate... 1.02" Average high.............. 43 Year to date............ 7.63" Average low .............. 26 Average year to date..... 8.79"
Mars.......9:53 a.m...... 6:33 p.m. Jupiter......450 pm......758 a.m. Satum......4:42 a.m...... 3;17 p.m.
• Pl
Uranus.....1:51 p.m...... 2:09 a.m.
Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.13 Record24 hours ...2.64in1960 *Melted liquid equivalent
Yesterday Sunday Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W
M onday The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:
for solar at noon.
Astoria ........ 51/42/0.21 ....51 /36/pc......51/42/s Baker City......42/34/0.01 ....40/20/pc.....40/23/pc Brookings......54/51/0.36....56/41/pc......56/46/s Burns......... 47/30/trace....43/14/pc.....40/20/pc Eugene........52/50/0.92....48/33/pc.....49/37/pc Klamath Falls .. 56/25/0 00 ...45/24/pc ... 47/25/s Lakeview.......58/21/0.00 ...45/22/pc..... 47/25/s La Pine........47/41/0.05....42/I4/pc......42/23/s Medford.......49/40/0.03....50/35/pc.....49/36/pc Newport.......52/46/0.81 ....51/38/pc......52/42/s North Bend.....57/50/1.03....53/38/pc.....53/44/pc Ontario........43/36/0.05....45/24/pc.....42/27/pc Pendleton......50/41/0.10....46/30/pc.....45/31/pc Portland .......52/46/0.80....49/37/pc......50/40/s Prinevige....... 49/41/0.10....42/19/pc.....47/29/pc Redmond.......52/42/0.20....46/24/pc......45/28/s Roseburg....... 55/49/0.69....51/34/pc.....52/407pc Salem ....... 52/49/0 61 ...49/33/pc ...48/37/pc Sisters......... 51/42/0.04.....43/1 7/c.....44/23/pc The Dages...... 53/43/0.41 ....48/34/pc......46/34/s
Snow accumulation in inches
Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 0 .0 . . .no report Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .22-40 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . . 29 Mt. Hood Ski Bowl..... . . . . . . 0 .0 . . .no report Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . 43
L 0
ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires
Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . .0-0... no report Willamette Pass ....... . . . . . . report
Aspen, Colorado...... . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .19-20 Mammoth Mtn., California..... 0.0... . . .26-36 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . . . . 24 Squaw Valley, California..... . .0.0.. . . . . .5-22 SunVagey, Idaho....... . . . . . . 0 0 . . . . . . .8-16 Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .1012 Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . 0.0... . . . . . 18 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to thelatest ski conditions visit: or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partial clouds,c-clouds, h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, sn-snow,i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace
Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires
Yesterday's extremes
ti3683'hgi4i tir
City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.
Chance of rain show-
47 27
Jordan Valley
44/i 9
fP Medfurd
Chance of rain show-
Chr i stmas Valley
5j iv e r
ran t s ~ g
• Beach
clouds and sunshine today.
pa ulina 38/1546/27
• Bandon
CENTRAL Look for a mix of
Mostly cloudy skies will give way to partial clearing.
44/29 Union
Mitchell 44/2o
Sunriver Bend
Cottage Grove
La Grande•
Baker Ci
Redrnond •
43/1 7
48/ 3 3
Enterprisq • 39/18
35/1 8
• Madras
S herma
Eugene o
Coos Bay
Warm Spr'»95• C
53/39 5 4/36 ~
• Meacham
Albany NeWPOrt 51/32• 51/38 COrValhS
• PendletOn
oWaSCO 44/29
Hermjsto n 46R9 '
48ox • "
Sa n dy
Lincoln C/ty
The Biggs •
H;il,b«, POrt and ~~ 49/37
Mostly sunny.
• +++Q
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow
Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene,TX ......63/28/0.00...75/53/s. 75/43/pc GrandRapids....33/30/0.00..40/29/sn.. 38/25/c Rapid City.......61/22/000 ..34/20/sn.32/I6/sn Savannah.......63/44/000...61/3is .. 68/49/s Akron ..........32/30/000.. 38/27/sf. 40/28/sn Green Bay.......31/25/0.00..38/20/pc.28/16/pc Reno...........64/27/000..58/29/pc .. 58/29/s Seattle..........47/41/004 ..46/33/pc.. 48/36/s Albany..........43/31/000..38/28/pc. 43/28/pc Greensboro......49/35/000...50/32/s.. 60/41/s Richmond.......52/37/000... 49/30/s .. 57/39/s Sioux Falls.......38/14/000... 36/16/c .. 29/14/c Albuquerque.....58/30/0.00...64/39/s.. 61/34/s Harnsburg.......42/37/0.00..42/28/pc.. 46/32/s Rochester, NY....38/32/000 .. 38/31/sn..41/29/sf Spokane........43/37/019 ..40/26/pc. 36/28/pc Anchorage.......18/4/000...20/12/s .. 22/12/s Hartford,CT.....49/37/002 ..42/29/pc .. 46/28/5 Sacramento......66/39/000 ..65/45/pc .. 68/45/s Springfield, MO ..47/21/000... 59/36/s. 49/29/sh Atlanta.........51/37/000...57/37/s.. 64/47/s Helena..........50/25/000...35/18/c. 37/21/pc St Louis.........39/24/000...55/34/s.47/31Ish Tampa..........73/53/000...69/51/s .. 76/60/s AtlanticCity.....49/36/0.00..47/38/pc.. 50/40/s Honolulu........84/66/0.00..82771/pc.81/69/pc Salt Lake City....53/27/000 ..52/33/pc.. 47/33/s Tucson..........84/62/000...82/49/s.. 76/47/s Austin..........65/43/0.00...75/57/s..81/46/c Houston........66/45/0.00..74/62/pc...80/57/t SanAntonio.....67/51/0.00... 74/59/s .. 79/50/c Tulsa...........54/26/0.00...64/40ls ..54/31/c Baltimore ...... 44/36/0.00 ..45/30/pc. 50/36/pc Huntsville.......48/30/0.00... 55/33/s.. 61/48/c SanDiego.......71/St/000...66/54/s. 65/54/pc Washington,DC.47/38/000 ..46/32/pc. 51/37/pc Billings.........55/43/000...39/23/c. 36/20/pc Indianapolis.....32/25/0.00...45/30/c. 43/33/pcSanFrancisco....67/51/000..65/51/pc.. 64/51/s Wichita.........$9/22/000... 59/33/s.47/25/pc Birmingham.....51/34/000...58/36/s. 65/49/c Jackson, MS.... 54/34/000. 63/46/s...71/57/t SanJose........68/43/000..69/46/pc .. 66/47/s Yakima.........52/33/0.02. 43/30/pc. 40/30/pc Bismarck........41/20/000 ..28/11/pc.. 28/17/c Jacksonvile......66/48/000... 64/37/s.. 70/51/s SantaFe........59/26/000...58/29/s .. 55/28/s Yuma...........86/60/000...82/54/s .. 79/53/s Boise.......... 44/34/002 ..49/27/pc. 46/27/pc Juneau......... 34/29/trace ..29/22/sn.. 27/23/s INTERNATIONAL Boston..........48/38/000 ..43/33/pc .. 47/32/s KansasCity......46/18/0 00... 55/31/s .. 45/26/c BndgeportCT....50/38/000 ..43/33/pc.. 49/33/s Lansing.........31/29/0 00 ..39/28/sn .. 38/23/c Amsterdam......48/32/003 51/40/sh48/41Ipc Mecca..........91/75/003 .87/70/pc 87/70/pc Buffalo.........37/31/000 ..36/32/sn ..40/28/sf Las Vegas.......71/47/0 00... 71/47/s .. 69/46/s Athens..........59/53/000..62/50/pc.60/53/pc MexicoCity .....68/48/000 .69/46/pc. 71/47/pc BurlingtonVT....46/31/000 .. 34/23/sf. 37/23/pc Lexington.......36/25/000 ..48/30/pc. 51/37/pc Auckland........66/55/000..67/52/pc .. 65/53/c Montreal........45/30/014..31/26/pc. 33/17/pc Caribou,ME.....43/33/005 .. 29/16/sf. 33/19/pc Lincoln..........49/14000.47729/pc.. 38721/c Baghdad........68/57/000 ..71/58/sh. 70/55/sh Moscow........28/25/000 ..30/27/pc..32/29/sf CharlestonSC...63/44/000...60/38/s.. 67/48/s Little Rock.......50/30/000...61/43/s...63/45/t Bangkok........90/77/023 ..91/77/sh. 90/80/sh Nairobi.........81/55/000... 76/59/t...77/58/t Charlotte........56/37/000...53/30/5.. 61/40/s LosAngeles......70/52/000...67/55/s. 65/55/pc Beifng..........45/19/000 ..45/I7/pc .. 39/14/s Nassau.........79/72/000 ..73/66/sh. 78/72/sh Chattanooga.....49/31/000...56/33/s.61/45/pc Louisville........38/24/000..52/34/pc.51/37/pc Beirut..........70/597042..69/61/pc.. 68/59/s NewDelh/.......79/54/000...73/51/s.. 77/52/s Cheyenne.......60/44/000 ..53/24/pc. 36/24/pc MadisonWl.....32/23/000..40/17/pc. 29/16/pc Berlin...........46/41/000...52/40/c. 44/41/pc Osaka..........54/46/000..59745/sh...58/45/r Chicago.........32/25/000 ..43/28/pc. 35/25/pc Memphis....... 48/32/000 ..59/45/s .. 61/46/t Bogota.........70/507014..72/44/pc. 70/49/sh Oslo............41/28/007 .. 35/31/sf ..3701/n Cincinnati.......36/31/0.00 ..46/29/pc 48/34/pc Miami..........75/58/0.00... 76/63/s. 79/69/pc Budapest........50/36/000...49/41/c ..46/38/c Ottawa.........36/28/006 ..30/22/pc. 32/18/pc Cleveland.......33/31/001 ..39/30/sn.. 40/31/c Milwaukee......30/24/000..41/24/pc. 31/23/pc BuenosAires.....75/46/000 72/60/pc. .. 74/58/sh Paris............59/457000..50/43/pc .. 51/45/c Colorado Spnngs.70/25/000... 59/2B/s. 44/27/pc Minneapolis.....30/11/0 00..32/14/pc. 23/I5/pc CaboSanLucas ..90/6IO00...85/66/s .. 84/61/s Rio de Janeiro....88/75/000... 80/71/t...77/69/t Columbia,MO...39/20/0.00...56/32/s. 45/26/pc Nashville........43/27/0.00...55/35/s .. 58/44/c Cairo...........73/59/000 ..72/56/pc.. 71/58/s Rome...........64/46/000 ..59/49/pc. 63/48/pc Columbia,SC....61/38/0.00... 57/32/5.. 66/44/s New Orleans.....61/50/0.00... 65/53/s...74/63/t Calgary.........34/21/000..30/19/pc... 25/4/c Santiago........82/48/000 ..78/59/pc.. 83/63/s Columbus, GA....59/43/0.00... 60/35/s .. 67/48/s New York.......50/38/0.00..43734/pc.. 47/35/s Cancun.........79/61/0.00.. 79/64/pc.82/71/pc SaoPaulo.......82/72/0.00.. 68/58/sh.. 69/61/c Columbus, OH....34/30/000...43/29/c. 45/33/pc Newark, Nl......49/38/000 ..43733/pc.47/35/pc Dublin..........43/28/000 ..44/36/pc.45/41Ish Sapporo........32/30/023 .. 39/28/rs. 39/23/sh Concord,NH.... A4/32/001 ..36/22/pc.. 44/22/s Norfolk VA......55/41/000...48/33/s .. 58/42/s Edinburgh.......39/30/000 ..43/33/sh .. 41/38/c Seoul...........43/25/000 .. 43/31/sh. 40/25/pc Corpus Christi....73/60/000 ..77/61/pc...79/59/t Oklahoma City...60/25/0 00... 69/41/s. 57/32/pc Geneva.........50/39/0.00 ..52/48/sh. 50/38/sh Shangha/........54/39/0.00 ..59/40/sh. 53/40/sh Dallas FtWorth...60/37/000...74/58/s. 75/41/pc Omaha.........44/18/0 00...45/29/c .. 37/21/c Harare..........86/61/000... 85/60/t...76/58/t Singapore.......88/77/015 ..86778/sh.87/77/sh Dayton .........31/28/000...43/28/c. 44/32/pc Orlando.........73/44/0.00...69/47/s .. 76/56/s HongKong......72/61/001 ..81/74/sh. 72/59/sh Stockholm.......45/39/000..37/34/pc. 44/42/sh Denver..........61/30/0.00... 59/31/s.44/24/pc PalmSprings.... 87/57/0.00. 85/53/s .. 82/52/s Istanbul.........57/48/003 ..53/48/sh.56/49/pc Sydney..........79/63/000 ..87/65/pc.. 83/65/c DesMoines......38/18/000..44/29/pc.. 37/20/c Peoria..........32/18/000...47/31/c.40/24/pc Jerusalem.......63/34/000..60/49/sh.59/48/sh Taipei...........68/63/000..81/70/sh. 73/65/sh Detroit..........34/31/000 ..39/30/sn. 38/28/pc Philadelphia.....49/39/0.00..44/33/pc. 50/35/pc Johanneshurg....66/57/117 ..76/54/pc. 72/54/pc TelAviv.........72/61/031 ..69/57/sh. 68/56/sh Duluth...........20/0/000...25/9/pc. 19/I4/pc Phoenix.........85/62/000... 82/55/s .. 78/54/s Lima...........73/64/000..73/64/pc .. 73/64/c Tokyo...........54/48/000 ..53/46/sh. 58/51/sh El Paso..........65/36/0.00... 73/48/s .. 71/43/s Pittsburgh.......32/28/0.03 .. 41/27/sf. 42/29/pc Lisbon..........63/57/000 63/49/sh 55/46/sh Toronto.........36/30/000 33/28/sf 40/27/pc .. -5/21/s Portland,ME.....47/34/0.00..37/23/pc .. 44/22/s London.........52/36/034..51/43/sh.51/41/sh Vancouver.......46/39/008..44/35/pc.. 41/36/c Fairbanks...... -11/-22/000 ..-10/-27/s Fargo............27/3/000...20/0/pc.18/12/pc Providence......49/37/000..42732/pc..48/31/s Madrid .........59/45/000... 60/47/c.54/40/sh Vienna..........46/43/000...47/38/c .. 45/38/c Flagstaff........64/20/000...60/23/5 .. 56/19/s Raleigh.........52/40/0.00...49/31/s .. 63/39/s Manila..........91/77/000..87/76/pc. 90/77/pc Warsaw.........48/41/000...45/40/c.44/38/pc
re on me ica center ives simuation o ementia By Kathy Aney East Oregonian
P ENDLETON — So m e times, the only way to truly understand another is to walk in their shoes. That's the premise behind the Virtual Dementia Tour, a jarring journey into the life of someone with dementia. Good Shepherd MedicalCenter offered tours in a room at the Hermiston Oxford Suites hotel earlier this month. Dozens of people braved the virtual tour, stumbling headfirst into the world of dementia. One of them, Gayle Yoder,
donned goggles, gloves, shoe inserts and headphones on a recent Thursday a fternoon as Good S hepherd health educator Kathy Thomas explained the purpose of each
accessory. The goggles, with discoloration and a dark spot on each lens, mimicked macular degeneration, glaucoma and reduced p eripheral v i s ion. Gloves featured bumps on the interior that blocked sensory input and, with several fin-
gerstaped together,added the feel of arthritis. Little nubs on shoe inserts gave the feeling of pins and needles to simulate neuropathy. Headphones added the finishing — and most confusing — touch. Into Yoder's ears flowed a cacophony of environmental sounds. The result was a carnival house feel that spiked the Echo woman's anxiety level. Thomas pointed to the door of a suite and told Yoder to make herself at home. She gave Yoder five tasks to complete, such as "set the table" and "write a note to your family and put it in an envelope." Like most who took the tour, Yoder couldn't finish all the tasks. She wandered around the suite trying to recall the last two and finally gave up in frustration. "It was very confusing," she said. "I felt lost." Yoder took the tour because she cares for her 96-year-old mother with dementia. "I know how it looks from my side," she said. "I wanted to
E.J. Harris /East Oregonian
Gayle Yoder, ofEcho, has headphones placed on her ears by Kathy Thomas, Good Shepherd health educator, before taking a virtual dementia tour in Hermiston. know how it looked from her
tion replicates medium-to-severe dementia. She said most Other tour-goers mumbled who take the dementia tour or hugged close to walls. In undergo a paradigm shift of short, they looked like people understanding. She recalled with dementia. one woman (during another Tammy M a r tin , a n other round of tours in May) who arh ealth e ducator w h o h a s rived with her husband, who worked with the elderly most suffered from dementia. "In the pre-test, she was not of her career, said the simulaSfde.
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very c ompassionate," Martin said. uShe indicated her h usband's b ehaviors w e r e intentionaL" The tour flipped the woman's perception. uShe came out with a whole new attitude," Martin said. "When she took her mask off, she was practically sobbing." P.K. Beville, the Georgia geriatric specialist who invented the tour, r esearched what happens inside the brains of dementia sufferers and fashioned the simulation using the results. She believes people need to understand the dementia experience. "Dementia is being diagnosed every 69 seconds in the U.S.,u Beville said in a phone interview. "There is no magic pill in the pipeline." She said the dementia tour was originally an attempt to give insight to caregivers. "People really do need to walk in the shoes of someone in order to help them," she said. "They need to step outside their comfort zone." Beville, founder and director
of Second Wind Dreams, said the tour generally fosters empathy and is now offered in 14 countries and five languages. Martin said odd behaviors — aggression, aimless wandering, mumbling — exhibited by those with dementia often reveal frustration, confusion and a sense of isolation. She had some advice for caregivers. uBe very, very patient," she said. uGO really slow. Limit ChOiCeS to tvva.n And don't write them off. A
confused person simply may be overwhelmed by physiological stimuli and challenges. Martin said she r ecently came upon a w h e elchairbound man in a store aisle who was experiencing such a moment. He sat, mumbling to himself. She leaned close and said, clearly, "Can I help you?u "I want to go home," he said. "How do you get there?" she asked. "In a taxi." He had taxi tickets in his pocket. Martin called a taxi and sent the man on his way.
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Arthritis Foundation'
lI1st Annual Bend Jingle Bell Runl Walk for Arthritis Get in the spirit this holiday season at the Arthritis Foundation's Jinqlle Bell Run/Walk for Arthritis,
gQ "A~g'5 yhg'DWICJyde
Qaftfftday coelfnlgeft I gf, 2012
Downtown Bend SK Run or Walk 1 Mile Walk 8 Kids Fun Run with the Elves 9:30 AM Late Registration 11:00 AM Holiday Costume Contest
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11:30AM Kids Fun Runwith the Elves 11:40 A M Jingle Bell 5K Run/Walk Starts
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Locally presented by:
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QRTHopEDIc & Nruaosunoicm CARE 8 RESEARCH
Nabonaay SponsoredBy
A b b o tt 4 iFOUNDATION' Ae
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TVS Movies, C2
Calendar, C3 Horoscope, C3 Milestones, C6 Puzzles, C7 THE BULLETIN • SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 2012
SPOTLIGHT Ladies of Elks to hold gift drive
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Beginning Monday,
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little red and white houses adorned with gift
tags will appear in businesses around Bendand
Sunriver. Those tags will
contain a gift suggestion for a needychild. It's all part of a project of the Ladies of Elks, an
auxiliary organization of the Bend Elks Lodge, which has been provid-
ing holiday toys to needy families for 30 years. The houses will be at
Walmart, WagnerMall, Bankof the Cascades
(south Bend branch), Ray's Food Placeon Century Drive, Erickson's Thriftway and C.E.
Lovejoy's Brookswood Market, as well as at Sunriver Marketplace in
Sunriver. The group asks that
members of the community grab a tagand re-
turn the unwrapped gift to the little house. The
Ladies of Elks will pick up the gifts and deliver them on Christmas Eve,
along with food baskets. If you'd like to help fill the food baskets, call the
Photos by Jee Kltne/The Bulletin
Brad Irwin, head distiller at Oregon Spirit Distillers,pours a shot of the distillery's Wild Card Absinthe into a glass as ice water from an absinthe fountain pours over a sugar cube on a spoon. The high-proof liquor made with wormwood, anise and other ingredients was banned for most of the last century.
number below. Contact: Phyllis Lovik, 541-388-0197.
OneMain Financial collecting food OneMain Financial is currently collecting food donations through Nov. 30 at its Bend location. The nonperishable items will benefit Neighbor-
Impact's Food Bank. OneMain Financial is located at 61535 S. U.S. Highway 97 Suite ¹18 in Bend. Contact: 541-3821651.
Donate food at therapy office Therapeutic Associates Physical Therapy of Redmond is collecting
nonperishable food items for donation to Neighborlmpact this
holiday season. The food drive runs through the last day of
the year, anddonations can be dropped off at the Therapeutic Associates office at 413 N.W. Larch Ave. in Redmond. Contact: 541-9237494.
Hoedown for Hunger planned Bend's Community Center will host the seventh annual Hoedown
for Hunger1 to 9 p.m. Dec. 1. A fundraiser for the
center as it moves toward financial stability
and recovery, Hoedown for Hunger's proceeds will go to the Feed
the Hungry program, which prepares more than 2,000 meals each week for the homeless
and hungry in Central Oregon. The day will feature a mix of Americana, folk
• The 'green fairy' has fluttered into the region's restaurantsand iseven being produced bya Benddistillery By Mac McLean The Bulletin
ater trickled out of a glass and copper fountain and dissolved a sugar cube in a glass of Wild Card Absinthe before it caused the spirit to "louche" or turn cloudy. Combined with its tumultuous history and recent legalization, this 200-year-old ritual has helped the potent anise-flavored liquor encounter a resurgence in popularity that's made its way to Central Oregon's bars, liquor stores and, most recently, distilleries. "I think it's awesome," said Brad Irwin, who makes Wild Card Absinthe at Oregon Spirit Distillers on Reed Market Road. "It has an experience that is unlike any other liquor. It's got a cultural mystique and a flavor that rests on your tongue and lingers there for two to three minutes." Banned in the United States until about five years ago, absinthe enjoyed the peak of its popularity during late 19th-century France's Belle Epoque when it was attacked in what some say was a smear campaign launchedby the temperance movement and some wine makers absinthe threatened to put out of business. The spirit's resurgence in this country has spawned a niche market of self-labeled "militant" and "proselytizing" absinthe devotees Irwin hopes will help add his latest creation to the long list of alcoholic beveragesthat have put Bend on the map. SeeAbsinthe/C8
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Katie Jones, of Bend, left, and Barbara Algarin, of Salt Lake City sample Wild Card Absinthe during a tasting and tour on Nov. 16 at Oregon Spirit Distillers in Bend.
"Neither absinthe nor the herbs from which it is made will make you go crazy. It won't make you 'trip out', hallucinate, cut your ear off, or do anything else you wouldn't ordinarily do when intoxicated with liquor." — From a page on the Wormwood Society Absinthe Association's website
and bluegrass music by Back from the Dead, Bare Roots, Felly Smith Quincy Street, Bobby Lindstrom, Bluestarz, Prairie Rockets and
many more. The event will feature all-you-can-eat chili,
desserts from Nancy P's and more. Admission is $20,
$10 for seniors and kids 16 and younger. Tickets
are available in advance at www.bendscommunity, by calling 541-312-2069 or at the clooI'. Contact: www.bends or 541-312-2069. — From staff reports
On the Big Island, an isolated haven for musicand arts By Brian J. Cantwell The Seattle Times
HAWI, Hawaii — You don't get to North Kohala unless you mean to, or you've made a wrong turn. All the better for local musicians and artists to hide away and find their Polynesian muses. This lush district at the Big Island of Hawaii's north shore is isolated from the busy Kona Coast by the
ranch-dotted, horse-heaven hill that is Kohala, an extinct volcano. On its windward side, it squeezes up like an accordion into deep and wild valleys navigated only by ancient trails. A two-lane road transits the frozen-in-time, tin-roof towns of Hawi and Kapa'au and ends at an overlook and trailhead above the kiwigreen Pololu Valley. Nearby, on a windswept
point looking toward Maui, King Kamehameha I was born in the 1750s. To protect him from chiefs jealous of his royal destiny, protectors fled with the infant to raise him in the remote backcountry beyond Pololu. To this day, North Kohala cradles island culture and intact native families, and this road lesstraveled nurtures the souls of musicians and artists whose work is em-
blematic of Hawaii. "The important thing about Kohala is it's a deadend road and you have to have a reason to come up here," says David Gomes, a musician whose Portuguese great-grandparents came from the Azores to work a now-defunct sugar plantation that was Kohala's economic lifeblood for 100 years. "That makes the community a little tight place. They're sweet,
tolerant, forgiving people. Kohala is literally and figuratively the end of the road for some." Gomes, who grew up with the remote valleys as his playground and who still loves to hike them, spends peaceful days crafting masterful guitars and ukuleles in a cluttered workshop off a quiet lane above Hawi (say "Huh-vee"). SeeKohala /C4
'Liz 5 Dick' leads off this week's top picks By Chuck Barney
C enter" is b ack an d y o u Contra Costa Times know what that means: It's "Liz & Dick" time to light up that big tree 9 p.m. today, Lifetime in the Big Apple. Trace AdLindsay Lohan is on TV kins, Mariah Carey, CeeLo and it's not for a court ap- Green and other performers p earance! T o lend their voices night, the tabloid to the festivities. Ty SpoT q ueen stars a s 8 p.m., NBC. E lizabeth T a y "The Hour" lor in "Liz & Dick," a movie a bout H o l lywood's m o st 9 p.m. Wednesday, BBC famous — and troubledAmerica couple. Grant Bowler plays This s t y l ish, c r i t ically Richard Burton. lauded British drama series about the i nner w orkings "Revolution" of a TV news operation re10:01 p.m.Monday, NBC turns for its second season F ans o f "Revolution" and changes are afoot. The should brace themselves for story jumps ahead one year the mother of all sword fights — to 1957, when a ruthless as Miles and Monroe (Billy new boss (Peter Capaldi) Burke, David Lyons) come is demanding that the curface toface for the firsttime. rent-events program take on The bad news? This is our last more edge and energy. new episode until the dooms"A Charlie Brown Christmas" day drama returns in March. 8 p.m. Wednesday, ABC "Dancing With the Stars: We've seen it a m i l l ion All-Stars" times, but, after all theseyears, "A Charlie Brown Christmas" 9 p.m. Tuesday, ABC They came, they saw, they continues to be a holidaytradidid the rumba. Now, it's fi- tion — and that scrawny little nally time to find out which tree still needs our love. of the returning contestants on "Dancing With the Stars: "The Big Bang Theory" All-Stars" will waltz away 8 p.m. Thursday, CBS with that hideous disco-ball A parking space should trophy. never come between friends, but that's w ha t h a ppens "Parenthood" on "The Big Bang Theory" 10:01 p.m. Tuesday, NBC when the university reas"Parenthood" is all about signs Sheldon's (Jim Parsons) tough transitions tonight as spot to returning astronaut Julia ( Erik a C h r i stensen) Wolowitz (Simon Helberg). tries to adjust to life as a stay- We smell trouble. at-home mom, while M ax "It's a Wonderful Life" (Max Burkholder) struggles with his new role of student 8 p.m. Saturday, NBC council president. Every time you watch "It's a Wonderful Life," an angel "Christmas in Rockefeller earns its wings — or someCenter" thing like that. The holiday 8 p.m. Wednesday, NBC classicreturns for another "Christmas in Rockefeller trip to Bedford Falls.
BEND Regal Pilot Butte 6 2717 N.E. U.S.Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347
ARGO(R) 12:15, 3, 5:45, 9 A LATEQUARTET(R) 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, 9:25 LINCOLN(PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:45, 6, 9:15 THE SESSIONS (R) 1, 4, 7, 9:35 SKYFALL(PG-13) Noon, 3:15, 6:30, 9:40 THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN —PART2 (PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:15, 9:10
FRANKENWEENIE(PG)Noon,3 TAKEN 2(PG-13) 6 After7p.m., shovvsare21and older only.Youngerthan21may attend screenings before 7 p.m.if accompaniedby alegalguardian.
SISTERS Sisters Movie House 720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800
LINCOLN (PG-13) Noon, 3:15, 6:30
Tin Pan Theater 869 N.W. Tin PanAlley, Bend, 541-241-2271
28 HOTELROOMS(no MPAArating) 6 STARLET (no MPAArating) 3:30, 8 TAI CHI ZERO (PG-13) 1
RISE OFTHEGUARDIANS (PG) 1:15, 3:45, 6:15 SKYFALL (PG-13) 12:15, 3:15, 6:30 THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN —PART2 (PG-13) 4, 6:45
Stadium 16 & IMAX ARGO (R) 12:40, 3:30, 6:15, 9:15 CLOUDATLAS(R) 12:20, 4:05, 7:50 FLIGHT(R) 10:40a.m., 3:10, 6:20, 9:30 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG)9:35 LIFE OF PI(PG) 12:30, 6:30 LIFE OF PI3-D (PG) 12:50, 3:25, 4:15, 7:10, 9:25, 10:05 LINCOLN (PG-13) 10:50 a.m., 12:05, 3:05, 4:25, 6:25, 7:45, 9:45 RED DAWN(PG-13) 1, 3:45, 7, 9:45 RISE OFTHEGUARDIANS (PG) 10:35 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 1:20, 1:45, 3:55, 4:35, 7:05, 7:35, 10:05 RISEOF THE GUARDIANS 3-D (PG) 10:55 a.m., 1:30, 4:40, 7:25, 10 SKYFALL(PG-13)12:15,3:35,6:45, 9:55 SKYFALLIMAX(PG-13) 10:45 a.m., 1:55, 6:35, 9:50 THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 10:30 a.m., noon, 2, 3, 4:50, 6:05, 8, 9:10 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 10:30 a.m., 1:10, 3:50, 6:50, 9:35
Pine Theater
Madras Cinema 5
1535S.W.Odem Medo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777
1101 S.W.U.S.Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505
RED DAWN(PG-13) 1:05, 3:10, 5:15, 7:20
RISE OFTHEGUARDIANS (PG) 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7, 9:15 SKYFALL (PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2:30, 5:45, 9
RISEOF THE GUARDIANS 3-D (PG) 12:20, 2:40, 5, 7:10 SKYFALL(PG-13) 12:50, 3:40, 6:30
THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 1:15, 4, 6:45, 9:30 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 11:15 a.m., 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15
THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 2:10, 4:35, 7 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 6:50
Find It All Online
McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 N.W. BondSt., Bend, 541-330-8562
at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 /MAX. • There may be an additional fee for 3-Oand IMAX films. • Movie times are subject to change after press time.
Regal Old Mill
Accessibility devices are
available for somemovies
Redmond Cinemas
680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347
RISE OF THEGUARDIANS (PG) Noon, 2:30, 5, 7:30 THE TWILIGHTSAGA:BREAKING DAWN —PART2 (UPSTAIRS — PG-13)1,4,7 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.
Fabulous Fnbio, with his gorgeous golden locks and suprsme good looks, is n 6 rienr old cnt looking for his forsvsr home. Hs wos surrendersd when his owner wos no longsr nbls to cnre tor him. Hs is a vsrri offectionote cnt who generally loves to be nround everrions nnd svsrything. If riour fnmily is looking For an awesome oll nround cnt, look no further, Fabio is hsrs!
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"In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. ISports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/BlackButte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-LaPine
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(10:Ot) 666Park Avenue(N)'PG' KATU News (11:35) Castle Dateline NBC n 'PG' « Love-Raymond K TVZ 0 I 0 O Football Night (5:20) NFLFootball GreenBay Packers at NewYork Giants (N) n (Live) « (8:40) Extra 'PG' Castle Little Girl Lost 'PG' « News Paid Program Evening News Burn Notice WantedMan'PG' 6 0 Minutes (N) n « The Amazing Race(N) 'PG' « T h e Good Wife (N) n '14' « T he Mentalist Black Cherry '14' N e ws Cold Case 'PG' KBNZ 0 9ws World News KEZI 9 News KEZI 9 News America's FunniestHomeVideos Once UponaTime(N)'PG'«Revenge Lin eage(N)'PG'« KOHD 0 0 0 O KEZI Ne (10:01) 666Park Avenue(N)'PG' KEZI 9 News Paid Program ** "Gorgeous" (2006)MicheneLaroctue, AureAtika. TheBimpsons Bob's Burgers Family Guy'14' ClevelandShow News Two/Half Men Paid Program Paid Program KFxo IDi IEI IEIIEI CSI: Miami Dissolved '14' « utdo or Idaho Eyes of the Forest Antiques Roadshow 'G' « Footsteps of St. Paul Downton Abbey Revisited 'G' « Downton Abbey Revisited 'G' « KOAB Q B Q g) Moyers & Company n 'G' « O Football Night (5:20) NFLFootball GreenBay Packers at NewYork Giants (N) n (Live) c~ Sports Sunday « Derm Exclusive! Dateline NBC(N) n ec Newsohannel 8 Chris Matthews KGW 0 'Til Death 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG' ** "Godsend" (2004) « We ThereYet? We There Yet? King of Queens Engagement Engagement S einfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' KTVZDT2tEI Q B IEI (4:30) ** "ChristmasWiththe Kranks" (2004) Cook's Country Test Kitchen The Return of Sherlock Holmes Chihuly in the Hotshop n 'G' c~ OPBPL 175 173 Undamming Moyers & Company n 'G'« Half the Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women KATU
*A8(E 130 28 18 32 Storage-Texas Storage.Texas Storage.Texas Storage-Texas Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars
(4:00) ** "Christine"(1983, Horror) ** "Land ofthe Dead" (2005, Horror) SimonBaker, JohnLeguizamo, Asia The Walking Dead HoundedMi- The Walking Dead The governor (10:01) TheWalking DeadThe gover- Talking Dead(N) Comic Book Men '14' « Keith Gordon. « Argento. Flesh-eatingzombies threaten afortified city. chonnemakesadecision. '14' seeks information. (N) '14' « nor seeksinformation. '14' (N) 'PG' Rattlesnake Republic (N) n 'PG' Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot CSI Bigfoot 'PG' Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta (10:01) TopChef: Seattle What Happens Housewives/Atl. BRAVO1 37 4 4 ** "Fireproof" (2008,Drama)Kirk Cameron, ErinBethea, Alex Kendrick. n cc CMT 190 32 42 53 (4:00) The 46th Annual CMAAwards n 'PG' cc (9:45) ** "Fireproof" (2008,Drama)Kirk Cameron, Erin Bethea. n « Steve Jobs: Billion Dollar Hippie American Greed 60 Minutes on CNBC The Costco Craze: Inside the Am e rican Greed Octaspring Ma. Dr. Perricone CNBC 54 36 40 52 Fat & Fatter CNN 55 38 35 48 CNN Presents Timeline oievents. Terror in Mumbai Terrorists stageattacks in Mumbai,India. n '14' CNN Presents Timeline oievents. Terror in Mumbat Terrorists stageattacks in Mumbai,India. n '14' CNN Presents Timeline oievents. *** "MeanGirls" (2004)LindsayLohan, RachelMcAdams. cc **"TheHouseBunny"(2008,Comedy)AnnaFaris.Premiere.« COM 135 53 13547 (4:00) ** "Lega/ly Blonde"cc (10:02) **"TheHouseBunny" (2008, Comedy)AnnaFaris. « COTV 11 (4:30) City Club of Central Oregon Talk of the Town Local issues. D e sert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Adv Journal G e t Outdoors Visions of NW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show Talk of the TownLocal issues. CSPAN 61 20 12 11 0 & A TedWidmer(N) Prime Minister Public Affairs 0 & A Ted Widmer Prime Minister Public Affairs W ashington ThisWeek *DIS 87 43 14 39 Alice-Wonder. Good-Charlie A .N.T. Farm n 'G' cc Phineas, Ferb Jessie 'G' cc Oog With a Blog Gravity Falls n A.NFR Farm 'G' Good-Charlie Dog With a Blog Shake It Up! 'G' Jessie 'G' cc A .N.T. Farm 'G' *DISC 156 21 16 37 Moonshiners0 '14' cc Alaska: The Last Frontier0 '14' Al a ska: The Last Frontier rt '14' MythBusters (N) rt 'PG' ee Mankind Rising (N)0 'PG' cc G o l d Rush The Ultimatumrt 'PG' My thBusters rr 'PG' cc *** "Ocean'sThirteen" (2007,Comedy-Drama)George Clooney, BradPitt. *E! 1 36 2 5 Ice Loves Coco ** "She'sOutoi My League"(2010)Jay Baruchel, Alice Eve. Ice Loves Coco Nicki Minai: My The Soup '14' Chelsea Lately Sportsoenter Sportsoenter (N)(Live) cc Bportsoenter (N) (Live) cc Sportsoenter cc ESPN 21 23 22 23 Sportsoenter BCS Countdown 30 for 30 College Basketball DirecTVClassic, Final: TeamsTBA(N) (Live) 2012 World Series of Poker 2012 World Series of Poker 2012 World Series of Poker 2012 World Series of Poker ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Basketball "Harvard Beats Yale29-29" « Roll Tide/War Eagle « 30 for 30 Roll Tide/War Eagle « 30 for 30 Roll Tide/tNar Eagle « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 30for30 ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsNation Sportsoenter Bportsoenter (N) (Live) « Sportsoenter (N) (Live) « H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. EBP NFC Press Pass *** "Home Alone" (1990,Comedy) MacaulayCulkin, Joe Pesci. "Home A/one:TheHoliday Heist"(2012) Malcolm McDowell.'PG' "Home Alone:TheHoliday Heist"(2012) Malcolm McDowell. 'PG' FAM 67 29 19 41 (4:00) ** "Home Alone 4" 'PG' FNC 57 61 38 50 Huckabee(N) Fox Files Fox News Reporting Huckabee Fox Files Fox NewsReporting Fox NewsSunday *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Mystery Oiners Health Inspect Diners, Drive What's on the The Next Iron Chef: Redemption Sugar Dome A Dragon'sTale (N) The Next Iron Chef: Redemption Chopped Holiday-inspired dishes. Iron Chef America *** "How toTrain your Dragon" (2010)Voices oi Jay Baruchel. *** "How toTrainyour Dragon" (2010)Voices of Jay Baruchel. FX 131 (4:00) * "Grownups" (2010) * "G rown Ups" (2010, Comedy)AdamSandler, KevinJames. HGTV 176 49 33 43 Income Prop. Income Prop. House Hunters Hunters Int'I M i l lion Dollar Rooms 'G' « Extreme Homes'G' « Property Brothers 'G' « House Hunters Renovation (N) 'G' House Hunters Renovation 'G' *HIST 155 42 41 36 How the States GotTheir Shapes Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' The Real Story of Christmas 'PG' **"Liz 8Dick"(2012)LindsayLohan. Premiere.'PG' « "Love at the ChristmasTable"(2012) Danica McKellar.'PG' « LIFE 138 39 20 31 "TheMarch Sisters at Christmas" (2012)Julie Marie Berman.'PG' (11:03) **"Liz8 Dick"'PG' MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Caught on CameraRevolution (N) Maximum Drama (N) To Catch a Predator Georgia 2 L o ckup Special Investigation Loc kup Special Investigation Loc kup Special Investigation Me e t the Press 'G' « * "TheSweetestThing" (2002)CameronDiaz, SelmaBlair. n ** "Notorious" (2009) n MTV 192 22 38 57 (3:30) *** "FreedomWriters" Teen Mom 2 n 'PG' Catfish: The TVShow n Cafftsh: The TVShow n ***"TheSpongeBob SquarePantsMovie" (2004)it « NICK 82 46 24 40 ioarly IGoodbye n 'G' cc See DadRun ** "Hotel for Dogs" (2009) EmmaRoberts, JakeT. Austin. n « Friends '14' F r i ends '14' (11:33) Friends Oprah's Next Chapter (N) n 'PG' Married to the Army: Alaska 'PG' Top 25 Best OprahShow OWN 161103 31103 Top 25Best OprahShow Top 25 Best OprahShow Top 25 Best OprahShow Top 25 Best OprahShow ROOT 20 45 28* 26 College Basketball Portland atNewMexico (N)(Live) College Basketball SanDiego State at USC(N)(Live) High School Football WIAAClass 4A, First Semifinal: Camasvs. Skyline **** "Star Wars V:TheEmpire StrikesBack" (1980,ScienceFiction) Mark Hamil, Harrison Ford,Carrie Fisher. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (4:10) **** "Star Wars iy: A NewHope" (1977) MarkHamill, Harrison Ford.n (10:50) ** "Red Dawn"(1984) *** "Indiana Jonesand theTemple oi Doom" (1984) Harrison Ford. « ** "National Treasure: Book ofSecrets" (2007) Nicolas Cage,Jon Voight. « GroundhogDay SYFY 133 35 13345 "In theNameoi the King: ADungeonSiege Tale" The Perfect Gift The Well « Oon nie McClurtdn Christmas TBN 05 60 130 Joel Osteen K e rry Shook B e tievervoice Creflo Dollar B i lly Graham Birthday Special ** "ShrektheThird" (2007, Comedy)Voicesoi Mike Myers. « 'TBS 16 27 11 28 (3:45)"TheWizardof Oz"(1939) ***%e Age"(2002) Voi cesoiRay Romano. Wedding Band (9:45) *** "Ice Age"(2002) Voices oiRayRomano. «(DVS) **"The Golden VoyageoiSinbad" (1974) John Phillip Law. The swashbuck- ** "Sinbad and theEyeofthe Tiger"(1977) Patrick Wayne.Sinbadand Movie 'PG' TCM 101 44 101 ler and ademonicsorcerer vie for atreasure. « princess rescueher brother, turnedinto baboon. « *TLC 178 34 32 34 Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Extreme Cou Sister Wives n '14' « Sister Wives (N) n '14' « Extreme CougarWives (N) '14' S i ster Wives n '14' « *** "A TimetoKil" (1996)SandraBullock. A lawyer's defenseoi a black manarouses the Klan's ire. ** "Hide and Seek"(2005) *TNT 17 26 15 27 ** "Angels & Demons" (2009) TomHanks. Robert Langdonconfronts an ancient brotherhood. *TOON 84 GrandmaGot RunOver/Reindeer ** "Diaryofa Wimpy Kid"(2010)ZacharyGordon, RobertCapron. Looney Tunes Wrld, Gumbalt The Oblongs n King of the Hill King of the Hill Cleveland Show Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Tastiest Places to Chowdown T a s tiest Places to Chowdown C h r istmas to the Extreme 'G' Chr i stmas Crazier (N) 'G' « Chri s tmas Rush (N) 'G' « Instant Christmas (N)'G' « Toy Hunter 'G' « TVLND 65 47 29 35 Hot, Cleveland Hot, Cleveland Hot, Cleveland Hot, Cleveland Hot, Cleveland Hot, Cleveland Hot, Cleveland Hot, Cleveland Hot, Cleveland Hot, Cleveland Hot, Cleveland Hap. Divorced Love-Raymond Love-Raymond ** "Shutter Island" (2010) « USA 15 30 23 30 NCISObsessionn'PG' « NCIS Spiderandthe Fly n 'PG' N C IS A girl is kidnapped. n 'PG' N CIS Broken Arrow n 'PG' « NCI S Recruited n 'PG' « NCIS n 'PG' «(DVS) VH1 191 48 37 54 Saturday Night Live in the 2000s The Women of BNL n '14' « Saturday Night Live Featuring JimmyFallon. n '14' « Saturday Night Live in the 2000s: TimeandAgain n '14' « *AMC 102 40 39
*ANPL 68 50 26 38 Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Finding Bigfoot n 'PG' «
*** "Shanghai Knights"2003Jackie Chan.n 'PG-13'« **"Robin Hood: Princeof Thieves"1991 KevinCostner. n 'PG-13' « *** "AnalyzeThis" 1999 Robert De Niro. n 'R' ENCR 106401 06401 (4:20) LonesomeDove'PG' « FXM Presents * * " Mr. & Mrs. Smith"2005, Action Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie. 'PG-13' « FXM Presents ** "Urban Legend" 1998 'R' FMC 104204104120 ** " Mrs. Smith" 2005, Action Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie. 'PG-13' « Matt Hughes A nswers The Ultimate Fighter n '14' The Ultimate Fighter n '14' UFC Unrestricted The 36hours leading up toUFC148. '14' UFC Unleashed The Ultimate Fighter n '14' FUEL 34 GOLF 28 301 27301 (3:30) European PGATour Golf DP WorldTour Championship, Final RoundFromDubai, United Arab Emirates. Golf Central G o lf Fitness G o l f Fitness G o l f Fitness G o lf Fitness G o lf Fitness I nthe Bag *** "Moonlight and Mistletoe" (2008), Tom Arnold 'PG' « "Hitched forthe Holidays" (2012) Joey Lawrence.Premiere. 'PG' *** "Annie Claus IsComing toTown" (2011) Maria Thayer.'G' HALL BB 33 175 33 (4:00)i A Princess for Christmas" ** "RedTails"2012 CubaGoodingJr., Terrence Howard. The US. military (705) ** "Knightand Day" 2010, Action TomCruise. A woman becomesthe Boardwalk Empire Gyp makeshis Treme Tipitina Davis' goodbyeto the (1115) Boardwalk Empire TwoImHBO 25501 425 forms the first alkblack aerial-combatunit. n 'PG-13' « reluctant partner oi a fugitive spy. n 'PG-13' « move in Atlantic City. (N) n 'MA' m usician's life. (N) 'MA' « postersn 'MA' « Tra p ped in the Closet 'MA' Whisker Wars Portlandia '14' ** * "Star TrekiV:TheVoyageHome" 1986, Science Fiction Wiliam Shatner. 'PG' Apocalypto 'R' I FC 105 1 0 5 Trapped in the Closet A remasterededition fromthe beginning. 'MA' *** "DieHard 2" 1990, Action BruceWilis, Bonnie Bedelia. Police hero ** " Fast Five" 2011, Action Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. DomToretto and comMAX 00508 508 (3 50) ** "Fast Five" 2011,Action Vin (6 05) ** "Unknown" 2011,SuspenseLiamNeeson, DianeKruger. An acDiesel. n 'PG-13' « cident victim finds amanusing his identity. n 'PG-13' « spots militaty terrorists at D.C.airport. n 'R' « pany ramp upthe action in Brazil. n 'PG-13' « Inside Underground Poker '14' D r ugs, Inc. HurricaneBlow'14' A l a ska State Troopers (N) '14' I n s ide Underground Poker '14' D r ugs, Inc. Hurricane Blow'14' A l aska State Troopers '14' Sex for Sale: American Escort N GC 157 1 5 7 NTOON 89 115189115 Oragonball GT Dragonbalt GT Dragonbalt GT Wild Grinders Planet Sheen Planet Sheen Robot, Monster Odd Parents S pongesob Sp ongesob Le gend-Korra Legend-Korra Dragon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor Hu n t Adventure Realtree Road Live 2 Hunt W i l dgame Ntn Ult. Adventures The Season OUTD 37 30743 307 Hunt Adventure Wildgame Ntn Realtree Road Truth Hunting Bushman Show Bone Collector Craig Morgan Red Arrow (4:05) *"TheThreeMusketeers" 2011 Untold History of the United States Dexter Argentina n 'MA' « Homeland I'll Fly Away n « Dexter Helter Skelter Dexter gains an Homeland TwoHats Saul teamsup Dexter Helter Skelter Dexter gains an S HO 0 0 50 0 rt '14' cc MatthewMacFadyen. advantage.(N) n « with Virgil andMax.(N)'MA' advantage. n « My Classic Car Car Crazy 'G' Formula One Racing Brazilian GrandPrix Test Drive Uni que Whips '14' SPEED 35 303125303 (4:00) NASCAR Sprint Cup Replay *** "2t Jump Street" 2012,ComedyJonah Hill. n 'R' « "Ghost Rider: Spirit" STARZ 00408300408 (4:05) *** "Finding Nemo"'G' (5:50) *"MyBoss's Daughter" 2003'PG-13' « (7:20) ** "Bad Teacher" 2011CameronDiaz. 'R' *"The Rich Man's Wife"1996, SuspenseHalle Berry, (11 35) ** "Drive (445) **"The Beaver"2011 Mel (615) **"The Storyofus"1999 Bruce Wi l is. A coupl e ' s marri a ge crumbles ** "Lara Croft Tomb Rai d er: The Crad/e oi Li f e" 2003Angelina Jol i e. The TMC 2 5 25 Angry" Gibson. n 'PG-13' « over the course oi 15years. n 'R' « globe-trotter battles a scientist for Pandora's box. cc ChristopherMcDonald.n 'R' « Gun It w/Spies Dangerous W o r ld Series of Fighting 1 Triathlon IronmanWorldChampionship FromKailua-Kona, Hawaii. NBCSN 27 58 30 209 CFL Football: 2012GreyCup—Stampeders vs. Argonauts *WE 143 41 174118 Bridezillas Erica tt Krystal '14' Bri dezillas KrystalGabri & elle '14' Bridezillas Gabrielle &Kym'14' B r idezillas Erica & Krystal '14' Bri dezitlas KrystalGabri & elle '14' Brideziltas Gabrielle & Kym'14' P l at. Weddings Plat. Weddings
Daughter willfully disregards mother's bequest ofjewels
ly losing my virginity? This has been bothering me lately because I have lost a lot of weight and feel better about
DEAR ABBY myself, but it still isn't happening. I used to be extremely shy, but the confidence I gained from the weight loss has helped me in talking to strangers. I don't get it. I feel like life is
playing a cruel joke on me. I feel like the only virgin in the room. Pleasegive me some advice. — Ready for More Dear Ready: Please take a moment and re-read the second sentence of your letter. If you do, you will realize that while you have lost the weight, you have not lost the anger you must have felt when, for years, you went u nnoticed. The chances of losing your virginity — and more important, having a RE L A T IONSHIP — will improve if you talk to
a psychologist. Unless you do, as smart, educated and goodlooking as you now are, the "vibe" you emit may continue to repel women. I have seen
this happen, so please give my advice serious consideration. Dear Abby: Our son a nd d aughter-in-law live ou t o f state. They have a I-year-old daughter. For their anniversary, we sent them a gift certificate saying that we would pay for a night out on the town, including a hotel of their choice in the city where they live. We offered to watch our granddaughter and their dogs while they enjoyed themselves. Their response was a resounding NO! They said that it was the most selfish gift we had ever given them because it wasn't for them; it was so we could baby-sit. What do you think? — Grandma Gayle Dear Grandma Gayie:I think their manners areatrocious. How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless child! — Write Dear Abby at or PO. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Sunday,Nov.25, 2012 By Jacqueline Bigar This year you often feel stretched to the max. Your work andyour dayto-day life habits becomeevenmore dominant. You like andhonor your routine. If you are single, you could meet someone through one of your daily activities. Someonewho might become your newsweetie will enter your life when you least expect it. If you are attached, the two of you will benefit from taking up anew mutual hobby or interest together. TAURUS wants to stay anchored, and he orshe will try to anchor you, too. The Stars Showthe Kind of DayYou'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March21-April19) ** * Be aware of your budget, especially if you feel like Santa Claus right now. You love to express your affection, and what better time than the holiday season?Youalso might choose to join a loved onefor some hot chocolate. Lose rigidity. Tonight: Your treat. TAURUS(April 20-May 20) ** * * Even though you might feel exhausted now, you'll get a burst of energy later today andfeel revitalized. A partner could be in the mood to take and not give. Avoid anargument. Just allow this person to seehow much you are doing. Tonight: All smiles. GEMINI (May 21-June20) ** * Use this day of rest as an opportunity to slow down. Perhaps you could make aChristmas list, watch a movie or do someother type of relaxing activity. A partner comes forward with a great idea. Let this person take the lead; give upthe need to be so controlling. Tonight: At home. CANCER(June21-July 22) ** * * * F ocus on your priorities, and don't let your mind spin tales about elusive situations. You might be much happier if you confront an issue sooner rather than later. A dear friend or loved one is driven and makesno secret of it. Stay easygoing. Tonight: Where the crowds are. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * Take a stand and knowwhat you want. A roommate or family member could testyour commitment. You might be compassionate atfirst, butyour irritation will increase if this person does not settle down. Youcan accomplish a lot if you are left alone. Tonight: Up late. VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22)
Pleaseemail event information to or click on "Submit an Event" at Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
Dear Abby: My d a rling mother-in-law passed away recently. She was a wonderful woman, a caring and loving role model to her children and grandchildren. In her will she left a diamond ring to her daughter, "Mimi," a diamond ring to me, and the remainder of her jewelry to her grandchildren. Her house and its contents were to be divided equally between her son and daughter. My children received a box from Mimi filled with Mom's costume jewelry. All of her expensive jewelry was missing. When I asked about the missing items, Mimi said they were in the box, and she had taken photos to prove it. My husband noticed that many v aluable items were missing from the family home as well. Recently my daughter and I ran into my sister-in-law in a restaurant and saw she was wearing one of the pieces of jewelry that had been intended for my children. When I asked Mimi to please take it off and give it to my daughter, she replied that she couldn't because she was "still grieving." Any advice on how to handle this? — Heartbroken in Washington Dear Heartbroken: What a shame. Who was the executor of y ou r m o ther-in-law's will? That person should have been overseeingthe disposition of her property, and that is the person you should contactnow to see the deceased's wishes are complied with. If Mimi WAS the executor, then your next step should be to contact an attorney. Dear Abby: I am a 25-yearold male who is still a virgin. It bugs me knowing that uglier, disgusting, less intelligent guys are having sex, while I — compassionate, smart, educated andgood-looking — am not. What am I supposed to do? What is the secret to final-
** * * * Y our love of music emerges, whether you're at church or just driving. Put on afavorite carol or two. You might feel weighed down by everything you need to get done. Listen to news with a grain of salt. Everything can changequickly. Tonight: Choosesome mindcandy. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * Deal with one person at a time. Youcouldbetakenabackby whatsomeone demandsandby upcoming expenditures. A situation does not need to evolve into a power play. Yousim plycansay "no." Tonight: Dinner for two. SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * * * O t hers have much to share. They might not agreewith you oryour opinions. Don't make this a big deal. Pressure builds around a situation you don't want to be involved in, and the commotion is making it worse. Tonight: Let someone else handle the tension. SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ** * Stop pushing boundariesboth your own and others', otherwise, people's good will easily could change to frustration. If you're feeling out of sorts, confront the issue rather than letyourself act out. Tonight: Make it easy. CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan.19) ** * * * A l lowyour creativityto emerge. Understanding will evolve to a new level if you listen to afriend or loved one vent. Keep in mind that this, too, will pass. Useyour high energy to pitch in on aproject. Realize that several people are involved, so make sure you listen to their suggestions. Tonight: Feeling earthy, are we? AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb.18) ** * * You are coming from a place of relaxation. You could feel out of sorts because of afamily member. Use care whenexpressing your emotions. Recognize thatyou may need to verbalize howyou're feeling in several different ways in order to have your words heard. Tonight: Happy close to home. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ** * * Speak your mind and understand what is happening onthe receiving end. Isthisthe reaction you desire? Realize that you cannot control this person, and thatyoumight need to makesure your response is more appropriate. Tonight: Hang out. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate
GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free;1-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes© "AN EVENINGWITH EBENEZER":Sunriver Stars Community Theater presents a reader's theater adaptation of the Charles Dickens classic, "A Christmas Carol"; $5 adults, $3 chidren and seniors; 2 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road; dramama@ or www.
MONDAY PUNCHBROTHERS:The bluegrass fusion group performs; $25-$50 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-3170700 or Ken Howard /Metropolitan Opera via The Associated Press
TUESDAY CONVERSATIONSON BOOKS AND CULTURE:Read and discuss "Ceremony" by Leslie Marmon Silko; followed by a discussion; free; 4-5 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Campus Center, 2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend; 54 I-383-3782. "BRINGOUT YOUR DEAD!" LECTURESERIES:Featuring a presentation on "Vampires and the People Who Love Them"; free; 5:30-6:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend; 54 I-383-7786. HISTORYPUB:A presentation by author and historian Steve Lent on the pictorial history of Madras; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.
WEDNESDAY GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-6 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or KNOW HUMOR:THE FUN 5 ART OFIMPROV COMEDY: Learn about improvisational comedy from the local improv troupe Triage; free; 6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-312-1032 or www. "GREENFIRE— ALDO LEOPOLDANDA LANDETHIC FOR OUR TIME": A screening of the documentary about the conservationist Aldo Leopold; free; 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend;541728-3812 or "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: THE TEMPEST":Starring Audrey Luna and Isabel Leonard in an encore performance of Shakespeare's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted in high definition; $18; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "A Visit from the Goon Squad" by Jennifer Egan; free; 6:30 p.m.; Sisters Public Library,110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1074 or www.
THURSDAY GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-6 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or "EDGE OFAMERICA": A screening of the 2003 New Mexico film about a girls' high school basketball team, based on a true story; free; 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Boyle Education Center, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-383-3782. "AS YOULIKEIT": The La Pine High School drama department presents a play by William Shakespeare; $5, $4 students and seniors, $1 off with donations of nonperishable food; 7 p.m.; La Pine High School, 51633 Coach Road; 541-355-8400. MONOPHONICS:The San Francisco-based funk-rock band performs; free; 7 p.m.;
Lucy Crowe, as Servilia, and Kate Lindsey, as Annino,practice during a dress rehearsal of Mozart's "La Clemenza di Tito" at the Metropolitan Opera in New York. The opera will be transmitted live in high definition at 9:55 a.m. Saturday at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX. McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. AWNATEIXEIRA:The Canadian singer-songwriter performs; $5; 9 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www.
FRIDAY GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes© BEND HOLIDAYTREELIGHTING: With carolers, live music and dance, with Santa; 6 p.m.; corner of Wall Streetand Newport Avenue; www.downtownbend. org/holiday-tree-lighting. "HOW DIDWE GET HERE?" LECTURESERIES: Dennis Jenkins talks about "Oregon's Earliest Inhabitants; Archaeological Investigations at the Paisley Caves"; $10, $8 Sunriver Nature Center members, $3 students, $50 for series; 6:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-593-4394. "AS YOULIKEIT": The La Pine High School drama department presents a play by William Shakespeare; $5, $4 students and seniors, $1 off with donations of nonperishable food; 7 p.m.; La Pine High School, 51633 Coach Road;541-355-8400. FRIDAYNIGHTLIVE: The Crook County High School drama department hosts a variety show featuring improv games, comedy sketches, short films and more; donationsaccepted;7 p.m.; Crook County High School, Eugene Southwell Auditorium, 1100 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-4 I6-6900.
SATURDAY VFW BREAKFAST: Community Christmas buffet breakfast; $8.50, $7.50 seniors and children ages12 and younger; 8:30-11 a.m.; VFW Hall,1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775.
"THE METROPOLITANOPERA: LA CLEMENZADlTITO": Starring Lucy Crowe, Barbara Frittoli and Elina Garanca in a presentation of Mozart's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. FESTIVAL OF TREES: The 29th annual event showcases decorated Christmas trees; with live music, atree auction, visits with Santa, children's games and more; proceeds benefit the Hospice of Redmond; free daytime family festivities, $40 evening event; 10 a.m.-2 p.m. family festivities, 5 p.m. eveninggala;DeschutesCounty Fair 8 Expo Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; 541-5487483 or www.redmondhospice. org/festival-of-trees. HOLIDAYBOOKSALE: The Friends of the Bend Public Libraries hosts a sale featuring books, CDs, audio books and more; free admission; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Deschutes Library Administration Building, 507 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-389-1622. CROOKED RIVERRANCH OLDE FASHIONEDCHRISTMAS CELEBRATION:Includes visits with Santa, a parade, an illumination of the ranch Christmas tree and more; free;11 a.m.,3:30 p.m. parade; Crooked River Ranch Administration Building, 5195 S.W. Clubhouse Drive; 541-548-8939. JINGLEBELL RUN/WALK FOR ARTHRITIS:Runners and walkers don holiday costumes for these 5K and fun-run races; proceeds benefit the Arthritis Foundation; $25, $15 ages12 and younger; 9:30 a.m. registration, 11 a.m. awards, 11:30 a.m. races start; downtown Bend; 888-845-5695 or www. BEND CHRISTMASPARADE: Parade theme is "A Picture Perfect Christmas"; free; noon; downtown Bend; 541-388-3879. GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 1-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes© HOEDOWNFORHUNGER: Featuring performances by more than 20 bands and a chili feed; proceeds benefit the center's Feed the Hungry
Program; $20, $10 students, seniors and children ages 16 and younger; 1-9 p.m.; Bend's Community Center, 1036 N.E. Fifth St.; 541-312-2069 or www.bendscommunitycentenorg. "THE NUTCRACKER": The Central Oregon School of Ballet performs the classic dance; $17 in advance or $20 at the door; $6 ages12 and younger in advance or $7at the door; 3 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E Sixth St.; 541-362-6004 or www. A NOVELIDEAUNVEILED:Witness the unveiling of the bookselection for this year's A Novel Idea .. Read Together program; free; 6-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or A VERYLAMBCHOPHOLIDAY: A holiday celebration featuring Shari Lewis' daughter, Mallory Lewis, with Charlie Horse, HushPuppyand Lamb Chop; $12, $8children12 and younger, plus fees; 6 p.m.;Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541317-0700 or HOSPICECHRISTMAS AUCTION: An auction with dinner and a raffle; proceeds benefit Pioneer Memorial Hospice; $5; 6 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, Carey Foster Hall, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-2510. POKER TOURNAMENT ANDFAMILY BINGO NIGHT:Proceeds benefit the Sunriver Community Christmas Basket Program; free admission; 6-9 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road; 541-593-1978. "AS YOULIKEIT": The La Pine High School drama department presents a play by William Shakespeare; $5, $4 students and seniors, $1 off with donations of nonperishable food; 7 p.m.; La Pine High School, 51633 Coach Road;541-355-8400. "THE NUTCRACKER": The Central Oregon School of Ballet performs the classic dance; $17 in advance or $20 at the door; $6 ages12 and younger in advance or $7 at the door; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-362-6004 or www. KEITHGREENINGER AND DAYAN KAI:The folk musicians perform; $15-$20 suggested donation; 7 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; The Barn in Sisters, 68467 Three Creeks Road; 775-233-1433 or dooleysbarn©
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Continued from C1 He has a dual cultural connection to the ukulele: Before being popularized in Hawaii in the 1800s, ukuleles came from Portugal. Visitors can hear him play one of his instruments at a local cafe or a gallery opening. Make an appointment to visit his workshop and he might show off his pride and joy, a koa-wood guitar with an inlaid maile-vine lei of New Zealand abalone braided up the neck. When I visited he showed how he assembles abass ukulele, his own invention (see this story online for video). His instruments can be found in the hands of musicians from Tokyo to New York. At the head of each guitar he builds, Gomes carves a deep notch, a little trademark representing the Kohala valleys he loves.
Hear and seethe work of North Kohala musicians and artists at these Big
Island locations: • David Gomesplays classical guitar most Sundays at the Lighthouse Delicatessen (www.lighthousedeli. in the Kohala Trade Center, Hawi. To arrange a visit to his workshop: www. • Matthew and Rosalind
Kupuka'a perform for free
5-6 p.m. most Saturdays at the Queens' MarketPlace
and 4:30-6:30 p.m. most Thursdays at the Hilton
Grand Vacations Kings Land time-share, both part
of the Big Island's Waikoloa Beach Resort: www. • See the work of wood sculptor Greg Pontius at Isaacs Art Center
Before saying goodbye, he takes me on a quick hike down into Pololu Valley, where we find the last decaying remains of a World War II landing craft just off the beach, and an ancient burial ground from a
long-ago village.
in Waimea (www. or Waves pound the beach at Pololu Valley,as seen from the trail at road's end on Hawaii's Big Island.
As we hike back up the welltrodden trail, Gomes points at a distant ridge on the valley's far side. "See that lone pine? That's where there was a still back in the Prohibition era ... They made okolehao moonshine, from ti leaf root. And the high trees on the ridge there'? That's Awini, where Kamehameha was taken as a baby when fleeing the chiefs."
North Kohala wood sculptor Greg Pontius, a Washington native, looks over one of his works of art, a green sea turtle. It's carved in milo, a Hawaiian hardwood. His artistic visions come from real experiences, of marine life he's seen while diving or kayaking.
A musical melting pot In North Kohala, Hawaiian history can crop up on every horizon. Hawaii is known as the Pacific melting pot, with several musical traditions evolving from other cultures. One is the falsetto style of singing once heard at every luau. " My u nderstanding i s i t came from vaqueros and the cowboy yodeling tradition, but the Hawaiians took that and tweaked it and made it something very sweet," says Matthew Kupuka'a, a falsetto singer and guitarist who performs with his w i fe, hula dancer, singer and ukulele player Rosalind Kupuka'a. They come from native Hawaiian families and grew up as friends in the North Kohala village of Niulii, where they still live. Vaqueros were M e x ican cowboys brought to the Big Island in the 1800s to help manage cattle that were a gift to Kamehameha from explorer Capt. George Vancouver. As a young singer, Matthew was mentored by a neighbor, the late Clyde "Kindy" Sproat, a famed Hawaiian f alsetto singer honored in 1988 with a National Heritage Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. " We'd go t o s in g a t h i s place for a couple hours, and it would end up four or five hours," Matthew recalls of his youth, in a time and place where if kids misbehaved in town "our parents or grandparents would know before we got home!" "I asked him how it comes so naturally that he can sing like that," Rosalind tells me. "And he told the story of when we were young kids and climbing on vines and he said he wanted to try to be Tarzan."
the L. Zeidman Gallery in Hawi. His website:
Photos by Brian J. Cantwett /Seattle Times
Today, their music regularly entertains visitors at the Big Island's Waikoloa Beach Resort, a 45-minute drive south of Hawi. But mostly the couple, now grandparents, trill songs such as "Magic Island" at small community events around North Kohala. "For us it's passionate, because it's about us and our heritage," Rosalind says. "It's not a show; it's a life story — of our upbringing, the kind of songs that were in our upbringing."
justcompleted of a green seaturtle in a swimming pose. His artistic visions come from real experiences, of marine life he's • John Keaweperforms
Husband and wife Matthew and Rosalind Kupuka'a play for a visitor to the North Kohala village of Niulii, where they grew up. key guitar, another Hawaiian music style that evolved from the time of the vaqueros, who brought guitars t o H a w aii. Keawe, who has recorded 10 CDs and has toured the United States, contributed to a collection of slack-key music that won a Grammy in 2005. With tuning adapted to the rhythms of Hawaiian dancing and the structures of Hawaiian music, slack-key delivers a warm and lilting sound. I first hear Keawe during his weekly performance at a shopping plaza at the Waikoloa Beach Resort. A s i lver mane of hair and salty beard frame his w a lnut-tan face, pinched in concentration as he
for free 7-8 p.m. most
Tuesdays at Kings' Shops mall at Waikoloa Beach Resort: www. waikoloabeachresort.
com. His website: www. • More information: See or
plays beneath a grass roof in a courtyard between Tiffany's and Crazy Shirts. His lyrics
roofed cabin where he grew up, which he has preserved along with the ti leaf and hiare simple ("the grass is green, biscus garden his late mother the beaches clean"); it's the planted, so Keawe isn't far rich, twangy guitar that aston- from hismodest roots. ishes. From one instrument, Though visits to the fancy he seems to coax the music of resort help pay the bills, he a small orchestra. i ntimates that he's just a s Keawe tells a gathering of happy that most tourists stay tourists about the origins of at the beaches farther south. slack-key, or what locals call "North Kohala is still a beauti"taro-patch tuning," w h i ch ful place, it still has no traffic he demonstrates when I visit lights, you don't have to stop h im at h i s m o d ern h o me and wait — I hope that never high on a slope above Hawi. changes." It's a happy seclusion. But The view is of Maui's peak, Haleakala, beyond corduroy- occasionally a lucky traveler, ridged waves. m aybe thanks to a w r o n g Right next to the house he t urn, gets to s hare i n t h e built in 2000 is the simple tin- inspiration.
seen while diving or kayaking.
He recounts an early experience in his artistic career. "We were a mile or so offshore in a kayak and a humpback whale came up r i ght beside us, and it was so inspiring, we chased that humpback for an hour or so!" From that, he started one of his first wood projects. H e r a rely b u y s wo o d . Carving out a living Around Kohala and the Big IsWood sculptor Greg Pontius land he can find fallen logs or was born in Seattle and grew driftwood for his art. A chunk up in E astern Washington. from the dusty woodpile outBut he's lived in North Kohala side his workshop can become long enough to raise a 15-year- a thing of beauty. "One of my jobs is to help old son who gives a sweet Hawaiian-style hug when intropeople see," Pontius says. duced to a female visitor from "That's what artists do — I the mainland. help people get the same joy Pontius and his family live andfulfillmentlget. Andturnon the edge of Halawa Gulch, ing nothing into something is one of many little streambed a wonderful thing." ravines the road elbows its way around on its way to Po- A happy seclusion lolu. Each gulch is an organic That the community and riot of b anana trees, giant beauty of the place inspired ferns, palms, breadfruit and John Keawe, a born-and-bred more. From his home's sec- Kohala musician, is plain in ond-story deck, Pontius can the name of the first song he pluck papayas. ever wrote: "Kohala, I Love He shows me a gleaming You." native-wood sculpture h e 's Keawe is a talent in slack-
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o owin eroLiac's oo s e s o esoa ion ea By Ethan Todras-Whitehill
A mile-long climb up a ridge to Desolation Peak reveals views of Ross Lake and Jack Mountain. Hikers can pay for a boat ride across the lake to the trailhead or take a longer route in from the highway.
New York Times News Service
I passed through a stand of fir and out onto the bare ridge, and there it was: the squat white structure where Jack Kerouac spent 63 days as a fire lookout in the summer of 1956. I had assumed that the Desolation Peak l o okout w ould be empty, a silent monument to the Voice of the Beat Generation. But the shutters were propped open on all four sides, the door was ajar, and inside a small, seated silhouette was visible against the hazy lateafternoon sky.
I grew giddy as the figure stood and came into the d oorway. Surely t h i s w a s Kerouac's spiritual b r other, a man uniquely qualified to speak about the solitary days and nights that inspired major portions of " D esolation Angels," "The Dharma Bums" and "Lonesome Traveler." A compact man with dark hair, he introduced himself as Daniel Otero, a Marine reservist who had served two tours of duty in Iraq. Kerouac, I remembered, was 34 during his time on Desolation Peak and did stints in the Navy and the merchant marine. Otero, who hadbeenup there all summer and was leaving in only a few days, invited me into the shack, which felt like the cabin of a ship with its desk, kitchen, bed and astrolabe-like fire-finder tool all s queezed into the single, tiny room. My eyes latched ontothe corner bookshelf lined with Kerouac paperbacks. We made small talk for a few minutes before I finally asked about Otero's famous predecessor. He took a deep breath, obviously having gotten the question before. "I tried, but ..." he said, gesturing toward the books. Those books, I now realized, did not belong to Kerouac's spiritual brother. They l o oked n ew, untouched, as if they had just come out ofan Amazon box. "Me and that guy just don't see eye-to-eye." I knew exactly how he felt. For my college graduation, my uncle gave me acopy of "On the Road" with the heartfelt wish that I would find it as lifechanging as he had. I was a likely candidate to do so: avid traveler, a student of English and political science in college and, later, a writer. Instead, I found Kerouac's "masterpiece" rambling and frivolous; it took me two years to get through it. But Kerouac's hold on the public imagination has only seemed to grow in my lifetime. Two new film versions of his books are due soon, including one of "On the Road" with Kristen Stewart on Dec. 21 and another of "Big Sur," with Josh Lucas and K ate Bosworth, which does not currently have a release date.
Taking the long way When I moved to Seattle last year, I started hearing about Desolation Peak. Ten years older than the last time I read him, I decided to give Kerouac's "spontaneous prose" another shot; I picked up a biography and the relevant novels, organized a few friends for a fall weekend and set out for the North Cascades. T he nice part a bout t h e Desolation Peak hike is that it can be as easy or as hard as you please. The trailhead is aboutthree hours from Seattle, and day hikers can pay for a boat ride up Ross Lake to the base of the mountain from Ross Lake Resorts; the lake-
Photos by Ethan Tedras-Whttehill / New York Times News Service
A hiker looks out at Hozomeen Mountain from Desolation Peak in Washington's North Cascades, where Jack Kerouac spent a summer as a fire lookout in 1956. "Hozomeen, Hozomeen, most beautiful mountain I ever seen," Kerouac wrote. side camp at nearby Lightning Creek offers the option to tack on a night in the wilderness. But for those looking to sleep atop Kerouac's mountain, as we planned to do, the price of admission is steep: a 3,500foot climb carrying all the water you will need for the next day (not to mention camping gear), as Desolation Peak is bone-dry once the snowfields melt in August. And although Kerouac himself got boat rides both ways, my wife, buddies and I opted to go farther and hike in from the highway, taking the boat only on the return trip. After all, Kerouac had two months in the northwestern woods; even with the extra mileage (almost 30 for the whole trip) we would have only three days. The first day we hiked 16 miles acrossslopes of sword
olation Camp, one mile down the ridge from the summit with many of the same views. I can't blame them; with the extra water our packs weighed over 40 pounds. But the reward was having Kerouac's mountain to ourselves. I especially couldn't wait to see Hozomeen, theunbelievably symmetrical, four-peaked prominence to the north. "Hozomeen, H ozomeen, m o st b eautiful m ountain I e v e r seen," Kerouac wrote. The peak was his constant c ompanion, his f r iend a nd tormentor. "Stark naked rock, pinnacles and thousand feet h igh protruding f r o m i m mense timbered shoulders... awful vaulty blue smokebody rock." The milelong climb up the ridge brought ever grander views of fjord-like Ross Lake ferns and O regon grape and moody Jack Mountain shrubs, stopping occasionally 7,000feetabove. At a coupleof to peer into the clear depths points, snatches of Hozomeen of Ross Lake, whose con- were visible, but it wasn't until tours we followed. But pretty we were in calling distance of views don't make 16 miles any the lookout tower that we felt shorter, and we stumbled into the mountain's full impact. It wasn't much for elevation at Lightning Creek Camp with feet in full rebellion. 8,071 feet — only 2,000 above Many people forget that the Desolation — but, oh my, Hopublication of "On the Road" zomeen wasn't human-lookin 1957 came almost a decade ing, but r a ther m onstrous. after the events that inspired Kerouac frequently connected it. In the summer of 1956, Ker- it to the Abominable Snowouac was still an anonymous man, but to me it looked like wandering soul looking for the back of some Cascadian truth in A m erica's boxcars, dragon, wings folded as it bars and w ildernesses. Na- waited until night to hunt. ture as a subject was new to him, having been introduced AKerouacconvett to hiking and the mountains U p at the peak, as I d eby his brief but intense friend- scribed earlier, I met Otero. ship with the Buddhist poet Like most fire lookouts — KerGary Snyder, an experience ouac included — Otero had litrecounted in " Th e D harma tle to do up there but watch for Bums." Snyder was a Pacific fires, sleep and read. While he Northwest native who himself was indifferent to Kerouac, he had twice been a fire lookout was pretty enthusiastic about in the Cascades; it was he who visitors who had climbed his suggested the Desolation post- peak because of the writer. ing to Kerouac. All of his Kerouac books were Kerouac arrived at the base gifts from hikers; other hikerof Desolation by boat on a wet pilgrims would slip poemsJuly morning and r ode up Kerouac's or their own — bethe mountain in his poncho, tween the pages when Otero a "shroudy monk on a horse" wasn't looking. There was no with mules carrying the sup- explicit record of Kerouac in plies. For our hike, we were the shack, formal or informal, the mules. Although hundreds but Otero showed me Air Force of people a day hike up Deso- forms ofthe sort described in lation Peak every summer, ac- "Desolation A n gels," g iven cording to Otero, fewer than a to Kerouac torecord aircraft half dozen groups stay at Des- s ightings, but used b y t h e rs
ouac's time on the mountain was a literal and figurative apex for him, his last truthseeking adventure before he was transformed bythe hostile media into first a caricature of himself, and later a shadow.
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beginning of his end. Ker-
our sleeping bags. As the night was fine, we slept in the open beneath a black blanket of sky pierced with winking stars. When I started planning this trip, I had imagined this night as my last chance to "get" the Beat writer. But in reality, I w as already a K erouac convert. Not to his writing — the guy needed an editor after Desolation Peak possibly more than he needed a bath — but to the story of his life, as recounted
Road" — ostensibly his greatest triumph, but in reality the
C elebrity
writer to roll cigarettes. If I wanted to get in touch with Kerouac'sspirit,he suggested, "You could stand on your head and look at Hozomeen. Lots of people do that." After talking with Otero for a while, we drifted down the north face to soak in the slanted rays cut for us by peaks with names like Prophet, Redoubt and Terror. Taking full advantage of our nearby camp, we stayed up on the mountaintop until almost dark, drinking in one of Desolation's "mad raging sunsets pouring in sea foams of cloud through unimaginable crags like the crags you grayly drew in pencil as a child, with every rose-tint of hope beyond" ("Lonesome Traveler"). We hustled down the ridge in the windy dusk and zipped into
in Dennis McNally's biography and other places. It reads like a classical tragedy, or at least a h i gh-minded Hollyw ood screenplay: a sensitive young man seeks truth in order to change his world; he doesn't find that truth, not in any real, sustained way, but his quest makes him famous and inspires a generation to follow in his footsteps, even as he cannot cope with his fame and drinks himself to death. Three months after Kerouac came down from Desolation he learned that Viking would finally publish "On the
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Milestones guidelines and forms are available at The Bulletin, or send a stamped, self-addressed envelope to: Milestones, The Bulletin, PO. Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708. To ensure timely publication, The Bulletin requests that notice forms and photos be submitted within one month of the celebration.
Ally Kooistra and Taylor Bement.
Kooistra —Bement Ally Kooistra and Taylor Bement, both of Bend, were married Aug. 18 at Mountain Top Ranch in Tumalo. The bride is the daughter of Greg and Angie Kooistra, of Bend. She is a 2008 graduate of Mountain View High School and studied early childhood education at Central Oregon
Community College. She works as a team lead manager at Mid Oregon Credit Union in Bend. The groomisthe son of Spike and Rita Bement, of Bend. He is a 2006 graduate of Mountain View High School. He works as a lab technician at Carlson Testing in Bend. The couple honeymooned on the Oregon Coast. They will settle in Bend.
Russ and Sonia (Lagramada) Haupt.
Doug and Kathy (Ewing) Korne.
Russ and Sonia (Lagramada) Haupt, of Bend, will celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary Nov. 27. The couple were married Nov. 27, 1982, in a military
wedding in San Diego. They both retired from Beaver Coaches in 2006. Mr. Haupt served in the United States Navy for 25 years; he retired as a master chief. Mr.
Haupt is a member of VFW, Moose, American Legion and Disabled American Veterans; Mrs. Haupt is a member of the auxiliary divisions of the organizations. Mr. Haupt is also a member of Vietnam Veterans of America. They enjoy traveling in their RV and also to the Philippines. Mr. Haupt was born and raised in C entral Oregon; Mrs. Haupt has lived in CentralOregon for28 years.
Doug and Kathy (Ewing) Korne, of Bend, celebrated their 35th wedding anniversary with a trip to Hawaii. T he couple w ere m a r ried Nov. 19, 1977, at John Knox Presbyterian Church in Tulsa, Okla. They have two children, Jennifer (and
Troy) Marcoe, of Happy Valley, and Megan (and Dan) Desmarteau, of Bend; and
three grandchildren. M r. Korne works in t h e construction industry. He is attending OS U - Cascades. Mrs. Korne has worked as a phlebotomist at St. Charles Bend for 27 years. They enjoy outdoor recreation, gardening and volunteering with Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation, NeighborImpact and Nomad Charities. They have lived in Central Oregon for 30 years.
BIRTHS Delivered at St. Gharles Bend Dave and Jill McKae,a boy, Charles David McKae,10 pounds, 1.4 ounces, Nov. 16. Scott Chain andEmily Phillips, a girl, Penelope Rose Chain, 6 pounds, 13 ounces, Nov. 15.
Delivered at St. Gharles Redmond
Jennifer Krall,a boy, Ezra William Krall, 8 pounds, 14 ounces, Nov. 7. Luis Barrios and Alda Calderon, a girl, Kenia Isabelle Barrios Calderon, 8 pounds, 12 ounces, Nov. 15.
Wedding tradeexpects
agay-marriageboost By Clarke Canfield
economy by $25 million and create up to 250 new jobs in PORTLAND, Maine — In the coming three years, said the weeks since Maine vot- Lee Badgett, research director ers approved a law allowing at the Williams Institute and same-sex marriage, Clay Hill an economicsprofessor at the Farm has been getting phone University of Massachusetts. calls and emails from g ay A Portland, Maine, man couples inquiring about open has launched what he's calling dates and wedding packages the first online wedding diat the restaurant and wildlife rectory, www.gayweddingsin sanctuary, a popular wedding, connecting samespotin York. sex couples with gay-friendly The law won't go into effect businesses. for more than a month, but already couples from in and Tourism out of state have called, said Other states that have legalJennifer Lewis-McShera, who ized gay marriage have beneheads the wedding depart- fited economically as a result. ment there. Same-sex marriage is legal in Clay Hill Farm puts on doz- Connecticut, Iowa, Massachuens ofwedding ceremonies a setts, New Hampshire, New year, as well as receptions and York, Vermont and the Disrehearsal dinners, and pro- trict of Columbia. vides catering services to wedVermont and Massachusetts ding parties at other locations. now include sections on their Legalizing same-sex marriage state tourism websites that incan only help, Lewis-McShera clude information about gay said. "It will increase business marriage. Even honeymoon in this area because we'll at- capital Niagara Falls has gottract more couples from Bos- ten a lift from same-sex wedton and the New York metro- dings and honeymoons. politan area who now can have Cindy S p r ou l co - o w ns the wedding of their dreams in North Carolina-based RainMaine," she said. "This puts bow Wedding Network, which Maine onthe map." produces gay and lesbian wedAdd the coast of Maine, the ding expos in Seattle and other banks of the Chesapeake Bay cities. Just since the election, and the shores of Seattle's she's seen a 30 to 40 percent inLake Washington to gay wed- crease in companies wanting ding destinations. Through to advertise with the company January, laws go into effect in in Washington state. ThouMaine, Maryland and Wash- sands of i n -state residents, ington state that allow same- as well as those from nearby sex marriage. They're the first states that haven't legalized states where voters approved gay marriage, are expected to such laws, rather than legisla- exchange vows in Washington tors or courts. in the coming years. "There are a lot of couples 18,000 more nuptials that will cross state lines to Nearly 1 8,000 s a me-sex get married. Maybe they want couples in those states will ex- to make a long weekend of it," change vows in the first three Sproul said. "I imagine there years after the new laws are will be couples from Oregon in effect, according to esti- who will come up." mates from the Williams InIn Maine, Pam Remy and stitute, a national think tank her partner of 13 years, Karen at the UCLA School of Law. Weiss, have just begun to plan The laws should generate at for a late summer or early fall least $166 million in wedding wedding. They're looking into spending in the three states pastoral settings in southern overthe next three years from Maine to host the wedding in-state couples alone, boost- and are hoping to have up to ing tax revenues. 200 guests. The to-do list is W edding-related spe n d - the same that many couples ing for i n -state couples is face when planning a wedprojected to be about $16 mil- ding: find a venue, print invilion in Maine, $63 million in tations, hire a photographer Maryland and $89 million in and arrange for food and enWashington. tertainment. Remy, 44, says The numbers go up when they have to find a place soon figuring in out-of-staters who because venues are b e ing travel to those states to be wed. booked quickly. "I imagine In Maine, for i nstance, the this wedding will be the whole new law could boost the state shebang," Remy said. The Associated Press
Greg and Trixie (Bryant) Franklin.
Ted and Glenda Curtice.
Brooks-Scanlon and Western Roller Corp. until his reGreg and Trixie (Bryant) tirement in 2009. He served Franklin, of Bend, will cel- as president of Pacific Lumebrate their 30th wedding ber Exporters Association a nniversary with a t rip t o from 1996-98. Mrs. Franklin Florida in January. worked as the director of the The couple were married Deschutes County CommuNov. 26, 1982, in Bend. They nity Development Departhave four children, Travis ment until her retirement in Shore and Kevin Shore, both 1994. She has volunteered of Portland, Ryan, of Bend, with the Assistance League and April Bex, of Hillsboro; of Bend. and six grandchildren. Mr. Franklin has lived in M r. F r a n k li n wo r k e d CentralOregon for40 years, as the sales manager for Mrs. Franklin for 43 years.
Mr. Curtice worked in the air conditioning/refrigeration Ted and Glenda Curtice, field until his retirement from of Redmond, will celebrate King Meat in Hawaii in 1999. their 50th wedding anniver- He enjoys shuffleboard. Mrs. sary Dec. 1. C urtice worked fo r L o n g The couple were married Beach Unified School DisDec. I, 1962. They have three trict for 17 years and retired children, Greg, of Anaheim, in 1998. She enjoys spending Calif., Tracy, of Redmond, time with family. and Ted, of T r i nity, Fla.; They have lived in Ceneight grandchildren; and two tral Oregon for more than 10 great-grandchildren. years.
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Rocky and Julie (Cook) Childress.
Childress Rocky and Julie (Cook) Childress, of Bend, will celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary in January with a Caribbean cruise. The couple were married Nov. 27, 1982, in Santa Rosa, Calif. They have two children, Cameron and Hailie, both of Bend. Mr. Childress is a retired professional baseball pitcher. He played from 1985-88 for the Philadelphia Phillies and Houston A stros a nd
The Bulletin
is a member of the Major League Baseball P l ayers A lumni A s sociation. T h e couple have co-owned Sunset Plumbing for 15 years. M r. C h i l d ress e n j o y s
hunting and golfing. Mrs.
C hildress e njoys h i k i n g a nd kayaking. She i s a member of PEO Sisterhood and volunteers for Habitat for Humanity. They both
enjoy snowboarding and spending time w it h t h e ir family. They have lived in Central Oregon for 21 years.
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Reduce holidaystress:Plan ahead, focuson m emories
by DavidL.Hoyt and JeffKnurek
co mpletegrithe d
Unscramble these six Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form six ordinary words.
so that every row, column and3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.
I can'i believe he wins every tlme. Well, rolt ' v wheh don't lcoh for a lcll, 'rcn hava eIcl of time to stretch.
02012 ynbvne MeCkaSer ces. Inc
Aa Rt hts nesewed
By Helena Oliviero The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
ATLANTA — For Michael Flanigan, the holidays overflow with sweetness — pies, cakes and warm family time. He revels in decorating the Christmas tree with Nat King C ole crooning softly in t h e
'C-~ 25
Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.
background, whipping up a sweet potato pie, playing football on T h anksgiving w ith cousins. Still, as a n e n trepreneur of a startup company mak-
ing personalized gifts — this time of year can get extremely busy, and with that comes a certain level of stress. While the holidays are a wonderful time for enjoying holiday rituals, it's inevitable that crowded malls, w orsening traffic and too many events in too little time will wear on us. Flanigan, 25, mostly takes the holiday stress in stride. He tries not to fret about getting the perfect gift, and he's learned it's OK to say no to holiday parties to avoid getting overbooked. "When things get r e ally rough, I breathe and meditate and count my blessings, and I'm usually OK , n Flanigan sard. Experts believe planning and adjusting expectationsas well as taking deep breaths
— can go a long way in minimizing stress this time of year. " There are t h e commercials, and it's so hyped up
Akron (Ohio) Beacon Journal
This year Thanksgiving fell on the earliest date possible, Nov. 22. That means many people will be decorating their homes for C h ristmas even earlier than usual. The extra-long Christmas season isn't n ecessarily a problem for folks who prefer realtrees, provided they choose a fresh tree and care for it properly, say Eric McConnell and D avid A p sley of the Ohio State University extension. In general, a fresh-cut tree should last through the holidays with good care — even o ne t h at' s d e c orated o n
Thanksgiving, said Apsley, a natural resources specialist with th e e xtension and the operator of a tree farm in Jackson County, Ohio. Nevertheless, he said so many variables affect a tree's ability to stay fresh that it's impossible to say how long a tree can be
displayed safely. For one thing, you can't a lways k n o w h o w f re s h your tree is when you buy it. A tree on a lot might have been harvested locally a day or two ago, or it might have been cut a few weeks earlier and trucked f ro m a n other state, said McConnell, a forest product specialist with the extension. Apsley said he drove through the North Carolina mountains last year
Phil Skinner / Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Expressionary President William Mehserle Jr.,left, and Vice President Michael Flanigan look over one of their customized dictionaries at their Norcross, Ga., office. Flanigan, 25, says he mostly takes holiday stress in stride. that it should just be perfect. And that is a very unrealistic expectation," said Dr. Pamela Everett Thompson, an Atlanta
a soapbox, the daughter can pleasantly smile and say, 'I wish I could help, but I can't.'" Kathleen Hall, founder and psychologist. CEO of the Stress Institute Thompson said family dy- based in Atlanta, said if people namics also can be tricky, with are feeling low, they should some revertingto oldbehaviors consider switching things up. when they go home. That said, She suggested volunteering or every year provides a new op- starting a new holiday tradiportunity to break away from tion by going on a trip or decoold patterns, she said. rating in a new way. "For instance, there's the Thompson said it's impordaughter who h a s w o r ked tant to remember what makes extra jobs to help her mother this time of year so special, maintain a c ertain l ifestyle even magical,rarely comes in and the moment she walks a box with a bow. It's the meminto the house, the mom is talk- ories — decorating the Christing about how she needs new mas tree, lighting Hanukkah curtains .... Instead of getting candles, singing songs around into an argument or getting on the fireplace.
a nd saw t r ees being h a rvested the first weekend of November. Even an early harvest may not be a problem if the tree was kept in cold storage, Apsley said, but there's no way to know how the tree was handled between field and tree lot. That's why Apsley recomm ended studying t h e t r e e for clues to its freshness. The needles should be lush, green a nd firmly attached at t h e tips ofthe branches, where the growth is new, he said. Lightly grasp a branch and pull it through your hand to make sure very few needles come off. Shake the tree a little. It's OK if a few needles fall off, p articularly o l d e r bro w n needles farther back on the branch. But if a lot of needles come loose, the tree is no longer fresh. Some tree species retain t heir n eedles l onger t h a n others, so if you want a long d isplay t i me , c h o ose t h e right tree, Apsley said. White pines, red pines and Fraser firs have excellent needle retention, according to the Ohio Christmas Tree Association. Austrian pines, Scotch pines, southwestern w h it e p i n es, Canaan firs, Douglas firs and concolor firs have very good retention. Don't expect needles to last as long on balsam firs, Colo-
rado blue spruces, Serbian spruces, Norway spruces and white spruces, the association says. When you get y our t r ee home, cut about an inch off the bottom of the trunk and put it in water so the trunk doesn't seal over with sap. Do that even if you won't be bringing the tree into the house right away, Apsley said. The cut is good for about six hours, the extension says; if more time elapses, cut it again. Set the tree up so it's away f rom d i r ect s u n light a n d sources of heat, such as fireplaces and heating registers. Add as much humidity to the room or the house as you can without causing c ondensation, even if that means setting a pie plate filled with water on the register. And if you can stand it, turn down the temperature in the room where the tree is displayed or close the heating vents partly or completely. Keep the tree well-watered, Apsley said, and never let the water level fall below the bottom of the trunk. A tree can take up a great deal of water in the first week, so check the water level at least a couple of times a day at first and replenish when necessary. Avoid keeping the l i ghts on for hours on end, McConnell said. Consider using LED lights, which burn cooler than incandescent bulbs.
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~ 3ll 541.54 8 . 7 4 8 3 To benefitthe grief camp for children
I(eeping a realChristmastree fresh By Mary Beth Breckenridge
* *
A special thanks to
Presented lyy
HOSPICE o f Rcd m o n d
r et Cof/o(eRanch nn e y ewaff R el a w tmtm for hostingthis event.
Harlow the Halo By FRANK STEWART CA
Tribune MediaServices
"The man made a horrible play," Unlucky Louie grumbled, "but so what? Lady Luck is on his side."
diamond; henceWest bared his queen of clubs. Dummy threw the diamond and won the last two tricks with the
L ouie was m o aning about t h e p layer we c al l H a r low t h e H a l o . While bad luck shadows Louie like a thundercloud, good luck shines in Harlow's face like good health. His finesses seldom lose and his errors never cost. In a team match, both Louie and Harlow played four hearts after East bid spades. West led his singleton spade, and East took the ace and returned the queen. L ouie correctly played low a n d played low again when East led a third spade. West ruffed up with the eight of trumps and led a diamond, but Louie was safe. He took the ace, drew trumps and got to dummy with the ace of clubs to pitch his club loser
ace and nine of clubs. "He did i t t o
m e a gain," L ouie
sighed. Harlow was as lucky as usual. Not even a diamond shift at Trick Three would beat four hearts. North dealer Both sides vulnerable
E Hl
NORTH 4J2 97 0 A K6 5 2 4A9632
WEST 46 9 9S62 09843 4KQ108
on the king of diamonds. The king of
spades won his 10th trick. At the other table, Harlow blithely offered his king on the second spade — a play that deserved to lose the contract. West ruffed and led the king of c l ubs, b u t H a r l o w r e m ained c onfident. H e p l a yed l o w fr o m d ummy, and W e s t s h i f ted t o a N orth d iamond. Harlow took the A-K o f I 0 diamonds, pitching a spade, ruffed a 3 4
CZl 1D
EAST 4AQ10983 954
SOUTH 4K754 9 A KQ J 1 0 3 07 4J5 E ast 14 Pass
Sou t h 2Q 49
rO s
Wes t Pass A l Pass
diamond and ran his trumps. On the last trump, West could keep two cards. He had to save the nine of
Opening lead — 4h 6
diamonds since dummy still had a
(Cl 2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
LOS ANGELESTIMES SUNDAY CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis "EAST ENDERSn
87 Irving BerlIn's 123 Parmnnnles' Ie Modellactress 5 6Really have an 92 EurlpIdes By JOHN LAMPKIN a Piano" Landry impact heroine home 89 Fred and 124 Loaf or loafer 17 Boring routine 58 Fenclng 93 Maker ol Stylus ACROSS WIlma's pet part 18 Date weapon Pro printers I PortraIt subject, 90 -Aztecan 125 Cocksure 24 Easygolng 60 Recovers ge Word wlth 126 Do taxing work ? 2e Mud wallowers e4 maybe languages Contents of economy or 29 "Here's mud In 5 Skewered 91 Canadian 127 Topsoil somecolumns warming servings hockey player' s your eye!n Is 65 Nlxon'solder 99 Concealed, In a n 11 nAIda tantrum? DOWN one daughter way segments 94 Half ascore I "The Square 3 2 Tobaccoin a 6 7 Berlyosmoothie 101 Language n 15 Cell signal 95 Bad moonshine Egg author pinch maker learner's strength 97 Turow bookset 2 EmeraldIsle 34 Dlm bulb,so to 69 Eye lasciviously challenge indicators at Harvard 3 CanIne klss speak 71 Everglades 102 postgame n Segment 98 Pod vegetables 4 Puton anact 19 nAida 35 Bobbled the ball denizens assortment, 20 Men or women, ICO They're In the 5 Albertaspeed 37 Luxury lodgings 72 Second-largest maybe e.g. alr at yuletide meas. at thezoo? planet 103 Owners' 21 Draped garment 101 As a substitute e Dralty 38 Delphicseer 73 "Same here" documents 22 Hardly happy 104 Rick's flame establishment? 39 Went belly up 74 Communion 106 "The Mod Squad" actor 23 Quit sugar cold 105 Signed off on 7 Osso 40 Fancy fur plates turkey? 107 You might get It 8 Reach rival 41 Classical 75 Baby hlppo 108 LId irritation 25 Small hawk that wlth a key card 9 Tossabout, as theater 77 Sleepclinic 110 Painter of limp delivers 109 Like days ol ideas 42 TerseDear concern watches papers? yore 10 Rides on John? 78 Interpol 111 Power dept. 27 Bestwayto 113 Tree for runners 43 Building support headquarters 112 Peachy-keen slng Scotland Yard? 11 "Raiders ol the 45 Short program 81 Prey grabber 113 "Pshaw!" v 28 "Stop right 118 MidlileIssuefor Lost Ark" killer 48 "TheMaltese 83 "Just Shoot Me 114 Get alode ol there!n a bIg cat? 12 Volt, for one Falcon" film co-star this 30 Fuzzy fruit 120 Lot measure 13 Safaris, e.g. genre 86 Prince Arn's 115 Buzzer 31 f acto 121 Likesome 14 Pedro's 49 Jambalaya, e.g. mom 11e -turn 33 Past things excuses "Positively!" 50 Heat-sensitive 88 Disappears 117 Not much 3e Gold brick 122 Changed to yet 15 "The Thrill Is patch 91 Likesome work? Gone" slnger 53 GlaclaldeposII 40 Ply wlth pralse, another shade perfume 119 Some card nos. possibly I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 I3 14 15 1 6 I T 18 44 Salon sweepings 19 20 45 Sweaterwool
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11/25/1 2
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©2012Tribune Media Services,Inc.
Absinthe Continued from C1
The green fairy Absinthe is a high-proof distilled liquor made with wormwood, anise, hyssop, fennel and other spices. Irwin said these spices give the liquor an unmistakable licorice flavor similar that of the Italian spirit Sambuca,the Greek Ouzo and the Middle Eastern Arak. "Not everybody likes absinthe and I'm fine with that," said Irwin. The spirit is either served diluted with water — the traditional method calls for adding 3 to 5 ounces of water to every ounce of absinthe using a fountain, a sugar cube and a slotted metal spoon — or as a trace ingredient in cocktails like the Sazerac. French doctor Pierre Ordinare patented absinthe as a medical elixir in 1792. It's popularity grew over the coming decade and by 1805 was produced by commercial distilleries in Sw itzerland and France. During this time, absinthe w as a p r eferred drink f o r French aristocrats and Belle Epoque personalities like Oscar Wilde, Vincent Van Gogh and Ernest Hemingway, who called the spirit the "Green Fairy" because of its green tinge and the feeling offered by drinking something that was 90 to 150 proof. Newspaper articles from that time period posted on the Wormwood Society Absinthe Association's website suggest it was also popular among French soldiers — who were given the liquor in North Africa because it was thought to have malaria-preventing benefits — students, hourly laborers, "and even women." But absinthe took its biggest leap forward in the 1850s when the grape-eatingparasite Phylloxera spread across Europe in the 1860s and decimated the country's wine industry. People who drank wine turned to absinthe en masse when they couldn't afford or find their favorite method of intoxication. Absinthe's remarkable popularity came undone less than half a century later when storiessurfaced about how itcontained a chemical compound, thujone, a neurotoxin found in wormwood, that made people hallucinate and go crazy. There was even an"absinthe murder" story, which told of how Swiss farm laborer Jean LaFray killed hi s p regnant wife and two daughters after drinking only two glasses of absinthe. Modern a b sinthe producers do not dispute this account but question whether the murderwas the resultof a thujone-inspired delusion or a drunken rage. P opular o p i nion t u r n ed against the spirit and it was banned in most of the civilized world. The United States enacted its absinthe ban in 1912, eight years before prohibition started. Switzerland banned it in 1910 and France banned it in 1915. But absinthe saw a resurgence in the 1990s when a series of factors led people to re-examine the spirit and its alleged ability to cause people to go crazy. While modern research confirmed the spirit contained thujone, it was in c oncentrations so low — a 2008 study in the Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry found pre-ban absinthe had a thujone concentration of only 4.3 parts per million — that it had no affect on the people who drank it. Groups like the Wormwood Society Absinthe Association, a 4 ,000-member n o nprofit consumer education group, contend the stories about absinthe's hallucinogenic properties were nothing more than "bad science and misinformation" put forth by the temper-
ance movement and a French wine industry that was eager to get back the customers it lost during t h e P h ylloxera outbreak. "Neither absinthe nor the herbs from which it is made will make you go crazy," reads a section on the Wormwood Society's website. "It won't make you'trip out', hallucinate, cut your ear off, or do anything else you wouldn't ordinarily do when intoxicated with liquor." The pro-absinthe lobby also contended the liquor's miniscule thujone concentrations met a modern interpretation of the phrase "thujone-free" — which as early as the 1960s meant less than 10 parts per million — that had been used in the 1912 ban. According to the Wormwood Society, this claim means that most topquality absinthe brands from the Belle Epoque had always
been legal. In October 2007,the U.S. Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau issued a series of regulations governing how absinthe could legally be produced and sold in the United Statesand created a new niche market of absinthe drinkers dozens of distilleries were eager to serve.
Local liquor C laudine Birgy, t h e b a r manager at 10 Below, flips a drink menu open to a page listing the five absinthe brands the Oregon Liquor Control Commission has allowed to be sold in the state since the absinthe ban was lifted: Absinthe Ordinarefrom France, Lucid A bsinthe Superieure from France, Kubler Absinthe Superieurefrom Switzerland, Pacifique Absinthe from the Seattle area's Pacific Distillery, and Wild Card Absinthe from Bend's Oregon Spirit Distillers. "We've been selling absinthe for a year and a half
now," Birgy said while grab-
bing a fountain, two spoons and two snifter glasses from behind the bar. B ut unlike I r i wn , B i r gy soaks the sugar cubes in Bacardi 151 and sets them on fireafter she places them on the metal spoons that rest on top of the absinthe-containing snifter glass. She said this technique, which absinthe purists in the Wormwood Society strongly object to, caramelizes the sugar cubes and adds this flavor to the absinthe once it is put under the fountain and diluted with water to the proper portions. It also adds to the spectacle that is created when absinthe is served, she said. "Curiosity is often sparked when people see this," Birgy
United States. Some of these spiritsare produced by large, international companies like Viridian Spirits, LLC, which d istributes Lucid an d s e veral other brands of absinthe, while others are produced by small distilleries. Irwin said small liquor producers such as his business, which released its first 1,000liter batch of Wild Card Absinthe three weeks ago, are better suited for the spirit because they operate on a small scale wherethey have better control of the ingredients they use and its two-week distillation process. This level of control ensures absinthe has the light green tinge that's such a big part of its mystique. Before he could start making absinthe, Irwin had to clear the tax and t r ade bureau's approval process — which he said was a regulatory climate like nothing he had seen before. In brief, regulations, which were adopted when absinthe was legalized in October 2007, require that any absinthe sold in the United States have a thujone concentration of less than 10 parts per million. They also dictate how the word "absinthe" can be used on a bottle's label and prohibit companies from suggesting their spirit has any type of hallucinogenic, psychotropic or mind-altering effects. Irwin said this entire regulatory process took him almost three years to finish. "I could have taken a prescription drug to market in less time," he said. But once he cleared this process, Irwin said he's had no problems finding a market for his absinthe. Wild Card Absinthe can be
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blog. Irwin said he's excited about this opportunity because a g ood review w o ul d m e an even more business for his operation. But a bad one, especially if it's from the Wormwood Society, could sink it. "The absinthe community is probably more enthusiastic about their drink than anybody else," he said. "It's more hard core than any spirit community I know." Robinson doesn't deny accusations that absinthe drinkers can be a little intense and admitted some of them take on a proselytizing role when it comes to public education campaigns that debunk the century-old myththeir favorite liquor makes people trip out. "A lot of people who love absinthe do tend to get a little militant about it," he said. They apply the same level of fervor to making sure producers of good-quality absinthe succeed and those that make poor-quality absinthe — especially ones that use artificial colors to give their liquor that characteristic green tinge
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The limbo champion was
all ciI'QUllC
said, adding people usually order aglass of absinthe after someone from another table has ordered it and they've seen the ritual take place. "Absinthe is very trendy right now. It's a lot of fun and it has a lot of history behind it." Birgy said she also gets a lot of customers who come by her bar and order absinthe because they like it. Most of t hese people hail f rom t h e Portland area, where bars had been serving absinthe a couple of yearsbefore itshowed up in Bend. "There was a pretty good demand for absinthe when they lifted the ban," Wormwood S o ciety s p o kesman Brian Robinson said. "But that novelty factor has worn off and what you have left now is people who actually like how it tastes." Robinson said between 75 and 80 brands of absinthe are c urrently being sold i n t h e
found in many liquor stores and is sold at restaurants like 10 Below, where it is one of Birgy's favorite brands, the Blacksmith a n d J a c kalope Grill. He's also received inquiries from liquor distributors in Massachusetts, New J ersey and Texas that are eager to sell his product in their states as well. Even the Wormwood Society has contacted Irwin's distillery asking for a bottle of Wild Card Absinthe so they can try it and review it on their
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S ponso redhy:1heBulletin ' CasrodePuhlim|ions ' TheP eak104.1FMondli|c 95.7FM 525 iirkeaonlavai y lableihroughOeremher 2 4limitednumbe of tirke>vwil beiold forih'screrd
/• •
Scoreboard, D2
College football, D4, D5
College basketball, D3
Pac-12 1Notre Dame USC
22 13
11 Stanford 15 UCLA
35 17
TDP 25 2Alabama Auburn
49 0
3Georgia GeorgiaTech
42 10
4 OhioState 20 Michigan
26 21
6Florida 10 FloridaState
37 26
9Texas A8M Missouri
59 29
13 SouthCarolina 12 Clemson
27 17
14 Oklahoma 2 2 Oklahoma State
51 48
UConn 19 Louisville
23 20
Pittsburgh 21 Rutgers
27 6
Ole Miss 41 2 5 Mississippi State 2 4 25 UtahState Idaho
45 9
• College roundup, scoreboard,DS
Wisconsin'sBall sets TD record STATE COLLEGE,
Pa.— Wisconsin star running back Montee Ball set an NCAA record
after scoring his 79th
career touchdown
17-yard run in the first quarter of
Rob Kerr/The Bulletin
Oregon running back Kenjon Barnergains yardage in front of Oregon State defenders Anthony Watkins (3) and Sean Martin (6) during Saturday's game in Corvallis.
Saturday's gameagainst Penn State.
The score broke a tie in the recordbook
with Travis Prentice of
Miami (Ohio), who had previously set the major college mark in 1999. Entering Saturday's
game, Ball had 72career rushing scores — including 17 this season
— to go with six receiv-
I • rl
~ te' . , (
• After trailing earlyOregon , gets on trackandbackto its winningwaysin Corvallis
b +
• While Oregon State isgood enough tobeatthe Ducks, mistakesplaguethe Beavers
ing touchdowns.
Ball's score gavethe Badgers a14-7 leadat 6:27 of the first quarter. Penn State won the
game, 24-21 in overtime. — The Associated Press
NFL Week11 on TV 16 a.m., Denver Broncos(7-3) at Kansas CityChiefs (1-9), CBS:Denver QB PeytonManning leads the AFC in passer rating
(106.2) and TDpasses (24). The Chiefs have averaged 12points per game during a sevengame losing streak. 10 a.m., Seattle
Seahawks (6-4) at Miami Dolphins(4-6), Fox:Seattle is off to its best start in five years but is only1-4
on road. Miami QB Ryan Tannehill has five interceptions in the
past two gamesand11 overall.
1 p.m., SanFrancisco 49ers (7-2-1) at New Orleans Saints (5-5), Fox:A rematch of the divisional-round slugfest the two teams
engagedinlastyear in San Francisco. The quarterback situation is up in the air for the 49ers, between Alex Smith and Colin
Kaepernick (story,D6). 5:20 p.m., GreenBay Packers(7-3) at New York Giants (6-4), NBC: The Packers havewon five straight after a 2-3 start. The Giants are
coming off a bye.
CORVALLISomehow, Oregon was trailing Oregon State 7-6 after the first quarter of the 116th Civil War on Saturday — even after running back Kenjon Barner had piled up 110
yards. The Ducks needed something, anything, to regain confidence in their young quarterback and their offense, which had yet to find its rhythm despite Barner's performance. Would this be Stanford all over again? Not even close. The Ducks got what they needed on a fourthand-7 play, when freshman Marcus Mariota, the pocket collapsing around him, deftly backpedaled to avoid the sack and convert the first down on an 8-yard pass to wide receiver Will
Murphy. See Ducks/D4
Lillard is making Trail Blazers' trade with Nets lookgood By Benjamin Hoffman
New York Times News Service
Gerald Wallace is a tenacious defender, a strong rebounder for his size and a known veteran quantity at forward. When the Brooklyn (then New Jersey) Nets acquired Wallace at the trading deadline last season, he was seen as a player capable of doing the dirty work that Brook Lopez and Kris Humphries were not known for. They will get a good look at the pricethey paid for his services,however, when the Portland Trail Blazers visit Brooklyn today. In exchange for Wallace, Portland received Mehmet Okur, Shawne Williams and a conditional first-round draft pick, which was protected from being in the top three. When the Nets ended up with the sixth pick, it was sent to the Trail Blazers, who used it to draft Damian Lillard, 22, a point guard from Weber State. SeeLillard/D6
Oregon State head coach Mike Riley and University of Oregon head coach Chip Kellyshare a moment together following Saturday's Civil War in Corvallis.
Inside: More college footdallcoverage • More coverage of the Civil War; BCS, Pac-12 title chances
• Redmond's • Stanford C l a yton York beats UCLA ge t s some act i on for OS UD4 ,
to reach the Pac-12 title
over for
• Notre Dame beats USC 22-13 to earn a spot in the BCS title
CORVALLISregon State can handle a loss to Oregon. But what will make the 116th edition of the Civil War so tough to swallow for the Beavers is that this game did not have to be this way. Oregon beat Oregon State, 48-24, in front of an OSU-record47,249 in attendance Saturday afternoon at wet and dreary Reser Stadium. Lopsided scores in favor of the Ducks (No. 5 BCS, No.4 AP) have become a late-autumn tradition in recent years in the Civil War. But in most of those games, the Beavers (No. 15 BCS, No. 16 AP) lacked the ingredients to beat the Ducks. What must have had Beaver fans visibly aging in the stands this time was that this was not a case of Oregon State not being good enough. SeeBeavers/D4
Portland Trail Blazers guard Damian Lillard Associated
anal ics ,often insecret <NH>,,y
By judyBattista
Dominitz then learned that he would be seated not with the scouting departJeff Dominitz grew up rooting for ment, compiling detailed information the Washington Redskins during their about player prospects, but at a cubicle glory years under Joe Gibbs. So when in a separate building, with the mara National Football League team keting department. Seven weeks later, called him in 2006 about a job doing Dominitz was gone. statistical research and analysis for He later spent a few years working the scouting department, he could for another team, predicting how athnot say no. He left his teaching posi- letes would do in the NFL based on their tion at Carnegie Mellon and, temporar- collegeand pre-draft performances, as ily, his family and wound up living alone well as analyzing overtime decisionmaking, among other tasks. Now the near theteam's headquarters. The first sign that his work might not senior director at a Beverly Hills, Calif., be fully embraced came when he report- economics consulting firm, Dominitz ed to the team's facility. According to has given a lot of thought to why the Dominitz, who holds a doctorate in eco- rigorous study of advanced statistics nomics, he was told that the head coach is gaining a toehold among NFL teams had been informed about Dominitz af- years after it swept through baseball ter he was already hired. The coach's re- and, more recently, the National Basketsponse, Dominitz was told, was, "We're ball Association. still about people here." SeeAnalytics/D6 New York Times News Service
6 p.m.:Men's college, DirecTV Classic, final, California vs. Pacific, ESPN2.
SOCCER 5:15 a.m.:English Premier
7 p.m.:Men's college, CalPoly-
League, SwanseaCity AFCvs. Liverpool FC,ESPN2.
San Luis Ob ispo atUCLA, Pac12 Network.
FOOTBALL 10a.m.:NFL, Denver Broncos at Kansas City Chiefs, CBS. 10a.m.:NFL, Seattle Seahawks at Miami Dolphins, Fox.
7p.m.:Men's college, SanDiego
State at Southern Cal, Root
1 p.m.:NFL,SanFrancisco 49ers at New Orleans Saints,
Fox. 3 p.m.:CFL,GreyCup, Calgary Stampeders vs. Toronto
2p.m.:English Premier League, Manchester Unitedvs.Queens Park Rangers (tapedj, Root Sports.
Argonauts, NBCSN.
BASKETBALL 5:20p.m.:NFL,GreenBay 4p.m.: NBA, New York Knicks at Packers at New York Giants, NBC. Brooklyn Nets, TNT. WINTER SPORTS 4:30 p.m.: NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at Detroit Pistons, 10a.m.:Skiing, World Cup,
Aspen women's giant slalom (taped), NBC. 11 a.m.: Figure skating, ISU Grand Prix, NHK Trophy (tapedj, NBC. 11 a.m.:Skiing, World Cup, Aspen women's slalom, NBCSN. BASKETBALL
Comcast SportsNet Northwest.
FOOTBALL 5:30p.m.:NFL, Carolina Panthers at Philadelphia Eagles, ESPN.
10 a.m.:Men's college, Villanova at La Salle, CBSSN. Noon:NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at Brooklyn Nets, Comcast SportsNet Northwest.
3 p.m.:Men's college, Montana State at Oregon State, Pac-12 Network. 4p.m.:Men's college, Old Spice
Today BASKETBALL Noon:NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at Brooklyn Nets, KBNDAM 1110, KRCO-AM 690.
3 p.m.:Men's college, Montana State at Oregon State, KICE-AM 940, KRCO-AM 690.
Classic, final, Davidson vs.
Gonzaga, ESPN2.
5 p.m.: Men's college, Air Force at Colorado, Pac-12 Network.
5 p.m.: Men's college, Portland at New Mexico, Root Sports.
BASKETBALL 4:30 p.m.: NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at Detroit Pistons, KBND-AM 1110, KRCO-AM 690.
Listings are the mostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changes made by TV or radio stations.
macho, a Puerto Rican boxer known for skill and flamboyance
coach:Arkansas athletic director Jeff Long wasted little time in bringing the John L. Smith era to a close. Long said in a statement released by the university Saturday that Smith will not return
in the ring aswell asfor a messy
next season asthe Razorbacks'
personal life and run-ins with
coach. Long met with the interim coach a day after the Razor-
Boxing • Former champCamacho passes:Hector "Macho" Ca-
the police, wasdeclared deadon Saturday, four daysafter being
backs' season-ending 20-13 loss
shot in the face. He was 50. Shot while sitting in a parked car outside a bar Tuesday with a friend
to LSU and told him the school
ico trauma center in San Juan.
from Weber State in April to replace the fired Bobby Petrino and
"wouldbemakingachangein leadership within our program." in the city of Bayamon, hewas The former Michigan State and declared dead at the Centro Med- Louisville coachwas hired away Camacho fought professionally for three decades,winning titles as a super featherweight (maximum130 pounds), a lightweight
signed to a10-month contract. Arkansas (4-8, 2-6 Southeastern Conference) begantheseason
(135 pounds) and ajunior welterweight (140 pounds). See full
ranked in the top10, openly dis-
an SECand nationalchampionship, but quickly fell out of the
Skiing •MaZe WinS GS raCe,Vonn
21st:Immediately after crossing the finish line, Lindsey Vonn collapsed to the snow in complete
exhaustion. Her stamina gone, Vonn simply couldn't make up ground on winner Tina Maze of Slovenia in a World Cup giant
slalom race Saturday in Aspen, Colo. Vonn finished 21st in her
return after missing time with an intestinal illness. Then again,
given the wayMazehas been racing of late, no onewasgoing to catch her. She used a blazing
final run to finish in a combined time of 1 minute, 59.39 seconds to hold off Kathrin Zettel of Austria by nearly a second. Viktoria
Rebensburg of Germanywas third. Teenager MikaelaShiffrin had the best finish for the
Americans as shewound up in ninth place. •Svindalwinsmen'sdownhill:Norway's Aksel Lund Svindal won the season-openingWorld Cup men's downhill Saturday in Lake Louise, Alberta, beat-
ing Austria's MaxFranzby 0.64 seconds. Svindal finished the Olympic course in1 minute,
48.31 seconds. AmericanMarco Sullivan and Austria's Klaus Kroell tied for third at1:48.97.
Football • Vick, McCoyruled outfor
cussing the possibility of winning polls after a stunning loss to Louisiana-Monroe onSept. 8.
Motor sports • Hamilton wins F1pole: Lewis Hamilton won the pole position for the season-ending Brazilian Grand Prix on Satur-
day, while FormulaOneleader Sebastian Vettel will start fourth and title challenger Fernando Alonso seventh. Hamilton set a
lap of 1 minute, 12.458 seconds with his McLaren at Interlagos, just.055 in front of teammate Jenson Button. Vettel's Red Bull teammate Mark Webber will start third after a lap of1:12.581, with Vettel behind him following a run of1:12.760. Vettel needs to finish fourth or better today to
become F1'syoungest three-time championatage25.Alonso,also seeking his third title, needs at least a podium finish to have any
chance of overcoming a13-point deficit in the standings.
Golf • Mcllroy, Donald share
lead:Rory Mcllroy sank a short birdie putt on the18th hole Saturday to remain tied with Luke Donald as the world's two top-ranked golfers pulled three shots clear of the field after the third round of the Dubai World Championship in United Arab Ernirate. The top-ranked Mcll-
running back LeSeanMcCoy
roy, who hasalready wrapped up the Europeanand PGATour money titles, struggled early
have been ruled out for the
when he bogeyed the first hole
Eagles' gameagainst Carolina on Mondayni ghtbecauseofconcussions. CoachAndy Reidannounced the decisions Saturday.
andmissedseveralmakeable birdie putts. But he improved on
Eagles' game:Philadelphia quarterback Michael Vick and
Eagles trainer Rick Burkholder
said Vick is symptom-free, but McCoy hasheadachesand dizziness. Rookies NickFolesand Bryce Brown will start in place of
Vick and McCoy. Arkansaswon't bring back
the back nine, sinking a 30-foot eagle putt on 14 to go with three birdies for a 6-under 66. Donald also had a 66andis tied with Mcllory with a17-under total of 199. South Africans Louis Oost-
huizen (68) andCharl Schwartzel (67j are three shots back. — From wire reports
Quarterfmals Friday's Results Jesuit 49,Sprague13 Sheldon 62, Southridge27 LakeOswego28, West Salem7 Tigard43,Central Catholic34 Semifinals At Jeld-WenField, PorHand Saturday, Dec. 1 LakeOswegovs. Tigard, noon Jesui tvs.Sheldon,4p.m. CLASSBA
Semifinals Friday's Results Sherwood 46, Silverton19 Marist 40,Redmond8 Final At Hiffsboro Stadium Saturday, Dec. 1 Marist vs.Sherwood,7:30p.m. CLASS4A Semifinals
At HiffsboroStadium Saturday's Results NorthBend/OR CoastTech29,Ontario 8 Baker35,Cascade29(30T) Final Saturday, Dec. 1 NorthBend/OR CoastTechvs. Baker,TBA CLASSSA Semifinals Saturday's Results Dayton 32, SantiamChristian IB Cascade Christian 29,Scio14 Final Saturday, Dec. 1 Daytonvs.CascadeChristian, TBA CLASS2A
Semifinals At Cottage GroveHS Saturday's Results Oakland34, Central Linn28 PortlandChristian25, LostRiver13 Final Saturday, Dec. 1 Oaklandvs. PortlandChristian,TBA CLASS1A
Semifinals Saturday's Results Camas Valley 40,Imbler 12 St. Paul88, Lowell40 Final Saturday, Dec. 1 CamasValey vs. St.Paul, TBA
FOOTBALL NFL NATIONALFOOTBALL LEAGUE AH TimesPST AMERICANCONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA NewEngland 8 3 0 .727 407 244 Buffalo 4 6 0 .400 230 299 Miami 4 6 0 .400 187 205 N.Y.Jets 4 7 0 .364 221 290 South W L T Pct PF PA Houston 10 1 0 .909 327 21f Indianapo is 6 4 0 .600 210 260 Tennessee 4 6 0 .400 2(9 311 Jacksonville 1 9 0 .100 164 289 North W L T Pct PF PA Baltimore 8 2 0 .800 267 206 6 4 0 .600 217 190 Pittsburgh Cincinnati 5 5 0 .500 248 237 Cleveland 2 8 0 .200 189 234 West W L T Pct PF PA Denver 7 3 0 .700301 212 San Digo e 4 6 0 .400232 221 Oakland 3 7 0 .300208 322 KansasCity t 9 0 IOO152 284 NATIONALCONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA N.Y.Giants 6 4 0 .600 267 2(6 Washington 5 6 0 .455 295 285 Dallas 5 6 0 .455 242 262 Philadelphia 3 7 0 .300 162 252 South W L T Pct PF PA Atlanta 9 1 0 .90O 270 193 TampaBay 6 4 0 .600 287 230 NewOrleans 5 5 0 .500 287 273 Carolina 2 8 0 .200 184 243 North W L T Pct PF PA GreenBay i 3 0 .700 263 207 Chicago 7 3 0 .700 249 165 Minnesota 6 4 0 .600 238 221 Detroit 4 7 0 .364 267 280 West W L T Pct PF PA SanFrancisco 7 2 I .750 245 134 Seattle 6 4 0 .600 198 16f Arizona 4 6 0 .400 163 196 St. Louis 3 6 1 .350 174 237
Stevens(hamstring), T ByronStingily (back).PROBABLE: WR Kenny Britt (knee), QBJake Locker (left shoulder), LBColin McCarthy(ankle). JAGUARS: OUT. RBGreg Jones (thigh), CBWiliam Middleton (concussion). QUETS IONABLE: S Dwight Lowery (anke), CBRashean Mathis (groin). PRO BABLE C BradMeester (foot). DENVERBRONCOS atKANSASCITY CHIEFS — BRONCOS: QIJESTIONABLE:CB OmarBolden (concussion).PRO BABLE: DERobert Ayers (groin), TE Virgil Green (hamstring), RB RonnieHillman (hamstring), GChris Kuper(ankle), RB Knowshon Moreno(groin), CBTracy Porter(illness), WRDemaryiusThomas(knee), DEDerekWolfe (quadriceps) CHIEFS:DOUBTFUL TBrandenAlbert(back). QUESTIONABLE:GJonAsamoah (thumb), G RyanLilja (knee).PROBABLE:WRJonBaldwin(head,neck), WR
Dwayne Bowe(neck, back), TESteve Maneri(ankle), TE Tony Moeaki(shoulder,back).
MINNESOTAVIKINGS at CHICAGO BEARS — VIKINGS:DOUBTFUL: WRPercyHarvin (ankle). QUEST IONABLE DTLetroy Guion(foot), G Charlie Johnson(toe). PROBABLE: DEJaredAllen (shoulder), WRStephenBurton (ankle), WRMichaelJenkins (foot), PChrisKluwe(left knee),RBAdrianPeterson (ankle), CB AntoineWinfield (knee) BEARS:OUTWRAlshon Jetlery(knee).QUESTIONABLE:QBJayCutler (concussion), TEKeffenDavis (ankle). PROBABLE: LBLance
Briggs(thumb),QBJason Campbell (ribs), GLance Louis (anke), WR Brandon Marshall (shoulder), DE SheaMccleffin(concussion), DTStephenPaea(shoulder), DE Julius Peppers(thigh), DTMatt Toeaina (calf). ATLANTA FALCONSat TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS — FALCONS: OUT: SCharles MitcheI (calf). QUE STIONABLE: WRKevin Cone(groin), DT PeriaJerry(quadriceps), WRJulio Jones(ankle), CB
AsanteSam uel (shoulder), DT VanceWalker (ribs), LB SeanWeatherspoon(ilness, ankle). PRO BABLE DE JohnAbraham(back), DT JonathanBabineaux (neck), KMattBryant(back), CBChristopher Owens (thigh), QBMatt Ryan(finger), RB Michael Turner (groin). BUCC ANEERS: OUT; SCodyGrimm(hamstring). QUETIO S NABLE: CBEric Wright (Achiffes). PROBA BLE.DEMichael Bennett (shoulder), SAhmad Black(iffness),CBLeonard Johnson(heel), DEAaron Morgan(shoulder), WRTiquanUnderwood(head), LB Dekoda Watson(hamstring). SEATTLESEAHAWKS at MIAMI DOLPHINS — SEAHAWKS:PROBABLE: DERed Bryant (foot), GJamesCarpenter (concussion), RBMarshawnl.ynch (back), CBByron Maxwell (hamstring), DTClinton McDonald(groin), DEGregScruggs(oblique), LBK.J. Wright (concussion). DOLPHINS:QUESTIONABLE: LB AustinSpitler(ankle).PROBABI.E: LBKarlos Dansby (biceps),TEAnthonyFasano(hip), PBrandonFields(left knee),CMikePouncey(ankle),SJimmyWilson(ribs). BALTIMORERAVENSat SANDIEGOCHARGERS — RAVENS:OUT:CB Jimmy Smith (abdomen).DOU BTFUL: CBChris Johnson(thigh). QUESTIONABLE:DEPerneff McPhee (thigh). PRO BABLE. LB Brendon Ayanbadejo (shoulder), NTTerrenceCody
(arm), TE Ed Dickson(neck), LBDanneffEfferbe(toe, finger), SJamesIhedigbo (neck), WRJacobyJones (ankle), DTHaloti Ngata(shoulder), TEDennis Pitta (head), SBernard Pollard(chest), S EdReed(shoulder), LBTerreff Suggs(shoulder, ankle), LBCourtney Upshaw (shoulder), GMarshal Yanda(ankle). CHARGERS:OUT : LBLarry English (calf), T JaredGaither (groin), WREddie Royal (hamstring). DOUBTFUL: G TyronneGreen(hamstring), TE Dante Rosario (hamstring). QUE STIONABLE: DTAubrayoFranklin (knee). PROBA BLE:SAtari Bigby(shoulder), P MikeScifres (right ankle),GLouis Vasquez(ankle) SAN FRANCISCO49ERS atNEW ORLEANS SAINTS— 49ERS:QUESTIONABLE:QBAlexSmith
(concussion).PRO BABLE: CBTareff Brown(knee), CB Chris Cuffiver (shoulder), S DashonGoldson (ribs, caf), LBTavares Gooden(shrn),RBFrankGore (ribs, wrist),WRRandyMoss(finger), LBAldon Smith (shoulder), SC.J. Spiffman(Iinger), DTWil Tukua fu (wrist), LBPatrickWilis(shoulder). SAINTS:OUT :T CharlesBrown(knee), DEJunior Galette (ankle), CB Elbert Mack(concussion), CB CoreyWhite (knee). QUESTIO NABLE:TZachStrief (groin).PROBABLE: LB RamonHumber (iffness), RBDarrenSproles (hand) ST.LOUIS RAMS atARIZONA CARDINALS — RAMS:OUT:LB MarioHaggan (elbow).DOUBTFUL: WRDanny Amendola (foot). QUESTIONABLE. TE LanceKendricks (knee), S Rodney McLeod (calf) PROBABLE: RB Steven Jackson (foot).CARDINALS: QUESTIN OABLE: DECalais Campbell (calf), WREarly Doucet(ribs), QBKevin Kolb (ribs), RBLaRodStephensHowling(ribs). PROBABLE:SJustin Bethel (shoulder), GDarynCoffedge(Ioot), CBJameff Fleming (back), CB WilliamGay(groin), TEToddHeap (knee), TEJeffKing (knee),TEMikeLeach(back),RBWilliamPoweff(shoulder), SKerry Rhodes(back),RBAlfonsoSmith (iffness), CB Greg Toler(hamstring), RBBeanieWells (toe). GREEN BAYPACKERS at NEW YORK GlANTS — PACKERS:OUT: LB Terreff Manning (shoulder), LBClayMatthews(hamstring), LB Erik
J. Charles, KAN 172 821 4.77 gtt 3 McGahee, DEN 167 731 4.38 31 4 S piller, BUF 1 0 9 7 2 3 6.63 56t 4 R. Rice, BAL 1 6 4 6 97 4.25 43 7 T. Richardson, CLE 180 67D a72 32t 5 Green-Ellis, CIN 182 638 a51 21 4 Greene, NYJ 1 7 2 6 31 a67 36 5
Receivers No Yds Avg LG TD
Wayne,IND 76 1003 13.2 30I 3 W elker, NWE 7 3 89 0 12.2 59 2 A .. Green, CIN 6 4 9 1 t I 4.2 73t 10 And. Johnson, HOU 60 870 14.5 60I 3 De.Thomas,DEN 57 933 16.4 71t 5 H artline, MIA 53 7 9 0(4.9 Bot 1 R. GronkowskiNWE , 53 748 14.1 41 IO D ecker, DEN 5 0 6 2 112.4 EB 8 B . Myers, OAK 5 0 5 5 4 t 1.1 29 3 Bowe,KAN 49 626 12.8 46 3 Tottchdowns TD Rush Rec Ret Pts A. Foster,HOU 1 2 10 2 0 72 A.. Green,CIN 1 0 0 fo 0 60 R. GronkowskiNWE , 10 D 10 0 60 Decker,DEN 8 0 8 0 48 R. Rice,BAL 7 7 0 0 42 Ridley,NWE 7 7 0 0 42 To Smith,BAL 7 0 7 0 42 H. Miller,PIT 6 0 6 0 38 T . Richardson, CLE 6 5 1 0 36 M Wallace,PIT 6 D 6 0 36
Betting line NFL
(Hometeams in Caps) Favorite Open Current Underdog Today BENGAL S T.B 8.5 Raiders Steelers 1 15 BROWN S COLTS 3 3 Bi Is Broncos I 0.5 10.5 CHIEFS Titans 3 4 JAGUAR S BEARS 5 6 Vikings Falcons PK I BUCS Seahawsk PB 3 DOLPHINS Ravens 15 1 CHARG ERS 49ers 1 .5 1 SAINTS CARDS P.B 1.5 Rams GIANTS 2 5 2 5 Packers Monday EAGLES PB 3 Panthers
MOTOR SPORTS Formula One Formula 1-Braziltan Grand Prix Lineup After Saturdayqualifying; race today At AutodromoJose Carlos Pace(Interlagos) Sao Paulo, Brazil Lap length:2.677miles Third Session f. Lewis Hamilton, England, McLaren, 1 minute 12.458seconds 2. Jenson Button, England,McLaren, 1:12.5)3. 3. MarkWebber,Australia, RedBuff,1:IP.B81 4. Sebastian Vetel, Germany,RedBuff, 1:12.760. 5. FelipeMassa,Brazil, Ferrari, 1:12.987. 6. PastorMaldonado,Venezuela, Wiliams, 1:1aI 74. 7. NicoHulkenberg,Germany,ForceIndia, I:13.206.
Seventh Place TexasSt.81 UCRiverside 69 Hoops for HopeClassfc First Round SouthCarolina74,Missouri St.67, OT UALR69,SMU56
Joe CiprianoNebraskaClassic Championship Valparaiso77,Bethune-Cookman64 Third Place Nebraska-Om aha68,ChicagoSt.66 Saturday'sSummary
No. 22 Cincinnati 77, Oregon66 CINCINNATI(6-0) Jackson 0-22-22,Mbodl0-2 2-2 2,Wright6-14 0-017, Kilpatrick 4-115-816, Parker6-16 P-Bf6, Rubles5-9 3-313, Thomas1-3 2-34, Guyn0-2 0-0 0, Sanders2-42-2 7,Gaines0-00-2 0, Nyarsuk0-I O-DO.Totals24-6418-27 77.
OREGON (5-1)
Kazemi4-91-3 9,Singler 1-88-8 t1, Woods 1-2 0-02, Artis 2-80-1 5,Dotson4-(10-D9, Loyd2-2005, Austin0-13-43, Moore0-00-D0, Carter1-35-6 7, Emory4-116-715. Totals19-55 23-29 BB. Halftime —Cincinnati 42-33.3-Point Goals—Cincinnati 1f-24 (Wright5-9, Kilpatrick3-8, Parker2-4,
Sanders1-1, Guyn0-1, Rubles0-1), Oregon5-17 (Loyd 1-1,Artis 1-3,Singler 1-4,Emory (-4, Dotson 1-5). FouledOut—Emory, Mbodj, Nyarsuk,Woods. Rebounds —Cincinnati 44 (Kilpatrick8), Oregon41 (KazemiI5). Assists—Cincinnati 13(Jackson4), Oregon 9(Artis 4). TotalFouls—Cincinnati 22,Oregon 25. A — 13,954.
WOmen'S 4:Olleg Saturday'sGames
EAST Akron81,Providence78 Albany(NY)62, Dartmouth49 Pittsburgh58,Brown57 Quinnipiac76,RhodeIsland60 Siena 62,Binghamton44 VCU74, Maine58 SOUTH AmericanU.69,Elon68 AppalachianSt.69, Campbell 54 Arizona65, TexasSouthern 59 CharlestonSouthern82, Paine70 CoppinSt.80, Lincoln(Pa) Bf EastCarolina54,Norfolk St.46 FloridaGult Coast70,Hampton59 FloridaSt. 73,Vanderbilt 59 Furman73,Mercer 64 Gardner-Webb 76,Asbury41 Georgi aTech66 Milwaukee57 f linois St.83, W.Kentucky68 KansasSt.67,Charlotte 63 Louisiana-Monroe 59, TennesseeTech48 MVSU 72, PhilanderSmithSi Marist 81,WakeForest66 MiddleTennessee72, l.ouisiana-Lafayette 45 NorthCarolina85, LaSalle 55 North Florida64,Vermont61 Presbyterian 49 NCCentral 37 SavannahSt.58, Taffadega56 SouthCa
8. Fernando Alonso, Spain, Ferrari, 1:lassa 9. KimiRaikkonen,Finland,Lotus,I:I3.298. f0. NicoRosberg, Germany, Mercedes,1:13.489. Eliminatedaftersecondsession 11 Paul diResta,Scotland,ForceIndia, I:(4.(21. f2 BrunoSenna,Brazil, Wiliams,1.14.219. 13 SergioPerez,Mexico, Sauber,1:14.234 14. Michael Schumacher, Germany, Mercedes f.14.334. 15. KamuiKobayashi,Japan,Sauber,1:t4.380. 16. DanieRi l cciardo,Australia, ToroRosso, t:14.574 fT.Jean-EricVergne,France,Toro Rosso, 1:f4.6)9. Eliminated after first session 18 Romain Grosjean, France,Lotus, I:16.967. 19 VitalyPetrov,Russia, Caterham,1:17.07a 20. HeikkiKovalainen,Finland, Caterham,1.17.086. 21. TimoGlock,Germany,Marussia, t 17.508 22. CharlesPic,France,Marussia,1 (8.104. 23LNarainKarthikeyan, India,HRT , I:19.576. 24. PedrodelaRosa, Spain, HRT,1:19.699.
BASKETBALL Men's colleg
Saturday'sGames EAST Binghamton 76, Marywood51 CorneI84 Longwood 78 Walden(anke), S CharlesWoodson (colarbone). GeorgeWashington 80, Hofstra 56 QUESTIN OABLE: WRGreg Jennings (groin, abdo- Georgetown 72, Mount St.Mary's 50 men), TEAndrewQuarless (knee). PROBABLE: WR Hartford80, CCSU77 Donald Driver(thumb), RBJohn Kuhn(hamstring), Holy CrossCgNewHampshire 50 DT B.J.Raji(ankle),CBSamShrelds (ankle), LBVic IPFW70, Dartmouth66 So'oto (iffness).GIANTS:OUT:WRDomenik Hixon NJIT 72,SCState63 (ankle), LB JacquianWiliams(knee). QUE STIONPrinceton72 Lafayette53 ABLE: SKenny Philips (knee), LBKeith Rivers (calf St. Bonaventure 80,Niagara75 knee).PRO BABLE: CDavid Baa s (ankle, elbow), RB St. Francis(NY)76, Brown72,OT AhmadBradshaw(foot), DT Linval Joseph(knee), S St. John's79,Florida GulfCoast68 TylerSash(ankle), GChris Snee(ankle). StonyBrook82, Canisius 75 CAROLINA PANTHERS at PHILADELPHIA YaleB6,ArmyB3,2OT EAGLES —PANTHERS: DNP:DEAntwanAppleSOUTH white(hamstring),DEGregHardy(iffness), LBJordan Chattanooga 65,KennesawSt. 51 Senn(ankle). FULL:LBThomasDavis (not injury re- CoppinSt. 98,Cheyney78 lated), DT Dwan Edwards(not injury related),DTRon E. Kentucky68,Norfolk St.44 Edwards(notinjury related),TJordanGross (not in- FAU58, American U.55 jury related), CGeoffHangartner (knee), SColin Jones FIU 87,Coastal Carolina77 (head), WR SteveSmith (finger). EAG LES: OUT:RB GeorgeMason48, Boston U.45 Chris Polk(toe). DNP:WRJason Avant (hamstring), LSU 75,MVSU50 RB LeSeanMccoy (concussion), QBMichael Vick Louis ianaTech68,Louisiana-Monroe52 (concussion).FULL:WRRiley Cooper(knee), WR Marshall89,Nevada82 MardyGilyard(hamstring), DT CullenJenkins(foot, Maryland70,Georgia SouthemEB ankle), GDannyWatkins(ankle). Miami 77,Detroit 62 Middle Tennessee79,TexasSouthern52 Today's Games MurraySt.79, OldDominion 72 NFCIndividual Leaders Radford 74,TheCitadel 61 Denverat KansasCity,1ga.m. Week 11 Savannah St.39,W.Illinois 38 Minnesotaat Chicago,10a.m. Quarterbacks Texas-Arlington65,Samford 58 Oakland atCincinnati,10 a.m. AN Com Yds TD Int Tulane 68, Southern U.65 PittsburghatCleveland, t0a m. A. Rodgers,GBY 354 238 2619 27 6 UNCWilmington49,Woford 37 Buffalo atIndianapolis, 10a.m. Ale. Smith,SNF 217 152 1731 (3 5 VMI 90, E on81 Tennessee atJacksonviffe, 10a.m. Griffin RI,WAS 277 186 2193 f2 3 W. Kentucky 74, Brescia46 AtlantaatTampaBay, 10a.m. Brees,NOR 401 250 3066 28 9 Wagner 38,NCCentral 36 Seattle atMiami, 1ga.m. M.Ryan,ATL 397 268 3072 20 12 MIDWEST BaltimoreatSanDiego,I:05 p.m. Jo. Freeman, TAM 319 180 2505 21 7 St. LouisatArizona,1:25 p.m. R. Wilson,SEA 253 157 1827 15 8 Bradley80,UT-Martin 57 San Francisco at NewOrleans,1:25 p.m. Romo,DAL 394 265 29)6 13 13 Dayton 66,Manhattan58 E. Illinois 64,HoustonBaptist 44 Green Bayat N.Y.Grants, 5:20p.m. Kolb, ARI 183 t09 1169 8 3 Monday's Game Ponder,MIN 316 206 2027 (2 8 E.Michigan75,Madonna57 CarolinaatPhiladelphia, 5.30p.m. Rushers GreenBay74,N.DakotaSt. 59 56, SEMissouri 45 Att Yds Avg LG TD ffl.-chicago NFL Injury Report A Peterson,MIN 195 ft28 5.78 74 7 KentSt. 74,Nebraska60 NEWYORK— The updated National Football M. Lynch,SE A 212 1005 4.74 77t 5 Loyola ofChicago53, N.Illinois 46 League injury report, asprovidedbytheleague Do. Martin,TAM 197 1000 5.08 70I 7 Miami(Ohio)76,James Madison58 OAKLAND RAIDERS at CINCINNATI BEN- Morris,WAS 184 869 4.72 39t 5 NotreDam e69, St Francis (Pa)52 GALS — RAIDERS: OLIT: RB Mike Goodson Gore,SNF Ohio73,Richmond48 157 831 5.29 37 5 (ankle), RBDarrenMcFadden (ankle), DT Richard L. Mccoy,PHL 177 750 4.24 34 2 Saint LouisBf, S. Illinois 51 Seymour(knee,hamstring). QUESTIONABLE: DEJack Bradshaw, SouthDakota84,Waldorf 59 NYG 15f 675 447 37 4 Crawford(toe), RBTaiwanJones(ankle). PROBABLE: Forte,CHI 144 641 4.45 46 3 SOUTHWES T S TyvonBranch(neck), WRDarrius Heyward-Bey Griffin ffl,WAS Coll. of Charleston63,Baylor 59 93 613 6 59 76t 6 FairleighDickinson84, PrairieView70 (hamstring),TEBrandonMyers(shoulder), RBMarcel S. Jackson,STL 150 585 a90 23 2 Reece(hamstring, quadriceps). BENGALS: DOUBTJacksonvile71, Milwaukee66 Receivers FUL: WR Andrew Hawkins (knee), TERichard Quinn No Yds Avg LG TD Navy63, DelawareSt.53 Northwestern 72, fflinois St.69,OT (hamstring).PROBABLE. CJeff Faine(hamstring), CB Witten,DAL 73 636 8.7 35 1 Adam Jones(caf), WRMarvin Jones(knee), SReggie B. Marshall,CHI Sacramento St. 71,Cent. Arkansas68 69 925 13.4 45 8 Nelson(hamstring), CBTerenceNewman(head). Stephen F. A us tin 57, Tulsa41 Ca. Johnson,DET 65 11)7 17.2 EB 3 PITTSBURGH STEELERS at CLEVELAND Gonzalez,ATL TCU76, UAB73 64 650 10.2 25 6 BROWNS — STEELERS: OUT: WRJerricho Cotch Texas-PanAmerican77 SIU-Edwardsvile66 R. White,ATL 62 946 t5 3 59 4 FAR WEST ery (ribs), TMarcusGilbert (ankle), QBByronLeft- Harvin, MIN 62 677 10.9 45 3 BYU87,CSNorthridge 75 wich (ribs), QB BenRoethlisberger (right shoulder). Cruz,NYG 60 743 12.4 BOI 7 BoiseSt. 72,UCSantaBarbara56 DOUBT FUL:STroyPolamalu (calf). QUESTIONABLE. D. Bryant,DAL 57 735 12.9 EB 4 Cent. Michigan 54,IdahoSt.52 WR AntonioBrown(ankle). PROBABLE; SWil Alen Cobb,GBY 54 574 I 0.6 39t 7 Cincinnati77,Oregon66 (shoulder), GWilie Colon(knee), DEZiggy Hood Fitzgerald,ARI 52 596 11.5 37t 4 (back) ,RBIsaacRedman(concussion),LBStevenson Tottchdowns ColoradoSt.73,Washington 55 Sylvester (hamstring) BROWNS:OUT:CBDimitri TD Rush Rec Ret Pts Creighton87,ArizonaSt.73 Florida A8 M69 Presbyterian EB Patterson(ankle), S Ray Ventrone (calf). PRO BABLE: Cobb,GBY 8 0 7 1 48 TE Jordan Cameron (groin), WRJoshCooper (knee), J. Graham, NOR 8 0 8 0 48 Jacksonviffe St. 54,NCAikT50, OT WR Joshua Cribbs (back), CBJoe Haden (oblique), Jam.Jones,GBY 8 0 8 0 48 Montana 67, SanDiego66 DE Juqua Parker(shin), RBTrent Richardson(chest, B. Marshall,CHI 8 0 B 0 48 N. Arizona 7D,Campbell 62 rib, finger), DT Ahtyba Rubin (calf, back),DEFrostee Do. Martin,TAM 8 7 I 0 48 Pepperdine 72, UCIrvine 62 Rucker(shoulder,ilness), GJarrodShaw(iffness), CB And Brown,NYG 7 7 0 0 44 SanFrancisco79,Columbia59 BusterSkrine(head), STJ. Ward (calf, back). V. Jackson,TAM 7 0 7 0 44 UNLV82,lowaSt. 7D BUFFALOBILLS at INDIANAPOLIS COLTS A. Peterson,MIN 7 7 0 0 44 Utah 66,WrightSt.54 — BILLS: OUT: DEMark Anderson(knee), CB Colston,NOR 7 0 7 0 42 UtahSt. 65,Weber St. 55 AaronWiliams(knee). QUESTIONABLE. DESpencer Cruz,NYG 7 0 7 0 42 Washington St. 66,Ark.-PineBluff 38 Johnson (anke), RBCoreyMclntyre (knee) WRBrad AFC IndividualLeaders Wisconsin77, Arkansas70 Smith(hamstring). PROBABLE:CBRonBrooks(teeth), Week11 Wyoming 63, CSBakersfield 49 SJairusByrd(back),DTMarceffDareus(shoulder), T Quarterbacks TOURNAMEN T Chris Hairston (knee), RBFred Jackson(concussion), Att Com Yds TD Int Battle 4 Atlantis DE ChrisKelsay(neck), GAndyLevitre(knee), CBLeo- P. Manning,DEN 372 255 2975 24 7 Championship dis McKelvin(groin), DEShawneMerriman(groin), CB Brady,NWE 393 256 2976 21 3 Duke76,Louisvil e 71 JustinRogers(hamstring), SDa'Norris Searcy (hand), Roethlisberger,PIT 3(6 209 2287 (7 4 Third Place LB KelvinSheppard(back), RBCJ. Spiler (shoulder), Schaub,HOU 330 216 2540 IB 8 Missouri68,VCU65 DT KyleWiliams(ankle), DEMario Wiliams (wrist, Dalton,CIN 344 221 2E59 20 1f Fifth Place ankle), CEricWood(knee). COLTS: DOUBTFUL: CB P. Rivers,SND 340 228 246t 17 14 Minnesota 66, Stanford63 VontaeDavis (knee). QUESTIONABLE:TECobyFleener Flacco,BAL 341 206 2495 (3 7 Seventh Place Memphis52, N.Iowa47 (shoulder), DECory Redding (hip). PRO BABLE: WR Fitzpatrick BUF 323 202 2(79 (7 IO DonnieAvery(head), SAntoine Bethea (ankle), RB C. Palmer,OAK 415 252 3035 17 tf Carrs/SafewayGreatAlaska Shootout DonaldBrown(knee), NTJosh Chapman(knee), QB Hasselbeck,TEN 221 t38 t367 7 5 Championship Andrew Luck(knee), CBTeddyWilliams (hamstring) Rushers Charlotte67, Northeastem59 TENNESSEETITANS atJACKSONVILLEJAGAtt Yds Avg LG TD Third Place UARS —TITANS:DOUBTFUL. SAl Afalava(ankle). A. Foster,HOU 249 949 afff 46 10 Belmont7D,Oral Roberts67 C hr. Johnson, TE N Fifth Place QUESTIO NABLE: LBXavier Adibi (knee), RBJamie 170 862 5.07 83t 4 Harper(ankle),WRLaveffe Hawkins (ankle), TECraig Ridley,NW E 185 842 4.55 41 7 Alask a-Anchorage83,LoyolaMarymount 77
re onsu ers irs oss • Ducks fall to No. 22 Cincinnati inLasVegas The Associated Press LAS VEGAS — No. 22 Cincinnati was tested in a big way when its offense sputtered in the second half Saturday night. The Bearcats found their shooting stroke in time to continue their perfect start. Cashmere Wright made five 3pointers and scored 17 points to lead Cincinnati to a 77-66 win over Oregon in the championship game of the Global Sports Classic. The Bearcats (6-0) led by nine at thebreak, but Oregon opened the second half with a 21-10 surge to move in front. Cincinnati then closed the game with a 2 5 -12 stretch to secure the win. "The key for us is we settled down and once we settled down we knocked down a few shots and got our confidence back," coach Mick Cronin said. "We scored 27 points from the time they took a two-point lead (because) we started executing offensively and had some guys make some big shots for us." The Bearcats had four players score in double figures. Sean Kilpatrick and JaQuon Parker had 16 points apiece, and Titus Rubles scored 13. One night after holding Iowa State to 37.3 percent shooting, the Bearcatsheld Oregon to 35.8 percent (19 of 53). Cincinnati wasn't much better, shooting 36.9 percent (24 of 65) from the floor, but made 11 of 24 3-point tries.
'rn ..
ConferenceGlance All TimesPST EASTE RN CONFER ENCE W L Pct GB d-Miami 10 3 769 d-New York 8 3 727 1 Atlanta 8 4 667 1'/r d-Milwaukee 6 5 545 3 Brooklyn 7 4 636 2 Charotte 7 5 583 2'/r Philadelphia 7 6 538 3 Boston 7 6 538 3 Chicago 6 6 500 3 1/2 Indiana 6 8 429 4'/z Orlando 5 7 417 4'/r Detroit 3 1 0 231 7 Cleveland 3 10 231 7 Toronto 3 10 231 7 Washington 0 1 1 000 9 WESTERN CONFE RENCE W L Pct GB d-Memphis 9 2 818 SanAntonio 10 3 769 10 4 71 4 '/r d Oklahoma City d-L.A. Clippers 8 5 615 2 GoldenState 8 6 571 2'/z Denver 7 6 538 3 Utah 7 7 500 3'/z 500 3'/z Dallas 7 7 Portland 6 6 500 3 1/2 L.A. Lakers 7 7 500 3'/z Phoenix 6 7 462 4 Houston 6 7 462 4 Minnesota 5 7 417 4'/z Sacramento 4 9 308 6 NewOrleans 3 8 273 6 d-divisionleader
Saturday's Games Atlanta104,L.A Clippers93 Oklahoma City116, Philadelphia109, OT Charlotte108,Washington 106,20T Miami110,Cleveland108 L.A. Lakers115,Dallas89 Chicag o93,Milwaukee86 Sacramento108, Utah97 GoldenState96,Minnesota 85 Today'sGames Detroit atNewYork,10 a.m. SanAntonioatToronto,10 a.m. Portlandat Brooklyn,noon PhoenixatPhiladelphia, 3p.m. Bostonat Orando, 3p.m. NewOrleansatDenver,5 p.m. julie jacobson/The Associated Press
Oregon's Waverly Austin (20) is fouled while shooting over Cincinnati's David Nyarsuk in the first half of Saturday night's game in Las Vegas.
— Quinn Cook scored 11 of his 15 points in the final 7:46, includCarlos Emery led Oregon (5-1) ing Duke's last eight of the game, with 15 points and nine rebounds. and the Blue Devils (6-0) beat LouE.J. Singler added 11 points. isville (5-1) in the championship The Ducks h el d C i n cinnati game of the Battle 4 Atlantis. scoreless for 3t/a minutes early in N o. 13 Missouri....... . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 the second half, just long enough V CU...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5 to cut into the Bearcats' lead and PARADISE ISLAND, B a haget back into the game. An 8-0 mas — Laurence Bowers had 14 run got Oregon within two, and points and 11 rebounds and Phil Johnathan Lloyd's 3-pointer at the Pressey had 11 points and eight 13:27 mark trimmed Cincinnati's assists, leading Missouri (5-1) in advantage to 47-46. the third-place game of the Battle The Bearcats responded with 4 Atlantis. five straight points to go back No.14creighton ............ . ..87 up by six, but then had to endure A rizona State ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 another 3 ' /a-minute s c oreless LAS VEGAS — Doug McDerdrought. Oregon took its first lead mott scored 27 points with nine of the game when Dominic Artis rebounds to lead Creighton (6-0) stole the ball from Wright and fed in the final of the Las Vegas InvitaDamyean Dotson for a fast-break tional. Freshman Jahii Carson led layup that made it 54-52 with 7:40 Arizona State (4-1) with 30 points. left. N o. 18 UNLV ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2 "Give Oregon credit for coming l owa State..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 0 back," Cronin said. "We showed a LAS VEGAS — Freshman Anlot of character. We keep it inter- thony Bennett scored 22 points esting, that's for sure. We've got and the Runnin' Rebels (3-1) won veteran guys who can defend, and the consolation game of the Global we got a lot of open shots off (our Sports Classic. defensive) effort." No. 19 Memphis...... . . . . . . . . . . 52 Cincinnati bounced back with Northern lowa....... . . . . . . . . . . . 47 an 11-0 run to grab controL PARADISE ISLAND, Bahamas — Chris Crawford had 18 points Also on Saturday: N o.5Duke..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6 and 12 rebounds, and Memphis (3N o. 2 Louisville...... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 2) avoided losing all three games PARADISE ISLAND, Bahamas in the Battle 4 Atlantis.
College of Charleston...........63 No. 24 Baylor....... . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 WACO, Texas — Willis Hall scored six consecutive points for the College of Charleston to break the final tie. Pierre Jackson's 21
points led Baylor (4-2), which had won 29 consecutivehome games againstnonconference teams. U tah...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 W right State ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 SALT LAKE CITY — Jordan Loveridge scored 22 points and keyed a game-clinching run to
power Utah (4-1). W ashington State..... . . . . . . . . . 66 Arkansas-Pine Bluff...... . . . . . . 38 PULLMAN, Wash. — Royce W oolridge and B r ock M o t um combined for 28 points to help Washington State (3-3) win. M innesota...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 6 S tanford...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3 PARADISE ISLAND, B a hamas — Andre Hollins made three free throws with 0.4 seconds to play to lift Minnesota in the fifthplace game of the Battle 4 Atlantis. Dwight Powell had 22 points for
Stanford (4-3). C olorado State...... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 Washington....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 SEATTLE — Greg Smith scored 15 points as Colorado State outrebounded Washington by 24. C.J. Wilcox led the Huskies (2-3) with 28 points.
For newUConncoach l(evin Ollie, ashort leash ByI achScho nb ruff New Yorfr Times News Service
STORRS, Conn.— As he walked toward the locker room after his first win at home as the new men's basketball coach at Connecticut, Kevin Ollie was intercepted. There was Warde Manuel, the UConn athletic director, beaming proudly.The two men embraced. It seemed like the happy dawning of a new era. Two months earlier, when Manuel handed Ollie, then an assistant, the keys to run the program that Jim Calhoun had built into a national powerhouse, they came with a not-so-subtle warning: Keep it running smoothly or the test drive is over. Ollie, who had never been a head coach, signed a one-year contract that expires in April. And Manuel's coming decision — whether to extend Ollie's deal or open a national coaching search for a replacementhas become the awkward and unavoidable story line trailing Ollie's every move since, pinned to his blazer like a scarlet letter. "I think the world of Kevin," Manuel said, standing outside Ollie's news media conference at Gampel Pavilion recently. He added: "I love what I see. But I want to continue to watch him and watch the team. At the appropriate time, I'll make a decision." Manuel's wait-and-see approach has been criticized by some coaches, including Michigan State's Tom Izzo and Louisville's Rick Pitino, and seized upon by others. Ollie said his contract situation had already been used against him on the recruiting trail, where he must sell the program with no assurances he will still be manning it. "Basically what it's saying is Connecticut isn't confident in him," said Evan Daniels, the national recruiting analyst for Fox Sports. "They're not providing him with stability. To be honest with you, I think that's completely unfair to him." In two years as an assistant under Calhoun, Ollie established a rapport with players and earned a reputation as a savvy recruiter, after his 13-year NBA
playing career ended. He is tall and lithe, a former journeyman guard (he played for 11 teams) from Los Angeles with a syrupy voice and a more mild-mannered approach than his fierypredecessor.He said he had attended tohisbusiness assuming he was at UConn to stay. "I coach this team and recruit like I'm going to be here not just for seven months but 27 years, a lifetime," Ollie said. "That's how I go about my everyday mindset and how I feel in my heart."
Bodcats108, Wizards106(2 OT) CHARLOTTE (108) Kidd-Gilchrist 5-100-010, Mullens915 4-527, ttaywood1-20-0 2, Walker3-17 6-8 12,Taylor3-6 4-612, Gordon 6-13 3-419, Sessions6-149-1121, Diop 0-00-00 Warrick0-22-22,Wiliams1-4 0-03. TotaIs34-83 28-36 108. WASHINGTON (106) Beal 3-124-413, Vesely1-1 0-1 2, Seraphin310 0-0 6,Livingston3-42-2 8, Crawford4-151-1 9, Ariza0-32-2 2,Singleton3-117-1013, Price1-5 0-0 2, Nene 8-133-419, Webster 4-1010-12 21, Okalor 4-9 3-311. Totals 34-93 32-39106. Charlotte 26 26 22 20 7 9 — 108 Washington 24 27 21 20 7 7 — 106
Heat110, Cavaliers108 CLEVELAND (108) Gee4-83-512, Thompson 6-71-213, Varejao2-9 6 710, Pargo 4-136 816,Waiters5-143 416, Zeller 2-6 1-2 5, Gibson4-9 1-1 11, Casspi4-6 3-4 15, Miles 4-7 0-010. TotaIs 35-79 24-33 108. MIAMI (110) James1016 8 930, Battier 3 5 00 9, Bosh6 11 11-13 23,Chalmers1-32-2 4, Wade6-15 6-1018, Haslem1-10-0 2,Allen 6-112-317, Cole1-3 0-02, Miller 2-4 0-0 5,Anthony0-0 0-0 0. Totals 36-69 29-37 110. Cleveland 29 30 20 29 — 108 Miami 26 22 29 33 — 110
Thunder 116, 76ers109(OT) OKLAHOM ACITY (116)
Durant10-2215-1737,Ihaka8 122-318, Perkins 1-41-23, Westbrook11-236-630,8elolosha2-71-2 6 Martin 2-91-1 6,Collison5-64-414, Thabeet0-1 2-22, Maynor040-00 Totals39-8832-37116. PHILADELPHIA (109) Turner10-176-726,T.Young13-23 3-329, Allen 3-4 2-2 8,Holiday3-110-06, Richardson5-7 0-013, Brown1-40-02, NYoung4-10 0-0 9 Hawes3-6 1-3 7 Wright3-80-09,Wayns0-1 0-00, Wilkins0-00-2 0 Totals46-91 12-17 109. Oklahoma City 29 21 35 13 18 — 116 Philade pl hia 21 28 30 19 11 — 109
Hawks104, Clippers 93 L.A. CLIPPERS (93)
But er 1-60-0 3, Griffin 9-174-622, Jordan4-8 0-2 8, Paul5-128-8 19, Green3-5 0-0 7, Bledsoe 4-1 02-212, Barnes2-5 0-0 6, Crawford3-8 5-512, Odom 0-2 0-00, Hollins 1-10-0 2,Turiaf 0-12-2 2. Totals 32-75 21-2593. ATLANTA (104) Smith 7-9 2-317, Horford5-11 0-110, Pachulia 7-9 5-7 19,Teague7-14 4-5 19, Korver2-7 2-2 8, Morrow 3-8 2-29,Johnson2-5 0-0 4,Wiliams5-9 6-618, Scottg-1 0-00 Petro0-20-00,Jenkins0-0 0-0 0.Totals 38-75 21-26 104. L.A. Clippers 24 1 7 19 33 — 93 Atlanta 21 30 34 19 — 104
Warriors 96, T'wolves 85 MINNESOT AIBB)
Kirilenko4-133-411, Love6-202-415, Pekovic 7-13 3-4 17, Ridnour1-70-0 2, M.Lee0-3 0-0 0, Barea 2-6 3-38,Stiemsma2-4 0-0 4,Shved 3-72-2 9, Cunningham 3 50-06, rtoward1-21-2 3,Wiliams 4-60-010. Totals33-8614-19 86. GOLDEN STATE(96) Barnes4-7 2 410, D.Lee7-14 3 4 17, Ezeli 1-1 0-0 2, Curry7-19 1-120,Thompson8-17 7-8 24, Biedrins0-0 0-00, Green2-6 0-0 4,Jack0-71-21, Landry4 710-1018,Jenkins0 00-00, Tyler0 00 0 0 Bazemore 0-0 0-00. Totals 33-78 24-29 96. Minnesota 18 33 23 11 — 85 GoldenState 16 3 1 23 26 — 96 fessica Hill /The Associated Press
Connecticut head coach Kevin Ollie,right, gestures during a game against Vermont earlier this month. Ultimately, though, it is Manuel's decision. He said he was well aware of the criticism and the potential for harm in recruiting (the early signing period began Nov. 14). But replacing Calhoun, who won 866 games and three national titles with UConn before retiring in September, is not a task simply anyone can step in and do. "I had to weigh that possibility — it hurting us this year in recruiting, or maybe some kids delaying their decisions — with the fact that I'd never seen Kevin as a head coach," he said. Manuel added: "I understand the angst that a recruit would have. What I've said to them is we're going to make a decision for UConn that we believe and I believe keeps us winning Big East championships and competing for national championships." UConn (4-1) will not be eligible for the postseason this season after the NCAA cracked down on its low A cademic Progress Rate scores, and as a result,tw o players (Jeremy Lamb and Andre Drummond) left for the NBA draft, and three others (Alex Oriachi, Michael Bradley and Roscoe Smith) transferred. The roster that is left for Ollie is devoid of the typically towering frontcourt presences of Connecticut's past. But it has two penetrating guards — Shabazz Napier and Ryan Boatright — and a versatile freshman forward in Omar Calhoun, whom Ollie recruited out of New York City. "It's not for me, for me to get a new contract," Ollie said. "I told them, Don't put that burden on your back. Go play for one another. That's what I love about this team."
Kings108, Jazz97 UTAH (97) Ma.Williams2-62-4 8, Millsap4-115-6 13,JefIerson7-150-014, Tinsley5-80-014, Foye5-10 3-6 17, Watson3-40-0 6, Favors0-62-2 2, Kanter3-7 3-4 9, Carroll 2-4 2-2 6,Hayward1-8 5-68. Totals 32-79 22-3097. SACRAME NTO(108) Salmons3-80-08, Thompson6-124-616, Cousins 6-112-414, Brooks5-6 0-013,TEvans9-179 9 27, Thornton3-92-59, Robinson4-41-2 9, Fredette 1-1 2-24,Johnson1-31-23, Hayes2-21-25, Thomas 0-10-00. Totals 40-74 22-32108. ufah 29 27 19 22 — 97 Sacramento 23 28 32 25 — 108
Heat escape Cavaliers with late rally, 110-108 The Associated Press MIAMI — Down by seven points with less than two minutes left, LeBron James' current team was in big trouble against his former team. That is, until the Miami Heat saved their very best for the very end. James found Ray Allen for the go-ahead 3pointer with 18.2 seconds left, highlighting a nine-point run to end the game and lift the Heat to a 110-108 victory over the Cleveland Cavaliers on Saturday night. Miami held the lead for just 2 minutes, 29 seconds. Cleveland led 108-101 with 1:58 remaining, before the reigning NBA champions found a way to stay perfect at home. "It speaks to the competitive will that the guys have at the end of close games," Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said. "We have a lot of gamers in that locker room. They rise to the occasion. They want situations like that. That can be dangerous, as well." James finished with 30 points for the Heat. Chris Bosh scored 23 points, Dwyane Wade added 18 and Allen finished with 17 — 15 in the fourth quarter — for the Heat, who lost Shane Battier in the third quarter to a sprained right knee. Of the nine Cleveland players who logged minutes, everyone but Tyler Zeller scored at least 10 points. Jeremy Pargo and Dion Waiters each scored 16 for Cleveland, which got 15 from Omri Casspi, 13 from Tristan Thompson, 12 from Alonzo Gee, 11 from Gibson, a 10-point, 15-rebound night from Anderson Varejao, and 10 more points from CJ Miles. The Cavaliers were 14 for 31 from 3-point range, forced 18 turnovers and turned them into 22 points, led by 13 points in the third quarter — and still fell to 1-7 against Miami since James' infamous decision to leave Cleveland and join the Heat in July 2010. "Tough loss," Varejao said. "We had control of thewhole game and atthe end we gave away easy layups and we didn't play smart on offenseand we lostthe game." After Allen's 3-pointer, Cleveland had a good look at the lead, but Wade blocked Pargo's jumper with three seconds left. "I liked my chances to at least make it a tough shot," Wade said. Allen added one free throw to stretch the lead to two, and when he missed the second try, Cleveland controlled the rebound with 0.6 seconds left, but never got anything near the rim. Also on Saturday: Bobcats.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Wizards ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 WASHINGTON — Byron Mullens scored 27 points, Ramon Sessions had 20 and Ben Gordon added 19 as Charlotte earned its seventh win of the season — equaling last year's victory total — and kept Washington winless in double overtime. Lakers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Mavericks...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 DALLAS — Metta World Peace hit three early3-pointers to spark a Los Angeles barrage fromlong range, and the Lakers scored 36 points before Kobe Bryant (19 points) took his first shot. Thunder.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 76ers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 PHILADELPHIA — Kevin Durant scored 37 points, Russell Westbrook had 30 and Oklahoma City beat Philadelphia in overtime. Hawks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Clippers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 ATLANTA — Jeff Teague had 19 points and 11 assists, Zaza Pachulia added 19 points and 12 rebounds, and Atlanta won its fifth straight by beating Los Angeles. Bulls ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 Bucks ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 MILWAUKEE — Carlos Boozer and Richard Hamilton scored 22 points apiece to lead Chicago over Milwaukee, breaking a four-game losing streak. Kings...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Jazz.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Tyreke Evans scored 21 of his 27 points in the second half and slumping Sacramento beat Utah. Warriors..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 Timberwolves..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 OAKLAND, Calif. — Klay Thompson scored a season-high 24 points, Stephen Curry added 20 points and six assists, and Golden State beat Minnesota.
'i~Ti lw.,-. it)kwiI'Ke/%<~ Bii»
Bulls 93, Bucks 86 CHICAGO (93)
Deng5-142-214, Boozer10-152-222,Noah2-7 5-6 9, Hinrich3-102-210, Hamilton6-1810-10 22, Robinson2-70-04, Gihson1-22-24, Butler2-72-2 6, Belinelli1-2002. Totals 3282 252693. MILWAUKEE (86) Harris 5-70-010, llyasova3-8 0-06, Przybilla 01 0-0 0, Jennings10-202-4 23, Ellrs 7-173-3 17, Udrih 5-111-1 12,Udoh1-31-2 3, Sanders4 90 0 8, Dunleavy 3 90-07, Daniels0-30-00, Henson0 0 0-0 0.Totals 38-88 7-10 86. Chicago 28 24 20 21 — 93 Mrlwaukee 30 22 17 17 — BB
Lakers115, Mavericks 89 L.A. LAKERS (115) WorldPeace7-100-019, Gasol4-75-813, Howard 5-115-915, Morris 3-91-1 7, Bryant6-116-8 19, Jamison 7-114-419, Duhon1-31-24, Meeks4-8 0-011, Hill1-60-02, Ebanks2-30-05, Clark0-01-2 1John son-Odom 010 00,Sacre02000.Totals 40-82 23-34 115. DALLAS(BB) Marion 4-81-1 10,Brand0-3 0-00, Wright 3-6 0-06, Collison1-100-02, Mayo5-153-313, Murphy 0-2 0-0 0,Kaman2-12 0-0 4, Carter5-10 2-2 16, DoJones1-1 0-42, DaJones1-1 4 46, Crowder 6-12 0-315, Beaubois3-8 0-0 8,James3-41-3 7. TotaIs34-92 11-20 89. L.A. Lakers 36 29 24 26 — 116 Dallas 23 15 27 24 — 89
tNilfredo Lee /The Associated Press
Miami Heat guard Dwyane Wade (3) goes up for a shot against Cleveland Cavaliers center Anderson Varejao, left, and guard Dion Waiters during the first half of Saturday night's game in Miami.
Ducks double up Beavers in Civil War, 48-24
Continued from D1 Oregon would score to take a 13-7 lead on that drive — and the Ducks never trailed after that as De'Anthony Thomas took over in the second half to lead Oregon to a convincing 48-24victory over the Beavers. "That's what we've come to expect from him," said Oregon head coach Chip Kelly of the Mariota fourth-down pass. "When he's got to make a play, somehow he always does. It looked like he was sacked, and somehow he managed to squirt out." Mariota said the play "kind of just happened." "I really can't explain it," he said. "I felt pressure, and tried to get out of it, and Murphy did a good job getting open. I was a little out of my rhythm (early in the
By Anne M. Peterson The Associated Press
game), but you've just got to play catch." By virtue of Stanford's win over UCLA on Saturday, Oregon (No. 5 BCS, No. 4 AP) will not return to the Pac-12 Championship Game. And Notre Dame's win over USC on Saturday night c losed the door on the Ducks' remote hope of landing a berth in the national title game. "It's on us because we put it in somebody else's hands," Kelly said, referring to th e p revious week's overtime loss to Stanford, which knocked the Ducks from the ranks of the unbeaten. A likely scenario is now Oregon playing in the Fiesta Bowl against Kansas State. Their title hopes are gone, but the Ducks still answered the question that was hanging in the air in Eugene and around the country all last week: Just how would they respond from their devastating loss to Stanford'? "We're never down," Barner said after Oregon's 15th consecutive road win, the longest such streak in the nation. "We never feel like we're out." That M a riota a n d T h o m as could overcome some inconsistency to lead Oregon over its bitter rival was particularly crucial after Barner went down with an
apparent abdominal injury midway through the second quarter and did not return until near the end of the third quarter. The Ducks took a 20-10 lead into halftime, and they were facing some adversity again on a third-quarter drive that featured some chipping by both teams, in-
RobKerr I The Bulletin
Oregon's De'Anthony Thomasbreaks an Oregon State tackle during Saturday's game in Corvallis.
cluding an angry Thomas, who responded by sealing the Ducks' victory. After being brought down hard to the turf by several Oregon State defenders, Thomas stomped on the Beavers' Jordan Poyer and
was flagged for a 15-yard personal foul. T homas then rushed for 3 1 yards on the drive and scored a 5yard touchdown to give Oregon a 27-17 lead. "There were a lot of cheap shots out there from some guys ... I just gave a little shot," Thomas said of the stomp. "I tried to stay focused and not let that get to me. I was kind of mad, because all the other plays, there were just cheap shots and they tried to twist people's ankles under the pile and stuff. We adapted to that and didn't really let it get to us. We just came out there and just played Oregon footbalL" The Ducks benefited from six OSU turnovers, including five in the fourth quarter, as the game quickly turned into a blowout after Thomas scored again on a 29yard run on a fourth-and-5 play to make it 34-17. "Just like last year, you bounce
back from a loss," said Oregon linebacker Michael Clay, who led the team with 10 tackles. Clay was referring to a heartbreaking 38-35 loss to USC late last season, after which Oregon rebounded to win the Civil War, defeat UCLA in the first Pac-12 Championship Game and beat Wisconsin in the Rose Bowl. "It just shows how good a team is when you bounce back," Clay said. "Losing a game to a tough team like that (Stanford) and coming to someone else's house ... it shows how good a team can be." Thomas finished with t h r ee touchdowns an d 1 2 2 r u s hing yards, while Barner returned in the second half to finish with two touchdowns and 198 yards, and perhaps run his way back into Heisman Trophy contention. Kelly said the Ducks "stuck with the plan" in the second half. "When Kenjon was out in the second half, when you can bring No. 6 (Thomas) off the bench, that's pretty good for us," Kelly said. "We stuck to our plan. Usually, that's what happens to us. We have an opportunity to wear some
people down." Mariota had to find a way to
Oregon State Continued from D1 No, Saturday's struggles were a result of the Beavers not playing WELL enough tobeat Oregon. O SU c ollapsed u n der t h e weight of its own mistakes — including six turnovers and other u ntimely m i s cues t h a t o n l y helped the Ducks' cause. And as Oregon State coach Mike Riley said after the game, Oregon is too good for the Beavers to survive such a comedy of errors. "Oregon is a very good football team and we just gave them too many more opportunities," said Riley. "They don'tneed any more. They take pretty good advantage of the opportunities they already have." For those who witnessed the Ducks' decisivewave of scoring, this might be hard to remember: Oregon State had this game within reach in the third quarter. O pening t h e s e c ond h a l f , quarterback Sean Mannion led the Beavers on a 77-yard drive,
get the offense back on its typical fast track after Oregon was held to a season-low 405 yards against Stanford and converted just four of 17 third downs. OSU came into Saturday's game with a tough run d efense, ranked second in t h e Pac-12. But just as the Ducks have run all over the Beavers the past four years, they did so again on Satur-
day, posting 430 rushing yards. Oregon has averaged 362.8 yards on the ground in the past five Civil Wars, all Duck victories. "The guys up front just did a great job blocking so I could get to the edge," Barner said. "I had to step up to try to contribute to my team and just get the momentum going for us," Thomas added. "Once Kenjon came back in, it just seemed like nothing changed. It was just us playing Oregon football." The Ducks now will have to wait until bowl season to play Oregon football again. But they took care of what they could control on Saturday, rebounding from a crushing loss to crush their rivals. — Reporter: 541-383-0318; mmorical@bendbulletirLcom.
Redmond'sYork sees action for OSU CORVALLIS — Oregon
State's Clayton York, a senior fullback from Redmond, got more action than just the
game-opening senior celebration Saturday at OSU's Reser Stadium.
In what marked his final Civil War, York got multiple opportunities to be the lead
blocker. That was hardly out of the ordinary for York, who has topped the depth chart at OSU's little-used fullback
Rob Kerr / The Bulletin
Oregon State's Storm Woods celebrateswith quarterback Sean Mannion after scoring a touchdown in the first half of Saturday's Civil War game in Corvallis.
Later in the drive the Ducks converted a second-and-17 play, and reserve back Byron Marshall highlighted by 37-yard bomb to recovered his own fumble on the a wide-open Markus Wheaton OSU 5 just an instant ahead of to the Oregon 2-yard line. Storm several Beaver ballhawks. A play later, Thomas sliced Woods then punched in a score to draw the Beavers within 20-17. through the OSU defense for a 5At that point, it appeared that yard score that gave the Ducks a 27-17 lead with 6:59 to play in the Oregon would not be r u nning away with this Civil War. third quarter. "We had a great drive to open "That's just a ball we need to the second half," said Mannion, get on," said Poyer of the fumble. who passed for 311 yards but also But that was what was so madthrew four interceptions, three of dening for the Beavers. which would come in the fourth "I know we're better than this," quarter. "We need to do a bet- said linebacker M i chael D octer job finishing, but at the same tor. "We just didn't execute at all time I also think that it was not today." completely all bad." O regon State's Devon K e l l The Ducks' second-half anmuffed the ensuing kickoff, the first of f i v e B eaver turnovers swer became indicative of this game: The Beavers had every down the stretch that turned a chance to stop Oregon while they once-competitive game into a diwere down just 20-17, but they saster for OSU. could not make the ONE play Few teams can survive that they needed to tip the balance. combination of almosts and misIt started when a p e r sonal takes and survive Oregon. And foul o n O r egon's De'Anthony the Beaverscertainly proved no Thomas, who stomped OSU cor- exception. "They're such a good team, you nerback Jordan Poyer during an after-play skirmish, pushed the can't win giving them a couple of Ducks back to their own 38-yard handouts," said Markus Whealine and set up a t h i rd-and-19 ton, OSU's seniorreceiver, who play. racked up 98 yards receiving but But Duck quarterback Marcus also muffed a late punt for yet Mariota, who was often brilliant another Beaver turnover. "We Saturday with 140 yards passing mishandled the ball a lot, myself and 85 yards rushing, beat the included." There were other pivotal moBeaver secondary with a 28-yard strike to Josh Huff that set the ments, too. On a f o u r th-andDucks up on the OSU 34. seven playin the second quarter,
Mariota pulled a Houdini act to get a first down, eventually leading to the Ducks' second touchdown. Minutes later OSU's Clayton York, a senior fullback from Redmond, was turned away on a fourth-down play in O regon territory. "There were a few o f t h ose plays that appeared to be BIG plays like that," Riley said. The final result is a growing frustration in Corvallis after Oregon won the Civil War for the fifth consecutive year, the longest streak in the series since UO won eight in a row from 1975 to 1982. If there is a bright side for the Beavers it is that they appear to have closed the talent gap a bit on the Ducks. But that is of little solace to Oregon Staters who are tired of coming up short against their in-state rivals. "I've been here four years, and it's tough," said Poyer. "You put in so much throughout the week and to come out with an outcome like that, it's hard." "We felt like we're a lot better than what we showed today," Poyer said. Nearly every Beaver after the game offered some version of that sentiment. At 8-3 overall and 6-3 in the Pac-12 record, and with a likely trip to a respectable bowl game, the Beavers can still consider this season a success. But after Saturday, it's hard not to feel like OSU let an opportu-
position. Entering the gamewith just one pass reception and no rushing attempts this season, the 6-foot, 238-pounder was also a key player during one second-quarter drive. First, York caught a 6-yard pass from OSU quarterback Sean Mannion on afirst-down play in Oregon territory. Moments later, York got his first
carry of the season —and it was a crucial play. On fourth down with 2 yards to go for a first down from the
Oregon 34, York got the call to run. He was stuffed initially but was able to bounce outside to the right. But York's effort would not be enough after getting pushed out of bounds
a yard short of a newset of dowlls. In the moments after the
game — a48-24 Oregon victory — York made his way over to the visitors' sideline,
where he huggedfamily and friends in attendance. "Obviously this is not what I wanted," York, who was noticeably disappointed, said as he was returning to the OSU locker room. "I think we're a better team than that." — 2ack Hall
nity slip away. "It's still about football plays and playmaking,and they made way more than we did," Riley satd. The Beavers are getting used to that in this rivalry game. But somehow it feels like this year should have been different. — Reporter: 541-617-7868;
CORVALLIS — After Oregon's loss to Stanford last weekend, running back Kenjon Barner figured there were three ways for the Ducks to respond in the Civil War against Oregon State. "You can let it define you, destroy you or strengthen you," Barner said. "With this team, every loss we've taken in the past, it's strengthened us, made us stronger. Looking back on Stanford, it was a loss. We knew what we had to do to get back on the winning track, and we did it." Barner ran for 198 yards and two touchdowns — despite leaving the game for a time with what he called a minor injury — and No. 5 Oregon defeatedNo. 16 Oregon State48-24 Saturday in the Civil War. The victory initially kept the Ducks (11-1, 8I) alive for a spot in the Pac-12 title game, but Stanford defeated UCLA 35-17 later Saturday to clinch the league's northern division. Stanford's 17-14 overtime victory over the Ducks last Saturday meant that both teams finished the regular season with just one conference loss, but the Cardinal (10-2, 8-1) claimed the head-to-head matchup over Oregon to advance to the championship game — a rematch with UCLA — next Friday. The Civil War ended shortly before the game between Stanford and UCLA started. Barner was not planning to watch it. "I'm going to enjoy this win, have fun with my family that's here and find out tomorrow what the situation is," he said. "I'd rather not watch." It was Oregon's fifth straight victory in the 116-game rivalry series with the Beavers. While the Civil War is normally the regular-season finale for both teams, Oregon State (8-3, 6-3) will host Nicholls State next Saturday in a matchup that was supposed to open the season but was put off when Hurricane Isaac bore down on Nicholls State's Thibodaux, La., campus. The Beavers will have to wait to find out where they areheaded for a bowl game, but alreadytheir season can be counted a success after they went just 3-9 last year. Barner appeared to hurt either his abdomen or ribs late in the first half and headed to the lockerroom. He returned afterthe break, but much of the work went to De'Anthony Thomas until Barner returned on a scoring drive that made it 41-17 early in the fourth quarter. Barner would describe the injury only as minor. Thomas finished with 122 yards rushing and three scores. Oregon redshirt freshman Marcus Mariota passed for 140 yards and a score and also ran for 85 yards and a touchdown. Sean Mannion passed for 311 yards and a late touchdown for the Beavers but was interceptedfour times. Storm Woods rushed for 70 yards and two scores. Mannion started the first four games of the season, throwing seven touchdowns and averaging 339 passing yards, but he injured his left knee and required surgery. Cody Vaz, who had not started a game since high school, took over and helped the Beavers to win in the next two games, andVaz laterbecame the team's starter. But Vaz sprained his left ankle in the final moments of a loss to Stanford two weeks ago, and he sat out last Saturday during Oregon State's 64-14 victory at home over California. Mannion got the nod for the Civil War. "We have another opponent and we don't have time to pout and feel sorry for ourselves," Mannion said. "Nicholls State is going to come in here and try to beat us, and we have to prepare accordingly. I think it will be a good thing because I know everyone is hurting about this one, especially the seniors. Attendance Saturday was 47,249, a Reser Stadium record. The Ducks put the Stanford loss behind them by striking quickly on their first possession with Mariota's 42-yard keeper. The touchdown drive took just I:46, but the Ducks' two-point try to cap it off failed. The Beavers took a 7-6 lead on Woods' 7-yard touchdown run, but the Ducks answered on the next series with Thomas' 2-yard touchdown dash. Barner added a I-yard scoring run before he was hurt. Stanford held Barner to 66 yards the week before, but he had 141 yards before halftime against the Beavers. With his first 15 yards rushing Saturday, he moved past Derek Loville (1986-89) for second place on Oregon's career rushing list. Trevor Romaine kicked a 36-yard field goal to narrow the margin to 20-10 at halftime, and the Beaverspulled closer with Woods' 2-yard scoring run on their first series of the second half. It was all Ducks the rest of the way. Thomas scored ona 6-yard run to extend Oregon's lead to 27-17 before the Ducks capitalized on a Beaver fumble that led to Thomas' 29-yard touchdown run. Barner returned with his I-yard run, and Mariota found B.J. Kelley with a 2-yard touchdown pass. Mannion hit Micah Hatfield with a 6-yard touchdown pass with 20 seconds left for the final score. While Barner was spending time with his
family, Oregon coach Chip Kelly was going to be watching Saturday night to see what happened elsewhere in the Pac-12 and beyond. "You got to pay attention," Kelly said. "You got to know if you're practicing tomorrow." Even though the Ducks are missing out on the Pac-12 title game, there is a good chance that at 11-1 they will receive an at-large bid for a BCS bowl game. The Ducks hold a 60-46-10 advantage in the Civil War, which began in 1894. It was the fourth time that both teams were ranked for the Civil War. The last time was in 2009,when Oregon was No. 7 and Oregon State was No. 13. Oregon won that game 37-33 to secure a berth in the Rose Bowl.
Stanford topsUCLA, wraps upPac-12North By John Nadel
Notre Dame running back Theo Riddick, right, and wide receiver Luke Massa, left, celebrate after Notre Dame defeated Southern California 22-13 in Saturday night's game in Los Angeles.
nia 38-28 last weekend.
The Associated Press
Regarding next Friday's
PASADENA, Calif. — The Stanford Cardinal chose to be concerned strictly about themselves on Saturday. That was all that was necessary, and it worked to perfection. Stepfan Taylor rushed for 142 yards and two touchdowns, Kevin Hogan passed for 160 yards and another score, and the 11th-ranked Cardinal beat No. 15 UCLA 35-17 to earn t h e P ac-12 North title and a r ematch with the Bruins in the conference championship game next week.
The Cardinal (10-2, 8-1 Pac-12) had to win to qualify for another shot at the Bruins on Friday at home because
game, Shaw said: "I expect them to give us everything. I expect this to be a very tough,
physical game. It's going to be 10 times harder than this
. a'a
game was. We're going to get their best shot." The win w a s th e sixth straight for Stanford andtheir fourth in a row over UCLA, which had a five-game winning streak snapped — its longest in seven years. "Congratulations to Stan-
~ c
o:9 r'
Danny Moloshok
/The Associated Press
ford. They played a heck of a game and they're a heck of a football team," UCLA coach Jim Mora said. "We have some things that we have to do to get better by Friday
night. We'll get right back No. 5 Oregon (11-1, 8-1) beat to work. We wanted to win No. 16 Oregon State 48-24 in a matchup that finished about 10 minutes before Stanford and UCLA began their game at the Rose Bowl. But coach David Shaw and several of his players swore they didn't k now the outcome of t h e Oregon-Oregon Stategame until after their triumph over the Bruins. "Didn't watch the game, didn't think i t w a s i mport ant," Shaw s ai d o f t h e matchup in Corvallis. "The only thing that matters is what happens on our field. It's inconsequential. It didn't matter. For true competitors, we've got a football game to
this game today. We came up short. There is a lot to learn. We did not play as well as we can." Hogan, a redshirt freshman making his third start, completed 15 of 22 passes without being i n tercepted and was sacked twice. He has guided th e C a r dinal to wins over three straight ranked opponents, something they had never accomplished before. Brett H u ndley, U C LA's redshirt freshman quarterback, was 20 of 38 for 261 yards and a TD w it h o ne i nterception w h i l e b e i n g sacked seven times. play, we're going to play it. Leading 21-10, the CardiAnd our guys approached it nal broke the game open by that way." scoring twice in a 13-second The Cardinal, who have span midway through the three straight 10-win seasons third quarter.Taylor scored for the first time, handed Or- on a I-yard run four plays egon a 17-14 overtime setback afterJordan Richards interlast weekend to put them- cepted Hundley's pass at the selves in position to win the UCLA 42-yard l ine. A l ex North title with a victory over Debniak forced a fumble by the Pac-12 South champion Kenneth Walker on the ensuBruins (9-3, 6-3), who earned ing kickoff and Usua Amatheir berth in the title game nam returned it 11 yards for by beating Southern Califor- another TD.
No. 9TexasABM(t0-2) beatMissouri 59-29.Next:
Standings All TimesPST North
Stanford Oregon Oregon State Washington California Washington State
Conf. Overall B-t t0-2 8-1 6-3 5-4 2-7 1-8
Conf. Overall 6-3 5-4 5-4 4-5 3-6 1-8
UCLA LISC Arizona State Arizona Utah Colorado
11-t 8-3 7-5 3-9 3-9
9-3 7-5 7-5 7-5
5-7 1-1t
Utah42,Coorado35 WashingtonState31,Washington 28(OT) Arizona State41,Arizona34 Saturday'sGames Oregon48, OregonState24 Stanford35,UCLAt7 x-NotreDame22,USC13 Friday, Nov.30 Pac-12Championship, UCLAat Stanford, 5p.m. Saturday,Dec.1 x-NichollsStateat OregonState,t 130am. x-itonconferertce
Saturday's Summary
No. 5 Oregon48, No. 16 OregonState 24 Oregon Oregon St.
6 14 14 14 — 48 7 3 7 7 — 24
First Ouarter Ore—Mariota 42 rurt(passfailed), 1314 Orst — Woods7ruri (Roma<riekick), 1:28. Second fhafler Ore—D.Thomas2 rrin (Maldonadokick), 13:19. Ore —Bamer 1run(Maldonadokick),BOZ Orst FG Rom aine36,:00. Third Quarter Orst — Woods2ruri (Romairie kick), 10:41. Ore —D.Thomas5 rttn (Maldonadokick), 6:59. Ore —D.Thomas29rttn (Maldonadokick),5:15. Fouflh ftuafter Ore — Bamer 1ruit(Maldoitado kick),12:51. Ore—Kelley 2 passfrom Mariota (Maldonado kick), 10:29. orst — Hattield 6 passfromMannion(Romaine kick),:20.
TBD. No.10 FloridaState(10-2) lostto No.6 Florida3726. Next:vs. GeorgiaTechift ACCchampionship, Saturday. No. 11Stanford(t0-2) beat No.15 UCLA35-17. Next: vs.UCLAin Pac-12 championship, Satrirday.
No.12 Clemson(t0-2) lost to No. 13SouthCarolina 27-17.Next:TBD. No.13 SouthCarolina (t0-2) beatNo.12Clemson 27-17. Next:TBD. No.14Oklahoma(9-2) beatNo.22OklahomaState 51-48,OT.Next: TBD. No. 15UCLA(9-3) lost to No.11Stanford35-17. Next: vs. Stanford in Pac-t2 championship, Saturday. No. 16OregonState(8-3) lostto No.5 Oregon48 24. Next:vs. Nicholls State,Saturday No. 17 Nebraska (t0-2) beat lowa 13-7, Friday. Next: vs.Wisconsin inBig Tenchampionship, Saturday. No. 18Texas(8-3) lost to TCU20-13, Thursday. Next atNo.7KansasState, Saturday. No. 19Louisville(9-2) lost toUConn 23-20, 30T. Next: atNo.21Rutgers, Thursday. No. 20Michigan(8-4l lost toNo.4 OhioState2621. Next:TBD. No. 21Rutgers(9-2) lostto Pittsburgh27-6. Next: vs. No.19Louisvile,Thursday. No. 22 Ok ahoma State(7-4) lost to No 14Oklahoma51-48, OT.Next: at Baylor, Saturday. No. 23 KentState it 1-1) beatOhio 28-6, Friday. Next: vs.No.24Northern llinois in MACchampionship,Friday. Ntt. 24 Northem lliitois (11-1) beatEastemMichigan 49-7,Friday Next:vs. No23Kent State in MACchampionship, Friday. No. 25 MississippiState(8-4) lost to Mississippi 41-24. Next:TBD. No. 25 UtahState (10-2) beatIdaho45-9. Next: TBD.
Scores FARWEST BYU50, NewMexico St 14 ColoradoSt 24,NewMexico 20 FresnoSt.48,Air Force15 Hawaii48, UNLV10 NotreDam e22, Southern Calt3
Oregon48,DregonSt. 24 sait Diegost. 42,wyoming28 Sait JoseState52, LouisianaTech43
Stanford35,UCLAt7 UtahSt.45,Idaho9 SOUTHWES T Baylor52, TexasTech45, OT Houston40,Tulane17 A—47,249. Oklahoma 51, OklahomaSt 48,OT Rice 33,UTE P24 Ore Orst SMU35,Tulsa27 First downs 25 22 Texas A8M 59,Missouri29 Rushes-yards 64-430 25-82 UTSA38, TexasSt. 3t Passing 1 40 3 1 1 MIDWEST Comp-Att-Int 17-24-0 31-49-4 Michigan St.26, Minnesota10 Retum Yards 4 t Northwestern 50, Illinois14 Puitts-Avg. 4-43.0 3-45 0 Ohio Si 26,Michigan21 1 -0 4 - 2 Purdue Fumbles-Lost 56, Indiana35 Penalties-Yards 9-86 4-26 S. Dakota St. 58,E.Illiitois10 Time ofPossession 31:37 28:23 SOUTH Alabama 49,Auburn 0 INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS CoastalCarolina24,Bethune-Cookman14 RUSHING —Oregon: Barner 28-t98, Florida37,Florida St.26 D.fhomas17-12Z Mariota 8-85, Marshall 7-28, Georgia42,GeorgiaTech10 Bassett2-1, Bennett1-(mintts 2),Team1-(minus2). Loutsiana-Lafayette52,SouthAlabama30 Oregon State: Woods16-70,Ward6-13,Wheaton Louisiaita-Moitroe23,FIU17,0T 1-4, York 1-1 Mannion1-(minus6). Memphi42, s Southern Miss.24 PASSING —Oregon: Mariota 17 24 0 140. Miami52,Duke45 Oregon State: Mannio31-49-4-31t. rt MiddleTennessee24,Troy21 RECEIVING —Oregon: Huff 5-62, Murphy Mississippi4t, Mississippi St.24 5-35, Hawkins3-1t, Lyerla2-26, D.Thomas1-4, NC State 27,Boston College to Kelley 1-ZOregon State: Wheaton7-98, Woods NorthCarolina45, Maryland38 6-42, Cooks5-74, Hamlett 4-26, Mrillaney2-21, SouthCarolina27, Clemson17 Hatfield 2 t7, Ward2-15, K.Cum mirtgs 2-12,York SouthernU.38, Grambling St.33 1-6. Tennessee 37, Kentucky 17 UCF49, UAB24 Top 25 UCoitn23,Louisville 20,30T No. 1NotreDame(t2-0) beatSouthern Cal22-13. Vanderbilt 55,WakeForest 21 Next: TBD. VirginiaTech17,Virginia14 No. 2 Alabama (11-1) beatAuburn49-0. Next vs W. Kentucky25, North Texas24 No. 3Georgiain SECchampionship, Saturday. EAST No. 3 Georgia(11-1) beat GeorgiaTech42-10. PennSt.24,Wisconsin21, OT Next vs.No. 2Alabamain SEC championship, Pittsburgh 27, Rutgers 6 Saturday. StonyBrook20,Vilaitova10 No. 4DhioState(12-0) beatNo.20Michigan26-21. Wagner31, Colgate20
Next: Seasoncompleted. No. 5Oregon(t1-1) beatNo.16OregonState48-
24. Next:TBD. No. 6Florida(11-1)beatNo.10 FloridaState37-26. Next: TBD. No. 7KansasState(10-1) diditot play Next:vs. No 18 Texas, Saturday. No. 8 LSU (9-2) beatArkansas20-13, Friday.Next:
NAIAFootball ChampionshipSeries itttafteflittals
Morningside47, Southern Oregon44(OT) NCAADivisionIII playoffs Second round
Liftfield 30,NorthCentral t4
0 re ame noc so I es 0 , earns
The Associated Press L OS ANGELES — T h e Fighting Irish punched their ticket to Miami. Theo Riddick rushed for 146 yards and a touchdown, Kyle Brindza kicked five field goals, and No. I Notre Dame secured a spot in the BCS championship game with a 22-D victory over Southern California on Saturday night. Everett Golson passed for
217 yards as the Irish (12-0) completed their first perfect regular season since 1988, earning a trip to south Florida on Jan. 7 to play for the storied program's first national title in
24 years. Although they did little with flash on an electric night at the Coliseum, the Irish woke up more echoes ofpast Notre Dame greats with a grinding effort in this dynamic intersectional rivalry with USC (7-5), which has lost four of five. Notre Dame's hard-nosed defense appropriately made the decisive stand in the final minutes, keeping USC out of the end zone on four plays from the Irish 1 with 2:33 to
play. "Well, that's who we are," Notre Dame coach Brian Kelly said. "It's been our defense all year. Our offense is able to manage enough points." After spending more than a decade looking up at t h e Trojans, the Irish are back on top of this rivalry with two straight wins in Los Angeles. The school of Knute Rockne, the Four Horsemen and Paul Hornung has new heroes now, from inspirational linebacker Manti Te'o to Kelly, who took the Irish from unranked to start the season to No. I in the AP Top 25 for the first time in 19 years. Te'o, the Heisman Trophy
hopeful, had a key interception against USC and became the second Irish defender with three 100-tackle seasonsand he took particular pride in that last defensive stand, which included three straight Trojans runs resulting in nothing. "It doesn't matter where the
Linfieldadvances MCMINNVILLE — Thirdranked Linfield made North Central pay for its mistakes Saturday, and the host Wildcats claimed a 30-14 victory in the second round of the NCAA Division III football playoffs. No. 14
North Central (8-3j, co-
Crimson Tide (10-1, 7-1 Southeastern Conference) clinched the Western Division title outright and a spot in the conference title game against No. 3 Georgia, with the winner likely getting a national championship shot. No.3Georgia..... . . . . . . . . . 42 Georgia Tech ....... . . . . . . . 10 ATHENS, Ga. — Aaron Murray threw two touchdown passes, Todd Gurley and Keith Marshall each ran for a pair of
Clemson (10-2). No.140klahoma...... . . . . . 51 No. 22 Oklahoma State......48 NORMAN, Okla. — Landry Jones threw for 500 yards and three touchdowns, and Brennan Clay scored on an 18-yard run in overtime to lift Oklahoma. The Sooners (9-2, 7-1 Big
12) never led during regula-
tion, overcoming double-digit champion of the College deficits in both halves. Conference of lllinois and Pittsburgh...... . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Wisconsin, committed TDs, and Georgia (11-1) stayed No.21 Rutgers...... . . . . . . . . 6 seven turnovers, including right in the thick of the nationTino PITTSBURGH two interceptions by al championship race. Sunseri passed for 227 yards Linfield cornerback No.40hioState..... . . . . . . . 26 and two touchdowns in his fiMichael Link and another nal home game as Pittsburgh No. 20 Michigan...... . . . . . . 21 by Dominique Forrest that COLUMBUS, Ohio — Car- overwhelmed Rutgers (9-2, 5-1 was returned 73yards for a los Hyde ran for 146 yards and Big East). touchdown. The undefeated Ohio State's defense shut out Connecticut ...... . . . . . . . . . 23 Wildcats (11-Ojadvance Michigan in the second half to No. 19 Louisville....... . . . . . 20 to play in a quarterfinal complete a 12-0 season. Ohio LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Chad game next Saturday against State is ineligible for the BCS Christen's 30-yard field goal in W isconsin -Oshkosh;game national title but still has an the third overtime gave Consite is to be announced outside shot at finishing No. I necticut the upset over Louistoday. in theAssociated Press Top 25. ville (9-2, 4-2 Big East). — From wire reports No.6Florida..... . . . . . . . . . . 37 No.25UtahState...... . . . . . 45 No.10Florida State...... .. . 26 Idaho...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 TALLAHASSEE, Fla. LOGAN, Utah — Chuckie — Mike Gillislee ran for two Keeton passed for two touchtheir unbeaten record intact. Notre Dame is likely to face touchdowns and the Gators downs, Kerwynn W i l l iams a Southeastern Conference beat their rivals. Florida (11-1) rushed for 110 yards and senopponent in Miami, but won't regained the lead 23-20 on Gil- ior Will Davis returned an inknow for another week which lislee's 37-yard run with 11:01 terception 59 yards for a toucho ne. A labama a n d G e o r- left in the final period on the down as Utah State (10-2, 6-0 gia play for the SEC title in first play after Florida State's Western Athletic) secured its Atlanta. EJ Manuel fumbled, his fourth first outright conference title in 76 years. Wittek passed for 186 yards turnover of the game. with two interceptions in his No. 9Texas A&M ....... . . . . 59 Mississippi ............. ... 41 firstcareer start for the Tro- Missouri...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 No. 25 Mississippi State..... 24 jans, who c o mpleted their COLLEGE STATION, TexOXFORD, Miss. — Bo Waltumble from the preseason No. as — Johnny Manziel threw lace threw for 294 yards and I ranking with four losses in for 372 yards and three touch- five touchdowns, Donte Mondowns and ran for two more criefcaught three TD passes five games in an enormously disappointing season. scores in his last chance to and Mississippi (6-6, 3-5 SEC) Also on Saturday: make a Heisman statement for snapped a three-game losing No.2Alabama ...... . . . . . . . 49 the Aggies (10-2, 6-2 SEC). streak in the Egg BowL A uburn...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 No. 13 South Carolina....... 27 TUSCALOOSA, Ala. — AJ No.12Clemson..... . . . . . . . 17 M cCarron passed for f o u r CLEMSON, S.C. — Backup touchdowns and Eddie Lacy quarterback Dylan Thompson rushed for 131 yards and two threw for three touchdowns, scores in the most lopsided Jadeveon Clowney had 4 '/~ Iron Bowl in 64 years. The sacks and South Carolina (10-
• • •
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ball is," Te'o said. "We're going to protect the end zone at all costs." After Brindza'sschool record-tying fifth field goal put the Irish up by nine points with 5:58left,Marqise Lee caught a 53-yard pass from USC freshman Max Wittek at the Notre Dame 2. But after USC failed on three straight runs at a defense that has allowed just 11 rushing TDs in 30 games, Wittek threw incomplete to fullback Soma Vainuku, setting off a leaping, chest-bumping celebration on the Notre Dame sideline and in the Irish sections of the soldout Coliseum. "They've had a great goalline defense all year," USC c oach L an e K i ff i n sa i d . "They've done that to everybody down on the goal line.... It's just so hard to score touchdowns versus them. When the ball is on the 2-inch line, you'd think you could score touchdowns." The grind-it-out win highlighted an unforgettable season for the Irish, who began the year with questions about theirrelevancy and survived some uninspiring performances and nail-biting finishes with
2) won its fourth straight over
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In SanFrancisco,anatom o B controvers By john Branch New Yorlz Times News Service
SAN FRANCISCO — As with grief and romance, a good quarterback controversy has at least five stages. They often emerge over many weeks and months — sometimes years, as in the case of Joe Montana andSteve Young here two decades ago. Hope. Infatuation. Acceptance. Realization. Uncertainty. The 49ers did something remarkably efficient and fan-friendly this past week.They squeezed the five stages into five days. C oach Jim H arbaugh took a steady Super Bowl contender with a 7-2-1 record and considered, publicly and repeatedly, the implausible: whether the team would be better off with a quarterback who had one career start rather than the quarterback who had a 19-5-1 regular-season record as Harbaugh's starter. He dared to call it "the opposite of a controversy," which is like saying inflammable is the opposite of flammable. Among the antonyms for "controversy" are p eace and q u iet. There was none of that as the 49ers prepared to play the Saints in New Orleans today. There was only a sense that something unusual was
Monday: Hope The 49ers always hoped that Colin Kaepernick could someday become their starting quarterback. Teams do not draft quarterbacks in the second round, as San Francisco did with Kaepernick in 2011, without such intentions. But someday would have to wait because Harbaugh rescued Alex Smith's career. Smith was drafted first overall in 2005. His inconsistencies and inadequacies, attributed partly to playing for six offensive coordinators in his first six seasons, routinely sent him to the bench for the likes of Tim Rattay, J.T. O'Sullivan, Ken Dorsey and Troy Smith. Under Harbaugh last season, though, Alex Smith quarterbacked the 49ers to an unexpected 13-3 record and a narrow loss in the conference championship game. Smith received little credit. He was considered the team's weakest link. He was appreciated for his resilience but unloved for his inability to be Montana or Young, or even Jeff Garcia. This season, Smith, 28, was having his best year. He led the NFL in completion percentage. He made
Tony Avelar /The Associated Press
The San Francisco 49ers' Colin Kaepernick played so well in a win over Chicago onMonday thathe created a quarterback controversy.
few mistakes. His team was 6-2. But a concussion knocked him out of a game two weeks ago. It kept him from starting last Monday night against the Chicago Bears. Enter Kaepernick. He had 31 career pass attempts. He was intriguingly raw. Fans hoped the 49ers could escape with a l ow-scoring victory against one of the league's better teams. Then Kaepernick completed 12 of hisfirst 14 passes.The 49ers scored on their first four possessions. They dismantled Chicago, 32-7. Kaepernick threw with a zip and carried himself with a swagger that Smith never displayed. To fans accustomed to Smith's drab efficiency, it was a revelation, like falling asleep in a black-and-white world and awakening to full color. By halftime, the talk online was whether Kaepernick should be the full-time starter — an implausible suggestion 90 minutes earlier. After the game, tight end Vernon Davis giddily praised Kaepernick and compared him to Tom Brady. Harbaugh was asked if Smith and Kaepernick were competing for the starting job. The answer might have been expected to be no, because of the 49ers' record and the axiom that a player should not lose his job to
"We've got two quarterbacks that have a hot hand," Harbaugh said. "And we'll make the decision when we have to make it."
Tuesday: Infatuation The Bay Area buzzed. Titillated fans swooned. If bandwagons were more than metaphors, Kaepernick's would have collapsed under the
we'll be at a sprint with the mass adoption of tons of inforContinued from D1 mation services." "It can't just be money," he The question remains how said in a telephone interview. the shift changes a team and "It's got to be some concern the game. Gil Brandt, a forabout the impact on the rest mer personnel executivefor of the organization. You could the Dallas Cowboys, points to see it in them putting me in one way the league is already the marketing building, try- different. With advanced staing to have as little impact on tistics, he notes, teams are the rest of the organization as able to see trends and adjust in real time. It used to be that possible. "To me, it's crazy not to try. teams would look back at how It can only be a firm belief often they ran a play and how that it just can't work or the much it gained. Now, do they p rocess of making it w o r k want to know Cam Newton's will fail because you'll have completion percentage when so much resistance from the a defense rushes three'? Or coaching staff." four? Or six or more? That inPerhaps. But when the Bal- formation is available week to timore Ravens announced in week, allowing teams to tailor August that they had hired a game plans with far greater director of football analytics, specificity. it was a rare public signal of Much of the work is also the growing interest among centered on figuring out some teams in weaving statistical of the game's most vexing analysis into game-day, draft problems — when to kick a and free-agency preparation, field goal versus going for it and even into the manage- on fourth d own; strategies ment of workouts and injury under thenew overtime rules; rehabilitation. when to challenge a call; when S everal c ompanies n o w to use a timeout — amid the study games to produceunique chaos of the sideline. statistical analysis, including The Jacksonville Jaguars, Football Outsiders, Advanced who this year created a footN FL Stats, Stats LLC a n d ball technology and analytESPN. Few teams like to talk ics group, have pondered all about the degree to which they those questions. The coaching use analytics because they staff had expressed interest in fear giving away a competi- having information about how tive advantage. One general to function under the league's manager whose team does new overtime rules, which delve into statistics, but who call for each team to get a posdid not want to be identified, session unless the first team wondered why the Ravens an- to get the ball scores a touchnounced the hire at all. down. But because the rule This general manager sus- was so new, there were simply p ects that m ore t eams do not enoughcomparable examsome form of statistical analy- ples of game-time situations to sis than are publicly known. produce a reliable model, said People who work i n s ports Tony Khan, the son of the Jagstatistics, and coaches and uars' new owner, Shad Khan, general managers, agree that and the head of the analytics there has been a shift in the group. NFL's guarded thinking. "Baseball is an easier sport "The culture has changed to prove out some of these exponentially in the last 12 concepts, because there are months," said John Pollard, less variables," Tony Kh an a general manager for Stats said. "You can isolate the deLLC. "Last year was a jog. fense behind them; it's essenNow we're at a really good tially a one-on-one matchup. t rot. This January, I t h i n k And there are so many more
weight. People who could not pronounce his name a day earlier took to calling him "Kap." They figured out that his hometown, Turlock, is about two hours from San Francisco, in California's Central Valley. They learned that Kaepernick was born in Wisconsin and that his father worked for a cheese company. Early adopters rushed to buy his No. 7 jersey.They chatted on airwaves and Internet boards. They followed @Kaepernick7 on Twitter, where hisprofile reads, "Trying to be ¹I in a world that accepts ¹2." They volleyed esoteric facts about his Monday night p erformance. Did you know that he was the first quarterback since 1988 to win his first NFL start against a team with a .750 win percentage so late in the season?
Wednesday: Acceptance For 10 minutes, in 10 different ways, reporters asked Harbaugh which quarterback he would start. He was more obtuse than a 179-de-
gree angle. "To me it's the opposite of a controversy, where controversy is argument between opposing points of view," Harbaugh said. "This is a decision that'll be made from a team aspect, coming from the same direction." No coach may be as adept at muddy declarations. You have always said that Alex is "your guy," someone said. "Alex, all these guys, are our guys," Harbaugh said. H e seemed surprisedby allthe commotion. What was the big deal? Change is inevitable. It may as well occur when Kaepernick is confident. It may as well happen against the Saints and the NFL's lowestranked defense. It may as well come with six regular-season games left. Besides, Smith would get another week to rest his concussed head. And no opponent would have a better backup. Late Wednesday night, the news broke on Twitter: Sports Illustrated, citing an unnamed source, said Kaepernick would start, even if Smith was fully healthy.
against the Saints, in January's playoffs, Smith led the 49ers to two touchdowns in the final 2 minutes 11 seconds. He ran 28 yards for the first. He threw for the second with nine seconds left. San Francisco won, 36-32. And you want to bench him'? For someone who started one game'? Even Young, who waited years to get Montana's job, said it was a bad idea. The offensive coordinator, Greg Roman, said no decision had been made. People had time to reflect on the possibilities over Thanksgiving dinner. Kaepernick could flail in New Orleans, in front of some of the league's loudest fans and against one of its hottest teams. What would that do to his confidence? To Smith's? A promising season could be undone by tinkering with the most important position on a championshipcaliber team. "Who would have the arrogance and madman gutsto bench a playoff-tested quarterback in his prime in the middle of a go-for-broke season?" the columnist Tim Kawakami asked in The San Jose Mercury News. " Jim Harbaugh and t h e 49ers, of course."
Friday: Uncertainty At hislastnews conference be-
fore today's game, Harbaugh re-
peatedly declined to announce a starter. There was "no competitive advantage" for doing so, he said. "You may have your opinions on it," Harbaugh said. "It's unorthodox. So be it. You can call me names if you want, or make sport of me. But that's the way we're going to go about it." There.The 49ers will do as they please, and no amount of gravitational pull f rom th e fa n b ase matters. Harbaugh could have exercised an escape clause. Smith had not been cleared to play by Friday, although he practiced without contact all week. Harbaugh expected clearance Saturday. He never suggested the starting question came down to health. So the 49ers were back to where they were Monday. Is this the start Thursday: Realization of the Kaepernick Era, punctuated Only a few quarterbacks have by the 49ers'return to the Super won more games than Smith since Bowl? Or is it a regrettable infatuathe start of last season, and they tion that greedily unravels a chamhave names like Brady and Rodg- pionship march? ers. Before he was hurt, Smith comLike griefand romance, a quarpleted 25 of his last 27 passes for 204 terback controversy probably has yards with four touchdowns and more than five stages. no interceptions. In his last game Someday, perhaps: Anticipation.
plays in baseball that you can look at. If you want to look at every fourth down and five from that team's own 36-yard line, there aren't going to be all that many of those. And the 11-on-11 nature makes it harder to isolate credit for success and harderto isolate blame for mistakes. There is a reason why this caught on a lot sooner and developed a lot further in baseball than football." For most teams, though, the most intriguing application may come in player evaluation
— projecting how college players will perform in the NFL and figuring out how valuable one player is compared with another. The Jaguars, for instance, analyzed how often the receiver Justin Blackmon was targeted in obvious passing situations at Oklahoma State before they drafted him. Before they signed Laurent Robinson as a free agent, the J aguars knew h o w m a n y of Tony Romo's touchdown passes he caught on crossing routes with the Cowboys last season. The Jaguars are also using data to monitor injuries and recovery, hoping to tailor players' practice regimens to keep them healthier longer, but also another potential boon when contracts are negotiated. "Ideally, you want the objective and subjective to match up," said one general manager, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. "The NFL is about resource allocation — you have a certain number of salary-cap dollars and draft picks. If you found any area of the market that may be undervalued, you want to keep that information. At the end of the day, the tape is going to be our first choice. They have to look good on film." That seems to point to the central concern of c oaches and statisticians alike: that there remains no perfect formula for assessing many of the game's positions, no football equivalent of OPS, the
on-base plus slugging average now widely used as part of baseball player evaluation. While the quarterback can largely be isolated (ESPN created QBR as a way to try to improve quarterback evaluation by assessing his contribution to scoring points), it is much more difficult to assess each position on, for example, the offensive line, because the players' work is so tied together. And then there are the intangibles. "How do you quantify, statistically, Ray Lewis?" said Brian Billick, the former Ravens coach who callshimself a statistical nut. "You can't. You still have to have a core of great players. I can wrap a lot of 'B' players around those four core players. But y ou have to have those four." The debate over the role of
Continued from D1 Lillardwas considered amongthe more polished prospects in the draft, but one without a high ceiling for improvement. Given his averages of 20.2 points and six assists per game through Friday, both of which easily led all rookies, it would be hard for Portland to ask for more. Although Lillard plays the same position as Deron Williams, the Nets' unquestioned leader and best player, making it unlikely that the Nets would have used the pick on him, it is easy to see in retrospect how his scoring ability combined with his age and salary would have been an enticing package for Brooklyn, especially with Wallace having struggled to recover from an ankle injury sustained in the first game. Lillard is the latest NBA point guard from an Oakland, Calif., fraternity that includes Jason Kidd and Gary Payton. Although many rookies would shy away from being compared with accomplished players, Lillard invited the comparison. "Being a basketball player from Oakland, especially a point guard, it comes with a standard," Lillard told The San Francisco Chronicle this year. "You've got to be tough and you've got to do it all. It's a standard that I intend to live up to."
James'double-doubles LeBron James maynever average a triple-double for a season, as Oscar Robertson once did, but he may average a double-double for the first time in his career if his rebounding continues to improve. Entering Saturday's game against Cleveland,James had recorded double digits in points and rebounds in seven of 12 games, including a stretch of five consecutivegames. During the streak he averaged 24.4 points, 10.8 rebounds and six assistsper game. His average of 9.1 rebounds a game this season was leading the Heat. J ames' career-high average in r e bounds is 7.9, set in 2007-08 and matched last season. His career high in assists per game was 8.6 in 2009-10.
Beating Kentucky? Replacing the Bobcats as the NBA's worst team are the Washington Wizards, who became the topic of an unflattering debatelastseason when the former Maryland coach Gary Williams said the University of Kentucky basketball team could beat them. Stan Van Gundy, Orlando's coach at the time, argued strongly that the college team could not beat the pros, pointing out that Kentucky had a number of NBA prospects but that the Wizards had an entire roster of NBA players. The debate eventually turned into an online meme, with "But could they beat Kentucky?" being asked about teams of all shapes and sizes, not limited to basketball. The Wizards were 0-11 through Saturday, and Kentucky had sixplayerstaken in the NBA draft. But the answer to the question of which team would win is unknown. No exhibition was ever scheduled.
statistic analysis is likely to grow asits use becomes more commonplace in one of the last holdout sports. But Brandt remembers t h e Co w b oys' internal d i scussions about whether to draft Tony Dorsett or Ricky Bell in the 1977 draft. One of the Cowboys' scouts, Red Hickey, wanted BelL 0thers wanted Dorsett. The Cowboys had a book that listed previous players, their attributes and level of success. The most important determiner was quickness, the Cowboys believed. After a 30-minutedebate,coach Tom
Landry asked Brandt to check the numbers. "Dorsett was a cinch to be All-Pro, and Ricky Bell had a 60 percent chance of being an above-average starter," Brandt said. "Do you know what Red Hickey said'? 'I bow to the machine.' It's hard to teach an old dog new tricks. But this is a coming thing." 5
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Health & Beauty Items
TV, Stereo & Video
Border Collie/New Zeal- Lab Pups AKC, black Mono skis: 180 T UA DIRECTV for and Huntaways, 2 male 8 y ellow, Mas t e r $205; 18 5 B l izzardOver 30 Million Women $29.99/mo fo r 24 pups, wonderful dogs, Hunter sired, perfor$250. 541-419-2383. m onths. Ove r 1 4 0 S uffer F r o m Ha i r working parents, $300 mance pedigree, OFA ITEMS FORSALE 264-Snow RemovalEquipment channels. FREE Loss! Do you? If So each. 541-546-6171 cert hips & el b ows, Call The Bulletin Clas201 - NewToday 265 - Building Materials We Have a Solution! HD-DVR U p g rade! Call 541-771-2330 FREE NFL S u nday 202- Want to buy or rent 266- Heating and Stoves 'I sifieds today and have Guns, Hunting CALL K E R ANIQUE w/C H OICE this attention getter in 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 267- Fuel and Wood TO FIND OUT MORE Ticket & Fishing P ackage! Call T O your classified ad. Check out the 877-475-2521. 204- Santa's Gift Basket 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers D AY f or det a i l s 541-385-5809. classifieds online (PNDC) 205- Free Items CASH!! 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment 1-888-721-7801. www.bendbulletin.cem For Guns, Ammo 8 208- Pets and Supplies GENERATE SOME ex270 - Lost and Found (PNDC) Reloading Supplies. 210- Furniture & Appliances Updated daily citement i n your Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, GARAGESALES 541-408-6900. neighborhood! Plan a 211 - Children's Items Art, Jewelry 1st shots, very social Labradoodles - Mini & 275 - Auction Sales garage sale and don't Computers 212 - Antiques & Collectibles $700. 541-325-3376 & Furs med size, several colors forget to advertise in 280 Estate Sales DOM'IMISS THIS 215- Coins & Stamps 541-504-2662 classified! 281 - Fundraiser Sales 240- Crafts and Hobbies Canary Males 2+ ct. European cut dia- T HE B U LLETIN r e 541-385-5809. 282- Sales Northwest Bend mond men's ring, seri- quires computer ad241 - Bicycles and Accessories Blue, $45. Red, $60. vertisers with multiple DO YOU HAVE ous only, 541-788-5343 284- Sales Southwest Bend (541) 548-7947. LABRADORS: beau- H utch 8 b u f fet d a rk 242 - Exercise Equipment ad schedules or those SOMETHING TO t iful p uppies, b o r n wood w/glass shelves, 286- Sales Northeast Bend 243 - Ski Equipment selling multiple sysChihuahua pups SELL 9/11, ready for loving $135. 541-923-9603. Call The Bulletin At 244 - Snowboards 288- Sales Southeast Bend $150-300. e-mail: tems/ software, to disFOR $500 OR families.Shots current, 541-385-5809 290- Sales RedmondArea 245 - Golf Equipment close the name of the NEED TO CANCEL vet checked. 1 black LESS? Place Your Ad Or E-Mail 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 292- Sales Other Areas business or the term female, 4 black males, YOUR AD? Non-commercial 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. The Bulletin At: "dealer" in their ads. $300. 541-610-2270 advertisers may FARM MARKET Private party advertisClassifieds has an place an ad 248- Health and Beauty Items 308- Farm Equipment and Machinery LhasaApso/ShihTzu Pup ers are defined as "After Hours" Line with our 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs 316 - Irrigation Equipment Simply adorable! $275. those who sell one Call 541-383-2371 "QUICK CASH 251 - Hot TubsandSpas 503-888-0800 (Madras) Hot Tubs & Spas 325- Hay, Grain and Feed computer. 24 hrs. to cancel SPECIAL" 253- TV, Stereo andVideo 333Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies your ad! 1 week3lines 12 Chinchilla with: cage, Maremma Guard Dog People Look for Information 255 - Computers Costco Hot tub, 6-perOI' 341 - Horses and Equipment exercise wheel, food, pups, purebred, great Twin poster head / footson, like new, $2500 About Products and 256- Photography k k 20 f bedding & book. $115 d ogs, $ 35 0 e a c h ,board & mattress set, + ~ 345-Livestockand Equipment obo. 541-389-9268 257- Musical Instruments Services Every Day through 541-480-8050 541-546-6171. Ad must 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals dresser w/mirror, nice! 258 - Travel/Tickets The Bulletin ClessiBeds include price of 350 Horseshoeing/Farriers $400. 541-549-2253 C hocolate Lab 6 m o . 259- Memberships i l e l e f $5 0 0 e~ 358Farmer's Column male, good tempera260- Misc. Items or less, or multiple Whirlpool microwave 375- Meat and Animal Processing ment, good with kids. P eople g i ving items whose total 261 - MedicalEquipment p e t s 2009 range hood, 32" $200. 541-280-0955 383 - Produce andFood 1000W, complete with does not exceed Harney County, OR away are advised to 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. all mounted hardware $500. Pick your parcel size from 160+ up to the entire 5415+ a«res be selective about the 263- Tools and mounting instrucnew owners. For the DO YOU HAVE This amazing property includes the one ond only Beotys Butte tions, like new condiCall Classifieds at 203 SOMETHING TO protection of the anio5 well os several springs. Abundant wildlife includes antelope, tion, $125. In Red541-385-5809 mal, a personal visit to SELL Holiday Bazaar mule deer, ond wild horses. Located near the Hart Mountain mond 541-526-0687 the home is recomFOR $500 OR Antelope Refuge ond in the valley between the mountain & Craft Shows mended. LESS? FREE wooden pallets, 0 ranges that enable elk to migrate through. Ii you are looking Non-commercial The Bul/etin for firewood. Pickup Holiday Craft Bazaar great The Bulletin recommends extra for your own piece oi nature, this is o property for yov! Need to get an behind bldg at 6 3 120 advertisers may Serkfng Cenffef Oregon sfere 1903 Sat Dec 1st 0. — I Nels Anderson Rd, Bend. place an ad with ad in ASAP? 10am-2pm I I oui' POODLE PUPS, AKC chasing products or, Awbrey House You can place it toys. Small, friendly, & services from out of I "QUICK CASH . I. M oving b o xes, as I I 2825 Neff Rd Bend loving! 541-475-3889 the area. Sending iI online at: SPECIAL e sorted sizes, a bout 541-317-8464 ) cash, c hecks, o r • 1 week 3 lines 1 2 Photos, terms, and more details available at Live Music and Crafts of 20. FREE POODLE TOY PUPPIES k 20! l credit i n f o rmation ~k 541-408-9328 all kinds! Multiple Parents on site, Ad must include may be subjected to Raffles.Receive addi$300 ea. 541-520-7259 541-385-5809 price of single item l FRAUD. For more [ Want to Buy or Rent we invite yourquestionsat 5 09o41 60606 0 tional raffle ticket by of $500 or less, or information about an a Queensland Heelers bringing a New PerRemington 700 .22-250, This auction to be conducted by Hansen & Young Auctioneers Pets & Supplies multiple items advertiser, you may l Wanted: $Cash paid for standard & mini,$150 & sonal Hygiene prodcall t h e Or e gon /stainless fluted syn, more. in cooperation with Musser Brothers Auctions And Real Estate vintage costume jewwhose total does up. 541-280-1537 or uct benefiting and broker Tim Stuart of Stuart Realty Group, inc. elry. Top dollar paid for not exceed $500. http://rightwayranch. State Attor n ey ' $750. 541-419-1578 COCOA Seniors The Bulletin recomGold/Silver.l buy by the l General's O f fi c e mends extra caution Call Classifieds at Estate, Honest Artist Consumer Protec- • when purc h a sFind exactly what Elizabeth,541-633-7006 541-385-5809 t ion ho t l in e at I PRIME RECREATION, TIMBER k, GRAZING LAND ing products or you are looking for in the vices from out of the l 1-877-877-9392. WANTED: RAZORS, CLASSIFIEDS area. Sending cash, ke Bul Double or singlechecks, or credit ine edged, straight f ormation may b e razors, shaving In the Heart of Central Oregon's Ochoco Mountains subjected to fraud. Springer Spaniel pup212 brushes, mugs & For more i nformapies, AKC, ready12/6! Saturday Market scuttles, strops, Antiques & 1st shots, dewormed, & tion about an adver10 a.m. - 4 p.m. I 'e t shaving accessories dewclaws removed. Collectibles tiser, you may call & memorabilia. Mason's Building, beet I English Bulldog $500 ea. 541-771-8221 the O r egon State Fair prices paid. hind 7-11 at 8th & Attorney General's Pups ready for ChristCall 541-390-7029 Greenwood. Crafts, ~Qo Office C o n sumer mas! 2 females, 1 male, between 10 am-3 pm. Antiques 8 More! b l o odlines. M Protection hotline at incredible Ore Pitat Bendbullett).COm 541 -977-1 737 jt t! ,.8< cott P Being raised with lots of 1-877-877-9392. Wolf-Husky Pups,$400! ttt love & attention. Taking Visit our HUGE BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! I' depositsnow; come pick 35 years exper. Can text home decor The Bulletin The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are pics. Call 541-977-7019 Ier 00 Central Oregon tefe f905 out your favorite! Willing 'tne,, v 't ' 0 consignment store. •t t • 0 still over 2,000 folks in our community without to work with you on pay- Yorkie AKC 2 male pups, New items I ' permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift ment option. Call Denise, small parents, health arrive daily! camps, getting by as best they can. Aussie Mini/Toy AKC, 541-740-3515 . 930 SE Textron, ee' uar., 8-wks, adorable! The following items are badly needed to all colors, $200-$250. Bend 541-318-1501 help them get through the winter: Parents on site. Call German Shorthair AKC 650 & up. 541-316-0005 Pups, bred to hunt! $550. 541-598-5314, @ CAMPING GEAR of any sort: e 210 tt ' each. 541-598-6988 New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. 541-788-7799 I Furniture & Appliances The Bulletin reserves • @ WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. Golden Lab female 4/2 the right to publish all 4 . mo old puppy, purebred, PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT ads from The Bulletin ' I A1 Washersa Dryers le I r • ee' ee' $300. 541-536-3409 newspaper onto The THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER $150 ea. Full war1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. Aussies, Mini 8 Toy Bulletin Internet webGolden Retrievers, En• I I ranty. Free Del. Also sizes, all colors, 9 site. For Special pick up please call glish Cream 4M, 4F, wanted, used W/D's weeks $250 cash. I Ken © 541-389-3296 $700-$750. • • I I I 541-280-7355 541-678-7599 The Bulletin PLEASEHELP, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. 541-279-6820. •
5,615+ Acres (14Tracts)
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5efeing Central Oregon ffnfe 1003
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I Pahlisch Homes Newport Landing. New construction in the heart of Bend.
NOON — 4PM Brand-new Patfliech home featuree main level ifvmg! 3102 sq. ft. model home with
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3 hdrm, Z5 bath, office/den, Rhoge bonus room, plus 0 loft means plenty of room for aii You'ii love the big backyard 20852 Tamar Lane, Bend overlooking open space 2nd Directions: From the Parkttfay, the canal. l3eautiful finishes, easton Reed Market,south on /5th q ualit y c r a f t s m a nshi p . Don't forget our amenities; clubhouse, sports complex,
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1800 NW Element Directions: Neuport Ave, io College JFay,left on Rockwood.
$448,000 Listed byt
Please call today for
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HOSted 0"LiSted by PrinciPal Broker
New model opening soon. Over 22 sold!
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T HE N E W Y O R K T I M E S C R O S S W O R D STAR-CROSSED LOVERS By Timothy Polin / Edited by Will Shortz
I Christie who played h alf of 3 - D o w n
43 0'er there 4 5 Drum k i t components
6 Epiphanies
4 6 Elocut i o n
1 0 Key of M o z a r t ' s "Jupiter"
4 8 A large one of f e r s many courses
Symphony: Abbr. 1 4 John O' H a r a ' s " Appoi n t m ent i n 16 Doughnut ingredient, commerciall y
17 Indian melody 18 Promotes recessive traits, say 2 0 Picked some frui t 22 Religious scholar 2 3 Prefix w i t h b y t e 24 "A t o n ement"
27 Dame Joan S utherland del i v e r y 28 Holy ones are hard to handle
29 Some clerics 30 Equine shades 3 2 Section of t h e Medicare law covering hospital and nursing care 33 Kind of bar
35 Honshu city devastated by the 2011 tsunami
37 Signature foll owers, for short 38 Lighthouse, e.g. 3 9 Freudian mediato r s
For any three answers, call from 3 touch-tone hone: 1-900-285-5656, 1.49 each minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800814-5554.
4 It may be dr awn i n a fight
84 Golfer B a l l e steros
5 On end
85 Phrase of resignation
6 Hanging tapestry
87 Toronto media inits.
51 Ties up a phone line, maybe
7 Vindict ive one, in myth
54 Psyched (up) 56 Floundering
9 4 Nitpi ck s
ll C o u sin of the rumba
57 Sharif who pl ayed h alf of 3 - D o w n
96 Certain S.O.S.
12 Over
98 Borefest
13 McAvoy who played half of 24 - A c r o ss
10 Pony
99 Lead-in to a juicy rumor 102 Ushers 104 Guess in Battleship
ll I
70 Safety squeeze result, for short
D i C a p rio who played half of67Down
many tennis rackets
72 Moppet of blackand-white T V
115 Specialty chef
22 26
33 37
70 75
56 61
85 94
73 Made of a sturdy wood
117 Vehicle to take over a jump
75 Sub for
118 Expressed audible admonishment
1 00
1 01
90 97
91 98
2 6 Sessanta min u t i
M i gue l I s l a n d
33 Bogart who pl ayed half of 64 - A c r o ss 3 4 Department
1 06 1 0 7
112 115 118
of Paris
3 8 Lose touch wit h reality
49 Umm al-Quwain,
e.g. 5 0 Novel ist w h o t ranslated " A l i c e i n W onderland" i n t o Russian
40 Feared force 41 "1984" superstate
52 Clear tables
87 Gable who played half of 105 - A c r o ss
6 7 "Ti t a n i c "
88 Financial s h e I I a c k i ng
42 Smash
53 Wise guy
44 Colorful Perennial 45 Besmirch
5 5 Tentacled " S p i d e r Man" meanie
81 Something taken by a scout
2 From Assisi, e.g.
61 Snow cap?
3 "Doctor Z h i v ago"
48 Don
91 Clique
101 Assumed, say
92 Changed in popularity
1 02 Cafeteria work e r ' s headgear
h alf of 1 0 5 - A c r o s s
9 3 Snowbird, ty p i c a l l y
103 Summer ermine
-80 (early home computer)
95 Calder Cup org.
1 06 Texter's " c i a o "
96 Ate 97 "Symphony in
107 Talented
86 Is a good fr i e nd, i n a way
65 Tail of f
89 Lobster tr ap
74 Parts of some bonds
99 Subject of a 1982 best seller on 100 Cause for a health panic
80 Leigh who pl ayed
I Anonymous female in a court case
A me ri c a n a
66 Terre in the eau zone?
76 Hunky-dory
79 Canonized Norwegian kin g
25 Sale bin it ems: Abbr.
36 Bergman who played half of64Across
116 Small songbirds
78 Shoot up
19 Ditch
21 Coffee Cakes m a k er
114 Like the strings on
7 7 "Not b r o c c o l i
20 Bad marks
1 13 Ammuni t i o n g i a n t
71 Future race of f icti o n
1 08 Late comic R i c h a r d
6 9 With 8 - D o w n , d eposer of M i l t o n Obote
b re ath "
played half of 24-
110 Stripped-down
68 Dude
15 "Tak e
1 6 Knight ley w h o
105 "Gone With th e Wind"
109 Somewhat, i n music
67 Air all of one' s grievances, say
20 25
i nstrument s
62 Needlework, for short?
64 "Casablanca"
14 Double-bridged
6 0 Mac platf o r m
6 3 Moni ker fo r I s r a e l ' s Netanyahu
10 17
9 Pea body?
59 Team booster
8 See 69-Across
90 Developers' purchases
58 Baba au
16 19
8 2 Winslet wh o p l a y e d h alf of 6 7 - D o w n
1 12 Lowe r c ase le t t e r s
Black" and others
r esembling v ' s
5 41-3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES
Monday.. . . . . . . . . . Tuesday .. . . . . . . . . Wednesday.. . . . . . . Thursday.. . . . . . . . . Friday.. . . . . . . . . . . Saturday Real Estate .. Saturday.. . . . . . . . . Sunday.. . . . . . . . . .
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4 lines for 4 days... . . . . . . . . . $ 2 0.00 (call for commercial line ad rates)
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The Bulletin
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I Musical Instruments
Misc. Items
Lowry Regency organ The Bulletin Offers m odel I SE/10 . Free Private Party Ads 541-317-5169. • 3 lines - 3 days • Private Party Only Look at: • Total of items tised must equal $200 for Complete Listings of or Less th Area Real Estate for Sale • u il 1 a dLv • 3-ad limit for s a m e item advertised within
NOTICE TO ADVERTISER Since September 29, 1991, advertising for
Gardening Supplie~ & Equipment
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Estate Sales
Look What I Found! You'll find a little bit of everything in The Bulletin's daily
rj 0
garage and yard sale section. From clothes to collectibles, from 541-385-5809 housewares to hard308 egon Department of or email ware, classified is Farm Equipment Environmental Qual- classitied always the first stop for & Machinery cost-conscious 3 months ity (DEQ) and the fed- The Bulletin Call 541-385-5809 eral E n v ironmental Ser ng Central Qregon s nce lsas consumers. And if Fax 541-385-5802 Protection A g e ncy you're planning your W anted Use d F a r m Equipment 8 Machinown garage or yard (EPA) as having met MTD 22" 2-stage yard ery. Looking to buy, or Wanted- paying cash smoke emission stan- machine snowblower sale, look to the clasPiano, Steinway Model for Hi-fi audio 8 stu- dards. A consign of good used cer t ified OHV, $ 1 25. sifieds to bring in the 0 Baby Grand 19tt, dio equip. Mclntosh, w oodstove may b e 179cc buyers. You won't find quality equipment. 541-923-8271. Deschutes Valley gorgeous, artist qual- J BL, Marantz, D y identified by its certifia better place Equipment ity instrument w/great naco, Heathkit, San- cation label, which is Prompt Delivery for bargains! 541 -548-8385 action & S teinway's sui, Carver, NAD, etc. permanently attached Rock, Sand & Gravel Call Classifieds: warm, rich sound. Will Call 541-261-180B to the stove. The Bul- Multiple Colors, Sizes 541-385-5809 or 325 adorn any living room, letin will no t k n ow- Instant Landscaping Co. email 261 church or music stu541-389-9663 ingly accept advertisHay, Grain & Feed dio perfectly. New re- Medical Equipment ing for the sale of SUPER TOP SOIL tail $ 6 9 ,000. Sacri286 uncertified Blue Grass Hay www.hetahe fice at $26,000 OBO, ATTENTION DIABET- woodstoves. Sales Northeast Bend 3x4 bales, Screened, soil & comcall 541-383-3150. ICS with M edicare. 1300-Ib avg, $80/bale. post mi x ed , no Get a FREE talking rocks/clods. High hu541-41 9-2713 Steinway Baby Grand, meter and d i abetic ** FREE ** Fuel & Wood mus level, exc. for pre-1925, $1 0,000. • testing supplies at NO flower beds, lawns, Garage Sale Kit Wanted: Irrigated farm 541-410-2628 C OST, plus F R E E ground, under pivot irgardens, straight Place an ad in The home delivery! Best rictation, i n C e n tral WHEN BUYING s creened to p s o i l . Bulletin for your gaof all, this meter elimiOR. 541-419-2713 FIREWOOD... Bark. Clean fill. DeMisc Items rage sale and reI nates painful finger liver/you haul. ceive a Garage Sale To avoid fraud, Wheat Straw Cerbfled & Call pricking! 541-548-3949. Buying Diamonds Kit FREE! The Bulletin Bedding Straw 8, Garden BBB-739-7199. /Gotd for Cash recommends payStraw;Compost.546-6171 270 (PNDC) KIT INCLUDES: Saxon's Fine Jewelers ment for Firewood • 4 Garage Sale Signs Wheat Straw in shed, Lost & Found 541-389-6655 only upon delivery Medical Alert for Se• $2.00 Off Coupon To $2 bale or $400 all. and inspection. niors 24/7 monitorBUYING use Toward Your FOUND man's w edC all after 6 p.m . • A cord is 128 cu. ft. ing. FREE Equipment. Next Ad Lionel/American Flyer ding band at Lake 4' x 4' x B' 541-546-9821 Culver. FREE Shipping. Na• 10 Tips For "Garage trains, accessories. Billy Chinook Call to tionwide Serv i ce. • Receipts should Sale Success!" 541-408-21 91. ID. 541-948-6029. 333 include name, $ 29.95/Month C A L L BUYING & S E L LING Medical Guardian Tophone, price and Poultry, Rabbits, Lost Cat: Felix escaped PICK UP YOUR All gold jewelry, silver day B B B-B42-0760. kind of wood pur11/19, NE 8th St. by Ju& Supplies and gold coins, bars, (PNDC) chased. niper Park. Brown short- GARAGE SALE KIT at rounds, wedding sets, • Firewood ads 1777 SW Chandler hair Tabby, white chest/ Lionhead baby bunnies, class rings, sterling silMUST include spe263 tummy, has collar, needs Ave., Bend, OR 97702 2 l e f t. $5 each. ver, coin collect, vincies and cost per his meds! 541-382-9835 Tools tage watches, dental The Bulletin 541-548-0747. cord to better serve /541-788-0504 gold. Bill Fl e ming, Lionhead mix bunnies Tile wet saw 7" THD550 our customers. 541-382-9419. REMEMBER: Ifyou Free but not for snake cuts 1-3/8" thick,$175. have lost an animal, The Bulletin food. 541-548-9747 new. 541-593-8749 Just too many Sen ne Centrai Oregon nnce teea don't forget to check The Humane Society collectibles? 358 BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS in Bend 541-382-3537 1 cord dry, split Juniper, Farmers Column Search the area's most Redmond, Sell them in $200/cord. Multi-cord Call The Bulletin Clas- comprehensive listing of 541-923-0882 sifieds today and have classified advertising... discounts, & t/9 cords The Bulletin Classifieds Wanted Irrigated farm Prineville, available. Immediate this attention getter in real estate to automotive, ground under pivot ir541-447-7178; your classified ad. iigation, i n Ce n t r al merchandise to sporting delivery! 541-408-6193 OR Craft Cats, 541-385-5809 541-385-5809. OR. 541-419-2713 goods. Bulletin Classifieds 541-389-8420. appear every day in the All Year Dependable GENERATE SOME Firewood: S plit, Del. print or on line. EXCITEMENT Bend. Lod g epole, IN YOUR Call 541-385-5809 Pine: 1 for $180 or 2 NEIGBORHOOD. for $350. Cash, check l l l I ' l t l 'I l l i I i l l i Plan a garage sale and or credit card O K. The Bulletin don't forget to adver541-420-3484. senmgce ealonso ve«eeas tise in classified! 541 -385-5809. DRY JUNIPER $190/ 265 split, or $170 rounds GET FREE OF CREDIT Building Materials per cord. Delivered. Make your ad CARD DEBT N OWI Call 541-977-2940 or Cut payments by up Bend Habitat 541 -977-4500. stand out and to half. Stop creditors RESTORE from calling. Building Supply Resale Iet greater Ch ; »,h„„„ Need help fixing stuff? Cadtoac CTS 866-775-9621. Quality at LOW Call A Service Professional (PNDC) PRICES response! find the help you need. Con 740 NE 1st Ready f thePpiesl uto exc. Y or Highspeed Internet 541-312-6709 Holidaysr F ERYWHERE By Satdition, Irst shots Open to the public. ellite! Speeds up to $250/ea. 000$17,900 -000' 12mbps! (200x faster Where can you find a 0000 000-000-0000. Gardening SupplieeI than dial-up.) Starting helping hand? • & Eq u i pment at $49.95/mo. CALL NOW & G O F A ST! From contractors to 1-888-718-2162. Have Gravel, will Travel! yard care, it's all here Cinders, svsvsv.l>endbutletin.eocn topsoil, fill mate(PNDC) in The Bulletin's rial, etc. Excavation 8 Call The Bulletin Classifieil Deparlmenl at Kegerater, oldy but coldy! septicsystems. Abbas "Call A Service $100. Accessories avail. Construction CCB978840 541-385-5809 or 541-382-1811 for rates todaV! Professional" Directory 541-480- I 052 CaIB541-548-6812 used woodstoves has
been limited to models which have been c ertified by th e O r -
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SALES Growing dealership seek-
Looking for your next employee? ing salespeople looking for a performance-based Place a Bulletin help pay p l an , po t ential wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 c ommissions of up to 35% equaling $100,000 readers each week. plus, Retirement Plan, Your classified ad Paid Vacation, and a will also appear on competitive med i cal benefit package. Lookwhich currently ing for a team player receives over 1.5 with a positive attitude, million page views to operate with energy every month at and to be customer serno extra cost. vice oriented. Will proBulletin Classifieds vide training. Get Results! Send resume' to: Call 385-5809 bcrvhire@ or place your ad on-line at SBA Loan Processor Three to five years loan processing exXlit)!MS perience in a banking env i ronment. 8 DiK8KcslD Focused Career in SBA or Government Lending r e quired. Submit resume to: Jennlfer.clemensIN
L A R A A N D ising pndc.cfm for the Y Pacific Nor t hwest Daily Con n ection. M E N U (PNDC) O M A R Extreme Value Adver- B I B I tising! 30 Daily news- B R O papers $525/25-word classified, 3-d a ys. O A K E Reach 3 million Pa- S T O L cific Northwesterners. For more information S E V E call (916) 288-6019 or C email: G E T T for the Pacific Northwest Daily Connec- S C A R tion. (PNDC) P O C O 0 L I N Looking for your T I T S
Advertise V A CATION SPECIALS to 3 m i llion P acific N o rthwesterners! 30 daily newspapers, six states. 25-word classified $525 for a 3-day
S I T A a d. Cal l (916) R 2 88-6019 o r vis i t S
Ads published in "Employment Opportunit ies" i n c lude e m C T S 421 ployee and Central Oregon F L R E i ndependent po s i - Community College Schools & Training tions. Ads for posi- has openings listed beS E A E N Go to A IRLINES AR E H I R - tions that require a fee low. A N D R N I ING - Train for hands or upfront investment B O O K D O on Aviation Mainte- must be stated. With to view details & apany independent job ply online. H uman nance Career. FAA L O N E R opportunity, p l e ase Resources, Metolius approved p r ogram. thorFinancial aid if quali- investigate Hall, 2600 NW ColE D D fied - Housing avail- oughly. lege Way, Bend OR next employee? 97701; Place a Bulletin help able. Call Aviation In(541 ) 383 528 PUZZLE IS ON PAGE E2 wanted ad today and 7216. For Experienced cooks stitute of Use extra caution when applying for jobs on- h earing/speech i m Loans & Mortgages reach over 60,000 Maintenance. needed. line and never pro- paired, Oregon Relay Submit resume to: 1-877-804-5293. readers each week. Press Supervisor Good classified ads tell vide personal infor- Services number is WARNING Your classified ad (PNDC) The Bulletin is seeking a night time press sucorie.pelcher@ the essential facts in an mation to any source 7-1-1. COCC i s a n The Bulletin recomwill also appear on pervisor. We are part of Western Communicainteresting Manner. Write you may not have re- AA/EO employer. mends you use tions, Inc., which is a small, family-owned group for consideration. Call a Pro searched and deemed tion when you profrom the readers view - not consisting of seven newspapers, five in Oregon which currently reWhether you need a to be reputable. Use vide personal ceives over 1.5 milthe seller's. Convert the and two in California. Our ideal candidate will Adult Basic Skills ACCOUNTING extreme caution when information to compalion page views facts into benefits. Show manage a small crew of three and must be able Instructor fence fixed, hedges CPA or LTC needed r esponding to A N Y Deer Ridge C o rrec- for tax season. nies offering loans or every month at the reader how the item will to learn our equipment/processes quickly. A trimmed or a house online e m p loyment tional Facility Provide For credit, especially hands-on style is a requirement for our 3y2 no extra cost. help them in someway. confidential built, you'll find ad from out-of-state. those asking for adBulletin Classifieds tower KBA press. Prior management/leaderbasic skills instruction consideration, This vance loan fees or ship experience preferred. In addition to our Get Results! Call to adults in reading, p lease submit r e professional help in advertising tip 7-day a week newspaper, we have numerous We suggest you call writing, companies from out of 385-5809 or place com p uting sume to: brought to youby The Bulletin's "Call a the State of Oregon (through elementary karen.turner@ state. If you have commercial print clients as well. In addition to a your ad on-line at competitive wage and benefit program, we also Service Professional" Consumer Hotline at concerns or algebra), l i s tening, The Bulletin Sewmg Cenlral Orega snce t9tB provide potential opportunity for advancement. 1-503-378-4320 tions, we suggest you and speaking for perDirectory If you provide dependability combined with a consult your attorney sonal and career deDEVELOPMENT 541-385-5809 positive attitude, are able to manage people and For Equal Opportunity velopment. Bachelor's or call CONSUMER DIRECTOR schedules and are a team player, we would like L aws: Oregon B uHOTLINE, req. + 2yr. exp. Start See Instructor, part-timelComputer Science www.exto hear from you. If you seek a stable work enATTEND COL L EGE reau of Labor & In1-877-877-9392. Winter Term. Closes for vironment that provides a great place to live and ONLINE 100%. dustry, C i vil Rights Oregon State University-Cascades, in Bend, Dec. 5. details. F o r c onfiraise a family, let us hear from you. Contact ei*Medical, B u s lness, Division, Say "goodbuy" is recruiting for part-time Instructors to dential con s iderther; Keith Foutz, Corporate Circulation & Op*Criminal Jus t i ce, 971-673-0764 Part-Time Instructors ation, please submit teach next year in the new Computer Scito that unused erations Director at kfoutz© *Hospitality, *Web. COCC is always lookresume to: ence program. We are recruiting now for or with your Job placement assis- If you have any quesitem by placing it in ing for talented indi- karen.turner@ the 2013/2014 academic year. These are complete resume, references and s a lary tance. Com p uter tions, concerns or v iduals to teac h fixed-term appointments w/renewal at the The Bulletin Classifieds history/requirements. Prior press room experiavailable. F i n ancial comments, contact: part-time in a variety discretion of the Dean. We are seeking inence required. No phone calls please. Drug Aid if qual i fied. Classified Department of disciplines. Check test is required prior to employment. EOE structors for foundational, lower division SCHEV a u thorized. The Bulletin our website 5 41 -385-580 9 computer science courses that may include Call 866 - 688-7078 541-385-5809 such topics as: introduction to CS, data www.CenturaOnline.c All positions pay $500 Security BANK TURNED YOU algorithms, object oriented proom (PNDC) per load unit (1 LU = 1 See our website for our DOWN? Private party structures, gramming in C/C++, assembly language, ServngCentral Or<gon s~nce l903 class credit), with adavailable Security powill loan on real esGood classified ads tell ~rEs o ditional perks. sitions, along with the tate equity. Credit, no database, discrete math, operating sys0 the essential facts in an Caregiver ~v 42 reasons to join our problem, good equity tems, c o mputer architectures, hardware Prineville Senior care interesting Manner. Write architectures and/or relational database deteam! is all you need. Call DESCHUTES COUNTY h ome l o oking f o r from the readers view - not Caregiver for multiple Garage Sales now. Oregon Land sign using PHP and MySQL. the seller's. Convert the asanswaos Mortgage 388-4200. s hifts, p art-time t o CAREER OPPORTUNITIES facts into benefits. Show Salary is commensurate with education and full-time. Pass Garage Sales Ever Consider a Rethe reader how the item will criminal background experience. Required qualification: MS, MA, Garage Sales verse Mortgage? At ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY(2012help them in someway. Ph.D. or Terminal degree in Computer Scicheck. 541-447-5773. least 62 years old? ence The Bulletin This (or closely related field). Preferred 00068) Developmental Disabilities Program, Find them Stay in your home & advertising tip I Recommends extra ~ increase cash flow! qualifications include teaching experience TURN THE PAGE Behavioral Health Division. Full-time posicaution when purin brought to youby at the college or university level and a deFor More Ads Safe 8 Effective! Call chasing products or I tjon $2,765 — $3,790 per month for a172.67 monstrable commitment to promoting and The Bulletin The Bulletin services from out of • Now for your FREE enhancing diversity. The Bulletin DVD! Ca l l Now hour work month. Deadline: SUNDAY, Classifieds f the area. Sending 888-785-5938. Caregivers c ash, c hecks, o r 11/25/12. Oregon Medical TrainFor full consideration to teach CS next aca(PNDC) 541-385-5809 - Experienced f credit i n f o rmation ing PCS Ph lebotomy emic year, p lease a pply o n line b y BEHAVIORALHEALTHNURSE I or II (Pudlic classes begin Jan. 7, Part time 8 2 4 h r s ~ may be subjected to ~ LOCAL MONEY:We buy d12/31/12 will continue to be FRAUD. 2013. Registration now caregivers. Home ln- Livestock Truck Driver secured trustdeeds & accepted (applications Health Nurse I or II)(2012-00061) Adult and the pool will remain open stead Senior Care is Must have CDL,2yrs exp, For more i nformanote,some hard money P through June 2013). To apply to the pool to medicaltrainin .com Treatment Team, Behavioral Health Division. currently see k i ng progressive co., 401k, tion about an adver- ~ loans. Call Pat Kelley 541-343-3100 541-382-3099 ext.13. be considered for these positions, go to Caregivers to provide $50,000/yr, insurance f tiser, you may call On-call positions $20.05 - $24.68 per hour. in-home care to our the Oregon S tate w ebsite: a n d 573 Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLED. TRUCK SCHOOL seniors. Candidates NW only. 541-475-6681 I Attorney General's review posting number 0009504. Office C o n sumer s Business Opportunities must be able to lift, Ranch Mechanic BEHAVIORALHEALTHSPECIALIST I or Redmond Campus Protection hotline at I transfer, provide perOSU is an AA/EQE. Looking for experi- I 1-877-877-9392. Student Loans/Job WARNING The Bulletin sonal care & assist in enced BEHAVIORALHEALTHNURSE I (2012-00070) mechanic with Waiting Toll Free various home duties. recommends that you itlletin Adult Treatment Program, Behavioral Health own tools, a wide va1-888-387-9252 LThe B General i nvestigate ever y Alzheimer / Dementia/ r iety of s k ills i s a Jefferson Count Job 0 o r t unit ALS e xperience a phase of investment Division. Full-time position $3,416 - $4,675 454 must. Diesel engine opportunities, e s peneeded. Must h ave per month for a172.67 hour work month. reLooking for Employment ability to pass back- knowledge i s c ially t h os e fr o m Progressive o p portunity w i t h C o u nty T e chnisome hydrau- Veterinary out-of-state or offered Deadline: TUESDAY, 12/11/12. ground checks 8 have quired; Government; offering competitive wage & cian: Imm e diate CAREGIVER - Christian valid DL 8 insurance. lic, welding, electrical Opening. CVT preby a p erson doing benefit package. If you are self motivated, w ork necessary. I n woman w ill work for Training provided. Call business out of a loenergetic and enjoy a c hallenging fast BEHAVIORALHEALTHSPECIALIST II (2012shop and field repairs, ferred. F/T, benefits, room & board in Bend/ 541-330-6400, or fax cal motel or hotel. In4 day work weeks. paced work environment and have the 00071) Child fj Family Prog., Behavioral CDL license a plus, Redmond. 541-598-4114 resume to: vestment o f f e rings ability to multi-task and work well with Our team is fun and but not required. Full Health Division. Half-time position $2,028 541-330-7362. must be r e gistered t ime p o sition w i t h clients are g r eat! with the Oregon De- others — we want to talk to you! See Job - $2,776 per month for an 86.34 hour work Positive at t i tudes Description and Application on County Web Get your benefits & h o u sing partment of Finance. Site. DO YOU NEED Contact Pia at month.Deadline: WEDNESDAY, 12/12/12. a vailable, m ai l r e - only. business We suggest you conA GREAT sume to: ZX Ranch, B anfield, th e P e t sult your attorney or EMPLOYEE BEHAVIORALHEALTHSPECIALIST I (2012StaffAccountant (Confracts & Grants) PO Box 7, P aisley, Hosp. 541-330-1462 call CONS U MER RIGHT NOW? OR 97636. $3,099.00fo$3,775.00 per month DOQ a ROW I N G 00072) Child fj Family Prog., Behavioral HOTLINE, Call The Bulletin CLOSES DECEMBER 1, 2012 1-503-378-4320, Health Division. Full-time position $3,416 before 11 a.m. and Remember.... Take care of 8:30-noon, Mon.-Fri. with an ad in get an ad in to pubF or c o mplete j o b des c ription a n d — $4,675 per month for 8172.67 hour work A dd your we b a d your investments The Bulletin's A Classified ad is an lish the next day! application form go to dress to your ad and with the help from EASY W A Y TO; click o n H uman month.Deadline: SUNDAY, 12/09/12. 541-385-5809. "Call A Service readers on The REACH over 3 million VIEW the The Bulletin's Resources, then Job Opportunities; or call Bulletin' s web site DEPUTY DISTRICT ATTORNEY(2012-00067) Professional" Pacific Northwestern- 541-325-5002. Mail completed Jefferson Classifieds at: will be able to click "Call A Service Directory ers. $52 5 /25-word District Attorney's Office. Full-time position www.bendbu!! County Application forms to: through automatically c lassified ad i n 3 0 Professional" Directory to your site. $6,568 - $8,823 per month for a 172.67 daily newspapers for Jefferson County Human Resources, AutomoBve Sales hour work month. Deadline:SUNDAY, 3-days. Call the Pa66 SE D Street, Suite E, cific Northwest Daily Certified NursesAssistant 11/25/12. Madras, OR 97741. Connection (916) ASTART YOUR NEW CAREERA 2 88-6019 o r em a i l PSYGHIATRIG NURSEPRAGTITIONER (2012Jefferson Countyis an Equal Employment
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
Qc s
r I
f f
Central Oregon's Largest Auto Group of New and Pre-owned automobiles, Sm o lich H y u n dai Store, is looking to fill positions within our expanding auto network. Smolich Motors is an industry leader with 8 new car franchises and Central Oregon's finest choice of pre-owned vehicles. We offer the opportunity for you to achieve the levels of success and job satisfaction. We are looking for highly motivated individuals to join our team of professionals. You must have excellent verbal skills, display a professional and positive demeanor, sales experience is helpful, but not necessary. We provide all of the tools you need to succeed, including a professional training program that will give you the knowledge and confidence to maximize your potentiaI.
We Provide: • Guaranteed Income While Training • Paid Medical Insurance • 401K Retirement Plan • Drug Free Work Environment • Central Oregon's Largest New & Pre-Owned Inventory • $75,000 Annual Earning Potential At Smolich Hyundai we are looking for sales professionals from all career fields. Previous automotive sales experience is not required. What is required is a willingness to commit yourself to a rapidly growing industry, start your new career now!
We will be holding interviews for 2 days only from 1pm —3pm on Tuesday and Wednesday, November 27th and 28th at:
Smolich Motors - Hyundal Store 2250 NE Hwy 20 Bend, OR 97702 54X-749-4025
elizabeth© for more info (PNDC)
Partners /n Care
00024) — Behavioral Health Division. Fulltime position $6,303 - $8,626 per month for 8 172.67 hour work month. Deadline:OPEN UNTIL FILLED.
Opportunity Employer
Independent Contractor
A career with countless rewards.
A career with Partners In Care Hospice and Home Health is more than a job. It's an opportunity to make a powerful and lasting difference in the lives of your community members. Rediscover the patient-centered care that drew you to your profession in the first place. The following positions are currently available at Partners In Care:
*Supplement Your Income*
PUBLIC HEALTHNURSE II (2012-00066) — Public Health Division. On-call position
$24.68 - $33.77 per hour. Deadline:OPEN
Operate Your Own Business
Certified NursesAssistant- two ositions
UNTIL FILLED. TRIAL ASSISTANT II(2012-00069) — District Attorney's Office. Full-time position $2,879 — $3,945 per month for a 172.67 hour work month.Deadline: SUNDAY, 12/09/12.
Newspaper Delivery
•Hospice House is seeking an on-call Certified Nurses Assistant to work in our inpatient facility. The hours/days are variable. Position is on call with a maximum of 40 hrs a week with availability for both day shift and night shift. •On-Call Certified N u rse A s s istant/Home Health Aide to provide care to patients in their homes and facilities. On-Call Hours: Mon.-Fri., 8:00-5:00pm.
Independent Contractor
UTILIZATION REVIEW SPECIALIST(201200049) — Health Services. Full-time position $4,627 - $6,216 per month for a 172.67 hour work month. DEADLINE DATEEXTENDED, OPENUNTIL FILLED.
® Call Today © We are looking for independent contractors to service home delivery routes in:
Applicants MUST have a c urrent Oregon Certified Nursing Assistant Certification.
* Prineville *
Partners In Care offers wages and benefits competitive with the local market including health/dental/life insurances, disability coverage, retirement plan with company match on contributions, and paid time off.
www.deschutes.o r /obs DeschutesCounty
Must be available 7 days a week, early morning hours.
Must have reliable, insured vehicle.
If you are interested, please send a cover letter and resume via email to or submit via regular mail to: Partners In Care, Attn: HR, 2075 NE Wyatt Court, Bend OR 97701. For more information including hourly compensation ranges you can v isit our website at:
Personnel Dept., 1300 NW Wall Street, Suite 201, Bend, OR 97701 (541) 388-6553.
Deschutes County provides reasonable ac-
Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 during business hours apply vja email at
commodatjons for persons with disabilities. This material will be furnished jn alternative format if needed. For hearing impaired,
The Bulletin
YOUR WEEKLY GUIDE TO CENTRAL OREGON EVENTS, ARTS & ENTERTAINME N T P R estaurant R e v i ew s/ M o v i e R e v i e w s Stay informe d o n ou r r i c h l o cal scene o f food, mu sic, fine arts & e n t e r t a i n m e n t
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X'D~D rj
The Bulletin Classified 541 385 5809
Western Washington Room s for Rent guy s e eks gal 47 63 slim/average build, to Studios & Kitchenettes Furnished room, TV w/ share quiet times; cable, micro 8 fridge. trips, walks, nature, moon - light, cuddllngl Utils & l inens. New owners.$145-$165/wk Greg, PO Box 3013 541-382-1885 Arlington, WA 98223 Apt./Multiplex NE Bend
• •
i to
C all 54 /-385-58 0 9 ro m o te o u r se rvice
$299 1st mo. rent!! * GET THEM BEFORE
THEY ARE GONE! 2 bdrm, 1 bath $530 & $540 Carports 8 A/C included! Fox Hollow Apts. (541) 383-31 52 Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co *Upstairs only with lease
NOTICE: Oregon state 55+ Senior Housinq law req u ires any2 bdrm, 2 bath @$895 one who co n t racts 541-388- 1239. C0 N 5 T R U C T I 0 N for construction work www.cascadiaproperCCB¹ 198284 to be licensed with the C onstruction Con EXPERIENCEIN tractors Board (CCB). Call for Specials! An active lic e n se CENTRAL OREGON Limited numbers avail. means the contractor • Quality custom home 1, 2 & 3 bdrms i s bonded an d i n - improvement specialists w/d hookups, s ured. Ver if y t h e • Expert carpentry, installs, demos patios or decks. contractor's CCB • No Iob too big or small Mountain Glen c ense through t h e • Vet & Senior Discounts 541-383-931 3 CCB Cons u mer • Licensed-Bonded-Insured Professionally managed by Website Norris & Stevens, Inc. www.hirealicensedcontractor. com
Please call
636 541-300-0042 or call 503-378-4621. or email Apt./Multiplex NW Bend The Bulletin recom- autumnridgeconstruction@ mends checking with 2 Bdrm, frplc, micro, DW, the CCB prior to conW&D incl. W/S/G 8 cable tracting with anyone. Landscaping/Yard Care pd. Completely remod.
Some other t rades $700/mo, $700 dep. no also req u ire addi-N OTICE: O R E G O N smkg. 541-383-2430 tional licenses a nd Landscape Contraccertifications. tors Law (ORS 671) Tick, Tock r equires a l l bu s i Debris Removal nesses that advertise Tick, Tock... to p e r form L a n dscape C o n struction ...don't let time get which incl u des: away. Hire a p lanting, deck s , professional out fences, arbors, w ater-features, a n d of The Bulletin's installation, repair of "Call A Service Will Haul Away irrigation systems to Professional" FREE be licensed with the Landscape ContracDirectory today! For Salvage ~ t ors B o a rd . Th i s Any Location 4-digit number is to be Quiet 2 bedroom, oak -'i'. Removal included in all adver- cabinets, DW, W/S/G & tisements which indi- cable paid, laundry facilialso Cleanups g ' cate the business has ties. $650, $500 dep. No L8c Cteanouts' ~ a bond, insurance and smkg. 541-617-1101 workers c ompensation for their employees. For your protection call 503-378-5909 or use our website: Handyman to check license status before co n t racting ERIC REEVE with th e b u s iness. )g HANDY Ip Persons doing landscape maintenance SERVICES do not require a LCB license. Au Home &
The Bulletin
gThe Bulletin
The Bulletin
Houses for Rent Sunriver
The Bulletin reaches
Sunriver, Three Rivers, 745 La Pine. Great Homes for Sale Selection. Prices range $425 - $2000/mo. BANK OWNED HOMES! View our full FREE List w/Pics! inventory online at www. bend and beyond real estate I -866-931 -1061 20967 yeoman, bend or Cascade mou n tain views, w it h q u ality Mobile/Mfd. construction. Move-in for Rent Ready! $287,000. MLS ¹201205860. 3 bedroom, 2 full baths, Cec DeClerck, Princ. o n ys acre. G o od Broker, Coldwell Cents home w/woodBanker Mayfield stove, garage, $750+ Realty 671
dep. 541-593-3134
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975 •
Residential & Commercial
Handyman/Remodeling Residential/Commercial small Jobs ro Enure Room Remr>dels Carage Organiralir>s Hr>me tsspecrion Repairs Qnalily, Hr>nesr wr>rk
Dennis 541.317-9768 r C:Btn 67s Bfll'fvl'CIIIIISHR'v
sr Fait Clean Up Storm Damage Clean Up & Tree Debris sr pruning st Flower Bed Clean Up sr Snow Removal Bonded and Insured
541-815%458 Lce¹ 8759
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Kelly Kerfoot Construction 28 yrs experience in Central Oregon! Quality & Honesty From carpentry 8 handyman jobs, to expert wall covering installations/removal. • Senior Discounts • Licensed, Bonded, Insured
MARTIN JAMES European Professional Painter Repaint Specialist!
• CCB¹47120
Oregon License
541-389-1413 or 541-410-2422
¹186147 LLC
541-81 5-2888
excellent condition, 6 disc CD, A/C, leather interior, great SUV for winter driving.
541-389-3361 541-771-4463 Bonded - Insured
Range Rover, 2006, low miles,
Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates!
of all DeschutesCounty adults * each week.
Commercial Repairs Carpentry-Painting Honey Do's. Small or large jobs, no problem. Senior Discount Au work guaranteed.
'' ©'
4-. 4jp
selor. We are not here (PNDC) Roommate Wanted to judge. We are here PeoPle Look for Information to helP. You can get Share cozymobiie home About Products and your life back. in Terrebonne, $275+ y~ Services Every Day through utils. 503-679-7496 Door-to- oor se ing wit fast results! It's the easiest way in the world to sell.
Mobile/Mfd. Space Homes for Sale Manufactured/ Mot o rcyclss & Accessories Boats & Accessories I Mobile Homes • Space rent $180 mo. Ads published in the NOTICE HD FAT BOY "Boats" classification • Homes for rent P U BLI SHER'8 All real estate adverFACTORY SPECIAL $350 - $495 mo. 1996 include: Speed, fishNOTICE tised here in is subNew Home, 3 bdrm, ing, drift, canoe, Completely rebuilt/ All real estate adver- • Large treed lots $46,900 finished ject to t h e F e deral customized, low house and sail boats. tising in this newspa- • J.D. Riverfront lots F air H o using A c t , on you site,541.548.5511 For all other types of miles. Accepting ofper is subject to the • Playground and which makes it illegal fers. 541-548-4807 watercraft, please se F air H o using A c t Community Center to advertise any prefNEW HOME BUILT • Next to Thriftway Class 875. which makes it illegal erence, limitation or $87,450! 541-385-5809 to a d v ertise "any • RVs Welcomed, discrimination based Includes, garage, foun- HD Screaming Eagle Electra Glide 2005, preference, limitation Riverside Home Park on race, color, reli- dation, a p p liances, 103" 677 W. Main, motor, two tone or disc r imination gion, sex, handicap, central heating, heat John Day, Oregon candy teal, new tires, based on race, color, familial status or napump ready. call toreligion, sex, handi- Call Lisa 541-575-1341 tional origin, or inten- day to schedule your 23K miles, CD player hydraulic clutch excap, familial status, tion to make any such personal appointment. marital status or napreferences, l i mitacellent condition. 541-548-5511, YOUR BOAT ... ~ Highest offer takes it. ~with tional origin, or an intions or discrimination. 541-350-1782 o u r spec i a l Office/Retail Space 541-480-8080. tention to make any We will not knowingly rates for selling your I such pre f e rence, for Rent accept any advertis- Own your own home for ( boat or watercraft! limitation or discrimiing for r eal e state t ha n r e n ting. Softail Deluxe nation." Familial sta- 150 to 900 sq. ft. upwhich is in violation of less f Place an ad in The 2010, 805 miles, tus includes children stairs office at 63356 this law. All persons Centrally located in B ulletin w it h ou r In- h ouse Black Chameleon. under the age of 18 Nels Anderson Road, are hereby informed fMadras. f 3-month p ackage inancing opti o ns $17,000 living with parents or all utilities paid, pri- that all dwellings ad~ which includes: Call now at Call Don O legal cus t o dians, vate bath and confer- vertised are available available. pregnant women, and ence room $150 to on an equal opportu- 541-475-2291 541-410-3823 *5 lines of text and people securing cus- $900 per month. nity basis. The BulleRent /Own a photo or up to 10 tody of children under 541.480.4744, Jim tin Classified 3 bdrm, 2 bath homes [ lines with no photo. 18. This newspaper $2500 down, $750 mo. Want to impress the *Free online ad at will not knowingly acOAC. 541-548-5511, relatives? Remodel I FOR SALE 541-350-1782 cept any advertising *Free pick up into your home with the for real estate which is When buying a home, help of a professional ~ The Central Oregon ~ in violation of the law. 83% of Central f Nickel ads. O ur r e a ders ar e from The Bulletin's Oregonians turn to hereby informed that "Call A Service I Rates start at $46. I all dwellings adverThe Bulletin Professional" Directory Serving Cenr al 0 egon s nce r903 Call for details! tised in this newspa541-385-5809 per are available on Call 541-385-5809 to an equal opportunity place your 744 basis. To complain of Boats & Accessories gThc BLtllcttTtg Real Estate ad. discrimination cal l Open Houses HUD t o l l -free at 750 13' Smokercraft '85, 1-800-877-0246. The SOME exRedmond Homes good cond. 15HP GENERATE Open 12-3 850 toll f ree t e lephone citement in your neiggas Ewnrude + 19159 Park number for the hearSnowmobiles borhood. Plan a gaMinnkota 44 elec. ing im p a ired is Commons Dr. Looking for your next rage sale and don't motor, fish finder, 2 1-800-927-9275. Shevlin Pines forget to advertise in emp/oyee? Master on Main extra seats, trailer, classified! 385-5809. Place a Bulletin help For rent or lease to buy Phyllis Mageau, extra equip. $3200. wanted ad today and 3 bdrm, 2 bath with Broker Arctic Cat (2) 2005 F7 reach over 60,000 541-388-9270 Serving Central Oregon smce 7903 shops on 2/2 acres, 541-948-0447 Firecats: EFI Snowreaders each week. off Hwy 20 between pro & EFI EXT, exlnt Your classified ad 17' 1984 Chris Craft Sisters & Bend, $1450 cond, $3700 ea; will also appear on Used out-drive - Scorpion, 140 HP mo. Ready to move $7000 both. parts - Mercury inboard/outboard, 2 12/5 541-610-5785. 541-410-2186 which currently reOMC rebuilt madepth finders, trollceives over Rented your proprine motors: 151 ing motor, full cover, 1.5 million page erty? The Bulletin EZ - L oad t railer, $1595; 3.0 $1895; views every month Classifieds $3500 OBO. 4.3 (1993), $1995. at no extra cost. has an "After Hours" 541-382-3728. 541-389-0435 Snowmobile trailer Bulletin Classifieds Line. Call 2002, 25-ft InterGet Results! 541-383-2371 24 Call 385-5809 or state & 3 sleds, 875 hours to place your ad on-line $10,900. c~a cel 0 a d.' Watercraft at 541-480-8009 Open 12-3 658 19777 Chicory 2007 SeaDoo Houses for Rent Ave. 860 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 2004 Waverunner, 773 River Canyon Redmond Motorcyclss & Accessories Volvo Penta, 270HP, excellent condition, Estates Acreages LOW hours. Double low hrs., must see, Big & Beautiful Newer 2326 sq.ft. deluxe CRAMPED FOR $15,000, 541-330-3939 trailer, lots of extras. Suzanne Iselin, home, 3/3, gas fireCASH? $10,000 place, 7500' lot, fenced Broker t t l l I CHECK YOUR AD Use classified to sell 541-719-8444 yard, 1655 SW Sara541-350-8617 Please check your ad those items you no soda Ct. $ 1 195/mo. on the first day it runs longer need. 541-350-2206 20.5' 2004 Bayliner to make sure it is cor- Call 541-385-5809 What are you 205 Run About, 220 rect. Sometimes inHave an item to HP, V8, open bow, looking for? s tructions over t h e exc. cond., very fast phone are misundersell quick? You'll find it in w/very low hours, stood and an e rror Harley Davidson SoftIf it's under can occurin your ad. Tail De luxe 2 0 0 7, lots of extras incl. The Bulletin Classifieds tower, Bimini 8 If this happens to your white/cobalt, w / pas'500 you can place it in custom trailer, ad, please contact us senger kit, Vance & The Bulletin the first day your ad Hines muffler system $19,500. 541-385-5809 541-389-1413 Classifieds for: appears and we will 8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. be happy to fix it as c ond, $19,9 9 9, Ads published in "Was oon a s w e ca n . 541-389-9188. tercraft" include: Kay'10 - 3 lines, 7 days Open 12-3 Deadlines are: Weekaks, rafts and motor'16 - 3 lines, 14 days 2443 NW Awbrey Harley Heritage days 11:00 noon for Ized personal Softail, 2003 Rd. (Private Party ads only) next day, Sat. 11:00 watercrafts. For 20.5' Seaswirl Spy$5,000+ in extras, Classic Craftsman a.m. for Sunday and "boats" please see $2000 paint job, der 1989 H.O. 302, Great Location Monday. OPEN HOUSE 1607 NW Class 870. 30K mi. 1 owner, 285 hrs., exc. cond., Shelley Griffin, 541 -385-5809 Teak, Sun. Dec. 2, 10-2. 541-385-5809 For more information stored indoors for Broker Thank you! 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath, fam rm, please call life $11,900 OBO. 541-280-3804 2-car garage & RV parkThe Bulletin Classified 541-385-8090 541-379-3530 Serv>ng Centrai Oregon srnce 1903 ing. 1 blk from new schls or 209-605-5537 & Canyon walking trail; mountain view! $895/mo. Pets on approval. Call for more info: 509-525-8948
The Bulletin
Gambling Too Much? Meet singles right now! Free, confidential help N o p a i d o p erators, is available statewide. j ust real people like Call 1-877-MY-LIMIT y o u . B r owse g reetto talk to a certified i n gs, exchange mescounselor 24/7 or visit s a ges an d c o nnect to liv e . Try it free. Call
Houses for Rent General
682- Farms, RanchesandAcreage RENTALS 603 - Rental Alternatives 687- Commercial for Rent/Lease 693- Office/Retail Space for Rent 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted REAL ESTATE 616- Want To Rent 705 - Real Estate Services 627 - Vacation Rentals & Exchanges 713 - Real Estate Wanted 630- Rooms for Rent 719- Real Estate Trades 631 - Condos &Townhomes for Rent 726- Timeshares for Sale 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 730- New Listings 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 732- Commercial Properties for Sale 636 - Apt./Multiplex NWBend 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 740- Condos &Townhomes for Sale 640 - Apt./Multiplex SWBend 744 - OpenHouses 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 745- Homes for Sale 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 746 - Northwest BendHomes 648 - Houses for RentGeneral 747 -Southwest BendHomes 650 - Houses for Rent NE Bend 748 - Northeast BendHomes 652-HousesforRentNWBend 7 4 9- Southeast BendHomes 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 750- RedmondHomes 656-Housesfor RentSWBend 75 3 -Sisters Homes 658 Hou - sesforRentRedmond 7 55 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 756 - Jefferson CountyHomes 660 - Houses for Rent LaPine 757- Crook CountyHomes 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 762 - Homes with Acreage 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 763- Recreational HomesandProperty 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 764- Farms andRanches 664- Houses for Rent Furnished 77 1 - Lots 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 773 - Acreages 675 - RV Parking 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 676 Mobile/Mfd.Space 780- Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land I
The Bulletin'5 Service Directory reaches over 60,000 people each day, fOr a fraCtiOn Of the COSt Of
as's'i j.e s
advertising in the Yellow Pages,
Call 541.385-5809
"f '•
To place y o u r a d , v i s it w ww . b e n d b u l l e t in .co m o r call 54 1-3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9
"AmericanOpinion Research,April2006
Fifth Wheels •
Aircraft, Parts & Service
Automotive Parts, Service & Accessories
4 snow tires on wheels, studs, 195/70R14 $199
firm. 541-977-4310
BOATS &RVs 805- Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885- Canopies and Campers 890 - RVs for Rent
4 used Hankook studded Country Coach Intrigue Immaculate! Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 Fleetwood Wilderness snow tires, 205/65R15's 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, 1 /3 interest i n 2002, 40' Tag axle. 29', weatherized, like w e l l - mounted on custom Beaver Coach Marquis rear bdrm, fireplace, 400hp Cummins Die- 40' n ew, f u rnished 8 equipped IFR Beech Boblack modern wheels, 1987. New cover, sel. two slide-outs. ready to go, incl Wine- AC, W/D hkup beau- nanza A36, new 10-550/ $475. 541-382-6773 new paint (2004), new 41,000 miles, new ard S a t ellite dish, tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. prop, located K BDN. (2007). Onan 541-81 5-2380 tires 8 batteries. Most inverter NEED HOLIDAY $$$o 26,995. 541-420-9964 $65,000. 541-419-9510 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, options. $95,000 OBO We pay CASH for parked covered $35,000 541-678-5712 The Bulletin Executive Hangar Junk Cars & Trucks! obo. 541-419-9859 or at Bend Airport Also buying batteries & 541-280-2014 To Subscribe call (KBDN) catalytic conveiters. ~ Oo 541-385-5800 or go to 60' wide x 50' deep, Serving all of C.O.! MorePixat Bendbulletin,com w/55' wide x 17' high K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 bi-fold door. Natural • Call 541-408-1090 slide, AC, TV, awning. gas heat, office, bath932 NEW: tires, converter, Parking for 6 Antique & batteries. Hardly used. room. c ars. A d jacent t o $15,500. 541-923-2595 Monaco Dynasty 2004, Classic Autos Frontage Rd; g r eat loaded, 3 slides, dievisibility for a viation Weekend Warrior Toy sel, Reduced now Econoline RV 19 8 9, $119,000, 5 4 1-923- Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, bus. fully loaded, exc. cond, 541-948-2126 fuel station, exc cond. 8572 or 541-749-0037 35K m i. , R e duced sleeps 8, black/gray 1921 Model T $17,950. 541-546-6133 i nterior, u se d 3X , Delivery Truck $24,999. MONTANA 3585 2008, Restored & Runs 541-389-9188 CAN'T BEAT THIS! >! exc. cond., 3 slides, $9000. t-~~ a Look before you king bed, Irg LR, Arc541-389-8963 buy, below market Looking for your tic insulation, all opvaiue! Size 8 mile- Southwind 35.5' Triton, ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP next employee? tions $37,500. aqe DOES matter! 2008,V10, 2 slides, DuSHARE LEFT! 541-420-3250 Place a Bulletin help Class A 32' Hurri- pont UV coat, 7500 mi. Economical flying in wanted ad today and cane by Four Winds, Bought new at NuWa 297LK H i tch- your ow n C e s sna reach over 60,000 2007. 12,500 mi, all $132,913; readers each week. Hiker 2007,3 slides, 172/180 HP for only amenities, Ford V10, asking $93,500. 32' touring coach, left $ 10,000! Based a t Your classified ad Ithr, cherry, slides, Call 541-419-4212 kitchen, rear lounge, BDN. Call Gabe at will also appear on like new! New low Chevy C-20 Pickup many extras, beautiful Professional Air! price, $54,900. 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; • L'6 el'I cond. inside & o ut, ~4 1-3 8 8-001 g which currently re541-548-5216 auto 4-spd, 396, model $32,900 OBO, Prinevceives over 1.5 milille. 541-447-5502 days CST /all options, orig. 916 lion page views ev8 541-447-1641 eves. owner, $22,000, G ulfstream Sce n i c ery month at no Trucks & 541-923-6049 Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' extra cost. Bulletin Heavy Equipment Cummins 330 hp die- 2004, only 34K, loaded, Classifieds Get Resel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 too much to list, ext'd sults! Call 385-5809 t in. kitchen slide out, warr. thru 2014, $54,900 or place your ad new tires, under cover, Dennis, 541-589-3243 on-line at hwy. miles only,4 door 881 fridge/freezer ice Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th maker, W/D combo, Travel Trailers Chevy Wagon 1957, wheel, 1 s lide, AC, Interbath t ub & 4-dr., complete, TV,full awning, excel- Diamond Reo Dump shower, 50 amp proFifth Wheels • lent shape, $23,900. Truck 1 9 74, 1 2-14 $7,000 OBO, trades, pane gen & m o re! COACHMAN 1979 541-350-8629 yard box, runs good, please call 23' trailer $55,000. $6900, 541-548-6812 541-389-6998 tlCNI'
AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 -Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles
Ford Ranchero 1979 with 351 Cleveland
Ford Galaxie 500 1963, 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, 390 vs,auto, pwr. steer & radio (orig),541-419-4989 FIND IT) BUY IT! SELL IT! The Bulletin Classifieds
Ford Mustang Coupe 1966, original owner, V8, automatic, great shape, $9000 OBO. 530-515-8199
modified engine. Body is in excellent condition, $2500 obo. 541-420-4677
GMC Y~ton 1971, Only $19,700! Original low mile, exceptional, 3rd owner. 951-699-7171
Mercury M o n terrey Ford T-Bird 1966 1965, Exc. All onginal, 390 engine, power 4-dr. sedan, in storeverything, new paint, age last 15 yrs., 390 54K original miles, High C o m pression runs great, excellent cond. in & out. Asking engine, new tires & li$8,500. 541-480-3179 c ense, reduced t o $2850, 541-410-3425.
Fully equipped. $2000.
541-312-8879 or 541-350-4622.
%%%JY X
Hunter's Delight! PackCarri-Lite Luxury 2009 age deal! 1988 Winby Carriage, 4 slidenebago Super Chief, outs, inverter, satel3 8K m i l es , gr e a t lite sys, fireplace, 2 flat screen TVs. shape; 1988 Bronco II 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K $60,000. mostly towed miles, 541-480-3923 nice rig! $15,000 both. Pioneer Spirit 18CK, 541-382-3964, leave 2007, used only 4x, AC, CHECK YOUR AD electric tongue j ack, msg. $8995. 541-389-7669
Pilgrim In t e rnational 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 Fall price $ 2 1,865.
Hyster H25E, runs well, 2982 Hours, $3500, call 541-749-0724
Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, a uto. trans p s a i r frame on rebuild, repainted original blue, original blue interior, original hub caps, exc. chrome, asking $9000 or make offer. 541-385-9350
0 00
Please check your ad on the first day it runs to make sure it is corJayco Seneca 2007, Springdale 2005 27', 4 rect. Sometimes in17K mi., 35ft., Chevy slide in dining/living area structions over theI 5500 d i e s el , toy sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 phone are mishauler $130 , 000. obo. 541-408-3811 understood and an error 541-389-2636. can occur in your ad. If this happens to your ad, please contact us Need to get an ad the first day your ad appears and we will in ASAP? be happy to fix it as soon as we can. Springdale 29' 2 0 07, Fax it to 541-322-7253 If we can assist you slide,Bunkhouse style, please call us: 7-8, excellent The Bulletin Classifieds sleeps 541-385-5809 condition, $ 1 6 ,900, The Bulletin Classified 541-390-2504
Peterbilt 359 p o table water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp pump, 4-3" h o ses, camlocks, $ 2 5,000. 541-820-3724
'o tj
&o~ &sr/
1/3 interest in Columbia 400, located at Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. Call 541-647-3718
¹ .8
541-383-3888, 541-815-3318
Utility Trailers
Aircraft, Parts & Service
Chrysler SD 4-Door 1930, CD S Royal Standard, s-cylinder, body is good, needs some r e s toration, runs, taking bids,
Big Tex Landscaping/ ATVTrailer, dual axle flatbed, 7'x16', 7000 lb. GVW, all steel, $1400. 541-382-4115, or 541-280-7024.
FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd,
door panels w/flowers & hummingbirds, white soft top & hard top. Just reduced to $3,750. 541-317-9319 or 541-647-8483
o Ll t '
Wt'ettches. Qne of the i5 th i n gs that make up a D isaster Su p p l i e s K i t . w w w . P r e p a r e F o r L i f e . o r g
Build a kit l Make a plan Get trained Prepare Oregon
In The BLtlletin's print and online ClassifiecIs.
GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES, We are QUAINT CABIN ON 10 ACRES! MOdern FORD F150XL2005. ThiStrUCkcal) haulit three adorable, loving puppies looking for a amenities al)d all the quiet you will need. all! Extra Cab, 4X4, and a tough V8 engine caring home. Please call right away. $500. R o om to grow in your owr) little paradise! Wil l get the Iob done ol) the ranch!
Full Color Photos For an adctifional s15 per week * '40 for 4 weeks * ('Special private party ratesapply to merchandise ancI automotive categories,)
The Bulletin To
p la c e
y o u r
a d ,
v is i t
w . b e n d b u l le t i n .c o m
o r
c a ll
3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9
Hours: Monday -Friday 7:30am to 5:00pm •Telephone Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30am - 5:00pm • Saturday 10:00am - 12:30pm 24 Hour Message Line: 383-2371: Place, cancel, or extend an ad after hours. 1777 S.W. ChandlerAve. Bend, OregOn 97702
American Red Cross Oregon Chapters
E6 SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 25 2012 • THE BULLETIN Antique & Classic Autos
Sport Utility Vehicles
Sport Utility Vehicles
Ford F250 XLT 4x4 Lariat, 1990, r e d, 80K original miles, 4" lift with 39's, well $4000 Plymouth B a r racuda maintained, 1966, original car! 300 obo. 541-419-5495 hp, 360 V8, centerlines, (Original 273 FORD RANGER XLT eng & wheels incl.) 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 541-593-2597 speed, with car alarm, player, extra tires PROJECT CARS: Chevv CD rims. Runs good. 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & on Clean. 92,000 miles
Chevy Coupe 1950 rolling chassis's $1750 ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, complete car, $ 1949; Cadillac Series 61 1950, 2 dr. hard top, complete w/spare f r ont cl i p ., $3950, 541-382-7391
DOHIT MISSTHIS VW Karman Ghia 1970, good cond., new upholstery and convertible top. $10,000. 541-389-2636
VW Thing 1974, good cond. Extremely Rare! Only built in 1973 & 1 974. $8,000. 541-389-2636
m o tor. $2600
OBO. 541-771-6511.
I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 ton dually, 4 s p d. trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950.
Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 Jeep Wrangler X 2008, 4x4. 120K mi, Power unlimited, 4 dr., runseats, Tow Pkg, 3rd ning boards, premium row seating, e xtra wheels, hard top, very tires, CD, privacy tint- clean. Vin ¹ 5 72535. ing, upgraded rims. Was $25,999. Now Fantastic cond. $7995 $22,999. Contact Timm at 541-408-2393 for info S UB A R U . or to view vehicle. 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 877-266-3821 Ford Explorer 4x4, Dlr ¹0354 1991 - 154K miles, rare 5-speed tranny Kia Sportage 4x4 8 manual hubs, 1996, full power, air, clean, straight, ev1 50K, hitch, S t o eryday driver. Bring master tow bar, lights 2200 dollar bills! for towing, studded Bob, 541-318-9999 tires. Paint rough, but runs great! $3200 obo. 541-280-0514 GMC Yukon Denali 2003, leather, moonroof, premium wheels, N issan Armada S E 3rd row. Very nice. 2007, 4WD , a u t o , Vin ¹128449. l eather, DVD, C D . Was $15,999. Vin¹700432. Was Now $13,799. $16, 99 9 . Now $14,788. S UB A R U .
Au t o mobiles
Automobiles •
Buick Lucerne CXL WHEN YOU SEE THIS DON'TMISSTHIS 2009, $12,500, low low miles; 2000 Buick ~ OO Century $2900. You'll Ford Crown V i ctoria not find nicer Buicks 1995, LX sedan, 4 dr., On a classified ad One look's worth a V 8, o r i g . own e r , go to thousand words. Call 70,300 mi., studs on, Porsche 911 1974, low Bob, 541-318-9999. reat condition. mi., complete motor/ to view additional for an appt. and take a 3000. 541-549-0058. trans. rebuild, tuned photos of the item. drive in a 30 mpg. car int. & ext. Hyundai Elantra 2012 4 suspension, refurb., oi l c o oling, door, c olor b l a ck, shows new in & out, Cadillac Seville STS 2,773 miles. $16,500. erf. m ech. c o n d. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 2003 - just finished 541-317-5169. uch more! $4900 engine work Door-to-door selling with by Certified GM me- Hyundai Sonata 2012, $28,000 541-420-2715 fast results! It's the easiest Sedan, 4 dr., auto, chanic. Has everyJust bought a new boat? way in the world to sell. CD, bluetooth, pw, pl, Sell your old one in the thing but navigation. crus, tilt, low mi. Must classifieds! Ask about our Too many bells and The Bulletin Classified See! Vi n ¹ 3 2 2715. Super Seller rates! w histles to l i s t . Was $19,999. Now bought a new one. 541-385-5809 541-385-5809 $17,988. $4900
PORSCHE 914 1974,
Roller (no engine),
liQli S Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE ADOPT-Abundance of love to offer a child in stable, se-
cure & nu r turing home. Contact Jen (800) 571-4136. LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E C I RCUIT C OURT O F T H E STATE O F ORE GON FOR T H E COUNTY OF DESCHUTES. I n th e Matter of the Estate o f G A RE N EU GENE B A L LARD, D eceased. Ca s e No. 12- P B-0093. NOTICE T O INT ERESTED P A R T IES. NOTICE I S H EREBY GI V E N that Gerald J o hn B allard has b e e n appointed personal representative of the a bove-entitled e s -
Looking for your lowered, full roll cage, 5-pt harnesses, racnext employee? 877-266-3821 CHECK YOUR AD Place a Bulletin help ing seats, 911 dash & Please check your ad Dlr ¹0354 instruments, d ecent wanted ad today and on the first day it runs shape, v e r y c o ol! reach over 60,000 The Bulletin's to make sure it is cor$1699. 541-678-3249 readers each week. "Call A Service rect. Sometimes inYour classified ad 541-419-5480. f j+ S U B A R U . s tructions over t h e Professional" Directory will also appear on 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Toyota Camrysr 877-266-3821 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend phone are misunderis all about meeting 1984, $1200 obo; stood and an e rror which currently re877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354 yourneeds. 1985 SOLD; can occur in your ad. ceives over 1.5 milDlr ¹0354 If this happens to your GMC Yukon XL 1500 1986 parts car, lion page views Call on one of the ad, please contact us every month at 2007, l eat h e r, 4 $500. Find It in professionals today! the first day your ad bucket seats, 3rd row no extra cost. BulleCall for details, The Bulletin Classifieds! appears and we will Mitsubishi 3 00 0 tin Classifieds seat, moonroof. GT 541-548-6592 RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L 541-385-5809 be happy to fix it as Vin ¹305958. Get Results! Call 1999, a uto., p e a rl hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, s oon a s w e ca n . w hite, very low m i . 385-5809 or place tate. Al l p e rsons Was $29,999. am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. h aving claim s Now $26,888. Deadlines are: Week- $9500. 541-788-8218. Toyota Corolla 2004, your ad on-line at 541-420-3634/390-1285 auto., loaded, 204k days 12:00 noon for against the estate S UB A R U . miles. orig. owner, non next day, Sat. 11:00 a re r e quired t o Nee d tosell a ~ smoker, exc. c ond. a.m. for Sunday; Sat. I present them, with 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Vehicle? $6500 Prin e ville 12:00 for Monday. If vouchers attached, 877-266-3821 Call The Bulletin 503-358-8241 I The Bulletin recoml can assist you, to the undersigned Dlr ¹0354 Porsche Cayenne 2004, we and place an ad tomends extra caution I call us: personal represenToyotas: 1999 Avalon 86k, immac, dealer please dayl when p u r chasing ~ tative at 60865 Emi254k; 1996 Camry, I products or services maint'd, loaded, now The541-385-5809 Ask about our Bulletin Classified grant Drive, Bend, Volkswagen PU 1981 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of $17000. 503-459-1580 "Wheel Deal"! from out of the area. O regon 9770 2 , Runs well, good paint, miles left in these for private party f S ending c ash , within four months r edone i nterior i n cars. Price? You tell Chevrolet Lumina advertisers checks, or credit inafter the date of first me! I'd guess cluding hea d liner, Vans • 1997 4-door, formation may be I p ublication of t h is canopy, alloy r ims, GMC Yukon XL S LT $2000-$4000. One owner, low milenotice, or the claims Your servant, Bob at I subject toFRAUD ood tires, CD player 2004, loaded w/facage, clean interior. For more informamay be barred. All 541-318-9999, no 3950. 541-410-1119 Tires, body, paint in tory DVD, 3rd seat, I tion about an adverp ersons who s e charge for looking. good condition. $6950.. 541-280-6947 tiser, you may call r ights may be a f 935 $3050. I the Oregon State I VW Beetle, 2002 fected by the proHonda CRY 2005, 541-350-3109 Sport Utility Vehicles 5-spd, silver-gray, black Attorney General's I ceedings may ob4WD, moonroof, alloy Office C o n sumer tain leather, moonroof, CD, additional wheels, very clean. Chevrolet G20 SportsToyota 4Runner SR5 loaded, 115K miles, f Protection hotline at information from the man, 1993, exlnt cond, Chrysler PT Cruiser Vin ¹027942. 2011 29,553 mi. well-maintained 1-877-877-9392. $4750. 541-362-5559 or 2006, au to, pw, pl, records of the court, Was $12,799. ¹042626. $33,995 541-663-6046 (have records) the personal reprecrus, tilt, tinted win- Nissan Sentra, 2012Now $10,988 extremely clean, sentative, or the atdows, Vin ¹ 2 24778. 12,610 mi, full warranty, SSFFFDg Central OregOn Sinre 9903 $4850 obo. PS, PB, AC, & more! torney for the perW as $7,999. N o w 4@)SUBARU. Chevy Astro 541-546-6920 Oregon $16,000. 541-788-0427 sonal $5,999. Cargo Van 2001, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend AutoSource ' representative, pw, pdl, great cond., , M S \ S. M 1 N ' 877-266-3821 S UBA R U . Jonathan G. 541-598-3750 business car, well SUBSRUOFBBND COM Dlr ¹0354 B asham, 300 S W maint'd, reqular oil 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend Columbia St r e et, changes, $4500. 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Some future options for conservatives
f you listened to the Republican candidates this year, you heard a conventional set of arguments. But if you go online, you can find a vibrant and increasingly influential center-right conversation. Most of the young writers and bloggers in this conversation intermingle, but they can begrouped, forclarity'ssake, around a few hot spots: Paleoconservatives:The American Conservative has become one of the more dynamic spots on the political Web. Writers like Rod Dreher and Daniel Larison tend to be suspicious
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— David Brooks is a columnist for The New York Times. John Costa's column will return.
of bigness: big corporations, big government, a big military, concentrated power and concentrated wealth. Writers at that website, and at the temperamentally aligned Front Porch Republic, treasure tight communities and local bonds. They're alert to the ways capitalism can erode community. Dispositionally, they are more Walker Percy than Pat Robertson. Lower-middle reformists:Reihan Salam, a writer for National Review, E21 and others, recently pointed out that there are two stories about where the Republican Party should go next. There is the upper-middle reform story: Republicans should soften their tone on the social issues to win over suburban voters along the coasts. Then there is a lower-middle reform story: Republicans should focus on the specifi ceconomic concerns ofthe multiethnic working class. Salam promotes the latter. Similarly, Henry Olsen of the American Enterprise Institute has argued for a Republican Party that listens more closely to working-class concerns. Ramesh Ponnuru of National Review has argued for family-friendly tax credits and other measures that reinforce middle-class dignity. Jim Manzi wrote a seminal article in National Affairs on the need to promote innovation while reducing inequality. Soft libertarians:Some of the most influential bloggers on the right, like Tyler Cowen, Alex Tabarrok and Megan McArdle, start from broadly libertarian premises but do not apply them in a doctrinaire way. Many of these market-oriented writers emphasize that being promarket is not the same as being pro-business. Luigi Zingales of the University of Chicago published an influential book, "A Capitalism for the People," that took aim at crony capitalism. Tim Carney of The Washington Examiner does muckraking reportingon corporate-federal collusion. Rising star Derek Khanna wrote a heralded paper on intellectual property rights for the House Republican Study Committee that was withdrawn by higher-ups in the party, presumably because it differed from the usual lobbyist-driven position. Burkean revivalists:This group includes young conservatives whose intellectual roots go back to the organic vision of society described best by Edmund Burke but who are still deeply enmeshed incurrent policy debates. Yuval Levin, the editor of National Affairs argues that we are witnessing the fiscal crisis of the entitlement state, exemplified most of all by exploding health care costs. His magazine promotes a big agenda of institutional modernization. The lawyer Adam J. White has argued for an approach to jurisprudence andregulatory affairsbased on modesty, but not a doctrinaire clinging to original intent. Ryan Streeter of Indiana champions civil-society conservatism, an updated version of the Jack Kemp style. By and large, these diverse writers did not grow up in the age of Reagan and are not trying to recapture it. They disdain what you might call Donor Base Republicanism. Most important, they matured intellectually within a far-reaching Web-based conversation. They are data-driven, empirical and low-key in tone. They are united more by a style of feedback and mutual scrutiny than by a common agenda. Since Nov. 6, the GOP has experienced anepidemic ofopen-mindedness. The party may evolve quickly. If so, it'll be powerfully influenced by people with names like Reihan, Ramesh, Yuval and Derek Khanna.
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A machine pumps heated chemotherapydirectly into a patient's abdominal cavity as Dr. An drew Lowy, left, works to disperse the the drug in a cancer treatment procedure in 2011, at the University of California, San Diego's 3 hornton Hospital. Some patients with advanced cance believe, incorrectly, that procedures s ch as these could cure them, when their quality of life might be better in~hospice care.
• Patients with stage 4 cancermaychoose chemotherapy without full understanding, studysays By Jane E. Brody New Yorlz Times News Service hen my husband learned he had advanced lung cancer, he didn't even want to speak to an oncologist about chemotherapy. He saw no point in treatment that could not cure him and might make him feel worse. Not so, though, for a majority of patients diagnosed with cancers of the lung or colon that have spread well beyond their original site and are currently not curable by any drugs in the medical armamentarium. Most patients with these so-called stage 4 cancers who choose toundergo chemotherapy seem to believe, incorrectly, that the drugs could render them cancer-free. That is the finding of a recent national study of nearly 1,200 patients with advanced cancers of the lung or colon. Overall, 69 percent of those with stage 4 lung cancer and 81 percent of those with stage 4 colon cancer failed to understand "that chemotherapy
was not at all likely to cure their cancer," Dr. Jane C. Weeks, an oncology researcher at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute in Boston, and colleagues reported in The New England Journal of Medicine. When patients do not understand the limitations of such treatment, their consent to undergo it is not truly informed, the authors concluded. This is not to say that chemotherapy is pointlesswhen cancer isfar advanced. Various drugs, some with limited toxicity, can be used as palliatives, perhaps shrinking tumors temporarily to relieve symptoms, slowing the cancer's growth and prolonging the lives of some patients. But aggressive chemotherapy when death is but weeks or months in the offing can seriously compromise the quality of patients' remaining time and may delay their preparations for the end of life, to the detriment of both patients and their families. "If you think chemotherapy will cure you, you're less open to end-of-life discussions,"
Weeks said in an interview. When patients pursue chemotherapy under the false belief that they still have a chance for a cure, it often delays their transition to the comfort care of hospice. When patients spend only a few days or a week in hospice, caretakers don't have enough time to get to know them and their families and offer the physical, emotional and practical benefits hospice can provide. Weeks said c o ntinued chemotherapy involves more trips to the hospital, blood draws and X-rays, whereas hospice attends to patients' symptoms and concerns, and encourages them to leave meaningful legacies. Hospice care alsoreduces medical costs. When my husband entered hospice after two miserable weeks in the hospital undergoing palliative radiation, he experienced such relief that he said cheerfully, though in jest, "What if I decide I want to live?" and then enjoyed a treasured last visit with two of his grandchildren. SeeCancer/F6
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rom the nation's Capitol to Bend's City Hall, lameduck legislative bodies are at work. They are making decisions that might, in some cases, be made differently by the elected bodies that will take office in January. Should they just stop, deferring to those who will follow? On the subject of Bend's surface water project, new Bend Councilor Sally Russell said yes. Russell defeated incumbent Kathie Eckman and then took office early after Eckman resigned. On Monday, Russell abstained from voting on a water project decision and asked the council to delay any binding decisions until the other new councilors take office in January. It's a tempting argument, more so if you oppose the water project, as Russell does. And it's not hard to imagine instances where it might be appropriate, on issues that have no time pressures or have not been discussed at length. But government cannot grind to a halt after each election, and timing is critical if Bend is to avoid further financial losses on the way to building an intake facility and pipeline that are crucial to maintaining its dual sources of water.
The project is now stalled by a court injunction sought by Central Oregon LandWatch challenging a necessary Forest Service permit. LandWatch argues the Forest Service did not sufficiently consider environmental effects. Councilors voted Monday to seek a new Forest Service permit that does not increase the amount of water the city takes from Bridge Creek. There may be other changes worth considering in later phases of the water project, for example, the type of filtration needed to satisfy federal requirements. But maintaining the city's water rights and its surface water system is not among them. The city has made a convincing case that the pipeline needs replacement and is well on its way to doing so. It would be dereliction of duty for the council not to take speedy steps to resolve the legal challenge now delaying the project.
Have death penalty debate
ust about a year ago today Gov. JohnKitzhaber placed a moratorium on executions in this state, effectively halting Gary Haugen's drive to become the first person to reach Oregon's death chamber in more than a decade. At the time the governor said he hoped the move would push Oregonians into a discussion about the death penalty that would lead to a more fair, less expensive alternative. Now state Rep. Mitch Greenlick, D-Portland, has taken up the challenge. He plans to introduce a bill in the next legislative session that would ask Oregonians to eliminate the penalty. It would be replaced by a prison sentence of life without the possibility of parole. Kitzhaber, long an opponent of the death penalty, has been the only Oregon governor to oversee an execution since LeeRoy Sanford McGahuey went to the gas chamber in 1962. He had been convicted of the 1961 execution of his landlady and her child. Oregonians outlawed the penalty two years later by a 60 percent margin, and then-Gov. Mark O. Hatfield commuted the sen-
tences of three death row inmates. Among them was Jeannace June Freeman, who was convictedin Jefferson County of throwing her lover's son off the U.S. Highway 97 bridge across the Crooked River Gorge. At the time Freeman was the only woman ever sentenced to die in the state. A second woman was sentenced to die last year. Voters reinstated the penalty in 1978, only to have it overturned by the state Supreme Court in 1981. In 1984 voters amended the constitution to put the death penalty in place once again. Since then, only two men have been executed, both while Kitzhaber was governor. Deschutes County's Randy Guzek, meanwhile, is still years away from execution for the 1987 murders of Rod and Lois Houser, even if he does not win the right to a fifth trial on the matter. Oregonians have not weighed in on th e penalty since 1984, though if Greenlick is successful they will again in 2014. Whether they will buy Greenlick's twopronged argument that execution is both expensive and morally reprehensible remains to be seen.
Sen. Rubio walking a fine line By Frank Cerabino
president in 2016, and by claiming the age of the planet is little more than a matter of equally valid opinions, he's going out of his way not to offend any Republican primary voters. "I am not a scientist ..." Rubio said in the interview. "At the end of the day, I think there are multiple theories out there on how the universe was created and I think this is a country where people should have the opportunity to teach them all. "I think parents should be able to teach their kids what their faith says, what science says. Whether the Earth was created in seven days, or seven actual eras, I'm not sure we'llever be able to answer that." I agree. Parents should be able to teach their kids whatever they want. But grownups shouldn't be allowed to sit on a congressional science committee when they treat earth science as if it were little more than some boxers-or-briefsdebate. The next thing you know, congressmen sitting on science committees will start imagining that female rape victims can avoid getting pregnant through willpower. Rubio doesn't have to pretend to be so bamboozled by the Earth question. Acknowledging the age of the planet doesn't mean denying the existence of God. Just ask Dr. Francis Collins, the outspoken Christian geneticist who led the Human Genome Project and now heads
Cox Newspapers
WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. arco Rubio should have to choose. You can pretend that it's quite possible that the planet we live on is about 6,000 years old, and you can have a seat on the U.S. Senate committee that deals with science. But you shouldn't be able to do both at the same time. I think it's only fair that when you reach the highest legislative body in the land, you should have to pick between willful ignorance and reality. And your seat on the science c ommittee should h ang i n t h e balance. While there's no way of preventing U.S. senators from holding the notion that the Earth is only a few thousand years old, common decency should keep them from taking up space on a committee dedicated to science, a discipline that has through empirical evidence put the age of the Earth at about 4.55 billion years old. Choose, Mr. Rubio. Six thousand years or 4.55 billion years? It's not like we're splitting hairs here. In this month's issue of GQ magazine, the junior senator from Florida tries to have it both ways, saying that the age of the Earth "is one of those great mysteries." What's not a mystery by now is that Rubio is already running for -
the National Institutes of Health, the government organization that funds billions of dollars of biomedical research every year. Collins has also set up the BioLogos Foundation, which "promotes the search for truth in both the natural and spiritual realms seeking harmony between these different perspectives." In an interview with Christianity Today, Collins talked about the importance of Christians embracing science, even when it seems to conflict with theology. "If you ask about data-driven questions, about what is true and what is the evidence to support it, you would want to go to the people who are the professionals who spend their lives trying to answer those questions and ask, 'Is there a consensus view?'" Collins said. "So you ask, 'What is the age of the Earth'?' Well, who does that work? It is the geologist and the cosmologists and the people who d o radiocarbon dating. It i s t h e fossilrecord people and so on," he sard. "So you ask, 'Is this an unanswered question?' And the answer you would get is that the issue is settled. The age of the earth is 4.55 billion years." W ouldn't it b e r efreshing if a member of the Senate science committee had that kind of regard for science? It ought to be a requirement. — Frank Cerabino writes for The Palm Beach Post.
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In great fiscal wars, a plan for peace with honor By Cllve Crook
brutal kind of government dysfunction. Now that gauging various den one way, the so-called fiscal cliff grees of government paralysishas threatening the U.S. economy is become the main task of U.S. political less dangerous than widely sup- analysts, the difference is probably posed. In another, it's more. worth noting. First, as many have said, the cliff is What matters, though, is not the really a slope. At year's end, the tax damage thata temporary change in cuts passed in 2001 and 2003 auto- fiscal policy will cause at the end of matically expire, and a deliberately the year, but the harm that the prebrainless process of sequestrati on vailing uncertainty over policy has starts to cut public spending. But the already caused — and will keep causfull fiscal effects of both events don't ing, even if the fiscal slope is avoided. arrive all at once. The changes would That's why being told that the cliff isn't a cliff is small consolation. have tobe sustained — or be expected to be sustained — to drive the econoBig U.S. companies are scaling my into a recession. back their investment plans at the Neither is likely. Businesses and fastest pace in almost three years, acconsumers would see any start down cording to a new Wall Street Journal the slope as temporary. They would review of securities filings and conferexpect some resolution of the fiscal ence calls. Confidence in the domestic problem in short order. Meanwhile, economy is low. Weaker economies various maneuvers could be used abroad, especially in China and the to postpone the harm. The Internal euro zone, aren't helping. The U.S. Revenue Servicecould delay the ad- needs clarity about the fiscal outlook, ditional tax withholding, for instance. and that will be hard to achieve. Departments and a gencies could Suppose Congress and B arack think about how to phase in cuts over Obama's administration simply leave the course of the year. policy unchanged for six m o nths When a government defaults, that's — no tax increases, no sequesters it — so the debt ceiling really is a cliff — while they negotiate a big new (as it were). The fiscal slope is a less fiscal agreement. That would avoid Bloomberg News
the immediate threat, but wouldn't resolve the underlying uncertainty. A deal like that would be better than falling down the slope, for sure, but it wouldn't dispel the confusion or get the economy growing. For that, the country needs what it has needed forthe past few years: a grand fiscal bargain. Eventually, Congress and the administration will get around to the plan put forward by the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform, or something close, because in the end they will have no choice. But a plan like that is too complicated to design by Dec. 31. O n so compresseda timescale, the best that can be hoped for is an agreement to avoid the fiscal slope plus a statement of principles to shape the bigger deal. For that declaration to be of any use, it must be credible — and it can be credible if, and only if, both sides startle everybody by saying what they are willing to give up. If a deal to avoid the slope just postpones the entire discussion, allowing Democrats and Republicans to press their maximal demands again next year, it will achieve little. If both sides yield just a bit, and do it now, that would be a success.
What would this offer of compromise look like? The main sticking point is tax rates. Democrats want to reverse the Bush administration's tax cuts for couples making more than $250,000. Republicans say they are willing to discuss revenue increases, but refuse to countenance higher rates even for the rich. The two sides should agree at once to restore the pre-Bush tax rates for couples making more than $1 million a year — pending a comprehensive tax reform that raises revenue mainly by capping deductions. Under this formula, each side gains something and loses something. Democratsgain a more progressive tax code, but give ground on higher rates for couples making between $250,000 and $1 million. Republicans limit the scope of higher marginal rates and get the commitment to the base-broadening approach they say they favor,but concede higher rates right now for the very rich. On public spending, neither side wants sequestration. The immediate fix is simply to lift the threat of it. The forward- looking commitment should abolish the recurring calamity of the debt-ceiling procedure — and, ide-
ally, set an adjustable cap on federal spending asa share ofgross domestic product. What that number should be, how to adjust it according to demographic or othercircumstances, and what to do if it's breached would have to be argued — strenuously, no doubt — next year. The issue couldn't, and shouldn't, be settled once and for all. Mere convergence on the principle would be a notable, confidence-boosting achievement. In effect, it would be a promise to limit the scope of the fiscal wars — a commitment to moderation. As before,each side would be getting and conceding something important. Both would be renouncing the ambition to carry through a fiscal revolution — either to shrink or enlarge the role of government, as the case may be — in return for the same promise from the other side. Between now and Dec. 31, the challenge isn't just to avoid the fiscal slope. It's to do so in a way that provides clarity and restores confidence. Another postponement isn't good enough. There must be an exchange of concessions. The bigger, the better. — Clive Crook is a columnist for Bloomberg.
et reSi ent fter his party's devastating setback in the 2010 midterm e lections, B arack O b a ma was re-elected earlier this month by painting his Republican opponents as heartless in favoring lower taxes for therich. They were portrayed as nativists for opposing the Dream Act amnesty for illegal immigrants, and as callous in battling the federal takeoverofhealth care. Republicans countered with arguments that higher taxes on the employer class hurt the economy in general. They assumed most voters knew thatamnesties are euphemisms for undermining federal law and in the past have had the effect of promoting more illegal immigration. They tried to point out that there is no such thing as free universal health care, since Obamacare will only shift responsibility from health care practitioners and patients to inefficient government bureaucracies and hide the true costs with higher taxes. And they utterly failed to convince the American people of any of that. Why doesn't the Republican-controlled House of Representatives give both voters and President Obama what they wished for? The current battle over the budget hinges on whether to return to the Clinton-era income tax rates, at least for those who make more than $250,000 a year. Allowing federal income rates to climb to near 40 per-
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VICTOR DAVIS HANSON cent on that cohort would bring in only about $80 billion in revenue a year — a drop in the bucket when set against the $1.3 trillion annual deficit that grew almost entirely from outof-control spending since 2009. Instead, why not agree to hike federal income tax rates only on the true "millionaires and billionaires," "fat cats" and "corporate jet owners" whom Obama has so constantly demonized? In other words, skip over the tire-store owner or dentist, and tax those, for example, who make $1 million or more in annual income. Eight out of the 10 wealthiest counties in the United States voted for Obama. Corporate lawyers and the affluent in Hollywood and on Wall Street should all not mind "paying theirfairshare." Upping federal tax rates to well over 40percent on incomes of more than $1 million a year would also offer a compromise: shielding most of the small businesspeople Republicans wish to protect while allowing Obama to tax th e one-percenters whom he believes have so far escaped paying what they owe, and then putting responsibility on the president to keep his part of the bargain in making needed cuts in spending.
Likewise, instead of hiking death taxes on small businesspeople, why not close loopholes for billion-dollar estates by taxing their gargantuan bequests to pet foundations that avoid estate taxes. Why should a Warren Buffett or Bill Gates act as if he built his own business and can solely determine how his fat-cat fortune is spent for the next centurymeanwhile robbing the government of billions of dollars in lost estate taxes along with any federal say in how such fortunes are put to public use'? The president flipped in an election year on the Dream Act. Suddenly, in 2012, Obama decided that he indeed did have the executive power to order amnesty without congressional approval for those who came illegally as children, stayed in school or joined the military, avoided arrest and thus deserved citizenship. In response, Republicans supposedly lost Latino support by insisting that federal immigration law be enforced across the board, regardless of race, class, gender or national origin. But why not make the president's Dream Act part of the envisioned grand bargain o n i m m i gration'? Once it is agreed upon that we have the ability to distinguish those foreign nationals deserving of amnesty, then surely we also have the ability to determine who does not meet that agreed-upon criteria. Why, then, cannot conservatives allow a pathway to citizenship for
the play-by-the-rules millions who qualify, while regrettably enforcing an un-Dream Act for others who just recently arrived illegally; enrolled in, and have remained on, public assistance; or have been convicted of a crime'? Who could object to that fair compromise? Finally, Obamacare will be imposed on all Americans by 2014. But so far the Obama administration has granted more than 1,200 exemptions to favored corporations and unions, covering about 4 million Americans. Shouldn't Republicans seek to end all exemptions rather than tackle the improbable task of overturning Obamacare itself? Their motto should be: "Equality for all; special treatment for no one!" One of the brilliant themes of the 2012 Obama campaign was forcing Republicans, on principle, to systematically oppose most of the things that the administration wanted them to oppose — thereby shielding itself from the unwelcome consequences of its own ideology while winning political points. Now, in defeat, Republicans should agree to let the chips lie where they fall: Tax only the truly rich; reward only the truly deserving illegal immigrants; and exempt noone from Obamacare. Nothing could be fairer or more equal than that. — Victor Davis Hansonis a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution,
Stanford University.
America's resources Shun dangerous
are abundant and fossil fuels; focus should be tapped o n 'green' energy By Thomas j. Donohue McClatchy-Tribune News Service
WASHINGTONhis Thanksgiving, as American families count their blessings, we as a nation should also give thanks for what we have in abun-
dance — energy. An abundance of affordable,accessibleand safe energy is a bright spot in an otherwise bleak economic environment. American energy could revitalize our economy, create millions of jobs, help reduce deficits, lessen our dependence on foreign sources and enhance our g l obal competitiveness. Because of technological advancements — hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling — we can now tap vast oil and gas resources in geologic formations that were previously too costly and too difficult to reach. We have access to a 100-year supply of natural gas, and by 2020, oil production is expected to rise by 68 percent above 2008 levels, leading to a sharp drop in oil imports. By 2030, we could become a net energy exporter.
help solve the U.S. energy trade imbalance. And a resource-rich North America will shift the global energy landscape, substantially strengthening the security and geopolitical position of the United States and our neighbors. Yet an abundant, affordable and
secure energy supply is more oppor-
tunity than reality at this point. We won't realize its full potential unless we capitalize on th e opportunity through sound policy and prudent development. And let's be very clear — much of the recent progress has been despite the federalgovernment, not because of it. M ost of t h e n e w e n ergy p r o duction is taking place on private o r s t ate l a n d s — federal lands remain l a r g ely closed. The private sector has driven growth by investing in new t echn o l o g i e s , and the markets have acc e lerated innovation. This is a game-changing devel- M eanwhile, t h e opment no one saw coming. Until government has recently, we were largely dependent attempted to pick on overseas sources, spending bilwinners and lions annually to import foreign oil, l osers, and w e which made up 60 percent ofour know how that's supply just five years ago. Our econ- gone. omy was i ncreasingly vulnerable The i n dustry to the whims of unfriendly regimes is working with and disruptions to the global energy s tate gov e r n supply. m ents and t h e Today, the new boom i n s h ale public to a d opt oil and natural gas could actually best practices and strict environtransform our economy. mental standards, and the states The U.S. Chamber's Institute for are effectively regulating energy 21st Century Energy recently spon- development. But bureaucratic roadsored a report by energy research blocks at the federal level — like firm IHS-CERA to assess the eco- overregulation, e n dless e n vironnomic benefits of the shale boom mental reviews, tax hikes and per— if policymakers at the federal, mitting delays — could halt new destate and local levels don't get in velopment in its tracks. the way. America'sleaders should be smart The findings show shale develop- enough not to squander this opporment has produced 1.75 million jobs tunity. That's why the Chamber is over the past few years and could pushing for expanded American enbe responsible for 3.5 million jobs ergy development in any "big deal" by 2035.Shale energy development Congress strikes to address the fiswill pump $237 billion into the U.S. cal cliff and our long-term economic economy this year and could gener- challenges. It's our single greatest ate $62 billion in federal, state, and opportunity for progress and agreelocal taxes and royalties. Total rev- ment. We must also continue to enues could reach $2.35 trillion by make renewables and alternative 2035. energy technologies more competiShale and opportunities onshore, tive while furthering our strides in offshore, and in other sectors of efficiency. the energy industry could give us a Yes, America has all the elements competitive advantage. Greater nat- to usher in a ne w era of energy ural gas supplies will have driven abundance — n a tural r e sources, down energy prices, attracting more technology, workforce, capital and an entrepreneurial spirit. Now, let's jobs, companies, and i n vestment to American shores, especially in adopt an agenda that reflects it. manufacturing. — Thomas J. Donohue is the president and A surge in U.S. oil production will CEO of theU.S. Chamber of Commerce.
By Stephen A. Smith and William A. Sundstrom McClatchy-Tribune News Service
SANTA CLARA, Calif. ecent job growth numbers suggest that the U.S. economy is finally pulling out of its worst economic crisis since the Great Depression. But with unemployment at nearly 8 percent, plenty of Americans are still hurting. -
Energy policy can clearly play a role in economic growth if we choose policies that achieve the maximum benefit at the least cost. Unfortunately, some solutions being touted for fostering U.S. energy independence fail that basic economic test, offering little immediate help for the economy but costly economic and health consequences in the long run. For instance, parts of Nor th D akota a n d Pennsylvania have recently experienced a n atu r a lgas bonanza, through a process k n own as "fracking," which c o uld also po t e ntially be used to extract oil from shale deposits in Montana. According to projections by the International Energy Agency, tapping these new resources plus improvements in energy efficiency could allow the U.S. to become energy independent over the next 20 years. The same report, however, projects that oil prices will increase because ofnew demand from developing countries. Thus, tapping these new energy resources will benefit energy companies, but not consumers at the pump. Before expanding the use of fracking and other new extraction methods, we need to understand all of their costs. Fracking injects as much as five barrels of water and chemicalsfor each barrel of oil recovered. It is currently exempt from the Clean Water Act, and there is no requirement to disclose even the chemicals that are used. It has resulted in flammable tap water and changes in local water tables, while the longer term effects on the water supplies and ecosystems have yet to be determined.
In effect, the current government policy provides a major subsidy to fracking, by not requiring accountability for these environmental costs. The U.S. also has very large coal deposits, but a recent study published in the prestigious American Economic Review found that coalfired power plants create costs to public health that are more than twice the value they add to the economy. In the long term, the cost of all fossil fuels should also include their contributions to climate change, because the overwhelming majority of climate scientists now agree that human generated carbon emissions are the major contributor. Even with extremely conservative assumptions about the costs of climate change, encouraging major expansion of fossil fuel production looks like bad policy. Fortunately, there ar e o t her paths to energy independence and fuel cost savings for consumers that have lower environmental costsand provide greater benefits to American workers. Plug-in hybrid cars, which are now offered by both GM and Ford, can accomplish the equivalent of 100 miles per gallon in local driving. Offering temporary incentives for purchasing these cars will stimulate demand and lower their production costs. This has already happened with standard hybrid cars, which now sell well with no subsidies. Converting to energy efficient cars will provide much greater fuel cost savings for consumers and more well-paying U.S. industrial jobs than new U.S.based energy extractions. Solar and wind energy now cost roughly the same as other alternatives for new power plants, and investments in an improved electric power grid will provide jobs and allow us to tap the full potential of these new energy resources. The keys to maintaining and improvingthe economic recovery in the short term are well-known to economists: they include resolving the impending fiscal cliff and maintaining low and stable interest rates. Sound energy policies can also play an important role in job creation and provide significant long-run benefits. We should not use the pain of America's unemployed to justify poorly regulated fossil fuel development that is bad for America in both the short run and the long run. — Stephen A. Smith and William A. Sundstrom are professorsin the Leavey SchoolofB usiness atSanta Clara University.
reality show is too good to miss By Margaret Carlson Bloomberg News
WASHINGTONn the one hand, I know women are still trapped in a "Mad Men" world, where the boss getspromoted and the secretary gets fired when an affair is discovered. In politics, when a male candidate loses, he is just another failed candidate; when a female candidate loses, her defeat is somehow representative. Four years ago, after then-Senator Hillary Clinton lost to then-Senator Barack Obama in the Democratic presidential primary, we all had to suffer through pages of commentary about whether the party could ever afford to nominate another woman. This year, after Mitt Romney's loss, there is no such talk about whether Republicans will ever nominate another of his kind again. His kind is pretty much the only kind they have. The lesson: Female solidarity requires that I show understanding and sympathy with the women in the David Petraeus affair. When one woman is maligned, we all are. On the other hand, the women of the Petraeus affair are larger than life. If a man did what Paula Broadwell and Jill Kelley are accused of doing, the story line would be the same. And Petraeus, although he's the reason anyone is paying any attention at all, has become a cipher. Did you seepictures of him as he arrived at, or departed from, the Capitol last week to testify about Benghazi before Congress'? No, you did not — because in a rare display of bipartisanship, members of the Senate and House intelligence committees joined hands to make sure the general was whisked in and out unseen. The lesson: The less the news media can find out about the star of the show, the more they will focus on the bit players. Broadwell and Kelley flew close to the sun. The grad student with a penchant for resume inflation became the biographer and mistress of probably the most famous general since George Patton. She had so little experience that she had to hire a ghostwriter. Then something happened between the general and his biographer, and the affair ended, but she had invested so much that she didn't want anyone else to have Petraeus' affection. So she ended up sending threatening emails to her romantic rival. Her rival, as it turns out, was a doyenne of military party planning. Kelley has diplomatic inviolability, if not immunity, as she hosted fundraisers for nothing more than the chance to rub an occasional four-star elbow and get the odd email answered. What kind of sisterhood would keep a female journalist from writing about all of this'? Just as those "Real Housewives" (and Kelley and her sister actually appeared on an episode of a reality show) always end up scrapping with each other over the crumbs of society, Broadwell and K elley found the headquarters of CentCom weren't big enough for both of them. They brought each other down. It's impossible to avert our eyes. No, it's not fair that Petraeus' setback is undoubtedly temporary, like Bill Clinton's was, while Kelley's fate — if not Broadwell's — may more closely resemble Monica Lewinsky's. Lewinsky, you may not remember, went on to sell handbags. Clinton is merely the third-most-admired man in the whole world. This is not to say that sexism and its despicable cousin, ageism, aren't rampant in the coverage of women. Would anyone pound on the 70-yearold Mitch McConnell for keeping his job as minority leader of the Senate? Yet that's what happened to 72-yearold House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi last week when she declined to step aside for the 73-year-old Minority Whip Steny Hoyer. I digress.Regarding coverage of the Petraeus affair: It's not so much sexism rearing its ugly head as it is opportunism. It is through a combination of bad judgment and bad fortune that Paula Broadwell and Jill Kelley find themselves at the center of attention. It is not only because of their gender. In fact, if a powerful woman were playing the part of Petraeus in this saga, I'm confident we would be using the same microscope to examine the men fighting over her. — Margaret Carlsonis a columnist for Bloomberg.
F4 ©
'The Black Box' latest
in Bosch detective series "The Black Box" by Michael Connelly (Little, Brown, $27.99)
o w as ionevove ro u "Fashion: The Definitive History of Costume and Style" by Consultant Editor Susan Brown with the Smithsonian Institution (DK Publishing, New York, $50)
DRESS if)'-"'-":i
By Tish Wells
McClatchy Newspapers
I t's always fun t o f in d a book that is one-stop holiday shopping for both newcomer and expert, especially when the book is full of history and
photographs. By Oline H.Cegdill Sun Sentinel
In 1992, Michael Connelly hit the ground running with his debut "The Black Echo" t hat i n t r oduced L A P D de t ective Harry Bosch. That novel won the Edgar Award for best first novel, introduced Connelly as the heir apparent to Raymond Chandler and also helped usher in a new approach to the police procedural. Now, 20 years later, Connelly is still writing about Harry, continuing to discover new layers to this now iconic character with increasingly complex and believable plots. "The Black Box," Connelly's 25th novel and the 19th in the Harry Bosch series, more than proves this. Connelly is one of the best and the most consistent living crime writers. As he has done in previous novels, Connelly mirrors contemporary issues and Los Angeles' vagaries in "The Black Box," which also boasts an edgy, labyrinthine plot and chronicles Harry's role as a cop and how it has changed through the years. "The Black Box" opens in 1992, when Los Angeles is i n chaos as riots pummel the city following the acquittal of the cops who beat Rodney King. ("Flames from a thousand fires reflected like the devil dancing in the
dark sky.") But "The Black Box" is not a historical noveL Connelly quickly moves the action to 2012 where Harry now is working in the cold
case squad. "The Black Box" s uccinctly looks at the staggering changes in attitudes, especially toward the military, technology and Los Angeles during the past 20 years.
BEST-SELLERS Publishers Weekly ranks thebestsellers for weekending Nov. 17 Hardcover fiction 1. "The Last Mann by Vince Flynn (Atria) 2. "Merry Christmas, Alex Cross" by James Patterson (Little, Brown) 3. "The Racketeer" by John Grisham (Doubleday) 4. uPoseidon's Arrow" by Clive Cussler (Putnam) 5. "Flight Behavior" by Barbara Kirigsolver (Harper) 6. "The CasualVacancy" by J.K. Rowling (Little, Brown) 7. "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn (Crown) 8. "Sweet Tooth" by lan McEwan (Doubleday/Talese) 9."The Panther" by Nelson DeMille (GrandCentral) 10. "The Sins of the Mother" by Danielle Steel (Delacortel Hardcover nonfiction
1. "Killing Kennedy" by Bill O'Reilly (Henry Holt) 2. "Barefoot ContessaFoolproof" by Ina Garten (Clarkson Potter) 3. "Thomas Jefferson" by Jon Meacham (RandomHouse) 4. "Guinness World Records" by GuinnessWorld Records (Guiriness World Records) u 5. NOEaSyDayu by Mark OWen (Dutton) R 6. How to Create a Mind" by Ray Kurzweil (Viking) u 7. My Year in Meals" by Rachael Ray (Atria) 8. "Help, ThankS,Wown by Anne Lamott (Riverhead) u 9. l Declare" by Joel Osteen (FaithWords) 10."The Signal andthe Noise" by Nate Silver (Penguiri) — McC'iatchy-TribuneNewsService
Susan Brown, a consultant with the Smithsonian's Cooper-Hewitt, National Design Museum, edited the coffeetable book "Fashion: The Definitive History of C ostume and Style." For anyone with a casual interest in clothing, a browse through its 480 pages will give a lesson how fashion affected human history. For experts, it can be used as a reference book. For example, do you remember who Biba was? "Less a label, more a way of life, the influential Biba brand of the 1960s and '70s blazed a trail for young, hip fashion and the affordable boutique." Full pages are devoted to fashion icons. Alexander McQueen. Coco Chanel.Elizabeth I o f E n gland. Eleanor of Aquitaine. Nefertiti. All of these people were i n fluential whether royalty or creators of fashion for royalty.
t J'tk
•fs Iw d
Their styles were followed by millions. "Fashion" has ten sections, each beginning with a useful timeline. Prehistory starts with the first clothing, a leather animal hide, and ends with Byzantinium. The "Scythian rider on horseback from a 5th-4th century BCE carpet found in Siberia" has curved moustaches like evil villains in an old West
hiselabo atehouse dress,designedbyAmencan coutunerKate R.C agmile n1891, reflectsthe change in women'sfashionable dress fromthe exaggeratedbustle ofthe1880stothe rounded hourglassshapeofthe1800» fhedressfeaturesbro d shoulderson leg of mutton sleeves, a verynarrow wa st, and a skirtgentlywiden ng tothe heml ne Themntr t g I p n dt xt s f de p e l e t and llght catching sdkdamaskemphasite a tlnywaist, while thewalstcoat and overdress show the lnfluence
A page on the 1891 Reception dressfrom "Fashion: The Definitive History of Style and Costume" by Susan Brown, consultant editor with the Smithsonian Institution.
i so wear through the ages: Roman togas, stuffed doublets with tight hose and codpieces, the leather jackets and jeans of 1960srebels and examples of currentdesigner Tom Ford — better known at the moment as the man who dressed the latest "James Bond" (Dan-
iel Craig,) in "Skyfall."
What is lacking in "Fashion" is any culture other than Western. There are references to Arabic styles, the Japanese influence of the late 1800s, but in general this vast book covMcclatcny-Trirfune ers only Western culture. f News Service T rends become clear a s you read t h r ough h i story. a The lowerclasses usually had more comfortable clothing. Women's legs were covered, N DETAI uncovered, covered — most of the time they were hidden. Big shouldered jackets didn't l,j, "--'-. start with 1980s "Dynasty": in 1533 Holbein the Young painted a French ambassador whose "round puffed sleeves create massive shoulders." television program. A pottery ern r e c onstruction d r e ss- Egypt ha s b een r e discovwarrior from China, circa 210 maker. For example, a two- ered by Westernfashion sevBCE wears a scarf — "one of page spread shows an 1891 eral times over the centuries, the earliest examples of men's Reception Dress." The outfit most notably by fashionistas neckware." has a lace jabot, damask un- in the early 1800s, and the "Downton Abbey" fans will derdress, golden silk train, a "Egyptomania" that "gripped enjoy the spread of "1900-1914 long velvet coat with gathered fashion design of the 1930s." Evening and Tea gowns" — all tucked sleeves and a tightly Likewise with Greece, where of which would fit in on the laced corset binding in a very classic draped gowns have show. narrow waist. It looks stun- reappeared on celebrity red One special treat w i thin ningly uncomfortable. carpets. each sectionis an example of Men are not ignored. There Everything o l d is new clothing as done by a modare many examples of mens- again. .i I ua
African writer's belief 'Colin Fischer':Teendetective in promiseot I(enya with Asperger's —and heart flows through memoir "Colin Fischer" by Ashley Edward Miller and Zack Stentz
(Razorbill, $1799) "In the House of the Interpreter"
tance into an elite school set by Ngugi wa Thiong'o aside for top black students in (Pantheon, $25.95) the British colony's segregated education system. "In the House of the InterBy Hector Tobar Los Angeles Times preter" tells the story of Ngu"In the House of the Intergi's four transformative years preter," the new memoir by in that school, Alliance High. the celebrated African writer Inside A l l i ance's Ngugi wa Thiong'o, sp>c-and-span classtakes u s t o th e rooms and under the IN THE HOUSEf(~ hopeful and turbututelage of its excelIIIIgRPRETEtl„e lent world of 1950s lent British and AfriK enya. And it b e can teachers, young gins with a startling Ngugi undergoes an image. exhilarating i n telNgugi is a t eenlectual awakening ager, returning home — just as Kenya's from his prestigious simmering s t rugNBIIGINA'THIO NG'O gle fo r i n d epenboarding school. He's finished his first term d ence begms t o at the top of his class heat up. and is still wearing his khaki He learns to recite Shakeschool uniform and blue tie. speare'ssonnets and Christian Carrying his belongings in a prayers. But he lives with a sewooden box, he reaches the cret that's eating away at his ridge where his village should soul: His older brother, Good come into view. But it's not Wallace, is living somewhere there. in Kenya's mountains, a solInstead he sees his famdier in the Mau Mau guerrilla ily homestead "is a r u bble movement. The country is in of burnt dry m ud, splinters an official state of emergency, of wood, and grass." All the and Ngugi worries that he'll other homesteads have been be expelled from school if his reduced toruins too. "There is secret is revealecL "In the House of the Internot a soul in sight." A wandering friend reveals the village's preter" is a book about the fate: It's been swallowed up creation of m o dern A f r i ca by the British Empire's offen- from the collision of a series sive against Kenya's Mau Mau of powerful opposing forces — nationalism and colonialguerrillas. "In the House of the Inter- ism, rural tradition and capipreter" is the second volume talist modernity. We see these in Ngugi's series of memoirs. changes through the eyes of It's a work of understated and a group of bright, ambitious heartfelt prose that relates one teenagers. man's intimate view of the epic Alliance High is an African cultural and p olitical shifts Hogwarts, without the magic. that created modern Africa. All the students join happily in The first installment was competitions between school the elegiac "Dreams in a Time houses. They know they're at of War." Published in 2010, Alliance to become members "Dreams" covered N g ugi's of Kenya's small African intelchildhood in rural Kenya as ligentsia; for the British, this the son of Thiong'o wa Ndu- new black educated class will cu and one of his four wives. be a force of moderation and Throughout his boyhood, Ngu- assimilation. gi is witness to a slowly changBut when he leaves the Aling Kenya. New railroads and liance campus, Ngugi enters highways link his village to a a world of checkpoints and vast, English-speaking emarmed British soldiers. Returnpire. But the forces of moder- ing home, he finds his family nity haven't yet changed life and his old village neighbors much for the Gikuyu people. relocated into a concentration "Dreams in a Time of War" camp similar to the "strategic ends with Ngugi's passage hamlets" of the Vietnam War. into manhood — after a ritual From these painful personal circumcision — and his accep- experiences,a wr iter is born. 4
By Mary Macvean Los Angeles Times
Every high school student could use a friend like Colin Fischer, the protagonist in a new teen mystery novel called, as it happens, "Colin Fischer." Not that having Colin for a friend is easy. Quite the opposite. He has a quality unusual in a high school student: He'll tell you the truth, even when that means telling the girl he's sweet on not only that her "breasts got bigger" over the summer but that that "is a perfectly normal reaction to elevated hormone levels during puberty." It's a tribute to Colin's good heart that she
doesn't get angry.
Obsessed with truth and lies, as well as math and a number ofother subjects,Colin has Asperger's syndrome. He's not naturally adept at social life and hates to be touched. But he works hard to make up for what doesn't
So when a gun goes off in the chaos of the school cafeteria, there's just no chance that Colin won't start to investigate who brought it to school. Like good adult mysteries, our amateur detective outwits t h e pr o f essionals come easily, carrying around over and over again. He's f u nny, s o metimes drawings to help him decipher the emotional mean- when he means to be and ing of the faces around him. sometimes when he doesn't. And he devises a complicated And he can b e r ecklessly chart to sort out the pecking fearless in the pursuit of his order at West Valley High. criminal. "Colin Fischer" was writIn a world fraught with bulten by Ashley Edward Miller lies and girls and gym class, and Zack Stentz, the screen- Colin is lucky enough to have writers o f "X - M en: F i r st compassionate, smart p arClass" and "Thor." But there's ents who understand their no t r ace o f s u p erheroes son, and normal enough to here. Instead, the first-time have a brother who torments authors use journal entries him. As unusual as this charand footnotes to flesh out acter is, he's also recognizthe interior life of an unusual able to all teenagers uncerteenager who happens to love tain about their place in the mysteries. world.
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Dan Neville/The New York Times
Memoirs of musicianspublished this year about the lives of acts like Fleetwood Mac and Rod Stewart have increased the canon of music bios and memoirs.
The stars'year torock'n' write By Janet Maslin New York Times News Service
Neil Young's
Neil Young said i t b e st: Writing books is a great thing for a musician to do. It's a way to make money without hav-
rambling thoughts and memories are as disarmingly
ing to play and sing all the
recalling high times in Laurel Canyon or passionately promoting the
technological projects (better sound quality for recorded music, an electric car with the heft Of a Lincoln) to which he now devotes himself. His bookis a must for anyone who has followed his career,
"Waging Heavy Peace" by Neil Young (Blue Rider
Press,$30) Neil Y o u n g's r a m b l ing thoughts and memories are as disarmingly candid as his music, whether he's recalling high times in Laurel Canyon or p assionately p r omoting the t echnological p r o jects (better sound quality for recorded music,an electric car with the heft of a Lincoln) to which he now devotes himself. His book is a must for anyone who h a s f o l l owed his career, though perhaps a head scratcher for those who haven't. The great thing about that dichotomy is that he gets i t perfectly. You l i k e t h i s book? Fine. Thinkit's boring? Just give it to somebody else. The Neil Young whose fans revere him wouldn't have it any other way. "I'm Your Man: The Life of Leonard Cohen" by Sylvie Simmons
(Ecco, $27.99) This isn't a memoir; it's a terrifically astute portrait of Leonard Cohen by a biographer who deeply understands him. Since Cohen, for all his preternatural eloq u ence, never writes about himself straightforwardly, Simmons is an uncommonly valuable interpreter of hi s b ehavior. S he also captures the f u l l span of an extraordinary career, ranging from Leonard
Cohen, cheerleader (really)
chain this gossipy book describes all the makeups and breakups that figure in one of the most popular and enduring of all rock albums. Caillat, a producer, was there to witness the band members' other forms of indulgence too. Readers may b e s u r prised and dismayed to f in d t h at Caillat thinks his own story is as interesting as, say, those of Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks; he provides way too much information about his own role. But he sneaks some irresistible peeks into the way this classic album took shape.
candid as his music, whether he's
time. If, like Young, the musician has broken a toe, given up marijuana, had t r ouble writing songs or otherwise begun needing a change of pace, the rock book answers prayers. Mostly p ublishers' prayers. Since sales of Keith Richards' "Life" went through the rooftwo years ago, these bios and memoirs have begun turning up everywhere. That doesn't make them all worth reading. There's a lot of fake-sounding, ghostwritten junk cluttering up the genre. But among this year's most attention worthy, for reasons high and low, have been:
"A Woman Like Me" by Bettye LaVette and David Ritz (Blue Rider Press, $26.95) I t's rare to f i n d a s t o r y that's both as sordid and as uplifting as t hi s one t urns out to be. The writing is flat, though perhaps a but the high drama makes up for that. "A Woman Like head scratcher for Me" begins with the image those who haven't. of LaVette being hung upside-down out a window by a pimp who threatens to drop to Leonard Cohen, hedonist, her. And that's just for opento Leonard Cohen, monk, to ers. She was an early Rff.B Leonard Cohen, septuage- star from Detroit, recording narian s m ash. S i m mons's for Atlantic but close with book is worthy of her subject, some of M o town's biggest which is really saying a lot. names, until she hit the skids, hard. Her high-flying come"Rod: The Autobiography" back brought her in 2009 to by Rod Stewart Washington, where she and (Crown/Archety pe, $27) Jon Bon Jovi sang a stirring S ome guys have all t h e Obama p re- i n auguration luck. Stewart s i ngs t h o se r endition of " A C h a nge i s lyrics and also treats them Gonna Come" at the Lincoln as the story of his life in this Memorial. highly entertaining account "Who I Am" of his many triumphs. Funn y, self-deprecating and a by Pete Townshend (Harperi whole lot less boastful than HarperCollins, $32.50) he could be, Stewart offers This is Pete Townshend's a string o f G r a de-A r o ck earnest, soul-searching ac'n' roll debauchery stories count of hi s l i fe. Smashed and somehow makes them guitars notwithstanding, this isn't a book with a rock 'n' charming. Stewart explains how he does his hair and also roll heart; it's a serious memreveals that he — like Young, oir with equal emphasis on and also like the Who's Rog- ambition and emotion. Big er Daltrey — is a hard-core names figure in Townshend's devotee of e l ectric t r a ins. story, and so do bi g m i l eWithout th e r o c k m e m oir stones, from the making of "Tommy" to i dentity c rises boom of '12, we might never have known that. for the Who and its various members. In a nother year, "Making Rumours: this book's gravitas would The Inside Story of the Classic bring it much attention. Right Fleetwood Mac Album" now it's o vershadowed by by Ken Caillat and flashier rock reminiscences. Steve Stiefel (Wiley,$25.95) Best advice: Put it aside for a F arther d ow n t h e f o o d rainy day.
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that many s chizophrenics. There aren't that many families dealing with a criminal kid — not so few but not so (Scribner $3750) many. But if you recognize that there is a lot in common eBy Charles McGrath in all these experiences, they New York Times News Service t s imply a world in which not Andrew Solomon's enoronly is your condition not so mous new book, "Far From isolating but the fact of your the Tree: Parents, Children, difference unites you w i th and the Search for Identity," is other people." about children who are born His other great discovery, -' il or who grow up in ways their he added, was joy. He had No>sw so'Lo op parentsnever expected. It's a been prepared to encounter subject Solomon knows from sadness in the families he visexperience. He was dyslexic ited; what surprised him was as a child and struggled to pattern again. how much love there was. "This book's conundrum," learn to read. As he described Eventually the book grew in "The Noonday Demon," to also include chapters on he writes, "is that most of which won a National Book Down s y n drome, a utism, the families described here Award in 2001, he once suf- schizophrenia, d is a b ility, ended up grateful for experifered from crippling, suicidal prodigies,transgender iden- ences they would have done depressions. And Solomon is tity, children who are conanything to avoid." Reviewing "Far From the gay, which made his parents ceived during a r ap e a nd Tree" in The Times, Dwight so uncomfortable that as a those who b ecome crimiteenager he visited sexual nals. His file of transcribed Garner said, "This is a book surrogates inthe hopes of interviews swelled to 40,000 thatshoots arrow afterarrow "curing" himself. pages, and the version of the into your heart." But it's also Solomon, 49, is also dif- book he originally turned in a frightening and disturbing ferent — different from most to his publisher, Scribner, was book. Its chapters are a vivid writers, anyway — in that he twice as long as it is now. catalog of all the things that is independently wealthy and Solomon said he included can go wrong in giving birth lives in baronial splendor in criminal children after de- to and then bringing up a a West Village town house ciding that society's thinking child, and also raise difficult that once belonged to Emma on the subject hadn't really ethical questions: whether Lazarus, who, though she advanced very much, even it's proper to give cochlear wrote about those poor, hud- while it has on autism and implants to deaf children or dled masses,was not herself schizophrenia. to subject dwarfs to painful "We still think it's the par- limb-lengthening surgery, for among them. ents' fault if a child becomes example. Sitting in the k itchen of his town h ouse, occasion- a criminal or that something But Solomon saidthat workally raising his voice over creepy must have gone on in ing onthe book had emboldthe strident chirping of a ca- that household," he said. ened him and his husband, nary named Barack — who He included the children of John Habich, to have a child, flew in the window one day, rape because he discovered something he had been amrecognized a nice situation that their mothers shared a bivalent about before. Their and never left — Solomon lot with all the other moth- son, George, born to a surroe xplained that " Fa r f r o m ers in the book. "They feel gate mother, is now 3 I/2. " Forewarned is fore the Tree" took 11 years. It alienated, disaffected, angry stemmed from a 1994 article — a lot of the things a moth- a rmed," h e s a i d . "Some about deafnesshe wrote for er feels about a child with a things, on some scale, go The New York Times Maga- disability." wrong in everyone's life. I zine. In the course of reportThis kind of commonality, think I have perfectionist tening it, he said, he realized that he went on, was something dencies, but I know you can't many issues confronting the h e discovered only w h i l e go into parenthood thinking, 'I'm going to love my child as deaf are not unlike those he writing. "Each of the conditions I faced as someone who was long as he's perfect.' Rather, it gay. A few years later, watch- describe is very i solating," should be, 'I'm going to love ing a d o cumentary about he said. "There aren't that my child whoever he is, and dwarfism, he saw the same many dwarfs, there aren't let's see how he turns out.'" '
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Arevisionist istoI o Mic ae Jac son "Untouchable: The Strange Life and Tragic Death of Michael Jackson" by Randall Sullivan
(GrovePress, $35) By Chris Lee Los Angeles Times
In the exhaustive and at times exhausting new biography " Untouchable: T h e Strange Life and Tragic Death of Michael Jackson," journalist Randall Sullivan presents a radical newtheory concerning one of the most heavily scrutinized public figures of the last half a century. Namely, that the man revered worldwide as the "King of Pop" could not possibly have been a child molester. The book posits that Jackson resisted sex for all his days and died in 2009 a 50-
himself with children, one of Jackson's few respites from t he crushing d emands o f fame. That controversial lifestyle choice, "Untouchable" contends, ended up costing him everything. "It was understood that Michael Jackson sought the company of prepubescent males because he yearned to be one himself," Sullivan writes. "(He) w asn't t r y i ng t o be heterosexual or homosexual or even asexual, but r ather p r e sexual...." The biogra-
ity of his will, chronicle the battle for control of Jackson's estate and examine the murky medical circumstances surrounding his death — all while establishing the Jackson clan as the worst kind of scheming money grubbers. It comes as somewhat of a disappointment that the dysfunction that defined Michael Jackson's life should provide t he only d e nouement in this telling of his brief, tragic existence. The author
Peter Pan of pop $567 million in debt, even at a time when
he was reaping a staggering yearly fortune from his business investments and continuing music sales.
Benefactors Relying heavily on existing
reports (including many from
The Times), the book p r ovides a cattle call of Jackson's rich benefactors — a Bahraini prince, a Calabasas pornographer and the "mysterious" physician-turned-Jackson consigliere Dr. Tohme Tohme amongthem — whobefriended the star during various times of struggles val- need and attempted to restore iantly to un- order to Jackson's kingdom. phy provides tie the Gord- All these white knights failed m uch m o r e ian Knot of during Jackson's lifetime. The t han a r e v i J ackson ' s ones who came closest to layyear-old virgin. sionist history myriadlegal ing the groundwork for what To support that tough-to- for one of the e ntangl e would have been the star's swallow and even more dif- most puzzling ments and comeback, with the never-reUNTOUCHABLE q 5l a c e l le O ficult-to-prove claim, Sullivan performers in megabuck alized concerts at London's 02 0( )g'g+gel JOC ~ggll Sulllva takes atwo-pronged approach. all of p opular b usin e s s Arena in 2009, were a trio of He attempts to paint Jackson's culture, one dealings. billionaires — Southern Cali$15-million out-of-court settle- w ith w h o m I J ack s o n fornia supermarket magnate ment with Jordan Chandler became closely made a bad habit of reneg- Ron Burkle, Colony Capital (the 12-year-old who accused acquainted after covering him ing on handshake deals for founder Thomas Barrack and the performer of having sexu- in depth for the Los Angeles seven-figure loans and then sporting and e ntertainment ally molested him in 1993) as a Times for half a decade. The entering into competing busi- mogul Philip Anschutz — who textbook extortion case. The 704-page tome — which has ness agreements, egged on viewed Jackson as more of a payout, Sullivan writes, was already sparked outrage in by greedy family members or distressedasset in need of rethe "worst decision" Jackson many of theperformer's fans various individuals who would habilitation than a washed-up ever made. for a prosthetic-nose-and-all represent themselves as his pop star. "manager" with o r w i t hout Second, the author lays out depiction of its subject — arYet that is precisely how the almost Dickensian mis- rives asthe most comprehen- Jackson's consent. Jackson comes across in Sulery of the singer's early life: sive effort to chronicle the hot T hese a r rangements a l livan's vivid rendering of the performing in d ingy strip mess ofJackson's lasthalf-de- most invariably went s our star's years in exile, "a kind of clubs at age 8, hitting puberty cade on Earth. It was a period and mired the superstar in le- Flying Dutchman wandering while surrounded byfrenzied of harrowing personal tumult, gal entanglements. "Michael the globe," after being acquitgroupies who terrified him heavy chemical dependency went through life k n owing ted in his 2005 criminal trial. and once even being locked and financial implosion, dur- that anybody he developed a By its f i nal si x c h apters by his brothers in a hotel room ing which the singer came per- relationship with was eventu- — up to date through relatively with tw o a d ul t p r o stitutes ilously close to winding up in ally going to sue him," Jack- recent Jackson family mini"Untouchable" (with whom Jackson forswore prison for the rest of his life. son criminal defense attorney scandals sexual contact). Longtime R o lling S t o ne T om Mesereau says in t h e morphs from a p enetrating m agazine contributor S u l - book. "And yet he kept hoping expose into a joyless slog. Domineering father livan does an effective job it would turn out differently Even while the book's scope Moreover, Joseph Jackson of humanizing and p rovideach time." and depth are certainly its key isdescribed as the performer's ing a psychological rationale Sullivan's forensic account- selling points, the mind-numb"vain, domineering brute" of a for much of the King of Pop's ing also extends to the pop ing catalog of Jackson's legal father, who effectively robbed most bizarre behavior. But superstar's wildly profligate labyrinth, roll call of interfamMichael of a c h i ldhood by "Untouchable" buckles under s pending habits — how hi s ily beefs and humongous cast forcing him into the spotlight the weight of it s r eportage. seven-figure shopping sprees of shadycharactersmakes for so young and physically beat- It's overlong and feels over- f or a ntiques, jewelry a n d a strenuous read. With its 53ing performance perfect ion- stuffed with extraneous detail, luxury cars helped Jackson page afterward and 189 pages ism into him. especially in the book's final achieve a sedative-like calm. of sourcing, "Untouchable" It all combined to engen- f ourth, which takes up t h e N ever mind how t hat k i n d ultimately functions more like der the superstar's peculiar story after the singer's death, of conspicuous consumption a document of record than penchant f o r s u r r o unding serving to question the valid- also wound up p utting the literature. -
• •
'Optimistic bias' In an editorial accompanying the journal report, Dr. T homas J. Smith and D r . Dan L. Longo pointed out that "people have an optimistic bias." Despite a grim prognosis, this bias prompts patients to believe treatment can cure them. "Even with repeated discussions, about one-third of patients are not able to say they have a disease from which they will die in a year or so," Smith, an oncologist and director o f p a l liative care at Johns Hopkins Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive C ancer Center, said in an interview. "Our job is not to force them into acceptance but to encourage them to plan for the worst while hoping for the best," Smith said. "Such patients have better outcomes — lessdepression and lessdistress,and they're more likely to die comfortably at home." Cultural and racial factors, and most likely religious beliefs, influence acceptance of the futility of continued treatment, Weeks said. In her study, nonwhite and Hispanic patients were more likely than whites to believe that c hemotherapy c ould cure them. But surprisingly, patients' educational level, d egree of d i s ability a n d participation i n de c i sionmaking were not associated with inaccurate beliefs about chemotherapy. What can make a huge d ifference, Smith said, i s how and how often doctors discuss options with patients and describe the potential of continued treatment. He and Longo suggested that practitioners master "the conversation known as 'ask, tell, ask,' which consists of a s k ing patients what they want to know about their prognosis, telling them what they want
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Continued from F1 Communication is a twoway street; doctors and patients alike contribute to patients' failure to appreciate medicine's limited ability to treat advanced cancer.
to know, and then asking, 'What do you now understand about your situation?'" Among t h e qu e s tions Smith said doctors should be asking are, "How much do you want to know about your cancer? Who would you like to include in discussions about your care? Would you like me to write down the important points? What are you hoping for? Who are your other doctors so that I can communicate with them?"
Continuing discussion Finally, he s aid, r ather than asking the patient "do you have any questions'?" the doctor should ask, "Now that we have discussed this, what is your u n derstanding of your situation?" And rather than having this conversation only once, Smith said, "It should be repeated at every transition point." He and Longo also recommend that oncologists state the patient's prognosis at the first visit, appoint someone in the office to discuss advance directives, schedule a hospice-information visit, and offer to discuss prognosis and coping at each transition.
Using this approach, practitioners in the US Oncology Network, a group of commu-
nity-based oncology physicians, have doubled the time patients spend in h ospice, decreased costs, alleviated patients' symptoms, reduced stresson caregivers and often lengthened survival, Smith said. Various studies have shown that cancer patients in hospice live weeks to months longer than comparable patients not in hospice care. When doctors fail to give direct, clear i n f ormation, Smith suggests that patients ask, "What is my prognosis, r eally'? What are m y o p tions? Can I meet with the palliative care and hospice teams'?" He noted, "This is the hardest conversationfor doctors to have. A lot of doctors wait for someone to bring it up." If the patient does not, then a family member can initiate the needed discussion. — Jane E. Brody is a reporter for The New York Times.
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• Central Oregon breweryexpects to open'beer campus'on Bend'seastsideearly next year By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin
he two-story, 28,000-square-foot structure recently built near Bend's eastern city limits has been dubbed a beer campus, not simply a brewery. Construction crews have been turning the 3-acre parcel near U.S. Highway 20 and Northeast 27th Street into the new home for Worthy Brewing Company, which will have a brewery, restaurant, hops garden and greenhouse. Worthy Brewing will become Bend's secondlargest brewery, based on square-footage, trailing only Deschutes Brewery, said Chad Kennedy, Worthy's brewmaster. "We plan to start brewing beer before the end of the year," Kennedy said. "By the end of January, we'll be doing a soft
raisa s scru in ize in ousin mar e • Nationwide appraisal firm says accusations ofsuppressing home sales aremisguided, unfounded By Marilyn Kalfus Orange County Register
When Cris Robinson put her Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif., townhouse on the market earlier this year, she noticed that the only nearby homes sell ing were foreclosures and short sales. "There wasn't a single stan-
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• Tips from the Appraisal Institute, G5 Photos by Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin
Chad Kennedy, left, brewmaster of Worthy Brewing Co., standswith Mike Harrison, head chef, inside the brewery on Tuesday. Worthy Brewing is expected to open early next year. Construction crews install brewing tanks at Worthy Brewing on Tuesday. The brewery has the potential to put out 360 to 480 kegs of beer a day.
opening." That time line hinges on the company getting its federal brewing license. But Kennedy, 39, said he's optimistic the schedule will have Worthy on track for a public opening in late February or early March. On tap will be a variety of brews, from an IPA and hop-friendly Kolsch beer to a dark Bock brew. Worthy expects to offer six standard beers, with a rotation of other seasonal concoctions throughout the year. Roger Worthington, an attorney and part-time Bend resident, is developing Worthy Brewing, which gets its name from its owner. See Worthy /G3
dard sale to (compare) me
with," said Robinson, an equity seller. Rob i n son said a buyer off e r ed to pay S317,000, but the appralsal came ln at $310,000 — the price at which another home in the neighborhood recently sold. That townhouse was the same model, Robinson said, but it was distressed and needed work. By contrast, her own place had thousands of dollars in custom upgrades, including travertine floors. A homeowner lookingaskance atan appraisal is nothing new. But many Realtors also complain that low-ball appraisals are hurting home sales. The National Association of Realtors says a recent survey indicated that in some cases appraisals are lagging behind the recovering housing market.
See Appraisals /G5
5 reasonselectric vehicles don't get buyerschargedup By Nathan Bomey Detroit Free Press
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E very weekday, Chevrolet Volt o w n ers jockey to hook up their cars to the two electric-vehicle charging stations in front of General Motors' Renaissance Center headquarters in downtown Detroit. Even though surrounding parking structures have about two dozen similar outlets, the charging units are the most convenient for workers — perhaps even the most popular charging stations around. nYou have to get here early in the morning tosnag one," GM spokeswoman Ryndee Carney said in an email. The thirst for electricity is somewhat unique to downtown Detroit, which has a disproportionate number of Volt owners. But it illustrates a broader issue that confronts electric-vehicle owners throughout the country and is slowing the pace of EV adoption. There's just a smattering of publicly available charging stations throughout the U.S.Though more come online every
day, charging infrastructure is still lagging. See Electric /G2 Construction crews work on the outdoor seating areaat Worthy Brewing. Once open, the brewery expects to seat about 85 people in the restaurant area and 90 outdoors, in an area complete with fire pits, looking out at Pilot Butte and the Cascades.
Rivera Wealth Management Group
Instant facial recognition a 2-edged sword By Laura j. Nelson
card counters. But the technology is too expensiveformost businesses and too slow to alert store owners or building owners about shoplifters or unwelcome visitors. "It doesn't do me any good if I'm able to look at a face with a camera and five minutes later, there's a match," said Paul Benne, a security consultant who has recommended that his clients use FaceFirst in high-security areas. "By then, the person's
Los Angeles Times
By the time Joe Rosenkrantz took his seat in his company's conference room, a video camera had already handled the introductions. An image of Rosenkrantz, taken as he walked toward his chair, instantly popped up on a nearby TV screen. "FaceFirst has found a possible match," the caption read. "Joe Rosenkrantz, Founder and CEO.n The process took less than a second, a demonstration of a capability that developer FaceFirst says could transform facial-recognition technology into an everyday security tool. It addresses one of the key drawbacks in the current generation of video surveillance
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Mel Melccn/ Los Angeles Times
Joe Rosenkrantz, CEO of FaceFirst,a facial recognition company in Camarillo, Calif., demonstrates the company's technology. systems. Such identification technology has been limited to airports and casinos, where
secu r ity officials have to wait sev e r al minutes for the softw a r e to identify terrorists or
gone." FaceFirsthopes to leverage the speed of its software to gain military contracts, Chairman Peter Wollons said. But the company's main target is retailers. See Facial /G2
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1f you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323,email or click on "Submit an Event" at Please allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication.
DeschutesLanding,Lot4,Township 18, Range12, Section 5, $920,000 Brent C. and Stacie S. Davies to Deschutes County Lester and JunkoBivens, trustees Nancy K. Cary to Vergent LLC, for Lester and Junko Bivens Trust, Saddleback, Lots 4 and 9, Block 2, Township18, Range12, Section 5, $313,000 $750,000 NathanJ.Weiszto Judy Chet Antonsen andThomas Jorgensen,NorthWest Crossing, C. Skaar to Pacwest HLLC, Phase 4, Lot132, $404,000 Gardenside P.U.D., Phase 2, Lots Lois G. JonesandCharles J. 110 and 111, $225,000 Bullock Jr. and Vivienne H. Bullock David J. and Kaye L.Van Dyke to to Scott and Wendy L.W eems, Township 15, Range 10, Section 26, Daniel R. and Beverly J. Goercke, Ponderosa Pines, Second Addition, $285,000 Lot 3, Block1, $185,000 Greg Welch Gonstruction Inc. to John andCathey Kahlie to Mark James R. Sickler and Claudia X. Liendo,NorthWest Crossing, Phase and ShannonRansom, Foote Hills Subdivision, Lot 2, Block 2, 15, Lot 686, $460,000 $430,000 Mark and ShannonRansomto Ryan S. Taylor,Boulevard Addition Jon A. and Julie A. Blackman to to Bend, Lot12, Block15, $418,280 Christine M. Jackier,NorthWest Glen R. andChloe H. Lowe,trustees Crossing, Phases 9 and10, Lot 511, $330,000 for Lowe Family Revocable Trust, to Steven J. and Mary B. Stenga, Michael A. and Nicole Hasenoehrl Forest Hills, Phase 3, Lot 50, to Bradley S. Janes,Three Pines $350,000 P.U.D., Phases 7-10, Lot 61, $446,500 Lloyd A. Geraths to Nathan J. Weisz,Valhalla Heights, Phase 2, Peter J. Roskowski Jr. and Lot16, Block4, $228,750 Deborah E. Roskowski to Michael B. and Gregory A. Vendrame, DeschutesLanding LLC to Lesley L. Cummins,trustee for Lesley L. Awbrey Butte Homesites, Phase 22, Cummins Revocable Living Trust, Lot15, Block 20, $365,500
Laurel L. Redwine to Steven L and Linda D. Williams,Eastbrook Estates, Phase1, Lot 22, $160,000 New Era HomesLLCto David A. and Kathleen K. Reimann,McClellan Commons, Lot 7, $329,000 Maureen C. McCartin,trustees for James J. and Maureen C. McCartin Family Trust, to Sanjiv P. and Melissa B. Dholakia, Awbrey Butte Homesites, Phase12, Lot 23, Block 5, $590,000 Jeffrey C. Miller,trustee for Jeffrey C. Miller Revocable Living Trust, and Susan C. Miller, trusteefor Susan C. Miller Revocable Living Trust, to Rodney W. and Linda S.Terry, Tollgate Third Addition, Lot141, $260,000 Richard D. andSara K. Bliss to Ghristopher Tafoya,River Canyon Estates No. 2, Lot144, $276,500 John A. andNaomi E.Grofoot to Irl W. Reed,Rockridge, Phase1, Lot 13, $159,000 Shelley L. Kempf to Catherine M. and Michael T. Benedict,Mountain Village East 4, Lot 3, Block 30, $225,000 Brent A. and Amber A.Wilson to Karol N. Shaw,Tumalo Rim, Lot 6, Block 2, $379,000
ers of the Tesla Model S luxury electric sedan t o Continued from G1 get 150 miles of charge in There are 4,688 EV charg- 30 minutes. Tesla wants to ing stations throughout the install more superchargers U.S.,compared with about throughout the country. "Without a ne t w ork 129,000 gasoline stations, according to t h e D e partment available to charge quickly, of Energy and t he C ensus ownership of an electric veBureau. hicle is very limiting," Tesla Here are five charging is- spokeswoman S han n a sues the auto industry faces: Hendriks said. "By putting down th e in f r a structure 1. Dueling technology for fast charging, it opens GM, Ford, Chrysler and the up the po ssibilities an d major European automakers the destinations that you back a fast-charging technol- can travel in an el ectric ogy called J1772, while Japa- vehicle." nese automakers support a Still, experts say that for standard called CHAdeMO. mass adoption of electric Industry observers view the v ehicles, charging t i m e conflict as similar to the 1980s needs to be reduced to five debate between VHS and Be- to 10 minutes — the same tamax orthe 2000s debate be- amount of time it takes to tween Blu-ray and HD DVDs. fill up a tank of gasoline. "Both of th o s e charging That w il l i n v olve adtechnologies do, in fact, work," vancements i n b at t e r y said LeeStogner,seniormemchemistry,software capaber of the Institute of Electri- bility, charging infrastruccal and Electronics Engineers t ure and e lectrical g r i d and managing principal of capacity. "If I have to pull into a Vincula Group. "It's just that for electric vehicles to become c harging station an d i t commonplace in t h e ye a rs takes six to eight hours, ahead, one will h ave to b e well, the de b ate's o ver — people will not buy that," dominant." The J1772 standard got a Stogner said. boost Oct. 15 when it was endorsed by a 190-personcom- 4. Must have a garage mittee of the Society of AuO ne significant l i m i tomotive Engineers, or SAE tation t o e l e ctric-vehicle International. adoption is that many car Automakers and suppliers buyers don't have a garage. "now have a global standard Most apartment dwellers, by which to c o ntinue their for example,can't charge a development for t h eir v e hi- car at home. cles and charging stations," Shocket said it's a mistake said An d rew S m a rt, S A E to "assume everyone's got a lnternational's director of in- garage with a plug in it." dustry relations and business Single-family homeowndevelopment. ers are the most likely early adopters of electric vehi2. Few public chargers cles.Auto companies are Owners of vehicles such as partnering w it h U t i l ities the Volt and Nissan Leaf must and other groups to make it work to f i n d c harging sta- easier for car buyers to intions away from home. Many stall special charging sysdownload smartphone appli- tems in their garages. cations to locate charging outlets. But most workplaces and 5. Electricity demands public destinations don't have Utilities v iew el e ctric chargers. vehicles as a new source Still, Pike Research proj- of bu s iness. B u t th e y ects that sales of electric- would have big problems vehicle charging unit pa rts if everyone im mediately will in c rease from 200,000 switched to electric vehiin 2012 to nearly 2.4 million cles and started charging in 2020. during the day or during Abe Shocket, manager of hot summer months, when advanced engineering for TE electricity demand is at its Connectivity's hy b r id a nd highest. That's why utilities are electric mobility solutions division, said that ideally there moving to encourage peowould be two to three charg- ple to charge at night by ing stations for every electric offering cheaper electricity vehicle. rates, said Hawk Asgeirs"I see charging infrastruc- son, engineering manager ture growing at ne arly t h e for Michigan utility DTE samepace as EV adoption," he Energy. sard. Grid managers also are c oordinating w i t h a u t o 3. Charging takes hours makers and suppliers to Using a standard 120-volt allow consumers to use home outlet, the Chevy Volt software applications that takes all night to fully charge. coordinate charging times Homeowners can install a 240- with off-peak hours. volt charging system, which Asgeirsson said 85 percuts the charging time in half. cent of D T E cu s tomers But the industry is actively pur- who own electric vehicles suing technological advance- are charging at night, when ments that would dramatically the electrical grid can easireducecharging time. ly handle the demand. DTE EV startup Tesla Mo tors is studying EV electricity has created a network of su- consumption "to seewhat's perchargers at six l o cations happening with customers' in California, allowing own- behavior," he said.
Eric J. Platt to Merle A. Ross, Summit, Phase2,Lot25,$269,900 Young Construction Co. to Thomas andVirginia M. Sponsler, NorthWest Crossing, Phase12, Lot 583, $567,500 U.S. Bank N.A. to Scott Morgan, Parks at Broken Top, Lot 9, $320,000 Dennis L. andTerri E. Cannonto Deborah C. andToddL. Vinson, East Bluff, Lot1, Block4, $151,000 Brooks Resources Corporation to David M. and Ann M. Frischkorn, North Rim on Awbrey Butte, Phase 4, Lot 77, $185,000 Bank of America N.A. to Michael P. Gibson,Partition Plat1990-33, Parcel 1, $267,500 Paul E. andAmelia Greathouse to Christopher C. Taylor,Tillicum Village Third Addition, Lots 2 and 3, Block14, $170,000 Donald G. BrownJr. and Jennifer Niemela-Brown fka Jennifer Niemela to Pacific Goast Construction Inc.,West Canyon Estates, Phase 1, Lot 2, $152,400 Chad L. andKerah R. McFarland to Eric R. SchoH,Laurel Springs, Lot 36, $177,000 Samuel A. andHarriet V. Langmas
to DarreH F. andKaren L. Tappert, Township18, Range12, Section 4, $168,000 Andy andTawnyAgudelo to Debbie J. Huppertz,Sagewood, Lot 33, $275,100 Robert Heimsand Rosalyn Kliot to John C. andKaren J. Rodriguez, Ridge at Eagle Crest, 39, Lot 77, $389,000 Robert C. and LindaBrownto DavidT.Amm and Kedith E. Wickware,Sage Meadow, Lot 9, Block 9, $390,000 Fannie Mae aka Federal National Mortgage Association to Bradley and Tiffany Tisdel,Tollgate Fourth Addition, Lot161, $264,000 Wood Hill Enterprises LLC to Patricia E. and LynE. ParedesKrejci,Forest Meadow Phase 2, Lot 15, $311,320 Roger E. and Irene L. Vlach to Jeffrey S. and Francine A. Albaugh,Tetherow, Phase 3, Lot 140, $1,100,000 James E. andLouanne A.Starr to Steven V. and Linda A.Calavan, Indian Ford Ranch Homes Plat No. 1, Lot 8, Block 4, $230,000 James F. Gorsich to Gaynelle L. O'Neil and Jill A. Coleman,Pines at
Sisters P.U.D., Lot 6, $156,000 Robert L. Gass toStephen N. Travers HI andDiane F. Travers, Cottage of Westside Terrace A Condominium Stage 2, Unit11, $156,600 Jim P. andClaudia K. Kane to Damon M. andKristi L. Runberg, Westbrook Meadows P.U.D., Phase 3, Lot 20, $290,000 Glen M. and Katharine C. Baker, trustees for Baker Family Trust, to Vincent P. and Laurie L. Price, Mill Quarter Arizona Phase, Lot7, $430,000 Glen T. Windomand Mia Lieber, trustees for Windom Lieber Revocable Trust, to Jesse E.and Brandi A. Sooter, First Addition to Chaparral Estates, Lot1, Block4, $180,000 Robert D. and WendyS. Grimmett to Eugene T. Kozowski Jr. and Dianne G. Kozowski,trustees for Kozowski Living Trust, Hollow Pine Estates, Phases 3 and 4, Lots 57 and 58, $261,594 Martha A. Gongclaiming successor for the Estate of Dewey Edward Buckland to Robert B. and Clara K. Hancock,Deschutes River Woods, Lot 2, $185,000
"You might not even need Privacy laws arethe same ment agencies. for f acial-recognition c amFaceFirst doesn't provide to have a reasonable suspiContinued from G1 eras as normal surveillance the "watch list" databases. Its cion that they're involved in The software can be i n - cameras, said Lynch of the system only stores informa- a crime." stalled in almost any high- Electronic Frontier Founda- tion about people when they Benne, the security consuldefinition vid e o cam e r a , tion. People have a reason- register as a match. tant, often doesn't tell his climaking it easy for stores to able expectation of privacy in At a Senateprivacy hearing ents that he's using FaceFirst identify potential shoplifters places that aren't open to the this summer, Sen. Al Franken, technology becausethey don't — as well as big spenders. public, such as bathrooms, D-Minn., said he was worried always want to know. The levAnd that is worrying priva- hotel rooms and their own that law enforcement would el of sophistication is hard for cy advocates. Although it isn't homes. Anywhere else is fair be able to use new technology people to swallow, he said. — like the facial-recognition "Bad things will h appen, much different from retailers game. pulling personal shopping inThe Federal Trade Com- binoculars that t he Ju stice and the public will cry o u t formation from creditcards, mission is s ued gu i d elines Department i s dev e loping for more to be done," Benne the added feature of having last month telling companies — to identify protesters and said. "A lot of it may not be a face instantly attached to to be more transparent about suppress free speech. very palatable right now, but "You don't n eed a w a r - asperpetratorstry to do m ore that data is worrisome, said how they collect and store Jennifer Ly n c h, a law y e r information. No such guiderant to Use this technology things in more ways, we have with the Electronic Frontier lines exist for law enforce- on someone," Franken said. to be prepared." Foundation. "I see no reason for retail to know e verything ab out us," Lynch said. "People who s how their f ac e i n p u b l ic aren't thinking ab out h o w their image is being stored or connected with other data." FaceFirst's techn o l ogy marks a dramatic advancement for an in d u stry t h a t 10 years ago seemed like it would never make the transition from science fiction to real life. After the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, officials in Tampa, Fla., and at Boston's Logan international Air port in s talled ca m eras designed to i d entify c r i m i nals. Within a year, both had scrappedtheirsystems. It took five more years before facial-recognition technology was reliable enough to be Used for security measures, but such systems have been mainly limited to law enforcement an d gov e r n ment use. More than 70 percent of biometrics spending comes fr om l a w en f o r cem ent, the military and t h e government. This year, the industry is projected to gross an estimated $6.58 billion, according to data from IBG, a biometrics analysis company. But that amount is expected to grow to $9.37 billion by 2014 as the technology becomes more affordable, faster and adaptEach timeyou use your SELCO VISA Card between November12 and able fo r n o n governmental uses. December 31, you'lj receive one entry for a chance to win a 51,000 The s o f tware p r o g r a m travel voucher! Every purchase brings you closer to paradisetakes a number of steps in less than a second to make whether it's a warm Hawaiian beach, some fresh snow in Colorado, an i dentification, s t arting or even a family cruise. with a f r eeze-frame of the live video feed. The software plus take advantage of rates as jow as 7.25% ApR* and great benefits zooms in on the face, using the distance be tween t h e like no introductory rates, no annual fees, and no balance transfer or
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Then an algorithm encodes the face based on distinct patterns and textures. The software cr o ss-references th at information with a database of similarly encoded images, which it can comb through at a rate of 1 million comparisons a second. The database could include Homeland Security's terrorist watch list or a proprietary file generated by the user. When the system finds a match, it sends an alert to desktop computers and mobile devices.
Privacy concerns But as business grows, so do questions over how companies deal with b i o metric i nformation a n d pr i v a c y concerns.
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Worthy Continued from G1 Worthington is also a coowner of Indie Hops, a Portland-based supplier of hops for craft breweries. Indie Hops runs a hops pellet mill south of Wilsonville, which processes hops at 110 degrees, about 20 degrees coolerthan industry
, I, u
L r4IQ
average, preserving the hops' aroma and flavor. To run the Bend brewery, W orthington b r ought K e n nedy down f r o m P o rtland, where he had worked as a brewmaster at L a u relwood Brewing Co. Now, Kennedy is g etting antsy. It's been nearly a year since he did any large-scale brewing. "We're finally at the point where we're starting to shift from this being a construction project to a brewery project," Kennedy said. "I'd say we're about 90 percent there."
A blueprint for hops A Central Oregon brewery isn't exactly uncharted territory. Fourteen breweries were operating in the region as of August — 10 of them in or just outside of Bend. Eight others had either been proposed, were seekingpermit approval or under construction. How can Worthy hope to find a niche? The answer may be in the
ISI ffII 55 Nl!INIW l ~ Pg l ti
Ryan Brennecke / The Bulletin
Construction crews work on the exterior of Worthy Brewing's two story, 28,000-square-foot building in east Bend.
hops research program. He
had the connections to bring a small part of that operation to his brewery. Hops are crucial when it comes tobrewing a successful beer, according to the Brewers Association. The plant adds a tangy kick to many beer varieties. Knowing how hops and beer flavors work t ogether can bethe difference between hops. brewing the next award-winWorthy Brewing is work- ning batch and coming out ing with Oregon State Uni- with a brew that tastes flat and versity to build a one-quarter smells "skunky," a common acre hops garden in front of phrase fora beer that reacts the brewery, complete with a negatively to light. greenhouse for cross-breedKennedy and other Woring different strands. thy employees will be able to Worthington, a C o r vallis use the hops for experimental native, pledged $1 million to brews when the garden is up OSU in 2010 to rejuvenate its and running next spring.
"It's a small enough operation where we can hand-pick the hops, and try and come up with some varieties that haven't been used before," Kennedy said. "We're trying to do something different, contributing to the greater hops
good. Kennedy's vision is for Worthy tobecome a "beer campus" on Bend's east side. Along with the brewing operation and hop garden, Worthy Brewing Co. will have a full-service restaurant, run by head chef Mike Harrison. Harrison has been busy finalizing a m enu, centered around the kitchen's woodfired oven for making pizzas. Sandwiches and salads are expected to round out the menu.
"For the last six months or so, we've just been watching, waiting, trying t o v i sualize things," Harrison said. "We're all anxious to get our hands dirty and start doing what we're here to do." Its location places Worthy Brewing on the opposite side of town from Deschutes Brewery, 10 Barrel Brewing Co., Boneyard Beer Co. and others. But Kennedy sees an opportunity on the east side. Most of the city' s breweries have public houses — areas for guests to try beers and order food — in west Bend. "There are a lot of residents out here. As many people live here as on the west side, and I thinkthis part of town is kind of
underserved," Kennedy said.
Regional brewing With construction nearly finished,Kennedy expected to start test-brewing new batches this weekend. T he brewery e x pects a shipment of 900 kegs in a few weeks, and much of the brew-
ing equipment is already in place. Some people have asked Kennedy why Worthy is investing in such a large building. A permit filed with the city of Bend listed the project value at about $4.1 million.
"People say we're huge
for a startup, but I think a lot of breweriesnow are sort of cursed by not having enough size, and having to re-do a lot
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Fin truthinthe ine print By Gregory Karp
Consumer Reports magazine, Chicago Tribune in a section called "Selling Mouse p r i nt : It ' s t he It," is another great source catch, t h e got c ha , t he of mouse-print r evelations. bait-and-switch. Examples include the Tiki IsIt's print advertising's tiny land King Windfighter torch, type, fit for reading by mice, or which claims it "Stays Lit In a speed-talked disclaimer on The Wind." Yet, the fine print TV or radio that often makes cautions, "do not use in windy an advertised claim false or conditions." misleading. A box of Royal brand in" FREE BOX O F C O R N stant pudding shows the flaFLAKES with purchase of a vor in big letters as "pistachio" box at regular price." with a picture of nuts in the Companies selling c a ble green dessert. The fine-print TV packages, cellphone ser- ingredients reveal the nuts are vice, restaurant food or just diced almonds, the flavor artiabout any type of retail good ficial and green color from yelor service might be guilty of low and blue dyes. it, said Edgar Dworsky, a forA TV ad for Western Sky mer deputy attorney general Financial offered loans of up in Massachusetts, who tracks to $5,000. The small print says, such advertising fibs at Mouse "The APR for a typical loan of $5,000 is 116.73 percent with "Companies like to put the 8 4 monthly p a y ments o f happiest face on their claims, $486.58." Notes C o nsumer but they know if they really Reports: " So i f y o u t a k e told the truth in the big print, $5,000 and pay the loan back people would be less inter- over seven years, you're out ested in the offer," said Dwor- $35,872.29." sky, also founder and editor of And be skeptical of sale prices. A 30 percent-off sale Marketers think it's OK to seems like a good deal, but say almost anything in an ad you have to ask, "30 percent as long as they reveal the truth off of what?" Sometimes, it's with an a sterisk, Dworsky off a full retail price the retailsaid. A f air-advertising rule er never charges. would be simple: "The fine print can't change the meanWhat can I do to protect ing" of a primary claim, Dwor• myself against mouse sky said. "But unfortunately, I print? l~ Read the f i n e see advertising that does this • Simple: ~ every day." • print and be skeptical of claims that seem too good to Defining the asterisk be true. "The consumer just has to Here are questions and answers about mouse print. be watchful and understand • Where am I likely to find that most broad claims are go• mouse print? ing to have some type of limi• It's all o v er t he m a p, tation, footnote or disclaimer," • Dworsky said. "If they Dworsky said. That's not always easy in advertise, they probably have f ine print. I c a n't say o n e electronic media. "You almost industry does it m ore than have to have a TV set with another." freeze-frame capability, so you Recent examples include can read the fine print when it Best Buy's new policy to match goes by so quickly," he said. online prices, which sounds great. Fine print reveals Best D oes t he gove r n Buy will match prices of a few • m ent m o n i t or f al s e specified online retailers and advertising'? only on certain categories of • Yes. But there are limits products. That w il l e xclude • to how much the Fedsome of the best sale days, eral Trade Commission or such as Black Friday. state attorney general offices Others are T-Mobile's "un- can do. limited nationwide 4G data" The FTC has been clear that "advertisers cannot use fine service, which comes with l imitations; Excedrin p a i n print to contradict other statereliever products marketed ments in an ad or to clear up under three names but con- misimpressions the ad would taining the same active in- otherwise leave," according to gredients; and an Avis offer the FTC's Division of Adverfor $30 off "your next Avis tising Practice. rental," which applies only It has used the example of to a weekly rental, fine print an ad for a diet product that reveals. claims "Lose 10 pounds in one The inside back cover of week without dieting," with a
fine-print statement "Diet and exercise required." The mouse print "is insufficient to remedy the deceptive claim in the ad," the FTC advises in a guide for small businesses. The agency tends to focus on ads that make claims about h ealth and safety — A B C brand sunscreen reduces risk of skin cancer — and ads that consumers would have trouble evaluating for themselvesABC gasoline reduces engine wear. "There are so many misleading ads that use fine print that no government agency is going to be able to review all of them," Dworsky said. "You've got to be your own advertising watchdog."
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of their building plans. We shouldn't need to do any of that," Kennedy said. Once open, the brewery expects to seat about 85 people in the restaurant area and 90 outdoors, in an area complete with fire pits, looking out at Pilot Butte and the Cascades. First, Worthy needs a staff. W orkSource Oregon h as scheduled a job fair Dec. 18 and 19 at th e W o rkSource Bend office for interested applicants, working mostly in the restaurant area for now. "As soon as our doors open, we'll create about 40 j obs. We're pretty s t oked about that," Kennedy said. The project, valued at $4.1 million, has been a boon for SunWest Builders, the general contractor. Including s u bcontractors, anywhere from 60 to 75 construction workers have been building Worthy since it got off the ground in late spring, SunWest founder and president Steve Buettner said. Worthy wants to start beer production slowly. In e a rly spring, workers will start canning beers in 12-ounce cans. Bigger moves, like switching to bottles, will come as the company grows. With all its equipment running, Worthy could pump out 360 to 480 kegs of beer a day. But production won't start anywhere near that pace. Still, Kennedy's vision for Worthy Brewing goes beyond Bend. He hopes to see Worthy cans — and eventually bottles — stocked on shelves in Portland, Seattle, Boise and across the West in the coming years. "Our goal is to be recognized as a regional brewer," he said. "I think it's a reasonable goal." — Reporter: 541-617-7820,
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• Are thereother types of • mouse print'? • A c o usin is d o w nsiz-
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• ing, which is especially
Reputation Management and Crisis Preparation for Businesses
prominent in food items. A firm will keep the price of a product the same but change the number or ounces in the container, disclosed in small print. Many brands have done it, but a recent one is Kellogg's Raisin Bran. The 15ounce box now contains 13.7 ounces. While the new and smaller volume of the product is typically identified on the label, Dworsky counts downsizing as deceptive. "The problem with downsizing of products is it's done in a really sneaky way," he said. " Manufacturers w i l l te l l you, 'We don't want to raise the price,'" Dworsky said. "But of course they're raising the price because the coffee is going to run out sooner or you're
BuSineSSeS taday are inCreaSingly at riSk of CriSeSthat diSruPt day-to-day buSineSS OPeratiOnS and damage hard-Won rePutatiOnS.FrOmViral SOC ial media to litigatiOn to negatiVe induStry SentimentS to natural diSaSterS,the majOrity of buSineSSeS are ill-PrePared to addreSSand
communicatethroughthesediverse crises. JOin uS aSLT PubliC RelatiOnS' PreSident CaSeyBoggS
discussestoday's businesscrisis landscape,navigating hoW buSineSSeS CanbeSt PrePare COmmuniCatiOnS effOrtS befOre, during aIId after a CriSiS.
going to get fewer glasses of orange juiceor fewer servings of ice cream." The American Marketing Association advocates that members adhere to e t hical norms, among which is nfoster trust in the marketing system," according to the group's website. "This means striving for good faith and fair dealing as well as avoiding deception
in product design, pricing, communication and delivery of distribution." But the AM A n or m i sn't the norm for many marketers, Dworsky said. "The truth tends to be in the fine print, not in the headline." So, keep handy the specta-
cles and magnifying glass. — Gregory Karp, the author of "Living Rich by Spending Smart," writes for the Chicago Tribune.
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Mutual funds 1yr 3yr 1 yr 3 yr 1yr 3yr 1 yr 3 yr 1yr 3yr 1 yr 3 yr 1yr 3yr 1 yr 3 yr 1yr 3yr 1 yr 3 yr Name N AV Chg % rl %rl Name N AV Chg %rt %rl Name NAV Chg%II %II Name NAV Chg%rt %fl Name N AV Chg %ll %fl Name N AV Chg %rl %rt Name N AV Chg %rl %rl Name N AV Chg %rl %rf Name N AV Chg % rl %rl Hame N AV Chg %rl %rl AOR Funds: GlbGr8lncl 11.18i.31 t9.4 i21.5 SmlCapT p 21.27 i.73+116 i17.9 Intllndxlnv 33.63 i1.51i20.6 i6.4 Bond 13 .02 -.03 +1Q4 i20.8 ShTmBdT 3.10 +3 6 t8.5 MdCpCGrt 31.I6 i1.10 i199 +442 PIMCO FundsA: Prudential FdsA: MCpAdmln 1QQ2 5 i339 i20.9 +458 DivArb I n 11.10 NA NA GrKlncCt 3280 +.77 +9.4 +18.8 StrlnT 12 71 +03+10 7 +256 TotMkldxF r 4109 +145+23 8 +378 CpApplnvp 41 33 +167+187 +296 Twenty T 61 09 +259+268 +196 Munder FundsY: AIIAstAuth t 1118 + 06 +176 +277 H>YldAp 5 6 2 + 03+153 +37.5 MorgAdm 61 56+243+199 +356 MgdFutSt I n 948 +16 NA NS Grth8,lncA p 32 70 i.77 i10.3 i21.5 Fidelity Freedom: TotMktlndlnv41.08 +1.46+23.7 +37.6 CapApplnstn 42.00+1.70+19.2 +31.1 Jensen Funds: dml n 11.42 +12.3 +26.9 MdCpCGrY n 31,95 i1,14 i2G3 +45,3 AllAssetp 12.61 +.12 +15.0+28.2 MidCpGrA 31.73 i1.05i21 0 +44.3 MuHYA GrowthA p 50 56+1 85+128 +23.2 FF2000n 12 52 +08+75 +170 US8ondI 1192 -04 +47 NS HiYBdlnstr 11.I5 i.07 +12 9 i32.3 QualGrowth I 29.22 +.86+19.4 +26.4 Mutual Series: +106 +21 4 Alger Funds A: CommodRRp 6.79 i.13 i71 i25.2 NatResA 44.78 +1.70+0.6 +2.8 NJLTAdn 1252 Intllnvt 5 9 98 +296 +238 +12 9 QualityGrthJ 2920 +86+190 +252 BeaconZ l3 20 +43 +21 7 +267 HiYldA +10.2 +221 CapApr 16.59 +.67+23.1 t34.2 GrowthCt 45.13+1.65+11.9 +20.4 FF2010n 14.27 +.25+13.1 +22.7 Fidelity Sp arl Adv: 95 2 + 05 +153 +353 STCorpBdA l1.57 -.02i5.7 i12.9 NYLTAd m 11 98 SpectraN 1382 +56 +236 +401 Growth I 55 55 +2 04+131 +241 FF2010K 13.07 i.22+13 2 i23.0 ExtMktAdv r 39.72 +1.46+22.6 +47.2 IntlAdmin p 60.20 +2.98+23.9 +13.4 John Hancock A: EuropZ 21.26 +.91 +23 2+14.0 LowDurA 10.63 -.01 +6.4 +11.7 SmallCoApx 21.69 +71+175 +41.9 PrmCap r 72.14+2.46+20.0 +29.6 MklNeutl r 12.58 +.14 +8.9 +15.6 FF2015n 1193 +21 +134 +230 500ldxAdv 5010 +177 +240 +355 Intlnr 6 0 7 1 +301 +242 +14 2 Real R etAp 12.61 -09 i85 i27.6 TotRetBdA l4.73 -.03 i9.5 i289 PaatAdml 6363 +1 67 +146 +121 Alger FundsI: BondAp 16.38 -.03+11.7 +31.4 GblDiscovA 29.63 +.95 +18.9+20.7 n 11.88 +9.9 +22.1 CapApprl 2286 i.92+23 4 i34.6 MktNeutAp 1270 +14 +86 +148 FF2015A 12.09 +.21+13.2 +23.0 500lndexI 50.10 +1.77+24.0 NS Harding Loevner: IncomeAp 669 +03 +121 +308 GlbD>scC 2924 +95 +181 +182 ShortTrmAp 990 -01 +33 +48 2020FocA 16.39 +78+158 +186 PALTAdm Calvert Invest: IntlAdu r +207 +65 TotRtA 1 1.57 -.03 +11.2 +22.1 Ut>l < tyA 11.59 +.15 +17.8 +44.2 REITAdml r 9Q 81 i231 i27.4 +689 FF2015K 13.I4 i.23+13 5 i23.3 3365 +1 51 EmgMktsr 4943 i1 05+220 +184 John Hancock Cl 1: GlbD>scZ 3008 +98 +193 +21 8 AllianceBernstein: STsryAdml 10 79-01 +09 +51 Prudential Fds Z&l: IntDurlnstl 16.38 -.06 +5.6 +22.8 Inco p 1 6.60 -.06 +8.8 +18.4 FF2020n 14 43 +29+148 +24 3 Intlldx Inst 33.67 +1.51+20.8 NS IntlEqty 15.43 +.61+22.2 +24.0 LSAggress 12.70 +.43+20.0 +24.6 Questt 1 7.65 +.42 +16.6+21.0 PIMCO FundsAdmin: ShDurlncAt 1645 -01 +67 +108 FF2020A 12.58 +.24+14.6 +24.5 TotlMktAdv r 41.09 t1.46i23.8 +378 Hartford FdsA: LSBalance 13.48 +.29+16.7 +26.0 SharesZ 22.33 i.65i21 5 i26.5 HiYldAdnp 9.52 +.05 +15.4 +35.7 GrowthZ 21 47 +87+194 +315 STBdAdmln 10.65-.02 +2.1 +8.4 AllianceBernA: +1 4 +41 I 11.92 -.04 +47 NS BallncoA p 12.06 +.01+18.1 +36.8 LSConserv 1348 +l0 +II 8 +249 Nationwide Instl: MidCapGrZ 32.98 +1.09+21.4 +45.6 SMTrmAdm 1594 PIMCO FundsC: GloDIBdA r 866 -02 +75 +21 8 SocEqA p 38.11+1.30+20.1 +32.0 FF2020K 13.56 i.28+15 0 i24.7 USBond FF2025n 12 02 +30+16 7 +251 First Eagle CapAppA p 3297 +1 l6 +23 9 +114 LSGrowlh 13.41 +.39+18.9 +25.5 Intldxln GrolncA p 3.97 +.15+25.7 +39.0 Causeway Intl: 7 0 I + 31 +204 +58AIIAstAut t 11.06 +.06 +16.8+24.8 SmallCoZx 2266 +68+178 +430 STFedAdm 10 88- 01 +1.8 +7 0 STIGrAdm 10.86 -.02 +4.6 +11.9 Inst>tutnl nr 12 85 +6I +28 6 +19 1 FF2025A 12.12 +.28 +16.4 +25.4 GlobaIA 49.22 +1.11 +14.0 +29.2 ChksKBal p 9.90 +.18 +177 +20.8 LS Moder 1332 +19 +142 +270 AIIAssetCt 1246 +12 +142 +254 Putnam Funds A: H>ghlncoAp 936 >.04+189 +40.8 Nw6dldxln 1185 -05 +44 +174 dml n3773 +1 43+233 +483 Clipper 68.00 +1.92+16.0 +26.2 FF2025K 13.70 +.33+16.9 +25.5 OverseasA 2230 +44 +l1 8 +240 DivGthA p 20.39 +.32+22.0 +27.1 John Hancock Instl: AllianceBernAdv: S8,P500lnstln11.79 +.41 +23.8 +35.0 LwDurCnt 10.63 -.01 +6.1 +10.7 AAGthA p 13.39 +.43+21.3 +27.0 SmlCapA SmCapG rth 30.34 +1.1 +22.3 7 NS FF2030n 14 31 +37 +173 +25 0 SoGenG ol d p 28.62 +1.07 -6.5 +8.2 Eqtylnct 1458 +26 +242 +374 CATxAp 8 4 7 +01 +124 +274 DispValMCI 12.89 +.43+23.4 +46.0 NationwideSerr. RealRetC p 12.61 -.09 +8.0 +25.7 H>lncm Adv 9 38 + 05 +194 ~422 Cohen & Steers: 3048• 1 12+243 NS InsltRlty n 4319 +112 +248 +615 FF2030K 1384 +.35+17 5 +25.5 USValuAt 1817 +44 +160 +309 FltRateApx 8.90 +.01+9.3 +24.6 Keeley Funds: AllianceBern C: IDModAgg 961 +.29 +18.1+23.6 TotRtCt 1157 -03 +103 +194 DvrlnA p 7.61 +.05+11.0 +22.7 SmCapVal TxMCap r 71 32 +253+23.8 +365 FF2035n 11.84 +.35 +18.7 +24.5 EqlnAp l 7 1 5 +60 +263 +329 First Investors A MidCapAp 19.34 -68 i259 i38.4 SmCpValp HighlncoC p 9.47 +.05+18.0+37.6 RltyShrs n 66.72+1.73+24.7 +60.8 A27.20 i1.01 i27.1 i43.1 Neuberger&BermFds: PIMCO FundsD: FF2035A 11 97 +35+186 +25 4 GrolncA +23.9 +35.2 Columbia ClassA: p 1ii.51 t.53 +24.0 +36.4 Harlford Fds C: LSVilalEq n 15.16 +.57 +27.9 +299 EqlncA 1 1.64 +.26 +14.4+38.9 AIIAssetDt 1263 +l2+152+288 GeoBalA 13.22 +.25+17.4 +27.2 TxMGrlnc r 63.40+2.23 Allianz Admin MMS: 05 +4 5 +18 1 +18 8 +25.0 TtlBdAdmln 1116 Forum FunIIS: CapAppCt 2907 +1 02+231 +90 Laudus Funds: NFJSmC pVlt 2979 +1 05 +163 +41 5 Acorn t 2 9 86 i101 t219 i417 FF2035K 13.92 +.42 Eqlnclnst l169 +27 +150 +406 CommodRRp6.81 +.13 +7.1 +25.3 GrlnAp l 4 4 7 +53 +262 +265 TotStkAdm n 35.22 +1.25 +23.8+37.7 AcomlntlA t 39.99+1.00+21.8 +24.6 FF2040n 8.26 +.25+18.8 +24.6 Aggp 1106 +27 +163 +267 FF2040K 1396 +42+190 +25 2 NFJDivVal 12.63 i.45 i241 i36.0 BIOMod 9.78 +.31+19 4 +24.7 SmCpVI n 31.38 +1.11+167 +42.6 DivEqlnc A 10.48+.37 +22.1 +25.8 FF2045n D >vrBd 5 2 5 -02 +79 +221 FF2045K 14.11 +.45+19.5 +25.3 Allianz FundsA: FF2050n 963 +31+198 +24 4 DivilncoA 14.80 +.45 +21.0 +34.3 NFJD< vVal t 12 53 + 44 +23 7 +345 8 65 +28 +205 +408 FF2050K 1412 +45+19 9 +248 SmCpV A 29.80 +1.05+16.1 +40.9 D>v0pptyA HiYldBond 2.91 +.01 +16.4 +37.4 FreelncK 11.79 +.07+7.5 +16.9 Alpine Funds: n 11.77 i.ll7 i7.5 i16.7 Inc0ppty p 9 87 +05 +152 +368 IncomeFd Tax0ptlnco 10 05 +09 +41 rAt 26.59 +1.04+24.5 +36.7 Fidelity n I vest: AmanaGrthn 2621 i.76i13 8 i25.9 LgCapG LgCorQA p 649 +25 +247 i399 AIISectEq l292 +49i23 6 i341 Amanalnco n 33.88 +1.05+15 6 +25.0 PBModA p 11.27+.21 +13.9 +25.8 AMgr50n 16.29 +.27+14 2 +25 Amer Beacon Insti: SelLgCpGrt 1339 +50 +160 +392 AMgr70nr 17.27+.41 LgCaplnst 21 44 + 75 StrtlncA 6 . 41 +.02 +12.5 +28.5 AMgr20nr 1334 +07 SmCaplnst 21.02 +.87 TxExA p 14 49 +121 +266 Balanc 2007 +48 Amer Beacon Inv: SelComm A 42.63 +1.85 +9.7 +19.4 BalancedK 20.07 +.48 LgCap Inv 2030 + 71 Columbia ClassZ: BlueCh< pGr 49I3 +2IB Ameri Century1st: Acorn Z 30 99 i105 +222 i430 BluChpG rFn 4924 +219 Growth 2 7.95 i1.07 Acomlntl Z 40.13+1.00 t22.2 +25.9 BluChpG rK 49.19 +2.18 InflAd~Bd 1346 -09 AcomUSA 30 58+118 +219 +413 CAMunn 13l1 Amer Century Adv: -.04 t6.5 +20.1 Canada n 53 68 +1 90 B ond 9.6 8 EqtylncAp 786 +18 D>v< lncomeZ 1481 +45 +213 +353 CapAppn 29.56 +1.17 HeritageA p 21.79 +.78 IntmBdZ n 9.61 -.04 t7.9 +23.4 CapApprK 29.63 t1.18 Amer Century Inst: IntmTEBd n 1113 -01 +84 +202 CapDevlO e 1182 +45 E qlnc 786 + 1 8 LgCapldxZ 27.60+.97 +23.8 +35.0 Caplnconr 9.34 +.08 Amer Century Inv: MarsGrPrZ 22 60i.78 t17.3 i31.0 ChinaReg r 29.45 t1.08 AIICapGr 30 68 i1.22 MidCapGr Z 26 86 +.93 +14.3 +41.6 Contra n 7754 +3 02 CAlntTF 12.11 MidCpldxZ 11.92 i.44 i22.9 i48.0 ContraK 77.56+3.01 D>vBondn 1125 -04 MdCpilal p 14 33 +.47 +22.7 +40.1 CnvSec 24.92 +.60 DivBond 11.25 -.04 SelLgCa pGr 1355 i.51 t16.4 i40.3 D>sEq n 24 48 +96 EqGrolnvn 2423 +87 STlncoZ 9 99 -.01 +2.9 +7.8 D>scE aF 24.49 +.96 Eqlnco 7 . 86 +.18 STMunZ 1056 t1.8 +5.0 Diverlntl n 29.50 +1.21 GNMAI 11.1 7 SmlCapldxZ n 1749 +.65 +22.2 +48.5 D>verslntK r 29 49 +120 GovtBd 11.55 -.04 SCValullt 1441 i.55 t19.5 i38.7 D>vStk0n 1722 +.63 Growthl 27.68 +1.06 Stratlnco 633 +.02 +12.7 +29.3 DivGrowK 29.69 +1.19 Herhagel 2249 +81 ValRestr n 49.2Qi183 i19.0 i21.0 D>vGthn 29 69 +1IB IncGro 27.11 +.92 CRAQllnnp u 11.27 -03 +4.2 +14.6 InfAd]Bond 13 45 -09 CG Cap MktFds:
Allianz Fds Instl:
IntTF 1 1 .85 -.01 IntTFn 1 1.86 IntlGrol 1 1.I7 i.54 MdCapVal 13.03 +.36 NTD>vrBdn 11I8 -03 Selectl 4 3.65 +1.66 Ultran 2 5 8 8 +98 Valuelnv 6.29 +.20 V>sta 1 7 .42 +.64
CoreFxlnco 893 LgGrw 1 6 51 LgVal n 9.54
American Funds A:
IntlCoreEq n 10.19 USCoreE q1n 1214 USCoreEq 2n 12.00 DWS InvestA:
AmcapFAp 21 27 +63 AmMutlA p 28.11 +.75 BalAp 2 0 2 0 +47 BondFdA p 12.94 -.04 CaplnBldAp 5286 +1 41 CapWGrA p 36.50 i1.39 CapWldpA21.49 +.05 EupacAp 4042 +1 61 FundlnvAp 40.18 +1.38 GlblBalA 2655 +68 GovtA p 14.56 -.04 GwthFdA p 33 88 +116 Hl TrstA p 11.21 i.06 HilncMuniA 15.51 +.01 IncoFdAp 1800 +41 IntBdA p 13.76 -.03 IntlGrlncAp 3063 +1 30 InvCoAA p 30.44 +1.05 LtdTEBdAp 1647 -01 NwEconAp 2862 i.97 NewPerA p 30.68 +1.18 NewWorldA 52 90 +1 34 STBFA p 10.08 SmCpWAp 3895 +1 l2 TaxExA p 13.32 +.01 TxExCAA p 17.88 WshMutA p 31 02 +1 00
American Funds B:
BalanB p 20.12 +.46 CaplnBldBp 5288 +141 CapWG rBt 36.29 +1.38 GrowthBt 3267 +112 IncomeB p 1786 i.41
Arbitrage Funds: Arbitrage I n 12.89 +.05 ArbitrageRp l264 +05
Ariel Investments: Apprec 3 9.70 +1.29 Aneln 4 9 9 1 +1 81 Artio Global Funds: GlbHilnco t 10.30 i.06 GlbHilnclr 985 +.06 IntlEqlr
2 4 82 +1 l5
TotRet I 14.01 -.04
Artisan Funds: Intl 24 05 +114 Intllnstl 2 4.22 +1.15 Intlllalur 2970 +94 IntlVallnstl 29.79 ~.95 MidCap 38.33 +1.46 MidCapilal 21 42 + 69 SmCapVal 14.90 +.50
Aston Funds: FairM>d CpN 3319 +1 13 FairptMidC I 33.69 i1.I5 M8CGroN 25.56 +83
BBH Funds: BdMktN 10 44
CoreSelN 17.67+.50
BNY Mellon Funds: 6ondFund 1371 -05 EmgMkts 9.53 i. 08 IntmBdFd 13.25 -.04 LrgCapStk 923 +33 MidCapMltSt 11.83 i.42 NatllntMun> 14 I5 -01 NtlShTrmMu13.01
Baird Funds:
AggBdlnst 11.08 -.04 CoreBdlnst 11.31 -.03 IntMuBdlnst 12.15 -.01 ShtTBdlnst 978 -01
Baron Fds Instl: Growth 59.07 +1.53 SmallCap 2629 +84
Baron Funds: Asset n 5 1.60 i1.54 Growth 58.53 +1.51 SmallCap 2606 +83
Bernstein Fds:
IntDur 1 4 .23 -.06 CaMu 1 4 9 8 -01 DivMun 14.99 -.01 NYMun 14.72 -.01 TxMgdlntl 13 64 + 59 IntlPort 1 3.55 +.59 EmgMkts 2692 +81
Income 13.32 +.12
BlackRock A: 6asValA p 26.92 +.86 CapApprp 23.50 i.98 EqtyDivid 19.72 +.58 GlbAIAr 1949 +43 HlthSci0pp 33.29 +.99 H>YdlnvA 795 +06 InflProBdA 12.08 -.10 NatMuniA 11.29 TotRetA 1177 -03
BlackRockB&C: EpuityDivC 19.29 +.57 GlobAICt 18 l0 +39
BlackRockFdsBlrk: CapApprp 24.50 +1.03 BlackRockInstl: InfiProt6d 12.23 -.09 USOpps 3642 +1 35 BasVall 27.15 +.87 CoreBond 978 -03 EquilyDiv 19.71 +.59 GlbAllocr 1959 +43 CapApprp 24.44 i1.03 H>YldBond 7.95 +.06 NatlMun< 1128 -01 SLP500 17.50 +.61
BlackRockR: Equ>tyD>v 1981 +59 GlblAlloc r 18.82 +.41
Brandywine Fds: 6randyw>ne 23.51 +.92
Brown AdvisoryFds:
GroEqlnst l445 +48 BrownSm Colns49.43 +1.46
Buffalo Funds:
SmallCap 2838 +1 09
CGM Funds: FocusFd n 28 02 i1.47 Realty n 28 47 +1,07
CRM Funds: M>dCa pVall 30 l7 + 87
Calamos Funds:
Credit Suisse Co CommRett 830
Cullen Funds: HiDivEqlnr 13.86
DFA Funds: Glb6040lns 13 36
EqtyD> vdA 34 78
HilncAx 4.87 MgdMun< p 9 70 StrGovSec Ax 8.81 DWS Invest Inst Eqty500IL 160 49
DWS Invest S: CoreEqtyS 18.10 GNMASx 1541 HiYldTx n 13.30 MgdMun<S 972
Davis Funds A: NYVen A 35.77
Davis Funds C: NYVen C 3430
Davis Funds Y: NYVenY 36.22
Delaware Inves Diver Inc p 9 41 LtdTrmDurA e 8 BB Diamond Hill F LongShortln 1824
Dimensional Fd EmMkCrEqn 1912 EmgMktVal 28 23 GlbRESe cn 9 29 IntSmVa n 15 27 LargeCo 11 15 STExtQual n 10 95 STMun>B dn 10 28
TAWex USCrn 8.64 TAUSCo rEg2 977 TM USSm 24.71 USVectrEqn 1162
USLgVan 22.28 USLgVa3n 1706
US Micro n 14.64 US TgdVal 17 24
US Small n 22.95 US SmVal 2646 IntlSmCo n 15.30 GlbEqlnst 13 72
EmgMktSpCn20.43 EmgMkt n 2621 Fixd n 1 0 .35 ST Govt n 10 BB
IntGvFxln n 13.16 I ntlREst 5 6 7 IntVa n 15.87 IntVa3 n 14 84
IntlProSecs 12.95 GID5Fxlnc 11 29 LrgCaplnt n 18.56 TM USTgtV 22 87
TMlntlValue 13.03 TMMktwdeV 1672 TMMtVa2 16.09 TMUSEq 1517 2YGIFxd n 10.14 DFARIEstn 2569
Balanced n 76.27 GblStock 891 IncomeFd 13.91 Intl Stk 3 3 46 Stock 1 18.07
DoubleLine Fun CoreFxdlncI 11 41 TRBG I 11.39 TRBdNp 1138
Dreyfus: Aprec 4 4 . 11 BasicS&P 2892 BondMktlnv p 11.07 CalAMTMuZ 1576 Dreytus 9 71 DreyMidr 294Q Drey500lnt 39 12 IntmTincA 14 21 Interm nr 14 46 IntlStkl 1 3 91 MunBd r 12 07 NYTaxnr 1575 OppMCilalA 3062 SmlCpStk r 21 78 Dre>hsA clnc 10 57
Dupree Mutual: KYTF 818 EilPTxMEml 46 75
Eaton Vance A: AtlCapSMID p 16.96 FltgRtAdup 11 05 GblMacAbRp 9.78 FloatRate 9 40 IncBosA 5.90 LgCpVal 1932 NatlMunlnc 10.49 Strat Income ClA812
Eaton Vance C: NatlMunlnc 10.49 Eaton Vance I: AtlCapSMID 1817 F ltgRt 9.0 9 GblMacAbR 977
IncBost 5. 90 LgCapVal 1938 NatlMunilnc 10.49 ParStEmMkt 1434
EdgwdG lnst n 13.74
FMI Funds:
CommonStk 23 57 LargeCap p 16.92 FPA Funds: C apit 43 8 2 Newlnco n 10.61 FPACres n 28 67 Fairholme 30.03
Federated A: KaufmA p 5 20 MuniUltshA 10.06 StNalDiv p 4 99 TtlRtBd p 11.59
Federated Fund TtlRtnBdSvc 1160
Federated Instl: HighYldBd r 10 06
KaufmanR 5 20 MunULA p 10 06 TotRetBond 11 6Q UltShortBd 923 StaValDivlS 5 Q1
Fidelity Advisor FltRateA r 9 93 FF2030A p 127Q FF2040A p 1277
LevCoStpA37 4G MidCpllA p 17 79 Nwlnsghts p 22.59 SmallCapAp 2218 StrlnA 1 2 .71
Fidelity Advisor Nwlnsghtstn 21 27 StratlncC nt 12.68
Fidelity Advisor EmgMktlln 1495
EqGrl n 65.11 FIIRatel n 9 91
Grolncl 20.09 LgCapln 2148 MidCpll I n 18.09 Newlngs> htl 22 91 SmallCapl 23.45 S trlnl
12 86
Fidelity Advisor EqGrT p 60.70 Gr0ppT 4110 Nwlnsghts p 22.24
AbsolStratl r 11.20 -.01 +1 5 i8.5 FltRateC tx 8.89 +.01 +8.4 +21.9 IntlMsterS r 19.36 +.77t24.8 +25.3 Frank/Temp Frnk k Hartford Fds I: USLgCa pGrr 1446 +53 +2I 4 +395 887 -.02 AdjUS p +1 9 +50 DivGthl n 20.33 +.33+22.4 +28.1 Lazard Instl: AZ TFA p 11.65 t11.4 +23.7 Hartford FdsY: EmgMktl 19.19 +.35+18.3 +17.4 Ballnvp 4322 +1 42t209 +311 CapAppY n 35.94 +1.27 +24.5 +12.9 Lazard Open: CAHYBd p 10.76 t17.3 +38.7 CapAppln 33 05 +117+244 +123 EmgMkt0pp 1959 +35+180 +163 CallnsAp 1319 +Ol tl29 +270 DivGrowthYn20.70 +.33 +22.5 +28.7 Legg Mason A: CalTFrAp 7.64 +.01t13.6 +26.8 FltRatelx 8.91 i.01 i9.6 i25.5 CBEq6ldrA 14.65 +.45+22.0 +37.1 EqlncAp 1790 +55 t190 +31 2 TotRet6dYnx 1096 -37 +75 +21 8 CBAggGrp 126.78 +4.42 +23.7 +53.8 Fedlnterm p 12.73 -.01 +9.2 +22.4 Hartford HLSIA: CBApprp 1584 +53+243 +330 FedTxFrA p 1295 +Ol +121 +257 CapApp 42.22 +1.61 CBFdAIICVA 14.19 +.50+22.1 +23.2 FlexCapGrA 47.95 +1.69+13.5 +24.8 Div8Grwth 21.59 w.72 WAlntTmMu 691 +Ol +109 +21 9 FIRtDAp 9.10 i80 i192 Balanced 21 23 +50 WAMgMuA p 17.51 i.03 +14.0 +27.6 FLTFAp 12.14 +94 +220 Stock 4 5 .12 +1.47 Legg Mason C: FoundF AIp 1098 i.34 i20.9 i249 Intl0pp 1 2.I7 i.54 GoldPrMA 3239 +1 22-138 -55 M>dCap 2800 + 86 GrowlhA p 49.71 +1.60t19.5 +31.5 SmallCo 19.04 i.75 HYTFAp 1111 +01 tl43 +31 5 TotalRetBd 11.90 -.03 HilncoA 2.05 +.02t16.9 +37.3 Hartford HLSIB: IncoSerA p 218 +04 +l70 +31 8 CapApprecp 41 79 +1 59 InsTFA p 12.79 +10.6 +22.9 Hearlland Fds: MichTFA p 1248 +7 9 +188 41 14 +1 58 MOTFAp 12.94 +10.0 +23.2 Valuelnu ValPluslnv p 29.16 +1.09 NJTFA p 1281 +95 +220 NYTFAp 12.32 +.01 +92 +208 HendersonGlbl Fds: Intl0ppAp 20.I6 i.73 NCTFAp 13.13 i10.2 i228 OhiolTFA p 13.33 +10.4 +208 Hotchkis & Wiley: ORTFA p 12.78 +10.1 +22.5 M>dCpilal 2727 +I 02 PATFAp 1112 +01 +l07 +241 Hussman Funds: RisDivA p 37.90 +1.40+18.1 i39.0 StrTotRetr 1217 +04 SMCpG rA 3650 +1 26+139 +387 StrGrovrth 11.11 -.18 Stratlnc p 10.70 +.05+12.9 +27.5 ICMSmlCo 28.61 i1.09 TotlRtnA p 1051 -02 +88 +247 ING FundsCl A: USGovA p 6.82 +2.1 +13.2 GIDREp 1761 +41 Ut<l>tiesA p 1335 +II 6 +384 IVA Funds:
WAlntTMuC 692 +Ol WAMgMuC 17.52 +.03 CMilalTr p 41,55 i1,71
Legg Mason I:
CBAggGrlt 13591 +475
Litman Gregory Fds: IntlI
14. 2 9 +.65
Longleaf Parlners: Partners 2614 +85 Intln 13. 56 +.58 SmCap 2809 +52
Loomis Sayles: Glb6dR tx 17.10 +.01 LSBondlx 15.00 +.04 LSGlbl6dlx 1727 >01 Strlnc C x 15.32 +.12 LSBondRx 1494 +04 StrlncAx 15.23 +.11 ValueY n 20 85 i 73
Loomis Sayles Inv:
Genesisn 3580 +1.06+153 +430 LowDuratp 10.63 -.Q1 45 i12.0 Geneslnstl 50.34 +1.49+15.5+43.9 RealRtnp 1261 -09 +85 +277 H>lncBdlnst 942 +06 +163 +377 TotlRtn p 11.57 -.03 >11.3 +22.6 LgCapV Invn 2749 +102+208 +167 PIMCO FundsP: AIIAsset 12.72 +.13 +15.5 +30.0 Neuberger58erm Tr: Genesis n 52.13 +1.53+15.2 +42.7 AstAIIAuthP 1124 +06 +181 +293 CommdtyRR 6.91 +.13 +7.3 +26.6 Nicholas Group: Nicholas n 49.47 +1.50+24.3 +49.7 EmgLocalP 10.86 +.09 +13.6+27.8 IncomeP 1232 +Ol +211+539 Northern Funds: LowDurP 1063 -01 +67 +126
Bondldx 11.07 -.04 +4.5+17.4 RealRtnP 12.61 -.09 +8.8 +28.9 E mgMEqldx l14I +32 NA NA TotRtnP 1157 -03 +115 +233 F>xlnn 1 0 8 2 -04 +73 +204 GlbREldx r 8.96 +.24 +32.2+36.2 Parnassus Funds: HiYFxl ncn 7.43 i.Q 3 +159 i36.0 Eqtylncon 2924 +70 +220 +315 IntTaxExn l1 II -Ol +8 3 +18 5 Pax World: IntlEqldxr 10.11 +.44 +20.6 +5.3 Balanced 2357 +53 +140 +216 MMEmMktr 18.23 +.49 NA NA Paydenfunds: 7.27 +04 +160 +339 MMGlbREr 1843+44 +302 +353 Hilnc MMlntlEqr 9.33 +36 NA NA Perm Port Funds: ShlntTaxFr 10.66 -.01 +2.3 +6.0 Permanent 49.30 +.90 +7.2 +28.5 SmlCap Valn l620 +59 +200+396 Pioneer FundsA: Stockldxn 17.54 +62 +239 +34.9 FundamVal 18.67 +.67 +18.7+16.0 TxExptn 11.47 ... +11.3 +23.6 HighYldAp 1020 +14 +167 +340
Nuveen Cl A:
PionFdAp 41 56 +1 39+163 +215 HYldMuBd p 17.30 +.03 +23.8 i43.3 BratlncA p 11.25 +.01 +11.3+27.7 AAMuBp II8 8 +14 9 +328 ValueA p 11.92 i.42 i21.1 i18.1 LtdMBAp 11.30 -.01 +4.6 +13.0 Pioneer Funds C: Nuveen Cl C: StratlncCt 1101 +Ol +106+251 HYMunBd t 17.28 +.02 +23.1 +41.0 Pioneer Fds Y: Nuveen Cl I: StratlncYp 1125 +Ol +1I 7 +289 Divtlaluel 14.73 +.49+22.7+37.2 Price Funds Adv: Nuveen Cl R: BICh> pGr n 45.01 +1.81 +23.7 +40.3 intmDurMuBd 947 -.01 +84 +194 Eqtylncn 25.99 +.83 +25.0+31.8 HYMuniBd l730 +03 +241 +442 Growth pn 3682 +142 +239 +377
HiYdApx 7.81 +.01+16.9 +35.5 InuAp l4 4 8 +54 +242 +324 MultiCpGr 54.78 +2.24+21.2 +32.4 NYTxA p 9 09 +102 +229 TxExA p 9.19 +11.4 +25.4
ValueAdmln 226Qi.72 i24.3 i308 WellslAdm n 59 35 +53 +143 +33 0 WelltnAdmn 58.96+1.22 +18.5+28.7 W>ndsorAdm n49 95 •1 91 +274 +325 TFHYA l 2 8 9 +01 +149 +340 WdsrllAdm 51 85+1 83 +25.1+312 USGvAp 13.53 -.02+3.9 +14.3 TaxMngdlnm10. tl 85 +.48 +20.6 +6.2 r 3011 +111 +221 +490 VoyA p 21 57 +94+167 +142 TaxMgdSC
Vanguard Fds:
RS Funds:
CoreEqVIP 39.22 +1.23+22 0 +24.2 DivrEq n 22 89 +.86 +23.6 +350 +9.7 +21.8 RSNatRes np 36.57 i1.29 i9.6 i26.3 CAIT n 11.88 RSPartners 34.22 +1.32+24 3 +43.1 Cap0ppn 33 91+143 +226 +279 Convt n 12.87 +.24 +15.9 +29.9 Rasmer Inv Mgt DivApplnv n 2378 i.82 i19.2 i343 SmMCap0r 35.43 i1.40 D>v< d e n d G ro 1663 +54 +183 +332 SmMCplnst 3647 +1.45 Energy 60.03 +2.23 +8.6 +14.3 RidgeWorth Funds: Eqlnc n 24 09 +78 +239 +440 GScUltShBdl 10.18 Explorer n 79 01+315+19.6 +452 H>ghYld l 9 9 5 + 05 GNMA n 10.99 -.02 +2.9 +16.1 IntmBondl 10.63 -.03 GlobEq n 18 31 +66 +222 +225 InvGrTEBln 12 98 -01 Grolncn 30.24+1.09 +25.3+37.3 LgCpValEql 14.00 +.51 HYCorp n 6 02 +03 +154 +385 MdCValEql 1123 +39 HiDvdYld n 19 59+.62 +23.1 +412 SmCpVall 13.62 +.48 HlthCare n 146.42 +3.84+23.4 +37.9 TotRetBdl l107 -03 InflaPro n 14 90 -10 +64 +262 RiverNorlh Fds: IntlExpl r n 14.48 +.49 +18.2 +11.3 RNDLlncol 11.36 +.04 I AIIG( 1 871 i.81 i21.1 i139 Royce Funds: IntlVal n 30 40 +140 +208 +33 LowPrSkS vcr l447 +59 -.05 +9.9 +28.4 ITI Grade 10.46 PennMul rn 11.77 +.46 ITTsry n 11 79 -06 +31 +185 Prem> erlnr 202I +76 LIFECon n 17.22 +.21 +11.5 +219 SpeclEqlnvr 21.79 +.75 LIFEGro n 23.41 +.66 +18.7 +26.4 TotRetlr l 3 9 7 +50 LIFElnc n 14 73 +07 +80 +194 ValPlusSvc 13.24 +.48 LIFEMod n 20.87 +.42 +15.1 +25.0 Russell Funds S: LTlnGraden 1103 -14 i12.7 +433 EmerMkts l800 +49 LTTsry n 13 49 -23 +46 +418 GlobEq 8 . 87 +36 MidCapGro 21.20 +.67 +19.6 +49.3 IntlDevMkt 30.16 i1.32 MATaxEx 11 09 +99 +211 RESec 38.92 +1.00 Morgan n 19.83 +.78 +19.8 +35.0 StratBd l 1.5I -.03 MuHY n 1142 i12.2 i266 Russell Instl I: Mulnt n 14 54 +86 +197 StratBd 1 1 37 -.03 +2.8 +8.2 MuLtd n 11.20 Russell LfePts A: +111 +238 MuLong n 1196 BalStratp 10.81 +.22 MuShrt n 15 94 +1.3 +3 8 Russell LfePtsC: OHLTTxE n 12.89 -.01 +10.4 +21.8 6alStrat 1 0 71 + 22 PrecMtlsM> nr 1621 +54 -156 -87 SEI Portfolios: PrmCpC orern 15.10 +.54 +20.1 +32.1 CoreFxinnA11.63 -.04 Prmcp r 69 49 i238 i19.9 i293 EmMktDbt n l207 + 08 SelValu r 21 10 +67 +227 +392 HiYld n 7 . 60 +.03 STAR n 20.72 +.47 +16.7 +26.4 IntMun<A l195 -Ol STIGrade 10 86 - 02 +4 5 +11 6 IntlEqA n 8.29 +.38 STFed n 10 88 - 01 +1.7 +6 7 LgCGroAn 2509 +88 STTsry n 10.79 -.01 +0.8 +4.8 LgCValA n 17.79 +.59 StratEq n 21 05 +80 +237 +487 S&P500E n 3890 +1 38 TgtRetlnc 12.21 +.10 +9.9 +23.1 TaxMgdLCn 13.66 +.48 TgtRet2010 24 39i.32 i12.7 i254 SSgA Funds: TgtRet2015 13 48+24 +145 +259 EmgMkt l948 +55 TgtRet2020 23.93+.52 +16.0 +26.3 SP500 n 22.93 +.81 TgtRet2025 13 63+34 +174 +27 0 Schwab Funds: TgRet2030 23.38+.66 +18.7 +27.5 CoreEqty I882 + 69 TgtRet2Q35 14 06i.43 i20.1 i279 D>vEqtySel 14.57 + 50 TgtRe2040 2310 +75 +205 +279 FunUSLlnstr l0.74 +37 TgtRet2050 n 23.00 +.75 +20.5 +28.0 IntlSS r 16.57 + 72 TgtRe2045n 1451 +47 +205 +28 0 10QOlnvr 40.27 i1.4I TxMBal n 22 32 +.39 +15.8 +285 S&PSeln 22.36 +79 USGro n 21.01 +.76 +23.6 +30.5 SmCapSel 20.98 i 80 Wellsly n 24 50 +22 +142 +328 TotBond 97 2 -.03 Welltn n 34.13 +.70 +18.4 +28.3 TSMSelr 25.80 +.92 Wndsr n 14 BQi.56 i27.2 i321 ScoutFunds: Wndsll n 29 21 +1 03 +250 +309 Intl 3223 +1 34 VanguardIdx Fd S: MidCap r 13.77 +.47 DevMklnPlnr 99.68+4.42 +21.2 NS
Selected Funds:
EmMklnPlnr 8825i2 36 i16.4 NS
AmerShsD 43 64 +1 32 AmShsS p 43.55 +1.32
ExtMktln 11025+412+231 NS FTAIIWIPI nr 91.19 +3.60+196 NS M>dCplstPIn 10924 +369+21 0 NS STBdlnstPls 1065 -02 +2.1 NS SmCaplnPIn108.92 +4.11+23.4 NS TotlntAdm nr 2419 +94 +192 NS Totlntllnstnr 96.76+3.76+19.2 NS TotlntllP nr 96 78+376+193 NS TotlntSig nr 29 02+113+192 NS 500 n 1 30.37+4.59+23.9 +35.1 Balanced n 23 63+48 +157 +305 DevMkt n 9.63 +.42 +21.0 +6.6 EMkt n 26 53 i.71 i16.1 i86 Extendn 44 60 +166 +228 +469 Growth n 36.50+1.41+23.1 +41.0 ITBond n 1218 -07 +75 +274 LTBond n 14 63 -20 +9.3 +437 MidCap 22.07 +.75 +20.8 +45.2 REIT r 2 1 28 +54 +272 +681 SmCap n 37.66+1.42 +23.1+47.6
Sentinel Group: ComStkAp 3472 +1 20 Sequoian 164.75 +3.98
Sit Funds: USGovn l136 -02
Sound Shore: SoundShore n 33.86 +1.30
St FarmAssoc: Balann 5 6 33 +89 Gwth n 55.34 i1.80
Sun Capital Adv: GSShDurltl l0.30 IbbotsBalSvp 12.00 + 24 IbbotsModSvpl1.67 i15 TARGET: SmCapValn 21.38 +78 TCW Funds: EmMktlnc 9.31 +.06 TotlRet6dl 1030 -01 TCW Funds N: TotRtBdN p 10.64 -.01
TFS Funds:
MktNeutralr l558 +11
TIAA-CREFFunds: Bdldxlnst 11.01 -.04 Bondlnst l095 -02 EnLCGlnst r 9.73 +.37 EnLCVlnst r 862 + 29 Eqldxlnst 10.84 +.38 Gr8lnclnst l044 + 38 HighYldlnst 10.24 +.05 InfLkdBdlnst l256 -09 IntlEqllnst 15.96 +.70 IntlEqlnst 936 +49 LgCGrllnst 13.20 +.43 LgCGrllnst l466 +55 LgCGrlnst 1185 +46 LgCVllnst l4.05 +49 M>dCV alnst 18.54 + 58 MdCVIRet l8.42 + 57 S8P500llnst 16.05 +56 SmCEqlnst l4 5I i 53
Templeton Class A: TGlbTRA 1369 +16
Templeton Instit ForEqS 19.20 +.90
Third Avenue Fds: IntlVallnst r 16 l1 + 58
REVallnst r 26.69 +.79 Valuelnst 48 6I +1 50
Thompson IM Fds: Bond
11 .91 -.02
Thornburg Fds C: IntValuCt 2494 +1 03
ThornburgFds: IntlValA p 26.60 +1.10 IncBuildAt I859 +43 IncBuildC p 18.59 +.43 IntlValue I 27 20 +1 12 LtdMunA p 14.75 -.01 LtdTlncAe l370 -10 LtdTmlncl e 13.71 -.09
LtTMunil l4.76 Valuel 3 2 1 5 +1.09 Thrivent FdsA: LgCapStock 23.6I i 82 Mun>Bd 12.08
Tocqueville Fds:
Delafield 30.26 +1.21 Goldt
684 7 +271
SmlCpG row 24 23 i.94 i22.2 i541 SmlCapVal 16 98+62 +241 +412 STBond n 10.65 -.02 +2.0 +8.1 TotBond n 1116 - 05 +4 4 +17 7 Totllntl n 14 46 +.56 +19.1 +6 3 TotStk n 35.21+1.25+23.7 +37.2 Value n 22 60 +73 +242 +303
VanguardInstlFds: Ballnst n 23 63 +.47 +15.9 +311 DevMktlnst n 9.57+.43 +21.3 NS EmMktlnstn 2653 +71 +164 +92 Extln n 44.66 +1.66+23.0 +47.6 FTAIIWldl r 8611 +341+196 +78 Growthlnstl 36 50+1 41 +23.3 +417 InfProtlnst n 11.92-.08 +6.5 +26.7 Instldx n 129 53+456 +240 +356 InsPI n 129.54+4.57 +24.0+35.7 InstTStldx n 31 88• 1.14+23.9 +378 InstTStPlus 31 88+113 +239 +379 ITBdlnstn 12.18 -.07 +7.7 +28.0 LTBdlnst n 14 63 -20 +95 +443 MidCaplnstl n 2215+.75 +20.9 +459 REITlnst r 14.06 +.36 +27.4 +69.1 STBondldnx 10 65 -02 +21 NS STIGrlnst 10.86 -.02 +4.7 +12.0 SmCplnn 3773 +1 43+23.4 +484 SmlCapG rln 2430 +94 +224 +54 8 TBlst n 11.16 -.05 +4.6 +18.2 TSlnst n 35 23+125 +238 +378 Valuelnstln 22.60+.72 +24.3 +30.9 Vanguard Signa I: BalancSgl n 23.38t.47 +15.9 +31.0 ExtMkt Sgln 3837 +1 43+230 +475 500Sgln 107.71+3.80 +24.0+35.6 GroSig n 33 BQi1 36 i23.3 +41 6 ITBdS>g n 1218 -07 +76 +278 MidCapldxn 31.63+1.06 +20.9+45.8 REITS< g r 24 24 +62 +274 i688 STBdldx n 10 65 -02 +2.1 +84 SmCapSing33.99 +1.28+23.3 +48.2 TotalBdSgln 11 16- 05 +4 5 +181 TotStkSgnln 33.99+1.20 +23.8+37.7 ValueSig n 23 52i.76 i24.3 i308
Vantagepoint Fd S:
Aggr0pp n 1040 +36 +202 +245 DivrStrat 10.33 +.08 +4.4 +7.4 Eqtylnc n 9 29 i.30 i22.1 i298 Growth n 9 45 +36 +198 +260 GrowSlncn 10.85+.36 +23.2 +31.9 Intl n 9 50 +38 +198 +122 MPLgTmGrn 2250+.61 +16.8 +237 MPTradG rth n 23.55 +.51 +14.3 +21.7
Victory Funds:
Touchstone Family:
DvsStkA 16 30
SandsCp GYn 12.63 i.59 SandsCa pGrl1757 +83 SelGrowth 12.38 +.58
Virlus Funds A: MulSStA p 4 92
MulSStC p 4.98
AsAIModGrp l238 +31
Transamerica C:
AsAIModGrt 12.29 +.31 TA IDEX C:
Virlus Funds C: Virlus FundsI: EmgMktl 9.98 WM Blair Fds In IntlGrwth 14 71
AsAIModt l219 +21
WM Blair Mtl Fd
Tweedy Browne:
IntlGrowthl r 22 65
Gblilalue 25.18 +.84
Waddell & Reed
Accumultiv 8.10
CornstStrn 2319 +45 Gr&lncn 16.00 +60 HYldlncon 867 +Q6 IncStkn 13.53 +43
AssetS p 9 72
Income n l3.56 -.04
MuniBondA 780
IntTerBd n 11.01 -.04 Intl n 25 . 08 i1.23 PrecMM 2891 +1.28 SBrP Idxn 21.16 i 74 S&PRewrd 21 l7 +75 ShtTBnd n 9.28 -.01 TxEIT n 13 86 -01 TxELT n 14.10 TxEShn 1086
VALIC: MidCapldx 21.24 +.79 Stocklndex 26 59 + 94
Van Eck Funds:
GIHardA 43.82 +1.83 InlnuGldA I856 + 92
Vanguard Admsral
BalAdml n 23,63 i,4y CAITAdm n l1 88 CALTAdm 12.18 Cp0pAdln 7835 i330 DevMktsAd 27.74 +1.23 EMAdmnr 3487 +93 Energy n 112.75 +4.19 EqlncAdml 505I +1 65 EuropAdml 58.40 +3.15 ExplAdml 73.61 i2.94 ExntdAdm n 44.66 +1.66 FTAIIWxUS 27.17 i1.08 500Adml n 130.39 +4.59 GNMAAdmn l099 -.02 GrolncAdm 49.39 +1.78 GrwlhAdmln 36.50 i1.4I HlthCare n 61 80 +1 62 HiYldCp n 6.02 +.03 IntlProAdn 2927 -l9 ITBondAdml 12.18 -.07 ITsryAdmln 1179 -06 IntlGrAdml 59.57 +2.57 ITAdml n 14 54 ITCoAdmrl 10.46 -.05 LtdTrmAdm l1 20 LTGrAdml 11.03 -.14 LTsryAdml l349 -23 LT Adml n 11.96
CorelnvA 6.65 H >ghln c 7 4 3 NwCcptA p 10.03 ScTechA 11 02
VanguardA 9.05 Wasatch: Incfqty 1 4 17 Long/Short 13 62 SmCapG rth 42.86
Weitz Funds: ShtlntmlcoI 1262
Wells Fargo Adv AstAIIA p 12 74 PremLgCG A 10.59
Wells FargoAdv AssetAII 12.85 Wells Fargo Adv AstAIIC t 12 23
Wells Fargo Adv Growthlnun 3915
Opptntylnvn 39.72 STMunlnv n 10 05 SCapilalnvp 3286 Wells Fargo Ad TRBdS 13.42 DJTar20201 14 57 DJTar20301 14 96 Growth 42.39 IntlBondl 11 74 ShDurGvBdl 10.34 UIStMulnc 4 83
Wells Fargo Ad Growth 4 1 22
Wells Fargo lns UIISTMuA 4 83
Westcore: PlusBd 11.29
Western Asset: CrPlusBdF1 p 1165 CorePlus I 11 66 Core I 1 2.37 William Blair N: IntlGthN 221Q Wmtergreen t 15 00
Appraisals Continued from G1 Appraisers aren't a lways familiar with neighborhoods, and some use f oreclosures and short sales as comparable sales without adjusting for them. Real estate agents note that the low inventory of homes for salehas created bidding wars for many homes, pushing prices higher than recent comparable sales. In the national survey in September, I out of 3 Realtors said they had problems relating to home appraisals in the previous three months. Eleven percent of them said a contract was canceled because an appraised value came in below the price negotiated between the buyer and seller; 9 percent reported acontract was delayed; and 15 percent said a contract was renegotiated to a lower sales price as a result of a lower appraisal. Appraisers say they don't set the value of a property; they reflect it. They say neither real estate agents nor homeowners are trained to
"The biggest misconception is we're out there creating value. We're not. We have a mirror. We're going to reflectit exactly the wayitis." — Gilbert Valdez, of Coast Appraisal Network in southern California
' .'
ing and paying appraisers. The appraisal management companies contend that their role is misunderstood. Appraisers say they are the only people involved in real estate transactions who don't have a stake in the price of a property or whether it sells. "We're there to protect the public trust," said Sara Stephens, president of the Appraisal Institute, the nation's largest association of real estate appraisers,addressing a group of real estate investors in Yorba Linda, Calif., last month. Stephens testified b efore Congress in June, saying, "We often hear from real estate agents, homebuilders and others that appraisals are 'killing deals,' and/or holding back the economic recovery. These accusations are unfounded and misguided. Appraisals are not meant to simply support contracts — they are obtained to helplenders assess their overall risk. "Fundamentally, it does neither the borrower nor lender any good to enter into a mortgage for more than the value of the property," she said.
A reflection of value Gilbert Valdez, owner of Coast Appraisal Network, has been appraising homes for nearly 30 years. "The biggest m isconception is w e 're o u t there creating value. We're not," Valdez said recently as he stood outside a Fountain Valley, Calif., tract home with a measuring tape and a camera, ready to begin an appraisal. "We have a mirror. We're going to reflect it exactly the way it is." Valdez said a home's location typically is given the most weight, followed by size and condition. He noted that upgrades don't necessarily pay off as much as a homeowner may expect. He also said the
price gap has been closing b etween f o reclosures a n d standard sales.Short sales,he said, have been "iffy" and "all over theplace," bu teven short
sales are improving. Ideally, he said, he'll use three sales that closed in recent months, a pending sale and a listing most comparable to the home in question. He stressed the word "ideally."
time at the property to observe important features
or improvements or potential problems?" • Ask for a copy of the appraisal report. "Federal law requires lenders provide routine delivery of the appraisal to consumers
whether credit is granted,
denied, or the application is
withdrawn." • Examine the appraisal
AlaskAisr Avista BkofAm Barrette Boeing
Cascdeecp cascdecp Colsprtsr Costco
Crarterew FLIRsys HewlettP
Hmredlu Intel
Keycorp Kroger Lattice LaPac MDURes
Mentorer Microsoft
YTo oiv pE Last chg%chg
Appraisal: The Art of Appraisal
Review," says common errors in appraisals include "misuse of adjustments to
Photos by Joshua Sudock Orange County Register
Certified general real estate appraiser Gilbert Valdez,of Coast Appraisal Network, evaluates a home in Fountain Valley, Calif., on Oct. 31. Realtors complain that they see inaccurate appraisals that are not keeping up with the changing housing market. Valdez has been appraising homes for nearly 30 years.
In the case of Robinson's townhome, t h e ap p r aiser could not be reached for comment, and it's unclear what adjustments might have been made. The townhome eventually sold, Robinson said, but for about $6,000 less than what she and the buyer initial-
ly agreed on. Appraisers were among those blamed for the housing bubble — and bust. In turn, appraisers said they felt pressured by mortgage brokers to bump up their property valuations, which helped to drive deals and got borrowers bigger loans.
Protecting the firewall In 2007, then-New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo filed a lawsuit against an appraisal company, which led to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac implementing the Home Valuation Code of Conduct of 2009. It required that lenders use a third party, typically an appraisal man-
agementcompany, to arrange for an appraisal. The code of conduct prohibited l enders from speaking directly with the appraiser about the valuation process. The code was replaced by provisions in the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2010. In addition to working with appraisal management companies, lenders now can set up their own firms. There still are standards to ensure appraisal independence, and the firewall between the lender and the appraiser on any specific main intact. Appraisers complain management companies pay them lower fees, and that many appraisers, after seeing their incomes reduced, have left the business. The Appraisal Institute says on its website: "Today, many
Huntington Beach, Calif. The second appraisal came in at $720,000 — with some of the comparable homes he cited in the appeal. "Same property, same price, same transaction," Smith said. The initial appraiser could not be reached for comment. Realtor Patti Zermeno said
she appealed an appraisal of
lenders u t i lize t h i r d-party management companies to conduct administrative functions. These firms often seek out the l owest-cost service providers, not necessarily the most qualified." The National Association of Appraisal Management Companies disagrees with t h at description.George Panichas, president of the association, said while the companies take a cut of what a lender pays for an appraisal, the firms provide services for appraisers including quality-control r eviews and marketing, which helps appraisersget more business. "There are many reasons why an appraiser will work for a reduced fee," he said. He added, "It is undeniable t here are a h andful of a p praisal management companies that will try to grind an
appraiser down on fee. (But) the vast majority of appraisal companies, we want to pay the appraiser a good fee because we want a good product." Stephens, the institute president, also said some appraisers are being required to use eight to 10 comparable homes, more than twice as many as in the past, and appraisers have been sentas far as 400 miles away to evaluate property. "Having someone who's local, someone who understands what's going on in the market is key," she told the real estate investors gathered in Yorba Linda.
a four-bedroom, three-bath home on more than five acres in Corona, Calif., that she listed this year. The contract purchase price was for $565,000, but the appraisal came in at $450,000. "When the numbers came
Panichas said lenders, not the appraisal m a nagement companies, are requesting additional comparable homes. And he said appraisers may be sent far distances at times, but they should never accept an assignment unlessthey're
"geographically competent."
Getting a second opinion Appraising real estate is not a black and white matter. Adjustments need to be weighed. Judgment is involved. Even
appraisers don't always agree. Mortgage broker D e nnis Smith cited an appraisal on a small apartment property in Long Beach, Calif. The seller and buyer agreed on a sales price of $730,000. The appraisal came in at $620,000. Smith said some comparable sales t h e a p p r aiser used were more than three miles away, and a few were sales dating back more than a year. The appraisal may h ave been a challenge, Smith said, "But over $ 100,000 (lower than) what th e seller, list-
ing agent, selling agent and buyer felt the property was worth?" He found some fresher sales for c o mparable p r operties with fewer units, but his appeal was rejected. "So we canceled with that lender and went to another l ender and ordered a n e w appraisal," said Smith, coowner of Stratis Financial in
in low, I called (the loan rep)
have any functional problems? Does the house (particularly the kitchen and bathrooms)
require major remodeling to make it comparable with similar homes in the same
price range?" • Appeal the appraisal if you believe it is incorrect, or ask your lender to review the
report. Most lenders have appraisal appeal procedures, known as "reconsiderations of • You can ask your lender to order a second appraisal. If problems were found with the
first appraisal, you should get a second one.
much lower than the contract price. But it didn't kill the deal. "We were able to close at $500,000 with the seller reducing his price and the buyers increasing their purchase price," Zermeno said. "It was a team effort to get it done," she said. "But I knew I could fight the appraisal." In Stephens' view, the appeal process is not always fair to the appraiser. Sometimes the person reviewing an appraisal for a lender has l ess experience than the appraiser does, she sald. "It's a matter of asking for more and more information
and told her, 'I know there's (from an appraiser)," she said, value there. We need to appeal "and less and less weight being this appraisal,'" said Zermeno, placed on that information." w ith Century 21 Award i n Rancho SantaMargarita. She said the lender allowed a second appraisal, which Q NQRTHWEsT raised the value by $15,000, to $465,000. CROSSING T hat appraisal wa s s t i l l
neighborhood on Bend's westside.
70 SW Century Dr. Suite145 Bend, OR 97702 541 322 1337
Everyone hasaright toknow whatthegovernment is doing..
. .except75%of seniors. Current Oregon law requires public notices to be printed in a newspaper whose readers are affected by the notice. Federal, state, and local government agencies erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their web sites instead of in the local newspaper. But who would have access to those online notices? 62% of U.S. seniors (65 and older) have no internet access, and a third of those whoDO have access are still limited to dialup.' Besides, you'd have to know in advancewhere,when,and how to look,and what to look for, in order to be informed about government actions that could affect you directly.
Lessthan 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a government web site daily,' * but 80% of au Oregon adults read a newspaper at least once during an average week, and 54% read public notices printed there.*-
Keeppublic notices in the newspaper! pyr
1.68f 21 1.08 17 1.82t 19 .08 2 .80 13
umpqtra us Bancrp WashFed tz77 +.54+120.2 WellsFargo .69f 1 8 20.41 atg wstCstecp 13 14.38 +.u +6.0 Weyerhsr
.36 14 .78 12 .32 13
96.75 +1.15 +.4 56.55 +.95 +13.8 42.17 +.01 -12.0
9.55 +.06 +u 0.4
43.05 +.50 +14.9 1.21 ... -36.6 1.68 37 42.04 +.22 +15.0 .12 20 1 79.34 +2.42 +8.8 se 8 16.96 +.49 -1 9.4
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Every Friday In
4.57 +.09 -6.2 u.78 +.24 -4.9 32.58 +.53 +20.4 16.30 +.15 +16.5 33.20 +.61 +20.5 21.84 +.16 +40.0 26.72 +.43 +43J
Precious metals $1751.50 $1751.30 $34.10
a rnferneissmeicanrasoscirinwiy20IQs stceniwrr eauMu2009 "'AmeriiiiiopnenRneorchpniicetonNrruremurrrrro
Indexes Nasdag
Most Actlve reter more) Most Acttve retor more) Most Acttve (et or more) Name Vel (00) Last Chg Name Vel (00) Last Chg Name Vel (00) Last Chg Nokiacp 957938 3.56 s25 BkofAm 5659t7 9.90 +13 S&P500ETF 56314414ta5 +1.90 AlcatelLuc 555328 t.10 et0 ishEMkts 3707324t.6 3 e67
15 679 3.87 +.12 BschMotn 692156 u.66 +1.40 Brigsse g tu05 104 +08 Microsoft 556647 27 70 +.75 NovaGld g 10527 4.62 +.12 Intel 478 970 19.72 +.36 Nweold g 10175 10.47 +.28 Facebook n 277872 24.00 -.32 ChsniereEn 9849 t5.63 +.15 SiriusXM t79606 2.78 +.06
Gainers (S2 ormore) GslneIs (S2 ur more) Gainers <e2ermore) Name L a s t chg %chgName L a s t chg %chgName L a s t chg %chg
2z90 +.08 -34.0 DBCmdyS 52.50+t0.45 +24.9 Richmirt g 3.91 +.52 +15.3 Chiceram 2.50 +.80 +47.1 158.59 +t15 +7z7 8.62 rt.39 +19.2 Bartro g 3 . 2 2 +.34 +11.8 MAPPhm 15.42 +2.60 +20.3 33.51 -8.8 Molycorp Dasaos 2 . 9 0 +.30 +11.5Augusta g 2.78 +.27 +10.8 B Comm 5.40 +.75 +16.1 51.19 +.68 +11.3
.92f 15 2z70 +.75 +6.7
Price (troy oz.)
Weekly Arts Sr EnteWainment
Market reeap
YTo oiv pE Last chg%chg
Niitee Nordstrm .04 26 9 .90 +.13 +78.1 NwstNG .52f 28 31.17 -.47 +56.2 otrceMax 1.76 1 3 7a74 +.59 +.5 Paccar 5.15 +.06 +17.6 planarSy 1.40 13 64.96 +.03 +37.7 plumCrk .88 20 56.84 +.75 +22.1 Preccastpt 1.10 25 gz92 +1.18 +17.5 Safeway 49 6.31 +.14 +4.8 Schnitzer .28 14 20.03 +.34 -20.1 Sherwin .53 ... 12.44 +.50 -51.7 StancrpFn .24f 55 10.92 +.23 +5.0 Starbucks .90 9 1 9.72 +.36 -t 8.7Triuuint
NY HSBC BankUS NY Merc Gold NY Merc Silver
in price than surrounding homes? Does the floor plan
appraisal is supposed to re-
10 42.49 +.68 +13.2
property? Is the subject property equal to or lower
comparables, disregarding For more information, go to special financing and concessions, or miscalculation
1.16 16 2a20 -.05 -9.9
.20 1 0 8.45 +.1 6 +9.9 .60f 23 24.98 +.33 +3.1 14 4.05 +.18 -31.8
the value of the subject
report. "Appraising the
Northwest stocks Name
Here are some tips for consumers from the Appraisal Institute, a professional association: • Make sure your lender hires of living area." a qualified appraiser. Ask • Ask yourself: Do adjacent the lender for an appraiser's homes add or detract from or she has adesignation from an appraisal organization. • Accompany the appraiser during the inspection. "Did the appraiser spendenough
appraise homes. A nationwide appraisers' professional asso c i ation, meanwhile, cites problems in the way appraisal management companies are assign-
Appraisal tips
qualifications and whether he
pvs oay $1728.00 $1727.90 $33.344
NQ Mobile 6.20 +.56 +9.9 Ertrasnu g 2.t8 +.18 +9.0 NatlBevrg 16.89 +2.t7 +14.7 Pretium g 14.31 t1.28 +9.8 RareEle g 3.59 +.28 +8.5 starscient 2.67 +.32 +tr.e
52-Week High Lo w
Net Yro 5 2-wk Last chg %chg %chg %chg
N a me
13,661.72 11,231.56 Dow Jones Industrials
5,390.u 4,53f.rg DowJonesTransportation 499.82 422.90 DowJonesUtilities 8,515.60 e898.12 NYSE Composite
2,509.57 2,I02.29 3196.93 2,44t48 1,474.51 1,158.66 15,432.5412,158.90 868.50 666.16
AmexIndex Nasdaq Composite S&P 500 Wilshire5000 Russell2000
World markets Here is how key internationalstock markets performed yesterday. Market Close % Change
Losers te2ormore) Losers re2ermore) Losers te2ermore) Name L a s t chg %chgName L a s t chg %chgName L a s t chg %chg Amsterdam Brussels J 5 -68 Barcshtc 18zg -2.30 -it2 Inrtsuites 205 Charmcom 4.58 -.55 -tg.r Paris GCSaba 3 . 47 -.35 -9.1 Ellomay 5.32 -.28 -5.0 IntsgElec 4.53 -.38 -7.7 PrUvxST rs 20.20 -1.85 -8.4 Aerosonic 3.35 -.15 -4.3 Enphase n 2.58 -.I5 -5.5 London DirchiBear t241 -.89 -67 BovisMed 289 -Jt -3.7 TrnWEnt 3 36 -J8 -5.1 Frankfurt HongKong CSVS3xlnSlv 19.98 -1.34 -6.3 DeltaAprl 14.56 -.56 -3.7 MTRGam 285 - J 5 -50 Mexico Diary Diary Diary Milan NewZealand Advanced 2,440 Advanced 276 Advanced t,773 Tokyo Declined 487 Declined 105 Declined 542 Seoul Unchanged 107 Unchanged 48 Unchanged 120 Totalissues 3,034 Totalissues 429 Totalissues 2,435 Singapore u2 New Highs Sydney NewHighs 16 New Highs 35 Zurich NewLows 19 New Lows 6 New Lows 20
331.50 2,408.53 3,528.80 5,81914 7,30913 21,913.98 41,919.64 15,635.89 4,008.34 9,366.80 1,90 .33 2,989.28 4,431.52 6,181.63
+1.16 s +.65 s +.87 s +.49 s +.89 s +.79 s -.27 t +.53 s +.28 s +.62 s +.09 s -.02 +.53 s
13,009.68 +l72.79 5,051.76 +54.58 -.46 440.59 8,225.51 t113.33 2,386.87 t29.63 2,966.85 +40.30 t,409.15 +18.t2 14,733.03 +181.26 80z18 +8.80
+1.35 +6.48 +1.09 +.64 -.10 -5.18 +1.40 +t 0.01 +1.26 +4.76 +1.38 +t 3.88 +1.30 +t 2.05
+1.25 +1 1ze +1.10 +a94
+t 5.83 +t1.43 +3.42 +19.24 +1 3.37 +21.52 +21.62 +21.17 +21.17
Currencies Key currency exchangerates Friday compared with late Thursday inNewYork.
Oouar vs: E xchange Rate pvs Oay AustraliaDollar BritainPound CanadaDollar ChilePeso ChinaYuan EuroEuro HongKongDollar
Japan Yen MexicoPeso RussiaRuble So. KoreaWon SwedenKrona SwitzerlndFranc TaiwanDollar
1.0457 1.6031 1.0076 .002091 .1604 1.2971 .1290 .Ot2136 .077173 .0322 .000921 J509 1.0772 .0342
1.0386 1.5937 1.0025 .002090 .1603 1.2883 .1290 .012131 .076786 .0321 .00092t J 497 1.0694 .0343
i ves 0 e a r c
By Terry Box
Emergency ancesupplies to carry in your car
The Dallas Morning News
Five years from now, no one will even remember the joyless Dodge Caliber, a comatose crossover born to snooze on rental car lots. Most of u s a l r eady forgot t h e Pl y m outh/Dodge Neon, a mean jellybean of a compact that — like writers and Washington politicians — suffered frequent bouts of self-destruction. But the infamous Caliber and Neon still pose two large lumps that the 20D Dodge Dart will n eed to c lamber over if i t's going to attain c ompac t - c a r
By Brad Bergholdt McClatchy-Tribune News Service
• Can you recommend a • kit to keep in the car for emergencies?I've seen them for sale but thought the parts were cheap quality and the kit not complete enough. • My list is large, designed • for folks who really hit the road, or go off of it. 0thers can pick and choose to suit their needs and available trunk space. Assembling the kit will take some time but could be well worth the effort. Please write in additional
All it needs is a little push. Fiat ultimately became the controlling owner of Chrysler Group in Chrysler's bankruptcy, bailout and restructuring in 2009, giving the Detroiters an intriguing Italian accent. And with the new Dodge Dart, we get a sedan based on the Alfa Romeo Giulietta in Europe, which should be pretty decent DNA. So I had Chrysler rna Mcclatchy-Tnhune News Service high hopes for th e m etal- The 2013 Dodge Dart is based on the Alfa Romeo Giulietta, which Chrysler-owner Fiat sells outside the United States. lic blue-gray Dart L i m ited that arrived recently for my review. Gray leather covered the 400 pounds lighter than the ample, was lively and quick It seemed topossess some steering wheel, and the seats Dart — 2,907, according to — an unusual combination in of the same one-world charm were wrapped in luxurious-, co m p ared a front-wheel-drive compact as the new Ford Focus — a Base price:$15,995 looking pleated white leather with 3,295 for the Dart, says like the Dart. sedan that could tackle curvy in gray shells. Motor Trend. It turned into corners crispAs tested:$24,965 I'm not sure how wine- or E uropean backroads w i t h Even a fairly good six-speed ly at moderately fast speeds, Type:Front-wheel-drive, grace and still be comfortable g rape-jelly r e sistant t h e y automatic can't do much to with minimal body motions. five-passenger, four-door at an A m erican backyard would be — depending on move that bulk, which is close Though the car wasn't overtly sedan barbecue. your country of origin. But to the weight of some midsize sporting, it felt quietly confiEngine:Two-liter Its long hood abutted a they looked great in a $25,000 sedans. dent in a sort-of flingable, Eufour-cylinder with 160 c urved g r i ll e a n d la r g e, economy sedan. T hough t h e e n g in e i s ropean way. aggressive hea d l amps. horsepower and148 Although the swoopy door smooth and refined with a So did its ride. While the pound-feet of torque A b lacked-out g r ille w i t h panels were mostly gray plas- rich exhaust note, it needs a Dart moved with a Euro-tautSix-speed automatic Dodge's qu as i -menacing tic, white centers with padded mediocre 9.9 seconds to pro- ness most of the time, it maintransmission crosshair center gave the segray armrests added some pel the husky Dart to 60, ac- tained a long-legged compoMileage:24 mpg city, dan some sporting flair. pizzazz. cording to Motor Trend. sure over big bumps that be34 mpg highway M eanwhile, a con v e nI was less impressed with The Focus, incidentally, is lied its econo-car roots. tional character line that ran the legroom in back, which nearly two seconds quicker to Dodge got really close with through th e c a r's c h rome was reasonable but not as 60, the magazine calculated. the new Dart. If performance door handles connected the and well-proportioned, was generous as I had expected. I suggest you choose the is less important to you than front neatly with a s i milar overshadowed by the grayIn fact, that close-but-no-ci- optional turbocharged 1.4- utility, style and fuel economy, wraparound rear. and-white interior — whose gar theme prevailed beneath liter engine, which also has then your sedan has probably T he c a r' s l a r g e d o o r s bold color scheme looked like the hood as well. 160 horsepower but generates arrived. looked efficient, promising something you might find in a M y D a r t L i m i ted w a s 40 more pound-feet of torque If not, I would opt for the more space in back than the 1959 Olds 88. equipped with the standard and is considerably quicker in turbo version of the Dart or Dart could actually deliver, A gray dashboard had a 2-liter "Tigershark" four kick- tests. hold out for an SRT version. and highly polished 10-spoke stitched hood over the instru- ing out 160 horsepower. Fortunately, the Dart rides Either way, the Dart still wheels carried s ubstantial ment panel and a prominent That power is identical to on a solid platform that felt outshines t he low - v olt225/45-17 tires. center stack trimmed in piano the Ford Focus SE. But here's more sporting than the en- age Neon and b argain-bin But the exterior, while crisp black. the deal: The Focus is nearly gine. The steering,for ex- Caliber.
2013 DodgeDart Limited
suggestions. • First aid kit • Hand sanitizer and wipes • Road flares (replace every
five years) • Gloves • Zippo lighter • Flashlight (Home Depot's Rayovac Indestructible 2 AA LED light is my choice) • Spare AA batteries • Space or foil blankets • Whistle • Signal mirror from a marine supply store • Ponchos •Granolabars,vacuum-sealed • Gallon of drinking water, which can also be used as engine coolant • Battery jumper cables
• Tire pressure gauge, preferably dial type • A few sheet rock screws, for plugging small tire holes • Nonflammable aerosoltire inflator/sealer • Radiator stop leak, such as AlumAseal or Bar's Leaks • Roll of Rescue Tape or electrtcal tape to repalr hoses • Assortment of zip ties • Small roll of baling wire • Roll of duct tape • Quart of motor oil • Quart of automatic transmission fluid • $10 in quarters • Paper and pencil • Partial or larger roll of paper towels • Tarp or towel to lay or kneel on when changing a tire or making repairs "Need help" sign or sun shade • Orange smoke flare from marine supply store • Sturdy bag for carrying •
Europeanauto advertising isboomingamid salesslump
supplies push for market share even in Bloomberg News Italy, where demand is headMILAN — When Juventus ing for a 33-year low. took on Lazio in a marquee Open a European newspasoccer match recently, Ital- per or magazine, scan billian television viewers also boards across the region, or w itnessed a n other h i g h - visit a website aimed at readstakes clash: a battle to win ers there, and the story is the over increasingly scarce car same. buyers. Contrary to an overall deVolkswagen, Renault and cline in European ad spendFiat are among the seven auto ing, the auto industry through brands that bought ads during September forked out 3.9 the 15-minute halftime break. percent more money in GerCars dominated advertising many, Britain, France, Italy before and after the match, and Spain — the region's bigtoo, as t h e m a nufacturers gest markets, according to By Christian Wuestner
data from consumer research company Nielsen. "Carmakers are pushing ads as much as possible to conquer any potential buyer in a m a rket that's getting smaller and smaller," said Andrea Boaretto, a marketing professor at Milan Polytechnic's b usiness s chool. "The risk i s t hat c onsume rs get overloaded by c ar commercials." This y e a r' s ma r k eting budgets aren't a one-off increase. The auto industry has boosted ad spending since the
globalrecession in 2009, even though demand in the region is headed for a fifth straight annual decline, to its lowest level since 1995. Last year, carmakers spent $10.5 billion on traditional media ads, 14 percent more than they did two years earlier,according to Nielsen. The hunt for an edge has even spilled over to contests for the allegiance of celebrities. To promote its i electric-car brand at a n e vent t his month i n N e w Y o r k , Bayerische Motoren Werke
recruited "Pulp Fiction" star Uma Thurman, who last year appeared i n co m m ercials for Alf a R omeo's Giulietta hatchback. In Germany, General Motors's Opel brand is promot-
ing a 30-day money-back guarantee in a campaign featuring Juergen Klopp, the popular coach of the Borussia Dortmund soccer team. Customers who buy or lease a car can give it back if they're not satisfied and have driven less than 1,865 miles, according to
the program.
• Leatherman or s i m i lar multi-tool • Slip joint and vise grip pliers .2 standard and Phillips screwdrivers • Scissors • Previously replaced fan or serpentine belt, as a spare • Assortment of fuses; check if your car uses SFE, ATO, mini ATO fuses or low profile mini ATO • Tire chains, seasonally •
— Bergholdt teaches automotive technology. Email questions to under-the-hoodC<
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