Serving Central Oregon since1903 75 $
MONDAY November 26,2012
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Recor sum in Houseraces;will it change'? • Oregon is one of 4 states that imposeno limits on campaign contributions By Lauren Dake The Bulletin
SALEM — The two words seem to go hand in hand: money and politics. Across the nation,there were headlines of record-breaking
eder care
amounts of money being raised and spent this campaign season. In Oregon, with the control of the House in play, an analysis by The Oregonian showed a record $17.2 million was spent in House races.
The cash competition wasn't as fierce in Central Oregon as it was in some ofthe Portland-metro races, but our delegation — Reps. Jason Conger, of Bend; Mike McLane, of Powell Butte; John Huffman, of The Dalles; and Gene Whisnant, of
Sunriver — still brought in $741,570 to get their messages out. Conger's bid against Nathan Hovekamp was c onsidered the most competitive and is reflected in Conger's $392,439 in contrib utions. Hovekamp brought i n $160,494. See Money/A5
By Fredrick Kunkle The Washington Post
Viola Baez wouldn't budge. Her daughter's family had just invested about $125,000 in a new kind of home for her, a high-tech cottage that might revolutionize the way Americans care for their aging relatives. But Viola wouldn't even step inside. She told her family she would rather continue living in the family's dining room than move into the shed-size dwelling that had been lowered by crane into the backyard of their Fairfax County, Va., home. "You're throwing me out! You're sending me out to a doghouse! Why not put me in a manicomio?" Viola, 88, told them, using the Spanish word for madhouse. Then the air conditioner blew. As temperatures and tempers soared in the main house, Viola's family coaxed her into the cottage to cool off. Viola stayed the night, then another, and another, until summer had turned to fall. As the first private inhabitant of a MedCottage, Viola is a reluctant pioneer in the search for alternatives to nursing homes for aging Americans.Her relatives agonized overthe best way to care for Viola only after her ability to care for herself became questionable. SeePods/A5
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Spending per shopper averaged $423 — $25 more than last year — from Thursday to Sunday, while total spending increased nearly 13 percent, to an estimated $59.1 billion, according to a survey the National Retail Federation released Sunday afternoon.
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8ack Friday oses cachet, but overa numbersup Bulletin wire reports More people hit the stores this Thanksgiving weekend than did last year, as big-box retailers opened their doors earlier than ever on Thursday, but after spending years to make Black Friday into the year's blockbuster shopping day, retailers undercut the day this year. Sales on the day after Thanksgiving fell from those a year earlier, according to one major tracker, the first decline since the recession of 2008, as stores started their "doorbuster" promotions early in the week and opened for business on Thursday evening. Black Friday "is certainly not dead," said Matthew Shay, chief executive of the National Retail Federation trade group, but "it's starting to spread out."
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Rob Kerr/The Bulletin
Debbie Turnbuii, nutrition services lead at Pine Ridge Elementary School,helps students with lunch earlier this month at the Bend school. Fall inspection records show that schools in the Bend-La Pine system had just minor issues in cafeterias and kitchens. By Ben Botkin
with the responsibility of the health inspections. School cafeteria an d k i t chen Jeff Freund, an environmental workers recordfood temperatures, health specialist wit h D e schutes clean kitchens and cook and serve C ounty H e a lt h S e r v ices, s a ys meals to hungry schoolchildren. schools are held to a high standard, Inspected twice a year, in the fall with stringent requirements that and spring, the kitchens where pub- include logging and recording food licschool meals are prepared face a temperatures throughout the prepastrong but welcome degree of scruti- ration process. ny, according to a Deschutes County Overall, schools do well on ininspector and school officials with s pections, and promptly fi x t h e Bend-La Pine Schools. Deschutes minor problems that are found, he County Health Services is tasked sa>d. The Bulletin
Judges and lawmakers across the country are wrangling over whether and when law enforcement authorities can search suspects' cellphones. New York Times News Service
The Bulletin AnIndependent Newspaper
Vol. 109, No. 331, 28 pages, 5 sections
"Let's say they forgot to put a few things down on their record sheet or something," he said. "I would simply just mention that. But let's say they have a dish machine not functioning right then. Those actual physical things are things that we would return for." He added: "Schools, though, they take what they do seriously enough that I know if I ask them to fix the dish machine, it's typically fixed right then." A review of available fall inspec-
tions recordsfor the Bend-La Pine Schools system shows that the only problems inspectorsfound were relatively minor and easy fixes. For example, at Bear Creek Elementary School, the i n spection reminded thekitchen to record food time and temperatures upon arrival, even if the food is for tomorrow, and to allow clean dishes to air dry before storing them. It also noted that the day's food temperatures were
good. SeeSchools/A3
Consensuseusive on ce phonesearches By Somini Sengupta New York Times News Service
Judges and lawmakers across the country are wrangling over whether and when law enforcement authorities can peer into suspects'cellphones, and the cornucopia of evidence they provide.
INDEX C alendar C 3 C r osswords C5, E2 Green, Etc. C1-6 Sports Df - 6 Classified Ef-4 Dear Abby C3 L ocal News B1-6 Sudoku C5 Comics C 4- 5 Editorials B4 O b ituaries B 5 T V & Movies C2
A Rhode Island judge threw out cellphone evidence that led to a man being charged with the murder of a
fore not protected by state privacy laws. In Louisiana, a federal appeals court is weighing whether location 6-year-old boy, saying police needed recordsstored in smartphones dea warrant. A court in Washington serveprivacy protection,orw hether compared textmessages to voice- they are"business records" that bemailmessagesthat canbe overheard long to the phone companies. by anyone in a room and are thereSeeCeiiphones/A3
Mostly sunny High 46, Low 24
BANGLADESH:Factory deaths, A3
Page B6
CONGO:Chaosin rebels' wake, A3
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'1 Da so By Kevin Begos
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It's Monday, Nov. 26, the 331st day of 2012. There are 35 days left in the year.
t.istmas'costto s
cause of corn and other feed The Associated Press costs. "The geese were up 29.6 PITTSBURGH Acld Prices of items in theChristmas carol "The Twelve Daysof seven swans, six geese and percent, and swans were up Christmas," according to PNC Wealth Management: five golden rings to the list 11 percent," Dunigan said, • Partridge:$15; last year: same of Christmas gifts that cost adding that none of the gifts • Pear tree:$189.99; last year: 169.99 more than they did a y ear i n the song went down i n ago. price this year. • Two turtle doves:$125; last year: same And if you get all 364 items The price of a pear tree is • Three Frenchhens:$165; last year: $150 r epeated t h roughout " T h e $189.99, an 11.8 percent jump • Four calling dirds(canaries):$519.96; last year: same Twelve Days of Christmas" from last year's $169.99. Five • Five gold rings, $750:last year: $645 carol, you'll pay 6.1 percent gold rings jumped 16.3 per• Six geese a-laying:$210; last year: $162 more this year, according to cent this year, to $750, and the annual Christmas Price •Sevenswans a-swimming:$7,000;last three French hens are now Index compiled by PNC $165, instead of $150. year: $6,300 Wealth Management. The $15 partridge is the • Eight maids a-milking:$58; last year: That comes to $107,300. cheapest item, an d s w a ns same "The rise is larger than exthe most expensive, at $1,000 • Nine ladiesdancing(per pected considering the modeach. performance):6,294.03; last year: same est economic growth we've Last-minute shoppers who • 10 lordsa-leaping (per had," sai d J i m Du n i g an, turn to the Internet will pay performance):$4,767; last year: m anaging executive of i n a bit more for the gifts. Buysame vestments for PNC. He noted ing one set of the core items • u pirerspiping(per the government's Consumer in each verse costs $24,431 in performance):$2,562; last year: Price Index has risen just 2 traditional stores this year, $2,428 percent in the 12 months bebut $40,440 online. Part of • 12 drummers fore September. that difference is the extra drumming(per Thrifty shoppers may find e xpense o f s h i p ping l i v e performance): some reasons for cheer. Six birds, Dunigan s aid, a d ditems mentioned in the song $2,775.50; ing that Internet costs rose last year: h aven't gone u p i n p r i c e: 1.5 percent compared to last maids a-milking, ladies danc$2,630 year. ing, lords a-leaping, calling PNC Financial S e rvices birds, turtle doves and the Group Inc. checks jewelry partridge. The eight maids stores, d a nc e c o m panies, Photos from a-milking still cost just $58 pet stores and other sources Thinkstock because the minimum wage to compile the list. Some of hasn't risen. its sources this year include Twelve drummers drumb argains c o mpared t o $6,294.03. the National Aviary in Pittsming ($2,775.50) and eleven seven swans, which will set D unigan s ai d t h e 2 0 1 1 burgh and the Philadelphiapipers piping ($2,562) might y ou back $7,000. Nine l a - drought caused the prices of based Pennsylvania B allet also be considered relative dies dancing will c ost you some birds to soar, partly be- Company.
Per item
• It's Cyber Monday, a term
coined in 2005 by ashopping trade group that noticed online
salesspikedontheMonday following Thanksgiving. It's forecast to be the biggest
online shopping day of theyear for the third year in arow. • The owner of a Bangladeshi garment factory meets with the Bangladesh Garment
Manufacturers and Exporters
• Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi is expected to meet with the Supreme
Council of the Judiciary over his decree elevating his edicts
above any court.
IN HISTORY Highlights:In1842, the
founders of the University of Notre Dame arrived at the
school's present-day site near South Bend, lnd. In1933, a judge in New York decided the
James Joyce book"Ulysses" was not obsceneand could be published in the United States. In1942, the motion
picture "Casablanca," starring Humphrey Bogart and lngrid Bergman, had its world
premiere at the Hollywood Theater in New York.
Ten years ago:WorldCom and the government settled a civil
lawsuit over the company's $9 billion accounting scandal.
HumanResources Traci Donaca ...................... Business ...................,........541-383-0360 City Desk Joseph Oitzler.....541-383-0367 CommunityLife, Health
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Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you need to know to start your day.
Five years ago:President
George W. Bush met separately at the White House
with the leaders of Israel and
'Olfactory white': NASAgets agood look at Martian dust storm neither bad nor good; it just smells
the Palestinian Authority
a day ahead of amajor Mideast peaceconference in Annapolis, Md. Vice President
Dick Cheneyexperienced an irregular heartbeat andwas
taken to George Washington the two rovers combined with University Hospital for Los Angeles Times the Reconnaissance Orbiter evaluation. NASA's M ar s R e con- should give scientists an unOne year ago:NASA's naissance Orbiter and two precedented view. Curiosity rover blasted off "One thing we want to learn planet-based explorers are from the KennedySpace tracking a huge dust storm, is why do some Martian dust Center on an 8f/a-month, 354 offering scientists an oppor- storms get to this size and stop million-mile journey to Mars. tunity to study the planet's growing, while others this size weather like none they've keep growing and go global," had before. Zurek said. BIRTHDAYS The regional dust storm Between Nov. 10 and Nov. was first spotted on Nov. 10 16, the region around the dust Singer Tina Turner is 73. Actor in the planet southern hemi- storm heated up by about 45 dePeter Facinelli is 39. Popsinger sphere. Though the storm is grees Fahrenheit, scientists say. Natasha Bedingfield is 31. Ben considered only "regional," The dust is absorbing sunlight Wysocki (The Fray) is 28. it's big enough that it has instead of reflecting it, lifting — From wire reports lowered air pressure on ei- dust above the planet surface ther side of the planet and and pushing the storm wider. increased te m p eratures If the dust engulfs Mars, it on the opposite pole by could reduce Opportunity's enchanging the atmosphere's ergy supply. Curiosity's power HAVEN HOME STYLE circulation. would not be affected. Photos 'Furnifurerrnd G esijn Scientists are waiting to from its cameras could be hazy, see whether it will develop however. 856 NWBond • Downtown Bend• 541-330-5999 into a "dust haze" that will engulf the entire planet. "For the first time since the Viking missions of the 1970s, we are studying a regional dust storm both from orbit and with a weather station on the surface," Rich Langston Clarke Zurek, chief Mars scientist at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in La Canada Flintridge, said in a written i cs ¹01254Y6 statement. FREE The storm has come withE5TIMATE$ ~ L in 900 milesof Mars rover Interior Exterior Opportunity, which landed Painting or Staining on the planet in 2004 and depends on the sun for energy. On the other side of the 2 YearWarranty onall ouriiork! planet is Curiosity, the I-ton, nuclear-powered mobile lab541,000.0000 Langstonclrkpalntcan.ore oratory that landed this year. Call 54(-385-5809 If the dust storm expands, By Joseph Serna
By Sid Perkins ScienceNOW
If you play sounds of many different frequencies at the same time, t he y c o m bine to produce neutral " w h i te noise." Neuroscientists say they have created an analogous generic scent by blending odors. Such "olfactory white" might rarely, if ever, be found in nature, but it could prove usefulin research, other scientists say. Using just a few hundred types of biochemical receptors, each of which respond to just a few odorants, the human nose can distinguish thousands of different odors. Yet humans can't easily identify th e i n d ividual components of a mixture, even when they can identify the odors alone, says Noam Sobel, a neuroscientist at th e W eizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. Now, he and his colleagues suggest, various blends made up of a large number of odors all begin to smell the same — even when the blends share no common components. F or their s t udy, th e r e searchers used 86 nontoxic odorants that had a wide variety of chemical and physical properties such as molecular structure, molecular weight, and volatility. T hose c h e m icals al s o spanned a perceptual scale from "pleasant" to "unpleasant" and another such scale on which scents were judged t o range f r om "edible" to "poisonous." The researchers then diluted the chemicals so that their odors were equally intense. F inally, they c r eated m i x tures by dripping individual odorants onto separate regions of an absorptive pad in a jar, a technique that prevented the substances from reacting in liquid form to create new substances or odors. The odor blends contained anywhere from one to 43 of the chemicals, Sobel says. In th e t e sts, v o lunteers sniffed a mixture and then compared it with other mixt ures made up o f v a r y i ng numbers of odorants. When the test mixture had just a few components, volunteers
c ould easily d i stinguish it from the other blends, Sobel says. But as the number of odorants in a m i x ture rose above 20, volunteers began t o perceive the b l ends as becoming more and more similar. By the time mixtures contained 30 or more components, most of the blends were judged to smell alike, the researchersreport online today in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The team dubbed the generic scent associated with large m i x t ures "olfactory white." Although many scentssuch as coffee, wine, roses, and dirty socks — are complex blends containing hundreds of components, they are very distinctive. At least two factors are responsible, Sobel says: The i ndividual odorants are often chemically related, and often one or more of them is vastly more intense than the rest. The team's findings ar e "a clever piece of work that shows the olfactory system works exactly as we would predict f r o m o u r c u r r e nt u nderstanding o f i t , " s a y s Tim Jacob, a neuroscientist at Cardiff University in the United Kingdom. "That is, if you stimulate every olfactory 'channel' to the same extent, the brain cannot characterize or identify a p a rticular smell," he notes. "Olfactory white is a neat idea, and it draws interesting parallels to white light and white noise," says Jay Gottfried, an olfactory neuroscientist at N o rthwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine in Chicago. The new study "definitely adds new information about how the brain interprets odors," he notes. Even t h o ug h ol f a ctory white is not likely to be enc ountered i n na t u re , t h e concept could b e us e f ul, Gottfried says. "Researchers have found that w h i te noise is a useful stimulus in experiments to probe auditory r esponses," he n otes, a nd scientists probing t h e human sense of smell might find similar uses for olfactory white.
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TOP T ORIES IN BRIEF Bangladeshi factory fire kills112 people DHAKA , Bangl a desh — Fire raced up the floors of a Bangladeshi garment factory with no emergency exits, killing at least 112 people, some o f whom jumped from t h e eight-story building where they made clothes for major global retailers. The factory outside the capital, Dhaka, is owned by Tazreen Fashions Ltd., a subsidiary of the Tuba Group, which makes products for Wal-Mart and other companies in the U.S. and Europe. Firefighters recovered at least 100 bodies from the factory and 12 more people died at hospitals after jumping from the building to escape, Maj. Mohammad Mahbub, fire department operations director, told The Associated Press on Sunday.
justices toconsi er timin on aymarria e By David G. Savage
been faulted for waiting too long or moving too quickly W ASHINGTON — A f t er to recognize constitutional two decades in which gay rights. rights moved from the margin The justices did not strike to capture the support of most down state bans on interracial Americans, t h e S u p r eme marriage until 1967, 13 years Court justices this week will after they had declared racial decide if now is the time to segregation unconstitutional. rule on whether gays and les- Yet in response to the growbians have a constitutional ing women's rights moveright to marry. ment, the court in 1973 struck For justices, the issue is not down all the state laws rejust what to decide, but when stricting abortion, triggering to decide it. The court has a national "right to life" moveTribune Washington Bureau
ment and drawing criticism even from some supporters that the Roe v. Wade ruling had gone too far too fast. Now, the justices must decide whether to hear an appeal from the defenders of California's Proposition 8, the 2008 voter initiative that limited marriage to a man and a woman. At the same session Friday, the court wil l s ift t h rough several appeals t o d e cide whether legally married gay
couples have a right to equal benefits under federal law. Appeals courts i n B o ston and New York have struck down this part of the Defense of Marriage Act, and the justices are almost certain to take up a case to resolve that question. The Proposition 8 c a se, known as Hollingsworth vs. Perry, presents justices with the more profound "right to marry" question. A federal judge i n S a n
Teachersembroiled in federal inquiry
M cCain softens stance on Rice nomination WASHINGTON — The top Republican to oppose a nomination of Susan Rice as new secretaryof state softened his opposition and said Sunday he was opento hearingher explain why she declared the burningof the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, was part of a protest rather than a terrorist attack. "I'd give everyone the benefit of explaining their position and the actions that they took," Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., said on "Fox News Sunday." "I'd be glad to have the opportunity to discuss these issues with her." Also Sunday, Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., a critic of how the administration handled fallout from the Benghazi attack, said President Barack Obama more than Rice is responsible for her television comments claiming the Sept. 11 Libyan attack was a spontaneous eruption from protesters angry over an anti-Islam video.
Mixed message in Catalonian vote BARCELONA, Spain Voters in Catalonia delivered victory to separatist parties in a regional election on Sunday, raising the likelihood that Spain's most powerful economic region will hold an independence referendum that Madrid has vowed to block. But even as voters set up a fight with the central government by rewarding the independence cause, they delivered no clear message about who should lead it. Convergencia i Unio, the party of Artur Mas, the Catalan presidentwho calledthe election two years ahead of schedule, actually lost seats in the regional parliament. The party fell to just 50 seats in the 135-seat body, from 62 in the last vote. — From wire reports
Schools Continued from A1 Ensworth Elem e n tary School had only one problem: a misplaced uncooked box of food stored on a shelf above ready-to-eat cooked food. After being movedelsewhere,the inspector wrote: "No other problems noted. Good, knowledgeable operators." At H i g h D e sert M i d dle School, the inspector suggested the school minimize students helping themselves to v e getables, or installing a "sneeze guard" — slanted panes that protect food f ro m a i rborne
germs. But that's not a widespread issue. At Juniper Elementary School, for example, the inspector complimented the school's sneeze guards in the report, writing: "Good sneeze guards protecting food. Thank you." The results of health inspections are i ncorporated into the district's food safety practices,said Terry Cashman, the district's director of nutrition services and operations. "If there is anything that the health department sees that we can dobetter,w e use them as a resource," he said. Cashman saidthere's nomargin for error with food safety. "We want to know that what we're doing is the right thing and it just reinforces what we're doing," he said, calling inspections an "added benefit."
Francisco struck down Proposition 8 as d iscriminatory and irrational. In February, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed that by a 2-1 vote, ruling the ban on gay marriage violated the Constitution's guarantee of equal protection of the laws. The majority relied heavily on a 1996 opinion by Justice Anthony Kennedy that had struck down an anti-gay initiative adopted by Colorado voters.
into test-taking fraud 'I'gIIIII © 1
By Adrian Sainz The Associated Press
",) j, 0PJ I,h ~
JehadNga/ New York Times News Serwce
A tank abandoned by fleeing government forcesis removed from Goma, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Asre elsgain, Congo again slips towar chaos By jeffrey Gettleman
on peacekeepers, the recent legislation passed on Capitol GOMA, Democratic ReHill intended to cut the link public of Congo — The lights between the illicit mineral are out in most of Goma. trade and insurrection and There is little water. The all the aid money and diploprison is an empty, garbagematic capital — is this vast s trewn wasteland with i t s n ation in the heart of A f rusty front g ate swinging rica descending to where it wide open and a 3-foot-hole was more than 10 years ago punched through the back poachers. when foreign armies and wall, letting loose 1,200 killRiots are exploding across marauding rebels carved it ers, rapists, militia leaders, the country — i n B u kavu, into fiefs? "We haven't really touched rogue soldiers an d o t h er Butembo, Bunia, Kisangani criminals. Rebel fighters are and Kinshasa, the capital, a the root cause," said Aloys going house to house arrest- thousand miles away. Mobs Tegera, a director for the Pole ing people,many of whom are pouring i n t o s t r eets, Institute, a research institute have not been seen again by burning down government in Goma. their families. buildings and demanding the He said Congo's chronic "You say the littlest thing ouster of Congo's weak and instability is rooted in very loand they disappear you," said widely despised president, cal tensions over land, power an unemployed man named Joseph Kabila. and identity, especially along Luke. Once again, chaos is court- the Rwandan and Ugandan In the past week, the reb- ing Congo. And one pressing borders. "But no one wants els have been unstoppable, question is, why — after all to touch this because it's too s teamrolling t h r ough o n e the billions of dollars spent complicated,"he added. New York Times News Service
To that end, food service employees go through an extensive training program and testing. It covers a variety of areas, ranging from how to calibrate a food thermometer to how to prevent and detect food-borne illnesses. "It's just a lot of steps we can do that are pretty simple to be safe," Cashman said. "The most simple thing you do is you wash your hands." The district trains employees with Serve Safe, a food safety certification program that has a manual of about 200 pages. "It really delves into the specificsoffood safety and knowledge of the different bacteria and viruses," said Katrina Wiest, a wellness specialist for the school district who oversees the training. It covers areas like cleaning methods and knowledge about toxins and p a rasites, along with potential areas for contamination. That training gives employees knowledge oftemperature "danger zones." For example, if raw chicken is shipped from the central kitchen to a school kitchen, it would need to be below 41 degrees. If it came to the school with a temperature of 52 degrees, staff would know immediately to toss it, Wiest said. "It's an added layer of knowledge," Wiest said. "It gives our staff more tools in the toolbox." — Reporter: 541-977-7185,
town after another, seizing this provincial capital, and eviscerating a chaotic Congolese government army whose drunken s oldiers s t umble around with rocket-propelled grenades and whose chief of staff was suspended four days ago for selling crates of ammunition to elephant
Cellphones Continued from A1 "The courts are all over the place," said Hanni Fakhoury, a c r i m inal l awyer with the Electronic Frontier F oundation, a S a n F r a n cisco-based civil l i b erties group. "They can't e v en agree if there's a reasonable expectation of privacy in text messages that would trigger Fourth Amendment protection." The issue will attract attention Thursday when a Senate committee considers limited changes to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, a 1986 law that regulates how the government can m onitor d i gital c ommunications. Co u r t s have used it to permit warrantless surveillance of certain kinds of cellphone data. A p r o posed a m endment would require the police to obtain a warrant to search email, no matter how old it is, updating a provision that allows warrantlesssearches of emails more than 180 days old. A s t e c hnology r a c e s ahead of th e l aw , courts a nd lawmakers ar e s t i l l trying to figure out how to think about the often intimate data that cellphones contain, said Peter Swire, a law professor at Ohio State University. Neither the 1986
statute nor the Constitution, he said, could have anticipated how much information cellphones are privy to, including detailed records of people's travels and diagrams of their friends. "It didn't take into account what the modern cellphone has — your l ocation, the content of communications that ar e e a sily r e adable, including Facebook posts, c hats, texts an d a l l t h a t stuff," Swire said. Judges across the country have written tomes about whether a cellphone is akin to a "container" — like a suitcase stuffed with marijuana that the police might find in the trunk of a car — or whether, as the judge in the Rhode Island murder case suggested, it is more comparable to a face-to-face conversation. That j u dge, Judith C. Savage, described text messages as "raw, unvarnished and i mmediate, revealing the most intimate of thoughts and emotions." That is why, she said, citizens can reasonably expect them to be private. There is little disagreement about the value of cellphone data to the police. In response to a congressional i nquiry, c e llphone c a r r i ers said they responded in 2011 to 1.3 million demands from l aw enfo r cement agencies for text messages
MEMPHIS, Tenn.— It was a brazen and surprisingly long-lived scheme, authorities said, to help aspiring public school teachers cheat on the tests they must pass to prove they are qualified to lead their classrooms. For 15 years, teachers in three Southern states paid Clarence Mumford Sr. himself a longtime educator — to send someone elseto take the tests in their place, authorities said. Each time, Mumford received a fee of between $1,500 and $3,000 to send one of his test ringers with fake identification to the Praxis exam. In return, his customers got a passing grade and began their teaching careers as cheaters, according tofederal prosecutors in Memphis. Authorities say the scheme affected hundreds — if not thousands — of public school students who ended up being taught by u n qualified instructors. Mumford faces more than 60 fraud an d c o nspiracy charges that claim he created fake drivers licenses with the information of a teacher or an aspiring teacher and attached th e p h o tograph of a test-taker. Prospective teachers are accused of giving Mumford their Social Security numbers for him to make the fake identities. The hired-test takers went to testing centers, showed the proctor the fake license, and passed the certification exam, prosecutors say. Then, the aspiring teacher used
and other information about subscribers. Among the most precious information in criminal inquiries is the location of suspects, and when it comes to location records captured by smartphones, court r u lings have also been inconsistent. Privacy advocates say a trail of where people go is inherently private, while law e nforcement authorities say that consumers have no privacy claim over signals transmitted from an individual mobile device to a phone company'scommunications tower, which they refer to as third-party data. The Supreme Court has not directly tackled the issue, ex-
the test score to secure a job with a public school district, the indictment alleges. Fourteen people have been charged with mail and Social Security fraud, and four
people have pleaded guilty to charges associated with the scheme. Mumford "obtained tens of thousands o f d o l l ars" during the alleged conspiracy, which prosecutors say lasted from 1995 to 2010 in Arkansas, Mississippi and Tennessee. Among those charged is former University of T ennessee and NFL w ide receiver Cedrick Wilson, who is accused of employing a test-taker for a Praxis physical education exam. He was charged in late October with four counts of Social Security and mail fraud. He has p leaded not guilty and i s out of jail on a $10,000 bond. He has been suspended by the Memphis City Schools system. If c o nvicted, M u m ford could face between two and 20 years in prison on each count. The t eachers face between two and 20 years in prison on each count if convicted. Lawyers for Mumford and Wilson did not return calls for comment. P rosecutors an d s t andardized test experts say students were hurt the most by the scheme because they w ere being taught by u n qualified teachers. It a l so s heds some light o n t h e nature of cheating and the lengths people go to in order to get ahead.
cept to declare, in a landmark ruling this year, that police must obtain a search warrant to install a GPS tracking device on someone's private property. "We are in a constitutional moment for l ocation tracking," said Ben Wizner, director of t h e A m e rican Civil Liberties Union's Speech, Privacy and Technology Project. "It's percolating in all these
places." 5
IN l
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Art for illustration purposesonly. All prices shownbefore License, Title a Doc fees. Onapproval of credit. Subject to Prior Sale. Expires 1 2/2/1 2.
Shopping Continued from A1 While store visits on the Friday after Thanksgiving rose 3.5 percent from last year, to more than 307 million visits, retail sales decreased 1.8 percent, according to r e search firm Shoppefl'rak. "The early promotions and early openings on Thursday drew some of the sales that would normally land on Friday into Thursday," said Bill Martin, founder of ShopperI'rak. "What we're going to start looking at is the'Black Weekend,' a four-day weekend." About 28 percent of people surveyed by the federation who said they were shopping over the weekend started at midnight or earlier on Thanksgiving. In 2009, when major retailers started experimenting with Thanksgiving openings, that figure was just 3 percent.
Much o f t h e w e e kend's shopping took place online, as consumers logged on to take advantage of I nternet-
only specials beginning early Thursday morning. The average shopper spent more than $172 online t hi s w e ekend, which made up approximately 41 percent of the total weekend spending. That is up from 38 percent last year. But whetherincreased sales over the Thanksgiving weekend will translate to higher sales throughout the holiday shopping season remains to be seen. Analysts have been predicting mediocre sales this year, as shoppersremain uncertain about the broader economy. Overall holiday sales are expected to increase 4.1 percent from 2011, compared with sales growth of 5.6 percent last year, the National Retail Federation said.
What a home next to home might look like
Bathroom: A host of "smart" devices can be installed, including a toilet that measures weight, temperature and urine content.
Kitchen: Would contain a small refrigerator, a microwave and a combined washer-dryer, along with such features as a timed medication dispenser.
Materials: The floor is a single, molded piece of a concretelike composite that includes a shower drain. Metal studs attach to the floor. The exterior is vinyl siding.
Gene Whisnant(R) (winner)
Votes received:20,751
: 'Write-in votes:425
Beginning balance:$43,191 Total contributions:$59,658
Bedroom: The cottage can legally house only one person, but an additional Murphy bed can accommodate a caregiver's visits
Some potential features
(((( + L
A "virtual companion" that would relay health-related messages ("It's time to take your medication") and play music,movies and games
Total expenditures:$57,970 Ending balance:$46,794
Spent per vote received:$2.79
0 : Avideo ; system that : would monitor : the floor at ankle level, so , 'the patient would have , 'privacy but a caregiver ; would know if there was a . 'problem.
Jason Conger(R)(winner)
: Nathan Hevekamp(0)
Votes received:15,935
: :Votes received:12,127
Beginning balance:$30,965
' Beginning balance:$8,346
Total contributions:$392,439
: :Total contributions:$160,494
Total expenditures:$398,337
: Total expenditures:$164,517
Ending balance:$25,243
Spent per vote received:$25
: :Ending balance:$6,454 : Spent per vote received:$13.57
Mike McLane(R)(winner)
: Jehn Huddle(0)
Votes received:18,744
: :Votes received:8,767
Beginning balance:$13,510
. :'Beginning balance:$304
Total contributions:$201,135
. :'Total contributions:$14,945
Total expenditures:$183,980 Spent per vote received:$9.82
: :Total expenditures:$10,697 : :Ending balance:$4,725 ' Spent per vote received:$1.22
John Huffman(R)(winner)
: Gary Ollerenshaw(0)
Votes received:17,170
: :Votes received:8,472
Continued from A1 Their d e cision e x posed i ntergenerational fr ic t i o n that worsened after the new dwelling arrived. The MedCottage, designed by a Blacksburg, Va., company with help from Virginia T ech, is essentially a p o r table hospital room. Virginia state law, which recognized the dwellings a few y ears ago, classifies them as "temporary f a m ily h e alth-care structures." But many simply know them as "granny pods," and they have arrived on the market asthe nation prepares
Beginning balance:$29,667
. :'Beginning balance:$0
for a wave of graying baby
Total contributions:$88,339
. :'Total contributions:$5,670
Total expenditures:$70,222
: :Total expenditures:$2,736
Ending balance:$47,784 Spent per vote received:$4.09
: :Ending balance:$2,934 : Spent per vote received: $.32
Ending balance:$30,665
Source: Oregon Secretary of State
Andy Zetgert/The Bulletin
money, he said, went to help other candidates in his party. Continued from A1 Whisnant, who ran unopposed, "Money is a means to an raised about $60,000. McLane end, which is communicating pointed out that both Whiswith people and I think that's nant and Huffman, who raised extremely important," Conger $88,339, worked to help other said. "In campaigns both sides members in more competitive have to have an opportunity to areas get re-elected with that make their case to the voters, money. "I think most candidates and but when money becomes too decisive of a factor I think that's people would be in favor of a problem." spending caps and campaign Conger said he doesn't be- finance reform," McLane said. lieve there is an easy fix — or it "Certainly from a candidate's wouldn't be such a talked-about perspective it's a lot of work to issue. raise money." Conger pointed out that limMcLane said he re-used old iting contributions could risk signs, but a single mailer cost the transparent flow of money. about $10,000 to send out. ConBackers would find a way to ger had three television ads, givetotheirpreferredcandidate, about eight different mailers he said, but it would become and several radio spots. more convoluted and difficult to The i ssue o f c a m paign follow the trail of money. spending limits was a heated Oregon has no campaign one in the race for secretary of spending limits. state. Oregon is only one of four S ecretary o f S t at e K a t e states that places no limits on Brown suggested a voluntary campaign contributions, ac- $1 million spending limit in cording to information from the her re-electioncampaign and National Conference of State challenged her opponent Knute Legislatures. Buehler to do the same. BueThe state'sSupreme Court hler, who has worked on camruled earlier this year that a bal- paign finance reforms as a prilot measure approved by voters vate citizen, said Brown wasn't in 2006, which would have lim- really interested in changing ited contributions, could not be public policy and said she was enforced. pulling a "desperate" and "gimMcLane, who has been serv- micky" move. ing as deputy leader, is on the Then, Brown passed the $1 hook for raising moneynot only million mark, but it was from for his race but also doing what in-kind expenditures, which he can to help the party. With her campaign said she had no his recent election as House Re- control over because it wasn't publican leader, McLane will h er money. A chunk of t he play a key role in his party's money came from the Services fundraising efforts. Employees International Union "I do wonder sometimes if we and the Oregon Education Ashad a limit on what each district sociation and helped fund a TV can spend ... it might make it ad against Buehler, who raised more strategicand focused on about $1.3 million. "The question is, if it's freequality advertisements (as) opposed to quantity," he said. "It dom of speech how do you might better serve the elector- make it fair for people to exerate, but I have not conducted cise their right to free speech? that research for myself." ... How do you square it with M cLane ra i se d abo u t that'?" Conger said. $200,000in his bid for re-elec— Reporter, 541-554-1162, tion. About $140,000 of that
Eight-foot interior ceilings.
Money inlocal OregonHouseraces Of the local OregonHouseraces, Jason Conger spent the most money in 2012 per vote received in theNov. 6election.
Pressurized ventilation that can keep airborne pathogens in (if the patient is quarantined) or keep outdoor air out (if a patient has a compromised immune system).
Source: N2care
boomers to retire. Over the pastdecade, the population of Americans who are 65 or older has grown faster than the total population, the Census Bureau says. In less than 20 years, the number of Americans who are 65 or older will top 72 million, or more than twice the popula-
A lift, attached to a built-in track in the ceiling, that would move a patient from the bed to bathroom so the caregiver could avoid heavy lifting
: 'In addition to regular : 'ambient light, lighting at : 'knee height would line : 'the walls, illuminating the : :floor. Tripping over : 'objects on the floor is the : 'most common cause of : :falls.
Bonnie Berkoxitz and Alberto Cuadra/The Washington Post
tion of older Americans in 2000, and many will need to find living arrangements that balance their need for independence and special care. Viola's family understood this. Her daughter, Socorrito Baez-Page, 56, who goes by Soc, and her son-in-law, David Page,59 — both of whom are doctors — began planning her care well before Viola's husband died of cancer last February. They explored many options and had firsthand experiencewith several. Soc and David had taken care of or arranged various types of care, including assisted living and hospice, for other parents. Several firms have entered the m arket f o r a u x i l iary dwelling units, or ADUs, as they're known in the building industry. These include FabCab, a Seattle-based company that makes ADUs and fullsize homes. Practical Assisted Living Solutions, or PALS, a firm based in Meriden, Conn.,
makes freestanding modules; and the Home Store, which is headquartered in Whately, Mass., sells modular "in-law" additions called "Elderly Cottage Housing Opportunity" additions. The MedCottage in Fairfax is about 12 by 24 feet, the size of a typical master bedroom. With its beige aluminum siding — and cosmetic touches such as green shutters — the cottage looks a little like an elaborate dollhouse. The idea for the MedCottage came from the Rev. Kenneth Dupin, a m i nister in southwest Virginia who wondered why A m e ricans didn't take better care of their elders. He created N2Care, a company that designed the MedCottage with help from the Virginia Tech C orporate Research Center. They stuffed its steel shell with the latest in biometric and communications technology, and crafted its features using universal design principles to ac-
commodate people of all ages and people with disabilities. The company's sales pitch in-
cludes dropping an egg onto its specially designed floor from a height of 7 feet to show that the egg won't break. In addition to surveillance cameras, the dwelling has an Internet portal by which family members, doctors or other caregivers can monitor an occupant's vital signs, receive medical alerts o r c h a nge the dwelling's temperature and security settings. The MedCottage retails for about $85,000, but with delivery and installation, Viola's family has spent closer to $125,000. "Most people look at that and get sticker shock," Cummins said. But Cummins also said that the company offers financing and repurchase programs that make the MedCottage a bargain compared with assisted-living facilities that charge $40,000 or more
eat mom. ea a .
UPCOMING CULSSfS Through the new childbirth education classes at St. Charles, expecting parents will learn everything they need to know about labor, delivery and postpartum care. Our focus js patient safety and oLlr ultimate goal js a healthy mom andhealthy baby. The childbirth preparation classes will include education on newborn care, infant CPRand breasff eeding.Classes cost$49 percouple. Scholarships availadle based on financial need.
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Register online at under "Classes and Events" or call 541-706-6390.
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Bend River Promenade 3188 N Hwy. 97, Suite 118 next door to TJ. Maxx
News of Record, B2 Editorials, B4
Obituaries, B5 O
therapy, with heart t times, the shopping season can seem at odds with the holiday season. Black Friday has been pushed so far forward that families cut Thanksgiving dinner short to stand in line for a marked-
down gadget. Shoppers get trampled in search of a deal. But not all purchases point to consumption-run-amok.There are at least half a dozen toy drives and giving trees in Central Oregon this year, proving that at least some shopping is truly for a good cause: presents for those in need. "I think it goes back to childhood," said Mark Wirges, who coordinates the local Toys for Tots campaign with his wife, Susie. "As children, we all looked under the Christmas tree with so much excitement. You want that for every kid." Toys for Tots was started by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve in 1946, to provide Christmas gifts for the families of soldiers killed in World War II. Today it has expanded so much that only a veteran with tactical military experience could pull off even the local effort. Luckily, Wirges fits the bill. Since July, he has volunteered full time to provide new toys and stocking stuffers for thousands of children in Deschutes, Jefferson, Crook, Harney and northern Klamath counties. Some toys are donated by individuals who drop them, unwrapped, in boxes around the community. Others are purchased by the organization using donated money. Still others are donated by corporate sponsors, such as Bi-Mart. All of the toys are sorted and stored in a Bend warehouse. Meanwhile, partner organizations in various communities throughout the region — the Lion's Club in Prineville, for example, and the Salvation Army in Deschutes County — compile lists of families in need. Wish lists from each child are passed along to Toys for Tots, so toys can be matched or purchased. The local partners then pick up toys from the Bend warehouse and deliver them to the families. Most of the time, the toys are wrapped and delivered to the parents, who then give them to their kids. Years ago, when Wirges first started volunteering for Toys for Tots, he handed presentsto eager children on Christmas Eve, then watched them open the packages. "It's expanded so much, we have to do things differently now," he said. Still, he can imagine the families celebrating in their own homes. And he can imagine how much of a difference the donated toys make. In that, he's not alone. Last week, a few Old Mill District shoppers milled around the Tree of Joy, which is organized by members of Bend's Rotary International chapters. The shopperscircled a freshly cut white fir, reading anonymous wish lists scrawled on paper ornaments in tidy adult handwriting. One boy, age 7,requested a hoodie, size medium, and toy cars or Transformers. A girl, age 13, requested jeans, size 14, and a 200-piece puzzle. Gifts are to be returned to the tree, which is next to Jimmy John's, unwrapped. Rotary volunteers distribute the gifts. Clearly, presents are not the most critical charitable need. Thousands of CentralOregonians are homeless. Several thousand more are hungry or struggling to pay their heating bills. But research has shown that philanthropists rarely give to just one cause. So the same folks who donate toys are likely to cut a check to a soup kitchen, too. Besides, there's just something special about giving a toy to a child. Tom Szymoniak, who manned the tree on Friday afternoon, thought about what compels so many people to give in this informal but heartfelt way. "It's inexpensive, and it helps brighten the day for somebody," he said. "Even for eight or nine dollars, you can buy something that might make a difference." — Lily Raff McCaulou isa columnist for The Bulletin. 541-617-7836,
aorearns en manme a • Flying missions inAfghanistan garners guardsmanthe DistinguishedFlying Cross By Laaren Dake The Bulletin
For a civilian, there is nothing normal about it: Brandon Stuemke was in the Kunar province of Afghanistan and the fire-
fighting was heavy. The days stretched for 22 hours and sleep only came because sheer exhaustion left no other choice. It was
November 2010 and the operation was called Bulldog Bite. Stuemke, who grew up in Bend, is an Alaska Air National Guardsman with the 212th Rescue Squadron. His squadron is called in on the worst-case scenario situations. The fighting on the ground became so fierce
that week, the pararescuemen were calledupon to pull out fighters. For five days, Stuemke and his colleagues flew 25 missions. They helicoptered in, were lowered down while dodging bullets, and figured out how to get themselves and other soldiers back out. They pulled out 49 people, 11 of whom were dead. "What was so weird," the 33-year-old said, "was going into active firefights; hoisting down under fire
became the norm." Earlier this month, Stuemke was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross with Valor for his role in the operation. The medal is given to those who distinguish themselves to support an operation "by heroism or extraordinary achievement while participating in an aerial flight." The holiday time, Stuemke said, makes the memories a little more raw. See Medal /B2
Sunshinekicksoff week of more rain Sun today andTuesday should give Bend a
chance to dry out after a soggy Saturday and partly gray Sunday. The high today should hit 46 degrees, and skies should be
clear, according to the National Weather
Service. The high Tuesday could reach 50 during a mostly sunny day. Clouds are expected to start to gather Tuesday night, and there is a
chance of rain in town Wednesday. "Definitely a wet day
on Wednesday," said Alan Polan, a forecaster for the weather service. About a10th of an inch of rain is expected to fall, he said.
A weather system is expected to move into
Central Oregon from Northern California,
Polan said, bringing the rain and mild tem-
peratures. Thepattern should continue into the weekend. Highs should
be around 45 degrees and lows should be near 35.
The snow level this weekend should be around 4,500 feet, ac-
cording to the weather service website. — Bulletin staff report I/i/eafher map, B6
STATE NEWS , Astoria Portland
I' «~Nl tlIIt)Iitl
Photos byJoe Kline / The Bulletin
Lucas DeCastilhos, 17, of Bend,hits a jump in the freestyle terrain area at Mt. Bachelor on Sunday afternoon. "(Thursday at Mt. Bachelor) was amazing," he said Sunday. "There was powder everywhere."
• Skiers and snowboarders out in force for Mt. Bachelor's first weekend By Dylan j. Darling • The Bulletin
• Portland:Port of Portland and security
guard union reach tentative agreement. • Astoria:History buffs mark arrival of explorers. • Eugene:Write-in
campaigns makefor a
Despite low-lying clouds around Bend on Sunday
lively vote count.
afternoon, it was sunny on the slopes of Mount
Stories on B3
Well shot!
The sunshine was a bonus for skiers and h
reader PhotOS
snowboarders happy to be back on the mountain
• We want to see your best photos capturing winter scenes inCentral Oregon for a special
22 miles west of town for the first weekend of the ski season. Mt. Bachelor ski and snowboard area, including the nordic ski center, opened
version of Well shot!
Thanksgiving Day. Three of the area's 10 lifts are
to readerphotos@, with
Send your best work "winter scenes" in the
open, according to the Mt. Bachelor website. "It's just beautiful out," Jessica Gatto, 37, of Bend,
subject line, by Dec. 7, and we'll pick the best
said Sunday.
Submission requirements:
for publication.
A snowboarder carves downa run at Mt. SeeMt. Bachelor /B2 B a c helor on Sunday afternoon.
Future uncertain or in ustria ar • Countymayendagreementonmanaging327acres By Hillary Borrud
But that plan is on hold due to weakening of the biomass market, said Mayor Development has been slow recently Ken Mulenex and Rick Allen,a conat the La Pine Industrial Park, created sultant working on the industrial park in the mid-1990s on landthat Deschutes and other projects for the city. "The economy has brought things to County acquired from the Bureau of Land Management. Businesses in the a standstill," Mulenex said. 327-acre, county-owned i n dustrial The future of the park is also unclear park include a log-chipping company, because government officials with the Wildnerness Garbage 8 Recycling, an city of La Pine and Deschutes County auto repair shop and Midstate Electric are trying to determine how to manage Cooperative. the park in the future. Biogreen Sustainable Energy Co. Recently, the general manager of had planned a $75 million biomass the park retired, and county officials plant that would generate just under began to talk about dissolving their 25 megawatts of electricity by burnagreement to manage the park with ing branches and other woody debris. the nonprofit civic La Pine Industrial The Bulletin
"The economy Has brought things to a standstill." — Ken Mulenex,La Pine mayor
Group, Allen said. If the agreement is terminated, all money raised through land sales at the park would revert to Deschutes County. Previously, the La Pine Industrial Group used the money to pay for the general manager and improvements to the park. Currently, the industrial park fund holds $235,000, Deputy County Administrator Erik Kropp wrote in an email. See La Pine/B2
Include as much detail as possible — when andwhere you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number.Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.
Have astory idea or submission? Contactus! The Bulletin Call a reporter: Bend ................ 541-617-7829 Redmond........541-977-7185 Sisters.............541-977-7185 La Pine ........... 541-383-0348 Sunriver.........541-383-0348 Deschutes ......541-617-7837 Crook ..............541-633-2184 Jefferson ........541-633-2184 Salem..............541-554-1162 D.C..................202-662-7456 Business ........ 541-383-0360 Education .......541-977-7185 Public lands .....541-617-7812 Public safety.....541-383-0387 Projects ..........541-617-7831
"He is a hero."
Continued from B1 He spoke briefly of the bodies, and the other men who were so battered they were barely clinging on to life. He touched upon cleaning u p the helicopter after t h e missions, the patching of the bullet holes and the massive amounts of blood. "Those are w o unds y ou carry around the rest of your life," he said. Now, the Bend native is back in Alaska, where it still seems a stretch to call what he does normal. It was only a c o uple of weeks ago w hen S tuemke put his skills to use in Alaska, where the Ai r N ational Guard goes on search and rescue missions. A 58-yearold woman was located in a remote area, 60 miles from the nearest person. She was suffering from gastrointestinal bleeding, loss of blood and dehydration. Stuemke parachuted into the cold, dark night, close to her location, 160 miles north of the Arctic Circle. His efforts, along with a colleague's,
— Susie Stuemke, mother of Brandon Stuemke
likely saved the woman's life. Susie Stuemke, a manager at the South Valley and Washington Federal banks, in Bend, said she couldn't be prouder of her son. "He is a hero," she said. Growing up i n B e nd, he would fly down the slopes of Mount Bachelor along with his identical twin brother. The two would often help their father who rescued people as a ski patroller. S tuemke w ent t o Be a r Creek Elementary School, Pilot Butte Middle School and graduated from Bend High School. Her son, Susie Stuemke said, puts saving the lives of othersbefore his own life on a regular basis. "That's their whole thing," she said of the Guard, "that life is there to be saved, even at the cost of your life.... I'm really proud of him."
La Pine
to the Deschutes County Tax Continued from B1 and Assessment Summary. County com m i ssioners The group would also raise asked La Pine to come up $5,000 annually from local with a proposal for what to businesses, Allen said. do next. The city worked out However, Deschutes Couna plan during meetings that ty officials said at a meeting involved Roger Lee, execu- Monday that state law allows tive director of the nonprofit industrial park land-sale proEconomic Development for ceeds to be used only for very Central Oregon, Allen and specific work and this does board members of the La Pine not include ongoing manageIndustrial Group. ment and marketing of the The group asked the coun- park. "Just outreach and marketty to contribute $20,000 annually from the park f und ing are not sufficient," said toward a $45,000 budget that County Counsel Mark Pilliod. would cover a half-time em- Commissioners did discuss ployee to manage the park the possibility of contributing and other costs. money from other funds, such The city of La Pine would as the general fund or money put in$20,000, raising proper- the county receives from the ty taxes if necessary to obtain Oregon Lottery. the money, Mulenex said. The C ommissioner Tam m y maximumtaxrate the city can Baney said county officials charge is $1.98 per $1,000 of had been considering putting assessed property value, but the industrial park money toLa Pine is currently charging ward the installation of a traf-
— Reporter, 541-554-1162,
Continued from B1 Gatto wasn't skiing or snow-
Mt. Bachelor forecast
boarding though. She was play-
The National Weather
inginthe snow aroundthe lodge with her 3-year-old daughter, Magnolia Gatto, while her husband Giancarlo Gatto, 35, was snowboarding with their two
Service is now issuing 72-hour forecasts for Mt. Bachelor. To see the
forecast go to: XT8RWO.
boys, ages 5 and 6. Also biding her time while her boys — a pair of 13-year-old twins — snowboarded, Joanne Lutz, 38, of Bend, read a book outside the lodge. "I always bring a book," she said. She'd also brought her own snowboard but put it away after one run. She said the snow Sunday was too icy for her liking. Snowstorms last week made for a great opening day at Mt. Bachelor, said Dean Schlegle, 52, of Redmond. He was at the mountain again Sunday with friends, looking for the right snow. "There are still some powder stashes here and there," Dean satd. While the snow was pretty good Sunday at the terrain park, Lucas DeCastilhos, 17, of Bend, also said the opening day powder was the best so far in this young season. "First day was amazing," he said Sunday. "There was powder everywhere." And DeCastilhos and some friends earned the chance to carve through it first from the Pine Marten chairlift by securing the first spot in line at 6 a.m.
Thanksgiving. The lift didn't start running until three hours later, at 9 a.m. "It was definitely worth it," DeCastilhos said. While Mt. Bachelor is now open,Hoodoo Mountain Resort near Sisters has yet to open for the ski season, according to the Hoodoo website. The ski area had targeted opening Friday, but there wasn't enough snow for safe conditions. "However, we are optimistic that things will improve in the next few days, allowing us to open next weekend," according to a Thanksgiving blog post on the Hoodoo website. The runs at Mt. Bachelor are between 5,700 and 9,065 feet. The runs at Hoodoo are between 4,668 and 5,703 feet. While today and Tuesday s hould be clear, there is a chance of snow Wednesday at Mt. Bachelor and Hoodoo, said Alan Polan, a forecaster with the National Weather Service in Pendleton. The snow level is expected to be around 5,200 feet. — Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarli ngC<bendbulfeti
CIVIL SUITS Filed Nov. 13
12CV1126: CACHLLCv. Michael J. Golob, complaint, $16,323.75 Filed Nov. 14
12CV1127: Wells Fargo Bank N.A. as trustee for WAMU mortgage passthrough certificates series 2006PR1 Trust v. Sarah K. Hall and David F. Hall, complaint, $195,415.45 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV1128: U.S. Bank N.A., as trustee for WAMU mortgage passthrough certificatesfor WMALT series 2007-2 Trust v. Richard Hansen and Doryene Hansen, complaint, $264,000 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV1129: Federal National Mortgage Association v. Thomas Grande IV and state of Oregon Department of Employment, complaint, $197,605.95 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV1130: Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Scott C. Pelham, Robin A. Pelham, Mortgage Electronic Systems Inc. and Suntrust Mortgage Inc., complaint, $317,200 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV1131: Bank of NewYork Mellon fka Bank of New York as trustee for the holders of the certificates First Horizon mortgage pass-through certificates series 2005-FA10 by First Horizon Home Loans a division of First Tennessee Bank N.A. master servicer in its capacity as agent for the trustee under the pooling and servicing agreement through its loan servicing agent Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Timothy A. Stowell and Traci L. Stowell, complaint, $285,690.91 plus interest, costs andfees 12CV1132: Deutsche Bank National Trust Company as trustee for the registered holders of Morgan Stanley abs Capital1 Inc. Trust 2007-HE6 mortgage pass-through certificates series 2007-HE6 v.
Olivia D. Servantes, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc., Decision One Mortgage CompanyLLC and CitiBank N.A., complaint ,$365,224.44 12CV1134: Michael P. Ryan v. Justin T. Barrett, complaint, $582,813.27
fic signal at First Street and U.S. Highway 97, a project that some city officials have said is necessary to allow for future development. "It's been given to us as a priority by the community," Baney said. Allen and M ulenex said this is a top priority, but the Oregon Department of Transportation should pay for the traffic signal. Baney said the county government is supposed to help people throughout Deschutes County, and if money is focused tonarrowly on specific city projects, "I worry about down the road our decisions being made specifically for cities." Allen said La Pine is still a unique case because it incorporated recently — 2006 — and does not have the history of the other cities. "When you start and build a new city, you can't just over-
night dump everything onto that city, or it will fail," Allen said. The commission agreed to start the paperwork necessary to terminate the county agreement with the La Pine Industrial Group, underwhich the industrial group managed the park. The agreement allows either of the two parties to terminate it upon a 30-day notice. Commissioners will vote on whether to formally terminate the agreement at a future meeting. C ommissioner Alan U n ger said the county needs to continue some form of support for the La Pine Industrial Park "or else we won't see any return on it and the development we did in the past will just sit there." The county could use general fund reserves for this, Unger said. — Reporter: 541-617-7829,
PUBLIC OFFICIALS For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit www.bendbulletin.comlofficials.
Mt. Bachelor
$1.90 per $1,000, according
U.S. Senate
Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.: 107 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone:202-224-3753
Bend office: 131 N.W.Hawthorne Ave., Suite 208 Bend, OR 97701 Phone: 541-318-1298 Sen. RonWyden, D-Ore. 223 Dirksen Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-5244 Bend office: 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite 107 Bend, OR 97701 Phone: 541-330-9142 U.S. House of Representatives
Rep. GregWalden, R-Hood River 2182 Rayburn HouseOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone:202-225-6730 Bend office: 1051 N.W. Bond St., Suite 400 Bend, OR 97701 Phone: 541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452
STATE OF OREGON Gov. John Kitzhaber, Democrat 160 State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4582 Fax:503-378-6872 Secretary of StateKateBrown, Democrat 136 State Capitol Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1616 Fax: 503-986-1616 Email: Superintendent of Public Instruction SusanCastillo 255 Capitol Street N.E. Salem, Oregon 97310 Phone: 503-947-5600 Fax: 503-378-5156 Email: superintendent.castillo ©
Treasurer TedWheeler, Democrat 159 Oregon State Capitol 900 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR 97301 Phone:503-378-4329 Email: oregon.treasurer ©
Rep. GeneWhisnant, R-District53 (portion of Deschutes County) 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1453 Email: rep.genewhisnant©state. onus
Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, Democrat 1162 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4400 Fax:503-378-4017
CrookCountyJudge MikeMcCabe Phone: 541-447-6555 Email: County Court
Seth Crawford Phone: 541-447-6555 Email:
1300 N.W. Wall St. Bend, OR97701 Web: Phone: 541-388-6571 Fax: 541-382-1692
Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian 800 N.E. Oregon St., Suite1045 Portland, OR97232 Phone:971-673-0761 Fax: 971-673-0762 Email:
County Commission
66S.E. D St. Madras, OR 97741 Phone: 541-475-2449 Fax: 541-475-4454 Web:
Tammy Baney, R-Bend Phone: 541-388-6567 Email: Tammy Baney@
Alan Unger, D-Redmond Phone: 541-388-6569 Email: Alan Unger©co.deschutes.
Sen. TedFerrioli, R-District 30 (includesJefferson, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR 97301 Phone:503-986-1950 Email: sen.tedferrioli©
Tony DeBone,R-La Pine Phone: 541-388-6568 Email: Tony DeBone@
Sen. Chris Telfer, R-District27 (includes portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1727 Email:
Ken Fahlgren Phone: 541-447-6555 Email: ken.fahlgren©
County Commission
Mike Ahern, John Hatfield, Wayne Fording Phone: 541-475-2449 Email: commissioner©co.
Find It All
Sen. Doug Whitsett, R-District28 (includes Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-303 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsett©
300 N E Third St Prineville, OR97754 Phone: 541-447-6555 Fax: 54'I-416-3891 Email: administration© Web:
A t4tard-t4tinnin g
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Rep. JasonConger, R-District 54 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1454 Email:
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Rep. John Huffman, R-District 59 (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1459 Email:
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Rep. Mike McLane, R-District 55 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR 97301 Phone:503-986-'l455 Email:
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en a iYe ea BYei SS il e • Agreementwith union waspart of last-ditch talks late Saturday The Associated Press PORTLAND — The Port of Portland and union leaders who represent its marine terminal security guards reached atentative agreement in labor negotiations Saturday, averting a strike that could have effectively shut down three terminals. The last-ditch talks led to a resolution by evening after assurances from the Port of Portland that the security guards would continue in their current duties. Both sides had agreed on most aspects of a contract, but workers wanted an assurance their jobs wouldn't disappear if terminal operators or carriers wanted to hire their own, lower-cost security personnel. "This agreement protects
good-paying, blue-collar jobs that Portland working families need so badly," Jerry Hardman, ILWU Local 28 president, said in a statement issued by the union.
Port officials had said companies would be more likely to do business in Portland if they were not handcuffed to job guarantees. Portland's Terminal 6 is by far the smallest of the West Coast's six containershipping ports, and it's already at a disadvantage with other Pacific ports because it's about 100 miles from the ocean. The t entative a g reement must go before the union for a vote and the Port Commission for formal review and approval of the contract. The negotiation came 12 hours before a planned 6 a.m. strike Sunday that could have effectively shut down t h ree terminals, the union said. It was assumed the longshoremen who load and unload ships w ould have refused to crossthe picket lines. "We are very pleased that an agreement was reached," Port Executive Director Bill Wyatt
said in a statement. "The Port feels its contract proposal was not only fair but generous." A day before the agreement, Gov. John K i t zhaber t r ied to head off a walkout by the guards, telling both sides that he expected a deal Saturday, The Oregonian reported. Contract talks began in June 2011. The looming strike had led some businessesto use ports on Puget Sound, and shipping lines were evaluating whether to bypass the city. When ships are diverted and cargo rerouted, that adds costs, and potentially harmful delays for imports orexports of perishable or seasonal items. The drawn-out negotiation over securityguard contracts was justone of three separate labor conflicts at the Port of Portland. The first began this summer when the ILWU and the International Brotherhood of
History buffsmark'dangerous' day for Lewis 5 ClarkExpedition The Daily Astoriaa ASTORIA — "Our situation is dangerous," wrote William Clark on Nov. 12, 1805. It is one of the very few notes of alarm in the journals of the Lewis & Clark Expedition. A r a ging weeklong storm, falling rocks and enormous shifting drift logs threatened to grind them to smithereens. As hail fell and the wind tore ather audience Wednesday morning, Jil l H a r ding read those words aloud, at the exact spot where the explorers were trapped by torrential weather for three days. Harding is chief of visitor services at Fort Clatsop. Her audience included historian Jim Sayce, Chinook Observer Publisher Matt Winters, Daily Astorian photographer Alex P ajunas and PublisherSteve Forrester. Dismal Nitch Day is what the group called their commemoration of t h e e x pedition's arrival at the mouth of the Columbia River 207 years ago last week. "Lewis names this spot in his journal when he w r ites about 'leaving t hi s d i smal nitch,'" said t h e h i s torian Sayce. "In the lexicon of the early 19th century, a nitch described bays and coves." A small interior valley at the site was described by the explorers as a "holler," a term still employed in Lewis' native Virginia. W ednesday's d a r k sky , rain and hail helped conjure the scene that the expedition survived. Winters noted that, " Monday's gale-force w i n d was the weather they had. It pinned down the expedition in this spot." The location of Dismal Nitch has been d i sputed among historians. Expedition expert Rex Ziak of Naselle, Wash., determined that the spot was further west. But an "emerging consensus" says the spot is about two miles east of the Washington Department of
vember weather, the perils facing the 1805 party were very much in evidence in the river. F our-foot swells and a r i p roaring current rounding the bend at Point Ellice just east of the Astoria Bridge were much as they would have been Pacific region's most 207 years ago — effectively a barrier to westward passage celebrated visitors by dugout canoes until conarrived." ditions improved. This helps — Steve Forrester, publisher eliminate the nearby Megler of The Daily Astorian rest stop area as being Dismal Nitch, since Clark wrote of a two-mile retreat from these Transportation's (WSDOT) rough waters. Megler rest stop, which NaIn a p r actical sense, the tional Park Service signage M egler-Dismal N i t c h si t e currently labels Dismal Nitch. remains a helpful and conWhy do h i storians think venient location from which Dismal Nitch wasn't where the to visit the actual Columbia signs say it is? estuary campsites to its east. "The various indicators in Working with private propthe journals all line up for this e rty owners, WSDOT a n d spot," said Sayce. "The cliff others,Sayce said the hope is nearby,the creek, the distance to protect the two newly refrom Point Ellice." discovered Dismal Nitch sites Sayce believes archaeology plus anothercampsite where would confirm this, but findLewis and Clark stayed Nov. 8 ing any traces like dropped and 9. This site is near the old lead bullets would r equire eastern Pacific County ghost digging through 14 feet of fill town of Frankfort, and the Paadded when the highway was cific-Wahkiakum county line. built along the shore. There are still considerable The seven years that have funds on hand for site acquipassed since the Bicentennial sition, left over from the reof the expedition's arrival at cently finished work at Station the Pacific Ocean have per- Camp-Middle Village. mitted a calm analysis of the U ltimately, along w it h a explorers' time here, Sayce splendid overlook r e cently explained. acquired by Columbia Land Sayce said mid-20th cen- Trust above the Columbia at tury work by Lewis and Clark Knappton, Sayce envisions enthusiast Dr. J. Neilson Barry the four main Pacific County of Portland was particularly Lewis and Clark campsites helpful i n h e lping p inpoint serving as a prime historical two campsites located near and cultural asset for many one another on the shore. The generations to come. " Dismal Nitch D a y w i l l explorers were stuck in one awful spot from Nov. 10 until never attract a crowd," said sometime in the middle of the Forrester. "But it is important night on Nov. 13. They then re- to mark the days when the Colocated to a slightly improved lumbia-Pacific region's most situation a few hundred feet to celebrated visitors arrived. Bethe west before making their ing where the expedition acfinal push to Station Camp tually waited out that torrent Nov. 15. of adverse weathergave this On W e dnesday, b esides year's observance an extra typically t urbulent m id-No- measure of meaning."
"Dismal Nitch Day will never attract a crowd. But it is important to mark the days when the Columbia-
Reward offered in hunt for inmate MEDFORD — The Jackson County Sheriff's Office is offeringa $5,000 reward to help find a bank robber who escaped from jail last week. Authorities are searching for 42-year-old Bradley William Monical, who was awaiting trial in March for a 2010 bank robbery i n A s h l and. Investigators say he stood on another inmate's shoulders, removed apiece ofmetal mesh from the roof covering, and jumped into the nearby tree. The Medford Mail-Tribune says deputies and search and rescue volunteers have been on the hunt for Monical every
day since his brazen escape Nov. 19. The tree Monical jumped into has been cut down, along with several others nearby. The roof cover, atop a recreation area, is being replaced with a stronger material.
Hearing into sinking of vessel resumes A STORIA — A Coas t Guard hearing into the sinking of the fishing vessel Lady Ceceliareconvenes Monday in Warrenton. The 70-foot trawler sank March 10 off the coast of s outhern W ashington, a n d four people died. It was discovered Sept. 9 about 20 miles off
Point Ledbetter near Willapa Bay, Wash. The Daily Astorian reports that Coast Guard investigating officers heard testimony from family and associates of the crew during previous hearings. Witnesses gave testimony on the history and condition of the vessel along with recollections of the crew and their experience. The three-day hearing of the Coast Guard Formal Board of Investigation begins Monday and will be at Camp Rilea in Warrenton. — From wire reports
Food. Home & Garden TheBulletin
Electrical W o rkers c l ashed over which union should have
the job of plugging in and unplugging refrigerated shipping containers. The National Labor Relations Board and a federal judge concludedthat longshoremen engaged in slowdown tactics during the dispute, causing truck traffic to be backed up for more than a mile. Though the NLRB eventually concluded the work belongs to the electrical workers, the longshore union continues to fight for the jobs. Separately, in a s t a ndoff that involves several ports, the union contract between longshoremen and companies that operate grain t erminals on the Columbia River and Puget Sound expired Sept. 30. The companies have made what they say is their last offer, and are awaiting a response. A strike or lockout would d isrupt t r a ns-Pacific g r a in shipments, affecting U.S. farmers exporting wheat, corn and soybeans to Asia.
Write-in campaigns make for lively vote
Portland city leaderstake vacations early andoften By Brad Schmidt
personal days? All reasonable questions, the leaders say. But PORTLAND — Maybe you don't look for any reforms. "I can certainly understand have a long holiday shopping list, gatherings to attend and the perception of unfairness," preparations to make for out- said Com m i ssioner-elect of-town company. Wouldn't it Steve Novick, adding that be nice about now if you had he'd be happy to impose reunlimited vacation time? strictions on himself, with an Too bad you aren't the may- exception for a honeymoon. or, a city commissioner or the Mayor Sam Adams, known city auditor in Portland. They for his tireless work ethic, has have tough jobs, sure, but also reported 22 days, including a an enviable perk: as much va- few due to illness. But Adams' cation time as they want. tally included three vacation With more than a month days last week, when he was remaining in 2012, the six seen working in City Hall. "What's not noted is how Portland p o liticians h a ve taken off at least 3~/~ weeks much we work beyond 40 each. Commissioner Randy hours a week," Adams said. Leonard has taken more than True, the jobs aren't limfive weeks and Dan Saltzman ited to weekdays or bankers' nearly seven. hours. But that's also what the As elected officials, they an- officials signed up for. swer only to voters. But vacaGerry Verhoef, president of tion use has been an issue be- the City of Portland Profesfore. Charlie Hales, then a city sional Employees Associacommissioner and now the tion, said she can't tell whether mayor-elect, famously took there's a problem. But Verhoef off more than nine weeks in did point to her union mem2001, quipping: "Being inside bershipof more than 700 emin Portland, Oregon, in Au- ployees, including planners gust is a sin." and engineers. They get a set Should Portlanders care amount of vacation and have how often their city leaders to schedule it against the devacation? Does it matter as mands of their jobs. She figlong as decisions are made ures those standards should and bureaus run smoothly? apply to elected officials, too. "There has to be a balancIs it fair that elected leaders get more than 25-year city ing act of the use of vacation employees, who top out at five against what their commitweeks' vacation and three ments are for work," she said. The Oregonian
The Associated Press EUGENE — When the appointed incumbent for the Lane County Circuit Court Position 7 mistakenly failed to file paperwork to appear on the ballot, he set in motion a lively and timeconsuming write-in contest. Incumbent Jay McAlpin ultimately won the race, but it took the Lane County Elections Department nearly two weeks after the Nov. 6 contest to add up the results. Some voters took the contest in jest, writing in names
ranging from cartoon character Homer Simpson to abolitionist Harriet Tubman to "Ann Heiser-Bush." O ther voters wrote i n dozens of local attorneys. Voters also appeared to write in their own names — or thoseof friends, foes, co-workers and neighbors. Teams of r egular and temporary election workers compiled precinct-byprecinct alphabetical lists of names written in, according to The RegisterGuard. Failed Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romn ey was penned in f i v e times and Barack Obama four times, once listed as "Barracko Bama." When it came to celebrity candidates, actors Chuck Norris got five votes and Clint Eastwood got three. Fictitious characters James Bond and Clark Kent receivedtwo votes each.
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e're starting to believe that reform of Oregon's Public Employees Retirement System has
moved from a "nice to have" to a "must have" for Gov. John Kitzhaber. Kitzhaber has distilled the problem to something Oregonians can understand. Without changes, the cost to educate a child in Oregon will increase by nearly $1,000 in the next budget cycle. About half that increase comes from the increased cost of PERS. That means PERS is plucking teachers from the classroom, precipitating layoffs, bigger class sizes and shortened school years. Kitzhaber has offered a package of three reforms he would like to see the Legislature pass in 2013. He supportsreducing cost-of living adjustments for r etirees who get more than $24,000 a year from PERS, reducing the so-called "pickup" in w h ich government pays for employee contributions and dropping the tax benefit for retirees who move out of state. We know just how much savings that could create. It could yield $1.3 billion in savings per biennium,The Oregonian reported.
The key question is how much political capital w il l K i t zhaber spend to m a k e t h e r e f orms happen? The answer should be: a lot. We'll know for sure when he releases his budget on Nov. 30, but look at what the state's facing. The recent state forecast means the Legislature needs to cut some $700 million in costs to maintain current service levels. Kitzhaber has made a commitment to shift Oregon from a place that spends money fixing problems on the back end to stopping them before they occur. He wants to make investments that boost the economy through enhanced economic oppottunity. He needs money to invest in health care and education. He needs the $1.3 billion in savings per biennium. PERS reform becomes a must have. It will be embedded in his budget.
Triage for sewer problems riage is a concept normally associated with medical situations, such as the hospital emergency room or a w a rtime medical unit. The city of Bend, however, is applying the idea to sewers. Facing too many infrastructure needs and too few resources, the city decided to halt work on a major sewer overhaul that could have cost as much as $170 million. Instead, it formed a Sewer Infrastructure Advisory Group and asked members to identify crisis spots for short-term fixes. With those areas addressed, the city plans to step back and re-examine its overall approach,coming up with a new master plan for the long term. It's a good idea, and one with the potential to lead to better decisions that have support from the public. The advisory group has identified three targets for urgent action. In North Bend between Empire Avenue and the Cascade Village Shopping Center, wastewater rises too high in some manholes during wet weather, sometimes overflowing. Near Northwest Portland Avenue where it crosses the river, the pump station is so close to its
limit that economic development might be limited in the west and downtown areas within the next few years. In the southwest, existing pipes are insufficient for anticipated development of a hotel in the Old Mill District and expansion for Oregon State University-Cascades Campus. The panel will meet again in January to examine the best shortterm solutions for these trouble spots, ideally ones that are relatively inexpensive and can go to bid in a year. Stepping back from the city's earlier approach has some downsides, including the already expended $12 million on a southeast trunk line. But the delay also allows the city to examine different approaches, including t r eating waste at regional facilities or using regional pump stations, that could have significant advantages. And that earlier work isn't necessarily a loss, depending on what the new plan involves. When there are more needs and few dollars, the triage idea is helpful for setting priorities. In the long run, it should allow for better decisions that save money for taxpayers and ratepayers.
Energy producers, environmentalists need a pact on shale production By William McKenzie
could sharply boost our economy. Mitt Romney talked about this potential during the campaign, but energy development's impact on our economy didn't get enough attention. The drillingitselfboosts local economies. The Dallas Morning News' Alfredo Corchado reported Nov. 19 how shale production in South Texas created 48,000 jobs last year. Similar stories exist about North Dakota, another epicenter of production. Manufacturers also will benefit enormouslyfrom continued access to natural gas. It will lower their cost-ofproduction, which will let them grow faster. The environment could g a in, too. Utilities are now burning more natural gas because it costs less than using coal. The shift is lowering emissions into the atmosphere. The Associated Press reported this summer that CO2 emissions are at their lowest levels since 1992, largely because of utilities burning cleaner natural gas. It's not oftenyou see apolitical, economic and environmental trifecta. But here are the worries about the shale revolution: The fracking technique that producers use to extract oil and natural gas from shale rock worries many opponents. North Texans know the anxieties welL Voices have risen up here to protest the environmental costs of the Barnett Shale, the geological formation that is the nation's original mega-shale production area Environmentalists complain the production releases methane into the atmosphere. Ranchers contend fracking uses too much water. And
The Dallas Morning News
e're hearing plenty about Republicans and D emo-
crats exploring a grand
bargain so they can corral the debt through spending cuts and tax revenues. But we need to start hearing about another grand bargain. The next one needs to resolve energy and environmental issues so the nation can capitalize upon a rare opening. Here's the situation: America is
on theprecipice of a ma jor energy breakthrough. The Wall Street Journal heralded it last week with a headline that declared "U.S. Redraws World Oil Map." By 2020, the Journal reported, the boom in shale oil production should make America the world's largest oil producer. Yes, the largest. And the Journal's not making this up. The International Energy Agency reports that shale production in states like Texas, North Dakota and Pennsylvania is big enough to let the U.S. surpass all other nations in oil production. If this trend continues, the consequenceswillbe enormous. Think how many times the U.S. has been drawn into global hotspots because of the need for oil — or to protect supplies for our allies. Now, we couldbecome far less dependent upon foreign sources. We won't become an isolated power. Nor should we. But we certainly can become more selectivein our
engagements. What's more, the surge of abundant, cheap natural gas that's also coming from the shale production
urban residents worry about wells being drilled in metropolitan areas. Even the father of fracking, Houston oilman George Mitchell, has called for stricter regulations. Mitchell told Forbes that Washington should tighten controls on producers so outliers don't run amok. What we need, then, is a pact that keeps the production going while answering the environmental questions. Naturally, this won't be easy. But it needs to happen. And it should look like this: Washington, state and local governments should find ways to make the drilling happen. New York state has put a moratorium on it, but that is a mistake. For their own good, and the nation's, statesneed to encourage production. At the same time, producers must take the lead in addressing environmental concerns. Encouragingly, Exxon Mobil and eight other energy companies recently joined with the E nvironmental Defense Fund t o fund a University of Texas study to examine methane emissions from wells. That's leadership. And there are otherways to address ecological concerns, such as using brackish groundwater instead of freshwater in producing wells. The bottom line is the energy industry has the potential to reshape America's economy and global standing, just like the high-tech industry did in the 1990s. Openings like these don't come around often. But we need a grand bargain between producers and environmentalists to reap its benefits. — William McKenzie is a columnist for the Dallas Morning News.
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The terrible, horrible, no-good confirmation process By Cass R. Sunstein
a temporary moratorium on offshore drilling. As everyone knows, the dihe Senate confirmation pro- rector of the Office of Management cess is badly broken. In fact it is and Budget didn't make that decia disgrace. It needs to be fixed. sion, and the director would have no There is no time like the present. power to unmake it. To appreciate the problem, let's For several long months, a crucial begin with an example. It is Septem- position in the president's Cabinet ber 2010.The universally respected isn't filled. Landrieu finally lifts her and admired Jack Lew, nominated hold Nov. 18, when she becomes satby President Barack Obama in July isfied that the Obama administration for the crucial position of director of has gotten rid of the moratorium. the Office of Management and Bud- Landrieu explains, "I figured it would get, can't get a floor vote for Senate get their attention and I think it has." confirmation. The reason'? Louisiana When Landrieu (a Democrat, no Sen. Mary Landrieu, a Democrat, less) blocked Lew's appointment, she has placed a "hold" on his nomination was playing within the rules. Republi— the equivalent of a filibuster, pre- can senatorshave used the same rules venting a vote unless the Senate can to do far worse. They required a clomuster a two-thirds majority (and ture vote to overcome their opposition schedule plenty of time for debate). to Robert Groves, a superb nominee Landrieu has no questions about who eventually served with distincLew's character or q u alifications. tion as director of the Census Bureau. On the contrary, she doesn't have a They were able to prevent a floor single negative word to say about ei- vote for Donald Berwick, the imther. Her objection is that in April, af- mensely qualified nominee to lead ter the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, the Centers for Medicare and Medthe Obama administration imposed icaid Services. (Obama had to give Bloomberg News
Berwick a recess appointment, and he was able to serve for only an abbreviatedperiod.)They succeeded in blocking confirmation of Peter Diamond, the Nobel-winning economist, nominated to serve on the Federal Reserve Board. The largest problem is the broad pattern, not individual cases. Republican senatorshavesubjectednumerous Obama nominees to lengthy delays (disclosure: I was among them), and they have prevented some of those appointeesfrom being confirmed, even though they had no reasonable basis for doing so. The structural problem seems to be getting worse, and it isn't the product of one party. An unfortunate consequence of Senate obstructionism is that important offices can remain unfilled for long periods. The confirmation process also has a damaging effect on the president's thinking. His question can't only be, nWho would be the best person for the job?" It must also be, "In light of the ugliness and stupidity of the con-
firmation process, who is going to get through?" Nor can we ignorethe deterrent effectofthe confirmation process on honorable and highly qualified people. They might view the prospect of a presidential nomination as an honor and privilege, but too nightmarish and battering to try to get through. Both Republicans and Democrats have contended thatbecause federal judges have life tenure, and don't work for the president, it is legitimate for the Senate to give careful scrutiny to judicial nominees. Fair enough. For executive branch officials, the assessment must be different. Those officials work for the president. Within broad limits, the president, whether Republican or Democratic, is entitled to select his own staff. So long as the president's choices meet basic standards ofcharacter and competence, the Senate should be reluctant to stall or stop them — much less to use the confirmation process to extort presidential favors or changes in policy. The Senate should take three steps
to remedy the situation. First, it should reduce the intensity of its scrutiny. To that end, Democrats and Republicans should agree to adopt a strong presumption (rebuttable, but strong) in favor of confirming executive branch nominees. Second,the Senate should amend its rules to forbid a single senator, or a small group, from placing a hold on a nomineeto an executive branch position. Third, the Senate should ensure thatevery executive branch nominee is given a prompt up-or-down vote, probably within two months. Starting from scratch, no sane person couldpropose the current confirmation process, which is a parody of the constitutional design. Sometimes it's hard to solve long-term problems, and sometimes it's really easy. With respect to the confirmation process, we need a sensible, not-so-grand bargain, and we need it now. — Cass R. Sunstein, the Felix Frankfurter professor of law at Harvard University, is a columnist for Bloomberg News.
Washington law on same-sex marriage garnering questions
u otwas unsun ero o civi ri ts By Hamil R. Harris
By Chris Henry
ganization. Subsequent bills Kitsap Sun (Bremerton, Wash.) in 2008 and 2009 expanded BREMERTON, Wash. rights and responsibilities of Now that Referendum 74 has domestic partnerships. passed, allowing same-sex The new law will eliminate couplesto marry, people are the rightof same-sex couples reading the fine print. under 62 to be in domestic Some questions addressed partnerships, because marduring the c ampaign ar e riage is now an option. By coming up again, and new June 2014, those couples will provisions are getting closer have tomake a choice:marry scrutiny. or dissolve the partnership. " This was a ctually t h e The referendum got 53.66 percent of the vote. In Kitsap hardestpiece to workthrough County, 53.97 percent of vot- in the marriage bill," Pederers supported the measure. sen said. The new law goes into effect According t o P e dersen, Dec. 6. the committee drafting the The Kitsap Sun recently bill debated between two heard from an 85-year-old extremes, extend domestic Bremerton man ina hetero- partnerships to everyone or s exual r e lationship, w h o eliminate them. wondered about the impact Pedersen favored a totally of the law on senior citizens. egalitarian a pproach t h at The man, who didnot want would have let people of all to be identified, took note of ages and sexual orientations a provision ofthe referen- enter either domestic partnerdum (based on legislation ships or marriage. passed early in 2012) that The committee actually states same-sex domestic heard from some younger partnerships in which nei- couples who want nothing ther partner is at least 62 to do with marriage, an inwill automatically convert stitution they see as tainted to marriagesafter June 30, throughout history by outdat2014. ed doctrines of authority and "The parties to existing subservience. same-sex domestic partnerThe committee chose the ships may either get married middle road that protected or dissolve their domestic senior citizens' rights. Their partnership," a copy of the thinking, Pedersen said, was referendum on thesecretary politically motivated. "The political concern was of state's website reads. The Bremerton c ouple, the opponents would be even like many older couples, has more exercised if it appeared chosen not to marry to pro- we were creating an alternatect their federal retirement tive to marriage," he said. benefits. They have wills and The committee determined powers of attorney, and they that leaving in a broad appliare investigating whether a cation of domestic partnerd omestic partnership w i l l ships would perhaps justify be helpful or redundant. The opponents' arguments that man wondered whether the the same-sex marriage law June 2014 provision would presented a threat to the inapply to them in any way. stitution of marriage. Peder"No," according to state sen personally wanted to exRep. Jamie Pedersen, D-Se- tend domestic partnerships attle, who has co-sponsored to all, but he agreed to the gay rights legislation since consensus. "As a group, we came to a 2007. S enior c i t i zens, b o t h decision," Pedersen said. "I straight and gay, may con- support where we came out. tinue to register as domes- It was the right decision." tic partners, and e xisting W ashington j o in s n i n e partnerships w il l n o t b e other states that allow sameaffected in June 2014. Het- sex marriage. The Williams erosexual partners younger Institute, a U C LA-affliated than 62 have not and will not think tank, used U.S. Census have the right to domestic data to estimate that, within partnerships. the first three years of same"The way we (originally) sex marriage becoming legal, set up domestic partnerships Washington will see 9,501 was discriminatory," Peder- gay marriages. That's about sen said. half of eligible couples. The 2007 bill gave only The institute estimates that same-sex couples younger Maine, Maryland and Washthan 62 the right to register as ington, which all legalized domestic partners. That was gay marriage in November, because marriage was not an will see a total of $166.6 miloption for them, said David lion over the next three years Ward, an attorney for Le- in wedding-related spending, gal Voice, a Seattle women's with Washington's portion rights and LGBT advocacy or- being $88.5 million. -
California'shigh-speed rail hasits doubters By Daniel C. Vock
and the completion date for the first leg. Financing for latWASHINGTON — C alier stages of the project is still fornia's effort to build a high- up in the air. "This is a very expensive speed rail line between San Francisco and Los Angeles and very large construction — the largest public works project," says John Chalker, project now under way in the the vicechair ofa peer review United States — is picking up group created by California political momentum, but even law to keep an eye on the supporterswonder whether it project. "This type of concan stay on track to meet its struction has not been built in goal by 2029. the United States before." The California High Speed While U.S. engineers have Rail Authority has scored worked on similar projects several victories in r ecent overseas, they have not had to months. It earned legislative do it under the tight deadlines approval and $3 billion in imposed on the California bond proceeds to start laying project. The one that looms tracks next year in the largely largest is the one that comes agricultural Central Valley. It at the end of September 2017. avoided new political threats That is when the state must and emerged unscathed from be finished using its federal the November elections. And stimulus funds, which make on Nov. 16 the $68 billion up the bulk of the $3.5 bilproject survived an initial le- lion California has received gal challenge that could have from thefederal government halted work. to build high-speed rail. The But the obstacles in its way state is matching that with are still very real. The author- state bond money, approved ity that oversees the project is by voters in 2008. The goal a relatively small agency that of the initial stage is to build is still bringing top leaders a 135-mile segment from on board. It recently pushed Madera to Bakersfield. "I would not want to have back key deadlines for the first phase of the effort, in- to bet that they will have 135 cluding the due date for con- miles of track laid by Septemtractors to submit their bids ber 2017," Chalker says.
The Washington Post.
W ASHINGTON — L a w rence Guyot, a leader in the civil rights movement, lawyer and community activist who fought to empower the poor and disenfranchisedfrom his native Mississippi to the District of Columbia, died Friday at his home in Mount Rainier, Md. He was 73. He had a heart ailment, his daughter, Julie Guyot-Dian-
gone said. As a civil rights activist in Mississippi in the 1960s, Guyot (pronounced GHEE-ott) endured arrests and beatings as he fought for voting rights and political r epresentation for African A mericans. He showed courage by standing up against authorities who had beaten and, in some cases, killed civil rights workers. Guyot began working for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee in 1962 and became director of the 1964 Freedom Summer Project in Hattiesburg, Miss. He was the founding chairman of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party, which sought to include African-Americans among the Democratic Party's delegates to the national convention. In one of the bloodiest chapters of the civil rights movement in Mississippi, Guyot and others, including Fannie Lou Hamer, were arrested by law enforcement officials in 1963. They were severely beaten in a Winona, Miss., jail. In testimony after the beating, Guyot said he had gashes on his head, was bleed-
:®P,: •l ' ': / Nikki KahnI The Washington Post
Civil rights activist Lawrence Guyot,seen at home in July 2007, often appeared as a commentator on Fox News with well-known hosts Bill O'Reiily and Sean Hannity. Guyot died Friday at age 73.
"It is still a struggle.
Getting people organized to bring about political change is as necessary today as it was in 1955." — Lawrence Guyot, in 2005
television audience at the convention, drawing attention to the plight of black Mississippi residents. By 1968, Guyot had full credentials to the national convention as a member of the Missis-
dren, Julie Guyot-Diangone of Washington, D.C., and Lawrence Guyot III of La Paz, Bolivia; and four grandchildren. Among Guyot's later battles, he advocated for redevelopment of housing owned by Howard University in Washington's LeDroit Park neighborhood, where he lived for many years. He worked to have the civil rights documentary "Eyes on the Prize" — for which he had been interviewed — re-released after its initial
1990 telecast. From the 1990s until the mid-2000s, Guyot often appeared as acommentator on Fox News, defending the legacy of the civil rights movement in animated discussions with well-known hosts Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity. "It is still a struggle," Guyot told The Post in 2005. "Getting people organized to bring about political change is as necessary today as it was in 1955."
sippi delegation. ing from hi s n ose F EATURED La w r ence Thomas a nd mouth, and was p g p Guyot Jr. was born
bruised from his chest to his lower legs. Later, he recalled in a 2007 interview with The Washington Post, he was taken from his cell and shown to a group of white men gathered behind the jail. "Now you know what he looks like," he said the jailer told the crowd. "You can take care of him whenever you find him." The door to his jail cell was left unlocked, but Guyot knew that if he attempted to escape, he would probably be killed. DorieLadner,aWashington, D.C., resident who was a civil rights activist in Mississippi at the time, saw Guyot soon after he, Hamer and others had been released from jail. "His face looked like a piece of raw steak," Ladner said. "He was convinced that they were going to kill him, but Medgar Evers had been killed that night, and they let him and four women go." Eleanor Holmes Norton, the District of Columbia's delegate to the U.S. House of Representatives, first met Guyot in Mississippi within days of the beatings in Winona. "Because of Larry Guyot, I understood what it meant to live with terror and to walk straight into it," Norton told The Post in 2007. On Friday, she called Guyot "an unsung hero" of the civil rights movement. "Very few Mississippians were w i l ling to risk their lives at that time," she said, "but Guyot did." In 1964, Guyot helped lead a demonstration b y m e m bers of the Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party at the Democratic National Convention in Atlantic City, challenging the credentials of the allwhite state delegation. Their challenge was rejected, but Hamer spoke before a national
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around theworld: Pete La Roca Sims, 74: A powerful a nd di s t i n ctive drummer wh o c r eated the pulse for some of jazz's leading figures from the late 1950s through the '60s. Died Nov. 20 in Manhattan of lung cancer. Boris N. Strugatsky, 79: A prolific writer who used the genre of s cience fiction to voice criticisms of Soviet life that would have been unthinkable in other literary forms. Died Nov. 19 in St. Petersburg, Russia, of heart failure. — From wire reports
July 17 1939 in Pass C hristian, Miss. H e graduatedin 1963 from Tougaloo College in Tougaloo, Miss., with a bachelor's degree in bi-
ology and chemistry. He was a college student when he began working for civil rights. He graduated from Rutgers University law school in New Jersey in 1971 and moved to Washington, where he worked as a legal counsel for various city agencies. He became a neighborhood advisory commissioner and was an informal adviser to his fellow Mississippi native, Marion Barry, a former mayor and current Washington, D.C., Council member. "When he came to Washington he continued his revolutionary zeal," Barry s a id Friday. "He was always busy working for the people." Until his retirement seven years ago, Guyot was a program monitor for the District of Columbia's Department of Human Services' Office of Early Childhood Development. Survivors include his wife of 47 years, Monica Klein Guyot of Mount Rainier; and two chil-
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F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.
I B4
Today: Mostly sunny and
Tonight: Mostly clear skies overnight, low tempera-
age, a pleasant day!
ture s getting chilly
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Yesterday's state extremes
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Nov. 28 Dec. 6 Dec. 13 Dec. 19
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....5:40 a.m...... 3:46 p.m. Venus......4:43 a.m...... 3:13 p.m. Mars.......9:53 a.m...... 6:32 p.m. Jupiter......445 pm...... 753 a m. Satum......4:39 a.m...... 3;13 p.m. Uranus.....1:47 p.m...... 2:05 a.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 39/32 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.01" Recordhigh........69m1954 Monthtodate.......... 0.61" Recordlow......... -6in1993 Average monthtodate... 1.08" Average high.............. 43 Year to date............ 7.64" Average low .............. 26 Average year to date..... 8.85"
Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.17 Record24 hours ...0.98 in1960 *Melted liquid equivalent
Yesterday Monday Tuesday The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:
City PrecipitationvaIuesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.
Astoria ........48/31/0.00.....51/43/s.....54/43/pc Baker City......41/29/0.00.....38/21/s.....45/30/pc Brookings......58/50/0.00.....56/46/s.....60/53/sh Burns..........42/32/0.00.....41/18/s.....48/27/pc Eugene........43/41/0.00.....50/35/s.....52/43/pc Klamath Falls ...53/36/000 ....49/29/s ...50/33/pc Lakeview.......52/34/0.00 ....49/26/s.....51/37/pc La Pine........39/30/0.00.....45/I8/s.....45/30/pc Medford.......53/46/0 04.....55/38/s...... 53/41/f Newport.......48/37/0.00.....52/43/s.....55/46/pc North Bend......52/39/NA.....55/45/s.....59/49/pc Ontario........50/37/0.05.....44/24/s......46/31/s Pendleton......46/35/0.00.....45/32/s.....44/35/pc Portland .......50/39/0.00.....50/37/s.....52/43/pc Prineville....... 41/28/0.12.....45/23ls.....48/34/pc Redmond.......44/28/0.00.....48/28/s.....50/32/pc Roseburg.......48/43/0 00.....50/41/f...... 56/47/f Salem ....... 43/37/0 00 ....50/35/s ...51/42/pc Sisters.........41/33/0.00.....46/21/s.....49/30/pc The Dages......48/33/0.00.....44/35/s.....46/36/pc
for solar at noon.
Snow accumulation in inches
1 L 0
ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires
Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 0 .0 . . .no report Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . 23-34 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . . 27 Mt. Hood Ski Bowl..... . . . . . . 0 .0 . . .no report Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I . . . . . . . . 36
Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . .0-0... no report Willamette Pass ....... . . . . . . report
Aspen, Colorado...... . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .19-20 Mammoth Mtn., California..... 0.0... . . .26-36 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . . . . 24 SquawVagey, California..... . .0.0 . . . . . 5-22 Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . .8-18 Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .1012 Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . 0.0... . . . . . 18 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to thelatest ski conditions visit: or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partial clouds,c-clouds, h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, sn-snow,i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace
Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires
Yesterday s extremes
A slight chance for a few rain showers.
Moonrisetoday.... 3:27 p.m Moonsettoday .... 5:28 a.m
La Grande•
fog early.
Warm Springs •
vWaSCO 43/30
+ 48/39
47/38 v f Government Salem x. Camp 39/3
Lincoln City 50/41
HillsboroPOrtland ~~ 50/37
•vCannon Beach
More sunshine, temperatures to be above
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE WEST Sunny skies will be Sunrisetoday.... , 7/1 5 8 m Moon phases today...... 4 30 p.m the rule, although Sunset F ull L ast New Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:I 6 a.m there may be some Sunset tomorrow... 4:30 p.m
As t oria
4 4>
* * * * * * * ***+*
xr 3 63 6
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow
Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......77/50/0 00..64/33/pc.. 57/34/s GrandRapids....38/28/0 00..36/26/pc.34/25/pc RapidCity.......41/30/0 II..36/I9/pc. 45/21/pc Savannah.......64/32/0.00... 68/45/s...67/52/t Akron ..........39/27/002..40/27/pc. 36/26/sn Green Bay.......33/26/0.08..27/14/pc.32/22/pc Reno...........60/27/0.00...59/28/s. 60/37/pc Seattle..........47/34/0.00...47/35/s.50/40/pc Albany..........35/27/0.00..41/27/pc. 36/27/pc Greensboro......51/21/0.00...60/38/s. 51/34/sh Richmond.......49/26/0.00... 57/40/s. 49/35/sh SiouxFalls.......36/27/0 00..27/I8/pc. 41/I 9/pc Albuquerque.....62/30/000...63/34/s.. 62/35/s Harusburg.......40/34/0.00..47/32/pc..39/30/rs Rochester, NY....34/31/0.01 .. 39/28/sf .. 36/29/c Spokane........39/31/0.00... 38/28/s. 37/31/pc Anchorage .......16/6/0 00...I9/II/s... I8/2/5 Hartford,CT .....40/27/0.00...45/29/s..41/27/rs Sacramento......65/38/0.00... 63/43/s. 63/51/pc Springfield, MO ..63/35/0.00..45723/sh.. 43/28/s Atlanta .........60/30/000..65/48/pc. 59/40/sh Helena..........40/32/0.00..3672I/pc.43/26/pc St.Louis.........58/3570.00...45/29/c. 38727/pc Tampa..........71/46/000... 76/61/s. 78/62/pc Atlantic City.....43/31/0.00...51/37is.46/37/sh Honolulu........81/68/0.00..82768/pc..83/67is Salt Lake City....48/28/0.00... 47/34/s .. 52/35/s Tucson..........82/51/0.00...77/47is ..77/48/s Austin..........77/36/0.00...82/47/t.65/35/pc Houston ........75/39/0.00...81/56/t.66/47/pc SanAntonio.....74/41/0.00... 81/50/t. 66/42/pc Tulsa...........65/39/0.00...50/27/c.. 50/30/s Baltimore .......41/30/000 ..51/36/pc. 45/32/sh Huntsville.......59/26/0.00..61/49/pc. 56/34/sh SanDiego.......61/56/0.00... 65/55/s.69/55/pc Washington, DC.43/33/0.00 .. 52/37/pc. 46/33/sh Billings.........35/30/0.19 ..38/21/pc. 46/24/pc Indianapolis.....46/27/0.00...42/25/c. 38/26/pc SanFrancisco....58/52/0.00...63/50/s.63/53/pc Wichita.........61/31/000 ..47/23/pc.. 50/29/s Birmingham.....59/27/000 ..66/53/pc. 60/36/sh Jackson,MS.... 63/26/0.00... 70/55/t. 61/38/sh SanJose........57/46/000.. 66/45/s 64/49/pc Yakima.........51/24/000 39/31/s. 40/33/pc Bismarck........30/15/000... 31/I8/c. 31/16/pc Jacksonvile......66/30/0 00... 70/48/s...69/52/t SantaFe........59/25/0.00... 56/26/s .. 57/29/s Yuma...........81/57/0.00...81/52/s.. 80/52/s Boise...........47/39/0.18...45/26/s. 51/35/pc Juneau..........31/28/0.28 ..28/22/sn.. 28/23/s INTERNATIONAL Boston..........40/31/000...47/32/s. 41/32/sh Kansas City......56/31/0.00 ..40/24/pc. 43/29/pc BudgeportCT....43/33/000...48/34/s..42/32/rs Lansing.........36/26/001 ..36/23/pc. 34/24/pc Amsterdam......54/46/005.. 48/45/r46/38/sh Mecca..........91/72/000 .87/70/pc .. 89/71/s Buffalo.........32/28/015 .. 39/28/sf. 35/28/pc LasVegas.......70/45/000... 70/46/s .. 69/48/s Athens..........66/49/0.00... 62/49/c. 61/57/pc Mexico City .....70/41/000 ..71/47/pc.. 72/45/s BurliugtonV1....32/26/000...35/22/s.37/25/pc Lexiugton.......52/25/000...50/33/0.43/23/pc Auckland........68/59/0.00... 65/56/c.67/56/sh Montreal........28/23/000.. 29/22/pc.. 31/20/c Caribou,ME.....31/23/001 ..28/10/pc. 25/20/pc Lincoln..........44/27/000..37/21/pc.47/23/pc Baghdad........68/57/0.00 ..69/54/sh.. 70/54/s Moscow........27/23/0.00... 32/29/c .. 33/29/c Charleston SC...62/32/000...67/43/s...67/51/t Little Rock.......63/29/000... 60/41/t .. 52/31/s Bangkok........88/77/0.35 ..90/74/pc...91/79/t Nairobi.........82/59/0.00 ..77/58/sh...77/59/t Charlotte........53/21/000...62/39/s. 56/34/sh LosAngeles......67/54/0 00... 65/5is. 67/57/pc Beiling..........46/27/0.00... 39/29/s .. 41/20/s Nassau.........77/63/0 00 .. 75/69/sh. 79/72/pc Chattanooga.....57/26/000..62/45/pc.55/36/sh Louisvile........56/28/000...51/33/c.44/26/pc Beirut..........70/617003...68/58/s ..68/60/s New Delhi.......77/52/0.00...78/56/s.. 78/57/s Cheyenne.......59/32/0.00 ..35/27/pc.. 54/31/s Madison,Wl.....40/23/0.00 ..27/13/pc.. 31/20/c Berlin...........54/43/000 ..44/41/pc. 46/43ish Osaka..........59/36/000..58743/sh. 50/49/sh Chicago.........43/29/000 ..32/20/pc. 35/26/pc Memphis....... 59/31/00061/42/sh.. 51/32/s Bogota .........72/41/0.00 ..72/47/sh...72/49/t Oslo............32/28/000..30730/sn..34/30/sf Cincinnati.......49/25/000...48/31/c. 40/26/sn Miami..........77/55/0.00 ..79/67/pc. 80/67/pc Budapest........46/39/0.00...48/44/c .. 50/38/c Ottawa.........27/19/000 ..28/23/pc. 33/17/pc Cleveland.......40/28/0.01 ..39/29/pc. 37/29/pc Milwaukee......40/25/0.00..30/18/pc.. 33/24/c Buenos Aires.....73/52/0.00 .. 74/56/sh.. 82/68/s Paris............57/43/0.00..53/48/sh.47/40/sh Colorado Spnngs.58/31/000...43/26/s .. 61/30/s Miuneapolis.....30/27/0 00..21/I3/pc .. 33/I5/c CaboSanLucas ..86/61/0.00... 85/66/s .. 87/63/s Rio deJaneiro....79/73/0.00...76/70/t. 81/69/sh Columhia,MO...57/34/000...42/21/c .. 40/27/s Nashville........59/24/000... 57/40/c. 49/31/sh Cairo...........72/61/0.00..72/57/pc. 72/56/pc Rome...........64/45/0.00...57/51/c. 61/56/sh Columhia,SC....60/27/000...66/41/s. 63/41/sh New Orleans.....66/40/0.00... 74/61/t. 74/50/sh Calgary.........32/I8/0 00..29/I5/pc.. 25/I3/c Santiago........86/50/0.00...84/61/s.. 84/52/5 Columbus GA....63/30/000... 68/49/s...65/45/t New York.......40/33/0 00...47/37/s. 44/33/sh Cancun.........81/63/000..80/70/pc. 81/73/pc SaoPaulo.......72/63/0.00...69/62/t. 72/64/sh Columbus,OH....45/29/0.00..45/29/pc.37/24/sn Newark,NJ......42/33/0.00...48/35/s..39731/rs Dublin..........43/32/089... 42/37/c. 46/40/sh Sapporo ........38/32/0.00..39/21/sh. 34/27/sn Concord,NH.....37/28/000...43/21/s. 39/23ipc Norfolk, VA......48/28/0 00... 58/41/s. 54/40/sh Edinburgh.......43/34/000...41/35/c .. 45/33/c Seoul...........45/25/0.00..40/25/pc. 39/22/sh Corpus Christi....76/50/0.00... 82/60/t. 74/50/pc Oklahoma City...67/37/0.00...51/28/c .. 51/30/s Geneva.........57/39/0.00 ..52/46/sh.42/33/sh Shanghai........57/46/0.04..50/44/pc. 52/47/pc DallasFtWorth...76/44/000...73/41/c .. 58/36/s Omaha.........42/33/000 ..35/22/pc. 45/24/pc Harare..........82/66/0.00... 79/59/t...74/55/t Singapore.......86/73/1.92...87/78/t...86/76/t Dayton .........46/28/0.00..44/29/pc.37/26/sn Orlando.........72/44/0.00...76/56/s. 80/59/pc Hong Kong......77/70/0.17 .. 72/65/sh. 75/67/sh Stockholm.......39/32/000..42740/sh.. 43/38/c Denver....... 63/33/0.00..43/25/pc.. 62/29/s Palmsprings.... 83/55/0.00. 81/54/s.. 80/54/s Istanhul.........55/48/0.00... 53/46/c.56751/pc Sydney..........90/68/0.00...83/60/r. 74/65/sh Des Moines......40/34/000..32/18/pc. 40/24/pc Peoria..........47/29/0.00..36/18/pc.. 35/25/s lerusalem.......62/51/000..61/48/pc.. 63/50/s Taipei 84/66/0 00 72/63/r70/68/sh Detroit..........39/28/001..38/27/pc. 36/28/pc Philadelphia.....41/33/000... 51/35/s. 43/31/sh Johannesburg....72/57/0.39..72/54/sh.73/52ish TelAviv.........70/59/0.31..70/56/pc.. 69/56/s Duluth..........25/21/000 ..17/10/pc... 25/5/c Phoeuix.........82/57/000...79/53/s .. 80/55/s Lima ...........75/64/0.00...72/65/c.. 73/64/c Tokyo...........52/45/0.00..62/36/sh.51/39/pc El Paso..........73/36/000... 73/41/s .. 66/43/s Pittsburgh.......39/28/0 00 ..42/28/pc ..37/24/sf Lisbon..........59/54/0 00..59/46/pc 57/47/pc Toronto.........36/30/0 00 36/27/pc.33/25/pc Fairbanks...... -14/-24/000...-8/-22/s.-10/-30/s Portland,ME.....38/29/0.00...43/21/s. 39/25/pc London .........55/45/031..54/35/sh. 47/41/sh Vancouver.......45/37/0.00...41/36/s. 45/41/pc Fargo...........30/17/000...16/I2/c .. 26/0/pc Providence......41/31/0 00...48/31/s. 42/31/sh Madrid .........59/50/0.00..53/37/sh..47/33/rs Vienna..........48/43/0.00..47/38/pc.. 47/44/c Flagstaff........59/22/0.00...59/19/s.. 58/22/s Raleigh.........51/23/0.00...61/36/s. 57/35/sh Manila..........91/79/0 00..90/75/pc. 88/75/pc Warsaw.........43/41/0.00..47/40/pc. 40/36/sh
ove esse wit nature's eaut rees romitsstenc By Ian Lovett New York Times News Service
SAN DIEGO — Come here for the sights. (There is not a more majestic spot to watch the sun set over the Pacific.) Or come for the sounds. (The waves crash against the rocks, and the sea lions bark at one another on the bluffs.) B ut don't c ome f o r t h e smell. "It's so bad, it's so bad," said Neda Long, a tourist from Tennessee. "As soon as we pulled up, it was like, this is awful." In beautiful La Jolla Cove, art galleries and coffee shops meet a stretch of unspoiled cliffs and Pacific Ocean. Home to former presidential candidates (Mitt Romney has been
Hagan Smith, 5, and Hyrum Brinton, 4, pinch their noses as they walk past La Jolla Cove in San Diego.
spotted pumping his own gas here in recent days) and seal colonies alike, the neighborhood provides one of this city's primary tourist draws. But the smell, a pungent stench that emanates from the accumulation of bird feces on the rocks, has become a growing problem. And strict environmentaI regulations in the cove have stymied the city's effortsto address the problem before it drives tourists and businesses away, effectively roping the rocks off with red tape. "I've lived here my whole life, and the smell from the birds has never, ever been as bad as it is now,u said Megan Heine, the owner of Brockton Villa Restaurant, which overlooks the cove from a historic building that has been on the cliffs for more than 100 years. She said guests asked about the stench so frequently that her wait staff had become adept at explaining its cause. "If nothing is done and the smell becomes unbearable, I'm fearful of what that will really do to the business and the appeal of being in La Jolla,u she said. Until a few years ago, the smell was never a problem because thebluffs were open for people to walk on . But since the rocks were closed off, partly because of safety concerns, sea gulls and cormorants have taken over, their droppings have piled up and the smell has grown more ac-
Photos by Sam Hodgson /Ne w York Times News Service
Speeial Iloliday Bazaar
Birds and a sea lionrest ort a rock at La Jolla Cove in San Diego. In La Jolla Cove, art galleries and coffee shops meet a stretch of unspoiled cliffs and Pacific Ocean, but the smell that ernnates from bird feces on the rocks has become a growing problem.
Listiinls 0 appear in the Classifieds through December~~
Only $35.00 per week*! rid by the day.
San Diego but also for the In theory, a solution could state of California. Quite simbe simple. Sherri Lightner, the ply, it proves that California's local City Council member, regulations make it an impossaid biodegradable and non- sible place to do business." toxic cleaning agents could be Long, covering her n o se safely used to clean the bluffs with a scarf asshe walked occasionally without any ill ef- around the cove, said she fects to the environment. would not eat at any of the However, because the warestaurants right on the water ters in the cove are part of a or stay in the hotels there (and coastal area specially protect- next time, she plans to park ed by the state, multiple state her car m or e s t rategically, regulatory a gencies w ould away from therocks where the have to issuepermits before birds and seals congregate). the agents could be used, a But others were undaunted process thatregulators have and considered the smell the indicated would probably take price of admission for getting at least two years. to see wildlife Up close. "It's not so bad,n said Bella «We tried t o i n v estigate this asan emergency request, Blyumin, who w a s v i siting but it hasn't risen to the level from Cleveland with her husof something like a hazardband and daughter. "You can ous spill, where they address kind of handle it. As long as it right away," Lightner said. you know it's natural, you can "We don't get to have special appreciate it when you see the regulations for bird poop." scenery." So this m onth, L i ghtner Some residents hope the wrote a letter to Gov. Jerry cliffs will remain untouched, Brown, hoping to expedite the left to the birds and the seals, process before the festering which will produce, well, the odor starts to take a heavier kinds of smells that birds and toll on businesses. sea lions produce. uLa Jolla finds itself caught For the moment anyway, in a morass of state regula- there seems to be little city oftions — and it stinks. Liter- ficials can do except hope for a lly," Lightner wrote in t h e winter rainstorms, which in letter. "This issue has implica- years past have washed the tions not just for La Jolla and rocks and alleviated some of
the smell. "We need to c onsider a range of alternatives for cleaning the rocks, and one of those could be no project, just sit and wait for r ain," said Kanani Brown, an analyst for the California Coastal Commission, one ofthe regulatory agencies. "I know that's not ideal for local businesses, but that's historically been the approach."
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f8 LlCB SOFB 8 By Tim Doran The Bulletin
For those of us interested in watching 3-D video but who hate wearing funny-looking glasses — and isn't that most of us'? — some new(ish) technology should impress. Even those who insist that 3-D has a bright future in entertainment acknowledge that the glasses are a problem. They are expensive and often ugly, and if you already wear glasses, they can be uncomfortable. You need a pair of glasses for each person, a particular challenge when the technology is being pitched as a new way to watch sporting events, often a communal activity. Toshiba has televisions and a laptop that can display 3-D video without requiring the viewer to put on glasses. One form of the technology — which has been available in Japan for a while — works by using a webcam to find a
How thescreenworks The Nintendo 3DSXL uses a parallax barrier LCD screen to provide 3-D viewing without
viewer's eyes, then sends different versions of the image to each one, creating the illusion of depth. (A shortcoming of this no-glasses approach at this point is that only one person at a time can see the 3-D effect.) Nintendo is also in the 3-D, zero glasses game. The Japanesevideo game company did very well with its handheld DS game player, released in 2004. But since then it has had to deal with a new competitor, one that has a lock on millions of pockets: smartphones. To counter the threat from cheap phonebased games, Nintendo came out with the 3DS, with 3-D features that phones can't
Botheyesseethesame2-D image.
BARRIER ON Some light is blocked and different pixels R
slightly different images it receives from the left and right eyes. A parallax barrier display
creates the illusion of depth by using a switching liquid crystal to control the direction in which light leaves the display, to each eye. When the barrier is transparent,
— New Yorh Times News Service
are seen byeacheye, creating the 3-D effect.
the need for special glasses. How?The brain perceives depth by processing the
directing a different image from the screen
match. But initial sales were so weak when the device came out in 2011 (see, you don't even remember that, do you?) that Nintendo made an unusually swift and steep price cut, dropping it in August 2011 to $170 from $250. Sales have picked up since then (at the expense of profits), and the 3DS XL, illustrated below, went on sale this summer for about $200, with a larger screen and longer battery life. One innovative feature of the 3DS is the way it allows game characters to appear in realworld sett ings as seen through the 3-D camera — and without the funny glasses.
thesame imageisseenbybotheyes, resulting in a two-dimensional image.
State reviews conducted during the last fiscal year found that 86 percent of properties inspected in Oregon with underground motor-fuel storage tanks — mostly gas stations complied with e n vironmental rules,according to a report released last week. The figure shows that the vast majority of 454 underground st o r age tank facilities inspected i n Oregon during t h e
fiscal year that ended GREEN Sept. 30 met the rules for preventing and detecting leaks, according to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality's underground storage tank report for fiscal year 2012. Inspectors did not f ind significant violations at 86 percent of the inspected facilities, which generally have three or four underground s torage tanks e ach, s aid M i k e Kortenhof, manager of the DEQ's underground storage tank inspection program. For example, one tank might hold regular unleaded, another mid-grade gasoline and a third premium. Service stations account for most of the tanks, Kortenhof said, but some large businesses or government agencies with m otor pools have their own fuel pumps and underground storage tanks. See Tanks/C6
Undergroundstorage tanks in Oregon CAMERA ASSEMBLY
Contains one forward-facing camera and two rear-facing stereo cameras.
Total number of underground storage tanks: 5,743
Total number of underground storage tank facilities (or
properties): 1,952 Number of confirmed releases from underground storage tanks
between Oct. 1, 2011, and Sept. 30, 2012: 54
Australians detect excess
greenhousegas near frackingsite 3-D DEPTH SLIDER Allows the user to control the amount of 3-D effect. At its lowest setting, the screen looks like a traditional two-dimensional LCD
( "y ( ~ )
SDHC CARD Removable, it allows for the storage of
photos, music and game data.
Two ste reo camerascan beusedtotake3-D photographs and video, aswell as to play games.
6 left!
M.. Po AUGMENTEDREALITY Using an AR card like the one at left as a marker, the 3DS XL can determine where to
place 3-D models in agame. Thestereo cameras integrate real-life backgrounds into the game play, making monsters or targets seem toappear on atable top. Sources: Nintendo of America; Sharp
Frank O'Connell / New York Times News Service
By Carol j. Williams Los Angeles Times
Environmental researchers have detected excess greenhouse gas levels near the site of Australia's biggest coal seam gas field, prompting calls for halting expansion of hydraulic fracturing until scientists can determine whether it might be contributing to climate change. The reported findings of methane, carbon dioxide and other c ompounds at m o r e than three times nor-
mal background lev- SCIENCE
els have stirred new controversy in eastern Australia over the pros and cons of boosting natural gas output by "fracking," a p r ocess that blasts sand, water and chemicals into deep underground wells. Researchers from Southern Cross University took mobile air testing equipment to the Tara gas field near Condamine in Queensland to measure the ambient gas content. They found more than three times the level of toxic gases than expected. "The concentrations here are higher than any measured in gas fields anywhere else that I can think of, including in Russia," Damien Maher, a biochemist who helped conduct the tests, told the Sydney Morning Herald. See Fracking /C3
Meredith Baxter and
MichaelGrossagain are weddedbyroles By Susan King Los Angeles Times
LOS ANGELES — Meredith Baxter r e calls t h at when she met Michael Gross 30 years ago at the first table read for the award-winning N BC si tc o m ,
"Family Ties," she
Angeles." Three decades after that first encounter, they are playing husband and wife once again in the Hallmark Channel holiday film, "Naughty or Nice," which premieres Saturday on the cable network. The two play Carol and Walter Kringle, a pleasant couple who love the holidays so much they named their daughter Krissy (Hilarie Burton). After Krissy loses her job in an advertis-
ing company, Carol gets her a job wrapping Christmas presents at the mall. For fans, the roles will bring back fond memories of the Keatons, the couple played by Baxter and Gross in "Family Ties." Baxter and Keaton played former hippies Elyse and Steve Keaton, still expounding liberal values in the world of Reaganomics. The series made a star out of Michael J. Fox, who played their conservative Republican son Alex. Justine Bate-
man played teenage daughter Mallory and Tina Yothers was youngest daughter Jennifer.
available for somemovies
Regal Pilot Butte 6
at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 tI /MAX. • There may be an additional fee for 3-0and IMAX films. • Movie times are subject to change after press time.
2717 N.E. U.S.Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347
Baxter and Gross were the second most popular TV parents in the 1980s after Bill Cosby and Phylicia Rashad of NBC's "The Cosby Show." A nd b ot h f a m i lies w e re united, so to speak, when " Family Ti e s "
ARGO (R) 12:15, 3, 5:45 A LATE QUARTET(R) 12:45, 3:45, 6:45 LINCOLN (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:45, 6 THE SESSIONS(R) 1, 4, 7 SKYFALL (PG-13) Noon, 3:15, 6:30 Andrew Cooper /Summit Entertainment via The Associated Press Mackenzie Foy, left, and Kristen Stewart star in "The Twlight THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING Saga: Breaking Dawn — Part 2." DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:15
Ty SppTLl(jHT
gave the l anky actor cast as her husband a good once-over. "I am thinking my f i r st words to hi m w e r e, 'You need a tan!,'" she said, laughing. nHe is a New Yorker and I am born and raised in Los
Accessibility devices are
Cosby Show" on NBC's p o pular Thursday night lineup from 1984 to '87. Though "Family T i e s" left the airwaves in 1989, the bonds Baxter and Gross nurtured remain. "We have done (the play) 'Love Letters' many times,'" said Baxter, who was born the same day — June 21, 1947 — as her TV husband. "About seven years ago, we did a staged reading of 'You Can't Take It With You' at the Pasadena Playhouse." Their families also socialize. "Michael and (his wife) Elza and my partner, Nancy, and I have been together on trips," said Baxter, who, like Gross, is now a grandparent. Directing the two was a dream come true for David Mackay, who grew up watching them on "Family Ties." G ross and B a xter h a d not been cast when Mackay signed to do the film. "They were just n ames being bantered about between myself and (executive producer) Ti m J o h nson," Mackay said. "The minute I came on I said you have got to get them. The concept was to have both or neither of them. They both wanted to work together, so it all went swimmingly."
WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 12:15, 3:50, 6:50, 9:35
Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347
McMenamins Old St. Francis School
ARGO (R) 12:40, 3:30, 6:15, 9:15 Wed: 12:40, 3:30 CLOUDATLAS(R) 12:20, 4:05, 7:50 FLIGHT (R) 11:45 a.m., 3:10, 6:20, 9:30 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG)9:35 LIFE OF PI(PG) 12:30, 6:30 LIFE OF PI3-D (PG) 12:50, 3:25, 4:15, 7: IO, 9:25, 10:05 LINCOLN (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 12:05, 3:05, 4:25, 6:25, 7:45, 9:45 RED DAWN(PG-13) 1, 3:45, 7, 9:45 RISEOFTHEGUARDIANS (PG) 11:15 a.m., 12:25, 1:40, 3:55, 4:35, 7:05,7:35, IO:05 RISEOF THE GUARDIANS 3-D (PG) 10:55 a.m., 1:45, 4:40, 7:25, 10 SKYFALL (PG-13) 11:50 a.m., 3:35, 6:45, 9:55 SKYFALL IMAX (PG-13) 11:55 a.m., 3:20, 6:35, 9:50 THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 11:10 a.m., noon, 2, 3, 4 50, 6:05, 8, 9:10
700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562
Pine Theater
Sisters Movie House
214 N. Main St., Prineville, 541-416-1014
720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800
Oue to Monday Night Football, no movies will be shown today After 7 p.m., shows are 21and older only.Youngerthan21may attend screenings before 7 p.m.if accompaniedby a legalguardian.
Tin Pan Theater 869 N.W. Tin PanAlley, Bend, 541-241-2271
Duetoa privateevent, the TinPan lheateris not open to thepublic today.
RISE OF THEGUARDIANS (PG) 6 THE TWILIGHTSAGA:BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (UPSTAIRS — PG-13) 6:15 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.
MADRAS Madras Cinema 5 1101 S.W.U.S.Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505
RED DAWN(PG-13) 7:20
$ p "~ pcrf ectcolorssi nce1975
7:30 AM - 5 :30 PM MON-FRI 8 AM - 3 PM SAT.
70 SW Century Dr. Suite145 Bend. OR 97702 t 541-322-7337 www complementshome com
TI B lh
1535 S.W. DdemMedo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777
541-382-4171 541-548-7707 •
1000's Of Ads Every Day
Redmond Cinemas
mplements d
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2121 NE Division Ben d
641 N W F i r
4'bm C
Bend Memorial Clinic i~
for appointments
R ed m o n d
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*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/BlackButte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-LaPine
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KATU News W o rld News K A TU News at 6 (N) n « Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Dancing With the Stars: All-Stars Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Extreme Makeover: Home Edition KATU News (11:35) Nightline KTvz 0 0 0 0 News Nightly News Newschannel 21 at 6 (N)« Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune The Voice LiveTop 8Performances Thetop 8 artists perform. 'PG' (10:01) Revolution (N) '14' « New s Jay Leno KBNZ 0 News Evening News Access H. Old Christine How I Met 30 R ock n '14' How I uet Big Bang 2 Bro ke Girls M ike & Molly n Hawaii Five-0 Wahine'inoloa '14' News Letterman KOHD 0 0 0 0 KEZI 9 News World News K EZI 9 News KEZI 9 News Entertainment The Insider (N) Dancing With the Stars: All-Stars Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Extreme Makeover: Home Edition KEZI 9 News (11:35) Nightline Big Bang Bon e s The But inJoke the '14' KFxo IDi IEI IEIIEI America's Funniest HomeVideos Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Big Bang (9:01) TheMobDoctor (N) n '14' News TMZ (N) n 'PG' The Simpsons Family Guy '14' Antiques Roadshow'G' rw Broadway: TheAmerican Musical Broadway: The American Musical Broadway: The American Musical KOAB Q Ij Q i j Wild Kratts 'y' Electric Comp. This Old House Business Rpt. PBS NewsHour (N) n rr NewsChannel 8 NightlyNews Newschannel 8 News Live at 7 (N) I n side Edition The Voice Live Top 8Performances Thetop8 artists perform. 'PG' KGW 0 (10:01) Revolution (N) '14' cc N e w schannel 8 Jay Leno 'Til Death 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' KTVZDT2IEI Q B IH We ThereYet? We There Yet? King of Queens King of Queens Engagement Engagement 9 0210 Liam is threatened. (N)'14' Gossip Girl (N) n '14' rr OPBPL 175 173 Lidia's Italy G a rden Home My Family Tim e Goes By Mormon Tabernacle Choir Great Performances n 'G' cc Wo r ld News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose (N) n cc PBS NewsHour n cc KATU
Intervention Latisha '14' cc Intervention Dorothy; Ivan 'PG' In t ervention Nichole '14' cc Intervention Kelly (N) 'PG' rr Inte rvention Nick (N) rr (11:01) Intervention Megan H. (245) *** "Thun- ***"TopGun"(1986,Adventure) TomCruise, Kelly McGilis, Anthony Edwards. A hotshot Navy ***"A FewGoodMen" (1992, Drama)TomCruise, Jack Nicholson, DemiMoore. A Navylawyerdefendstwo Ma- ***"First Blood" (1982,Action) derheart" jet p ilot downs MiGs andloves an astrophysicist. « rines in a comrade's death. cc Sylvester Stallone cc 'ANPL 68 50 26 38 Monsters Inside Me'MA' cc Swamp Wars n 'PG' cc Rattlesnake Republic 'PG' « Rat t lesnake Republic n 'PG' Fin d ing Bigfoot CSI Bigfoot 'PG' Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence Rattlesnake Republic n 'PG' BRAVO1 37 4 4 Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly The Real Housewives of Atlanta Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly (10:01) Start-Ups: Silicon Valley What Happens Housewives CMT 190 32 42 53 Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Reba 'PG' « R e ba 'PG' « Re b a 'PG' « Re b a 'PG' « Re b a 'PG' « Re b a 'PG' « Re d neck Island n 'PG' Redneck Island n 'PG' Redneck Island rt 'PG' CNBC 54 36 40 52 Billions Behind Bars Apocalypse 2012 American Greed Mad Money Apocalypse 2012 American Greed Teeter HangUps Hair Loss CNN 55 38 35 48 Anderson Cooper360 (N) « Pie r s Morgan Tonight (N ) Ande r son Cooper360 « ErinBurnettOutFront PiersuorganTonight Andersoncooper360« ErinBurnettOutFront coM 135 53 135 47(4:58) Futurama South Park '14' South Park '14' (6:29) Tosh.0 Colbert Report Daily Show (7:59) Futurama Futurama '14' Futurama '14' South Park 'MA' Brickleberry S o uth Park 'MA' Daily Show C o l bert Report Dept./Trans. C i t y Edition Pa i d Program Kristi Miller De s ert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Adv Journal G e t Dutdoors Visions of NW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show Kristi Miller C i t y Edition COTV 11 Politics & Public Policy Today CBPAN 61 20 12 11 Politics & Public Policy Today *DIS 87 43 14 39 Jessie 'G' « Je s sie 'G' « Phi neas, Ferb Good-Charlie Shake It Up! 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' Jessie 'G' « ** "SkyHigh" (2005) MichaelAngarano. n « Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Jessie 'G' «A.N.T. Farm 'G' *DISC 156 21 16 37 Overhaulin' Number 1 Camaro 'G' Fast N' Loud n '14' « Fast N' Loud n '14' « Fast N' Loud n '14' « American Chopper (N)'PG' « Jes se James: Outlaw Garage '14' American Chopper n 'PG' « *E! 1 36 2 5 TheWomen Ice Loves Coco The Soup'14' The Soup '14' E! News (N) Studio E! '14' Nicki Mina): My ** "Sweet HomeAlabama" (2002) ReeseWitherspoon. Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 Monday Night NFL Football Carolina Panthers atPhiladelphiaEagles (N)(Live) Sportscenter (N)(Live) rw NFL PrimeTime(N) rr Sportscenter (N)(Live) « ESPN2 22 24 21 24 2012 World Series of Poker 2012 World Series of Poker 2012 World Series of Poker Spo r tscenter Football Live NBA Tonight (N) NFL Presents SportsCenter (N) (Live) rr College Football ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Battle of the Network Stars rr AW A Wrestling rrrj UWF Wrestling UWF Wrestling PBA Bowling rr College Basketball rrrj College Basketball From 2/6/88. H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESP NFC Press H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 12420 Sportsoenter (N) (Live) « Sportscenter (N) (Live) « Sportscenter (N) (Live) « ComeHome"(1972) Voicesoi Chad Webber. *** "A Boy NamedChar/ie Brown" (1969), Pamelyn Ferdin **** "WALL-E" (2008) Voices of Ben Burtt, Elissa Knight. The700club rr 'G' « FAM 67 29 19 41 *** "Snoopy, Hannity (N) On Record, Greta VanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor « Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five FNC 57 61 36 50 The O'Reilly Factor (N) « *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Best Dishes P aula's Cooking Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Mystery Diners Health Inspect **"The Proposal" (2009) FX 131 (3:30) ** "B/ow" (2001,Drama) How I Met How I Met Two /Half Men Two/Half Men * * " The Proposal" (2009) SandraBullock. A womanpretends to be engagedto evadedeporlation. HGTV 176 49 33 43 Property Brothers 'G' « Property Brothers Amber'G ' Lov e It or List It Milne 'G' « Love It or List It 'G' « Love It or List It (N) 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I L o ve It or List It 'G' « *HIST 155 42 41 36 American Pickers 'PG' « American Pickers 'PG' « American Pickers 'PG' « Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' American Pickers (N) 'PG' « Paw n Stars (N) Pawn Stars 'PG' Invention USA Pawn Stars 'PG' *** "Hisand Her Christmas" (2005)PaulaDevicq. 'PG' « ** 'tiz & Diek"(2012) LindsayLohan, Grant Bowler. 'PG' « "Love at theChristmasTable" (2012) Danica McKellar. 'PG' « LIFE 138 39 20 31 "Onthe 2nd Dayof Christmas" MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Ed Show(N) The Rachel Maddow Show (N) The Last Word The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 (4:50) 16 andPregnant Briana '14' Catfish: The TVShow n Totally Clueless Pranked n '14' Teen Mom 2Walkthe Line'PG' T een Mom 2 n 'PG' Teen Mom2 (N) n 'PG' Catfish: The TVShow Kim& Matt NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Drake & Josh Drake &Josh News W/Linda FullHouse'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' TheNanny'PG' TheNanny'PG' Friendsn '14' (11:33) Friends Prison Diaries n '14' cc Prison Diariesn '14' rw Dateline on OWN n '14' rrrj Dateline on OWN n '14' rr Datehne onOWNn 14 Dateline on OWN n '14' cc OWN 161103 31 10 Prison Diaries n '14' rr High School Football WIAAClass 3A,SecondSemifinal: Bellevuevs. Mount Si The DanPatrick Show College Basketball ROOT 20 45 28* 26 High School Football WIAAClass 2A,Semifinal: Capital vs. Lynden *** "Star Wars Vi: Return oitheJedi" (1983) MarkHamil. Luke andhis allies have a confrontation with Darth Vader. Tattoo Night. SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (4:42) *** "star wars vi: Return oitheJedi" (1983, science Fiction) MarkHamil, Harrison Ford. rr *** "Indiana Jonesandthe Temple oi Doom"(1984) Harrison Ford. « ** "The Mist"(2007) ThomasJane. A deadly fog engulfs terrified townspeople. « SYFY 133 35 133 45 (4:00) ** "National Treasure: Book oi Secrets" ** TheArrival • TBN 05 60 130 Behind Scenes Living Edge K i ngdom Conn. Jesse Duplantis Praise the Lord 'Y' « Joel Osteen M a nna-Fest Li v e-Holy Land Creflo Dollar F a ll Praise-A-Thon *TBS 16 27 11 28 Friends n 'PG' Friendsn '14' Ki ng of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy n '14' « Conan (N) '14' « *** "Pride and Prejudice" (1940)GreerGarson, LaurenceOlivier. Sisters (7:15) *** "Jane Eyre" (1944,Drama)JoanFontaine, OrsonWelles. Char- **** "Great Expectations" (1946)JohnMils, Valerie Hobson. Apoororphan *** 'yt RoomWith a View" (1986)• TCM 101 44 101 29 seek husbands in1800sEngland. «(DVS) lotte Bronte's gothicheroineloves her employer. « is raised to be agentleman of great hopes. « HelenaBonham-carter. *TLC 178 34 32 34 CakeBoss'PG' CakeBoss'PG' CakeBoss'PG' CakeBoss'PG' CakeBoss'PG' CakeBossn C a keBossrt C a keBoss'PG' CakeBoss: NextGreatBakerGameOn!(N)'PG' Ca k eBoss'PG' CakeBoss: NextGreatBakern *TNT 17 26 15 27 NBA Basketball NewYorkKnicks at Brooklyn Nets I n s ide the NBA The Mentalist n '14' « The Mentalist Pink Tops n '14' T h e Mentalist Aingavite'1Baa 4' The Mentalist Bleeding Heart '14' CSI: NY Heart oi Glass '14' « MAD 'PG' Reg ular Show Regular Show Wrld, Gumball Adventure Time Adventure Time Regular Show Annoying Kin g of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' *TOON 84 *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Man v. Food'G' Man v.Food 'G' BizarreFoodsfZimmern Man v. Food'G' Manv.Food'G' The LayoverwithBourdain The Layover with Bourdain Hotel Impossible 'PG' « Hotel Impossible 'PG' « M*A*S*H 'PG' M*A*S'H 'PG' M'A'S*H 'PG' CosbyShow Cosby Show Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King ofQueens King ofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 Bonanza 'PG' « USA 15 30 23 30 NCISKnockoutrr 'PG' « NCISHideandSeek'14' « NCIS: Los Angeles '14' « WWE MondayNight RAWStarring JohnCena,AJ Lee, CMPunk& Ryback. (N) n « The Soup '14' Csh Cri. Scene Basketball Wives LA(N) n '14' T . l. and Tiny M arrying, Game Basketball Wives LA n '14' T.l. and Tiny Marrying, Game VHt 191 48 37 54 Behind the Music TheGame'14' Marrying, Game Marrying, Game Basketball Wives LA n '14' *AttrE 130 28 18 32 The First 48 Underworld '14'
*AMC 102 40 39
Return toLonesome Dove'PG'« Co/d Creek ENCR 106401 306401(4:10) *** "TheRiverWild" (6:10) ** "TheNext KarateKid" 1994 Hilary Swank.n 'PG' « (9:35) *** "Ransom" 1996,SuspenseMelGibson. n 'R' « FMC 10420410412 *** "LiveFree orDieHerd" 2007, Action Bruce Wilis, Justin Long. 'PG-13' « FXM Presents ** * "LiveFree or DieHerd" 2007, Action BruceWilis, Justin Long. 'PG-13' « FXM Presents ** "T he13th Warrior"1999 'R' FUEL 34 UFC: Franklin vs. Le RichFranklin vs. CungLe. FromMacau, China. Moto: In Dut U FC Tonight U F C Reloaded UFC137: Penn vs. Diaz Nick Diazvs. BJ Penn. GOLF 28 301 27 301Longest Drive Longest Drive Chasing Cha s in g Big B reak Greenbrier Big Break Go l f Central C h asing Chas in g Big B reak Greenbrier Challenge Ch a llenge *** "Annie Claus IsComingto Town" (2011) MariaThayer. 'G' "TheMostWonderful Timeoithe year" (2008) Henry Winkler. 'PG' "DebbieMacomber's Trading Christmas" (2011)TomCavanagh. 'G' HALL 66 33175 33 "Night Before Night Before" (4:10) **"Liar (5:40) ** "Mr.Popper's Penguins" 2011,ComedyJim (7:15) * "Little Fockers" 2010,ComedyRobert De Niro, BenStiller. Thewhol Witness (Series Finale) (N) rr (Part 4 ** "Tower Heist" 2011 BenStiller. Condo employees plot 24/7 Pacquiaoi HBO 25501 425501Liar"1997 Carrey, CarlaGugino. n 'PG' rr clan arrives for theFocker twins' birthday. n 'PG-13' ~c oi 4) 'MA' « revengeagainst aWall Street swindler. Marquez 4 'PG' diocracy"2006,ComedyLuke W ilson.'R' ** "StarTrekV: TheFinal Frontier"1989 William Shatner. 'PG' I FC 105 1 0 5 ** "I (6:45) *** "Edward Scissorhands" 1990,Fantasy JohnnyDepp. 'PG-13' (11:15) ** "Idiocracy" 2006 'R' (4:45) ** "Bruce Almighty" 2003,ComedyJim Carrey, * NBnd oi Days"1999, Horror ArnoldSchwarzenegger. Anex-cop must pre- *** "Chronicle" 2012 DaneDeHaan. Astrange sub- * * "Horrible Bosses" 2011, ComedyJason Bateman, (11:45) Hunted M AX 00508 5 0 Morgan Freeman. rr 'PG-13' rr vent a womanfrom bearing theAntichrist. rr 'R' cc Charlie Day, JasonSudeikis. n 'NR' cc Polyhedrus 'MA' stance givesthree friendssuperpowers. 'PG-13' Taboo Ugly '14' Taboo Fat '14' Taboo Beauty'14' Taboo Ugly '14' Taboo Fat '14' Taboo ChangingGender'14' N GC 157 1 5 7 Taboo Beauty'14' O d d Parents A v atar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Pla net Sheen Planet Sheen SpongeBob S p ongeBob Av a tar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Dra gon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor NTOON 89 11518911 Monsuno 'Y7' Planet Sheen Odd Parents OUTD 37 307 43 30 Legends of Fall Hunt Masters Profess. Fisher's ATV Dirt Trax TV D e stination Pol. PBR Outdoors Best of West Headhunters TV Grateful Nation Fisher's ATV Dirt Trax TV D e stination Pol. Savage Wild (4:50) * "Loosies" 2011Peter Facinelli. A pickpocket (8:20) *** "50/50" 2011,Comedy-DramaJoseph Gor- Untold History of the United States Homeland TwoHats Saulteams up Dexter Helter Skelter Dexter gains an Homeland TwoHatsSaul teamsup don-Levitt, SethRogen. rI 'R' « advantage. rr « learns that he isabout to be afather. ee The Bomb(N) '14' « with Virgil andMax. n 'MA' with Virgil andMax. rr 'MA' 'G' G earz 'PG' Hot Rod TV '14' HotRod TV 'G' TruckU 'G' Truck U 'G' Gearz 'G' G earz 'PG' Hot Rod TV '14' HotRod TV 'G' TruckU 'G' Truck U 'G' Unique Whips '14' SPEED 35 30312530 Gearz **"The GreenHornet"2011, Action SethRogen. rt 'PG-13' « "We Need toTalk About Kevin" STARZ 0040830040 Rachel Getting ** " TexasKillingFields"2011 SamWorthington. rr 'R' « (7:20) ** "Honey"2003 JessicaAlba. rr 'PG-13' ** "Barbershop" 2002,ComedyIce Cube. A barbershop ownerconsiders ** "Real Steel" 2011, Action HughJackman, EvangelineLilly. A boxing pro(4 00) ** "Blues Brothers 2000"1998 (6 05) *** "Monty Pyihon's The Meani n g of Li f e" 1983 Graham Chapman. TMC 2 5 25 Dan Aykroyd. 'PG-13' The Pythoncrewponders thequestions oi the universe. selling his establishment. n 'PG-13' « moter and hisson build a robotfighter. n 'PG-13'« Sit NGo Poker After Dark $20K Sit N Go Poker After Dark $20K Sit NGo Skiing 'G' Skiing SlalomRuns1 and2 Poker After Dark 'PG' « NBCSN 27 58 30 20 Poker After Dark $20K *WE 143 41 17411 Roseanne «Roseanne' PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne «Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' S HO 00
Man can't trust womanwho's had onemarriagetoo many Dear Abby:I'm a 51-year-old man. Three years ago, my first and only marriage ended after 20 years. Over the past two years, I have been in a wonderful relationship with a very bright woman, "Toni," who told me she had been married twice before.
A year ago, her job required that she move out of state, but we have successfully maintained the long-distance relationship with frequent visits and daily phone calls. A few days ago, I learned by chance that she was briefly married a third time while she was in her early 20s. I'm having a difficult time with this news — not for the additional marriage, but for the fact that she chose not to share it with me. I have bared my s oul to her and thought she had done the same. I'm sad and disappointed. Toni doesn't know that I know this, but it has changed my feelings for her. Trust issues are in q uestion. Do I bring this up now'? If so, how? Do I wait for her to bring it up someday in the future? How do I reconcile it in the meantime'? — Let Downin California Dear Let Down:You say you visit each other frequently, so I assume you plan to be together soon. When you see her, tell her you were told she had been briefly married a third time. She may have told you she was twice DIVORCED, and if the marriage in her 20s was annulled, that may be the reason she didn't mention it. If you were deliberately lied to, you will know by her reaction. Dear Abby:Two years ago, I dated this guy, "Craig." I tried to be the perfect girlfriend, and I was extremely close to his grandfather. When Craig went away to the Army, I would visit his grandfather regularly, and we developed a special bond. When Craig got back, we were supposed to get married, but he dumped me. The next day he had a new girlfriend. Craig was hard to get over, and I didn't handle the breakup
Please email event information to or click on "Submit an Event" at Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351. "EDGE OF AMERICA": A screening of the 2003 New Mexico film about a girls' high school basketball PUNCHBROTHERS:The team, based on a true story; free; bluegrass fusion group 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Central Oregon performs; $25-$50 plus fees; Community College, Boyle 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 Education Center, 2600 N.W. College N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317Way, Bend; 541-383-3782. 0700 or "AS YOULIKEIT": The La Pine High School drama department presents a play by William Shakespeare; $5, TUESDAY $4 students and seniors, $1 off with donations of nonperishable food; 7 CONVERSATIONSON BOOKS p.m.; La Pine High School, 51633 AND CULTURE: Read and discuss Coach Road;541-355-8400. "Ceremony" by Leslie Marmon Silko; followed by adiscussion; MONOPHONICS:The San free; 4-5 p.m.; Central Oregon Francisco-based funk-rock band Community College, Campus performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Center, 2600 N.W.CollegeWay, Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bend; 541-383-3782. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or "BRINGOUT YOUR DEAD!" LECTURE SERIES:Featuring a AWNATEIXEIRA:The Canadian presentation on "Vampires and singer-songwriter performs; $5; thePeopleWho LoveThem";free; 9 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing 8 5:30-6:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Community College, Hitchcock Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www. Auditorium, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-383-7786. HISTORYPUB:A presentation by author and historian Steve Lent FRIDAY on the pictorial history of Madras; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes© WEDNESDAY BEND HOLIDAYTREELIGHTING: GRIMES'CHRISTMAS With carolers, live music and SCENE:A display of lighted dance, with Santa; 6 p.m.; corner of Wall Streetand Newport and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. Avenue; www.downtownbend. 24; free; 2-6 p.m.; Crook County org/holiday-tree-lighting. Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., "HOW DIDWE GET HERE?" Prineville; 541-447-5006 or LECTURESERIES: Dennis Jenkins grimes© talks about "Oregon's Earliest Inhabitants; Archaeological KNOW HUMOR:THE FUN 5 Investigations at the Paisley Caves"; ART OFIMPROV COMEDY: Learn about improvisational $10, $8 Sunriver Nature Center members, $3 students, $50 for comedy from the local improv series; 6:30 p.m.; Central Oregon troupe Triage; free; 6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Brooks Room, 601 N.W.Wall Bend; 541-593-4394. St.; 541-312-1032 or www. "AS YOULIKEIT": The La Pine High School drama department presents "GREENFIRE— ALDO a play by William Shakespeare; $5, LEOPOLDANDA LANDETHIC $4 students and seniors, $1 off with FOR OUR TIME": A screening donations of nonperishable food; 7 of the documentary about the p.m.; La Pine High School, 51633 conservationist Aldo Leopold; Coach Road;541-355-8400. free; 6:30-8:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, FRIDAYNIGHTLIVE:The Crook Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 County High School drama N.W.College Way, Bend;541department hosts a variety show 728-3812 or featuring improv games, comedy sketches, short films and more; "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: donations accepted;7 p.m .;Crook THE TEMPEST":Starring Audrey Luna and Isabel Leonard County High School, Eugene Southwell Auditorium, 1100 S.E. in an encore performance of Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-416-6900. Shakespeare's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted in high definition; $18; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 SATURDAY IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse VFW BREAKFAST: Community Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. Christmas buffet breakfast; $8.50, THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: $7.50 seniors and children ages12 Read and discuss "A Visit from and younger; 8:30-11 a.m.; VFW the Goon Squad" by Jennifer Hall,1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; Egan; free; 6:30 p.m.; Sisters 541-389-0775. Public Library, 110 N. Cedar "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: St.; 541-312-1074 or www. LA CLEMENZADl TITO": Starring Lucy Crowe, Barbara Frittoli and Elina Garanca in a presentation of Mozart's masterpiece; opera THURSDAY performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, GRIMES'CHRISTMAS $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal SCENE:A display of lighted Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 24; free; 2-6 p.m.; Crook County 541-382-6347. Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., FESTIVAL OF TREES: The 29th Prineville; 541-447-5006 or annual event showcases decorated Christmastrees; with live music,
TODAY DEAR ABBY welL Becausehis grandfather asked, I tried to maintain a relationship with him, but Craig's t hen-wife didn't like i t a n d asked him to end my contact with his friends and family. S ometimes I w onder if I could have changed things. When Craig broke up w ith his wife, we exchanged emails on a dating website where we both apologized for what happened between us. I just heard that his grandfather died. Would it be wrong of me to reach out to him? We don't talk. — Still Not Over Him in Massachusetts Dear Still Not Over Him:I see no reason why you shouldn't extend your sympathy to Craig for the loss of his grandfather, with whom you were close. However, keep in mind that there is a reason you haven't been talking and that communication is supposed to be two-way. Also, as much as you may wish it would, it may not resurrect your romance. Dear Abby: We are a small group of senior women. Whenever we go to a restaurant, one member of the group insists on changing tables that are offered by the host/hostess. This can happen two or three times, and I find it embarrassing and annoying. It seems like some kind of control issue to me, and I don't want to be part of it. Any suggestions? — Tired of the Musical Chairs Dear Tlred:I agree with you that it's a control issue. Because you find it embarrassing and annoying, ask the other women in the group if it bothers them, too. If the answer is yes, then the woman needs to be told to cut it out, or she'll be invited to join you less often. — Write Dear Abby at or p0. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Monday,Nov.26, 2012 By Jacqueline Bigar ** * * Keep reaching outfor more information. You canonly handle so This year, your life proves to bequite much at a time. Getahead of your lively. At times, whenyou think you normal thoughts, and look at the finally understand someone or a long-term. Someone might be trying situation, you'll discover that that's not the case. Clarity and confirmation to communicate his or her bottom line, but clarity is lacking. Tonight: Put will help prevent problems. If you on some music. are single, you could makequite a fuss until you meet the right LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) person. Do not waste your time with ** * * O ne-on-one relating evolves someone who has a tendency to be to a new level, as you realize what inappropriate. If you areattached, the ishappening behindthescenes. two of you need toagree to respect You might want to go for the best each other's differences. TAURUS end result by setting some limits. might be too detail-oriented for you. Your sixth sense comesout in an important conversation. Tonight: Visit The Stars Showthe Kind of DayYou'll with a loved oneover dinner. Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * * Defer to others within your ARIES (March21-April19) ** * * T he unexpected occurs, and immediate circle. Besensitive to you might be confused as to what to the possibilities surrounding a key relationship. Confusion surrounds do. When push comes to shove, a new beginning will become possible. you. Listen with atouch of cynicism to discussions about a partnership You prevent misunderstandings and your long-term desires. Tonight: because you askquestions. You are Let the party begin. a serious-minded person. Tonight: Indulge in some fun andeasy times. SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ** * Your easygoing nature allows TAURUS(April 20-May 20) ** * * * Y ou seem so optimistic you to get pasta complication; that it might be impossible for anyone however, the path you decide to take could cause somestress. If you to do anything that could be viewed as annoying or difficult. An element of slow down andassess the situation, confusion could start to make its way you might make different choices. Confusion surrounds your decisions. into your plans and conversations. Tonight: Choose something relaxing. Be sure to clear this up asquickly as possible. Tonight: All smiles. CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan.19) ** * * Go with the unexpected GEMINI (May 21-June20) instead of fighting whatever is ** * * * Y our ruling planet, headingyourway.Youm ightbe Mercury, goes retrograde, which adds an element of confusion to your overtired, which could result in an odd reaction from a loved one.Avoid day. You will see amatter differently answering a problematic question as a result. Your words are clear until you are sure of yourself. Tonight: and direct, but you can't comfort someone who is not open to listening. Enjoy a loved one's company. Tonight: Not to be found. AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * You could be busier than you CANCER(June21-July 22) ** * * Z ero in on why you desire would like to be, and it might prevent you from heading in the direction a certain object. You could be more confused aboutan evolving situation you want. Pressure builds in the than you realize. A misunderstanding workplace. Bite the bullet, and get as much done aspossible now in order between you and aloved onecould to free up sometime for yourself later. be touchy. A meeting proves to be Tonight: Head home. strategic. Tonight: Go with the flow. PISCES (Feb.19-March 20) LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * * Take a stand in the midst of a ** * * S ay whatyou want, but current controversy. Disorder marks verifythatyou are understood asyou would like to be. It's always easyto your plans and choices. Youare someone,andeven moreso serious and well-intentioned, and you misread right now. Confirm that your words know when you havehadenough. were heard. Ask questions. Do not When you express different ideas stand on ceremony with afriend or a and opinions, you expect to beheard. loved one. Tonight: Return calls. Tonight: Set the stage. VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) © 2012 by King Features Syndicate
lian Broadcasting Corp. that the elevated gas levels were Contlnued from C1 probably due to "emissions The findings, though still that escape from the intended pending peer review before process of production." p ublication, c o u l d in f l u Health authorities and opence the scope and pace of ponents of the plans to exa planned expansion of coal pand fracking have called seam gas fracking as envion th e go v e rnments o f sioned in a white paper isQueensland and New South sued this week, environmen- Wales to determine greentalists said. Development au- house gas levels in the atmothorities in New South Wales sphere in areas slated for new state are weighing whether wells before they are drilled, to allow energy companies to provide a baseline for comto drill 66 new wells in the parison with air quality after western suburbs of Sydney to the underground seams are extract natural gas through fractured. "There are many things we fracking. At sites within a few miles don't know here, but we do of the Tara field wellheads, know that the results show methane was measured as widespread elevated levels, high as 6.89 parts per miland it really highlights the lion, compared with a normal need forbaseline studies so background level of about 2 we can determine whether parts per million, the air test this is due to the coal seam results showed. gas operations or not," Isaac Some scientists surmise Santos, a geochemist who that the excess levels are due worked with Maher on the to seepage of the gas through study, told journalists earlier displaced soil and aquifers this month, when the Souththat carry " f ugitive" emis- ern Cross research results sions releasedby fracking a were made public. mile or more below ground. Santos t ol d A u s t r alian Carbon cycle expert Peter journalists that the findings Rayner of the University of showed greenhouse gases Melbourne told the Austraat levels even higher than in
a tree auction, visits with Santa, children's games and more; proceeds benefit the Hospice of Redmond; free daytime family festivities, $40 evening event; 10 a.m.-2 p.m. family festivities, 5 p.m. eveninggala;DeschutesCounty Fair 8 Expo Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; 541-5487483 or www.redmondhospice. org/festival-of-trees. HOLIDAYBOOKSALE: The Friends of the Bend Public Libraries hosts a sale featuring books, CDs, audio books and more; free admission; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Deschutes Library Administration Building, 507 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-389-1622. CROOKED RIVERRANCH OLDE FASHIONEDCHRISTMAS CELEBRATION:Includes visits with Santa, a parade, an illumination of the ranch Christmas tree and more; free; 11 a.m., 3:30 p.m. parade; Crooked River Ranch Administration Building, 5195 S.W. Clubhouse Drive; 541-548-8939. JINGLEBELL RUN/WALK FOR ARTHRITIS:Runners and walkers don holiday costumes for these 5K and fun-run races; proceeds benefit the Arthritis Foundation; $25, $15 ages12 and younger; 9:30 a.m. registration,11 a.m. awards, 11:30 a.m. races start; downtown Bend; 888-845-5695 or www. BEND CHRISTMASPARADE: Parade theme is "A Picture Perfect Christmas"; free; noon; downtown Bend; 541-388-3879. GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 1-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or HOEDOWNFOR HUNGER:Featuring performances by more than 20 bands and a chili feed; proceeds benefit the center's Feed the Hungry Program; $20, $10 students, seniors and children ages16 and younger; 1-9 p.m.; Bend's Community Center, 1036 N.E. Fifth St.; 541-312-2069 or "THE NUTCRACKER":TheCentral Oregon School of Ballet performs the classic dance; $17 in advance or $20 at the door; $6 ages12 and younger in advance or $7 at the door; 3 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E Sixth St.; 541-362-6004 or www. A NOVELIDEAUNVEILED: Witness the unveiling of the book selection for this year's A Novel Idea .. Read Together program; free; 6-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or A VERYLAMBCHOPHOLIDAY: A holiday celebration featuring Shari Lewis' daughter, Mallory Lewis, with Charlie Horse, Hush Puppy and Lamb Chop; $12, $8 children 12 and younger, plus fees; 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. HOSPICECHRISTMAS AUCTION: An auction with dinner and a raffle; proceeds benefit Pioneer Memorial Hospice; $5; 6 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, Carey Foster Hall, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-2510. POKER TOURNAMENT ANDFAMILY BINGO NIGHT:Proceeds benefit the Sunriver Community Christmas Basket Program; free admission; 6-9 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road; 541-593-1978.
Russia's massive Siberian gas fields, where environmental protection has been minimal. Helen Redmond, a physician with t h e Ne w S outh W ales chapter of Doctors for the Environment, cited rising complaints of rashes, nausea, headaches and nose bleeds among people living close to the Tara gas fields. "Hydrocarbon e x p osure cannot be ruled out as a cause without much more comprehensive investigation," she told the Sydney newspaper, w hich also quoted a N ew South Wales Health Department official as saying the government agency should be included in public hear-
ings on fracking plans. Queensland Premier Campbell Newman, an avid proponent of expanding coal seam gas extraction, told Australia's ABC Radio that he would look into the researchers' findings because he wouldn't tolerate "any activities in any industry" t hat d a mage people's health or the environment. Rick Wilkinson, chief operating officer for the Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association,
"AS YOULIKEIT": The La Pine High School drama department presents a play by William Shakespeare; $5, $4 students and seniors, $1 off with donations of nonperishable food; 7 p.m.; La Pine High School, 51633 Coach Road;541-355-8400. "THE NUTCRACKER": The Central Oregon School of Ballet performs the classic dance; $17 in advance or $20 at the door; $6 ages12 and younger in advance or $7at the door; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-362-6004 or www. KEITHGREENINGER AND DAYAN KAI: The folk musicians perform; $15-$20 suggested donation;7p.m .,doors open at 6:30 p.m.; TheBarn in Sisters, 68467 ThreeCreeks Road;775-2331433 or dooleysbarn©
SUNDAY BREAKFAST WITH SANTA:Eat breakfast and visit with Santa; reservations requested; proceeds will provide a meal and Santa visit for area foster families; $12, $8 children 10 and younger; 9-11 a.m.; The Pine Tavern, 967 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-598-3026. GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 1-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds,1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes© HOLIDAY BOOKSALE: The Friends of the Bend Public Libraries hosts a bag sale featuring books, CDs, audio books and more; free admission, $4 per bag; 1-4 p.m.; Deschutes Library Administration Building, 507 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-389-1622. KEITHGREENINGER AND DAYAN KAI:The folk musicians perform; $15-$20 suggested donation;1 p.m.; Higher Ground, 2582 N.E. Dagget Lane,Bend;541-306-0048. NOTABLES SWINGBAND:The big band plays swing, blues, Latin, rock 'n' roll and waltzes; $5; 2-4 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-639-7734 or REDMOND COMMUNITYCONCERT ASSOCIATIONPERFORMANCE: Presidio Brass performs original arrangements for brass, piano and percussion; $50 season ticket, $20 students, $105 family ticket; 2 and 6:30p.m.;Ridgeview High School, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave.; 541-3507222, or "THE NUTCRACKER": The Central Oregon School of Ballet performs the classic dance; $17 in advance or $20 at the door; $6 ages12 and younger in advance or $7at the door; 3 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-362-6004 or www. KEITHGREENINGER AND DAYAN KAI:The folk musicians perform; RSVP requested; $15-$20 suggested donation; 5 p.m.; call for location; 541-306-0048.
MONDAY Dec. 3 THE WRONGHEROES:Dr.Elizabeth Daniels discusses how to teach girls to critique media content, titled "Helping Young PeopleNavigate Beyond NakedRoyals, Lindsay's Arrests and Snooki's Baby"; free; 6 p.m.; Downtown BendPublic Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-312-1034 or
said the findings were premature and biased. "Incomplete research from Southern Cross University academics this week lacks the basics of scientific rigor," Wilkinson said in a s t atement. "The claim that largescale fugitive gas emissions are a result of coal seam gas production, before they even do theirresearch, seems to indicate a bias against coal
seam gas." Residents of rural Queensland were initially enthusiastic about the prospects of coal
seam fracking bringing jobs and revenue to their state when political leaders began touting the p ractice about seven years ago. More than 4,500 wells have been drilled in the last three years, and work has begun on a 250-
mile pipeline from the gas fields to Gladstone Harbor and a massive liquefaction facility there. Concerns about fracking's consequences for air and water quality have been rising, though, as farmers complain of a dropping water table and piles of debris left behind by the drilling and extraction operations.
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"You'll think I'm nuts," Unlucky Louie told me. "We're going to adopt another child." L ouie's ho u s e i s al re a d y overflowing with kids, but I s a id what my heart felt: "I'm proud of you." When Louie was today's South, he overbid — hi s f our hearts was a stretch — but North had plenty to spare forhis raise. Louie ruffed the third spade, drew trumps and led a diamond to dummy's nine. East took the king and led another spade. Louie ruffed, took his club tricks and tried another d i amond f i n esse. E a st produced the queen; down one.
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Louie adopted a losing line of play. On the bidding, East probably has both diamond honors, but L o uie succeeds with a "partial elimination." After he ruffsthe third spade, he takes two trumps, then three clubs. He finesses in diamonds next, and when East wins, he must return a diamond to dummy or concede a ruff-sluff. My own daughter was born 12 years ago today and came into our arms and hearts two d ays l ater. Happy birthday, Bessie.
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he rebids two hearts. What do you say? ANSWER: P art n e r's rebi d promises six or more hearts.He would never be obliged to rebid a f ive-card suit. Depending on h i s pattern, he could raise to two spades or bid INT or two of a minor suit. Your straightforward action is a raise to four hearts. To bid three diamonds, looking for 3NT would be reasonable but speculative. East dealer Both sides vulnerable
Edit ed by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 1 Ed of "The Mary
Tyler Moore
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Show" 6 "Mystery solved!" 9 Spear 13 Picked 14 Artist's studio site 16 "Arsenic and Old 17 Mischievous girl in classic comics 19 Fairy tale menace 20 Display for the first time, as a product 21 Rajah's spouse 23 Until this time 24 Grilled fish in
3 Misbehaving child's punishment 4 Makeup maven Lauder 5 Raised
6 Musketeer motto worcl 7 Time of day 8 On fire 9 -mo replay 10 Cry that starts a kid's game 11 Ranch division 12 Borscht ingredient 15 North African capital for which Japanese unadon its country is 26 "Exodus" actor named Sal 18 Mama Cass's 28 Florida NBA surname 22 Clouseau's title: team, on scoreboards Abbr. 31 Jack LaLanne, for 25 D-Day city 27 Nile Valley one 35 Tries to make it country alone 28 Eyed lewdly 37 Funereal stacks 29 TV sports pioneer
38 Unaccompanied
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by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Unscramble these four Jumbles one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.
n mn ll r b a r
It's eo beeutitffl 6
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©2012 TribuneMedia Services, fnc. ho All Rights Reserved
out. I'm on a roll.
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; I)N; ., t , Ikk„ THE PARKING ENFC6'-CElvSNT OFFICER WA5 HAVING—Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as Euggested by theabove cartoon.
© LaughingStockInternational Ioc, Dist ey UnweroelUClickfor UFS,2002
Print your answer here: (Answers tomorrow)
"She's been trying to stimulate the economy with my credit card."
Jumbles: ONiON ENACT MODULE FOLLOW Answer: When hef freezer stopped working, she had a — MELTDOWN
39 Baggage handler, 30 Pitches in e.g. 32 Cry that conflicts 42 Actress Amanda with 10-Down 43 Put the kibosh on 33 Christopher of 45 Idle "Superman" 47 1984 South 1 2 3 4 5 African Peace Nobelist 13 50 Williams with a .344 lifetime 17 batting average 51 High-altitude nest 20 52 Lavish bash 24 54 Slap-on-theforehead cry 30 31 56 The "height" part 28 2 9 of a height phobia 36 58 Dress to the nines 35 62 h y giene 38 64"Star Trek" role for George Takei 66 Late-night Jay
67 Genesis garden site 68 Scrabble pieces 69 Bustle 70 Big name in ice cream 71 Monica of tennis
DOWN 1 Rights protection
gp. 2 Knee-to-ankle bone
34 c,Como esta ?"
5 3 Cow on a 3 6 Boss's "We need car t o n to talk" 54 Birdbrain 40 Sufficient, in 55 Aft e r-school slang cookie 41 Too violent for a 5 7 Gave the green PG-13 light 44 Nickelodeon 59 Qu i et spell explorer 60 Beekeeper 46 Figures made played by Peter with scissors Fonda 48 Ornamental wall 6 1 Kisser recess 63 Lav of London 65 " q uestions?" 49 Put down
62 66 69
B A E D E T S P K E O N E E A D O N R T O W N 11/26/1 2 10
23 27
32 37 39
42 46
56 63
50 52
57 64
53 S8
59 6 0
68 70
By C.C. Burttlkel and D. Scott Nichols
(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Ino.
11/26/1 2
Tanks Continued from C1 The state tries to inspect about one-third of all the facilities every year, Kortenhof said, although due to a hiring freeze, the DEQ has fallen a little behind. In FY 2012, the compliance rate declined about 4 percentage points over fiscal year 2011. However, the FY 2012 rate was similar to therates for fiscal years 2008-10, according to U.S. E nvironmental Pro t e ction Agency reports. And in each fiscal year from 2008-11, Oregon's compliance rate came in around 20 percentagepoints higher than the national average, according to the EPA. The DEQ also reported 54 fuel releases — such as spills, leaks or discharges — from underground storage tanks in Oregon during FY 2012, according to the agency's report r eleased Nov. 19. One of the 54 occurred in Central Oregon. The number was higher than the 46 leaks reported in FY 2011, but still on par with, or l ower than, the number ofreleases reported in fiscal years 2008-10, according to the EPA. C ompliance an d s p i l l numbers in the state and n ation have greatly i m p roved over the l ast 2 7 years since the federal government began programs to clean up leaking underground storage tanks and prevent future spills and releases. Before the mid-1980s, no federal or state laws existed to cover storage or leak detection from underground storage tanks, according to Kortenhof. "A lot o f t h e f acilities were built in the '50s and '60s,o he said, and their steel tanks began failing in the early to mid-1980s. Gasoline, diesel or other hazardous substances that leak into the ground may contaminate groundwater, which serves as the source of drinking water for nearly half the U.S. population, according to the EPA. Federal data shows the U.S. had 1.78 million active underground storage tanks as of Sept. 30, 1991. Oregon had morethan 17,000. At the end of March, the U.S. total had dropped to 587,000, and Oregon's to 5,771. In 1986, Congress created the Leaking Underground Storage Tank trust fund, financed by a 0.1 cent tax on each gallon of motor fuel sold nationwide. It pays forinspections, compliance and enforcement, a ccording t o t h e E P A , and as of Sept. 30, 2011, the fund had a balance of about $3.5 billion, earning $93.2 million in interest in that fiscal year. Between calendar years 2000 and 2007, Oregon reported an average of 118 releases a year, according to the DEQ's database. Between 2008 and 2011, the yearly average dropped to 57. Many of th e l eaks or spills reported today are old ones discovered when a property gets sold or transferred, he said. Laws passed in the 1980s also required stations to install leak detection and prevention systems, upg rade old tanks or t a k e them out of service, and build any new tanks out of material that would prevent corrosion. "Most gas stations either upgraded or closed down, Kortenhof said. — Reporter: 541-383-0360, tdoran@bendbultetin.coin
In searchengineresults, glimpsesof what we wonder By Quentin Hardy and Matt Richtel New York Times News Service
Sdo in Wed ~lma es Videos ~Ma s News ~
Gm ad more r
w ather
There are the questions you weather ask friends, family and close walmart „Q Everything white pages confidants. And t hen t here Cl Images wikipedia are the questions you ask the S Videos W Internet. ~~ More About 1,110,000,000 results(0.23 seconds) Search engines have long provided clues to the topics WeatherfOr NeW YOrk, NY- Change location- Add to iGoogle ~~Show search tools people look up. But now sites Wed Tdu Fri Sai 89'iai 'C l ike Google and B in g a r e Current:ParslyClomly Wind: W at 16 mpd showing the p r ecise quesHumidit 21 '/ 82'F 160'F 76'F 158'F 73'F 158'F 78'F 163'F tions that are most frequently Detailed forecast: The Weather Channel - Weather Underground - AccuWeatder a sked, giving e v eryone a chance to peer virtually over NationalandLocalWeatherForecast HurricaneRadararidRe ori i TheWeaider Channel provide a national and local weather forecast for one another's shoulders at cities, as well asweatder radar, report and hurricane coverage. private curiosities. And they www.weatder.comi- Cached- Similar are r e v ealing in t e resting US Current Weather Thunderstorm outlook 10-oay Overview patterns. Tropical Update Hurricane Central Frequently asked questions include: When will the world The Associated Press end? Is Neil Armstrong Mus- Googie, along with other search engines,anticipate what you are likely to ask based on what lim'? Was George Washington other people have asked.
2 l2 ! 2
asked Google to cease suggesting terms like "prostituierte," after her name. Google refused, saying that the terms had been individually typed in many, many times. The development of the autocomplete feature reflects the insatiable demand for speed among computer users. A reason the search engines offer the service is to cut down on
misspellings, so Web pages
can be delivered more quickly and accurately. But another is to help people just feel as though things are moving faster, saving them the time of typing a few extra words. In an experiment several years ago, Google found that people reported more happiness with search even when the results were delivered a few milliseconds faster, at a gay. The questions come from rate below what the conscious "We're not being a feature that Google calls (and that similar results turn and whether African-Ameri- mind can perceive. Since then, "autocomplete" and Microsoft judged by our up on Google). He could not cans are better athletes. Google and Microsoft have calls oautosuggest." These ansay how many times people In a statement, Krisztina spent billions on r e turning ticipate what you are likely to computer, or we don't have to type in a question for Radosavljevic-Szilagyi, a faster searches to impatient feel like we're being ask based on questions that it to dominate the feature but Google spokeswoman, wrote: users. "The search queries that you other people have asked. Sim- judged. We tend to said that for popular single So what might explain this ply type a question starting terms, like oFacebook," it is see as part of autocomplete apparent fascination with peowith a word like "is" or "was," ask questions with no well into the millions. are a reflection of the search ple's sexual orientation? sort of barrier." and search engines will start Search engine experts said activity of a l l W e b u sers." Ritch Savin-Williams, a profilling in the rest. they cannot rule out that the She declined to give an inter- fessor at Cornell University — Sean Goriey, phenomenon is the result of People who study online view about autocomplete but who studies gay issues, said co-founder and chief some bug in the system, but b ehavior also say t h e a u added in her note that Google that the frequency of such intechnology officer at Quid they added that it seems very tries to accurately reflect the quiries is a symptom of the potocomplete feature r e veals broader patterns, including unlikely. diversity of what is on the In- liticized nature of homosexualoWe base i t o n e x p eri- ternet, good or bad. indications that the questions ity. For instance, he said that people ask of search engines searches about George Cloo- ence, what users have asked people who are gay or who faThe reasonswhy often veer into the sensitive ney, New York Yankees third about around the world," In't vor gay rights might be looking and politically incorrect. baseman A le x R o d r iguez, Ven said. " We're trying t o There are other possibilities for allies and like-minded peo"Your search engine is your actress Ellen Page, Genghis reflect the world's collective for why these questions yield ple, while people who oppose best friend, and you talk to it Khan, several cartoon char- intentions." If people wonder impolitic results. such rights might be looking to about everything, even things acters and even the pope. whether other people are gay, One is the nature of lan- demonize someone, whether a you might not talk about to This line o f q u estioning "that is the collective intenguage. Questions beginning politician, athlete or actor. with "is" might be more likely "People are asking because your real best friends," said is so commonplace that a tion, and we abide with it." In't Ven added that he and Danny S u llivan, e d itor-in- simple query on Google beto lend themselves to ask- they want something, but that chief of Search Engine Land, ginning with "is" can result his M i c r osoft c o l l eagues ing about someone's sexual- something is not always the a website that c overs t h e in autocomplete predicting have oftendiscussed some of ity than questions beginning same," he said. search industry. "It's a way that you are about to ask, "Is the strange questions. A few with, for example, "where." Sean Gourley, co-founder that search engines reflect Frank Ocean gay?" Do the months ago, they became inHowever, on Bing, sexual ori- and chief technology officer of society." same with Bing, Microsoft's terested in the frequent inqui- entation also is a regular topic Quid, a data analysis company, search engine, and it often ries from search engine users with questions beginning with said the autocomplete results Line of questioning fills out the question, "Is Rob- about cultural stereotypes. the word "waso (Was J. Edgar underscorethe private nature Type "why are Americans" One category of q u es- in Roberts gay?" Although Hoover gay?). of the conversations people betion comes up with puzzling these questions do not pop and the autocomplete choices Another explanation for the lieve they are having with their frequency in a u tocomplete: up everytime, they do appear include "fat," "stupid" and autocomplete patterns could be computers. "We're not being j udged "patriotic." For "Chinese," the some meddling by pranksters whether a certain person is with surprising frequency. Nick In't Ven, senior pro- autocompletes include "skintrying to game the system. by our computer, or we don't gay. Is Elton John gay? Is Paul gram manager at Microsoft's ny," "rude" and "smart." If au- That can happen with search feel like we're being judged," Ryan gay? Is Michael Bloom- Bing search engine, said that tocomplete is any indicator, engines. Recently, B e ttina he said, adding, "We tend to berg gay? The question pops the returns reflect the col- search engine users regularly Wulff, wife of Christian Wulff, ask questions with no sort of up often, too, when starting lective curiosities of its users wonder if Jews are smarter a former German president, barrier."
Fight intensifiesoverNorthwest coal exports
bombard Instagram
The Associated Press students and other residents. B ELLINGHAM, Was h . But lately it's turned into a bat— The progressive college tleground in the debate over town of Bellingham, Wash., is whether the Pacific Northwest known for its stunning scen- should become the hub for exery, access to the outdoors and porting U.S. coal to Asia. eclectic mix of aging hippies, Five ports proposed for
By Jeremy C. Owens San Jose Mercury News
Photo-sharing service Instagram announced Friday t hat Thanksgiving wa s i t s busiest day yet, with users sharing their f a mily m eals at such a rapid clip that more than 10 million photos related to Turkey Day were posted. Pictures were uploaded at such a furious pace that Instagram surpassed 200 photos a second fora period of several hours in the middle of the day on the West Coast. "Overall, the day broke all Instagram records as we saw the number of shared photos more than double from the day before, making it our busiest day so far," the company said in a blog post. Instagram, which was purchased by Facebook for $1 billion — though that price fell as a portion was paid in Facebook stock, which declined between the acquisition agreement and actual purchase — previously said that Hurricane Sandy, which hit the East Coast last month, was its busiest photo-sharing event. "Sandy was the single larg-
est event captured on Instagram — and the largest event captured on cellphones ever," CEO and co-founder Kevin Systrom said at an event host-
Washington a n d Or e g on could ship as much as 140 million tons of coal, mostly from the Rockies, where it could travel by rail through communities such as Spokane, Wash., Seattle and Eugene.
ed by techblog GigaOM on Nov. 5 in San Francisco. B ut the numbers for t h e superstorm paled in comparison with the T hanksgiving results Instagram shared Friday. Systrom said that users uploaded 800,000 p i ctures with th e h a shtag ¹ S andy, with peak uploads reaching about 10 pictures a second, numbers that were trounced Thursday. I n hi s t a l k e a r lier t h i s month, Systrom said the faster rate at which Instagram is receiving photos will l i kely lead the company into some "Big Data" techniques in order to analyze all of it. "How do we mine all these photos, make sense of them so you can consume the most interesting photos?" Systrom asked the crowd, later answering, "We're going to need to be a big data company."
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Scoreboard, D2
NFL, D4-D5
College football, D5 College basketball, D3 Cycling Central, D6 NBA, D3
or an ers,aseason oremem er
Colorado cutsties with coachEmbree DENVER — Jon
Embree is out ashead football coach at the University of Colorado
after just two seasons and four wins in 25 games. Embree told The As-
sociated Press hewas heading into a meeting with his players Sunday night and didn't want to comment on his firing other than to confirm
he'd been let go byath-
letic director Mike Bohn earlier in the day.
Embree, who had three years left on his contract, said he would
talk at a newsconferencetoday. Even coming off the
worst season in the program's 123-year history, Embree's quick
bout 30 minutes after Redmond's 408 state football semifinal loss to Marist on Friday night in Salem, a trio of Panther linemen wandered out of the home locker room at Willamette University's McCulloch Stadium and back onto the field. Yeah, they had been beaten pretty convincingly by the Spartans, but these three pals wanted to make sure they savored the moment, the fact that they had gone as far as any Redmond High football team ever had. With the rain still pouring down, they ran a few pass routes and played catch, looking like they were not quite ready to say goodbye to a season few would have forecast three months
earlier. Redmond's turnaround was EA5TE5 the story of this football season in Central Oregon. Several local coaches mentioned over the summer that the Panthers might be pretty decent this year, but no one was predicting 11 wins and a run to the state semifinals. Redmond returned 30 seniors, but those players had enjoyed little varsity success over the previous two years, playing on Panther teams that went a combined 6-13 in 2010 and 2011. Additionally, when firstyear head coach Nathan Stanley took over the program last offseason, he and only one other coach, Jim Ferguson,returned from the 2011 Redmond High staff. SeeRedmond/D4
Matthew Atmonettt / For The Bulletin
Redmond football coach Nathan Stanleywatches the players leave the field during Friday night's Class 5A state semifinal in Salem. Redmond lost 40-8.
hook took his players by surprise. "It (stinks)," quarterback Jordan Webb said after Embree met with the players at the football facilities Sunday night. "We all really liked Coach Embree a lot. And
he loved us, also. Sad to see him go. We all respect him the utmost.
He's a great man."
Bohn declined comment, but in a joint
statement from school President Bruce Benson, Chancellor Philip
P. DiStefano, and him, Bohn said: "We firmly
believe a changein the leadership in our football program is in the best interests of the
University of Colorado, particularly given our goal to compete at the
highest levels of the
Pac-12 Conference." — The Associated Press '
Bears Vikings
26 10
Bengals Raiders
34 10
Browns Steelers
20 14
Colts Bills
20 13
Broncos Chiefs
17 9
Dolphins Seahawks
24 21
Falcons Buccaneers
24 23
Jaguars Titans
24 19
Ravens Chargers
16 13
49ers Saints
31 21
Rains Cardinals
31 17
Giants Packers
36 10
Photos by Rob Kerr /The Bulletin
A tandem bike can be oneof the more difficult storage challenges. Here one is suspended by a rope and pulley system attached to the ceiling at Webcyclery in Bend.
• Proper storage ofbikesnow canhelp prevent rust and corrosionduring thewinter months
A hook fixed to a vertical or overhanging surface is one way to get bicycles up and out of the way.
By Lydia Hoffman The Bulletin
With the temperatures dropping and the season's first few snowfalls already on the ground, all but the most hard-core cyclists may be thinking of putting their bike in storage. But don't just tuck it into a corner after your last ride and forget about it until spring. "It's very tempting not to (pre-
Falcons hangon to beat Bucs Late drive leads Atlanta to a 24-23 win over
Tampa Bay,D5
Notre Dameawaits SECchamp Portlaud's Jared Jeffries,left, is fouled
by Brooklyn's Reggie Evans during Sunday's game in New York.
Blazers fall to Nets Joe Johnson scores 21 for Brooklyn in a 98-85 victory,D3
By Ralph D. Russo The Associated Press
NEW YORK — Two years before the playoffs start in college football, the Southeastern Conference is staging a semifinal to determine who plays Notre Dame in the BCS title game.
Alabama (.9236) was second and Georgia (.8911) third in the BCS standings released Sunday. The Crimson Tide and Bulldogs play Saturday in Atlanta for the SEC championship. The winner will advance to the national
championship game in Miami on Jan. 7 against the Fighting Irish (.9979), who locked up their spot Saturday with a 22-13 victory against Southern California. "If you think about what the game means, this that and the other, it doesn't really help you win the game," Georgia coach Mark Richt said. "The only thing that helps you win the game is preparation and getting your mind ready to go to battle. That's what you've got to do." See BCS/D4
pare thebike before storage) ... but then come springtime or a 60degree winter day, you'll go for a ride and realize that you should have," says Kevin Gorman, owner of WebCyclery bike shop in Bend. When it comes to offseason storage, the most important thing for any type of bike is to clean and dry it before storing it, Gorman advises. SeeCleaning /D6
BCSStandingsList Harris Rk Pct 1. Notre Dame .9979 2. Alabama 2 .9530 3. Georgia 3 .9040 4. Florida 5 .8470 5. Oregon 4 .8720 6. Kansas St. 6 .7753 7. LSU 7 .7450 8. Stanford 8 .7162 9. Texas A&M 9 .7089 10. S. Carolina 10 .6477
USA Today Rk Pct 1 .9959 2 .9478 3 .9092 5 .8576 4 .8658 7 .7553 6 .7620 9 .6834 8 .7295 10 .6590
Computer BCS Rk Avg .9979 3 .9236 4 .8911 2 .8882 5 .8626 6 .7735 8 .7357 6 .7299 11 .6861 8 .6689
Pv 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12
2 p.m.:English Premier League, Manchester Unitedvs.Queens Park Rangers (taped), Root Sports. BASKETBALL 4 p.m.:NBA, New York Knicks at Brooklyn Nets, TNT. 4:30 p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at Detroit Pistons,
Comcast SportsNet Northwest. FOOTBALL 5:30p.m.:NFL, Carolina
Panthers at Philadelphia Eagles, ESPN.
SOCCER 11:30a.m.:UEFA Champions
League, Arsenal FCvs. Montpellier HSC (taped), Root Sports. BASKETBALL
4 p.m.:Men's college, Vermont at Harvard, NBCSN. 4:15 p.m.:Men's college, Minnesota at Florida State, ESPN2. 4:30 p.m.:Men's college, North Carolina State at Michigan, ESPN. 6:15 p.m.:Men's college, Maryland at Northwestern, ESPN2. 6:30 p.m.:Men's college, North Carolina at lndiana, ESPN.
6:30 p.m.:Men's college, Texas
Howard66,Wilmington(Del.) 50 Mercer73,Furman46 RhodeIsland78,Auburn 72,2OT Rutgers87 UNCGreensboro 80 Troy 66,AlabamaSt. 62 UNCWilmington61, Hampton 60 MIDWEST Rlinois63,Gardner Webb62 Indiana101,Ball St.53 IndianaSt.76, HighPoint62 Michigan St. 63,Louisiana-Lafayette60 SOUTHWES T ArkansasSt.93, Lamar53 Houston77,TexasA8M-CC75 Oklahoma St. 81, PortlandSt.58 Rider 74Milwaukee60 FAR WEST CalPoly70,UCLA68 Colorado 89,Air Force74 LongBeachSt. 69, FresnoSt.61 NewMexico69,Portland54 Oregon St 78, MontanaSt. 65 San DiegoSt.66,Southern Cal60 TOURNAMEN T DirecTVClassic Championship California78, Pacific 58 Third Place GeorgiaTech65, Saint Mary's(Ca) 56 Fiflh Place Xavier74,Drake70 SeventhPlace Drexel55,Rice47 Hoops forHopeClassic Championship SouthCarolina74,UALR62 Third Place SMU62, MissouriSt. 61 Old SpiceClassic Championship Gonzaga 81,Davidson67 Third Place Oklahoma 77,West Virginia 70 Fiflh Place Clemson 59, Marist 44 SeventhPlace Vanderbilt 73,UTEP49
IN THE BLEACHERS In the Bleachers © 2012 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Ucrick
OSAASTATEPLAYOFFS CLASS6A Semifinals At Jeld-WenField, PorHand
Saturday'sGames l.akeDswegovs. Tigard, noon Jesui tvs.Sheldon,4p.m.
CLASS5A Final At Higsboro Stadium
Marist vs.Sherwood,730p.m.
CLASS4A Final At Higsboro Stadium Saturday's Game NorthBend/OR CoastTechvs. Baker,1 p.m. CLASS3A Final
At CottageGroveHighSchool Saturday's Game Daytonvs. CascadeChristian 4 p.m.
pgg l f@E.P,ED
CLASS2A Final At Higsboro Stadium
Southern at Colorado, Pac-12 Network.
Oaklandvs. PortlandChristian,4:15 p.m.
CLASS1A Final At CottageGroveHighSchool
Saturday's Game Camas Valley vs. St.Paul,noon
BASKETBALL 4:30p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at Detroit Pistons, KBND-AM 1110, KRCD-AM 690.
"It's a new federal regulation. They must be labeled."
Schedule AH TimesPST
Listings are the mostaccurate available. The Bulletinis not responsible for late changes made byTll or radio stations.
(Subject to change) Thursday's Game
EAST Louisville atRutgers,430p.m
Motor sports
second-most lopsided lron Bowl
• Vettet wins 3rd straight F1 title in Brazil:Sebastjan Vettel overcame a fjrst-lap crash Sunday to capture his third straight
a 3-9season withoutany South-
Formula Onechampionship.He
1950. Chizik had three years left on a contract worth $3.5 million
finished sixth in the Brazilian
Grand Prix in SaoPaulo, which was won byJenson Button, and
gameever.Themovecame after eastern Conference wins. It was the most losses byan Auburn team since an0-10 season in
annually .Theannouncement came after a teammeeting. at 25 became the youngest three• N.C. State flres O'Brten time champion in Formula One. Vettel held off Ferrari's Fernando Alonso, the only other driver contending for the title. Alonso had a superb start on a hectic first lap
at Interlagos. Hefinished second but that wasn't enough toerase Vettel's lead in the standings.
Golf • Mcttroy winsDobal World Championship by 2 strokes: Rory Mcllroy won the Dubaj World Championship by two strokes after shooting a 6under 66 on Sunday in Dubaj, United Arab Emjrates, ending a
year in which hewon the PGA Championshi pandtheEuropean and PGA tour money titles. The
top-ranked Mcllroy overcame early putting woes to finish with five straight birdies in a 23-under 265 at the season-ending tournament to beat Justin Rose
of England, who shota courserecord 62.
Winter sports • Zettet edgesteammate Schltd to winAspenslalom:
after 6 seasons:North Carolina State has fired football coach Tom O'Brien after six seasons. Athletic director Debbie Yow made theannouncement Sunday, one day after the Wolfpack
finished a 7-5 regular season
with a win over Boston College. O'Brien went 40-35 after com-
ing to Raleigh from Boston College following the 2006 season. He took the Wolfpack to three
bowl garne, but won't coach in a fourth when N.C. State receives its bjd next week. N.C. State says offensive coordinator Dana Bible will be the interim coach for the bowl game. All other assistants are staying to
continue bowl preparations. His teams were just 22-26 in ACC
play and never finished higher than 5-3 in the league. Hewas 1-14 in Atlantic Division road
garne. • Boilermakersmakepulck decision tofire Hope:Danny Hope is out as Purdue's football coach. One day after the Boilermakers retained the Old Oaken Bucket with a 56-35 victory over Indiana and became bowl eligible
Austria's Kathrin Zettel held off teammate and training partner Marlies Schild to win a World
for the secondstraight season,
Cup slalom Sunday inAspen, Colo., skiing a blazing second run on a course onwhich she is
fired. After replacing the win-
much at horn. Zettel finished
in a combined time of1 minute, 42.46 seconds to edge Schild by 0.67seconds.Tina MazeofSlovenia was third in a race Lindsey
Vonn skipped assherecovers
athletic director Morgan Burke
announced that Hopehadbeen ningest coach inschool history, Hope went 22-27 in four seasons with teams that wereravagedby injuries. • Seahawks' cornerbacks could face suspensions: The Seattle Seahawks' Brandon Browner and Richard Sherman
course. But Schild waseclipsed
each might face four-game suspensions for violating the league's policy on performanceenhancing substances, according to a report by AdamSchefter of ESPN,citing unnamedleague sources. That punishment is being appealed, according to
by Zettel, the last skier of the
Schefter. A report on
from an intestinal illness. Schild
was seeking her34th career slalom win, which would match the
discipline record of Swiss great Vreni Schneider. She looked on her way, too, after a swift second run through a challenging
afternoon. • Norway's Svtndal wins super-G, completessweep: Aksel Lund Svindal of Norway
won a super-G Sunday in Lake Louise, Alberta, completing a
sweepatLakeLouise.Svindal also won Saturday's downhill,
making him the first man to win both events at Lake Louise since Bode Miller in 2004. Svindal was timed in 1 minute, 34.96
seconds, beating runner-up Adrien Theaux of France by 0.85
seconds.Joachim Puchner of Austria was third in1:35.86,
and Ted Ligety of the U.S.was fourth in 1:35.87.
Football • Auburn fires Chlztk after
reported a source said both players were accused of taking Adderall, which is a combjnation of dextroamphetamine and amphetamine used to fight attention deficit disorder.
Basketball • Kevin McHale's daughter dtes at 22:The daughter of Houston Rockets coach Kevin McHalehasdied at22.The e death of Alexandra"Sasha
McHale wasannounced bythe team Sunday. No other details
were released. Kevin McHalehas been on leavesince Nov.10to deal with what the team called a personal family matter. Team owner Leslie Alexander said in a statement that he extends his
3-9season:Auburn has fired
"deepest condolences" over the
coach Gene Chizik. Auburn announcedSunday thatChizik was dismissed two years after leading the Tigers to their first national title since1957. The Tigers closed with a 49-0 loss to No. 2 Alabama that was the
loss of the McHales' "beautiful daughter." He called Kevin and wife Lynn "loving and dedicated
parents who will need our continued support throughout this very difficult time." — From wire reports
Friday's Games MIDWEST MACChampionship, N.Illinois vs.KentSt. atDetroit, 4 p.m. FAR WEST Pac-12Championship, UCLAatStanford, 5pm. Saturday, Dec. 1
EAST San Diego atMarist, 9 a.m. KansasatWest Virginia,11:30 a.m. Cincinnatiat Uconn,12:30a.m. SOUTH Louisiana-Lafayette atFAU,noon SECChampionship, Alabam a vs. Georgia atAtlanta, 1 p.m. PittsburghatSouth Florida 4 p.m. ACCCham pionship, Ge orgia Techvs. Florida Stateat Charlotte,N.c., 5p.m. MIDWEST C-USAChampionship, UCFat Tulsa, 9a.m. Texasat KansasSt., 5 p.m. Big TenChampionship, Nebraskavs. Wisconsin at Indianapolis,5:15p.m. SOUTHWES T OklahomaSt. at Baylor, 9a.m. Oklahoma atTCU,9a.m. Middl TennesseeatArkansasSt.,noon NewMexicoSt.atTexasSt.,1 p.m. FAR WEST NichogsSt. atDregonSt., 11:30a.m. BoiseSt. atNevada,12:30 p.m. SouthAlabam aat Hawaii, 8p.m. FCS Playoffs SecondRound NewHampshire atWoford,11a.m. CentralArkansasat GeorgiaSouthem,11 am. CoastalCarolinaat OldDominion,11a.m. AppalachianSt.,11 am. Cal PolyatSamHouston St.,1 p.m. SouthDakotaSt.atNorth DakotaSt.,1 p.m. WagneratE.Washington, 3p.m. StonyBrookat MontanaSt., 4p.m.
Polls The APTop25 The Top 25teamsinTheAssociated Presscollege football pol, withfirst-placevotesinparentheses, records through Nov.24,total pointsbasedon25points for a first-placevotethroughonepoint fora25th-place vote, and previousranking: R ecord Pts P v 1 . Notre Dame(60) 1 2 - 0 1 , 500 1 2. Alabama 1 1-1 1,400 2 1 1-1 1,331 3 3. Georgia 4. OhioSt. 5. Florida
1 2-0 1,294 1 1-1 1,262 11 1 1,242 1 0-1 1,079 1 0-2 1,061 1 0-2 1,056 1 0-2 1,043 10 - 2 916 9-2 834 10-2 764 10-2 7 0 4 10-2 667 8-3 528 9-3 505 11-1 355 11-1 349 10 2 274 8-4 217 9-3 189 8-3 185 7-4 174 9-2 145
4 6 5 7 11 8 9 13 14 10 17 12 16 15 23 24 25 20 NR 18 22 NR
6. Oregon 7. Kansas St. 8. Stanford 9. LSU 10. Texas A&M 11. SouthCarolina 12 Oklahoma 13. FloridaSt 14. Nebraska 15. Clemson 16. Oregon St. 17. UCLA 18 KentSt. 19. N. Illinois 20. UtahSt. 21. Michigan 22. Northwestern 23. Texas 24.OklahomaSt. 25. BoiseSt. Othersreceivingvotes: SanJoseSt.78, Louisville 73, TCU 67, PennSt 61, Rutgers50, Vanderbilt 48, San DiegoSt. 15,FresnoSt. 12, SouthernCal7, Arkansas St. 5 Arizona4 Cincinnati 3, Ball St.1, MississippiSt.1, NorthCarolina1.
USA TodayTop25 Poll The USA TodayTop25 football coachespoll, with first-place votes inparentheses, recordsthroughNov 24, total pointsbasedon 25 points for first place throughonepoint for 25th,andpreviousranking: Record Pts Pvs 1 . Notre Dame(56) 1 2 - 0 1 , 469 1 2. Alabama (2 ) 11-1 1, 398 2 3. Georgia(1 ) 11-1 1, 34 1 3 4. Oregon 11 1 1,277 4 1 1-1 1,265 6 5. Florida
1 0-2 1,124 7 1 0-1 1,114 8 1 0-2 1,076 1 0 1 0-2 1,008 I I 9. Stanford 10 SouthCarolina 10 - 2 972 12 9-2 8 7 8 13 11. Oklahoma 10-2 8 2 9 5 12. FloridaState 10-2 7 6 5 14 13. Nebraska 10-2 720 9 14 Clemson 15. BoiseState 9-2 4 7 9 22 16 UCLA 9-3 4 4 5 16 8-3 4 1 0 17 17 OregonState 18 NorthernRlinois 1 1 1 377 23 19. KentState 11-1 3 3 7 25 20. Northwestern 9 -3 314 NR 21. Texas 8-3 3 1 2 15 22. UtahState 1 0-2 2 6 4 N R 23. Louisville 9-2 1 8 4 18 24 Michigan 8-4 1 5 8 20 25. Rutgers 9-2 1 5 2 19 6. LSU
7. Kansas State 8.TexasABM
Othersreceivingvotes: DklahomaState129; San Jose State105;Vanderbilt 94; FresnoState39; TCU 34; SanDiegoState28; Cincinnati 17;ArizonaState 13; ArkansasState13; Mississippi State11; Middle Tennessee 7; Central Florida5; LouisianaTech5; Arizona 3;Toledo2; Baylor1; SouthernCalifornia1. Harris Top25 The Top 25teamsin theHarris InteractiveCollege FootballPoll,withiirst-placevotesin parentheses, recordsthroughNov 24,total pointsbasedon25 points fora first-place votethroughonepoint tora25th-place vote and previousranking: Record Pts Pvs 12-0 2869 1 1. NotreDame(109) 11-1 2740 2 2. Alabama (6) 11-1 2599 3 3. Georgia 11-1 2507 4 4. Oregon 11-1 2435 5 5. Florida 1 0-1 2229 7 6. Kansas State 10-2 2142 8 7. LSU 1 0-2 2059 1 1 8. Staniord 1 0-2 2038 1 0 9. Texas ABM 1 0-2 1862 1 2 10. South Carolina 11 Oklahoma 9 -2 1 706 1 3 12. FloridaState 10-2 1614 6
13. Nebraska 1 0-2 1493 1 4 10-2 1446 9 14. Clemson 8-3 9 7 5 15 15. OregonState 16. UCLA 9-3 9 1 9 16 17. BoiseState 92 817 21 18. KentState 11-1 7 0 5 25 19. NorthernRlinois 1 1 - 1 619 24 20. Texas 8-3 5 6 4 17 9-3 479 NR 21. Northwestern 22. UtahState 1 0-2 4 3 8 N R 23. Michigan 84 4 3 4 20 24. I.ouisvige 9-2 3 9 4 18 2 5. OklahomaState 7-4 392 22 Others receivingvotes: Rutgers302, TCU134, San JoseState 118,Vanderbilt 67, SouthernCal 57, SanDiegoState 39, FresnoState36, Baylor 31, Mississippi State26, LouisianaTech19, Cincinnati 12, ArizonaState11,Syracuse 10,Tulsa 10, UCF9, Arizona6, Toledo6,East Carolina 4, ArkansasStateI, Louisiana-Monroe1,Washington1. PAC 12 Individual Leaders
Leading R ushers Car yds Avg yds Pg
Carey,Ariz Barner,Oregon Franklin,UCLA Taylor,Stan Sankey,Wash White,Utah Woods,OreSt Redd,Socal McNeal,Socal Poweg,Colo Anderson,Cal Sofele,Ca Mariota,Oregon Thomas,Oregon Marshall,Oregon Scott, Ariz Marshall, ArizSt Grice,ArizSt Foster,ArizSt Bigelow,Cal Kelly, ArizSt Ward,DreSt Jenkins,Ariz Caldwell,WashS t
Jones,Colo Abron,Colo Thigpen,UCLA Hundley,UCLA Winston,WashSt Taylor,Wash Agnew,OreSt Wilkerson,Stan Benneh,Oregon James,UCLA Eubank,ArizSt Wright,Stan
Nunes,Stan Maynard,Cal Wilson,Utah Price,Wash Team,Stan Barkley,Socal Tuel,WashS t Webb,Colo
275 248 249 278 259 218 159 150 113 158 126 146 98 90 86 107 127 89 101 44 127 54 66 56 63 51 50 135 85 34 51 43 39 56 56 23 27 98 64 62 18 25 55 64
1757 6.4 146.4 1624 6.5 135.3 1506 6.0 125.5 1364 4.9 113.7 1234 4.8 102 8 1041 4.8 9 4 .6 768 4.8 7 6 .8 81 7 5.4 7 4 .3 696 6.2 6 9 .6 691 4.4 6 9 .1 790 6.3 6 5 .8 7 57 5. 2 6 3 .1 690 7.0 5 7 .5 686 7.6 5 7 .2 4 45 5. 2 4 9 .4 485 4.5 4 4 .1 5 24 4. 1 4 3 .7 520 5.8 4 3 .3 492 4.9 4 1 .0 431 9.8 3 9 .2 435 3.4 3 6 .3 326 6.0 3 6.2 2 87 4. 3 3 1 .9 2 69 4. 8 2 9 .9 320 5.1 2 9 .1 2 56 5. 0 2 8 .4 262 5.2 2 6 .2 282 2.1 2 3 .5 280 3.3 2 3 .3 2 07 6. 1 2 3 .0 1 93 3 8 214 1 88 4.4 2 0 .9 1 65 4. 2 1 8 .3 205 3.7 1 7 .1 185 3.3 1 6 .8 81 3 . 5 90 74 2 . 7 8.2 38 .4 38 40 .6 33 -32 —.5 -2.7 -24 -1.3 -2.7 -72 -2.9 -7 2 -I 15 -2.1 -I2.8 -135 -2.1 -13.5
LeadingPassers Att Cp y ds Tds Pts Mariota,Oregon 312 218 2511 30 165.4 Barkley,Socal 387 246 3273 36 157.6 Kelly, ArizSt Hundley,UCLA Scott, Ariz Maynard,Cal Price,Wash Wilson,Utah
340 224 2772 397 269 3234 452 273 3238 296 180 2214 393 243 2486 204 128 1311 Nunes,Stan 235 124 1643 Tuel,WashS t 332 211 2087 Hagiday,WashSt 291 152 1878 Webb,Colo 265 144 1434
25 153.3 26 152.8 24 132.8 12 1303 18 124.5 7 122.2 10 119.6 8 119.5 15 114.5 8 103.7
Total Offense yds Avg yds Pg Scott, Ariz 3723 6.7 338.5 Hundley,UCLA 3516 6.6 293.0 Barkley,Socal 3201 7.8 291.0 Ke ly,ArizSt 3207 6.9 267.3 Mariota,Oregon 3201 7.8 266.8 Maynard,Cal 2252 5.7 225.2 Price,Wash 2454 5.4 204.5 Tuel,WashS t 1972 5.1 197.2 Hagiday,WashSt 1722 5.4 191.3 Nunes,Stan 1717 6.6 190.8 Carey,Ariz 1757 6.4 I 46.4 Barner,Oregon 1624 6.5 135.3 Webb,Colo 1299 3.9 129.9 Franklin, UCLA 1506 6.0 125.5 Taylor,Stan 1364 4.9 113.7 Wilson,Utah 1351 5.0 112 6 Sankey,Wash 1234 4.8 I 02.8 White, Utah 1041 4.8 9 4 .6 Woods,OreSt 768 4.8 7 6 .8 Redd,Socal 817 5.4 7 4 .3 McNeal,Socal 696 6.2 6 9 .6 Powel, Colo 691 4 .4 6 9 .1 Anderson,Cal 790 6.2 6 5 .8 Sofele,Cal 757 5 .2 6 3 .1 Thomas,Oregon 686 7 .6 5 7 .2 Marshall,Oregon 445 5.2 4 9 .4 Eubank,ArizSt 515 47 468 Marshal, ArizSt 524 4.1 4 3 .7 Grice,ArizSt 520 5.8 4 3 .3 Bennett,Oregon 376 4.9 4 1 .8 Foster,ArizSt 492 4.9 4 1 .0 Bigelow,Cal 431 9.8 3 9 .2 Ward,DreSt 326 6.0 3 6 .2 Jenkins,Ariz 287 4 .3 3 1 .9 Caldwell,WashSt 269 4.8 2 9 .9 Jones,Colo 320 5 .0 2 9 .1 Abron,Colo 256 5 .0 2 8 .4 Thigpen,UCLA 262 5.2 2 6 .2 Winston,WashSt 280 3.3 2 3 .3 Taylor,Wash 207 6 .1 2 3 .0 Agnew,OreSt 193 3.8 2 1 .4 Wilkerson,Stan 188 4.4 2 0 .9 James,UCLA 205 3 .7 1 7 .1 Wright,Stan 81 3 .5 9. 0 -24 -1.3 -2.7 Team,Stan
ReceptionsPerGame Gms Ct Yds Ct Pg
Lee,Socal 12 Wheaton, OreSt 11 Allen, Cal 9 Hil, Ariz 12 W oods,Socal 1 2 WilliamsWash 12 Wilson,WashSt 9 C ooks, OreSt 1 1
1 12 1680 7 6 1084 61 73 7 7 3 1189 73 81 3 7 1 78 3 52 8 1 3 6 3 1113 Seferiann Wash 12 6 3 79 1 Ertz, Stan 12 63 81 8 B uckner, Ariz 1 2 5 9 74 1
9.3 6.9 68 6.1 6.1 5. 9 5. 8 5.7 5. 3 5. 3 4. 9
Myers,WashSt Bartolone,WashSt Coyle,ArizSt Evans,UCLA Marks,WashSt Spruce,Colo Harper,Cal Thomas,Oregon Woods,OreSt Grice,ArizSt Fauria,UCLA Miles, ArizSt Williams,WashSt Foster,ArizSt Anderson,Utah Huff,Oregon
Mccugoch,Colo Ross,ArizSt Carey,Ariz Murphy,Utah Ratliff, WashSt Taylor,Stan Scott, Utah
Montgomer,Stan Morrison,Ariz Manfro,UCLA Jackson,Ariz Franklin, UCLA
Jones,Colo Treggs,Cal Johnson,UCLA Hamlett,OreSt
Sankey,Wash Grimble,Socal Terreg,Stan WilliamsWashS t Richards,Ariz Simone,WashSt Kasa,Colo Hawkins,Oregon
9 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 10 12 12 11 11 12 12 10 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 9 11 10 12 11 9 11 11 12 12 12 10 11 9 12 12
42 53 53 51 49 44 41 41 34
438 435 65 9 771 56 0 446 544 385 26 0
4. 7 4. 4 4. 4 4. 3 4.1 3.7 3. 4 3. 4 3. 4
35 3 5 2 3 4 54 6 3 6 52 2 3 6 36 5 2 9 46 7 3 4 43 6 33 4 7 1 3 3 28 8 3 3 34 9 3 0 39 9 3 2 21 5 3 2 36 0 2 3 18 7 2 3 17 1 2 8 28 7 25 18 7 2 9 29 7 26 14 6 2 1 21 6 2 5 30 7 2 5 30 2 27 175 2 7 29 7 2 7 37 3 22 192 2 4 24 5 1 9 22 6 25 39 1 2 5 20 2
3. 2 3. 1 3. 0 3. 0 2. 9 2. 8 28 2. 8 2. 8 2. 7 2. 7 2. 7 26 2. 6 2. 5 2. 5 2. 4 24 2. 3 2. 3 2. 3 23 2. 3 2. 3 22 2. 2 2. 1 2.1 2. 1
3 9 40 6 3 9 54 4
3. 3 3. 3
Betting line NFL
Favorite EAGLES
Oregon St.78, Montana St. 65 MONTANA ST. (1-3) FDavis6-130-312,Egwuonwu2-74-48, Biglow 5-133-514, Colbert252-28, Blount2-104410, Stewart1-62-2 4,Robison0-0 0-00, Norman0-0 0-0 0, Brumweg 1-2 0 02, Budinich 0-30-00, Coleman 2-11 2-2 7.TotaIs 21-7017-2265. OREGON ST. (4-1) Moreland 5-81-211, Reid0-00-00, Burton8-11 5-621, Starks5-162-314, Nelson3-80-06, Robbins 0-0 3-4 3, Barton2-3 0-2 4, Morris-Walker1-41-2 3, Schaitenaar3-8 0-0 9, Collier 2-43-6 7.Totals 29-62 15-2578. Halftime —Oregon St. 45-31. 3-Point GoalsMontana St. 6-21(Blount2-3, Colbert 2-5,Biglow13, Coleman1-5,Egwuonwu0-1, Budinich0-1, Stewart 0-1, F.Davis0-2), OregonSt.5-23 (Schaftenaar 3-8, Starks2-9, Moreland0-1, Morris-Walker0-2, Nelson 0-3). FouledOut— None.Rebounds— Montana St. 42 (F Davis9), OregonSt. 51(Burton, Moreland10). Assists—MontanaSt. 10(F.Davis 3),OregonSt. 16 (Collier 4).Total Fouls—MontanaSt. 19, OregonSt. 16. A—5,224.
Wom en's college Sunday'sGames EAST
AugustaSt.78,Coastal Georgia 63 Concordia(NY)78, East Stroudsburg 67 Dowling51,Felician 38 FairleighDickinson53,Manhattan47 Hiram62,Thiel 57 Holy Cross63, UMass59 Lafayette64,Wagner45
Loyola(Md.)52,Towson 44 Monmouth (NJ)55,Lehigh 50,2OT NewHampshire59, Cornell 56 Niagara70,Oakland59 Rutgers55,Davidson49 Saint Joseph's71, Hofstra 55 St. John's66, Hartford54
(Hometeams in Caps) StonyBrook59,NJIT34 O p e n Current UnderdogVirginia Union66,Caldwel 62 Today York (Pa.)63, Gettysburg 58 2.5
SOCCER MLS MAJOR LEAGUESOCCER Time PST MLS CUP Saturday,Dec.1:Houstonat LosAngeles,1.30p.m.
MOTOR SPORTS Formula One Brazilian GrandPrix Sunday
At Autodromo Jose Carlos Pace(Interlagos) Sao Paulo Lap length: 2.68miles 1. Jenson Button, England, McLaren, 71 laps, 1:45:22.656,108.229mph. 2. Fernando Alonso, Spain,Ferrari, 71,1:45:25.410. 3. FelipeMassa,Brazil, Ferrari, 71,1:45:26.271. 4. MarkWebber,Australia, RedBull, 71, 1.45:27.592. 5. Nico Hulkenberg, Germany,Force India, 71, I:45:28.364. 6. Sebastian Vettel, Germany, Red Bull, 71,
7. Michael Schum acher, Germ any, Mercedes,71, 1'45:34.563.
8. Jean-Eric Vergne, France, Toro Rosso, 71, I:45:51.309. 9.KamuiKobayashi,Japan,Sauber,71,1:45:53.906. 10. KimiRaikkonen,Finland, Lotus,70,+t lap. 11. VitalyPetrov,Russia, Caterham,70,+1lap. 12. CharlesPic,France,Marussia, 70,+f lap. 13 DanielRicciardo,Australia, ToroRosso, 70,+1lap. I4. HeikkiKovalainen,Finland, Caterham,70, +I lap. 15. NicoRosberg,Germany, Mercedes,70, +1 lap. 16. TimoGlock,Germany,Marussia, 70, +1lap.
17. PedrodelaRosa,Spain, HRT,69,+2 laps. 18. NarainKarthikeyan,India,HRT , 69,+2laps. 19. Paul diResta,Scotland, ForceIndia,68, +3 laps, retired. Not Classified 20. LewisHamilton, England,McLaren,54, accident. 21. RomaiG nrosjean, France,Lotus,5, accident. 22. PastorMaldonado,Venezuela, Wiliams,1, spin. 23. BrunoSenna,Brazil, Wiliams,0, accident. 24. SergioPerez,Mexico, Sauber,0, accident. Drivers Standings Final 1. Sebastian Vetel, Germany,RedBull,281 points. 2. Fernando Alonso, Spain,Ferrari,278. 3. KimiRaikkonen,Finland,l.otus, 207. 4. LewisHamilton, England,McLaren,190. 5.JensonButton,England,McLaren,188. 6. MarkWebber,Australia, RedBull, 179. 7. FelipeMassa,Brazil, Ferrari,122. 8. RomainGroslean,France, Lotus,96.
9.NicoRosberg,Germany,Mercedes,93. 10. SergioPerez,Mexico, Sauber,66. 11. NicoHulkenberg,Germany, ForceIndia,63. 12. KamuiKobayashi, Japan,Sauber, 60. 13.MichaelSchumacher,Germany,Mercedes,49. 14 Paul diResta,Scotland,ForceIndia, 46. 15. PastorMaldonado,Venezuela, Wiliams,45. 16. BrunoSenna,Brazil, Wiliams,31. 17. Jean-EricVergne,France,Toro Rosso,16. 18. DanieRi l cciardo,Australia, ToroRosso,10. ConstructorsStandings 1. RedBull,460 points 2. Ferrari,400. 3. McLaren, 378. 4. Lotus,303. 5. Mercedes,142.
6. Sauber, 126.
7. ForceIndia,109. 8 Williams,76. 9. ToroRosso,26.
BASKETBALL Men's college Sunday'sGames
EAST Bryant56, BostonCollege54 La Salle77,Viganova74,OT Lehigh91, SacredHeart 77 Maine72,Siena66 SetonHall76,St. Peter's 61 Syracuse 87, Colgate51 Temple80 Delaware75 Uconn73,StonyBrook62 SOUTH
SOUTH Alabama 97,SE Louisiana62 AppalachianSt.68, NorfolkSt.61 ArmstrongAtlantic 77,PalmBeachAtlantic 64 Berry 71,Piedmont56 Bucknel72, l MorganSt.64 EastCarolina74,Campbell 54 High Point79, Bluefield44 Howard77,MountSt.Mary's52 Jacksonvile72,Jacksonville St. 69 Kentucky100,Sc-Upstate34 Milwaukee 68, E.Kentucky 64 NC A8T 56,Winston-Salem 43 NorthCarolina101,UNCAshevile 42 PrairieView70, Memphis58 Stetson78, BallSt 66 Tennessee 90, Alcorn St.37 VirginiaTech50, GeorgeWashington 31 MIDWEST Ashland81,Mercyhurst 51 Carthage 68, Chicago46 Cincinnati66,Coll. ofCharleston57 Dayton105, E.Illinois 42 Dubuque 78,St.Scholastica57 Duke82,Xavier 59 Duquesne 62,Ohio 55 IndianaSt.48, Belmont34 Kansas 58, Creighton48
Loras81,Wis.-Lacrosse 70 Michigan St 68 RobertMorris 35 Nebraska-Om aha63,SWMinnesotaSt.37 Northwestern 80,Loyolaof Chicago53
Ohio St.82,WrightSt.52 Otterbein67,Albion 64 St. Thomas(Minn.) 73,Wis.-StevensPt.70 Wis.-Stout80, Martin Luther60 Wisconsin73,Evansville 55
Youngstown St.76, Miami(Ohio) 56 SOUTHWES T Marshall 57,SouthernU.47 NichogsSt.65, S.Utah54 TexasA8M84,Marquette 64 TexasSt.91, TCU80 TexasTech81, New Orleans38 UTSA76,Wiliam 8Mary50 FAR WEST ArizonaSt. 74,Florida 58
Arkansas79,Oregon67 Cal Poly75,CSBakersfield 71
N. Iowa 76, NCState72 Oklahoma 74,Hawaii 49 San Diego91SanJoseSt.52 Stanford77, LongBeachSt. 41 UCLA65,Princeton52 TOURNAMEN T FIU Thanksgiving Classic Championship LSU 76,FIU69 Third Place lowa 79, WestVirginia 70 Lady RebelRound-Up Championship Viganova 74, Montana49 Third Place BowlingGreen64 UNLV54
DEALS Transactions BASKETBALL National Basketball Association HOUSTON ROCKETS — Recalled F/C Donatas Motiejunas fromRioGrandeValey(NBADL). FOOTBALL NationalFootball League CLEVELANDBROWNS — Released WR Carlton Mitchell DALLASCOWBOYS — ReleasedWR AndreHolmes DENVER BRONCOS — Released RB Jeremiah Johnsonfromthepractice squad. JACKSONVILLEJAGUARS Signed RB Will Ta'ufo'oufromthepractice squad. SAN DIEGD CHARGERS— SignedT KevinHaslem from the practice squad. COLLEGE AUBURN — Firedfootball coachGeneChizik. BOSTON COLLEGE— Firedfootball coachFrank Spaziani COLORAD O — Fired football coachJon Embree. N.C. STATE — Fired tootball coach Tom O'Brien. PURDUE —Fired football coachDannyHope. UCLA —Announcedjunior G Tyler Lambhas beenreleasedfromthemens' basketball teamandwiI transfer.
Oregon State rolls in second half for win over Montana State The Associated Press CORVALLIS — Joe Burton scored a career-high 21 points and Oregon State pulled away from Montana State in the second half Sunday for a 78-65 win. Ahmad Starks added 14 points and nine rebounds for
Oregon State (4-1), which also got 11 points and 10 rebounds from Eric Moreland. Antonio Biglow scored 14 points and Flavien Davis had 12 points and nine rebounds for Montana State (1-3). Oregon State was playing its first game without center Angus Brandt, who went down with a s eason-ending right knee injury in the Beavers' 6658 win against Purdue on Nov. 16 in New York. Brandt, a senior, averaged 11.3 points and 8.5 rebounds in Oregon State's first four
games. "Angus is a big part of the team. He just brings a lot of energy, even off the court," said Burton, emotional about his teammate's injury. "It was just hard seeing him on the sideline with crutches knowing I'm not going to play with him this season." Burton, a 6 -foot-7 center, also had a season-high 10 rebounds and three assists in 28 minutes. Moreland had his second double-double of the season. " After it's e vident fo r a w eek-and-a-half n o w th a t (Brandt) isn't going to be with us, everybody feels the pressure of having to do a little bit more," Oregon State coach Craig Robinson said. "It was very nice for Joe to have such a good game the first day without Angus." Xavier Blount's 3-pointer with 17:44 left helped Montana State cut a 14-point halftime deficit to 47-38. The Bobcats came within 58-51 with 11:13 remaining after Blount made a pair of free throws. The Beavers' Olaf Schaftenaar answered with a 3-pointer to restore the doubledigit lead. Montana State came no closer than eight points after that. Oregon State went on to lead by as many as 18 points. The Bobcats took a 6-0 lead and stayed ahead until Roberto Nelson's dunk put the Beavers ahead 17-16. Burton added a steal and basket to cap Oregon State's 9-0 run. Oregon State took the lead for good at 25-24 on Moreland's free throw. The Beavers ended the half on an 11-2 run — including six points by Burton — to lead 45-31. Burton was just two points short of his previous career high with 16 at halftime. Oregon State had a 51-42 rebounding edge and shot 47 percent while Montana State made just 30 percent of it s shots. Also on Sunday: No. 1 Indiana..... . . . . . . . . . 101 B all State.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 BLOOMINGTON, Ind. Will Sheehey scored 19 points to help Indiana defeat Ball State. Jordan Hulls scored 17 points, Cody Zeller scored 15 and Christian Watford had 11 points and 10 rebounds for the
Hoosiers (6-0). No. 6 Syracuse......... . . ..87 C olgate..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 SYRACUSE, N.Y. — James Southerland scored 18 points, Michael Carter-Williams had eight points and a career-high 13 assists, and Syracuse beat Colgate. It was the 165th meeting between the upstate New York foes, and the Orange
(4-0) won their 46th straight
against Colgate (3-4). C al Poly ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 0 N o.11 UCLA.... . . . . . . . . . . . 68 LOS ANGELES — Dylan Royer scored 18 points and K yle Odister came off t h e bench and added 15 points, including the game-winning free throws and Cal Poly upset UCLA. Chris Eversley had 15 points and 10 rebounds for the
Mustangs (2-2), who erased an 18-point deficit in the second half and earned their first win against UCLA in six tries. No. 15 Michigan State..... . .63 Louisiana-Lafayette ..... . . . 60 E AST L A N SING, M i c h . — Keith Appling scored 19 points to help Michigan State survive a scare and beat Louisiana-Lafayette. Appling, who has scored at least 17 points in everygame except one this season, wasfour for 11 from the field. But he made other plays at key times, hitting 10 free throws and adding six rebounds and five assists for the
Spartans (5-1). N o.17Gonzaga... . . . . . . . . . 8 1 D avidson.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 L AKE B U E N A V IS T A , Fla. — Elias Harris scored 24 points, Kevin Pangos added 23 and Gonzaga beat Davidson in the Old Spice Classic cham-
pionship game. Kelly Olynyk added 14 points for Gonzaga (6-0), which also won the 2008 Old Spice Classic. The Bulldogs are undefeated in six overall games at the tourney. No. 200klahoma State......81 P ortland State..... . . . . . . . . . 58 STILLWATER, Okla. Markel Brown scored a season-high 23 points, Le'Bryan Nash added 20 and Oklahoma State cruised over Portland State in its first game as a Top 25 team in five years. Phil Forte chipped in 1 5 p oints and Marcus Smart had eight points and nine assists, the third most for a freshman in Cowboys' history. N o. 21 Connecticut... . . . . . . 73 S tony Brook ..... . . . . . . . . . . 62 STORRS, Conn. — Niels Giffey had a career-high 15 points and grabbed eight rebounds to help Connecticut rally for a victory over Stony Brook. Shabazz Napier had 15 of his 19 points in the second half for UConn (5-1), and Omar Calhoun added 14. N o. 23 Colorado.... . . . . . . . . 89 A ir Force ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 BOULDER, Colo. — Freshman Josh Scott helped break
open a tight game by scoring 13 of his 20 points in the second half, and Colorado handed AirForce itsfirst loss ofthe season. Andre Roberson had 18 points and 13 rebounds, and Spencer Dinwiddie and Askia Booker added 15 points apiece
for Colorado (5-0), which is off to its best start since also opening 5-0 in 1989-90. No. 25 San Diego State......66 Southern California..... . . . . 60 LOS ANGELES — James Rahon and Jamaal Franklin had 17 points apiece, and San Diego State edged Southern California. Franklin scored six points down the stretch as the Aztecs (4-1) earned their fourth consecutive win since dropping theiropener against Syracuse on the USS Midway. C alifornia.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8 P acific..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 ANAHEIM, Calif. — Allen Crabbe scored 24 points, Justin Cobbs added 20, and California pulled away in the final 6 minutes to beat Pacific and win the DirecTV Classic. The Golden Bears, who are off to theirfirst 6-0 start2007, were 22 for 25 on free throws.
ConferenceGlance All Times PST EASTERNCONFEREN CE W L Pct d-Miami 10 3 .76 9 d-NewYork 9 3 .75 0 Brooklyn 8 4 .66 7 d-Milwaukee 6 5 .54 5 Atlanta 8 4 .66 7 Charlotte 7 5 .58 3 Philadelphia 8 6 .57 1 Boston 8 6 .57 1 Chicago 6 6 .50 0 Indiana 6 8 .42 9 Orlando 5 8 .38 5 Cleveland 3 1 0 .2 3 1 Detroit 3 1 1 . 2 14 Toronto 3 1 1 . 2 14 Washington 0 1 1 . 0 00 WESTERNCONFEREN CE W L Pct d-Memphis 9 2 .81 8 SanAntonio 11 3 .78 6 d-Dklahoma City 10 4 .71 4 d-L.A.Clippers 8 5 .61 5 Denver 8 6 .57 1 GoldenState 8 6 .57 1 Utah 7 7 .50 0 L.A.Lakers 7 7 .50 0 Dallas 7 7 .50 0 Portland 6 7 .46 2 Houston 6 7 .46 2 Phoenix 6 8 .42 9
Minnesota Sacramento NewDrleans d-divisionleader
5 4 3
7 9 9
GB I/2
3 11/2
2'/2 21/2 21/2 31/2 41/2
5 7 71/2 71/2
9 GB /2
3 3 4 4 4
4'/z 4'/2
5 417 5 .30 8 6'/2 .25 0 7
Sunday's Games NewYork121, Detroit100 SanAntonio111,Toronto106,20T Brooklyn98, Portland85 Philadephia104, Phoenix101 Boston116,Orlando110,OT Denver102,NewOrleans84 Today's Games SanAntonioatWashington, 4p.m. NewYorkat Brooklyn, 4p.m. Portlandat Detroit, 4:30p.m. Milwaukee atChicago, 5 pm. Clevelandat Memphis, 5p.m. CharlotteatOklahomaCity, 5 p.m. Denverat Utah,6 p.m. NewOrleansat L.A.Clippers, 7:30p.m.
Phoenixat Cleveland,4p.m. Dallas atPhiladelphia, 4p.m. Torontoat Houston, 5p.m. MinnesotaatSacramento, 7p.m. IndianaatL.A Lakers,7:30 p.m.
Summaries Sunday's Games
Nets 98, Blazers 85 PORTLAND I86)
Batum5-131-1 12,Leonard6-100-012, Hickson 8-11 3-419, Lillard4-122-213, Matthews8-181-2 20, Freeland0-20-00, Price0-40-00, Jeffries0-322 2, Barton1-30-0 2,Babbitt 0-00-0 0,Pavlovic1-1 0-0 2, Smith1-1 1-23. TotaIs 34-7810-13 85.
BROOKLYN (98) Wallace1-80-02, Humphries7-90-114, Lopez 7-14 1-1 15, D.Wiliams4-13 5-615, Johnson1019 0-1 21,Bogans2-4 0-0 5, Blatche3-11 7-8 13, Watson2-60-05, Evans0-1 2-22, Brooks2-5 0-24, Childress0-00-00, Taylor 1-20-0 2 Totals 39-92 16-21 98. Portland 27 23 20 15 — 85 Brooklyn 25 21 24 28 — 98 3-PointGoals—Porgand 7-17(Lilard 3-5, Matthews37, Batum 1-5), Brooklyn5-17(D.Wggams2-5, Bogans1-2, Watson1-2, Johnson1-4, Blatche0-1, Wallace0-3). Fouled Dut None.Rebounds Portland45(Hickson10),Brooklyn 61 (Evans14)Assists—Portland 22(Ligard 7), Brooklyn 26 (D.Wigiasm12). Total Fouls—Portand 19, Brooklyn 11. Techn icals—Hickson, Jeffries, Brooklyndefensivethree second.A—16,542(18,103).
Nuggets102, Hornets 84 NEWORLEANS(84) Aminu 1-40-0 2,Anderson6-13 1-2 16,Lopez 6-12 2-414, Vasnuez 3-8 0-06, Mason1-4 0-03, Rivers2-100-05, Henry2-61-35, Smith3-80-06, Thomas 0-43-63, Roberts 7-123-317, D Miler 2-4 2-27. Totals 33-8612-20 84. DENVER (102) Gallinari 3-92-2 9,Faried7-80-014, Koutos13 2-2 4, Lawson8101-1 17, Iguodala8-134-7 23, A Miller014 44, McGee382-38, Brewer3-102-2 8, Mozgov2-4 0-0 4, Hamilton3-6 0-0 7, Fournier 2-2 0-0 4, Randolph0-1 0-0 0. Totals 40-76 1721 102. New Orleans Oenver
Celtics116, Magic110 (OTj BOSTON I116) Pierce 8-174-4 23, Bass5-14 3-4 13, Garnett 10-17 4-5 24,Rondo7-151-215, Terry 2-6 0-05, Wilcox 2-30-0 4,Lee2-4 0-0 5, Sullinger 5-121-1 11, Green 0-91-21 Barbosa6-81-1 15.Totals 47105 15-19 116. ORLANDO (110) Harkess2-3 0-0 5, Davis3-129-1015, Vucevic 3-4 0-0 6, Nelson8-17 1-120, Attlalo 7-190-0 15, McRobert s2-92-27,Nicholson4-60-08 Ayon2-3 1-2 5, Redick8-132-221, Moore2-42-2 8. Totals 41-90 17-1 9110. Boston 28 30 22 22 14 — 116 Orlando 22 26 34 20 8 — 110
76ers 104, Suns 101 PHOENIX (101) Beasley8-135-5 21, Morrts4-9 0-0 8, Gortat711 4-5 18,Dragic4-10 0-0 10,S.Brown1-71-1 4, Scola 3-94-410, Dudley3-6 0-0 7,Telfair 5-82-212, Tucker0-1 0-0 0, O'Neal4-9 3-311. Totals 39-83 19-20 101. PHILADELPHIA I104) Tumer4-135-616, TYoung5-70-210, Allen 5-9 1-1 11,Holiday13-216-833, Richardson3-7 0-08, N.Young1-40-03, Hawes3-5 0-0 6,Wright 1-45-5 8, Moultrie 0 20 00,Wayns3-70 07,Wilkins0-0000, K.Brown1-20-1 2.Totals 39-81 17-23104. Phoenix 20 21 34 26 —101 Philadelphia 23 2 334 24 — 104
Knicks 121, Pistons 100 DETROIT(100) Prince3-110-0 6, Maxiel 2-2 0-0 4, Monroe48 4-5 12, Knight 8-132-2 21, Singler 5-7 4-5 16, Stuck ey1-20-02,Bynum 3-6 3-3 9,Drummond1-6 0-0 2, Maggette2-54-5 9, Vilanueva7-15 0-2 17, Daye 1-10-0 2, English 0-2 0-0 0. Totals 37-78 17-22 100.
Brewer1-20-02,Anthony 10-185-5 29, Chandler 3-47-813, Kidd2-50-06, Felton 6-141-214, Smith 3-8 8-815, Prigioni 1-21-1 3,Wallace5-102-215, Novak5-113-318, Camby0-1 0-00, Copeland1-3 1-2 3,White1-10-03 Totals 38-79 28-31121. Detroit 22 22 28 28 — 100 New York 32 32 22 35 — 121
Spurs111, Raptors106 (20Tj
SAN ANTONIO (111) Green5-130-013,Duncan11-214-426, Blair1-5 0-0 2, Parker14-273-432, Neal 1-61-2 4, Ginobili 5-15 4-4 15,Diaw5 100-0 11, DeColo 0-0 0-00, Splitter 1-43-5 5,Bonner0-0 0-00, Mills1-2 0-0 3. TotaIs 44-103 15-19111.
Darron Cummings/The Associated Prese
Indiana's Victor Oladipo (4) and Cody Zeller go for a loose ball during the second half of Sunday's game against Ball Sate in Bloomington, Ind. The No. 1 Hoosiers won 101-53.
, ~yQ01(p
TORONTO I106) McGuire0-00-00, Bargnani2-190-1 4, Valanciunas9-134-522,Lowry6-164-420, DeRozanu-28 7-829, Calderon 3-142-29, Ross1-40-03, Johnson 1-5 2-2 4, Davis7-111-2 15 Totals 40-110 2024106. San Antonio 24 25 20 19 9 14 — 111 Toronto 25 24 2 1 18 9 9 — 106
Henny RayAbrams/The Associated Prese
Portland Trail Blazers' Wesley Matthews, left, scores two of his team-high 20 points over Brooklyn Nets' MarShon Brooks in the third quarter of Sunday's game in New York. The Nets won 98-85.
B azersstart on roa tri wit o ssto Nets The Associated Press NEW YORK — The Brooklyn Nets looked as if they were thinking ahead to their first matchup against the crosstown New York Knicks for the first three quarters Sunday. Deron Williams had 15 points, 12 assists, four blocked shots and three steals, and the Nets used a run early in the fourth to break open a tie game and beat the Portland Trail Blazers 98-85 on Sunday. Reserve forward Reggie Evans said "we didn't have no energy, no life" until he and his teammates turned up their offensive and defensive effort in the fourth quarter just like they did on Friday night in a victory against the Los Angeles Clippers. "It goes to show when it comes time to buckle down and getstops, we can make something happen. We just have to try to do that in the first three quarters and not just in the fourth," said Joe Johnson, who scored 21 points. The Nets' much talked about first game in their new home against the Knicks was postponed on opening day because of Superstorm Sandy and was rescheduled for tonight. Kris Humphries had 14 points and 10 rebounds for Brooklyn, which was looking forward to the Knicks and a crowd that they hope will be on their side as opposed to the past few years when the teams met in New Jersey. Brooklyn headed into the fourth quarter tied 70-allafter reserve guard Marshawn Brooks' layup with 1.7 seconds left in the third. Both teams quickly exchanged leads in the opening minutes of the final quarter before the Nets went on a 9-0 run and never looked back. With the score tied 74-all with 8:32 remaining, Johnson found C.J. Watson open near the Portland bench for a 3-pointer that gave the Nets the lead for good with 8:14 remaining. Evans was then fouled and made a pair of free throws to make it 79-74 and after Damion Lillard lost the ball out of bounds, Evans found an open Lopez for a dunk and after Lillard missed an 18-footer, Johnson's floater increased the lead to 83-74. Portland's J.J. Hickson then broke the scoreless run with a layup to cut the Nets' lead to 83-76. Lopez answered with a shot off the glass. "There was a sense of urgency," Nets coach Avery Johnson said. "We talked about it at halftime. I was really disappointed with our defense at halftime." Brooklyn held Portland to 19-of-43 shooting from the field and five of 10 beyond the arc in the first half but in the fourth quarter held the Trail Blazers to only six baskets. The Blazers opened their seven-game road trip in Brooklyn. "We kind of let it slip away in the fourth quarter. The rebounding hurt us. Brooklyn is a big physical team and that may have had an effect on us on offense late in the game," Portland coach Terry Stotts said.
The Trail Blazers were out-rebounded 48-34 by Brooklyn and had 16 turnovers, including seven in the final quarter. Wesley Matthews scored 20 pointsand J.J. Hickson had 19 points and 10 rebounds for the Trail Blazers, who were without LaMarcus Aldridge. The All-Star forward was out with a stiff back. Rookie Damion Lillard added 13 points, sixrebounds and seven assists.The Blazers selected Lillard with the first-round draft pick they acquired in the Gerald Wallace trade with the Nets last spring. "They made shots and we didn't. I think we fought the whole game and we kept ourselves in position to win the game," Lillard sard. "To be without our best player and come to Brooklyn and then have a chance down the stretch — just to be in that position without LaMarcus says a lot about our team," he
added. Deron Williams, who again struggled with his shot, made a 3-pointer that upped the lead to 92-80 and then found Humphries for a layup to extend the lead to 94-80 with 1:57 remaining. In other games on Sunday: Knicks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121 Pistons.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 NEW YORK — Carmelo Anthony scored 29 points in just 32 minutes, and New York ended a two-game losing streak with a victory over Detroit. Steve Novak added a season-high 18 and J.R. Smith had 15 points and 10 rebounds for the Knicks. Spurs ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 Raptors..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 TORONTO — Tony Parker scored six of his 32 points in the second overtime, Tim Duncan had 26 and San Antonio beat Toronto for the fourth straight time. Manu Ginobili scored 15 points, Danny Green had 13 and Boris Diaw 11 as the Spurs won their third straight and improved their NBA-best road record to 7-1. 76ers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Suns ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 PHILADELPHIA — Jrue Holiday had a career-high 33 points and 13 assists, leading the 76ers over the Suns. Evan Turner scored 16 points, Lavoy Allen had 11 and Thaddeus Young 10 for the 76ers, who snapped a twogame losing streak. The Sixers (8-6) haven't dropped three in a row all season. Celtics..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Magic ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 ORLANDO, Fla. — Kevin Garnett had 24 points and 10 rebounds, Paul Pierce added 23 points and Rajon Rondo was one rebound shy of a triple double with 15 points and 16 assists as Boston outlasted Orlando in overtime. Nuggets.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Hornets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 DENVER — Andre Iguodala scored 23 points, Kenneth Faried had his eighth double-double of the season and Denver beat struggling New Orleans.
Colts 20, Bills13
Buffalo Indianapolis
East W L
P c t PF
Ho m e A w ay AFC NFC
Mtami N.Y.Jets
8 5 4 4
3 6 7 7
0 0 0 0
.7 2 7 .4 5 5 .3 6 4 .3 6 4
407 211 221 243
244 22 6 29 0 31 9
4- 1 - 0 3- 2- 0 2- 4- 0 2- 2- 0
Houston Indianapolis Tennessee Jacksonvile
W L 10 1 7 4 4 7 2 9
T 0 0 0 0
Pct .9 0 9 .6 3 6 .3 6 4 .1 8 2
PF PA Ho m e A w ay 3 2 7 21 1 5- 1- 0 5 - 0-0 2 3 0 27 3 5- 1- 0 2 - 3-0 2 3 8 33 5 2- 3- 0 2 - 4-0 1 8 8 30 8 1- 5- 0 1 - 4-0
4 - 2-0 2 - 4-0 2 - 3-0 2 - 5-0
7-1-0 3-5-0 3-5-0 3-6-0
1-2 0 2-1-0 1-2-0 1-1-0
Di v 4-0 0 1-2-0 2-3-0 1-3-0
South AFC NFC Di v 8-0-0 2-1-0 3-0-0 5-3-0 2-1-0 2-1-0 3-5-0 1-2-0 0-3-0 2-5-0 0-4-0 2-3-0
Baltimore Pittsburgh Cincinnati Cleveland
9 6 6
Ho m e A way A F C N FC D i v 5- 0 - 0 4 - 2- 0 8 - 1-0 1-1-0 4-0-0 4- 1- 0 2 - 4-0 3 - 5-0 3-0-0 1-2-0 3- 3- 0 3 - 2-0 4 - 5-0 2-0-0 1-3-0 8 0 .2 7 3 2 0 9 24 8 3 - 3-0 0 - 5-0 3 -5-0 0-3-0 2-3-0 2 5 5
P c t PF
0 .8 1 8 2 8 3 2 1 9 0 .5 4 5 2 3 1 21 0 0 .5 4 5 2 8 2 24 7
West Denver San Diego Oakland KansasCity
P c t PF
Ho m e A w ay AFC NFC
8 3 4 7 3 8 1 10
0 0 0 0
.7 2 7 .3 6 4 .2 7 3 . 091
221 23 7 35 6 301
4- 1 - 0 2- 3- 0 2- 3- 0 0- 6- 0
318 245 218 161
4-2 0 2 - 4-0 1 - 5-0 1 - 4-0
6-2 0 4-4-0 3-5-0 0-8-0
2-1-0 0-3-0 0-3-0 1-2-0
Di v 4 00 3-2-0 1-2-0 0-4-0
NATIONAL CONFERENCE Gerry Broome /TheAssociated Press
Sprinklers go on during the second halfof Sunday's game between the Miami Dolphins and Seattle Seahawks in Miami. The Dolphins went on to win 24-21.
Summaries Sunday's Games
Ravens 16, Chargers 13 Baltimore San Diego
0 0 3 10 3 — 16 0 10 0 3 0 — 13 SecondQuarter SD — Floyd21passfrom Rivers(Novakkick), 9:43. SD — FGNovak47, 3:04. Third Quarter Bal FG Tucker 43, 12:19. Fourth Quarter SD — FGNovak30, 7:51. Bal — Pitta 4 passfrom Flacco(Tuckerkick), 4:19. Bal — FGTucker 38,:00 Overtime Bal FG Tucker 38,1 07
Ari —Wegs1 run(Feely kick) 2:41. SecondQuarter StL Jenkins 36 interception retum (Zuerlein kick), 14'52. Ari —Wells12 run(Feely kick), 7:52. StL — Kendricks 37 passfrom Bradford (Zuerlein kick), 1:53. Ari —FGFeely32,:00. Third Quarter StL — Givens 37 pass from Bradford (Zuerlein kick), 9:58. StL — Jenkins 39 interception retum (Zuerlein kick), 2:28. Fourth Quarler StL FG Zuerlein19,5:27. A—60,062.
SIL 15 3 67 34-173 194 4 -18 1 -31 4-131 8-18-1 2 -11 6-43.3 1-0 1 0-84 28.09
Ari 24 37 5 23-74 301 4 - 59 3 - 68 1-0 31-52-4 2 - 11 6-48.2 0-0 7 - 56 31:51
First downs Total NetYards Rushes-yards Passing Bal SD PuntReturns First downs 25 16 TotalNetYards 4 43 28 0 KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Rushes-yards 35-127 23-91 Comp-Att-Int Passing 316 189 PuntRetums 8 -66 2 - 1 1 Sacked-YardsLost KickoffReturns 2 -46 1 - 2 5 Punts Fumbles-Lost InterceptionsRet. 0-0 0-0 Penalties-Yards Comp-Att-Int 30-51-0 23-36-0 Sacked-Yards Lost 5 39 6 - 3 9 Time ofPossession Punts 8-46.3 9-53.2 INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS Fumbles-Lost 1-0 0-0 RUSHING —St. Louis: Jackson 24-139, Penalties-Yards 6 -60 5 - 37 O.Richardson7-32,Bradford 2-1,Givens1-1. ArizoTime ofPossession 39.02 3 4.51 na: Wegs17-48,Roberts1-13, Poweg3-11, Lindley 1-1 Stephens-Howling1-1. INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS PASSING —St. Louis: Bradford 8-17-1-205, RUSHING —Baltimore: Rice 22-97, Pierce934, Flacco 4-(minus4). San Diego: Mathews19-72, Clemens0-1-0-0. Arizona: Lindley31-52-4-312. RECEIVING —St. Louis: Givens5-115, AmenBrown2-17, Battle2-2. dola 1-38,Kendricks1-37, Mulligan1-15. Arizona: PASSING —Baltimore: Flacco 30-51-0-355. Roberts 9-92, Housl er8-82, Poweg6-63, Floyd4-35 San Diego:Rivers23-36-0-228. RECEIVING —Baltimore: Rice 8 67, TSmith7- Fitzgerald3-31,King1-9. MISSEDFIELD GOALS—St. Louis: Zuerlein 144, Pitta6-42,J.Jones5-50, Boldin 2-42, Doss1-9, Leach1-1. SanDiego: Alexander5-74, Floyd4-65, 35 (WL). Brown4-22, Mathews3-16, Ajirotutu2-17, Gates213, McMichael2-11,Batfle1-10. MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None. Browns 20, Steelers 14 A—57,882.
kick), 5:13. Mia — FGCarpenter 43,:00. A 51,295. First downs Total Net Yards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-Yards Lost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
East N.Y.Giants Washington Dallas Philadelphia
PF PA 305 226 295 285 242 262 162 252
W 7 5 5 3
L T Pc t 4 0 .6 3 6 6 0 .4 5 5 6 0 .45 5 7 0 .3 0 0
W 10 6 5 2
L T Pc t PF PA 1 0 .9 0 9 294 216 5 0 .54 5 310 254 6 0 .4 5 5 308 304 8 0 .20 0 184 243
H o m e A way 4 - 2-0 3 - 2-0 2 - 3-0 3 - 3-0 2 - 3-0 3 - 3-0 2 - 3-0 1 - 4-0
NFC AFC 6-2-0 1-2-0 5-4-0 0-2-0 4-5-0 1-1-0 1-6-0 2-1-0
Div 2-2-0 2-1-0 2-2-0 1-2-0
South S ea Mia 16 23 3 12 43 5 27-96 28-189 216 246 2-30 0-0 2-122 0-0 1-10 0-0 21-27-0 18-26-1 2-8 1-7 7 40.0 5-45 0 0-0 0-0 1 0-59 2 - 15 31:59 28:01
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Seattle: Lynch19-46, Wilson5-38, Turbin 2-9, Rice1-3. Miami: Bush 14-87,Thomas 9-60, Tannehi4-33, g Mar.Moore1-9. PASSING —Seattle: Wilson 21-27-0-224. Miami: Tannehi018-26-1-253. RECEIVING —Seattle: Tate 4-56, Rice3-49, Turbin 3 47, Miller 3 16, McCoy2 23, Lynch2-1, Badwin 1-14, Kearse1-8, Moore 1-6, Robinson 1-4. Miami: Bess7-129, Clay6-84, Hartline2-17, Thomas1-18,Fasano1-10, Bush1-(minus5). MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None.
Bears 28, Vikings10 Minnesota Chicago
3 0 7 0 — 10 1 0 15 3 0 — 2 8 First Quarter Min—FG Walsh40, 12:17. Chi — Bush1 run(Gould kick), 7:17. Chi FGGould47,32
Chi — Bush I run(Podleshrun), 4:01. Chi — Spaeth13 passfromCutler(Gould kick),1:48. Third Quarter Min — Rudolph2 passfrom Ponder (Walsh kick), 10:44. Chi — FG Gould46,3:57. A—62,306.
TampaBay NewOrleans Carolina
H o m e A way 5 - 0-0 5 - 1-0 3 - 3-0 3 - 2-0 3 - 3-0 2 -3-0
NFC AFC Div 6-1-0 4-0-0 2-1-0 3-5-0 3-0-0 2-2-0 3-4-0 2-2-0 2-1-0 1 - 5- 0 1 - 3-0 2-7-0 0-1-0 1-3-0
North W 8 7 6 4
Chicago GreenBay Minnesota Detroit
L 3 4 5 7
T 0 0 0 0
Pct .7 2 7 .6 3 6 .5 4 5 .3 6 4
PF PA Ho m e A way 2 7 7 17 5 5- 1- 0 3 - 2-0 2 7 3 24 5 4- 1- 0 3 - 3-0 2 4 8 24 9 5- 1- 0 1 - 4-0 2 6 7 28 0 2- 3- 0 2 - 4-0
N FC 5 - 2-0 5 - 3-0 4 - 4-0 3 - 5-0
A FC D i v 3-1-0 2-1-0 2-1-0 2-0-0 2-1-0 2-1-0 1-2-0 0-4-0
West W L San Francisco 8 2 Seattle 6 5 St. Louis 4 6 Arizona 4 7
T 1 0 1 0
Pct .7 7 3 .545 .409 .364
PF PA Ho m e A way 2 7 6 15 5 4 - 1-1 4 - 1-0 21 9 1 8 5 5- 0- 0 1 - 5-0 2 0 5 2 5 4 3- 3- 0 1 - 3-1 1 8 0 2 2 7 3- 3- 0 1 - 4-0
NFC 6 -2-1 4 4- 0 4 - 3-1 2 - 6-0
AF C 2 -0-0 2 - 1-0 0 -3-0 2 -1-0
Houston34,Detroit 31,OT Washington38,Dallas31 NewEngland49, N.Y.Jets19 Sunday's Games DenverI7,KansasCity 9 Chicago 28,Minnesota10 Cincinnati34,OaklandI0 Cleveland 20,Pittsburgh14 Indianapoli20, s Buffalo13 Jacksonville24,Tennessee19 Atla nta24,TampaBay23 Miami24,Seattle 21 Baltimore16,SanOiego13,OT St. Louis31,Arizoca17 SanFrancisco31, NewOrleans21 N.Y.Giants38,GreenBay10
Thursday,Nov.29 NewOrleansatAtlanta,520p.m Sunday, Dec.2 SeattleatChicago,10am. Minnesota atGreenBay,10am. SanFranciscoatSt. Louis,10am. CarolinaatKansa sCity,10am. Houston atTennessee, 10a.m. Arizoca atNYJets, 10am. IndianapolisatOetroit,10a m. Jacksonvigeat Buffalo, lga m. New Englandat Miami,10a.m. Tampa Bayat Denver,1:05pm. Cleveland atOakand,125 p.m. CincinnatiatSanDiego, I:25p.m. Pittsburgh atBaltimore,1:25p.m. Philadelphiat a Dallas5:20p.m
CarolinaatPhiladelphia,5:30 pm.
NYGiantsatWashington 530pm
Div 2-0-1 0-3-0 3-0-1 1-3-0
Redmond Continued from 01 "We felt like we had something to prove," said Redmond senior Andrew Leeland, who in his first and only year as the team's starting quarterback led the Panthers to their best season since 1988. With only four juniors on this year's roster — the majority of junior-age football players in Redmond chose to attend the new Ridgeview High across town — Redmond played with an understandable sense of urgency this fall. And despite learning a new offense and defense, the Panthers bought in the moment Stanley took over. "We came in with an immediate one-year plan," Stanley said last week. "With the way the numbers were, we didn't have time for this to be a two-year or three-year building process." Redmond's seasoncame to an end Friday against a Marist program that will be playing in its fifth state title game in nine years. That level of success is where Stanley hopes to set the bar for his program. Even with just a handful of seniors expected back next year, the Panthers' future looks bright. Interest in the football program is high, and Redmond has reembraced its old identity as a physical, tough team that loves to run the ball.
7 7 0 0 — 14 3 10 7 0 — 2 0
Prep sports glance LOOKING BACK Athleteofthe week: Redmond outside linebacker J.D. Abbas recorded10 tackles,
two of which went for losses, andonesack Friday in the Panthers'40-8 state semifinal loss to Marist.
LOOKING AHEAD Friday, Nov. 30
Springfield at Bendgirls dasketdall, 7 p.m.:The LavaBears open the season against the defending 5A state champion Millers and their standout forward Mercedes
Russell ,whohassignedto playatTennessee. Saturday, Dec. 1 Central Oregon Officials Wrestling Tournament at Mountain View, 8 a.m.:Wrestlers from Bend, Mountain View, Madras and Redmond, to name a few, kick off their seasons at Mountain View High. "It was pretty amazing," Leeland said after his final game, "what all we were able to do in such a short period of time." — Reporter:541-383-0305;
Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
0-0 4-35 28:17
1-0 ers 2-30, Do uglas 2-11.TampaBay: Jackson5-96, 7-50 Underwood5-77, Clark4-65,Wiliams3-28, Martin Min Chi 31:43 2 13 Stocke r1-5. 49ers 31, Saints 21 First Quarter First downs 15 23 MISSED FIELDGOALS —At lanta: Bryant 22 Pit Timmons 53 interception retum (Sui s ham Total Net Ya rd s 258 296 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS (WL),48(WR). TampaBay: Barth56(SH). S anFrancisco 7 7 14 3 — 3 1 kick), 13:49. Rushes-yards 20-114 39-113 RUSHING — D enver: Moreno 20-85, Hi l m an 3New Orleans 7 7 7 0 — 21 Cle — FGDawson28, 8:25. Passing 144 183 9, Manning1-1.Kansas City: Charles23-107, McFirst Quarler 1-0 1-6 SecondQuarter PuntReturns Cluster 2-23,Draughn2-13, Hillis 2-5, Copper11, SF — Kaepernick 7run(Akerskick), 7:21. 3 -67 3 6 5 Jaguars 24, Titans19 C le — J.C am eron 5 pass from W e ede n (Oa w s on Kickoff Ret u rns Quinn1-(minus1). NO O.Thomas 6 passfromBrees(Hartley kick), kick), 12:20. Intercepti o ns R e t . 1 -31 1 3 5 PASSING — Denver: Manning 22-37-1-285. 1:45. Tennessee 3 3 3 1 0 — 19 Cle — FGDawson32, 3:26 Comp-Att-Int 22-43-1 23-31-1 Kansas City: Ouinn13-25-1-126,Hilis 0-1-0-0. SecondQuarter 7 0 7 1 0 — 24 Pit — Rainey1 run(Suishamkick),:01. Sacked-Yards Lost 2-15 1-5 RECEIVING —Denver: D.Thomas4-82, Decker Jacksonville NO — Colston 10 passfrom Brees(Hartley kick), First Quarter Third Quarter Punts 4-40.5 4-43.3 4-64,Stokley 4-62, Tamme 4-48, Moreno 4-26, 7:53. 2-2 1-1 Ten —FGBironas38, 13:32. Cle — Richardson15 run(Oawson kick), 5:19. Fumbles-Lost SF — Brooks50interceptionreturn(Akerskick),:22. Dreessen2-3 Kansas City: Bowe4-41, McCluster 3 -44 5 - 5 5 4-21, Moeaki2-40,Copper2-14, Newsome1-10. Jac — Jennings I run(Scobeekick),:12. A—69,661. Penalties-Yards Third Quarter Time ofPossession 22:30 37:30 SecondQuarter SF — Gore 6 pass from Kaepemick (Akerskick), MISSED FIELDGOAL S—Denver: Prater 47 Pit C le Ten FG Bironas 40, 11. I2:17. (WR),33(WL). First downs 1 3 1 4 INDIVIDUAL STATISTICS Third Quarter SF—Whitner 42interception return(Akerskick), Total NetYards 2 42 23 8 RUSHING —Minnesota: Peterson18-108,PonJac — Shorts 59 passfrom Henne(Scobeekick) 11:30. 20-49 34-108 der 2-6. Chicago: Bush21-60, Forte14-42, Cutler 8:40. NO — Collins 2passfromBrees(Hartley kick), 7:19. Rushes-yards Passing 193 13 0 3-9, Allen 1-2. Falcons 24, Buccaneers 23 T en — FGBironas39, 326. Fourth Quarter 3 -5 4 - 43 PuntReturns PASSING —Minnesota: Ponder 22-43-1-159. Fourth Quarter SF — FGAkers27, 7:50. KickoffReturns 4-75 1-5 Chicago: Cutler23 31-1 188 Atlanta 3 7 7 7 — 24 Ten —FGBironas33, 10:05. A—73,147. Interceptions Ret. 1-53 3-1 RECEIVING —Minnesota: Wright 7-49, Peter- TampaBay 7 3 3 1 0 — 23 Jac— Blackmon7passfrom Henne(Scobeekick) Comp-Att-Int 20-34-3 17-26-1 son 6-30,Rudolph5-55, Jenkins2-17, Carlson1-7, First Quarter 6:50. SF NO 1 -6 4 2 8 Sacked-Yards Lost Simpson 1-1. Chicago: Marshall 12-92, Bennet t Atl — FG B ryant 31, 7:38 Ten —Britt 6 pass from Locker (Bironasktck) First downs 18 19 6-45.8 10-38.3 4-45, Forte2-4, Davis1-15,Spaeth1-13, Rodriguez TB — Martin I run (Barth kick), I:12. TotalNetYards 3 75 29 0 Punts 4:52. 8 -5 0 -0 Fumbles-Lost 1-11,Weems1-9, Bush1-(minus1) SecondQuarter Rushes-yards 31-144 21-59 Jac — FGScobee41,:24. 9 68 1 0-90 MISSED FIELDGOALS —Minnesota: Walsh Atl —Rodgers5run (Bryant kick), 10:25. Passing 2 31 23 1 Penalties-Yards A—63,323. Time of Pos se ssi o n 26;30 33:30 30 (BK). Chi c ago: Goul d 39 (BK ). TB — FG B art h 22 3:37. PuntReturns 2-13 1-3 Third Quarter KickoffReturns 1-23 5 -148 T en Jac INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS TB — FGBarth 42 8:37. InterceptionsRet. 2-92 1-0 First downs 20 19 RUSHING — P it t sburgh: Dw ye r9-19, R ai n ey5-17 Atl — Jones80passfrom Ryan(Bryant kick), 8:26. TotalNetYards Comp-Att-Int 16-25-1 26-41-2 360 321 Broncos17, Chiefs 9 R edman 2 7 Me n d e n h a g 4 6 . Cl e v el a n d: R i c h a r d s o n Sacked-Yards Lost 0 -0 5 - 36 Fourth Quarter 29-110 27-100 Rushes-yards 29 85,Hardesty2-14,Weeden2-8, Benjamin1-1. TB — Martin1 run(Barth kick), 1456. Punts 4-46.8 5-50.4 0 7 7 3 — 17 Passing 2 50 22 1 Denver PASSING —Pittsburgh: Batch 20-34-3-199 Fumbles-Lost 1-1 0-0 TB — FG B art h 48 10:28 1-0 1-5 Punt Returns KansasCity 6 0 3 0 — 9 Cleveland:Wee den17-26-1-158. Penalties-Yards 1 0-68 4 - 53 Atl Turner 3run(Bryantkick), 7:55. Kickoff Returns 5 -108 1 - 24 First Quarter RECEIVING — Pittsburgh: Miller 6-63, SandTime ofPossession 30:06 29:54 A—54,400. InterceptionsRet. 1 -0 2- 2 1 KC — FGSuccop34, 9:20. ers 5-75, Rainey4-15, Dwyer2-9, Redman1-15, Comp-Att-Int 23-40-2 17-26-1 KC — FGSuccop22,4:31. WJohnson1-13,Wallace1-9. Cleveland: Gordon INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS A tl TB 1 -11 7 - 40 SecondQuarter Sacked-Yards Lost Richardson 4-27,Massauuoi3 27,Watson 3RUSHING —San Francisco: Gore19-83,Hunter 4-60, 20 16 Oen —Tamme 7passfromManning (Praterkick), First downs 4-50.3 5-47 0 Punts 26, J.Cameron 2-12, Li t tle1-6. 4-28 Kaepernic6-27, k Dixon1-5, Jacobs1-1.New Total NetYards 4 24 32 6 Fumbles-Lost 1-0 0-0 :18. MISSEDFIELD GOALS— None. Orleans: Ivory 8-34, Ingram 10-27, PThomas1-0, 24-79 2 1-50 Rushes-yards Third Quarter Penalties-Yards 6 -42 5 - 30 Brees2-(minus2). Passi n g 3 45 27 6 KC — FGSuccop49, 7:35. Time ofPossession 30:37 29:23 PASSING —San Francisco: Kaepernick 16-251-10 0-0 Oen —D.Thomas 30 pass from Manning (Prater PuntRetums 1-231 NewOrleans: Brees26-41-2-267. KickoffReturns 2 -73 363 Dolphins 24, Seahawks 21 kick), 4:41. INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RECEIVING — San Francisco: Manningham 0 -0 1 - 28 Interceptions Ret. Fourth Quarter RUSHING —Tennessee: C.Johnson 21-80, 5-69 Walker3-81, Miller 3-37,Crabtree3-26, Gore Seattle Comp-Att-Int 26-32-1 20-31-0 0 7 7 7 — 21 Oen —FGPrater 34,:14. Locker 5-21,Reynaud2-5, Wright 1-4. Jackson2-18. New Orleans: Sproles7-65, Colston4-36, Miami 1-8 2-8 0 7 0 17 — 2 4 A 74,244. Sacked-YardsLost ville: Parmel8-45, e Jennings16-43, Blackmon1-12, Graham 4-33, D.Thomas 4-24, Moore3-61, Collins 1-45.0 2-50.0 SecondQuarter Punts Henne 2-0. 2-9, Morgan1-33,Henderson1-6 1-1 0-0 Mia — Bush21 run(Carpenter kick), 5:13. Den KC Fumbles-Lost PASSING—Tennessee: Locker 23-40-2-261. MISSEDFIELD GOALS— San Francisco:Ak2 -15 5 - 2 4 Jacksonville: Henne Sea—McCoy3passfrom Wilson(Hauschkakick), First downs 21 13 Penalties-Yards 17-26-1-261. ers 50(WL), 33 (BK). :29. Total Net Yards 3 68 26 4 Time of Possession 29:22 30:38 RECEIVING — Tennessee: Cook 6-47,Wright Third Quarter Rushes-yards 24-95 31-148 5-48, Washington4-54, Britt 3-25, Williams2-46, Sea Robinson 4 passfrom Wilson (Hauschka Passing 273 116 INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS C.Johnson 2-29, Stevens1-12 Jacksonville: Black0 -0 2 - 23 kick), 4:00. PuntReturns RUSHING—Atlanta: Rodgers 10-49,Turner 13- mon 5-62,Shorts4-105, Lewis4-56, Shipley 1-24, Rams 31, Cardinals17 Fourth Quarter KickoffReturns 2 -92 3 - 5 7 17, Ryan1-13.TampaBay: Martin21-50. Parmele 1-7,Ta'ufo'ou1-5, Jennings1-2. Mia — Thomas3run(Carpenter kick), 8:08. 1 -(-2) 1-8 InterceptionsRet. PASSING — Atlanta:Ryan26-32-1-353.Tampa St. Louis 0 14 14 3 — 31 MISSEDFIELDGOALS—Tennessee: Bironas 22-37-1 13-26-1 Bay: Freeman19-30-0-256Wiliams1-1-0-28. Sea—Washington 98 kickoff return (Hauschka Comp-Att-Int Arizona 7 10 0 0 — 1 7 42 (WL). 2 -12 2 - 10 kick), 7:54. Sacked-Yards Lost RECEIVING —Atlanta: Jones 6-147, Gonzalez First Quarler 4-42.3 6-45 3 5 62, White5-57, Sneging3-33, Turner3-13, RodgMia Clay 29 pass from Tannehig(Carpenter Punts Pittsburgh Cleveland
BCS Continued from D1 Florida (.8882) is fourth in t he standings, but w it h n o games left, looks stuck behind their SEC rivals. The good news for the Gators is they are likely to get an at-large BCS bid to the Sugar Bowl, while the SEC runner-up is out of the big games all together. "For either one of these teams, it's not really a great scenario," A l abama c o ach Nick Saban said. One way or another, the SEC will get a shot at its seventh straight BCS championship. The Bowl C h ampionship Series is in its second-to-last season. It will be replaced by a four-team playoff in 2014. W hile th e r a c e f o r t h e BCS title game is now fairly straight forward heading into c hampionship w eekend i n college football, there's some intrigue to watch for involving potential BCS busters. K ent State is 17th in t h e
3 3 0 7 — 13 7 6 7 0 — 20
First Quarter fnd —Hilton 75punt return(Vtnatiert kick),9:56. Buf — FGLindeg33,4:28. SecondQuarter
lnd — FGVinatieri 25,4.08. Buf FG Lindeg31 216 Ind — FGVinatieri19,:00. Third Quarter Ind — Hilton 8 pass from Luck (Vinatieri kick), 4.02. Fourth Quarter Buf — LSmith 1 pass from Fitzpatrick (Lindel kick), 11:30. A—64,366.
Ind 16 22 3 04 31 2 23-135 29-87 1 69 22 5 2-24 4 -111 1 -32 4 6 8
First downs Total NetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns
KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost
I +1)
1 - 20
17-33-1 20-37-1 2 -11 4 - 15 7-44.9 5-51.2 0-0 2-1 4 -46 6 - 37 28:22 31:38
Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Buffalo: Spiler 14-107, FJackson 6-16, Fitzpatrick3-12 Indianapolis: Ballard13-41, O.Brown10-26,Luck6-20. PASSING —Buffalo: Fitzpatrick 17-33-1-180. Indianapolis: Luck20-37-1-240. RECEIVING —Buffalo: St.Johnson6-106,Jones 4-19, Chandler2-26, Graham2-24, FJackson1-8, L.Smith 1-1, Spiller I-(minus 4). Indianapolis: Wayne8-102, Allen 3-36, Hilton 3-33, Avery3-31, O.Brown1-23,Brazig1-11,Saunders1-4. MISSEDFIELD GOALS— None.
Bengals 34, Raiders10 Oakland Cincinnati
0 0 10 0 — 1 0 14 10 0 10 — 34
First Quarter Cin — Green-Egis1run (Nugentkick), 9:12. Cin — Sanu 2 passIrom Dalton(Nugent kick),
SecondQuarter Cin — Sanu 5 passIrom Daiton(Nugent kick),
7'28. Cin — FGNugent 55,:00 Third Quarter Oak — FGJanikowski55,10.28.
Oak —Moore 20 passfrom Palmer(Janikowski kick), 2:21. Fourlh Quarler Cin — FGNugent 20,12:29.
Cin — Gresham7passfromDalton (Nugent kick), 3:39. A 56,503 First downs Total NetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns Interceptions Ret. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
O ak
14 18 218 415 23 99 34-221 119 194 2 -17 5 - 29 5 -117 1 - 25
0 -0 1 - 29 19-34-1 16-30-0 4 -27 2 - 16 6-46.8 5-40.8 1-1 0-0 3 -25 3 - 25 29:14 30:46
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Oakland: Reece15-74, Stewart7-26, Schmitt1-(minus1) Cincinnati: Green-ER is19-129, Peerman 8-61, Green2-21, Dalton4-5, Sanu1-5. PASSING —Oakland: Palmer 19-34-1-146 Cincinnati: Oalton16-30-0-210. RECEIVING —Oakland: Stewart 6-37, Myers 5-37, Reece 4-29, Criner3-23, Moore1-20. Cincinnati: Sanu5-29, Gresham4-41,Green3-111, Charles 2 14, Green-ERis1-9,Tate1-6 MISSEDFIELD GOALS—Cincinnati: Nugent
48 (WR).
Giants 38, Packers10 7 3 0 0 — 10 17 1 4 7 0 — 3 8 First Quarter NYG —A.Brown 2run (Tyneskick),12:38.
GreenBay N.y. Giants
GB — Nelson61 passfromRodgers (Crosbykick), 10:44.
NYG —Randle16 passfromManning(Tyneskick),
2:38. NYG —FGTynes43, 23.
SecondQuarter NYG —Cruz 9 pass from Manning (Tyneskick),
9'37. GB — FGCrosby28,3:37.
NYG —Bradshaw13 run(Tyneskick), 44. Third Quarter NYG —Nicks 13passfromManning (Tyneskick),
3'36. A—80,365
First downs Total NetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns Interceptions Ret.
Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost
Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
GB NYG 16 23 3 17 39 0 26-116 31-147 2 01 24 3 2-20 2-0 7 -168 3 - 72 0-0 1-0 15-27-1 16-30-0 5-29 1-6 4-38.5 3-45.0 1-1 2-0 7 -49 4 - 24 28:47 31:13
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Green Bay: Starks8-35, Green1030, Rodgers 3-22, Kuhn4-17, Cobb1-12. N.Y. Giants: A.Brown13-64,Bradshaw1058, Wilson6-13, Manning2-12. PASSING —Green Bay:Rodgers 14-25-1-219, Harreg 1-2-0-11. N.Y. Giants: Manning16-30-0249. RECEIVING — Green Bay:Cobb 4-39,Finley 3-51, Kuhn 3-49, Green3-20, Nelson2-71 N.Y.Giants: Nicks5-77,Bennett3-44,Cruz3-36,Bradshaw 2-61, Randle 2-26, Wilson1-5. MISSEDFI ELD GOALS— Green Bay:Crosby
55 (WL).
s tandings and Northern l i most if a BCS buster emerges nois is 21st. They'll meet in the is Oklahoma. The Sooners Mid-American Co n f erence are sitting 11th in the standchampionship game on Friday ings with a game left against night in Detroit. TCU. With another victory, Because it is almost a cer- they would seem to be in good tainty that the Big East cham- shape to get into the BCS even pion — Louisville and Rutgers if Kansas State clinches the will determine who that is on Big 12 by beating Texas. Thursday night in New Jersey But that at-large spot could — will be ranked behind the get gobbled up by a BCS MAC champion in the final buster. BCS standings, if either Kent Other BCS automatic bids State or NIU can get into the will be determined this weektop 16, they would receive an end in the Pac-12, Big Ten and automatic BCS bid. The MAC Atlantic Coast Conference. has never sent a team to the UCLA plays at S t anford BCS. in the Pac-12 title game with Neither Louisville nor Rut- the winner going to the Rose gers is in the BCS top 25 this Bowl. week. Wisconsin and N ebraska Boise State from the Moun- will play for the Big Ten's Rose tain West is 20th in the stand- Bowl berth. ings and also still in the mix Florida State and Georgia for that BCS buster bid if it can Tech play for the ACC title and jump ahead of the MAC teams a spot in the Orange Bowl. and into the first 16. The BronOregon is fifth in the latest cos play Nevada on Saturday standings, and like Florida, to earn a share of the MW done with its regular season title. and in good shape to receive The team that could be hurt an at-large BCS bid.
-* ~
tan or, LAa sur risin actite matc u
By Antomo Gonzalez
8-1) beat Oregon State 48-24 in the Civil War rivalry that STANFORD, Calif. — As finished about 10 minutes part of senior-day celebra- before the Cardinal and Brutions held earlier this month ins began their game in front for Stanford's final h ome of a sellout crowd at the Rose game of the regular sea- Bowl. son, outgoing players wore Turns out, that was just a T-shirts that r ead: dress rehearsal. "Last Walk." "I cannot r ecall The Associated Press
Time to bring
Reinhold MatayI The Associated Press
Atlanta Falcons running back Jacquizz Rodgers(32) outruns the Tampa Bay Buccaneers defense, including outside linebacker Lavonte David (54), strong safety Mark Barron (24) and free safety Ronde Barber (20), to score during the second quarter of Sunday'sgame in Tampa, Fla.
a cons ra or The Associated Press TAMPA, Fla. — No one has led more late game-winning drives during the past five seasons than Matt Ryan, and the Atlanta Falcons quarterback did it again with his fifth one this season. M atty Ice t hrew fo r 3 5 3 yards and overcame two critical turnovers to stop Tampa Bay's f o u r-game w i n n i ng streak with a 24-23 victory on
Sunday. The Falcons (10-1) are tied with the Houston Texans for the NFL's best record, and Ryan had plenty of help in withstanding a cha l l enge from the up-and-coming Buc-
caneers (6-5). "They are playing with a lot of confidence," said Ryan, who has won seven of his past eight starts against the Bucs. "It's always been a tough place for us to come play. They play with great effort, and I think they have a good football team." R yan teamed w it h J u l i o Jones on an 80-yard TD midway through the third quarter, but th e F alcons found t hemselves t r a i lin g 2 3 - 17 afterthe Bucs marched for a touchdown, then used a sackfumble to set up a field goal that left Atlanta needing another strong finish from their quarterback.
Ryan obliged by leading a six-play, 64-yard march that Michael Turner finished with a 3-yard TD run that put the NFC South leaders ahead for good with 7:55 remaining. Connor Barth missed a 56yard field goal for Tampa Bay
(6-5) in the closing minutes, and the winning streak that's helped the Bucs climb back into playoff contention following a slow start ended when Josh Freeman's desperation pass fell incomplete in the end zone on the final play. "The last drive, that's something we've done before this s eason," Falcons tight e n d Tony Gonzalez said. "I really think that's a positive for us to be able to come up with plays like that when we have to like that.... I'm really happy with the way we responded." It's getting to be a way of life. Ryan has also led late marches to beat Carolina, Washington, O akland and A r i zona t h i s season and has put together 21 game-winning drives in the fourth quarter or overtime since entering the league in 2008 — four of them against the division rival Bucs. The Falcons won't h a ve long to celebrate this one. The host the New Orleans Saints Thursday night in a rematch of the only game they've lost. "Ten-and-1 is great, but I'll tell you what I've said since the beginning of the season: We're just jockeying for position," Gonzalez said. "We just want to put ourselves in the Varicose Vein Experts
and a touchdown against the NFL's most generous defense. He had runs of 48 and 39 More NFL a nd Denver rallied fo r i t s yards — the longest of his ca• Complete standings and sixth straight win. Manning reer — to set up scores. boxscores from Sunday's hit tight end Jacob Tamme B rowns ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 games,D4 late in the first half and wide Steelers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 receiver Demaryius Thomas CLEVELAND Chris in the third quarter, and that Rainey's fumble with 2:25 left — Pittsburgh's seventh of eight best position, playing the best was more than enough to f ootball. Right a round t h i s overcome three field goals turnovers — was recovered by time is when you want to start by the Chiefs' Ryan Succop Cleveland's Phil Taylor and the gelling as a team and take it as Kansas City lost its eighth Browns handed their hated rion into the playoffs because straight game. vals a potentially devastating that's th e m o s t i m p ortant B ears ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 loss. Charlie Batch, starting at thing." V ikings..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 quarterback for Pittsburgh beThe win stopped the Bucs, CHICAGO — Ja y C u tler cause of injuries to Ben Roethwho have won five or seven threw for 188 yards and a lisberger and Byron Leftwich, following a 1- 3 start, from touchdown after m issing a was picked off t h ree times tightening th e N F C S o uth game because of a concus- and the Steelers (6-5) lost five standings. Turner also scored sion as Chicago ended a two- fumbles, the last on the final a f ourth-quarter T D tha t game losing streak. Tied with play of the game to help the helped theFalcons overcome Green Bay for the NFC North Browns (3-8) beat Pittsburgh six turnovers to beat Arizona lead and just a game ahead for just the second time in 18 23-19 last week. of Minnesota (6-5) coming games. D oug Martin s c ored o n in, the Bears (8-3) grabbed a C olts..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 0 a pair of I-yard runs for the 25-3 halftime lead thanks to B ills..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 Bucs, however the rookie who Cutler's pinpoint passing. The INDIANAPOLIS — TY . began theday leading the NFL defense heldAdrian Peterson Hilton scored on a 7 5-yard in total yards from scrimmage in check early on, although punt return and caught an 8was limited to 50 yards rush- he finished with 108 yards yard TD pass from Andrew ing on 21 carries. rushing. Luck. Hilton is the first player Barth kicked field goals of 4 9ers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 in franchise history to score 22, 42, and 48 yards, the latter S aints ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 by punt return and pass recepgiving the Bucs their six-point NEW ORLEANS — Colin tion in the same game. Indy lead aftercornerback E.J.Big- Kaepernick ran for one score improved to 7-4. gers sacked Ryan to force a that he made look easy and Jaguars .......... . . . . . . . ..24 fumble. Ryan threw a second- threw for a touchdown in an- T itans.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 9 quarter interception — his other performance that valiJACKSONVILLE, Fl a. sixth pick in two weeks — that dated coach Jim Harbaugh's — Chad Henne threw t w o led Barth's field goal that made d ecision to start h i m . T h e touchdown passes, sparking it 10-10 at the half. San Francisco defense added the NFL's worst offense for Ryan completed 26 of 32 its share of big plays and the the second consecutive week. passes, including four straight 49ers endedthe Saints'three- Jacksonville (2-9) snapped a on the drive that Turner fingame winning streak. seven-game losing streak and ished with his TD r un. Jac- R avens..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 were competitive at home for quizz Rodgers had a 5-yard C hargers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 the first time this season. TD run in the first quarter, SAN DIEGO — Justin Tuck- D olphins...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 4 and Jones finished with six re- er kicked a 38-yard field with S eahawks ...... . . . . . . . . . . . 2 1 ceptions for 147 yards despite I:07 left in overtime to comMIAMI — Dan Carpenter playing on a sore right ankle plete a stunning comeback. kicked a 43-yard field goal that limited him in practice. San Diego led 13-3 on Nick No- on the final play, and Miami Ryan started the game with vak's 30-yard field goal with scored 17 points in the last 10 straight completions be7:51 to go in regulation. But the 8:08. Rookie Ryan Tannehill fore Ronde Barber's intercep- Ravens converted on fourth- drove Miami 65 yards in the tion and 28-yard return to the and-29 from their 37 when final 92 seconds to set up the Atlanta 31 led to Barth's first Ray Rice caught a short pass winning k i ck. H e f i n i shed field goal. from Joe Flacco and weaved 18 for 26 for 253 yards and a The Falcons drove to the through the defense to the San score. Tampa Bay 4 in the closing Diego 33 with I:37 to play. Six G iants..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 8 seconds of the half, but wasted plays later, Tucker kicked a 38- P ackers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 an opportunity to regain the yard field goal to tie the game EAST RUTH E RFORD, lead when Matt Bryant hooked as regulation expired. N.J. — Eli M anning threw a 22-yard field-goal attempt R ams...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 1 for three touchdowns, giving wide left as time expired. The C ardinals..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 him 200 for hiscareer, and Atlanta kicker missed a 48GLENDALE, Ariz. — Jano- the New York Giants sacked yarder with 8 seconds left, giv- ris Jenkins became the first Aaron Rodgers five times in a ing the Bucs one more chance player in Rams history and the rout of Green Bay. Coming off to pull out what would have first NFL rookie since 1960 to their bye, the Giants (7-4) put been their first signature vic- return two interceptions for to rest concerns about a dortory under f i rst-year coach touchdowns in the same game mant offense and a tired arm Greg Schiano. and St. Louis dominated the for Manning. He connected "It was a hard-fought game second half to hand Arizona with rookie Rueben Randle, by both teams, a very physi- its seventh loss in a row. Ari- Victor C ru z a n d H a k eem cal game," Schiano said. "But zona rookie Ryan Lindley was Nicks for scores, and Ahmad I do think missed opportuniintercepted four times in his Bradshaw had a c o mbined ties were a big part of it. There first NFL start. 119 yards, including a 59-yard were some chances both ofBengals .......... . . . . . . . ..34 sprint on a screen pass to befensively and defensively, and R aiders...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 gin the onslaught. in the kicking game." CINCINNATI — Andy DalIn other games on Sunday: ton threw three touchdown Broncos.......... . . . . . . . ..17 passes and Cincinnati showed C hiefs..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 its former quarterback, CarKANSAS CITY, Mo. — Pey- son Palmer, that it has moved ton Manning threw for 285 on without him. BenJarvus yards and two touchdowns, Green-Ellisran for 129 yards
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Ne X tllP
ever b e i ng in this
those mementos out Pac-12 situation be f o re," of the closet. U CLA c oach J i m Championship, " We're going t o Mora said. "I don't UCLAat have to change the Stanford know that it benefits d ate of o u r L a s t e ither team, or i s • When:Friday, Walk T-shirt," fifthhard on any team. It year l in e b acker 5 p.m. just comes down to Chase Thomas said • TV:Fox going out on Friday Sunday. "Put some night an d e x ecuttape over it or something." ing. Any familiarity we have The Pac-12 Conference with them, they'll have with championship game is com- us. It just kind of negates ing to The Farm a year later each other." than everybody expectedShaw and Mora will rely and for a matchup few would on their NFL coaching exhave predicted. perience to guide them this W hile Andrew L uck i s w eek. W h il e p r o t e a m s gone, t h e ei g h th-ranked sometimes play d i visional Cardinal (10-2, 8-1) are sur- o pponents twice i n t h r ee prisingly where they have games, consecutive matchwanted to be all along: host- ups are almost unheard of at ing the league title game Fri- any level. day night in a quick rematch The Cardinal controlled against No. 17 UCLA (9-3, 6- the first go-around and left 3), which overtook preseason no secrets about what they No. 1 Southern California to plan to do this week. capture the South Division Stepfan Taylor rushed for crown. 142 yards and two touchSo much for that Oregon- downs, Hogan passed for 160 USC showdown so m a ny yards and another score, and had forecast. Stanford ran away with its "I remember when nobody fourth victory in a row over was giving us a look down the Bruins. Brett Hundley, at the Pac-12 media day," UCLA's redshirt freshman Thomas said. "I told them, quarterback, was 20 of 38 for 'It was the same thing when 261 yards and a touchdown Toby (Gerhart) left. It was with one interception while the same thing when (Jim) getting sacked seven times. "Every week is going to be H arbaugh left. It w a s t h e same thing when Andrew different. Not every week is left.' I guess people out there going be perfect," Hundley just don't get it. said. "We've just got to come "They don't u nderstand out, and we're blessed with what type of guys we have another opportunity to play on this team. The kind of another game for the Pac-12 coaches we have. We're not championship, an d w e ' ve g oing away. We're not a just got to have fun and play one-person team. We never our game." UCLA's hopes to play m have been. So people can think what they want. We the program's f irst R o se know this team is going to be Bowl game since 1999 will around for a while." not be any easier this week. A week a f ter S t anford Stanford has won eight in stunned Oregon i n o v e r- a row and 19 of its past 20 time, the Cardinal crushed home games, with the lone the Bruins 35-17 at the Rose loss coming to Oregon last Bowl on Saturday to seal the season. The Cardinal, riding North Division title and set a six-game winning streak, up a strange sequel. Rarely are looking to seal a spot in do teams ever play twice in the Rose Bowl for the first the same season in college time since 2000. football, and rarer still does The Cardinal already sethat happen in back-to-back cured three straight 10-win weeks. seasons for the first time in That's the kind of season school history. Members of it has been in th e Pac-12 the seniorclass,who figured Conference. their playing days at StanStanford's o nl y l e a gue ford Stadium might h ave loss came at Washington in ended when they rallied to the fourth game of the sea- beat Oregon State27-23 on son, losing 17-13 on a Thurs- Nov. 10, have a chance to go day night when the offense out with three consecutive failed to score a touchdown. 11-win seasons — all ending Cardinal coach David Shaw in different BCS bowls. "We kind of did the senior replaced quarterback Josh Nunes after eight games with day last time we were in the redshirt freshman Kevin Ho- stadium, not knowing when gan, who has beaten three those guys were going to ranked teams — Oregon be back, really thinking the State, Oregon and UCLAnext time they would be back in his first three career starts in there would be graduato give the nation's top rush- tion," Shaw said. "Now geting defensesome support. ting one more game is speThe Bruins lost to Oregon cial for those guys. They're State and at California be- real excited about it. I think fore winning five straightyou get an idea of what our the program's longest win- team is l ik e b ecause our ning streak in seven years younger guys are excited for — a run capped with a thrill- our seniors. It's not just that ing 38-28 victory against the they're excited to be in the crosstown rival Trojans. game. They're excited that S tanford had to wi n i t s the seniors get to come in finale in Pasadena just to the stadium one more time. I get another shot at UCLA think that shows how tight of because No. 6 Oregon (11-1, a team we are."
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This is also a good time to inspect the tems, racks and more sophisticated sysbike. tems — as well as simple storage. "Check that everything is tight and in Continued from D1 While acknowledging the variety of Some cyclocrossriders, whose sport good shape — everything from tires to the bike storage methods, Gorman says: "I features muddy, mucky racetracks, will hubs," Gorman recommends. "Make sure just lean mine up against the wall (in the put the bike away after the last race of the the wheels are straight and the shifting is garage)." season — right after getting the bike thor- right." Some cyclists want to keep the weight oughly soaked, says Gorman. "I've seen Look for "what you've been avoiding, off the tires and hang their bikes upside hubs totally seized up after putting them what's gotten worn out ... check the tires down or lean them upside down on the away after cyclocross season," he adds. for wear and cuts and all that kind of seat and handlebars. Rust and other damage can occur if wa- stuff," he adds. For road bikes, upside-down storage is ter gets into the bearings and hubs, GorIf the bike is making "a creak you just "fine, but not essential," says Boyd, espeman warns. And that is especially true for can't find," says Gorman, or the frame has cially if you are storing it only for a few mountain bikes with suspension. been feeling strange when you are rid- months. "Those bearings can lock up if they are ing, it's a good idea to check for a cracked But mountain bikes with suspension or put away wet (or muddy)," he says. frame. That can be tricky to distinguish disc brakes should be kept "the normal "Moisture is our enemy," agrees Brad from chipped paint. way — rubber side down," advises Boyd. "Check the welds (and) bottom bracket "You don't want to come find a big pudBoyd, owner of Eurosports in Sisters. "That's one of the nice things about Cen- tube,"where cracks are more common, dle of oil under your bike because the hytral Oregon being so dry." says Gorman. draulic oil — from the forks, from the disc "It's always a good time to measure brakes — leaked out," says Boyd. "Why But if you put your bike away "all muddy and grimy and gross, it's going to be wear on the chain," says Gorman. For risk it'?" muddy and grimy and gross" when you cyclists who have been riding quite freFor most bikes, temperature during pull it back out, Boyd cautions. The mud quently, "odds are they could need a new storage will not make a difference, Gorwill dry, but it can trap moisture, leading chain." man assures. If you don't want to keep to corrosion or rust. "It's better," he says, Winter is a great time to practice some your bike in the house, a garage or locked "to put it away dry and clean." pre-emptive maintenance, says Gorman. shed is fine, just as long as it is covered, Cleaning the bike is as simple as brush- "Bike shops are less busy in the winter dry and clean. ing off dried mud and then using some ... when there's less of a rush, there's less That means no barns, says Boyd: "So light soap and water, Gorman explains. pressure." And, because you probably are much dust ... and you've got crittersBe sure to remove anything that might be not riding much during the offseason, spiders, mice and all that." damaged by water: leather seats, lights or you won't miss your bike while it's in the With th e p r oper preparation, only bike computer. shop. minimal effort should be required to hit "As long as you don't spray pressured Once the bike is in good storing condi- the road or bike trail again when the nice water into the bearings," says Gorman, tion, the next step is choosing the right weather returns, says Gorman. "you can't really hurt the bike." "Air up the tires, lube the chain and go!" spot to keep it for the next few months. Toweling off t h e b i k e i s g enerally The keyelements ofbike storage are se- he says, before adding: "Hopefully." enough to dry it sufficiently in Central curity and shelter. — Reporter: 541-383-0358; fhoffman@ Oregon's climate, says Gorman. The method of storage varies as much For other cycling questions, After the bike is clean and dry, take the as the riders and the storage space availcomments orinformation directed to The time to lubricate the chain and the cables. able. There are hook systems, pulley sysBulletin, email sportsC<
cans of food for adults and $10 plus two cans of food for juniors.
C, one point) and AimeeFurber (women's Category B, onepoint),
• Redmond Golf Cross event on tap: After a successful debut earlier this fall, another Redmond
The kiddie cross race is free. In
all of Bend, earned 2012 series
titles. For Wolford and Furber, their series wins came by asingle
The upcoming Redmond Golf Cross event is scheduled for Dec. 15 at the old Juniper Golf Course
addition to race-day registration, participants can sign up atobra. org. For more information, contact Shane Johnson at shane© • Final Cross Crusade standings: SevenCentral Oregoncy-
in Redmond. Theinitial Redmond
clists took home top honors in the
Golf Cross event was offered at
Cross Crusadeseries standings,
the same site in Septemberand
which were based on results from throughout the eight-race series that concluded Nov. 18.
Golf Cross event is being planned for December to cap the Central
Oregon cyclocross season.
drew more than100 participants.
The Decemberevent will offer classes for men, women,masters, beginners, single speed, juniors and kids age10 andyounger. Registration will be available starting at 7:30 a.m. on race day, and the first race will start at 9 a.m. Registration is $20 plus two
At each Cross Crusadeevent, riders finishing among the first 18 positions in their respective
Complete series standings for
any Stressless' recliner or $400 OFF select Stressless' Eagle or Wing recliners when you donate $50 to charity
SOUTHERN BAJA,MEXICO SINGLETRACKTOURS: Dec. 8-12, Feb. 2-7 and Feb. 16-20; Baja, Mexico; includes four days of riding and five nights of accommodations, all meals and a Specialized full suspension bike rental; tours limited to12 riders; $925 (airfare not included); 541385-7002; USA CYCLINGCYCLO-CROSS NATIONALCHAMPIONSHIPS: Wednesday, Jan. 9-Sunday, Jan. 13; Madison, Wis.; elite, age group, masters,juniors, collegiate and single speed divisions; online registration opens Wednesday; usacycling. org/2013/cyclo-cross-nationals.
be served, and adrawing of items
TRINITY BIKESRIDE: Group road bike ride starting in Redmond at Trinity Bikes, 865 S.W. 17th St.; Mondays; 6 p.m.; somewhat casual pace; 541-923-5650. EUROSPORTS RIDE: Group road bike ride starting in Sisters from Eurosports, 182 E. Hood St.; Saturdays; check with the shop for start time; all riders welcome; 541-549-2471; www.eurosports. us. HUTCH'S NOON RIDE: Group road bike ride starting in Bend from Hutch's Bicycles east-side location, 820 N.E. Third St., at noon on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays; and from Hutch's westside location, 725 N.W. Columbia St., at noon on Tuesdays, Thursdays;pace varies;541-3826248; HUTCH'S SATURDAY RIDE: Group road bike ride begins at10 a.m. Saturdays in Bend from Hutch's Bicycles east-side location, 820 N.E. Third St.; approximately 40 miles; vigorous pace; 541-3826248;
at 8 p.m. Food and beverages will
the 2012 CrossCrusadeare available at
RESTORE PROPERMOVEMENT YOGA: Restorative yoga for busy athletes such as cyclists, runners and triathletes already training; no strength poses, just restorative yoga for active recovery; Mondays; 5:30 p.m.; Powered by Bowen, 143 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; 30 minutes per class; five points on Power Pass or $5 per class; 541-585-1500.
Sunnyside Sports at 541-3828018. — Bulletin staff reports
will begin at 6 p.m.andconclude
six races, the points for their two poorest results were not counted.
930 N.W. Newport Ave. The event
and if they competed in more than
INDOOR CYCLINGCLASSES: At Powered by Bowen, 143 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; limited to eight riders per class; classes are based on each rider's power output for an individual workout in a group setting; all classes 60 minutes in length except for on Saturdays (85 minutes) and Sundays (180 minutes, can choose to ride for any or all of the time during these sessions); at noon on Mondays; at 6:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 4:45 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Tuesdays; at 6:30 a.m., 9:30 a.m., noon and 5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays; at 6:30 a.m., noon, 4:45 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Thursdays; at 9:30 a.m. on Fridays; at 8:30 a.m.on Saturdays;at8a.m. on Sundays; $18 or15 points on Power Pass per class;, 541-585-1500.
swell will also speak atthe event and sign photo cards. For more information, contact
There is no charge to attend
the party at Sunnyside, located at
competed at least three times to appear in the series standings,
Sunday, Dec. 8-9; 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; Old Mill District, Bend; divisions for juniors, Categories 2-4, masters, single speed and professional $15-$45; usgpcyclocross. com/races/ deschutes-brewery-cup.
from Boswell will be staged. Bo-
signing a professional contract classes earned points that contrib- with the Team Sky cycling squad. uted toward their season totals. The cyclist in each class with the highest point total after the eight races tookfirst place in the series standings. Cyclists must have
Please email Cycling Central Sports event information to or click on "Submit an Event" on our website at 1tems are published on a space-availability basis, and should be submitted at least 10 days before the event.
CXMAS PARTY: Thursday, Dec. 6; 6:30 p.m.; Powered by Bowen, 143 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; fundraiser for the CXmas Junior Fund, which provides travel stipends for Oregon junior riders to attend the USA Cycling Cylcocross National Championships in Wisconsin in January; event includes silent auction, food and beverages; suggested m inimum donation of $5 at the door; Bart Bowen, 541-585-1500.
Bend cyclist lan Boswell before he departs for Europe. Boswell is relocating to Nice, France, after
• •
• Boswell celebratory sendoff: Sunnyside Sports in Bendis staging a party on Saturday for
Chris Sheppard (men's Category A), SerenaBishop Gordon (women's Category A), Lance Haidet (junior men), SarahMax (masters women35+A), Andrew Sargent (masters men35+ A), Kenny Wolford (masters men35+
Road cycling
November 21 — January 14
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Christmas Craft Sale 9to3, Dec.2 One Day only! 719 West Antler Ave. Redmond.
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Border Collie/New Zealand Huntaways, 2 male pups, wonderful dogs, working parents, $300 each. 541-546-6171
J Wanted: $Cash paid for Items for Free Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, vintaqe costume jew1st shots, very social elry. Top dollar paid for FREE wooden pallets, $700. 541-325-3376 Gold/Silver.l buy by the great for firewood. Pickup Estate, Honest Artist behind bldg at 6 3 120 Canary Males Elizabeth,541-633-7006 Nels Anderson Rd, Bend. Blue, $45. Red, $60. (541) 548-7947. WANTED: RAZORS, M oving b o xes, a s sorted sizes, about Double or singleChihuahua pups 20. FREE edged, straight $150-300. e-mail: 541-408-9328 razors, shaving brushes, mugs & 208 scuttles, strops, shaving accessories Pets 8 Supplies & memorabilia. Fair prices paid. :c The Bulletin recomCall 541-390-7029 mends extra caution between 10 am-3 pm. when purc h as- Chinchilla with: cage, ing products or serexercise wheel, food, vices from out of the bedding & book. $115 Holiday Bazaar area. Sending cash, 541-480-8050 & Craft Shows checks, or credit inf ormation may b e BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS Holiday Craft Bazaar subjected to fraud. Search the area's most For more i nforma- comprehensive listing of Sat Dec 1st 10am-2pm tion about an adverclassified advertising... Awbrey House tiser, you may call real estate to automotive, 2825 Neff Rd Bend the O r egon State merchandise to sporting 541-317-8464 Attorney General's goods. Bulletin Classifieds Live Music and Crafts of Office C o n sumer appear every day in the all kinds! Multiple Protection hotline at print or on line. Raffles. Receive addi- 1-877-877-9392. Call 541-385-5809 tional raffle ticket by bringing a New PerThe Bulletin sen ng central oregon smre r9te sonal Hygiene prodThe Bulletin uct benefiting Aussie Mini/Toy AKC, COCOA Seniors all colors, $200-$250. C hocolate Lab 6 m o Parents on site. Call male, good tempera ment, good with kids 541-598-5314, $200. 541-280-0955 541-788-7799 Saturday Market 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. .4 . DO YOU HAVE Mason's Building, beSOMETHING TO hind 7-11 at 8th & Aussies, Mini & Toy SELL Greenwood. Crafts, sizes, all colors, 9 FOR $500 OR Antiques & More! weeks $250 cash. LESS? 541-977-1737 541-678-7599 Non-commercial advertisers may BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! place an ad with The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are ouI' still over 2,000 folks in our community without "QUICK CASH permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift SPECIAL" camps, getting by as best they can. 1 week 3 lines 12 The following items are badly needed to 2~ k 2 0i help them get through the winter: Ad must include @ CAMPING GEAR of any sort: @ price of single item New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. of $500 or less, or 4 WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. multiple items whose total does PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT not exceed $500.
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• B en
$150 ea. Full warranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's 541-280-7355
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$300. 541-536-3409 541-385-5809. Golden Retrievers, En- Twin poster head / footglish Cream 4M, 4F, board 8 mattress set, + $700-$750. dresser w/mirror, nice! 541-279-6820. $400. 541-549-2253
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La Pine Habitat RESTORE Building Supply Resale Quality at LOW PRICES 52684 Hwy 97 Piano, Steinway Model 541-536-3234 0 Baby Grand 1911, Open to the public . gorgeous, artist quality instrument w/great Get your action & S teinway's warm, rich sound. Will business adorn any living room, church or music studio perfectly. New re- G ROW I N G tail $ 6 9 ,000. Sacrifice at $26,000 OBO, with an ad in call 541-383-3150. The Bulletin's Steinway Baby Grand, "Call A Service pre-1925, $10,000. 541-410-2628
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Lab Pups AKC, black & yellow, Mas t e r Hunter sired, performance pedigree, OFA cert hips & e lbows, Call 541-771-2330
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YOII haVearighttOknOWWhatyOurgOVernmentiSdOing. Current Oregon law requires public notices to be printed in a newspaper whose readers are affected by the notice. But federal, state, and local government agencies erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their web sites instead of in the local newspaper. If they did that,you'd have to know in advance where, when, and how to look, and what to lookfor, in order to be informed about government actions that could affect you directly. Less than 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a government web site daily,* but 80% of all Oregon adults read a newspaper at least once during an average week, and 54% read public notices printed there.**
Keep publicnoticesinthenewspaper! 'Us census Bweau iwiy2r09 "American opiwon Researdr, eirireroii N/ september 2010
541-385-5809 or go to
Edited by Will Shortz ACROSS 1 Acad. or univ. 4 Starring role 8 Bieber with the 2010 hit "Baby" 14 Lyricist Gershwin 15 Olympic event with electrified equipment 16 Presume 17 Lean(temporary
44 Pro's opposite 45 Mexican snack 46 Some cameras, for short
1 Decide against making any 14 15 changes 2 Catcher's stance 47 Frankie Valli's 17 18 Take My 3 Company that Eyes Off You" makes Scrabble 20 21 49 Alphabetically 4 Jeans maker first state: Abbr. Strauss 23 51 Seaport SE of 5 Awesome, in Roma 27 28 slang 55 Traveler to 6 Fable writer 33 Cathay 7 Get worse, as 59 Supply-andshelters) losses 39 4 0 41 demand subj. 8 Month after 18 Squeezing tool 60 Sting operative mayo 19 Not checked for ... or a hint to 9 Slangy request speed 20-, 24-, 39- and for a high-five 20 It's measured by 47 55-Across 10 Kind of cord or polls 63 Make obsolete column 55 56 23 Height: Prefix 66 Portent 11 Male turkey 24 Home of the 67 Actress 12 Suffix with 60 San Diego Thurman expert Padres 68 Flies 63 6 4 65 13 Beatty of 27 Tank engine of "Charlie Wilson's children's fiction 69 Festooned with bathroom tissue, 68 War" 30 "Never mind" informally 31 Some jeans 16 Frito-Lay 71 70 Campus in Troy, product once 33 Hurt N.Y. sold in a 100% 35 Be fond of 71 Leather worker Puzzle by Joel Fagliaho compostable 38 Dog's bark 72 Sailors bag 40 Move aimlessly 39 Conqueror of 73 An d r eas 21 The salesman 41 26-Down's role the Incas fault in "The King in "Death of a and I" ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE Salesman" D A W N
28 Bank holding: Abbr.
Gardening Supplies 8 Equipment
Monday • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri •
Tuesday•••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Mone Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tuess
22 24 29
25 30
Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed. Fr i d ay. . . .. . • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri. Saturday • • • •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3: 0 0 pm FrI • Sunday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5e00 Pm FrI •
38 43
46 49
52 5 3
59 61
62 67
'UNDER '500in total merchandise
OVER '500in total merchandise
7 days.................................................. $10.00 14 days ................................................ $16.00
Garage Sale Special
4 days .................................................. $18.50 7 days .................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50
4 lines for 4 days..................................
(caii for commercial line ad rates)
Starting at 3 lines
*Must state prices in ad
61 Swerve
50 "Little Women"
author 52 Takes place 53 See 58-Down 54 Hurting
62 Finales
63 Kellogg's Cracklin' Bran
56 Bill worth 100
smackers 57 More peculiar
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Farmers Column
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Wanted: Irrigated farm ground, under pivot irSUPER TOP SOIL Caregivers Livestock Truck Driver SALES riqation, i n C e n tral www.hershe - Experienced Must have CDL,2yrs exp, Growing dealership seek- Veterinary T e chniScreened, soil & com- OR. 541-419-2713 Imm e diate Part time & 24 h r s progressive co., 401k, ing salespeople looking cian: post m i x ed , no CVT precaregivers. Home ln- $50,000/yr, insurance for a performance-based Opening. rocks/clods. High huferred. F/T, benefits, p o t ential stead Senior Care is NW only. 541-475-6681 pay p l an, mus level, exc. f or 4 day work weeks. commissions of up to currently see k i ng flower beds, lawns, 35% equaling $100,000 Our team is fun and Caregivers to provide Check out the gardens, straight plus, Retirement Plan, clients ar e g r e at! in-home care to our classifieds online s creened to p s o i l . Vacation, and a Positive at t i tudes seniors. Candidates Paid competitive med i cal only. Contact Pia at Bark. Clean fill. Demust be able to lift, liver/you haul. Updated daily benefit package. Look- B anfield, th e P e t transfer, provide per541-548-3949. ing for a team player Hosp. 541-330-1462 sonal care & assist in with a positive attitude, various home duties. Ranch Mechanic to operate with energy Looking for experiAlzheimer / Dementia/ to be customer serI Lo s t & Found 421 enced mechanic with and ALS e xperience a vice oriented. Will proown tools, a wide vaneeded. Must have Schools 8 Training vide training. FOUND man's w edability to pass back- r iety of s k ills i s a Send resume' to: ding band at Lake must. Diesel engine checks & have bcrvhireO Billy Chinook Call to Oregon Medical Train- ground reing PCS Ph lebotomy valid DL & insurance. knowledge i s ID. 541-948-6029. classes begin Jan. 7, Training provided. Call quired; some hydrauLost Cat: Felix escaped 2013. Registration now 541-330-6400, or fax lic, welding, electrical Where can you find a 11/19, NE 8th St. by Juw ork necessary. I n P resume to: helping hand? niper Park. Brown short- medicaltrainin .com shop and field repairs, 541-330-7362. From contractors to hair Tabby, white chest/ 541-343-3100 CDL license a plus, 528 tummy, has collar, needs but not required. Full yard care, it's all here Loans & Mortgages his meds! 541-382-9835 Good classified ads tell t ime p o sition w i t h in The Bulletin's /541-788-0504 the essential facts in an benefits & h o u sing DO YOU NEED "Call A Service WARNING interesting Manner. Write a vailable, mai l r e 286 A GREAT The Bulletin recomsume to: ZX Ranch, Professional" Directory from the readers view not EMPLOYEE mends you use cauSales Northeast Bend PO Box 7, P aisley, the seller's. Convert the RIGHT NOW? tion when you proOR 97636. facts into benefits. Show vide personal Call The Bulletin the reader hcw the item will The Bulletin before 11 a.m. and information to compa** FREE ** help them in someway. nies offering loans or get an ad in to pub- Remember.... 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We are part of Western Communicathe Oregon S tate • 10 Tips For "Garage 1-888-387-9252 tions, Inc., which is a small, family-owned group I Attorney General's BANK TURNED YOU Sale Success!" DOWN? Private party consisting of seven newspapers, five in Oregon Office Co n s umert 454 will loan on real esand two in California. Our ideal candidate will Protection hotline at I tate equity. Credit, no Looking for Employment manage a small crew of three and must be able I 1-877-877-9392. PICK UP YOUR to learn our equipment/processes quickly. A problem, good equity GARAGE SALE KIT at is all you need. Call 1777 SW Chandler CAREGIVER - Christian handS-On Style iS a requirement fOr Our 3172 gThe Bulletin now. Oregon Land tower KBA press. Prior management/leaderAve., Bend, OR 97702 woman w il l work for Mortgage 388-4200. room 8 board in Bend) ship experience preferred. In addition to our Redmond. 541-598-4114 7-day a week newspaper, we have numerous commercial print clients as well. In addition to a Automotive Sales competitive wage and benefit program, we also 476 provide potential opportunity for advancement. Employment If you provide dependability combined with a ASTART YOUR NEW CAREERA Opportunities positive attitude, are able to manage people and jJJi IQ'gQQL schedules and are a team player, we would like Central Oregon'5 Largest Auto Group of New and Caregiver to hear from you. If you seek a stable work enPre-owned automobiles, Sm o lich H y u n dai Prineville Senior care vironment that provides a great place to live and Store, is looking to fill positions within our expandh ome l o oking f o r raise a family, let us hear from you. Contact eiing auto network. Smolich Motors is an industry Caregiver for multiple ther; Keith Foutz, Corporate Circulation 8 Opleader with 8 new car franchises and Central s hifts, p art-time t o erations Director at Oregon'5 finest choice of pre-owned vehicles. We full-time. Pass or with your the opportunity for you to achieve the levels criminal background complete resume, references and s a lary offer of success and job satisfaction. We are looking for history/requirements. Prior press room expericheck. 541-447-5773. highly motivated individuals to join our team of proHay, Grain & Feed ence required. No phone calls please. Drug fessionals. You must have excellent verbal skills, test is required prior to employment. EOE Find exactly what display a professional and positive demeanor, sales Blue Grass Hay experience is helpful, but not necessary. We proyou are looking for in the 3 x 4 bales, vide all of the tools you need to succeed, including 1300-Ib avg, $80/bale. CLASSIFIEDS a professional training program that will give you
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The Bulletin Classifieds Wanted: Irrigated farm ground, under pivot irrigation, i n C e n tral OR. 541-419-2713 Wheat Straw: Certified 8 Beddinq Straw & Garden Straw;Compost.546-6171 Wheat Straw in shed, $2 bale or $400 all. C all after 6 p.m . 541-546-9821 Culver.
Lionhead baby bunnies, 2 l e f t. $5 e ach. 541-548-0747.
Lionhead mix bunnies Free but not for snake food. 541-548-9747
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Tick, Tock Tick, Tock... ...don't let time get away. Hire a professional out of The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory today! 634
Apt./Multiplex NE Bend $299 1st mo. rent!! * GET THEM BEFORE THEY ARE GONE! 2 bdrm, 1 bath
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Boats & Accessories
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26,995. 541-420-9964
Just too many collectibles?
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The Bulletin
13' Smokercraff '85, good cond., 15HP gas Evinrude + Minnkota 44 elec. motor, fish finder, 2 extra seats, trailer, extra equip. $3200. 541-388-9270
All real estate advertised here in is subject to t h e F e deral F air H o using A c t , which makes it illegal C a/I 54 /-385-580 9 to advertise any preference, limitation or to r o m ot e o u r s ervice discrimination based on race, color, reliBuilding/Contracting Ho m e Improvement gion, sex, handicap, familial status or naNOTICE: Oregon state Autumnridge Const. tional origin, or intenlaw req u ires any- Quality custom home tion to make any such one who c o n tracts improvements. No job preferences, l i m itafor construction work too big or small. Vet 8 Sr tions or discrimination. to be licensed with the Discounts! CCB¹198284 We will not knowingly Call 541-300-0042 C onstruction Con accept any advertistractors Board (CCB). ing for r ea l e s tate A n active lice n se which is in violation of means the contractor Landscaping/Yard Care this law. All persons i s bonded an d i n ORE G O N are hereby informed s ured. Ver if y t h e N OTICE: all dwellings adLandscape Contrac- that contractor's CCB are available tors Law (ORS 671) vertised c ense through t h e an equal opportubu s i - on CCB Cons u m er r equires a l l basis. The Bullenesses that advertise nity Website www.hirealicensedcontractoc to p e r form L a n d- tin Classified com scape C o n struction 775 or call 503-378-4621. which includes: The Bulletin recom- p lanting, Manufactured/ deck s , mends checking with fences, arbors, Mobile Homes the CCB prior to con- w ater-features, a n d tracting with anyone. installation, repair of FACTORY SPECIAL Some other t r ades irrigation systems to New Home, 3 bdrm, also req u ire addi- be licensed with the $46,900 finished tional licenses and on you site,541.548.5511 Landscape Contraccertifications. t ors B o a rd . Th i s 4-digit number is to be Debris Removal NEWHOME BUILT included in all adver$87,450! tisements which indiJUNK BE GONE Includes, garage, founcate the business has dation, a p p liances, I Haul Away FREE a bond, insurance and For Salvage. Also workers c ompensa- central heating, heat Cleanups & Cleanouts tion for their employ- pump ready. call toMel, 541-389-8107 ees. For your protec- day to schedule your tion call 503-378-5909 personal appointment. 541-548-5511, Handyman or use our website: 541-350-1782 to ERIC REEVE HANDY check license status SERVICES. Home 8 before co n t racting Commercial Repairs, Have an item to with t h e bu s iness. Carpentry-Painting, Persons doing landsell quick? Pressure-washing, scape maintenance If it's under Honey Do's. On-time do not require a LCB promise. Senior license. '500 you can place it in Discount. Work guarThe Bulletin anteed. 541-389-3361 •
2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras.
$10,000 541-719-8444
nebago Super Chief, 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t shape; 1988 Bronco II 4 x4 t o
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mostly towed miles, Springdale 2005 27', 4' nice rig! $15,000 both. slide in dining/living area, 541-382-3964, leave sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 obo. 541-408-3811
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658 2 Bdrm, frplc, micro, DW, Houses for Rent W&D incl. W/S/G 8 cable Cascade mou n tain pd. Completely remod. Redmond views, wit h q u ality $700/mo, $700 dep. no construction. Move-in smkg. 541-383-2430 Newer 2326 sq.ft. deluxe Ready! $287,000. home, 3/3, gas fireMLS ¹201205860. Quiet 2 bedroom, oak place, 7500' lot, fenced Cec DeClerck, Princ. cabinets, DW, W/S/G 8 1655 SW SaraBroker, Coldwell cable paid, laundry facili- yard, soda Ct. $ 1195/mo. Banker Mayfield ties. $650, $500 dep. No 541-350-2206 Realty smkg. 541-617-1101 541-420-0548
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Fifth Wheels
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TURN THE PAGE For More Ads The Bulletin
Beaver Coach Marquis 40' 1987. New cover, Country Coach Intrigue new paint (2004), new 2002, 40' Tag axle. inverter (2007). Onan 400hp Cummins Die- 6300 watt gen, 111K mk Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 sel. two slide-outs. parked covered $35,000 by Carriage, 4 slide41,000 miles, new obo. 541-419-9859 or Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 outs, inverter, satel29', weatherized, like tires 8 batteries. Most 541-280-2014 lite sys, fireplace, 2 n ew, f u rnished 8 options. $95,000 OBO flat screen TVs. ready to go, incl Wine541-678-5712 $60,000. ard S a t ellite dish, 541-480-3923
541-379-3530 Harley Heritage Southwind 35.5' Triton, Softail, 2003 3 bedroom, 2 full baths, 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du000+ in extras Ads published in the NOTICE o n y2 acre. G o o d $5 pont UV coat, 7500 mi. $2000 paint job, "Boats" classification All real estate adver- Cents home w/woodBought new at 30K mi. 1 owner, include: Speed, fish- Econoline RV 1989, tising in this newspa- stove, garage, $750+ For $132,913; more information ing, drift, canoe, per is subject to the dep. 541-593-3134 asking $93,500 fully loaded, exc. cond, please call house and sail boats. F air H o using A c t 541-385-8090 35K m i. , R e duced Call 541-419-4212 676 For all other types of which makes it illegal or 209-605-5537 watercraft, please see $17,950. 541-546-6133 to a d v ertise "any Mobile/Mfd. Space Class 875. preference, limitation CAN'T BEAT THIS! 541-385-5809 or disc r imination• Space rent $180 mo. HD FAT BOY L ook before y o u based on race, color, • Homes for rent 1996 buy, below market religion, sex, handi- $350 - $495 mo. Completely rebuilt/ Serv ng Central Oregon z<nce 1903 vaiue! Size 8 mile- Winnebago Suncruiser34' cap, familial status, • Large treed lots customized, low aqe DOES matter! 2004, only 34K, loaded, marital status or na- • J.D. Riverfront lots Call The Bulletin At miles. Accepting ofCrass A 32' Hurri- too much to list, ext'd tional origin, or an in- • Playground and 541-385-5809 cane by Four Winds, warr. thru 2014, $54,900 fers. 541-548-4807 tention to make any Community Center 2007. 12,500 mi, all Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Dennis, 541-589-3243 • Next to Thriftway such pre f erence, amenities, Ford V10, HD Screaming Eagle At: Ithr, cherry, slides, limitation or discrimi- • RVs Welcomed, Electra Glide 2005, GENERATE SOME exnation." Familial sta- Riverside Home Park like new! New low • Tra v el Trailers 103" motor, two tone tus includes children price, $54,900. 677 W. Main, citement in your neigcandy teal, new tires, 541-548-5216 under the age of 18 John Day, Oregon borhood. Plan a galiving with parents or Call Lisa 541-575-1341 23K miles, CD player rage sale and don't COACHMAN 1979 hydraulic clutch, exlegal cust o dians, Sce n i c forget to advertise in G ulfstream 23' trailer pregnant women, and cellent condition. Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, classified! 385-5809. Fully equipped. 693 Highest offer takes it. people securing cusCummins 330 hp die$2000. 541-480-8080. tody of children under Office/Retail Space sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 541-312-8879 Serving Central Oregon since 1903 18. This newspaper in. kitchen slide out, for Rent or 541-350-4622. will not knowingly acnew tires,under cover, cept any advertising 150 to 900 sq. ft. upSoftail Deluxe hwy. miles only,4 door Used out-drive for real estate which is 2010, 805 miles, f ridge/freezer ice parts Mercury stairs office at 63356 in violation of the law. Nels Anderson Road, Black Chameleon. maker, W/D combo, OMC rebuilt maO ur r e aders a r e $17,000 Interbath t ub 8 utilities paid, pririne motors: 151 hereby informed that all shower, 50 amp proCallDon I $1595; 3.0 $1895; all dwellings adver- vate bath and conferpane gen & m o re! 541-410-3823 room, $150 to 4.3 (1993), $1995. tised in this newspa- ence $55,000. 541-389-0435 per are available on $900 per month. Pioneer Spirit 18CK, an equal opportunity 541.480.4744, Jim 2007, used only 4x, AC, 870 basis. To complain of electric tongue j ack, 875 Boats & Accessories discrimination cal l $8995. 541-389-7669 Watercraft HUD t o l l-free at 1-800-877-0246. The
Trav el T railers
The Bulletin 880
Snowmobile trailer 2002, 25-ft Interstate & 3 sleds, $10,900. 541-480-8009
Travel Trailers •
Ads published in "Watercraft" include: Kayaks, rafts and motorIzed personal watercrafts. For Weekend Warrior Toy " boats" please s e e Jayco Seneca 2 007, Springdale 29' 2 0 07, Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, Class 870. 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy slide,Bunkhouse style, fuel station, exc cond. 541-385-5809 5500 d i e sel, to y sleeps 7-8, excellent sleeps 8, black/gray hauler $130 , 000. condition, $ 1 6 ,900, i nterior, u se d 3X , 541-389-2636. $24,999. 541-390-2504 541-389-9188 Motorhomes
Arctic Cat (2) 2005 F7 Firecats: EFI Snowpro 8 EFI EXT, exlnt cond, $3700 ea; $7000 both. 541-410-2186
$530 8 $540 Carports & A/C included! For rent or lease to buy Fox Hollow Apts. 3 bdrm, 2 bath with 745 shops on 2'/2 acres, (541) 383-3152 Homes for Sale Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co off Hwy 20 between *Upstairs only with lease Sisters 8 Bend, $1450 mo. Ready to move BANK OWNED HOMES! 636 FREE List w/Pics! 12/5 541-610-5785. Apt./Multiplex NW Bend bend and beyond real estate
17' 1984 Chris Craft - Scorpion, 140 HP inboard/outboard, 2 depth finders, troll-
oQli li
Legal Notices
LEGAL NOTICE ADOPT-Abundance of love to offer a child in stable, secure & nu r t uring home. Contact Jen (800) 571-4136. LEGAL NOTICE Estate of ANN PAULINE FOLLANSBEE. NOTICE TO INTERESTED
SONS. Case Number: 12PB0115. N o t i ce: The Circuit Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Deschutes, h a s appointed John D. Sorlie as Pers o nal Representative of the Estate of ANN PAULINE FOLLANSB EE, deceased. A l l persons having claims against said e state are re q uired to present the s a me, with proper vouchers, to the Personal Representative at Bryant, Lovlien & Jarvis, PC, 5 91 S W
M ill V iew
Legal Notices NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the u n-
dersigned has been appointed p e r sonal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to p r esent them, with vouchers attached. to the undersigned p e rsonal representative at 127 SW Allen Road, Bend, OR 97702. within four months after the date of first publication of t his notice, o r t h e claims may be barred. All persons whose r ights may b e a f f ected by t h e p r o ceedings may obtain additional information from the records of the Court, the p e rsonal representative, or the lawyers for the personal representative. Dated: November 7, 2 0 12. G A IL KIME, Personal repr esentative. PER SONAL REPRESENTATIVE: Gail K ime, c/o S T E VE N K. CHAPPELL, OSB ¹82219, Attorney for Personal Representative, 127 S W A l len Road, B e nd , OR
Way, Bend, Oregon 9 7702 w i t hin f o u r months from the date of first publication of this notice as stated below, or they may be barred. Al l persons 97702, 541-382-0069 whose rights may be p hone. F i rst P u b affected by this prolished: November 19, ceeding may obtain 2012. additional information from the records of t he court, th e P e rLEGAL NOTICE sonal Representative, Notice of Public Hearing or the Attorney for the Meeting Type: Public Personal RepresentaHearing by tive. Dated and first Police Chief Jeff published November Sale as the Justice 19, 2012. Personal Assistance Grant Representative: John manager. D. Sorlie, Bryant, LovMeeting Date: lien 8 J a rvis, P.C., Wednesday 5 91 SW M i l l V i e w December 5, 2012. Way, Bend, Oregon Meeting Time 9am. 97702. Attorney for Location: Bend Police Personal RepresentaDepartment 555 NE tive: John D. Sorlie, 15th Street, B ryant, L o vlien & Bend, Oregon. Jarvis, P.C., 591 SW Purpose: Public hearMill View Way, Bend, ing for written and oral Oregon 97702, Tele- views to the City of phone: (541) B end for t h e p r o 382-4331, Fax: (541) posed use of the 2012 389-3386, Email: sor- Justice A s s istance Grant for the City of Bend Police DepartLEGAL NOTICE ment. You can direct IN THE C IRCUIT q uestions or c o m C OURT O F T H E ments on the above S TATE O F OR d ate by call i n g E GON FOR T H E 5 41.322.2992 fr o m COUNTY OF DES9am to 9:30am. ConCHUTES. I n th e tact f o r ad d i tional Matter of the Estate questions prior to this of FRANK MARION meeting please call BARNES, DeKim Morse ceased. Case No. 541.322.2974. Acces1 2-PB-0100. N O sible meeting inforTICE T O I N T E Rmation — this meeting ESTED PARTIES. event/location is acNOTICE IS cessible. Sign L anH EREBY GI V E N guage, int e rpreter that Glenn F. Barservice, assistive lisnes has been aptening devises, matepointed pe r sonal rials in alternate forrepresentative of the mat, such as Braille, a bove-entitled e s large print, electronic tate. Al l p e r sons formats and any other h aving claim s accommodations are against the estate a vailable upon a d a re r e quired t o vance request. Please present them, with contact Kim Morse no vouchers attached, later than 12/4/12 at to the undersigned 541.322.2974 personal t ative a t 205 5 5 providing at least 3 W oodside Nor t h days notice prior to D rive, B end, O r the event will help en97702, within four sure availability. m onths after t h e date of first publication of this notice, or LEGAL NOTICE the claims may be NOTICE TO barred. All persons INTERESTED whose rights may PERSONS be affected by the B elinda Nolte h a s p roceedings m a y been appointed Perobtain add i tional sonal Representative information from the of the estate of Ingrid records of the court, Esselstrom, dethe personal repreceased, by the Circuit sentative, or the atC ourt, State of O r torney for the peregon, Des c hutes sonal County. All persons representative, having claims against Jonathan G. t he estate ar e r e B asham, 300 S W pr e sent Columbia S t r eet, quired t o them, with vouchers Suite 101, B e nd, attached, to the unOR 97702. DATED dersigned P e rsonal and first published Representative at 250 this 19th day of NoNW Franklin Avenue, v ember, 2012 . Suite 402, Bend, OrGlenn F. B arnes, Personal Re p r e- egon 97701, within four months after the s entative, 20 5 5 5 date of November 12, W oodside Nor t h 2012, the first publiD rive, Bend, O R cation of this notice, 97702. or the claims may be LEGAL NOTICE barred. Add i tional IN T H E CI R CUIT i nformation may b e COURT O F THE o btained f ro m t h e STATE OF OREGON records of the court, FOR THE COUNTY the Personal RepreOF DESCHUTES. In sentative, or the lawthe Matter of the Es- yer for the Personal t ate o f A N NI E W . Representative, PatriPREHODA, De- cia Heatherman. Pac eased. Case N o . tricia He a t herman, 12-PB-0112. NO250 NW Franklin AvTICE T O IN T E R- e nue, S u it e 40 2 , ESTED P E RSONS. Bend, OR 97701.
BOATS & RVs 805 - Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885 - Canopies and Campers 890- RVsfor Rent
Antique & Classic Autos
Antique & Classic Autos
1921 Model T Delivery Truck Restored & Runs $9000. 541-389-8963
with 351 Cleveland modified engine. Body is in excellent condition, $2500 obo. 541-420-4677
Dodge 2500, 1996, V10, WITH 1979 Conestoga
camper, great cond, $5500. 541-420-2323
Dodge Ram 1500 Quad cab, 2008 4WD. 43k. ¹105918. $24,955
Chevy C-20 Pickup 1969, all orig. Turbo 44 auto 4-spd, 396, model CST /all options, orig. owner, $22,000,
Fifth Wheels
Ford T-Bird 1966 390 engine, power everything, new paint, Oregon 54K original miles, Aurtxreurre runs great, excellent 541-598-3750 cond. in & out. Asking
Aircraft, Parts & Service
Ford 250 XLT 1990,
6 yd. dump bed,
139k, Auto, $5500. 541-410-9997
m va r
So~ Lesr/
Cadillac Seville STS 2003 - just finished $4900 engine work by Certified GM mechanic. Has everything but navigation. Too many bells and w histles t o l i s t . bought a new one. $4900 541-420-1283
Chevrolet Lumina 1997 4-door, One owner, low mileage, clean interior. Tires, body, paint in good condition. $3050. 541-350-3109
o Ll t '
Chrysler Sebring 2006 Fully loaded, exc.cond, very low miles (38k), always garaged, transferable warranty incl. $8300 541-330-4087
Ford Crown Vic.
1997 4 door, 127k, d rives, runs a n d
looks great, extra set of winter tires on rims, only $3000. 541-771-6500.
GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES, We are QUAINT CABIN ON 10 ACRES! MOdern FORD F150XL2005. ThiStrLICkCan haijlit three adOrable, lOVing PuPPieS lOOking fOr a amenitieS and all the quiet you Will need. all! EXtra Cab, 4X4, and a tOugh V8 engine Caring hOme. PleaSeCall right aWay. $500. R OOm to grOW in yOur OWnlittle ParadiSe! Wi l l get the job dane ofl the ranCh!
Full Color Photos For an adclffional 315 per week * '40 for 4 weeks * ('Special private party ratesapply to merchandise anci automotive categories,)
The Bulletin p la c e
y o u r
a d ,
v is i t
w w w . b e n d b u l le t i n .c o m
o r
c a ll
$28,000 541-420-2715 PORSCHE 914 1974,
Roller (no engine), lowered, full roll cage, 5-pt harnesses, racing seats, 911 dash & instruments, d e cent shape, v e r y c o ol! $1699. 541-678-3249
Toyota Camrysr 1984, $1200 obo; 1985 SOLD; 1986 parts car, $500. Call for details, 541-548-6592 Toyota Corolla 2004, auto., loaded, 2 04k miles. orig. owner, non smoker, exc. c o nd. $6500 Prin e ville 503-358-8241
In The BLjlletin's print and online Classifieds.
Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 7 -pass. v a n wit h p ower c h a i r lif t , $1500; 1989 Dodge Buick Enclave 2008 CXL Turbo Van 7 - pass. H AWD, V-6, black, clean, has new motor and mechanicall y sound, 82k t rans., $1500. I f i n- Nissan Sentra, 2012mi, full warranty, miles. $21,995. terested c a l l Ja y 12,610 PS, PB, AC, & more! Call 541-815-1216 503-269-1057. $16,000. 541-788-0427 Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 Chrysler Town & Country Advertise your car! 4x4. 120K mi, Power LX, 2000,66Kmi, 1owner, Add A Picture! seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd araged, very good cond, Reach thousands of readers! row seating, e xtra 5700. Call 541-923-3971 Call 541-385-5809 tires, CD, privacy tintThe Bulletin Classifieds ing, upgraded rims. Fantastic cond. $7995 Contact Timm at Automobiles • 541-408-2393 for info or to view vehicle. Buick Lucerne CXL 2009, $12,500, low low miles; 2000 Buick Ford Explorer 4x4, Century $2900. You'll Porsche 911 1974, low 1991 - 154K miles, not find nicer Buicks mi., complete motor/ rare 5-speed tranny One look's worth a trans. rebuild, tuned & manual hubs, thousand words. Call suspension, int. & ext. clean, straight, evBob, 541-318-9999. refurb., oi l c o o ling, eryday driver. Bring for an appt. and take a shows new in & out, 2200 dollar bills! drive in a 30 mpg. car perf. m ech. c o n d. Bob, 541-318-9999 Much more!
Mo n t errey H Chevy Wagon 1957, Mercury 1965, Exc. All original, 4-dr., complete, utrrrr 4-dr. sedan, in stor- Ford F150 Lariat 4x4 $7,000 OBO, trades, age last 15 yrs., 390 2010, tow pkg, chrome Hyster H25E, runs please call High C o m pressionpkg + run brds, Ithr, ga541-389-6998 well, 2982 Hours, K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 1/3 interest in Columengine, new tires & li- raged, 1 owner,36,500 mi, $3500,call slide, AC, TV, awning bia 400, located at 541-749-0724 Chrysler 300 C o upe c ense, reduced t o $26,500 firm. Call after 6 NEW: tires, converter, Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, $2850, 541-410-3425. pm,541-546-9821 Culver. batteries. Hardly used Call 541-647-3718 auto. trans, ps, air, $15,500. 541-923-2595 frame on rebuild, reFord F250 2002 painted original blue, Supercab 7.3 diesel, original blue interior, 130,000 miles, great original hub caps, exc. shape with accessochrome, asking $9000 ries. $13,900. Peterbilt 359 p o table or make offer. 541-923-0231 day or Plymouth B a r racuda 1/3 interest i n w e l l- water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, 541-385-9350 541-923-2582 eves. MONTANA 3585 2008 equipped IFR Beech Bo- 3200 gal. tank, 5hp 1966, original car! 300 exc. cond., 3 slides, nanza A36, new 10-550/ pump, 4-3" h o ses, hp, 360 V8, centerking bed, Irg LR, Arc prop, located KBDN. camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. lines, (Original 273 tic insulation, all op- $65,000. 541-419-9510 541-820-3724 eng & wheels incl.) tions $37,500. 541-593-2597 Chrysler SD 4-Door G MC Yukon XL S L T Ford F250 XLT 4x4 541-420-3250 Take care of 1930, CD S Royal 2004, loaded w/facL anat, 1990, r e d , PROJECT CARS: Chevy Standard, s-cylinder, tory DVD, 3rd seat, NuWa 297LK H i tchyour investments 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & 80K original miles, body is good, needs $6950 .. 541 -280-6947 Hiker 2007,3 slides, 4" lift with 39's, well Chevy Coupe 1950 with the help from some r e s toration, 32' touring coach, left rolling chassis's $1750 maintained, $4000 runs, taking bids, kitchen, rear lounge, The Bulletin's ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, obo. 541-419-5495 Kia Sportage 4x4 541-383-3888, many extras, beautiful complete car, $ 1949; 1996, full power, air, Big Tex Landscap"Call A Service 541-815-331 8 c ond. inside & o u t, Cadillac Series 61 1950, FORD RANGER XLT 1 50K, hitch, S t o ing/ ATV Trailer, $32,900 OBO, Prinev- Professional" Directory 2 dr. hard top, complete 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 master tow bar, lights dual axle flatbed, ille. 541-447-5502 days w/spare f r on t cl i p ., for towing, studded 7'x16', 7000 lb. & 541-447-1641 eves. speed, with car alarm, tires. Paint rough, but $3950, 541-382-7391 Executive Hangar GVW, all steel, CD player, extra tires runs great! $3200 at Bend Airport $1400. on rims. Runs good. obo. 541-280-0514 FIND IT! (KBDN) 541-382-4115, or Clean. 92,000 miles 60' wide x 50' deep, 541-280-7024. BVY IT! o n m o tor. $ 2 6 00 w/55' wide x 17' high SELL IT! OBO. 541-771-6511. FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, bi-fold door. Natural door panels w/flowers The Bulletin Classifieds gas heat, office, bath& hummingbirds, P ilgrim 27', 2007 5 t h room. Parking for 6 white soft top & hard wheel, 1 s lide, AC, c ars. A djacent t o Service & Accessories top. Just reduced to TV,full awning, excel- Frontage Rd; g r eat International Fla t lent shape, $23,900. visibility for a viation 4 used Hankook studded $3,750. 541-317-9319 VW Karman Ghia Bed Pickup 1963, 1 Porsche Cayenne 2004, or 541-647-8483 541-350-8629 bus. snow tires, 205/65R15's 1970, good cond., ton dually, 4 s pd. 86k, immac, dealer 541-948-2126 new upholstery and mounted on custom trans., great MPG, maint'd, loaded, now convertible top. black modern wheels, could be exc. wood $17000. 503-459-1580 $10,000. $475. 541-382-6773 hauler, runs great, 541-389-2636 new brakes, $1950. NEED HOLIDAY $$$? 541-419-5480. Vans • We pay CASH for • Junk Cars & Trucks! Ford Galaxie 500 1963, Pilgrim In t e rnational Iso buying batteries & 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP catalytic converters 390 vs,auto, pwr. steer & Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 SHARE LEFT! Serving all of C.O.! Fall price $ 2 1,865. Economical flying in radio (orig),541-419-4989 541-312-4466 your ow n C e s sna Call 541-408-1090 Ford Mustang Coupe VW Thing 1974, good 172/180 HP for only Look at: Need help fixing stuff? 1966, original owner, cond. Extremely Rare! RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L Chevrolet G20 Sports$ 10,000! Based a t A Service Professional V8, automatic, great Only built in 1973 & hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, man, 1993, exlnt cond, BDN. Call Gabe at Call find the help you need. for Complete Listings of shape, $9000 OBO. 1 974. $8,000. am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. $4750. 541-362-5559 or Professional Air! 530-515-8199 541-389-2636 541-420-3634/390-1285 541-663-6046 Area Real Estate for Sale 541-388-0019
Ford Crown V i ctoria 1995, LX sedan, 4 dr., V 8, o r i g . own e r , Volkswagen PU 1981 70,300 mi., studs on, Runs well, good paint, reat condition. r edone interior i n 3000. 541-549-0058. cluding hea d liner, Hyundai Elantra 2012 4 canopy, alloy r ims, Chev full size van, door, c o lo r b l a ck, ood tires, CD player 1994 seats 7, sleeps 2. Su- 2,773 miles. $16,500. 3950. 541-410-1119 per condition, 128K, 541-317-5169. famous 350 m o tor, 935 GT runs & looks like a mil- Mitsubishi 3 00 0 Sport Utility Vehicles lion! Ready for fun & 1 999, a u to., p e a r l travel. Limit 1! $4000. w hite, very low m i . Bob, 541-318-9999 $9500. 541-788-8218.
Fleetwood Wilderness 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, rear bdrm, fireplace, AC, W/D hkup beautiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500.
maint'd, regular oil changes, $4500. Please call 541-633-5149
$8,500. 541-480-3179
The Bulletin To Subscribe call 541-385-5800 or go to GMC Vston 1971, Only $19,700! Original low mile, exceptional, 3rd Diamond Reo Dump owner. 951-699-7171 Truck 1 9 74, 12-14 ard box, runs good, 6900, 541-548-6812
Chevy Astro Cargo Van 2001, pw, pdl, great cond., business car, well
Ford Ranchero 1979
AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916- Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932- Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935- Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles
3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9
Hours: Monday -Friday 7:30am to 5:00pm •Telephone Hours: Monday - Friday 7:30am - 5:00pm • Saturday 10:00am - 12:30pm 24 Hour Message Line: 383-2371: Place, cancel, or extend an ad after hours. 1777 S.W. ChandlerAve. Bend, OregOn 97702
Toyotas: 1999 Avalon 254k; 1996 Camry, 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of miles left in these cars. Price? You tell
me! I d guess $2000-$4000. Your servant, Bob at 541-318-9999, no charge for looking.
VW Beetle, 2002 5-spd, silver-gray, black leather, moonroof, CD, loaded, 115K miles, well-maintained (have records) extremely clean, $4850 obo. 541-546-6920