Bulletin Daily Paper 2/27/13

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WEDNESDAY wbruarl/27, 2013

Serving Central Oregon since1903 75III

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Bend MSA homevalue appreciation

Virtual reality — Finally

covers all of Deschutes County, increased in eachquarter of

ready for the mass market? C6


Housing prices in the Bend Metropolitan Statistical Area, which 2012. The last time that happened was in 2006.


2 006 2 00 7


to further improve such operations, both to accommodate

religious beliefs and to improve care for all patients. A6

20 1 0

20 1 1

201 2

Q3 Ixs

'Bloodless' transplants — Some hospitals are looking

20 0 9


20 10

20 0 8

By Tim Doran The Bulletin



-20 30'/

2 006 2 00 7

20 0 8

20 0 9

20 1 0

20 1 1

201 2

Source: Federal Housing Finance Agency

OWIS — Only lately have scientists begun

Andy Zeigert / The Bulletin

Housing prices in the Bend area increased in all four quarters of 2012, the first full ear ofhome-price appreciation since 2006, according to federaldata released Tuesday. Single-family home prices in

the Bend Metropolitan Statistical Area, which covers all of Deschutes County, rose about 3.5 percent in the fourth quarter over the fourth quarter 2011, according to the Federal Housing Finance Agency's all-transactions housing price index. It marked the fourth

straight quarter of price appreciation in the index, which showed home prices depreciating in the Bend MSA for the 17 previous quarters. And, over five years, the index still shows home prices down 39 percent. See Housing /A4

to understand in detail all that sets these birds apart. A3

Basketball — Pac-12 coaches on the hot seat. C1

In national news — SupremeCourt turns back a challenge to surveillance law. A2

Large-scae immigrant

reac senior services ere . CUSCOU

Ie ease

irks GOP

And a Webexclusive-

By Kirk Semple

For a select few nontraditional

New Yorh Times News Service

students, the road to oneof

across the state, so planning for them has been difficult. Each year, COCOA serves about 160,000 meals through its Meals on Wheels program, which delivers frozenprepared meals to homebound seniors, and its senior meal sites in Bend, Crooked River Ranch, La Pine, Madras, Prineville, Redmond, Sisters and Warm

Federal immigration officials have released hundreds of detainees from immigration detention centers around the country in recent days in a highly unusual effort to save money as automatic budget cuts loom in Washington, officials said Tuesday. The government has not dropped the deportation cases against the immigrants, however. The detainees have been freed on supervised release while their cases continue in court, officials said. But the move angered some Republicans, including Rep. Robert Goodlatte of Virginia, chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, who said the releases were a political gambit by President Barack Obama's administration and that they undermined the continuing negotiations over comprehensive immigration reform and jeopardized public safety. "It's abhorrent that PresidentObama is releasing criminals into our communities to promote his political agenda on sequestration," said Goodlatte, who is running the House hearings on immigration reform. "By releasing criminal immigrants onto the streets, the administration is need-


lessly endangering Ameri-


the country's elite universities went through community



college. bendbnlletin.cnm/extras

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Inside a Hezboah



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spying operation By Joby Warrick The Washington Post

The Israeli tourists on Arkia Airlines Flight 161 from Tel Aviv could not have known it, but their arrival in Cyprus last July 6 was watched closely. A pair of trained eyes counted each passenger as the group exited the plane and boarded a shuttle, headed for resorts that had also been carefully studied and

mapped. The bearded foreigner who silently tracked the Israelis had done his work well. He knew where the visitors would sleep, shop and eat. He knew how many security guards patrolled their hotel parking lots, and how long it would take police to arrive from the station down the street. But the watcher was being watched. When Cypriot police picked him up, the Hezbollah operative quickly acknowledged what he was doing, although he claimed not to know why. See Spying /A4

Roh Kerr /The Bulletin

Meals on Wheels volunteer Dave Perin delivers lunch to Ginny Brown Tuesday at her home in Bend. Spending cuts scheduled to take effect Friday could reduce the amount of federal money Oregon receives for this and other senior nutrition programs by more than 7 percent.

By Mac McLean The Bulletin

Local senior advocates say their ability to feed and monitor some of the region's most vulnerable older adults will be severely hampered ifa series of automatic spending cuts, known as sequestration, goes into effect Friday. According to a statement the White House issued Sunday, the cuts would cost Oregon's senior nutrition

In a story headlined "Snowmobilers kept calm while stranded," which appeared Tuesday, Feb. 26, on Page Al, Eric Abney's age was incorrect due to inaccurate information provided The Bulletin. Abney is 41. The Bulletin regrets the error.

gregate — or group — dining programs each year. Many senior advocates claim these proposed cuts would hurt an already underfunded


"Any cuts (to senior nutrition programs) at this time would put vulnerable seniors at a great risk," said Pamela Norr, director of the Central Oregon Council on Aging, which serves Crook, Deschutes and Jefferson counties. Norr said she was unsure how the proposed cuts would impact the local program. She said she doesn't know how those cuts will be spread

See Seniors/A5

can lives." See Immigrants /A5

New pa -cake gamegoesviral among young girls By Robert Samuels The Washington Post


program about $690,000 in federal funds. That's a little more than 7 percent of the money the state's 17 Area Agencies on Aging received from the federal government to operate their various Meals on Wheels and con-

Ugh, those cups. Several months ago, Diedre Neal, the sixth-grade assistant principal at Alice Deal Middle School in Washington, started noticing them all over the cafeteria. During lunch, the childrennotably the girls — were clap-

TODAY'S WEATHER Mostly sunny High 52, Low 30

Page B6

ping their hands, beating out a rhythm on upturned plastic cups, then flipping them over and slamming them onto the table. Over and over again.

Clap, clap, ba-da-boom, boom, boom, slam. Boom slam. Boom slam. "Put them away," Neal would say, annoyed by the

racket. It didn't help. If they didn't have cups, the girls hammered out the rhythm with their fists. Or on empty yogurt containers. Neal soon realized the girls weren't just being rambunctious — they were all banging out the same pattern, singing the same


"When I'm gone, when I'm when I'm gone ..." A new hand-clapping game — similar to schoolyard classics such as "Miss Mary Mack" and "Slide" and "Down by the Banks" — was spreading through the school. It was being transmitted from stu-

dent to student, face-to-face, like in the old days. Inside of a week,the rhythm became ubiquitous. The flulike spread of "Cups" allowed Neal to experience something that social scientists are just beginning to understand. See Game/A4

The Bulletin

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INDEX Busines s/Stocks 05-6 Comics/Puzzles E3-4 Horoscope D 6 Outdoors 01-5 01-4 Calendar B2 Crosswords E 4 L o cal & State B1-6 Sports Classified E1 - 6 D ear Abby 06 Ob i tuaries B5 TV / Movies 06

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Vol. 110,No. 58, 30 pages, 5 sections

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DNA SamPling —The SupremeCourt on Tuesdaystruggled

New York Times News Service



cou re'e s survei ancec a en e By Adam Liptak




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ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool...........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black ..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337

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WASHINGTON The Supreme Court on Tuesday turned back a challenge to a federal law that broadened the government's power to eavesdrop on international phone calls and emails. The decision, by a 5-4 vote that divided along ideological lines, probably means the Supreme Court will never rule on the constitutionality of that 2008 law. More broadly, the r u ling illustrated how hard it is to mount court challenges to a wide array of anti-terrorism measures in light of the combination of government secrecy and judicial doctrines limiting access to the courts. " Absent a r ad i ca l s e a change from the courts,or more likely intervention from t he Congress, the coffin i s slamming shut on th e ability of private citizens and civil liberties groups to challenge government counterterrorism policies, with the possible exception of Guantanamo," said Stephen I. Vladeck, a law professor at American University. Writing for t h e m ajority, Justice Samuel Alito said that the journalists, lawyers and human rights advocates who

with what one of the justices called its most important criminal

procedure case indecades: whether to let police take DNAwith-

take genetic information from people who have only been arrested without getting a judge's approval first, or if the government's

Kelly, whose campaign called for tougher national gun laws, clinched her party's nomination Tuesday night in a special primary election for

interest in solving cold cases trumped the immediate privacy

the House seatvacated by lllinois Rep. JesseJackson Jr.

rights of those under police suspicion of other crimes. One justice seemed to make clear what he thought. "I think this

is perhaps the most important criminal procedure casethat this court has heard in decades," said Justice Samuel Alito, a former

prosecutor. "This is what is at stake: Lots of murders, lots of rapes that can be solved using this new technology that involves a very minimal intrusion on personal privacy," Alito said later. "Why isn't this the

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Syria's largest city, killing more than141 people, including 71 children, according to a Human Rights Watch report released on Tues-

day. Syrian anti-government activists had reported the missile strikes last week, but the Human Rights Watch report contained new details, with a death toll that was far higher than previously thought.

permissible, and it's been assumed to be so for decades, that it is permissible to fingerprint anybody who's booked, why is it not per-

AIII fOf fodSIS —The Obama administration, in coordination with some European allies, is for the first time considering supplying

missible to take aDNAsample from anybodywho is arrested?"

direct assistance to elements of the FreeSyrian Army as they seek to ramp up pressure onSyrian President Bashar Assad to step down and end nearly two years of brutal and increasingly deadly violence.

But Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Elena Kagan questioned how far the government can go if they decide that the

police have aninterest in people's DNAto help solve cases, with Roberts noting that it wouldn't take much for police to add DNA swabs to traffic stops. — The Associated Press

SeVere Starm —For the second time in a week, amajor winter storm paralyzed parts of the nation's midsection Tuesday,dumping a fresh layer of heavy, wet snowatop cities still choked with piles from the previous system and making travel perilous from the Oklahoma panhandle to the Great Lakes. The weight of the snow strained power

challenged the constitutionality of the law could not show they hadbeen harmed by itand so lacked standing to sue. The plaintiffs' fear that they would be subject to surveillance in the future was too speculative to establish standing, he wrote. In dissent, Justice Stephen

Breyer wrote that the harm claimed by the plaintiffs was not speculative. "Indeed," he wrote, "it is as likely to take place as are most future events that c o m mon-sense i n f erence and ordinary knowledge of human nature tell us will


lines and cut electricity to more than 100,000 homesandbusinesses. At least three deaths were blamed on the blizzard.

Oil spill —A ranking BP executive testified Tuesdaythat the London-based oil giant and its contractors share the responsibility for preventing blowouts like the one that killed11 workers and spawned

the nation's worst offshore oil spill in 2010. Aplaintiffs' attorney pressed McKay to agree with him that BP bore ultimate responsibility for the blowout, but McKay insisted that managing the hazards of

Health Care —Gov.Chris Christie, one of the most strident Republican critics of President BarackObama's health care overhaul, announced Tuesdayhewouldacceptfederalmoneytoexpandthe


Medicaid program in New Jersey. The expansion, which the governor

described in hisannual budgetaddress tothe Legislature, would provide health insurance to 104,000 of the poorest1.3 million residents currently living without it, though some groups say the number could be higher.

Basketdall diplomacy —Former NBAstar Dennis Rodman has brought his basketball skills and flamboyant style — tattoos, nose studs and all — to the country with possibly the world's strictest dress code: North Korea. Kim Jong Un is said to have been a fan of the Chicago Bulls in the1990s, when Rodman won three champion-



ships with the club. Arriving in Pyongyang, theAmerican athlete and showmanknown as"TheWorm" became an unlikelyambassadorfor sports diplomacy at a time of heightened tensions between the U.S.

and North Korea.


~ F'






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India fire —A fire broke out at an illegal six-story plastics market in the lndian city of Kolkata early this morning, killing at least18 people, police said. The blaze, which started before 4 a.m., was likely caused by a short circuit, said West Bengal fire minister Javed Khan.

The fire was under control by mid-morning, he said, but toxic gases being released bythe blazewere hampering rescueefforts.


— From wire reports


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Syria COnfliCt —The Syrian government fired at least four ballistic missiles last weekthat hit civilian neighborhoods in Aleppo,

fingerprinting of the 21st century? What is the difference? If it was



BreaSt CanCer —Advanced breast cancer has increased slightly amongyoung women, a34-yearanalysissuggests.Thedisease is still uncommonamong womenyounger than 40, and the small change hasexperts scratching their headsabout possible reasons. The results are potentially worrisome because young women's tumors tend to bemoreaggressive than older women's JaCkSOn'S Seat —Riding a waveof super PACspending that helped catapult her to the front of a crowdedDemocratic field, Robin

The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If you know ofan error in a story, call us at 541-383-0358.

One month: $14.50 By mail outsideDeschutes County:Onemonth: $18 E-Edition only:Onemonth: $13

port of a suit seeking to strike down Proposition 8, a California ballot initiative barring same-sex marriage, and all similar bans.

cases. Justices seemedconflicted over whether police have aright to


Home deliveryandE-Edition:

document will be submitted this week to theSupremeCourt in sup-

deepwater drilling are a "teameffort."

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brief arguing that gay people have a constitutional right to marry. The

out a warrant from those arrested in hopes of using it to solve old


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Gay marriage —Dozens of prominent Republicans — including top advisers to former President George W.Bush, four former governors and two members of Congress — havesigned a legal


NasserNasser /The Associated Press

Damaged remains of the hot air balloon that

crashed in Luxor, Egypt, lie in a field at the site of the accident Tuesday.

who was badly burned, werethe sole survivors. T h e tragedy raised worries of another blow to the

nation's vital tourism industry, decimated by two The hot air balloon flying over the ancient Egyptian y ears of unrest since the 2011 revolution that toppled

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city caught fire and crashed into a sugarcanefield on autocrat Hosni Mubarak. The southern city of Luxor Tuesday, killing at least19 foreign tourists in what ap- has been hit hard, with vacant hotel rooms and empty peared to be the deadliest hot air ballooning accident c r u ise ships. — The Associated Press on record. A British tourist and theEgyptian pilot,

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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn Tuesday night are:

06070<30<439O >0 The estimated jackpot is now $19 million.

Hard WOrkset ta Start at PentagOn

for Hagel after divisiveconfirmation By Craig Whitlock

Obama and C ongress can The Washington Post conjure a last-minute deal, auWASHINGTON — Chuck tomatic budget cuts will start Hagel's painful, prolonged to take effect Friday. Most and divisive nomination battle government agencies will be in the Senate finally ended affected, but the Pentagon will Tuesday, but it is only a pre- take the biggest hit. lude to the national-security Hagel, a former two-term challenges that will greet him senator from Nebraska, will on his first day of work at the be forced to make some snap Pentagon. decisions about which miliHagel is scheduled to be tary programs to preserve and sworn in today as secretary which to sacrifice. Already, of defenseafterhe scraped to- defense officials have said gether enough support to win they may have to furlough up Senate confirmation by a 58 to to 800,000 civilians, drasti41 vote. Until the very end, he cally scale back training and had to overcome fierce oppo- keep ships in port, including sition from pro-Israel groups an aircraft carrierstrike group and a filibuster led by fellow that was bound for the Persian Republicans who neither for- Gulf. "He'll haveto go through and got nor forgave his withering criticism of th e G eorge W. make decisions on each and Bush administration's hanevery one of those," said Wildling of the war in Iraq. liam Cohen, a Republican who The Vietnam combat veter- served as defense secretary an will have less than 48 hours in the Clinton administration. to move into his new office in "I assume he's been drinking the outer ring of the Pentagon from the fire hose already." before he probably will have On a personal level, Hato confront an even tougher gel will also have to quickly challenge: slashing $46 billion put aside any bruised feelin military spending — about ings from an unusually bit9 percent of the defense budget ter confirmation process. His — by the end of September. foremost political task will be Unless President B arack to sit down with Republican

lawmakers who d enounced his candidacy and persuade them to reach a compromise with Democrats to restore the Pentagon's budget. In a statement after the vote, Hagel said he was honored and promised to "work closely with Congress to ensure that we maintain the strongest military in the world." But Republicans who opposed Hagel gave little indication that they would give him a break. "He will take office with the weakest support of any defense secretary in modern history, which will make him less effective in his job," said Sen. John Cornyn of Texas, the second-ranking Republican in the chamber. Pentagon officials already had to face questions about whether their new boss was a wounded duck. "He understands the importance of healthy debate," Pentagon press secretary George Little said. "And I think he is going to come in with the philosophy that he is going to be a team player inside this building, and that will extend to the United States Congress."

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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day

It'sWednesday, Feb.27,the 58th day of 2013. There are 307 days left in the year.

RESEARCH HAPPENINGS VOting CaSe —The Supreme Court hears arguments in a direct challenge to a central part of the Voting Rights Act.

VBtiCBn —Pope Benedict XVI holds his final public

general audience in St. Peter's

seriousowsmmin ino u view Only lately have scientists begun to understand owls in detail, and to puzzle out the subtleties of

Athena, and her gray "shining eyes." In some countries, though, owls are seen as bad omens and harbingers of death — perhaps, Johnson proposed, because owls often nest in cemeteries, where trees are left to grow undisturbed and the nesting cavities are comfort-

behavior, biology and sensory prowess that set them apart.

Square — an event that has already brought in 50,000 ticket


By Natalie Angier New York Times News Service

HISTORY Highlight:In 1933, Germany's parliament building, the

Reichstag, wasgutted by fire.

Chancellor Adolf Hitler, blaming the Communists, used the fire

as justification for suspending civil liberties. In1801, the District of Colum-

bia was placedunderthejurisdiction of Congress. In1911,inventor Charles F. Ket-

tering demonstrated his electric automobile starter in Detroit by starting a Cadillac's motor with just the press of a switch, instead of hand-cranking. In1913, author and playwright Irwin Shaw ("Rich Man, Poor

Man"l was born in New York.

In1922, the Supreme Court, in

Leser v. Garnett, unanimously upheld the19th Amendment to the Constitution, which guaranteed the right of women to vote. In1939,the Supreme Court, in National Labor Relations Board v. Fansteel Metallurgical Corp., outlawed sit-down strikes. In1943, during World War

II, Norwegian commandos launched araid to sabotage a German-operated heavy water plant in Norway.TheU.S. government began circulating

one-cent coins madeof steel plated with zinc (the steel pennies provedvery unpopular, since theywereeasily mistaken for dimes). In1951,the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, limiting a president to two terms of office, was ratified. In1960,the U.S. Olympic

hockey teamdefeated the Soviets, 3-2, at the Winter Games

in SquawValley, Calif. (The U.S. team went on towin the gold medal.) In1968, at the conclusion of a

CBS Newsspecial report on the Vietnam War, Walter Cronkite delivered a commentary in which he said the conflict ap-

peared "mired in stalemate." In1973, members of the

American Indian Movementoccupied the hamlet of Wounded Knee in South Dakota, the site

of the1890 massacre ofSioux men, womenandchildren. (The occupation lasted until May.l In1982, Wayne Williams was

found guilty of murdering two of the 28 youngblack people whose bodies were foundin the

Atlanta areaover a22-month period. (Williams, whowasalso blamed for 22 other deaths, has

maintained his innocence.) In1991,during Operation Des-

ert Storm, President George H.W. Bush declared that "Kuwait is liberated, Iraq's army

is defeated," andannounced that the allies would suspend combat operations at midnight,

Eastern time. Ten yearsago:Iraq agreed in principle to destroy its Al

Samoud II missiles, two days before a U.N.deadline. Five yearsago:Civil rights leader JohnLewis droppedhis support for Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton

in favor of BarackObama. One yearago:President Barack Obama urged the nation's governors at the White House

to invest more state resources in education, saying ahighly skilled workforce was crucial

for the LI.S. to remaincompetitive with other countries.

BIRTHDAYS Consumer advocate Ralph Nader is 79. Rock singer-

musician NealSchon(Journeyj is 59. Basketball Hall-of-Famer James Worthy is 52. Actor

Adam Baldwin is 51.Countryrock musician ShonnaTucker (Drive-By Truckers) is 35. Chelsea Clinton is 33. Singer Josh Groban is 32. — From wire reports

WASHINGTON — The day after a frigid, star-salted night spent tromping through the Alexandria, Va., woods with David Johnson of the Global Owl Project, and listening to the stridently mournful cries of wild barred owls that remained hidden from view, I stopped by the National Zoo around sunset to take visual measure of the birds I had heard. The two barred, or Strix varia, owls were just rousing themselves in the outdoor enclosure, and they looked big-

Quiet feathers An owl's flight feathers have comblike serrations and uneven Leading fringes that reduce turbulence and noise during flight. The velvety edge surface of the wing also absorbs sound, helping the owl to fly silently.

Trailing edge

ably large.

Would that owls might lend us their ears. Species like the BARN OINL FEATHER PIGEON FEATHER barn, barred, screech and horned have some of the keenLeading edge Tra i l ing edge Leading edge Tra i ling edge est auditory systems known, able to hear potential prey stirring deep under leaves, snow or grass, identify the rodent species and even assess its relative plumpness or state of pregnancy, based on sound alone. Again scientists attribute 020 inch ger and more shaggily majestic that to a consortium of traits. than I expected, with capes of Tim Birkhead of the Univerdensely layered cream-andsity of Sheffield points out in New York Times News Service, images from Frontiers in Zoology coffeeplumage draped on their his new book, "Bird Sense," 17-inch frames and pompous, that the owl cochlea is "enorElizabethan feather ruffs enhabitat: tropical, tundra, des- mous" and densely packed circling their necks. Like any ert, Central Park. Some 229 with sensory cilia. The barn good royalty, they ignored me. species are known, and the owl, for example, has three That is, until I pulled out my list keeps growing: Last sum- times the number of hair cells phone with the birdcall app Wl mer, two new species of hawk expected for its body size. The and started playing the barred owl were discovered in the paired ear openings are also owl song. The female's languid Philippines, and this month exceptionally large and asymeyes shot wide open. The male's researchers reported on a new metrically placed on e ither head spun around in its socket species of screech-like owl side of the skull, the better to by 180 of the 270 degrees an from the island of Lombok, help localize a sound's origin; 4::::,; owl's head can swivel. I Indonesia. the super-swively neck further With the distinctive forwardenhances the power to sample Owls of the world facing gaze that can make owls the ambient soundscape. seem as much human as bird, The birds own the night, alThen there is the owl's fai' li the barred pair stared at me. I though some hunt at dusk and mously flat face, also called played the call again, the male dawn and even during the day. the facial disk — pie-shaped grew bored, and I was about to And hunt owls tirelessly do. By in some species,heart-shaped put the phone away when sudone estimate, a group, or "par- Kabuki in the barn owl. The denly the female — the larger liament," of 10 owl families liv- facial disk serves as a kind of of the two owls, as female birds ing in a barn in central Florida satellite dish, to gather sound of preyoften are — pitched her cleared the surrounding sugar- waves,which are then directed body forward on her perch, liftcane fields of about 25,000 cot- to the owl's ears by stiff, spesPi ed up her heavy, magnificent ton rats a year. cialized feathers along the disk r wings and belted out a fullOwls were long thought to circumference. throated retort to my recorded Kjell Janssens via New YorkTimes News Service be closely related to birds of Even the owl's forward-faccall. A long-eared owl in the Netherlands is one of 229 known owl speprey like hawks and eagles, ing eyes may have as much to After a brief pause, she cies, and the list keeps growing. which they sometimes super- do with hearing as with vision. hooted the eight-note sequence ficially resemble — hence the Graham Martin of the Univeronce more, at which point an names hawk owls and eagle sity of Birmingham has proastonished zoogoer n earby ishly proportioned owls, like could see at the end was her owls. But similarities of beak posed that with so much of the burst into applause. the endangered Blakiston's tail jutting out," Slaght said. or talon turn out to be the re- lateral real estate on the owl's In the Western imagination, fish owl of Eurasia. Nearly a Aeronautical engineers are sult of evolutionary conver- skull taken up by the giant ear the owl surely vies with the yard high, weighing up to 10 studying owls for clues to bet- gence on optimal meat-eating openings, the only place left to penguin for the position of My pounds and with a wingspan ter wing designs. Many owl equipment, and recent genetic position its eyes is in the midFavoriteBird. "Everyone loves of 6 feet, Blakiston's is the species are renowned for their analysis links the owls to other dle ofthe face. Here's looking at you, Strix. owls," said David Bohaska, a world's largest owl, a bird so ability to fly almost silently, nocturnal birds, like nightjars. paleobiologist at th e Smith- hulking it's often mistaken for without the flapping noises Through the Global Owl sonian's National Museum of other things, according to Jon- and air whooshes that might Project, Johnson is working Natural History, who discov- athan Slaght of the Wildlife warn prey of their approach. with researchers in 65 counered one of the earliest owl fos- Conservation Society's Russia Researchers have t r aced tries to compile a vast datagure Crradk Co. sils. "Even mammalogists love program. It could easily look that silent flight t o s everal base and celebration of all the owls." like a bear in a tree or a man features. The bulk of the wing world's owls, with d escripOwls are a staple of chilon a bridge. is broad and curved — the tions, natural history, genetics, dren's books a n d c u l tural Or maybe Ernest Heming- ideal shape for slow gliding vocalizations, rough populakitsch — here wooing pussy- way. This p owerful p r eda- — and is abundantly veined tion estimates, owl myths and Bend cats in pea-green boats and tor can pull from the river an with velvety down plumage legends. Redmond delivering mail to the Harry adult salmon two, three or to help absorb sound. MoreWesterners love owls, he John Day Potter crew, there raising a more times its own weight, over, the feathers at the edge said, a t r adition that dates Burns dubiously Wise eyebrow in sometimes grabbing onto a of the wing are serrated to ef- back at least to the ancient the service of snack food. Yet tree root with one talon to help fectively break up and smooth Greeks and the association of Lakeview for all this apparent familiar- make the haul. out air turbulence as a comb owls with the wise goddess, ity, only lately have scientists Ferocity is essential for a disentangles knots. At a meetbegun to understand the birds bird whose frigid, spotty range ing of the American Physical in any detail, and to puzzle out extends across northeastern Society last fall, researchers the subtleties of behavior, biol- China, the Russian Far East from Cambridge University ogy and sensory prowess that and up toward the Arctic Cir- proposed that well-placed perset them apart from all other cle,one that breeds and nests forations in an airplane wing avian tribes. in the dead of winter, perched could have a similar smoothatop a giant cottonwood or ing effect on turbulence, leadOwl discoveries elm tree, out in the open, in ing to quieter and more effiResearchers have discov- temperaturesof 30 degrees be- cient flights — and mealtime ered, for example, that young low zero Fahrenheit. Slaght's voles for all. barn owlscan be impressively colleague Sergei Surmach vidOwls date back 60 million generous toward one another, eotaped a female sitting on her years or longer, and they're regularly donating portions of nest during a blizzard. "All you found in nearly every type of their food to smaller, hungrier siblings — a display of altruism that is thought to be rare 5K • 10K • 1K among nonhuman animals, I I I and one that many a small huRun - Walk ' I ' I I I man sibling might envy. B~ dU Sunday The scientists also discovpresents APRIL 21, 2013 ered that barn owls express theirneeds and desires to each otherthrough a complex, rulebased series of calls, trills, barks and hoots, a language the researchers are now seeking to decipher. • i "They talk all n i ght long and make a huge noise," said i • • 'I I' I s I I Alexandre Roulin of the Unig• i i versity of Lausanne, who recently reported on barn owl altruism in the journal Animal Behaviour with his colleague Charlene Ruppli, and Arnaud Da Silva of the University of Burgundy. "We would never put our nest boxes in front of a farmer'sbedroom, or the person wouldn't be able to sleep." O ther r e s earchers a r e tracking the lives of some of the rarer and more outlandf

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Spying Continued from A1 "I was just collecting information about the Jews," he told police, according to a sworn deposition. "This is what my organization is doing, everywhere in the world." The arrest of Hossam Yaakoub, a Lebanese-born Swedish citizen, on July 7 was all but forgotten 11 days later when a bus containing another group of vacationing Israelis was blown up in the Bulgarian resort city of Burgas. The attack, which killed five Israelis and a Bulgarian bus driver, was quickly blamed on Hezbollah. Now, seven months after that attack, new details emerging in Yaakoub's case are providing chilling insights into what investigators describe as a farbroader effortby the Lebanon-based militant group to lay the groundwork for killing Israeli citizens and perhaps others in multiple countries. Some details have come from Yaakoub himself, who made his first public appearance last week during his trial in Cyprus. But a much fuller account comes f ro m l e gal documents summarizing the Swedish man's statements to policeduring weeks of questioning last summer and obtained by T h e W a shington Post.

in Lebanon, he was dispatched on a series of low-level assignments as a courier. He deliv-

ered packages and messages

to contacts in Turkey, France and the Netherlands. Yaakoub asserted that his key han==-== • dler always wore a mask and e insisted on strict operational il~ security — no ce l l phones were allowed i n m e etings, and Yaakoub never k n ew what was in the packages he delivered. When Yaakoub first visited Cyprus in 2009, it was clear The Associated Press file photo that Hezbollah was grooming A damaged bus is transported out of Burgas airport in Bulgaria in him for a long-term mission. July, a day after a deadly suicide attack on a bus full of Israeli vaHe registered his b usiness cationers. New details in a court case against an alleged Hezboiiah with the government, the first operative portray a professional, well-funded effort by Hezboiiah to step in building what he acrecruit, train and position European-based operatives for what U.S. knowledged was an elaborate analysts describe as preparations for future terrorist operations. cover story to justify his time on the island. "They wanted to have Cya former counterterrorism of- center in the eastern Mediter- prus as a base, to be able serve ficial with the FBI and Trea- ranean and a member ofthe Hezbollah's purposes," he told sury Department and author European Union since 2004. police. "I don't know what the of the forthcoming book "He- Yaakoub told acquaintances purpose was." zbollah: The Global Footprint he was trying to establish a His workload increased in of Lebanon's Party of God." juice-importing business. But late 2011, just as the wave of An analysis of the more re- the dark-haired 24-year-old terrorism efforts attributed to cent plots shows a shift in tac- attracted suspicion because of Hezbollah and Iran was about tics, said Levitt, who said the his apparent fascination with to peak. Yaakoub received deCyprus case in particular "un- the habits of Jewish visitors to tailed instructions to monitor derscores a very patient, care- the sun-drenched island. charter flights bringing Israeful and calculated tradecraft." For more than a week last lis to Cyprus. Testimony and court docu- summer, he crisscrossed the Arkia, a small carrier, flew ments in Cyprus also show island, asking questions and directly from Tel Aviv to Larthat Hezbollah is expanding staking out hotels and busi- naca International A i r port. its network in Europe, recruit- nesses catering to Jewish cus- The airline sometimes altered ing European operatives, con- tomers. He scoured the island its arrival information for seducting surveillance and mov- for restaurants that served ko- curity reasons, so Yaakoub Widespread effort ing packages to various Euro- sher meals. spent many hours staking out "I was supposed to spot Is- the airport, recording flight The evidence echoes dis- pean cities in preparation for coveries by investigators in possible future attacks, Levitt raelirestaurants where Jews information and watching pasBulgaria and prosecutors in and other analysts said. eat kosher," he would explain sengers board special buses to Thailand, India, Azerbaijan, In statements t o p o l ice, later to investigators. "I was the island's resorts. Kenya and other countries Yaakoub spoke of "previous looking it up on the Internet B etween f l i g hts, Y a a k hit by a w ave of attempted missions" that took him from and couldn't find anything." oub carried out a long list of a ssassinations an d b o m b - Turkey into the heart of WestWhen he was detained on tasks involving surveillance ings linked to Hezbollah or ern Europe. At one point, he July 7, Yaakoub insisted he and data collection. He drew its chief sponsor, Iran. U.S. said he carrieda mysterious had only been looking for maps of the areas around the officials characterize the plots package wrapped in n ewsbusiness contacts. But over resort hotels, noting security as part of an ongoing shadow paper. "I don't know what it a w eek-long i n terrogation, stations and the proximity of war directed by Iran in part to was," he said in a statement a different story e merged. police and rescue units. He retaliateforWestern efforts to read to the court last week. His statements to police, con- took photographs of hotel enderailIran's nuclear program. Daniel Benjamin, who re- tained in depositions that intrances and parking lots. He E vidence uncovered by i n - cently resigned as the State cluded his confession, notes, purchased prepaid cards for vestigators portrays a profes- Department's to p c o u nter- drawings and other artifacts, local cellphones and noted the sional, well-funded effort by terrorism official, said Hez- outlined his recruitment and locations of Internet cafes. He Hezbollah to recruit, train and bollah's activity outside the training by Hezbollah for a inquired about renting wareposition European-based op- Middle East has reached a series of missions. He said houses for what he said were eratives for what U.S. analysts l evel unmatched since t h e the ultimate objectives of his unknown purposes. describe as preparationsfor 1990s. Benjamin said the mili- assignments were never reIn the days before Yaakfuture terrorist operations. tant group is "not just doing vealed to him. He insisted he oub was arrested, he scouted While most of the attacks one-off attacks but i s r i ght never knowingly supported a beach locations near Larnaca were thwarted or failed, the now involved in a campaign terrorist operation. and watched the passengers "I do not agree with terror- of an Arkia flight spill out of accumulated inte l l igence of terrorism," in part to warn shows that Hezbollah is learn- Western countries against al- ism," he told police. their aircraft and head toward ing from its mistakes, employ- lowing military intervention waiting shuttle buses, scribRecruitment and training ing the tactics of professional against Iran. bling coded details in a small "Hezbollah already believes intelligence operatives to covAccording to the account red notebook. "I took the initiative of writer its tracks and expanding we're in a conflict," Benjamin described in p o lice deposiits threat, according to cur- told the Washington Institute tions, Yaakoub was recruited ing downthe registration numrent and former U.S. officials. for Near East Policy, "but they by Hezbollah during business bers of the buses," he said. most of whom spoke on con- want to intimate to us how trips to Lebanon. His handlers Yaakoub's statements and dition of anonymity because much more will be coming if appear to have viewed the o ther evidence ar e b e i ng of the ongoing nature of the the conflict sharpens." young trader as potentially weighed by a Cypriot judge inquiries. Beginning in 2009, Yaakuseful because he possessed a overseeingone of the island's "In th e b e ginning, t h ey oub made n umerous t r ips European passport and a job most p o l itically e x p l osive clearlytraded speed for tra- to Cyprus, a p opular tour- that justified foreign travel. cases inyears. A verdict is exdecraft," said Matthew Levitt, ist destination and financial After undergoing training pected early next month.




2011, the index shows. The timeline suggests sinContinued from A1 gle-family home prices in the Overall, however, it's positive Bend MSA hit bottom around news, said Timothy Duy, Uni- late 2010 or early 2011, said versityof Oregon economics Duy, who also created the professor and senior directorof Central Oregon Business Inthe Oregon Economic Forum. dex. They reached the level " The housing m arket i s where investors could buy a moving in an upward direc- house, rent it out and turn a tion rather than a downward profit, he said. "Prices got r eally, really direction," he said. Nationwide, seasonally ad- cheap," he said. "It became justed home pricesincreased a b e tter o p p ortunity f o r 5.5 percent in the fourth quar- investors." ter compared with the fourth F ewer d i s t ressed s a l es quarter 2011, according the — those involving foreclosed Federal H o u sing F i n a nce homes or shortsales — also Agency report, one of several contributed, Duy said. Last released Tuesday related to year,35 percent of home sales

in Bend were distressed, according to figures from the Central Oregon Association of Realtors. Between 2009 and 2011 distressed sales made up about 55percent of home sales, on average. So, while home prices increased in 2012, they rose from the depths. In November 2011, the median price for a single-family home in Bend dropped to $166,000, the lowest pricein six years, according to t h e D ecember 2011 report from the Bratton Appraisal Group. The housing market could still hit some bumps as it recovers. More distressed homes

could come up for sale once Oregon lawmakers and major lenders work out issues that have redirected foreclosures into state courts, rather than going through a nonjudicial process. An increase in foreclosed homes could depress prices s omewhat, bu t D u y sa i d t he housing m a rket's u p ward movement has given it resilience. "It's part and parcel of the story, where the economy is gaining strength," he said. — Reporter: 541-383-0360, tdoran@bendbulletin.com. 1nformation from Bloomberg News is included in this report.

Game Continued from A1 The games are encoded with sociocultural significance, said Elizabeth Tucker, a folklorist and English professor at Binghamton University in New Y ork. They have existed since at least the late 19th century and their functions include t eaching d e xterity a n d serving as tools for forming friendships. And somehow, new research is showing, these primitive clapping and chanting games have endured around the world, despite competition from hand-held technology. Before Cups, Neal said she hardly ever saw hand games at Deal, a 1,200-student school that has clubs for everything from board games to Rubik's Cubes. "What we see are Kindles," Neal said. Until now. The game's swift ascendancy at Deal suggests a n a l t e rnative theory: Technology might not be what k i lls h andclapping games. Instead it could be what saves them. Kyra Gaunt, a s o c ial s cience professor at B aruch College in New York, researches hand g ames. There are so many distractions these days, Gaunt said, that hand games are harder for children to master. And as playtime has become more structured

— soccer leagues and play dates — students are discovering them in different ways, through Web searches orin music classes. The history of Cups at Deal Middle School, researched with a bunch of

11-year-olds over apple slices and hot dogs in a single lunch period: It starts with Adam: "I learned it because I liked the beat. I was taught by this girl named Libya." Libya c o ul d n o t b e reached forcomment, be-

Matt Mcclain /For The Washington Post

Studentsplay acup game in the cafeteria at Alice Deal Middle School in Washington, D.C. The hand game is a newfangled version of patty-cake that's gone viral among the schooi's students. mentioned. It was a h omeshot recording by two young Londonersfrom a band called Lulu and the Lampshades. "Lulu" Ge r stein Luisa is 27. She couldn't strum a guitar when she started the Lampshades, but she could flip over a cup. She liked the chorus of an American folk song, " You're Gonna M i ss Me When I'm Gone," and she added some lyrics to goad her friends into joining her on a 10-day bike trip to Berlin. " I've got a t i cket for t h e long way 'round / Two bottles of whiskey for the way / And I sure would like some sweet company/And I'm leaving tomorrow, what d'ya say'?" Gerstein posted the no-frills video in 2009 on a lark. It became the band's biggest hit. Three years later, the rhythm appeared i n a Ho l l y w ood movie. Now children at Deal — and all over the Web — are

singing and banging down

cups to her song. Only it's not r eally hers. She didn't make up the Cups rhythm, she learned it in a percussion class. At school. Fifteen years ago. "I just figured it was one cause she was out playing. False start. of those things that everyone Edmee learned it from knew," she said. "I had no Suzanna. And S uzanna, idea." s he th inks, l e arned i t (Since then, the band has from Sophie. And Sophie changed its name to the Landlearned from Anne. And shapes, in part to disassociate they all saw Jalen doing it. itself from the tune.) Says Jalen Ciagne, 11, "I So, who invented Cups? saw it in the movie, 'Pitch No one really knows. Perfect,' and I thought it And i t do e s n't m a t t er. That's j ust h o w c l a p ping was really cool." "Pitch Perfect," a 2012 games are. comedy about a female Gaunt, the professor and college a c appella team author of "The Games Black competing for a n ational Girls Play," said two truisms title, came out last fall and have emerged from her rewas released on DVD in search.Like other products of December. It was not long our oral culture, hand games after the DVD release that are almost impossible to trace Neal starting seeing all to the source. And they are inthose cups. credibly durable. " They ar e t h e original In the film, a character played by Anna Kendrick social media," Gaunt said. auditions for the team by Hand games were originally singing and performing passed from friend tofriend the Cups rhythm. Kendrick on playgrounds and "go videclined to be interviewed ral," spreading from school to for this article, but she told school and from state to state. David Letterman that she l earned the r h y th m b y watching a video on the Internet. 541-548-2066 Jalen, being i n dustrious, found o n Y o uTube Adjustable the video that K endrick Beds 5

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housing. The SRP/Case-Shiller index of propertyvalues increased 6.8 percent in December over December 2011. Nineteen of 20 cities in the index showed gains, according to a report from Bloomberg News. Case Shiller does not include the Bend MSA. And home sales nationwide increased nearly 16 percent last month over December, the Census Bureau reported. The Federal Housing Finance Agency's all-transactions index t r acks average house-price changes in repeat sales or refinancings on the same single-family h o mes, with data from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. The last time the Bend area saw four quarters of housep rice appreciation wa s i n 2006, when realestate prices w ere soaring, according tothe federal index. In the first and second quarters of 2006, home values in the Bend MSA rose 35 percent and 37 percent,respectively, over the same quartersin 2005. Prices fell into negative territory in th e fourth quarter of 2007 and remained there through the fourth quarter of

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many in such a short span of time — was extraordinary. Continued from A1 Under supervised release, A spokeswoman for I m defendants in i m m i gration migration and Customs En- cases have to adhere to a strict forcement, or ICE, an arm of reporting schedule that might the Department of Homeland include attending a ppointSecurity, said the detainees ments at a regional immigraselectedforrelease were "non- tion office as well as wearing criminals and other low-risk electronic monitoring braceoffenders who do not have se- lets, officials said. rious criminal histories." Advocacy groups, citing the Officials said the releases, cost of detaining immigrants, which began last week and have for years argued that the continued on Tuesday, were a federal government should response to the possibility of make greateruse of less exautomatic g o vernmentwide pensive alternatives to detenbudget cuts, known as seques- tion for low-risk defendants tration, which are scheduled being held on administrative to take effect on Friday. charges. One such group, the ¹ Budget-cut worries tional Immigration Forum, "As fiscal uncertainty reestimated last year that it cost mains over the continuing from $122 to $164 a day to hold resolution and possible se- a detainee in the federal imquestration, ICE has reviewed migration system. In contrast, its detained population to the organization said, alternaensure detention levels stay tive forms of detention could within ICE's current budget," cost from 30 cents to $14 a day the agency's spokeswoman, per immigrant. Gillian Christensen, said in a Among those released in statement. The agency's bud- the past week was Anthony get for custody operations in Orlando Williams, 52, a Jathe current fiscal year is $2.05 maican immigrant who spent billion, officials said, and as nearlythree years in a detenof Saturday, ICE was holding tion center in Georgia. "I'm 30,773 people in its detention good, man," he said. "I'm free." system. Williams, in a telephone inImmigration officials said terview from Stone Mountain, T uesday that they had n o Ga., said he became an illegal plans to release substantially immigrant when h e o v ermore detainees this week, stayed a visa in 1991. He was though they warned that more detained in 2010 by a sheriff's releases were still possible deputy in Gwinnett County, depending on the outcome of Ga., when it was discovered budget negotiations. that he had violated probaThey refused to s pecify tion for a conviction in 2005 of exactly how many detainees simple assault, simple battery were released, or where the and child abuse, charges that releases took place. But imsprung from a domestic dismigrants' advocates around pute with his wife at the time. the country have reported He was transferred to ICE that detainees were freed in custody and has been fighting several places, including Hud- a deportation order with the son County, N.J.; Polk County, help of Families for Freedom, Tex.; Broward County, Fla.; an immigrant support group New Orleans; and from cen- in New York. ters in A l abama, Arizona, Williams was released last Georgia and New York. Friday. "That was a long, long, While immigration officials long run," he said of his detenoccasionally free detainees on tion, adding that he has an supervised release, immigra- appointment this Friday at an tion advocates said that the immigration office in Atlanta surge of recent releases — so at which he expects to receive

Funding forOregonsenior nutrition programs During the 2011-13 biennium, Oregon's 17 Area Agencies on Aging were given $19.4 million in federal

funds — about $9.7 million a year — to run their senior nutrition programs. Sequestration's automatic budget cuts would reduce this amount by $690,000 if they happen onFriday. Gongregate H o me Nutrition dining de l i vered services $236,036 $ 123,335 $52,503

Agency Community Action Program East Central Oregon

(Morrow and Umatilla counties) Community Action Team(Columbia County)

MR $136,944 $ 6 5,165 $88,788 + $208,331 +$105,234 + $134,0998

Community Connection of Northeast Oregon (Baker,

ClackamasCounty Social Services Central OregonCouncil on Aging (Crook, Deschutes, and


$5 0 0,112 $308,980

$621,445 $ 313,913 ~ $483,493~

Jefferson counties'l

Douglas County Senior and Disability Services Division Harney County Senior andCommunity Services

$401,262 $202,682

Klamath Basin Senior Citizens' Council (Klamath and


$17,952 $ 1 2 1,439 $127,096


Lake counties) Lane Council of Governments


$14 , 075

$280,510 $1,715,800 $ 859,126 $850,939 + $175,680: + $89,934 ~ $ 89,635I $1,012,193: $ 5 11,290

Multnomah County Aging and Disability Services

Mid-Columbia Council of Governments (Gilliam, Hood River, Sherman,Wasco andWheeler counties) Malheur Council on Aging andCommunity Services Northwest Senior and Disability Services (Clatsop,




$1,470,452 +$742,773 + $292,609~

Tillamaok, Marian, Palkand Yamhill 4~00nties


Oregon CascadesWest Council of Governments (Benton, Linn and Lincoln counties) %09gue l404% youunciuon 'o~vernmen 4 (JrcCs44040 Josephine counties) South Coast Business Employment Commission (Coos and Curry counties)

$721,095 $1,0P642 $394,888

$1 9 2„178 $140,267

Washington County Department of Disability, Aging and


$ 5 3 5,469 $345,823

Veteran Services Total Funding



$ 5 17,578

: :$10,545,519 $5,308,283



Source: Oregon Department of Human Services, State Uniton Aging


the terms ofhis supervised release — "a list of things I have to abide by." Human Rights First, another advocacy group in New York, which has been pressing for reform of the immigration detention system, said that 96 percent of immigrants enrolled in ICE's alternatives-todetention program attended their final hearing in 2011. That figure was up from the year before, in which 93 percent attended their final court hearings, said the group, citing statistics provided by B.I., a private contractor that provides monitoring and supervision services to ICE.

Approval and backlash Immigrants' adv o cates applauded the releases but pressed the Obama administration to do more, including adhering more closely to its declared enforcement priorities and leaving alone immigrants accused of low-level crimes and administrative immigration violations. "It shouldn't take a manufactured crisis in Washington to prompt our i mmigration agencies to actually take steps towards using government resources wisely or keeping families together," said Carolina Canizales, a leader of United We Dream, the nation's

largest group of young illegal immigrants. But Sen. Jeff Sessions, RAla., a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which is also holding immigration hearings, said the releases "lessened the chances" that legislators might reach a bipartisan accord on comprehensive immigration reform. "It is clear the administration is using the sequester as a convenient excuse to bow to political pressure from the amnesty groups," he said. "With this new action, the administration has f u r ther demonstrated that it has no commitment to enforcing the law and cannot be trusted to deliver on any future promises of enforcement."

and the Democrats in the Sen- and have been advocating for ate could have supported our an approach that would both Continued from A1 efforts in the House to offset cut spending and raise taxes It receives about $560,000 the sequester with common on the wealthiest Americans. "We cannot simply cut our in federal funds to run these sense spending reductions.... programs each year, accord- But they sat on their hands." way to prosperity," reads the ing to the Oregon Department Walden said he and other White H o u se's s t atement, of Human Services' State Unit House Republicans approved which calls for $580 billion in on Aging. two pieces of legislation — one tax increases and $930 billion But Norr said this money in May and one inDecember in spending cuts over the next — which comes from the Older — that would have softened the 10 years. "And if Republicans Americans Act's congregate sequester's impact by cutting continue to insist on an unreadining services program, home spending toother federal pro- sonable cuts-only approach delivered nutrition s ervices grams. But Democrats claim Oregon risks paying the price." program and its nutrition ser- the cuts do not reach the se— Reporter: 541-617-7816, vices program — is not nearly quester's deficit reduction goal mmcfean@bendbulletin.com enough to cover her nutrition program's total cost. Her agency relies on generous donors, fundraising campaigns, private sponsorships and a small donation each senior pays to coverthe restofthe expenses. With these funding sources alreadytapped, Norr is worried what impact any loss in federal funds would have on COCOA's senior nutrition program and what cuts she may have to make to it as a result. She's also worried about how these cuts would ripple throughout the community. A A • That's because Meals on Wheels drivers, who delivered meals to 85 seniors in Bend on Tuesday alone, are often • • o • the only people who see their homebound clients on a given • o • day. These visits give them a chance to chat with their client • A and, more importantly, make sure that he or she is doing well. "Without that daily checkup," Norr said, "many of these seniors would end up in a state• A run facility, and that would just cost us more money." According to the National Association of Area Agencies • o on Aging, senior nutrition programs across the country could be forced to cut the equivalent of 18.6 million congregate and A • • o • home-delivered meals if the sequester's proposed budget cuts • • • • • • 0 • went through. The cuts would also have other effects: 4 A A A A A • F ederally f u n d ed s e n A • • • • • • ior transportation providers would be forced to offer 2.1 million fewer rides taking seniors to the doctor's office or the grocery store. EXTRA SAVINGS ON ALL SALE 5 • 1.6 million fewer people CLEARANCE APPAREL! 44$ would r eceive h o me-based (EXCEPT SPECIALS & SUPER BUYS) healthcare services across the N n country. 0 I Cl • More than 62,000 family SELECT SALE 84 CLEARANCE APPAREL FOR HIM, HER 8( KIDS C) Ol caregivers would miss out on PLUS, FINE & FASHION JEWELRY C3$ Cl EXTRA 10% OFF ALL SALE & CLEARANCE SHOES, COATS, Z the valuable support services 6 SUITS, DRESSES, INTIMATES; MEN'S SUIT SEPARATES 8< that allow them to perform 0 Q SPORTCOATS & SELECT HOME ITEMS O their duties. • • • • 0 Excludes:EverydayValues(Lev), specials,superbuys,watches, furniture, mattresses,floor ) Members of Congress apcoverings,rugs,electrics/electronics, cosmetics/fragrances,gift cards,jewelry trunkshows,previous purchases,special orders, selectedlicenseddepts., specialpurchases,services,macys.com.Cannot proved the sequester, which becombinedwithanysavingspass/coupon,extradiscountorcreditoff erexceptopeninganew threatens to cut federal spendMacy's account.EXTRA SAVINGS% APPLIED TO REDUCEDPRICES. ing by $85 billion over the next seven months, when they • 0 raised the debt ceiling in 2011 • 8 as an incentive to come up with - • • • ooe • - • • • • a long-term plan that would reduce the federal deficit by $1.5 trillion over the next decade. But after delaying the sequester cuts this winter, the Associated Press reports that it's unlikely Republicans and Democrats will be able to reach a compromise b y F r i day's 8L08 deadline to keep the massive across-the-board budget cuts EXTRA SAVINGS IN EFFECT 2/27-3/3/1 3. called for by the sequester from *Intermediate price reductions may have been taken. Clearance items are available while supplies last. Prices & merchandise may differ on macys.com. N3010155. going into effect. "It didn't have to be this way," OPEN A MACY'5 ACCOUNT FOR EXTRA 15% SAVINGS THE FIRST 2 DAYS, UP TO $100, WITH MORE REWARDS TO COME. Macy's credit card is available subject to credit approval; new account savings valid the day your account is opened and the next day; excludes services, selected licensed departments, gift cards, restaurants, gourmetfood & wine. The new account said U.S. Rep. Greg Walden, savings are limited to a total of $100; application must qualify for immediate approval to receive extra savings; employees not eligible. R-Hood River. "The president































' oo ess' un trans antso er intatsur e 's uture Hospitals are working to further innovate such operations, both to treat those who shun transfusions for religious reasons and, more broadly, to limit surgical transfusions for all patients, citing related adverse effects and what they say is unnecessary waste. By Kevin Sack New York Times News Service

HOUSTON — In April, after being told that only a transplant could save her from a fatal lung condition, Rebecca Tomczak began calling some of the topranked hospitals in the country. She started with Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, just hours from her home near Augusta, Ga. Then she tried Duke and the University of Arkansas and Johns Hopkins. Each advised Tomczak, then 69, to look somewhere else. The reason: Tomczak, who was baptized at age 12 as a Jehovah's Witness, insisted for religious reasons that her transplant be performed without a blood transfusion. The Witnesses believe that Scripture prohibits the transfusion of blood, even one's own, at the risk of forfeiting eternal life. Given the complexities of lung transplantation, in which transfusions are routine, some doctors felt the procedure posed unacceptabledangers. Others could not get past the ethics of it aII. With more than 1,600 desperately ill people waiting for a donated lung, was it appropriate to give one to a woman who might needlessly sacrifice her life and the organ along with it? By the time Tomczak found Dr. Scott Scheinin at The Methodist Hospital in Houston last spring, he had long since made peace with such quandaries. Like a number of physicians, he had become persuaded by a growing body of research that transfusions often pose unnecessary risks and should be avoided when possible, even in complicated cases. By cherry-picking patients with low odds of complications, Scheinin felt he could operate almost as safely without blood as with it. The way he saw it, pa-


Photos by Eric Kayne/ New York Times News Service

Rebecca Tomczak,a Jehovah's Witness who received a lung transplant without blood transfusions in January, holds medical directives at Methodist Hospital in Houston.

Dr. Scott Scheinin talks with Rebecca Tomczak before she undergoes a lung transplant without blood transfusions. Scheinin became convinced in 2009 that if he selected patients carefully, he could perform such transplants.

tients declined lifesaving therapies all the time, for all manner of reasons, and it was not his placeto deny care justbecause thosereasons were sometimes religious or unconventional. "At the end of the day," he had resolved, "if you agree to take care of these patients, you agree to do it on their terms." Tomczak's case — the 11th bloodless lung transplant attempted at Methodist over three years — wouldbecomethelatest test of an innovative approach that was developed to accommodate the unique beliefs of the world's 8 million Jehovah's Witnesses but may soon become standard practice for all surgical patients.

hundreds of Witnesses starting in the late 1950s. The first bloodless lung transplant, at Johns Hopkins, was in 1996. But nearly 17 years later, the degree of diNculty for such procedures remains so high that Scheinin and his team are among the very few willing to attempt them. In 2009, after a n alyzing Methodist's own data, Scheinin became convinced that if he selected patients carefully, he could perform lung transplants without transfusions. Hospital administrators resisted at first, knowing that even small numbers ofdeaths could bring scrutiny from federal regulators. "My job is to push risk away," said Dr. A. Osama Gaber, the hospital's director of transplantation, "so I wasn't really excited about it. But the numbers were very convincing." None of the 10 patients who preceded Tomczak, including two who had double-lung transplants, had problems related to surgical blood loss or postoperative anemia, Scheinin said. The first, a North Carolina man who received a lung in 2009, died in November after developing internal bleeding and an infection. Several others had various post-

known cause that leads to scarring in the lungs. The illness forced her to quit a part-time job with Nielsen, the market research firm. Then in April, on a trip to the South Carolina coast, she found she was too breathless to join her frolicking grandchildren on the beach. Tethered to an oxygen tank, she watched from the boardwalk, growing sad and angry and then determined to reclaim her health. "I wanted to be around and be a part of their lives," Tomczak recalled, dabbing at tears. She knew there was danger in refusingtotake blood. But she thought the greater peril would come from offending God. "I know," she said, "that if I did No safety net anything that violates Jehovah's Unlike other patients, Tom- law, I would not make it into the czak would have no backstop. new system, where he's going Explicit in her understanding to make Earth into a paradise. I with Scheinin was that if some- knowthere are risks. But lthink thing went terribly wrong, he I am covered." would allow her to bleed to The a p proach S c heinin death. He had watched Witness would use — originally called patients die before, with a life- "bloodless medicine" but later saving elixir at hand. re-branded as "patient blood Tomczak had dismissed the management" — has b een prospect of a transplant for around for decades. His mentor most of the two years she had at Methodist, Dr. Denton Cooley, struggled with sarcoidosis, a the renowned cardiac pioneer, p rogressive condition of u n performed heart surgery on

operative complications, but all were doing fine, Scheinin said. Scheinin, 52, a native New Yorker, said he liked the tightrope walker's rush of operating without a net. He said his focus was intensified by the knowledge that if a patient died for lack ofblood, a second life might hang in the balance — the waitlisted patient who would otherwise have received the organ. "If I agree to do an aortic bypass on a patient who refuses blood, and it's a risk we're both willing to take, that's between me and him," Scheinin said. "With a transplant, if the patient

years, to one in 10. Yet at dozens ofhospitals with programsthatcaterto Jehovah's Witnesses, a m i l l ion-patient market in the United States, researchershave found that surgical patients typically do just fine without transfusions. "They are surviving things that onpaper were not expected to go well at all," said Sherri Ozawa, a nurse who directs the long-established bloodless medicine program at Englewood Hospital in New Jersey. The economy is also helping the blood management movement. Processingand transfusdies, you risk having people say ing a single unit ofblood can cost you wasted a precious organ." as much as $1,200, and many hospitals are tryingto cut back. Other benefits Experts say they are beginBut Scheinin and his team are ning to see a measurable imalso motivated by the broader pact on blood usage, although agenda — of limiting transfu- the data to support it are not yet sions for all surgical patients, available. Dr. Richard Benjamin, not just those with religious the chief medical officer of the objections. A merican RedCross,predicted The latest government data that the numbers would show show that one of every 400 units the first decline in use since the transfused is associated with an AIDS scare began in the 1980s, adverse event like an allergic perhaps by 1million units. "We're changing this culture, reaction, circulatory overload or sepsis. Even so, the share of this knee-jerk transfusion rehospital procedures that include action," Scheinin said. "And I a transfusion, usually of two or think that's been a good thing three units, has doubled in 12 for all our patients."


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Calendar, B3 Obituaries, B5

Weather, B6




4 forumsslated on DryCanyon The city of Redmond will be holding four public forums to gather

community input for an updated master plan for

the city's Dry Canyon. The first meeting will be from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Thursday in Conference Room A at City Hall, 716 S.W. Evergreen Ave. With nearly 300

acres and fourlinear

Judge says


ea en a By Lauren Dake The Bulletin

SALEM — Opponents of the Oregon death penalty urged lawmakers Tuesday to let voters decide whether to outlaw future executions. "A life sentence for a life taken, I think that is an appropriate punishment," said Sen. Chip Shields, D-Portland, in favor of House Joint Resolution 1. The resolution would ask voters in 2014

o e ssee vo aecadeITly

to amend the Oregon Constitution to end capital punishment. If approved, the 37 people currently on death row would not be executed. Gov. John Kitzhaber has been vocal in his support for letting the public vote on whether to abolish the death penalty. The House Judiciary Committee heard testimony Tuesday for about 45 minutes but took no action. Only one witness, Ter-

suit can

ri Hakim, whose husband, a police officer, was killed in 2008 in Woodburn, testified against the resolution. Randy Guzek, t h e l o n gest-serving death row inmate, has been there more than two decades. In 1987, Guzek at age 18 killed Lois and Rod Houser, of Terrebonne. He has been sentenced to death four times by four different juries, but his case remains on appeal. SeeResolution/B2

proceed By Sheila G. Miller The Bulletin

A Crook County Circuit Court judge has ruled that a large-scale lawsuit against Mount Bachelor Academy can move forward. The school for troubled teens, located 26 miles east of Prineville, closed in 2009 after a state investigation found students were subjectedto emotional abuse and sexual harassment. Since then, three lawsuits have been filed against the school and its various controlling companies and former owners, involving a total of 51 former students. The lawsuits allege the students faced systematic physical and psychological abuse while in the school's care. The suits together seek more than $48 million in

miles of land, the Dry

Canyon is Redmond's largest park, containing a variety of amenities

such as playgrounds, athletic courts, a dog park and trails.

A new master plan will help city staff set strategies for future


development, property acquisition and management. No dates have

been announcedfor the other three forums. To learn more, call Perry Brooks, park planner, at 541-923-7757.

Women's event slated for Bend

Educational news and activities, and local kids

and their achievements.

• Bend High'sMockTrial Clublets students showtheir courtroomchops


MUSE, athree-day conference inspired by International Women's Day andWomen'sHis-

damages. On Friday, Judge Daniel Ahern ruled the first lawsuit filed can move forward, denying a defense claim that the students had missed the time frame allotted to sue for abuse, and that the case should be dismissed because the statute of limitations had expired on the allegations. The Oregon Legislature in 2009 changed the law about filing actions based on child abuse, amending it to allow lawsuits to be brought before the plaintiff turns 40. Before, the law required plaintiffs to bring lawsuits only until they turned 24. The defense argued the lawsuit against Mount Bachelor Academy should be subject to the previous version of the statute, according to Ahern's opinion letter written Friday. Ahern noted the Legislature's changes to the law had consistently been "to expand child abuse victims' right to bring a cause of action and not to constrict it." Ahern ruled that becausethe former students are all under 40 and none has previously sued, they can continue to bring the lawsuit. But Ahern did rule that the former students could not seek damages for the money their parents spent on tuition and other costs, noting the former students could refile those claims if they could "present aclearer theory for recovery." See Suit/B5

tory Month, is scheduled for Friday through Sun-

dayin Bend. Events include attendance at First Friday Art

Walk in downtown, panel discussions, workshops, live performances, presentations from local and globally recognized speakers atTheTower Theatre, a private reception and dinner.

The conferenceaims to supportandinspire women who want to create change in their lives,

in their local community and in the world.

The price for passes ranges from $300for a VIP pass to$75for either a scholarship pass or a youth passfor those ages18 andyounger. To apply for ascholarship, send abrief email to info@museconference .org explaining whyyou are inspired toattend MUSE. RSVP required.

For more information or to register: www.muse conference.org.

Prlnevllle police look Into thefts The Prineville Police

Department is encouraging owners of recreational vehicles to make sure the vehicles' battery

compartments are secure following a string of thefts in residential

neighborhoods. Police have taken three reports of RV batterythefts in the past two days. The department has not identified


Photos by Rob Kerr /The Bulletin

Lawyer Brendon Alexander, right, talks procedure with participants of the Bend High Mock Trial Club during a practice session. By MeganKehoe » The Bulletin group of Bend High School Mock Trial Club students learned recently that sometimes it's OK to jab your fellow classmates. In fact, students were encouraged to attack quickly and viciously. "Make your point and get out of there," local attorney Brendon Alexander said, addressing a group of 10 students. "Don't give the witness a chance to explain. Just jab until it bleeds, then let the prosecution clean up the blood." Mock Trial Club practice sessions are rarely boring. While the club has been established for many years at other Central Oregon high schools, a local attorney made it her mission to start the club in 2010 for Bend High students interested in law. Family law attorney Lillian Quinn became interested in setting up a club once her daughter started at Bend High and found out the school didn't have a club. "It's a place where students can fit in," Quinn said. "It's something for students who might not be jocks but might have other talents. They can come in here and be part of a

group." SeeTrial/B2

Bend High student Nica Belenciuc, right, listens to testimony from witness Chet Holland during a Mock Trial Club practice at the school. Belenciuc sports the Mock Trial program insignia on her T-shirt.

any suspects so far. Police recommend that if the RV is parked for

a long period of time, owners removethe battery and store it in a

secure location. Anyone with information about the thefts is

asked to call Prineville police at 541-447-4168. — Bulletin staff repon's More briefing, B2



Neigbborbood poll sbows support for removing dam By Scott Hammers The Bulletin


Silverton Albany

• Silverton:Update on Monday's shooting at an RV park. • Albany:A teenager is

sentenced to10 years in prison for shooting his uncle. Stories on B3

Those living closest to Mirror Pond overwhelmingly support removing the Newport Avenue Dam and allowing the Deschutes River to return to its natural state, according to an online survey by the Old Bend Neighborhood Association. Residents of Old Bend — the area South of Franklin Avenue, south and east of the Deschutes River, north of Arizona Avenue and west of theBend Parkway — preferred dam removal over maintaining the pond by a margin of 2 to 1, according to neighborhood association board member Spencer Dahl. Those living in the River West neighborhood west ofMirror Pond were nearly as supportive of dam removal, Dahl said, while survey respondents from other Bend neighborhoods or outside of Bend were split roughly 50-50. Dahl said although the survey of 300 self-

selecting respondents is not scientific, he suspects it's largely reflective of sentiment in his neighborhood. "Our neighborhood has a lot of old hippies and river rats and stuff, so it's not your typical Bend, but it is the neighborhood that's going to be most affected by it," he said. The dam just north of Newport Avenue, more than 100 yearsold,provides power for fewer than 500 homes. Pacific Power, the utility that operates the dam, has indicated it may be unwilling to continue operating the dam should increasing maintenance costs render it f inancially infeasible. Those who responded to the neighborhood association survey described themselves as frequent visitors to Mirror Pond and the adjacent parks, with 7 percent claiming to visit daily and 35 percentatleastonce a week. See Poll/B5


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Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communitylife@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at wtvw.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.


required; 7-8:30 p.m.; Century Center, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-330-0017 or www. THE HISTORY OFMOLE: IT'S deschuteslandtrust.org. NOT CHOCOLATE ONCHICKEN!: THE PRESERVATION:The TexasSpanish professor Robin Martinez based rock act performs; $5; 8 discusses the fam ousand p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. complicated Mexican dish of mole and its history; free; 5:30-6:30 p.m.; Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728Central Oregon Community College, 0879 or www.facebook.com/ Boyle Education Center, 2600 N.W. thehornedhand. J-RAS:The California-based hipCollege Way, Bend; 541-383-7786 hop artist performs, with Marko or http://www.cocc.edu/. and MC Mystic; free; 9 p.m.; Astro "VOLVER":A screening of the 2006 R-rated film starring Penelope Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116. Cruz; free; 6 p.m.; Central Oregon METHOD MAN: Thehip-hop artist Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, performs, with Serge Severe, Doc & Wyatt and Mike Fish; $27 plus Bend; 541-318-3726. fees in advance, $30 at the door; 9 DEBATINGFAIRLY: CIVILITY, p.m., doors open at 8 p.m.; Domino DISAGREEMENTAND Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., DEMOCRACY:Southern Oregon University professors Daniel Morris Bend; 541-788-2989 or www. randompresents.com. and Prakesh Chenjeri discuss what it means to be civil; free; 6:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, THURSDAY Wille Hall, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7412. FASHIONSHOW FUNDRAISER: THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read The Back Porch & Company hosts and discuss "The Swerve" by a Magnolia Pearl fashion show to Stephen Greenblatt; free; 6:30 raise money for Avrey Walker, a p.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. young girl battling cancer; with Cedar St.; 541-312-1074 or www. appetizers and dessert; $20; 5:30 deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. a.m.-8:30 p.m.; 418 S.W. Sixth St., "LEGALLYBLONDE:THE Redmond; 541-526-1161. MUSICAL":The Redmond High CONVERSATIONS ONBOOKS School drama department presents AND CULTURE:Readand discuss the musical about sorority girl Elle "What's Going On?" by Nathan Woods, who enrolls at Harvard Law McCall; free; noon-1 p.m.; Central School to win back her ex-boyfriend; Oregon Community College, $10-$15; 7 p.m.; Redmond High CampusCenter,2600 N.W. College School, 675 S.W. Rimrock Way; Way, Bend; 541-383-7412. 541-923-4800 or www.redmond. "LEGALLYBLONDE:THE k12.or.us/rhs/site/default.asp. MUSICAL":The Redmond High STORIESFROM THE FIELD: School drama department presents OREGONFIELDGUIDE: Former the musical about sorority girl Elle producer Jeff Douglas shares Woods, who enrolls at Harvard Law experiences and stories about School to win back her ex-boyfriend; Oregon Field Guide, presented $10-$15; 7 p.m.; Redmond High by the Deschutes Land Trust; School, 675 S.W. Rimrock Way; registration requested; free, ticket 541-923-4800 or www.redmond.

Summit High School drama department presents two back-toback plays that put a modern spin on classic fairy tales $5 7 p.m.. Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-3223300. "LEON THEPROFESSIONAL":A screening of the R-rated1994 film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. E St., Madras; 541-475-3351 or www. jcld.org. "SWANLAKE":The Eugene Ballet Company presents Tchaikovsky's classic work; $12-$42; 7:30 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; www. The Preservation, a Texas-based rock act performs tonight at The bendticket.com. Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave.,Bend. Showtime is8 p.m. ; "WORKING":Thoroughly Modern tickets are $5. For more information, call 541-728-0879 or go to Productions and Stage Right www.facebook.com/thehornedhand. Productions present the musical depicting the working lives of everyday people; $21, $18students k12.or.us/rhs/site/default.asp. TASTE OFTHETOWN: Featuring and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd live music and food from Bend "WORKING":Thoroughly Modern Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette restaurants; proceeds benefit Productions and Stage Right Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or Central Oregon Community College www.2ndstreettheater.com. Productions present the musical scholarships; $25 in advance, $30 at THE HORDE depicting the working lives of ANDTHE HAREM: everyday people; $21, $18 students the door; 6-10 p.m.; Central Oregon The indie-rock band performs, Community College, Mazama and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd with The Beautiful Train Wrecks; Gymnasium, 2600 N.W. College Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 Way, Bend; 541-383-7761. Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541www.2ndstreettheater.com. COMEDYWITH MIKEWALLY 728-0879 or www.facebook.com/ WALTER:The comedian performs; thehornedhand. ORGONE: The California-based $10 includes a drink; 6:30 p.m.; The NAIVE MELODIES: Afro-beat band performs; $12 plus A TALKING Original Kayo's Dinner House and fees in advance, $15 at the door; HEADS TRIBUTE:TheCaliforniaLounge,415 N.E. Third St., Bend; 9 p.m., doors open at 8 p.m.; The based space-punk act performs; 541-323-2520. Annex, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., $7 plus fees in advance, $10 at the "SIMON WIESENTHAL: Bend; 541-788-2989 or www. door; 8:30 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 randompresents.com. THE CONSCIENCEOFTHE N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389HOLOCAUST":A one-man show 6999 or www.bendticket.com. chronicling Simon Wiesenthal's "LEGALLYBLONDE:THE lifelong fight against Holocaust FRIDAY MUSICAL":The Redmond High amnesia; $15-$25 plus fees; 7 School drama department presents FIRSTFRIDAY GALLERY WALK: p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall the musical about sorority girl Elle Event includes art exhibit openings, St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. Woods, who enrolls at Harvard Law artist talks, live music, wine and towertheatre.org. School to win back her ex-boyfriend; food in downtown Bend and the "THE BROTHERSGRIMM $10-$15; 9 p.m.; Redmond High Old Mill District; free; 5-9 p.m.; SPECTACULATHON"AND School, 675 S.W. Rimrock Way; throughout Bend. "GOLDILOCKSONTRIAL": The 541-923-4800 or www.redmond.




SCHOOL NOTES a bachelor's degree from Montana State University in Bozeman, Mont. Hayley Palmer,of Sisters, was named to the fall 2012 dean's list at Pacific University. The following local students were named to the fall 2012 president's list at Gonzaga University in Spokane, Wash.: Maxwell Baer, Taylor Brown, Adam Gallion, Conor Hegewald, Erlka Kelley, Alivia Norwood, Kirsten Svendsen, Catherine Theobald,all of Bend; Clare

REUNIONS USS Iwo Jima (LPH2/LHD7) shipmates; for all related ship's company and embarked Navyand Marine Corps personnel; Oct. 2-6, Crowne Plaza Hotel, San Diego; for information or to register, contact Robert McAnally, 757-723-0317 or yujack@megalink.net.

COLLEGE NOTES Allison Phillips,of Bend, received

Greaney,of Sisters; and Rachel Simmons,of Madras.

MILITARY NOTES Air ForceAirmanFirst ClassAnnaka Hamiltongraduated from basic military training at Lackland Air Force Base inSanAntonio. Hamilton is a 2007 graduate of Willamina High School and the daughter of Frank Hamilton, of Grants Pass, and Kristin Goodman, of Prineville.

How to submit

Story ideas

Teen feats:Kids recognizedrecently for academic achievements orfor participation in clubs,choirs or volunteer groups. (Pleasesubmit a photo.)

School drlefs:Items and announcements of general interest.

Phone: 541-383-0358

Email: news©bendbulletin.com

Email: youth©bendbulletin.com Mail:P.O. Box 6020,Bend,OR 97708

Other schoolnotes:College announcements, military graduations or training completions, reunion announcements.

Phone: 541-633-2161 Student profiles:Know of a kid with a

compelling story? Phone: 541-383-0354

Email: mkehoe©bendbulletin.com

Phone: 541-383-0358

Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.com

off this conversation when he granted a reprieve for Gary Continued from B1 Haugen and then issued a To some, Guzek's appeals moratorium on the death penand longevity on death row alty while he was in office, add up to taxpayer money that wrote a letter of support for could be better spent. Shields the measure. argued money spent on these He s ai d he ' s un a l t e rinmates could be used to in- ably opposed to t he d eath vestigate other crimes. penalty, but t h a t t h e s y s But Deschutes County Dis- tem is also "expensive and trict Attorney Patrick Flaherty unworkable." said in a separate interview In the 29 years since the that he believes some cases state reinstated the death penwarrant the death penalty and alty, he wrote, it has only been Guzek's is one. carried out on p e ople who "Four separate Deschutes waived their rights to an apCounty juries, so48 D eschutes peal. He called Oregon's death County citizens he ard t h e row "an extremely expensive evidence and un a n imously life prison term." determined it was appropriate Crook County District Atto sentence him to death," Fla- torney Daina Vitolins said it's herty said. a rarely used but necessary Those in favor of en ding tool. "It's rarely imposed," she capital punishment argued it brought no solace to families said. "I've tried murder cases and I've never asked for the and put the state at risk for killing innocent people. They death penalty. And I've been also argued it did nothing to a prosecutor since cars were deter crime. invented." The governor, who kicked Vitolins said she doesn't be-


SATURDAY BACHELORBUTTE DOGDERBY: Atrophy race for sled dogs and skijoring, with up to 30 dog teams; free for spectators; 8:30 a.m.; Wanoga Sno-park, Century Drive, Bend; www.psdsa.org. VFW BREAKFAST: A com munity breakfast; $8.50; 8:30-10:30 a.m.; VFW Hall, 1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: PARSIFAL":Starring Katarina Dalayman, JonasKaufmann and Peter Mattei in a presentation of Wagner's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-3826347. SPRING BOOK SALE:The Friends of the Bend Public Libraries hosts a sale featuring books, CDs, audio books and more; free admission; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Deschutes Library Administration Building, 507 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-617-7047. KNOW SHAKESPEARE:WHO WERE SHAKESPEARE'SWOMEN?: Portland State University professor Amy Greenstadt explores Shakespeare' sm ostmemorable women and how they challenged gender stereotypes of Elizabethan England; free; 3 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-312-1032 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. COMEDYWITH MIKEWALLY WALTER:The comedian performs; $10 includes a drink; 6:30 p.m.; The Original Kayo's Dinner House and Lounge, 415 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-323-2520.

lieve there is any public will to abolish the punishment. Rep. Jason Conger, R-Bend, said this is not the legislative session where the death penalty should be tackled. "Whether you support or oppose the death penalty, we have far more urgent challenges facing our state that need immediate attention," Conger said in a statement. "Although I have never felt entirely c o m f ortable w i t h the death penalty, I realize there are go od ar g uments for and against it. That's a discussion for a nother day — right now we need to focus on schools, public safety, PERS reform and affordable health care, not a social issue that only a few Oregonians are driving." — Reporter, 541-554-1162 Idake@bendbufletin.com



Continued frompage B1

Continued from B1 Prior to becoming a law-

Third-grader winsKids' mini PPPlogocontest

yer,Quinn taught high school

A Seven Peaks School third-

English. Despite changing careers, she says she's always loved teaching. That passion inspired her to volunteer this year to teach Bend High's first Mock Trial law class in the fall. Bend High now has 30 students in the club who will compete at the district competition Saturday at the Deschutes County courthouse. The Bend High teams were busy Feb. 20 preparing for the trial, using a hypothetical case the students have been studying since November. The case,which isthe same for all mock trial students in the district, centers on a college student charged wi th second-degree manslaughter and hazing after a student in her honors society dies

— Bulletin staff reports

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grader haswonthe 2013 U.S. Bank Kids' Mini Pole Pedal Paddle logo

contest. Jorun Downing's entry beat out 39 others to win a Round Table


pizza partyfor her class, agift from Saxon's FineJewelers, shoes from Teva and a free team entry to the Kids' Mini PPP.

Bend-La Pineboardvotes to put measure onballot Bend-La Pine Schools will be

asking voters to approve a$96 million bond measure this spring to finance new facilities.

I (,

On Tuesday, theschool district's board of directors voted

unanimously to place themeasure on the May ballot. With existing bonds due to be retired in the

accidentally during a pledge event. As students from the Gold Team practiced playing the parts of witnesses and lawyersforthe prosecution and defense, Alexander a c ted as judge and mentor, offering students insight from his yearsinthe courtroom. "Don't repeat what the witness says," Alexander offered to a student who was crossexamining a wi tness. "And keep the questions short. Juries hate long questions." "It's gr eat be cause he's teaching us proper court decorum," said Bailey Arritola, 16, a student playing a defense attorney on the Gold Team. "It's

Elevation Capital Strategies

Bend andvarious renovations and improvements at older schools.

Rob Kerr/The Bulletin

Lawyer Liliian Quinn was instrumental in starting the Bend Mock Trial Club. Quinn, a former teacher, volunteered to teach the first Bend High law class in the fall.

coming years, the newbond, if approved, would keepproperty tax rates for district residents at their

current level of $1.60 per $1,000 in assessed value. The bondwould be used to build

very helpful to know what to expect." Bailey joined Mock Trial Club because she says she wants to one day become an FBI agent. She says that the club has helped her understand how the court system works, and given her a good starting point for her future in law enforcement. "It's definitely a collaborative effort," Megan Quinn, Lillian Q u i n n's d a ughter, said. "It's helped me better

approach working with people and team work." Megan is captain of Bend High's mock trial program, and says that with her mom advising the club, Mock Trial has almost become an obsession for her family. "It's pretty much mock trial all the time at our house," Megan said. "When my mom asks me to do dishes, I throw in an objection." — Reporter: 541-383-0354, mkehoe@bendbulletin.com

anew elementaryschoolanda new middle school, and to complete138 maintenance projects at existing district schools.

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Bill would Salesforce.eomannounees tell drivers expansion of Hillsboro hub

to keep

The Associated Press H ILLSBORO — A Ca l i fornia business software company has announced an expansion in t h e P o r tland suburb Hillsboro, the second high-tech operation in recent days granted new subsidies

of the state average. The i ncentives approved in 2011 are loans that can be forgiven if a company hits its benchmarks. Advocates say the state will more than recoup its costs through increased income tax collections. pegged to wage and hiring Salesforce said last year it benchmarks. would expand in Oregon and State development officials has begun hiring. A vice presisaid they expect a third such dent, Monika Fahlbusch, said announcement soon, The Or- it would eventually employ egonian reported. hundreds in Oregon. On Monday, the San FranLast week the state gave cisco businesssoftware com- a similar subsidy to Oracle p any S a lesforce.com s a i d Corp., which pledged to retain it would put an operational 300 Oregon jobs and bring 130 hub in Hillsboro. It will gain others to the state. $1.45 million from the state if Business Oregonhas offered it employs at least 205 people $1.4 million from the program and pays them an average of to another,unnamed compa$67,000 a year — 150 percent ny to add another 200 Oregon

to right By Lauren Gambino The Associated Press

SALEM — Frustrated by slow drivers who don't stay to the right, a state lawmaker has proposed a bill that would make it illegal to drive in the left lane of interstate highways unless passing another vehicle. "If you're not passing, stay out of the left lane," said Sen. Ginny Burdick (D-Portland), the measure's sponsor. "It's really not that hard." Burdick, who commutes to the Capitol daily, testified in support of the bill Monday beforethe Senate Business and Transportation Committee. She said t he measure would i m prove traffic flow by clearing the left lane for drivers to safely overtake vehicles that are on the right. The law would not apply when traffic is heavily congested. Under the bill, drivers could face penalties of up to $1,000. But Burdick says

jobs, said Tim McCabe, director of the state economic devel-

opment agency. "I think t hey're going to move pretty quickly," he said, " within the n ext 3 0 t o 6 0

days." Salesforce makes "customer relationship management" software to help businesses manage communication with clients and prospective clients. The company said Monday it plans this summer to move into one of two buildings put up during the dot.com bubble by design software company Synopsys. T h e fiv e -story building has never been used. "The facility is going to allow us to do some really cool things with the building itself," she said.

AROUND THE STATE SChOOI leader quitS OVer 'Sin' —The superintendent of a Christian school system in southern Oregonhasresigned over an undisclosed "persistent sin." The Mail Tribune reported that a letter to parents from the board of Cascade Christian Schools in Medford says nothing illegal occurred, and no children were involved. The

letter says that RayJohnson told the board that he hasstruggled for years with a sin that violates biblical principles and an agreement

signed by school employees. TheRev. GregSpires of First Baptist Church, which is affiliated with the schools, said hecould not comment, because it was apersonnel issue.

Boy, 17, sentenced for killing uncle —A17-year-old Linn County boy has been sentenced to10 years in prison for killing his uncle, described by relatives as verbally abusive and harsh. The Alba-

ny Democrat-Herald reported that17-year-old Johnathan Bakercame to live with his uncle, Gary Baker, southeast of Albany in 2006 after his father died and his mother was no longer able to care for him.

Prosecutor GeorgeEdersaid the youth was under "great emotional distress." The uncle disappeared last summer. His bodywasfound in a ravine in a barbecue cover that was stapled shut. He had been shot

in the back of the head.Theyouth pleaded no contest in January to manslaughter.

Pedestrian killed dy car —Policesayamanwhowasstruck and killed Monday night on a Salem road was wearing dark clothing and lying on the pavement. KOIN reported the man in his 40s was hit

by a van about 7 p.m. on adark stretch of road anddied at the scene. The driver remained at the scene and cooperated with investigators

who said sheapparently was not speeding or intoxicated. NO ChargeS in 'diaper' CaSe —Morrow County District Attorney Justin Nelson says he will not charge a Boardman kindergarten

teacher accused of forcing students to wear diapers as punishment.

GunmanatRV parkhad been evicted

Nelson said police interviews with14 students failed to provide enough evidence to back up the claims of three students who said

the teacher put diapers on students for "acting like a baby." TheEast Oregonian reportsed the kindergartners gave conflicting statements

The Associated Press SILVERTON — A gunman who wounded one person at an Oregon recreational vehicle park before he was fatally shot by law enforcement officers was evicted from the park last week after making threats. The owners of the Silver Spur RV Park, in Silverton, identified the gunman Tuesday as Jim Hickey. Co-owner Terry Glenn said the elderly man had been delusional in recentmonths and was evicted last week after management

the proposal's primary purpose is to educate drivers, not penalize them. A handful of other states h ave k e e p-right l aw s on their b o oks, i n cluding W a shington, w h i ch B urdick pointed to a s a model.

learned he had a concealed weapon permit and threatened to kill people. The delusions included his belief that a con-

calls that described a m an w alking t h rough th e p a r k with two handguns and a rifle, randomly shooting at people spiracy group was trying to and RVs. Deputies spotted the pump gas into his trailer and man perched behind a picnic other people were trying to table, said Don Thomson, the hurt him. sheriff' s office spokesman. Glenn said p ark o w ners The gunman opened fire at twice asked Marion County deputies and one deputy reSheriff's Office to e v aluate turned fire, he said. Two state H ickey and t ake hi s g u n s policetroopers were fired on away. The sheriff's office has by the gunman and both reyet to say if it took any steps. turned fire, Thomson said. Deputies responded Mon- He did not know how many day afternoon to emergency rounds hit the gunman.

and some said nostudents ever wore diapers. Superintendent Dirk Dirksen said Monday theschool district will conduct its own investigation with an outside investigator. That will determine whether the teacher at Sam Boardman Elementary School will face discipline.

2 stadded in dackpack dispute —Police saytwo menwere stabbed outside a north Portland store during a confrontation over

a backpack. Theyareexpected to survive. Neither was immediately identified. The police said one of the victims emerged from the Dollar Tree store in the Lloyd District and saw a woman nearby with his

backpack. Heconfronted her, and a man with her stabbed him. Police say a fourth person usedpepperspray on theattacker, and was also stabbed. Police arrested a25-year-old woman and a32-year-old man. Their nameswerewithheld until they could be booked. EX-finanCe OffiCer On trial —The former finance officer of a Linn County town hasgone ontrial over accusations she burned down its City Hall to cover up evidence of theft. Prosecutors allege that an audit was impending, and Joy Marie Cronin, then the finance

officer of Mill City, used gasoline to start the fire in September 2010.

NEws OF REcoRD 34, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 8:20 p.m. Feb. The Bulletin will update items 22, in the area of Northwest in the Police Log when such Mount Washington Drive and a request is received. Any Northwest Regency Street.. new information, such as the Burglary — A burglary was dismissal of charges or acquittal, reported and an arrest made at must be verifiable. For more 3:57a.m. Feb.23,in the 300 block information, call 541-383-0358. of Northeast Greenwood Avenue. Theft — A theft was reported BEND POLICE and an arrest made at12:21 DEPARTMENT p.m. Feb. 23, in the 20100 block of Pinebrook Boulevard. Theft — A theft was reported Theft — A theft was reported at and an arrest made at10:47 3:23 p.m. Feb. 23, in the 20100 p.m. Feb.17, in thearea of block of Pinebrook Boulevard. Northwest Bond Street and Northwest Oregon Avenue. Theft — A theft was reported and an arrest made at10:13 Burglary— A burglary was p.m. Feb. 13, in the 61400 block reported and an arrest made at of South U.S. Highway 97. 1:33 a.m. Feb. 22, in the 61400 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Theft — A theft was reported and an arrest made at12:05 Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at p.m. Feb. 8, in the 20200 1:25 p.m. Feb. 22, in the 700 block block of Reed Lane. of Northwest Columbia Street. Theft — A theft was reported and an arrest made at 2:09 Theft — A theft was reported a.m. Feb. 23, in the 1700 block and an arrest made at10:45 of Northeast Wichita Way. a.m. Feb. 15, in the 63400 block of U.S. Highway 97. Theft — A theft was reported and an arrest made at 8:12 DUII —Daryl Andrea Harrer,


a.m. Feb. 23, in the 21300 block of Starling Drive. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made at11:58 a.m. Feb. 24, in the 61100 block of Brosterhous Road. Burglary — A burglary was reported at 6:03 p.m. Feb. 24, in the 1200 block of Southeast Wilson Avenue.

PRINEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at1:19 p.m. Feb. 25, in the area of Southeast Dunham Street. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made at 2:12 p.m. Feb. 25, in the area of Northwest Cains Road.

The Albany Democrat-Herald reports the arson trial began Monday in Linn County Circuit Court. Cronin denies stealing city money. Her the influence of intoxicants at 1:21 a.m. Feb. 25, in the area of Northeast Third Street and Northeast Greenwood Avenue.

BEND FIRE RUNS Friday 1 p.m.— Passenger vehicle fire, 63455 N. U.S. Highway 97, ¹16. 21 —Medical aid calls. Saturday 4:52 p.m.— Smoke odor reported, 1526 N.W. Ithaca Ave. 18 —Medical aid calls.

lawyer said Mondayshestopped by City Hall the night of the fire to turn off a light she noticed as she drove by, found open doors and

scattered papers, and thenwas blown out the door by anexplosion. Cronin was dismissed in 2011. Anew City Hall building was opened last year. EPA IOOkS Bt WBSt SBI8m SltBS —TheEnvironmental Protection Agency is conducting preliminary site assessments at four locations in West Salem to look for a possible connection among several

cancer cases. EPA official Anthony Barber said at a public meeting Tuesday that a team is looking at land-use records, spill reports and environmental history at each site to determine whether or not the

site is safe. TheStatesman Journal reported that several cases of osteosarcoma, a rare form of bonecancer, have beenseen in young people in recent years. Residents are concernedabout possible environmental exposure. — Fromwirereports

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The Bulletin


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Fditur in-Clnrf Editor of Edttorials

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Sce wo

hen Oregon government tried to pick winners, it picked some skunks. In 2009, there was a default on a $20 million loan to Cascade Grain for a biofuel facility near Clatskanie. In 2012, there was a default on a $14 million loan to Peak Sun, asolarmanufacturer near Albany. Those loans both came from Oregon's state energy loan program called SELP. And now there is a bill in the Legislature and money in Gov. John Kitzhaber's budget to reinvigorate the program. Is that a good idea? Not the way House Bill 2344 is written. "The goal is to protect and put a firewall up against any intrusion or any risk to having the general fund to front additional monies to SELP," Anthony Buckley, division administrator of Energy Development Services Division at the state's Department of Energy, told a state legislative committee. But the bill doesn't do that. The bill gives the department more authority to do public-private partnerships. In f act, the bill's language gives the Energy Department's director a kind of a legislative blank check to "adopt any rules or take any other action" to carry out the loan projects. That needs to be changed. Buckley says there are bill amendments in the works. The SELP program has been around for about 30 years. It wouldn't be fair to characterize SELP based only on two high-profile defaults. The program promotes energy conservation an d d evelopment of renewable energy. It has lent $580 million in 882 loans over its history. One of those loans was $17 million for Central Oregon Irrigation District's Juniper Ridge hydroelectric project. It's a 2.5-mile canalpiping project with a 5 megawatt hydro generator, completed in 2010. In its 30 years, SELP has had a total of eight loan defaults, and it currently has four others with problems, Buckley told us. The

recent problems prompted concern from the state's Debt Policy Commission. The commission issues reports every year, and this year the report emphasized that even as the SELP program has tightened its loan standards the program could need as much as $25 million from the state in order to meet its debts. The first question is if SELP has learned from its high-profile mistakes. Buckley, who came into theprogram about two years ago, says it has. He admits SELP lent money to projects it should not have. In the Cascade Grain project, for instance, SELP lent money for construction costs. That meant the state was lending money before there was a revenue stream to pay it back. Buckley says the program would not lend for construction costs now and has taken other steps to be more conservative. One problem, he says, is that the SELP program strayed from its niche mission toward aggressively helping to create new industry. He wants the program to get back to its niche and promote small-scale projects, such as helping schools become more energy efficient. There are also deeper questions about investing in SELP. Buckley says SELP is stepping back from loans for construction costs on business projects, though it would consider other loans to private businesses. Should Oregon be doing that? We know Oregon providesincentives and targeted benefits to businesses in many ways. But shouldn't it look to make investments to improve the business climate overall or hire teachers for struggling schools, instead of handpicking who wins?

M Nickel's Worth Sheriff underestimates his wisdom

those who violate laws.

Deschutes County Sheriff Larry Blanton stated in a recent article a bout prison reform that "it w i l l have to be a person a lot smarter than me to figure it out." It seems to me he has underestimated his wisdom gained from 30 years of experience. Officers usually k no w r e peat offenders in t h ei r c o mmunities; they also know incarceration does not usually change the person, regardless of the length of sentence. Treatment and community service focused on restitution has more potential to change behavior. Having to do more with less is a pressure — but I trust our law enforcement professionals to develop policies and programs in cooperation with other agencies to better serve publicsafety, reformation of offenders and the healing and restitution of their victims. Other states have faced a similar economic issue and have developed far superior ways to deal with perpetrators of crime, in addition to incarceration. And so can Central Oregon's public safety professionals. Put your experience and wisdom to excellent use. Is it really a matter of tough or soft on crime, or rather, being smart in dealing with crime? Perhaps dependence upon state and federal monies through mandates became too comfortable. Surely Central O regon p olice and sheriff officers are among the most excellent in this state and not the least. I believe that is fact. At the front end of this issue, a lot can be accomplished through how officers are informed to make charges on

I have attended many public meetings about placing a roundabout at the intersection of Reed Market Road and Southeast 15th Street and I have read many letters condemn- have voiced my concerns. ing the Humane Society of Central I oppose a roundabout at this inOregon for euthanizing animals. tersection. I have not been given a I cannot keep my thoughts to my- good answer why the city is insistself any longer. ing on replacing the current traffic As a f o r mer executive direc- light. I have no objection to roundtor of six years, I feel compelled to abouts, but placing one at one of the comment. busiest intersections in town — and Are people aware that HSCO is one that is repeatedly affected by an "open" shelter? Do you know train delays and heavy rush hour what that means? It means that it traffic — makes no sense. has a contract with the City of Bend The city has talked about plans and Deschutes County to take any to place signs or signals near the animal that their animal control roundabout to warn of approaching picks up as a stray. Many cities and trains in an attempt to mitigate the counties have their own shelter, but train's influence on the roundabout we do not. Many "no-kill n shelters gridlock. choose to be so, passing the difficult This very fact is an admission task and responsibility of choosing that the roundabout is going to be a who may liveand who may die to problem for drivers when a train is those shelters that have no choice. in the area. Please recognize that there is a The other issue is how long it will finite number of pets who unfor- take to clear the roundabout after a tunately cross the threshold of a train has blocked it. How long will it shelter. HSCO has no choice. They take for drivers going north-south cannot "pass" the difficult choice on 15th Street to get through the on to someone else. No-kill shelters intersection? "choose" what they do, open shelters A city representative's response is have no choice. No-kill shelters are awe are hoping it will clear quickly." passing the buck of responsibility Not very comforting. I'm hoping onto someone else. No one wants there won't be a roundabout at this to euthanize lovable and adoptable intersection. animals, but open shelters have One more thought: If th e city no choice. There are only so many keeps a traffic light at this intersecplaces to go, and until the general tion, it could save millions of dollars public understands the need to spay and thus the city could have money and neuter, this deplorable situation to complete the proposed 14th Street will continue. improvements. Jan Griffin-Kundert SandraTurek Bend Bend

Tina Towier Madras

Roundabout makes no sense

Humane Society has no choice

Fighting the road hogs riving on Oregon's roads, some are hogs. They monopolize the left lane, making it their own — no matter what they are doing to traffic flow. Senate Bill 551 in the Oregon Legislature takes aim at the hogs. The bill sponsored by state Sen. Ginny Burdick, D-Portland, creates the new offense of staying in the left lane in all roadways that


have two or more lanes for traffic in the same direction. There are many common sense exceptions in the bill for passing, preparing to turn left and more. If the bill passes, it may discourage hogs. And that would be good. But we would hope that law enforcement officers are not going to be required to spend a lot of time actively enforcing it. They have more pressing concerns.

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The Bulletin.

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P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.com

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Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or in My

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Winter survival series omitted some key information By Robert Speik he Bulletin's Winter Survival Skills series by writer Leon

Pantenburg (Jan. 30) may be appropriate for a closely led preteen youth group, but it fails to give hunters, hikers, snowshoers, skiers, snowmobile riders and other adults the basic information they need to mitigate, in part, the inherent risks of outdoor adventures in winter. Indeed, Pantenburg contributes many of the myths, tips and tricks offered by a cottage industry of "survival experts." Clever survival kits take attention away from the common-sense things each individual should have to be able to avoid hypothermia (exposure) ifforced to stay in place for hours or overnight when lost, injured, stranded by a breakdown or while helping an injured friend.

The Bulletin's Winter Survival Skills series spends an entire page and six full-page columns on small survival kits, one sized to

rying a waterproof shell and pants. Leather gloves, as illustrated, are sure to become wet in winter, causing terrible cold injuries.

but are just feel-good substitutes for the real thing — a simple declinationadjusted, clear base-plate compass. It does little good to know which way is a n Altoids tin, the other IN M Y VIEWS Not e mphasized in the generally magnetic North if you do to a small fanny pack, kits ar e h i gh-carbohy- not stay found and know accurately and alsofire-starting and emergency drate snacks, two quarts of water or a where you are on your map showing shelter. sports drink to delay dehydration lead- the best way to safety. Outdoor leadership traditions of ing to hypothermia and cold injuries. No mention is made of GPS receivmajor outings clubs — w ith t otal Each person should carry these ers. The simple, accurate models cost membership numbering in the many trip-specific elements of the tradiabout $100 and are easy to learn to thousands — hold that each partici- tional " Ten E ssentials Systems," use with amap. Today, many huntpant should dress for trip-specific including reliable insulation for rest- ers, snowshoers and snowmobile activity in the forecast weather and ing on the wet ground or snow, in a riders always use a GPS. No, a smartcarry minimum extra clothing layers simple day pack, sized to the season phone is not a substitute for a handthat provide protection from a drop and trip and impossible to carry in a held GPS. in temperature and a possible rain or tiny Altoids tin. No mention is made of the value snow storm, or an unexpected cold, None of Pantenburg's small "Win- of an ordinary digital cellphone. By wet night out. ter Survival Kits" contain a map of FCC statute, mobile phone providers, The series fails to note the real the area. I did not find a topographical within 10 minutes of a request from danger of wet clothing layers — hy- map mentioned in the entire winter SAR, must provide by triangulation pothermia from heat conduction by skills series. The tiny toy compasses from cell tower pings, your accurate water — and does not emphasize car- illustrated may point toward North geographic location.

Part 2, Learning skills to make a fire, assumes a supply of dry wood on dry ground, not wet wood under feet of melting snow. Part 3, Learning how to make a shelterin deep snow, isdangerously misleading. A tr a d itional " snow c ave" provides insulation from a thick dome of snow, not a thin tarp blowing in the wind. The entrance to a real snow cave must be below an insulated sleeping bench, trapping warmed air. In the snow hole described,hypothermia is hastened by the transference of warmth from the seated (child) to the ice. Note that little "kits" do not include shovel(s) and thick insulating pads. No mention is made of flagging the shelter, soon covered by drifting snow. — Robert Speik livesin Bend and writes for his M ebsite, wwwtTraditionalMountaineering.org





DEATH NOTICES Altha Nelda Seaton, of Prineville Jan. 2, 1935 - Feb. 24, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: No services to be held.

Carmen Cornine Smith, of Redmond Aug. 5, 1939 - Feb. 23, 2013 Arrangements: Redmond Memorial Chapel 541-548-3219 please sign our online guestbook


Services: A memorial service will be held Saturday March 2, 2013 at 11 am at St. Thomas Catholic Church in Redmond, OR.

Russell "Sunshine" Williams, of Bend Mar. 14, 1926 - Feb. 23, 2013 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, (541)382-5592; www.deschutesmemorialchapel.com

Services: 2:00 PM, Friday, March 1, 2013, Graveside Service with Military Honors at Deschutes Memorial Gardens, 63875 N. Hwy. 97, Bend, followed by Memorial Service at 4:00 PM at Westside Church, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Rd., Bend. Contributions may be made to:

Bend Heroes Foundation, 1900 NE 3rd St., Ste. 106, Bend, 97701; Westside Church Memorial Fund; or Disabled American Veterans, 1503 NE 4th St., Bend, 97701.


Edsel "Ed" D. Crabtree, of Bend Jan. 4, 1931 - Feb. 24, 2013 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds, 541-382-2471. Please visit the online registry at www.niswonger-reynolds.com

Services: A memorial service will be held Friday, Mar. 1, 2013 at 11:00 AM in the Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home. Contributions may be made to:

Central Oregon Police Chaplaincy, 325 Kearney St., Bend, Oregon 97701.

Robert Gordon Henjum, of Keizer, OR Mar. 29, 1944 - Feb. 25, 2013 Arrangements: Virgil T. Golden Funeral Service, 503-364-2257 www.vtgolden.com Services: Celebration of Life Service: Saturday, March 2 at 2pm, Keizer Christian Church, 6945 Wheatland Road N., Keizer, OR 97303. Contributions may be made to:

Keizer Christian Church.

Thomas A. Carpenter, of Bend Oct. 5,1918- Feb. 24,2013 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds, 541-382-2471. Please visit the online registry at


Services: Funeral Mass will be held Thurs., Feb. 28, 2013 at 2 PM in the Historic St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church at Lava 8 Franklin.

Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They maybesubmitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.

Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted Until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details.

Deaths of note from around the world: Otis "Damon" Harris, 62: Former member of the Motown group The Temptations from 1971 to 1975. Harris sang on such hits as Papa Was a Rollin' Stone" and "Superstar ( Remember How Y o u G o t W here Yo u A r e )." H a r r is formed a ne w g r oup a fter leaving The Temptations and later released solo recordings. Ironically, he e stablished a cancer foundation prior to his being diagnosed with prostate c ancer. Died last w eek i n Baltimore. Cleotha Staples, 78: T h e eldest sister and member of The Staple Singers, the family

gospel group her father Roebuck "Pops" Staples started in the 1940s. The group included sisters Cleotha, Yvonne, Mavis and Cynthia, and brother Pervis. The group had a No. I hit with "I'll Take You There" in 1972 and followed with top 40 hits "Respect Yourself," "Heavy Makes You Happy," and "If You're Ready (Come Go With Me)." It was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1999. Cleotha Staples died Thursday in Chicago. Offried Preussler, 89: A beloved German children's author whose books about wizards, witches and water spirits sold 50 million copies. Preussler had 32 books published, which have been translated into 55 languages. His most famous character was Hotzenplotz, a clever robber who deftly outwits Dimpfelmoser, an inept policeman. Died Feb. 18 in Prien a m C h iemsee, Germany. Wolfgang Sawallisch, 89: Considered one of t h e l a st "old-school" German conductors, he led the Philadelphia Orchestrafor 10 years, beginning in 1993, and was music director of the Bavarian State O pera in G e rmany fo r 2 1 years before that. Died Friday in Grassau, Germany. Michael Schwartz, 62: A c onservative a c t ivist w h o served as chief of staff to Tom Coburn, R-Okla., in the U.S. House ofRepresentatives and U.S. Senate. Schwartz also worked w i t h co n servative

lobbying groups, such as the Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254

Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

Free Congress Foundation and Concerned Women of America. Died Feb. 3 in Germantown, Md. — From wire reports


Mcllhennyoversawrecordgrowth of empiresteepedin Tabascosauce By Ken Belson New Yorh Times News Service

Paul C.P. McIlhenny took joy in escorting visitors to his company's warehouse, where wooden whiskey barrels filled

with the aging pepper mash that is the main ingredient in Tabasco sauce were stacked six-high to the ceiling. With a flourish, he would ask an employee to crack open a couple of barrels. After the stinging smell of the peppers was noted, he asked guests to dab the mash with a

, (]i, i«'iii'.



finger and gingerly lick it. Tears flowed, airwas gasped for and, at the host's invitation, spit flew to clear tongues. McIlhenny had no doubt played the culinary instigator countless times in his 45 years at the McIlhenny Co., the makers

William Widmer/The New YorkTimes

of Tabasco pepper sauce, per-

Paul Mcllhenny at his company's headquarters in Avery Island, La. The company's Tabasco sauce is a staple wherever pizza, Buffalo wings, dips and other finger foods are served.

haps Louisiana's best-known product. But he still chuckled as he gave his guests small spoons that earned them entry into the Not So Ancient Order of the Not So Silver Spoon. Mcllhenny, the c hairman and chief executive of the family-owned McIlhenny Co., died Saturday in New Orleans. He was 68. The cause was apparently a heart attack. His death was announced by the McIlhenny Co. McIlhenny became chief executive in 2000. During his tenure,thecompanyenjoyedrecord growth, thanks in part to the introduction of new products, like chipotle, sweet and spicy and Buffalo-style hot sauces and the

expansion of a catalog business that sells Tabasco neckties and teddy bears. McIlhenny also formed licensingdeals with the makers of Al steak sauce, Spam, Cheez-Its and other supermarket staples. T he g r e at-grandson o f Edmund McIlhenny, who inventedTabasco sauce afterthe Civil War, Paul Carr Polk McIlhenny was born in Houston on March 19, 1944, with his twin sister, Sara. He attended the Woodberry Forest School in Virginia and the University of the South in Tennessee, and served stateside in the Marine Corps Reserve.

McIlhenny joined the family business in 1967 and was groomed by his cousin Walter McIlhenny, then president of the company. His first jobs included loading peppers in the field, processing

the pepper mash and loading casesofsauce onto railcars. He lived on the West Coast to learn the company's retail sales and food broker operations. Back at the company headquarters on Avery Island, La., he worked in the marketing, advet1:ising, purchasing and food s ervice d e partments, among others. McIlhenny split his time between New Orleans and Avery Island, which sits on a large salt dome in bayou country. There, peppers are grown for their seeds, which are shipped to growers overseas. The mash that returns is aged for three years before being mixed with vinegar and stirred for one month. After the skinsand seeds ofthe peppers are removed, the sauce is sent to the bottling plant. About 750,000 bottles modeled after the cologne-style bottles used for the first batch of the sauce made in 1868 roll off the lines daily. Like many in his family, McIlhenny was active in environmental preservation efforts. He was on the board of the America's Wetland Foundation. In 2010, he was inducted into the James Beard Foundation's Who's Who of Food and Beverage in America.

Anti-w a in rotesters are' irates,'court sa s By Paul Elias

to keep its ships at least 500 yards from Japanese whalSANFRANCISCO — Their ers. The whalers have since supporterscallthem heroes. accusedthe protesters of vioThe Japanese government lating that order at least twice callsthem terrorists. this month. Late Monday, the United The ruling overturned a States' largest federal court Seattle trial judge's decision labeled them pirates. siding with the protesters and In doing so, the 9th U.S. tossing out a lawsuit filed by Circuit Court o f A p p eals a group of Japanese whalers castigated Paul Watson and seeking a court-orderedhalt members of the Sea Shep- to the aggressive tactics, many herd Conservation Society of which were broadcast on he founded for the tactics the Animal Planet reality teleused in their relentless cam- vision show "Whale Wars." paign to disrupt the annual U.S. District Judge Richwhale hunt off the dangerous ard Jones had sided with Sea waters of Antarctica. Shepherd on several grounds "You don't need a peg leg in tossing out the whalers' or an eye patch," Chief Judge piracy accusations and refusAlex Kozinski wrote for the ing to prohibit the conservaunanimous three-judge pan- tion group's protests. He deel. "When you ram ships; hurl termined the protesters' tacglasscontainers of acid; drag tics were nonviolent because metal-reinforced ropes in the they targeted equipment and water to damage propellers ships rather than people. and rudders; launch smoke The judge also said the bombs and flares with hooks; whalers were violating an and point high-powered la- Australian court order bansers at other ships, you are, ning the hunt and so were without a doubt, a pirate, no precluded from pursuing their matter how high-minded you lawsuit in the United States. believe your purpose to be." The appeals court called The same court in Decem- Jones' ruling "off base" and ber ordered the organization took therare step ofordering The Associated Press

"The district judge's numerous, serious and obvious errors identified in our opinion raise doubts as to whether he will be perceived as impartial in presiding over this high-profile

case." — Chief Judge Alex Kozinski, 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, on a district judge's previous ruling in favor of Sea Shepherd

the case transferred to another Seattle judge to comply with its ruling Monday. The appeals court said Jones had misinterpreted the A u stralian ruling, which didn't addressthe protesters' actions. "The district judge's numerous, serious and obvious errors identified in our opinion raisedoubts as to whether he will be perceived as impartial in presiding over this highprofile case," Kozinski wrote.

Wyden seeksfederal investigation of leaking waste tanks at Hanford By Shannon Dininny

ment Accountability Office by letter Tuesday to investiYAKIMA, Wash. — Sen. gate when the Energy DeRon Wyden D-Ore., asked p artment knew a bout t h e for a f e deral i nvestigation leaks and whether the agenTuesday into leaking under- cy and its cleanup contracground waste tanks at the tors reported them approprination's most contaminated ately. The letter also seeks a nuclear site. review of t a n k-monitoring State and federal officials programs, including recomannounced last week t h at mendations for changes. "These newleak announcesix tanks a t s o uth-central W ashington's Hanford n u ments raise a lot of questions clear reservation are leaking. about the m onitoring and The tanks hold a toxic and management of the Hanford radioactive stew of waste left tank farms," Wyden said in from decades of plutonium a statement. "After visiting production for U.S. nuclear Hanfordformyself lastweek, I'm now asking GAO to get to weapons. The nuclear site borders the bottom of how and when the Columbia River, the Pa- DOE found out about these cific Northwest's largest river leaks, and what can be done that flows between Washing- to reducethe risk of radioacton and Oregon. tive waste contaminating the Wyden, thenew chairman environment." of the Senate Energy and The federal government Natural Resources Commit- createdHanford in the 1940s tee, toured the Hanford site as part of the top-secret ManFeb. 19. hattan Project to build the Wyden asked the Govern- atomic bomb. Today, it is the The Associated Press


nation's most contaminated nuclear site, with c l eanup expected tolast decades and cost billions of dollars. Central to that cleanup: the removal of millions of gallons of highly radioactive waste from 177 aging, underground tanks — many of which are known to have leaked in the past. Workers have since removed all liquids that could b e pumped out f r o m t h e tanks and reported the tanks were stabilized in 2005. State and federal officials have stressed that the latest leaks pose no immediate threat to public health or the environment, because the tanks sit five miles from the Columbia River and the contaminants inside the tanks move very slowly. But the news has renewed discussion over delays for emptying the tanks, which were installed decades ago and are long past their 20-year life span.

he regards the survey as a way of supplying him with Continued from B1 better information about his Respondents spend a lot neighbors' preferences when of time in the water as well: dealing wit h t h e s t eering 43 percent said they f loat committee. the river, 31 percent reported The steering committee exboating and 14 percent said pects to release the results of they've gone stand-up pad- its own online questionnaire dleboarding on Mirror Pond. on Thursday, according to However, there are diviJim Figurski, a project mansions among the larger pad- ager hired by the Bend Park dling c ommunity. S u rvey & Recreation District to work respondents who kayak were with the steering committee. much more likely to support Figurski said Tuesday he dam removal, a move that hadn't reviewed the findings would allow the river to flow of the Old Town Neighborfaster, Dahl said, while stand- hood Association survey. He u p p a d dleboarders w e r e said he's interested in learninclined to prefer calmer wa- ing more about the audience ters as seen on present-day reached by the survey, but Mirror Pond. not surprised to learn of the Dahl al s o r ep r esents strong support for a dam-free h is neighborhood o n t h e river. "Nothing about the project 1 9-member M i r r o r P o n d Management Board, a group currently surprises me," Figassembled by the Bend City urski said. "There's always Council in 2009. The group something new coming out advises the smaller Mirror or something interesting hapPond Steering Committee, pening, it doesn't surprise me which was created in 2010 a lot." to develop a long-term stratThe steering committee's egy to address silt accumu- questionnaire closed Monlation in the pond. Dahl said day night, an d p r i m arily

addressed recreationalprefe rences and t h e "values" — such as clean water, wildlife habitat and scenic views — that local residents associate with Mirror Pond. Figurski said 1,858 people completed the questionnaire, which, like the survey conducted by the neighborhood association, was self-selecting and should not be regarded as statistically valid. B eginning n ex t m o n t h, Figurski and t h e s t eering committee will develop four alternative plans to address the siltation issue. The two "bookends," as Figurski has called them, will l ikely include one proposal for dam removal and one for dredging that would maintain the pond in a s tate similar to what's seen today. The questionnaire will help inform the two middle ground alternatives, Figurski said, which could both lean toward either the dredgingor dam removal option, depending on what the public had to say.


designed to help students go through stages they may have missed because of trauma. One of the steps included role play, in which some students were allegedly called names like "whore" and "slut," forced to do exotic dances and participate in physical fights. A hearing on a separate motion in the case is scheduled for Tuesday.

would likely involve separate trials for each former student. Continued from B1 The lawsuits detail a variIn an interview earlier this ety of alleged abuses, includmonth, plaintiffs' a t torney ing claims that counselors, Kelly Clark said all three of w ho often had o nly h i g h the cases are going to take schooleducations,forced stuplace in Crook County before dents to participate in sexual Judge Ahern, and said attor- role-playing an d e x tended neys were currently deep in periods of isolation. the discovery process and takMany of the abuses deing depositions. He said if the tailed in the lawsuits allegedly lawsuits move forward, they'll happened during a workshop be considered one case but called Lifesteps, which was

— Reporter: 541-383-0387, shammers@bendbulleti n.com

— Reporter: 541-617-7831, smiller@bendbulletin.com



W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2013. • •


Tonight: Parlty cloudy skies, mild

Partly cloudy with a small chance of rain.

low tem-






' 47/43


Hillsboro • C



Lincoln City •





Yachats• ~

~ •

Coos Bay 52/39 •

Lake g



Ham ton



• Burns 50/25

C hr i t

5i ive r


Yesterday's state extremes

Jordan Valley

V II „









• 53 0 Medford


Paisley 47/27

Medford Ashland

PaIIS 49/26 I




• Lakeview




47/24 ~



• Cal ar 38/18


• „,„I

(in the 48 contiguous states):

Quebec 36/2

Saskatoon gWinnipey 39/25


Thunder Bay 36/14



a I ax

Iz~oahd d


52/41 g

• 88' Fort Pierce, Fla. • -8



Gunnison, Colo

• 2.98




San Francisco 61/46

Salt Lake City as Vegas 34/"9 /59/42

Daleville, Va.

Los Angeles, %





• 42/24

2/t26 • 4Q






• 59/37



6jos •

lando 7/51

H ston





La Paz 77/61

mm nchorage 40s 32/24


Thttle Rock, Nas vi e 43/34 • 49/30

New Orleans ( 68/46 • Chihuahua

i l adelphia

• Colunibus 89/ 3 2 W n g ton, D.C.


• D II I -



L ~~~~+2";

Chica o 6 35/29

Omaha 8/23 ~

Albu querque i <kt homaCity> E+




Cheyenne ~


Mazatlan • 8 0/64

79/47 •




.o+ .+++t




Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low..............48/19 2 4hoursendmg4pm*. .000" Record high........ 67 m 1932 Month to date.......... 1.10" Recordlow......... -8 in 2011 Average month todate... 1.02" Average high.............. 47 Year to date............ 1.80" Average low .............. 25 Average year to date..... 2.55"

Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.18 Record24 hours ...0.39 in1976 *Melted liquid equivalent



for solar at noon.

Snow accumulation in inches


Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 0 -0 . . . . . .64-66 Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 -0 . . . . . . . . 87 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .76-114 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . 118-126 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . 13 . . . . . . . 122 Mt. Hood Ski Bowl..... . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . 77-81 Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 .. . . . . . 157







ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires.

Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Wigamette Pass ........ . . . . .0-0.. . . . .36-85

Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires

Aspen, Colorado..... . . . . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . .37-46 Mammoth Mtn., California..... 0.0... . .90-187 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . . 1 .. . . . .50-64 Squaw Valley, California..... . .0.0.. . . . .25-96

Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires

YesterdayWednesdayThursday YesterdayWednesdayThursday YesterdayWednesdayThursday YesterdayWednesdayThursday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......58/30/000... 53/29/s. 54/29/pc GrandRapids....34/27/0 32..38/29/sn .. 36/21/c RapidCity.......45/16/000..37/I5/pc. 39/20/pc Savannah.......77/47/1 74... 66/43/s.. 59/37/s Akron..........37/29/0.76 .. 41/30/rs. 33/25/sn GreenBay.......34/20/0.00..34/25/sn.. 32/19/c Reno...........48/22/000..53/29/pc. 59/31/pc Seattle..........48/38/001 ..48/40/sh. 48/44/sh Albany..........45/24/0.00..39/31/sn..41/28/rs Greensboro......40/32/0.82..57/34/pc. 50/31/pc Richmond.......54/29/068 ..62/38/pc. 51/33/pc Sioux Falls.......30/I5/000... 31/19/c. 29/I8/pc Albuquerque.....48/21/000...42/24/s.. 45/27/s Harusburg.......42/27/0 II..52/35/sh..45/30/rs Rochester, NY... 44/25/0.06 .. 3662/rs. 35/29/sn Spokane........41/25/0.00... 44/30/c...43/32/r Anchorage ......39/27/0 00..32/24/sn.. 31/22/c Hartford,CT.....42/33/0 00.. 38/34/rs. 41/30/sh Sacramento......67/37/0.00... 68/40/s .. 70/42/s Springfield, MO ..35/32/0.32... 36/24/c. 37/24/pc Atlanta .........59/37/1.51..58/36/pc.49/33/pc Helena..........41/29/0.00..39/24/pc..44/29/c St Louis.........41/35/085..37/30/sn..39/29/c Tampa..........75/66/015..72/55/pc.. 70/48/s Atlantic City.....46/23/0.06..54/39/pc.47/33/sh Honolulu........80/70/0.00...82/68/s.. 81/68/s Salt Lake City....34/22/001 ..34/19/pc. 37/23/pc Tucson..........63/33/000...66/37/s .. 67/39/s Austin..........68/41/000...65/30/s.. 62/32/s Houston ........64/44/000...71/41/s.. 62/38/s SanAntonio.....66/40/000...69/35/s .. 64/36/s Tulsa...........42/33/014 ..42/24/pc.. 42/24/s Baltimore.......43/26/0 I1...57/36/c..51/34/rs Huntsvile .......51/43/018..50/33/pc.. 46/32/cSanDiego.......64/45/000...70/50/s .. 74/52/5 Washington, DC..45/33/022 ..60/39/pc..51/37/rs Billings........ 44/30/000..39/24/pc. 42/29/pc Indianapolis.....41/33/124..36/31/sn ..37/28/rs SanFrancisco....63/41/0.00... 60/44/s.. 62/46/5 Wichita.........36/28/0.0$.. 36/19/pc.. 36/20/s Birmingham.....52/45/044...58/34/s. 51/32/pc JacksonMS.... 58/42/000 61/34/pc .. 55/34/s SanJose........65/36/000.. 66/40/s 66/44/s Yakima.........51/23/000 56/29/pc.. 53/34/c Bismarck........42/19/000 ..29/17/pc.. 30/14/c Jacksonvile......79/66/059... 70/43/s.. 66/3ms SantaFe........43/12/000..36/I7/pc. 40/I9/pc Yuma...........73/41/000... 71/46/s.. 76/50/s Boise...........40/22/000 ..45/29/pc.. 50/32/c Juneau..........39/32/000 .. 36/32/rs...38/32/r INTERNATIONAL Boston..........41/29/000 ..41/36/sh. 44/31/sh Kansas City......34/30/0.39...34/25/c. 35/25/pc Budgeport,CT....40/32/000... 44/36/r. 43/32/sh Lansing.........34/23/0.32..35/28/su. 34/22/sn Amsterdam ..,,,,39/34/0 00 .. 36/29/c 35/31/pc Mecca.........1 00/75/0 00 . 93/72/pc. 92/71/pc Buffalo.........43/26/0.06 .. 37/33/rs. 36/31/sn LasVegas.......59/37/0.00... 59/42/s .. 64/45/s Athens..........64/50/000 ..60/45/pc. 52/42/pc Mexico City .....82/55/000 . 80/49/s ..79/49/s Burliugton,VT....42/30/0.00.. 39/32/rs..41/26/rs Lexington.......54/39/0.38.. 40/31/rs. 37/30/sn Auckland........77/61/000 ..73/56/pc.75/62/pc Montreal........37/30/000 .. 34/30/rs. 32/28/sn Caribou,MIE......37/2/000..33/21/pc. 32/23/sn Lincoln..........31/24/0.02...38/22/c .. 37/21/c Baghdad........73/51/000... 77/57/c .. 81/60/c Moscow........37/14/000... 29/19/c. 33/26/sn Charleston, SC...73/49/1.88...64/42/s. 58/37/pc Little Rock.......46/41/0.06 ..49/30/pc. 49/30/pc Bangkok.......100/82/0.00 100/79/pc.96/79/pc Nairobi.........81/59/0.00... 7854/s .. 82/56/s Charlotte........45/33/1.16... 59/37/5 .. 52/32/c LosAngeles......66/44/0 00... 72/49/s .. 79/51/s Beiyng..........52/19/000 ..48/29/pc. 44/23/pc Nassau.........82/75/000 ..84/71/sh. 74/69/sh Chattanooga.....50/45/079...50/35/c..48/33/c Louisvile........52/41/062 .. 38/33/rs ..39/32/rs Beirut..........73/57/000..72/54/pc ..62/51/c New Delh/.......77/54/000...80/56/s .. 78/53/s Cheyenne.......27/16/006...29/7/pc. 32/14/pc Madison Wl.....34/27/000 ..34/25/sn.. 33/20/c Berlin...........36/32/000...40/31/c .. 33/28/c Osaka..........48/32/000 ..55/43/sh.. 51/37/c Chicago.........36/32/036 ..35/29/sn .. 35/27/c Memphis....... 56/42/000 ..50/35/c .. 45/33/c Bogota .........68/43/0.00... 66/50/t...64/48/t Oslo.............34/9/0.00 37/33/pc. .. 34/18/pc Cincinnati.......51/35/0.10 .. 39/31/rs. 36/28/sn Miami..........86/75/0.00... 78/61/t. 79/57/pc Budapest........52/43/000...47/30/0.48/34/pc Ottawa.........37/25/000..32/28/sn.34/27/sn Cleveland.......38/26/0.53 .. 39/31/rs. 32/26/sn Milwaukee......34/32/0.27..35/27/sn.. 33/24/c BuenosAires.....72/48/000... 79/58/s .. 79/61/s Paris............41/34/007...39/34/c .. 34/31/c Colorado Spnngs.32/14/004..30/10/pc. 32/14/pc Minneapol/s.....36/I7/0 00...36/21/c .. 34/I7/c CaboSanLucas ..77/48/0.00... 81/57/s. 84/54/pc Rio deJaneiro....99/75/0.00.. 81/72/sh. 79/70/sh Columbia,MO...35/33/081 ..35/24/sn.. 36/25/c Nashville........54/41/0.18 ..43/34/sh.. 44/33/c Cairo...........77/59/000...81/52/s ..74/50/c Rome...........54/34/000...52/40/s. 52/43/pc Columbia,SC....55/39/1.21...62QB/s. 54/33/pc New Orleans.....60/46/0.00..68/46/pc .. 60/41/s Calgary.........25/18/020..38/I8/pc .. 36/32/s Santiago........84/57/003... 91/67/s.. 89/59/s Columbus GA....66/46/130..62/38/pc. 59/34/pc NewYork.......44/35/000...46/40/i. 49/36/sh Cancun.........84/73/035..83/75/pc.80/72/sh SaoPaulo.......84/68/000... 73/65/r. 71/63/sh Columbus, OH....43/35/069 .. 39/32/rs. 35/27/sn Newark,Nl......45/31/0.00..47/40/sh. 50/34/sh Dublin..........43/30/000 ..39/32/sh.. 45/36/c Sapporo ........32/15/046 .. 32/19/sf..33/14/sf Concord,NH.....39/28/000 .. 34/29/rs. 38/26/sn Norfolk VA......58/37/088 ..62/41/pc. 51/35/pc Edinburgh.......45QIO00...41/30/s. 47/38/pc Seoul...........46/30/000 ..40/18/pc. 41/24/pc CorpusChristi....77/38/000...75/47/s.67/44/pc OklahomaCity...46/33/000..42/26/pc. 45/26/pcGeneva.........3419/000..38/28/pc.38/32/pc Shangha/........57/48/026..53/44/pc.53/34/sh DallasFtWorth...59/40/000... 55/35/s .. 56/35/s Omaha.........34/27/0 01...38/23/c .. 36/22/c Harare..........77/55/000... 77/58/t...76/59/t Singapore.......88/77/3 85 ..89/79/sh. 91/79/sh Dayton .........45/34/0.54 .. 37/30/rs. 35/26/sn Orlando.........79/68/0.05..77/51/pc.. 74/47/s Hong Kong......79/70/001..76/54/pc.. 74/64/c Stockholm.......36/14/000 ..42/28/pc. 34/28/pc Denver...........31/8/009 ..32/15/pc.36/20/pc PalmSprings.....74/44/000... 74/47/s.. 79/50/s Istanbul.........50/45/000 ..52/45/pc.46/42/sh Sydney..........84/73/000 ..82/72/pc...77/66/r DesMoines......34/30/0.41...35/25/c.. 35/24/c Peoria..........36/32/0.54..34/29/sn .. 35/25/c Jetusalem.......76/48/000...71/49/5 .. 61/45/c Taipei...........81/63/000 ..70/65/sh. 73/59/pc Detroit..........35/30/085..35/29/sn. 35/24/sn Philadelphia.....47/28/001.. 57/39/sh. 49/34/sh Johannesburg....86/60/0.00..84/63/sh...79/58/t TelAviv.........82/55/0.00...77/55/s .. 68/52/c Duluth...........35/5/000..36/18/pc. 29/13/pc Phoeuix.........69/42/000...69/46/s.. 73/47/s Lima...........81/68/000... 78/71/c .. 78/71Ic Tokyo...........46/34/000 .. 52/43/sh.53/36/sh El Paso..........65/37/000 ..55/30/pc. 57/32/pc Pittsburgh.......42/32/071 .. 41/31/rs. 34/26/sn Lisbo0..........55/39/000 ..54/36/pc 54/41/pc Toronto.........37/30/000 32/32/rs. 36/30/sn Fairbanks.......18/-16/000..13/-13/s.14/-10/pc Portland,ME.....40/32/000.. 35/31/rs. 37/27/sn London.........41/37/001...40/34/c .. 43/31/c Vancouver.......45/34/000... 46/41/r...46/45/r Fargo...........25/19/001 ..29/20/pc.. 28/14/c Providence......44/34/000..42/37/sh. 45/33/sh Madrid .........48/28/000...46/34/c. 40/31/sh Vienna..........39/36/000... 66/31/c. 37/32/pc Flagstaff........39/18/000...38/15/s .. 42/19/s Raleigh.........58/36/0.86 ..61/37/pc .. 52/32/c Manila..........88/79/000 ..90/74/pc. 89/72/pc Warsaw.........41/34/000...3I30/c. 34/28/pc

o www m 4/ancouver o;.4tv41


Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....6:43 a.m...... 6:34 p.m. Venus......6:36 a.m...... 5:12 p.m. Mars.......7:13 a.m...... 6:45 p.m. Jupiter.....1023 am......127 am. Satum.....10;55 p.m...... 9:22 a.m. Uranus.....7:46 a.m...... 8:07 p.m.



YeSterday'S extremes

MOOn phaSeS


Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . . 1 ... . . .24-54 Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .64 74 Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . 0.0... . . . . . 45 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to thelatest ski conditions visit: www.skicentral.com/oregon.html www.tripcheck.com or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partial clouds,c-clouds, h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, sn-snow,i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace

• 12

• 56/36•

• BTOOkingS

43 23

Astoria ........48/33/0.02....49/42/sh.....51/44/sh Baker City......40/17/0.00....42/26/pc......46/29/c Brookings......54/34/0.00.....57/41/c.....57/43/sh Burns..........38/15/0.00....43/25/pc......47/28/c Eugene........52/27/0.00....51/38/pc.....51/39/sh Klamath Falls .. 41/18/000 ...49/26/pc ...51/28/pc Lakeview....... 37/1 2/0.00 ...41/21/pc.....47/26/pc La Pine........46/I5/0.00....49/23/pc......47/26/c Medford.......53/27/0.00....56/36/pc......58/37/c Newport.......50/34/0.00.....50/41/c.....51/44/sh North Bend......50/34/NA.....52/41/c.....55/45/sh Ontario........45/22/0.00....48/30/pc.....52/33/pc Pendleton......48/29/0.00....53/31/pc......57/38/c Portland .......49/37/0.00.....52/41/c.....52/43/sh Prinevige.......47/1 9/0.00....49/28/pc......53/31/c Redmond.......49/17/0.00....52/29/pc......52/32/c Roseburg.......52/32/0.00.....55/36/c.....56/41/sh Salem ....... 51/33/000 . . 53/39/c ...52/41/sh Sisters.........49/18/0.00....50/26/pc......48/30/c The Dages......50/36/0 00....57/35/pc.....56/40/sh

• Brothers 49/23


Port Orford


60 31

City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m



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Yesterday Wednesday Thursday The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:




Cr escent • port Rock 50/25

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• Pri n eville49/28


Eugene• Cottage Grove



EAST Partly cloudy skies today.


qyqh qPCCF tures, snow 4 qh@, is possible.

54 3 3

SunsettodaY...... 5 51 P.m. I.ast hl ew pi r st Full Sunrise tomorrow 643 a m Sunset tomorrow... 5:53 p.m. Moonrisetoday.... 8:25 p.m. Moonsettoday .... 7:17a.m. Mar.4 Mar.11 Mar.19 Mar. 27



43/31 Union

A drastic drop in tempera-


Sunrise today...... 645 a.m

CENTRAL Partly cloudy skies



• Madras ~




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Camp Sherman

• Meacham 40/28







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• Pendleton 36/25




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Seasideo'~~~ .Cannon Beach Tillamook•

day, partly cloudy skies.


WEST Chance for showers in the north today.

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Sunny and above average.

A warm





Today:1 Mostly sunny, a few high level clouds.





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Injured race fans explore lawsuit ORLANDO, Fla. The attorney for three NASCAR fans injured -

last weekend during a race the day before the Daytona 500 says they

are exploring a possible lawsuit, but some

experts say they could face tough obstacles in winning damages. Matt Morgan, the Or-

lando-basedlawyerfor the fans, said at a news

conference Tuesday than any suit would focus on the safety fence

ummitreac esstate a o s Bulletin staff report Jacia Jointer's halfcourt heave just missed at the buzzer, and Summit escaped with a 64-62 victory over Parkrose in a Class 5A girls basketball playin game Tuesday night at Summit High School. The Storm (18-7 overall) will play on the road Saturday night in the first round of the state playoffs against an opponent to be determined. Raja Char led Summit with 19 points and Sarah Heinly added 18 as the Storm rallied in the fourth quarter after trailing 48-41 going into the final period. With about 30 seconds remaining in

GIRLS PREP BASKETBALL Inside • Summit boys win, Mountain View girls fall; prep roundup,C4 the game, Heinly made a driving layup to give the Storm the 64-62 lead. Parkrose missed ashot on its ensuing possession and then fouled Char with about three seconds left. Char missed both free throws. Jointerrebounded the second miss and then launched a halfcourt shot that hit the side of the rim.

"All year long, this team has found a way to win," Summit coach Ryan Cruz said of his team. Audrey Prison of Parkrose scored a game-high 33 points as the Storm had no answer for the physical post player. "She took the ball to the basket hard," Cruz said. Melissa Trejo, who finished with 11 points for Summit, made three 3-pointers in the second quarter to help the Storm take a 32-29 lead by halftime. "That really sparked us," Cruz said. Char made 12 of 15 free throws for Summit, which was 20 of 25 from the line as a team.

used along the trackat

Daytona International Speedway. Hesaid he hopes to reach asettle-


wreck in a second-tier NASCARseries race

sustained injuries rang-

• The LavaBears fall to Sherwood 60-52 in the play-in round onTuesday

ing from a fractured fibula to abdominal

By Beau Eastes

swelling. All havebeen

don't assume is that a race car will come flying

All season long, Bend High showed the potential to make a late run at the state playoffs. The Lava Bears ended the regular season by winning five of their last six games, including a 19-point rout over Redmond, ranked No. 4 in Class 5A at the time. Bend again showed flashes of being a postseason squad Tuesday against Sherwood in the 5A play-in round, but the Bears' offensive struggles in the first half proved too much to overcome as they fell 60-52 to the visiting Bowmen to end their season. Sherwood (15-10 overall), which has now won seven of nine games, led 28-17 at halftime after holding Bend to just four first-half field

into the stands... That's

goals. The Lava Bears (11-13)

released from the hospital.

Some experts say there could be grounds for a lawsuit, and that

courts have looked past liability waivers written

on the backs of sporting eventtickets. Others maintain the ticket is a legal contract that could

be hard to overcome in court. "Ultimately, I believe

it would be gross negligence," Morgan said. "We all know that when

you go to a raceyouassume a certain amount of risk. But what people

why they makethe fences." Asked to comment

on the fans' retention of a law firm, NASCAR

spokesman David Higdon wrote in astatement, "We areunaware of any lawsuits filed." — The Associated Press


or some


coac es EUGENE — The regular season is drawing to an end, which could well signal the start of a men's basketball coaching search or two in the Pac-12 Conference. It is nearly impossible to predict somebody leaving for another job of their own volition, but the reality is that at least three coaches are feeling a little more heat and could use something positive down the stretch to solidify their position. That group includes Oregon State's Craig Robinson, who is in his fifth season. It seems likely that the Beavers will give Robinson next season beforethe hard decision is made, especially with a recent contract extension that goes through the 2016-17 season. But there are a couple of troubling numbers for the OSU faithful. Unless the Beavers win at least two of their final three games, all on the road, the conference win total

urday after a horrific

declined to provide the identities of his clients, but said two of them were seated directly in front of the crash and

eat Lip

The (Eugene) Register-Guard

More than 30 people were injured last Sat-

into the stands. Morgan


By Bob Clark

ment with NASCAR to avoid a lawsuit.

sent chunks of debris, including a heavy tire,


The Bulletin


', '~+I

for OSU (currently 3-12) will

endured an 11-minute stretch between the first and second quarters in which they did not make a shot from the field. "We missed free throws and had too many turnovers, but they (the Bowmen) had a lot to do with that," Bend coach Don Hayes said. "They've got tough, athletic wings that overplay the passing lanes and run you into the big guy (6-foot-10-inch center

Jordan Kurahara)." Despite a less-than-stellar first half, the Bears made a game of it in the second half. Jaylin Robinson hit three 3pointers in the third quarter to help narrow Sherwood's lead to 45-41 by the end of the

period. SeeBend/C4

Ryan Brennecke /The BulletIn

Bend's Connor Scott (12) fights for a loose ball with Sherwood's Evan Kitto during the fourth quarter at Bend High School on Tuesday night.

be the lowest of Robinson's tenure. And OSU fans cannot like the direction the Civil War rivalry is taking. After Robinson won three of four meetings with Oregon in Ernie Kent's final two seasons with the Ducks (which did not help Kent's cause, either), the Beavers are now 1-4 against Oregon since Dana Altman became the UO coach, and they are watching from the bottom of the standings as the Ducks contend for the title forthe second consecutive season. Who else is in trouble'? Even though Washington State would owe Ken Bone $2.5 million for the remaining three years on a seven-year deal he signed when he was hired, interest is lagging and the Cougars are only 24-47 in conference games in Bone's four seasons. The problem for Johnny Dawkins at Stanford is not so much winning as it is not win-

ning enough. SeeCoaches /C4

MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL Minnesota's Elliot Eliason blocks Indiana's Cody Zeller during the second half of Tuesday night's game in Minneapolis.

No. 1 Indiana falls to Minnesota The GoldenGophers knock off the Big 10 powerhouse 77-73,C2


Winning streak hlts12 for Heat LeBron Jamesscores 40 points with 1 6 assists in victory,C3

Humber finds agreat place for a fresh start • Perfect-game pitcher returns home to playfor Houston By Tyler Kepner

New York Times News Service

KISSIMMEE, Fla. — The side panels on the Houston Astros' practice jersey range in color from red to yellow, with two shades of orange in between. It is a stylish nod to the horizontal stripes the team wore in the 1980s. The Astros were not quite a power then — they won one pennant in 51 seasons in the National League — but they were compelling enough to a young Philip Humber. Humber, 30, grew up in C arthage, Texas. His aunt and uncle lived in Houston, so during the summer he often saw games at the Astrodome, with Craig Biggio catching, Glenn Davis at first base and Bill Doran, Humber's favorite Astro, at second. One day his father gave him cash for a souvenir. Humber, who was about 6 years old, decided to buy the most expensive item he could afford. "It ended up being a little trinket ring,

like a championship ring with the Astros logo," Humber said the other day, by his locker in the Astros' spring training clubhouse here. "The next part of our vacation we went to Sea World in San Antonio. I had the ring on, and we go into this dolphin exhibit where you can actually get the dolphins to come up to you and touch them. "The ring falls off. It's loud in this place, and I'm yelling to my dad, 'I can't reach it!' And here comes this dolphin and swallows that ring. Oh, it was devastating, man. I hated dolphins for a long time after that." Humber would see many more games at the Astrodome, including a one-hitter by the Atlanta Braves' Greg Maddux when Humber was 12. But he never got another Astros ring. "Maybe this year I'll replace it," Humber said. See Humber/C4

Julio Cortez/The Associated Press

Houston Astros pitcher Philip Humber walks off the field at the end of the first inning of an exhibition spring training baseball game against the St. Louis Cardinals in Jupiter, Fla., Monday.




GOLF 6a.m.:European Tour/Sunshine

training, New York Yankees at Philadelphia Phillies, MLB Network.

Tour, Tshwane Open, first round, Golf Channel. 9:30a.m.: LPGATour, HSBC

BASKETBALL 4 p.m.: Men's college,

Women's Champions, first round, Golf Channel. Noon:PGATour, HondaClassic, first round, Golf Channel.

Georgetown at Connecticut, ESPN2.

4 p.m.:Men's college, Oklahoma State at Texas Christian, ESPNU. 5 p.m.:NBA, Golden State

Warriors at NewYork Knicks, ESPN. 5 p.m.: Men's college, St. Josephs at Saint Louis, CBSSN.

6 p.m.:Men's college, Oklahoma at Texas, ESPN2.

6 p.m.:Men's college, Louisville at DePaul, ESPNU.

6:30 p.m.:Men's college, Arizona at USC, Pac-12 Network.

7 p.m.: Men'scollege,Stan Diego State at New Mexico, CBSSN. 7:30 p.m.:NBA, Denver Nuggets at Portland Trail

Blazers, ESPN. 8 p.m.:Men's college, Colorado at Stanford, ESPN2.

BASEBALL 10a.m.: MLB, spring training, Atlanta Braves at Philadelphia Phillies, MLB Network. 3 p.m.:MLB, New York Mets at Washington Nationals, MLB Network.

BASKETBALL 4p.m.: Men's college, North

Carolina at Clemson,ESPN. 4p.m.: Men's college, OhioState

Old Dominion, NBCSN.

4p.m.: Women's college, Alabama-Birmingham atEast Carolina, CBSSN.

6 p.m.:Men's college, Utah at California, ESPNU.

6 p.m.:Women's college, Rice at Texas-El Paso,CBSSN. 7 p.m.:Women's college, Stanford at Washington, Pac-12 Network.

7 p.m.: Men'scollege,Loyola Marymount at Santa Clara, Root

Sports. 7:30 p.m.:NBA,Minnesota Timberwolves at Los Angeles Lakers, TNT.

8 p.m.: Men'scollege,Gonzaga atBYU,ESPN2.

8 p.m.: Men'scollege,Oregon State at Oregon, ESPNU.



THURSDAY BASKETBALL 8p.m.:Men's college, Oregon State at Oregon, KBND-AM1110, KICE-AM 940, KRCO-AM 690.

Listings are the mostaccurateavailable. The Bulletin/s not responsible for late changes made by TI/or radio stations

Stars. The 24-year-old Cole has

Ducks take 3-1 winover

three goals and three assists in 19 games for the Canadiens.

ing only three hits, the Oregon

Kings trade Gagnedack

baseball team pulled off a 3-1

t0 FI$8fS —The Los Angeles

nonconference victory over the University of Portland on Tues-

Kings traded struggling left

POI'tlalld — Despite record-

day night in Eugene.TheDucks

wing Simon Gagneback to the Philadelphia Flyers on Tuesday

got RBls from Scott Heineman, Brett Thomas and Ryon Healy for runs in the first, third and fifth innings to improve their

for a conditional draft pick.

record to 7-1 onthe season. Oregon will head to Fullerton, Calif.,

who sent the veteran forward

this weekend for a three-game series with Cal State Fullerton

his first10 NHL seasons. Los Angeles will get a third-round

starting Friday night at 7 o'clock.

pick if Philadelphia makesthe

They return home Monday for a two-game series with Cal State

the Flyers miss the postseason.

playoffs or a fourth-round pick if


BASKETBALL GoaCh KWOn't de daCk aS U.S. COaCh —Mike Krzyzewski said againTuesday he doesn't plan to return as U.S.

OLYMPICS Istanbul wantswrestling

daCk —The headof Istanbul's bid for the 2020 Olympics hopes a winning vote coincides with wrestling's reinstatement. The



EasternConference Atlantic Division

GP W L OT PtsGF GA Pittsburgh 2 0 1 3 7 0 26 69 54 NewJersey 19 10 5 4 24 48 49 P hiladelphia 21 9 1 1 1 1 9 60 66 N.Y.Rangers 18 8 8 2 18 44 48 N .Y. Islanders 20 8 1 1 1 1 7 57 68 Norlheast Division GP W L OT PtsGF GA Montreal 19 12 4 3 27 53 41 Boston 1 6 12 2 2 2 6 49 35 Ottawa 20 12 6 2 2 6 48 37 20 12 8 0 24 57 46 Toronto Buffalo 2 0 7 1 2 1 1 5 50 64

Southeast Division

GP W L OT PtsGF GA Carolina 18 9 8 I 19 50 54 TampaBay 19 9 9 1 19 70 60 Winnipeg 1 9 9 9 1 19 52 60 Florida 19 6 9 4 16 48 69 W ashington 18 7 1 0 1 1 5 51 55 Western Conference Central Division GP W L OT PtsGF GA Chicago 1 9 1 6 0 3 35 61 37 Nashville 20 9 6 5 23 44 47 St. Louis 1 8 1 0 6 2 22 55 52 Detroit 19 9 7 3 21 57 54 C olumbus 20 5 1 2 3 1 3 44 61 Northwest Division GP W L OT PtsGF GA Vancouver 19 10 5 4 24 54 52 Minnesota 18 9 7 2 20 39 43 Calgary 18 7 7 4 18 49 61 Edmonton 18 7 7 4 18 42 49 Colorado 18 7 8 3 17 44 54 Pacific Division GP W L OT PtsG F GA Anaheim 1 7 1 3 3 1 27 59 47 Dallas 20 10 8 2 22 56 57 Phoenix 19 9 7 3 21 54 51 San Jose 1 8 9 6 3 21 44 41 Los Angeles 17 9 6 2 20 45 41 NOTE: Twopoints lor a win,onepoint for overtime loss Tuesday's Games San Jose 3, Colorado2, SO Dalla s5,Columbus4,OT Washington 3, Carolina 0 Winnipeg 4, N.Y.Rangers3 Florida 6,Pittsburgh4 Buftalo 2,TampaBay1 Boston 4, N.Y.Islanders1 Minnesota 2, Calgary1, OT Phoenix4,Vancouver2 Today's Games Washington at Philadelphia, 4:30p.m. MontrealatToronto,4:30 p.m. Detroit atLosAngeles, 7p.m. Nashville atAnaheim, 7p.m.

BASKETBALL South Alabama 61,Auburn 43 FloridaSt. 76,Wake Forest62 Tennessee 64,Florida 58 Towson85,GeorgeMason 81,OT UCF65,Ga.Southwestern 50 VMI 83,Liberty66 Midwest Detroit 76,Loyolaof Chicago75 E. Illinois58,ChicagoSt.50 GreenBay78, Milwaukee61 Rl.-chicago60,Wright St.55 Minnesota 77, Indiana73 N. Dakota St. 63,UtahValley56 Valparaiso73,Youngstown St.64 Wisconsin77, Nebraska46 Xavier64,Memphis 62 Far West Air Force 72 Wyoming66

Conference Arizona Oregon UCLA

California ArizonaSt. Colorado SouthernCal Stanford Washington

ulah OregonSt.

W 11 11 10 10 9 8 7 7 7

L 4 4 4 5 6 6 7 8 8


2 13 Today's Games Arizonaat USC,6:30 p.m. ColoradoatStanford, 8 p.m. ArizonaStateat UCLA,8:30 p.m.

Tuesday'sGames East Adelphi 64,S.Connecticut 49 Marquette81, Providence70 Rutgers68, SouthFlorida 56 Uconn76,Pittsburgh36 WestVirginia66, KansasSt. 57 South Wil iam 8Mary79, Georgia St 73 Midwest DePaul75,Georgetown55 NotreDame79,Syracuse68 Southwest Texas59, TCU46 Polls USA Today Women'sTop 25 Poll The top25teamsin theUSATodayWomen's college basketbalpoll, l withfirst-placevotesin parentheses, records throughFeb.25, total pointsbasedon25 points for a first-placevote throughonepoint for a 25th-placevoteandlast week's ranking: R ecord Pts P vs 1. Baylor(30) 27-1 7 7 4 1 2. NotreDame(1) 2 5 - 1 744 2 25-2 26-1 26-2 25-2 23-3 22-5 22-5 23-4 23-4 24-1

5. Stanford 6. California 7. PennState

8.Tennessee 9 Maryland 10. Kentucky


W L 23 4 22 6 20 7 18 9 20 8 18 8 12 15 16 12 15 13



11 15



13 15

DubaiChampionships Tuesday At Dubai TennisStadium Dubai, United ArabEmirates Purse: $2.4 million (WTBO O) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles First Round VictorHanescu,Romania, def BernardTomic, Australiar 3-2,retired NikolayDavydenko,Russia, def. JankoTipsarevic (6), Serbia6-0, 7-5. TobiasKamke, Germany, def. Mikhail Kukushkin, Kazakhstan,4-6,6-4,6-4. Marcel Granogers,Spain, del. Albert Montanes, Spain,6-3, 6-1 Juan Martin dePotro(4), Argentina,def. Marcos Baghdatis,Cyprus,4-6, 6-4,7-6(4). TomasBerdych (3), CzechRepublic, def.Rajeev Ram,UnitedStates,6-1,6-3. Dmitry Tursunov,Russia, del. JanHajek,Czech

The Associated Press MINNEAPOLIS — Indiana was starting to settle in again at No. 1 after weeks of shuffling at the top of the national rankings in this wildly unpredictable season of college basketbalL Trevor M b a kw e a n d Min n esota stepped forward, flexed their muscles and did their best to push the Hoosiers out. Mbakwe had 21 points and 12 rebounds to help the Gophers take down top-ranked Indiana 77-73 on Tuesday night, the seventh time the No. 1 team in The Associated Press' poll has lost a game this season. aWe're trying to do big things so we have to learn from this mistake, but we have to dust it off real fast," Hoosiers star Victor Oladipo said. Andre Hollins added 16 points for the

Hall of Fame Duke coach said

during and after last summer's Olympics that he wasn't planning to return to the position he's held with the national team

since 2005.

HOCKEY StarS, GanadienS ComPlete trade —Lessthan 24 hours after picking up acareerbest three assists in a loss at Nashville, the Dallas Stars dealt right wing Michael Ryder and a third-round draft pick to the

Montreal Canadiens for right wing Erik Cole in a swap of vet-

eran forwards. TheCanadiens confirmed the tradeTuesday night. The 32-year-old Ryder

has six goals and eight assists in19 games this year for the

will be challenging Madrid and Tokyo for the right to stage the

gamesinsevenyears.Oneof Turkey's five medals at the Lon-

don Gamescame inwrestling — a bronze.

MOTOR SPORTS Daytona ratings upfrom laSt year —With Danica Patrick starting from the pole, the Daytona 500's television

Gophers (19-9, 7-8 Big Ten), who out-

ratings were much higher than last year's. Sunday afternoon's race earned a 9.9 rating and 22 share on Fox, the network said

by a whopping 44-30 and solidified their

Tuesday. That's up 24 percent from 2012, when rain pushed

the event to a Monday night. It was the highest rating since 2008. — From wire reports

Surface: Clay-Outdoor Singles Men First Round NicolasAlmagro(3), Spain,def. CesarRamirez, Mexico,6-0, 6-1. DanielGimeno-Traver,Spain, det. Carlos Berlocq, Argentina,6-3, 6-2. WayneOdesnik, UnitedStates, del. LukaszKubot, Poland,6-3,6-4. Tommy Robredo,Spain,def.Fiippo Volandri,ltaly, 6-2,2-6,6-4.

Paolo Lorenzi,Italy,del. BenoitPaire(7), France,

4-6, 6 4,6-3.

DavidFerrer(1), Spain,def AlbertRamos, Spain,

6-0, 6-3. Aljaz Bedene,Slovenia, def. David Nalbandian, Argentina,4-6,6-0,6-4.

Fabio Fognini, Italy,def.StanislasWawrinka (4), Switzerland,6-2, 7-6(3). HoracioZebagos(8), Argentina, def. SimoneBolegi,Italy,7-5,6-1. AndreyKuznetsov, Russia, def.ThomazBelucci (6), Brazil4-6, , 6-4,6-4. Rafael Nadal (2), Spain, def. DiegoSebastian Schwartzman, Argentina, 6-2, 6-2. Women First Round Romina Oprandi (8), Switzerland, def. Alexa Glatch,UnitedStates, 6-4,2-6, 7-5. Maria-Teresa Torro-Flor, Spain, def. PaulineParmentier,France,6-1, 6-4. Sara Errani (1), Italy, def. AlexandraCadantu, Romania6-3, , 6-2r FrancescaSchiavone(6), Italy, def. Grace Min, UnitedStates,6-4, 4-6, 6-2. Silvia Soler-Espinosa,Spain, def. MandyMinega, Luxembourg,6-1,7-6(3). Alize Cornet(3), France, def. Catalina Castano, Colombia,6-1, 2-6, 6-3. EugenieBouchard, Canada, det. EvaBirnerova, CzechRepublic, 7-6 (5), 6-3. MariaJoseMartinezSanchez, Spain, def.Alexandra Panova,Russia, 6-3, 6-1. Carla SuarezNavarro, Spain, def. MathildeJohansson, France,6-1, 6-0. Karin Knapp,Italy,def. JohannaLarsson, Sweden, 6-3, 6-1 StephanieForetzGacon,France, def.Julia Cohen, UnitedStates,5-7, 7-6(5), 6-0.


Spring Training AH TimesPST

Tuesday's Games

Miami 7,N.Y.Mets5 Atlanta 9,Washington 5 Baltimorevs. PittsburghatBradenton, Fla., ccd., Rain Minnesota 8,Toronto4

Houston(ss)9 Detroit 4 Philadelphia4 NY Yankees3 Tampa Bay 7,Houston(ss) 2,6 innings poga, Italy,6-1, 6-4. St. Louis15,Boston4 Yen-hsun Lu, Taiwan, def. Bobby Reynolds, L.A. Dodgers 8, SanFrancisco 8,tie UnitedStates, 6-3,7-5. Cubs4 Colorado2 ErnestsGulbis, Latvia, def.JamesBlake, United Chicago Seattle 6,Milwaukee5 States,6-1, 6-4. WhiteSox14, Texas8 Jack Sock,UnitedStates, def. MatthewEbden, Chicago Kansas City4,Cleveland1 Australia, 6-3,6-3. Denis Istomin,Uzbekistan,def. BenjaminBecker, San Diego7,Cincinnati 5 L.A. Angel7, s Arizona(ss)7,tie Germany, 6-7 (3), 6-4, 7-5. land4 TommyHaas (2), Germany, def. Igor Sijsling, Arizona(ss)9, OakToday' s Games Netherlands,5-7,6-4, 6-0. Philadelphia vs. Minnesotaat FortMyers, Fla., 1005 RicardasBerankis, Lithuani, del. BjornPhau,Gera.m many 6-1,7-6 (4). Bayvs. Pittsburghat Bradenton,Fla., 10:05 Go Soeda ,Japan,def.MarinkoMatosevic,Aus- Tampa a.m. tralia, 2-6,6-4, 7-6(6). vs.Detroit at Lakeland,Fla.,10:05a.m. KevinAnderson(6) SouthAfrica, def.TimSmyc- Atlanta Ba timore (ss) vs. N.Y.YankeesatTampa, Fla., 1005 zek, United States, 6-3, 6-4. a.m. Ivo Karlovic,Croatia,def.KeiNishikori (4),Japan, Miamivs.Washington atViera, Fla.,10:05 a.m. 5-4, retired. Houstonvs.TorontoatDunedin, Fla.,10:05a.m. John Isner(1), UnitedStates,def. JesseLevine, St. I.ouis vs N.Y.Metsat PortSt. I.ucie, Fla.,1010 Canada,7-6(3), 5-7, 6-4. a.m. L .A. Dodgersvs.ChicagoCubsatMesa,Ariz.,12.05 Brazil TennisCup p.m. Tuesday Milwaukee vs. Kansas City at Surprise, Ariz., 12:05 At FederacaoCatarinensedeTenis p.m. Florianopolis, Brazil San Franci scovs. L.A. AngelsatTempe, Ariz., 12:05 Purse: S235,000(Intl.) p.m. Surface: Hard-Outdoor Colorado vs SanDiego(ss) at Peoria, Ariz., 1205 Singles p.m. First Round Seattle vs.ClevelandatGoodyear, Ariz., 12:05p.m. Tatjana Malek, Germany,def. Teliana Pereira, Texas vs. ChicagoWhite SoxatGlendale, Ariz.,12.05 Brazil, 6-4,6-2. pm. Kristina Mladenovic(7), France,det. AnneKeoSan Diego(ss)vs. Oaklandat Phoenlx, 12:05p.m. thavong,Britain,6-3, 6-4. Cincinnati vs.ArizonaatScotsdale, Ariz.,12:10p.m. Timea Babos,Hungary,def. Valeria Savinykh, Bostonvs.Baltimore(ss) atSarasota, Fla., 4:05p.m. Russia,7-6(5), 6-7(3), 6-2. VenusWiliams(1), United States,def. Mirjana Lucic-Baroni Croatia,6-3, 6-3 DEALS GarbineMuguruza,Spain, def. Kristina Barrois, Germany,6-2,6-2. Transactions MagdalenaRybarikova(5), Slovakia,def. Kimiko Date-Krumm,Japan,6-3,6-0. BASKETBALL Beatriz HaddadMaia, Brazil, def. HsuChieh-yu, National Basketball Association UnitedStates,6-1,6-2. MILWAU KEE BUCKS—Suspended C Samuel Dlga Puchkova, Russia, det. Kirsten Flipkens(3), Dalembert onegamefor aviolation of teampolicy. Belgium,2-6, 6-4, 6-4. HOCKEY SecondRound NationalHockeyLeague Jana Cepelova,Slovakia, def. AnnikaBeck(8), ANAHEIMDUCKS—AssignedF Peter Holandto Germany,7-6(6), 6-4. Norfolk (AHL).Recalled FEmersonEtemtrom NorMalaysia nOpen Tuesday At Gukit Kiara Equestrian fkCountry Resort Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia Purse: $236,000(Intl.) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles First Round PatriciaMayr-Achleitner,Austria, def. ClaireFeuerstein, France,6-3,6-4. Misaki Doi (5), Japan,def. AlbertaBrianti, Italy,

6-2, 6-3. KarolinaPliskova,Czech Republic, det.CaseyDellacqua,Australia, 6-3,6-2. BethanieMattek-Sands,UnitedStates, def. Donna

Vekic(6),Croatia,6-3,4-6, 6-2.

MexicanOpen Tuesday At The FairmontAcapulcoPrincess Acapulco, Mexico Purse: ATP,$1.35 million (WT600); WTA, $236,000 (Intl.)

folk. FLORIDA PANTHERS RecalledC Scott Timmins

from San Antonio (AHL) LOS ANGELESKINGS— Traded LW Simon Gagne to Philadelphiaforaconditional draftpick. MONTR EAL CANADIENS—Acquired F Michael Ryderandathird-round draft pick in2013fromDalas for F ErikCole. NEWJERSEY DEVILS—Placed GMartin Brodeur on injuredreserve,retroactive to Feb.24. Recaled G Keith KinkaidfromAlbany(AHL). ST. LOUISBLUE S—Recalled F AndrewMurray from Peoria(AHL). SANJOSESHARKS—Recalled FDMatt Irwinfrom Worcester(AHL). WASHING TON CAPITALS—Recalled F Casey WellmanfromHershey(AHL). COLLEGE DKLAHOMANamedJerry Montgomerydefensive linecoach. STANFOR D—Named Morgan Turner tight ends

coach. WESTERNKENTUCKY Dis missed senior C TeengAkolfromthebasketball team.

Minnesota takes down N0.1 Indiana 77-73

International Olympic Commit-

in September in BuenosAires, Argentina. That is when Istanbul

3 4 5 6 9 10 8 7 12 I4


tee executive board voted this month to drop wrestling from 2020, but the final decision will be made at the assembly

a new coach this summer.The

71 2 67 1 66 2 62 2 58 3 52 4 51 2 50 8 45 8 41 1

I 1. Georgia 12. Dayton 13. SouthCarolina 2 2 - 5 39 8 15 14. Louisville 22-6 35 9 11 15. TexasA8M 21-7 34 2 13 21-6 3 1 5 16 16. UCLA 17. NorthCarolina 25 - 4 298 17 24-3 24 3 19 18. Delaware 22-5 1 8 2 23 19. Colorado 22-4 16 1 18 20. Syracuse 21.IowaState 19-6 1 3 9 24 20-7 9 2 21 22. Purdue 2 2-2 8 3 23. Green Bay 20-7 6 9 20 24. FloridaState 25. Nebraska 2 1-6 6 6 Dthersreceivingvotes: DklahomaState63, Texas Tech23, Princeton17, SouthFlorida12, SanDiego State11, Kansas7, Marist 3, Oklahoma3, Toledo 3, SMU 2,GonzagaI, Liberty I, St.John's l.

leading the Americans to two

Krzyzewski told ESPN Radio he expects USA Basketball to name

Delray BeachInternational Tuesday At Delray BeachStadium &Tennis Center Dalray Beach, Fla. Purse: $619,776(WT260) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles First Round Daniel Munoz-dela Nava,Spain, def. RyanHarrison, UnitedStates,6-2, 1-6, 6-3. EdouardRoger-Vasselin, France,def. Flavio Ci-

Women's college

3. Uconn 4. Duke

Republic 4-6 6-1 6-2 Novak Djokovic (I), Serbia, def. Viktor Troicki, Serbia,6-1,6-4. Michael Llodra, France,def. Jo-WilfriedTsonga

(5), France, 7-6 (3), 6-2.


Utah atCalifornia, 6 p.m. OregonStateatOregon,8 p.m.

men's basketball coach after Olympic gold medals. Saying a my stance hasn't changed,"

11 17


Pacific-12 Conference AH Times PST

Gagne hasn't scored a goal in11 games this season for the defending Stanley Cupchampions, back to the city where hespent





In the Bleachers © 2013 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Uctrck wwwigocomics.comnnthebleachers

vs. TBD Alpine skiing: OSSA Championships/Finals at Mt Bachelor,GiantSlalom, Ciffhanger, TBD. Nordic skiing: OHSNO statechampionships at Mt. Bachelor,TBD.

Men's college



Saturday Girls basketbaH:Class4A first round, Sistersat Mazama, 7 p.m.; Class4Afirst round, Madrasat La Grande,5 p.m.; Class5Afirst round, Summit

4 p.m.:Men's college, Drexel at

HOCKEY 4:30p.m.:NHL,Washington

7:30 p.m.:NBA, Denver Nuggets at Portland Trail Blazers, KBNDAM 1110, KRCO-AM 690.

Friday Boys basketball: Class5Afirst round,Redmondvs. TBD;Class5Afirst round,Mountain Viewvs.TBD, Class 5Afirst round, Summitvs.TBD;Class4A first round,RidgeviewatCascade,7p.m; 0lass4A first round,MadrasatSutherlin, 6 p.m. Girls basketball: Class 5A tirst round, BendHigh vs. TBD Alpine skiing: OSSA Championships/Finals at Mt Bachelor,GiantSlalom, Ciffhanger, TBD. Nordic skiing: OHSNO statechampionships at Mt. Bachelor,TBD.

State at Tennessee State, ESPNU.

at South Carolina, ESPN2.


Today Girls basketball: Class5Aplay-in round,Redmond at CrescentValley,6p.m.

4 p.m.:Men's college, Morehead


at Los Angeles Kings, NBCSN.


at Northwestern, ESPN2.

5 p.m.:NBA,Philadelphia 76ers 8 p.m.: Men's college, St. Mary's at Chicago Bulls, TNT. at Pepperdine, ESPNU. 6 p.m.:Men's college, Dukeat 8:30 p.m.:Men's college, Virginia, ESPN. Arizona State at UCLA, Pac-12 6 p.m.:Men's college, Missouri

Capitals at Philadelphia Flyers, NBCSN. 7 p.m.:NHL, Detroit Red Wings



rebounded Cody Zeller and the Hoosiers slipping NCAA tournament bid with an emphatic performance against the Big Ten leader. The fans swarmed the court as the last second ticked off, the first time that's happened here in years. "We weren't physical enough on the glass. That's the bottom line," Indiana coach Tom Crean said. Zeller was held to nine points with four


Eliason to pull Up for a 3-pointer and give the Gophers a 51-48 lead. The Hoosiers turnovers for the Hoosiers (24-4, 12-3), eventually went back up 59-58. But Austin who have held the No. 1 ranking for 10 Hollins answered with a pump-fake layup of 17 polls this season, including the past that drew a foul for a three-point play and four. Oladipo scored 16 points, but 14 of a two-point advantage for the Gophers. the 17 points by Jordan Hulls came before The Hoosiers didn't lead again, and Joe halftime. Coleman's fast-break dunk with 2:35 left "Cody's certainly capable of a l o t," gave Minnesota a 68-61 cushion, enough Crean said, "and I think he'll bounce back of one to withstand a late Hoosier rally. In other games on Tuesday: just fine." Mbakwe, a sixth-year senior, posted Tennessee....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 his conference-leading seventh double- NOBFlorida....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Jordan McRae double. At 24 years old, he was a man among boys in many ways in this game, scored 27 points and Tennessee boosted dominating both ends of the court when its NCAA tournament hopes by beating the Gophers needed him most. Minnesota Florida, the Volunteers' sixth consecutive had 23 offensive rebounds. vlctory. "We did need to play with a sense of No. 17 Wisconsin...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 urgency, play with a little edge," Gophers Nebraska...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 coach Tubby Smith said. "I think Trevor MADISON, Wis. — Reserve Sam set that tone for us." Dekker matched his career high with 19 Elliott Eliason, who played every bit as points to lead Wisconsin (20-8, 11-4 Big well as Zeller, the slender sophomore in Ten). the poston the other side, scored seven Xavier..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 straight points for Minnesota to tie the N0.19Memphls...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 game at 46 shortly after Oladipo's reverse CINCINNATI — Brad Redford hit a layup had given the Hoosiers a 44-36 long 3-pointer that put Xavier back ahead edge, their biggest of the game. after wasting a 13-point lead, and the Musketeers ended Memphis' 18-game winning Hollins, who missed eight of his first nine shots, scraped off a high screen by streak.




Wildbeat Flames in overtime

Watson, a palm tree, and a ring • Golfer has to pay upon a bet after last year'svictory at TheMasters

The Associated Press

By Doug Ferguson

ST. PAUL, Minn. — The Minnesota Wild spent almost $200 million t o s ig n Z a ch Parise and Ryan Suter this past offseason. So far, the investment has generated mixed results. Perhaps Parise's goal 27 seconds into overtime and in Tuesday night's comeback 2-1 win over the Calgary Flames

The Associated Press

MARANA, Ariz. — The artistic, majestic wedge out of the trees and onto the 10th green at Augusta National. The tearful celebration. Slipping into that beautiful green jacket for the first time in Butler Cabin. The trophy presentation. Bubba Watson finally had a chance to catch his breath when he sat down for dinner to honor the latest Masters champion. And that's when it hit him. "We're all upstairs at the dinner and he said, 'Dude, do you realize what this means'?' " caddie Ted Scott recalled. "And we're thinking, 'Yeah, Bubba. You're the Masters champion. This is a pretty big deal.' He stops dead in his tracks and he says, 'I've got to buy Paul that ring.' " Paul Tesori, the caddie for Webb Simpson, was listening to the playoff on the radio while driving home to Florida when Watson made his incredible escape and beat Louis Oosthuizen with a par. Tesori smiled when he thought about the ring and wondered if Watson even remembered his promise. Leave it to Watson to have instant recall of such an insignificant moment compared with the magnitude of winning the Masters. There are 350 varieties of more than 80,000 plants at Augusta National, but only one palm tree on the golf course. It now takes on new meaning for Watson, a reminder of how he ruined a caddie's bet with his wife over a wedding ring and made up for it by winning a green jacket. It all started when Simpson had an extra ticket for the practice round that he gave to Tesori's wife, Michelle. Tesori was so excited about her first trip to the Masters that, as they drove to Augusta and he raved about the beauty of the golf course, he served up a challenge. "I said, 'Honey, one of the cool things is that there's one palm tree on the property and half the players don't even know where it is. If you can find the palm tree, anything you want is yours,' " Tesori said. She had been asking about a diamond ring that cost $10,000 and would complete her wedding band. Tesori figured he would buy it whenever Simpson won his next golf tournament, but he got caught up in the moment and offered that as the reward. They played nine holes that Wednesday with the regular group — Watson, Simpson and Rickie Fowler. Jason Day joined them on the first tree, but his wrist was a little sore and so the Australian left them after three holes. The lone palm at Augusta is tucked away to the right of the green on the par-3 fourth hole. This was the big moment. And that's when Tesori made his first big mistake. "Paul was talking to Bubba about it and I'm thinking to myself, 'This is not a good idea,' " Simpson said. Sure enough, Watson had no clue about the only palm at Augusta National. And when he heard the deal Tesori had with his wife, Watson couldn't help himself. "My best recollection is Bubba being his normal self and throwing Paul under the bus," Fowler said. "There are certainsecrets Bubba can keep ifthey need to be kept secret. But if it's something along the lines of a bet, and nothing that can hurt you too bad — like a $10,000 ring — that's out the door." Watson found the palm and began making a scene, his voice getting louder as he pointed to the tree. Tesori urged him to keep it down, which only egged on Watson, who continued to raise his voice and point to the palm. Tesori's only hope was that his wife was far enough back in the crowd and couldn't see — or hear — what Watson was doing. But when the caddie reached the green and looked to the left, he was doomed. "I found my wife in the crowd," he said. "She's got her arms up in the air in a V formation, jumping up and down. And Bubba thinks it's the greatest thing in the world." Tesori felt otherwise. "His face ... he looked like he was in shock," Scott, the caddie, said. In some respects, it was like the Old Testament story of Samson offering to buy linen garments and a set of clothes for his 30 wedding guests if they could solve his riddle. The guests pressured his wife to get the answer, and they solved it on the last night of the wedding feast. Samson was so angry he killed 30 men and took their garments to pay off the bet. This was just a ring. And the man who ruined it all was the first to come to the rescue. "I said, 'Hey, you lost. You better go down there and hug it,' " Watson said he told Tesori, meaning the tree. "He was mad. He said, 'Why would you do that?' So I told him, 'Hey, if I win this week, I'll buy it.' Webb said he'd do it and Rickie said he'd do it, too. And then we totally forgot about it." Tesori was thrilled for Watson when the Masters ended that night — and so was his wife. "She said I should send him a text," Tesori said. "I said, no, I don't want to do that. He's not going to remember, and I would never even bring it up. I'm rooting for Bubba because he's a friend of mine." The next morning,he received a direct message on Twitter from Scott, who was with Watson during the hours after his Masters win. He told him about Watson's reaction that Sunday night when he remembered the ring. "The look on Bubba's face was about the same look as Paul's face when she saw the tree," Scott said. Watson never thought twice about his end of the

bargain. "If someone said you had to pay $10,000 to win the Masters? Shoot, everybody would do that," he said. Even better, when Michelle Tesori went to the jewelry store and told the story, the owner knocked 25 percentoffthe price. It's just a coincidence, but in the months after that practice round, Watson had a green jacket, Fowler won his first PGA Tour event at Quail Hollow, and Simpson followed with his first major championship at the U.S. Open. Too bad Day, the other player in their group, left early. "It was a cool experience," Fowler said. "For the three of us, we have that memory to look back on with that ring, because all three of us ended up having a pretty good year. That ring symbolizes something."




will get Minnesota going.

J. Pat Carter/The Associated Press

Miami's Dwyane Wade (3) looks for a shot as the Heat's Udonis Haslem blocks Sacramento's Jason Thompson, right, during the first half of Tuesday night's game in Miami.

ea an on or s rai

w i n, e a i n s

The Associated Press MIAMI — LeBron James had 40 points and a career-high 16 assists, Dwyane Wade scored 39 and the Miami Heat pushed t heir w i nning s t reak t o 1 2 games by outlasting the Sacramento Kings 141-129 in double overtime on Tuesday night. Ray Allen added 21, Chris Bosh finished with 15 and Chris Andersen had 10 for the Heat, who remained six games clear of second-place Indiana in the EasternConference standings. Miami's 12-game w i nning streak is the longest in the NBA and matches the second-longest in franchise history. "Our ball club, we don't get rattled, no matter what's going on during the course of the game," James said. "If it's overtime, double-overtime, we find a way to win." Marcus T h ornton s c ored 36 points for Sacramento, the most by any reserve in the NBA this season. DeMarcus Cousins finished with 24 points and 15 rebounds, Tyreke Evans added 26 points, John Salmons 15 and Isaiah Thomas 14 for the

NBA ROUNDUP game numbers," Heat coach Erik Spoelstra said, noting that he told Wade the same after his 19-for-28 shooting effort in 46 minutes. And for the month, James finished 139 for 217 from the floor — 64.1 percent, by far the best of his career. Kings coach Keith S mart said before the game that sometimes "great teams get a little bored withthe regular season and they need something to get

them going."

playing a g a inst h i s t wi n brother, Robin, and Brooklyn snapped a two-game skid. Cavaliers .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 B ulls.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 CHICAGO — Dion Waiters scored 25 pointsto help make up forthe absence of Kyrie Irving, and Cleveland snapped an 11-game losing streak by

beating Chicago. M agic .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 7 6ers.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 ArPHILADELPHIA ron Afflalo and Tobias Harris scored 16points apiece,and Or-

lando snapped a 10-game road

The Heat didn't seem to be bored bythe second overtime. After a l at e n on-call that J ames w anted, h e si m p l y seemed mad. James scored inside to open the second extra session, yelling "and one" at referees as his way of insisting he was fouled as well. But after one sensational sequence, the game was pretty much sealed. Also on Tuesday: P acers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t 08

losing streak. B ucks... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 M avericks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 D ALLAS — M o nta E llis scored 22 points, and Milwaukee spoiled Dirk N o w itzki's first game in nearly 10 years with at least 20 points and 20 rebounds with a victory over Dallas. Clippers... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 B obcats... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 L OS ANGELES — B l a k e Griffin scored 24 points, keyWarriors....... . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 ing a decisivesecond-quarter I NDIANAPOLIS — D a v i d burst that put Los Angeles in West had 28 points and seven command, beating Charlotte to Kings. James became the first NBA rebounds, and Indiana over- improve to23-6 athome. player to finish with at least 40 came the ejection of Roy HibS uns... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 points and 16 assists since Kev- bert following a fourth-quarter Timberwolves.... . . . . . . . . . . . 83 in Johnson — now the mayor of scuffle to beat Golden State. PHOENIX — M a r cin GorSacramento — had 42 and 17 Nets.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 tat hit big shots at the end of regulation and overtime, helpfor Phoenix against Denver on H ornets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 April 3, 1994. NEW ORLEANS — Deron ing Phoenix end a three-game "Even with a d o uble-over- Williams scored 3 3 p o i nts, losing streak with a win over time game, those are v ideo Brook Lopez added 20 while Minnesota.


"If we thought that we were just going to sign a couple players and all of a sudden we've arrived, and they were going to open the gates, and here we are, a playoff team, that's not reality," Wild coach Mike Yeo said. "It's hard. You have to do a lot of things to be a winner, to find yourself at that point." Jason Zucker scored for Minnesota with 4:19 left in regulation to send it to overtime. Calgary's Mark Giordano was then given a d elay-ofgame penalty with 43 seconds to go. The penalty carried over into the extra period, and Parise beat goalie Joey MacDonald for the four-on-three winner. Parise's goal was only Minnesota's fourth in its last 41 power-play opportunities. Alex Tanguay scored for the Flames and MacDonald stopped 28 shots. The Flames went one-forseven with the man advantage, and failed to put Minnesota away when given several chances. Calgary wasted a five-minute power play in the second and a four-minute advantage in the third. It didn't get a shot on either chances and could barely get set up in Minnesota's zone. "When you waste nine minutes of power play without even getting a shot on net, you don't deserve to win," said Flames coach Bob Hartley, who abruptly ended his postgame news conference after two questions. "We could have put them away and we didn't." Also on Tuesday: P anthers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

P enguins......... . . . . . . . . . . 4 SUNRISE, Fla. — Tomas Kopecky recorded his f i r st career hat trick and Tomas Fleischmann hadthego-ahead scoreforhis 100th career goal, lifting Florida to a win over Pittsburgh. B ruins.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

I slanders ......... . . . . . . . . . . 1 UNIONDALE, N.Y. — Brad M archand scored t h e g o ahead goal in the second period and Boston beat New York for the 16th time in the past 20 meetings.

S abres ......... . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Standings NATIONALBASKETBALL ASSOCIATION All TimesPST

Eastern Conference W 41 36 33 34 32 32 30


d-Indiana d-NewYork Brooklyn Atlanta

Chicago Boston Milwaukee Toronto Philadelphia Detroit Cleveland Washington Orlando Charlotte

L 14 21 20 24 23 25 27

27 2B

23 22 22 19 18 16 13

34 33 37 3B 37 41 44


d-SanAntonio d-Oklahoma City d-LA Clippers Memphis Denver GoldenState Utah Houston LA. Lakers Portland Dallas Minnesota NewDrleans Phoenix Sacramento d-divisionleader

Pct GB 745 632 6 623 7 586 8'/~ 582 9 561 526 491 404 400 373 333 327 281 228

10 12 14 19 19 21 23 23 26 29

W L 45 13 41 15

Pct GB 776 732 3

41 18

695 4'/2 673 6'/2

37 36 33 31 31 28 26 25 20 20 19 19

18 22 24 26 27 30 30 31 34 38 39 39


Orlando 98, Philadelphia84 Indiana108,GoldenState 97 Miami 141,Sacramento 129,20T Cleveland101,Chicago98 Brooklyn101,NewOrleans97 Milwaukee 95, Dalas 90 Phoenix84,Minnesota83,OT LA. Clippers106,Charlotte84 Today's Games Torontoat Cleveland,4 p.m. Sacramento atOrlando, 4 p.m. Detroit atWashington, 4p.m. Milwaukee at Houston, 5p.m. Dallas atMemphis, 5p.m. NewOrleansat OklahomaCity, 5 p.m. GoldenStateatNewYork, 5p.m. Phoeni xatSanAntonio,5:30p.m. AtlantaatUtah,6p.m. Denverat Portland,7:30p.m.

Summaries Tuesday'sGames

Cavaliers101, Bulls 98 CLEVELAND (101)

621 9

Gee5-0 0-0u,Thompson3-84-510,zeller2-6 0-0 4, l.ivingston 6-113-315, Wa iters10-16 4-6 25, Ellington5-111-1 13,Speights3-62-28,Walton 4-60-0 8, Mi es2-62-27.Totals 40-8116-19101. CHICAGO (98) Deng9-16 6-8 26, Boozer13-201-2 27, Noah4-7 1-29, Hinrich4-90-011,Hamilton3-60-06, Robinson 2-60-05, Belinelli 3-100-08, Butler1-33-36, Moham med 0-10-00. Totals 39-78 11-15 98. 19 29 27 26 — 101 Cleveland Chicago 22 26 23 27 — 98

Heat141, Kings129 (2 OT) SACRAMENTO (129) Salmons6-110-015, Thompson3-10 2-38, Cousins10-174724, Thomas5-112-214,Evans11-1934 26, Thornton11-186-836, Paterson0-1 0-00, Brooks 0-40-0 0,Outlaw 0-0 2-2 2,Hayes2-2 0-04.Totals 48-93 19-26129. MIAMI (141) James14-23 0-1240,Haslem2-31-25, Bosh5-13 5-615, Chalmers 2-80-0 6, Wade19-28 0-239, Allen 8-140-021,Andersen4-52-210, Lewis1-50-03, Cole 1-2 0-0 z TotaIs 56-10119-24 141. Sacramento 2 2 31 32 27 12 5 — 129 Miami 27 24 33 28 12 17 — 141

579 11'/2

544 13'/z 534 14 483 17 464 1B 446 19 370 23 345 25 328 26 328 26

Harkless 3-44-510, Nicholson6-8 1-113,Vucevic 5-12 2-412, Moore4-91-212, Afflalo 8-17 0-016, Udrih 2-6 0-0 4,Harris 7-91-216, Lamb0-1 0-0 0, Harrington4-70-0 9, Jones2-3 2-2 6. Totals 41-76 11-16 98. PHILADELPHIA (84) Turner2-76-10 10,tYoung 4-110-0 8, Hawes2-6 2-2 6, Holiday4-11 0-09, N.Young1-61-1 3, Pargo 5-82-314, Allen2-50-04, Wright4-0 0-0 u Wilkins 6-122-214, Ivey1-20-03, Moultrie1-20-02,Jenkins 0-0 0-0 0.Totals 32-81 13-18 84. Orlando 18 29 21 30 — 98 Philadelphia 20 22 19 23 — 84

Nets101, Hornets 97 BROOKLYN (101)

Wallace 3-60-0B,Evans0-4 0-0 0,B.Lopez9-142-2 20, Williams10-219-1033,Wa tson 3-72-210, Brooks381-28, Humphries1-2002,Blatche49018, Bogans441-1 12, Teletovic01 0 00. Totals 37 761518101. NEWORLE ANS(97) Aminu2-6 0-0 4,Davis2-4 2-26, R.Lopez5-94-5 14, Vasquez 9-20 0-1 20,Gordon4-15 2-210, Anderson 5-11 2-213,Rivers3-4 0-0 7 Mason3-62-38, Smith 4B 008, Thomas0 00 00,Roberts3 40 07.Totals 40-8712-15 97. Brooklyn 31 26 16 28 — 101 Neworleans 20 21 24 32 — 97

Pacer 108, Warriors 97 GOLDENSTATE(97) Barnes3-42-29, Lee5-12 2-412, Biedrins0-10-0 0, Cuay14-203-438,Thompson5-140-013, Ezeli0-0 0-0 0, DGreen1-4 0-02,Jack2-106-711, Jefferson0 11-21, Landry 3-105-511, Bazemore0-00-00. Totals 33-7619-2497. INDIANA(108) George 9-171-321, West12-164-428, Hibberl4-85-6 13, Hill9-142-223,Stephenson4-150-09, Granger1-7345, THansbrough 0-3 2-22, Johnson0-0 0-0 0,Augustin 0-00-00, Mahinmi2-43-67.Totals41-8420-27108. GoldenState 25 28 20 24 — 97 Indiana 31 23 31 23 — 108

Magic 98, 76ers 84 ORLANDO (98)

Bucks 95, Mavericks 90 MILWAUKEE (95) Mbah a Moute2-43-57,llyasova3-93-410,Sanders 5-123-413, Jennings3-112-28, Ellis 8-174-522, Dunleavy5-9 1-213, Udoh0-10-0 0, Redick4-8 4-4

14, Henson 0-20-00, Gooden4-90-08.Totals34-82 20-26 95. DALLAS(90) Marion 4-92-2 10,Nowitzki8-16 4-4 21, BJames 2-2 0-0 4, Collison 5-152-312, Mayo7-144-418, Carter 0 8 22 2,Brand68 0212, Crowder 02 1-2 1, M.James 0-4 0-0 0,Morrow 0-20-0 0,Wright4-5 2-2 10. Totals 36-8517-21 90. Milwaukee 17 27 22 29 — 95 Dallas 21 28 21 20 — 90

Clippers106, Bobcats 84 CHARLOTTE (84) Kidd-Gilchrist 0-2 0-0 0, Mullens 6-13 0-0 13, Biyombo1-40-02, Walker5-152-215, Henderson 12-190-024,Sessions3-75-6 u, Haywood0-30-0 0, Adrien1-7 0-0 2,Taylor2-7 3-47, McRoberts3-3 2-2 10, Williams 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 33-81 12-14 84. LA. CLIPPERS(106) Butler6-0 0-016, Griffin11-142-424, Jordan 6-6 1-6 13, Paul3-7 0-0 7,Bilups 1-6 0-0 3,Barnes6-10 22 17, Odom25 0 0 6, Hil 381-2 7, Turiaf 1-5 1-6 3, Green2-41-2 6, Hollins 0-0 4-4 4. Totals 41-76 12-26 106. Charlotte 30 15 18 21 — 84


24 3 0 2 8 24 — 106

Suns 84, Timderwolves 83(OT) MINNESOT A (83) Kirilenko0-00-00, Wiliams8-163-1021, Pekovic 6-0 6-6 18, Rubio2-12 1-2 5, Ridnour3-0 4-4 10, Stiemsma0-2 0-00,Barea7-170-016,Shved2-90-0 5, Gelabale1-4 0-02, Cunningham 2-8 2-3 6. Totals 31-90 16-2583. PHOENIX (84) Tucker2-5 0-04, scola5-90-1 10, Gortat 5-11 4-6 14, Dragic4-141-410, Dudley1-6 0-1 2,WJohnson 6-I6 0-014, Mark.Morris6-12 0-014, O'Neal5-8 0-0 10, Beasley2 60 04, Marshall1 30-02,Marc.Morris 0-1 0-2 0.Totals 37-91 5-14 84. Minnesota 15 18 18 26 6 — 83 Phoenix 16 31 11 19 7 — 84

L ightning ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 TAMPA, Fla. — Tyler Myers

scored a go-ahead goal early in third period, helping Ron Rolston win for the first time as Buffalo's interim c oach with a v i ctory over Tampa

Bay. C apitals ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Hurricanes..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 WASHINGTON — Nicklas Backstrom scored in the first period and assisted on John Erskine's goal in the second, l eading W a shington o v e r Carolina. S tars ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 B lue Jackets.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 COLUMBUS, Ohio — Loui Eriksson fought off two defenders to get his stick on a rebound and jammed it in 3:03 into overtime to give Dallas a victory over Columbus. J ets.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

R angers .......... . . . . . . . . . . 3 NEW YORK — Olli Jokinen scored twice and Evander Kane had a goal and assist in the second periodforsurging Winnipeg, which closed a 4-1 road trip with a win over New York. S harks ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 A valanche ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 SAN JOSE, Calif. — Patrick Marleau scored inthe fourth round of the shootout, Antti Niemi stopped three shots in the final session, and San Jose showed signs of coming out of a monthlong slump with a victory over Colorado.

C oyotes .......... . . . . . . . . . . 4 Canucks......... . . . . . . . . ... 2 V ANCOUVER, Br it i s h Columbia — Kyle Chipchura scored twice and Mike Smith made 29 saves to lead Phoenix to a victory over Vancouver.





torm move onto Bo 5 a ter eatin t.

Nationals vs.Braveshasall the makings of a long rivalry By Paul Newberry

cludes 20-game winner Gio Gonzalez. "We have confidence and KISSIMMEE, Fla. — Dan Uggla and Freddie Freeman have shown what we can do," w ere walking back to t h e second baseman Danny EsAtlanta clubhouse, having pinosa said. "Now, we've just finished up a stint in the batgot to keep rolling with it." The Braves had a major ting cages on a rainy morning, when they spotted Bryce hole to f i l l a f ter C h ipper Harper sitting at the end of Jones retired, but g eneral the Washington dugout. manager Frank Wren moved They went over to shake boldly to make up what was h ands and chat for a f e w here, our goals should be lost — and then some. He minutes, their first chance to higher. There's n o s e n se signed B.J. Upton to a fivecatch up with the Nationals' r omancing a n y body a n d year, $75.25 million contract young star this season. telling you, 'Geez, we'd be (essentially the same money It won't be the last time lucky to wi n ou r d i vision, Jones was g e tting), t h en they meet. we'd be lucky to go far in the pulled off a seven-player deal This has all the makings of playoffs.' ... But I don't think with Arizona to land B.J.'s I'm t elling t h ese p l ayers younger brother. a great baseball rivalry: two youthful teams in the same anything they don't believe Now, Atlanta has a much d ivision, both p o ised f o r themselves." more balanced lineup, with long-term success but likely W hile having tw o w i l d the Uptons joining Dan Ugto be in each other's way. cards in each league has tak- gla and Andrelton Simmons "You d efinitely kn o w en some of the luster off divi- from the right side, while what's across the table," said sion races, the Braves found Freeman, Jason H eyward Uggla, the Braves' second out how important it is to fin- and Brian McCann should baseman, before the teams ish first — especially with a provide plenty of left-handed met in a spring training game one-game opening round. power. "They were a very talented Tuesday. The Braves had home-field Last year, they battled all advantage against the Cardi- team to start with, but they season for the NL East title, nals, but shoddy defense and definitely made some good the Nationals leading most a much-debated infield fly offseason acquisitions," Esof the way with the Braves in call sent Atlanta to a 6-3 loss. pinosa said. "It's always fun hot pursuit. Washington finJust like that, the season playing them. They've got ished with a league-leading was over. a good group of guys over 98 wins — four games ahead W ashington's year w a s there. They play hard. They of Atlanta, though both made stretched out a little longer, play the right way." the playoffs. but the ending was even more The Braves are looking to After each lost to St. Louis painful. In the decisive Game have more head-to-head sucin the postseason (the Braves 5 against the Cardinals, the cess against Washington, goin a disputed one-game play- Nationals jumped out to a 6- ing 8-10 in the season series off, the Nationals in a bitter 0 lead through three innings last year — and needing a division series), they began and were still up 7-5 heading three-game sweep in their making moves with an eye to the ninth. Drew Storen final meeting to make it that on a longer October run, ever was within one out of clos- close. "They've been on point," mindful of what their diviing out the series, but a pair sion rival was up to. of two-out, two-run singles Uggla said. "You could gradThe Braves signed B.J. gave St. Louis a stunning 9-7 uallysee them over the years U pton and t r aded for h i s win. getting better and better and younger brother, Justin, to Not surprisingly, one of better. Then, once you saw give their offense a much the moves Washington made all the moves they made bein the offseason was signing tween 2011 and 2012, I was needed boost from the right side of the plate. The Nation- Soriano, who had 42 saves like, 'Man, these guys are als traded for a true leadoff for the New York Yankees going to be for real.' I wasn't filling in for the injured Mari- at all surprised at how good h itter, Denard Span, a n d signed closer Rafael Soriano, ano Rivera. The Nationals they were." adding to a team that already plan to use their new addition The most impressive thing includes two o f b a seball's in the ninth inning, with for- about both teams is t heir brightest young p l ayers, mer closers Storen and Tyler youth. Harper and pitcher Stephen Clippard handling duties in Uggla is the only Atlanta Strasburg. the seventh and eighth. regular older than 30, while "You've got to p r epare," The acquisition of Span the Nationals have a couple Uggla said. "If they make a provides a true leadoff hitter, o f 3 0 -somethings, A d a m move, you've constantly got which was lacking in 2012. LaRoche and Jason Werth. to do what it takes to be com- Finally, the Nationals filled Most of the Braves' top pitchers — closer Craig Kimbrel, petitive. I feel like we did that a hole in their rotation by this year." picking up Dan Haren, who expectedopening day starter Davey Johnson is also im- battled injuries but still won Kris Medlen — are in their pressed with Atlanta's off12 games with the Angels, 20s. Ditto for the Nationals, season moves, believing the adding a veteran presence w hose lonestarterover 30 is Braves addressedtheirmajor to a young rotation that inthe newcomer Haren. The Associated Press

Bulletln staff report ST. HELENS — Summit started off hot and never let up Tuesday night, and now the Storm are in the Class 5A boys basketball state

playoffs. A 10-0 run to start the game set the tone as Summit defeated St. Helens 61-50 in a play-in game at St. Helens High School. The Storm will play on the road Friday night in a first-round game against an opponent to be announced. Senior wing Nick Moyer led Summit with 20 points, and Austin Peters added 14 points and seven rebounds. Cade Cattell scored 13 points for the Storm (12-13). Summit was ahead by 20 points early in the fourth quarter and made 19 free throws in the final period to seal the win. "We started off great," said Summit coach Jon Frazier. "We were a little nervous going in with such a long bus ride. The kids executed really well and kept their composure. It was a

physical game." The Storm made 25 of 34 free throws in the contest, and Peters was eight of eight from the line, including seven of seven in the fourth

quarter. "Our kids did a good job of attacking the basket and forcing contact," Frazier said. Summit led by 13 points at halftime, but St. Helens made four 3-pointers in the third quarter to cut the Storm lead to six. Behind the play of Moyer and Peters, Summit pushed its lead back to 16, 38-22, going into the fourth quarter. Also on Tuesday: GIRLS BASKETBALL Churchill...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 Mountaln View ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 The host Cougars led 29-28 going into the fourth quarter, but struggled shooting and only scored three points in the final period as the Lancers won the Class 5A play-in game to end Mountain View's season. Ciera Waldrup led the Cougars with 10 points and five rebounds, and Megan McCadden added seven points and nine rebounds. "We just were not getting shots to fall," said Mountain View coach Steve Riper. "We had good shots and open looks." Mountain View finished the season 16-9 overall. "The kids played hard and

had a great year," Riper added.

Bend Continued from C1 David Larson got hot for Bend in the fourth, scoring nine of his team-high 14 points in the final quarter. He eventually put the Bears within two points, 54-52, after making one of two free throws following a technical foul call on the Bowmen's bench with I minute, 47 seconds left in the game. A costly traveling callafter Larson's free throw, though, gave Sherwood the ball back before Bend even had a chance to attempt a shot. The B o wmen sealed the victory — and a spot in the first round of the 5A state playoffs Friday — with foul shots of their own in the final minute. "We had a great finish in the second half," Hayes said. "We just couldn't get over that hump. We were close, but we just couldn't quite get there." L arson, th e B e ars' l o n e senior, ended his prep c areer with nine rebounds and three blocks to go along with his 14 points. Robinson, a junior, contributed 11 points, and Connor Scott, also a junior, had eight points and five steals in the loss. "We c almed dow n a n d caught up with them in the third quarter," Larson said about his team's second-half efforts. "We ran our offense rt and started feeling our shots." Kurahara, Sherwood's junior center, led all scorers with 16 points, despite sitting all of the second quarter with two fouls. The Bowman big man ~wgjil made four field goals and was eight for 14 from the foul line. "We try to go through him on offense," Sherwood coach Tony Merrill said about Kurahara. "He did a really good job of playing with contact and fighting through it. And Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin we shot well enough from the Bend's Davld Larson (32) shoots over Sherwood's Jordan Kurafoul line for us to win." hara (30) durlng the first half of Tuesday night's game at Bend — Reporter:541-383-0305, Hlgh School. Larson led the Lava Bears in scoring with14 points, beastes@bendbulletin.com. Includlng nlne In the final quarter.

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PREP SCOREBOARD Boys basketball Nesday'sresults Class 5A Play-in round

SHERW OOD(60) —JordanKurahara16,Skoubo13, Jones10,Kitto9,Miligan6, Brooks4, Lawrence 2, SpurgeonTotals2115-26 60. BEND(52) —David Larson14, Robinson11, Spitler 10,Scott8,Beaumarchais5,Johnson4,Parsons,Harmeson Totals1516-2652. Sherwood 15 13 17 15 — 60 Bend 9 8 24 11 — 52 Three-poingo t als—Sherwood:Kitto3;Bend:Robinson 3, Spitler2,Larson. SUMMIT (61)—Nick Moyer20,Peters14, Cattel13,

Mullen6, Lucas3,Dermon,Higlin, Ritchey,Reeves, Michalski, Mene tee,Rasmussen. Totals1725-3461. ST. HEL ENS(50)—Hunter 23,Long11,Dumner, Beasley,Bum gardner,Bonnie3, Engert, Q.Gavin6, C.Galvm i 2, West2,Jewitt. Totals1710.1250. Summit 17 12 9 23 — 61 St. Helens 5 11 6 26 — 50 Three-poingo t als—Summt Cate I, Moyer; St. Heens: I-lunter3,Q.Galvin2,Bonnie.

Girls basketball Tuesday'sresults Class5A Play-in round CHURC HILL (39) —Duman11,Bechen9, Montgom-

Coaches Continued from C1 The Cardinal went to the NCAA tournament in D of 14 seasons under Mike Montgomery and Trent Johnson, but they will not make it for a fifth consecutive year under Dawkins, unless Stanford wins the Pac-12 tournament. And the declining attendance at Maples Pavilion has been startling this season. It is hard to think that with UCLA in contention for the Pac-12 title there is any concern for Ben Howland. But remember, when he signed one of the nation's top recruiting classes last spring, there was immediate talk of another return by the Bruins to the Final Four. If this UCLA team exits early from the NCAA tournament, and his best freshmen leave for the

ery 6,Brink6, Flick3, Couts2, Smith 2, Harris, Brehmer, Mari. Totals1115-2239. MOUNT AINVIEW(32) Ciera Waldrup10,McCadden 7,Platner6,Alexander 6,Johnson3, Booster,Warren, Cant,ReevesTotals119-1832. Churchill 7 14 7 11 — 3 9 MountainView 9 10 1 0 3 — 3 2 Three-pointgoals — Churchil: Montgom ery, Flick; MountainView:Platner. PARKR OSE(62) —Fsson33,Eckles11,Church11, Matthews 2,Mitchell 5,Stanley. Totals 2316-NA62. SUMMIT(64)—RajaI;har19, Heinly18, Cuniff2,Patterson 5,Trejo11, Edwards6,Powers3,Harter,Ca>.Nichols. Totals1920-2564. Parkrose 11 18 19 14 — 62 Summit 13 19 9 21 — 64 Three-poingoal t s—Parkrosr,: none;Summit: Te rio 3, l-leinly,Pa terson, Char.

NBA, where will that leave Howland? The one certain coaching change will be at USC, where Kevin O'Neill was relieved in January and Bob Cantu has been the interim coach. It just seems unlikely that he will be the permanent choice, though players have spoken well of Cantu, and he has been promised consideration by Pat Haden, the USC director of athletics. The Los Angeles Daily News speculated last week that Pitt's Jamie Dixon is now the top choice of the Trojans, and would that not be interesting? He would becoaching across town from Howland, who left Pitt for UCLA and was replaced by Dixon, who assisted Howland at Northern Arizona before Pitt. That rivalry does not happen, however, unless Howland is back at UCLA for next season.

weakness from the last few seasons — a lineup that was heavy on lefties. That said, the Washington manager made it clear what his team's mindset will be. World Series or bust. "We've already won a (division) pennant. We've been in the postseason," Johnson said. "With that experience and the talent level that's

Humber Continued from C1 A championship for the 2013 Houston Astros would rank among the most improbable stories in the annals of sports. The Astros have lost 213 games over the past two seasons. Now they enter the powerhouse American League West,home of Felix Hernandez, Adrian Beltre, Arte Moreno's checkbook and Billy Beane's brain. The entire Houston roster will earn about $20 million this season, or less than the salaries of many individual major

leaguers. Yet if anyone should be allowed to dream, it is Humber, whose 2012 season was so strange that he might be prepared for anything. Last April 21 in Seattle, while pitching for the Chicago White Sox, he threw the 21st perfect game in major league history. But he finished the season with a 6.44 earned-run average, the highest in the majors for pitchers with at least 100 innings. The White Sox put Humber on waivers, as other teams had before. Kansas City lost him to Oakland in December 2010, and the White Sox plucked him off the wire the next month. Last Nov. 30, the Astros had first waiver priority and took Humber before any other team had a chance. "Sometimes coming closer to home, in a new environment, that helps," said Jeff Luhnow, the Astros' general manager. "We believe he has the potential to be a middle-of-the-rotation-type starter." Humber was projectedas an ace in 2004, when the New York Mets drafted him third overall out of Rice University in Houston. But he differed with the pitching coach, Rick Peterson; lost time to reconstructive elbow surgery; and struggled to regain his velocity. Before the 2008 season, after Humber had made only one major league start, the Mets traded him to Minnesota in the deal for Johan Santana. He finally broke through with the White Sox in 2011, going 9-9 with a 3.75 ERA, but he had made only 29 major league starts before the one that will stay with him forever. On a shimmering Saturday afternoon, with a hellacious slider he learned from the White Sox pitching coach, Don Cooper, Humber made history with his perfect game. He took a call from President Barack Obama. He read a Top Ten list for David Letterman. Ten days after the perfect game, he became a father for the first time. Humber would be eligible for salary arbitra-

tion at the end of the season, and the big year he had envisioned was taking shape. "I had a good year in 2011 and started off so well in 2012, I was thinking, 'OK, here we go,' " Humber said. "I was trying to take another giant step instead of just building on the day before." The giant step turned into a stumble, and Humber could not get up. The slider — a pitch he had planned to be simply an extra option — was so good in Seattle that he found it irresistible. Humber fell into predictable patterns, he said, and tried to pitch through discomfort in his elbow. Mostly though, he said, he strived too hard to justify a performance impossible to repeat. The Astros' bullpen coach, Dennis Martinez, said he felt the same way after his perfect game for Montreal in July 1991. "I put more pressure on myselfbecause now I feel I have more responsibility to show that it was not a fluke that happened that day," Martinez said. "I put more pride into myself to be able to show to everybody that, hey, if that game happened, it happened because of the kind of pitcher that I am and the kind of pitcher I can be at any moment." Yet Martinez had made hundreds of starts before his perfect game. He thrived on the self-imposed pressure, finishing 1991 as the major leagues' ERA leader. Humber finished his season in the bullpen, allowing eight runs in a third of an inning one night in September. The contracthe had hoped for never came, but the Astros did guarantee him $850,000, the fifth-highest salary on the team. The Astros have open rotation spots behind Lucas Harrell and Bud Norris, and if Humber claims one, as expected, he said he hoped to be a leader. "I can share what I've learned through my experience, both good and bad," Humber said. "Hopefully some of these guys might be able to avoid some of the hard times I went through and maybe deal with success and failure better than I did." Mementos fromthe perfect game sit in a box at Humber's home in Tyler, Texas. He wants to display them someday, but not now. There is so much more to accomplish, for Humber and the team he used to watch. "I'm excited about being a part of, hopefully, the first step toward getting the Astros back where theyneed to be," Humber said."We're starting something new here. For a guy like me who's looking for a fresh start, this is the perfect team."

C5 © To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbulletin.com//bueinss. Alsoseearecapin Sunday's Businesssection.







Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Lessons learned? During the critical shopping months ofNovember and December, Target embraced several strategies to woo customers. The retailer, which reports fourth-quarter earnings today, matched the prices of online competitors such as Amazon.com. It also partnered with luxury merchant Neiman Marcus to offer a limited selection of products from 24 designers, though Target ended up offering big discounts to clear unsold merchandise. What lessons did Target learn from its holiday season strategy? 4," 6$


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StocksRecap NYSE NASD

Vol. (in mil.) 3,862 1,807 Pvs. Volume 3,887 1,844 Advanced 2030 1482 Declined 1 002 9 6 5 New Highs 61 41 New Lows 31 27



DOW DOW Trans. DOW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000




HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. 13917.83 13784.17 13900.13 +115.96 5839.12 5789.20 5820.15 +4.58 475.92 471.43 473.91 +1.57 8779.15 8700.73 8766.17 $-46.77 3135.57 3105.37 3129.65 +13.40 1498.99 1485.01 1496.94 +9.09 1089.69 1078.65 1088.15 +6.47 15822.11 15674.94 15801.66 +91.94 902.13 894.24 +4.21 900.05



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NorthwestStocks NAME

ALK 31.29 — A VA 22.78 ~ BAC 6 . 72 BBSI 16.50 — BA 66. 8 2 Spotlight on energy drinks Cascade Bancorp CACB 4.23 Some lawmakers are seeking Cascade Cp CASC 42.86 greater disclosures on the ingredi- Columbia Sporlswear COLM 45.37 Costco Wholesale C OST 81.98 ~ ents in energy drinks. The push followed the release Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5.62 ~ FLIR 17 99 ~ of a government survey in January FLIR Systems HPQ 11.35 ~ that suggests the number of emer- Hewlett Packard Home Federal Bucp ID HOME 8 .67 ~ gency room visits tied to energy Intel Corp I NTC 19.23 ~ drinks doubled Keycorp KEY 6 . 8 0 ~ nationwide the Kroger Co KR 209 8 — past four years. Lattice Semi LSCC 3 .17 ~ That put Monster LA Pacific L PX 7 , 73 —

Beverage and other energy drink makers on the defensive. Wall Street will be looking at Monster's fourth-quarter earnings today for signs the increased scrutiny is hurting sales.

MDU Resources Mentor Graphics Microsoft Corp Nike Inc 8 NordstromIuc Nwst NetGas OfficeMux Iuc PeccurIuc Planar Systms Plum Creek Prec Custperts Sefeway Iuc Schuitzer Steel Sherwin Wms Staucorp Fucl Sterbucks Cp Triquiut Semi Umpquu Holdings US Buucorp Washington Fedl Wells Fargo & Co W est CoastBcp OR

Back to profit?

MDU 19 . 59 ~ ME N T 12.85 ~


51.52 28.05 12.42 0 4636 78.02 7.18 65.45 58.63 105. 9 7 8.92 2 716 26.61 14.00 29.27 9.64 0 2900 6.89 o 22,13

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+ -.48 '

4 4

+16.0 +46 .0 91 7 12 +6.5 +5.6 391 19 1. 2 2f +.10 +0.9 w w w -4.1 +40.5168338 43 0.04 +.01 . . . 4 4 4 +17.0 +1 6 5.0 5 9 23 0.52 +.62 +0.8 w 4 A +0.4 +1.0 3363 15 1 .94f -05 + 23 +3 8 V V V +6 0 3 dd 07 -0.1 w w . .. +14.8 52 14 1. 4 0 A 4 +6.6 +14 .0 10 7 2 0 0. 8 8 -.64 -0.6 w w A +0.7 +28 . 2 28 80 24 1 .10a +.01 +0.2 w v i +2.0 +0.8 4 51 +.20 +0.8 w 4 A + 17. 2 +0. 7 10 4 2 1 8 0. 2 8 +.72 +3.8 4 A 4 +38.9 -26.5 38692 dd 0 .53 +.20 +1.7 A w w -5.9 +15.5 9 90 0. 2 4a +.35 +1.7 4 V V -0.2 -20.9 65613 10 0 .90 ... ... w w x +9.7 +1 6.5 20266 11 0.20 +, 3 7 +1,3 w i i +10 4 +22, 7 4 6 83 2 4 0, 6 0 -.03 - 0.6 w 4 A +15. 3 - 29.5 818 d d + . 6 8 +3,4 W A i +7.1 +15 3.4 3 039 c c 2 3. 6 1 -.08 -0.3 W A A +11. 2 +1 0 .6 9 5 3 0.69 16 . 9 9 + . 0 6 +0.4 V W V - 0.2 +14.0 8 2 2 1 4 27. 3 7 ... ... w w > +2.5 -10.3 491 93 15 0.92 54.2 7 + .2 3 + 0.4 V A X +5.2 +3.1 29 8 1 2 3 0. 8 4 5 2.5 3 -.17 -0.3 w w w - 1.8 + 1 . 1 2 769 1 5 1 . 08 45 . 2 3 -.03 -0.1 V W L +2.3 - 2.4 9 8 20 1. 8 2 11.76 +.16 +1.4 w A A + 20. 5 + 1 05.3 2937 2 0.08 46.58 +.38 +0.8 V W 4 +3.0 +4.3 17 4 1 1 5 0 . 80a 1.95 +36 4 -10 6 1 2 dd 47.86 +.59 +1.2 V V 4 +7.9 +25. 4 82 3 3 8 1.6 8 183.36 +2.75 $.1.5 w w w -32 + 71 601 20 0 12 23.66 +.90 +4.0 +30.8 +11.9 8128 1 0 0 . 70 28.72 +.01 .. . w w w -5.3 - 37.1 26 8 4 2 0 . 7 5 155.94 +1.60 +1.0 V V 4 +1.4 +54 . 4 97 4 2 4 2. 0 0f 38.80 +.05 +0.1 w x +5 8 -2 0 26 9 1 2 0 93f 53.28 +.07 +0.1 V V V -0.7 +1 1.7 5082 29 0 . 8 4 4.32 -.02 -0.5 w w w -10.6 -33.5 2456 12 . 5 0 -.01 -0.1 V V 4 +6.0 +1.4 468 13 0.3 6 33.7 9 +. 4 5 +1 .3 w 4 x + 5.8 +18 . 8 1219612 0 . 7 8 17 . 6 4 + . 1 5 +0.9 V A 4 $-4 6 $-1 2 5 1 7 4 13 0 32 34. 7 5 -.04 -0.1 +1.7 +18.6 29022 10 1 .00f 23 .44 -.04 -0,2 V V 4 +5.8 +41 . 8 15 21 0.20 2 935 + 57 +2 0 w w i +5.5 +3 9 . 6 5 129 4 1 0 . 68




Close: $67.56%3.64 or 5.7% The home improvement retailer's fourth-quarter net income jumped 32 percent due to strong sales and Superstorm Sandy cleanup. $70

Martha Stewart MSO Close: $2.85V-0.16 or -5.3% The media company's fourth-quarter net income fell 74 percent due to weak results at its publishing and broadcasting divisions. $3.5 3.0



D J 52-week range

52-week range $46.12~



VSI Close: $51.44V-11.78 or -18.6% The vitamin retailer said that fourthquarter net income rose 3 percent, but revenue growth fell short of analysts' expectations. $70

F $4.75

VolJ 22.8m (3.4x avg.) PE : 24.0 VolJ 313.7k (1.7x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$101.01 b Y i e ld: 1.7% Mkt. Cap:$117.1 m

Vitamin Shoppe

i v


Stronger-than-expected reports on the economy pushed stock indexes higher Tuesday, and the Dow Jones industrial average recovered more than half of its 216 point loss from Monday. The pace of new home sales rose last month to its strongest level since July 2008, home prices rose in December from a year earlier and consumer confidence strengthened for the first time in four months. Home Depot had the biggest gain among the 30 stocks that make up the Dow. The home improvement retailer raised its dividend, announced plans to buy back stock and reported fourth-quarter net income and revenue that beat analysts' expectations. Home Depot


Alaska Air Group Avistu Corp Bank of America Barrett Business Boeing Co



Dew Jones industrials

] . l,



P E: . . . Yield: ...

Hovnanian HOV Close: $5.79 %0.59 or 11.3% Shares of the homebuilder rose after the government said that new-home salesjumped inJanuary and home prices rose in December. $8



D J 52-week range

$41.62 ~ Vol.:4.3m (11.5x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$1.55 b


52-week range $65.93 PE: 2 5.5 Yield:...

Telephone & Data

TDS Close: $23.36V-2.01 or -7.9% The owner of U.S. Cellular and TDS Telecom posted a fourth-quarter loss and said it acquired Baja Broadband for $267.5 million. $26 24

$1.52 ~


Vol.:12.8m (1.3x avg.) Mkt. Cap: $718.94 m

P E: . . . Yiel d : ...

U nited Natural Foods


Close: $50.45 V-2.55 or -4.8% The distributor of organic and "natural" foods to grocery stores and other customers cut its outlook for the

entire year. $60 55



D J 52-week range $16.26~

D J 52-week range

F $27.17

$44.68 ~


V ol.:1.5m (2.6x avg.) PE: 23 .4 V olu1.2m (2.6x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$2.37 b Yiel d : 2. 1 % Mkt. Cap:$2.49 b

Cracker Barrel

CBRL Close: $72.75%5.80 or 8.7% Despite bad weather that lowered traffic at some of its restaurants, the

company's second-quarter net income still rose 38 percent. $75 70


PE: 25 .5 Yield: ...

Trina Solar

TSL Close:$4.24 V-0.23 or -5.1% The solar company posted fiscal fourth-quarter results that missed analysts' expectations and its profit margins shrank.


65 Onlinedeals company Groupon 60 reports financial results for the D J F D J F fourth quarter today. 52-week range 52-week range $2.64~ $8.68 $53.66~ $75.45 Wall Street anticipates the Weyerhueuser company returned to a profit on an Dividend Footnotes: a -Extra dividends werepaid, but are not included. b -Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. e -Amount declared or paid in last12 months. f - Current V ol.:1.2m (5.0x uvg.) PE: 1 6 . 7 Vol.: 4.4m (1.2x avg.) P E: .. . rate, wbuh was mcreased bymost recent divuend announcement. i - Sum ot dividends pud after stock split, no regular rate. I - Sum of uvidends pud rus year. Most recent Mkt. Cap:$1.72 b Yiel d : 2. 7 % Mkt. Cap:$345.03 m Yield :... adjusted basis after posting a loss annual dmdend was omitted or deferred k - Declared or pud ru$ year, a cumulative issue with dividends marrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend in the same quarter last year. announcement. p - Imtial dividend, annual rate rot known, y>eld not shown. 7 - Declared 477 paid in precedmg 12 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, appro76mate cash AP SOURCE: Sungard Groupon also is expected to report value on ex-distribution date. pE Footnotes: u - stock is 8 closed-2nd fund - no p/E ratio shown. cc - p/E exceeds sa d4I - Loss in last12 months improved revenue. Economic * Macy's said Tuesday InterestRates NET 1YR COrnpany of an cr in ease of3.7 problems inEurope have dampthat it expects revenue at TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO QTR AGO S Otiight pe rcent in 2012. ened the company's rate of stores open at least a year Forthe period ended growth. Investors will be focused 3-month T-bill . 1 0 .11 -0.01 A A A .10 to increase by 3.5 percent in Feb. 2, Macy's says it earned on whether the company's 6-month T-bill . 1 3 .13 ... L w .13 fiscal 2013. That's based in part $73 0 million, or $1.83 per share. revenue meets Wall Street's on reporting a fourth-quarter profit T h at compares with $745 million, 52-wk T-bill .14 .15 -0.01 V i V .15 expectations. that beat Wall Street expectations o r $ 1.74 per share, a year earlier 2-year T-note . 25 .24 +0 . 0 1 V V T .29 The yield on the as its strategy of tailoring when the company had more 5 -year T-note . 76 .76 ... V V L .85 GRPN $5.55 10-year Treasury merchandise to local markets paid s hares outstanding. $20 IO-year T-note 1.88 1.86 +0.02 w T A 1.93 note rose to 1.88 off during the holiday season. For the year, the company 3 0-year T-bond 3.08 3.06 +0.02 W W A 3.0 5 percent TuesThe department store chain, earned $3.24 per share on 10 day. Yields affect which also operates revenue of $27.69 billion. In 2013, NET 1YR Bloomingdale's stores, said the the company expects earnings per interest rates on $19.50 consumer loans. BONDS YEST PVS CHG WK MO GTR AGO rise this year would come on top share of $3.90 to $3.95. Barclays LongT-Bdldx 2.79 2.81 -0.02 w L L 2.57 Operating 4O '11 Macy's (Mj Tuesday's close: $39.59 52-WEEK RANGE BondBuyerMuni Idx 4.04 4.05 -0.01 W L L 4 .57 EPS 4Q '12 $32 ~ ~ ~ K X 42 Barclays USAggregate 1.86 1.90 -0.04 W W > 2.1 1 Price-earnings ratio (Besed on pest 12 months' results): 12 PRIME FED Barcl ays US High Yield 5.85 5.92 -0.07 w > w 7.05 *: 29% 5 -Y R * : 10% 1 0 - Y R*: 14% Div i dend: $0.80 Di v . yield: 2.0% Price-earnings ratio: lost money T otal return this year: 5% 3 - Y R





based on past 12 months' results


Total returns through Feb. 26


SOURCES: Factset

Dividend: none


Source Factset


Morningstar analysts give this dividend-oriented foreign stock fund a gold-medal rating. Since its Most Active October 2008 launch, the fund has NAME VOL (Ogs) LAST CHG posted an annualized return of 10 S&P500ETF 1740944 150.02 +1.02 percent.


BkofAm BariPVix rs SiriusXM SPDR Fncl Intel iShEMkts

1683382 1089036 771564 732426 656127 621470 Zynga 573842 PrUVxST rs 513195 RschMotn 512082

11.13 24.93 3.06 17.35 20.58

+.10 -.63 + . 03 +.09 +.35

42.94 $ .24

3.36 11.99 13.06

—.07 —.66 -.19


B l ruo G R OWTH


cC 63


cC 63

CHG %CHG +3.79 +8.55 +3.45 +.84 +.54 +.50 +2.21 +1.01 +3.27 +.36


+ 6 5 .3 + 5 3.9 «C + 5 2 .2 63 + 3 9 .3 «C + 2 9 .0 473 + 2 8.6 Morningsiar OwnershipZone™ + 2 2.8 + 1 8 .1 O o Fund target represents weighted + 1 7 .8 average of stock holdings + 1 5.2 • Represents 75% offund'sstock holdings


NAME VitaminSh EntreMed HeidrkStr BoulderBr Titan Intl

NAME Paris



Gainers NAME LAST ChiMobG n 9.59 CmwREIT 24.40 Spherix rs 10.07 MediciNova 2.98 WrlsRon rs 2.40 ProPhaseL 2.25 AssistLiv 11.91 HMG 6.59 US Silica 21.62 Elbitlmg 2.72

American Funds IutlGrlnA m

CATEGORY Foreign Large Blend L AST C H G %C H G MORNINGSTAR RATING™ * * * * f y -11.78 -18.6 51.44 2.83 —.64 -18.4 ASSETS $3,631 million -2.92 -17.7 13.59 EXP RATIO 0.93% 10.20 -1.85 -15.4 MANAGER Andrew Suzm4m -3.79 -15.2 21.17 SINCE 2008-10-01 RETURNS 3-MO +5.3 Foreign Markets

LAST 3,621.92 London 6,270.44 Frankfurt 7,597.11 Hong Kong 22,519.69 Mexico 43,488.86 Milan 15,552.20 Tokyo 11,398.81 Stockholm 1,180.90 Sydney 5,021.80 Zurich 7,449.98

CHG %CHG -99.41 -2.67 -84.93 -1.34 -176.08 -2.27 -300.39 -1.32 -8.34 -.02 -799.79 -4.89 -263.71 -2.26 -18.54 -1.55 -50.95 -1.00 -144.37 -1.90

YTD +0.9 1- YR +10.9 3-YR ANNL +8.1 5-YR-ANNL NA

PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 American Funds BalA m 21.07 +.08 $3.3 +1 0.7 $-11.2 +5.1 A A A BondA m 12. 8 9 -.01 -0.1 +4.1 +5.8 + 42 D D E CaplncBuA m 53.84 -.01 +2.0 +9.4 +9.4 + 25 A 8 C CpWldGrlA m 38.20 +2.7 +1 0.9 +8.8 + 08 8 C C EurPacGrA m 41.74 -.04 + 13 + 7 1 + 6 6 - 02 C C A FnlnvA m 42.4 7 +.22 $4.1 +11.4 $-11L6 + 27 C C C GrthAmA m 3 5 .67 +.18 +3.8 +11.8 +10.7 + 27 A D D IncAmerA m 1 8.59 +.05 +2.9 +10.6 +11.2 + 48 A A B InvCoAmA m 31.41 +.15 +4.1 +10.7 +10.1 + 28 C D C NewPerspA m 32.23 +.09 $3.1 +11.5 $-10.3 + 30 A 8 B WAMutlnvA m 32.59 +.25 $.4.4 +11.1 $.13.0 + 35 D A B Dodge & Cox In c ome 1 3.91 .. . + 0 . 4 + 5 . 6 + 6.3 +7.0 C C 8 IntlStk 3 5.28 -.09 + 1.8 + 8 . 6 + 7.2 -0.3 8 8 A Stock 129.09 +.64 + 5 .9 + 16.7 +12.0 +1.9 A 8 D Fidelity Contra 79.87 + .42 + 3 .9 + 9 . 4 +12.9 +4.5 B 8 8 G rowCo 95.7 4 + .5 1 + 2 . 7 + 4 . 9 +14.5 +6.1 D A A LowPriStk d 41. 1 7 +.14 + 4 .2 + 1 0.0 +13.5 +6.3 D C B Fidelity Spartan 500ldxAdvtg 5 3 .18 +.33 +5.3 +12.1 +13.0 +3.9 B A B FrunkTemp-Fruukliu lncome A m 2.2 7 ... +2. 3 + 1 1.4 +10.6 +5.4 A A 8 Dppeuheimer RisDivA m 18.2 9 +.11 +5 .1 + 8 . 7 +11.7 +3.3 D C C R isDivB m 16. 5 6 +.10 + 4.9 + 7 .7 +10.7 +2.4 E D D R isDivC m 16 . 4 8 +.10 + 5.0 + 7 .9 +10.9 +2.5 E C D SmMidvalA m 34.97 +.18 +7.9 +8.7 +9.4 +0.2 E E E SmMidVal8 m 29.50 +.15 +7.8 +7.8 +8.6 -0.6 E E E PIMCO TotRetA m 11.2 2 - .02 + 0 .1 +7 . 3 + 6 .6 +7.5 A 8 A T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 27.97 +.19 $5 . 7 + 1 4.3 $-12.5$ 3.5 8 8 8 GrowStk 3 8.98 +.23 $ 3 . 2 $8 . 2 $-13.5 $5.1 8 A B 44.42 +.07 +7.8 +24.6 +21.6 +12.8 A A A HealthSci Vanguard 500Adml 138.37 +.86 $5.3 +12.1 +13.0 +3.9 8 A 8 500lnv 138.34 +.85 $5.3 +12.0 +12.9 +3.8 8 A 8 Capap 36.38 +.18 +8.2 +17.4 +10.3 +4.7 A D 8 Eqlnc 25.64 +.14 +6.2 +14.4 +15.6 +5.5 A A A GNMAAdml 10.85 +.01 -0.2 +1.9 +5.1 +5.9 D A A MulntAdml 14.41 +.03 +0.7 $-4.3 +5.6 +5.8 8 8 8 STGradeAd 10.83 -.01 +0.3 $3.5 +3.5 $3.9 8 8 B StratgcEq 22.82 +.15 +6.4 +11.7 +15.8 +4.6 8 A C TotBdAdml 11.03 -.01 -0.2 $.3.2 +5.4 +5.8 D D C Totlntl 15.15 +.05 $f.f $5.5 +6.0 -1.7 D C 8 TotStlAdm 37.63 +.23 +5.6 +11.9 +13.4 +4.6 8 A A TotStldx 37.61 +.23 $5.5 +11.8 $-13.3 $4.4 8 A A USGro 22.27 +.12 +4.8 $7.9 $.12.3 $5.1 C 8 8 Welltn 35.06 +.10 +3.6 +10.2 +10.4 +5.4 A A A WelltnAdm 60.56 +.17 +3.6 +10.3 +10.5 +5.5 A A A FAMILY


TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT Royal Dutch Shell PLC Class 8 2.95 Total SA 2.59 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing 2.59 Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs 1$paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption National Grid PLC 2.4 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee andeither a sales t$r AXA SA 2.22 redemption fee. Source: Mt$rnngstar.

YEST 3.25 .13 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 1 YR AGO 3.25 . 1 3

Commodities The price of crude oil fell to its lowest settlement price of 2013. Gold rose for the second straight day and settled above $1,600 per ounce for the first time in a week.

Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.84 3.90 -0.06

Exchange The dollar was little changed against the euro, but only after reaching its highest level against the 17-nation currency during early-morning trading. The dollar fell against the yen.

h5N4 QG

> A

3 8. 1

1.0 4 33 . 4

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Dil (bbl) 92.63 93.11 - 0.52 + 0 . 9 Ethanol (gal) 2.39 2.37 - 0.17 + 9 . 2 Heating Oil (gal) 3.03 3.10 -2.17 -0.4 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.43 3.41 + 0.38 + 2 . 3 Unleaded Gas(gal) 2.98 3.06 - 2.60 + 6 . 0 FUELS


Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz) AGRICULTURE

CLOSE PVS. 1615.20 1586.20 29.26 28.98 1616.50 1620.70 3.57 3.54 739.00 748.65

%CH. %YTD -3.6 +1.83 +0.94 -3.0 - 0.26 + 5 . 1 -2.1 +0.72 - 1.29 + 5 .2


PVS. %CH. %YTD -2.0 1.27 +0.25 1.43 1.43 +0.21 -0.6 7.05 6.94 + 1.66 + 1 . 0 Corn (bu) Cotton (Ib) 0.80 0.80 + 0.14 + 6 . 9 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 375.10 369.00 + 1.65 + 0 . 3 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.27 1.29 - 2.09 + 9 . 1 Soybeans (bu) 14.48 14.51 - 0.24 + 2 . 0 Wheat(bu) 7.06 -9.3 6.99 +0.93

Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)



B arclays CompT-Bdldx 1.06 1.08 -0.02 w w Barclays US Corp 2 .74 2.79 -0.05 W W


1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGD USD per British Pound 1.5129 —.0063 —.42% 1.5889 Canadian Dollar 1.0 2 6 3 + .0001 +.01% 1 .0002 USD per Euro 1.3055 —.0066 —.51% 1.3459 —.62 —.67% 80.98 Japanese Yen 91.96 Mexican Peso 12.8 725 + .1062 +.83% 12.9083 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.7307 +.0077 +.21% 3.7670 Norwegian Krone 5.7026 +.0163 +.29% 5.5723 South African Rand 8.8375 —.0135 —.15% 7.5985 6.4552 +.0049 +.08% 6.5534 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .9321 +.0016 +.17% .8950 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar .9773 + .0049 +.50% .9 3 48 Chinese Yuan 6.2342 -.0043 -.07% 6.2978 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7586 +.0025 +.03% 7 .7543 Indian Rupee 54.121 +.166 +.31% 4 8.975 Singapore Dollar 1.2386 +.0003 +.02% 1 .2549 South Korean Won 1089.15 -.69 -.06% 1125.90 -.01 -.03% 2 9 .58 Taiwan Dollar 29.69

© www.bendbulletin.com/business



Tribune prepares to sell top papers The Tribune Co. has hired investment banks

to pursue asale of its top newspapers, including the Chicago Tribune and the Los Angeles

Times, a person briefed on the matter said

Tuesday. The media company, which emerged from bankruptcy late last year, has hired JPMor-

gan Chaseand Evercore Partners to run the pro-

cess, said this person, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

en air o By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin

A dispute between businesses at the Bend Municipal Airport has landed in court, with one suing the other and the city of Bend for more than $4 million. Professional Air, which filed the lawsuit, provides fuel, flight instruction, aircraft maintenance and other services at the city-owned airport. Leading Edge Aviation offers helicopter flight training, avionics installation and other services. Last year, Leading Edge Aviation

i s u e an sincou

sought a new lease with the city that would allow the company its own fueling station. The city's agreement to sign the lease is one of a long list of ways in which Professional Air alleges the city violated municipal and state laws and retaliated against Professional Air for refusing to modify an airport development agreement. In a complaint filed Feb. 15 in Deschutes County Circuit Court, Professional Air alleges the city breached its lease with Professional Air, as well as the development agreement the

city signed with the company. Professional Air asked the court for damages of more than $4 million, to cancel or modify the city lease with Leading Edge Aviation and for other relief. A representative of Professional Air declined to comment, and city officials declined to comment on the lawsuit. Travis Warthen, a co-owner of Leading Edge Aviation, said the company decided to build its own fueling facility. "Our biggest motivation to do that is

because we're the largest user of fuel at the airport," Warthen said Monday. Leading Edge Aviation had purchased its fuel from Professional Air and had asked that company for a discount, which Professional Air declined to provide, accordingto Warthen. Leading Edge Aviation leased a fueling site from the city last summer, but stopped construction due to the dispute with Professional Air, Warthen said. Now, Leading Edge Aviation uses a temporary fuel trailer. Warthen plans to sell fuel once

Leading Edge Aviation gets a permanent fueling station. Assistant city attorney Gary Firestone said he will likely ask the City Council to vote on a fueling station lease with Leading Edge Aviation. "We anticipate some changes, including changes in location," Firestone sa>d. Airport Manager Gary Judd said it is not uncommon for airports to have several fixed base operators providing fuel and other services. — Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrud@bendbulletin.com

Tribune's move comes as little surprise.

Speculation has been swirling around the media industry for some time that a number of potential suitors had

"The next big thing isn't always a brand-new technology that you never heard of. It's this thing that existed 10 years ago and quietly got better." — Cliff Bleszinski, former game designer

emerged for the company's holdings, a lot that

may include NewsCorp.

Confidence rises Americansare more confident in the econo-

my than they havebeen in the past few months. Consumerconfidence reboundedin February, reversing three straight months of declines, as Americans started

Is it finally ready for the mass market?

getting used to the

By Nick Wingfield

higher Social Security payroll tax, TheConference Board, a private research group, said Tuesday.

New York Times News Service

— From wire reports

BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR TODAY • BusinessAfter Hours, Saving Grace:Saving Grace provides support and services to survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, date rapeand stalking; registration required; free; 5 p.m.; Saving Grace, 1425 N.W. Kingston, Bend; 541-383-3221 or www. bendchamber.org. • Howto Developa Business Plan:First-time business owners can learn how to evaluate theirfinances, target their market and present their ideas in a written business plan; registration required; $59; 6-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 54 l-383-7290. • What's Brewing?:Phil Keisling will speak on the topic of fiscal cliffs here at home,PERSand other wicked challenges in Oregon's public sector; 7-8 a.m.; MeadowLakes Restaurant, 300 Meadow Lakes Drive, Prineville; 54 I -447-7640. THURSDAY • ImpactingYour Profit:Designed to help established business owners or principals identify what drives profit and howto increase profitability; three advisingsessions and one classroom session; registration required; $29; 9-11 a.m.; COCC-Crook County OpenCampus, 510 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 54 I-383-7290. • YoungProfessionals Network:Free;5 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. BondSt., Bend; 541-388-01 I6. FRIDAY • Live CCB license test prep for contractors: COCC'sSmallBusiness Development Center is offering a live course approved bythe Oregon Construction Contractors Board that satisfies the educational requirement to take the test to become a licensed contractor in Oregon; class continues Saturday; registration required; $299 includes manual; 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central OregonCommunity College, Redmond campus, 2030 S.E. College Loop, Redmond; 54 I -383-7290.

To find freeincome tax preparation help, visit the Events Calendar at www. bendbuiletin.comlevents. For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or visit bendbulietin.comtbizcal.

IRVINE, Calif. — Virtual reality is one of many inventions that never seemed to make the leap from science fiction to mass-market product. Again and again, headsets that promised to immerse people in wondrous, threedimensional worlds have bombed with the public

— held back by high prices, ungainly designs and crude

graphics. But now the bonanza of

cheap, high-quality components created for the mobile electronics market, coupled with some technology innovations by a Southern California startup called Oculus VR, could bring within reach the fantasy of many a video gamer: a virtual reality headset that costs just a few hundred dollars and puts players inside games like no television set can. Resembling an intimidat-

ing pair of ski goggles, the Oculus Rift, as the headset is called, envelops the vision of people who wear it in vivid, three-dimensional images. The sensation is like watching an IMAX screen that never ends. A snap of the head to the left instantly shifts the perspective inside the game in the same direction. That connection between a player's point of view in the game and the real world makes the experience feel more natural when, say, the game character is surround-

ed by a group of armored knights. The company's design, which is about to be delivered togame developers,is

Music sales increase for first time since 'l999 By Eric Pfanner New York Times News Service

PARIS — The music industry, the first media business to be consumed by the digital revolution, said Tuesday that its global sales had risen last year for the first time since 1999, raising hopes that a long-sought recovery might have finally begun. The increase, of 0.3 percent, was tiny, and the total revenue, $16.5 billion, was a far cry from the $38 billion that the industry took in at its peak more than a decade ago. Still, even if it is not time forthe record companies to party like it's 1999, the figures, reported Tuesday by the International Federation of the Phonographic Industry, provide a significant

psychological boost.

Patrick T. Fallon / New York Times News Service

Palmer Luckey, the founder of Oculus VR, prepares for a demonstration of the virtual reality headset his company is developing, in Irvine, Calif. The company hopes to put a high-quality headset within reach of video gamers for just a few hundred dollars. already creating buzz among industry veterans and battlescarred believers in virtual reality. Cliff Bleszinski, a former game designer at Epic Games who led the creation of its "Gears ofWar" series,said that the first time he wore the Rift headset, "I gazed into the abyss and the abyss gazed back at me." "The next big thing isn't always a brand-new technology that you never heard of," Bleszinski said. "It's this thing that existed 10 years ago and quietly got better." Despite its missteps in the consumer market, virtual reality has become commonplace for a number of

industrial and military applications, where the high cost of headsets— from $1,000 to $50,000 — has been less of an impediment. Hospitals use the headsets to train surgeons, while the U.S. Army has used virtual reality to treatpost-traumatic stress disorder, in part by exposing soldiers to short simulations of combat. The mass market has been far more elusive, in large part because the components in the headsets were too costly. Many of the crucial parts in the Oculus Rift are the same components found inside smartphones and tablets, including the headset's 7-inch display and its sensors

for detecting head movements.Because those parts are already being pumped out in enormous volumes in factories in China, Oculus can create a product that is likely to end up costing consumers between $200 and


"I've said this before, so you can't totally trust me on this, but really, really I believe this is the time," said Mark Bolas,an associate professor at the University of Southern California and a longtime virtual researcher who isan adviser to Oculus VR. Oculus is mum on when it will ship a version for consumers, hinting that its target is next year.

"It's clear that 2012 saw the global recording industry moving onto the road to recovery," said Frances Moore, chief executive of the federation, which is based in London. "There's a palpable buzz in the air that I haven't felt for a long time." For years, the music industry's decline looked terminal, with the record

companies seemingly unable to come up with legitimate digital business models that could compete with the lure of piracy. Last year, however, digital sales and other new sources of revenue grew significantly enough to offset the continuing decline in CD sales. "At the beginning of the digital revolution it was common to say that digital was killing music," said Edgar Berger, chief executive of the international arm of Sony Music Entertainment. Now, he added, it could be said "that digital is saving music."

Wall Street pay rises —for those who still have a job By Susanne Craig New York Times News Service

NEW YORK — It's nice work — if you can get it. Wall Street has cut thousands of jobs over the past year or so. On Tuesday, JPMorgan Chase, one of the country's biggest banks, announced that

it was eliminating 4,000 jobs through layoffs and attrition, adding its name to a string of large banks that continue to cut jobs to reduce expenses. The good news? For the em-

State comptroller. This may seem surprising given the outcry over high compensation during the financial crisis. In recent years, however, faced with greater ployees who remain, pay is up, regulation, a slow economic accordingto a reportreleased recovery and the loss of once Tuesday by the New York big moneymaking businesses

like selling products tied to mortgages, the banks have tried instead to cut people rather than pay, which they argue is needed in order to retain talent that might otherwise leave for better-paying jobs at hedge funds or elsewhere. The average cash bonus for

people employed in New York City in the financial industry rose by roughly 9 percent, to $121,900, in 2012, and cash bonuses in total are forecast to increase by roughly 8 percent to $20 billion this year, said Thomas DiNapoli, the comptroller.

BANKRUPTCIES Chapter 7 Filed Feb. 19 • Karen Jones, 2010 N.E Patterson Circle, Bend • Elizabeth S. Goins, 56055 SnowGoose Road, Bend • Nathan J. Muilenburg, 1212 N.W. Milwaukee Ave., Bend Filed Feb. 20

• Anthony W. Raymond, 1729 N.E. CarsonWay, Bend • Daniel J. Kalmbach, 12976 S.W.Cinder Drive, Terrebonne • Larry E Forester, 20808 King Hezekiah, Bend Filed Feb. 21 • Tabitha M. Scarbrough, 1922 S.W. ReindeerAve.,

A, Redmond • Kirk J. Weatherby, 2397 N.E. Desert Willow Court, Bend • Keith L. Steensen, 64875 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend • Brent L. Brinkley, 819 N.E. Stoneridge Loop, Prineville • Robert M. Williams Jr.,

55250 Lazy River Drive, Bend • Barry N. Crenshaw, 63401 Deschutes Market Road, Bend • Lee M. Bennett, 228 N.E 10th St., Bend • Catherine L. Emert, 18872Choctaw Road, Bend • Danelle J. Nichol,

14368 S.E. Gatling Way, Prineville • Steven J. Rondeau, 537~/2 Burnside Ave., Bend • Craig J. Sewell, 18977 Baker Road,Bend Filed Feb. 22 • John A. Nelmes II, 932 S.E. Sixth St., Bend • Dale J. Pilon, 2023 S.W.

Obsidian Ave.,Redmond • Richard H. Osborn, 2210 N.E. Holliday No. 4, Bend • Jeannie K. Thus, 20073 Elizabeth Lane, Bend • Chad V. Puckett, 414 S.W. H St., Madras • Jolie M. Birkey-Halliday, 19504 Meadow Brook Drive, Bend

Chapter 13 Filed Feb. 20 • Richard A. Drombetta, 2309 N.E. Holliday Ave. No.1, Bend Filed Feb. 21 • Adelaida M.Hunter,1607

S.W. Salmon Ave., Redmond • Robert A. Rose, 9001 S.W. SandRidge Road, Terrebonne

IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > Reader photo, D2 Outdoors Calendar, D4 Bird Watch, D4 THE BULLETIN 0 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 2013

O www.bendbulletin.com/outdoors



T ere'ssomet in is

For snow conditions

at Oregon ski resorts, seeE6

ere — an i s ove it

• For little ones, the WizardFallsFishHatchery canbe amagical place BRIEFING

By Heidi Hagemeier The Bulletin

Trail-buildingday set for Radlands Redmond bicycle

shop Trinity Bikes is hosting a trail-building day March 9 at the

Radlands, the network of singletrack trails on the northeast side of

Redmond. Volunteers will meet at the trailhead (1859

I'm rolling out the cliche, but it's oh, so true: One of life's greatest joys is to see the world again through a child's eyes. The magic of Santa. The awe of hot air balloons filling at twilight. It's hard to beat that dawning wonder on a little one's face. Now I have one more thing to add to the list. Wizard Falls Fish Hatchery, which sits on acreage along the Metolius River just north of Camp

spraying it with heavy raindrops. The fish hatchery sits on U.S. ForestService land and isoperated by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. It's along a paved road that takes you past idyllic fishing holes and campsites. Its purpose since opening in 1947 has been to hatch and raise fish to stock myriad lakes. Signs at the site say rainbow trout and brook trout, as well as kokanee, chinook and Atlantic salmon, all hatch here. SeeHatchery/D2

Sherman, is sure to conjure such delight. It's open year-round and offers a close-up with nature that's hard to beat. Spring didn't flirt with Central Oregon the day of our outing as it has in recent weeks. But that didn't diminish the fun of watching a 19-month-old giggle and squeal as he threw food pellets into a pool. What seemed like hundreds of medium-size trout surged and slithered over each other at the surface, the water roiling as if a thunderstorm was

Heidi Hagemeier/The Bulletin

Todd Bachmann, left, his son Henry, 5, and wife Jill, of Vancouver, Wash., feed fish at the Wizard Falls Fish Hatchery along the Metolius River.

N.E. Maple Ave.) at 8:30 a.m. for snacks and coffee, and the

workday will begin at 9 a.m.


Those interested in

participating are asked to wear close-toed

shoes and gloves. After the trail building, lunch will be provided, as well as soda

or beer. The Radlands — officially called the

Northeast Redmond Trail Complex — project calls for about

30 miles of cycling, running and hiking trails to be built east of

Redmond. Only a fraction of those trails are currently built, starting from a trailhead at the High Desert Sports

Complexon Maple Avenue. The Radlands proj-

ect is a collaborative effort of the Central Oregon Trail Alliance,

the Redmond Area Park and Recreation District, and corporate



BachelorButte Dog Derbyplanned The fourth Annual Bachelor Butte Dog Derby is scheduled

for this Saturday and Sunday at Wanoga Sno-park southwest of Bend. The event includes

sled-dog racing and skijoring, and will feature competitors from across the Northwest.

Up to 30 dog teams will be competing.

Race distances range from five to 25 miles, and racing starts at 8:30 a.m.

each day. Spectators are welcome, and there is no charge to attend. For more information, visit www.psdsa. Ol'g. — From staff reports


IN THEHIGH COUNTRY Currently, there are good winter

conditions in the high country, with new powdery snow (asmuch astwo feet) in the higher elevations.

However, there is achance of rain and warmer weather later this week — perhaps in the 60s in Bend and 50s

in the high elevations. Enjoy the winter trails while you can — they may be springlike this weekend, with soft to

the sprayed from • Weekend now under their tracks and engines roared as of drag snowmobile after snowmoraced down the 500-footraces at bile dragstrip at Wanoga Wanoga long Sno-park in a cacophony of and smells. Sno-park sounds The wind howled and fell sideways Friday highlights snow during the start of a weekstorm that blanketed the the sport's end Central Oregon Cascades popularity withButpowder. the second anCentral Oregon Snowin Central nual busters Snowmobile Drag went off without a Oregon Races hitch, as hundreds of riders and raced throughout the weekin near-blizzard condibeyond end tions on Saturday and under sunny skies on Sunday. More than just racing, the event was a chance for snowmobilers from through-



Virginia Meissner:19-32 inches (including 5-7 inches of new snow); conditions are very good and thepark is being groomed

out the Northwest to congregate, and a reminder that the sport is alive and well in Central Oregon. Wanoga is an epicenter for the 250 miles of snowmobile trails in the area, groomed by volunteers from five different clubs in the High Desert. "Snowmobiling is a huge family sport," said Matt Mahoney, president of the Snowbusters club. "I have a 4-year-old son who rides his own snowmobile, who rides 50 or 60 miles on trail rides with me. There's people up into their 70s or 80s who are still snowmobiling. SeeSnowmobiles/D4

snow); hard crust under the new snow, currently good conditions

10 Mile:Low snow hazards

DutchmanFlat: Around 90100 inches (including about 20 inches of newsnow)

this weekend

inches of newsnow); better

Edison Butte:28-36 inches

good shape SwampyLakes:48 inches;

Vista Butte:60-70 inches

(including 4-6 inches of new

WanogaSnoplayArea: 40-45 inches; currently in

5,800 ft.

16-18 inches (including 6 conditions by Three Creek Lake. Grescent:18-24 inches; expect springlike conditions

this weekend

5 , 4 00 ft.

en Cascade Lakes Hwy.

Mt. Bachelor

because thereare bareareas. Motorized use on baregroundwill damagethe trail andcanalsodamagethesnowmobile. Skiers and snowshoers mayneedto walk to find the snowline. Thesnow is

new snow last week. SeeTrail Update/D3

AT TOP: Tim Smith, of Prineville, takes off from the starting line of a snowmobiledrag race on Sunday atWanoga.

Upper Three Creek: Total of

DulchmanFlat Swampy Virginia Sno-park Lakes Meissner 6,350 ft. Sno-park Sno-park

lower elevations of10 Mile Sno-park.

Wanoga Snoplay Area is currently in good shape, but did not receive much

Photos by Joe Kiine /The Bulletin

ABOVE: Snowmobile racers do a practice run and time trial on Friday at Wanoga Sno-park west of Bend. The second annual Central Oregon Snowbusters Snowmobile Drag Races took place at the snopark over the weekend.

current conditions are very good, up to a foot of new snow since last week

Skyliner:Low snow conditions, fair at best, probably in poor condition by

The snow base is minimal in the

fairly crusty until you get to the crater.


soggy conditions. NEWBERRYCRATER (10 MILE SNO-PARK) Snowmobiling is probably not advisable


Vista Butte




5,500 ft.

Edison Butte

Sno-park 5,034 ft.




5,900 ft.



NATIONAL FOREST Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin


Bagging tags atauction, for the benefit of deer wo hundred ninetyfive thousand doll ars!" T h a t s h o u t came from the middle of the packed ballroom. In the back, guys stood flat-footed, cellphones at their ears, their off-site bidders outmatched before the bidding even started. John Bair, the auctioneer, reeled from the shock. "I have two ninety-five," he sa>d. Item No. 26 was Utah's Antelope Island deer hunt, one of two tags (the other will be available in a public draw later this year) to hunt the mule deer of Antelope Island.

GARY LEWIS "Three hundred thousand dollars!" When the auctioneer stomped his foot, the offering had sold for $310,000, for the privilege of hunting 240- to 270-inch trophy bucks for seven days in November. Ninety percent of the proceeds would go back to the state of Utah to fund research projects and habitat for deer. See Lewis/D5



'Smash-and-grab' I ' I


dimbing fast way

' l l

to make ascents

Canyou work a camera, and capture a great picture? And canyou tell us a bit about it? Submit your color or black-and-white outdoors photos at bendbulletin.comlwellshot and tell us a bit about where and when you took them. All entries will appear online, and every week we'll run a stellar local photo in this section. Once a month, we'll publish a whole photo page on a specific topic. This month, the topic is WILDLIFE.

By Rich Landers

grab techniques. "John (Frieh) is a climber, Ten years ago, a 20-year- but he's also a father with a old Jess Roskelley had all job," Roskelley said. "He's essorts of modern technology pecially successful because at his fingertips when he he's extremely good at figurseizeda moment of fame as ing out weather and snowpack the youngest American to and when good ice will be on climb Mount Everest. a route. He figures it out by Music on his iPod helped monitoring how much snow's soothe the Spokane climb- fallen, what systems are comer, asdid his father, John ing in and going out, things R oskelley, through l o n g like that. "He picks the right time and periods in tents as they waited for better weather. he's ready in a moment's notice A satellite phone and lap- to go. He's climbing mountains top allowed them to blog that have taken good climbers and communicate around two or three weeks with all the world. their sitting around and doing But not until last year them round-trip in, say, three days." did Jess Roskelley embrace another way to apFrieh offered to include Roproach climbing using the skelley in a significant smashinformation high-tech tools and-grab climb when the opcould provide. portunity arose. It's called "smash-andRoskelley, a pro c l imber, grab" climbing, a concept, also works on Alaska's North perfected by Alaska climb- Slope, where he's logged er John Frieh, which helps many significant climbs takalpinists zero in on the per- i ng advantage of hi s t w o fect window of conditions, w eeks on , t w o -weeks o f f Roskelley said. work schedule. He's w ellSmash and grab calls for versed in A l aska transpormonitoring weather, snow- tation and dealing with the fall, snowpack, ice condi- weather, such as the 47 detions and other factors in a grees below-zero temperacertain area to peg the best tures he was enduring when moment for getting in fast, this interview was conducted climbing quickly and get- last week by phone. "Knowinghowto get around ting out just as fast while conditions are prime. is part of the trick to smashOther necessary factors and-grab," he said. "Alaska is include being fit, packed well set up for it because of all and ready to go and hav- the air services that can land ing an equally committed you on remote glaciers with partner. little notice if the weather is "The benefits dawned on good. me last year as I was doing I ndeed, R o skelley wa s a typical alpine climb in the p heasant hunting south o f traditional manner," Roskel- Spokane in October when he ley said. "I was sitting there got Frieh's call on his mobile on Mount H u nter (near phone. "He said he had the weather Alaska's Mount McKinley). I was sitting there for two window and I said, 'Let's go,'" weeks waiting for the right Roskelley recalled. "I immediately booked a weather window — and I never got it." flight to Alaska. I left the next Roskelley said he made day. We got a shuttle flight to a a point to contact Frieh, glacier, made the mixed rockand-ice climb of Mount Wake who has made a mark in climbing circles. Since his in cold but perfect conditions first trip in 2009, Frieh has and I was all the way back climbed at least one sig- home in Spokane a few days nificant first ascent or first later. It was awesome. "I'm hooked on smash-andwinter ascent each year in Alaska using smash-and- grab," Roskelley said. The Spokesman-Review

Submission requirements: Include in your caption as much detail as possible — who, what, when, where, why; any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.



• .=




ALONE IN THE CROWD Terry Kirk, of Sunriver, used a Panasonic DMC-FZ10PP with a zoom lens to capture this image of a solitary swan surrounded by ducks and geese in Drake Park.

Hatchery Continued from D1 The Atlantic salmon go to Hosmer Lake, according to the facility's 2013 operations plan. Kokanee salmon are for Paulina Lake. The chinook support salmon reintroduction efforts in the Deschutes River. One pond also features a few decent-size sturgeon, providing a close look at the ancient fish. Even though the facility has a distinct purpose, it's also a popular t ourist d estination. The plan says 60,000 people a year check out the hatchery. I thought we might have the place to ourselves this day. It was Presidents Day, a holiday, but a w eekday nonetheless. And the mercury had dropped into cold territory. Yet cars filled the small parking area. One angler was pulling on his waders when we arrived. He wandered upstream. Others likely jumped on the trails that line the river for a gentle stroll. Hats and mittens on, we set out to explore the grounds. Wizard Falls It's very parklike, with grass FishHatchery and interspersed picnic tables. Small signs tacked to trees help visitors know their species; the 14 property is dotted with ponderosa pines, incense cedars and Metolius at least one grand fir. River There areseveral clusters of Metolips Trail ponds. The first one contains an array of fish in different River — ', " sizes and varieties. It was there that we first spotted a gumball-like conI tainer to plug in a quarter and get a generous handful of fish food. These fish seem to know who will feed them — as you : Camp Sherman approach the ponds, they come toward your shadow, as if hoping for a snack. One of my companions on the outing, exuberant 5-yearold Henry Bachmann,jumped up and down at first toss. So did his toddler brother, who Black 14 had to be closely corralled to Butte keep him from plunging into the ponds. The facility has a demonstration stream, where several To Sisters significant-sized trout swim in a simulated natural habitat. And beyond is a large pond Greg Cross/The Bulletin that at f irst glance appears natural but i s a ctually also a man-made structure. Fish which this day had a streak of populate it, a s d o C a nada that gorgeous glacial green just geese. (The geese can be ag- upstream. gressive in wanting food also. We, however, cut it shorter They weren't there this day, than that. The kids were ready but based on previous visits I for morethan snacks, andthere would advise against feeding is a restroom but no food availthem.) able at the site. We packed it up If it had been warmer, a visit and headed back to town. to the Wizard Falls Fish HatchBut the glee those little ones ery could have easily made for experienced at watching fish an entire day. Next time, I'll fly out of the water stayed with plan to bring a picnic, check them all day. out the fish and take a stroll As such, it stayed with the along the Metolius — it's a must adults, as well. to walk back onto the one-lane — Reporter: 541-617-7828, bridge to appreciate the river, hhagemeier@bendbulletin.com

Emmett Bachmann, 19 months, runs along the one-lane bridge to the Wizard Falls Fish Hatchery under the watchful eye of his mother, Jill Bachmann. Below left, a hatchery fish rises for pellets of food from visitors. Photos by Heidi Hagemeier The Bulletin

A Free Public Service

OttpA Orepon Stawspascr Publishars Association

g IQ~I

Ifyou go

Forest Service Road14, until



• •

Getting there: From Bend, take U.S. Highway 20 west through Sisters and continue aboUt10 miles west. Turn right onto Southwest Camp

reaching the Wizard Falls Fish Hatchery on the left. Cross a one-lane bridge to get to the hatchery. It's about10 miles from Highway 20.

Over 80 Oregon Newspapers, from 36 Counties,

When: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. daily

Sherman Road.Continue

Cost: Free. Fish food costs 25

along the road, going through


Camp Shermanandcrossing

Contact: www.dfw.state.

the Metolius River. Turn left

at the CampSherman Store.

or.us/resources/visitors/ wizard falls hatchery.asp or

Continue down the road,








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Trail Update

ac coun area win er aven

Continued from 01 If there are fast/icy conditions

this weekend, besure to sled safe: Watch your speed,avoid starting at the top of the hill and watch out

for each other on the slopes, especially in the run-out zone. Helmets are strongly advised. Wanoga's snowmobile lot is

currently in good condition, and probably will remain good to springlike into the weekend. Expect

it to be ahopping place againthis weekend. Last weekend events overflowed the overflow lots at

Edison Butte Sno-park. Besureto have a secondchoice sno-park in case you arrive after the lot is full.

EVENTS The Bachelor Butte Dog Derby will be taking place out of Wanoga this weekend. Organizers will be there Friday and the event runs

Saturday andSunday. Expect high use at the sno-park. The derby could involve 50 contestants and

a few hundred spectators. Areas affected include trails 2, 3, 4, and Trail 25 — just south of Wanoga and east of Edison.

Stargaze Yurt sits in the Boise Mountains, northeast of Idaho City, Idaho. Yurts provide an easy way for snowshoers and nordic skiers to "camp" in the backcountry in the winter and take in these experiences in relative comfort.

LOWER ELEVATION SUMMER TRAILS Warmer weather may bring back springlike conditions. We

Pete Zimowsky / The Idaho Statesman

continue to ask thatyou avoid

• You don't have to beahard-core camperto experiencethe powderywonderland in Idaho'smountains

trails with excessive mud because of the potential for damaging the

trail. Expect various degreesof spring/thaw conditions (includBy Pete Zimowsky The Idaho Statesman

IN THE BOISE MOUNTAINS, I daho — D aybreak's rose-colored light g lows over t h e s n o w y mountain peaks surroundi ng Stargaze Yurt in t h e Boise Mountains. It's minus 6 outside, and the January air is so cold and clear it crystallizes and sparkles in the sunlight. Each dawn in one of the Idaho Cit y b a ckcountry yurts brings amazing winter experiences, like the

changing colors of a rose, pink and purple sunrise in snow country, the ultimate silence of the dead of winter and fresh animal tracks in silky snow. A f avorite sight e ach morning on the way to the outhouse is the trail left by a nocturnal snowshoe hare. The yurts p rovide an easy way for snowshoers and nordic skiers to "camp" in the backcountry in the winter and take in these experiences i n r e l a t ive comfort. You don't have to be a hard-core winter trekker like those pictured in a Patagonia catalog to see winter in a remote setting. Despite the temperature outside, a glowing fire in a wood stove keeps the yurt around 70 degrees. T he y u r t s a l s o ar e e quipped w i t h bu n k s , cookware, a propane stove, firewood and wood stove for easy and convenient overnight stays. Visitors have to b r i ng only personal items, sleeping bags and food. It doesn't take much effort to crawl out of a sleeping bag i n t h e m o rning when the wood fire is roar-

ing to get sausage, eggs and hash browns sizzling in a frying pan over the propane stove. After breakfast, it's time to think about chores. Yes, t here are chores at t h e yurts, and they are a unique experience for urbanites. You've got to haul snow and melt it over the wood stove for water for cooking, washing dishes and drinking. Remember to boil it for drinking. You also have to bring in a load of firewood from the storage shed so you'll have a warm, cozy fire for your whole stay. You need to shovel the deck and pathways to the outhouse and woodshed, but you get into a rhythm

as the days go on. Soon, it's time to head out on trails right out the front door. The yurts make great jumping-off points for hitting trails way off the

highway. They lead t o w o odsy hollows, open ridges and viewpoints that most folks wouldn't see in the winter. The snowy terrain seems endless — and what a way to spend the day. Most skiers and snowshoers have their favorite yurts and terrain, but with six yurts to choose from in the area near Highway 21 northeast of Idaho City, there's a chance to try out

The 270-degree view to the east, south and west offers views of Jackson Peak, Wolf Mountain, Steele Mountain, the Trinity Mountains, Sunset Peak and Pilot Peak. The open, rolling terrain below the yurt provides off-trail skiers a chance to practice w ithout going far f rom t h e wood stove.

Ifyou're planning to go IDAHO CITY YURTS

people. There is an additional

Adout them: There are six

$12fee per person, per night for more than six people, with a maximum of nine people

backcountry yurts about one to three miles from Highway 21 parking lots. Each yurt


sleeps six to nine people.

Reservations: parksandrecreat

Availability: Idaho City yurts


are popular andweekends

Information:Email judy.ditto© idpr.idaho.gov or call 208-514-

are booked through March.

However, if you can break

Gold Fork Trails

2418 or 208-51 4-241 9.

away during the week, there

are openings available. You can reserve ayurt nine months out, so it's important to start thinking about next winter. Prices:From Nov.1 to April 30, $75 for a week night and

$90 for a weekendnight. From May1 to Oct. 31, $55 for a week night and $65 for a weekend night. There is a $12

nonrefundable reservation fee charged at the time of booking.

Rentals are for up to six

Whispering Pines Yurt Distance: 2.4 miles Trail: Groomed Elevation gain: 300 feet. It's a long, but gradual climb to the yurt. Dogs: Allowed Why people like it: There's plenty of N ordic skiing on an 8-mile groomed loop. Snowshoers like the woodsy b ackcountry t r e k king a n d trails that crisscross through the forest. The yurt is secluded and tucked under tall ponderosa

IDAHO STATE PARKS YURTS If you want to visit a yurt but don't feel comfortable in the backcountry, you can rent them at Winchester, south of Lewiston; Lake

Cascade atCascade(group yurts); Harriman, northeast of Idaho Falls; and Castle Rocks, southeast of Burley. For details, check the above website.

Why people like it: It's easy terrain for o f f-trail snowshoe trekking. You'll find lots of rock formations in the Crooked River drainage. There aren't too many hills for Telemarking, but you can ski t he ungroomed trail from the yurt back toward the parking lot. The yurt is in a woodsy a rea, but i t s i t s o n a n open knoll with mountain views. The parking lot is shared by skiers, snowshoers and snowmobilers.

ingsome mud) ontheDeschutes River Trail, Phil's Trail, Metolius River and Peterson Ridge areas. The Horse Butte Trail system

is recommended for this weekend because it is generally a drier area.

Weekly Arts 5 Entertainment In



Get A Taste For Food. Home 8 Garden Every Tuesday In AT HOME TheBulletin

pines. different ones each winter. Each yur t h a s d i f f erent characteristics t ha t a t t r act certain yurters. The yurts are basically the same — circular, Mongolianstyle domed tents about 20 feet in diameter. They have plywood f l o o rs , ca n v asand-lattice sidewalls and a

trails have an 8-mile ski loop to enjoy. Telemark skiers and snowboarders can explore the open bowls and slopes off the ridge near the yurt. There are plenty of woodsy treks for snowshoers who enjoy the backcountry. Elkhorn yurt distance: 3.5 miles skylight. Trails: Groomed to about 200 They have bunks, chairs, a yards of the yurt. table, cooking area and panElevation gain: The climb is try, and plenty of hooks to the same as for Banner Ridge hang clothing and gear. Yurt because you pass the But yurt locations are differ- turnoff to that yurt. Once past ent and near different terrain. that point, you continue on the They are located on unique groomed trail through rolling knolls and ridges, and offer terrain. It's the longest trek of d ifferent e x periences w i t h all the yurts. views, trails and terrain. Dogs: Not allowed in winter. They ar e s p read a cross Why people like it: It's got a 10 square miles in an area huge party deck. Well, that's between Idaho City and Low- part of it. man near Beaver Creek and The Elkhorn Yurt is located Mores Creek summits. off the Elkhorn Loop Trail for Plan several winters in ad- nordic skiers who want to go vance and give each yurt a try. the distance. Here's a quick look at them: There is plenty of terrain for snowshoers who want to get Beaver Creek Summit off trail, too. Stargaze Yurt Distance: 1.2 This yurt is the most remote miles of all the Idaho City yurts, and Trail: Not groomed. Break- if you want to be really secluding trail can be difficult. ed, this is the place. Elevation gain: 680 feet. It's a steady climb all the way in from the parking lot and not I • I I I for the faint-hearted. Dogs: Allowed Why people like it: The yurt sits on an open point with incredible views of the stars and night sky. The wide-open views extend from Scott Mountain to Jackson Peak, Wolf Mountain, Steele Mountain, Pilot Peak and the Sawtooth Range. At an elevation of 6,569 feet, many north- and west-facing slopesare great for Telemark skiing and snowboarding. Snowshoers have miles of off-trail exploring. The trek to Stargaze Point above the yurt is worth the views.

Skyline yurt distance: 2.5 miles. Trail: Groomed. Elevation gain: 650 feet of steady climbing. Dogs: Allowed. Why people like it: It's located on a knoll surrounded by pine trees right off the groomed Skyline Trail, a popular loop used by Nordic skiers and snowshoers. The yurt also provides easy access to more than 20 miles of groomed trails and more marked Nordic trails. It offers great views that some say are the best in the Boise National Forest. You can see Pilot Peak from the outhouse.

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Whoop Um Up Trails Rocky Ridge Yurt Distance: 1.75 miles. Trail: Not groomed. Breaking trail can be difficult. Elevation gain: 150 f e et. Most of th e elevation gain is right out of t h e parking lot. Most of the trail is level with a few gradual ups and downs. It's great for beginner snowshoers. Dogs: Allowed.


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Banner Ridge area




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Banner Ridge Yurt Distance: 2.5 miles Trail: Groomed Elevation gain: 750 feet. It's a steady climb to a ridge where the terrain mellows out a little across the ridge. Dogs: Not allowed in winter. Why people like it: The yurt offers beautiful views of the South Fork of the Payette River drainage. Skiers who like groomed

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U TDOORS FISHING CENTRALOREGONBASSCLUB: Meets on the first Tuesday of each month; new members welcome; 7-9 p.m.; Abby's Pizza, Redmond; www.cobc.us. DESCHUTESCHAPTEROFTROUT UNLIMITED:For members to meet and greet and discuss what the chapter is up to; meets on the first M onday ofeach month,6:45 p.m.; ONDA offi ces,Bend;541-306-4509 communications@deschutestu.org, www.deschutestu.org. BEND CASTINGCLUB:A group of fly anglers from around Central Oregon who are trying to improve their casting technique; club meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month; 6-8 p.m.; Orvis Casting Course, Old Mill District, Bend; 541306-4509orbendcastingclub@ gmail.com. THE SUNRIVERANGLERSCLUB: Meets on the third Thursday of each month; 7 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center; www.sunriveranglers.org. THE CENTRALOREGON FLYFISHERSCLUB: Meetsonthe third Wednesday of each month; 7 p.m.; Bend Senior Center; www. coflyfishers.org.

HUNTING CENTRALOREGONCHAPTER ROCKY MOUNTAINELK FOUNDATION:Meetsevery Wednesday from March 6 to April 10; banquet and auction April13; new members welcome; 6:30 p.m.; VFW Hall, Redmond; 541-4472804 or Facebookat RMEF Central Oregon. LEARN THEARTOFTRACKING ANIMALS:Guided walks and workshops with a certified professional tracker to learn how to identify and interpret tracks, sign, and scat of the animals in Central Oregon; two or more walks per month all year; $35; 8 a.m. to noon; 541-633-7045; dave@wildernesstracking.com,


Email events at least 10days before publication to communitylife@bendbulletin.com, or click on "Submit an Event"at www.bendbulletin.com. Contact: 541-383-0351.

wildernesstracking.com. THE BENDCHAPTEROFTHE OREGON HUNTERSASSOCIATION: Meets thesecond Wednesday of each month; 7 p.m.; King Buffet, Bend; ohabend.webs.com. THE OCHOCO CHAPTER OFTHE OREGON HUNTERSASSOCIATION: Meets the first Tuesday of each month; 7 p.m.; Prineville Fire Hall; 541-447-5029. THE REDMONDCHAPTEROFTHE OREGON HUNTERSASSOCIATION: Meets the third Tuesday of each month; 7 p.m.; Redmond VFWHall.

Scientific name:Colaptes aurantus Characteristics:Medium-sized

the ground. Bird facts:A rapid "wicka, wicka, wicka"

woodpecker, 12-14 inches long with a thick, slightly curved bill. The brown back has black barring and the buffy undersides have

call and loud "kleeer" note may be given year-round. Flickers drum (rapid tapping) on snags, phonepolesandstovepipesto

black spotting and acrescent-shaped black "necklace." Adult headhas abrown cap and nape, gray face, andmales sport a red

defend territories or attract mates. Flickers


whisker patch. The reddish coloring under

the tail and wings andwhite rump patch are

a home mayinvolve somehomeowner vigilance (read "Minimize Flicker Damage"at

2013 CENTRALOREGON SPORTSMEN'S SHOW:Features resources on fishing and boating, shooting sports, hunting, camping and more; head and horns competition, kids'trout pond, warm water demo tankand camp-cooking demonstrations; $10 adults, $5 ages 6 to 16; free 5 and younger; March 7-10; Deschutes County Fair 8 Expo Center, Redmond; www. thesportshows.com. DASH 2 DARE SPY-THEMED URBAN RACE: Teams of two to four people gather clues and perform basic challenges that are all espionage-related; $45 per person; noon; March 24; downtown Bend; for more information or to register, info©dash2dare.com or www. dash2dare.com. THE URBANGPSECO-CHALLENGE: Like a scavenger hunt with clues andcheckpoints;$65,includes guide, GPS, instruction, water and materials; daily; 9 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; trips on paths and trails along Deschutes River through Old Mill District shops and Farewell Bend Park; 541-389-8359, 800-9622862, www.wanderlusttours.com.

PADDLING KAYAKINGCLASSES:Weekly classes and open pool; 4-6 p.m.; Sundays; $3; for all ages; equipment provided to those who preregister,


Flickers may drum uptrouble for homeowners

may problematically drum or excavate a nest cavity in wood siding; "flicker-proofing"

best visible in flight. Breeding:Excavates a nest hole in a dead tree, but will use a nest box. Lays 3-12 eggs.

Both adults alternate incubating the eggsfor

BEND BOWMEN INDOORARCHERY LEAGUE:Traditional league; Wednesday evenings; Lenny at 541-480-6743; indoor 3-D league Thursday; 7 p.m.; Bruce at 541-4101380 or Del at 541-389-7234. COSSA KIDS:The Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association's NRA Youth Marksmanship Program is

— Damian Faganis a birder, writer and CDCC Community Learninginstructor. He can bereached at damian.fagan©hotma/i.com.

the northern flicker. Food:Feeds on ants, insects, suet, berries,

Sources: Oregon Department of Wildlife Resources and National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of Western North Amenca, eds. Jon L. Dunn and Jonathan Alderfer.

seeds and fruits. May forage in trees or on

yellow-shafted flicker (east and far north)


Current viewing:Urbanandjuniper woodlands and parks throughoutCentral Oregon.

and red-shafted flicker (west) or hybrids or "intergrades" are considered onespecies:

11-16 days until hatching. Range audhabitat:Occurs from Alaska to Newfoundland and south throughout the United States. Two distinct groups, the

first-come, first-served; Cascade Swim Center, Redmond; 541-5487275, www.raprd.org. KAYAK ROLLSESSIONS: Class every Sunday through end of May; 4:15-6 p.m.; $12 per boat for in-district residents and $16 for out-of-district residents; Juniper Swim & Fitness Center, Bend; preregistration is available the Monday prior to each session at register.bendparksandrec. org; www.bendparksandrec.org, 541-389-7665.


Courtesy U.S Fish and Wildlife Service

The northern flicker.

every third Saturday of the month; 10 a.m. to noon; Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association range, milepost 24,U.S.Highway 20,Bend; Don Thomas, 541-389-8284. BEND TRAPCLUB:Trap shooting, five-stand and skeet shooting; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Thursdays and Sundays;milepost30,U.S.Highway 20, Bend; Bill Grafton at 541-3831428 or www.bendtrapclub.com. CENTRAL OREGONSPORTING CLAYSAND HUNTINGPRESERVE: 13-station, 100-target course and five-stand; 10 a.m. to dusk Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. to dusk Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; located at 9020 South Highway 97, Redmond; www. birdandclay.com or 541-383-0001. REDMOND ROD &GUN CLUB: Archery, pistol, rifle, skeet, sporting clays and trap; club is open to the community and offers many training programs; three miles east of Redmond on the north side of state

Highway126; www.rrandgc.com for further information. PINE MOUNTAINPOSSE: Cowboy action shooting club; second Sunday of each month; Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association range, milepost 24, U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-8199, www.pinemountainposse.com. HORSE RIDGEPISTOLEROS: Cowboy action shooting with pistols, rifles and shotguns;10 a.m.; first and third Sunday of each month; Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association range, milepost 24, U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541408-7027 or www.hrp-sass.com.

SNOW SPORTS WOMEN'S SKI CLINIC AT HOODOO: Veteran Hoodoo instructor Janet Shofstall will lead this year's clinics with an emphasis on camaraderie and skill improvement in a positive atmosphere that maximizes

learning; packages start at $40, each package includes guaranteed first tracks, technical equipment overview and instructions catered to help you ski with confidence; March 3; www.hoodoo.com. DESCHUTESLANDTRUST WINTER NATURENIGHTS SERIES: Monthly presentations on naturerelated topics given by experts; Oregon Field Guide's stories from the field; 7-8:30 tonight; Century Center, Bend; a Natural History of Butterflies; 7-8:30 p.m. March 27; Tower Theater in Bend; register at www.deschuteslandtrust.org or 541-330-0017. FOURTHANNUALBACHELOR BUTTE DOGDERBY:Racing sled dogs and skijoring in Central Oregon; contestants from across the Northwest and up to 30 dog teams; race distances range from five to 25 miles; 8:30 a.m. each day; March 2-3, Wanoga Sno-park; psdsa.org/Races/BachelorButte. aspx.


Brian Andruss, of Cashmere, Wash., takes the lead in a snowmobile

Continued from D1 "And with the broad range o f snowmobiles that t h e y manufacture n o w , th e r e's something for everybody in the whole sport." Aside from d r a g r a cing, snowmobilers e n j o y r iding b a c kcountry po w d er, hill climbing, or taking Iong trail rides on groomed snow.

Backcountry riding is surging in popularity, and many snowmobile manufacturersare designing lightweight sleds with iong tracks and lots of power, made to maneuver through trees and deep powder. But racing on a s t raightaway was the focus this past weekend, as several different

race on Sunday at Wanoga Sno-park. Joe Kline The Bulletin

really liked it a lot. We used to snowboard ail th e t i me, and that's all we did. I never thought I would own a snowm obile, and now that I d o , that's ali I do." Detwiler, 28, said drag racing her snowmobile is a "huge adrenaline rush" and "kind of scary." This past weekend's races

afA st

classescompeted forbragging rights. Racers in the Outlaw Class were permitted to modify their engines however they saw fit. Some reached speeds of more than 100 mph. " Everybody t h i nk s t h e y have the fastest sled," Mahoney said. "This puts it out on the table and proves who's the best." Prineviiie's Tim Smith was testing out his sled in the driving snow last Friday. Smith, 29, has been snowmobiling since he was 3. Although he said he prefers backcountry riding and hill climbing, he thought he would give drag racing a try. "It's just fun to come out and compete," Smith s aid. "We don't get to do this ali the time. We're usually mountain riding. Just to see what everybody has to bring out is pretty cool. It really represents the sport, especially people coming from a iong ways away. It's a good riding area, and there's a good turnout here." M ahoney, 30, s ai d t h a t snowmobile drag racing was highly popular in the 1960s, '70s and '80s, and then tapered off in the '90s. Until the inaugural Snowmobile Drag Races at Wanoga last year, he said, no competitive snowmobile events had been staged in Central Oregon in the previous 10 or 12 years. And drag racing is a natural fit for snowmobiles. Most beginners who try snowmobiling for the first time simply want to go fast in a straight line. "You see it aii the time," Mahoney said. "People get their rentals at Wanoga and the first thing they do is pin it and go as fast as they can." Snowmobiling is sometimes looked at negatively, Mahoney

offered the chance to catch that thrill, and also to show off some machines that are made

for speed. "It brings out aii the fun toys that people spend a iot of time building and modifying," Detwiler said. "It's definitely a showboating thing." — Reporter: 541-383-0318, mmoricalIbendbulletin.com

Photos hy Joe Kline /The Bulletin

Harry Fagen, of Bend, sits behind the wheel of his1950s vintage dragster on Friday at Wanoga Sno-Park west of Bend.

Rollingoutof thehistorydooksandinto thesno-park Bend's Harry Fagenbrought his restored1950s dragster

to the snowmobile drag races this past weekend atWanoga Sno-park. The dragster features skis on

So just how did it handle in the snow?

' •:

elevation backcountry areas. Snowmobiles can cost anywhere from $2,000 for a used one to more than $10,000 for a new model. Rentals through Central Oregon Adventures at Wanoga start at $125 for two hours. W hile s n owmobiling i s most popular among men, an increasing number of women are discoveringthe sport, and severalcompeted in the drag r aces at W anoga over t h e weekend.


"It did pretty good," Fagen AISy'X'JV3Vg I~ s

sald. — Mark Ntorical



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Retire with us Today! said, because of the loud noise of the engines and the strong smell of the diesel used to power them. Mahoney's soiution? Get more people on snowmobiles. "Inthe parkinglotyou might get that bad rap, but one of the biggest things is that a iot of the people who are giving us a bad rap have never tried it," he said. "We get people that have never snowmobiled on snowmobiles, and they just absoiutely love it. It's an absolute joy to be able to go over the snow like that and wherever you want." Two snowmobile clubs in Bend, and clubs in Prineviile, Sisters, and La Pine, spend c ountless v o lunteer h o u r s grooming the local trails during the winter, and maintaining them during the summer by removing h azards a nd stocking shelters with f i r ewood. Many c r oss-country skiers use the trails groomed by the snowmobile clubs. B esides W a noga, C e n trai O r egon s n owmobilers frequent V i sta, D u t chman and Edison sno-parks along Century Drive west of Bend. D utchman i s p r obably t h e most popular, Mahoney noted, because of its access to high-

N H N Di shwasher


rusty old frame," he said.

bile tracks on the bigger back wheels.

Fagen, 69, raced thedragster


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M eghan D e twiler's l o n g blonde hair poked out from under her helmet and splayed in the wind as she sped along the snow at Wanoga on Friday. "As a woman rider, there's not a whole lot of us out there, but I a m s eeing more and more ladies, which is kind of a neat thing," Detwiler said. "My girlfriend and I do ride without the boys on occasion. But it's definitely a man's sport. "I kind of got into it because of my husband, and then I just

• • i




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Lewis Continued from D1 We gathered last week in the Salt Palace in Salt Lake City at the Western Hunting and Conservation Expo, a joint effort of Sportsmen for Fish and Wildlife andthe Mule Deer Foundation. Each day was punctuated by benefit auctions and concerts by the likes of Phil Vassar and the Oak Ridge Boys. Item No. 11 in the Friday night auction was the Nevada Heritage Statewide mule deer tag, which opened at $20,000 and sold for $65,000. C alifornia's G olden O p portunity deer tag, valid from July 12 through Dec. 31, sold for $16,000. Later in the program, the 2013 Jicarilla tribe's donated tagsold for $60,000 — a November to December hunt on Apache lands. Oregon's Statewide Mule D eer Tag was also on t h e block last Friday night. The w inner would have a choice of mule deer, blacktail, whitetail or Columbian whitetail deer in a season that runs from Sept. I through Nov. 30. When John Bair stomped his foot and shouted, "Sold!" the coveted tag had been purchased by a daughter of CentralOregon for$27,500. Proceeds from that sale will benefit wildlife habitat and improve access to private land through Oregon's Access 8 Habitat program. If you d i dn't h ave y our checkbook out at the auction in Salt Lake City, you still have a chance at a similar hunt in Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife's raffle later this spring. Ticket prices start at $4.50 for a chance to hunt deer anywhere in the state. Check out w w w .oregonrafflehunts. com for more details. How does all this money get put to use2 Some of the funds will go toward Oregon's Mule Deer Initiative, which is focused on five mule deer units: Heppner, Murderer's C r eek, M a u r y, Steens and Warner. Representing the Oregon D epartment o f Fi s h an d Wildlife at the Western Hunting Expo, Jon Muir from the Klamath Falls office and Tom S egal fro m O n t ario w e r e happy to talk about the goals of the Mule Deer Initiative: enhanced predator control, juniper abatement and increased enforcement. Lately, I've heard that deer numbers may be starting to improve in the Steens Mountain Unit. I asked Segal about that.

AT LEFT: Ray Crow, left, watches for bidders at an auction in Salt Lake City, while auctioneer John Bair sells a paint-

ing. Money raised from the auction will support Mule Deer Foundation efforts to restore wildlife habitat in the West. BELOW LEFT: A young mule deer with a deformed antler is seen near Sisters. Efforts aimed at rebuilding mule deer herds focus on habitat enhancement, predator control and anti-poaching law enforcement. Photos by Gary Lewis For The Bulletin

The Ontario office watches over several Eastern Oregon units, including the Steens. In the last three years, Segal said, they made cougar hunting a priority in an effort to

plant, but fire suppression has allowed the tree to dominate on desert land once covered in s agebrush, b i tterbrush, grasses and forbs. Biologists agree junipers reduce forbring relief to struggling deer age production, increase soil herds there.Predator hunting erosion and diminish stream agents killed 20 cougars in and spring flows, which re2010, 18 cougars in 2011 and 15 duces the ability of the land to cougars in 2012. support mule deer and other The juniper invasion has wildlife. been subtle. It i s a n a t i ve Segal said his office has


FISHING REPORT Forthewaterreport ,turn each day to the weatherpage,today on B6 Here is the weeklyfishing report for selected areas in and around Central Oregon, provided by fisheries biologists for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife:

HOOD RIVER:Anglers are catching a few early winter steelhead. The fishing will continue to get better as the winter progresses. Anglers are reporting the best success on bait due to the cold water temperatures. CENTRAL ZONE LAKE BILLY CHINOOK:Fishing for bull trout has been fair. Anglers are ANTELOPE FLATRESERVOIR: The reminded there are small numbers reservoir is not accessible by vehicle of spring chinook and summer due to the snow on the roads. steelhead in Lake Billy Chinook as BEND PINENURSERYPOND:The part of the reintroduction effort. most recent stocking was in late Please release these fish unharmed. September with a number of oneThe Metolius Arm closed to fishing pound rainbow released. Oct. 31. CRESCENTLAKE:Opportunities for METOLIUS RIVER:Trout fishing rainbow and brown trout are good. has been good. Insect hatches should offer lots of opportunities CROOKED RIVERBELOW for good dry fly fishing. Angling for BOWMANDAM:Fishing for trout post spawning bull trout should hasbeen good.W aterlevelshave been consistent and fish are feeding be excellent. Large streamer flies on small mayfly and midge nymphs. fished in the deeper pools and slots are the best bet. The use of bait is prohibited until May. Trout over 20 inches are OCHOCO RESERVOIR: Ice fishing considered steelhead and must be on Ochoco Reservoir is not released unharmed. recommended. DESCHUTESRIVER (MOUTH TO PRINEVILLE RESERVOIR: There THE PELTONREGULATING DAM): is no ice near the dam near Fishing remains good for trout Powderhouse Cove. Fishing has downstream from the WarmSprings been slow but the trout that are Reservation Boundary. Best trout being caught have been large. fishing typically occurs around midday, as the best light reaches the PRINEVILLEYOUTHFISHING canyon floor. Fly anglers will find best POND:Due to safety concerns, no one is allowed to be on the ice. success with nymphs along with SHEVLINYOUTH FISHING POND: egg patterns for trout and whitefish. Anglers are reminded trout angling Shevlin Pond is fishing well and is closed upstream from the Warm typically fishes well throughout Springs Reservation Boundary. winter if not iced over.

been working in a joint effort with the Sage Grouse Initiative and the MDI to target juniper stands on Bureau of Land Management and state lands. On the enforcement side, it is estimated the illegal kill of mule deer equals or exceeds the legal harvest. Predator control and juniper removal are certain to improve deer numbers and quality in the Steens and other MDI units, but if an increased law enforcement p resence can b e m a i n tained in these areas, we will really see an improvement in our deer populations east of the Cascades. What that should mean to you is more opportunities to hunt, thanks to the hard work and generosity of sportsmen and conservation groups around the West.

FLY-TYING CORNER PO's Purple Sticky, courtesy Fin & Fire Ryan Brennecke The Bulletin

Here is a steelhead nymph for August and September, but if you can't wait that long,

by all means, fish it now. Pete Ouellette's Purple Sticky

is a good choice whenever steelhead stack in riffled currents and light suffuses the water.

— Gary Lewis is the host of "Adventure Journal" and author of "John Nosler — GoingBallistic," "Blaclz Bear Hunting," "Hunting Oregon" andother titles. Contact Lewis at www.GaryLewisoutdoors. com.

Tied on a scudhook, this pattern has a profile that recalls a caddis larva, but it

comes in purple, a proven producer, and boasts subtle flash in what might be called

its wings. Tie the PO's Purple Sticky

on a scud-style hook. Slide an iridescent purple or peacock green glass bead up tothe eye of the hook. Build the body

with holographic purple tinsel and overlay with Sexy Floss. Rib with blue copper wire.

For the wing, use sixstrands of purple Krystal Flash. Finish with black Ice Dub at the thorax. Ultraviolet dubbing enhancer is optional. — Gary Lewis, For The Bulletin

Beyond the kill: Hunting isserious business, not a game COMMENTARY

etables. Some trophy hunters might disagree, but from my corner, the benediction of the By Rlch Landers hunt is in the meal, the cerThe Spofzesman-Review emony that honors the game Hunting is the ultimate form and nourishes the next hunt. of tough love. Hunters tend to go through Sportsmen donate to habitat five stages in their lifetime, acconservation and snap photos cording to researchersfrom of fawns with the same fasci- the University of Wisconsin, nation they focused on the first La Crosse. Their studies in the steps of their own children. late 1970s form this widely acThen in the fall, they'll take cepted theory of hunter behavaim at those critters for the ben- ior and development: efit of w ildlife management, • Shooting Stage: Squeezputting meat in the freezer or a ing off rounds is the highlight. trophy on the wall. Target practice helps take the Most hunters love wildlife. edge off along with varmint If hunting were just a matter of hunting. • Limiting Out Stage: Skill killing, few people would do it. Years ago, a National Public and perseverance come into Radio correspondent accompa- play, but a narrow viewpoint nied adeer hunter for a story. on the sport prevails. As they walked through the • Trophy Stage: Advancing woods, the hunter noted that he from quantity to a quest for sometimes tries to sneakup on a quality, the hunter becomes buck and shoot it on its bed — a more selective. difficult task, since bucks don't • Method S tage: A d d i ng just lie down, close their eyes challenge or intrigue to the and shut down their senses. hunt, the sportsman might The r eporter's r esponse? tackle rougher terrain,seek Wouldn't it be more sporting to warier quarry or switch from give the deer a running chance? a long-range rifle to a shortNo. While hunting is consid- range bow or muzzleloader. ered a sport, it's not a game. • Sportsman Stage: MeasurThe perfect hunt ends with ing a hunt by the total experithe animal n ever k n owing ence, not just a singular goal. A what hit it. The goal in terms of hunter in this stage will avoid hunter stealth, and the meal to unethical situations, pass up be served later, is to take the an- uncertain shots and agree that "a bad day hunting is better imal before it's even alarmed. "To t he sportsman, t h e than a good day at work." death of the game is not what In 1937, during the Great interests him; that is not his Depression, sportsmen purpose. What interests him backed the Pittman-Robertis everything that he had to do son Act, which imposed an to achieve that death — that is, 11 percent federal excise tax the hunt," Spanish philosopher on guns, ammo and archery Jose Ortegay Gasset observed gear to fund wildlife habitat in his often quoted"Meditations conservation. on Hunting," published in 1942. T hrough 2012, $8.1 b i l I don't need to hunt for food, lion had been generated and but I prefer my meat from the passed on to state wildlife prowild as much as the gardener grams through this act. who grows his or her own vegSportsmen pay millions of

dollars in annual license fees u p w i t h t h ick pamphlets of each year to groups such as that finance the bulk of state r e g ulations, all for the bottom Ducks Unlimited andthe Rocky fish and wildlife management. I i ne: preserving the game. Mountain Elk Foundation. They buy duck stamps and put Spo r t smen donate millions Hunting is personal, reward-


ing and, in a modern world, necessary. It's serious business — a fact I reflect upon every season, right after the shot.


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'Parade's End' keepsBritish TVinvasion going TV SPOTLIGHT

sodes and that's it, forever." The self-effacing Stoppard By Lynn Elber leaves it at that. But there's a The Associated Press wider gap between the two: ) "Downton" is an easy-to-digest LOSANGELES — Tom Stopvtx pard is sitting on the patio of a soap opera, while "Parade's End" is a challenging, nuanced Sunset Boulevard hotel, bathed i in California winter sunshine, view of a slice of British society I A a framed by bamboo landscapand a set of singular characters, ing and looking very much out all dressed to the nines in the of his element in Hollywood. heady language of literature. "There's a wonderful richThe acclaimed British playwright professes to feeling that ness to the language and a way as well, despite having beauty, which I think is the pocketed a Writers Guild of brilliance of Tom Stoppard, America lifetime achievement and also this very beautiful award the night before for his language of Ford Madox Ford," screenplays, including the Ossaid director Susanna White. car-winning "Shakespeare in The heedless, acid-tongued Love." HBO viaThe Associated Press Sylvia has dialogue to relish, "I was always nervous com- Benedict Cumberbatch stars in the HBO miniseries "Parade's something Stoppard cannot ing here. The first time I was End," adapted by acclaimed British playwright Tom Stoppard from resist. "The line I like best comes terrified," he said. "I'm trying a series of novels by Ford Madox Ford. not to sound nauseatingly selfstraight from Ford: (the public) deprecating, but I don't think likes 'a whiff of sex coming off of myself as being a terrific part HBO miniseries (airing triangle of Cumberbatch's tra- our crowd, like the steam on screent)vviter or even a natural Tuesday through Thursday at dition-bound Christopher, his the water in the crocodile house screenwriter." 6 p.m.) that was lauded by U.K. unfaithful wife, Sylvia (Hall), at the zoo,'" he said, adding Combine that, he said, with critics as "the thinking man's and a suffragette (Australian gleefully, "What a line!" the local entertainment indus- ' Downton Abbey'" after i t s newcomer Adelaide Clemens). Although careful to credit try's perception that "I'm some BBC airing. The uniformly impressive cast the novelist with t hat p a rdifferent kind of a nimal," a Adapted by Stoppard from a includes Janet McTeer, Miran- ticular zinger, Stoppard said high-minded artist to whom series of novels by British writ- da Richardson, Roger Allam "Parade's End" is the first adthe words "intellectual" and er Ford Madox Ford, "Parade's and Rupert Everett. aptation in which his dialogue "philosophy" are freely applied. End" features rising stars BeneStoppard rejects the oft-made and that from the original text But if Hollywood can be for- dict Cumberbatch ("Sherlock comparison to PBS' "Downton" have become intertwined in his given anything, it should be Holmes" and the upcoming as unfair to it and its writer- memory. that. Stoppard has created a "Star Trek" movie) and Rebec- creator, Julian Fellowes: "I was T he stage has been t h e remarkable wealth of two doz- ca Hall ("Vicky Cristina Barce- embarrassed by it because it's Czech-born Stoppard's chief en-plus plays, including "Ros- lona") in the juiciest of roles. so condescending of Julian' s occupation since leaving jourencrantz and Guildenstern Are Like PBS' "Downton Abbey," work. He's a good writer and nalism in his 20s. But he's made Dead," "Travesties" and "The it's set in the early 20th century he's done a superlative job," he a number of detours into film, Real Thing," and he's counting among aristocrats and encom- said. It's also a misguided com- eitheras a screenwriter ora beonmore. passes World War I's shatter- parison because "Downton" hind-the-scenes script doctor. Stoppard also is the master ing effect on the social order. is heading toward season four His latest big-screen project is and "Parade's End" is "five epi- the adaptation of "Anna Karbehind "Parade's End," a five- Romance is provided by the

Porn a iction saps couple's sexli e Dear Abby: I need help and I consider going online and contactcan't talk to anyone I know, so I'm ing the Straight Spouse Network at pouring my heart out to you. My www.straightspouse.org. husband is addicted to online porn. Dear Abby:I have been in therapy Our sex life has suffered massively for four years. I like my therapist, because of it. He seems uninter- who has helped me immensely. ested in sex with me. H owever, over t h e 4 - =.-, I had a feeling that it p ast year she h a s might be something become increasingly • EAR or someone else. tardy in keeping her My woman's inappointment times. tuition told me there I understand there h ad to b e a r e a are sometimes emerson for him turning to porn, so I gencies, but being a half-hour late checked ourcomputer's history log every week is excessive. I feel it is and found he has been surfing gay disrespectful to me. She keeps sayporn. He does watch straight porn, ing I just don't understand. but now peppers it with male-onHow can I get across to her how male porn as welL frustrated I am? Or do Ineedto find It has shattered my world. I don't a new therapist? know what to think or what to do. — By the Clock in Connecticut I can't discuss this with my family. Dear By the Clock: Tell your They would never view him in the therapist exactly how this is afsame way again. Help! fecting you and ask what HER — J. in Brighton, England p roblem is. She owes you a n Dear J.: Your husband may be explanation. curious, bisexual or have discovI agree that being late for your ered (late) that he is gay. It happens. appointment is disrespectful if it You need to have a frank conversa- happens regularly. You may need tion with him. Remain calm, stay to find another therapist. If that's strong and remember that you, too, the case, be sure to tell her why are entitled to a sex life. You have you are leaving. It takes courage to nothing to lose by discussing this, be assertive, but it will help you in and everything to gain. your personal growth. If you need more help afterward, Dear Abby: Please help me with a




delicate situation between me and my husband of seven years. For our 20th anniversary, my first husband gave me a diamond anniversary ring. After running across it again, I h ave recently started wearing it. My husband is very offended that I have chosen to do this. I wear it on the middle finger of my left

hand. (The knuckle on my right hand was broken when I was a teen and it won't fit on that hand.) I have tried explaining that there is no sentimental reason for wearing the ring. It's just a beautiful piece of jewelry. He doesn't want me to wear it at all, but I do. Do you have any advice? — Likes the Sparkle in Wisconsin Dear Likes The Sparkle: While the ring may be just a beautiful piece of jewelry to you, to your husband it may symbolize the 20-plus years you spent with someone else. Ask if he would mind if you had the stones in the ring remounted into something you could wear on your right hand — or consider selling it and using the money to buy another piece of jewelry that would be less threatening to your current

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21)

** * * B e direct in your dealings in the morning. The clearer you are, the This year you will deal with a plethora of By Jacqueline Bigar unexpected events. You havewhat it takes better your decisions will be. You might not be sure which wayto go with a loved to meet life's demands, and your ability to one whomeans wellbutcouldcausea flex will be tested. Let go of what doesn't CANCER (June21-July22) work for you. When ** * * Stay calm when others become problem. Do nothing — just see what he or she does. Tonight: Get some Rand R. Stars showthe kind you do, you might irritable or agitated. A boss or higherof day you'll have n otice that many SAGITTARIUS(Nov.22-0ec. 21) up seems to reverse course, which ** * * * D ynamic opportunities ** * * Z ero in on whatneedsto happen. encourages you to question what is really ** * * P ositive wi l l present Your high stress level could comeout as going on here. Trustyour judgment. Your ** * Average the mselves. instincts will carry you past a problem. You a nervous energy. Youwill need to deal ** So-so LIBRA wants to with astrangetwist. Tryto geta lotof like whatyou hear. Tonight: Headhome. * Difficult understand you important feedback asyou attempt to root LEO (July23-Aug. 22) better. out a problem. Success will come naturally. ** * * You might be overcautious Tonight: Join friends for somefun. ARIES (March 21-April19) in the morning, but by midafternoon, CAPRICORN (0ec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * * L isten to others' feedback with an you'll know which direction you would ** * Keep reaching out to a key openmind. Theunexpected is becoming like to go. The unexpected easily could person in your life. You might hear some expected, and it seems to follow you boomerang in and out of your plans. shocking news thatencouragesyouto everywhere you go. Relax more with Demonstrate your ability to be flexible. regroup. The unexpected occurs, but change, and be willing to let go of what you'll demonstrate flexibility. Adjust your isn't working in your life. Tonight: Go with Good news comes forward. Tonight: Where the fun is. plans accordingly, and get to the root of a the flow of the moment. problem. Tonight: Others seek you out. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) TAURUS (April 20-May 20) AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Ped.18) ** * Pace yourself. You have a lot to ** * * You might feel uneasy, and it could seem as if you aren't sure which ** * * Make a call to someone ata distance. get done, and you'll do just that, given Your caring comes out naturally. Beflexible way to turn. Honor what you're feeling; some space and time. Your ability to you'll see why you feel that way later. The with a changeinplans, andyour ingenuity will adaptto change emerges. Understand come tothe rescue.Findasolution that works unexpected enters your life and creates what needs to happen with a financial foryou andalsofor others.Tonight: Return havoc where you least expect it. Tonight: matter. Don't spend funds before they emails, andrelaxwith agood movie. Say"yes" to someone's offer. are in your bank account. Tonight: Make PISCES (Feb. 19-March20) it easy. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * You might be slow to get going, ** * * D eal with people directly today. GEMINI (May 21-June20) A one-on-one conversation could change ** * * A l low your creativity to emerge but once the afternoon hits, you'll be a whirlwind of activity. Fortunately, when a how you deal with your finances and the when facing a schedule change orin a people you might be responsible for. Trust key friend, associate or loved one starts meeting gone awry. You don't need to your resilience, and you will bounce back. acting strange, you will know what to do. make a big deal out of everything that is Let this person say what he or she needs Opportunities could involve real estate. occurring — just go with the flow. You Tonight: Dinner with a loved one. to say. Tonight: Escape into the world of will know when to act and what to do. music. Tonight: Spontaneity works. © 2013 by King Features Syndicate

and plays. "I envy and admire movies which are eloquent without recourse to long speeches," he said, citing several lines to illustrate his point. One comes from "The Fugitive" ("I don't care," Tommy Lee Jones says after Harrison Ford insists he didn't kill his w ife), another from "Ghostbusters." Bill Murray is confronted by "this kind of Amazonian ghost goddess, spooky thing, and he goes, 'This chick is toast,'" Stoppard said, with a delighted smile. "It's the sense that precisely the right words have been uttered," he explained. That's how fellow scribes feel about him. One L.A. film and TV writer said she regularly rereads the famed cricket-bat speech from "The Real Thing," about the challenge of writ-

ing, for joy and inspiration: "If you get it right," the character Henry says, "the cricket ball will travel two hundred yards in four seconds, and all you've done is give it a knock like knocking the top off a bottle of stout, and it makes a noise like a trout taking a fly. What we're trying to do is to write cricket bats, so that when we throw up an idea and give it a little knock, it might travel."

MOVIE TIMESTDDAY • There may beanadditional fee for 3-0 and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject tochange after presstime. t




Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8, IMAX,680 S W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • BEAUTIFUL CREATURES (PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:40, 9:30 • DARK SKIES (PG-I3) 1:20, 3:55, 7:40, 10:10 • DJANGOUNCHAINED (R) I2:50,4:25,7:55 • ESCAPE FROMPLANET EARTH(PG) 3:25, 9:25 • ESCAPE FROMPLANET EARTH3-0 (PG) 1:05, 7:05 • A GOOD DAYTO DIEHARDIMAX (R) 12:15, 4, 7:10, 9:45 • AGOOD 0AY TO 0IE HARD (R)Noon,3:40,6:50,9:15 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-0 (PG-13)6 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)I:35, 9:40 • IDENTITY THIEF(R) I2:40, 3:50, 6:55, 9:50 • LIFE OF PI(PG)12:20 • LIFE OF Pl 3-0 (PG)3:20, 6:15, 9:10 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 11:50 a.m., 3:05, 6:20, 9:35 • MAMA (PG-13) 1:30, 4:35, 7:45, 10:15 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 12:45, 3:45, 6:30, 9:20 • SIDEEFFECTS(R) 1, 4: IO,7:20, 9:55 • SNITCH(PG-13) I2:10, 3, 6:05, 9:05 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) I: I5,4:20, 7:30,10:05 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 11:45 a.m., 3:10, 6:35, 10 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. •


9 p.m. onH K3, "Law 5 Order: Special Victims Unit" — A singer who was brutally attacked by her boyfriend, a hip-hop star, refuses to cooperate with the prosecution despite Benson's (Mariska Hargitay) best efforts. The defendant's stubborn attorney (guest star Jeffrey Tambor) isn't helping matters much, and thecasebecomes a media circus. 9 p.m. on (CW), "Supernatural" — Sometimes you just can't tell the walking dead from the divine without a scorecard. In this new episode, Sam andDean(Jared Padalecki, Jensen Ackles) are baffl ed by the case ofa man (John Reardon) with amnesia who dies and comes back to life on a daily basis. 9 p.m. onfj, "Battle for the Elephants" — This National Geographic special goes under cover to expose the criminal network behind ivory's supply anddemand.Italso demonstrates how the elephant — with its highly evolved society, keen intelligence, and ability to communicate across vast distances and to love,remember and even mourn — is far more complex than ever imagined. 10 p.m. on FX, "TheAmericans" — An agent's emotional breakdown threatens to destroy an important network of KGB informants. Philip and Elizabeth (Matthew Rhys, Keri Russell) deal with one of the downsides of being spies while attempting to infiltrate the FBI's new communications encryption system in the new episode "COMINT." 10 p.m. on SYFY, "Stranded" — In this new series, teams of three paranormal enthusiasts are stranded at one of the most haunted locations in the U.S., recording their experiences with hand-held cameras. Their footage will be supplemented by strategically placed security cameras at each location, creating an unscripted firsthand account of each group's stay. 10 p.m. on USA, "Psych" — The seventh season of the hit series, which begins tonight, will explore Gus' (Dule Hill) personal life as Parminder Nagra reprises her role as his girlfriend, creating jealousy with Shawn (James Roday). In the season opener, "Santa Barbaratown 2, Lethal Weapon 5," as his father (Corbin Bernsen) fights for his life, Shawn seeks revenge on those responsible for his shooting. ©Zap2it


Central Oregon

Derm a t o logy Mark Hall,Mo


Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • AMOUR(PG-13) Noon, 3, 7 • ARGO(R) 12:45, 3:45, 6:45 • THE IMPOSSIBLE (PG-13) 12:15, 6: l5 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) I, 4:15 • QUARTET (PG-13) 1:15, 4, 7 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 12:30, 3:30, 6:30 • STAND UP GUYS(R) 3: I5

spouse. — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles,CA 90069

enina" with Keira Knightley. Stoppard's insistence that he isn't an outstanding scriptwriter stems, in part, from his reticence. Then there's what he calls the differing "schools of eloquence"represented by film



I '





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McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 54I-330-8562 • RISE OF THEGUARDIANS (PG) 3 • THIS IS 40 (R)9 • THETWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 6 • After7p.m., shows are 2f and older only. Younger than2f may at tendscreeningsbefore 7pm .ifaccompaniedby a legalguardian.

DOUBLE SAVINGS NOW! $25-50 rebates on select Hunter Douglas products, and matching instant dealer rebates (thru 4/2/1 3)


Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, 541-241-2271 • The "SpaghettiWestern"will screen at6 tonight (doors open at530 p m) andincludes anali you-can-eat spaghettidinner. I


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Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I -548-8777

• BEAUTIFULCREATURES(PG-13) 4:15, 6:45 •A GOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (R)4:30,6:45 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 4, 6:30 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 4 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) 7 Sisters Movie House, 720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • ESCAPEFROMPLANET EARTH(PG) 6 • AGOOD 0AYTO0IEHARD (R)6:30 • IDENTITY THIEF(R) 6:15 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 6:15


•r I






r/• r

Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • ESCAPE FROMPLANET EARTH3-0 (PG)7:10 • AGOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (R)7:20 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 6:50 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) 7:25 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 6:30 •

Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 • ESCAPEFROMPLANET EARTH(PG) 6:15 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(UPSTAIRS — R) 6 • Theupstairs screeningroomhaslimited accessibility.



neighborhood on Bend's westside. www.northwestcrossing.com

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Truck tool box for full size 541-385-5800 Australian She p herdnated; yukonwillyOmsn.com pickup, excellent cond, adoptive homes. 541-317-5624 Guns, Hunting To place an ad, call minis, purebred, no paCRAFT, PO Box 6441, $100. 541-241-0772 Wanted: $Cash paid for pers, 1 blue female, 1 red Military Special metal 8 Fishing 541-385-5809 vintage costume jew- male. 541-604-6060 Bend 97708; t a x-de- Seniors & Veterans! AR-15 30 rnd mags, Kiku8@R or email Wanted- paying cash elry. Top dollar paid for ductible. Info on cats & Adopt a companioncat $40 while they last. classified0bendbulletin.com .223 ammo, NIB, from Tumalo rescue, fee for Hi-fi audio & stuGold/Silver.l buy by the Bengals TICA R e g.,where to visit at 541-601-7858 Bend waived! Tame, f i xed, 240 rounds,$200. dio equip. Mclntosh, Estate, Honest Artist Champion lines, takwww.craftcats.org 541-647-8931 shots, ID chip, tested, PMC 45acp FMJ Elizabeth,541-633-7006 ing deposits NOW! J BL, Marantz, D y more! 541 - 389-8420..223 AR-15 w/ammo, too ammo, new in box, naco, Heathkit, Sanbengalcatspride.com. Photos etc: WANTED: Tobacco sui, Carver, NAD, etc. much to list, $ 3000. $50. 541-647-8931 $800-$1200. Ready Prompt Delivery www.craftcats.org P pipes - Briars, Meer541-419-5158 Rock, Sand & Gravel 4/5. Call Kim Remington 22 ammo, Call 541-261-1808 Like us on Facebook. shaums and smoking Multiple Colors, Sizes 503-860-8974, R e dhigh velocity, 300 rds, 22LR ammo, sub-sonic, accessories. Instant Landscaping Co. Irrigation Equipment I mond. 4 Siberian Husky female, 300 rds, new in box, $50. 541-647-8931 WANTED: RAZORS15 mos, beautiful! $60. 541-647-8931 Tools 541-389-9663 Doxie pups! Adorable AKC, Gillette, Gem, Schick, R emington 70 0 E D L• 3-inch & 4 -inch pipe, 10-wk-old short hair. $400. 541-977-7019 etc. Shaving mugs .22-250 Varmint, $600. 3/8" 10-75 ft/lbs. Crafts7.62x39 AK-47 ammo, SUPER TOP SOIL A few red's and wild and accessories. Remington 700 SPS man torque wrench, www.hershe soilandbark.com Nelson 100 Big Gun w/ 8 0 r o u nds, $5 0 . boar/red & chocolate Fair prices paid. Screened, soil 8 com- cart, 3hp pump 8 control Varmint 204 R uger, $40. 541-410-4596 541-647-8931 mix. Asking $300. Call Call 541-390-7029 $550. 541-948-2646 post m i x ed , no panel, misc. All $3200 5 41-508-2167 if y ou between 10 am-3 pm. 9mm Sig Sauer P226, Remington UMC 38 Spl Craftsman 6" dato set, rocks/clods. High hu- obo. 541-420-2382 Boxer / English Bulldog are ready to give one original box & papers, ammo, 100 rds, NIB, c arbide t i p . $20 . mus level, exc. f or of these little ones a WANT TO RENT OR (Valley Bulldog) call for info/pics, $500. $50. 541-647-8931 flower beds, lawns, 541-410-4596 S ponsor needed f o r good home! BUY: Garage size brindle puppies, CKC 541-639-7740 Hay, Grain & Feed gardens, straight sweet little S tormy, space for my woodRecl'd First shots. s creened to p s o i l . AK47, 75 rnd drum, 2-30 Ruger 10-22 SS, Butler Craftsman 7" a d j ustbrought t o C R A FT turning shop, need $800. 541-325-3376 1st grass hay, Creek folding stock, DO YOU HAVE dato, carbide tip. Bark. Clean fill. De- 70- Ibquality after her head was rnd mags, bi-pod, book, 25 rnd mag,. $350 able bales, barn stored, 220. 541-389-3992 liver/you haul. SOMETHING TO $20. 541-410-4596 Dachshund AKC mini pup box. $1000; a m mo crushed in a recliner, $250/ ton. Also big bales! 541-548-3949. 541-948-2646 SELL www.bendweenies.com she couldn't eat 8 her avail. 541-350-3335 Patterson Ranch, FOR $500 OR $350. 541-508-4558 owner could not afRuger Mini 14, 223 caliSisters, 541-549-3831 Pets 8 Supplies LESS? • Building Materials ber ranch-style like ford a vet. After surAK-47 Romanian Special Non-commercial Lost & Found • gery to wire her bro- Forces, NIB, lots of ex- new, scope m ount, advertisers may sling, h ea t s h r oud, MADRAS Habitat ken jaw 8 3 days at The Bulletin recomtras, 2 30-rd clips, $1000 Farmers Column 69-yr-old woman lost place an ad with RESTORE flash surpresser, 4 the vet, she is recov- obo. 541-771-9902 mends extra caution our c lips, $ 9 0 0 firm , Building Supply Resale gold bracelet in last 2 ering at CRAFT, but when purc h as10X20 STORAGE "QUICK CASH weeks, priceless sen' ~ ~a 541-447-6879. Quality at will need careful ating products or serAlbany Rifle & Pistol BUILDINGS SPECIAL" timental v a l ue . If LOW PRICES Dachshund mini, AKC t ention f o r we e k s vices from out of the for protecting hay, Club People Look for Information f ound p l ease c a l l 1 week 3 lines 12 84 SW K St. Choc longhaired F. Shots while the bones heal. area. Sending cash done, saving new owner 2013 SPRING GUN 541-548-8683 or firewood, livestock ~ 2 k 2 0i About Products and 541-475-9722 Vet services are not checks, or credit in541-706-1091. etc. $1496 Installed. Ad must include & SPORTSMAN Services Every Daythrough Open to the public. $120! $600. 541-598-7417 donated 8 this was a f ormation may b e 541-617-1133. SHOW price of single item The Bulletin Classifieds b ig expense for a subjected to fraud. Donate deposit bottles/ Found: Car Keys, on CCB ¹1 73684. March 2nd & 3rd of $500 or less, or small nonprofit. Can For more i nforma- cans to local all volun2/22/13, at River Trail, Linn Co. Fairtrounds R uger Mini 1 4 SS , kfjbuildersOykwc.net multiple items you help by sponsorHeating & Stoves tion about an adver- teer, non-profit rescue, to b etween Archi e Free par ing w/scope, 2 maqs (25 whose total does ing Stormy? Cat Restiser, you may call h e l p w/cat spay/neuter not exceed $500. 1-5 Exit 234 Briggs an d A r c hie Rafter L F Ranch & & 40 r nds) $1000. cue, Adoption 8 FosNOTICE TO the O r egon State v e t bills. Cans for Cats Briggs cut-off. Call Farm Svcs.- Custom 541-480-2265. 400 tables guns 8 ter Te a m , 541 ADVERTISER Attorney General's t r ailer at PetSmart 2/23- Call Classifieds at 541-322-0682 to Haying & Field Work ammo. 20,000k sq. 3 89-8420, P O B o x Russian SKS 7.62x39, Since September 29, Office C o n sumer 2 5 , 8 Grocery Outlet, SE 541-385-5809 identify. Call Lee Fischer, ft. of Guides, Outfit2/26-3/12. 6441, Bend 9 7 708; near perfect condition, 1991, advertising for 541-410-4495 Protection hotline at 3 r d/Wilson, www.bendbulletin.com ters, ATVs, Boats, 1000 rounds and dies used woodstoves has Found digital camera in Donate M-F O S m ith PayPal 8 more thru 1-877-877-9392, Archery. available. $1200. E-mail Signs, 1515 NE 2nd; or www.craftcats.org. been limited to modSat. 9-5, Sun. 9-4 autotechsales Tumalo sanctuary any- FREE Male Black Lab Thanks & bless you! els which have been identify, 541-383-3510 TheBulletiu Meat & Animai processing sewrng central aregon stnce 1903 ADMISSION $5 @clearwire.net IIme 541 -389-8420' c ertified by th e O r (9 yrs) & Male Chiwe210 541-491-3755 www.craftcats.org nee (6 yrs) both neuegon Department of Found eyeglasses, Cook All N atural g r ain-fed Wanted: Collector tered, current shots. Furniture & Appliances Environmental Qual- Ave. in Tumalo, Tues, beef $2.88/lb. hangseeks high quality BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! Just bought a new boat? Moving & can't take ity (DEQ) and the fed- 2/19, check with store. fishing items. The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are ing wt, half or whole Sell your old one in the with us. Must go toeral En v ironmental Call 541-678-5753, or pro c essed still over 2,000 folks in our community without A1 Washers&Dryers Found keys, off China to be classifieds! Ask about our gether!! 541-233-3534 503-351-2746 Protection A g e ncy permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift $150 ea. Full warHat Rd near Mtn High, mid-march. $500 dep. Super Seller rates! (EPA) as having met Half Hog Sale, $190 incamps, getting by as best they can. 541-385-5809 German Shepherds, AKC ranty. Free Del. Also 247 smoke emission stan- call to I.D., 541-382-1490 cludes cutting wrapwanted, used W/D's The following items are badly needed to www.sherman-ranch.us dards. A cer t ifiedLost little black dog, 25¹ AR-15 Bushmaster .223 Sporting Goods 541-280-7355 ping and cure. 541-281-6829 help them get through the winter: w oodstove may b e mini Schnauzer, male, WHILE THEY LAST! brand new in box, $1495 - Misc. IdentIfIed by Its certIfI@ CAMPING GEAR of any sort: @ 541-573-2677 Sunriver. Call Japanese Chin pups, Bakers rack, black metal obo. 541-556-8224 cation label, which is New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. or 1M 1F 7 wks, 1st w/brass trim, cstm glass Bend local pays CASH!! Hiking boots, L O WA permanently attached 503-327-1531 541-410-0308. Eastern Oregon ranchGortex wm's 11, worn 8 WARM CLOTHING: shots, $250 ea. shelves, 80x60x16, beaufor all firearms 8 the stove. The Bulraised, grain-fed quality 541 -447-021 0. tiful cond, very elegant. ammo. 541-526-0617 once, retail $179; sell to Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. letin will no t k n owbeef '/4 y2 or whole, for Lost male orange tiger $75. 541-815-2737 $950. 541-923-5089 PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT ingly accept advertis- cat, short hair, Scotts- Summer 2013 delivery. Labrador, AKC b lack CASH!! THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER ing for the sale of dale Dr. area, Bend. Shy, $3.25/Ib hanging wt + For Guns, Ammo & Yakima Skybox compuppies, family raised, Dining chairs, (6), oak 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. parents on site. $300 press back. N i c e. Reloading Supplies. plete w/racks 8 locks, uncertified but lovable; answers to processing. For more info PLEASE HELP, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. each. 541-508-0429 541-408-6900. woodstoves. Barney. 541-330-6923 call Ed, 541-701-1492. $200. 541-382-6151 $350. 541-678-2906


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Vacation Rentals & Exchanges

Homes for Sale

Wed. :) ocean front


Thursday • • •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • N oon house, beach walk town, 2 bdrm /2 Fr i d ay . . . . . . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • Noon Thurs. from bath, TV, Fireplace, BBQ, $85 per night, 2 MIN. Saturday Real Estate • • • • • • • • • • • 11:00 am Fri • night 208-342-6999 Saturday • • • •. . . . . . . 3 : 0 0 pm Fri. 630 Rooms for Rent • • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Studios 8 Kitchenettes Sunday. • • • • Starting at 3 lines

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Furnished room, TV w/ cable, micro & fridge. LItils & linens. New owners. $145-$165/wk 541-382-1885 634

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All real estate advertised here in is subject to t h e F e deral F air H o using A c t , which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, l i mitations or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for r eal e state which is in violation of this law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available on an equal opportunity basis. The Bulletin Classified

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RENTALS 603- Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616-Want To Rent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630-Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomesfor Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636- Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638- Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for RentGeneral 650- Housesfor RentNEBend 652- Housesfor RentNWBend 654- Housesfor RentSEBend 656- Houses for Rent SW Bend 658-Houses for Rent Redmond 659- Houses for Rent Sunriver 660-Houses for Rent La Pine 661 - Housesfor Rent Prineville 662-Houses for Rent Sisters 663- Houses for Rent Madras 664- Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675- RV Parking 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space




682 - Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REALESTATE 705- Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real EstateTrades 726 -Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - MultiplexesforSale 740 - Condos&Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746 - Northwest BendHomes 747 - Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749 - Southeast BendHomes 750 - RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762 - Homeswith Acreage 763 - Recreational HomesandProperty 764 - Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land 860

Motorcycles & Accessories Boats & AccessoriesI

t l t l t l >I t l 771 HD Screaming Eagle Call for Specials! Electra Glide 2005, Limited numbers avail. Lots 103" motor, two tone bendbulletin.com 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. 20.5' 2004 Bayliner candy teal, new tires, W/D hookups, patios Nice flat lot in Terrebis located at: 23K miles, CD player, 205 Run About, 220 or decks. onne, .56 a c res, hydraulic clutch, exHP, V8, open bow, 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. MOUNTAIN GLEN, p aved s t reet, a p exc. cond., very fast cellent condition. 541-383-9313 proved fo r ca p -fill Bend, Oregon 97702 Highest offer takes it. w/very low hours, Professionally septic, utilities are at 541-480-8080. lots of extras incl. Sn o wmobiles managed by Norris 8 the lot line. $42,000. • tower, Bimini & Stevens, Inc. MLS 32 0 1 2001172 PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is H usaberg 57 0 2 0 0 9, custom trailer Pam Lester, Principal 2007 Ski-Doo Renegade street license 8 t itle, needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or $19,500. 636 B roker, Century 2 1 600 w/513 mi, like new, 4260 miles, excellent reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher 541-389-1413 now reduced to $4500. shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days Apt./Multiplex NW Bend Gold Country Realty, Call 541-221-5221 condition, Trail Tech Inc. 541-504-1338 headlight, heated grips will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. 2 ) 2000 A r ctic C a t 8 more. $5500. Steve, TURN THE PAGE Drake Park luxury apt., L 580's EFI with n e w 541-788-0211 1 bdrm, w /d, d / w, Good classified ads tell 486 For More Ads $950 / m o. the essential facts in an covers, electric start w/ Independent Positions cable, interesting Manner. Write reverse, low miles, both Need to get an The Bulletin 541-788-0087 from the readers view - not excellent; with new 2009 ad in ASAP? Sales Small studio close to lithe seller's. Convert the Trac-Pac 2-place trailer, Can be found on these pages : drive off/on w/double tilt, You can place it Daytime Inside brary, all util. pd. $550, facts into benefits. Show lots of accys. Selling due $525 dep. No pets/ online at: the reader how the item will Sales to m edical r e asons. EMPLOYMENT FINANCEANO BUSINESS smoking. 541-33020.5' Seaswirl SpyWill hire t w o s a leshelp them in someway. $8000 all. 541-536-8130 www.bendbulletin.com 410 - Private Instruction 507- Real Es tate Contracts der 1989 H.O. 302, people to work from 9769 or 541-480-7870 This 421 - Schools andTraining 514 - Insurance 285 hrs., exc. cond., The Bulletin newspaadvertising tip PUBLISHER'S 800 Polaris, less than 541-3B5-5BOB stored indoors for 454- Looking for Employment and Mortgages p er office f o r t h e 528 - Loans brought to you by 250 mi, like new. NOTICE Newspaper In Educa- All real estate adverlife $11,900 OBO. 470- Domestic & In-Home Positions 543- Stocksand Bonds 700 Polaris with less 541-379-3530 tion sales campaign. The Bulletin 476 -Employment Opportunities 55 8 - Busine ss Investments a vng central0 egon snce ea that 900 mi, like new. tising in this newspaATVs This is a part-time, in- per is subject to the RMK; tag good until 486 - Independent Positions 573 - Business Opportunities dependent contractor 773 2015. Asking $6000 F air H o using A c t sales position, a nd for both, you will not 476 476 which makes it illegal Acreages you will not be embelieve how nice they a d vertise "any Employment Employment ployees of The Buiie- to are. (541) 350-6865 preference, limitation 0 0 tin. We offer a short Opportunities Opportunities disc r imination CHECK YOUR AD paid orientation pro- or on race, color, Please check your ad • Yamaha 750 1999 22' Custom Weld Jet, gram. The average based Court Operations Remember.... religion, sex, handi- on the first day it runs Mountain Max, $1750. Yamaha Banshee 2001, 2002, 350 Vortec, 210 salesperson e a r ns A dd your we b a d • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 Supervisor cap, familial status, custom built 350 motor, hrs, garaged, loaded. to $ 7 00 p e r marital status or na- to make sure it is cor- EXT, $1250. State of Oregon Judicial dress to your ad and $400 race-ready, lots of extras, 541-923-0854. rect. Sometimes in- • Zieman 4-place week, for a 27-hour The Department, Jefferson readers on tional origin, or an in$5500/obo 541-647-8931 s tructions over t h e we e k . T h e County, Madras, Oregon. Bulletin' s web site work Ads published in the to make any phone are misunder- trailer, SOLD! dress code is casual tention Court Operations Super- will be able to click 870 "Boats" classification such pre f e rence, stood and a n e r ror All in good condition. and this is soft, re454 visor 3 8 Mediation Co- through automatically Located in La Pine. include: Speed, fishlimitation or discrimi- can occurin your ad. Boats & Accessories laxed b usiness t o Call 541-408-6149. Looking for Employment ordinator. Provides su- to your site. nation." Familial staing, drift, canoe, If this happens to your business sales. We pervision and training of house and sail boats. tus includes children ad, please contact us 860 prefer a background court staff, and coordi17' 1984 Chris Craft For all other types of CARPENTER l o oking I Sales: Here is yourl the age of 18 the first day your ad in "business to busi- under f or w or k a s le a d nates the District's me- l chance to be a team watercraft, please se living with parents or appears and we will Motorcycles 8 Accessories - Scorpion, 140 HP ness" selling. This is d iation program. R e inboard/outboard, 2 Class 875. maintenance or carelegal cus t o dians, member at this dynot ad or s ubscrip- pregnant women, and be happy to fix it as Harley Davidson Soft- depth finders trollt aker for r esort o r quires associate's degree l namic company. We 541-385-5809 s oon a s w e ca n . 3 years supervisory tion sales, however, if people securing cusTail De luxe 2 0 0 7, ing motor, full cover, ranch. Experienced in and seeking a Tern (or education I are you have p r evious tody of children under Deadlines are: Week- white/cobalt, w / pasEZ - L oad t railer, a ll phases o f c o n - experience tory Sales Repredays 11:00 noon for senger kit, Vance 8 and experience equivaservmg central o~egon srnce 1903 experience in adverOBO. struction, fencing or lent to 4 years). Salary: sentative wh o 18. This newspaper next day, Sat. 11:00 Hines muffler system $3500 is tising sales, I will give 541-382-3728. heavy equip. Sea- $3801-$6188/mo. plus preferably a Bend GENERATE SOME exwill not knowingly ac- a.m. for Sunday and & kit, 1045 mi., exc. you priority consider- cept any advertising sonal or full time. Se- benefits. For complete l resident. Find out citement in your neigation. I'm looking for for real estate which is Monday. c ond, $16,9 9 9 , rious inquires only. announcement and ap- more about and apborhood. Plan a ga541-385-5809 motivated, energetic, 541-389-9188. 18.5' Sea Ray 2000, Jeff, 701-580-0296. in violation of the law. rage sale and don't I ply, by going to plication visit Thank you! articulate people with 4.3L Mercruiser, 190 forget to advertise in https://home2.eease. O ur r e aders ar e The Bulletin Classified Call The Bulletin At www.couits.ore on. ov/ excellent communicahp Bowrider w/depth 470 hereby informed that classified! 385-5809. OJD/ obs 541-385-5809 ~ tion skills. Call Mela- all dwellings adverfinder, radio/CD player, or call 541-447-6541, Domestic & Place Your Ad Or E-Mail nie at 541-383-0399. rod holders, full cantised in this newspax 102. Closes March 13 775 serwnv central oregon smce7903 In-Home Positions At: www.bendbulletin.com vas, EZ Loader trailer, 2013 © 11:59 pm per are available on Check out the Manufactured/ exclnt cond, $13,000. an equal opportunity Harley Heritage classifieds online 707-484-3518 lBend) Exp. Caregiver needed Mobile Homes Used out-drive basis. To complain of Softail, 2003 PCEMc@ for elderly bedridden www.bendbuffetin.com parts - Mercury discrimination cal l DO YOU NEED $5,000+ in extras, lady. SE Bend. 8 M@mm Updated daily 1st/s' Glastron 2005, OMC rebuilt maHUD t o l l-free at FACTORY SPECIAL $2000 paint job, A GREAT Mon.-Tues. 2-5 p.m., New Home, 3 bdrm, Volvo V6, h i gh-end rine motors: 151 1-800-877-0246. The 30K mi. 1 owner, EMPLOYEE Wed. 7:30-11:30 a.m. $46,500 finished equipped, less than 60 $1595; 3.0 $1895; toll f re e t e l ephone For more information The Bulletin RIGHT NOW? & 1-4:30 p.m. Backon your site. hrs, garaged, as close 4.3 (1993), $1995. number for the hearplease call Call The Bulletin I Recommends extra ground & drug test. J and M Homes to new as you can geti 541-385-8090 ing im p aired is caution when pur541-389-0435 before 11 a.m. and Call 541-419-1992 541-548-5511 $12,500. 541-550-7189 1-800-927-9275. or 209-605-5537 chasing products or I get an ad in to pubservices from out of • lish the next day! Find exactly what l the area. Sending 541-385-5809. 528 c ash, c hecks, o r you are looking for in the VIEW the Loans & Mortgages l credit i n f o rmation Classifieds at: CLASSIFIEDS


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l l www.bendbuiietin.com l may be subjected to l FRAUD. For more i nformaI tion about an adver- l FINANCIAL Sr. Business Lender l tiser, you may call l the Oregon State Bend, OR Craft3 is a n o n-profitl Attorney General's l C o n sumer x Community D e v elop- Office ment Financial Institution I Protection hotline at l (CDFI) with a mission to I 1-877-877-9392. I strengthen e c o nomic,

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mends you use cauC a/I 54 /-385-580 9 tion when you proto romote our service vide personal information to compaHandyman nies offering loans or Building/Contracting CAUTION READERS credit, especially those asking for ad- NOTICE: Oregon state Margo Construction Ads published in "Emlaw req u ires anyLLC Since 1992 vance loan fees or co n t racts • Pavers• Carpentry ployment Opportunicompanies from out of one who and family re- LTlxe Batllctttt g t ies" i n c lude e m - ecological for construction work • Remodeling • Decks state. If you have in Pacific Northand silience to be licensed with the • Window/Door ployee concerns or queswest communities. We i ndependent po s i - this by providing loans Looking for your next Con - Replacement • Int/Ext tions, we suggest you C onstruction tions. Ads for posi- do Paint • CCB 176121 and assistance to entreemployee? consult your attorney tractors Board iCCB). tions that require a fee preneurs, non-profits, in- Place a Bulletin help A n active lice n se 541-480-3179 or call CONSUMER or upfront investment dividuals and others, in- wanted ad today and means the contractor HOTLINE, must be stated. With cluding those who don't i s bonded an d i n 1-877-877-9392. reach over 60,000 any independent job normally have access to readers s ured. Ve r ify t h e Landscaping/yard Care each week. opportunity, p l easefinancing. contractor's CCB Your classified ad BANK TURNED YOLI O RE G O N investigate thor- P~ i ti P ense through t h e N OTICE: will also appear on DOWN? Private party cCCB oughly. Responsible for generCons u m er Landscape Contracbendbulletin.com will loan on real estors Law (ORS 671) Website ating and underwriting which currently tate equity. Credit, no www.hireaiicensedcontracton r equires a l l bus i Use extra caution when new business loans and receives over 1.5 problem, good equity com nesses that advertise applying for jobs on- servicing a loan portfolio million page views is all you need. Call or call 503-378-4621. to p e rform L a n dline and never pro- that meets Craft3's misevery month at now. Oregon Land The Bulletin recom- scape C o nstruction vide personal infor- sion, financial and risk no extra cost. Mortgage 388-4200. mends checking with which inclu d es: mation to any source goals. The primary lendBulletin Classifieds the CCB prior to con- p lanting, deck s , you may not have re- ing focus targets micro, Get Results! tracting with anyone. fences, arbors, LOCAL MONEY:We buy searched and deemed small and medium busiCall 385-5809 Some other t r ades nesses in central and secured trust deeds & w ater-features, and to be reputable. Use or place note,some hard money also req u ire addi- installation, repair of extreme caution when eastern Oregon, specifiyour ad on-line at loans. Call Pat Kellev tional licenses and irrigation systems to r esponding to A N Y cally those owned by mibendbulletin.com 541-382-3099 ext.13. women, immicertifications. be licensed with the online e m p loymentnorities, Landscape Contracad from out-of-state. grants, and low-income. Located in our new Bend, Debris Removal t ors B o a rd . Th i s Independent Contractor Oregon office, this posi4-digit number is to be We suggest you call will also p rovide JUNK BE GONE included in all adverthe State of Oregon tion assistance in tisements which indiI Haul Away FREE Consumer Hotline at marketing the eastside Oregon area * Supplement YourIncome * cate the business has 1-503-378-4320 For Salvage. Also and be responsible for a bond, insurance and Cleanups & Cleanouts Craft3 branding efforts. workers compensaMel, 541-389-8107 For Equal Opportunity To learn about Craft3, tion for their employL aws: Oregon B u- visit www.craft3.org ees. For your protecExcavating reau of Labor 8 In- Complete the application; tion call 503-378-5909 dustry, C i vil Rights htt s://home.eease.ad . or use our website: Levi's Dirt Works Division, com/recruit/?id=3970901 ++++++++++++++++++ for all your dirt & excava- www.lcb.state.or.us to 971-673-0764 Hirinq decision is schedcheck license status tion needs. Concrete, uled for 3/13. Driveway Gradingbefore co n t racting If you have any quesCraft3is an equal Low cost! ccb¹ 194077 with th e b u s iness. opportunity employer; tions, concerns or 541-639-5282 Persons doing landcomments, contact: women and minorities scape m a intenance Classified Department are encouraged lo apply. Handyman do not require a LCB The Bulletin license. 541-385-5809 Mobile HomePark I DO THAT! We are looking for independent conManagerHome/Rental repairs SPRING CLEAN-UP! tractors to service home delivery Klamath Falls, OR The Bulletin Requires Small jobs to remodels Aeration/Dethatching routes in: strong inter Honest, guaranteed Weekly/one-time service personal skills, bawork. CCB¹151573 avail. Bonded, insured. sic bookkeeping and Dennis 541-317-9768 Free Estimates! Get your computer skills, Must be available 7 days a week, early mornCOLLINS Lawn Maint. business ERIC REEVE HANDY grounds maint exp., ing hours. Must have reliable, insured vehicle. Ca/I 541-480-9714 SERVICES. Home & good driving record, Commercial Repairs, good physical condiPlease call 541.385.5800 or G ROW I N G Carpentry-Painting, USE THE CLASSIFIEDSI tion, previous mo800.503.3933 Mon.-Fri., 8-4 or Pressure-washing, bile home park or apply via email at Honey Do's. On-time Door-to-door selling with with an ad in apartment managepromise. Senior fast results! It's the easiest online © bendbulletin.com The Bulletin's ment exp. preferred. Discount. Work guar- way in the world to sell. "Call A Service No pet animals over anteed. 541-389-3361 26 lb s . emai l : or 541-771-4463 Professional" The Bulletin Classified parkmanager18@g Serving Central Oregon since 1903 Bonded & Insured Directory 541-385-5809 mail.com CCB¹181595 Employment Opportunities

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To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809


w ednesday,Feb ruary27,2O13


Intolerant of error

1Deal s "Fine 9"Stop!,"at a checkpoint 13 Finito 14 Balkan native is Jackie Robinson's alma mater 1BIt might start with "Starters"

By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services

Cy the Cynic came into the club lounge in a snit. "If there's anything I can't stand," Cy fumed, "it's intolerance. I went down at 3NT, and Ed said I booted the contract." " Give me th e details," I s a i d , knowing Ed is my club's best player. West had led the deuce of spades: jack,queen, ace. The Cynic next led a club todummy's jack, and when East won and returned a spade, the defense took four spades. "Ed asked East what his pattern had been. When East said 5-3-4-1, Ed told me I had goofed. The man expects me to see through the backs of the cards."

B2Steak cut 34 Artist Rembrandt van 63 Scandal suffix 64 Rung 3s In person? Bs Went under 3s Obama BBQuelqueseducation (some: Fr.) secretary Duncan 4o Draw DOWN 17 2003 OutKast hit that was ¹1 41 Chow line? 1It might be for nine weeks shaken next to 42 P.R. man? a field 1s Bumpkin 44 Pushover 2Johnson 84 19 Po boy? 4s Detergent Johnson skin22 Female brand care brand kangaroo 49 Apt name for a 3 Tallest member chef? 23 & 24 Like of a basketball team, often Edward Albee's so Turn"The Zoo Story" 4"You make a s1 Not funny good point" 2s Teen heartthrob anymore Zac s "Rush Hour" s2 It girl? director Ratner 27 To a greater s7 Natl. Merit extent 6 It has its ups Scholarship and downs 2BL.A. woman? earner's exam 7 Tuna salad ingredient ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE s List ender W I S E R GA S P S H U N B"Come again?" EL 0 P E 0 L I 0 A I N T B L U E C H E E S E V A S E 1o Environmental problem R E A D S S T A T U S

opens one spade, you respond two clubs, he bids two hearts and you try 2NT. Partner next bids three spades. What do you say? ANSWER: Your bidding has been aggressive. Many players would have responded 1NT (and in some systems that response would have been mandatory). Still, you must see the auction through. Partner shows extra values with six spades and four hearts, hence bid four spades and hope for the best. South dealer Neither side vulnerable

NORTH 4J4 9 A9 3 O7654 AAJ4 3


After Cy w i n s t h e f i rst t r i ck , EAST suppose he t a kes t h e A - K of WEST 4Q 1 096 3 diamonds, and West discards a heart. 4 K 8 5 2 Q K107 West's deuce of spades indicated a 9 Q 8 4 2 O J108 3 four-card suit, and if West had a five- 0 9 +9876 4K c ard suit, he'd have led from i t against 3NT. So West's pattern was SOUTH 4-4-1-4. 4f A7 If West has the king of clubs, Cy 9 J65 can never win more than three club 0 A KQ2 tricks. His only chance for four, and 4 Q 105 2 nine in all, is to play East for the singleton king. South We s t Nor th East 1 NT Pass 3 NT A ll Pa s s DAILY QUESTION Opening lead — 4 2 Youhold: 4 J 4 9 A 9 3 O 7 6 5 4 4 A J 4 3. Your partner (C) 2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.


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addressed in the Clean Air


Act 11 Rapper on R "NCIS: Los ET Angeles" A S 12 Fooled L O 14 Like many

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Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis



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ACROSS 3 s t i ck: incense 1 Not interesting 4 Hagen often 7 Real heel mentioned Dn "Inside the Actors 10 German export6 14 Beaucoup Studio" 15 Eight-time Norris 5 H e ad, slangily Trophy winner 6 Key Df 16 Bit attachment Beethoven's 17*Largest port in "Emperor" NW Africa concerto 19 "Black Beauty" 7 Funnel-shaped author Sewell 8 Compass-aided 20 Metric distances: curve Abbr. 9 Pulitzer category 21 Athos, to Porthos 1 0 Like a spoiled kid, 22 Word with dark D r oft e n 11 Unwritten gray 24 *Warrior's cry reminder 27 Hersey novel 12 Cab storage site setting 13 Hunted Carroll 30 Rob Roy's refusal cre a ture 31 Four-time 18 Microwave Grammy winner maker Lovett 23 Braves, Dn 32 Plcnlcsidedish scor e boards 35 23-Down's div. 24 Against 37 As found 25 Exactly 38 Pupil surrounder 2 6 Mauna 41 Ft. Worth campus 27 'Whoso diggeth 42 *Knocking sound shall fall 46 Australian sixtherein": Proverbs footers 28 Fundraiser with 49 Punching tool steps? 50 "SNL" alum Mike 1 2 3 4 5 51 *Delighted 54 Animals who like 14 to float Dn their




THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by DavidL. Hoyt and JeffK nurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles One letter 10 eaCh Square, to fOrm faur Ordinary WOrdS.

have one

SIRBK 02013 Tnbune Media Services, Inc. „ All Rights Reserved.



~4I'i, Alfi.

slle Seems IO alWags be

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BecAMB A —-


Now arrange the circled letters to farm the SurPriSe anSWer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

A .S1 " ~



0 IaughngStock Intemeonal Inc, Dist by Un ersal UClck for UFS, 2013

"I just moved in upstairs."

55 Female hare 56 "Hardly!" 59 Violin holder 60 *Island nation in the Indian Ocean 64 A sweatshirt may

(A08Wer8 tamarrOW)

J umbles: BLIMP




AnSWer: He Wanted 10 fluy the ClaSSiC drum 881, flut

someone — BEAT HIM TO IT

65 Rocker Rose 66 Sedative 67 Overnight lodging choices 68 Low grade 69 Incursions ... Dr, phonetically, what the answers to starred clues contain DOWN 1 With 2-Down, "Rio Lobo" actor 2 See 1-Down

29 Thing taken for 51 Minh 52 Comparable to a granted 33 California's Big March hare 34 Not dis? 53 Words with lamb Dr mutton 36 Chow 39 Avatar of Vishnu 5 6 School sports Drg. 40 Wd. derivation 57 L i ke Cheerios 43 Some Duracells 5 8 Half of seis 44 Silly talk 61 Fire truck item 45 Foil maker 62 G.l.'s mail drop 47 Capsizes 63 Paul Mccartney, 4 8 Neighbor of Isr. for o n e






31 34 38 3 9


42 4 3 47










I A T H S N I ON CI 0 A K S O L T S N E E L E D D Y 02/27/13

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21 24












56 5 7



















By Mark Bfekham (c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.





TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 Travel Trailers


0 0

2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras.

$10,000 541-719-8444

Antique & Classic Autos



' 0 !j Airc r a ft, Parts & Service

1966 GMC, 2nd owner, too many extras to list, $8500 obo. Serious buyers only. 541-536-0123

~zed personal watercrafts. For " boats" please s e e Class 870. 541-385-5809

The Bulletin Motorhomes


Weekend Warrior Toy Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, ":-;-::::. ="::I fuel station, exc cond. 1/3 interest in Columbia Chevy C-20 Pickup sleeps 8, black/gray 400, $150,000 located 1969, an orig. Turbo 44; i nterior, u se d 3X , I S u nriver. H o u rly auto 4-spd, 396, model $19,999 firm. rental rate (based upon CST /an options, orig. 541-389-9188 approval) $775. Also: owner, $22,000, S21 hangar avail. for 541-923-6049 s ale, o r l e ase I $15/day or $ 325/mo. '55 Chevy 2 dr . w gn PROJECT car, 3 50 small block w/Weiand dual quad tunnel ram with 450 Holleys. T-10 Wind River 250 RLSW 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, 2011 4-season pkg, Weld Prostar wheels, dual pane windows, extra rolling chassis + large picture window in 1/3 interest i n w e l l- extras. $6000 for an. rear, super slide, foam/air sofa sleeper, equipped IFR Beech Bo- 541-389-7669. 26" LCD TV. Garaged. nanza A36, new 10-550/ prop, located KBDN. Oo

2003 Fleetwood Discovery 40' diesel motorhome w/an options-3 slide outs, satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, e tc.32,000 mile s . Wintered i n h e ated shop. $89,900 O.B.O. 541-447-8664



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$65,000. 541-419-9510

$25,900. 541-408-2111

Just too many collectibles?

Chevy Wagon 1957, 4-dr., complete, $7,000 OBO, trades. Please call

Sell them in 32' Fleetwood Fiesta '03, no slide-out, Triton eng, The Bulletin Classifieds an amenities, 1 owner, perfect, only 17K miles, 541-385-5809 $21,500. 541-504-3253 ! Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and "."'eeaf reach over 60,000 readers each week. Country Coach Intrigue Your classified ad 2002, 40' Tag axle. will also appear on 400hp Cummins Diebendbunetin.com sel. two slide-outs. which currently re41,000 miles, new ceives over 1.5 miltires & batteries. Most lion page views evoptions. $85,000 OBO ery month at no 541-678-5712 extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809

BOATS &RVs 805- Misc. Items RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L 850 - Snowmobiles auto, cruise, Plymouth B a r racudahemi V8, hd, $8400 obro. 860 - Motorcycies And Accessories 1966, original car! 300 am/fm/cd. 541-420-3634/390-1285 865 - ATVs hp, 360 V8, center870 - Boats & Accessories lines, (Original 273 875 - Watercraft eng & wheels incl.) i f 7RIK RNUCN 541-593-2597 880 - Motorhomes Toyota 4x 4 Pi c kup, 881 - Travel Trailers PROJECT CARS: Chevy 1983, 8000-Ib Warn 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & winch, 2 sets of tire 882 - Fifth Wheels Chevy Coupe 1950 chains, canopy, 22R 885- Canopies and Campers rolling chassis's $1750 motor, 5-spd t rans890 - RVs for Rent ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949,


mission, $1795 obo. complete car, $ 1949; 541-350-2859 935 Cadillac Series 61 1950, 2 dr. hard top, complete Sport Utility Vehicles 935 w /spare f r on t cl i p ., Sport Utility Vehicles $3950, 541-382-7391

Winys, 1946, runs, good shape, $4400 obo. Call 541-549-1236

Acura MDX 2011 20k mc ¹546273 $38,995



Oregon AutoSource

Chevrolet Sil v erado 541-598-3750 2001 4WD Reg. Cab. aaacregonautcsource.com 2 500HD A .C , T o w package, Glass Tite canopy, clean and rel iable, 167,300 m i , $5150. 541-480-4136 Chevy 3/4 ton 4x4 1971 new trans, 2 new t i r es , ne w brakes, 2nd owner, r uns/drives g o o d .

Buick Enclave 2008 CXL AWD, V-6, black, clean, mechanicall y sound, 82k miles. $19,995.

kYo~ Azr!

Subaru wagon 1991 Loyale 4x4, S-spd, updates, $1950 obo. 541-420-3277

AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles



Buick Lucerne CXL 2009, $12,500, low low miles; 2003 LeSabre, $4000. You'll not find nicer Buicks One look's worth a thousand words. Call

Nissan Sentra 2012 12,610 mi, full warranty, Bob, 541-318-9999. PS, PB, AC, & more! for an appt. and take a drive in a 30 mpg car! $16,000. 541-788-0427

Toyota 4Ru n ner 1 993, blue, 4 d r . , 4WD, V6, 5 speed, t ow pkg., plus 4 studs tires on rims, r uns g reat. W a s $ 5500, no w o n l y $4000.541-659-1416

Toyota Camrysr 1984, SOLD; Chrysler Sebring Con1985 SOLD; vertible, 2004, beautiful 1986 parts car condition, dark g r ay/ brown w/tan leather inte- only one left! $500 rior 84K miles $5995 Call for details, 541-350-5373 541-548-6592

1/5th interest in 1973 Call 541-815-1216 541-389-6998 Make good wood • Cessna 150 LLC Vans 150hp conversion, low Chrysler 300 C o upe truck. $1995 OBO Buick Enclave CX 2010 541-350-2859 time on air frame and 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, AWD, incl factory warengine, hangared in r anty, like new, 3 1 K 96 Ford Windstar 8 auto. trans, ps, air, "MyLittle Red Corvette" Bend. Excellentpermiles, white e x terior/ 2000 Nissan Quest, frame on rebuild, reboth 7-passenger 1996 coupe. 132K, Sil v erado beige interior, seats 7, formance & affordpainted original blue, Chevy 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. 1/2 ton, V-8, factory loaded + extras. vans, 160K miles, ab/e flying! $6,500. original blue interior, 2000, box, bed liner, std Excellent cond, always low prices, $1200 & $1 2,500 541-923-1781 541-382-6752 original hub caps, exc. 8' cab, auto, 4x4, 54k garaged. You will be 2nd $2900, and worth chrome, asking $9000 The Bulletin Location, Location, every cent! mi., e xc . co n d ., owner of t his beauty! or make offer. To Subscribe call 541-318-9999 $9000. Location! $31,500. 541-312-2393 541-385-9350 541-385-5800 or go to 541-977-6653 Executive Hangar at Bend Airport (KBDN) www.bendbunetin.com 60' wide x 50' d eep, Chevy Astro w/55' wide x 17' high biCargo Van2001, fold dr. Natural gas heat, Chrysler SD 4-Door pw, pdl, greatcond offc, bathroom. Adjacent 1930, CD S R oyal business car, well to Frontage Rd; great Standard, B-cylinder, maint'd, regular oil visibility for aviation busi- body is good, needs Chevy Tahoe 1999, 4x4, changes, $4500. ness. 541-948-2126 or most options, new paint some r e s toration, Ford 250 XLT 1990, Ford Taurus wagon 2004 Please call email 1jetjock@q.com & tires, 159K mi., $4250. very nice, pwr everything runs, taking bids, 6 yd. dump bed, 541-633-5149 Call 541-233-8944 Piper A rcher 1 9 8 0, 541-383-3888, 120K, FWD, good tires 139k, Auto, $5500. or place your ad 541-815-331 8 $4900 obo. 541-815-9939 based in Madras, al541-410-9997 on-line at Need help fixing stuff? Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 ways hangared since bendbulletin.com FORD RANGER XLT Call A Service Professional 7 -pass. v a n wit h new. New annual, auto Econoline R V 1 9 89, 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 find the help you need. p ower c h a i r lif t , pilot, IFR, one piece fully loaded, exc. cond, 882 speed, with car alarm, www.bendbunetin.com $1500; 1989 Dodge windshield. Fastest ArHyundai Sonata 2007 35K m i. , R e duced CD player, extra tires Turbo Van 7 - pass. GLS, 64,700 miles, Fifth Wheels cher around. 1750 to$15,250. 541-546-6133 on rims. Runs good. F ord F reestyle S E L has new motor and tal t i me . $6 8 ,500. cond, good Clean. 92,000 miles 2006, V6, AWD, AT, AC, t rans., $1500. I f i n - excellent 541-475-6947, ask for tires, non-smoker, o n m o t or . $2 4 0 0 terested c a l l Jay Rob Berg. Garage Sales FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, front & side airbags, 25 new tags, $9500. 541-280-7352 door panels w/flowers OBO. 541-771-6511. mpg, 3rd row seating, 503-269-1057. T-Hangar for rent Garage Sales pwr Ithr seats, multi-CD, & hummingbirds, at Bend airport. 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Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE Bridge Creek Invasive Plant Prevention USDA-Forest Service Ochoco National Forest Service Paulina Ranger District Prineville, OR 30-day Scoping Period

The Paulina Ranger District is proposing to move th e e x i sting gate located on Forest Service (FS) road 2630-450, in section 6 , to t h e F S r o a d 2630-450, just p a st the junction with FS road 2630-465, east of Maxwell Reservoir and install a new gate on FS road 2630-459 in section 27. This will close the 459 l o op and all interior spur roads that are being used by ATVs a nd some 4-wheel drive vehicles (see e nclosed map). Ground disturbance a s socia ted with g at e r e moval and placement w ould t ak e p l a ce within the road corridor (road surface and adjacent cut and fill slopes). H o les for gate supports would be dug with an excavator. A roads analysis will be completed b ecause thi s p r o p osal prohibits a c cess to three roads c urrently noted a s "open" on the motorizedvehicle use maps (MVUM) - FS roads 2630-459, 2630-488, and 2630-450 road east of Maxwell Reservoir. Resource conditions that will b e c o nsidered in d e termining

Legal Notices

for con f i dentiality; and, where the r e quest is denied, the agency will return the submission and notify the requester that the c omments may b e r e-submitted with o r without name and address within 10 days. For further information or questions regarding the proposed project, please contact Jeff Marszal or Debra Mafera at 3160 NE T h i r d St r e et, Prineville, OR 97754 or via telephone at (541) 416-6500. LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E C I RCUIT C OURT O F T H E STATE O F OREGON DESCHUTES COUNTY, Federal Na t i onal Mortgage Association, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Javier Martinez; Robin Mar t inez; JPMorgan C h a se Bank, N.A.; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 12CV0037. NOT ICE O F SA L E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.

Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on March 14, 2013 at 1 0 00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 823 Southeast Polaris Court, Bend, O regon 97702, t o wit, Lot 2 in Block 6 of Clear Sky Estates, D e s chutes County, O r e gon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, d a t ed February 4, 2013, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Federal National Mortgage A s sociation, its successors in interest and/or assigns, as plaintiff/s, recovered S t i p ul ated Gene r a l Judgment of Foreclosure and Shortening of Redemption Period Against Defendants: 1) Javier Martinez, 2) Robin Martinez, on October 24, 2012, against Javier Mart inez a n d R o b i n Martinez as defend ant/s. BEF O R E B IDDING AT T H E SALE, A PRO-

whether there are any extraordinary circumstances related to the project that warrant further analysis and documentation in an environmental assessment or environmental impact statement. If there are no significant effects to those resource conditions, t h i s pr o ject would be e x cluded from documentation in an EA or EIS. Decisions can be categorically excluded when they are within one of the categories identified in Forest Service Handbook 1 9 09.15, S ection 32.2. Ca t egory 6 a u t horizes w ildlife habitat i m provement a ctivities that do not include the use of herbicides or do not require more t han 1 mile o f l o w standard road c o nstruction. I anticipate that a preliminary Decision Memo will be available for public review in the spring of 2013. The final Decision Memo may be subject to appeal pursuant to Forest Ser- SPECTIVE BIDvice regulations at 36 DER SHOULD INCFR 215. DEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a) am inviting your The priority of the c omments o n th i s lien or interest of the proposal. Your com- judgment c r editor; ments will be used to (b)Land use l aws help us determine if and regulations apthese proposed activi- plicable to the propties are appropriate to erty; (c)Approved implement or if alter- uses for the propnate activities should e rty; (d) Limits o n be considered. Your farming or f o rest comments would be p ractices o n th e most useful if they are property; (e) Rights focused s p ecifically of neig h boring on issues pertaining property o w ners; to the proposed ac- and (f)Environmention and environmen- tal laws and regulatal consequences of tions that affect the the proposed action. property. Published in B end B u lletin. C omments may b e D ate of F irst a n d mailed to my atten- Successive Publication at 3160 NE Third t ions:February 1 3 , Street, Prineville, OR, 2013; February 20, 97754, faxed to (541) 2013; February 27, 416-6695, or emailed 2013. Date of Last to comments-pacific- Publication: March northwest-ochoco©fs 6, 2013. Attorney: .fed.us. C o m ments Michael Thornicroft, may also be hand-de- O SB ¹ 9811 0 4 , livered between the Routh Cra b t ree hours of 8:00 am and O lsen, P .C., 5 1 1 4:30 p m Mon d ay SW 10th Ave., Ste. through Friday, ex400, Portland, OR cluding holidays. Oral 97205, c omments may b e 977-7840. C(503) o n d iprovided during nor- t ions of Sale: P o mal business hours at tential bidders must (541) 416-6500. To be arrive 15 m i nutes m ost u seful, y o u r prior to the auction c omments o n th i s to allow the D esp roposed actio n c hutes Coun t y should be received by S heriff's Office t o the Paulina Ranger review bidd e r's District on or before f unds. Only U . S . March 29, 2013. c urrency and / o r cashier's ch e c ks Comments received in m ade payable t o response to this soDeschutes County licitation, in c l uding Sheriff's Office will names a n d ad- be accepted. Paydresses of those who ment must be made comment, will be con- in full immediately s idered part of t h e upon the close of public record on this the s ale. L A R RY Proposed Action and B LANTON, D e s will be available for c hutes Coun t y public ins p e ction. Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Comments submitted Civil Tec h nician. anonymously will be Date: February 11, accepted and consid- 2013. ered. Add i tionally, p ursuant to 7 C F R LEGAL NOTICE 1.27 (d), any person IN T H E CIR C U IT m ay r e q uest th e COURT O F T HE agency to withhold a STATE OF OREGON submission from the FOR THE COUNTY DES C HUTES, public r e cord by OF showing h o w the W ELLS FARG O Freedom of Informa- B ANK, N.A., S U Ction (FOIA) permits CESSOR BY such c o nfidentiality. MERGER TO Request for confiden- WACHOVIA B A NK, tiality may be granted N .A., P l aintiff, v s . in only very limited OWEN D . S O D JA circumstances, such A/K/A OWEN DONNI as to protect trade se- SODJA; SHERALEE crets. The Forest Ser- J. HILTON; STATE vice will inform the re- OF OREGON; AND OF quester of the OCCUPANTS agency's decision re- THE PRE M ISES, Defendants. No. garding the r equest

Leg a l Notices • 1 2CV0633. CIVI L SUMMONS. TO THE DEFENDANTS: Sheralee J . H i l ton. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: READ THESE P APERS CA RE FULLY! A lawsuit has

been started against you in the above-entitled Court by WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A.,

SUCCESSOR BY MERGER TO W ACHOVIA B A N K, N.A., Plaintiff. Plaintiff's c l ai m is stated in the written Complaint, a copy of which is on file at the Deschutes C o u nty Courthouse. You must "appear" in this case or the other side will win automatically. To "appear" you must file with the court a le-

gal paper called a "motion" or "answer." The "motion" or "answer" must be given to the court clerk or administrator w i t hin 30 days along with the required filing fee. It must be i n p r oper form and have proof o f service o n t h e plaintifffs attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have a n at t orney, proof of service on the plaintiff. The object of t he complaint is t o foreclose a deed of trust dated December 1 7, 2007 a n d r e -

corded as Instrument No. 2007-65198 given by Owen D . S odja and Sheralee J. Hilton on property commonly known as 3135 South West Pumice Place, Redmond, OR 97756 and legally described as: Lot 15, Block 5 , HA Y D EN VILLAGE, PHASE 11, Deschutes C o unty, O regon. The c o mplaint seeks to foreclose and terminate all interest of Sheralee J. Hilton and all other interests in the property. The "motion" "answer" (or or "reply") must be given to the court clerk or administrator w i t h in 30 days of the date of first publication specified herein along with the required filing fee. The date of first publication of th e s u mmons is February 20, 2 013. If y o u ha v e questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Referral S ervice o n line a t www.oregonstatebar. org or by calling (503) 684-3763 ( in t h e Portland metropolitan area) or toll-free elsewhere in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. Attorney for Plaintiff, /s/ J ames A. Craf t . J ames A. Craf t ¹090146,

[jcraftO logs.com], SHAPIRO & S UTHERLAND, LLC, 1499 SE Tech Center P lace, S u it e 25 5 , Vancouver, WA 98683, ( 360)260-2253; F a x (360)260-2285. S&S No. 11-108220 LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E


C OURT OF T H E STATE O F O RDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. T h e u n k nown heirs of Vickey S. Borchin; Or e g on Department of Human Services; and O ccupants of t h e Premises, D e fendant/s. Case No.: 10CV1006MA. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r e by given that I will on March 14, 2013 at 1 0:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 442 SE Wye Lane, B end, Oreg o n 97702, to wit, Lots 4 and 5 in Block 69 of Bend Park, City of Bend, Re c o rded August 1, 1918, in Cabinet A, Page 11, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated January 22, 2013, to me directed i n the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered Corrected Gen e r al Judgment of Foreclosure against: (1) The unknown heirs of Vickey S. Borchin

(2) Oregon DepartHu m a n Services (3) Occupants of the Premises and Money A ward against i n m ent o f

Legal Notices • Rem the Real Property Located at 442 S E W y e Lan e , B end, Oregon o n November 27, 2012, a gainst Th e un known h e ir s of Vickey S. Borchin, Oregon Department of Human Services and Occupants of the Premises, as d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE SA L E , A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER S H OULD INDEPENDENTLY

INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming or f o rest p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w ners; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in B end B u lletin. Date of F irst a nd Successive Publicat ions:February 1 3 , 2013; February 20, 2013; February 27, 2013. Date of Last Publication: March 6, 2013. Attorney: Michael Thornicroft, O SB ¹ 9811 0 4 , Routh Cra b t ree Olsen, PC, 511 SW 10th Ave., Ste. 400, Portland, OR 97205,

(503) 977 - 7840. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d d ers must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r cashier's ch e c ks m ade payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will

be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the s ale. L A R RY B LANTON, De s c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: February 11, 2013. LEGAL NOTICE IN T H E CIR C U IT COURT O F THE STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY OF DES C H UTES

Probate Department, In the Matter of the Estate of P ATRICIA N . S C HWEP, D e c eased, Case N o . 13PB0013. NOTICE TO INT E RESTED PERSONS. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN

that the undersigned has been appointed Administrator. All persons having claims against the estate are required to p r esent them, with vouchers attached, to the undersigned A d m inistrator at 747 SW MILL



Legal Notices

Legal Notices

and Occupants of the Premises as d efend ant/s. BEFO R E





COURT O F THE STATE OF OREGON DESCHUTES COUNTY, Provident Funding Associates, LP, its successors in i nterest and/or a s s igns, Plaintiff/s, v . Karen Kassy; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV1121. N OTICE OF S A L E U NDER WRIT O F EXECUTION - REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that I will on March 26, 2013 at 10:00 AM in the main l obby of t h e D e s chutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public o ral auction to t h e h ighest bidder, f o r

cash o r ca s hier's check, the following real property, known as 63210 Deschutes

Leg a l Notices • 97702. Date of First Publication: February 13, 2013. McCarthy & H o lthus, L LP, E rica D a y , OSB¹ 113653, 920 SW 3r d A v enue, First Floor, Portland, OR 97204, Phone: (877) 369-6122, Ext. 3370, Fax: ( 5 03) 694-1460,



C OURT OF T H E STATE O F O RE GON FOR T H E COUNTY OF DESC HUTES, FED ERAL N A T IONAL GATE: (a)The priority M ORTGAGE ASof the lien or interest SOCIATION of t h e j ud g ment ("FNMA"), Plaintiff, creditor; (b) Land use v s. ANDRE W laws and regulations JAMES BARROW; applicable t o the JENNIFER LAURA property; (c)ApBARROW; STATE proved uses for the OF OREGON, DEproperty; (d)Limits on PARTMENT OF f arming o r for e s t REVENUE; OCCUpractices on the prop- P ANTS O F T H E erty; (e) Rights of PROPERTY, Deneighboring property fendants. Case No.: owners; and (f)Envi1 2CV0964. S U M ronmental laws and MONS BY PUBLIregulations that affect CATION. To: Jenthe property. Pubnifer Laura Barrow. lished in Bend Bulle- You are hereby retin. Date of First and quired to a p pear Successive Publica- a nd d e fend t h e tions: February 20, C omplaint file d 2013; February 27, against you in the 2013; March 6, 2013. above entitled Date of Last Publica- cause within thirty tion: March 13, 2013. (30) days from the Attorney: Michael date of service of Thornicroft, OSB thissummons upon ¹ 981104, Rout h you, and in case of Crabtree Olsen, P.C., your failure to do so, 511 SW 10th Ave, Ste for w ant t h ereof, 4 00, P o rtland, O R Plaintiff will apply to 97205, (503) the court for the re977-7840. Conditions lief demanded in the of Sale: Pot e ntial Complaint. NOTICE bidders must arrive 15 TO D E FENDANT: minutes prior to the READ THESE PAauction to allow the PERS CAREDeschutes Co u n ty FULLY! You m ust Sheriff's Office to re"appear" in this case view bidder's funds. or the other side will Only U.S. c urrency win a u tomatically. and/or cashier's To "appear" you checks made payable m ust file with t h e to Deschutes County court a legal paper Sheriff's Office will be called a "motion" or accepted. P a y ment "answer." The "momust be made in full tion" or "answer" (or immediately upon the "reply") m ust b e close of t h e s a l e. given to the court LARRY B L A NTON, clerk or administraDeschutes Co u n ty tor within 30 days of Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, the date of first pubCivil Division. Date: lication sp e cified February 15, 2013. herein along w ith the required filing fee. I t must be in LEGAL NOTICE p roper form a n d IN TH E C I R CUIT have proof of serC OURT OF T H E vice on the plaintiff's STATE O F ORa ttorney or, if t h e E GON FOR T H E p laintiff does n o t COUNTY OF DEShave an a ttorney, CHUTES, JPMORproof of service on GAN CHASE the plaintiff. If you BANK, NATIONAL have questions, you ASSOCIATION, should see an attorPlaintiff, vs. THE ney immediately. If UNKNOWN HEIRS you need help in AND DEVISEES OF finding an attorney, GEORGE O STER you may call t he TURNER, JR., DEOregon State Bar's CEASED; DES Lawyer Ref e rral C HUTES R I V E R Service at ( 5 0 3) RECREATION 684-3763 or toll-free HOMESITE PROPERTY O W N ERS, in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. The r eU NIT 6, P A R T I l ief sought in t h e A ND I I ; OC C U C omplaint i s th e P ANTS O F T H E f oreclosure of t h e PROPERTY, Deproperty located at fendants. Case No.: 20562 P r ospector 1 2CV1253. S U M L oop, Bend, O R MONS BY PUBLIC ATION. To: T h e Unknown Heirs and Devisees of George Oster Turner Jr. You are hereby required BIDDING A T THE SALE, A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY IN V E STI-

to appear and defend the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause within thirty

(30) days from the date of service of thissummons upon VIEW WAY, B E ND, you, and in case of OR 97702, within four your failure to do so, months after the date for w ant t h e reof, of first publication of Plaintiff will apply to t his notice, o r t h e the court for the reclaims may be barred. lief demanded in the All persons w hose Complaint. NOTICE r ights may b e a f - TO D E FENDANT: fected by t h e p r o- READ THESE PACAREceedings may obtain PERS additional information FULLY! You must "appear" in this case from the records of the court, the Admin- or the other side will win a u tomatically. istrator, or the l awyers for the Adminis- To "appear" you trator, DANIEL C. RE. Dated and first published on February 13, 2013. SHEILA RICHARD, Administrator.





edayOmccarthyholthus.com, Of Attorneys for Plaintiff.


M CLAIN has b e e n appointed P e rsonal Representative of the ESTATE OF DORIS V. RAY, Deceased, by the C i rcuit C o u rt, State of Oregon, Deschutes County, under Case Number 1 3PB0012. All p e r sons having a claim against th e e s t ate m ust p r esent t h e c laim w i t hi n f ou r months of t h e f i rst publication date of this notice t o He n drix, Brinich & B e r talan, LLP, at 716 NW Harriman Street, Bend, Oregon 97701, ATTN: Lisa N. Bertalan, or they may be barred. Additional information may be obtained from the court records, the Personal Representative or the followingnamed attorney for he Personal Representative. Date of first publication: February 13, 2 013. HEND R I X

Market Road, Bend, 16295 Whit e tail Oregon 97701, to wit, L ane, Bend, O R SEE ATT A C HED 97707. Date of First EXHIBIT A. Said sale Publication: Februis made under a Writ ary 13, 2013. Mcof Execution in Fore- Carthy & H o lthus, closure issued out of L LP, E r ica D a y , the Circuit Court of OSB¹ 113653, 920 the State of Oregon SW 3r d A v e nue, for the County of Des- First Floor, Portland, chutes, dated Febru- OR 97204, Phone: a ry 8, 2013, to m e (877) 369-6122, Ext. directed in the 3370, Fax: ( 503) above-entitled action 694-1460, wherein Pro v ident eday@mccaithyFunding Associates, holthus.com, Of AtLP, its successors in torneys for Plaintiff. i nterest and/or a s signs, as p l aintiff/s, The Bulletin's recovered G e n eral Judgment of Foreclo"Call A Service sure Against: 1. Karen Professional" Directory Kassy; 2. Occupants is all about meeting of the Premises; and yourneeds. Money Award Against Karen Kassy on NoCall on one of the v ember 13 , 2 0 1 2 , against Karen Kassy professionals today!

Legal Notices

tional information may be obtained from the records of the court, the Administrator, or t he lawyer fo r t h e Administrator, P a tricia L. H e atherman, PC, 250 NW Franklin Avenue, Suite 402, Bend, OR 97701. LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE The Trustee under the terms of t h e T r u st Deed desc r ibed herein, at the direction of the Beneficiary, hereby elects to sell t he p r o perty d e scribed in the Trust Deed to s atisfy the obligations s e cured thereby. Pursuant to ORS 86.745, the following information is provided: 1.PARTIES: G rantor: SCOT T

BRINICH & B ERTAL AN, LLP, 716 N W HARRIMAN, B END, OR 97701, 541-382-4980.

$3,213.70; plus advances and foreclosure attorney fees and costs. 6.SALE OF PROPERTY.



real property is described a s f o l lows: Parcel 2 of Partition Plat No. 2007-8, recorded February 28, 2007, in Cabinet 3, Page 392, Deschutes County, Oregon. 3. R ECORDING. T h e Trust Deed was recorded a s f o l lows: Date Recorded: April 30, 2007. Recording

c apable o f be i n g cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or T rust Deed and b y paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and Trust Deed, together with

No.: 2007-24595 Offi-





Trustee hereby states that the property will be sold to satisfy the obligations secured by t he Trust Deed. A T rustee's Notice o f Default and Election to Sell Under Terms of Trust Deed h as been recorded in the O fficial Records o f Deschutes C o unty, Oregon. 7. TIME OF SALE. Date:April 25, 2013. Time:11:00 a.m. Place: Deschutes County Courthouse, 1 1 6 4 NW Bond Street, Bend, Oregon. 8.RIGHT TO REINSTATE. Any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right at any time that is not later than five days before the T r ustee conducts the sale, to have this foreclosure d ismissed an d t h e Trust Deed reinstated b y payment to t h e Beneficiary of the entire amount then due, other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no d efault occurred, by curing any other default that is

t he

t r u stee's a n d a ttorney's fees n o t exceedingthe amount provided i n ORS 86.753. Y o u may reach th e O r e gon State Bar's Lawyer R eferral Service a t

cial Records of Deschutes County, Oregon. 4.DEFAULT, The Grantor or any other p erson o b l igated on th e T rust LEGAL NOTICE Deed and Promissory TO INTERESTED Note secured thereby PERSONS is in default and the B ank of t h e C a s - Beneficiary seeks to cades has been ap- foreclose the T r ust pointed Administrator Deed for f ailure to of the estate of Garpay: M o nthly payrett William Broadley, ments in the amount deceased, by the Cir- of $1,677.00 each, cuit Court, State of due the first of each Oregon, D e schutes month, for the months C ounty, Cas e N o . o f Au g us t 201 2 13PB0007. Al l p er- through D e c ember sons having claims 2012; pl u s late against the estate are charges a n d adrequired to p r esent vances; plus any unthem, with vouchers paid real p r operty attached, to the Bank taxes or liens, plus of the Cascades, c/o interest. 5.AMOUNT Patricia Heatherman, DUE. T h e a m ount 250 NW Franklin Avdue on the Note which e nue, S u it e 40 2 , i s secured b y t h e Bend, Oregon 97701, Trust Deed referred to within four m o nths herein is: P r i ncipal after the date of Feb- balance in the amount ruary 13, 2013, the of $261,307.85; plus first publication of this interest at the rate of notice, or the claims 6.125% per a nnum may be barred. Addi- from July 1 , 2 0 12; plus late charges of



toll-free in Oregon at 800-452-7636 or you may visit its website at: w w w .osbar.org.

Legalassistance may b e available if y o u have a lo w i ncome and meet federal poverty guidelines. For more information and a directory of legal aid programs, g o to http://www.oregonlawhelp.org. Any questions r egarding this matter should be directed to Lisa Sum-

mers, Paralegal, (541)

686-0344 (TS ¹15148.30602). DATED: December 7, 2012. /s/ Nancy K.

Cary. Nancy K. Cary, Successor T r ustee, H ershner Hun t e r, LLP, P.O. Box 1475.










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m ust file with t he

court a legal paper called a "motion" or "answer." The "motion" or "answer" (or "reply") must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of first publication s p e cified herein along w ith the required filing fee. It must be in p roper form a n d have proof of service on the plaintiff's a ttorney or, if t h e p laintiff does n o t have an a t torney, proof of service on the plaintiff. If you have questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, y ou may call t h e Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Re f e rral Service at ( 5 0 3) 684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. The rel ief sought in t h e C omplaint i s th e f oreclosure of t h e property located at

Legal Notices


From its heritage tothe arts, there's something for everyone inRedmond.

W HEN TO LOOK FOR IT: pudlishing four editions a year Wednesdays: April 17, June 19, August 28, November 13

Four times 8 year, Redmond Magazine js published to highlight the businesses and individuals who work to build a strong community. The publication features a calendar of community events, personality features and insight into "hidden treasures" around Redmond.


Sisters Magazine honorsthe uniquenessofthis mountaintown. Sisters Magazine is the area's foremost resource for events, activities, artists and businesses that make up

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W HEN TO LOOK FOR IT: pudlishing four editions ayear

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