Bulletin Daily Paper 10/26/12

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FRIDAY October 26,2012 s.

ross rusa ereurns o en

' Inside




Questions remain in blizzard

Newads for Brown say Buehler is too

of leaks, charges


By john Walcott

By Lauren Dake

B(oomherg News

The Bulletin

WASHINGTON — While six weeks of leaks and testimony have made it clear that the Obama administration had reports from the start that the assault on the U.S. diplomatic

SALEM — A newly formed committee coined "Too Extreme for Oregon" claims Bend-based

surgeon Dr. Knute Buehler, the Republican candidate for Oregon Secretary of State,is part of a


ANALy5A5 mission in

Benghazi, Libya, was a terrorist attack, the partisan dueling still leaves at least three questions unanswered. The first is why the Obama administration

Photos by Rob Kerr /The Bulletin

Workers prepare to remove pipe along Tumalo Falls Road.Construction equipment will be removed and the road will reopen to the public Saturday. See story on page C1.

Bo r wn


extreme team." The other member of Buehler the team, the advertisement alleges, is Republican Sen. Bruce Starr, who is running for state labor commissioner against incumbent Brad Avakian. The television advertisement, running statewide, was funded by the Services Employees International Union, the Oregon Education Association and Win McCormack, the Portland publisher of Tin House, a literary magazine. The ad, which cost $190,000, urges voters to choose incumbent Secretary of State Kate Brown over Buehler and Avakian over Starr. Kevin Curry, Buehler's

persisted for days in saying the attack was a spontaneous demonstration that "seems to have been hijacked" by militants. A second is whether U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens, who died in the assault, ha d requested more bodyguards or other security. A third is how Stevens was lost if, as a State Department email during the melee reported, "the compound had been cleared." Republicans have seized on that email and another sent about 25 minutes after the assault started that said the mission was "under attack" as proof that the administration knew the assault was violent from the start. U.S. officials Wednesday confirmed the authenticity of the emails. Speaking to reporters Wednesday, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said another email two hours after the attack reporting that an extremist group had claimed credit for it on Facebook "is not in and of itself evidence." "I think it just underscores how fluid the reporting was at the time and continued for some time to be," she said. See Libya /A5

By Hillary Borrud


The Bulletin

City of Bend officials don't know yet how much the court-ordered delay of its stalled surface water project will cost, and it's too early to say if the delay will cause additional increases in city water rates. By the time a federal judge halted work on the water project with a temporary injunction last week, the city had signed contracts worth $38.7 million. Of that figure, $12 million had been paid out, according to the city. Residents have been paying for the Surface Water Improvement Project with water rate increases since 2008 and will likely face another increase in the summer of 2013, said city Finance Director Sonia Andrews. Back in March, city officials projected they would need to raise water rates by 5 percent in July 2013 in order to help raise the $38.7 million, Andrews said. The city plan is to issue approximately $33 million in bonds to be repaid with future water revenue and cover the remainder with cash the city saved up fromprevious rateincreases. The cityisbeginningto collectestimates of how much the delay will addtothe bill. The Surface Water I m provement Project is an effort to meet future water needs and satisfy new federal filtra-


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campaign spokesman, said Brown's "campaign is desperate and they are bringing in their political special-interest friends to do their dirty work." The two Republican candidates have favored giving tax breaks to the richest Oregonians, the ad states. Starr, it says, voted to cut the minimum wage. And Buehler is "so extreme" he"even questions Oregon's vote-by-mail" system, the ad says. See Ad/A5

A 1920s building houses the city of Bend's water intake facilityon Bridge Creek. An upgrade of the intake facility is part of the water project that was delayed when a federal judge in Eugene issued a preliminary injunction that stopped work. tion requirements. The work placed on hold by U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken of Eugene includes a new water intake facility at Bridge Creek and a new, 1 0-mile-long pipeline to B end. T he $38.7 million the city contracted pays for the construction ofthose components, legal bills and some engineering and other initial work on the entire

$68.2 million project. The City Council decided earlier this year to delay other elements of the water project — a hydropower facility and a filtration system. The cost to build those components is not included in the 5 percent rate increase projectedfor 2013, Andrews sa>d. See Water /A5

Medical pot growers not sogreen in forest Iran said to havefinished By Matt Weiser The Sacramento Bee

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California's annual medical marijuana harvest is just about done, but this year bringsa new revelation sweeping the nascent industry.

The feel-good herb may not, in fact, be so good for the environment. From golden Sierra foothills to forested coastal mountains, an explosion of pseudo-legal medical marijuana farms has dramatically changed the state's landscape over the past two years. A rush to profit from patient demand for pot has resulted in irresponsible forest clearing, illegal stream

diversions, and careless pesticide and fertilizer use. The result has been polluted waterways and killed wildlife, state and local government officials said. The problem has become so big and so unregulated that the California Department of Fish and Game has resortedto aerialsurveys to assess its scale. It has a new high-resolution, computer-controlled camera mounted in the belly of an aircraft to help pinpoint problem marijuana areas. In a recent flight over Nevada County, game warden Jerry Karnow was "astounded" at the increase in grows visible from the air. See Marijuana/A5

8 P We userecycled newsprint AnIndependent

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Tsecti ons

nuclear enrichmentplant By David E. Sanger and William J. Broad New York Times News Service


ei h

LezlIe Sterlingi The Sacramento Bee

California Fish and Game wardens use aircraftto find illegal marijuana farms such as this one in the Sierra foothills. With the advent of medical marijuana, large numbers of farms have dramaticaiiy changed the state's landscape over the past two years.

INDEX D I-6 Calendar B 3 C r osswords 85,F2 LocalNews C1-6 Stocks E2-3 Classified F1-4 Editorials C 4 M o vies GO! 26 TV B2

WASHINGTON — Intelligence officials from several countries say Iran in recent weeks has virtually completed an underground nuclear enrichment plant, racing ahead despite international pressure and heavy economic sanctions in what experts say may be an effort to give them leverage in any negotiations with the United States and its allies. The installation of the last of nearly3,000 centrifuges at a site called Fordo, deep under a mountain inside a mili-

ToDAY's wEATHER Increasing clouds

tary base near the holy city of Qom, puts Iran closer to being able to build a nuclear weapon, or come up to the edge, if its leaders ultimately decide to proceed. The United States, Israel and the United Nations have vowed to preventing that from happening, imposing increasingly tough sanctions on the country and using cyberwarefaretoslow its progress in obtaining a weapon. PresidentBarack Obama said last week that the time for a negotiated settlement was "running out." See Iran /A5

Top NE~S

High 54, Low 34

5yRAA: A trUCe Inthe Offing? A3

Page G6

MISSILES: U.S.runs defense test, A3


The Bulletin




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Fundraising nears $2B threshhold

Perry, who warmed up t he crowd before the speech by performing in a mini-dress designed to look like a ballot.) For both sides, the frantic campaign blitz is aimed at pushing voters to the polls early. At each stop, Obama has brought a blunt, boileddown assessment of his G OP rival: Romney i s n o t to be trusted. The president ticked through his promises from 2008 and declared each fulfilled. Obama continued building on his riff knocking Romney for rhetorically moving to the center late in the campaign, claiming the GOP rival must h ave a come down w ith a condition. "Romnesia!" t he c r o w d


measuresees Los Angeles Times S ACRAMENTO,

Cali f .

— Once riding high, Proposition 37, the California ballot measure to label genetically engineeredfoods, has seen its voter support plummet during the last month, and a new poll shows the high-stakes battle now is a dead heat. After a barrage of negative television advertisements financed by a $41 million opposition war chest, a USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times poll released Thursday showed 44 percent of surveyed voters backing the initiative and 42 percent opposing it. A substantial slice of the electorate, 14 percent, remains undecided. The initiative, if approved, would make California the first state to require labels on genetically engineered crops or processed foods, such as most corn, soybeans, sugar beets and Hawaiian papayas. It would require labels on supermarket shelves, food packages or produce bins. The momentum, with less than two weeks before the election, appears to be on the side of opponents. Over the last month, support for the initiative dropped 17 percentage points and opposition grew by the same amount.

through the central and northwest Bahamas.

• A judge will decide whether two teenageNewJersey brothers accused of murdering a12-year-old neighbor girl will

$2 billion fundraising mark Thursday.

Donations supporting

remain in custody.A3

the candidacies of Presi-

dent Barack Obamaand Republican challenger Mitt Romney have sofar ex-


ceeded $1.5 billion through

Highlights:In1825, the Erie

September. That figure

Canal opened in upstate

doesn't count more than $230 million flowing to in-

New York, connecting Lake Erie and the Hudson River.

dependent "super" political

In1861, the legendary Pony Express officially ceased operations, giving way to the transcontinental telegraph.

committees working to get them elected.

Updated financial reports showing fundraising tallies are due to be filed by

(The last run of the Pony

Express was completed the following month.) In 1881, the

the end of the day.They're likely to show how ordinary citizens and billionaires

"Gunfight at the O.K. Corral" took place in Tombstone, Ariz.

alike are fueling what's

In1942, Japaneseplanes badly

expected to be the costliest

damaged the aircraft carrier USS Hornet in the Battle of

campaign in history. Wealthy Americans have

the Santa Cruz Islands during

contributed generously this election to super PACs.

World War II. (The Hornet

sank early the next morning;

Those groups can raise

the battle itself ended in a tactical victory for Japan, but ultimately a strategic win for

unlimited sums of cash

and have spent hundreds of millions of dollars on

the Allies.) Ten years ago:The hostage siege by Chechenrebels at a

TV ads. — The Associated Press

Moscow theater ended with 129 of the 800-plus captives dead, most from a knockout

page from Obama's campaign four years ago as he told Ohio voters that he was the candidate of "big change." He cast his rival as the candidate of the "status quo." At his first of three rallies on his Ohio bus tour, Romney mentioned the p h rase "big change" no less than a dozen times and argued that Obama had taken the country backward with his economic policies. He listed the nation's current challenges: underperforming schools, the debt and joblessness. "These challenges are big challenges. This election is therefore a big choice,and A merica wants t o se e b i g changes, and we're going to

the Obama campaign happily watched — and fueled — continued conversation about Republican Indiana Senate candidate Richard M o urdock's statement that pregnancy following a rape was "something that God intended to happen" — even if God did not condone rape. "As we saw again this week, I don't think any politician in Washington, most of whom are male, should be making health care decisions for women," Obama said to cheers. "Women can make those decisions themselves." Romney, for his part, took a

gas used byRussian special forces who stormed the theater; 41 rebels also died.

Five years ago:A federal jury in Kansas City, Mo., decided that Lisa Montgomery,

convicted of killing expectant mother Bobbie Jo Stinnett and cutting the baby from

her womb, should receive the death penalty. One year ago:In a verdict that

disappointed pro-democracy activists, two Egyptian policemen who beat a man to death were convicted of the

lesser charge of manslaughter and given a relatively light sentence in a case that helped

spark Egypt's uprising.

bring big changes to get America strong again," he said. Romney said Obama's policies had failed to get the economy moving. "The president has the same old answers as in th e past — he wants another stimulus, he wants more government workers, and he wants to raise taxes. There is no prospect whatsoever that that path will help our economy grow and put people to work and raise take-home pay," he said.

BIRTHDAYS Former Sen.EdwardBrooke III, R-Mass., is 93. Actor Bob Hoskins is 70. Author Pat

Conroy is 67.Actress Jaclyn Smith is 67. TV host Pat Sajak is 66. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is 65. Actor James Pickens Jr. is 60. Actor D.W. Moffett is 58. Actress Rita Wilson is 56. — From wire reports

e0! HN

Food labeling supporterode

2 storm, is expected to churn

was expected to cross the

aay Laprete/The Associated press

jumped in unprompted, adopting the president's mocking critique. Obama's aides were projecting m o r e co n f i dence, c ontending that t h ei r g e t o ut-the-vote operation w a s driving thousands of Obama supporters to vote early and b uilding a f i r ewall fo r t h e president i n ba t t l eground states. The mood, however, was also boosted by two outside factors. First,former Secretary of State Colin Powell offered his endorsement in a morning interview on CBS, areprise of his backing in 2008. As well,

• Hurricane Sandy, a Category

WASHINGTON — The 2012 presidential contest

where he drew 13,000 people to a late-night rally. (Obama

REDMOND BUREAU Street address.......226 N.W.Sixth St. Redmond, OR 97756


C INCINNATI, Ohio — I n battleground s t ates a c ross the country, President Barack Obama and M i t t R o m ney pressed voters to their sides on Thursday, with the incumbent arguing that he was the candidate voters could trust and the c hallenger insisting that he represented needed change. W ith E l ection D a y l e s s than two weeks away, their campaigning crackled with urgency. Obama c ontinued on a non-stop two-day tour of several battleground states, moving from Nevada o vernight to Florida in t h e morning, and later to Virginia, Illinois — where he voted — and on to Ohio. Romney Pablo Martinez Monsivais /The Associated Press spent the day in that state, ABOVE:President Barack Obama jokes with poll workers c hief among t hose i n t h e as election official Marie Holmes, left, examines his driver's candidates' sights as Nov. 6 license Thursday. The president arrived to cast an early ballot nears. in the 2012 election at Martin Luther King Community Center, At a morning rally in Ybor in Chicago. City, Fla., Obama, his voice already hoarse, delivered a BELOW:Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney speaks at a direct pitch to women voters. rally in Worthington, Ohio, Thursday during a campaign swing As he urged the 8,500 support- through a key election battleground state. ers gathered at fairground to head to the polls, he told them electing a president was about trust. "When you elect a presid ent, y ou're c o unting o n someone you can trust to fight for you, who you can trust to do what they say they're going to do, who you can trust to make sure that when something unexpected happens he or she is going to be thinking about your family, your future," Obama said. "Trust matters." Obama arrived at the Tampa airport in the dark from his

was helped by pop singer Katy

It's Friday, Oct. 26, the 300th day of 2012. There are 66 days left in the year.

Los Angeles Times

JolieJohnson.....................541-383-0308 Editorials Richard Coe ......541-383-0353 Family, At Home Aiandra Johnson................541-617-7860

Bend Hillary Borrud...........541-617-7829

By Maeve Reston and Kathleen Hennessey

red-eye flight from Las Vegas,




Business ............................541-383-0360 City Desk Joseph Ditzler.....541-383-0367 Community Life, Health

GO! Magazine Ben Salmon........................541-383-0377 News Editor Jan Jordan....541-383-0315 Photos DeanGuernsey......541-383-0366 Sports Bill Bigelow.............541-383-0359

Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you need to know to start your day. Until Election Day, this page will focus on politics.




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Missile Defense Agency Army says it will observe holiday truce finisheslargesttest ever By Neil MacFarquhar

New York Times News Service

BEIRUT — The Syrian army announced Thursday that it would cease military operations from Fridayto Mondayto mark the most important Muslim holiday of the year. The announcement, read on Syrian state television, made clear that the government reserved the right to respond to any military action by rebel forces. Any truce was likely to be severely tested in places, given the fractured nature of fighting across Syria. It was negotiated by Lakhdar Brahimi, the international envoy trying to inaugurate a peace process. Given that much of the opposition fightingunder the umbrella of the Free Syrian Army

Arrests rnay be near in BBC sex abuse case

actually consists of separate Annan, was not respected by military commands in every either side but slowed the temmajor city and province, it was po of killing for a few days. hard to gauge if the opposition The Syrian army statement would also stop operations said that although it had acwith any uniformity. cepted the cease-fire out of But the head of the military respect for the holiday, it recouncil in the central city of served the right to retaliate. It Homs, Col. Qasim Saad ad-Deen, said government forces would saidhe would respectthe cease- respond if armed opposition fire if the Syrian military did. carried out any kind of attack, "It depends if the regime tried to reinforce their posisticks to it," he said. "We don't tions or resupply their ammuw ant statements, we w a n t nition or if more foreign fightactions." ers infiltrated the country. Should the fighting stop or Another rebel commander, even slow for the holiday, Eid Arafat Mahmoud, reached by al-Adha, the Muslim feast of Skype in northern Syria, said sacrifice, it would be the first he suspected the Syrian army time since April that the two was just trying to regroup after sides have at least said they having lost many checkpoints would halt the killing. That in the north, not to mention previous cease-fire, arranged huge chunks of other urban by Brahimi'spredecessor,Kofi centers.

By W.J. Hennigan


Narciso Coatreras / The Associated Press

A Free Syrian Army fighter sights a government position as rebel fighters belonging to the Liwa Al Tawhid group carry out a military operation in the Karmal Jabl neighborhood of Aleppo.

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By John F. Burns and Alan Cowell

Apparent insiderattack kills two U.S.soldiers

New York Times News Service

LONDON — The number of people who said they were sexually assaulted by Jimmy Savile, one of Britain's most popular television hosts, expanded to 300 from 200 in just the past week, and o ther p eople may have acted with him, the Scotland Yard officer heading the investigation said Thursday. The officer, Cmdr. Peter Spindler, described Savile, who died in October 2011 at 84, as "undoubtedly" one of the most prolific sex offenders in recent British history, during a 50-year career as a self-styled pied piper for the young, the sick and the lonely. Spindler said that in preliminary telephone interviews with 130 of the potential victims, 114 of them had accused Savile of criminal behavior ranging from "inappropriate touching" to rape. Of the 300 complainants, he said, all but two have been women. Spindler said the "vast majority" of t h e a ccusa-

tions logged by the police were against Savile alone, with the remainder involving Savile and others or episodes in which the entertainer was not implicated. Although the commander specified that i n v estigators had found no evidence of a "pedophile ring," as some published accounts in Britain have suggested, he said that a number of "living people" were under investigation. Spindler said his investigation, code-named Operation Yewtree, had not yet led to any arrests, but he implied that they might not be far off when he said that the police were preparing "an a r rest strategy." In the meantime, he said, police investigators were proceeding cautiously with Savile's accusers, spending as much as four hours on each initial interview. Spindler spoke at a news conference and i n i n t erviews with British news organizations. The weight of the evidence against Savile, he said, is overwhelming, not least because of the similarities in what the accusers have told the team of officers — raisedto 30 in recent days, from an original group of 10 — about the abuses. "We have to believe what they are saying, because they are saying the same thing independently," he said. The B BC repo r t ed Wednesday that Savile, a bachelor, was investigated but never prosecuted for sexual abuse at least half a dozen times during his television career.

During the test, Army personnel at a facility on the KwaLOS ANGELES — Mul- jalein Atoll in th e M arshall tiple missiles screaming Islands used a system made above the Pacific Ocean by Lockheed Martin C orp. were successfully i n ter- to track a medium-range tarcepted by t h e m i l itary's get missile that was launched ballistic defense system in from a C-17 cargo jet. After a test that the U.S. Missile stalking the target through raDefense Agency is calling dar, Army personnel then sucits biggest and most com- cessfully sent a missile to blow plex exercise to date. it apart. The highly orchestrated At the same time, other solevent, which involved all diers using the Patriot system three military b r anches, made by Raytheon Co. detook place Wednesday over tected, tracked and successa wide region in the west- fully intercepted a short-range ern Pacific at a cost of $188 ballistic missile. That target million, the agency said. was launched from a mobile Missiles were launched launch platform floating in the from the ground, air, and ocean in an area northeast of sea in a n e x ercise that Kwajalein Atoll. took about 30 minutes to The destroyer Fitzgerald didn't have the same success. complete. "It wa s c o nducted to The ship's Aegis Ballistic Misdemonstrate the ability of sile Defense System, built by the Ballistic Missile De- Lockheed, was able to track fense System to d e fend and engage a low-flying target against a raid of five near- cruise missile zipping above simultaneous threats in an the ocean. But the agency said operationally relevant sce- that "there is no indication that nario," said Pamela S. Rog- it hit its target." ers, an agency spokeswomBallistic M i ssile D efense an. "It was the first time in System programs have coma live-fire test that multiple pleted 56 successful hit-to-kill weapon systems engaged intercepts in 71 flight test ata raid of multiple targets tempts since 2001, the agency near-simultaneously." said. Los Angeles Times

lASSI iee W


Ed Aadrieski /The Associated Press

investigators at the home of Austin Reed Sigg, 17,in Westminster, Colo., spent a second day Thursday gathering evidence. Sigg is the suspect arrested in connection with the death of 10year-old Jessica Ridgeway, who disappeared Oct. 5 after leaving home for school. Her remains were found five days later. Sigg's mother called police to tell of his involvement.

In two abduction murders, mothers turn in their sons By P. Solomon Banda and Jocelyn Noveck

One high-profile case from the 1990s, in fact, resulted in The Associated Press strains between the United GOLDEN, Colo. — Mindy States and Israel, when a faSigg sat sobbing on Thursday, ther helped his teenage son listening to prosecutors tell a escape the country after a court that her 17-year-old son particularly brutal murder in had confessed to the abduc- Maryland. The son, Samuel tion and killing of 10-year-old Sheinbein, confessed and is Jessica Ridgeway. now serving a 24-year senWhile any mother would be tence in Israel — a lighter term devastated, there was an even than he likely would have gotmore heartbreaking wrinkle ten in the United States. for Sigg: She was the one who M indy Sigg made a d i f called police. ferent decision. Reached by It was not the only high-pro- phone on Wednesday, she told file case this week in which The Associated Press: "I made a mother made that painful the phone call, and he turned choice. In New Jersey, Anita himself in. That's all I have to Saunders saw something on a say." Then she broke down in Facebook page that led her to tears. call police. Her son, Austin Reed Sigg, Her two sons, ages 15 and made his first court appear17, are now charged with mur- ance Thursday in the death of dering 12-year-old Autumn Jessica and in a separate atPasquale, a bike-lover who tack on a 22-year-old runner, authorities said was lured to who managed to break free, their home with the promise of in May. new parts. Prosecutors say he has conWhat does it feel like to turn fessed in both cases, and inin your child, knowing they vestigators have overwhelmcould be sentenced to many ing DNA e v idence against years in prison? Surely, no one him. He wa s o rdered held knows but those who've done without bail; prosecutors are it. expected to formally charge But a main motivation, ac- him next week. Sigg's father, Rob Sigg, cording to one criminologist, is simply a desire to do the issued a w r i tten statement right thing. T hursday commending h i s "These are law-abiding peo- ex-wife's decision and asking ple, pro-social people," said for prayers and support for the Kathleen Heide, professor of Ridgeway family. criminology at the University In the New Jersey case, Jusof South Florida. "And besides tin Robinson, 15, and Dante doing the right thing, the par- R obinson, 17, h a v e b e e n ents often want to get their c harged with m u r der a n d children help." other counts in the death of 12What t he y o f t e n a r en't year-old Autumn, whose body aware of, though, are the full was found Monday stuffed in a ramifications in terms of likely recycling bin only blocks from punishment. her home in Clayton. "If these are cases of firstAn autopsy found the sevor second-degree murder, in enth-grader suffered b l unt most cases the kids will be force trauma consistent with charged as adults," Heide said. strangulation. "This means they can be senThe boys are due in court tenced to life in prison." Friday for a hearing to deterIn both cases, authorities mine if they will remain in are decidingwhether to pros- custody. W hat's rare a b out b o t h ecute the suspects as adults. Certainly not al l p a rents cases, said Heide, the crimiare ready to turn in their kids. nologist, is that boys of this

age rarely kill girls, especially girls so young. "Usually boys this age kill other males, and in their own age cohort," she said. Jessica disappeared three weeks ago after leaving her home in the Denver suburb o f Westminster to w al k t o school. She never arrived. Her remains were found on Oct. 10. Sigg was taken into custody late Tuesday after police received the mother's phone c all. He lived about a m i l e from Jessica.

Sigg wore a blue-green jail uniform and had a light goatee when he appeared in a heavily guarded courtroom in Golden. Four of his family members were seated in the court, and they sobbed at times during the hearing.

The Associated Press KABUL, A f g h anistan — A man in a n A f ghan police uniform shot and killed two American service members Thursday, in what appeared to be the latest in a rash of attacks on i n t ernational f o r ces this year by their Afghan partners. A uthorities had yet t o determine if the attacker was an Afghan police officer oran insurgent who had donned a uniform to get close to the Americans, said Maj. Lori H odge, a s pokeswoman f o r U.S . forces in Afghanistan. The assailant escaped


after killing the service members while they were out on a late morning patrol in the southern Uruzgan province, she added. It was the second suspected insider attack in two days. On Wednesday, two British service members and an Afghan police officer were killed in an "exchange of gunfire" in Helmand province, the British Ministry of Defense said in a statement.

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didates have promised to stop the water project, and other Continued from A1 candidates said they want to The preliminary injunction re-evaluate it or scale it back. t hat Aiken granted will r eP roject m a n ager H e i d i main in place until the judge Lansdowne said the city is just rules on a lawsuit the nonprof- beginning to determine the acit Central Oregon LandWatch tual costs created by the delay. "On the legal side, there's a filed against the U.S. Forest Service last month, or until the lot of money being spent and I two sides reach an agreement. don't have those numbers yet," Part of the city water proj- Lansdowne said. ect passes through federal Other cost increases due to lands,and the Forest Service the delay are also estimates. had issued a permit for the A contractor estimated it work. LandWatch claims the will cost at least $65,000 to reForest Service failed to ade- move construction materials quately study what effects the from the road to Tumalo Falls, project will have on fish and L ansdowne said. A r o u g h wetlands. LandWatch also ap- estimate is that it could cost pealed a city approval of the $96,000 to remobilize materiproject to the Oregon Land als and work crews to the site Use Board of Appeals, which when the city r esumes the has not yet ruled on the case. project and $90,000 to shut it On Thursday, LandWatch down a second time after the E xecutive D i r e cto r Pa u l project is finished. Dewey said the costs the city The city could also face inalready incurred are unfor- creased costs if it loses deals tunate because opponents it had secured. For example, encouraged the city to wait Lansdowne said the subconto incur any costs until aftractor who was going to inter any legal challenges are stall the pipeline came in with resolved. a bid $3 million less than the "This is a good reason to expected cost. Lansdowne is wait until the new City Coun- waiting to find out how long cil sits down and can assess the subcontractor would stay the various options," Dewey at that price. said. Several City Council canThe cit y h a d e s t imated

it could cost an a dditional $24,000 perday ifthe project were delayed after all of the construction equipment and work crews arrived onsite, but the city avoided that cost by telling the contractor to stop mobilizing on the evening of Oct. 11, Lansdowne said. " They w er e b a sically a weekend away from having all their guys show up here on the morning of Oct. 15," Lansdowne said. Steel pipe that wa s f abricated in Tracy, Calif., will be stored there. The storage cost has yet to be determined, Lansdowne said. If the project were canceled, it might be possible to sell the pipe. "I supposed anything can be sold," Lansdowne said. "But we certainly will never get the value out of it we paid for it. We still wind up with a set of pipelines that are approaching 100 years old that could rupture...That's the bigger problem to me." I n addition, the city h a s e stimated i t wou l d co s t $2.9 mi llion t o r e s u rface Skyliners Road if th e pipeline does not go i n b e fore spring 2013, when Deschutes County had planned to rebuild Skyliners Road. City officials


drawal, herbicide and pesticide use, unpermitted grading — all of these things in any Continued from A1 They pop out as tightly clus- other legal industry would be tered patches of vivid green regulated. And we know how plants in an otherwise sun- to regulate them," said Mark baked landscape, usually sur- Lovelace, a Humboldt County rounded bytallfences. supervisor who is grappling In the course of a 90-minute with the dilemma. " In t h i s case you c an't flight, the visible grows numbered in the hundreds, often bring them into compliance carved out of mixed oak and because the activity they are pine forests on steep, erosion- doing is fundamentally illeprone hillsides. gal according to the federal "I flew this last year and I'm government." seeing a whole bunch more California voters legalized than I di d t hen," said Kar- marijuana for medicinal purnow, a warden in the region poses in 1996 when they apfor 15 years. "This year it was proved Proposition 215. The unbelievable." law allowed patients with a Medicalmarijuanagrows fall doctor's recommendation to into a different category from possess and grow marijuana illegal "trespass grows," which in limited quantities, but did tend to be hidden on public land not set clear limits. and maintained by criminal T he Legislature tried t o organizations. Pot grown for fix that loophole with Senmedicinal use is found on pri- ate Bill 420, which took effect vate land and legally permitted in 2004. It allowed Proposiunder state law. tion 215 patients to cultivate But the environmental prob- no more than six mature or lems they create are similar, in 12 immature plants. But the large part because the state's l aw was challenged in t h e ability to regulate marijuana state Supreme Court, which c ultivation r e m ains h a z y . ruled in 2010 that the limit on Though state law makes it le- plant numbers was invalid. gal to grow and use medical Many growers took this as marijuana, it p r ovides little endorsement to cultivate all guidance on how to regulate it. the marijuana they wanted. In addition, medicinal grows This may have triggered the remain illegal under federal explosion of medicinal grow law, putting state and local sites across the state that is agencies on uncertain ground now prompting environmenwhen they attempt to set limits. tal concern. "The impacts of water with"The belief is to get what

you can while the growing's good, because it won't last forever," said Lovelace, who supports legal use of medicinal marijuana. "There are a lot of folks out there who just don't care about the environmental harm they are doing." In California, local governments have authority over land use.Theyissuepermits tograde new roads, terrace hillsides for agriculture and build ponds. When the matter exceeds local authority, such as withdrawing water from a stream to irrigate a crop, they require a property owner to obtain permission from the appropriate state or


rick, a former State Department official who studies the Iranian program at the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, "Iran typically likes to pick up the pace of its enrichment work to try to show that it can't be pressured into submission." For the Iranians, the installation of the last centrifuges at Fordo represents a milestone that the Obama administration hoped to avoid. In September 2009, Obama, along with the leaders of Britain and France,revealed the existence of the site in an effort to galvanize international efforts to stop Iran's program. His top national security aides predicted that the public exposure would force Iran to abandon the plant. While that did not happen, a senior administration official said Thursday that the exposure of the plant's existence three years ago "eliminated its use as a 'sneak out' venue," because it forced Iran to allow inspectors inside the facility. "Sneak out" is a phrase that connotes covert production of bomb fuel, while "break out" is usedto describe a race for a bomb. Obama, in the Monday debate, insisted that "we have a sense of when they would get breakout capacity," a phrase that left many thinking that was the line he would not let Iran cross. While the plant is not yet fully running — fewer than half of its centrifuges are spinning out enriched uranium — Iran could have the plant fully operating within months, officials say. Fordo is designed to make "medium enriched" fuel that is relatively close to bomb grade, and U.S. officials worry that, in a relatively

noted that "the president is determined to prevent Iran from Continued from A1 getting a nuclear weapon and Talks this y ear b etween continues to believe there is Iran and th e so-called P5- time and space for diplomacy." plus-1 — the five permanent Until just two months ago, members of the U.N. Security Prime M i n i ster B e njamin Council plus Germany — have Netanyahu of Israel strongly made little progress. The New suggested that he would not York Times reported Sunday allow the Fordo plant to go that the United States and into operation, warning that Iran hadreached a tacitagree- once it did Iran would have ment to hold direct talks after begun to enter a "zone of imthe U.S. presidential election. munity" where it could proObama denied the report but duce nuclear f uel w i t hout said in Monday's debate with fear of an Israeli strike. Israel Mitt Romney that he was open does not possess the bunkerto such talks. busting bombs that would be Iran's progress at Fordo was needed to destroy the facildisclosed by officials familiar ity, although the United States with the findings of inspectors does have one weapon that from the International Atomic can do the job: the "massive E nergy Agency w h o h a v e ordnance penetrator" that just been to the site recently as entered the U.S. arsenal. part of their regular visits. The In S e ptember, h o wever, officials included some from Israeli o f f i cials s u d denly European governments who stopped using the "zone of imhave opposed taking military munity" phrase, and Netanyaaction to slow the Iranian pro- nu told the United Nations that gram, arguing that sanctions he could wait until late spring — with a mix of covert action before taking an y m i l itary — are far preferable. action, saying that was when The report comes at a mo- Iran would be on the cusp of ment when Iran has emerged the ability to produce a bomb. as a flash point in the foreign European and U.S. officials inpolicy debates surrounding terpreted that announcement the a p p roaching e l e ction. as evidence that Netanyahu Romney has charged that the concluded that Israel could president has been "weak" not get through the more than on Iran and noted that Iran's 200 feetofrock over the Fordo production of nuclear material plant without U.S. help. had expanded greatly during The prospect of a renewed Obama's tenure. But he also round of diplomacy may exe mbraced diplomacy in t h e plain the pace of activity at the Monday evening debate. underground site. The fact that Asked about the intelligence the Fordo plant is approaching reports, Tommy Vietor, the full operation, shortening the spokesman for the National amount of time it would need Security Council, said t hat to build a weapon, gives Iran "While we can't comment on added ability to exert pressure a report that has yet to be re- on the United States and its leased, we remain concerned allies. "When slapped with new a bout Iran's defiance of it s international obligations." He sanctions," said Mark Fitzpat-

want to install the pipeline under the road to protect it from damage that could be caused by future excavation in the area and tree roots growing into the pipelines if they run next to the road, said City Engineer and Assistant Public Works Director Tom H i ckmann. Deschutes County is under a federal deadline to complete the approximately $9 million road project because it is funded mostly with federal dollars. On Thursday, Hickmann and Deschutes County Road Department Director C h r is Dotysaidtheyrecentlylearned the county has a bit more time to complete the road project. Doty said the county must be ready to bid the project by the end of September 2013, but actual construction could be

delayed. Hickmann said that even if the county can wait until the spring or summer of 2014 to rebuild the road, the city would have to finish the water pipeline next year. "In order for them to do that, we have to have our pipeline done in the summer of 2013," Hickmann said. — Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrud@bendbulletin.com

helped draft the rules. But in January, the county decided to gut the ordinance after the U.S. Department of Justice warned that it violated federal law by permitting growers to cultivate a federally controlled substance. The notice included a warning that local government officials might be prosecuted individually. This put a fast chill over other local government attempts to control the environmental effects of the rapidly growing industry. Many marijuana growers strive to mi nimize environmental harm. Among other federal agency. things, they want to c reate But their efforts to regu- a product that is safe for hulate m e d icinal m a r i juana mans to consume, free from cultivation have been largely harmful chemicals. unsuccessfuL Patricia Smith, a N evada In 2008, the Mendocino County grower, adheres to a County Board of Supervisors voluntary industry program adopted an ordinance regulat- called "Clean Green Certifiing marijuana cultivation. It was cation" which licenses maria groundbreaking attempt to le- juana that meets certain envigitimize the medical marijuana ronmental standards. She also industry and address environ- supports appropriate governmental concernsand nuisance ment regulation. "I don't care if you're giving complaints from neighbors. Under the ordinance, grow- it away for free. Certain safety ers paid the county $50 per standards have to be met," said m arijuana p l ant, e ac h o f Smith, who chairs the county's chapter of Americans for which was then marked with a unique numbered "zip-tie" Safe Access, a marijuana adtag. The fee covered county vocacy group. "I'll be the first regulatory c osts, i n cluding to say not every person that is inspections to ensure com- growing out there is an ethipliance with e nvironmental cal personor a steward of the standards. The grower indus- environment. I've seen some try welcomed the move and horrific things."

short time, that fuel could be converted to a type suitable for weapons. But as Vietor noted, with inspectors visiting, "We are in a position to closely observe Iran's program and detect any effort by Iran to begin production of weapons-grade uranium." In August, the International Atomic Energy Agency said that Fordo was roughly threequarters complete and that Iran had installed 2,140 centrifuges there, a doubling since a previous report three months before.


holds," which i llustrates he "is choosing millionaires over Continued from A1 schools." With only a c ouple of Arthur Towers, the chief lobweeks before the election, byist for SEIU, said the goal of allcampaign races are ex- the ad is to show the candidates pected to heat up with mon- "don't fit with Oregon values." ey pouring in to help sway Buehler supports Oregon's voters. system of v ote-by-mail but Jillian Schoene, spokes- has said he would audit the man for Brown's campaign, system to see if there are any said t h e ad v ertisement problems. "It'sbecome an issue bepoints out a n i m p ortant d istinction b etween t h e cause shehas nothing else to two candidates. She said attack Knute Buehler on and Buehler's support of ballot she's manufactured this arguMeasure 84, which is on ment and it's not true," Curry the Nov. 6 ballot and would sard. repeal Oregon's estate tax, Buehler does support reshows "he claims support pealing Oregon's estate tax. for schools" but his support Curry said labeling Buehler for the measure indicates extreme doesn't pass "the gigotherwise. gle test," pointing out the can"Knute has trouble telling didate has endorsements from the truth," Schoene said. newspaper editorial p a ges "And holding him account- ranging from The Oregonian able for what he believes is to Willamette Week. appropriate." Brown has been endorsed The secretary of state by Gov. John Kitzhaber,forwould not have any say mer Gov. Barbara Roberts as o ver i m plementation o f well as U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden Measure 84 but, Schoene and Jeff Merkley. said, Buehler's d i fferent — Reporter, 541-554-1162 take shows the "value he Idahe@bendbulletin.com


sador to the U.N. Susan Rice said on Sept. 16. The officials Continued from A1 requested anonymity because A review board Clinton they aren't authorizedto discuss named to investigate will the politically charged topic. l ook "at everything" i n A report in one of the emails stead of "cherry-picking that the militant group Ansar one story here or one docu- al-Sharia had claimed responment there," she said. sibility for the assault proves Republicans are citingthe nothing, said one of the ofemails in support of a po- ficials, who said many if not litical line of attack against most such claims for terrorist President Barack Obama attacks are bogus. by challenger Mitt Romney For that reason and because and campaign surrogates. of the confusion surround"There was no demon- ing what was happening, all s tration involved; it w a s the contemporaneous reports a terrorist attack, and it carried the customary butook a long time for that r eaucratic caveats that t h e to be told to the American information they c ontained was preliminary, incomplete, people," Romney said at the town hall debate with fragmentaryand subjectto reObama on Oct. 16. "Wheth- vision, the officials said. er therewas some misleadThat,the off>c>als sa>d, leaves ing or instead whether we open the question of why Rice just didn't know what hap- and o t he r ad m i nistration pened, I think you have to spokesmen didn't simply say ask yourself why d i dn't there were conflicting reports, we know five days later the details were unclear and when the ambassador to the president was determined the United Nations went to track down those responon TV to say that this was sible for the deaths of Stevens a demonstration." and threeother Americans. White House press secreBetter information, on the tary Jay Carney, traveling attack at least, may be forthwith Obama, said Wednes- coming. The Tunisian governday that the emails are just ment has arrested a 28-yeara fraction of the evidence old Tunisian man, Ali Harzi, in the administration was col- connection with the Benghazi lecting during and immedi- assault, according to the Assoately after the attack. ciated Press. U.S. officials had " There w e r e emails no comment. about all sorts of informaCongressional and media tion that wa s b ecoming inquiries have p roduced a available in the aftermath number of diplomatic cables of the attack," Carney said. and othermessages from SteAdministration and con- vens and securityofficers at g ressional officials w h o the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli, have reviewed the reports the Libyan capital, warning say that's true, and they through the spring and sumconfirm that the early re- mer that more security was porting described the at- needed and, separately, that tack as a spontaneous ac- the situation in Benghazi was tion inspired by protests deteriorating. next door in Egypt against an anti-Muslim video. The early reports don't support the description of a peaceful demonstration taking place that was hijacked 4' b m C To talcare byterrorists, as U.S. AmbasBend Memorial Clinic i~

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I(eep tbeir legs

Library hosts Halloween event Children age 3 and olderand invited to

attend a special Halloween-themed event at the Downtown Bend Public Library at 6:30

protected, entertained

p.m.Tuesday.Heather McNeil, the youth ser-

By Alandra Johnson • The Bulletin

vices managerfor the Deschutes Public Library system, will tell stories

or the third straight year, The Bulletin's Family section hosted a Halloween costume

and share songswith the

contest. We asked readers to submit photos and information about their costumes.

theme "Slightly Spooky, Somewhat Silly Stories."

Afterward, children can create a craft. All kids

are invited to wear acostume to the event. Contact: 541-6177099.

Study: TV isoften on in background Children age 8

months to 8 yearsare exposed to four hours of "background television"

every day,according to recent research published in the November issue of Pediatrics. The

American Academyof Pediatrics warns against exposure to background

Staff members judged the entries based on creativity and craftsmanship. Homemade costumes were favored. We got some great entries this year (lots of pirates


Grand prize: Trophy worthy + come up with a creative idea. Last year she was a body that

during play. These shin


the idea of being aFunky Rooster (after her nicknamePunky Brewster) was deemed too confusing for the general public.

meet safety standards for high school soccer

Olivia came up with her idea the old fashioned way: through Google.

Shesearchedfor"good Halloweencostumes."Onceshesaw thetrophy, she knew it was a great idea. She and her folks headed out to local thrift

stores to collect the goods, including a Padres shirt. "I think everyone

age. Children living in

should try to make good,

poverty were exposedto

unique costumes,"said Olivia. She already

Drinking, driving down for teens

ers, shin guards that fit well are important

Costume:Olivia is a baseball trophy. Every year she tries to

hours per day onaverabout six hours a day.

cer play-

Who:Olivia Schultz, 10, of Bend

costume idea. Originally she wanted to be a slinky but couldn't figure out the right material to slink around in — and

TV — five-and-a-half

Age 9 and older Toy Tips: A Fun: A Movement: B Thinking: B Personality: B+ Social Interaction: B+ For soc-

time to enter.

tioning andsocial play." Researchers found a pervasiveness of

exposed to evenmore


in the 5-and-older category. Thank you to all who took

got run over by acar, complete with car tracks on her shirt (her dad called it "a little gruesome"). This was her third

background television. Younger children and black children were

EvoShield PX3 Shin Guards by EvoShield

and Rapunzels) and the race was quite close, especially

TV because "itcan harm children's cognitive func-

players and younger. At t/~-inch thin, they are ultralight. The patented protection features a unique layer that disperses


knows what she wants

energy and defends against

to be nextyear: King Kong holdinga Barbie.

Between 1991 and 2011, teenage drinking

and driving decreased 54 percent, according

i )(

to a new study from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Nine out of 10 teens 16

Kid Culture features fun and educational books and toys for kids. Toy recommendations are based on independent research conducted by The Toy Research Institute.

s Photos by Andy Tullis The Bulletin

and older did not engage in drinking and driving, according to the study. Still, about a million teenagers admitted to drinking and driving

each year andthose drivers were responsible for 2.4 million trips involving drinking and

driving per month.

impact. The shin guard forms to his/her leg to create a customized fit. The directions were easy to follow though it does need some prep time before initial use. During soccer, our tester said these had a super snug fit with little movement while running and kicking. Comfortable play enhances social and character skills. We noticed the material is breathable and allows for air circulation which can reduce the risk of rash. Upon further investigation, w e learnedsome ofthe top soccer players use this brand.

The population most likely to drink and drive was boys18and older, at18 percent.

Safety tips for trick-or-treaters The American Academy of Pediatrics offers health and safety tips

for Halloween. Hereare some highlights:

• Make sure costumes aren't so long that children will be likely to trip

on them. • Ensure any swords

Submitted photos

SPORTSSTUFF Nuclear Globe by Kwik Tek $373.21 Age 6 and older Toy Tips: B+ Fun: A Movement: A Thinking: A Personality: B+ Social Interaction: A Experience the thrill of walking on the water in a giant ball that you can almost not fall out of. Once inflated, this plastic sphere floats and the outer surface

4 First place, 5 and older: Blue dragon wants red li(:orice Who:Autumn Orr, 5, of Bend

Costume: Autumn isabluedragon.Shelovesdragonsbecause

or other sticklike ac-

"they breathe out fire" and blue is her favorite color. Her grandma

cessories are not very sharp, as thesecould cause injury in a fall.

GenevaLaverymadethecostume. Shealsomadecostumes for Autumn's sisters: 2-year-old Ivy is a Hershey's kiss and 6-year-

• Check batteries in the flashlights before heading out.

and eat candy. Shesays red licorice is her favorite.

old Tessa is Rapunzel. Autumn is excited to go trick-or-treating

• Remove tripping obstacles like hoses and toys from the front

grips and paddles through

porch to clear the way

First place, 4 and younger: 'Doh' boys

for trick-or-treaters. • A parent or adult

should accompany young children while trick-or-treating. • If older children are

Who:Owen, 4, and Levi Detweiler, 2, of Bend

Costume:Mom, AmyJo Detweiler, made these costumes from nursery pots in her garden, which shepainted yellow.

going alone, plan the route with them and a time at which they will return.

She scanned the labels off of real Play-Doh and then blew them up and laminated them. She came up with the idea because

both her sons love to play with Play-Doh. Theboys got to

• Encourage children

pick the colors.

to stay together and be careful around traffic. • Don't cross the street between parked

cars or out of driveways. • Don't assume cars can see you. • Serve youngsters a good meal before heading out. That way they won't eat candy for dinner. — Alandra Johnson, The Bulletin

Somemore =j •

• tOOn


'If 6U


Reporter 541-617-7860, ajohnson®bendbulletin.com

the water as you manually spin the globe from the inside. Patented speed safety valves assist for fast and easy inflation, and there are two entry/exit portholes. At first we were concerned that a rider could get stuck, but the weight limit is 180 pounds, but once tested, we did not find this to be an issue. Molded handles on the interior and exterior allow for entries and exits, but to do this is not as easy as you think. Our testers ranged in weight from 45 to 180 pounds. We also tested beyond the weight limit and, while we never recommend not following a manufacturer's instructions, we wanted to check it for safety. All testers were able to easily slide out into the water head first. See Toys/B6




Find local movie times and film reviews inside today's GO! Magazine.

NBC's'Munster 'mish-mash "Mockingbird Lane"

Eddie Izzard, center, stars as "D" in the NBC series "Mockingbird Lane." "The Munsters" remake also stars Mason Cook, left, as Eddie, and Charity Wakefield as Marilyn.

8 tonight, NBC By David Wiegand San Francisco Chronicle

If the address "Mockingbird Lane" rings a bell, you've probably b e e n wat c h i ng TV for more than just a few

years. 1313 Mockingbird Lane was the location of the dilapidated mansion of "The Munsters" back in the '60s. The show was one of two popular macabre-themed sitcoms ofthe era, the other being "The Addams Family," based on the classic cartoons of Charles Addams. Of the t w o, "The Addams Family" was slightly more sophisticated, but both shows were pretty goofy. The original " M u nsters" s tarred the l ate Fred G w ynne (famous later on for his "What's a 'yute'?" line in "My

Cousin Vinny") as prefab galoot Herman Munster, who went to work every day at a mortuary, B-movie screen siren Yvonne De Carlo as his adoring wife, Lily, Al Lewis as Grandpa, Butch Patrick as were-cub Eddie Munster and, for most of the run, Pat Priest as the family m i sfit

(she was normal and pretty), Marilyn. It's a g reat idea to, y ou should pardon the expression, "reanimate" the old show, and it'san even greater for Bryan Fuller, the creator of "Pushing Daisies," to do it — on paper, anyway. He's come up with "Mockingbird Lane," an hourlong pilot, airing Friday night as a one-off. It's been in development for a while at NBC, yet despite the fact it's labeled as a "pilot," it's not likely to become a series. The show doesn't have the quality of "Pushing Daisies," or Fuller's weirdly appealing "Wonderfalls," but there are enough oddball touches to make it

Screenshot via NBC

benignly watchable — for an hour anyway. The reboot places Mockingbird Lane itself in, of all places, the Bay Area. To be specific, it seems to be located some place in the Marin Headlands. Herman doesn't look like a Boris Karloff "Frankenstein" monster. Instead, he l o oks like Jerry O'Connell with sutures on his neck and a zipper in his chest to give "D," — the Grandpa character (Eddie Izzard, "The Riches") — access to his heart whenever it goes on the fritz. Portia de Rossi ("Arrested D evelopment") p l ay s L i l y , Charity Wakefield is Marilyn, and Mason Cook plays Eddie, completely unaware at f i rst that he isn't like all the other boys in his Scout troop. Cheyenne Jackson ( r United 93") plays a clueless Scoutmaster Steve. The pilot does suffer from an apparent effort to make it bland and innocuous, as if that alone is what defines "family fare." The story line has a lot to do with heart, with Eddie on a journey of youthful discovery on the one hand, counterbalanced byGrandpa threatening to have the Scoutmaster over for dinner — literally — on the other so he can excavate his heart to pop into Herman's chest. Izzard, who can camp it up with the best of them and then some, is pretty much

wasted here, although he does get off a few decent lines, albeit, delivered halfheartedly, so to speak. De Rossi seems merely aset decoration, and O'Connell doesn't do much to dispel his reputation as a not very interesting actor. Here, he's not so much Herman Munster as Darrin Stephensa bland '60s-era suburban TV husband with a zipper in his chest. There are some OK special effects, making great use of CGI, but if you are a TV viewer of a certain age, they may have the unintended effect of making you think about how "The Munsters" did with so much with so little back in the day. Still, k i d s w i l l li ke "Mockingbird Lane" well enough. But if it does happen tobecome a permanent address on N BC, Fuller needs to sharpen the writing by throwing even more double entendres in for the grown-ups. All the parts are here — they just need to be put together correctly.

PARENTS GUIDE TO MOVIES This guide, compiled by Orlando (Fla) Sentinel film critic Roger Moore, should be used along with the Motion Picture Association of America rating system for selecting movies suitable for children. Films rated G, PG or PG-13 are included in this weekly listing, along with occasional R-rated films that may have entertainment or educational valuefor older children with parental guidance.

'CHASING MAVERICKS' Rating:PG for thematic elements

and some perilous action What it's about:A kid gets an

older surfer/mentor to train him to master the treacherous "Mavericks" wave break off the coast of California. The kid attractor factor:Surfing teens, Jonny Weston, Abigail

Spencer andGerard Butler. Goodlessons/bad lessons:

Twentieth Century Fox via The Associated Press

Gerard Butler, left, and Jonny Weston star in "Chasing Mavericks." See the full review in today's GO! Magazine.

"There are all kinds of sons

— some are born to you," some are entrusted to you. Violence:Bullying, a brief scuffle, and a lingering threat of more.

Language:Surprisingly clean. Sex:A little smooching.

"Losers talk, winners walk" away

violent images.

from a fight. And Mr. Reliable is much more likely to be Mr. Right.

What it's about:A CIA agent uses

Violence:Irresponsible gun play, slapstick kidnapping, bullying.

fake movie that will free some Americans in hiding in Iran. The kid attractor factor:Ben Affleck recreates a little known

Language:Scattered profanity, much of it used by kids.

Drugs:Drug deals, alcohol is abused.

Sex: Suggestivecostumes;a

Parents' advisory:A family friendly surfing picture in the "Soul Surfer" tradition, suitable for all ages, but 8 and older will get the most out of it.

Volvo is "violated."


more aJohnny Knoxvillecomedy

Rating:PG-13 for crude and

— take the PG-13seriously.

Drugs: Alcoholisconsumedby immature adults.

Parents' advisory:Thetone, profanity and hijinx make this than a Victoria Justice kid picture

suggestive material, partying and language. What it's about:A teen on the verge of college is stuck babysitting her 8-year-old brother,

who gets away from her. The kid attractor factor:Teens angling to get to "an epic party,"

Suitable for 13 andolder.

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big lie and make it seem real, call Hollywood.

Drugs:Lots and lots of smoking. Parents' advisory:There's little justification for this R rating.

and Halloween pranks. Goodlessons/bad lessons:


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*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Blackeutte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-LaPine

tRRRX~RKHK~RKR2RRRK~RRK~RREK~RKR2RREI~~RRKREEK~XKEHI EHK~RDiRH I 1RK KATU News World News K A TU News at 6 (N) n cc Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Shark Tank (N)'PG' cc (DVS) A l l Access Nashville 20/20 (N)n cc KATU News School Blitz

I'j Nightly News Newsohannel 21 at 6(N) « Jeo p ardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Mockingbird Lane (N) n « Grimm LaLlorona(N) n 'PG' Da t eline NBC (N) n « News Jay Leno K TVZ 0 0 0 0 News News Evening News Access H. Ol d Christine How I uet 30 Rock n '14' NCIS Life Before HisEyes n '14' CSI: NY Misconceptions (N) '14' B l ue BloodsRisk andReward'14' News Letterman KBNZ 0 K EZI 9 News KEZI 9 News Entertainment The Insider (N) Shark Tank (N) 'PG' «(DVS) All Access Nashville 20/20 (N) n cc KEZI 9 News (11:35) Nlghtline K QHD Q 0 0 0 KEZI 9 News World News Big Bang Kitc hen Nightmares'1(N) 4' Fri n ge (N) n (PA) '14' cc News KFXO IDr IEI IEI IEIAmerica's Funniest HomeVideos Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Blg Bang TMZ(N)n'PG' Theeimpsons Familyouy'14' Busi ness Rpt. PBS NewsHour (N) n « Washington W'k BBC Newsnight Call the Midwife n 'PG' « MasterpieceClassic '14' « Masterpiece Classic Emma 'PG' Koae O B Q B Wild Kratts Y Electric Comp. Passport NewsChannel 8 NightlyNews NewsChannel 8 News Live at 7 (N) I nside Edition Mockingbird Lane(N) n cc Grimm LaLlorona(N) n 'PG' Date line NBC (N) ran NewsChannel 8 Jay Leno KGW 0 Sei n feld 'PG' S einfeld 'PG' 'Til Death '14' 'Tll Death 'PG' KTvzDT2 IEI0 B lH We ThereYet? We There Yet? King of Queens King of Queens Engagement Engagement A merica's Next Top Model '14' N l k lta Innocence (N) n '14' « Ciao Italia 'G' Hubert Keller Mldsomer Murders 'PG' cc Masterpiece Mystery!n 'PG'cc (DVS) On Storyn 'G' World News Tavis Smlley (N) Charlie Rose (N) n cc peS NewsHour n cc OPBPL 175 173 *ASIE fao 28 18 32 Parking W ars ParkingWars Parking Wars Parking Wars Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty (4:00) * "From DuskTil Dawn2: ** "F rom Dusk Dawn Till 3: TheHangman's Daughter" (2000)Ara Celi. An ** 'ueepers Creepers" (2001,Horror) GinaPhilips, Justin Long. Aflesh-eat- The Walking Dead Sick Alife hangs Comic Book Men ** "Pumpkin-• *AMC 102 40 39 '14' « head" (1988) Texas BloodMoney"(1999) e xec utioner's offspring learns ofher vampiric heritage. « ing entity pursuessibling college students. « in the balance. '14' « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Monsters Inside Me 'PG' cc Fatal Attractions n '14' cc Infested! n 'PG' cc Monsters Inside Me(N)n 'PG' Mo n sters Inside Mecc 'PG' Monsters in MyHead(N) n 'PG' Monsters Inside Me 'PG' cc ** "Fasta Furious"(2009,Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. ** "Fasta Furious"(2009,Action) VinDiesel, paulWalker. BRAVO1 37 4 4 Kill Bill: Vol. 2 ** "M ission: Impossible" (1 996,Action) TomCruise, Jon Voight, Emmanuelle Beart. CMT 190 32 42 53 (3:30)"SweetHomeAlabama" Reb a 'PG' cc R e ba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders D a l las Cowboys Cheerleaders D a l las Cowboys Cheerleaders CNBC 54 36 40 52 Ultimate Fighting: Fistful Ultimate Factories Winnebago'G' American Greed Mad Money Ultimate Factories Winnebago'G' American Greed JohnnyCash Get a LIFT! CNN 55 38 35 48 Anderson Cooper360 (N) cc P i e rs Morgan Tonight (N ) Ande rson Cooper 360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront CQM 135 53 135 47(4:59) Fttturama Always Sunny South Park '14' Tosh.0 '14' Co l bert Report Daily Show T o sh.0 't4' Tos h.0 u4' Key & Peele Tos h.0 '14' S ou t h Park 'MA' Brickleberry M a sh up '14' S t a nd-up Rev. CQTV 11 Dept./Trans. C ity Edition P a id Program Morning Oregon (6:50) School High Football Bendat Mountain View(N)(Live) The YogaShow The Yoga Show Morning Oregon City Edition cspAN 61 20 12 11 Politics& Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today *DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie Good.Charlie Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie Jessie n 'G' J e ssie 'G' cc A .N.T. Farm 'G' Jessie (N) 'G' Phineas, Ferb Gravity Falls n A.N.T. Farm 'G' Good.Charlie Good.Charlie Good-Charlie *DISC 156 21 16 37 Gold Rush 'PG' Gold Rush Frozen Out 'PG' « Gol d Rush Judgment Day n 'PG' Gold Rush Do orDie (N)n 'PG' « Gold Rush (N)n 'PG'« (10:02) JungleGold(N) n 'PG' (fu03) Gold Rush n 'PG' « *E! 1 36 2 5 Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco A-List Listings The Soup '14' E! News (N) Sex & the City Sex & the City Sex & the City Sex 8 the City Fashion Police (N) '14' Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 CollegeFootball Cincinnati at Louisvile (N)(Live) Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Spottsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « ESPN2 22 24 21 24 NBA PreseasonBasketball NewOrleansHornets at MiamiHeat (N)(Live) NBA PreseasonBasketball Denver Nuggets at PhoenixSuns(N) (Live) NBA PreseasonBasketball NewOrleansHornets at Miami Heat *** "The year of the yao" (2004, Documentary) « *** "The year of the yao" (2004,Documentary) « EspNC 23 25 123 25 Friday Night Lights '14' « Friday Night Lights '14' cc hsunnin'for ThatNo. 1 Spot" H-Llte Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H.Li te Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESP NFC Press H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SpottsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ** "Practical Magic(1998) " SandraBullock, Nicole Kidman. *** "Matilda"(1996,Comedy)MaraWilson, DannyDeyito. FAM 67 29 19 41 **"TeenWitch"(t989, Fantasy)RobynLively, DanGauthier. The700Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 The O'Reilly Factor (N) cc Hannity (N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Rellly Factor cc Hannlty On Record, Greta VanSusteren The Five *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Best Dishes P a ula's Cooking Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Dlners, Drive $24 ln 24 Din e rs, Drive D iners, Drive Dlners, Drive Dlners, Drive Mystery Diners Health Inspect Blind Dinner D i ners, Drive *** "The Social Network" FX 131 How I uet Two /Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men ** * "The Social Network"(2010, Drama)Jesse Eisenberg, AndrewGarfield. The Ultimate Fighter (N) n '14' HGTV 176 49 33 43 Kitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins Selling NY S e l ling NY Hu n ters Int'I H u nters Int'I E x t reme Homes 'G' « Home StrangeHome(N) 'G ' Hou se Hunters Hunters Int'I H u nters Int'I H u nters Inrl *HIST 155 42 41 36 Modern Marvels Hot &Spicy'PG' Modern Marvels Cheese 'PG' Am e rican Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Plckers 'PG' cc Outback Hunters ManEaters '14' How the States How the States LIFE 138 39 20 31 Prank MyMom Prank My Mom Prank My Mom Prank My Mom Prank My Mom Prank My Mom Prank My Mom Prank My Mom Prank My Mom Prank My Mom The Houstons The Houstons My Life Is a Lifetime Movie '14' MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Ed Show(N) TheRachelMaddow Show (N) The Last W ord The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Lockup Wabash *"Fridaythe13th" (2009)JaredPadalecki, Daniele Panabaker. n MTV 192 22 38 57 Ask Obama A wkward. N4' Awkward. '14' Awkward.'14' Awkward. '14' Awkward. '14' Jersey Shore Merp Walk n '14' J e rsey Shore n '14' « ict o rious 'G' Fu llHouse 'G' FullHouse 'G' The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friendsn 'PG' Friends n 'PG' NICK 82 46 24 40 Spongesob Spongeeob S pongeeob S pongeeob "Monster High:GhoulsRule" (2012) Premiere. n V OWN 161103 31 103Police Women ofDallas n '14' P o l ice Women of Dallas n '14' Poli ceWomen of Dallas n '14' P o l i ce Women of Dallas n '14' P o l i ce Women of Dallas n '14' P o l i ce Women of Dallas n 'PG' Po lice Women of Dallas n '14' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Planet X Square Planet X Square World PokerTour: Season IO H i gh School Football Kentwoodat Kentlake Seahawks Se a hawks The Dan patrick Show SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Gangland n '14' « Gangland n '14' « Ink Master n '14' « Ink Master SemiNude911'14' I n k Master n '14' cc Ink Master Tattoo HerWhat?'14' Tattoo Night. T attoo Night. ThomasJane. A deadly fog engulfs terrified townspeople, ra SYFY 133 35 133 45(3:30) * Saw V ** "The Mist" (2007) WWE Friday Night Smackoown! (N) n cc Haven RealEstate(N) u4' Alphas God'sEye'14' TBN 05 60 130 Behind Scenes Hal Lindsey 'G' The Harvest P e rry Stone P r aise the Lord 'Y' « Ever Increasing Israel: Journey of Light Creflo Dollar M iracles Around us « *TBS 16 27 11 28 Friends n 'PG' Friendsn 'PG' King of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse * " Rush Hour 3"(2007, Action) Jackie Chan,Chris Tucker. cc ***"Advise andConsent"(1962,Drama)Henry Fonda, Charles Laughton, DonMurray. Sena- ****"All the President's Men"(1976,Docudrama)Robert Redford, Dustln Hoffman,JackWar- ****"Seven DaysinMay"(1964) Burt Lancaster. Aidediscovers his TCM 101 44 101 29 tors fight dirty over presidenrs ran. ra den. WoodwardandBernstein uncover theWatergate scandal. « general's Pentagon plot andtells the president. « *TLC 178 34 32 34 Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes to the Cure: Lori's Fight Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride *** "l AmLegend" (2007) *TNT 17 26 15 27 Law & Order GovLoven u4' Th e Mentalist Red Tide u4' « T h e Mentalist Ladies Redin '14' * * * "Gladiator" (2000)Russell Crowe.A fugitive general becomesa gladiator in ancient Rome. 'TOON 84 Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball "Dear Dracula"(2012), RayLiotta Adventure Time Adventure Time Adventure Time Level up 'PG' King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 Bourdaln: NoReservations Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Paranormal P a ranormal G h ost Adventures 'PG' cc Ghost Adventures (N) 'PG' re D e ad FilesRevisited (N) 'PG' T h e Dead Files 'PG' c~ M*A*S'H 'PG' M'A'S*H 'PG' M*A'S*H 'PG' CosbyShow Cosby Show Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King ofQueens KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 Bonanza TheLegacy 'G' « Law &order: svu Law 8 Order:Svu Law &Order: Svu Law &Order: Svu Law 8 Order:Svu CSI: CrimeSceneInvestigation USA 15 30 23 30 Law &order: svu Chrissy & Jones Chrissy & Jones Chrlssy & Jones Chrlssy a Jones T.l. and Tiny B ehind the Music IceCube.'14' * "F riday After Next" (2002)IceCube, MikeEpps. Premiere. rt VH1 191 48 37 54 (4:00) ** "RomeoMustDie" (2000)Jet Li. rt •

**"Just GoWith ll" 20t I Adam SandIer. rt 'PG-13' « ** "30Minutes orLess"200 Jesse Eisenberg. *** "The Thomas CrownAffair" 1999 pierce Brosnan. 'R' « Freddy-Jason ENCR 106401 306401(4:05)"The ThomasCrownAffair" ** "There's SomethinAbout g Mary"1998, Romance-ComedyCameron Diaz, MattDilon. 'R' * "John Tucker MustDie"2006 JesseMetcalfe. 'PG-13' « FMC 104204104120(4:00) **"There'sSomethingAbout Mary" 1998CameronDiaz. ** "Hostel"(2006, Horror) JayHernandez, Derek Richardson. * "Children of the Corn"(t984) Peter Horton, LindaHamilton. ** "Hostel"(2006, Horror) JayHernandez, DerekRichardson. UFC Tonight Matt Hughes FUEL 34 Classic, SecondRoundFromKuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Golf CIMBClassic, Third RoundFromKuala Lumpur, Malaysia. (N)(Live) GOLF 28 301 27 301Golf CIMB Little House on thePrairie 'G' Hoo p s& Yoyo Hoops & Yoyo *** "TheGoodWitch's Garden"(2009)Catherine Bell. 'PG' cc Frasier n 'PG' Frasler n 'PG' Frasler n 'PG' Frasler n 'PG' HALL 66 33175 33 (4:00) Home 8Family 'G' cc ** "Cowboys & Aliens" 2011, ScienceFiction Daniel Craig. Extraterrestrials REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel ** "Hall Pass" 2011, ComedyOwenWilson, JasonSudeikis. Two married Real TimeWith Bill Maher Editor Real Time With Bill Maher Editor HBO 25501 425501 n 'po' cc attack a19th-centuryArizonatown. n 'PG-t3' cc men get oneweekto do whatever they please. n 'R' cc Chrystia Freeland.(N)'MA' cc Ch r ystia Freeland. n 'MA' cc *** "Training Day" 2001, Crime DramaDenzel Washington, Ethan Hawke.'R' ** "Beyond Re-Animator" 2003, HorrorJeffrey Combs.'R' I FC 105 1 0 5 ***"Full Metal Jacket"1987, WarMatthew Modine, AdamBaldwin. 'R' (3:15) *** "The ***"TheMatrix Reloaded"2003,science FictionKeanuReeves, LaurenceFishburne, carrie- (7:50) ** "TheMatrix Revolutions" 2003KeanuReeves. Neo,Morpheusand Hunted LBsurveilance ofJack skin to the Max Hunted LB n M AX 00508 5 0 8Matrix"rt 'MA' cc Anne Moss. Freedom fighters revolt against machines. rt 'R' « Trinity battle viciousmachines. rt 'R' « Turner continues.(N)'MA' « rt 'MA' Family Guns(N)'PG' eid & Destroy Bld & Destroy Wicked Tuna '14' Bid & Destroy Bid & Destroy Family Guns 'PG' Wicked Tuna '14' Alaska State Troopers '14' N GC 157 1 5 7 NTOON 89 ff5189115Odd Parents Odd Parents W ild Grinders Planet Sheen Monsuno 'Y7' Dragonball GT Robot, Monster Odd Parents Wild Grinders Planet Sheen Monsuno 'Y7' Dragonball GT Dragon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor Dri ven TV Sav age Wild Y o ur Weapon Jimmy Big Time Hunt., Country Bone Collector Profess. Flyrod TheFlush Hunt l n' World OUTD 37 307 43 307LL Bean Guide Fear No Evil O ttffitter Boot Sasquatch ** "Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie" 201 2, Comedy (11:35) Inside the *** "Fright(5:45) * "The TroubleWithBliss" 200 Michael C. Hall. A 35-year-old begins (7:25)* "Bio-Dome"1996Pauly Shore. Slack-brained Pauly Shore's Pauly-tics (N) rt S HO 00 5 0 0 (4:00) 'MA' cc Night" NFL n 'PG' dating a formerclassmate's 18-year-old daughter. 'PG-13' buddies crash ascientific experiment. « Tim Heidecker,Will Ferrell. Premiere. 'R' SPEED 35 303125303NASCARRacing NASCARRacing Inside MichaelWaltrip Racing F o rmula 1 Debrief (N) NASCARRacing NASCARRacing STARZ 00408 00408(4:30) *"The Smurfs" 2011'PG' (6:15) *"Zookeeper"2011,ComedyKevinJames. n 'PG' « Magic City n 'MA' « BossLouderThanWordsn 'MA' Spartacus: Vengeance n 'MA' C a m elot Homecoming'MA' «

(4:25) *** "oul ofthe Ashes"2003, Docudramachris- (6:20) ** hauyx"2005 Jason Biggs. A soldier learns * "Brake" 20t2 stephenDorff. Premiere. Afederal agent (9:35) ** "The Mechanic"20t 1,ActionJasonstatham, (11d5) * "Hotel california" 2008Erik tine Lahti, BruceDavison. n 'R' cc about a VietnamWarcover-up. rt 'R' « is taken captive byterrorists. rt 'R' « Ben Foster. n 'R' cc Palladino. n 'NR' cc Bull Riding PBRBuilt FordToughWorld FinalsFromLas Vegas. (N) (Live) NFL Turning Point 'PG' Bull Riding PBRBuilt FordToughWorld Finals FromLasVegas. NecsN 27 58 30 209Costas Tonight *** "Mrs. Doubffire"1993, Comedy RobinWiliams, Sally Field, Pierce Brosnan.'PG' *WE 143 41 174118***"Mrs. Doubffire"t993, ComedyRobin Wiliams, Sally Field, Pierce Brosnan.'PG' My Fair Wedding TMC 2 5




Fiance's raredrunken bouts could becomemore frequent Dear Abby:I have been dating the greatest man I've ever met in my life for three years. "Jared" has wonderful kids and a successful career. He's handsome and is kind to me,

my kids and my family. We enjoy each other immensely, and we are now engaged. We are social drinkers, but about once a year Jared gets i ncredibly i n t oxicated a n d changes into the most horrible person I have ever seen. It's all verbal yelling — nothing physical — but it's still inexcusable. After an "episode" he is guilt-ridden and apologetic for weeks. I believe he's sincere, but it has made me rethink our engagement. He had an episode a week ago — the third during the time we've been together. Our kids are close and care about each other. I love Jared, but if I have to endure another instance of this I don't think I can go through with the marriage. I'm still angry about the last bout, and he's still guiltridden. How do I a p proach this? — Conflicted in Pennsylvania Dear Conflicted: The first thing to do is make it your business to attend some AlAnon meetings. When you do, you'll soon realize that the behavior Jared is exhibiting can escalate. While Jared may be able to handle his liquor 364 days a

year (now), what happens on that 365th is a deal-breaker. Unless you want to spend your life worrying every time Jared picks up a glass who he will be when he puts the glass down, draw the line now. Tell him the person he becomes during these "episodes"is a stranger you have no desire to have anything to do with — ever — and if he can't GUARANTEE that you will never see that person again, the marriage is off. Of course, this will mean the end of his social

drinking and probably yours. If what you have together is as special as you say, it is only a

DEAR ABBY small sacrifice. Be prepared, because he will probably deny he has a problem. Unless you want to become a miserablenervous wreck, you must not relent. The explosion, the guilt, the "honeymoon" period a f terward are similar to the cycle of domesticviolence, so be aware of that. Dear Abby: My b e autiful son died five years ago. He

chose his death by hanging — suicide. He had suffered for years, and all ou r l ove couldn't help him. He once told me, "Mom, I don't want to live like this anymore. I want to be with Jesus." We know we will see him again. Still, I find it hard to tell people how he died. I know I don't have to, but it still haunts me sometimes. I'd like to know how others who have been through the same thing feel about this. Thank you for your support. — Mom in Connecticut Dear Mom: I'm sorry about the death of your son, who suffered from severe chronic depression. When there is a suicide, the family can experience a range of emotionsincluding anger, sadness and guilt. When a child commits suicide there can also be feelings of self-recrimination. If that's the case with you, please seek counseling. I'm sure that when your letter is published, I'll hear from readers who will share their experiences. If you will visit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention website, www.afsp.org, you can search for a s uicide survivor support group in your area, because talking with others who have experienced this can be helpful. — Write Dear Abby at wwwDearAbby.com or PO. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Friday,Gct. 26, 2012 By Jacqueline Bigar This year you swing from being wildly emotional to being peacefully calm. No one knows what to expect from you,which,on somelevel,you do not mind. You find that this keeps things interesting. If you are single, you could meet someoneduring the summer months or afterward. This bond will be deepand emotional. If you are attached, try to be less intellectual with your sweetie; instead, let your feelings flow. ARIES ismore explosive than you ever could be. The Stars Showthe Kind of Day You'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * M ake it OK to drag your heels in the morning. You will hear some news that might energize you and get you out of this lethargic mood. You blossom in the afternoon. Make choices and plans for the weekend based on your current charisma. Tonight: Whatever knocks your socks off. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ** Use the morning for whatever is important to you. By midafternoon, you might slow down andthink about takinganap.You could hearsome news that might stop you in your tracks. Followyour instincts with a money decision. Test out a risk on someone. Tonight: Not to be found. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** * * C lear out some last-minute errands and return calls in the morning. You will take care of these tasks quickly and allow yourself some more free time. Zero in on whatyou want to do in the afternoon. Your friends are likely to be involved. Tonight: Only where the action is. CANCER(June 21-July 22) ** * * Your mind drifts to others who are not in your immediate environment. You might want to make acall ortwo. Make planstotake off ASAP. Being thegoodsportyou are, you might be left holding the bagonce more. Tonight: A must appearance. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * You could be hard to find, except by certain people. In the afternoon, you might become available, but you could have difficulty staying in the moment. Your mind is anywhere but where you are. Why not just follow your mind out the door? Tonight: Let go and enjoy.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ** * * O t hers make all sorts of demands. Your immediate reaction is to say "no." You havestretched yourself so thin for others that you might be fed up. Spend the afternoon with those you value or needto spend time with. Do foryou. Tonight: Note a tendency to go overboard. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * You work very hard. You are focused in the morning, but plan to spend the remainder of the day networking or socializing. Your people skills emerge once more. You will tend to go to extremes in some form, and you will love every moment. Tonight: Say "yes." SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * You could be a bit tired and worn out by someone's high energy. Get creative and unleash this person, at least for a while. Ownyour day, and make plans that suit you. A secret admirer comes forward; the attention is quite flattering. Tonight: Get some exercise, too. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

*** * Once you getgoing, you will befull ofenergy. By midafternoon, you'll know whatyou want to do, and you'll have every intention of doing just that. Letyour concerns fall to the wayside for now, and get into the next few days. Tonight: Aren'tyou wild? CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * * You have a lot on your plate before you even wake up. Handle as much as youcan early inthe day. Do not allow someone to take up more time than you wish. Schedule some private or personal time in the evening. Tonight: Happiest at home. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * C urb spending, if possible. You mightfeel cornered by astressful money situation, and there only seems to beoneway out. Trust that you will find a different path with your ingenuity and imagination. Makean important phone call before the dayis through. Tonight: Speakyour mind. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ** * * You illuminate a conversation, a roomand/or someone's day.Communic ation flows with someone at adistance. Use some caution with a purchase, and be reasonable as tohowmuch you spend. Thereareother ways of showing your feelings. Tonight: Fun does not need to cost. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate




A weekly compilation of family-friendly events throughout Central Oregon.

Pleaseemail event information to communitylife@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

Find afull community eventscalendar insidetoday's GO!Magazine. TODAY PUMPKIN PATCH: Free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central OregonPumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 and younger; 3-7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250N.E.W ilcoxAve., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. HISTORICALHAUNTS OF DOWNTOWNBEND:Walk to historical buildings that are said to have experienced paranormal events and hear their ghostly tales; $10, free museum members and ages12 and younger; 4-7:30 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 N.W. Idaho Ave.; 541-389-1813 or www.deschuteshistory.org. AUTUMNJOURNEY:Children go on an autumn journey, meeting star guides, shepherds and more; $1 suggested donation; 6 p.m.; Waldorf School of Bend, 19888 Rocking Horse Road; 541-330-8841. "FIDDLERON THE ROOF":The Summit High School drama department presents the musical aboutaJewishpeasantwhom ust marry offhisthree daughters while facing anti-Semitism; $10, $8 students, seniors and children; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend;541355-4000 or http://bend .k12.or.us/summit. HAUNTEDHOUSES:Featuring three haunted houses; "Dark Intentions" and "the Haunt at Juniper Hollow" are recommended for ages 12 and older; "Distortions" 3-D haunt is all ages; proceeds benefit the Oregon Athletic & Educational Foundation; $12, $20 two haunts, $25 all haunts; 7 p.m.; old Parr Lumber buildings, 443 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; www.scaremegood.com.


Nikolas Sharpe, left, gets a helplng hand pulling up his cowboy hat from his older sister Sophia Sharpe, both of Bend, as they enjoyed the Old Mill Halloween Party with their parents in Bend in 2010. There are plenty of family-friendly Halloween events to pick from this year, both over the weekend and on Halloween itself. Andy Tullis

The Bulletin file photo

CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 611, free ages 5 andyounger; 10 a.m.7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. SUNRIVERHALLOWEEN CARNIVAL:With games, costume contests, a haunted house, train rides and more; free; 2-6 p.m.; Village at Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Drive; 541-593-5948. HISTORICALHAUNTS OF DOWNTOWN BEND:W alkto historical buildings that are said to have experienced paranormal events and hear their ghostly tales; $10, free museum members and ages 12 and younger; 4-7:30 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 N.W. Idaho Ave.; 541-389-1813 or www.deschuteshistory.org. HALLOWEENPARTY:Featuring a costume contest, a jack-o'-lantern contest, a raffle, table games and a dinner; $6; 4:30-9 p.m.; La Pine Senior Activity Center,16450 Victory Way; 541-536-3207. VFW DINNER:A roast beef dinner; proceeds benefit local veterans; $8;5-7 p.m.;VFW Hall,1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. NEIGHBORHOOD HALLOWEEN PARTY:Featuring games, food, face painting, a costume contest and more; for children ages10 and younger; proceeds benefit The Giving Plate; $4, $2 with a nonperishable food item; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Marshall High School, 1291 SATURDAY N.E. Fifth St., Bend; 54l-355-3500. REDMOND GRANGE ARM WRESTLINGCHAMPIONSHIP: BREAKFAST: A community Arm wrestle locals and top breakfast with scrambled eggs, performers in various weight classes; pancakes andbeverages;$6,$3 proceeds benefit the Friends of ages12 and younger; 7-10:30 Oregon Badlands Wilderness; $5 a.m.; Redmond Grange, 707S.W. admission, $20 to participate; 6 p.m., Kalama Ave.; 541-480-4495. doorsopen at5:30 p.m .;TheOld Stone,157 N.W.Franklin Ave., Bend; HALLOWEEN CYCLOCROSS 541-322-7273. CRUSADE: Watch the obstacleladen bicycle race; with "FIDDLERON THE ROOF":The costumed competitors, a beer Summit High School drama garden, live music, cultural food department presents the musical and more; free for spectators; aboutaJewish peasantwho must 8 a.m.-7 p.m.; Deschutes Brewery, marry off his three daughters while 901 S.W. SimpsonAve., Bend; facing anti-Semitism; $10, $8 www.halloweencyclocross.com. students, seniors and children; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. PUMPKIN PATCH: Free Clearwater Drive, Bend;541-355admission; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; DD 4000 or http://bend.k12.or.us/summit. Ranch, 3836 N.E. Smith Rock Way, Terrebonne; 541-548-1432 HAUNTEDHOUSES:Featuring three or www.ddranch.net. haunted houses; "Dark lntentions" and "the Haunt at Juniper Hollow" "THE METROPOLITAN are recommended for ages 12 and OPERA, OTELLO": older; "Distortions" 3-D haunt is all Starring Renee Fleming, ages; proceeds benefitthe Oregon JohanBothaand Michael Athletic 8 Educational Foundation; Fabiano in a presentation of $12, $20 two haunts, $25 all haunts; Verdi's masterpiece; opera 7 p.m.; old Parr Lumber buildings, performance transmitted live 443 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; www.scaremegood.com. Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 PORTLANDYOUTH PHILHARMONIC: IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse The youth orchestra performs, Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. under the direction of David Hattner;

proceeds benefit Bend High School; $5; 7 p.m.; BendHigh School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 503-223-5939 or www.portlandyouthphil.org.

"JESUSCHRISTSUPERSTARUK ROCKSPECTACULAR":A screening of the Andrew Lloyd Webber rock opera, starring Ben Forster, Tim Minchin and Melanie Chisholm; $18; 7:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347.

TUESDAY SLIGHTLYSPOOKY STORIES: Storyteller Heather McNeil entertains with family-friendly songs and "Slightly Spooky, Somewhat Silly Stories"; for ages 3 and older, costumes encouraged; free; 6:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. THE CAPITOLSTEPS: A parody, with music, of contemporary politics; SOLD OUT;7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www .towertheatre.org.


HOWL-0-WEEN: With pet photos, a costume contest, refreshmentsand more; proceedsbenefit the Humane SUNDAY Society of Central Oregon;free;10 a.m.5:30 p.m.; HumaneSociety of Central HALLOWEEN CYCLOCROSS CRUSADE:Watch the obstacleOregon, 61170S.E.27th St., Bend;541laden bicycle race; with costumed 382-3537 or www.hsco.org. competitors, a beer garden, live PUMPKINPATCH:Freeadm ission; music, cultural food and more; free noon-6 p.m.; Central Oregon for spectators; 8 a.m.-7 p.m.; Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Deschutes Brewery, 901 S.W. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504Simpson Ave., Bend; www.halloween 1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. cyclocross.com. OLD MILLDISTRICT HALLOWEEN PUMPKIN PATCH:Freeadmission; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; DD Ranch, 3836 N.E. PARTY:With pumpkin painting, crafts, trick-or-treating, wagon Smith Rock Way,Terrebonne; 541rides, circus performers and more; 548-1432 or www.ddranch.net. free; 4-7 p.m.; Center Plaza, the Old CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages Mill District, Southwest Powerhouse 6-11, free ages 5 andyounger; Drive between TheGapand 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Anthony's, Bend; 541-312-0131 or Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. www.theoldmill.com. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-5041414 or www.pumpkinco.com. REDMONDFIREANDRESCUE MONSTERDASH:A 5K run to HALLOWEEN PARTY: Trick-or-treat benefit Angel Flight West; with a at the Redmond fire station, with costume contest and kids mile run; games and information about fire registration required; $25-$30; safety; free; 4-8:30 p.m.; Redmond 10 a.m., race registration at 9 a.m.; Fire& Rescue, 341 N.W. Dogwood Highland Magnet School, 701 N.W. Ave.; 541-504-5000. Newport Ave., Bend. COMMUNITYHARVEST PARTY: PUMPKIN PATCH:Freeadmission; Featuring games,candy andmore;free; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon 6-8p.m.;CalvaryChapelRedmond, Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. 616 S.W.Ninth St.; 541-923-8614. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504HALLOWEEN HALL: Trick-or-treat 1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. at the college's Juniper Hall; for HALLOWEEN CELEBRATION: ages12 and younger; free; 6-8 p.m.; Halloween carnival with a petting Central Oregon Community College, zoo, pony rides, a hay maze, 2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend; costume contest and more; free; 541-383-7593. noon-4 p.m.; C.E. Lovejoy's Brookswood Market, 19530 Amber HAUNTED HOUSES: Featuring three Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-388-1188. haunted houses; "Dark Intentions" and "the Haunt at Juniper Hollow" OREGON OLDTIME FIDDLERS: Fiddle music and dancing; donations are recommended for ages12 and accepted;1-3:30 p.m.; VFW Hall, older; "Distortions" 3-D haunt is all 1836 S.W. Veterans Way, Redmond; ages; proceeds benefit the Oregon 541-647-4789. Athletic & Educational Foundation; BENEFITCONCERT:A performance $12, $20 two haunts, $25 all haunts; by the country act Cloverdayle, in 7 p.m.; old Parr Lumber buildings, memory of Jen BurgessThompson; 443 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; proceeds benefit Jen's family; $20 www.scaremegood.com. plusfees;6:30 p.m.;Bend High FORANIMALSSAKEART School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; http:// AUCTION:Featuring live music, cloverdayle.brownpapertickets.com. food, a costume contest and more; AN EVENINGWITH EDGARALLAN proceeds benefit the Redmond POE:A visit from Poe, with tales of Humane Society; free; 7:30 p.m.; remorse, lost love and bad behavior; Ambiance Art Co-op, 435 Evergreen proceeds benefit the Des Chutes Ave., Redmond; www.ambiance Historical Museum; $14 plus fees; artonline.com. 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700.


MONDAY BELLYDANCESHOWCASE:The High Desert Bellydance Guild performs belly dances in avariety of styles; free; 6:30-8 p.m.; BrokenTopBottle Shop & Ale Cafe,1740 N.W.Pence Lane, Suite1, Bend; 541-728-0703 or www.highdesertbellydance.org.

"JESUSCHRISTSUPERSTARUK ROCKSPECTACULAR":A screening of the Andrew Lloyd Webber rock opera, starring Ben Forster, Tim Minchin and Melanie Chisholm; $18; 7:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347.

S TORY TIMES AND LIBRARY YOUTH EV EN T S For the week of Oct. 26-Nov.1 Story times are free unless otherwise noted. Barnes 8 Noble Booksellers 2690 N.E. U.s. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242

ONCE UPONA STORY TIME:AII ages; 11 a.m. Friday. C.E. Lovejoy's Brookswood Market 19530 Amber MeadowDrive,

Bend; 541-eee-1188

STORYTIME:All ages; 11 a.m. Thursday. Crook County Public Library 175 S.w. Meadow LakesDrive, Prineville; 541-447-7978

PRESCHOOL STORYTIME:Ages 3 and older; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday and 11 a.m.Thursday. WEE READ: Ages 0-3; 10 a.m. Monday and Wednesday. Downtown Bend Public Library 601 N.w. wall st.;


BABY STEPS:Ages 0-18 months; 11:30 a.m. Wednesday and 1:30 p.m.Thursday. TODDLIN' TALES: Ages 18-36 months; 10:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. Tuesday and10:15 a.m. Wednesday. PRESCHOOL PARADE:Ages 3-5; 10:30 a.m. Friday and1:30 p.m. Tuesday. SLIGHTLYSPOOKY, SOMEWHAT SILLY STORIES:Ages 3 and older; Halloween stories are shared; children invited to wear costumes; 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. East Bend Public Library 62080 DeanSwift Road; 541-330-3760

TODDLIN'TALES:Ages 0-3; 9:30 a.m. Wednesday. PRESCHOOL PARADE: Ages 3-5; 9:30 a.m. Thursday. SATURDAYSTORIES:Ages 0-5; 10 a.m. Saturday. ESUCHE YCANTECONMICHELE: Ages 0-5; 11 a.m. High Desert Museum

59800 s. U.s. Highway97,Bend; www. highdesertmuseum.org; 541-382-4754; unless noted, eventsincluded with admission ($15adults, $12 ages 65 and older, $9ages 5-12, freeages4and


WILD WEDNESDAYS: Ages 7-12; treasure hunt;12:30 p.m. to close Wednesday. BACKPACK EXPLORERS: Ages 3-4; explore museum's animal habitat, share stories and songs; 10 to11 a.m. Thursday; $15 perchild nonmembers, $10 per child members. TOTALLY TOUCHABLETALES: Ages 2-5; storytelling about animals and people of the High Desert;10:30 a.m. Tuesday. Jefferson County Public Library 241 S.w. Seventh st., Madras; 541-475-3351

BABIESANDTODDLERSSTORY TIME:10:10a.m. Tuesday. PRESCHOOL ANDOLDER STORY TIME:Ages 3-5; 10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. SPANISH STORYTIME:All ages; 1 p.m. Wednesday.

La Pine Public Library 16425 First st.; 541-312-1090

FAMILY STORY TIME: All ages; 10:30 a.m. Thursday. TECH LAB: Ages12-17; 3 p.m. Monday. Redmond Public Library 827 S.W.Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1 054

BABYSTEPS:Ages 0-18 months; 11 a.m.Thursday. PRESCHOOL PARADE: Ages 3-5; 10:15 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Wednesday. TODDLIN' TALES: Ages 18-36 months; 10:15 a.m. Thursday. Sisters Public Library 110 N. cedar St.; 541-312-1070

FAMILY FUN STORYTIME: Ages 05; 10:30 a.m. Thursday. Sunrlver Area Public Library 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1Oeo

FAMILY FUN STORYTIME: Ages 05; 10:30 a.m. Tuesday.



















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Sure-trick play By FRANK STEWART czn

Tribune MediaServices

O Clr

next player passes. What do you say? ANSWER: Slam i s possible if partner has maximum values and you can locate a 4-4 major-suit fit. Bid three clubs, Stayman. If he shows a major suit, raise to five to invite slam. H e might holdAQ, A K 6 5 , K 7 6 5 , A J 2. If partner bids three diamonds to deny a four-card major, I would stop conservatively at game. West dealer N-S vulnerable

Michael Schreiber of Memphis was declarer in today's deal from a m ajor team event at t h e A C B L Summer Championships. N o rthSouth managed to overcome their opponents' preemptive tactics and reach game at hearts. W hen West l e d t h e k i n g o f diamonds, Schreiber took the ace and cashed the A-K of trumps. The fall of West's queen was gratifying, so declarer drew the last trump and exited with a diamond. West shifted to the king of clubs, ducked, and led a second club: seven, nine, ace.

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Schreiber figured that West had started with K-6 of clubs, and he had shown six diamonds in the bidding and two trumps. If West's pattern was 3-2-6-2, declarer had a sure thing. Schreiber took the A-K of spades, disdaining a finesse. When the queen fell, he claimed 10 tricks. But if both defenders had played low, declarer would have exited with a spade to W est, who w o ul d h av e ha d t o concede a ruff-sluff and the contract. Well done! At t h e o ther table, South failed after less astute play.


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by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble thesefour Jumbles, one letter to eachsquare, to form four ordinarywords.


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I don't know. I'm thinking I

liketheflrst 4


thfno I tried on belterthan

nything else.

aE w


I think I like the last skirt and blouse beNerthan this dress

©2012 TribuneMedia Services, tnc. g Alt Rights Reserved





CAN eE —-

Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested bythe above cartoon. 10-2s

© LaughingstockInternaionw Inc, Dist ny Universal uclck for urs, 2c12

"I don't mind pleading guilty, if you'll grant me immunity from prosecution."

Ans: A y I d


6 Say yes

sea 15 Farm fraction 16 Troop formation 17 Buccaneer? 20 IRS info 21 Jackie's designer 22 Wikipedia policy 23 Part of a flight 24 Vendetta 25 Pasteurize? 32 SASE inserts, sometimes 33 "Sweet!" 34 Feel poorly 35 Like many college texts 36 MapQuest owner 37 "So Big" author Ferber 38 A, in Austria 39 Fishing hook 41 Hilarious 42 Propaganda? 46 Donald, to Dewey 47 Masters statistics 48 Coffee go-with 50 Right on el

(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: WHIRL MUSTY COBALT ABACUS Answer: The gun wouldn't fire becauseIT WASSHOT

7 Barrel-bottom bit 8 Hi9 Party hearty 10 Skee-Ball spot 11 Cow poke 12 Big-grin borders 13 Thesaurus entry: Abbr. 18 Rosters 19 Year in Augustus' reign 23 "Monk" org. 24 Frustrate 25 More faithful 26 "Do the Right Thing" actor Davis 27 Hot spots 28 Switch type 29 A ham might be on one 30 Chiantis, e.g. 31 Cheer 36 ColgatePalmolive shaving lotion I



37 Cupid's counterpart 39 Suitable for a serious collector 40 S8L units 41 Bury the hatchet 43 Sex Pistols fan,



hockey nickname 51 A c t ress Falco 5 2 It's assumed 53 Pvt. instructors 54 Space cadet's brai n size? 55 Pronoun that's a

homonym of a song

44 Outcome 45 Up-to-date 48 Geom. figure 49 Aware of

56 Un d er-cover duds?



50 Beantown




L S T E C E T RA H E E L A V A L E M U 8 E N D L E O E O G S H O O W O S H H U M I S A P E N






A W L O I 0 W E I R D



E S 8 E S

A S K E D 10/26/12












mapa 51 IV-covered




9 Lands by the



3 Place to watch the 1-Down 4 Break noisily 5 "Marilyn: A

raising org. 14 Facetious "I

z euEss


Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 1 Emulate a sous chef 5 Alcohol awareness-

Iej>x ax>%!%x ax>%Nj>a:aj%>s' x .

© 2012 by KingFeatures Syndicate, Inc World rights reserved


54 Melancholy? 57 Consumed 58 Wall St. debuts 59 Reject, in a way 60 It's "when the moon hits your eye like a big




32 35


29 3 0







37 41







pizza pie" 61 Suffragist Lucretia 62 Catches on DOWN 1 Tom Brady's team, to fans 2 Frat letters




51 5 2










By Marti DuGuay-Carpenter (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.


10/26/1 2



Some ofTheBuiietin's costumecontest entries, continuedfromB1





Kaden Losoya, 7, of Redmond, as a "pirate captain."

Kaleb Losoya, 6, of Redmond, as a "pirate matey."

Kameron Losoya, 4, of Redmond, as"Papa Mouse."



Karys Losoya, 2, of Bend, as a "Little Senorita."

KaiyaLosoya,3 months, of Redmond, as a"baby mouse."



Keep safety and common sense in mind when using this: 1. Never use this with small children. 2. Never use without adult supervision and always have two to three adults nearby. 3. Never use on a windy day 4. Never use it unless it is separately) 5. Never leave it in reach for anyone else to use without supervision 6. Never put it away without properly deflating it. Tester's Tip: "Great for lake homes and backyard indoor swimming pools, but never leave it floating in the water when notinuse.It's an eyesore but because of the openings, you do not want any unwanted visitors sneaking in when you are not supervising."


• •




lvy Orr, 2, wears a "Kiss" costume made bygrandma, Geneva Lavery. Orion Anderson,23 months, of Bend, is dressed as an owl. Mom, Heather Anderson, crocheted the hat, and created the body with feathers and felt.

'Eg 3


properly inflated. (Pump sold

a'(1. •

Continued from 61 This can be tied to pool ladders, docks and boats with the integrated molded rope holder. Always have two or three people nearby just in case the wind catches it. Our testers found the globe to be fun, but also a challenging workout to keep the globe moving. The strong adults had an easier time than the younger kids. However, the younger kids found it more entertaining and wanted to try over and over in our testing

gm\ c

— Recommendationsfrom Marianne M. Szymanshi, publisher of www.toytips.com, Toy Tips Magazine and co-author M of Toy Tips: A Parent's Essential Guide to Smart Toy Choices."

Submitted photos

Evan Eby, 8, of Bend,wears a homemade "Star Wars" all-terrain scout transport costume from "Return of the Jedi.o

Vote for Victor

Talyn Barry, 10, of Culver,wears a pink wolf costume that she made mostly by herself.

The Smart Choice Tessa Orr, 6,wears a M Rapunzelo costume made by grandma, Geneva Lavery.

"Speak with him about Bend's issues and what is likely to strike you is the depth of his research and the power of his analysis ... Chudowsky is our pick." (The Bulletin, 10-17-12)

Victor Chudowsky for Bend City Council Kai Russell, 4, of La Pine, wanted to be an American bald eagle after falling in love with them at the Wildlife Safari. Costume was created by mom Keighla Russell.

victorforbend.com The Smart Choice Noah Howk, 6, is a spider.

Alexia Johnson, 4, of Bend, is a purple butterfly.

Paid for by Friends of Victor Chndowsky

m su&r -:, The Bulletim —. mmm c I Icmsp o


HE'S GOLDEN gend's Adnon3atonInnsthegoldmechllntheOlympcdecadlonandsmkeshadam astheworkl'sgtedonathlete



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LOCAL BRIEFING Tumalo Falls Road to open Saturday The Deschutes National Forest will lift its

public closure of the road to Tumalo Falls

Saturday morning, the U.S. Forest Service announced Thursday. Forest Service Road 4603, the Tumalo Falls Road, from the intersection of Forest Service

Road 4601, Skyliners Road, will be reopened at12:01 a.m. Saturday,

the Forest Service announced. TheTumalo Falls Trailhead will also

be reopened. Opening the road will allow access to the Tumalo Falls

Day UseArea andthe trails in the area. The Forest Service

closed the road to accommodatereplacement of a water line by

Decorate veteranWest iesat91


By Ben Botkin

Jurors see autopsy, crime scene photos

The Bulletin

Jonathan West, a World War II veteran who was one of the first black Americans to serve in the Marines, died Wednesday in Bend, according to his daughter, Robin Gail Sims. West died less than two months after receiving the Congressional Gold Medal on Aug. 30 at Stone Lodge retirement home in Bend. West, 91, was among 370 surviving veterans of the Montford Point Marines to receive the medal, which recognized their service in the nation's first black Marine unit. The medal is the nation's highest civilian award and the most distinguished award

given by Congress, according to the Library of Congress. Almost 20,000 black Ma-

Ryan BrenneckeI The Bulletin file photo

Karen Colonell helps her father Jonathan Weststand after he received the Congressional Gold Medal in August. West was a Marine veteran of World War II. rines trained in a segregated Marine camp in Montford Point, N.C. from 1942 to 1949 after President Roosevelt

orderedthe Marines to accept minorities into their ranks. Before the war, West attended the Tuskegee Institute

in Alabama, working as a laboratory assistant under botanist George Washington Carver. Shortly after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, he graduated and joined the Marines. "Jonathan was a man of integrity and a history of service to the community in which he lived," Sims said in an email sent on behalf of West's family. After training, West went with his unit to the Marshall Islands during the war. He was promoted to technical sergeant, overseeing 60 Marines and a machine shop that serviced ship parts. His unit served for 2 '/2 years in the Marshall Islands during the war. After the war ended, he worked as a newspaper reporter at the Oakland Tribune in California. SeeWest /C2

Bend city contractors as part of its multimillion

dollar improvement of the city water system. However, a U.S. District judge in Eugene halted

work by granting project opponents a preliminary injunction while the dis-

pute is addressed. Bend and its contractors will be removing

equipment andmaterials from the area

the public to remain out of the area until the road is officially open.

Parkway work starting Sunday A portion of the Bend Parkway will undergo tree felling work start-

ing Sunday, the Oregon Department of Transportation said in a news

release. The work will take place south of Empire Boulevard and will last for about a week, causing intermittent lane closures in both directions. The work will take place from 7 a.m. to noon. The trees be-

ing removed havebeen identified as dangerous

because they areeither

Rcb Kerr /The Bulletin

deteriorating or are al-

es Chutes Historical Museum volunteer Scott Sagar tells Cub Scout Pack 18, Wolf Den mem-

ready dead. ODOT crews will also

be reducing vegetation

bers a story about the St. Francis School, pictured in the background and in the photo he

along the entire length of the parkway 8 a.m. to

holds. Sagar was leading a "Historical Haunts of Downtown Bend" tour Thursday night. The

3 p.m. starting Monday and continuing through Thursday. Motorists should use caution and drive safely through

guided tour visits historical buildings that are said to have experienced paranormal events and other

work areas, ODOT said.

and free for museum members and children 12 and younger.

ghostly happenings. The walks continue today and Saturday from 4-7:30 p.m. The cost is $10 for adults

New roundabout set to open today

today. Two other roundaboutsfunded underthe $30 million transporta-

tion bond approved by voters in 2011, one at the intersection

of Powers Roadand Brookswood Boulevard,

The Bulletin

Tasked with determining whether a Tumalo man murdered his son or acted in self-defense, jurors on Thursday saw sometimes graphic autopsy and crime scene photos. James Hargrave, 62, is charged with one count of murder in the shooting death of his son, 29-yearold Steven Hargrave, during a confrontation at theirhome in December. His son had a 0.38 bloodalcohol level at the time of his death, and had allegedly been harassing and threatening his parents throughout the day of the shooting, at one point bit-

ing his mother's finger.

through today, according to the Forest Service. The service asks

A newly-constructed roundabout at the intersection of Mt. Washington Drive and Simpson Avenue in Bend is set to open to traffic at 3 p.m.

By Sheila G. Miller

Police offer reward inBendbank robberies By Scott Hammers The Bulletin

Bend Police are turning to the public for help solving three recent bank robberies, offering a $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those involved. Police believe the same man is behind robberies in

Bend in late December and early March at the Bank of the Cascades on U.S. Highway 97 near Walmart, and on July 30 at the Home Federal Bank at the corner of Franklin Avenue and Bond Street in downtown Bend. The suspect is heavyset, between 30 and 40 years old,

and roughly 5-foot 8 to 5-foot 10 inches tall. In surveillance video from each of the three robberies, the lower part of the suspect's face is covered,in one case with what appears to be a pair of children's tights. Lt. Ben Gregory, head of the Bend Police detectives division, said while officers and

FBI agents haven't stopped investigating the robberies, the trail has grown cold. "We're running out of ideas and we're running out of leads," Gregory said. "We've looked at all the tips we've had, and we're looking to the public for additional tips." SeeReward /C2

On Thursday, prosecutors started the day by calling Dr. Clifford Nelson, a deputy state medical examiner, to the stand. Nelson showed the jurors a series of photos from the autopsy he conducted on Steven Hargrave, identifying the location of the gunshot wound on the upper lefthand part of the man's chest. As the bullet traveled through Steven Hargrave, Nelson testified, it broke several ribs, cut through his left lung and destroyed the aorta before tearing the esophagus and passing through the sixth vertebral body. As a result, Nelson told jurors, Hargrave had a 2.5 liters of blood in his chest, which Nelson described as "a massive amount." Under cross-examination Nelson said he'd collected blood to use for a toxicology screening, but was able to determine the cause of death without the toxicology report because of the obvious gunshot injury. Oregon State Police forensic scientist Devin Mast also testified Thursday, primarily about the trajectory of the bullet as it passed through Steven Hargrave, the blood found at the scene and the position of Steven Hargrave's body. Photos show Hargrave's right leg was tucked underneath the rest of his body, and Mast testified that indicated he had not likely been moved. He also testified that a test done on the gunpowder residue found on Steven Hargrave's shirt indicated the shooter was within five feet of the victim. SeeTrial /C2

the other at the corner

of Empire Avenueand Northeast 18th Street,

are due to becompleted in mid-November. — From staff reports

Avakian facesStarr in state labor commissioner race By Lanren Dake The Bulletin

VOTER TURNOUT All ballots for the Nov. 6 general election must be returned by

8 p.m. on Election Day. Voter turnout as of late

Wednesday afternoon, bycounty: Crook.......... 20% Deschutes...... 17% Jefferson....... 19%

SALEM — In the race for state labor commissioner, incumbent and former Democratic lawmaker Brad Avakian faces Republican state Sen. Bruce Starr. The office, which is charged withoverseeing the state Bureau of Labor and Industries, has a stated mission "to protect employment rights, advance employment opportunities and protect access to housing and public accommodations free from discrimination." The position is technically


Nov. 6

Ladorcommissioner NONPARTISAN

For our complete coverage, visit www.bendbulletin.com/elections. nonpartisan; however, since the beginning the race has had partisan undertones. Both candidates thought the race would be determined in May. Secretary of State Kate Brown moved it to November, citing a 2009 law as the reason. Starr accused Brown's office of misinterpreting the law to favor his opponent, who would likely benefit in

Brad Br u ce Avakian S t arr November when more Democratic voters turn out for the presidential election. Starr filed a lawsuit to change the date and failed. Starr, 43, of Hillsboro, said the office needs someone nwho islaser focused on creating private-sector jobs." The

state senator, who runs his own public affairs consulting

company, said his background as asmall business owner sets him apart from his opponent. Starr, who served simultaneously with his father in the state Senate, said he's most proud of his push as state senator to fund infrastructure projects in the state. He is running on a job creation platform and points to high unemployment rates in the state as one of his opponent's shortcoming. "I'm going to run an agency that is focused on creating jobs, where the bureau works

collaboratively with Oregon businesses and property owners," Starr said. His goal will be to enforcerulesand regulations "in a way that doesn't hurt companies." He accused his opponent of levying huge fines against businesses in a manner that, he said, makes headlines but also puts the company out of business. One example he pointed to was the case of the Typhoon! restaurant, which was a Tigard-based chain with a Thai restaurant in Bend. SeeLabor /C2




Both Bend Police and the FBI have been in contact with Continued from C1 other policeagencies around T he reward m o ney h a s the northwest and a r ound been provided by a n a sso- the country, Gregory said, ciation of Oregon banks and but have not yet come across credit unions. Gregory said any other criminal suspects although th e t r ac k r e cord matching the description of of cash rewards as a way of the bank robber. prompting people to come Police have set up a dedicatforward ismixed, he's certain ed phone line for bank robbery someone beyond the suspect related tips at 541-330-7907. knows who's behind the string — Reporter: 541-383-0387, of robberies. shammers@bendbulletin.com

Bruce Starr

Brad Avakian

Age: 43

Age: 51 Hometown: Beaverton

Hometown: Hillsboro Family: Wife, Rebecca; two

children Employment: Owns apublic affairs consulting company, Cutting Edge Northwest Education: Bachelor's in political science, Portland State University, 1991

Experience: Spent thepast13 years as a state legislator in the House and Senate, former city

Family: Wife, Debbie; one son,


down, with e x treme emotions," he testified. "EveryContinued from C1 thing from extreme depresA nd j urors h eard f r o m sion, crying and moaning and some ofthe firstlaw enforce- wailing over her son Steven, ment officials on scene the to being very lucid and annight of the shooting. swering my questions quite Deschutes County Sheriff's clearly, to even a giggle with deputy Randall Z il k t e sti- laughter every now and then fied about his work i nside when we'd talk about differthe home on the night of the ent stories from their history shooting and showed jurors or what they'd done that day, photos from the crime scene. stuff like that." Zilk testified he checked Deschutes County Sheriff's Steven Hargrave for a pulse, Det. Brent Crosswhite conthen spent approximately 45 ducted a search of the home minutes talking to P amela after the shooting. Hargrave, th e d e fendant's U sing photos f ro m t h e wife and victim's mother. Hargrave home, Crosswhite Zilk d e scribed P a mela testified the search turned Hargrave as being intoxicat- up a v a riety o f w e apons. ed and on an emotional roller There were five rifles in an coaster. unlocked gun cabinet, includ" She was v ery u p a n d ing one that was loaded, and

a variety of ammunition. In a ceramic container next to the gun cabinet Crosswhite found a wood-handled machete, and there were several swords designed to look like canes around the house. Upstairs in Steven Hargrave's bedroom loft, i nvestigators f ound several boxes w i t h samurai swords inside, as well as a machete underneath the dresser. C rosswhite testified t h e weapons were "readily available" to anyone in the home. D etectives a l s o ph o t o graphed a set of decorative oars located on the landing between the two lofts. Asked about the significance of the o ars, Crosswhite said t h e oars would have "been readily accessible to Steven Har-

grave to use as a blunt force weapon," had he intended to do his father any harm. In addition to th e p istol J ames Hargrave u sed t o shoot his son, there was also


about 740 a day, according to statistics compiled by the World War II Museum in New Orleans. The Oregon Department of Veterans' Affairsestimates 32,100 veterans of the war resided in the state in 2010. That's less than 10 percent of the 333,800 veterans estimated to live in Oregon in 2010, according to the ODVA. Central Oregon Band of Brothers meets every Monday at Jake's Diner in Bend, a gathering of veterans of all eras and first responders. About 1 0 8 p a r t icipants show up each week, with

some 20 to 30 ofthem are World War II veterans, said Lyle Hicks, a Navy veteran. That experience has encouraged some of them to open up more about their wartime experiences, Hicks said "They're realizing it's OK to talk about it," he said. "It's kind of therapeutic." At the same time, there's an awareness that the firsthand stories of war and service from that era are fading. "We lose them all the time," he said. "I've went to far too many funerals."

a loaded handgun in a bedside table. Under cross-examination defense attorney Karla Nash noted Crosswhite had written in his report that, had Steven Hargrave pushed his father to the ground, there would have been "nothing impeding his ability" to get to that loaded

gun. T he prosecution i s e x pected to finish presenting its case today. The trial is expected to last at least three weeks. — Reporter: 541-617-7831, smiller@bendbulletin.com

one daughter Employment: Incumbent, former civil rights attorney for 15 years, served in the state

House andSenate. Education: Oregon State University,1984; Lewis 8 Clark Law School, 1990 Experience: Served in the

Oregon Houseand Senate

councilor, small businessowner


change their culture. Like Starr, he believes the Continued from C1 commissioner's primary role Avakian sought millions in is helping put people back to damages after an investigation work and ensuring they are by the commission found dis- protected while on the job. "We have to prove we have crimination against Thai chefs. The report b y Av a k i an the best t r ained workforce stated the restaurant threat- anywhere," he said. ened employees with deportaTo that end, Avakian points tion and paid Thai employees to his efforts establishing apless than w h ite employees. prenticeship programs in midThey also allegedly had fewer dle and high schools throughbenefits, were forced to work out the states. He's pushed to without pay and received little have wood shop returned to vacation. most schools, and hopes that It was the most recent alle- more hands-on skill training gation of exploitation against classes, such as how to build the restaurant, but not the only and design a solar panel, are one. The now defunct chain forthcoming. also had millions on its tab in Avakian said he's put more unpaid federal payroll taxes. than $15 million back in the Starr admits the company "pockets of workers who had had a slew of problems, but he been cheated by wages." "I've proven in my first term believes Avakian's office could have handled it differently. I can actually deliver on the Starr would have worked things this agency does and with the owner, he said, to en- Oregonians need," he said. sure theemployees were paid On the topic of the Typhoon! any back wages and "made restaurant, Avakian said his whole" but ensure the busi- o pponent doesn't h ave a l l nesses stayed open. the facts. He said substantial Avakian, 51, worked as a evidence of discrimination excivil rights attorney and has isted and a trust fund was set held the labor commissioner up to help the employees of the post since 2008. He ran unsuc- restaurant. "One of the big differences cessfully in t h e D emocratic congressional primary against (between us), is when I find a incumbent Suzanne Bonamici. corporation violating the law, I If re-elected, Avakian said he will prosecute them," Avakian will continue to work toward said. leveling the wage disparity beThe $2 million in back taxes tween men and women. the company owed the federal He lead an effort to create government put them out of an Oregon Council on Civil business, he said. "To do this job well, you reRights, which will be rolled out this year. The idea is business- allyhave to have a balance and es would audit themselves and one of the reasons I've been reap incentives for decreasing able to do the job well is I have wage disparities. deep relationships within the Avakian said he doesn't be- labor community and deep lieve enforcement can solve relationships in the business the problem of inequity; he community," Avakian said. would prefer to work coop— Reporter: 541-554-1162, eratively with businesses to Idahe@bendbulletin.com

elected official in Lane County and the first black school Continued from C1 board chairman for the EuWith his engineering de- gene School District, accordgree from Tuskegee, he also ing to his family. had a hand in helping with He is survived by his wife, the design of the USS Nauti- Marjorie West, and daughlus, the first nuclear subma- ters Marsha Harris, Sims, rine; worked on Project GemKaren Colonell and Wendy ini, NASA's second manned Schwarz.

spacecraft program; and assisted with the design work on the Hanford Nuclear Site in Richland, Wash. In 1970, he moved to Eugene. He was personnel director at Lane Community

College. He also was the first black

Thinning ranks The ranks of World War II veterans are shrinking with the passage of time. Once a force of about 16 million, World War II veterans now number about 1.7 million, dying at the rate of

— Reporter: 541-977-7185, bbotkdn@bendbulletin.com

PUBLIc OFFIcIALs For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit www.bendbulfetin.com/officials.

STATE OF OREGON Gov. John Kitzhaber, Democrat 160 State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4582 Fax:503-378-6872 Web: http://governor.oregon.gov

Secretary of StateKate Brown, Democrat 136 State Capitol Salem, OR 97301 Phone:503-986-1616 Fax: 503-986-1616 Email: oregon.sos@state.or.us Superintendent of Public lnstruction Susan Castillo 255 Capitol Street N.E. Salem, Oregon97310 Phone: 503-947-5600 Fax: 503-378-5156 Email: superintendent.castillo Ostate.or.us Web: www.ode.state.or.us

Treasurer TedWheeler, Democrat 159 Oregon State Capitol 900 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4329 Email: oregon.treasurer ©state.or.us Web: www.ost.state.or.us Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, Democrat 1162 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4400 Fax:503-378-4017 Web: www.doj.state.or.us

(includesJefferson, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1950 Email: sen.tedferrioli@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/ferrioli Sen. Chris Telfer, R-District27 (includes portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1727 Email: sen.christelfer©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/telfer

Sen. DougWhitsett, R-District 28 (includes Crook, portion of Deschutesl 900 Court St. N.E., S-303 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsett@state. ocus Web: www.leg.state.or.usl whitsett

900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Email: Alan Unger@co.deschutes. Salem, OR97301 ocus Phone: 503-986-1453 Email: rep.genewhisnant©state.or.us Tony DeBone,R-LaPine Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whisnant Phone: 541-388-6568 Email: Tony DeBone© co.deschutes.or.us

DESCHUTES COUNTY 1300 N.W.Wall St. Bend, OR97701 Web: www.deschutes.org Phone: 541-388-6571 Fax: 541-382-1692 County Commission

Tammy Baney,R-Bend Phone: 541-388-6567 Email: Tammy Baney@ co.deschutes.or.us Alan Unger, D-Redmond Phone: 541-388-6569


Rep. JasonConger, R-District 54 (portion of Deschutesl 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1454 Email: rep.jasonconger©state. ocus Web: www.leg.state.or.us/conger Rep. John Huffman, R-District 59 (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1459 Email: rep.johnhuffman@state.



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NEws OF REcoRD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Bend Police Department Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 4:35 a.m. Oct. 22, in the 200 block of Northwest Delaware Avenue.

Unlawful entry — Two vehicles were reported entered and an arrest madeat6:07a.m. Oct.24, inthe 2400 block of Northeast Moonlight Drive. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at 8:28 a.m. Oct. 24, in the 2000 block of Northeast Full Moon Drive. Theft — A theft was reported at 2:30p.m.Oct.24,inthe3800 block of Northwest Summerfield. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 3:01 p.m. Oct. 24, in the 500 block of Northeast Greenwood Avenue.

Theft — A theft was reported at 3:44 p.m. Oct. 23, in the 20100 block of Pinebrook Boulevard. Oregon State Police Unlawful entry — A vehicle was Vehicle crash — An accident was reported entered and an arrest made reported at11:30 a.m. Oct. 24, in at3:28a.m. Oct. 24, inthe 2300 the area of U.S. Highway 97 near block of Northeast Moonlight Drive. milepost118.

Labor Commissioner BradAvakian 800 N.E. OregonSt., Suite1045 Portland, OR 97232 Phone:971-673-0761 Fax: 971-673-0762 Email: boli.mail@state.or.us Web: www.oregon.gov/boli


Sen. Ted Ferrioli, R-District 30

Web: www.leg.state.or.usl huffman Rep. Mike McLane, R-District 55 (Crook, portion of Deschutesl 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1455 Email: rep.mikemclane©state. ocus Web: www.leg.state.or.us/mclane



Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-District 53 (portion of Deschutes County)


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Philomath millworker has arm reattached CORVALLIS — Surgeons have reattached the arm of a mill worker who lost it while cutting lumber at a Philomath plant. TheCorvallisGazette-Times reports the early outlook for recovery is favorable. It said 40-year-old Jesus "Jessie" Cardonda Gonzalez was listed in good condition W ednesday at Legacy Emanuel Medical Center in Portland. Gonzalez and his right arm, severed above the elbow, were flown to the hospital after the accident Monday. He had been using a saw at the Mary's River Lumber Co. plant. The company p r esident, Brad Kirkbride, said Gonzalez is showing "a little movement in his index finger." The company shut down the fence plant. State officials inspected it Tuesday but said details won't be released u ntil t h eir i n vestigation i s complete.

Seabird habitat could be casualty of lawsuit PORTLAND — The federal government has proposed to help settle a lawsuit by dropping nearly 4 million acres of designated "critical habitat" for the marbled murrelet, a threatened seabird that nests in coastal forests in Oregon, Washington and California. The O r egonian r e p orts the federal lawsuit pending i n Washington, D .C., w a s brought by the American Forest Resource Council, southwestern O r egon's D o uglas County and the Carpenters Industrial Council. The Forest Service says continuing c overage under the Endangered Species Act and the Northwest Forest Plan will protect the bird until the budget allows the service to set a new habitat designation in 2018. Conservationists criticized the proposal in a letter to President Barack Obama, saying the Forest Service has "simply given up," and the bird's numbers are still in decline.

2 women sentenced for horse abuse SALEM — T w o O r egon women have pleaded guilty and been given suspended one-year sentences for abusing horses. The S t atesman J o u rnal reports that Marion County sheriff's deputies rescued severalhorses and a foal in late June that were suffering from ex treme m a lnutrition and abuse. Authorities say the horses were in the care of Janet Spears and Rachael Frazeur and that Spears, of Sublimity, was the owner. A veterinarian found that one horse had several serious wounds and had to be euthanized. The foal is now ready for adoption. Both women pleaded guilty to first-degree aggravated animal abuse, which is a felony. They also pleaded guilty to first-degree animal neglect and second-degree animal abuse. Judge Lindsay P artridge told the women they will go to jail for the remainder of their sentences if they violate their supervised probation, which imposes restrictions on their contact with animals.

Fat dachshund's custody in dispute HILLSBORO — There's a custody battle in Oregon over Obie the obese dachshund. Obie weighed 70 pounds when his owner in Puyallup, Wash., said he was unable to care for him and gave him to Oregon Dachshund Rescue. It put Obie in the foster care of Nora Vanatta who received national attention after putting him on a diet. She says Obie has lost 15 pounds in the past two months. Now the pet agency says Vanatta has b een m a k ing money off his public exhibition and wants him back. V anatta told K A T U t h e money she'sreceived isbeing used for Obie's care and she wants to keep him. A hearing is set for Monday in Washington County Circuit Court. — From wire reports

Activists support woman Tuna showstraces staying in foredosedhome of radioactivecesium By Steven DuBois

she has been showering at The Associated Press her father's home. A portable PORTLAND — A c tivists bathroom was installed at the gathered in northeast Port- edge of the front yard on May land on Thursday to prevent Day and supporters bring the city f ro m r emoving a drinking water to the house. "I don't plan to move. That's woman from the foreclosed home she has been occupying why allthese people are here, for six months. to support me," Jackson said, Alicia Jackson, 45, lost the referring to the 100 or so achouse toforeclosure lastyear tivists in her yard. "And this after she stopped making (is) not about me. This is about payments. With help f r om community." members of Occupy Portland, Campers have turned her she returned during a May front yard into a mini-Occupy Day protest and has remained Portland site. Tents have been there. pitched in frontyard and signs The city plans to remove adorning the house read: "No her because the house lacks More Empty H omes" and water service and is consid- "Turn The Water On." Activered unfit for habitation. ists rallied in the morning and Jackson has offered to pay later debated ways to achieve the overdue bill, but the city their city-wide goal of moving won't take her money because people into vacant homes. "Banks should not be able she doesn't own the building. Portland Water Bureau adto come in (and) steal your ministrator David Shaff said house," said S tacey P hilthe company that owns it, Fox lips, who drove from Salem. "These people are criminals; Capital, doesn't want water service restored because it is they need tobe incarcerated trying to evict the squatter. and removed from society. Jackson, a flagger for a And ill-gotten gains they have road constructioncrew, said achieved need to be forfeited

The Associated Press Oregon State U n iversity researchers have found traces of radioactive cesium from lastyear's Japanese nuclear reactor disaster in West Coast albacore tuna. The amount is far t oo small to harm people who eat the fish, the scientists said. Scientists from the university and the N ational Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration c o l lected and tested fish caught off the West Coastbefore and after the March 2011 Japanese earthquake and tsunami that caused a nuclear reactor to release radioactive material, the Longview Daily News reported. The team's findings are i n line with work by r esearchers i n C a l i fornia, w ho announced in M a y

directly to the people who are affected." Fox Capital officials could not be reached for comment. A lawyer for the company told KGW-TV he could not comment on the matter. The city, following a hearing last month, hadthe right to vacate the property for health reasons as early as Thursday. Mike L i efeld, m a nager of the city's Neighborhood Inspections & C o m pliance Services Section, said action likely won't be taken until next week. Jackson, he said, will be given advance notice so she can make other living arrangements. "Our goal is to try to get people out of there peaceably and make sure they have time to remove their belongings," he said. Ahjamu Umi, who helped o rganize the effort t o p u t Jackson in the home, said the activists on hand plus reinforcementsfrom a "rapid response network" will defend the house when city officials arrive.

that they had found traces of radioactive cesium in bluefin tuna caught off the southern coast. "We're still processing new fish, but so far the radiation we're detecting is far below the level ofconcern for human safety," said Delvan Neville, a graduate researcher with OSU's Radiation Health Physics program and a co-investigator on the project. Albacore tuna is a $41 million business in the Pacific Northwest, an d f i s hermen from the region caught about 10,000 tons last year, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce. 5

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Court allowsClatsopCounty to reverseitsel, an pipeline The Associated Press PORTLAND — C l a tsop County can change its mind and block a p i peline that could carry natural gas to an LNG terminal at the mouth of the Columbia River, the

Oregon Court of Appeals has ruled. The ruling paves the way for the county to make final a decision against zoning for the line to feed Oregon LNG's proposed terminal at Warrenton, The Oregonian reported Thursday. The county commission approved zoning for the 41-mile pipeline in 2010. Four months later, a newly elected slate of commissioners reversed the decision. In a lawsuit, the company argued the first decision was irreversible. The Court of Ap-

• s

o V






Mayor of Bend, 1991, 2009, 2010 Alex Pajunas/The Daily Astorian file photo

Bend City Councilor, 22 years

A commercial fishing boat motors through the Warrenton Marina on the Skipanon River. The Oregon Court of Appeals says Clatsop County can change its mind and block a pipeline that would carry natural gas to an export terminal at Warrenton.

A third terminal project, at Coos Bay, remains active. Originally, the t erminals peals disagreed in a ruling were envisioned as a means to handed down W e dnesday. import liquefied gas, but techCounty officials told The Or- nological advances touched egonian they are reviewing off a boom in domestic explothe decision before they finish ration and production. After making the zoning decision that, the LNG proposals befinal. gan to focus on exporting doThree LNG terminals have mestic supplies to Asia. been proposed in Oregon. In the s ummer, Oregon Local opposition led back- L NG launched a new b i d ers to drop plans for another for federal approval of the LNG terminal, upriver from Warrenton terminal, which it Astoria, in 2010. switched from an import pro-

Rotary Club of Bend, President 09 — 10 Bend Sister City Foundation, Non-Profit, Founder

posal to a mixed-use project that could export gas to Asia, where prices are much higher. It has been holding public meetings with federal regulators on a new environmental impact statement. Representatives of the company did not respond to a call and email from The Associated Press. The Oregonian reportedthe company could appeal to the Oregon Supreme Court or seek some form of federal pre-emption of local regulation.

Bend-La Pine Public Schools, Human Resources Deschutes County Field Representative, US Senator Ron Wyden I


I a



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II •




Paid for by Kathie Eckman for City Council

Reaction to bag ban in Eugene is mixed The Register-Guard IEugenei The Eugene City Council's decision to ban t hin p las-

plastic ones." Retiree John Willamson, 64, was in no mood to be tic shopping bags is getting pushed. "I think it sucks," he said of a mixed reception among consumers. the ban. "It's too much of an Some s h oppers i n t er- inconvenience." "It just seems ... with the viewed Tuesday outside the busy Eugene WinCo grocery economics today, the timing store said that a weak econo- could be a little bit better," he my is no time to do away with said. plastic bags and force people In a 6-2vote Monday, the to pay a nickel per bag for pa- Eugene City Council voted per bags if they forget to bring to nix plastic sacks from the their own. checkout stand and to require But other shoppers said it retailers to charge customers was about time something 5 cents for each paper bag was done to rid the city of theyuse. That's an important differthe unsightly plastic sacks that can end up polluting the ence from the ban Portland's environment. City Council passed last year. "I think it's smart," said Portland didn't mandate Joanna Jachowicz, 39, as she the fee for paper bags, so loaded into her trunk grocer- many consumers just substiiesheld in reusable bags she tuted paper for plastic, retailhad brought from home. ers said. Jachowicz grew up in PoThe whole goal of the ban land, where stores didn't pro- was to get rid of disposable vide bags. So she got used to bags, "but what w e h a ve bringing her own. found in Portland is our pa" Some people need t o per bag consumption just be pushed a little bit in the skyrocketed," Fred M eyer right direction," she said. spokeswoman Amanda Ip "It's so convenient to use said.

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The Bulletin



Governor, unions need to help fix PERS he Oregon School Boards Association, a group as sensitive to the burden imposed by the state Public Employee Retirement System's financial problems as any, hired a law firm recently to help it come up with potential legislative solutions that stand a chance of passing legal muster. In doing so, it joined lawmakers, would-be lawmakers and other public officials who agree that something must be done, and quickly. Having lost money on its investments in recent years, PERS finds itself $16 billion in the hole, money it must collect from participating agencies, including school districts, cities, counties and state government. T he burden i s h u ge. T h e Redmond School District, for example, will be required to dump an additional $2.2 million into PERS this year, enough to otherwise keep 28 teachers employed or keep schools open for 13 days. Yet two of the players in the PERS drama have been strangely silent. Public employee unions have so far been willing to discuss only one solution, and that's layoffs. It's a short-sighted answer to long-term problem that promises to do more damage to the unions than they themselves might recognize. Unions, if they're toprosper, must have a steady flow of new members — the very folks most likely to lose jobs in tough economic times. As

unions shield their oldest, most expensive members, they do so at the expense of the very people who should fill their ranks tomorrow, in the process persuading those who were laid off that union membership doesn't have much to offer in any event. The othermissing player,publicly at least, is Oregon's governor, John Kitzhaber. Kitzhaber is too busy, perhaps, recreating everything from public education to health care to the way the U.S. Forest Service manages its public lands to fuss about a little thing like public employee pensions. Yet all the reforms in the world won't improve Oregon education, as one example, if school districts must put so much into PERS that they cannot hire the teachers they need to get the job done. Fixing PERS's problems is critical to the future health of all Oregon, from the smallest town to the state itself. It deserves the attention both of the unions that will feel the impactofchange and the governor, who, after all, is charged with running the state.

BETsY McCooc


Gottoott Bcnctt


Jotttt Cosmn

Fditur in-Clnrf Editor of Edttorials








CaooKev l wesrs eITtl INcof@



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M 1Vickel's Worth SupportSegers, Obama and Brown I respectfully ask voters to consider votingforJoyce Segers for Congress. Doing what is right for all citizens of this great state and working cooperatively has always been a strong Oregonian virtue, and Greg Walden has not lived up to the Oregonian standard for several terms now. It's time for a change. Oregonians are like that and it doesn't matter what your skin color is, what matters to us, is that we have leaders with dignity, respect and have the ability to look beyond politics and do what is right for all of us. I encourage you to vote for our honorable President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. They have worked hard against many obstaclesbut we are slowly seeing the improvements. Kate Brown is

also a prime example of Oregonian virtues and we need to continue to support her during this election. Our votes matter,they empower us as individuals, counties, state and as a country.Many are the common person (people who work and survive

payday to payday) and the strength we have incommon is we have hope and faith. We don't have time for negativity and politics, we just need to get the job done. This is what we pass on generation to generation. Please, take time to vote, we have a lot of work to do. Stay empowered by exercising your right to vote. Leona Ike Warm Springs

Elect Bagley as Circuit Court judge

judge if given the opportunity and urge you to consider casting your vote for her. Stephen Gunnels Bend

Bend City Council needs fresh ideas Come Election Day, please vote for fresh ideas and fiscal responsibility on and by the Bend City Council. It's time to end the current council's dependency on expensive outside c onsultants, inability to say no to staff, and endless posturing and pontificating. Of the current councilors, only Jim Clinton has fought the status quo and should be re-elected. Electing Barbara Campbell, Doug Knight and Sally Russell along with Clinton will create a council that will truly do the will of the people. Bob Woodward Bend

Balyeat has right judicial temperament I was a civil litigation attorney for 40 years, practicing in both the Willamette Valley and in Central Oregon.I've been involved over 250 jury trialsspread over most ofO regon's 36 counties. I've known Andy Balyeat for almost 15 years, both in and out of court. My courtroom experience is the reason I'm supporting him, as his treasurer and with my vote, in his bid to become our next Circuit Court


Recent letters to The Bulletin about the two candidates in our local judicial race have not talked about I urge Deschutes County voters to judicial temperament, a character elect Beth Bagley as Circuit Court trait that often determines whether judge. a citizen's experience with our judiHaving grown up i n D eschutes cial system is positive or negative. County and having served as a pros- The American Bar Association deecutor here for the past 18 years, I fines positive judicial temperament know that we have been blessed with as "compassion,decisiveness, openexceptionally good j udges. Those m indedness, courtesy, patience, freemen and women have dedicated dom from bias, and commitment to themselves to serving the public by equal justice under the law." The reprotecting the community while safe- tiring Deschutes County judge, who guarding individual rights. will be replaced by one of the candiI have worked with Bagley for the dates in this race, is an excellent expast decade and I firmly believe she ample of the ABA's definition. The possesses the same fine qualities citizens of Deschutes County should as those judges: dedication to public vote for the candidate who will best service and a record of protecting the honor this brand of judicial temperacommunity with good judgment, in- ment. That candidate is Balyeat. telligence and a strong sense of fairWilliam Flinn ness and integrity. Bagley has demBend onstrated those qualities while serving as a school board member, while Vote to end inheritance tax prosecuting murder and elder abuse cases and while seeking the position A yes vote on Proposition 84 will of Circuit Court judge. repeal Oregon's inheritance taxes Bagley is endorsed by law enforce- and make our state a more desirable ment, Crime Victims United and The retirement option. Getting people to Bulletin because of her outstanding retire to Oregon creates jobs — good abilities and character. jobs — and will increase the state, I believe Bagley will be a fantastic county, city and school tax income.

People looking to retire are attracted to Oregon because of our high quality of life, especially our great out-of-doors environment. Oregon is competing with other Western states for retireesand only three of those states impose these "double taxes" on their deceased inhabitants. Retirees are dissuaded from retiring to Oregon by the imposition of inheritance taxes on their estates. Retirees pour more of their annual income into Oregon's government bodies than Oregon confiscates on their death with its inheritance taxes. They annually pay income taxes to the state of Oregon and property taxes to their county. They pay school taxes and don't have any school-age children. They buy at local stores, eat in local restaurants and support our recreation facilities. They hire local service and maintenance providers and contractors. They are heavy users of the Bend area'ssuperb medical facilities. (Read these as added jobs, more tax income.) They help raise and donate thousands of dollars to local charities. They donate their accumulated experience and talent through uncounted hours of volunteer time. Over the long term, Oregon will gain jobs and get more tax money if it attracts retirees rather than repels them. Vote yes on Proposition 84 to repeal Oregon's existing inheritance tax law.

ers to vote nno" on Measure 9-86, especially during this time of a fragile economy and high unemployment. Bend should focus on solving its water and sewer infrastructure probDana Staples lems and not try to impose greater Bend property taxes for recreation and entertainment.

public servant who will give the time necessary to make Bend that special city we all want it to be. Please seriously consider voting for Eckman.

Clear issues inthis election

For me, voting in this year's election is a no-brainer. The choices in the federal election are clear. It doesn't really matter who said what to whom or who did this or that. The twin issues of the budget deficit and the federal debt overwhelm all other topics. I will vote for whomever I think will do the most to mitigate those problems. We need to start with a constitutional amendment to limit the terms of our congressmen. Then perhaps they will focus on the needs of their constituents rather than on their reelection. Along with that, we need a balanced budget amendment, so any increase in taxes will go toward ameliorating those problems rather than i n troducing ne w p r o grams and spending designed to aid their re-elections. For Oregon, I will vote for the persons whom I think will actually do something about the giant bloodsucking PERS that absorbs so much of the money needed for the real functions of government, none of which include ensuring that retired Gentry Wade employees enjoy outsized benefits Sunriver that the rest of us do not have and yet must pay for. As it stands, it seems Eckman is dedicated, that the Oregon Democratic Party is subservient to a public employee thoughtful agenda, so I will vote for any RepubDuring the 15 years I have known licans who intend to act on this issue. Kathie Eckman, I am a lways imLet us demand that our representapressed with her dedication and time tives of whichever party act in the spent improving a project very close interests of the taxpayers, not the to her heart, which is making Bend an taxsuckers. even better place to live. Her ability to Edwin Tabibian study the facts in a bipartisan way, see Redmond the whole picture and consider how it affects all walks of life before com- Latte argument for cost ing to a conclusion, is a very special of park bond isoffensive attribute she possesses. I admire her managerial experience in the public I find it offensive when the Bend sector.She has a stellar track record Park 8 Recreation District promotes being involved with the city of Bend its $29 million bond measure with the for the last 30 years. Eckman is a pro silly "latten analogy, wherein the "average" property owner would need at multi-tasking, which is evident in her ability to be involved with the to give up only one latte per month Bend City Council, serving twice as to pay for this tax hike. For those of mayor, a member of the Bend Budget us who depend upon a fixed or unCommittee, the Bend Metropolitan certain income, a more realistic analCommittee Planning Organization ogy would be that we would have to and the Planning Commission just give up a few gallons of milk, a few to mention a few. Eckman is always dozen eggs or a pound of meat, since interested in spending time unself- few of us regularly enjoy the luxury ishly participating in endeavors that of lattes. improve Bend. I believe Eckman has Let the latte-lovers with their abunthe vision and is the right candidate to dant, discretionary income create serve another term on the Bend City their own fund to pay for their recCouncil and help lead our city in the reational appetites, but don't burden right direction. There is no question the rest of us with the costs of their she is a capable, willing and dedicated recreation. I urge all Bend taxpay-

James Strelchun Bend

Think about how youvote Here's a heresy, a rarity, perhaps

even (gasp) a thought rather than an emotion. Since it's that time of our political cycle where we hear from most media how important it is to vote (e.g. "it doesn't matter how you vote, what's important is just that you vote" or some similar mistaken assertion), may I suggest that if you don't have a clue as to what you are voting for or about, or read the choices only in summary form at the last minute before you cast your ballot, then you are doing society a great disservice. In other words, think about what you are voting, instead of just feeling about what you are voting. Lack of cognitive thought and instinctive emotions have put us where we are today, and if you don't understand the issues, at least in your own mind, and can defend and discuss them, do us all a favor and don't send in your ballot. Further, please do not get your information from only one source. Take the time to check out the people and the issues for yourself. If you don't fully understand, then don't vote, at least not on that particular issue. As I said, it's heresy. But it's the only way out. Michael McCaffery Bend

Baldwin best choice for Supreme Court I disagree with your assessment of this year's Supreme Court race. I know Judge Richard Baldwin very well, having served with him on the governing body of the Oregon State Bar. This position on the Supreme Court is not one that will be creating laws, but rather one that will determine court cases of our state's highest importance. With this responsibility, having broad judicial and practical experience is invaluable. I have followed Judge Baldwin's career with great interest and I can tell you that he not only has the intellectual capacity for this position, but that he has displayed great commitment to the law and the access to our courts of all citizens. His experience, dedication and commitment to the law make him ideally suited for this position.

Dennis Karnopp Bend



BITUARIES James JWalker •


February 1938 - October2012 lmogene Coleman, of Prineville Dec. 4, 1928 - Oct. 21, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals of Redmond, 541-504-9485, www.autumnfunerals.net Services: A private service will be held. Contributions may be made to:

Pioneer Home Health Hospice, 1201 NE Elm St., Prineville, OR 97754.

Allen D. Medeiros, of Bend Feb. 10, 1947 - Oct. 24, 2012 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, 541-382-2471. Please visit the online registry at www.niswonger-reynolds.com.

Services: A memorial service will be held Mon., Oct. 29, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2555 NW Shevlin Park Rd., Bend. Contributions may be made to:

Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701.

James Jay Walker, of Redmond Feb. 13, 1938 - Oct. 22, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Redmond, 541-504-9485, www.autumnfunerals.net Services: Funeral service at The Church of Jesus Christ Latter Day Saints, 450 SW Rimrock Dr., Redmond, OR, on Monday, Oct. 29, 2012 at 11:00 a.m. Burial at Terrebonne Pioneer Cemetery on Oct. 29, 2012, at 12:30 p.m.

Jack R. Haney, of Bend Dec. 4, 1920 - Oct. 17, 2012 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, 541-382-2471, www.niswonger-reynolds.com

Services: Celebration of Life will be held November 17, 2012 at the Black Butte Ranch Community Center. Contributions may be made to:

Partner's In Care Hospice,2075 NE Wyatt Ct. Bend, OR 97701 http://www.partnersbend. org or Ex-Prisoners of War (AXPOW)

Ellen Newburn, of Prineville July 30, 1927 - Oct. 18, 2012 Arrangements: Whispering Pines Funeral Home, 541-416-9733 Services: A celebration of Life will be held on November 17 at the Prineville Elks with the ceremony beginning at 11 a.m. Contributions may be made to:

Prineville Hospice, OHSU's Knight Institute for Cancer Research, St. Vincent-Providence Heart Research, Al-Kader Shrine Travel Fund or Hospital.

Richard Owen Johnson, of Prineville Jan. 18, 1938 - Oct. 15, 2012 Arrangements: Whispering Pines Funeral Home, 541-416-9733 Services: No services will be held at this time. Contributions may be made to:

St. Charles Home Health or The National Rifle Association.

Betsy Anne Sime Feb. 22,1937 • Oct. 22,2012 After a seven year battle with cancer, Betsy A. Sime peacefully passed away on O ctober 2 2 , 2 0 1 2 . Sh e passed away at home surr ounded b y h er l ovi n g family. B etsy was born in Loweville, N Y, to Harold and Mildred Roberts on February 22, 1937. When Betsy was Betsy Sime still young, they moved to Falls C hurch, V A , w h e r e s h e g rew u p a l o n g w i t h h e r younger sister, Nancy. B etsy w a s p r i m a r il y a h ome maker . S h e w a s a superb pianist, an accomplished artist and a skilled quilt maker. He r f ive children were the center of her l ife. S h e m a r r i e d K e i t h S ime, a Marine and a N a v al A v i a t or , o n J u n e 1 , 1 960. Keith served in t h e Marine Corps for 25 years during which time he w as transferred to many differe nt b a ses w i t h pe r i o d i c u naccompanied t o u r s o f duty. B etsy a djusted t o e a c h m ove w i t h a l a c r it y a n d q uickly established a l o v i ng, happy h om e f o r h e r f amily a t e a c h n e w d u t y station. U pon hi s r e t i r ement i n 1 980, K e it h a nd B et s y m oved t o B a i n b r i dge I s l and, W A , w h e r e B e t s y

owned and operated a cust om framing store k n ow n "Artworks. " Th ey as moved again toSunnyvale, CA, before settling in Sunriver in 1989. D uring B e t s y ' s se v e n y ear battle w it h h e r c a n c er, sh e t r a v eled e x t e n s ively w i t h K ei t h , ce l ebrated her 50th w e dding anniversary, welcomed the birth of her eighth gr andc hild, spent time w it h h e r o ther g r a n dchildren a n d l earned j u s t b e f o r e s h e passed away that she was to become a g r e at-grandmother. B etsy is survived by h e r husband; her five children, Billy, Jane, D avid, Susan and Carolyn; and her eight g randchildren. S he w a s preceded in death by both of her parents and her sister. N iswonger-Reynolds F u neral Home is servinp the f amily. A R o s ar y w i l l b e h eld a t t h e h i s t o ri c S t . F rancis C h u r ch , ( d o w n town) Bend at 1 0:15 a.m., o n October 27, 2012. A fu n eral mass w il l f o l lo w a t 11:00 a .m. , a l s o a t St . F rancis. S h e w i l l b e i n t erred i n A r l i n g to n N a tional Cemetery. D onations i n h e r n a m e may be m ade to P a rtners I n Care, H om e H e alth 8 z H ospice, 2 0 7 5 N E W y a t t Ct, Bend, OR 97701 or online h t t p : //www.partnersb end.org Please sign o u r o nline g ues t b oo k at www.niswonger-reynolds. com

gold medals for the United States in Greco-Roman wrestling at the 1984 Olympics in Los Angeles. Died Wednesday in Schenectady, N.Y. Gerry Haukebo, 84: Invented

language villages for learning a language through immersion. Died Sunday. — From wire reports

By Valerie j. Nelson LOS ANGELES — One of the greatest child phenomenons in surfing history, Donald Takayama saved up money from his paper route to buy a plane ticket to travel from one boarding mecca to another. He arrived in Los Angeles in the mid-1950s, a Hawaiian runaway with $10 in his pocket. He was 11 years old. At pioneering Velzy-Jacobs Surfboards in Venice Beach, Takayama was soon practicing the craft he would master, shaping boards. He'd been a dedicated surfer since kindergarten, when he'd skip school to ride the waves on a board pieced together from railroad ties. The local surfing community adopted the diminutive Takayama, who "from a really young age could literally surf circles around the best guys of the period. He was an incredibly gifted surfer with really quick feet and a beautiful style," said Matt Warshaw, author of "The In the 1960s, Takayama became one of the country's top competitive surfers. But he left a longer-lasting mark on the sport as a surfboard designer: His longboards encouraged a renaissance in surfing in the 1980s. Takayama, 68, died Monday from complications due to surgery, Hawaiian Pro Designs, the Oceanside, Calif.,

Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence.

Deadlines:Death Notices are

For information on any of theseservices or about the

for publication on the secondday

Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254

Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

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accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day

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ads vary; pleasecall for details.




falling Los Angeles Times SACRAMENTO, C alif. — Once riding high, Proposition 37, the California ballot measure to label geneticallyengineered foods, has seen its voter support plummet during the last month, and a new poll shows the high-stakes battle now is a dead heat. After a barrage of negative television advertisements financed by a $41 million opposition war chest, a USC Dornsife/Los Angeles Times poll released Thursday showed 44 percent of surveyed voters backing the initiative and 42 percent opposing it. A substantial slice of the electorate, 14 percent, remains undecided or unwilling to take a position. The critical d r umbeat of television advertising is having a big effect, voters said. The anti-Proposition 37 spots "made me start looking more into" the issue

4 ( e

0 H 0 M E S P RC I E DF R0M


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$449,900 OPENSUNDAY12-3 • Master on main level • Bonus loft plus den • Premium finishes



Directions: West on Shevlin Park Rd., left on NW Crossing Dr., left on NW Frazer Ln.

of genetically engineered plants, said Josie Prendez, 63, a retired school employee in Fresno. She said she concludedthat farmers should not be hit with more regulations. The initiative, if approved, would make California the first state to require labels on genetically engineered crops or processed foods, such as most corn, soybeans, sugar beets and Hawaiian papayas. It would requirelabelson supermarket shelves, food packages or produce bins.


Los Angeles Times

Obituary policy

obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.



$332,5 00 OPEN SUNDAY 12-3 • Green home • Premium finishes • Formal living room Directions: West on Shevlin Park Rd., left on NW Crossing Dr., left on NW Frazer Ln.

2163 NW Lolo Dr. SOLD • Luxurious features • Bonus room wi wet bar • Bright corner lot Directions: West on Skyliners Rd., right on NW Mt. Washington Dr., right on NW Lolo Dr.

Takayamawas surer, oar shaper

Encyclopedia of Surfing."

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: Luigi Vellucci, 99: Tenor with the New York City Opera for decades with a l ong list of supporting roles dating back to the 1940s. Died Oct. 17 in Rutherford, N.J. Jeff Blatnick, 55: Overcame cancer to win one of the first

Born February 1938, died O ctober 2012. He wa s 7 4 years old. He wa s a R e dm ond, OR, resident of 4 0 years. After a l o n g b a t tle with pancreatic cancer, he a ssed peacefully with h i s a mily a t h i s b e d s ide i n Redmond, O R . He w as born to Samuel G. Walker a nd H a zel C . W e n d t i n LaGrande, OR. He was the oldest of three children. He a t t ended L a G r a n de High School in L a Grande, OR, graduating in 1956. He s erved i n t h e A r m y N a t ional G u ar d u n t i l 1 9 6 4 , while attending college. He received his masters degree from Eastern Oregon C ollege i n te a c h ing . H e taught m at h a n d c h e mist ry a t T h e D a l l e s H i g h School, physics at Eastern Oregon College, and math and Science at R e d mond High School during his 30 year career. He r etired in 1991. H e met and m a r r ied th e l ove of hi s l i fe , Carma J . P anter (W a lker) i n 1 9 6 0 . They raised four children. They enjoyed a m a r r i age of 52 years. H e w il l f o r e ve r b e r e m embered b y h i s l o v i n g wife, Carma; hi s s i blings, F redric W a l ker o f W e e d , CA, J u d i t h Per r i n , of S pringfield, MO ; hi s c h i l d ren, Do u g l a s W al k e r , Becky and Matthew Nelson, Kenneth and A n d r ea W alker , M i ch a e l an d S hylo Walker, all o f C e ntral Oregon; 17 grandchildren, and one great-grandson. A celebration of his life is planned for Monday, October 29, public viewing at 10:00 a.m., service begins at 1 1 :0 0 a . m . , a t T he Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints on Rimrock Way, Redmond, OR. G raveside services will b e at the Terrebonne Pioneer Cemetery. A utumn Funerals will b e in c h a r g e of ser v i c e s. F lower ar rangements w i l l be provided by, The Lady Bug Florist i n R e d m o nd, OR.




surfboard-making company he founded in the 1970s, said on its website. He had ongoing heart problems after enduring a heart attack years ago while surfing. When the 9-foot-plus longboard gave way to boards that were about 3 feet shorter in the late 1960s, Takayama was one of the few top surfers who could adapt his riding style to successfully compete. He won the masters division of the U.S. Surfing Championships from 1971 through 1973. The shorter boards required a physical prowess that the easy-to-paddle longboards did not. Aging surfers helped fuel the longboard revival that began in the mid-1970s. Takayama — then one of the few world-class longboard shapers — was poised to earn another, albeit unofficial title, as a "refounding father" of surfing. In 1985, Surfer magazine named him one of "25 Surfers Who Changed the Sport." By then, Takayama was almost exclusively m a k ing longboards through Hawaiian Pro Designs. His new designs and materials made the boards light, fast and more maneuverable than predecessors. "The longboard gives the less expert surfer an easier time. It givesthe older surfer a second chance at youth," Takayama told the San Diego Union-Tribune in 1992. "Whole families now go out with longboards. Not for titles. For fun." His surfboard shop was close to thebeach, and he regularly surfed off Oceanside before selling the company around 2005. He later moved to Hawaii with his wife, Diane, who survives him along with three daughters and grandchildren. "When people call for me, and I'm surfing, the office policy is to tell them, 'Donald is in a board meetingand can'tcome to the phone,"' Takayama told the Los Angeles Times in 1990. "We just don't tell them it's a surfboard."

19159 Park Commons Dr. • Master on main level $469,900 • Premium finishes • 3-car garage Directions: West onShevlin ParkRd., nghton NW ParkCommons Dr

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Directions: From Parkwayexit ReedMkt. Rd. east, right on SE15th St., left on Ferguson Rd., left on Mt. Vista Dr., right on Charity Ln.

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F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.

I ls


I Today: Increasing clouds, still below aver

Tonight:A few isolated rain showers I





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Moon phases F ull Last



Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....9:54 a.m...... 6:50 p.m. High/Low.............. 46/27 24 hours ending 4p.m.*.. 0.00" Venus......4:28 a.m...... 4:48 p.m. Recordhigh........ 78in1929 Monthto date.......... 0.28" Mars......11:09 a.m...... 7:56 p.m. Record low.........16in1954 Average month todate... 042" Jupiter......8:00 p.m..... I1:12 a.m. Average high.............. 58 Year to date............ 7.02" Saturn......7:22 a.m......606 p.m. Averagelow............... 31 Average yearto date..... 7.60" Uranus.....4:51 p.m...... 5:10 a.m. Barometdicpressureat4 p.m.30.33 Record 24 hours ...0.29 in1976 *Melted liquid equivalent

N e w First


Moonrisetoday.... 4:25 p.m Moonset today .... 4.31 a.m Oct. 29 Nov. 6 Nov. 13 Nov. 20




Yesterday Friday Saturday Bend,westpjHwy.97...Lpw Sisters ............................Lpw City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lp/W Bend,eastpf Hwy. 97......Lpw La Pine...............................tpw Preppitationvaluesare24-hour totalsthrough 4pm. Redmond/Madras ........Lpw Prinevige..........................tpw Mod.= Moderate; Ext. = Extreme Astoria ........ 54/34/0.00.... 53/44/sh . Baker City......41/30/0.03.... 46/25/rs . ...sloo/sh To report a wildfire, call 911 Brookings...... 57/41/0.00.... 59/51/sh . ...61/52/sh Burns..........46/24/0.00....48/26/pc . Eugene........ 59/33/0.00.... 55/43/sh . ...58/46/ h Klamath Falls ...46/29/0.00..... 52/35/< . ....59/34/c The higher the UV Index number, the greater Lakeview....... 45/37/0.00....49/34/pc . ...56/32/pc La Pine........ 50/27/0.00..... 54/28/. ....54/28/< the need for eye and skin protection. Index is solar at noon. Medford....... 58/42/0.00.....61/43/< . ...65/46/pc Newport....... 55/37/0.01....54/47/sh . ...57/49/sh LOWR MEDIUM • HIGHRgggg North Bend..... 61/39/0.00.... 58/51/sh . ...62/52/sh Ontario........ 50/30/0.00....52/32/pc. ...55/35/pc 0 2 4 6 8 10 Pendleton...... 50/36/0.05....48/33/sh . ...55/34/sh Portland .......56/41/0.01....51/47/sh . Pnnevige.......48/28/000.....54/33/c. ....56/37/c Redmond....... 50/26/0.00....52/32/sh . Roseburg.......60/39/0.02....55/44/sh . 6p/Sp sh UPdated daily. Source: Pollen.com Salem......... 54/35/0.01....53/43/sh . ...56/47/sh~y Sisters......... 52/24/0.00....55/31/sh . ....52/34/c ~LDW MEDIUM The Dages...... 58/39/0.04....51/38/sh . ...56/44/sh

The following was compiled by the Central Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as a serviceto irrigators and sportsmen.

Reservoir Acrefeet Capacity Crane Praine...... . . . . . . 34,923...... 55,000 Wickiup..... . . . . . . . . . . 121,476..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 72,111...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir.... . . . . 16,688...... 47,000 Prineville..... . . . . . . . . . . 82,780..... 153,777 River flow Sta t i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Praine ...... . 292 Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . 252 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 25 LittleDeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 174 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 658 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . . 809 Crooked RiverAbove Prineville Res..... . . . . . 30 Crooked RiverBelow Prinevige Res. ... . . . . . 77.9 Ochoco CreekBelow Ochoco Res. ... . . . . . . 7.27 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 174 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 or go to www.wrd.state.or.us Legend:W-weather,P<p-precipitation,s-sun,pc-partial clouds,c-cjouds,h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurnes,sn-snow, i-ice,rs-rain-spowmix, w-wind, f-fog,dr-dnzzje, tr-trace


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• 61'



Yesterday's state extremes

Jordan Valley



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• BurnS •


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56 40

Widespread rain is expected.



Chr i stmas Valley


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Gpld x x xx


Sunnsetoday...... 7:35 a.m Sunset today...... 6:03 p.m Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:36 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 6:01 p.m



Qi'btIJbxtttij EI3


Mostly cloudy and cool with a chance Ontaoo of showers today.


• Paulina Spus

pu ttriuer'. Bend . . i . 53 / 2 9 « x Brothers 54/29 «cottagoe«' Oakrjdgec txxx • HamPton ' ' xs L i a olne Pi ne54ua — 52/29

i 59/49 X x v <'55/43xxx «x x x x x x » i> ' ' 'o i



Cloudy skies with showers developing today.


• PrineVille54/33

~i i i x


41/35 U njpn 390

Baker City

' m xx kx 56/35

CO'ruaBIS 9x kx N' ' ' 'Sh '


Grani (e

More light rainfall.

Qi'btxjgP' IIT txt


CENTRAL Mostly cloudy and cool with a chance of showers today.


x Cpndonxxxx .xx x i c amp 3 6/33 .',xxii t i i x i« 53/49oxxx x x x x x x x x x ' x NR'"'""""1 x x x ' ,59/36, s s


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x'M<Mj/mivj 5

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Isolated rain show-




More clouds and rain.

are possible.






Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/LoNI City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/yy Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/L»NI Abilene,TX ......73/58/0.00..56/36/pc. 56/36/pc Grand Rapids....78/61/0 00..50/35/pc. 48/33/pc RapidCity.......33/23/0 00...37/22/c.. 39/29/c Savannah.......85/66/0 00..80/63/pc. 77/57/sh Akron ..........79/55/000..69/45/pc. 50/41/sh GreenBay.......70/46/0.50...46/29/s. 44/30/pc Renp...........53/31/000...61/37/s.. 66/39/s Seattle..........53/44/023..48/44/sh. 54/49/sh Albany..........60/51/0.00..70/51/pc.. 66/49/c Greensboro......77/50/0.00..74/57/pc.. 67/50/c Richmpnd.......80/55/000..74/58/pc. 70/54/sh Sioux Falls.......40/32/022..42/22/pc.47/30/pc Albuquerque.....61/45/0.00...54/34/s..60/39/s Harrisburg.......63/60/000..68/52/pc. 67/50/sh Rochester,NY....81/55/0 00..72/50/pc. 53/43/sh Spokane........42/35/0 03.. 42/33/rs. 47/36/sh Anchorage ......35/16/0.00...30/14/s.. 34/22/s Hartford,CT .....62/49/0.00..69/50/pc.. 67/49/c Sacramento......67/53/0.00... 73/49/s .. 75/53/s Sppngfield,MO..72/43/0.03 .. 51/29/pc.. 51/31/s Atlanta .........80/58/0.00...78/57/s.. 71/49/c Helena..........30/22/0.00...39/23/c.. 42/30/c St Lpuis.........83/48/026 ..55/35/pc.. 55/34/s Tampa..........86/72/000 ..84/67/pc. 81/62/pc Atlantic City .....64/60/0.00..68/56/pc.. 68/56/c Honolulu........84/75/0.00..84/73/pc.. 85/71/s Salt Lake City....42/34/021 ..46/36/pc. 55/39/pc Tucson..........81/48/000... 87/52/s .. 85/57/s Austin..........88/66/0.00...59/46/c. 60/45/pc Houston ........88/75/0.00...72/53/t. 67/46/pc SapAutpuip.....87/70/000...65/49/c. 62/48/pc Tulsa...........73/48/001 56/31/pc .. .. 56/32/s Baltimpre .......67/61/0.00..71/56/pc.. 69/53/c Huutsvige.......82/54/000..77/48/pc. 61/41/pc San Diego.......72/56/000... 82/60/s .. 80/63/s Washington, DC..71/62/000 .. 72/57/pc.. 69/54/c Bigipgs .........28/24/0.02...38/22/c. 40/26/pc Indianapolis.....76/55/0.00...53/37/r. 54/35/pc SanFranoscp....66/55/0.03... 70/53/s .. 72/54/s Wtchtta.........71/43/0.00... 51/28/s .. 53/32/s Birmiugham .....80/56/0.00..79/54/pc. 63/45/pc Jackson, MS.....82/60/0.00..74/44/pc. 65/42/pc San lose........63/51/001... 73/50/s ..77/51/s Yakima.........54/31/000 ..45/31/sh. 51/35/sh Bismarck........36/31/000... 37/I9/c .. 35/23/c lackspnvige......82/67/0.00..81/68/pc. 78/SB/sh SantaFe........59/36/000 ..49/26/pc .. 53/32/s Yuma...........85/61/000... 81/60/s .. 86/62/s Boise...........49/33/000... 51/33/c .. 56/37/c Juneau..........37/29/0.00...34/17/s.. 33/20/s INTERNATIONAL Boston..........59/44/0 00 .. 66/53/pc. 65/50/pc Kansas City......73/41/0.12..51/30/pc. 50/32/pc BndgepprtCT....61/54/000..69/54/pc.. 67/51/c Lapsing.........76/60/0.00...51/35/c. 47/32/pc Amsterdam......55/48/000 ..46/38/pc. 50/42/sh Mecca..........99/81/000...98/78/s .. 96/75/s Buffalo.........79/57/0 00 .. 69/48/pc. 51/41/sh LasVegas.......71/52/0.00...66/48/s..74/55/s Athens..........73/54/0.00... 75/64/s .. 75/68/c MexicoCity......79/48/0.00... 79/51/s .. 77/49/s Burlington,VT....64/39/0.00.. 72/51/pc.. 62/51/c Lexington .......78/54/0.00..67/45/pc. 51/38/sh Auckland........61/43/000..65/49/pc.69/49/pc Mpmreaj........57/39/000...65/51/<.58/41/sh Canbou,ME.....52/25/0 00... 49/39/c. 52/42/pc Lincpln..........46/36/0.71 ..47/28/pc. 50/3I/pc Baghdad........82/71/000..88/64/pc. 85/60/pc Moscow........39/32/000 ..35/26/sp.. 35/28/c Charleston,SC ...83/63/0.00..79/64/pc. 75/57/sh Little Rock.......81/66/0.00...57/38/r. 59/37/pc Bangkok........91/77/216...92/80/t...93/79/t Nairobi.........82/59/000..82/60/pc.84/61/sh Charlotte........79/47/0.00...76/58/s.. 71/52/c LpsAngeles......81/65/000...81/60/s.. 83/60/s Beiiing..........68/43/0 00 ..73/41/pc .. 68/42/s Nassau.........79/75/124... 80/74/r. 82/74/sh Chattanooga.....78/50/0.00..79/53/pc. 63/43/pc Lpuisvige........81/56/0.00..58/42/sh. 57/37/sh Beirut..........77/64/0 39 .. 74/65/sh. 75/67/sh New Delhi.......81/59/000... 86/66/s .. 87/67/s Cheyenne.......37/23/0.00.. 34/20/sf..43/27/c MadisonWj.....70/42/040...46/28/s. 45/30/pc Berlin...........52/43/000...44/28/s .. 46/29/s Osaka..........70/50/000..71/57/pc. 70/60/sh Chicago.........75/52/0.01...50/40/s.. 47/41/s Memphis........81/63/0.00 ..57/41/sh. 58/39/pc Bogota .........70/48/000..74/48/sh. 74/50/sh Oslo...........39/27/000..35/29/pc. 36/27/pc Cincinnati.......79/45/0.00..60/43/sh. 54/36/sh Miami..........82/71/1.16... 83/72/t. 82/68/pc Budapest........52/46/0.00... 55/46/c...55/41/r Ottawa.........59/46/0.00... 62/52/c. 56/39/sh Cleveland.......79/58/0.00..66/4!/sh. 51/45/sh Milwaukee......73/48/0.12...48/37/s .. 45/35/s BueupsAires.....77/50/000..77/62/pc. 76/57/pc Pans............63/45/000...49/35/c. 50/35/pc ColoradoSprings.35/25/004..35/19/pc.. 48/27/s Miupeapolis.....47/35/0.75 ..42/26/pc.. 42/30/c CabpSanLucas..86/68/000...88/69/s .. 88/72/s Rip de Janeiro....79/79/000..87/73/pc. 93/75/pc ColumbiaMO...77/45/0.03 , .. 53/29/pc. 53/32/pc Nashville........81/52/0 00 ..66/44/sh. 57/40/pc Cairo...........84/66/0.00 ..82/68/pc .. 84/70/s Rome...........73/55/0.00..66/57/sh...69/56/t ColumbiaSC....84/52/0.00...80/60/s , .. 77/54/c NewOrleans.....83/63/0.00..84/56/pc. 67/54/pc Calgary.........25/21/0.03...27/9/pc .. 26/18/c Sanuago........75/46/0.00..66/50/pc .. 73/48/s Columbus, GA....84/58/0 00... 83/56/s. 75/48/pc NewYork.......62/55/0.00.. 70/57/pc.. 67/55/c Cancun.........86/68/0.00 ..86/71/sh. 86/72/pc Sap Paulo.......82/64/0.00..81/68/sh...87/72/t Columbus, OH....80/53/0 00.. 63/45/sh. 52/37/sh Newark,NJ......63/57/000 ..71/55/pc...69/54/r Dubliu..........54/48/0 00 ..46/33/sh. 46/40/pc Sappprp ........55/48/000... 61/47/s .. 60/47/s Concord, NH.....63/34/0.00..69/44/pc. 64/45/pc Norfolk, VA......72/56/0.00..73/62/pc. 73/59/sh Ediuburgh.......52/39/000 ..41/29/pc. 44/42/sh Seoul...........68/52/000...71/49/s. 62/54/sh Corpus Christi....93/68/0.00... 76/59/t.. 68/56/c Oklahoma City...71/48/0 00.. 53/32/pc.. 55/32/s Geneva.........59/52/000 ..57/43/sh ..43/29/rs Shaughai........73/66/000..79/64/pc...77/63/t Dallas Ft Wprih...81/62/0 00...55/38/c.. 61/41/s Omaha.........47/37/0.49 ..48/29/pc .. 50/32/c Harare..........61/57/0 00 ..81/56/pc. 86/59/pc Siugapore.......90/79/000... 88/79/t...87/78/t Dayton .........76/52/0.00..56/42/sh. 52/35/sh Orlando.........83/73/0.07... 81/66/t. 81/63/sh HongKong......86/77/000..84/72/sh.82/72/sh Stpckholm.......39/28/000.. 36/28/sf. 35/27/pc Denver..........32/26/049...40/21/c.46/29/pc PalmSprings.....84/56/0.00... 86/57/s .. 90/61/s Istanbul.........70/61/0 00 ..68/60/pc. 75/65/pc Sydney..........84/59/000 .. 75/53/pc. 68/56/pc DesMoines......57/40/0.11..49/29/pc.49/31/pc Peoria..........75/44/017...51/31/s.. 52/32/s Jerusalem.......73/59/000..71/57/sh..74/59/s Taipei...........86/73/000..84/74/pc. 86/72/pc Detroit..........78/56/0.00..57/41/sh. 49/38/sh Philadelphia.....64/59/0.00 ..73/55/pc.. 69/54/c Johannesburg....64/50/0.00 ..72/54/sh .. 79/50/s TelAviv.........81/68/0.02..78/65/sh .. 78/64/s Duluth......... 44/33/037..38/22/pc. 36/26/pc Phoenix.........84/57/000... 87/58/s.. 8N62/s Lima ...........72/61/000..71/65/pc. 73/63/pc Tpkyo...........66/59/000..72/56/pc. 70/55/pc ElPaso..........77/64/0.00...65/44/s.63/46/pc Pittsburgh.......82/52/0.97 ..72/49/pc. 54/41/sh Lisbon..........68/59/0.00...68/59/c.65/47/pc Toronto.........68/54/0.00..60/45/sh. 44/35/sh Fairbanks........20/-4/0.00...20/4/pc... 22/4/s Portland,ME.....54/38/000..62/45/pc. 63/46/pc Loudou .........57/50/0.00...47/32/c.45/38/p< Vancouver.......50/39/0 03..47/45/sh. 50/46/sh Fargo ..........41/33/0.00 40/21/pc 39/25/pc Providence..... 62/43/000 68/51/pc 67/49/pc Madrid.........64/55/0.10...63/50/c. 62/33/sh Viepna..........54/46/0 00...49/33/<..37/28/rs Flagstaff ........57/21/0.00...52/20/s.62/23/s Raleigh ....... 80/50/000 .75/59/pc 69/53/sh Manila..........81/75/247...88/74/t. 89/75/pc Warsaw.........50/43/0 05..41/33/pc.. 39/27/c


The anti-Vegas:Nevada town


haslongstanding gaming ban


By John M. Gliontta Los Angeles Times

B OULDER C I T Y , Ne v . — When she moved here in the 1980s, Carri Stevens was baffled. This is Nevada, so where are allthe casinos? she wondered. Where were the one-armed bandits that chime their "ding-


,J'. $ 5t Ih


NOVEMBER 2 - 3 , 2 012 • R E D M O ND , OR

ding-ding!" cacophony at seemingly every gas station, r estaurant, p h armacy a n d supermarket? She soon discovered that Boulder City is the only major city in the state where gaming is banned. And locals don't miss it one bit. "Tourists can't believe it, u said Stevens, who with her husband, Al, runs the Coffee Cup cafe. "Here's a place just 25 miles from the Strip and there's absolutely nothing Vegas-y about it. Instead, we're a quaint community where people know their neighbors and kids ride their bikes down Main Street. I call it the Mayberry of Nevada." T he iconoclastic cit y o f 15,000 has for d ecades rejected two of the Silver State's guiding principles: round-theclock wagering, and u nfettered growth. At 202 square miles, Bottlder City is the state's largest city (compared with Las Ve-

1 x. t






John Glionna /Los Angeles Times

Carri Stevens, left, owner of the Coffee Cup cafein Boulder City, Nev., greets a regular customer. Stevens says the rule against gambling gives her town a more wholesome feel — she refers to Boulder City as "the Mayberry of Nevada."

Ann Mieie, a columnist for the Boulder City Review newspaper. "I thought people were going to strangle him." The community's anti-gambling stance dates to 1931, when the town was founded as a federal reservation to house the thousands of workers building Hoover Dam. The year was decisive in Nevada, historians say: The state legalized gambling and passed the quick-divorce law. To shield workers from such distractions, federal officials banned gambling and alcohol in their gas' 131 square miles). Despite c losed c o mmunity. W o r k all that space, officials have ers who visited Las Vegas for issued only a handful of build- weekend gallivanting w ere ing permits each year while searched for alcohol and other reveling in an atmosphere of contraband. " There w a s shady trees, green grass and a c e rtain public parks. amount of morality at play," In Boulder City, the wel- said Shirl Naegle, a docent come mat has been placed not at the Boulder City Museum. for people, bttt reptiles: Inside " Primarily, they w anted to the city's southern limits, land k eep the l aborers in g o od has been reserved for the en- shape so they would show up dangered desett tottoise. for work." But nothing distinguishes In 1960, when the dam conBoulder City more than it s struction was f i nished and gambling ban. Playing bingo Boulder Cit y i n c orporated, for money is verboten. Organi- officials opted to continue the zations planning raffles need gambling and a lcohol ban. a city permit and can then sell Hard liquor sales were finally tickets for less than a month. allowed in the city in 1969. "People never wanted gamA few years ago at a City Council meeting, a resident bling — and for g ood reaa dvocated overturning t h e son,u said Dennis McBride, a gaming ban. «HiS idea WaS Boulder City native who now not well-received," said Rose directs the Nevada State Mu-

seum in Las Vegas. "When I was in college, I worked in casinos in Las Vegas, and it was always nice to come back to Boulder City and not have to walk through a gauntlet of cigarettes and slot machines in the doorway to the local Safeway or the waiting rooms of restaurants. The place was an oasis." T he r e s t rictions m e a n Boulder City contributes less to state coffers through gambling and room taxes. uWe always hear that Boulder City isn't doing its share," Mayor Roger Tobler said. "But that's not what we're all about. We do our part in other ways." The Chamber of Commerce promotes the town as a Vegas alternative. That pitch resonated with V i n nie C i mino, who recently relocated from Chicago to open a pizzeria. "I just liked the feel of the place," said the father of five. "The no-

gambling thing played a big part in my decision." Very few customers wander into the Coffee Cup cafe with bloodshot eyes and smelling of smoke after all-night gambling skeins. And that's the way Carri Stevens wants to keep it. "lt would never happen," she saidabout the prospects of a casino ever opening here. She paused: "It just wouldn't happen."

» ,I'



» Ii







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Scoreboard, D2 Prep sports, D4 Football, D3 A d venture Sports, D5 Golf, D3

© www.bendbulletin.com/sports


WRESTLING Local officials to meetMonday The Central Oregon Wrestling Officials Association will hold its initial meeting of the

new wrestling season next week in Redmond. The meeting will take

place Monday starting at 7 p.m. in the wrestling room at Ridgeview High School, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave. All current COWOA

members and prospective new members are encouraged to attend the meeting. The COWOA coordinates offici-

ating across the region for wrestling competition from youth through high school levels. For more information contact Steve Sabine,


Mountain View Cow ir s swee ast Storm defeats Bend,1-0 By Beau Eastes The Bulletin

Bulletin staff report For more than 70 minutes Thursday, Mountain View struggled to penetrate Bend High's defense. Takuro Nihei "picked up the mess," though, as Cougars' coach Chris Rogers described it, and found the back of the net with less than eight minutes left to give host Mountain View a 1-0 victory in what was both teams' final Class 5A Intermountain Conference boys soccer match of the season. "We probably played one of our poorest games of the year in the first half," said Rogers, whose team improved to 4-1-1 in the IMC and 7-4-2 overall. "In the second, we started to play a lot better. It was kind of a matter of time, when we had them pinned to their end, we had a lot of pressure. It wasn't a pretty goal at all, but we'll take it." SeeSoccer /D4




/ i


RobKerr/The Bulletin

Crook County's Annie Fraser celebrates a kill during Thursday night's match against Summit in Bend.




San Francisco shuts down Detroit, takes 2-0 series lead


Utah's Marvin Williams, left, and Portland's Wesley Matthews

By Ben Walker The Associated Press

reach for a looseball on

SAN FRANCISCO — Long ball one night, a Giant dose of small ball the next. Two wins in two games and suddenly San Francisco doesn't need to dig itself out of a postseason hole for a

Thursday night. a

Blazers fall to Jazz in preseason

::ar",:: ab,frt,.i',tfl~,.',' "

Portland Trail Blazers lost to the Utah Jazz 9791 on Thursday night.

Enes Kanterand Derrick Favors scored 21 points apiece for Utah. Kanter andFavors

12 rebounds. The preseason game was tight throughout

Mark Moncal /The Bulletin

Dustin Gouker, of Bend, ridesa trail on Horse Ridge last week with the Badlands in the background.

• Desert singletrackisideal for fall and winterriding, butcomeprepared

until Kanter andFavors took over midway through the fourth.

LaMarcus Aldridge


Horse Ridge;:. ",,~, Trailhead

rebounds, and Nicolas Utah's reserves outscored the team's starters. Jazz point guard Mo Williams rested for

precautionary reasons. The Blazers, who

open the regular season on Wednesdayagainst the Los Angeles Lakers, committed 25 turnovers

and went five for 21 from three-point range. Portland rookie

Damian Lillard, who played his college ball just up the road for

Weber State, was four for14 from the field and finished with12

points. The point guard also committed five

turnovers after scoring 21 points on six-of-eight



Editor's Note:This is the final installment of Mountain Bike Trail Guide for 2012.

From Bend, drive 15 miles southeast on U.S. Highway 20. Take a right on

the Horse Ridge

ruising back down the ridge and overthe scattered lava rock,Iheard that dreadful hissing sound that no mountain biker ever wants to hear. My back tire was going flat. And so, instead of enjoying the downhill ride on the desert singletrack trail we had just climbed — about 1,000 feet to the top of Horse Ridge — we spent the next 20 minutes changing my tire. Luckily, we had come prepared with extra tubes and air pumps — must-have items on rocky trails and, well, on pretty much any trail where the car is not a short walk away. The trail near the top of Horse Ridge is especially rocky and technical. We had walked much of the way uphill along the rock-strewn path, finding it hard to gain any momentum on our bikes. See Horse Ridge/D5

Frontage Road. After half a mile,


a Bureau of Land


('R. (~ '.",, Ridge 5,148 ft

Game 3 will be Saturday night in Detroit and for once, the Giants aren't playing from behind. They overcame a 2-0 deficit to beat Cincinnati in the best-of-five division series and escaped a 3-1 hole against St. Louis in the NLCS. A day afterPablo Sandoval homered three times,the favored Tigers wondered what other way they could lose. SeeGiants /D5

Management trailhead is on the left. It includes

paved parking and a kiosk. (Seemap at left) DISTANCE Varies. Loops or out-and-back rides


Madison Bu m g a rner World Series shut down the Detroit TiGame3 San' gersforseveninnings, then Francisco Giants the Giants took advantage at Detroit Tigers of a bunt that stayed fair to eke out the go-ahead run in a 2-0 win Thursday Saturday, 5 P™ night for a 2-0 edge in the World Series. Gregor Blanco's single trickled to a stop inches fair on t h e i n field dirt, setting up Brandon Crawford's run-scoring double-play grounder in the seventh. Hunter Pence added a sacrifice fly in the eighth, and that was plenty for these masters of the October comeback. "It definitely feels a whole lot better than having our backs against the wall," Bumgarner said. "But you can't relax. We've got to

keep pushing."

Breakingdownthe trail: Horse Ridge


had 19 points and 11 Batum finished with 17 points and 10 boards.



SALT LAKE CITY — Wesley Matthews scored 24 points as the

combined for 21 in the fourth quarter for Utah, which lost 120-114 to Portland on Monday. Kanter also finished with

I pl t . / IL

Crook County struggled at times with its passing and its serving was inconsistent at best, but the Cowgirls found a way to win Thursday, sweeping host Summit 25-20,25-22, 25-23 in what was both teams' final Intermountain ' Mol'e pl'ep Hybrtd and regular-season c o verage, B4 match of the year Junior o u tside h i t t er Hannah Troutman posted a match-high 16 kills for Crook County, which rolled through I ntermountain Hybrid play undefeated this season. Makayla Lindburg added 15 kills — the majority of which came on tips — from the middle and Kathryn Kaonis led the Cowgirl defense with four blocks. SeeVolleyball /D4


at 541-41 0-3838. — Bulletin staff report



Millican Valley Andy Zelgert / The Bulletin

of10 to15 miles are posslble.

RATING Aerobically intermediate andtechnically advanced TRAIL FEATURES Technical rocky sections aswell as smooth, side-hill singletrack along the ridge. Sweeping views of theCascades, SmithRock,the Badlands and Dry Canyon.

shooting on Monday. Portland led 47-45 at halftime. The Jazz used

Marclo Jose Sanchez/The Associated Press

San Francisco Giants starting pitcher Madison Bumgarner reacts after a double play during the seventh inning of Game 2 of the World Series on Thursday night in San Francisco.

an 8-0 run to openan 85-78 lead in the fourth

quarter. Favors and Kanter finished off the

Stern to retire ascommissioner in 2014after 30 years onjob

surge with consecutive jumpers.

By Brian Mahoney The Associated Press

— The Associated Press

CORRECTION A story headlined "Something new for district cross-country

meet" that appeared in Monday's Bulletin on Page D1 misidentified

Bend High cross-country runner Justin Norris. The Bulletin regrets

the error.

Kathy Witlene/The Associated Press

NBA Deputy Commissioner Adam Silver, left, listens as Commissioner David Stern speaks at a news conference on Thursday. Stern announced he would retire in 2014, and that Silver would take over his job.

NEW YORK — David Stern spent nearly 30 years growing the NBA, turning a league that couldn't even get its championship series on live prime-time TV into a projected $5 billion a year industry. Confident the NBA is in good shape and certain he has found someone who can make it even better, Stern is ready to end one of the most successful and impactful careers in sports history. Stern will retire as commissioner Feb. I, 2014, 30 years to the day after taking charge of the league, and be

NBA replaced by Deputy Commissioner Adam Silver. "I decided that things are in great shape and there's an organization in place that will ultimately be led by Adam that is totally prepared to take it to the next level," Stern said Thursday duringa press conference following the league's board of governors meeting. It's hard to be any better than Stern, perhaps the model sports commissioner. Name an important policy in the NBA — drug testing, salary cap,

even a dress code — and Stern had a hand in it. A lawyer bytrade, he was a fearless negotiator against players and referees, but also their biggest defender any time he felt they were unfairly criticized. "For all the things you've done for the NBA and for sports generally, I think there's no doubt that you'll be remembered as the best of all-time as commissioners go and you've set the standard, I think not even just for sports league commissioners, but for CEOs in any industry," Silver told Stern sitting to his left on a podium. SeeStern/D4




Golf • Bend golfers can't make up ground iott-School: Bend golfers ChaddCocco andAndrew Vijarro each fired their best scores of the PGA Tour's National Qualifying School, but

made up little ground Thursday at San Juan Oaks Golf Club in Hollister, Calif. Vijarro — a

23-year-old professional, and like Cocco, a former Bend High School golf standout — shot a

3-under-par 69 to move toeven par after three rounds. That puts Vijarro in a five-way tie for 49th

place that includes Cocco, a 27-year-old who fired a 2-under

par 70. TheCentral Oregon golfers rest six shots back of a two-way tie for18th place out of 77 golfers in the 72-hole first

stage of Q-School. Only the top 19 golfers and ties from the San Juan Oaks site, one of14 sites

hosting first stage events, after today's final round will advance

to Q-School's second qualifying stage. Toearn their 2013 PGA Tour cards, Coccoand Vijarro must grind through 252 holes

nal muscle that has kept him out for most of the season. He would not puta timetable on his return,

but said recovery from the 20- to 25-minute outpatient procedure

is not season-ending.

Cycling • LeMond calls on cycling leaders to resign:Three-time Tour de Francewinner Greg LeMond has urgedthe leaders of cycling's governing body to resign in the wake of the Lance

Armstrong doping affair, calling them "the corrupt part of the sport." LeMond posted anopen letter on his Facebook page Wednesday night that asked

those who careabout cycling to join him in telling International Cycling Union President Pat Mc-

Quaid and honorary president Hein Verbruggen to step down. LeMond's letter cameafter the UCI stripped Armstrong of his seven Tour de France titles and banned him for life on Monday for his involvement in what a

over the next six weeks.

U.S. Anti-Doping Agency report descri bedasa massivedoping program. Verbruggen ledworld


cycling from 1991-2005, the era when Armstrong won his titles,

of three pressure-packed stages

• tj.S. tennis great, Oregon native duPont, dies at 94: Margaret Osborne duPont, the winner of more than 30 Grand Slam singles and doubles titles

spanning three decades, has died. She was 94. DuPont died late Wednesday in El Paso,

Texas, while in hospice care. DuPont won the singles title at Wimbledon in1947, the U.S.

National Championship (now the U.S. Open) singles title from 1948 to 1950 and the French singles title in 1946 and 1948. She won 31 doubles and mixed doubles titles at three Grand Slams between 1941 and 1962. DuPont never played the Grand Slam tournament in Australia. In 1967 DuPont was inducted into the International Tennis Hall of

Fame. Shewas born in Joseph in remote northeastern Oregon on March 4, 1918, and grew up on a ranch there. When the family moved toSan Francisco,duPont played her first tennis on public courts in Golden Gate Park. • Williams beats No. 1

Azarenka:Serena Wiliams extended her dominance over the top-ranked player in the world on Thursday, defeating Victoria Azarenka 6-4, 6-4 at the WTA Championships in Istanbul. Williams improved to 11-1 overall

against Azarenka, winning the past nine matches. Li Nabeat Angelique Kerber of Germany 6-4, 6-3 in another Red Group match to retain a slim chance of advancing. Sara Errani defeated Samantha Stosur 6-3, 2-6, 6-0 in the White Group. The top two

and retains a seat onthe UCI perceived in the sport as amentorto McQuaid, who succeeded

him. LeMond, theTour winner in 1986, '89 and '90, said the

problem for cycling is not drugs but corruption.

Winter sports • Lolo Jones selected to U.S. dodsledteam: LoloJones showed up in LakePlacid three weeks ago, unsure whereher first foray into bobsledding could lead. The answer might be

another Olympics — only this time, the winter one. Jones, a two-time Olympic hurdler, was one of 24 athletes announced Thursday as members of this

season's U.S. bobsled team, something that gives her the chance to vie for a spot on the World Cup circuit this winter

and, possibly, represent her country at the 2014 Sochi


Hockey • All quiet as deadline for full NHL season oears:The NHL's deadline for playing a

full, 82-game seasonarrived Thursday with no newdiscussionsbetweentheleagueand its locked-out players. Without a

new collective bargaining agreement that would end the league's

lockout of players on its 40th day, the NHL vowed to cut the

season short. An announcement officially taking a full schedule

out of play wasn't immediately planned. Major money-making eventssuchastheupcoming


outdoor Winter Classic and the

Thursday for the second time

in as manyweeksfor conduct detrimental to the team, putting his future in Dallas in doubt. The first suspension lasted about a day, but a series of tweets by

West soon after the teamannounced the latest suspension raised questions about whether he would return this time. "Just dont kick me ... on the way out the door," West tweeted. "I didn't do anything to deserve that."

All-Star gamecould soon be in peril, too. "No contact, and I

don't anticipate any announcementstoday," NHL deputy commissioner Bill Daly told The

Associated Press in anemail Thursday.

Colleges • NCAAgradrates improviog io football, basketball: The NCAA says football and

men's basketball players are becoming more productive in the classroom. A one-year measurement, released Thursday,

Rick Carlisle refused to elaborate

showed that 70 percent or more of Division I athletes who were


ago for the annual Graduation

After practice Thursday, coach

on West, referring to the release freshmen in 2005-06 in those sports earned their diplomas from the teamannouncing the — the first time that has hapsuspension but disclosing no pened since the governing body specifics about his conduct. started collecting data11 years

• No. 13 Clemson rolls: Tajh Boyd threw for a school-record 428 yards with five touchdown

passes, SammyWatkins added a school-record 202 yards receiving and No. 14Clemson routed WakeForest 42-13 in Winston-Salem, N.C., on Thursday night. Boyd was 27 of 38

and connected with Watkins for three plays of 50 or more yards, including a 61-yarder for

Success Rate. Athletes in men's basketball graduated at a rate of

74 percent, a 6 percentage-point jump over the 2004-05 fresh-

man class. Football Bowl Subdivision athletes improved their

scores by1 percentage point over the previous year, hitting

70 percent.

Boxing • Famed trainer Steward

a score. Watkins finished with

dies:EmanuelSteward, the own-

eight catches and Boyd added touchdown throws of 9 yards

er of the legendary Kronk Gym and a standout trainer for box-

to Brandon Ford, 12yards each to Sam Cooper and DeAndre Hopkins and 2 yards to Charone

Peake. TheTigers (7-1, 4-1 Atlantic Coast Conference) scored the first 35 points, including a

four-touchdown second quarter,

ers including ThomasHearns, Evander Holyfield andOscar De La Hoya, diedThursday. Hewas

68. Victoria Kirton, Steward's executive assistant, said Steward died Thursday at a Chicago

hospital. She did not disclose the

in their fourth consecutive victory and fourth straight in the

cause of death. Steward trained,

series with the DemonDeacons (4-4, 2-4). • Packers WR Jennings to have surgery:Rest and rehab

of the greatestfighters of the past 40 years out of the Kronk, a that produced world champions

weren't enough to get Greg Jennings back on the field.

like Hearns, SugarRayLeonard and Lennox Lewis.

The GreenBay Packers' No.1

ON DECK Today Football: Bendat Mountain View,7p.m; Ridgeview at Summit, 7p.m.; Redmondat Roosevelt, 7 p.m.; Estacada at Madras, 7 p.m.; LaPineat Sisters, 7 p.mx CulveratSantiam, 7p.m.; HosannaChristian at Gilchrist 3p.m. Cross-country: Bend, Mountain View, Summit, Redmondat theClass5ASpecial District 1 meet

helped train or managedsome dingy, overheatedbasementgym

— From wire reports

Valencia Open500 Thursday At Ciudad delas Artes y las CiencasValencia Valencia, Spain Purse: $2.72 million (WT500)


Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles SecondRound Marcel Granollers, Spain, def. Gilles Simon, France,6-7(4),6-3,6-2. AlexandrDolgopolov,Ukraine,def. Giles Muller, Luxembourg, 6-4,6 4. JurgenMelzer,Austria def Xavier Malisse,Belgium, 7-5,6-2. DavidFerrer(1), Spain,def. Albert Ramos, Spain,

in Bend 3p.m.

Boys soccer:Culverat Irrigon, 4p.m. Boys water polo:Redmondat Mountain View,TBA Saturday Boyssoccer: CulveratUmatiga,1pm. Cross-country: Crook County,Ridgeviewat the GreaterOregonLeagueDistrict meet,11a.m Volleyball: TBA atCulver in Tri-River Conterence championshipgame,2 p.m.; Gilchrist, Trinity Lutheran atMountain Valley District tournament in Paisley,1p.m.

6-4, 6-2.

Nicolas Almagro(6), Spain, def. SamQuerrey, UnitedStates,6-4, 6-7(4), 6-0.

GOLF PGA Tour CIMB Classic Thursday At Mines Resort &Golf Club Kuala Lumpur Purse:$6.1 million Yardage:6,909; Par:71(35-36) First Round Leading scores TroyMatteson 32-31—63 BrianHarm an 33-31—64 Jeff Dverton 33-31—64 RobertGarrigus 30-34M4 TomGilis 31-34—65 33-32—65 GaganieetBhullar J.B. Holmes 31-35—66 RickyBarnes 35-31—66 DannyChia 32-34—66 GregChalmers 30-36—66 Jbe' Kruger 33-33—66 TigerWoods 35-31—66


Preseason AH TimesPDT Thursday's Games Milwaukee100,Charlotte90 Utah 97,Portland91 Sacramento 94, L.A.Lakers02 L.A. Clippers106,Denver94


HoustonatOrlando,4 p.m. Indianavs. ChicagoatSouthBend,IN, 4p.m. Atlantaat Detroit, 4.30p.m. Minnesotavs. MilwaukeeatGreenBay, Wl,5 p.m. TorontoatMemphis, 5 p.m. NewOrleansatMiami, 5p.m. Charlotteat Dallas,5:30p.m. Washington at SanAntonio, 5:30 p.m. Denverat Phoenix, 7:30 p.m.

"Forget the ground game. Let's put the ball in the air."



Sunrise TaiwanChampionship Thursday At Sunrise Golf andCountry Club Yang Mei, Taiwan Purse: $2million Yardage:6,390;Par:72 (36-36) First Round a-amateur Leading scores InbeePark 32-33M5 YaniTseng 34-33—67 NicoleCastrale 35-33—60 DanielleKang 34-34—60 HeeYoungPark 33-35—60 Pornanong Phatlum 35-33—60 33-36—69 ChegaChoi 35-34—69 PaulaCreamer SuzannPetersen 34-35—69 LizetteSalas 33-36—69 36-34—70 JulietaGranada Cristie Kerr 35-35 70 CatrionaMatthew 36-34—70 DewiClaireSchreetel 35-35—70




management board. He is still

players from eachgroup advance to the semifinals. •MavssuspendG West again:Dallas Mavericks guard Delonte Westwassuspended


receiver will have surgery next Tuesday to repair a torn abdomi-

Jazz97, Blazers 91 PORTLAND (91) Batum 7143 317, Aldndge9 161-419, Hickson 3-5 5-011, Lillard 4-143-312, Matthews6-144-4 24, Smith1-3 0-02, Leonard 0-0 0-0 0,Pavlovic 0-2 0-0 0, Freeland 1-4 2-24, Jeffries 0-22-2 2, Barton 0-00-0 0.Totals 33-74 20-2691.


Ma Williams2-41-2 6, Millsap 4-02-210, Jefferson7-15 1-2 15, Foye1-4 0-0 2, Hayward3-5 4 5 10, Burks4-90-09, Carroll 1-61-1 3,Tinsey0-20-0 0, Kanter6-135-7 21, Favors0-135-9 21, Murphy 0-0 0-0 0 Totals 30-7919-20 97. Portland 23 24 22 22 — 91 ulah 22 23 26 26 — 97 3-PointGoals—Portland 5-21(Matthews4-6, Liilard1-6, Freeland0-1, Smith0-1, Pavlovic0-2, Ba-

tum 0-5),Utah2-5(Ma.Wil iams1-1,Burks1-3, Foye 0-1). Fouled Dut —None. Rebounds—Portland 50 (Aldridge11),Utah47(Kanter12). Assists—Portland 14 (Lillard5), Utah23(Tinsley 6).TotalFouls Portland 24, Utah23. Technicals—Utah Coach Corbin. A—10,247(19,911).




Houston Indianapolis Tennesse e Jacksonville Baltimore Pittsburgh Cincinnati Cleveland

Denver San Diego Oakland KansasCity

W L 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 4 South W L 6 1 3 3 3 4 1 5 North W L 5 2 3 3 3 4 1 6

T Pct PF PA 0 .571 217 163 0 .500 120 117 0 .429 159 170 0 .429 171 227

T Pct PF PA 0 .057 216 120 0 .500 117 150 0 .429 149 230 0 .167 00 164


i-iacksonvile,Fla. I-Little Rock,Ark


Top 25Schedule AH TimesPOT (Subiectto change)

PostseasonGlance AH TimesPOT


(Best-of-7; x-if necessary) All gamestelevised by Fox San Francisco 2, Detroit 0 Wednesday, Dct.24: SanFrancisco 0, Detroit 3 Thursday, Dct.25: SanFrancisco 2, Detroit 0 Saturday,Dct.27: SanFrancisco (Vogelsong149) at Detroit (Sanchez 4-6), 5:07p.m. Sunday,Dct.26: SanFrancisco (Cain16-5) atDetroit (Scherzer16-7),5:15p.m. x-Monday,Dct. 29: SanFrancisco at Detroit, 5:07 p.m. x-Wednesday,Dct.31: Detroit atSanFrancisco, 5:07 p.m. x-Thursday,Nov. 1: Detroit at SanFrancisco, 5:07 p.m.

No. 16Louisville vs.Cincinnati, 5p.m.

Saturday No. 1 Alabamavs. No. 13 Mississippi State, 5:30 No.2 Oregon vs. Colorado,noon No. 3 Forida vs No.12GeorgiaatJacksonvile, Fa., 12:30p.m. No. 4KansasState vs. No.15TexasTech, 12:30p.m. No. 5NotreDameat No.0 Oklahoma,5 p.m. No. 7OregonState atWashington, 7:15p.m. No. 9OhioState atPennState, 2:30p.m. No. 10SouthernCalat Arizona,12:30 p.m. No. 11FloridaStatevs. Duke,12:30p.m. No.17SouthCarolinavs.Tennessee,9a.m. No. 10Rutgersvs.Kent State,12:30 p.m. No. 19Stantordvs. Washington State,3:15p.m. No.20 MichiganatNebraska,5p.m. No. 21BoiseStateat Wyoming,12:30p.m. No. 22TexasA&Mat Auburn, 4p.m. No. 23Ohioat Miami(Dhio), 12:30p.m. Pac-12 Standings All Times PDT

T Pct PF PA 0 .714 174 161 0 .500 140 132 0 .429 166 167 0 .143 147 100

T Pct PF PA 0 .714 205 137 0 .500 103 125 0 .500 113 133 0 .429 201 200

UL-MDNRDE 24 W. Kentucky 7 MID TENN ST 3.5 Troy 7.5

Thursday's Games SOUTH Clemson 42, WakeForest13 DelawareSt.26, MorganSt.23

Oregon West OregonState W L T Pct PF PA Stantord 3 3 0 .500170 130 California 3 3 0 .500 140 137 Washington 2 4 0 .333 113 171 WashingtonState W L 5 2 3 3 3 3 3 4 South W L 6 0 3 4 2 4 1 5 North W L 5 1 5 3 4 3 2 4

F resno St 1 2

4.5 TULANE 21 Memphis 2.5 S. Mrssissippr 2.5 Michigan 10 Unlv 14.5 NEWMEXICO 22 S. A aham a 7 FLORIDA INT'L 3.5 N.Texas 7.5 FLAATLANTIC

(P) Penn Statestartedasthefavorite


N.Y.Giants Philadelphia Dallas Washington





NewEngland Miami N.Y.Jets Buffalo

RUSHING —Tampa Bay: Martin29-135,Blount 0-16, Benn1-9,Freeman3-(minus1). Minnesota: Peterson15-123, Ponder4-12, Gerhart 1-6, Harvin 1-(minus1) PASSING — Tampa Bay:Freeman19-36-0-262. Minnesota: Ponder19-35-1-251. RECEIVING —Tampa Bay: Williams 6-66, Marti n 3-79,Clark 3-40,Underwood 3-27,Jackson 2-40, Ware1-7,l.orig1-1 Minnesota: Harvin7-90, Jenkin s4-70,Simpson2-37,Gerhart2-20,Rudolph 2-17, Ellison1-5,Peterson1-4. MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None.

USC ArizonaState UCLA Arizona Colorado Utah

North Conf. 4-0 4-0 3-1 2-3 1-3 0-4 South Conf. 4-1 3-1 2-2 1-3 1-3 0-4


7-0 6-0 5-2 3-5 3-4 2-5


6-1 5-2 5-2 4-3 1-6 2-5

Thursday's boxscore

A.Jackson cf Infante2h Mi.Cabrera3h Fielder1b D.Young If D.Kelly If-rf Jh Peraltass A.Garciarf b-Dirksph-rf Dotel p Cokep G.Lairdc Fister p Smylyp Berry If Totals

AB R H BI 3 0 0 0 4 0 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 26 0 2 0

Eastern Conference W L T P t sGF GA y -Sporting KansasCitylg 7 9 6 3 42 27 x-D.C. 1 7 10 6 5 7 52 42 x-Chicago 1 7 11 5 5 6 45 40 x-NewYork 1 5 9 9 5 4 54 46 x-I-louston 1 4 6 11 53 40 39 Columbus 1 4 12 7 49 42 43 Montreal 1 2 15 6 42 45 50 Philadelphia NewEngland TorontoFC

10 17 6 36 37 42 0 17 0 32 30 44 5 20 6 2 3 35 60

Western Conference

W L T P t sGF GA

Giants 2, Tigers 0 Detroit


BB SO Avg. 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2

3 2 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 9

. 206 . 2 50 . 200 . 167 . 429 . 1 43 . 000 . 000

y-SanJose 1 9 6 0 6 5 71 42 x-Seattle 1 5 7 11 56 51 32 x -Real SaltLake 17 11 5 5 6 46 35 x -Los Angele s 1 5 1 2 6 5 1 50 47 x -Vancouver 11 1 3 9 4 2 35 41 FC Dallas 9 13 11 30 40 45 Colorado 1 0 19 4 3 4 42 50 Portland 0 16 9 3 3 33 55 ChivasUSA 7 16 6 2 9 22 56 NOTE: Threepoints forvictory, onepoint for tie x- clinchedplayott berth y- clinchedconference


. 000 NewYorkat Phiiadeiphia,10:30 a.m. . 0 00 NewEnglandat Montreal, 11a.m. D.C. United at Chicago, I p.m. . 000 San Joseat Portland, 3:30p.m.

Vancouverat Real Salt Lake,6 p.m. Houstonat Colorado,6p.m. Sunday'sGames Toronto FC at Columbus, I p.m. ChivasUSAatFCDallas, 4p.m. Seattle FC at LosAngeles, 6p.m.

SanFrancisco AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. Pagancf 3 1 0 0 1 1 .26 6 S cutaro 2h 4 0 0 0 0 1 .25 0 T Pct PF PA S andoval 3b 3 0 1 0 1 0 .71 4 Atlanta 0 1.000171 113 Romop 0 0 0 0 0 0 TampaBay 0 .429 104 153 Poseyc 3 0 1 0 1 0 .4 2 9 DEALS NewOrleans 0 .333 176 102 Pencerf 3 I I I 0 0 .14 3 Carolina 0 .167 106 144 Belt1b 3 0 0 0 1 2 .0 0 0 Transactions G.Bla ncolt 3 0 2 0 0 0 .266 T Pct PF PA B .crawford ss 2 0 0 0 1 0 .0 0 0 BASEBALL Chicago 0 .633 162 70 B umgarner p 2 0 0 0 0 I .00 0 National League Minnesota 0 .625 164 167 Betting line a -Theriotph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .00 0 CHICAGO CUBS AssignedINFAdrian Cardenas, GreenBay 0 .571 104 155 RHPMiguelSocolovichandRHPJasonBerkenoutS.casilla p 0 0 0 0 0 0 NFL Detroit 0 .333 133 150 right to l o wa(PCL). ActivatedRHPMarcosMateotrom Anas 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0 (Hometeamsin Caps) West the 60-dayDLandsent himoutright to lowa. 27 2 5 1 5 6 W L T Pct PF PA Favorite Opening Current Underdog Totals NEWYORKMETS—ClaimedCAnthonyRecker off Detroit 000000000 — 0 2 0 Sunday SanFrancisco 5 2 0 .714 165 100 waiversfromChicago(NL). 7 7 Rams SanFrancisco 000 00011x — 2 5 0 Arizona 4 3 0 .571 124 110 I-Patriots PITTSBU RGHPIRATES ClaimedRHPChadBeck a-struckout for Bumgarnerin the7th. b-grounded 3.5 3.5 Colts Seattle 4 3 0 .571 116 106 TITANS off waiversfromTorontoandCRamonSolis fromSan inthe0th. S 15 15 . 5 Jaguars outfor A.Garcra St. Louis 3 4 0 .429 130 141 PACKER LDB —Detroit 2, SanFrancisco7. 2B—D.Young Diego.DesignatedCEric Fryerand INFJeff Clement Chargers 3 2.5 BRDWNS t. EAGLES 2.5 2.5 Falcons (1). RBl— sPence (I). SB—Pagan (I). CS—Infante for assignmen Thursday'sGame ST. LOUIS CARD INALS—Announced bullpen LIONS 2.5 2 Seahawks (1). SF —Pence. TampaBay36,Minnesota17 coach Dyar Mi lerwill not heretainedfor nextseason. DP — D etroi t 1; San Fra nci s co1. JETS 2.5 2 Dolphins Sunday'sGames BASKETBALL BEARS 7.5 7.5 Panthers JacksonvilleatGreenBay,10 a.m. National Basketball Association STEELE RS 5 5 Redskins Detroit IP H R E R BB SOERA NP IndianapolisatTennessee,10 a.m. NBA — Ann ounced commissioner David Sternwil CHIEFS 15 1 Raiders FisterL,0-1 6 4 1 1 1 3 1 1 41.50 Carolinaat Chicago,10a.m. 11-31 1 1 3 2 3 3 6.75 retire onFeb.1, 2014andwil be replacedhydeputy Giants COWBO YS Smyly 1 (D) 1 5 Miami atN.Y.Jets,10a.m. 1-3 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0.00 commissionerAdamSilver. Announcedthe board BRONC OS 6.5 6 Saints Dotel SanDiegoat Cieveland,10 a.m. 1 -3 0 0 0 0 1 6 00 0 of govemorsunanimouslyapprovedthe sae of the Monday Coke AtlantaatPhiladelphia,10 a.m. MemphisGrizzlresto aninvestor groupled hyRobert 49ers 7 7 CARD INALS San Francisco IP H R ER BB SONP ERA Seattle atDetroit, 10a.m. I-London BumgarnerW,1-07 2 0 0 2 0 6 6 0.00 Pera.AnnouncedPeter Holtwaselectedchairman of Washington atPittsburgh,10 a.m. (D)-Dallasstartedasthefavorite S.casillaH,1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0.00 the hoardof governors. NewEnglandvs.St.LouisatLondon,10a.m. CLEVEL AND CAVALIERS—Signed G DAundray RomoS,1-1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 10.00 OaklandatKansasCity,1:05 p.m. Brown. College Fister pitchedto 1hater inthe7th. N.Y.GiantsatDalas,1:25 p.m. D ALLAS MAVERICKS—Suspended G Delonte Today T 3:05 A 42,902(41,915). NewOrleansat Denver,5:20p.m. West indefinitely for unspecitiedconductdetrimental LOUISVILLE 4.5 3 Cincinnati Open:Baltimore Buffalo,Cincinnati, Houston to the team.Claimed CEddy Curry off waiversfrom Nevada 3 3.5 AIR FOR CE Monday'sGame SanAntonio. TENNIS Saturday SanFranciscoatArizona,5:30p.m. DENVER NUGGETS—Waived GAnthony Carter E. CAROL INA 4.5 3.5 Navy and GBenUzoh. VANDER BILT 3 2.5 33 UMass Professional Thursday's summary GOLDENSTATEWARRIORS—Exercised therr Ohio 7.5 7 MIAMI-OHIO WTAChampionships third-year option onthe contract ofGKlay Thompson. Ball St 5 4 ARMY Thursday PHILADEL PHIA76ERS—Exercised thefourth-year Buccaneers 36, Vikings 17 C. MICHIGA N 5.5 7 Akron At Sinan ErdemDome option onthecontract ofG-FEvanTurner. BOWLINGGREEN 13.5 1 5 E. Michigan Istanbul Women's National Basketball Association TampaBay 10 10 10 6 — 36 N. Illinois 7.5 7.5 W MICHIGAN Purse: $4.9million (Tour Championship) NEWYOR KLIBERTY—Named Bil Larmheer genMinnesota 010 7 0 — 1 7 PITTSBU RGH 7 7 Temple Surface: Hard-Indoor eral managerand coach. First Quarter ILLINOIS 15 2 Indiana RoundRobin FOOTBALL TB — FGBarth 20,9:46. Purdue 3 3 MINNESO TA Singles National Football League TB — Lorig 1 pass from Freeman(Barth kick) NORTH WESTERN 6.5 6 lowa Group A HOUSTONTEXANS Pl aced DEDavid Hunteron 3:34. FLORIDA ST 27.5 2 7 5 Duke Li Na (0),China,def. AngeliqueKerher (5), Ger- injuredreserve. SecondOuarter BOSTON CDLLEGE1 I Maryland JACKSONVI LLE JAGUARS— Placed LB Daryl TB FG Barth40,1220 ALABAMA 24 24 MississippiSt many,6-4, 6-3. the injured reserve/return list. Serena Wiliams (3), UnitedStates def.Victoria Smith on Min — Harvin 10passfrom Ponder (Walsh kick) 2 1.5 2 3 TEX-S.ANTONIO Utah St TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS — Activated DE (1), Belarus,6-4, 6-4. 9:39. COLOR ADOST 6 6.5 Hawaii Azarenka Da' O uan B owersfromthephysically unableto perform Standi n gs: Wi l i a ms 3-0 (sets 6-0); Azarenka 1-1 TB — Williams 3 passfrom Freeman (Barth kick) IOWAST 2 2.5 Baylor list. Waived CBLeouan Lewis 4;30. TexasA&M 1 3.5 15 AUBURN (2-3); Li1-1(2-2); Kerber0-3(1-6). COLLEGE Group B Min — FGWalsh 51, I:40. 2 1 UTAH California IONA — A nnounced transter sophomore GTavon SaraErrani(7), Italy, def.SamStosur (9),Australia, Third Quarter KANSAS Texas 22 20 Sledge has been granted a hardshipwaiver hy the 6-3, 2-6,6-0. TB — Martin 64 passfrom Freeman(Barth kick) WISCON SIN 6 6.5 MichrganSt Standings:MariaSharapova2-0 (4-1); Agnieszka NCAA andwil be eligible for thebasketball teamim13:39. OREGO N 46 46 Colorado 1-1 (3-2); Errani1-1(2-3); a-Stosur0-1 mediately. TB — FGBarth 30,7:50. N. CAROL INA B 75 Nc State Radwanska TEXASSOUTHERN—Agreed to termswith men's Kvitova0-1(0-2). Min — Peterson64 run(Walsh kick), 7:26. BoiseSt 16.5 1 6 .5 WYOMING (1-2); w-Petra w-withdrew, a-alternate basketbalcoach l Mike Davis onafour-year contract. Fourth Ouarter HOUSTO N 13 13 Utep TB — Martin1run (passfailed), 7:03. GEORGIA TECH 1.5 2. 5 Byu A—60,060. I-Florida Swiss Indoors 6 6.5 Georgia FISH COUNT Thursday MISSOUR I 15 13 . 5 Kentucky TB Min AtSt.JakobshaHe ARIZONA ST 7 6.5 Ucla Upstream daily movem ent of adult chinook, jack Basel, Switzerland First downs 23 16 Usc 6.5 7 ARIZONA chinook, steelheadandwild steelheadat selected Purse: $2.5 million (WT500) TotalNetYards 4 16 36 9 RUTGER S 13 1 3 .5 Kent St ColumbiaRiver damslast updatedonWednesday. 41-159 21-140 Surface: Hard-Indoor Rushes-yards SANJOSEST 19 20 TexasSf Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Singles Passing 2 57 22 9 STANFO RD 21.5 2 4 .5 WashingtonSt Bonneville 225 1 9 7 169 55 3 -1 33 1 Second Round PuntReturns Ohio St 2 (P) 1 PENN ST The Dalles 250 2 3 4 312 121 0 -0 1 - 4 3 OregonSt Benoit Paire,France,def. LukaszKubot, Poland, John Day 120 KickoffReturns 4 3.5 WASHINGTON 1 1 3 359 146 1-0 0-0 InterceptionsRet. KANSASST 7 7 TexasTech 6-4, 6-4. McNary 16 5 93 421 199 Comp-Att-Int 19-36-0 19-35-1 Mikhail Youzhny(6), Russia,def MatthewEbden, S. FLORIDA 5.5 2.5 Syracuse Upstream year-to-date movement ofadult chrnook, 1-5 3-22 Australia, 6-3, 6-1. Sacked-Yards Lost OKLAHOMA ST 9 7 Tcu jack chinook, steelheadandwild steeheadat seected Paul-HenriMathieu,France,def.NikolayDavydenPunts 6 46 0 6-37 0 C. F orida 3 2.5 MARSHALL ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonWednesday. 1-0 3-2 Fumbles-Lost Toledo 0.5 7.5 BUFFALO ko, Russia6-3, , 6-7(2), 6-4. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd 4 -49 5 - 3 2 S. CAROLIA Penalties-Yards N 14 14 Tennessee Juan Martindel Potro (2), Argentina,def. Brian Bonneville 5B6,064 142,946 232,764 64,464 I-ARKANS A S Time ofPossession 37:45 22:15 5 6 Mississippi Baker,UnitedStates,7-5, 6-1. The Dages 410,972 124,777 197,346 69,497 LouisianaTech 29 305 N. MEXICD ST KevinAnderson,SouthAfrica, def. MarinkoMatos- John Day 334,600 I00,045 159,041 60,751 INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS OKLAHOM A 10 11 . 5 NotreDame evic, Australia,6-3, 6-7(5), 6-3. McNary 339,579 62,462 147,665 50,240

Saturday'sGames UCLAatArizonaState, noon ColoradoatOregon,noon USCatArizona,12:30p.m. WashingtonStateatStanford, 3:15 p.m. California atUtah,6:45 pm. OregonStateatWashington, 7:15p.m.




2 a.m.:Women's college, Utah at Arizona State (same-daytape), Pac-12

Montana, Root Sports. 2:30 p.m.:College, Ohio State at Penn State, ESPN.

3:15 p.m.:College, Washington State

at Stanford, Pac-12 Network. 4 p.m.:College, Texas Aft M at 1 p.m.: Men'scollege,UCLA atOregon Auburn, ESPNU. State, Pac-12 Network. 5 p.m.:College, Notre Dame at 3 p.m.: Women'scollege,CalatUCLA, Oklahoma, ABC. Pac-12 Network. 5 p.m.:College, Michigan at GOLF Nebraska, ESPN2. Network.

6a.m.:European Tour, BMW 5 p.m.:College, UCFat Marshall, CBS Masters, second round, Golf Channel. Sports Network. 10 a.m.: LPGA Tour,Sunrise LPGA

5:30 p.m.:College, Mississippi State TaiwanChampionship,secondround, at Alabama, ESPN.

Golf Channel. 12:30 p.m.:Web.com Tour, Web.com Tour Championship, second round, Golf Channel. 2:30 p.m.:Champions Tour, first

round, ATBTChampionship, Golf Channel.

9 p.m.:PGATour/Asian Tour, CIMB Classic, third round, Golf Channel. MOTOR SPORTS

9a.m.:NASCAR,Sprint Cup, Tums Fast Relief 500, practice, Speed network. 12:30 p.m.:NASCAR, Sprint Cup,

Tums Fast Relief 500, qualifying, Speed network. BASKETBALL

5 p.m.:NBA preseason, NewOrleans

7:15p.m.:College, Oregon State at Washington, Pac-12 Network. 11:45p.m.:College, Cal at Utah

(same-day tape), Pac-12Network. TRIATHLON

1 p.m.:Ironman World Championship (taped), NBC. BASEBALL 5 p.m.:MLB playoffs, World Series, San Francisco Giants at Detroit Tigers,

Fox. BASKETBALL 5 p.m.:Men's college, Northwest

Nazarene atGonzaga, Root Sports. RODEO 6 p.m.:Bull riding, PBR World Finals,

NBC Sports Network.

Hornets at Miami Heat, ESPN.


7:30 p.m.:NBApreseason, Denver Nuggets at Phoenix Suns, ESPN. FOOTBALL 5 p.m.:College, Cincinnati at Louisville, ESPN2. 5 p.m.:College, Nevada at Air Force, CBS Sports Network. 7 p.m.: High school,Bend at Mountain View, COTV. RODEO

6 p.m.:Bull riding, PBR World Finals, NBC Sports Network. VOLLEYBALL

6 p.m.:Women's college, Oregonat Colorado, Pac-12 Network.

8 p.m.: W omen'scollege,Washington State at UCLA, Pac-12 Network.


2a.m.:Formula One, Indian Grand Prix, Speed network. 11 a.m.:NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Tums Fast Relief 500, ESPN. 5 p.m.:National Hot Rod Association,

Big 0 Tires Nationals (same-day tape), ESPN2. GOLF

6a.m.:European Tour, BMW Masters, final round, Golf Channel. 10a.m.:LPGATour,Sunrise LPGA

Taiwan Championship, final round, Golf Channel.

12:30 p.m.:Web.com Tour, Web.com Tour Championship, final round, Golf Channel.

Saturday SOCCER

2:30 p.m.:Champions Tour, final round, ATBTChampionship, Golf Channel.

Midnight:Women's college, SOCCER Colorado at Arizona (same-day tape), 6:25a.m.: English Premier League, Pac-12 Network. 2 a.m.:Women's college, Arizona at Cal (same-day tape), Pac-12Network. 10:30a.m.:Major League Soccer, New York Red Bulls at Philadelphia Union, NBC.

1 p.m.:Major League Soccer, D.C. United at Chicago Fire, NBC Sports Network.

Everton at Liverpool, ESPN2.

2 p.m.:Men's college, San Diego State at Oregon State, Pac-12 Network.

4p.m.:Women's college, Colorado at Arizona State, Pac-12 Network.

6 p.m.:Major League Soccer, Seattle Sounders atLosAngelesGalaxy,

ESPN. 6 p.m.:Women's college, Stanford at San Jose Earthquakes at Portland UCLA, Pac-12 Network. Timbers, NBC Sports Network. FOOTBALL MOTOR SPORTS 10a.m.: NFL, New England Patriots 1:30a.m.: Formula One, Indian Grand at St. Louis Rams, CBS. Prix, practice, qualifying, Speed 10a.m.: NFL, Seattle Seahawks at network. Detroit Lions, Fox. 6:30a.m.:NASCAR, Sprint Cup, 1 p.m.:NFL, New York Giants at Tums Fast Relief 500, practice, Speed Dallas Cowboys, Fox. network. 5:20 p.m.:NFL, New Orleans Saints 9a.m.: NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Tums at Denver Broncos, NBC. Fast Relief 500, practice, Speed

3:30 p.m.:Major League Soccer,

10:30 p.m.:National Hot Rod

8 p.m.:College, Hawaii at Colorado State (taped), Root Sports.

Association, Big 0 Tires Nationals, qualifying (same-day tape), ESPN2.

10a.m.:Women's college, Oregonat



VOLLEYBALL Utah, Pac-12 Network.

6a.m.:European Tour, BMW

Noon:Women's college, Oregon State

Masters, third round, Golf Channel. 10a.m.:LPGATour,Sunrise LPGA Taiwan Championship, third round,

at Colorado, Pac-12 Network. FIGURE SKATING

11 a.m.:Grand Prix of Figure Skating, Golf Channel. Skate Canada, NBC. 12:30 p.m.:Web.com Tour, Web.com TENNIS Tour Championship, third round, Golf 11 a.m.:WTA Championships, final Channel. (same-day tape), ESPN2. 2:30 p.m.:Champions Tour, second EQUESTRIAN round, ATBTChampionship, Golf 12:30 p.m.:Washington International Channel. Horse Show (taped), Root Sports. 9 p.m.:PGATour/Asian Tour, CIMB RODEO Classic, final round, Golf Channel. FOOTBALL

9a.m.:College, Tennessee atSouth Carolina, ESPN. 9 a.m.:College, lowa at Northwestern, ESPN2.

9 a.m.:College, Kentucky at Missouri, ESPNU.

9a.m.:College, Delaware at Old Dominion, NBC Sports Network.

9a.m.:College, Texasat Kansas, Root Sports. 9 a.m.:College, Ball State at Army, CBS Sports Network. Noon:College, UCLA at Arizona State, FX.

Noon:College, Colorado at Oregon, Pac-12 Network. 12:30 p.m.:College, Michigan State at Wisconsin, ESPN2. 12:30 p.m.:College, USC at Arizona, ABC. 12:30 p.m.:College, Florida vs.

Georgia, CBS. 12:30p.m.:College,Texas Tech at Kansas State, Fox.

12:30 p.m.:College, Boise State at Wyoming, CBS Sports Network.

12:30 p.m.:College, Dukeat Florida State, ESPNU.

12:30 p.m.:College, Purdue at Minnesota, Big Ten Network. 12:30 p.m.:College, Idaho State at


1 p.m.:Bull riding, PBR World Finals, NBC. BASEBALL

5 p.m.:MLB playoffs, World Series, San Francisco Giants at Detroit Tigers, Fox.

RADIO Today FOOTBALL 7 p.m.: High school,Bend at Mountain View, KICE-AM 940, KBND-AM 1110. 7 p.m.:High school, Estacada at Madras, KWSO-FM 91.9.

Saturday Noon:College, Colorado at Oregon, KBND-AM 1110.

7:15p.m.:College, Oregon State at Washington, KICE-AM 940,KRCOAM 690.

Sunday 5 p.m.:MLB playoffs, World Series, San Francisco Giants at Detroit Tigers, KICE-AM 940. Listingsare the mostaccurateavailable. The Bulletinis not responsible for late changesmade by TV orradiostations.

ran e Duc s, Beavers are source o ri eor re on H

By Anne M. Peterson The Associated Press

CORVALLIS — Oregon may be that rainy outpost of the Pacific Northwest far removed from SEC country, but the state has two teams ranked in college football's top 10. The No. 2 Ducks and the No. 7 Beavers are the highest-ranked duo from a single state in the current AP Top 25. "It's really cool," Oregon State fan Kurt Peters said after last weekend's game. " Of course, I s t il l h ate t h e Ducks." OK, so the statewide pride goes only so far. Before this season, the last time the two teams were both ranked in the AP's top 10 was in 2001, when Oregon State was No. 10 and Oregon was No. 7 after the opening week of the season. The only other time the Beavers and Ducks have both been ranked in the top seven was the final poll of the 2000 season. Oregon State finished fourth in that poll, and Oregon was seventh. As it stands now, Oregon State and Oregon are the only undefeated teams in the Pac-12. The Beavers (6-0, 4-0) are one of the nation's biggest surprises of the season. Oregon State went just 3-9 last season, its worst finish since 1997, and the team missed out on the postseason for the second straight year. It was completely understandable when the Beavers wereselected before this season to finish last in the Pac-12's northern chvlslon. The Beavers missed their opener against Nicholls State because of concerns about HurricaneIsaac'simpact on the Louisiana school's team, so they started the season a week late against No. 13 Wisconsin, a team that had blanked them 35-0 a year before. The Beavers beat the Badgers 107, and ever since they have been on a roll. Now Oregon State plays Washington on Saturday night at CenturyLink Field in Seattle. The Huskies (3-4, 1-3) have lost three straight after a 17-13 upset of then-No. 8 Stanford. Oregon State is also the feel-good story of the season under easygoing head coach Mike Riley, who had critics calling for his dismissal last season. This season, Riley grabbed attention for treating his team to In-N-Out double-double hamburgers after road wins. Part of the credit for Oregon State's success goes to quarterbacks Sean Mannion and Cody Vaz, who have



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Don Ryan/The Associated Press

Oregon State fans cheer duringthe second half of Saturday's game against Utah. kept the Beavers steady during their season-opening streak. Mannion, asophomore who took a lot of knocks last season but emerged as one of the league's best drop-back passers, will return as starter against the Huskies this weekend after missing two games with a left knee injury. Vaz, a junior, capably filled in while Mannion was hurt and helped the Beavers to victories against BYU and Utah. Ducks fan Jim Cooper has grudging respect for the Beavers. "The Ducks are stronger, we have the experience," Cooper said. "As well as the Beavers are doing thisyear, and I'm happy for them, they really tanked it last year. They absorbed a lot of losses. But Mike Riley, in playing those kids through some real hard times, got them some experience in the trenches and it's paying off for them this season." While the Beavers are delivering the unexpected, the Ducks are staying the course.With its speedy spread offense, Oregon is 7-0 overall and 4-0 in the Pac-12. The Ducks have won 10 consecutive games dating back to last season, second in the nation only to Alabama's 11 straight. Oregon has scored at least 42 points in each of those 10 wins. The Ducks are favored by more than six touchdowns this Saturday when they host Colorado (1-6, 1-3). Many fans are looking past the Buffaloes toward Oregon'sgame the next weekend against No. 10 USC at the Coliseum in Los Angeles. Last season, the Trojans

came to Autzen Stadium and upset the No. 4 Ducks 38-35. USC quarterback Matt Barkley passed for 323 yards and four touchdowns in the victory. Should both Oregon and Oregon State keep winning, it will set up an epic clash in the Civil War rivalry game on Nov. 24, which would decide the team that represents the north in the Pac-12 championshipgame on Nov. 30. The winner of the title game gets to represent the league in the Rose Bowl — unless the team is ranked No. 1 or No. 2 in the BCS standings, which will send the winner to the BCS championship. So, theoretically, if the Ducks (currently No. 4 BCS) win the Pac-12 title game but go to the national championship, the Beavers (No. 7 BCS) could be the league's representative in their first Rose Bowl since 1965. But that is getting ahead of ourselves. It all depends on how the next month shakes out. The Ducks play three of their last four on the road; they host No. 19 Stanford on Nov. 17. The Beavers, who don't have USC on their schedule this season, face a challenge when they visit Stanford on Nov. 10. B eavers coach R i le y h a s no t really had time to think about the rival Ducks, who have prevailed in the past four Civil War meetings. "We haven't done well in the last couple of years, so I don't have any secrets about what to do with Oregon," Riley said. "And I h aven't thought about them too much to this point."


Buccaneers run ast Vi in s, 36-17 The Associated Press MINNEAPOLIS — Traveling to Minnesota to play on Thursday night was supposed to be tough for Tampa Bay. Rookie Doug Martin ran around the field as if he didn't want to leave. Martin racked up 214 total yards — including a career-high 135 rushing — and two touchdowns, and the Buccaneers romped to a 36-17 victory to hand the Vikings their first home loss this season. "It was pretty fun. I'm not going to lie," said Martin, who took a screen pass 64 yards for a score, one of Josh Freeman's three touchdown passes, to give Tampa Bay a 27-10 lead just 1:21 into the second half. Then Martin, the first-round draft pick from Boise State, capped a drive of more than nine minutes with a 1yard muscle into the end zone midway through the fourth quarter to crush the comeback opportunity for Minne-

sota (5-3).

"It's hard to come from college to the NFL. The speed of the game is definitely increased, and this is a feel thing. You're looking for that rhythm, as a running back, getting comfortable

in the offense and having that gametime experience. I'm definitely there, right where I need to be," Martin said. Adrian Peterson had a season-long 64-yard run for a score that brought the Vikings to 30-17, but his lost fumble in Minnesota territory in the second quarter led directly to a touchdown by the Buccaneers (3-4). The Bucs, who became just the second visiting team to win on a Thursday night in seven games this season, revived their struggling pass rush with three sacks and flustered Christian Ponder with a heavy dose of blitzes. Ponder finished19for35 for251yards, one touchdown and a late interception at the end of a desperation drive. With a 13-point lead, just trying to keep that clock running as quickly as possible, the Bucs could have gone conservative, but they refused to settle for a punt. Starting at their own 13 with 1:12 left in the third quarter, they plowed their way up the field — Freeman completed four t hird-and-long passes — and finished off the game with Martin's third-and-goal touchdown run with 7:03 remaining. "Ah, he is definitely an asset to our

football team," c ornerback Ronde Barber said. "For a young guy to have that kind of vision, to have that kind of patience as a runner, it's pretty impressive." Freeman went 19for36 for262 yards and, most importantly, no turnovers. Mike Williams had one of the touchdowns and 68 yards on six receptions, and the Bucs held the ball for nearly 38 of the 60 minutes. With two games apiece against division rivals Chicago and Green Bay plus road trips to Seattle and Houston in the second half of their schedule, the Vikings have quite the challenge waiting for them and their strong start after Thanksgiving. They faced an important test in this second half, too, after taking the clear advantage they had as the home team in this matchup and handing it over to the Buccaneers. Their first three possessions were three-and-outs,Ponder started zero for five, Jerome Simpson lost a fumble after a short catch near midfield. The Bucs turned that into the second of Connor Barth's three field goals and took a 13-0 lead.


Woods trails bythree shots inMalaysia The Associated Press KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — It was hot, humid and his putts were lipping out. Tiger Woods felt as if he'd been run over halfway through his first round in M a laysia since winning the 1999 World Cup on the same course. The 14-time major winner rallied, making five birdies on the back nine Thursday for a 5-under 66 that left him three strokes behind leader Troy Matteson in the CIMB Classic. Matteson had eight birdies in his 63 to take a one-strokelead over fellow Americans

Jeff Overton, Brian Harman and Robert Garrigus. Woods, in the last pairing with Australia's Marcus Fraser, birdied Nos. 3 and 5, but missed two short par putts at the eighth and ninth and seemed frustrated, frequently wiping his face and neck with a white towel and glaring after the balls that didn't drop in the cup. He rallied with birdies on Nos. 10 and 11 and added three more on Nos. 15-17. Welshman shoots 62 at BMW Masters SHANGHAI — Wales' Jamie Don-

aldson shot a course-record 10-under 62 to take a four-stroke lead after the first round in th e European Tour's BMW Masters. Sweden's Peter Hanson and Italy's Francesco Molinari were tied for second at 66s. Topranked Rory Mcllroy, the defending champion, had a 67.

Korean in front in Taiwan YANG MEI, Taiwan — South Korea's Inbee Park shot a 7-under 65 to take a two-stroke lead over local favorite and top-ranked Yani Tseng after the first round of the LPGA Taiwan






Continued from D1 Despite graduating three all-league seniors last year, Crook County rolls into the state playoffs as Class 4A's No. I seed with a 19-4 overall record. "This team has improved more than any team I've ever had in e ight w eeks," said Cowgirl coach Rosie Honl, whose program is looking for its seventh consecutive state championship. "We started the season with eight goals. One of them was to go undefeated in (Intermountain Hybrid) play and the other was to not lose to Summit." Storm senior Laney Hayes led a balanced Summit offense with 10 k i l ls. Kenzi Kitzmiller (eight kills) and Emma Dahl ( seven) combined for 15 kills in the defeat. The Storm served well as ateam — 60 for 65 for 92 percent — and passed well when they were able to get into their offense. But while the Cowgirls converted just 89 percent of theirserves, Summit had issues with its serve receive when Crook County did get the ball i n

Continued from D1 The defeat was a bitter one for the Lava Bears, who fell to 5-7-1 overall and 2-4 in 5A IMC contests. Bend High has lost four g ames this season by o n e


"It's a tough loss," Lava Bear coach Nils Eriksson said. "We had opportunities today. And we're creating more than we have in the past. ... We just don't have that natural finisher." Eriksson praised his team's defensive effort against Mountain View, and highlighted the

play of his junior goalkeeper, Tony Watters. "Tony's one of the best in the league," Eriksson said. "It wasn't his fault they scored. It was an unlucky break on our part." With the win, Rogers bel ieves Mountain V iew w i l l move into one of the top eight spots in the Oregon School Activities A ssociation's 5A boys soccer rankings and earn an automatic berth into the 5A state playoffs.

"The playoffs are going to

play. "Our defense was a little off tonight," Hayes said. "But this team just keeps improv-

Reb Kerr /The Bulletin

Summit's Dani Taylor, left, and Kenzi Kitzmillerdefend against Crook County's Makayla Lindburg (11) on Thursday night.

ing. We're getting stronger serving, our serve receive is getting better. We've really grown since the start of the season." B arring a s u r p rise, t h e Storm have locked down one of eight automatic berths into the Class 5A state postseason,

and with that a home playoff match. "I thought we fought well," Summit coach Jill Waskom said. "This is just another great opportunity for us to get better before state."

H aving led fo r m ost o f the first set, Crook County had to use a late rally in the second game of the match, trailing 20-17 at one point. Back-to-back kills by Annie Fraser and Kayla Hamilton

sparked a three-point run by the Cowgirls to tie the score 20-20 and get Crook County back inthe game. Troutman led the way the rest of the set with two kills, including one on the final point, which

PREP ROUNDUP vin in third and Izaak Kanzig in sixth, as the Outlaws racked up 30 points as a team. La Pine picked up secondplace honors in the boys standings with 50 points, anchored by a fourth-place finish by Austin Smith as well as seventh- and eighth-place showings by Tyress TurnsPlenty and Nick Clark, respectively. The Hawks, according to La Pine coach Brian Earls, will field its first state-bound team since 2000. "It's going to be a learning curve for them," Earls said. "I think it's going to be a great experience for them, a chance to get their feet wet." In other Thursday action: BOYS SOCCER R idgeview..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Redmond...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 REDMOND — Z a c hary Dyck netted a pair of goals in the closing six minutes of the Ravens' Intermountain Hybrid contest at Redmond High, including a r e bound score within the final 10 seconds, accordingto Ridgeview coach Keith B l eyer's e s timation,

to propel the Ravens to victory. Dyck finished with three goals, and Vladimir Jonas was credited with an assist. Daniel Najera led the Panthers with two goals, one of them assisted by Miseal Correa. The regular season is now over for Class 4A Ridgeview (4-6-1 overall) and 5A Redmond (3-10 overall). They now await the final OSAA rankings when each classification is frozen on Tuesday and Wednesday, respectively. L a Salle....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 M adras...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 MADRAS — Gustavo Pacheco and Carlos Garcia each scored in the final 10 minutes of the White Buffaloes' Class 4A Tri-ValleyConference contest against the Falcons, but Madras' rally came up just short, resulting in its second straight league loss. Madras (3-5 TVC, 3-9 overall) visit Molalla on Tuesday for its last game of the regular season. GIRLS SOCCER B end..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 M ountain View.... . . . . . . . . . 0 The visiting Lava Bears

Stern Continued from D1 Stern told owners of his plans during their two days of meetings, and the board unanimously decidedSilverwould be his successor. Owners will begin negotiations with the 50year-old Silver in hopes of having a contract completed by their next meeting in April. Stern, who turned 70 last month, became commissioneron Feb. I,1984. He has been the NBA's longest-serving commissioner, establishing the league's brand around the world, presiding over team expansion and overseeing the establishment of the WNBA and the NBA Development League. "There is no debate that David Stern has earned his spot in the pantheon of sports commissioners.Deservedly, his name and reputation will always be synonymous with the phenomenal growth and success of the NBA over the last three decades," union executive director Billy Hunter said in a statement. "His absence will surely be felt by anyone connected to the NBA and the sport of basketball, although clearly the league will be left in very capable hands with the appointment of Adam Silver as the next commissioner." Seven franchises have been added under Sternand the league has seen a 30-fold increase in revenues.Stern insisted the NBA have a presence on social media, and the league and players have more than 270 million likes and followers on Facebook and Twitter. "There are all kinds of other business metrics we could look at that would define David as one of the great business leaders of our time," Silver said. Stern said he decided on his plans about six months ago, having guided the league through a lockout that ended nearly a year ago. He didn't want to leave until the labor deal was completed or until he was confident there was a successor in place, and both are done. Silver has been the league's No. 2 since 2006, and both Stern and league owners praise his abilities.

Paul R. Benelt /The Associated Press

Boston Celtics' Larry Bird, left, reacts after being presented his NBA basketball championship ring by Commissioner David Stern during a ceremony in Boston in 1984. "I don't know what else to say other than to recite what I told the owners yesterday in executive session," Stern said. "I told them that it's been a great run, it will continue for another 15 months, that the league is in, I think, terrific condition." Stern is the one who got it there, taking over what was a second-rate league with little-to-no TV presence — the NBA Finals were on tape delay in the early 1980s — and making basketball one of the world's most popular spotts. "A couple of things that stand out to me is that David has been, in my estimation, the type of commissioner that has set the standard not only for the NBA but for all of the sports," said Minnesota Timberwolves owner Glen Taylor, the outgoing chairman of the board of governors. "We have done so many wonderful things in the organization. The marketing, leadership, the brand recognition, going international way

— Reporter: 541-383-0305, beastes~bendbulletin.com.


i sersaes os, ir s Bulletin staff report EUGENE — Sisters crosscountrycoach Charlie Kanzig did not want the Outlaws to peak just yet. Still, led by five top-10 finishes in boththe girls and boys races, with no runner finishing worse than 14th overall, the Sisters boys and girls each claimed championships at the Class 4A Sky-Em League district meet at Lane Community College on Thursday and earned spots at the Class 4A state championships in Eugene on Nov. 3. "They're in good spirits," Kanzig said of his athletes. "We didn't want to peak today. We wanted to just get the job done and hope to do great next week." Zoe Falk claimed first overall for the girls, finishing the 5,000-meter course in 19 minutes, 59 seconds to help Sisters earn 27 points as a team. Aria Blumm took fourth, with Macadia Calavan and Madison Boettner coming in sixth and seventh, respectively. For the boys, Brandon Pollard set the pace, taking second in a time of 17:01. He was soon followed by Devon Cal-

gave the Cowgirls a 25-22 victory and what proved to be an insurmountable twog ames-to-zero lead i n t h e match.

received goals within seven minutes of each other, one each from Hannah Cockrum and Alex Howard, en route to a Class 5A Intermountain Conference win. Jenny Velasquez and Amidee Colleknon picked up an assist apiece. Bend (4-2 IMC, 10-3 overall) and Mountain View (2-4 IMC, 7-6-1 overall), ranked fourth and 10th in the state, respectively, will wait for the OSAA rankings to freeze Wednesday to find out their state playoff fates. R idgeview ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 R edmond..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 REDMOND — Th e h ost Panthers played the Ravens to a draw thanks to goals from Kelly Whitt and Damaris Estrada, who also delivered an assist during each program's season finale. The final OSAA rankings, which will decide if either the Ravens or Panthers take part in their respective state playoffs,freeze on Tuesday for Ridgeview (4-7-2 overall) and on Wednesday for Redmond

(2-10-2 overall). L a Salle..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 M adras.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 MILWAUKIE — Two sec-

es ::

ond-half goals put the White Buffaloes in a t h r ee-score hole, one they would not get out of in their Class 4A TriValley Conference contest against the Falcons. Madras (0-8-1 TVC, 2-10-1 overall) wraps up it s s eason with a home m a tchup a gainst Molalla on Tuesday. VOLLEYBALL Bend.... . . . . . . . . . . . 25-25-25 Mountain View ...... 20-18-20 Paced by Molly Maloney's 12 kills, 12 digs and 10 blocks, the Lava Bears cruised by the visiting Cougars to take the Class 5A Intermountain Conference showdown. Ellis Clair recorded 23 assists, 10 digs and four aces for Bend, while Callie Kruska picked up six kills and three blocks. Jill Roshak led the Cougars with 16 kills and 12 digs, and Anna Roshak accounted for three blocks. Bend (4-2 IMC) expects an automatic qualifying spot in the state playoffs, according to coach Kristin Cooper, but the Lava Bears, as well as M ountain View (2-4 IMC), will not find out where they stand until the final OSAA rankings freeze on Saturday.

before our times, and David has led that." Taylorsaid there's been a "40-fold" increase in revenues from the league's national TV contract, and that the average player salary will have had grown from $250,000 when Stern took over to $5 million by the end of the current collective bargaining agreement. Stern wasthe league's outside counsel from 1966-78, then its general counsel before becoming executive vice president of business and legalaffairs from 1980-84.He replaced Larry O'Brien to become the league's fourth commissioner, getting a boost in taking the game mainstream with the popularity of Magic Johnson and Larry Bird, and soon Michael Jordan. The league began marketing its stars, and Stern found the desire for them was greatest in some far-away lands. The real explosion came in 1992, when those three headed the Dream Team that led the U.S. to the Olympic basketball gold medal while winning fans around the world. The NBA has gone on to play games in 17 countries, staging 114 international games. "He's done a remarkable job," Major League Baseball Commissioner Bud Selig said at the World Series. "To think of what the NBA was when he came in and what it is today, most

people judge him very very highly." There were rough patches,particularly the brawl between Indiana Pacers players and Detroit Pistons fans in 2004, and the betting scandal involving former referee Tim Donaghy. Stern had already passed off most of the heavy lifting to Silver by last year, but he was the one absorbing the criticism during the lockout for the secondshortened season in his tenure. He sometimes appeared worn down during the negotiations, even missing one critical bargaining session while sick, but insists he's got plenty of energy to keep working now. "I feel great," Stern said. "I'm enjoying my job, but I'm looking forward to doing some other things. I'm stepping down, I'm not retiring." Stern just recently returned from China, Germany and Italy, and plans another overseas trip

be just like this," Rogers said. "They're going to be nervy, and you're going to have to find a way to win late. It takes one mistake or one really good moment to win. That's what you're looking for, and that's what Mountain View teams in the past have done well, is having that good moment." Mountain View travels to Sisters, the No. 11 team in 4A, for anonconference contest on Tuesday. Bend High, which was 16th in the 5A rankings entering Thursday's game, does not exct to pick up a tuneup game fore the 5A play-in round.


LaneCommunityCollege,Eugene 5,000 meters BOYS Team scores —Sisters,30;LaPine, 50;Sweet Home 80;Elmira,98 CottageGrove, 108. Overall winner — JakobHiett, SweetHome, 16:37. Top 10 — 1, Hiett, SweetHome, t6:37. 2, BrandonPollard, Sisters, t7:01. 3, DevonCalvin, Sisters, 17:29. 4,AustinSmith, LaPine, tr:44. 5, DanielDaltforth,SweetHome,17:56. 6, IzaakKanzig, Sisters,17:57. 7,TyressTurnsPlenty, LaPine,18:08. 8, NickClark, LaPine,18:10. 9, DytttFetrow,Sisters, 18.18. 10,lanBaldessari, Sisters, 18.20. SISTERS(30) — 2, Pollard,17:01; 3, Calvin, 17.29, 6, izaakKanzig, 17:57, 9,Fetrow,18:18, 10, Baldessari,18:20;13,SheaKrevi, 18:43; 14, Gabriel Rice, tB:52. LA PINE (50) — 4,Smith,17:44; 7,TumsPlenty, 1808,8, Clark, t810;15, NiicoHaddad,1855;16, Taylor Ogle, 19:00; t7, Thorin Wilson, 19:01;26, GavinBoen,19.44. GIRLS

Team score s— Sisters,27;SweetHome,62; CottageGrove,69; Elmira, 76;Junction City,140. Overall winner —ZoeFalk, Sisters,19:59. Top 10 — t, Falk, Sisters, 19:59. 2, Nicole Rasmussett,SweetHome,2028. 3, BreannaWright, CottageGrove,21:05. 4, AriaBlumm,Sisters, 21:09. 5, PaigeSanders,SweetHome,21:11. 6, Macadia Calavan,Sisters,21:36. 7,MadisonBoetner, Sisters, 21:56. 8, MorganCraig, Elmira, 22:17. 9, Natalie Marshall, Sisters,22:21.10,KenzIeMcConnell, Cottage Grove,22:31. SISTERS (27) —1, Fallt, t9:59; 4, Blumm, 21:09; 6, Calavatt, 21:36; 7, Boettner, 21:56; 9, Marshall, 22:21;11, KatieStewart, 22:37; t2, Mary


LA PINE —17, TyshaHulse, 23:51;31, Alex Rader,28:46

next season, and will remain an adviser to the league in retirement on international matters. "We just think that his leadership will be important to our future," Taylor said. It's meant everything to the league's past. The league hasreported huge increases in ticket and merchandise sales, and TV ratings are at an all-time high. Last season's lockout, the second time the league lost games to a work stoppage, hardly made a dent in the league's business or in fans' interest. But even for Stern, business has always taken a back seat to basketball. He's sought changes to improve play, such as the elimination of isolation play that bored him, to implementing penalties that go into effect this sea-

son for flopping. "For the most part it's been a series of extraordinary experiences and enormous putting together of pieces of a puzzle and it goes on forever," Stern said. "And there will always be another piece of the puzzle and so the question is at what point do you decide that, let someone else do it? That's the point that I'm at now." Taylor and Spurs owner Peter Holt, who is replacing him as board chairman, said the owners will work to have a contract with Silver by April. Silver came to the NBA 20 years ago and served a variety of positions before becoming the deputy commissioner in 2006. He was the lead negotiator during the lockout and Stern has relied more heavily on him in recent years, even turning to Silver to answer questions on tougher topics. Stern said he wouldn't leave until he knew there was a successor ready, and he has repeatedly said Silver is ready for that role. Stern said he would always remain available to take a call and help the league. "Life is a journey and it's been a spectacular journey," Stern said. "Each step along the way there are things that you have to do, things that you maybe wish you hadn't done. But I don't keep that list, and so I'm totally pleased and I'm particularly pleased with the transition of which we're now embarking."


Horse Ridge


Continued from D1 Going downhill was a different story, though, and maneuvering our bikes over the rocks was actually pretty fun without having to worry about climbing. But it was not long before my tire was hissing and we were put to work on the side of the trail. Minus the increased risk of flatting, Horse Ridge — located about 15 miles southeast of Bend off U.S. Highway 20 — is a perfect option this time of year when the snow starts falling and other trails to the west become buried. And Horse Ridge usually remains ridable throughout the winter, when many other trails in Central Oregon are inaccessible. The area provides a perfect mix of

CLIMBING BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY AFTER-SCHOOLPROGRAM: Wednesdays, 1:30 to 4 p.m., through Nov. 14; 10-week program designed for middle schoolers with little to no previous rock climbing experience; focus on proper climbing techniques and safety; transportation provided from area middle schools; contact mike© bendenduranceacademy.org or www.BendEnduranceAcademy.org. BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY COMPETITIONTEAM: Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 4 to 6 p.m., through June 27, 2013; ages10-18; focuses on bouldering with opportunities to compete in USAClimbing's Bouldering Series; contact mike© bendenduranceacademy.org or www.BendEnduranceAcademy.org. BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY DEVELOPMENTTEAM:Mondays and Wednesdays, 4 to 6 p.m., through Jan. 30, 2013; ages10-18; for the climber looking to develop a solid foundation of movement and technical climbing skills; contact mike@bendenduranceacademy.or g or www.BendEnduranceAcademy. org.

challenging climbing, technical riding, and fast downhill singletrack. Last week, on a day when temperatures reached the 70s, Dustin Gouker and I made the trip to Horse Ridge. From the west trailhead parking lot, we rode singletrack along a barbed-wire fence that paralleled the highway. That trail offered a relatively easier climb to the top of the ridge than other trails in the area. Conditions were surprisingly good after recent rainfall helped to quell the dust and sand that accumulate in the area during the summer. With cooler temperatures and recent dustings of snow since last week, I am sure the trails at Horse Ridge are even more ridable now. At the f i rst t r ai l i n tersection, we turned right and began climbing in earnest upthe ridge. Before long, we were on a side-hill trail that offered dramatic views of the Badlands to the north and Dry Canyon to the northeast. The trail continued up through old, twisted juniper trees and sagebrush. Before long we came to the technical section and rode/walked our way through the jagged rocks. By the time we reached th e b a rbed-wire f ence at the top of the ridge, we were tired enough to turn around and enjoy the downhill. Pedaling fast along the ridge we could see the Three Sisters, Mount Jefferson and even Mount Hood in the distance to the northwest on the warm, clear day. But soon came that hissing sound, and the fun was over, at least for a while. After removing the back wheel, pulling

Dustin Gouker /The Bulletin

Bulletln reporter Mark Morical tackles a technical section of trail near the top of Horse Ridge. out the old tube, inserting the new one, pumping up the tire, then putting the wheel back on, we were back on our way blasting downhill along the ridge. Problem was, every time I rode over the sharp lava rocks I was worried my tire would go flat again. I rode conservatively, not wanting to interrupt the ride yet again with more trail-side bike maintenance. Horse Ridge is a year-round mountain biking spot, though during summer the trails become too sandy to enjoy. The areaprobably receives the most use from the fat-tire crowd from late fall to early spring, when many other Central Oregon trailsremain covered in snow

or mud. A variety of singletrack trails and loop rides can be accessed at Horse Ridge, but I usually complete an outand-back ride from the west trailhead that amounts to about 10 to 12 miles. More trails and the old Highway 20 can be ridden to the east, and to the west is a trail called Sand Canyon, which does not sound all that fun. We managed to have fun on our ride, despite the unwelcome setback of a flat tire. At least we were prepared — which mountain bikers always should be. — Reporter: 541-383-0318, mmorical@bendbulletin.com

Giants Continued from D1 Prince Fielder was thrown out at the plate by a hair and moments later pitcher Doug Fisterwas struck squarely in the head by Blanco's line drive, a ball hit so hard that it caromed into shallow center field. "They asked me the typical concussion questions," Fister said. "I'm not concerned. I have a minor bump. According to my dad, my whole life his saying has always been if I got hit in the head I'd be OK. That's how I take it." The 6-foot-8 Fister managed to stay on the mound, andeven excelled. Bumgarner more than matched him, however, allowing just two hits before the San Francisco bullpen closed it out before another pulsating crowd. Santiago Casilla pitched a p erfect eighth and Sergio Romo worked the ninth for a save in the combined twohitter, leaving Triple Crown w i n ner Miguel Cabrera and his team in a huge hole heading back to Comerica Park. Anibal Sanchez will start for the Tigers against Ryan Vogelsong in Detroit. "That's the way baseball is. When things are going well, things are bouncing your way," Giants second baseman Marco Scutaro said. "If things aren't going well, you just keep battling and playing hard. No one is taking anything for granted." Even so,several dozen members of the Giants family came onto the field at AT&T Park well after the final out to pose for pictures, wanting to savor what they hope is the Giants' last home game of the year. Blanco, meanwhile, was able to celebrate a single that rolled 45 feet, if that. "I was joking with (coach) Roberto Kelly when I got to first base, 'We practiced that today,'" Blanco said. "That was a perfect bunt. I wasn't really trying to do that. I think it was just meant to be and I'm thankful that I did it." The Tigers looked rusty at the plate, maybe still lost following a f i ve-day layoff after an ALCS sweep of the Yankees. Cabrera hopped up in frustration after Sandoval snared his line drive to third. "Well, what are you going to do about it?" Tigers manager Jim Leyland said. "We got two hits tonight. I'm certainly not going to sit up here and rip my offense because last night I thought we had some pretty good swings. Cabrera hit a bullet tonight." Bumgarner had something to do with the Tigers' troubles, too. Bumped from the NLCS rotation after two poorpostseason starts,he returned with a flourish. The left-hander struck out eight and looked as sharp as he did in the 2010 World Series when, as a 21year-old rookie, he stopped Texas in Game 4 on the way to a championship. "Just able to make pitches," Bumgarner said. "I hadn't done a very good job of making pitches this postseason so far and this is a team that you're not going to be able to afford to miss with. "They hit some balls hard, but luckily we were in the right spot," he said.


Marcio Jose Sanchezi The Associated Press

Detroit Tlgers' Prince Fielder Is tagged outat home plate by San Francisco Giants catcher Buster Posey during the second inning of Game 2 of the World Series on Thursday night in San Francisco. Along with his bunt, Blanco might have hit the hardest ball of the gamethe liner that nailed Fister in the second inning. The ball struck the right side of his head and deflected on the fly to shallow center field. Fister showed no visible effect from the blow — in fact, some in the crowd wondered whether the ball p erhaps glanced off his glove because Fister stayed on his feet. Only when fans saw replays did groans echo around the ballpark. Leyland, pitching coach Jeff Jones and a trainer went to the mound, and Fister insisted on staying in the game. He walked the next batter to load the bases with two outs, but retired Bumgarner on a popup, starting a streak of 12 straight hitters set down by Fister. "Well, if you'd have been out there, it was s omething t o s ee," L eyland said. "Because the trainer was saying, 'Where are you?' 'San Francisco.' 'What game is it?' 'Game No. 2.' "I don't want to make light of it, but it was kind of comical really because Doug was right on with everything. But I was scared to death when it happened." The game remained scoreless until the seventh, right after actor Tom Hanks — a formerpeanut vendor atthe nearby Oakland Coliseum — sang "Take Me Out to the Ball Game" on the field. Pence led off with a single and Fister departed, getting lots of hugs in the dugout. Rookie reliever Drew Smyly walked Brandon Belt on a full-count pitch and Blanco's bunt loaded the bases with no outs. The Tigers kept their infield back up the middle, and had no play at the plate on Crawford's bouncer. "We felt like we played double-play depth because we felt like we couldn't give them two runs. That's why we did that, and we got the double play," Leyland said. "To be honest with you, we were absolutely thrilled to come out of that inning with one run. Absolutely thrilled. I mean, we had to score anyway." Pence added the insurance run the

next inning with his flyball off Octavio Dotel.

"We played good small ball today,"

Pence said. "We played a great game of baseball, had outstanding pitching and greatdefense and we found a way to get it done." Of the 52 teams to take a 2-0 lead in the World Series, 41 have gone on to win the title. That includes 14 of the past 15 teams with that advantage. "I'm not sure, and I haven't done any studies on it," Giants reliever Jeremy Affeldt said, "but statistically it's always better to be 2-0 than 1-1 or 0-2. I'm just

SNOW SPORTS MT. BACHELORSPORTS EDUCATIONFOUNDATION ALPINE, NORDIC, FREERIDE FALL DRYLAND TRAINING: Started in early September; 541-388-0002;mbsef@ mbsef.org; mbsef.org. BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY FALLCONDITIONING PROGRAM: Wednesdays, 1 to 4:15 p.m., through Nov. 11; ages 11-14; fiveweek program aims to improve strength, coordination and flexibility for the upcoming nordic ski season; transportation provided from area middle schools; contact ben© bendenduranceacademy.org, www. BendEnduranceAcademy.org or 541-678-3864. BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY NORDICFALLLADIES: Tuesdays, 9:15 to11:45 a.m., throughNov. 6;for womenage18 and older; designed for women who wish to improve their overall ski fitness this winter through organized and professionally coached dryland training sessions; contact ben© bendenduranceacademy.org, www. BendEnduranceAcademy.org or 541-678-3864. BENDENDURANCEACADEMY NORDICCOMPETITION PROGRAM: Tuesdays throughSundays through May1, 2013,times vary; ages 14-23; athletes are instructed in varying activities to improve their strength, technique, coordination, agility, aerobic and anaerobic capacities with the end goal being to successfully apply these skills to ski racing; transportation provided; contact ben@bendenduranceacademy.org, www.BendEnduranceAcademy.org or 541-678-3864. BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY NORDICYOUTHCLUB:Ages 7-11; Saturdays and/or Sundays for 10 weekends, Dec. 8 through Feb.24;includes acamp during winter break; introduces basic skate and classic techniques through games andadventures; transportation provided; contact ben@bendenduranceacademy.org, www.BendEnduranceAcademy.org or 541-678-3864. BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY MIDDLESCHOOL NORDIC DEVELOPMENTTEAM:Form iddle

schoolers ages11-14; Wednesday/ Saturday/Sunday, Nov. 14-March 10; allows participants to ski in small groups based on abilityand improve their classic and skate techniques; includes camps during Thanksgiving and winter break; transportation provided; contact ben@bendenduranceacademy.org, www.BendEnduranceAcademy.org or 541-678-3864. BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY HIGH SCHOOL NORDICDEVELOPMENT TEAM: For high schoolers ages 14-18; weekdays or weekend enrollment options; Nov. 14March10; participants improve skiing efficiency by working with coaches and teammates in small groups; includes camps during Thanksgiving and winter break; transportation provided; contact ben@bendenduranceacademy.org, www.BendEnduranceAcademy.org or 541-678-3864. BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY NORDICMASTERS:For adults; Tuesday,Thursday orSunday morning enrollment options; Dec. 11-Feb. 17; skate technique; improves skiing efficiency through successful technique progressions; contact ben© bendenduranceacademy.org, www. BendEnduranceAcademy.org or 541-678-3864. DAWN PATROLNORDIC SKIING FOR WORKING PARENTS: Join local nordic ski meister Dave Cieslowski for this popular morning ritual on the trails of Mt. Bachelor Nordic Center; sessions offer a daily technique theme; 10-week program; limited to 10 advanced skiers; Wednesdays from10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., Dec. 5 through Feb. 14; www.mtbachelor. com. SHE'S ON SKIS: For women who want to nordic ski one day per week with an experienced and cheerful coach; open to beginner level skate skiers and above; at Mt. Bachelor Nordic Center; Wednesdays or Saturdays, Nov. 28 through Feb. 9; www.mtbachelor.com. INTRO TOSKATESKIING/ INTROTO CLASSIC SKIING: Ideal for beginner skiers, these programs offer a fourweek progressive introduction to the sport of skate and classic skiing; new sessions begin the first week of each month throughout the winter at the Mt. Bachelor Nordic Center; www.mtbachelor.com. BABES IN SNOWLAND NORDIC SKIING:Eight-week series of onehour classes for tots ages 4-5; at Mt. Bachelor Nordic Center; classes are designed to introduce youngsters to nordic skiing through creative learning in a fun, safe environment; Sundays from11:30 a.m. to12:30 p.m, Dec. 16 to Feb. 24; www. mtbachelor.com. K'S FORKIDS NORDICSKIING: Eight-week series of one-hour classes for youth ages 6 to 8; clinics will focus on exploration of the Mt. Bachelor trail system and logging K's; skiers should be able to ski 5 kilometers in one hour; Sundays from10:15 a.m. to11:15 a.m., Dec. 16to Feb. 24; www.mtbachelor. com.

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guessing." Fielder andthe Tigers came up inches short of taking an early lead, the result of yet another alert play by Scutaro and a dubious decision by third base coach Gene Lamont. Fielder was hit by a pitch to lead off the second, Delmon Young followed with a double and when the ball rattled around in left field, Lamont waved the burly slugger home. Even with no outs, Lamont sent him. "I think Gene just got a little overaggressive," Leyland said. Scutaro, in the middle of every big play for the Giants this month, dashed across the diamond, caught Blanco's relay and unleashed a strong throw to the plate. All-Star catcher Buster Posey made a swipe tag to Fielder's backside, just as the Tigers star slid home. Umpire Dan Iassogna had a clear look and made a demonstrative call — out!

Oregonians agree



1 ] ,t y l' 0'. t i i ',!




Fielder immediately popped up from his slide and pleaded his case with two hands, saying he didn't feel the tag. Leyland rushed out and pointed to the plate. At second base, Young yelled, "No!" But even if there was replay review, it wouldn't have helped the Tigers. Because TV r eplays showed Iassogna, working his first plate job in a World Series, got it right. "Any time those kind of freak plays happen that don't go your way," Fielder said. "It takes away a little momentum but you've got to be aggressive. They made a perfect play."

Yoil haVe aright to knO WWhat yOur gO Vernment iSdOing. Current Oregon Iaw requires public notices to be printed in a newspaper whose readers are affected by the notice. But federal, state, and local government agencies erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their web sites instead of in the local newspaper.

If they didthat, you'd have to know in advance where, when, and how to look, and what to look for,in order to be informed about government actions that could affect you directly.

Less than 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a government web site daily,' but 80% of all Oregon adults read a newspaper at**least once during an average week, and 54% read public notices printed there.

Keeppublic notices inthenewspaper! 'US Cenms BureouMoy2009 "Ame«<anOprn>onRemarch PnncetonNl 5eprember2010





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OCT. 5 / 7 P.M. REDMON D© Crook County High(L) OCT.12 l 7P.M. RIDGEV IEWO RidgeviewHigh (L) OCT.19 / 7 P.M. SUMMIT © CrookCounty High (W)

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NASD <QCHANGE'+4.42+.15% IN BRIEF Emails detail e-book settlement Consumers who purchased e-books between April1, 2010, and May 21, 2012, should

be receiving emails from electronic book publishers about a $69 million legal settlement

in a price-fixing case, according to the Oregon Attorney General's Of-

fice. Publishers agreed to

pay the money,more


DOIIVjO~ NS CHANGE+26.34+.20%

+ BONDS ri. ss:e CHANGE+L6a'/


Unionsare oin ont eo ensive • Michigan is the first state being asked to changeits constitution By Steven Greenhouse New Yorh Times News Service

DETROIT — Tired of battling legislative efforts to roll back union rights in state after state, organized labor is try-

ing a new strategy: going on the offense. The first target is Michigan, the cradle of the United Auto Workers and a bastion of union power. Michigan's unions are

asking voters to approve a referendum on the ballot this November, known as Proposal 2, that would lock a series of labor protections into the state constitution, including the right of public sector unions to bargain collectively and a prohibition against the Legislature enacting a "right to work" law.

The ballot campaign rep-

resents an attempt by unions and their Democratic allies to slow or stop the wave of Republican-backed measures adopted in Wisconsin, Indiana, Ohio, Tennessee and other states in the last two years to curb collective bargaining and weaken unions, especially those representing government workers. "Besides the presidential

race, Proposal 2 is probably going to be the most significant thing on the ballot nationally," said F. Vincent Vernuccio, director oflabor policy at the Mackinac Center, a conservative research center based in Midland, Mich. "The nation is on a teeter right now on union matters, and Michigan will give momentum to one side or the other depending on how this plays out." See Unions/E3

than $917,000 of which will go to Oregonians, in the settlement with 49

states over price-fixing allegations, according to a news release. The OregonAttorney

General's Office wants

consumers to know that emails from the sender







"State Attorney General E-book Settlement" are


legitimate, the newsre-

lease stated. The emails should contain informa-


tion on how to proceed.

Pending home sales up slightly


Signed contracts to

buy previously owned homes rose in September, but not by much, according to a trade

— unlu vn «1 ~

group report. Pending sales inched up 0.3 of a percentage


point to 99.5 from 99.2

in August, according to an index of pending sales from the National Association of Realtors. At100 on the index, sidered healthy.

Businessspending drags on growth

Andy Tullisi The Bullevn

Tony Aceti, owner of Famlee Fun Games LLC,recently made his board game, "Word-Roulette," available to Facebook users. He hopes the exposure of the digital version will increase sales of the board game.

computers, industrial equipment and other

long-lasting manufactured goods, a trend that's slowing the U.S. economy. A fourth straight month of lack-

luster corporate spending led manyeconomists on Thursday to trim their forecasts for growth in the July-September quarter. — Staff and wire reports

CentralOregon fuel prices Price per gallon for regular unleaded gas and diesel, as posted Thursday at AAA Fuel Price Finder

(www.aaaorid.comj. GASOLINE • Space Age,20635 Grandview Drive, Bend........ . . . . $3.82

• Fred Meyer,61535 U.S. Highway 97,

By Curtis Tate McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON — International air travel to and from the United States has more than doubled in the past 20 years in spite of 9/11, a deep recession and industry consolidation, according to a report released Thursday. While the report from the Brookings Institution, a center-l eftresearch organization, found that the nation's 100 largest metropolitan areas accounted for 96percent of U.S. airline passengers who travel abroad, it also concluded that federal investment in airports doesn't reflect where the growth is taking place. Only one-third of the Federal Aviation Administration's Airport Improvement Program grants go to airports in the 100 largest metropolitan areas. Most of the funds go to smaller airports with fewer passengers, and the Brookings authors argue that the 30-year-old federal program should be rebalanced in favor of those areas that contribute the most to the national


pending sales arecon-

Companies are holding off on purchases of

International air travel in LI.S. doubled in 20 years

By Rachael Rees The Bulletin

In his quest to market the word game he developed with his mother nearly 30 years ago, Tony Aceti has turned to the latest trend in t echnology to promote "Word-Roulette": Facebook. Someone can have the best invention in the world, said Aceti, the owner of Famlee Fun Games LLC. But to be successful, you have to efficiently market it. The 54-year-old Bend resident hopes Facebook wil l b e t h e a n swer. L ast month, a digital version of his word game launched on the social media site, where more 230 million people play games every month, accordingto Facebook. "I have to get the word out there, (and)

On theWeb For more information about "WordRoulette" and to try it out, visit

http://spin4words.com or search for Word-Roulette on Facebook.

I don't have a big advertising budget," he said. "(Using) the strength of social media to launch the product nationwide, and potentially worldwide, for a relatively small investment, was my idea to be able to build recognition of the brand and the actual board game." Aceti, who also owns the Hay Depot at Deschutes Junction, developed the game

with his mother, and in the mid-1980s, he began making a commercial version. But marketing and distribution costs were too high for him to continue. About three years ago, he jumped back into the market selling the board game through online retailers. When the game "Words With Friends" started gaining popularityon Facebook, he knew he could use the Internet as more than just an outlet to sell his game — it could also market it for him. In spring 2011, he began working with local programmers to make a digital version of "Word-Roulette." To make it compatible for Facebook, he said, cost him about $20,000. See Roulette/E3

"When it comes to U.S. economic health and competitiveness, recognizing just how much of the economy is concentrated in these places really matters," said Adie Tomer, a senior research associate in Brookings' Metropolitan Policy Program. The report shows an increasing linkage between the U.S. and its trading partners in Asia and Latin America, with hubs such as Miami; Charlotte, N.C.; Dallas-Fort Worth; and Seattle-Tacoma serving as gateways to those regions. Miami, Dallas, Atlanta and Seattle have also made major investments in their terminal facilities to handle more international, as well as domestic, traffic. But critics of the Airport Improvement Program say that smaller airports get a disproportionate share of federal funding, and that such airports are often in the districts of influential members of Congress. A 2009 review offive years of FAA data by the Pew Charitable Trusts found that the agency spent nearly $2 billion on more than 3,000 projects that had low-priority ratings.

Bend ........... $3.91 • Ron's Oil,62980 U.S. Highway 97, Bend........ . . . . $3.94


• Chevron,1095 S.E Division St.,

Bend............ $3.96 • Texaco,539 N.W. Sixth St., Redmond.... $3.96 • Texaco,178 Fourth St.,

Madras ......... $3.98 • Gordy's TruckStop, 17045 Whitney Road,

La Pine.......... $3.99 • Chevron,1210 U.S. Highway 97,

Madras ......... $3.99 • Chevron,1501S.W. Highland Ave.,

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Redmond ....... $4.05 • Texaco,178 Fourth St.,

Madras ..........$4.18 • Chevron,398 N.W. Third St., P rineville....... . $4.24 Ashley Brothers/The Bulletin

Ford to dose plants inEurope By Robert Barr

A car burns as workers block the gate of the Ford plant in Genk, Belgium, on Thursday. Ford is closing the factory.

The Associated Press

LONDON — Ford pressed ahead Thursday with its plan to slash production in Europe, announcing another plant closure and 1,500 more job cuts, as it warned that annual losses in the region will exceed $1.5 billion this year and next. Ford Motor Co. is struggling in Europe, like many major carmakers, because labor costs are relatively high and there are too many plants given that demand for cars is sliding due to the economic crisis. Worries about its European business have dragged down Ford's stock price this year. A day after announcing the closure of a major plant in Belgium, Ford said it also

The Associated Press

will close its Transit van plant in Southampton, Britain, and the stamping and tooling facility at its plant in Dagenham, east London. The actions announced this week — along with a previously announced initiative to cut about 500

salaried and agency positions across Europe — af-

fect a total of 6,200 Ford jobs, or about 13 percent of the company's European workforce. Counting the indirect impact on suppliers that depend on doing business with Ford's factories, the plant closures will cause about 11,000 job losses. SeeFord/E3

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Halloween Cross Crusade race schedule





kk t

Saturday and Sunday(times are the sameboth days) In Bend's Old Mill District; with time, class, race duration

8:40 A.M.

tibi/, e

12:20 P.M. All juniors: Men, women; 30minutes 12:25 P.M.

Beginners, Unicycles A8 B*; 40 minutes

9:30 A.M. Category C, Clydesdale; 45 minutes 10:25 A.M.


**; 25 minutes BTA Kiddie Kross A8 B

Break/course preview; 10 minutes

1:00 P.M. Category A Men,Category A Women,

10:35 A.M.

Masters Category A 35+; 60 minutes

Masters Category C 35+; 45 minutes

2:10 P.M. Break/course preview; 10 minutes 2:20 P.M. Women: Category B,Category C,

11:30 A.M. Masters B 35+, Masters 50+, Masters 60+; 45 minutes



'>' j

Beginners, Masters 35+ A, B, 45+; 45 minutes



3:15 P.M. Category B andSingle Speed; 45 minutes


*One lap, starts after beginners;** Noncompetitive event for kids age 12 and younger

Cyclocross, at a glance The basics


A form of bike racing that generally takes place during the fall and winter, cyclocross consists of multiple laps on a short course that typically includes pavement, dirt, mud

and grass. Most races feature steep hills, stairs and/or barriers that racers must clear by dismounting their bikes and carrying them. Race durations range from 20 minutes


for the youngest juniors to 60 minutes for elite menand women.


Stories abound about the origin of cyclocross, but many who follow the sport believe it began in Northern Europe in the early1900s as a way for road cyclists to train in the

~ k

offseason. Thesport has a massspectator following in Europe, while cyclocross is more of a weekend-warrior participatory sport in the United States.

The bikes

Photos above from last year's Halloween Cross Crusade, courtesy of Dave Adams

Cyclocross bikes aremuch like road bikes


but with treaded tires and some have mountain-bike-style brakes. For the most part,

they ride similar to a road /


bike. The bikek bi Same elite

; P ~'~y i'Y~ /Q


~ ~

cyclocross racers are made of carbon fiber — weighing


as little as16 pounds — and

cost as much as$10,000. At the HalloweenCross Crusade,

r >k r, I

there will be lots of 'cross bikes, but you're likely to see mountain bikes on the course,

as well. There's even aunicycle division.

The weather

• The HalloweenCrossCrusade returns to Bend, with plenty of wackyracing action in store

Because cyclocross is mostly a fall and winter sport, inclement weather is akeypart of the competition. Races take place rain, shine — or snow. While it doesn't appear that snow is in the forecast for Bend this weekend, there is a chance of rain on both days.


By Amanda Miles

Because cyclocross racing typically takes place on a short, looped course — as it will during the HalloweenCross Crusade —spectators can watch the action unfold all around them. Events in Europe draw as many as15,000 spectators. Hundreds of

The Bulletin

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spectators are expected to cheer on racers this weekend.





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Joe Kline /The Bulletin

A rider leaps over a barrier during a cyclocross race in Bend last month.

he Halloween Cross Crusade is back. After a successful move over the Cascade Mountains to Central Oregon in 2011, the cyclocross event returns to Bend this weekend. Part of the annual eight-race Cross Crusade series based in Portland, the Halloween Cross Crusade is expected to draw hundreds of cyclists to the Old Mill District on Saturday and again on Sunday — the day when almost all of those riders will dress in costume. The theme for this year's event is Cyclo du Soleil, which Kevney Dugan of Visit Bend, the tourism agency that helped bring the Cross Crusade to CentralOregon, describes as a theme of amusement and entertainment. Cross Crusade race director Brad Ross notes that the Halloween Cross Crusade has moved around over the years tonorthwestern Oregon locations such as McMinnville, Gaston and Astoria. After four years in Astoria on the northern Oregon Coast, the event moved to Bend last year.


SeeCyclocross/Back page


The Center proudly supports

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• •


Nore coverage See the other half of this page

for the HalloweenCross Crusade schedule and to learn moreabout c yclocross. Turn the pageover for a map, a schedule of related events, and riders to watch.

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taatoween ~ Crlllbka



Friday, October 26th, 2012 • The Bulletin • Ha lloween Cross Crusade preview


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Andy Tullis/The Bulletin file

Racers compete in last year's Halloween Cross Crusade in Bend's Old Mill District. Costumes are encouraged for the cyclocross races, especially on Sunday.


Dugan, director of sales and sports development for Visit Bend. Continued from front page In existence for about 20 years "It was cool for a number of rea- now, the Cross Crusade is still drawsons," Ross says, referring to the 2011 ing large numbers of participants. event. "One of the Cross Crusade's This year, about 1,400 riders raced big sponsors is Deschutes Brewery, in both the first and third events and so they completely threw down of the series, staged in Portland at and allowed us the venue, and then Alpenrose Dairy and Portland Inalso the fact that there's such a bur- ternational Raceway, and a lmost geoning cyclocross scene in Bend, 1,000 more converged onthe small too. It wasn't like we came into a northwest Oregon town of Rainier to town and there was no cyclocross race on the Sunday in between. Ross scene there in the first place." says he does not put expectations on The move also helped fill a void turnouts, but he notes that in 2011 after the USA Cycling Cyclo-cross about 1,000 cyclists raced each day National Championships ended its of the Halloween Cross Crusade. two-year run in Bend in December Cyclocross is a c y c l ing d i sci2010. Dugan recalls that Visit Bend pline that combines elements from was looking for an autumn replace- road cycling and mountain biking. ment for that event, so it contacted Cyclocross bikes resemble road Ross about bringing the Halloween bikes but have knobby tires used for Cross Crusade to Central Oregon. traction. Races often take place on "Obviously, the Cross Crusade is loop courses and a variety of surfacone of the biggest cyclocross series es, from pavement to dirt to grass. in the country, so it was a great op- Courses also often come with variportunity for us to go to Brad and ous features such as barriers and kind of contract with him to come staircases, at which cyclists must over here and put on this race," says dismount to carry their bikes over

or up.

open to riders of all ages and abilities, be they juniors, masters, beginners or elites. "If you know how to ride a bike, if you have a mountain bike, this is a race for you," Dugan says. "It's not so serious like nationals or (the U.S. Gran Prix of Cyclocross) that you can't get your mountain bike out of the closet and go ride it and just have the time of your life. "It just brings out such a cool group of people who are just fun hogs and love to be on their bikes. That's what I think makes the Cross Crusade special: It i s c ome one, come all, open arms. You're here to enjoy yourself, you're here to have a good time. It doesn't matter if you're getting passed or you got lapped or you have a flat or whatever happens. Everybody's got a smile on t heir face." Registration is available through the day of each race. Cost for most races is $25, $10 for juniors, $30 for Category A men and women, and $5 for unicycles. For more information, go to crosscrusade.com.

This year's Halloween Cross Crusade courses will likely be familiar to anyone who raced on them last year. Course staples such as the staircase on the Deschutes Brewery lawn and the flyover will be back, Ross says. But one element that might be absent is the dust that was present in 2011. The Old Mill District and Visit Bend, Ross says, have laid gravel and have watered on certain areas of the course to combat the dust. While the dust might be gone, the Clydesdale Cyclocross Championship of the Universe competition will return. Scheduled for Saturday evening this year, right before the Deschutes Brewery warehouse party, this fun, light-spirited race is open to men who weigh at least 200 pounds and women who weigh at least 160 pounds. Because the race begins at 8:30 p.m., headlights and headlamps are recommended. And as with Sunday's race, costumes are encouraged. Of course, that jovial spirit carries over into the Halloween Cross Crusade races themselves, which are

Halloween Cross Crusade festival The HalloweenCross Crusade

And don't forget that costume on Sunday. Wearing one is completely o ptional, though most r i ders d o dress up. In fact, Ross recalls that only about 50 riders last year did not race in costume. A couple of standouts for him were a team that dressed as matadors and another three teammates who came as the Nina, Pinta and Santa Maria (yes,

the ships.) A ll part of th e fu n t hat i s t h e Halloween Cross Crusade — and cyclocross. "I think it's a frickin' cool sport," says Ross. "It's super fun. It's not really very dangerous. You're nev-

er really far away from anything. You're always real close to your buddies and the beer garden. It's just a hard, fun sport. But there's people standing right next to you drinking beer.And in 45 minutes, you're going to be standing there drinking

beer, and you're going to be yelling at other guys or girls that are out there suffering. It's so close in." — Reporter: 541-383-0393, amiles@bendbulletin.com

$ew I I •


Th e fourth annual Clydesdale-

starts today and concludes on Sunday; here's a look at the sched-

ule of events.

Cycl o cross Championship of the

Universe is open tomalecyclists < who weigh atleast200 pounds and female riders who weigh at least160 pounds. Participants are


encouraged to wearcostumes. Race entry fee is $10.

Early registration and opening

ceremonies, 6 p.m. to 9p.m., Deschutes Brewery warehouse,Bend Note:Free Deschutes Brewery

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beer will be available for registered




• Halloween Cross Crusade, 8 =.. 1, a.m. to 4 p.m., Old Mill District, Bend

Riders to watch

• Commute Options bicycle decorating and Kiddie Kross rac, 11 a.m. to1 p.m., Old Mill Distriq

• Halloween Cross Crusade, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Old Mill District, Bend

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~ ~




•ClydesdaleCyclocrossChampionship of the Universe, 8:30 p.m. to 9 p.m., Old Mill District, Bend

• Deschutes Brewery warehouse party,8 p.m. to 2a.m., Bend(age 21 and older) Notes:Cost to enter the warehouse party is $10; proceedswill go to the Bend Paddle Trail Alli-

ance. Theparty theme is Cyclo De Soleil (vintage carnival and adult

circus), and party entertainment will include live music andacts by the Bend Circus Center.

bikes and then participate in (or, rg '~~ spectate) the Kiddie Kross races~ staged midway through theday'

Oregon residents are sitting at or near the top of the series overall standings and areworth keeping an eyeon. (Not all riders listed below are


confirmed to participate this weekend.)

racing schedule. Kiddie Cross isf ~' noncompetitive and open to kidsy '..~


Ghris Sheppard, of Bend:A mountain biking pro, Sheppard is familiar to Central Oregon cycling fans. The Canadian finished second in the BC Bike Race, a mountain bike stage race in British Columbia, earlier this year, narrowly missing his third consecutive title in the event. In this

age12 and younger, whowill race f in either the A or B division based,

on height and type of bike (two wheels, training wheels, etc.). A's


will do one lap of the course, while B's will traverse a specifically de-

s igned smaller, inner loop.

' -.

, ~

; ; -

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year's CrossCrusade,Sheppardhaswon bothraceshehascontested,at Alpenrose andPortland lnternational Raceway. Heenters this weekend's


races tied with Molly Cameron for first place in the men's Category A overall standings.



Source: halleweencycfecrese.com

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Saturday's evenls


This weekend's Cross Crusade races in Bend's Old Mill District will draw cyclists of all ages and ability levels from across the state and beyond. With the possibility of1,000 or so riders competing each day, keeping tabs on them all of them will be a challenge. But just three races into the 2012 Cross Crusade eight-race series, a number of Central


season so far this fall. She opened the Cross Crusade series with a thirdplace finish in the masters women 35+ A division at Alpenrose before sweeping the next two races to open a19-point lead in the overall standings. Max could add to that lead this weekend.

S a turday and Sunday events

Lance Haidet, Javier ColtonandCameron Beard, all of Bend: Cen-


tral Oregon is home to some of the top junior riders in the state, including these three boys, who are currently first, third and fifth in the junior

ClydesdaleCyclocross Championofthe Universe

men's standings andare expected to race this weekend. Beardwonthe season-opening Alpenrose CrossCrusade onOct. 7, before Haidet, who

Saturday Old Mill District


Brewery party Saturday

Deschutes Brewery Warehouse


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Les Schwa Amphitheat r

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Sarah Max, of Bend: Central Oregonians may know her better as a cross-country skiing standout, but Max hasenjoyed asolid cyclocross

CrossCrusade Saturday andSunday Old Mill District



beat a number of older riders to win the men's Category B race the same day, took the next two junior men's races. Colton has been steady with third-, fourth- and fifth-place finishes thus far. Ivy Taylor, of Bend:Taylor has finished in the top four in all three junior women's 2012 Cross Crusade races to date. She placed fourth to open the series at Alpenrose before landing atop the podium in Rainier and finishing third this past weekend at PIR. She takes a slim five-point lead in the series standings into this weekend's races. Andrew Sargent and Tim Jones, of Bend:In 2011, Sargent dominated the masters men 35+ A division in the Cross Crusade, winning five

of the eight races andfinishing second in another. Heappears primed for a successful 2012 as well. After finishing third at Alpenrose, Sargent has won the past two races. Also a Bend resident, Jones was the winner of that Alpenrose race and is currently second behind Sargent in the overall standings — which is also where he finished in 2011.

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German Shepherd purebred 6-mo. male, black, current on all shots, Free to good, loving home


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Bill F l e ming, ing Sun grand-sired, $850+, 541-316-0005. pedestal oval vase. De204- Santa's Gift Basket 1100 12 g trap, Chip- 541-382-9419. 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers Heating & Stoves $550 ea. 541-598-6988 205- Free ltems canters w/seals: Duck, munk 17HMR, MAR 269- GardeningSupplies & Equipment 210 COWGIRL CASH Stat of Lib., J. Wayne, 1895 444 & 3 0 30, 208- Pets and Supplies German Shorthair pups. Furniture & Appliances Crown Royal, Wild Tur270 - Lost and Found NOTICE TO WIN 94 30-30 & 32, We buy Jewelry, Boots, 210- Furniture & Appliances AKC, parents on site, Vintage Dresses & ADVERTISER GARAGE SALES key. 541-504-9747 WIN MD12 12 ga, 3" 211 - Children's Items champion bloodlines. More. 924 Brooks St. Since September 29, 275 - Auction Sales Mark, 541-420-3580 A1 Washers&Dryers The Bulletin reserves HD, & various shot 212 -Antiques & Collectibles 541-678-5162 1991, advertising for guns. 280 Estate Sales the right to publish all $150 ea. Full war215- Coins & Stamps www.getcowgirlcash.com used woodstoves has H 8 H FIREARMS ads from The Bulletin 281 Fundraiser Sales ranty. Free Del. Also 240- Crafts and Hobbies been limited to modGENERATE SOME 541-382-9352 wanted, used W/D's newspaper onto The 282Sales Northwest Bend els which have been 241 - Bicycles and Accessories EXCITEMENT 541-280-7355 Bulletin Internet webWanted: Collector 284Sales Southwest Bend c ertified by the O r 242 - ExerciseEquipment IN YOUR site. seeks high quality egon Department of 286- Sales Northeast Bend 243 - Ski Equipment NEIGBORHOOD. fishing items. Bar stools, Handmade Environmental QualPlan a garage sale and 244 - Snowboards 288- Sales Southeast Bend The Bulletin Call 541-678-5753, or German S h o rthairs j uniper, 4 f o r $ 2 00 gernng Central Oregon tmte tggg ity (DEQ) and the feddon't forget to adver290- Sales RedmondArea 245 - Golf Equipment 503-351-2746 AKC - females & obo. 541-420-2026 eral E n v ironmental tise in classified! 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 292- Sales Other Areas 243 males $300/ea. Mom Protection A g e n cy 541-385-5809. Freezer, chest type, 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. on-site, 1s t s h o ts, Ski Equipment (EPA) as having met FARM MARKET $100 obo. Sporting Goods GET FREE OF CREDIT 248- Health andBeautyItems d ewormed. Cra t e smoke emission stan308- Farm Equipment and Machinery 541-388-2706 - Misc. CARD DEBT N OW! 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs trained. 541-408-2114 D ynaStar Intuitive 7 4 dards. 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Fuel & Wood AKC, Dewclaws, UTD forget to advertise in 541-388-1533 205 (PNNA) shots/wormer, nonshed, Silence 152, women's classified! Over 30 Million Women Items for Free h ypoallergenic, $ 8 5 0 541-385-5809. Burton custom bindings, S uffer F r o m Ha i r King sz bedspread, fall WHEN BUYING g 541-460-1277. $150. 541-388-1533 paisley, skirt 2 shams, Loss! Do you? If So FREE 32" Toshiba color C hristmas? 12 5 g a l . FIREWOOD... Mattress/boxsprings, $50. 541-504-7517 We Have a Solution! 246 TV, works good, you tank, impact glass, SS ~~More Pix at Bendbulletir.ct queen, pillowtop, bamTo avoid fraud, CALL K E RANIQUE The Bulletin Offers move. 541-617-9365 trim w / wire s t and, Huge Diamond Dog boo fabric, used 9 mos, Guns, Hunting The Bulletin TO FIND OUT MORE Free Private Party Ads $450 offer? 541-604$899 new; asking $450. Food Sale! & Fishing 877-475-2521. recommends pay• 3 lines 3 days 208 5686 or 541-604-5685 SE Bend. 541-508-8784 Taste of the Wild ment for Firewood (PNDC) • Private Party Only Pets & Supplies 30 Ibs - $38 only upon delivery Mattress set, q u een, 1911 A merican Arms • Total of items adverDachshund AKC mini Lamb & Rice and inspection. firm Beautyrest, exc. PK22 semi-auto pistol, tised must equal $200 • A www.bendweenies.com • Hot Tubs 8 Spas cord is 128 cu. ft. 40 Ibs - $25 202 $200obo.541-260-0663 $200. 541-647-8931 The Bulletin recomor Less $375. 541-508-4558 4' x 4' x 8' Country Value mends extra caution 1911 Gold USMC Com• h t t a d g e o th Want to Buy or Rent NEED TO CANCEL • Receipts should H ot tu b $ 3 00 , 4 - 6 • 3-ad limit for s a me 40 Ibs - $17 memorative, $1350. when purc h as- Dachshund male,9 wks YOUR AD? people, Camp Sher- item advertised within include name, Ave. Hay & Feed Walther P22, $325. Wanted: $Cash paid for ing products or serold, 1st shots, ador- Quarry The Bulletin man 541-595-0246 541-923-2400 phone, price and Ruger Mini 14 tact. rifle, vintage costume jew- vices from out of the 3 months able. $300 to g ood Classifieds has an www.quarryfeed.com kind of wood pur$725. Rem 700 30-06, Sauna, 2-person, cedar, Call 541-385-5809 elry. Top dollar paid for area. Sending cash, home. 541-447-0113. "After Hours"Line chased. rifle, $425. 541-647-8931 all bells 8 whistles. $999. Gold/Silver.l buy by the checks, or credit inFax 541-385-5802 Kittens/cats avail. thru Call 541-383-2371 • Firewood ads Estate, Honest Artist f ormation may b e Buy/Sell/Trade all fire- 206-369-2016 (Bend) Dog panels, for outside rescue group. Tame, 24 hrs. to cancel U-Haul boxes: 6 med, 4 MUST include speElizabeth,541-633-7006 subjected to fraud. shots, altered, ID chip, arms. Bend local pays use, $150 obo. your ad! Ig & dish barrel, $20 + cies and cost per For more i nformamore. Sat/Sun 1-5, call cash! 541-526-0617 541-388-2706 others free 541-548-6642 cord to better serve • Com p uters WANTED: RAZORS, tion about an adverre: other days. 65480 Refrigerator GE French CASH!! tablecloth, ecru in our customers. Double or singletiser, you may call 78th St., Bend, door, 24 cu. ft., black, For Guns, Ammo & T HE B U LLETIN r e - Vera c olor, 1 1 2nx56 nwide, edged, straight 5 41-389-8420; 598 - 1 year old, $450. the O r egon State DO YOU HAVE Reloading Supplies. razors, shaving quires computer ad$50. 541-504-7517. The Bulletin Attorney General's 5488; photos, etc. at 541-923-7394 or email SOMETHING TO 541-408-6900. vertisers with multiple Wanted- paying cash Sewing Central Oregontrnte 1903 brushes, mugs 8 www.craftcats.org stickbug©q.com Office Co n s umer SELL ad schedules orthose for Hi-fi audio & stuscuttles, strops, Protection hotline at FOR $500 OR I MISSTHIS Labradoodle pups ready Rolltop desk, like new, DON shaving accessories selling multiple sysCords of seasoned 1-877-877-9392. LESS? dio equip. Mclntosh, 6 lodgepole for forever homes. 2nd $150 obo. 8 memorabilia. tems/ software, to disf i rewood, Non-commercial J BL, Marantz, D y generation.541-647-9831 541-388-2706 Fair prices paid. close the name of the naco, Heathkit, San- Cut 16 n rounds and The Bulletin advertisers may www.happytailsmini DO YOU HAVE Call 541-390-7029 Serving Central Oregon tt te tggg business or the term split, $1000. You haul. place an ad with Carver, NAD, etc. 541-420-71 68 aussiesanddoodles.com SOMETHING TO between 10 am-3 pm. "dealer" in their ads. sui, oui' Call 541-261-1808 Sofa full size, like new SELL Private party advertisAUSSIES, M I N I/TOY Labradoodfes - Mini & "QUICK CASH $100. 5 41-810-1472 FOR $500 OR A-1 Dry seasoned Juniers are defined as 261 AKC, all colors, $325 med size, several colors or 541-389-4030. SPECIAL" LESS? per, $200/cord split; those who sell one 541-504-2662 8 up, parents on site. 1 week 3 lines 12 Medical Equipment Holiday Bazaar Non-commercial $175/cord rounds computer. 541-598-5314 or www.alpen-ridge.com Washer: Maytag front ~ g k gdt advertisers may Call 541-977-4500 or & Craft Shows 541-788-7799 load, cherry red, 3 yrs ATTENTION D IABETAd must include 530-524-3299 Labradors (2), age 4 place an ad $350. 5 4 1-923-7394 ICS with M edicare. with our Community Clothing, Australian Shepherd male price of single item mos., may have inter- or stickbug@q.com Musical Instruments Get a FREE talking of $500 or less, or AH Year Dependable "QUICK CASH Food andDry Goods 3 yrs, free to approved nal medical problems. meter and d i abeticFirewood: Sp lit, Del. multiple items SPECIAL" Drive @ High Desert home. 541-383-4552 Free to good homes. testing supplies at NO Bend. whose total does The Bulletin Lod g epole, Assisted Living, 2660 541-536-5385 1 week3lines 12 notexceed $500. recommends extra C OST, plus F R E E pine: 1 for $195 or 2 oi' NE Mary Rose Place, Barn/shop cats FREE, Labradors AKC: black & h • o -I home delivery! Best f or $365. Cash o r k ggt some tame, some not. Bend, Oct. 15-31. ~g of all, this meter elimi- check. (Credit Card Call Classifieds at choc; dewclawed, ath- chasing products or, Ad must Drop off your dona- We deliver! Fixed, shots. 541-385-5809 letic parents; $350 each. nates painful finger services from out of I OK). 541-420-3484. include price of tions between 8 a.m. 541-389-8420 www.bendbulletin.com 541-410-9000 Call t the area. Sending I h t g ddg Piano, Steinway Model pricking! and 7 p.m. daily. • c ash, c h ecks, o r ' 888-739-7199. People Look for Information or less, or multiple Maltese 5-mo m ale, 0 Baby Grand 1911, (PNDC) (Clothing may be new l credit i n f o rmation About Products and items whose total purebred w/o papers, gorgeous, artist qualor gently used and will English Bulldog Puppy, hsebrkn, dew claws, vet may be subjected to does not exceed ity instrument w/great Electric hospital bed, no Services Every Day through be dispersed to Bethonly one left! AKC reg- checked, shots UTD, l FRAUD. For more $500. action & S t einway'smatt; all works! $150 TheBulletin Classifieds lehem Inn residents) istered. All shots up to $550. 541-504-5509 information about an ~ warm, rich sound. Will cash obo. 541-280-0089 541-312-2003 / date 8 m icrochipped, advertiser, you may l Call Classifieds at Log truck loads of green adorn any living room, Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, $2000. 541-416-0375 Maltese pups, only Medical Alert for Se- lodgepole call t h e Or e gonI 541-385-5809 delivered to church or music stuniors 24/7 monitormale left! 9 weeks, par- State Saturday Indoors 1st shots, very social At tor n ey ' www.bendbulletin.com dio perfectly. New re- ing. FREE Equipment. Bend $ 1000 M i x ed $700. 541-325-3376 ents on site $350. Ador- l General's O f f i c e Market Sales loads lodgepole, $1100. tail $ 6 9,000. Sacriable loving, frisky 8 Oct. thru March Consumer Protec- • For Sale: FAL .308 with fice at $26,000 OBO, FREE Shipping. Na- 541-815-4177 CANARIES fluffy! Call 541-678-0120 tionwide Ser v i ce. t ion ho t l in e at I Craftsman, artisans and 2012 Waterslagers, scope and 20 round call 541-383-3150. $ 29.95/Month C A LL Split, Dry antiques, at Mason's Maremma Guard Dog l 1-877-877-9392. Staffords, Red Facmag. $700. Call Kyle T echnics piano k e y - Medical Guardian To- Cedar or Lodgepole Hall 1036 NE 8th St. pups, purebred, great at (541) 678-3233 tors, 2 males, 12 feday 88 8 842-0760. board perfect cond. Was $200/Cord, (behind 7-11 Store on males, $45 ea. Terre- English Bulldogs DOB dogs, $35 0 e a c h, $1500 new; sell $425 (PNDC) Delivery included! GUN SHOW 8th St./Greenwood. bonne, 541-420-2149 541-923-6987, Iv msg. 8/6/12. Healthy show 541-546-6171. Nov. 10 & 11th, 2012 obo. 541-388-2706 p arents AK C r e g .Pit Bull puppies, born 212 Deschutes Fairgrounds BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! 269 males/females $1600 Aug. 28th. 2 Females Tools Buy! Sell! Trade! Antiques & The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are • Misc. Items obo. 541-410-0344 left. $200/ea. Tiffany Gardening Supplies SAT. 9-5 • SUN. 10-3 still over 2,000 folks in our community without ~d More Pix at Beridbiilletin.c Collectibles Skilsaw, crow bar, anvil, 541-728-1416 Call or $8 Admission, & Equipment permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift Bend's Indoor Swap air hammer, air comp, text and I can email or Breyer collectible horses 12 & underfree. camps, getting by as best they can. Maddox, 541-504-9747 Meet: Sat. only, Face text you with Pictures. The following items are badly needed to vintage from 1 975- OREGON TRAIL GUN Painting Pro, $3 & up/ BarkTurfSoil.com SHOWS 541-347-2120 help them get through the winter: 3rd St. & Wilson Ave. POODLEpups, AKC toy 1980 Prices vary at POM-A-POO pups, toy. $20 or less. Also tack Mossberg Maverick 88, 10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat. Building Materials5 @ CAMPING GEARof any sort: @ & s t ables for sale. black, 12 g PROMPT DE L IVERY So cute! 541-475-3889 s h o tgun, Buying Diamonds New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets 541-504-9078 542-389-9683 $200. 541-647-8931 MADRAS Habitat e WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves /Goid for Cash Frenchton pups. Ready POODLE TOY PUPPIES Cutwork tablecloths (4) RESTORE Parents on site, $300Mossberg Maverick 88 Saxon's Fine Jewelers PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT for homes on 10/28. Building Supply Resale Have Gravel, will Travel! w/napkins, $25- camo 12g shotgun, 541-389-6655 THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER Registered parents on $350 ea. 541-520-/259 some Quality at Cinders, topsoil, fill mate$55 ea. 541-504-7517 $200. 541-647-8931 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. site. Puppy package Queensiand Heelers LOW PRICES BUYING rial, etc. Excavation & included.$900 to $950. 84 SW K St. For Special pick up please call septicsystems. Abbas standard 8 mini,$150 8, Disney collectible picture, Ruger77 300 Winches- Lionel/American Flyer 541-548-0747 541-475-9722 Ken @ 541-389-3296 trains, accessories. Construction cca¹78840 up. 541-280-1537 httpzy Daisy& Minnie, pink frame ter mag. 3x9 scope, PLEASE HELP, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. KoOIMore Pix at Beridbiilletin.ct rightwayranch.wordpress.com $25. 541-390-8720 541-408-2191. Open to the public. Caltt541-548-6812 $525. 541-548-4774.




l i




l l




LThe Bulleting



541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.com


Edited by Will Shortz Across 1 Gremlins of the '70s, e.g. 5 Logic problem 9 Neighbor of Lydia 14 Ca p ital (investment firm) 15 Q7 maker 16 Like a national flag with a sword on it 17 Rising star? 18 One blatantly disobeying traffic laws 20 Pitcher Bedard 21 Tropical aquarium plants 22 Like small potatoes? 24 Greven who wrote the 2008 best seller "How to Talk to Girls" 25 Holy higher-ups

28 "All in the Family" exclamation 32 Cell group

54 Word with letters?


55 They take people out 33 Creep's peep 56 Play to 34 With I I-Down, 57 Commend bugging no end 58 Flavian dynasty 35 Aperture in some ruler drills 59 The opposition 37 Used bikes 60 Heat meas. 38 It prompts tipping in a bar Down 40 Accessory near I J. M i kva, a basin White House 41 Relative of a counsel under man crush Clinton 42 Calls from a 2 Much-tattooed 27-Down people 43 Reluctant wearer 3 What a mayor of a cap tries to instill 46 "I'm not upset, 4 Carver of Hells really" Canyon 52 Classic covered 5 Die walk 6 It'll help you get 53 Composition of a bite some orange 7 Flatter to a fault spheres 8 Flexibility ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 9 Hull of the FIREA TW I L L L I N E O F FI RE Constitution A L I E N E E I S E E N O W 10 Propulsion gear L A N D SA T 6 A N R E M O 11 See 34-Across AMY T R I E S T E P E R 12 Flash R E T A R T S O S W A N K d'inspiration M DI V FIRE 8 0M8 H I T S AME B A E RUR








I M N R A A D L I G 0

13 Isn't fine


















Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e 5:00 pm Frie


Tuesday•••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e Noon Mone Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e Noon Tuese




23 25

24 26
















41 42












Place a photoin your private partyad for only $15.00 perweek.



Starting at 3 lines






'UNDER '500in total merchandise

OVER '500in total merchandise


7 days.................................................. $10.00 14 days ................................................ $16.00

Garage Sale Special

4 days .................................................. $18.50 7 days .................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50

4 lines for 4 days..................................

(call for commercial line ad rates)

*Must state prices in ad

Puzzle by Barry C. Silk

28 "High Fidelity" star, 2000 29 Like a diva 30 W competitor 31 First character seen in "Zelig" 32 Boat stem 34 2009 Grammy winner for "Crack a Bottle," briefly

39 Start to tank

47 Move before taking off

42 Bill of fashion

48 Vexation

44 Italian for

49 1943 U.S.-vs.Japan battle site

36 Hit the dirt?

"baked" 45 Flip chart

supporter 46"Law 8 Order: SVU" co-star


A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN ( * ) REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin The Bulletin reserves the right to reject any ad at bendbuvetin.com any time. is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702

Ta y lor, old sitcom character

51 Believe

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19 Shakespearean title character AC 23 First name in Y E '50s TV L A E S 26 Into-the-stands A E homer, say F FIRE 27 Mohair source Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.

Gardening Suppliesl • & E q uipment •

Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed. Fr i d ay. . . .. . • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri. Saturday • • • •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3: 0 0 pm FrI • Sunday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5500 Pm FrI •

Produce & Food • THOMAS ORCHARDS


PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. Wewill gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right tc accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace eachTuesday.



Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

3S~.3~ +~/ JV Jiff J~)'ll JJ~

Can be found on these pages: Caregiver —All Shifts Remember.... Kimberly, OR: avail. Apply in person. A dd your we b a d Last day of the season Interviews this week. dress to your ad and EMPLOYMENT FINANCEAND BUSINESS for the fruit stand 410 - Private Instruction 507 - Real Estate Contracts 1099 NE Watt Way, readers on The 541-385-5800 to be open. Oct. 29! Bend. 514 -Insurance Bulletin' s web site 421 - Schools andTraining New Fall Hours To place an ad, call will be able to click 454- Looking for Employment 288 528 - Loans andMorlgages Closed Tues & Wed. 541-385-5809 through automatically 470 - Domestic & In-Home Positions 543 - StocksandBonds open Thurs.-Mon,. Estate Sales Sales Southeast Bend or email to your site. claeeified@bendbullebn.ccm Customer Service 10 a.m. 4 p.m. only. 476 - EmploymentOpportunities 558 - Business Investments Rep McCartin Estate Sale. RANCH, FARM, GAResort Housekeeping 486 - Independent Positions 573 - Business Opportunities Bring Containers! The Bulletin 1671 SW Farewell RAGE SALE, Sat. & Servrng Central Oregon «nre 843 The Pines at Sunriver Ready Picked Apples: Drive. Awbrey Butte, Ib+B4e Sun. 9 -4 . V a r ious Call 541-593-2160. 486 528 573 From Bins, $0.65/lb. Bend. Fri. 10/26 & ranch and farm equip; Sprayer, shovel, pick, Independent Positions Loans & Mortgages Business Opportunities Sales Sat., 10/27, 9-4 Five VW's; 2007 35' fork, edger, scythe, axes Golden Delicious, Red Telephone prospecting Delicious, Cameo, 2 leather couches, Seneca To y h auler 8 handles, split mauls, BANK TURNED YOU Extreme Value AdverGranny Smith, Fuji position for important Sales hide-a-bed, dining set, motorhome, 1 7 , 521 irrig. boots, weather0 B, DOWN? Private party tising! 30 Daily newsprofessional services. 2 hutches, 3 desks, mi., like new; 2 Sears Visit us on Facebook for acrco+ vane. 541-504-9747 Circulation will loan on real espapers $525/25-word Income pote n tial dressers, oak icebox, garden tractors, one updates. 541-934-2870 tate equity. Credit, no classified, 3- d a ys. SUPER TOP SOIL Promotions www.bendgarbage.ccm $50,000. (average inleather chaise, lawn- with mower and one www.herehe eoilandbark.com problem, good equity Reach 3 million Pacome 30k-35k) op- We are seeking a full mower, tools, snow with s no w b l o wer;S creened, soil & com*Monday - Friday is all you need. Call cific Northwesterners. portunity f o r ad- time Sales Rep to skis, boots and cloth- sickle b a r push post mi x ed , no 7:45 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. now. Oregon Land For more information vancement. Base 8 join our successful ing, kitchenware, an- m ower; Yam a h a rocks/clods. High hucall (916) 288-6019 or Commission, Health team of i n depen- Mortgage 388-4200. tiques, rugs, books, player piano; numer- mus level, exc. for *Provide customer email: con t ractors. and Dental Benefits. dent decor, kitchen items. ous dog crates and flower beds, lawns, service on the phone elizabeth@cnpa.com Will train the right per- Must be goal o ri- Ever Consider a ReLots of r e ally nice chain link pens; Wind gardens, straight verse Mortgage? At and to walk in for the Pacific Northson. Fax resume to: ented, m o t ivated, things. Sale given by surfing equip, boards, s creened to p s o il. least 62 years old? customers west Daily Connec541-848-6408. e nthusiastic, pe r F armhouse Es t a te sails and trailer; one Bark. Clean fill. DeStay in your home & tion. (PNDC) sonable, o utgoing, Sales, 541-610-2770. * large 3 5 ' fla t b ed liver/you haul. increase cash flow! Customer Service optimistic and good trailer; misc. house541-548-3949. Get your Safe 8 Effective! Call 282 experience preferred 421 with people. Sales Check out the hold s tuff; s e veral Now for your FREE business experience is preSales Northwest Bend hand carved walking Schools & Training classifieds online DVD! C a l l Now *Bilingual a plus ferred, positive attis ticks; 6 1795 T e a l wwtN.bendbulletin.com Lo s t & Found • 888-785-5938. tude required! Must Garage Sale, Fri.-Mon. Rd., 1/4 mile West of • A IRLINES AR E H I R Updated daily Competitive pay and G ROW I N G (PNDC) have a valid driver's Oct. 26-29th, 9-3, ING Train for hands HYW 20 East, off of Attn: archery hunters an excellent benefit license, insured ve65050 Hwy 20 West. on Aviation MainteBear C r e e k Rd. camped at L ookout package. Please inhicle and cell phone. LOCAL MONEY:We buy SOCIAL 541-388-2706 with an ad in S E C U RITY 541-389-2636. Mtn. just outside Prai- nance Career. FAA secured trust deeds 8 clude a resume with We offer a complete BENapproved p r ogram. The Bulletin's Multi-family Garaqe Sale! r ie City.. t hey l e ft note,some hard money DISABILITY references, qualifitraining program, all E FITS. WIN or P ay Fri-Sat-Sun, 10726-28, 292 loans. Call Pat Kelley something at camp, I Financial aid if quali- cations and length of "Call A Service tools and supplies Nothing! Start Your 541-382-3099 ext.13. 10-5, 65315 78th St, off found it and would like fied - Housing avail- employment. Sales Other Areas needed for success, Professional" Application In Under Hwy. 97 at Tumalo Rd. to return it. Call Dave able. Call Aviation Ingenerous commis60 Seconds. Call Tostitute of Reverse Mortgages Directory Downsizing/Moving Sale! 541-643-5990 An Equal 286 s ion, d a il y an d day! Contact Disabilby local expert Mike Maintenance. Collectibles, pool table, Opportunity Found men's Rx glasses, weekly bo n uses, i ty Group, Inc. L i Sales Northeast Bend LeRoux NMLS57716 Oak dining set, enter- Foster Grant frame, Dil- 1-877-804-5293. Employer cash incentives and censed Attorneys & The Bulletin Call to learn more. tainment center, house- lon Falls trail, 10/21. Call (PNDC) unlimited in c o me 541-350-7839 BBB Accredited. Call BRAVE THE COLD! hold goods, more! Oct to I.D., 541-382-3254 I Recommends extra ATTEND CO L LEGE Apply at our office 888-782-4075. caution when pur- I potential. Email reSecuritv1 Lending 63575 Overtree Rd. 26-27, 9am-4pm, 14591 ONLINE from Home. location at: sume to m i stertaNMLS98161 chasing products or I (PNDC) Sat. & Sun. 8-4. (off Bluegrass Loop (Cross- Lost: 6 mo. old brown *Medical, *Business, 20835 Montana clmaster@aol.com services from out of Deschutes Market) Pitbull puppy, near *Criminal roads), in Sisters. Jus t i ce, Way, Bend, OR area. Sending I the Alfalfa Rd. Turquoise *Hospitality. Find exactly what Just bought a new boat? Job The Bulletin Looking for your c ash, checks, o r collar, no hair on end placement assistance. Huge Moving Sale! Sell your old one in the you are looking for in the Mail or fax your next employee? I credit i n f o rmation classifieds! Ask about our Tools, furniture 8 more. of tail. Reward! Call Computer available. resume to: CLASSIFIEDS Place a Bulletin help 16213 Mtn. Sheep Lane, 541-280-4071 I may be subjected to Super Seller rates! Financial Aid if qualiBend Garbage & FRAUD. wanted ad today and Sunriver. Oct. 26-27; 541-385-5809 fied. SCHEV authoREMEMBER: If you Recychng reach over 60,000 For more informa573 I lzed. Call LNEM$Q Estate/Moving Sale - 3yz- Fri. 9-3, & Sat., 9-noon. have lost an animal, P.O. Box 504, tion about an adverreaders each week. 866-688-7078 don't forget to check car garage full, inside the Bend OR 97709 Business Opportunities Your classified ad I tiser, you may call I 8 HE@li6M www.CenturaOnline.c house as well! Tools, BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS The Humane Society the Oregon State will also appear on Search the area's most antique glass, ATVs, ski in Bend 541-382-3537 om (PNDC) 541-383-3640 A Classified ad is an bendbulletin.com I Attorney General's equip, furn, appls, very comprehensive listing of Redmond, Attn: Molly EASY W AY TO Office Co n s umerR which currently reTRUCK SCHOOL reasonable prices, all classified advertising... 541-923-0882 REACH over 3 million ceives over 1.5 milProtection hotline at l www.llTR.net must go! F ri-Sat-Sun, real estate to automotive, Prineville, Pacific Northwesternlion page views Redmond Campus I 1-877-877-9392. Oct 26-28 9-6, 63070 merchandise to sporting 541-447-7178; ers. $5 2 5/25-word every month at Student Loans/Job Cole Rd. off Butler Mkt. goods. Bulletin Classifieds ii g OR Craft Cats, c lassified ad i n 3 0 DO YOU NEED LThe Bulleti no extra cost. Waiting Toll Free 541-389-8420. daily newspapers for Furn. & Hou s ehold appear every day in the A GREAT 528 Bulletin Classifieds 1-888-387-9252 print or on line. 3-days. Call the Paitems. Fri., 8 Sat, 8-4. EMPLOYEE Get Results! Call Loans & Mortgages Call 541-385-5809 454 Just too many cific Northwest Daily 1188 NE 27th St. ¹70, 385-5809 or place RIGHT NOW? Connection www.bendbulletin.com (916) your ad on-line at Snowberry Village. Call The Bulletin Looking for Employment collectibles? WARNING 2 88-6019 o r e m a il before 11 a.m. and bendbulletin.com KlkuQ@R The Bulletin recom288 The Bulletin elizabeth@cnpa.com get an ad in to pubEXPERIENCE Semng Central Cegon ecce 803 mends you use cauSell them in for more info (PNDC) Sales Southeast Bend HOUSEKEEPER lish the next day! tion when you proThe Bulletin Classifieds Call 541-388-2706 541-385-5809. Good classified ads tell MOVING SALE Thurs, vide personal Advertise V A CATION Estate/Garage SaleVIEW the Fri, Sat. 9-4 Houseinformation to compa- SPECIALS to 3 m i lthe essential facts in an 476 Sat., Oct 27, Sa-2p, Classifieds at: hold items, furniture, nies offering loans or 541-385-5809 lion P acific N o rth- interesting Manner. Write 61246 Ladera Rd, off Employment www.bendbulletin.com garden tools, patio credit, especially Ferguson Rd South. westerners! 30 daily from the readers view - not those asking for adOpportunities the seller's. Convert the Furniture, jewelry, cloth- set, freezer, area rug, newspapers, six Looking for your next racks, bakers vance loan fees or ing, china, glassware & storage states. 25-word clas- facts into benefits. Show employee? r ack. 55846 W o o d companies from out of Manufacturing various other treasures sified $525 for a 3-day the reader how the item will Place a Bulletin help Duck, off Century Dr. Good horse hay, barn CAUTION READERS: state. If you have from 60+ years! a d. Cal l (916) help them in someway. 5ierraPslne'" wanted ad today and concerns or ques2 88-6019 o r vis i t stored, no rain, $225 Ads published in "Em- C O I I p c e I T E S O L U T I O N S This reach over 60,000 Bill Leschke ESTA TE SALE tions, we suggest you www.pnna.com/advert ton, and $8.25 bale. ployment Opportuniadvertising tip OPENING: readers each week. consult your attorney Margot Leschke MOVING SALE Delivery ava i lable. t ies" i n c lude e m ising pndc.cfm for the brought to youby JOURNEYMAN Your classified ad or call CONSUMER 541-410-4495. Pacific Nort h west 52468 Westley Drlve, La Plne MILLWRIGHT will also appear on ployee and HOTLINE, The Bulletin Daily Con n ection. Candidate must: bendbulletin.com Wanted: Irrigated farm i ndependent Fri. & Sat. • Oct. 26 & 27 • 9 to 5 ONLY! po s i 1-877-877-9392. (PNDC) ground, under pivot ir- tions. Ads for posi- • Have mechanical which currently NO CROWD CONTROL NUMBERS rigation, i n C e n tral tions that require a fee knowledge and skills receives over 1.5 (Take Hwy 97 SOUTH from Baker Rd. overpass, OR. 541-419-2713 million page views or upfront investment • Read & understand Independent Contractor go 21yz miles. Turn left on Rosland Rd. (Gordy's every month at must be stated. With blueprints, manuals Wheat Straw: Certified 8 Truck Stop) and follow two miles to shop enno extra cost. independent job • Perform duties in a trance. To go to House entrance follow Ammon Bedding Straw 8 Garden any Bulletin Classifieds Straw;Compost.546-6171 opportunity, p l ease safe manor Rd. around the loop to Westley Drive) Get Results! investigate thor- • Maneuver up to 75 lbs. 345 Call 385-5809 Another "WOW" Sale! So many nice things oughly. on a regular basis or place and lots of Tools! Italian tile top dining table; Livestock & Equipment Teak king size bed- Made by Torring in DenUse extra caution when • Work eight hour shifts your ad on-line at mark; Corner display cabinet; Blue double re- Weaner Pigs, $70 each applying for jobs on- • Applicant must have at bendbulletin.com cliner sofa with table center; Floral loveseat; or $60 each for 2 or line and never pro- least four years current manufacturing Another nice king bed; Queen bed; Entertain- more. 1-503-310-2514 vide personal inforFIND YOUR FUTURE ment center; Rockers and recliner; tables and mation to any source plant experience. unique juniper coffee table; dishes; pots and you may not have re- • Holding an Oregon In- HOME INTHE BULLETIN ++++++++++++++++++ pans; jewelry; Nikon; Yashica, Minolta and Pasearched and deemed dustrial Maintenance Your future is just a page nasonic cameras; Triple dressers; Antique chest to be reputable. Use millwright card would away. Whether you're looking of drawers Nice linens; Unique two burner small Atwood utility tilt trailer, extreme caution when be preferred. for a hat or a place to hangit, cast iron stove; Remington 270 rifle, pellet gun g reat cond., $ 4 00 r esponding to A N Y $22.77/hour plus full The Bulletin Classified is 8 BB gun; Ladies leather coats; ladies xl clothes firm. 541-389-9844 online e m ployment benefits package. your best source. and mens clothing and shoes; Butcher block ad from out-of-state. Interested candidates cart; Few books; Oil Paintings; Antique White Wanted: Irrigated farm Every day thousandsof please email your sewing machine;Tupperware; 2 cuckoo clocks; ground, under pivot irWe suggest you call buyers and sellers of goods resume to: thaakin31 day clock; Garage refrigerator; Lots of small rigation, i n C e n tral the State of Oregon son@sierrapine.com and services dc business in electrical appliances; Tools and outdoor items OR. 541-419-2713 We are looking for independent contractors to Consumer Hotline at these pages.Theyknow include: John Deere STX 38 riding mower with 1-503-378-4320 service home delivery routes in: 375 you can't beat TheBulletin rear bagger; Small tow behind trailer; Floor Classified Section for Jack; Stihl chain saw; Weed eaters; Electrical Meat & Animal Processing For Equal Opportunity Office Assistant selection and convenience cords; Edger; Thatcher; Trimmer; Blower; GarNeeded aws: Oregon B u- Opportunity to work full- - every item isjust a phone den tools; Orchard and several other ladders; BEEF: No h o rmones/ L call away. time in fast-paced real Wheelbarrow; Hoses; Vise, Motor and grinder chemicals, $3/Ib hang- reau of Labor 8 Inon stand; Barbecues and turkey cooker; Lawn ing, to be butchered Dec. dustry, C i vil Rights estate office in RedThe Classified Section is Division, Must be available 7 days a week, early morning hours. mond. Must be a selfclipper and Rakes; Cement tools; Rolling tool- 3-7. Half/whole, reserve easy to use. Every item 971-673-0764 box; Hand tools-lots; Electrical hand tools all now! 541-388-6905 starter, m u lti-tasker, MuSt have reliable, inSured VehiCle. is categorized andevery sorts; Makita small table saw; Coleman stoves with strong communi- cartegory is indexed onthe If you have any quesand Weber barbecue; Shop and vehicle lubri- USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! cation skills, and a section's front page. Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 tions, concerns or cants; Fishing reels and tackle boxes and fishgreat attitude that is comments, contact: during business hours inggear and poles;Crab nets and cages; ComDoor-to-door selling with highly organized. Start Whether youare locking for pressor; Lots of air hoses; Air tank; nuts and fast results! It's the easiest Classified Department at $11.00/hr with room a home orneed aservice, apply via email at onljne©bendbulletjn.com The Bulletin bolts and more-more-more.!!! to grow for the right your future is in the pagesof way in the world to sell. 541-385-5809 Handled by... The Bulletin Classified. individual. Email reDeedy's Estate Sales Co. sume and cover letter The Bulletin Classified 541-419-4742 days • 541-382-5950 eves to The Bulletin The Bulletin 541-385-5809 www.deedysestatesales.com stace davis@ kwc.net For newspaper delivery, call the Circulation Dept. at








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I •

RENTALS 603 - Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want ToRent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./MultiplexGeneral 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SWBend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648 - Houses for RentGeneral 650 -Houses for Rent NEBend 652- Housesfor RentNWBend 654- Housesfor RentSEBend 656- Housesfor Rent SWBend 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 660 - Houses for Rent LaPine 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 664 -Houses for RentFurnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 Mobile/Mfd.Space

f• •



Apt./Multiplex NE Bend

Houses for Rent General


MOUNTAIN GLEN, 541-383-9313

Professionally managed by Norris & Stevens, Inc. Roommate Wanted Call The Bulletin At Share cozymobile home 541-385-5809 in Terrebonne, $275+ s/9 utils. 503-679-7496 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail At: www.bendbulletin.com 605



682- Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687- Commercial for Rent/Lease 693- Office/Retail Space for Rent REALESTATE 705 - Real Estate Services 713 - Real EstateWanted 719- Real EstateTrades 726 -Timeshares for Sale 730- New Listings 732- Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - MultiplexesforSale 740- Condos&Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746- NorthwestBendHomes 747 -Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749- Southeast BendHomes 750- RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756- Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762- Homes with Acreage 763- Recreational HomesandProperty 764- Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780- Mfd. /Mobile Homeswith Land

Call for Specials! Limited numbers avail. 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. W/D hookups, patios or decks.

Rooms for Rent



Apt./Multiplex NW Bend

NE Bend: pvt bath/entry/ 141 NW P o rtland, 2 patio, laundry, no smkg, bdrm, oak cabinets, DW, $495. 541-317-1879 W/S/G 8 c a ble paid, laundry facilities. $650, Studios 8 Kitchenettes $500 dep. 541-617-1101 Furnished room, TV w/ 642 cable, micro 8 fridge. Utils & linens. New Apt./Multiplex Redmond owners. $145-$165/wk 541-382-1885 Duplex 2 bdrm/1 bath, appl., W/D hookup,




Houses for Rent SE Bend

Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

Boats & Accessories •

20257 Knights Bridge Place, brand new

GENERATE SOME excitement in your neigborhood. Plan a ga-


The Bulletin

FACTORY SPECIAL New Home, 3 bdrm, deluxe 3 bdrm, 2t/3 bath, $47,500 finished 1880 sq. ft. home. on your site,541.548.5511 $1195. 541-350-2206 www.JandMHomes.com Houses for Rent La Pine 2 bdrm, 13/4 bath log home, 29/3-car garage,

FA heat, 2 acre fenced backs to natl forest, 20 mi. to Bend, 6 mi. to La Pine. $825+ dep. 541-280-5696. 687

Commercial for Rent/Lease



Used out-drive parts - Mercury OMC rebuilt marine motors: 151 $1595; 3.0 $1895; 4.3 (1993), $1995. 541-389-0435


Need help fixing stuff? S nowmobiles (2) o n Call A Service Professional trailer, s n owmobiles find the help you need. n eed s o m e wor k www.bendbulletin.com

$1500. 541-312-9292 Office Suites for Lease Bend Old Mill District Phoenix Building East, Wilson Ave. Class A Snowmobile trailer b uilding w it h h i g h 2002, 25-ft Intergrade interior finishes state & 3 sleds, and ready to move in. $10,900. Great mix of profes541-480-8009 sional tenants. Reasonable rates. Peter Storton Look at: 541-549-2500 Bendhomes.com for Complete Listings of Area Real Estate for Sale

NOTICE All real estate adver744 tising in this newspaper is subject to the Open Houses F air H o using A c t which makes it illegal Open Sat 8 Sun 12-4 to a d v ertise "any Newport Landing preference, limitation Bends Newest Westor disc r imination side neighborhood! based on race, color, 1800 NW Element religion, sex, handi- 8 Floor Plans to choose cap, familial status, from! Tour one today. marital status or naKaren Malanga, tional origin, or an inBroker tention to make any 541-390-3326 such pre f erence, Hasson Co.Realtors limitation or discrimi745 nation." Familial status includes children Homes for Sale under the age of 18 living with parents or BANK OWNED HOMES! legal cust o dians, FREE List w/Pics! pregnant women, and www.BendRepos.com

rage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified! 385-5809. Sernng Central Oregon since l903






16-ft wide-body canoe, hand-laid fiberglass, long paddies 8 Stearns vests, $350. 541-233-8944

Mot o r homes

Motorhomes •

Trave l Trailers


Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 Monaco Dynasty 2004, readers each week. loaded, 3 slides, dieYour classified ad will also appear on sel, Reduced - now $119,000, 5 4 1-923bendbulletin com which currently re8572 or 541-749-0037 ceives over 1.5 milr lion page views ev541-548-5216 Ijm igI ery month at no r' extra cost. Bulletin pg Classifieds Get ReGulfstream Sce n i c sults! Call 385-5809 Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, Cummins 330 hp die- Southwind 35.5' Triton, or place your ad on-line at sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 2008,V10, 2 slides, Duin. kitchen slide out, pont UV coat, 7500 mi. bendbulletin.com new tires,under cover, Bought new at hwy. miles only,4 door $132,913; The Bulletin f ridge/freezer ice asking $93,500. To Subscribe call maker, W/D combo, Call 541-419-4212 541-385-5800 or go to Interbath tub & shower, 50 amp prowww.bendbulletin.com Travel Trailers pane gen & m o re! 882 $55,000. 541-948-231 0 Fifth Wheels Look before you buy, below market value! Size & mileage DOES matter! Class A 32' Hurricane by Four Winds, 2007. 12,500 mi, all amenities, Ford V10, Ithr, cherry, slides, like new! New low price, $54,900.

Hunter's Delight! Package deal! 1988 Win- Pioneer Spirit 18CK, nebago Super Chief, 2007, used only 4x, AC, 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t electric tongue j ack, Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 shape; 1988 Bronco II $8995. 541-389-7669 by Carriage, 4 slide4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K ROUADigorgio 1971 outs, inverter, satel$10,000 mostly towed miles, lite sys, fireplace, 2 fridge, heater, propane 541-719-8444 nice rig! $15,000 both. flat screen TVs. 860 8 elec. lights, awning, 541-382-3964, leave 2 spares, extra insu$60,000. Motorcycles & Accessories Ads published in aWamsg. lation for late season 541-480-3923 tercraft" include: Kayhunting/cold weather CRAMPED FOR aks, rafts and motor- Itasca Spirit Class C camping, well maint, CHECK YOUR AD CASH? Ized personal 2007, 20K miles, front very roomy, sleeps 5, Use classified to sell watercrafts. For reat f o r hu n t ing, those items you no "boats" please see entertainment center, 3200, 541-410-6561 all bells 8 whistles, longer need. Class 870. extremely good conCall 541-385-5809 541-385-5809 dition, 2 s l ides, 2 HDTV's, $45,000 Please check your ad sernng Centrai Oregon s>nce l903 OBO. 541-447-5484 on the first day it runs to make sure it is corHarley Davidson Soft880 rect. Sometimes inTail Deluxe 20 0 7 , Springdale 2005 27', 4' structions over the white/cobalt, w / pasMotorhomes slide m dining/living area, phone are missenger kit, Vance 8 sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 understood and an error Hines muffler system ! obo. 541-408-3811 can occur in your ad. 8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. If this happens to your c ond, $19,9 9 9 , :flj CC9 ad, please contact us 541-389-9188. Jayco Seneca 2007, the first day your ad 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy Harley Heritage appears and we will 5500 d i e sel , toy os Softail, 2003 be happy to fix it Country Coach Intrigue hauler $13 0 ,000. $5,000+ in extras, as soon as we can. 2002, 40' Tag axle. 541-389-2636. $2000 paint job, If we can assist you, 400hp Cummins DieSpringdale 29' 2 0 07, 30K mi. 1 owner, please call us: sel. tw o s l ide-outs. slide,Bunkhouse style, For more information 541-385-5809 4 1,000 miles, n e w sleeps 7-8, excellent please call tires & batteries. Most condition, $ 1 6 ,900,The Bulletin Classifie 541-385-8090 options.$95,000 OBO 541-390-2504 or 209-605-5537 2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras.

The Bulletin The Bulletin


people securing cus- bend and beyond real estate 541-678-5712 20967 yeoman, bend or tody of children under 18. This newspaper HD FAT BOY No Reserve Immaculate! will not knowingly ac1996 Timed Online Beaver Coach Marquis cept any advertising Completely rebuilt/ ls fenced yard, storage AUCTION 40' 1987. New cover, 634 for real estate which is customized, low shed, $599+dep., Ends Nov.14th new paint (2004), new Fleetwood Wilderness in violation of the law. Apt./Multiplex NE Bend miles. Accepting of2812 SW 24th. Building Lot in Pronginverter (2007). Onan Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, O ur r e aders a r e fers. 541-548-4807 541-815-1146. h orn S u b . 23 0 1 3 * Econoline RV 1 9 89, 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, 29', weatherized, like rear bdrm, fireplace, hereby informed that $299 1st mo. rent!! Canyon View Loop fully loaded, exc. cond, parked covered $35 000 n ew, f u rnished & AC, W/D hkup beauall dwellings adverGET THEM BEFORE HD Screaming Eagle 541-419-9859 or Garage Sales 35K m i. , R e ducedobo. tised in this newspa- Selling to the Highest ready to go, incl Wine- tiful u n it! $30,500. THEY ARE GONE! 541-280-2014 Electra Glide 2005, Bidder 28 Properties $17,950. 541-546-6133 per are available on n ard S a tellite dish, 541-815-2380 2 bdrm, 1 bath 103 motor, two tone Garage Sales in 5-States! an equal opportunity www.corbettbottles.com 26,995. 541-420-9964 $530 & $540 candy teal, new tires, basis. To complain of Carports 8 A/C included! Garage Sales 23K miles, CD player, 208-377-5700 SOLD!! discrimination cal l Fox Hollow Apts. hydraulic clutch, exHUD t o l l-free at (54tl 383-3152 Find them cellent condition. FRllVrETT 36 nyou can stop the ad, TURN THE PAGE 1-800-877-0246. The Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co Viking Tent t railer Highest offer takes it. finally gotit sold. /t took a 2005, $10,500 obo. *Upstairs only with lease in toll f re e t e l ephone For More Ads 2008, clean, s e lf K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 541-480-8080. few months, but found a Two slides, sleeps 5, number for the hearqueen air mattress, contained, sleeps 5, slide, AC, TV, awning. The Bulletin The Bulletin IRM r ing im p aired is Honda Elite 80 2001, buyer - ad the important small sgl. bed, couch easy to tow, great NEW: tires, converter, Classifieds 1-800-927-9275. 1400 mi., absolutely thingis ..... it's gone! \. 1.5 t cond. $5200, obo. batteries. Hardly used. The Wheel Deal 'run until o g • .. NOTICE like new., comes w/ 541-383-7150. $15,500. 541-923-2595 541-385-5809 se//s package' really All real estate adver- carrying rack for 2" Rented your propMeet singles right now! tised here in is sub- receiver, ideal for use he/ped/" erty? The Bulletin No paid o p erators,TRIPLEX - 2 bdrm, 2 ject to t h e F e deral w/motorhome, $995, Doug R. Classifieds just real people like bath, 1130 sq. ft., w/d F air H o using A c t , 541-546-6920 Want Results from qualified you. Browse greet- in h o use, mi c ro, has an "After Hours" which makes it illegal Line. Call local buyers? ings, exchange mes- fridge, d/w. WSG & to advertise any pref541-383-2371 24 Call us at 541-385-5809 and ask sages and c o nnect gardener pd., garage erence, limitation or Softail Deluxe Weekend Warrior Toy w/opener $625/mo. + hours to live. Try it free. Call 2010, 805 miles, about our Whee/ Deal special! discrimination based Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, MONTANA 3585 2008, a cel e a d. ' security dep., v e ry c~ now: 8 7 7 -955-5505. on race, color, reliBlack Chameleon. exc. cond., 3 slides, fuel station, exc cond. clean. 541-604-0338. (PNDC) king bed, Irg LR, Arcgion, sex, handicap, $17,000 sleeps 8, black/gray familial status or natic insulation, all opCall Don @ i nterior, u se d 3X , tions $37,500. tional origin, or intenwww.bendbulletit 541-410-3823 $24,999. tion to make any such 541-420-3250 541-389-9188 preferences, l i m itaI tions or discrimination. 865 We will not knowingly ATVs accept any advertisCall 54I 385-5809topromoteygur service Advertisefar 28 daysstarting at'!40il7risspecielpackag 4neiaraiIableeneerwebsittl ing for r ea l e s tate Polaris Sportsman 500, which is in violation of 1999, 1600 hrs, 454 this law. All persons mi., runs great. are hereby informed $2800. 541-595-0246 that all dwellings advertised are available 870 NOTICE: Oregon state Nelson Landscape on an equal opportu- Boats & Accessories law req u ires anynity basis. The BulleMaintenance one who co n t racts tin Classified Serving 13' Smokercraft '85, for construction work Zdirt't'z gaadrtI Central Oregon to be licensed with the Zaulr gdr e /,o. good cond., 15HP C onstruction Con Residential FOR SALE gas Evinrude + tractors Board (CCB). More Than Service Winter is on it's way and now is the time to & Commercial Minnkota 44 elec. When buying a home, An active lic e n se Peace Of Mind motor, fish finder, 2 means the contractor 83% of Central promote your business in our special extra seats, trailer, Oregonians turn to i s bonded an d i n extra equip. $3200. s ured. Ver if y t h e Fall Clean Up Don't track it in an Winter Service Guide page in Classifieds! The Bulletin 541-388-9270 contractor's CCB Sernng Central Oregon since l903 •Leaves • Snow Removal c ense through t h e •Cones This special one page guide will feature an option of three different ad sizes. • Sprinkler Repair Call 541-385-5809 to CCB Cons u mer 17' 1984 Chris Craft • Needles • Back Flow Testing Website place your - Scorpion, 140 HP • Pruning The guide will run 8 consecutive Fridays beginning November 2nd in our www.hirealicensedcontractor. Real Estate ad. • Fall Clean up inboard/outboard, 2 • Debris Hauling Com • Weekly Mowing depth finders, trollClassifieds Section. or call 503-378-4621. 750 Senior Discounts ing motor, full cover, The Bulletin recomGutter Redmond Homes EZ - L oad t railer, Bonded & Insured mends checking with Cleaning $3500 OBO. 541-815-4458 the CCB prior to conLONG-TERM LEASE 541-382-3728. LCB¹8759 tracting with anyone. highly upgraded 2 Some other t rades Compost bdrm and den, 3-car also req u ire addi- Applications garage, Eagle Crest 17' Seaswirl 1988 tional licenses a nd Use Less Water 55+. $1995 per mo. open bow, rebuilt certifications. 541-923-0115 $$$ S4VE $$$ Chev V 6 e n g ine, Improve Soil Discounts available new uph o lstery, Debris Removal Call Cutting Edge Looking for your next $3900 obo. Bend. 2013 Maintenance Lawnworks: 707-688-4523 employee? JUNK BE GONE 541-815-4097 • Package Available Place a Bulletin help I Haul Away FREE weekly, monthly LCB ¹8451 wanted ad today and For Salvage. Also and reach over 60,000 Cleanups 8 Cleanouts Call The Yard Doctor one time service readers each week. Mel, 541-389-8107 for yard maintenance, Your classified ad thatching, sod, sprinwill also appear on EXPERIENCED Need to get an kler blowouts, water bendbulletin.com Commercial features, more! ad in ASAP? which currently re18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 & Residential Allen 541-536-1294 ceives over You can place it Volvo Penta, 270HP, LCB 5012 1.5 million page low hrs n must see, online at: views every month Senior Discounts Aeration/Fall Clean-up $15,000, 541-330-3939 • WeatheriZation • HOme imPrOVement • CarPet Cleaning www.bendbulletin.com at no extra cost. BOOK NOW! 541-390-1466 Bulletin Classifieds Weekly/one-time service • Automotive • And much more! Same Day Response Get Results! avail. Bonded, insured, =q= 541-385-5809 N OTICE: OREGON free estimates! Call 385-5809 or 20.5' 2004 Bayliner Landscape Contrac- COLLINS Lawn Maint. place your ad on-line I Han d yman 205 Run About, 220 tors Law (ORS 671) at Ca/I 541-480-9714 HP, V8, open bow, r equires a l l bu s i bendbulletin.com ERIC REEVE HANDY exc. cond., very fast Deadline for ad space nesses that advertise SERVICES. Home & Call a Pro w/very low hours, to p e r form L a n dCommercial Repairs, 773 RnCI COP)l: lots of extras incl. scape C o n struction Whether you need a Carpentry-Painting, tower, Bimini 8 Acreages which incl u des: fence fixed, hedges Pressure-washing, Fri., Oct. 26,20I2 custom trailer, p lanting, deck s , trimmed or a house Honey Do's. On-time $19,500. fences, arbors, promise. Senior 541-389-1413 Publishes on built, you'll find ater-features, a n d CHECK YOUR AD Discount. Work guar- w installation, repair of Please check your ad professional help in Friday, Nov. 2, 9, l6 anteed. 541-389-3361 irrigation systems to on the first day it runs Ad Size Rate or 541-771-4463 The Bulletin's "Call a be licensed with the to make sure it is cor& 23 Bonded 8 Insured Landscape Contrac- Service Professional" rect. Sometimes inCCB¹t 81595 1.120" x 2.6511" $100.00(4 runs) Additional publish t ors B o a rd . Th i s s tructions over t h e 20.5' Seaswirl SpyDirectory 4-digit number is to be I DO THAT! phone are misunderder 1989 H.O. 302, 2.4715 x 2.6511" $160.00(4 runs) 541-385-5809 dates: included in all adverstood and a n e r ror 285 hrs., exc. cond., Home/Rental repairs Small jobs to remodels tisements which indican occur in your ad. stored indoors for Nov. 30, Dec. 7, l4, 2I 2.4715x 5" $240.00(4 runs) cate the business has Bend Landscaping If this happens to your life $11,900 OBO. Honest, guaranteed Sprinkler Blowouts, work. CCB¹151573 a bond, insurance and ad, please contact us 541-379-3530 and Winterization workers c ompensathe first day your ad Dennis 541-317-9768 541-382-1655 tion for their employappears and we will Ads published in the LCB¹ 7990 ees. For your protecbe happy to fix it as Home Improvement Contact your Bulletin Advertising RePresentative for more information classification tion call 503-378-5909 s oon as w e c a n . "Boats" include: Speed, fishWhere can you find a or use our website: Deadlines are: WeekKelly Kerfoot Const. Nena Close: 54I-383-0302 • email: nclose@wescompapers.com ing, drift, canoe, 28 yrs exp in Central OR! www.lcb.state.or.us to helping hand? days 11:00 noon for house and sail boats. next day, Sat. 11:00 Quality & honesty, from check license status Tonya McKiernan: 54I -6I7-7865 • email: tmcklernan@wescompapers.com From contractors to For all other types of carpentry 8 handyman before co n t racting a.m. for Sunday and watercraft, please see Monday. jobs, to expert wall cov- with th e b u s iness. yard care, it's all here Class 875. ering install / removal. Persons doing landin The Bulletin's 541-385-5809 541-385-5809 Thank you! Sr. discounts CCBe47120 scape maintenance "Call A Service Licensed/bonded/insured do not require a LCB The Bulletin Classified Professional" Directory 541-389-1413 /410-2422 license. •


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Sport Utility Vehicles



Sport Utility Vehicles


Toyota 4 Runner Lim•

BOATS &RVs 805 - Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885 - Canopies andCampers 890- RVsfor Rent


AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts andService 916- Trucks andHeavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932- Antique andClassic Autos 933 - Pickups 935- Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles

Buick Enclave 2008 CXL AWD, V-6, black, clean, mechanicall y sound, 82k miles. $22,900. Call 541-815-1216

Cadillac Escalade

2 0 05,

Ford Crown Vic.

4WD ,

moonroof, le a t her, running boards, auto, heated seats, very clean. Vin ¹ 0 37550. $21,999.

ifl t t. SU B A R U .




2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

2005, SUV, Auto, completely loaded. Vin ¹104880A

Infinity G35 Coupe 2004, B l a ck , 1 owner, no accidents, manual trans., great cond., n a v igation, 74K m i. , $ 6 2 00. Please call 541-593-2321 or email johnmason2280O gmail.com



Only $12,255

HefCZ GarSales OF BENC

541-647-2822 HertzBend.com

Fifth Wheels

1997 4 door, 127k, d rives, runs a n d looks great, extra set of winter tires on rims, only $3000.


Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE City of Redmond Request for Proposals

Access Control Systems Service & Maintenance at Roberts Field (RDM), Redmond Municipal Airport

Chevrolet G20 SportsGT Chevy Suburban LTZ man, 1993, exlnt cond, Mitsubishi 3 00 0 2007, 4x4, l e ather, $4750. 541-362-5559 or 1999, a uto., p e a rl w hite, very low m i . moonroof, ba c k up 541-663-6046 sensors, 3rd row seat, $9500. 541-788-8218. Mercury M o n terrey running boards, low ChevyAstro 1965, Exc. All original, mi., Vin ¹ 22 8 9 19 Cargo Van 2001, 4-dr. sedan, in stor$28,988 pw, pdl, great cond., Vehicle? age last 15 yrs., 390 ~4+SUB A R U. business car, well Call The Bulletin High C o m pression maint'd, regular oil and place an ad toMGA workshop manual, engine, new tires & li- 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend changes, $4500. dayl s eries 1 6 00 , $ 7 5 . c ense, reduced t o 877-266-3821 Please call Ask about our $2850, 541-410-3425. 541-504-7517 Dlr ¹0354 541-633-5149 "Whee/Deal"! for private party Snow tires P205/65R-15s Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 Take care of advertisers (4), no rims, exc cond, 4x4. 120K mi, Power Chevy G-20 c u stom $100 all. 541-771-7700 your investments Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd conversion travel van row s eating, e x tra 1994 128k, 5.7L, rear wheel, 1 s lide, AC, Snow tires Wild Counwith the help from tires, CD, pnvacy tint- elect. bed, 75% tires. a TV,full awning, excel- tly LT2 45 - 7 5R16 The Bulletin's ing, upgraded rims. real beauty in 8 out! lent shape, $23,900. studded & siped on Fantastic cond. $7995 Travel in economy and 541-350-8629 "Call A Service chrome rims, $500 style and under $4000. Nissan Sentra, 2012Contact Tim m at 541-382-4144. 12,610 mi, full warranty, Professional" Directory 541-408-2393 for info Bob, 541-318-9999 PS, PB, AC, & more! or to view vehicle. Studded tires 195-60-14 975 $17,000. 541-788-0427 on 2001 Toyota CoDodge Durango SLT Automobiles rolla wheels, like new 2006, 4x4, r u nning set of 4,$250 OBO. b oard, prem i u m Audi S4 Cabriolet 2005 541-408-1389. Pilgrim In t e rnational wheels, 3rd row seat. 50K mi, red w/charcoal FIND IT! 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, Vin ¹138688. $9,999 interior, 2 sets tires, Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 g IIT I T I exc. cond., $19,950 Plymouth B a r racuda +©~ SUBARU. Fall price $ 2 1,865. 541-350-5373. SELL IT! 1966, original car! 300 541-312-4466 Porsche 911 1974, low The Bulletin Classifieds hp, 360 V8, center- 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Buick Lucerne CXL 877-266-3821 mi., complete motor/ lines, (Original 273 2009, $12,500, low Studded tires for Buick eng & wheels incl.) trans. rebuild, tuned Dlr ¹0354 low miles; 2000 Buick Park Ave., 225/60R-16, 541-593-2597 suspension, int. & ext. GMC Y ukon D e nali Century $2900. You'll used 1 season, on rims, refurb., oi l c o o ling, not find nicer Buicks 2003, leather, moonshows new in & out, $400 obo. 541-389-31 37 PROJECT CARS: Chevy One look's worth a 2-dr FB 1949 8 Chevy roof, premium wheels, p erf. m e ch. c o n d. thousand words. Call Tires (4) LT265/70R17 row. Very nice. Much more! Regal Prowler AX6 Ex- on Ford 8-hole wheels Coupe 1950 - rolling 3rd Bob, 541-318-9999. ¹128449. tremeEdition 38' '05, 4 0% t r e ad , $ 4 0 0 . chassis's $1750 ea., Vin for an appt. and take a $28,000 541-420-2715 Chevy 4-dr 1949, com- $13,999. 4 slides,2 fireplaces, all 541-480-9277 drive in a 30 mpg. car PORSCHE 914 1974, plete car, $1949; Camaple cabs, king bed/ S UB A R U . Roller (no engine), Buick Le Cross CXL bdrm separated w/slide Winter Tires 4 Bridge- dillac Series 61 1950, 2 lowered, full roll cage, s tone 2 2 5/55 R 1 6 dr. hard top, complete 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 2007, glass dr,loaded,always 5-pt harnesses, racgaraged,lived in only 3 95W on alloy rims, w/spare front c l ip., 877-266-3821 Auto, very nice, low $3950, 541-382-7391 ing seats, 911 dash & mo,brand new $54,000, like new, tire presmiles. Vin ¹116370 Dlr ¹0354 instruments, d ecent still like new, $28,500, sure monitors incl. $12,299 shape, v e r y c o ol! 90NtT IISS THIS GMC Yukon XL 1500 will deliver,see rvt.com, (Retail@$1900) $650. 2007, l e a t her, 4 $1699. 541-678-3249 ad¹4957646 for pics. In Bend 619-889-5422 O F BE N R bucket seats, 3rd row Cory, 541-580-7334 VW Karman Ghia 932 seat, moonroof. Vin 541-647-2822 1970, good cond., Toyota Camry'sr ¹305958. $27,988 Antique & new upholstery and HertzBend.com 19S4, $1200 obo; convertible top. DLR4821 Classic Autos 4ij® SU B ARU. 1985 SOLD; $10,000. 0D • I CTS S e dan 541-389-2636 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend Cadillac 1986 parts car, 2007, 29K, auto, exc. 877-266-3821 $500. cond, loaded, $17,900 Dlr ¹0354 Call for details, OBO, 541-549-8828 NuWa 297LK H i tchHiker 2007, 3 slides, 4 Studless winter trac32' touring coach, left tion tires on wheels, kitchen, rear lounge, 225/60R-16, $350. many extras, beautiful 541-410-0886 cond. inside & o ut, $34,499 OBO, Prinev- FOUR 6-hole 16B steel ille. 541-447-5502 days rims, $150. & 541-447-1641 eves. 541-382-4144.




~ The Bulletin ~

L'"" '" "








1921 Model T Delivery Truck Restored & Runs $9000. 541-389-8963

Aircraft, Parts & Service

Cadillac DeVille 1996, VW Thing 1974, good cond. Extremely Rare! GMC Yukon XL S LT Only built in 1973 8 2004, loaded w/fac1 974. $8,000 . tory dvd, 3rd s eat, 541-389-2636 $7100. 541-280-6947


..;M x«.NorR -'*.'R


Chevy C-20 Pickup 1/3 interest in Colum- 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; bia 400, located at auto 4-spd, 396, model Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. CST /all options, orig. owner, $24,000, Call 541-647-3718 1/3 interest i n w e l lequipped IFR Beech B onanza A 36 , lo cated KBDN. $55,000. 541-419-9510

Executive Hangar at Bend Airport

(KBDN) 60' wide x 50' deep,

541-923-6049 " "t~


i g


Pickups •

Chev short box step-side pickup, 1987, excellent shape inside & out, all electric, all works, $4500. 541-382-5309

Hummer H2 2003, auto,

Chrysler SD 4-Door 1930, CD S R oyal Economical flying in Standard, 8-cylinder, your ow n C e ssna body is good, needs 172/180 HP for only some r e s toration, $ 10,000! Based a t runs, taking bids, BDN. Call Gabe at 541-383-3888, Professional Airl 541-815-3318 541-388-0019 • 916

Trucks 8 Heavy Equipment FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, door panels w/flowers 8 hummingbirds, white soft top & hard


in 8 years. On trip to Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., $5400, 541-593-4016.



2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

Ford F250 XLT 1 993 extended cab, 83,500 miles, tow pkg, $3500. Jeep Willys 1947,custom, Call 541-408-1984 small block Chevy, PS,

OD, mags+trailer. Swap for backhoe.No am calls please. 541-389-6990 Ford F250 XLT 4x4 L ariat, 1990, r e d, Jeep Wrangler X 2008, 80K original miles, unlimited, 4 dr., run4" lift with 39's, well ning boards, premium maintained, $4000 wheels, hard top, very obo. 541-419-5495 clean. Vin ¹ 5 72535. $24,999.


2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354


Please check your ad on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Sometimes ins tructions over t h e phone are misunderstood and a n e r ror can occur in your ad. If this happens to your ad, please contact us the first day your ad appears and we will be happy to fix it as s oon a s w e ca n . Deadlines are: Weekdays 12:00 noon for next day, Sat. 11:00 a.m. for Sunday; Sat. 12:00 for Monday. If we can assist you, please call us: 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified

Diamond Reo Dump $3,750. 541-317-9319 Truck I 9 74, 12 -14 or 541-647-8483 Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, N issan Armada S E yard box, runs good, $6900, 541-548-6812 7 1K, X- c ab , X L T, 2 007, 4 W D , a u t o , Chevy Cobalt 2010, a uto, 4 . 0L , $ 8 4 00 l eather, D VD , C D . Auto, great fuel saver. Vin¹700432. $14,788. OBO. 541-388-0232 G K E AT Vin ¹224786 Ford Ranger SuperCab +Q®SUBARU. Only $12,995 2009 4x4. $21,988 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Hyster H25E, runs Ford Galaxie 500 1963, 877-266-3821 OF BENC well, 2982 Hours, 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, Dlr ¹0354 $3500,call 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & 541-647-2822 541-749-0724 radio (orig),541-419-4989 Oregon HertzBend.com Advertise your car! AutoSource DLR4821 Add A Prcture< Ford Mustang Coupe ¹A56365 541-598-3750 Reach thousands of readers! 1966, original owner, aaaoregonautosource.com Catt 541-385-5809 V8, automatic, great The Bulletin ClassNieds shape, $9000 OBO. 530-515-81 99 GMC '/4-ton m-: 4WD, 1997, Peterbilt 359 p o table Diesel engine, extra Ford Ranchero water t ruck, 1 9 90, Chrysler Sebring 2006 cab, good shape, 1979 3200 gal. tank, 5hp Fully loaded, exc.cond, electric windows, B with 351 Cleveland p ump, 4 - 3 hoses, very low miles (38k), door locks & seats, modified engine. camlocks, $ 2 5,000. Porsche Cayenne 2004, always garaged, $5000 obo. Body is in 541-820-3724 86k, immac, dealer transferable warranty 541-382-5309 excellent condition, maint'd, loaded, now incl. $8600 $2500 obo. $17000. 503-459-1580 541-330-4087 541-420-4677 Utility Trailers


R U V !

So~ ber/ Big Tex Landscaping/ ATV Trailer, dual axle flatbed, 7'x16', 7000 lb. GVW, all steel, $1400. 541-382-4115, or 541-280-7024.



Hertz Car Sal es

Ford T-Bird 1966 390 engine, power everything, new paint, 54K original miles, runs great, excellent cond. in & out. Asking $8,500. 541-480-31 79

I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 t on dually, 4 s p d. trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950. 541-419-5480.

SOLD IN 19 DAYS! "Arctic Fox Silver Edition 1 140, 2005. 5 hrs on gen; air, slideout, dry bath, like new, loaded! . Also 2004Dodge Ram 3500 quad cab dual/y 4x4, 17,800 mi, SuperHitch..."

Richard, Bend, OR

GMC tI ton 1971, Only RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L (4) 195/60R14 all season $19,700! Original low hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, tires on 7-hole wheels, mile, e xceptional, 3rd am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. $125. 541-382-3487 owne r . 951-699-7171 54 1 -420-3634 /390-1285

AT, very nice, low miles

r116370A ...Only $12,299

1996 Cadillac Deville

Only 11sk 4277701...$4,995

2005 CadillacEscalade AT, very well equipped

r1 04880.................$12,255

2010 ChevyCobalt Great price, small monthly pmt.

r224786......Only $12,995

2010 ChevyHHR sharp r530124.......$13,499

2012 ChevyImpala AT, well equipped r115742.................$17,995

2011 Chrysler 200 Sedan TounngEdition, AT,low miles


2011 DodgeCaliber AT, well equipped

r173075......Only $14,595

2011 DodgeJourney Mainstreet AT, AWD r565346.................$20,595 2011 Ford Fiesta SEL AT, 4 door, fuel saver

r210319......Only $14,250 2005 Honda CRV AT, 4WD, ready for winter


2011 Hyundai Accent GLS AT, very clean r615414.................$13,599

2011 Hyundai Elantra Sedan AT, low miles r054694.................$18,495

2011 Hyundai Sante Fe GLS Very clean, priced to move r057279.................$20,995

2011 Kia Rio Superfuelsaver

r960522......Only $13,359 2011 Kia Forte 4 door, sedan, AT,fuel saver


2010 Kia SedonaLX AT, greatpeoplemover

r35177'I .......Only $15,259

2011 Mazda 3 Sport Very nicely equipped r422068.................$14,995

2009 MercuryMariner Sport AT, AWD,only 30k miles rJ22617 ... .. $18,599 .

. .


. .

2012 Nissan Versa SV AT, like new condition

r816523......Only $14,987 2011 SuzukiSX-4 LE

AnniversaryEdition 4 door sedan, AT r302264 ... ... $13,259 .

. .


. .

2011 Toyota Corolla AT, fuel saver

r606419......Only $14,995

Get Results from Qualified Central Oregon Buyers! Call us at 541-385-5809 and ask about our Wheel Deal S ecial!

Automotive Parts,

Service & Accessories


2007 Buick LeCrossCXL

Cadillac Seville STS 2003 - just finished $4900 engine work by Certified GM mechanic. Has everything but navigation. Too many bells and whistles to l i s t. bought a new one. $4900




AT, custom wheels, very

6 yd. dump bed, 139k, Auto, $5500. 541-410-9997

top. Just reduced to


541-647-2822 HertzBend.com

4X4, premium wheels, 3rd seat, leather, grill guard, lots of extras. Find It in Vin ¹113566. The Bulletin Classifieds! $17,988. 541-385-5809 S UB A R U .


HeftZ Car Bales


w/55' wide x 17' high 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 541-420-5453. bi-fold door. Natural Chevy Silverado 2500 877-266-3821 gas heat, office, bath- Chrysler 300 C o upe HD LT 2001 Crew Dlr ¹0354 room. Parking for 6 44 0 e n g ine, 6.6L diesel auto 4X4 c ars. A djacent t o 1967, 98K, exc. cnd $17,900 J eep L i berty 2 0 0 7 , auto. trans, ps, air, Frontage Rd; g reat frame on rebuild, re541-312-9312 Nav., 4x4 , l e ather, visibility for a viation painted original blue, loaded. Moonroof. bus. 1jetjock©q.com original blue interior, Vin ¹646827. $13,988. 541-948-2126 original hub caps, exc. 541-385-9350


Toyotas: 1999 Avalon 254k; 1996 Camry, 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of miles left in these cars. Price? You tell me! I'd guess $2000-$4000. Your servant, Bob at 541-318-9999, no charge for looking.

H onda C R V 200 5 , DLR4821 4WD, moonroof, alloy wheels, v e ry clean.Cadillac El Dor a do Vin ¹027942. $12,888 1994, T otal c r e a m Volkswagen Jetta SE, puff, body, paint, trunk 2008.40,500 mi, Great S UB ARU. condition, FWD, ABS, as showroom, blue BUBRRUOBBRNO COM automatic, AC, moon2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend leather, $1700 wheels roof, CD/MP3 & much w/snow tires although 877-266-3821 more! $12,950 car has not been wet Dlr ¹0354 541-771-2312

Chevy Wagon 1957, 4-dr., complete, $15,000 OBO, trades, please call

chrome, asking $9000 or make offer.

118K miles. Vin ¹277701


Classifjeds www .bendb u l l

et i r

Through 11/01/t2 All vehiclessuhect to pnorsale, does not includetax, licenseor title andreg.

istrationprocessingfeeof $100. Vinrs posted at dealership. SeeHerlz Car Sales Of Bendfor details. Dealert4821



535 NESavannahDr,Bend HertzBend.com

T he City o f R e dmond i s s e e king



AMAG access control system i ntergrator firms to provide complete and comprehensive p rofessional s u p port services and maintenance needs at R oberts F i eld, Redmond Municipal Airport. T h e s u ccessful firm m ust have c u rrent censed and c ertified AMAG techni-

cians capable of servicing and maintaining the Redmond Airport's access control system's located inside th e

Legal Notices • representative at Susan F. Aylor, 6496 SW Q uarry D r ive, Redmond, OR 97756 within four m o nths after the date of first publication of this notice, or the claims may be barred. All persons whose r i ghts may be affected by the proceeding may obtain additional inf ormation from t h e records of the court or the personal representative. Date and first published October 19, 2012. Susan F. Aylor, P e rsonal Representative. PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: Susan F. Aylor, 6496 SW Quarry Drive, Redm ond, O R 97 7 5 6, (541) 923-9616. ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL REPRESEN-

TATIVE, Charles N. Fadeley. C HARLES FADELEY, P.C., Attorney at Law, Post Office Box 1408, Sisters, OR 97759, (541) 549-0125, fade@bendbroad-

t e r minal building as well as band.com (e-mail) a irfield gates l o cated o n Ai r port LEGAL NOTICE property in a safe, NATIONAL FOREST efficient, and cost TIMBER FOR SALE effective manner. DESCHUTES NATIONAL FOREST A mandatory pre-proposal meetThe Bugs Sale is ing will be held on l ocated wit hi n November 5, 2012, T.25S., R.7E., Secat 2:00 p.m. in the tions 15, 16, 17, 20, Airport Administra21, 28, 29 ; W . M., tion Office E v ent Surveyed, Klamath Conference Room County, Or e gon. located at 2522 SE The Forest Service Jesse Butler Circle, will receive sealed Redmond, OR a nd oral b id s i n 97756. Attendance public at Deschutes at this meeting is N ational For e s t required to submit a Supervisor's Office, proposal. 63095 D e s chutes Market Road, Bend, Three (3) hard copOR, 97701 at 11:00 ies of the complete AM local time on p roposal shall b e 1 1/27/2012 for a n firmly sealed in an estimated volume of e nvelope t ha t B i s 4884 CCF of Acclearly marked L odgepole Pin e cess Control Syssawtimber, and 724 tem S e r vice & CCF of Shasta Red Maintenance RFP". Fir and other conifProposals must be erous species sawreceived at the oft imber marked o r fice of the City Reo therwise de s i gcorder, C i t y of nated for cutting. In Redmond, 716 SW a ddition, there i s Evergreen Avenue, within the sale area Redmond, OR an estimated vol97756, no later than ume of 2631 CCF of 3:00 p .m. (Iocal All Species grn bio time) on M onday, cv that the bidder December 3, 2012. agrees to remove at P roposals and a l l a fixed rate. In addiaccompanying tion, there is within documents shall bet he sale area a n come the property u nestimated vol of the City of Redume o f La n ding mond and shall not Piles grn bio cv that be returned. Late t he b i dder m a y proposals and agree to remove at postmarks will not a fixed rate. Sale be accepted. contains s pecified roads with an estiT he RFP may b e mated public works d ownloaded f r o m construction cost of the City's website at $95,519.00. Bid www.ci.redmond.or. ders qualifying as us and small business conwww.flyrdm.com. c erns under t h e Small Business Act Publish: may, when submitwww.ci.redmond.or.us ting a bid, elect for Wednesday, the Forest Service October 24, 2012 to build permanent roads. A d d itional www.flyrdm.com i nformation con Wednesday, cerning this option is October 24, 2012 in the prospectus. The Forest Service Daily Journal of reserves the right to Commerce reject any and all Once the week of bids. Int e r ested October 22, 2012 parties may obtain a prospectus from the Bulletin Friday, office listed below. October 26, 2012 A prospectus, bid form, and complete LEGAL NOTICE i nformation con Foreclosure Noticecerning the timber, Brosterhous S t o rt he conditions of age, 61380 Brostersale, and s ubmishous Road, Bend, sion of bids is availOR 97708. Notice of able to the public foreclosure sale to from the Crescent satisfy lien against Ranger Dis t r ict, the following units: 136471 Hwy 97 N., ¹18, Veronica WilPO Box 208, Cresl iams, ¹ 2 6 Br e t t c ent O R 977 3 3 , Michie, ¹33 Cheryl 541-433-3246; or Collins, ¹3 4 J u liet the Deschutes NaHolliman, ¹ 35 tional Forest Maximo Platiro, ¹38 Issac Sh e pherd, Supervisor's Office, 63095 D e s chutes ¹52 Bill Jones, ¹56 Market Road, Bend, S idney Lay, ¹ 6 4 97701, OR, Daniel Tieben, ¹100 5 41-383-5586; o r Paula Muns, ¹ 1 17 www.fs.usda.gov/go C ris Drake, ¹ 5 1 4 to/centraloregon/tim John Wallace, ¹134 bersales. The Michael Luoma. USDA is an equal Units will be aucopportunity provider tioned on Novemand employer. b er 10th, 2012 a t 11:00 a.m. LEGAL NOTICE NATIONAL FOREST LEGAL NOTICE Former students who TIMBER FOR SALE DESCHUTES were served by the H igh Desert E S D , NATIONAL FOREST Central Oregon Regional Program, may The Princess Logs loc a ted request their records. Sale i s Records will remain within T24S, R06E, W.M . confidentially filed un- S ection 1 , Surveyed Klamath til the age of 28, at Or e gon. which time they will be County, destroyed. C o ntact The Forest Service 541-693-5700 f or will receive sealed bids in public at Demore information. schutes Na t i onal LEGAL NOTICE Forest Supervisor's IN T H E CIR C U IT Office, 63095 DesCOURT O F THE c hutes Marke t STATE OF OREGON R oad, Bend, O R, FOR D E S CHUTES 97701 at 11:00 AM COUNTY In the Matlocal ti m e on ter of the Estate of 1 1/06/2012 for a n Patricia Colleen Swa- estimated volume of rens, Deceased. Case 15 cords of DouNo. 12-0006 PB. NO- glas-fir fuelwood, 4 T ICE T O INT E R - c ords o f Eng e lESTED P E RSONS. mann Spruce fuelNOTICE IS HEREBY wood, 6 cords of G IVEN that the u nGrand Fir fuelwood, dersigned have been a nd 28 c o rds o f appointed p e r sonal Western H e mlock representative. All fuelwood marked or persons having claims o therwise de s i gagainst the estate are nated for c u tting. required to p r esent The Forest Service them, with vouchers reserves the right to attached, to the unreject any and a ll dersigned p e rsonal

Legal Notices bids. Interested parties may obtain a prospectus from the office listed below. A prospectus, bid form, and complete i nformation con cerning the timber, t he conditions o f sale, and s ubmission of bids is available to the public from the Crescent Ranger Dis t r ict, 136471 Highway 97, Crescent, O regon 97733, 541-433-3200 or the

Deschutes National Forest Supervisor's Office, 63095 Desc hutes Mark e t R oad, Bend, O r -


97701, 541-383-5586; or at

www.fs.usda.gov/go to/centraloregon/tim bersales. The USDA is an equal opportun ity provider a nd employer. LEGAL NOTICE The Redmond School District i s se e k ing q ualified people t o apply for a vacancy on its Board of Directors. The board consists of five members elected at large. Those interested must be registered voters and residents of the Redmond School District for one year immediately preceding the appointment. A pplications will b e taken at the District Office, located at 145 SE Salmon Avenue, until Friday, October 26, 2012 at 5:00p.m. The board anticipates interviewing c a n d idates the week of Nov ember 1 2 , 20 1 2 . Please contact Trish Huspek at 541.923.8247 or visit

the Board of Director's webpage at www.redmond.k12.or. us for more information or to download an application packet. The person appointed will serve January 9, 2013 - June 30, 2013 and will fill the vacancy created by the r esignation o f Ji m Erickson effective Dec ember 3 1 , 20 1 2 . Anyone wishing to be elected to serve the remaining t w o-year portion of the four-year term may file an application with the Deschutes County C lerk's O f f ice fo r placement on the May 21, 2013 ballot. LEGAL NOTICE The Spring R iver Special Road District (near Sunriver) is accepting bids for snow plowing of approx. 2.2 miles of roads f or the 2012-13 winter season. Bids must be received by 11/9/1 2. For more info. contact Carl Jansen at 541-593-2777. PUBLIC NOTICE

PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby given in the

manner required by law, that the two (2) year period for the redemption of real properties included in the 2010-11 del inquent ta x li e n f oreclosure pro ceedings instituted by Desch u tes County, Oregon on the 1st day of September, 2010, in the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Deschutes County, Case No.10-CV-1001-MA, and included in the General Judgment of Foreclosure and Money Award entered therein on the 17th day of November, 2010, will expire on the 17th day of November, 2012. This notice is given p ursuant to O R S 3 12.190, and is i n addition to the not ice mailed to a f fected pro p e rty owners i n a c c ord ance with O R S 312.125.

All properties sold under said General Judgment of Foreclosure and Money Award, unless redeemed on or before the 17th day of N ovember, 2 0 1 2 , will be deeded to Deschutes County, Oregon, im m ediately on expiration of the period of redemption and that every right or interest of any person in such properties will be forfeited forever to said Deschutes County, O r e gon, e xcept that, a n y p roperty may b e further redeemed on or before November 17th, 2012, pursuant to this notice and th e r e q uirements o f ORS 312.120.


• g











insi e



Coverdesign by Greg Cross/The Bulletin

Ben Salmon, 541-383-0377 bsalmon I bendbulletin.com


REPORTERS Elise Gross, 541-383-0351 egross@bendbulletin.com David Jasper, 541-383-0349


• Our big fine listing of Halloween events, • Portland Opera kicks off new season plus the best and worst scary moviesever • A guide to out of town events

djasperObendbulletin.com Jenny Wasson, 541-383-0350 jwassonObendbulletin.com

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DESIGNER Althea Borck, 541-383-0331 aborckObendbulletin.com

SUBMIT AN EVENT GO! MAGAZINE is published each Friday in The Bulletin. Please submit information at least 10 days before the edition in which it is printed, including the event name, brief description, date, time, location, cost, contact number and a website, if appropriate. Email to: events@bendbulletin.com Fax to: 541-385-5804,

Attn: Community Life U.S. Mail or hand delivery: Community Life, The Bulletin 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, OR 97702

MUSIC • 3 • Cloverdayle presents a benefit for the family of Jen BurgessThompson • Sweet photos of last weekend's Macklemore & RyanLewis show in Bend • Daniel Kirkpatrick and the Bayonets come to Bend's Liquid Lounge tonight • The Capitol Steps are sold out

• • • • • •

OUTDOORS • 15 • Great ways to enjoy the outdoors

CALENDAR • 16 • A week full of Central Oregon events


ADVERTISING 541-382-1811

Take advantage of the full line of Bulletin products. Call 541-385-5800. ull


Sound Garden hosts "Por El Flamenco" • A review of "XCOM: EnemyUnknown" Wildfire Pottery Showcase returns • What's hot on the gaming scene Spend an evening with Edgar Allan Poe Portland Youth Philharmonic visits Bend Record sales for Sunriver Music Festival Art Exhibits lists current exhibits

•The Rev.Peyton' s Big Damn Band! • A listing of live music, DJs,karaoke, open mics and more




• Miguel, Heart, Tori Amos and more

• A review of the east-side Baldy's BBQ

• A listing of upcoming events • Talks and classes listing


• "Cloud Atlas,""Chasing Mavericks," "Fun Size,""Silent Hill: Revelation" and "V/H/S" open in Central Oregon • "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter," "Magic Mike,""Seeking a Friend for the End of the World," "Madea's Witness Protection" and "Wild Horse, Wild Ride" are out on Blu-ray and DVD • Brief reviews of movies showing in Central Oregon

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Submitted photos

The Portland country band Cloverdayle,left, will play a show to benefit the family of Jen Burgess Thompson, inset, who died of cancer Oct. 12.

• Cloverdayle hosts a benefit for the family of Jen BurgessThompson By Ben Salmon The Bulletin

en Burgess Thompson was a photographer, a Bend native, a mother of two, and a valiant fighter against the ovarian cancer that invaded her life in August 2011. It was a very public fight that Burgess Thompson waged with the support of friends and family and shared with the world via her blog, www.amistillagirLcom, and Facebook. So on Oct. 12, when she could fight no more, the effect of her death reached farbeyond her home town; the evidence abounds online, where hundreds of comments and photos offer thoughts, prayers and

tears, many from people who acknowledge they didn't know Burgess Thompson personally. Rachel Hamar did know her p ersonally. The singer for t h e Portland-based country band Cloverdayle — whose maiden name is Hoyt — grew up near Burgess Thompson in Bend. Though they were afew years apart in school, they shared a bus stop, as well as a memory. "When I was in first grade (Jen was in fifth, I believe), one of the boys at the bus stop threw a snowball andbroke myglasses. I couldn't really see without them," Hamar recalled this week in an emaiL "Jen helped me find all of the broken

pieces,held my hand and walked me home, even though it meant her potentially missing the bus. "I don't know why but I've never forgotten that story and felt compelled to try to find her on Facebook to thank her," she continued. "When I found her, she had just recently been diagnosed with (cancer). I sent her the thank you message and we continued messaging over this past year. When the cancer got worse, (my husband and band mate) Chad and I knew we needed to do something." The couple helms Cloverdayle, a rising band on the country scene that has shared the stage with Kenny Chesney, Tim M cGraw,

If yougo What:Cloverdayle presents: A benefit concert in memory of

Jen Burgess Thompson When:6:30 p.m. Sunday Where:Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St., Bend

Cost: $20,plusfeesinadvance at the website below

Contact:www.cloverdayle .brownpapertickets.com

Jason Aldean and Lady Antebellum. Their new single "Like We Were Kids Again" — from the new album "9 Miles Down a 10 Mile Road" — is getting national play on country radio.

So the Hamars decided to do what they do best: play music. They planned a benefit concert for Sunday at Bend High School, which Burgess Thompson intended to attend, Hamar said. The show will continue on at the request of her family. All proceeds from the event will go to help support her two sons. "God knows her family will need everything we can raise to help support the two little boys she has left behind as well as mountains of remaining medical expenses," Hamar said. "FoBowing the memorial service on Sunday we are going to have a big concert and party celebrating a life that was truly and remarkably lived." — Reporter: 541-383-0377, bsalmon@bendbulletin.com







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Macklemore's DJ, Ryan Lewis, provided the big, melodic beats that powered Friday night's show in Bend.



Macklemore rocks not only the mic, but his favored fur-and-thrift-shopchic look.


Fans near the stage watch Macklemore perform last weekend in Bend. More than 1,200 people attended the show.

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Macktemore gestures to the crowdat Bend's Midtown Ballroom.

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I WAN-YOU 085Ep IN h+60

Liquid Lounge hosts Daniel Kirkpatrick and the Bayonets



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Ke M z' e r7,<sff e Nltx


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Cascade Adventist Church

Saturday, October 27-7:00pm

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Unlocking Revelation's Mysteries • Free Admission Sunday, October 28 — 7:00pm

A Thief in the Night Afonday, October 29 — 7;00pm

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Capitol Steps show at the Tower Theatre is sold out


Spiritualism Exposed! Death'sMystery Solved! You're Inf/ited to Attend this Continuing SeriesfoBible Prophecy Presentations

It feels like we're in the golden age of bayonets, doesn't it? OK, maybe not the golden age. But this week, bayonetsare making a comeback! First there was President Obama's debate quip about the U.S. military using fewer "horses and bayonets" now than it did 100 years ago, and tonight, Seattle's Daniel Kirkpatrick and the Bayonets will play the Northwest Best series at Bend's Liquid Lounge. Kirkpatrickis a former corporate warrior who quit his job in 2010, reconnected with old friends and started a band. Now, their 10-track debut album, "Alibis," is set for release in January. On theBayonets'Facebook page, the band claims to sound like "Elvis Costello meets Tom Petty," and its Reverbnation profile cites Nada Surf and Death Cab for Cutie. All of which is fair. The songs online reveal Kirkpatrick's easy knack for memorable melodies and vintage aesthetic. In the band's bio, Kirkpatrick elaborates: "For this album, I wrote '60s-influenced pop songs, because that's always what I've gravitated towards as a listener. Staying true to that is what makes the album what it is." Daniel Kirkpatrick and the Bayonets, with Jaccuzi; 8:30 tonight; $5; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. N e w port Av e ., B e n d; w w w .liquidclub.net.


For more than 30 years and 30 albums, The Capitol Steps have been poking fun at Washington, D.C., through musical parodies aimed at both sides of the political aisle. On Tuesday, they'll roll into Bend for a show just one week before election day, and the show is sold out. If you don't have a ticket, you'll have to get your political fill elsewhere. Good luck with that. The CapitolSteps; 730 p.m. Tuesday; SOLD OUT; Tower Theatre, 835 NW. Wall St., Bend; www.towertheatre.org. — Ben Salmon

Nov. 2 — The Infamous Striugdusters (bluegrass), Domino Room, Bend, www. p44p.biz. Nov. 2 — Josh aud Mer (iudie rock), Liquid Lounge, Bend, www.liquidclub.net. Nov. 3 — Pulyrhythmics (Afrufunk),Domino Room, Bend, www.p44p.biz. Nov. 4 — Skeletunwitch (metal), The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand. Nov. 7 — The Nurthstar Session (pup-ruck), McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www. mcmenamins.com. Nov.8— VIOLATION (puuk rock), Domino Room, Bend, www.midtownbend.com. Nov. 8 — The Ascetic Junkies (indie-pup), The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand. Nov. 9 — Great American Taxiand PoorMan's Whiskey (jamgrass), Domino Room, Bend, www.midtownbend.com. Nov. 9-10 — Freak Mountain Ramblers (ruuts-ruck), McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www. mcmenamins.com. Nov. 9 — Tony Smiley (uuemanruck band), Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, Bend, www.silvermoonbrewing.com. Nov. 10 — Sharp Three (wurdly jazz), Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, Bend, www. silvermoonbrewing.com. Nov. 10 — Stacey Earle and Mark Stuart (fulk), HarmonyHouse, Sisters, 541-548-2209. Nov. 11 — Robert Cray (blues), Tower Theatre, Bend, www. towertheatre.org. Nov. 16 — Jive Cuulis (fuukrock), Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, Bend, www. silvermoonbrewing.com. Nov. 23-24 — Jeremy Pelt (jazz), The Oxford Hotel, Bend, www.jazzattheoxford.com. Nov. 23 — The Rebellion (altrock), Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, Bend, www. silvermoonbrewing.com. Nov. 26 — Punch Brothers (bluegrass), Tower Theatre, Bend, www.towertheatre.org. Nov. 29 — Muuuphuuics (fuukrock), McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www. mcmenamins.com.



going out Looking for something to do? Check out our listing of live music, DJs, karaoke, open mics and more happening at local nightspots. Find lots more at www.bendbulletin.comlevents.

ODLOOKINGFOR HALLOWEEN STUFF? See our big listing of all the Halloween shows, parties, events and other spooky stuff we could find

on Pages 9-11. 3THE REV.PEYTON'S BIG DAMN BAND It's been a while since The Rev. Peyton's Big Damn



Bandpl ayed in Bend,and Idon'tknow aboutyou, but I've been missing that sweet, sweet countryblues. Led by the big, burly Reverend himself, this

rural lndiana band's hillbilly folk-rock and oldQ> CL 0)

O 0

DA CHARA:Celtic and jazz; 6 p.m.; Green Plow Coffee Roasters, 436 S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; 541-516-1128. TEXAS HOLD'EM: $40;6 p.m.;Rivals Sports Bar, Grill 8 Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. YVONNERAMAGE:Folk-pop; 6 p.m.; Cross Creek Cafe, 507 SW8th St., Redmond; 541-548-2883. RAVEN ST. JOHN:Folk; 6:30 p.m.; River Rim Coffeehouse, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-728-0095. PATTHOMAS:Country; 7 p.m.; Tumalo Feed Co., 64619 U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-382-2202. KARAOKE: 8 p.m.; Sandbagger Dinner House, 5165 Clubhouse Drive, Crooked River Ranch; 541-923-8655. KARAOKE: 8 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker,2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. DJ SWETT: 8 p.m.;900 W all;900 W all St., Bend; 541-323-6295. DANIEL KIRKPATRICKANDTHE BAYONETS:Indie-pop; $5; 8:30 p.m.; LiquidLounge,70 N.W .Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. (Pg. 6) EMERALD CITY: Blues;8:30 p.m .; Northside Bar 8 Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. IKE FONSECA: Country-rock; $5; 9 p.m.; The Horned Hand,507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879. DJ STEELE:10p.m.; The Summit, 125 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-749-2440.

SATURDAY FREE POKERTOURNAMENT: 1 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill 8 Poker, 2650

N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. HILST& COFFEY: Chamber-folk;6:30 p.m.; River Rim Coffeehouse,19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite190, Bend; 541-728-0095. JUSTIN LAVIK:Folk-pop; 7-9 p.m.; portello winecafe, 2754 N.W. Crossing Drive, Bend; 541-385-1777. PATTHOMAS:Country;7 p.m.;Tumalo Feed Co., 64619 U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-382-2202. RENO HOLLER: Pop; 7 p.m.; Niblick and Greene's, 7535 Falcon Crest Drive ¹100, Redmond; 541-548-4220. SUBLIMINALUNPLUGGED:Acoustic reggae; 7 p.m.; Parrilla Grill, 635 N.W. 14th St., Bend; 541-617-9600. JAZZ ATJOE'SVOLUME40: Featuring The Cavemen; registration required; $25; 7 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541977-5637, joe©jazzatjoes.com or www. jazzatjoes.com. KARAOKE: 8 p.m.; Sandbagger Dinner House, 5165 Clubhouse Drive, Crooked River Ranch; 541-923-8655. OREGON SPIRITS ABSINTHE RELEASE PARTY:with DJ ATL; 8 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116. "POR ELFLAMENCO":Music and dance; $20; 8 p.m.; The Sound Garden, 1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-6336804 or www.thesoundgardenstudio. com. (Pg. 12) NUCLEAR FUNK: Funk; $3; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331. DJ STEELE:10p.m.; The Summit Saloon & Stage, 125 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-749-2440.

called "Between the Ditches," which AMPMagazine


says is their "most consistently solid record to date" and proves the band has "concentrated into

0 M

a tighter sound, no doubt the result of... playing



school Delta blues sounds like it just arrived from the early 20th century. The trio has a new album out



morethan250shows ayear."TheBigDamn Band will roll into town on Wednesday night, and opening will be two of Bend's most popular roots-rock

bands, Harley Bourbon andBoxcar Stringband. Expect a night full of twang-powered fun times. Details below.

0>SUBLIMINAL'SNEWALBUM The guys in Subliminal have been familiar faces on

the local music sceneover the past year or two, playing tunes bySublime (and occasionally other bands) at bars all over town. But don't call 'em "just" a cover band. The trio's brand new album "Rise Up"

features 18 tracks, and 16areoriginals. You can bet they'll play some of those songsSaturday in an acoustic gig at Parrilla Grill. Details below. — Sen Salmon

BAND:Country-blues, with Harley Bourbon and Boxcar Stringband; $10$13; 8:30 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www.midtownbend.com. KARAOKE: 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-3896999 or www.liquidclub.net.

ALLEY CATSJAZZ ENSEMBLE: Dance and lunch; 10:30 a.m.; Bend's Community Center, 1036 N.E. Fifth St.; 541-312-2069. LIVETEXAS HOLD'EM OR OMAHA: 3 p.m.; Millennium Cafe, 445 S.W. Sixth LISA DAE ANDROBERT LEETRIO: Jazz; St., Redmond; 541-350-0441. 5 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill,62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889, TEXAS HOLD'EMBOUNTY THURSDAY www.northsidebarfun.com. TOURNAMENT: 6 p.m.;RivalsSports TEXAS HOLD'EMTOURNAMENT: 5 p.m .; Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., TEXAS HOLD'EMBOUNTY Bend; 541-550-7771. TOURNAMENT:6 p.m.;RivalsSports Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 Bar, Grill 8 Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., UKULELE JAM: 6: 30 p. m .; Ke l l y D' s, N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. Bend; 541-550-7771. 1012 S.E. Cleveland Ave., Bend; PAUL EDDY: Twang-pop; 6 p.m.; 5 541-389-5625. LEROY NEWPORT'SBANJO JAM: Fusion & Sushi Bar, 821 N.W.Wall St., Bluegrass; 6:30 p.m.; River Rim BEATS & RHYMES: Local hip-hop; 9 Bend; 541-323-2328. p.m.; Liquid Lounge,70 N.W .Newport Coffeehouse, 19570 Amber Meadow BENEFIT CONCERT: Cloverdayle Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. Drive, Suite190, Bend; 541-728-0095. performs, in memory of Jen Burgess SCOTT PEMBERTONBAND: GuitarThompson; $20,proceeds benefitJen's WEDNESDAY family; 6:30 p.m.; Bend High School, hero rock; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old 230 N.E. Sixth St.; www.cloverdayle. St.FrancisSchool,700 N.W. Bond ACOUSTICOPENMIC: with Bobby brownpapertickets.com. (Pg. 3) St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. Lindstrom; 6 p.m.; Taylor's Sausage mcmenamins.com. HILST & COFFEY: Chamber-folk; 7 p.m.; Deli & Pub, 913 N.E. 3rd St., Bend; Broken Top Bottle Shop 8 Ale Cafe, 54 I-383-1694. THE ROCKHOUNDS:Acoustic; 7 p.m.; 1740 N.W. Pence Lane, Suite1, Bend; Kelly D's, 1012 S.E. Cleveland Ave., TEXAS HOLD'EMOR OMAHA: 6 p.m .; 54 I-728-0703. Bend; 541-389-5625. Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. OPEN MIC:8 p.m.; Northside Bar & MONDAY Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; DJ ANDKARAOKE:7 p.m.; Sandbagger 541-383-0889. Dinner House, 5165 Clubhouse Drive, TEXAS HOLD'EMOR OMAHA: 4 p.m .; Crooked River Ranch; 541-923-8655. PROPHETS OFADDICTION: Glam -rock; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 HELEOS: Classic rock; 7 p.m.; Northside N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. $6plusfees; 8 p.m .;The Sound Garden, Bar 8 Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, 1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-633KARAOKE: 6:30 p.m.; Northside Bar & Bend; 541-383-0889. 6804 or www.bendticket.com. Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; JACCUZI:Rock; 7 p.m.; McMenamins 541-383-0889. DISCOTHEQUE DJS: Alt-electronica; Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond with Critical Hit and more; 9 p.m.; BELLYDANCESHOWCASE: The High St., Bend; 541-382-5174. The Blacksmith Restaurant,211 N.W. Desert Bellydance Guild performs CABINPROJECT: Folk-pop;$5;8 p.m.; in a variety of styles; 6:30-8 p.m.; Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-318-0588. The Horned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Broken Top Bottle Shop 8 Ale Cafe, • TO SUBMIT:Email events@bendbulletin.com. Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879. 1740 N.W. Pence Lane, Bend; www. Deadline is 10 days before publication. Please THE REVERENDPEYTON'S BIG DAMN highdesertbellydance.org. include date, venue, time and cost. OREGON OLDTIME FIDDLERS: Fiddle music and dancing; donations accepted; 1-3:30 p.m.; VFW Hall, 1836 S.W. Veterans Way, Redmond; 541-647-4789.



musie releases Heart


"FANATIC" Legacy Recordings The Wilson sisters' new travelogue proves they have a lot left in the tank ... and a lot to teach other bands. This sonic landscape lets Heart roar like they haven't for a long time. The title song comes roaring out of the gate with an amazing riff and lets Ann unleash a snarl and a hunger that a lot of today's groups don't even try to approach. Ten tracks, all of which fit together in a logical way and with an almost-identifiable theme, over in 40 minutes but continuing to echo long afterwards, loud and rowdy but also soft and personal

"ULTRAISTA" Temporary Residence Ltd. Music-geek fans o f R a diohead and Beck — we know who we are — can now peer long and deeply under the hood with Ultraista, the project of Nigel Godrich, wh o h a s p r o duced Radiohead since 1994 and has worked on some of Beck's best albums. Ultraista also includes Joey W aronker, wh o o f t e n p l a y s drums with Beck, and the singer Laura Bettinson. The songs are credited to all three along with the bassist Gus Seyffert. And on the debut album "Ultraista," they've come up with 10 tracks that are somewhere between songs and the mechanisms for

"~WA>g~. r'\

Ellie Goulding "HALCYON" Interscope Records Ellie Goulding's sophomore album "Halcyon" is what fashionistas would call "on trend." Goulding's delivery is a slightly

"Fanatic" here reclaims folk music from t h e M u m blefords, teaches all rock bands how to actually rock, and continues Heart's legacy of being one of the best bands we have ever had. -

— Matt Cibula, PopMatters.com

more restrained, pop-oriented cousin to Florence Welch's, while her music straddles synth-pop a nd S k r i l l ex-branded E D M — in other words, a marketer's dream. Her collaboration with Calvin Harris is a surefire hit, with its likable scramble of Kate Bush, Rihanna and Erasure. "Anything Could Happen" is less frantic, but just as pleasant and poppy, sunnier than her s u rprise hit "Lights." Goulding is best known f or singing at W i l liam and Kate's wedding reception, though "Halcyon" should easily convert that buzz into sales. Whether it will create fans, though, remains to be seen. — Glenn Gamboa, Newsday

Miguel "KALEIDOSCOPE DREAM" RCA Recordings One of the most heartening pop trends of the last year is the emergence of a new wave of falsettowielding soul men, more subtle than slick, who resist the urge to tidy up their unpolished electro arrangements — and make music all the more effectively human as a result. Going straight to the head of the class that also includes Frank Ocean and The Weeknd is dirtyminded-love man Miguel — last name, Pimentel — who comes into his own on his self-assured second album, "Kaleidoscope Dream."

u ltta i a t a

songs: a transparent clockwork of beats, l o ops, s y nthesizer motifs and Bettinson's airy refrains, with lyrics that entangle personal reflections and music commentary. The songs have a theoretical flavor, as if each one is testing a slightly di fferent recipe of

The m i x ed-race S o uthern California songwriter, who has penned tunes for Usher, Asher Roth and Musiq Soulchild, allows all sorts of elements to course through h i s m u s ic, w h ether he's pondering big questions in "Candles in the Sun" or calculating "How Many Drinks" will be required to attain his goal for the evening. "Don't Look Back" uses the Zombies' "Time of the Season" as a starting point, and "Do You ..." and "Arch and Point" point to a Prince-ly obsession. As does the spare, strummed "P--y Is Mine," which presents itself as an accidental, off-the-cuff throwaway, thus allowing the singer to expose his jealous heart and confront

crisp percussion and hovering synthesizers. Nearly all of the keyboard timbres come from one family: rich, rounded tones with a little bit of buzz at the edge, akin to Radiohead songs like "Kid A." Once the beat and the keyboards e stablish t h emselves — almost immediately — the songs putter along, steady and uninterrupted, and B e ttinson never raises her voice. It's a percolating n ot - q u ite-stasis, with verses and choruses fully dovetailed. The lyrics often hint at the push-and-pull of relationships, but they're contemplated serenely from afar and cushioned by those synthesizers, just one more element in the pattern. — Jon Pareles, The New York Times



his gravest fear: "I don't want to believe anyone is just like me." No worries, Miguel: On "Kaleidoscope Dream," there's never a question that you're one of a kind. — Dan DeLuca, The Phi ladel phia Inquirer

Tori Amos

Benjamin Gibbard

"GOLD DUST" Deutsche Grammophon Tori Amos celebrates20 years in the business with a fairly lackluster reworking of old and new favorites recorded with the Metropole Orchestra. What and who is this for, precisely'? For the most part it only serves as a reminder thatthe original versions of these tracks are a hell of a lot better (save for "Flavor"). The album is also in m a ny ways a continuation of the 2011

"FORMER LIVES" Nov. 18 —McMenamlns Barsuh Records Crystal Ballroom, Portland; The Death Cab for Cutie frontwww.cascadetlckets.com or man steps out with a solo effort 800-514-3849. that works best when he falls back on the high-concept lyrical daring of his earlier work. Songs like "Teardrop Windows," "BroGibbard of the past — the one ken Yolk in Western Sky," and who wouldn't blink at spending "Bigger Than Love," an F. Scott a whole verse pontificating on a and Zelda F i tzgerald-inspired tear in a dress or, as it turns out, duet with Aimee Mann, hint at writing an entire song about a It's on these songs that the dis- building's hurt feelings — makes how good "Former Lives" could have been had Gibbard simply in- tinctive, high-concept Benjamin himself known. (or "Ben," as we used to call him) — David Bloom, PopMatters.com dulged his storyteller side.

•i '

• •

/ classical rip-off inspired "Night of Hunters," but is in no ways as intricate or involved. — Enio Chiola, PopMat ters.com

Here and there







I. I


t's no surpr jie Hallowe~n feels ~

think of it as an opportunity to get more

between tonight I!nd$he official Halloween

bit more mischievous when it falls

than one use out of your super-clever

on Wednesday. On the next two pages

costume. (What's that'? Oh yeah, you'll

(10-11), we'll point you to every creepy concert, costume contest, haunted house,

obscuring costumes and an impending

probably be the only guy dressed asPsy from "Gangnam Style" or gal dressed as

morning with nowhere to be.

Honey Boo Boo this year. Go for it!)



on a weekend, thanks to a partyfueling combo of tasty libations, identity-

But that doesn't mean a Wednesday


scary movie and otherwise spooky event we know of. So get dressed up,


Fortunately, Central Oregonians

Halloween — the kind 2012 offers next

who want to start celebrating

week — is a drag. In fact, you should

early have lots of options for fun

get out there and have tons of fun! — Ben Salmon

I )a I

' i



j1 •



( I •

I /


eover story





The Staxx Brothers'Davin Michael Stedman discusses hisexperienceproducing theband's

days were numberedtoo. Gentrification is just

"Warpath" video, which features the Seattle-

Jambox could be sosuitable and supportive of such an endeavor. Whendirector Cisco McCar-

another type of zombie. Only a place like The

based rock 'n'soul groupin a bloody battle againsta gang ofzombies.

thy first visited the location, he said, "OMG, we don'thaveto change a damn thing."

It starts with the location. The Jambox is a

Seattle rehearsal studio on Queen Anne Hill, in

The Jambox is areflection of its owner,

the shadow of the Space Needle. It's a relic of the sonic boom of the '90s and, unfortunately,


Bill Whelan, a 6-foot-6-inch aging rocker bro who can best be described as the dude with


it's closing this month. TheJambox is an insti-

The Big Lebowski andShawnKempon his

tution to local rock bands and I appreciated the opportunity we had there.

bowling team. One helluva guy that might not

rememberyourname, butknowsyou'rea Jamboxband.So hegivesyoutherunofthe

But let's be honest, it's a breeding ground for the the ZombieApocalypse. Yousense impendingdoom asyouenter:Theabandoned

place, knowing full well you'll be spilling blood and beer everywhere. That's Bill and that's why

Seattle is going to miss TheJambox. I'll never

film lab in the basement with its florescent lights illuminating dust and doll parts and an eerie stillness. The menacing freight elevator

forget being there for a couple nights after the shoot, trying to coax fake blood and goo off the

with instructions describing how not to get trapped inside. The sound of a million metal

bands grinding on bonesand steel. By the time you navigate the labyrinthine hallway toward your space, lugging ampsand cables, a metalhead in the next room opens

his door and coughs onyour neck. Onany day oftheweekatTheJamboxyoucoulddouse

TODAY HISTORICALHAUNTS OF DOWNTOWN BEND:Walk to historical buildings that are said to have experienced paranormal events and hear their ghostly tales; $10, free museum members and ages 12 and younger; 4-7:30 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 N.W. Idaho Ave.; 541-389-1813 or www. deschuteshistory.org. HAUNTED HOUSES: Featuring three haunted houses; "Dark lntentions" and "The Hauntat Juniper Hollow" are recommended for ages12 and older; "Distortions" 3-D haunt is all ages; proceeds benefit the Oregon Athletic 8 Educational Foundation; $12, $20 two haunts, $25 all haunts; 7 p.m.; old Parr Lumber buildings, 443 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; www.scaremegood. com. HALLOWEEN COSTUMEPARTY:M usic by Lindy Gravelle; 7 p.m.; Brassie's

Courtesy Cisco McCarthy

A zombie attacks The Staxx Brothers' Staquellettes singers in the "Warpath" video.

walls and floors. Bill walks up andtaps me on the shoulder andsays, "Look, you did a good job cleaning up. I think leaving a little blood on

the wall gives the place alittle more character." yourself in blood, gnaw on areal human arm, and spit a chunk on thecarpet. Eventhe Finnish rocker working in the lobby would pay no mind.

Bar, 7535 Falcon Crest Drive ¹100, Redmond; 541-548-4220. "EVIL DEAD:THEMUSICAL": 2nd Street Theater presents the musical comedy aboutfive college students who accidentally unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 students and seniors; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. MONSTERBALL Featuring live music, costume contest, zombie shoot and more; $13 in advance, $18 at the door; 8 p.m.; Vince Genna Stadium, Southeast Fifth Street and Roosevelt Avenue, Bend; www.monsterballbend.com. ACORNPROJECT: Thejam-rockband celebrates Halloween with a night of RageAgainstthe Machineand We en covers; $7 in advance, $10 at the door; 8:30 p.m.; The Annex, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www.p44p.biz. SUPER TROOPER PARTY: Rock your uniform; 9 p.m.; Seven Nightclub, 1033 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-760-9412. STRIVEROOTS HALLOWEEN PARTY: The local reggae band performs, with a costume contest; a portion of the proceeds benefit MBSEF;$3-$5;10 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116 or www. astroloungebend.com.

SATURDAY "EVIL DEAD:THEMUSICAL": 2nd Street Theater presents the musical

But at the same time our "Warpath" video is

a love letter. Weknewour time at TheJambox was numbered. Seeingthecondosrisearound it, depression or recession bedamned, its

comedy about five college students who accidentally unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 students and seniors; 2 and 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. SUNRIVERHALLOWEEN CARNIVAL: With games, costume contests, a haunted house, train rides and more; free; 2-6 p.m.; Village at Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Drive; 541-593-5948. HISTORICALHAUNTS OF DOWNTOWN BEND:Walkto historical buildings that are said to have experienced paranormal events and hear their ghostly tales; $10,free museum members and ages 12 and younger; 4-7:30 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 N.W. Idaho Ave.; 541-389-1813 or www. deschuteshistory.org. HALLOWEEN PARTY: Featuringa costume contest, a jack-o'-lantern contest, a raffle, table games and a dinner; $6; 4:30-9 p.m.; La Pine Senior Activity Center, 16450 Victory Way; 541-536-3207. NEIGHBORHOOD HALLOWEENPARTY: Featuring games, food, face painting, a costume contest and more; for children ages10 and younger; proceeds benefit The Giving Plate; $4, $2 with a nonperishable food item; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Marshall High School, 1291 N.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-355-3500. HALLOWEEN BASH: Livem usicw ith A.M. Interstate, the Hooligans, the Confederats, Travis Kenny, Nuclear Salt and more; $3; 6 p.m.; Big T's, 413 S.W. Glacier Ave.,Redmond; 541-504-3864.

The Staxx Brotherswill play Saturday at the Tower Theatre, along with Mosley Wotta and

"The RockyHorror Picture Show,"as part of

Witching Hour at the Tower. Details below.

HAUNTED HOUSES:Featuring three haunted houses; "Dark Intentions" and "The Haunt at Juniper Hollow" are recommended for ages12 and older; "Distortions" 3-D haunt is all ages; proceeds benefit the Oregon Athletic 8 Educational Foundation; $12, $20 two haunts, $25 all haunts; 7 p.m.; old Parr Lumber buildings, 443 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; www.scaremegood. com. HALLOWEENPARTY:Featuring rock music by Out of Hand, dancing, food and beverages; 8 p.m.; Wickiup Station Sports Pub, 52600 U.S. Highway 97, La Pine; 541-536-7577. HALLOWEEN PARTY: Featuring performances by Broken DownGuitars andAveryJames andTheHillandales, with a zombie pinup contest; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879. HALLOWEENPARTY:Featuring Emerald City and a costume contest; $2; 8:30 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. HALLOWEEN DANCEPARTY:M usicby bluegrass band Polecat and a DJ;ages 21 and older; free; 9 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; www.mcmenamins.com. HALLOWEEN PARTY: Featuring free line dancelessons,aDJand acostume contest; free admission; 9 p.m., 8 p.m. line dancing; Maverick's Country Bar 8 Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-382-4270. HEAVEN ORHELLPARTY: 9 p.m.; Seven Nightclub,1033 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-760-9412.

WITCHINGHOUR ATTHE TOWER: A Halloween party, with The Staxx Brothers, Mosley Wotta and a screening of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"; ages 21 and older; $14 plus fees; 9 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. HALLOWEEN PARTY: Featuring performances by Blackflowers Blacksun and Astro Bender; free; 9:30 p.m.; M 8 J Tavern, 102 N.W. Greenwood, Bend; 541-389-1410. KARAOKE ANDHALLOWEEN COSTUME CONTEST:with DJ Chris; 9:30 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill 8 Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771.

SUNDAY HALLOWEEN CELEBRATION: Halloween carnival with a petting zoo,pony rides,a hay maze,costume contest and more; free; noon-4 p.m.; C.E. Lovejoy's Brookswood Market, 19530Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-388-1188. AN EVENINGWITH EDGAR ALLAN POE: A visit from Poe, with tales of remorse, lost love and bad behavior; proceeds benefit the Des Chutes Historical Museum; $14 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541317-0700. (Story, Page13)

TUESDAY SCARYOKE: 9 p.m.; Seven Nightclub, 1033 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 54 I-760-94 I2.

Continued next page

eover story



From previous page

WEDNESDAY HOWL-0-WEEN:With pet photos, a costume contest, refreshments and more; proceeds benefit the Humane Society of Central Oregon; free; 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Humane Society of Central Oregon, 61170 S.E. 27th St., Bend; 541-382-3537 or www.hsco.org. OLD MILLDISTRICT HALLOWEEN PARTY:With pumpkin painting, crafts, trick-or-treating, wagon rides, circus performers and more; free; 4-7 p.m.; Center Plaza, the Old Mill District, Southwest Powerhouse Drive between The Gap and Anthony's, Bend; 541312-0131 or www.theoldmill.com. REDMONDFIREANDRESCUE HALLOWEEN PARTY: Trick-or-treat at the Redmond fire station, with games and information about fire safety; free; 4-8:30 p.m.; Redmond Fire & Rescue, 341 N.W. Dogwood Ave.; 541-504-5000. COMMUNITY HARVESTPARTY: Featuring games, candy and more; free; 6-8 p.m.; Calvary Chapel Redmond, 616 S.W. Ninth St.; 541-923-8614. HALLOWEEN HALL:Trick-or-treat at the college's Juniper Hall; for ages12 and younger; free; 6-8 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7593. HAUNTEDHOUSES: Featuring three haunted houses; "Dark lntentions" and "The Haunt at Juniper Hollow" are recommended for ages12 and older; "Distortions" 3-D haunt is all ages; proceeds benefit the Oregon Athletic & Educational Foundation; $12, $20 two haunts, $25 all haunts; 7 p.m.; old Parr Lumber buildings, 443 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; www.scaremegood. com. FOR ANIMALSSAKE ART AUCTION: Featuring live music, food, a costume contest and more; proceeds benefit the Redmond Humane Society; free; 7:30 p.m.; Ambiance Art Co-op, 435 Evergreen Ave., Redmond; www. ambianceartonline.com. HALLOWEENPARTYANDSEVEN'S FOURTH ANNIVERSARY:With DJ Metal, UltraDJGirl and DJ ATL; costumesand prizes;9 p.m .;Seven Nightclub, 1033 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-760-9412. HALLOWEEN ATTHE MOON: Moon Mountain Ramblers and Grit & Grizzle perform, with a scream contest; $7, $5 with a costume; 8 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; www.silvermoonbrewing.com. THRILLERDANCE PARTY:With M C Mystic and Gainon the lllyrikill, a costume contest and more; free; 10 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116.

Don'tLeave Buying a Home to Chance!

C- C

The folks at Bend's Tin Pan Theater recommend which

horror movies to queue upthis Halloweehahdwhichhhestd

run from screaming. THE BEST 1."Alien"(1979) — Not a wasted second! Every frame of this film builds the intensity until its pulse-pounding conclusion. 2."Jaws"(1975) — A perfect












® 0

+y r.-' e


Courtesy tmage.net

"Jaws" will scare you right out of the water.

to get the blood pumping after 37 years and countless ripoffs. 3. "The Shining" (1980) — The slow build of tension and masterful payoff makes this one of the most enduring horror classics of all time.

4."The Exorcist"(1973) — An obvious choice for a reason: It still wiggles under the skin and stays there like acrab-walking little girl should. 5. "28 Days Later" (2002) — An almost perfect zombie film. Its influence is staggering considering how many times it's been copied in the last decade.

6."The Return ofthe Living Dead" (1985) — My favorite zombie film of all time. Funny, campy, creepy and weird all at the same time. 7. "The Gabin in the Woods"(2011) — Instead of deconstructing, Joss Whedon and Drew Goddard's script reconstructs the horror genre from the ground up. 8. "Evil Dead 2"(1987) — Sam Raimi's best film and also the quintessential

hybrid of comedy/horror. BruceCampbell becomes anicon before your eyes. 9."Suspiria"(1977) — Dario Argento's masterpiece exists in a world where logic is dreamlike and the witches are frightening. A nightmare on film.

10."Session 9"(2001) — Five asbestos removal workers getting rid of all the toxic insulation in an old mental hospital. David Caruso is almost likable! THE WORST 1."Halloween"(2007) — Wewill all collectively punch Rob Zombie's face for this one day. Adisrespectful, tone-deaf, insult of a movie. Worse than lice. 2."Dreamcatcher"(2003) — A psychic boy with down syndrome helps fight off an alien invasion. EvenMorgan Freemancan't save this. 3."Jack Frost"(1997) — Not the family film with Michael Keaton, but the one about a rapist snowman. This is amovie. 4."House of the Dead"(2003) — Ravers fight an island full of zombies.




Start here.

film in every way. Still manages

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• e I


Obviously, you root for the zombies. So. Many. Glowsticks.

5."Alice in Murderland"(2010) — So muchpotential squandered by being an actual movie and not something we dreamed after too much 'tussin. 6. "The Mangler" (1995) — A terrifying film about the most evil laundry folding

machine of all time. It cleans andpresses ... your heart out of your body. 7."American Psycho2" (2002) — Instead of Christian Bale asan insane serial killer we have Mila Kunis. All 5 feet of her.

8."Inseminoid"(1982) — Just ... don't. 9."Leprechaun intheHood"(2000)— The Leprechaunvs.Ice-Tshould have been a laugh riot, but this was duller than slap-box fighting a sleeping baby. 10."Texas ChainsawMassacre: The Beginning" (2006) — Oh,the origin of Leatherface. Thanks for demystifying a man-child who wears people's faces. — The Ghouls andGoblins of Tin Pan Theater

AND THEGHOSTS OF SISTERS MOVIE HOUSERECOMMEND: 1."Psycho"(1960) 2. "The Exorcist" (1973) 3. "Carrie" (1976) 4. "The Blair Witch Project" (1999)

5. "The Haunting" (1963) 6. "The Birds" (1963) The Associated Press file photo

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• Spanish style of musiand c dance comestoTheSoundGardeninBend By David Jasper The Bulletin


rom a young age, the foot-stomping, hand-clapping style of flamenco captured the interest of dancer Savannah Fuentes, whose "Por El Flamenco" tour includes a performance Saturday in

Bend (see "If you go"). Fuentes told GO! Magazine she was raised in Seattle by her musician parents. Dad was from Puerto Rico buthad moved to Germany at a young age. Mom was ofIrish ancestry. "I kind of had a weird identity situation because I was brought up in Seattle, and I wasn't around a strong culture.My parents were hippies.They were hippie musicians," she said. Her dad's family was in the military and didn't teach the kids Spanish, "So I had this kind of cultural disconnect as a child," Fuentes said. "One day I was watching TV and I saw a little flamenco," a centuriesold style of music and dance from southern Spain, with roots back to the Middle East and the Romani people. "I just felt so proud," Fuentes said. "I was like, 'Oh wow. This is what I am.'It's a strong memory for me. I haven't really told too many people about that." Fuentes had been active in rhythmic gymnastics and other styles of dance as a young girl, but it was when she finally took a flamenco dance class at 17 that her love for the form stuck. "I was lucky to take that first class with somebody who was very qualified, very strong and a very good dancer. Oftentimes in America, that might not be the case," she said. "I kind of heard that clapping and ... those rhythms. It was an instant, 'Oh, I love this.'"

Continued next page

If yougo What:"Por El Flamenco"

When:8 p.m. Saturday Where:The Sound Garden,1279 N.E. Second St., Bend

Cost:$20 plus fees at www.bendticket.com, $7 children, $12 students and low-income individuals via the contact info below

Contact: ww w.thesoundgardenstudio.com,aloha4441© msn.com or 541-633-6804


• •


Wildfire Pottery Showcase returns next weekend The Clay Guild of the Cascades will hold its Wildfire Pottery Showcase next weekend. The eighth annual show and sale will run 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Nov. 3 and 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Nov. 4 at Highland Elementary School, 701 N.W. Newport Ave., in Bend. The event will feature the works of more than 25 ceramic artists, along with clay demonstrations throughout each day, a children's area with Submitted photo clay activities for kids, free raffles Helen Bommarito's footed bowlis and more. Admission is free. among the many pieces that will be Contact: 541-388-2636. available at the 2012 Wildfire Pottery Showcase this weekend at Highland Spend 'An Evening Elementary School in Bend.

with Edgar Allan Poe' Bend actor Alastair Jacques will reprisehis role as a great American author in "An Evening with Edgar Allan Poe" at 7p.m. Sunday at the Tower Theatre, 835 N W. Wall St., Bend. In his portrayal, Jacques will read a nd discuss Poe's work with t h e audience. In its sixth year, the oneman show has outgrown its previous home, the Des Chutes Historical Museum. The event benefits the museum and the Tower Theatre Foundation. Tickets are available at the Tower Theatre box office and online at www.tower theatre.org. Seating is general admission. Tickets are $14, plus a $1 Restoration Fee.

Contact: w w w .towertheatre.org, w ww.deschuteshistory.org or 541-317-0700.

Portland Youth Philharmonic visits Bend The Portland Youth Philharmonic, America's first youth orchestra, will present a community concert at 7 p.m. Saturday at Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St., Bend. Conductor and M usic D irector David Hattner will lead this preview of the orchestra's annual fall concert in Portland. The program includes Richard Wagner's Suite from Act III of "Die Meistersinger," Dvorak's



Symphony No. 3 in E-flat Major and Dvorak's "Slavonic Dance." Tickets are $5 at the door; sales benefit Bend High. Contact: information@portlandyouthphil.org or 503-223-5939.

Sunriver Music Festival sees record sales Sunriver Music Festival celebrated its 35th season in August, and with record ticket sales for its seven concertsin Bend and Sunriver,the cause for celebration continues. According to Pam Beezley, the festival's executive director, concert ticket sales were up 15 percent over 2011, which itself had set a new record. The season launched with tw o concerts at Bend High School that "provided us with more seating and the opportunity to grow our ticket revenue,"Beezley is quotedin a press release. "Both concerts were well attended." Another contributing factor: The James and Marion Miller Foundation matched new and increased donations. A $25,000 goal for new and increased donations was met and exceeded in early August. This was the fourth season of holding three festival concerts in Bend along with the traditional offerings in Sunriver. For more information on the festival, visit www.sunrivermusic.org.

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panies. And she happened to marry She continued studies in Spain, someone from Seattle. It was just a which is a typical path for Amerimiracle that she was even here." can flamenco students. However, Fuentes began performing one"I didn't really have the discipline," off shows about three years ago and she said. "I'd go to some classes, but touring about two and a half years it was too distracting, all the parties ago, playing in an increasing array and everything that was going on. of cities. However, she has yet to Then Icame home and had a child, perform in San Francisco, which she and I was like, 'Well, I can't go to said is the flamenco capital of the Spain (now).'" United States. "I don't get to go to Spain the way Perhaps she'll get there soon. At I would like to, but I have YouTube," 18 stops, "Por El Flamenco" is her Fuentes added, laughing. "YouTube largest tour yet, with stops in Washhas been the greatest change. Even ington, Oregon and Idaho. Over in the early 2000s, flamenco video the years, her tours "went from five was, like, gold. Now, we can see ev- shows to six shows to eight shows to erything that's going on, and I'm so 13 shows. Now I'm at 18 shows," she grateful for it." said. Back in Seattle, Fuentes continued Fuentes stresses that in flamenco, her formal studies, making the jump "the singing is the most important from flamenco student to profes- thing," she said. "Everyone thinks sional performer under the tutelage it's the dance." "What happened was the singing of Sara de Luis. "She was one of the first Ameri- was the original root, and then the can dancers. She's half French and guitar came along because someone half Spanish, and she went over to started accompanying the singing, Spain young and got in with all the and then finally someone danced. best companies,"Fuentes said. "In Singing is what flamenco really is." the '50s, '60s and '70s, she was right As you may have guessed, Fuenup there with all the Spanish com- tes wouldnever perform to recorded



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rmm w


— David Jasper

music. Providing the vocals on the tour and d uring Saturday's performance is Jesus Montoya, who brought with him from his native Seville, Spain, a traditional gypsy flamenco style. "He's just a true singer. He's got that really, really powerful, powerful voice," Fuentes said. On guitar is Bulgarian player Bobby de Sofia. Finally, dancer Ricardo Chavez of Los Angeles will share the floor with Fuentes. With its three-, six- and 12-beat r hythms, Fuentes explains, f l amenco sounds as exotic as it looks, at least to American ears (and eyes). "Western music is always in fours," she said. "Everyone (listening to) the radio hears the music in fours." The music'soriginators "were oppressed people. So flamenco, a lot of it's sad. It's about people dying in the mines. It's a whole spectrum of emotion, what you get in flamenco," Fuentes said. "That's something I like about it, the emotion in it. What I always try to do is make people feel the emotion." — Reporter: 541-383-0349, djasperibendbulletin.com


o o, D0


From previous page





www.sageframing-gallery.com PAUL SCOTT GALLERY 869 NW WALL ST. • 541-330-6000

www.paulscottfineart.com RED CHAIR GALLERY 103 NW OREGON AVE. • 541-306-3176 WWW.redChairialleryllelld.COm

MOCKINGBIRD GALLERY 869 NW WALL ST. • 541-388-2107 WWW.mOCkillgdird-gallery.COm

KAREN BANDY DESIGN JEWELER 25 NW MINNESOTA AVE. ¹5 • 541-388-0155 WWILkarellbanlly.COm

oownro wn:



I '









ALLEDAREALESTATE:Featuring paintings by Janice Rhodes, Barbara Slater and David Kinker; through Wednesday; 25 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Suite 1, Bend; 541-633-7590. AMBIANCEART CO-OP: Featuring gallery artists; 435 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; 541-548-8115. ARTADVENTUREGALLERY: Featuring "IT'S PERSONAL," works by Jeanie Smith; through Wednesday; 185 S.E. Fifth St., Madras; 541-475-7701. ARTISTS' GALLERYSUNRIVER: Featuring local artists; 57100 Beaver Drive, Building 19; www. artistsgallerysunriver.com or 541-593-4382. ATELIER6000: Featuring works by Mandy Livingston; through Wednesday; new exhibit, "Broadsides: A Juried Exhibition," opens Thursday; 389 S.W. Scalehouse Court, Suite 120, Bend; www.atelier6000.org or 541-330-8759. BEND CITYHALL:Featuring "UNSEEN::WORLD," works exploring how Bend's unseen world inspires community; through March 29; 710 N.W.Wall St.; 541-388-5505. CAFE SINTRA:Featuring "3 Points of View," a continually changing exhibit of photographs by Diane Reed, Ric Ergenbright and John Vito;1024 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-8004. CANYONCREEKPOTTERY: Featuring pottery by Kenneth Merrill; 310 N. Cedar St., Sisters; www.canyoncreekpotteryllc.com or 541-549-0366. DON TERRAARTWORKS: Featuring more than 200 artists; 222 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-

Submitted photo

"Leaves and Lilies," by Gary Vincent,will be on display through Nov. 12 at the Sunriver Lodge Betty Gray Gallery. 549-1299 or www.donterra.com. DOWNTOWN BENDPUBLIC LIBRARY:Featuring "Portraits"; through Nov. 4; 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-312-1037. FRANKLINCROSSING:Featuring "The Figure in Painting," works by Paula Bullwinkel and Sarah Geurts; through Sunday; 550 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-382-9398. FURNISH.:Featuring works by Sue Smith; 761 N.W. Arizona Ave., Bend; 541-617-8911. THE GALLERYATTHE PINCKNEY CENTER:Featuring works by COCC faculty; through Nov. 2; Pinckney Center for the Arts, Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7510. GHIGLIERIGALLERY:Featuring original Western-themed and African-inspired paintings and sculptures by Lorenzo Ghiglieri; 200 W. Cascade Ave., Sisters; www.art-lorenzo.com or 541-549-8683. HELPINGYOUTAX 5 ACCOUNTING: Featuring paintings by Carol Armstrong; 632 S.W. Sixth St., Suite 2, Redmond; 541-504-5422.

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• 2 great locations!

through Wednesday; 869 N.W. Wall St., Bend; www.mockingbirdgallery.com or 541-388-2107. MOSAIC MEDICAL:Featuring mixed-media collage paintings by Rosalyn Kliot; 910 S. U.S. Highway 97, Suite101, Madras; 54 I-475-7800. PATAGONIA ©BEND:Featuring photography by Mike Putnam; 1000 N.W. Wall St., Suite 140; 541-382-6694. PAUL SCOTTGALLERY:Featuring works by Valerie Winterholler; throughWednesday; 869 N.W. W all St., Bend; www.paulscottfineart. com or 541-330-6000. QUILTWORKS: Featuring "A Fiberexplorations Retrospective"; through Nov. 3; 926 N.E. Greenwood Ave., Suite B, Bend; 541-728-0527. RED CHAIRGALLERY:Featuring "Heart Fall," works by Stephanie Stanley, Helen Bommarito and Lisa Hoffman-McCabe; through Wednesday; 103 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; www.redchairgallerybend. com or 541-306-3176. ROTUNDA GALLERY: Featuring "Celebration of Seasonal Variations in Central Oregon," landscape photographs by Mike Putnam; through Nov. 30; Robert L. Barber Library, Central Oregon Community College; 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7564. RUUD GALLERY:Featuring works by local and regional contemporary


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JENNIFERLAKEGALLERY: Featuring paintings by Jennifer Lake; 220 W. CascadeAve., Sisters; www.jenniferlakegallery.com or 541-549-7200. JILL'S WILD (TASTEFUL) WOMEN WAREHOUSE:Featuring works by Jil lHaney-Neal;Tuesdaysand Wednesdays only; 601 North Larch St, Suite B, Sisters; www. jillnealgallery.com or 541-617-6078. JOHN PAUL DESIGNS: Featuring custom jewelry and signature series;1006 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-318-5645. JUDI'S ART GALLERY: Featuring works by Judi Meusborn Williamson; 336 N.E. Hemlock St., Suite 13, Redmond; 360-325-6230. KARENBANDYDESIGNJEWELER: Featuring fine custom jewelry and abstract paintings by Karen Bandy; 25 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Suite 5, Bend; www.karenbandy.com or 541-388-0155. LUBBESMEYER FIBERSTUDIO: Featuring fiber art by Lori and Lisa Lubbesmeyer; 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 423, Old Mill District, Bend; www. lubbesmeyerstudio.com or 541-330-0840. MARCELLO'SITALIANCUISINE AND PIZZERIA:Featuring several local artists; 4 Ponderosa Road, Sunriver; 541-593-8300. MOCKINGBIRDGALLERY: Featuring "Spirit Trails," works by Dan Chen and William Pickerd;



' •


artists; 50 S.E. Scott St., Suite 2, Bend; www.ruudgallery.com or 541-323-3231. SAGEBRUSHERS ART SOCIETY: Featuring "Small Art Works," works by art society members; through Dec. 2; 117 S.W.Roosevelt Ave., Bend; 541-617-0900. SAGE CUSTOMFRAMING AND GALLERY: Featuring mixed media by Ron Raasch; through Saturday; new exhibit, landscape and wildlife paintings by Barbara Higgins, opens Tuesday; 834 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-382-5884. SISTERSAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE: Featuring fiber art by Rosalyn Kliot; 291 E. Main Ave.; 54 I-549-0251. SISTERSARTWORKS:Featuring "Humble Healing," photography by Loraine Albertson, through November; 204 W. Adams St.; 541-420-9695. SISTERSGALLERY& FRAME SHOP:Featuring landscape photography by Gary Albertson; 252 W. Hood Ave.; www.garyalbertson.com or 541-549-9552. SISTERSPUBLICLIBRARY: Featuring works by Margery Guthrie and Paul Alan Bennett; through Wednesday; Sisters Public Library,110 N. Cedar Ave.; 541-312-1070. ST. CHARLES BEND: Featuring "Arts in the Hospital"; through Dec. 31; 2500 N.E. Neff Road, Bend; 541-382-4321. SUNRIVERAREAPUBLIC LIBRARY:Featuring "Artists of 97707"; through Nov. 3; 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1080. SUNRIVERLODGE BETTY GRAY GALLERY: Featuring "Landscapes of Central Oregon," works by Leslie Cain, Ann Rattan and Gary Vincent; through Nov. 12; 17600 Center Drive; 541-382-9398. THUMP COFFEE: Featuring mixedmedia prints and paintings by Nancie Zivetz-Gertler; through November; 25 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-388-0226. TUMALO ARTCO.:Featuring "Inspired Landscapes: Inner 8 Outer Visions," works by Dorothy Freudenberg and David Kinker; through Wednesday; 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 407, Bend; www.tumaloartco.com or 541-385-9144.

Net proceeds go to The Family Access Network





out oorS Outing shorts are trimmed versions of stories published in The Bulletinin the past several weeks. For the complete stories, plus more photos, visit www.bendbulletin.com/outing.

s fall weather

ooking for an autumn mountain bike ride'?


descends on the High v

Desert, Fort Rock State Park,

Consider Shevlin Park's six-mile Loop Trail,


the out-and-back Tumalo Creek Trail, or combine

about 90 minutes southeast

the two into one ride. Both trails provide ample

of Bend, makes a great,

views of fall foliage in what some consider to be

family-friendly outing. The

the crown jewel of Bend's parks. — Bulletin staff

fortress' dramatic sheer walls, in a crescent-shaped v

formation, tower some 300


feet high and encompass

If you go Getting there:


Shevlin Park Road



west three miles

and follow signs to park. (Be awareof


hiking trails. Not only is the

bike lanes.)

gold mine. The formation


was created between 50,000



and 100,000 years ago in a

' .

.rve rn/r$ Pv.

series of volcanic eruptions Anne Aursnd/The Bulletin file photo

area was under a lake. — Bulletin staff

On the northwestern side of Fort Rock State Park,a trail climbs up to this crack in the wall, which provides a view of other rock formations that bulge upward from an endless sea of rabbitbrush, bitterbrush, sagebrush and grasses.


-- Mountain bike trails ,r r' (;.' To Bendbt r --Loop trail a r -- Tumalo Creek trail I ' ~T u malo Creek — Footbridge

the possibility of road cyclists in the

fortress scenic, it's a geologic


event center •

Park trails

From Bend, take

about 1'/4 miles of easy

at a time when the entire


Aspen Hall

, '

Difficulty: Moderate, with some technical





Contact: Bend Park 8 Recreation

Fremont Meadow

0istrict, 541-3897275



Greg Cross/The Bulletin

FortRockState Park

Ifyou go Getting there:FromBend,drive south

R vv

Sun iver

throughLa Pine on U.S.Highway 97,then

head southeast (left) on state Route31, toward Reno. It's about 30moremiles until


Deschutes eschutes National County Forest

you turn left at Fort Rock Road. In six miles, take another left on Cabin Lake Road and

follow signs to Fort Rockparking lot.



Trail ' I

I I \



Cost:Free Information:800-551-6949 or

,' County

www.oregonstateparks.org/park 40.php

Fort RI)ck State l',ark •

,' a






Fort Rock

I ml l







County Rd. 5-11A

off e ee's :I Of20% Your Meal There's No Place Like The Neighborhood™


*not valid on 2 for $20 •


9 pm to Close

To Fort Rock~

One Free Kids Meal, per Bend -3197 C No. Hwy. 97 • Adult Entree with this coupon. • Redmond —3807 SW 21st St. Available only at Bend and Redmond loeations.

Greg Cross/The Bulletin



I TODAY PUMPKIN PATCH: Freeadmission; noon-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. CORN MAIZE: $7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 and younger; 3-7 p.m.; Central OregonPumpkinCompany,1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. AUTUMN JOURNEY:Children go on an autumn journey, meeting star guides, shepherds and more; $1 suggested donation; 6 p.m.; Waldorf School of Bend, 19888 Rocking Horse Road; 541-330-8841. AUTHORPRESENTATION:Amanda Coplin talks about her book"The Orchardist"; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books,422 S.W. SixthSt.,Redmond; 541-526-1491. "FIDDLER ON THEROOF": The Summit High School drama department presents the musical about a Jewish peasant who must marry off his three daughters while facing anti-Semitism; $10, $8 students, seniors and children; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-355-4000 or http://bend.k12. or.us/summit. "THE BRITISH INNAPOLEONICTIMES": The Central Oregon History Performers present a production set in the early 1800s, with singing, dancing and drama skits; $5, free for children12 and under; 7 p.m.; The Bridge Church of the Nazarene, 2398 W. Antler Ave., Redmond; 541-504-4233. BIGBROTHERS BIGSISTERS COMEDY BENEFIT:Comedy event featuring comics Karen Lacy and Kermit Apio; with dinner available for purchase and a silent auction; proceeds benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon; $50 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. IKE FONSECA: The Portland-based country rocker performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879. DANIEL KIRKPATRICKANDTHE BAYONETS: The indie-rock band performs, with Jaccuzi; $5; 8:30 p.m.; LiquidLounge,70 N.W .Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. (Story, Page 6)

SATURDAY Oct. 27 REDMOND GRANGEBREAKFAST:A community breakfast with scrambled eggs,pancakes and beverages; $6, $3 ages12 and younger; 7-10:30 a.m.;

Redmond Grange, 707 S.W. Kalama Ave.; 541-480-4495. HALLOWEEN CYCLOCROSSCRUSADE: Watch the obstacle-laden bicycle race; with costumed competitors, a beer garden, live music, cultural food and more; free for spectators; 8 a.m.-7 p.m.; Deschutes Brewery, 901 S.W. Simpson Ave., Bend; www.halloweencyclocross. com. PUMPKINPATCH:Free admission;9 a.m.-5 p.m.; DD Ranch, 3836 N.E. Smith Rock Way, Terrebonne; 541-548-1432 or www.ddranch.net. "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: OTELLO": Starring Renee Fleming, Johan Botha and Michael Fabiano in a presentation of Verdi's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-3826347. (Story, Page 27) CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 and younger; 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-5041414 or www.pumpkinco.com. THE "U" WORD: A lecture discussing the historical and political aspects of reproductive rights in the United States; free; 3 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1034, tinad@deschuteslibrary.org or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. VFW DINNER:A roast beef dinner; proceeds benefit local veterans; $8; 5-7 p.m.; VFW Hall, 1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend;541-389-0775. ARM WRESTLINGCHAMPIONSHIP: Arm wrestle locals and top performers in various weight classes; proceeds benefit the Friends of Oregon Badlands Wilderness; $5 admission, $20 to participate; 6 p.m., doors open at 5:30 p.m.; The Old Stone, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-322-7273. AUTHORPRESENTATION:Amanda Coplin talks about her book"The Orchardist"; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 252 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-549-0866. "FIDDLERON THE ROOF": The Summit High School drama department presents the musical about a Jewish peasant who must marry off his three daughters while facing anti-Semitism; $10, $8 students, seniors and children; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-355-4000 or http://bend.k12. or.us/summit. "THE BRITISH INNAPOLEONICTIMES": The Central Oregon History Performers present a production set in the early 1800s, with singing, dancing and drama skits; $5, free for children ages12 and younger; 7 p.m.; The Bridge Church of the





i.wh I)

Pumpkinpatchesandcornmaize: Last chance to tromp in aseaof orange.




SATURDAY Arm Wrestling Championship:Not for the heavy-handed.

SATURDAY 'Por El Flamenco':You'll have a

stomping good time.

SATURDAY CyclocrossWarehouse Party: Leave the bikes at home.

SUNDAY Monster Dash:Hopefully it won't result in a monster mash.

SUNDAY Amy Goodman:Democracy Now! Not later!

Nazarene, 2398 W. Antler Ave., Redmond; 541-504-4233. JAZZ AT JOE'S VOLUME40: The Jazz atJoe's seriespresentsThe Cavemen; registration required; $25; 7 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-977-5637, joe©jazzatjoes.com or www.jazzatjoes. com. PORTLAND YOUTHPHILHARMONIC: The youth orchestra performs, under the direction of David Hattner; proceeds benefit Bend High School; $5; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 503-223-5939 or www. portlandyouthphil.org. (Story, Page13)

CYCLOCROSS WAREHOUSEPARTY: Featuring live music, a DJ, performance troupes and more, with a"Cyclo Du Soleil" theme; proceeds benefit the Bend Paddle Trail Alliance; $10; 8 p.m.-2 a.m.; Deschutes Brewery's lower warehouse, 399 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; 541385-8606 or www.deschutesbrewery. com. "POR ELFLAMENCO":A presentation of traditional flamenco, featuring singer Jesus Montoya and dancer Savannah Fuentes; $20 plus fees, $7 children, $12 students; 8 p.m.;The Sound Garden,1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-633-6804 or www.thesoundgardenstudio.com. (Story, Page12)

SUNDAY Oct. 28 HALLOWEEN CYCLOCROSSCRUSADE: Watch the obstacle-laden bicycle race; with costumed competitors, a beer garden, live music, cultural food and more; free for spectators; 8 a.m.-7 p.m.; Deschutes Brewery, 901 S.W. Simpson Ave., Bend; www.halloweencyclocross.com. PUMPKINPATCH: Freeadmission;9 a.m.5 p.m.; DD Ranch, 3836 N.E. Smith Rock Way, Terrebonne; 541-548-1432 or www. ddranch.net. CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11,


tY, OCTOBER 26, 2012






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Ol'g. w

"JESUSCHRISTSUPERSTARUK ROCK SPECTACULAR": A screening of the Andrew Lloyd Webber rock opera, starring Ben Forster, Tim Minchin and Melanie Chisholm; $18; 7:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend;541-382-6347. (Story, Page 27)


TUESDAY Oct. 30 4



program "Democracy Now!" speaks; registration requested; $30, $25 KPOV members;noon;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541322-0863 or www.kpov.org. OREGON OLDTIME FIDDLERS: Fiddle musicand dancing;donationsaccepted; 1-3:30 p.m.; VFW Hall, 1836 S.W. Veterans Way, Redmond; 541-647-4789. THE "U" WORD:A lecture discussing the historical and political aspects of reproductive rights in the United States; free; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-3121034, tinad©deschuteslibrary.org or www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar.

BENEFITCONCERT: A performance by the country act Cloverdayle, in memory of Jen BurgessThompson; proceeds benefit Jen's family; $20 plus fees;6:30 p.m.;Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; http://cloverdayle. brownpapertickets.com. (Story, Page 3)

MONDAY Oct. 29 "BRINGOUT YOUR DEAD!" LECTURE SERIES:Featuring a presentation on "An lllustrated History of Plague"; free; 6-7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College



Way, Bend; 541-383-7786. BELLYDANCESHOWCASE: The High Desert Bellydance Guild performs belly dances in a variety of styles; free; 6:30-8 p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop 8 Ale Cafe, 1740 N.W. Pence Lane, Suite1, Bend; 541728-0703 or www.highdesertbellydance.

MONSTERDASH:A5K run to benefit Angel Flight West; with a costume contest and kids mile run; registration required; $25-$30; 10 a.m., race registration at 9 a.m.; Highland Magnet School, 701 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-1601. PUMPKIN PATCH:Freeadmission; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www. pumpkinco.com. AMY GOODMAN:The host of the news




free ages 5 and younger; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company,1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-5041414 or www.pumpkinco.com.


HISTORYPUB:A presentation by Harriet Langmas,legendary Bend clothes designer and socialite; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. THE CAPITOLSTEPS: A parody,w ith music, of contemporary politics; SOLD OUT; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org. (Story, Page 6)

WEDNESDAY Oct. 31 PUMPKIN PATCH: Freeadmission; noon-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.com. CABIN PROJECT: The Portland-based folk-pop band performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879. THE REVERENDPEYTON'S BIG DAMN

BAND:The Indiana-based country-blues act performs, with Harley Bourbon and Boxcar Stringband; $10 plus fees, $13 at thedoor;8:30 p.m.,doors openat8 p.m .; Domino Room, 51 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989.

THURSDAY Nov. 1 "BONESBRIGADE:AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY": A screening of the unrated 2012 film about a skateboarding team in the 1980s; $8; 6 p.m., doors open at 5 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com. (Story Page 27) SCOTT PEMBERTON BAND:The Portlandbased rockers perform; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. "IT'S ONLYMONEY": Preview night of Cascades Theatrical Company's presentation of the musical comedy about mixing love and money; $10; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse,148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.cascadestheatrical.org. "JESUSCHRIST SUPERSTARUKROCK SPECTACULAR": A screening of the Andrew Lloyd Webber rock opera, starring Ben Forster, Tim Minchin and Melanie Chisholm; $18; 7:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. PROPHETSOFADDICTION: The Seattlebased rock band performs; $6, plus feesin advance;8 p.m .,doorsopen at 7:30 p.m.; The Sound Garden, 1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-633-6804 or www. bendticket.com. • SU6MIT AN EVENTat www.bendbullebn. com/submitinfo or email events@bendbulletin.com.

Deadline is 10 days before publication. Questions? Contact 541 -383-0351.



planning ahea projects; free admission, $10 barbecue, $15 in advance or $25 day ofevent to race; 7:30 a.m. registration, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. NOV.2-4,7-8— "IT'S ONLY MONEY": events; Powell Butte Christian Church, Cascades TheatricalCompany's 13720 S.W.State Highway126; 541-548presentation of the musical comedyabout 3066 or www.powellbuttechurch.com. mixing love and money; $24, $18seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m. Nov. 2-3, 7-8 and NOV. 3 —ARTPARTY: View and 2 p.m. Nov. 4; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 purchase art from a variety of artists; food and drink available; a portion N.W. GreenwoodAve., Bend; 541-389of proceeds benefits the St. Charles 0803 or www.cascadestheatrical.org. Foundation and Sara's Project; free;10 NOV.3-4— WILDFIRE POTTERY a.m.-6 p.m.; Harkness-Williams home, 1 SHOWCASE: The Clay Guild of the Beech Lane, Sunriver; 541-593-2127 or Cascadeshostsan eventofcontinuous sunriversister©chamberscable.com. ceramic demonstrations, potter NOV. —3 LOCAL AND LOVIN'IT: booths with pieces for sale andmore; More than 70 vendors; blood drive for free admission; 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Nov. 3 American Red Cross, canned food drive and10a.m.-4p.m. Nov.4;Highland forSaving Grace,yoga,zumba and Magnet School, 701 N.W.Newport a fashion show; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; The Ave., Bend; 541-388-2636 or www. Riverhouse Convention Center, 2850 clayguildofthecascades.com. N.W. Rippling River Court, Bend; 541NOV.3-4— TRIBUTE TO ANDREW 317-9292 or prbystormie@hotmail.com. LLOYDWEBBER:A musical tour of NOV.3— BECOMING A HUMORIST: Andrew Lloyd Webber melodies; featuring Joel Clements talks about what it takes the Youth Choir of Central Oregon and to become ahumorist; free; 2 p.m.; choral groups from BendandSisters Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. High Schools; proceeds benefit CASAof Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1032 or www. Central Oregon; $15-$75 plus fees; 7:30 deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. p.m. Nov.3and 2 p.m. Nov.4; Tower NOV.3— BIG NIGHT IN THE BIG HOUSE: Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541A benefit for the Juniper Junction Relief 317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. Nursery; featuring Trivial "Prison" NOV.2— DIA DELOS MUERTOS Pursuit, snacks and asouvenir mug CELEBRATION: Celebrate the Day of the shot; registration requested; $35; 7-10 Dead with live music, a DJ,traditional p.m.; Deer RidgeCorrectional Institution, art installations, Mexican folkloric ballet 3929 E. Ashwood Road, Madras; and food; proceeds benefit Rise Up 541-475-2537. International and Recursos para Derechos NOV. 3 —POLYRHYTHMICS:TheSeattleHumanos; free admission; 3 p.m.; The based Afro-funk band performs, with Old Stone, 157 N.W.Franklin Ave., Bend; Eleven Eyes;$8 plusfeesinadvance,$12 541-390-6213. at the door; 8:30 p.m.; Domino Room,51 NOV.2— FIRST FRIDAY GALLERY N.W. GreenwoodAve., Bend;541-788WALK:Event includes art exhibit 2989 or www.p44p.biz. openings, artist talks, live music, wine and NOV. —4 CRANKSGIVING RIDE:A food in downtown Bendandthe OldMill scavenger hunt and race on bicycles to District; free; 5-9 p.m.; throughout Bend. purchase food items for the Bethlehem NOV.2— HIGH DESERT CHAMBER Inn; followed by an awards ceremony; MUSIC —ENLIGHTENMENTTRIO:String $20 for food donations; 11 a.m.; musicians play selections of chamber GoodLife Brewing Co., 70 S.W.Century music; $35, $10 children and students; Drive, Bend; 541-322-8768 or www. 7:30 p.m.; TheOxford Hotel, 10 N.W. bethleheminn.org. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436, NOV.4— FEMALES IN COMEDY:Sam info©highdesertchambermusic.com or Albert, an alumnus of TheSecond City in www.highdesertchambermusic.com. Chicago, shares her experience of trying NOV.2— THE INFAMOUS to make it as anactress and comedian in STRINGDUSTERS: The progressive Los Angeles; free; 2 p.m.; Sisters Public bluegrass band performs, with Polecat; Library, 110 N.Cedar St.; 541-312-1032 or $15 plus fees in advance, $20 at the www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. door; 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51N.W. NOV.6— "FOOD AND THE PARADOX OF Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or PLENTY": Learn about food production www.p44p.biz. andpathwaysand how they impactthe NOV.2— JOSH AND MER:ThePortland- development of human civilization, world based indie-rock act performs, with exploration and society; free; 2 p.m.; Bend BrokenDown Guitars;$5;8:30 p.m.; Senior Center, 1600 S.E.ReedMarket Liquid Lounge,70N.W .NewportAve., Road; 541-617-4663, ruthh©uoregon. Bend; 541-389-6999. edu or http://osher.uoregon.edu. NOV. 3 —LORD'SACREDAY:The 66th NOV.6— "THE CRISIS OF annual event features a sale of crafts, CIVILIZATION": A screening of the baked goods andart, live music, a film about the six global crises facing barbecue dinner, anauction, 10K run, 5K mankind, and how theyare related; free; walk and more; proceeds benefit church 6:30 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230

NOV. 2-NOV. 8

N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-815-6504. NOV.7— KNOW HUMOR:THE FUN 8i ART OFIMPROVCOMEDY: Learn about improvisational comedy from the local improv troupe Triage; free; 4:30 p.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-312-1032 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. NOV.7— "THE METROPOLITAN OPERA: L'ELISIR D'AMORE":Starring Anna Netrebko, Matthew Polenzani, Mariusz Kwiecien and Ambrogio Maestri in an encore performance of Donizetti's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted in high definition; $18; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. NOV.7— FEMALES IN COMEDY:Sam Albert, an alumnus of TheSecond City in Chicago, shares her experience of trying to make it as anactress and comedian in Los Angeles; free; 6:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-312-1032 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. NOV.7— THE NORTHSTAR SESSION: The California-based roots-rock band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com. NOV.8— THE LIBRARY BOOK CLUB: Read and discuss"The Sojourn" by Andrew Krivak; free; noon; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W.Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1055 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. NOV.8— THE LIBRARY BOOK CLUB: Read and discuss"State of Wonder" by Ann Patchett; free; noon; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. NOV.8— KNOW HUMOR: IS LAUGHTER THE BEST MEDICINE?: Carol Delmonico discusses the power of laughter and how it can reduce stress, boost your immune system and help youenjoy life; free; 6:30 p.m.; East BendPublic Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-312-1034.


Talks 8 classes MASTERINGYOUR FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY PART1: Learn how to use flash units to control light to your creative advantage; $69; 3-6 p.m. Nov. 10; Cascade Center of Photography, 390S.W. Columbia St., Suite110, Bend; www.ccophoto com or 541-241-2266. GETTO KNOWYOUR DIGITAL CAMERA:Learn howto use the buttons and menus on your digital camera; $69;10a.m.-1 p.m. Nov. 11; CascadeCenter of Photography, 390 S.W. Columbia St., Suite 110, Bend; www.ccophoto.com or 541-241-2266. MASTERINGYOUR FLASH PHOTOGRAPHY PART2: Learn how to use flash units to control light to your creative advantage; $69; 3-6 p.m. Nov. 11; Cascade Center of Photography, 390 S.W. Columbia St., Suite 110, Bend; www.ccophoto.com or 541-241-2266. GO PROACTING WORKSHOP: Casting director Lana Veenker leads a lecture-style workshop about how to bookan acting job; registration required; $129; 6-9 p.m. Nov. 12; Century Center, 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; toolsforactorsbend. eventbrite.com. AUDITIONINGFORTVAND FILM WORKSHOP:Casting director Lana

NOV. 9-10 —MONSTERTRUCK NATIONALS: Monster trucks compete in a variety of trick styles; $12 in advance, $15 at the gate; 7:30 p.m., gates open at 5:30p.m.;DeschutesCounty Fair& Expo Center, Hooker CreekEvent Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; www.expo. deschutes.org. NOV. 10 — "THE METROPOLITAN OPERA: THETEMPEST": Starring Audrey Luna and Isabel Leonard in a presentation of Shakespeare's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; NOV. 9-NOV. 15 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, NOV. 9-11, 14-15 — "IT'S ONLY Bend;541-382-6347. MONEY":Cascades Theatrical Company NOV. 10 —STACEYEARLEAND MARK presents the musical comedy about Thefolk artists perform; $15 mixing love and money; $24, $18 seniors, STUART: suggested donation;8 p.m .,doorsopen $12 students; 7:30 p.m. Nov. 9-10, at 7p.m.;HarmonyHouse, 17505 Kent 14-15 and 2 p.m. Nov. 11;Greenwood Road, Sisters; 541-548-2209. Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. NOV. 11 — EMPTY BOWLS: Eleventh cascadestheatrical.org. annual event features gourmet soup and NOV.9-10— FREAK MOUNTAIN a selection of artisan bowls, with live music; proceeds benefit Neighborlmpact; RAMBLERS: The Portland-based Americana group performs; free; 7 p.m.; $25 or $15 children; 11:30 a.m. and1 McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or CampusCenter,2600 N.W. College www.mcmenamins.com. Way, Bend; 541-280-0284 or www.


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Submitted photo

Casting director Lana Veenker will leadtwo acting workshops Nov. 12-13. See below for details. Veenker leads an interactive acting workshop; registration required; $229 combined price for TV and film workshop and Go Pro lecture-style workshop; 7-9 p.m. Nov. 13; Century Center, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; http://toolsforactorsbend.eventbrite. com. emptybowlsbend.org. NOV.13 — JIMBRICKMAN:The solo pianist, vocalist and composer performs "On a Winter's Night"; $44-$73 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org. NOV.14— "THE METROPOLITAN OPERA: OTELLO":Starring Renee FlemingandJohan Bothainan encore performance of Verdi's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted in high definition; $18; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium168 IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. NOV. 15 — IN THEMOOD:A1940s musical revue featuring The String of Pearls Big BandOrchestra, singers and swing dancers; $35-$59 plus fees; 3 p.m.;TowerTheatre,835 N.W . Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org. NOV. 15 — "TO KILLA MOCKINGBIRD": A screening of the1962 PG-rated film based on Harper Lee's book, with an introduction by Robert Osborne; $12.50; 7 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347 or www.fathomevents. com.




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Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin

Patrons eat their breakfast on a recent morning at the Baldy's BBQ east-side location in Bend.

• Baldy's welcomes Bend's morning crowd at new east-side restaurant By John Gottberg Anderson

Although breakfasts at Baldy's may be slanted toward the counut on B end's east side, try style — not surprising for a breakfast cafes have been restaurant that specializes in barfew and far between. becue — veggie omelets and maltWith the notable exception of ed Belgian waffles do share the the venerable Jake's Diner and a morning menu with biscuits and couple of supermarkets, it's been gravy, chicken-fried steak and hard to find anything more sub- eggs. Service is reliably efficient stantial than an Egg McMuffin on ... and even the coffee is good. the sunrise side of Pilot Butte. Opened in mid- Julyinthe former So when B r ia n D i o guardi, location of Yoko's Japanese resowner of the Baldy's BBQ group of taurant, next door to the east-side Central Oregon restaurants, saw Hola!, the new Baldy's maintains an opportunity to not only install the rustic flair of the Redmond a full-service restaurant in the Fo- and west-sideBend restaurants. rum Shopping Center, but also to But the barrel-like shape of the offer a complete breakfast menu, new dropped ceiling, when couhe took it. pled with the standing planks and For The Bulletin


Bald,s BBQ (easts-d )

wagon wheels that duplicate the two other shops, give the east-side Baldy's an ambience all its own.

Location: 2670 N.E.27th St.

Morning meal

and Sunday; lunch anddinner11 a.m.-9 p.m. every day Price range:Breakfast $6.50 to $10.99; lunch $7 to $11.50; dinner

I'm used to being greeted at the door when I visit Baldy's restaurants. With a short staff working the morning shift, that was not the case on a recent visit for breakfast. And our server initially appearedto be not quite awake. But by the time all three of us — me, my companion and the server — had enjoyed a second cup of Baldy's excellent coffee, she was smiling, friendly and quick to deliver our food exactly as we had requested it.

Continued next page

(Forum Shopping Center), Bend Hours:Breakfast 6-11 a.m. Monday to Friday, 6 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday

starters $6.50 to $9.50, entrees

$11 to $19.75 Credit cards:American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa

Kids' menu:Yes Vegetarian menu:Other than breakfasts, salads are the only option

Alcoholic deverages:Full bar

Outdoorseating: Seasonal, limited Reservations:No Contact: ww w.baldysbbq.com or 541-388-4227

Scorecard OVERALL:A-

Food:A-. Generous portions of slow-smoked meats are a better option than fish. Service:B. Service is friendly

and efficient but sometimes inattentive. Atmosphere:A-. Rustic flair extends to the barrel-like shape of a

new dropped ceiling. Value:A-. Moderate prices are matched by generous quantities.




From previous page It was better than a subsequent visit, when four servers gathered to talk as they cleared a table, all the while ignoring my attempts to attract their attention. I ordered a morning meal that I considered appropriate at a ranchstylebarbecue restaurant: chickenfried steak. The menu referred to it as "What the Marlboro Man would order." Although I'm a nonsmoker, I'm sure that's true. I once knew a male model who played that role, in fact. His name was Rocky,and he played a bit of football, college and professional, before finding his calling in a cowboy hat and sheepskin jacket. Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin Chef's choice omelette from Baldy's BBQ on Bend's east side. Yes, Rocky would have liked this. A good eight ounces of ground cube steak was lightly breaded and fried crispy, topped with white sautral Oregon. Slow-cooked on hickory, sage gravy and served with two eggs, apple, mesquite and otherhardwoods, over easy per my order. I found it the pork is hand-rubbed with an orignicely spiced and very flavorful. My inal blend of spices and smoked until only objection was that the accomthe meat falls off the bone. panying whole-wheat toast was left After basting with house-made Visit www.beudbulletiu.coml completely unbuttered. sauce,the ribs are grilled and served. restaurantsfor readers' ratings My companion's order for a chef's They are tender and tasty. I love of more than150 Central Oregon choice omelet was a bit more complithem. Likewise, barbecued chickens restaurants. cated. Still, the kitchen succeeded in are slow-smoked for hours over the giving her just what she asked for, an same woods.They come out tender egg-white omelet with ranchero sauce The fish was sprinkled with peppery and juicy. on the side, extra sour cream and a barbecue seasonings and grilled, For sides, I had three. The originalbuttermilk pancake in lieu of toast. then wrapped in a pair of white corn recipe baked beans are rich with moShe found the omelet — filled with tortillas. But we found it somewhat lasses. I was less enthused about the chorizo sausage, onion and Mon- flavorless despite a mango salsa and sweet-potato fries, which I found dry terey jack cheese, topped with sliced lime cream. and overcooked. avocado and tomato — to be tasty if A Caesar salad was fresh but basic. But thehoney jalapeno cornbread a bitgreasy. But the ranchero sauce Crisp, chilled hearts of romaine were was sweet and spicy. It made me added apiquant edge, and the accomtossed with house-made croutons and think about — you guessed it — companying hash-brown potatoes were gratedParmesan cheese in an origi- ing back again for breakfast. — Reporter: j anderson@ shaved in the kitchen and pan-fried nal, cream-based Caesar dressing. with onions. She dubbed the pancake But with no subtle flavor of anchovy bendbulletin.com one of the best she'd had in Bend, soft paste, a traditional Caesar ingredient, and not too yeasty. it lacked punch.

Next week: Little PizzaParadise

Lunch and dinner

For meat lovers

Baldy's has been around for long enough — eight years in February — that barbecue lovers know by now what they're getting in terms of lunch and dinner. But there are some newer items on the menu with which I'm not as familiar. One of them is the $8 BBQ Sundae. "It's got all the things I like, piled on top of each other," said my companion. I think of it as the Chicago version of an English shepherd's pie. Beginning with a half bowlful of house-made mashed potatoes, the "sundae" is stacked with molassesrich baked beans, a generous portion of pulled pork and a layer of coleslaw. Then it's drizzled with sauce — original or, for the adventuresome, Dioguardi's spicy Cat's Meow blend. Also relatively new to the menu are halibut tacos. Although I'm a seafood lover, however, I'm not convincedthat this is a diner's best choice at Baldy's.

When itcomes to a good barbecue restaurant, just give me the meat, baby. That's what Baldy's does best. For lunch, I ordered the Broken Top Platter, which for $9.25 gave me so much food that I put leftovers in a box for a mid-afternoon snack. Heaping portions of pulled pork and beef brisket were stacked on either half of an egg-rich bun. I suppose they could have been slapped together, but I enjoyed the two halves one by one. Of two side-dish options, I enjoyed both of my choices. The chipotle potato salad was a little too heavily dressed, but I enjoyed its peppery zing. The slaw maintained the important balance between sweet and vinegary, dry and watery. I was unable to choose between two dinners, so I compromised with a combo plate: a half-rack of baby back ribs and a half of a smoked chicken. It's the ribs that Baldy's BBQ restaurants are best known for in Cen-



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Jeremy and Tricia Pollard have opened 2nd Street Eats & Sweetsin the former Brown Bag Deli, near the corner of Norton Street in Bend. Jeremy prepares original soups and sandwich specials, along with salads and — for breakfast — boiled and baked bagels. Tricia is a chocolatier who makes hand-crafted sweets under thename Tricia' s True Confections. Open 7 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday to Friday, 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Saturday. 1289 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-617-0513. Ryley Eckersleyhas joined Jen's Garden in Sisters as chef de cuisine. Jennifer McCrystal has moved into the role of executive chef as her husband and co-owner, T.R. McCrystal, has joined Bend's Deschutes Brewery as executive chef. Jen's Garden: 403 E. Hood Ave., Sisters; www.intimate cottagecuisine.com, 5 4 1-549-2699. Deschutes Brewery 8c Public House: 1044 N.W. Bond St., Bend, www .deschutesbrewery.com,541-382-9242.




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outo town 541-687-2746. Nov. 3 —"Harvest by the Sea": Celtic Heritage Alliance; First Presbyterian Church of Newport, Newport; CONCERTS www.newportcelticfestival.com or Oct. 26 —Bassnectar/Gramatik/ 54 I -574-9366. GladkiH,Memorial Coliseum, Portland; Nov. 3 —Infamous Stringdusters, www.rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673. Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Oct. 26 —Bill Staines, First Nov. 3 —Jens Lekman, Aladdin Congregational Church, Ashland; www. Theater, Portland; TM* stclairevents.com or 541-535-3562. Nov. 4 —Cat Power, McMenamins Oct. 26 —Groundation,Wonder Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* * Ballroom, Portland; TF Nov. 7 —Datsik, McDonald Theatre, Oct. 26 —Perfume Genius,Aladdin Eugene; TW* * Theater, Portland; TF Nov. 7 —Great American Taxi/Poor Oct. 27 —Bill Charlap Trio,The Shedd Man'sWhiskey,WOW Hall, Eugene; Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd.org or www.wowhall.org or 541-687-2746. 541-434-7000. Nov. 7 —Stars, Aladdin Theater, Oct. 27— John Brown'sBody,WO W Portland; TF* Hall, Eugene; www.wowhall.org or Nov. 8 —Datsik, Roseland Theater, 541-687-2746. Portland; TW* Oct. 27 —Matt 8 Kim, Roseland Nov. 8 —Donna the Buffalo, WOW Theater, Portland; TW* Hall, Eugene; www.wowhall.org or Oct. 27 —Other Lives, Wonder 541-687-2746. * Ballroom, Portland; TF Nov. 8 —Wiz Khalifa, Memorial Oct. 28 —Billy Idol, Hult Center, Coliseum, Portland; www.rosequarter. Eugene; www.hultcenter.org or com or 877-789-7673. 541-682-5000. Nov. 9 —The Devil Makes Three, Oct. 28 —BoysLike Girls/AH-American McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Rejects,McMenamins Crystal Portland; CT* Ballroom, Portland; CT* Nov. 9 —Dropkick Murphys, Oct. 28 — Tank, Roseland Theater, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* * Portland; TW Nov. 9 —EOTO,Wonder Ballroom, Oct. 29 —Dada Life, McDonald Portland; TF* * Theatre, Eugene; TW Nov. 9 —GWAR,Roseland Theater, Oct. 30 —Dark Dark Dark/Emily Portland; TW* * Wells,Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF Nov. 9 —Harry Manx, Unitarian Oct. 30 — Waka Flocka Flame, Fellowship, Ashland; www. * Roseland Theater, Portland; TW stclairevents.com or 541-535-3562. Oct. 30 — TheToadies,McMenamins Nov. 9 —The Indigo Girls, Arlene Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. Oct. 31 —Saint Etienne, Wonder orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Ballroom, Portland; TF* Nov. 9 —Jolie Holland, WOW Nov. 1 —Benny Benassi, Roseland Hall, Eugene; www.wowhall.org or Theater, Portland; TW* 541-687-2746. Nov. 1 —Orquesta Aragon, Nov. 9 —Le Vent du Nord,The Shedd McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd.org Portland; CT* or 541-434-7000. Nov. 1, 4 —Shirley Andress, The Nov. 9 —Los Lobos,Aladdin Theater, Shedd lnstitute, Eugene; www. Portland; TF* theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. Nov.10 —Dick Hyman 8 Lindsay Nov.2 — TheAfghan W higs,Wonder Deutsch,The Shedd Institute,Eugene; * Ballroom, Portland; TF www.theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. Nov. 2 —David Wilcox, Aladdin Nov. 10 —Tyler Ward, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Theater, Portland; TM* Nov. 2 —Menomena, McMenamins Nov. 10 —Water Tower, Wonder * Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Ballroom, Portland; TF Nov. 2-3 —Vince Neil 8 Great White, Nov. 11 —Brandi Carlile/Blitzen Chinook Winds Casino Resort, Lincoln Trapper,McMenamins Crystal * City; www.chinookwindscasino.com or Ballroom, Portland; CT 888-244-6665. Nov. 11 —The Devil Makes Three, Nov. 3 —Blue October, Roseland McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Theater, Portland; TW* Nov. 11 —The Fresh Beat Band Live Nov.3 — DavidW ilcox,WOW in Concert,Hult Center, Eugene; www. Hall, Eugene; www.wowhall.org or hultcenter.org or 541-682-5000. The following is a list of other events "Out of Town."

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By Jenny Wasson The Bulletin

he Portland Opera's 2012-13 season iscentered around the theme "Larger Than Life." So, it is fitting that the season opener is Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart's "Don Giovanni," based on the legend of Don Juan. The opera runs Nov. 2, 4, 8 and 10 at the Keller Auditorium in Portland. In a relatively short life — he died at the age of35 — Mozart wrote a prolific number of works in every genre. According to Christopher Mattaliano, Portland Opera's general director, Mozart's greatest impact was on operas. His unique style "combined German depth, Italian melody and French elegance." "Don Giovanni" is by turns "thrilling, funny and tender and a masterpieceby any standard," according to a news release. The work features a libretto by dramatist Lorenzo da Ponte, who also collaborated on




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Mozart's popular operas "The Marriage of Figaro" and "Cosi Fan Tutte." Originally staged for the New York City Opera in 2009 by Christopher Alden, this version of "Don Giovanni" is set in moderntimes. The New York Times praised the production as "dark, erotic and vividly theatrical." The opera is sung in Italian with English projections. The Portland Opera continues its "Larger than Life" season with "Tosca," "Rinaldo" and "Falstaff." Ticket prices range from $20 to $135 (plus fees), depending on seat location. Due to adult content and sexual situations, the opera isrecommended for mature audiences only. For tickets, visit www.ticketmaster .com or call 800-745-3000. For more information on the Portland Opera, visit www .portlandopera.org. — Reporter: 541-383-0350, jwasson®bendbulletin.com

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out of town


* Ballroom, Portland; TF Nov. 14 —K'NAAN,Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Nov. 14 —RedHot Chili Peppers, Rose Garden, Portland; www. rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673. Nov. 14 —Steve Wfnwood/The Wood Brothers,Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.pcpa. com.

*Tickets TM: Ticketmaster, www

.ticketmaster.com or 800745-3000 TW:TicketsWest, www .ticketswest.com or 800992-8499 TF:Ticketfly, www.ticket fly.com or 877-435-9849 CT:Cascade Tickets, www


.cascadetickets.com or 800-514-3849

Oct. 30 —Maya Angelou,Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland;

Nov. 11 —Leonard Cohen,Theater of the Clouds, Portland; www. rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673. Nov. 11 —Morrfssey, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM




Oct. 27, 29 —"Gerhardt Plays Tchaikovsky":Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Nov. 2, 4, 8, 10 —"DonGiovanni": Portland Opera; Keller Auditorium, Portland; TM* Nov. 3-5 —"Mahfer's Sixth Symphony":Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Nov. 15 —"Mahfer's Resurrection":Eugene

Nov. 13 —Japandrofds, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Nov. 13 —Rebirth Brass Band/ Pofyrhythmfcs,WOWHall, Eugene; www.wowhall.org or 541-687-2746. Nov. 13 —Robert Cray, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Nov. 14 —Emmitt Nershf Band/ Head for the Hills,WOW Hall, Eugene; www.wowhall.org or 541-687-2746. Nov. 14 —TheFaint, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Nov. 14 —TheGreen, Wonder

Symphony; Hult Center, Eugene; www.hultcenter.org or 541-682-5000. Nov. 18-19 —"Sihelius' Fifth Symphony":Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Nov. 24 —"Disney in Concert: Magical Music from the Movies": Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343.

THEATER 5 DANCE Through Oct. 27 —"Tap Dogs": Created by award-winning choreographer Dein Perry; Hult Center, Eugene;www.hultcenter.org or 541-682-5000. Through Oct. 27, 31and Nov.1-3 — "BloodyVox:FreshBlood": Halloween-inspired show presented by BodyVox; BodyVox DanceCenter, Portland; www.bodyvox.com or 503-229-0627. Through Oct. 28 —Disney on


lce, Rose Garden, Portland; www. rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673. Through Oct. 28 - nQuidam": Presented by Cirque duSoleil; Matthew Knight Arena, Eugene; www.cirquedusoleil.com/quidam or 800-932-3668. Through Oct. 28,Nov.2-4 —"The Seafarer":Play byConor McPherson; Red OctopusTheaterCompany; Newport Performing Arts Center, Newport; www.redoctopustheatre. org or 541-265-2787. Through Nov. 3 —Oregon Shakespeare Festival:"Party People" (through Nov. 3) and "Troilus and Cressida" (through Nov. 4) are currently running in the New Theatre. "All the Way" (through Nov. 3), "Medea/Macbeth/Cinderella" (through Nov. 3), "Animal Crackers" (through Nov. 4) and "Romeoand Juliet" (through Nov. 4) arecurrently in production at the AngusBowmer Theatre; Ashland; www.osfashland. org or 800-219-8161. Through Nov. 11 —"The Bodyof an American":World premiere; play by DanO'Brien; Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the

Armory; Portland; www.pcs.org or 503-445-3700. Through Nov. 11 —"Seven Guitars":Play by August Wilson; Portland premiere; Artists Repertory Theatre; Morrison Stage, Portland; www.artistsrep. org or 503-241-1278. Oct. 27 —"Miss Pixie's Pets!": Presented by The Magical Moombah!; The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. Oct. 28 —"A ChorusLine": Encoreengagement oftheTony Award-winning musical; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.pcpa.com. Oct. 31-Nov. 25 —"Next Fall": Tony Award-winning play by Geoffrey Nauffts; Lord Leebrick Theatre, Eugene; Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 are preview shows; www. lordleebrick.com or 541-465-1506. Nov.1 —The Capitol Steps, Craterian Theater at The Collier Center for the Performing Arts, Medford; www.craterian.org or 541-779-3000.

Continued next page


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out of town

PAGE 24 . GO! MAGAZINE From previous page Nov. 5 —"A ChorusLine," Craterian Theater at The Collier Center for the Performing Arts, Medford; www.craterian.org or 541-779-3000. Nov. 9 —"NANDA— The Jacket": Acrobatalist ninja theater; Craterian Theater at The Collier Center for the Performing Arts, Medford; www. craterian.org or 541-779-3000. Nov. 13-Dec. 23 —"A Midsummer Night's Dream":Play by William Shakespeare; Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory; Portland; www.pcs.org or 503-445-3700.

EXHIBITS Through Nov. 11 —Portland Art Museum:The following exhibits are currently on display: "Cornerstones

of a Great Civilization: Masterworks of Ancient Chinese Art" (through Nov. 11), "APEX: Anna Fidler" (through Dec. 16), "Cindy Sherman" (through Dec. 30), "The Body Beautiful in Ancient Greek" (through Jan. 6) and "Flesh & Bone: Photography and the Body" (through Jan. 6); Portland; www.portlandartmuseum.org or 503-226-281 I. Through Nov. 15 —Maryhig Museum of Art:The following exhibits are currently on display: "British Painting from the Permanent Collection," "David Hockney: Six Fairy Tales," "Gifts from Our Ancestors" and "Ceramics from the Permanent Collection"; Goldendale, Wash.; www.maryhillmuseum.org or 509-773-3733. Through Nov. 17 —"Happy


Birthday: A Celebration of Chance and Listening":Exhibit celebrates the centennial of John Cage's birth; Portland Northwest College of Art, Portland; www.pnca.edu or 503-226-4391. Through Dec.9 —Jordan Schnitzer Museum ofArt: The following exhibits are currently on display: "Lesley Dill: Poetic Visions: From Shimmer to Sister Gertrude Morgan" (through Dec. 9), "Good Grief! A Selection from 50 Years of Original Art from Charles M. Schulz's Peanuts" (through Dec. 31) and "The History of Photography" (through Jan. 10); Eugene; jsma.uoregon.edu or 541-346-3027. Through Dec. 31 —"Timderrr! A Nostalgic Look Back at Working in the Woods":Featuring vintage photographs and rare motion

picture films; World Forestry Center Discovery Museum, Portland; www.worldforestry.org or 503-228-1367. Through Jan. 1 —Oregon Museum of Science and Industry: The following exhibits are currently on display "RACE:Are We So Different" (through Jan. 1), "Grossology: The (Impolite) Science of the Human Body" (through Jan. 6) and "Simply Beautiful: Photographs from National Geographic" (through Feb. 10); Portland; www.omsi.edu or 800-955-6674. Through Jan. 5 —Museum of Contemporary Crafts:The following exhibits are currently on display: "Design with the Other 90% Cities" (through Jan. 5) and "Reflecting on Erik Gronborg" (through Feb. 16); Portland; www.


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broadband" we're the local dog. webetterbegood.

museumofcontemporarycraft.org or 503-223-2654. Through May —"Noise!": Featuring interactive stations on sound,musicand hearing;Science Factory Children's Museum & Exploration Dome, Eugene; www.sciencefactory.org or 541-682-7888. Through December 2013 —"The Sea It Me":A new children's interactive exhibit; Oregon Coast Aquarium, Newport; www. aquarium.org or 541-867-3474. Oct. 27-28 —Howloween, Oregon Zoo, Portland; www.oregonzoo.org or 503-226-1561. Nov. 2-4 —Stormy Weather Arts Festival,Cannon Beach; www.cannonbeach.org or 503-436-2623.

MISCELLANY Through October —Harvest in the Garden:Featuring scarecrows; Family Harvest Days occur Saturdays; The Oregon Garden, Silverton; www.oregongarden.org or 877-674-2733. Through Oct. 27 —Portland 2012 National College Fair,Oregon Convention Center, Portland; www. nacacnet.org or 800-822-6285. Through Oct. 27 —Reel Music Film Festival:Featuring more than 30 films including documentaries, vintage performance clips, cutting-edge music videos and animation; presented by Northwest Film Center; Whitsell Auditorium, Portland Art Museum, Portland; www.nwfilm.org or 503-221-1 I56. Through Oct. 31 —FrightTown: Featuring three haunted houses; Rose Garden, Portland; www.rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673. Through Oct. 28 —Mt. Hood Independent Film Festival, Columbia Center for the Arts, Hood River; www.columbiaarts. org or 541-387-8877. Oct. 28 —Pumpkin Patch Party,Rogue Farms Hopyard, Independence; www.rogue.com or 503-838-9813. Nov. 2-4 —"For the Love of Mushrooms ... A Weekend Foray":Features two dinners and one lunch, lectures, guided mushroom foraging, handouts and culinary demonstrations; Oakridge Hostel 8 Guest House, Oakridge; www.oakridgehostel. com or 541-782-4000. Nov. 10-11 —FiderMania Show, Josephine County Fairgrounds, Grants Pass; www.fibermania.org. Nov. 16 —Izakaya: A Japanese food, spirits and culture festival; Jupiter Hotel, Portland; www. celebrateizakaya.com.




ension error an


• 'XCOM'is a remake that lives up to its legendary provenance By Adam Blessener Game lnformer Magazine

urn-based games have a thin line to walk in order to keep players engaged. "XCOM: Enemy Unknovtm" pulls players in so many different directions with both threats and opportunities that making the tough choices it demands is as difficult as stepping away from the nail-biting situation onscreen. Defending against "XCOM's" mysterious alien invasion is one of the most challenging, intense gaming experiences of this generation. P reventing Earth f r o m s u cMcClatcby-Tribune News Service cumbing to invading extraterres- In "XCOM: Enemy Unknown,"an alien invasion will test your ability to make the right choices. trials takes place in two phases. In the strategic view, you must manage limited time, money, and mate- b e tter at the game, it wasn't bethat have no analog in earthly 'XCOM: ENEMYUNKNOWN' rial resources to outfit your soldiers c a use I learned how many tiles a technology? 9.5 (out of 10) with up-to-date equipment, expand s n iper rifle needs between shooter Occasional line-of-sight probsatellite coverage across the globe a n d target to negate its close-range lems are the only blemishes on "XCOM's" otherwise rock-solid to keep civilian panic levels under a i m p enalty. I became a better PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC control, invest in "XCOM's" under- commander because I learned technical execution. Sometimes 2K Games, FiraxisGames ground infrastructure, and extract w h en to retreat instead of pressing you don't get a shot on an alien ESRB rating: M for Mature whatever secrets you can fr om t h e attack, the value of covering a that looks like it should be there, captured alien artifacts. This layer r e l oading soldier, and to fire off or run into a cover bonus when is more of an interstitial break be- l i m ited-use abilities whenever they you thought you had an enemy tween the randomly generated tac- m i ght grant an advantage. challenges. Even with a demigod flanked. tical missions, where the true heart The A I u nderstands these tacti- of a sniper who guns down two Multiplayer i s a ba r e bones of the game lies. cal truths as welL I was enemies per turn from across the deathmatch mode where two playREVIEW pl e asantly surprised to map and mind controls anything ers beat up on each other with Firaxis' outstanding design strips away every last notice no bad moves on that dares to get close, a single slop- squads of soldiers and/or aliens vestige of tedium from comthe aliens' parts except py turn is all that stands between customized up to a set point value. bat while maintaining the agency f o r t hose easily explained by the successand failure.N obody isever The first turn of contact tends to that makes the original suc h a e n e mies not knowing my troops' truly safe in "XCOM." determine the victor given comclassic.Though each soldier' s ac- l o cations. They have to scout your As much as I appreciate bat's extreme lethality. Only a tions are constrained to a b asic p o sitions just like you have to find "XCOM's" outstanding balance handful of maps are available, and list, the tactical possibilities are as t h em, which you can and should and tight design, the game could there'sno persistence or ranking broad as your imagination: Park a u s e to your advantage. benefit from more variety across structure. Tow a r d the end of the 20 or so the board, and notjust because I sniper up on a roof and bait theenBoth of "XCOM's" layers presemy into his killzone, set up behind h o urs a playthrough takes, you en- saw maps repeat (albeit with dif- ent life-or-death conundrums to heavy cover and breach a wall g a ge the aliens on more even terms ferent spawn locations) more of- which there is no right answer. No w ith raocket, oroccupy the enemy w i t h plasma rifles and psionic pow- ten than I'd like. Restricting the matter what you pick, something with suppression from cover while e r s of your own. With the excep- new equipment you can research or someone is going to suffer for flanking with a second team. tion of the lackluster final mission, largely to guns that do more dam- it. This kind of tension and terror Implementing these strategiesis "XCOM" maintains its difficulty age and armor that grants more rarely occurs within mainstream fast and easy thanks to "XCOM's" throughout. More and t ougher health is disappointing. The end- gaming, and almost never with clear, uncomplicated i nterface. aliensappear,terrormissions push game super-armors that let you fly this level of skill in the execution. More importantly, the tactics that y o u out of your tactical box by forc- and turn invisible break the mold, Don't let the "turn-based strategy" work make sense on an intuitive i n g you to save civilians, and a few but where are the flamethrowers, moniker scare you off; "XCOM" is level rather than being a function s e tpiece missions at certain points the flashbangs, the incendiary a singular achievement that every of learning internal math. As I got i n t h e n a rrative present unique rockets,the crazy alien weapons gamer deserves to experience.


TOP 10 ON THE PC The editors of Game Informer

Magazine rankthetopPCgames for October: 1. "XCOM: Enemy Unknown," 2K

Games 2. "Borderlands 2," 2K Games 3. "Dishonored," Bethesda Softworks 4. "Guild Wars 2," NCsoft 5. "Torchlight II," Runic Games 6. "Pro Evolution Soccer 2013," Konami 7. "World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria," Blizzard 8. "TheWalking Dead:Episode

Four — Around EveryCorner," Telltale Games 9. "FTL: Faster Than Light,"

Subset Games 10. "The Testament of Sherlock

Holmes," Focus HomeInteractive McClatcby-Tribune News Serwce

Gamingnews EA SPORTS: NEWSCANNER BOOSTS REALISM,ACCURACY A Lake Mary,Fla., company's new portable scanner ishelping EA Sports improve realism and ac-

curacy in some of its popular sports franchises, officials at thevideogame giant say. EA Sports environmental artists

and other employeeshavebeen traveling the country since August scanning stadiums, courts, putting

greens andcheerleaders using a Focus3D scanner from FAROTech-

nologies. TheFARO scanner,thesizeofa small toaster, shoots a laser beam into a rapidly spinning mirror that

captures every nook, cranny,blade of grass and other minute detail as individual points — about1 million

ofthem persecond. Thosepointscomposeanimage called a point cloud that is later

manipulated with photographsto create even more realistic-looking

environments for EA'forthcoming s "Tiger WoodsPGATour," "NCAA Football" and "NBA Live" video

games. Accuracy rules in thevideo-game industry because it helps drive the

player's experience,especially in EA's sports franchises. — Walter Pacheco,Orlando Sentinel



movies • How will you interpret 'CloudAtlas'? The answerlies inthe film's beautyanddepth ven as I w a s w a t ching "Cloud Atlas" the first time, I knew I would need to see it again. Now that I've seen it the second time, I know I'd like to see it a third time — but I no longer believe repeated viewings will solve anything. To borrow Churchill's description of Russia, "it is a riddle, wrapped in a mystery, inside an enigma." It fascinates in the moment. It's getting from one moment to the next that is tricky. Surely this is one of the most ambitious films ever made. The little world of film criticism has been alive with interpretations of it, which propose to explain something that lies outside explanation. Any explanation of a work of art must be found in it, not taken to it. As a film teacher, I was always being told by students that a film by David Lynch, say, or Werner Herzog, was "a retelling of the life of Christ," say, or "Moby Dick." My standard reply was: Maybe it's simply the telling of itself. Yet "Cloud Atlas" cries out for an explanation, and surely you've noticed that I've been tap-dancing around one. I could tell you it relates six stories taking place between the years 1849 and 2346. I could tell you that the same actors appear in different roles, playing characters of different races, genders and ages. Some are not even human but fabricants. I could tell you that the acting and makeup were so effective that often I had no idea if I was looking at Tom Hanks, Halle Berry or Jim Broadbent. I could tell you that, and what help is it? I could tell you that each segment is a refashioning of the story contained in the previous one. That the same birthmark turns up in every period of time. That a repeated motif is that all lives are connected by a thirst for freedom. That the movie was inspired by the much-loved novel of the same


Reiner Bajo /Warner Bros. Pictures via The Associated Press

Halle Berry, left, and Jlm Broadbentstar as various characters in "Cloud Atlas," an epic spanning centuries and genres.

name by David Mitchell. That in the novel, the stories were told in chronological order, and then circled back again from end to beginning. That the movie finds its connections through the reappearances ofthe same actors in different roles, and deliberately refers to one story from within another. Now are you wiser'? I'm treading water. And now could follow

ing and describing the different charactersplayed by the actors. But you would lose your way all the same because many of the performances and disguises are so cunningly effective. I could tell you that Halle Berry's work as a mid-1970s investigative reporter worked well for me, and the gnarly wisdom of Tom Hanks as an old man telling tales was the most impenetrable. I despair. I think you will want to see this daring and visionary film, directed by Lana Wachowski, Tom Tykwer and Andy Wachowski. Anywhere you go where movie people gather, it will be discussed. Deep theories will be proposed. Someone will say, "I don't know what in the hell I saw." The names of Freud and Jung will come up. And now you expect me to unwrap the enigma from the mystery and present you with a nice, shiny riddle'? Sometimes the key to one mov-

a very long paragraph introduc-

ie can be suggested by another


"Cloud Atlas" 172 minutes

R, for violence, language,sexuality/ nudity and somedrug use

What a demonstration of the magical, dreamlike qualities of the cinema. one. We know that the title refers to early drawings of the shapes and behavior of clouds. Not long ago I saw a Swedish film, "Simon and theOaks," about a day-

dreamingyoung boy who formed a bond with an oak tree. In its limbs he would lie, reading books of imagination, and then allow his eyes to rest on the clouds overhead. As he read a book about desert wanderers, th e c l ouds seemed to take shape as a ghostly caravan ofcamels in procession across the sky. I was never, ever bored by "Cloud Atlas." On m y s e cond viewing I gave up any attempt to work out the logical connections between the segments, stories and characters. What was impor-

tant was that I set my mind free to play. Clouds do not really look like camels, or sailing ships, or castles in the sky. They are simply a natural process at work. So too, perhaps, are our lives. But because we have minds and clouds do not, we desire freedom. That is the shape the characters in "Cloud Atlas" take and how they attempt to direct our thoughts. Any concrete, factual attempt to nail the film down to cold fact, to tell you what it "means," is as pointless as trying to build a clockwork

orange. But oh, what a film this is! And what a demonstration of the magical, dreamlike qualities of the cinema. And what an opportunity for the actors. And what a leap by the directors, who free themselves from the chains of narrative continuity. And then the wisdom of the old man staring into the flames makes perfect sense. — Roger Ebert isa film critic for The Chicago Sun-Times.




asin a v erie s' is ma ewl

only15. He's mentored by a neighbor, Frosty Hesson (Gerard Butler), in a standard but well-made coming-ofage drama. With Elisabeth Shue as Here's what's showing on Central his mother and Leven Rambin as his Oregon movie screens. For childhood sweetheart. Rating: Three showtimes, see listings on Page31. stars.116 minutes. (PG) "Cloud Atlas" —One of the most Reviews by RogerEbert unless otherwtse ambitious films ever made. Over a noted. period of centuries, six stories wend their way toward visionary truths. The same actors appear in different HEADS UP roles, playing characters of different "Bones Brigade: AnAutobiography" races, genders and ages. Some are — When six teenage boys came not even human, but fabricants. The together as a skateboarding team in acting and makeup were so effective the1980s, they reinvented not only that often I had no idea if I was their chosen sport but themselves looking at Tom Hanks, Halle Berry or too — as they evolved from insecure Jim Broadbent. It's probably futile to outsiders to the most influential try to extract a logical meaning from athletes in the field. The film screens the film, written and directed by Lana at 6 p.m. Thursday (doors open at 5 Wachowski, Tom Tykwer and Andy p.m.) at McMenamins Old St. Francis Wachowski. Allow your imagination School in Bend. Cost is $8. (no MPAA to play. Rating: Four stars. 172 rating) minutes. (R) — Synopsis from McMenamins "Fun Size" —It's funny how the beloved movies of one's less politically "Jesus Christ Superstar UK Rock correct youth turn out to have a lot Spectacular" —This special inmoreedgeto them onceyoushow theater event features rising star them to your own kids. "Backto the actor/singer Ben Forster as Jesus, Future" has more sexuality than Tim Minchin as Judas Iscariot, and you remember, and little blasts of Melanie Chisholm (aka Mel C from profanity. "Adventures in Babysitting," the Spice Girls) as Mary Magdalene. "Bad News Bears" and "Goonies," "Jesus Christ Superstar" originally even more. "Fun Size" is in that opened in the West End in1972 and tradition — at least in terms of the has been reimagined to capture naughty stuff that tweens and teens today's audiences with the classic will snicker over. Pity it isn't as much musical numbers that you are sure to rememberand love.Theevening begins fun as its title implies. Victoria Justice jumps from Nickelodeon to the big with an exclusive special in-depth screen with a PG-13 romp that only interview with Andrew Lloyd Webber rarely romps, a movie that surrounds as he reflects on this epic musical. the lovely19-year-old with funny The production was pre-recorded by Universal Pictures on Oct. 4 and 5 atthe people and struggles to find them laughs. "Fun Size" waddles along at National Indoor Arena in Birmingham, half-speed, never building momentum. England. "Jesus Christ Superstar" Even the good gags are robbed of their screens at 7:30 p.m. Monday and Thursday at the Regal Old Mill Stadium punch by the pedestrian way this thing was shot and cut. Rating: Two stars. 16 & IMAX in Bend. Cost is $18. 87 minutes. (PG-13) — Synopsis from National CineMedia — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Tribune "The Metropolitan Opera: Otellc" News Service — Verdi's Shakespearean masterpiece "Silent Hill: Revelation" —On the returns to The Metropolitan Opera eve of her18th birthday, a young with Johan Botha in the title role opposite the acclaimed Desdemona of woman troubled by nightmares and the disappearance of her father is star soprano ReneeFleming. Semyon Bychkov conducts. "The Metropolitan transported to a demonic realm. With Sean Bean, Deborah Kara Opera: Live in High-Definition" series Unger, Radha Mitchell and Adelaide features 12 opera performances Clemens. Written and directed by transmitted live in high-definition to movie theaters around the world. The Michael J. Bassett. "Silent Hill: event screens at 9:55 a.m. Saturday at Revelation" was not screened in the Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 IMAX advance for critics. This film is available locally in 3-D. 94 minutes. in Bend. Tickets are $24 for adults, (R) $22 for seniors and $18 for children. (no MPAA rating) — Synopsis from LosAngeles Tim es — Synopsis from TheMetropolitan Opera "V/H/S" —An exercise in the increasingly tiresome "found-footage" horror film genre, in which five not very compelling stories on low-tech WHAT'S NEW VHS tape are cobbled together into feature length with a surrounding "Chasing Mavaricks" —Based on linking story. Murky and not easily the "real life" story of Jay Moriarity comprehensible. Rating: One star. 104 (Jonny Weston), a legendary surfer minutes. (R) who conquered a horrifying wave north of Santa Cruz when hewas Continued next page


• A familiar teen coming-of-agestory is balancedout with impressivewave action 'll begin by putting my cards on the table. Although I can understand why surfing has its charm, there was also a moment in "Chasing Mavericks" when it seems to embody insanity. After once-in-a-decade weather conditions cause already legendary waves north of Santa Cruz to swell to terrifying proportions, a reasonable surfer would stay on the beach. Not this hero. Surfingmakes them "feelmore alive," surfers say, but after a look at the legendary Mavericks, one fears that would be a fleeting feeling just before death. These waves at their peak are as tall as a fivestory building, to fall and smack into one would be like hitting a concrete wall, and to be buried in one means having tons of water above you. Being able to hold your breath for four, preferably five minutes is a basic requirement. This movie tells the "real life" story of Ja y M o r iarity (Jonny Weston), a legendary surfer who conquered Mavericks when he was only 15. What's more, he didn't warm up when the wave was at its usual horrifying height, but when nobody had ever seen it more powerful. The story involves his training by a veteran surfer who lives nearby, Frosty Hesson (Gerard Butler). The only reason Frosty agrees to do this is that he realizes Jay will be compelled to try the wave sooner or later, and the experienced man decidesto share hisknowledge to spare the kid a likely death. The surrounding story employs a checklist of obligatory elements from Teen Coming-of-Age Movies: (1) Jay's father abandoned him and his mother, leaving behind only a note Jay is afraid to read; (2) his depressed mom, Kristy (Elisabeth Shue), constantly oversleeps and

misses work; (3) he's had a crush since childhood on Kim (Leven Rambin), who likes him as apalbut

flirts with other guys; (4) he adopts

John P. JohnsonI Twentieth Century Fox via The Associated Press

Gerard Butler, left, and Jonny Westonstar in "Chasing Mavericks."


Although it is written and acted with more skill

than many coming-ofage tales, this is pretty much a formula picture.

"Chasing Mavericks" ing-of-age tales, this is pretty much a formula picture, and it's surprising to find it was directed by two and some perilous action considerable talents: Curtis Hanson, who made "L.A. Confidential," Frosty as a father figure; (5) he's and Michael Apted ("Coal Miner's bullied by one of those standard Daughter" and the "Up" documenmovie creeps (Taylor Handley) taries). I learn that Apted stepped who travel with a posse and pick in after Hanson was sidelined for fights; (6) his best friend develops health reasons. a drug problem; and (7) conquerThe project was co-produced ing Mavericks would allow him to by Butler, who gets top billing, alprove himself to Frosty, Kim, the though Weston is actually the star bully and presumably his absent and makes a sympathetic and befather. lievable one. Seems to me I've heard about There's this to be said: "ChasMavericks from o t her s u rfing ing Mavericks" is made with more movies. In this one, it is considered care and intelligence than many by most surfers to be only a legend, another film starting with its tembut Frosty and three friends keep plate might have been. It's better it as their own secret. Figuring than most movies targeted at teens. this out, Jay holds onto the top of And the cinematography of the big Frosty's van and hangs on for the Mavericks scene by Oliver Euclid all-night drive, after which Frosty and Bill Pope is so frightening that understands there will be no deal- you sort of understand why Frosty ing with this kid, and begins to stays on the shore watching Jay train him. with binoculars. — Roger Ebert isa film critic Although it is written and acted with more skill than many comfor The Chicago Sun-Times. 116 minutes PG, for thematic elements




From previous page



course, where the first one ended. Yet"Part II" is more of a restart than a continuation, with a new STILL SHOWING director and an all-new cast. The thing that remains, alas, is the "Alex Cross" —In the first film hallowed text: Ayn Rand's bloated he's appeared in that isn't his own 1957 novel about a future in which personal work, Tyler Perry plays a the really worthwhile people Detroit police detective on the trail withdraw from a world threatened of a savagely sadistic serial killer by "the looters." The faster (Matthew Fox). His cop's intuition pace, livelier cast and improved is almost comically excellent, the production values make "Part II" action scenes are confusing and less of a slog than the first movie. the plot meanders. With Cicely But there's only so much the Tyson,Edward Burns,Jean Reno filmmakers can do with the novel's and John C. McGinley. Rating: Two antiquated story and didactic stars. 101 minutes. (PG-13) dialogue. This film was not given a "Argo" —Ben Affleck directs and star rating. 112 minutes. (PG-13) stars in the incredible true story — Mark Jenkins, TheWashington Post Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures of how, at the height of the Iranian "Beasts of the Southern Wild" Ben Affleck stars as CIA agent Tony Mendez in the dramatic hostage crisis, a CIAagent and a — Cut off from the Louisiana thriller "Argo." couple of Hollywood professionals mainland, surrounded by rising dreamedupacockamamie scheme waters, the Bathtub is a desolate to free six Americans who were not wilderness of poverty where a small power, he travels from Alaska to territory. Instead of such inventive being held in the American Embassy community struggles to survive. Manila, fighting off wolves, drone stories as "Up" and "WALL-E," we but had found refuge with the A small girl named Hushpuppy missiles and assassination, while get a spunky princess, her mum the Canadian Embassy. Kept top secret hooking up with Dr. Marta Shearing queen, her dad the gruff king, an old (Quvenzhane Wallis) fiercely for18years, the operation created asserts herself in this wasteland, (Rachel Weisz), a biochemist who witch who lives in the woods and a fake sci-fi production named knows all about the medication. so on. The artistry looks wonderful. in a film of great imagination and "Argo," convinced the Iranians it beauty. One of the year's best films. The action scenes are gripping in Kids will probably love it, but parents was real and used it to spirit the the moment, but go on too long will be disappointed if they're hoping Directed by BenhZeitlin. Rating: Americans out of the country. With Four stars. 93 minutes. (PG-13) and don'tadd up; the dialogue for another Pixar ground-breaker. lots of tension and also some humor scenes (with Edward Norton, Stacy Rating: Three stars. 100 minutes. "The Bourne Legacy" —Jeremy from John GoodmanandAlan Arkin Keach and Scott Glenn), are well(PG) Renner plays another secret super asthe Hollywood pros involved. acted; the plot is a murky muddle. "Chicken With Plums" —A agent like Jason Bourne, who Rating: Four stars. 120 minutes. (R) Rating: Two and a half stars.135 realizes he's been targeted for grand romantic life storyabout "Atlas Shrugged: Part H" —The love, loss, regret, and the sadness elimination. To save himself and the minutes. (PG-13) second installment of the "Atlas experimental medication that gives "Brave" —The newanimation from that can be evoked by a violin Shrugged" trilogy picks up, of Pixar poaches on traditional Disney — not only through music, but him great physical and mental through the instrument itself. It is all melancholy and loss, and delightfully comedic, with enough but not too much magic realism. The story as it stands could be the scenario for an opera. Starring Mathieu Amalric as a master violinist who finds and loses true love. Co-written and directed by Oscar nominees Marjane Satrapi and Vincent Paronnaud. Rating: Four stars. 91 minutes. (PG-13) egnd of Watch" —Oneof the best Thursday, November 8th police movies in recent years, a Presentationat 5pm, virtuoso joining of performances and startling action. It stars Jake followed by Girls Night Out Gyllenhaal and Michael Penaas event at 5:30-7:30. Taylor and Zavala, two Los Angeles streetcops who bend afew rules but Please RSVP, attendance is limited. must be acknowledged as heroes. They're transferred to a tough Join us for an evening of wine, district, where their persistence appetizers, and amazing specials leads them to a Mexican drug cartel on Restylane, Dysport, Latisse, operating in L.A. This is really an assignment for a detective, but they Obagi and more! don'tavoid risk, and eventually become so dangerous to the cartel C ALL TO DAY TO 5 4 'I -312-32 2 3 thata hit is ordered against them. Rating: Four stars. 109 minutes. (R) eprankenweenie" —Young Victor 'itte ~ er t in Facia(SCastic Surgery Frankenstein loves his dog, Sparky, 431 NE Revere Ave, STE 110 and when the mutt runs into traffic ! and is blindsided, Victor takes 54t-312-3223 inspiration from a science class and WWW.CASCADEFACES.COM re-animates his pet using lightning

Join us for Girls Night Out



Michael E Villano MD, FACS

bolts. Tim Burton's stop-action b&w comedy takes its inspiration from "The Bride of Frankenstein"

and other horror movies, and the character of Mr. Rzykruski, the science teacher, is certainly modeled on Vincent Price. With the voices of Martin Landau, Catherine O'Hara and others. This film is available locally in 3-D. Rating: Three stars. 87 minutes. (PG) "HereComes the Boom" — Kidfriendly funnyman Kevin James is at his cuddliest in "Here Comes theBoom."Andhe hasto be.This amusing but sometimes unsettling comedy marries the teacher-turnsto-mixed martial arts mayhem of "Warrior" to that wholesome family dramedy "Mr. Holland's Opus." It works, after a fashion. But that doesn't mean you won't wince. James plays ScottVoss,a Boston high school biology teacher who is a decade past his "Teacher of the Year" days. But he's touched by seeing that rare colleague who is still inspired and inspiring. And when put-upon Mr. Streb (Henry Winkler) and his music program are the first things on the chopping block when Principal Betcher (Greg Germann) has to slash the budget, Scott is moved to act. Rating: Two and a half stars. 105 minutes. (PG) — Roger Moore, McCtatchy-Tribune News Service "Hope Springs" —Tommy Lee Jones and Meryl Streep play a couple whose marriage has frozen into a routine. Every day starts with his nose buried in the newspaper and ends with him asleep in front of the Golf Channel. They haven'tslept in the same room for years. She convinceshim overhisowndead body to attend a couples therapy session at a Maine clinic run by Steve Carell. The movie contains few surprises, but one of them is Jones' excellent performancevulnerable, touchy and shy. Rating: Three stars. 100 minutes. (PG-13) "Hotel Transylvania" —Welcome to the "Hotel Transylvania," where youcancheck outanytimeyou like, butyou will never laugh. With apologies to TheEagles, "almost never." Sony Animation got into the Adam Sandler business this time out. The "Cloudy With a Chanceof Meatballs" folks must never have seen "Eight Crazy Nights," Sandler's first effort at turning his "gift" for funny voices into a cartoon. It's a good-looking, laugh-starved farce that puts Dracula (Sandler) in charge of a hotel for monsters — "Human-free since1895" — and makes him an overprotective single father with a teenagedaughter (Selena Gomez). This "Hotel" was never going to earn a 4-star rating. But maybe under different management ... Rating: Oneanda half stars. 90 minutes. (PG) — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Trtbune News Service

Continued next page



From previous page "Looper" —A smart and tricky sci-fi story that sidesteps the paradoxes of time travel by embracing them. The movie takes placein 2044 and2074.Although time travel is declared illegal once it has been discovered, a crime syndicate cheats and uses it as a method for disposing of its enemies. Joseph GordonLevitt plays Joe, the triggerman in 2044. Bruce Willis plays Old Joe, sent back from the future. Emily Blunt lives on the Kansas farm where they coincide in time. "Looper" weaves between past and present in a way that gives writer-director Rian Johnson and his actors opportunities to create a surprisingly involving narrative. Rating: Three and ahalf stars. 119 minutes. (R) "The Master" —Paul Thomas Anderson's film is fabulously well-acted and crafted, but when I reach for it, my hand closes on air. It has rich material and isn't clear what it thinks about it. It has two performances of Oscar caliber, but do they connect? Its title character is transparently inspired by L. Ron Hubbard,thefounder of Scientology, but it sidesteps any firm vision of the cult religion itself — or what it grew into. It isn't boring, but it isn't satisfying. Oscar-worthy work by Philip SeymourHoffman and Joaquin Phoenix. Rating: Two and a half stars. 136 minutes. (R) "Paranormal Activity 4" —The weakest, most derivative and funniestfilm in the "Paranormal Activity" quartet still can claim that a few of its cheap-jolts-thatpass-for-frights work. "Paranormal Activity 4" isn't content to merely recycle gags and bring back characters from the earlier films in the most successful "found footage" series of them all. Because that plainly isn't enough. Now, they're shoehorning homages to "The Shining" into it, and delivering that staple of modern horror, horny teenagers, to the peril. This film is available locally in IMAX. Rating: One and ahalf stars. 89 minutes. (R) — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Tnbune News Service "ParaNorman" —"ParaNorman" is a stop-motion animated marvel from some of the same folks who gave us "Coraline" and "Corpse Bride," and it wears its bloodlines with pride. It's that rare kids' movie with edge, a witchy, witty romp that could frighten the very youngestmoviegoersand makes parents blanch at some of the jokes. This isn't "Ice Age," children. "ParaNorman," written by Chris Butler, an artist who worked on "Corpse Bride" and "Coraline,"

Peter lovino/ Universal Pictures via AP

Rebel Wilson sings a soloin the comedy "Pitch Perfect." and co-directed by Butler and Sam Fell ("Flushed Away"), wears its anarchy well. They've made a genuinely spooky movie. Rating: Three stars. 93 minutes. (PG) — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Tribune News Service "The Perks of Being a Wallflower" —Logan Lerman stars as an alienated freshman in high school who sees himself as a chronic outsider, and is befriended by a group of older kids who embrace their nonconformist status. The group is led by half-siblings Sam and Patrick, played by EmmaWatson in her own coming-of-age after the Harry Potter movies, and Ezra Miller, who was remarkable as an alienated teenager in "We Need to Talk About Kevin." They're artsy outsiders and teach Charlie it's OKto be who he is. Written and directed by Stephen Chbosky, basedon his own novel.Rating: Three and a half stars. 103 minutes. (PG-13) "Pitch Perfect" —A 20something song-and-dance movie built around rival a cappella groups. Anna Kendrick stars as Beca, who dreams of trying her luck in LA, but makes a deal with her dad to try one year of college. She's recruited by an acappella group also including Brittany Snow, Anna Campand the scenestealer Rebel Wilson as Fat Amy. Lots of music, a little routine young romance and, of course, the national finals at the end. Rating: Two stars. 112 minutes. (PG-13) "Searching for Sugar Man" — About a man who was known onlyby his m usic,named Rodriguez, whose face was halfhidden by long, flowing hair and dark glasses; he sang in folk music bars with his backturned to the audience. His first album got a rare four-star review from Billboard. Neither it nor the second one sold well, and the story seemed to end there. But several years

later his albums traveled half the world away to South Africa, where bootleg copies passed from hand to hand and his songs became anthems of the anti-apartheid movement. He outsold Elvis and the Beatles. Yet the real Rodriguez remained a mystery, and this documentary — spellbinding and inspirational — is about the search for the real man. Rating: Four stars. 86 minutes. (PG-13) "Seven Psychopaths" — Colin Farrell stars as a blocked Hollywood screenwriter who finds inspiration from a loony group of psychopaths, some in his life and some in his imagination. Christopher Walken excels as a professional dog-napper, Sam Rockwell is his partner and Woody Harrelson is a relentless gangster who comes looking for Bonny, his beloved Shih Tzu, which they hold as hostage. Inspired goofiness written and directed by Martin McDonagh ("In Bruges").

GO! MAGAZINE PAGE 29 Rating: Three and a half stars. I09 minutes. (R) "Sinister" —A story made of darkness, mysterious loud bangs in the attic, distant moans from the dead, vulnerable children, an egomaniacal crime writer and his long-suffering wife, who is plenty fed up — even before she discovers he has moved his family into the same house where horrifying murders took place. Ethan Hawke stars as the bestselling true crime writer, Juliet Rylance is his increasingly alarmed wife and their children experience night terrors and sleepwalking. Few films have ever been bathed in so much darkness. Rating: Three stars. 109 minutes.(R) "Taken 2" —They say that the family that's kidnapped together, stays together, and Liam Neeson, MaggieGrace and Famke Janssen are back in a pumped-up sequel to "Taken" (2008). This time the whole family is kidnapped bythe

4i~ a

vengeance-minded Krasniqi (Rade Sherbedgia), whose son was killed by Neeson in the earlier film (after the son attempted to turn the girl into a sex slave, to be sure). First-rate chases tear through (and up) Istanbul, and Neeson does some amazing, lifesaving mental calculations. Rating: Three stars. 91 minutes. (PG-13) "Trouble With the Gurve" —Clint Eastwoodplays Gus,anaging baseball scout who leads a lonely life, driving between small cities, sitting in the stands of minor league clubs, living in budget motels, but he loves it. Failing eyesight threatens his career, and his concerned daughter (Amy Adams) joins him on the road and meets her dad's onetime discovery (Justin Timberlake). John GoodmanplaysGus'loyalboss at the Atlanta Braves. The story's payoff is classic movie gold. Rating: Three stars. 111 minutes.




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L C) KD'& A C K K D A Y Powell Butte Christian Church

137ZO SW Hwy. 126 • powell Butte

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9 '" Annual Lord's Acre 10k run and 5k wa l k Registration and packet pick-up begins at 7:30 a.m.; Race begins at 9 a.m.

9:00 a.m.

10K run/Sk walk (registration/packet pickup zr aO a.m.)

9:oo a.m.

Hom e m ade pie by the slice and coffee available on the church grounds.

10:oo a.m.

Country Store sales start in school ttym ar cafeteria (Preview begins ar 9 a.ma

Country Store Open for Sales Preview at 9 a.m., then all the action begins at 10 a.m. Featuring a large selection of handmade crafts, homemade pies, cinnamon rolls and candy. Meat department consists of b eef, pork, lamb products and our famous Lord's Acre breakfast sausage!

10raO a.m.

Co n c ert begins in the Worship Center.

llraO a.m.

Ba r b ecue pit opening ceremony.

12:oo p.m.

Pit barbeccue dinner serving starts. Includes beef, lamb and ham, plus au the fixin's.

1rao pm.

Lord's Acre Auction starts in the school ttym.

Pit Sarbecue Partake in the opening ceremony at i t:30 a.m. with serving starting promptly at 12-noon. It is Central Oregon's best barbecue and includes roast beef,harn and lamb, plus baked beans, baked potatoes and all the fixin's. Crafts Auction This old-fashioned country auction begins at the school gymnasium at t:30 p.m. It includes hand-quilted and hand-tied quilts, along with afghans, comforters and various donated items, along with firewood and ttay. Something for everyone.




N EW D V D B LU - R A Y R EL E A S E S The following movies were released theweek of Oct. 23.

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"Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter" —Vowing vengeance after a vampire kills his mother, Abe Lincoln (Benjamin Walker) learns the skills of vampire-killing while a young law student in Springfield, III., and goes on a murder spree, chopping off the heads of six vampires with the silver blade of his ax, which he can twirl like a baton. During the Civil War, the Union faces defeat because the vampires are fighting on the Confederate side, but Lincoln's

quick thinking and vampire expertise turns the tide of battle at Gettysburg. The movie handles these matters with straightforward seriousness, which may bethe only way they could possibly work. A scene on a speeding train is genuinely thrilling, and the movie is surprisingly entertaining, if you forget everything you know about American history. Co-starring Anthony Mackie, Dominic Cooper, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Rufus Sewell. Based on the bestseller by Seth Grahame-Smith. DVD Extras: One featurette and audio commentary; Blu-ray Extras: Two additional featurettes and a music video. Rating: Three stars. 105 minutes. (R) "Magic Mike" — Steven Soderbergh's film is a crafty mixture of comedy, romance,

melodrama and some remarkably well-staged strip routines involving hunky, good-looking guys. I have a feeling women will enjoy it more than men. Channing Tatum stars as the title character, Matthew McConaughey is the no-nonsense impresario, Alex Pettyfer is a kid recruited into the business, and Cody Horn is his protective sister. Starts asa backstage comedy,and enters darker realms. DVDExtras: One featurette; Blu-ray Extras: Additional extended dance scenes and danceplay mode.Rating:Three stars. 110 minutes. (R) "Seeking a Friend for the End of the World" —An asteroid 70 miles wide will slam into the Earth in three weeks. Steve Carell plays a lonely insurance agent whose wife has taken this opportunity to leave him, and Keira Knightley is


the neighbor who joins him on a road trip. Writer-director Lorene Scafaria uses the approaching apocalypse as the occasion for satire and some sweet, melancholy romance. Also starring Adam Brody, Rob Corddry, Patton Oswalt, Derek Luke. DVD and Blu-ray Extras: Two featurettes, outtakes and audio commentary. Rating: Three stars. 101 minutes.

(R) ALSO THIS WEEK: "Madea's Witness Protection" and "Wild Horse, Wild Ride" COMING UP:Movies scheduled for national release Oct. 30 include "The Campaign," "First Position," "Safety Not Guaranteed" and "Ruby Sparks." — "DVOand Bfu-raVExtras" from wire andonline sources

Courtesy Stephen Vaughan /MCT

Benjamin Walker stars in the title role of Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter."


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M E S • Fo r t he meekf oOct. 26

EDITOR'S NOTES: • Accessibility devices areavailableforsome


movies at Regal Old Mill Stadium 168 /MAX.

Regal Pilot Butte 6 2717 N.E. U.S.Highway20, Bend, 541-382-6347

ARGO (R) Fri-Sat: 1:15, 3:50, 6:25, 9 Sun-Thu:1:15, 3:50, 6:25 ATLAS SHRUGGED:PART II (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 12:15, 6:15 BEASTS OF THESOUTHERN WILD(PG-13) Fri-Thu: 1, 7 CHICKEN WITH PLUMS (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 3:15, 8:45 Sun-Thu: 3:15 END OFWATCH(R) Fri-Sat: 12:30, 3:30, 5:55, 8:50 Sun-Thu: 12:30, 3:30, 5:55 THE MASTER (R) Fri-Sat: Noon, 3, 6, 8:55 Sun-Thu: Noon, 3, 6 THE PERKSOFBEINGA WALLFLOWER (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, 9:05 Sun-Thu: 12:45, 3:45, 6:45 SEARCHINGFOR SUGAR MAN (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 4, 9:10 Sun-Thu:4

RegalOld Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347

ALEX CROSS (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 1:55, 4:55, 7:30, 10:05 ARGO (R) Fri-Thu: 12:05, 3, 6, 9 CHASING MAVERICKS(PG) Fri-Thu: 12:15, 3:05, 6:05, 9:05 CLOUD ATLAS (R) Fri-Thu: Noon, 4, 7:45 FRANKENWEENIE (PG) Fri-Thu: 12:55, 4:05, 6:35, 9:25 FUN SIZE(PG-13) Fri-Thu: 12:45, 3:35, 6:30, 9:20 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG) Fri-Thu: 2, 4:30, 7:10, 9:45 HOTELTRANSYLVANIA3-D(PG) Fri-Wed: 3:30, 9:15 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA(PG) Fri-Wed: 12:35, 6:20 Thu: 12:35, 3:30 JESUS CHRISTSUPERSTARUK ROCKSPECTACULAR(no MPAA rating) Mon, Thu: 7:30 LOOPER (R) Fri-Sun, Tue-Thu: 3:20, 9:30 Mon: 3:20 THE METROPOLITANOPERA: OTELLO (no MPAA rating) Sat: 9:55 a.m. PARANORMAL ACTIVITY4 IMAX(R) Fri-Thu: 1:45, 4:45, 7:55, 10:15



• r e e

additional fee for 3-D and IMAX films. • Movie times are

The Lovely Bones

subject tochangeafter press time.

O ctcbcilt

Mon-Thu: 6:15 PITCH PERFECT (PG-13) Fri: 5:15, 7:45 Sat: 2:45, 5:15, 7:45 Sun: 1:45, 4:15, 6:45 Mon-Thu: 6:30


~IN HD ~

Magic Mike Oct. 23



Madras Cinema 5

~IN HD ~

1101 S.W. U.S.Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505

Mary Cybutskt / Universal Pictures wa The Associated Press

Rachel Weisz stars as Dr. Marta Shearingand Jeremy Renner stars as Aaron Cross in "The Bourne Legacy." PARANORMAL ACTIVITY4 (R) Fri-Thu: 1:40, 4:40, 7:45, 10:10 PITCH PERFECT (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 12:20, 3:15, 6:15, 9:10 SILENT HILL:REVELATION(R) Fri-Thu:1:30 SILENTHILL:REVELATION

3-D (R)

Fri-Thu: 3:55, 7:15, 10 SINISTER(R) Fri-Thu: 1:25, 4:10, 7:20, 9:55 SEVENPSYCHOPATHS(R) Fri-Thu: 1:05, 4:15, 6:55, 9:35 TAKEN 2(PG-13) Fri-Thu: 1:15, 4:25, 7, 9:40 TROUBLEWITHTHE CURVE (PG-13) Fri, Sun, Tue-Thu: 12:30, 6:45 Sat:6:45 Mon: 12:30

McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562

THEBOURNELEGACY(PG-13) Fri, Sun, Tue-Wed: 6 BRAVE (PG) Sun: Noon PARANORMAN (PG) Sun, Wed:3

V/H/S(R) Fri, Sun, Tue-Thu: 9:15

Due to the HalloweenDance Party, no movies will be shown Saturday. Due to MondayNight Football, no movies will be shown Monday."Bones Brigade:An Autobiogr aphy"screensat6p.m. Thursday (doors open at 5p.m.) After 7 p.m., shows are 21and older only. Younger than 21 may att end screeningsbefore 7 p.m. ifaccompanied bya legal guardian.

Tin Pan Theater 869 N W Tin Pan Alley Bend, 541-241-2271

As of press time, complete movie times were unavailable. For moreinformation, visit www. tinpantheater com.

REDMOND Redmond Cinemas 1535 S.W. DdemMedoRoad, Redmond, 541-548-8777

FUN SIZE(PG-13) Fri: 4:45, 6:45, 8:45 Sat-Sun: 10:45 a.m., 12:45, 2:45, 4:45, 6:45, 8:45 Mon-Thu: 4:45, 6:45 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG) Fri: 4:45, 7, 9:15 Sat-Sun: 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7, 9:15 Mon-Thu: 4:45, 7

HOTELTRANSYLVANIA(PG) Fri: 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 Sat-Sun: 11:15 a.m., 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7: I5, 9:15 Mon-Thu: 5:15, 7:15 PARANORMAL ACTIVITY4 (R) Fri:5,7,9 Sat-Sun:11a.m.,1,3,5,7,9 Mon-Thu: 5, 7

SISTERS Sisters Movie House 720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800

FUN SIZE(PG-13) Fri:5,7,9:05 Sat: 3, 5, 7, 9:05 Sun:1,3,5,7 Mon-Thu: 5, 7 PARANORMAL ACTIVITY4 (R) Fri: 5:30, 7:30, 9:35 Sat: 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:35 Sun: 1:25, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30 Mon-Thu: 5:30, 7:30 SILENT HILL:REVELATION(R) Fri: 4:50, 7:10, 9:25 Sat: 2:30, 4:50, 7:10, 9:25 Sun: 12:10, 2:30, 4:50, 7:10 Mon-Thu: 4:50, 7:10

• r t r


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CHASINGMAVERICKS(PG) Fri: 4:15, 6:40, 9:10 Sat: 1:5O, 4:15, 6:4O,9:1O Sun: 1:50, 4:15, 6:40 Mon-Thu: 4:15, 6:40 FRANKENWEENIE 3-D (PG) Fri: 4:35, 6:50, 9 Sat: 2:20, 4:35, 6:50, 9 Sun: 12:15, 2:20, 4:35, 6:50 Mon-Thu: 4:35, 6:50

• r r

Now Avai lableonVideo on Demand


Lincoln: Vampire Hunter Oct. 23 AVAILABLE IN HD


MA'DEA rvrrsesssI'keTscYloÃ


Madea's Witness Protection



Campaign Oct. 30 1

ARGO(R) Fri: 4:45, 7:30 Sat: 2:30, 5, 7:30 Sun: 1:30, 4, 6:30 Mon-Thu: 6:15 FRANKENWEENIE (PG) Fri: 5, 7:15 Sat: 3, 5:15, 7:15 Sun: 2, 4:15, 6:15 Mon-Thu: 6 HOPE SPRINGS (PG- I3) Fri: 5:15 Sat: 2:45 Sun:1:45 LOOPER (R) Fri: 7:30 Sat: 5, 7:30 Sun: 4:30, 6:30


PRINEVILLE Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineville, 541-416-1014

HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG) Fri-Sun: 1, 3:20, 6, 8:20 Mon-Thu: 4, 7 TROUBLE WITH THECURVE (UPSTAIRS — PG-13) Fri-Sun: 1:10, 4, 7 Mon-Thu: 6 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.

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