Bulletin Daily Paper 01-27-13

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Serving Central Oregon since1903 $1.50

SUNDAY january27,2013



bendbulletin.com TODAY'S READERBOARD Gut feelings —Scienceis opening up onhow wedeal with big life decisions, includ-


ing the biggest of all: walking down the aisle.A3

Top option for juvenile


detention: renovate,

India rape cases —Even before the recent brutal epi-

sode, victims often saw police as part of the problem.A4

What kids eat in Japan

• With mixed emotions, acivil rights leader reflects on life andleaving Bend,herhomeof 25years

not build

— As other countries struggle

By Rachael Rees

to design school meals that are

The Bulletin

healthy, tasty and affordable, the Land of the Rising Sun may

The preferred option for creating new space to hold juvenile offenders in Deschutes County is to renovate a sheriff's work release facility, not build a new juvenile detention center, according to a recently delivered report to Deschutes County commissioners. The move would reduce the number of beds available for youthful offenders to 10 from as many as 56, based on a Juvenile Needs Assessment by Chinn Planning Inc. of Columbia, S.C. The move, as laid out in the report, increases operating costs, although the commissioners say they're considering options that reduce costs and increase

have solved the puzzle.A6

The West movesleft


— A political generation ago, conservatives from California,


Colorado and thewider region


ushered in a national rightward

swing. The pendulum maybe swaying back.B5

And in nationalnews-



FBI pressuremounts onwhoever leaked classified information on the Stuxnetvirus used to



damage nuclearcentrifuges at


an enrichment plant in Iran.A2 t




AM i

Our worst

carbon sin could be air travel

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Photos by Rob Kerri The Bulletin

"Bend," says Myrlie Evers-williams, 79, pictured Friday in Bend's Pioneer Park, "was a wonderfui place tocome and rest."

By Sheila G. Miller •The Bulletin

On Thursday, Myrlie Evers-Williams signed the papers and handed over the keys, selling her By Elisabeth Rosenthal New York Times News Service

Last fall, when Democrats and Republicans seemed unable to agree on

anything, one bill glided through Congress with broad bipartisan support and won a quick signature from President Barack Obama: the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme Prohibition Act of 2011. This odd law essentially forbids U.S. airlines from participating in the Emissions Trading System, Europe's somewhat lonely attempt to rein in planetwarming emissions. Under that 8-year-old program, European power plants and manufacturers pay feesifthey produce excess carbon emissions. The aviation sector was slated to start paying this year, too, for emissions generated by flights into or out of EU airports. But after airlines and governments in the United States, India and China went ballistic — filing lawsuits, threatening trade actions and prompting legislation — the European Commission said it would delay full implementation for just one year to let the naysayers accede to an alternative global plan to reduce airlines' carbon footprint. Now, all eyes are on Americans. SeeCarbon/A5

longtime Bend residence. But make no mistake: Bend will always be her home. Evers-Williams, 79, the civil rights leader who recently delivered the invocation at President Barack Obama's inauguration, has quietly lived on the northern edge of Bend for nearly 25 years. It pains her to leave. "Quite honestly, I have an ongoing love affair with Bend," she said Friday. Evers-Williams was raised by her grandmother in Mississippi. She met husband Medgar Evers as a student at Alcorn A8 M College, and the couple married in 1951. Evers, who worked as the Mississippi field secretary for the NAACP, was gunned down in the family's driveway in 1963 by a white supremacist. Evers-Williams fought for three decadesto bring her husband's murderer to justice. The man went to trial three times and was finally convicted in 1994. A fterwitnessing her husband's murder, she said she

developed a sort of split personality. In public, she was the strong widow. In private, she said, she was overwhelmed by anger and hate. Evers-Williams had to learn to use that energy and turn it into something better. She said she remembered the advice of her grandmother and her late husband. "There should be no room in your heart for hatred," she said. "Eventually I reached a point where I wanted nothing to do with hatred." See Evers-Williams/A6


May vote Wednesday The proposed building shuffle started in September, when the three-member commission adopted a plan to renovate the county detention center for juveniles on Northwest Britta Street into a space for adult inmates to reduce overcrowding in the nearby county jail on Jamison Road. The commission rejected a plan to float a $10 million bond issue and add 144 beds to the existing jail, proposing to make do with existing facilities instead. The preferred option, which the commission may formally adopt Wednesday, could result in some young offenders released to the community or shipped to another detention center more than 100 miles away if trends in juvenile crime somehow spike or reverse. See Juvenile/A4

For somewomen, combat ban'sdemise istoo late By Elisabeth Bumiller

and James Dao New York Times News Service

WASHINGTON — One was a Black Hawk pilot in Iraq who left the Army after she lost out on the chance to advance to an elite special operations helicopter combat

TODAY'S WEATHER Chance of snow High 39, Low 26

Page B6

unit because it was off limits to her as a woman. Another was a Marine captain who went on infantry foot patrols in some of the most dangerous parts of Afghanistan, but left active duty after she decided that her only future as a woman in

the Marines was a lifetime of logistics or support units. The third, a brigadier general who joined the Marines in a differentera,made her peace with reality, stuck it out and rose to become the first woman to command Parris Island, the service's famous South

Inside: a timeline • Milestones for servicewomen, from the Revolutionary War to today,A7 Carolina training center. For all three officers, the military's ban on women in combat was not so much a

glass ceiling as a seemingly bulletproof one that limited

INDEX Business/Stocks E1-6 CommunityLife C1-8 Milestones C2 Pu zzles C6 D1-6 Calendar B2 Crosswords C6, G2 Obituaries B4 Sp o rts Classified G 1 - 6L ocal 8 State B1-6 Opinion/Books F1-6 TV/Movies C8

The Bulletin AnIndependent Newspaper

vol. 110, No. 27, 46 pages, 7 sections O

theircareer advancement options even as women played an increasingly important role in defending their country. SeeCombat/A7

We use recycled newsprint

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tuxnet ro eram su The Washington Post Federal investigators looking into disclosures of class ified information about a cyberoperation that targeted Iran's nuclear program have increased pressure on current and former senior government officials suspected of involvement, according to people familiar with the investigation. T he inquiry, w h ich w a s started by Attorney General Eric Holder last June, is examining leaks about a computer virus developed jointly by the United States and Israel that damaged nuclear centrifuges at Iran's primary uranium enrichment plant. The U.S. code name for the operation was Olympic Games, but the wider world knew the mysterious

computer worm as Stuxnet. Prosecutors are p ursuing "everybody — at pretty high levels, too," said one person familiar with th e i nvestigation. "There are many people who've been contacted from different agencies." The FBI and p rosecutors have interviewed severalcurrentand former senior government officials in connection with the disclosures, sometimes confronting them with evidence of contact with journalists, according to people familiar with the probe. Investigators, they said, have conducted extensive analysis of the e-mail accounts and phone records of current and former government officials in a search for links to journalists.

U.S. SuPPOrt hl Mali —The United States has decided to provide additional aid to the French military in its campaign against Islamic militants in Mali by conducting aerial refueling missions, which would

be a boost to air support for French ground forces asthey enter areas that are controlled by al-Qaida-linked extremists. OnSaturday,

The people familiar w ith the investigation would speak only on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of the matter. The Justice Department declined to comment. The Obama administration has prosecuted six officials for disclosing classified information, more than all previous administrations combined. But the Stuxnet investigation is arguablythehighest-profileprobe yet, and it could implicate senior-level officials. Knowledge of the virus was likely to have been highly compartmentalized and limited to a small set of Americans and Israelis. Since the probes were announced, there has been little publicity about the ongoing inquiries.

177 7 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, OR97702 P.o. Box6020 Bend, OR97708

in the two-week campaign. TheU.S. hasalready beentransporting French troops and equipment to the West African nation.

Gull COntrOI marCh —Thousands of people, many holding signs with names ofgunviolencevictimsandmessagessuchas"Ban Assault WeaponsNow," joined a rally for gun control on Saturday, marching from the U.S.Capitol to the Washington Monument. Participants held signs reading "Gun Control Now," "Stop NRA" and "What

Would JesusPack?"among othermessages.About100 residents from Newtown, Conn., where a gunman killed 20 first-graders and six teachers, traveled to Washington together. Education Secretary Arne Duncan, who addressed the crowd, said it's not about taking away

Second Amendment gun rights but about saving lives. Harkill Wlll retire — Sen. TomHarkin, D-lowa, who championed landmark legislation banning discrimination against people with disabilities, said Saturday that he would retire and not seek re-election next year to a sixth term. The announcement from Harkin sets the

stage for one of themost competitive Senate races inthe country in the 2014 midterm elections. It will be a crucial contest in the Republican Party's quest to win control of the chamber from Democrats. "I've

had the privilege to beherefor 40 years," Harkin, 73, said Saturday. Prior to his Senate term he served in the U.S. House.


French and Malian troops regained control of the airport and bridge of the crucial northern city of Gao, marking their biggest advance yet

New action against Hagel —A newconservative group calling


itself Americans for a Strong Defense and financed by anonymous

donors is running advertisements urging Democratic senators in five states to vote against ChuckHagel, President Barack Obama's nominee to be secretary of defense, saying he would make the United


States "a weaker country." That group andseveral others are waging a campaign to scuttle Hagel's appointment, reflecting the continuing

smuoo Aw.

effects of the Supreme Court's 2010 Citizens United decision, which


loosened campaign finance restrictions.

Casey Anthony dallkruptcy —court recordsshowthat casey


Anthony, who was acquitted of killing her 2-year-old daughter Caylee

Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool...........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black ..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337

in 2011, soughtChapter 7bankruptcy protection in federal court in Tampa, Fla., on Friday, claiming about $1,100 in assets and $792,000 in liabilities. Her listed debts include $500,000 for attorney fees and costs

for her criminal defenselawyer during the trial. Court papers list about 80 creditors, and Anthony as unemployed.


Bloomderg's $1 dillion in donations —NewYork City Mayor

Advertising Jay Brandt..........................541-383-0370 Circulation andOperations Keith Foutz ......................... 541-385-5805 Finance Holly West ...........54f -383-032f

Michael Bloomberg is giving $350 million to alma mater Johns Hopkins University, pushing his lifetime giving to the private Baltimore

Human Resources Traci Donaca ......................

more than $1 billion to a single American university.

university past $1 billion, the university said Saturday. University officials believe Bloomberg, who earned his fortune creating the global financial services firm Bloomberg LP, is now the first person to give

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Ahmed Ramadan /The Assoaated Press

An Egyptian soccer fan displays scales to demon-

Relatives of the convicted as well as angry young men rampaged through Port Said. Unrest surround-

strators celebrating a court verdict that returned 21

BangladeSh faCtOry fire —A fire swept through a two-story garment factory in Bangladesh's capital Saturday, killing at least seven female workers and injuring another five. The fire at the Smart factory occurred just two months after a blaze killed 112 workers in

death penalties for last year's soccer violence in Cairo ing the second anniversary of Egypt's revolution also

another factory near Dhaka, raising questions about safety standards

on Saturday. In the Egyptian city of Port Said, however, deadly clashes and an attempted jailbreak erupted

broke out in Cairo and other cities for a third day. The divisive verdict and bloodshed highlight challenges

and treatment of workers in Bangladesh's $20 billion garment industry that exports clothes to leading Western retailers.

after the fans weresentenced for killing rivals in a riot

being faced by President MohammedMorsi, who

last year — underlining the nation's wider unrest and

critics say has failed to carry out promised reforms

A move against al-Maliki —In the bloody aftermath of street

deepening political schisms. At least 30 people were reported killed Saturday,

in the country's judiciary and police force andmade few improvements in the two years after the uprising

protests that turned violent on Friday in Fallujah, Iraq's Parliament

including two police officers. Buildings burned and mobs ran through the streets hoisting the wounded

against Hosni Mubarak. Saturday's riot in Port Said stemmed from animos-

liki from seeking a third term. The parliamentary move was the latest threat to al-Maliki's hold on power and reflected rising anger among

and chanting against the government. Concern

ity between police anddiehard soccer fans known

intensified that protesters would take up weapons

as Ultras, who also were part of the mass uprising against Mubarak.

rivals over his rule, but it appearedunlikely that the law,which would need to beapproved by Iraq's president, would ever go in to effect.

smuggled in from Libyaand Sudan.

passed alaw Saturday intended to prevent Prime Minister Nouri al-Ma-

Chavez 'smiling' —President HugoChavezof Venezuelais experiencing the "best moment" yet of his recovery from cancersurgery, Vice President Nicolas Maduro said Saturday. He emphatically added

North ICojeannucleartest looks likely The Associated Press S EOUL, South K or ea North Korean leader Kim Jong Un convened top security and foreign affairs officials and ordered them to take "substantial and high-profile important state measures," state media said earlier today, indicating that he plans to push forward with a threat to explode a nuclear device in defiance of the United Nations. The meeting of top officials led by Kim makes clear that he backs Pyongyang's defiant stance in protest of U.N. Security Council punishment for a December rocket launch. The dispatch in the official news agency did not say when the meeting took place. Last week, th e S ecurity Council c ondemned N o rth Korea's Dec. 12 launch of a long-range rocket as a violation of a ban against nuclear and missile activity. The council, including North Korea ally

enough to mount on a long- could take the country closer range missile. to its goal of building a warExperts say regular tests head thatcan be mounted on are needed to perfect the tech- a missile designed to strike the nique, and another atomic test United States.

that Chavezwould return to Venezuelaandtakecharge of the government again. Maduro spoke on his return from Cuba, where Chavez had surgery on Dec. 11. "He is smiling — he has a look full of light; he has a

special illumination in his thought," Maduro said. CZeCh eleCtlull —Milos Zeman, the former prime minister known for his populism, was elected president on Saturday, becoming the country's first popularly elected president, though the economist will

serve in a largely ceremonial role.

— Fromwirereports




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China, punished Pyongyang

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with more sanctions and ordered the regime to refrain from a nucleartest — or face "significant action." North Korea responded by rejecting the resolution and maintaining its right to launch a satellite into orbit as part of a peaceful civilian space program. It also warned that it would keep developing rockets and testing nuclear devices to counter what it sees as U.S. hostility. North Korea is estimated to have enough weaponized plutonium for four to eight bombs, according to American nuclear scientist Siegfried Hecker, who visited the country's nuclear complex northwest of Pyongyang in November 2010. However, it is not known whether North K orean scientists have found a way to build nuclear warheads small

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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day

It's Sunday, Jan. 27, the 27th day of 2013. There are 338 days left in the year.

RESEARCH HAPPENINGS Auschwitz anniversary — Holocaust survivors and

dignitaries mark the 68th anniversary of the liberation of the

death camp in Poland.

Africa summit —Egypt's President MohammedMorsi and other leaders travel to Ethiopia to participate in the

African Union summit, where Mali and lran are expected to be topics of priority.

HISTORY Highlight:In1973, the Viet-

nam peaceaccords were signed in Paris. In1756, composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria.

In1880, ThomasEdison received a patent for his electric

incandescent lamp. In1888, the National Geo-

graphic Society was incorporated in Washington, D.C.

In1901,opera composer Giuseppe Verdi died in Milan, Italy, at age 87. In 1943, some 50 bombers struck Wilhelmshaven in the first all-American air raid against Germany during World War II. In1944, the Soviet Union an-

nounced the complete endof the deadly German siege of Leningrad, which had lasted

for more than two years. In1945, Soviet troops liberated the Nazi concentration camps Auschwitz and Birke-

nau in Poland. In1951, an era of atomic test-

ing in the Nevadadesert began as an Air Force planedropped a one-kiloton bomb onFrenchman Flat. In1967,astronauts Virgil "Gus" Grissom, Edward White and Roger Chaffee died in a flash fire during a test aboard their Apollo spacecraft. More than 60 nations signed a treaty banning the orbiting of nuclear

weapons. In1984, singer Michael Jackson suffered serious burns to his scalp when pyrotechnics set his hair on fire during the filming of a Pepsi-Cola TV commercial at the Shrine Audi-

torium in Los Angeles. Tenyearsago:TheBushadministration dismissed lraq's

response to U.N.disarmament demands asinadequate. Meanwhile, chief U.N. inspector Hans Blix charged that lraq

had never genuinely accepted U.N. resolutions demanding its disarmament and warned that

"cooperation on substance" was necessary for a peaceful solution.

Five years ago:Former Indonesian president Suharto, whose regime killed hundreds of thousands of left-wing polit-

ical opponents, died in Jakarta at age 86. Gordon Hinckley, the 15th president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, died in Salt Lake City, Utah, at age 97.

One year ago:Addressing students at the University of

Michigan, President Barack Obamaissuedawarning to the nation's colleges and

universities, threatening to strip their federal aid if they

"jack up tuition" every year and to give the moneyinstead to schools showing restraint

and value. Afederal judge in Seattle sentenced "Barefoot Bandit" Colton Harris-Moore to 6~/~ years in prison for his in-

famous two-year, international crime spree of break-ins and boat and plane thefts.

BIRTHDAYS Singer Bobby"Blue" Bland is 83. Actor James Cromwell is

73. Rock musician Nick Mason (Pink Floyd) is 68. Chief U.S. Justice John Roberts is 58.

Country singer Cheryl White is 58. Actress Mimi Rogers is 57. Commentator Keith

Olbermann is 54. Rock singer Margo Timmins (Cowboy Junkies) is 52. Actress Bridget

Fonda is 49. Actor Alan Cumming is 48. Rapper Tricky is 45. Actor-comedian Patton

Oswalt is 44. Tennis player Marat Safin is 33. — From wire reports


For dung beetles, ee Ill S: ee, u Mil Way serves ou we rus em? as a guiding light


Most big life decisions trigger some sort of nervous hesitation. And when

By Joseph Serna

test, she and her colleagues tracked their insect subjects throughadung-rollingcourse on a SouthAfrican game reserve called Stonehenge. The researchers put the beetles and their balls of dung in the center of an arena of sand surrounded by a meter-high wall so nothing on the ground could be used as apoint of reference. An overhead camera filmed their paths. The beetles'performance was telling. On clear nights when the moon and stars were visible, the insects' trajectories were more or less straight. Even on a moonless night, the beetles were pretty efficient in their dung-rolling as long as the Milky Way was visible. But when the sky was overcast, the insects went every which way but straight. In a second round of experiments, the researchers put the bugs and their dung balls in the center of a wooden platform two m eters across and clocked how long it took for them to reach the edge. With the galaxy in sight, their paths led them to the edge of the platform in as little as 40 seconds. But with clouds blocking their view, it took them nearly two minutes. T he r e searchers e v en taped makeshift cardboard visors to the beetles' heads, b locking their view of t h e sky to eliminate all doubt. To no one'ssurprise,the beetles wandered aimlessly, showing no sense of direction. Were the dung beetles navigating by the stars or the Milky Way? To find out, the r esearchers r epeated some of their experiments i nside a p l a n etarium i n Johannesburg. When the beetles labored under a simulated sky lit only by the Milky W ay's glow, the insects and their dung balls reached the edge of the platform in about 50 seconds. When the galaxy was removed and only the sky's brightest stars were visible, the task took slightly more than a minute.

Los Angeles Times

it comes to marriage, those gut-level feelings can be powerful predictors of a

LOS ANGELES — When humans gaze up at the night sky, they may view the fuzzy streak of the Milky Way and contemplate their place in the universe. When dung beetles see the Milky Way, their thoughts turn to keeping their food s ource away f r o m o t h er insects. Scientists have found that theseinch-long creatures use

successful union, according to recent research. By Benedict Carey New Yorlz Times News Service

H is c h arisma w a s bi g enough to make his bad habits seem small, more like quirks than flaws. The cigarettes on his breath; the extra weight around the middle; the indifference to clothing and appearances — surely these were minor things, correctable in time. In the months leading up to the wedding, in 1988, even the fact that he'd been living with his mother atage 38 seemed somehow explainable, if not ideaL "How about that for a red flag?" Jincey Huck, a state court employee in St. Louis, said of her first husband, who has since died. "Deep down I knew it was a mistake, but I wanted to be married, I wanted kids, all that. I had cold feet the entire time," said Huck, now 51. Psychologists have studied decision-making for more than a century, trying to tease apart how biases, emotion and personality affect big choices and small ones. They have studied people pl aying i n v estment games. They have taken brain images during h y pothetical moral decisions. They have compared the accuracy of snap judgments to long deliberation, trying to gauge the value of subconscious instincts. But it's a lot harder to simulate in a laboratory the sort of big life decisions that are risky and hard to reverse: whether to move across the country. Whether to take a new job, or buy a new house, even switch from PC to Mac. And, perhaps biggest of all: whether to walk down the aisle or split up. "Virtually every big, real-life decision requires the decisionmaker to resolve 10 fundamental questions, or what I call cardinalissues," said J.Frank Yates, aprofessor of marketing and psychology at the University of Michigan's business school. People only feel real confidence, he said, when they begin to address them all, including trade-offs and timing. Most people, of course, aren't experts in decision science. They decide based on their own beliefs, whims and their gut. So how instructive are gut feelings — particularly cold feet — when there are so many moving parts and the stakes are so high'? A study published in the current issue of The Journal of Family Psychology provides an answer: plenty instructive, at least when it comes to marriage. "Having doubts before marriage is not only common, it predicted a higher divorce rate for women and more dissatisfactionin marriages for men and women," compared with newlyweds with n o d oubts, said Justin Lavner, a doctoral student in psychology at the University of California, Los Angeles. The study, with co-authors Benjamin Karney and Thomas Bradbury of UCLA, is the first to examine premarital cold feet in a group of couples over time. That gut-level doubt can portendcoming trouble seems true by definition, self-evident. Yet most big decisions prompt some nervous hesitation, and research suggests that it is the nature and source of those doubts that matter, not their mere presence. Many of the

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= What if'l Yes't+ MayB



the glowing edge of the gal-

lllustration by Valero Doval I New YorkTimes News Service

"The important thing to note is that most

peop/e whoget cfivorced do not have

major doubts going in (to the marriage initially). At the same time there are factors ... that mayseem minor but become more important later, for instance, when you have kids." — Arthur Aron, psychologist, Stony Brook University

riage initially, even if cold feet may increase the odds, said Arthur Aron, a psychologist at Stony Brook University. "At the same time there are factors — like disagreements with the other person's parents — that may seem minor but become more important later, for instance, when you have kids." S everal d i stractions c a n make these traps hard to appreciate. One is external pressure created by a w edding. "People get caught up in it and dismiss cold feet as, 'Oh, that's only the jitters,'" said Anne Milford, co-author with Jennifer Gauvain of "How Not to


ness" (Penguin, 2013). She added: "Of course, both research and anecdotal evidence shows that this is not what typically occurs" and this

type of person can easily become disappointed. Being mindful of both distortions — and finding someone outside the wedding frenzy to listen — is one way to check whether those cold feet are ominous. Another, Yates said, is to sit down and write about the doubts. "If a p erson writes about a decision problem, as

opposed to simply thinking about it, she develops greater confidence in the correctness of the decision she eventually reaches," he said in an email. And that confidence is well placed, his studies have

suggested. "I really did ignore everything; I let it all slide," said Huck, who is now happily remarried. "The worst part was afterward, knowing I'd done something I knew at the time was a mistake."

• . • •

axy to guide them as they roll their balls of dung across the African landscape. The report, published online Thursday by the journal Current Biology, provides the first documentation of a n i mals u sing the M i lk y W a y f o r navigation. Considering t hat b i r d s, seals and b u tterflies ar e known to rely on the stars to find their way a round, the study authors noted that using the Milky Way as a compass "might turn out to be widespread in the animal If any bug needs a straight line to follow, it's the dung beetle. These nocturnal insects make a habit of balling up pieces of animal manure and rolling the spheres away from the larger pile to save for their own use. The balls, which are considerably bigger than the beetles' bodies, serve as food and even a nest-

ing placeforsome species. Given the importance of these dungballs, it's essential that the beetles keep them away from an y w o uld-be thieves. Hence the importance of rolling in a straight line: If they take a c urvy route, they could mistakenly wind up back where they started, giving other beetles a chance to steal it. V ision s c ientist M a r i e Dacke of Lund University in Sweden, who led the study, had noticed in previous studies that even on moonless nights, dung beetles were able to move their spheres in straight paths. To put the critters' routing skills to the

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Marry the Wrong Guy" (Random House 2010), who interviewed about 200 women who had had strong doubts at the altar. "Women most often said they knew they were making a mistake but did it anyway, often because they had no one who'd listen to them," Milford said. Two others elements that blur the decision are internal, less conscious, and can work against one another. Both are types of idealization. In a series of studies, Sandra Murray of the State University of New York at Buffalo and others have shown that new lovers have a strong tendency to idealize their partner, in the way that Huck did: Her friends are kind of sweet, when sober. He getsdepressed mostly because he's so sensitive. Doubts d o n' t e v a porate; they're suppressed, only to return later. The other is a n e xpectation many have, of exquisite

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"People feel that they have to find the ideal, perfect Mr. psychological dynamics at play or Ms. Right, who is their soul in premarital decision-making mate, with whom they will feel are similar to those that build passionate love forever, and around any big decision. who will make them happy for"The important thing to note ever," said Sonja Lyubomirsky, is that most people who get a psychologist at the University divorced do not have major of California, Riverside, and doubts going in" to the marauthor of "The Myths of Happi-











erera evi imssee oiceas a o e ro em By Gardiner Harris New York Times News Service

For the accused, worries of anunfair trial

NEW DELHI — Not long after telling the police that she had been raped, a woman from South Delhi looked out her apartment window and saw the man who had attacked her laughing with an officer who had given him a ride back from the police station. "That officer then came over and asked me why I wanted to file a complaint," the 30-yearold mother of two said in a recent interview. "He said I would be ridiculed unless I agreed to settle things without an investigation." After months of intimidation from the man she said had rapedher and indifference from the police, she got a politically powerful acquaintance to intervene, and her alleged rapist was finally arrested. A court case is under way. A far more prominent case, a brutal gang rape on a bus in New Delhi last month, and the later death of the victim, has led to a re-examination in India of many age-old attitudes toward violence against women. But even as the nation grapples with the polarizing issue,a powerful force stands in the way of change: a police force thatis corrupt, susceptible to political interference, heavily male an d w o efully understaffed. "If you're a woman in distress, the last thing you want to do is go to the police," said Vrinda Grover, a human rights lawyer based in New Delhi. In many rape cases, the police spend more time seeking r econciliation b etween t h e attacker and the victim than investigating the facts. Overall, experts say, the police are poorly organized to deal with serious crimes, particularly those against women. Pay is poor and opportunitiesfor advancement are rare, leaving many police officers dependent on bribes to support their families. People without money or political connections are often ignored. In the latest official move to deter further such attacks, the Delhi police announced late last week that constables will be stationed nightly at 300 bus stops around the city. The problem is that many women say the presence of p olice makes them feel less safe, not more. The treatment of women by the police is such a concern that laws now forbid officers from arresting or b r i nging

NEW DELHI — In the court of public opinion, the men being tried in the brutal gang rape of an Indian university student should


be hanged in apublic square. That demand for swift justice might make it impossible for them to get a fair trial in a court of law. Already, there are plenty of portents.

Amid the heightenedemotions that havesurrounded this case, a local bar association has stopped its members from representing the men, citing the heinous nature of the crime. The three

grandstanding lawyers who haverushed in to represent the accused spent weeks taking potshots at each other instead of co-

ordinating a defense.Twolawyers fought for days over which one was representing one of the defendants.

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And the case is being heard by a brand new fast-track court, set up in the wake of the rape to deal with sexual assaults in the

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capital, that is under pressure to reach averdict within weeks.

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Finally, whatever is said or submitted in court has to stay in the


room — a gagorder by the judge prevents the media from reporting anything about the case. "However wickedand depravedsocietymayperceiveaperson to be, he deserves afair trial. He deserves a good defense," said Markandey Katju, a retired judge of India's SupremeCourt.

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"That some of those charged are the real culprits and some are innocent ... that is a very real possibility," he said, adding that in Enrico Fabian / New York Times News Service

Police officers man a checkpoint near New Delhi last week. As India re-examines many of its traditional attitudes toward violence against women, a police force that is corrupt, predominantly male and woefully understaffed is seen as standing in the way of change. women in for questioning during nighttime hours. In case aftercase,the police have used their powers to deliver abused women into the hands of their abusers. Reforms have been pr oposed for decades, but few have been implemented, because many of them involve making officers less susceptible t o p o l itical m eddling — something politicians have little incentive to seek.

dia has just 1,585,117 officers to protect 1.2 billion people, or about 130 officers per 100,000 people, the s econd l owest among 50 countries ranked by the U.N. Office on Drugs and Crime. Only Uganda fared worse; many n ations have gang raped her and instead more than twice India's ratio of pressed her to marry one of police officers to population. her rapists. So many Indian More than 80 percent of women end up marrying their India's police officers are conrapists that the police often stables who cannot do investisquander the first hours and gations or issue fines; most are days after a woman reports a assigned to paramilitary forces Embedded in the psyche rape seeking just such a reso- that do little traditional police Of all the problems affect- lution, said Ravi Kant, presi- work. Just 5 percent of police ing the police, many women's dent of Shakti Vahini, a non- officers are women, though advocates point to cultural tra- profit advocacy group. the government recently an"That first crucial day is al- nounced it would hire more dition as the most intractable. Even as India has under- most always lost," he said. women officers in Delhi. "That the Indian police are gone an economic upheaval Delays are endemic, and that has brought millions of courts are backlogged. Of the performing poorly is beyond women out ofthe home and more than 600 rapes reported doubt," said Arvind Verma, a into urban workplaces, a pro- in New Delhi last year, only professor of criminal justice at found attachment to female one person has been convict- Indiana University and an exsexualvirtue remains embeded so far. In a vicious circle, pert on the Indian police. "The ded in the Indian psyche. The police ineffectiveness leads common experience is that the foundational texts of Indian many women to consent to personnel are rude, indifferculture — the Ramayana and marriage, but such marriages ent, abusive, threatening and the M a h abharata, a n cient discourage adequate police extortionist." Sanskrit epics — both revolve investigations. An impermeable police hiaround the communal outrage Suman Nalwa, a d e puty erarchy is another problem. that results from insults to a commissioner in Delhi's police Top leaders are taken from good woman's modesty. force, said that changing the the Indian Police Service, an "A woman's body as the site mindset of the average consta- elite core of bureaucrats who of cultural purity is the preble, many of them from small never serve in front-line posidominant theme in the epics," villages outside of New Delhi, tions. It is all but impossible "is a tough process. You cannot for a beat cop to rise to the top, said Ashutosh Varshney, a professor of international stud- do it at the snap of a finger." making for a wide disconnect ies at Brown University. "And between police officersand dishonoring a woman is equal A poor track record their leaders. to dishonoring a family and At the same time, Indian poSalaries are abysmal, about even a culture." As a result, the liceofficersare few and poorly $100 per month for constables. police and village elders often paid, which makes them easily Police stations often lack toisee their first duty after a rape susceptible to corruption. In- lets and heat. Many low-level

vices. But, she said, counties like Deschutes, which is less Continued from A1 than 400,000 in population, "Where do we find the bal- aren't mandated to provide a ance between the mandated juvenile detention facility. serviceswe have to provide:i.e. In total, Unger said, the juthe jail, the appropriate invest- venile detention center costs ment in our youth and families more than $2 million to operearly on, and providing juve- ate, for just a handful of ofnile detention services with fenders. The county spends limited resources?" County about $320 a day to house juCommissioner Tammy Baney veniles in a facility that would said Friday. cost $100 per day to house an adult, Unger said. When Adult prisoner capacity coupled with additional comThe Chinn report states the munity juvenile programs to Britta Street juvenile deten- prevent juvenile crime, he said tion center has been underuti- the total cost of juvenile serviclized for years. Both the total es climbs to about $7 million. monthly population and total Unger said his goal is to creadmission at the center have ate a cost-effective solution decreased since 2007. Last while continuing to provide year, based on data collected quality juvenile services. through September,the detenA ccording t o t h e C h i n n tion center averaged a popula- report, converting the work tion of about 10 juveniles from release facility in north Bend Deschutes County and four into a juvenile detention cenfrom other counties, with a ter would cost an estimated typical stay of 14 or 15 days. $755,000. The cost to operate Meanwhile, the county jail the convertedcenter is an esis overflowing. timated $2.7 million annually, "In the big picture we have about $150,000 more than the challenges today with adult Britta Street center. p risoner p o p ulations a n d Unger said c o m missionhow the sheriff manages his ers will review the new plan prisoners in the jail," County for the w or k r e lease facilCommissioner A la n U n g er ity on Wednesday, and possaid."He needs more capacity sibly make a final decision on for that." whether they will choose that Relocating the juvenile fa- location. cility makes available 88 beds for adult inmates, which Des- Outside offenders chutes County Sheriff Larry The final r e port r e comBlanton said he'll put to imme- mends 16 to 18 beds for Desdiate use. The plan adopted in chutes County juvenile offend2012 calls for moving adult in- ers over the next 10 years, and mates into the renovated Britta 24 beds, with the capacity for Street space by July 1. Blanton 36, if the county plans on consaid the jail is also reducing its tinuing to accommodate juveadult male bed capacity in the nile offenders from Jefferson, existing facility to make room Crook and other counties. for mental health and medical Baney said 10 beds, as the observation. plan states, are not enough Baney said the county is and she prefers 14 to 16 beds. mandated to provide jail ser- But more than 16 beds re-

as protecting a woman's modesty and a family's honor, instead of giving her justice. On Dec. 26, an 18-year-old Punjabi woman c o mmitted suicide after police officers refused for five weeks to arrest the men who had allegedly

India the police "spreads its net wide." Three men who rushed forth to represent the accused were not members of the local bar and have spent more time fighting each

other than putting up adefense. One insisted he would ask the Supreme Court to move the trial out of Delhi because emotions were too high to hold a fair trial here. But when a second lawyer

made a similar appeal, the first changed his mind andvehemently opposed it. The dispute over who would represent the defendant was only resolved Thursday — the day the trial started.

The specifics of the gang rapeare horrifying. According to the police report, the attack lasted at least 45 minutes. It was so brutal that the woman died two weeks later in a Singapore hospital.

Within two days of the attack the police arrested the six accused. According to the police all six confessed their crimes. As details of the attack have emerged Katju said he feared the

trial may beoverrun by emotion rather than the calmvoice of reason. "You can't decide cases on sentiment. That's lynch law." — The Associated Press

officers pay recruitment bribes of a year's salary to get their jobs, so demanding bribes on everything from routine traffic violations to major crimes becomes a way of life. Such behavior saps public t r ust, worsening security. "It is an unfortunate reality that police are not trusted in this country," said Nirmal Singh, a former joint director of the Central Bureau of Investigation. A nother reason fo r t h a t lack of trust is frequent political interference. Officers have few civil service protections, and politicians can transfer or punish police leaders at will. Conspiracies between the police and politicians are common. Hundreds of people have been killed in police shootings with political overtones, and blatant political arrests occur frequently.

to take her rape complaint seriously, politicization of the police means justice is available only to the well-connected. When her rapist threatened her 12-year-old daughter, she turned to one of her brothers to call a high-ranking politician. Belatedly, the police sprang into action. Asked about the case, a police supervisor said he would check on details, but had not responded further by Tuesday. "During that whole time, I lived in fear of my husband being killed or my kids being kidnapped, because I knew the police wouldn't help if that happened," the woman said. "I have no faith in the police. If you have money or connections, you can get justice. If you don't, forget it."

'I lived in fear' For the woman in South Delhi who said the police refused

Find It All quires two crews to monitor the inmates, which drives up operational costs, she said. While thereport recommends the county continue to house out-of-county youth in available beds in order to offset operational cost, Baney said her focus is on Deschutes County. Debra Patterson, juvenile departmentdirector for Crook County, said she hopes the Deschutes commissioners can figure out a way to take in Crook County juveniles if the bed count is reduced. From October through December, she said, 27 Crook County juvenile offenders stayed in the Deschutes detention facility. A reduction in beds would have a bigimpact on Crook County, she said. It has no detention center of its own and sends its young offenders to eitherthe Deschutes center about 45 minutes away, or Northern Oregon Regional Correctional Facilities in The Dalles, about a 2'/2-hour drive away. "We still have a job to do here. Public safety is the reason we're here," she said. "We're going to lodge kids; it will just mean more travel.... (But) it's better to keep youth close to home." In addition to being closer to family members, she said, the Bend facility also provides 30-

day programs that help juveniles get stabilized so they can go onto less restrictive placement, like drug and alcohol treatment centers. "You didn't just have turnkeys; you had people that were working with youth," she said, referring to the Bend facility. — Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees@bendbulletin.com

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Continued from A1 With Obama's promise in his inaugural address that dealing with climate change is part of his second-termagenda, emissions are back at center stage. The United Nations' International Civil Aviation Organization is convening a multinational meeting in September on the airlines issue, one of the thorniest in climate change.

Lawsuit delugeopposes contraceptivecoverage By Ethan Bronner

devices whose effects some contend are akin to abortion. In a flood of lawsuits, RoAs applied by the Health man Catholics, evangelicals and Human Services Deand Mennonites are chal- partment, the law offers an lenging a provision in the exemption for "religious emnew health care law t h at ployers," meaning those who requires employers to cover meet a four-part test: that birth control i n e m ployee their purpose is to inculcate health plans — a high-stakes religious values, that they clash between religious free- primarily employ and serve dom and health care access people who share their relithat appears headed to the gious tenets, and that they Supreme Court. are nonprofit groups under In recent months, federal federal tax law. courts have seen dozens of But many institutions, inlawsuits brought not o n ly cluding religious schools and by religious institutions like colleges, do not meet those Catholic dioceses but also by criteria because they employ private employers ranging and teach members of other from a pizza mogul to pro- religions and have a broader ducetransporters who saythe purpose than inculcating regovernment is forcing them ligious values. to violate core tenets of their faith. Some have been turned Up to the Supreme Court? away by judges convinced Defenders of th e p r ovithat access to contraception is sion say employers may not a vital health need and a com- be permitted to impose their pelling state interest. Others views onemployees, especialhave been told that their be- ly when something so central liefs appear to outweigh any as health care is concerned. "This is highly likely to end state interest. New suits are filed nearly weekly. up at the Supreme Court," President Barack Obama's said Douglas Laycock, a law health care law, known as professor at the University of the Affordable Care Act, was Virginia and one of the counthe most fought-over piece of try's top scholars on churchlegislation in his first term state conflicts. "There are and was the focus of a highly so many cases, and we are contentious Supreme Court already getting strong disdecision last year that found agreements among the cirit to be constitutional. cuit courts." But a provision requiring The timing of these cases the full coverage of contra- remains in flux. Half a dozen ception remains a matter of will probably be argued by fierce controversy. The law this summer, perhaps in time says that companies must for inclusion on the Supreme fully cover all "contraceptive Court's docket next t erm. methods and s t erilization So far, two- and three-judge procedures" approved by the panels on four federal apFood and Drug Administra- peals courts have weighed tion, i ncluding " m orning- in, granting some injunctions after pills" and intrauterine while denying others. New York Times News Service

For many people reading this, air travel is their most serious environmental sin. One r ound-trip flight f rom N ew York to Europe or to San Franciscocreates about 2 or 3 tons of carbon dioxide per person. The average American generates about 19 tons of carbon dioxide a year; the average European,10. So if you t ake f ive long flights a year, they may well account forthree-quarters of the emissions you create, depending on where and how you live. "For many people in New York City, who don't drive much and live in apartments, this is probably going to be by far the largest part of their carbon footprint," says Anja Kollmuss, a Zurich-based environmental consultant. (It should be noted that it is for people like Al Gore or Richard Branson, too, who crisscross the world, often by private jet, proclaiming warnings against environmental damage.) Though air travel emissions now account for only about 5 percent of warming, that fraction is projected to rise significantly, since the volume of air travel is increasing much faster than gains in flight fuel efficiency. (Also, emissions from most other sectors are falling.) Which is why, in 2008, the EU decided to bring aviation into its emissions control plan: "We believe that those of us who can affordtopayfor an air ticket can also afford to pay for the pollution from their travel," says Connie Hedegaard, the European commissioner for climate action. "Many Europeans don't get why, politically, this should be controversial." Though many airlines have tried to reduce their carbon footprints through technical innovations — like more efficient aircraft designs and biofuels blends — they have successfully resisted any regulation or taxation of their emissions. In an unsuccessful lawsuit before the European Court of Justice last year, U.S. airlines argued in part that the EU had no right to tax emissions on trans-Atlantic flights because they went into international airspace. A irlines fo r A m e r ica, a trade group for U.S. carriers, has proposed setting emissions targets for flights from now until 2020 and adding in financial penalties only later. "The problem with the European trading scheme is that it started with a market-based measure — a tax," says Nancy Young, the group's vice president for environmental affairs. "We would accept a marketbased mechanism only as a gap filler, if we don't meet our targets. And we will be saying that very strongly." She said t h e E u r opean scheme was "extremely burdensome" and would cost U.S. airlines $3.1 billion between 2012 and 2020, adding, "It takes money out of U.S. aviation and puts it into European coffers." But some in the industry contest that view. "I think airlines typically overstate how diffi-

Cardontonnagecompared When compared with home electricity Use or car mileage, airplane travel ( ) seems to leave a larger carbon footprint. Long-haul flights:Three round trips between Chicago and Frankfurt, Germany

tons of carbondioxide per passenger

A year's electricity:Annual average for a U.S. household (11,496 kilowatt-hours in 2010)

tons perhouse

A year's driving: Average U.S. vehicle miles per capita (9,608 in 2010) in a medium car

tons per car Shorter flights: Three round trips between Detroit and New Orleans

tons per passenger

tons per passenger tons per car

Flying coast to coast: Three round trips between Philadelphia and San Francisco

A year's commuting:Average of 100 miles a week in a medium car

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New YorkTimes News Service

Sources: World Land Trust carbon-offset calculator, U.S. Energy Information Administration, U.S. Departmentof Energy

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cult this is," said David Hodgkinson, former director of legal services at the International Airline Transport Association, an industry group, who now practices aviation and climate law in his native Perth, Australia. "I don't get why opposition is so fierce given that this is relatively straightforward and the cost is typically low and passed on to passengers." He said that Qantas, the Australian airline, is going along with the European scheme, under which airlines must buy so-called carbon allowances if they exceed assigned annual emissions targets, which decrease year by year. Some analysts estimate that the European program would add about $5 to the price of a typical trans-Atlantic flight. While that may sound minimal, Young maintained that U.S. air lines operate on razorthin margins. She said, "This may be the difference between loss and profitability." Others note that ticket prices could ultimately rise much higher as a result of the plan.

The price of carbon credits varies like a stock and is now at a record low. Kollmuss, the environmental con s ultant, said, "If the price went up, not so many people would fly to Europe or California on such a regular basis." This year, the EU is collecting the emission payments on flights within Europe as per the original schedule. That has made it harder for European carriers to compete in a cutthroat industry, said Thomas Kropp, asenior vice president at Lufthansa. Hedegaard, the EU commissioner, said that if the International Civil Aviation Organization fails to come up with a solid, market-based program in September, the EU will begin collecting the emissions fees for all flights in and out of its airports. One way or another, prices seem bound to increase some, and perhaps that will seem fair to many people who spend more for L E D l i gh t b u l bs and hybrid vehicles, in part because they care about the

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environment. At a global level, how the U.S. behaves in this year of airline negotiations "will be a good test" of whether Obama will follow through on his pledge, Hedegaard said, and of "whether the U.S. is now going to engage more strongly in climate in the international arena."

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How serious isaction on climate change? Mcciatchy Newspapers Climate change, it seems, is no longer a dirty phrase for Democrats to disavow. President Barack Obama promised in his second inaugural address to respond to climate change, casting it as a moral obligation and warning that failing to take action "would betray our c h ildren and future generations." Persuading Americans that they should care about climate change — or have a duty to do so — is one thing. Actually doing something about the emissions that contribute to rising sea levels, sooty skies and melting Arctic sea ice is a far more complex task. Despite Obama's pledges Monday, the W hite House was scant with details afterward, saying only that it's pursuing action under the existing regulatory framework. Its work is cut out for it. It must negotiate a p o larized

Congress, regional energy in-

terests and pressure from big polluters and the influential energy sector. The industry is bracing for a fight. Some groups, such as the National Association of Manufacturers,have challenged the Environmental Protection Agency's authority to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air A ct. They'll continue to argue that regulation of greenhouse gases should come from Congress, not the executive branch, said Ross Eisenberg, the vice president

of energy and resources policy for the association. Yet those who favor action on climate change said they were hopeful, and they've been drawing up plans for the White House that they think match the rhetoric of the inaugural address.Obama's re-election was the first step, said Bob Deans, a spokesman for the Natural Resources Defense Council. The next step, he and other en-

vironmentalists said, is for the president to act on his pledge. The biggest step, m ajor legislation that w ould have capped emissions and set up markets to t r ade p ollution credits, failed in 2010 and is unlikely to be resurrected. But there's plenty more the administration could do without legislation, said the Clean Air Task Force, a nonprofit that's dedicated to reducing air pollution. The task force wrote a letter to the president this month saying the administration could work to curb methane emissions from the pipeline and production system, even as domestic oil and gas production booms. They'd also like to see more attention to coal. The most likely path in coming months may be through the EPA's regulatory authority. The administration is f inalizing emission rules for new power plants and, maybe, for existing ones, too.


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Evers-Williams Continued from A1 Evers-Williams married again in 1976, to Walter Williams, a labor and civil rights activist. He died in 1995. Over the years, Evers-Williams became a well-known voice for civil rights. Her list of l ife accomplishments stretches long, and includes serving as the chairwoman of the NAACP from 1995 to 1998, creating the Medgar Evers Institute in Jackson, Miss., running for Congress and writing two books. That list now also includes delivering the invocation at the start of a presidential inauguration. Evers-Williams had fewer t h an two weeks to prepare her speech. "I went into my special corner in my special chair, and I sent up a prayer of thanks for having been asked," she said. "And then I asked the Almighty for help and guidance." With three minutes to f i ll, she searched for how to say it all. But she couldn't shake her g randmother's words: "Make me a blessing." What Evers-Williams wanted the public to hear in her invocation was the idea of unity. "Our country isat a crossroads," she said. "We seem to be so divided in our thoughts and actions." Standing before t h e e s timated 800,000 people gathered for the inauguration, she referencedthe Emancipation Proclamation and the march on Washington. She even found a way to honor Evers without saying his name: She spoke of those interred in Arlington ¹ tional Cemetery, where he is buried. Evers-Williams said she was honored and thankful to be included in the event; she's the first woman and first non-clergyman to deliver the inaugural invocation. "It was no show of oratorical skill. I just wanted to let the words speak themselves," she said. "I want to help heal this nation."

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good, good memories." And while she no longer owns property here, Evers-Williams said she'll still visit her friends and spend time here when she can. Her children and grandchildren live in California and Mississippi. And now that's where she'll live too, dividing time between Claremont, Calif., and Alcorn State University, in Mississippi, where she is a distinguishedscholar-in-residence. In that way, Evers-Williams is returning again to her roots. It was on that campus that she met Evers. "I pass by the spot all the time," she said, laughing. "It's where it all started." She won't be surprised if another family member someday decides to buy property here in Central Oregon. And while Evers-Williams is calling somewhere new her home, she said Bend will always be her special place. "I love >t. I always w>11."

Chang W. Lee / New York Times News Service

Myrlie Evers-Williams became the first woman to deliver the inaugural invocation at Monday's ceremonial swearing-in of President Barack Obama. "It was no show of oratorical skill," she said. "I just wanted to let the words speak themselves. I want to help heal this nation." O Read a transcript of Evers-Williams' invocation at www.bendbulletin.com/extras. Evers-Williams spends a great deal of time traveling around the country. But she said Bend has been where she comes to get away from it all. While visiting friends last week, she was astonished to read the population sign onthe highway. When she and her second husband first moved to Bend in 1989, the population hovered around 20,000, and Bend was still a lumber town struggling through hard times. Back then, the couple was on their way to Portland and stopped to visit friends in the area. On a tour of the neighborhood, they spotted a house in a cul-de-sac with a "for sale" sign out front. They walked in, climbed the six


stairs to the main level, saw the mountain view and didn't have to say a word. "It was love at first sight," she said. Evers-Williams loved the home so much, she said, sometimes she talked to it. "I'd walk through the door and it was like the house embraced me," she said. "It was magnificent." Evers-Williams said she and her husband didn't realize how few minorities lived in Central Oregon. One day at thegrocery store,she said, people stared at them. As Evers-Williams moved to the produce section to grab a head of lettuce, someone approached her. "We're glad you're here," she said

trition resulting from poverty, and the Japanese live on average to 83, longer than any other population, according to the World Health Organization. When it c o mes t o f o od, Japan has some deeply ingrained advantages. Children are taught to eat what they are served, meaning they are prone to accept, rather than revolt against, the food on their plates. But Japan also invests heavily in cultivating this mindset. Most schools employ nutritionists who, among other JaPan takeS SeriOuSly bOth itS food and itS tasks, work with children who are picky or unhealthy eaters. health. As a result, its school lunches are a point of Though Japan's central government sets basic nutritional national pride — not a source of dismay. As other guidelines, regulation is minimal. Not every meal has to COuntrieS Struggle to deSign SChOO1 mealS that are meetprecise caloricguidelines. At many schools, a nutritionist healthy, tasty and affordable, Japan has all but draws up the recipes — no bureaucraticinterference. Censolved the puzzle, using a system the country's tral government officials say they have ultimate authority officials describe as utterly common sense. to step in if schools are serving unhealthy food, but they can't think of any examples where that actually happened. F unding fo r l u n ches i s handled locally, too: Municipalities pay for labor costs, but parents, billed monthly, payfor the ingredients, about $3 per meal, withreduced and free options for poorer families. Though Japanese towns face their own budget pressures and many are in debt, local authorities have so far treated k school lunch as a priority. w P; Notable is what's lacking: You don't see low-fat options. You don't see dessert, other Ko Sasaki i For The Washington Post A worker fixes lunch at Umejima Elementary School in Tokyo. The than fruit and y ogurt. You food is chopped, diced and simmered every morning, beginning at occasionally see fried food, but in stark moderation. On a 8 a.m. Shortly after noon, the school has meals for 760 students. recent day at Umejima, kids were served the Japanese verBy Chico Harlan a stadium. The meals are often sion of fried chicken, known The Washington Post made from scratch. They're as karaage. Each child was alTOKYObalanced but hearty, heavy lowed one nugget. n J apan, s chool l u n ch on rice and vegetables, fish Officials at Adachi Ward, in means a regular meal, not and soups. The meals haven't northern Tokyo, say they run a one that harms your health. changed much in four decades. "fairly standard" school lunch The food is grown locally and Mealtime is a scene of com- program in the ward's 71 elalmost never frozen. There's munal duty: In both elementa- ementary schools and 37 midno mystery in front of the meat. ry and middle schools, students dle schools.And because this From time to time, parents even don white coats and caps and is food-obsessed Japan, those call up with an unusual ques- serve their classmates. Chilstandard mealsare restauranttion: Can they get the recipes? dren eat in their classrooms. worthy; in fact, the ward pub" Parents hear t h eir k i d s They get identical meals, and if lishes a full-color cookbook talking about what they had they leave food untouched, they based on its best school meals. for lunch," said Tatsuji Shino, are out ofluck: Their schools District officials allow themthe principal at Umejima El- have no vending machines. selvesto brag forjust one reaementary School in Tokyo, Barring dietary r estrictions, son, their success in cutting "and kids ask them to re-cre- children in most districts can't food waste to 5 percent. This ate the meals at home." bring food to school, either, un- follows the "Oishii Kyushoku," or "Delicious School Lunch," In the United States, where til they reach high school. Japan's system has an envi- programtheycreatedfiveyears obesity rates have tripled over the past three decades, new ous payoff — its kids are rela- ago to get kids more interested l egislation c h ampioned b y tively healthy. According to in what they were eating. first lady Michelle Obama has government data, Japan's child At Umejima, one of Adachi pushed schools to debut menus obesity rate, always among the Ward's schools, the hallway with controversial calorie re- world's lowest, has declined walls look like the pages of strictions. But even the healthi- for each of the past six years, a Bon Appetit magazine. Hand est choicesare generally pro- period during which the coun- drawings of healthy lunches vided by large agri-food com- try has expanded its dietary dreamed up by students hang panies, cooked off site, frozen education program. near the p r i ncipal's office. and then reheated, and forced Japan does struggle with There are charts of beans and to compete in cafeterias with all childhood and adolescent eat- spices. Then there's the real things fried, salty and sweet. ing disorders, and government food, prepared every morning, Schools in Japan, by con- data show a rise in the number for 760 students. "Everything trast, give children the sort of of extremely skinny children. is cooked on site," school nufood they'd get at home, not at But there is virtually no malnu- tritionist Kimii Fujii said. "We

A eat u mea

ma e Iam SCratC,

just not in t e U.S.


"Two down," it read. "One to go." "Those kinds of incidents I believe are extremely rare," she said. "But the fact is they did happen." But nearly all the time, she said, people in Bend were kind. "They embraced us without going overboard," she said. "Color and race was not an issue we encountered." Williams, who grew up in Los Angeles, loved to fish. "He said it was a joy to have space around him," EversWilliams said. "Space is freedom." There were other joys to living in Central Oregon, including being able to drink the water straight from the faucet. "Bend was a wonderful place to come and rest," she said. As she spoke of no longer having a home in the area, tears sprang to Evers-Williams' eyes. "I said to the house, 'I love you, and I hope the next people who own you love you too,'" she said. "It holds such

the person whispered. But for as welcome as she felt here, Evers-Williams said that after experiencing violence and racism in Mississippi, she always maintained an edge. "You are acute to the different sounds and smells and movements," she said. "It's a survival technique honed over the years." It served her well when, she said, someone planted an explosive device in her mailbox here. "When you have lived the kind of life we've both lived, it wasn't surprising,"she said of herself and her husband. "But it was sad." When Williams died in 1995, EversWilliams received a note in the maiL

even make our own broth." Japanese food, c o ntrary to the common perception, isn't automatically healthy; it includes crispy chicken, rich bowls of salty ramen with pork belly and battered and deepfried tempura. But, like most cuisines, it can be healthy.

ernized West.For a decade after the war, school lunch food was still coming from international donations. But by the 1970s, the school meal came to look much like the modern-day standard. These days, ethnic food (such as Korean or Italian) is mixed in once or twice per week. Japanese government officials say no other country has copied Japan's system of madefrom-scratch meals eaten in classrooms, or even tried to.

Japan began emphasizing healthy food for its students in the aftermath of World War II, when the government prioritized education and health as a way to catch up to the mod-

• •

— Reporter 541-617-7831 smiller@bendbulletinicom


a s

Masahiro Oji, a g o v ernment director of school health education at t h e E ducation Ministry, said he attended an Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation workshop in Moscow on school lunch programs last year.Japan sent members of its education ministry; most nations sent members from their agriculture or farm ministries. "Japan's standpoint is that schoollunches are a partofeducation," Oji said, "not a break from it."

s •

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From thedeginning, Americanwomenhaveserved

History of women in the military

Even before theytook great strides in the U.S. military during the1900s, femaleAmericans haveserved onthe nation's

In the 18thand 19th centuries, American women served on the battlefieId as nurses, cooks and saboteurs. Here are the highlights in the history of women in the U.S. military:


militarily necessary."

WWh More than 21,000 Army nurses serve; at least 400 die.

REVOLUTIONARY WAR They didn't wear uniforms, but

CIVIL WAR A few hundred womensecretly

the Army hired women as nurses,

served as Civil War soldiers, histo-

cooks and laundresses during the American Revolution. Women were also spies andsaboteurs. They carried GeorgeWashington's messages acrossenemy linesto his generals. Many "camp followers"

rians estimate. Thereare records of some whowere discovered only

went to war with their soldier husbands, sometimes bringing

former slaves whospied on Con-

children along. Somestepped into the places of fallen men in

helped the Union Army free more slaves. A Virginia woman, Eliza-

battle. Other women disguised

beth Van Lew, ran one of the war's

diminishing pool of male draftees

themselves as young men to join

most sophisticated spy rings for the Union. Clara Barton's experi-

crumpled resistance to enlisting large numbers of women. More

ences tending battlefield wounded led her to found the American Red

than 400,000 women served,

1948: Women are given permanent status in the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines. Korean War: More than 500 Army nurses serve in a combat zone. 1961: First woman becomes a Marine sergeant major. 1965: Marine Corps assigns first woman to attache duty; she is the first woman Marine to serve under hostile fire. Vietnam War: About 7,000 women serve in Southeast Asia; an Army nurse is the only woman to die from enemy fire.

the fighting.

1967: Legal limits on the number of women serving, and the highest ranks they can achieve, are lifted.


women in combattook morethantwo centuries. According to a retired female captain: "The maindriver is that it's been

1900-1908: Army Nurse and Navy Nurse corps are established.

WWII: More than 60,000 Army nurses and 14,000 Navy nurses serve; 16 Navy nurses are capturedby Japanese and held as POWs.


battlefields — even its very first battlefield. They were nurses and cooks, spies and couriers in the Revolutionary War. Some disguised themselves as men to fight for the Union or the Confederacy. Even so, the U.S. military's official acceptance of

Source: The Associated Press Photo: AP file

after they were wounded or killed. For her service as a Civil War

surgeon, Dr. MaryWalker was awarded her era's Medal of Honor. Harriet Tubman led a group of federate troops in the South and


1969-72: Army and Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps opens to women. 1972: First naval vessel sails with a mixed crew; the Navy promotes the first woman to rear admiral. 1974: First woman military helicopter pilot (Army).


W -' 'C ii5h&

PEACETIME ANDPOST-9/11 In peacetime, thePentagon

For the first time in World War I, women other than nurses were allowed to enlist in the Navy and

retreated backto assigning females

to "women's work." Theygot few Marines. Theyworked astelephone chances at promotion andcouldn't operators, accountants, draftsmen, be admirals or generals. The armed clerks. Some went to Europe. Still, services didn't welcomewomen onlyabout 35,000 women, the back in a bigway until the nation majority of them nurses, served

cut off its guaranteed supply of men. In1973, the draft ended and

among nearly 5 million U.S.men. They were theadvancetroops

the all-volunteer military was born.

for the wave of women to come in the next world war. The demands

of a huge military buildup anda

at home andoverseas, in World War II.

More than 40,000 women deployed for the Persian Gulf War in 1990 and1991. More than 200,000 women serve in the military now — between14 and15 percent of all

active duty forces. Andthewars in Afghanistan and lraq have obliterated any remaining notion that they can be kept out of the fight.

1976: Women are admitted to service academies.


1978: Coast Guard opens all assignments to women; Air Force Strategic Air Command assigns the first female air crew to alert duty. 1983: First woman completes Navy Test Pilot School. 1989: 770women deploy to Panama in Operation Just Cause; two women command Army companies. Persian Gulf War: 40,000 women deploy; two are taken prisoner. 1991: First Navy woman assumes command of a ship; Congress lifts the ban on women flying in combat; the Army assigns the first woman combat pilot two years later. 1998: For the first time, a female fighter pilot delivers payload of missiles and laser-guided bombs in combat during Operation Desert Fox against Iraq.


2003: First Native American servicewoman is killed in battle; she was one of three women taken prisoner in the first days of the Iraq War. 2004: A woman takes command of an Air Force fighter squadron; three years later, a woman commands a Navy fighter squadron.



2013: Women are 14.2 percent of all active-duty troops and more than 7 percent of high-ranking officers. Last week, the Pentagon opened up combat positions to women.

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smar s ar o

e NSM e



Source: Women in Military Service for American Memorial Foundation inc. © 2013 MCT

Combat Continued from A1 For them, the significance of Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's decision last week to lift the 1994 ban on women in combat was not just that it gives them the opportunity to fight but that it offers women a chance to advance in a career in which combat experience remains essential. "Growing up i n A m erica, you don't encounter this kind of discrimination," said the Marine captain, Zoe Bedell, 27, a Princeton graduate, recalling her four years on active duty. Now in the Marine Reserve, she remains a plaintiff in an American Civil Liberties Union lawsuit against the Pentagon for its policies on women and no longer envisions a career in the military. "I think my ship has sailed," she said. A lthough w o me n o f t e n

were hunting down insurgent leaders. Flying with the aid of

night-vision goggles, her job

was to drop them as swiftly and stealthily as possible into contested areas. When her deployment ended, Melki looked around for new assignments and found herself dreaming of j oining a special operations aviation regiment, an elite Army unit known as the N ight Stalkers.After all,she had already flown SpecialForces on secret missions. "I thought, 'Why can't I do that'?'" she said. The answer: Because of the Pentagon's ban o n w o m en in combat, which prohibited women from serving in special operations units like the Night Stalkers. So Melki watched as friendsand peers — including pilots she considered no better or more experienced than she was — were accepted in the found themselves engaging in Special Forces. ground warfare in Iraq and Melki headed to Fort JackAfghanistan over the past de- son, S.C., where she commandcade, the military did not of- ed a basic training company of ficially count their actions as new recruits.She remained combat, and their battlefield there until 2011, when she left experience w en t u n r e cog- the Army. Today, Melki is a nized. Many left in anger and Tillman Military Scholar at frustration, or just disappoint- the Stern School of Business at ment at hitting a walL New York University, and her "Special operations is some- new dream is to work in govthing I would have tried for, ernment to help veterans and and if I had gotten it, I probably their families. But with the anwould have stayed around lon- nouncement of the end of the ger," said the Black Hawk pilot, ban, she cannot help wistfully Lindsey Melki, 30, a graduate wondering: What if? of the United States Military In the 2010 interview, over Academy at West Point. dinner in one of the mess halls The Parris Island command- at Camp Leatherneck, Reyner, Brig. Gen. Lori Reynolds,47, olds, the brigadier general who a graduate of the United States was then a colonel, echoed the Naval Academy at Annapolis, Defense Department policy chose to accept the strictures of the time — as would be and, like other American mili- demanded of a senior officer tary women of her generation, — and said she did not think rose on a path that was avail- that women belonged in the able to her. Although she de- infantry. "I don't think they should clined to be interviewed for this article, in an interview in close with and destroy the Afghanistan in 2010 she talked enemy," she said, describing about younger military women the hunt-and-kill mission of who were chafing at the com- infantrymen. "When you go bat restri ctions. out and see what the infantry "Some of these kids, they does — the way they live, the grew Up withoutbarriers," she way they train — it's good that said. "But from my perspec- it's all male." tive, we are where we need to As her emailmade clear on be." In an emailed statement Friday, she has changed along on Friday, Reynolds said she with the Pentagon. What no now looked forward to seeing one will ever know is whether "that change is implemented she would have risen higher the right way.s than a o ne-star general in charge of a training mission'Why can't I?' as high as some of the Marine Melki began a 15-month de- male commanders who are ployment to Iraq in 2007. She her peers— if the Pentagon's spent much of her time there change had come sooner. ferrying infantrymen on combat missions. On more than a Read moreabout theseserfew occasionsshe was a pilot vicewomen, as well as others forSpecialForcestroops — the who were killed in combat, at Army's Green Berets — who bendbuiietin.com/extras


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QvysTtoN:What is Acid Reflux? ANswER: GERD - G astroesophageal reflux disease is a condition in which the stomach contents (food or liquid) leak back from the stomach into the esophagus (the tube from the mouth to the stomach). This action occurs JanavanAmburg, when the muscle between the stomach and the esophagus does not close properly or opens often, allowing acid to flow into the esophagus. This action can irritate the esophagus, causing heartburn and other symptoms. Many of you have heard of GERD or Acid Reflux Disease but may be unaware that you have symptoms at all. Symptoms include;a feeling of food stuck behind the breastbone, heartburn — especially at night and while bending over, lying down, or eating, regurgitation (food coming back up into the throat), a chronic cough or wheeze, difficulty swallowing food, sore throat, especially in the mornings, hiccups, hoarseness or change in voice. Twenty percent of Americans suffer from heartburn at least two times a week and 10 to 20 million Americans suffer from GERD. GERD can lead to more serious problems of the esophagus including esophageal cancer or Barrett's Esophagus, which is a change in the lining of the esophagus to accommodate acid. It is important to contact your physician if you are having any of the above symptoms to rule out more serious conditions.

D r. Jana M . V a n A m b u r g , M D • ~


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PROFESSIONAL CLEANING QvESTIONi How often do I need to have my

teeth cleaned professionally? ANSWER: You should have your teethcleaned by a dentist or dental hygienist at least every six months. Regardless of how diligent you are at taking care of your teeth at home by brushing Dr. Carlo and flossingr e gular l y y ou s i mpI v c a n n ot Arredondo clean every surface of every tooth. Plaque DDS will collect on those out-of-reach surfaces and eventually harden into what's called tartar, or calculus. During a professional cleaning, the dentist or hygienist will use the tools of their trade that let them remove the hardened plaque. That might involve scraping the tooth with a hand-held instrument called a scaler, or using an ultrasonic machine that applies sound waves to loosen the plaque. They will then wash the plaque away with a high-powered stream of water. The cleaning is likely to include the sides of the roots of the teeth. This is a precaution against developing gum disease, also called periodontal disease, which can begin when bacteria settles under the gum line. The cleaning will generally finish up with a polishing of the teeth, which certainly emphasizes their cleanliness but is also meant to make them a little more plaqueresistant. Talk with your dentist or hygienist to see what they recommend for your particular situation.

QvESTloN: have I a red flaky rash on my face that has been there for 6 weeks. I tried some cortisone cream but it still didn't go away. Should I be concerned? ANswER: It would certainly be a good idea to have this checked out. My suspicion would be for a pre-cancerous lesion called Mark Hall, an Actinic Keratosis (AK). This is from M.D. excessivesun exposure over a lifetime, and presents as a pink scaly patch or bump that does not go away. These can be treated with liquid nitrogen, or at times with Prescription creams, or even a "blue" light treatment called Photodynamic Therapy. Slowly these AK's may grow and approximately 10-20% of the time they may develop into a non-melanoma skin cancer, either Basal Cell Carcinoma or Squamous Cell Carcinoma. This would be more concerning and may require a biopsy- though both are very treatable if caught early. Of course, your rash could also be a dermatitis that might just need a difTerent type of cream or stronger cortisone. It would be a good idea to be evaluated by a Dermatologist, especially since it has been there for longer than a month. Centra!Oregon

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QvESTloN: I am 47 years old and two months ago I skipped my period, and I had hot flashes for three days last m onth. O t herwise m y p e r iods a r e normal. Is menopause starting? ANswER: In the late to mid-forties, it is not unusual for women to be in to have changes in their cycles. By that I mean, their cycle begins to vary month to month. Sometimes longer, sometimes shorter. Flow can also vary. Other symptoms such as hot flashes, moodiness, fatigue, anxiety, and sleeplessness can come and go. Although true menopause is when there are no periods for one year, many women find the most challenging time is the years of transition before periods actually completely stop. A lifestyle approach during the Pre-Menopause years has proven success in minimizing these troublesome symptoms, and can often lead to overall better health, both physically and mentally. M a ry H u n taman, M.D.

QvESTION: My friend is getting B12 shots and is feeling much more energetic and is having less moods swings. Is this something I could do? ANswER: B12 is one of many B v itamin injectables that we use in my office. B6, Folic acid, B complex and a special B12 mix for Dr. Azure Karli we i ght loss/liver support are some of the NaturoPathic others we use regularly Sometimes a blood Physician test will show B12 low or below normal and this is a definite reason to try injectable B12. If moderate to high stress or PMS are major issues I will often add B6 to the mix. Sometimes B12 can be used based on enough clinical evidence like neuropathy, fatigue, low mood, anxiety and other unexplained neurological symptoms. If B12 injections are going to help symptoms, most people feel the difTerence after the first 4 shots. There are very few contraindications for using B12 shots, but I do suggest making sure you are getting a highly efTective form like Methylcobolamin and having the shots more frequently at first to help gauge your personal response. Be sure to bring all of your supplements and medications to the administering practitioner so they can make sure what type/dose of injections will be safe for you.

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QVESTJOtst:What iS the beSt age fOr a woman to have a face lift?

ANswFR:There is no ideal age for a face lift. It depends on the degree of aging (skin laxity), genetics, individual Adam An setes, attatOnly a n d W l t et t t l t e p e r SOns M.D. appearance concerns them enough to do something about it. Generally, patients who have a face lift in their 40's or 50's get a better long lasting result than those who wait until later in life, although older patients can still get great results. Sometimes, a lesser procedure like fillers or fat injections can give a significant improvement, if there is minimal skin laxity, to delay the need for a facelift. It is best to see a board certified plastic surgeon for a consultation, so that you can be examined and your areas of concern and options discussed accordingly.

A dam A n g e l e s , M . D . B end Pl a s t i c S u r g e r y M edica l D i r e c t o r , S t. Cha r le s W o u n d 8 O s t o m y C a r e C e n t e r

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QvESTtoN:How do lasers remove tattoo's? ANswER: The RevLITE laser removes tattoo ink with the energy of light. A laser is a device which is designed to p r oduce one o r m or e specific wavelengths of light. Tattoo ink is r emoved by using this specific wavelength of light which passes into the skin, but is absorbed by the ink. The rapid absorption of light energy causes the tattoo ink to break into tiny particles which can then be removed Dr. Eiizabeth by the body's natural filtering systems. The RevLITE laser provides maximum t attoo r emoval w h ile leaving the surrounding skin unharmed. For patients who want to have their tattoos removed, The Enhancement Center offers superior results in treating even the most stubborn tattoos and multiple colors effectively and efficiently-with minimal risk of scarring, skin pigment changes or discomfort. Tattoo removal in the past often required surgery and/or skin grafts. These procedures were not only painful but often left patients scarred. The Enhancement Center offers the latest laser tattoo removal technology. Our laser tattoo removal treatment targets the ink while leaving healthy skin cells intact, therefore reducing scar tissue formation. You may have noticed the tattoo that was once bright, has faded over time. This is due io your body's attempt to break down the ink. Laser tattoo removal significantly accelerates this process by blasting the ink into tiny particles making it easier for the body to remove and absorb. A typical tattoo may take 6-10 treatments to remove. Factors that affect the number of treatments include color of tattoo, color of your skin, type of ink used, as well as the size and location of the tattoo. Call us today for a consultation appointment io see if this procedure is right for you.

QvESTroN: I want t o h a v e p ermanent makeup! What are the best questions to ask?

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QvESTroN: I have heard that aquatic therapy can be helpful for people with chronic pain. I have tried other exercise, but I felt worse. Is there anything that aquatic physical therapy can ofTer to help me? ANSWER: Yes! Trained physical therapists can assist you with specific, personalized «y» ll r» dt.r'r strengthening and endurance exercises in an aquatic environment, which reduces gravity. This means that there is less force on your joints, which reduces arthritic and other pain. Water provides 7 times the resistance of air, so this can be a very efficient medium for exercising, allowing you to achieve more in less time. Similarly, the water otTers increased support, which can be very comforting. For folks with balance problems, exercising in a pool is very helpful, as it allows for balance training without the fear of injury from falling. We also offer treatments which allow for gentle passive movement, with none of the discomfort that may be associated with lying on a treatment table. At Healing Bridge Physical Therapy we have a semi-private warm water pool in the clinic which is ideal for these types of treatments. Our I:I hour long treatment sessions provide professional, individualized attention to our patients' needs.

371 SW Upper Terrance Dr. Ste ¹2, Bend, OR 97702 541-31 7-4894 www.enhancementcenterspa.com

1265 NW Wall Street• Bend 541-383-3387 www.permanentmakeupbysusan.com

Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B4

Weather, B6








et rowsout e arts ormer oicec ie 's awsuit


What's 0 wrong, Dr. Google'7

By Scott Hammers The Bulletin

hortly after I learned I was pregnant, I found a new source for medical advice. Not only my obstetrician — though I was lucky enough to find one I liked and trusted — but Google. Was that just round-ligament pain or a sign of trouble? Better flip open my laptop to find out. After my son was born, I kept surfing the Web, despite finding a great pediatrician. Is this rash a reaction to a vaccine, or a symptom of a virus? Should I call the doctor? According to a new report by the Pew Research Center, I'm hardly alone. One in three U.S. adults has gone online to diagnose a medical problem, according to a national telephonesurvey. Fortypercent offemale respondentsand 30 percent ofmales said they'd done this. Younger adults are more likely than older ones — 47 percent of adults 18 to 29 said they'd turned to the Web for diagnoses, compared with just D percentofthose 65 and older. Forty-nine percent of college graduates compared with just 9 percent of people with less than a high school diploma, had consulted the Internet. And 51 percent of adults in households earning $75,000 or more said they'd looked to the Internet for diagnoses,compared with just25 percent of those earning less than $30,000. Interestingly, those who consult "Dr. Google" are more likely to have medical insurance than not. The Pew study made no attempt to determine whether the Internet is good or bad for health care. Local experts say, not surprisingly, that it depends. More knowledge can mean more power for patients. But online queries carry risks of their own. Scott Safford, a psychologist who works for St. Charles as a behavioral health consultant, says frequent searches can promote what is known as "health anxiety," or hypochondria. It reminds him of "Medical School Syndrome," in which doctors-to-be — steepedin storiesofrare diseases — suspectthatthey suff erfrom every affliction. In addition to stress, Dr. Richard MacDonell says this can lead to expensive, unnecessary procedures. He says a patient recently demanded an extensive series of blood tests based on something he'd read. MacDonell owns MyMD, a boutique internal medicine practice that charges an annual fee on top of regular medical costs. Patients get 24hour cell phone access to MacDonell, longer visits, even house calls. He estimates 80 percent of his patients ask about something they've read online. "It leads to good questions, and it startsa conversation,"he says. But Safford points out that Web surfers could wrongly conclude that their symptoms aren't serious. "Someone who is starting to slur their speech and the muscles in their face have gone slack ... is probably having is a stroke. They need to get to the ER, they don't need to hop online


A lawsuit alleging wrongful termination by former Sunriverpolice chief Michael Kennedy was partially dismissed by a federal judge last week, but Kennedy's attorney said the suit will go forward. A 22-year veteran of the small department, Kennedy was appointed chief in 2000. In February 2012, the managing board of the Sun-

river Service District fired Kennedy, claiming he was the wrong person to lead an effort to improve relations between the police department and the community. Kennedy filed suit in July 2012, asserting his firing was politically motivated and seeking payment of $1 million to compensate for lost wages and damage to his reputation. The suit identifies the service district, the Deschutes

County Board of Commissioners, the Sunriver Owners Association, former SROA board member John Salzerand former service district board member Doug Seator as defendants. In the account laid out in Kennedy's suit, the former chief claimed he repeatedly butted heads with the boardsofthe service district and the SROA in recent years, and that members of the two boards fired

him in retaliation. In an opinion Jan. 16, U.S. District Court Judge Ann Akin found Kennedy failed to demonstrate that the County Commission or the SROA had anyinvolvement in the service district's decision to fire him, regardless of the commission's supervisory authority, or the fact the district board was composed of SROA members. SeeSunriver/B2

Bend homedurns A fire, likely sparked from combustibles left

near a propaneheater, spread from agarage and damaged ahouse in Bend onFridayevening. The BendFire Department responded at 6:59 p.m. to the fire at19483

Apache Road.Theattached garagewasfully engulfed andspreading to the attic and interior of the house when firefighters arrived. Firefighters had it extinguished after 25 minutes. The investigation has

beencompleted,andthe fire likely started because combustibles were

too close to aportable propane heater in the ga-

rage, according to afire department statement Saturday. The occupants were working on avehicle in the garage and left materials to close to the

heater, which ignited, according to the fire de-

partment. The department recommendskeeping at least three feet of

space betweenheaters


and combustibles like

paper, wood, fabrics and furniture. The occupants, Casey Bergum and Jaqueline Dodd-Perry, lost nearly


'r~' Vj

'g ( <


all the property within the house, which was left uninhabitable due to fire

damage,according to the fire department. The

occupants hadrenter's insurance. Theowner of the house is Don Aas-

land, according to thefire department. Damage to the build-

ing was estimatedat Photos by Joe Kline /The Bulletin

Oregon State University Extension instructor Glenda Hyde talks about cutting and preparing vegetables for a soup or stew Saturday during the Know Money: Stretching Your Food Dollars program at the East Bend Library.

$125,000, with the building value estimated at $250,000. The esti-

mated loss of property

e t

s o


within the house isabout $125,000, with another

a its

$1,000 in damage to a vehicle, according to the

fire department. — Bulletin staff report

orwa etsan waistines By Ben Botkin The Bulletin

Plan your trips to the grocery store with a list. Keep the size of your meal portions down. Avoid buying food on an impulse just because it's a good deal. Those are just a few of the tips offered in a class Saturday at the East Bend Public Library. Two dozen attended the class, called "Stretching Your Food Dollars," and got some advice from Glenda Hyde, a home economist and instructor with Oregon State University Extension Services of Deschutes County. The class was one ofa series ofeventsoffered this month by the Deschutes Public Library that focus on financial and monetary themes.

Oregon State University Extension instructor Glenda Hyde demonstrates how to zest an orange. Hyde cautioned the attendees to start small instead of radically overhauling their food buying habits overnight. "I want you to think of one thing to start this week," Hyde said.

She encouraged the group to look

for coupons and sales that match their needs. "You really don't need 52 jars of mustard," she said. The event wasn't focused solely on saving money on groceries. The other goal was to encourage people to eat healthier while saving money. To accomplish that task, she recommends buying fruits and vegetables in season and freezing leftover food — fruits or otherwise — to eat another day. "If you don't use it, you lose it," Hyde said. That applies to h o me-cooked soups and stews. Hyde cooked up a vegetable stew, dicing an onion, chopping celery, cutting carrots and paring a potato. SeeShopping/B2

WASHINGTON WEEK WASHINGTON — Republican leaders in the

House of Representatives backedawayfrom a potential showdown over raising the debt

ceiling last week,and instead pushed a plan that would extend the date by

which the government hits its borrowing limit for three months. See Week/B2

and Google," he says. Doctors are, understandably, defensive that their training can't be replicatedby search engines.But people have long made health decisions at home. In that sense, the Internet is no different from, say, an untrained friendwho offersadvice. Online queries do not seem to be replacing doctors' visits. In fact, 53 percentofthose who searched the Web said they followed up with a doctor. Roughly 41 percent of those who found a diagnosis online said their suspicions were confirmed. Eight out of 10 online health queriesstartata search engine such as Google or Bing, while only 13 percent begin at health-specific sites, such as the Mayo Clinic's. "Information is only as good as where you get it from and how you use it," Safford says. As for me, Dr. Google has its limits. I opted not to download a new app that promised to assess my moles for skin cancer. As MacDonell puts it: "A computer screen doesn't know your health history and never went to medical school." — Lily Raff McCaulouis a columnist for The Bulletin. 541-617-7836, traff@bendbulletin.com

Site sought for UOtelescope in Central Oregon in1963 Compiled by Don Hoiness from archived copies of The Bulletin at the Des Chutes Historical Museum.

100 YEARS AGO For the week ending Jan. 26, 1913

Truant officer coming Announcement is made on this issue by County Superintendent of Schools J.E. Myers that the law in reference to truants will be rigidly enforced after the first of the month. Prof. J.H. Shouse believes there are many children between the ages of 9 and 15 years in Bend who are not attending school as required by law.Mr. Myers states

YESTERDAY that he will send the newly appointed truant officer to Bend "on his first official visit and will do all in my power to see that delinquents in your city turn over a new leaf." The penalty for noncompliance with the compulsory education law is a fine of from $5 to $25 inflicted on parents of the delinquents or imprisonment in the county jail of two to ten


'Goldnugget' geese Poultrymen around Bend might find it very profitable to raise such fowls as these, as told about in the newspaper.

"For Thanksgiving dinner Mr. and Mrs. John Hall, southeast of town, killed two of their geese, and while dressing them found a nugget of gold in the craw of each. "These proved to be valuable geese but they were yet to learn the real value of their flock, for they sold two geese to Henry Klump, Sr., for a Christmas dinner, and a gold nugget was found in the craw of each. The fowls, which seemingly had been fed on such nuggets, were sold at the regular market price, but there is one goose remaining of the flock and it remains to be seen whether its insides are a

pocket of gold." SeeYesterday/B3





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E VENT TODAY VOLUNTEEREXPO: Community organizations will be on hand to talk about volunteering options; free; noon-3 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1050 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. KNOW MONEY:REAL-LIFE BURIED TREASURE:Discover gold prospecting, metal detecting, treasure hunting, rock collecting and more, with an interactive gold panning demonstration; free; 1 p.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-312-1034 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. "ANNIE JR.": Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the musical about Little Orphan Annie, set in 1930s New York City; $15, $10 ages 18 and younger; 2 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Pinckney Center for the Arts, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-4195558 or www.beattickets.org. "TWELFTH NIGHT": Cascades Theatrical Company presents Shakespeare's comedy about mistaken identities and merry rogues; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 2 p.m .;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. cascadestheatrical.org. "COUPLE DATING": Susan Benson directs the play by Cricket Daniel; $18, $15 students and seniors; 3 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com.

MONDAY CONVERSATIONS ONBOOKS AND CULTURE: Readand discuss "The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness" by Michelle Alexander; followed by a discussion; free; Jan. 28, Feb. 11 and Feb. 25, noon to1 p.m.;

AL E N D A R Central Oregon Community College, CampusCenter,2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7412. MASTERS OFMOTOWN: A celebration of Motor City artists and rhythm 8 blues music, with a live band, singing and dancing; $35-$45 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-3170700 or www.towertheatre.org.

TUESDAY HISTORY PUB: Learn about"The Extraordinary Life of Homer C. Davenport, Political Cartoonist"; free;7 p.m., doors open at6 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com.

WEDNESDAY JON WAYNEAND THEPAIN: The Minneapolis-based reggae-rock act performs; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St.Francis School,700 N.W .Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com. "ONE NIGHTSTAND: CREATING A PLAY IN ADAY": A behind-thescenes look into the creation of four short Broadway musicals in just 24 hours; $12.50; 7:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-3826347. "TWELFTH NIGHT": Cascades Theatrical Company presents Shakespeare's comedy about mistaken identities and merry rogues; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. cascadestheatrical.org.




Continued from B1 However, A i ken's r u l i ng makes no mention of the legitimacy of Kennedy's claims against the service district, Salzer and Seator. Kennedy's attorney, Roxanne Farra of Bend, said in an email Friday. She said discovery is under way for the aspects of the case that were not dismissed, and she expects depositions will be scheduled in April. Among his claims, Kennedy said the SROA was displeased by his insistence that contracts forsupport services the SROA provided to the service district be reviewed by an o u t side party. The district had been paying "premium prices" to the SROA for accounting, administrative services and fleet maintenance, Kennedy's suit alleges, and Kennedy's efforts to discontinue the p ractice were not well received by the SROA. Kennedy's suit also claims he ran afoul of the SROA, Salzer and Seator, then members of the SROA board, during a dispute over the status of roads in Sunriver. Kennedy maintains Sunriver's r oads should be considered public highways — for a time, the roads were considered private, preventing police from enforcing traffic laws. He claims his efforts to see that state law recognized them as such pitted him against the two board members. In retaliation, Salzer gave Kennedy an unfavorable performance evaluation, the suit claimed, while Seator allegedlypressured Sunriveroffi cers to say they formed a union to protect themselves from Kennedy. Kennedy's suit also noted a dispute between Sunriverarea resident Robert Foster and the SROA, the service district and Sunriver Police. After Foster allegedly followed a Sunriver policeofficer home — Foster disputes the claim — Kennedy asked the SROA to bar Foster from the building shared by the SROA and the police department. The owners associationrefused. Instead, Kennedyclaims,the SROA asked Kennedy to file a stalking complaint against Foster. Kennedy refused; two officers who said they had been followed eventually did file a stalking complaint. In January 2012, at a court hearing on the stalking complaint, Kennedy claimed Salzer asked Foster if firing Kennedy would help resolve the matter. Kennedy claims Foster told Salzer it would, but Salzer has since disputed the allegation.

Continued from 61 She then tossed in zucchini slices, canned tomatoes and

— Reporter: 541-383-0387, shammers®bendbulletin.com

Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communitylife@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at vttvrrw.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin

Miya Corpstein, center, plays Annie in "Annie Jr." today at Central Oregon Community College's Pinckney Center for the Arts. AND OTHERPORTRAITS OF IRAQ": Photojournalist Joel Preston Smith discusses how various biases lead to prejudice against Middle Eastern Societies, with a photo exhibit; free; 6:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7412. BROTHERS GOW:The San Diegobased rock group performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com. "COUPLEDATING": Susan Benson directs the play by Cricket Daniel; $18, $15 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. "THE BEST OFRIFFTRAX LIVE: PLAN 9 FROMOUTERSPACE": A screening of the PG-13 film, with commentary by the comedians of "Mystery Science Theater 3000"; $12.50; 7:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium168 IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive,Bend;541-3826347 or www.fathomevents.com.

parsley. She also put together a barley salad, pointing o ut that nutrition co mes fr o m colorful foods like mandarin oranges, green peas and red

bell peppers.

Week Continued from 61 Now, instead of butting up against the debt ceiling in late February, around the same time the automatic cuts of sequestration are scheduled to go into effect, the government won't hit the debt ceiling until May.

The No Budget NoPayAct also included provisions that would

Along the way, she gave tips on f o o d p r eparation. With red bell peppers, for example, a co o k do e s n't need to awkwardly dig out the inner white membranes with a knife piece by piece. Hint: Cut off the top and bot-

tom of the pepper, making it easier clean out the inside parts. The audience got p ack-

"TWELFTH NIGHT":Cascades Theatrical Company presents Shakespeare's comedy about mistaken identities and merry rogues; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. cascadestheatrical.org. MATT HOPPER &THE ROMAN CANDLES: The Idaho-based psychedelic rocker performs; $5; 9 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www. silvermoonbrewing.com.

FRIDAY DAY OF ZINN: Celebrate the life and works of Howard Zinn; brown bag teach-in and discussion;Cascades Hall, room117; free; noon-1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600N.W.College W ay,Bend;541383-7700. FIRSTFRIDAY GALLERY WALK: Event includes art exhibit openings, artist talks, live music, wine and foodindowntown Bend andthe

ets with instructions about freezing fruits and vegetables and planning meals that save money. For Sue Siefken of Bend, the class was a good learning experience. She feeds a family of four, including two teenagers, on a monthly budget of about $800. She said the wide range of

tips — freezing small bags

halt paychecks for members of to guide the bill through the Seneach chamber if they fail to pass a ate quickly. budget by April 15. The bil lpassed Wednesday, U.S. HOUSEVOTE 285-144, with199 Republicans • Extend the debt ceiling and 86 Democrats voting in for 3 months its favor. With 33 Republicans I/I/alden(R)..................... Y joining 111Democrats in voting no, House leadership needed B/umenauer (D)............. N Democratic support to ensure the

legislation's passage. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., indicated he intends

Bonamici (0).................. OeFazio (D)..................... Schrader (0) ..................


Old Mill District; free; 5-9 p.m.; throughout Bend. CIVILITY IN DIGITAL COMMUNICATIONS:Dinner and discussion; OSUCascades room 117 and 118; reservations requested; free; 5:30-7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7412 or sara.thompson@osucascades.edu. "WORD PLAY" SPEECHAND DEBATESHOWCASE:Top speakers from area high schools showcase their talents in various speeches and topical debates, with dessert; proceeds benefit area high schools; $1; 6-7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. FROM PRINTTO PIXELS: A presentation titled, "The Act of Reading in the Digital Age"; with author Mark Allen Cunningham; free; 6:30 p.m.; Crook County Library, 175 N.W. Meadow Lakes Drive, Prineville; 541-447-7978. "BERNIE": A screening of the PG13-rated 2011 film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. E St., Madras; 541475-3351 or www.jcld.org. "COUPLE DATING": Susan Benson directs the play by Cricket Daniel; $18, $15 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. "TWELFTH NIGHT": Cascades Theatrical Company presents Shakespeare's comedy about mistaken identities and merry rogues; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. cascadestheatrical.org.

SATURDAY FLEET FEETFREEZER: 5K or 10K run; proceeds benefit a local family in need; donations or gift cards

of foodfor later use, for example — will help her stay within her budget. For Nancy Bourquard of Bend, the class encouraged her to try buying dried beans instead of canned. "1 always tryto save money whenever I go to the grocery store," she said. — Reporter: 541-977-7185, bbotkin@bendbulletin.com

Tuesday, the Houseeasily

requested; 8:30 a.m.; Fleet Feet Sports, 1320 N.W. Galveston Ave., Bend; 541-389-1601, shannah© fleetfeetbend.com or www. fleetfeetbend.com. VFW BREAKFAST:Community breakfast buffet with eggs, hash browns and french toast; $8.50; 8:30-10:30 a.m.; VFWHall, 1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-3890775. "RANCHING IN OREGON — HISTORICPERSPECTIVE, CONTEMPORARY ISSUES" EXHIBIT OPENS:Explore the history of the ranching industry in Oregon, as well as current ranching issues, through Jan. 26; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-3824754 or www.highdesertmuseum. OI'g.

SATURDAYMARKET: Featuring local vendors, with new and used items, antique collectibles, crafts and more; free admission; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Bend Masonic Center 1036 N.E. Eighth St.; 541-977-1737. CERN PRESENTATION: A lecture by astronomer Bill Logan about the European Organization for Nuclear Research and the Large Hadron Collider; free; noon-1 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. KNOW CLUE:CLUEING IN TO YOUR INTUITION: Learn an exercise to develop the practical skill of intuition from Karen Grace Kassy; free; 2 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-3121034 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. KNOW CLUE:MURDER MOST FOUL: Deschutes Public Library librarians suggest and discuss riveting mystery books; free; 2 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1032 or www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar.

Findoutmore For information about planning meal budgets with an

eye toward nutrition and savings, visit:

www.choosemyplate.gov www.extension.iastate. edu/foodsavings

votes were Republicans.

passed a bill reauthorizing vari-

ous preparations for a bioterrorism attack. The Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act

U.S. HOUSEVOTE • Pandemic and All-Hazards

Preparedness Act Walden(R)..............................Y Blumenauer (0) ......................Y domestic biological, chemical and Bonamici (0/...........................Y nuclear attacks. OeFazio (D)..............................Y The bill passed, 395-29, with Schrader(D) ...........................Y 199 Republicans and196 Demokeeps active several federal programs meant to stave off and mitigate the possible impact of

crats voting yes. All 29 of the no

— Andrew Clevenger, TheBulletin

PUBLIC OFFICIALS For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit www.bendbulletin.com/officials.

CONGRESS U.S. Senate • Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore. 107 Russell SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C.20510 Phone: 202-224-3753 Web: http:I/merkley.senate.gov Bend office: 131 N.W.HawthorneAve., Suite 208 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-318-1298 • Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. 223 Dirksen SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C.20510 Phone: 202-224-5244 W eb:http:I/wyden.senate.gov Bend office: 131 N.W.HawthorneAve., Suite107 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-330-9142

U.S. Houseof Representatives • Rep. Greg Waldert, R-HoodRlver 2182 Rayburn HouseOffice Building Washington, D.C.20515 Phone: 202-225-6730 Web:http://walden.house.gov Bend office: 1051 N.W. BondSt., Suite 400 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452

STATE OF OREGON • Gov. John Kitzhaber, D 160 State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4582 Fax:503-378-6872 Web: http://governor.oregon.gov • Secretary of State Kate Brown, 0 136 State Capitol Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1616 Fax: 503-986-1616 Email: oregon.sos©state.or.us • Treasurer Ted Wheeler, 0 159Oregon State Capitol 900Court St. NJL Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4329 Email: oregon.treasurer@state.or.us Web: www.ost.state.or.us • Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, D 1162 Court St. N.E.

Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4400 Fax:503-378-4017 Web: www.doj.state.or.us • Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian 800 N.E. Oregon St., Suite1045 Portland, OR97232 Phone:971-673-0761 Fax:971-673-0762 Email: boli.mail@state.or.us Web: www.oregon.gov/boli

Email: rep.mikemclanetostate.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/mclane • Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-District 53 (portion of DeschutesCounty) 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1453 Email: rep.genewhisnant©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whisnant


1300 N.W.Wall St., Bend, OR97701 Web: www.deschutes.org Phone:541-388-6571 Fax: 541-382-1692

Senate • Sert. Ted Ferrioli, R-District30 (includesJefferson, portion ofDeschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1950 Email: sen.tedferrioli@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/ferrioli • Sert. TimKnopp, R-District27 (includes portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1727 Email: sen.timknopp@state.or.us W eb: www.leg.state.or.us/knopp • Sen. Doug Whitsett, R-District28 (includes Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., 8-303 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsett©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whitsett

House • Rep. Jason Conger, R-District 54 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1454 Email: rep.jasonconger©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/conger • Rep. JohnHuffman, R-District 59 (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1459 Email: rep.johnhuffman@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/huffman • Rep. Mike McLane, R-District55 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1455


County Commission • Tammy Baney, R-Bend Phone: 541-388-6567 Email: Tammy Baney@co.deschutes .Qr.us

• Alan Unger, D-Redmond Phone: 541-388-6569 Email: Alan Unger@co.deschutes .Or.us

• Tony DeBone, R-La Pine Phone: 541-388-6568 Email: Tony DeBone©co.deschutes .Qr.us

CROOK COUNTY 300 N JLThird St., Prineville, OR 97754 Phone: 541-447-6555 Fax: 541-416-3891 Email: administration©co.crook.or.us Web: co.crook.or.us


Email: Camden.King@ci.redmond .or.us • Ginny McPherson Phone: to bedetermined Email: Ginny.McPherson© ci.redmond

710 N.W.Wall St. Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-388-5505 Web: www.ci.bend.or.us

• Ed Onimus Phone: 541-604-5403 Email: Ed.0nimus@ci.redmond.or.us

Phone: 541-475-2449 Email: commissioner@co.jefferson .OI'.US

• City Manager Eric King Phone:541-388-5505 Email: citymanager@ci.bend.or.us

City Council • Jodie Barram Phone:541-388-5505 Email: jbarram@ci.bend.or.us • Mark Capell Phone:541-388-5505 Email: mcapell@ci.bend.or.us • Jim Clinton Phone:541-388-5505 Email: jclinton@ci.bend.or.us • Victor Chudowsky Contact infoto be determined • Doug Knight Contact infoto be determined • Scott Ramsay Phone:541-388-5505 Email: sramsay@ci.bend.or.us • Sally Russell Phone: 541-480-8141 Email: srussell@ci.bend.or.us



CITY OF LA PINE P.O. Box3055, 16345 Sixth St. La Pine, OR97739 Phone: 541-536-1432 Fax: 541-536-1462

City Council • Kathy Agan Phone: 541-536-1432 Email: kagan@ci.la-pine.or.us • Ken Mttlenex Phone: 541-536-1432 Email: kmulenex@ci.la-pine.or.us • Don Greiner Phone: 541-536-1432 Email: dgreiner@ci.la-pine.or.us • Dan Varcee Phone: 541-536-1432 Email: dvarcoe@ci.la-pine.or.us • Stu Martinez Phone: 541-536-1432 Email: smartinez@ci.la-pine.or.us

CITY OF CULVER 200 W. First St., Culver, OR 97734 Phone:541-546-6494 Fax:541-546-3624

•CrookCountyJudge MikeMcCabe Phone: 541-447-6555 Email: mike.mccabe©co.crook.or.us

716 S.W.EvergreenAve. Redmond, OR 97756 Phone: 541-923-7710 Fax:541-548-0706

County Court

City Council

City Council

• Ken Fahlgren Phone: 541-447-6555 Email: ken.fahlgren©co.crook.or.us

• Mayor George Endicott Phone: 541-948-3219 Email: George.Endicott©ci.redmond .or.us • Jay Patrick Phone:541-508-8408 Email: Jay.Patrick©ci.redmond.or.us • Tory Allmart Phone: 541-923-7710 • Joe Centanni Phone: 541-923-7710 Joe.gentanni©ci.redmond.or.us • Camden King Phone:541-604-5402

• Nancy Dlaz, Laura Dudley, Amy McCttlly, Sharon Orr, Shannon Poole, Hilario Diaz Phone: 541-546-6494

JEFFERSON COUNTY 66 S.E. 0 St., Madras, OR97741 Phone: 541-475-2449 Fax:541-475-4454 Web: www.co.jefferson.or.us

County Commission • Mike Ahern, John Hatfield, Wayne Fording

Mayor • Shawna Clanton

CITY OF METOLIUS 636 Jefferson Ave., Metolius, OR97741 Phone: 541-546-5533

City Council • Bob Bozarth, John Chavez, Bill Reynolds, Tla Powell, Patty Wyler Phone: 541-546-5533



Judge dismisses inmate's lawsuit after numerous interruptions in court

AROUND THE STATE Report: Oregon agriculture lagging — A stateBoardof Agriculture report has warned that Oregon is lagging behind its Western

counterparts in important categories like net farm income.TheSalem Statesman Journal reports Oregon had the highest percentage of farms with sales less than $10,000 and the lowest average amount of

farm products sold. Net farm income is calculated by assessing the The Associated Press P ORTLAND — A j ur o r said he w a s d i s appointed that a former inmate's excessive force lawsuit against jail guards was d i smissed because the inmate kept interrupting the trial. Michael Darfler, a Portland resident who was on the jury, noted Chadwick Yancey was smaller than the guards and said he "didn't deserve to get beat up." Yancey, who was representing h i mself, sued the Northern Oregon Regional Correctional Facility and four employeesover histreatment in the jail. But U.S. District Judge Michael Mosman abruptly dismissed Yancey's lawsuit last week after Yancey repeatedly interrupted the jail g u ards' lawyer, argued with the judge and accused court staff of lying. Mosman said he considered Yancey's case "credible,"

Yesterday Continued from B1

Bill Hanley gives advice B ill Hanley, farmer a n d philosopher, who is interested in so many acres of land i n Central Oregon that h e himself hardly k n ows how many, says that the greatest problem of Oregon is to get ready to take care of the immigrants who w il l f l o ck to this state when the Panama Canal is opened to the world. "I find a lot of people are worrying a good deal about what kind of a showing Oregon is going to make at the San Francisco fair," said he. " The real t h i n g t o w o r r y about is how are we going to take care of the large numb er of people of al l k i n d s who surely are coming here. W hen you b egin t o t h i n k of that, you are getting to a subject that i s bi g e nough to keep us all w o rking for a long time. It i s O regon's big question, and it is going to be answered too, not by talk, but by just such work as the ir r igation congress, the d e velopment l e a gues and the c ommercial clubs and chambers of commerce are doing. Cooperation is the watchword, a n d c o o p eration will solve the problem of caring for our share of the immigrants. "Now, the thing that's got to be done with these people who are going to come here, is to see to it that they get started right. The problem is to get them to go through the cities to the country and to get the right places. They will go if we get ready to see to them right. The cities must cooperate with the farmers, and the towns and villages m ust be b r ought i nt o t h e plan, so that we will have everyone working for the great good of the masses. If we do this, which I know we will , then our problem is solved."

75 YEARS AGO For the week ending Jan. 26, 1938

Basketball game is billed tonight A traveling girls basketball team, the Red Heads, will meet the Grange basketball team here tonight at the Redmond high school gymnasium. The Red Heads, who have beentraveling for several seasons, play under men's rules and have been winning theirshare ofgames. A nother attraction of t h e evening will be the appearance o f He l e n S t e phens, Olympic champion sprinter and all-around athlete. She will appear in an exhibition race the length of the hall between halves of the game, with the players furnishing opposition.

A bottle of helium heads for Germany The first shipment of helium ever to leave the United States, a big steel bottle of gas from the Amarillo, Texas, fields is

ties took him out of his cell, h andcuffed hi s h a nds b e hind his back and had him sit down with a sergeant. Video from a security camera shows Yancey speaking as his leg t w i tched under the table. A deputy then approached the inmate, pulled h im by his shirt out of t h e chair and threw him face-first against the concrete wall. Yancey claimed that deputies pulled him from the camera's line of sight and continued to beat him. He said he sustained mul-

teeth from the blows. The attorney representing the jail and the guards said Yancey was out of control that day. The defense attorney said the deputy threw Yancey into the wall as a means to control him, a tactic deputies learn for getting control of inmates. During the t r i al, Yancey frequently interrupted Wagner's o p e nin g s t a t ement, drawing warnings from the judge. He also violated the judge's previous rulings when he tried to bring up a previous excessiveforce case against NORCOR. "It was certainly my hope, to which I devoted my best efforts, to see that this case was decided on the merits," Mosman r u l e d T h u r sday. "Unfortunately, those best effortswere underminedby Mr. Yancey's own misconduct." Yancey said he will appeal

tiple injuries, including losing

the judge's decision.

The dismissal "was (the plaintiff's) fault for not shutting his mouth. I wanted to go out there and say, 'Dude, be quiet, and you'll probably be fine.'" — Juror Michael Darfler

but his conduct made it impossible to proceed. Darfler told T h e O r egonian that the dismissal "was (Yancey's) fault for not shutting his mouth. I wanted to go out there and say, 'Dude, be quiet, and you'll probably be fine.'" Yancey said Friday that his interruptions stemmed from not understanding the court process andfrom frustration over rulings he felt unfairly limited him. In o p e nin g s t a tements, Y ancey said t hat a f ter h e fought with an inmate, depu-

consigned to Germany. It is part of the 17,900,000 cubic feet to be used in the new LZ130, sister ship of the ill-fated Hindenburg. The gas is transported in 468 of these bottles aboard the German steamer Dessau, docked in Houston.

Cache Mountain, 5,500 feet

value left to the farmer after expenses are deducted. Washington and

Idaho nearly double Oregonsales, and California farm sales amount to five times the value of Oregon's averagesales per farm, according to the report. Recommendations include expanding markets and increasing sales locally, regionally and internationally, along with

helping growers meet newfood safety standards that the report describes as more stringent and costly.

Man sentenced for digging up tridal artifacts — A North Bend man convicted of repeatedly disturbing a Native American tribal

site has been sentenced to five years' probation andfined $2,000. Prosecutors sayDavid Gieselmandug upthe objects from the site on the north shore of Coos Bay. Hewas discovered by Confederated Tribes of the Coos, Lower Umpqua and Siuslaw officials in February 2010and

May 2010.KGW-TVreports Oregon State Policesearchedhis houseand found180 artifacts. A judge ordered Gieselman to forfeit12 tribal artifacts and banned him from entering Oregon state parks for five years.

4 reSCued frOm grOunded Crad duat — Fourpeopleandadog have beenrescued from a61-foot Oregon crabboat that ran aground on the southwestWashington coast, andcrews areworking to pump anestimated1,200 gallons of fuel off the vessel. The Coast Guard responded early Friday to the Genesis A after the Warrenton boat got stuck on a

sand bar atthe entrance toWillapa Bay.Washington fish andwildlife officials closed a mile-long section at the northwest end of the Long Beach

Peninsula to keeprazor clam diggers awayfrom the vessel. Thestate says 90 percent of thebeach remains openfor athree-day clam dig. — From wire reports

Carbonne's profession and

en sculptures of native trout ity work would be compensaare on display at The Patient tion enough for me." a possible site. In the same in opposite directions — but Angler fly f i shing shop on Carbonne still does taxiarea is Abbot Butte, 4,315 feet not anymore. Division Street and the Sun d ermy bu t h e i n t e nds t o high. The possibility of using Two years ago, Carbonne Bird Art Gallery on Minne- concentrate on carving and high Paulina Peak is also be- began carving and painting sota Avenue. eventually work on nothing ing brought to the attention of exact wooden replicas of fish Carbonne also carves elab- but wooden fish replicas. " I don't l ik e k i l l ing a n iDr. Ebbinghausen. That peak, released by anglers at area orate stream-bottom scenes, now accessible by a road, is lakes and streams. w ith w o oden s t ones a n d mals to mount them, and if I Man prevented from trying a lookout site and overlooks N ow, using p h otos a n d carefully sculpted plants sur- never had to mount another McKenzie Pass Newberry Crater. It is noted measurements taken by the rounding the lifelike carved skinned fish, bird or g ame The sheriff's office held that Paulina Peak should be f ishermen, the f ormer A n fish. head, it would be fine with Edward Ballwebber of Minfree of air turbulence found chorage, A l a sk a r e s ident, T he carvings ar e m a d e me," he said. "As a guide, I neapolis in custody today af- on or near the Cascade di- can reproduce th e t r o phy from alder or geltoungewant the fish to still be swimter hewas forcibly prevented vide, where oceanic weath- fish down to the most minute both extremely tight-grained ming the day after it has been yesterday from crossing the e r and i nterior dr y w i n d s details — including crooked woods and C arbonne caught." d angerous, snow-filled M cintermingle. jaws and scarred sides. said they w i l l l a s t i n d efi"I always felt that catchKenzie pass. The chief research objective nitely without drying out or B allwebber, who said h e will be studying the bright- and-release fishermen were warping. r j g was on his way to eastern Or- ness of s t ars, p a rticularly doing a good thing by letting Last year, Carbonne enegon in search of work, was binary stars, pairs that are their fish live, but they never tered some of h i s w o oden YEAR-END CLEARANCE i stopped by C C C e n rollees eclipsed as they circle each g ot rewarded for i t , " s a id fish in a world championship about 70 miles from Eugene, other and therefore display Carbonne. woodcarving contest. He finCONTINUES!! I "With (wood carved repa few miles west of the pass. variations in brightness. ished in the top 10 and is hop- I I He was held until Sheriff C.A. In addition to the primary licas), they get an affordable ing for an even better show- I I • Swarts arrived and returned research project, Dr. Ebbing- and p e r manent r e m i nder ing in this year's competition. I I "I want to be recognized for I him to Eugene. hausen hopes to demonstrate of their fish that is always a I I Swarts s ai d B a l l webber that astronomical research is piece of art and will always what I do," he said. "Winning I failed to appreciate the dan- feasible in Oregon, particu- have value," he said. would be nice, but being rec- I I I gers of crossing the pass in larly at high altitudes during Some of Carbonne's wood- ognized for putting out qualI I mid-winter. the summer months when I I the air is clear and visibility News from Brothers I I 1S good. I I The county c o mmission- Note to readers: The site I ers were out here last week, chosen wasPine Mountain, Q NoRTHWEsT II I inspecting lands the county is southeast of Millican, CROSSING I I advertising for sale. and has been operating I I Tom Rickman shipped two continuously for 50years. Award-urinning I I truckloads of cattle to PortI I You don't make jokes neighborhood land Saturday. With Coupon, James Boyce went to Bend about Castro in Cuba on Bend's I while supplies last. to meet his brother, who came You don't make jokes about urestsi.de. I I ¹Ft out herefrom the east. Fidel — not on Fidel's island. bendbulletjn.com I HWY 20E & Dean Swift Rd. I A lfred W ilson spent t h e And a Cuban comic, among www.northwestcrossing,com I (1 block West of Costco) I week-end at th e B a rb-wire the refugees who arrived in > 541-323-3011• starks.com i ranch at Hampton butte. Florida Friday, said he spent Len Bright went to Bend last two months in a Havana jail week for medical treatment. to prove it. V.N. Dykestra ha s b een Leopoldo Fer na n dez, sawing wood for Gus Grill. known as "Pototo" said he Marion Shaver and David was thrown in jail during a Cody are trapping. sketch he and others were Ben Murphy, who has a performing at Havana's Naband of sheep on Bear buttes, tional Theater. came through here last week I n the sketch, he and a on his way to Stauffer, where group of workmen were hanghis brother has another band. ing pictures of Cuban leaders The Bend-Burns highway on wall. "Throw that one in the garis in excellent condition. bage," he said when a picture of former Cuban dictator Ful50 YEARS AGO gencio Batista was brought • • 0 For the week ending out. "Put that one over there," he Jan. 26, 1963 ordered when another lead• e • e • UO telescope to be er's picture was produced. set up in Cascades A picture of Fidel Castro A 15-inch telescope that was brought in. "I'll hang that one myself." normally sits atop the Science Building on the University of F ernandez said a s s o on Oregon campus is to be placed as he said the line, militiaat some favorable site in the men jumped on the stage and I • Cascades in the late summer dragged him off to jail. When of 1963 for a special study of he was released he found the the brightness of stars. National Theater had been Dr.E.B. Ebbinghausen, U of closed. • • • • • II 0 professor of physics, has received a $5,500 National Sci25 YEARS AGO ence Foundation grant for the study and will be in charge of For the week ending Qe Pa the project. Jan. 26, 1988 Dr. Ebbinghausen was beRiver guide carves ing notified today that there are several sites in the Des- comfortable niche • • e • e • • chutes National Forest just R oger Carbonne ha d a east of the Cascades divide moral dilemma. that may be favorable for the As a taxidermist, his busiprojected study. Location of ness depended on h u nters the observatory has not yet and fishermen who hired him • II ! been chosen. It will probably to mount skins and furs from be situated at a high elevation their trophy fish and game. near aForest Service lookout. But as a guide on the DesThe site must be accessible by chutes River, he became an road, because the weight and advocate of th e c atch-andfragility of the scientific inrelease program, in which strument makes "packing-in" fishermen are not allowed to impossible. keep trout over a certain size.

high, is being suggested as conscience were pulling him

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By Kathy Aney

DEATH NOTICES Alfred "Louis" Elwess, of Terrebonne June 16, 1934 - Jan. 25, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: No services will be held at this time Contributions may be made to:

Hospice of Redmond 732 SW 23rd Street Redmond, OR 97756 www.redmondhospice.org

Donald G. "Don" Brown, of La Pine Oct. 1, 1922 - Jan. 16, 2013 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: A private Urn Placement for Don and his late wife, Melva, will be held at Willamette National Cemetery in Portland at a later date. Contributions may be made to:

Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701, 541-382-5882.

Dora Elizabeth Coffell, of Bend Sept. 22, 1935 - Jan. 24, 2013 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, 541-382-2471 www.niswonger-reynolds.com

Services: Graveside Service 2:00PM, Tuesday January 29, 2013 at Pilot Butte Cemetery, Bend, OR.

Inmates take pride in embroidery East Oregonian

ldabelle Deshazer, of La Pine (Formerly of Payette, Idaho) Sept. 16, 1922 - Jan. 19, 2013 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, May 11, 2013, at 11:00 a.m., a First Baptist Church in Payette, Idaho. Contributions may be made to:

First Baptist Church, P.O. Box 218, Payette, Idaho 83661.

Wilma M. (Roth) Greer, of Prineville April 17, 1923 - Jan. 23, 2013 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: A Memorial Service in the Spring will take place at La Pine Community Church. Service details will be published later to announce thetime and date. Contributions may be made to:

La Pine Community Church, P.O. Box 378, La Pine, OR 97739; or Prineville Christian Church, 1015 Combs Flat Road, Prineville, OR 97754.

PENDLETON — The Oregon Legislature and the Eastern Oregon Correctional Institution are 250 miles apart, but a tiny piece of cloth links them — a little Oregon flag with the state seal embroidered on one side and a beaver on the other. Inmates stitched the miniature flags. When the Legislature convened last week for the 2013 session, lawmakers found them planted in one corner of their desks inside chambers of leather and polished wood. Four inmates crafted the flags inside the cavernous and decidedly less posh EOCI

garment factory in Pendleton, at the request of Senate President Peter Courtney. Previous flags had displayed only the seal, even though statute d escribes a beaver on t h e flipside. Courtney d ecided to present legislators in the Senate and House with accurateflags that he purchased himself. The four guys who work in the embroidery shop added Courtney's order to the queue. The team stays busy embroidering clothing, bags, patches, hats and other items forstate,federaland nonprofit agencies such as schools, National Guard units, police departments and even the Pendleton Round-Up.

one of the heads, indicating a broken thread. Savelesky, sporting a pony tail and a tool belt, threaded the needle and restarted the machine. Each order goes first to the team's digitizer, Jeff Haney, who creates a design. Haney designed the flag and shrank the seal and beaver to fit. Because the flag has embroidery on both sides, the flag is folded over on itself. Haney didn't seem taxed, though the flag was his first back-to-

back (two-sided) embroidery order. "We can do about any customized work," he said, rubbing his goatee. "Our quality is really good. We take a lot of pride in what we do."

Horni was ast tosee 1statomic om By Douglas Martin

1970 to 1976, Hornig established a f o u r-year medical school. He oversaw the merger of Pembroke College, Brown University's women's school, with Brown College, the men's undergraduate schooL He faced student protests — including a 40-hour sit-in at Brown's administrative building — over cost cutting, minority admissions and other matters. He met some student demands but later declared that the university would n ever again negotiate with students

New Yorlz Times News Service

In a small shed at the top of a 100-foot-tall steel tower deep in the New Mexico desert, Dona ld Ho r n i g

Olltgaum 1erReuwh

FEATURED sat next to the

og g UARy world's first

atomic bomb in the late evening of July 15, 1945, reading a book of humorous essays. A storm raged, and he shuddered Mary Ellen Kollodge, at each lightning flash. of Sisters It was his second trip to the Mar. 28,1937- Jan. 23,2013 tower that day as part of the Arrangements: Manhattan Project, the secret occupying a building. He de==i'u&VWQ 4 g ® Autumn FuneralsAmerican effort to build an s cribed hi s p r e sidency a s Redmond (54'I -504-9485) "bittersweet." atomic bomb. He had earlier www.autumnfunerals.net armed thedevice,code-named Donald Frederick H ornig Services: Trinity, connecting switches he was born on March 17, 1920, in A Mass of Christian Burial had designed to the detonators. Milwaukee and attended Harwill be held on Saturday, But Robert Oppenheimer, vard, earning his undergraduFebruary 9, 2013 at 11:00 the scientific director of the ate degree there in 1940 and AM at St. Edward the project, had grown nervous his doctorate in 1943, both in Martyr Catholic Church, about leaving the bomb alone. chemistry. located at 123 Trinity Way in Sisters, Oregon. He told Hornig to return to the His dissertation was titled "An Investigation of the Shock tower and baby-sit the bomb. A little after midnight, the weathWave Produced by an Exploer had improved, and Hornig George Tames / New York Times News Service sion," and he went to work at was ordered down from the Donald Hornig, a chemist on the Manhattan Project, is pictured in the U nderwater E x plosives Sept. 28, 1954- Jan. 14, 2013 tower. He was the last man 1968,when he was science adviser to President Lyndon B. JohnLaboratory of the Woods Hole to leave and the last to see the son. Hornig died Monday in Providence, R.l. He was 92. O ceanographic I n stitute i n Janice Clarke, d a ughter weapon before it changed huMassachusetts. of Bend residents John and He joined the Manhattan N ancy C l a r ke , s i ster, o f man history. A little more than five miles ar age and also of a career that was said to disdain scientists Project after his boss at Woods Susie, Tom, Sally and Bob, p assed a w a y w i th h er away, Oppenheimer and others took Hornigto the White House and academics after so many of Hole passed along a mysterious family waited in a bunker to see if the as science adviser to President them had voiced opposition to invitation asking him to take a nd b e s t device they called "the gadget" Lyndon B. Johnson and to aca- the Vietnam War, which made an unspecified job at an unf riend a t would actually go off. After demic eminence as president it difficult for his science advis- specified location. No explanah er s i d e , Hornig joined them, he took of Brown University in Provier to lobby for them. tions were offered, and Hornig in A sh his position for his next task: dence, R.I., where he died MonBut when a power blackout declined. James Conant, the land, OR. placing his finger on a con- day at 92, his family said. hit the Northeast in 1965, the president of Harvard, helped Janice Hornig worked under John- president turned t o H o r nig persuade him to change his • l o v e d h e r sole switch that when pressed would abort the blast, should son from 1964 to 1969, confer- for guidance, as he did when mind. family and anything appear awry. The ring with him on space mis- earthquakes hit Denver. After Hornig and his new wife, the friends countdown began, his finger at sions and atom smashers as Sen. Robert F. Kennedy was former Lilli Schwenk, bought Janice Clarke f irst a n d the ready. well as on more practical mat- assassinated in 1968, Johnson an old Ford with frayed tires f oremost. S he w a s a The bomb was detonated ters, like providing sufficient sought Hornig's advice on ways and puttered to New Mexico. life-long adventurist with a at 5:29:45 a.m. on July 16 as hospitalbeds for Medicare pa- to detect concealed weapons. His wife, who also had a docpassion fo r t h e o u t d oors, Hornig and the others watched tients and desalting water for Under J o hnson, H o r n ig torate in chemistry, worked for i ncluding s k i i ng , h i k i n g , from the bunker. He later re- drinking. doubled the budget of what is the project as a typist, then as a mt. climbing, camping and membered theswirling orange He had actually been Presi- now the Officeof Science and scientist. c anoeing. Janice lived lif e Hornig is survived by his to it s f u l l est an d p a c k ed fireball filling the sky as "one of dent John F. Kennedy's choice Technology Policy, which he more into fifty eight years the most aesthetically beautiful for science adviser. Kennedy headed, and pushed for federal wife as well as his brother, than most will ever in a life things I have ever seen." had asked him to take the job research in housing and trans- Arthur; h i s s i ster, A r l ene time. Three weeks later, an atomic shortly before his assassination portation. He also helped kill a Westfahl; his daughters JoCelebration of life will be bomb was dropped on Hiro- in 1963, and Johnson followed proposal to put giant mirrors anna Hornig Fox and Ellen i n Lak e O swego, OR, o n shima. Three days after that, through with the appointment. into orbit over Vietnam to spot- Hornig; his son, Christopher; Jan. 27, 2013, as well as a Working for Johnson was re- light the enemy at night. n ine grandchildren; and 10 separate c e l e bration on another fell on Nagasaki. It was the dawn of the nucle- portedly not easy. The president As president of Brown from great-grandchildren. Mt. Hood in early August. For mor e d e t ails p l ease go to h t t p://memorialwebsites.legacy.com/Janice-Cl DEATHS ELSEWHERE a rke/homepage.aspx a n d sign the guest book. Deaths of note from around home in Manhattan. ~o ~enz theworld: Balthazar Korab, 86: Leading Mary Jane Phillips-Matz, 86: architectural photographer in 1924 Winchester, Mass, of Verdi and Puc- the period after World War II January 23, 2013 Bend, OR And Sellers Meet Biographer cini whose work sought, and when Modernist design remade 1000's Of Ads Lyn Lorenzdied at the ofage 88, by all a ccounts found, the the American landscape. Died Every Day January 2013, in her home with flesh-and-blood men behind Jan. 15 in Royal Oak, Mich. dignity, her soul filled with love — From wire reports the music. Died Jan. 19 at her I


Kody Gene White, of Bend Nov. 18, 1991 - Jan. 20, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: A private gathering of family and friends took place.

Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeralhomes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

These aren't four guys sitting around with needle, embroidery thread and thimbles. Their methods are decidedly higher-octane, involving high-speed, commercial m ulti-head m achines a n d enough power to satisfy Tim "The Toolman" Taylor. Leroy Savelesky, a member of the embroidery squad, eyed one of the machines closely on a recent morning in an area awash with fluorescent light. The t h r u mming m a c hine had six heads, multiple bobbins, tension adjusters and six dozen needles embroidering dozens of Department of Correctionspatches for officers' uniforms. A red light appeared over


Janice Louise Clarke

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Where Buyers

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S41.382. S S92

~.~.~ g~.. cM~Z Deschutes Memorial now displays obituaries on our website. Please go to www.deschutesmemorialchapel.com to leave condolence messages for the family and to learn about funeral/ memorial services.

FUNERALsl BUIUALs l cREMATIQN LOCALLY FAMILY OWNED6LOPERATED Wehonor all pre-arranged plans including Neptune Society.

September 11, 1957 — January 17, 2013 Ellis goe) Smith Jr. of La Pine, OR, passed away peacefully from cancer with his wife by his side. He was 55. Joe was born Sept 11, 1957, in Ft. Wayne, IN, to Ellis). Smith and Judith A. (Smithl Thompson.Joe moved to La Pine in 1970, with his mother, Judith and step-dad, Vern R. Thompson, both of which preceded him in death.

on August 19, 1977 Joe and Dena M. Smith (Lund) were married in Reno, NV. Joe is survived by his wife, Dena who resides at the family home in La Pine. Ioe worked as a cement truck driver for Sun West Redi-Mix of La Pine, until his health forced him to retire. Ioe enjoyed hunting, fishing, stock car races and most recently, gold prospecting. But most of all, Ioe enjoyed spending time with his family. Joe is survived by his four children, Jennifer and Marty Glover of Corvallis, ]oseph Smith and Valorie, Jason Smith and Nicole, Jesse and Amber Smith, all of La Pine; grandkids, Dacoda, Cameron, Madeline, Evan, and Desiree; and several stepgrandchildren. Joe is survived by 3 sisters and 2 brothers. Joe is also preceded in death by one grandson Dyllan Ellis. Upon Joe's request, a "Family and Friends Get Together" will be scheduled upon warmer weather.

and peace. Her tw o d aughters, Jennie Lorenz of Bend and Heidi L orenz of N e wport, w ere w it h h e r , and her son, Richard Lorenz of V i rginia, present in Spirit and heart. She has six grandchildren and six great-grandchildren all residing on the East Coast. Lyn was a well educated woman graduating with honors from Tuffs University in 1944 with a B.S. in Biology. Later, she graduated from John Hopkins School of Nursing 1947. Lyn was in the Air force Nurse Corp. AFNC 1951-1953, stationed in Europe, where she met her husband, Max R. Lorenz (1955-1975.) Lyn worked at Cascade Medical Center, St. Charles Medical Records and Cancer Center, Hospice of Bend and Planned Parenthood. She was always dedicated to her fellow human beings and volunteered at Hospice for 20 years, was an Ombudsman for long term care facilities for 12 years, and a volunteer with Health Ministry at the Methodist Church and St. Charles Home Health. Lyn was also an avid gardener and planted a plot at the community garden for 10 years. Lyn enjoyed many trips abroad learning about different cultures. Donations in memory of Lyn Lorenz may be made to Partners In Care, 2075 Wyatt Court, Bend, Oregon 97701 541-382-5882 www.partnersbend.org or First United Methodist Church, 680

NW Bond, Bend, OR 97701, 541-382-1672. Memorial Service Feb. 6'" at 5:30 p.m. at the First United Methodist Church. Beyond ourideas of rightdoing and wrongdoing thereis a field. l'll meet you there. fVhen the soul iles down in that grass the worldis toofullto talk about. Ideas language even the phrase 'eaclzother"doesn 't make sense any more.

J la' f D





THE %7EST No criminal chargesin California parks case By Matt Weiser The Sacramento Bee

S ACRAMENTO, Cali f . — Sacramento County District Attorney Jan Scully said last week that her office will not pursue criminalcharges against California state parks officials in the "hidden funds" scandal because ofa "failure to identify any crime" by the state attorney general. The attorney general's office had turned over to Scully its investigation into the matter, anticipating that the district attorney would decide whether crimes were committed. The investigation concluded that numerous high-ranking employees at the California Department of Parks and Recreation kept at least $20 million hidden in a "rainy day fund" for as long as 13 years, a violation of state budget rules. This continued even as the department moved in 2012 to close 70 stateparks in response to general-fund budget cuts. "There is no indication who your office considers to be suspects, and ifso,w hat crime they may have committed," Attorney General Jan Scully wrote in a letter to the attorney general. "It is thus unclear why the matter has been referred to our office at all, and whether your office intends to retain its historic authority in the prosecution ... of such cases." Officials at the attorney general's office previously emphasized they were asked by Gov. Jerry Brown to conduct only an "administrative" investigation. Thus, most of its interviews were done without the legal admonishments required for a criminal proceeding.

evera ren s ue es'ss i o ue By Nicholas Riccardi The Associated Press

DENVER — A p o l i tical generation ago, the West signaled the nation's rightward swing, from the emergence of Ronald Reagan to the success of tax-limitation ballot measures in California and Colorado. Now, however, the fabled

expanse of deserts, jagged peaks, and emerald coastlines is trending in a different direction. The West h a s b e come largely Democratic terrain. Voters in Washington state in November legalized marijuana and upheld the legality of gay marriage. New Mexico was once a tightly contested state, but Republicans ceded it to Democrats in the presidential campaign. There a re , a s al w a y s, exceptions. Lightly p opulated I daho

and Wyoming remain strongly Republican, as does Utah. Democrats are struggling in Arizona, where the immigration debate has given Republicans a lock on statewide offices but may provide Democrats an opening by firming up their support among the state's g r o win g Hi s p anic population. Still, the overall trend is clear, according to analysts on all sides of the political spectrum. "It's just a different world," said Bill Carrick, a Democratic strategist in Los Angeles who has worked widely in the region. "Nevada became the next California, and now A rizona looks l ik e i t w i l l become the n ex t N e vada. ... It's just pushing the West f urther an d f u r t her f r o m Republicans." The shift in a r egion already imbued with a libertarian spirit is the result of several factors. One is the grow-

tutions through ballot initiatives, making it very difficult to raise taxes in California, Colorado and W a shington state. As a r e sult, D emocrats can't easily raise revenue, but they also can't be attacked for doing so, said Ron Dotzauer, a Seattle-based Democratic strategist. "They can't be defined as the pro-tax group because they can't tax," he said. There are prominent Republicans who demonstrate that the party can still win the region. Brian Sandoval in Nevada and Susana Martinez in New Mexico are popular RepubliPablo Martinez Monsivais/The Associated Press file photo can governors,but their relaPresident Barack Obama waves to supporters during a campaign tively moderate stances often event days before the November 2012 presidential election at put them at odds with the Cheyenne Sports Complex in Las Vegas. One Democratic stratenational party. Both, for exgist calls Nevada "the next California." ample, just agreed to the Medicaid expansion under President Barack Obama's health " The West i s t h e m o st care plan, something that is ing number of people who are seeking a better quality of American part of America," anathema to many conservalife by moving from more lib- said Dave Kopel of the Inde- tive Republicans. "People appreciate a leader eral states. Also, the expand- pendence Institute, a libertaring immigrant population is ian think tank in Denver. "It is who takes more pragmatic turned off b y i n c reasingly a place where you have much approaches," said Nicole Mchard-line Republican immimore respect for individual Cleskey, a New Mexico-based gration proposals. choice, and you have more GOP pollster who a dvises "Look a t t h e m i g r ation ability to be who you want to Martinez. patterns," said Sig Rogich, a be." M cCleskey a r gued t h a t Republican consultant in Las Duringthe 1980s and 1990s, D emocrats' success in t h e Vegas who worked on Rea- that libertarian streak fed a region isoverstated, and she gan's presidential campaigns. series of Republican victories noted that, outside of Califor"You're seeing the aftermath as voters approved tax-limita- nia, Republicans in 2012 only of a new generation of young tion initiatives, protested fed- lostone Western congressiomen and women whose par- eral environmental rules and nal seat. ents moved westward." kept statehouses firmly in the As an example of how ReGOP's hands. But nowadays publicans can succeed, she Western states generally have weak political parties, it means something else, Car- cited New M e x ico, w here part of the legacy of their po- rick said. the party picked up seats in "The libertarian thing is no the Legislature despite the litical maturation during the progressive era at the start longer about property rights Obama wave. of the 20th century. Most lo- or gun rights," he said. "It's But McCleskey acknowlcal elections are nonpartisan now about letting people live edged that New Mexico Reaffairs, and voters often have their lives as they choose." publicans were helped by the the right to set policy unilaterIronically, Re p u blicans' national GOP basically giving ally via ballot initiative. West- successmay have contributed up on the presidential race in ern voters long have cherished to that shift. the state. GOP presidential nonpartisan i n d ependence, The party managed to en- nominee Mitt Romney did not even when they voted a rela- shrine staunch anti-tax mea- contest the state, minimizing tively straight party ticket. sures in several states' consti- the damage of a divisive pres-



ll , If



Teixeira said th e W est's shift has been dramatic because of the heavy migration to the region. Another factor is the ballot initiative process, which magnifies political trends by making it easier to enact d r a matic p o licy

changes such as marijuana legalization.





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idential campaign. "We were able to localize a lot of these races and build on the change that has taken place with a strong Republican governor," she said. "Republicans fought on state issues andthe Democrats tried to fight on national issues." Jill Hanauer is a D emocratic strategist who engineered her party's takeover of the Colorado Legislature in 2004. She agrees with McCleskey that the West cannot be considered a Democratic lock. "The reason Democrats or progressivesare winning is that Republicans got fat and happy," said Hanauer, who is now president of Project New America, a political data and strategy company in Denver. "The worst thing that can happen for Democrats is to take it for granted." In 2002, Ruy Teixeira, a Washington, D.C. - based D emocratic s trategist, c o wrote "The Emerging Democratic Majority," which predicted that demographic and social trends would turn parts of the country that were deep red,such astheinteriorMountain West, into Democraticleaning states. The b o ok, published shortly after Republicans took back the U.S. Senate in the 2002 elections, was received skeptically. L ast year, Teixeira a n d other researchers published a new book onthe Mountain West as America's new swing region. Now there was little

71 •

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W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2013.

I Today: Chance of

Tonight: Chance of snow showers.

snow show-







WEST Rain and mountain snow showers

Asto ri a . x x x x x xxxxxxxxxxx

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.Cannon Beachx'. xx xxxx +IVey.x' The • ++ • ++++++~ 42/34

rmiston 42/28


i i ' i i i

i>> HkilsbprpPOrtland Tillamookoii g

4 '/37 .x • . x x S andv ii



43/30 •



,COrValliS' i »V S



C p 5herman








xxxx Crescent


39/25 o


oHam ton

La Pine 36/22

% $

x x k k k k k h i»%28/16

• Bandori

i - Roseburg is<«k te y(ymult 34/ 2 0


• Burns





28/1 8

Frenchglen 35/22


Brookings 48/3 9


• 56p Corvallis • 28p Burns





• 44/34w'5iig

35/ 2 2


oAshland ~

Yesterday's state extremes

Jordan Valley

Chr i stmas Valley

5i ver I 34/21

o+ «»


• I.akeview 29/1 9

alls 33/20 ~

0/33 ~



3204 ~


o www m 32/14


ps Quebec




(in the 48 contiguous states):



20s Thunder Bayo


Halifax 14/13 5 o ortland


25/LB .

T oronto p



• 88' '+

Laredo, Texas

• -26' • 3.46


4ffs ~ +

4P' oo





Sedona, Ariz.

Rapid tgty — lst. Paul IX t etroit' I +~~ B29/2 u ffalo 48/29 - - ml 31/25 : ' ~ 27/26 6 h~ ew York + 34 / 27 Lo «<~t Des Moines • Cheyenne iladelphia ~~ C »h 38 / 3 3 e m cagp Co l umbus3 Q P - I I 2/30 •I

itiiV 42/25..3

60/44 LosAngeles 6 0/49

~ C3 v, ~

Tij uan a 59/ 4 5

x x • 47/ 4 5 ', • LOuiSVille

KanSaS City





'i i i i i i i / klbttquerque .






'; , .

S 6 /36

Oklahoma City 67/54•

xx 68/52~~

Nashville ~

Little Rock 60/54


• 72/60I


Cha r l otte


53/43 • Atlanta • Birmingham 55/42


61 / 4 9 I


New Orleans Houston I 71/58




76/64 o



• Miami 79/69

-20s--30 5

Anchorage 3/-6

05 Qs

La Paz 80/61

Monterref 2 '+ + Mazatlan 9 80/69




e or By Sarah Lemon


' L ~8 -

San FranfiEqo


Honolulu ~ 79/67

3 6 /26

xrlg+p ]m.~

Cook, Minn.

sn o w show-

pP vJ' t ers.





41 27

47 24

48 22

47 20



- 8 ~



SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday......7/28am. MOOn phaSeS Sunsettoday...... 5 09 p.m, Last New F i r st Full Sunrise tomprrow 7 27 a m Sunset tomorrow... 5:10 p.m. Moonrisetoday.... 6:13 p.m. Moonsettoday .... 721 am. Feb.3 Feb.9 Feb.17 Feb. 25



Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....7:59 a.m...... 5:42 p.m. Venus......6:46 a.m...... 3:53 p.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 39/32 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........63m1934 Monthtodate.......... 0.70" Recordlow........ -23in1957 Average monthtodate... 1.33" Average high.............. 44 Year to date............ 0.70" Average low .............. 25 Average year to date..... 1.33" Barometricpressureat 4 p.m29.88 Record 24 hours ...0.72 in1997 *Melted liquid equivalent

Mars.......8:20 a.m...... 6:38 p.m. Jupiter... 1221pm......322a.m. Satum......l:00 a.m..... I 1:23 a.m. Uranus.....9:45 a.m.....10:01 p.m.



Astoria ........48/41/0.44....45/41/sh.....45/41/sh Baker City......37/32/0.09....35/23/sn.....32/22/sn Brookings......48/41/0.14....48/39/sh.....49/41/sh Burns..........40/28/0.01 ....30/1 7/sn.....31/20/sn Eugene........48/37/0.15....44/36/sh.....44/38/sh Klamath Falls .. 38/32/0 05 ....33/20/c ...35/22/sn Lakeview.......43/34/0.00 ...29/19/sn.....31/22/pc La Pine........40/28/0.00....36/22/sn.....33/16/sn Medford.......48/35/0.10.....44/34/c.....45/35/sh Newport.......48/41/0.37....46/39/sh.....47/40/sh North Bend......52/43/NA....47/40/sh.....49/40/sh Ontario........37/32/0.02.....37/26/c.....34/25/sn Pendleton......46/31/0.07.....43/29/c.....39/31/sh Portland .......47/38/0.03....43/36/sh.....45/39/sh Prinevige.......40/31/0.00....36/27/sn..... 46/27/rs Redmond.......42/29/0.00.....42/23/c.....42/24/sn Roseburg.......47/39/0.10....46/37/sh.....44/38/sh Salem ....... 47740/0 27...44/36/sh ...45/39/sh Sisters.........42/28/0.00....37/25/sn.....39/20/sn The Dages......44/36/0.00.....43/30/c.....40/31/sh

for solar at noon.

Snow accumulation in inches

1 L 0

ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires

Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth AnthonyLakes ..... . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . . 56 Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-0.. . . . .62-70 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .68-1 02 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .85-103 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . 83 Mt. Hood Ski Bowl..... . . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . . 44 Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . . . 102

Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Wigamette Pass ....... . . . . . . 0-0. . . . . .35-75

Aspen, Colorado...... . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .19-21 Mammoth Mtn., California.....0.0. . . . .93-192 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .37-52 Squaw Vagey,California...... . 0 0 . . . . .26-100 Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . . 1 ... . . .24-49 Hwy. 58 at Wigamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .31 40 Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . 0.0... . . . . . 23 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to the latest ski conditions visit: www.skicentral.com/oregon.html www.tripcheck.com or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation, s-sun,pc-partial clouds,c clouds,h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstprms,sf-snowflurries, sn-snow,i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind, f-fog,dr-drizzle,tr-trace

Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires



Yesterday's extremes


Partly cloudy.

City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.

ntario Cloudy with a chance of snow z showers in the Nyssa mountains.

• Fort Rock 37/24 •


, x47/39, 8 xx s 6 @3 7

• Beach

<'hb qh >


Yesterday S unday M o nday The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:


• Brothers 36/22

NNNGrpve xxxx x 36ns i » '42/35 ~ x'

46/39 • x > s s



Chance of rain and




SunriVer Bend

exxxxx cottago s' oakridg CppsBayx x


• Mitcheg 3«8

44/ 3 6 C q h h h h i »XI


Baker Ci

• Prineville 36I27 Redrnond • pa ulina 32/2334/25


Floienceogg Eugene~~yygy 47/41



Md 40/29

CENTRAL Chance of snow showers, with some afternoon + rain atlower elevations.

Josenizh sh

35/25 Union


42/38 XX X X ki k i


W arm Springs •


• sons

La Grande•

~PPray 40/22





» s 'CC™ L


• Meacham



xxx'Camp 30/24h

s ii« 5aIem /» » 44 /36 • i

~ eWPOr~~ t »Albany 41/38



Maupin xine


• Pendleton

41/32 38/28

41/37 8 ~>~ ' X ~ GOVernmentv

Lincoln Cityx'






r4 8

'* ** * * *


W a r m Stationary Showers T-storms Ram Flurnes Snow


Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......67/36/0 00..76/56/pc.. 77/58/s GrandRapids... 29/20/0 00...29/27/i...38/34/i RapidCity.......52/20/000..48/29/pc.. 38/22/c Savannah.......72/52/0.00 ..62/47/pc.. 67/55/c Akron ..........27/18/001..32/27/pc. 41/39/sh Green Bay........24/0/0.00..31/28/sn...35008 Reno...........57/30/0.00..39/21/sn. 36/22/pc Seattle..........47/37/0.09 43/39/sh. .. 46/41/sh Albany...........21/6/0 00...25/I1/s. 29/26/sn Greensboro......39/22/0.00..41/30/pc.. 48/42/c Richmond.......39/16/0.00... 38/30/s .. 49/40/c SiouxFalls........33/3/0.00... 37/24/c. 35/23/sn Albuquerque.....57/42/0.1I..56/36/pc. 56/33/pc Harnsburg.......28/I6/0.00...30/24/s..37/34/rs Rochester, NY.....24/2/0.00... 27/24/s. 38/38/sn Spokane........34/31/0.21 ...33/25/c. 32/26/sn Anchorage .......7/-5/0.00.... 3/-6/s.... 7/0/c Hartford,CT .....26/1I/0.00...28/I4/s. 31/28/sn Sacramento......60/47/0.00 ..54/34/pc.56738/pc Springfield, MO ..58/29/0.00.. 58/53/sh...68/56/t Atlanta .........60/38/000..55/42/pc.. 62/49/c Helena..........46/25/000..37/17/sn.. 30/16/c St.Louis.........38/23/000 ..47/45/sh. 64/53/pc Tampa..........76/53/0.00 ..78/60/pc. 79/63/pc AtlanticCity......28/9/0.00...35/27/s. 40/39/sh Honolulu........78/65/0.00...79/67/t...77/65/r Salt Lake City....34/31/0.00.. 42/25//s.31/20/sn Tucson..........69/57/0.71..65/49/sh.. 61/39/c Austin..........70/51/000..73/64/pc. 78/64/pc Houston........78/62/000..76IE4/pc.78/65/pc SanAntonio.....73/57/0.00... 74/64/t. 78/64/pc Tulsa ...........55/30/0.00..66/56/pc.75/62/pc Baltimore .......34/19/000...34/27/s...40/39/i Huntsville.......54/33/0.00 ..5542/pc. 62/49/pc SanDiego.......62/58/0.57.. 59/50/pc.5545/pc Washington, DC..37/25/0.00...36/29/s...42/41Ii Bifings.........54/34/000..42/22/pc.35/16/pc Indianapolis.....31/13/0.00..35/33/pc.49/45/sh SanFrancisco....56/51/0.00.. 53/42/pc.54/42/pc Wichita .........59/28/0.00..66/48/pc. 71/44/pc Birmingham.....58/39/000 ..61/49/pc.. 67/53/s Jackson, MS.... 54/48/000. 71/56/pc .. 74/58/s SanJose....... 58/49/trace.. 55/38/pc 55/37/pc Yakima .........38/33/000...3I25/c. 36/27/sh Bismarck.........26/3/000 ..30/16/pc .. 31/12/c Jacksonvile......76/50/000..68/53/pc.. 74/53/c SantaFe........49/34/011 ..50/29/pc.49/27/pc Yuma...........65/57/0.12...70/51/c. 64/44/pc Boise...........39/32/0.13...36/26/c. 34/23/sn Juneau..........38/33/0.17 ..28/11/sn.. 17/8/pc INTERNATIONAL Boston..........25/13/001 ...26/I7/s. 33/32/sn Kansas City......48/29/0 00 .. 54/45/sh. 62/42/pc Bndgeport,CT....26/15/000...31/22/s. 34/33/sn Lansing.........27/19/0.00... 28/268...38058 Amsterdam......34/25/004 41/40/r 39/38/pc Mecca..........93/73/000 88/71/pc 88/68/pc Buffalo..........25/8/000 ..29/26/pc. 40/40/sn LasVegas.......59/51/0 37..60/44/pc. 54/38/pc Athens..........51/46/0.10... 54/48/c. 51/43/pc Mexico City......75/39/0.00... 71/44/s.. 72/45/s Burlington, VT.....15/2/000....15/2/s. 29/24/sn Lexington.......36/21/0 00 ..41/39/pc. 55/49/sh Auckland........73/59/000 ..73/63/pc.73/63/pc Montreal........12/6/000...11/9/pc.. 15/13/c Caribou,ME.....10/7/000... 5/11/s .. 12/2/pc Lincoln..........58/17/0 00..46/32/sh. 45/31/pc Baghdad........73/55/0.00 ..72/59/sh. 70/56/sh Moscow........ 16/-4/0.00.... 14/2/s..15/15/sf CharlestonSC...61/36/000..59/46/pc..65/55/c LittleRock.......49/29/000..60/54/pc.71/59/pc Bangkok........90/77/1.33 ..93/69/sh. 92/76/sh Nairobi.........84/59/0.00 ..80/57/sh. 81/57/sh Charlotte........47/22/000..46/32/pc..52/45/c LosAngeles......64/56/015..60749/pc.58/46/pc Beifng...........36/9/0 00 .. 28/I 7/pc.. 20/25/s Nassau.........77/70/0.00 ..75/70/pc. 75/70/pc Chattanooga.....51/30/000..59/37/pc.58/44/pc Louisvile........39/22/0.00..42/40/pc.57/51/sh Beirut..........66/55/0.00... 65/53/s. 63/50/pc New Delhi.......68/41/000...71/50/s .. 71/55/c Cheyenne.......50/26/0.00 ..52/30/pc. 46/22/sh Madison,Wl......24/7/0.00... 31/30/i .. 39/33/c Berlin............23/9/0.00... 33/33/c ..34/33/rs Osaka..........43/34/0 00 .. 41/34/sn ..41 /33/sf Chicago.........28/13/000... 34/33/i. 41/39/pc Memphis....... 57/33/0 00 60/56/pc 69/59/pc Bogota.........70/50/074 ..70/43/pc...67/48/t Oslo.............25/5/0 003471 .. 9/sn. 27/25/pc Cincinnati.......35/21/000 ..36/35/pc. 52/47/sh Miami..........79/58/0.00..79/69/pc. 80/70/pc Budapest........32/23/000 ..31/24/pc. 31/26/sn Ottawa .........12/-6/0.00...10/5/pc. 17/17/sn Cleveland.......25/19/000 ..33/27/pc. 41/40/sh Milwaukee..... 27/11/0.00... 33/31/i. 40/36/sh Buenos Aires.....82/48/0 00... 91/70/s.. 96/71/s Paris............39/28/0.00...4I/33/r.. 38/34/c ColoradoSpnngs.54/30/000..58/31/pc. 52/26/pc Minneapol/s......30/2/0.00 ..31/25/sn.. 34/24/c CaboSanLucas ..79/63/0.00... 81/63/s .. 73/66/s Rio deJaneiro....93/77/0.00...82/70/t. 82/70/pc Columbia, MO...46/247000..49/47/sh. 64/49/sh Nashvife........49/29/0.00..53/43/pc. 63/52/pc Cairo...........72/55/000..67/48/pc.65/46/pc Rome...........50/36/0.00...46/38/s. 47/39/sh ColumbiaSC....59/35/000 ..50/36/pc.. 54/47/c New Orleans.....74/51/0 00 ..71/58/pc .. 74/58/s Calgary.........30/I2/0 00.. 32/I 4/pc...21/ 9/c Santiago........90/59/0.00...85/64/s.. 87/67/s Columbus, GA....61/49/0.00..61/46/pc. 68/50/pc New York.......27/15/0.00...34/27/s..38/36/rs Cancun.........79/63/0.00... 80/75/t. 83/75/pc SaoPaulo.......73/66/0.00...72/61/c. 74/61/pc Columbus OH....29/24/000 ..33/32/pc. 47/43/sh Newark Nl......28/13/0 00... 35/25/s ..37/34/rs Dublin..........54/36/053 ..42/35/sh. 47/42/sh Sapporo ........25/21/0.00...2I14/c.. 28/9/pc Concord,NH......20/2/0.01 .... 21/3/s. 30/20/sn Norfolk, VA......35/23/0.05... 38/31/s. 51/47/sh Edinburgh.......48/34/0.00 .. 35/33/sh.37/35/sh Seoul...........21/10/000..32/16/pc. 39/25/pc Corpus Christi....82/63/000... 71/65/t.72/66/pc Oklahoma City...48/28/000 ..67754/pc.. 73/55/s Geneva.........34/23/0.00 .. 35/31/rs..33/26/rs Shanghai........54/32/0.00...42/35/s. 44/40/pc DallasFtWpnh...54/45/000 ..72/60/pc. 76/62/pc Omaha.........47/15/0 00..45/32/sh. 43/31/pc Harare..........81/59/0 00... 79/58/s. 80/60/sh Singapore.......88/77/0.00..88/77/pc...86/76/t Dayton .........27/19/000..33/32/pc.48/44/sh Orlando.........76744/0.00..7556/pc.sl/60/pc Hong Kong......72/63/000 ..69/56/pc. 66761/pc Stockholm.......27/18/000...30/25/c..33/23/sf Denver..........53/25/0.00 ..60/32/pc.. 57/32/c PalmSprings.... 68/57/036 66/50/pc 60/41/pc Istanbul.........48/43/0.44... 46/37/r ..47/39/c Sydney..........86/75/0.00...79/72/t...79/66/t DesMoines.......37/9/000... 38/33/i. 43/32/pc Peoria..........31/12/0.00... 36/35/i. 49/42/sh lerusalem.......70/52/000..61/47/pc.. 60/43/s Taipei...........66/57/0.00..63/52/pc.60/57/pc Detroit..........27/19/000... 27/26/i. 42/36/sh Philadelphia.....29/14/000...33/25/s...38/37/i Johanneshurg....84/71/0.00... 82/62/t...80/59/t TelAviv.........79/45/0.00..69/52/pc.. 66/50/s Duluth.........17/-12/001 ..26/18/sn. 31/23/sn Phoenix.........64/57/1.12 ..68/52/sh...60/42/r Lima...........81/72/0.00 .. 78/69/pc.79/69/pc Tokyo...........45/34/0.00..42/29/pc.. 42/29/s El Paso..........67/47/000 ..70/48/pc. 70/46/pc Pittsburgh.......26/18/0 00 ..30/28/pc. 44/43/sh Lisbon..........61/48/000 60/43/sh 58/46/c Toronto.........25/12/0 07 29/25/pc 34/34/sh Fairbanks...... -32/44/000 -36/50/pc.-22/34/s Portland,ME.....23/I0/0 00....19/7/s. 29/20/sn London.........46/36/022 ..48/36/sh. 45/41/sh Vancouver.......43/41/0.02..43/39/sh.43/39/sh Fargo...........18/4/000 ..28/17/pc. 29/15/sn Prpvidence......26/12/0 01... 31/15/s. 32/31/sn Madrid .........64/37/0 00.. 44/36/sh. 53/39/pc Vienna...........23/9/000..30/26/pc..34/30/sf Flagstaff........41/36/1 A4..41/31/sh ..34/21/rs Raleigh.........38/27/000...42/31/s .. 49/44/c Manila..........84/77/000 ..87/70/pc. 81/74/pc Warsaw..........18/5/0.00 ..23/I 7/pc.. 33/30/sf

anc or's u

u s to etit a s o

shed pounds walking and tak- keeps company w it h l o c al ing Zumba classes. One man runners, including ultramaraMEDFORD — Losing nearwas closing in on a 200-pound thoner Hal Koerner. "Southern Oregon has this ly 60 pounds would be a maweight loss w h il e a n other jor milestone for almost any- COnCern, IWOrried, tOO,n Said no longer needed diabetes great r u n ning c o m munity body on the path to physical Akins. medications. here." "I felt like this was my shot," "People were kind of divulgtransformation. Running 15 to 20 miles at a But television news anchor said Miller. "There's a support ing their StOrieS tO me,u SayS stretch, Miller no longer is so Larry Miller is still going the netWOrk here ... yOLJ juSt kind Miller. vigilant about portion control distance — literally — more of have to take that first step." He also was asked plenty of at mealtimes. His typical, daily than a year after embarking KOBI u n v eiled Mi l l er's times for the secret to his suc- workout consists of a half-hour on a highly public weight-loss "Transformation Nation" seg- cess. Miller says it's finding on the stair machine at Oz, and fitness challenge. ment in September 2011. Up- support, which his colleagues then a four- to five-mile run "I didn't think it was going dates showing Miller's weekly offered in spades, whether by outside, often with a group of to be that profound," says the progress followed on the 7 skipping over his desk with three friends he calls the "rat co-host of KOBI-TV's morning p.m. newscast every Thursday the box of doughnuts or forgo- pack." He still does CrossFit ShOW. «Yau Can Change if yau through May. ing late-night food at Shari's twice a week, takes a weekly "There were some moments for taking a walk. really Want to.u ballet class at Medford Dance uMy friends kind of had to Arts Center and recently reViewers in April saw Miller, in there I would have liked to 28, cap off six months of chang- have kept private," he said. "I change inorder for me to be sumed weightlifting, which he ing his diet and body composi- didn't want people seeing me successful." had let slide to train for races. "Physically, I feel amazing tion by finishing Medford's 10- Struggling at the gym.n Miller counts new friends Julia Moore / Medford Mail Tribune mile Pear Blossom Run. When A professional ballet dancer among the rewards of "Trans- — more than when I danced Larry Miller works out on an exercise bike at Oz Fitness in Medthe cameras stopped rolling, for sevenyears before attend- formation Nation." In a ddi- professionally," he says. "I'm ford. The TV news anchor is still going strong more than a year though, Miller kept running. ing college, Miller was well- tion to Yarbrough, Miller now having fun right now." after embarking on a public weight-loss and fitness challenge. He participated in July's 50- versed in weight and image iskilOmeter SiSkiyOLL OutbaCk sues.Supportive emails,Facenear Ashland. Less than a book messages and calls from year after tipping the scales KOBI viewers strengthened 8 at 247 pounds, Miller ran the his resolve not to disappoint • A Lithia Loop Trail Marathon. them — or himself. His broadH e's now "hooked" on t h e • 0 • • casts, he says, were "honest" sport. and revealed his weaknesses nHe waSn't a runner," SayS and missteps. "I owned it,n he says. Miller's former personal train• g m er, Justyn Yarbrough. "Now, To accept himself as overhe'srunning 50-milers.n weight and change his lifeOf course, M i ller d i dn't style, Miller had help from start down that road immedi- Weight Watchers, one of Dr. ately. Putting a local angle on Cfz's project sponsors. Miller "The Dr. Oz Show" segment, and KOBI sought apartnership "Transformation Nation" gave with Medford's Oz F itness, Miller a professional purpose which assigned Yarbrough to for dieting and working out. work with Miller three days He had fallen victim to emo- Per Week. It WaS YarbrOLfgh tiortal eating habits and was who suggested Miller set the confronted in his mid-20s with Pear Blossom Run as his fithigh blood pressure and pre- ness goal, and he even agreed diabetic symptoms. Attending to run alongside. "Once (Miller) starts someschool full time to earn his master's degree in journalism thing, he's definitely 100 perwhile working full time at a cent into it,n says Yarbrough. Pittsburgh rape-crisis center Eventually, Yarbrough inexacerbated the situation. troduced Miller to CrossFit, "When you're under that a l o w -tech, h i g h -intensity much stress and anxiety, you workout with a n a tionwide don't make the healthiest deci- fanbase. Miller went to Medford's The Den six days per sions,u says Miller. He'd been a KOBI reporter week while f ollowing Yarand weekend producer for brough's regimen at the same more than a year when the time. nHe got StrOnger; he gat station's news director, Julie Akins, asked Miller to con- m ore en d u r ance," sai d sider taking Dr. Oz's "Trans- Yarbrough. formation Nation" challenge. Yet Miller's "TransformaPrimary Care. Specialty Care. Urgent Care. Total Care. Miller and Akins agree this tion N ation" segments acwas no ploy to polish his on- knowledged that there's more Bend Eastside Clinic I Bend Westside Clinic I Sisters I Redmond air image — KOBI hired Mill- than one way to get in shape. bendmemorialclinic.com I Call 541-382-4900 to make an a ointment er based on a resume video He profiled local viewers who Medford Mail Tribune

filmed when he was significantly overweight. nHe WaS COnCerned With his health, and because of his


Travel, C4-5 Puzzles, C6

© www.bendbulletin.com/community



Tower foundation membership up The nonprofit Tower

Theatre Foundation concluded 2012 with 861 members, its larg-

est number since the patron-benefit program beganin 2005,accord-

ing to a releaseannouncing the figure.

The nonprofit Tower Theatre Foundation owns and operates the historic venue in

downtown Bend.The Foundation's mission is

Who was Virginia Meissner?

to provide performing arts, civic, educational and social events that


' g' ij'

enliven and enrich the lives of all Central

The Virginia

tQ, p4

Oregonians. Annual memberships makeup nearly15 percent of the Tower's revenueand are crucial to ensuring

Meissner Sno-park was posthumously named after Virginia

Meissner, who was


born in Salem in 1925.

high-quality theater

operations, according

She learned a

to the foundation. The

love of the outdoors from her father. At the University of

Tower's membership renewal rate is 70 percent, a high rate of return

Oregon, she was

among performing arts

involved in the


school's outdoor club and mountaineering club and she climbed all of

"Community support for the TowerTheatre


(t iE



Foundation is important on multiple levels," said

the major peaks in

Cassondra Schindler, board memberand membership committee chair. "We'll continue

Oregon. She also skied at Willamette Pass

ski area, where she met her husband, Jack Meissner, whom she married in 1949. For years,

to bring extraordinary

performing arts experiences, educational opportunities and social events to Central Or-

they taught skiing at Willamette Pass and later taught

egon in 2013. Anactive membership enhances and increases our reach, and informs our programming decisions."

alpine and cross country skiing

Contact: www.

towertheatre.org, lisa© towertheatre.org or 541317-0700.

Parenting class coming up The Family Resource

Photos by Joe Kline! The Bulletin

XC Oregon skier Carolyn Ocariz, in red, gives some starting tips to Rebecca Franklin of Bend during the Learn to Ski day at the Virginia Meissner Sno-park last weekend.

If you go

What: Waffle Feed atMeissner Shelter — look for the guy in the Viking hat making waffles over

Center is offering a

Upcoming free, public events

free parenting class in Redmond called "Make

What: The Luminaria — a candlelit ski to Meissner Shelter,

Parenting a Pleasure," where parents, grandparents and care providers of children ages8 and younger canexplore

with warm beveragesandcookies.

kids. When: 10:30 a.m. Feb. 23

By Anne Aurand The Bulletin

When: 6 p.m. Feb. 9

techniques, learn howto set limits, find positive

approaches to discipline and help children prepare for success in school. The 10 weekly

sessions are held from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. on Tuesdays, starting Feb. 5., at Vern Patrick Elementary School, 3001 S.W. Obsidian Ave., in

Redmond. To register call 541389-5468.

The Deschutes

Walter McKnight, of Bend, and his daughter Alice, 10, remove a tray of hot waffles from the iron at a recent waffle feed at Meissner Shelter. McKnight buys ingredients and cooks waffles for skiers at free, public waffle feed events as his contribution to the Meissner Nordic club.

cross-country skiing (along with hik-

ing and cycling) exclusively for Central Oregon Community

College. She wrote "Cross Country Ski Tours

the fire. Extra whipped creamfor

the latest parenting

History Pub returns

• Volunteers run the nordic ski area, pitching in for groomingandthe occasional waffle feed

at Mt. Bachelor. Eventually, Virginia Meissner taught

The sun was dazzling off the snow at Virginia Meissner Snopark lastweekend, perfect conditions for a first day of crosscountry skiing. About 100 novice nordic skiers, some cradling their skis in their arms and looking a bit tentative, gathered at a big, flat opening near the Meissner trailhead. "Don't worry if you don't know how to put on your skis," called J .D. Downing, director of X C Oregon, a nonprofit elite skier development program, assuring the beginners that they were in the right place. It was "Learn to Ski" day, a free,decade-old event organized by the Meissner Nordic Community Ski Club. Once the skiers divided into small groups, volunteer coaches from XC Oregon helped them snap boots into bind-

ings, demonstrated how to plant ski poles and explained when to push on the skis to get a glide. Skiers scattered likes ants from a d i sturbed anthill and practiced what t hey l e arned. (Meanwhile, in the parking lot, a sheriff's deputy ticketed cars, presumably those lacking snopark permits — c ertainly an apres-ski buzz-kill.)

Meissner Nordic "Learn to Ski day captures the spirit of what we're about," said MeissnerNordic club board president Cynthia Engel. "It's a community-based ski area that's accessible to everybody." Skiers of all ages and abilities frequent the sno-park every day. There are parents teaching their preschoolers to s k i , O l y mpic hopefuls in training, and everything in between. See Meissner/C3

in Central Oregon," (1984), "Day Hikes in Central Oregon,"

(1981) and "Hiking Central Oregon and Beyond" (1987). In the early1970s

she and other Bend residents formed

the Central Oregon Nordic Club, the

second chapter of the Oregon Nordic Club in the state. Before she died of cancer in1988, she

persuaded state and federal agencies to create the sno-park that was later renamed in her honor. — Anne Aurand Source: www. meissnernordic.org!aboutl (nrg(n(a-me(ssner-a-


Historical Society and Oregon Encyclopedia kick off their History Pub 2013 lecture

series Tuesdayat McMenamins Old St.

Francis School in Bend. The first installment features a lecture by

Gus Frederick regarding "The Extraordinary Life

of Homer C.Davenport." The event begins at 7 p.m. (doors open at 6 p.m.) and is free. Davenport wasthe "state's first media su-

perstar" and "one of the most creative andsuccessful artists Oregon

has ever produced," according to a news release.

History Pub occurs

the last Tuesday ofeach month, January through November. It is sup-

ported by a grant from the Deschutes Cultural Coalition, a part of the

Oregon Cultural Trust. Contact: www.

deschuteshistory.org or 541-389-1813. — From staff reports

A100-mile ski odyssey across Quebec — with 350 friends By Tim Neville

The St.-Michel church turns into a dining hall for skiers during the Traversee de la Gaspesie in Perce, Quebec.

New Yorh Times News Service

Snow squeaked under my boots as I turned up the Rue Ste.-Anne and into the

tangerine glow flowing from the street lamps overhead. The storm that had blown in that afternoon had eased up for the moment, and in the distance I could just make out the sandstone spires of the St.-Michel church still shrouded in fog. Although Perce — a small coastal community on the far eastern tip of the Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec — has a handful of lovely cafes and taverns overlooking the Gulf of St. Lawrence, few places are large enough to hold hundreds of people at once. The church could. So on that night last Febru-

New York Times News Service

ary I opened its big, white doors and eased into the warmth of the narthex. I gasped at what lay before me. Some 350 cross-country skiers withrubicund faces from three days of playing outside were packed in the nave that caterers had transformed into a magnificent dining hall. Pews ran perpendicular to the altar, and bread and wine sat on dozens of long

wooden tables. Yak sausages and sauerkraut steamed in chafing dishes beneath the gaze of saints who peered down from white walls. A jazz band waited in the pulpit, but for now the air rang with the mournful notes of "Sposa son disprezzata" from a lone soprano in the loft. This had to be the coolest ski week on Earth. See Quebec/C4

Valentine's Day Dinner T HURSDAY F E B R U AR Y 14 , 2 0 1 3

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course dinner sure to please your palate.' - 1st CourseBibb Lettuce with Artichoke Hearts, Heirloom Tomatoes, Hearts of Palm, Roasted Red Peppers, and Chive Vinaigrette. — 2nd CourseRoast Beef Tenderloin with Port Demi Glace, Bleu Cheese Potato Cakes, and Asparagus with Pinot Gris Butter. — $45 per person

Lobster and Shrimp Martini, Julienne Vegetables and Artichoke Risotto Fritters. - $55 per person - 3rd CourseQuadruple Chocolate Torte

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541.383.8200 or reception@brokentop.com 72 Hour cancellation Policy in effect.

62000 Broken Top Dr. I Bend




Formsforengagemeni weddinganniversaryorbirtitdayannouncementsareavaiiabieatTheBugetin i777SWChandierAve.,send orby emailing milestones@bendbulletin.com. Forms andphotos must be submitted within one month of the celebration. Contact: 541-383-0358.

Time capsules:Howto leave Quirky surprises or uturegenerations museums


By William Hageman Chicago Tribune

Kadee Robertson and Chris Larsen

Robertson — Larsen

ied sociology. She w orks as a trial assistant for the K adee R obertson a n d Deschutes County District Chris Larsen were married Attorney. Sept. 8 at Awbrey Glen Golf The groom is the son of Club in Bend, with a recep- Carlos and Glenda Larsen, of tion following. Burns, and Bill and Victoria The bride is the daughter Dent, of Howard, Colo. He of Mike and Shelly Robert- is a 2002 graduate of Crane son, of Bend. She is a 2002 High School. He works in graduate of Mountain View construction. H igh School and a 2 0 0 6 The couple honeymooned graduate of Oregon State in Maui, Hawaii. University, where she studThey will settle in Bend.





Robert and Dianne (Mietzel) Browning

Browning Robert and Dianne (Mietzel) Browning, of Bend, will celebrate their 40th wedding anniversary with a vacation to Kona, Hawaii. The couple were married Feb. 10, 1973, in Santa Clara, Calif. Mr. Browning is the owner of Synergy Office Systems

and is a member of the Rotary Club of Greater Bend. Mrs. Browning is a professional seamstress for interior design, works in administration at Synergy Office Systems and is a fabric quilt artist. The couple are avid golfers and skiers and are involved in the Rotary Club of Greater Bend. They have lived in Central Oregon for 34 years.

BIRTHS Delivered at St. Charles Redmond Matthew and LauraPorter, a boy, Ryan ColePorter, 7 pounds,4

ounces, Jan. 18. Daniel Seedand Morgan Caldwell, a girl, Lucy Marie Seed, 6pounds,12 ounces, Jan. 18.

Surprisescome with homeownership. Usually, they're of the "What's that bubbling up from the drain?" variety. But occasionally they can be exciting, such as finding something left behind by a previous owner. It could be accidental — a picture that fell behind a radiator and was undisturbed for 50 years — or intentional, like a time capsule. Finding a time capsule is a roll of the dice. Either there's something in the wall or there isn't. But by creating a time capsule of your own, you can see to it that somewhere down the line a future resident of your home gets a p leasant surprise. Drew and Jonathan Scott, hosts of H GTV's "Property Brothers" (8 p.m. EST Wednesdays), are best known for buying and renovating properties on their show. What isn't as well known is their lifelong affinity for time capsules. "When we were about 5, we decided to make a time capsule," Jonathan r e calls. "We decided tobury money, notes,pictures.And we buried them at the foot of a tree on our property. We left it a year, then we decided to dig it up. When we did, all the money was gone. We couldn't figure out how that happened. Turns out, our older brother had followed us the day we buried it and came back the next day or next week and dug it up. He took the money and reburied

a party two, three or even 10 years later and make the "unearthing" cause for a family celebration — or you can do it on your own and get labeled the family eccentric.

Where to stash? Here are a few places to leave, or not leave, a l i ttle something for the future: • ln a wall, floor or ceiling:If you've having work done on your house, leave something in a prime location. Be sure, of course, not to compromise the structural integrity of your home; even the coolest time capsule isn't worth causing a floor to collapse. "The trick, I think, is to decide when you want people to find it," Jonathan Scott says. B A lot of people punch a hole in a wall between the kitchen and living room when remodeling. So, in 20 years, it would be found. But other w alls, structural walls, or under the floor, they might never find it." He suggests a hidden, secure location, "so people don't find it in a couple of weeks." • Under the wallpaper:When a large Victorian home on Wellington Street in Traverse C ity, Mich., was being r e habbed into a bed-and-breakfast around 2000, five layers of wallpaper were removed from one bedroom wall. Under the last layer, on the plaster, were large caricatures drawn by the original painters and paper hangers, dated 1908. The drawings were sealed, and the Votruba Chamber r emains one of the Wellington Inn's

By Lynn O'Rourke Hayes The Dallas Morning News

If you are looking for a

What to stash? Common items left for posterity include photos, documents, coins, n e wspapers, books, political memorabilia, toys and other bits of popular culture. Personal material is even better: diaries, letters, kids' school papers, itemized grocery receipts or your medical records and bills. If you've got kids, be sure to get them involved, too, contributing items (pictures they draw, photos, small mementos, etc.) that represent things they want to memorialize. Things not to include: food, plants, mothballs, nonarchival paper or plastic items. The Scotts recently renovated a house in which they not only found something from the past but also left a time capsule for future owners.

"(The house) was from the

1920s," Drew says. "When we lifted some floorboards, we

found a couple of (newspaper)

articles. We're sure they were left behind on purpose. One was on a 100-year celebration of something, and the other (the rest)." highlights. If you're papering was a classified ad from the Then when they were in a wall, think about leaving a 1920s. I framed it and used it college, one of their first ren- message hidden in plain sight. forartforthe space." ovation jobs was at a home Draw sketches of each family Jonathan says that the curwith some u nusable space member, or let each kid leave rent owners had them put a zip-close bag in a bulkhead in the basement. Before they his or her own message. walled it off, "we put a dummy • The light switch: A t t h e space over some stairs. It inin there, a dummy tied to a Make Projects website you cluded pictures of the property chair," Jonathan says. "And he can find directions, and a nifty beforethe renovation, stamps was wearing a sign, 'I didn't computer template, to create a and coins, news c lippings, deserve this.' We left it as a small printed message that fits photos ofthe current owners surprise." inside a standard light switch. and a letter. Properlyprepared time cap- Tell future generations the As for handling and presules "can serve as valuable house's history, detail life in serving the documents themreminders ofone generation America in 2013, leave a faselves,care must be taken. for another," notes the web- voritecookie recipe. Make up Staples rust. Rubber bands site of the International Time a half-dozen different sheets dry out and snap. Untreated Capsule Society at Oglethorpe and place them i n s w i t ch paper d eteriorates. P lastic University in Atlanta (go to plates around the house. Go to breaks down. oglethorpe.edu and type "time makeprojects.com (type "light A good lesson in how to capsule society" in the search switch time capsule" in the keep your itemssafe against field). Time capsules can "give search field). the ravages of time is an arindividuals, families and or• About the backyard: The ticle available from F uture ganizations an i n dependent International Time C apsule Packaging 8 Preservation, a voice to the future." Society frowns on b u r ying company that specializes in Time capsules can be elabo- your c a psule. "Thousands time capsules, archival suprate (a custom-made stain- have been lost in this way," plies and preservation kits. Go less steel capsule) or simple the society's Web page points to futurepkg.com to read tips, (a sturdy wooden box). You out. The group's advice: keep as well as advice on related can involve the kids and turn it indoors. Besides, if you dig topics. it into a family project — have a hole carelessly, you might hit

Food, Home Sr Garden In AT HOME

Getting kids to play inthe great outdoors


change of pace, add one of these off-the-beaten-path museums to your itinerary. Here are a few quirky and fun placesto consider: • UFO Museum, Roswell, N.M. In July of 1947, a major thunderstorm struck t h is New Mexico community, but did something else happen that night? Your family can investigate what has come to be known as the Roswell Incident. Will you determine that a flying saucer landed in nearby ranch land'? Or was it a weather balloon? Are there really alien creatures? Review f irsthand a ccounts a n d exhibits b efore c o m ing to your own conclusions. Don't miss the gift shop, where you'll find alien bobble heads, stickers, playing cards and jewelry. • Motown Museum, Detroit. The Supremes, Marvin Gaye and the Jackson 5 all got their start in Hitsville, USA, and went on to create the Motown Sound.

Mixing gospel, jazz and street music, producers created unique sounds using state of the art techniques in Studio A. Music-loving family members can still see much of that equipment today and learn about all the performers who were ushered into stardom by the founder of M o town, Berry Gordy Jr.

• Circus World Museum, Baraboo, Wis. Visit the site of the original winter headquarters for the famed circus, known as Ringlingville. You'll learn how the five Ringling brothers crafted performances that would become a colorful part of our American culture.See an extraordinary collection of artifacts, including circus wagons, expansive posters, costumes, photographs and the personal belongings of some performers.

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The Bulletin

B ySandy Bauers

Gail Farmer, director o f education, said it was always P HILADELPHIA — K e n assumed that kids loved the Finch delights in asking peooutdoors, and teachers could ple to recall happy childhood build on that. moments spent outdoors. Not so anymore. Said Finch, "We can teach kids all about Invariably, they involve nature: climbing a favorite tree, nature, and if they don't give a wading in a stream, catching damn, it won't matter." g fireflies in a jar. The new preschool won't But this works only when have the kids studying lethis audience is older t h an ters on Monday and colors on about 30. If they're younger, Tuesday.They willgetdressed they were born after a divide for the weather and go explore "whatever captures them," — the time childhood in America changed. For the worse. RonTarver I Philadelphia lnquirer Farmer said. No longer did they run out- Children in an after-school program run through the woods in Friends School Haverford doors on a Saturday, coming Philadelphia earlier this month. f ound out pretty much t h e home only when the streetsame thing in 2007, when a lights went on. construction project created More and more,they stayed what kind of car they drive to His talk — spiked with car- a large puddle. Kindergarindoors. Research shows chil- how they vote when they are toons, such as the one with ten students who happened dren now spend I percent of adults. adults in a c a r e x claiming, to be outside for a fire drill "Look! Free-range children!" were intrigued. Their teacher, the day outdoors, and 27 perSo now, groups are advocent with electronic media. cating a return to the outdoor — was a plea to get kids back Ann Ward, decidedto make a There are a lot of reasonschildhood. Their mission: No out in nature. And not just in learning tool out of it. Through urbanization, parental fears, Child Left Inside. nature, but interacting with it the seasons, over the years more structured activities, and In October, the N ational (Find tips for parents at www. and across the curriculum, so on. Wildlife Fe d eration an- greenheartsinc.org). the kids measured the puddle, But it's bad because being nounced a goal to move 100 Too many n atural a reas identified the creatures that outdoors confers many ben- million kids "from their indoor have too many rules, he said. visited it, the plants that grew Don't run. Stay on the trail. in or near it. A "Puddle Newsefits. Studies have shown that habitat." kids gain coordination just in Finch is h ead o f G r e en I nstead, what kids need is letter" was begun. "rough land that adults don't "Maybe it's not the playnavigating the uneven terrain. Hearts, a national nonprofit They learn decision-making t hat wants t o r e store t h e care about, where you can ground" t h a t' s i m p o rtant, skills and gain confidence. Vig- bonds between children and whack a tree with a stick." Ward concluded. "Maybe it's orous play counteracts obesity. nature. Recently, he s poke He was in the right place. the edges." It's not just about the kids. at the Schuylkill Center for The Schuylkill center, known Now m or e a wet l a nds It's about the planet. Kids' Environmental Education in — with birdhouses and native for its nature programs, will r elationship t o n a t ure w i l l Philadelphia's R o x b orough begin a nature preschool in plants — the puddle is still a i nfluence everything f r o m neighborhood. the fall. magnet.

offer fun for family

a utility line. Then your kids will have to update your time capsule with your obituary. However, if you insist on burying your capsule, be sure it is safe from any moisture. Try to leave some sort of marker. Bury it at the base of a fence, perhaps, or the corner of a building, with a metal marker affixed to it. And don't let your brother know where you buried it.

The Philadelphia Inquirer


• •



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Driving cross-country in acarthatisn'tyours

Meissner Continued from C1 The nonprofit Meissner Nordic club grooms 40 kilometers of classic and skate skiingtrails that crisscross U.S. Forest Service land. It's mostly the skiers who are footing the grooming bill. Over the years, club volunteers have organized public events such as Learn to Ski, cleared and groomed trails, peeled logs for the new shelter, stocked firewood and taken turns serving on the board of directors. Board members raise money, manage the grooming program and update the Meissner website and Facebook pages with trail reports and conditions. "These are community trails maintained by the community," said Amy Tinderholt, with the Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District, in an email. The volunteers increase the Forest Service's capacity to provide recreation opportunities to the public, she said. "Due to the investment from Meissner Nordic and the nordic area supporters, the area has become an important winter facility that is home to many events and hosts high school nordic teams," Tinderholt said. And, since Meissner is a quick 14 miles west of Bend, it can get busy. Some say Meissner Nordic is the victim of its own success, referring to the chaotic parking scene on weekends. The cluband the Forest Service are working together to f u rther enlarge the parking lot before next winter. Others believe the area has absorbed its popularity well. Once skiers disperse from the trailhead, the crowd typically thins out. The club has expanded the trail system in recent years, and would like to add more.

Themagic Cross-country skiing is not just for fitness training. "It can also just be another way to get outside and appreciate places you wouldn't get to another way," Engel said. It's those p l aces, s cattered all around the Meissner playground, that make it extraordinary. "So many spots out there are magical," Engel said, like the place along the Tangent Loop trail where there's a view of Broken Top, or the sections where skiers are dwarfed by majestic ponderosa pines. The shelters (Meissner and Shooting Star) are cool destinations or rest stops, where wood stoves warm the log shelters that boast views of the mountains to the west and the city to the east. Michelle Watt, of Bend, loves the sheltersbecause of those stunning mountain views, she said. She likes to skate ski or snowshoe, sometimes with her toddler in tow, to the Meissner shelter for lunch or hot chocolate. "You always run into friends up here," Watt said on a recent d ay, standing around w i t h friends and kids after a ski. "I love the community part of it. It's just fun and it's not too much money." Because no day pass is required to access the trails, there's often a misconception that the ski area is free, or that the only cost associated with skiing there is the parking permit. In reality, it costs at least $50,000a year to groom Meissner's trail network, and snopark fees pay for plowing the parking area, not maintaining the trails. So it falls to the skiers to support the endeavor. Some occasionally stuff $5 bills in the donation box at the trailhead for











Joe Kline /The Bulletin

XC Oregon member Matt Briggs, left, talks to Jenny Shannon about cross-country skiing technique during the Learn to Ski dey at Meissner Sno-park last weekend.

For more information about the ski area, including trail

maps, grooming reports and weather conditions: www.meissnernordic.org

grooming, others contribute once online and get counted as one ofthe 556 Meissner Nordic club members. Engel said the number 556 doesn't capture how many people ski there. Through a car-counting calculation,skier numbers are conservatively estimated at 960 per weekend day.

The evolution The Meissner Nordic club originated in 1996, a suggestion from local elite skiers who wanted to create a community-based ski club such as those found in many European towns. The name was then Tumalo Langlauf Club. (Tumalo after the local landmark Tumalo Mountain and "Langlauf," the German word meaning "long run" often used to describe cross-country skiing, according to www.

"We've gotten to the point where we feel like we have world-class ski trails," she said.

Public events But the social aspect has not dred. Take the Luminaria, an after-dark event where volunteers line the trail to the Meissner shelter with hundreds of paper bags with candles inside. It's a fundraiser, a tradition and a family-friendly nighttime adventure that draws Meissner regularsand newcomers alike. Sue Vordenberg, a l o c al retiree and skier,started it around 2003, when the United States was at war in Iraq. "A ski for peace was my notion of a nice way to express concern about the general unrest," she said. With friends, she acquired donated bags and tea candles, illuminated a short loop, and createdan environment where skierscould have a peaceful, solitary experience. Now the route is longer and the party is


"It's grown from a q u i et meditative experience to a very fun social thing," she said. "I meissnernordic.org.) love that it's grown." The nonprofit organization, This year's Luminaria on a chapter of the Oregon Nordic Feb. 9 — see "If you go" — will Club, changed its name in 2011 be dedicated to Vordenberg's to Meissner Nordic, because, husband, Lloyd Vordenberg, according to Engel, no one a longtime club member and knew what Tumalo Langlauf avid volunteer groomer who meant, or how to say it or spell died recently. it. It wasn't as easy to find on There's also the waffle feed, the Web. which started in 2004, after a "It didn't help us reach peo- Meissner die-hard returned ple. Meissner Nordic Commu- from Norway with a special nity Ski Club says where we cast-iron waffle iron that sits are and what we're about," she on a fire. He started making sa>d. waffles for the skiers at the In the beginning, according shelter. He's moved on, but to long-timers such as early Walter McKnight, a local kinboard member Ken Roadman, dergarten t eacher, t r acked it was a l o w -budget social down one ofthese uncommon club. Members held potlucks waffle irons and has taken over and went on ski trips together. the job. McKnight buys the inOver time, the demographic gredientsfor the rich, creamy, changed, the potlucks fizzled traditional Norwegian recipe, and the club's energy refocused dons a silly Viking hat and into creating a ski area with cooks waffles a couple of times well-groomed trails, Roadman a year for anyone who shows sa>d. up until the batter runs out. "It's really fun. Everyone is In recent years, the club purchased a used Bombardier happy when they have food in 400 Snowcat, a quality groom- their stomachs on a cold day," ing machine, and started pay- he said. "I like the Scandinaing professional, experienced vian tradition, which is what groomers to do the job, typinordic skiing is entwined with. cally four times a week, unless Mostly it's for the kids, to get conditions allow for the less kids interested in skiing. It's expensive option: a snowmo- so common for parents to say, bile, driven by a volunteer, that 'You can make to the shelter, pulls a rake-like grooming there's waffles waiting for you.' attachment. Those are the people I really The club's approximately play it up for. I say, 'You made $50,000 annual budget is 95 it! More whip cream!' As a parpercent consumed by groom- ent and a teacher, I know you ing. The machines consume a have to make things fun." lot of fuel and require a lot of maintenance. Engel said she is most proud of the fact that grooming opSOLUTION TO erationshave become predictTODAY'S SUDOKU able and more frequent in recent years.

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RIJÃXtf. I Answer: PADDLE u N L Es s




The malrs new escalator had-


to someplace warm. I'm a woman in my early 40s traveling alone, so I don't want it to be too spring-breaky, and it needs to be safe. I'd like a nonstop flight from Washington. I'm thinking Caribbean, but there are so many choices. . Most C a ribbean i s . lands require a connection. If y o u 're w i l l ing to transfer, I'd recommend Barbados, which has a good mix of beaches and culture. I'm also a big fan of Grenada; the island smells like a spice shop. For nonstops, you can fly to the Bahamas or Jamaica. Montego Bay has some lovely properties that aren't s p ring-breaky. For both destinations, avoid mainstream a l l - inclusives and look for more exclusive guesthouses.

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On theWed

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The Washington Post Adapted from the Washingtonpost.com Flight Crew chat conducted weekly by the Travel staff of The Washington Post:




Signs of success Ben Husaby, a f o unding member of the nordic club and executivedirector of Bend Endurance Academy, a nonprofit organization t h a t o p e rates masters and youth development skiingprograms at Meissner, said he hopes Meissner remains a community-based and volunteer-driven operation, because it's impressive how well the volunteers run it, and the relaxed and positive environment could change if it were run like a business. People who ski there now can donate when and how they choose. And it's clear many feel compelled to do so, he said. Years ago, when club leaders shifted toward becoming a grooming operation, Husaby said he worried the club would become overburdened with the costs of grooming. "My fears were unfounded," he said. "I thought it would cost too much, but people stepped Up. "I've run a lot of businesses. If you could get this kind of support in a business ... you'd be a success," said Shawn McFadden, a club board member who oversees the grooming operations, a time-consuming responsibility this time of year. "The community i s b ehind this, so it's a success. People are smiling and happy and ev-

San Francisco this summer. What are my choices for vehicles if I don't want to take my own? Nothing but rentals? Or do they still have drive-aways? • Drive-aways still exist, • though they're not as common as they were. Check out Auto Driveaway, which uses a combination of hired

employees and regular folks to transportcars across the country. You have to be older than 23, with a clean driving record and references, and you put down a deposit. But it would certainly be cheaper than a one-way rental.


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erything is going well. Our customers are the skiers. When they're ecstatic and h appy and waving, it makes it worth while." — Reporter:541-383-0304, aaurand@bendbulletinicom




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Quebec Continued from C1 For the past decade, hundreds of cross-country skiers — nearly all of them from

Quebec — have descended once a year on r u ral communities like Perce as part of a six-day, 100-mile-plus ski odyssey through the eastern pleats of C a nada's largest province. The Crossing of the Gaspe Peninsula, or the Traversee de la Gaspesie, as it is known in French, is hardly a race. Rather, it is a roaming c elebration of w i n ter. A n d while the exact route changes every year, the idea is always the same: to come together, have fun and ski. "It's always fantastic," said Chantal Hivon, a retired treas ury employee from M o n treal, who was on her fourth crossing since 2006. "It's a demanding week but also re-

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A skier en route to Cannes de Roche in Quebec. Participants in the Traversee de la Gaspesie spend a few days at a time in one spot — a lodge, inn or a local's home — and use trails that volunteers groom just for the event. At night, skiers return by bus to the same base for meals. The group then travels by bus to the next town to explore anew.

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charging. The places you get

r to go are just incredible." Sandwiched between the St. Lawrence River and Chalwww-.AgateBeachMotelpcom eur Bay, the Gaspe holds some Private, vi'ntage,ocean',front getaway of Quebec's most impresRe pegt, OR>, sive peaks. The Chic-Chocs 1-.800-755-5674 soar up to around 4,000 feet New YorkTimes News Service and collect more than 20 feet Perce, a small village on the Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec, is one of the sites of the Traversee de la Gaspesie, an annual six-day crossof snowfall a year. Caribou country traverse of the Peninsula. and moose roam the region, which has just 100,000 people spread over an area about the By the time I w a s c lose size of lr/e Connecticuts. enough to hear a polka tune T he first event i n 2 0 0 3 wafting through the woods I was a true traverse, which could barely stay upright. My meant 50-mile days with little Iiiiiiii, skin was beet red and burnO O • O • • O pampering. ing from the wind and cold. I l I v.",„r "The lucky ones got to sleep had skied farther than I ever t~ •I under a table," said Sharon had, about 19 miles (Berthier vl ii v si~s. n • >'n rS • • O-r, " 1 • te-rp RRRRRR j -,.:-gg t Rl Braverman, a s i multaneous threw in an extra three), and I SO • • te r translator from Montreal who ached allover.Ihobbled back R was on that first trip. You to the room to assess the damwere so exhausted you didn't age when Kathleen and Roger care." limped through the door. "I'm 50, and I'm in pain," These days the TDLG offers a softerexperience. Instead Kathleen croaked. " I'm 60 an d f eel l i k e a of traveling point-to-point on Receive 20% off room rate when you bring skis, participants spend a few Skiers dine in the St.-Michel church in Perce youth!" Roger lied, reaching this ad and donate a can of food days at a time in one spot — a down for his toes. for each night of your stay. lodge, inn or a local's home I sat on the floor and yelped Valid Sun-Thurs, Now - May 23, 2013 — and slip out along trails "Uh, hi?" I s aid. "Is this plenty of pancakes, too. I ate a stretching a tender glute. (offet It ool good Mar 2e-so, 2013 or with other dltcounts Food donated to Lincoln county Food share.) that volunteers groom just for Room 401?" shameful amount of them beThe Great White North "It is!" replied a w o man the event. Come evening, skifore heading out to ski below Yachats, Oregon ers returnby bus to the same in p e r fect E n g l ish. "I'm 2,425-foot Mont E r nest-LaThings improved over a base for communal meals at Kathleen," she said. "This is force. I could do the full loop dinner of scallops with grapeany place big enough to hold Roger." for about 25 miles or a shorter fruit, and soon enough my "Is thereroom for me?" I one for 16 miles. I chose the body adapted. them all. The group then trav800-338-0507 els by bus to the next town to asked, hopefully. 16. Continued next page overleaflodge.com o verleafspa.com "Of course!" she said with a explore anew. It had been a while since As an avid skier in all its laugh. "Come in!" I had c r oss-country s k i ed forms, I had learned of the I knew I'd b e sharing a in parallel tracks, the "classic" form of the sport, but it crossing while r esearching room since beds are limited w ays to combine my t w i n in a small place like this. I just is basically an exaggerated p assions for snow an d a l l hadn't quite pictured such an walk. Soon I fell into a kickthings French. T h e e v ent intimate a r rangement. But glide rhythm and zipped past sounded like one o f t h o se as we chatted over wine and b oughs droopy w i t h n e w cross-state bicycle rides, but fruitcake, I quickly warmed snow. Peaks disappeared into on skis. Bands play along the to the idea. Kathleen Ryan silver clouds. A snowmobiler trails. Movie stars cook and was a teacher. Roger Ladou- motored by with a guitarist entertain. There would be lec- ceur was a doctor. Both were on the back of his machine. "Salut, Teem!" a voice greettures by provincial celebrities from Montreal and would be like astronaut Julie Payette my roommates for much of ed me in French. Getawav and pilot Robert Piche, a re- the trip. I had met Berthier Landry ~I ll formed drug smuggler who briefly on the ride here. He Kicking and gliding once saved 306 lives aboard was a 64-year-old civil sera m a l f unctioning A i r b u s. The weather had been ex- vant from Montreal with an At the end of each day's ski I ceptionally mild for Quebec a thletic build. H elene, h i s — low- to mid-20s — and the outdoorsy daughter and an could expect a trailside party 'v, complete with an accordion next day was no different. expert skier, had persuaded "You are lucky!" said Billie player and shots of Caribou, him to do the TDLG with her a French Canadian cocktail of Flynn, a test pilot based out of in 2006. The two have been wine and booze softened with Washington, D.C. "You heard coming back ever since. "Ski w it h u s ! " B e r t hier warm maple syrup. about the boat, right?" But most of all, I loved the I had. One year skiers used said. idea of slipping into Que- a ship along the St. Lawrence I accepted happily, as I bec's winter culture, which River as a mobile base, but w ould for t h e r est o f t h e I imagined as a mashup of the weather turned so "frette" w eek, f i guring o u r p a c es New World ruggedness and — Quebecois for colder than might be similar since HeOld World bonhomie. Skiing cold — that pack ice trapped lene, in her early 30s and fit, Enjoy a spectacular 5-night French Polynesia vacation would almost be secondary. them for days. was six months pregnant. I "It was wonderful," recalled was wrong, but the Landrys courtesy of Pleasant Holidays, Getaways Travel and Tight quarters Sophie Faucher, a Canadian waited for me patiently at rest The Bulletin. Things kicked off on a gray actress in the film "Laurence stops and at the tops of most This fabulous trip for two includes: roundtrip air from Los Angeles on Air Saturday when buses rolled Anyways" who hardly skis hills, where we'd resume conTahiti Nui and five nights'accommodation at Bora Bora Pearl Beach into the Gite du Mont-Albert, but comes along to do poetry versations about ski wax and a lodge deep in Gaspesie Na- readings. "The only s t ress parenting. At last we rounded Resort 8r Spa. A prize package valued at $7,000 tional Park, about 450 miles was, is there enough booze?" a bend for an easy 7.5-mile 0. , FOR MORE INFORMATION ORTO SUBSCRIBE, CALLTHE BULLETIN AT northeast of Montreal — the There was, and this year, descent back. j ourney's f i rs t h u b . W e ' d spend the next two days exFor complete rules and regulations, visit www.bendbuiletin.com/vacationrules or stop by ploring the park before movThe Bulletin at1777 SW Chandler Ave., Bend. Additional entry forms are available in newsing east to Perce and then papers for sale across Central Oregon and in the lobby of TheBulletin. Entry forms should north to the coastal town of be delivered or mailed to TheBulletin. Last day to enter is March 22, 2013 at noon. Gaspe. The route included 110 p Winner will be drawn March 25, 2013. miles of skiing in less than *Winner is responsible for transportation to LOS ANGELESand a week. I'd never done that Transfers from Bora Bora airport to resort and return. Passport valid for much in a month. more than 6 months after the start of the trip is required. The party was already unM j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M der way when I stepped off the bus. The air smelled of spruce, and women in rubber muck boots line-danced in the frozen parking lot. 0thSign me up to win The Bulletin's Sixth Annual Subscriber ers waited for ingots of boiled Vacation Getaway Sweepstakes! maple syrup to cool in a snow B I G Q TI N N E R : M + R C E i ' 2 N D Official entry form only, No other reproductions are accepted. trough and turn to taffy — la tire d'erable — that you eat NAME: with a stick. Sylvie Gallant, the accordion player, pumped out polka tunes, her hands I ADDnEss: clad in baby blue gloves with threadbare fingertips.



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Claudine Roy, a gregarious 57-year-oldorganizer of the event, grabbed a mic and proposed a toast. "To this beautiful life that unites us all!" she said dramatically, and hundreds of glasses shot into the air. Eager to settle in, I headed off to my room in an adjacent building, where I found two strangers getting comfortable on one of the beds.








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More ski events From rural NewHampshire to urban Minneapolis, a guide to ski races, tours and festivals in the United States.



Hayward, Wis., Feb. 21 to 23. Few cross-country ski events

command so muchattention as theAmerican Birkenbeiner, North America's largest nordic ski race. The"Birkie" attracts some13,000skierswhocompeteineventsasdemandingas a 54-kilometer marathon or as goofy as the Giant Ski, in which

six-person teams strap into one pair of 25-foot-long skis and (


attempt to ski together. Family snowshoe tours and Champagne breakfasts round out the weekend. (715-634-5025; birkie.com.)


Mount Washington Valley, N.H., Feb. 24. Turn calories-consumed to calories-burned when you join the Chocolate lnn-to-Inn Cross Country Ski Tour. The event is pretty much exactly what it sounds like: a15-kilometer tour between10 trailside stops — often manors or bed-and-breakfasts — that offer chocolate treats.


Snowshoers welcome.Tickets$30inadvance.(603-356-9920; mwvskitouring.org) h

CITY OFLAKES LOPPET CROSS-COUNTRY SKI FESTIVAL Minneapolis, Feb. 2and 3. Minneapolis has about 30 kilometers of urban cross-country ski trails, some of which play host to two days of races, noncompetitive tours and the skijoring

national championships, a high-speed race inwhich skiers harness themselves to sled dogsand whip around acourse. In between you'll find Swedish lawn games, ice-bicycle races and orienteering contests on skis. (612-604-5330; loppet.org) LAKE TAHOENORDIC FESTIVAL Tahoe City, Calif., Feb. 8 to10. Billed asCalifornia's first nordic

5 'i

Cttristinne Muscni / New York Times News Service

festival, this three-day inaugural event along Lake Tahoe goes

Skiers make their way to Val d'Espoir on the Gaspe Peninsula in Quebec. The Traversee de la Gaspesie is a roaming celebration of winter, with route changes every year.

beyond cross-country ski competitions to include snowshoe races, training sessions with Olympians andguided snowshoe tours with a naturalist. (Alpenglow Sports, 530-583-6917;


Ifyou go


The 2013Traverseede la Gaspesietakes place Feb.16-23 and

West Yellowstone, Mont., Nov. 26 to 30. About 2,500 skiers

will go from GaspesieNational Park to Gaspe.Feesrange from

descend onto the RendezvousTrails outside Yellowstone National

1,100 Canadian dollars, about the same in U.S. dollars, for a dorm bed to 3,100 dollars for a single room and include all meals,

Park for one of the season's first races and festivals. It includes all-level clinics taught by Olympic athletes, yoga, beer tasting, a sw

accommodation, transportation during the event and nightly

film festival and achance to try the ski-shoot sport of biathlon.

III Dill

entertainment. Sign up online or by calling the TDLG offices in Gaspe (418-368-8803; tdlg.qc.ca). Expect to ski about 22 miles a

(West Yellowstone Chamber of Commerce, 406-646-7701;


day on averageover intermediate terrain. Nonskiers are welcome; guided snowshoeexcursions are offered daily. Organizers can help arrange rental gear. Toget there, fly into Montreal or Quebec City. Charter buses leave from Montreal (240 dollars round trip) and Quebec City (210 dollars round trip) to the starting point on

Feb. 16. Buy tickets when signing up. Oryou candrive your own vehicle to GaspesieNational Park andhave it delivered to you at the end of the week for120 dollars.

From previous page I felt better skiing on Day 2 toward 3,776-foot Mont Albert but turned back before the top to listen to members of a Montreal folk band, La Fanfare Pourpour, play in a trailside hut. A dance party had broken out. The windows were foggy from the heat of twirling bodies, and sunlight fell through them in gauzy puffs. I tapped my ski boots on the floor, still too sore to dance. It was a three-hour ride the next day to Perce, where the bus took a right down Rue Annett and stopped, allowing us to ski the final 13 miles into town. I clicked into my rented Fischers and pushed off along a fence separating small farms. "My path is not a path, it is snow," the separatist Quebec poet Gilles Vigneault crooned in his 1966 song, "Mon Pays." "My country is not a country, it is winter." Indeed, the Great W h ite North was at its finest. Before me spread an icy plain of blinding snow — the frozen Gulf of St. Lawrence. The sky had turned a deep blue with wispy fleurs-de-lis for clouds. I stepped onto the ice and picked up the pace, thrilled to be gliding off the edge of a continent. "Merci la vie!" shouted a woman, hoisting her p oles

high. I found the Landrys about an hour later near a rest stop where volunteers had a bon-

firegoing and were serving hot rum w ith m aple syrup. A tray of smoked mackerel canapes floated by; I ate five of them without removing my

poles. Perce came intoview once we crested a hill and began our descent. The town clung

An accordion player greets skiers near Perce.

to a small cape and looked like a m o del r a i l road set without the tiny trains. Perce Rock, a massive sea stack with a s i x-story-high arch, loomed off shore. Samuel de Champlain named it "pierced rock" when he sailed into the region in 1607, one year before he founded Quebec City as the capital of New France.

'Vive la Gaspesie!'



On and on we skied, making pit stops to slug chicken Gathering storm broth and fistfuls of nuts, but The weather deteriorated never pausing for long. I was over the last few days, which too wet, too tired, too misermade the going tough. More able to stop moving, fearing worrisome, Day 5 was to be I'd never start again. Three o'clock came and went, and the most demanding one: a 28-mile grind with some pun- we were miles from the checkishing climbs. Kathleen got point. I was secretly relieved her day off, while Roger and as I headed for the bus. I left Jeannette's with bellies C onditions c a l me d th e full of coffee, cinnamon-apple lower we went, as the trees crepes and ham, and a plan to swaddled the trail, creating do our best. a pocket of solace. A creek In the interests of being burbled under a bridge and fast, I had decided to change by muffins o f s n o w p i l ed the wax on my skis for better on rocks. Berthier stopped glide. But waxes work only to take it in. Others did too. with c e rtain t e mperatures Roger, whom I h adn't seen and snow conditions, both for hours, came gliding up, of which f l uctuated wildly just as a pink streak opened throughout the day. Soon I o verhead. S t anding t h e r e had anvils of snow frozen to on the trail, I realized this is the bottoms of my skis. Each what you come for. The great foot weighed tenfold and af- food,the church parties,even forded zero glide. the accordion and the shots: "Do you have a thermom- all of it was really just candy eter?"Berthier pleaded when on a stick. Here I could feel I found him about eight miles my companions' visceral love in, struggling with the same for a place so ruled by winter glop. that the land and the cold are I didn't. He g uessed the inseparable. As a skier you temperature and helped me can glide through the best of change waxes again. At least I both. could glide on the downhills. T omorrow we'd h ead t o I had wasted so much time Gaspe, a town of 15,000 where that I g r ew a n x ious about J acques Cartier s t aked a completing the route before claim for France in 1534. We'd nightfall. T h e org a n izers ski along the rocky spit of Fohad set up a checkpoint with rillon National Park and then a 3 p.m. cutoff time to do the whole loop. Miss it and we'd be diverted to a bus to take us to Gaspe, our third and final hub. Berthier and I skied in silence as the storm gathered. Fat, wet flakes stuck to my glasses and melted down my neck. One minute I was freezing, the next, roasting. With

I found my way to a blue and white house near the St.Michel church, where we'd soon have the operatic dinner. A 67-year-old retired art teacher withred-frame glasses named Jeannette Myles answered the door. "Entrez! Entrez!" she said, s howing me t o h e r l i v i n g room. A piano sat in the corner and a painting of a cellist hung on the knotty pine walls. Jeannette had volunteered to host a few skiers since almost everything is closed in Perce during the winter. Roger and Kathleen were already there. My room had cheery blue walls and views of the rock. "I think I'm going to take tomorrow off," Kathleen said, but by the time we all went to bed she'd convinced herself that Day 4 wouldn't be so bad, which it wasn't — 12 miles mostly down to the tiny town of St.-Isidore. There locals opened their c hurch and stuffed it w i t h table after table of desserts: pudding chomeur, sucre a la creme and every imaginable tarte. Once again musicians arrived and a d a nce party erupted. When I w o b b l ed a cross the finish line w i t h the last of the sugar-bombed stragglers,dozens of school- no goggles I was so blinded children cheered, rang cowby the snow at times that I bells and held up signs saying could only look at my feet as "Vive la Gaspesie!" I shuffled along.

I felt like a winner.

line up to slide right through downtown between columns of drummers and hundreds of locals welcoming us. Kathleen and Roger would get their own hotel room, which, after five days of sharing space, left me a little lonely. We'd end at another church, where there'd be an oyster bar under a Jesus sculpture and a 27-piece band doing Elvis and Ricky Martin covers.

— Tim Neville, who livesin Bend, writes frequently about the outdoors.

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For now, I lingered just a little longer, gazing at spindly birch limbs covered with snow so confectioner-fine that they reminded me of dessert. One by one my new friends cast off down the trail and into the fog. I sped off after them on limbs that no longer seemed to ache.



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co mpletethegrid

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THAT S C R A MBLEDWO R D G A M E by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these six Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form six ordinary words.

so that every row, column and3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.

DALPED u ai e rc ne

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It's great when the escalator


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Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.





The Centers for D i sease Control and Prevention recommends that i nternational travelers put together a health kit for their trips, but domestic and regional travelers should have one, too. "Take what you think you'd use, the stuff you keep in your medicine cabinet," a dvises G ary Brunette, branch chiefof travelers' health for the CDC. M You don't have to be thinking about exotic medications or exotic items. It's the kind of stuff you know you'll be

The Washington Post

my luggage. Still, at this par-



By Becky Krystal I tend to be a fairly well-prepared traveler. I almost always remember to throw a bunch of over-the-counterdrugs into

• eems to be broken most of the time


Don't forget to pack your medical kit when traveling


ticular moment, on this particular trip, the upset-stomach medication I was so desperately looking for may as well have been 3,000 miles away at home. Names and details are being withheld to protect the innocent, so, suffice it to say that a member of my traveling party wasn't feeling so hot. After futilely rummaging in my backpack and waiting in a seemingly interminable line to buy some Pepto-Bismol at a visitors' desk, I vowed never to

using." Especially if you're going

(Of course, only after the need had passed did I find the pill bottle lurking at the bottom of



Tribune MediaServices

kit in your carry-on luggage, complete wit h t h r ee-ounce gels or liquids that can be easily removed at security. Look for dopp or toiletry kits that come with detachable quart


abroad, don't a ssume that you can or would want to buy your medications, particularly prescriptions, once you reach your destination. In certain parts of the world, the odds of being given a counterfeit drug may be higher than 30 percent, according to the CDC's Yellow

be caught so off-guard again.

Cy's great victory

Book. It's also important that travelers take drugs in their original packaging for ease of identification, Brunette says. If you don't feel like assembling your own kit, commercial kits are an acceptable alternative. You may need to swap out some of the items to fit your own needs, though. Just remember tokeep the

Traveling to foreign destinations where water quality and diseases such as malaria are a concern requires some extra planning and supplies. For those kinds of trips, you should consult resources such as the Yellow Book and your doctor.


Cy the C y nic e ntered the cl ub l ounge l ik e C a esar r eturning i n triumph from the Gallic Wars.

spade from dummy to hi s j ack at Trick Two. West won, and South made the game.

"There is hope," Cy bellowed. "I

Basic travelmedicalkit

" So you t hink M i nnie i s a n

finally got the better of her." "Your team won a match against Minnie's team?" I asked. "By a h air," the C ynic crowed. " And I h a v e p r oof o f w h a t I ' v e suspected: She's an expert disguised as a little old lady." Minnie Bottoms wears old bifocals that make her mix up kings and jacks, often to her opponents' dismay. Cy has been her most frequent victim. As West he had led a diamond against 3NT, and dummy's ten won. "Minnie was declarer," Cy said. "She next took her A-K of clubs ...

To get you started, here are the basic essentials that should be in your travel kit no matter where

expert?" I asked Cy. "Sure. If she can't tell a king from a jack, why did she open 2NT? If her


kings were jacks, she had only 16 points."


Cy may be right. Minnie may be fooling us all. South dealer Both sides vulnerable




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"She thought she had the A-J and




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'jack' to run the clubs." "We set her straight," Cy said, "and she next led the jack of spades!" " Thinking i t w a s t h e k i n g, " I observed. "If I take the queen and set up my diamonds," Cy said, "Minnie can reach dummy with the ten of spades, winning four clubs, three spades and two diamonds. But I outfoxed her: I ducked, and she won an extra spade trick but only two clubs. She took only eight tricks in all." At the other table, South, Cy's teammate, did better by l eading a

rO k 'LJ


0532 4S752





4AK South 2NT P

W est ass

Nor th 3 NT

E as t All Pa s s


62 Fruity treats 64 ItendsinNov. 65 Ready for

aromaiherapy, say 69 Blood typing


66 67

can buy. • Anti-motion sicknessmedication: Goodfor car or boat rides. • Prescriptionmedications:Try to haveas close to a full supply as you can. Leave them in their original containers. • Adhesive bandages:Pack multiple sizes,

preferably with somegauzeand cleansing wipes. • Anti-itch gel or cream:Hydrocortisone is a common option and good for treating insect bites I

sa t ii.


your house without some sun protection. CDC recommends an SPF of at least15.

13 " Weapon" 54 MIdler's "Divine" 92 Environmental I27 Irs south of Vesuvius 14 Trademark caps nickname extremist 128 Like ballerinas, for Ashton 56 FrIend of 95 Reacted with at times Kuicher and Shylock outrage, as a 129 Cake mix Justin 59 Way UP mob additions TImberlake 61 Z's overseas 97 Rooney , who 130 Late for a pafty 15 avis 63 Old hi-fis played salander In "The Girl With 96 sUp and maybe 16 Yard sale 66 Coolidge and Ie Many a GE 98 Court plea 131 Berth place caveat Hayworth the Dragon product Iee 2011 world 132 Some aromatic 17 Recurring pain? 67 Symphonythat Tattoo" 14 Ruse 21 MexIco's Series champs cakes includes a 99 Navel type 18 Have lunchat IO2 Packagesfrom national flower funeral march 101 Turn at the bar, home 24 "DrinkIo m e 68 Intimidate recent guests, DOWN perhaps 19 Pressing need? I Four; Pref. only with thine 71 Household 103 Brought home perhaps 2e Setofbeliefs n uyukyuk eyes" dedi c aiee 104 Symbol of 2 regulators 107 Coach's call 22 Tear down, in 108 "The perfect purity 3 Ofthe ear 2 9 Span. ladies 7 2 Disconnect Tottenham 4 Like chocolate 33 Editor's "leave 73 Recording Storm" rescue 23 Husky features 105 Time past II"i truffle cake 74 "The 9P. 25 Line at a rodeo?Iee Sailor's 5 "Diana" singer direction 35 Legally bar Cryptogram" 109 penalty 2e nQB Vlln author IO7 clump 6 Soloists in 37 Kick out playwright 111 Game divided 27 "$40 a Day" 110 Breadin aiar? Bach's 38 Gripping 75 Online message intochukkers chef Ray 113 " ee In Love": 112 Gp. with forces Brandenburg pattern 78 Lawyer's 28 facto II4 Lasagna Concerto No. 6 39 Throws document Kate Bush song 3e LIbrarIan's cheese 7 Lyricist 4e Everglades bird 79 "ThisIs only 115 Navalnoncoms reminder sLS 41 "... like Bar fliers 116 VIniner's prefix 120 Madonns's GershwIn of 80 u 31 Players I17 "Later," In Bonita 8 Words of chocolatesn 81 Valleys 32 Grafton'sn for 121 Call forth denial 4 2 Dog topper 8 2Big name in London Lawless" 123 The Chicago 9 How 43 Bullys words coffee makers 118 Camaroroof 34 Scottishtongue Bulls had Iwo in freelancers 45 Mindful 83 Smartly dressed option 36 SUPermodel the '90s may work 4e Dreaded eeTheater 119 Grieg's" Wek 125 Future doc's Ie Puzzle book Jamaican? opening Death" 38 Disney fi lm exam offering 47 Nautical ropes 89 "Don't play n 122 Gold meas. featuring 126 Lats' 11 Teenleader? 50 Toyota Camry games with me 124 GOP plafformBerlioz, neighbors 12 Pod veggies model 91 1977 ELO hII promoting org. Toulouse, Marie 6 7 8 9 to t t I2 I3 t4 t5 ts I 7 and their mom I 2 3 4 5 Duchess tg 20 22 44 Nontraditional t8 peitormance genre 23 24 25 26 48 Carpet cleaning tool 27 28 29 30 49 Poses 51 RouteIo the 32 34 37 33 35 36 lungs 52 Swashbuckler 38 3 9 40 dt 42 45 4 6 47 Flynn 53 Arise (from) 49 50 5f 55 Codger 57 High-speed 52 54 55 scene 56 57 58 Bledel of 60

a few extra steps at the pharmacist's counter because of laws limiting the amount each person

inconvenience and illness. • Sunscreen:Really, you shouldn't even be leaving

(C) 2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.


Decongestant scanbeuseful,too.Some,suchas the pseudoephedrine-based Sudafed, mayrequire

a fever can make the difference between

Opening lead — 0 6

"THAT'S A WRAP!" 88 One who'snot By ELIZABETHC. striking 90 IthasitshIghs GORSKI and lows ACROSS 93 Not aswarm 94 C.P.E. Bach's I Actress Birch birthplace 6 Trattoria glassful


instances). Claritin is available over the counter.

• Digital thermometer:Especially with kids,

Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis

eGIlmore Girls"

• Antihistamines:Key if you suffer from seasonal allergies. Benadryl is great but can also make

and mild skin irritations.


ee Firstname In fashion

preferred formulation of acetaminophen, aspirin

or ibuprofen. • Remedies forstomachupset or diarrhea: Many swear by pink Pepto-Bismol (bismuth subsalicylate). Others to consider are loperamide (Imodium), laxatives andantacids. you drowsy (which might be aplus in some


and called for 'dummy's' king!" dummy had t h e K - Q -10-4," I laughed. "She was overtaking her

you're going. • Pain or fevermedication: Oneor more of your

• Facial tissue:Small travel-size packs are handy and ideal for a multitude of uses. • Hand sanitizer:Should contain at least 60 percent alcohol. • Antibiotic ointment:Best-known brand is

Deb Lindsey/The Washington Post

Neosporin. Beawarethat it's a common allergen.



Sources: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Cleveland Chnic.



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blame?" 77 Big Island volcano 78 Lfke a bunch- t07 t08 tog spoiling apple 81 Numskull t20 84 NBC weekend staple t25 85 Old Athens enemy t29 87 Astrologer Io the rich and famous f/27/13


96 t ot

78 7 9



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an 's 'rea own on

OW OVISI By Diane W. Stoneback

Visiting the castle

The Morning Call (Atlentown, Pa 4

I f you'd like t o v i sit t h e castle, know that it can't be a spur-of-the-moment side trip. You've got to watch Highclere's website (www.highclerecastle. co.uk) and snap up the online tickets as soon as they become available ... even before making your plane reservations! Your Highclere ticket gets you in the door to see many r ooms used f or "Downton Abbey" scenes, including the salon, drawing room, music room, smoking room, dining room, a few bedrooms and the library (Lady Fiona's favorite

England's Highclere Castle, the real-life Downton Abbey, has a past that's every bit as colorful and riveting as the hit "Masterpiece" series filmed within its walls. Besides serving as the main set for the hit PBS series that recently premiered its third season, this imposing landmark and the land it occupies has been home to generations of the Earls o f C a rnarvon since 1679. "It's an amazing place to wake up in. I've never lost my sense of wonder for it," says Lady Fiona, the current Countess of Carnarvon, who lives at Highclere with her husband, the Eighth Earl of Carnarvon. She has written a book about the castle, which occupies a lofty hilltop in southern England and welcomes a limited number ofvisitorseach year. At the forefront of British high society for much of its history, the castle has sheltered some of Britain's most privileged celebrities (including a future king) and has its own hints of intrigue, a World War I period of public service, a stunning link with ancient Egypt and the shadow of a pharaoh's curse. A t t i m es, threads ofiteven have been woven into "Downton Abbey." Watching al l t h r e e s e asons of "Downton" surely will stoke PBS fans' desire to visit the castle. Happily, they can tour the grounds where Robert, Lord Grantham, walks his Labrador retriever;enjoy the gardens where Violet, the Dowager C ountess, sometimes takes tea; and see the castle's main rooms where the lives of the Crawley family and their servants unfold. But the castle opens only for 70 days a year, and its tour tickets are as hot as the PBS "Masterpiece" series. In case you can't visit, or to develop an appreciation for the castle's own history before you go, read Lady Fiona's book, "Lady Almina and the Real Downton Abbey, The Lost Legacy of Highclere Castle" (Broadway Paperbacks,

$15.99, 320 pp.).

Lady Almina's legacy

place). Guests also can pay a

McClatchy-Tribune NewsService

PBS' hit series "Downton Abbey" is filmed at England's Highclere Castle. Fans can tour the castle and its grounds. ary lifestyle. Her dowry paid off her future husband's already-substantial debts. It also included a guaranteed annualincome for Lady Almina of more than $10.5 million per year, in today's dollars. L ady A l m in a u s e d h e r money to update the castle (it was among the first to have extensive indoor p l umbing and electric lights) and to entertain guests, including the future King Edward VII. For the royal weekend visit, she spent more than $500,000 for food, staffing and redecorating. Even the castle's pool table was re-covered for his visit, according to Lady Fiona's research. Lady Almina also used her money to turn Highclere into a World War I hospital for returning soldiers. She personally recruited the best nurses and doctors and paid for everything, including the latest medical equipment and medicines. She treated wounded men as guests and gave each a private bedroom in the castle (unlike the "Downton Abbey" scenes where c onvalescing soldiers slept on military cots

lining a large room). When it

Lady Almina, wife of the Fifth Earl of C arnarvon, is believed to have been the illegitimate daughter of wealthy banker Sir A l fred de Rothschild and his French mistress. Like Lord Grantham's wife, Cora, her fortune not only kept a roof over the family's heads but also fueled a legend-

outgrew Highclere, she paid to move it to a larger London facility. "I am amazed andhumbled by the work Almina did," Lady Fiona says. "Although Highclere always has done its best to make people feel welcome, Almina also made people feel better."



'Curse Of the Pharaohs' Lady Almina's money also funded her husband's many years of winter excavations for artifacts in Egypt and earned the Fifth Earl of Carnarvon his place in history as co-discoverer of Tutankhamun's intact tomb in 1922. Still c o nsidered E g y pt's most important archaeological find, the discovery took its toll on the earl, who died s hortly afterward. O n t h e night he died in Egypt, the lights went out all over Cairo. His beloved terrier, at Highclere, let out a single howl and also died the same night. These events and other rumors fueled talk of the "Curse of the Pharaohs." Today, three galleries in the castle's cellars cover the Fifth Earl's interests (which also included "fast"cars of the day and airplanes), his many years of excavations in Egypt and his amazing finds. Lady Fiona explains why threads of Highclere's story can be found in "Downton Abbey." "Julian Fellowes is a close friend of o urs. H e a l ready knew the castle's history when he began writing 'Downton,'" she says. At times, she notes, the answers she and her husband give to Fellowes' casual questions sometimes find their way into the episodes' scripts. "Julian originally w anted

bit more to visit the castle's cellars containing its Egyptian exhibition. Morning or afternoon ticket holders have 2~/~ hours to tour the castle's interior and the cellar rooms of the Egyptian exhibition. After t h at, they still can walk the grounds and hiking trails, tour the gardens, shop for gifts and have lunch in its tearoom. The castle's bookings for

large group tours already are filled for 2013. Individual tickets sell o u t p r a ctically as quickly as they become available. The challenge for the current earl and his wife is harnessing "Downton's" popularity to support the massive house, which was built by the same architect who constructed Westminster Abbey. Income from Lady Fiona's b ook, a N e w Y o r k T i m es best-seller for non-fiction, has helped. When "Downton" isn't filming (about si x m o n ths a year), the castle staff also books weddings, corporate events and private dinners. It also has a new online gift shop for fans who can't visit Highclere. Just like the "Downton" segment where Lord Grantham tells Matthew (the next Lord Grantham) about his responsibilities, i ncluding d o zens of toilets, the Eighth Earl of Carnarvon and his wife worry about maintaining miles of pipes and acres of roof.

"Keeping Highclere up is a responsibility as well as a privilege," she says. "There's always something going wrong. We divide our tasks, with my husband taking responsibility for roof tiles, while I do the pretty curtains. But I've also crawled out on the roof with him to see where our money is going. It's not that scary, if you're wearing the right shoes." Lady Fiona knew something about Almina and the Fifth Earl before she became the current Countess of Carnarvon. But she really delved into the couple when she injured her knee and spent hours on the library sofa. "I asked the staff to bring me things to read from the castle's archives. It was just after 'Downton's' first series had aired and its popularity gave me the chance to get Lady Almina's story published," she says. Now she's writing a second book about t he castle's h i story, f r o m 1923-1945. The author and her husband live in Highclere during filming. But when summer crowds arrive, they move to a smaller home "about 20 yards away. We don't want to have to be up and out by 8 a.m. each morning," she explains. No matter where they're living, they watch every episode, so they can answer questions when "the press rings up and wants to know our thoughts about a scene." A dedicated dog lover, she a dmits to w o n dering w h y one of her Labrador retrievers wasn't tapped to be Lord Grantham's dog. (When the series began, she had two Labs and now has four, in addition to three cocker spaniels). She has never wanted a "Downton" role for h erself, however. "I see how hard the actors work and how long their days are. Most of the women spend their time in hair rollers and the men spend hours just waiting to go on. I have a very different view of what seems so glamorous from the outside. I'd rather take my dogs for a walk."

If yougo What:England's Highclere Castle, where the TV show "Downton Abbey" is filmed. Where:Highclere Park, Newbury, England RG20 9RN

When:10:30 a.m.-1 p.m. (morning tickets) or 1-3:30 p.m. (afternoon tickets), Sundays through Thursdays, July14 to Sept. 12. For additional opening

dates (various holidays during the year), check the website.

How much:Cost (varies according to currency fluctuations) of about $30 for adults, $26 for seniors and students and $18for children. Family admission (for two adults and two

or three children) is $82.

Includes tour of the castle, its Egyptian Exhibition,

gardens and grounds. Getting there:Visit the

castle by car or take atrain from London's Paddington Station to Newbury's Rail Station. Taxis from

Newbury should be prebooked.

Where to stay:The castle's website lists bed and breakfasts that are

nearby, as well as some country inns. Want to hang out where Downton stars stay? Check out The

Carnarvon Arms (www. thecarnarvonarmshotel.

com), a short distance from the castle. Tip1: Do not think of going

without procuring tickets in advance. Summer tickets go on sale in February and will sell out quickly. Tip 2:Ticket times are for exploring the castle and Egyptian Exhibition. The

grounds, gardens, tea room and gift shop are open throughout the day. Info: 011-44-1635-253204,


E nroll toda y VYi thout Regret!

to use Highclere for (the film) 'Gosford Park,' but it was just a little too far out of London for that production's demands," she added.


Top 5 Reasons Why Families Choose Morning Star Christian School 1. Students develop a love for learning through small class sizes and one-on-one instruction. 2. A solid foundation in reading and mathematics is built through leveled classroom instruction. 3. An enriched education is provided with Spanish, German, music, art and outdoor electives including skiing, kayaking, rock climbing and mountain biking. 4. Students learn to engage their community through relevant field trips and impacting service projects.

The Bend City Council appointed Mirror Pond Management Board is l aunchin g athree-phase process to reach a conclusion onwhatto do with the silt build-up in Mirror Pond. For the first phase, your input is needed.

Attenda public presentation on February6th or12that Bend Park &Recreation District, 799 SWColumbia, 6:30 pm. OR Call (541) 706-6152 to have aquestionnaire mailed to you. In the following two phases, several actions will be presented to the community for comment and then a preferred course of action will be decided in June.

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ar acus vs. or acus: a ui e TV SPOTLIGHT By Neil Genzlinger New York Times News Service

Here at the Bureau for Solvi ng Problems That May o r May Not B e P r oblems, we have been on high alert recently because of the launch of yet another installment of perhaps the most vile series on television, "Spartacus." Our worry i s n o t s imply that a fresh batch of graphic limb severings and g r atuitousbreast barings has been unleashed on the television l andscape; such s t uf f w i l l always be with us. No, our concern is, as always, for the children. Specifically for those children who might accidentally stumble on the decidedly adults-only "Spartacus" while searching for the kid-friendly Sportacus. Sportacus is a s omewhat embarrassing but heroic character on "LazyTown," a show now i n p e rpetual reruns on PBS Kids Sprout and elsewhere, and aimed at preschoolers. "Spartacus" is, of course, the gladiator-themed series that returned to Starz on Friday night with a new season subtitled "War of the Damned." We here at the bureau are afraid that a toddler with a voice-activated remote control and poor diction who is looking to spend some time with Sportacus might end up instead in the "Spartacus" ver-

of the day and often can't distinguish appropriate shows from inappropriate ones, even when they are paying attention. So we've prepared this guide to help concerned moms and dads determine whether their preschoolers are watching Sportacus or "Spartacus." Clip and save: If the dominant wardrobe colors are brown and gray, and the men are costumed in something that resembles an adult diaper, your child is watching " Spartacus." Sportacus Courtesy Starz If characters are wearing and the other LazyTowners dingy, minimalist garb meant to generally go for a sleek look dispay well-oiled torsos, your in primary colors, but Spartachild has mistaken "Spartacus" cus and his warriors prefer for the "Lazytown" character dingy, minimalist garb, a sort Sportacus. of ancient metal-and-leather Depend whose main benefit is to leave a maximum amount sion of ancient Rome, where of torso for well-oiled display. the language is vulgar, and The women lean toward flimsy the bloodshed and c opula- garments that fall to the floor tion are copious. This would at the slightest provocation. be an unfortunate mistake, Modesty, it appears, was not a because while Sportacus en- significant part of ancient Rocourages fitness and healthy man culture. eating, "Spartacus" takes aim If men t w ir l r a ther than at pretty much every base in- flip, your child is w atching stinct human beings have. The "Spartacus." The p r eferred first eight minutes of the "War acrobatic move in Spartacus' of the Damned" premiere Rome is the no-look decapitacovered bloodlust, carnal in- tion, accomplished in battle by dulgence, vulgarity and don't- twirling with sword extended try-this-at-home s w o rdplay, in such a way as to remove not to mention laughably inept the head of whoever is standspecial effects. ing behind you. Sportacus is Most parents, we at the bu- also gymnastically inclined reau know, are too busy to but favors handsprings and monitor their children's tele- front flips and rarely decapivision viewing every second tates anyone. But it should be

noted that he does occasionally speak sternly to Robbie Rotten, the anti-exercise, procandy villain of LazyTown. If the bleeding in the show is always in slow motion, your child is watching "Spartacus." This seasonSpartacus isleading a rebellion against Rome, and it begins with a vast battle that shows off this series' best skill, such as it is: capturing blood as it spurts, splatters and sprays in super-slow motion. A charactercan'tgeta paper cut in this series without causing the camera crew to go berserk over the dubious beauty of hemorrhaging, lovingly rendering it in the way a nature cinematographer might show an erupting geyser. This is usually followed by a slow pan of the twitching, dying victims and their lopped extremities and detachedentrails,cheesylooking scenes that appear concocted from a communitytheater prop closet. In "LazyTown," in contrast, residents rarely bleed, though Sportacus and Robbie Rotten did once have a Wild-Weststyle duel in which Sportacus knocked Robbie's cowboy hat off with an apple. If characters are alternately speaking i n p s eudo-Shakespearean gibberish and emitting f erocious GRAWWWWWs, your child is watching "Spartacus." Sportacus, who is portrayed by an Icelandic fellow named Magnus Scheving, speaks in straightforward

otentia o arents ee si te

if slightly accented English. Over on "Spartacus," the writers try to give their noxious show a veneer of sophistication by having everyone converse in flowery prose that aims to suggest Shakespeare, a device that also serves to hide the absence of any real plot beyond fighting and fornicating. Their favorite dialogue crutch, though, isn't a word at all; it's a lusty, roaring growl, which men emit when killing someone, being k i lled, celebrating a killing, being tortured, devouring a meal or just when they want to express their manliness. "My incredible macho buffness is beyond human speech," theseroar-growls seem to say. Either that or: "Who are we kidding'? No one is watching this moronic show for the dialogue, so let's just growl." Other telltale signs that your child has tuned in "Spartacus" rather than Sportacus include the eating of barely cooked meat (Sportacus advocates fruits and vegetables); ram-

pant misogyny (on "Spartacus," putting a woman to death by nailing her to a cross isn't

enough; she has to be slugged, too); and scenes that mix sex and bloodshed (because sophisticated viewers demand that images of naked bath attendants be intercut with shots

of a warrior plunging a sword into another man's mouth). Sheesh. Even Robbie Rotten

would be appalled.

MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may beanadditional fee for 3-0 and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subjectto changeafter press time. I

Dear Abby: My fiance's friend "Art" and his wife, "Julie," just had a baby. While Julie was pregnant she asked my fiance and me to be godparents. Although we c ould not attend her baby shower due to a previous commitment, we c o n tributed several gifts as DEAR well as a quilt I had made. A few weeks later, Julie posted on her social networking site that she was thankful for her baby's godparents and named an entirely different couple — not us. I am offended. If she had discussed her reason for the change with me, I would have understood. But there was no dialogue, and to this day I have never received so much as a thank-you for our shower presents. I would like to distance myself from Julie, but without damaging the relationship between Art and my fiance, who thinks I am overreacting and should let it go. What are your thoughts? — Not a Godmother Dear Not a Godmother: Julie

it would mean they'd have to have Cindy officially committed, and they think there is still some magic doctor out there who will fix her. Can my husband do anything as courage to say so. a last effort before something hapWhether you can pens toone of his parents, or she let this go only you winds up in jail? can decide, but I do — Sad in Texas think that before you Dear Sad: Your husband should make up your mind, try to convince his parents to get you should have a some family counseling. It might c hat with he r a n d help them accept that their daughclear the air — if only because your ter needs morehelp than they are fiance and her husband are such equipped to give her. An outside, good friends. objective person should w eigh Dear Abby:My husband's young- in so that Cindy can get the proer sister, "Cindy," is mentally ill. fessional help she so obviously She has caused tremendous prob- needs. lems in the family. She has been arIf she is physically, psychologirested too many times to remember cally or emotionally abusing her and is now on five years' probation parents, Adult Protective Services for injury to a child. My in-laws can stepinto be sure they are procontinue making excuses for her tected. When your in-laws pass and arethe worst enablers I have away, if your sister-in-law becomes ever known. a danger to herself or those around My husband once urged his dad her, afamily member can request to put Cindy into a group home or a commitment and psychological program that will take care of her evaluation. — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com because his parents are getting up in years. They refuse because or P0. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069 may have been upset that you and your fiance didn't attend the baby shower, or she may have spoken too quickly when she asked you to be godparents and didn't have the


HAPPY BIRTHDAYFORSUNDAY, JAN. 27, 2013:This yearyou become even more aware of the differences between you and others. You often could becomediscouraged by the demands of a professional situation. You have the ability to see both Stars showthe kind sides of an issue, of day you'll dave an d you will try ** * * * D ynamic to find a solution ** * * P ositive th a t works for ** * A verage everyone involved. ** So-so If you are single, * Difficult be careful not to give up your power for a relationship; be yourself. If you are attached, you each will work on making an equal contribution, whether it is regarding your bills, your home or even walking the dog. This balance will make your interactions easier. LEOloves people as much as you do. Both of you express your compassion differently.


* ** You might notbeasrelaxed asyou might like. Attend to a work-related matter or deal with a responsibility that concerns yourself alone. You also might consider you. Clear up this issue, and you might returning some phone calls more enjoy the rest of the day. A loved one regular ly.Catch up on someone's news.A might be upset thatyou canceled plans. situation makes more sense once you hear Tonight: Aforce to be dealt with. the other side. Tonight: Out and about. By Jacqueiine Bigor

CANCER(JUNE21-JULY 22) ** * Let go of your opinion of an issue if you want to get along better with a key person. Carrying a grudge will not help. Try to confirm meeting places. If someone says anything that sounds off, ask this person to repeat what he or she meant. Tonight: Get a good night's sleep.

LEO (JULY23-AUG. 22j

** * * T he world seems to revolve around you for the moment. Afamily member appreciates your efforts, yet you ARIES (March 21-April19) need to respect his or her decision to want ** * * * Y our imagination might to be left alone. Give this person some wander while you are trying to stay in the space, but still offer your compassion. moment. You easily could be involved in a Tonight: Whatever makes you smile. misunderstanding as a result. Rather than VIRGO(AUG.23-SEPT.22) get upset at what unfolds, tap into your ** * T ake some much-needed time sense of humor. Share what is going on for yourself. A difficult conversation with you, and allow others to lighten up. might haunt you. You could be taking Tonight: Act like it is Friday night. a conversation too personally. Meet a TAURUS (APRIL20-MAY 20) special friend for a late brunch. A little ** * S omeone very important to your time away from your normal setting will well-being could be out of sorts as of make all the difference. Tonight: Vanish late. Dote on this person, but only if you while you can. really want to, as he or she could be quite LIBRA (SEPT.23-OCT. 22) critical. Knowyour limits. Be careful with ** * * A i m for more of what you want. spending; otherwise,you could make an Oo not allow yourself to overspend or error. Tonight: Close to home. go to extremes, as you might feel a little GEMINI (MAY 21-JUNE20) out of sorts. Question what is going ** * * Reach out to others. You will on between you and someone else. have only yourself to blame if you find Messages could get confused very easily.


** * * K eep reaching out to someone at a distance, as you might want additional information. Listen to what this person desires, and then decide whether you can be instrumental in helping him or her reach these goals. Remain open. Tonight: Stay present in the here and now.

CAPRICORN(DEC. 22-JAN. 19j ** * * Y our ability to relate on a oneon-one level emerges with a key person. At the same time, you might want to distance yourself from groups and crowds. Confusion surrounds a trip or a fun get-together. Confirm that everyone is on the same page. Tonight: Dinner for two.

AQUARIUS (JAN. 20-FEB. 18) ** * You could feel discouraged or overwhelmed by everything you must complete; on the other hand, if you stay present in the moment, you might not believe what you are hearing! Play the role of the observer, and decide to say little. Tonight: Go with a suggestion.

PISCES (FEB.19-MARCH20) ** * * A c knowledge a change of plans. Let others know how you feel rather than leave a situation hazy. Oo not be surprised if you witness a child or loved one throw a tantrum. Be gentle yet smart in dealing with this matter. Tonight: Happy to chill. © 2013 by King Features Syndicate





4 p.m. on H f3, "2013 Pro Bowl" —The NFL'sbest — minus the players for the teams participating in Super Bowl XLVII next week and any other players who have to withdraw due to "injury" — turn up at Aloha Stadium in Honolulu to perform in the 2013 Pro Bowl. Enjoy it while you can,becauseNFL Commissioner Roger Goodell has threatened to cancel his league's all-star game if players don't put enough effort into it. 5 p.m. on TNT,"19th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards" — It's the award show where actors honor actors. Top honors for acting in film and television will be presented during this live, star-packed two-hour event, which airs on TBSand sister channel TNT.Dick Van Dykeis this year's recipient of SAG's Life Achievement Award for his contributions to acting and his involvement in humanitarian and public service causes. 8 p.m. on DISC,"Monster Squid: The Giant Is Real"Discovery Channeland Japanese broadcaster NHKjoin forces to find the mysterious giant squid, which has never been filmed in its natural habitat — until now. In this new special, the first-ever footage of the giant squid where it lives will be revealed. 9 p.m. onH, "Masterpiece Classic" —The Crawley family faces its severest test yet. Meanwhile, new faces try to fit into the tight-knit circle of servants, and new evidence turns up in a baffling case as the third season of "Downton Abbey" continues. Hugh Bonneville, Michelle Oockery, Laura Carmichael and Brendan Coyle star. 9 p.m. on FOOD,"Rachael vs. Guy Celedrity Cook-Off" — Rico Rodriguez, aka Manny of "Modern Family," is the guest judge as the remaining celebrity team members vie to throw the most kid-pleasing birthday party for one lucky girl and boy in the new episode "Picky Palates." ©zap2s

E LEVATIO N Elevation Capital Strategies 400 sw BluADrive suite 101 Bend Main: 541-728-0321 www.elevationcapital.biz


McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • CHASINGMAVERICKS(PG) 6 • FLIGHT iR) 9 • WRECK-ITRALPH(PG)Noon, 3 • After 7p.m.,showsare21and older only. Youngerthan21 mayattend screenings before 7p m.ifaccompanied by a legal guardian. t

10 a.m. on H A, "NBA Basketdall" —A tripleheader of NBA action awaits fans this afternoon and evening, starting with this tilt in Boston between the Celtics and their Eastern Conference rivals, the Miami Heat. Then Western Conference foes collide when the Oklahoma City Thunder visit the Los Angeles Lakers. The slate wraps up on ESPNwith the New York Knicks hosting the Atlanta Hawks.

Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.Li.S. Highway20, 541-382-6347 • ARGO (R) 12:I5, 3, 6 • DIANA VREELAND: THEEYEHASTOTRAVEL (PG-13) 1, 3:45, 6:30 • HYDE PARK ONHUDSON(R) I:15, 7 • THE IMPOSSIBLE (PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:15 • LES MISERABLEB (PG-13) I2:45, 4 • RUSTANDBONE(R) 4:15 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOKiR) Noon, 3:15, 6:45

Tonight: Make a caring gesture.



Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX,680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • BROKEN CITY (R) 1:40, 4:35, 7:10, 9:50 • DJANGOUNCHAINED (R) I2:50,4:20,8 • GANGSTER SQUAD(R) 'l2:35, 3:45, 7:15, 10 • HANSEL5 GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS iR)11:35a.m., 1:55, 6:45 • HANSEL& GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS 3-D(Rl4:15,9:15 • HANSEL5 GRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS IMAX (PG-13) 11:45 a.m., 2:05, 4:25, 7, 9:30 • A HAUNTED HOUSE(R) 10 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)2, 9:40 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-0 (PG-13)6 • JACK REACHER iPG-13) 3, 9:20 • THE LASTSTAND(R) 1:05, 3:55, 7:25, I0:05 • LES MISERABLES iPG-13i 11:40 a.m., 3:05, 6:30, 9:55 • LIFEOFPI(PG) I2:15 • LIFE OF PI 3-0 (PG)3:20, 6:15, 9:10 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 11:50 a.m., 3:10, 6:25, 9:45 • MAMA(PG-l3) 1:30, 4:40, 7:35, I0:05 • MOVIE 43lR) 1:45, 4:45, 7:50, 10:20 • PARKER (R) 1:20, 4:05, 7:20, 10:10 • SKYFALL (PG-13)11:55 a.m., 6:05 • THIS IS 40(R) 12:25, 3:30, 6:40 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 12:05, 3:35, 6:55, 10:15 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies.


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Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • CHASING ICE(PG-13) 5 • THE FOX ANDTHECHILD(2007 — G) Noon • KEEP THE LIGHTS ON(no MPAArating) 3 • OCCUPIED CASCADIA(no MPAArating) 7 I




Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • HANSEL5 GRETEL:WITCH HUNTERS(R) Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9 • THE HOBBIT:ANUNEXPECTEDJOURNEY(PG-13) I1 a.m., 2:30, 6:05, 9:30 • THE LASTSTAND(R) 11:45 a.m., 2, 4:15, 6:30, 8:45 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 11:30 a.m., 2:45, 6:05, 9:15

Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt,541-549-8800 • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) 2:30, 5:30 • LIFE OF PI (PG)1, 3:30, 6:15 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 1, 3:30, 6:15 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 2:15, 5:45 Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • GANGSTER SQUAD(R) 2:10, 4:35, 7 • HANSEL5 GRETEL:WITCH HUNTERS3-0 (R) 1:15, 3:20, 5:25, 7:30 • A HAUNTED HOUSE(Rl 1:20, 3:15, 5:10, 7: l0 • THE LASTSTAND(R) 2:40, 5, 7:20 • SILVERLININGSPLAYBOOK(Rl 1:45, 4:15, 6:50 Pine Theater, 214 N. Main St., 541-416-1014 • DJANGOUNCHAINED lR)Noon,3:20,7 • LINCOLN (UPSTAIRS — PG-13) 1, 4, 7: I5 • Theupstairs screening roomhaslimited accessibility.

Pnisleq Hello mV nnme is PoisleV! I om nn ndoroble hoppV Qo luckV 4 month o ld L n brndor/Chihunhuo m i x thnt wns brought to HSCO from on overcrowded shelter. I love to «uddle nnd give kisses. I om

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Scoreboard, D2 Ten n is, D3 Prep sports, D4 Golf, D2 Sports in brief, D2 N B A, D5 College basketball, D3 NHL, D5 THE BULLETIN • SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 2013

O» www.bendbulletin.com/sports



Eaton among awards finalists BEAVERTON — Ashton Eaton, the

gold-medal Olympic decathlete from Bend, headlines the list of finalists for the 61st Or-

egon Sports Awards. The awards will be

presented on theevening of Sunday, Feb. 10, in the Stanford Theater

Norma is enou or a ormerto swimmer By Karen Crouse

New York Times News Service


BISMARCK, N.D. — Dagny Knutson approached her 11th workout of the week with an intensity that burned like chlorine in the eyes. Her coach, Kathy Aspaas, said Knut-

View High School, is nominated for the Harry

Glickman Professional Athlete ofthe Year award. In addition to

winning the gold medal at last summer's Lon-

don Olympic Games, Eaton set a world record


• An Olympichopeful's careeriscut short dueto aneating disorder

at Nike World HeadquarEaton, a graduate of Bend's Mountain


son's pacing and purpose during the highmileage practiceharkened back to when she was the most promising teenage swimmer in the country. Aspaas had been skeptical when Knutson, 21, decided to make a comeback after retiring last January. But at the Bismarck State College

Aquatic and Wellness Center three weeks ago, Knutson was outpacing expectations, her prospects of rejoining the national team improving with every stroke. Two days later, shortly before Knutson was to begin her weekly training cycle anew, she sent Aspaas a text message. "Don't come to the pool," she wrote. "I won't be there anymore." Knutson stopped swimming a year ago to seek treatment for an eating disorder that she feared might kill her. SeeSwimmer/D6

Dan Koeck/The New YorkTimes

Dagny Knutson, once a world-class swimmer, at the Bismarck State College Aquatic and Wellness Center in Bismarck, N.D., last week. Knutson, 21, interrupted her career because of an eating disorder.

in winning the world heptathlon title and also

broke the world record in the decathlon at the Olympic trials.



Among the finalists

Cowboys take 2nd

for other awards are five high school athletes

from Central Oregon: Tommy Brewer of

Summit, for prep swimmer of the year; Kevin Hamann of Summit, for

prep baseball player of the year; Makayla Lindburg of Crook County, for prep volleyball player of the year; Paxton


at Reser's

Q ~J'

Deuel of Summit, for

prep tennis player of the year; and Travis Neuman of Summit, for prep



cross-country runner of the year.


For the first time, vot-


ing is open to the public for finalists in 28 Oregon Sports Awards cat-

egories. Tovote online, visit www.oregonsportsawards.com; voting is under way and will continue until Feb. 8. For a complete list of finalists, go online to http://oregonsport-


Photos by Joe Khne/The Bulletin

From left, J3 boys racers Trevor Allison, Sam Schoderbek and Adam Sonneland race in the Sunnyside Qualifier on Saturday on the nordic trails at Mt. Bachelor. Allison finished 11th, Schoderbek took eighth and Sonneland was fourth.

html. — Bulletin staff report


Bulletin staff report More than 120 skiers took to the nordic trails at M t . B a chelor ski area on Saturday for skate-ski racing on the first day of the Sunnyside

Qualifier. The event served as the Pacific Northwest Ski Association J3 Cham-

pionships (ages 12 and 13); as a PNSA junior nationals qualifier for the J2, Jl

and OJ divisions (ages 14 to 19); and as the United States Collegiate Ski and Snowboard Association Northwest Conference championships and national qualifier. Senior and masters competitors also participated. Skiers took to the course one at a time in 30-second intervals and raced 3, 5 or 10 kilometers, depending on the division. SeeTrails /D4

Lindsey Vonn celebrates at the finish line after winning an alpine ski women's World Cup giant slalom in Maribor, Slovenia, Saturday.

Vonn beats Maze in giant slalom

Spectators cheer as J3 girls third-place finisher Alexandra Heisler skis the course of the Sunnyside Qualifier on Saturday at Mt. Bachelor Ski Area.

MARIBOR, Slovenia — Lindsey Vonn beat rival Tina Maze on the


Slovenian's homesnow


and in her best disci-

San Francisco

pline Saturday, earning a surprising victory in a giant slalom. Maze had achance to secure her third giant slalom discipline title

and led after a near-perfect first run, but a poor start to the second cost her valuable time and she finished 0.08 seconds behind Vonn.

Vonn proved again that she is back to her best after an illness by putting down two good runs to win in 2 minutes,

22.2 seconds. Vonn won her first GS victory since March of

last year. Sheearned her second win in aweek after taking the downhill at Cortina O'Ampezzo. Austria's Anna Fenninger was third, 0.57

seconds behind Vonn. — The Associated Press


to contri utor for 49ers ~ 9'© I

By Josh Dubow

The Associated Press

SANTA CLARA, Calif. — In a matter of weeks, LaMichael James has transformed himself from a rookie spectator forced to watch the first three months of the season to a key contributor to a Super Bowlteam forthe San Francisco 49ers. After being inactive for the first 12 games of the season, the former University of Oregon star has become an impact player for the 49ers in their run to the Super Bowl next week against Baltimore. His long kickoff return set up the go-ahead score in a lateseason win in New England. His experience running the zone read — at which he excelled at Oregon — helped quarterback Colin Kaepernick rush for 181 yards in a win to open the playoffs against Green Bay. Then James got into the scoring act himself last week, starting San Francisco's comeback in a 28-24 win over Atlanta in the NFC championship. "I had a lot to learn," James said. "I'm still learning. I'm very blessed to be in the situation I'm in." See James/D5





Bulletin staff report HILLSBORO — Twentyfour of the top wrestling programs throughout the state, from Class 2A/IA to 6A, made up the field of the Reser's Tournament of Champions at Liberty High School. While Central Oregon did not boast the top program, it did produce two-top five teams and an individual champion Saturday. Crook County led the way for local squads at the two-day event, finishing second with 148'/2 points to Hermiston (221 points). Cowboy sophomore Trayton Libolt, a No. 1 seed, was the 106-pound champion, pinning Glencoe's Nate Johnson in 5 minutes, 47 second in the 106 final. Crook County also saw Grayson Munn finish fourth at 132 pounds and Dean Smith place fifth at 160

pounds. Complete results were not available at press time. Close behind Crook County was Redmond High, which finished fourth as a team with 126 points. Brandon Short

(126 pounds), Gunnar Sigado (182) and Sumner Saulsbury

(220) all advanced to the semifinals in their respective bracketsbefore being ousted, with Short eventually taking fourth. Chance Lindquist, who was knocked out of the championship bracket in the second round, battled back in the consolation bracket to take fourth at 138 pounds. "I've always had confidence in these kids," said Redmond coach Kris Davis, whose team faces off with Crook County in a dual meet on Thursday. "They work hard, and they deserve this." Culver took 19th as a team with 59 points, but the Bulldogs, who compete at the Heppner Invitational next Saturday, pushed two wrestlers into the championship finals. "If you're going to be the champion, you have to wrestle from the first round all the way to the last," Culver coach J.D. Alley said. Three-time defending state champion Jared Kasch came up just short at 120 pounds, dropping the title match to Crater's Tyler Thomas in a 4-2

decision. Bulldog sophomore Tucker Davis, a No. 3 seed at 126 pounds, fell to top-seeded Kyle Sether of Oregon City 9-0 in his title match. "These bigger schools, even the great kids have to wrestle great matches," Alley said. "It's a much more even playing field. That's what we can take away from this."





5 p.m.:Men's college, Creighton

TODAY TENNIS Midnight:Australian Open,

men's final, Andy Murray vs. Novak Djokovic, ESPN. 6 a.m.:Australian Open, men's final, Andy Murray vs. Novak

Djokovic (same-day tape),

at Southern lllinois, ESPNU. 6 p.m.:Men's basketball, Stanford at Utah, Pac-12 Network. 6:30 p.m.: NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at Los Angeles

Clippers, Comcast SportsNet Northwest.

BOWLING 10 a.m.:PBATour League,


4:30 p.m.:Australian Open, round 1, ESPN. men's final, Andy Murray vs. Novak Djokovic (same-day tape), WINTER SPORTS ESPN2.

11 a.m.:Winter X Games, ESPN. 11 a.m.: FIS freestyle skiing,

MOTOR SPORTS 6 a.m.: Rolex24 atDaytona,

Speed channel. 9 a.m.:Motorcycle racing,

World Cup, aerials (taped), NBCSN.

Noon:Figure skating, U.S. Championships, men's free

AMA Supercross World

Championship (taped), CBS. BASKETBALL 9 a.m.:Men's college, Lafayette

skate, NBC. 6 p.m.: WinterX Gam es,ESPN.


at Lehigh, CBSSN. 10a.m.: NBA, Miami Heat at Boston Celtics, ABC.

Noon:PGATour, Farmers

10 a.m.:Men's college,

WRESTLING Noon:College,Oklahoma

Insurance Open,final round, CBS.

Michigan State at Indiana, CBS. 10 a.m.: W omen's college,TCU at Texas Tech, Root Sports. St. John's at Louisville, ESPNU.

11 a.m.:Women's college, North Carolina at Miami (Fla.), ESPN2.

11 a.m.: Women's college, Xavier at Richmond, CBSSN. 12:30 p.m.:NBA, Oklahoma City Thunder at Los Angeles Lakers, ABC.

HOCKEY 3 p.m.:NHL, Minnesota Wild at St. Louis Blues, NBCSN.

GYMNASTIGS 3 p.m.: Women'scollege,LSU at Alabama (taped), ESPN2. FOOTBALL 4p.m.: NFL, Pro Bowl, AFC vs. NFC, NBC.

12:30 p.m.:Women's college, Missouri at Texas A8 M, ESPNU.


12:30 p.m.:Men's college, California at Colorado, Root

Sports. 1 p.m.:Women's college,

SOCCER 2 p.m.:English Premier League,

Purdue at Michigan State, ESPN2.

Chelsea FC vs. Arsenal FC

(taped), Root Sports.

1 p.m.:Women's college,

BASKETBALL 4 p.m.:Men's college,

Fresno State at Colorado State, CBSSN.

2 p.m.:Women's college, Oregon at Washington, Pac-12

Pittsburgh at Louisville, ESPN.


4 p.m.:Women's college, Notre Dame atTennessee, ESPN2. 4 p.m.:Men's college, Alabama

3 p.m.:Men's college, Florida

State at Texas Southern, ESPNU.

State at Miami, ESPNU. 3:30p.m.:NBA,Atlanta Hawks at New York Knicks, ESPN.

4 p.m.:Men's college, Delaware

4 p.m.:Women's college,

West Virginia, ESPN.

Colorado at Stanford, Pac-12 Network.

Monday Boys basketball: CulveratRegis, 8 p.m. Girls basketball: CulveratRegis, 6:30 p.m. Wrestling: Summiatt CrookCounty, 7 p.m.

Tuesday Boys basketball: Summiat t Bend,7 p.mz Crook CountyatRedmond,7pmz Gilchrist at Prospect,6 p.m.; Ridgeview at Mountain View,7 p.m.; LaPine at Elmira,5:45p.m. Girls basketball: Bendat Summit, 7 p.mzMountain View at Ridgeview,7 p.m.; Redmondat Crook County, 7p.m., Propsectvs. Gilchrist at Prospect, 4:30 p.m.;LaPineat Elmira, 7:15 p.m. Swimming:CentennialatMadras,4:45 p.m. Wednesday Boys basketball: Santiam atCulver, 6:30 p.m. Girls basketball: SantiamatCulver, 5 p.m. Wrestling: Madras atNorth Marion,7 p.m. Thursday Boys basketball: Rogue ValeyAdventistat Gichrist, 7 p.m. Girls basketball: Rogue ValeyAdventistat Gilchrist, 5:30 p.m. Wrestling: Bendat MountainView,7 p.m.; Crook County atRedm ond, 7 p.m.; Summitat La Pine, 7 p.m.


State at Arizona State, Pac-12 Network.

10:30 a.m.:Women's college,


at Drexel, NBCSN.

6 p.m.:Men's college, Kansas at 6 p.m.:Men's college, South Florida at Marquette, ESPNU.

ON THE AIR: RADIO TODAY BASKETBALL 6:30 p.m.:NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at Los Angeles Clippers, KBND-AM 1110, KRCO-AM 690. Listings are themostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changesmadeby TVor radio stations.


Nordic Skiing SunnysideQualifier AI MI. Bachelor ski area Saturday's results Skate ski Girls J4 I , Sarah Kilroy,BEA,9:00. 2, Stella Hyde,MBSEF, 9:29. 3,IsabelMax, MBSEF,9:53.4,Fiona Max, MBSEF, 9:54.5,Liv Downing,MBSEF,10:36.6,Ani Husaby,BE A,10:50. 7, SydneyScott BEA,10:59 BoysJ4 1, NateHenson, BEA,9.06. 2, AndrewSonneland,

Spokane Nordic, 9:36. 3,BrooksSchaff, SpokaneNordic, 9:41.4, ReedKelar, BEA,9:44. 5,AidenWhitelaw, MBSEF,10:00. 6, Patrick Korus, SpokaneNordic, 10:29. 7,PeterHeisler, BEA,11:25. 8, RyanDoering, MBSEF, 14:57.

Girls J3 I, KieranRingel, LWSC , 8:14. 2, ValerieFischer, Teacup,8:41. 3, AlexandraHeisler, BEA,8.49. 4, HadassahLurbur,LWSC,9:02. 5, Olivia Colton, MBSEF, 9:12 6, GraceRalston, SpokaneNordic, 9:13. 7, Gemma Munck, MBSEF, 9:31. 8 Angelina Lindsay, 9:34. 9,LaurenPotyk, SpokaneNordic, 9.47. 10,Sadie Gorman,MBSEF, 9:49. 11,Rebecca Christensen, BEA, 10;09. 12, DagnyDonohue, MBS EF, 10:10 13, CharlotteEifert, LWSC,10:15. 14, KyraKadhim, BEA,10.19.15, Micheala Gorman,MBSEF,10.32.16, Natalie Hill, MBSE F,11:14.17, SkylarGrayson,BE A, 11:32

BoysJ3 1, Moses Lurbur, LWSC,7.16.2, SamBiskup,BEA, 7:39. 3, KimbertSchlichting, MBSEF,7:54. 4, Adam Sonneland,SpokaneNordic, 805 5, TimothyWels, LWSC, 8:16 6 JosephLukens, MBSEF, 8:55. 7, Elin Schlichting,MBSEF , 9:00. 8, SamSchoderbek, BE A, 9:09. 9,DamonIraggi, BEA,9:20. 10, JesseSelman, MBSEF, 9:31 11,TrevorAllison, BEA,943. 12, l.ucas Lobe,LWSC, 9:46. 13, JohnMccolgan, MBSEF, 10:04. Girls J2 1, Ella Ha I, MVNT,16:23. 2, IvySpiegel Dstrom, LWSC,16:39. 3, Claire Waichler, MVNT,16:45. 4, Olwia Moehl,MBSE F/Summit H.S., 16:50. 5, Maya Seckinger,MVNT,16:52. 6, Lydia Youkey,LWSC, 17:06. 7,TayeNakamura-Koyama,MBSEF, 17:30. 8, Annie Jarvis,BEA,18:18. 9, Julia Burnham,LWSC, 18:28. 10, MccalebEifert, LWSC,19:29. 11, Kate Hawkins SpokaneNordic, 19.48. 12,Sophie Marshall, LWSC, 20:04. 13,Camile Moore,Bush,20:19 14, EleanorWeisblat, SpokaneNordic, 20:23. BoysJ2 1,Leo Lukens,MBSEF,14:46.2,lan Mccarthy, SpokaneNordic, 15:29. 3, ZebMilslagle, MBSEF, 15:38. 4,NathanWells, LWSC,15:55. 5, MattHecker, MBSEF,16:25. 6, TomSchoderbek, BEA,16:41. 7, Daniel Korus,SpokaneNordic, 16:45.8, Bret Ford, Spokane Nordic,1714. 9, ColeLoomis, LWSC,17:17 10, AndrewPotyk, SpokaneNordic, 17:57.11,Liam Schaaf,SpokaneNordic,17:58.12, JoelPotyk,SpokaneNordic,18:53. 13,Nils Christian, Teacup,19:37. 14, MatthewFinney-Jordet, BEA,20:02. 15, Joshua Renton,MBSEF,21:37. WomenJ1 1, Emily Hyde,MBSEF, 15:41. 2, Olivia Ekblad, MVNT,16:26. 3, Vivian Hawkinson,BEA, 17:12. 4, Elise Putnam, MVNT,17:28. 5, RebeccaWells, LWSC, 17:33. 6 KiraSmiley,BEA,17:52.7, CorinnBryant, SpokaneNordic,18.08. 8, Emm aMalmrtuist, MBSEF/ SummiH.S.,18:41 t 9,BettyeEifert, LW SC,19:01.10, MorganCaldweI, BEA,20:16. Men J1 1, MaxMiffslagle,MBSEF, 27.04. 2, SkylerKenna, MBSEF, 2709 3,Sam Wiley,Teacup,28 01 4,Casey Shannon, MBSEF, 28:49. 5, BenPratt, Teacup, 30:23. 6,ColinMccarthy,SpokaneNordic,30:36.7,Ryan Smaff wood,BEA,31:51.8,Theodore Widmer,BEA, 31:56. 9, GarettStout, Bush,32:43 10, Oliver Isik, Bush,32:48.11, FinleyTevlin, Bush,35:34. WomenOJ 1, SierraFoster,OSU-Cascades/MBSEF, 17.48. 2, GalenVoorhees,Bush, 2131


WINTER SPORTS Wagner edgesGoldfor U.S. title —Flawed, but still first. Ashley Wagnerbecamethe first woman since Michelle Kwan in 2005 to win back-to-back titles in the U.S. Figure Skating

Championships, managing to hold off up-and-comer Gracie Gold despite three major mis-

takes Saturday night in Omaha, Neb. Wagner finished with 188.84 points, about two ahead of Gold. Gold won the free skate

— posting the second-highest score ever at the U.S.meet, no

less. But the17-year-old had too

much ground to make upafter a dismal performanceThursday

passed for a touchdownand rushed for another on the South's first two drives in a 21-16 victory over the North in

the Senior Bowl onSaturday in Mobile, Ala. Manuel and run-

ning backs StepfanTaylor and Mike Jamescombined to put the game for senior NFLprospects away on the final drive. Stan-

ford's Taylor carried five times for 32 yards andcaught a 6-yard pass from Manuel.

MIXED MARTIAL ARTS JohnsondefendsUFC title — Demetrious Johnson successfully defended his

night in the short program left

flyweight title at UFC Chicago,

her in ninth place, more than13 points behind Wagner.Earlier

unanimously outpointing John Dodson in front of a capacity

Saturday, Olympic silver medalists and 2011 world champions

crowd Saturday night at the United Center. Dodson, fighting

Meryl Davis andCharlie White

at125 pounds, landed left hands

won their fifth straight dance title. Marissa Castelli and Simon

twice in the second round, send-

Shnapir won the pairs title.

ing Johnson to the ground. In the third round, Johnson hada

Paris winsWGupdownhill

takedown and landed a knee to get back in the fight.

— Dominik Paris of Italy won

the classic World Cup downhill in Kitzbuehel on Saturday, while

American TedLigety missed a gate and failed to finish in Kitzbuehel, Austria. Paris came

BASKETBALL Rockets reinstate White — The Houston Rockets have

down the 2-mile Streif course in1 reinstated suspendedforward minute, 57.56 seconds, followed byworld downhill champion Erik

Royce White and he's due to re-

Guay of Canada,0.13 behind,

port to the team's developmental league affiliate on Feb.11. The

and Hannes Reichelt of Austria in third. Paris, who also won in

6-foot-8 White, the 16th overall pick in the last draft, has been on

Bormio in December,andteam-

the inactive list all season ashe

mate Christof Innerhofer share four downhill victories this sea-

worked on an arrangement with the team to balance his acknowl-

son, a record for the Italian team.

edged anxiety disorder with the demands of the NBA schedule. The Rockets said Saturday they

FOOTBALL South winSenior Bowl — Florida State's E.J. Manuel

had reached anagreement that "addressesthe majorissues"for the two sides. — From wire reports

1, RyanSt. Clair, BEA,26:29. 2, Alec Wiltz, MBSEF, 27:41. 3, Gregory Holdman,Whitman, 29:34. 4, SamuelCurtis, Whitman,31;50. 5, PierceFix, SpokaneNordic, 38:56.

WomenSenior 1, CaitlinSkufca,Collegeof Idaho,20.52.2, Kristin Niemi,Collegeof Idaho,2247 Men Senior I, Offie Burress,XCOregon, 24:11. 2, Eli Robinson, Whitman,38.44. WomenM1/2 1, AngelinaSalemo,2020. Men M1/2 1, KevinFarrell, LWSC,28.24. 2, Colin Mahood, XC Oregon,28:46. WomenMS/4 1, Carolyn Daubeny,17:04. 2, Julie Downing, MBSEF, 17:56.

Men MS/4 1, LauraMccabe,MVNT,27:27. 2, DanPackman, Webskis,28:02.3, DaveSiogren, 31:19. 4, JudFord, Spokane ,33:29.5,KarlFindling,TLC,33:52. Men M5/6 1,JeffJones,33.30.2,Thomas Schaff,Spokane Nordic, 37:31.3,RickChristen, 38:19. WomenM7/8 1, Brenda Pace,31:11. Men's USCSA Qualifier I , Gregory Holdman,Whitman,29:34. 2, Samual Curtis, Whitman,31:50. 3, Eli Robinson, Whitman, 38:44. Women'sUSCS AOualifier I, Sierra Foster,OSIJ-Cascades, 17:48.2, Caitlin Skutca,Collegeof Idaho,20:52.3, Kristin Niemi,Collegeof Idaho,2247.


PostseasonGlance Pro Bowl Today

At Honolulu AFCvs.NFC,4 pm. (NBC) Super Bowl Sunday, Feb.3 At NewOrleans Baltimorevs.SanFrancisco,3 p.m.(CBS)


Open Current


Feb. 3 4 .5 3 . 5



BASKETBALL Men's college Saturday'sGames EAST Army 77AmericanU.64 Boston U.81, UMBC75 Buckneff65,Holy Cross58 CCSU 72, St.Francis (NY)70 Colgate70, Navy56 Cornell 66Columbia63 Drexel68,Georgia St.57 Fordham 66, RhodeIsland 63 George Washington 82, Charlotte 54 Georgetown 53,Louisville 51 Harvard82, Dartmouth77,OT LIU Brooklyn79, Bryant78 NJIT64,Texas-PanAmerican51 NewHampshire63, Binghamton 45 Ohio St.65, PennSt. 51 Pittsburgh93, DePaul 55 Quinnipiac58, Fairleigh Dickinson56 RobertMorris76, MountSt. Marys68 SacredHeart 82,Monmouth (NJ)68 Saint Joseph'59, s Xavier49 Saint Louis67, St.Bonaventure 57 StonyBrook79,Maine69 UNCWilmington57, Hofstra 51 Vermont50,Albany(NY)43 Viffanova 75,Syracuse71,OT Wagner 81, St.Francis (Pa.)56 Yale76,Brown64,OT SOUTH AlcornSt.61, SouthernU.57 Ark.-PineBluff 79,Grambling St 67 Be mont85,E.Kentucky 74 CharlestonSouthern79,Liberty 75 CoastalCarolina73, Campbell 59 Coll of Charleston79,Wofford50 David son79,AppalachianSt.56 DelawareSt.68,Bethune-Cookman52 Duke84, Maryland64 ETSU89, NorthFlorida 75 Elon 70,TheCitadel 66 Florida 82MississippiSt. 47 Florida A8 M55, Md.-Eastern Shore54 Gardne r-Webb63,VMI49 GeorgiaSouthem72,W Carolina 66 Georgi aTech82 WakeForest62 Jackson St. 60, MVS U57 JacksonvilleSt.65, MurraySt. 64 JamesMadison56, DldDominion 46 Kentucky75,LSU70 La Salle69,VCU61 Memphis73, Marshall 72 Mercer71, Lipscomb65 Mrddl Tennessee72,W.Kentucky53 Mississippi63,Auburn61 MoreheadSt.78,TennesseeSt 69 MorganSt.55, NCA8T52 N. Kentucky64,KennesawSt. 53 NC Central84,CoppinSt.75 NC State91, NorthCarolina 83 NewOrleans94, ChampionBaptist 54 NichoffsSt.70, SamHouston St.67, OT NorfolkSt.74, Hampton 67 NorthwesternSt.61, StephenF. Austin 57 NotreDame73,SouthFlorida 65 Presbyterian82,Longwood71 Radford58,Winthrop57 SC-Upstate79,Jacksonville 64 SE Louisiana 67, TexasABM-CC53 Savannah St.64, SCState49 SouthCarolina75,Arkansas54 Tennessee 54, Alabama53 Tennessee Tech70,Austin Pea y52 Troy 71,Louisiana-Monroe64, OT Tu ane73,Rice66 UCF74,SMU65 UNCAsheville 69,HighPoint 58 UTEP68, East Carolina 67 Virginia65,BostonColege51 William 8Mary63, Towson56 MIDWEST Akron68,Buffalo 64 Ball St.82,Miami(Ohio) 62 Butler 83,Temple 71 ChicagoSt.62, UtahValey 54 Dayton72, Durtuesne56 Detroit 75,Loyolaof Chicago63 E. Rlinors78, SEMissouri 72,OT E. Michigan42,N. Illinois 25 IPFW 80, IUPUI79, OT Rl.-chicago55,WrightSt.49 fflinois St.67, Evansville 62 IndianaSt.59, N.Iowa58 lowaSt.73, KansasSt. 67 Kansas67,Oklahoma54 Marquette81,Providence71 Missouri81,Vanderbilt 59 Nebraska64,Northwestern 49 Nebraska-Om aha67,UMKC59 Oakland 67, WRlinois 60 Ohio 69,KentSt.68 S. DakotaSt.69, N.DakotaSt. 53 Toledo75, BowlingGreen62 UT Martin65,SIU-Edwardsviffe 62 W. Michigan 76, Cent. Michigan59 WichitaSt.73, Bradley39 Wisconsin45,Minnesota44 Youngstown St.73,ClevelandSt 59 SOUTHWE ST ArkansasSt.63,FAU38 Baylor82,TCU56 Cent.Arkansas88,Lamar 59 Georgia59,TexasABM52 Houston66, UAB61 HoustonBaptist 94,Ecclesia40 Oklahoma St. 80,West Virginia 66 Oral Roberts75,McNeeseSt 54 PrairieView74,AlabamaSt. 72 SouthernMiss.62,Tulsa59 Texas73,TexasTech57 TexasSouthern89,AlabamaA8M56 UALR62, NorthTexas57 FAR WEST Air Force57 Wyoming48 Arizona74,SouthemCal 50 ArizonaSt.78, UCLA60 BYU85,Portland67 Cal Poly75, CSNorthridge64 ColoradoSt.74, FresnoSt.63 Gonzaga 66,SanFrancisco52 Hawaii78,UCSantaBarbara73 Idaho74, UTSA70 LongBeachSt. 81,UCIrvine 59 LouisianaTech51, UtahSt 48 Montan7a6 WeberSt.74 MontanaSt.61, IdahoSt. 59,OT Nevada75,BoiseSt.59 North Dakota 81, N Arizona79 Oregon81,Washington 76 Pacitic 71,CalSt.-Fufferton67 S.Utah69,E.Washington55 SacramentoSt.79,N Colorado72 SaintMary's(Cal)84, Pepperdine 72 San Diego St. 55,NewMexico34 SantaClara64,SanDiego50 TexasSt 86,Seatle 83 Texas-Arlington66, SanJoseSt. 47

Uconn67,Cincinnati31 UMKC 51, W.Illinois 50 Youngs townSt.75,LoyolaofChicago 38 SOUTHWE ST No. 16 Oregon81, ArkansasSt.74, FAU56 B aylor 82, Dkl a homa 6 5 Washington 76 Cent.Arkansas67,Lamar 62, OT Idaho64, UTSA45 WASHINGTON (12-8) McNeese St.72, OralRoberts 71 Simmons 0-02-22,N'Diaye3-51-2 7,Gaddy4-7 3-513,Suggs4-102-213,Wilcox6-140-214, Stew- PrairieView63,AlabamaSt. 53 art 0-0 0-00,Andrews5-10 4-715, Jarreau0-1 0-0 0, San JoseSt.78,Texas-Arlington 70 Seattle70,TexasSt. 58 Kemp,Jr. 5-52-412 TotaIs 27-52 14-24 76. Texas59,KansasSt.40 OREGON (18-2) Kazemi4-4 3-411, Singler7-93-418, Woods3- TexasSouthern54, AlabamaABM50 UALR 52, NorthTexas48 10 2-2 8,Loyd1-37-109, Dotson3-5 2-48, Austin 2-33-47, Moore2-45-79, Carterg-00-00, Emory FAR WEST 4-72-211. Totals 26-4527-3781. BoiseSt.67, Nevada58 CS Northri d ge 80, Cal Poly70,20T Hafftime —Oregon37-33. 3-Point Goals—Wash67, NewMexico St.58 ingto n8-12 (Suggs3-3,Gaddy 2-3,Wicox2-3,An- Denver drews1-3),Oregon 2-8 (Singler1-2, Emory1-3, Loyd E.Washington79,S.Utah70 IdahoSt.63, MontanaSt. 55 0-1,Moore0-2).Fouled Out— Gaddy.Rebounds61 Weber St.53 Washrngton 24 (Kemp, Jr., Simmons6), Oregon30 Montana N. Colorado 79, SacramentoSt.63 (Kazemi11). Assists—Washington 15 (Gaddy5), Oregon 12(Loyd5). TotalFouls—Washington 27, Pacitic 67,CalSt.-Fufferton55 Portland 71, Santa Clara68 Oregon21. A—12,364. San Diego79,Pepperdine61 San DiegoSt.63,NewMexico 39 San Francisco65,BYU56 Washington St. 71, UC Davi61, s UCRiverside 49 Wyoming86,Air Force48 Oregon St. 68 Saturday'sSummaries

Betting line Favorite

SouthDakota76, IUPUI56 Toedo44, N.0inois42

UC Davis79, UCRiverside 72 Washington St. 71,OregonSt. 68

WASHINGTON ST. (11-9) Motum5-97-820,Shelton2-100-05, Ladd10-11 2-2 23,Lacy1-80-23, Wooridge2-105-6 9, Leavitt 0-00-00, Dilorio 1-20-02, Longrus0-00-00, Kernich-Drew4-60-09. Totals 25-5614-18 71. OREGON ST. (11-9) Reid 0-20-2 0,Collier 4-56-914, Burton2-50-0 4, Starks7-131-1 17,Nelson6-13 0-114, Robbins 0-00-00, Barton0-10-00, Morris-Walker3-40 09, Moreland3-6 0-0 7, Schaftenaar1-6 0-0 3. Totals 26-55 7-13 58. Halftime Oregon St. 33-29. 3 Point Goals WashingtonSt. 7-25 (Motum3-5, Ladd 1-1, Kernich-Drew1-2, Shelton 1-6, Lacy 1-7, Woolridge 0-4), OregonSt. 9-25 (Morris-Walker3-4, Nelson 2-5, Starks2-7, Moreland1-1,Schaftenaar1-6, Reid 0-1, Barton 0-1). FouledOut—Moreland, Motum. Rebounds —Washington St.39 (Motum, Shelton10), Oregon St. 27(Moreland7). Assists—WashingtonSt. 15 (Shelton 6),OregonSt.17 (Starks8). Total FoulsWashingtonSt.14, OregonSt.20.Technical —Oregon St. Bench.A—6,592.

Pacific-12Conference AH TimesPST

Conference W 7 6 5 5 4 3 3 3 2 2 1 1

Oregon UCLA Arizona Arizona St. Washington Calitornia Colorado SouthernCal Stanford Washington St OregonSt. Utah

L 0 2 2 2 3 3 4 5 4 5 6 6


Overall W 18 16 17 16 12 11 13 8 11 11 11 9

ArizonaState 78,UCLA60 Washington State71,OregonState68 Arizona74,USC50 Oregon 81,Washington 76

Today'sGames CaliforniaatColorado,12:30 p.m. Stanfordat Utah,6 p.m. Wednesday'sGames USCat UCLA,7p.m. OregonatStanford, 8 p.m.


Arizona atWashington, 6p.m. Oregon StateatCalifornia, 7p.m. ArizonaStateat Washington State,8p m.

Wom en's college Saturday'sGames EAST

Albany(NY)59,Vermont 32 AmericanU.45 Army42 Boston U.63,UMBC49 Bryant64, LIUBrooklyn 49 Buckneff62, HolyCross59 Buttalo63,W.Michigan 44

CCSU 55,St. Francis(NY)29

Cornell 71,Columbia64,20T Dartmouth 58, Harvard45 Georgetown 69, Pittsburgh57 lowaSt. 53,West Virginia 49 Lafayette68, Lehigh52 Maine67,StonyBrook 51 NJIT49,UtahValey 46 Navy59, Colgate43 NewHampshire 60,Binghamton52 Quinnipiac66, FairleighDickinson39 RobertMorris61,MountSt.Mary's59 SacredHeart 56, Monmouth(NJ) 42 Saint Joseph's61,St. Bonaventure 44

St. Francis(Pa.)80,Wagner 43 Viffanova64,Syracuse59 SOUTH Chattanooga 59 AppalachianSt.55 CoastalCarolina73,UNCAshevile 62 Coil. of Charleston70,W.Carolina47 Coppin St53,NCCentral 38 Davidson77, Elon62 Delawar eSt.62,Bethune-Cookman57,OT E. Kentucky55,Belmont 51 Florida AB M67, Md.-EasternShore 54 FloridaGulfCoast74,Stetson55 Furman 70,Wofford 61 Gardner-Webb 59, Charleston Southern 55 GeorgiaSouthern63,UNC-Greensboro 56 GramblingSt. 67,Ark.-PineBluff 62 Hampton 76 NorfolkSt.41 JacksonSt. 73,MVSU68, OT Liberty91,Longwood58

L 2 5 2 4 8 7 6 13 8 9 9 10


Eastern Conference Atlantic Division G P W L O TPts GF GA NewJersey 3 3 0 0 6 8 3

N.Y. Islanders 4 2 2 0 4 14 13 N.Y.Rangers 5 2 3 0 4 14 16 Philadelphia 5 2 3 0 4 12 13 Pittsburgh 4 2 2 0 4 13 13 Norlheast Division G P W L O TPts GF GA Boston 4 3 0 I 7 12 8 Ottawa 4 3 1 0 6 15 8 Buffalo 4 2 2 0 4 11 12 Montreal 3 2 I 0 4 9 4 Toronto 5 2 3 0 4 14 17

Southeast Division G P W L OTPts GF GA TampaBay 4 3 1 0 6 19 12 Winnipeg 4 2 1 1 5 10 10 Carolrna 4 2 2 0 4 11 13 Florida 5 I 4 0 2 8 19 Washington 4 0 3 1 1 8 17

WesternConference Central Division GP W L

Chicago 5 St Louis 5

5 4


0 0 10 20 12 I 0 8 19 9

Nashville 5 1 1 3 5 10 14 Detroit 4 2 2 0 4 10 14 Columbus 5 1 3 1 3 9 18 Northwest Division G P W L O TPts GF GA Vancouver 4 2 1 1 5 13 12 Colorado 4 2 2 0 4 9 9 Edmonton 4 2 2 0 4 11 13 Minnesota 4 2 2 0 4 9 10 Calgary 4 1 2 I 3 11 15 Pacific Division G P W L O TPts GF GA San Jose 4 4 0 0 8 19 7 Anaheim 4 3 1 0 6 15 14 Dallas 5 2 2 1 5 11 12 Los Angeles 4 1 2 1 3 8 12 Phoenix 5 I 4 0 2 17 20 NOTE: Twopoints for awin, onepoint for overtime



Anaheim3, Nashville 2, SO SanJose4,Colorado0 N.Y.Rangers5,Toronto2 Chicago 3, Columbus2 Philadelphia 7, Florida 1 St. Louis4,Dalas3 Los Angele4, s Phoenix2 Calgary4,Edmonton 3

Today'sGames Buffalo at Washington, noon Pittsburghat Ottawa,2p.m. NewJerseyatMontreal, 3 p.m. PhiladelphiaatTampaBay,3 p.m. Detrort atChrcago,4p.m. Minnesota atSt. Louis,5 p.m. N.Y. IsandersatWinnipeg, 5p.m. VancouveratSanJose,5 p.m.

TENNIS Professional Australian Open Saturday At MelbournePark Melbourne, Australia Purse: $31.608million (GrandSlam) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Women Championship VictoriaAzarenka(1), Belarus, def.Li Na(6), China, 4-6, 6-4,6-3.


Men Championship Bob andMikeBryan(1), UnitedStates,def. Robin Haase andIgor Siisling, Netherlands,6-3, 6-4.

DEALS Transactions

Louisiana-Monroe 79,Troy74 Mercer74,Lipscomb70 MurraySt.68,Jacksonville St.58 N. Kentucky 65, KennesawSt. 49 NC ABT90,MorganSt. 73 North Florida62, ETSU56 Radford64, HighPoint 55 SC State 75, SavannahSt. 54 SC-Upstate 72, Jacksonville 53 SE Louisiana66,TexasA8M-CC54 SamHoustonSt.70, NichoffsSt. 63 SouthFlorida58, Marquette48 Southern U.64, Alcorn St.53 Stephen F.Austin 57, NorthwestemSt. 50, OT Tennessee St.68, MoreheadSt. 56 Tennessee Tech73,Austin Peay51 Texas-PanAmerican71, NewOrleans56 UtahSt. 76,LouisianaTech75, OT Winthrop76,Campbell 53 MIDWEST Ball St. 77,Ohio46 Cent Michigan92,Akron69 Chicago St. 73,Houston Baptist 62 Detroit 74,Rl.-chicago68 E. Illinois82,SEMissouri 62

Green Bay78,Valparaiso55

IPFW57,Oakland55 NorthDakota70,N.Arizona50 NotreDame89, Providence44 Oklahoma St.65,Kansas52 S. DakotaSt. 74,Nebraska-Omaha64 SIU-Edwardsvil e67, UT-Martin 66, OT

BASEBALL AmericanLeague BALTIMOREORIOLES— Named Jose Hernandez field coachfor Norfolk (IL); EinarDiaz,hitting coach for Bowie(EL); RyanMinor manager, KennieSteenstra pitchingcoachandTorre Tysonhitting coach for Frederick(Carolina); LuisPuiols manager, Butch Davis hittingcoachandGregSvarczkopfstrength and conditioningcoachfor Delmarva (SAL), Matt Meruffo managerfor Aberdeen(NYP); andOrlando Gomez managerandWison Alvarezpitching coachof the GCLOrioles. TAMPABAY RAYS— Named PaulHoovercatching coordinator; BradyWiliamsmanager andBiff Moloney pitching coachof Charlotte (FSL);Jared Sandbergmanager and KyleSnyder pitching coach of BowlingGreen(MWL); Michael Johnsmanager and SteveWatson pitching coachot HudsonValley (NYP); DannySheaffer manager of Princeton(Appalachian)andJim Morrison managerof the GCL Rays. TEXASRANGERS—Agreed to terms with INF/OF Jeff BakerandLHPNate Robertson on minor league contracts. National League CHICAGO CUBS—Agreed toterms with RHPCarlos ViRaneva u onatwo-yearcontract. DesignatedRHP LendyCastiffoforassignment. HOCKEY

National Hockey League DALLAS STARS—Recalled FColtonSceviourfrom Texas(AHL). NEW YOR KRANGERS—Recalled F Benn Ferriero from Conn ectrcut (AHL).

Fog delays3rd round at Torrey Pines The Associated Press SAN DIEGO — Tiger Woods is going to have to wait to pursue another win at Torrey Pines. A thick fog shrouded the course along the Pacific bluffs on Saturday and essentially wiped out the entire day at the Farmers Insurance Open. Woods, a sixtime winner of this tournament, had a two-shotlead and never even bothered coming to the golf course. Three players completed one hole — and that was after a three-hour delay. Playerswere to resume the third round

GOLF ROUNDUP today and go as long as daylight allowed, and then finish Monday. And that's a best-case scenario. In a bizarre twist, tour officials were hopeful of rain and a l i ttle wind this morning, two elements that most golfers dread. That's what is needed, however, to keep the fog away from Torrey Pines and allow the tournament to resume. "When Mother Nature doesn't want you to play, you can't play," said Mark Russell,

the tour vice president of competition. Also on Saturday: Wood wins Qatar Masters DOHA, Qatar — Chris Wood eagled the 18th hole to win the Qatar Masters for his first European Tour title, overtaking Sergio Garcia and George Coetzee. The 142nd-ranked Englishman hit a 6iron from 200 yards to 12 feet to set up the winning putt. He closed with a 3-under 69 to finish at 18-under 270. Garcia and Coetzee tiedfor second, a stroke back. Garciashot a 66, and Coetzee had a 65.





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a s i n o n Beavers a

short in loss to Cou ars

The Associated Press EUGENE — With its top 3-point shooter sidelined by injury, No. 16 Oregon found other ways to score. The Ducks racked up points inside and in transition to defeat Washington 81-76 on Saturday night for their ninth straight win. E.J. Singler had 18 points, Arsalan Kazemi added 11 points and 11 rebounds, and Carlos Emory also scored 11 for Oregon (18-2, 7-0 Pac-12), which won its 20th straight at Matthew Knight Arena in front of the first sellout (12,364) in two seasons. The win, coupled with UCLA's loss to Arizona State on Saturday, gives the Ducks a twogame lead atop the Pac-12 standings. "That's pretty good," Singler said. "We're




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bounds for the Cougars (11-9, 2-5 Pac-12), who

just focused on winning each game, especially at home." Andrew Andrews scored 15, C.J. Wilcox added 14 points and Abdul Gaddy and Scott

Suggs had 13 each for the Huskies (12-8, 4-3), whose season-high 21turnovers contributed to their third straight loss after opening conference play 4-0. "They were the better team tonight," Washington coach Lorenzo Romar said."They're not the 316th team in the country, they're 16th and maybe better than that after this week. They're a good basketball team. We knew we had a challenge." So did Oregon, which was missing point guard Dominic Artis, who is out indefinitely with a left foot injury. The freshman had startedOregon's first 19 games and averaged 10.2 points and a team-high 3.8 assists. He was also leading the team with 26 3-pointers before Saturday's game. Junior Johnathan Loyd started in place of Artis and finished with nine points and five assists, including a half-court ally-oop pass to Emory for a dunk midway through the first half that put Oregon up 20-19. Loyd also had five of the Ducks'23 turnovers, including seven by Singler. But the Ducks outrebounded the Huskies 30-24 and scored 44 points in the paint to offset their season-low tying two 3-pointers on eight attempts. "They drove us to the middle too much and

Chris Pietsch /The Associated Press

Oregon's E.J. Singler, left, runs downcourt past head coach Dana Altman and the Duck bench after sinking a three-point basket against Washington in Eugene on Saturday.

PAC-12 ROUNDUP that's something we talked about," Romar said. "We didn't want that to happen." The Ducks also scored 27 points off turnovers, and had 10 on the fast break. In other games on Saturday: No.6 Arizona...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 USC..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 TUCSON, Ariz. — Nick Johnson scored 14 points and Arizona used a stifling defense to bounce back from a home loss to rout USC.

The Wildcats (17-2, 5-2 Pac-12) were dominant from the opening tip, shooting out to leads of 18-4 and 29-7. They were up 39-20 at the half. Arizona State ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 UCLA ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 TEMPE, Ariz. — Arizona State rode the inside play of Jordan Bachynski and Carrick Felix to defeat UCLA and complete a sweep of the Los Angeles schools this week. Bachynski had 22 points and 15 rebounds, while Felix added 23 points and 11 rebounds as the Sun Devils (16-4, 5-2 Pac-12) dominated the Bruins inside the lane.

Vi anovau setsNo.35 racuse in OT The Associated Press PHILADELPHIA Ryan Arcidiacono took the inbounds, heaved the ball, and ducked. Hundreds of Villanova students trampled the court like a bull rush and the game-saving point guard was the target. One overzealous fan tried to strip him of his No. 15 jersey. H ey, it's not every day t h e Wildcats knock off a Top 5 team — though they sure are trying. Arcidiacono hit the t y ing 3pointer with 2.2 seconds left in regulation, and James Bell hit consecutive 3s in overtime to send Villanova to its second win over a Top 5 team this week, 75-71 over No. 3 Syracuse on Saturday. The Wildcats defeated No. 5 Louisville 73-64 on Tuesday and became the first unranked team to beat two Top 5 teams in the same season since Florida State in 2011-12, according to STATS LLC. "What a week for us," coach Jay Wright said. What an understatement. P hiladelphia's c o llege f a n s came down with a case of courtstorming fever this week after Villanova's win over Louisville and La Salle's 54-53 win the next night over No. 9 Butler. At the Wells Fargo Center, home of the NHL's Flyers, the fans made it a Philly hoops hat trick, rushing the court in celebration of perhaps the biggestregular-season week in Villanova history. Talk about upset city! Arcidiacono's 3-point attempt to tie with about 25 seconds left in regulation was off the mark. Syracuse's Michael Carter-Williams

The Associated Press CORVALLIS — Mike Ladd scored a careerhigh 23 points and Washington State held off Oregon State down the stretch Saturday afternoon for a 71-68 men's basketball win at Gill Coliseum. Brock Motum added 20 points and 10 re-


1.4 seconds to play as Georgetown handed Louisville its third straight loss. No. 8 Florida ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 missed the front end of a I-and-I and JayVaughn Pinkston of the Mississippi State..... . . . . . . . . . 47 Wildcats grabbed the rebound. STARKVILLE, Miss. — Kenny Bell missed a 3 and Mouph- Boynton and Erik Murphy each taou Yarou grabbed the offen- scored 18 points as Florida routed sive rebound. Syracuse decided Mississippi State. No. 9 Butler..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 not to foul, giving Yarou time to kick it out to Arcidiacono. He let Temple..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 go a leaner from just beyond the INDIANAPOLIS Rotnei 3-point line to tie the game at Clarke scored 25 points in his re61, forceovertime and send the turn from injury and Khyle Marcrowd of 18,273 into a frenzy. shall added 19 to lead Butler past "I just put it up and luckily it Temple. went in," A r cidiacono said. "I No.10 Gonzaga ...... . . . . . . . . . 66 think we're having fun." San Francisco........... . . . ... 52 T he W i ldcats may n o t b e SPOKANE, Wash. — Kelly ranked in next week's AP Top 25 Olynyk scored 13 points to help poll, but they have worked their Gonzaga extend its home winway i nt o N C A A t o u r nament ning streak against San Francisco to 24 games. consideration. "What a week for us," coach Jay lowa State ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Wright said. No.11 Kansas State...... . . . . . . 67 Also on Saturday: AMES, Iowa — Will Clyburn No.1 Duke..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 had 24 points and 10 rebounds Maryland..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 and Iowa State handed Kansas DURHAM, N.C. — Freshman State its second straight loss. Rasheed Sulaimon scored a sea- Wisconsin......... . . . . . . . . ... 45 s on-high 25 p oints and D u k e No. 12 Minnesota..... . . . . . . . . . 44 b ounced back from one of i t s MADISON, Wis. — Traevon worst losses under Mike Krzyze- Jackson just beat the shot clock and hit a 15-foot jumper from the wski by routing Maryland. right side with 4 seconds left as No. 3 Kansas...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Oklahoma ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 Wisconsin handed Minnesota its LAWRENCE, Kan. — Ben fourth straight loss. McLemore scored 18points and No.140hio State..... . . . . . . . . . 65 Jeff Withey added 13 points and Penn State...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 nine rebounds as K ansas exSTATE COLLEGE, Pa. — Sam tended its nation-leading winning Thompson scored 16 points on six-of-seven shooting to lead Ohio streak to 17 games. Georgetown .......... . . . . . ... 53 State. No. 5 Louisville...... . . . . . . . . . . 51 San Diego State..... . . . . . . . . . . 55 WASHINGTON — Otto Porter No.15 New Mexico...... . . . . . . . 34 had 17 points and grabbed the SAN DIEGO — J.J. O'Brien had game's decisive rebound w i th 12 points and 10 rebounds and Ja-

maal Franklin added 10 points for San Diego State. No. 18 N.C. State...... . . . . . . . . . 91 North Carolina ...... . . . . . . . . . . 83 RALEIGH, N.C. — Lorenzo Brown had 20 points and 11 assists to help North Carolina State beat North Carolina, ending a 13-game losing streak in the long rivalry. La Salle...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 No. 19 VCU....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 RICHMOND, Va. — Ramon Galloway scored 31 points, 12 during an 18-4 run in the second half, and La Salle upset VCU to win consecutive games against ranked teams for the first time in 61 years. No. 20 Wichita State ...... . . . . . 73 Bradley...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 WICHITA, Kan. — Nick Wiggins scored 12 points and fueled a 16-0 run in th e second half with three 3-pointers as Wichita State completed a regular-season sweep of Bradley. No. 22 Missouri...... . . . . . . . . . . 81 Vanderbilt ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 C OLUMBIA, M o . — Jabari Brown scored 21 points, Alex Oriakhi tied a career high with 18 and Missouri cruised to an easy victory over Vanderbilt. No. 23 Mississippi..... . . . . . . . . 63 Auburn..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 AUBURN, Ala. — Marshall Henderson scored 15 points and m ade the g a me-winning f r ee throws with 7 seconds remaining to lift Mississippi over Auburn. No. 24 Notre Dame....... . . . . . . 73 South Florida ...... . . . . . . . . . . . 65 TAMPA, Fla. — Jerian Grant scored 18 points and Tom Knight had 17 to lead Notre Dame over South Flor>da.

won on the road for the first time in five tries this season. Ahmad Starks had 17 points and eight assists for Oregon State (11-9, 1-6). Starks was wide of the mark on a potential game-tying 3-pointer from the top of the arc in the game's closing seconds. That followed Washington State's DaVonte Lacy's two missed free throws and Starks' layup with 7.9 seconds left to cut the Cougars' advantage to one. Washington State's Royce Woolridge then made two foul shots, setting up Starks' final attempt. Ladd's layup gave Washington State its first lead of the second half at 37-36 after the Cougars trailed by four at halftime. Oregon State came back with a 7-2 run, as Joe Burton's layup put the Beavers back up four. Motum later hit his third 3-pointer of the second half to give the Cougars the lead for good, 54-51. Motum then made two free throws with 8:42 left after a technical foul on Oregon State coach Craig Robinson. That gave Motum 15 points in the second half and Washington State a five-point lead. D.J. Shelton added a 3-pointer with 6:42 left to make it an 8-0 Cougars run. Oregon State closed within 63-60 on a jumper by Starks with 3:57 left. "There were still opportunities for us to win the game in spite of everything that was going on," Robinson said. "Pretty much, that's all you can ask for." Devon Collier and Roberto Nelson had 14 points apiece for the Beavers, who were trying to sweep Washington and Washington State in a weekend set for the first time since 2005. The Beavers got within two points twice in the closing minutes, the last time at 66-64 on Collier's layup with I:24 remaining. Woolridge scored the last seven points for the Cougars, including a free throw to make it 69-64 with 51 seconds left. "I felt like it was my time to step up and show

some poise and some leadership," Woolridge said, adding that he felt as though he didn't do much the rest of the game. It had been lackluster afternoon for Woolridge, who finished two of 10 from the floor and scored nine points. Washington State had a 39-27 rebounding edge, including 10 rebounds by D.J. Shelton.




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Greg Wahhstephens/TheAssociated Press

Washington State's Mike Ladd, right, shoots against Oregon State's Jarmal Reid (32) during the first half of Saturday's game in Corvallis.

Azaren a eeatsLito een AustraianOpentite By John Pye

Andy Wohg/The Associated Press

Victoria Azarenka embraces her trophy after defeating Li Na in the women's final at the Australian Open in Melbourne, Australia, Saturday.


the court to rub some liniment into her legs to keep warm. MELBOURNE, Australia — VictoThe 30-year-old Chinese player had "It isn't easy, that's for sure, but I knew tumbled to the court after twisting her ria Azarenka had the bulk of the crowd against her. The fireworks were fizzling what I had to do," the 23-year-old Belaru- left ankle and had it taped after falling in out, and when she looked over the net sian said. "I had to stay calm. I had to stay the fifth game of the second set. Immedishe saw Li Na crashing to the court and positive. I just had to deal with the things ately after the fireworks ceased, and with almost knocking herself out. that came onto me." smoke still in the air, she twisted the ankle Considering the cascading criticism There were a l o t o f t h o se t h ings again, fell and hit the back of her head on she'dencountered afterher previous win, squeezed into th e 2 - hour, 40-minute the hard court. Azarenka didn't need the focus of the The 2011 French Open champion was match. Li, who was playing her second Australian Open final to be on another Australian Open final i n t h ree years, treated immediately by a t o u rnament medical timeout. twisted her ankle and tumbled to the doctor and assessed for a concussion in So after defending her title with a 4-6, court in the second and third sets. another medical timeout before resuming 6-4, 6-3 victory over the sixth-seeded Li The second time was on the point im- the match. in one of the most unusual finals ever at mediately after a 10-minute delay for the Later Saturday, Bob and Mike Bryan Melbourne Park, Azarenka understand- Australia Day fireworks — a familiar fix- won theirrecord 13th Grand Slam men's ablydropped her racket and cried tears of ture in downtown Melbourne on Jan. 26, doubles title, defeating the Dutch team of relief late Saturday night. but not usually coinciding with a final. Robin Haase and Igor Sijsling 6-3, 6-4. Li had been sitting in her chair during Today's men's final featured two-time She heaved as she sobbed into a towel beside the court, before regaining her the break, while Azarenka jogged and defendingchampion Novak Djokovic and composure to collect the trophy. swung her racket around before leaving U.S. Open winner Andy Murray. The Associated Press




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nor ic teams win cassic Bulletin staff report MOUNT HOOD — Steven Dougherty took first for the boys, Siena Brody-Heine finished second for the girls, and Bend High earned top team honors in both divisions of the Or-

Gabe Phillis, Tyler Dunn and Shu Akiyama each registered two points. Trinity Lutheran travels to Butte Falls on Friday. C ondon/Wheeler.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 C entral Christian ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 egon High School Nordic (OHSNO) Teacup REDMOND — The Tigers fell to 1-15 overall and 0-11 in Big Sky League play despite Nordic Classic at Teacup Lake Sno-Park on a team-high 10 points from Steven Sibley. Saturday. Joining Dougherty in the top 10 of the boys Bryson Eells added seven points for Central race was Peter Schwarz in second and Jaired Christian, which picks up conference play Rodmaker in seventh to give the Lava Bears again on Feb. 5 against Horizon Christian in 10 team points, besting Summit's 17 and Hood River. WRESTLING Redmond High's 26. Top-three finishes The Storm saw Nico Giannoses take third and William Griffiths finish fifth to lead the for Ravens, Storm MADRAS — With eight wrestlers finishway, while the Panthers had Joey Donohue and Clayton Aas finish fourth and sixth, ing in third place or better in their respective respectively. weight classes, Ridgeview took second as a For the girls, Hannah McCullough (sixth team with 198 I/2 points. Only Stayton (262 place) and Luna Fagan (eighth) rounded out 1/2) finished better. Connor Sperling was the Bend's 16-point day to beat out Hood River lone Raven to reach the championship final, Valley, which finished with 30 points. but after being pinned, he settled for second Redmond picked up t h ird-place honors at 220 pounds. Summit, which placed third thanks to Samantha Scholz's first-place show- with 195 points, saw Jacob Thompson (145 ing and Jesica Aas' third-place finish. Meri pounds), Brandon Katter (160), Joaquin Reyes Smiley paced the Storm, who took fourth as a (170) and Max Burbidge (182) take individual team, while Natalie Ulum of Ridgeview, which titles in their respective brackets. Madras finished fourth with 145 '/~ points thanks to did not field a complete team, finished fourth. first-place showings by Bryce Vincent at 1D, In other Saturday action: GIRLS BASKETBALL Brandon Hawes at 132 and Miguel Vasquez C ulver.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 1 at 138. Thorin Wilson (106) and Tyler BryW aldport.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 ant (195), both of which picked up first-place CULVER — Eight players scored for the honors, paced La Pine's sixth-place finish. Bulldogs in their Tri-River Conference home- Sisters took seventh, with Hunter Rychener court rout of the Irish. Lori Sandy posted a and Dyut Fetrow placing second at 1D and game-high 11 points for Culver and Alysha 120 pounds, respectfully. Fritz and Caitlyn Robinett added six points Roberts wins HRV tourney apiece. The Bulldogs (7-12 overall, 5-4 TRC) HOOD RIVER — Mountain View senior travel to Stayton to face Regis on Monday. Trevor Roberts took first at 195 pounds in the Paisley... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Hood River Valley Invitational while leading Gilchrist... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 the Cougars to a sixth-place team finish. CenPAISLEY — Tess O'Leary went off for 33 tury won the 17-team tournament with 167 points to lead the Broncos past the Grizzlies in points. Mountain View scored 116 1/2 points. Mountain Valley League play. Ashley James In addition to Roberts, J.T. Ayers (113 pounds) scored a team-high 17 points for Gilchrist, but and Tracy Pitcher (132) turned in runner-up the Grizzlies could not stop O'Leary, who hit performances. Kaleb Winebarger added a eight 3-pointers. Gilchrist (5-10 overall, 3-7 third-place effort at 126 pounds and Zach MVL) is at Prospect on Tuesday. Howe advanced to the 106-pound semifinal Hosanna Christian..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 before losing by injury default. The Cougars Trinity Lutheran ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 host Bend High on Thursday in their final KLAMATH F A LL S — K a t i e M u r phy regular-season competition before the Class racked up 15 points, eight rebounds and three 5A Special District 4 regional meet Feb. 8 and assists, but the Saints fell to 8-9 overall and 9 in Eugene. 4-6 in Mountain Valley League action with a ALPINE SKIING Bend girls, Summit boys top team standings loss to the Lions. Trinity Lutheran visits Butte Falls on Friday. HOODOO — Bend High's Brooke Kelley Condon/Wheeler/Arlington.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 turned in a combined slalom time of 1 minCentral Christian ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 ute, 30.4 seconds to win the Oregon School REDMOND — D esi D uke and K aylin Ski Association's third scoring race of the McAfee recorded 15 points apiece, but the year, the Sisters Schuss, while leading the Tigers could not climb out of an 18-1 first- Lava Bear girls to the team victory as well. quarter hole before dropping their Big Sky Summit's Madison Archuleta placed second League contest against the Knights. Cen- in 1:39.54, but Bend skiers took up 10 of the tral Christian (3-15 overall, 1-9 BSL) travels top 11 spots. Kelley's teammate Shelby Cutto Hood River on Feb. 5 to take on Horizon ter finished third with a combined run time Christian. of 1:41.79. The Bend girls combined time was Butte Falls.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 4:54.20. Summit, the only other school with North Lake..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 a girls combined time, turned in a team time SILVER LAKE — Kelli Brown recorded 11 of 5:43.70. points, 10 rebounds, five steals, and four asJared Schiemer and his first-place finish in sists but it was not enough for the Cowgirls 1:28.81 helped the Storm place on top of the to top the Loggers. North Lake (4-11 overall, boys standings with a team time of 4:32.26. 1-9 Mountain Valley League) hosts Paisley on Summit's Charlie Stuermer (I:30.98) and Tuesday. Thomas Wimberly (I:32.47) had the secondBOYS BASKETBALL and third-fastest combined times of the day. Culver.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 John Siemens paced the Lava Bears with Waldport.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 a time of 1:42.98, which was good for fifth CULVER — Clay Gibson scored a ca- place. Bend was the runner-up in the team reer-high 28 points and carried Culver in standings with a combined time of 4:54.33. the fourth quarter as the Bulldogs outlasted The Sisters boys placed third (6:04.88) and Waldport for the Tri-River Conference win. Redmond came in fourth (6:24.91). All OSSA teams are at Mt. Bachelor ski Gibson, a senior forward, scored 15 points in the fourth quarter alone. "He (Gibson) just put area next week for the Ore-Cal Classic. us on his back at both ends in the fourth quarNORDIC SKIING ter," said Whitaker. Gibson's night included Cougar boys take first three 3-point baskets and a team-high eight WILLAMETTE PASS — Four Mountain rebounds. Gerson Gonzalez had 15 points View boys placed among the top 10 at the and six steals, and John Slaght had 12 points Oregon Interscholastic Ski Racing Associaand 13 rebounds for Culver. The Bulldogs (8- tion's 4.7 kilometer nordic race at Willamette 11 overall, 3-6 TRC) play at league-leading Pass to help the Cougars edge South Eugene in the team standings 21-35. Summit's Alex Regis of Stayton on Monday. Martin won the boys freestyle race at WilGilchrist... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Paisley... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 lamette Pass in 13 minutes, 1 second, but PAISLEY — The Grizzlies led by just one Mountain View's Dylan Gillespie (14:43), Imran Wolfenden (15:02) and Dakota Thornpoint at the half, but an 11-8 third quarter and 15-11 fourth allowed visiting Gilchrist ton (15:07) finished third, fourth and fifth, (9-7 overall, 6-4 Mountain Valley League) respectively, to lead the Cougars. Mountain to pull away and seal a conference win over View also won the boys 800-meter relay race the Broncos. No statistics were reported. The in 7:03, besting the Axemen by 17 seconds. Grizzlies return to action on Tuesday with a South Eugene topped the Cougar girls 15-33 road contest against Prospect. as the Axemen had skiers place second, third Hosanna Christian.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..70 and fourth. Micaela Martin of Summit won T rinity Lutheran ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 the girls race in 16:27. Melanie Nachtmann KLAMATH FALLS — The Saints were led Mountain View with a fifth-place finish. dealt their 10th straight Mountain Valley The OISRA nordic division meets again next League loss, this one at the hands of the Lions, Saturday at Mt. Bachelor ski area for a skate to drop to 1-16 overall and 0-10 in league play. race.


en/USCSA qualifier) of Oregon State University-Cascades/MBSEF; Ollie Burruss (senior

Continued from D1 Winners with Central Oregon ties were the Bend Endurance Academy's Sarah Kil-

men); Angelina Salerno (M2 women); and

roy (J4 girls), Nate Henson (J4 boys) and Ryan St. Clair (OJ men); the Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation's Leo Lukens

(J2 boys), Emily Hyde (JI girls) and Max Millslagle (Jl boys); Sierra Foster (OJ wom-

Carolyn Daubeny (M4 women). For complete results from Saturday, see Scoreboard, D2. The Sunnyside Qualifier concludes today with classic technique races. Registration is available on site through 8:30 a.m. and races begin at 9 a.m.

Where Buyers And Sellers Meet I I I


• • ClaSSiftedS www.benduulletin.cum

3, Shaffer3,Moyer2,Heiple,Ramsey, Woods. Totals

Boys basketbaII

Individual (top 10) — 1,Sam antha Scholz, R, 22:282. 2, SienaBrody-Heine, B, 2257.5. 3, Jesica Aas,R,23:09.8.4,NatalieUlum,RV,23:44.3.5,Delia Dolan,HRV,24:10.3. 6, HannahMcCugough, 8, 24:31. 0 7,MeriSmiley,S,24:320 8,Luna Fagan, 8, 24:45.9. 9,AshleyBruce,8, 25:13.2. 10,Autumn Elmore,B,25:15.5. Boys Team scores — Bend 10, Summit 17, Redmond 26, Corvaiis 55, HoodRrverValley 57, Cleveland71. Individual (top 10) — 1, StevenDougherty, 8, 19:11.6. 2, Peter Schwarz, 8, 19:28.6. 3, Nico Giannoses,S,20:04.4. 4, JoeyDonohue,R,2015.5. 5, William Griffiths, S, 20:25.9. 6, ClaytonAas,R, 20:52.2 7, JairedRodmaker, 8, 21:05.9. 8, Connor Iverson, B,21:27.6. 9, JamesWarburton, S,21:40.9. 10, LukeHinz,S,21:57.1.

324-7 70. CENTRAL CHRISTIAN (33) — Desi Duke15, Kaylin McAfee15,Allen2, HannayI, A. Brunoe.Totals 10 9-15 33. Condon/Whle r/Arlngtn18 12 19 21 — 70 Central Christian 1 1 2 10 10 — 33

Saturday's results CLASS2A

Tri-River Conference WALDPORT (60) — Fisher12, Johnson10, Johnson 9,Webb 8,Brown 6,Sel5,Pruett5,Wayman4,McNees1.Totals2114-21 60. CULVER(63) Clay Gibson 28, Gonzalez12, Slaght12, Fritz 4, McDonald4, Daugherty, Lofting, Leeper.Totals 2018-3063. 13 14 8 25 — 60 Waldport Culver 17 5 15 26 — 63 Three-pointgoals—Waldport: Johnson2, Fisher, Webb, Culver:Gibson3,Gonzalez2.

Three-pointgoals— CWA: Harris, Harrison;Central Christian:Duke2, McAtee2.

Wrestling Saturday's results MadrasInvitational At MadrasHigh School Team scores —Stayton262.5, Ridgeview198.5, Summit195,Madras1455, Molaga141,l.aPine135, Sisters86. Top three finishers 106 — 1,ThonnWrlson, LP.2, NoahScott, Stay. 3, TannerBoatman, RV.113 — 1, Bryce Vincent, Mad. 2, HunterRychener,Sis. 3, Trent Pickett, RV 120 — 1, Adam Keller, Mol. 2, DyutFetrow,Sis. 3, JordanRedman,Stay. 126 —1, DukeHebdon, Mol. 2, Austin Coblentz,Stay.3, GabeThompson, Sum. 132 — 1, Brandon Hawes Mad. 2, JackKnab, LP. 3, JacobWhittrock, Mol.138 1, Miguel Vasquez, Mad. 2,HenryBlades,Stay.3, CooperShaw, RV.145 — 1, Jacob Thompson, Sum. 2,Austin Keller, Mol.3, Dylan Kreiger,Stay 152 — 1,Wyatt Douglas,Mol 2, DrewFlickenger,Stay.3, LandonPrescott, RV.160 1, BrandonKatter, Sum.2, ClayWagen, Stay. 3, ChaseWoltord, RV.170 —I,JoaquinReyes Sum.2, Hayes Joyner, Sum.3, ZakWiliams, Stay.182—1, MaxBurbidge,Sum.2, MichaeBauman, Mad.3, Cale Byers,Stay.195—1, TylerBryant, LP.2,Jetf Jiminez, LP.3,Brandon Hanson,RV.220 — 1,Dylan Smith, Stay. 2,ConnorSperling, RV.3,ChadJaynes, LP.285 — 1, RandySmith, Stay.2, John Murphy,Sum.3, BrianChavez,RV


Big SkyLeague CONDON/WHE ELER (51) — Nick Shatter 17, Thompson11, Greenfield 11 Cam argo 4, Maclnnes 4, Irzyk 3,Tyler1, Hardie,Edwards,James, Rietmann. Totals not available. CENTRALCHRISTIAN (29) — StevenSibley 10, Eegs7, Bryant 5, Stewart 5, Poole2, Koo,Kruse, Davis.Totals 11 5-11 29. Condon/Wheeler 14 19 11 7 — 51 Central Christian 9 6 9 5 — 29 fhree-pornt goals— Condon/Wheeier: Thompson 3, Irzyk;CentralChristian: Eegs,Sibley.

Mountain Valley League TRINITYLUTHERAN(7) —GabePhigis 2,Tyler Dunn 2,ShuAkiyama2, Kruger1, L. Philis, Atnip, Law, Nihei, C.Knauss,D.Knauss, Carpenter,Dlano. Totals 3 1-87. HOSANNACHRISTIAN (70) — Dlver Herting 19, Bustamante13, M. Cole8, Henry8, Martin 7, Janecke 4, Ronnander4, Kensler 4, Esteb 3, Chen, Crenshaw,Lockwood.Totals 30 9-1570. T rinity Lutheran 0 4 0 3 — 7 HosannaChristian 20 24 15 11 — 70 Three-pointgoals — TrinityLutheran:None;HosannaChnstian:Hertrng.


OregonNeurology Associates Freestyle At WiHamette PassSki Resorl 4.7 kilometers


Team scores — MountainView21, SouthEugene35,Sheldon62,Summit66,Ashland74. Individual (top 10) — 1, AlexMartin, Sum, 13:01. 2,TrevorMerrifield, SE,14:03. 3, DevonCalvin, Sis,14:29. 4,DylanGigespie, MV,14:43 5,Imran Wolfenden,MV,15:02.6, DakotaThornton, MV,15:07. 7, AdiWolfenden,MV,15:20. 8, Albert Kolodziejczyk, MV, 15:44.9, HunterHasseg, MV,16:03. T10, Dalen Gardner, MV, 16:23. 710, LangdonJunge, Shel, 16:23. Relay times (0.8K) — 1,MountainView,7:03. 2, SouthEugene,35. 3, Sheldon,7:35. 4, Summit, 7:53. 5,Ashland,9:13. Girls Team scores SouthEugene15,Mountain View33, Ashland58,Summit 68. Individual (top 10) — 1,MicaelaMartin, Sum, 16:27. 2,PhaceliaCramer,SE,16:37. 3,AnneRamey, SE, 17:28.4, Natalie Mosman,SE, 17:38. 5, Melanie Nachtmann,MV,1809. 8, SageHasseg, MV, 18:11. 7, SophieSmith,PH,18:15. 8, ClaraHonsrnger,A, 18:16 9,MaiaWatkins, SE,18:21.10, RylieNikolaus,

Reser'sTournament of Champions

At Liberty High School, HiHshoro

Team scores —Hermiston221, Crook County 148.5, SweetHome144, Redm ond 126, Roseburg 124, DavidDouglas122, Crater121, Higsboro109.5, Gencoe105, Sprague103, OregonCity 1005, McNary97,Dallas 93.5,Sandy 90,Canby 82. 5,Grants Pass73,Pendleton 67,Cascade 63,Culver59,West Albany57,Barlow 42,Lebanon 37,Wigamina 29, Newberg 23.5. Top finishers 106 — 1, TraytonLibolt, CC. 2, NateJohnson, G. 3, TylerSchilling, SH.4, CodyBibler, D. 5 Andy Wagner,Herm.6, Matt Peterson,Hrg. 113 — 1, CaseyCoulter,GP.2, KalebRaber, Sprag. 3, Dauki Wigbum,Hill. 4, DevinPoppen,DC.5, A. J.Garcia, Herm. 6,MaxMcGee, G.120 — 1, Tyler Thomas, Crat. 2, Jared Kasch, Culv. 3, Wyatt Scribner, Herm. 4, ChadJones,Rose. 5, Louis Palos, M.6, TonyLucas, G.126 — 1,KyleSether, DC.2, TuckerDavis, Culv. 3,Peyton Mesa,Rose.4,Brandon Short,Red 5, Coty Brown,W. 6, MorganWalters, Crat. 132 — 1, ColtonSchilling, SH. 2,BeauGleed, Herm. 3, C iff Baxter,Sprag. 4, GraysonMunn,CC. 5, BrandonMowery, San.6, ParkerFogiard, DC.138 1, Tyler Berger,Herm.2, Vagif Afrasov,DD.3, Zach Zehner,Sprag. 4, ChanceLindquist, Red. 5, Alex Harnsberger,Hill. 6, ChandlerMichael, B.145 — 1, DevinReynolds, M 2, DylanHolcomb,P.3, Cameron Mesa,Rose. 4, Yasyf Sorensen,Sprag. 5, Kjeg Thorsen,GP.6, SpencerCrawford, Cas. 152 —I, ReedVanAnrooy, Rose. 2, Tyler Cowger, SH. 3, WyattPassantino,D.4, TylerWhite, San.5, Kiante Davis, I.. 6, NoelHygleund,Can.160 — 1, Abraham Rodriguez,Herm.2, Elijah Taylor, DD.3, Keith Nichols,Can.4, ChaseMackey, Crat. 5, DeanSmith, CC. 6, ScottyDunagan, D. Results for170-285 notavailable.

Girls basketball Saturday's results CLASS2A

Tri-River Conference WALDPORT (12) — Aiexis Larsen4 Chatum2, Houck 2,Alvarado2, Peake2, Wylie, Martin, Hohn, ButchasTotals 52-412. CULVER (41) — Lori Sandy11,Fritz 6, Borinett 6, Slaght5, McKinney4, Lewis 4, Seehawer 3,Johnson 2, Dliveraz,Hoke,Martinez, Harrison, Symmons. Totals17 7-23 41. Waldporl 2 2 2 6 — 12 Culver 7 1313 8 — 4 1

Three-pointgoals— None.


Mountain Valley League GILCHRIST (44) — AshleyJames17,Shuey11, C.James8,Longbotham 4,Krohnke2,Archer,LoweI, Bean,Johnson.Totals 185-10 44. PAISLEY(67) Tess O'Leary 33,Vickerman 14, Arrington13, Hyde5, Colahan,Lindsay, Morgan. Totals 26 7-11 67. Gilchrist 6 11 15 12 — 44 Paisley 9 18 23 17 — 64 Three-pointgoals—Gilchrist: C. James2,James; Paisley:O'Leary8 TRINITYLUTHERAN(37) — KatieMurphy15, Clift 5, Carpenter5, Sample4, Spencer4, Eidler2, Martin 2,Dehm,Ho Totals172-10 37. HOSANNACHRISTIAN (59) — CarlyBigby22, Hampton12, P.Moro7, Sundet5, B.Moro4, Smith 3, Bush2, Thompson2, Murray2, Koepke.Totals 20 14-24 59. Trinity Lutheran 8 7 9 13 — 3 7 Hosanna Christian 19 18 15 7 — 59 Three-pointgoals — Trinity Lutheran:Clift; HosannaChristian:Bigby3, P.Moro, B.Moro.

MV, 18;38.

Relay times (O.BK) — 1,SouthEugene,8.32. 2, MountainView,8:32. 3, Ashland,9:20. 4, Summit, 10:43.

Alpine skiing Saturday's results OSSA Sisters Schuss Slalom At Hoodoo


Top 10 team times — Summi4:32.26, t Bend 4:54.33,Sisters8:04.88, Redmond8:24.91 Top 10 placers with combined Aand 0 run times — 1,JaredSchiember,S,1:28.810. 2,Charlie Stuermer, S,1:30.98.3, ThomasWimberly, S,1:32.47. 4,Kevin Panton,S,,JohnSiemens,8, 1:4298. 6, BrodySwisher, B, I:43.17. 7, Keenan Seidel, B,1:44.99. 8 ConnorCoggin,B, 1:48.49. 9, William Churchill, 8, 1:50.98.10, RileyRosund, S, 1:54.83. Girls Top 10team times Bend 4; 54.200,Summit 5:43.70

Top 10 placers with combined Aand B run times — 1, BrookeKegey, 8, 1:30.40.2, Madison Archuleta, S,1:3954.3, ShelbyCutter, B,, Kiki Nakamura-Koyama, 8, I:42.01. 5,Lucia Charlton, 8, 1.48.23 6, KierstenRowles, 1:51.13. 7, Shannon Brennan,8, 1:52.12.8, Jacqueline Adler,2:00.49. 9, KianaHohman, 2.00.80. 10, MackenzieMcGuire, 8,

Nordic skiing


Saturday's results OHSNO Teacup Nordic Classic at TeacupLakeSno-Park, Mt. Hood

Big SkyLeague CONDON/WHEELER/ARLI NGTON (70) — BrittneyLyda14,EmmaLogan 14, Maclnnes 12, Jamieson8, Fatland5, Harris 5, McKay4, Harrison

5.6 kilometers

Find It All

Girls Team scores —Bend16,HoodRiver Valley 30 Redmond 33 (ghost), Summit 38, St Mary's43, Cor vagis 80(ghost), Cleveland81(ghost).


Online Tht:Burrerin




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RedwndHolrteGhG de

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W HEN TO LOOK FOR IT: pudlishing four editions ayear

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d-New York d-Chicago Brooklyn Indiana Atlanta Milwaukee Boston Philadelphia Detroit Toronto Orlando Cleveland Washington Charlotte

Eastern Conference W L Pct GB 28 12 700 26 15 26 17 26 18 26 18 25 18 23 19 20 23 18 25 16 27 16 28 14 28 13 32 11 31 11 32

Western Conference W L d-Oklahoma City 34 10 d-SanAntonio 36 11 d-L.A Clippers 32 13 Memphis 28 14 GoldenState 26 17 Denver 27 18 IJtah 24 20 Houston 24 22 Portland 22 21 L.A. Lakers 18 25 Dallas 18 25 Minnesota 17 24 Sacramento 16 29 Phoenix 15 29 14 29 NewOrleans d-divisionleader


Cavaliers 99, Raptors 98


634 2'/z 605 3'/z 591 4 591 4 581 4i/r

548 6 465 9'/2

419 I I'/r 372 13'/2 364 14 333 15 289 17'/r 262 18 256 18'/r

Pct GB 773


766 711 3 667 5'/r 605 8 600 8 545 10'/~ 522 11'/z 512 12 419 16 419 16 415 16 356 19 341 t 9i/z

326 20

Saturday'sGames Philadelphia97, NewYork 80 Cleveland 99,Toronto98 Washin gton86,Chicago73 Charlotte102,Minnesota101 Houston119,Brooklyn106 SanAntonio108,Phoenix99 Milwaukee109,GoldenState102 Denver121,Sacramento93 IJtahtt4, Indiana110,07 Portland101,L.A.Clippers100

Today'sGames Miami atBoston,10a.m. Oklahoma City at L.A.Lakers,12:30 p.m. NewOrleansatMemphis, 3 p.m. Detroit atOrlando,3 p.m. Atlanta atNewYork, 3:30pm. PhoenixatDallas, 4:30p.m. Portland at L.A Clippers,630 pm

Monday's Games MemphisatPhiladelphia, 4p.m. GoldenStateatToronto, 4p.m. SacramentoatWashington, 4 p.m. Dr andoatBrooklyn, 4:30 p.m. CharlotteatChicago,5 p.m. Indianaat Denver,6p.m. Houston at Utah,6p.m.


L.A. CLIPPERS (100) Butler 2-70-05, Griffin10-194 524, Jordan 48 1-29, Bledsoe4-73-411,Green3-50-08, Crawford 6-15 5-6 19,Barnes5-10 0-011, Odom3-6 0-0 6, Turiaf 0-10-0 0, Hill 3-3 0-0 7.Totals 40-81 1317100. PORTLAND (101) Batum7-152-2 20,Aldridge5-14 2-212, Hickson 6-103-415, Ligard6-13 4-420, Matthews5-10 7-7 18, Leonard2-42-2 6,Jetfries 1-20-0 2, Barton2-4 0-05, Babbitt0-00-00, Price1-30-03. Totals 3575 20-21 101. L.A. Clippers 22 2 3 31 24 — 100 Portland 25 26 31 19 — 101 3-PointGoals—L.A. Clippers 7-16 (Green2-3, Crawford 2-6, Hill 1-1, Butler1-2, Barnes1-3, Odom0-1), Portland11-25(Lilard 4-7, Ba tum4-9, Barton 1-2, Price 1-2, Matthew s1-5). FouledDut—None. Rebounds—L.A. Cippers47(Bledsoe9),Portland39(Batum10). AssistsL.A. Clippers25 (Gritfin 10), Portland23 (Batum12). Tota Foul— s L.A. Clippers 22, Portland19. A—20,672 (19,980).

Bucks 109, Warriors 102 GOLDEN STATE(102) Barnes 2-3 2-2 7, Lee 6-18 0-0 12, Ezeli 0-2 0-0 0, Curry8-195-5 26,Thompson8-21 0-0 19, Biedrins 0-0 0-0 0,Jack5-12 0-013, Landry5-9 3-3 13, Green1-3 1-13, Jefferson 4-6 0-0 9, Jenkins0-00-0 0,Bazemore0-00-00.Totals 39-93 11-11 102. MILWAUKEE (109) Mbah aMoute3-12 2-6 8 gyasova7-17 2-218, Sanders 7-92-216,Jennings6-153-420, Ellis 7-20 5-6 20,Udrih 4120-010, Udoh0-0 0-00, Dunleavy 4-9 0-011, Dalembert2-40-0 4, Daniels1-3 0-0 2. Totals 41-10114-20109. GoldenState 26 2 9 1 9 28 — 102 Milwaukee 23 28 35 23 — 109

Rockets119, Nets 106 BROOKLYN (106) Wa lace 4-102-211, Evans0-41-21, l.opez 6-13 9-10 21, Williams10-152-2 27, Johnson5-140-0 13, Blatche 0-1 0-00, Bogans2-6 0-06, Humphries 1-1 2-2 4,Stackhouse2-31-2 6, Watson 3-60-0 8, Teletovic 3 71-1 9, Brooks0-00-00. Totals 36-80 18-21 106.


Parsons7-110-016, Patterson3-71-1 7, Asik912 2-6 20, Lin5-142-214, Harden7-1513-14 29, Douglas 2-5 0-06, Smith 3-33-4 9, Delfino5-90-0 13, Morris 2-90-0 5,Beverley 0-20-0 0, Aldrich00 0-0 0, Anderson 0-0 0-00. Totals 43-87 21-27 119. Brooklyn 29 20 31 26 — 106 Houston 28 34 27 30 — 119

Bobcats 102, Timberwolves 101 MINNESOTA (101) Kirilenko 2-6 6-6 10, D.Williams 2-8 0-2 5, Stiemsma 4-4 3-411, Rubio4-95-614, Ridnour914 1-1 22,Gelabale1-4 1-1 4, Barea7-181-1 19, Cunningham 5-11 0-210, Johnson3-3 0-06 TotaIs 37-7717-23 101. CHARLOTTE (102) Kidd-Gilchrist 1-2 0-0 2, Warrick 1-3 0-0 2, Biyombo4-4 2-4 10, Walker8-17 6-6 25, Henderson 6-14 2-215,Adrien1-1 0-0 2, Sessions7-11 9-10 23,Gordon7-13 4-418, Haywood0-0 0-0 0, Thomas1-60-02, Taylor1-20-03. Totals37-73 23-26 102. Minnesota Charlotte

Blackhawks beat Blue Jackets3-2, stay undefeated

CLEVELAND (99) Gee 2-2 4-4 8, Thompson7-12 0-0 14, Zeller 1-6 2-2 4, Irving13-26 3-432, Waiters 3-100-0 6, Livingston1-2 3-45, Speights7-133-317, Gibson 0-21-1 1, Egington3-53-412. Totals 37-781922 99. TORONTO (98) Fields1-3 2-2 4,Davis8 120-1 16,Johnson7-12 4-418, Calderon4-90-010, DeRo zan7-171-315, Anderson7-143-4 17,Acy2-4 0-04, Lowry1-73-4 6, Ross3 40 08. Totals 40-8213-18 98. Cleveland 19 27 20 33 — 99 Toronto 26 25 25 23 — 98


76ers 97, Knicks 80


NEWYORK(80) Shumper t0-6 1-2 I,Anthony9-28 7-825,Chandler 2-22-26,Felton2-83-48, Kidd0-30-00, Smith 0-8 0-0 0,Stoudemire8-134-4 20, Prigioni 2-30-0 6, Novak1-31-1 4 Brewer0-0 0-00, Copeland2-4 2-2 6, White1-20-0 2, Thomas1-1 0-0 2. Totals 28-81 20-23 80. PHILADELPHIA(97) Turner 8-143-5 20,TYoung4-8 2-2 10, Hawes 2-4 0-2 4,Holiday16-252-3 35, NYoung 5-12 7-8 20, Wikins 2-50-04, Alen0-11-21, Moutrie0-1 0-00, Ivey1-40-03,Mack0-10-00.Totals 38-75 16-2297. New York 19 22 17 22 — 80 Philadelphia 24 2 931 13 — 97

Wizards 86, Bulls73 CHICAGO (73)

Butler 3-72-29, Boozer3-90-06, Noah 3-53-49, Hinrich 3-50-0 7, Hamilton4-110-0 9, Belinegi1-5 4-46, Gibson4-60-08, Robinson8-192-219, Cook 0-4 0-0 0,Teague0-0 0-0 0, Mohammed 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 29-71 11-1273.

WASHINGTON (86) Webster2-50-04, Nene5-13 6-616, Dkafor6-8 3-415, WaI6-133-415, Beal2-100-1 4, Price3-7 0-07, Seraphin2-70-04,Booker2-33-47, Crawtord 3-70-07,Ar iza3-60-07,Temple0-00-00.Totals 34-7915-19 86. Chicago 24 20 11 18 — 73 Washington 23 27 23 13 — 86

Spffrs108, Suns 99


ta Don Ryan/The Associated Press

Los Angeles Clippers guard Eric Bledsoe, right, drives past Portland Trail Blazers forward LaMarcus Aldridge during the first quarter of Saturday night's game in Portland. The Blazers won 101-100.


Tucker3-7 5-711, Scola3-101-2 7, Gortat4-12 1-1 9, Dragic4-100-09, Dudley10-120-023,Morris 3-8 2-2 8,Brown2-3 0-04, Telfair1-3 0-0 3,Beasley 11-162-2 25. Totals 41-8111-14 99. SAN ANTONIO (108) Leonard3-70-07, Diaw5-7 0-011, Splitter5-11 3-413, Parker13-175-631,Green0-50-00, Jackson 3-6 3-310, Ginobili 5-98-1020, Bonner3-7 0-0 7, Blair2-50-04, Neal1-70-03, Migs1-20-02. Totals 41-83 19-23 108. Phoenix 26 30 26 17 — 99 SanAntonio 28 33 22 27 — 108

Saturday's Games

Blazers101, Clippers 100

Nuggets121, Kings 93 SACRAMENTO (93) Salmons 3-50-08,Thompson3-61-27,Cousins 1-61-2 3, Thomas 5-100-010, Evans5-8 3-615, Thornton3-50-08, Robinson3-74-1010, Hayes2-4 0-04, Brooks7-131-1 16,Garcia1 41-1 3, Johnson 2-70-04,Fredette2-8 0-05,Outlaw 0-50-0 0.Totals 37-8811-22 93. DENVER (121) Gallinari 3-76-614,Faried4-63-511, Koufos5-5 0-010, Lawson11-150-026, Iguodaa8-151-2 20, McGee 5-62-212, Brewer2-70-04, Chandler0-2000, A Miller1-1 2-24,Hamilton3-100-08, Foumier 3-7 0-0 8, Randolph2-4 0-0 4, Mozgov0-4 0-0 0. Totals 47-89 14-17 121. Sacramento 26 24 20 24 — 93 Denver 39 32 30 20 — 121

Jazz 114, Pacers110(OTj INDIANA(110)

George8-17 4-4 23,West 9 1568 24,Hibbert 611 2-2 14,Hill 10-160-122, Stephenson0-4 0-0 0, Johnson 0-00-00,T.Hansbrough4-50-08,Mahinmi 3-4 2-2 8,Augustin4-91-1 11,Pendergraph 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 44-8115-18110.


Ma.Williams3-70-0 6, Millsap8-135-521, Jefterson11-203-4 25,Tinsley1-42-2 5, Foye4-6 4 4 14, Watson1-10-02, Favors4-93-411, Hayw ard 5125-515,Carroll4-51-29, Kanter3-60-06. Totals 44-83 23-26114. Indiana 24 24 20 30 12 — 110 utah 27 18 31 22 16 — 114

Leaders Through JAN.25


G F G F T PTS AVG Durant,DKC 44 420 372 1298 29 5 Anthony,NYK 33 331 211 961 29.1 Bryant,LAL 43 439 274 1242 28.9 James,MIA 40 408 188 1055 26.4 Harden,HDU 44 340 378 1141 25.9 Irving, CLE 33 290 147 792 24 0 Westbrook,DKC44 346 244 996 22.6 Curry,GDL 40 290 130 837 20.9 Wade,MIA 36 282 170 748 20.8 Aldridge,PDR 40 332 162 826 20.7 Parker,SAN 44 347 159 873 19.8 41 333 142 808 19.7 Lee,GO L HolidayPHL 38 287 104 721 19 0 Ellis, MIL 41 291 155 771 18.8 Pierce,BDS 43 271 188 807 18.8 Jennings,MIL 41 274 133 763 18.6 Ligard,PDR 42 274 127 769 18.3 Griffin, LAC 44 320 155 798 18.1 Mayo,DAL 43 276 136 777 18.1 Cousins,SAC 39 261 176 700 17.9 FG Percentage FG FGA PCT Chandler,NYK 177 263 . 6 73 Splitter,SAN 180 296 .608 Jordan,LAC 163 272 . 5 99 Howard,LAL 239 413 . 5 79 Ibaka,DKC 247 443 . 5 58 McGee,DEN 182 327 . 5 57 James,MIA 408 740 . 5 51 Hickson,PDR 211 383 . 5 51 Johnson,TDR 158 287 . 5 51 Davis,TDR 173 315 . 5 49 Rebounds G OFF DEF TOT AVG Howard,LAL 40 139 343 482 12.1 Randolph,MEM40 170 291 461 11.5 Vucevic,DRL 42 138 329 467 11.1 Noah,CHI 41 158 293 451 11 0 Hickson,PDR 41 154 294 448 10.9 Chandler,NYK 40 177 260 437 10.9 Asik, HDU 45 140 350 490 10.9 41 115 323 438 10.7 Lee,GDL Cousins,SAC 39 138 274 412 10.6 Boozer,CHI 42 105 3 14 419 10.0

James Continued from D1 Fresh off scoring his first professional touchdown in last week's win over the Falcons, James is finally fulfilling the expectations the Niners had for him after drafting him in the second round last April. "From the first time he stepped on the field, he's been dynamic," coach Jim Harbaugh said. Getting on the field was the hard part. James had to adjust to playing from a huddle after being part of Oregon's fast-paced no-huddle offense for three years and to learn a much more extensive playbook than he was used to with the Ducks. James dutifully worked at learning his craft, making his contributions as a scout-team running back and receiver and soaking in w h atever tips he could get from starter Frank


azersre oun, eea ers NBA ROUNDUP

The Associated Press PORTLAND — N i c olas Batum held on to the game ball long after the confetti celebrating Portland's victory stopped falling from the rafters of the Rose Garden. Batum had 20 points, 10 rebounds and a career-high 12 assists — for his second triple-double in three games — and the Trail Blazers edged the Los Angeles Clippers 101-100 on Saturday night. Batum had his first career tripledouble on Monday in Portland's 98-95 loss to Washington. He had 12 points, 10 rebounds and 11 assists. But that one didn't quite mean as much. "It's a better taste when you win the game," he said following the victory, the ball sitting in front of his locker. It was the fourth straight loss for the Clippers, who played without guard Chris Paul for the third consecutive game with a bruised right kneecap. The game was the first of a backto-back between the two teams, who meet again in Los Angeles on Sunday night. The Clippers trailed by as many as 14 points in the first half but they reclaimed the lead in the fourth quarter and held off the Blazers until Wesley Matthews pulled Portland w i thin 100-99 with a layup and free throw. J.J. Hickson made a pair of foul shots to give the Blazers back the lead with 45 seconds left and Jamal Crawford missed a 19-foot jumper for the Clippers with 0.9 seconds left for the final margin. "I'll take that shot 10 out of 10 and I'll make it nine out of 10," Crawford safd. Batum grabbed the rebound of Crawford's final shot and encircled the ball tightly with both arms. He wouldn't even relinquish his hold when rookie Damian Lillard embraced him. "I can't promise a t r iple-double every week, but I try to do something and help the team to win every game," Batum said. Blake Griffin had 24 points, 10 assists and eight rebounds for the Clippers, just shy of his third career triple-double. "Tough pill to swallow," Clippers

Gore and running backs coach Tom Rathman. "It was very different," James said. "I'd never really been in a huddle until I was in high schooL Actually, sitting in a huddle and then having to remember it — and not just run it — that was a little bit different for me, but it all works out." James got hischance after Kendall Hunter went down with a season-ending Achilles tendon injury in New Orleans on Nov. 25. The Niners needed a change-of-pace back to team with Gore, and James proved to be a perfect fit. James was helped by the fact that the Niners' offense had changed a bit with the switch at quarterback to Kaepernick from Alex Smith, with the team using more of the read-option plays James was so proficient at

in college. "Once he started getting comfort-

coach Vinny Del Negro said. "We had an opportunity to steal this one and we couldn't convert down the stretch." In other games on Saturday: 76ers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Knicks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 P HILADELPHIA — J r u e H o l iday scored a career-high 35 points, Nick Young had 20 and Philadelphia cruised to a victory over New York. Cavaliers ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Raptors..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 TORONTO — Kyrie Irving made a 3-pointer with 0.7 seconds left to lift Cleveland to its third consecutive victory. Wizards ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Bulls ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 WASHINGTON — Emeka Okafor had 15 points and 16 rebounds, helping Washington to another victory.

Spurs ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 108 Suns.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 SAN ANTONIO — Tony Parker had 31 points and San Antonio earned its eighth consecutive win by shutting down Phoenix in the final quarter. Rockets ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .119 Nets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 HOUSTON — J a m e s H a r den scored 29 points, Chandler Parsons added 16 points and a career-high 11 assists and Houston beat Brooklyn for the 12th straight time. Bobcats... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 Timbervvolves..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Gerald Henderson made a 3-pointer with 4.6 seconds left, helping Charlotte snap a 16-game home losing streak. Nuggets.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121

The Associated Press COLUMBUS, Ohio — This was supposed to be the weekend for the NHL A l l-Star Game at Nationwide Arena. Instead, the Chicago Blackhawks flaunted their own constellation of stars. Patrick Kane had yet another multipoint game with two assists, Jonathan Toews scored the game-winner early in the third period and Corey Crawford had 24 saves to help Chicago match the best start in franchise history with a 3-2 victory Saturday night over the Columbus Blue Jackets. The only other time the Blackhawks began a season 5-0-0 was 1971-72. "That was one of those games where maybe we didn't play our best hockey like we've seen in the last five games, but as a team it doesn't matter who goes out there you've got to find a way to win," Toews said. "And we did that." Crawford, who won for the fourth time this season, was solid all night but particularly when the Blackhawks were a man down. They killed all five penalties. "I feel good, I feel focused," Crawford said. "The puck looks pretty big right now. Also, everyone's making the effort to play defense. It's showing in the first bunch of gamesguys are coming back to help out and that helps us get to offense after that." Badly outplayed at the outset, the Blackhawks played methodical, poised and unhurried hockey all night. Even when down 1-0, it seemed only a matter of time before they collected themselves and took control. Also on Saturday: Sharks ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Avalanche ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 SAN JOSE, Calif. — Patrick Marleau became the second player in NHL history to open a season with four straight multigoal games, striking twice on the power play in the first period for San Jose. Kings..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Coyotes .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 G LENDALE, A r i z . — Anze K opitar scored two goals to spark Los Angeles' top line and the defending Stanley Cup champs earned their first victory of the season. Rangers.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

Maple Leafs.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 2 NEW YORK — Defenseman Marc Staal scored the tying goal early in the third period and then set up Marian Gaborik's gamewinner late to rally New York. Flyers ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Panthers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 SUNRISE, Fla. — Matt Read notched his first career hat trick and Philadelphia won its second straight after losing the first three games of the season. Blues..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Stars ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 DALLAS — David Perron scored two goals and had an assist, and Wade Redden notched his first NHL goal in almost three years to lead St. Louis past Dallas. Flames ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Oilers .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CALGARY, Alberta — Lee Stempniak scored a power-play goal and added two assists to lead Calgary to its first win of the season. Ducks ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Predators..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ANAHEIM, Calif. — Viktor Fasth made 19 saves and stopped all three Nashville shootout attempts to win his NHL debut, and Corey Perry scored the only shootout goal in the Anaheim Ducks' victory.

Kings.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 93 DENVER — Ty Lawson scored 26 points, Andre Iguodala had 20 and Denver useda strong firstthree quarters to rout Sacramento. Bucks ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Warriors.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 MILWAUKEE — B r andon Jennings scored 20 points to push Milwaukee to the win. Jazz..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114 Pacers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110 SALT LAKE CITY — Al Jefferson scored 25 points and Paul Millsap had 21, leading Utah to the overtime win.

able, we saw a d y namic football player," safety Donte Whitner said. "It's a testament to him to be able to sit on the sideline and be on the developmental squad, as we like to call it, here for so long and actually knowing that you can play football. Actually coming from a big univer-

Paur Vernon/The Associated Prese

Chicago Blackhawks' Jonathan Toews, right, checks Columbus BlueJackets' Ryan Johansen in the second period of Saturday's game in Columbus, Ohio.

including the national championship game against Auburn at the end of his second year in January 2011. He

cappedhiscollege careerby rushing for 159 yards and a touchdown in a 45-38 Rose Bowl win over Wisconsin last January. "I don't think there's too much dif-

sity, playing in a lot of big games, ference from playing a BCS game at playing a lot of big games and being Oregon," James said of the NFL playa big-time player, and having to sit out and be humbled like that, that's a testament to him and the character he has." James rushed for 5,082 yards and scored 58 touchdowns in three seasons for the Ducks — including 471 yards of offense and four touchdowns in two games against Stanford when Harbaugh coached the Cardinal. Playing for a perennial title contender at Oregon has prepared James for the big stage of the NFL playoffs. He played in three BCS bowl games,

offs. "I think it's really helped me out

playing big games like these. It's second nature to me. I really don't think it's too big a deal." He has shown that so far, playing his best on the biggest stage. After making his debut against Miami on Dec. 9 with eight carries for 30 yards, James delivered his most important play of the regular season the following week in a prime-time game at New England. He returned akick 62 yards after New England had rallied back from

31-3 down to tie the game in the fourth quarter. Kaepernick threw a touchdown pass to Michael Crabtree on the next play as the Niners went on to the win that proved to be the difference in the NFC West race with Seattle. The big plays by James have kept coming in the playoffs. He was the decoy on Kaepernick's 56-yard option keeper that gave San Francisco the lead for good two weeks ago in the 49ers' playoff opener against Green Bay. He then had five carries for 34 yards, including a 15-yard touchdown run that started the Niners' comeback in Atlanta that has them preparing for the Super Bowl. "He always has been a smart player," Gore said. "First coming in, the offense was kind of different. Now the offense is similar to what he did in college. That helps him a lot."




lies," she said. "We thought

S he had o nc e b een i n Knutson's place, losing her stipend for the 2004 Olympic year when a broken kneecap caused her 2003 rankings to

Dagny was happy."

Continued from 01 She dropped out this month because herfamily's savings

Knutson had little time for socializing i n h i g h s c hool with her classmates or other were being siphoned by her swimmers, passing her adomedical bills and her college lescence largely in the comtuition. After losing her USA pany of adults: Aspaas; her S wimming s t i pend, K n u t - parents; and Jason Blackburn, son said, she did not have her strength and conditioning the money t o f i n ance her coach based in Minot. " By h ig h s c hool I ha d comeback. Compounding the financial stopped hanging out with a lot stress was the pressure she felt of my friends," she said. "I look in the pool to meet everybody's back and I don't think that great expectations, a burden was worth it, but at the time I she shouldered throughout her felt like it was what I had to do teenage years, when she was a to excel." In January 2009, a month world champion and held an American record. after her breakout perforFrom 2012 Olympic medal mance in A t lanta, Knutson hopeful to recovering bulimic, won seven medals, including Knutson was a high achiever six golds, at the Junior Pan Paderailed by h e r o b session cific Championships. She may with s u ccess. "Sometimes have come acrossas confident when I look back at myself in and carefree, but she said she high school, and the years I was playing a part. "It seemed like I had pushed had the most success, I don't want to say I was clinically myself physically and mentaldepressed, but I wasn't genu- ly farther than I ever wanted inely happy," Knutson said. "I to go," Knutson said. look back now and I feel like I have to be like that to be good Deciding to turn pro As her senior year of high because that's what worked at the time, and I don't want to school drew near, Knutson be that person." grew anxious. Among female Knutson sighed. Seated be- swimmers, she was the most highly coveted college prosside her mother, Ronda, in a coffeebar, her favorite hang- pect in the nation. But many out, she said, "I'm older than thought she should relinquish my years in some ways, but her college eligibility, turn pro emotionally it's like I'm going and cash in on endorsements. Beginning in 2009, Knuton 16." son receivedstipends through Parents' sacrifices USA Swimming that evenIn December 2008, four tually totaled an e stimated months a f ter t h e Be i j i ng $ 100,000, she said, but t h e O lympics, Knutson set a n money did not cover all of her American record in the 400- expenses. Knutson was eager to ease yard individual medley at the short-course national cham- her parents' financial burden, pionships in Atlanta. Watch- and the idea of being a part of i ng from t h e d e ck , M a r k a team appealed toher. She Schubert, the USA Swimming signed with Auburn, only to national team director at the decommit in spring 2010 after time, could not decide which the coach who had recruited was more unfathomable: the her resigned. 16-year-old Knutson's time, 4 Unsure about what to do, m inutes, 0.62 seconds, or the K nutson, her p a rents, A sfact that she lived and trained paas and Blackburn met with in Minot, N.D. Schubert, who suggested a "I was b l ow n aw a y ," training center i n O r a n ge Schubert said recently. "Her County, Calif., where Knutson talent and toughness were off could practice with other asthe charts." piring Olympians. If she chose North Dakota's frigid win- this route, Schubert told her, ters and f l eeting summers she could attend college, and make it an i nhospitable en- USA Swimming would pay vironment in which to grow her tuition. Olympic swimmers. Regional K nutson di d n o t s e e a age-group competitions were downside. She renounced her the ceiling for the best athletes amateur status, signed with on the Minot aquatic team that an agent and joined the FulKnutson joined the summer lerton Aquatics Sports Team before her 10th birthday. in August 2010. Consumed "A lot of North Dakotans by homesickness and in the seemed content to make it to throes of a breakup with her the state meet," Aspaas said. boyfriend, she binged on fat"That's as far as their vision ty, sugary foods and, for the went." first time, made herself throw K nutson's f a t h er , Jim , Up. saw bigger fish. He steered In November 2010, Schubert his daughter into a dry-land was fired by USA Swimming, weight program when she setting off Knutson's anxieties was 10 and entered her in because she lost some of the meets in Florida and Califor- money he had promised. The nia to expose her to deeper next month, Sean Hutchison, competition. the coach with whom KnutHe worked 60-hour weeks son was t r aining, abruptly as a registered nurse in a nurs- resigned, and her bingeing ing home to pay for the travel and purging episodes became and her t r a ining, K nutson more frequent,she said. said.Her parents, who briefly Knutson l e f t Ca l i f ornia separated when Knutson was in spring 2011 to train with 13, took out a second mort- Gregg Troy, Ryan L ochte's gage on their home to cover coach, in Gainesville, Fla. By her swimming expenses, Ron- then, she said, she had been da said. bingeing and purging at least Keenly aware of the sacri- twice a week for at least three months. ficesher parents were making for her swimming, Knutson According to the National wanted topay them back. The Eating Disorders Association, only way she knew how was an estimated 20 million womby posting fast times. en and 10 million men will "I always felt like the pas- have a clinically significant senger," Knutson said, "but I eating disorder at some point was the driver." in their lives. Yet Knutson sufShe asked for more yardage fered in silence, believing she and more workouts, which was the only elite swimmer she completedby herself,rac- with an eating disorder. "I just wanted to live up to ing against the clock. The same obsessive tendencies others' expectations of being that drove her to add another a superstar athlete, and sumile to her practices drove her perstar athletes, in my mind, to subtract calories from her w eren't supposed t o h a v e daily diet. problems," she said. "I looked "I thought if I was fitter I around and it seemed like evwould swim faster," Knutson eryone in the swimming world sa>d. was perfect." She took a whittling knife to Eventually, Knutson said, her diet, carving calories here she worked up the courage and there. If she ate foods high to tell Troy, who directed her in sugar or fat at one meal, she to a n u t r i tional t h erapist. would punish herself by skip- Knutson also began seeing a ping the next meal. psychotherapist. " I thought food wa s m y An occasional high-calorie binge on a weekend would be enemy, but I depended on it followed by a Monday of fast- to numb me out," she said. ing, Knutson said. She was al- "Bingeing gave me a high ways eating on the run, never feeling, and when I purged, stopping long enough for her it was like I was getting rid meals to draw scrutiny. of all these guilty, shameful "I had no idea," said Ronda feelings." Knutson, a youth programs diK nutson qualified for t he rector at Minot Air Force Base. 2011 world championships in "I packed her lunch every day: Shanghai, the last major ina p eanut-butter-and-banana ternational competition before sandwich, Craisins, a chewy the Olympics, and clocked a bar, a piece of fruit. I made her time of 1 minute, 56.91 seconds a chicken breast and salad for in th e 2 00-meter freestyle. dinner." Only seven American women She blinked back tears. "I have gone faster. Knutson said guess we needed a class for she was bingeing and purging elite athletes and their fami- throughout the meet.

drop. "I feel like we helped her to the extent we could help her without really sacrificing others who have qualified under the criteria," Mintenko said. Needing to build her bank account, Knutson returned to the only job she knew: swim-

An elementary education major, Knutson plans to transfer in the fall to the University of Mary in Bismarck, which she chose in part because she can live at home. She traces her decline to her decision not to swim in


"It's going to haunt me the rest of my life, probably, if I keep dwelling on the past," she Pr sald. The day after Knutson sent ming. She began training her retirement text to Aspaas, again at the end of August, she posted a message on her and she said she felt she was Facebook page that read: "If starting from a better place, you are able to compete colhaving realized through ther- legiately fo r a un i v e rsity, apy that her self-worth was consider yourselfmore than not tied to her swimming re- b lessed!! Although I to o k sults. Knutson's weight, which some bad advice in the past ranged from 135 to 170 pounds and have to deal with the conbecause ofher eating disorder, sequences, I'd give anything had stabilized on her 5-foot- to be able to do something like 10-inch frame. represent my school. Just a "When I found out I didn't thought." need the sport of swimming Knutson personally delivanymore to be somebody I ered that message to Frankthought I'd try it again," she lin, then 16, at the 2011 world championships. She said she sa>d. In November, three months took aside Franklin, who won into her comeback, Knutson three golds at the meet to posientered a Grand Prix meet in tion herself for Olympic starDan Koeck/The New YorkTimes Minneapolis. To her surprise, dom, and told her, "I'd give Ronda Knutson, left, the mother of Dagny Knutson, right, once a she won the 200-yard individ- anything to go back in time world-class swimmer, in Bismarck, N.D. Dagny Knutson ended a ual medley, finished second to and change my mind about comeback because of money and traced her decline to her deciFranklin in the 200 freestyle turning pro." sion not to swim in college. and took another second in Last fall, Franklin, a high the 200 butterfly. school senior, made an oral At the short-course national commitment to the University c hampionships i n Aus t i n , of California, Berkeley. "I thought food was my enemy, but I In an e m ail, she w r ote: Texas, a month later, however, Knutson placed 11th in the 200 "Dagny was very honest and depended on it to numb me out. Bingeing freestyle, 12th in the 200 but- it meant so much to me. To gave me a high feeling, and when I purged, terfly and 19th in the 200 indi- hear everything she had to say it was like I was getting rid of all these vidual medley. After the prom- about wishing she had stayed ise she showed in Minneapolis, amateur only solidified my deguilty, shameful feelings." the expectations crept back in, cision that much more." — Swimmer Dagny Knutson and Knutson started feeling Knutson turned 21 on Jan. the same anxieties about per- 18, and the milestone turned forming well that had set off into a three-day celebration. "You look at her 200 free- schooling back on track. She her eating disorder. The night before, she attended style in Shanghai and you reached out to Lindsay MinShe trained fo r a n other a dance at her college. She had think, 'How can anybody tenko, the n a tional t eam's month, but when the new col- dinner on her birthday with managing director, about her be doing that and going that lege semester started, she her mother, Aspaas and a few fast?'" Schubert said. "You tuition at Bismarck State, a stopped swimming to focus on friends. The next night, she atthink, if they're performing at two-year college. She found her classes. The decision was tended a rock concert. a high level, they've got to be out that she no longer quali"I really, really enjoyed myquestioned by her mother and OK." fied for the tuition assistance Aspaas but applauded by her self," she said. "I've never reShortly before the U.S. team because she had fallen out of father, who was paying her ally done anything special for left for China, Minot flooded the world rankings while in bills, Knutson said. my birthday because I always "I feel like there's a point when the Souris River, swol- recovery. had swim practice or I was at len from summer rainstorms Mintenko, atwo-time Olym- where it's time to move on a meet. I thought about that and snow melt, breached its pian, described the conversa- with my life instead of trya lot over the weekend, just levee walls. Knutson's parents tion as heartbreaking, saying, ing to keep hanging on," she how fun it was to be a normal "I feel for her so, so much." were evacuated, along with sa>d. person." thousands of others. Their house, which took on 15 feet of water, was cond emned. Saddled with t h e second mortgage, her parents could not afford to rebuild. After aforeclosure, they moved to Washburn, a small town between Minot and Bismarck. Knutson mourned the loss of the house as if it were her childhood that had been destroyed. In the lead-up to the London Games, sh e s a id,

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she had good days, bad days — and worse days, when she would sob b e tween t r aining swims or not show up for practice. "As the pressures from other people expecting her to compete well went up, her problem got worse," Troy said. "It was really hard to deal with. The last thing I wanted to do is put more pressure on her." During a Grand Prix meet last January in Austin, Texas, Knutson pulled herself out of the pool in the middle of her warm-up and informed Troy that she was t hrough. She flew to N o rth D a kota and made plans for inpatient care in Minneapolis at the Emily Program, a private treatment centerforeating disorders. Knutson spent one month in residence and another in an outpatient program but returned home when her insurance coverage ran out. She said she experienced her last

.. • n;„


bingeing and purging relapse five days after last summer's Olympic swimming trials. A standout at the meet was 17-year-old Missy Franklin, who qualified to race in seven events at the London Games. Franklin, who went on to win four gold medals, and Knutson once roomed together at a training camp in Colorado Springs, Colo. A s K n utson watched Franklin's star turn, she could not help but be reminded of her own glory days, like the 2010 national champ ionships, in w h i c h K n u t son beat Franklin in the 200 freestyle, one of her Olympic events. "I couldn't not w atch it," Knutson said of the Olympic trials, "but it was so heartbreaking because that w as supposed to be my t ime to show what I could do."



Regrets about college By the end of the Olympics in August, Knutson said, she was in a good place in her recovery. She was eating healthfully and was eager to get her





Market Recap, E4-5 Sunday Driver, E6

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u ure can' OYeKome

Changes inownership At least two dozen Bend subdivisions changed ownership between 2009 and 2012, with many former developers losing their properties to foreclosure in the housing market crash. Shown are subdivisions in which more than 50 percent of the total home lots changed

By Susanna Ray,Alan Levin


Bfoomberg News

Rimrock Riders 2009

Buyer: LongTermBend Investors, LLC, Irvine, Calif. Seller: LibertyBank

Parkway Village

Northpointe Phases4and5 Northcrest andSouthcrest

2012 Buyers: Kimberly Sugawa-Fujinaga,Scott Thompsonand KaraHale,Portland-Lake Oswego Sellers: Bank of theWest, Chesapeake Holdings andWoodhill Homes, Inc.

2010 Buyer: MichaelTennant, Bend Seller: HomeFederal Bank

2012 Buyer: GuyWolcott, Troutdale Seller: HollmanCompany, Inc.

Quail Crossing Phase 2 2009 Buyer: Peter Dinsdale,Salem Seller: Quail Crossing, Inc.

TuscanyPines 2009 Buyer: Castle Partners, LP, Hood River Seller: UmpquaBank


McCall Landing

Cooey d.

2011 Buyer: Ender llkay,Vancouver, B.C. Seller: HOFFinancial

Brookland Park 2010 Buyer: MonteCouston, Bend Seller: ColumbiaState Bank

Monticello Estates 2009 Buyer: John Roeder,SanJose, Calif. Seller: Sterling SavingsBank

m ire Ave.

Newport Landing 2011 Buyer: Robin Smith, Bend Seller: ColumbiaState Bank

Mirada 2009 Buyer: LongTerm BendInvestors, LLC, Irving, Calif. Seller: EdgeVertical DevelopmentCorp.



2011 Buyers: Richard andJelinda Carpenter, BruceKemp,Bend Seller: ColumbiaState Bank

ff Rd. e


ood A li A

Gleneden 2011 Buyer: LongTermBendlnvestors, LLC, Irving, Calif. Seller: PremierWestBank

2011 Buyer: R.F.Wilson Trust, Lyons Seller: Braatz Earle Development, Inc.

Milldrook Estates 2009 Buyer: Richard andJelinda Carpenter, BruceKemp,Bend Seller: West CoastBank

SEATTLE — A telling image of the development of Boeing's 787 Dreamliner came in mid-2011, when dozens of them sat, unfinished, crammed into nooks and crannies around Boeing factories and rented tarmacs spread across two states. Concrete blocks hung from their wings to prevent them from tipping because they didn't have engines to keep them balanced. With delay after delay plaguing the aircraft's entry into service, Boeing ultimately had built about 40 by the time it got final Federal Aviation Administration certification. That became a drag on Boeing — at one point it had $16.2 billion of inventory related to the 787 — and an important element of the current crisis in which every Dreamliner worldwide has been grounded after


Andrew Harrer/ Bloomberg News

The stakes are high for Boeing CEO Jim McNerney, who has thrown himself into the investigation of the 787 Dreamliner since its grounding by regulators. two suffered lithium-ion batteryfail ures. About 800 Dreamliners are still on order from the world's airlines, with years of deliveries ahead on planes whose list price starts at about $207 million. In buying a new model, airlines make major decisions about the future, such aswhether to replace old jets or add destinations. Route networks can be determined a decade in advance by a newgeneration plane. SeeBoeing/E5


A e.


and Peter Robison


Reed Mkt. Rd.

[v ' : ( sl(llll( (

( ( ( ( l ( lgti ,


Eagles Landing

2009 2010 Buyer: LongTermBend Buyer: Curt Baney,Bend Investors, LLC, Irving, Calif. Seller: U.S. Bank Seller: LibertyBank

Po er d. •


Chase Village

Stuart Isett / Bloomberg News

2011 Buyer: Richard and Jelinda Carpenter, Bruce Kemp,Bend Seller: HomeFederal Bank

Mur hy Rd.

Aspen RimPhase2 2012 Buyer: HaydenHomes, Redmond Seller: Spring Capital Group

oott Rd.

Assembly of Boeing's787 Dreamliner takes place at the company's factory in Everett, Wash.

The Shire 2009 Buyer: Castle Partners, LP,Hood River Seller: UmpquaBank

Laurel Springs

Shady Pines

2012 Buyer: LongTermBend Investors, LLC, Irving, Calif Seller: Darrin Kelleher

2010 Buyer: Building Partners for Affordable Housing Seller: HomeFederal Bank


South Deerfield Park 2010 Buyer: LongTermBend Investors, LLC, Irving, Calif. Seller: Sheldon Development, Inc.

Badger Forest

South Briar

2010 Buyer: StephenDandurand, Bend Seller: ColumbiaState Bank

2011 Buyer: Richard and Jelinda Carpenter, BruceKemp,Bend Seller: Te Amo,LLC

A sister act, leaps into e-commerce By Nicole Laporte New York Times News Service

Source: Deschutes County Clerk's Office

Greg Cross/The Bulletin

• Dozens ofBendsubdivisions changed handsafter the housing crash By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

handful of developers have found opportunity in Bend's housing market

crash, buying up more than 900 home lots left vacant by the housing market crash. They snatched up a majority of the lots in two-dozen subdivisions across the city of Bend between 2009 and 2012, an examination of Deschutes County deeds records shows. In 18 of the 24 subdivisions,the previous developer lost the properties to foreclosure after the housing market fizzled and collapsed in 2008, according to the records examined by The Bulletin. The crash followed a frenzy of new subdivision building to accommodate Central Oregon's population boom. In Bend, 333 subdivisions were platted between 2000-09, according to the city. From 1990-99, 136 were platted. Property values plummeted — sometimes to as little as 10 percent of a parcel's pre-recession value

— sparking a flurry of new

activity by developers. Chet Antonsen, owner of Group PacWest Homes in Bend, teamed up with Troutdale developer Guy Wolcott in March 2012 to buy 53 of

SANTA MONICA, Calif. — Four years ago, Dorian Howard had one of the most glamorous jobs in the entertainment industry. "I had the fancy title and the parking spot," Howard said of being a vice president for production at Paramount. But after more than a decade in the film business, Howard, 36, decided to give up everything — or, at least, the fancy title and the parking spot — to follow her dream. SeeShoes /E3

Stephanie Diani New York Times News Service

Milk & Honey Shoes, an online

shoe companyowned bysisters Ilissa and Dorian Howard, allows women to design their own stilettos and pumps, or they can choose from the store's collection.




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Rivera Wealth Management Group

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Andy Tules/The Bulletin

Workers build several homes in Aspen Rim, a partly built subdivision in southwest Bend. Hayden Homes of Redmond started developing the property last year, after its original developer filed for bankruptcy. the 91 lots in the adjacent subdivisions Northcrest and Southcrest, near Boyd Acres and Fred Meyers roads. They paid $1.1 million for the lots through a short sale, county records show, or about $21,300 per lot. "We kind of saw that we were starting to head out of the bottom" of the market several months into 2012, Antonsen said. He

and Wolcott have received building permits on nine lots in the subdivisions since March, according to Bend Community Development Department figures, nearly the same number as during the previous three years combined. "I saw the market turn about the first part of April last year," Antonsen said. Low mortgage rates and

depressed home values have led to a surge in sales on Bend homes priced at $300,000 and under, several developers and real estate officials said. More than78 percent of the homes sold in Bend last year went for $350,000 and below, according to figures from the Bratton Appraisal Group. See Subdivisions/E3

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2fj13: flt fI fjLflNCE:Presenting our 2013 calendar at a glance with all of our scheduled specialty publications. You'll also receive grocery inserts every Tuesday; our arts and entertainment section, GO! Magazine, every Friday; and look for a wide variety of shopping inserts every Saturday and Sunday. You'll also enjoy the national magazine, PARADE, which highlights the world of entertainment, games and comics every Sunday. I

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March (cont.)

May (cont.)


August (cont.)


• 9 Book of Love • 12 Picture Your Home • 31 Ageless

• 29 Sisters Magazine

• 13 High Desert PULSE • U.S. Bank Pole Pedal Paddle • 18 Ageless • 24 Sisters Magazine

• 13 Picture Your Home Cascade Cycling Classic • U Magazine • 17 Tour of Homes™ • 24 Deschutes County Fair Guide • 27 Ageless

• 23 Sisters Magazine • 28 Redmond Magazine

• • • • •

February • • • •

6 Baby Book 9 Picture Your Home 11 High Desert PULSE 16 U Magazine

March • • • •

2 Central Oregon Living 4 C.O. Sportsmen's Show 9 Picture Your Home 16 Ageless

April • • • • •

6 U Magazine 12 Summer Youth Directory 13 Picture Your Home 17 Redmond Magazine 27 Home and Garden Show Guide • (TBA) 110 Ways to Discover Central Oregon


• 1 U Magazine • 5 Deschutes County Fair Premium Book • 8 Picture Your Home • 12 Graduation 2013 May • 19 Redmond Magazine • 11 Picture Your Home • 12 Central Oregon Golf Preview • 28 Sisters Magazine • 29 Central Oregon Living

August I 9 Bend Brewfest Guide • 10 Picture Your Home • 12 High Desert PULSE 14 School Directory • 20 Remodeling, Design 8 Outdoor Living Show™

September • 7 U Magazine • 14 Picture Your Home • 21 Ageless

October • • • • •

5 Central Oregon Living 12 Picture Your Home 19 U Magazine 25 The Nature of Words (TBA) 110 Ways to Discover Central Oregon

9 Picture Your Home 11 High Desert PULSE 13 Redmond Magazine 15 Sisters Magazine 16 Ageless

December • 7 Central Oregon Living • 14 Picture Your Home • 25 Connections

Weekly Grocery (Tuesdays) Sale Inserts (Saturdays) I Sale Inserts/Parade (Sundays)


BUSINESS CALENDAR Email events at least10 daysbefore publication date tobusiness©bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit anEvent" at www.bendbulletin.com. Contact: 541-383-0323.

TODAY KNOW MONEY,REAL LIFE BURIED TREASURE:Gold prospecting talk including metal detector and gold panning instruction;1 p.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-536-0515.

system; eReaders are available or bring your own; free; 1:30-2:30 p.m.; Bellatazza Coffee, 869 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-617-7083.


HEALTHCARE REFORM, WHAT OREGON EMPLOYERSNEED TO KNOW:Presented by PacificSource MONDAY Health Plans; aimed atemployers of all sizes looking to gain information No Business events. to lead their companies through the implementation of health insurance TUESDAY exchanges andother provisions of the law; $15 includes breakfast; 7:30MID-OREGONCONSTRUCTION 10:30 a.m.; McMenamins OldSt. SAFETYSUMMIT:Designed Francis School,700 N.W .BondSt., for residential and commercial Bend; 541-382-5174 orwww.health construction workers; the theme is carelawguide.com/events/bend. "Safety TakesEvery Person. Get in OPEN COMPUTERLAB:2-3:30 p.m .; Step"; continuing education credits are pre-approved for the Construction Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 Contractors Board, Building Codes N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. Division (plumbers and electricians), BUSINESSNETWORK and LandscapeContractors Board; INTERNATIONAL WILDFIRE conference attendees canalso CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: choose from14 different classes, Visitors are welcome and first two such as fall protection and multivisits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend employer worksite safety; registration Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; required; $65; TheRiverhouse 541-480-1765. Convention Center, 2850 N.W. GREENDRINKS: Hosted by Savy Rippling River Court, Bend; www Agency; network, learn about other .orosha.org/conferences. businesses and their sustainability KNOW DIGITALBOOKS: 10:30 a.m.; efforts and share a drink or two with Downtown Bend Public Library, like-minded community members; 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. 5-7 p.m.; Bend d'Vine, 916 N.W.Wall KNOW WORDIH: 2-3:30 p.m.; St.; 541-323-3277. Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. FRIDAY OPEN COMPUTERLAB:5-7:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. CENTRALOREGONREALESTATE Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 SMALL BUSINESSCOUNSELING: Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 SCOREbusiness counselors will or bobbleile©windermere.com. be available for one-on-one small business counseling; no appointment necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; SATURDAY Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or FREE TAXPREPARATION www.scorecentraloregon.org. SERVICES:United Way will offer tax preparation clinics with certified volunteers to help those who need WEDNESDAY assistance to file both federal and state tax returns; appointments BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER requested; free; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are Prineville COICOffice, 2321 N.E. welcome and first two visits are Third St.; 541-447-3260. free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; SUNDAY 541-749-0789. OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER Feb. 3 PERMIT TRAINING:Meets the minimum requirements by the No Business events. Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain an alcohol server permit; MONDAY registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; Round Table Pizza,1552 N.E. Third Feb. 4 St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www AARP FREETAXPREPARATION .happyhourtraining.com. SERVICES:United Way will offer KNOW DIGITALBOOKS: 9:30tax preparation clinics with certified 11 a.m.; Sisters Public Library, volunteers to help those who need 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1070. assistance to file both federal and state tax returns; appointments KNOW COFFEE,KNOW EBOOKS: requested; free; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Learn about eReaders and how to download eBooks and audiobooks Bend Senior Center,1600 S.E. Reed from Deschutes Public Library Market Road; 541-706-6234.

DEEDS Deschutes County •SusanC.Gonzalezto BradleyP. Gragert and Janice A.Jackson, Woodside Ranch, Phase 3,Lot10, Block 8, $499,000 • Norman F. Webb, trustee for Norman F. Webb Living Trust, to Joseph Mazzone, QuietCanyon,Lot3, $190,000 • Sage Builders LLCto David J. Sullivan, NorthWest Crossing, Phases 9 and 10, Lot 496, $389,900 • Four Fifty Four LLC to David and Adrienne B.Hill, Deschutes, Lots1 and 2, Block10, Staats Addition to Bend, Lot 5, Block11, $333,125 • Richard D. and Twyla J. Biggs, trusteesfor Richard D.Biggs Revocable Trust, to Victor Mader, North Rim onAwbrey Butte, Phase3, Lot 61, $275,000 • Robert R. and Annette M. Ulery, trustee for 2004 Joint Revocable Living Trust, to Kenneth A. Riley, Forest Park 2, Lot 2, Block15, $420,000 • Richard M. Collins to RodneyT.and Ginger P.Hickey, Lazy River, Lot48, Block1, $180,000 • Brian Henson to Michelle G.and David B. Swift, CascadeView Estates, Phase 8, Lot101, $255,000 • Cindy S. Sniderto David C. and Rae A. Leach,SquawCreek Canyon Recreational Estates, First Addition, Lot 5, Block18, $425,000 • Donald H. andJoanL. Gilbertsen to Daniel W.WineyJr. andlris R. Winey, trustee for Winey Family Revocable Inter Vivos Trust, Sun MeadowNo.3, Lot 71, $237,500 • Beatrice M. O'Neal, trustee for Beatrice M. O'NealRevocable Living Trust, to Carl D.Borgwardt, Township 18, Range12, Section12, $250,000 • Tennant Family Limited Partnership to Ron White, NorthWest Crossing, Phase1, Lot 26, $295,000 •PineRidgeRanchCompanytoLaura A. McCallum, trustee for LauraAnn McCallum Trust, Township14, Range 11, Sections 30 and31, $1,800,000 • John W. Russell to Erin Janssens, Township 15, Range11,Section 19, $200,000 • Robert N. andJuneBrown to Dino Vendetti, Awbrey Butte Homesites, Phase26, Lot3, Block28,$785,000 • Mark L. and Sherry L. Ephland, trustees for Markand Sherry Ephland 2009Trust, to Michael B.andAshleigh T. Gunter, FairwayCrestVillage, Phase 3, Lot 21, Block12, $370,000 • Duane Huddleston to Jacque P. and

Tonya A.Zamora, Deschutes River Woods, Lot 6, $170,000 •SeanandJamiTatetoJohnP. Kiefer, Lava Ridges, Phase 4,Lot175, $170,000 • Brad J. and AnnaL. Johnson to lan W. Lopitan, trustee for lan Lopatin Revocable Trust, andMarc Heyneker, Tetherow, Phase1, Lot113, $200,000 • Norman G.and Sheryl D. Glaeser, trusteesfor Glaeser Family Trust, toJohnF.Colema n IVandAnna E. Nidecker, South MeadowHomesite, Lots10 and11, $169,750 • Daniel L. Collins, trustee for Mary Ann Collins Living Trust, to 4951Eight Mile Rd LLC,Mill Addition to Bend, Lot 17, Block 4, $185,792 • Stephen J. Middleton to Kirman Kasmeyer, Township18, Range12, Section 2, $267,500 • David R. and JanaL. Hyder to Charles and Sabrina Norton, Eastside Fourth Addition, Lot 2, Block11, $185,000 • Brian K. and Sibila Lantzyto Katja R. Trygg, Deschutes, Lot12, Block 8, $225,000 • Michael J. and LynnM.Broderickto Eric R. Crossley, River CanyonEstates No. 4, Lot 249, $384,900 • Brookswood Bend LLC to Constance Tallent andAngela Rempelos, Aspen Rim, Lot 81, $233,000 • Matthew S. Davis to JamesW. and Kristin R. Starnes, Awbrey Village, Phase 4, Lot100, $420,000 • Travis J. Campbell to MakenaCustom Homes Inc., Skyliner Summitat Broken Top, Phase11, Lot 269, $150,000 • Colleen E. Doughertyto Jack C. and Amelia H.Groves, NorthWest Crossing, Phase16, Lot727, $447,335 • Timothy J. and Gail E.Whalen to Elizabeth M. Whalen, Golf Course Homesite Section Third Addition, Lot 55, $190,600 •StoneBridgeHomesNW LLC to Jeffrey B. andKarla M. Lichter, Renaissance atShevlin Park, Lot45, $450,000 • Laurene M. Fitzjarrell, trustee for Revocable Living Trust of LaureneM. Fitzjarrell to Fish Barrell LLC,Township 15, Range10, Section 4, $1,200,000 • Bank of America N.A. to Kurt M. and Jennifer J. Bomke,Township17, Range 13, Section 30, $430,000 • John and NancyMobleyto Tiffany J. Paulin, Township16, Range11, Section 34, $515,000


Dairy farmers settle price-fixing lawsuit By Steve Rosen The Kansas City Star

K ANSAS C I TY , M o . The D air y F a r mers of A m erica c o operative and several related entities have agreed to p ay $158.6 million to settle allegations that they conspired to fixed the price of milk in the Southeast. T he s e t tlement, a n nounced Tuesday, marked the final settlement agreement in the antitrust case that was brought by about 7,000 dairy farmers across 1 4 states. A t r ial i n t h e lawsuit was set to begin Tuesday in federal court in Greeneville, Tenn. Combined wit h p r evio us settlements i n t h e c lass-action lawsuit, t h e dairy farmers have been awarded more than $300 million, a c c ording to B akerHostetler, th e l a w firm t h a t r ep r esented the plaintiffs. A previous settlement was reached in July 2011 with Dean Foods

Wade Rackley/ New York Times News Service

Dairy farmer John Harrison, at Sweetwater Valley Farm in Tennessee, was lead plaintiff in a lawsuit by dairy farmers contending there was a deal to eliminate competition in the Southeast. for $140 million. In addition, a separate, smaller $5 million settlement was reached with the Southern Marketing Agency, which also included r equirements to m a k e t h e milk marketing process more transparent. "The Southeast milk market has been reformed to the benefit of dairy farmers,"


vestor and founder of Cedar Coast Properties, jumped into Bend's market lastyear. He Continued from E1 Perhaps no buyer has paid about $1.6 million for 102 b een busier i n Be n d 's home lots in McCall Landing, subdivision market t han a largely undeveloped suba collection of Southern division off N o rtheast 18th California investors that Street. includes U.S. Rep. Gary Ilkay and B end developMiller, R-Calif., and Har- ment partner Pahlisch Homes ry Crowell, a C a lifornia got 13 permits for new homes homebuilder. They formed in McCall Landing last year, Long Term Bend Investors, more than had been issued LLCin July2009,andwent the previous five years, Bend on a buying spree, spend- building permit records show. ing more than $6 million to They plan t o r e lease 25 purchase nearly 400 home more lots in 2013, Ilkay said, lots in seven Bend subdivi- meaning that as many as 25 sions, many out of foreclo- lots could be permitted for sure, according to county home construction if they can records. find buyers. "After evaluating real estate A Canadian investor has gotten in on the buying, as opportunities throughout the well. Western U.S., we ultimately Ender Ilkay, a Vancou- decided that the most attracver, British Columbia, intive destination for our invest-

attorney Robert Abrams, of BakerHostetler, said in a news release. Officials with Kansas Citybased Dairy Farmers of America Inc. could not be immediately reached for comment. As part of the agreement, the DairyFarmers of America agreed to change its business practices in the South-

ment dollars is Oregon," Ilkay wrote in an email to The Bulletin, "with the Bend area being our firstchoice for recovery and future growth." T he activity b y t h e i n v estment groups an d o t h ers has started to shrink the supply of open lots in Bend — though plenty remain for s ingle-home b u y ers, s a i d Andy High, v ice p resident of government affairs with the Central Oregon Builders Association. Bend has between 2,500 and 2,700 planned-but-undeveloped home lots today, High estimated, down from about 3,500 in 2010. Reducing the inventory has prompted prices to start creeping back up from the bottom, said Terry Denoux, owner and principal broker of GoBend Realty. They're still fairly low

east, including "taking steps to increase raw milk prices, removing cancellation penalties on certain supply agreements with bottling plants and not entering into new supply agreements" in the near term, accordingtothe news release. T he o r g a nization al s o agreed to provide more disclosure involving price-related information and t o s u bmit more business practices issues to membership votes. "The monetary r e covery itself is very substantial and the resulting conduct changes will significantly and p ositively impact competition in the southeast dairy industry," Abrams said. The lawsuit alleged that Dean Foods effectively controlled milk prices in the region by allowing the Dairy Farmers of America, through various entities, to manage the milk supply of both its member farmers and independent producers who chose to supply bottlers under separate contracts.

— probably less than 50 percent of t h ei r p r e-recession average — but the land prices are directly tied to housing inventory, Denoux said, and could keep rising if inventory drops further. B end ha d a b out e i g ht months of housing inventory at the start of 2010, Denoux said, meaning it would take eight months to sell all t he homes on the market based on the sales pace that year. Inventory today is about 2.9 months. "We've been at that level for the better part of a year now," Denoux said. "That means prices are starting to creep up. Builders have been snapping up these subdivisions and are getting their toes back in the water." — Reporter: 541-617-7820, egfucklichC<bendbulletin.com

Shoes Continued from E1 In Howard's case, that meant starting a business with her sister, Ilissa Howard, 39, in a field where neither had any business experience: fashion. Make that t w o f i elds. Milk & Honey Shoes, their shoe company that allows women to design their own stilettos and pumps with the click of a mouse, is also an e-commerce business despite the fact that the sistershad zero tech expertise when they began. "We're not startup tech kids right out of college," said Ilissa, who quit her job as a product developer for Toys "R" Us to go into business with her sister. Perhaps not. But since they started the company in January 2011, sales have doubled and the business has b e come p r o fitable, Dorian said. She declined to give specific numbers. Last summer, Milk Honey was s elected by Launchpad LA, a business incubator based here, to participate in its mentorship program that offers expertise and work space to promising tech startups. The sisters are proof that having backgrounds that seem far removed from a new business venture can become a strength. Although Dorian jokes that studio executives don't possess anytangible skills other than having "a Rolodex and an opinion," her own Rolodex helped her to spread the word about Milk & Honey to high-profile clients. When actress Ginnifer Goodwin, whom D o r ian knows through the entertainment business, wore a pair of Milk & Honey peeptoe platform heels to a Prada book-launch party, fashion websites took notice. The business relationships that Ilissa had with manufacturers in Asia helped her find a factory in China that would produce customized shoes. "She knew how to make things, and I k new h ow to sell things. We figured, theoretically, that's all we need," Dorian said, sitting next to Ilissa in a whiteboard-fil led conference room at theLaunchpad of-

Photos by Stephanie Diani / New York Times News Service

Ilissa, left, and Dorian Howard both had experience in the film and toy industries, but neither had any in fashion before they launched Milk & Honey Shoes.

Dorian Howard designs a shoe on the website for Milk & Honey Shoes. fice one recent morning. The sisters also happen to adore shoes. In college, Ilissa returned from a semester in Florence, Italy, with 17 pairs. It was this love, combined with the frustration of not always being able to find the shoes they wanted, that led to the idea for their company. Ilissa, slender and 5-foot-9, says she has always struggled to find heels that don't make her feel like a g iraffe. And Dorian says that she was once "standing in the Saks department store in New York City, which has its own ZIP code, and I couldn't find what I was looking for." So why not create a company where "you're no longer stuck with the options that the ladies footwear buyer from a department storeprovides for you?" Dorian said. "You want that 3-inch, raised, suede

pump? We'll make it for you." The huge growth of e-commerce, and the success of the online shoe company Zappos, fueled their decision to create not just a shoe company but an Internet-based one. Then came the matter of building it. First, Ilissa met with cobblers in Hong Kong who helped hercreate a model for making customized shoes in a "scalable way," Dorian said. In other words, the designs could not be so complicated and differentfrom one another that orders would be hard to fill one by one. Then the women worked with tech teams to build a website that allows shoppers to assembletheirshoes on a screen. After selecting the basic model (pump, loafer, wedge, etc.), customers can pick a material and color (say, red pressed snakeskin), add features like a back

strap, and pick a heel height. A representative is available to answer questions online or by telephone. Customers can also make an appointment to try on shoe samples at the Milk & Honey showroom in L o s A n geles. And yes, the company accepts returns. None of this comes cheap, however. The shoes and boots range from $190 to $310. Meghan Cleary, the author of "Shoe Are You?," a guide to women's shoes and what they say about their wearers, says customized shoes is a "niche market" that is growing. "Customers are reallydemanding something specialized, made just for them, or tailored just for t hem," she said. "So Milk & Honey, along with a few other companies like Shoes of Prey, really tap into that." Even big shoe companies, like Converse and Nike, allow customers to come up with new variations of, say, the Converse All Star. The Howard sisters certainly have high hopes for the futureofcustomized fashions. Having used savings from their previous careers to finance their startup, they are now looking for investors. How is the pitch process


"I love it," Dorian said. "I spent my entire career selling my passion. For me, it used to be screenplays and movies. Now it just turned into shoes."



proposed a model called the Sonic Cruiser in early 2001. Continued from E1 It would fly 95 percent of the "The thing the company speed of sound and shave has to get right is the 787," about an hour off the flight Chief Executive Officer James time between New York and McNerney, a protege of Jack London. The Sonic Cruiser Welch who had a bright ca- project was revered within reer before joining Boeing, Boeing and given significant told Bloomberg News in 2006. resources and attention. "Executing that program is Several carriers signaled our biggest opportunity and interest, including American our biggest risk if we don't do Airlines. it well." Boeing dropped the idea after the Sept. 11 attacks and New model their aftermath — recession, The 787 is the f irst U.S. higher oil prices — spurred commercial airliner the FAA airlines to focus on fuel effihas grounded since the DC-10 ciency. Boeing cannibalized in 1979 after a Chicago crash technology from t h e S onic that killed 271 people. Other Cruiser and used it for the procountries followed the FAA's posed 7E7, which wouldn't be 787 lead, in effect parking any faster than current planes, the global fleet. LOT Polish but wouldburn 20 percent less Airlines's 787 was stranded fuel. Boeing variously said the ciency" or in Chicago after its maiden "E" stood for"effi "environmental." trans-Atlantic flight. U.S. officials and Boeing The 7E7 was later renamed are i n vestigating w h e ther the 787, and not just because defective batteries from the that was the next logical step same batch caused the fail- in Boeing's lineup after the ures, according to two people 777. The number eight is confamiliar with t h e i n cidents. sidered lucky in China, and the If confirmed, it could show a 787 was supposed to be ready flaw causing the incidents was in time for Chinese airlines to confined to a small number of debut it at the 2008 Olympics 787s, rather than a systemic in Beijing. fault with the plane's engineerThe new jet would use more ing, design or manufacturing, composite plastics than any and could speed the resump- other airliner. While compostion of flights. ites had been used for military The issue for Boeing is that fighters, and for some parts of the current struggles solidify other planes like part of the the existing narrative about 777's tail, no commercial plane t he Dreamliner, which h as had ever used nearly as much, been troubled for years. Its making it considerably lighter story is a sweep of history that and more fuel-efficient. includes the 9/11 attacks, a major corporatemerger and the New power question of why and how the That means the airplane U.S. government ultimately could go long distances with a pproved t echnology t h a t , two engines instead of four, at the moment, may appear giving it greater range than its flawed. twin-engine peers and better The 787 is a replacement for fuel economy than jumbo jets. Chicago-based Boeing's 767, To do that, the plane would an aging twin-engine model need a new kind of power. that has been losing sales to Other aircraft bleed air off the Airbus A330. It's Boeing's the engines for a pneumatic first new commercial jet since system to power a v a r iety the 777 in 1995 and the first of critical functions, such as produced since the company air-conditioning. That diverts acquired McDonnell Douglas power from the engines that Corp. in 1997. they could otherwise use for Boeing's engineers in the thrust, and means they use 1990s began working on the more fuel. plane of the future, an airliner With an electrical system that could approach super- for the jet's other needs, the sonic speeds. They had done engines become much more big — the 747 — and they were efficient. The 787 uses five planning their next challenge. times as much electricity as Under Alan Mulally, Boe- the 767, enough to power 400 ing's commercial airplane unit homes. To jump-start a so-

called auxiliary power unit that's used on the ground and as a backup in case all the plane'sgenerators failed, Boeing decided on a lithium-ion battery because it holds more

i nvestment and c osts w i t h suppliers. A new production system was devised, with 70 percent ofthe plane designed and built by suppliers around the world. energy and can be quickly In the past, Boeing had recharged, Mike Sinnett, the more controlover the design 787 project engineer, said in a and the work of its suppliers. briefing last week. Now, Boeing turned the supT hose c a pabilities a l s o pliers into partners instead make lithium-ion cells more of servants, and gave up its flammable than other battery control. technology, and they can creOrders rolled in — the most ate sparks and high heat if not for any new airliner in history. properly discharged. ChemiBoeing's mana g ement, cals inside the battery are also meantime, was roiled by scanflammable and hard to extin- dals, many at t h e m i l itary guish because they contain businesses acquired from their own source of oxygen, M cDonnell D o u glas. C F O Sinnett said. Michael Sears left in 2003 in In a worst-case scenario in a procurement scandal — he which the batteries burn, they later went to jail — and Boeing are designed to do so in a way CEO Phil Condit quit. Stonecithat doesn't threaten the airpher resigned in 2005 over an craft, Sinnett said. If the jet is affair with a subordinate. airborne, smoke is supposed to Competition for th e C EO be vented out of the compart- job came down to M u lally, ment so it doesn't reach the who had led development of cabin, he said, and the plane's the 777 and was a favorite of ability to stay aloft wouldn't be Boeing's engineers, and Mcharmed even if all of the bat- Nerney, the former General tery cells ignite. Electric executive and CEO of While all of the work on the 3M Co. The board chose Mc7E7 germinated, Boeing was Nerney. Mulallybecame Ford in the midst of a huge corpo- CEO in 2006 and returned rate change. The McDonnell the automaker to profit with a Douglas purchase was sup- strategy that hinged on vehicle posed to boost the defense efficiency and quality. side of the business, helping When Boeing rolled out the balance the cyclical nature 787 in a big public ceremony of commercial planemaking. on July 8, 2007 — 7/8/7 — the Longtime Boeing people still celebration masked the ungrouse about the move. completed jobs and engineerMcDonnell executives were ing work still to be done. The given a significant role in the plane was held together with combined enterprise.Before temporaryfasteners. this, Boeing had been considMeantime, Boeing notified ered an engineer's company. the FAA that it wanted to use It had the feel of a gritty sort lithium-ion rechargeable batof family company that cared teries in ways that had never about making good planes no been tried before on a large matter what the cost. It was al- commercial jet. most entirely based in Seattle, Transcending rules where Bill Boeing built hi s first float plane on the shores Normally, the design of an of Lake Union in 1916. aircraft is governed by longstanding federal regulations. Headquarters move In the case of th e D reamN ow engineers were r e liner, there was nothing on quired to make finances a pri- the books to guide the FAA ority. Boeing's leadership even on lithium batteries, certain moved the corporate head- types of w h i c h h a d b e en quarters to Chicago. banned from passenger flights Mulally, then the head of the in 2004 because they were so commercial unit, needed to flammable. rein in costs under Chief OpTo ensure that the jet was erating Officer Harry Stoneci- safe, the F A A c o n sidered pher, who came from McDon- the request under what was nell Douglas and championed known as "special conditions." boosting shareholder value. In April 2007, the agency Mulally decided he could only said in t h e F ederal Regisbuild the 7E7 by sharing the try that i t w a s c onsidering

Weekly Stock Winners and Losers 15 BEST LARGE-CAP STOCKS COMPANY



16 9 . 56


71. 0


Intuitive Surgical






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R esearch in Motion






F5 Networks Inc KLA-Tencor Corp


105 . 4 3 56.34

8.54 4.50

8 .8 8.7

9.7 19.8

Chesapk Engy




86 .



B ed Bath &Beynd












.ek change+ $70.39 or71.0%

company reported a sur58.5 prise profit for the fourth quarter after more subscribers signed 32.0 up to watch movies on their tab-23.0 let computers and televisions.

Netflix Inc

18.2 -16.1 4.3

KC Southern


94 02

6 39


14 6


Wstn Digital


48. 0 8







109 .6 8





A SML Holding NV






Friday close:$169.56> $150




52-week range $52.81 ~

$172 .68

27.2 Wk. vol.: 30.8m (1.6x avg.PE: 214.6 Mkt. Cap:$9.42 b Yield: ... 28.7

symantec corp Google Inc


22. 1 3




c oOG

75 3 6 7

49 16





priceline.com lnc


718. 8 2

46. 1 0

69 .



1-week change ~ $10.59 or -17.1%






Apple Inc Eldorado Gold Cp Kinross Gold


439 . 88





11.46 8.53








Anglogold Ashanti







Yamana Gold Inc







Altera Corp


33.5 2





Quest Diagnostics


s ilver wheaton corp SL w Goldcorp Inc GG


The maker of handbags and other accessories reported revenue and earnings for the fourth quarter that fell short of financial analysts' expectations. -23.5

Coach lnc

Friday close: $51.21







34.3 4










55 50

N D 52-week range $48.24 ~

J $79.70

Wk. Vol.: 71.7m (3.7x avg.) PE: 14.3 Mkt. Cap: $1 4.53 b Yie l d : 2.3%

;."„'...;.,".','.Solid ." but is it steady? The job market has had a habit the last few would help keep the unemployment rate steady at years of starting a year strong, only to fade in the 7.8 percent. Deutsche Bank economist Joseph spring and summer. Last year, job growth Lavorgna is more optimistic. He expects hiring to averaged nearly come in at 170,000, Nonfarm lob growth(monthly) 226,000 in the first three which would be the months and then fell to 3QQ$hogsgpd strongest growth since August. 68,000 in April. In 2011, j ob growth averaged 250 But if Friday's report 207,000 in the first four turns out better than 200 months but then most economists expect, iss t h e reaction in the stock plunged to 54,000 in 150 May. market could be muted, On Friday, economists Lavorgna says. That's 100 expect the government because investors won't to say that employers want to get burned again hired 155,000 workers if the job market follows in January. That would its recent pattern and 2011 match the level of hiring has another slump in the in December, and it Source: FactSet SPring Or Summer.




NASDAQ 3,149.71

S&P 500 ~ 1,502.96 ~


ing agents by the flight (cabin) crew." The FAA approved the batteries for the 787 in October of that year, according to the Federal Register, rejecting ALPA's request for a requirement that battery fires could be extinguished. The rules were designed to preventfires from happening in the first place, the FAA said. The rules, which applied only to the 787, required that battery cells wouldn't overheat, emit toxic gases that could accumulate in the plane, or explode. If a battery did fail, it couldn't damage equipment, wiring or the aircraft's structure, the agency said. B oeing had s aid a t t h e rollout that it was targeting a maiden flight in fall 2007 and the first delivery, to All Nippon Airways Co., in May 2008. InOctober 2007, Boeing acknowledged that suppliers were drastically behind and the plane's entry into service would be delayed. This was the first postponement. The seventh came after a fire during a test flight in November 2010, which was linked to the new electrical system and which forcedthe entire test fleet to be grounded for six weeks. That added six months to the delay while Boeing engineers redesigned software and hardware.

R USSELL 2000 ~ 5 905.24




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In-Home Care Services Care for loved ones. Comfort for all. 541-389-OOOG


Map Pharma.




71.1 -75.2

24. 7 5




2 .39 7 .29

0.51 1.50

2 71 25.9

25.1 58.1









22. 82


2 2.6




3 77

0 64

2 04

20 8


S uper Micro Cptr







TraveIzoo Inc Acadia Pharmaceut Radioshack Corp K eryx Biopharma parkervision lnc


22. 7 6















309.7 -75.0


3 .43




1 6.9




1 76

3 4.3

F ederal Mogul Corp


9.47 27. 91

1.36 3.94

16.8 1 6.4

21.1 1 7.3

214.0 -44.1


26. 9 8

keeps on giving."

SelfReferrals Welcome

silicom Limited Twin Disc Accuride Corp

sarepta Thera OM Group

which is why there were 40 s itting around by t h e t i m e the first delivery occurred on Sept. 25, 2011. U sually, farfewer planes are finished by the time a plane is handed over, so if a problem comes up, there aren't that many to fix. In this case, Boeing already has 100 to check out after the battery fires. "You might build a dozen and put those into service and then start to build more, and a small number might have problems and you fi x those and build more," said R ichard Aboulafia, a c o n sultant with Teal Group in Fairfax, Va. "That's the unp recedented aspect of t h i s program — those delays between building th e p l anes a nd c ertifying t h e m h a s been the painful gift that just

A flaw in a battery, such as a manufacturing defect that allowed the flammable liquid inside to leak, might trigger a fire in one battery cell that would then ignite other cells within the pack, according to tests on generic batteries conducted by the FAA. "The battery f ailures resulted in release of flammable electrolytes, heat d a m age, and smoke on two Model787 airplanes," the FAA said in a statement. "These conditions, if not corrected, could result in damage to critical systems and structures, and the potential for fire in the electrical compartment." Blakey, the ex-FAA chief and current president of the AerospaceIndustriesAssociation of America trade group, said yesterday that the agency was responding properly to the fire threat discovered on the Dreamliner. "It makes all the sense in the world to address something early, figure it out and go forward," Blakey said at the Bloomberg Global Markets Summit in New Y ork. "I think all of the customers Production continues are going to be pleased that In the meantime, Boeing happened, even though it's kept building D r eamliners, inconvenient."



$CHG %CHG % CH G % R TN 1WK 1 W K 1MO 1YR


Boeing's request and asked for comments from other interested parties. Two months later, the Air Line Pilots Association, the largest North American union f o r f l i g ht crews, responded, saying that it conditionally supported the measure,while seeking greater protections. "We are concerned with a fire erupting in flight, and being able to rapidly extinguish it," wrote Richard Kessel, an engineer with the pilots group. "The special conditions should requirethat there be a means provided to apply extinguish-







ergan agreed to buy the pharmaceutical company for $25 per share. The offer is 60 percent higher than its stock price before thedeal's announcement. Friday close: $24.75i

$20 15

N D 52-week range $11.11 ~


1-week change W $5.18 or -18.9%

Shares sank on worries about future growth for the maker of software for the mortgage industry following an analyst's ratings downgrade.



3 10 . 8










N evsun Resources NS U T anzanian Roy Expl TRX Golden Minerals AUMN Intl Tower Hill Mns THM F ortuna silver Mines F S M Numerex Corp N MRX










- 22.5

19. 8











-0.33 -0.60


-1.4 -1.0

-53.5 -32.4

12. 0 0






29. 0 6


-12 7




$24 .78

Ellie Mae




Wk. vol.:52.3m (10.9x avg.) PE: ... Mkt. Cap: $873.35 m Yield :...

2. 3 8 4.09



1-week change+ $9.17 or 58.9%

M odusLink GlobalSOI MLNK Ampio Pharmaceutical AMPE

Ellie Mae lnc


Friday close: $22.21




52-week range $5.60 ~

$30 .59

Wk. vol.:3.7m (1.4x avg.) PE:28.1 Mkt. Cap: $569.91 m Yield : ...

Note: Stocks classified by market capitalization, the product of the current stock price and total shares outstanding. Ranges are $100 million to $1 billion (small); $1 billion to $8 billion (mid); greater than $8 billion (large).


InvestorCalendar Caterpillar earnings 4Q est. $1.70 Year ago $2.32 Consumer confidence index Jan. est. 65 Dec. 65.1 Federal Reserve begins two-day policy meeting Boeing earnings 4Q est. $1.19• Year ago $1.84 Economic growth


4Q Bst. 1.2% ' 3Q 3.1%

Personal income Dec. est. 0.8% Nov. 0.6% Exxon Mobil earnings 4Q est. $2.02 Year ago $1.97 ISM manufacturing index Jan. est. 50.5 • Dec. 50.7 Nonfarm lob growth Jan. est. 155k Dec. 155k Source: FactSet


WIL SHIRE 5000 ~ g 33 g 15,878.72 ~

Tokyo Nikkei 225

LAST FRI. CHG 1502.96 +8.14 7857.97 +109.84 6284.45 +19.54 23580.43 -18.47 3778.16 +25.99 10926.65 +305.78

SOUTHAMERICA/CANADA Buenos Aires Merval Mexico City Bolsa

3339.77 +23.52 45577.07 +148.37

+0.71% +0.33%

sao paolo Bovespa Toronto s&p/Tsx

61169.83 12816.03


s8 P 500 Frankfurt DAX London FTSE100

Hong Kong Hangseng Paris CAC-40


FRL CHG WK MO QTR +0.54% t1.42%

+0.31% -0.08% +0.69% +2.88%

YTD +5.38% +3.23% +6.56% +4.08% +3.77% +5.11%

+17.01% +4.28% +0.36% +3.08%


Amsterdam Brussels Madrid Zurich Milan Johannesburg Stockholm ASIA Seoul Composite Singapore Straits Times Sydney All Ordinaries Taipei Taiex Shanghai Composite

355.74 2570.58 885.86 7458.66 17726.89 40538.96 1158.50

+1.61 +16.58 +6.09 -29.74 -65.63 +11.57

+0.45% +0.65% +0.69% +0.01% -0.17% L -0.16% +1.01%

1946.69 3269.31 4858.88 7672.58 2291.30

-17.79 +20.92 +25.11 -23.41 -11.30

-0.91% +0.64% L +0.52% -0.30% -0.49%


+3.80% +3.83%




+7.42% +9.33% +8.93% +3 28% +4.87%

-2.52% +3.23% +4.16% -0.35% +0.98%




Additive can't restore failed catalyticconverter


shape and a very good road

By G. Chambers Williams III

By Paul Brand

Fort Worth Star-Telegram

Star Tribune (Minneapolis)

The most-popular Lexus vehicle, the RX midsize luxury crossover,got some refinements for 2013, but the biggest news is the addition of the first performance-oriented model — the F Sport. T hat's t h e o ne L ex u s brought us to test on a recent week. Although it's no speedster — it has the same engine as the base RX

• My 2003 Mazda MPV • with 125,000 miles has the "check engine" light going on and off the past few weeks. The parts store's scan tool found a code for catalytic converter issues. The


car. A few months ago while on a long trip, the cruise control would not work. The control buttons are on the steering wheel. It started off working ind ifferently. S o metimes I could get it to turn on but manager suggested I try a not work. Very occasionally, couple cans of Sea Foam or it worked fine. Sometimes it a product called Cataclean, partially works after turnwhich I've never heard of. It's ing the wheel lock to lock. about $25 for a 16-ounce can. About a m onth after th is Do either of those products started, the air bag warning do anything to revive a tired light would go on for a while catalytic converter? Hate to and then turn off. The light's "on" period became longer spend foolish money on a long shot. The vehicle runs and longer until now it is on perfectly and has no unusual most but still not all the time. sounds or smells. Could it be bad connections . No additive can r e - in the steering wheel? Is this . pair a failed catalytic repairable without spendconverter, but one can clean ing a lot of money, or should deposits from a functioning I chalk it up to a 14-year-old converter and help restore its car? efficiency. In a nutshell, the • The problem very likecatalytic converter matrix • ly is in the wiring haris covered with platinum or ness in the steering column palladium that, when heated — particularly if it's a tilt colby the exhaust gases, oxidiz- umn — or instrument cluster es unburned fuel to eliminate harness. Yes, it's probably raw hydrocarbons from the due to the vehicle's age and exhaust. As converters lose mileage, but regardless, the efficiency, the percentage of issue needs to be addressed. raw fuel in the exhaust in- Why? The air-bag warning creases, which is monitored light. When this light is illuby the rear oxygen sensor. minated, the air bag may not The good news is that fed- function properly in a crash, erally legal aftermarket cata- and potentially could deploy lytic converters are available unintentionally. at a significantly lower price Have a shop scan for DTC than most original equip- fault codes for the restraint ment converters. A q u i ck system as well as the cruise online check found replace- c ontrol. This should p i nment "cats" for your Mazda point the problem and give starting at under $100, not you an idea of repair costs. including installation. Replacing a harness is far Try the cleaners first, but less costly than p otential if the fault code for a failed injuries if the air bag fails to converter returns, consider properly deploy in a serious an after-marketreplacement crash. — Brand is an automotive unit.


35 0 — it has ex-

tras that make 0 i t s t an d o u t , including an eight-speed automatic transmission, special 19-inch wheels and a custom leather interior. Base price ofthe F Sport is just above $47,000, and it's available only with all-wheel drive. It's aimed at people who want sportier performance, something that critics have c omplained was lacking i n previous RX models. The F Sport is at the top of Courtesy Lexus via McClatchy-Tribune News Service the RX 350 line, whose prices For 2013, Lexus added an F Sport performance option to its RX 350. begin at$39,660 for the base front-drive version. As for the F Sport, it was Lexus says the vehicle's top In general for 20D, the RX "designed to engage driving speed is electronically limited received "numerous interior enthusiasts with performance to 112 mph. and exterior upgrades," Lexus and styling enhancements," The all-wheel-drive is an says, including the "bold new Lexus said. Base price:$39,660 electronically controlled sys- face of Lexus, the signature The eight-speed transmistem that automatically shifts spindle grille." As tested:$53,029 sioncomeswithmanualpaddle power from frontto rear, as There are also new headType:Premium, midsize, shifters on the steering wheel. much as 50percent,to provide lights, taillights, LED daytime front- or all-wheel-drive, The 19-inch alloy wheels with sure startsand keep the vehi- running lights, fog-light trim, four-door, five-passenger dark graphite finish are very cle going on slippery surfaces. and front bumper. sedan cool-looking, and they're outOtherwise, all torque goes to Inside, the luxury has been Engine:3.5-liter V-6; fitted with 2 35/55R19 tires. the front wheels. ratcheted up a n o t ch, a nd one or two electric Also included on the F Sport With the eight-speed trans- there is a new, sportier steerdrive motors; six-speed are a unique front bumper and mission, the F Sport has EPA ing wheel, metallic accents automatic (RX-350); eighta mesh grille. ratings of 1 8 m p g c i t y/26 on the glove box, and a respeed automatic (F Sport); The F Sport also comes with highway. designed center console that continuously variable a sport-tuned suspension with T he front seats of m y F Lexus says is more versatile automatic (hybrid); 270 front and rear performance Sport were quite comfortable, and accessible. horsepower/248 pounddampers; and the Lexus Veand there was a spot in the There's also a new optional feet (gasoline models); hicle D y namics I n tegrated center console between the ebony bird's-eye maple wood 295 hp (hybrid, combined Management setup, a comfront seats for my smartphone, trim and an available saddle gasoline and electric) p uterized controller for t h e and a USB port inside the con- leather interior, with contrast Mileage:18 mpgcity, electronic stability, t raction sole to connect it to the great stitching on the seats, center 26 mpg highway control and antilock braking 1 5-speaker, 330-watt M a r k console and door armrests. systems. Levinson audio system. Special F Sport exterior and Also included on the tester steering-wheelbadges are in- come heated and ventilated was the in-dash navigation cluded in the package, along front seats, as well as rainsystem, which comes with the with the special black leather sensing wipers. Lexus Enform service that seats wit h w h i t e c o n trast Under the hood of all RX is similar to General Motors' stitching, a black headliner, 350 models is a 3.5-liter V-6 onStar; a blind-spot monitor; and aluminum pedals and engine with 270 horsepower a heads-up display showing footrest. and 248 foot-pounds of torque, digital speed readout on the Also standard on this model and on all but the F Sport, bottom of the windshield; "inare the Premium and Comfort the engine is connected to a tuitive" parking assist; and a packages that are optional on six-speed electronically conrear cargo net. other RX versions. trolled automatic t r ansmisI took a turn riding in the The Premium package fea- sion with intelligence and a back seat, and found it to be turesinclude memory for the manual-shift mode (using the nearly as comfortable as the driver's seat, steering wheel shift lever). front, with plenty of legroom, and outside mirrors; leather No higher-power engine is in the two outboard positions. seats; power tilt/slide moon available for the F Sport mod- A smallish adult or child could roof; power/folding/self-dim- el, but there is plenty of power sit in the middle position, but ming outside mirrors; rear with the 3.5-liter, and the eight- there is a pull-down armrest armrest storage with lid; and s peed t r ansmission s h i f ts for when no one needs to sit roof rails. smoothly and offers peppy ac- there, and i t i n c ludes two With the Comfort package celeration in the lower gears. cupholders. •


2013 LexusRX 350 F Sport



I have a 1999 Chrysler . Town gr Country with 120,000 miles that is in great

~ hzcirlar li~) igi >~ •

Shockstoo often neglected By Brad Bergholdt

struts, are typically a t ubeshaped component contain. I am the original owner ing a piston, orifice, control . of a 1991 Ford Ranger v alves, hydraulic fluid a n d Super Cab 4x4 pickup truck. c ompressed n i t rogen g a s . The truck has 220,000 miles Shocks absorb and dissipate on it, and it's still going strong. suspension energy to provide It has 4-wheel drive and the i mproved ride comfort, i n 4.0-liter V-6 engine. My ques- creased vehicle stability, contion is: Should I replace the sistent tire-road surface conshocks? The current shocks tact,and reduced wear on tires are from the factory. and the suspension system. My truck has not done a lot Every road-going vehicle of heavy hauling over its life contains components that are — some, but not much. I have considered un-spring weight. inspected each shock and see These include the wheel, tire, no evidence of leaking fluid. I brakes, hub/knuckle, axle or have also tested them by push- differential, and suspension ing down on each corner of the components. When a wheel truck as hard as I could and hits a bump, these parts move observing the motion of the with the wheel, compressing truck. In each location I noted the spring, which may be a very little movement immedi- coil,leaf or torsion bar. After ately after I stopped pushing. the bump, these collectively I 'm thinking that due t o heavy parts are pushed downthe age of these guys and the ward by the spring, overshootmiles they have carried me ing their o r i ginal p osition, around that maybe I should which sets up additional unjust go ahead and replace all wanted oscillations. Without four shocks. It's something I the shock absorber's damping can do myself, and I plan on action, these parts would conkeeping this truck a long time. tinue to cycle many times, upWhat do you think? setting tire traction, ride com— Dick Orear fort and vehicle control. • It's time to change these. A s hock's i nternal c om• S hock a b s orbers a r e ponents wear out over time, probably the most neglected lessening efficiency. External component on an automobile leakage of fluid may also ocor light truck, as their func- cur, which is the most noticetion isn't obvious under many able failure symptom. The folks driving situations. Shock ab- m anufacturing s hocks a n d sorbers, also called shocks or struts recommend renewing McClatchy-Tribune News Service



them every 50,000 miles, although road conditions, vehicle type and driving habits should also be factored. I was a former shock neglector until one day, taking a downhill turn at about 50 mph, I came to an unanticipated washboard road surface. Without obvious vehicle bumping, there was a clear decrease in tire traction as my SUV almost vibrated itself off the road. I renewed all four shocks and tried that same turn again several times. There was a significant difference in road-holding ability, as well as an improvement in general stability under other driving conditions. With my driving routine and slower-moving, stiffly sprung truck and SUV, I won't likely be a 50,000-mile shock replacer. Other folks with more challenging road conditions and commutes and higherperformance vehicles,driven faster, perhaps should be.Test-

troubleshooter and former race car driver. Emailquestions to paulbrand@startribune.com. Include a daytime phone number.

rrl r ' u

19375 Cayuse Crater Court, Eend, OR 97702 Beautiful custom home located on the 6th green/7th tee box in Broken Top. 1his home was built with the finest finishes and has woodwork that is unimaginable! Features include reclaimed Italian terra cotta tile, Brazilian walnut wide plank floors and knotty alder flush inset cabinetry. 'Ihere is extensive use of slab granite, limestone and Travertine. In addition, the house has radiant floor heating, beautiful rock fireplaces and all bedrooms have their own baths. The views are wonderful — Southwest facing for maximum winter sun!

4 Bedrooms

4.5 Bathroom s

4363 Sq Ft

ing shocks by pushing up and down on the bumper is the traditional test, but only a terrible shock on a soft-sprung car seems to show up noticeably. — Bergholdt teaches automotive technology. Email questions to under-the-hood@earthlinh.net.

Weekly Arts & Entertainment Inside MaGAzgPE •I TheBulletin

Price Reduced to $1,225,000I i Deb Tebbs, Broker/President •

INSIDE: BOOICSW Editorials, F2

Commentary, F3 O» www.bendbulletin.com/opinion



e • e

Foreclosure mess needs a better fix ny story about the upcoming session of the Oregon Legislaturequickly focuses on a few high-profile issues. Education, jobs, criminal sentencing and reform of the Public Employees Retirement System come to mind. To be sure, these are all critical issues, but there is another at least as important, and it needs to be addressed effectively and quickly. It is the continuing nightmare of home foreclosures. Even in the economic downturn, one of the biggest assets that American families possess is their home. Even with a depleted value, a home is the nest egg underlying the confidence of Americans to be buyers. Like it or not, we live in a consumer society. It's too easy to sneer at the more superficial and excessive aspects of what some peoplespend money on. What's forgotten is that people also buy health care plans, stocks and bonds, retirement plans and college educations, etc. They also contribute to charitable and public causes. And there is nothing so threatening to these decisions as a home in distress. Like the nation, Oregon, and particularly Central Oregon, have been



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greatly affected by the ongoing economic downturn. Many causes have been identified, but none are so central as the collapse of the real estate-mortgage market. And until we get backto a sounder, safer real estate market, the fortunes of the nation, region and state will suffer. That means dealing effectively with the mountain of foreclosures across the state and nation. Oregon can't solve the nation's problems, but if we want the state to progress, if we want to fulfill so many ofthe dreams we have,then we have to move through the foreclosure challenge as quickly as we can. And right now, we are on the wrong course. People lose homes for a lot of reasons, none of them attractive. It would be wondedul if all homeowners could pay their mortgages, but many simply can't. Oregon is one of the dozen or so states that has a nonjudicial foreclosure option, as well as a judicial — or court-supervised — one. Nonjudicial is comparatively fast and efficient, but has been tarnished by just that rapidity and stories of the callousnesstoward the dispossessed by the banks and trustee services that handle the process. In response, the Legislature in 2012 requireda mediation process for nonjudicial foreclosures. It was a well-intentioned attempt to get the banks to talk with folks losing their homes. There may be many other reasons, but the banks switched to the judicial process, which requires no such mediation. There may be no better proof of the law of unintended consequences. It is more expensive, more timeconsuming,has greater risksfor those getting tossed out on their ears, and dumps the burden of process on a civil court system already bursting at the seams. And there is another issue. Before the Oregon Supreme Court is the very valid question of the standing of the registration service used by the banks to record the multiple investment transactions that constitute the history of each mortgage. All that said, the very best path is to find a way back to the more efficient nonjudicial process, while amending the mediation requirement so that it doesn't do exactly the reverse of its intention. There have been suggestions that adding mediation to the judicial process is the answer. But that doesn't answer the other downside of added time and expense and burden to the state courts. Nor does it, as The Wall Street Journal recently reported, return us to a path that is the fastest way out of the mess we are in. — John Costais editor-in-chief of The Bulletin. Contact: 541-383-0337, jcostaC<bendbulletin.com

I~ ~

~ ~lt

Photos by Marco Gualazzim / New York Times News Service

Islamic militants' advance in southern Mali and the hostage crisis in Algeria have caught the U.S. by surprise and prompted fresh White House vows to combat terrorism in the region. Clockwise from top: a fire burns along a road near Niono, Mali; French troops patrol near the front lines; a Mali soldier rests at an emergency clinic.

By Daniel Byman eForeign Policy


the Algerian hostage crisis currently unfolding was

t has been over a year and a half since Osama bin

"an al-Qaida operation." So has al-Qaida really become

Laden was killed in Abbottabad, Pakistan, but

this w eb of linked groups around the world pursuing

now it seems as if al-Qaida is everywhere: from

a co m mon jihad against the West? And what is the

Algeria to Somalia, from Malito Yemen, from


Pakistan to Iraq. In July 2011, arriving in

relationship between the al-Qaida core and its affiliate organizations?

Afghanistan on his first trip as U.S. defense secretary,

The s e are important questions; the debate about

Leon Panetta said, "We're within reach of strategically

w h ether the United States should join the French and

defeating al-Qaida." But on Jan. 16, Panetta seemed to s t ep up involvement against jihadi groups in Mali express a good deal less optimism, making clear that

ce n t ers on these complicated ties. SeeAl-Qaida/F6

The United States needs to pick t ts battles. It is vital to distinguish between those groups that are full-fledged affiliates and those groups that havejust limited interaction with al-Qaida.



The Bulletin



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he Bend-La Pine school district has calculated it would lose 96 teachers or cut an additional 16 days from the school year if the governor's budget were approved without the savings he seeks from the Public Employees Retirement System. Even with the PERS savings, the l

loss would be about half that much. The district now has approximately 755 teachers but would need more than 850 to regain the teacher/ student ratio it had in 2008-09. Superintendent Ron Wilkinson laid out a variety of funding scenarios at a Tuesday school board meeting, ranging from the governor's proposed $6.15 billion up to a level of $6.895 billion, the amount Wilkinson says is required to restore educational investment without PERS savings. He detailed the state's declining investment in K-12 education,which represented 44.8 percent of the state's general fund in 2003-05 but fell to 38.8 percent in 2009-11, with a slight increase to 39.1 percent for 2011-13. The figures were part of the superintendent's presentation of priorities for the upcoming legislative session. In addition to PERS reform, the district is concerned about proposed budget cuts for the High Desert Education Service District, and it is seeking flexibility on health insurance and collective bargaining. Wilkinson said Bend-La Pine supports the governor's 40-40-20


vision for education reform, including changes to teacher and administrator evaluations that include measures of student growth and achievement. But he said the aggressive goals require "significantly increased investment in education." Sen. Tim Knopp, R-Bend, and Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-Sunriver, expressed support for the district's goals. Knopp urged the board to inform the public about the impact of PERS, saying advocacy is critical and has to happen early in the legislative session, which starts in February. There's plenty of room for princ ipled disagreement on m a n y education investment issues, and certainly the Legislature has tough decisions to make on where the money goes. But we see no doubt at all that PERS reforms are needed, including ones that go far beyond the governor's limited suggestions. Fixing PERS won't solve the state's budget problems, or even all those of education, but it's a clear-cut need the Legislature must get behind and the governor must actively pursue.

I-- JiI-

mon, andcomputers have become both faster and far more complex. And some sorts of records may contain Social Security numbers or other information that would be an identity thief's dream. To date none of this has been a major problem, says County Clerk Nancy Blankenship. And County Assessor Scot Langton says his office fields only a few calls a year from those who believe the current system invades privacy. The potential problem lies down the road, as Blankenship sees it. As DIAL is improved, more information will be available, and keeping some of it private or semi-private may well be required by law. The registration system will allow the county to do that in a way it cannot today.Meanwhile, even under the new system, all DIAL users will be able to see just as much as they can see today. Assuming the county continues as it has and allows as many citizens as much access as the law allows, the registration system should pose no threat. It would be a far different story, however, if the county decided to use the new system to limit access to records simply because it could do so.


M IVickel's Worth Blanton's civicslesson

Coun balances access, privacy for DIALusers eschutes County commissioners took a baby step back from their plan to register citizens wanting Internet accessto property records this week. Registration still will be required in some cases, but all users will be able to search records by property owners'names. Rather than cutting down on what nonregistered users see, the system will expand what is available to those who do register. The change is better than nothing, though we worry it might not go far enough. Privacy has been an issue since DIAL was created in 1998. When the online search system was first proposed, at least one county commissioner worried that it would allow citizens to check property records for what he considered all the wrong reasons, including idle curiosity. Yet commissioners, rightly, chose to make all records public, simply requiring the system's users to read a disclaimer statement before proceeding. Since then, all sorts of things have changed. Some publicemployees, among them police officers, have been given the legal right to k eep home addresses secret. Identity theft is more com-


it comes to enforcing the law as laid out by the U. S. attorney general, if On Jan. 14, Linn County Sheriff you can't comply as a law enforceTim Mueller sent a letter to Vice Presi- ment officer, it's time to seek andent Joe Biden declaring that nhe will other line of employment ("Sheriffs refusetoenforce any gun regulations line up against gun plan," The Bulhe finds unconstitutional..." The let- letin, Jan. 17). It's alarming that the ter from Mueller was followed by Crook County and L inn County sheriffs from Crook, Coos and Curry sheriffs would publicly state their counties sending Mueller's letter. intention to not enforce "any federal I doubt that Mueller appreciated regulation enacted by Congress or the irony of making his declaration by executiveorder ofthe president," 50 years to the day after Alabama that they interpret as, "offending the Gov. George Wallace challenged the constitutional rights of my citizens." federal government to enforce laws This is their personal response to prohibitingsegregationinAlabama's the possibility that Congress might public schools and institutions. adopt new laws relating to ownerOn Jan. 14, 1963, Wallace made ship of certain types of guns. h eadlines with h i s "segregation Since when do law local enforcenow, segregation tomorrow, segre- ment officials, especially elected offigationforever"speech. Wallace had cials, get to decide unilaterally which a mistaken notion of state's rights. laws or regulations they will choose He was viewed more as a buffoon to enforcebased on their personal than a threat to the nation and spent understanding of the Constitution'? much of his later life apologizing for This attitude, apparently based on what he had said and done. a tragic misunderstanding of basic I am proud to say that Deschutes American civics,goes far beyond County Sheriff Larry Blanton inthe narrow issue of gun control. We jected some sanity into the contro- learn in middle school that it's the versy and offered a civics lesson job of our democratically elected to the other sheriffs and their con- representatives in Washington, D.C., stituents. He said, "I agree with the to adopt laws and regulations, it's the basics of the letter, agree with sup- job of law enforcement personnel to porting the Second Amendment. enforce those laws (all of them), and But, when it comes to enforcing the it's the job of the courts to intervene law as laid out by the U.S. attorney if it turns out that any specific law general, if you can't comply as a law does in fact violate the Constitution. enforcement officer, it's time to seek Any la w e n f orcement officer, another line of employment." especially an elected official, who Blanton's statement was reassur- doesn't get this immediately disance that in Deschutes County the qualifies himself from serving in sheriff knows the law and his job. that position, regardless of his posiMilo Thornberry tion on gun control. Bend Brian Shetteriy Bend

Blanton is exactly right

Criticism unwarranted

Deschutes County SheriffLarry Blanton is exactly right that when

The recent letter criticizing the

Humane Society of C entral Or egon for not f ollowing a n o -kill p hilosophy i s u n i n f ormed a n d unwarranted. I support HSCO in having a policy that keeps euthanasia as an option to ensure it can humanely support animals with a compassionate death that are not adoptable because of health or behavior-related issues. I believe this is the same responsibility anyone providing a home for a pet shares. It is a hard truth that not every animal surrendered to a shelter is adoptable for many r easons, including human neglect and abuse. While shelters following a no-kill philosophy should be commended for this commitment, HSCO should also be recognized for facilitating as many adoptions as possible, no matter how long they take or where they

happen. As a volunteer with HSCO, I've

seen many happy occasions when animals I helped to care for were adopted into loving and responsible homes, including Buddy. This dog was at the shelter for four months before being transported to the Family Dog New Life shelter in Portland, where he was adopted in just a few days. I've also witnessed an older, lowincome couple surrendering their dying cat because they could not afford the veterinary fees to euthanize it. While their grief broke my heart, I was grateful that my contributions supported this service. If people have questions about HSCO's policies, please contact it directly to learn more about what this amazing organization does to promote the compassionate care of animals in Central Oregon. Lori Gieichman Bend

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Don't believe false assumptions on thinning forests By George Wuerthner ecently The Bulletin had an editorial chiding Oregon Wild and Cascadia Wildlands for opposing the D-Bug timber sale near Diamond Lake. Fortunately, these groups are challenging a bad timber sale that will likely fail to achieve its goals of fire-risk reduction, will entail unnecessary environmental damage and result in a net financial loss to tax


payers. The most important factor to understand is that not all forest species have thesame fire regimes. Lodgepole pine is the dominant tree in the D-Bug timber sale area. Lodgepole pine has a reputation as "asbestos forests" because getting them to burn is so difficult. You could take a flame thrower to these forests in most years and fail to get a significant blaze. Fire suppression and fuels do not play an

important role in determining when, and even if, lodgepole pine forests will burn — a fact well established in the fire ecology literature. Wildfires in lodgepole forests tend to occur when low humidity, extended drought, and most importantly, high winds all happen at the same time in the same place with an ignition source like a lightning strike. However, since the combination of these factors is extremely rare for any particular lodgepole pine stand, large blazes typically are spaced hundreds of years apart. A further false assumption is that dead trees from beetle-kill significantly increase fire probability. It is only for the first years following a beetle outbreak when trees have red needles that flammability may be increased — and even this conclusion has been disputed by some research and again depends on weather conditions.

Dead trees are surprisingly resistant to burning. Once the needles and small branches fall off of beetle-killed trees — typically within a few years — they are not very prone to ignition. Despite all the dead trees in previously burned forests or beetle-kill lodgepole stands, under most conditions, a past fire or beetle kill actually halts or slows the advance of any new fires — precisely because dead trees don't burn readily. It may seem counter-intuitive, but greentreesare more likely to burn under extreme fire conditions than dead trees. It is fine fuel (needles, small branches, etc.), not large logs that carries most fires. Any examination of forest fires around the West confirms this — most fires burn through green forests. There are good reasons for this observation.Under extreme firecondi-

tions, live trees can become extremely dry and highly flammable. Internal moisture content of live trees can sometimes even approach I to 2 percent — in Yellowstone National Park in 1988, for example, tree moisture content was I percent. By contrast, kiln-dried lumber often has a 10-12 percent moisture content. Plus green trees contain flammable resins. Thus green trees, with low moisture contentand an abundance ofneedles and branches — the fine fuel that drives blazes, are highly combustible. The science on thinning effectiveness is inconclusive. Indeed, in some instances, thinning can increase fire spread because itopens forests to greater drying and greater wind penetration — both factors that increase fire spread. Strategic thinning in the immediate vicinity of a home may help reduce fire risk, however, the

advisable distance is usually only 100200 feet. Any further distance results in little additional benefit in terms of home protection. The most effective way to diminish fire risk to homes is to reduce the flammability of structures. Metal roofs, removal of flammable materials around homes likefirewood, screened vents on attics and other measures will go a long ways towards ensuring that if, in the very small probability that a fire were to occur in this area, the homes surrounding Diamond Lake would survive the blaze. Rather than chiding environment groups for challenging bad timber proposals, we can be thankful that these watchdog groups arethere to prevent government waste and environmentaldamage. — George Wuerthner is an ecologist who livesin Bend.




e, ur o e's wis es came true lmost a decade ago, Europeans and many progressive Americans were lamenting how the United States was going to miss out on the 21st-century paradigm symbolized by the robust European Union. Neanderthal Americans were importing ever more oil while waging a costly "war on terror" and fighting two conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. Our budget deficit in 2003 hit $374 billion. The EU avoided foreign conflicts and embraced soft power. Its declining military budgets and centralized transnational government ensured that it could address global warming and fund ever-expanding entitlements. Even the poorer Mediterranean nations reached new heights of prosperity. The Greek economy soared. Spain's real estate market was to become the hottest in the world. Italy seemed to resemble Germany more than Portugal. President George W. Bush was not just hated in Europe, but caricatured as the symbol of backward freemarket capitalism, rank American consumerism and U.S. imperialism abroad. Only with the election of the progressive Barack Obama would Europe finally find a like-minded, sophisticated American president. Yet European Union prosperity has now proved a phantom — one


conjured up by accounting gimmickry, borrowed German money and corrupt EU apparatchiks. Neither the EU at large nor most indi-

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON vidual European nations can sustain their present rate of redistributionist entitlements. To end cash transfers acrossborders spells the breakup of the union. To embrace austerity at home ensures near anarchy in the streets of individual nations. The worry is not that Greece will implode, but whether France can remain financially solvent. More realistic countries such as Germany, Latvia and Sweden are quietly drifting away from the socialist model, preferringbalanced budgets, lower taxesand fewer regulations. The EU may b e w o r ried that Obama's United States is becoming more like the EU at the very time many in Europe are starting to take a second, kinder look at the old freemarket model of the United States. An America of low taxes, low unemployment and robust growth once meant a huge marketfor European goods, as the United States drove a prosperous world economy and had enough cash to protect the Western world. All that has changed after four years of unprecedented $1 trillionplus U.S. budget deficits. National debt has hit a historic $16 trillion, with no reversal in sight. Unemployment hasbeen at 7.8 percent or

above for 48 consecutive months. GDP growth is calcified at an anemic 2 percent.Record numbers of Americans draw on unemployment, disability and food stamps. There is even greater irony in foreign policy. Europe blasted Bush for his cooked-up war on radical Islam and his needless interventions abroad. But with the ascendency of Barack Obama, Europe finally got a mirror image of itself. Both Iraq and Afghanistan will have ended according to strict timetables of withdrawal, not with any lasting security on the ground. France and Great Britain went into Libya, while America "led from behind." Moammar Gadhafi's dictatorship was replaced with chaosthat has birthed a terrorist haven that threatens to become the new Afghanistan. The odious anti-Semite and Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed Morsi now runs a near-bankrupt Egypt that looks a lot like Haiti. After the messes in Libya and Egypt, the West watched impotently as Syria became something like Mogadishu. France is forced to unilaterally intervene in its old colony, Mali, to stop an Islamist takeover of the entire country. America watches from the sidelines, as undermanned French forces are offered meager logistical support from EU allies. In Algeria, radical Islamists brazenly executed dozens ofWestern hostages. Yet Obama has found widespread public support for his new isolation-

ism. Apparently, liberals prefer to borrow money at home for more entitlements rather than spend money on interventions abroad. Many conservativesenjoy the schadenfreude of watching as Europe plays (poorly) the old thankless unilateral role of the United States. Obama has loudly promised a pivot in the U.S. security profile toward the Pacific region. That change represents the unspoken reality that socialist redistribution has reduced Europe to near-irrelevancy. Supposedly, free-market Asian economies are the new nexus of wealth and power. Oil and gas finds in America are providing unexpected energy independence from the PersianGulf. Or perhapsthe new strategic emphasis reflects the demographic realities of the Obama coalition of various minority groups — and fewer European-American voters. The Hawaiian-born and Indonesia-raised president certainly seems more interested in Asia than he does in the old colonial Mediterranean world of aging and shrinking European nations, Arab quagmires, oil intrigue, Islamic terrorists and the Israeli-Palestinian open sore. In short, Europe got the European Union of its hopes and a changed America of its fantasies — but both are rapidly b ecoming it s w o r st nightmares. — Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution,

Stanford University.

Obama will fail without debt solution By Carl Leubsdorf The Dallas Morning News

f the president continues track record of avoiding hard budget choices,his second-term agenda is doomed. Beyond his ringing call to advance the liberties of all Americans and a muted bid to work together, the most crucial part of President Barack Obama's inaugural address may have been his brief appeal for making "the hard choices to reduce the cost of health care and the size of our deficit." That's because the outcome of his forthcoming battle with congressional Republicans on curbing federal spending and, especially, costs of so-called "entitlements" looms as the necessary precursor to Obama's hopes of achieving the rest of his ambitious second-term agenda. "Either you get a handle on health care andSocialSecurity solvency or he will have a failed presidency," former Republican Sen. Alan Simpson of Wyoming told Politico. The Republican decision to delay the fight over the debt ceiling means Obama could use his Feb. 12 State of the Union speech and his new budget to make specific proposals to curb the deficit and the burgeoning long-term costs of Social Security, Medicareand Medicaid. So far in his presidency, though,

he has failed to make hard choices, despite his frequent references to the need to do so and despite the sweeping plan recommended by his own commission on deficit control, which Simpson co-chaired. While again calling for " h ard choices," Obama once more suggested Monday that he will resist sweeping cuts, declaring that the nation's commitments on Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security "strengthen us," rather than "sap our initiative." And in a gratuitous slap at defeated G OP presidential n ominee M i t t Romney, he added: "They do not make us a nation of takers." Until now, b ot h p a r ties have sought to force the other to take the political risky step of proposing to curb long-term costs of these programs. The issue helped to torpedo two efforts by Obama and House SpeakerJohn Boehner to negotiatea grand bargain of revenue increases and spending cuts. But it may come to a head as lawmakers cope with whether to accept or revise the sweeping spending cuts that were to have taken effect on Jan. 1 and with the GOP's demand that Obama accept additional cutbacks in return for a long-term extension of the debt ceiling. Without entitlement cuts, the GOP demands will be difficult. Republicans remain reluctant to

plete" until women receive equal pay for equal work, "our gaybrothers and sisters are treated like anyone else under the law," "no citizen is forced to wait for hours to exercise the right to vote," and "we find a better way to welcome the striving, hopeful immigrants to still see America as a land of opportunity." He muted his call for expanded gun control, adding that "our journey is not compete until all our children, from the streets of Detroit to the hills of Appalachia to the quiet lanes of Newtown, know they are cared for and cherished and always safe from harm." T he biggest surprise was h i s strong, renewed call to respond to the threat of climate change. A DemocraticCongress failed to pass such accept additional r evenue-raising legislation in 2010, and House Remeasures, which Obama and the publicans and some industrial state Democrats favor. Most Democrats Democrats remain solidly opposed. resist the extent of entitlements reIn the spirit of the inauguration, ductions the GOP wants. top Republican leaders mostly withBeyond the budget,Obama cast held criticism of Obama's comments. much of his ambitious second-term But in a sign of things to come, Reagenda in the context of the need publican Sen. Jeff Sessions of Alafor today's Americans to extend bama faulted Obama for not saying the expansion o f l i b erty e p ito- more about deficit control, and Rep. mized by those who fought for civil, Fred Upton of Michigan said, "He women's and gay rights in earlier missed an opportunity to reach out generations. in a bipartisan manner." Listing examples keyed to major — Carl P. Leubsdorf is the former elements in his electoral coalition, Washington bureau chief Obama said "our journey is not comof the Dallas Morning News.



Balancing Medicare msts with Medicare benefits By Caroline Poplin McClatchy-Tribune News Service

es, it can be done. We can — and should — reduce the extravagant prices, the highest in the world, that Medicare pays forsome services,before we startto reduce the services themselves. The just-concluded fiscal cliff fight included a nasty skirmish over Social Security cost-of-living increases, safe for now. But Social Security is the "easy" entitlement. Actuaries predict modest future increases: benefits will go from about 5percent of GDP now, to 6 percent in the 2030s (to cover the baby boomers), then back below 6 percent. Perhaps, no reason to panic. With regardto Medicare, however, all bets are off. U.S. health-care costs (not just for Medicare but for everyone) have been rising faster than inflation for decades. Obviously this situation is unsustainable — if we did nothing, at some point health care would consume the entire economy. Before that, Medicare would take over the federal budget. Even today, Medicare and Medicaidare 20 percent of the budget, so Republicans are demanding big, permanent cuts. Surprisingly, politicians on both sidesagree:the way to reduce cost is to reduce medical services. Most politicians believe that A merican healthcostsare high because Americans "demand" (their term) too many

health careservices — more than they need — because those services seem to be free when insurance

pays. For Republicans, the fix is the free market: people should buy whatever health insurance, or health care, they want and can afford. If all they can manage is cheap insurance with skimpy benefits, that is what they will have. By definition, costs are controlled. Republicans had no serious problem with the status quo before the Affordable Care Act (aka "Obamacare"). Democrats believe the problem is fee-for-servicemedicine: Doctors providetoo many services because they arepaid separately foreach one. Therefore, the ACA creates Accountable CareOrganizations (remember HMOs?) to "manage" care. These one-stop-shopping health care organizations are accountable to payers, not patients: They are to be given global budgets to deliver health care "efficiently" to populations. ACOs use modern management techniques to align physicians' incentives (their term) with those of the ACO to deliver the "correct" amount of care, "value" instead of "volume", at lower cost. Well, maybe. To ordinary families, particularly one in the throes of a medical crisis, either approach looks like rationing. In a Republican world, insurance may simply not cover a costly service a loved one needs. A Democratic

ACO may decide that a third-line cancer drugistoo expensive for the extra month or two of life that it provides, on average, for a patient who has failed first-line treatments. These decisions will be wrenching. I say, let's do the easy things first. Politicians today confuse "cost" and "price."In a market economy likeours,everyone understands the difference: Cost is what the seller pays, price is what the buyer pays. The difference is profit to the seller. We rely on price competition among sellers to drive prices down close to cost, to give consumers the best value. Politicians assume health care is just like gasoline or groceries, and take current prices as a given. But the U.S. health care market does not give us the lowest possible prices. In healthcare,insurers are supposed to force down the price of health care services, so that they can compete for customers by offering lower premiums. But the real world rarely works this way: Instead, insurersoften pass along increased prices to consumers. There is indeed vigorous competition among health care providers — hospitals, drug companies, doctors — but it is rarely competition on price. Instead, they compete on quality. A hospital claims it has the latest scanner; a d ru g c ompany advertises a new, better painkiller. Such competition does not lower

prices; it raises them. There are many reasons medical markets fail: There is significant uncertainty about the science, we have a single standard of care (not

Fords and Cadillacs), fearful people estimate risk poorly, trust matters. Moreover, many p r oviders have market power and charge what the market will bear. Sick patients have little leverage. Where thereisreal price competition — generic injectable drugs, primary care — providers often exit the field, manufacturers for profitable drugs still on patent, doctors for

higher-paying specialties. All theother advanced democracies have found that only government is powerful enough to keep health care prices in line with costs, using negotiation or regulation. The result? They get health outcomes as good or better than ours, for a fraction of what we pay. In fact, Medicare, because it already controls doctors'fees and some hospital charges, costs less than commercial health care in the United States. An important reason American costs are high is that our prices are too high. Lower prices will let our dollars go further — and postpone the day when we need markets, or managers, to decide who lives and who dies. — Caroline Poplin is a physician, attorney and policy analyst in Bethesda,Md.


Break all the rules irst, my congratulations and condolencesto John Kerry forbeing nominated to be our next secretary of state. There is no one better for the job today and no worse job to have today. It is no accident that we've startedmeasuring our secretaries of state more by miles traveled than milestones achieved. It is bloody hard to do

big diplomacy anymore. Why'? Well, as secretary of state today you get to deal with Vladimir Putin, who was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple. That is, even though Russia's economy is hugely corrupt and nowhere nearly as innovative as it should be, Putin sits atop a huge reserve of oil and gas that makes him think he's a genius and doesn't need to listen to anyone. When recently confronted with his regime's bad behavior, his first instinct was to block U.S. parents from adopting Russian orphans, even though so many of them badly need homes. If there were an anti-Nobel Peace Prize, Putin would win hands dovm. When Putin isn't available to stiff us, China, to whom we owe a gazillion dollars, is ready to stand in. Those two are the real nations, where there's at least someone to answer the phone — and hang up on us. Elsewhere, the secretary of state gets to deal with failed or failing states, like Mali, Algeria, Afghanistan and Libya, whose governments cannot deliver for their people, let alone for us. If he is looking for a break, Kerry could always call on our longtime ally Egypt, whose president, Mohammed Morsi, we find out, in 2010 described Jews as "descendants of apes and pigs." Who knew? So what's a secretary of state to do? I'd suggest trying something radically new: creating the conditions for diplomacy where they do not now exist by going around leaders and directly to the people. And I'd start with Iran, Israel and Palestine. Let's break all the rules. Rather than negotiating with Iran's leaders in secret — which, so far, has produced nothing and allows the Iranian leaders to control the narrative and tell their people that they're suffering sanctions because of U.S. intransigence — why not negotiate with the Iranian people? President Barack Obama should put a simple offer on the table, in Farsi, for all Iranians to see: The U.S. and its allies will permit Iran to maintain a civil nuclear enrichment capability — which it claims is all it wants to meet power needs — provided it agrees to U.N. observers and restrictions that would prevent Tehran from ever assembling a nuclear bomb. On Israel-Palestine, the secretary of state should publicly offer President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority the following: The U.S. would recognize the Palestinian Authority in the West Bank as the independent State of Palestine on the provisional basis of the June 4, 1967, lines, support its full U.N. membership and send an ambassador to Ramallah, on the condition that Palestinians accept the principle of "two states for two peoples" — an Arab state and a Jewish state in line with U.N. General Assembly Resolution 181 — and agree that permanent borders, security and land swaps would be negotiated directly with Israel. The status of the refugees would be negotiated between Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization, which represents all Palestinians inside and outside of Palestine. Gaza, now a de facto statelet, would be recognized as part of Palestine only when its government recognizesIsrael,renounces violence and rejoins the West Bank. Why do this'? Because there will be no Israeli-Palestinian breakthrough unless the silent majorities on both sides know they have a partner — that P alestinians have e mbraced tw o states for two peoples and that Israelis have embraced Palestinian statehood. Neither Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu nor Abbas have shown a real commitment to nurture these preconditions for peace, and our secret diplomacy with both only plays into their hands. We need to blow this charade wide open by trying to publicly show Iranians, Israelis and Palestinians that they really do have options that their leaders don't want them to see. It may not work. The leaders may still block it or the people may not be interested. But we need to start behaving like a superpower and forcing a moment of truth. Our hands are full now, and we can't waste four more years with allies

(or enemies) who may be fooling us. — Thomas Friedman is a columnist for The New York Times.

F4 © www.bendbulletin.com/books



Eyes' is an OIC,if weird, tale


Yoga gurureveals us ice ex ores roo s secretso lie, o y


"Dream Eyes"

"My Beloved World" by Sonia Sotomayor

by Jayne Ann Krentz

(Knopf,336 pgs., $2795)

(Putnam,325 pgs., $26.95)


Los Angeles Times

McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Some of the most revealing moments in Sonia Sotomayor's stirring new memoir, "My Beloved World," come early in

It's difficult not to l i ke Jayne Ann Krentz's latest novel, "Dream Eyes." It's equally hard not to poke a little fun at it. Krentz has delved fullfledged into p aranormal romance, using her Arcane Society stories (historical and contemporary) as an anchor for stories that dabble in "psi." As in " p si-burn." "Psibreeze." "Psi blind." Psi romance?

The Associated Press

Sigh. While drudging through phrases such as "paranormal energy waves," "aurora energy," and para-senses," and reading about "auras" " crystal w e apons" a n d "paravision" can become a bit t i r esome, beneath it all is a solid story with charming characters, wit and romance. Because no matter how far out the plot, no matterhow much paraand psi- mumbo jumbo, Krentz just isn't capable of writing a bad story. And no matter how much she infuses p aranormal activities into her psychic world, she never forgets the romance. The Coppersmiths reappear. Sam and Abby completed their adventure in "Copper Beach" and are blissfully p l anning t h eir wedding in "Dream Eyes." Judson is Sam's brother; Gwen is Abby's best friend. When Gwen suspects paranormal foul play with her friend's death, who is she going to call? A psychic detective, of course. That would be Judson, who uses his psi powers for good to catchparanormal

bad guys. Gwen also has psychic talent, and partners with Judson to find out what paranormal evil lurks in the small town where her friend was found dead. Well, it doesn't take a psychic or psi-anything to figure out how that works out.

BEST-SELLERS Publishers Weekly ranks the bestsellers for weekending Jan. 19. Hardcover fiction

1. "A Memory of Light" by Robert Jordan(Tor) 2. "The Fifth Assassin" by Brad Meltzer (GrandCentral) 3. "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn (Crown) 4. "Tenth of December: Stories" by George Saunders (Random House) 5. The Husband List. Janet Evanovich. St. Martin's ($27.99) 6. "The Third Bullet" by Stephen Hunter (Simon 8 Schuster) 7. "The Racketeer" by John Grisham iDoubledayj 8. "Collateral Damage" by Stuart woods (Putnam) 9."Kinseyand Me:Stories"bySue Grafton (Putnam/Marian Wood) 10. "Cross Roads" by William Paul Young (FaithWords) Hardcover nonfiction

1. "Shred: TheRevolutionary Diet" by lan K. Smith, M.D. (St. Martin's) 2. "Killing Kennedy" by Bill O'Reilly (Henry Holt) 3. "My BelovedWorld" by Sonia Sotomayor (Knopf) 4. "Eat More OfWhat You Love" by Marlene Koch iRunning Press) 5. "I Declare" by Joel Osteen (FaithWords) 6. "No EasyDay" by Mark Owen (Dutton) 7. "The Plan" by Lyn-Genet Recitas (GrandCentral) 8. "The End ofDiabetes" by Joel Fuhrman lHarper0nej 9. "Barefoot Contessa Foolproof" by lna Garten (Clarkson Potter) 10. "The Virgin Diet" by J. J. Virgin (Harlequin) — McClatchy-TribuneNewsService

Y oga s t udents a r e o ften m o t ivated a n d

even inspired by watch- I ing teachers twist their strong bodies into pretzeled poses. In her new memoir, "May I Be Hap-

the book's 300-plus pages. The future Supreme Court justice is a mere 9 years old when her father dies in her family's apartment in a Bronx housing project. He was a broken-hearted man with an artist'ssoul and a weakness for Seagram's Seven that eventually killed him. Juan Sotomayor's family is devastated by his early death. At his wake, after a night of endlessly repeated rosaries, Sonia nods off b efore the coffin.When she opens her eyes her relatives are arguing around her. Apparently, while she was asleep, Sonia had spoken a single Spanish word in the voice of a long departed aunt. Conformate, she said. Accept it. "I can't explain it," Sotomayor writes. "Nothing like thathad happened to me before, and it hasn't happened to me since." At age 9, and for much of her life, level-headed Sonia tells herself that reason can triumph over chaos and adversity. All around her adults act irrationally, slaves to their superstitions and p assions. When her aunt l ater t r ies to climb into the grave with Sonia's dead father, Sonia doesn't understand: The aunt never came to visit when her father was alive. "My Beloved World" is a record of the most difficult and improbable part of Sotomayor's long journey from the Bronx projects to a seat on the Supreme Court. It begins with her birth to two young, unsettled parents with roots in impoverished, rural Puerto Rico. And it ends 38 years later with the realization of a dream she's held since childhood: her first appointment

Lincoln was a log-splitter, Washington chopped down the cherry tree — and Sotomayor was a smart girl from the projects who decided in grade school that she wanted to be a judge. In "My Beloved World" we learn that Sonia, having listened to her mother and father fight almost every day oftheir marriage, likes the idea of sorting out conflict. Her hero is the lev-


aii'd,'.(ll,'aig'illj,;My. Pi'n'

py," yoga guru Cyndi Lee may surprise yogis as she pulls back the " 'ts ' e~~t7i:rrfl>,:k;y. curtain to share deepseated i ns e curities about her body. Lee has b een p r actic- cupation with her own aping yoga since 1972 and pearance set a n e x ample now leads classes, teacher that nagged Lee t h rough training sessions and spe- adulthood. cial workshops worldwide. Lee consults health exShe has written other yoga perts and spiritual leaders, books, but this time, she gets practices meditation, studies personal. Buddhism and t r ies posiRecently, Lee realized it tive affirmations. She meets was challenging to preach with her friend, actress Jato students about personal mie Lee Curtis, once famous growth when she was stuck for her sexy body. Now 54, herself. Yoga unites body Curtis' body has changed, and mind, and while she led but she offers Lee advice on m editations and could d o acceptance. a headstand, Lee's lifelong She also recognizes that negative body image plagued the hormone shifts of menoher. pause affect her emotions Her se l f -worth was and sex drive. Over time, wrapped up in her appear- she's able to push out negaance, and although she was tive thoughts about her body never what most would con- and let in supportive ones. sider overweight, she never Releasing those thoughts is quite met her own expecta- a challenge and, like yoga, a tions. The book follows her perpetual practice. journey to discover the roots When Lee learns that her of her self-judgment, and the husband has betrayed her, tools to get past it. "I didn't she hits her lowest point. know that taking care of my- Dealing w it h h e r f a i l i ng self wasn't the same as actu- mother and tenuous marally caring about myself," riage instead of returning to Lee writes. old habits, she finally finds She bravely shares i nthe strength to believe she's timate details of he r l i f e, good enough. which draws in readers. Her Some of Lee'sstories indancing and choreography clude excessive detail and experience in the 1980s for need editing. She often skips stars like Cyndi Lauper put around in time, andthere are her body under a microscope no clear chapters, which can a nd i n c o m petition w i t h be confusing and interrupts many thin peers. the narrative's flow. Lee's visits with her mothBut Lee's candor in her er — who suffersfrom de- healing process will l ikely mentia — spark memories of resonate with self-help fans. when shefirstbecame aware Downward doggers will apof her body and perceived its preciate herpose descriptions imperfections. and the window into a teachSince Leewas a teen, feel- er's thoughts about students ings of guilt, fear and shame during the quiet intensity of overcame her regularly:"I a class. For the millions of was always getting mad at people — especially women my body, but my body has — who fight the fat talk in been fine. It's my relation- their heads, her words will be ship to my body that's hurt- familiar and comforting. ing me and my mind is the In talking about her stureal troublemaker." dents, Lee says, "The honesU ncomfortable tal k i n g ty and vulnerability of each about puberty and sex, her person touches me deeply." mother contributed to Lee's With this book, Lee has issues. Her mother's preoc- returned the gift. :



The Assoaated Pressf>lephoto

ln her memoir "My Beloved World," Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor tells of her gradual but determined ascent toward her goal of becoming a judge.

qe' 3




ter the death of her son, Juan Luis. So is Sonia's mother. Like so many A m erican i mmigrant a n d migr a n t narratives, it's a story that returns to "a l ittle wooden s hack of a h o u se" i n t h e middle of crops and fields. Sonia's mother lived in such a shack, i n L a j as, Puerto Rico, eventually arriving in New York after enlisting in the Women's Army C orps during World War II. In New York, she met a young man as a judge. named Juan Luis Sotomayor While other recent memwho recited poetry to her, in oirs by current and former Spanish. j ustices have t o uched o n Narratives that link U .S. weighty political and philocities like New York to Latin sophical themes, Sotomayor American towns like Lajas avoids such terrain. A comare, increasingly, a d e f ining-of-age story, "My Beloved ing element of the American World" does not touch on a experience — though they single day of her life as a Suare still underrepresented in preme Court justice. Instead, American letters. in her own often straightforS otomayor's stor y c o n ward, occasionally soaring nects the Latino immigrant writing style, Sotomayor suce xperience t o h al l o w ed ceeds in "My Beloved World" A merican i n s t itutions o f in crafting an often old-fashlearning and jurisprudence: ioned tale o f o v e rcoming What she'll do with her own obstacles. chunk of judicial power now It's a book explicitly intendthat she has it, or what she ed to address her newfound thinks the law can do to imrole as a Latina role model. prove the lives of people like From her story of family and her, are topics she's apparc ommunity s t r ength a n d ently left for another book. In "My Beloved World" we dysfunction, a worthy Latino addition to the pantheon of watch Sotomayor reach for mythic American civic stoher goals with a drive that's ries emerges. already focused and fierce at

Sorting out conflicts


By Brooke Lefferts

By Hector Tobar By Lezlie Patterson

"May I Be Happy: A Memoir of Love, Yoga, and Changing My Mind" by Cyndi Lee (Dutton)

an uncommonly young age. "This girl's ambitions, odd as they may seem, are to become an attorney and someday marry," a nun at Blessed Sacrament school writes in the school yearbook when S onia graduates from t h e eighth grade. In other words, it was "odd" for a Latina in the 1960s to dream of becoming a lawyer. As a teenager at Cardinal Spellman High School, she

reads "Lord of the Flies" and is haunted by its message: the desire to do good, and treat others with kindness can be undermined by s e lfishness and fear. Something similar, she can see, is happening in her corner of New York City, with gangs, junkies and even corrupt cops eating away at the city's social fabric. In "Lord of the Flies," the boys use a conch shell as a call to an assembly where rules are made, disputes settled."The conch ...stands for order, but it holds no power in itself," Sotomayor writes. "Its only power is what they agree to honor. It is a beautiful thing, but fragile."

'Argue just like a guy' Sotomayor's account of her gradual, determined ascent through the American educational system is filled with incidents that will sound familiar to many Latino college graduates. When she gets a perfectscore on a high school math test,she's accused of cheating. At Princeton, she endures the diatribes against affirmative action provoked by the presence of a small number of students "of color" on campus. Snarky comments about women and Latinas follow her to Yale Law School too. S otomayor n e v e r l et s these sli ghts go unanswered, fighting back like the tough law-geek with a chip on her shoulder that she is. "You know what I love about you, Sonia?" a fellow student at Yale says. "You argue just

like a guy." Later, as a young assistant district attorney in New York, she develops a reputation for r uthlessness. Nothing c a n stop her — not even Type 1 diabetes — though her ambition and work ethic eventually undermine her marriage to her high school sweetheart. In th e e n d , S o tomayor achieves her goal, though it comes at a cost of an enduring loneliness that perhaps unwittingly colors the book's final chapters. "My Beloved World" is the record of that solitary journey, and it ends with Sotomayor donning one set o f b l a ck robes, soon to be followed by others. It's an individual achievement that stands as a landmark in the much larger, collective civic awakening of the Latino U.S.

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el-headed judge on the old

"Perry M a s on" television show. Her Puerto Rican-born paternalgrandmother is a rare calm and steady presence for Sonia during her earliest years. Abuelita is a supplier of "unconditional love, respect a n d co n f i dence." She can also out-haggle any street vendor, cook a mean sofrito, and channel the dead at seances. But abuelita is only a shadow of herself af-

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ssa isacra mixo meows, Ll I wor s "Another Insane Devotion" by Peter Trachtenberg


(Da Capo Press)


By Troy Patterson Slate

Peter Trachtenberg's "Another Insane Devotion" is a discursive essay on personal growth, a public exercise in private exorcism, and a collection of notes toward a philosophy of love. Pondering morality and memory, the author addresses Sappho, Homer, Aristotle, Descartes, Michelangelo, Proust, Ruskin, and the Gnostic gospels. He argues with the universe, anatomizes exes, dons a hairshirt or two, and by-the-by sketches Hopper-esque scenes of small-town strangeness and urban alienation. The book inspired many thoughts in me, foremost that I need to clean the litter box. "Another Insane Devotion" is a cat memoir. Would meowmoir work as a coinage? Is there need of a coinage anyway'? After all, though the Internet loves to laugh aloud at a fuzzy Felis catus, book publishing has declared the dog its best friend; as Trachtenberg observes, "It's easier to write about a dog than a cat. With dogs, there's always something going on." It seems possible that with cats — excepting craps taken territorially in an infant's crib — there is always nothing going on. Or, to steal an idea from an earlier meowmoir — Willie Morris' "My Cat Skip McGee" —dogs are about doing and cats are about being,

pure being. Curled up in the sunbeam of "Another Insane Devotion" is Biscuit. Biscuit! Here comes Biscuit on the first page, gingerfurredand snot-faced, a female just rescued from the wild. The cat greets Trachtenberg with a possessive lick of the hand: "She was claiming me." There Biscuit goes, on the


Insane Devotion," I thought often of the bit in "Catcher in the Rye" where Holden identifies a truly good book as one that leaves you wishing the author were a friend you could call on the phone. This book belongs to a related category: It is truly notbad, and I wish I could have had the phone calls in lieu of the literary experience. Here is the intrinsic problem, compounded by the book's meandering nature: The cats all blur together. It isn't difficult to sort out Biscuit from Bitey from Ching if you pay close attention to their antics, but it is difficult to pay close attention to their antics, because they are another person's cats, and I don't even pay such close attention to my own. I love him in an atmospheric way, but I am not sure that were he a person he'd be the kind of person I'd want to have a beer with. I initially thought to write this piece in his voice, but it came out sounding, in its harrowing lack of affect, rather like "The Stranger."

The thing about cats ...

It i s n o t c l ea r w h ether Trachtenberg understands the essential sociopathy of the species. When I read that young Gattino had "a look of jaunty toughness, like one of those third page, wandering off from skinny Neapolitan kids who Trachtenberg's upstate New grows up to be a prizefighter York house while he and his or a gigolo," I felt that Trachtenwife are away. Alerted of the berg was trying to put one over crisis by a cat-sitter manifesting on himself. depraved oafishness, he spends The phrase catches a truth money that he does not have to about movement and bearing fly home from North Carolina and then creeps up on its little and mount a search. feet to a fib about mentality. You can hug an Italian playboy A furry subject withouthis makingthat expresThis quest constitutes the sion, elsewhere described by book'scenterpiece, a semi-sus- Marilynne Robinson: "Her ears penseful narrative m aypole were flattened back and her gradually wrapped in ribbons eyes were patiently furious." of digression, with the author My cat is an 8-year-old tabby. telling the stories of his domes- As in "The Naming of Cats" tic life in self-aware circles, lit- — from Old Possum's Book of critical coils, and downward Practical Cats, T.S. Eliot's lightspirals. It's obvious from the verse incitement to A n drew jump that Biscuit is not the Lloyd Webber — he has three only one lost in a dark wood. names. There is "the name that Trachtenberg depicts himself as the family use daily" — that's a bit of a stray, which perhaps Wally. There is the "name that's explains his desire to take in peculiar, and more dignified" so many of them. When Biscuit — that's Sir Walter Raleigh. arrived, there was already a de- I've always supposed that this mentia-addled old tom named would be the name on his regChing and a black shorthair istration papers, if such a thing named Bitey. And then there existed for a cat born in the was one-eyed Gattino, a runt basement of a deli and delivborn near a writers' retreat in ered unto a couple newly living Tuscany. Trachtenberg and his in sin. wife (whom he calls "F.") had I have no idea what his third lost Gattino the year before Bis- name is. That's an essential cuit wandered off. part of the existential deal. I've always supposed that we Gattino disappeared like the promise of domestic optimism, adopted Wally with the motive and he haunts the entirety of of turning a rental apartment the narrative. Also, he haunts into a home and to give our the entirety of an entirely dif- shacking-up a firm foundation. ferent narrative: F. is M ary This is not to suggest that a cat Gaitskill, and she published gives good value as a practice an essay about the Italian cat child (though in their idleness in Granta. Is this a first? Has it and hauteur, they are perhaps ever happened before that both good surrogates for teenagers). halves of a sundered literary Rather, the idea was to give couple have written about their the home a spirit. It is essential pet? to remember that the domesThe Gaitskill-Trachtenberg tic cat domesticated itself: We didn't set out to tame it; it just marriage has yielded a nuanced game of he said-she said. one day showed up conducting Reading their accounts side- itself confidently. Same M.O. as by-side is like watching a ver- Tom Ripley. In "Another Insane Devosion of "Divorce Court" where the bailiff doubles as a couples tion," Trachtenberg writes, "The therapist and the judge actively pleasure of dog ownership is encourages irrelevant testimo- having an animal that speaks ny. Take a moment to admire your language, or a language the blame-game trick shot of a that shares many terms with moment where Trachtenberg, yours, like Swedish and Nortaking credit for the name Gat- wegian. A cat doesn't speak tino, curses himself for causing your language." "F." to bond with a sickly aniIf you believe this to be true, mal from across the Atlantic; then it follows that the pleasure meanwhile, Gaitskill c l aims of keeping a cat is a function that "Peter" wanted to c all of this language barrier, that the cat "McFate," and that she aloofness. A cat is a riddle you changed his mind. never get the answer to. I scoop Paging through " Another the poop of a common sphinx.


'Laughterhouse' is atightly controlled thriller "The Laughterhouse" by Paul Cleave

ence as a verb on page 54 and commits a minor grammatical (Atria, 432 pgs., $16) error on page 218. I do have one ethical quibBy Peter Rozovsky ble. Early on, Cleave flirts with The Philadelphia tnquirer a line that a number of crime "The Laughterhouse," the writers I know have said they sixth novel by New Zealand would never cross. I'll say no crime writer Paul Cleave, of- more for fear ofcreating a fers a disgraced cop at eco- plot spoiler, but I urge readnomic loose ends, a multiple ers of the novel not so much to murderer who dispatcheshis think about which side of the victims in extravagant ways, line they come down on, but and chapters narrated from rather to decide how they feel inside the killer's head. about the way Cleave negotiThat's not t h e f r e shest ates that line. Trust me: You recipe in the c rime fiction will know right away what cookbook, but "The Laugh- that line is. terhouse" nonetheless held When not t ipt o eing my attention. Its story is, a through a minefield of authoback-coverblurb tells me, one rial ethics, Cleave has written of revenge, survival, and im- a tightly controlled and skillpossible choices, and that's fully executed crime thriller. accurate. But it doesn't go far Theo Tate, driven off the poenough. The book's real story lice force i n C h r istchurch, lies in the rhythm of Cleave's New Zealand, and working as sentences: short and choppy, a low-end private investigator, with occasional longer out- is drawn by a series of killings bursts for chapters told in first into informal cooperation with person by the exhausted de- and then full reinstatement tective; short, choppy, with the into the police. added distance of third-perThe killings mount, police son narration for the killer's link the v ictims, and they chapters. soon figure out the killer must Crime novels where the be CalebCole,newly released rhythm of the prose tells its from prison after serving 15 own story a l ways r emind years for a k i l ling he had, me of English novelist David indeed, committed, but had Peace ("The Red Riding Quar- nonetheless suffered unjustly tet," "Tokyo Trilogy"), and so and horribly for. this one does early on. The Cleave alternates between related but distinct rhythms of Tate's point of view and Cole's, the detective's and the killer's giving the cop about two chapchapters do as much as any ters to each one the killer gets. plot element to suggest paral- As the climax nears,he has lels between the two, and my the chapters overlap slightly only complaints with the writ- in time, usually to show us the ing arethat Cleave uses refer- cops urgently chasing a lead

stands on this question. Tate has in previous books lost his daughter (as has Cole in this book) and been imprisoned for four months, and a running note in "The Laughterhouse" is his wife's nearvegetative state. That's a lot of wringers for an author to put

even a damaged-cop protagonist through, and it's yet one more testimony to Cleave's skill that the ending of "The Laughterhouse" leaves Cleave the freedom to go in any of three directions. He could plausibly end the series with this novel, though its ending also sets Tate up nicely to be killed off in the that the reader knows is futile, next book — or to continue bethanks to Cole's previous nar- yond, as though nothing has ration. Cole's first few chap- happened. ters begin with his own name: Among the traits Tate and "Caleb Cole is excited." "Caleb Cole share is hatred of reportCole isn't thinking straight." ers for doing their jobs. (OK, "Caleb follows the taxi into the targets are, for the most town." part, television reporters, but Each of these, immediately still.) As the novel traffics in following a chapter narrated gradual revelations, I k e pt in the first person by Tate, waiting for a backstory that createsthe momentary, un- would explain this: reporters' settling sensation that we are conduct during Tate's own trihearing a character talking al, say, or their coverage of his about himself in the third per- daughter's death. But it never son, another effective touch. comes. D iscussion on my c r i m e Resentment of "the media" fiction blog turned recently to apparently runs so deep in the question of whether noir New Zealand that Cleave felt and hard-boiled crime writ- confident he could make it one ing are compatible with the more characteris tic shared by traditional series form. How cop andkillerand not provoke many times can an author raised eyebrows. As in much plunge the same hero toward else with this novel, though, despair and d oo m b e fore Cleave shows greatpatience the readers moan, "Kill him, and restraint. Not until well already!"? into the book does he use the I w onder w here Cleave term "media circus."



Nick Flynn, on the set of his lgtegt poqel life story, a fun-housemirror disappoints By Carolyn Kellogg Los Angeles Times

LOS ANGELES — Nick Flynn is probably the only living poet who watched his life made into a movie last year. He's most certainly the only one who saw Robert De Niro play his father — and without a doubt the only one whose father shrugged De Niro off, unimpressed. F lynn t e ll s th i s story in "The Reenactments" (WW. Norton,

320 pp., $15.95), his new fun-house-mirr or memoir of h i s experiences on the set of "Being Flynn," the film adaptation of his a ward-winning 2004 memoir "Another ... Night in Suck City." That book recounted his unusual relationship with his father, a charming alcoholic ne'er-do-well with delusions of grandeur wh o w a shed up, as a client, at the Boston homelessshelterwhere Nick worked.

Reality and the movies The new book opens with Flynn on the set of the movie ofhis early life, watchingfrom the wings as Julianne Moore acts out his mother's suicide. What was it like to relive such a moment'? "What was it like? It was like a million things. It takes an entire book to tell you what it was like," he says. "To see Robert De Niro play your father — it's not a simple answer. To see Julianne Moore play your mother. To see Paul Dano play you — that's an even more inscrutablequestion ... he's amazing, he's totally amazing, but I can't

really say if he's a good me or not." Flynn, 52, is a professor of poetry and married to actress Lili Taylor. He grew up in poor areas in and around Boston. His father was absent but remained a looming figure, thanks to a barrage of letters, sometimes sent from jail, that proclaimed his genius and importance. Nick was

in his 20s, indulging in drugs and alcohol while trying to do good work at the shelter when his father walked in. Parts of Nick's story — that he had a massive motorcycle accident and eventually cleaned up and went to college — didn't make it into the film. What did was his father, a f r i ghtening, i m possible, charismatic figure. "Some people find my father to be

likable, and they want to go have a drink with him," Flynn says. "Other people think he's a monster. I tried to write him that way, so people could have their own experience with him." In "The Reenactments," Flynn follows hi s f ather's story to the present — he's in a cheery assisted-living facility, diminished, his memory spotty.

"If you're go-

ing to write about someone's life, you don't just use them for wallpaper. You have to honor and respect that life," he says. While for some that would mean bromides, for Flynn it's about difficult truths; this is also a characteristic of his poetry. "The Captain Asks for a Show of Hands," which came out in paperback this month, looks at the torture at Abu Ghraib. As the cameras rolledon "Being Flynn," Nick, whose work is simultaneously revealing and emotionally reticent, filled notebooks with his impressions and experiences. That was the genesis of "The Reenactments," a memoir told in short, artful sections. Flynn braids two other narratives into the book — an exploration of neurobiology, and the largely forgotten work of a father and son who created scientific models of flowers out of glass. Using snippets of neurobiology to push the idea further, Flynn explores the mirror studies of Dr. Vilayanur S. Ramachandran, who discovered that people feeling phantom pain in a missing limb — a real symptom of major injuries — could find relief with the help of a mirror. In other words, the human brain can be tricked out of feeling pain in the missing limb by being shown a reflection of the good limb, which forms an image of the body, complete. Flynn connects the idea of mirror therapy and the film. "If you view the making of the film as an experiment on my psyche,as a type of mirrored boxto rel ieve my unprocessed grief over my mother's death, it actually kind of worked," he

her suicide. "His presence on the day we were shooting his mother'ssuicide was a deeply disturbing ride for him," says director Paul Weitz.

"The Last Runaway" by Tracy Chevalier

(Dutton) By Kim Curtis The Associated Press

'In life, you get one take'

Tracy Chevalier's "Girl With a P e ar l E a r r ing," which brought Dutch painter JohannesVermeer to life, has become a near-classic in contemporary historical fiction. And her latest novel, "The Last Runaway," takes on similarly fascinating and little-known subject matter — the Quakers' role in the Underground Railroad during the mid-1800s. Heroine Honor B r ight leaves England for America, settles in Ohio and becomes intimately involved in the movement — helping runaway slaves reach freedom. But despite this compelling fictional backdrop, Chevalier's storytelling just doesn't do it justice. Bright, despite her name, is anything but. Her character is flat and dull and spends much of her time longing for

Flynn worked with Weitz ("About a Boy," "Little Fockers") for seven years in bringing the film to screen, and the two have a warm regard for each other. Afterreading "The Reenactments," Weitz s ays, "The thing that got to me most was the thought that the film served as mirrortherapy for him. That's very meaningful for me." While preparing for the film, Flynn took Weitz and De Niro to meet his father in a Massachusetts assisted-living facility. The elder Flynn spun tales for an hour but didn't grasp who he was talking to. Nick writes, "I take this moment to try, once again, to get him to take it in, that we are making a film about his life.

Bob is going to play you, in the movie version of the book. That's why w e're here, he wanted to meet you. He looks over at De Niro, as if taking him in for the first time. So, you do a little acting'? my father asks. You like to act? De Niro smiles, shrugs: Yeah, I do a little acting." On set, Flynn saw the actors do take after take in each scene, bringing up different emotions and reactions. In some ways, his art has followed a similar path, returning to his experience through one refraction, then another, then another. "In life you get one take, and it's perfect," Flynn says. "It's strange, afterwards you might think I shouldn't have reacted that way, but that's the way you reacted. That's your take; that's all you get."

home, harshly judging her new American friends and family and talking about how she really shouldn't be complaining about it. This criticism seems all the more confusing when we learn that Chevalier intended her latest novel as her "love letter home." (She's made herhome in England for nearly 30 years.) The rest of the characters are similarly unsympathetic and undeveloped.


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says. In both th e m ovie and Flynn's original memoir, we learn that his mother found and read a story he'd written — unfinished but something I ~~ that could have been hurtful — i m mediately before L ~



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Continued from F1 For while al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahiri and his lieutenants in t h e A f ghanistan-Pakistan area consume much of our thinking on al Qaida, the United States is

"Arfful" by Ali Smith (Penguin Press,

also fighting al Qaida affiliates like al-Qaida in Iraq

(AQI), the Yemen-based alQaida in the Arabian Penin-

sula (AQAP), and al-Shabab in


Somalia, which is also linked

to al-Qaida. c"}Nsz'

In 2012, the United States conducted moredrone strikes on AQAP targets than it did against al-Qaida core targets in Pakistan. In Mali, U.S. concern is heightened by reports that some among the wide

range of local jihadi groups like Ansar Dine have ties to alQaida in the Islamic Maghreb

(AQIM). If groups in Mali and other local fighters are best thought of as part of al-Qaida, then an aggressiveeffort is warranted. But if these groups, however brutal — and despite the allegiances to the mother ship they claim — are really only fighting to advance local or regional ambitions, then the case for direct U.S. involvement is weak. The reality is that affiliation does advance al-Qaida's agenda, but the relationship is often frayed and the whole is frequently far less than the sum of its parts.

Marco Gualazzini / New York Times News Service

Malian soldiers handle weapons cases in Niono, Mali. The U.S. began an airlift of French troops and supplies in support of the NATO ally Tuesday, but some question how much the U.S. should be involved. when they returned to their home war zones. They also returned with a

more global agenda, advancing the core's mission of shaping the jihadi movement. It also gave the core a new zone of operational access to conduct terrorist attacks in other


flung affiliates. Perhaps unsurprisingly, alQaida leaders explored whether they could cut ties to some of these groups.

tive mode and vulnerable to a surprise attack. On the other hand, too ag-

gressive an approach can create a self-fulfilling prophb o nds between al-Qaida and other

For the local groups, going e cy, s t rengthening global brings a host of downsides, particularly the wrath of the United States and other strong powers.Journalist Jason Burke quotes the jihadi strategist Abu Musab al-Suri who lamented the 9/11 attacks cast "jihadists into a fiery furnace.... A hellfire which consumed most of their leaders, fighters and bases." Similarly, because the core is less in tune with conditions and realities on the ground in the countries in which its faroffsatellites operate, mistakes at the local level are more likely to occur when the core is calling the shots. And when al-Qaida sends its own operatives and other nonlocals to join an affiliate, these foreign fighters may alienate locals through their personal behavior or attempts to alter local traditions. In Iraq, Burke reports that one local jihadist shot a foreign fighter who had said that he could not pray at the grave of his ancestors, because doing so would be considered a form of idolatry.

Perhaps most importantly, the core al-Qaida managed to change the nature of the affiliA vanguard to follow ates' attacks, so that in addition Al-Qaida has always sought to continuing to strike at local to be a vanguard that would regime forces, they also select lead the jihadi struggle against targets more in keeping with the United States. Abdullah the core's anti-Western goals. Azzam, one of the most in- AQIM's attack last week on fluential jihadi thinkers and Western tourists and foreign a companion of bin Laden, oil workers in Algeria mimics wrote,"Every principle needs the change in strategy. AQAP a vanguard to carry i t f o r - has taken this one step furward" and that this vanguard ther and gone after the United is a "solid base" — a phrase States outside its region, twice from which al-Qaida draws its launching sophisticated atvery name. tacks on U.S. civil aviation. At the same time, al-Qaida Yet affiliation is risky for sought to support and unify all concerned. Some groups local Muslim groups as they come to al-Qaida as damaged warred against apostate gov- goods: AQIM, for e x ample, ernments such as the House largely lost its struggle in Alof Saud in Saudi Arabia and geria before it came under the Hosni Mubarak's Egypt. Con- core banner. AQI committed vincing local groups to fight a series of brutal atrocities in under the a l-Qaida banner Iraq despite the chastisement seems to neatly combine these of al-Qaida leaders and in so goals, demonstrating that the doing provoked a firestorm of mother organization — now criticism from previously symNo simple solutions under Zawahiri — remains in pathetic clerics in the Muslim charge, while advancing the world. U ltimately, there ar e n o local and r egional agendas In documents captured in simple choices when confrontthat the core supports. the Abbottabad raid, one jiing al-Qaida affiliates. On the More practically, in the past, hadist had warned bin Laden, one hand, ignoring groups the al-Qaida core has offered "The problem is that al-Qaida until they become affiliates, affiliates money and safe ha- has become a broad field; each or ignoring affiliates until they ven. In Afghanistan, and to a can enter." The implication: strike at U.S. targets, risks lesser degree in Pakistan, ji- By absorbing these far-flung leaving intelligence and secuhadists from affiliated groups franchises under itsbanner, rity officials — not to mention came to train and learn and the core could not disassociate Barack Obama's administraproved far more formidable itselffrom the actions of far- tion — in a defensive and reac-

jihadi groups by validating the collective narrative and leading groups to cooperate for self-defense and organizational advancement. But the United States needs to pick its battles. It is vital to distinguish between those groups that are full-fledged affiliates and those groups that have just limited interaction with

al-Qaida. In Mali, the verdict is still out. There are a hodgepodge of local groups with shifting alliances and unclear links to Zawahiri and the core. They pose a danger to Mali and its neighbors — and to Americans in this turbulent zone — but for now they lack the capacity and perhaps the interest in striking the U.S. homeland. It is sensible for U.S. officials to worry that this could change over time. — Daneil Bymanis a professorin theSecurity Studies Program of Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service and the research director of the Saban Center for Middle East Policy at the Brookings Institution.

an arborist, sometimes movingly, sometimes hilariously. 237 pgs., $25.95) The dead writerbegins to steal things: first a tea mug, then the By Dwight Garner TV remotes, then a car key. New York Times News Service The narrator complains to her In A nthony M i nghella's therapist that among the pil1990 film, "Truly Madly Deep- fered items is "the hoover plus ly," one of the great weepies in its nozzle attachments." cinematic history, a bereaved When I remark that "Artwoman (Juliet S tevenson) ful" is clumsy, what I mean is is visited by the ghost of her this: This book's fictional and dead, cello-playing boyfriend nonfiction aspects don't min(Alan Rickman). It doesn't gle comfortably. Each is ungo well. He brings friends derdeveloped. Smith, whose over. She asks: "Are you tell- excellent novels include "Hoing me thereare dead people tel World" (2001) and "The Acin my living room watching cidental" (2005), has a shrewd vldeos?" intellect but isn't at home with The Scottish novelist Ali academic expression, even Smith's slim new book, "Art- when attempting to satirize it. ful," is equal parts ghost story T here's a good deal o f and academictreatise: It reads clanking exposition in these like a clumsy but seductive lectures. Each central term is blend of "Truly Madly Deep- walked over the Oxford Engly" and Vladimir Nabokov's lish Dictionary and provided "Lectures on Literature." At multiple definitions. "Edges one point its grief-stricken involve extremes," we read. narrator asks a spectral vi- "Edges are borders. Edges sion of her dead lover, "You are very much about identity, came back from thedead to about who you are." You bewatch TV?" gin to long for an edge to slice "Artful"beganitslife as ase- yourheadoff. ries of four lectures delivered The narrator has a sense by Smith, early in 2012, at St. of humor about her lover's Anne's College, Oxford. These academic excess.About the lectures have fairly straight- campy headings that are givforward titles: "On time," "On en to sections of these lectures form," "On edge" and "On of- — one is "Please Mr. Post Man, fer and on reflect ion." They Look and See: Remembrance deal with art and storytelling, of Things Post" — the narraand they intimately refer to tor says: "They were kind of dozens of writers, from Ovid, awful, and it was as if they Sappho and Rilke through knew this about themselves Stevie Smith, J.G. Ballard and and were vulnerable to it." Angela Carter. When I remark that "ArtThese lectures are placed, ful" is also seductive, however, like the filling of a dumpling, I meanthat Smith has an agile inside a love story. In "Artful" and mischievous mind. "Artthe person who composed the ful" injects more pleasure into lectures, a writer, is recently your head than some books dead. This writer is assigned that aren't clumsy at all. no gender and is always reI will keep this book on my ferredto in the second person, shelves forever, I suspect, for but it's hard not to read this one line alone, a play on the character as female: Smith song "Smile," made famous writes frequently about same- by Nat King Cole. "Simile," sex passion and dedicates her Smith writes, "though your books to her longtime partner, heart is breaking." Sarah Wood. If that doesn't make you This writer has come back happy,you may be, like the to haunt this book's narrator, writer in this book, dead.


r na t a r s I 2012RAM 2500LONGHORNDIESEL L IiI ~ I


Cr e w 4x4

I II I Book details policy change in U.S. military strategy . iL~ "The Insurgents: David Petraeus and the Plot to Change the American Way of War" by Fred Kaplan (Simon & Schuster,400 pgs., $28)

By Tony Perry LosAngeles Times

Everyone knows — or thinks they know — about the influence exerted by the military-industrial complex on American

foreign policy. But there is also a militaryintellectual complex composed of think-tank researchers, policy theorists, academics, Pentagon bureaucrats, officers with PhDs, and even a few columnists. It was this complex that greatly influenced America's military strategy in Iraq and Afghanistan. That, at least, is the thesis of a serious and insightful new book by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Fred Kaplan: "The Insurgents: David Petraeus and the Plot to Change the American Way of War." In telling detail, Kaplan explains how Petraeus and likeminded thinkers worked to shift U.S. policy in Iraq from one that primarily relied on a heavy use of force to one that combined a more nuanced use of force with an emphasis on protecting the civilian population and, yes, winning hearts and minds. Instead of defining success by how many enemy were killed, the new policy, under the flexible description of counterinsurgency, aimed at helping the government in Baghdad

and the provincial capitals win the support of their own people with jobs programs and infrastructure projects. The policy change did not occur quickly or without opposition. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld was not a believer. He refused to even admit that an insurgency had gripped Iraq after the fall of Saddam Hussein. After Vietnam, the phrase "nation building" had become repulsive to many high-ranking officers. As Kaplan sees it, the counterinsurgency strategy saved the U.S. from defeat in Iraq but probably will not work in Afghanistan. He praises Petraeus for championing the change of strategy in Iraq but faults him for not warning President Obama that he was not providing enough time or troops for a similar effort to be successful in Afghanistan. Beginning with his days at West Point, Petraeus was interested in counterinsurgency theory as developed by British and Frenchmilitarywriters — which points to the irony of Kaplan's title: Petraeus and the others were "staging an insurgency against the 'big Army"' and its reliance on massivefirepower. Although he failed to get a combat assignment during the 1991 Persian Gulf War, Petraeus excelled at networking and conducting inter-office warfare by Power Point presentations. Kaplan's book was written beforePetraeus resigned as director of the CIA and admitted an extramarital affair with his

biographer, Paula Broadwell. But news coverage makes clear that Broadwell was a member of the military-intellectual class that Petraeus liked to h ave around him. The "who s aid what t o whom in what meeting" approach to journalism can be stultifying. But Kaplan keeps his story moving with miniprofiles of the many laptop warriors who came to shape U.S. policy and how their paths interconnected. Though Kaplan lists more than 100 interview subjects, he apparently did not interview any of the Marine generals from Iraq or Afghanistan. "The Insurgents" gives the impression that the Marine Corps largely exists in a parallel universe from the Army — not tied to the world of seminars, monographs and heated intellectual discussions. Not waiting for the Army to shift its policy the Marines in 2004 went to Anbar province, the heart of the Sunni insurgency, carrying copies of their Small Wars Manual from the 1930s, which Kaplan lists as one of the early texts about counterinsurgency. By the time Petraeus and his field manual arrived in Baghdad in 2007, Anbar had gone from lost cause to virtual showpiece. Quibbles aside, "The Insurgents"seems destined to be one of the more significant looks at howthe U.S. pursuedthe warin Iraq and at the complex mind of the general in charge when the tide turned.

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Adult companion cats Cats & s ome kittens FREE to seniors, dis- available thru rescue roup in Tumalo on abled 8 veterans! Tame, altered, shots, ID chip, at. & Sun., 1-5 PM. more. Will always take Shots, altered, ID chip, back if c i rcumstances more. Map, photos of change. 389-8420. Visit most 8 info at Sat/ Sun 1-5. Photos, www.craftcats.org. 389-8420, 598-5488 info: www.craftcats.org. Alaskan Malamute hybrid pups,4 females,3 m ales $500 ea. 541-771-9255 A merican Eskimo, 5 mo. old male, pure white, AKC/UKC reg., DACHSHUND AKC $800. 541-610-2286 female mini longhaired $600 541-598-7417 AUSSIES, Mini AKC blue merle w/blue eyes, Dachshund, AKC mini red/black tri, parents on black/tan female, $250. site. 541-598-5314 541-633-3221 Australian Shepherd Dachshund Mini Pupspups parents on site BE MY VALENTINE! reg., blue & red merle, $250 ea. 541-815-3799 & tri. 541-420- 1580 Donate deposit bottles/ $500/up. www.highde- cans to local all volunsertaussies.com teer, non-profit rescue, to Barn/shop cats FREE, help with cat spay/neuter some tame, some not. vet bills. See Cans for We d eliver! F i xed,Cats trailer at Ray's Marshots. 541-389-8420 ket, Century Dr, t hru 2 /1 0. Donate M-F O S mith Sign, 1515 NE 2nd; or Tumalo facility anytime. 541-389-8420; www.craftcats.org.


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6 3 Jewelry m a t e r i a l

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35 New members of society 36 Prepares for actio n 3 8 Madras titl e


71 Punch-in-the-gut sounds

110 "The Player"

72 Have no doubt

111 What the weary

get, in a saying

blog entry


2 Conscience- stricken


bordered by Broadway

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and Gretel?

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5 Left on board

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"The Conquest of Space"

87 Makes a lap



















51 55


















1 6 Dir. f ro m W i n s t o n 71

17 Of t h e seashore









1 8 Biblical f i g u r e punished for hi ndsi ght? 1 9 Fastened wi t h Velcro, e.g.







24 One of six areas on a Risk board



28 Additional


33 Name on pencils

37 Russian import , briefly

43 Reddish brown

I Not o b j ec t t o

7 9 Online health i n f o

42 Manhattan area


12 Paris seasoning

41 Place to rest


7 8 Kind of T V

41 Ten, for o p eners




83 89


















39 Was an omen of

75 Put back up, as a

4 0 Dutch cit y n e a r


36 Advice to Jonah?

director, 1992

73 Mournful ri n gs

39 Soft cheese




Salem to Raleigh

102 Tumbler

62 "Goosebumps"

2 7 Bygone Saudi ki n g





11 Fencing coach's pronouncement?

15 Basic bait

101 Big name at Indy

6 1 The year 15 1





14 Haymakers?


57 Lack of e n t h u siasm


13 Like the Tal m ud

99 Some classical

55 Public



9 5 "Yes, Cap'n ! "




10 Of the lower small

9 3 Inf a t u a ted w i t h

52 Radio wave

maybe 21 Fix, as a model


88 Modern groupmailing tool

47 Cat on the prowl

2 0 Go over the w a l l ,


4 5 Certain sororit y woman

7 Ancient p r i e st s




I Lik e some church matters


46 What's-


56 Members of la familia

6 7 Approach a thr u w a y booth?

57 Haul around

68 "Mi casa

5g "Waiter, we ordered

69 Swollen glands

47 Grand Canyon rental

7 9 President who w a s an electrician by profession



t he fish!" ?

100 Leeway

70 Woman, in slang

60 Sherpa's herd

7 2 Hallowed, old- styl e

83 Expose, as to c riti c i s m

51 Nobel Peace Center site

62 Low-budget hotels,

7 4 Warriors' gr p.

85 Trials

75 Strike a chord

86 Greet l ik e a

5 2 It can be shock i n g

5 3 Ginger Spice's f i r s t name

63 Italian beloved 66 Sail supports

group 96 Heartiness

5 9 Swiss patri o t

for short

94 Good-sized musical

82 Some chemical salts

50 Georgia

49 Deep blue

93 Polio vaccine developer

78 Carries on steadil y

103 Sugar suffix 104 Dennis Quaid remake of a 1950 film noir

junkyard dog

76 Feats of c onstructio n

9 0 Calif, barrio setti n g

77 Paisley and plaid

91 Hawker

105 Govt . -issued ID


5 41-3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES


Monday.. . . . . . . . . . Tuesday .. . . . . . . . . Wednesday.. . . . . . . Thursday.. . . . . . . . . Friday.. . . . . . . . . . . Saturday Real Estate .. Saturday.. . . . . . . . . Sunday.. . . . . . . . . .

Starting at 3 lines "UNDER'500in total merchandise

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Garage Sale Special

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PLEASE NOTE; Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if 3 correction is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based onthe policies of these newspapers. Thepublisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 ormoredays will publish in the Central Oregon Marketplace eachTuesday. 260


Misc . Items


Gardening Supplie~ & Equipment

Misc. Items

Buying Diamonds SHARI'S B ERRIES REDMOND Habitat REMEMBER: If you Delight all of your valRESTORE lost an animal, /Gotd for Cash C ustomer Serv i c e have Saxon's Fine Jewelers entines w i t h our Building Supply Resale Rep./Office Pe rson- don't forget to check freshly dipped strawQuality at 541-389-6655 nel p osition a v ail- The Humane Society berries, dec a dent LOW PRICES able. Drug and Alco- in Bend 541-382-3537 BUYING truffles and 1242 S. Hwy 97 Redmond, hol f re e c o mpany Lionel/American Flyer hand-crafted sweets! 541-548-1406 541-923-0882 seeking reliable, retrains, accessories. SAVE 20 percent on Open to the public. Prineville, sponsible, and hon541-408-2191. 541-447-717B; qualifying gifts over est team player with OR Craft Cats, BUYING & S E LLING $29! Visit www.berbasic computer skills. 541-389-8420. ies.com/enticing o r J ob d escription a t All gold jewelry, silver rCall 1-888-718-8479. and gold coins, bars, www.mcpheetersturf.c Check out the NOTICE TO rounds, wedding sets, (PNDC) om. Send resume to classiiieds online class rings, sterling silADVERTISER McPheeters Turf, Inc., The Bulletin Offers September 29, 2019 SW Park Lane, www.bendbuttetitLcom ver, coin collect, vinPrivate Party Ads Since taqe watches, dental •Free 1991, advertising for Updated daily Culver, OR 97734. 3 lines 3 days go1d. Bill Fl e ming,• Private Party Only used woodstoves has 541-382-9419. 280 been limited to mod• Total of items adver- els which have been For newspaper Estate Sales C emetery p lo t De - tised must equal $200 c ertified by th e O r delivery, call the chutes Memorial Gar- or Less egon Department oi Circulation Dept. at Look What I Found! FOR DETAILS or to dens. $500 or b est 541-385-5800 Environmental QualYou'll find a little bit oi PLACE AN AD, offer. 541-408-1477 ity (DEQ) and the fed- To place an ad, call everything in Call 541-BB5-5809 541-385-5809 eral E n v ironmental The Bulletin's daily Fax 541-3B5-5B02 Find exactly what Protection Ag e n cy or email garage and yard sale you are looking for in the Twin fitted spread, blue, (EPA) as having met classified@bendtsulletw.com section. From clothes smoke emission stanexc. cond., must see. to collectibles, from CLASStFtEDS Bulletin dards. A cer t ified The Servne Central Oregon Vnre lsea $20. 541-280-3508 housewares to hardw oodstove may b e ware, classified is GENERATE SOME Wanted- paying cash identified by its certifialways the first stop for EXCITEMENT Prompt Delivery for Hi-ii audio & stu- cation label, which is cost-conscious IN YOUR dio equip. Mclntosh, permanently attached Rock, Sand & Gravel consumers. And ii NEIGBORHOOD. J BL, Marantz, D y to the stove. The Bul- Multiple Colors, Sizes you're planning your Plan a garage sale and naco, Heathkit, San- letin will no t k n ow- Instant Landscaping Co. own garage or yard don't forget to adver541-389-9663 sui, Carver, NAD, etc. ingly accept advertissale, look to the clastise in classified! Call 541-261-180B ing for the sale oi sifieds to bring in the 541-385-5809. uncertified SUPER TOP SOIL buyers. You won't find www.hetehe eoilandbatk.com 261 woodstoves. a better place GET FREE OF CREDIT Screened, soil 8 comfor bargains! CARD DEBT NOW! Medical Equipment post m i x ed , no Call Classifieds: Cut payments by up rocks/clods. High huAlert for SeFuel & Wood 541-385-5809 or to half. Stop creditors Medical mus level, exc. f or niors 24/7 monitoremail from calling. ing. FREE Equipment. beds, lawns, classified0bendbulletin.com 1 cord dry, split Juniper, flower 866-775-9621. gardens, straight FREE Shipping. Na$200/cord. Multi-cord (PNDC) s creened to p s o i l . 286 tionwide Serv i ce. discounts, & t/9 cords Bark. Clean fill. De- Sales Northeast Bend available. Immediate Highspeed Internet EV- $29.95/Month CALL liver/you haul. ERYWHERE By Sat- Medical Guardian To- delivery! 541-408-6193 541-548-3949. day 8 8 8 -842-0760. ellite! Speeds up to A-t DRY JUNIPER ** FREE ** 12mbps! (200x faster (PNDC) than dial-up.) Starting Miracle-Ear 950 open $190 split, or $170 rnds Garage Sale Kit multi-cord discount, del. Lost & Found • at $49.95/mo. CALL Place an ad in The Can be t ransCall 541-977-4500 or NOW & G O F AST! BTE. Bulletin for your gaferred by Miracle Ear. 541-350-1 809 1-8BB-71B-2162. FOUND LADIES RING rage sale and reNew $5500; sell $699. b etween Rays a n d (PNDC) 541-410-0432 ceive a Garage Sale All Year Dependable Subway on Simpson Kit FREE! Firewood: Split, Del. Ave. email to Pottery Barn wool round 263 Bend. Seas o ned IfinbendOyahoo.com rug for child's room, very KIT INCLUDES: Lodgepole: 1 for $175 Tools nice, $65. 541-420-2220 • 4 Garage Sale Signs or 2 for $335. Cash, to identify. • $2.00 Off Coupon To ProFlowers - Enjoy 60 ALL NEW: HDX Twin Check or Credit Card Found mountain bike in use Toward Your percent off T e n derTank 2 gal electric air OK. 541-420-3484. Bend. To claim, send Next Ad Hugs and Kisses with c ompressor, 2 O $ 5 0 Split, Dry lodgepole, 10 Tips For "Garage serial ¹ to P .O. Box •Sale Chocolates for your ea, obo; All Power 1000 red tir, cedar and juSuccess!" 1269, Redmond, OR valentine! Site price: watt generator, gas, $110 niper, $200/cord, 97756, by A pril 25, $49.99, you pay just obo; (3) 3500-watt gas delivery included! 201 3. $290 ea, obo. PICK UP YOUR $19.99. Plus take 20 generator, 541-923-6987, Iv msg. GARAGE SALE KIT at percent off other gifts 541-419-9859 Lost: Dragonfly silver pin, 1 777 SW Chandler over $ 29 ! G o to People Look for Information Izzy's parking lot, Bend, Ave., Bend, OR 97702 Find exactly what www.Proilowers.com/f About Products and evening 1/18. Sentiabulous or call you are looking for in the Fri. mental value - Reward The Bulletin Services Every Day through 1-8BB-721-961 7. CLASSIFIEDS offered. 54t-276-4878 The Bulletin Classifieds (PNDC)

I' <6~Y ~ it

, • spo,~u~


t R~l'S ' y Cie S • gOa~> SS ~(yO<C


yi>eS ' ' e<S Autoieo . qtai eiqtaA



rj 0 308

Farm Equipment & Machinery


Maschio 7-ft rotary tiller, virtually new, less than 5 hrs. $7500 new; asking $5000. 541-421-3222

EMPLOYMENT 410 - Private Instruction 421 - Schools and Training 454- Looking for Employment 470 - Domestic & In-Home Positions 476 - Employment Opportunities 486 - Independent Positions





Schools & Training

Employment Opportunities

COL L EGE 100%. *Medical, *Business, CAUTION READERS: *Criminal Jus t i ce, *Hospitality, *Web. Ads published in "EmJob placement assis- ployment Opportunitance. Com p uter t ies" i n c lude e m available. F i n ancial ployee and Aid if qual i fied. i ndependent pos i SCHEV a u thorized. tions. Ads for posiCall 866 - 688-7078 tions that require a fee www.CenturaOnline.c or upfront investment om (PNDC) must be stated. With

Private Instruction

1 st quality grass hay, 70- Ib bales, barn stored, Music Lessons for All $250/ ton. Also big bales! Ages! Find a music Patterson Ranch, teacher! Tak e Lessons off ers aff ordable, Sisters, 541-420-4567 safe, guaranteed muGet your BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS s ic l e s sons wi t h business teachers in your area. Search the area's most Our pre s c reened comprehensive listing oi teachers specialize in a ROW I N G classified advertising... real estate to automotive, singing, guitar, piano, d rums, Violin, a n d merchandise to sporting with an ad in Call goods. Bulletin Classifieds more. 1-866-974-5910! The Bulletin's appear every day in the (PNDC) print or on line. "Call A Service Call 541 -3B5-5B09 Professional" 421 www.bendbulletin.com Directory Schools & Training

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Wheat S t raw: s m a ll bales $2 bale or $65 t on. After 6 p.m . 541-546-9821 Culver.

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Farmers Column 10X20 STORAGE BUILDINGS

for protecting hay, firewood, livestock etc. $1496 Installed.

541-617-1133. CCB ¹173684. kijbuilders I ykwc.net

TRUCK SCHOOL www.llTR.net Redmond Campus Student Loans/Job Waiting Toll Free

approved p r ogram. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance.

1-BB8-387-9252 470

Domestic & In-Home Positions


Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house



A IRLINES ARE H I RING - Train for hands on Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA


built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory 541-385-5809


Buyers ctnd Sellers



FINANCEAND BUSINESS 507 - Real Estate Contracts 514 -Insurance 528 - Loans and Mortgages 543 - Stocks and Bonds 558 - Business Investments 573 - Business Opportunities



Hay, Grain & Feed

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For Equal Opportunity L aws: Oregon B u reau of Labor & Industry, C i vil Rights Division,

Female caregiver needed 971-673-0764 for hemiplegic woman in Alfalfa. Must be healthy 8 If you have any quesphysically a b le . No tions, concerns or smoking, no dog allercomments, contact: gies. Must have reliable Classified Department car 8 references. PosThe Bulletin sible live-in with room, 541-385-5809 board 8 nominal salary. 541-382-5493

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B 0 0 M S

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A L P E 0 Y R T G D E E T N 0 U S T R 0 0 F S T H E SW A H B A I L N E

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0 L E A T E S

D R U R E G L W H A I S U N R D S A T M 0 P U L I L I N E K H B E P L A L E D I S T E T 0 S T D 0 0 L A L


D S U E E L L A F S A R I B U S E S A R T Y C E M A S U R S M A U P S E N A 0 R S N 0 T E 0 L T M A

0T H E T R

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W E L L S O S I O N R E T T A M T S P S O W L B R I E 0 A F S A D L E S N E I D I T Y L T E A F 0 L K N E L L S B M D A Y O S M 0 R N G O U D A U N S E R S G O A L T E L L A N S 0 R E S T





Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities



Agent Services Rep The Hasson Company is l o oking f o r a full-time ene r getic Agent Services Representative to join our c ustomer serv i ce team. This p osition will provide administrative support to our a gents as w e l l a s training and a s sistance on c o mpany p rovided tools a n d t echnology. I f yo u enjoy problem solving and multi-tasking than this position is for you. Please visit Linkedln for the full job d escription and to submit your application.

R E A L T 0

R s


Residential Counselors Mature individuals to work in drug 8 alcohol residential treatment for teens. Apply at: www.rimrocktrailsats.org

REPRESENTATIVE Immediate opening in th e C i r culation department for a full t ime e n tr y le v e l Customer S e rvice Representative. Looking for someone to a ssist o ur subscribers and delivery carriers with subscription transactions, acc o u nt questions and deliv-

ery concerns. Essential: Positive attitude, strong service/team orientation, and problem solving skills. Must have accurate typing, computer entry experience and phone skills. Most w ork is d on e v i a telephone so strong professional c o mmunication skills and the ability to m ulti task in a fast paced

Call The Bulletin before 11 a.m. and get an ad in to publish the next day! 541-385-5809. VIEW the Classifieds at: www.bendbulletin.com

Good classified ads tell the essential facts in an interesting Manner. Write from the readers view - not the seller's. Convert the facts into benefits. Show the reader how the item will help them in someway. This advertising tip brought to you by

The Bulletin Food Service - Bruno's Grocery & U -bake is taking apps for Cashier & Pizza Maker. Apply in person: 1709 NE 6th, Bend. No phone calls.




Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities •


2075 NE Wyatt Court, Bend OR 97701 - Attn HR,

or via email to HR@partnersbend.org

Mechanic Looking for your next - Heavy Equipment employee? Republic Services is Place a Bulletin help s eeking field m ewanted ad today and chanic to handle rereach over 60,000 pairs / preventative readers each week. maintenance on Your classified ad heavy e q u ipment will also appear on a nd s u pport v e bendbulletin.com hicles at Coffin Butte which currently Landfill and Pacific receives over 1.5 Region C o mpost. million page views These facilities are every month at l ocated 9 mile s no extra cost. North of C orvallis, Bulletin Classifieds Oregon. For full job Get Results! d escription and t o Call 385-5809 apply online, please or place visit w ww.republicyour ad on-line at services.com bendbulletin.com EOE M/F/DN

t(© ..'.":": „, Q

College has openings listed below. Go to https://jobs.cocc.edu to view details 8 apply online. Human R esources, N e w berry Hall, 2600 NW College Way, Bend OR 97701; (541)383-7216. For hearing/speech impaired, Oregon Relay Services number is 7-1-1. COCC is an A A/EO employer. Director of Human

Nursing Resources Help us change Plan, direct, and supervise all aspects healthcare! of the HR functions. If you have a broad Administer all c o lclinical background lective b a r gaining a nd would like t o agreements, reenhance p a tients' sponsible for classiq uality of l ife a nd fication / compensam aximize hea l t h tion system, policy plan benefits, this development, HRIS position may be the and Affirmative Acopportunity for you! tion review process. PacificSource Health Bachelors + 5yr exp Plans is seeking an r eq. $65,2 2 4 RN to join our team as a Nurse Case $77,646/yr. Closes Jan 28 Manager. The ideal candidate will have a Maintenance current Oregon RN l icense an d fi v e SpecialistCarpenter/ Painter years nursing expePerform jo u r ney- rience with v aried level c o nstruction, medical e x posure installation, r e pair, and exp e rience. and m a i ntenance Case management, work for Bend and utilization, an d / or satellite campuses. health plan experi5yr exp req. ence preferred. $2,548-$3,034/mo. Closes Feb 6.



8 &8RcQ@


Loans 8 Mortgages WARNING The Bulletin recom-

mends you use caution when you provide personal information to companies offering loans or credit, especially those asking for advance loan fees or companies from out of state. If you have concerns or questions, we suggest you consult your attorney or call CONSUMER HOTLINE, 1-877-877-9392.



r.=.-"-,.— .a i i i i i i





Partners /n Care Partners In Care is seeking candidates for a full-time Intake RN to assist in processing referrals and getting patients admitted into care. This is a clinical administrative position that does not include direct patient care. Applicants MUST have a current Oregon RN license. Qualified candidates are encouraged to send c over letter an d r e sume vi a e m ail t o

HR@partnersbend.org or regular mail to: Partners in Care / HR Department, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct, Bend OR 97701.

Press Supervisor The Bulletin is seeking a night time press supervisor. We are part of Western Communications, Inc., which is a small, family-owned group consisting of seven newspapers, five in Oregon and two in California. Our ideal candidate will manage a small crew of three and must be able to learn our equipment/processes quickly. A hands-on style is a requirement for our 3 T/~ tower KBA press. Prior management/leadership experience preferred. In addition to our 7-day a week newspaper, we have numerous commercial print clients as well. In addition to a competitive wage and benefit program, we also provide potential opportunity for advancement. If you provide dependability combined with a positive attitude, are able to manage people and schedules and are a team player, we would like to hear from you. If you seek a stable work environment that provides a great place to live and raise a family, let us hear from you. Contact either; Keith Foutz, Corporate Circulation & Operations Director at kfoutz@wescompapers.com or anelsonowescompapers.com with your complete resume, references and salary history/requirements. Prior press room experience required. No phone calls please. Drug test is required prior to employment. EOE

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682 - Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705- Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740 - Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746 - Northwest BendHomes 747 - Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749 - Southeast BendHomes 750 - RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762 - Homeswith Acreage 763 - Recreational HomesandProperty 764 - Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land

RENTALS 603- Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want To Rent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomesfor Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636- Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638- Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for RentGeneral 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend 652- Houses for Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656- Houses for Rent SW Bend 658- Houses for Rent Redmond 659- Houses for Rent Sunriver 660- Houses for Rent La Pine 661 - Housesfor Rent Prineville 662- Houses for Rent Sisters 663- Houses for Rent Madras 664- Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675- RV Parking 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space



Houses for Rent General

Houses for Rent Sunriver


Rented your prop-

Sunriver Home for rent. 1700+ Sq feet, and fully furnished. Dishwasher, Washer/Dryer, 3 b e droom 3 bath, deck, 2 car garage, hot tub. Free 605 wireless internet. $1200 s ecurity deposit a n d Roommate Wanted t~a cei o ad . $1500 per month, 1 yr lease. Interested parties Roommate needed, avail. Rent /Own Feb 1. Own bath, quiet 3 bdrm, 2 bath homes call 503-752-9421 duplex, $350 mo., $300 $2500 down, $750 mo. depL+T/~ util., internet OAC. J and M Homes VILLAGE PROPERTIES incl. 541-728-5731 541-548-5511 Sunriver, Three Rivers, 630 La Pine. Great The Bulletin Selection. Prices range Rooms for Rent To Subscribe call $425 - $2000/mo. View our full Studios 8 Kitchenettes 541-385-5800 or go to inventory online at Furnished room, TV w/ www.bendbulletin.com Village-Properties.com cable, micro & fridge. 1 -866-931-1061 654 Utils & l inens. New owners. $145-$165/wk Houses for Rent 541-382-1885 SE Bend 687 634 Commercial for 3 bdrm 1 bath, appl., all Apt./Multiplex NE Bend Rent/Lease elect., garage, yard. $725 mo. + dep. 2-story 2 master suites, Spectrum professional No pets/smoking. all appliances, gabuilding, 3 5 0 ' -500', 541-389-7734 rage, w/s/g paid. no $1.00 per ft. total. No pets/smoking. $ 7 50 N NN. C a l l An d y , 658 mo. 541-389-7734 541-385-6732. Houses for Rent 3B/2B, range, fridge, w/d Redmond cable & inte r net, fenced yard. AH utiliTake care of ties included. $1250. Eagle Crest - B ehind your investments the gates. Beautiful 541-317-1879 2100 s q .ft., 3 / 2 .5, with the help from s GREAT wINTER s Reverse living. Large DEAL! The Bulletin's garagei,workshop. Hot 2 bdrm, 1 bath, tub. $1400/mo. Lease "Call A Service $530 & $540 w/lease. option. $36 5 ,000. Carports included! Sec/dep.541-923-0908 Professional" Directory 541-480-7863 FOX HOLLOW APTS.

This is o n e f u ll-time Business Opportunities position at Pilot Butte Rehabilitation Center. WARNING The Bulletin (541) 383-3152 We provide short-term recommends that you Cascade Rental and long-term nurs- investigate Management. Co. every ing and rehab serof investment Call for Specials! vices. Experience in phase espe- Limited numbers avail. health care, comput- opportunities, c ially t h os e fr o m 1, 2 & 3 bdrms ers, social services, out-of-state or offered w/d hookups, insurance types and by a p erson doing patios or decks. strong organizational business out of a loMountain Glen skills are r e quired. cal motel or hotel. In541-383-9313 Salary DOE. vestment of f e rings Professionally managed by Send resume to: must be r e gistered Norris & Stevens, Inc. Tom Hafhaway, with the Oregon Dec/o Pilot Butte Rehab, 636 partment of Finance. 1876 NE Hwy 20, We suggest you con- Apt./Multiplex NW Bend Bend, OR 97701. sult your attorney or call CONS U MER Small studio close to liJust too many HOTLINE, brary, all util. pd. $550, 1-503-378-4320, collectibles? $525 dep. No pets/ 8:30-noon, Mon.-Fri. smoking. 541-3309769 or 541-480-7870 Sell them in A Classified ad is an The Bulletin Classifieds 638 EASY W A Y TO REACH over 3 million Apt./Multiplex SE Bend Pacific Northwestern541-3B5-5B09 ers. $5 2 5 /25-word A STUNNING c lassified ad i n 3 0 2 BDRM/$625 daily newspapers for 61545 Parrell Road 3-days. Call the PaClassy new exterior. cific Northwest Daily Small quiet complex completely new inte(916) chasing products or I Connection 2 88-6019 o r e m a il rior upgraded with services from out of ~ elizabeth©cnpa.com decorator touches. i the area. Sending for more info (PNDC) New kitchen cabinets c ash, c hecks, o r and granite counteri credit i n f ormation V A CATION tops, all new applii may be subjected to Advertise SPECIALS to 3 m i lances, large master FRAUD. lion P acific N o rth- with 3 closets. Private For more i nformawesterners! 30 daily Journeyman Manufacturing patio. Includes w/s/g. tion about an advernewspapers, six Electrician in Medford, OR. NO SMOKING/PETS. i tiser, you may call states. 25-word clasCall 541-633-0663 the Oregon State • Scope of Duties (not all-inclusive): Conducts, sified $525 for a 3-day I Attorney General's maintains and repairs electrical, mechanical, 642 d. Cal l (916) Office Co n s umert a hydraulic and pneumatic systems/components. 2 88-6019 o r vis i t Apt./Multiplex Redmond Protection hotline at I Applies knowledge of electrical and mechanical www.pnna.com/advert I 1-877-877-9392. principles in determining equipment malfuncising pndc.cfm for the 2 bdrm, 1 bath duplex tions. Applies skill in restoring equipment for op- ~The Bulletin Pacific Nort h west unit, $550 moL+ $635 eration. Ability to troubleshoot and complete reDaily Con n ection. d ep. 1326 SW O b pairs to equipment such as programmable (PNDC) sidian, Redmond. Call controls, power supplies, drives, gages and for applications. Avail Have an item to presses. Provides skilled mechanical and elecExtreme Value Adver- Feb. 1. 541-728-6421. trical/electronic support to all areas of manusell quick? tising! 30 Daily newsfacturing. Must be able to follow all company's 648 papers $525/25-word If it's under safety processes successfully and work as part classified, 3-d a ys. Houses for '500 you can place it in team using effective communication skills. Reach 3 million PaRent General cific Northwesterners. The Bulletin • Work Schedule: Relief shift schedule For more information PUBLISHER'S Classifieds for: • Education and Experience: The successful call (916) 288-6019 or NOTICE email: candidate will hold and maintain a State of Ore. All real estate adver'10 - 3 lines, 7 days license for Journeyman, Manufacturing Plant elizabeth©cnpa.com for the Pacific North- tising in this newspaElectrician. Applicants will not be considered '16 - 3 lines, 14 days is subject to the without holding a valid State of Ore. Iicense for west Daily Connec- per F air H o using A c t (Private Party ads only) tion. (PNDC) Journeyman, Manufacturing Plant Electrician which makes it illegal and have 2+ years experience in a manufacturto a d vertise "any ing environment within the last seven years. Independent Contractor preference, limitation or disc r imination Send resumes to thaakinsonOsierrapine.com based on race, color, with subject line stating: Journeyman, Manu* Supplement Your Income* religion, sex, handifacturing Plant Inquiries. cap, familial status, www.sierrapine.com marital status or national origin, or an intention to make any IndePendent COntraCtOr POSitiOn such pre f e rence, limitation or discrimiDaytime inside sales. nation." Familial status includes children Mid-South Sales Promotions is seeking to hire under the age of 18 two sales people to work fromThe Bulletin living with parents or circulation offices as Independent Contractors legal cus t o dians, to secure sponsorships for the Newspaper in pregnant women, and Education program. This is not selling subpeople securing cusscriptions or advertising, but involves having tody of children under local businesses supportThe Bullelin's 18. This newspaper Newspaper in Education program. We are looking for independent conwill not knowingly actractors to service home delivery cept any advertising This is a relaxed environment and approach routes in: for real estate which is involving business to business sales. in violation of the law. Mid-South offers a brief paid training program O ur r e a ders ar e but the ideal candidates will possess business hereby informed that Must be available 7 days a week, early mornto business sales experience. all dwellings advering hours. Must have reliable, insured vehicle. tised in this newspaAverage salesperson earns between per are available on $400 -$700 for less than 30 hours weekly. Please call 541.385.5800 or an equal opportunity The dress code is relaxed and casual. 800.503.3933 Mon.-Fri., 8-4 or basis. To complain of This is not ad or subscription sales, however apply via email at discrimination cal l if you have previous experience in advertising HUD t o l l-free at sales, I will give you priority consideration. online © bendbulletjn.com 1-800-877-0246. The toll f re e t e l ephone I'm seeking motivated, energetic and articulate number for the hearpeople with excellent communication skills. ing im p aired is Please call Melanie at 541-383-0399. 1-800-927-9275.




Part-Time DOWN? Private party HEALTH PLANS Instructor of will loan on real esTo review the full job Veterinary tate equity. Credit, no description and Technician problem, good equity complete our online Education is all you need. Call application, please Provide instruction in now. Oregon Land visit us online at the Vet e r inarian www.pacificsource.c Mortgage 388-4200. Technician program, om/careers. EOE Ever Consider a Redevelop curriculum, evaluate stu d ent verse Mortgage? At Look at: p erformance. 3 y r least 62 years old? exp as DVM or LVT Stay in your home 8 Bendhomes.com increase cash flow! with current license. for Complete Listings of Safe & Effective! Call Position need Area Real Estate for Sale Spring Term March Now for your FREE DVD! C a l l Now 2013. Remember.... 888-785-5938. A dd your we b a d (PNDC) Assistant dress to your ad and Professor l, readers on The REAL ESTATE Mathematics Bulletin' s web site I BUY Notes, Mortgages, Provide instruction in will be able to click and Trust Deeds. all levels of commuthrough automatically 877-264-8623 nity college mathto your site. ematics cou r s es LOCAL MONEY:We buy (basic math, pre-alSocial Services & secured trustdeeds & gebra, algebra I, II, Admissions note,some hard money 8 inte r mediate). Coordinator loans. Call Pat Kellev Master's + 1yr j PIL O T BUTTE 541-382-3099 ext.13. RotAlilLITATIOMCCNTIR teaching mathemat-

e nvironment is a must. Work shift hours are TURN THE PAGE Tuesday and Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. For More Ads Garage Sales Wednesday and The Bulletin Thursday 5:30 AM to Garage Sales 2:30 PM., Saturday 6 00 A M t o 1 2 0 0 Caregivers PM. Oc c asional Garage Sales - Experienced Part time & 2 4 h r s S unday shift a n d Find them caregivers. Home in- holidays required. in stead Senior Care is Please send resume Ics req. c urrently seek i ng to: PO Bo x 6 0 20 The Bulletin Caregivers to provide B end OR . 9 7 7 08 $38,209-$46,309 for Classifieds Circ u lation in-home care to our attn. 9mos. Position need seniors. Candidates Customer S e rvice Fall Term Septem541-3B5-5B09 Manager or e-mail: must be able to lift, ber 2013. transfer, provide per- ahusted@bendbulsonal care 8 assist in letin.com Part Time FIND YOUR FUTURE EOE/Drug free various home duties. lnstructor's HOME INTHE BULLETIN workplace Looking for talented Alzheimer/ Dementia/ ALS e xperience a individuals to teach Your future is just a page needed. Must have Where can you find a away. Whetheryou're looking part-time in a variability to pass backety of d i sciplines. for a hat or aplace to hangit, helping hand? Check our web site ground checks & have The Bulletin Classified is valid DL 8 insurance. From contractors to https://jobs.cocc.edu yourbestsource. Positions pay $500 Training provided. Call yard care, it's all here Every day thousands of 541-330-6400, or fax per load unit (1 LU = in The Bulletin's buyers and sel l ers of goods resume to: 1 class credit), with "Call A Service aiTd services do busi n ess in 541-330-7362. additional perks. these pages. They know Professional" Directory you can't beat The Bulletin Classified Section for Coordinator selection andconvenience - every item isjust a phone Tick, Tock call away. Tick, Tock... The Classified Section is easy to usELEvery item Partners ...don't let time get /n Care is categorized aiTdevery away. Hire a cartegory is indexed oTT t h e Partners In Care Home Health and Hospice is sectioTT' s front page. professional out seeking applicants for a full-time (32 hours per of The Bulletin's week) Volunteer Coordinator. Whether youare lookingfor a home or need aservice, "Call A Service Qualified candidates must have a bachelors your future is in the pagesof Professional" degree (related field preferred) while previous The Bulletin Classified. experience managing a volunteer workforce is Directory today! preferred. Competence with Microsoft Office The Bulletin Suite and strong organizational skills are essential. Electrician If interested in being considered for this role, 5 ierra P ) n e ' " please submit a resume to: C O I I P O S I T E S O L U 1' I O N S

Parfners ln Care,


erty? The Bulletin Classifieds has an "After Hours" Line. Call 541-383-2371 24 hours to






Housing Specialist (2013-00007), Behavioral Health Division. Full-time position $3,416 - $4,675 per month for a172.67 hour work month. Deadline: SUNDAY, 02/03/13. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SPECIALIST II

Access Team(2013-00004), Behavioral Health Division. Two full-time positions $4,057$5,553 per month for a 172.67 hour work month. Deadline: WEDNESDAY, 01/30/13. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SPECIALIST II - Older

Adult Behavioral Health Specialist (201200076), Behavioral Health Division. One full-time position $4,057- $5,553 per month

for a 172.67 hour work month AND one part-time position $3,448- $4,720 per month for a 146.77 hour work month (34 hr/wk). Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLED. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SPECIALIST III

Access Team(2013-00003), BehavioralHealth Division. Full-time position $4,851 - $6,517

per month for a 172.67 hour work month. Deadline: WEDNESDAY, 01/30/13. BUILDING SAFETY INSPEGTOR I, II or III

— (2013-00008), Community Development Dept. On-call position $20.93 - $33.77.

Placement within the classification dependent upon experience and certifications. Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLED WITH FIRST REVIEW OF APPLIGATIONS ON THURSDAY, 01/31/13. LANDFILLENGINEERTECHNICIAN —(2013-00006), Solid Waste Dept. Full-time position $3,584 - $4,575 per month for 8173.33 hour work month. Deadline: SUNDAY, 02/03/13. PEER SUPPORT SPECIALIST(2013-00002) Behavioral Health D ivision. Part-time position $1,450 - $1,983 per month for a 129.50 hour work month (30 hr/wk). Deadline: SUNDAY, 01/27/13. SEASONAL DEPUTY SHERIFFATV & Marine Patrol (2013-00005) Sherjff's Office. On-call

positions $25.10 - $32.02 per hour. Deadline: SUNDAY, 01/27/13. SECRETARY —Developmental Disabilities

Program (2013-00001), Behavioral Health Division. Part-time position $1,357 - $1,856 per month for a 103.60 hour work month (24 hr/wkl. Deadline: SUNDAY, 01/27/13. TO APPLY ONLINEFOR THE ABOVE LISTED POSITIONS, PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE

AT www.deschutes.o rg/jods Deschutes County Personnel Dept., 1300 NW Wall Street, Suite 201, Bend, OR 97701 (541) 388-6553.

Deschutes County provides reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. This material will be furnished jn alternative format if needed. For hearing impaired, please call TTY/TDD 711. EQUAL OPPORTUNITYEMPLOYER


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All real estate advertised here in is subject to t h e F e deral F air H o using A c t , which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, l i mitations or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for r eal e state which is in violation of this law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. The Bulletin Classified n Say ngoodbuy

to that unused item by placing it in The Bulletin Classifieds

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Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

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Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000

readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or

place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.com

Meet singles right now! 771 No paid o p erators, Lots just real people like you. Browse greetings, exchange mes- (2) Bend City lots, 2851 sages and c o nnect 8 2857 Huettl St., off live. Try it free. Call Butler Mkt. All utils under now: 8 7 7-955-5505. round $89,900 for both. all Ron, 541-206-7995 (PNDC)

Motorcycles & Accessories Boats & Accessories



NOTICE: Oregon state law req u ires any- I DO THAT! one who co n t racts for construction work to be licensed with the C onstruction Co n tractors Board (CCB). A n active lice n se means the contractor Handyman/Remodeling i s bonded an d i n - Residential/Commercial s ured. Ver if y t h e Stncrll Johsfo contractor's CCB Eufire ttootn Remodels c ense through t h e Garage Orgcr»ization CCB Cons u mer Website HoruerngPection RePairs www.hlreallcensedcontractor. com


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The Bulletin

FIND IT! BVY IT! SELL IT! The Bulletin Classifieds 17' 1984 Chris Craft - Scorpion, 140 HP inboard/outboard, 2 depth finders, trolling motor, full cover, EZ - L oad t railer, $3500 OBO. 541-382-3728.

Used out-drive parts - Mercury OMC rebuilt marine motors: 151 $1595; 3.0 $1895; 4.3 (1993), $1995. 541-389-0435

MONTANA 3585 2008, exc. cond., 3 slides,

king bed, Irg LR, Arc- Fax it to 541-322-7253 tic insulation, all options $37,500. The Bulletin Classifieds 541-420-3250

NuWa 297LK H i tchHiker 2007, 3 slides, 32' touring coach, left kitchen, rear lounge, many extras, beautiful c ond. inside & o u t , $32,900 OBO, Prineville. 541-447-5502 days In t e rnational 8 541-447-1641 eves. Pilgrim 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 Find It in Fall price $ 2 1,865. The Bulletin Classifieds! 541-312-4466 541-385-5809

Fifth Wheels


2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras.

COACHMEN 1979 23' trailer

Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 by Carriage, 4 slideouts, inverter, satel-

lite sys, fireplace, 2 flat screen TVs. $60,000.

Fully equipped. $2000.


541-312-8879 or 541-350-4622.

$10,000 541-719-8444


The Earned Income Tax Credit.

Ads published in eWa-

tercraft" include: Kayaks, rafts and motortzed personal watercrafts. For " boats" please s e e Springdale 2005 27', 4' Class 870. slide ln dining/living area, 541-385-5809 sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000

The Bulletin 880


Please check your ad on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Sometimes instructions over the phone are misobo. 541-408-3811 understood and an error • can occur in your ad. If this happens to your ad, please contact us the first day your ad appears and we will be happy to fix it Springdale 29' 2 0 07, as soon as we can. If we can assist you, slide,Bunkhouse style, please call us: sleeps 7-8, excellent 541-385-5809 condition, $ 1 6 ,900, The Bulletin Classified 541-390-2504

Want to impress the What are you relatives? Remodel looking for? your home with the You'll find it in help of a professional from The Bulletin's The Bulletin Classifieds "Call A Service Econoline RV 19 8 9, fully loaded, exc. cond, Professional" Directory 541-385-5809 35K m i. , R e duced


18.5' Sea Ray, 2000, 4.3L Mercruiser, 190 hp Bowrider w/depth finder, radio/CD player, rod holders, full canvas, EZ Loader trailer, exclnt cond, $14,500. 707-484-3518 (Bend) sr




-.P-N-.O-.Q-%" 2007 Ski-Doo Renegade 600 w/513 mi, like new, very fast! Reduced to $5000. 541-221-5221

Arctic Cat (2) 2005 F7; EFI Snowpro 8

20.5' 2004 Bayliner 205 Run About, 220 HP, V8, open bow, exc. cond., very fast w/very low hours, lots of extras incl. tower, Bimini & custom trailer, $19,500. 541-389-1413

EFI EXT, 4,000

miles each. $2400 each; 541-410-2186

Snowmobile trailer 2002, 25-ft Interstate & 3 sleds, $10,900. 541-480-8009


20.5' Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO. 541-379-3530

Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please see Class 875. 541-385-5809

The Bulletin

Sernng Cenlral 0 egon smce 1903

Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 Fleetwood Wilderness 29', weatherized, like 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, rear bdrm, fireplace, n ew, f u rnished 8 ready to go, incl Wine- AC, W/D hkup beauard S a t ellite dish, tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. 541-815-2380 26,995. 541-420-9964


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Beaver Coach Marquis 40' 1987. New cover, new paint (2004), new inverter (2007). Onan 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, parked covered $35,000 obo. 541-419-9859 or



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ONE-STOP SHOPPING FOR HOMEOWNERSLOOKING FOR INSPIRATION The Central Oregon Builders Association (COBA) presents the Remodeling Design 8 Outdoor LiVing ShOWjuSt in time fOr autumn and winter home improvements. This guide features information about the vendors at the show, and is a handy resource for finding local home imPrOVement eXPertS and ProduCtS fOr the

hOme throughout the year.

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WOrdS, aS an OrganiZatiOn, SUPPortS CreatiVe Writing t h r ough O u treaCh PrOgramS fOr both StudentS and adultS

in Central Oregon. The Nature of Words guide iS diStributed to all Bulletin readerS

as well as those who attend the annual PubliShing Date: literary event.


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ThrOughOut the year, The Nature Of




SeminarS, WorkShoPS and COnteStS.

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A message from the Internal Revenue Service.

MOTORCYCLE:Custom Harley Davidson 1997 Sportster 1200 XL. 5000 Miles. Lots of chrome. $10,000. Great ride, but noroomfor the softball team. Contact Cheryl at 000-0000.

Whether you're at a fork in the road or the beginning of an excursion, classified can fuel the journey.

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K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 slide, AC, TV, awning. Pilgrim 27', 2007 5t h NEW: tires, converter, wheel, 1 s lide, AC, batteries. Hardly used. TV,full awning, excel$15,500. 541-923-2595 lent shape, $23,900. 541-350-8629

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p lanting, deck s , fences, arbors, w ater-features, a n d installation, repair of irrigation systems to be licensed with the Landscape Contract ors B o a rd . Th i s 4-digit number is to be included in all advertisements which indicate the business has a bond, insurance and workers compensation for their employees. For your protection call 503-378-5909 or use our website: www.lcb.state.or.us to check license status before co n t racting with th e b u s iness. Persons doing landscape m a intenance do not require a LCB license.

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Fifth Wheels



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The Bulletin

JandMHomes.com Own your own home for less t ha n r e n ting. Centrally located in Madras. In- h ouse18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 financing opt i o ns Volvo Penta, 270HP, available. Call now at low hrs., must see, 541-475-2291 $15,000, 541-330-3939

or call 503-378-4621. Dennis 541 317.9768 ccaetgtgrg Bondedltnsured The Bulletin recommends checking with the CCB prior to con• Yamaha 750 1999 tracting with anyone. Landscaping/Yard Care Mountain Max, $1750. Some other t rades • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 also req u ire addi-N OTICE: O R E G O N EXT, $1250. Landscape Contractional licenses a nd • Zieman 4-place tors Law (ORS 671) trailer, $1750. certifications. r equires a l l bus i - All in good condition. nesses that advertise Debris Removal Located in La Pine. to p e rform L a n d- Call 541-408-6149. scape C o n struction which inclu d es:

Will Haul Away



rates for selling your I Weekend Warrior Toy I boat orwatercraft! Monaco Dynasty2004, Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, loaded, 3 slides, die- fuel station, exc cond. I Place an ad in The Serving Central Oregon since i903 sel, Reduced - now sleeps 8, black/gray B ulletin w it h ou r $119,000, 5 4 1-923- i nterior, u se d 3X , Harley Davidson Soft- I 3-month package 8572 or 541-749-0037 $24,999. Tail Deluxe 20 0 7, I which includes: 541-389-9188 white/cobalt, w / passenger kit, Vance & I *5 lines of text and @II B Hines muffler system a photo or up to 10 Looking for your & kit, 1045 mi., exc. I lines with no photo. next employee? c ond, $19,9 9 9 , *Free online ad at L,w, I Place a Bulletin help 541-389-9188. I bendbulletin.com wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 *Free pick up into Southwind 35.5' Triton, Harley Heritage 2008,V10, 2slides, DuI The Central Oregon readers each week. Softail, 2003 pont UV coat, 7500 mi. Your classified ad $5,000+ in extras, I Nickel ads. Bought new at will also appear on $2000 paint job, $132,913; bendbulletin.com 30K mi. 1 owner, I Rates start at $46. I asking $93,500. For more information which currently reCall for details! Call 541-419-4212 please call ceives over 1.5 mil541-385-5809 541-385-8090 lion page views evor 209-605-5537 ery month at no extra cost. Bulletin HD Screaming Eagle L The Bulleting Classifieds Get ReElectra Glide 2005, sults! Call 385-5809 103" motor, two tone GENERATE SOME exor place your ad candy teal, new tires, citement in your neigon-line at 30A 23K miles, CD player, borhood. Plan a ga- Winnebago bendbulletin.com 2012, 31 ft., hydraulic clutch, exrage sale and don't Sightseer cellent condition. forget to advertise in all options, 2 slides, 362HP V10, 10K mi., Highest offer takes it. classified! 385-5809. Advertise your car! mint cond., $105,900. 541-480-8080. Add A Picture!



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CASH? Use classified to sell those items you no longer need.

Please check your ad on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Sometimes ins tructions over t h e phone are misunderstood and an e rror can occurin your ad. If this happens to your ad, please contact us the first day your ad appears and we will 870 be happy to fix it as s oon a s w e can . Boats & Accessories Deadlines are: Weekdays 11:00 noon for 13' Smokercraft '85, next day, Sat. 11:00 good cond., 15I-IP a.m. for Sunday and gas Evinrude + Monday. Minnkota 44 elec. 541 -385-5809 motor, fish finder, 2 Thank you! extra seats, trailer, The Bulletin Classified

Sere ng Central Oregon srnce1903




The Bulletin



Friday October 25


TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 Aircraft, Parts 8 Service

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Aircraft, Parts & Service

THE BULLETIN• SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 2013 G5 Trucks & Heavy Equipment



Automotive Wanted

Antique & Classic Autos

DONATE YOUR CAR Fast Free Towing 24 hr. Response - Tax Deduction. U N ITED B REAST CA N C ER F OUNDATION P r o viding Free Mammo-

Piper A rcher 1 9 8 0, based in Madras, always hangared since BOATS & RVs AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION new. New annual, auto 1921 Model T 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 805- Misc. Items pilot, IFR, one piece Delivery Truck 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 850 - Snowmobiles windshield. Fastest Ar- Peterbilt 359 p o table Restored & Runs grams & Breast Can925 - Utility Trailers cher around. 1750 to860 Motorcycles And Accessories water t ruck, 1 9 90, 1/5th interest in 1973 $9000. Info tal t i me . $ 6 8 ,500. 3200 gal. tank, 5hp cer 927 - Automotive Trades 865 - ATVs Aircraft, Parts Cessna 150 LLC 888-785-9788. 541-389-8963 pump, 4-3" h oses, 929 - Automotive Wanted 150hp conversion, low 541-475-6947, ask for 870 Boats & Accessories (PNDC) & Service camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. 931 - Automotive Parts, Service time on air frame and 875 - Watercraft 541-820-3724 engine, hangared in and Accessories 931 880 Motorhomes Bend. Excellent per932 - Antique and Classic Autos Automotive Parts, 881 - Travel Trailers formance & affordWhere can you find a 933 - Pickups able flying! $6,500. 882 - Fifth Wheels Service & Accessories helping hand? 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 541-382-6752 885Canopies and Campers 940 - Vans From contractors to 4 mounted 205/75/14 1966 GMC, 2nd owner, 890 - RVs for Rent 975 - Automobiles 1/3 interest in Columyard care, it's all here tires with rims, $10 AIRPORT CAFE too many extras to list, bia 400, located at (Bend Municipal Airport) each.541-475-1091. in The Bulletin's $8500 obo. Serious buySunriver. $ 1 38,500. Now open Saturdays! ers only. 541-536-0123 "Call A Service Call 541-647-3718 • Daily Specials (4) Used Open Country Professional" Directory • New Management tires, 3 3x12.50R-18LT, Diamond Reo D u mp P' Open Mon.-Sat., 8-3 • Truck 1 9 74, 1 2-14 $150. 541-647-9051 55 Chevy 2 dr. w gn Call 541-318-8989 yard box, runs good, 925 - ~ < w sa P ROJECT car, 3 5 0 $6900, 541-548-6812 • We Buy JunkW Utility Trailers small block w/Weiand Cars & Trucks! Executive Hangar dual quad tunnel ram Cash paid for junk at Bend Airport ExK E A T with 450 Holleys. T-10 vehicles, batteries & Chev Camaro, 1969, fully (KBDN) "I 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, 1/3 interest i n w e l l-60' catalytic converters. restored, factory Glacier Chevy C-20 Pickup wide x 50' deep, Weld Prostar whls, ex Chevy Wagon 1957, equipped IFR Beech BoBlue, HO-350, 4-spd, Serving all of C.O.! Hyster H25E, runs Big Tex Landscap4-dr., complete, nanza A36, new 10-550/ w/55' wide x 17' high 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; tra rolling chassis + brand n e w int e rior. Call 541-408-1090 well, 2982 Hours, ingl ATV Trailer, auto 4-spd, 396, model extras. $6000 for all. $7,000 OBO, trades, prop, located KBDN. bi-fold door. Natural $32,900. Here in Bend, gas heat, office, bath$3500,call dual axle flatbed, CST /all options, orig. 541-389-7669. $65,000. 541-419-9510 please call room. Parking for 6 541-749-0724 7'x16', 7000 lb. W ild C o u ntry TT X call Scott, 406-839-1299 owner, $22,000, 541-389-6998 c ars. A d jacent t o 235-75R/15 (2 tires) 541-923-6049 GVW, all steel, Check out the TURN THE PAGE Frontage Rd; g reat 75% tread (2 tires) Call The Bulletin At Look at: $1400. Need help fixing stuff? classifieds online 541-385-5809 visibility for a viation 541-382-4115, or 50% on n ice 6 -lug For More Ads Call A Service Professional Bendhomes.com www.bendbuiietin.com bus. 1jetjockOq.com 541-280-7024. rims, $400 OBO. Place Your Ad Or E-Mail find the help you need. for Complete Listings of The Bulletin Updated daily 541-948-2126 541-385-0432 Ive msg. At: www.bendbulletin.com www.bendbulletin.com Area Real Estate for Sale •


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Soet Ler!


Legal Notices


hereby required to appear and defend the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause within thirty (30) days from the date of service of thissummons upon you, and in case of your failure to do so, for want t h ereof, Plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. NOTICE TO D E F ENDANT: READ THESE PAPERS CA REFULLY! You m ust

"appear" in this case or the other side will win a u tomatically. To "appear" you m ust file with t he court a legal paper called a "motion" or "answer." The "motion" or "answer" (or "reply") must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of first publication sp e c ified herein along w ith the required filing fee. It must be in p roper form a n d have proof of service on the plaintiff's a ttorney or, if t he p laintiff does n o t have an a t torney, proof of service on the plaintiff. If you have questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may call t he Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Re f e rral Service at (503) 684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. The r el ief sought in t h e C omplaint i s th e f oreclosure of t h e property located at 21049 Don Street, Bend, OR 9 7 701. Date of First Publication: January 13, 2013. McCarthy 8 Holthus, LLP, Erica Day, OSB¹ 113653, 9 20 SW 3 r d A v enue, First F loor, Portland, OR 97204, Phone: (877) 369-6122,

3370, Fax: 694-1460,

Ext .

( 5 03)

edayOmccarthyholthus.com. Of Attorneys for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF ELECTION OF DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS

Redmond School District 2J Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, May 21, 2013, an election will be held for the purpose of e lecting three board members to fill the following positions and terms, including any vacancy which may exist on t he board o f R e d mond School District

Each candidate for an office listed a bove must file a d eclaration of candidacy or petition for n omination for office with the County Clerk of Deschutes County, Oregon, not later than the 61st day before the date of the regular district e lection. The filing deadline is 5 p m on M a rch 2 1 , 2013. Filing forms are available at the Deschutes County Clerk's office, 1300 NW Wall S treet, S u it e 2 0 2 , Bend, Oregon 97701 and onl i n e at www.deschutes.org/cl erk. LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Deschutes County B o ar d of C ommissioners w i l l hold two public hearings to take testimony on the following item: • February 26, 2013 at 6:00 p.m., at the La Pine Senior Center, 16560 Victory Way, La Pine, Oregon; and, • March 12, 2013 a t 6:00 p.m., at the Sunriver Ho m eowners Aquatic & Recreation Center, Dillon Hall, 5 7250 Overl o o k Road, Sunriver, Oregon. FILE NUMBER: PA-12-3. SUBJECT: Newberry Country: A Plan for Southern Deschutes County. Legislative amendments that formally recognize an area-specific plan titled, "Newberry Country: A Plan for Southern Deschutes C ounty." Th e P l a n encompasses the rur al areas south o f L ava Butte. I t a d dresses the a rea's unique assets, local values an d p r e ferences for growth and development, the environment, nat u ral hazards, transportation and more. The Plan contains goals and policies. A copy of the proposal can be viewed at www.deschutes.org/cdd. Copies of the staff report, application, all documents and evidence s ubmitted by or o n behalf of th e a pplicant and a pplicable criteria are available for inspection at the Planning Division at no cost and can be purchased fo r 25 cents a page. The staff report should be made availableseven days prior to the date set for the hearing. Documents are also a vailable online a t : www.co.deschutes.or. us/cdd. Please contact Peter Gutowsky, Principal Pla n ner, (541) 385-1709 if you have questions. Desc hutes County e n courages pe r s ons w ith d i sabilities t o participate in all programs and activities. This event/location is accessible to people with disabilities. If you need a c c ommodations to make participation poss i ble, please call Peter Gutowsky (541) 3 85-1709 o r sen d email t o pe t er.gutowsky@deschutes.or



been appointed personal representative of the Estate of Daniel L . E m erson, D e -

ceased, by the Circuit C ourt, State of O r egon, County of Deschutes, Probate No. 12-PB-0124. All persons having claims against the estate are required to p r esent t heir c l a im s wit h proper vouchers within four m o nths from this date, to the The election will be undersigned, or they conducted by m a i l. may be barred. Addi2J.

One Director, Position No. 1, 4-year term One Director, Position No. 2, 4-year term One Director, Position No. 3, 4-year term One Director, Position No. 4, Unexpired 2-year term

Leg a l Notices •

Legal Notices •

tional information may be obtained from the court records, the undersigned, or the attorneys named below. Dated and first published: January 13, 2013. J O YC E E. VERNON, P e rsonal R epresentative, c / o C.E. FRANCIS, OSB ¹77006, FR A N CIS

entitled to a hearing or record continuance. Failure of an issue to be raised at the hearing, in person or by l etter, or f a ilure t o provide statements or evidence sufficient to afford th e d e cision maker an opportunity to respond precludes appeal to the Land U se Board o f A p peals on that issue. LEGAL NOTICE

HANSEN & MARTIN L LP, 1148 N W H i l l Street, B e nd , OR 97701. PUBLIC HEARING LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE - CITYOF PUBLIC AUCTION BEND CITY COUNCIL Public auction to be PROJECT NUMBER: held Saturday, Febru- PZ 1 2 -389 A P P LI-

CANT: City of Bend N ATURE O F TH E APPLICATION: Transportation Syst em P l a n (TSP) amendment to address financing portion of 2 00 1 D LCD r emand. A PPLI CABLE C R I TERIA: Bend D e v elopment Code Section 4.6.200 PUBLIC HEARING and March 1, 2001 CANCELLED FOR DLCD Remand of peCITY OF BEND r iodic review w o r k SUPPLEMENTAL program task 1, availBUDGET in City Hall or at The public hearing on able Community Deproposed sup p le- the velopment D e p artmental budgets for the ment portion of t he City of Bend that was City's originally s c heduled PROPERTY Lwebsite. O CAfor January 30, 2013 Citywide DATE, at 7:00 pm has been TION: IME, PLACE A N D c ancelled. The a d - T OF THE justments will be con- LOCATION sidered at a f u t ure HEARING: February 20, 2013, 7:00 p.m. at City Council meeting. 710 NW Wall Street, LEGAL NOTICE Bend, OR, in City Hall PUBLIC HEARING Council C h a mbers. NOTICE ADDITIONAL INCITY OF BEND FORMATION: Th e PLANNING application, all docuCOMMISSION ments and evidence PROJECT NUMBER: s ubmitted by o r o n PZ¹ 12-506 A P PLIbehalf of th e a ppliCANTS: West Bend cant and the applicaProperty Co . an d tion criteria are availBrooks R e sources. able for inspection at NATURE O F THE City Hall at no cost APPLICATION: Type a nd copies will b e III Quasi-judicial Plan provided at a reasonA mendment, Z o n e able cost. CONTACT C hange, and T e x t PERSON: Colin Amendment to reallo- Stephens at cate equal-areas of (541)693-2119 the RS, CL, ME, and cstephens@ci.bend.o IP zoning and plan r.us. S e n d w r itten designations w i t h in t estimony t o C o l i n the NorthWest Stephens, CDD, 710 Crossing Ove r l ay NW Wall St. 97701, or Zone. A P PLICABLE attend the m e eting CRITERIA: Bend Deand state your views. v elopment Code , The hearing will be Section 2.7. 3 0 0, conducted in accorNorthWest Crossing dance with BDC SecOverlay Zone, Chap- tion 4.1500. ter 4.1; Land Use Review and Procedures, LEGAL NOTICE undersigned has C hapter 4.6 , L a n d The Use District Map and been appointed perText A m e ndments, sonal representative The Bend Area Gen- o f t h e Es t at e o f JOHN eral Plan, O r egon RONALD SMITH Deceased, by Administrative Rules Deschutes County Chapter 660, Depart- the ment of Land Conser- C ircuit Court of t h e State provation and Develop- bate of Oregon, number ment, available at City Hall or on the Com- 12PB0125. A l l p e rmunity Development sons having claims Department portion of against the estate are the C i ty's w e bsite. required to p r esent the same with proper PROPERTY L O CATION: Various within vouchers within four months after the the NorthWest (4) Crossing Ove r l ay date of first publication t o t h e u n d erZone. DATE, TIME, PLACE AND LOCA- signed or they may be barred. Add i t ional TION OF THE HEARING: February i nformation may b e o btained f ro m th e 11, 2013, 5:30 p.m. at court records, the un710 NW Wall Street, Bend, OR, in City Hall dersigned or the atCouncil C h a mbers. torney. Date first pubA DDITIONAL IN- lished: January 13, 2013. ER I C A L. F ORMATION: T h e Per s o nal application, all docu- SMITH, ments and evidence R epresentative, c / o L. Bryant Ats ubmitted by o r o n Ronald torney at Law, Bryant behalf of the appliE merson ch, cant and the applica- L LP, PO &B o x Fit 457, tion criteria are availRedmond OR 97756. able for inspection at City Hall at no cost LEGAL NOTICE a nd copies will b e TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE provided at a reasonable cost. Seven days Reference is made to prior to the hearing a a trust deed made by copy of the staff reP & P Ventures, LLC, port will be similarly an Oregon limited liavailable. CONTACT ability company, as PERSON: Amy Barry Grantor, to Amerititle, at (541)693-2114, as Trustee, in favor of abarry@ci.bend.or.us. The F i rst N a t ional Send w r itten t e sti- Bank of Mount Dora mony to the Planning and Barbara Bothe, Commission c/o CDD, a s Trustees of t h e 7 10 N W W a l l S t . William A. Iles Trust 97702, or attend the d ated January 2 2 , meeting and s t a te 1987, as A mended your v i e ws . The a nd R estated, a s hearing will be conB eneficiary, dat e d ducted in accordance May 29, 2007, and rewith B D C S e c tion c orded on June 1 , 4.1.800. Any party is 2 007 i n t h e De s ary 16, 2013 at 1:30 P.M., a t Jam i son Street Self Storage, 63177 Jamison St., B end, O R 977 0 1 . (Unit B-221, F rank Massari) (Unit B-096, Amanda Baker) (Units B -043 & C-01 3 , Kaidee Pike-Howard). LEGAL NOTICE



Legal Notices

Legal Notices

chutes County Official R e c ords as Document No. 2007-31132, covering t he f o l lowing d e scribed real property situated in the above-mentioned county an d s t a t e, to-wit: Real property in the County of Deschutes, State of Or-

Leg a l Notices

Legal Notices

foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the

and w h os e r e n tal TO EVICT YOU. FOR agreement: • Is t h e MORE INF O RMAtrust deed reinstated result of a n a r m's- TION ABOUT YOUR b y payment to t h e length transaction; RIGHTS, YOU beneficiary of the en- R equires th e p a y - SHOULD CONSULT tire amount then due ment of rent that is not A LAWYER. If y o u (other than such por- substantially less than believe you need letion of the principal as fair market rent for the gal assistance, you would not then be due property, unless the may contact the Orhad no default ocrent is r educed or egon State Bar and curred) and by curing subsidized due to a ask for the lawyer reany o t he r d e f ault federal, state or local ferral s e r vice at or egon, described as complained of herein subsidy; and • Wa s 503-684-3763 toll-free in Oregon at follows: Lot (9), Block that is capable of be- entered into prior to Fifty-seven (57), DEing cured by tender- the date of the fore800-452-7636 or you S CHUTES RIV E R ing the performance closure sale. ABOUT may visit its website RECREATION r equired under t h e Y OUR TEN A N CY at: HOMESITES UNIT 9, o bligation o r tr u s t BETWEEN NOW http://www.osbar.org. PART 2, D eschutes deed, and in addition A ND T H E FO R E - If you do not have County, Oregon. The to paying those sums C LOSURE SAL E : enough money to pay Deed of T rust was or tendering the per- RENT YOU a lawyer and are othmodified by that cer- formance necessary SHOULD CONTINUE erwise eligible, you tain Modification and to cure the default by T O PAY RENT TO may be able to r eExtension Agreement paying all costs and YOUR L A N DLORD ceive l e ga l a s s isrecorded February 17, expenses actually in- UNTIL THE P R OP- tance for free. For 2010, as D ocument curred in enforcing the ERTY IS SOLD OR more information and No. 2010-07081. The obligation and t rust U NTIL A COU R T a directory of legal aid undersigned was ap- deed, together with T ELLS YO U O T H - programs, g o to: pointed as Successor trustee and attorney ERWISE. IF YOU DO http://www.oregonTrustee by the Ben- fees not e xceeding N OT P A Y REN T , lawhelp.org. In cone ficiary by a n a p - the amounts provided Y OU CA N BE struing this notice, the pointment dated Auby ORS 86.753. NOEVICTED. BE SURE singular includes the TICE TO R ESIDENTO KEEP PROOF OF plural, t h e word gust 31, 2012, and recorded on Novem- T IAL TENAN T S : ANY PAYM E NTS "grantor" includes any ber 2, 2012 in the De- The property in which YOU MAKE. SECUsuccessor in interest schutes County Offi- you are living is in RITY DEPOSIT - You to the grantor as well cial R e c ords as foreclosure. A foreclo- may apply your secu- as any other person Document No. sure sale is schedrity deposit and any owing an obligation, 2012-044168. The uled for March 26, rent you paid in adthe performance of address of the trustee 2013. The date of this vance against the cur- which is secured by is 69 3 C h e meketa sale may be p ost- rent rent you owe your the trust deed, and Street NE, Salem, OR p oned. Unless t h e landlord as provided the words "trustee" 97301. Both the benlender that i s f o re- in ORS 90.367. To do and "beneficiary" ineficiary a n d the closing on this prop- this, you must notify clude their respective trustee have elected erty is paid before the your landlord in writsuccessors in interest to sell the said real sale date, the foreclo- ing that you want to if any. DATED: Noproperty to satisfy the sure will go through subtract the amount of v ember 1 9 , 20 1 2 . obligations secured by and someone new will your security deposit Russell W. Pike, Sucsaid trust deed and a own this property. Af- or prepaid rent from cessor Trustee. notice of default has ter the sale, the new your rent payment. been recorded pursu- owner is required to You may do this only ant to O regon Re- provide you with con- for the rent you owe vised Statues tact information and your current landlord. Want to impress the relatives? Remodel 86.735(3), the default notice that the sale If you do this, you your home with the for which the foreclo- took place. The folmust do so before the sure i s ma d e in lowing in f o rmation foreclosure sale. The help of a professional grantor's failure to pay applies to you only if business or individual from The Bulletin's when due the follow- you are a bona fide who buys this prop"Call A Service ing sums: The sum of tenant occupying and erty at the foreclosure $70,000.00 in princirenting this property sale is no t r espon- Professional" Directory a resi d ential sible to you for any pal, together with in- as terest and late fees. dwelling under a ledeposit o r p r e paid B y reason o f s a i d gitimate rental agree- rent you paid to your LEGAL NOTICE default th e b e n efi- ment. The i nforma- l andlord. ABOU T TRUSTEE'S NOTICE ciary has declared all tion does not apply to YOUR TEN A N CY OF SALE sums owing on the you if you own this AFTER THE FOREReference is made to obligation secured by property or if you are CLOSURE SALE: The that certain trust deed said trust deed imme- not a bona fide resi- new owner that buys m ade by L i s a M diately due and pay- dential tenant. If the this property at t he Jensen, as grantor, to able, said sums being foreclosure sale goes foreclosure sale may W estern Title 8 E s the following, to wit: through, t h e new be willing to allow you crow Company, as The sum of owner will have the to stay as a tenant in- t rustee in f a vor of right to require you to stead of requiring you I NNspired, LLC, a n $70,000.00, plus interest thereon at the move out. Before the to move out after 90 Oregon limited liabilrate of 10% per annew owner can re- days or at the end of ity company as benn um from J une 1 , quire you to move, the your fixed term lease. eficiary, dated Sep2007, until paid; plus new owner must pro- After the sale, you tember 21, 2004 and the cost of f oreclo- vide you with written should receive a writ- recorded on June 1, sure report, attorney's notice that specifies ten notice informing 2010, as Instrument fees, an d t r ustee's the date by which you you that the sale took No. 2010-21349 of the must move out. If you place and giving you O fficial Records o f fees; together w ith any other sums due or do not leave before the n e w ow n e r's Deschutes C o u nty, that may become due the move-out d ate, name and contact in- Oregon, covering the under the Note or by the new owner can formation. You should following d e s cribed reason of the default, have the sheriff re- contact t h e new real property situated this foreclosure and move you from the owner if you w ould in said county and any further advances property after a court like to stay. If the new state, to-wit: Unit No. made by Beneficiary hearing. You will re- owner accepts rent 687, Building No. 15, a s allowed b y t h e c eive notice of t h e from you, signs a new Usage Week B, of the N ote and Deed o f court hearing. PROr esidential rent a l Inn of t h e S e venth Trust. WHEREFORE TECTION FROM agreement with you or M ountain Con d o notice is hereby given E VICTION I F Y O U does not notify you in minium, according to that the undersigned ARE A BONA FIDE writing within 30 days the Decla r ation trustee will on March TENANT O C CUPY- after the date of the thereof executed Feb26, 2013, at the hour ING AND RENTING foreclosure sale that ruary 13, 1970 and of 10:00 o'clock, a.m., THIS P ROP ERTY AS you must move out, recorded in Volume i n accord with t h e A RES I D E NTIAL the new owner be168, Page 886, Deed standard of time esDWELLING, YOU c omes y ou r ne w records of Deschutes tablished b y OR S HAVE THE R I GHT l andlord an d m u s t County, Oregon, un187.110. at the main TO CONTINUE LIVmaintain the property. der at Auditors File d oor of t h e D e s - ING IN THIS PROP- Otherwise: • You do No. 467 7 , as chutes County Court- E RTY AFTER T H E not owe rent; • Th e amended and house, 1 1 0 0 NW FORECLOSURE new owner is not your supplemented, as leB ond Street, in t h e SALE FOR: • TH E landlord and is not re- gally described in atCity of Bend, County REMAINDER OF sponsible for m aintached Exhibit A. Both of Deschutes, State of YOUR FIXED TERM taining the property on the Beneficiary and Oregon, sell at public LEASE, IF YOU your behalf; and • You t he T r ustee h a v e auction to the highest HAVE A FIXED must move out by the elected to sell the said bidder for cash the TERM LEASE; OR • date the new owner real property to sati nterest in t h e r e al AT LEAST 90 DAYS specifies in a notice to isfy th e o b ligations Property d e s cnbed F ROM TH E D A T E you. The new owner secured by said Trust above w h ic h the YOU ARE GIVEN A may offer to pay your Deed and a Notice of grantor had or h ad WRITTEN TERMINA- moving expenses and Default has been repower to convey at TION NOTICE. If the any other costs or corded pursuant to the time of the execunew owner wants to amounts you and the Oregon Revised Stattion by grantor of the move in and use this new owner agree on utes 86.735(3); the trust deed t ogether property as a primary in exchange for your default for which the with a n y int e rest r esidence, the n e w agreement to l eave foreclosure is made is which the grantor or owner can give you the premises in less G rantor's failure t o grantor's successors written notice and re- than 90 days or beabide by the obligain interest acquired quire you to move out fore your fixed term tions set forth in that after the execution of after 90 days, even lease expires. You certain Co-Ownership the trust deed, to sat- though you have a should speak with a Agreement E s t a bisfy the foregoing ob- fixed term lease with lawyer to fully under- lishing Fractional Inligations thereby semore than 90 days stand your rights be- terests dated S e pcured and the costs left. You must be pro- fore making any deci- tember 21, 2004, and and expenses of the vided with at least 90 sions regarding your entered into between sale, including a rea- days' written notice t enancy. IT I S U N - Grantor and Benefisonable charge by the after the foreclosure L AWFUL FOR A N Y ciary, including the trustee. Notice is fur- sale before you can PERSON TO TRY TO obligation to pay fees ther given that any be required to move. FORCE Y O U TO and assessments set person named in ORS A bona fide tenant is a LEAVE YOUR f orth therein in t h e 86.753 has the right, residential tenant who DWELLING UNIT total am o un t of at any time prior to is not the borrower W ITHOUT FIR S T $29 957.45 including five days before the (property owner) or a GIVING YOU WRIT- special assessments date last set for the child, spouse or par- T EN NOTICE A N D of $17,370.00 as of ent of the borrower, G OING TO C O U R T September 30, 2012 s ale, t o h a v e t h i s •

Legal Notices

and regular assessments of $12,587.45 as of September 21, 2012. By reason of said default, the Beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said Trust Deed imm ediately due a n d payable, said sums being the f ollowing, to-wit: $29,957.45, plus all interest, late

charges, fees and ass essments that b e come due after the dates set forth above and prior to the sale. W HEREFORE, n o tice is hereby given that the undersigned Trustee will on April 2, 2013, at the hour of 11:30 o'clock A.M., in accord with the standard of t ime established by ORS 187.110, at the Deschutes County Courthouse steps, 1 1 64 NW Bond, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in said described real p roperty which t h e Grantors had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by him of the said Trust Deed, together with a n y int e rest which the Grantors or their successors in interest acquired after the execution of said Trust Deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the T rustee. N o t ice i s further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the s ale, to h a v e t h i s foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated b y payment to t h e Beneficiary of the entire amount when due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any o t he r d e f ault complained of herein that is capable of being cured by rendering the performance r equired under t h e o bligation o r T r u st Deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and t r ust deed, together with Trustee's and a ttorney's fees n o t exceeding the amounts provided by ORS 86.753. In construing this notice the masculine gender i


G6 SUNDAY, JANUARY 27, 2013 • THE BULLETIN Antique & Classic Autos

Antique & Classic Autos




Sport Utility Vehicles

Sport Utility Vehicles

Sport Utility Vehicles •

Chevy Tahoe LS 2001, 4x4, 120K mi, Power Chrysler 30 0 C o upe ~ lz~ p seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, row seating, e xtra auto. trans, ps, air, tires, CD, pnvacy tintframe on rebuild, reing, upgraded rims. painted original blue, Ford F350 Super Duty Fantastic cond. $7995 GMC Yukon De n ali Toyota Lan d cruiser original blue interior, Tim m at 2005, loaded, v e r y 2000, Au t o, 4x4, original hub caps, exc GMC V2 ton 1971, Only K i n g R a n ch 20 0 4 , Contact 541-408-2393 for info clean. Vin¹ 1 69789. leather. Vin¹ 214783 low D e isel, loaded. Vin¹ chrome, asking $9000 $19,700! Original mile, exceptional, 3rd A 3 4 788 Was $29,999, or to view vehicle. W as $16,999 N ow Was $21,999, Now or make offer. owner. 951-699-7171 Now $ 2 3,788. $15,477 $18,788. 541-385-9350


Aut o m obiles

Automobiles •

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Chevy Silverado 4x4, 2001, 2500 HD ext'd

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Ford 1-ton dually 2004, crew cab, extras, tow pkg, 134K, good cond, $14,500. 541-280-2117

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GMC Yukon 2001, 4x4, l oaded, must s e e . V in¹ 1 8 3236. W a s $13,999 Now $11,488.

Ford 250 XLT 1990, 6 yd. dump bed, 139k, Auto, $5500. 541-410-9997

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